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Admitting that much French literature is, like sausage-rolls, light and disappoin'ing ; granting that Dumas is wild, Paul de Kock licentious, and ^ue too often prolific of horrors — it by no means follow that the same soil whieh sends forth bristle and brier, may not breed celandine and daisy. IDaTvley's Xen-Penny HSTovels.— Nuinber 2. DARE-DEVIL DICK. This is a most singular story of a young man who was cursed by the power of gold, haying had an immense fortune placed to hi.s credit in a Bank, by a m''steriounindi' vidual unknown to him; after wUich he became associated with gamblers and bad men, by whom he became involved ia a f a pirate ; hi.s re-le.sert ou . his next apj.earancf upon a merchantman; the merch:iutraan's fi^ht with the pirate; the Quaker Captain; the 'Captain de juene ; his tremHudous fighting ; the ch-ise ; final .-apture of the piratn. and marriage of the hero, concludes (ine nt the most daring tales that lias ever been r«. corded upon paper, and which excites the admiration of nil. OaAvley's Ten-I*eiinv IsTovels.— IS umber 4. SFEAKIITG RIFLE; tmh: iNDiiVisr slayer. The scenes of this wild and singular story are laid upon the broa'Va^id expand- ing prairies and forests of the Far VVe>t. Spkakino Kifi.k, or I hb Indiak Slatbk i« a wild and singular hing— a most uiirel.-nting foe to tliM Indian Race, thousands oi whom he de.-troyed -single-handed while avenging the deaili of his murdered pa- r«\t8. At the same time he never reeked his veugenotf upon the women and the aged. ■ : Ask any Newsdealer for a Copy of Dawley's Ten-Penny Novels, »RICE, 10 CTS., MAILED POSTPAID. — T. R. DAWLEY. PcouaHKft, Nbw Tob». OLD ABE'S JOKES. FRESH FROM A.B n a.ha.m:'s bosom: CONTAINING ALL US ISSUEt, i*x:x.cji.jpTi]sra- the "aREENBAOKS," TO CALL IN SOME OP WHIC^ THIS WORK IS ISSUED. NEW YOEK: T. R. DAWLEY, PUBLISHER, 13 & 15 Park Row. Old Abe's Jokes, says the iVew York Herald, "are tne essence ot President's Lincoln's life." They will be read by everybody, con- taining as they do all the Jests and SqinBS of Father Abraham. Notice : — Many of these Jokes, Jests and Squibs, contained in this work, never before appeared in print, being fresh from the National Joker's lips, and are entered according to Act of Congress ; hence, parties publishing them without crediting to thig work, will be liabi>j to prosecution. .99 MITERED ACCORDINS TO ACT OP CONGRESS, IN THE TEAR 1864, BY O?. R. . UAWLBY, n THE clerk's office OP THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATESi FOB THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORE. T. R. Dawley, Stereotyper, Steam Book, Job and Newspaper Printer and Publisher, No. 13 and 15 Park Row, N. Y. ^sg' ir Father Abraham's Boyhood, Pots and Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Frying Pans, yEsops Fables, Rail-Splitting, &c., Ac- Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, m the year 1809. His parents were poor, and lived in a log-house " without a floor, furnished with lour or five three- legged stools, pots, kettles, a spider, Dutch oven, and some- thing that answered for a bed." They were both members of the Baptist church, the mother being represented as a whole-hearted Christian of godly example and precept. She could read but could not write. The father was not BO highly endowed by nature as his wife, but was superior in most respects to his neighbors. He could write his name but could not read at all. Abraham was seven years old when he was sent to school, for the first time, to one Hazel, who came to live in the neighborhood. There were no schools nor school-houses 22 OLD abe's jokes, in the region, and few of the people could read. But this Hazel could read and write ; but beyond this he made a poor figure. For a small sum he taught a few children at his house, and Abraham was one of the number. His parents were so anxious that he should know how to read and write, tliat they managed to save enough out of their penury to send him to school a few weeks. They considered Abraham a remarkable boy. Every day he posted away with the old spelling-book to Hazel's cabin, where he tried as hard to learn as any boy who ever studied his Ab's. He carried his book home at night and puzzled his active brain over what he had learned during the day. He cared for nothing but his book. His .highest ambition was to learn to read as well as his mother could. As she gathered the family, and read the bible to them each day, and particularly as she read it upon the Sabbath much of the time, he almost envied her the blessed privilege of reading. He longed foi the day to come when he could read aloud from that revered volume. Beyond that privilege he did not look. To be able to read waa boon enough for him, without looking for anything be- yond. Young Abraham received the most excellent moral teach- ings from his mother who was accustomed to read the Bible gularly to her family. Her reading was not confined to the Old Testament, nor to thenarrative portions of the Bible. She understood the gospel because she had a Christian experience that was marked. She was a firm, consistent disciple of the Lord Jesus, and was qualified thereby to expound the scriptures. The story of the Cross, as it is recorded in the 27th chap- PRKSH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 23 tcr of Matthew, was read over at the fire-side, accom- panied "with many remarks that were suited to impress the minds of her children. The Ten Commandments were made an important mat- ter in the Sabbath lessons, and Abraham was drilled in re- peating tliem, were pressed upon his attention namely, (III) ' Thou shalt not take name of the Lord thy God in vain • for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (IV.) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' (V.) ' Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord hath giveth thee.' (IX.) 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.' 'In this way many Sabbaths of Abraliam's boyhood were spent, so that he became familiar with the Bible. For a boy of his age, he was excelled by i'ow in his acquaintance with the Scriptures. The Bible, catechism, and the old spelling-book named, being the only books in the family at this time, as we have said, and there being no papers, either religious or secular, tl.e Bible was read much more than it would have been if other volumes had been possessed. It was the first book that Abraham ever read — that same old family Bible, kept very choice because their poverty could not afford another. It was the only bible that his mother ever possessed, her life treasure, to which she was more indebted, and perhaps, also, her son Abraham, than any other influence. It was certainly the light of her dwelling, and the most powerful educator that ever entered her family. That same Bible is still in the possession of a relative in the state of Illinois. 24 OLD abe's jokes, When Abraham was about eight years old, his father, preferring to live in a free State, sold his farm for a lot of whiskey (most of which he lost in moving), and emigrated te Spencer county, Indiana. Here, miles from any neigh- bor, he opened his new settlement and built himself a cabin, almost the counterpart of the one they had left in Ken- tucky. About the end o' their first year's residence in Indiana, affliction came upon the household in the shape ol the death of Mrs. Lincoln. About this time, too, Abra- ham's literary treasures were enlarged by the acquisition of the Pilgrim's Progress and JE sop's Fables. He read it over and over until he could repeat almost the entire contents of the volume. He was interested in the moral lesson that each fable taught, and derived there- from many valuable hints that he carried with him through life. On the whole he spent more time over JEJ sop's Fables than he did over Pilgrim's Progress, although he was really charmed by the latter. But there was a practical turn to the Fub.'es that interested him, and he could easily recollect the stories. Perhaps this early familiarity with this book laid the foundations for that facility at apt story-telling which has distinguished him from his youth. It is easy to see how such a volume might beget and foster a taste in this direction. He was also so fortunate as to find a writing-master. Abraham was awkward enough in the use of the pen at first ; but he soon overcame this difficulty, and exhibited unusual judgment for a boy in the formation of letters. — When he had learned how to form a letter, he practiced upon it in various ways. With a bit of chalk he would cut them on pieces of slabs and on the trunks of trees; and FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOH. more than once the tops of the stools in tlie cabin and tlaa puncheon-table served him in lieu of a writing-book. His latiicr was too poor to provide him with all the paper ne- cessary (or his scribbling, and so he resorted to these va- rious expedients. The end of a charred stick wa.s used as a pencil sometimes to accomplish his object, and it enabled him to cut letters with considerable facility. We have not space to follow Abraham during the course of his life in Indiana. We pass on to the removal of the family to Illinois and to the celebrated splitting of the rails. They accomplished the journey from Spencer county, In- diana, to Decatur, Illinois, in fifteen days. The spot se- lected for their home was on the north side of the Sanga- mon River, about 10 miles west of Decatur, a spot wisely chosen, because it was at the junction of the timber and prairie lands. A log house was immediately erected, in the building of which Abraham acted a conspicuous part. Ten acres of prairie land were selecttd, and the sods were broken for a crop of corn. « That must be fenced a:; once,' said Abraham. « And you'll have to split the rails, if it is done/ replied his father. *That I can do, as I am used to it; but I don't expect to split rails for a living all my days.' ' I hope you won't have to. When we get things under way, you can seek your fortin' somewhere else.' ' I haven't made up my mind as to that. There will ba time enough for that when the ten acres are fenced in.' * We shall have enough to do this summer to break up OLD ABE'S JOKES, and plar.t ten acres of corn, and take care of it, and fenco the lot. But who ever saw such land as this '? The half was not told us.' Mr. Lincoln was surpr^ed at the rich- ness of the lands ; and, in all respects, he was jjleascd with the change of residence. * There can be no better farming land than this,' answer- ed Abraham, ' and it ain't half the work to cultivate these prairie lands. And I am just the hand to fence them, as I have swung the axes so much.' ' Yes, you can do it better than I can, and a great deal quicker ; so 3'ou may go at it as soon as you please.' Accordingly, Abraham proceeded to split the rails for the ten acre lot. These are the rails about which so much was said in the late Presidential campaign. ' Their exist- ence,' says Mr. Scripps, ' was brought to the public atten- tion during the sitting of the Republican State Convention, at Decatur, on which occasion a banner, attached to two of these rails, and bearing an appropriate inscription was brought into the assemblage and formally presented to that body, amid a scene of unparalleled enthusiasm. After that they were in demand in every State of the Union in which free labor is honored, where they were borne in processions of the people, and hailed by hundreds of thousands of free- men, as a symbol of triumph, and as a glorious vindication of freedom, and of the rights and the dignity of free labor. These, however, were far from being the first or only rails made by Lincoln. He was a practiced hand at the busi- ness. His first lessons were taken while yet a boy in In- diana. Some of the rails made by him in that State h.'vve been clearly identified. The writer has seen a cane, now iu the possession of Mr. Lincoln, made by one of hi^ '^Id FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 27 acquaintances, from one of those rails split by his own hands in boyhood.' Shortly after the removal to Illinois, Abraham left his home to look out for himself. He found a comfortable place with a family living near Petersburg, Menard county, where, as was the case wherever he lived, he acquired the esteem of all. The young people who became acquainted with him gave him their confidence without hesitation. They believed him to be a conscientious, upright young man. For this reason, they referred the settlement of dispute to him. They had confidence in his judgment as well as his honesty. Different sorts of games were in vogue at that time, and running matches and horse-racings, and if Abraham was present, one party or the other was sure to make liim their judge. Two years later, while he was living in New Salem, he shared the confidence of all to such an extent that both parties, in the aforesaid amusements, were wont to choose him for their judge. In all cases, too, there was the ut- most satisfaction shown in his decisions. It Avas at this period of his life that he was christened * Honest Abe.' It was so unusual for the same p(H"son to act as judge for both of the contending parties, and it was expressive of so much confidence in his character that by conmion consent he came to be known as ' Honest Abe.' o Father Abraham a D!sciple of " Father Matthew." When Gen. Hooker was ordered to join Gen. Grant at Chattanooga, the president advised him to avoid ^Bourbon' county, when passing through Iveutucky. OLD ABE'S JOKES, An Englishman's Portraits of Old Abe ' To say that he is ugly, is nothing ; to add that his fig- ure is grotesque, is to convey no adequate impression.-r- Fancy a man six feet high, and then out of proportion ; with long bony arms and legs, which somehow seem to be always in the way ; with great rugged furrowed hands, which grasp you like a vice when shaking yours ; with a long snaggy neck, and a chest too narrow for the great arms at its side. Add to this figure a head cocoa-nut shaped and somewhat too small for such a stature, covered with rough, uncombed and uncomable hair, that stands out in every direction at once ; a face furrowed, wrinkled and indented, as though it had been scarred by vitrol ; a high narrow forehead ; and sunk deep beneath bushy eyebrows, two briglit, dreamy eyes, that seem to gaze through you without looking at you ; a few irregular blotches of black bristly hair, in the place where beard and whiskers ought to grow ; a close-set, thin-lipped, stern mouth, with two rows of large white teeth, and a nose and ears which have been taken by mistake from a head of twice the size. — Clothe this figure, then, in a long, tight, badly-fitting suit of black, creased, soiled and puckered up at every salient point of the figure (and every point of this figure is salient) put on large, ill-fitting boots, gloves too long for the long bony fingers, and a fluflfy hat, covered to the top with dusty, puffy crape ; and then add to this an air of strength, physical as well as moral, and a strange look of dignity coupled with all this grotesqueness ; and you will have the impression left upon me by Abraham Lincoln.' FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 29 An American's Portrait cf Father Abraham. In character and culture ho is a fair representative of llip avcrag-e American. His awlcward speech and yet more awkward silence, his uncouth manners, self-taught and partly forgotten, his style miscellaneous, concreted from the best authors, like a reading book, and yet oftentiniea of Saxon force and classic purity ; his argument, his logic a joke ; both unseasonable at times and irresistable always ; his questions answers, and his answers questions ; his gue&ses prophecies, and fullillment ever beyond his proDi- ise ; honest yet shrewd ; simple yet retiscent ; heavy yet energetic ; never despairing, never sanguine ; careless in forms, conscientious in essentials ; never sacrificing a good servant once trusted ; never deserting a good principle once adopted ; not afraid of new ideas, nor despising old ones; improving opportunities to confess mistakes, ready to learn, getting at facts, doing nothing when he knows not what to do ; hesitating at nothing when he sees the right; lacking the recognized qualifications of a party leader, and leading his party as no other man can ; sus- taining his political enemies in Missouri in their defeat, sustaining his political friends in Maryland to their victo- ry ; conservative in his sympathies and radical iu his acts, Socratic in his style and Baconian in his method ; his reli- gion consisting in truthfulness, temperance : asking good people to pray for him, and publicly acknowledging in events the hand of God, yet he stands before you as the type of ' Brother Jonathan,' a not perfect man and yet more precious than fine gold.' 30 OLD ABE'S J0KE8, The President In Society. ' On the occasion when the writer had the honor of meeting the President, the company was a small one, Avith most of whom he was personally acquainted. He was Diuch at his ease. There was a look of depression about his face, which was habitual to him even before his child'a death. It was strange to me to Avitncss the perfect terms of equality on which he appeared to be with everybody. Occasionally some of his interlocutors called to him : ' Mr. President,' but the habit was to address him simply as: 'Sir.* It v/as not, indeed, till we were introduced to him that we were aware that the President was one of the company. He talked little, and seemed to prefer others talking to him to talking himself ; but, when ho spoke, his remarks were always shrewd and sensible. You would never say he was a gentleman ; you would still less say he was not one. There are some women about whom no one ever thinks in connection with beauty one way or the other; and there are men to whom the epithet of gentleman-like or ungcntleraan-like appears utterly incongruous ; and of such Mr. Lincoln is one. Still there is about him an ut- ter absence of pretension, and an evident desire to be cour- teous to everybody, which is the essence, if not the outward form, of good breeding. There is a softness, too, ab( ut his smile, and a sparkle of dry humor about his eye, which redeem the expression of his face, and remind us more of the late Dr. Arnold, as a child's recollection recalls him, th:m of any face we can call to mind. The conversation, like that of all American oflBcial men FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 31 we have met with, was unrestrained in the presence of Btrangors, to a degree perfectly astonishing. Any remarks that we heard made, as to the present state of affiairs, we do not feel at liberty to repeat, though really every public man here appears not only to live in a glass house, but in a reverberating gallery, and to be absolutely indiflerent as to who sees or hears him. Tnere are a few ' Lincolnisms,' however, which we may fairly quote, and which will show the style of his conversation. Some of the party began Braoking, and our host remarked, laughingly, ' The Presi- dent has got no vices : he neither smokes nor drinks.' 'That is a doubtful compliment,' answered the President * I re- collect once being outside a stage in Illinois, and a man sitting by me oflfered me a cigar. I told him I had no vices. He said nothing, smoked for some time, and then grunted out, ' its my experience that folks who have no vices have plaguy few virtues.' Agsiin a gentleman pres- ent was telling how a friend of his had been driven away from New Orleans as a Unionist, and how, on his expul- Bion, when he asked to see the writ by which he was ex- pelled, the deputation which called on him told him that the Government had made up their minds to do nothing il- legal, and so they had issued no illegal writs, and simply meant to make him go of his own free will. « Well,' said Mr. Lincoln, ' that reminds me of a hotel keeper down at St. Louis, who boasted he never had a death in his hotel, for whenever a guest was dying in his house he carried him out to die in the street.' 32 OLD abe's jokes, Mr. Lincoln's Daily Life. « Mr. Lincoln is an early riser, and lie thus is able to de- vote two or three hours each morning to liis v>luniiiiou3 private correspondence, besides glancing at a city paper. At nine he breakfasts — then walks over to the war office, to read such war telegrams as they give him, (occasionally some are withheld,) and to have a chat with General Ilal- leck on the military situation, in which he takes a great in- terest. Returning to the -white house, he goes through with his morning's mail, in company with a private secre- tary, who makes a minute of the reply which he is to make — and others the President retains, that he may answer them himself. Every letter receives attention, and all which are entitled to a reply receive one uo matter how they are worded, or how inelegant the chirography may be. Tuesday and Fridays are cabinet days, but on other days visitors at the white house are requested to wait in the anti-chamber, and send in their cards. Sometimes, before the President has finished reading his mail Louis will have a handful of pasteboard, and from the cards laid before him Mr. Lincoln has visitors ushered in, giving pre- cedence to acquaintances. Three or four hours do they pour in, in rapid succession, nine out of ten asking offices, and patiently does the president listen to their application. Care and anxiety have furrowed his rather homely features, yet occasionally he is 'reminded of an anecdote' and good humored glances beam from his clear, grey eyes, while his rinojing laugh shows that he is not ' used up' yet. The FRESH PROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 83 simple and natural manner in which he delivers his thouglits makes him appear to those visiting him like an earnest, affectionate friend. He makes little parade of his le2:al science, and rarely indulges in speculative propo- sitions, but states his ideas in plain Angle-saxon, illumina- ted by Many lively images and pleasing allusions, which seem to f.ow as if in obedience to a resistless impulse of his nature. Some newspaper admirer attempts to deny that the President tells stories. Why, it is rarely that any one is in his company for fifteen minutes without hearing a good tale, appropriate to the subject talked about. Many a metaphysical argument does he demolish by simply telling an anecdote, which exactly overturns the verbal structure. About four o'clock the President declines seeing any more company, and often accompanies his wife in her car- riage to take a drive. He is iond of horseback exercises and when passing the summers' home used generally to go in the saddle. The President dines at six, and it is rare that some personal friends do not grace the round dining tabic where he throws off the cares of office, and reminds those who have been in Kentucky of the old school gentle- man who used to dispense generous hospitality there. — From the dinner table the party ret-ire to the crimson draw- ing room, where coffee is served, and where the President passes the evening, unless some dignitary has a special iu- tcrview. Such is the almost unvarying daily life of Abra- ham Lincoln, whose administration will rank next in im- portance to that of Washington in our national annals.' 34 OLD aee's jokes, Personal Habits of the President, Those who know the habits of President Lincoln aro not surprised to hear of his personal visit to some general, nor would any such be astonished to know that lie was in New York at any time. If he wanted to see anything or anybody, he would be as likely to come on as to send. He has an orbit of his own, and no one can tell where he will be or what he will do, from anything done yesterday. If he wants a newspaper he is quite as likely to go out and j^et it as he is to send after it. If he want's to see the Sec- retary of State, he generally goes out and makes a call, retary of State, he generally goes out and makes a call. — At night, from ton to twelve, he usually makes a tour all around — now at Seward's and then at Halleck's ; and if Burnside was nearer, he would see him each night before he went to bed. Those who know his habits and want to Bee him late at night, follow him round from place to placcj and the last search generally brings him up at Gen. Hal- leck's, as he can get the latest army intelligence there. — ■ Whoever else is asleep or indolent the President ia wide awake and around. Beneath all the playfulness of his mind burns a solemn earnestness of patriotism; amid his prudence a great cour- age ; in all his gentleness and compliance a determined grasp of the reins, and a firmness net inferior to General Jackson's, though without its passion and caprice. He is p, wise, true, sagacious, earnest and formidable leader.' FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 35 Several Little Stories, BY AND ABOUT PRESIDENT LINCOLN. « It "wonld be hardly necessary to inform the nation that oar President, in the midst of the anxieties of a state of war that continually torture his mind, is wont to find oc- casional relief in an appropriate anecdote or well-turned jest. No man, says Mrs. Stowe, has suffered more and deeper, albeit with a dry, weary, patient pain, that seemed to some like insensibility, than President Lincoln. ' Whichever way it ends,' he said to the writer, ' I have the impression that I shan't last much longer after it is over.' After the dreadful repulse of Fredericksburg, he is re- ported to have said ; ' If there is a man out of Hell that suffers more than I do, I pity him.* In those dark daya his heavy eyes and worn and weary air told how our re- verses wore upon him, and yet there was a never-failing fund of patience at the bottom, that sometimes rose to the surface in some droll, quaint saying or story, that forced a laugh even from himself. -o- Old Abe Consulting the Spirits. A Washington correspondent of the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, gives the following account of a spiritual manifestation at the White House : * A few evenings since Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States^ was induced to give a Spiritual soiree in the crimson room at the White House, to test the won. 36 OLD abe's jokes, dcrM alleofcd supernatural powers of Mr. Charles E. Shockle. It was my good fortune as a friend of the medi- um, to be present, the party consisting of the President, Mrs. Lincoln, Mr. Welles, Mr. Stanton, Mr. L., of New- York, and j\Ir. F., of Philadelpliia. We took our seats in Uic circle about eight o'clock, but the President was called away sliortly after the manifestations commenced, and the spirits, which had apparently assembled to convince him of their power, gave visible tokens of their displeasure at the President's absence, by pinching Mr. Stanton's ears and twitching Mr. Welles' beard. The President soon re- turned, but it was some time before harmony was restored, for the mishaps to the Secretaries caused such bursts of laughter, that the influence was very unpropitious. For Bomc half hour the demonstrations were of a physical char- acter — tables were moved, and a picture of Henry Clay, which hangs on the wall, was swa3'ed more than a foot, and two canciclab.-as, presented by the Dey of Algiers to Pres- ident Adams, were twice raised nearly to the ceiling. It was nearly nine o'clock before Shockle was fully under spiritual influence, and so powerful were the subsequent reani Testations that twice during the evening restoratives were applied, for he was much weakened, and though I took no notes, I shall endeavor to give you as faithful an account as possible of what took place. Loud rappings about nine o'clock were heard directly beneath the President's feet, and Mr. Shockle stated that an Indian desired to communicate. ' Well, sir,' said the President, ' I should be happy to hear what his Indian majesty has to say. We have recent- ly had a visitation from our red brethren, and it was the FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 37 only delegation, black, white or blue, wliicli did not volun- teer some advice about the conduct of tlie war.' The medium then called for pencil and paper, and they were laid upon the table in sight of all. A liandkerchief was tlien taken from Mr. Stanton, and the materials were carefully concealed from sight. In less space of time than it iias required me to write this, knocks were heard, and the paper was uncovered. To the surprise of all present, it read as follows : " Haste makes waste, but delays cause vexations. Give vitality by energy. Use every means to subdue. Frocla- mations are useless. Make a bold front and light the enemy, leave traitors at home to the care of the loyal men. Less note of preparation, less parade and policy-talk and more action. Henry Knox." 'That is not Indian talk, Mr. Shockle,' said the Presi- dent. ' Who is Henry Knox ?' I suggested to the medium to ask who General Knox was, and before the words were from my lips, the medium Bpoke in a strange voice, ' The first Secretary qf War.' ' Oh, yes, General Knox,' said the President, who turn- ing to the Secretary, said, ' Stanton, that message is for you — it is from your predecessor.' Mr. Stanton made no reply. ' I should like to ask General Knox,' said the President, * if it is ^vithin the scope of his ability to tell us when this rebellion will be put down.' In the same manner as before this message was received: ' Washington, Lafayette, Franklin, Wilberforce, Napo- leoa and myself have held frequent consultations upon this 38 OLD abe's jokes, point. There is something which our spiritual eyes cannot detect which prevents rapid consummation of plans which appear well formed. Evil has come at times by removal of men from high positions, and there are those in retire- ment whose abilities should be made useful to hasten the end. Napoleon says concentrate your forces upon one point, Lafayette thinks that the rebellion will die of ex- haustion, Franklin sees the end approaching as the South must give up for want of mechanical ability to compete against Northern mechanics, Wilberforce sees hope only in a negro army. Knox.' < Well,' exclaimed the President, < opinions differ among the saints as well as among the sinners. They don't seem to understand running the machine among the celestials much better than we do. Their talk and advice sound very much like the talk of my cabinet — don't you think so Mr. Welles ?' ' Well, I don't know — I will think the matter over and see what conclusions I arrive at.' Heavy raps were heard and the alphabet was called for when « That's -what's the matter' was spelled out. There was a shout of laughter, and Mr. Welles stroked his beard. ' That means, Mr. Welles,' said the President, « that you are apt to be long-winded, and think the nearest way home is the longest round. Short cuts in war times. I wish the spirits would tell us how to catch the Alabama.' The lights which had been partially lowered almost in- stantaneously become so dim that I could not see sufiBcient- ly to distinguish the features of any one in the room, and on the large mirror over the mantel-pcice tlicre appeared / FRESH FKOM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 3§ the most beautiful thougli supernatural picture eye ever be- held. It represented a sea-yiew, the Alabama with all steam up flying from the pursuit of another large steamer. Two merchantmen in the distance were seen partially des- troyed by fire. The picture changed and the Alabama was Been at anchor under the shadow of an English fort — from which an English flag was flying. The Alabama was floating idly, not a soul on board, and no signs of life vi^ ible about her. The picture vanished and in letters of purple appeared, ' The English people demand this of England's aristo- cracy.' ' So England is to seize the Alabama finally V said the President. 'It may be possible, but Mr. "Welles, don*t let one gunboat or one monitor less be built.' The spirits again called for the alphabet, and again * That's what's the matter' was spelt out. « I see, I see,' said the President. * Mother England thinks that what's sauce for the goose may be sauce for the gander. It may be tit, tat, too hereafter But it is not very complimentary to our Navy anyhow.' * We've done our best, Mr. President,' said Mr. Welles * I'm maturing a plan, which, when perfected, 1 tiiink if it works well, will be a perfect trap for the Alabama.' ' Well, Mr. Shockle,' remarked the President, ' I have seen strange things and heard rather odd remarks but nothing which convinces me, except the pictures, that there is anything very heavenly about all this. I should like if possible, to hear what Judge Douglas says about this war.' * I'll try to get his spirit,' said Mr. Shockle, ' but it OLD ABES JOKES, Bometimes happens, as it did to-night in the case of the Indian, that though first impressed by one spirit, I yield to another more powerful. If perfect silence is maintain- ed, I will see if we cannot induce General Knox to send for Mr. Douglas.' Three raps were given, signifying assent to the proposi- tion. Perfect silence was maintained, and after an in- terval of perhaps three minutes, Mr. Shock le rose quickly from his chair and stood behind it, resting his left arm on the back, his right thrust into his bosom. In a voice such as no one could mistake who had ever heard Mr. Douglas, he spoke. I shall not pretend to quote the language. It was eloquent and choice. He urged the President to throw aside all advisers who hesitated about the policy to be pur- sued, and to listen to the wishes of the people, who would sustain him at all points, if his aim was, as he believed it was, to restore the Union. He said there were Burrs and Blenderhassetts still living, but that they would wither before the popular approval, which would follow one or two victories, such as he thought must take place ere long. The turning point in this war will be the proper use of these victories ; if wicked men in the first hours of suc- cess think it time to devote their attention to party, the war will be prolonged, but if victory is followed up by energetic action all will he well. <■ I believe that,' said the President, « whether it comes from spirit (5r human.' Mr. Shockle was much prostrated after this, and at Mrs. Lincoln's request it was thought best to adjourn the seanco sine die. FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 41 " Too Cussed Dirty." The following story is often told of Father Abraham about two contrabands, servants of General Kelly and Capt. George Harrison. When the General and his staff were on their way up the mountains they stopped at a little village to get something to eat. They persuaded the occupant of the farm-house to cook them a meal, and in order to expedite matters, sent the two contrabands mentioned to assist iu preparing the repast. After it was over the General told the negroes to help tuemselve?. An hour or two afterward he observed them gnawing away at some hard crackers and flitch. ' Why didn't you eat your dinner at the village V asked the General of one of them. ' Well, to tell the God's trufe. General, it wos too cus- sed dirty !' was the reply. Old Abe on Bayonets. * You can't do anything with them Southern fellows, the old gentleman at the table was saying. ' If they get whipped they'll retreat to them Southern swamps aud bayous along with the fishes and crocodiles. You haven't got tiie fish-nets made that'll catch 'em.' 'Look here, old gentleman !' screamed old Abe, who was sitting along side * We've got just the nets for traitors, in the bayous or anywhere. •IJoy? — what nets?' ^ Bayou.nets ?" and Abraham pointed his joke with a fork, spearing a fishball savagely. 49 OLD ABE's .TO!v'^'^. Old Abe as a Mathemafician. Mr. Lincoln has a very effective way sometimes of deal- ing with men who trouble him with questions. Somebody asked him how many men the rebels had in the field. He replied very seriously, 'Twelve hundred thousand, accord- ing to the best authority.' The interrogator blanched in the face, and ejaculated < My God!' 'Yes, sir, twelve hundred thousand— no doubt of it. You see, all of our Generals, when they get whipped, say the enemy outnum- bers them from three or five to one, and I must believe them. We have four hundred thousand men in the field, and three times four make twelve. Don't you see it ?' The inquisitive man looked for his hat soon after ' seeii g it' Father Abe on the Wooden-legged Amateur. Old Abe, once reminded of the enormous cost of the war, remarked, ah, yes ! that reminds me of a wooden legged amateur who Happened to be with a Virginia skir- mishing party when a shell burst near him, smashing his artificial limb to bits, and sending a piece of iron through the calf of a soldier near him. The soldier ' grinned and bore it' like a man, while the amateur was loud and em- phatic in his lanentution. Being rebuked by the wound- ed soldier, he replied : ' Oh, yes ; its all well enough for you to bear it. Your leg didn't cost you anything, and will heal up ; out I paid two hundred dollars for mine !' PRESH PROM ABRAMAMS BOSOM. 43 Lincoln Teaching tha Soldier's How to Surrender arms. As the members of one of our volunteer companies were being practiced in the musket-drill, a gentleman, who, al though not of the corps, was acting as Lieutenant for the day, said : ' I will teach you the manner of surrender- ing arms, so in case you ever liave to do it, you will know how to do it gracefully.' Mr. Lincoln standing near, im- mediately responded: 'Hold on. Lieutenant; I'll teach thetn that myself.' Ho seized a musket from a soldier standing near, and raised it to his shoulder a moment, as if in the act of firing upon an enemy ; then letting it drop from Ids hand, he imitated the action of a man shot through the heart, staggered heavily forward, and fell upon the piece. He sprang up again in a moment and cried ; 'That's the way to surrender arms!' A tremen- dous shout broke from the ranks. ' That's the kind we learn — surrender and die at the same time ; never mind the ffrace of it. And the ' crrace of it' was discarded.' Abe's Curiosity. Father Abraham says he lately discovered in an old drawer which had not been opened for years, a remarka- ble silver coin, which had on one side a head with the word ' Liberty' surrounded by thirteen stars, and the date 18(K>. On the opposite was an eagle with the motto < E IMuribus Ui^am,' the words ' United States of Ameri- ca,' and the figures « 10c !' OLD ARTY'S JOKES, Lincoln Agreeably Disappointed. Mr. Lincoln, as the highest public oflSccr of the nation is necessarily very much bored by all sorts of people call- in*; upon him. An officer of the Government called one day at the Wliite House, and introduced a clerical friend. ' Mr President,' said he, < allow me to present to you my friend the Rev. Mr. F. of . Mr. F. has expressed a desire to see you and have some conversation with you, and I am ha])py to be the means of introducing him.' The Presi- dent shook hands with Mr. F., and desiring him to be seated took a seat himself. Then — his countenance hav- ing assumed an uir of patient waiting — he said; 'Tarn now ready to bear what you have to say.' ' 0, bless you, sir,' said Mr. F., ' I have nothing especially to say, I mere- ly called to pay my respects to you, and, as one of the million, to assure you of my hearty sympathy and support.' * My dear sir,' said the President, rising promptly — his face showing instant relief, and with both hands grasping that of his visitor, ' I am very glad to see you, indeed. I thought you had come to preach to me !' Secesh Lady. A Secesh lady of Alexandria, who was ordered away into Dixie by the Government, destroyed all her furniture and cut down her trees, so that the ' cursed Yankees' should not enjoy them. Lincoln hearing of this, the order was countermanded, and she returned to see in her broken penates, the folly of her conduct. L FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 45 One of Abe's Last. — ■« I cant say for certain who will be t!io people's choice for President, but to the best of my belief it will be the successful candidate.' The following, although not belonging to Father Abe. is not so bad : Gen. Hindman's mode of financiering. Gen. Hindman, had resolved to go into the neighboring State of Arkansas, determined to raise a forced loan of one million dollars from the banks of Mempliis, four in number. None of the moneyed inhabitants gave very cheerful accord to the demand. The President of one of them hesitated some time, and finally told the General that he could not accommodate him. ' I must have it,' said the general. « By what authority do you demand it ?' asked the bank president. ' By the authority of the sword,' replied Hindman. < Of course I cannot resist that,' said the financial man. 'I sliould think not,' responded the rebel commander. And so it turned out. Tlie money was taken out of the bank vaults by a party of rebel soldiers detailed by Hind- man for that purpose. at reclines on Abraham's bosom. In New York, from Canal street to Fourteenth, from Philadelphia to Bangor, can be seen on exhibition a ' Bonnet for Mrs. President Lincoln.' These establishments send on and notify Mrs. L. that they have a love of a bonnet, which they are desirous to present to her as a testimonial of their loyalty and great regard for her personally. The amiable and kind-hearted lady of the White House (for such she is) ->ndescends to accept the gift, and at once Mrs. Lincoln's 50 OLD ABE'S JOKES. Hat,' is on exhibition, and crowds flock to sec it. And such a hat! a condensed milliner's stock in trade, arched high enough to admit a canal boat under it, scalloped, fluted and plaited, loaded witli bugles, birds of Paradise, French lace and gewgaws known by name only to the trade, black and white crape, with a mingling of ribbons of all hues, and as many contradictions as there are in a glass of punch. A fit capstone to the cranium of a * Madge Wildfire.' Mrs. Lincoln may wear all these bonnets, but judging from the specimen I saw, ' uneasy lies the head that wears ' — such a bonnet. Honest Abe's Replies. Old Abe being asked what he had done for his country, Viade the following reply : 1st. I confiscated their cotton, but in return gave them « Wool.' 2d. I have exercised a ' Foster-ing * care over North Carolina. 3d. I gave them a * Pope ' to control their misguided zeal. 4th. Notwithstanding the financial condition of their country, I established ' Banks ' in New Orleans. 5th. I furnished them with a « Butler ' and ' Porter.' 6th. When the slaves in South Carolina fled from their masters, I sent them a Hunter,' who found them by hun- dreds. 7th. When they invaded Pennsylvania to reap a har- vest, I furnished the * Sickles ' and gave them * Meade ' to cool their heated blood. FEESH FBOM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. SI The Presidential Hymn of Thanks. Miles O'Rielly, the soldier who was arrested on Morri? Island, S. C, for making poetry, and pardoned by the President, in response to a witty poetical petition, has sent a hymn of thanks to tlie President, beginning : «* Long life to you, Misther Lincoln ; May you die both late and aisy ; An' whin you lie wid the top of aich toe Turned up to the roots of a daisy. May this be youi epitaph, nately writ : ' Though thraitors abused him vilely. He was honest an' kindly, he loved a joke, An' he pardoned Myles O'Rielly.' " What Old Abe says of Tennessee. It is a fertile country, and the people are putting in crops after a fashion, and under difficulties. He asked a lady from there not long ago, * Will you make a crop of cotton this year V ' I am going to try.' ' How many hands have you got V * One woman.' It struck me, says Abe, that a crop of coiton 'made ' by one female citizen of African descent would not be what ia generally nominated a *big thinq. 53 OLD abe's joees. A Patriotic (?) Darkey. Our President also tells the following story: Upon the hurricane deck of one of our gur.boLfcd,; an elderly darkey, with a very philosophical and retrospec- tive cast of countenance, squatted upon his bundle, toast- ing his shins against the chimney and apparently plunged into a state of profound meditation. Finding i;pon inquiry that he belonged to the Ninth Illinois, one of the most gal- lantly behaved and heavy losing regiments at the Fort Donelson battle, and part of which was aboard, began to interrogate him upon the subject : * Were you in the fight?' * Had a little taste of it' sa.* « Stood your ground, did you?* * No, sa, I runs.' « Eun at the first fire, did you V * Yes, sa, and would hab run soona, bad I knowd it war comin.' « Why, that wasn't very creditable to your jourage.' « Dat isn't my line, sa — cookin's my profesl un.' * Well, but have you no regard for your rei-utation?' * Reputation's nuffin to me by de side ob life' * Do you consider your life worth more than other peo- ple's r * It's worth more to me, sa.' • « Then you must value it very highly ?' ' Yes, sa, I docs, more dan all dis wuld, more dan a mil- lian ob dollars sa. for what would dat be wuth to a man FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 55 wid de bref out ob him ? Self-preserbation am de fust law wid me.' ' But why should you act upon a dififcrent rule from other men ?' 'Because different men set different values upon their L'ves; mine is not in de market.' " But if you lost it, you would have the satisfaction oi knowing that you died for your country.' ' What satifaction would dat be to to me when de powei of feelin' was gone?' ' Then patriotism and honor are nothing to you ?' ' Nufin whatever, sa — I regard them as among the vani tios.' ' If our soldiers were like you, traitors might have broker up tho government without resistance.' ' Yes, sa, dar would hab been no help for it. I wouldnt put my life in de scale 'ginst any gobernment dat eber ex- isted, for no gobernment could replace de loss to me.' ' Do you think any of your company would have missed you if you had been killed ?' ' Maybe not, sa — a dead white man ain't much to dese sogers, let alone a dead nigga — but I'd a missed myself and dat was de pint wid me.' Old Abe a Coward. If Lincoln should be renominated for the Presidency, why would he be a cowardly antagonist? Because ha would be sure to run. 54 OLD abe's jokes, Abraham Advisesthe "Springs." It is stated that Old Abe being much disgusted at the crowd ol" oHicors who some time ago used to loiter about the Washiuytou hotels, and he is reported to have reuiark- ed to a member of Congress : " These fellows and ike Con' grvssmen do vex me sorely, they should certainly visit the * Springs.' Lincoln 'Mctaiic Ring.* The new fractional notes have upon the face a faint oval ring of bronze encircling the vignette. Upon being asked its use, Mr. Lincoln said: 'It was a faint attempt on the part of Mr. Chase to give the currency a metalic ring.' Abe tells the following story about a drunken captain who met a private of his company in the same condition. The captain ordered him to ' halt,* and endeavoring in vain to assume a firm position on his feet, and to talk with dig- nified severity, exclaimed : * Private Smith, I'll give you t'l )hic) lour o'clock to gissober in." * Cap'n,' replied the Boldicr, *a3 you'r (hie) ■ sight drunkerniam, I'll give you t'l five o'clock to gissober in.' Old Abe tells the following anecdote of a prisoner, a Union soldier, a droll-looking fellow. I accosted him with, ' Well, my fine fellow, what are you in hero for V FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 55 * For taking something,' he replied. 'What do you mean?' ' Why,' said he, ' one morning I did not feel very W3ll, and went to sec the surgeon. He was busy writing at tlie time, and when I went in he looked at me, sayiiiLi-, ' Well, you do look bad; you had better take something,' lie then went on with his writing, and left me standing be- hind him. 1 looked around, and saw nothing I could take except his watch, and I took that. That's what I am in here for,' A Good Word for Mr. Lincoln. It is some amend3 for the ridicule which has been un- sparingly heaped by certain presses upon Mr. Lincoln, that the London Spectator, one of the most intelligent and most respectable journals in Europe, finds occasion for the following words about him : • Mr. Lincoln has been treated, as few governors have ever been treated, and although he may not always have risen fully to the level of a great emergency, he has sel- dom failed to display a noble impartiality, a great firm- ness of purpose, and a sagacious, if somewhat utilitarian judgment. We believe a juster man never held the reins of government.* Sinecure vs Water-cure. * The private secretary of the President is a wag. A young man decidedly inebriated, walked into the cxecu- Uve mansion and asked for the President. 56 OLD ABE'S JOKES, « What do you want with him V inquired the Secretary. < Oh, I want an office with a good salary— a sinecure.' « Well,' replied the Secretary, '• I can tell you some- thing better for you than a sinecure — you had better try water cure.' A new idea seemed to strike the young inebriate and ho vamosed. The Negro in a Hogshead. Abe often laughs over the following: A curious incident, which escaped general attention at the time of its occurrence, happened at police headquar- ters during the riot. While President Acton was giving some final orders to a squad of men who were just leaving to combat the crowd in First avenue, a wagon containing a hogshead was driven rapidly up to the Mulberry street door, by a lad who appeared much excited and almost breathless. ' What have you there, my lad ?' said the President. * Supplies for your men,' was the answer. * What are they ?' « It is an assorted lot, sir ; but the people says it's con- traband.' Being exceedingly busy, the President ordered the wa- gon to be driven round to the Mott street entrance, where an oHiccr was sent to look after the goods. When tlie wagon arrived the officers were about to tip the cask out, but where prevented by the boy, who exclaimed : * Wait a minute, bring me a hatchet.' A hatchet was "FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. " 57 Lrouglit, and the little fellow set to work imheading the cask, and as he did so the officers were astonished to see two full grown negroes snugly packed inside. Upon being assured by the lad that they were safe they raised their Leads, took a long snuff of fresh air, and exclaimed, 'Bress deLord!' Tiie hoy stated that the rioters had chased the poor un- fortunates into the rear of some houses on the west side of the town, and that they had escaped by scaling a fence and landing in a grocer's yard ; that the grocer was friendly to ihem, but feared his place might be sacked if they were found there. He accordingly hit upon this novel plan of getting them out, and while he kept watch in front the boy coopered the negroes up. The cask was then rolled out like a hogshead of sugar, placed in the ■wagon and driven off to Mulberry street. The colored heroes of this adventure may still be found at police licad- quarters, thankful to the ingenuity and daring of those ■who suggested and carried out this singular method of sav- mcr them from violence.' Mr. Lincoln's Kind-Heartedness. *An incident connected with Mr. Shultz illustrates the kind-heartedness of Mr. Lincoln. On his return from his former imprisonment, on parole, young Shultz was sent to Carnp Parole, at Alexandria. Having had no furlough since tlie -war, efforts -were made, -without success, to get him liberty to pay a brief visit to his friends ; but having faith in the warm-heartedness of the President, the young soldier's widowed mother -wrote to Mr. Lincoln, stating OLD ABE'S JOKES, that he had been in nearly every battle foug.-ht by the army of the Potomac, had never asked a furlough, was now a paroled prisoner, and in consequence unable to perform active duties, that two of his brothers bad also served in the array, and ashing that he be allowed to visit home, that she might see him once more. Her trust in the Pres- ident was not unfounded. He immediately caused a fur- lough to be given to her son, who, shortly before he was exchanged, visited his family, to their great surprise and joy. o " Dat's what Skeered 'em so bad!" Says Lincoln, * "We were passing along the wharves a few days ago, wondering at the amount of business that was there transacted. While standing observing a cargo of horses being transferred from a vessel to the shore, an * old contraband' appeared at our elbow, touching his fur hat, and scraping an enormous foot. He opened his bat- tery upon us with the following : ' Well, boss, how is yer ?' * Pretty well, daddy ; how are you ?' * I'se fuss rate, I is. B'long to Old Burnemside's boys, does yer V < Yes, I belong to that party. Great boys, ain't they ?' < Well I thought yer b'longed to dat party. Great man, he is, dat's sartin. YeS; sir. We waited and waited ; we heard yer was coming' but we mos guv yer up. 'Deed we jest did ; but one mornin' we licard do big guns, way down ribber, go bang, bang, bang, and de folks round yer began to cut dar stick mitey short, and trabble up de rail track. FRESH PROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 59 Den bress dc good Lord, we knowed yer was coming, but wejield our jaw, Bymeby de sojcrs begun to cut dar stick, too, and dey did trabble ! Goramity, 'pears dey made de dirt fly ! Ya, lia !' * Why, were tliey scared so bad ?' 'De sogers didn't skeer um so much as dem biack boats. Kase, yer see, de sojers shot solid balls, and dey not mind dem so much ; but when dera boats say b-o-o-m, dey knowd dc rotten balls was comin, and they skeeted quick- ern a streak of litenin.' 'What! rotten balls did the boats throw at them ?' « Dont yer know ? What, dem balls dat arc bad, dar rotten ; iiy all to bits — 'deed does dey — play de very deb- bil wid yer. No dodgin' dem derc balls : ' kase yer dun- no wliarc dey Ty too— strike yah and fly yaudah ; dat'a what skecred 'cm so bad!' ' Well, what are you going to do when the wars over V * Duuno, 'praps I goes NotT wid dis crowd. Pretty much so, I guess. Tears tcr me dis child had better be movin'.' -o^- The Darned Thing. « The following was told of a soldier wounded by a shell from Fort Wagner. He was going to the rear with a mutilated arm. ' Wounded by a shell ?' he was asked. ' Yes.' he coolly answered, ' I was right under the darn- ed thing when the bottom drooped out.' 60 OLD ABE'S JOKES, I he President shaking hands with Wounded Rebels. A correspondent, who was with the President on the occasion of his recent visit to Frederick, Md., tells the following incident: ' After leaving Gen. Richardson, the party passed a house in which was a large number of confederate wound- ed. By request of the President, the party alighted and entered the building. Mr. Lincoln, after looking, remark- ed to the wounded confederates that if they had no objection he would be pleased to take them by the hand. He said the solemn obligations wliich we owe to our coun- try and posterity compel the prosecution of this war, and it followed that many were our enemies tlirough uncon- trollable circumstances and he bore them no malice, and could take them by the hand with sympathy and good feel- ing. After a short silence the confederates came forward, and each silently but fervently shook the hand of the President. Mr. Lincoln and Gen. McClellan then walked forward by the side of those who were wounded too severely to be able to arise, and bid them to be of good cheer ; assuring them that every pos:=ibie care should be bestowed upon them to ameliorate their condition. It was a moving scene, and there was not a dry eye in the building, cither among the nationals or confederates. Both the President and Gen. McClellan were kind in tlieir remarks and treatment of the rebel suflferen during this remarkable interview.' Pedlar made to swallow hrs own Pies, Wc have read frequent allusions to the rough points id tlic character of General Nelson, who has succeeded, we believe, to the command of Gen. Mitchell's division. The following account of one of his performances sounds so much like other things alleged of him, that we suspect it maj be accounted at least half true, and may not be out of place in Old Abe's Jokes : Gen. Nelson, the commander of our division, occasion- ally coraes dashing through camp, bestowing a gratuitioua cursing to some offender and is off like a shot. He is a great, rough, profane old fellow — has followed the seas many years. He has a plain, good, old fashioned fire- place kindness about him that is always shown to those tliat do their duty. But offenders meet with no mercy at his hands. The General hates pedlars. There are many that come about the camp Belling hoe-cakes, pies, milk, &c., at exorbitant prices. Cracker-fed-soldiers are free with their monev ; they will pay ten times the value of an article if they want it. The other day the General came across a pedlar selling something that he called pies, not the delicious kind of pies that our Northern mothers n»ake — the very thought of which even now makes me home sick — but an indigestible combination of flattened dough and wolly peaches, minus sugar, minus spice, minus every- thing that is good — any of which the General swore would kill a hyena deader than the devil. < What do you charge for those pies?' belched out the General. « Fifty cents apiece,' responded the pic-man. ' Fifty cents ^2 OL^ ABE'S JOKES, apiece, for pies,' roared the General. < Now, jou infernal swindling pirate,' roared he, letting fly one of his great rifled oaths, that fairly made the fellow tremble, ' I want you to go to work and cram every one of those pies down you as quick as the Lord will let you. Double quick, you villain.' Expostulations, appeals, or promises were of no avail, and the pedlar was forced, to the great amusement of the soldiers, to down half a dozen of his own pics — all he had left. * Now,' said the General to the fellow, after he had finished his repast, and stood looking as dcatli-like as tho certain doctor that was forced to swallow his own medicine — ' leave, and if ever I catch you back here again, swindling my men, I'll hang you.' The man do- parted. Old Abe occasionally Browses Around. A party of gentlemen, among whom was a doctor of di- vinity of great comeliness of manner called at the White House, to pay their respects to the President. On in ^uir- ing for that dignitary, the servant informed them that the President was at dinner, but he would present their carda. The doctor demurred to this, saying they would not disturb Mr. Lincoln, but would call again. Michael persisted in assuring them it would make no difference to the President, and bolted in with the cards. In a i'ew minutes, the President walked into the room, with a kind, ly salutation, and a request that the friends would take seats. The doctor expressed his regret that their visi; was so ill-timed, and that his Excellency was disturbed while at dinner. * ! no consequence at all,' said the FRESH FROM ABRAMAM'S BOSOM. 63 good-natured Mr. Lincoln : ' Mrs. Lincoln is absent at present, and when she is away, I generally browse around.' Mr. Lincoln and the Barber. The other day a distinguished public officer was at "U^ashington, and in an interview with the President, in- troduced the question of slavery emancipation. « Well, you see,' said Mr. Lincoln, ' we've got to be mighty cautious how we manage the negro question. If we're not we shall be like the barber out in Illinois, who was shaving a fellow with a hatchet face and lantern jaws like mine. Tlie barber stuck his finger in his customer's mouth to make his cheek stick out, but while sliaviuff away he cut through the fellow's cheek and cut off his own finger! If we don't play mighty smart about the nigger we shall do as the barber did.' Old Abe on the " Compromise." When the conversation turned upon the discussion? as to the ilissouri Compromise, it elicited the following quaint remark from the President : « It used to amuse n.e some (sic) to find that tlie slave holders wanted more territory, because they had not room enough for their slaves, and yet they complained of not having the slave trade, because they wanted more slaves for their room.' 64 OLD ABE'S JOKES, Old Abe on Banks' Expedition. Wlien Gen. Banks was fitting out his expedition to New Orleans, it will be remembered that the Prcident used to answer all questions as to its destination with great frank- ness, by saying that it was going South. Sufficient Cause for Furlough. President Lincoln received the following pertinent letter from an indignant private, which speaks for itself: " Dear President — I have been in the service eighteen months, and I have never received a cent. I desire a furlough for fifteen days, in order to return home and remove my family to the poor house.' The President granted the furlough. It's a good story and true. The President on " Mud." By special permission of the < Censor of the Press,' we are allowed to mention that the President, on alighting from his carriage, after his late Aquia Creek excursion, remarked, ' that it was all nonsense to say Virginia was disafi"ectcd, as he had found it a Clay State up to the hub.' FRESH PROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 65 Lincoln on his Cabinet *' Help." A prominent senator was remonstrating -with Mr. Lin- coln a few days ago about keeping Mr. Chase in his Cabi- net, when it was well known that Mr. C. is opposed, tooth and nail, to Mr. Lincoln's re-election. ' Now, see here,' said the President, ' when I was elect- ed I resolved to hire my four Presidential rivals, pay them their wages, and be their ' boss.' These were Seward, Chase, Cameron and Bates ; but I got rid of Cameron after he had played himself out. As to discharging Chase or Seward, don't talk of it. I pay them their wages and am their boss, wouldn't let either of them out on the loose for the fee simple of the Almaden patent.' Mr. Lincoln and the Millerits. . A gentleman, it is said, sometime ago hinted to the Pre- sident that it was deemed quite settled that he would accept a re-nomination for his present office, whereupon Mr. Lincoln was reminded of a story of Jesse Dubois, out in Illinois. Jesse, as State Auditor, had charge of the State House at Springfield. An itinerant preacher came along and asked the use of it for a lecture. ' On what subject ?' asked Jesse. * On the second coming of our Saviour,' an* swered the long-faced Millerite. 'Oh, bosh,' retorted uncle Jesse, testily, 'I guess if our Saviour had ever been to Springfield, and had got away with his life, lied be too smart to tliink of <;oming back again.' This, Mr. Lincoln ^id, was very much his case about th^ succession. 66 OLD A6E*S JOKES. A Good One by Old Abe. The President is rather vain of his height, but one day & young man called on him who was certainly three inches taller than the former ; he was like the mathematical definition of the straight line, length without breadth. * Really,' said Mr. Lincoln, ' 1 must look up to you ; if you ever get into a deep place you ought to be able to wade out. Tanning Leather. During the siege of Vicksburg, several politicians called upon General Grant to talk about political matters. Gen. Grant listened to tliem for a few moments, and then inter- rupted them, saying: 'There is no use of talking about polities to me. 1 know nothing about the subject, and" furthermore, I don't know of any person among my acquain- tance who does. But there is one subject with which I am acquainted, talk of that, and 1 am your man,' * What is that. General ?' asked the politicians, in surprise. ' Tan- ning leather,' replied General Grant. General Grant's father was a wealthy tanner out west, before the rebellion, and the General assisted in conducting the business. FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 67 Southern '• Happiness." Old Abe declares, in epigrammatic phase, * the only happy people in the Confederacy are those who have black hearts or black skins.' Reduced to plainer English, this confession means that the rebel rulers and the rebel speculators are all rascals together, and that the blacks are never happy until they begia to run away from such contaminating influences. Lincoln's Advice. President Lincoln is not so far weighed down by the cares of his office tliat he cannot still tell a good story. He is greatly bothered, as a matter of course, by men who have got some patent plan for conqueriing the rebels. One man has an invention which, if applied to our ships, will enable them to batter down every rebel fort on the entire southern coast. Another has a river gunboat, which can sail straight down the Mississippi, without the fear of a rebel shell or ball, and so on. A few days ago a western farmer sought the President day after day, until he pro- cured the much-desired audience. He, too, had a plan for the successl'ul prosecution of the war, to which Mr. Lincoln listened as patiently as he could. 'vFhen he was through, he asked the opinion of the President upon his plan. 'Well,' said Mr. Lincoln, ' I'll answei by telling you a story. You have heard of Mr. Blank, of Chicago ? He 68 OLD ABE'S JOKES, was an immense loafer in his way, in fact, never did any- thing in his life. One day he got crazy over a great rise in the price of wheat upon which many wheat speculators gained large fortunes. l>lauk started oft' one morning to one of the most successful of the wheat speculators, and with much entliusiasm laid before him a ' plan' by which he, the said Blank, was certain of becoming independently rich. When he had finished, he asked the opinion of his hearer upon his plan of operations. The reply came as follows : ' My advice is that you stick to your business.* « But,' asked Blank, ' what is my business ?' ' I don't know, I'm sure, what it is,' says the merchant, 'but what' ever it is I would advise you to stick to it!' And now, said Mr. Lincoln, ' I mean nothing offensive, for I know you mean well, but I think you had better stick to your busi- ness and leave the war to those who have the responsibili- ty of managing it !' Whether the former was satisfied or not I cannot say, but ho did not tarry long in the Presi- dential mansion. Old Abe Appoints a General. One of the new levies of troops required the appoint- ment of a large additional number of Brigadier and Major Generals. Among the immense number of applications, Mr. Lincoln came upon one wherein the claims of a certain worthy (not in the service at all) 'for a generalship' were glowingly set forth. Bnt the applicant didn't specify whether he wanted to be Brigadier or Major General. The Preeident observed this difficulty, and solved it by a lucid FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 69 endorsement. The clerk, on receiving the paper again, found written across its back, 'Major General, 1 reckop', A. Lincoln.' A Practical Joke, not exactly Old Abe's, however. Quite a commotion was created in a Bleecker street boarding-house by the arrest of two Southern gentlemen Messrs. Joyce and Richardson, of Baltimore, for violating their parole and returning to the North, after having been sent to Dixie. On the occasion of their last arrest, several ladies, residing at their boarding-house, used some very expressive language, and rather tersely expressed their " feelinks" on the — to them — outrageous manner the gov- ernment sought to vindicate its authority. Doubtless, all the women were perfectly loyal, and each would gladly take the oath of allegiance to the government, or " any other man ;" but evidently some sarcastic old gentleman did not believe it, and in order to test the question con- cocted the following letter, which was duly directed and forwarded to the lady of whom he appeared most sus- picious : Headquarters U. S. Army, No. — street. New York, February — , 1864. Mrs. is respectfully requested to call at the above headquarters within six days, for examination on matters of importance which will then be stated to her. By Order of the Military Department, A. S. Jones, Assistant Adj.-General. Bring this notice with you. 70 OLD abe's jokis, On receipt of this notice, the lady, to whom it was ad- dressed, began to feel some misgivings. The oftener she read the mandate the more nervous she became, until at length, like a woman of spirit, she determined to present herself before the " powers that be," and await whatever explanation might be given. Conscious that in no act oi deed liad she been a disloyal woman, she felt certain tha if the military authorities had any knowledge of the words she liad made use of on the occasion referred to, they would overlook the hasty expressions of an affectionate nature, excited by the midnight arrest of those whom she had hitherto looked upon as peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Accordingly, the lady visited at the number indicated in the note, but discovered there no signs of military head- quarters. On the next block, in the same street, were the headquarters of General Dix. Determined to have a clear record, the lady proceeded tliitlier. Being stopped by the sentinel, she requested an audience with General Dix, and in due course found herself in the presence of that polite and patriotic ofiicer. The interview was substantially as follows : Lady : I called, sir, to know what this letter means. General (after reading the document, smiling) : My dear Madam, I am quite as ignorant as you seem to be. There is no such person as A. S. Jones on my staff, or to my knowledge, connected with the military forces of the Unitod States, at present on duty in this city. Lady (very much relieved) : I thought so, sir, but X meant to be certain. I believe I liave been hoaxed, sir, because I am from Baltimore, and resided at the house FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 71 where Mr. Joyce was recently arrested. Some wicked person has sent me this to annoy me. General : Doubtless that is the case, Madam, but I don't see that I (fan help you. Lady : I wish you could. I declare I would get you to Bend a file of soldiers after the scamp that has sent thia message to me. General (smiling) ; That would indeed be an arbitrary arrest that I cannot be a party to ; and your only remedy, that I see, is to be patient, until, perhaps, the individual himself shows his hand, and then you may punish bim through the civil law. Lady : Thank you, General. I am norry I have troubled you, but I felt anxious to appear right in the matter. General : No apologies, my dear Madam. Thereupon, the General bowed the lady out, and, per- haps, smiled inwardly at her confusion, as he proceeded to transact his usual business. It is unnecessary to describe the feelings of the lady as she joyfully wended her way homeward, and our reporter drops the curtain upon the scenes in a certain private room of that boarding-house, when Mrs. W revealed to her confidential friends how she had been the victim of a practical joke. A rod is being pickled for the practical joker, and it will be sur- prising if a woman's wit does not find some means of ap- plying it to the back of the me&n-spirited hound. o- Old Abe and His Tod. *For occasional sallies of genuine original wit, give va a country grocery on winter evenings and rainy days, and 72i OLD ABE'S J0KE3, the bar rooms of country hotels. As an instance take the following, which occurred in a bar-room. There was quite a collection, and our friend S., who is a democrat, and friend M., who is a republican, had been earnestly but pleasantly discussing politics ; and as a lull took place ia the conversation, S. spoke up as follows : * M., how many public men arc there who are really temperance men V ' Oh, I don't know,' replied M. 'Well,' said S., *I don't know of but one that I can speak positively of on our side, and that is General Cass.' ' Well,' said M., promptly, * there is President Lincoln on our side, certain.' < Guess not,' said L., incredulously. ' Guess yes,' replied M., warmly. « But you don't pretend to say that President Lincoln is a temperance man,' asked S. < Yes, I do,' answered M., ' and can maintain the state- ment.' * Well, now I tell you that Abraham Lincoln is as fond of his tod as any man living,' replied S., earnestly, « and I can prove it to you.' ' Well, I tell you that he isn't,' replied M., who began to get excited ; ' that he is as pure and strict a temperance man as there is in the country.' ' I contend,' replied S.' with provoking coolness, ' that Abraham Lincoln is £0 fond of his tod that it is the last thing he thinks of when he goes to bed, and the first when he wakes in the morning.' FRESH PROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 73 « It's a confounded locofoco lie !' exclaimed M., springing to Lis feet. ' Hold on, friend M.,' said S., ' what was Lincoln's wife's name before slie was married V ' Todd, by ihunderr exclaimed M., jumping more than a foot from the floor ; « boy's let's adjourn to ti''^. other room.' Pluck to the Toe-Nail. « A wag thus describes the constitution of his company »f volunteers : 'I'm captain cf the Baldinsville company. I riz grad- ooaly but majes'icly from drummer's secretary to my pres- ent position. I determined to have my company composed excloosively of oCQssers, everybody to rank as brigadier- gencrah As all air comniandin' ofiissers there ain't no jelusy ; and as we air all cxceedin' smart, it taint worth while to try to outstrip each other. The idee of a com- pany composed excloosively of commanders-in-chief orrig- gcrnated I spose I skursely need say, in this brane. Con- sidered as an idee, I flatter myself it's pretty helTy. — We've got the tackticks at our tongs' end, but what we pareickly excol in is restin' muskits. We can rest mus- kits with anybody. Our corpse will do its dooty. We'll be cliopt into sassiage meet before we'll exhibit our coat tails to the foe. We'll fight till there's nothing left to us aut our little toes, and even they shall defiently wriggle.' 74 OLD abe's jokes, The National Joker and the Nigger Mathenatician. A gentleman, who liappcned to Lave an interview with the national joker just previous to the battle of Gettys- burg, ventured to turn the conversation on the rebel in- vasion of Pennsylvania, and made tlie remark that the rebels were splendidly armed. ' There's no doubt of that,' replied Mr. Lincoln, ' because we supplied them with the best we had.' The visitor expressed a confident hope, liowever, that Meade would be able to beat Lee and cap- ture his whole army. The President grinned to the ut- most extent of his classic mouth, and remarked that he was afraid there would be too much « nigger mathematics' in it. Tlie visitor smiled at the allusion, as he felt bound in politeness to do, supposing that there must be something in it, though he could not see the point. ' But I suppose you don"t know what nigger mathematics is," continued Mr. Lincoln. ' Lay down your hat for a minute, and Pll tell you.' He himself resumed the sitting posture, leaned back in his chair, elevated his heels on the table, and went on with his story. ' There was a darkey in my neigh- borhood called Pompey, who, from a certain quickness in figuring up the prices of chickens and vegetables, got the reputation of being a mathematical genius. Mr. Johnson, a darkey preacher, heard of Pompey, and called to see him. Hear ye're a great mat'm'tishun, Pompey. Yes, Bar, you jus try. Well, Pompey, I'ze compound a problem in mat'matics. All right, sar. Now, Pompey, s'pose der am tree pigeons sittin on a rail fence, and you fire a gun at 'era and shoot one, how many's left ? Two, ob coors, FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 75 replies Pompey, aftor a little wool-scratching. Ya, ya, ya, laughs Mr. Johnson ; I knowed you was a fool, Pompey ; derc's none left ; one's dead, and d'udder two's flown away. That's what makes me say,' continued Mr. Lincoln • that Pm afraid there will be too much nigger mathe- matics in the Pennsylvania campaign.' And the result showed that, in this instance at least, the anecdote suited the fact. Lee's army was the three pigeons. One of them was taken down at Gettysburg, but the other two flew off over the Potomac. Big Brindle and the Highfalutin Colonel. President Lincoln tells the following story of Col. W who had been elected to the Legislature, and had also been judge of the county court. His elevation, however, had made liim somewhat pompous, and he became very fond of using big words. On his farm he bad a very large and mischievous ox called ' Big Brindle,' which fre- quently broke down his neighbors' fences, and committed other depredations, much to the Colonel's annoyance. One morning after breakfast in the presence of Mr. Lincoln who had stayed with' him over night, and who was on his way to town, he called his overseer and said to him : « Mr. Allen, I desire you to impound Big Brindle, in order that I may hear no animadversions on his eternal depredations.' Allen bowed and walked off, sorely puzzled to know what the Colonel meant So after Col. W. left for town, 76 OLD ABB'S JOKES, he went to his wife and aslb.ed her what Col. W. meant by telling him to impound tht ox. * Why, he meant to tell you to put him in a pen,' said she. Allen left to perform the feat, for it was no inconsider able one, as the animal was very wild and vicious, an after a great deal of trouble and vexation succeeded. < Well,' said he, wiping the perspiration from his brow, and soliloquizing^ ' this is impounding, is it ? Now, I am dead sure that the Colonel will ask me if I impounded Big Brindle, and I'll bet I puzzle him as he did me.' The next day the Colonel gave a dinner party, and as he was not aristocratic, Mr. Allen, the overseer, sat down with the company. After the second or third glass was discussed, the Col. turned to the overseer and said : * Eh, Mr. Allen, did you impound Big Brindle, sir ?' Allen straightened himself, and looking u"ound at the company said ; < Yes, I did, sir, but old Brindle transcended the impan nel of the impound, and scattcrlophisticated all over tht equanimity of the forest.' The company burst into an immoderate fit of laughter, while the Colonel's face reddened with discomfiture. * What do you mean by that, sir V said the Colonel. < Why, I mean. Colonel,' said Allen, ' That old Brindle, being prognosticated with an idea of the cholera, ripped and tared, snorted and pawed dirt, jumped the fence, tuck to the woods, and would not be impounded no hovr.' This Avas too much; the company roared agaiu, in which the Colonel was forced to join, and in the midst of the laughter Allen left the table, saying to himself as he went, PBESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 77 **I reckon the Colonel won't ask me to impound any more oxen.' Lincoln and the Lost Apple. * On a late occasion when the White House was open to the public, a farmer from one of the border counties of Virginia, told the President that the Union soldiers, in passing his farm, had helped themselves not only to hay, but his horse, and he hoped the President would urge the proper officer to consider his claim immediately. ^ Why, my dear sir,' replied Mr. Lincoln, blandly, • I couldn't think of such a thing. If I consider individual cases, I should find work enough for twenty Presidents.' Bowie urged his needs persistently ; Mr. Lincoln de- clined good naturedly. ' But,' said the persevering sufferer, ' couldn't you just give me a line to Col. about it? lust one line I' ' Ha, ha, ha !' responded the amiable Old Abe, shaking himself fervently, and crossing his legs the other way, ' that reminds me of old Jack Chase, out in Illinois,' At this the crowd huddled forward to listen : ' You've seen Jack — I know him like a brother — used ^0 be lumberman on the Illinois, and he was steady and sober, and the best raftsman on the river. It was quite a trick twenty-five years ago, to take the logs over the ra- p'ds, but he was skillful with a raft and always kept her straight in the channel. Finally a steamer was put on, and Jack — he's dead now, poor fellow ! — was made cap- tain of her. He always used to take the wheel, going through the rapids. One day when the boat was plung- 78 OLD abe's jokes, ing and wallowing along the boiling current, and Jack's atniost vigilance was being exercised to keep her in the aarrow channel, a boy pulled his coat-tail and hailed him rit.h: 'Say, jMistcr Captain! I wish you would just stop four boat a minute — I've lost my apple overboard !* Enlisting Negroes in the Union Army. A slaveholder from the country approached an old ac- quaintance, also a slaveholder, residing in Nashville, the other day, and said : « I have several negro men lurking about here some- where. I wish you would look out for them, and when you find them do with them as if they were your own.' * Certainly I will,' replied his friend. A few days ago the parties met aguin, and the planter asked : ' Have you found my slaves V < I have.' « And where are they ?' * Well, you told me to do with them just as if they were my own, and, as I made my men enlist in the Union array I did the same witli yours.' The astonished planter absquatulated. " Old Abe" on Temj/erance, The Twenty-first anniversary of the ' Sons of Temper- ance' was appropriately celebrated in Washington. The * Sons' on reaching the White House, were invited to FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 79 enter the East room, which was nearly filled by the ladies and gentlemen participating in the ceremonies. President Lincoln, on entci'ing, was enthusiastically applauded, and, in the course of his re:^ponse to the address presented to Iiim, said that when he was a young man, long ago, bclbrc the Sons of Temperance, as an organization, liad an exist- ence, he in an humble way made Temperance specciies, and he thought he might say to this day he had never by his example belied what he then said. As to the sugges- tions for the purpose of the abandonment of the cause of temperance, he could not now respond to them. To pre- vent intemperance in the army is even a great part of the rules and articles of war. It is a part of the law of the land, and was so he presumed long ago, to dismiss officers for drunkenness. He was not sure that, consistently with the public service, more can be done than has been done. All, therefore, that he could promise, was to have a copy of the address submitted to the principal departments, and have it considered whether it contains any suggestions which will improve the cause of temperance, and repress drunkenness in the army any better than it is already done. He thought the reasonable men of the world had long since agreed that intemperance was one of the great- est, if not the very greatest, of all the evils among man- kind. That was not a matter of dispute. All men agreed that intemperance was a great curse, but difiered about the cure. The suggestion that it existed to a great extent was true, whether it was a cause of defeat he knew not; but he did know that there was a good deal of it on the other side. Therefore they had no right to beat us on 'hat ground. (Laughter.) The remarks of the President 80 OLD ABE'S JOKES, were listened to with gieat interest and repeatedly inter- rupted by applause. How Bean Hackett was made a Zouave. I was put through a rigid course of examination before I could be made a Zouave, and I say it with feelings of gratification and self-esteem that I was remarkably well' posted in the catechism. My father was a hero of the rO' volution, having been caught once in a water-wheel, and whirled around rapidly a number of times. Others of the family have also distinguished themselves as military men at different periods, but their deeds of courage are too well-known to need repetition. The following is a copy verbatim et literatim ci wordem of most of the questions propounded to me and the answers thereto, which my intimate acquaintance with the Army Regulations and the Report of the Committee on the Con- duct of the War enable me to answer readily and accu- rately. My interrogator was a little man in Federal blue, with gold leaves on his shoulders. Th^y called him ]\Iajor, but he looked young enough to be a minor. He led off with — * How old are you, and what are your qualifications ?' * Twenty-two, and a strong stomach.' Then I requested him to fire his interrogations singly, which he did. * What is the first duty to be learned by a soldier ?' * How to draw his rations.' < What is the most difficult feat for a soldier to perform V * Drawing his bounty.' FRESH PROM ABRAMAM's BOSOM. 81 ' If you were in the rear rank of a company during an action, and the man in the front rank before you should be wounded and disabled, what would you do V * I would despatch myself to the rear for a surgeon im- Daediately. Some men would step forward and take the ■wounded man's place, but that is unnatural.' « If you were coamianding skirmishers, and saw cavalry advancing in the front and infantry in the rear, which would you meet V « Neither ; I would mass myself for a bold movement and shove out sideways.' * If you were captured, what line of conduct would you pursue ? < I would treat my captors with the utmost civility.* « What are the duties of Home Guards ?' « Their duty is to see that they have no duties.' *■ What will you take ?' * Bourbon, straight !" Uncle Abe and the Judge. « In the conversation which occurred before dinner, I was amused to observe the manner in which Mr. Lincoln used the anecdotes for which he is so famous. Where men bred in courts, accustomed to the world, or versed in di- plomacy, would use some subterfuge, or would make a po- lite speech, or give a shrug of the slioulders as the means of getting out of an embarrassing position, Mr. Lincoln raises a laugh by some bold west- country anecdote, and moves off in the cloud of merriment produced by the joke. Thi's, when Mr. Bates was remonstrating apparently 82 OLD ABE'S JOKES, against tliC appointment of sonic indifferent lawyer to a place of judicial importance, the President interposed with, ' Come, now. Bates, he's not half as bad as you think. Besides that, I must tell you, he did me a good turn long ago. When I took to the law, I was going to court one morning, with some ten or twelve miles of bad road before me, and 1 had no horse. The judge overtook me in his wagon. 'Hallo, Lincoln ! are you not going to the court- house. Come in and I will give you a seat.' Well, I got in, and the judge went on reading his papers. Presently the wagon struck a stump on one side of the road ; then it hupped oft' to the other. I looked out, and I saw the driver was jerking from side to side in his scat : so says 1, * Judge, I think your coachman has been taking a little drop too much this morning.' ' Well, 1 declare, Lincoln,' said he, ' 1 should not much wonder if you are right, for he has nearly upset me half-a-dozen times since starting.' So, putting his head out of the window, he shouted, * Why, you infernal scoundrel, you are drunk!' Upon which pulling up his horses, and turning round with great gravi- ty, the coacliman said. ' By gorra ! that's the firbt rightful decision that you have given for the last twelve month.' While the company were laughing, the President beat a quiet retreat from the neighborhood of the Attorney- General. The liberal und patriotic citizen wlio has been di'afted has purchased a gun which he says is very sure to go off — on another man's shoulders. PRESn FROM ABRAHAMS BOSOM. 88 Mince Pies vs. Tracts. The President says his political friends often remind him of the following story : A rebel lady visited the hospital at Nashville one morn- ing with a negro servant, wlio carried a large basket on his arm, covered with a white linen cloth. She approach- ed a German and accosted him thus : ' Are you a good Union man ?' ' I ish dat,' Avas the laconic reply of the German, at the same time casting a hopeful glance at the aforesaid basKet. ' That is all I wanted to know,' replied the lady, and beckoning to the negro to follow, slie passed to the 0])i)Osito side of the room, where a rel)cl soldier lay, and asked him the same question, to which he very promptly replied : 'Not by d— d sight.' The lady thereupon uncovered the basket and laid out a bottle of wine, mince pies, pound cake and other delicacies, wliich were greedily devoured in the presence of the Union soldiers who felt somewhat indig- nant. On the following morning, however, another lady made her appearance with a large covered basket, and she also accosted our German friend, and desired to know if he was a Union man. « I ish, by Got ; I no care what you got ; I bese Union.' The lady set the basket on the table, and our German friend thought the truth availed in this case, if it did fail in the other. But imagine the length of the poor fellow's face when the lady uncovered the basket and presented 84 OLD abe's joees, him with about a bushel of ti acts. He shook his head dolefully aud said : « I no read English, und, peside dat rebel on 'se oder side of 'se house need tem so more as me.' The lady distributed them and left. Not long afterwards along came another richly dressed lady, who propounded the same question to the German. He stood gazing at the basket apparently at a loss for a reply. At length he answered her in Yankee style, as follows : ' By Got, you no got me dis time ; vot you got mit the basket T The lady required an unequivocal reply to her question, and was about to move on when our German friend shouted out: < If you got tracts, I bese Union ; but if you got mince pie mit pound cake unt vine, I be sesech like de tibel.' Soldiers have little deire to read tracts when they are famished for the want of those little delicacies so conducive to the recovery of hospital patients. When our ladies visit hospitals with tracts, we should suggest the importance ot accompanying them with a basket of provisions ; they will be better appreciated. The Niggers and the Small Pox. I dropped in upon Mr. Lincoln and found him busily counting greenbacks. " This, sir,' said he, ' is something out of my usual line ; but a President of the United States has a multiplicity of duties not specified in the Constitu- FRESH PROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 85 tion or acts of Congress. This is one of them. This money belongs to a poor negro who is a porter in one of the Departments (the Treasury), and who is at present very bad with the small pox. He did not catch it from me, liowever ; at least I think not. He is now in hospital, and could not draw his pay because he could not sign his name. I have been at considerable trouble to overcome the difficulty and get it for him, and have at length succeeded in cutting red tape, as you newspaper men say. I am now dividing the money and putting by a portion labeled, in an envelope, with my own hands, according to his wish;' and his Excellency proceeded to endorse the package very carefully. No one who witnessed the transaction could fail to appreciate the goodness of heart which would prompt a man who is borne down by the weight of cares unparalleled in the world's history, to turn aside for a time from them to succor one of the humblest of his fellow creatures in sickness and sorrow. 0- Why Lincoln didn't Scop the War. The soldiers at Helena, in Arkansas, used to amuse the inhabitants of that place, on tlieir first arrival, by teJling them yarns, of which the following is a sample : ' Some time ago Jeff Davis got tired of the war, and invited President Lincoln to meet him on neutral ground to discuss terms o! peace. They met accordingly, and after a talk concluded to settle the war by dividing the territory and stopping the fighting. The North took the 86 OLD abe's jokes, Northern States, and the South the Gulf and seaboard Southern States. Lincoln took Texas and Missouri, and Daris Kentucky and Tennessee; so that all were parceled off excepting Arkansas. Lincoln didn't want it— Jeff, wouldn't have it, neither would consent to take it, and on that they split ; and the war has been going on ever since.' Lincoln's Estimate of the " Honors." As a further elucidation of Mr. Lincoln's estimate oJ Presidential honors, a story is told of how a supplicant for office, of more than ordinary pretentions, called upon him, and, presuming on the activity he had shown in be* half of tlie Republican ticket, asserted as a reason why the office should be given to him, that he had made Mr Lincoln President. « You made me President, did you ?' said Mr. Lincoln with a twinkle of his eye. ' I think I did,' said the appli- cant. ' Then a pretty mess you've got me into, that's all,* replied the President, and closed the discussion. Pring up de Shaclcasses, for Cot sake I President Lincoln often laughed over the following inci- dent : One of General Fremont's batteries of eight Parrot guns, supported by a squadron of horse commanded by Major Richards, was in a sharp conflict with a battery of the enemy near at hand, and shells and shot were flying thick and fast, when the commander of the battery, a i FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 87 German, one of Fremont's staff, rode suddenly up to the cavalry, exclaiming, in loud and excited terms, ' Pring up de sliackasses, pring up de sbackasses, for Cot sake, hurry up de shackasso8 im-me-di-ate-ly.' The necessity of this order, though not quite apparent, will be more obvious %vhen it is remembered that the ' shackasses ' are mules, carrying mountain howitzers, which are tired from the backs of that much-abused but valuable animal ; and the immediate occasion for the ' shackasses ' was that two regi- ments of rebel infantry were at that moment discovered descending a hill immediately behind our batteries. The • shackasses," with the howitzers loaded with grape and canister, were soon on the ground. The mules squared themselves, as they well knew how, for the shock. A ter- rific volley was poured into the advancing column, which immediately broke and retreated. Two hundred and seventy-eight dead bodies were found in the ravine next day, piled closely together as they fell, the effects of that volley from the backs of the ' shackasses." Abe's Long Legs. When the President landed at Aquia Creek, going to Bee Burnside, there were boards in the way on the wharf, which the men hastened to remove, but the President re- marked, in his usual style, ' Never mind, boys; my legs are pretty long, have brought me thus far through life and I think they will take me over this difficulty.' 88 OLD abe's jokes, The President and " Banks." Loquitur an eminent Pennsylvania Congressman : ' Sir, Banks is a failure, isn't lie ?' ' Well, that is harsh,' responds the President ; ' but ho hasn't come up to my expectations.' ' Then, sir, why don't you remove him V * Well, sir, one principal reason is, that it wovld hurt General Banks' feelings very much /' 0- Old Abe's Noble Saying. ' President Lincoln says many homely things and many funny things. His speech at the late ceremony in honor of the dead at Gettysburg proves that he can also say no- ble and beautiful things. Is not the following extract worthy, in its touching simplicity, of being handed down to the a^ies among the great sayings of great men : — ' The world will little note nor long remember what we say herCf but they can never forget what they did here,' " Where the D 1 are the Buggies." * The citizens of a small city in Pennsylvania, being thrown into considerable excitement by reason of the re- port that the rebels under Lee were advancing upon them, held a meeting for the purpose of organizing themselves into a regiment. During the organization of the regi- ment, the question of arms, ammunition, etc., was being discussed, when an old gentleman, very much excited, and FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 89 towering head and shoulders above the crowd, exclaimed, in a stentorian voice : 'Are there not any cannons to de- fend the city ?' Voice from the crowd — ' Yes, but they are not mounted. Old Gent — ' Why ain't they mounted.' Voice from the crowd — 'Because we have no carriages. Old Gent — (Still louder and more excited) — *Then, where the devil are the buggies V "I Mean 'Honest Old Abe.'" ' A good story is told of an old Cleveland deacon, who just after Lincoln started on his journey for Washington, went to an evening prayer meeting, and being somewhat in a hurry, went down immediately on his knees, and made an earnest prayer in behalf of the President of the United States, asking that God would strengthen him and bless him in all his undertakings. Rising from his kness he le.'t the church, apparently having an earnest call elsewhere. Presently he returned in a great hurry, and plumping again on his knees, thus addressed himself; ' Oh, Lord, it nK.y be as well for me to add as an explanation to my prayer just uttered, that by the President of the United States I mean honest old Abe Lincoln, and not that other chap who is yet sitting in the national po-'t', and for whom I don't care shucks. Amen.' 99 Wii/ AU£io ^i>aMk Old Abe " C'8 " It. * I consoled ths President this morning by relating to Lim what an unfortunate letter ' C ' was in the Presiden- tial Chase. A joke— do you take? I related the late of Crawford, Calhoun, Clay and Cass. The Presidential eyo brightened up. I saw hope displayed in every lineament of his countenance. He replied, 'I 5ce it.' How quiclt he is at repartee. How pointed, too. I think the Presi- dential heart has beat easier since the administry of my last solace.' Lincoln's Ideas about Slavery. The siory will be ic-membered, perhaps, of Mr. Lincoln's reply to a Springfield (HI.) clergyman, who asked him what was to be his policy on the slavery question. ' Well, your question is rather a cool one, but I will answer it by telling jou a story. You know Father B., the old Methodist prtiicher? and you know Fox river and its freshets? Well, once in the presence of Father B., a young Methodist was worrying about Fox river, and ex- pressing fears that he should be prevented from fulfilling some of his appointments by a freshet in the river. Fath- er B. checked him in his gravest manner. Said he: * Young man, I have always made it a rule in my life not to cross Fox river till I get to it !' 'And,' said the PresL dent, ' I am not going to worry myself over the slavery question till I get to it.' A few days afterwards a Methodist minister called on the President, and on being FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 91 >resented to him, said simply: < Mr. President, I have COLIC to tell you that I think -we have got to Fox river !' Mr. Lincoln thanked the clergyman and laughed heartily. Abe and the Distance to the Capitol. It is stated that he was much disgusted at the crowd of ofliccrs who sometime ago used to loiter about the "Wasli- iiigton hotels, and he is reported to have remarked to a member of Congress : ' These fellows and tlie Congressmen do vex me sorely.' Another member of Congress was con- versing with the President, and was somewhat annoyed by the President's propensity to divert attention from the se» rions subject he had on his mind by ludicrous allusions. ' ^Ir. Lincoln,' said he, 'I think you would have your joke if yoa were witliin a mile of hell.' ' Yes, sir, that is about the distance to the Capitol.' Abe thinks T. R. Strong, but Coffee are stronger. It is told by an intelligent contraband, who is probably reliable, that Mr. Lincoln was walking up Pennsylvania avenue the other day, relating « a little story' to Secretary Sewarrl, when the latter called his attention to a new sign jouiing the name of ' T. R. Strong.' ' Ha !' says old Abe his uountenance lighting up with a peculiar smile, ' T. R. Strong, but coffee are btronger.' Seward smiled, but made no reply. 92 OLD abe's jokes. Putting Salt on the Monitor's Tall. War is a pretty serious busineFs; but they are not al- ■vrays gloomy at the War Department. When the foolish rumor was current in Washington that the Monitor had been captured, the President walked over to the War De- partment and asked whether the report was true* ' Certainly,' replied an officer with due gravity. ' IIow did the rebels succeed in capturing her ?' asked the President. < By putting salt on her tail,' was the reply. The President's only answer was, ' I owe you one* Old Abe Never Heard of it Beforo, Some moral philosopher was telling the President one day about the undercurrent of public opinion. He went on to explain at length, and drew an illustration from the ^Icditerranean Sea. The current seemed very curiously to flow in both from the Black Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, but a shrewd Yankee, by means of a contrivance of floats, had discovered that at the outlet into the Atlantic only about thiity feet of the surface water flowed inward, while there was a tremendous current under that flowing out. ' Well,' said Mr. Lincoln, much bored, ' that don't remind me of any story I ever heard of.' The philosopher des))aired of making a serious impression ly his argument, and left. FBESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. Why Lincoln Appointed Fremont, General Fremont stood a very small chance of being assigned to a command. But fortunately for him, the Pres- ident one morning read in a Washington paper tlie speed of Col. Blair, M. C, upon the late commander in Missouri The President having attentively perused it, said to some one near him, ' Oh, this will never do; it's persecution.' Ho put the paper in liis pocket, walked over to the W'av Department, and in less than half an hour Major-Gcneral Fremont was appointed to the command of the Momitaia Department. Father Abraham's Good Clothes. At the beginning of the war John Perry, then a resi- dent of Georgia, was compelled to take the oath of alle- giance to the Southern Confederacy and agreed not to bear arms against it. He removed to West Troy soon after- wards and in September was drafted. Before the time of his appearance at Albany he wrote to the Provost Marshal Genert.l, Colonel Fry, stating the dilemma, and asking whether he could not be released from his obligation to serve Uncle Sam. The reply of Col. Fry has just been re- ceived. He states that he fully appreciates Mr. Perry's p';*sition, and has no idea of making him violate his oath. He kindly consents, therefore, that the coDtvjript Perry 94 OLD ABE'S JOKES, shall be sent to the Northwest to fight Indians ; but he can't for a moment think of absolving him from wearing ' Father Abraham's good clothes.' The President says that Jeff is on his Last Legs. Because we gave him the grant (Grant) of Vicksburg and he couldn't hold it ; we gave him the banks (Banks) of Port Hudson and they destroyed his best gardncr (Gardner) and all he raised during the last two years; we gave hira mead (Meade) at Gettysburg and he couldn't swallow it; we have his best wagoner (Wagner) fast at Charleston ; compelled him to haul in his brag (Bragg) and get in the lee (Lee) of his rebel army. Old Abe on the Congressmsn. As the President and a friend were sitting on the House of Representatives steps, the session closed, and the mem- bers liled out in a body. Abraham looked after them with a sardonic smile. * That reminds me,' said he, 'of a little incident. When I was quite a boy, my flat-boat lay up at Alton, on the Mississippi, for a day, and I strolled about the town I saw a large stone building, with massive walls, not so handsome, though, as this; and while I was looking at it, the iron gateway opened, and a great body of men came out. ' What do you call that?' 1 asked a by-stander. and the Cariosity Seeker. In answer to a uui-iositv ssekt. ♦v^ho desired a permit to pass the lines to risit the fisld of Bull Run after the first battle, Mr. Lincoln made tko following reply as his an- swer : A man in Cortland t county raised a porker of such unusual size that strargero went out of their way to see it. One of them the other day met the old gentleman and inquired about the animal. ' Wally yes,' the old fellow said ; ' he'd got such a critter, mi'ty bfg un ; but he guess- ed he would have to charge himabouC ashillin' for lookin' at him.' The stranger looked at the cid man for a min- ute or so ; pulled out the desired coin, banded it to him and started to gooff. 'Hold on,' said the other; 'don't you want to see the hog V * No,' said llic stranger, ' I have seen as big a hog as I want to nee !' And you will find that fact the case with yourself, if you should happen to see a few iivt rsbels there as well as dead ones. Old Abe and the Copprrhead. A certain politician being rather loud in his denuncia- tions of the administration in the prca'(i3'iii-'s hearing a short time since, he convoyed a very w!iolojii"C itssoa in the following story, thcie was a Dutch far.iicn o'-ce wjio being just clad in the ermine of a justice of pcAvc^ Iv^*? !vr first marriage in this way ; PRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 125 ■ ' Veil, you -want to be marrit, do you ?' * Yes,' answered the man. * Veil, do you lovish dis voman as goot as any voman you liave ever seen ?' * Yes.' Tlien to the woman: « Veil, do you love this man so better as any man you have ever seen V She hesitated and he repeated : * VelJ, veil do you like him so veil as to be his wife?' < Yes, yes,' she answered. * "V ell, dat ish all any reasonable man can expect ; so you arp marvit. 1 pronounce you man and wife.' The man drew out his pocliet-book and asked the justicg what was to pay. * Nothing at all, nothing at all, you arc welcome to it if it will do you any goot.' In speaking of certain odd doings in the Army, Old Abe said that reminded Mm of another story, as follows; On one occasion, when a certain General's purse was getting low, he remarked that he would be obliged to draw on his banker for some money. * How much do you want, father?' said the boy. *I think I shall send for a couple of hundred,' replied the General. 'Why, father,* said his son very quietly, ' I can let you have that amount.' You can let me Lave it!' cxclairccd Ihc General in sur- prise; 'Where dif. you get so much money?' '1 won it Rt playing draw poker with your staff, sir!' replied the 126 OLD abe's jokes, hopeful youth. It is needless to say that the 9-40 train next morning bore the ' gay young gambolier' toward his home. Do you see the point. Old Abe and the Woodcock. The President one day dined at Richmond. When the landlord produced his bill, he thought it very exorbi- tant, and asked his name,' « Partridge! an't please you, re- plied the host. 'Partridge!' said he; * it should be woodcock, by the length of your bill.' -o — Old Abe and the Set Speech. The President being recently importuned to deliver a set speech for a certain specified purpose, said that the request reminded him of an old story he once heard of a couple of U. S. Senators. It was on one of tho?e memorable days when the Kan- sas-Nebraska bill was being debated, Senator Seward tapped Douglas on the shoulder, and whispered in his car that he had some « Bourbon' in the Senator's private room which was twenty years old, and upon it he desired to get Dfuglas's judgment. The 'little giant' declined, stating that he meant to speak in a few minutes, and wished his brain unclouded by the fumes of liquor. At the conclu- sion of his speech Douglas sank down exhausted in his chair, hardly conscious of the congratulations of those who flocked around him. At this juncture Seward eoiacd *' FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 127 orator's arm, and bore him oflf to the Seuatorial sanc- tum. * Here's the Bourbon, Douglas,' said Seward ; ' try some — its sixty years old.' 'Seward,' remarked Douglas, 'I have made to-day the longest speech ever delivered ; history has no parallel for it.' ' How is that?' rejoined Seward, ' You spoke about two hours only !' ' Don't you recollect that a moment pefore 1 obtained the floor you invited me to partake of some Bourbon twenty years old, and now immediately after closing my r'^-aarks, you extend to me some of the same liquor, with *ie assertion that it is sixty years old! a forty years speech was never delivered before/ Seward acknowledged the 'corn,' and the two enemies (politically) smiled.' Mr. Lincoln being found fault with for making another 'call' said that if the country required it, he would con- tinue to do so until the matter stood as described by a Western Provost Marshal out West who says ; ' I listened a short time since, to a butternut clad indi- vidual, who succeeded in making good his escape, expati- ate most eloquently on the rigidness with which the con- scription was enforced south of the Tennessee river. His response to a question propounded by a citizen ran some- what in this wise : ' Do they conscript close over the river ?' ' Hell, stranger, I should think they did ! They take every man who hasn't been dead more than two daus/' if 128 OLD abe's jokes, this is correct the confederacy has at least a ghost of a chance left.' And of another, a methodist minister in Kansas, living on a small sa!ar\', who was greatly troubled to get his quarter- ly instalment. He at last told the non-paying trustees that he must have his money, as lie was suffering for the necessaries of life. ' Money !' replied the trustees, ' you preach for money ?' We thought you preached for the g:od of souls!' 'Souls'' responded the reverend. 'I can't eat souls — and if I could, it would take a thousind such as yours to make a meal !' That soul is the poiut, sir, said the President. Mr. Lincoln Tellelh Another Story, Judge Baldwin, of California, an old and highly respec- table and sedate gentleman, called a few days since on Gen. Halleck, and presuming upon a familiar acquaintance in California a few years since, solicited a pass outside of our lines to see a brother in Virginia, not thinking that he would meet with a refusal, as both his brother and himself ■were good Union men. ' We have been deceived too often,' said General Halleck, 'and I regret I can't grant it.' Judge B. then went to Stanton and was very briefly dis- posed of with the same result. Finally he obtained an in- terview with Lincoln, and stated his case ' Have you ap- plied to General Halleck?' inquired the President. ' And met with a flat refusal,' said Judge B. « Then you must see Stanton,' continued the President. ' I have, and with FRESH FROM ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. 1^9 the same result,' was the reply. * Well, then,' said Old Abe, with a smile of ffood humor, 'I can do nothing; for yoti must know that I have very little ivjluence with this Ad- ministration.* The Vice-President. Vice-President ITamlin must get some new clothes. During a recent visit to Boston an acquaintance who ap- preciated the character of the man rather than the exter- nal evidences of position and power, passing him in the street met a jolly Jack in full naval costume. Thinking it might be gratifying announcement, our friend pointed to the Vice-President, saying : ' Th'^re, my boy, is Mr. Hamlin, the Vice-President.' Jack looked doubtful and dubious for a moment, and then indignantly said : « Tell that to the marines. Do you suppose that your Uncle Abraham would let the Vice-President loose in that Fortof rig; see, he's got a cable tier kink in his hat, and he's pretty darned seedy all over. If he isn't one of Jeff Davis's guerrillas, he's in danger of being picked up for one, if he goes where Uncle Sam's men keep their weather eye open.' President Lincoln Presented with a Pair of Socks. At the Presidential reception on Saturday, Major French presented to the President a pair of woollen socks, kuit 130 UNCLE ABE's jokes, expressely for the President by Miss Addie Brockway, of Newbury port, Mass. On the bottom of each was knit the secession flag; and near the top the glorious stars and stripes of our Union, so that when worn by the President he will always have the flag of the rebellion nnder hs feet. These socks were sent by the maker to Mrs. Wm. B. Todd, of this city, and at her request Major French presented them with a few appropriate remarks. They were most pleasantly and graciously received by the President. LincoFn's First and Last r.'"3ht in New Orleans. « The cholera was raging at the time I last visited New Orleans 'Twas just dusk and everything seemed unusual quiet. I met but few people as I hurried on to the St. Charles, which I found after repeated enquiries. Every- thing had a neglected, descri I, wo-begone look which was rather home-sickening. So I supped, called for a room and went to bed but not to oleep, for thi musquetoes, oh! horrors, were as thick as bees in a hive ; they bit, bit, bit, till I felt as if every pore in my body was furnishing supper to a horde of savages. In vain I sloped and fought, they were too much for me, I dressed myself, determined to walk the streets till morning before I would suffer such torment It was not very dark nor very light, just suffi- cient to discrn objects when your eyes became accustomed to tlu' darkness ; I had barely emerged into the street when I hit my foot against something and fell full length an-oss it on the walk; picking myself up I began to feel t' l I tell you he never did an honest day's work at the Im^i- FBESH FBOM ABSAHAM'S BOSUM. 135 Bess in Ms life. If he had 100 rails to hew he always got tliem from somebody else's pile ! I knew him when he was a grocery keeper, and he always kept bad whiskey, cut a fellow's dram short, and charged two prices. With some folks Lincoln had the reputation of being very honest and not very smart ; but I tell you, sir, he's d — d smart and none too honest ? (somewhat excited and the crowd gathering around). I tell you, sir, I know ' Abe' like a book, sir, and by the eternal, what I say is true V Mr. R. (Somewhat confused) — « Sir, I was just about taking a mint julep ; will you have the kindness to join me?' I. F. • If you are tired of talking, with all my heart, sir. Missouri and Illinois must stand together, sir. I tell you, by the shades of Old Hickory and Benton, they must work and fight for the old Union, Missouri and Illi- nois are the greatest ^ tates in the Union, sir. If they'll stand together, breast to breast, they can knock h — 11 out 01 South Carolina and the whole South, and then, if need be, turn round and shovel New England into the ocean.' Exeunt to the bar room. '.ey's New "War TSTovels. — ]>^o. 1. * iOSBY, THE GUERRILLA. ■ ■'- of the Newgate Calendar do not show in any life of a highwayman, more incidents ( .(■ .1. ifiiig, or brutality, than have been eviikuce I in the career of Mosby. In hia early /' as a New Vork (lambler, ia his ciireer uii'lnr Tarn-T Asbhy, daiin? his adventures as a Cap. I lof CrU'Trilhis, Mosl)y phiiWfd himsi'If to bi3 an embryo villain— one who would not hesitate )( mything to aiicdinpli^b li'S e-^, la ; but the greatest e|)oi'h of his career has been since he re- II .•ed h's promotion t > Colonfl an 1 ct..>.-f of riiierril:a9 in V.rijinia Cirinij notlji;-- for (iiiiuin. ho hrstt-d the black fl i? an 1 the pistol shot an 1 the rjpe w;is then h. virtel of e.^'han^e. "he a'l^'eiitnres of M.>sby are idontic.il with that of h's '• b"autiful Belle of ' '^ '-fax," who (iced 'i daahincr Col. Rtonrliton, and Delilali-liki delivered him 07pr to the PL Ush?-, Cap- i:» Prani^md Estelle have played ni small part in the (Juerrill.i's iii>-tory, and i.ii) aoOOTt I-iali lierly " 'orry '' is found to be a good match for Mosby'a n:gro *' Sam." ^ Da\vley's ISTe^v War Novels. ™ No. PAULINE, THE FEMALE SPY b ad\ft'iiurea of a scout have always been fell of interest ; but a record of i .'.Mf'e^its att Q.i- t, 2 liiiitementa of a spy —especially a f -oi lie — nust b j p irticularly entertain! 14 tj ihe rodt'' f. roiae of this novel is a ro il character and her liairbn-adtli e^cap.s, her m iny riska of c_> h'» wounds, an i the schemes Ph.3 a looted t)rai'Aeth9 (1 ict rs coact-al hjr Identity aa a ^H her intrigues, amorous and otherwis-, m..,.e tho recital rich as well as reulable. •nturea of the author w'th tlie spy herself la partcila'ly described, in the courae of 1'' md as many of the incideuta took place whon ho and slie werj alone, and none could y. were wanted,- -to hear or see, he only is able to give tlie facta. Aii.l he does so in a )i e tha. uoea credit to hia genius ; bat certaialy none to his powers of keeping a secret." Dawley's Ne^v AVar Novels. --- N o. 3. SEMMES, THE PIRATE. n f .518 wn-k embmcea iu it the hiat ricil d.'tails :i i f tie book. Tiiechai- r of Kmmes hi .se f is fi thfn'iy pict.n.ed, nndKli nvs t )t le rea J( r (^f tj a work a strange com- i t -V misiuru of a bra-e sai r, with a c^.va.dly miscrtaut, a uoblo. conqueror with a paltry )( ut, aman hater and woman lovor. ]i X^tv^ley's Now AVar Novels. -- No. 4. JILDARE, THE BLACK SCOUT. !■■ ;Ml.'otiir..a , r t I • r> iCK SCO If, lilll (if ^.e'll ao 1 <>C •, Ifilf ,it, lor.n a.l l.iL -.(Sliii^,' I •.itue iu iiicu-nn (.1 111 \V;n- oi liij U.bi'.hon. l.vv.i in il.io.^. r "t be ii^ ti,.v-ii a \> isi'inr byrtu n\ ; il«.ys . n t!i" qw V'vc for int' I igon-e of iati'i-'st to IT * c.uise, and con-,t luuy jti lii'iim fiiiu HJit ns aKpy he (i i is his I.fe a iii xtiru of pl.Msn e a , I jiiin. Iheso i ic denia of Kill 's b'lii.) inii>r.!sun ' in the liiij'iiAt il'gree Th..- oth'-r cluiraci.'Ts of tlie story are piq'iant tnii if i)r.,-e8t ; Hml RcTve to illustrate much of the pec diaritiea of the people who itside • li of Ihel ne of Mason and Dixon. [ Lsk any '^owsdoalcr for a Copy of Dawby's War Hovels. f t'i:-i-">.. .MMLF.I* I'O.^TI'.Ml). _ T. i:. D.VW'LI^V, I'nu.isi.Kit, N'loxv Vork. '' Dawley's Camp and Fireside Library— Nt THE TWO RIVAl or, "MAN AND MONEY. ^ . From the French OF JFCMILB. SOUVESTRE ». m • m «« The very name of French novel may conjure up ideas equally alarn V of French cookery. "Whether we shall be regaled with " fillet ny snake," instead of fillet of Bole ; whether an oyster-fed cat cj geniously made to represent rabbit ; or, a poodle nourished on spi transformed into the similitude of pheasant. Admitting that mu{ literature is, like sausage-rolls, light aiid disappointing; granting th is wild, Paul de Kock licentious, and Sue too often prolific of horr no means follows that the same soil which sends forth bristle and not breed celandine and daisy. List of Dawley's Camp & Fireside Library now Pul NUJMBKR 1. Incidents of American CaKip lilfe.— -Being events of the present Rebel- lion. 12 mo.. lOS pp. niominated coTer. Mailed, post paid, 15 cents. .Tnsttna, the Avenf^er.— of this truly interesting stoiy, i rare qualities and well cultivated tritil of the heroine will awaken every woman'a heart. Mailed Price, 15 centa. nxjm:be!r o TUe Mad Bard ; or, the B Melrose Castle.— A hi8tori( the time of King Charlea II, th( self b^ing one of the prominent d Price, 15 centa, mailed post pait NXJJMBKR q The Two Rivals; or. Money.— From the French of vestre. A rare work. Maile< Price, 15 cents. i8@*"0ther Works of this series will be issved from time to tin isrxjJVtBER a. 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