0m p.;^.:' m M ?iwi? m m^^ WM ^mm V*HH: ■ r^'^^^ i pi tt"-' ^P' A^A"- S'^ /^ /7 ^y1i.d^ i/^ ibtairy isi ^<$Xk%nu, ^^,^ ...B.T fl'iSit^/lt ^rrr^/Yo-. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^/^^ -4 To the Rev. Joseph Jliisling : My Dear Brother, — I am glad you are about publish- ing your occasional poetical pieces, under the unassuming title of" Devotional Exercises." I have been examining the proof sheets which you sent me, and am satisfied the collection is well calculated to awaken and sustain the de- votion of the christian's heart. I give this testimony to the collection, though you have not asked it, because I believe it ought to be widely circulated. Very respectfully, J. P. DURBIN, Philada. Aug. 13, 1836. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES; MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. BY. J/»RUSXINCJ, Minister of the Gospel in the M. E. Church. PHILADELPHIA: Sold at JVo. 197 JSTorth Fourth street. 1836. T5 s/sy .IT7 Entered, according to the act of Congress, in the year 1836, by J. Rusling, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ^9 /^ J. VAN COURT, PBI NT E B. PREFACE, The author of this work feels great diffi- dence in appearing before the public; but the solicitation of numerous friends have served as an inducement. With respect to the moral sentiment of his pieces, the Holy Scriptures were his model; and in reference to style, he has studied plainness; — the whole resulting from the improvement of leisure hours. In early life he entered the gospel ministry, and continued therein until afflictions caused a suspension of those labours. Under these circumstances, he offers this production to his friends, hoping that his private exercises may be rendered beneficial to the cause of God, and the devotion of his readers. J. RUSLING. Philadelphia, August, 1836. CONTENTS Prayer for Special Favours, For Holiness, . Preparation for Heaven, The Saviour's Love, Thou canst make me clean. Who hath loved me and died for me, Prayer for Gospel Privileges, Prayer and Confidence, Invocation, Prayer for a Blessing, Preparation for Heaven, The Lord's Supper, Jesus, our Lord, Our Advocate, . The Cross, The Good Shepherd, Redemption, PAGE 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]0 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 VI CONTENTS. Jesus, rule thou over us, The Invitation, " Behold what manner of Love Jesus' Name, . Redemption, " There is no other Name given The opened Fountain, . For the Holy Ghost, . For Divine Favour, Devotion, My wants are before thee. Thy Kingdom come, . For Special Grace, Redeeming Love, Prayer for Blessings, . Faith, . Praise, For Holiness, . Divine Love, . Redeeming Love, Thy will be done. Supplication, The Religion of our Fathers, Sabbath Schools, Sabbath Schools, CONTENTS. vu Deliverance from evil, Worship, Abraham's God, This is our God, Sabbath Schools, What is Love 1 My great Redeemer's love to me. Give me a lot with thy people, Preparation for Heaven, Thy will be done, Create in me a clean heart. Whom have I in Heaven but thee 1 Hymn of Praise, Fulness of Love, Living on Christ, The Cross, Redemption, Glory, Remember me, . Looking for Heaven, . The Servant like his Master, . Desiring the Love of God, Hymn of Praise, For full Salvation, For the Holy Spirit, Our Future Rest, The Saviour's Love to all, Vlll CONTENTS. Hymn of Praise, Worship, To the Trinity, Devotional, Desiring access to God, What is Religion, Remember me. The Majesty of God, . Happy is such a people, [n Affliction, . Am I a holy Christian 1 Divine Intercourse, The House of God, Family Worship, For Divine Guidance, . Spiritual Devotion, Pleasures of Divine Worship, Worship, The Lord's Prayer, The Lord's Prayer, Worship, Patience, The Refuge, . Trust, . Prayer for the Spirit, . CONTENTS. God our Refuge, Reliance, The Lord our Defence, Confidence in God, Peace and Love, Trust in God, . To the Christian, Address to the Christian, Trust in God, . There remaineth a rest, Time, The Christian's Prospect, The Consolation, The Sabbath, . Heaven, Spread of the Gospel, . Missionary Hymn, Home of the Christian, Death of the Christian, The Resurrection, The Resurrection — second part. Devotion, Quicken me, O Lord, . Decline of Life, Address to Youth, CONTENTS. PAGE Minister's Farewell, . . . .169 The Advent, . 172 The Saviour's Birth-day, 174 Christmas, 176 Gratitude, 177 Renevi^al of Blessings, . 179 My Bliss and Glory, . 182 Petition, 183 For Communion, 184 Christ and his Benefits, 186 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. In memory of Rev. Lawrence McCombs, 191 Earth is not our Home, 192 On hearing a Robin, . 194 Address to my Wife. — A Wish, 196 In memory of two beloved Children, . . 197 Friendship, .... 198 The Summer's Evening, 200 The Evening, . . , . 202 Friendship, .... 204 On Providence, 206 CONTENTS. XI PAGE The Family Circle, . 210 The Happy Family, . 212 Recollections, . . .214 Mutability of Life, . 216 Time and Eternity, . 218 Mutability of Time, . 221 The Critical Moment, . 223 Hope, . . 224 The Ramble, . . 226 To H. B., . 228 Memory of Rev. John Creamer, . 230 The Slave, . . 231 Our Nation, • . 234 Conscience, . . ^35 The Indian Chief's Lamentation, . 238 ERRATA. Page 30.— 5th line from bottom, for " diety," read " Deity." 33.— 4th line of 2d verse, for " Diety," read " Deity." 98.— 3d Hne from bottom, for " Diety," read « Deity." Instead of ^^ fullness," which occurs a few times, read ''fulness." DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PRAYER FOR SPECIAL FAVOURS. O, Thou ! enthron'd in heaven above, Before whom worlds as atoms are — Wilt thou regard a mortal's love, And kindly his petitions hear 1 O ! for that glow of heavenly light, Reflected from Eternal day ; The single eye, the quicken'd sight, Which clouds ne'er dim, nor years decay. O ! for that hatred to all sin. That true compunction of the mind. The power that cleanses all within. Perfect, "long-suffering and kind." O ! for that sacred, burning tire, Bestow'd through the Redeemer's name ; The mind to lighten and inspire, The soul to comfort and inflame. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Grant me the gift of holy prayer, That mighty prevalence with Thee; My thoughts and words Thyself prepare, And let them all accepted be. Strengthen me, Saviour, to believe Thy word of truth, and promise sure ; Those graces of thy spirit give, Most holy, heavenly, and pure. That wond'rous gift, the love of God, Immeasurably full and free; From thy eternal, bright abode. Shed most abundantly on me. At every opening, rising day. Be thy lov'd visitations made; All evil banish far away. As day dispels the midnight shade. Dwell with me, Lord, while here I live, Claim all that I possess as thine ; Myself a sacrifice receive, And then be Thou and glory mine. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. FOR HOLINESS. Jesus, my supplications hear, Regard me with a gracious smile; To holiness my heart prepare. And keep my lips from speaking guile. Of holiness the beauties show, Bid me its rich perfection prove ; With those who fear Thee, let me know The depths of sanctifying love. Let sin have no dominion. Lord, Cleanse its entire remains away ; Thy pure, thy soul-refining word, To me in mighty power convey. 'Tis thy prerogative to give — Profusely then thy gifts bestow ; Thy holiness bid me receive, And all thy perfect goodness know. Cleanse every act, and every word — Make every thought and motive kind ; Possessing, with my gracious Lord, A truly meek and lowly mind. In all things Thou my pattern be, Furnish'd with thy abundant might, Partaker of thy purity, Thy perfect love, and purest light. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PREPARATION FOR HEAVEN. Kindle, O Lord, in me, The ancient flame of fire; From sin and bondage set me free, And all my soul inspire. The cloven tongues bestow, The sacred stream of love, And while in humble prayer I bow, Thy spirit kindly move. Shed its full grace on me, Its purity and might, And let me in thy kingdom be A burning, shining light. With oil my vessel fill. The lamp of life to cheer. And help me watch and pray, until The bridegroom shall appear. Ready to meet my Lord, Whene'er the signal's given. And in obedience to his word, Arise and enter heaven. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. THE SAVIOUR'S LOVE. Jesus, the sweetness of thy love O how my soul delights to feel — All hind'rance to its course remove, And all its perfectnegs reveal. Thy love shall be my only bliss, 'Tis all in heaven or earth I crave ; The object of my glory, this. My blooming hope beyond the grave. Thy boundless love! redeeming Lord, In rich and plenteous streams bestow — This "recompense of great reward," O grant it to thy servant now. Simple and childlike let it be, Constant and steady in its course, From all dissimulation free. And pure and heav'nly be its source. Truly affectionate and kind, To mercy and to goodness given. The stay and magnet of the mind, The bond uniting earth and heaven. Be this the comfort of my soul, My solace in declining years; May love each passing change control, And cheer me through this vale of tears. A 2 DEVOTTONAI, EXERCISES. "THOU CAN'ST MAKE ME CLEAN." When shall I bathe in life's pure tide, Which flows from my Redeemer's side, That holy, crimson flood ] O ! to plunge in at once and live, And all his niighty love receive. Through Jesus' sprinkling blood. All human power I do disclaim. Saviour, restore me through thy name ; Thy name I long to know ; Like him who waited at the pool, I will, but thou must speak me whole. And bid me rise and go. O speak the word which Lazarus woke. That once his deathly slumbers broke, Bid me come forth to thee. Breathe into me the breath of life, Finish the long conflicting strife Between my sins and me. Thou art the resurrection, Lord, — He that believeth in thy word, Though dead, shall live again, — A form more glorious shall assume, A cherub near the throne become, Where boundless pleasures reign. DEVOTIONAIi EXERCISES. Fountain of bliss from Jesus' side, Flow on with clear and onward tide, Fill all my soul with love ; And let me with thy flocks at noon Repose in safety near thy throne, Thence never to remove. Then, Saviour, then, will 1 love thee. Because thou did'st at first love me. Thy wounds still make it known. And O assist me Lord to raise A feeble monument of praise To thee, and thee alone. « WHO HATH LOVED ME, AND DIED FOR ME.' Saviour, I bow thy cross before. To love, to worship, and adore ; No boast, no claim, have I beside, Jesus for me was crucified. All earthly things I count but loss, To glory only in thy cross ; Cleaving with fond embrace to thee. My Lord and Saviour slain for me. On Calvary's high and fearful top, Jesus, my Lord, was lifted up: And for the world, his streaming blood Prevailed before the throne of God. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, 'Tis here, my trembling hopes increase, My love grows warm, and sweet my peace ; While heavenly mercies kindly shed Unmingled pleasures round my head. thou atoning Lamb of God, Cleanse me in thy redeeming blood ; Purge me from every vileness free. And make me to resemble thee. Whate'er thou hast, or can'st bestow. Above the skies or earth below. Grant me thy love ; indulg'd with this, 1 ask beside no other bliss. Then when from time 1 shall remove, O may I rise to thee above ; There with thy saints the throne before. Redeeming love and grace adore. PRAYER FOR GOSPEL PRIVILEGES. Eternal Power, whose influence brought This wond'rous universe from nought ; Who said, (the mighty great " First Cause,") " Let there be light, and light there was." DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Spirit of lig-ht on me come down, Thy presence and thyself make known ; In penticostal fulness shed, Thy glories ropnd my heart and head. Give me, O Lord, my sins to know. And then let true repentance flow ; From guilt my every power release, And fill me with abounding peace. With grace descending from above. Increase my faith, and warm my love ; Pure heavenly -mindedness impart. Engrave thy likeness on my heart. Grant me, with all thy saints to share, The blessing of prevailing prayer : Each passing hour where'er I be, O give me intercourse with thee. On Christ alone, (the atonement made,) Let all my soul's vast claims be laid; In firm, unshaken hope, that God Will raise me to his own abode. An earnest of that bliss bestow. Where angels and archangels bow ; That holy pledge to me be given, A strong assuring hope of heaven. 10 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PRAYER AND CONFIDENCE. Most Holy Lord, bow down thine ear, And hearken to my feeble prayer ; Preserve my soul that trusts in thee, And show thy kindest love to me. Art thou not ready to forgive. And pleas'd when dying sinners livel Is not the goodness of thy name, In every age and place the same ] Come, then, and all my wants regard, And bless me with thy saints' reward ; And when temptations gather round, Let grace more plenteously abound. Thou art my shield and strong defence. My over-ruling providence ; The all-pervading Deity, Whose presence fills immensity. With millions I will worship thee. And bow the suppliant, humble knee; The greatness of thy love proclaim. And hymn the glories of thy name. Thou art th' eternal God alone, The heaven of heavens contains thy throne ; Yet is thy love so full and free, The humblest soul may trust in thee. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 11 Father, to me a token show, My claim to glory let me know ; Strengthen my soul, and kindly give Continued comfort while I live. INVOCATION. Jesus ! my soul shall ever be, An altar set apart for thee ; Such as the holy prophets rear'd, On which the sacred flame appear'd. O may those radiant beams of thine, Around my tabernacle shine ; Thence let my earliest ofierings rise, Like clouds of incense to the skies. Upon the glorious mercy seat. O'er which the winged cherubs meet, Jesus, my great High Priest, appear. Show thy prevailing influence there. Regard, O Lord, thy servant still, To me thy promises fulfil ; My humble sacrifice receive. And bid me with thine Israel live. 12 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Fill'd with thy presence, and thy grace, Peace shall surround my dwelling place, My prayer, through the atoning blood, Shall find a free access to God. Can aught with such delight compare 1 With God, to hold communion here ; To dwell in love with the Most High, Is pure, and full, and perfect joy. May this lov'd intercourse obtain, Long as life's varied scenes remain ; Till raised where my Redeemer is, To dwell in realms of perfect bliss. PRAYER FOR A BLESSING. Saviour ! assist our souls to raise Some sweet memorial to thy praise ; Let grace be in abundance given, To guide us in the way to heaven. Impart the true celestial fire, And every waiting soul inspire ; Infuse thy love in full display, And wash our numerous sins away. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 13 Eternal Energy, descend, While we around thine altar bend; Take us within thy kind embrace, And give to all converting grace. Illustrious Advocate above, Pour on our souls the stream of love ; May we thy full salvation see. And sanctify each heart to thee. Grant us the gift of holiness, Comforts of grace and perfect bliss ; A sacred pledge of life to come, Our heavenly rest, and final home. Unite us in a social band, Destin'd to reach the promised land ; There to enjoy perpetual peace. In realms of perfect happiness. PREPARATION FOR HEAVEN. Iesus! I love thy righteousness, Thy holy presence, grace and power ; That sin-subdueing, sweet distress, The oft repeated melting shower. 14 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Fast I approach the lonely grave, And have no other trust but thee ; My trembling spirit thou can'st save, In nature's last extremity. Amidst death's dark and dreary shade. Leave me, my Saviour, not alone ; Kindly sustain my fainting head, 'Till all thy blessed will be done. Wash me anew in thy rich blood. Thy love more signally display ; Prepare me for thy bright abode, Then sweetly call me hence away. THE LORD'S SUPPER. Jesus ! thou Prince of life and peace, Our wisdom, and our righteousness ; The Lamb of God to mortals given. The bread of life, sent down from heaven. Millions have feasted. Lord, on thee. The true incarnate Deity ; And in the eucharistic food, Have eat thy flesh, and drank thy blood. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 15 'Tis here the wounded finds a balm, The wearied rest, the grieved a calm ; The thirsty souls a mountain rill, That flows from Calvary's summit still. Jesus, at this our feast appear, Display thy holy symbols here; To each the true memorials give, And in our best affections live. This consecrated bread and wine, And all the sacred rites are thine; And lo ! in bending circle we, Do this in memory of thee. This record of redeeming love, Shall all our happiest feelings move ; And while our days are spared beneath, We thus show forth our Saviour's death, Happy, if we at last shall be, Call'd into heaven to sup with thee ; To join the sacramental host. With Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 16 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. JESUS, OUR LORD. Jesus, supreme, the Lord of all, Jehovah's first begotten Son : Around his throne shall empires fall, Wide as earth's varied circles run ; And He, while endless ages roll, Shall claim an undisturb'd control. Jesus, who was an infant born, Form'd this vast universe entire ; His power did all the spheres adorn, And all the morning stars inspire ; His word unchangeably secure, Through countless ages shall endure. Jesus, who liv'd, and bled, and died. Legions unnumber'd doth command ; There is no other God beside, Whose counsels shall forever stand ; And angels bowing to his name, Spread wide his everlasting fame. Jesus, the " first-fruits" from the dead, (Who but a God could rise again ?) Before him death and darkness fled. That immortality might reign ; To him alone shall praise be given. By all that live in earth or heaven. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 17 Behold him to his throne ascend, His glorious kingdom to prepare ; From thence he will his angels send, To gather all his servants there ; Where, lost in rapture, they shall raise, Anthems of pure unceasing praise. Jesus shall all our songs employ. Who wash'd us in his precious blood ; He rules in majesty on high, Jehovah, the Eternal God ; In strains of sweet and full accord. Angels and men shall praise thee, Lord. OUR ADVOCATE. Jesus ! our mighty Advocate, Before the eternal throne ; On me, while at thy cross I wait, Be all thy mercy shown. Forgive my great amount of sin. Its painful guilt remove ; Cleanse and endow my soul within, With all the charms of love. Thy Spirit's powerful witness give, In bountiful supplies ; And tell me. Lord, that I shall live Immortal in the skies. B 2 18 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Then let old time, and sin, and death, In threatening phalanx move ; Calmly will I resign my breath For brighter scenes above. THE CROSS. I SING the cross, the out-spread tree. Where Jesus bled and died for me ; The deep pierc'd side, the crimson flood. The nail-stretch'd limbs, and streaming blood ; The last, best gift, by grace bestow'd, To raise a prostrate world to God. The cross on Calvary lifted up. Heaven's faithful pledge, man's blissful hope ; The altar, expiatory made, On which earth's sacrifice was laid ; The all-prevailing, sprinkled blood, Shed o'er the mercy seat of God. The cross, an open'd intercourse With time's First Cause, and nature's Source ; The rent veil, opening to the throne. Where man communes with God alone ; In sweet celestial visions lost. The cross his theme, and joy, and boast. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 19 The Saviour's cross, I see it stand A beacon to the promised land ; Its shining radiance beams around, Breaking upon the night profound ; Extending to that far-offshore, Where darkness veils the skies no more. The cross, like Jacob's ladder seen, Stretch'd the full space both worlds between ; On which earth's sons adventurous rise, Above the azure vaulted skies; To range with the etherial powers, Heaven's high and everlasting towers. The cross, o'er death's most fearful tide, Spans the dark gulf from side to side. Leading to that salubrious clime, Beyond the withering blasts of time; Where all the flowery landscapes o'er, The bosom heaves with sighs no more. THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Christ, the good Shepherd, feeds His people with his love ; And tenderly, he leads His peaceful flocks above. 20 DEVOTIONAL EXERCTSES. The lambs are gently laid, With kindness on his breast ; And in his bosom's shade, They sweetly lie at rest. Gather'd and folded thus, May we thy goodness share ; Beauties of heaven to us Thou gracious Shepherd bear. Love us, and lead us o'er Those fields above the sky ; Where the heart sighs no more, In glorious worlds on high. REDEMPTION. Hail ! David's Lord, the Holy One, Who fills the mighty courts of heaven ; Jehovah's first begotten Son, To him be boundless glory given. To save lost sinners, lo ! He comes, Mankind's supreme, efficient friend ; The Eternal God our form assumes, And with Him life and peace descend. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 21 What thought can reach, what tongue explain, This love to all the world made known? God, who doth o'er creation reign, " Spar'd not his own beloved Son." The Son of God was crucified, He all our sins with anguish bore ; The Lord incarnate liv'd and died, That we might live forevermore. I see the robes, the millions crown'd, The mansions furnish'd by my Lord ; I hear the trumpet's cheerful sound, Which calls from labour to reward. O may I spend my days and years, In my Redeemer's lov'd employ ; And when the end of life appears, Enter into my Master's joy. JESUS, RULE THOU OVER US. Jesus, Saviour, rule thou over us, All thy great compassion show ; Bid thy goodness pass before us, Mercy's utmost power bestow ; Then thy people Shall their great Redeemer know. 22 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, O thou good, and wise, and holy, Thou, whose promises are sure ; Who alone can bless us fully. Make, O make thy servants pure ; Then protect them, While the cross they shall endure. With thanksgiving. Lord, we meet thee, At thy feet our offerings pour ; There with songs triumphant greet thee, And thy name and power adore ; While hosannas Shall respond forevermore. Glorious and exalted Saviour ! All thy holy Israel say. Live thou in our hearts forever, In our best affections stay ; And be with us Through life's wearied, toilsome way. Tune our harps to heavenly measure, Sweeter than the archangels lyre ; Full and richer notes of pleasure, Shall our happy souls inspire ; While hi concert, Mingles the cherubic choir. O what scenes of holy pleasure, Live in faithful hearts concealed ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 23 Pure and overflowing treasure, Through the love of Christ revealed ; And those blessings Heaven doth in rich plenty yield. Cheerfully we now reside here, Happy in our tents to stay ; And while God is pleas'd, abide here, Till from labour call'd away ; Then exulting, Pass the vestibule of day. Ready is the way to glory, Wait we only Jesus' word ; For when absent from the body, We are present with the Lord ; In a moment Pass we to our great reward. THE INVITATION. Come poor sinners, come to Jesus, Lo, he hangs upon the tree ; Was there ever love more gracious, Mercy more entirely free ; Look poor sinners On the brow of Calvary. 24 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Come with all your sins to Jesus, With your tears his cross bedew ; Come receive his love most precious, Hark ! he intercedes for you — " O forgive them, For they know not what they do." Come poor sinners, Jesus loves you, Greater love he could not show, Graciously his spirit moves you, O submit to Jesus now ; Though like crimson. He will make you white as snow. Sinners, ye were form'd for heaven, Though you now in darkness lay ; Now arise and be forgiven. Why will you in bondage stay 1 Come to Jesus, Blood bought sinners, come away. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Kindly do invite you home, Pointing where you may inherit, Eden in immortal bloom ; O ye much lov'd, Trembling, dying, sinners come. On the embattled heights of glory Hosts of wishful angels stay. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Holding- in their hands before you Crowns of everlasting day ; Sweetly saying', Welcome sinners, come away. Rise poor sinners, haste to Jesus, Hail him as your sovereign lord ; This glad moment is auspicious. Trust the dying Saviour's word ; And full glory. Shall be given as your reward. Enter now those realms of glory, Take your seat at God's right hand ; Open'd is the way before you, Where the flaming seraphs staiid ; There forever Join the heavenly choral band. 25 "BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF LOVE." Behold what unexampled love. Earth's mighty founder did display; He left his glorious throne above. To bear our load of guilt away. Attired himself in flesh and blood, Assum'd and dwelt in human form, To reconcile and bring to God, A fallen, poor, and helpless worm, c 26 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. He, whom the angel hosts adore, His great regard for man to show, Our sin's dread mountain weight he bore, Upon Mount Calvary's fearful brow. Jesus, the holy promised seed, The dreadful wine press trod alone ; For all mankind the Lord did bleed, For all the human race atone. Lo ! what a healing, cleansing tide, To all poor trembling sinners free. Was open'd in the Saviour's side. On the rude clift of Calvary. To that pure life — restoring blood. Let all the sons of earth repair, * And bathe and wash them in that flood, That poured its balmy current there. Ten thousand thousand beauteous forms, Redeem'd through Jesus bleeding love ; Rescued from earth's infuriate storms, Are singing with the hosts above. To him that love them and did die, Who washed them in his precious blood, And brought them to his courts on high. And made them kings and priests to God, Jesus, thou art my only hope. The triumphs of thy cross 1 see ; From Olivet's embroidered top, O may I rise and follow thee. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, 27 Redeem me from my guilt and sin, Speak me at once through thee forgiven ; Cleanse, and preserve me pure within, Prepared and sanctified for heaven. The merit of thy death I need. Thy holy sacrificial blood ; Make me an Israelite indeed, A true obedient child of God. Give me the living witness still, That I am born again of thee, Thy infinite designs fulfil ; Take up thy residence in me. Grant me the pledge of future rest, The seal of Jesus' dying love ; Set up thy throne within my breast, Which never, never shall remove. Let me with the enraptur'd throng, Those harpers on the etherial towers. Join in the sweet and blissful song. Amidst heaven's amaranthine bowers. JESUS' NAME. Jesus, my Lord, who died for me. The merit of thy death apply ; My heart from guilt and sin set free, And mould me for the realms on high. 28 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Jesus, thy holy, precious name, Is competent to make me whole ; 'Tis now, immutably the same, A healmg balm for every t-oul. Thousands have known its saving power, Its bliss inspiring virtue given ; To all thy saints it stands a tower, Which rears its lofty spire to heaven. Light into sightless eyes it brings. In floods of pure effulgent day ; The tongue once locked in silence sings A sweet and evangelic lay. Thy name is full of trutli and love, In grace to every mortal free ; To mortals thy compassions move, As boundless as immensity. Source of all holiness most pure, Exceeding far all human thought ; In me the fruits of grace mature, By the eternal spirit wrought. Jesus I would resemble thee, O make me thus through thy rich blood The " pure in heart" alone shall see, The glorious majesty of Cod. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 29 Bid new unfolding pleasures rise, Illume each opening scene with joy, Spread o'er me kind and brighter skies. Let praises be my lov'd employ. The rich endowments of thy mind, Bind as a girdle on my breast ; And lead me whore my soul shall find, An heavenly paradise of rest. Cleanse me in every thought and word. And heavenward guide my wayward feet; In works of holiness prepared, O make me for thy kingdom meet. Thy temple beautify and fill, Make known thy glorious presence here ; Preside within my bosom still, And let thy dwelling place be there. Fill and adorn my soul with grace. Bow all my passions to thy sway ; iVIay love abound in every place, And darkness flee the approach of day. Then each returning hour shall bring, A foretaste of the bliss to come ; Till at thy word I rise to sing. In heaven, my final, peaceful home. c 2 30 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, REDEMPTION. Redemption ! what a blissful sound, How sweet its numbers, how profound ; How rich its harmony ; Its lovely variations roll, And bring to every human soul, The love of Deity. Redemption makes the deserts bloom, And nature's barren wilds assume Verdure that never dies ; And all earth's sons may now behold New and more beauteous scenes unfold, Fruitful as paradise. Redemption is the purest balm. The brightest, most effulgent charm. That heaven itself could give ; Its mild, and soul transforming grace. Spreads endless life from place to place. And bids the dying live- Redemption is all purity, The spotless mind of diety ; His bleeding, dying love ; And lo ! he left his splendid throne. This grace more fully to make known, TJjat we might rise above. DEVOTIONAT EXERCISES. 31 Redemption ! may the rapturous joy, All tongue?, all hearts, all songs employ, Creation's bound'ries o'er ; Far may the bounding echo fly, From orb to orb, from sky to sky, Till skies shall be no more. THERE IS NO OTHER NAME GIVEN." Jesus, thy hallowed name, My soul exulting hears, O may its warm inspiring flame, Charm my remaining years. 'Tis happier far than all The names to mortals given. Myriads on earth before it fall. And all the hosts of heaven. O Jesus make my heart Thy holy dwelling place ; By thee adorned in every part, And beautified with grace. Bath'd in thy precious blood. May all my powers be clean ; A holy sacrifice to God, An ofl^ering free from sin. 32 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. To thee my all incline, Guide me that peaceful road ; Where far more radiantly doth shine, The perfect love of God. Supremely I admire The mind that was in thee ; No other bliss do I desire, But that bestowed by thee. Through all the realms above, Or spheres that range abroad, There's nothing that my soul doth love. So much as thee my Lord. Thee only I adore, Thou, who didst first love me ; And O ! may every thought and power, Be sanctified to thee. May goodness, truth and love Bless my declining days, 'Till with thy saints I rise above, To hymn thy boundless praise. Angels shall join the song, When they the rapture see; And roll the numbers all along, To all eternity. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISFS. 33 THE OPENED FOUNTAIN. The Lord on Zion's mountain, Hath opened wide and free , A pure and holy fountain, For all mankind and me. For sin and all polution, It pours a healing flood, And gives full absolution, Through Jesus cleansing blood. Mysterious was the passion. My Saviour's dying love ; How wond'rous the compassion, Which Diety did move. Exalted mediation ! The High and Holy One, Exchang'd for our salvation, The grandeur of his throne. Inexplicable story, The Lord who rules above, Did lay aside his glory, To show the world his love. The pathway up to heaven, With radiance did illume; And mortals now forgiven, Have victory o'er the tomb. 34 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Behold the earth now blooming- With Sharon's lovely rose ; And distant lands assuming", The splendour heaven bestows. Where once fierce demons slumber'd, The serpent's dread abode, Are crowding ranks unnumber'd, Ascending up to God. Jesus the Saviour leads them Where crystal currents flow, On fruits immortal feeds them, Where undim'd beauties glow. 'Midst pure undying pleasure, In heaven's immortal clime, O'erwhelm'd beneath the measure Of glories most sublime. With prophets of past ages. And heaven's sweet minstrelsy, And bands of noble sages, We there shall worship thee. All, all shall there conspire, To adore redeeming love, And sweep the etherial lyre Around the throne above. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 35 FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. Holy, pure and gentle Spirit, Bid me all thy grace inherit ; Let me all thy beauties see, Stretch thy shadowing wing o'er me. Fully on my soul impress All thy mind and righteousness, Every kind affection move, Fill me with thy perfect love. Sweet effusion round me shine, Glow within this heart of mine ; Dwell continually in me, Over-ruling Deity. Mould each passion to thy sway, Cleanse the stain of sin away ; All my heart with grace refine. Make me heavenly, make me thme. FOR DIVINE FAVOUR. Search me, O Lord, try all within. And cleanse me fully from all sin; Prove thou my reins, nor let there be One careless thought, O Lord, of thee. 36 DEVOTIOJNAL EXERCISES. Grant uie free intercourse with God, Through the atoning- Saviour's blood ; Let the true light with purest ray, Shine more unto the perfect day. Give me " the v^'isdom from above," The holy signature of love ; The hope, and expectation given Of future blessedness in heaven. O Thou whose piercing eye surveys, My silent thoughts and outward ways ; A record of thy name impart, Engraven deeply on my heart. Exalted though thy throne appears, Above those bright revolving spheres ; Yet thou hast made through boundless grace, An humble soul thy dwelling place. Kind and indulgent Holy One, My heart inspire, thy will be done ; My grovelling soul from earth refine. And make me Lord a child of thine. My whole design, my motives bless, Clothe each with spotless holiness ; Help me with faultless single aim. To glorify my Saviour's name. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 37 O may thy pure and changeless love, With glowing warmth my bosom move ; Till life shall close let this be given, An earnest of the joys in heaven. DEVOTION. Come, Jesus, reign in me, My passions all control ; Shed thy unblemish'd purity, Like dew, upon my soul. Richly adorn my mind, With pure and heavenly grace ; Then bring me, when by love refined. To see thee face to face. MY WANTS ARE BEFORE THEE. Father, in times and seasons past, My num'rous wants thou didst supply ; And still my cares I humbly cast On thee, whose power formed earth and sky. D 38 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. My soul inspire, thyself reveal, Freely endow my mind with grace ; Let me behold, without a veil, The milder glories of thy face. Far from all mean and grovelling things, Direct ray constant thoughts to thee ; Keep me beneath thy out-spread wings. From every sin and danger free. Of thy unblemish'd purity. Give me a just and humbl'ing sense ; In every object may I see Thy goodness and kind providence. Those rolling spheres, with boundless space, All, all is full, O Lord, of thee; Yet, if thou please, thy dwelling place Shall be with such a worm as me. I would not that these scenes below. Should be my permanent abode ; Tiiose deathless joys I long to know, Around the eternal throne of God. Melts my fond heart with inward pain, A longing after bliss to come ; To be imparadis'd again In climes of pure, immortal bloom. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. T ask that faith that shall endure, Though oft through fiery conflicts driven; Which stands invincibly secure, Holding unwearied grasp on heaven. for that full extatic hope That triumphs in redeeming love ; Which views from Calvary's hallow'd top Those everlasting joys above. Thou changeless Source of grace and love, Of power, of light, and purity ; All earthliness far off remove, Open a heaven of love in me. Its pure, unsullied glories shed. Like the full noon-tide beams of day ; Nor let a cloud its shadow spread, To dim the lustre of one ray. Love is the radiance of thy throne, The essence of all holiness ; And in thy courts, it forms alone The purest source of perfect bliss. Strives my whole soul this bliss to prove, In confidence that God loves me ; 1 ask no more than Jesus' love, In time or in eternity. 40 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. THY KINGDOM COME. Jesus ! thy kingdom come, Thy holy will be done ; Thy mediatorial power assume, Thou great and Holy One. Rule thou o'er all the earth, As thou dost rule in heaven ; Give to all tribes and people birth, Speak all mankind forgiven. Awake with mighty power, Jehovah's arm, awake j Thy spirit on the nations pour, Make earth and heaven shake. Bring in thy kingdom now, Which never shall remove ; Then as we need, on all bestow Thy mercy, truth, and love. Make us throughout sincere, From all offences free ; And aid us with a godly fear, To humbly worship thee. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 41 FOR SPECIAL GRACE. Saviour of all, inscribe on me Thy signaiure of purity, The image of thy love ; Then save me from the least offence, And by thy gracious providence, Guide me where'er I move. Give me a cheerful, steady mind. Grateful, affectionate and kind. In all respects like thee ; Bid me thy utmost grace receive. And let me in thy presence live, And all thy goodness see. Grant me a true and filial fear. Thy cause to love, and name revere, And on thy word repose ; Thy meek and lowly mind possess, Thy spirit, and thy holiness, Till life itself shall close. D 2 42 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. REDEEMING LOVE. O ! HOW I love the love of God, And long to have it shed abroad More fully in my breast ; To feel its spotless holiness, In all its utmost perfectness, On every power imprest. Love is a gem of purest ray, The beauty of eternal day, Emblem of Diety ; And God did lay aside his crown, To bring this gift to mortals down, My soul, it was for thee ! Mysterious and Almighty love. Surpassing all the heights above. Its bound'ries none can reach ; Its measureless extent profound, Encircl'ing in its matchless round. Illimitable space. Redeeming love ! divinely wrought ! Exceeds the boldest flight of thouglit. To men or angels given ; Its grandeur and immensity. No mortal can approach and see, 'Tis God himself! 'Tis heaven! DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 43 " Bows my whole soul beneath its weight," Its length, and breadth, and depth, and height. And pure divinity; 'Tis all my bliss, and all my boast. In love to be overwhelmed and lost. To all eternity. PRAYER FOR BLESSINGS. Eternal Lord, my soul inspire. With streams of pure, celestial fire; Give the true wisdom from above. With all the perfectness of love. Save me from an inconstant mind, Troubl'd and toss'd by every wind ; From every anxious care set free, Confiding all I have to thee. Preserve me from the fearful snare, Of unbelief, and fell despair ; The vigour of my faith sustain. While in life's conflict I remain. From secret and presumptuous sin, O ! wash my soul, and all within ; Passion, and self, and pride, remove. That nothing may remain but love. 44 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. FAITH. Jesus, I do believe thy word, Thy holy, sacred promise. Lord, Thy changless truth, it shall endure Beyond the wreck of worlds, secure. Implanted deeply in my heart. The righteousness of faith impart ; Its vast omnipotence display. And banish unbelief away. By faith we view from Calvary's top. The path to glory lighted up ; The millions saved, the eternal throne, The Great, the High, the Holy One. 'Tis faith that works by perfect love, The substance of the things above ; An evidence to mortals given. Of things unseen, reserv'd in heaven. It gives a constant, cheerful mind. And is to virtuous thoughts inclin'd ; Each good desire, each grace improves, And every anxious fear removes. 'Tis light divine, the spirit's power, The oft repeated heavenly shower, It aids our intercourse above, And dwells with purifying love. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 45 PRAISE. Jesus, we laud thy glorious name, Thy grace and majesty proclaim, For praise and power belong to thee ; We would employ, to hymn thy love, Those harps whose numbers sweetest move, Attun'd to all eternity. Sing, sing, my soul, awake thy lyre, Enhale the glowing, kindl'ing fire, Which trembled on the harps of old ; To Him who did redemption bring, Hosannas in the highest sing. And all his wond'rous love unfold. Let all earth's minstrel sons enroll, From side to side, from pole to pole, With all the choral heavenly host ; And loudest hallelujahs raise, In strains of universal praise. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Redeeming love, how vast the theme, Its bliss how pure, and how supreme. Its mighty bounds, and depths unknown ; Its triumphs and extatic joy, Do all the blood-washed hosts employ. In worship, round the Eternal One, 40 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. There swell the richest chords of song, Sustain'd by the unnumber'd throng, Embower'd in immortality ; And God, whose glories fill the throne. The One in Three, the Three in One, Is lov'd and praised eternally. O ! how I long those worlds to gain, Where pure, undying pleasures reign, The saints' blest, permanent abode : Secure from sin, and sighs, and toil, Cloth'd with the soul-enrapturing smile, Of heaven, of glory, and of God. FOR HOLINESS. O Thou, whose power all things control, Stamp thy blest image on my soul ; Let me thy heavenly impress bear, Thy rich and holy vesture wear. Thy utmost saving power display. Cleanse my pollutions all away, Save me from sins' least blemish free, To perfect holiness in thee. Jesus, thy precious sprinkling blood Atones before the throne of God ; O may its merit now impart The power and grace to cleanse my heart. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 47 Thy temple beautify once more, And perfect righteousness restore ; O make my soul thy blest abode, The temple of the living God. My Father ! O that precious name. Thy changless love is still the same ; Fully adopt me as thine own, Call me thy well beloved son. Then shall my wants be well supplied, If thou my Lord for me provide ; By thee shall plenteous grace be given. To rear me as a child for heaven. Enrolled among the heirs of bliss. Renewed in love and righteousness ; Where all my soul and strength shall be Employ'd, O Lord, in serving thee. DIVINE LOVE. Jesus, my soul delights to prove Thy power, thy holiness and love, To feel thy glorious influence shed Profusely on my heart and head. 48 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. To me thy gracious mind reveal, Make known the pleasure of thy will ; Thy witness to my soul convey, And cleanse my vileness all away. From sin's entire dominion free, Form holy principles in me ; Prepare my soul as thine abode. With all the mind and love of God. With heaven's alluring, blissful charm, My hopes revive, my bosom warm, To happier worlds each power incline. Where brighter beams of glory shine. REDEEMING LOVE. Redeeming love, its precious worth. Exceeds the brightest gems of earth ; So great and infinite its store, Than worlds on worlds 'tis valu'd more. Its sacred virtues pow'rful are, A world of helpless souls to cheer ; Heaven's most magnificent display, The prelude to immortal day. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 49 Boundless is Jesus' love, and free, Though crirason'd our pollutions be ; Pardon for each offence is given, Thouofh numerous as the clouds of heaven. Low at thy feet I bow my knee, O thou who didst at first love me, Whate'er thou wilt withhold or give, Redeeming love let me receive. Almighty love ! my hope, my bliss. My boast, my full redemption this. My soul's delight, and sweet abode, The miniature of heaven and God. THY WILL BE DONE. Saviour, thy will be done in me, The least of those who love thy name ; Sweetly subdue my heart to thee. And all my waywardness reclaim. O may thy heavenly beams illume The dark profound of nature's night ; Thy chaos-moving power assume. Speak but the word, there shall be light. E 50 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. My fearful state through sin expose, Till humbled in the dust I lie, My will most graciously dispose Th' alluring paths of sin to fly. Saviour, I knoM^ this is thy will, That all my sins should cancell'd be ; No guilt, no condemnation feel, From Satan's dark dominion free. Then let thy spirit from above, A clear and present witness give; O'erflow my soul with peace and love. And bid me to thy glory live. Call me, O Lord, a child of thine. And all my thoughts and motives bless ; Let thy full glories round me shine. With beams of perfect holiness. Draw me with kind affection's cord, Thy goodness every hour display ; Control each passion, act, and word, And rule with calm and gentle sway. Subdue my nature, mind and will, Wholly conform my soul to thee, Thy infinite designs fulfil. And perfect all thy work in me. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 51 May pure celestial fire be given, My heart most fully to refine ; Then strongly set the seal of heaven, Thy glorious signature divine. SUPPLICATION. O FOR that pure etherial fire That did the ancient church inspire ; The strong wind rushing from above, The flaming tongues, the stream of love. The Holy Ghost diffused abroad, The softening, melting power of God; The gracious purifying flame, Obtained through faith in Jesus' name. The calm, the cheerful, heavenly mind, The soul and all its powers refin'd. The meek and quiet spirit given. The nature and the mould of heaven. The seal to realms of boundless peace. To crowns and robes of righteousness ; The fortaste of that bliss to come, The soul's eternal, peaceful home. 52 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, THE RELIGION OF OUR FATHERS. When, O my Saviour, when shall I Cleave unto thee with single eye ; When shall my anxious bosom feel The kind expressions of thy will. O ! let me find some favours where My sires obtained so large a share, The grace which they so richly prov'd, And love thee as the fathers lov'd. The faith that Abra'm did possess, Reckon'd to him for righteousness, By which he saw his offspring given In number as the stars of heaven. That firm and cheerful state of mind, To pain or ease alike resign'd ; Esteeming with a true regard, "The recompense of great reward." Grant me those blessings from above, Richly adorn'd with fruits of love ; The Spirit's welcome influence pour, That my full soul may thirst no more. O may I live supremely blest, Inspir'd with hope of future rest ; Happy may all my days become, Till God shall call my spirit home. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 53 SABBATH SCHOOLS. Jesus, assembled in thy name, We bow the humble suppliant knee, And as the ancient mothers came, We bring our tender charge to thee. Most fervently thy servants pray, Accepted may our off 'rings be ; Saviour, again in kindness say, " Bring all your children unto me." O thou "good Shepherd of the sheep," Who didst for all thy life lay down, Those objects of thy goodness keep. And guard and love them as thine own. Fold them within thy kind embrace, And feed them with redeeming love, 'Till they are called to see thy face, In bright and happier worlds above. SABBATH SCHOOLS. Jesus, hallow'd be thy name. We thy love and goodness claim ; May our much lov'd children be Taught to love and worship thee, E 2 54 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Help us mould them good and kind, Models of the Saviour's mind ; May each youthful bosom bear Jesus' image graven there. Make them by our side to grow, Graceful as the olive bough : Blooming each with love divine, Fruitful as the cluster'd vine. May we and our children be Constantly supplied by thee ; As our various wants demand, Spread to us thy bounteous hand. By our great Redeemer's side, With our flocks let us abide, There in cheerful order move, Richly full of Jesus' love. Folded thus may we enjoy Heaven's full bliss without alloy, Sav'd from all corruption free, Let us live and die to thee. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. DELIVERANCE FROM EVIL. From sin's most sore oppressive load, I sigh to be set free, And claim the virtue of that blood. Shed for the vi^orld and me. The man of sin, the strong man bind. Sin's every germ destroy ; From sin be every power refin'd. And then those powers employ. Richly, O Lord, endow my heart, With holiness and love ; Those pure and perfect gifts impart, That Cometh from above. Thy meek and holy, spotless mind, Freely bestow on me, Gentle, affectionate, and kind, And full of charity. Balm'd with the sacrificial blood, New life to me convey. And lead me to the throne of God, The new and living way. Give the abiding witness. Lord, That thou art pleas'd with me ; Deeply engrave the living word. That I am lov'd by thee. 56 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Born from above, my Father's name May every feature bear, His love my passions all inflame, My soul his vesture wear. With Him, sweet intercourse sustain. His smile approving see ; Then be imparadis'd again, In immortality. WORSHIP. Our Father, Sov'reign Lord of all. Before thy gracious throne we fall ; In holy fervent prayer to thee, We bow the humble suppliant knee. Thy promis'd truth and changeless love, Deep in our trembling hearts record ; Thy grace we seek, thyself we claim, Through Jesus' all prevailing name. Thy soul-anointing influence shed, O'er us thy wings of mercy spread, All power, all holiness be given, All, all, we can contain of heaven. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 57 Do these requests exceed thy power ? Those wants exhaust thy matchless store ? Thy mercies, Lord, so boundless are, Immensity is written there. O that unveil'd we all may see Thy glorious beaming majesty ; Till from those radiations given, Our souls shall change from earth to heaven. ABRAHAM'S GOD. Hail ! Abraham's God alone, Whose faithful word is sure, And firm as is his throne, It ever shall endure ; And on his truth we will rely, Who form'd those rolling spheres on high. He, who called Orion forth. Who leads Pleiades, Who gave the orbs their birth, And each a name and place ; The God of Abra'm, nature's Source, Whose empire is the universe. 58 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. From his high courts above, He fills immensity, And great and kind his love, Immeasurably free ; Our shield invincible, the Lord, Abra'ms exceeding great reward. And we who now believe. And faithful do remain, That heritage receive, Which Abra'm did obtain ; And if like him we do confide, For us, will Abra'm's God provide. Than Canaan fertile plains. We seek a happier clime. Where purer joy obtains. And glories more sublime ; With Abra'm in that blest abode, The city of the living God. Though still in tents below, Sojourners we appear, Strangers and pilgrims now, As all our fathers were ; To worlds more heav'nly bend our way, Where God resides in endless day. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 59 THIS IS OUR GOD. Isaiah, 25th. " This is our God" most high, For whom we have waited long ; He rules above the sky, The cherub hosts among ; And gladly join'd in heart and voice, In his salvation we rejoice. Him we exulting praise, Whose counsels are of old ; Glorious in all his ways, His wonders we behold ; Th' exhaustless source of perfect bliss, The God of truth and faithfulness. A people great and strong, From their defenc'd abode, With full harmonious song. Shall glorify our God. The separating walls shall bow, And distant tribes their Lord shall know. His strength alone sustains The needy in distress, Their refuge firm remains. When storms conflicting press ; His out-spread shadowing cloud is made, In summer's sultry heat a shade. 60 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Where plays the mountain breeze, God doth a feast prepare, Of wine upon the lees, And things refin'd and rare ; Where hark'ning to the Almighty's call, Assembl'd meet the nations all. God doth the veil remove, O'er all the nations spread ; And from the realms of love. Doth light and glory shed ; From clime to clime extends his sway, And takes his saints' reproach away. To worlds unseen do we Extend a blissful hope, Where death and victory Shall soon be swallow'd up ; Nor place, nor minds, nor forms decay, Where God shall wipe all tears away. Id that auspicious day. Exalted on his throne. The ransom'd ail shall say, " This is our God alone ;" And those who have waited. Lord, for thee, With joy shall thy salvation see. nEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 61 SABBATH SCHOOLS. Eternal Sov'reign of the sky, Whose pow'r alone creation rules, Thou great, thou glorious, and Most High, Assist us with our Sabbath Schools. Wisdom, we ask, our flocks to lead In paths illumin'd by thy tlirone; Each trembling effort. Lord, succeed. And all our various labours own. We claim no skill our schools to bless, This great prerogative is thine; Then deeply on our minds impress The knowledge of thy truth divine. Make us the instruments to guide Unnumber'd youthful souls above ; Where child and cherub side by side, Chaunt in sweet strains redeeming love. Spirit of love, shine round the earth. Bid sires and sons their triumphs raise. Give nation after nation birth, 'Till all that breathe resound thy praise. F 62 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. WHAT IS LOVE 1 Love is a bright and burning fire, That glows upon the Christian's soul j Which lifts its elevated spire, Where everlasting ages roll ; It fills the realm of endless day, With beams of pure and spotless ray. Love is a vast expansive sea, Where flow the swells of gospel grace ; Its bounds are only known to thee, The Deity, that fills all space ; And there do circling pleasures heave, Respondent as the yielding wave. Love is the radiant rainbow, seen Suspended in the vault of heaven ; Blending its azure, gold, and green. Emblem of full redemption given ; The pledge of life, 'tis mercy's bow. Where all heav'n's richer beauties glow. Love is the grand ecliptic way. Where faithful souls describe their course ; And circling round the orb of day, God is their centre and their source ; On beams of light, they mount on high, To shine in worlds above the sky. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 63 Love forms the splendour of the throne, The glory of the courts above, Pure and celestial light alone, 'Tis God himself, for "God is love;" The Christian's all, his portion this, Heaven's his home, and love his bliss. MY GREAT REDEEMER'S LOVE TO ME. My soul, avi^ake ! and wake my lyre, Touch'd as Isaiah's lips with fire ; In grateful, holy accents raise A tribute to redeeming grace. May all that perfect love of thine, In all its glowing lustre shine ; Assist me with its light to see My great Redeemer's love to me. This fading world cannot bestow The bliss my soul was form'd to know ; Nor can the things of time and space Give pleasures like redeeming grace. If Jesus but pronounce me blest, Then I enjoy a pleasing rest; My soul doth then enraptur'd see My great Redeemer's love to me. 64 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Eternal Father, Holy Sire ! Fill my whole soul with hallow'd fire, Around me be thy glories shed. To warm my heart and cheer my head. Let thy most holy will be done. Aid me to worship thee alone; To love thy cross, and there to see My great Redeemer's love to me. Then let life's scenes glide swift away, And bring that final, joyful day ; Mid'st bending millions I will raise Anthems of sweet, unceasing praise ; In pure and undecaying bliss. Through endless years, in perfect peace, Where, in full triumph, I shall see My great Redeemer's love to me. GIVE ME A LOT WITH THY PEOPLE. Holy Lord, I long to be Full of love and purity; Let me all thy gifts possess ; Abra'm's faith and righteousness ; Isaac's pure, and virtuous mind. Ever peacefully inclin'd ; Jacob's bethel may I share. With his prevalence in prayer. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 05 O, may 1 that meekness gain, Faithful Moses did obtain ; Pass with him the sever'd flood, Face to face converse with God. Wholly given up to thee, Fain would I with Caleb be, Then to move at thy command. With Joshua to the promis'd land. David's sacred lyre impart, Form me after thine own heart, Waken Israel's minstrelsy, Let the numbers fall on me. God of all the prophets thou, Cast thy mantle o'er us now, Guide us all, through thee forgiven, In Elijah's car to heaven. Let my blissful portion be With those souls that follow thee ; Help me their reproach to bear, All their glorious gifts to share. Make me worthy to appear Where thy holy prophets are ; With their heavenly graces blest, With them share an endless rest. Jesus, Shepherd of the flock, Higher than ourselves the Rock : Mind of all we would possess. Thine so pure, so full of grace. F 2 GO DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Wasli'd ill thy atoning- blood, Wholly sanctified to God ; Cleans'd from all defilement free, Let us rise, O Lord, with thee. JSoon we hope the saints to meet, Peter, James, and John to greet; Paul and Timothy beside, When beyond lite's raging tide ; All the ancient fathers, too, Who the love of Jesus knew ; Martyrs, who have sealed with blood. All the precious truths of God. Soon as time's short race is run, Heaven's high cliffs we'll shout upon ; Wesley there, and numbers more, Shall redeeming love adore. Jesus shall with crowns adorn, Thousands once in forests born, Those who mingl'd sighs and pray'r. Shall in heav'n its glory share. Christians, are you bound for bliss. From your sins have you release ? Are you holy, pure, and good, Wash'd in J esus' cleansing blood 1 Fully pledg'd I am to you. Your joys to share, your crosses too ; And when you to heaven repair. Let me join your triumphs there. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. G7 PREPARATION FOR HEAVEN. Jesus! my Saviour, thee I claim, The holy virtues of whose name My sins shall far remove ; Thy precious blood, if thou apply, Shall fully cleanse and purify, And fill my soul with love. Thy word from ancient chaos brought Those spheres which, past all human thought, Through boundless space revolve ; And this, immutably, shall stand When stars, and orbs, and sky, and land. To nothing shall dissolve. Indulge a feeble worm of dust. On thy sure promises to trust. Remote from every fear ; And in the labour of thy love. Assist me cheerfully to move. Till Jesus shall appear. Saviour, delight in me, and bless My soul with thy pure holiness. Make all my joys mature j Fully maintain within my breast, Thy grace, thy kingdom, and thy rest, Unciiangeably secure. 68 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Then bring me where I shall behold Th' gates of pearl, and streets of gold, And life's ambrosial tree ; The crystal streams, the throne of God, The white rob'd millions wash'd in blood, To live eternally. THY WILL BE DONE. Saviour ! with earnest humble prayer, My soul approaches near thy throne ; To all my wants incline thine ear, And let thy holy " will be done." I would from every sin depart. By faith on thee depend alone ; Shed thy kind influence on my heart, And in me let " thy will be done." With holiness renew my mind, O thou who didst for all atone; Bid me complete redemption find — Thy gracious will in me done. I thirst, 1 hunger, Lord, for thee. Perfect the work thou hast begun ; Thy promises confirm to me, And let me know thy will is done. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. G9 I would, O Lord, united be With thee, " and with the Father one," Wholly inspir'd and lov'd by thee — Not mine, but thy blest " will be done." Preserve in me this holy bliss, Long as life's trembling- sands may run ; The bound'ries of thy love increase. Till all thy will on earth is done. Then far beyond time's troubled sea, Guided the dangers all to shun ; O may I dwell in heaven with thee, Where nothing but thy will is done. CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART. Pure and Holy Lamb of God, Let my heart be thy abode ; Mercy's richest grace bestow, Rule within my bosom now. Cleanse, O cleanse, my soul from sin, Plant thy holy mind within ; All thy gracious gifts impart. Reign the sovereign of my heart. 70 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Let me live an heir of thine, In thy heavenly image shine ; All I have I give to thee, Now and to eternity. Jesus, from thy courts on high, All my daily wants supply, All my gratitude receive, In my best affections live. Let my passing moments be All devoted Lord to thee. Use me in thy lov'd employ. Then receive me to thy joy. WHOM HAVE I IN HEAVEN BUT THEE ! Whom in the heaven's have I but thee, O thou Eternal Holy One! And all those glittering orbs I see, Are works thy mighty hands have done. Before whom angels spread their wings, To screen the grandeur from their view ; My soul with reverence bows and sings, To God, the holy, just and true. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 71 Like as the panting mountain roe, Thy presence, Lord, I long to see ; Of things in heaven, or earth below, I would surrender all for thee. Thou art the object of my hope, Strength of my faith, and source of joy ; When wilt thou Saviour call me up. To join the ransom'd hosts on high. The love of God ! what perfect bliss ! When Jesus shows his smiling face. Not Eden's bloom did e'er possess Superior pleasures to his grace. My soul shall boast in thee, my Lord, Thou art my fortress, rock and tower ; And on my heart thou wilt record, The greatness of thy love and power. HYMN OF PRAISE. Hail ! the supreme Almighty God ! Whose works extend o'er earth abroad His wonders through creation shine. Full of harmonious design. 72 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Hail ! to the majesty on high, Whose providence our wants supply ; Who bids the fruitful seasons bear, Their rich abundance year by year. Hail ! the Incarnate Holy One, Praises are due to Him alone, Who on Mount Calvary shed his blood. To raise a fallen world to God. Eternal Power, around me shine, Inspire this trembling soul of mine ; To endless life, the earnest give. And teach thy servant how to live. While near thy sheltering throne I hide, Be thou my sure defence, and guide; And when celestial crowns are given. Take my immortal soul to heaven. FULLNESS OF LOVE. Father of love, before thy face. The humble suppliant knee we bow ; According to thy glorious grace, Strengthen our trembling spirits now. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 73 May Christ within us ever dwell, Nor thence again his place remove ; In holiness may we excell, Rooted and grounded in his love. O that with all thy people we May know the length and depth of love, To bathe in that unfathom'd sea, Where no unwelcome billows move. Fill all our waiting souls with love, And sanctify us through thy word ; Our love to sin far off remove, And make us like to thee our Lord. Thy power unchang'd, doth still remain. And as thy power thy mercies are ; Our souls do thou with grace sustain, Till Jesus shall from heaven appear. LIVING ON CHRIST. Ye fearful, trembling souls, arise, And press to gain that glorious prize, Gird the whole christian's armour on, And live by faith on Christ alone. G 74 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 'Tis faith in Jesus' promis'd word, Unites us to our common Lord ; He that believes shall be forgiven, And made th' adopted heir of heaven. Jesus hath opened by his blood, A new and living way to God, And now may all with open face, Come boldly to the throne of grace. Jesus our advocate above, Distributes free the gifts of love, And grace like streams that onward roll, Spreads heavenly life from pole to pole. The barren wastes and deserts bloom, The heath do fruitful fields become ; And praise from distant lands arise In clouds of incense to the skies. See kindred souls of different tongues, Unite their worship and their songs ; While millions round the cross repair. Bringing their gifts and homage there. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 75 THE CROSS, REDEMPTION, GLORY. Captives and exiles here on earth, Expos'd to evils from our birth, And death's dark gloomy shade : Like transient flowers with pencillings gay, We bloom and wi^^her in a day, Then in the dust are laid. To climes less rude we were design'd, More genial both to life and mind ; Far from time's ruthless hand ; This, this, is but a life of hope, And only as from Pisgah's top. We see the promis'd land. O'er Judah's crimson'd mountain lies The pathway leading to the skies, lllumin'd from the throne; There beams inexplicable love, Such as the Deity could move, And Deity alone. Celestial light breaks o'er the world. And sin's dark clouds are downward hurl'd To final destiny ; Mount Calvary is all in flame, And gloriously th' eternal name Is graven on the tree. 76 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES 'Tis love, magnificently great ! 'Tis glory, of eternal weight ! 'Tis God descending there ! And O! how far surpassing thought, Within that name so strangely wrought, I see my own appear. glorious, all-absorbing sight. Earth's bliss supreme, heaven's full delight, Mysterious act divine ; So frail, so marr'd, yet so belov'd, 1 bow with holy reverence mov'd, O'erwhelm'd with the design. Redemption, O ! unfathomed bliss, My soul o'erflows with love of this ; How sweet its pleasures are. When shall I all its charms possess, Its pure and spotless holiness. In rich luxuriance share ? Resplendant from th' eternal sphere, The op'ning radiant heavens appear, In beautiful array ; And from those peaceful courts above, Perpetual messages of love The angel bands convey. Millions within those jasper bounds, Adorn'd with beauteous starry crowns. Of matchless brilliancy. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 77 Through these dark, dreary storms of life, In bleeding woes, and painful strife, Endur'd the cross like me. Tell me, O Lord, shall heaven be mine 1 Mid'st such illustrious forms to shine, Hast thou a place for me 1 With these bright circl'ing orbs to move, la grandeur round the throne of love, To all eternity '? REMEMBER ME. Thou great Eternal, kind and good. Whose wond'rous vi^orks I see; From thy supremely high abode, O Lord, remember me. O thou who didst our flesh assume, Who died on Calvary : When in thy kingdom thou shalt come- Then, Lord, remember me. When in thy beauteous courts I tread, To bow the suppliant knee ; O that the Church's glorious Head Would then remember me. G 2 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. There, with thy people while I stay, T' adore and worship thee. How sweet the moments pass away, If thou remember me. Or when sequester'd I shall bend, To offer prayer to thee ; In glorious majesty descend, And then remember me. To thee shall all my days be given, Whate'er their number be ; And these shall form a type of heaven, If thou remember me. Preserve, O Lord, our children dear, From all corruption free ; And bring them round thy throne t' appear, And then remember me. And when to pass the lonely vale. The curfew tolls for me ; No terrors shall my heart assail, Remember'd, Lord, by thee. And when the term of life shall close. And death shall set me free ; Then, with an heavenly, calm repose, O Lord, remember me. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 79 LOOKING FOR HEAVEN Rejoice ye worthies, who, allur'd To happier worlds, have long- endur'd Life's complicated ills; With cheerful, persevering hope, To those blest scenes be looking up, Which God with glory fills. Where long the ancient courts have stood, The city of the living God, Onward let us repair. The grandeur of those realms to see. Their glories, and their purity. With all heaven's hosts to share. Here, thorns and briars throng the way, And fearful clouds obscure the day, And dangers lurk abroad ; 'Tis not our permanent abode, 'Tis but a lodge, whence is the road Leading us home to God. As all our great forefathers were, So we, their sons, sojourners are. In quest of joys on high ; With all the heirs of promise, blest, As partners of that future rest, Reserv'd above the sky. 80 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, Then with a calm and heavenly hope, Together let us still look up, The Lord will surely come ; And bid our ransom'd spirits rise, Above the starry vaulted skies, To our eternal home. All hail ! that happy blissful day, When God shall call from earth away, To range the landscapes o'er ; To lay our trophies at his feet, And all his wond'rous love repeat, While endless years endure. THE SERVANT LIKE HIS MASTER. O FOR that mild pacific mind, Jesus my master did possess. Patient, compassionate, and kind, And full of truth and holiness. A soul enrich'd with every grace. With every virtuous, pure design ; Free, as the ample bounds of space, And tranquil as the spheres that shine. Inspir'd with goodness from above, To ornament the christian name ; My bosom, warm'd with ardent love. Shall be in every place the same. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 81 Be this my uniform desire, Submissive to thy faithful word ; Then shall I happily acquire, A true resemblance to my Lord. DESIRING THE LOVE OF GOD. Jesus, my Lord, in whom alone The unseen Deity resides; To me thy gift of love make known, O thou whose power o'er all presides. Humbly I would approach thy throne, With just conceptions of thy grace; O may my state through sin be shown, And then the glories of thy face. The darkness of my mind illume. Chase every lingering cloud away ; And let my soul throughout become Bright as the summer's beam of day. My vast pollutions all remove, Leave no one lurking sin behind ; Then introduce redeeming love. To cleanse and beautify my mind. 82 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. O make my soul thy dwelling place, Thy blest, unchangeable abode, Spread there such perfectness of grace, As shall become the house of God. More and more holy may I be. In joy, and grief alike unmov'd ; My bliss be all deriv'd from thee, By thee redeem'd, by thee belov'd. Nature may sink, and years shall fail, And orbs wax old, and time decay ; But thy pure love shall still prevail, When spheres and time are swept away. Could heaven's immense revolving host, Bow in submission to my call ; For Jesus' love to sinners lost, I freely would surrender all. HYMN OF PRAISE. Sing, O my soul, in sweetest lay. The Saviour's hallovv'd name ; Bring thy best offering day by day. His glories to proclaim. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 83 His praises shall my bosom charm, And every number move; And grace shall every passion warm, While blest with Jesus' love. Mortals, revere His holy name. Your sweetest notes prepare ; May sacred lire your hearts inflame, His goodness to declare. Come all ye " first-bom sons of God," Your loudest anthems raise ; Bear your Redeemer's fame abroad, ' And give him constant praise. Sing ye redeem'd above the sky, Ye "just made perfect," sing; Lift your triumphant voices high, And endless tribute bring. Cherub and cherubim repeat His greatness in your song; Adore and worship at his feet, With all the heavenly throng. Far in those realms of radiant light, Eternal praise be given ; And ransom'd millions w^ith delight, Shall sing his name in heaven. 84 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. FOR FULL SALVATION. O THOU great Eternal Saviour, Deign to bring salvation near; Give to every soul thy favour, Bid thy kingdom now appear ; Kind Redeemer, Let us all thy image bear. Jesus, gentle Shepherd, lead us. Guide us through this vale below, On the richest pasture feed us. May we all thy goodness know ; Boundless goodness To the chief of sinners show. Now diffuse thy Holy Spirit, Sanctify us in thy name, With thy saints may we inherit Full redemption through the Lamb; And his presence Shall our souls with love inflame. With the ways of God delighted, Sing we in the sweetest lays ; In the bonds of love united. Cheerfully we'll spend our days. With our Saviour, Fill'd with love, and lost in praise. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 85 O ! thou Source of endless glory, Shine with splendour from on high ; Then our happy souls shall love thee, Friend of sinners ever nigh ; From thy kingdom All our daily wants supply. O ! what lovely scenes await us. Climes the cherubim explore ; Bliss most pure prepar'd by Jesus, Where the righteous sigh no more ; O how happy Those who gain that heavenly shore. FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. Saviour of all, and God of power, The spirit of thy grace impart ; The glorious, penticostal shower Freely bestow on every heart ; With glowing love our souls inspire, And grant the ancient tongues of fire. To each the heavenly kingdom give, Of peace, and joy, and righteousness ; Bid us thy goodness all receive, The fullness of thy holiness ; Free conquest o'er the mind obtain, And there in all thy pleasure reign. H DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. To all on earth thy love extend, Shine as the bright and morning star ; Thy word to every nation send, And bring thy " ransom'd sons from far ;" Thy scatter'd Israel gather home, And bid the final triumph come. OUR FUTURE REST. Here, we have no abiding place, A better country we desire ; Where the pure beams of heavenly grace, Each blissful spirit doth inspire. Few are the pleasures found on earth, And frail and transient is their day; The op'ning morn may give them birth. At noon they are dissolv'd away. " Strangers and pilgrims" we remain, As all our predecessors were ; Life's various toils with them sustain. That we may in their triumphs share. Earth and its joys we count but loss. The knowledge of our Lord to gain; And patiently endure the cross, That brighter worlds we may obtain. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 87 Dead to the things of time, we live And glory in Christ crucified ; Our lives, a holy pledge we give " To Him who lov'd us and hath died." In heaven, our conversation is. Whence look we for the Lord to come ; Our bodies chang'd, shall then like his, A far more glorious mould assume. Redeeming love ! our motto this. Salvation our inspiring flame ; Our glory and perpetual bliss. Redemption through the Saviour's name. We long for heaven, where all the blest The grandeur of that kingdom share ; And labour to obtain that rest Where all our great forefathers are. THE SAVIOUR'S LOVE TO ALL. Jesus ! thy holy name Hast been our dwelling-place. Thy years remain the same. Thy throne, the throne of grace ; Thy mercies unto all are free. He died for all who died for me. 88 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. ►So mighty was his love, While enemies we were ; He left the courts above, A thorny crown to wear ; And on the cross, on Calvary, He died for all who died for me. The Prince of life hath died, For us he shed his blood : His feet, and hands, and side, Pour'd an atoning flood ; His love, it was so full and free. He died for all who died for me. The high and Holy One, Himself in offering gave. His well-beloved Son, A ruin'd world to save ; And on the clift of Calvary, He died for all who died for me. Rich " pardon bought with blood,' His open'd wounds convey ; And in the crimson flood. Our sins are wash'd away; Forgiveness unto all is free. He died for all who died for me. Our great High Priest alone. Our souls can purify ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. And from .th' eternal throne, Can perfect love supply ; Can cleanse from all pollution free, And died for all mankind and me. His pure, unbounded love, To every soul is given ; And from the courts above, He calls the world to heaven ; His love to all mankind is free, And all may his salvation see. HYMN OF PRAISE. Hail ! to the great Eternal Power, Founder of earth and sky ; Zion's defence we will adore, He doth our wants supply. Jehovah's name, all tribes shall sinig, Scatter'd o'er earth abroad ; And trembling babes and sires shall bring, Their offerings to the Lord. Hosannas to the Son of God, Enraptur'd hosts shall raise ; And thousands wash'd in Jesus' blood, Shall hymn his glorious praise. H 2 90 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Salvation to the Lord above, Whose power adorns all space ; Let all who feel his mighty love, Adore his boundless grace. How wonderful his works have been, His wisdom and his skill ; And in " things visible," are seen The counsels of his will. Those hosts of glittering spheres on high. Were moulded by his hand ; The beams which gild the morning sky, Brisrhten at his command. My trembling soul be this thy Lord, Glorious is he alone ; Love him, who sav'd thee by his word, The high and Holy One. Let ceaseless praises give employ To earth's unnumber'd tongues; While heaven repeats the pleasing joy, In its eternal songs. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 91 WORSHIP. In submission, Lord, to thee, Lo ! I humbly bow my knee ; Lend me now thy gracious ear, Kindly hearken to my prayer. In thy courts while I remain, Let me free acceptance gain ; Advocate, O Lord, my claim. Plead the merit of thy name. Jesus, thou thy gifts prepare, Then within the veil appear ; O'er the mercy-seat of God, Pour thy sacrificial blood. Full atonement make for me, From all sin absolve me free ; Eden's bowers to me restore, Whence I shall depart no more. Heav'nly-minded may I be. Holding intercourse with thee; With thy purity imprest, With thy gracious image blest. Can I ask a richer store. Than to love thee more and more ; Thee alone t' adore and bless. Full of goodness, full of peace ? 92 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. TO THE TRINITY. Father, thou, whose wond'rous might, Forra'd this wide creation ; Who once brought from ancient night, Heav'n's best radiation ; With the morning stars, would we Chant our hymns before thee, At thine altar bow the knee. Worship and adore thee. Jesus, hallow'd be thy name. Holy Prince and Saviour ; Thou, immutably the same, Love thee, we will ever. Bless us with redeeming grace, Form in us thy spirit ; Bring us to behold thy face, Thy glory to inherit. Holy Spirit, from on high, Spread o'er us thy pinion ; Sin and all its powers destroy, Prostrate its dominion. Cleans'd and holy may we live. Sanctified before thee ; And from our full souls receive Ceaseless hymns of glory. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 93 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Aid us to adore thee ; Then, with all the heavenly host, Sing, we will, before thee, Honour, praise, and power, be Now and ever given ; To the Holy Trinity, In both earth and heaven. DEVOTIONAL. Jesus, let me ever be Dedicated all to thee ; With thy gracious Spirit blest, Earnest of a future rest. Make me truly good and kind, Fill'd with all my Saviour's mind; Free from all the stains of sin. Wholly purifi'd within. Place my whole affections where Truth and holiness appear ; With an humble, cheerful hope Bid me still to thee look up. Faithful Shepherd, let me be Constantly supplied by thee ; Daily, as my wants demand, Spread to me thy bounteous hand. 94 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Near thy open'd, bleeding side, Let my peaceful soul abide ; Never from thy cross remove, Full of my Redeemer's love. Happy, if I can enjoy Love, unmingl'd with alloy ; From corruption ever free. Let me live and die to thee. DESIRING ACCESS TO GOD. O THOU indulgent Lord, Supreme in holiness ; The only true incarnate Word, Thy praying people bless. Give me access to thee, Admission to thy throne ; My life, my powers, O let them be Engaged to thee alone. My passions warm'd with love, O how I long to feel. The spirit's peaceful witness prove. The covenant and seal. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 95 I would be wholly thine, Thy utmost mercy know ; My all into thy care resign, While dwelling here below. Grant me my full desire, The power O Lord is thine ; My soul and every thought inspire, And every power refine. Thou only can'st supply A rich and full reward ; Then with thy servant's prayer comply, According to thy word. Thy promises I claim. Thy mercy, love and power ; The healing virtue of thy name, To save me evermore. Thy faithful word is sure. On which I still depend ; It shall my bliss through life secure, And guide me to the end. Thy goodness shall employ My last and latest years, 'Till raised to my Redeemer's joy, Beyond this vale of tears. 96 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Where crowns of life are given, And all thy will is done ; O bring me with thy saints to heaven, Thou gracious Holy One. WHAT IS RELIGION? Religion is a power divine, A sacred unction from above ; Th' eternal light, on earth to shine, Radiant with beams of truth and love. Religion is abundant grace. And holiness to mortals given. Redemption to the mortal race. Eternal life, sent down from heaven. Religion is a virtue pure. And cheerful, generous and kind, Which shall from age to age endure, An ornament to grace the mind. Religion is a bright display Of things most lovely, just and true ; A light to our benighted way. Pointing to happier worlds in view. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 97 Religion is the purest stream Of love to God and all mankind, And where its crystal currents team, Superior happiness we find. Religion is humility, The loveliest habit of the mind ; 'Tis faith, and hope, and charity, And gracious fruit of every kind. Religion patiently endures. With all life's griefs and ills extreme, And gently by the cross allures, To fairer prospects, more supreme. Religion sheds consoling tears O'er human woe, and deep distress, And comforts in abundance bears To widows, and the fatherless. Religion sheds abundant peace, In rich profusion o'er the soul ; And all discordant passions cease, And pure delight pervades the whole. Religion is the throne of God, Around which angels hymn their praise, Which spreads its beauties all abroad, Filling the ample bounds of space. 98 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Religion is immortal love, The joy of ransom'd souls in heaven ; Its pleasures fill the courts above, Where everlasting life is given. REMEMBER ME. Jesus, permit a feeble worm The visions of thy face to see ; And while in life's conflicting storms Remember me. Let me thy gracious image bear, Purge me from all pollution free ; With those who most thy favour share. Remember me. Whate'er will form a holy mind, Goodness, and love, and purity. With all thou can'st bestow most kind, Remember me. In secret prayer, whene'er I bow, In presence of the Diety, How happy is the place if thou Remember me. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Or, when within thy courts I tread, To sing thy praise, or bow my knee ; How glorious if the church's Head Remember me. When press'd by languishing disease, O may I lean my soul on thee ; Most joyful if my Lord will please Remember me. Or if declining to the tomb, From sorrow struggling to be free ; When in thy kingdom thou shalt come Remember me. THE MAJESTY OF GOD. Hail! David's, powerful Lord, The great, the good, the high ; His wond'rous works are spread abroad Through earth, and sea, and sky. "Lo ! on the heaven's he rides," In glorious majesty. And he omnipotently guides Those numerous spheres we see. 100 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Jehovah, glorious thou, The invisible I am ; Thy gracious love to sinners show, The glory of thy name. Redeeming love is thine, Worthy indeed of God ; And thou hast caus'd this love to shine On fallen man's abode. Far, far, my guilt remove, Through Jesus crucified; And bid me in redeeming love, Stand ever justified. My inbred sin expell. Its last remains destroy ; And in my bosom cause to dwell An unmolested joy. Rule thou, Jeshurun's God ! As sovereign of my love ; And make my heart thine own abode, Thence never to remove. Be thou my sure defence. My hope and hiding place ; Aid me to trust thy providence, And never failing grace. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 101 My flesh indeed is weak, And passing great the boon ; Yet if Infinity shall speak, The work it shall be done. Most fully I believe All power belongs to thee ; I shall thy promis'd grace receive, Thy full salvation see. O be my guardian still, in all my paths attend, Assist me obey thy will, And keep me to the end. HAPPY IS SUCH A PEOPLE. Eternal Source of heavenly day, Chase the clouds of night away ; Sun of righteousness arise, Gloriously illume our skies. Thou our Shepherd ever be. Then like flocks we'll follow thee; Each thy fostering care to prove, And thy kind paternal love. l2 102 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Where our scatter'd tents are spread, Blessing's in profusion shed ; O'er each verdant hill and plain, Breathe, O breathe, thy peace again. Make thy people truly blest, Give to each a place of rest ; Fruitful lands for all prepare, Kindly fold and feed thetn there. Make the vernal seasons bloom. Lovely may the vales become ; Zion's fertile soil prepare, Fruit luxuriantly to bear. Cheer'd with heaven's descending dew, Gracefully our earth renew ; Under fair and happier skies. Bid more beauteous landscapes rise. Where the sweet and fragrant breeze. Waves the dappled fields and trees ; Where the noon-tide's golden beam, Glimmers in the crystal stream. There thy faithful people lead, O'er the gay and flowery mead ; Or beneath the ambrosial shade, In recumbent circles spread. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 103 Eden's peaceful bowers restore, Thence may we depart no more ; Guard the alluring paths of ill, Wholly sanctify our will. Hallow every fond desire, Every blissful hope inspire ; Heavenward ev'ry bosom move, Fill'd with all the charms of love. IN AFFLICTION. Lord, dost thou thy servant see, Bending with infirmity ; Feeble, faint, with pain opprest, Looking up to thee for rest 1 If that I am truly thine. Bid me on thy breast recline ; Sweet repose for me prepare, Give me consolation there. Grant to me a holy mind. Pure in principle, and kind ; Gently o'er my spirit move, Fill me with thy special love. 104 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Saviour thou art mighty still, Can I ask beyond thy will 1 Kindly say, " there shall be given Peace on earth, and crowns in heaven.' Boundless praise to thee is due, Ofler'd every morning new ; This alone shall spend my days, Ardent, ceaseless, constant praise. AM I A HOLY CHRISTIAN 1 Am I a holy Christian, Lord, According to thy faithful word ] Have all my thoughts, and acts, and ways, Combin'd to celebrate thy praise 1 Truly enlighten'd have I been, Deeply convinc'd of guilt and sin 1 Born of the Spirit from above. And constantly supplied with love? Has grace alone dispos'd my heart, Freely with all its sins to part 1 And has that holiness been given. Which moulds and fits the soul for heaven? DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Have I receiv'd, each passing hour, The spirit's witness, gifts, and power 1 In my best thoughts have truth and grace, Obtain'd the most distinguish'd place 1 Holy have my affections been. My motives pure, my conscience clean ? Have all my powers in patient hope, Without reserve been given upf Have I esteem'd this world as loss, And gloried in my Saviour's cross'? With Christ have I been satisfied, To triumph, or be crucified 1 On all occasions do I feel, My soul to burn with ardent zeal ; Myself a faithful servant prove, By true benevolence and lovel Have I my earliest love retain'd, And other useful virtues gain'd ; Making accession to the store, In grace abounding more and more 1 True humbleness do I possess, Simplicity and gentleness; A cheerful, unoffending friend, Peaceful, affectionate, and kind 1 105 106 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. In duteous works do I abound, Within thy vineyard am I found ; No murmuring thought, or wish express That joys were more or sorrows less ? Calm and contented can I say The times and seasons glide away ; Nor scenes, nor circumstance, nor place, Disturb my peace, or mar my grace. Ah ! Lord, my feebleness I own, I nothing am when left alone ; But thou can'st perfect strength impart. To change and rennovate my heart. O chase the darkness from my mind. And eye-sight furnish to the blind ; Feed thou the poor and thirsty soul, And make the sick and dying whole. From thee, O Lord, may I receive, Blessings which thou alone can give ; Love, joy, and peace, thou wilt supply. In daily portions from on high. In thee all holiness is found, And endless life, and peace abound ; With bliss so pure, so freely given. That earth itself resembles heaven. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 107 Grace makes the barren deserts bloom, The heath a fertile land become ; And heavenly currents as they glide, Spread flowers and fruit from side to side. O that my heart were full of grace, Of truth, and power, and righteousness ; This, only this, on me bestow, Long as I range this vale below. And when frail nature shall decay. And life's last sighs are hush'd away ; With this my fond request comply, Let me a holy christian die. This is alone my glorious hope, My comfort and sustaining prop ; To gain at last that blissful shore, Where happy spirits part no more. DIVINE INTERCOURSE. Happy the faithful souls that live In constant intercouse with heaven Who from the Father's grace receive The fullness of the spirit given. 10 8 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Delightful commerce, sweet employ, Duty most sacred and divine ; Tiie christian tastes peculiar joy, When heavenly mercies round him shine, Happy the consecrated place, Where life immortal beams around ; How high the raptures, full the grace, Where holy fellowship is found. 'Tis here the thirsty souls are fill'd, The humble, peaceful mourners blest ; The weak sustain'd, the wounded heal'd, And all the wearied find a rest. Ten thousand gifts of richest love, By God himself are freely given : And mortals, from the courts above. Are graciously prepared for heaven. THE HOUSE OF GOD. I LOVE thy tabernacle. Lord, I love to meet thy people there ; To hear and feel thy faithful word, And mingle holy praise and prayer. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 109 I love to hear the voice of praise, When Zion strikes her tuneful lyre ; The soul-inspiring, rapturous lays, And soft, melodious, sounding choir. How sweet the presence of the Lord, As heavenly beams of light descend ; When power divine attends the word. And saints in holy reverence bend. I love the feeling, melting shower, So gently coming from above ; The cloud of mercy passing o'er, Fresh from the crystal fount of love. My Father's residence how fair. In which his faithful sons are found ; The chamber of his presence, where The richest comforts do abound. Here the aggriev'd a solace find, The poor are blest, the hungry fed; The pleasures heaven for man design'd, Are all in rich profusion spread. Happy those faithful souls shall be, Who, numbering in thy courts their days, Do in celestial prospect, see Glories on which th' archangels gaze. K 110 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. My soul doth ardently desire The beauty of the Lord to view ; Within his temple to inquire, And all his righteous paths pursue. The holy worship of my Lord, O may its charms inspire my breast; Till I shall rise, through grace restor'd To mansions of eternal rest. FAMILY WORSHIP. Father, in cheerful concert, we Present our daily prayer to thee ; By love united heart and hand. We round the family altar stand. From every sin preserve us free, Make us a holy family ; And let our humble sacrifice, Ascend like incense to the skies. Our mutual offerings, let them be Inspir'd, and then approv'd by thee ; Adorn us from thy courts above. With all the gracefulness of love. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Ill When at each opening, rising day, We read thy word, and praise and pray ; May plenteous grace to each be given. And make our family meet for heaven. O may our children round us be, Like branches of the olive tree; Furnish a record of each name, In the fair volume of the Lamb. Jesus, do thou each footstep guide. And keep us safely near thy side ; To mutual love our hearts incline, And make our family circle thine. While here amidst life's cares we move, " Be each to each endear'd with love," And when from earth release is given, Bring our whole family to heaven. FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE. Jesus, my soul to thee looks up, The bright, the morning star of hope : Full on my heavenly path display The soul-enliv'ning beams of day. 112 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Guide me the way my Saviour trod, Following his footsteps up to God ; 'Till, being chang'd from grace to grace, I shall, unveil'd, behold his face. On heaven's embattl'd heights to see God's empire of immensity: In pure immortal climes above. To sweep those golden harps of love. In endless banquetings to join, Where saints and seraphs both combine, Amidst the grandeurs of the throne, To adore th' eternal Holy One. SPIRITUAL DEVOTION. How sweet is that mind. Which to love is inclin'd, Of a peaceable spirit possess'd ; What charms there are found. Where those graces abound, What pleasures reside in that breast. My soul asks no more Than a share of that store. Which Jesus has promis'd to give ; To claim as my own, A place near thy throne, And with "spirits made perfect," to live. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 113 After this, I aspire With the fondest desire, The goodness of God to adore ; Communion to find With the Lord of mankind, And retire from his presence no more. O, 'tis happy to live, And always receive The light, which from glory doth shine ; On the promise confide, In God's presence reside, Assur'd that my Saviour is mine. What superior bliss, 'Tis worth living for, this, My gracious Redeemer to know ; In Jesus' name, There is goodness supreme, Which eternity only can show. PLEASURES OF DIVINE WORSHIP. Jesus, our gifts to thee we bring, Thy name to love, thy praise to sing ; The beauty of thy courts to see, And bow, and love, and worship thee. K 2 114 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. While in thy holy courts we stay, Endow us with the gift to pray ; Each invocation kindly hear, And send an answer to our prayer. Bless us with pure and heavenly joy. Let holy praise our tongues employ ; Each tuneful melody inspire. Touch'd with the true etherial fire. Sing we the cross and crimson flood. The Saviour's rich, atoning blood ; His painful thirst and agony, Upon the brow of Calvary. That final, all-prevailing plea, Express'd for all mankind and me ; " Forgive them," our Redeemer cried, And bowed his glorious head and died. We'll sing the resurrection power. The victories o'er the tomb he bore ; The powers of death he captive led. And rose in triumph from the dead. We'll sing of his ascent on high, As Lord of both the earth and sky ; Our great High Priest before the throne, The world's great Advocate alone. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 115 Sing" we that energy and power, The cloven-tongues, and flaming shower; The light diffused o'er earth abroad, The spirit of the living God. For this we humbly do aspire. The glowing light, the burning fire ; The ancient sacrificial flame, Obtain'd alone through Jesus' name. Saviour, we love thy saints to meet. When bow'd in worship at thy feet ; The heavenly calm, the peace that's given, Bear strong affinity to heaven. Than love itself, can heaven be more. Except the vastness of the store '? This is the stream which flows most free ; That the unfathom'd, shoreless sea. Father, our holy love inflame, Increase our faith in Jesus' name ; Refresh our hopes and bid them rise. To scenes more glorious in the skies. Jesus, on us thy mind impress, Thy image and thy holiness; Our souls from every sin set free, And leave no room for aught but thee. 116 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Renew our laps'd and fallen mind, Through grace be every power refin'd ; In thee alone to live and move, Rul'd with the perfect law of love. WORSHIP. Jesus, Lord, we come before thee, In thy beauteous courts we meet ; Where the cherubim of glory, Overspread the mercy-seat ; Deign to bless us, While we worship at thy feet. Speak, O Lord, our sins forgiven. Wash us in thy crimson flood ; Cleanse and make us meet for heaven, Through thy sacrificial blood ; Then our offerings Bear before the throne of God. While around thine altars bending, Join'd as one in sweet accord ; Let us feel thy power descending, In accordance with thy word ; All in concert. Wait we for thy presence, Lord. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 117 As the gentle dew is given, Or the teaming showers fall ; As the mighty winds from heaven, Give peculiar grace to all ; And most kindly Answer when thy people call. By the influence of thy spirit, May our best affections move ; Through the virtue of thy merit, Each possess thy perfect love ; Then enroll us With the ransom'd hosts above. THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Father, thou, the living God, Who art in heaven thy dwelling place ; Thy name be hallow'd and ador'd, By all the tribes of Adam's race. Thy kingdom, which is now begun. To every trembling soul be given ; Thy will in all the earth be done, As it is always done in heaven. While in these sterile lands we live, On us our daily bread bestow ; And all our trespasses forgive, As we the same to others show. 118 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Lead us not into trials, which Thy feeble servants cannot bear ; J3ut prompt deliverance send to each, As threat'ning evils do appear. Thine is the kingdom and the power, " God over all of truth and grace ;" Thy righteousness upon us shower, Make every soul thy dwelling place. The glory also shall be thine, Thee only shall our hearts adore ; And in th' eternal realm we'll shine, And hymn thy praises evermore. THE LORD'S PRAYER, SECOND PART. Most Holy Father, we proclaim The heavens are thine abode ; All hallow'd be thy holy name. Thou gracious, kind, and good. Thy kingdom as the noon day sun. Wide o'er the world be given ; Thy will in all the earth be done, As it is done in heaven. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 119 And while permitted here to live, Our daily bread bestow ; And all our trespasses forgive, As we forgiveness show. Lead us not into trials, which Thy servants cannot bear ; But send delivering grace to each. As evils do appear. Thine is the kingdom, full of love, And joy, and righteousness ; And thine the power, which from above, Brings everlasting peace. Thine shall the glory also be. While endless years endure ; And we will sing sweet hymns to thee. Both now and evermore. WORSHIP. Bless me, O my righteous Saviour, Evils far away remove; Grant to me thy choicest favour. Fill me with redeeming love ; Mould and form me For the purer climes above. 120 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Thou art pure, unsullied glory, Full of immortality; I, a worm compared before thee, Nothing am, can nothing be ; O Almighty, Breathe the breath of life in me. Holy Saviour, I adore thee, Thou the suffering, bleeding Lamb; Humbly I would bow before thee, O describe to me thy name ; Tell me, Jesus, Is thy love unchang'd, ihe same 1 Sweetly glows my heart with pleasure, As the pardoning God I view ; Whence the Spirit, without measure, (Like the soft descending dew,) Sheds its blessings, All my vigour to renew. O thou interceding Saviour, Give from heaven the kindling fire ; Enter thou my soul, and never, Never thence again retire ; And my passions. Every moment, Lord, inspire. Let thy presence pass before me, In my heart reside alone ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 121 Bid me now behold thy glory, Issuing from the sprinkl'd throne ; O thou glorious, "Holy, Holy, Holy One." Jesus, Lord, divinely bless me. All my nature purify ; More and more with love impress me, And when life's last scenes draw nigh, Kindly bid me Lay me on thy breast and die. Nature's ties, I feel them sever As my soul aspires above ; O, to be embower'd forever, In the Eden of thy love ; Where bright seraphs In celestial orders move. PATIENCE. Patience, of heavenly gifts the best, may its influence rule my breast ; And in me constantly abide. Long as on earth I shall reside. 1 want of faith a patient kind. Congenial to my Saviour's mind ; Fully persuaded he can bless With pardon, peace, and righteousness. L 122 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. I want a patient, fearless hope, Which shall in trials bear me up, Cast like an anchor, firm, to keep My soul from sinking in the deep. The gift of patient love impart, Which moulds and purifies the heart ; This grace which most resembles thee, Almighty Lord, bestow on me. I ask a holy, patient zeal, Unwearied in thy cause to feel ; With constant, tireless ardour press, To gain thy spotless holiness. Through all the passions of the mind, With all the mental powers combin'd ; Let patience gain a full control, And spread its triumphs o'er the whole. May this dispose my better sense. To love the ways of Providence ; No more to murmur or repine, At what th' Almighty shall design. In sacred duties let me feel, Patience to do thy gracious will ; To labour with unceasing prayer, Long as my Lord preserves me here. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 123 And when temptations shall ahound, And clouds and darkness lower round ; My heart unmov'd, shall trust thy name, Whose changeless years remain the same. And when by sore affliction press'd, Patience shall calm and soothe my breast ; And this I'll sing, should strength decay, " The Lord who gave, may take away." THE REFUGE. Refuge of trembling souls to thee, From sin's oppressive scourge I flee, Still keep me near thyself secure, Long as life's varied ills endure. Thou, who adorn'd the beauteous sky, Look with a kind attentive eye; Let me by thy direction move, Encompass'd with thy guardian love. My light and my salvation thou. O'er me thy shield defensive throw ; Thine arm of pow'r shall still prevail. Though wars may rise, and frauds assail. 124 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 'Midst treach'rous foes in hosts array'd, My heart disdains to be afraid ; On thee alone I will confide, And underneath thy shadow hide. To thy lov'd courts will I repair, To spend life's chequer'd remnant there ; The beauty of my Lord to see. And sweet communion hold with thee. Wait calmly on the Lord, my soul, He will life's tumults all control ; Thou shalt e'er long his ways approve. How wise, how kind, how vast his love. TKUST. Encourag'd by thy faithful word, We venture on thy goodness, Lord^ Our suit with confidence sustain. Since none e'er sought thy name in vain. Mercy we ask, because it stands Engraven on our Saviour's hands; His bleeding brow, and opening side. Presents a balmly, healing tide. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 125 The pity of our Lord we see, Fully express'd on Calvary ; Bound on the tree, he cries " forgive," That poor rebellious souls might live. Jesus, the Great and Holy One, Died for offences not his own ; Then plac'd within the courts of God, His precious sacrificial blood. Strongly prevails his love for me, Unequal'd and amazing, free ; Mercy and truth are freely given, And peace, and righteousness from heav'n. O lead me to that crimson tide. Which flow'd from my Redeemer's side ; Bathe me in that all-cleansing flood, That purifies our souls to God. Jesus, transform me all within. Purge me from the remains of sin ; Thy image let me now obtain, And all thy holiness regain. Bow thy heaven's and then come down, And make thy holy presence known ; Then lov'd, inspir'd and blest, shall we Be fill'd with holiness and thee. L 2 126 ' DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Redeem the world irom death and sin, The true millenial year bring in ; Bid endless life new powers assume, And gain fresh triumph o'er the tomb. PRAYER FOR THE SPIRIT. HoL\ Spirit, gently pour On this thirsty land a shower ; Bid the balmy zephyrs bring All the fragrant bloom of spring. As a highly cultured field, Made abundantly to yield. Make the fruits of grace appear. In profuse luxuriance here. Under new and milder skies, Form a second paradise, Where the passing hours may bo Spent in intercourse with thee. Make our bounds with light to shine. An holy heritage of thine ; Love with all its bliss restore, Love enduring evermore. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 127 GOD OUR REFUGE. God is the refuge of my soul, My firm support, and strength, and tower; And when the floods tumultuous roll, Displays his majesty and power. Though the fierce ocean foams with rage, And dark and threat'ning clouds are seen, God will the angry storms assuage, And speak the elements serene. He in his excellency rides Above the azure vaulted sky ; And every faithful soul he guides Beyond the tempest's distant sigh. Fearless I stand though friends all fail, ^ And earth and hell combine their skill, For Israel's strength shall still prevail. And all his promises fulfil. Long as life's murmuring stream shall flow, Be thou, O Lord, my soul's delight; Teach me thy peace and love to know, And all my steps direct aright. May all my prayers acceptance find. My ways be all approv'd by thee ; Engrave thy image on my mind. And then let heaven my portion be. 128 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. RELIANCE. Christian, never, never weary, Lay not in the dust thy crown, Though thy course at times seems dreary, Yet thy ways to God are known ; And he loves thee. See his love on Calvary shown. God himself becomes thy Saviour, In his faithful word confide ; Trust thou in his grace forever, 'Twas for thee he bled and died ; Thou art graven On his heart, and hands, and side. Cast thy burdens all on Jesus, He will all thy sorrows bear ; Mighty is his love and precious, And the needy are his care ; And his goodness Thou shall every moment share. Fear not thou the waves of ocean, Lo ! thy Saviour walks the sea ; 'Midst the tempest's dire commotion. See his hand reach'd out to thee ; And above thee Mercy's shadowing wing shall be. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 129 Suffer not thy heart to tremble At the gathering foes around ; Though thine enemies assemble From the depths of night profound ; Still beside thee Is thy guardian angel found. Thou hast unexhausted treasure, Gems which spheres and suns outshine, Infinitely vast in measure, Bliss eternal and divine ; Cheer up Christian, Heaven and all its joys are thine. THE LORD OUR DEFENCE. Jesus, my kind protector, thou Thy strong defence around me throw ; Then firm shall I on thee, my Rock, Endure time's last, destructive shock. Strengthless and frail as prostrate dust. Into thy hands I all intrust ; And 'midst the threat'ning clouds that roll, Claim thee as guardian to my soul. Leave me not in the gulph of sin. To foes without, or dread within ; Bid me through all life's storms look up. With steady, constant, cheerful hope. 130 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Calmly at all times to abide, Whate'er of bliss or ills betide ; Fix'd on thy truth unmov'd to stay, Though time and all its scenes decay. Jesus, 'tis only when by thee. My soul doth fairer prospects see, 'Tis by thy friendly side alone. Through life's dark vale I view thy throne. Assure me, Lord, shall heaven be mine. The crowns and glittering robes that shine ; Shall I beyond the waste of time. Share the full grandeur of that clime 1 With all thy saints and seraphs stand, Enrob'd in light at thy right hand ; To pluck those fair, unfading flowers, Amidst heaven's sweet perennial bowers. I see the splendid pathway rise, Illum'd with glory from the skies ; Far from this dreary, dark abode, Winding its upward course to God. There shall my cheerful footsteps tread, Unaw'd by fear, unreach'd by dread; Till those far brighter worlds I gain. Where pure, unmingl'd pleasures reign. i I DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 131 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. O God, in goodness deign to hear, Thy servant's humble, fervent prayer ; From earth's remotest bounds I cry. To thee, the Holy and Most High. 'Midst evils when o'erwhelm'd I be, Direct my wayward steps to thee ; Lead me the Rock of Ages nigh. Whose dwelling place is in the sky. To me thou hast a shelter been. From fierce and threat'ning foes a screen : My tower of strength, my refuge thou, My safe-guard from the hostile foe. Still near thyself may I reside, And in thy holy courts abide; Keep me beneath thy shadowing wings, Thou Lord of lords and King of kings. Near to thy altar when I bow, Most graciously regard my vow ; Give me an heritage to claim. With those that fear and love thy name. Preserv'd by truth and mercy still. Aid me to do thy holy will ; Accept each daily sacrifice. Till thou remove me to the skies. 132 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. FOR PEACE AND LOVE. Jesus, Lord, of friends the best, Give our waiting spirits rest; Thou the gracious, good, and kind. Calm the tumult of the mind. Bid the tireless ocean rest. Let the wearied soul be blest ; Guilt and sin at once remove, Then bestow the gift of love. We thy gracious goodness claim, Ask we do in Jesus' name ; Bound we are with one accord, Waiting for thy blessing, Lord. Now thy heavenly grace impart. Sanctify and cleanse each heart ; Full supplies of love be given, Make our earth resemble heaven. TRUST IN GOD. Servant of God, why be dismay'd, When threatening ills thy course invade? And why thy harp (most sweetly strung,) So oft upon the willows hung 1 God, who alone did'st all things make. Will never, never, thee forsake. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 133 Fear not life's foaming main to ride, With Him, who doth o'er all preside, He will the waves tumultuous calm, The tempest beaten floods disarm ; Thou only on his strength rely, Then all life's angry storms defy. Thou hast no cause to be afraid. Who, with omnipotence array'd. Divides the sea, and at thy will Can bid the sun and moon stand still, Rocks into crystal streams exchange, Or in the heated furnace range. Example take from saints of old. Whose virtues shone like burnish'd gold. Who through much suffering fearless stood, The holy, patient, sons of God ; With them, obtain like precious faith. Then live their life, and die their death. All promises to thee are given, With life, and time, and crowns in heav'n. For all are thine, and thou alone Art Christ's, and Christ and God are one ; Redeem'd thou art, through Jesus' blood, A chosen heir, a child of God. Thousands may fall thy feet beneath. By war, and famine, plague, and death, M 134 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Thou may'st the dreadful conflict see, But nothing shall endanger thee; To angels, God himself conveys A charge to keep in all thy ways. Thou shalt upon the lion tread. And crush the dragon's frightful head ; All terror from thy path shall flee, And the Most High shall dwell with thee, Thou underneath his wings shall hide, Preserv'd secure on every side. Then place entire thy warmest love On Him, who fills the realms above ; Call when in trouble, He will hear. And fully answer all thy prayer; Honour, and life, thy bliss shall be. And thou shalt his salvation see. TO THE CHRISTIAN. Christian, why art thou fearful 1 Thy Lord's the "Lord of all;" He bids thy heart be cheerful, And on his name to call ; Protect thee he will ever. Who hears the softest sigh. Forsake thee, he will never, Who rules the earth and sky. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 135 Though tempted oft and weary, With crosses full thy share ; And hard thy way and dreary, Thou hast no cause to fear ; The Lord himself shall guard thee. Who rides the heaven's upon ; And soon he will reward thee. When all thy work is done. Christain, why art thou careful, God will for thee provide ; Only do thou be pray'rful. Thy wants shall be supplied ; Seek first the Holy Spirit, From all thy sins be freed ; And then thou shalt inherit Whatever else thou need. The Lord who goes before thee. And keeps thee every hour ; The heaven's declare his glory, And earth and and skies his power ; He rules the stormy ocean, And bids the tempests bring. Through winters dire commotion, A sweet and balmy spring. From clouds with showers bending. The rippling streams are filled, And landscapes far extending, A thousand beauties yield ; 136 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. The sun beams all illuming Each mountain's towering height, And vales luxuriant blooming, Spread every where delight. The flocks and herds he feeds them, The sparrows are his care. To fertile meads he leads them, And gives to each a share. He clothes the flowers that spin not, Which deck the plains beneath ; And thee, forsake he will not, O thou of little faith. Than lilies, thou art greater, Or birds, that wing the air ; Image of thy Creator, The Saviour's special care ; Th' eternal powers defend thee, Thy hairs are number'd all, Minist'ring hosts attend thee, And hearken to thy call. God is thy place of hiding, A covert from the storm ; While in his grace confiding. Thou can'st not suffer harm ; It is thy Father's pleasure His kingdom to bestow, And in abundant measure. His goodness thou shalt know. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 137 The Lord thy Shepherd feeds thee, What more can'st thou desire ; Beside the streams he leads thee, Where all his flocks retire. He has prepared thy table Thy bitterest foes among ; And he alone is able Those blessings to prolong. Thy head he has anointed, Thy cup it runneth o'er ; For thee he has appointed A vast, exhaustless store. Goodness and mercy never Shall leave thee all thy days. And in God's house forever Thou shalt adore his ways. Then, Christian, why be fearful 1 To sighing why incline 1 Lift up thy head, be cheerful, Whatever is, is thine ; This universe before thee. The heaven of heaven's too. The liOrd, his courts, and glory, And all these can bestoAv. M 2 138 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. ADDRESS TO THE CHRISTIAN. Weep not, christian ! though oppression O'er these wretched lands abound ; Wrongs, with uncontroU'd aggression, Spread their baneful influence round. Still forbear impassion'd feeling, Wipe the trembling tear away ; God for thee is now revealing Worlds of pure immortal day. Sigh not, christian ! though thy crosses Far exceed what others bear, Heaven will reimburse thy losses. All thy injuries repair; Beauteous robes will soon be tender'd For the anguish here sustained ; More than double will be rendered, More than paradise regained. Fear not, christian! war's fierce minions, Grasp more firm thy sword and shield ; Dauntless hear the hostile clarions, Challenge to the battle field. Led by virtue's nobler interest, Bolder than a lion stand ; God will mark thy way to conquest, With a strong and mighty hand. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 139 Fear not, christian ! life's roiigii ocean, TJiough its waves infuriate be ; Raging seas, in wild commotion, Will not, cannot, injure thee ; Thou shalt brave the howling tempest. Fearless ride the foaming main, By omnipotence encompass'd. Heaven's safe promontory gain. There's perpetual calm, and glory. Past the surging billows' roar ; Bliss unfading lies before thee, Where the wintry storms are o'er ; Far surpassing expectation. Bloom the regions of the blest, There, the griev'd find consolation, And the wearied souls a rest. Sigh not, christian ! thou hast treasure Richly stored in realms sublime ; Pure, serene, etherial pleasure, In a more salubrious clime ; Happier scenes than these shall greet thee. And thy weeping shall be o'er, Kindred spirits soon shall meet thee. Where the landscapes fade no more. Sigh not, christian ! full enjoyment Shall thy endless portion be ; Sweetest praise, thy lov'd employment, Chaunted through eternity. 140 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Where thy body and thy spirit Shall immortal life display; And those blissful scenes inherit, Radiant with eternal day. Here we know not what we shall be, But when Jesus shall appear, Cloth'd with all his dazzling glory, Then we shall his image bear. Hallelujah to our Saviour, He hath brought our souls to God ; Glory be to him forever. Who hath wash'd us with his blood. O ye cherub millions, aid us. Tune your soft etherial lyres ; Praise him who redeem'd and made us. All ye high angelic choirs. Hallelujah to our Saviour, Who hath wash'd us with his blood, Glory be to him forever. Who hath brought our souls to God. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 141 TRUST IN GOD. Jesus, my Lord, thou art alone The rock my feet rest firm upon, The guardian of my soul ; And while thy kindness shall endure, My peace shall be preserv'd secure, Beyond the world's control. What though 1 live my foes among, Of spirits fierce, malign, and strong, The righteous to devour; Thy grace can keep me calm within. From tumult free, from wrath and sin. Throughout the trying hour. Give me a heart dispos'd to peace. To suffer long for righteousness, Patient, devout, and kind. Make me thine own adopted child, Full of thyself, in temper mild. And perfectly resign'd. Guide me life's various evils through, And help me all thy will to do, While time and breath are given ; No more in folly's paths to stray, Show me the happy, holy way, Leading me up to heaven. 142 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. There, in that peaceful, lov'd retreat, To worship at my Saviour's feet ; Or, o'er the ambrosial plains With angels and the blood wash'd host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In holy heavenly strains. THERE REMAINETH A REST. There is a better country far. Which yields a sweet ambrosial air. The splendid skies beyond ; Where crystal streams meandering glide, And hills and vales stretch side by side. And rills to rills respond. No ills, vexatious, there intrude, No evils mingle with the good, No clouds obscure the day ; Free from the cold autumnal blast. The fruitful seasons ever last. Impervious to decay. Not Eden in its earliest bloom, Did e'er such loveliness assume, More innocent or pure ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 143 Unmingl'd glory there appears, Undim'd by lapse of fleeting years, Forever to endure. No sighing bosom there shall heave, No heart with bitter anguish grieve. To sin, no place is given ; There reigns an unmolested calm, And every new unfolding charm, Heightens the bliss of heaven. I love to contemplate that time. When holy men of every clime, Shall there possess a bovver; Where every kindred soul shall find, A place congenial to his mind. And separate no more. On that Eternal Source of light, Millions enraptur'd with delight In extacy shall gaze ; O'erwhelm'd with glorious light intense, The grandeur and the excellence. The love of God displays. Happy shall be their lot indeed. Who, with their great triumphant Head, Strike their immortal lyres ; To hymn redemption's richest chord, O'er all the elysian fields abroad, With the angelic choirs. 144 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. O that my soul at last may stand On the fair borders of that land, With those to me most dear; A spirit glorified become, And in that peaceful, welcome home, Eternal glories share. ON TIME. Time, with unwearied pace, steals on, Years succeeding years, have flown With life's vast store ; As winds that glance the mountain's brow, Or streams, which to the ocean flow, Return no more. Millions of sires and sons unknown, Whole nations iiave gone, mould'ring down The dust beneath ; Kings, kingdoms, thrones, and empires too, Tribes after tribes, no traces show They once had breath ! The foliag'd hills in dappled green, The fruitful farms and landscapes seen, With meads and groves ; The village wiih its cheerful throng, The flowery vales and streams among, Time all removes. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 145 Untiring- nature strives to bring The life-restoring balm of spring, And thus repair Time's ravages ; but all in vain ! He drives infuriate on again, His ruthless share. Remorseless waste teems far and wide. Atoms and spheres in the same tide Together fall ; Destruction, with unsparing force, Pursues its dire and reckless course, And levels all. Systems within their orbits stop. Comets and suns extinguish'd, drop In fearful haste ; 'Till by Heav'n's high and stern decree, Insatiate time and death shall be Forbid to waste. Time, o'er wreck'd worlds that once revolv'd, And ruin'd orbs and spheres dissolv'd. Exhausted flies ; Death follows with resistless tide. And time and death fall side by side, No more to rise. The soul alone the shock sustains, And, 'midst crush'd elements, remains A gem divine ! N 146 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. God's image! which doth firm endure^ Untouch'd, unsullied, and secure Wim Him to shine. Those mouldering spoils shall also rise, — • A new and beauteous earth and skies, Free from decay ; An Eden of un mingled bliss, Of pure delight and perfect peace. And endless day. No death shall penetrate that clime, No evils from corroding time. From sin no spoil ; But splendid skies, and flowery hills. And landscapes interspers'd with rills, Shall gladly smile. How chang'd the scene ! what forms ! how fair ! What grandeur and what pleasures there I Those regions o'er ! Where all those countless hosts appear, From every planet, orb, and sphere, To part no more. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 147 THE CHRISTIAN'S PROSPECT. Christian, the morn breaks sweetly o'er thee, And all the midnig-ht shadows flee ; Ting'd are the distant skies with glory, A beacon light hangs out for thee. CHORUS. Arise, arise, the light breaks o'er thee, Thy name is graven on the throne ; Thy home is in those worlds of glory, Where thy Redeemer reigns alone. Thy God is ever kind and gracious, He will direct thy course above. For thou art in his sight most precious, The object of his special love. Arise, &c. Though in the proud, dark waves of ocean, O'erwhelm'd thou need not, shall not be ; 'Midst the fierce tempest's dread commotion, Thy God will still remember thee. Arise, &lc. Toss'd on time's rude, relentless surges. Calmly compos'd, and dauntless stand, For lo ! beyond those scenes emerges The height that bounds the promis'd land. Arise, &c. 148 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Christian, behold the land is nearing, Where the wild sea-storm's rage is o'er ; Hark ! how the heavenly hosts are cheering", See, in what throngs they range the shore ! Arise, &.c. Cheer up, cheer up, the day breaks o'er thee, Bright as the summer's noon-tide ray; The starry crowns, and realms of glory, Invite thy happy soul away. Away, away, leave all for glory. Thy name is graven on the throne, Thy home is in those worlds before thee, Where thy Redeemer reigns alone. Second Chorus, adapted to Auher''s Barcarole. Arise, arise, leave all below, To glory move, Thy name is graven on the throne. Thy home is in the courts above, And thy Redeemer reigns alone, The God of love. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 149 THE CONSOLATION. Christian ! wipe that weeping eye, Cease to heave that mournful sigh ; Christ for thee did bleed and die On Mount Calvary ; Thou eternal life shall share, Far above the trackless air, In that peaceful kingdom, where Captives shall be free. Wipe away that flowing tear, Banish all thy needless fear, — God regards the feeblest prayer, Trembling as 'tis given ; Come with all thy woes oppress'd, Bring the sigh that heaves thy breast, Strive for that immortal rest, Eternally in heaven. If the lilies claim His care, And the birds that wing the air. We shall more supremely share God's exhaustless store ; He whose infinite display Chas'd primeval Night away. Will unfold a glorious day. Beaming evermore. N 2 150 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Now the Saviour doth attend, While around his throne we bend ; Feel ye not his power descend, Kindling like a fire 1 Wintry gloom remote is driven, Love, the prelude sweet of heaven. In delightful streams is given, Mortals to inspire. Love divine ! what boundless store ! Can celestial life be more. Where angelic hosts adore "? Only more mature ! Far beyond the starry sky, O 'tis love which shall supply All those heavenly worlds with joy. Ever to endure. Bound we are those realms to gain, Life immortal to obtain. Walk we shall the golden plain. There to sigh no more ; Fill'd with praise a social band. Here we pledge both heart and hand, On the heights of heaven to stand, Jesus to adore. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 151 THE SABBATH. Hail ! lovely Sabbath, day of rest, Hallowed by the Lord, and blest ; The sweetest day of all the seven, Type of a glorious rest in heaven. The morning' wakes, and thousand tongues, Unite their offerings and their songs ; While round thy throne they all repair, To pay their adorations there. " This is the day the Lord hath made," In it, let every soul be glad ; Zion shall tune her harps, and say How glorious is the Sabbath day ! Children and sires, a noble band, Within God's tabernacle stand ; And with melodious rapture say. How happy is the Sabbath day! This day shall numerous millions rise, Whose joyful strains shall mount the skies, Where the blest nations find repose. And Sabbaths dawn no more to close. Lord of the Sabbath, gently pour A gracious and refreshing shower ; Then bear our peaceful souls away, Where shines an endless Sabbath day. 152 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. HEAVEN. Saviour, if in this vale of tears, We faithful prove to thee ; Beyond the flight of wasting years, Thy kingdom we shall see. There with the nations sav'd on high, Through the Redeemer's blood, The brightest orbs we shall out-vie, Clad in the light of God. Our bodies, glorious as thine own. From death and sin secure, Shall, 'midst the radiance of thy throne, Eternally endure. The soul and body, now become Inseparably one, Shall in those deathless regions bloom, While endless circles run. There from those tow'ring heights shall we Survey creation o'er. And every operation see Of God's eternal power ; The mighty depth of Jesus' love, More fully comprehend ; View its amazing height above. Its object and its end. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 153 Heav'n shall each faculty expand, Refine each grovelling sense ; More perfectly to understand The ways of Providence. There, we shall cordially approve That infinite display Of wisdom, holiness, and love, That mark'd the Almighty's way. Then to earth's transient scenes of bliss, We freely bid adieu, And look through Jesus' righteousness, To happier worlds in view. With angels and the promis'd Seed, We hope e'er long to share Refulgent crowns upon our head, And palms victorious bear. With those once bath'd in Jesus' blood, Rob'd in peculiar grace. We shall, beyond time's rolling flood, See Jesus face to face. With spirits once to us so dear. Our partners and our friends. Immortal honours we shall share. Where pleasure never ends. How full the beaming, heavenly joy, These blissful scenes disclose; And those once in the Lord's employ. Here find a sweet repose. 154 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. O when from every danger free, And all my sins forgiven, Shall I with all thy people be Assign'd a place in heaven. ON THE UNIVERSAL SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL Jesus, our Lord, thou Prince of Peace, The everlasting Father thou ; Thy gracious government increase, Till every knee submissive bow ; Earth's widely-scattered millions bless, Fill all her bounds with righteousness. As the full rushing mountain stream Flows on and spreads with swelling tide — As the meridian golden beam, Illumes the globe from side to side — So let thy pure transcendant love, All souls inspire, all nations move. Give our whole race a Jubilee, Loud may the joyful trumpet sound ; Bid every captive soul go free, Let unmolested peace abound ; All murmuring want and care exclude. With pure and universal good. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 155 Open a high and holy way — Bid Zion from her mountains sing ; The victories of the cross display, From far thy ransom'd people bring ! Let sires and sons exalt their voice, Till all earth's empire shall rejoice. The harvest of the world bring near, Say to the Gentile nations, " Come;" Let Israel's scatter'd sons appear, O ! call thy banish'd people home ; 'Stablish thy church from pole to pole, One vast and universal whole. Go with our missionaries, Lord, Invest them with the light of heaven ; Through them may thy pure gospel word, To every human soul be given ; So shall they all on earth that move. Rejoice in thy redeeming love. MISSIONARY HYMN. Go, ye ministers of Jesus, Good tidings to the Indians bear, Point them to the Lamb most precious, Bid them round the cross repair ; Where effulgent Beams of heavenly light appear. 156 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Go, the rocky mountains over ; Oregon's dense shades explore ; All those numerous tribes recover, Bounding the Pacific's shore; Preach the Saviour, And his full redeeming power. Guide them to that bleeding fountain, Open'd by the Lamb of God, Bring them to that holy mountain, Where the cross of Jesus stood ; Bid them freely Bathe in the atoning blood. Tell them the mysterious story Of the Saviour's dying love; And the pure transcendant glory Form'd for them in climes above, Where poor Indians Shall in heaven's vast circles move. Go, ye ministers of Jesus, Cultivate the deserts wild. Bear with you the seed most precious. Heaven shall recompense your toils ; See before you How the golden harvest smiles ! Fully cast yourselves on Jesus, Who will all your burdens bear ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 157 He will make your way propitious, Ye are objects of his care ; He will bring you Heav'n's triumphant bliss to share. HOME OF THE CHRISTIAN. On the high clifts of Jordan, With pleasure I stand. And view in perspective The fair promis'd land ; The land where the ransom'd, With singing shall come, And enter the kingdom. Prepared as their home. There rivers most graceful Eternally glide ; And groves rich with verdure, Grow up by their side ; There spirits made perfect, Forever become Immortal and beauteous. In glory their hom.e. 'Tis there all the nations Redeem'd by the Lamb, In circles most lovely. His praises proclaim. o 158 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Thrgugh tempests and sorrows, And perils they come, To enter those mansions, Prepar'd as their home. All over those peaceful Delectable plains. The Lord our Redeemer, In righteousness reigns. His sceptre of empire He now doth assume, And kindly doth welcome His followers home. How happy those beautiful Realms of repose, Where, graceful with fruit. The " tree of life" grows ; The regions ambrosial. Forever in bloom ; God's endless abode, And the christian's home. Those pleasures of glory, O when shall I share ! And crowns of celestial Felicity wear ; Those landscapes to range, Undisturb'd by a sigh, The home of our fathers, God's palace on high. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 159 DEATH OF THE CHRISTIAN. Saw ye the summer's evening charm! Of life the emblematic close ; How sweet and undisturb'd the calm, When nature sunk into repose. Saw ye the splendid orb of day, With rich empyreal glory crown'd 1 How pure and cloudless was his ray, Shedding effulgent lustre round. Saw ye the beauteous azure sky, Adorn'd with beams of heavenly light ; When all the gilded arch on high, Display'd a scene supremely bright 1 And saw ye, when this grandeur fled, As night's dark shadows gather'd round ? But a new morning dawn'd and spread. And brighter glories did abound ! Thus sinks the christian to his rest. Where peace to every soul is given ; The evening of his life is blest. And life immortal shines from heaven. The chamber where he meets his fate. Glows with a radiance from the sky ; And Israel's chariots round him wait, A transport to the realms on high. 160 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. And there shall heavenly visions break In glorious rapture on his soul ; And life-eternal shall awake, Where everlasting pleasures roll. THE RESURRECTION. " Now is Christ risen from the dead ! And death and hell are captive led," The angels do proclaim ; And soon shall slumbering millions rise, And sing in triumph through the skies, The victories of the Lamb. Our Lord is risen from the tomb. Pledge of the future " harvest home," First fruits of them that slept ; The grave where terrors did abound, A peaceful resting place is found. For all the wearied kept. " The Lord is risen," in transport see. The hope of immortality, And life and glory given ; Mortals, come view the vast display, The portals of eternal day Are open'd wide in heaven. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 161 Now is Christ risen to intercede, The merits of his blood to plead, Above the vaulted skies ; Come, brethren, let us all repair To Olivet, and view him there, On clouds of glory rise. " The Lord is risen," and boundless love. In streams immortal from above, With mighty grandeur flow ; And God the nations doth inspire, Extending far the hallow'd fire. Through all this world below. " The Lord is risen," and now behold. The judgment day, so long foretold. Tremendous scene of power ; The great archangel soon shall stand. His feet upon the sea and land. And swear that time's no more. The Lord shall then with glory come. To wake the nations from the tomb. Their destiny to hear ; The saints in triumph rise to heaven. And unbelievers all be driven To regions of despair. Jesus, thy Holy Spirit give. And teach thy servant how to live, And love my God alone ; o 2 162 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Bring me, and all my children dear, Eternal happiness to share, With millions round the throne. RESURRECTION. SECOND PART. Now is Christ risen from the dead, The angel hosts proclaim ; And ransom'd millions soon shall spread The risen Saviour's name. " Our Lord is risen" from the tomb. First fruits of them that slept ; Pledge of the future harvest home, A calm for those that wept. " The Lord is risen," come saints and s( The glorious record given ; Bright hope of immortality, And proof supreme of heaven. Now is Christ risen to intercede For all the human race; The merits of his blood to plead, The fullness of grace, DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 163 " The Lord is risen," and streams of love, [n rich profusion pour ; And bliss descending from above, Shall flow forevermore. Our risen Lord an earnest gives, Substance of things to come ; And saints do knov^^ that Jesus lives, And glory is their home. Jesus is ris'n, and soon shall all Reposing myriads rise ; When all shall hear the archangel's call, To assemble in the skies. The resurrection doth presage The day of judgment near ; When men of every clime and age, Their destiny shall hear. DEVOTION. Thou great Eternal, pure and good. The heaven of heavens is thine abode ; To thee alone be praises given. By all the choral hosts of heaven. 164 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Thee on our knees we come to meet, Before the glorious mercy seat ; In tender love regard our prayer, And condescend to meet us here. Thou, whom I love and hope to see, Shed thy full beams of light on me ; Merge me in that most precious flood, Which purifies the soul for God. With all thy fullness make me blest, Wholly evangelize my breast ; The source of all my pleasures be, In time and in eternity. QUICKEN ME, O LORD, &c. Jesus, how wonderful thy name, How excellent indeed thy love ; O may its power my soul inflame, And every latent passion move. However varied be its course, A spring, a flowing stream, or sea ; If Israel's fountain be its source. It comes in welcome form to me. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 165 I love those meltings of its power, Those mellow'd feelings of the soul ; The full, and overwhelming shower, Which all my thoughts and words control. I love to feel my feeble prayers, Chang'd to unutterable praise ; The overflow of grateful tears, While bending at the throne of grace. I love the perfect love of God, The soul becalm'd, the passions still'd ; I love its influence shed abroad, 'Till all is with its glory filled. When heart, and flesh, and nature fail, O may its charms refresh my soul ; If love's clear sun-beams then prevail, In vain shall death's dark shadows roll. Jesus, thy love on me bestow, 'Tis all I ask, 'tis all my plea , According to thy kindness show The greatness of thy love to me. 166 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. ON THE DECLINE OF LIFE. Spread on the lap of earth I see, The lengthen'd evening- shadows lie ; And each reveals this truth to me, The close of life approaches nigh. This earthly house of brittle clay, A shrivell'd, raould'ring aspect wears ; 'Tis mark'd with premature decay, The fretted waste of passing years. The " ills to which all flesh is heir," Sickness, and sore, distracting pain ; Those noble, heaven-wrought frames impair, Till dust return to dust again. Beat by the fierce relentless storms. Worn by the " insatiate tooth of time, " Those fearfully erected forms. Fall victims to a withering clime. Blighted by languishing disease. Our days pass tediously away ; And long and sleepless nights, increase Time's dull and wearisome delay. We cling to life, entreat its stay. Then " lash the ling'ring moment" on ; We beg the respite of a day. Yet, wish the sluggish season gone. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 167 Our aching heads seek rest in vain, Our flesh and bones find no repose ; Disease succeeds disease again, Till the lone grave our dust enclose. For climes so rude God ne'er design'd Such wond'rously constructed forms; 'Twas man that foolishly consign'd Himself to dwell amidst those storms. 'Twas man that brought forth sin and death, And all the evils in their train ; But 'tis the Lord renews our breath, And these dry bones shall live again. Then let this earthly house dissolve. And our remains to dust be given ; Our home at last, ('tis God's resolve,) Shall be eternally in heaven. A SOLEMN ADDRESS TO YOUTH. O YE youthful souls draw near, While we now address you ; May those solemn truths we bear, Seriously impress you. 168 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Cloth'd with orders from on high, In Christ's stead we meet you, Lo ! he calls you from the sky. Therefore we entreat you. Ye have each a soul, worth more Than this whole creation ; Worlds by millions number'd o'er. Sink in valuation. With archangels you must live, 'Midst heaven's richest treasure ; Or with Dives in hell, receive Torments passing measure. Youth's fair bloom shall soon decay, Transient is its glory ; The roses on your cheeks so gay, Are but transitory. Winding sheets, in sad array. Soon shall fold around you ; Worms shall claim you as their prey, Mould'ring clods surround you. Souls rebellious, must descend. Bound in chains of anguish ; Plung'd in sorrows without end. Ever more to languish. There, 'midst howling, frighted fiends, Furiously blaspheming. Darkness, undiminish'd, reigns. Void of light's least gleaming. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 169 O, the gospel truth receive, Which we now present you ; Come to Jesus Christ and live, Let not sin prevent you. Peace and pardon here obtain, Freely as 'tis given ; Be through Jesus " born again," Then go up to heaven. Lord, while now before thy throne, Sway thy sceptre o'er us ; Make thy glorious mercies known, To thyself restore us. Moulded by thy hand of power, Changed in all our features ; Form and keep us every hour. New and happy creatures. THE MINISTER'S FAREWELL. The seasons, how swiftly they fly. Our moments are gliding away ; We are hastening on to the sky. To realms of celestial day. Dear brethren, our parting is near. My time of sojourning is o'er; To different lands I must steer, — Perliaps, I shall see you no more. P 170 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. May Jesus, our Saviour and King, Unite us in spirit and heart ; And bring us in glory to sing. Where Christians never shall part. " We are toiling to make the blest shore," To meet the " ship's company" there ; Where tossings and tempests are o'er, And all our afflictions and care. Ye rocks and ye mountains, adieu, Over which I so often did rove ; Ye woodlands while ranging through you, My spirit abounded with love. Adieu, all ye murmuring rills, That ripple so gently along ; The echo that ranges the hills, And responds to the traveller's song. Ye friends of my Master, adieu. Who cups of cold water have given : May Jesus, whose promise is true, Reward you with blessings from heaven. O may you the gospel receive, Its blessings and happiness prove ; By faith on the promises live, The promise of Jesus's love. Farewell, all ye saints of the Lord, Perhaps we shall ne'er meet again ; 'Till Jesus pronounce the glad word, To meet on the heavenly plain. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 17J How often in Jesus's name, To worship together we've gone ; Our souls have been raised to a flame, Declaring what Jesus had done. Dear brethren, I give you my hand, To meet you on Canaan's blest shore ; Through grace, I am striving to land Where labour and sorrows are o'er. The land of eternal repose, Already is heaving in view ; Where fullness of happiness flows, 'Midst beauties eternally new. Though storms of afl^iction may roar, And clouds of temptations arise ; We are bound for that heavenly shore. For those mansions reserv'd in the skies. 'Tis there our Redeemer now waits To welcome his labourers home, And angels attend at the gates, Inviting our spirits to come. 172 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. THE ADVENT. Jesus the Saviour comes. In Eden first foretold ! Our nature he assumes, His wonders to unfold ; He comes a captive world to free, And welcome in the jubilee. Jesus the Saviour 's nigh, The eastern sages tell ; His star illumes the sky, He comes on earth to dwell ; The infant Lord with joy they greet, And lay their treasure at his feet. Jesus the Saviour's horn. The herald angels sing ; And shout the auspicious morn, And joyful tidings bring ; Good will and peace, the gift of heaven. To all the sons of men are given. Jesus the Saviour's come, The watchful Shepherds say ; Let all prepare him room, And hail the welcome day ; King David's Son, the Church's Head, Appears in Bethlehem's humble shed. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 173 Jesus the Saviour's here, His marvellous works declare ; Behold what joys appear For all mankind to share ! His mercies are on all hestow'd, That all the world might come to God. Jesus, the Saviour, hail ! He comes to set us free ; His promise cannot fail, We shall his goodness see ; Pris'ners of earth, we soon shall rise, To life immortal in the skies. Jesus, we love his name, We love his nature too ; We love his grace to claim. And give him praises due ; To him, by all in earth or heaven, Be glory in the highest given. Jesus, we love his power, His holiness and word ; His glories we adore. And claim him as our Lord ; To him we render praise alone. The Great, the High and Holy One, Jesus, we love to feel His full transforming grace ; p2 174 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. The influence of his will, The beauties of his face ; His kingdom and his throne, to see Their grandeur and immensity. O that the world might know, The virtues of his name ; And in full triumph, show The glories of the Lamb ; For Jesus unto all is given, The Lord of Earth and God of Heaven. THE SAVIOUR'S BIRTH-DAY. Come, let us join to sing The birth-day of our Lord, And wake each joyful string. To hail the Incarnate word : He comes from splendid thrones above, " The Prince of Peace," the God of Love. Down from the azure sky. The heavenly choral band, Shout the Redeemer nigh, And wait his high command: Those sweet cherubic minstrels say, Jesus, the Lord, is born to-day. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 175 The Saviour, long- foretold, The Church's glorious Head, Let all mankind behold. In Bethlehem's humble shed, " A child is born, a son is given," To raise a fallen world to heaven. Glad tidings to the earth, Celestial heralds bear. And at Immanuel's birth, Good will and peace declare : The world's great Saviour (angels say) " In David's town, is born this day." Shepherds, your Lord attend, The infant Sovereign greet, With eastern sages, bend At your Redeemer's feet : Extend the news the globe around, That Christ in Bethlehem is found. Lo! the full, heavenly choir, Attune their chorus high, And swell the rapturous lyre. Along the vaulted sky : To God alone enthron'd in heaven, Is glory in the highest given. Let earth with all her tongues, In joyful triumph rise, 176 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. And send the angels' songs, Re-echoing to the skies : Transported sing, with sweet accord, The glorious birth-day of the Lord. CHRISTMAS. Welcome, " the Lord's anointed," " God's well beloved son ;" " The Prince of Peace" appointed. The high and " Holy One." From heaven's sublimer ranges, "The Lord himself" comes down. And for the cross exchanges. The grandeur of his throne. The seraphs winged from glory, Their tuneful carols play, And tell the enrapturing story, " That Christ is born to day." " Good will" and free salvation. Their cherub songs employ ; And lo ! they bring each nation, " Glad tidings of great joy." Go, shepherds, from your mountains, And every palmy shade ; From Judah's moss-grown fountains. And view where Christ is laid. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 177 Behold the illustrious stranger, King David's Royal Heir, An infant in a manger. At Bethlehem doth appear. Ye mortals of all ages. In holy worship bend, And with the eastern sages. The infant Lord attend : Present to him your treasure, The richest gems of earth. And with unmingl'd pleasure, Hail your Redeemer's birth. With heaven's bright hosts impendent. Upon th' expansive air ! Let all earth's sons attendant. The mighty triumph share. " Glory," to the anointed, The great and Holy One, To Christ the Lord appointed, Who fills th' eternal throne. GRATITUDE. My soul shall ever praise The great Redeemer's name. My harp shall wake its earliest lays, His honor to proclaim. 178 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. My heart and all within, With gratitude shall bless The sacred power that pardons sin, And gives true holiness. Thy plenteous mercy, Lord, Shall grateful themes employ, And most abundantly afford A large increase of joy. O may I ne'er forget, Thy benefits to me ; But, humbled for my sins, regret I e'er offended thee. May I remember still, Thy precious gifts bestow'd ; And constantly adore thy will, Full of the love of God. Religion sweetest is. Cheerful and full of love ; My portion while in time be this, And my reward above. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 179 FOR A RENEWAL OF BLESSINGS. Come, my Lord, with thy good spirit, Cast thy guardian care o'er me, Let me graciously inherit, All the mind that was in thee ; And thy goodness In unblemish'd purity. Open paradise before me, O remove the flaming sword, To thyself again restore me, Let me wholly love thee, Lord ; Breathe, my Saviour, Breathe the sanctifying word. Full I am of sacred anguish, Separated Lord from thee, In these far off wilds I languish. When thy face I cannot see ; Kindest Saviour Evermore reside with me. Slay the power of sin forever. All thy holiness restore. Crush the serpent's sting, and never Let it spread its poison more ; Then thy spirit In unmeasur'd fulness pour. 180 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Make me, Lord, as truly holy, As my present form will bear, Then maintain within me fully, All thy goodness can prepare; And most kindly Give the overflowing share. Lord, to thee belongs all power. All perfection flows from thee ; Bring, O bring, the long wish'd hour, Cleanse all sinfulness from me. Give me, Saviour, Love, in all its purity. Love, in full and perfect measure, More than all things I desire ; Glows my heart with boundless pleasure, When the spirit doth inspire All within me, With its pure and kindling fire. Jesus' love is full of glory. More than paradise it is. And were Eden now before me, Love I would prefer to this ; O how holy ! How transporting is its bliss I Lord, revive me, bless my spirit. Give the penticostal flame ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 181 Now apply thy power and merit, Through the great atoning name ; Grant it freely, As in ancient times it came. All thy visitations, Saviour, Give more frequently to me ; All thy gifts, thy love, and favour, Let them oft repeated be ; And each moment Help me to devote to thee. Lord, in blessing fully bless me, Multiply my faith and love ; With thy image now impress me. Every evil thing remove ; And preserve me, To those brighter worlds above. Let me in my daily offerings. Hold communion sweet with thee, In my crosses and my sufferings. Patient and contented be, — Calmly waiting 'Till from earth thou set me free. Q 182 DEVOTIONA.L EXERCISES. MY BLISS AND GLORY. Jesus, I find abundant favour, Near thy pierc'd and bleeding side ; Thee, I claim my only Saviour, Who for me hast bled and died ; And in thy unbounded goodness, I will evermore confide. Thou art all my bliss and glory, Source of all my peace and love ; I am happy while before thee, When 1 feel thy spirit move ; O set up thy throne within me, Never, never, to remove. What though grievous ills assail me. And my feeble flesh complain, Foes combine, and friends all fail me 1 Yet if Jesus still remain, With his presence, I am fully Recompens'd for all my pain. Jesus, while I bow before thee. All my prayers and worship own ; Thou, my hope of future glory, Dwell within my heart alone, . And inspire my spirit wholly, O thou gracious. Holy One. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 183 Full of blessings, full of favour, All my various wants regard ; O be thou to me forever, My " exceeding great rev^^ard ;" Crown my future days with pleasure, Glorious and redeeming Lord. PETITION. Humbly before thy face we fall. Thou universal Lord of all ; The King of kings, creation's Source, Whose power sustains this universe. Our fallen powers again restore, That we may love thee more and more, All evil from our hearts remove, That nothing may remain but love. Dispel all sin, and doubt, and fear; Let the pure heavenly light appear ; The brightness of thy grace convey. Increasing to the perfect day. Preserv'd from all temptations free. Perfect true holiness in me ; Each passion calm, each motive bless. Clothe every thought with righteousness. 184 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Though high thy dwelling and thy throne, And thou thyself the Eternal One ; Yet, through a Mediator, we Obtain access to heaven and thee. Mercy unbounded, Lord ! is thine, Unchang'd, eternal, and divine. And mercy issuing from the throne, Claim a poor fallen world its own. All things obey thy vast control. All worlds, all orbs, and spheres that roll ; And lo ! in silent reverence, we In dust and ashes worship thee. As the infinity of space, So ample are the bounds of grace; So full and so entirely free, That none need bow in vain to thee. FOR COMMUNION. O FOR that soul inspiring love, Which did the ancient fathers move ; That gracious all-absorbing flame, Bestow'd through the Redeemer's name. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 185 O for that sin-destroying power, The heart-refining, heavenly shower ; The gift bestow'd on sinners lost, The influence of the Holy Ghost. The trembling awe, the filial fear, A sense of Jesus' presence near ; Those "first fruits" of eternal bliss. That " God is mine, and I am his." Jesus, do thou reside in me. The true " indwelling Deity;" My soul to perfect love restore, And keep me spotless evermore. Give me the mind that is in thee, Full of all heavenly purity ; That free, unmeasured grace bestow'd, The pure, unblemish'd love of God. O bid the cherubim to spread. Their shadowing wings around my head ; In me, make all those glories meet. That once adorn'd the mercy seat. Bid me ascend the mount to thee, And there thy passing glory see Those heavenly beamings of thy grace ; And hold communion face to face. q2 186 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. From thence O may I ne'er remove, O'erwhelm'd with glory and with love, And O thou Good, thou Great, and High, 'Midst the full radiance let me die. CHRIST AND HIS BENEFITS. Jesus, the true and heavenly light. That lighteth all mankind ; Whose name includes all grace, and might, The great Eternal mind. All things were made by thee alone, Th' incarnate Deity ; The heavens, the rolling spheres, thy throne, Time and eternity. Thou dwellest in the purest light, Full of immensity ; The first archangels in thy sight. Its grandeur cannot see. And thou who form'd all worlds became Cloth'd in humanity ; The holy and unspotted Lamb, He liv'd and died for me. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 187 And mortals through redeeming love, Jehovah can adore ; To them thy mercies kindly move, Thy goodness and thy power. For all our race, atoning blood Was shed, amazing free ; And in a pure and healing flood, Flow'd from mount Calvary. It brings in boundless grace to all. The pardoning love of God; And from the ruins of the fall, It changes our abode. From guilt and condemnation now Our souls are justified ; And peace, with all its bliss we know, Through Jesus crucified. And Jesus' love, our joy and boast. The richest charm of heaven ; Is freely by the Holy Ghost To all believers given. 'Tis love divine that purifies Our souls from every sin ; From all defilement sanctifies, And perfects all within. 188 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Saviour it is thy beaming light, Illumes the heavenly way ; Increasing" still in radiance bright, More to the perfect day. Our peace abounds, our joys improve, Our pleasures onward flow ; And we inspir'd by heavenly love, In grace and knowledge grow. Our souls enlarge, the mind expands, Our hearts become more pure ; And all revolving nature stands More gloriously mature. More and more fully do we love, The love of Deity ; As issuing from the courts above, In all its purity. And all who feel the love of God, Who Jesus' followers are ; Whate'er their calling or abode, Shall our affections share. And men of every age and name, The evil and the good ; As kindred flesh and blood we claim, Through the Redeemer's blood. DEVOTIONAL In all their varied bleeding woes, For each indulge a care As joys or ills may interpose. Kindly those burdens bear. As sons of peace, the lov'd of heaven. With goodness unconfined ; To every grace and virtue given, To God and all mankind. Increase, O Lord, the purer light. Thy love to comprehend ; To know the length, and breadth, and height, Thy mercies do extend. Most faithfully thy gifts improve. Waiting our change to come ; When thou shalt from thy courts above, Call the redeemed home. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. IN MEMORY OF REV. LAWRENCE M'COMBS. Another mighty prince is slain, Our brotlier sleeps beneath his shield ; His sword that never turn'd again, Lies fallen on the battle field ; The well contested strife is o'er, The war to be renew'd no more. On Zion's walls he long has stood. And o'er the rocky mountains trod ; And through the vales by field and flood, Preaching the mighty truths of God. And thousands felt the inspiring flame. When he proclaim'd his master's name. Go, thou great chieftain of the field. Thy triumphs all shall follow thee ; Go, and exchange thy sword and shield, For crowns of star-gem'd brilliancy; The tumult of the war is done, The victory gain'd, the conquest won. 192 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. " Well done," thou servant of the Lord, Faithful in Jesus' loved employ ; Go and receive thy great reward, Enter into thy master's joy ; To thee attendant guards are given, The chariots, and the host of heaven. Daughters of Israel weep again, Your glory on the earth lies spread; How is the Lord's anointed slain ! Number'd with the illustrious dead ; He did unto the mount repair. And Heaven came down and met him there. 'Tis done, his toils and sufferings close, Nor heaves his tranquil heart a sigh; His dust lies slumbering in repose, His spirit has gone up on high ; The good, the faithful, and the blest. Has enter'd his eternal rest. EARTH IS NOT OUR HOME. Man is admonish'd from his birth, His treasure not to lay on earth, 'Tis not his home ! Designed he is for climes more kind, Form'd more congenial to his mind, in worlds to come. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 193 The earlier prospects of the soul, Fly, as the years successive roll, Nor long remain ; We cling to life's illusive dream, Which, as the onward passing stream, Ne'er turns again. Revolving seasons flee away. From gorgeous bloom, to sere decay ; As clouds they pass ; — Or like the autumnal leaves they fall, And time insatiate moulders all. In one dense mass. The sweetest friendships that allure. Do seldom very long endure. But soon as found, Some power unseen, forbids their stay, And the stern mandate all obey, The circle round. Children and sires, each one pursue, Whole generations follow too, The same sad call ; Nothing resists th' impetuous tide, Which sweeps the world from side to side. And prostrates all. Though few the years we here remain, We are not form'd to hope in vain, Some happier day ; R 194 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. The soul may find a blissful clime Beyond the wasting power of time, Far from decay. Earth was designed for worms, the range. Ere to the crysalis they change, — When plum'd they fly The stars beyond, to that lov'd scene, Where clad in dazzling gold and green, They wing the sky. There, in serene ethereal bowers, To drink the nectar from those flowers. That ever bloom ; Where pain, and death, and time are past. And kindred spirits meet at last. In heaven their home. ON HEARING A ROBIN. I HEAR the Robin's morning lay. And something in his song Brings to my mind a train of thought. Of years when I was young. The mountain's bluff", the vallies low. The murmuring stream along ; The frequent range and ramble round; In years when I was young. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 195 The distant horn, the sounding- flail, The flocks and herds in throng- ; I recollect those rural scenes, Of 3? ears when I was young. The circling round of youthful friends, As vines with clusters hung ; The fire that in their bosoms glow'd, In years when I was young. Sweet little Red-breast how I love Those warblings of thy tongue, And all the retrospect they bring. Of years when I was young. But scenes and friends of earlier days, With time have roll'd along ; And memory only calls to mind The years when 1 was young. Life with its varied scenes have chang'd, I feel it in my song ; But Robin warbles just the same, As when I once was young. 196 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. ADDRESS TO MY WIFE. S , I WISH thee good and kind, Rich in virtues of the mind ; May thy breast become the place Where enshrin'd dwells every grace. Pure may all thy motives be, Far from all corruption free ; All thy acts, and words, and ways. Claim their proper meed of praise ; Truly may thy heart possess, All the charms of holiness ; All the bliss that grace can give. In thy bosom ever live ; May the Saviour's kindest love. O'er thy best affections move : And its kindling, glowing fire. All thy faculties inspire ; Keep thee free from all offence, Cloth'd with purest innocence. Then as days and years decline, Brighter may thy graces shine ; More and more the beams of light, Gild the shades of nature's night, 'Till our days are ended here. And heav'n's pearly gates appear. Then may some sweet cherub band. Wing thee to tlie promised land. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 197 IN MEMORY OF TWO BELOVED CHILDREN, Who died at Wilmington, Del., 1834. Mary Ada- line, aged two years and four months ; Caroline, aged seven months. Both occupy the same grave, at the Methodist Church, Wilmington, Del. How sweetly do our children lie, The low and mould'ring dust their bed; Their peacefnl bosoms heave no sigh, 'Midst the calm slumbers of the dead. I love the spot where they repose, Round which full many a charm I see And every leaf that o'er them grows, Becomes an object dear to me. I value what the grave contains. Those forms on nature's breast reclin'd ; And their memorial still remains. Engraven deeply on my mind. My fond remembrance oft recalls The blissful hours we used to share; And still their prattling accent falls, With sweet delight upon my ear. As some luxuriant foliag'd vine, A thousand circling folds impart ; So do those lingering spirits twine Round the affections of ray heart. ri 2 198 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. As trees in beauteous vernal flower, Surrounded by a blighting air ; God mov'd them into his own bower, To flourish more securely there. Like dew-drops trembling on the spray, To them a transient hour was given ; " The sun-beams" at the opening day, " Exhal'd them," and they went to heaven. And what the turf-grown moulds enclose, Shall soon more splendidly arise ; And those lov'd objects shall compose A glorious order in the skies. When Time shall stop in his career. And God reanimate our dust; That welcome hour shall then appear. The resurrection of the just. FRIENDSHIP. I LOVE a faithful friend indeed, Sincere, and kind, and full of grace; Who serves me in the time of need, Whate'er my circumstance or place. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 199 What is this world, when friendships cease 1 What are its honours, wealth, and fame 1 Its pomp, its pleasures, and its peace, Are nothing but a bubbling name ! How poor the friendless monarch is, Though master of a splendid throne; Who claims no portion of that bliss, True friendship furnishes alone. There is a hallow'd shade assign'd, Devoid of every anxious care; And friendly, kindred spirits find, A sweet and cheerful mingling there. Friendship is not " an empty name," A mere bewildering, false decoy, It is a soul-inspiring flame, And full of every virtuous joy. 'Tislike the hidden golden mine, Deeply embosom'd in the earth. The ordeal makes it brighter shine, And various moulds improve its worth. We often, by a false remove. Leave space where vile suspicions play ; Which change the mind dispos'd to love. And friendships vanish far away. 200 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Free intercourse those views dispel, And all our kindly thoughts restore ; And few can e'en the reasons tell, Why they were never friends before. 'Tis obvious this, the " far between," The difference makes in human kind ; And men to each as foes are seen, Who otherwise are one in mind. I love an interchange of mind. An honest, generous, circling round ; I love such faithful friends to find, And have them every where abound. THE SUMMER'S EVENING. I GAZE with exceeding delight, On a clear summer's evening sky ; When the sun sheds his last tints of light. With graceful effulgence on high. The clouds with white towering crest, As on the soft air they recline, Are all in rich elegance drest. And in golden embroidery shine. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 201 All nature is hush'd to a calm, Not a sigh doth encumber the breeze ; While a sweet and ethereal charm, Extends o'er the earth and the seas. The storms have in silence retir'd To rest on Oblivion's shore ; The tumults of earth have expired, And life's toilsome service is o'er. Magnificent emblem indeed, When the christian's last victories shine And he, vt^ith an archangel's speed, Ascends to an empire divine. Unspeakable glories imbue, And crimson his horizon round ; And bring those bright worlds into view, Where pleasures forever abound. 'Tis a scene of all others sublime, Such as heaven alone can display ; The ultimate bound'ry of time. The dawning of infinite day. 202 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. THE EVENING. How lovely is the beauteous charm, Extending o'er the azure sky ; The summer evening's pleasing- calm, And softest sigh. The fleecy gold-ting'd clouds serene, Recumbent on the expansive air ; With so magnificent a scene, What can compare 1 The blooming vales, the hills around, And glebes with gay luxuriance teem ; The groves with graceful foliaged crown'd, Refulgent seem. High on the mountain's dingy brow. Where rests the sun's last trembling ray ; Thousands of nameless splendours glow In bright display. The sea, beyond the lengthen'd lines Which separate it from the sky ; In deep dark slumbering waves reclines. Nor heaves a sigh. The transient glimmering twilight spreads A kind composing gentle gleam ; And " parting day" with mildness sheds Its lingering beam. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 203 The murmurings from th' unwearied rill, Fall in sweet accents on the ear ; The toils which did the Hamlet fill, All disappear. The Village occupants retire, As night upon the hills comes down ; While pure and plenteous joys conspire. Their days to crown. Happy the undisturbed retreat, To which the labourer plods his way ; Where cheerful countenances greet The closing day. Calm unaffected silence reigns. Save when the night bird's cry is giv'n ; Far as earth's utmost verge sustains The vaulted heaven. 'Tis evening ! and a solemn pause Appears on all the world imprest ; Form'd by the great Eternal cause, As nature's rest. Delightful emblem of life's close, Precursor of immortal joy ; When God shall give the soul repose, In worlds on high. 204 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. FRIENDSHIP. Friendship of pure and heavenly birth, The noblest gift sent down to earth ; No language can describe the worth Of friendship. This universe cannot bestow, In height above, or depth below. The feast of souls, and joys which flow From friendship. Congenial minds alone possess This heavenly source of happiness. Life's richest gem of perfect bliss, True friendship. The souls inspired with light divine, Where brighter halos clustering shine, Through grace, do mutually incline To friendship. Obtain'd from regions in the skies, Abounding with immense supplies Of pleasures, and celestial joys. Is friendship. It is the pledge of mercy given. That makes our path through time more even, And smooths the passage up to heaven. Blest friendship. i MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 205 Its charms can make the cottage fair, Spreading- contentment every where, And poverty cannot impair True friendship. And God himself delights in this, And with those heavenly hosts of his. Engages in the holy bliss Of friendship. For this, the Lord from heaven came down. And laid aside his glorious crown, To make to all his creatures known His friendship. And all the ransom'd souls above. While everlasting ages move. Shall feel th' abounding bliss of love And friendship. O tell me. Lord, shall I be there. To breathe that sweet salubrious air ; And with those heavenly millions share Pure friendship? Shall I come up to dwell with thee. The splendour of thy throne to see. And with the saints united be In friendship "? 206 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. ON PROVIDENCE. Ah ! how incompetent is man, Heaven's ways inscrutable to scan, With powers so small; Clouds of impenetrable night, Obscure those ways from mortal sight, And ever shall. Men reason about providence, From objects that affect the sense, Than which, is found Nothing in all the range of thought, In folly's darkest mazes wrought, That's less profound. The things which gloomy aspects wear, Destruction do not always bear ; But in disguise, God doth more specially display Superior wisdom, and convey His rare supplies. Earth's loneliest chasms do unfold Rich and extensive veins of gold. Of wealth, our store ; And from the rudest quarries wrought, The highly polish'd stones are brought, For dome and tower. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 207 In wildest deserts far from view, Are flowers of every varied hue, And beauteous form ; And in the ocean's caverns lie Gems of the richest, purest die, Iramers'd in storms. From turf-grown rocks, ill shapen, too, Do crystal streams meand'ring flow, O'er meadows green ; And fertilizing as they pass, Adorn with flowers and verdant grass, The whole terrene, Mingl'd with clods and shapeless moulds, A solitary seed unfolds, (Graceful and strong,) The stately monarch of the wood, Where many warbling wild-birds brood, The boughs among. I've seen a dreary winter bring A cheerful, lovely, fruitful spring. Blooming and gay ; The landscapes bright'ning to the eye, The stream's soft murmur, and the sigh, Where zephyrs play. I've seen the beating storms of rain. Which drenched the hills and swept the plain, With tumult wild : 208 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. But when the infuriate blast was done, In beaming majesty, the sun Made nature smile. I've seen the seaman spread his sail, And catch the brisk and driving gale. To scud before, His barque, the sooner to obtain (Beyond the tempest foaming main,) The destined shore. On the poor beggar at the gate, Attendant bands of angels wait, From heaven sent down ; To guide to endless bliss an heir, With legions, cherubic, to share A splendid crown. While others, friendless and obscure. Hardships unnumber'd may endure, Nor these alone ; But in the lapse of time, may claim Enlarged possessions to their name. Perhaps a throne ! I've seen the Christian worn and poor, At life's last shady, pensive hour. Exulting lie ; While round him cheerful voices sung, And heaven's soft music sweetly strung, Ascended high. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 209 I've seen him slumbering" with the dead, When evening's twilight shades had fled, Pallid and cold ; Yet those frail ashes shall assume. Beyond the empire of the tomb, A deathless mould. Far from time's perishable sway. In cloudless and perennial day, There to engage With seraphs, in a chant of love. In heavenly form to shine, and move Undim'd by age. Then, say not that each providence Some ruin bears to drive us hence ; For God assigns A solace that shall soothe the breast, A place of perfect peace and rest. For noble minds. The things inexplicable here. Shall there, a ditferent aspect wear. The throne before ; In wisdom God hath made them all. And wondering millions ever shall His name adore. The period, too, approaches near. When with those objects once so dear, But long gone hence ; s 2 210 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. In heaven's vast sphere, we shall combine To scan the wonderful design Of Providence. THE FAMILY CIRCLE. How pleasing the scenes of our youtli, How gaily the seasons pass by ; What charms have conspired to smooth, The current of innocent joy. The woodland's luxuriant display, So gracefully mantl'd in green ; The hills clothed in lovely array. Where the beauties of nature were seen. How rich were the songs of the grove, What multitudes join'd in the lay ; Those sweet recollections I love, And the scenes that have passed away. What melody flow'd from their song. The strain and the warble how fine ; The hills bore the echo along, Responding to every line. The paternal domestic abode, I love to remember it still ; The barn, by the side of the road. And the brook with its murmuring rill. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 211 The ancient abode of my sire, What pleasing enchantment was there ; As we clos'd round the family fire, Our mutual pleasures to share. Our hymns, how we sang them together. And melody sweetest did raise, When led by our sire and mother. In the family concert of praise. And then as we bowed around The family altar and pray'd ; With our parents have frequently found. Abundance of goodness display'd. How full of devotion the prayer, How fervently sent to the thone ; How gratefully flowed the tear, How ample the benefit shown. But scenes of my youth have all fled, Those juvenile pleasures are o'er ; My parents are both of them dead, And the family circle's no more. Yet, though the original's gone, To exist as a circle no more ; Each child forms a circle alone, A branch from tiie circle before. 212 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. The altar and song" to sustain, May each be inspired by love ; Then all an high station obtain, In the family circle above. THE HAPPY FAMILY. Is there bliss to be found in these regions below, Where care forms no arrow envenom'd to throw 1 A rose from the wild- briar free 1 Where the mind dwells remote from ambition's extreme, And peace sheds her soft and munificent beam 1 'Tis the cottage that stands near some murmuring stream. With a kind peaceful family. No honours they court from the lords of mankind. No pleasures beyond what at home they may find, A frugal, but competent cheer ; No profusion of glittering wealth do they crave. But life's blooming comforts they constantly have, As the fruit of their toils, which they prudently save, And with generous simplicity share. There's a richness of virtue enobles their hearts, Improv'd by the graces religion imparts. And charms that with innocence blend ; The demon of ill from the circle is driven, And each grateful bosom receives what is given, (With perfect delight) as the bounty of heaven. Which providence pleases to send. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 213 When the sweet breathing morn lights its earliest ray, And the dew-drops like pearls gem the new rising day, They all bow the suppliant knee ; And then with an ardour which heav'n doth inspire, Their devotions ascend, and awak'd is the lyre, As if kindled again were the primitive fire, Which prophets in vision did see. Free, unrestrain'd friendship is warmly express'd. And each with the fondest benevolence blest, In mutual harmony move ; The parents direct with affectionate sway, And guide their lov'd charge with the mildest display. And thus glide most happy their seasons away, A circle of pleasure and love. Where pure unaffected simplicity's found, And kindness, and social contentment abound, * With genuine piety joined ; In the castle or cot, on the mountain or plain, True bliss doth acquire a perpetual reign, And Eden's loved bowers all blooming again, To a cheerful and virtuous mind. 214 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. RECOLLECTIONS. SPIRITUAL BIRTH DAT. Sportive as gamboling lambs that play, My youthful seasons roU'd away, Ere misery form'd a tear ; 1 saw enchanting scenes arise, Like circling rainbows in the skies, So gay did they appear ! I thought those gilded scenes would give Pleasures on which my soul could live, So beautiful they were ! I gazed in transport at the view, When lo ! each glimmering beam and hue, Dissolv'd in empty air. But soon was I directed where The Star of Bethlehem did appear. How lovely was its ray ! Its lustre did resplendant beam, And shed a pure enlightening stream, Upon the heavenly way. With anxious mind I prayed, to know If God this glory would bestow. On such a worm as me; To Him I bow'd my feeble head. And a lov'd voice within me said, " The blessing is for thee." MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 215 Then (lid succeed a pleasing charm, A cheerful hope, a blissful calm, Mercy was freely given ; It gently fell like evening dew, And kindly did my powers renew, And showed the way to heaven. Then did I view in worlds on high. Those far-off, beauteous landscapes lie, ymiling and full of love ; Where God and holy angels dwell, And songs of glorious transport swell, The minstrelsy above. And now it is my only care. Those high, celestial joys to share, Perennial and pure ; To leave these changing scenes below, And borne on angels' pinions, go Where bliss shall be mature. that I had an arm to bear, Or wing to soar above the air, To that ethereal shore ; My children, as a precious band, 1 would convey to that blest land, Where changes are no more. 216 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. MUTABILITY OF LIFE. The season was lovely and clear, Not a speck hid the firmament's blue ; The soft tinge of dawn did appear, And earth was impearl'd with the dew. The first opening blush of the morn, Dispers'd the dark shadows of night ; The sun did all nature adorn, With pure and empyreal light. The hills and the vallies display'd A view most inviting and fair; The groves were superbly array'd. And sweetly embalm'd was the air. A stillness ethereal spread Its hallow'd enchantment around ; Save when the stream's murmur was heard, Or the tremulous echo's rebound. Such grandeur the world did assume, In exquisite order dispos'd ; So rich was the elegant bloom. Luxuriant nature disclos'd. But soon did these brilliancies fade, This beautiful order decay. The charms which so cheerfully played. Now rapidly hastened away. i MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 217 For a cloud which had vagrantly strayed, Came so unexpectedly o'er, The sun became veiled in the shade, And nature seemed lovely no more. The skies, which before were serene, Did lower with fierce tempests around ; The storms shook this verdant terrene, And clothed it in darkness profound. So frail were those visions of sense, So transient and feeble their day ; They dawned, and ere noon vanished hence, In the 'midst of the gorgeous array. And thus appear all that's earth-born ! How florid the dawn of their years ! How gay and transporting the morn, — But strangely the whole disappears. What a wonderful change is produced, In the mind, in the world, and our friends, We scarce know in which it is most, Or the bound'ries to which it extends. In the days of our youthful delight, While the halcyon months did remain i What pleasures then feasted our sight, Which never shall greet us again ! T 218 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. But soon we shall gaze on that bliss, The Heaven of Heavens contains, Where joy far more permanent is. And undisturb'd pleasure remains. The faint glimmering beauties of time, Which but for a moment endure, Compar'd vi^ith those regions sublime, Possess not a grace to allure. There clouds never spread their dark shade, Nor tempests endanger that shore ; Those heavenly landscapes ne'er fade, And the changing of seasons is o'er. Those realms of ineffable light, Yield a balmy, elysian air ; The day is eternally bright. And new and full glories appear. TIME AND ETERNITY. Why do the loveliest seasons fly. No longer seen, no longer known ? Why is the range of earth and sky, Like as a transient vision gone 1 'Tis Time, with unmolested sway. Removes those lovely scenes away ! MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 219 Life, as a fine majestic oak, Stretches its stately boughs around ; Then falls beneath the fatal stroke, And spreads its foliage on the ground ; Time, with a rude, remorseless sway, Scatters our feeble life away. I saw the blooming sons of God, Sustain'd by earth, and reared by heaven ; I saw them spread their tents abroad. And then from all these pleasures driven ; Relentless Time, with ruthless sway, Drove all those blooming sons away. I saw the earth, a charming scene, With hills and vales resplendent drest ; With groves and fields of lovely green. And flocks and herds with plenty blest ; But Time, with wanton, reckless sway, Remov'd those beauteous scenes away. I saw the glittering, rolling spheres, Ranging the sky with cloudless light ; When in the lapse of wasting years. They set in everlasting night ; 'Twas Time, that bore such boundless sway. That swept those radiant orbs away. At length old Time was pensive laid. As lowering o'er this wreck of things ; 220 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. And feeble were the attempts he made, To spread again his pendant wings; Eternal Ages, claim'd the sway, And put insatiate Time away. I saw those mighty ruins, all Convulsive move, with dreadful throes; 1 heard a voice impulsive call, And a new earth and heaven rose ; 'Twas God, who did his sceptre sway, And introduced eternal day. I saw the illustrious dead assume Immortal life in realms divine ; I saw, through ages yet to come, Unfolding scenes of glory shine ; Where endless life obtains the sway, And Time, and Deaih are done away. I saw unnumbered millions dwell In glorious climes of boundless love ; Where angels' anthems sweetly swell. Respondent through the courts above; Where pure unchanging bliss is given. The high, eternal joys of heaven. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS 221 MUTABILITY OF TIME. Man is not destined long- to stay Where first he breathes — perhaps a day, Or hour alone ! This life is but a passing place, — To worlds beyond we run the race, And soon 'tis done! Why should we then indulge a sigh. If ills we meet, or pleasures fly ? This cannot last ! 'Tis but a momentary strife, — We breathe, and then we end our life, And all is past. As flow the rivers to the sea. So time glides swift from you and me, 'Tis gone, how soon ! Ourselves, yea, more ! a hapless race, Shall lie involved in Death's embrace, Perhaps ere noon I This world is but the wreck of souls ! Where the rough sea in tumult rolls Its fearful wave ; But heaven ere this a place has reared, With pure celestial bloom prepared. Beyond the grave. T 2 222 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Life's genial current, stay it must, And earth again resume our dust, 'Till time shall cease ; And O ! how sweet the sound 1 hear! More glorious shall our dust appear, In realms of peace. After we shall resign our breath, And moulder to the stroke of death; We hope to find A pure and happier world of bliss, Where we shall greet the " fond of peace.' In climes more kind. Why then complain of transient things, Time lends to life his wide spread wings. To waft us on ; And by those sweeping pinions driven, Fleet as the wind we mount to heaven, And soon are gone. Fly then, yo moments ! swifter far Than the pale gleam, when shoots a star — There's nought to lose; Life in perennial grandeur waits, And when we pass the empyrean gates, There is repose. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 223 THE CRITICAL MOMENT. There is a moment, when the toys Of earthly grandeur please no more; A season when the alluring joys, Of all earth's transient scenes are o'er ! There is a time of threatening storms, When splendid rites no succour give ; Nor creed, nor incense-breathing forms, Our anxious bosoms can relieve. 'Tis when the tender cords that bind Our souls to earth at once give way. And when our feeble spirits find Of life the last, faint, glimmering ray. Tremendous sight ! when the lone soul, Stands trembling on the verge of time ! To plunge where death's dark billows roll, Or rise to heaven's immortal clime. What can this solemn scene control. Or make the feeble-minded brave 1 Or what can cheer the curfew's toll. Or chase the terrors from the grave 1 There is a heavenly power above. Which sheds a halo round the tomb ; There is a charm in Jesus' love. That sweetly guides believers home. 224 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. HOPE. Hope is the refuge of the mind, A sacred pledge of mercy given ; The richest boon that mortals find, This side of heaven. Hope is of origin divine. Expressly sent to man's abode ; And radiant glories round her shine, The light of God! Delightful Hope ! its lovely sound Conveys a charm to every place; And countless millions oft have found. In Hope, a grace. 'Tis Hope contributes to our peace, It gives the languid spirits tone ; And many taste superior bliss. In Hope alone ! Hope seldom shows her beauteous form. Among the circles of the great ; But midst the dark and reckless storm, Appears in state. Hope sheds her rich and brighter beams. In deep distress, and toils and pains ; And comforts flow in generous streams. While Hope remains. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 225 Far in the mountain's shady hower, By falling streams, in deep defiles, 'Tis Hope relieves the tedious hour, With graceful smiles. The sons of light pursue their way, And sing in hope " thy kingdom come ;" And onward move without delay. To reach their home. If foes a threatening aspect wear, As clouds in furious order driven; 'Tis Hope assists those ills to bear. And points to heaven. Should life be as a troubled stream, Inclined to murmur as it flows; And earthly bliss be like a dream Without repose : Hope, like the glimmering rays of light That beam upon the morning sky. Points to those heavenly scenes more bright, In worlds on hiffh. Its charms do light and cheer the way That leads to happiness at last ; That glorious and eternal day, When time is past. 226 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. THE RAMBLE. I LOVE the morning's softer rays, When nature breathes in gentle sighs ; And dew-drops glitter on the sprays, And milder sun-beams gild the skies. I love to see the vallies glow, With glimmering beauties to the eye; When the far distant mountain's brow, Seems like a basement to the sky. The rising hills, the streams that flow, And fertile lands adorned with green ; And groves where lofty elm-trees grow, Are all in beauteous order seen. There, numerous, cheerful creatures sing, While to the vales they oft repair. Or by the streams, or on the wing, They skim along the yielding air. On the extended, grassy plain. Where scatter'd shade-trees spread their boughs, Or near the fountain's gentle drain, Reclining flocks and herds repose. Deeply embower'd in shrubs and trees, The peaceful, well stored farm-house stands; 'Midst grain fields waving in the breeze. And fruits from highly cultured lands. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 227 Rural retreat ! abode of bliss ! Where pure domestic charms abound ; A welcome scene of happiness, Within the blest inclosure's found. I love a morning ramble well, The early warbling of the groves ; I love to hear the tinkling bell, As from the distant fold it moves. To range about the flowering hills, Tlie towering cliffs, and vallies low ; To stray beside the murmuring rills, Where shady clustering willows grow. Amidst the groves and forest shade. The meadows green, and fields of corn ; The fruitful farms, and opening glade, And the rich harvest newly shorn. The sweet, the clover'd passing breeze, The sounding flail, and " echoing horn;" The woodman's stroke, and falling trees, And all the mingl'd hum of morn. Or, from the mountain's granite side, View all the villages below ; The river's winding, onward glide. Where thickly foliaged woodlands grow. 228 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. That heavenly tinge, the clear blue sky, The blush upon its borders seen ; The gold-embroidered clouds which lie, So tranquil on the air serene. I love all nature where are seen, The soaring wing, the silken worm ; The azure heavens, and earth of green, Each in its native beauteous form. TO H. B. H H, 'tis said you court the muse, With aspirations quite profuse, When favoured with a vision ; May you its friendliness retain, And spend within the bower again, Its rich and sweet elysian. I wish that you would undertake Some good description of your lake, With graceful woodlands crowned ; The button-tree beneath whose shade. Your youthful gambols once were played, With circling throng around. The rural homestead on the green. The garden and the well between, With orchard, barn, and gate ; MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 229 The preacher's house, the winding lane, With fields of different kinds of grain, Their beauties and their state. The glorious sun doth seldom shine On lovlier meads, or groves more fine, Than round thy dwelling place; The sloping vale, the rising hill, The foliage sweet, and murmuring rill, Each give to each a grace. The Robin red-breast warbles still. The blue-birds and the whip-poor-will, Those songsters of the wing ; The chirping cricket partly hid. The pee-wee, and the caty-did, Make all the forest ring. Lovely and gay whom all admire. Doth Flora, rob'd in rich attire, With fragrant beauty stand ; The butter-cups and voilets blue, And flowers of every varied hue. Enamel all the land. Nor would I pass with careless eye, That splendid scene, the evening sky, Grandeur, supreme, immense ! When the bright sun retires to rest. And heaven in flaming gold is drest. With rich magnificence, u 230 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Sing that stupendous power which made Those beauteous scenes, and widely spread,. This infinite array ; May He, your gentle muse inspire, Wake your lov'd harp, and tune your lyre, In all its full display. MEMORY OF REV. JOHN CREAMER. Our friend has gone ! his lifeless clay Lies mouldering to the judgment day, In sweet repose ; his cold remains. The deep damp vault in trust retains ; Calm as the summer's evening smile, Retiring from a world of toil, He sunk to rest, in endless peace, Where all the storms of nature cease. His mind, when filled with love and grace, Presented charms in every place ; In him the virtues found a shrine, And form'd his friendly soul divine; Pure unaffected goodness spread Distinguish'd lustre round his head : While heaven did bounteously impart A gracious influence to his heart. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 231 He, as the minister of love, Drew his resources from above ; And all his povi^ers combined to raise A tribute to redeeming grace. His ardent soul enraptured bore His master's name from door to door ; And grace had such an impulse given, He walk'd on earth, and lived in heaven. As Christian, husband, parent, friend, He did unnumber'd virtues blend ; His name shall stand on history's page, Among the worthies of the age; And faithful friends'shall speak his worth. While he lies slumbering in the earth ; And when immortal crowns are given, God will approve his name in heaven. THE SLAVE. Freedom's the offspring of the sky. The noblest boon to mortals given. The source of those inspiring joys, That cheer the good man's way to heaven; But freedom weeps in lands her own. O'er millions that in slavery groan. 232 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. See, what an interesting band ! Bound by affection's strongest ties ; Parents and lovely children stand, Pledg'd by an order from the skies ; Yet, these as slaves are bought and sold, Through man's insatiate lust for gold. And hear ye not their mournful cries. Which fall impulsive on the ear 1 Portentous as the clouds that rise, And dismal as the storms they bear ] In realms where freedom's banners wave, A fellow man is made a slave. The soil our gallant fathers gained, Through floods of tears and streams of blood : Who once the well-fought field maintained. And hosts of veteran foes withstood ; And mighty gifts their valour gave, To all, except the negro slave. Land of the brave ! where splendid rise. The noblest institutions known ; Where science pours her rich supplies, And rears her temples of renown; Yet here is kept a hapless race, Consign'd to slavery and disgrace. Columbia ! where true christians dwell, Friends of the suffering and opprest ; MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 233 Whose bosoms with compassion swell, Angels of God to all distrest ; Yet here, whom Jesus loves and saves. By christians, men are sold as slaves. Heralds of universal love, Who freedom preach to all mankind, And point to radiant scenes above. Where all eternal life may find ; Yet solemn as this truth remains. These also hold the slave in chains. Freedom's illustrious advocates, Patriots, statesmen, and divines ; Within the bounds of their estates, The poor enslaved negro pines ! Far from his native kindred skies, He groans in slavery and dies. But ah ! the pleasing charm of hope. Those scenes of woe will soon be past ; And God himself will lift him up. And much lov'd freedom come at last ; And high in heaven eternally, The captive shall be ever free, u 2 234 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. OUR NATION. Thou great Eternal and Supreme, We would adore thy holy name; In dust and ashes reverence give, To thee in whom we move and live. Thou chose beyond the oppressor's rage, For us a goodly heritage ; Profusion smiled the seasons round, And peace each lovely hamlet crowned. Religion pure with cheerful smile, Dispers'd our fears and charm'd our toil ; Alluring to that high abode, The holy dwelling place of God. " The mountain of the Lord," did rise, Rob'd in the vestments of the skies ; While clouds of mercies passing o'er, Diffused their gifts from shore to shore. But we regret to feel and see Our want of faithfulness to thee ; How flagrantly have we pursued A course of vile ingrstitude. Polutions of a die profound. Darken our horizon around. Obscuring with a fearful gloom, Our prospects for the years to come. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 235 Pardon, O Lord, our vast offence, Fill us with holy penitence ; Form'd for thyself, O may we be A people sanctified to thee. Jeshurun's God ! do thou preside, Our nation o'er from side to side ; Blest may our institutions be To us and our posterity. Guardian of worlds ! with us abide. Where the hills arise or currents glide ; May heavenly power our bliss secure. While nations stand, or years endure. CONSCIENCE. The conscience, what] a trembling vane to find The various, moral currents of the mind ; To indicate whence all our actions flow, The features of our powers, perception show ; An inward monitor to mortals given, That points the course which leads us up to heaven. Thus, some affirm, and making this their guide, Presume they need no other means beside. No gracious change, no Saviour to atone, Beyond the conscience uninspir'd alone; But calm, reflecting reason would suggest 236 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. A mode, judicious, how this fact to test ; Some evidence to show that God designed That conscience should itself direct the mind. Suppose it thus, a sentinel within, T' announce the first, direct approach of sin ; Each virtuous thought and action to approve. Or check our wanderings when inclined to rove. A telegraph to cautious mortals given, To furnish notice of intelligence from heaven. But abstract conscience can no power convey. Laws, not its own, do regulate its way ; The Scriptures only can a standard give. To which it reference makes for rules to live ; And e'en with Scripture rules, it sometimes will Strain hard at gnats, and swallow camels still ; So scrupulous now, as not to cross a straw, Then passing all the obvious bounds of law, Will serve alike, a Turk, Malay, or Jew, The Bramin and untutored Indian too; Brib'd on occasions, will refuse to speak. Then rule, despotic, on the blushing cheek. Respect to rites, obsequiously pay. Then cast them conscientiously away. All things by turns, subservient to all rules, The drudge of hypocrites, and scourge of fools. 'Tis sometimes sear'd, the Holy Scriptures say, Harden'd like steel in furnaces which lay ; An evil conscience also is described. That evils, foul and loathsome, hath imbib'd ; Then, how can such a faculty dictate The measures which should holiness create ? MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 237 Bestow a peace divine, without alloy, And constantly inspire the soul with joy 1 Produce true heavenly-mindedness and grace, And make the human mind God's dwelling place 1 Conscience, itself, requires some rectitude, True holiness infused to make it good ; It must the Spirit's inspiration gain. And with the other faculties, be born again, Cleans'd and refined, it may direction give, And show enlightened Christians how to live ; Lead to the love of God, in Christ displayed. Those courts, accessable through Jesus, made. Some have no faith in Jesus Christ at all, With such, the voice of conscience must be small ; Whilst others semi- christians are, at most, Where conscience is in speculation lost. Let such for conscience in the abstract plead — The love of Christ its powers do far exceed ; Conscience can only better things approve, But he doth dwell in God who dwells in love. 'Tis love our faculties can purify, And every virtuous principle supply, Subdue each passion, form our lives more even. And is a prelude to the joys of heaven ; A pure, enlighten'd conscience will approve, The only way to happiness is love ; A gift alone, the Almighty doth convey When sin and guilt are wholly purged away; An image of the Eternal mind, it is, A vast, unfathom'd source of perfect bliss. Then what this love doth dictate, I will do; 238 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. This most I'll shun, that most of all pursue; A love that sanctifies and casts out fear, And ever indicates God's presence near ; 'Tis full of holiness, from heaven sent down, And dwells within the good man's heart alone. It is a principle that God hath given, By which the soul is moulded, fit for heaven ; The miniature of those blest realms of peace, Where pure and boundless pleasures never cease ; O may this love my passions all inspire, And warm my bosom with its sacred fire ; More gloriously illume the heavenly road Which leads to future happiness and God, And there, with prostrate cherubim, adore Its pure, enrapturing charms forevermore. THE INDIAN CHIEF'S LAMENTATION. Who then will care or mourn for me ? Who will regard my name or place? When I am dead, entomb'd shall be The last sad remnant of my race. Like some lone hemlock of the wood, By many a storm and tempest beat, I long have on the mountains stood, 'Midst winter's cold, and summer's heat. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. The time was, when with foliage gay, And verdant all my branches were ; That many a wild-bird wing'd its way, And found a place of nestling there. My spreading boughs have often been Beneath the sultry sky a shade, And from the furious storm a screen. Or place of rural pleasure made. Round me a thousand blooming trees. In fair and beauteous order stood. That bow'd most graceful to the breeze, And hymn'd the music of the wood. Those partners of my earlier years. The young, the vigorous, and the gay ; Unfeeling Time, who nothing spares, Has long since far removed away. Lonely, and drench'd with floods of rain, Scath'd by the lightning's fearful blow ; I've bow'd and righted up again. Though bent and strain'd in every bough. And many a cold and wintry day. Has chill'd life's fresh and genial flow ; My leaves th' autumnal change display, My limbs a wither'd aspect show. 240 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. A lone, and shattered hemlock now, My foliage on the earth lies spread ; Decay'd is every graceful bough. And fallen are my leaves, and dead. A few more passing seasons by, This form no more shall shade the ground ; But with its leaves shall prostrate lie, And not a remnant shall be found. And none shall tell the time or place. Where once I flourished and stood ; And no one branch of all my race, Shall occupy my native wood. Nor flowering bush, nor mossy stone. Nor yet a mark'd or shady tree. Shall make to passing strangers known, The least remaining dust of me. THE END. i ^^ '-i '-A '^^^ ?r\ ^^ %.' 4