mmmmm. II 1 iffjffl Ulfti ■HHH • 1 mm BnBllillffl B88&8 B&BBBBBKi c*V aV -f V .<** » c "^ v* X ■-'■* V A* ^ - <, 3Salla*s IN IMITATION OF TH.E anttent By TV. H. IRELAND. LONDON: *RINTED TOR T.N. LONGMAN AND O. BEES, P4TERK0STER-R0W, SY EICCS ANP COTTLE, BRISTOL 1801, I\%\ DEDICATION. TO Miss ELIZABETH ANN NEWTON. Madam, 1 HE peculiar gratification which I have frequently enjoyed in your society, added to the great thirst for every species of litera- ture which you seem inherently to possess ; have prompted me to dedicate to you the following collection of Ballads, as a small tribute of the praise which your affability and mental acquirements so justly demand. Should the simplicity of stile which breathes throughout the following compositions, af- ford you the smallest entertainment during a leisure hour, the utmost wish will be gra- tified of Madam, Your very obedient humble Servant, W. H. IRELAND. 1 CONTENTS. PAGE, Preface ------- l —- A Ballad of the Ladie and the Knight - - - 5 ^ Lines addressed to Queen Elizabeth, in imitation of Spenser ----------- 15 "j Lamentation on the unhappy fate of the gallant Earl of Surry 21 Ballad of Sir Edgar of the Flood 27 Ballad on the Death of Prince Henry, &c. - - 81 I Ballad on the lamentable Death of the gallant Knight Fitzhugh ---«---- 85 Ballad of the Death of Hotspur Percy - - - $g To the Memory of the admirable Chrichton - 113 s A BaJlad of the poor and forlorn Lover - - - ng Ballad. — The Lassie of Dumfermline-Town - 125 Ballad of poor Rosa --------- 133 Ballad of poor Edwy, in answer to poor Rosa - 135 Ballad of the dolorous Death of the Lady Jane Grey ---- 137 Bdlad. The neglected Mither's doleful lamen- tation, kc. - • 1C7 CONTENTS. A Ballad intituled Edwy's Ghost ----- 171 A Dialogue Ballad, by the Queen of Scots, wherein she dolefully lamenteth the tragical end of her favourite, David Rizzio - - - 175 A Ballad, wherein the Queen of Scots mourneth her captivity, &c. -------- 181 Ballad, shewing the untimely fate of two young Lovers - --------„- 183 Ballad, by a Lover, on his false Mistress - - 185 Ballad, on the doleful Death of Sir Philip Sydney 187 The Maid of the Brook 1Q3 A Ballad on the gallant defeat of the Spanish Armada - --------- 197 PREFACE. Ere the Reader proceeds on the perusal of the following pages, I think it necessary to offer a few words which may perhaps tend in some measure to shield me from the severe lash of criticism which will doubtless be levelled against me on the present occasion. From the earliest dawning of reason to the pre- sent period of my life, I have constantly experi- enced the most pleasurable sensations on the perusal of those early specimens of poetic pro- duction for the preservation of which we are so much indebted to Doctor Percy, who some years 11. PREFACE. since colle&ed and published a compilation of the most celebrated and beautiful Old Ballads then extant. This prepossession I am perfectly well assured will meet the censure of many, and be deemed puerile by others ; still I not only dare avow the partiality, but also confess, that I have passed some pleasurable hours in the composition of the following Ballads. Instead of ths cultivated garden of the Muses, I now range amid the wild plains of unadorned Nature. No radiant effusions of fancy, no studied phraseology, will here be found ; all is simplicity 5 for the mere imitation of a Chevy Chace, and the feats of Robin Hood, are what I have aspired to 5 nay, I have even been so presumptuous as to preface each ballad with a prosaick description of its contents in some respects similar in stile to the preface. iii. language of the rude age I would strive to imitate. The after introduction of a short biographical sketch where it was deemed necessary to the elucidation of the stanzas, will not, I trust, appeal' irrelative to the purpose of this volume. From the admirer of classical writing, I can look for no mercy, I do not even expect that he will contaminate his bright genius with the perusal of such barbarism; neither from those individuals who are solely occupied with the Delia Crusca and modern school, can I hope for lenity. Thus I draw down on my devoted head the censure of an accumulated host, whose soaring minds, to use the words of our mighty Bard, detest the jingling saw of Grub-Street ballad makers. " They'd rather be kittens, and cry — Mew" j rc Than one of those same metre-ballad-mongers :" | Again he vow'd he'd never break The oath which he so oft had swore That he for aye would her adore. God grant that so he keep his say She ne*er may rue the month of May, a&trresseU to <&wm Clt?at>etfn In imitation of SPENSER 15 Addressed to Queen ELIZABETH. In imitation of SPENSER. There shines at eve beneath heav n's hallowness* A gentle star yclepedf 'Chastity Whose maiden light shows forth such comliness As doth outvie all other gems we see. From East where gold-ey'd Phoebus doth arise And eke from West where sinks the ear of light, This lovely gem doth greet men's wond'ring eyes No distance can controul its lustre bright, All nations are astonish'd with the dazzling sight. But chiefly on our coast it doth appear, We most do feel its kindly influence 5 * Arch. f Called. 16 Above all lands it doth our island rear Giving our rulers wisdom and prudence* By this it is we peace and wealth enjoy, By this in wars we gain the vi&ory ; By this from traitors we dread no annoy, By this protected is our liberty, By this is crush'd the threat'ning viper perfidy* Though heav'nly, yet this gem I will compare Unto a lovely maiden of this earth ; What boots it that I praise heav'n's star so fair, I can but paint the things of mortal birth. Then, reader, do not check your coui ser's fire, But let your winged fancy take its flight} For me I know the maid that doth inspire Mine heart with gladness and with true delight, On earth she hath no peer* to charm a mortal's sight. Eoual. 17 Her hair I liken to morn's saffron flush, Her skin is iv'ry or the marble sleek j Blue is her eyne as heav'n. The rose's blush Doth sweetly wanton on her glossy cheek. Her form is like the willow's waving spray, And with a Venus' grace she moves along -, Ne'er wanton is she, yet for ever gay, Lo, such my maiden is — and such her song, 'Twould, like a second Orpheus, lure the savage throng. Such is the Lady, such the fairy queen Whose lustre like this evening star doth shene. Camentatton #n t&e tm&appp fate of #e gallant €arlofg»tm:p. This accomplished young Nobleman whose fame has been celebrated by our first English Poets, fell a sacrifice to the capricious temper of his Monarch Henry the Eighth, who suspecting him of being inimical to the Protestant Faith, forwarded the trifling charges brought against him by his enemies, which, notwithstanding his spirited defence, ter- minated in bringing him to the block, 21 LAMENTATION On the unhappy fate of the gallant EARL of SURRY. Whilom* the morning star shone bright, But murky clouds have dim'd its light ; Our Surry pipes no more ! His clarion strain To mirth or pain Was wont to cheer the love-lorn heart y The balm is gone, we feel the smart, For Surry sings no more. Formerly. 22 Weep, ladies, weep, the gentlest youth That whilom sung the plaintive truth ; 'Twas Surry's pipe breath'd love. The flame he felt In 's breast love dwelt ; He saw the soft and dazzling eyrie, He saw and worshipp'd Gera/dine*, Twas then his pipe breath'd love. * As Petrarch had his Laura, so our Surry had his Geratthie, a lady whom he frequently compliments in his Sonnets, but whose real name was long unknown to the world. My Lord Orford, however, seems to have explained this mystery in his life of Surry. — Vid : Royal and Noble Authors, Vol. I. Page 104, &c. Where it appears that she was daugh- ter of Gerald Fitzgerald, Earl of Kildare. 23 Ah ! mourn the Youth so kind so true, Twine cypress wreaths and crowns of yew<$ Our Shepherd's pale and dead ! 'Twas envy's dart Ypierc'd his heart : Too sweet for earth he bloom' d a day* Still weVe the perfume of his lay, Surry the Rose is dead. Ballatr, <&f &iv e&gat oft^e Matin. Setting forth the worthiness of one Sir Edgar, a brave Knight of Westmoreland, who having slain an Earle's Son, was forced to flee and become an Outlaw dwelling in the green woods. Also, shewing the trustiness of his young Page, by whose cunning the Knight was saved when at his last shift. As it was the custom formerly, to signalize the exploits of those who for their misdeeds were compelled to seek fhelter in the extensive forests, which at that period were exifting in many parts of England, I have framed a Hero, and planned a Tale, as similar to those of ancient times as was consistent with the Ballads of those periods now extant. V BALLAD Of Sir EDGAR of the FLOOD. FIRST FYT* Great stories are told Of young and of old Concerning the stout Robin Hood \ And eke of his Squire Whom yet we admire, That ranged amid the green wood. * Part. 28 There's one Adam Bell,* Of whom ye've heard tell, A brave wight that never would flee. There's also I trow, Bold Clim* of the Clongh,* And his friend Will of Cloudeslee.* Likewise many more That lived before, And some who have since gain'd applause ) Whose deeds were upright As any true Knight, Though they were proscribed Outlaws. * Adam Bell. Clim of the Clough and William of Cloudes* lee y three noted Outlaws, who were residents in the forest of Englewood, in the neighbourhood of Carlisle. Of whom A Ballad in three parts is extant in Percy's colle6tion. 29 Yet tell ye I can Of a stout Yeoman None ere did his bold feats proclaim $ May Christ him defend, He was the poor's friend ; From Westmoreland's country he came. His lin'age was great, And fair the estate Of Edgar sirnam'd of the Flood 5 He'd stem the rough wave, His heart was right brave, His arrows oft drank the deer's blood. 30 His eye was most true, His bow was of Ewe, So sturdy his arm was and strong j The string tough and tight, The dart's blade was bright, His arrows a clothier's yard long. A silver tipp'd horn His breast did adorn j A plume grae'd his bonnet so green, His vest, *hose and f shoon Were everichone The brightest that ere yet were seen. * Breeches. \ Shoes. 31 The comliest grace Shone forth in his face, His limbs were both sturdy and strait > With glave* at his side, He'd walk, run and ride, While bold and upright was his gait, It chanc'd on a day As forth he did stray With greyhounds so swift, and so good, His bugle he wound The clear dulcit sound With sweet echo rung through the wood; * A broad swixd. 32 An Erie's Son so proud Heard th' echo so loud He urg'd on his high-blooded steed 5 He swore by his Sayf His hunter so gay, For his- bold presumption should bleed. " Woe worth thee betide " Sir Hunter," he cried, As proudly he straight did appear 5 " Gang hence from my sight, " Thou'rt no worthy Knight, ec And therefore thou shalt not hunt here/* f Oath. &3 ** What tongue is t so bold " That ever hath told (x To mortal a deed did me shame ; " Speak quick," cried the youth, " And speak naught but truth $ " 111 kno^ the-defamer's base name:" The Erie's Son then said " Thoud'st better been dead " Than call him a liar and base y " For I am that he " Who dares title thee " Unworthy in these woods^ to chace* 34 " I am the rich heir " Of these plains so fair, My father lords o'er this rich land 5 u I'm Son to an Earl, " And thou but a Churl, So straightways obey my command." Sir Edgar then cried,. " Thy threats I deride, " Though noble,, yet base is thy blood I 1 " Thy words I deny " And gire thee the lie, " I'm Edgar siraam'd of the Floods 35 The Earl's Son's dread ire Then kindled to fire 5 " Prepare thee, or yield to my will.'* His glave then he drew, On Edgar he flew The murderous threat to fulfill. " Thou vain hearted youth, " Retrad thine untruth," Cried Edgar, usheathing his steel, " For title nor gold, " My wrath shall withhold, " Thou quickly my prowess shalt feel/ 36 Then straight 'gan the fight, Their weapons so bright With warm blood were soon crimson'd o'er, Till Edgar's keen glave In life's blood did lave y The Earl's son he never spake more. That moment rode by In green livery, Two Squires of the bleeding Earl's son, To Edgar they cried, " Woe worth thee betide, " For thou hast this bloody deed done." 37 14 Troth Sirs, ye speak true, " I gave him his due, " His insolence caus'd his sad fate j ,J Sir Edgar's brave steed Then onward did speed, Thus ended the Earls Son so great. 38 BALLAD Of Sir EDGAR of the FLOOD. SECOND FYT. With much grief of heart In this second part, I'll tell ye what judgement befell 3 How for this youth's blood The Knight of the Flood Was forced in green woods to dwell. 39 The Earl proud and great, Soon learnt his son's fate, The Squires to the Castle did hie, With dolorous wail They\jtold the sad tale, The great Earl then loudly did cry. I swear by my lance My direst vengeance, For this shall Sir Edgar pursue, By Christ his dear blood, This Knight of the Flood, His daring presumption shall rue. 40 For I can command Throughout Westmoreland, And judged he straightways shall be. For this deed so dire He soon shall expire All under the forest's green tree. The warder then blew A blast shrill and true,, Each vassal obey'd the known call, Their armours' they lac'd, Their bucklers they brac'd, Then quickly did speed to the hall. 41 Yclad was each Knight In arms rich and bright Each Squire bore a lance stout and Jong, A bow, spear, and shield, Each vassal did wield, Right gaudy and gay was the throng. All rich to behold In steel wrought with gold, And mounted on courser so fine, With plumed crest so wide The Earl's self did ride, While brightly his Anlace* did shine. * A fond of hand Axe, 42 And in such array This troop bent its way Till dun clouds of night diram'd the sky, Haste, haste, the Earl cried, I'd rather have died, This night base Sir Edgar will fly. The Earl prick'd his steed, His war-horse did bleed As foaming he pranc'd o'er the plain, Each Knight and each Squire Obey'd his desire As onward they march'd with much pain. \ 43 The hour it was late, When lo to the gate Of Appleby's town the Earl came* His Squire the horn blew, The warder so true Cried, whence came ye, what is your name. Straight ope your gates wide The Earl's Page he cried, So wills the great Lor u Bid him straight disband' his soldiers u Or well strive with mioht and maku 101 ** When at Ravenspurg* he landed, " Rightful was his claim, I ween, " Peaceful then his every action, " Meek and lowly was his mien ; u But by fraud and wily cunning, " He his monarch did entrap, a Braggart like, he then deposed him, " Rueful is the sad mishap. Haughty Percy and the Douglas, To the Nobles thus did say, Yonder in the Western Welkin, Slopes the burning eye of day 5 Bolingbroke, that bold usurper, Doth our wholesome terms defy, Wherefore should we stay the morrow ? Fate to-day shall cast the die. 104 Vainly strove the aged nobles, 'Gainst the fiery Hotspur's will, Naught avail'd their goodly counsell, Douglas would the feat fulfill j Now the sound of neighing horses, Now the din of warriors brave, Now the clank of rattling armour, And the deadly dooming glave. Now in ranks yrange the footmen, With their arrows sharp and long, Now each man his yew ybending, To the horn doth bind the thong ; Some the axe bear, some the falchion,* Some the shining glave did wield, Others rear the launce ypointed, On their arms they brace the shield. * A crooked Sword. 105 Ev'ry chieftain to his captains Thus his kindly speech address'd : ** Lo, ye fight for truth and justice, " If ye die, ye shall be blest." Ev'ry captain to his hundred Straight the cheiftain's words did say, " Courage horsemen 5 courage footmen, " For your King ye fight this day. *' If ye conquer 5 captive Richard " By your arms enthron'd shall be, Mad the hardy Scottish Douglas, Badg'd with blood, with eye so fierce, To each Noble bad defiance 5 Great and small his glave did pierce, Long did last this fray so bloody, But brave Hotspur's lack of force Did to Henry yield the conquest, And the Percy's life divorce ; There did bleed full many nobles, There stout gentlemen did die, There fell yeomen without number? Jesu taks their Souls on high. 108 Foughtenf was this bloody battle Nigh the walls of Shrewsbury., From the goodly Castle's turrrets Townsmen did the feat descry ; There did meet of sturdy soldiers Fourteen thousand good yeomen 5 But one half ne'er saw the morrow, 'Twas tlie feast of Magdalen. When to Alnwick came these tidings, Sorely wept the gentle Dame 3 Naught she'd hear of goodly comfort, Naught she'd sigh but Percy's name, Frantick thro' each hall and chamber Did the Lady Catherine cry u Where's my Lord, my Love, my Husband! i( Give me back my brave Percy." f Fought. 109 Thus full many days did glide oir, Thus she made her plaint in vain -$ All her cries then turn'd to sadness, 'Twas her bosom felt the pain. Sometimes on her infant gazing, Big would swell her woe-worn heart, Then she'd sigh " He's dead, my baby i 9 " In her eye the tear would start. Ne'er again may such rude tumults Drench our land with human gore* Never may a goodly Lady, Thus her valiant Knight deplore y But may Lords and yeomen bravely Bound the board right jovial sing, Christ for aye in peace preserve us, And God bless our Royal King, The following Stanzas, written in the stile of the cele- brated Burns, the Scotch Poet, are offered as a trifling panegyric on the admirable Crichton, so named from the acureness of his talents and his proficiency in every accomplishment. He travelled over France and Italy. At Paris he challenged the Doctors of the University, and worsted them in every argument: he was there stiled the Monster of Learning. In Italy he signalized himself in several Tournaments and wrestling matches, always gaining the prize; for it appears his bodily strength and agility were equal to the transcendant en- dowments of his mind. He became tutor to a very powerful Nobleman's Son, who growing jealous of his favour with the Court, basely assassinated him by night, after Crichton in defending himself had slain three of his opponents. It is said that he was dissipated, and in derision- the Scholars of the Universities of Paris used to remark, that if any one wished to find the Monster of Learning, they must seek him in a Brothel. 1J3 To the Memory of the admirable CHMCHTON. Wherein ht is likened to a bonny flower nipt by the cauld and untimely blast. Gang nature weep the bonniest flow'? That ever liv'd in dewy bow'r And felt cauld winds in luckless hour To nip its bloom, No sunny heat, no dankishf showeir Can give it back its beauties power And rich perfume. f Moist. H 114 Why did the Sun no warm ray send ? Why did no leaves to screen it bend, That it maun* long its fragrance lend And colors gay ? Why suffer trayt'rous winds to rend And blast its leaves, its beauties spend And die away ? Ah, now full well the truth I know> Why thus ye suffer d winds to blow, Ang lay this lovely gem so low That it maun die. 5 Twas envy's fire that did yglow, 'Twas envy will'd and ye did so, For ye I sigh. * Might, 115 For 'gainst this flower ye strove in vain, Ni malice felt it, ni the pain, That did with death its beauties stain, In the cauld tomb. Again it lives on heaven's high plain, Thus by your envy doth it gain Immortal bloom. 3 Ballad #f tyz poor ano forlorn £obnv The Lover's station being far inferior to that of his Mistress, excited her neglect, which gave rise to these complaining lines. H9 BALLAD Of the POOR and FORLORN LOVER, No more let mirth my bosom swell, But sadness mark each hour, With me shall pining silence dwell, For I'm love's blighted flow'r. No more will sweet content be mine, No more the joyous lay 3 Sad shall my languid cheek recline, And sighs tell forth the day. 120 Unpitied am I doom'd to breathe My fait 'ring love-sick tale : Around my front I'll twine a wreath Of Willow-leaves so pale. Might I intreat of that soft hair, One glossy ringlet sw r eet, I'd guard it as love's relic rare - y Love should the present greet ! Frown not, adord, angelic maid, At love the most rerln'd 5 Pitty the heart you have betray'd, The urchin God is blind. Cou'd I in secret breath a strain To my fond soul's delight, 'Twould partly meliorate my pain And cheer the gloom of night. 521 For though I lack both wealth and pow'r> Nor boast a lineage great j Gold is the phantom of an hour, My mind is my Estate. Riches and titles pass away As shadows in a stream ; But Virtue, like the God of Day, Still sheds it's glorious beam* Then do not bid me pine in vain, But pitying, let me prove That lowliness can feel the pain. And teach you how to lov£> Cf)£ tmit of 'DumUxmlinz Cotom Displaying the cunning of a Scottish Maid, who tricked tier three auld luvers and was wed to her ain dear AndrYwe. 125 BALLAD. The LASSIE of DUMFERMLim-TOJVK* There lived in Dumfermline Town, A Lass that was ni white ni brown, But she was wond'rous pretty, She had a face most sweet, I trow, Her form was slini, her eyne like snow,. And she was shrewd and witty* * A Town in Fifeshire or* the banks of the Firth, of Forth. T26 A noble Laird of great Estate,- That was ycrooked i' the gait, Did plight his troth believe me, A Knight that four-score years had told, And eke a yeoman just as old, Did swear they luv'd her dearly. A bonny youth that had no store, Ni lands, ni kine, ni glittering ore, Did doat upon this Lassy $ Yet though he lack'd both gold and land, He had a trusty heart and hand, As any Lairdf believe me. f Lord c 127 Yet spight of a* the Laird's rich store, The Knight's and Yeomen's goodly ore, She could not luve them truly \ 'Twas Andrew's eyne and roguish smile, That did this maiden's heart beguile, He had not yet told twenty. Quod she one morn, what must be done ? Those old and rich men everichone Would fain make me unhappy 5 For were I with a one to bed, I should wish Andrew in his stead, And that were shameful truly. * All. 128 This lassie was in mickle* pain, Full oft she thought, and thought again, Quod she — De'il take this money - 7 For I am poor as sweet Andrew, And I do luve the lad so true, I'd fain do something funny. At eve this hump-back'd laird he came, Quod he, have pitty on my pain ! The maid she sroil'd full sweetly ; Anf it be so, the lassy cried, I faith, great Sir, I'll be thy bride, So thou'lt obey me truly. * Much. f If 129 The laird he swore ; then said the maid u Mine uncle hath a right good trade, eat& of t^e JLanp pne <$xw>. In Two Parts. Wherein is displayed the unstableness of grandeur, and the untimely fate which it sometimes pleaseth the Lord to inflict on virtuous souls. Shewing also the constancy of this Princess in all her sufferings, and her courage at the moment of execution ; with the death also of her virtuous and loving husband, the Lord Dudley, and the manner of their being beheaded in the Tower of London. This illustrious Personage of the blood Royal, by both parents, was no less conspicuous for virtue and mental accomplishments than for the nobleness of her family ; and was it not indeed that some of her panegyrists are remarkable for adherence to truth, we should be led to dispute the accounts handed down to us relating to this Princess. When scarcely emerging from childhood, she is said to have spoke her own language with accuracy, as well as the French, Italian, Latin, and Greek ; she was also versed in Hebrew, Chaldee, and Arabic. Her tem- per was sedate, and she appeared to possess inhe- rently a thirst after knowledge. By the machina- tions of her father, she was nominated heiress to the Crown, by the youthful Edward VI. at whose death she was proclaimed Queen, in opposition to her own wish, but merely in compliance with the desire of her aspiring father. On the accession of the vengeful Mary, her youth nor virtues could not screen her from the impending fate, and she was adjudged to die, together with her husband, as innocent a victim as herself. She met her fate with the same steady composure she had evinced through life, and may be deemed the wonder of her sex. Lady Jane was not sixteen at the period of her execution. 141 BALLAD Of the dolorous Death of the Lady JANE GRAY, FIRST PART. The fairest morn will have its cloud, Each pleasure hath its pain 5 To strive against Almighty God, I trow it were but vain. The Lilly by the running Brook, At morn may glad the eye 5 The Rose alike may waft its sweets, And in the evening die. There's naught on earth that can escape^ Or shun the will of God 5 We all must yield unto our fate, And kiss the galling Rod. 142 Then why complain, since great and small, Alike must yield to fate; The Lord he knows ni difference 'Twixt poor man and the great. So I shall prove an ye will list, And to my tale give ear j The Lord well loves the kindly heart Then do not check the tear. But send on high thy dolVous plaint, The Lord will not say nay ; But bless thine heart that it doth weep The death of Lad} Gray. When late upon our Edward sixth Most cruel death did frown, And he did quit this mortal state ; To wear a heav'nly Crown ; 143 He will'd, that this our goodly realm , Should own the Sovereign sway, That every man should bend the knee Before the Lady Gray. The Duke, this gentle lady's sire, Unto his child did say, " To thee, the King hath will'd his crown, " Thou must his will obey." The great Duke of Northumberland, Her husband's fader* dear, Said, " Daughter, thou must wear the Crown,. There is ni cause of fear." But Lady Jane, she was full meek, She scanf had told sixteen ; " I wisj I am to young," quod she, " To be great England's Queen. * Father, f Scarce. I I think. 144 te Ni Crown, ni Kingdom, would I have^ " But pass my life in peace ; <£ For with a Crown great perils come, " All happiness doth cease. '" I wou'd," quod she, " the live-long day €< With study feast my mind ; " That Jesu did forsake, €< I will ni spare a living soul, « They shall brin* at the stake. " Woe-worthf betide these churlish hinds,? a That dare deny my right 5" The Messenger then bent his knee,, And left the Princess' sight. Now scan§ nine days had Lady Gray Enjoy 'd the royal state, When mark the rueful difference,. In this sweet Princess' fate. To London Citty Mary came, With Nobles a great rout,[[ * Burn. f A kind of threat* X Boors. § Scarce. \\ Crowd. 140 Behind them marched many guards, That were both bold and stout. The Lady Jane right joyfully Did yield the thorny crown, But all obedience could not calm The wrathful Marie's frown. By warrant, she unto the Tower A Prisoner was ta'en -, Ni murmur'd she, ni shed one tear, Ni felt a minute's pain. And thither was Lord Guilford brought, Her noble husband dear, Whose face did show all innocence, Whose heart did feel no fear. The stout Duke of Northumberland^ Yfled with mickle speed, 150 But ta'en he was, and being tried, He for his act did bleed. The Lady Jane adjudged was Upon the block to die ; For beauty, truth and innocence^ Such was the destiny. Lord Guilford Dudley sentenc'd was By strokesman'sf blow to end ; Such is the meed J which providence, To virtue oft doth send. This cruel sentence being known. Sore vex'd each feeling heart ; Each man with shake of head did cry This is a bloody part. "j* Executioner. J Reward. 151 Thus know ye by this first partie, Her rise, her fall, and doom ; The next shall tell how willingly, She enter'd death's cold Tomb. 3 52 BALLAD Of the dolorous Death of the Lady JANE GRAY, SECOND PART. And now the fatal morn was come, The sun han gilt the sky,, And clouds of night on mountain tops In dankishf mists gan fly. The clarion cock his wings had shook, Then rung the matin song 3 It sweetly sounded o'er the plain, And echoed woods among. t Deivj, 153 The Lady Jane she did arise. And look'd on heaven so bright 9 " Oh Jesu, if I aught have done " That's shameful in thy sight 5 " If from thy goodly ordinance " My wayward heart was led, If from thy bless'd commandements My mind hath ever fled 5 <( Oh thou the God of mercy art, " Then wash the stain away, f( So I before Almighty God " May purely walk this day. " I have a husband, bless'd Jesu, " My soul doth love him well 5 " And that same axe that drinks my blood? " His precious head shall fell. 154 u For him great God now let me pray, " Oh bear his Soul to rest, <( May he for aye* repose in peace, " Upon his Saviour's breast. u May he in heav'n, to mighty God " The song of joy upraise, V And may my voice attune the chant, " To sing my Maker's praise-" Lord Dudley with the sun did rise, He rais'd his looks on high ; " An it be so I am content, " Great God this day to die. " I ne'er have gladly done offence, " Nor shunn'd thine holy will ; <( Each day it hath been my intent u Thy purpose to fulfil. * Eve 155 " But grant me grace, if ever I " To sin have been inclin'd, " If mortal flesh hath e'er controul'd " And harm'd my precious mind. Lord Dudley did depart. i6i Unto the Chapel-yard he march'd, To heav'n he pray'd awhile -, He shook the warden by the hand, Most calmly did he smile. Upon the block his head he plac'd, His neck was cleft in twain -, So sturdily the strokesman struck, I wis he felt no pain. Next came the Lady Gray full meek, It was a woeful sight: More calm she was than all around, They were in doleful plight. But as she marched through the yard, Her heart was griev'd full sore ; For guardsmen there beside her pass'd, Her husband's corse they bore.* .. * It is asserted in history, that before her execution she L 162 " I prithee yeomen halt awhile, " That I mayne look my last 5" They stopp'd while she on Dudley's corse, A steadfast look yeast. She gaz 5 d upon the lifeless form, One briny tear she shed, Then on her maiden's shoulder leant, And turn'd away her head. And to the scaffold being come, She there these wordes spake : u I never compassed the Crown, " Nor Marie's right would tak<% beheld from a window the mangled body of her husband, which was by accident borne near her. She requested the guards to pause, and after fixing her eyes upon it for some moments with steady composure, she proceeded on to the scaffold. 163 " Ambition never did beguile " This heart of mine away : " I acted as my fader will'd, " I dar'd not disobey. u Yet joyfully I yield my life : " So wills Almighty fate ; " Since innocent, I have done wrong, " My life shall pay the State." Then down she knelt upon her knee, And having said one pray'r, From off her neck the covering, Her weeping maid did bear. With visage calm around she look'd, The strokesman craved grace 5 Quod she, " I freely pardon thee> " Upon this goodly place." 164 Then fore the block she plac'd herself, And down her head did lay, The strokesman gave the fatal blow That bore her life away. Thus died Lord Dudley, gallant youth $ Thus ended Lady Gray $ They both were English hearts of truth, None dare my words say nay. All that beheld their bloody end, With weeping eyes went hame :* And those to whom the tale was told, I wis did do the same. Christ Jesu to his breast them take : May we again ne'er see A deth so rueful as this Lorde's, And Jane his lov'd La die. * Home, 165 Thus to the morn most purely bright, This Lady may compare ; Or like the lilly by the brook, That waves it's head so fair* Or like the Rose upon it's spray, Whose beauty glads the eye, E'en like these flow'rs, at Morn she bloom'd, And with the Eve did die. Thus none the will of God can scape, Ni Sov'reign, ni great Earl ; por God in heav'n alike commands, The Emperor and Churl. 167 BALLAD. The negletled Mither s doleful Lament to her Child, on its Father s inconstancy, with the Answer of her Boy. Baby, baby, where's thy Fader, Whither doth he ride ? Mither, Mither, on the white Horse, By the clear brook's side 5 Say, ah wherefore did he quit me ? Cauldly blows the wind. Mither ! Mither ! he's hard-hearted, Fickle and unkind. 168 Did he feel no soft compassion For a breaking heart ? Mither, felt he aught of kindness,, Would he thus depart ? Yet with smiles by yon bright heav'n Oftimes hath he sworn ? Mither mark how true his vows are Now you're left forlorn. Pure as drifted snow I thought hinr, And believ'd each oath. Mither now behold his fondness ; Where's his plighted troth. Since he's gone ah what maun I do, Never would he wed. Mither, steel thine heart as he doth, With another bed. l0& Baby, baby, what woudstthou think f Where wondst thou abide ? Mither, Mither, I would sit me Down by the Brook's side. But when sad and sore a hunger'd Who would guve thee cheer .? Mither I would live on sighing, And drink down each tear. And couldst thou then bear to leave me ; I that gave thee breath ? Mither I for aye would shun thee, As I'd fly grim death. Say my bonny boy coud'st quit me, And so flinty prove ? Mither an thou'dst leave thine infant Where would be thy Luve ? 170 Dearest, I will ne'er forsake thee, Though thine fader's base, Mither I for aye will lave thee And thy sorrows chase. Gang then youth so iron-hearted, Gang from luve and me, With my babe Ise grow forgetful, Chasing luve and thee* 171 A BALLAD Intituled ED IVY's GHOST. Shrill blew the blast when Edwy died, And murky was the sky ; And gemmy dew like orient pearl, Y'flowd* from Emma's eye. Farewell, lov'd youth ! " thou'rt gone," she cried, Whiles I thy loss must weep ; Yet soon, sweet love, I'll follow thee, And share death's dampy sleep. * Didfloiv* 172 Then sorrowing stray' d, the love-lorn maid, And wept at Edwy's grave ; A laurel garland she had twin'd, For Emma's love was brave. Oft in the bloody conflict's heat, He dar'd the threat'ning foe 5 Whiles she his lonely love had sat, And silent pin'd with woe. The wind was hush'd, the palid moon, Display'd her silv'ry sphere 5 The maid was chill, the maid turn'd pale, The maid was struck with fear. Slowly her timid eye she rais'd : A spectre form was seen With meagre cheek, and deadly hue, It was her Edwy's mien. 173 The night blast rose 3 a moaning sigh Swell'd on the passing air : " My love adieu/' the vision cried, " Farewell my Emma fair !" She shriek'd ; she sunk upon the sod, But when her gaze she rear'd, The wind grew calm ; the moon beam'd forth, The phantom disappeared. " List, list, once more my true-love calls \ u His mandate I obey. 1 ' She kiss'd the turf ; then heav'd one sigh That bore her soul away. ^Dialogue Ballad %v tije <©&eei3 of §>e®ci?, 2B|)erem sfte ooWulty lammtefl) fye tragical enti of tyt fabourtte, £>abttr iRt^to, David Rizzio, the confidant of Mary, Queen of Scots, was originally a Musician of Turin. He so far insinuated himself into the Queen's favor, that it became at length impossible for any one to procure access to her without first gaining his interest. Some historians even affirm that their intercourse was criminal, and her neglect of the Lord Darnley, her husband, gives some color of probability to this suggestion. Rizzio, however, did not escape observation, and his enemies represented his con- duct and that of the Queen in such glaring colors to her husband, that the favourite was shortly after dispatched by Lord Darnley's order, being forcibly dragged by luffians from the Queen's apartment into an adjoining antichamber, where he expired after receiving fifty-six wounds. 177 A DIALOGUE BALLAD, By the QUEEN of SCOTS. SHEPHERD. Why howles the mountain blast sae shrill> Why waves the hawthorn on the hill, And eke* the willow pale? Why doth the stream so sadly sound, As ripling o'er the pebbly ground, It seems to make its waile ? * Also. M 178 SHEPHERDESS. If thou, sweet youth, the tale woud'st know, That makes the winds sae shrilly blowe, And waves the hawthorn green, Thou'lt like yon Willow hang thine head, And tears as o'er yon pebbly bed, Will flow from thy bright eyne. SHEPHERD. 1 I can greet the merry tale, Or sadly sigh, and weep and wail, If sorrow meets mine ear. Therefore I prithee tell me why The winds, the trees, the brooks do sigh ; Thy sad'ning strain I'd hear. 179 SHEPHERDESS. Hast thou not oftimes seen a swain Whose song did echo o'er the plain ? Ah well away he's fled. No more you'll hear his dulcit song; The knell of death goes ding, ding, dong, For now alas he's dead. The murd'rer's dirke is wet with blood, I saw the streaming red, red flood, Rin trickling downe his side; I saw his cheek so wan so pale, I saw his bright eyne gin to fail, I saw the gash sae wide I 180 SHEPHERD. Oh, then I'll weep my kindsome fair, My sighs shall swell the moaning air, For gentle was the youth -, His eyne was bright, his face was sweet, A form like his I ne'er shall greet -, His heart was love and truth. 181 A BALLAD. Wherein the QUEEN of SCOTS mourneth her Captivity and hard mage at the CASTLE of LOCHLEVEN. The lengthened sufferings of this Princess gave rise to the following iines ; for however faulty her conduct in many instances, yet it is generally allowed that she did not merit such rigorous treatment from a Sister Queen. Round this dungeon damp and dreary, Oft I bend my aching eye, Till my troubled soul grown weary, Vents its anguish in a sigh. Men, alas, there's no believing, All are cruel and unkind j Here there's naught but false deceiving, Man's more wav'ring than the wind. 182 Did the secret sigh of anguish Reach my cruel Sister's* ear > Did she see me pine and languish, Could she view this falling tear, Then her flinty heart might borrow Gentle pity's tender sigh j Then the silv'ry drop of sorrow, Soon would grace her pensive eye. Will no stranger hear my ditty ? Must I pine in silence drear } Will no female melt with pitty ? Will no hand asswage the tear ? No, 'tis o'er, my fate's decided j Languid beats my breaking heart > Forgot by friends, by fate derided, Life and Mary soon must part. * Queen Elizabeth. 183 BALLAD. Shelving the untimely Fate of two Young LOFERS* No more the Lilly rears its head, Or glistens in the morning dew 5 *The perfume of the Rose is fled, It faints, my Emma dies for you. Haste, haste my love, attune thy lute, And fill my breast with rapt'rous fire ; No longer let thy voice be mute, for thou cans't bid my soul expire. Hark ! on the breeze I hear a knell, It chills my languid, love-sick breast ; 184 Ah ! wherefore tolls the solemn bell, And must I wear the Cypress crest > No, /ather will I brave death's dart, And seek resign'd my final doom ; From thee my soul shall never part, With thee I'll rest within the Tomb. This spot was witness of my truth, Twas here my heart became thy slave y Receive it then exclaimed the youth, And frantick plung'd into the wave. So fate the opening Rose will crop, Thus withers beautie's sweetest flow'r : They bloom'd, then to the grave did drop* The children of a fleeting hour. 385 BALLAD, By a LOVER on Ms false MISTRESS. Like to the Damask Rose so gay, Or like the scented breath of May, Or like the Lilly by the stream, Or like a pleasing passing dream, Or like at morn the lark's shrill song, Or like the jocund bells' ding dongj Pleasing as these, to sight and ear was she* But like these, wither'd for her perfidy. 180 True as the Shepherd to his love, Or like the constant downy dove, Or like the blazing noontide Sun, That ne'er forgets its course to run, Or like the varying current's tide, Or like swift time that still doth glide. Ev'n like all these my mistress once was true, But now grown false, to all she bids adieu. Free as the air on desert wild, Or free as fancy Nature's child, Or free as ]ark that pipes on high, Or free as stars that lace the sky, Or free as soul when death's chill dart Th' immortal from this frame shall part. Thus free from Love ; unshackled thus my mind j Now I have learnt the fraud of Womankind* Dallas* $f ti)e tsolefttl £>eat|) of tfmt mtrrour of true fentgfjtfjooo, tije noWe ano baltant Bit pijtltp &2>tmep, Who expired of a wound he received at the Battle of Zutphen* Together with his merciful conduct on quitting the field. This extraordinary young Nobleman was a peculiar favourite with his Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, who was compelled to restrain his thirst for glory in several instances. He was learned, brave, and generous ; and so high was his reputation throughout Europe, that we are informed he was in election for the kingdom of Po- land, but the queen refused to further his preferment, not out of emulation, but that she was averse to lose the Jewel of her Court. He expired on the 2 2d of Sep- tember, 1586. 189 BALLAD Of the doleful DEATH of Sir PHILIP SYDNEY, Weep my Country, weep your Glory, Sydney lies on Zutphen's plain 5 Never did more rueful story, Wakeyour breasts to silent pain. Zutphen saw our Phillip numbered With the pale and icy dead ; There with glory Sidney slumber'd, There with honour Sydney bled* There he bad the foe defiance, And with heroes rank'd his name 5 'Twas not wealth, or proud alliance, Sydney thirsted after fame. 190 As from Zutphen s soil fast bleeding, Philip wounded bent his way, His own surFrings little heeding, Glory having crown'd the day 5 Faint with pain, with thirst expiring, Oft he claims the friendly bowl \ Water's cooling draught requiring, To recruit his sick'ning soul. Soon the ample can was given, By a Squire of Sydney's train ; But this virtuous child of heaven, Melted at another's pain. For from off the field of battle, Where the hardy warriors bled, Where the murd'rous cannons rattle Seal'd so many with the dead 5 Lo, a menial Soldier dying, By his pitying comrades borne, Sydney's can so wistful eyeing, With a faint and dol'rous mourn, Rais'd the dew of tender sorrow In Sir Philip's sunken eye 5 Sydney pity's soul did borrow, Faintly thus the youth did cry : Little are my wants believe me, Take from hence this flowing can : Yon poor Soldier's mis'ry grieves me, Bear it to that dying man. From his lips, so parch'd and quiv'ring, Sydney straight the liquor gave ; Soon death's damp and chilly shiv'ring Struck the pitying hero brave. 192 Thus awhile the youth did languish. Thus he fell on Zutphen's plain, Thus expir'd, with parch kig anguish, Feeling for another's pain. Weep, ye brave, the child of glory Died entwin'd with mercy's crest 5 May our valiant Sydney's story, Warm each gallant Briton's breast. May this true but rueful ditty, Virtue to each youth impart ; May each soul be warm'd with pitty, May each breast wear Sydney's heart. 193 The MJID*of the BROOK Sadly sat a weeping maiden, All beside the rippling stream ) Green the turf, and clear the waters Bright the spangling noon tide beam. To each breeze the maid did sigh Willow,* willow, willow, Death shall sing my lullaby 5 Willow, willow, willow. * This word, Willow, occurs frequently at the termina- tion of the stanzas of sorrowful Ballads. We find Shakspear very affe&ingly introduce it in Othello, Act IV. Scene 3, when Desdemona repeats the ensuing 1Q4 Lillies white as snow from heaven, Did this maiden's cheek outvie : But the Rose's bloom was wither' d, Dew dank'd violet was her eye ; To the brook she made her moan, Willow, willow, willow, Death's for me now Edrick's flown, Willow, willow, willow. Bright the bed on which the waters Did in gentle murmurs glide, lines, alluding to a Ballad in two parts now extant, en- titled Willow, Willow, Willow. " My mother had a maid call'd Barbarie : ** She was in love ; and he she lov'd forsook her, " And she prov'd mad. She had a song of PFH/ow, u An old thing 'twas, but it express'd her fortune ; c * And she dyed sinking it." ]Cj5 But this maiden's locks more glossy Careless hung adown each side. To the rippling sound she'd say Willow, willow, willow. Death's my bride, ah well away, Willow, Willow, willow. Thus forlorn the hapless maiden Long did make her doleful wail, Edrick heard, he stood, and listened, Edrick pitied the sad tale. To the maid the swain did cry, Cease the sad song willow, Sorrow fled, the maid did sigh, And sung no more the willow. a Ballad <®xi tije gallant defeat of tf;t For this most celebrated victory the English are greatly indebted to the interposition of Providence in their favor, as the gallant endeavours of our seamen were aided by the tempestuous elements, which conspired to disperse and shatter the invading force of Spain. The engage- ment took place in the year 1588, when Sir Francis Drake, the Earl of Cumberland, and several other Noble- men distinguished themselves by their disinterested con= du6t in freely volunteering for the defence of their Coun- try, Religion, Sovereign, and Constitution, 199 A BALLAD On the gallant DEFEAT of the SPANISH ARMADA. Didst thou see the Streamers waving ? Didst thou see upon the Flood England's gallant War-ships laving, England's Sailors staunch of blood ? Yes, I saw the streamers flying O'er the green and foaming wave, Gallant Seamen, joyful crying, English Seamen stout and brave. Didst thou see the Spaniards riding, With their flags so rich and bright ? Yes, I saw their vessels gliding, Ready for the dreadful fight, 200 Didst thou see their line of battle Spread upon the watry plain ? Didst thou hear the cannons' rattle ? Didst thou mark the blood-red main ' » Yes, I saw the signal given, And the Spaniards 'gin the fight. Yes, I saw the face of heaven 5 Dread, yet glorious was the sight. Now the winds tempestuous roaring, Waft the billowy waves on high, And the Spanish vessels soaring, Seem to touch the darken'd sky. Now the groans of thousands dying, And the conqu'rors joyful shout ; Now the shatter'd war-ships flying, Speak the haughty Spaniards' rout, 201 Didst thou see the boisterous railcrs Forc'd to fly old England's coast ? Yes, I saw their vanquish'd sailors, Humbled was the daring host. Didst thou view their vessels stranded, And the prisners brought to shore ? Yes, I saw the crews safe landed, England's sons did God adore. May our Queen, by Heav'n protected, Long reign o'er our Isle in peace ; May we. never be subjected, May these bloody horrors cease ! END. Printed by Biggs & Cottle, Bristol. $45 .>..' <*v '+■ V *A I "W Deacidified using the Bookkeeper proces} Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: April 2009 PreservationTechnologies j A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 /•"^ •% ^ ■% ' ■ ++ ^ ■^ ^ v *>:>• f r « I v r> ,^y LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mill 014 490 769 3 $&! say