'bV" "oV .% ^. ^-^^^' ^^<^' < ^^0^ f . ^ r'^^ °WW.\^<^' \ '-J^^/ y^^ °"W«^- /'> r / ^.^/.^^^ PROYISIONAL RECOfeiJ ^^^^^ -OF- CONFEDERATE MEDICAL OFFICERS. Offered by the Confederate Veterans Committee, Medical Society, N. C, for corrections and additions. Aftcrsiatliy, Jas., IW. Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Almond, A. J., Assistant Surgeon, 8th Infantry. AiNton, S. W., Assistant Surgeon, Warren County, 13th Infant i*y- commissioned May 4th, 1861. ArniJiitroiig, Jas. T., Assistant Surgeon, 17th Infantty. 2 Alexander, J. R., Assistant Surgeon, Mecklenburg County, 37th Infantry, commissioned ; promoted and resigned May 24th, 1863. Aderliold, W, V., M. D., Surgeon, 7oth Cavahy. f: SJ,lSj33-M ] Bizzill, James A., M. D., Surgeon, 1861,30th Infantry, commissioned June 18th, 1861. Brown, Bedford, M. D., Surgeon 1861, Person County. Surgeon and Medical Director. Born Caswell County, N. C, graduated Transylvania Medical College 1853. Present residence Alexandria, Va. Boykin, Thomas J., M. D., Surgeon, 1861, Clinton, 26th' Infantry. Medical Purveyor at Wilmington. Brown, Wyalt M., Surgeon, 186 1,17th Infantry, commissioned Aug. 13th, 1861. Blow, W. J., M. D., Surgeon, 1861. Broadnax, ,5. G., M. D., Surgeon, 1861. Black, Kennetli A., M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 3d Regiment, com- missioned May 16th, 1861. Baxter, J. J., Assistant Surgeon, Currituck County, 8th Infrutry, com- missioned May 8th, 1861. •4 Baker, Ja^epli H., Assistant Surgeon, Bathsl Rsgicniut, Infantry, commissioned Aug. 13th, 1861. Born Edgecombe County Dec. 25th, 1831. Graduated Medicine in 1854. Vice-President N. C. Medical Society 1875. In charge of wouned at battle of Bethel. Member of N. C, Legislature 1866-1867. Bonner, Wm. V,, Assistant Surgeon, Iredell County, 15th Infantry, commissioned July 31, 1863, promoted from ranks Company I; re- signed Sept. 13th, 1863. Barhain, "W. R., Assistant Surgeon, 28th Infantry. Brig^JTS, G. W., M. D., Surgeon, Virginia, 30th Infantry, commissioned April Isc, 1863. Battle, Wm. H., M. D., Surgeon, Orange County, 81st Infantry, com- missioned Oct. 1st, 1862; transferred to hospital in Wilmington Busbee, Wni. J., Assistant Surgeon, Wake County, 31st Infantry, Oct. 11th, 1861; resigned Sept. 19th, 1862. Butt, H. F., M. D., Surgeon, "Pasquotank County, 32d Infantry, com- missioned May 1st, 1861. Bro^vn, Bedford Jr., M. D.,Surgeon,Casw ell County, 43d Infantry, commissioned March 24th, 1862; promoted Medical Director on General Smith's staff Dec. 14th, 1862. Brevrer, Wm. T., M. D., Surgeon,Wilson County, 43d Infantry ,com- missioned Feb. Sd, 1863; promoted from Assistant Surgeon to which he was promoted from 2d Lieutenant Company C. ByiiEcni, J. A., M. D., Surgeon Pitt County, 44th Infantry, commis- sioned Aug. 1863; promoted from Assistant Surgeon to which he was commissioned March 28th, 1862. Billion A. H., Assistant Surgeon, Miss., 57th Infantry, commissioned Sept. 13th, 1862. Barnes, E., Assistant Surgeon, Wilson County, 59th Cavalry, commis- sioned June 1st, 1862. Blackney, Julius C, Assistant Surgeon, 61st Infantry, commissioned Feb y 9th, 1864. Baker, R. B., M. D., Surgeon, Wake County, Conscript duty. Baker, R. H.. Assistant Surgeon, Hertford County, Conscript duty. Baird J. S. T., M. D., Surgeon, Iredell County, Conscript duty. Campbell, Dr. Wesley IW., Surg«on, 7th Infantry, Statesville. Command Born Died commissioned Nov. 6th, 1861. Ciislis, Peter, M. D., Surgeon, 1861, Craven County, Slet Infantry, commissioned Oct. loth, 1861; transferred to Hospital at Wilming- ton April 10th, 1862. Coke, LiUcius C, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Washington Coursty- Ist Regiment, commissioned June 12th, 1862; promoted from 3d Lieu- tenant Company "G. " Cobb, Wm. H. H.. M. D. , Assistant Surgeon., Wayne County, 2d Regiment, commissioned March 6th, 1863. Caldu'eEl, Julius A., M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Rowan County, 6th Infantry, commissioned May 16th, .1862: resigned Aug. 18th, 1862. Callett, W. A., Assistant Surgeon, Burke County, 6th Infantry, com- missioned Aug. 16th, 1861; transfercd to Regiment, as Surgeon, Feb., 1862, Surgeon 58th Infantry. Cheek, BeiiJ. A., Assistant Surgeon, Warren County, 12th Infantry, commissioned July 1st, 1861., A. A. Surgeon 22d Infantry. Cox, F., Assistant Surgeon, 28lh Infantry, commissioned Sept. 21st,1861. 8 Courts, Will. J., M. D., Surgeon, Rockingham County, 45th Infantry, commispioned 1862; promoted from Captain of Company H. ; resigned Aug. 1863. Clicars, BciiJ., Assistant Surgeon, Union County, 48th Inftantry, compaissioned April 17th, 1863. Caniiady, Isaac C, Assistant Surgeon, Granville County, 55th Infan- try, cominissioned May 25th, 1862. Cox, Cader G., Assistant Surgeon, Onslow County, 56th Infantry, commissioned March 24th, 1862. Cuiiiniiiigs, J. T. F., Assistant Surgeon, Alamance County, 68th In- fantry, commissioned Sept. 7th, 1864. Caffey, H, W., Assistant Surgeon, Wake County, Conscript duty. Cochran, H. K., Guilford County, (.^onscript duty. Coke, Geo. H., Assistant Surgeon. 10 Davis, W. W., M. D. Surgeon, 1861, Wilmiagton. Bom Died in Wilmington. Dligg^an, W. A., M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 1861. I>avi!«, J. J., M. D., Surgeon, Maryland, 6th Infantry, commissioned Dec, 1862. Douthitt, J. E., Assistant Surgeon, 2l8t Infantry, resigned Duffy, Chas., Assistant Surgeon, Onslow County, 24th Infantry. Devaiie, Janice S,, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Duplin County, 3^th Infantry, commissioned Feb'y 15th, 1862; resigned July 17th. 1862. Dardeii, Janies H., Assistant Surgeon, Sampson County, 38tli In- fantry, commissioned Feb. 4th, 1868. DiibO!«e, W. L., Assistant Surgeon, 75th Cavalry, commissioned Nov, 22d, 1862: detached. 11 Doyle. A, M., M. D., Surgeon, Wayne County, Conscript duty. Davicl^i, W. J., M. D.. Surgeon, Buncombe County, Conscript duty. li^ Ellis. Jan. R., M. D.. Surgeon. Catawba tountj% 3rith Infaiitn- coin- inisHiom-d Dec. 31st, 1861, promoted from Captain, Company A. Eves, A. E., Awsistant Surgeon. 59th Cavalry. comi8sioii, Robert, M. D., Charlotte, Surgeon, 1861. Surgeon 28th Regi- ment Infantry, Branch 's-Lane's Brigade, commissioned Sept. 21st, 1861. GriNiOom, Eugene, M. D., Surgeon 1862. Promoted from Captain 30th Regiment. Bom Granville County., May 8th, 1831. His duties ia C. S. A. were connected with the staff of Surgeon General Warren. (•iiliiain, Franeis, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 1861. <«nillier, 'Wni., M. D., Surgeon, Burke County, 26th Infantry. Cliwrdoti, O. E., M. D. , Surgeon, Miss., 29th Infantry, commissioned Aug. 10th, 1863. <>arretf, F. M., M. D., Surgeon, Halifax County, 30th Infantry, com- missioned Aug.. 25th, 1862; resigned in 1863. k; li, M. D., Surgeon, Orange County, 67th Infantry, commissioned Jan. 18th, 1864. CjJrcPiilce, E. CS., Assistant Surgeon, 1st Battalion, coaimigsioned (see preceeding page.) CiJrccn, ^Viii. M. D., Surgeon, Virginia, 2nd Battalion, commissioned Ciodwiii, J. R., Assistant Surgeon, Virginia, 3nd Battalion. C]irij;g;»«, W. \V., Assistant Surgeon, Virginia, on C. S. Steamer "N(>rth Carolina." Cirilbert, IV, J.. M. D., Surgeon, Hew Hanover county, Conscript duty, Milliard, Win. 1>., (Asheville,) Surgeon, Commissioned April, 18(51, Born Died Command Ih IS) llii;;lie.<>>, James B., M. D., Surgeon 186 1, New Berne, Born NewBeine June 9th, 1833. Command, Surgeon 2nd N. C. Infantry, Brigade Surgeon Anderson's Brigade. Medical Director French's Division at Wihnington. Commissioned May 16, 1861. HiiiCN, Peler E., M. D., Surgeon, 1861. May. 1st ''Bethel'' Regiment, N. C. Volunteers. Commissioned Aug. 13th, 1861; promoted Medi- cal Director North Carolina. Born Warren count}', July 28th, 1828. (rraduated Medicine 1852. Surgeon in charge N. C. Hospital, Pe- terpburg, Va., 1861-62: Medical Director Department, 1862; Senior Surgeon of Hospitals in Petersburg to Sept. 1863; Medical Director of General Hospitals in N. C. to May, 1865; Subsequently President Medical Society, N. C. ; and President Boavd of Medical Examiners 1878-84. lluteliiii^K, Dr. Joint W., Surgeon 1861. Hertford county. 14th Infantry, Commissioned June 10th, 1861; resigned June 25th, 1862, and reappointed Surgeon of 59th Regiment; transferred to 68th Reg- iment Oct. 23d, 1861; resigned April 14th, 1864. HayAVOod, E. B., M. D., LL. D. Surgeon 1861. Born Raleigh, June 13th, 1825. Graduate University Pa., 1849. 1867, President Board of Examination for C. S. A, medical officers at Raleigh and Medical Director at Hospitals about Raleigh. He was also Acting Medical Director Department of North Carolina, and President of Hi(*kj«, Robert Iverson, M. D., Surgeon 1861. Born Woodlawu, Granville county, 1831. Graduated University Pa., 1855. Surgeon 23d N. C. Infantry; was Senior Surgeon Garland's Brigade; was Acting Medical Director of Rhodes' Division on retreat from Get- tysburg. He was at the surrender at Appomattox 1865. Served Board Medical Examiners, N. C, 1878 to 1880. Holt, Pleasant A., M. D., Surgeon 1861. Alamance county, 6th In- fantry; commissioned Aug. 6th, 1861. Assistant Surgeon 12th In- fantry; commissioned Aug. 1, 1861. ^ 20 Hall, Jaiiie!i K., M. D.. Greensboro. Surgeon 1861, 12th Infantry; commissioned July 29. 1861. Hall, J. W., M. D., Surgeon, 1861. Holt, "W. A., M. D., Surgeon. 1861. Henderson, Franeis M., M. D.. Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Hines, Harvey L.., M. D.. Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Mall, W. H., M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Hardy, Jolin €J.. M. D.. Surgeon, Burke county, 6th Infantry; com- missioned March 1st, 1863. Assistant Surgeon ''Bethel'" Regiment; commissioned Aug. 13th, 1861. Surgeon 64th Infantiy. Meiider»>on, C. A., M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Rowan county, 6th In- fantry: commissioned May 16th, 1851; resigned Dec, 1862. •21 Hilliard, Win. I^., M. D., Surgeon 9th Cayalry, commissioned July 16, 1861. Hall, Juiiies (V) R., M. D.. Surgeon, Davidson county, 32d Infantry, commissioned July 14th, 1861; resigned October 19th, 1862. H4»\vard, E. Lloyd, M. D.. Surgeon Stth Infantry. Born Grad- uate University of Maryland, 1861; Editor Baltimore Medical Jour- nal. Professor of Anatomy and Nervous Diseases. College P. & S. Baltimore; of Anatomy in Baltimore College of dental surgeory. Hughes, Will, R., Assistant Surgeon, 31st Infantry, commissioned Sept. 10th, 1862. Higgiiihotliaiii, Edward <■., M. D., Surgeon 33d Infantry. HiokcrMon, Jaliieiii, M. D., Surgeon, Wilkes county, 37th Infantry, commissioned Nov. 20th, 1861: resigned Jan. 3d, 1863. HaU'licr, Alfred A., M. D., Surgeon, Tennessee, 39th Infantry, com- missioned Jan. 10th 1862. Hill, Tlioiuasf, M. D., Surgeon. Biunswick county, 4Cth Artillery, commissioned June 10th, 1862. ^ 22 Hill, L.aiii*iKt(»ii. M. D., Surgeou. Stokes eotiut}'. oSd Infantry. vo\n- missioued June 10th, 1803. Hill, Ij. H., AssLstaut Sui-geou, 53d Infiiutry, cjmmissioued Ma}- 2btli, 18(>3. Harris, 'W. II., M D., Surgeou, Virginia, .'iSth I ufautry. conimissioued Aug. 7th, 1862. Assistant Surgeon 61st Infantry, commissioned Oct. 10th. 1862. II<>a<«t4»n, Tlirtx. A.. M. D., Assistant Surjfeou 6.") th Cavalry. Il<»kc, tictt. ^1.. M. D., Surgeon, 1st Battalion, commissioned Feb. 1st. 1863: detached. H4>i>kiii!«, Henry St. O.. Assistant Surgeon, Virginia. 3d Batalion. commissioned 1861: transferred lleiirj', A. F., Assistant Surgeou, Totli Cavalry. Harrel, Win. B., M. D.. Surgeon, Wilson count}^ l.-)th Batalion Cav- alry, commissioned in 1864; transferred from Army Northern Vir- ginia. 23 H4»(liiolt, W. H., Assistant Surgeon. Guilford county, Conscript duty. IfiM'iidoii, H. C, Assistant Surgeon, Edgecombe county. Conscript duty. Htirlee, W. F., A.ssistant Surgeon, Edgecombe county, Conscript duty. Harriss, A. H., M. D., Surgeon, Guilford county. Conscript duty. Ktiiif , X., Assistant Surgeon, Rowan county, Consciii)t duty. Hii>ki«, A., M. D., Surgeon. Buncombe county, Conscript duty. Hiiios. Jaiiie!< H.. Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Holl, Mill. H., Assistant Surgeon. 24 25 Jolinson. CIiarlCM E., M. D., Wake county, Surgeon General, 1861. Born Died Joliiisoii, Jaiiie!«, M. D., Surgeon, 1861. Joiic>i, John Wesley, M. U., Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Born Edge- combe county, Sept. 31st, 1831. Member of N. C. Board of Exami- ners from 1873 to 1878. Served two years as Medical Purveyor in Confederate Army. The remainiug period on duty in hospitals and on Examining Boards. J(>nc:«, JoliaMtosi, M. D., Surgeon, Northampton county, 12th Infan- try, Coramissioued May 11th, 1861. JoIiiiKOii, Siliis, M. D., Surgeon, Alabama, 32d Infantry, commissioned June 20th, 1862; transferred Joyiier, , M. D.. Surgeon, Halifax county, 30th Infa-:;try, commis- sioned March 15th, 1861: resigned in 1862. Jclisi!'', Anthony B., Assistant Surgeon, Rockingham county, 45th Infantry, commissioned Oct. 16th, 1862; detached from Captain Co. H., 13th Regiment; resigned March 22d, 1864. Jenkins, E. M., M. D., Surgeon, South Carolina, 46th Infantry, com- missioj'.ed Feb. 22d, 1863. 20 Jordan, Janice, Assistant Surgeon, 70tli Infantiy. 27 Kiiij, Jo:«ei>li FrrtTii'is, M. D., Command Born Died Kt^en, TIi!»^. K., M. D., Surgeon, 1831, Roskingham county, 2 Ist In- fantry; resigned Kirl»y, Gcj*. L., M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Sampson county, 2d Regi- ment, commissioned June 37th, 1861; promoted Surgeon March 3d, 1868. H^caiictly, Sliles, Surgeon, Maryland, 8th Infantry, com nissionad April ;»th, 1863. K.c:nl>lc, Win. E., M. D., Surgeon, Virginia, 43d Infantry. Kiiiyoun, J. H., M. D., Surgaon, Yadkin county, 66th Infantry, com- missioned June 5th, 1862. Killy, H., M. D., Surgeon, Davidson county, Conscript duty. 28 29 Iv.ui^'ilini, Saiil'l W., M. D., Wiliuingtoa, Surg3ou, 1861, loth lufau- tiy, Commissioned Sept. 20th, 1861. Little, William, A. M.. M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 1861, Raleigh, N.C.., Born Raleigh. Jan. 31, 1838. Secretary N. C. Medical Society in Vice President in Served as phj^sician to N. C. Penitentiary. LiOg^aii, John E., Assistant Surgeon, Guilford county, 14th Infantry, commissioned Nov. 16, 1861. Lesciiiic, Cliarles, Assistant Surgeon, Bladen county, 18th Infantry, commissioned 15th, 1861. Liiickcy, F. N., Assistant Surgeon, Rowan county, 28th Infantry, com- missioned Sept. 21st, 1861; promoted Feb., 1863. Lane, T. B., Assistant Surgeon, 28th Infantry. Love, Wni., Assistant Surgeon, Haywood county, 29th Infantry, com- missioned Oct. 5th, 1861: resigned May, 1862. LHW!«on, John M., Assistant Surgeon, Virginia, 30th Infantr/, com- missioned June 1st, 1863-, promoted in 1863. 30 I^cwis, Joel Bitttle, Assistant Suigeon, Edgecombe county, 43d In- fantry, commissioned Feb., 1833: promoted from ranks loth Regi- ment; resigned Jan., 1865. I^eggelt, E. A., Assistant Surgeon, 4>th Infantr}', commissioned Dec. 27th, 1863. LiiiidNcy, YT. !>., M. D., Surgeon, Davidson county, 48th Infantry, commissioned Liilly, W. H., Assistant Surgeon, Richmond county, 53d Infantry, com- missioned June 27th, 1862. Long, J. F., M. D., Surgeon, 53d Infantry, commissioned May 28th. 1862; wounded in 1864. I.ia!*, .fa«i. P., M. D., Assistaut Snrgeou, Mecklenburg county, 11th Iut';mtiy, commissioned April .Ith, 1862. ITIar.titoii, W. IV., Assistaut Surgeon, Virginia, ]'2th Iufautry,conimi!s- missioued Julv ?2d. 186-!. I^l4»]iti;4»iiici*,v^ W A., M. D., Surgeon, Alamance county, 18th Infan- try, commissioned May 16th, 1861; resigned Nov. 21st, 1861. Mi'Adcii, .Toliii Henry, M. D. , Surgeon. Caswell county, l^th In- fantry, commissioned May "Jlst. 1861. ItlcAdt'ii, .1. II., Assistant Surgeon, lilth Infantry, commissioned May 16th, 1861: ])romoted Surgeon ]fl«ll. Waller B., Assistant Surgeon, Iredell county, loth Infantry, commissioned June 1st, 1861, resigned July. 1862. IVIiirpliy, R. R., Assistant Surgeou, Polk county. 16th Infantry, com- missioned Aug. 4th, 1862. 35 Mearley, John C, M. D., .Surgeon, 5th Battalion, commissioned Feb. 4tli, 1864. ITlorri.xoii, ^Vushiii^ton, M. D., Surgeon, 14th Battalion Cavalry. Mcrrcll, John C, M. D., Surgeon, Hertford county. Conscript duty. 91allctt, A. F., Assistant Surgeon, Wayne county, Conscript duty. lyivLean, W. §., Assistant Surgeon. :]8 HI) \'orooiii, Will. A. B.. 31. D.. Assistant Surgeon, 1891, e'liowuii cuud- t\ . Born Edeutou May l^th, 1886. Vice President N. C. Medical Society. 1872:, President, 187-1. ;!d Battalion. coTnniissioued A]»ril Ifith. ISfi".': transferred to N. C Hospital. Pcteisburg, Va. XcNbil, A. ;?!.. M. D.. Surgeon. K«>wan county, (>th Infantry, coniniis- sioiied Mav Kith. 18(;i. >'i\4>i), TliON. M. }>[. D., Surgeon. Perquinions county, n)^»:i, L. W., M. D.. Assist:int Surgeou. 18KI. Kiidlii, John K., M. D.. Assistant Surgeon, Alamance county, Sth Infantry, comniiBsioned May 16th, 1861. Surgeon 49th Infantry May 38th, 1862: resigned May 20th, 1864. Ree.HC, W. L., Assistant Surgeon, Georgia. Ruckor, J. C , Assistant Surgeon, Rutherford county, 16th Infantry, commissioned April 28th, 1862; resigned July Ist, 1862. Conscript duty, Rowan county. Rohlnson, P. O., Surgeon, South Carolina, (now St. Louis Mo.,) 22d Infantry, commissioned Dec. 23d 1S62. Born Charleston Aug. 22d 1834. Graduated Medicine 1856 at Charleston. In 1866 was Chief of Clinic in Charleston Medical College and Adjunct to Chair of Practice of Medicine. In 1869 elected to Chair of Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine in Missouri Medical College; in 1877 to that of Practice of Medicine and the Deanship in same College. During the war was also connected with the 1st South Carolina and 3rd Alabama. 44 Rogerfu, T. C, Hospital Steward, Auson eouuty, 44th Infantry, Raiiic, John R., M. D , ISurgeon, Rockingham couuty,4r)tli Infantry, commissioned Oct. 16th, 1863; promoted from Assistant Surgeon; commissioned April 10th, 1862; promoted from 1st Lieutenant,Co.(T. Reves, Alexander, M, D,, Surgeon, 61st Infantry Rogers, Hiig^li 17. , Assistant Surgeon, Haywood county, 62nd Infan- try, conunissioned July 24th, 1862. Randolph, I^eM'iM C, M. D,, Surgeon. Virginia, 63d lufantry, com- missioned Sept. 9th, 1862, HohuiMon, J, «., Assistant Surgeon, 72d lufantry. Ru<««, §iinip.«ion, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 8th Battalion (or 10th Bat- talion), commissioned March 15th, 1862. Rixcy, S. R., M. D., Surgeon, New Hanover county, Conscript duty. 45 ]Se(lv%'00(I, . !■]., M. D., Suiyi-on, Wake county. Couscript duty. Riven*. !•]. yi,, Aw.sihtiuit Suryeou. (iuilford county, Cousciipt duty. leaiiwoin, r. J., A.s.sistant Suii^ton. 40 iltnitli, Kicliarcl H., M. D. , Surgeon, 1861. Satoliwoll, S. S., M. D., Surgeon, 1861. Born Beaufort county, Sulloil, IVin. T., M. D., Surgeon, Bertie county, 44th Infantry, coni- missioned March 28th, 1862: transferred to honpital Sept., 1862. <^iiiiiiiie} , l>aiiicl P-. M. D.. Surgeon. Scales, Xatlianiol ]fl., M. D., Assistant Surgeon. Wilkes count}-, 1st Regiment, commissioned May 16th, 1861; resigned Aug., 1862. Stitli, I... A., M. D.. Assistant Surgeoa, Wilson county, 2d Regiment. Sai'age, Orrcii B., Assistant Surgeon, liates county, 5th Infjuitry, commissioned May 16th. 1861. Stephcn»i, W. CJ., M. D., Surgeon, Caswell county, 13th Infantry, commissioned Assistant Surgeon : promoted Surgeon Feb. 16. I86;i 47 SailMdcrj*, L:iilc:f»tor l£., Surgeon 17th Infantry, comiuissioued 1862: promoted from Assistant Surgeon. Mli'iK'liaii, W. B., M. D., Surgeon, Virginia. :?3d Infantry, commis' sioned July ITth, 1861. Slovoii!*, Lewis, Assistant Surgeon, Mississippi, o9th Infantry, com- missioned Oct. 2Tth. 1862. Sparks, Beiij. W., Assist.'\ut Surgeon, (ieorgia, 4l9t C'avalry, com- missioned Sept. 1st, 1862. Hiii^ldon, B. B., Assistant Surgeon, 4r)th Infantiy, commissioned April 14th. 1862. .Hillilticr!«, €lia.». J.. Assistant Surgeon, Mississippi, 48th Infantfy, commissioned Oct. 18th, 1868. Ht'oK, \V. W., Assistant SUfgeou. Mississippi. TiBd Infantry, comrald' missioned Feb. 20th, :868i S5»riiltf«i, J. It.^ Assistant Surgeon, Mecklenburg cOuttty, 58d In fantl-y, commieeioned May 28th, 1862, 48 ^^t'sjiioiim, .f««. W.. Assistant Surgeon, liertie t-ouuty, 59th Caviilry tomniissioued 8i'i>t. 28th lo- if.ntry, (.onunissioned July lOtli, Ibtio", lesigued Sfj>t. Tth. 18C4. mniidi. €i. <»., M. D., Surgeon. 70th Infantry. Kiltl|>*^<»ii, K. B.. AssiMtant Surgeon, T2d Infautry. Sniilli, l>. T., Assistant Surgeon, Wayne county. Conscript duty^ fifolf, A. IB., M. D., Surgeon, Davidson county, Conscript duty. 4!) Hhii'ld, R.. II., Awsistant Surgeon, 1861. 50 Traoy, J. W., M. D , Surgeou, Cleveland couuty, 14th Infuiitry, com- missioned June 2oth, 1862^ promoted from Assistant Surgeou, b7th Infat^try; commissioned Assistant Surgeou, Aug. Htli, IHftl. Tanner, Geo. S., M. D.. Surgeou, Virgiuia. 21st lufautry. TlionipMtn, Jaeob, Assistant Suigeon. 21st lufautry, : resigned Tresseoll. Geo. F., M. D., Surgeou. South Carolina, 87th lufautry, commissioned Jauuaiy 2r)th. 1868. Born Charleston Dec. SO, 183:>. Clraduated iu Medicine IBoG at Charleston Medical College. Be- came Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics and Dean of the Faculty irum 16(59 to 18T:>. Was Recording Secretary South Carolina Ik!fdical Society 18r)8-'9. Quaniutiue Physician of the Lr- zaretto 18.")(J-"S. Attr,ched to Lane's N. C. Brigade. TIC4cm|tK4ii>, V. O., Assistant Surgeou. Warren count}. 4()th lufautr/, commissioued Ajuil loth, 18H2; promoted from 2d Lieutenant Co. C. Tale, HiijS^li W.. Assistant Surgecn, Burke couuty, o-itli lufautry, eommissioued December 8th, 18()2. Tripi?. C'larenee A,. Assistant Surgeon, (Mst Infantry, coinmisHioued March 6th. 1862. 51 Tlioiiia«>, J. <;., Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Born near Bloomfield, Nel- son.couut}-, Kentucky, June 24th, 1835. Graduated in medicine 1856, University, New York. Was Chief Surgeon McLaws Division, and at one time Medical Director of Hardee's Corps. Twice Vice President of (leorgia Medical Association, and President in 1877. Author of the law creating tlie Georgia State Board of Health, of which lie luvs been the President since its organization, (1877). 52 Vigal, John A., Assbtaut Surgoot ;i?.d Infautry. 55 Ward, Warren W., M. D., Surgeon, Plymouth, 1861. Warren, William C, M. D., Surgeon, 1861. Walker, J. C, M. D., Assistant Surgeon. Born Wilmington, Ai)ril G, 1833. Died Surgeon 1st N. C. Regiment Infantry during lirst two years of war; the last two years Surgeon in charge of (reueral Hospital No. 5, at Wilmington, N. C. 3d Infantry, commissioned Sept. 3d, 1861. Wriglil. AdauiM Kinpie, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, 1861. Born Died Wood, TlioniaM F., M. D., Acsistant Surgeon, New Hanover county, 3d Infantry, commissioned Feb. 1863: promoted from Orderly Ser- geant Co. I, 18tli Regiment. Willie, Wni. Ed., Assistant Surgeon, Mecklenburg county, 7th Infau- ti-y, commissioned Nov. 6th. 1861. Wi.Hcnian, Alfred W.. Assistant Surgeon, Davie county, 7th [nfantry, commissioned Feb., 1863, Wt!i«;K, Jcilin Jr.. M. D., Surgeon, Crswell county, llth lufantn', commissioned March 2")th, 1861. r)4 W'alko. F. A., Assistant Surgeon, Virsiuia. loth lufantr.y, coininissio ed Miiv IGth. 1861: trnnsfeKi-ea to C. 8. Navy, Feb. 16th. 1S6;]. WiiiUficWI, R. T.. Assistant Surgeon. Bertie county, Uth Infantry, conijiiissiuued June 10th. IH61: Inspector of Hospitals in Army of Northern Viri^inia. Wliilled. \V. I>.. Assistant Surgeon Henderson county. 16th Infantry coinniissioued June ITth. 1861. WilMOii. AVin. R.. Assistant Surgeon, Granville couutv. 24th Infautrv '\%'^illlatiis, B. B.. Assistant Surgeon. ;^4th Infantry, commissioned M:iy loth. 1864. Walker, Beiij. M., M, D., Sui-geon, Washington county, 41st Caval- ry, commissioned Feb. let, 1863. AVisiC'iiiali. Joseph W .Agsistant Surgeon. Davie county, 42d Infantry. While, Franklin J., M. D., Surgeon. Virginia, 47th Infantry, com- missioned March 1st, 1863. Winsleael- J. B.> Assistunt SMr^;<'()ii, Xasli conuly, 47th lufniitry roinmissiuueil Ajji-il Stli. ISIj-J: resigned July ."itli, ISli;!. IVIiilo, Aloiiz*?, Assisttmt Surgeon, oSth lufantry, eomniissioned Nov, ;'.oth, 1.%;!. Wliite, I^oreiizo, Assi-stmit Surgeon. OOtli Infantry. Wo«»dN. "^A <:<»«l. A^'lii. 18.. M. X).. As^-istnit Slngeou, Hertioni county- ('on.M- cript duty. Wiiiylield, 'ilionias W.. Assi>tunt Surgeon. ISfil. 'Wiiircn. K