iM9El»B .N483 A .0^ ^^0^ ,0^ ^^\^ .^ 4 o ^^-n^ :^ ^^0^ ,^0 ^^-n^ rO A / NEW YORK MARRIAGE LICENSES Originals in the Archives of the New York 7 / Historical Society CONTRIBUTED BY ROBE RT H. KELBY EDITION OF ONE HUNDRED COPIES reprinted from the new YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD BEGINNING JULY, I9I5 t^o / F MS / NEW YORK MARRIAGE LICENSES. Contributed by Robert H. Kelby, Librarian New York Historical Society. In i860 the State of New York published a volume containing a list of marriage licenses then on record in the office of the Secretary of State, Albany. The licenses were issued under the seal of the Prerogative Court, and acted as a dispensation from the proclamation of banns, when it was inconvenient or impossible to comply with the general usage. The information given by the license, and unfortunately not printed in the volume published by the State, consisted of the town of residence and occupation of the parties to the marriage, and the prospective bride was designated as Spinster or Widow as the case might be. In the fire at the Capitol, March 29, 191 1, a number of the original manuscript volumes were saved, but all badly burned. The following additions and corrections are from 432 original licenses, in the Archives of The New York Historical Society. The pages mentioned in the additions and corrections refer to the volume published by the State. ROBERT H. KELBY, LIBRARIAN. PAGE I Ablin, John, N. Y., Mariner, and Charlotte Hall, N. Y., spinster, married July 27, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auch- muty. 1 For Achyndaey, Alex*"., and Jane Flannagen, read Achyn- dachy, Alexander, carpenter, H. M. S. Loyalist, and Jane Flannegen, N. Y., widow. 2 1783, April 28, read April 21. Adam, William, N. Y., mariner, and Alley Devoor, N, Y., spinster. 2 Adams, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and John Mitchell, N. Y. 3 Aget, Agnes, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Smith, N. Y., joyner. 3 Aikens, John, N. Y., yeoman, and Mary Brooks, N. Y., spinster. 3 Airs, Joseph, N. Y., and Charity Whetten, N. Y., spinster. 4 Allen, Jane, N. Y., widow, and John Welsh, N. Y., mar- iner. 4 (insert) 1775, April 5, Allen, John, Phila., and Mary John- ston, N. Y., spinster, married April 6, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 5 for Alloway, John, and Jane Ris, read Alloway, John, ser- geant 17th regiment of dragoons, and Anne Rix, of the same regiment, spinster. PAGE 5 for Aimer, Sarah, and Peter Baker, read Alner, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Peter Baker, Cow Neck, Queens Co., shipwright. 5 Alsop, Elizabeth, late of Nottingham in Great Britain, but now of N. Y., spinster, and Richard Hawkins, Ensign 27th regiment of foot. 6 Amory, John, N. Y., whipmaker, and Mary De Lamon- tagnie, N. Y., widow. 7 Anderson, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John McDonald, (no place mentioned). 7 Anderson, William, N. Y., yoeman, and Elizabeth Mc- Bride, N. Y., spinster. 9 Applegate, Isabella, N. Y., spinster, and William Evans, N. Y., tailor. 9 Appleton, William, and Mary Huggins, spinster, both of 35th regiment. 10 Armour, William, N. Y., mariner, and Susannah Richard- son, N. Y., widow. ID Arno, Charles, N. Y., mariner, and Henrietta Woodword, N. Y., widow. 11 Ash, Sarah, N. Y., widow and Walter Birk, carpenter in His Majesty's Engineer Department. II for Askins, William and Elizabeth Campbell, read, As- kins, William, N. Y., taylor, and Mary Campbell. The latter name is repeated in the license as Elizabeth Mary Campbell. II Atken, Isaac, N. Y., baker, and EfTee Curtis of the Manor on Staten Island, widow. 11 Atkins, James, N. Y., mariner, and Catherine Kelsey, N. Y., spinster. 12 Babcock, David, N. Y., and Barbara Garlick, N. Y., spin- ster. 12 Baehr, Christian, N. Y., tailor, and Anna Bennet, N. Y., widow. 12 (insert) 1774, Sept. 30, Bailey, William, Westchester Co., N. Y., farmer, and Mary Barret, same place, spinster. 12 Bain, John, N. Y., vintner, and Mary McClean, N. Y., widow. 13 Baker, Gardner, N. Y., cordwainer, and Mary Wrighton, N. Y., spinster. 13 Baker, Peter, Cow Neck, Queens Co., shipwright, and Sarah Alner, N. Y., spinster. 13 Baker, William, mariner, on board His Majesty's Ship of War Le Sybel, and Joanna Keys, N. Y., spinster. 14 Baldwin, John, Queens Co., carpenter, and Elisabeth Thompson, N. Y., spinster. 14 Bancker, Abraham, N. Y., cordwainer, and Abigail King, N. Y., spinster. PAGE 14 Bancker, Evert, Jr., N. Y., merchant, and Anne Taylor, N. Y., spinster. 15 for Barclay, Charlotte A., and Richard Bailey, read Bar- clay, Charlotte Amelia, N. Y., spinster, and Richard Bayley, N. Y., physician. 15 (insert) 1774, June 15, Barclay, Helena, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Moncrieffe, Esq., N. Y. 16 Barham, Martha, N. Y., widow, and John Newsted, N. Y., yeoman. 16 Barker, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and John Rote, N. Y. 17 Barnes, Martha, N. Y., widow, and William Brown, N. Y. 17 Barnett, Joseph, clerk in the ordinance office of His Ma- jesty's Navy Department, and Jane Bosworth, N. Y., spinster. 17 for Barnes, Mary, and Archibald Kerby read Barnes, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Archibald Kerley, N. Y., merchant. 17 Barratt, John, mariner on board His Majesty's Ship the Lyon, and Hannah Collin, N. Y., widow. 18 (insert) 1774, Sept. 14, Barret, Mary, of Westchester County, spinster, and William Bailey, same place, farmer. 18 for Barry, James, and Mary Berry, read Berry, James, N. Y., shopkeeper, and Mary Berry, N. Y., widow. 18 (insert) 1778, Oct. 30. For Barter, Jane, read Barker, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and John Rote, N. Y. 18 for 1779, Jan. 19, read Jan. 13. Barton, John, N. Y.. and Abby Smith, N. Y., spinster. 18 Barton, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Alexander Mor- rison, N. Y. 18 Barton, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and John Rundell, carpenter in His Majesty's Navy. 18 for 1782, Feb. 22, read 1782, Feb. 23. Barton, Joseph, N. Y., gentleman, and Elizabeth Sarly, N. Y., widow. 18 (insert) 1783, Aug. 16. Barton, Joseph Hews, N. Y., mar- iner, and Anne Bingham, N. Y., spinster. 18 for Barton, Robert, and Ann McGrigor, read Barton, Rob- ert, Quartermaster Sergt. of the 52nd Regiment, and Hanna McGrigor, same regiment, widow. 19 (insert) 1778, Oct. 5. Barwick, Sarah (also written Mary), N. Y., spinster, and Peter Lawrence, N. Y. 19 Basden, Robert, N. Y., and Aletta Shearman, N. Y., spinster. 19 (insert) 1774, Dec. 31. Bassett, James, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Morrell, N. Y., spinster. 19 (insert) 1769, Jan. 21. Baster. John, N. Y., breeches maker, and Elizabeth Russh, N. Y., spinster. 20 Batten, Anne, N. Y., spinster, and John Webb, N. Y., blacksmith. PACK 20 Baxter, James, N. Y., carpenter, and Anne Williams, N. Y., widow. 20 for Baxter, Keziah, and William Nikols, read Baxter, Keziah, N. Y., spinster, and William Nicholls, N. Y.. blacksmith. 20 Bayard, William, Jr., N. Y., merchant, and Elizabeth Cor- nell, N. Y., spinster. 20 Bayley (written Bailey), Richard, N. Y., physician, and Charlotte Amelia Barclay, N. Y., spinster. 21 (insert) 1776, Nov. 14. Bazo, John, late of the Island of St. Domingo, and Catherine Olivia, N. Y., widow. 21 (insert) 1780, Dec. 16. Bealey, Thomas, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Dyer, N. Y., spinster. 24 Beers, William, carpenter in the Engineer Department of His Majesty's Army, and Rachel Butler, of County of Richmond, spinster. 24 Begg, John, N. Y., merchant, and Pheby Willson, N. Y., spinster. 24 Bell, John, N. Y., blacksmith, and Hester Jones, N. Y., widow. 24 Bell, Robert, N. Y., taylor, and Magdalen Lownds, N. Y., spinster, married June i, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auch- muty. 24 for 1781, Aug. 24, read Aug. 23, and for Belton, Catherine, and Charles White, read Belton, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Charles White, N. Y., coppersmith. 25 Bennet, Anna, N. Y., widow, and Christiat Baehr, N. Y., taylor. 25 Bennet, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Lewis Jones, N. Y., printer. 26 Bennet, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and William Harrison, Waggoner to His Majesty's Royal Artillery. 26 Bennett, Thomas, N. Y., and Mary Sexton, N. Y., spinster. 28 Berrow, Sarah, Brooklyn, in Kings County, spinster, and Robert Tungate, same place, yoeman. 28 for Berry, Mary, and James Barry, read Berry, Mary, N. Y., widow, and James Berry, N. Y., shopkeeper. 28 Bessonet, John, N. Y., and Sarah Mitchell, N. Y., widow. 30 for Billington, Jane, and Philip Ruckel, read Billington. Jane, N. Y., spinster, and Philip Ruckel, N. Y.. baker. 30 for Bingham, Anne, and Joseph Hews Burton, read Bing- ham, Anne, N. Y., spinster and Joseph Hews Barton, N. Y., mariner. 30 Birk, Walter, carpenter in His Majesty's Engineer De- partment, and Sarah Ash, N. Y., widow. 30 for 1779, Mar. 23, read Mar. 22. 31 Black, William, N. Y., house carpenter, and Magdalean Gardiner, N. Y., widow. PAGB 31 for 1778, May 17, read May 19. Blair, John, N. Y., and Mary Plowman, N. Y., spinster. 31 Blair, Samuel, N. Y., and Sarah Ellis, N. Y., spinster. 35 Bogart, Ann, N. Y., widow, and Forbes Newton, N. Y., tinman. yj (insert) 1781, Mar. 22. Boileau, Lavina, N. Y., spinster, and John Stevens, N. Y., house carpenter. 38 Bosworth, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Barnett, clerk in the Ordinance Office of His Majesty's Navy Depart- ment. 38 for Boulia, Lavina, and John Stevens, read Boileau, La- vina, N. Y., and John Stevens, N. Y., house carpenter. 39 Bowman. William, N. Y., and Mary Winn, N. Y., spinster. 39 Bowne, Samuel, N. Y., and Mary Stocker, N. Y., spinster. 40 Bradley, James, N. Y., auctioneer, and Catherine Farrell, N. Y., widow. 41 Brannon, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and Charles Dunn, N. Y. 41 (insert) 1782, Oct. 21. Brannon, John, Quartermaster on Board His Majesty's Ship the Lyon, and Sarah Walker N. Y., widow. 41 Branson, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Daniel Darby, N. Y., mariner. 42 Branson, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Stephen Sands, N. Y., watchmaker. 42 Branson, Ware, N. Y., cabinetmaker, and Nancy Palmer, Westchester County, spinster. 42 for Brasher, Hannah, and John Balton, read Brasher, Hannah, N. Y., and John Dalton, N. Y., surgeon. 43 Bratten, Wilson, N. Y., taylor, and Isabella Ewing, N. Y., widow. 43 Bready, Patrick, of the Commissary Generals Department of the City of New York, and Elizabeth Porter, N. Y., spinster. 45 Bride, John Scot, N. Y., currier, and Jane Mathers, N. Y., spinster. 45 for Bridgeford, Robert and Sarah Smith, read Bridgford, Robert, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Smith, N. Y., spinster. 45 Briggs, Unice, N. Y., spinster, and John Steuart, N. Y., ferryman. 45 Brigs, John. N. Y., and Ruth Duncan. N. Y., spinster. 45 for Brinan, John, and Sarah Walker, read Brannon, John, Quartermaster on Board His Majesty's Ship the Lyon, and Sarah Walker, N. Y., widow. 46 Bringfield, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and John Mason, N. Y., mariner. 47 Broadhurst, Benjamin, N. Y., mariner, and Fanny Kenedy, N. Y., spinster. 48 for Brooks, Mary, and John Aikens, read Brooks, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Aikens, N. Y., yeoman. FAGS 48 Brower, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and John Hyde, N. Y., sailmaker. 50 Brown, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Matthew Christy, 17th Light Dragoons. 50 Brown, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and Abraham Pulliblank, master of His Majesty's Ship Chatham. 50 Brown, John, N. Y., and Hannah Jenkins, N. Y., spinster. 51 Brown, Sarah, widow, late of 23rd Regiment, and James Evans, mariner. 51 Brown, William, N. Y., and Martha Barnes, N. Y., widow. 51 Brownjohn, Rachel, N. Y., spinster, and John Price, Sur- geon in His Majesty's Qr. Mr. Generals Department. 53 Bryan, Elinor, N. Y., widow, and John Colvin, N. Y. 53 Bryant, Thomas, N. Y., and Elizabeth Hay, N. Y., spinster. 53 Buchanan, David, N. Y., and Mary Council, N. Y., widow. 54 Buckett, Catherine, Kings County, L. I., spinster, ' and John Sickles, Staten Island, in Richmond County. 54 Buckley, James, N. Y., shipwright, and Mary Emmas, N. Y., spinster. 54 Buell, Abel, Colony of Connecticut, jeweller, and Lettice De Voe, N. Y., spinster. 54 Bull, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and Gideon Lott, N. Y, 55 Burger, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Hill, N. Y. 56 Burgess, Lucy, N. Y., spinster, and John Hilman, N. Y., labourer, married Nov. 19, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auch- muty. 57 Burrows, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Philip Thompson, N. Y. 58 for Burton, Joseph H., and Ann Bingham, read Barton, Joseph Hews, N. Y.. mariner, and Anne Bingham, N. Y., spinster. 58 Busby, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and William Miller, N. Y., mariner. 59 Buskirk, Rachel, Newtown in Queens County, spinster, and John Lewis, same place, farmer. 59 for Busteed, John, and Anne Keys, read Busteed, William, Master of His Majesty's Schooner, the Grain, and Anne Keys, N. Y., widow. 60 Butler, John, N. Y., mariner, and Margaret Oliver, N. Y., widow. 60 Butler, Rachel, County of Richmond, spinster, and Wil- liam Beers, carpenter in the Engineer Department of His Majesty's Army. 60 Butler, Susannah, N. Y., widow, and John Fitzpatrick, N. Y., yeoman. 60 Butt, John, N. Y., mariner, and Catherine Thawley, N. Y., spinster. 60 Byron, William, N. Y., merchant, and Wilhemina Cannon, N. Y., spinster. PAGE 6i Cabe, Jemina, N. Y., spinster, and James Taylor, N. Y., ship joiner. 6i for Caddy, Margaret, and John Hembrow, read Caddy, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and John Hambrow, N. Y., shipwright. 6i Cady, John, N. Y., and Jane McKenzie, N. Y., spinster. 6i for Cagney, William, and Elihu Lesson, read Cagney, William, Quarter Master Sergeant in the 17th Regiment Light Dragoons, and Elinor Sesson, first Nurse in the General Hospital, widow. 61 Cairns, Eleanor, N. Y., widow, and James Coile, N. Y., mariner. 61 for Cairns, Grace, and John McDonaugh, read Cairns, Grace, N. Y., widow, and John McDonaugh, N. Y., yoe- man. 61 Cairns, Thomas, N. Y., and Lienor Varnet, N. Y., spinster. 61 Callahan, Eleonora, N. Y., spinster, and James McAllister, N'. Y. 62 Callow, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Stacy Stackhouse, N. Y., chairmaker, married July 6, 1775, by Rev. Sam- uel Auchmuty. 62 Campbell, Donald, N. Y., and Margaret Mattidale. Kings County, spinster. 62 Campbell, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and William Askins, N. Y., taylor. The name Elizabeth Campbell is re- peated in the license as Elizabeth Mary Campbell. 63 for Cannel, Abraham, and Ann Laturett, read Cannon, Abraham, Richmond County, and Ann Laturett, same place, spinster, (as below). 63 (insert) 1777, Oct. 15, Cannon, Abraham, Richmond County, and Ann Laturett, same place, spinster. 64 Cannon, Wilhemina, N. Y., spinster, and William Byron, N. Y., merchant. 64 (insert) 1779, June 3, Carderet, Mary, and John Francois, (MS. license issued by John Moore, Deputy Sec'y cer- tifying that Bond is given that there is no lawful impe- diment to hinder the above persons being joined in wedlock, no place mentioned). 64 Carey. Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and George Ellis, N. Y., surgeon. 64 for Carey, Stephen, and Anne Cover, read Carey, James, N. Y., innkeeper, and Anne Glover, N. Y., widow. 65 Carmer, James, N. Y., sailmaker, and Jane Thomas, N. Y., spinster. 67 Carr, Jane, Kings County, spinster, late of Philadelphia, and Thomas Tatham. N. Y., mariner. 67 for Carr, Joshua, and Margaret Templar, read Carr, Joshua, N. Y., cooper, and Margaret Templar, N. Y., spinster. lO 67 Carr, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and George Grundy, N. Y., merchant. 67 for Carte, William, and Allathea Garretson, read Carty, William, N. Y., gentleman, and Allathea Garretson, N. Y., widow. 67 Carter, Christopher, N. Y., and Priscilla Rogers, N. Y., spinster. 68 Carter, James, N. Y., taylor, and Jemime Collins, N. Y., spinster. 68 (insert) 1783, Sept 22. Carty, William, N. Y., gentleman, and Allethea Garretson, N. Y., widow. 68 for Gary, Rebecca, and William Forster, read Gary, Re- becca, N. Y., widow, and William Foster, N. Y., gentle- man. 68 Casey, Samuel, N. Y., silk dyer, and Catherine Page, N. Y., spinster. 69 Cathcart, The Right Hon. William Lord, and Elizabeth Plumstead Elliott, N. Y., spinster. 69 for Catrine, Mary, and John Reed, read Catrine, Mary, 52nd Regiment, widow, and John Reid, Corporal, 45th Regiment. 69 Chads, Henry, Esq., of His Majesty's Navy, and Susan- nah Cornell, N. Y., spinster. 69 Chadwell, Benjamin, N. Y., gentleman, and Hannah Ham- mond, N. Y., spinster. 70 Chapman, Abraham, Lieutenant, British Legion, and Mary Willis, Flushing, Queens County, spinster. 70 Chapman, George, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Valentine, N. Y., spinster. 70 Chapman, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and Drummond Simpson, N. Y., mariner. 71 Christian, Charles, Master in His Majesty's Navy, and Elizabeth Galatin, N. Y., widow. 72 Christy, Matthew, 17th Light Dragoons, and Elizabeth Brown, N. Y., widow. 72 Clark, Abijah, N. Y., and Mary Williams, N. Y., spinster. 72 for 1772, Jan. 19, read 1773, Jan. 19, and for Clark, John, and Elinor Harper, read Clarke, John, N. Y., uphols- terer, and Elinor Harper, Queen's County, widow. 72 for Clark, John, and Elizabeth Wilkie, read Clarke, John, N. Y., mariner, and Elizabeth Wilkie, N. Y., widow. 73 Clarke, George, N. Y., mariner, and Ann Grayham, N. Y., spinster. 73 (insert) 1772, Jan. 19, Clarke, John, N. Y., upholsterer, and Elinor Harper, Queens County, widow. 73 (insert) 1778, June 17, Clarke, John, N. Y., and Elizabeth Wilkie, N. Y., widow. 74 Clayton, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Plumb, wag- goner in His Majesty's Royal Artillery. 1 1 PAGE 74 Clendenny, Elinor, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Dixon, N. Y. 75 Cock, Isaac, N. Y., merchant, and Elizabeth Seamon, N. Y., spinster. yy Coffey, Catherine, N. Y., widow, and Charles Keeling, N. Y., mariner. yy Coile, James, N. Y., mariner, and Eleanor Cairns, N. Y., widow. 'jy Colden, Cadwallader, Jr., of the County of Ulster, Gen- tleman, and Christian Griffith, N. Y., spinster. "jj for Cole, Elizabeth, and Stephen Thorn, read Coles, Eliz- abeth, Queens County, spinster, and Stephen Thome, N. Y. 78 for Cole, Sarah, and John Sloan, read Cole, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and John Sloane, N. Y. 78 (insert) 1779, Aug. 2, Coles, Elizabeth, Queens County, spinster, and Stephen Thorne, N. Y. 79 Collard, Mary, Westchester County, spinster, and Nich- olas Perdue Olding, Ensign in the Loyal American Reg- iment. 79 for 1783, Oct. 21, read 1782, Oct. 21, Collin, Hannah, N. Y., widow, and John Barratt, mariner on Board His Ma- jesty's Ship the Lyon. 79 Collins, Jemime, N. Y., spinster, and James Carter, N. Y., taylor. 79 Collins, John, Esq., of His Majesty's Ship Camilla, and Sarah Watson, N. Y., spinster. 79 Collins, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and Greggs Parish, As- sistant Commissary to His Majesty's Army. 79 Collins, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Hugh Hays, N. Y.. mariner. 80 Collit, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and James H. Pettit, N. Y., mariner. ..^O Colvin, John, N. Y., and Elinor Bryan, N. Y., widow. 81 for Concklin, Rachel, and Joseph Fearly, read Concklin, Rachel, N. Y., and Joseph Fairley, Out Ward, N. Y., farmer. 81 Conn, James, N. Y., and Phebe Stout, N. Y., spinster. 82 Connefl, Mary, N. Y., widow, and David Buchanan, N. Y. 82 1775, April 20. Conner, Jeremiah, N. Y., schoolmaster. and Catherine Smith, N. Y., spinster. 83 Cook. Ann, N. Y., spinster, and Peter Stewart, N. Y., mariner. 83 (insert) 1777, July 7, Cony or Corry, Francis, soldier 44th Regiment, and Catherine Hopton, same regiment, spinster. 83 Cook, William, of the Out Ward, N. Y., taylor, and Elinor Devoe, same place, widow. 84 Cooper, John, N. Y., mariner, and Jane Van Zant, N. Y., spinster. 12 PAGE 84 Cooper, John, late of Somerset in New Jersey, but now of Morrisania, County of West Chester, yeoman, and Mary Stringham, late of Orange County, but now of N. Y., spinster. 84 (insert) 1775, Feb. 15. Cooper, Joseph, N. Y., silversmith, and Rachel Martin, N. Y., spinster. 84 Cooper, Nathaniel, N. Y., merchant, and Jane Turner. N. Y., widow. 84 Corback, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Nicholas Lackman, N. Y., sugar baker. 85 Corne, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Charles De Giron- wurt, Lieutenant in the Hessian Artillery of His Majesty's Army. 85 Cornell, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and William Bayard, Jr., N. Y., merchant. 86 Cornell, Susannah, N. Y., spinster, and Henry Chads, Esq., of His Majesty's Navy. 87 Corry, or Cony, Francis, soldier in the 44th Regiment, and Catherine Hopton of same regiment, spinster. 88 Cosser, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Lawson, Queen's County, schoolmaster, married Oct. 9, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 88 for Cotheret, John, and Elizabeth Timen, read Cotheres or Cotheras (written both ways), John, N. Y., gardiner, and Elizabeth Timen, N. Y., widow. 90 Cozens, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John McFall, N. Y., mariner. 93 Cronin, Tady, N. Y., baker, and Catherine Wilcocks, N. Y., widow. 93 for 1789, Oct. 7, read 1779, Oct. 7. Crosbey, John, N. Y., and Rebecca Kelly, Queens County, spinster. 93 Crosby, George, N. Y., cooper, and Martha Stevens, N. Y., spinster. 94 Crossley, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Nicholas Flinn, N. Y., baker. 94 Cumming, James, N. Y., and Mary Williams, N. Y., spinster. 95 for 1775, Dec. 12, read Dec. 13. Cummins, Margaret, Queens County, spinster, and James Hanrahan, Great Neck, Queens County, schoolmaster. Married Dec. 13, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 95 Cunard, Robert, N. Y., housecarpenter, and Elizabeth Travis, N. Y., spinster. 95 for Curtis, Effee, and Isaac Atkins, read Curtis, Effee, of the Manor on Staten Island, widow, and Isaac Atken. N. Y., baker. 96 Cyrus, Lidia, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Mott. N. Y.. butcher. 13 PAGE 96 (insert) 1781, May 15, Daare, John, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Roach, N. Y., spinster. 96 Dailey, Owen, N. Y., cordwainer, and Sarah Lavarrah, N. Y., spinster. 97 Dalton, John, N. Y., Surgeon, and Hannah Brasher, N. Y., spinster. 97 Danils, James, Staten Island, Richmond County, cord- wainer, and Jane Degroat, same place, spinster. 97 Darby, Daniel, N. Y., mariner, and Elizabeth Branson, N. Y., spinster. 97 Date, Samuel, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Wheat, N. Y., spinster. 98 Davis, Ann, N. Y., widow, and Peter McLean, N. Y., cordwainer. 99 Davis, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Hanly, N. Y., mariner. 100 Dean, Bridget, N. Y., widow, and James Hallett, N. Y., coachmaker. 100 (insert) 1774, July 22, Dean, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and Paul Hick, N. Y., cordwainer. 100 Deas, John, Sergeant of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and Rosana Taylor, of the same regiment, widow. 102 for Deere, John, and Mary Roach, read Daare, John, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Roach, N. Y., spinster (as above). 103 De Givonwurt, Charles, Lieutenant in the Hessian Artil- lery of His Majesty's Army, and Elizabeth Corne, N. Y., spinster. 103 De Grey, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and Littleton Ford, N. Y. 103 Degroat, Jane, Staten Island, Richmond County, spinster, and James Danils, same place, cordwainer. 104 De Keller, Frederick, First Lieutenant in the First Regi- ment of Anspachs, and Catherine Grim, N. Y., spinster. 105 De Lamontagnie, Mary, N. Y., widow, and John Amory, N. Y., whipmaker. 106 for Dellat, Ann, and William Lamarate, read Dellat, Ann, N. Y., widow, and William Lamarath, N. Y., ship- wright. (MS. license, "The reason of this certificate being given Mr. Bayard being at present out of town and no Lycense by him signed. To who it may con- cern." William Kirby, Clerk, Secretary's Office.) 106 De Milt, Isaac, N. Y., cordwainer, and Elizabeth Gordon, N. Y., spinster. 108 De Pertuis, Estienne, late of Bar in France, at present of N. Y., and Teresia Piquet, N. Y., spinster. 109 for Desbrosses, Mary Ann, and Joseph Waddington, read Desbrosses, Mary Ann, N. Y., spinster, and Joshua Waddington, N. Y., merchant. PAGE 109 Devereux, Margaret, Brooklyn in Kings County, spinster, and John Morrel, same place, carpenter. no Devoe, Elinor, of the Out Ward, N. Y., widow, and Wil- liam Cook, same place. no (insert) 1774, March 23, Devoe, Frances, N. Y., widow, and James Nevin, N. Y., cooper. no De Voe, Lettice, N. Y., spinster, and Abel Buell, of the Colony of Connecticut, jeweller. no (insert) 1775, Feb. 14, De Voe, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and John Sanxay, N. Y., mariner. no Devoor, Alley, N. Y., spinster, and Alexander Stephens, N. Y., mariner. no Devoor, Afifey, N. Y., spinster, and William Adam, N. Y., mariner. n2 Dingey, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Richard Edwards, N. Y., yeoman. n2 Dixon, Thomas, N. Y., and Elinor Clendenny, N. Y., spinster. 112, Dobbs, George, N. Y., and Ruth Marks, N. Y., spinster. 114 Donnell. Simon, and Mary N"oe, N. Y., spinster. 114 Doty, Abigail, Queens County, spinster, and William Mitchell, same place. n5 Doughty, William, N. Y., yeoman, and Catherine Parkin- son, N. Y., widow. n7 Driscoll, Elizabeth, late of the 57th Regiment, widow, and George Morrisson, matross in the Royal Artillery. n9 Duff, Eleanor, N. Y., widow, and Thomas English, N. Y., butcher. n9 Dufify, Samuel, N. Y., and Catherine Scofield, N. Y., widow. n9 Duke, John, N. Y., and Elinor Obrien, N. Y., widow. n9 Dunavon, Hellena, N. Y., widow, and Neal McKennon, N. Y., cartman. 120 Duncan, John, N. Y., cordwainer, and Sarah Hamilton, N. Y., spinster. 120 Duncan, Ruth, N. Y., spinster, and John Brigs, N. Y. 120 Dunlap, Janet, N. Y., spinster, and George Keith, of His Majesty's Ship Perseus. MS. license "at present I have no Lycenses signed by His Excellency the Governor," John Moore, Deputy Secy. 120 Dunn, Charles, N. Y., and Ann Brannon, N. Y.. spinster. 123 for 1783, Jan. 3, read 1782, Jan. 3. Dwyer, Edmund, be- longing to the Commissary General's Department of His Majesty's Army and Catherine Paterson, N. Y., widow. 123 Dyer, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Bealey, N. Y., mariner. 124 Earle, Rebecca, spinster, and William I. Roome, N. Y. 15 PAGE 124 Ebert, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and William Powers, N. Y., pilot. 125 Edwards, Richard, N. Y., yeoman, and Elizabeth Dingey, N. Y., spinster. 126 Eliot, Elizabeth Plumstead, N. Y., spinster, and the Right Honorable William Lord Cathcart. 126 Ellis, George, N. Y., surgeon, and Catherine Carey, N. Y., spinster. 127 Ellis, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Blair, N. Y. 127 Ellis, Thomas, N. Y., shipwright, and Sarah Galbreath, N. Y., widow. 127 ElHson, Abraham, N. Y., and Elizabeth Mumford, N. Y., spinster. 127 for Ellison, Mary, and James Hearn, read Ellison, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and James Hearon, N. Y. 127 Ellsworth, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Gillesby, N. Y., gentleman. 128 Elsworth, John, N. Y., and Margaret King, N. Y., spinster. 129 Embree, John, West Chester, and Elizabeth Webb, N. Y., spinster. 129 Emery, Elenor, N. Y., widow, and James Molloy, store- keeper in the Quarter Master General's Department of His Majesty's Army. 129 Emmas, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and James Buckley, N. Y., shipwright. 130 English, Thomas, N. Y., butcher, and Eleanor Duff, N. Y., widow. 130 Erving, John, N. Y., and Frances Ramsay, N. Y., widow. 131 Evans, Hanah, N. Y., spinster, and William Letteney, N. Y., gentleman. 131 Evans, James, mariner, and Sarah Brown, widow, late of the 23rd Regiment. 131 Evans, Jane, N. Y., widow, and John Wells, N. Y., sadler. 131 Evans, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and Alexander Pringel, boat- swain on Board His Majesty's Ship the Diomedi. 131 Evans, William, N. Y., taylor, and Isabella Applegate, N. Y., spinster. 131 Everitt, John, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Polhamos, N. Y., spinster. 132 Ewing, Daniel, N. Y., and Isabella Macbeth, N. Y., spin- ster. 132 Ewing, Isabella, N. Y., widow, and Wilson Bratton, N. Y., taylor. 132 Fagh, Mary Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and Frederick Joseph Heysen (place not mentioned). 132 (insert) 1781, June 18. Fairley, Joseph, of the Out Ward, N. Y., farmer, and Rachel Concklin, N. Y., spinster. 133 Farish, Greggs, assistant commissary to His Majesty's Army, and Margaret Collins, N. Y., spinster. i6 PAGE 133 Farrell, Catherine, N. Y., widow, and James Bradley, N. Y., auctioneer. 134 for Fearly, Joseph, read Fairley, Joseph (as above). 134 Fenton, Elenor, N. Y., widow, and David Obrien, N. Y. 136 Fisher, Bethia, Westchester, County of Westchester, spin- ster, and Gilbert Purdy, same place, gentleman. 137 for Fitzgerald, Mary, and Colin Minzies, read Fitzgerald, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Collin Menzies, N. Y., mari- ner. 137 Fitzpatrick, John, N. Y., yeoman, and Susannah Butler, N. Y., widow. 137 for Flannagen, Jane, and Alexander Achyndaey, read Flannagen, Jane, N. Y., widow, and Alexander Achyn- dachy, Carpenter of His Majesty's Ship Loyalist. 138 Flemming, Anstice, 64th Regiment, spinster, and Thomas Robinson, Sergeant 64th Regiment. 138 Fletcher, Nicholas, N. Y., mariner and Mary Martin, N. Y., widow. 138 Flinn, Nicholas, N. Y., baker, and Elizabeth Crossley, N. Y., spinster. 138 Florintine, Ann, N. Y., widow, and John Pafford, N. Y., brickmaker. 139 Flowers, George, N. Y., carpenter, and Rebekah Taylor, N. Y., spinster. 140 Forbes, William, N. Y., housecarpenter, and Mary Thorne, N. Y., spinster. 140 Ford, Littleton, N. Y., and Hannah De Grey, N. Y., spin- ster. 140 Foresayth, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Nathaniel Wheeler, N. Y., blacksmith. 140 Forman, James, Clerk to the Adjutant General, and Eliza- beth Lawson, N. Y., widow. 141 for Forster, William, and Rebecca Gary, read Foster, William, N. Y., gentleman, and Rebecca Gary, N. Y., widow. 141 Foster, Elizabeth, Rockaway, Queens County, spinster, and John Todd, Esq., Purser of His Majesty's Ship Lyon. 141 Foster, Hester, N. Y., widow, and Henry Vinnell, Ser- geant 22nd Regiment of Foot. 142 Foster, Thomas, N. Y., and Mary Stymers, N. Y., spinster. 142 (insert) 1782, Oct. 7. Fouler, Mary, Morrisania, N. Y., spinster, and Jacob Vanwart, same place, farmer. 143 Fowler, George. N. Y., mariner, and Jane Townsend, N. Y., widow. Married June 28, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 143 for Fowler, Mary, read Fouler Mary (as above). 143 Fox, Susannah. N. Y., widow, and Robert Knight, N. Y., mariner. 17 PAGE 144 for Francois, John, and Mary Kendrick, read Francois, John, and Mary Carderet. MS. license; no place men- tioned. 144 for Fraser. William, and Catherine McDonald, read Frazer, William, 42nd Regiment, and Catherine McDon- ald, same regiment, widow. 145 Freeborn, Sarah Priscilla, N. Y., widow, and Samuel Har- rison, N. Y., innkeeper. 145 Freeman, John, N. Y., mariner, and Elizabeth Valentine, N. Y., spinster. (MS. license, "at present there are no Lycenses signed by His Excellency the Governor.") 146 Frost, Susannah, N. Y., widow, and Francis Towse, N. Y., 147 (insert) 1774, Aug. 24, Funck, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and David Morris, N. Y., mariner. 147 Funck, John, N. Y., and Priscilla Potter (N. Y.) (imper- fect). 147 Galatian, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Charles Christian, master in His Majesty's Navy. 147 Galbreath, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and Thomas Ellis, N. Y., shipwright. 148 for Galilee, Roger, and Ann Simons, read Galilee, Roger, N. Y., mariner, and Hannah Simons, N. Y., widow. 149 Gardiner, Magdalean, N. Y., widow, and William Black, N. Y., house carpenter. 149 Gardiner, Jacob, N. Y., and Catherine Garlick, N. Y., spinster. 149 for 1779, Jan. 22, read 1779, Oct. 2. Gardiner, Susannah, N. Y., spinster, and George Smith, N. Y. 149 Gardner, Isabella, Hempstead, Queens County, spinster, and Walter McDonald, Quartermaster 17th Regiment of Dragoons. 149 Gardner, William, carpenter in His Majesty's Engineer Department, and Magdalean McWhirten, N. Y., widow. 149 Garlick, Barbara, N. Y., spinster, and David Babcock, N. Y. 149 Garlick, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Jacob Gardinier, N. Y. 150 Garretson, Allathea, N. Y., widow, and William Carty, N. Y., gentleman. 150 Garrison, Lenah, Richmond County, spinster, and Samuel Stilwell, same place. 151 Gay, Charles, N. Y., blacksmith, and Rebecca Smith, N. Y., widow. 151 Geary, Martha, N. Y., widow, and Stephen Shakespeare, N. Y., storekeeper. 151 Geree, William, Surgeon 38th Regiment of Foot, and Re- becca Van Denham, N. Y., spinster. 151 Gerow, Phebe, N. Y., spinster, and Jonathan Sherwood, N. Y., yeoman. i8 PAGE 152 Gierson, James, N. Y., yeoman, and Ann Hardman, N. Y., spinster. 153 Gilbertson, William, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Regan, N. Y., widow. 154 Gillesby, John, N. Y., gentleman, and Mary Ellsworth, N. Y., spinster. 154 for Gilmore, Margaret, and William Haggs, read Gillmore, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and William Hays, N. Y., house carpenter. 155 for Glover, Anne, and Stephen Carey, read Glover, Anne, N. Y., widow, and James Carey, N. Y., innkeeper. 155 Goelet, Alice, N. Y., spinster, and Andrew Lott, N. Y., merchant. 156 Goodrich, Bartlet, N. Y.. and Mary Wilson. N. Y., spin- ster. 156 Gordon, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Isaac De Milt, N. Y., cordwainer. 157 Gowey, William, 37th Regiment of Foot, and Ann Wat- kins, N. Y., widow. 157 Graham, Joseph, N. Y., farmer, and Hannah Hallet, N. Y., spinster. 158 Grayham, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and George Clarke, N. Y., mariner. 160 Griffith, Christian, N. Y., spinster, and Cadwallader Col- den, Jr., County of Ulster, gentleman. 160 Griffiths. Jane, N. Y., widow, and William Lewis, N. Y,, shipcarpenter. 160 Griffiths, Joanna, N. Y., widow, and James Light, Jr., N. Y., cordwainer. Married July 31, 1775, by Rev. Sam- uel Auchmuty. 160 Griffiths, Joseph, N. Y., mariner, and Agnes Van Wage- nen, N. Y., spinster. 160 Grim, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Frederick De Kel- ler, First Lieutenant in the First Regiment of Ans- pach's. 160 Grim, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Johann Carl Van or Von Altenstein, Lieutenant in the Troops of the Mar- grave of Anspach. 160 (insert) 1759, March 3. Grim, Eve, and Andrew Merrell (See Merrell, Andrew, and Eve Grim, printed Crim, p. 261). 162 Grundy, George, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Carr, N. Y., spinster. 162 Guest, Letty, N. Y., and James Rollin, N. Y. (MS. license addressed "to the Rev. Clergy and all concerned" signed John Moore, Deputy Secy.) 162 Guest, Mary, N. Y., widow, and George Oates, N. Y. 162 Guinnell, Thomas, N. Y., and Milleson Haight, N. Y., spinster. 19 PAGE 164 Haight, Milleson, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Guinnell, N. Y. 165 Hall, Catherine, N. Y., widow, and George Povey, Private 4th Regiment of Foot. 165 Hall, Charlotte, N. Y., spinster, and John Ablin, N. Y., mariner. Married July 2y, 1775, by Rev Samuel Auch- muty. 165 Hall, Henry, N. Y., shoemaker, and Mary Thomas, N. Y., widow. 166 Hallett, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Graham, N. Y., farmer. \ 166 Hallett, James, N. Y., coachmaker, and Bridget Dean, L. N. Y., widow. 166 Hallett, Moses, Hallett's Cove, Queens County, carpenter, and Elizabeth McConney, N. Y., spinster. 167 Hambrow, John, N. Y., shipwright, and Margaret Cady, N. Y., spinster. 168 Hamilton, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and John Duncan, N. Y., cordwainer. 168 Hammell, John, surgeon, 4th Battalion New Jersey Vol- unteers, and Hannah Roome, N. Y., spinster. 168 Hammond, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and Benjamin Chad- well, N. Y.. gentleman. 168 for Hampton, Elizabeth, and Joseph Marsh, read Hamp- ton, Rachel, late of New Jersey, but now of N. Y., spin- ster, and Joseph Marsh, N. Y., mariner. 168 Hampton, Jonathan, of His Majesty's Board Yard, &c., and Ann Harding, N. Y., spinster. Married Feb. 19, 1777, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 168 Hampton, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Sheppard, N. Y., tavernkeeper. Married April 15, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 168 Hanah, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and William Witnell, N. Y. 168 Hancock, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and James Meade, N. Y., merchant. 168 Hanley, Thomas, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Davis, N. Y., spinster. 169 for 1775, Dec. 12, read 1775, Dec. 13. Hanrahan, James, Great Neck, Queens County, schoolmaster, and Mar- garet Cummins, Queens County, spinster. Married Dec. 13, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 170 for Harding, Ann, and John Hampton, read Harding, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and Jonathan Hampton, of His Majesty's Board Yard, &c. Married Feb. 19, 1777, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 170 for Hardman, Ann, and James Grierson, read Hardman, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and James Gierson, N. Y., yoeman. 170 Hargill, William, N. Y., and "Sarah Triglith. N. Y., spinster. 20 AGE 71 Harlin, Ann, N. Y., widow, and John Harris, surgeon in the General Hospital of His Majesty's Army. 71 for 1772, Jan. 19, read 1773, Jan. 19. Harper, Elinor, Queens County, widow, and John Clarke, N. Y., upholsterer. 71 Harrington, Silvester, N. Y., shipcarpenter, and Mary Jones, N. Y., widow. 71 Harris, John, surgeon in the General Hospital of His Majesty's Army, and Ann Harlin, N. Y,, widow. 72 (insert) 1775, Jan. 19. Harris, John, N. Y., mariner, and Mary West, N. Y., spinster. 72 (insert) 1774, April xi. Harris, William, N. Y., mariner, and Hester Willson, N, Y., spinster. 72 Harrison, Samuel, N. Y., innkeeper, and Sarah Priscilla Freeborn, N. Y., widow. 72 for 1780, April 20, read 1780, April 11. Harrison, William, waggoner to His Majesty's Royal Artillery, and Sarah Bennet, N. Y., spinster. 72 Hart, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Christian Smily, N. Y. 73 Hart, Mary, NY. ., spinster, and Patrick McDermott, N. Y., mariner. 73 Hartley, Hannah, N. Y., widow, and William Pyls, N. Y., mariner. 74 Hatfield, John, Captain 3rd Battalion Jersey Volunteers, and Mary Lockerman, Staten Island, spinster. 74 for Hausser, Nauchey, and Homes Hayes, read Hawsser, Anne, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Hayes, N. Y., wheel- wright. 74 Hawking, Deborah, N, Y., spinster, and Adam Watson, N. Y., mariner. 75 Hawkins, John, N. Y., merchant, and Martha Hildreth, N. Y., spinster. 75 Hawkins, Richard, Ensign, 27th Regiment of Foot, and Elizabeth Alsop, late of Nottingham in Great Britain, but now of City of N. Y., spinster. 75 (insert) 1783, Jan. 8. Hawsser, Anne, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Hayes, N. Y., wheelwright. 75 Hay, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Bryant, N. Y. 75 Hay, Hugh, N. Y., victualler, and Magdalen Henry, N. Y., widow. 75 Hayes, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Stephen Moorland, N. Y., victualler. 75 for Hayes, Thomas, and Nauchey Hausser, read Hayes, Thomas, N. Y., wheelwright, and Anne Hawsser, N. Y,, spinster. 75 Hays, Hugh, N. Y, mariner, and Mary Collins, N. Y., spin- ster. 75 for Hays, William, and Margaret Gilmore, read Hays, Wil- liam, N. Y., housecarpenter, and Margaret Gillmore, N. Y., widow. 75 (insert) 1777, Feb. i. Hays, William, N. Y., housecarpenter, and Margaret Gillmore, N. Y., widow. 21 PAGE 176 for Hearn, James, and Mary Ellison, read Hearon, James, N. Y., and Mary Ellison, N. Y., spinster, 176 (insert) 1778, Mch. 17, Hearon, James, N. Y., and Mary Ellison, N. Y., spinster. 176 for Heath, William and Sarah Reily, read Heath, William, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Keily, N. Y., spinster. 179 Henry, Magdalen, N. Y., widow, and Hugh Hay, N. Y., victualler. 179 Henshaw, Mehitable, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Nesbitt, N. Y., surgeon. 181 (insert) 178c. Sept. 2, Heymell, Hester, N. Y., spinster, and Emanuel Rinedollar, N. Y., taylor. 181 Heysen, Frederick Joseph (place not given) and Mary Mar- garet Fagh, N. Y., spinster. 181 (insert) 1774, July 22, Hick, Paul, N. Y., cordwainer, and Hannah Dean, N. Y., spinster. i8i Hicks, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and Andrew Walker, N. Y. 183 Hildreth, Martha, N. Y., spinster, N. Y., and John Haw- kins, N. Y., merchant. 184 Hill, Thomas, N. Y., and Jane Burger, N. Y., spinster. 184 Hillier, Isaac, corporal ist Regiment of Guards, and Jane Reynolds, N. Y., widow. 184 Hillman, John, N. Y., labourer, and Lucy Burgess, N. Y., spinster, married November 19, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 184 Hines, James, N. Y., and Mary Widner, N. Y., widow. 185 Hoar, Jane, N. Y., widow, and Matthew Taylor, N. Y. 185 Hobbs, William, N. Y., and Jane Main, N. Y. (single or widow not mentioned.) 187 Hogg, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Charles Ortzen, N. Y., hairdresser. 187 (insert) Hogg, George, mariner, and Catherine Miller, widow. (Place not mentioned.) 187 Holden, James, N. Y., cooper, and Ann Watt, N. Y., spinster. 190 Hopkins, William, N. Y., shipcarpenter, and Mary Sands, N. Y., spinster. 190 Hopton, Catherine, 44th Regiment, and Francis Corry, sol- dier, same regiment. 191 Hornby, Ellen, N, Y., widow, and Thomas Williams, N. Y., taylor. 193 Hoyer, Rebecca, N. Y., spinster and Thomas Snowden (no place given). 194 Huggins, Mary, spinster, and William Appleton, both of 35th regiment. 197 Hurry, Frances, N. Y,, widow, and Amos Lefurge, N. Y., carpenter. 197 Hutchings, John, N. Y., and Mary Stogdell, N. Y., spinster. 197 Hutchings, William, N. Y., mariner, and Margaret Ross, N. Y., widow. 198 Hyde, John, N. Y., sailmaker, and Catharine Brower, N. Y., spinster. 22 PAGE 198 Hyde, William, soldier, 46tli Regiment, and Mary Pollard, same regiment, widow. 198 Hyer, Andrew, Jr., N. Y., baker, and Mary McFall, N. Y,, spinster. 199 for Hyman, Hester, read Heymell, Hester (as above). 199 I'Ans, Francis, N.Y., grocer, and Mary Thorn, N.Y., spinster. 200 Jackson, John, N. Y., vintner, and Ann Shannon, N. Y., widow. 202 James, George, N. Y., and Sarah Rosell, N. Y., spinster. 202 Jarvis, Grace, Suffolk County, spinster, and Joseph Smith, N. Y., merchant. 203 Jauncey, Susannah, N, Y., widow, and Thomas Vardill, N. Y., merchant. 203 Jenkins, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and John Brown, N. Y. 205 Johnson, Hannah, N. Y., late of Boston, spinster, and Ben- jamin Pollard, gentleman, of Gen'l De Lancey's Brigade. 205 Johnson, John, N. Y., merchant, and Susannah Toddy, N. Y., spinster. 206 Johnston, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and William Moody, N. Y., vintner. 206 (insert) 1775 April 5, Johnston, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Allen, Philadelphia, Pa., married April 6, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 207 Jones, Hester, N. Y., widow, and John Bell, N. Y., black- smith. 208 for 1778, July 7, read July 8, Jones, John, N. Y., mariner, and Susannah Nailer, N. Y., spinster, 208 Jones, Lewis, N. Y., printer, and Mary Bennett, N. Y., spin- ster. 208 Jones, Lydia, N. Y., widow, and John Sarrell, N. Y. (ms. license " at present there is no License signed by the Governor," John Moore, Dep. Secy). 108 Jones, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Silvester Harrington, N. Y., shipcarpenter. 208 Jones, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Smith Ramadge, N. Y., merchant. 209 Julang, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and Charles Swan, N. Y., pilot. 209 Kearney, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Edward Shields, N. Y., mariner, 209 Keaquick, John, N. Y., mariner, and Darcus Lightfoot, N. Y., spinster, 210 Keeling, Charles, N. Y., mariner, and Catherine Coffey, N. Y., widow, 210 Keese, Elizabeth, Queens County, and James Rice, Queens County. 210 (insert) 1777, July 8, Keily, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Wil- liam Heath, N. Y., mariner, 210 Keirstead, Catherine, N, Y,, spinster, and John Neeslet, N. Y. 23 2IO Keith, George, His Majesty's Ship, Perseus, and Janet Dunlap, N. Y.. spinster (ms. license "At present I have no Lycense signed by His Excellency the Governor," John Moore, Dep. Sec'y.) 2IO Kelly, Samuel, N. Y., and Joana Provoost, N. Y., spinster. 2IO Kelly, Rebecca, QueensCounty, spinster, and John Crosbey, N. Y. 2IO Kelsey, Catharine. N. Y., spinster, and James Atkins, N. Y., mariner. 2IO Kelsey, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Patrick McHugh, N. Y., taylor. Married May 24, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 210 for 1778, Jan. 11, read 1780, Jan. 11. Kemble, Robert T., N. Y., merchant, and Mary Marston, N. Y., spinster. 2 1 1 for Kendrick, Mary, and John Francois, read Carderet, Mary and John Francois. See Cardaret, Mary. 211 for Kerby, Archibald and Mary Barnes, read Kerley, Archi- bald, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Barnes, N. Y., spinster. 211 (insert) 1781, Oct. 20, Kerley, Archibald, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Barnes, N. Y., spinster. 212 for Keys, Ann, and John Busteed, read Keys, Anne, N. Y., widow, and William Busteed, Master of His Majesty's Schooner, the Grain. 213 Killing, Daniel, N. Y., carpenter, and Anstance Sickes, N. Y., widow. 213 King, Abigail, N. Y., spinster, and Abraham Bancker, N. Y., cordwainer. 213 King, Elizabeth, spinster, and James Sheriff, mariner (no place mentioned.) 214 King, John, Springfield, Kings County, housecarpenter, and Tiddey Lewis, same place, spinster. 214 King, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and John Elsworth, N. Y. 214 King, Patrick, N. Y., and Elizabeth Williams, N. Y., spin- ster. 214 King, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Oliver Vanderbilt, N. Y. 215 Kippen, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and George Warden, N. Y. 217 Knight, Robert, N. Y., mariner, and Susannah Fox, N. Y., widow. 217 Knox, James, N. Y., vintner, and Margaret Maud, N. Y. widow. , 218 Lackman, Nicholas, N. Y., sugarbaker, and Elizabeth Cor- back, N. Y., widow, 218 Lafferty, Daniel, N. Y., mariner, aud Isabella Woods, N. Y., spinster. 220 for Lamacrate, William, and Ann Dellat, read Lamarath, William, N. Y., shipwright, and Ann Dellat, N. Y., widow. (Ms. license) " Mr. Bayard being at present out of town and no Lycense by him signed. William Kirby, Clerk." 220 (insert) 1783, June 3, Lamarath, William, N. Y., shipwright, and Ann Dellat, N. Y., widov/ (Ms. license.) 24 PAGE 220 Lamb, James, Lieutenant 35th Regiment, and Catalina Matthews, N. Y., spinster. 224 Laturett, Ann, Richmond County, spinster, and Abraham Cannon, same county. 224 for Lavarrah, Sarah, and Owen Dealey, read Lavarrah, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Owen Dailey, N. Y., cordwainer. 224 Lavender, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and Robert Rouse, Ser geant 4th Regiment of Foot. 226 (insert) 1778, Oct. 5, Lawrence, Peter, N. Y., and Sarah Bar- wick (also written Mary Barwick). 227 Lawson, Thomas, Queens County, schoolmaster, and Cath- arine Cesser, N. Y., spinster, married Oct. 9, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 227 (insert) 1777, May 6, Lawther, Rebecca, N. Y., spinster, and George Mason, N. Y. See Lowther, Rebecca. 229 Lefurge, Amos, N. Y., carpenter, and Frances Hurry, N. Y., widow. 231 Le Roy, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Livingston, Jr., N, Y., gentleman. Married May 11, 1775, by Rev. Sam- uel Auchmuty. 231 Letteney, William, N. Y., gentleman, and Hanah Evans, N. Y., spinster. 231 Lever, Elizabeth, N, Y., widow, and Humphrey Massen- burg, N. Y. 232 Lewis, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and John Robinson, N. Y., yeoman. 232 Lewis, John, New Town, Queens County, farmer, and Rachel Buskirk, same place, spinster. 233 Lewis, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Patterson, N, Y., mariner. 233 Lewis, Tiddey, Springfield, Kings County, spinster, and John King, same place, house carpenter. 233 Lewis, William, N, Y., shipcarpenter, and Jane Griffiths, N. Y., widow. 233 Light, James, Jr.. N. Y., cordwainer, and Johanna Griffiths, N. Y., widow. Married July 31, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. ^33 Lightfoot, Darcus, N. Y., spinster, and John Keaquick, N. Y., mariner. 233 for 1780, Sept. 30, read 1780, Oct. 2. Ligh'tfoot, Elisabeth, N, Y., spinster, and Joseph Montgomery, N. Y., merchant. 235 Livingston, John, Jr., N. Y., gentleman, and Mary Le Roy, N. Y., spinster. Married May 11, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 235 Lloyd, Ann, N. Y., widow, and Hallser, Pickering, N. Y,, yeoman. 236 Lockerman, Mary, Staten Island, spinster, and John Hat- field, captain 3rd Battalion Jersey Volunteers, 236 Lockman, Elizabeth (also written Lockwood, Elizabeth), Richmond County, widow, and Albert Rightman, same place. Lockwood, Elizabeth. See Lockman, Elizabeth. 25 PAGE 236 for Lomax, John, and Ann Porffit, read Lomix, John, Ser- geant, 7th Regiment, and Ann Proffit, same regiment, widow. 236 (insert) 1779, Feb. 6. Lomix, John, Sergeant 7th Regiment, and Ann Proffitt, same regiment, widow. 236 Looseley, Robert, N. Y., shopkeeper, and Catharine Roose- hill, N. Y., spinster. 237 Lott, Andrew, N. Y., merchant, and Alice Goelet, N. Y., spinster. 237 Lott, Gideon, N. Y., and Sarah Bull, N. Y., widow. 238 Lovell, John, Out Ward, N. Y., butcher, and Hannah Shaver, same place, spinster. 239 for Lownds, John, and Lucy Stuninn, read Lownds, John, N. Y., and Lucy Stunill. 239 Lownds, Magdalen, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Bell, N. Y., taylor. Married June i, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 239 for Lowther, Rebecca and George Mason read Lawther, Rebecca, N. Y., spinster, and George Mason, N. Y. 241 Lynch, Ann, N. Y., widow, and Michael McDonnell, N. Y. 241 Lyng, John Burt, N. Y., and Hester Moore, N. Y., spinster. 242 McAllister, James, N. Y., and Eleanora Callahan, N. Y., spinster. 243 Macbeth, Isabella, N. Y., spinster, and Daniel Ewing, N. Y. 243 McBride, Elenor, N. Y., spinster, and Patrick Murphy, Captain Queens Rangers. 243 McBride, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and William Ander- son, N. Y., yeoman. 243 McCachan, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and John Stewart, N. Y. 243 McCay, Kennith, (place not mentioned) and Sarah Magrath, N. Y., spinster. 244 McClaren, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Collen Reid, N. Y., blacksmith. 244 McClean, Mary, N. Y., widow, and John Bain, N. Y., vint- ner. 244 McCloud, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Charles McPher- son, N. Y. 245 McConney, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Moses Hallett, Hallett's Cove, Queens County, Carpenter. 245 McDermott, Patrick, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Hart, N. Y., spinster. 246 McDonald, Catherine, 42nd Regiment, widow, and William Frazer, same regiment. 246 McDonald, John, (place not mentioned) and Mary Ander- son, N. Y., spinster. 246 McDonald, Walter, Quartermaster, 17th Regiment of Dra- goons, and Isabella Gardner, Hempstead, Queens County, spinster. 246 McDonnell, Michael, N. Y., and Ann Lynch, N. Y., widow. 246 McDonough, John, N. Y., yeoman, and Grace Cairns, N. Y., widow. 26 PAGE 247 McEuen, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and John Patrick, N. Y. (MSS. license addressed to the Rev. Dr, IngHs.) 247 McEvers, Elizabeth, and William Myers. (No place men- tioned.) 247 McFall, John, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Cozens, N. Y., spinster. 247 McFall, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Andrew Hyer, Jr., N. Y., baker. 248 for McGrigor, Ann, and Robert Barton, read McGrigor, Hanna, 52nd Regiment, widow, and Robert Barton, Quart- termaster Sargeant, same regiment. 249 McHugh, Patrick, N. Y., taylor, and Elizabeth Kelsey, N. Y., widow. Married May 24th, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auch- muty. 249 Mcjoy, Pattey, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Mason, N. Y., yeoman. 249 for McKay, Donald, read McKoy, Daniel, N. Y., hairdresser, and Hellena Robinson, N. Y., spinster. 249 McKay, William, sergeant, 43rd Regiment of Foot, and Ann Williams, N. Y., widow. 249 McKennon, Neal, N. Y., cartman, and Hellena Dunavon, N. Y., widow. 249 for McKenzie, Jane, and John Keady, read McKenzie, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and John Cady, N. Y. 250 McKinney, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and John Minzies, N. Y. 250 (insert) 1781, June 11, McKoy, Daniel, N. Y., hairdresser, and Hellena Robinson, N. Y., spinster. 250 McLean, Peter, N. Y., cordwainer, and Ann Davis, N. Y., widow. 251 McMullen, Neal, and Mary Rankin. (No place mentioned.) 251 McNiel, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and James McPherson, N. Y., merchant. 251 McNight, Nancy, N. Y., widow, and Timothy Mahone of the Commissary General's Department of His Majesty's Army. 252 McOnelty, Jenken, N. Y.. yeoman, and Catharine Stedford, N. Y., widow. 252 McPherson, Charles, N. Y., and Catherine McCloud, N. Y., spinster. 252 McPherson, James, N. Y., merchant, and Mary McNiel, N. Y., spinster. 25:^ McPherson, John, Lieutenant, 80th Regiment of Foot, and Elizabeth Schenk, Newtown, Queens County, spinster. 252 McWhirten, Magdalean, N. Y., widow, and William Gardner, carpenter in His Majesty's Engineer Department. 252 for Magee, Cicile, and John Wile, read Magee, Cicile, N. Y., widow, and John Wild, N. Y., blacksmith. 253 Magrath, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Kennith McCay. (No place mentioned.) 27 PAGE 253 Mahone, Timothy, of the Commissary General's Department in his Majesty's Army, and Nancy McNight, N. Y., widow. 253 Main, Jane, N. Y., and William Hobbs, N. Y. (Spinster or widow not mentioned.) 254 Manee, James, N. Y., and Elizabeth Stocker, N. Y., spin- ster. 255 Mara, Robert, Sergeant Major, First Battalion Grenadiers, and Elizabeth Terrot, N. Y., widow. 255 Margeson, Catherine, N. Y., widow, and Robert Wiely, N. Y., mariner. 255 Marks, Ruth, N. Y., spinster, and George Dobbs, N. Y. 255 Marr, John, Brooklyn, Kings County, sadler, and Abagail Patcham, same place, spinster. 255 Marris or Morris, Lydia, N. Y., spinster, and Wright South- gate, N. Y., merchant. 256 for Marsh, Joseph, and Elizabeth Hampton, read Marsh, Joseph, N. Y., mariner, and Rachel Hampton, late of N. J., but now of City of N. Y., spinster. 256 (insert) 1779, April 22, Marston, Elsie, spinster, and Fran- cis Bayard Winthrop. (No place mentioned.) 257 for Marston, Frances, and Charles Mongan or Morgan, read Marston, Frances, N. Y., spinster, and Rev. Charles Mon- gan or Morgan, Ireland. 257 Marston, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Frederick Philipse, N. Y., gentleman. 257 Marston, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Robert T. Kemble, N. Y., merchant. 257 Martin, Frances, N. Y., spinster, and Edward Wilkie, N. Y., Deputy Pilot of the Port. 257 Martin, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Nicholas Fletcher, N. Y., mariner. 257 (insert) 1775, Feb. 15, Martin, Rachel, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Cooper, N. Y., silversmith. 258 Mason, George, N. Y., and Rebecca Lawther, N. Y., spinster. 258 Mason, John, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Bringfield, N. Y., spinster. 258 Mason, Samuel, N. Y., yeoman, and Pattey McJoy, N. Y., spinster. 258 Mason, Thomas, soldier, 38th Regiment, and Catherme Rogers, same regiment, widow. 258 Massenburg, Humphrey, N. Y., and Elizabeth Lever, N. Y., widow. 258 Mathers, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and John Scot Bride, N. Y., currier. 259 Matthews, Catalina, N. Y., spinster, and James Lamb, Lieu- tenant, 35th Regiment. 259 Mattidale, Margaret, Kings County, spinster, and Donald Campbell, N. Y. 259 Maud, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and James Knox, N. Y., vintner. 28 PAGE 259 for Maxly, William, and Margaret Wallenburgh, read Maxely, William, N. Y., shipwright, and Margaret Wal- lenburgh, N. Y., spiiister. 259 Maxwell, Eleonora, N. Y., widow, and Andrew Snodgrass, N. Y., merchant. 259 Meade, James, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Hancok, N. Y., spinster. 260 Melvin, William, N. Y., labourer, and Sarah Wilcocks, N. Y., spinster. 260 (insert) 1783, May 10, Menius, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and William Pierson, N. Y., watchmaker. 260 (insert) 1783, March 24, Menzies, Collin, N. Y., mariner, and May Fitzgerald, N. Y., widow. 263 (insert) 1776, Nov. 24, Miller, Catherine, widow, and George Hogg, mariner. (No place mentioned.) 263 Miller, Frederick, N. Y., cooper, and Elizabeth Shearwood, N. Y., spinster. 264 Miller, Susannah, N. Y., spinster, and John Wedders, N. Y., mariner. 264 Miller, William, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Busby, N. Y., widow. 265 for Minzies, Collin, and Mary Fitzgerald, read Menzies, Col- lin, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Fitzgerald, N. Y., widow. 265 for Minues, Hannah, and William Pearson, read Menius, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and William Pierson, N. Y., watchmaker. 265 Minzies, John, N. Y., and Catherine McKinney, N. Y., spinster. 265 Miserol, Elizabeth, Newtown, Queens County, spinster, and John Morrell, same place, cabinetmaker. 265 for 1781, Mar. 18, read 1781, July 18. Mitchell, Andrew, N. Y., merchant, and Margaret Stites, N. Y., spinster. 265 Mitchell, John, N. Y., and Catherine Adams, N. Y., spinster. 266 Mitchell, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and John Bessonet, N. Y. 266 Mitchell, William, Queens County, and Abigail Doty, same place, spinster. 266 Moffatt, James, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Ross, N. Y., widow. 266 Molloy, James, storekeeper, Quartermaster General's De- partment of His Majesty's Army, and Elenor Emery, N. Y., widow. 266 (insert) 1774, June 15, Moncrieffe, Thomas, Esq., N. Y., and Helena Barclay, N. Y., spinster. 267 for Mongan or Morgan, Charles, and Frances Marston, read Mongan or Morgan, Rev. Charles, Ireland, and Frances Marston, N. Y., spinster. 267 for 1780, Sept. 30, read 1780, October 2. Montgomery, Jo- seph, N. Y., merchant, and Elizabeth Lightfoot, N. Y., spinster. 29 PAGE 267 for Moody, William, and Jane Johnston, read Moody, Wil- liam, N. Y., vintner, and Jane Johnston, N. Y., spmster. 268 Mooney, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Henry O'brien (no place mentioned.) MSS. license addressed to the Rev. Mr. Inghs, Rector of the Parish of Trinity Church in the City of N. Y. "As I have not at this time any Licenses signed by the Governor I beg the favor of you to accept this in lieu of one, which shall be furnished at any other time you may think proper. Samuel Bayard, Jr., Secy." , , .r a/ 268 Moore, Frances, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Pentland, N Y. 268 Moore, Hester, N. Y., spinster, and John Burt Lyng, N. Y. ^269 Moore, John, N. Y., gentleman, and Helen Parkinson, N. Y., spinster. at v 269 Moore, Mary, N. Y., widow, and James Powers, N. Y., mariner. . o -kj \r 269 Moore, Robert, N. Y., baker, and Catharine Steymets, N. Y., spinster. 270 (insert) 1780, Dec. 30, Moorland, Stephen, N. Y., victualler, and Mary Hayes, N. Y., spinster. 270 Morgan, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Musgrove Snow, N. Y., mariner. 270 Morgan, Bridget, N. Y., spinster, and John Nash, N. Y. 270 (insert) 1779, Feb. 18, Morgan or Mongan, Rev. Charles, Ireland, and Frances Marston, N. Y., spinster. 270 Morgan, John, N. Y., and Phebe Roberts, N. Y., spinster. 271 for Morland, Stephen, and Mary Hayes, read Moorland, Stephen, N. Y., victualler, and Mary Hayes, N. Y., spinster. 271 Morrel, John, Brooklyn, Kings County, carpenter, and Mar- garet Devereux, same place, spinster. 271 Morrell, John, Newtown, Queens County, cabinetmaker, and Elizabeth Miserol, same place, spinster. 271 (insert) 1774, Dec. 31, Morrell, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and James Bassett, N. Y., mariner. , 272 (insert) 1774, Aug. 24, Morris, David, N. Y., manner, and Elizabeth Funck, N. Y., spinster. ^ ^t v a 272 (insert) 1779, June 19, Morrison, Alexander, N. Y., and Elizabeth Barton, N. Y., spinster. . 272 Morrison, Dorothy, and John Tollckimett, read_ Morrison, Dorothy, N. Y., widow, and John Tollckemitt, N. Y., 272 Morrison, George, matross, Royal Artillery, and Elizabeth Driscoll, late of the 57th Regiment, widow. 272 for 1779, June 20, read 1779, June 19. _ 272 for Morrisson, Alexander, read Morrison, Alexander (as above.) . .. ^ -st \;- 273 Mott, Joseph, N. Y., butcher, and Lidia Cyrus, N. Y., spin- ster 274 Mount, Frances, N. Y., spinster, and Christopher Piatt, N. Y., shipwright. 30 PAGE 275 Mullen, Mark, N. Y., and Susanah Tuften, N. Y., spinster. 275 Mumford, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Abraham Ellison, N. Y. _ 276 Murphy, Patrick, Captain, Queens Rangers, and Elenor Mc- Bride, N. Y., spinster. 276 Murray, Mary, 52nd Regiment, widow, and Robert Richard- son, soldier, 45th Regiment. 277 Myers, William, and Elizabeth McEvers. (No place men- tioned.) 278 Nailer, Susanah, N. Y., spinster, and John Jones, N. Y., mariner. 278 Nash, John, N. Y., and Bridget Morgan, N. Y., spinster. 279 Neeslet, John, N. Y., and Catherine Kerstead, N. Y., spin- ster. 279 Nesbitt, Samuel, N. Y., surgeon, and Mehitable Henshaw, N. Y., spinster. 279 Nevaro, Hester, N. Y., spinster, and Daniel Thorn, N. Y. 279 (insert) 1774, March 23rd, Nevin, James, N. Y., cooper, and Frances Devoe, N. Y., widow. 280 Newsted, John, N. Y., yeoman, and Martha Barham, N. Y., widow. 280 Newton, Forbes, N. Y., tinman, and Ann Bogart, N. Y., widow. 280 Newton, Richard, Sergeant, 63rd Regiment of Foot, and Mary Otis, N. Y., widow. 280 (insert) 1777, May 26, Nicholls, William, N. Y., blacksmith, and Keziah Baxter, N. Y., spinster. 281 for Nickols, William, read Nicholls, William, as above. 282 Noble, Mungo, Esq., Captain, 7th Regiment of Foot, and Sarah Philips, N. Y., spinster. 282 Noe, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Simon Donnell, N. Y. 284 Gates, George, N. Y., and Mary Guest, N. Y., widow. 285 (insert) 1778, Aug 10, Obrien, David, N. Y., and Elenor Fen- ton, N. Y., widow. 285 Obrien, Elinor, N. Y., widow, and John Duke, N. Y. 285 O'brien, Henry (no place mentioned) and Mary Mooney, N. Y., widow. MSS. license addressed to the Rev. Mr. In- glis, Rector of the Parish of Trinity Church in the city of N. Y. "As I have not a t this time any licenses signed by the Governor, I beg the favor of you to accept this in lieu of one, which shall be furnished at any other time you may think proper. Samuel Bayard, Jr., Secy." 285 for O'Bryan, David, read O'brien, David, as above. 286 Ogilvey, Rebecca, N. Y., spinster, and Edward Sainthill, Master's Mate on Board His Majesty's Ship of War the Chatham. 286 Ogilvie, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and B(arnet) Roorbach, Esq., Captain in General De Lancey's Brigade. 31 PAGE 286 Olding, Nicholas Perdue, Ensign in the Loyal American Reg- iment, and Mary Collard, Westchester County, spinster. 286 Oliver, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and John Butler, N. Y., mariner. 286 (insert) 1776, Nov. 14, Olivia, Catharine, N. Y., widow, and John Bazo, late of the Island of St. Domingo in the West Indies. 287 Ormond, George, Lieutenant, Queens Rangers, and Elizabeth Smith, Huntington, Suffolk County, spinster. Married Sept. 7, 1783. 287 Ortzen, Charles, N. Y., hairdresser, and Elizabeth Hogg, N. Y., spinster. 287 Osborn, Else, N. Y., widow, and William Smith, N. Y., car- man. 288 Otis, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Richard Newton, Sergeant, 63rd Regiment of Foot. 289 Pafford, John, N. Y., brickmaker, and Ann Florintine, N. Y., widow. 289 Page, Catharine, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Casey, N. Y., silk dyer. 290 Pakeman, Elias, N. Y., blacksmith, and Sophia Pemberton, N. Y., widow. 290 Palmer, John, N. Y., and Mary Wood, N. Y., spinster. 290 Palmer, Nancy, Westchester County, ' spinster, and Ware Branson, N. Y., cabinetmaker. 291 Parkinson, Catharine, N. Y., widow, and William Doughty, N. Y., yeoman. 291 Parkinson, Helen, N. Y., spinster, and John Moore, N. Y., gentleman. 292 Patcham, Abigail, Brooklyn, Kings County, spinster, and John Marr, same place, sadler. 292 Patrick, John, N. Y., and Margaret McEuen, N. Y., spinster. 293 for 1783, Jan. 3, read 1782, Jan, 3. Paterson, Catharine, N. Y., widow, and Edmund Dwyer, belonging to the Com- missary General's Department of His Majesty's Army. 293 Patterson, Robert, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Lewis, N. Y., spinster. 294 for Pearson, William, read Pierson, William, which see. 296 for 1736, Sept. II. Pell, Pheby, and John Tredwell, read 1783, Sept. II, Pell Phebe, N. Y., spinster, and John Treadwell, Westchester County, yeoman. 296 for Pell, Philip, and Mary Stevegier, read Pell, Philip, N. Y., coppersmith, and Mary Sturgies, N. Y., spinster. 296 Pemberton, Sophia, N. Y., widow, and Elias Pakeman, N. Y., blacksmith. 297 Pentland, Joseph, N. Y., and Frances Moore, N. Y., spin- ster. 297 Percy, Elenor, 23rd Regiment, widow, and William Rider, same regiment. 3* PAGE 297 Perry Mary, N. Y, spinster, and William Van Assendelft, N. Y. 298 Perry, Susannah, N. Y., spinster, and James Turnbull ship- wright in His Majesty's Navy Yard, N. Y. 298 Pertuis, Estienne de, late of Bar in France, at present of N Y., and Teresia Piquet, N. Y., spinster. 299 Pettit, James H., N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Collit, N. Y spinster. ' 300 (insert) 1779, Sept. 4, Philips, Maria Eliza, N. Y., spinster and Lionel Smythe, Captain, 23rd Regiment 300 Philipse, Frederick, N. Y., gentleman, and Mary Marston. N. Y., spinster. 300 for Philipse, Maria Eliza, and Lionel Smythe, read Philips Maria Eliza, N. Y., spinster, and Lionel Smythe, Captain; 23rd Regiment. 300 Philips, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Mungo Noble, Esq., Cap- tain, 7th Regiment of Foot. 300 Pickering, Hallser, N. Y., yeoman, and Ann Lloyd N Y widow. ■' 301 (insert) 1783, May 10, Pierson, William, N. Y., watchmaker, and Hannah Menius, N. Y., spinster 301 Pine, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Smith, N. Y , mer- chant. 302 (insert)_ 1779^^ Dec. 7. Piquet, Teresia, N. Y., spinster, and Estienne De Portuis, late of Bar in France, at present of 302 Piatt, Christopher, N. Y., shipwright, and Frances Mount N. Y., spinster. 302 Piatt, Hanah, N. Y., spinster, and Charles Whitehead, N Y mariner. 303 Plowman, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Blair, N Y 303 Plumb Samuel, waggoner in His Majesty's Royal Artillery and Mary Clayton, N. Y., spinster. 303 Polhamos, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Everitt N Y mariner. ' " '' 304 Pollard, Benjamin, gentleman, of General De Lancey's Bri- o.. P f J ^^^ Hannah Johnson, N. Y., late of Boston, spinster. 304 Pollard, Mary, 46th Regiment, widow, and William Hyde soldier, same regiment. ' 305 Porter, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Patrick Bready of the Commissary General's Department, NY 306 Potter Priscilla, N. Y., and John Funck, n'. Y (Half of this license is missing.) 306 Poyey George, private, 4th Regiment of Foot, and Catherine Jriall, JN. Y., widow. 307 Powers, James, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Moore N Y widow. > ■ ■> 33 PAGE 307 Powers, William, N. Y., pilot, and Catherine Ebert, N. Y., • spinster. 307 Price, John, surgeon. Quartermaster General's Department, and Rachel Brownjohn, N. Y., spinster. 308 Pringel, Alexander, boatswain, on Board His Majesty's Ship the Diomedi, and Sarah Evans, N. Y., widow. 308 for Proffit, Ann, and John Lomax, read Proffit, Ann, 7th Regiment, widow, and John Lomix, sergeant, same regi- ment. 308 Provoost, Joana, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Kelly, N. Y. 309 Pugh, Frances, N. Y., spinster, and John Robinson, N. Y. 309 Pullibank, Abraham, Master of His Majesty's Ship Chatham, and Hannah Brown, N. Y., spinster. MSS. license, "Mr. Bayard is out of town at present, and has been for some time, and no license in the office by him signed. I have thought proper to issue this Certificate. William Kirby, Superior Clerk. To whom it may concern." 309 Purdy, Anthony, Kings County, yeoman, and Frances Rus- sell, same place, spinster. 309 Purdy, Gilbert, Westchester, Westchester County, and Bethia Fisher, same place, spinster. 310 Pyls, William, N. Y., mariner, and Hannah Hartley, N. Y., widow. 312 Rainsley, Catherine, and Thomas Winepress. (No place mentioned.) MSS. license, "at present I have no Lycenses signed by the Governor." John Moore, Depty. Secy." 312 Ramadge, Smith, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Jones, N. Y., widow. 312 for Ramsay, Frances, and John Irvine, read Ramsay, Fran- ces, N. Y., widow, and John Erving, N. Y. 313 Rankin, Mary, and Neal McMullen. (No place mentioned.) 315 (insert) 1774, June 16, Reaves, Anna, N. Y., spinster, and George Terry, N. Y., mariner. 315 for Regen, May, and William Gilbertson, read Regan, Mary, N. Y., widow, and William Gilbertson, N. Y., mariner. 316 Reid, Collen, N. Y., blacksmith, and Mary McClaren, N. Y., widow. 316 Reid, John, Corporal, 45th Regiment, and Mary Catrine, 52nd Regiment, widow. 316 for Reilly, Sarah, read Keily, Sarah, which see. 317 for Rexorla, James, and Mary Smith, read Rescorla, James, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Smith, N. Y., spinster. 318 Reynolds, Jane, N. Y., widow, and Isaac Hillier, Corporal, I St Regiment of Guards. 318 Rice, James, Queens County, and Elizabeth Keese, same place, spinster. 319 Richardson, Robert, soldier, 45th Regiment, and Mary Mur- ray, 52nd Regiment, widow. 34 PAGE 319 Richardson, Susannah, N. Y., widow, and William Armour, N. Y., mariner. 320 Ricketts, Jacob, Esq., N. Y., and Miss Mary Thompson, N. Y. 320 For Rider, William, and Elenor Person, read Rider, Wil- liam, of the 23rd Regiment, and Elenor Percy, same regi- ment, widow. 320 Ridley, James, N. Y., and Ann Barbara Sowers, N. Y., spinster. 321 Rightman, Albert, Richmond County, and Elizabeth Lock- man, also written Lockword, same place, widow. 321 for Rinedollar, Emmanuel and Hester Hyman, read Rine- dollar, Emanuel, N. Y., taylor, and Hester Heymell, N. Y., spinster. 322 for Rix, Jane, and John Alloway, read Rix, Anne, 17th Regiment, Dragoons, spinster, and John Alloway, ser- geant, same regiment. 322 for Roach, Mary, and John Dare, read Roach, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Daare, N. Y., merchant. 323 Roberts, Phebe, N. Y., spinster, and John Morgan, N. Y. 323 for 1779, Mar. 23, read 1779, Mar. 22, Roberts, Zachariah, N. Y., and Elizabeth Bishop, N. Y., spinster. 324 Robinson, Hellena, N. Y., spinster, and Donald (written Daniel), McKoy, N. Y., hairdresser. 324 Robinson, John, N. Y., yeoman, and Elizabeth Lewis, N. Y., spinster. 324 Robinson, John, N. Y., and Frances Pugh, N. Y., spinster. 324 Robinson, Thomas, sergeant, 64th Regiment, and Anstice Flemming, same regiment, spinster, 326 Rogers, Catherine, 38th Regiment, widow, and Thomas Mason, soldier, same regiment. 326 Rogers, Priscilla, N. Y., spinster, and Christopher Carter, N. Y. 327 (insert) 1777, Nov. i, Rollin, James, N. Y., and Letty Guest, N. Y. (spinster or widow not mentioned). Ms. license. 327 Roome, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and John Hammell, sur- geon, 4th BattaHon, N. J. Volunteers. 327 Roome, William L, N. Y., and Rebecca Earle, N. Y., spin- ster. 328 Roorbach, B[arent], Esq., Captain in Gen. De Lancey's Brigade, and Mary Ogilvie, N. Y., spinster. 328 Roosehill, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Looseley, N. Y., shopkeeper. 329 Resell, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and George James, N. Y. 329 Ross, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and William Hutchings, N. Y., mariner. 329 Ross, Mary, N. Y., widow, and James Mofifat, N. Y., mer- chant. 35 329 Rote, John, N. Y., and Jane Barker, N. Y., spinster. 330 Rouse, Robert, sergeant, 4th Regiment of Foot, and Mar- garet Lavender, N. Y., widow. 330 for Ruckel, Philip, and Jane Billington, read Ruckle, Philip, N. Y., baker, and Jane Billington, N. Y., spinster. 331 Rundell, John, carpenter, in His Majesty's Navy, and Sarah Barton, N. Y., spinster. 331 Rusler, Zachariah, N. Y., and Elizabeth Vredenbergh, N. Y., spinster. 331 Russell, Frances, Kings County, spinster, and Anthony Purdy, same place, yeoman. 331 (insert) 1769, Jan. 21, Russh, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and John Baster, N. Y., breechesmaker. 334 Sainthill, Edward, Masters Mate on Board His Majesty's ship the Chatham, and Rebecca Ogilvey, N. Y., spinster. 334 St. John, John, N. Y., housecarpenter, and Martha Wil- kinson, N. Y., spinster. Married Aug. 11, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 336 Sands, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and William Hopkins, N. Y., shipcarpenter. 336 Sands, Stephen, N. Y., watchmaker, and Mary Branson, N. Y., spinster. 336 (insert) 1775, Feb. 14, Sanxay, John, N. Y., mariner and Sarah De Voe, N. Y., spinster. 336 Sarly, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Joseph Barton, N. Y., gentleman. 336 Sarrell, John, N. Y., and Lydia Jones, N. Y., widow. (MS. license "At present there is no Lycenses signed by the Governor. John Moore, Depy. Secy." 337 Scales, William, N. Y., mariner, and Jane Spence, N. Y., widow. 339 Schenck, Elizabeth, Newtown, Queens County, spinster, and John McPherson, Lieutenant, 80th Regiment of Foot. 342 Scofield, Catherine, N. Y., widow, and Samuel Duffy, N. Y. 344 Seaman, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Isaac Cock, N. Y., merchant. 346 Sesson, Elinor, First Nurse in the General Hospital, widow, and William Cagney, Quartermaster Sergeant, 17th Regiment Light Dragoons. 346 Sexton, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Bennett, N. Y. 346 Shakespeare, Stephen, N. Y., storekeeper, and Martha Geary, N. Y., widow. 347 Shannon, Ann, N. Y., widow, and John Jackson. N. Y., vintner. 347 Shaver, Hannah, Out Ward, N. Y., spinster, and John Lovell, same place, butcher. 36 FACE 348 Sheaff, Henry, N. Y., merchant, and Phebe Vanvyck, N. Y., spinster. 348 Shearman, Aletta, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Basden, N. Y. 348 Shearwood, Elizabeth, N. Y,, spinster, and Frederick Mil- ler, N. Y., cooper. 348 for Shelds, Edward, and Mary Kearney, read Shields, Ed- ward, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Kearney, N. Y., spin- ster. 348 Shelley, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Joseph Wayne, N. Y. 349 Sheppard, Joseph, N. Y., tavernkeeper, and Margaret Hampton, N. Y., spinster. Married April 15, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 349 Sheriff, James, mariner, and Elizabeth King, spinster. (No place mentioned.) 349 Sherwood, Jonathan, N. Y., yeoman, and Phebe Gerow, N. Y., spinster. 349 (insert) 1776, Sept. 18, Shields, Edward, N. Y., mariner, and Mary Kearney, N. Y., spinster. 350 Sickes, Anstance, N. Y., widow, and Daniel Killing, N. Y., carpenter. 350 Sickles, John, Staten Island, Richmond County, and Cath- erine Buckett, Kings County, L. I., spinster. 351 for Simons, Ann, and Roger Galilee, read Simons, Han- nah, N. Y., widow and Roger Galilee, N. Y., mariner. 352 Simpson, Drummond, N. Y., mariner, and Sarah Chapman, N. Y., widow. 355 Sloane, John, N. Y., and Sarah Cole, N. Y., spinster. 355 Smelzel, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Nicodemus Ungerar, N. Y. 355 Smily, Christian, N. Y., and Elizabeth Hart, N. Y., widow. 355 Smith, Abby, N. Y., spinster, and John Barton, N. Y. 356 for Smith, Catherine, and Jeremiah Connor, read Smith, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Jeremiah Conner, N. Y., schoolmaster. 357 Smith, EHzabeth, Huntington, Suffolk County, spinster, and George Ormond, Lieutenant, Queens Rangers. Married Sept. 7, 1783. 357 for 1779, Jan. 22, read 1779, Oct. 22. Smith, George, N. Y., and Susannah Gardiner, N. Y., spinster. 357 (insert) 1780, Sept. 22, Smith, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and William Summers, N. Y., sailmaker. 359 Smith, John, N. Y., merchant, and Martha Woods, N. Y., spinster. 359 for 1775, Oct. 15, read 1775, Oct. 18. Smith, John, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Pine, N. Y., spinster. 359 Smith, Joseph, N. Y., merchant, and Grace Jarvis, Suf- folk County, spinster. 37 PAGE 360 for Smith, Mary, and James Rexorla, read Smith, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and James Rescorla, N. Y., mariner. 362 Smith, Rebecca, N. Y., widow, and Charles Gay, N. Y., blacksmith. 363 Smith, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and Joseph Willabe, N. Y., carpenter. 363 Smith, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Bridgford, N. Y., mariner. 363 Smith, Thomas, N. Y., joyner, and Agnes Aget, N. Y., spinster. (MS. license. "At present there are no Ly- censes signed by the Governor. John Moore, Depy. Secy.") 363 Smith, William, N. Y., carman, and Else Osborn, N. Y., widow. 364 for Smyth, Hannah, and William Summers, read Smith, Hannah, N. Y., spinster, and William Summers, N. Y., sailmaker. 364 Smythe, Lionel, Captain, 23rd Regiment, and Maria Eliza Philips, N. Y., spinster. 365 Snodgrass, Andrew, N. Y., merchant, and Eleonora Max- well, N. Y., widow. 365 for 1779, Nov. 20, read 1779, Nov. 22, Snow, Thomas Mus- grove, N. Y., mariner, and Ann Morgan, N. Y., spin- ster. 365 Snowden, Thomas (no place mentioned), and Rebecca Hoyer, N. Y., spinster. 366 Someringdike, Coenrod, N. Y., waterman, and Anne Southerd, N. Y., spinster. 366 Southerd, Anne, N. Y., spinster, and Coenrod Somering- dike, N. Y., waterman. 366 for Southgate, Wright, and Lydia McCarris, read South- gate, Wright, N. Y., merchant, and Lydia Marris or Morris, N. Y., spinster. 366 Sowers, Ann Barbara, N. Y., spinster, and James Ridley, N. Y. 367 Spence, Jane, N. Y., widow, and William Scales, N. Y., mariner. 369 for 1775, July 15, read 1775, July 4, Stackhouse, Stacy; N. Y.. chairmaker, and Catherine Callow, N. Y., spin- ster. Married July 6, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 370 for Stedford, Catherine, and Jenken McOnelty, read Sted- ford, Catherin, N. Y., widow, and Jenken McOnelty, N. Y., yeoman. 371 for Stephens, Alexander, and Afifey, Devore, read Steph- ens, Alexander, N. Y., mariner, and AfTey, Devoor, N. Y., spinster. 371 Steuart, John, N. Y., ferryman, and Unice Briggs, N. Y., spinster. ss 371 for Stevens, John, and Lavinia Boulia, read Stevens, John, N. Y., housecarpenter, and Lavinia Boileau, N. Y., spinster. 371 Stevens, Martha, N. Y., spinster, and George Crosby, N. Y., cooper. 372 Stevenson, Francis, Captain, Queens Rangers, and Nelley Townsend, late of N. J., but at present of the City of N. Y. 372 Stewart, John, N. Y., and Catherine McCachan, N. Y., spinster. 372 Stewart, Peter, N. Y., mariner, and Ann Cook, N. Y., spinster. 372 for Steymets, Catherine, and Robert Maer, read Steymets, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Moore, N. Y., baker. 373 (insert) 1781, July 18, Stiles, or Stites, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and Andrew Mitchell, N. Y. 373 (insert) 1777, Oct. 15, Stilwell, Abraham, Richmond County, and Susanah Van Pelt, same place, spinster. 373 Stilwell, Samuel, Richmond County, and Lenah Garrison, same place, spinster. 373 Stilwill, Abraham, read Stilwell, Abraham, as above. 374 for 1781, Mar. 18, read 1781, July, 18, Stites or Stiles, Mar- garet, N. Y., spinster, and Andrew Mitchell, N. Y., mer- chant. 374 Stocker, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and James Mance, N. Y. 374 Stocker, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Bowne, N. Y. 374 Stogdell, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Hutchings, N. Y. 375 Stout, Phebe, N. Y., spinster, and James Conn., N. Y. 377 Stringham, Mary, late Orange County, but now of the City of N. Y., spinster, and John Cooper, late of Som- erset County, N. J., but now of Morrisania, Westchester County, yeoman. 377 for 1774, Dec. 10, read 1777, Dec. 10. Stunill, Lucy, N. Y., spinster, and John Lownds, N. Y. 377 for Sturgier, Mary, and Philip Pell, read Sturgies, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Philip Pell, N. Y., coppersmith. 378 Stymers, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Foster, N. Y. 378 Sumers, WilHam, N. Y., sailmaker, and Hannah Smith, N. Y., spinster. 380 Swan, Charles, N. Y., pilot, and Margaret Julang, N. Y., widow. 383 Tatham, Thomas, N. Y., mariner, and Jane Carr, Kings County, late of Phila., spinster. 383 Taylor, Anne, N. Y., spinster, and Evert Bancker, Jr., N. Y., merchant. 384 Taylor, James, N. Y., shipjoiner, and Jemima Cabe, N. Y., spinster. 39 384 (insert) 1774, May 31, Taylor, Joseph, Esq., Hunterdon County, N. J., and Sarah Waddell, N. Y., spinster. 384 Taylor, Matthew, N. Y., and Jane Hoar, N. Y., widow. 384 (insert) 1783, July 30, Taylor, Matthew, N. Y., mariner, and Eleanora Van Evra, N. Y., spinster. (Ms. license "Not having at this time any Blanks signed by His Hon. the Lieut.-Governor; addressed The Rev. Dr. Inglis. Sam Bayard, Jr., Secy.") 384 Taylor, Matthew, N. Y., mariner, and Eleanora Van Ever, N. Y., spinster. (Same as Ms. license above, excepting the first mentioned has the name Eleanora Van Evra.) 384 Taylor, Rebekah, N. Y., spinster, and George Flowers, N. Y., carpenter. 384 Taylor, Rosana, Royal Regiment of Artillery, widow, and John Deas, Sergeant, same regiment. 384 Taylor, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Webb, N. Y., painter and glazier. 385 for Templar, Margaret, and Joshua Carr, read Templer, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and Joshua Carr, N. Y., cooper. 387 Terrot, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and Robert Mara, Ser- geant Major, 1st Battalion Grenadiers. 387 (insert) 1774, June 16, Terry, George, N. Y., mariner, and Anna Reaves, N. Y., spinster. 388 Tharp, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Joshua Tull, N. Y., shipwright. 388 Thawley, Catherine, N. Y., spinster, and John Butt, N. Y., mariner. 388 Thomas, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and James Carmer, N. Y., sailmaker. 388 Thomas, John, N. Y., mariner, and Margaret Watson, N. Y., widow. 388 Thomas, Mary, N. Y., widow, and Henry Hall, N. Y., shoemaker. 389 Thompson, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and John Baldwin, Queens County, carpenter. 389 Thompson, Miss Mary, N. Y., and Jacob Ricketts, Esq., N. Y. 389 Thompson, Philip, N. Y., and Sarah Burrows, N. Y., spin- ster. 390 (insert) 1779, Oct. 9, Thorn, Daniel, N. Y., and Hester Nevaro, N. Y., spinster. 390 (insert) 1781, Oct. 18, Thorn, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Francis Fans, N. Y., grocer. 390 for Thorn, Stephen, and Elizabeth Cole, read Thome, Stephen, N. Y., and Elizabeth Coles, Queens County, spinster. 390 for Thome, Daniel, read Thorn, Daniel, as above. 40 PAGE 390 for Thorne, Mary, and Francis Fans, read Thorn, Mary, and Francis Fans, as above. 391 Thorne, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and William Forbes, N. Y., house carpenter. 391 Thorne, William, N. Y., and Elizabeth Wood, N. Y., spinster. 392 for Timen, Elizabeth, and Jean Cotheret, read Timen, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and John Cotheres or Cotheras (written both ways), N. Y., gardener. 394 Todd, John, Esq., Purser of His Majesty's Ship Lyon, and Elizabeth Foster, Rockaway, Queens County, spinster. 394 Toddy, Susannah, N. Y., spinster, and John Johnson, N. Y., merchant. 394 for Tollikemett, Johan, and Dorothy Morrison, read Tollckemitt, John, N. Y., baker, and Dorothy Morrison, N. Y., widow. 396 Townsend, Jane, N. Y., widow, and George Fowler, N. Y., mariner. Married June 28, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auch- muty. 396 Townsend, Nelley, late of N. J., but at present of the City of N. Y., and Francis Stevenson, Captain, Queens Rangers. 397 Towse, Francis, N. Y., and Susannah Frost, N. Y., widow. 397 Travis, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Robert Cunard, N. Y., housecarpenter. 397 (insert) 1783, Sept. 11, Treadwell, John, Westchester County, yeoman, and Phebe Pell, N. Y., spinster. 398 for Tredwell, John, read Treadwell, John, as above. 398 Triglith, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and William Hargill, N. Y. 398 Trinder, James, N. Y., merchant, and Elizabeth Withers, N. Y., widow. 399 Tuften, Susanah, N. Y., spinster, and Mark Mullen, N. Y. 399 Tull, Joshua, N. Y., shipwright, and Mary Tharp, N. Y., spinster. 399 Tungate, Robert, Brooklyn, Kings County, yeoman, and Sarah Berrow, same place, spinster. 399 Turnbull, James, shipwright in His Majesty's Navy Yard, N. Y., and Susannah Perry, N. Y., spinster. 400 Turner, Jane, N. Y., widow, and Nathaniel Cooper, N. Y., merchant. 400 for Twine, Ann, and James Wiggan, read Twine, Ann, 54th Regiment, widow, and James Wiggins, soldier, 45th Regiment. 401 Ungerer, Nicodemus, N. Y., and Mary Smelzel, N. Y., spinster. 402 Valentine, Elizabeth, N. Y,, spinster, and John Freeman, N. Y., mariner. (Ms. license. No Lycenses signed by His Excellency the Governor, John Moore, Dep'y Sec'y.) 41 402 Valentine, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and George Chapman, N. Y., mariner. 405 Van Assendelft, William, N. Y., and Mary Perry, N. Y., spinster. 411 Van Denham, Rebecca, N. Y., spinster, and William Geree, Surgeon, 38th Regiment of Foot. 412 Vanderbilt, Oliver, N. Y., and Sarah King, N. Y., spinster. 418 Van Ever, Eleanora, N. Y., spinster, and Matthew Taylor, N. Y., mariner. 418 (insert) 1783, July 30, Van Evra, Eleanor, N. Y., spinster, and Matthew Taylor, N. Y., mariner. (Ms. license same as above excepting the name is written Van Evra.) 425 Van Pelt, Susannah, Richmond County, spinster, and Abraham Stilwell, same place. 434 Vanvyck, Phebe, N. Y., spinster, and Henry Sheaff, N, Y., merchant. 434 Van Wagenen, Agnes, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Griffiths, N. Y., mariner. 434 Vanwart, Jacob, Morrisiania, farmer, and Mary Fouler, same place, spinster. 436 Van Zant, Jane, N. Y., spinster, and John Cooper, N. Y., mariner. 436 Vardill, Thomas, N. Y., merchant, and Susannah Jauncey, N. Y., widow. 436 Varnet, Elenor, N. Y., spinster, and Thomas Cairns, N. Y. 438 for Vennell, Henry, read Vinnell, Henry, which see. 439 (insert) 1780, Dec. 18, Vinnell, Henry, Sergeant, 22nd Regi- ment of Foot, and Hester Foster, N. Y., widow. 440 Von Altenstein, Johann Carl, Lieutenant in the Troops of the Maregrave of Anspach, and Elizabeth Grim, N. Y., spinster. 441 for Vrederbergh, Elizabeth, and Zachariah Busier, read Vredenbergh, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Zachariah Rusler, N. Y. 443 (insert) 1774, May 31, Waddell, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Taylor, Esq., Hunterdon County, N. J. 443 for Waddington, Joseph, and Mary Ann Desbrosses, read Waddington, Joshua, N. Y., merchant, and Mary Ann Desbrosses, N. Y., spinster, 444 Walker, Andrew, N. Y., and Ann Hicks, N. Y., spinster. 444 for Walker, Sarah, and John Brinan, read Walker, Sarah, N. Y., widow, and John Brannon, Quartermaster on Board His Majesty's ship the Lyon. 445 Wallenburgh, Margaret, N. Y., spinster, and William Maxely, N. Y., shipwright. 446 Warden, George, N. Y., and Mary Kippen, N. Y., spinster. 448 Watkins, Ann, N. Y., widow, and William Gowey, of the 37th Regiment of Foot. 42 PAGE 448 Watson, Adam, N. Y., mariner, and Deborah Hauking, N. Y., spinster. 448 Watson, Margaret, N. Y., widow, and John Thomas, N. Y., mariner. 448 Watson, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and John Collins, Esq., of liis Majesty's Ship Camilla. 448 Watt, Ann, N. Y., spinster, and James Holden, N. Y., cooper. 449 Wayne, Joseph, N. Y., and Mary Shelley, N. Y., widow. 449 Webb, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and John Embree, West- chester. 449 Webb, John, N. Y., blacksmith, and Anne Batten, N. Y., spinster. 449 Webb, Joseph, N. Y., painter and glazier, and Sarah Taylor, N. Y., spinster. 450 Wedders, John, N. Y., mariner, and Susannah Miller, N. Y., spinster. 451 Wells, John, N. Y., sadler, and Jane Evans, N. Y., widow. 452 Welsh, John, N. Y., mariner, and Jane Allen, N. Y., widow. 453 (insert) 1775, Jan. 19, West, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Harris, N. Y., mariner. 454 Wettmore, George, N. Y., and Rachel Wragg, N. Y., spinster. 454 Wheate, Sarah, N. Y., spinster, and Samuel Date, N. Y., mariner. 455 Wheeler, Nathaniel, N. Y., blacksmith, and Mary Fore- sayth, N. Y., widow. 455 Whetten, Charity, N. Y., spinster, and Joseph Airs, N. Y. 456 for White, Charles, and Catherine Belton, read White, Charles, N. Y., coppersmith, and Mary Belton, N. Y., widow. 457 Whitehead, Charles, N. Y., mariner, and Hannah Piatt, N. Y., spinster. 458 Widner, Mary, N. Y., widow, and James Hines, N. Y. 458 Wiely, Robert, N. Y., mariner, and Catherine Margeson, N. Y., widow. 458 for Wiggans, James, and Ann Twine, read Wiggins, James, soldier, 45th Regiment, and Ann Twine, 54th Regiment, widow. 459 Wilcocks, Catherine, N. Y., widow, and Tady Cronin, N. Y., baker. 459 Wilcocks, Sarah N. Y., spinster, and William Melvin, N. Y., labourer. 459 for Wile, John, and Cicile Magee, read Wild, John, N. Y., blacksmith, and Cicile Magee, N. Y., widow. 459 Wilkie, Edward, N. Y., Deputy Pilot of the Port, and Frances Martin, N. Y., spinster. 459 Wilkie, Elizabeth, N. Y., widow, and John Clarke, N. Y., mariner. 43 PAGE 460 Wilkinson, Martha, N. Y., spinster, and John St. John, N. Y., housecarpenter. Married Aug. 11, 1775, by Rev. Samuel Auchmuty. 460 Willabe, Joseph, N. Y., carpenter, and Sarah Smith, N. Y., widow. 461 Williams, Ann, N. Y., widow, and WilHam McKay, Ser- geant, 43rd Regiment of Foot. 461 Williams, Anne, N. Y,, widow, and James Baxter, N. Y., carpenter. 461 Williams, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and Patrick King, N. Y. 462 Williams, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Abijah Clark, N. Y. 462 Williams, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and James Gumming, N. Y. 462 Williams, Thomas, N. Y., taylor, and Ellen Hornby, N. Y., widow. 464 Willis, Mary, Flushing, Queens County, spinster, and Ab- raham Chapman, Lieutenant in the British Legion. 464 (insert) 1774, April 11. Willson, Hester, N. Y., spinster, and William Harris, N. Y., mariner. 464 Willson, Pheby, N. Y., spinster, and John Begg, N. Y., merchant. 465 Wilson, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Bartlet Goodrich, N. Y. 466 for Winepress, Thomas, and Thomas Rainsley, read Wine- press, Thomas, and Catharine Rainsley. (Ms. license. No place mentioned.) 466 Winn, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and William Bo\yman, N. Y. 467 (insert) 1779, April 22. Winthrop, Francis Bayard, and Elsie Marston [N. Y.], spinster. (No place mentioned). 468 Withers, Elizabeth, N.Y., widow, and James Trinder, N. Y., merchant. 468 Witnell, William, N. Y., and Elizabeth Hanah, N. Y., widow. 469 Wood, Elizabeth, N. Y., spinster, and William Thome, N. Y. 469 Wood, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and John Palmer, N. Y. 470 Woods, Isabella, N. Y., spinster, and Daniel Lafferty, N. Y., mariner. 470 Woods, Martha, N. Y., spinster, and John Smith, N. Y., merchant. 471 Woodward, Henrietta, N. Y., widow, and Charles Arno, N. Y., mariner. 472 for Wragg, Rachel, and George Wittmer, read Wragg, Rachel, N. Y., spinster, and George Wettmore, N. Y. 473 (insert) 1776, Nov. 13. Wright, William, N. Y., and Mary Powers, N. Y., spinster. 473 Wrighton, Mary, N. Y., spinster, and Gardner Baker, N. Y., cordwainer. 44 Unpublished Marriage Certificate of John Palmer and Rebecca Baxter of the Town of Westchester, N. Y., 1700. (From the original in the archieves of The New York Historical Society, contributed by Robert H. Kelby, Librarian.) These may Certifie all Persons whom it may concerne That I James Mott one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Westchester in the province of New York did joyn in the Bonds of Matrimony the Person of John Palmer of the bor- rough and Town of Westchester in the province aforesaid and Rebeckah Baxter daughter of Thomas Baxter Sen"" of the same place the 31st day of October in the twelf year of his Majesties Raigne And in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred. Given under my hand and Seal in Momorinack this 31st Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred. James Mott Entred in the Records of the Justis pese town of Westchester in Lib. No. 6 folio 50 by me Edward Collier, Recorder. S,- l^ -1 P ' 19'j; ^^ -^^0^ ^^-n^ .^' .^^ ■n^ -^o^ A <^ *^^.T^ ,G^ ^. 'o . . * A .J ^^-^^ ? \-?!^-f-*/ "o^--^-/ *^^-^-\/ "o^'-^'-^O o V - ,v