PS 2959 .S58 LITTLE UY <:S BY flaurice Arnold Strothotte. BROOKLYN, H. V. PUBLISHED BY MAURICE ARNOLD STROTHOTTE. 523 LIBERTY AVENUE, BROOKLYN. COPYRIGHT 1896, BY MAURICE ARNOLD 6TR0VH0TT* o 5 & & "t& wneii oit we partea wim a sign, / My longing heart was pained, To feel unrest and wonder why In silence you remained. And while you doubt and I adore, You feign my love is play, That ev'ry kiss is nothing more, Than folly of a day. Say not that I'm forsaken, ^ Say not, that love is vain, "Bay not, that every tender dream Is lost again ! You alone, awaken Thoughts, so deep, so true, Fairest one, Oh J doubt me not, I love but you \ Measures that entrance, ev'ry one to dance, ' Merrily we strike the tambourine And ticcatlccating the mandolin To banibh ev'ry woe as we advance ! Softly trip, on toe and tip, Dance and sing, let music ring, Ah ! ne'er was so bright a day Ev'ry heart Is light and gay ! Peaceful Is the silent night, When ev'ry song the birds have hushed and sought their rest. Darkness rules the vanquished light, And thrills with strange emotion ev'ry mortal breast. Thy soothing pow'r we all extoll ! Oh wondrous night, our hearts console I With thy shadows born of deepest slumber blest 1 Onward, lads ! triumphant and victorious, Upward let the banners fly, their waves unfold aloft the sky, Onward, lads ! t'is honor ever glorious Brings the faithful guard a soldier's true reward ! 5 On the light and airy wheel, Like the fairies light we steal, 0*er the pathways do we steer, By the meadows far and near, Many a flower and many a brook awaits us at our side, 760, the very best of families can have a little spat, Be their name, Lord so and so, or be it plain and simple " Pat,'* Come to me, you weary hubbies, come to me, you jealous wives, Twill save you from disaster and refresh your dreary lives. Men make their vows fust to please a maid when she's vain, And every new face will bring forth another vow again. •■ Ah, trust in me, I'll faithful be !" Of course you'll ne'er look at another face, that is fair. For all charms are lost, while I'm beyond all compare " Ah that is true, this I'll ne'er do J " W« are dainty, little widows, Clever, bright and not nasaa Ev*ry semblance of afP<*f»t,Iot? Has not quite yet passed away 015 863 727 3 W