>R 4759 H8 C4 /''//L-/P7 _, r^a^pic^, No, 3 Beacon Street. .1886. A-"\ COPYRIGHT, l8Sc BY A, W. Carter. %vi'0 May thy Christmas morning break Holy and bright and calm ; And may all thy life for His dear sake Be a joyful Christmas psalm. Ax For Christ Himself is come to be Thy glorious Christmas gift. C^Tlfip pOfBBfL ippy G^pi a HAPPY CHRISTMAS to /[] For the Light of Life ; And His coming is the Of the dark and w: 1, The grandest orient glow mus The lowliest wester But His great light, So full, so bright, Ariseth for thv heart to~d. His shadow-conqi: pass av A happy Christmas to you i For the Prince of Peace is cor: And His reign is full of bl Their very crown and sui No earthly calm can ev 'Tis but the lull before t he blast ; But His great Peace Shall still increase In mighty, ail-rejoicing sws His kingdom in thy hear. led Wonderful/ 5 — Xsa. ix : 6. :RFUL! Wonderful! out the Name, O Christmas chimes ierful ! Wonderful ! . Echo the word to farthest climes ! ay the splendor of this great Name Shine and glow with a mighty flame, Filling thy life with its glorious rays, llitig thy spirit with Christmas praise. The wilderness shall rejoice, And the wintry waste shall sing, :e wakening herald voice Of the coming of the King. So the sparkling Christmas now Is dearer than summer light ; For He whom we love came down below In the hush of a Christmas night. Give me a song, O Lord, That I may sing to Thee. In true and sweet accord. With angel minstrelsy. Oh tune my heart that it may bring A Christmas anthem to my King ! be to Him, our Strength and Song ; in blessings deep and Song. **,*. 11^ ^ of elf g M«OW let us sing the Ang ^y^, That rang so sweet and When heavenly light and On earthly eye and ear ? ~~~ To Him we sing, our Saviour Ki Who always deigns to he; "Glory to God ! and pea; He came to tell the Father's kn His goodness, truth, and To show the brightness of I le, The glory of His faa With His own light, so full and bright The shades of death to chase. " Glory 7 to God ! and peace on ear; He came to bring a glorious " Good-will to men ; "— - and wh Because He loved us, Jesus came For us to live and die. Then sweet and long Again we raise on high : "Glory to God ! and ] he notes of the Christmas Song ! Sound it forth through the earth abroad ! Glory to God ! Blessing and honor, thanks and laud the joy of the Christmas Song !. dings good and true ? Peace to you, od's good-will that is ever new ! Down the ages hoary Peals the song of glory, Peace, and God's good-will I Other echoes die away, But the song of Christmas Day Echoes from the Judean hill, Ever clearer, louder still nay its holy, heavenly chime Make all thy life a Christmas time ! Unto vou the Child is born, this blessed Christmas morn, to be your peace ; for He hath found you ; u, with full release >ra the weary chains that bound you : you may rise <■ the skies, 6«1 5jM)ARK ! "Halle j^<£ Is it prophetic echo > When. He, 01 And all the earth sha Lift heart and voice, and swell While hallelujahs peal, to Him The wondrous love ani The fullness and the The meaning and the Of all the Christmas ■ May Christ Himself unfol And bid you go rejoicing Upon the same bright Our gaze may meet, though severed The Star of Bethlehem to Shines brightly on oar wintry And, gazing on its radian o. Our hearts may meet, A bright; and bl With echoes of the ai mg. And peace t And holy glad And sweet heart ca This is my Christmas wish '">THER year is dawning! ir Maste , be In working or in waiting Ail other year with Thee. the tale the years are telling Always be Like an angel-anthem swelling Through thy spirit's quiet dwelling, glory all-excelling Dawn for thee. ■::■:'■■■ ■■■-'•' [ME AMD LBjftl FOi CI ^Happy f>w Veap b y oa . fe HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oh such n (f5^/ Joyously, surely, and fully for Fear not and faint not, but b And trustfully enter thy hap ;irl Happy, so happy 1 Thy Father shall guide, Protect thee, preserve thee, and always pr< Onward and upward along the rig' Lovingly leading thee day by day, Happy, so happy! Thy Saviour shall Ever more precious and present with the Happy, so happy ! His Spirit thy Gue Filling with glory the place of His r Happy, so happy! Though shado May gather and darken, they Met Of the glorious Voice that saith, ' Be c Then joyously enter thy happy h N the year with Thy goodness, Lord And make every hour a gem In t\\& living diadem. That sparkles to Thy praise. the year with Thy grace, O Lord S fresh anointings shed waiting servant's head, 10 treads Thy royal ways. own the year with Thy glory, Lord I the brightness and the glow its heavenly overflow own Thy beloved's days I rppy, because He loves thee! .yy, because He lives! Bright with that deepest gladness hich only Jesus gives. , because He guides thee,, Because He cares for thee ; - vet so happy, thy New Year be ! ay of untold gladness sadness, lee ! fr^€EW mercies, new ^ft New da New notes of thanksgiving New praise in the mom New-wine in thy chalice. New fruits for thy Master, new New gifts from His treasure. New streams from the Fount New stars for thy crown, and New gleams of the glory t New light of His countenanc All this he the joy of thy new Blessings unspokei Each day in its rainbow fligh New gems in thy May each in the smile of Him be bri Who is changeless Lo Till the glory seem to thy tranced si| As heaven to earth All my blessing Oh 9 how good Thou ari xli ; 10. ; TAN DING at the portal. Of the opening year, Words of comfort meet us, Hushing every fear. Spoken through the silence By our Father's voice, Tender, strong, and faithful, Making us rejoice. Onward, then, and fear not, Children of the Dav ! J For His word shall never, Never pass away ! he Lord, am with thee, Be thou not afraid I I will help and strengthen, Be thou not dismayed ! Yea, I will uphold thee With My own Right Hand ; Thou art called and chosen In My sight to stand. Onward, then, and fear not Children of the Day ! For His word shall never, ■ i^ e Waitio-, fjHOUGH the > Far apart, or seve Yet the farewell a And the we Meanwhile God is le Through the shade To the house where, Only welcomes wait u Strong and Trust Him for ih He shall lead thee to the end, Ever gracious ; As the everlasting hi Thou shalt find His As the c Now Thy loving Sp On our lives outpour ; Make us know Thee better, Make us love Thee more, Take us no Make us all Thine o\\ Keep us Thine fore Keep us Th '"/ear Thou gives! me, Lord, I consecrate to Thee, Wit] its nights and days; Fill my hand with service blest. Fill my heart with holy rest, And nil my life with praise. my a happy year be thine, our Father will i [e has traced the fair design. He will fill it, line by line, Working patiently until Thy completed life shall shine Glorious in the life divine. The future ! who may lift, the veil And read its yet unwritten tale ? sorrow and joy alike we leave In the Hand that doeth all things well, I calmly from that Hand receive All that each coming year may tell. would not ask of life or death, It shall be as the Master saith. right New Year, and a sunny track long an upward way, d a song of praise on looking back, When the year has passed away, And golden sheaves nor small nor few ! New Year's wish for you ! a From G\°f*\j to GI°r»v." II Cos, iii : 1$, MoM^^M- g^ or y URt0 glory!" Be this our joyous song, £p> As on the King's own highway we bravely n along 1 " From glory unto glory ? " O i i ring cheer ! As dawns the solemn brightness i jiad New Year. Our own beloved Master "hath many things to say ; ; " Look forward to His teaching, unfolding day by day ; To whispers of His Spirit, while resting at His feet, To glowing revelation, to insight clear and sweet. And closer yet, and closer the golden bonds shall be, Enlinking all who love our Lord in pure sincerity ; And wider yet, and wider shall the circling glory glow. As more and more are taught of God that mighty know, Now onward, ever onward, from M strength to strength " we go, While " grace for grace " abundantly shall from His full- ness flow, To glory's full fruition, from glory's foretaste here, Until His Very Presence crown our happiest New Year I Arise ! and on thy future way His blessing with thee be I His presence be thy staff and stay, Till thou His glory see. And may this thy Iffe-sosig be, ins that loveth thee.