\ ^tstorg of ti)e Bore Jf am% am*- Sntrotmctorg, The preparation of this little work was begun about five years ago, but for several reasons appears in print now for the first time. It was expected that it would be produced in pamphlet form about May I, 1906. The manuscript was in the hands of the printer at the time of the great disaster in San Francisco and was lost in the fire, thus necessitating reproduction from origi- nal materials. By September, 1906, the whole had been rewritten and was ready for publication, but the illness and death of the originator of the plan made it inadvisable to publish it at that time. Since then it has been brought up to date as nearly as could be done with the information at hand. It is almost certain, however, that changes have taken place of which we have not heard. The work will necessarily be incorrect to that extent. This work owes its origin to the interest and efforts of the late Benjamin Dore, of Fresno, California. The original idea suggested itself to him after returning to California from a trip through the New England States. He became convinced that the systematic compilation of our present knowledge of the Dore family would be interesting and instructive to mem- bers of the present generation and considerably more so to those of future generations. With this object in view he sent out circular letters to those whom he thought would be able to furnish information. A number of replies were received. About June, 1904, the undersigned undertook the task of com- piling the data on hand and of securing as much more as was possible. The result of our united labors is now submitted to you. It was one of Benjamin Dore's fondest wishes to see the pamphlet published and distributed to those interested. The destruction of the manuscript, previously alluded to, was a bitter disappointment to him, for he was even then stricken with a fatal illness. The appearance of the work at the pres- ent time is in accordance with his wishes, and any pleasure or interest which the reading of it may cause is to be ascribed to his efforts. The pamphlet is published by his children. It has been the aim of those interested to make the history as complete as possible. This has been a difficult task, and, owing in no small degree to the lack of co-operation of some members of the family, a great deal of obtainable matter has not found its way into the work. The author will welcome any corrections or additions which may serve perhaps to aid in the production of a more complete record at some time in the future. In conclusion, the author desires to thank all who have in any way contributed toward our knowledge of the Dore family. He especially wishes to acknowledge the value of information supplied by Mrs. W. F. Smith, of Hartland, Maine, and to hope that this little book may prove of some value to those it most closely touches. __ T TT _ Walter H. Dore. Berkeley, California, June, 1908. €ar!p Wi$tovp of tlje Bore f amiip in America Very little is known concerning the early history of the Dore family. From what we do know, it seems probable that two Dore brothers were the ancestors of most of the Dores in America. These brothers, who were French Huguenots, settled in Maine in the early days. It is possible that they settled in what is now the town of Athens, for it is there that the earliest members of the family of which we have any actual knowledge lived. There is in that town a hill called Dore Hill, which has been the home of the Dore family for at least five generations, and which, according to our best knowledge, may properly be regarded as the original home of the Dore family in America. The name Dore is of French origin and was originally Dore. The accent was dropped by those who settled in America. The name has been changed to Dorr in some branches of the family. The earliest ancestor of whom we have any definite knowl- edge is Joseph Dore. He probably lived in what afterwards became the town of Athens in Maine. He had six children. Of these we have records of the descendants of one only. His oldest son, Samuel Dore, was a farmer in Athens. It is with his descendants alone that this work is to deal, as it has been impossible to learn of those of the other children. Our record of the family of Joseph Dore is as follows: JOSEPH DORE, b. 1749- PHOEBE LORD, b. 1750. Married. Their children: 1. Samuel Dore 2. John Dore. 3. Phoebe Dore. 4. Lydia Dore. 5. Betsy Dore. 6. Hannah Dore. SAMUEL DORE, b. 1776. LYDIA CORSON, b. 1778. Married 1794. Their children: 1. Richard Dore. 2. John Dore. 3. Samuel Dore. 4. Levi Dore. 5. Caleb Dore. 6. Silas Dore. 7. Phoebe Dore. 8. Sally Dore. 9. Betsy Dore. 10. Triphena Dore, twin to Betsy; died in infancy. 11. Susan Dore. SAMUEL DORE'S children by a second marriage were: 12. Asa Dore. 13. His twin. 14. Joseph Dore. 15. Greenleaf Dore. 16. Lydia Dore. 17. Catherine Dore. 18. Nancy Dore. 19. Hannah Dore. 20. Triphena Dore. 21. Abigail Dore. 22. Mary Dore. 23. Martha Dore, her twin. 24. Josephine Dore. There were four other children in this family of whom we have no record. Those members of Samuel Dore's family of whom we have records will be considered in detail in the above order. I. RICHARD DORE. We have but little information concerning the family of Richard Dore. He lived in Athens and was three times mar- ried: his first wife was Hannah Whittier; his second, Sally French; his third, Betsy Thompson. We know that he had one child, Julia Anne, who lived to the age of about forty years ; she never married. There were other children, number unknown, who died in infancy. II. JOHN DORE. John Dore, the second son of Samuel Dore, was born in Athens, Maine, in 1801. His early life was spent upon his father's farm in Athens. In 1822 he was married to Sally Wing, by whom he had three children. His wife died in 1829. Two years later he married Elizabeth Stafford. He then moved to Harmony, Maine, and settled on a farm, where the children of the second family were born. In 1844 he lost his second wife, and married the following year Hannah Barnes. In 1850 the family moved to Princetown, Wisconsin, where they bought a farm. Here John Dore remained until his death in 1863. Three children were born to his third wife. Of these, the oldest was born in Harmony, Maine, and the others in Princetown. After John Dore's death his widow went to Neillsville, Wis- consin, where she lived with John S. Dore, until 1883. She then moved to Minnesota, where she lived with her youngest son, Ruel A. Dore, until her death in 1888. John Dore's family was as follows: JOHN DORE, b. June 8, 1801 ; d. Apr. 6, 1863. SALLY WING, b. Feb. 5, 1793; d. May 11, 1829. Married Oct. 31, 1822. Their children: 1. Elvira Dore, b. Oct. 30, 1823; d. May 18, 1889. 2. Benjamin Dore, b. July 7, 1825; d. Sept. 30, 1906. 3. Obed Dore, b. June 4, 1828; d. Dec, 1898. JOHN DORE. ELIZABETH R. STAFFORD, b. May 14, 1807; d. Feb. 20, 1844. Married Dec. 1, 1831. Their children: 4. Mary E. Dore, b. Dec. 28, 1833 ; d. Jan. 22, 1872. 5. Anna M. Dore, b. June 2, 1837; d. Dec. 28, 1901. 6. John S. Dore, b. Dec. 26, 1838. 7. Isaac S. Dore, b. Dec. 21, 1842; d. Jan. 26, i860. JOHN DORE. HANNAH BARNES, b. Apr. 19, 1817; d. Apr. 24, 1888. Married. Their children : 8. EmviN L. Dore, b. Dec. 2, 1848; d. June 5, 1882. 9. Alfred W. Dore, b. Oct. 29, 1850; died. 10. Ruel A. Dore, b. Jan. 3, 1853. 1. Elvira Dore. Elvira Horn Dore, the eldest child in John Dore's family, was born in Athens. Her youth was spent in Athens and Harmony. When about eighteen years of age she went to Bangor to live, and there she met and married William H. Wright. Later they moved to Portland, Maine, where they spent the remainder of their lives. William Wright died in 1872, and his wife followed him in 1889. They left two daughters. The older one, Ella, married Ira S. Locke, a prominent attorney of Portland. They now reside in Woodfords, Maine. The younger daughter, Fanny, was for five years a teacher in the high school at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She afterwards became the bride of Dr. Joseph Boylston, a Ports- mouth dentist. She died in Portsmouth in 1899. Her husband and her little daughter, Helen, still live in Portsmouth. Elvira Dore's family record is as follows: WILLIAM H. WRIGHT; d. Oct., 1872. ELVIRA HORN DORE, b. Oct. 30, 1823; d. May 18. 1889. Married in Bangor, Me. Their children : 1. Ella Phebe Wright, b. Feb. 12, 1849, in Bangor. 2. Fanny Dore Wright, b. Jan. 4, 1857, in Bangor; d. Feb. 10, 1899, in Portsmouth, N. H. IRA S. LOCKE. ELLA PHEBE WRIGHT. Married. JOSEPH BOYLSTON. FANNY DORE WRIGHT. Married in Portsmouth. Their child : Helen Dore Boylston, b. Apr. 4, 1895 2. Benjamin Dore. Benjamin Dore was the second child and the eldest son of John Dore. When he was three years old his mother died, and he was placed in the care of his aunt, Sally Hathern, who lived in Solon, Maine. When his father remarried, he was taken to Harmony with the family, where he worked on the farm until he was nineteen years of age. He was then ap- prenticed to a carpenter to learn the trade. A year and a half later, he went to Bangor, where he continued his work as a carpenter. In 1849, he became interested in the discoveries of wealth in California. He became one of a company of fifty-six men who bought a bark, the Cantero, in which they sailed for San Francisco with a cargo of lumber. On the voyage two stops were made of one week each. The first was St. Cath- erine on the coast of Brazil, the second at Valparaiso. They rounded Cape Horn, and after a voyage of six months arrived in San Francisco April 29, 1850. The vessel and its cargo being disposed of, the company disbanded. Benjamin Dore then followed his trade in San Francisco for some months. He then went to Vancouver, Washington, where he worked upon the government barracks. Later he went to Portland, Oregon, where he helped recon- struct the sailing vessel Willamette. It was changed into a side-wheel steamer, and was the first steamboat to ply between Portland and Astoria. After finishing his work in Portland he returned to San Francisco. In 1853 he entered the lumber business, which he successfully pursued for eleven years. In 1854 he married Jane Amanda Hall, daughter of Elijah Dewey Waters of Bennington, Ver- mont, and widow of Hiland H. Hall, Jr. They have had four children, of whom three are now living. The resources of San Francisco in the early days were taxed to their utmost to deal with the large criminal element which thrived in its midst. The young municipal government was entirely inadequate to meet the emergency and the condition grew steadily worse. When it finally became almost intoler- able a number of prominent citizens formed an organization known as the Vigilance Committee, which had for its object the establishment and maintenance of law and order. By means of a few wholesome examples of uncompromising jus- tice, this organization succeeded in ridding San Francisco of its terrible curse. Benjamin Dore was an active member of the Vigilance Committee, and afterwards of the political party which followed up the committee's work with a most success- ful fight for good government. In 1861 he was elected to the California State Legislature, where he served two terms. In 1865 he was Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly. In 1864 he became interested in mining. He continued in this work for sixteen years, to his heavy financial loss, however. He engaged in the printing business from 1873 to 1883. Both of his sons were associated with him in this work and remained printers for a number of years. In 1883 he went to Fresno, California, and settled in West Park Colony. He was the first settler, ploughing the first furrow and building the first house in that district. After several years he took his wife and daughter to Fresno. Here his wife died in 1889 after an illness of two years. Early in the year 1906 Benjamin Dore's health began to fail, and by August it became apparent to those about him that he was not to remain long. He passed away on the morning of September 30th at his Fresno home. The funeral services were held in San Francisco by Excelsior Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M., of which he was a charter member. Benjamin's Dore eldest son, Harry E. Dore, was born and raised in San Francisco. He learned the printing business in his father's office. In 1881 he was married to Anita Estelle Harrington. When Benjamin Dore left San Francisco his son went to Portland, Oregon, where he bought a printing- office. He was engaged in business there for twelve years. He then moved to Fresno, where he became associated with the Fresno Republican. In 1902 he left the printing business and has since been interested in paper. He is now connected with the Pacific Coast Paper Company of San Francisco. His residence is in Berkeley. His son, Walter H. Dore, graduated from the University of California in 1907. He is engaged in practical work in analytical chemistry. He lives with his father at Berkeley. Frank E. Dore, the second son of Benjamin Dore, was born and raised in San Francisco. Like his brother, he learned the 10 printer's trade in his father's office, and continued in that line of work. He was married in 1880 to Louise Vandor, of San Francisco. He worked in San Francisco for a number of years. He was with his brother in Portland for a time, but again returned to San Francisco, where he remained until a few years ago. As the printing business and the San Fran- cisco climate disagreed with his health, he left them both and went to Fresno, where he has since lived. He is at present clerk of the Fresno Police Department. Benjamin Dore's only daughter is Alice A. Dore. She was born and raised in San Francisco. She was educated in the public schools of San Francisco and graduated from the Girls' High School. She lived with her father in Fresno from 1888 until the time of his death. Since then she has lived with her brother, Harry E. Dore, in Berkeley. Benjamin Dore's family record is as follows: BENJAMIN DORE, b. July 7, 1825 ; d. Sept. 30, 1906, in Fresno, Cal. JANE AMANDA WATERS HALL, b. Sept. 10, 1830, in Troy, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 8, 1889, in Fresno. Married June 10, 1854, in San Francisco. Their children: 1. Harry E. Dore, b. Mar. 25, 1855. 2. Laura H. Dore, b. Feb. 10, 1857; d. May 16, 1857. 3. Frank E. Dore, b. Aug. 6, 1859. 4. Alice A. Dore, b. Feb. 19, 1865. HARRY E. DORE. ANITA ESTELLE HARRINGTON, b. Nov. 18, 1858, in San Fran- cisco. Married June 16, 1881, in San Francisco. Their child: Walter H. Dore, b. Mar. 24, 1882, in San Francisco. FRANK E. DORE. LOUISE VANDOR, b. Aug. 8, 1861. Married May 16, 1880, in San Francisco. Their child: Irving Francis Dore, b. July, 1882, in San Francisco; died in infancy. 3. Obed Dore. Of Obed Dore's history we have but little record. He lived in Hartland, Maine, and there his children were born and raised. George W. Dore, the oldest son, lives in Whatcom, Wash- ington. We have no information concerning his family. Lois E. Dore was married to Otis Thompson. They have two children. The family live in Hartland. 11 Olive L. Dore married Frank Wright. They have six children and also live in Hartland. Charles Dore married Maggie Cotier, and they have six children. Eva, Addie, Vera, Winnie, Mervin, and Harry Elmer. Eva Dore, Charles Dore's oldest child, married W r ill Phil- brick and lives in St. Albans, Maine. She has one child. Obed Dore's family record is as follows : OBED DORE, b. June 4. ; d. Dec. 1898. CASANDANA , d. 1906. Married. Their children : 1. George W. Dore, b. Sept. 2, 1854. 2. Lois E. Dore, b. Apr. 2, 1856. 3. Olive L. Dore, b. Jan. 22, 1862. 4. Charles E. Dore, b. July 19, 1864. 5. Ernest A. Dore, b. May 17, 1871. OTIS THOMPSON. LOIS E. DORE. Married. Their children : 1. Mabel Thompson, b. July 23, 1882. 2. Cecil Thompson, b. Mar. 12, 1887. FRANK WRIGHT. OLIVE L. DORE. Married. Their children : 1. Ernest A. Wright, b. Apr. 18, 1881. 2. William F. Wright, b. June 29, 1883. 3. Delia L. Wright, b. Nov. 1, 1884. 4. Eliza J. Wright, b. May 20, 1889. 5. Dimond D. Wright, b. Nov. 7, 1900. 6. Son, b. Sept. 3, 1905. ERNEST WRIGHT. MILDRED SWANSON. Married May 19, 1906. Their child : Ernest Andrew Wright, b. Oct. 26, 1907. CHARLES E. DORE. MAGGIE COTIER Married. Their children: 1. Eva Dore. 2. Addie Dore. 3. Vera Dore. 4. Winnie Dore. 5. Mervin Dore. 6. Harry Elmer Dore. 12 4. Mary Dore. Mary E. Dore was born in Harmony, Maine. She was married to William A. Treat, in Brewer, Maine. In 1854 they emigrated to California. About a year later her husband died. She was again married to Rev. George B. Taylor, an Episcopalian minister of San Francisco. They had two children. Mary A. Taylor, the second child, was born in San Fran- cisco. After completing the grammar and high schools in San Francisco she finished her education at the University of California. She was married to W. A. Turner, an Oakland dentist. In the spring of 1898 they sailed north with the intent of prospecting in the Klondike goldfields. Hearing of good reports from the Atlin Lake district, in British Colum- bia, they changed their plans and went there. After spending the summer in locating some excellent claims, they returned to their home in Oakland, California, intending to return the following summer and work them. Mrs. Turner keenly en- joyed the rough life of the mines and endured the hardships of the trip as well as her husband. She left for the second trip in the best of health, but was taken ill with pneumonia and died on the way to Alaska. Mrs. Taylor's son died young. Her family record is as follows: WILLIAM A. TREAT, b. Feb. 28, 1829, in Prospect, Me. ; d. Sept. 23, 1855, in Springfield, Cal. MARY E. DORE, b. Dec. 28, 1833, in Harmony, Me. ; d. Jan. 22, 1872, in San Francisco. Married Dec. 7, 185 1, in Brewer, Me. GEORGE B. TAYLOR, d. 1884, in Hot Springs, Ark. MARY DORE TREAT. Married Apr. 19, 1857, in San Francisco. Their children: 1. George Taylor, b. Aug., 1858, in Petaluma, Cal.; d. Nov. 13, 1862, in San Francisco. 2. Mary A. Taylor, b. Sept. 14, 1862, in Oakland, Cal. ; d. Apr., 1809. WILLIAM A. TURNER. MARY A. TAYLOR. Married Mar. 1, 1885, in San Francisco. 13 5. Anna M. Dore. Anna Maria Dore was born in Harmony. When her father moved to Wisconsin she went with him. She taught in the public schools of Princeton, Wisconsin, until after her father died. She then came to California and taught in the San Francisco schools for about thirty-five years. A few years ago she retired from the school department and built a home in Berkeley, California. Here she died December 28, 1901. The circumstances of her death were particularly sad. She had always lived alone, and, being somewhat isolated from her neighbors, no one was aware of her sickness until several days after her death. 6. John S. Dore. John Solomon Dore was born in Harmony. In 1850 he went to Princeton, Wisconsin, with his father. He was mar- ried in 1863 to Lucy J. Angel. In 1883 he came to California. He settled in Fresno County and planted a vineyard, upon which he has lived ever since. He has had eight children, of whom six are now living. The eldest child, Clara, was married to J. J. Elwell. They lived in Fresno for a number of years and then moved to , where they still live. They have one daughter, Frances. Edna Dore was married to James C. Hodges. They had two children. In 1899 her husband died. She married J. A. Ogborn in 1903. Mary Dore was married to Henry V. Rudy, a Fresno rancher. They still reside in Fresno. Ray and Jennie Dore are at present living in Fresno. Ina Dore was married to George Hobbs. They live in Dinuba, Cal. The record of John Dore's family is as follows : JOHN S. DORE, b. Dec. 26, 1838. LUCY J. ANGEL, b. May 24, 1842. Married Jan. 1, 1863. Their children: 1. Clara Dore, b. Aug. 28, 1865. 2. Ray Dore, b. Sept. 16, 1869. 3. Edna Dore, b. Apr. 3. 1872. 4. Earle Dore, b. Nov. 11, 1875; d. Feb. 12, 1880. 5. Mary Dore, b. July 27, 1877. 14 6. Baby Dore, b. June 7, 1879; d. Aug. 7, 1879. 7. Jennie Dore, b. June 5, 1880. 8. Ina Dore, b. Aug. 14, 1882. JOHN JEREMIAH ELWELL. CLARA DORE. Married Feb. 2, 1887. Their child : Frances Youlen Elwell, b. Dec. 20, 1888. JAMES CALVIN HODGES, d. Mar. 3, 1899. EDNA DORE. Married. Their children : 1. Ralph Dore Hodges, b. 1895. 2. Thornton Percy Hodges, b. May, 1897. JOHN ARTHUR OGBORN. EDNA DORE HODGES. Married Jan. I, 1903. HENRY VERNON RUDY, b. Mar. 12, 1873. MARY DORE. Married Feb. 11, 1897. GEORGE HOBBS. INA DORE. Married Mar. 2, 1905. 7. Isaac S. Dore. Isaac S. Dore was born in Harmony. He lived in Harmony. In the early days he came to California, where he went to work in the mines, and while engaged in blasting was killed by a premature explosion. He was only seventeen years of age at the time of his death. 8. Edwin L. Dore. Edwin L. Dore was born in Harmony, Maine, December 2, 1840. On the twenty-fifth day of February, 1864, he enrolled in Company F, Thirty-sixth Regiment of Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers, for a term of three years. He was discharged from service at Washington, D. C, June 19, 1865. At the time of enlisting Edwin Dore was fifteen years, two months and twenty-three days old, the youngest in his regiment. He died June 5, 1882. 9. Alfred W. Dore. Alfred W. Dore was born in Princeton, Wisconsin. We have no further information concerning him. 15 10. RUEL DORE. Ruel A. Dore was the youngest son of John Dore. He was born in Princeton, Wisconsin. He afterwards lived in Minnesota. lie, with his family, is now living in Chicago, Illinois. His family is as follows : RUEL A. DORE, b. Jan. 3, 1853- MARY B. NEALE, b. 1858. Married. Their children: 1. Alice Dore, b. 1884; died in infancy. 2. Allen Dore (her twin), died in infancy. 3. Lelia Maria Dore, b. 1888. III. SAMUEL DORE. Samuel Dore had a farm in Athens. He married a Miss Hurd and had two daughters, Olive and Lucinda. About 1840 he moved to W. Waterville, Maine. IV. LEVI DORE. Levi Dore lived in Athens. He was an invalid and had no family. V. CALEB DORE. Caleb Dore lived in Athens and there his children were born and raised. He married Hannah Morell, and they had six children. His family was as follows: CALEB DORE. HANNAH MORELL. Married. Their children : 1. Charles F. Dore, b. Aug. 29, 1837. 2. Henry C. Dore, b. Jan. 5, 1843; d. Mar. 9, 1890. 3. Vesta M. Dore, b. Feb. 20, 1840. 4. Ellen M. Dore, b. Oct. 7, 1848. 5. Augusta H. Dore, b. Sept. 4, 1852. 6. Charlotte M. Dore, b. Sept. 19, 1859. 16 i. Charles F. Dore. Charles F. Dore has always lived in Athens, where he has a store. He has two children. The oldest, a son, lives in Athens and is married. The younger child, a daughter, is postmistress of Athens. Charles F. Dore's family record is as follows : CHARLES F. DORE. HARRIET ALLEN. Married. Their children : i. W. A. Dore, b. June 2, 1865. 2. Fay E. Dore, b. Mar. 19, 1884. W. A. DORE. ELLA TOBY. Married. Their children: 1. Calla M. Dore, b. Aug. 30, 1886. 2. Hilda M. Dore, b. Mar. 11, 1890. 2. Henry C. Dore. Henry C. Dore lived in Athens. He was a soldier in the Civil War. He married Mary Staples, of Wellington. They had no children. We have no record of his death, but his widow lives in Harmony. 3. Vesta M. Dore. Vesta M. Dore married William Somner. She lives in Pitts- field, Me., and has a family of three children, Charles, Leslie, and Lottie. Charles is married, but we have no further information. 4. Ellen M. Dore. Ellen M. Dore was married to O. M. Nason. They live in Athens and have three children. Ellen M. Dore's family record is as follows: O. M. NASON. ELLEN M. DORE. Married. Their children: 1. Bertha M. Nason, b. Oct. 17, 1869. 2. Eva M. Nason, b. May 18, 1873. 3. Harold Nason, b. June, 1899. ELMER TRAFTON. BERTHA NASON. Married. FRED ALLEN. EVA NASON. Married. 17 5. Augusta H. Dore. Augusta H. Dore married Fred Sawyer and has one son, Carl. They live in Auburn, Me. 6. Charlotte M. Dore. Charlotte M. Dore married a barber of Solon, Me., where they still live. Her husband is Charles Moor. They have a family, of which we have no record. VI. SILAS DORE. Silas Dore was born in Athens and lived there, a farmer. He was twice married and had four children. Silas Dore's family record is as follows : SILAS DORE. LAURA MAYO. Married. Their child : i. Maria Dore, b. Oct. 10, 1839. SILAS DORE. MARY ANNE JOAQUIN. Married. Their children: 2. Everett S. Dore, b. Aug. 6, 1846. 3. George Dore, b. Apr. 15, 1852. 4. Rose Dore, b. Apr. 3, 1855. i. Maria Dore. Maria Dore married Hiram Leighton, and has four children. She lives in Athol, Mass. 2. Everett S. Dore. Everett S. Dore married his cousin, Mae Woodman, and lives in Athens. He has one son and a grandson ; a daughter died young. Everett S. Dore's family record is as follows : EVERETT S. DORE. MAE WOODMAN. Married. Their children : 1. Elmer C. Dore, b. Sept. 7, 1871. 2. Daughter. ELMER C. DORE. MINNIE CROMWELL. Married. Their child : Charles Dore, b. June 24, 1889. IS 3. George Dore. George Dore is married and lives in New Hampshire. 4. Rose M. Dore. Rose M. Dore lives in Wellington, Me. She has been married to Frank Butler, but is now legally separated from him. VII. PHOEBE DORE. Phoebe Dore was married to a Mr. Woodman, of Athens. They moved to Wellington, Me. They had six children, Alfred, Nathan, Sally, Samuel, Frances, and Anne. Sally Woodman married a Mr. Sears and emigrated to Wisconsin. Alfred married Jane Cole. We do not think any of them are now living. Phoebe Dore's family record is as follows : WOODMAN. PHOEBE DORE. Married. Their children: 1. Alfred Woodman. 2. Nathan Woodman. 3. Sally Woodman. 4. Samuel Woodman. 5. Frances Woodman. 6. Anne Woodman. SALLY WOODMAN. SEARS. Married. ALFRED WOODMAN. JANE COLE. Married. Their children: 1. Ida, lives in Madison, Me. 2. Harriet, lives in Brighton, Me. 3. Etta. SAMUEL WOODMAN. THANKFUL STEWARD. Married. JOSEPH HUFF. FRANCES WOODMAN. Married. 19 VIII. SALLY DORE. Sally Dore married Zenas Hathern. They lived in Solon, Me. They had eight children, Zenas, Alfred, Albion, Eastman, Sarah Anne, Mary, Phoebe, and Maria. Sarah Anne married a Morse and Mary also married a Morse. Phoebe married a Rowell and Maria married a Park- man. IX. BETSY DORE. Betsy Dore was born in Athens November 27, 1804. She was married to an Athens fanner, Henderson Tucker. They had five children, Naomi, Betsy, Josiah, Fidelia, and Lydia. She died January 28, 1840. Naomi Tucker, eldest daughter of Betsy, died in infancy. Betsy Tucker was born May 31, 1834. She taught in the district schools until her marriage to Nahum Nason, a well- to-do fanner in Athens. They had one son Manley Nason, who married Rilla Brown, and has three children. Nahum Nason died about five years ago and the son lives with his mother on the farm in Athens. Josiah Tucker, third child of Betsy Tucker, was born August, 1837. He married Abbie Nason and has three children. He is a very successful and prosperous farmer. Hoyt H. Tucker, son of Josiah, was born November, 1857. He was educated in the schools of Athens, Nichols Latin School, and Bates College, Lewiston, Me., and Harvard Col- lege, Cambridge, Mass. He is now a professor of schools in Newark, N. J. He married Violette Parker and has two daughters. Alice Tucker, daughter of Josiah Tucker, was born February 17, 1859. She married Alva Foss, a farmer of Athens, and is prosperous. Ellie Tucker, third child of Josiah Tucker, was born October 13, 1880. She is a graduate of Bates College and a teacher in the graded schools. Fidelia Tucker was born October 31, 1838. She taught in the public schools previous to her marriage to Albert Cook, a school teacher and farmer. Mr. Cook followed teaching in the winter for many years and has the distinction of having 20 had experience in forty-five schools. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cook are still living in Athens. They have had eight children, the eldest of whom, Willard, was born November 3, 1858, and died November 3, 1862. Flora E. Cook was born February 26, i860. She was educated at Athens Academy and taught in the public schools until her marriage to Charles E. Hinkley. She died of tubercu- losis June 25, 1884. Ella E. Cook was born December 7, 1861. She was educated at Athens Academy. She married, December 3, 1881, Fred Lucas, a successful teacher and farmer. She died April 19, 1891, after a lingering illness of tuberculosis, leaving three children. Fay E. Lucas was born February 17, 1883. She is a grad- uate of Maine Central Institute and is teaching at present in Bristol, Me. Flora M. Lucas was born June 4, 1885. She is a pupil in the Maine Central Institute and has been successful as a teacher. Minot M. Lucas is now about twenty years of age. He is also a student in Maine Central Institute. Lydia Cook was the fourth child of Fidelia Tucker Cook. She was born November 7,1863, and lived but seven days. Albra Cook, the next child, was born May 24, 1865. She was educated at Athens Academy and later taught in a number of schools until her marriage, September 23, 1889, to Willard Smith, of Harmony, Me. He is now a merchant of Hartland, where they have resided for more than fourteen years. At the time of his marriage to Albra Cook, Mr. Smith was a widower with four children, who are now respected members of the communities in which they live. Herbert F. Cook was born January 21, 1868. He received his education at Athens Academy. He is now a builder and contractor in Marlboro, Mass. He married Edna Dearth, of Boylston, Mass., January T3, 1891. They had one child, Claron, now about fifteen years of age and a student in Marlboro. December 3, 1898, Edna Cook died, and her husband married her sister, Minnie Dearth. They had one child, which died in infancy. 21 Nahum N. Cook was the seventh child of Fidelia Tucker Cook. He was born November 21, 1871. He was educated at Athens Academy and lives at present in Athens village. He has been a teacher and farmer and married Bertha Brown, also a teacher of Athens. They have no children. Ernest H. Cook was born April 1, 1875. Like his brothers and sisters he was educated at Athens Academy. He is a traveling salesman and proprietor of the Athens House. He was married to Lida Fox, of Athens, in August, 1899, and they have two children, Victor, aged four, and Thelma, aged two years. Betsy Dore's family record is as follows : HENDERSON TUCKER. BETSY DORE. Married. Their children : 1. Naomi Tucker, died in infancy. 2. Betsy Tucker, b. May 31, 1834. 3. Josiah Tucker, b. Aug., 1837. 4. Fidelia Tucker, b. Oct. 13, 1838. 5. Lydia Tucker. NAHUM NASON. BETSY TUCKER. Married. Their child : Manley Nason. MANLEY NASON. RILLA BROWN. Married. JOSIAH TUCKER. ABBIE NASON. Married. Their children : 1. Hoyt H. Tucker, b. Nov., 1857. 2. Alice Tucker, b. Feb. 17, 1859. 3. Ellie Tucker, b. Oct. 13, 1880. HOYT H. TUCKER. VIOLETTE PARKER. Married. Their children: 1. Daughter. 2. Daughter. ALVA FOSS. ALICE TUCKER.. Married. 22 ALBERT COOK. FIDELIA TUCKER. Married. Their children : 1. Willard Cook, b. Nov. 3, 1858; d. Nov. 3. 1862. 2. Flora E. Cook, b. Feb. 3. i860 ; d. June 25, 1884. 3. Ella E. Cook, b. Dec. 7, 1861 ; d. Apr. 19, 1891. 4. Lydia Cook, b. Nov. 7, 1863; d. Nov. 14, 1863. 5. Albra Cook, b. May 24, 1865. 6. Herbert F. Cook, b. Jan. 31, 1868. 7. Nahum N. Cook, b. Nov. 21, 1871. 8. Ernest N. Cook, b. Apr. 1, 1875. CHARLES E. HINKLEY. FLORA E. COOK. Married. FRED LUCAS. ELLA E. COOK. Married. Their children : 1. Fay E. Lucas, b. Feb. 17, 1883. 2. Flora M. Lucas, b. June 4, 1885. 3. Minot N. Lucas. HERBERT F. COOK. EDNA DEARTH. Married. Their child : 1. Claron Cook. HERBERT F. COOK. MINNIE DEARTH. Married. Their child : 2. Infant ; died. NAHUM N. COOK. BERTHA BROWN. Married. ERNEST COOK. LIDA FOX. Married. Their children : 1. Victor Cook. 2. Thelma Cook. X. TRIPHENIA DORE. Triphenia Dore died in infancy. XI. SUSAN DORE. Susan Dore married Richmond Tucker. They moved from Athens to Harmony and subsequently to Princeton, Wisconsin. 23 Susan Dore Tucker has had five children, her youngest son, Frank, is postmaster at Princeton. He has a son, H. E. Tucker, who is assistant postmaster. Susan Dore's family record is as follows : RICHMOND TUCKER, b. 1809. SUSAN DORE, b. 1813. .Married. Their children: 1. Naomi Tucker. 2. Levina Tucker. 3. Richmond Tucker. 4. Joel Tucker. 5. Frank Tucker. OTHER DORES. Another "Dore" family lived in Maine. There were three brothers living in Lebanon, named Benjamin, Henry, and Abijah. Bejamin Dore married a Miss Lord of Lebanon. The family moved to Alten, New Hampshire. Benjamin had a son, Ezra, who in turn had a son, Benjamin. He formerly lived in Lynn, Mass. He is married and at present lives at yy Gainsboro Street, Boston. It is not known whether or not this family is related to the Dores of Athens. James Dore lives in Newfields, Maine. He is a descendant of one of two brothers who were the original settlers in America bearing the name. He had a son born in Newfields in 183 1. This son changed the spelling of the name to Dorr. He has a son, Dr. Charles Dorr, who is a practicing physician in South Hingham. 24 jfamilp Birectorp. Allen : Eva M. Nason Athens, Me. Boylston : Helen Dore Portsmouth, Me. Butler : Rose M. Dore Cook : Albra ( Mrs. W. F. Smith) Hartland, Me. Claron Marlboro, Mass. Ernest Athens, Me. Fidelia Athens, Me. Herbert F Marlboro, Mass. Nahum N Athens, Me. Thelma Athens Me. Victor Athens, Me. Dore : Addie Athens, Me. Alice A 1811 Stuart Street, Berkeley, Cal. Augusta H. (Mrs. Fred Sawyer) Auburn, Me. Benjamin yy Gainsboro Street, Boston, Mass. Calla M Athens, Me. Charlotte M. (Mrs. Charles Moor) Solon, Me. Charles Charles E Athens, Me. Charles F Athens, Me. Clara (Mrs. J. J. Elwell) Edna ( Mrs. J. A. Ogborn) Elmer C Harmony, Me. Ellen M. (Mrs. O. M. Nason) Ernest A Whatcom, Wash. Eva (Mrs. Wm. Philbrick) Athens, Me. Everett S Athens, Me. Fay Athens, Me. Frank Edgar 128 Sarah Street, Fresno, Cal. George New Hampshire George W Whatcom, Wash. Harry Ellsworth 181 1 Stuart Street, Berkeley, Cal. Harry E Athens, Me. Hilda Athens, Me. Ina ( Mrs. George Hobbs) Dinuba, Cal. James Newfields, Me. Jennie Fresno, Cal. John Solomon Fresno, Cal. Lelia Maria Chicago, 111. Lois E. ( Mrs. Otis Thompson) Hartland, Me. Mary ( Mrs. H. V. Rudy) Fresno, Cal. Maria (Mrs. Hiram Leighton) Athol, Me. 25 Mcrvin Athens, Me. Olive ( Mrs. Frank Wright) Hartland, Me. Ray Fresno, Cal. Rose M. (Mrs. Frank Butler) Wellington, Me. Ruel A Chicago, 111. Sally (Mrs. Zenas Hathern) Solon, Me. Vera Athens, Me. Vesta M. ( Mrs. William Somner) Pittsfield, Me. Walter Harrington 1811 Stuart Street, Berkeley, Cal. W. A Athens, Me. Winnie Athens, Me. Dorr : Dr. Charles South Hingham Elwell : Clara Dore Frances Youlen Foss : Alice Tucker Athens, Me. Hathern : Alfred Albin Eastman Mary (Mrs. Morse) Maria (Mrs. Parkman) Phoehe (Mrs. Rowell) Sally Dore Sarah Anne (Mrs. Morse) Zenas Hobbs : Ina Dore Dinuba, Cal. Hodges : Ralph Dore Ingalls, Kan. Thornton Percy Ingalls, Kan. Huff : Frances Woodman Leighton : Maria Dore Athol, Me. Locke: Ella P. Wright 73 Pleasant Avenue, Woodfords, Me. Lucas : Fay E. Flora M. Minot M. Moor : Charlotte M. Dore Solon, Me. Morse : Mary Hathern Sarah Anne Hathern Nason : Bertha M. ( Mrs. Trafton) Athens, Me. Betsy Tucker Athens. Me. Ellen M. Dore Eva M. (Mrs. Fred Allen) Athens, Me. Harold Or;i!0RN : Edna Dore Hodges Parkman: Maria Hathern Philbrick : Eva Dore Athens, Me. Rowell : Phoebe Hathern Rudy : Mary Dore Fresno, Cal. Sawyer : Augusta M. Dore Auburn, Me. Sears : Sally Woodman 26 Somner : Charles Pittsfield, Me. Leslie Pittsfield, Me. Lottie Pittsfield, Me. Vesta M. Dore Pittsfield, Me. Smith : Albra Cook Hartland, Me. Thompson : Cecil Hartland, Me. Lois E. Dore Hartland, Me. Mabel Hartland, Me. Tucker: Alice (Mrs. Alva Foss) Athens, Me. Betsy Athens, Me. Ellie Fidelia (Mrs. Albert Cook) Athens, Me. Frank Princeton, Wis. Hoyt H Wolfsboro, N. H. Josiah Athens, Me. Wright : Ella P. ( Mrs. Ira S. Locke) 73 Pleasant Avenue, Woodfords, Me. Delia Hartland, Me. Diamond D Hartland, Me. Ernest A Hartland, Me. Ernest A., Jr Hartland, Me. Eliza J Hartland, Me. William A Hartland, Me. Olive L Hartland, Me. 27 . TRRARY OF CONGRESS 018 458 873