BF 1711 .G7 Copy 1 THE STELLAR LAWS GOVERNING THE REPRODUCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE O BY P. A^GRAVES, ASTROLOGER, SALEM, OREGON. O ■ PRICE 25 CENTS. SALEM, OREGON: L. R. STINSON & CO., PRINTERS. 1885. i rayi>v«y * y^^^^ THE STELLAR LAWS GOVERNING THE REPRODUCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE -0- BY P. A. GRAVES, ASTROLOGER, SALEM, OREGON. PRICE 25 CENTS. SALEM, OREGON: L, R. STJNSON & CO., PRINTERS. 1885, ^v^ w Copyright applied for. All rights Reserved, PiWAPF- (j);HIS Work is the result of six years study, prac- ep tice and close observation of the Stellar influen- ces on the human family, and is sent forth as a liv- ing evidence of what may be accomplished at home, in the way of moral and social reformation by a pre- observation of the planetary positions at the time of the birth of a child. With these few remarks the author submits this little pamphlet to the kindly consideration of an intelligent progressive public. THE LAWS GOYERBIBG*HUMAN*]^EPRODOGTIOB, The science of reproduction is a deep and interest- ing subject, to understand it in part is a knowledge of no little worth, but to know all of its secrets is, in- deed, a wonderful gift. The ignorance of this economy in nature has cost the world more suffering than all other evils com- bined ; for without this knowledge human imperfec- tions and mental deformities are inevitable. But I now entertain hopes of seeing the world in possession of a clearer understanding of these laws than was ever before known ; for the time has fully come when the propagation of lewd, vicious and insane human beings should cease. It always has been the case that children were the products of passion and chance and unless the more intelligent class of peo- ple set about to change the time honored custom it will so continue ; but I hope the time will speedily come when parents will take at least as much pains to produce children free from the common deform- ities of life as they now do to keep the blood of their stock pure and make their business a success. When parents learn that they can bring children into existence all of whom will be self-supporting and make useful members of society then will they turn more of their attention to the rearing of "tho- roughbred boys and less to thoroughbred bulls,'' ' This can be done by observing the stellar laws; but in no other way. Had these laws been observed for the last century the temperance crusade move- ment would never have been known and common drinking would not now be practiced among the leading men of our country and drunkenness would be less frequent and temperance fanatics preying upon the credulity of the people would be compelled to seek other fields to earn their " bread and butter.'.' That there ^ould be less demand for police courts asylums, poor houses and penitentiaries. It may seem unreasonable that the parents of the unfortunate ones, thronging these places, are alone responsible for their mental and moral deformities yet they are for this reason; that they produced them under the laws of evil mental formation, which need not have been done. If this were not true then all the brothers and sisters of these inmates would be insane or vicious. The family discrepancies are caused by the differ- ent constitutional conditions of parents during the period of gestation and these conditions are governed by the stellar influences at work on them at this par- ticular time. 6 The local and relative positions of the planets are changing continually, therefore, the mental and physical conditions of people are changing in the same ratio. The Judge on his bench or senator in congress is entitled to just the same praise for arriving at his station in life as the lunatic is for landing in the asylum and no more. While they may be styled self-made men the primary causes in both cases are to be found in the stellar influence at work on the parents before and at the time of birth. Had the parent understood, these causes and governed the time of birth to suit these stellar laws then they should receive praise or blame for the condition of their children. The original condition of the parents have a great deal to do with the mental and physical formation of their children ; but the strength of the parents can- not produce great mentalities unless the planetary forces are in harmony with theirs. The degree of mental powers possessed by the parents figures large- ly in this matter. The highly intellectual Caucas- ian under the same condition and circumstances will produce a higher type of manhood than the low- er orders of mankind ; but this very intellectual Cau- casian does not at all times produce his own equal while this very low order of mankind sometimes produces his own superior. For this freak in nature no explanation has ever been given and none can be adduced other than is herein stated. The brain is the seat of the nervous system. The nerves of the Caucasian are of a much finer texture then the nerves of the semi-civilized man, therefore, the electrical currents from the planetary system ef- fects the nerves of the Caucasian much quicker then it does the dull nerves of the unrefined tribes ; to il- lustrate, steel is a better conductor of electricity than iron because of its fineness and density. It is not possible to charge poorer metals with magnetism sufficiently to attract even a cambric needle, while a fine quality of steel when well charged will sup- port proportionally a heavy body ; now the quality of the brain gives the mental strength because of its ability to receive the electric current which excites it into action. The quality of the brain is produced by concen- trating the fine mental powers of male and female in a child under the most favorable planetary influen- ces. If the male and female are of the highest caste and the birth takes place under the most favorable stel- lar influences then will the child possess a superior quality of brain, also, an intellect superior to its par- ents ; but the question might be asked are not chil- 8 dren often born under 'these influences? The ans- wer is they are but not of parents of the highest tpye. But few children are born of parents of refined - taste and culture under the most favorable stellar influ- ences ; when this is the case then a great mind is the result. These are accidental births and these births produce the motive power that keeps the wheels of progress in motion. If the siderial influences were such that a great mind could be produced at any time, the human family would progress much faster than it does but on the contrary nature rarely offers these opportunities to parents, therefore, the produc- tion of a great mind is purely accidental. If husbands and wives were mated from a fitness to each other taken from an astrological standpoint and the stellar laws always observed for the promotion of the race scarce one half century would pass away till our ordinary intelligence would be considered gross ignorance and the intellectual giants of to-day would dwindle away into mere pigmy s and the brightest intellectual lights of those days would pale the brightest light that ever shown. If this is not true then man has arrived at the zenith of his perfection. Let me illustrate further : take the common Ameri- can Indian whose brain is coarse and dull — take the brightest child of the tribe, educate him and keep him in the best circles of society till he is grown to 9 manhood and he will not compare favorably intel- lectually with the common Caucasian. Then take a pair of them, male and female, and keep them un- der the aforesaid circumstances and under the stel- lar laws for the promotion of the intellectual facul- ties in their children for two generations and a great improvement will be noticed. I am satisfied that all will agree with me on that point but, perhaps, some will want to credit all the improvement to the civil- ized life, this, of course, will have its effect, but all the offspring would not be equal to their parents un- less these laws were observed, and then some of them would be superior to their parents. The same rule applies to all nations and tribes, The reason that civilized life effect the offspring is this, that the mental organs of the mother that are inflamed the most during gestation develops the cor- responding organs in the child. Now if the mother is surrounded by refined and in intellectual society then her intellectual organs are kept in lively action when she is not contending with adverse stellar ele- ments, therefore the effect would be far better than though her society was gross and unrefined. Then at birth nature would select a time to suit the form- er condition, be they good or bad, if the surround- ings were good then a good child might be expected. Vice Versa. 10 The subject of reproduction has been discussed for time immemorial in hopes of elevating the human family to a higher intellectual and moral plane ; but failure has been written on the brow of every would be reformer, not for the want of ability or energy for this they have had in superabundance, but for the lack of a knowledge of the sublime laws that con- trols this very energetic and enterprising business. The trouble with this so called reformer was that they attributed all the difference in children of the same parents to antenatal causes instead of seeking out some foreign agency by which to explain these wonderful differences. It always has been a mys- tery why children of the same parents should differ so widely mentally, morally and physically; but they do and the fact of a foreign agency in the mat- ter cannot be denied inasmuch as children of the same flesh and blood produced under similar cir- cumstances are very unlike and what is more strik- ing to the close observer is that no father ever pro- due.