V 5 J?. 'V' ^^ o > ^^ •a." <<• '<>^ 'Dio'* .«''■ ^"'^. <> W !V v^ '-?>. 0> 5>* t*W ^*^°x> ^^■«' z^- 9 \ 'V • o « o ' \/ .•:^^\ \/ .-'^v^-. %/ /, ./X ■-.<■*' . ;*-.-->f-^-\<^" . . .;<-.:-••••>*... . v- •-•> * «'f?^fe'- '^'^ ^^ »/' ^ "\ ^*sr^' ^-^ -i? •••• . \ .^>!^% <^^ '^^^^^X/^J % A ■ftp' .'i.:;^* -^ ."^ "%^ ^' .^-^"^ Mi, .^"-V. .^^"-. ^^"-. - >- V ^ . %-'g^^ ^0' bV" *^. 0^ .^•.• '. ^^ 0- V- "^^ d* :^5 -I o 3 V V* r^' A <„ y ..V... -jT' "*bt <* .^^ -^^ ' ' A^^^•♦ .0 "V. * » « o ' . V^ -•^ „ . <• A> ... ■^ -1^ . _ . 'i' A> i:>:^% >„ c° ^,,-^^ ;>fi^>. %^„^' =%^: ';^o^ *>t, t!^ *'if "-^^0^ < o '- -^o ^ot •I o v^* •^^o"^ 'bV ,0^ ^o. ..-A <'^ '"..* .^0^ "^o *rf^^r ^ ^, ,0^ '*b, *. ^''• 6 " •• " » O AT •■■•"» ^0> ■'^i.^^*' „0 .i. * >>^ ':^o^ \* ^0 Q.UAKER RECORDS FROM DUANESBURGH, LATER CALLED BUTTERNUTS, OTSEGO COUIITY NEW YORK. Births 1778 to 1861. Deaths 1809 to 1869 Hoap, Morris Hoag, bom 27 of 4m, 1810 son of "" Atrabam and ? Hoag of Otsego Go. Allen, Samuel Allen, Jr., bom 22 of 5m, 1810, son of — ?Allen of Otsego Co. Weaver. Elisba Weaver, bom 19 of 11m, 1810. son of Lydia and John '.ieaver of Butternuts Hall, ilary Hall, born 28 of 5m, 1810, daughter of William and ? Brown, Daniel B. Brovv-n, born 21 of 5m, 1810, son of Daniel and ? Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, born 15 of 8m. 1810, daughter of Prince, Jr., and Esther Bennett Gibssn, Catherine Gibson, born 12 of 2m, 1810, daughter of George and Charity Gibson Bowne, Amelia Bovme , born 8 of 7m, 1811, daughter of Robert L. and Naomi Bowne Darling, Rebecca Darling, born 18 of 3m, 1810, daughter oi Timothy and Sarah Darling Collins, Mary Collins, bora 17 of 6m, 1811, daughter of Hezekiah and Mary Collins /<^ao^C QUAKER RECORDS r PROM DUANESBURGH, LATER CALLED BUTTERNUTS, OTSEGO C U IT T Y NEW Y R K. Births 1778 to 1861. Deaths 1809 to 1869 Hoar, Morris Hoag, torn 27 of 4m, 1810. son of Abraham and ? Hoag of Otsego Go. Allen, Samuel Allen, Jr., bom 22 of 5m, 1810, son of — ?Allen of Otsego Co, Y;eaver, Elisha V/eaver, born 19 of 11m, 1810. son of Lydia and John neaver of Butternuts Hall, aiary Hall, born 28 of 5m, 1810, daughter of William and ? Brown, Daniel B. Brown, born 21 of 5m, 1810, son of Daniel and ? Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, born 15 of 8m. 1810, daughter of Prince, Jr., and Esther Bennett GibSBn, Catherine Gibson, born 12 of 2m, 1810, daughter of George and Charity Gibson Bowne, Amelia Bowne , bom S of 7m, 1811, daughter of Robert L. and Naomi Bowne Darling, Rebecca Darling, born 18 of 3m, 1810, daughter oi Timothy and Sarah Darling Collins, Mary Collins, born 17 of 6m, 1811, daughter of Hezekiah and Llary Collins A fl V'\'Z. h Y°\ Y T T{ V •:- ; lo nsIIA?— "io ao8 , • r lo 2L r.-.- , /i3VC3.. r.flsfn 39(. nrfol fcirs Bzt'i'l "to s" 19 nr. ri-.' Talrfjjjsfc .1181 .nrS lo VI mod .snrlloO v:i-5!i t ' isitn^jjisr ,.I5I .-ic lo "^ -^od .IIsH ttb:: .lie:: -r^-- . ■ '"'0 IS irtc . . ■■'^-fi'-I , bnS , .'l'. , 3015 "r-i-': lo 190 f 7 ". ^ .-f ■ •- , . lo SI mod ,no8dr-0 3nri9d;JB0 .noadK 3awo2 r::0£ll i'nfi .a. ^isdoJl lo ^mZ lo 31 mod .gnKiBu bc- .-.nili.' iSo fens ^rrfiforrT lo ■i3jrf:3jjfit .RrirlloD -2- Hoag, Chester Hoag, born 1 of 5m, 1811, son of ? Gorton, Oliv Gorton, torn 7 of 7m 1811, daughter of David and Hannah sh^ JS&W^ Gorton Gorton, Eliza Gorton, horn 28 of 6in, 1811, daughter of Oliver and Polly Gorton Bennett, Lucy Bennett, born 26 of 8m, 1811, daughter of Prince and Esther Bennett Kelly, Juley Ann Kelly, born daughter of Solomon and Anna Kelly Collins, tiartha Collins, born 7 of 4m, 1809, daughter of Solomon and Sarah Collins, Collins, Ann Collins, born 13 of Tra, 1812, daughter of Solomon and Sarah Collins Mott, Susan Jennet t llott, bom 3 of 4m, 1814 daughter of Joseph and Susan Mott Burgess, Abigail Jane Burgess, bom 8 of Im, 1814 daughter of Samuel and Theodosia Burc'ess Burgess, Susan S. Burgess born 10 of Im, 1811, daughter of Samuel and Theodosia Burgess Dorland, Joseph Borland, bom 15 of 2m, 1816, son of Timothy and Sarah Dorland Gorton, Edward Gorton, born 17 of 2m, 1816 son of David and Hannah Eforton Chase, Daniel Chase, bom 12 of 5m, 1816, son of Asa and Hannah Chase iaa rrioc To€ V' ■ hojioO vlloi T.i-rr-."' r'r:^L I^ rr- «:>u x-t-k- ,j':l' 3:7X1 31 ^SiJv Juii&JJx-i ,r:.r^io r ■ .-A r sa9- *i9: '-R'^r P.p.-- ibnfcjL.o- II'" ' IB ^rr^^onirT lo nos :'I3I ,inS Ic ?I mod ,iio;fToC rioiro^ rlBnnsH one fcrvB- lo no a --jZS,LL^ 1 mod , 98Bfio lerfiB^I ..^.TSIIOC '.■(•l'":g -3- Gorton, Bowne, Bennett, Green, Gorton, Emerson, Kinion, Gorton, Gorton, Bennett, Bennett, Bennett , Bennett, Finch , Marosiah Gorton, "born 23 of 5m, 1816, of Oliver and Pollv Gorton Joseph Bov.Tie, Jr., horn 31 of 7m, 1815 son of Joseph and Llary Bovme Prince Bennett, 3rd., horn 28 of 9m, 1815 2£ si ^, ISIS son of Prince and Esther Joseph Green, horn 2 of 9m, 1816, ''son of Edwin and Ulary Green Jennet t Gorton, horn 28 of 8m, 1813, daughter of Oliver and Polly Gorton, Joseph E. Emerson, bom 27 of 11m, 1817 son of Richard and Sarah Emerson !>!ary E. Kinion, horn 13 of 4m, .1818, daughter of Jeremiah and ^arah Kinion Hannah Gorton, horn 16 of 8m, 1818, daughter of David and Hannah Gorton Joseph Gorton, horn 2 of 8ra, 1818, son of Oliver and Polly Gorton Joseph Bennett, horn 2 of 8m, 1817, son of Prince, Jr., and Esther Bennett Phehe Bennett, horn 6 of 2m, 1814, daughter of V/illiam and Sarah Bennett David Bennett, horn 2 of 8m, 1816, son of uilliam and Sarah Bennett William Bennett Jr., horn 21 of 8m 1818 son of '.Villiam and Sarah Benneit Samuel I^. Pinch, horn 11 of 11m, 1816, son of Trip and Rehecca Pinch -s- rasou ,9rr.7o^ V/-iU TO Z[i2 rfjcfrn-Dijl. io is ,rrijjio... ^r^g '^nr'I /^.r^£ , .'£ mod ,rro:f"r-^ ;- .no^tToC fvsC["5:o 19; no;tioO '>^iio-. rrrs isvri /•r " , :j io S? friocf ^iidnn^Z Dcsaol. ,j:t-3i. ii^nc- ■ ,.'•:'■ ,9ori-fil ^o nos ,:^u9fTiT3c[ 90:! ,:t:t9nn-3C :^o ■ ■ "io i9jr^3Jj£b II mod ,rfonr' . ,rr rfoar'l isooedefi fcn£ -jriT Io noe « --' -4- Finch, Daniel Finch torn 19 of 8m, 1818, son of Trip and Rebecca Pincn Reynolds, Anna Reynolds, born 26 of Iti, 1319, daughter of Nehemiah and Eliza- beth Reynolds Crandal, Susanna Grandal born 29 of Im, 1819, daughter oi Timothy and Sarah Grandal Collins, Merebah Collins bom 25 of 7m, 1801, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins Collins, Lydia Collins, bom 14 of 11m 1803, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins Collins, Rowland R. Collins bom 30 of 8m, 1805 son of Giffora and Anna Collins Collins, Cynthia Collins born 23 of 3m, 1807, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins Collins, Susan Collins, born 26 of 7m 1809, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins, Collins, Mary Collins, bora IS of 3m, 1811, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins, Collins, Lewis G. Collins, born 5 of 4m, 1813, son of Gifford and Anna Collins, Collins, Gulielma Collins, bom 16 of 4m, 1815, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins Collins, Deborah Collins, born 21 of 5m, 1817, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins, -i.- -1 «-o ^[ •J? rf£r ,:j'oar''i iBrnpl ■-t'l ^0 no 3 .j^-IorfT^"^ .13*163 bfTB VffjOCiT 10 1 ' ' , ■: ; rrrod ,arfrllo0 ,H. ibriT..' . ,-::'-^':. E-(' tiolxiQ lo no8 ,8:irIIoO . .1 mod ,8nh-... ^-:-*-r/oC en'rlloO ^ol'iif-O lo i9oLi:-'0bi: » ,-:'■■ £loO b'ioYTK 10 noe EirilloO sr.TA .f>fT£ btoilf-^ lo iSorf^J^Bb BffrlioO .^•nnA lollcCi ^o t9j:iV^- -5- Gollins, Collins, Goldsraith, Goldsmi th , Goldsmith, Goldsmnh, Green, V/ilbour, Wilbour, Bowne, Bennett, Shove , Jatez Collins, born 21 of 9ra, 1819, son of Gifford and Anna Collins Catherine Collins bom 28 of 8m, 1822, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins Electa Goldsmith, born 25 of 5m, 1811, daughter of Asaph and Elizabeth Goldsmith Calvin Goldsmith, bom 16 of 11m, 1812, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Goldsmith Alfred Goldsmith, born 28 of Ira, 1815, son of Asaph and Elizabeth Goldsmith Judith Goldsmith, born 15 of 2ra, 1817 daughter of Asaph and Elizabeth Goldsmi th Eunice Green, bora 17 of 10m. 1818, daughter of Edwin R. and Mary Green Susanna Wilbour, born 17 of 11m, 1811, daughter of Stephen and Martha y/il^our Thomas FJilbour, bom 5 of 8m, 1814 son of Stephen and Martha Wilbour William E. Bowne, bom 21 of 8m, 1818, son of Joseph and Mary Bowne Richard Bennett bora 15,.,of 8ra 1820 son of 'Gillian and Sarah Bennett Eliza Ann Shove bora 21 of 8n. 1814, daughter oi Benjamin and Amy Shove .?I3I , e'. ^BrrflloO :. inc .errrlloC loS II VXUi. ( .'>J ii^'diiXOx, lo-O jfu^:f?srla bits (icfseA xo nos 4 J. iisaii I mod .ffj r-'^^rc-O '^i :'■■::'■ rf:t9assri:i bus rfqsaA lo I lo VI mocj ,130-310 aorir. , IIoI ,fnii io VI niocf .Ynodiri/ £nrr£ajjc: ,'f:t^r.3'IcO ^•rjjodlr.f rlliW (TJJOdli; , smvoj. e-> , 5Vo::l. -6- Lyon, Lyon, Smith, Hoag, Gar ton, Tort on, Torton, Bennett, JBenne 1 1 , Bennett, Kinyon , Kinyon, Sarah Lyon, bom — ? of 9m, 1821, daughter of David and ? Lyon of Guilford, Chenango Go. Eunice D. Lyon, horn 8 of 3m, 1823, daughter of David and — ? Lyon of Guilford, Chenango Co. Charles Smith, born 28 of 4m, 1825, son of Henry and Meribah Smith Harriet Hoag, bom 17 of 2m, 1825, daughter of John and Rebecca Hoa-^^ of Butternuts ° Daniel J. Garton, bom IS of 5m, 1821, son of Oliver and Polly Garton William Torton, born 27 of 5m, 1821, son of Benjamin and Betsy Torton, John Torton, bom 26 of 3m, 1823, son of Benjamin and Betsy Torton, Calvin 3. Bennett, bom 30 of 7m 1822 son of William and ? Bennett Sarah Bennett, Jr., born 17 of 6m, 1824 daughter of William and -? Bennett Job S. Bennett bora 25 of 7m 1826 son of William and - -? Bennett Llary Kinyon, born 20 of 10m, 1825 daughter of George and - -? Kinyon George Kinyon, Jr., born 10 of 12m, 1827 son of George and ? Kinyon -o- r has ■ ' •• t ■• t - "^ -' ^'_ _ _ _ - : rTiS-I , ^£oH "o^ 'ic no J "■-.'■ ?vrIO ^0 ffOB ,--:U ,m> , crllf".'.. ,n:o;}'ic'\' »no?'i ■ ^0 xioe iioynM :' .'lO^v io iioc _'7„ Brown, BroY/n , Brown, Allen, Allen, Allen, Allen, Allen, Allen , Peet, Taber, Taber. George Washington Brov/n, born 10 of 7m, 1807, son of James and Lydia Brov,Ta Lydia Potter Bro^vn, bom 24 of 3m 1810, daughter of James and Lydia Brown Llary Niles Brown, born 26 of 5m, 1813, daughter of James and Lydia Brown Julianna Allen, bom 16 of 8n, 1818 daughter of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allln Sarah Allen, bora 15 of 7m, 1819, daughter of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen Joseph Allen, bora 10 of lira, 1820, son of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen Catherine Allen, bom 26 of 11m, 1823. daughter oi Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen Samuel Allen, bom 9 of 7m, 1826, son of Eastv/ooa and Elizabeth Allen Mary Allen born 28 of 12m, 1828, daughter of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen Charles Peet, bora 4 of 12m, 1817, son of Basset and Lydia Peet Eunice B. Taber born 12 of 7m 1817, daughter of Joseph and Guly Elma Taber Hannah Taber, born 6 of 7m, 1821, daughter of Joseph and Guly Elma Taber n&II. iiV<- , ,. .^ , ■:09€ ,nwoia slisrfv .,;r - ...X. -„ r ^isifiT -8- Taber, Tater, ^ater , Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Koac;, Hoag, Hoag, Elizabeth H. Taber, born 11 of 5m, 1823, daughter of Joseph and Guly Slma Taber Marjr Taber, born 15 of 2m, 1825, daughter of Joseph and Guly Elma Taber Guly Elma Taber bom 6 of 9m, 1827, daughter of Joseph and Guly Elma Taber Andrew Hoag, bom 17 of 10m, 1798, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Go. Eliza Ann Hoag, born 6 of 8ra, 1800, daughter of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. Daniel D. Hoag, bom 13 of 3m, 1803, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. Aaron Hoag, born 24 of 2m, 1805, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. Nathaniel Hoag, born 18 of Im. 1807, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag oi Laurens, Otsego Go. Henry Hoag, born 26 of 2m, 1809, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. Chester Hoag, bom 2 of 5m, 1811, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag oi Laurens, Otsego CO. Elias Hoag, born 27 of 4m, 1815, son of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. 3eoU 10 tsid'^mp.b C9cf o io fe; . c ^ ' n *^ -3 c ; r •'■ ■ « ^ JI^iiD- o-tf; J - ■- - :::fO ^C _ , _ , :: ^0 ^ rr— -rr.-rrj , ercaxusJ. xo 3S0II sirrr- • Os/ w,; • ii w ^ Toc ,?0S.[ rrl lo 31 aiocf ,;■: ^Bn^ijjfil xo ^fioli BnaA briB'- • >/ W *y . ■ o w «-^ xO n; , :iO'f , • z> •'! 'i . 'j -• j3 . * _^ 1*1 i\ : fioe ,3';7I ,nOI lo VI niocT .-^o" -it^t/. ^-scK ,3ii-3i;jFl lo gisol-l BfiriA bn£ .Ov- CT:3c,oU . ■ lo b niocf ,!OBoH nrrA ehM^ , roH ,3i3oK .a^o- rtO' r .rod lo !* -^•"-f .'"'n-' — jt'-rfr -r^o" I lo Eoag, Chester Hoag, Snd, Ijorn 5 of 3m, 1813, son of Isaac and Anna Eoag of Laurens, Otsego CO/, Eoag, Sarah Koag, bom 6 of Vm, 1817, daughter of Isaac and Anna Hoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. Hoag, Francis Eoag, horn 27 of Bin, 1819, son of Isaac and Anna Eoag of Laurens, Otsego Co. Eoag, Mary Eoag, horn 24 of 7m, 1821, daughter of Isaac and Anna Eoag of Laurens, Otsego Go. Eoag, Eenry Eoag, horn 11 of 8m, 1823, son of Isaac and Anna Eoag, Laurens, Otsego Co. Eoag, Paul Eoag, horn 9. of 11m, 1799 son of Ahraham and Lary Eoag of Laurens Eoag, Phehe Eoag, horn 10 of 6m, 1802 daughter of Abraham and Llary Hoag of Laurens Eoag, Lydia Eoag, born 7 of 12m 1807 daughter of Abraham and Majry Hoag of Laurens Eoag, Marvin (Maria ? ) Eoag, bom 14 of 4m, 1810. - - - -? of Abraham and I.-ary Eoag of Laurens Eoag, Stephen Eoag, born 24 of 11m, 1812, son of Ahraham and i^lary Eoag of Laurens Eoag, Matilda Eoag, born 20 of 2m, 1815, daughter of Abraham ano. I.*!ary Eoag of Laurens IBjlhUi- I'.rio noa 3 J DO an^T' ■ oH T''.- "• nTfitf-^idA l:o « v^* rod ,j./:^c - ,"!?ol' -10- Hoag, Iloag, Eoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoar- Abraham Koag, Jr., 6 of 5in, 1817, son of Abranam and L'lary Hoag of Laurens Mary Hoag, "bom 10 of 6m, 1819, daug of ADraham and Ilarv Hoap of Lau filter Laurens Edward S. Hoag, born 16 of 9m, 1799, son of Moses and Lath (Euth ? j Hoag of Laurens John Eoag, born 25 of 4m, 1800, son of Hoses and Lath (Suth ? ) Hoag of Laurens Benjamin Hoag, bom 12 of 4m, 1802, son of looses and Bath (Ruth ? ) Hoag of Laurens Amy Hoag, born 12 of 4m, 1802, daughter of Moses and Bath (Ruth V ) Hoag of Laurens Anna Hoag, born 4 of 4m, 1805, daughter of Moses and Bath (Ruth ? ) Hoag of Laurens Charles Hoag, bom 1 of 7m. 1808, son of r.oses and Bath (Rufh ? ) Hoag of Laumes Moses S. Hoa^, born 24 of Im 1812, son of Moses and Bath (P.uth ? ) Hoag of Laurens Ezra D. Hoag, bom 7 of 12ra, 1814, son of Moses and Bath (Ruth ? ] Hoag of Laurens Caroline Hoag, bora 4 of 12m, 1828 daughter of John and Rebecca Hoag of Laurens ^0 Ba^lXJBa , 'ff-^ 'io ^T rrro: ri^,-\ i.1 a.TSTJJBO. 10 2iI3'tiJSU. 10 jou 10 -.. > ,^I)I , , 330-1 -11- Shove, Eliza Karia Shove horn 28 of Im, 1814, daughter of Benjamin and Amy Shove of Laurens Niles, Jane Niles horn 15 of 12ra, 1788, daughter of Nathaniel and L'.artha Nilcs Niles, Hannah Niles, horn 27 of 12m, 1789, daughter of Nathaniel and Martha Niles Niles, William Niles, horn 21 of 6m, 1791, son of Nathaniel and Martha Niles Niles, Preelove Niles, horn 8 of 9m, 1792 daughter of Nathaniel and Martha Niles Niles, Guly Elma Niles horn 25 of Im, 1795, daughter of Nathaniel and r.artha Niles Niles, Lydia Niles, horn 24 of 11m, 1795, daughter of Nathaniel and Llartha Niles Mies, Alpa Niles, horn 16 of 4m, 1799, of Nathamiel and Martha Niles Niles, Hanna Niles, horn 21 of 4m, 1801, daughter of Nathaniel and llartha Niles Niles, Mary Niles bom, 30 of 8m, 1803, daughter of Nathaniel and Martha Nills Niles, Martha Niles, Jr. horn 8 of 6m, 1805, daughter of Nathaniel and Martha Niles ifi: 3crB * .0 15: ^.-rn^^ .BSf*" B'^ :fi.u ,a3if , Siil.i -12- Niles, Hoag, Hoag, Erovm , 'Hilar, Kenyon, Kenyon , Benne 1 1 , Allen, Allen, Bennett, Bennett, Brown, Abigail Niles, torn 26 of 9m, 1808, daughter of Nathaniel and Martha Niles Horace Hoa^, horn 17 of 10m, 1827, son 01 Zeno and Catherine Hoag of Laurens Hiram Hoag, bom 9 of Im, 1830, son of Zeno and Catherine Eoag of Laurens Demarest Brown, 2 of 7m, 1830, son of George and Ann Brown Daniel G. V^ilhur, horn ? son of Stephen and I.lartha wilhur L. Melissa Kenyon, horn 11 of 8m, 1827, daughter of George and ? Rhoda Kenyon, horn 1 of 8m . 1833, daughter of George and ? i'laria Bennett, horn 3 of 5m 1833, daughter of William and Sarah Bennett son Stephen Allen, horn 10 of 9m 1831, of Elijah and Phoehe Allen Mary Allen horn 8 of 5m, 1832, daughter of Elijah and Fhoehe Allen Susan Llaria Bennett, horn 6 of 5m, 1830, daughter of William and ^rah Bennett Joseph Bennett horn 23 of 12m 1832 son of William and Sarah Bennett lilary Ann Brown, horn 1 of 3m. 1834, daughter of George and Ann Bro^m -» r — .5 J.— iir-. blijt:: .ml : ;rll f09v, ^0 oo": ^ r". '■ ^ v , C-; .0 T3 (5 jfiallJ sriirW lo 13:' -IS- Brown, Kenyon , rrr • v.ing, Allen, Thorn, Bennington, Bull, Collins, Bull, Wilter, Wilber, T/ilter, Truman , Lydia R. Bro^, lorn 19 of 12m, 1839, daughter of George and Ann Brown Rachel B. Kenyon torn 29 of 3m, 1835, daughter oi ? Kenyon Rhoda liar i a win^, born 20 of 3in, 1838, daughter of Earvev and Sarah M. Wi fing Catherine Allen horn 27 of 10m, 1842 daughter oi Eastwood and Elizaheih Allen Charles E. Thorn, torn 13 of 5m, 1844, son of ? Thorn Rachel Elizateth Bennington, torn 1 of 5m, 1845, daughter of Henry and ilary Bennington Mary Bull, torn 9 of 8ra, 1851, daughter of Natjsraniel and Emily L. Bull Jane Amelia Collins, torn 1 of 4m, 1854, daughter of Rowland E. and Mary B. Collins Henry Bull, bom 15 of 4m, 1855, son of Nathaniel and Emily L. B411 Iter Jesse Wilter, torn 25 of 10m. 1846, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Va Jane T/ilter, torn 11 of 8m 1848, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Wilher Ulary A. filter, torn 6 of 12m, 1854 daughter of Thomas and Hannah Wilter Asaph Truman, torn 22 of 3m, 1837, son of Thomas and Electa li cnc nna.. lo 'iv L^^^^. uUc; ,""'5 T70" .nsIL noB - rial rr-t:' ;:'-rft -14- Truman , Truman , Truman , Truman , Wing, Wing, Wing, ^nng. Wing, Vfing, Sodin (?) Sodin (?) Sodin, (?) Charles Truman, torn 6 of 4m, 1841, son of Thomas and Electa Truman Mary Ann Truman, horn 18 of 5m, 1843, daughter oi Thomas and Electa Truman Jay E. Truman, horn 1 of 5m. 1846, son of Thomas and Electa Truman Lucinda E. Truman, horn 14 of 11m, 1851, daughter of Thomas and Electa Truman Ahram Wing, horn 27 of 8m, 1834, son of Asa and Lydia V'ing Sarah Win^ horn 7 of 11m 1836, daughter of Asa and Lydia V'i ng Matilda V/ing, horn 26 of 11m, 1839, daughter of Asa and Lydia V/ing Eliza Win^ horn 10m of 6m, 1643 daughter of Asa and Lydia Y'mg William Wing, horn 13 of Sm, 1845, son of Asa and Lydia Wing Catharine Wing, horn 19 of Im, 1847, daughter of Asa and Lydia Wing Miary A. Sodin (?) horn ? 1846 daughter of John and Lucinda Sodin (?) Lucinda Sodin (?) horn 9 of 2m 1855 daughter of John and I'ary A. Sodin (?? William E. Sodin (?), horn 19 of 3m, 1857 son of John and i.-ary A. Sodin (?) -n-- , i-^iL , J aic , :-T£rJJ*i? nT:>r-rf*f'. p '■ .-r^ - HJOb 10 no3 t B ^:i 1. ,^ "n , rr.sriuir , n.^ffj'!"'^ :o3 ,i^!i.:]j; , V2 mod -?.ar'V mBidA .Srrr*;? rrB £8A 10 ,ZPM ,/rfS "io arOC ntod ,?fitVf sscla »3nr'.' no' /;. . .'iiBLI (?) nr&o? s&nionJ nns n:' ■; -I^J:i^jiJBi) , . • foaJ (?) nrfcoc : rrro: , .1 iiiErllr:; (?),nrboS I:'; :•,'■'.'' . ilii liilOi* >0 £108 -15- Wing, Wing, oing. Truman , Srown, Brown, YJeaver, Iloag, Koag, Koag, Hoag, Charles C. Vling, born ? 1841, son of Henry and Maria Wing ? Wing, torn ? 1843, son of Henry and Llaria Wing Elizabeth Wing, bom ? 1846 daughter of Henry and Maria Wing Louisa P. Wing, bom , ? 1845 daughter of Henry and I'-laria Yang Ephraim 3. Truman, bom ^ ? 1841, son of Charles and ilary Truman Emma E. Brovm, born ? 1843, daughter of V/illiam F. and Eliza- beth Truman Mary Brown, bom ? 1845, daughter of William F. and Eliza- beth Truman Catherine Weaver, bom 8 of 5m, 1854, daughter of Chester and Lydia Weaver Aaron Hoag, born 31 of 7m, 1840, son of Aaron and Mary B. Hoag Ellen Hoag born 30 of 3m, 1837 daughter of Moses, Jr., and Abigail Hoag Charles M. Hoag, bom 27 of ICm, 1849, son of Moses, Jr., and Abigail Hoag Albert Hoa^, bom 15 of 8n, 1842, son of John and Rebecca Hoa^ 'g -■,L- i::'i:i --^ ^inall to rroa •X^^^^vr. iTrail ^0 rroa fih -jj:. •,:;-... ^'.rrE :;3l-i£r!"C' lO ires . ?.i»3I •* (nod ,r . .nv/oTf- lo no.? , .. , *c [^ TTod" ,3SoH noisi ,5SoH ■jf^ ' noiBA -CO.: ,'^' , ■ lo VS mo-; , -sI-fBcfO , ^:oH noe , ~;i"31" ,.;3 lo 31 mocf ,36oiI itodLA ,£boH ;-.fioH £-00 5''^'"' ' 'TS frnou -o -16- Lunn, George W. Lunn, "born 5 of 4n\, 1859, son of John and Rachell Lunn Lunn, Isabel M. Lunn, born IS of 9m, 1860, daughter of John and Kachel Lunn Weaver, Phoebe Weaver, born 31 of Sui, 1859, daughter of Chester and Lydia iTeaver Vfeaver, John S. Y'eaver, bom 20 of Sm, 1861, son of Ghester and Lydia '.Teaver Weaver, Liary V.'eaver, born 1 of 3m, 1857, daughter of Ghester and Lyaia 'weaver Green, Johnathan Green, bom 17 of Im, 1821, son of Edwin R. and Llary Green -' r„ o-^^- ,;TnuJ T9TC9V rod" ,i9YB9Vi ,8 mio's* ,i-?vs9V' :-3tBSffG "to IT08 ,V-.'-3l e't!:. ic I fITOd ,T^VB3.. TIB?.: ,-f9VB9.' B* ^:T6 13lE9ffO lo id'- - ' Q, U A K E R D E A T K S FROM DUANESBURGH, LATER CALLED BUTTERNUTS, OTSEGO COUNTY N E ¥ Y R K. Goldsmith, Rogers , Straight, VJing, Wing, Charaters, Brown, 'ing. Susannah Goldsmith of Otsego So., died 4 of 9m, 1809 Thomas Rogers. Jr,, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Rogers of Brookfield, Madison Co., died 23 of 3m, 1810 Oalvin Straight, son of Calvin and Fhoehe Straight of Otsego Co., died 7 of 9m, 181C, age 6 years b months and 2 aays Seneca V/ing, son of Prince and Dehora|[ Wing of Butternuts, Otsego Co. Hannah Wing, daughter of Prince and Dehoran Wing of Butternuts, Otsego Co. Elizaheth Chambers, daughter of Samuel and Deborah Chambers of Butternuts, Otsego Co., died, 6 of Im, 1611 Daniel Brov/n, died 15 of 8m, 1810, age 32 years 1 month and 15 days John Wing, died 28 of 5m, 1811, age 84 years and 9 months ,'A hn& ei'. gBiD: Oil':*!.:. 10 ::::oE , i-y-f r ■ f^fr r\ t ■" 4 +r,a- -^-r•- to-^4 PTfP ,3ni, .5^1' - ;. ■ .;£ ban dj nonr. I bibs g'^.p .1131 ,.-TC lo 32 F)9r& ^ ^"^.. -rfol , T^r- .snn -& Converse, IZott, Bennett, Wing, Collins, Keley, Kelly, ) Brown, ) Carpenter, Wilbur, Brovm, Keritha, Hoag, Sarah Converse, daughter of John and Jane Llott of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., died 14 of 12m, 1810 Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of Prince and Esther Bennett, New Lisbon, died 17 of 6in, 1810 Dinah YJing of New Lisbon, died 26 of 10m, 1811, age 65 years Elizabeth Collins, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Collins of Brookfield, iiadison Co., died 7 of 7m, 1812 Solomon Keley, son of Daniel and Anna Kelly of Burlington, died 16 of 6m, 1814, age 4b years, 8 months and 26 days Anna Kelly, daughter of Asa and Sarah Bro^-n of Burlington, died 7 of 7m. 1814, age 39 years, 9 months and 20 days Elizabeth Carpenter, daughter of Zeno and ? Carpenter of Bridgewster died 22 of Im 1816, age 17 years, 2 months and 12 days Anne Sinthy Wilbur, died 18 of 7m, 1818 Joseph Brown, Jr., son of Joseph and i.''ary Bro^ATi, died 31 of Im, 1817, age 2 years and 6 months Elizabeth Meritha, died 20 of Im, 1829 Paul Hoag of Laurens, died 25 of 4m, 182^ '.LSi ,iitil 10 ■ , , nocTs ■ ha& ,3rrr,. ''^-ooL 10 , '.'100 n:^3T'ssrX;-' ^BirlloC 'o^ tf Dr-f; r. ^ t « t9l3l ^ ( ;iTV70T^ 1: ■ •i3Jn3cr''ir .3 aao^ lo r;oe ..lU .iF/oiit .nwoii .r-r-^ •..-- -S- Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Niles, Hoag, Varna , Cornell,) IS,) Collins; EllJ^atefh Hoag of Laurens, died 1 of llro, 1827 Chester Hoag, son of Isaac and Ann Hoac^ Sied 29 of 4m, 1812 ( 01 iaurens ) i'aniel D. Hoa^;, son of Isaac and Ann Koag of Laurens, died 17 of llm, 182§ Atraham Eoa^, son of Paul and Elizabeth Hoag 01 Laurens, died 18 of 10m, 1826, age 55 years, 4 months and 14 days Nathaniel Niels, died 2 of 2m, 1816, age 88 years Nathaniel Hoag, son of Isaac and Ann Hoag of Laurens, died 27 of 8m, 182§ i^Iary Varna died 17 of llm, 1829, age 8y years CjTithia C. Cornell, daughter of Gifford and Anna Collins, died 5 of 2m, 1834 age 26 years, 10 months and 13 days Emerson, Pichard Emerson, died 30 of 3m, 1829 Pearsall, Hannah Fearsall, died 29 of 3m, 1829, age 90 years Pearsall, Joseph Pearsall, Kenyon, V/illis Kenyon, died 17 of llm, 1833 Hoag, Harrison N. Hoag, son of Benjamin and i^arah Hoap- of Burlington, died 19 of ICmV 1833, age 2 years , Li 'io I rjil. has ones I Io aoa . T9+39d'0 .ssoh' SI3I .nil' to G2 Jiaiu . .'111 lo vr ■ - , ...r.. ^-c7 - ... £ jj'j.^ r,,-. •- • . - •-'^ ^■' -sidA tr^o'-i J .dial ,::;2 : ' ,• ' i^si'i ,a9irK r:2 o^-B3l 3:0 ncs ,^£o:: ['9i:iiBfi;fBlI ,;]fioII t — /-.,'.i. ,^jil J.0 VI '!:9r[; BirrjeV y^ic^: ,j^aTfiV i>B .. . e tafl^ .errfllc. (.-irlioO ET.e.o 81 bus e.-f^non 01 .sies^^ b:^ sgs ' F«Q "r- m , no. oC3I ,rcll 10 VI f)--'- , oyas'I e" .rro-^ns.I . 3 1T08 ,: ■ tS£0-i Le'n. ,;io:-3(irI'iu3' lo 3<-. -4- Hoag, Gorton, Eermet, Bennet, Bennet , 3hase , ) 5rov/n, ) Ch Br Chase , Allen, Allen, Allen, Allen, ^ite , Hopkins , Benjamin S, Hoag, son of Lloses and Euth Koag of Burlington, died 17 of Im, 1834, age 32 years Jennett Gorton, dau^^hter of Oliver and Polly Gorien of Burlington, died 20 of 6m, 1834 Thele Bennet, died 24 of 3in, 1835 Joseph Bennet, died 7 of Ini, 1833 Job S. Bennet, died 16 of 6m, 1837 Lydia F. Chase, daughter of James and Lydia Brovvn of Laurens, died 7 of 6m, 1838 Moses B. Chase, died 8 of 6m, 1839 Catherine Allen, daughter of^ Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen of Laurens, died 27 of llr;:, 1842, age 19 years l/iary YJ. Allen, daughter of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen of Laurens, died 8 of 4m, 18^5, age 18 years Samuel Allen, son of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen, died 26 of 4m, 1845 age 18 years and 9 months Jule Allen, daughter of Eastwood and Elizabeth Allen of Laurens, died 28 of 6m, 1846, age 26 years and 10 months Peter Yfhite, died 31 of 5m, 1845 Hannah Hopkins, died 22 of 2m, 1846, age 86 years ^ r- ' » -- f- . . ...r..;.-. J - 1:0 a, .£ Q.^ -■,*7j C>P ,3 ?.!.;:;-:. 3S3I ,nl lo V tsib ,;t9.ia-3a rfc-sscu ,;t9fcn93 ':C8I ,;':■ "^0 o J:3r , . " r^-^o.-^ . ee.'^rfO :l ; xiJ. li 10 f'T^LLA r bnB aTS9Y b::\ 9j3S .b^SX ,n:6 lo 05: 0^31 ,fiiG lo lU f!9iJb ,3d ru';. 'leosi ,3j:d',7 , ,;:iS lo SS .ceiL^ ,3" '■>'■' -iiisll ,3iTbfq"oZ -5- Hoag, Weaver, Gross , Kenyon ,] Cornell, Eull, Bennington, Kinyon, Kinyon , Niles, Niles, Bowne, Bovme, Furman , Tater, Soden, TruTiian , Miller, Allen, Hopkins, Henry Hoag. died 24 of Im, 1845, age 22 years Doras "iVeaver, died 10 of Sm 1847, age 97 years and 9 months Phoete Gross, daughter of George and Fhoebe Kenyon, died 4 of Qr.\, 1845, age ^9 years and 8 months Gideon Cornell Stephen Bull, R. E. Bennington, of Henry and Llarv Bennington, died 31 of 8m, 104t), age 3 years and S 1/2 months Mary Kinyon, dieJ SO of 4ra, 1847 Thomas Kinyon, died 10 of 5m, 1852 Martha Niles, Nathaniel Niles, Joseph Bowne, lilary Bowne , Mart Furman, daughter of James and Gulielraa Taber, died ? Lucinda Soden, daughter of William and I?hoda Truman, died 5 of 5m, 1852 Mary Miller, died 1 of 3m, 1853 iiiary Allen, Harnett Hopkins, died 17 of 6m, 1853 :2 81"J3 3Y V9 9p-B nROTC , ;!Iefi-^-oO ,iL^iI ff r :-*■ '■.- -^ ■orfT .noTrrp; 'u la rnsrlojts/'I ,o.:iri'i r=»IIA ■■■T.?— , fro if A -6- Bunnell, Kinyon, BroT^Ti , Brovm , Hoag, Wing, Wanzer, Gitson, Cornell, Balev, Gibson, Buckaise (?) Brov/n , Brovm , Wing, Soden, Wanzer, Gibson, Holcomb, Bucko ut , Haight, Melissa Bunnell, daughter of George and Phoebe Kinj-on, died 13 of 9ra, 1853 Susannah Brown, Lydia Brovm, died 6 of Im, 1845 Ruth Hoag, died 23 of 8m, 1845 Lewis F. Wing, died 1846 Lois (?) T. Wanzer, died 1857 Richard Gibson, died 1857 Edward Cornell, died • 1857 Caleb Baley, died 1857 Charles Gibson, Susan Buckaise (?) Joseph Brown, died 7 of 10m, 1848 ii'Iary Brown, died 12 of 7ffi, 1849 Louis F. Wing, died Lucinda H. Soden, died Lois T. Vi'anzer, died Richard Gibson, died Colletta Holcomb, died Susannah Bucko ut , *'ane Haight, 1848 1852 1857 1857 1857 9-:ic3C lo i-}i:b^UBb , [1-3 . ■- . ,LL3nns:l I ,,TiI "io d fcafb ,fr. ' ,-r.voTl I ■ 3 -- 1 . r - ' h -I- C i ■ »-. r - /TO ^ ■ . r - 1 o -. .1. • - , f '- - ' ■-'•■' ,II-jfl'ioC ,Il9n'ioO '■'331 LrOib ,^:;3lBd ;.f3iR0 ,>rglBtI ,rnOl lo V bar' , ■.: " ; .. . .nr/oivl e4>81 , -'^ "a ^^ ^ _ .. .rrrzoTi "c8I hdf.h ,fi .'I BbrrrorjJ ' balb ,no8Jr - , V £j:f. ,li.oolorl pj^tgiroG ,Jf?oo£oli , dTl^ifiji -3nij^ , ^ -7- Haight, Haight , Wing, Wing, Wing, Ligfet, Bunnell, Gitsen, Hoag, Chase , Collins, Bennett, Bennett , Gorton, Gorton, Jonson , Gould , Wing, Furman , •James I. Haight, Ruth Kaight, Deborah Wing, died Aaron V'ing, died Joseph Wing, died 1847, age 79 years 1849, age 81 years 1854, age 51 years Abigail Light, died 15 of llm, 1847 Malvinah K. Bunnell, died 9 of Im, 1849, age 25 years Beorge Gibson, died 20 of Im, 1860, age 83 years Moses Hoag, died 29 of 5di, 1861 Hannah Chase, died 9 of 2m, 1861, Catherine Collins, died 20 of 2in, 1861, age 38 years George Bennett, died 12 of 5iii, 1860, age 19 years William Bennett, died 4 of 3m, 1862 Polly Gorton, died 31 of 5m, 1862 Oliver Gorton, died 22 of Im, 1863 Mary Jonson, died 22 of Im, 1863 John Gould, died 9 of 10m, 1862 Harvey Wing, died 11 of Im, 1860, age 52 years Louisa Furman, died 28 of llm, 1858, age 41 years 8': t w.-- ,'ifrr. * i^v I ,f-I \o C. , i;.3flilij\i .•\> fioe -•^roo !' ? . iiaatr ^nolToC i?v'^IO a'- J'iO' -8- Gits on, TruLian , Truman , Truman , Soden, Eowne , Furman , Goldsmith, Jonson, Rundell, Hoag, Shove , Eioe, (?) Allen, George Gibson, died 20 of Im, 1860 Thomas Truman, died 1863 Asa Truman Lucinda Truman Eenjamin Soden, died 4 of 12m, 1863 Samuel S. Bowne, died 4 of 7ra, 1865 Phoebe Furman, died 1869 Levi Goldsmith ^'iarv Jonson, died 1863 Sally Rundell, died 1864 Aiary Hoag, died 1865 Amy Shove, died 1863 Miles Bioe (?), died 4 of 8m, 1864 Samuel Allen, died 28 of 10m, 1864, age 59 years Bennington, ^^^ry Bennington, died 17 of 3m, 1865 "f r '■ .noG'/r? rr'-72 cG 3 . :) ,90r£ ■rrTfT=» IBDEX Allen, Ealey, Bennet(t) , Bennington, Bioe, Bovme, Brovm, Buckaise, Buckout, Bull, Bunnell, Burgess, Carpenter, Chambers, Chase, Collins, Converse, Cornell, Crandal, Darl ing, norland, Emerson, Finch, Fuman, Garton, Gib on, Gibson, Goldsmith, Gorton, Gould, Green, Gross, Kaight, Hall, Hoag, 1-7-12-15-20- 21-24 22 1-2-3-5-6-12- 18-20-2S 13-21-24 24 1-3-5-21-24 1-7-12-13-15- 17-18-20-22 22 22 13-21 22-23 2 18 17 2-20-23 1-2-4-5-13- 19-23 18 -2- 19-21-22 4 1 2 3-19 3-4 21-23-24 6 1 22-23-24 5-17-24 2-3-20-23 23 3-5-16 21 22-23 1 1-2-6-8-9-10- 12-15-18-19- 20-21-P.2-23-24 Holconb, Hopkins, Jonson, Keley, Kelly, Kenyon, Kini(y)on, Light, Lunn, Lyon, lleritha, Miller, Kott, I'iles, Pear sail, Peet, Reynolds, Rogers, Run dell. Shove, Smith, Soden, So din, Taber, Thorn, Torton, Truman, Varna, Wanzer, Weaver, V''hite, V/ilber, V/ilbour, Wilbur, Wing, 22 20-21 23-24 18 2 12-13-19-21 3-6-21-22 23 16 6 18\^_ 21 2-18 11-12-19-21 19 7 4 17 24 5-11-24 6 21-22-24 14 7-8-21 13 6 13-14-15-21-24 19 22 1-15-16-21 20 13 5 12-18 13-14-15-17-18 22-23 iLi-j'; i'-y—i/ I"-.? V o •~' -1. d : _ r e 3.':-': I ,cfricoIc t ,fwano j.t'o. ,11^-.- ,^9S^ ,nofco2 ss £• 3-2-2-2-1 - ■ " - I N r •m -:;-u-I 51- ^:.[-9j:-v-i SS -02. -8i-ri l?.-'i!^L £ ^n^LLl\ .(O- ,i:o.t--.;ti:rtrt9a ,IIJw' , :s.lLoO ):i'.:9TtioO — «'''--^'-^''--- ;>-^-5b;-.rs t ' ■- 9 .nojiso I .nodiO As?-52-s:s ,.:t03ofi4} ^2-^i:-rl jfCJ-lmabloO Sf--o2-s-s: ,no;^'ioD ss (.bluoD dI-2-f. ,::joia .,., ^,. 5iJ-s;s; -oi-e-8-e-s-i -(2.[-3.r-di-s:i **..** .-Jfe-- \,/ .-km- *■ .4^ o V '^ jp-^^ ^^ a'^ 47 "cf> o 'I •..• I- ♦ AV '>. \* . X ^^ ■^MrS .•C 0' A'^ -^^ • .1 . o ' 'V..^" .-^i^'- /^o 4^^^:° 0*°% '^^'^^" /%' ^^ .^ -^^\ V/ .';^S£^\ ^->,sv^ /^'v' > o -t .•„-■. . V- ♦ av ">: <*^ .. °^ ''""' ^° % •"■ y . °^ *°"°' ^^ .^^ .0^^ ^^o