'^ •3 I e. "" f t£TY First OPV 1 V Copy The Dustless Way to Happy Land Map Showing Graham & Morton Line, Railway and Interurban Connections Officers of the Graham & Morton Transportation Company J. S. MORTON, President, B.ntiili IliiiUor, >Iiill. W. H. MORTON. Asst. to President, (iiieaso. III. A. REICIILE, Asst. See. and TreaB., Benton Uiu-bor, Jlich. L. H. SEBASTI.4N, Supt. Jlotive Power. Benton Harbor, .Mirh. W. CM. BURKE, .Supt. Terminals, Chicago, 111. HARRV MKYERIXG. (i. P. * F. A., Chicago, III. E. A. IIOPPKRSTEAH, .Asst. G. P. A.. Chicago, 111. J. P. HEFFERN, Commercial .Vgent, Chicago, 111. JOHN KRESS, Asent. Holland, Mich. C. .4 FLOYD, .Agt. O. B. H. & C. Ry., Grand Rapids, Jlich, MAY -3 1915 OCI.A400227 The Graham & Morton Passenger Fleet |HE STEAMSHIP "City of Grand Rapids," tlie latest ship aciiuired by this Company, is a most excellent example of modern marine architecture. A propeller, havinir a monstrous triple expansion engine devel- opijig 4,500 horsepower and a speed of 20 miles per hour, is 310 feet in length and 48 feet in breadth, built entirely of steel, and having two freight decks and three passenger cabin decks. The hull is divided into seven water tight compartments, any one of which is large enough to float the ship. The freight decks are covered with an asphaltum composition which has a tendency to lessen the sound of trucks when handling the freight, while the social hall and toilet rooms are covered with asbestone, and the cabins are all laid with the finest of carpets so that the sleeping passenger is not awakened by any ordinary move- ment around the steamer. This ship has 210 staterooms and 26 parlors, fitted with electric lights, call bells, running water, hair mattresses and woven wire springs, giving sleeping accommodation for 650 people, the largest capacity of any ship sailing from Chicago crossing Lake Michigan. A magnificent mahogany finished dining room with seating capacity for 100 people, as well as two private dining compartments, are located in tlic forward end of the main cabin, where one seated at a table can enjoy the cool breezes off the lake through the large win- dows. This wonderful ship, together with the sister ship, "Puritan," which is equally well fitted with modern equipment, will make two trips daily between Chicago, Grand Rapids, Holland, Macatawa Park, Ottawa Beach and Saugatuck. On the St. Joseph and Benton Harbor Division we have three of the largest steel sidewheel steamers plying on Lake Michigan, making three trips daily between Chicago and Michigan's great fruit belt. The steamers "City of Benton Harbor," "City of St. Joseph" and "Holland" are well known for their spacious dance halls and cabins as well as promenade decks. Each steamer has carrying capacity for about 2.600 people, with ample room and large, comfortable steamer chairs for each person. All conveniences in the cabin, with maids at the service of the lady passengers, while bell boys are to be had at every call. The trip on any one of these ships is. enjoyed by everyone. The steamer "Holland" will be for charter morning, afternoon and evening to private parties, clubs, societies and other organizations. This ship is equipped with a large dancing floor, promenade decks and cabins where entertainments can be arranged to suit your program, and a trip along the lake shore for a few hours is a treat not to be forgotten. Very few people realize the beauty of Chicago's lake front with its tall buildings and boulevards lined with countless electric lights. I < il> of Grand RupldB 2 — I'uritnn H — City of Kentun ilurhor 4 — City of St. JoBepli S — Holland COPVRICHTED 1B19 TRAVEL BY WATER— NO HEAT, DUST OR CONFUSION w HEN the body and niiiul are weary and sluggish, caused by the grilling heat of the summer, tB natural desire is to escape to some nice cool spot for recreation. Whether _vou are able to get away from the energy-sapping heat of the city for a month, a fortnight or only a day or two, the wonderfut Michigan resort country, with its rolling hillsides, peaceful valleys, murmuring- brooks, glassy lakes and natural forests gives a varietj' of scenery sufficient to satisfv the most critical. There are unbounded advantages for peaceful rest and healthful recreation, such as camping on the banks of one of the many vers, staying at some one of the numerous farm and rural homes or at e large commodious hotels, which arc superior to any other resort country. Fishing, hunting, boating, bathing and tramping through the woods are a few of nature's own amusements, while golfing, tennis, j] baseball and other athletic sports are all here to be enjoyed. To reach this wonderful country, the Graham & Morton ine steamers offer you the best of accommodation. Your vacation begins the moment you step on board ship, and when you reach your destination after a cool aiad pleasant, refreshing trip on T^ake Michigan the last traces of lassitude have vanished and you walk ashore with renewed energy lie. No expense has been spared by this company to make your :liis:an one of great pleasure and comfort. Music is furnished ' desire to dance, sleeping accommodations are of the best, 111"-^^ ■' ■ ■ ■ mt excelled bv the finest hotels in the land. lilver Beacli ;lt St. .Iftsepli. .\lu'hi|:»n In looking for a place to spend your summer outing- you will lind the first and oldest resort town in Michigan is St. Joe, 65 miles via the G. & M. line from Chicago across have been written by famous wonderful plateau overlooking summer months. To the east lake, and for miles south Old St. Joe and Its Attractions ^., t, t i * f u i i 1 he Big Lake; a city of which many lyrics poets, making this resort one of lasting fame. Tt-4s situated on a most Lake Michigan's blue waters, where myriads of people com^o enjoy their and back of the city is the broad river of St. Joe, which empt and north of this river along the lake shore are large estates and summer cottages. The starting point of what is known as "?klichis:an's Famous Fruit Belt" is-Jiere. No place in the is into the f world can boast of such productions of fresh fruits ; some of the many va- rieties are pears, peaches, plums, apples, cherries, grapes and berries, and the greatest of all of these is the Michigan Strawberry. Alacadamized drive-ways xtend for miles through the surrounding country, one of which, the "Lake Boule- vard." is built along the top of the bluffs overlooking Lake I\Iichigan, and leads past orchards and vineyards, with elegant homes bor- dering it on either side; the scenery together with delightful lake breezes makes this drive one long- to be remembered. Another beautiful -. lad "Peach Belt Way" is one that skirts along the shaded St. Joe river to Berrien Springs, a distance of sixteen miles over hill and dale, with acreage of fruit-laden trees the whole dis- tance on either side, making a \yonderful sight. St. .I.M- ItM.r. ENJOY YOUR WEEK-END IN NATURE'S GARDENS #»„ There are a number of fine hotels in St. Joe, among which is the Whitcomb with its famous mineral baths for treatment of rheumatism and nervous diseases. Remarkable cures are effected here and the baths are well pat- ronized both summer and winter. The second hotel in size is the Lake View, directly across the street from the Whitcomb, overlooking the amusement park of Silver Beach, and is renowned for its fine appointments and service. There are other smaller hotels and numerous boarding houses throughout the city where at very reasonable rates accommodations may be had, and to those who prefer private life many of the best families have spare rooms they will let to desirable people. Silver Beach Amusement Park, located on the beach at Lake Michigan, has all the most popular forms of fun-making that are to be found in larger cities, such as skating rinks, dancing pavilions, ' oiler coaster, and above all, the grandest bathing beach in the west, as well as a natatorium, where one can bathe at their convenience, the water being heated to a moderate temperature all the time. The beach is of sand, with a gradual slope, no dangerous rocks, imder- tow or currents, making it a very pleasant and safe place for the adult to swim and the little ones to wade. On the crest of the hill is Lake Front Park, whetj^^nv a pleasant evening and Sunday are spent by vast numbers of people who congregate here to enjoy famous band concerts. Three miles southeast of St. Joe is located the Berrien County Country Club with its' more than comfortable club house, a splendid nine hole golf course, as well as tennis court and other amuse- ments. All visitors are in- vited and the privi- leges of the club are extended at a nominal fee. To reach thgse !►. on the St. Joe River. cars. may drive over the. splendid roads, take advantage of the Interurb; 1 iin the. beautiful St. Joe river. The I ■• Club, across the river north of St. Joe, on Lake Michigan shore, is liic niosi exclusive resort in this community. The plan of the orig- inators is to make this place a summer residence for those who desire the best and are able to afTord it. A handsome club house and a number of beautiful private summer homes have been erected, the streets are paved with brick, lawns are sodded, and a park is made where once was nothing but fine whit' sand. At the club house meals are served to the guests as well as to the cottage resorters. Accommodations may be secured by writing to the Edge- water Club, St. Joseph, Mich. No expense has been spared to make this a very attractive and substantial resort. The St. Joe River flows through a luxurious valley flanked on both sides for miles with verdant forests, terraced vineyards and beauti- ful farms. A trip in one of the many boats is very delightful and to some is becoming an annual pilgrimage. Call! pi lit riif rish haicheries operated by the state stock the river each year with bass, pike, pickerel and other of the finny tribe, which affords the angler unlimited pleasure. Being m deep, cold water, the bass are gamey and a strike means that peculiar nerve tingle which experienced fisher- men enjoy. The pier at the mouth of the river is lined daily with people from all the different resorts fishing for lake perch, which swarm these waters. Michigan game laws limit fishermen to a catch of twenty white bass and ten black bass each day. St. Joseph has all the amusements to be found in any first class summer resort, and one contemplating a vacation of one day to several leeks would have to travel for many miles to ' find a more delightful place -for recreation and pleasure. • I FinhitiK on llie >l. .("»' Ki\»t THE NIGHT TRIPS ARE PLEASANT, COOL AND COMFORTABLE ilMWIIlllillil ■-*» -■^K^rsigss* Benton Harbor and Connecting with St. Joe by a wide brick l.niikvard. one mile east, is situated the , f* PI pretty little town of Benton Harbor, with its miles of clean, paved, well lighted Interesting rlaces streets and pleasant homes. Here are found the best hotels in this region, among which is the New Dwan, furnished throughout with all modern improvements for comfort, every room having telephone, electric lights, hot and cold water, together with elevator service and mineral baths which are thor- oughly up-to-date. The Hotel Benton under its new management is giving excellent accommodations to the commercial as well as the pleasure-seeking public. The New .Saltzman Hotel in every way is modern, and many of those who have visited this city know of its fine service in the mineral bath department. The Premier Bath parlors, which are the oldest in this vicinity, are located in the center of the down town district, where the first mineral water was found that has now become renowned throughout the United States for its great curative properties. See our list of hotels and boarding houses in this booklet. The House of David, the home of the Israelites, a religious cult situated on the car line just out of Benton Harbor, is one of the most interesting resorts in this territory. The extensive grounds are all set to fruits, veget- ables and flowers, with a large recreation park attached in which you will find bowling alleys, dance hall, airdome, zoo, horticultural exhibits and other amusement features. The Sunday afternoon concert by a band composed of lady Israelites is one of the most pleasing entertainments. Street cars run direct from our docks to the park. Higman Park, with its beautiful summer homes owned by people from every state in the south and west, is one of the most pleasant resorts in this territory and is situated on Lake Michigan shore among the high wooded hills. From the verandas of the hotel a beautiful view can be had of the surrounding country. Pottawatomie Park, seven miles north of Benton Harbor on a bluff eighty feet in height overlooking Lake Michigan, is named from the oldest Indian trilie in ATlrhieaii, and is rrrowing every year in popularity. Purchase your ticket at our office in Chicago to Riverside and on arrival at the P. M. railroad depot the bus will transfer you through na- tive forests, or if you de- sire you can take a large launch from the Central Docks up the lake shi ire to Higman and Pottawat omie Parks. This gives quicker dispatch as well as a very interesting trip. Paw Paw Lake Resor is not only the largest,' but best known summer resort in Michigan, deriv- ing its name from a pleas- ing little body of inland water several miles in );». -;i.ii. wall ' rroiinded with summer cottages, liotels and boarding liouses, all 01 miodatii I ilie summer visitor and resorter. The clear, sandy beach makes billing one of the greatest sports to be enjoyed here each day. Boating is one of the many amuse- menls and niuonlighl boat rides are delightful. Dancing at the different pavilions together with band concerts are also attractions for the pleasure seekers. Crowds of people visit here the whole summer, and the week ends are extremely busy, Saturdays and Sundays being special gala days. Canoeing on the Paw Paw river is one of Ahe finest recreations and should not be missed. The scenery along the river banks far surpasses an)- other trip of this kind. For your convenience purchase your ticket and check your baggage at Chicago Docks and our steamer will take you to Central Docks, where transfer to the interurban cars is made un(lcr (■o\cr with no trouble or delays. Suburban Resorts and -Arrangements have been made to transfer all passengers from Central iJocks to IT f 1? li Tl-i "^'^^ Southern Michigan Electric lines via the city street cars, which have their ter- minals at the docks, giving to all those who wish to reach their homes, resorts and camping grounds along the St. Joe river a service that is unequaled in the larger cities. Twin Springs resort, noted for its "Fountain of Youth Springs" and delightful river scenery, also the picturesque little city of Berrien Springs, are situated directly on the car line in the center of this resort section. You should be sure to take this trolley ride and enjo}' the country. The Benton Harbor-St. Joe Railway, which connects with-iOut steamers at Central Docks, runs through the resorts along the east shore of the St. Joe river to Dowagiac. passing through the little city of Eau Claire and numerous ri\er resorts, among which are Tabor's, Indian Lake and Sister Lakes, and other interesting places. This line opens up the finest resort country that was ever known. The Coloma, Paw Paw Lake and Watervliet branch runs through a grand fruit country to the greatest of all inland resorts. Paw Paw Lake, where from far and near are gathered thousands of young people for their summer outing. Coloma and Watervliet are two very in\iting little cities and are surrounded by a very rich farming country. One should not fail to \ i^it these places dtiriii-g the summer \acation. TWO TRIPS DAILY TO HOLLAND AND GRAND RAPIDS Holland Macatawa Park Only ninety-eight miles from Chicago via theG. & M. boats, situated Ottawa Beach and Black Lake °" Black Lake, is the city of Holland, a growing manufacturing, busi- ness and farming center, and with hotels, summer resorts and cottages it is fast becoming the ideal spot for people from the south, east and west to spend their vacations during the months of June, July, August and September. The Holland Cit}' Hotel, which is now under new management, has large and unex- celled accommodations, being well recommended by commercial travelers and summer tourists. Of the East Shore resorts none is more popular with the summer visitors than Ottawa Beach and its nearby neighbors on Black Lake. Thousands come every season to these re- sorts, many of whom return year by year to enjoy its delight- ful climate and beautiful surroundings, as well as all the out- of-door recreations on both land and water. Ample hotel accommodation is one of the numerous reasons for its ever-increasing popularity. All Ships of This Company are Equipi>ed with Wireless Telegraph Ottawa Beach Hotel There is no finer sum- mer hotel to be found anywhere than the Otta- wa Beach Hotel, overlooking Black Lake and Lake Michigan, with its splendid faculty for every summer-time comfort and pleasure. On its broad verandas where the guests gather during the days, a fresh lake breeze brings relief even during the hottest days, and the nights are wonderful, the air delightful, cool and restful, no matter how warm the day has been, blanket covering is very comfortable. The hotel with its spacious lawns is practically surrounded by water, in fact the steamers of this company pass so close to the verandas that communication can be had between passengers and their friends. Many improve- ments have been made as well as being refinished. tottagew at MjiratHwa I'lirK MOST APPETIZING MEALS ARE SERVED ABOARD SHIP m Macatawa Park The Macatawa Par. Association has a number of very pretty cottages fSF .T"-— rent at reasonable prices. The Hotel Macatawa is located in an ideal spot, as it combines the majestic grandeur of Lake Michigan with the quiet beauty of Black Lake, making it perfectly safe for summer boat- ing and bathing for ladies and children. The hotel is built on a high commanding ridge giving a magnificent view of the great lake and inland water, having all the advantages and privileges of the great unsalted sea, making it a finely ap- pointed hotel superbly situated. Surrounding the hotel on all sides are thickly wooded hills with redecorated and equipped. The large ball room has been doubled in size and the dining room has been enlarged over one- third, with wide windows overlooking the lake. This addition is to be used during the evening as a grill room. A large glass sun parlor has been built adjoining the main lobby, the latter hav- ing been entirely re-arranged and improved, •orty baths have been added, giving to nearly every room a private bath, and the L^Tounds have been beautified in many ways together with a tennis court and athletic field located near the main hotel ; the golf links are located a short distance back of the ho- tel, where all resorters are welcome t o try their skill and pass away pleas- ant hours. A competent in- structor has Ipeen engaged to XroMliil Saugitit z:yyT.3.rfi./ t.j j...-. / /r7..x.i bAiXAiJaArC YOUR VACATION IN MICHIGAN WILL BE BENEFICIAL .3«!»!B<*e*- >— . ■-"'^%5:*W' BircVs Eye View of Sau^atui-k. ' labyrinth winding paths shaded by all kinds of forest trees and wild flowers blooming everywhere in boundless profusion. Nature lovers will find this a fairyland of their dreams. No better fishing is to be had anywhere than in Black Lake, with its small-mouth bass, pickerel, wall-eyed pike, muskalong and all the ^ other fish indigenous to the northern waters. The hotel has a large concert and assembly hall, also a string orchestra which plays at dinner and during the afternoon and evening. Dancing is arranged for every evening, to which all guests are welcome, while boating is one of the most interesting features, many of the cottagers having their own launches, while the hotels have boat liveries at which you can secure almost any kind of craft to suit your pleasure. A large modern fire-proof garage has been constructed for the convenience of those who wish to have their cars with them. There are a number of other pleasant hotels, among which are the Bay view, European and Grand. Waukazoo Inn *^'" }^'^ ''°'^^' ^^'°'^ °^ J -J Black Lake is a very at- ana KeSOrt tractive family resort. The Inn is conducted with the best of every- thing, being supplied with poultry, eggs and fresh vegetables from its own garden as well as fresh milk from a private herd. There are also a number of cottages there that can be rented by the month or season. Situated on a bayou just around from the Lin is Camp Jeannette, a resort for those who wish to enjo}- out-of-door life. Most of the people live in tents, and meals are served to \''-- —I . been erected I'ur tbat purpose : a large yacht is also lurnisliecl for those I c resorts on Black Lake are Jenison Park, Virginia Park, The Beach lliiii-' . il;^Ii \ 1. Park and Marshall's. Ai hiiv;.,; ;..... iicr, wiiere the G. & ^f. Line land their passengers, ferry service is arranged to transfer all to the different hotels and cottage resorts with comfort and safetv. The new steel steamer "Ottawa," with f " _ capacity for 250 people, has been built to transfer the passengers to Ottawa Beach Hotel direct. Sauifatuck and Surrounded b}'^ wonderful forest-covered hills and valleys where paths lead through over- p. . hanging vines and wild flowers are the two quaint little cities of Saugatuck and Douglas, » situated opposite each other on the shores of Kalamazoo river, which expands into a small lake at this point, making an ideal spot for those who wish to rest and recuperate. Many home-like hotels, as well as private residences, offer fine accommodations at a moderate rate, and to those who enjoy camping, tents can be rented at the grounds of the Forward Movement Park, which has a large property for resort purposes, also an elegant hotel which accommodates three hundred i)ersons. Names and addresses of different places can be found in the last pages of this book. Boating and fishing in the river and lake are two great pastimes, and bathing in the river at the "Great Bend" is enjoyed by everyone who visits here. An immense pavilion, by far the finest building of its kind to be found in this section, has the largest floor for dancing in the middle west, as well as bowling alleys and skating rinks where hundreds of people gather to enjoy the different amusements, of which dancing is the most popular. There is an instructoi- to teach all the latest dances, while the music is fur- nished by a string orchestra composed of the best musicians. From Saugatuck a steamer may be taken for a fifteen mile ride up the river, which presents man}^ pretty scenic effects and affords good fishing. Macadamized roads have been made to Holland and Grand Rapids, giving to those who enjo\' automobiling a very pleasant journey through the country. Service given by the electric roads connecting with our boats at Interurban Pier, passing Castle Park and other resorts, makes a trip in twenty-five minutes from the time o)ie leaves the boat until they reach Saugatuck. This schedule will be maintained all during the season. Grand Rapids Known as the "Furniture City" on account of its famous furniture designers and manu- facturers, and the center of the furniture industry of the world, is the second city in Michigan. There are also several hundred other industries here, including carpet-sweeping works, textile factories, machine companies, steel product factories, plaster, paper and flour mills, many engraving and printing establishments. Through the center of the city flows the Grand river, and along its shores are numerous resorts, homes and beautiful parks. Reed's Lake, on the south side of the city, is a body of water several miles in circumference used as a place of entertainment for the pleasure-seekers and is circled with a boulevard, making an ideal drive for automobiles. Ramona, a summer park and resort, is a high class amusement place, and during the summer sea- son best vaudeville as well as other features offer enjoyment to the visitor afternoon and evening. The Graham & Morton Line with its fine steel steamships and the Grand Rapids, Holland & Chicago Railway with its double track and handsome steel cars give a service between Chicago and Grand Rapids that is unequaled, being known as the "Grand Rapids Short Line," making the trip in seven hours. Direct connections are made at Interurban Pier, where the boats and cars are in waiting, transfer being made under cover without exposure to weather elements. During the summer season the boats will leave Chicago every morning except .Saturday at 9:00 A. ]\r., when the schedule is changed to 1 130 P. M. ; also every evening at 8:30 P. \l., except Sundays at 10.00 P. M., giving a delightful daylight trip or a good night's rest on the steamer. During the spring season, which opens about March ist. also in the fall season, our steamers run daily, leaving Chicago every evening. Hire's K>e \\r W'aiiknzoo Holland Ottawa Beach S. S. City of (iranU Rupid^i S. A. Puritan roseph Harbor interurban Pitr M a4';ilii\\u l':irli 'Pj-^YgJ Via ^^^' ^^^^ convenience of tlie traveling public, the iriraham & ^Jortrin: i^ U ^ IVf + T ' Chicago (foot of Wabash Avenue) are located within easv transportation trranam & Morton Line ^orth, West or South Sides, also from every railroad depot and hotel, xvfi'f together with the short trip on one of the large, commodious boats of this line across the finest body of wattij in the world to "All Michigan," the great resort country, connection is made with electric and steam roads for alj interior points, among which are West Olive, Ferrysburg, Lakewood, Montague, Shelby, Hart, Pentwater; Twin Lakes, Holton, Fremont, Newaygo Lakes, Baldwin, Traverse City, Cadillac, Reed City, Greenville, Alma, St. Lotiis, Bay Cit}' Saginaw, Ionia Lansing and Detroit. The location of the St. Joseph-Benton Harbor division Central Docks is at the east end of the highway bridge crossing the St. Joseph river, on the main thoroughfare, midway between St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, fronting on the local street railway tracks, also the terminus of all interurban lines, where direct connection is made under one roof with interurban cars for South Bend, Niles, Berrien Springs, Twdn Springs, Dowagiac, Kalamazoo, Indian Lake, Sister Lakes, Eau Claire, Tabor's, Paw Paw Lake, Coloma, Watervliet, Hartford, Bangor, Fenn- ville, Paw Paw, Lawton, Covert and ]\Iillburg; also for transfer to the Big Four, >.Iichigan Central and Pere Marquette railroad depots. A large, roomy warehouse, 310 feet long by 50 feet in width, two stories in height, has been erected for the accommodation of patrons. Passengers from the street enter on the second floor, where spacious waiting rooms are provided, entrance being made to the steamers from this floor without the annoying feature of pass- ing through the quarters used for freight purposes. The Interurban Pier gives to Ottawa Beach, Macatawa Park, Grand Rapids and Saugatuck a much needed central transfer point. Passengers for all the resorts on Black Lake on leaving boat at this pier mav be ferried to all places by a fine steamboat built especially for that purpose. Those .going to Saugatuck or Grand Rapids will board the waiting cars, under canopy covering built to protect against the weather, and be on their way without any inconvenience or unnecessary dela\'. Steamers of the G. & ]\I. Line are all of steel construction, with every known modern convenience. Every officer on board is ex- perienced in his position, assuring safety, courtesy, comfort and good service. Combining all this with a pleasant water trip and rail con- nections makes this line a favorite route for pleasure and business. Tickets may be purchased at the Chicago ticket office to all points in Michigan and northern Indiana. For local schedule and rates see last page of this booklet. On pages 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 you will find a complete list of Hotels and Summer Boarding Places in this terri- tory, all of which are of the very best. By corresponding with the different parties you can no doubt locate one that will please you. GRAHAM a MORTONUNE All Ships of This Company are Equipped with Wireless Telegraph. )w to Make a Vacation Profitable ^\^U'^\^ many men Ot iiKulei. they can not afford to take a vaca- liun ill snniiner time; they can and do send Ihe faniil; .-■..- ._ -umc resort where, even though the service of hotel pr boarding house may be the best that money can buy, there is never the comfort that is to be had in one's own liome. Therefore, on the score of economy, and also because of the greater comfort of the family, why not have a summer home? Ovi'ning a summer home in the nearby low fectly feasible for the Chicago business man. Scores of them are now land owners in this section, and are not only making the summer home pay for itself in the added comfort it brings to the family vacation, but the}' are actually making it show a profit. A five-, ten- or twenty-acre "ranch" in this section of Michigan, set to fruit, and with chickens as a side line, can, with proper management and attention, be made to pay well. There are a number of conditions wh^ enter into the possibility of success in mak- ing the summer home pay. For the majority of men the first of these conditions means nearness to Chicago. This section of Michigan is ac- cessible from Chicago in from four to si.x hours' time by the Graham & Morton Line, and steam and electric railroad MICHIGAN'S ROADS ARE BEST FOR AUTOMOBILING .i0gmfiy connections at the several Michigan ports. The cost of transportation is but Httle higher than hvuig withJa twenty miles or so of the city. This is the fruit country : climate and soil are perfectly adapted to growth o| tree and bush fruits and vegetables. T Any information required regarding this territory will be gladly given upon your application at the Graham & Morton offices in Chicago, Benton Harbor or Holland. AiitomohiliticJ ^'^ state in the Union has developed and improved the country roads in the past few years ^ like Michigan. The laws of the state give to each county certain rebates for these improve- ments, and every attention is given toward the betterment of each road, so that today you can ride for miles and miles over the best macadamized roads through the finest farming countries in the world, making automobiling a great pleasure for a day or week's trip. Each year automobile parties are increasing, taking advantage of the de- lightful day or night trips on the G. & M. line to St. Joseph, Benton Harbor and Holland, shipping their car on the same boat, and on arriving at destination speed off into the country over these delightful roads. Your automobile should be at our dock at least thirty minutes before sailing in order that gasoline can be properly drawn from tanks (^ marine law that is rigidly enforced). A receipt for the gas drawn is given to the shipper, which on being pre- sented to agent at end of trip, same amount of gas is returned with no extra charge for services rendered. The fqllowing are rates for automobiles handled by this line : i Runabouts not exceeding three passengers — To St. Joseph-Benton Harbor, one vvav, $4.00: niund trip. ?.h.oo,' r repaid. To Holland, one way, $5.00; round trip, $7.50, prepaid. Touring cars, four passengers or more, racing cars — To St. Joseph-Bent. '.) PJarbor, one wav,$5.oo: round trip, ^7.00 prepaid. 1"o Holland, one way. $7.50; round trip, $10.00 prepaid. Autoniobiliiig on the Lake Sbiire Drive. South o( St. Josepli. j £j^ ysCTCg: MICHIGAN HAS IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS The Graham & Morton Line, Pere Marquette R. R., and Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company aflford to one wishing to visit Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Boston or New York a trip of most interesting pleas- ure, breaking the long all-rail or all-water ride. Leaving Chicago at 9:00 .^l. M. or 8:30 P. M. daily, you have a delightful day or restful night on Lake Michigan, arriving at Holland in six hours, where connection is made with P. M. R. R. through the heart of Michi- gan's great grain country to Detroit; then via D. & C. steamer to Cleveland or Buffalo, where boat and rail connections are made for eastern points. The lake and rail trip make a most enjoyable combination for anj'one contemplating a real trip for pleasure and recreation. A trip to Cleveland or Buffalo from Chicago takes two nights and one day on the finest steamers sailing fresh water, giving ample time to see the points of interest in the different cities as well as enjoying the fresh air on the waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Erie, with but six hours of railroad in the whole journey. The pas- senger fare, meals and berths extra, is $8.58 one way, $16.41 round trip, to Cleveland; $10.08 one way, $19.41 round trip, to Buffalo. A cool trip on the water, whether on business or pleasure, is relished by everyone. The fast f^ lake boats of the T>resent time nearly ' iiial the speed of ivvay trains and ihc expense is much less. You also have every comfort of home in traveling by the water route. ' '^ Below we give a rail and water schedule, showing time of arriving at and departing from the various points. Schedule L.V. ChlcaBo via G. & M. Line 9:00 A.M. 8:30 P.M. At. Hollond via G. & M. I^lne 4:00 P.M. 4:00 A.M. Lv. Holland via P. M. R. R 4:24 P.M. 5:25 A.M. Ar. Detroit via P. M. R. R 10:00 P.M. 12:05 P.M. L.V. Detroit via D. & C. N. Co 10:45 P.M. 5:00 PM. Ar. Cleveland. D. & C. N. Co 6:00 A.M. Ar. Buffalo, via D. & C. N. Co 9:00A.M. Lv. Cleveland via C. & B. Line 8:00 P.M. Ar. Buffalo, via C. & A B. Line 7:30 A.M. For further Information Inquire of Ticket As«nt. or address Mr. H. Meyer- \ng. G. P. A., Chicago, III. Recreation at Paw Paw Lake. List of Summer Boarding Places Available to patrons of the Graham & Morton Une, together with a brief description of rates, accommodation and location. Further particulars will be furnished by addressing the proprietors of the several resorts and private homes personally. GROUP NO. 1.— ST. JOSEPH HOTELS. Take Graham & Morton Steamers to St. Joseph. Name of Hotel, Resort or Residence Hotel WhitcoDib . Lake View Hotel Hotel Rose May Hotel Palace Hotel Newport House Wliitcomb Mineral Batb. Edgewater Club Hotel LaSalle _- Name ol Proprietor vV. A. Walker Mr. Lewis F. N. Absalom George Walker.- Dan Muth Edgewatir Club A. W. Gustafsoii PostoCBce Address St. Joseph, Mich.. .St. Joseph, Mich.. St. Joseph, Mich.. St. Joseph, Mich.. St. Joseph, Mich.. St. Joseph, Mich.. St. Joseph, Mich.. St. Joseph, Mich.- r,08 Broad St Day Week Apply Apply .^pply $1.25 $1.50-$1.T5 $0.50-$1.00 .^pply Apply SI .00 Apply Apply Apply $7.00 -^ppiy Special Apply Ap'-'ly .$3.00 up How Reached from G. & M. Docks City City City City City City City Bus City Cars.. Cars.. Cars.. Cars.. Cars.. Cars.. Cars. Cars- Features of Location and Remarks Mineral baths in connection. Blurt" overlooking Lake Mich. Facing Lake Front Park. Home cooking, outside r'ms. American and European. Near river and lake. Finest bath house in Mich. Riglit on Lake Michigan. Blurt' overlooking I ake. GROUP NO. 2.— BENTON HARBOR HOTELS. Take Graham & Morton Steamers to Benton Harbor. Hotel Benton E. C. Richardson C. E. & J. W. Dwan. Dr. W. E. Saltzman. Mrs. J. T. Owens M. J. Schroll R. J. Laughery.. T. C Arnold Benton Harbor, Mich.. Benton Harbor, Mich.. Benton Harbor, Mich.. Benton Harbor, Mich.. Benton Harbor, Mich.. Benton Harbor, Mich.. no W. Main St 108 W. Main St. Apply Apply Apply .\pply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Bus or Benton Harbor Cars.. Refurnished throughout. Hotel Dwan "ioo 50 House of David Cars New; modern: 100 rooms. Benton Harbor Cars Any Benton Harbor Car .Any Benton Harbor Car Min. baths near Ry. & dock. Hotel Eastland Located on car line. Phoenix Hotel Premier Bath House In blLsiness section. Original bath house, fd. 1898. Hou.se of David Cars Clean, sanitary rooms. T. C. Arnold... Frank Glover R D Flood Hou.se of David Cars... .\ny Benton Harbor Car Notify Proprietor Hotel in connection. Uichigan Inn Higman Park Inn I9MS8 Colfax .\ve Benton Harbor. Mich.. $0.50-$1.50 $2.00 Apply "n .American and European. Select family resort. GROUP NO. 3.— ST. JOSEPH AND VICINITY. Take Graham & Morton Steamers to St. Joseph. Private Residence The Esnor Furnished Booms Private Residence Fur. House for Rent Old Kentucky Home Old Ky. Home Annex Private Residence Private Residence... Private Residence The LaSalle Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence Furnisheii Cottages Private Residence Private Residence Fur. Bungalow for Rent. Fur. Cottage for Rent.. Private Residence Private Residence Sbadyside Resort Revenia Resort Private Residence Private Residence Fur. Cottages for Bent.. Private Residence City Fruit Farm Private Residence Private Residence Blanker Farm Private Residence Mrs. G. E. Schofl S. Ronse Mrs. R. A. Lupton... Mrs. Geo. Walls Mrs. E. D. Jacobs... Mrs. C. P. Johnson.- Mrs. C. P. Johnson.. Mrs. E. H. Manley... Mrs. B. P. Brown O. W. O'Riley A. W. Gustafson Mrs. John Walker... Mrs. Chas. Rowe Mrs. A. Vance Mrs. B. F. Francis... Mrs. Harry Ewing... Mrs. Harry Ewing... Mrs. Louis Shire Mrs. Louis Shire P. G. Chrest Mrs. J. K. Opel Mrs. J. E. Bort A. Risto Mrs. E. F. Mclntyre. Mrs. Carter Fred E. Stebbins Mrs. E. Gange Mrs. A. R. Gould Mrs. E. M. Plumb Mrs. Bertha Guenther Mrs. Gertrude .Antrim Mrs. W. F. Brown... D. Williams Drake & Wallace Mrs. R. Cassidy A. C. Brummal Mrs. Fred Eichorn — F. W. Ormsby Mrs. H. Rahn. 1302 Niles Ave 1446 Lake View .ive... 117 Wavne St 712 State St 915 Church St... .19 Lake Blvd .317-321 Lake Blvd Langley Ave 722 Langlev Ave 815 Lake Blvd 815 Broad St 707 Court St 714 Water St 815 Port St 715 Broad St 1020 Market St 1020 Market St.. 1022 Market St 1022 Market St 500 State St 101 Wayne St 1135 Niles Ave Life Saving Station... 321 Main St 413 Main St Life Saving Station... 117 Main St 410 Court St Block from City Hall. 1440 Napier Ave 950 Wisconsin Ave 314 Church St 815 Broad St St. Joseph Cleveland Ave Lake Shore Drive R. D. 1, Box 20.5 1203 State St... R. D. 1 B12 Wavne St Apply Reaso Apply Reaso Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply $1.25 $1.25 Apply Apply -Apply Apply .Apply Apply $100 per Apply Apply ""$l.Kr $1.00 $1.00-$1.50 Apply ■Apply Apply Apply Apply Reaso Apply $S.00-$10 nable Apply nable .Apply Apply Apply .Apply -Apply Apply Apply .Apply Apply $2.00-$5.00 ;2.oo-$:i.50 $7.00 $2.00-$3.50 $7.00 Apply .Apply -Apply -Apply -Apply Apply season Apply $3.50-$5.00 $8.00-$9.00 $7.00 $3.0O-$5.O0 Apply Apply Apply $5.00-$8.00 $6.00 Apply -Apply nable South St. Joseph Car So. St. Joe Car to So. State -Any St. Joseph Car So. St. Joe Car to Pearl St.. So. St. Joe Car to Jones St. .Any St. Joseph Car .Any St. Joseph Car Will meet if notified--. So. St. Joe Car to Pearl St. South St. Joseph Car.. .Any St. Joseph Car So. St. Joe Car to Pearl St... .Any St. Joseph Oar Any St. Joseph Car .Any St. Joseph Car .So. St. Joe Car to Market.. .So. St. Joe Car to Market.. .So. St. Joe Car to Market.. So. St. Joe Car to Market.. .Any St. Joseph Car .Any St. Joseph Car So. St. Joe Car to Harrison Notify proprietor Any St. Joseph Car Any St. Joseph Car Notify proprietor -Any St. Joseph Car South St. Joseph Car .Any St. .loseph Car .So. St. Joe Car to So. State .So. St. Joe Car to Wisconsin .Any St. Joe Car to Church. Any St. Joe Car to Broad St. .Any St. Joseph Car So. Bend Inter, from St. Joe Notify proprietor Notify owner So. St. Joe Car to Jones St. Write for particulars ■Any St. Joe Car -- - Fine large rooms witti bath. On bluff overlooking lake. Nicely furnished rooms. Rooms, light housekeeping. Nine rooms; large yard. On blulT overlooking lake. On bluff overlooking lake. On bluffs of St. Joe River. Fur. rooms, priv. of kitchen. Board, rooms; close to lake. Rooms, light housekeeping. Nine rooms, block from car. Nicely furnished rooms. Nicely furnished rooms. Rooms, light housekeeping. Nicely furnished rooms. Room and board. Nicely furnished rooms. Room and board. Six newly furnished rooms. Room, board; home cooking. Rooms, light housekeeping. Elee. light, running water. Board and rooms; modern. Furnished rooms. Write for particulars. Electric light, water, bath. Furnished rooms; modern. First class rooms. Modern place; home cooking. Near beach; home cooking. Modern home: down town. New and modern. On the beach: modern. Write for information. Fine bathing, shady lawn. Write for particulars. Overlooking lake: modern. Plenty shade, fruit, fishing. 3 mod. rrns. for light housek GROUP NO. 4.— BENTON HARBOR AND VICINITY. Take Graham & Morton Steamers to Benton Harbor. Crystal Resort Private Residence Orchard Grove Farm Meadow Brook Farm.. Empire Resort Locust Lawn Farm Mrs. M. Scher Mrs. A. L. Wilcox. Mrs. Thos. Kenney. Mrs. G. Decker 346 Fair Ave 593 Edwards Ave B. D. 6 R. D. 1 357 Empire Ave Territorial St.. R. D. 2 Apply Apply $1.00 $1.25 Apply -Apply $7.00 House of David Car House of David Car Dowagiae Inter, to Napier -Av Notify proprietor Take Fair Plain Car to Door Block from three car lines. Home cooking; sanit'y r'ms. Good board; fine location. Pleasant, shady location. Write for particulars. Home cooking, can't be beat. Fresli fruit and eggs. All Ships for St. Joseph and Benton Harbor land at the Central Dock, midway between the two cities. GROUP NO. 4 — Continued. Nanif ol Hoii^l, or Kcsidonce Colin".* Farm Resort Kennedy's Farm Vcnioii Farm Houso Fur. Rooms unci Hoard.. Furnished Rooms t'rliiindali' Resort Private Residenee Private Resilience Private Residenee Private Residenee Private Residenee.. Private Residenee Private Residenee _. Private Residenee Private Residence. _, House for Rent Wiliiuood Resort Furnished Rooms Crihbs" Farm Private Residence Caple Cottages Private Residence Cottage Orove Resort ... The Edgcumbe Mizpah Park Private Residenee Furtu'shed Rooms Park Hotel Private Residence Private Residence Private Residence _. Private Residence Hoarding House Private Residence Rural Rest Resort Furnished Rooms Private Residence Private Residence. Private Residence Private Residence Ivanrest Farm Furnished Rooms Private Residenee. Private Residence Longwood Farm Granger Farm Resort Name ot Proprietor Cohn Mrs. M. Kennedy Roy Vernon Mrs. Fanny Berry I.. C. Temp.s.. .Mrs. E. Davis. Mrs. Malvina Ilorton .Mrs. Katie llyrket .\liee F. .Adams Mrs. Delia Harr Mrs. S. 11. Ellsworth. Mrs. C. B. Krieger... E. D. Chappell Mrs. E. A. Shearer... Mrs. Geo. Chapman.. H. R. Ells M. McDermott _ R. J. Vanderbeek Mrs. Jennie Cribhs Mrs. Frank A. Price.. L. E. Caple Mrs. E. D. Plummer.. M. D. Price H. Edgeumbe John M. Malcomson.. A, .?. Youngs George MeFaul M. Yampolsky Sons.. Mrs. Henry Baute Mrs. D. B. MeClary... Mrs. Mamie Denslow.. D. J. Cullinine Mrs. I.ou Miller Mrs. Edward Pullen.. Robert B. Curtis Melvini Heppe Mrs. Jl. M. Vincent... Mrs. .Toe Boylan L. W. Kimball Gust .Amundsen Mrs. James White Mrs Jno. Schweitzer. Mrs. Elva Damon Mrs. B. R. Eastman.. Mrs. W. D. Harper... Mrs. A. E. Granger.. Postofflce Address Empire Ave R. D. 5... E. Empire Ave R. n. .-. 2JS Territorial St R. D. 3 R. D. 3 20(i Wall St 122 Cornelia St 0(n Buss Ave 303 High St 870 Superior St Britain .Ave 823 Columbus Ave 423 Eighth St... P. O. Box 195 So. Pipestone St 757 E. Main St Cor. Britain and Fair.. 7!»1 Colfax Ave Xapier .Ave 5»iO Plummer Court R. D. 5. Britain Ave... Hull and Edwards Ave. Benton Harbor 40!) Washington St 400 High St liritaio and Eureka Ave. 581 Pavone St 2.50 Lake Ave 302 High St 2.53 Pleasant St 45 Territorial St 931 Pearl St Benton Harbor Fair and Highland Ave. 775 Lavette St 555 Cass St 5S0 Clay St R. D. 2. R. D. 3 (131 Pavone St Kirby and McAllister.. Fair and Britain Ave.. R. D. 2, Box 140 Benton Harbor. Mich... Rates Day Week Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply $1.00 Apply Apply "$1.25' "$i.bo"" $1.00 Apply «1.50 Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply $2.50 up Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply $1.25 Apply $1.00 "$1.25~ Apply $1.25 Apply $1.25 Apply Apply Apply $2.00 $8.00 Aliply Apply |2.00-$.5.00 $8.00 $7.00 Apply $7.00 Apply $9.00 Apply Apply $2-$3-$4 Apply $8.00-$10 Apply Apply $1.50-$5.00 Apply $2.00 $2.50 $7.0O-$8.0O $7.00 Apply $5.00 $8.00 $7.00 Apply $8.00 .$6.00 Apply $7.00 $7.00 Apply Apply Apply $8.fK) $10.00 ^S How Reached from G. & M. Docks 40, Dowagiac Car from Docks... House ol David Car Dowagiac Car House of David Car Car from Boat Dock,.. Paw Paw Lake Interurban... .Write for particulars I House of David Car to Sixtli Write for particulars [Write for particulars.. 'Fair Plain Car to Baptist Ch. Fair Plain Car to Empire Av. Notify owner Fair Plain (^ar to Clay St... i Write for particulars Wriie for p:irtieulars._ _ South Pipestone St. Car House of David Car House of David Car Michigan St. Car to Clay St. Fair Plain Car Notify proprietor _ Dowagiac Car to Kennedy'S-- Hull Ave. Car Notify proprietor Write for particulars Write for particulars House of David Car Michigan St. Car Fair Plain Car Any Benton Harbor Car Write for particulars Any Benton Harbor Car Fair Plain Car to Pearl St... South Pipestone Car Hou.se of David Car Michigan St. Car to Clay St.. House of David Car South Pipestone Car Paw Paw Lake Interurban. __ Paw Paw Lake Interurban__. South Pipestone Car Write for particulars __ House of David Car Paw Paw Inter, to Greenfield. Write for p.-trt'oulars Features of LoeatioD and Remarks Furn. rooms; spring water. Thirty acre farm; fruit. Write for particulars. Fifteen acre fruit farm. Block from bath houses. Block from car line. Children desired. Central location; big yard. Very pleasant place. Care for children. Rooms: in business district. Good home cooking. Fine board; good tishing. All outside sleeping rooms. Excellent cuisine. 3-rm. cottage, G-rm. bouse. Beautiful grounds. Write for particulars. Near Eastman Sjirings. Pleasant modern liome. Excellent table board. Pleasant, airy, light rooms, 5 cottages; light, airy rooirs. First class in every respect. Furnished cottages for rent. Good room and board. Modern in every respect. Ideal Kosher summer resort. 2 desirable furnished rooms. Good room and board. Modern; screened porches. Furnished rooms. Near all the bath houses. Rates, parties of y"ng ladies. Tabic service very \w.on Apply $6.00 8 20 4 10 fi ._- 12 T'owagiae Inter, to I.uttle's.. Big Four, Benton Harbor So. Mich. Inter, to Stop IS... Write for particulars. Write for particulars. Very quiet : home cooking. 2U mi. from Berrien Sp'gs. Country Home Farm Home $7.00 Apply $7.00 $0.00 Write for particulars Interurban to Berrien Springs So. .Michigan Interurban So. Michigan Interurban Near Little Indian Lake. Middle aged people preferred. On hank of St. .loe River. Maple BliifT. On hank of St. .loe River. All Ships for St. Joseph and Benton Harbor land at the Central Dock, midway between the two cities. GROUP NO. 6— Continued. Name of Hotel, Resort or Residence Private Residence .. Maple Lawn Residence Shady Hill Fruit Farm- Private Residence Country Home Private Residence Urick's Summer Home — Furnished 4-Room House Hotel Berrien Lake View Resort Locust Cottage Private Residence Quiet Country Home The Frontenac Private Residence Rose Lawn Health Camp Private Residence Private Residence Farm Resort Private Residence Name of Proprietor Jas. M. Harper Mrs. A. T. Kiger Mrs. .J. 0. Feather- Mrs. Ona Feather — Mrs. L. .S. Brown Mrs. L. E. McCullough Mrs. D. G. Urick Mrs. R. BelL- — Mrs. Maud Pennell.. Vincent A. Rice N. Laeth Mrs. Esther Slight,— Mrs. R. H. Toney M. Bohleber E. E. Kye Mrs. T. C Benson,. _ Mrs. Flora C.McKeand Mrs. Fillmore Mrs. Geo. Halbach.- Mrs. John Lord .Mrs. I>. S. Helm Postofflce Address R. D. 3, R. D. 3, R. D. 2, Bos 253, R. D. 3, Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Box 208, Berrien R. D. 3, R. D. 3, Berrien R. D. 1, Berrien R. D. 3, Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Berrien Springs. Springs- Springs. Springs- Springs. Springs- Berrien Centre, Berrien Berrien Springs. Berrien Springs- Berrien Springs- Springs^ Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Mich.__ Springs Springs Springs .Springs Rates Day Week i^a $1.50 Apply SI .25 Apply $1.25 ?1.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.50 $0.75 $1.25 Apply $1.25 $1.00 "$T.25~ Apply $6.00 $7.00 Apply $U.OO-$7.00 Apply $7.00 $0.00 $5.00 $7.oo-$a.oo $7.00-$«.00 $7.00-$S.00 $7.00 Apply Apply $6.00 $0.00 $5.00 up $6.00 $0.00 Apply $4.00 How Reached from G. & M. Docks So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. Wri So. Michigan Michigan Micliigan Miclligan Michigan Michigan Michigan Miclligan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Miclligan te for pa Miclligan Interurban,. Interurban Interurban__ Interurban.. Interurban... Interurban... Interurban... Interurban... Interurban.. Interurban... Interurban.. Interurban... Interurban... Interurban... Interurban. _ Interurban... Interurban.. Interurban.. Interurban.. rticulars Interurban. - Features of Location and Remarks Home cooking: fresh fruit. On bank of Lake Cbapin. 412 nil. from Berrien .Springs. Near river and Lake Cliapin. Mother's care lor children. Write for particulars. 2 miles from Berrien Springs. Write for particulars. Modern; on Lake Chapin. Lake Cliapin, fishing, tennis. Near Ber. Spgs. and lake. One block from river. Write for particulars. On Lake Chapin. Men preferred. Lake and river near by. Write for particulars. Near river and Lake Chapin, On Lake Chapin. Modern home; good meals. Children preferred: write. GROUP NO. 7. — PAW PAW LAKE AND VICINITY. Take Graham & Morton Steamers to St. Joseph or Benton Harbor. Buzzard's Roost The Colonial Beechwood Hotel Quiet Country Home The Maplewood Hotel locust Hollow Farm The Hyde Park Cottages Coburn House Naomi Resort Pleasant Farm Home Tippecanoe Resort Brookside Farm Resort.. Cottage for Rent Locust Beach Genoar's Resort Douglas View Resort Paw Paw Valley Resort. Knapp's Eesort Hartfleld Private Residence The Foynes Hotel The Wabana The Ellinee Social Center The Florence Island Park Hotel May-Bell Hotel Woodlawn Resort DuVall Cottage The Pitcher House Cottage Hill Farm The Rcvine Furnished Cottages Lincoln Cabin Inn North Park Resort Woodward's Hotel The .\lice Hotel Private Residence Farm Home Private Residence Lee's Summer Home Res't The New Londeen Zinimer ■Whip-Poor-WiU Hotel Hudson Cottage Lakeside Cottages Resort Adelphia Beach Resort... Private Boarding House _ Cottage for Rent North Side Inn Farm Home The Chicago Millcreek Farm Miss A. G. Ackerman A. Driver J. V. Rembow Mrs. M. M. Runyow.. Mrs. R. Goldstein Mrs. A. P. Guy. Sidney Schram M. Coburn L. Ormsby Mrs. E. .1. Vrooman. Richard Peterson Mrs. Ida Dedrick Geo. DePeyster C. L. Newton Mrs. G. .J. Genoar Dr. P. E. Douglas .\nton Thar Edward Knapp Mrs. L. DeFields Mrs. M. A. Dunning.. M. T. Dowling Mrs. S. Ravencamp-. E. H. Erickson E. Hennessy G. Olander Mrs. J. A. Fleming.. Mrs. M. W. Surman.. Mrs. A. C. DuVall... D. W. Mott C. Vogt .lennie Mayer Miss B. O. Maver E. E. Rowland .Alfred Nordeen O. W. Woodward .\lfred Martin Mrs. W. J. .\dams Mrs. E. A. Yates -Jno. Nichols J. W. Lee Mrs. L. Zimmer Robert Storick Mrs. Collins Hudson. Mrs. O. Hansen W. A. Peterson Mrs. W. A. Willis Mrs. Laura O. Goold. Mrs. Lillie Palmantur Mrs. A. W. Clymer.. Mrs. L. Conyers Mrs. Ira L. King R. D. 3, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich Watervliet. Mich R. D. 3, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich R. D. 2, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma. Mich Watervliet, Mich Watervliet, Mich R. D. 1, Watervliet Coloma, Mich R. D. 1, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich R. D. 3, Coloma, Mich.. Box 274, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich Box 203, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich Watervliet, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Paw Paw Lake, Mich... Box 108, Watervliet Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Paw Paw Lake, Mich... Watervliet, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Box 337, Watervliet Coloma, Mich Watervliet, Mich Box 3:?, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich Coloma, Mich R. D. 1, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich R. D. 1, Coloma, Mich.. Coloma, Mich 0010 S. Hoyne, Chicago Box 227, Watervliet Watervliet, Mich Watervliet, Mich Water^'liet. Mich.. $1.50 $1.50-$2.00 Apply Apply Apply $1.50 Apply $1.50 $1.50 Apply Apply Apply $1.75 Apply $1.00 Apply Apply $2.00 $1.50 $1.50' Apply $1.50 Apply Apply From $1.50 $2.00 2.00-$2.50 $1.50 $1.00 Apply $L50-F2~6o $1.25-$1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Apply Apply $1.00 Apply Apply Apply $7.00 $8.00-$10 Apply $9.00-$10 Apply $7.00 $8.00 Apply $8.00-$10 Apply $8.00-$10 $8.0O-$10 Apply Apply .\pply $10.00 $8.00 Apply Apply Apply $8.0O-$10 $7.00-$9.00 $7.00 up Apply $8.00 Apply $10.00 up -\pply .$9.00-$12 *75 up $7.00-S10 $9.on-$io .$8.00-$14 $8.00-$9.00 $6.00 Apply $8.00 $8.00-$li $7.00-$9.00 $8.00 $8.00 Apply .\pply $6.00 Apply $7.00-.$S.OO $5.00-$6.00 -ipply $6.00 80 Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Coloma Inter, to Weber's Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban to Watervliet Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban to Lake Shore Sta. Interurban to Douglas View.. Interurban to Douglas View.. Will meet at Riverside Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban to Ellinee Sta... Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban to Ellinee Sta Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban to Will-o-Paw Sta. Interurban to Lake Point Watervliet Int., Wigwam Rd. Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Will meet at Coloma.. Paw Paw Lake Interurban... Paw Paw Lake Interurban — Bus Line from Watervliet. .. Paw Paw Lake Intenirban — Interurban to Pleasant View. P. M. or Paw Paw Lk. Inter. Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban or P. M Paw Paw Lake Interurban Interurban to Strong's Sta... Interurban to Will-o-Paw Sta. Inter, to Little P. P. Lake Inter, to Little P. P. Lake Paw Paw Lake Interurban Inter, to No. Terminal Sta Paw Paw Lake Interurban Paw Paw Lake Interurban Write for particulars P. M. or Inter. Will meet.. P. M. or Interurban Inter, to Millhurg: will meet Fine bathing, home cooking. Fine shade, lawn, bathing. On Edge of Paw Paw Lake. Write for particulars. Excellent table board. Excellent place for rest. Bathing fishing; free boats. Write for particulars. On north shore of P.P. Lake. Near lake. Good boating, bathing, etc. Ideal place for an outing. Elec. light, laundry, boat. Write for particulars. Near all amusements. One of the best on the lake. Near Catholic Ch.; dancing. Everything you want. V2 mi. from lake; good meals. Elderly people preferred. Prettiest place on lake. Bathing, boating. No boarders; all amusem'ts. Home cooking; boats free. Free use of boats. On bluff; fine beach. Write for particulars. Modern: home cooking. First class hotel in Coloma. Require references; write. Home cook'g: mineral water, jWrite for particulars. Paw Paw Lake, front door. North side of lake. Complete amusements. Best bathing beach on lake. Will meet guests at Coloma. Mile from lake; nice lawn. Elderly people preferred. Boating, fishing, dancing. A new home-like resort. Boating, batliing, etc. Bathing, fishing: free boats. Free boats; excellent beach. Bathing, boating, tennis, etc. Well shaded lawn, near lake. Write for particulars. Mile from Interurban. Near lake; fine board. Large lOoms, good nvrds. Well supplied table; sliade. GROUP NO. 8. — FARM AND SCATTERED RESORTS. Take G. & M. Steamers to St. Joseph, Benton Harbor or Holland. Private Home Private Home "Twinacre" Bressler's Fruit Farm.. Silver Brook Farm Private Home Mrs. E. A. Drake lllighland Park, Micli- .\ngeline E. Kingston Bangor, Mich Mrs. L. B. Nicholson Bangor, Mich M. Bressler I?angor, Mich Mrs. Riley Wilson R. D. 2, Bangor, Mien. Mrs. E. .T. Dahms Ir. D. 4. Hartford Apply $1..50 Apply $1.00 $1.50 Apply $5.00.$7.00 .^ppiy $8.00 $5.00 SV.on \Vrite for particulars Write for particulars P. M. Railroad... P. M. to Bangor. 10 3 30 10 Write for particulars. -\lso cottages to rent. Teachers or professional. Cool and restful. Bathing and fishing. Boarders do own room work. 10 P. M. to Hartford Venr bathing beach. All Ships for St. Joseph and Benton Harbor land at the Central Dock, midway between the two cities. GROUP NO. 8— Continued. Nuuie of Hotel, Resort or Residence Private Home Pleasant Home. ,. Private Home Sutnnier Cottages Piiu'hurst Hickory ("Jrove Farm — Country litmie Sllbiirbnn Home .. Shady L;i\vn Farm SiimiiHT Home Norwood Farm Marqiiftte Hotel..- New Riverview Hotel__. Maple l.awn Maple Knoll Farm Quiet Country Plaee... Wild Oiarden Resort Farm house for rent... Country Home Shady Lane Resort Fruit Farm __, Lone Beach Resort Evergreen Fruit Farm _ Maplehurst Swiss Cottage Resort--. Lake View Farm Elms Resort, _. Country Home Private Home The Eureka Resort Country Home Quiet Hill Farm Home Lake View Park Farm Home Farm Home, modern... Berry's Fruit Farm Res' Allegan, .Mieh., R. D. 6. Hotel Richmond. __ Farm Home Country Home Saddle Lake Lodge Private Home Country Home Country Home Country Home Private Home Otia Lake Hotel Country Home Riverside Park Resort. . Calayliurst Pottawatomie Park Eastland Resort Pottawatomie Resort Cottage for Rent Name of Proprietor .Mrs. W. H. Goss Mrs. Charles Morgan .Mrs. H. H. Carr Curtis Drake Mrs. E. K. Ferguson Mrs. Richard Lecdy. A. \. Dishrow Mrs. .T. D. Ferguson. The Misses Beyrer... .Mrs. Hatiie Pierce... L. Kemp & Son \V. .1. Evans Showers & Ostland.. Mrs. Mary Lammon.. B. H. Cook L. B. Thornton Mrs. W. D. Groner... .M. TV. Hyenga Mrs. Maud Born Wm. B. Kirby Mrs. Paul Gebhardt.. Mrs. E. E. Plummer. E. E. .^ngsbury Mrs. R. H. Held Chas. Guigue Mrs. C. J. Mueller... Mrs. E. C. MeNett... Mrs. B. L. Banta Miss Geo. Phiscator. Mrs. Ward Close Mrs. Frank Penwell.. Mrs. Eugene Boyee.. Lewis Paul O. M. Pratt .Tulia .\lkire Mrs. .Stella M. Clark. Mr. Berry ?:. L. Douglas Mrs. Clias. Dailey Mrs. .ilvah Canfleld.. -Mrs. A. .1. Beatz... Z. G. Cease Mrs. Eugene Smith.. F. H. Wooley. _. Miss Mable Johnson. . Mrs. Jos. Passage. __ Mrs. Aug. Glossenger Mrs. M. Gillniett .Mrs. H. A. .Scott Mrs. Jas. H. Moshier .ilfred M. Calay J. J. Barnes Mrs. W. S. Pureey.- M. l.iirie Mildred Smith Postofflce .\ddress Bangor, Mich. Bangor, Mich. R. D. 4, Bangor, Mich. Bangor, Mieh Bangor, Mich R. D. .'■, Bangor, Mich. Bangor, Mieh Bangor. Mieh R. D. 3, Niles. Mich.... R. D.. Hartford R. D. 1. Harttoril Hartford, .Mieh \Ilegan, Mich... - R. D. 4, Hartford R. D. 1. Hartford R. D. 1, Hartford R. D. 4, Hartford Hartford, Mieh R. D. 4, Hartford R. D. 3. Feiinville, Mich. R. D. 2. Fennville, Mich. Fennville. Mich R. D. 1. Feimville B. D. 2. Fennville. R. D. 2, Bravo, Mich- Box 18, Breedsville Breedsville, Mich R. D. 1, Breedsville Buchanan, Mich New Richmond, Mich... Glendora, Mich Bo.x 14, Glendora, Mich. Glendora, Mieh Riverside, Mich R. D. 1, Bridgman Bridgman, Mich Glenn, Mich 6422 Stoneyland, Ch'go New Richmond, Mich... R. D. 1, Buchanan Kibbie, Mieh Grand .hmction, Mich.. R. D. 2, .South Haven.. Grand Junction, Mich.. R. D. 2, Paw Paw R. D. 2. Bloomingdale. New Bull'alo, Mieh Otia, Mich Stevensville, Mich Riverside, Mich. Riverside, Mich Riverside, Mieh. Fennville, Mich. R. D. 3. Coloma, Mich.. Hartford, Mich Bates Day Week $1.50 JI.IK) $1.00 Apply $1,011 !fl.25 $1.50 $l..-)0 Apply Apply $1.25 $1.25 Apply $1.00 $1.50 Apply $1.00 $1.'25 Apply $1.00 "$T.oo'' $1.00 $1.30-$2.00 $1..50 Apply $1.00 ApplE $1.00 $1.50 ""$'1.25" "$T.«)" Apply Apply $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Apply Apply $8.00 $7.00 $7.00 $10.00 .$7.00 $0.00 $i;.(K) $a.oo-$7.iM) .\pply $5 .(H) $8.00 $10.00 Special Apply Applv $7.00 $8.00 .4pply $8.00 $(S.00-$8.00 $8.00 Apply $8.0O-$12 $7.00 $6.00 $8.00 $7.00 Applv $0.00 $5.00 $0.00 $S.00-$12 $8.00-$10 .4pnlv $8.00 up $8.00 up $6.00 .\pplV $5.00 $8.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 .\pply .ippiy $(i.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.oo-$in $9.00 Apply f parents or cnmpclont person arc carried free of charge. This rule is always enforced. 'C>A^^*^^«-k^«^*« ^4^ 'T^i^ly^4-^ I'nused tickets or portions of same, issued by this Company, should be sent to the General lVt::Clt::IIipi.lOIl OI XICIVCLS Passenger Agent, who will be glad to arrange for refund of whatever value the tickets may have, after deducting the regular fare covering the portions of the tickets used. T> ^-L I'assengcrs should examine Berth Check to sec that same is dated for the trip to be used. Accommodations for sleeping Jt)6l LllS "■''*" *^e secured several weeks in advance If desired, but must be paid for by noon of the date of sailing. I'atrons of this Company residing out of the city can secure reservations by wii-e, phone, or mail, and be assured that their order will be given promi't .ittentlon. Requests for reservations should be sent to the General Pa.'isenger Agent at C'hicago and Agents at Hol- land. ]k-nt(in ll;ul>.ir-St. .losoph terminal, also to the agent nf ilie G. R.. H. & C. Ry. at Grand Rapids, giving full name of party traveling and accommodations desired. Man and wife must purchase whole room. Between Chicago and Benton Harbor and St. Jo- seph, $1.00 additifinal will be tharged lor use ni entire stateroom or parlor, if occupied by only one person, on steamer leaving Chicago on Saturday nights and on night preceding all L»egal Holidays, and leaving Benton Harbor and St. Joseph Sunday nights and on night of all I^egal Holidays, from May 28th to September loth, both dates inclusive. Between Chicago, Holland and Inifiurban Pier. $2.00 aday Line New York and Albany, with Way Landings F. B. HTBBARD. G. P. A. Desbrosses St. Pier. New York Montaiik Steamboat Co., Litd. New York. Glen Cove. Shelter Island. Sag Harbor. N. Y. Block Island. R. I., and Sag Harbor. New London, Conn. HOWARD M. SMITH. G. P. A. New York. N. Y. Norfolk & Wash. Steamboat Co. Washington Norfolk Old Point Comfort W. H. CALLAHAN. Tfr. Mgr. Washington. D. C. after pertaining to their respective Niagani Navigation Co. Bun'iilo-NiiigHni Falls-Toronto Route Niagara-on-the-I^ake J. F. PIERCE, G. P. A. Montreal, Que. Xortliern .Michigan Transpn C<>. Chicago Parry S'lund Collingwood Mackinac Island Sault Ste. Marie J. C. CONLEY. G. P. A. Chicago, 111. Pere ^larfjuette Line Steamers Milwaukee Ludington Manistee Onekama Arcadia Frankfort F. C. REYNOLDS, Traffic Mgr. Milwaukee. Wis. R. & O. Navigation Co. Toronto Montreal Quebec Chlcoutlmi J. F. PIERCE. G. P. A. Montreal. Que. TJiousand Ishincls Steantiioat Co. .St. Lawrence River Resorts Alexandria Bay Clayton Thousand Island Park J. F. PIERCE. G. P. A. Montreal, Que. Wliite Star Line Toledo Detroit Port Huron C. F. BIELMAN. Tratllc Mgr. Detroit. Mich, lines. alij steamers equipped with wireIjEss telegraph. «.^?'"'^ °'' CONGRESS Grand Rapids Short Line Grand Rapids Holland Saugatuck Ottawa Beach Schedule Effective June 28 to September?, 1915 016 090 7i3 0" Macatawa Park EASTBOUSD Daily ex. Silt. & Sun. Chicago Lv. Interurban Pier" Ar. Holland At. SaugatucK (Inter. )...Ar. Grand Eapids (Inter. )Ar. 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. I)aiiy ex. Sunday 8:30 p.m. :!:30a.m. 0:00 a.m. 5:4.3 a.m. C:35 a.m. Saturday only 1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:.30p.m. 8:30 p.m. Sunday only 9:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 r).m. J:00p.ni. 3:00 p.m. Sunday only 10:00 p.m. 4:.30a.m. 0:00 a.m. 5:45 a.m. G:35 a.m. WESTBOUXD Grand Rapids (Inter. )Lv. Saugatuck (Inter.)_--Lv. Holhuid Lt. Interurban Pier' Lv. Chicago Ar. Daily ex. Sunday 8:20 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 0:15 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Daily 8:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:.30p.m. 5:00 a.m. Sunday only 10:45 a.m. 12:00 n'n 12:00 n'n 12:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Sun. only Spec'I car 9:40 p.m. iciio p.m. lo:::op.m. 5:00 a.m. °lnterurban Pier is located on the -south side of Macatawa Bay, opposite Ottawa Beach, lietween Jenison Parlv and Macatawa, where connection is made with ferry boats to either of the above places. Connecting in Chicago with aH railroads, steamboats a, id intei-urbans. Connecting at Interurban Pier with G. R. H. & C. Interurban. Connecting in Grand Rapids with G. R., H. & C. Interurban, P. M. Connecting in Holland with P. M. R. R. M. C, G. R. & I., L. S. & M. S.. and Grand Trunk Railroads. The Dustless Way to Happyland The World's Greatest Fruit Belt and Resort Country St. Joseph, Benton Harbor, Paw Paw Lake Schedule, June 28 to September 7, 1915 EASTBOITJD Daily ex. Sunday Daily Saturday only .Sunday only Jlonday only WESTBOUXD Daily Daily ex. Saturday Saturday only Sunday only -M'nd'y & Saturday Chicago Lv. Central Dock" Av. Paw Paw Laket--Ar. Dowagiact _— -ir. Nilest Ar, South Bendt -.■Vr. 9:.30 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 3:25 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 3:. 55 p.m. 11::!0 p.m. 4:00 a.m. 0:25 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 7:26 a.m. 7:55 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:25 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 3:55 p.m. 12:00 n'n 4:00 p.m. 5:25 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 5:55 p.m. South Bendt Lv. Nilest Lv. Dowagiact „. Lv. Paw Paw Laket..Lv. Central Dock T.v. Chicago .ir. 3:00 p.m. 3:'2e p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:.?0p.m. 10:00 p.m. 2:30 a.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:-20p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 3:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 3::!0p.m. 4:30 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. C:00 a.m. 6:20 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:00 nn oConnecting at St. Joseph and Benton Harbor Central Dock with Southern Michigan and C, S. B. & N. I.. Benton Harbor-St. Joe Electric Line, also the P. M., M. C, and Big Four Railroads. tinterurban Railway. The above schedule provides two steamers out of Chicago Saturday nights and from Central Dock Sunday afternoons, and two steamers on all rush trips when needed. The new Graham & Morton Central Dock is located on Main Street, midway between St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, on the Street Railway and the termination of the Suburban Electric Lines, where will be found ample and convenient passenger accom- modations. Telephone No. 3fj4_ Special Time Card for Fourth of July and Labor Day. This Company reserves the right to change this schedule without notice. This sailing list shows the time when steamers are expected to sail from and arrive at the several ports, but their sailing or arrival at the time shown is not guaranteed, nor will the Graham & Morton Transportation Company hold itself responsible for any delay, or consequences arising therefrom. Local Passenger Fares, June 28 to September 7, 1915 BETWEEN CHICAGO AND Central Dock Holland Interurban Pier S.iugatuck Grand Rapids $1.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 $2.00 3.75 $2.00 3.75 S2.00 3.75 52.75 5.25 Round Trip, Day Excursion Round Trip, 12:00 Noon BERTHS AND MEAT..S, — Holland Division: Cabin, Entire Stateroom. $2.25; Lower Berth, $1.25; Vpper Berth. $1.00. Benton Harbor- St. Joseph Division: Cabin, Entire Stateroom, $2,011; Lower Berth, $1.25; Upper Berth, 75 cts. On both Divisions. Hurrican Deck, Entire Stateroom, $2.50; Lower Berth, $l.nn; Tpper Berth. $1.00, Staterooms below Main Deck in Lower Cabin and Trunk Rooms, in center of Cabin, Entire Stateroom, $1.75; Lower Berth, $1.00; Upper Berth, 7.S cts. Parlors. $3.00 to $5.00. Breakfast served a la carte, r.:.'in to s-oo A. M. Dinner. $1.00 Table d'Hote. 12:00 Noon and 6:00 P. M. H. MEYERING, G. P. A., Chicago, Illinois Graham & Morton Transportation Co. Telephone Central 2162 Dock Foot of Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois .\LL STi:.VMt;itS liQlIPPKl) WITH WIKKLKSS TKI.KGK.VPH.