.0 '^0^ •^K ,/ -o^^^.'%o^ ^^,^^3?\/ %'^^''y . v^ 0^ .»••-'. "O \> . Ao^ c\ ' .v-^'. V °" .^' '^ * • * •^0^ oHO^ .0 ,0 ^. ^>^-\/ o. .:w-,^ ^0 -^...^ 0^^^^^^!]:%-:. ^^.v ^'i^/^.\ "^-^^^r o^^ ^oV' 0^^\C "oV^ ^^s- ,Ho. v^ ■:^ ^ v\^ ,'. "-^^0^ ^\ ^oV"^ SCITUATE MASSACHUSETTS SECOND CHURCH RECORDS (IN ABSTRACT) 1645— 1850. With Interleaves for Corrections and Addition*. \Keprinteil from New England Historical and Genealogical Register ^^ BOSTON WILFORD J. LITCHFIELD 1909 <^t. /fy^r^s — to ? Q^ RECORDS OF THE SECOND CHURCH OF SCITUATE, NOW THE FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF NORWELL, MASS. Baptisms. A Catalogue of the names of all such as have beeue baptized by Guilulrao Wetherell* pastor to y® Church since his election into office in Septbre : 1G45. Anno : 1645. Sarah y^ daughter of Will Wetherell ) Hopestill y® sonn of Elisha Besby >- Thomas y® sonn of Thomas King ) Deborah ye daughter J ^^. ^ ^jjj^^.^ Daniel y sonue ) ° Hannah y** daughter of Wll Brook ■^ Joseph, Benjamin, Thomas, sons of Rob* Studson : Joshua y'' sonn of Geo : Willard Joanna y*^ daughter of Ephraim Kempton. Sarah, Joseph, Hanna, y*^ children of Wll Randall .John ye sonn of Elisha Besby Samuel y® son of Resolved White ' ' Rebecca y*^ daughter of Tho : Lappham Sarah y^ daughter of John Stockbridge Anno : 1646 Nathaniel y*' sonne of Will : Brook ■OT 1 .1 r v® son & dauofhter of Thomas Starr Elizabeth ) ■ => Hanna y*' daughter of widdow Hatch o' V > y'^ daughters of Gilbert Brook Sarah \ ■' ^ Samuel y*^ son of Robt Studson Lydia y" daughter of George Sutton Hanna y*^ daughter of William Wetherell William y" sonne of .Tames Torry 1647. Mary and William y® children of Wllm Parker William y*' sonn of .Tames Adams Martha y" daughter of William Parker Hesther y*^ daughter of .Tohn vStockbridge Resolved y'^ sonn of Resolved White Septbr y*" Sept. 14. Oct : a. Novemb. 2. Novemb. 9. Novemb, 23. Decemb. 21. March 1.5 1646 March 29. .Tune : 7 .Tune. 14. .Tune 21. July. 12: Sept. 13. Febr. 28. March. 21. 1647. May— 16. May, 23. June 13. July— 11. Novemb. 14 * The earliest records in the pastor's own handwriting give his name as Wetherell, Mr. Deane, in his History of Scituate, spells the name Witherell in almost every in- stance. Perhaps the pastor later changed the "e" to "i." Patience y*^ daughter of Ephraiin Kempton Mary y** daughter of William Brook William y'^ son of William Raudall Daniel y*^ sonn of Thomas King 1648 Nathaniel y^ sonn of Abraham Prebble John y® sonn of Robt Studson Mary y*^ daughter of Elisha Besby Joseph y® sonn of Thomas Lappham Sarah y^ daughter of George Sutton ve sonns of John Turner senior 1649. Joseph y** sonn of James Torry Joseph y" sonn of Richai-d Garret Ephraim y*^ sonne of Ephraim Kempton -"■ Jonathan ) -' Joseph j • Patience y*" daughter of William Parker Anna y*^ daughter of James Adams Anna y" daughter of Resolved White Mary y*' daughter of Gilbert Brook Elizabeth y'^ daughter of Thomas Courtis John y" sonn of James Baits Margaret y*" daughter of George Bastow 1650. Naomi y® daughter of Richard Sylvester John y" Sonne of William Randall Eunice y® daughter of Robt Studson Sarah the daughter of Thomas King [ Sarah y** daughter of WUm Brook j Rachel y^' daughter of Gilbert Brook Deborah y'' daughter of William Bastow Sarah y*^ daughter of George Sutton Nathaniel y® sonne of Mr Joseph Tilden Ezekiell ye son of John Turner senior Manasseh y*^ sonne of Ephraim Kempton Hannah y^ daughter of Walter Hatch John: Hannah: ) , .,-, e t \. -o Sarah Mary the | "^^^^^^^ "^ '^^^^ ^''y^°' 1651. Richard y^ sonne of James Adams Martha y*^ Daughter of Elisha Besbye Mary \ Elizab. ■ y^ daughters of Henry Adverd Sarah ) Damaris y** daughter of James Torr\' John the sonn of Richard Garrett Martha y** daughter of John Bryant Lois y^ daughter of Robt Studson Novemb. 21. Novemb. 28. Jan. 2. Febr. 13. 1648. Apr. 9. May. 7. Sept. 10. Sept. 24. Decemb. 3. 1649. March. 25. Apr. 1. Apr. 8. May May. 6. May 20. June. 10. July. 15. Aug. 19. Octob. 7. Febr. 24. 1650- Apr. 14. Apr. 28. May. 19. May. 26. July. 7. Aug. 18. Sept. 15. Septr. 29. January. 19. Febr : 9 : Mar. 23. Mar. 23. 1651. Apr. 27. Apr. 27. June 29 : Novemb. 2. Novemb. 30. March : 7, March. 21. 1652. Experience y'^ daughter of Henry Adverd, Jeremiah y® son of Jei-emy Burroughs Miriam y*^ daughter of William Brooks John y*' Sonne of Thomas King ^f°^~ I ye daughters of Richard Courtis Elizabeth J -^ * Elizabeth y*^ daughter of Resolved White Phebe y^ daughter of Gilbert Brooke Mary y'' daughter of Wll Hatch { William y'' sonne of Wll Bastow \ Elizabeth y*". Daughter of Wll Randall John y*' sonne of Mr Joseph Tilden Lydia y® daughter of John Turner senior 1652. Apr : 18. May. 23. June 6. June 27. July 4. July 4. Septbr 5. Octob : 3. Octob. 17. Jan. 2. Febr : 20. 1653. 1653. John y*^ Sonne of Humphrey Johnson May. 8. George y'' sonne of George Bastow (deceased at Cambridge) June. 12. Elizabeth y" daughter of Geo Sutton Aug. 28. Samuel y^ sonne of Walter Hatch Jan. 1. Mary y" daughter of James Adams Febr. 5. John y® sonne of Richard Courtis Febr. 5. Robert y® sonne of Robt Studson Febr. 26. Samuel y*^ sonne of .John Bryant Febr. 26. Thomas y^ sonne of Thomas Robinson Mar. 5. John y® sonne of Jeremy Burrouges Mar. 5. Phoebe y^ daughter of William Hatch Mar. 19. 1654. Hesther y^ daughter of Richard Sylvester Nathaniell y^ sonn of Richard Garrett Jonathan y® sonn of .James Torry ) Ruth y'^ daughter of Ephr : Kempton ) Josiah y*^ sonne of Resolved White . — John y® sonne of .John Turner | Elisha y® sonne of Elisha Besbye j Rebecca y** daughter of Mr Joseph Tilden Job y*^ sonne of William Randall Margaret y® daughter of James Adams Deborah y® daughter of William Brooke 1654. Mar. 26. May 11. Septbr. 24. Octob 14. Octob : 29. Febr 25. March 4. March 18. March 18. 165-5. 1655. - Nathan y'' sonne of Thomas Turner March y^ 25. Batshebah y*^ daughter of Gilbert Brooke April 8. Martha y* daughter of William Bastow Apr. 22. Mary y^ daughter of John Stockbridge April. 29. Elizabeth y® daughter of James Doughty May 27. Elizabeth y*^ daughter of Jeremy Burroughs May 27. Joseph y*' sonne of Humfrey .Johnson July 22. ^ Israeli y*' sonne of John Turner, junior and grandchild to Humfry Turner Novemb. 25. Mary y« daughter of Richard Garrett Decembr 30. y'' daughters of Natlianiel Rawlins and grand- children to Rich Sylvester Elizabeth Ruth Jane, y® daughter of AValter Hatch Febr. 24. March 9. 1656. Mary y^ daughter of Richard Courtis Miles y*^ soun of William Parker Lydia j^ daughter of William Parker Daniel grandchild to our sister Spring, and sonne to Daniel Pryor Lydia y*^ daughter of William Hatch Hannah daughter of Nicholas Wade Increase sonne to John Wiietston ) w Elizabeth daughter to Thomas Turner j Susannah daughter to Resolved White Margarite y*^ daughter of Antony Dodson Lydia daughter to Nathaniel Rawlins Hannah daughter to Elisha Besbee Mary ye daughter of John Adams of Marshfield & great grandchild to AViddow James Joseph y^ sonne of Thomas Robinson Mary y® daughter of James Torry ) Sarah y® daughter of Thomas Ligham 1657 I Joseph y*^ sonne of n\^ Joseph Tilden Mary y*^ daughter of Jeremiah Burroughes Elisha y'' sonne of John Turner senior ^ Rebecca y*' daughter of Gilbert Brooke >- Martha y"^ daughter of James doughty ) Benjamin y** sonne of Richard Sylvester Elizabeth '> Joseph >■ y*' children of George & Elizabeth Vaughan Daniell ) Thomas the sonne of William Brooke John y*^ sonn of John Rogers jun'' Benjamin y^ sonne of Humfrey Johnson Sarah, the daughter ) John ) ^, >■ of Ralph Chapman Ralph I ^^^^^"^^^ \ xj 1 - the daughters ! ^ j ■, -n, ..i- Hannah \ * >- of John Phillips Joseph the sonne ) Timothy the sonne of Robt Studson Benjamin the sonne of William Randall Mary y*^ daughter of Thomas Robinson 1658. Martha y^ daughter of Richard Courtisse Patience y® daughter of Nathaniell Rawlins Benjamin the sonne of John Phillips Mary the daughtej* of Thomas Oldham John the sonne of Thomas Clappe 1656. Apr. 6. Apr. 6. Apr. 13. July 6. July 6. August 3''. August. 10, Novemb. 9. Novemb. 23. Decembr. 7 Decemb. 14. March. 8. March 22. 1657. March 29. Apr. 5. Apr. 12. Apr. 12. Apr. 12. May 17. May 31. June 28. Aug. 23. Sept. 20. Sept. 27. Octob. 4^^ Octob. 11"'. Novemb : 8*". Febr. 28. 1658. May 2'^ July 4"'. Aug. 15. Octob. 3^'. Octob. 31. Mary the daughter of Thomas Turner John the sonne of Geo : and Elizab : Vaughau Antipas the sonne of Walter Hatch Mary y^^ daughter of John Turner Sen"" Isaack the sonne of William Randall Josiah y'^ sonne of James Torry 1659. Mary y*" daughter of Jeremy Hatch } Lydia y'^ daughter of James Doughty ) Elizabeth y« daughter of Elizabeth Barlow(?) • Miriam y'' daughter of John Turner jun'' | John y'' sonne of AVilliam Tickner j Jonah' the sonne of Jonah Pickles Stephen the sonne of Mr Joseph Tilden, Hannah y« daughter of John Hanmer. Hannah y^ daughter of Gilbert Brook Johanna y* daughter of Wllm Brook Mary y® daughter of Thomas Robinson Nathaniel y® sonne of Nathaniel Rawlins Abigail y'' daughter of Thomas Clappe Daniel the sonne of John Bryant Margaret the daughter of Ilumfrey Johnson 1660. Thomas y^ sonne of Rhoda Rogers Thomas y® sonne of Richard Curtisse. William y® son of William Hatch John the son of John Lowell of Boston Hannah y'' daughter of Daniell Wetherell Nicholas^® sonne of Nicholas Wade ] Batsheba y** daughter of John Whetstone [ Mary y'' daughter of Geo & P^lizabeth Vaughan { Thomas the sonne of Thomas Lambert J Samuel y^ sonne of Mr. Joseph Tilden Thomas y^ sonne of Joseph Oldham Kenelm y^ sonn of Helen Baker, Lydia y*" daughter of Hellen I>aker Marishfield Sarah, y" daughter of James Torry. Nov^ 7. Novemb : 7. Decemb. 5. Jan : 2''. Jan. 9*^ Jan. 30. 1659. Apr 10. May 8'*'. May 15. June 5. July. S-J. July 24. Octob. 2". octob. 16"'. November 6"" Decemb. 1 V^ Febr. 5"\ Febr. 5"^. Febr. 26. 1660. Mar. 25. Apr. 22. Apr. 29. June 17**'. June 24"' these four were baptized July. 1. .Tuly. 1,1660. Novemb. 4"'. Jan. 6*^ Mar. 24 Mar. 24. Mar. 24. 1661 205 210 — 215 Benjamin y® son of John Turner senior Abraham ^ Israel - Sarah | Isaack ) Rebecca j children of Wllm Homes Josiah I gj,ji(jj.gj^ ^f William Homes Mary ) Bethaia y® daughter of Walter Hatch Mercy y** daughter of Jonas Pickles Eunice y^ daughter of Thomas Turner Daniell y** sonne of Daniell Hicks Samuel y^ sonne of John Turner jun'. .Toanna y*" daughter of Richard Stanley Apr. 14. Apr. 14 Apr. 27th May 12th May 19 th May 19"' Aug. 4** Septbr 29 6 220 1662 225 230 1663 235 240 245 1664 250 255 260 Elizab. y^ (laughter of Nathaniel Rawlings j Sarah y" daughter of John Folke \ Elizeb. y® daughter of William Homes Mary y<^ daughter of John Bryant Jeremy y" sonne of Jeremy Hatch John y*' Sonne of John Cushion Deborah y*' daughter of William Courtisse Joseph y® sonne of John Lovvel of Boston Nathan y'^ sonne of Jonas Pickles Rhoda y" daughter of Rhoda Rogers Mercy y*^ daughter of Robt Sprout Nathaniel y® son of Nathaniel Rawlins Sarah y*^ daughter of Thomas Oldham Mary y*^ daughter of Hnmfery Johnson Ruth y*" daughter of John Turner senr. ( Anne y*^ daughter of John Turner jur - Thomas y** son of Thomas Highland ( Joanna y® daughter of James Torrey Patience y® daughter of John Lowel Boston Elizab, y** daughter of Elizab Sutton f Elizab. y® daughter of Hellen Baker ( Sarah y*' daughter of Richard Courtisse Elizabeth ( t t ( Mary -l'-,-, , < v^ children of John Buck T •' , ) Hannah ) • Joseph ( (^ John y^ sonne of Thomas Ingham Thomas y^ sonne of John Cushion Abigail y** daughter of Elizab. Rogers Thomas Piuchen jun'' ( Elizabeth his wife •< Hannah Young | Elizabeth his daughter ( Thomas Young \ William y*' sonn of William Tickner Joseph y® sonne of William Courtis Hannah y*^ daughter f ,. o^ , rp-u o, 1 •'a '^ i oi Stephen lilden Stephen y sonne ( ^ Elizabeth y® daughter of John Lowel of Boston Susanna y® daughter of John Buck Elizabeth y'' daughter of Major Wiiisloe ) Mercy y® daughter of Helene Baker | Octob. 13 Octob. 20 Jan. 19 Apr. 20 1G62 Mav 11th. May 18 May 25 June 8 Aug. o'' October 19 March 22 Ap]-. 5 Apr. 19 May 17 May 3i June 7 July the 19 Octob. 4th. April 8 Apr. 24 June 12. June 20. July :^l Aug. 21 Octob. 2d Joseph y** son of Joseph Sylvester Feb. 1 2 1665 Mary y** daughter of Elizabeth Rogers Apr. 16 Isaack y'^ sonn of John Turner senr \ 2(j5 Ephraim y" sonn of Daniel Hick f . ., Hannah y*^ daughter of Tho. Oldhame ( ^ ' ' Lydia y*^ daughter of Mr. Pickles ' Mathew y*^ son of John Cushion May 14 Sibil y" daughter of Mary Ray May 28 270 Elizabeth y"* daughter of Mr. Joseph Tilden June 4 Margaret y"" daughter of Edward VYright June 11th Bethaia y*^ daughter of Anne Torry • Aug. 27th Faith y*^ daughter of Nathaniel Winslow Sept. 3'* Elizabeth y*' daughter of Thomas Highland Se})t. 24th 275 Elizabeth y'' daughter of John Bryant October 15th 1666 Sarah y« daughter of John Turner jun' June 10th Benjamin y*^ son of John Buck ') Mercy y** daughter of Edwd Wright ^ June 10th Moses the son of Moses Simmons ) 280 Tliomas y** sonne of Tliomas Pinchon jun^' | j^^^^ ^^^^^ Hannah y'' daughter of George Young j Elizabeth y" daughter of Mary Jacob of Hingham July 8th Jeremiah y® sonne of John Cushin July loth Abigail y*" daughter of M"". Thomas Newman Dor- chester July 22 285 Lydia y'^ daughter of Mr. Joseph Tilden Sept. 2d Abigail y** daughter of Stephen Tilden Sept. 2d 1667 290 29.5 300 Andrew y® sonne of William Orcott of Marshfield Mary y** daughter of Joseph Sylvester Grace y*^ daughter of Thomas Oldham ) Benjamin y"^ sonne of William Courtisse j Benjamin y*^ sonne of Benjamin Studson Joseph y*^ sonne of Joseph Studson Patience Russell of Namasakesit aged 17 years Joseph y*" sonne of John Bryant | Peter y^ sonn of "William Blackmore j Susanna y*" daughter of Joseph Beerstow Hannah y*' daughter of Edward Wright Phebe y*^ daughter of John Lowel of Rehoboth Joseph y® sonn of Richard ,Childe of Marshfield John y^ sonne of Moses Symmons Mar. 21 Apr. 14th May 19th June 16th June 23d July 7th Aug. 4th Aug. 11th Oct. 27th March loth 1668 Joannah y** daughter of John Rogers of Marshfield Mary y*^ daughter of Tho : Highland jun"" Mary y'" daughter of Anthony Collimer Mary y^ daughter of .Stephen Tild^^n "> 305 Joanna y'^ daughter of Tho. Pinchon jun'' - Mary y - daughter of George Young ) •— ~~- Grace y*^ daughter of John Turner Sen"" Kenelm y*^ son of Kenelm Winslow of Yarmouth 1669 Benjamin y*^ sonne of Mr. Joseph Tilden 310 James y'' sonne of John Cushion Matthew y^' sonne of Uenjamin Studson John y** sonne of Williiun Orcott Zacheus y'' sonne of Jolin Lowell of Rehoboth Jane y** daughter of Richard Child of Marshfield 315 Isaack y** son of Thomas Oldham Benjamin y*^ sonue of Jolin Bryant William y'' sonn of William Courtis Richard y^ sonn of Nathaniel Church Anna y^ daughter of Joseph Sylvester 320 Gener( ? ) daughter of Edward Wright .John y*^ sonn of John Magoon } Sarah y" daughter of Thomas Pinchon jun"" ) 1670 Hannah y John v*^ sonne daughter of John Ensigne of William Blackmore Apr. 12th June 21st June 21st July 12th Aug. 2d. Aug. 9 th Feb. 20th Mar. 21st Apr. 18th May 16th June 20. July 18 May 29 8 325 330 335 1671 340 ■^ 345 350 355 1672 360 1673 365 370 375 Natlianiel y^ soune of Nathaniel Winslow of Marsh- field Josiah y® son Kenelm Winslow of Yarmouth David y*' sonne of Edward Wright ) Sarah y® daughter of Moses Simons j Judith y® daughter of Stephen Tilden Samuel y*^ sonne of Thomas Courtis of York Jemima y*^ daughter of Edward King of Marshfield Bethia y*^ daughter of John Loy[?] of Marblehead Sarah y*^ daughter of Thomas King jun'' Samuel y'' sonne of Timothy L.[?] Joshua y*' sonne of John Cushion Sarah y* daughter of Thomas Oldham \ Joseph y^ sonne of John Bryant ( Deborah y** daughter of John Buck ( Sarah y® daughter of John Sylvester / Martha y^ daughter of William Orcot Daniel y** sone of Richard Stanley \ Mary y'' daughter of Thomas Pinchou / Elizabeth y® daughter of George Young I Rebecca y® daughter of Thomas Nichols / Amos y** sonne of John Turner Sen' Hannah y® daughter of John Magoon Peter y*^ sonne of Anthony CoUymer [ John y^ sonne of Thomas Highland j Mary y^ daughter of John Bumpasse James y** son of Benjamin Studson Sarah y® daughter of John Cushion ) Lois[?] y** daughter of Timothy Rogers j Edward y® son Edward Wright ] Naomi y*^ daughter of Joseph Sylvester j Jabez y^ sonne of John Bryant \ Thomas y® sonne of Thomas King jun'" j Aaron y* son of Moses Simmons Thomas y** son of Thomas Perry Robert y" son of John Buck Phebe y*^ daughter of William Blackmore Nathaniel y*^ sonne of Nathaniel Church ) Hannah y® daughter of Thomas Studson V John y^ sou of John Sylvester ) Joseph y" sou of William Orcott Thomas y® sonne of Kenelm Winsloe Jacob I y'^ sons of John Turner jun'" David j Caleb ) y** sons of John Cushion Samuel j Benjamin Studson Ruth y*^ daughter of John Bryant Martha y^ daughter of Benjamin Chandler Joseph y'^ sonn of Edward Wright Ruth y*^ daughter of Thomas Highland John y^ sou of John Bumpasse ) Sarah y® daughter of Anthony Collymer ) July 3 July 3 August 14 Septbr 4. >■ Septbr 18. Octbr. 16 April 16 April -23 — May 28 June 4'''. July 23 August 6. August 20 August 27 August 27 Novemb. 19 May 26 August 4th Septbr. 22 Septbr 29 December 9th. March 3 Apr. 20 May 1 1 June 29, Septbr. 4 Septbr. 28 1674 380 1675 390 1676 400 1677 the daughters of William Orcut Timothy V Timothy Rogers Solomon ( |i^ c f Joseph Sylvester Thomas i '^ Thomas Studson Joseph / John Silvester Jane the Daughter of Tho : King Job the Sonn of Moses Symons James the Son of Tho : Perry Eachel the daughter of John Buck Deborah the daughter of John Cushin Mary * Hannah William the son of William Blackmore Eliab the son of John Maggoon Philip the son of John Turner Jun^' Samuell the son of Benjamin Chanler Thomas the son of John Bryant jun^' Daniell the son of Thomas King jun'^' Israel the sou of Israel Sylvester Mary the Daughter of Nathaniel Tilden Samuell the sonn of John Bumpas John ] John Witherell Joseph I the sonn of Joseph Barsto I John Silvester J Benjamin Chandler ^, T 1 ^ c John Cushin the daughters oi 410 1678 415 420 425 Samuell John Mary [ Susana i Thomas Perry Patience the daughter of Patience Simons (In modern hand) wid. of Moses Simons. Mehittabell the daughter of William Curlien(?) Daborah ) ,, -, , , <. John Bryant > the dauo'hter of . . n n- r ^ Andrew Collimer j Mar. 31 >■ October 4 Apr. 1 1 July 4th August 15th Sept. 19 October 3. Apr. 30 Octo'"' 3 [worn] Mar. 18 Martha the sonn of Thomas Kina: Jun"" John Gershom | """^ '^yj^-^ w^ Thomas Studson Margarat the daughter of Joseph Turner Thomas ) the sonn of William Orcut Eunice J the daughter of Timothy Rogers Thomas \ Thomas Ingham John f the sonn of John James Benjamin i Sarah Bumpas Mary / the daughter of Theophilus Witherell Joseph the sonn of John Cushin Sileuce the daughter of Israel Silvester Nathaniell the sonn of Israeli Hubard 1 Rebekah the daughter of Israeli Hubard >- 4 Marcy the daughter of John Whiston William the sonn of John Withei'ell \ James the sonn of John Bumpas / John the sonn of John Randall i Agatha the daughter of John Bryant / Naomy the daughter of Joseph Silvester Martha the daughter of William Barsto Mary the daughter of Tho : Perry Mar. 23 July 8 July 8 Sept 20 Oct. 2 April 4 May 12. May 26 June 16 June 16 10 I of Jolm Studson of Joliu Sutton Abigail the wife Abigail the daughter Benjamin the sonn 430 Natlianiell the sonn _ Martha the daughter of Tho : Clark Ruth and Elizabeth the daughters of Tho : Oldham Nathaniell the sonn of Nathaniell Tilden John the sonn of Samuell Clap Mary the daughter of Benjamin Studson Samuell the sonn of Samuell Witherell | John the sonn of John Berry ) Stephen the sonn of William Curtis William Perry sonn of William Perry 440 Mary the daughter of Benjamin Chandler | Mary the daughter of John Curtis j Deborah the daughter of Jonathan Turner 1679 Richard the sonn of Samuell Winslow Mary the daughter of Samuell Winslow 445 Mary the daughter of Thomas King juu"" Benjamin the sonn of John Cushin Joseph the sonne of Cornelius liridges Mercy the daughter of Jeremia Hatch John the sonn of John Studson \ 450 Richard the sonn of Israel Silvester f Sarah the daughter of Tho : Studson \ Mary the daughter of Tho : Nickells / Abigail the wife of Heuery Joslin Hannah the wife of Japhet Turner 455 Joannah y® daughter of Jeremiah Hatch Joseph the sonn of James Briges Abraham the sonn of Henery Joslin Abigail the daughter of Henery Joslin Mary the daughter of Israeli Cudworth . 460 Isaac the sonn of Stephen Tilden Lidia the daughter of John Silvestor Ruth the wife Joseph Barrel Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph Barrel Rachel the daughter of of Thomas Clarke 465 Samuel the sonn of Samuel Hatch \ Gideon the sonn of Stephen Vinall f Josiah the sonn of Josiah Litchfield l Nicolas the sonn of Israel Chittenden / Tho : Perry junior 470 Jacob Bumpas Marah the wife of Samuel Hatch Ilanah the daughter of Benjamin Studson Lydia the daughter of Tho. Oldham Elizabeth the daughter of Theopholus Witherel 475 Sarah the daughter of Thomas Waide Samuel the sonn of Samuell Studson Patience the daughter of John Randall 1G80 Beniamin the son of William Orcut "> Jonathan the sonn of Jolm Bryant junior >- Hanna the daughter of Samuell Witherell ) July 14 July 21 July 28 August 18 Sept. 22 Oct. 6 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 29 Mar 16 1678-79 Mar. 9 Mar. 30 Aprill G Apr 20 May 4 May 4. the 10th of June July the 6 July 2 (worn) August 4 Aug 3 (worn) Mar. 9. 11 490 \ 495 500 1681 505 510 515 520 1682. 525 530 Barshua the daughter of Joseph Turner Hanna the daughter of Nathvmiell Brooks Anna the daughter of John Briant junior Benjamin the sonn Joseph Barsto Abigail the daughter of Samuel Chip \ Hannah the daughter of Tho. Jenkins f Abigail the daughter of John Whiston i Eleanor the daughter of Samuell Baker / Josia the sonn of Samuel Hatch[?] Josia the son of Thomas Man John the son of Thomas Perry Jacob the son of Jacob Bumpas Jael the daughter of Israeli Huburd Elizabeth the daughter of Anthony Collimer Mercy the daughter of Jonathan Badcock ^j , [• the daughters of Josia Litchfield Sara the daughter of William Curtise Caleb the son of Jonathan Badcocke ] Ann the daughter of James Torry j William the sonne of William Barsto f Jemymah the daughter of Jonathan Turner \ Zoar the son of John Bumpus ( Mary the daughter of Theopholus Witherell ( the daughter of Zoar[?] Ichabod the sonn of Tho. King junr Beniamin the son of Joseph Silvester J Mary the daughter of Job Randall ( Mary the daughter of William Barrell Thomas the sonn of John Witherell Joshua the son of Thomas Studson V Susanna the daughter of Thomas Nickalls ( Bathsheba the daughter of Thomas Nickalls ( Lois the daughter of Israeli Silvester / Mary the daughter of Jonathan Badcock Hannah the daughter of Robert Sj^rout f Bathsheba the daughter of John Whiston \ Nicolas the son of Josia Lichfield Hannah the daughter of John Silvester Mary the daughter of John Bryant junor Sarah the daughter of Samuell Witherell James the sonn of James Tore ) Deborah the daughter of Joseph Bersto >- Joseph the son of Nathaniel Church. ) Deborah the daughter of Ben : Sturtson Hannah the daughter of Samuell Hatch Mary the daughter of Nathaniell Brookes Judah the sonn of Samuel Sturtson Eliz^*^th the daughter of Samuel Stui'tson Israeli the sonn of Israeli Hoburd May 9 May 16 Sept. 5 Octobr 31 November [?] March 27 April 10. April 24 May 15th. May 22 May 29 June 19 June 26 September 18 October 1 6 Oct 31 Dec 4 1682 May the 7**^ May 14*1' May 21«' 12 Thomas the sonn of Thomas Jinking Thomas the sonn of Thomas Clarke Thomas the sonn of Samuell Clarke ) June 11* Hannah the daughter of Samuell Clape 535 Joseph the Sonn of Joseph Turner Bethiah the daughter of Samuel Holbrooke -r ^^ 1^ [ the daughters of Beniamin Pierce Jerusha j ° Elizebeth the daughter of Nathaniell Tilden 640 Ephraim the sonn of Steven Tilden Thomas Rodolpus Joseph ) The children of Thomas Hatch Mary 545 Abigail Lydiah ) 18 years old Abigail j The daughters of Eichard Standlick Anne the daughter of Henery Joslin Isaac the sonn of Israeli Chittentun. 550 Martha the Daughter of Zechariah Damin. Steuen Chittentun & Mehitabel his wife \ And Rebeckah their Daughter r July the Hanna the daughter of John Curtise i i)^'' 555 Ruth the daughter of Joseph Garret / Deborah the wife ") Elizabeth)^, ,.ij >- of Beniamin Woodward Deborah | the children j" -r, , 1 > the children of Aaron Simmons i ^ 560 Rebecka j Elizebeth the daughter of Isaace Chittenden -p ."i ' [■ the daughters of Henery Chittenden f i 1 • 1 fiti Barnabas the sonn of John vSturtson 565 Elizabeth the daughter of William Briant Hannah the daughter of William Bersto \ T 1 tl e "O^'^ Elizebeth the daughter of William Perry j ■' George the sonn of Thomas King June"" August 27'^^ Nathan the Sonn of John Sutten Novem'' 12*^' 1683. 1683- 570 Isaac the sonn of Jonathan Turner ') Job the sonn of Job Randall - Aperrel 22 William the sonn of William Barrel! ) Job the sonn of John Bumpus Aperrill 29 Beniemen the sonn of Josiah Came [?] ] -.r j.i ptii 575 Martha the daughter of Israeli Silvester j -^ J -y, <■ the daughters of Thomas Hatch Mary the daughter of Richard Standley ( ,^- ^^^^^^ Lidia the daughter of Theophilus Wetherell 580 Keturah the daughter of Beniaman Chandelier Eliazar the sonn of Eliazar Dunham ~ '"^ASA^ • ^^4-^^-' ( %- w.-..fe-tA^¥ 13 585 590 595 600 605 ■•■^'8 4 608 1684 1614 1685 Mary the daughter of M"" Thomas Mighill Born j and baptised the same day j Eunice the daughter of Eeniamin Sturtson Caleb the son of Thomas Sturtson Joseph the sonn of Jolin Whetston David the sonn of Joseph Sihiester Mary the daughter of James Bridges An the daughter "> Josliua the sonn >• of Japhet Turner Japhet the sonn ) Keturah the daughter 1 Margaret the daughter >- of Thomas Hatch Hannah the daughter ) Isaac Buck the sonn of Isaac Buck Joshua the sonn of Samuel Witherell. Joshua the sonn of John Witherell Ebenezer the sonn of Steven Tilden Elizebeth the daughter of Jerimya Hatch Mary the daughter of Richard Berry Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Right Mar}^ the daughter of Joseph Garrett ) Edward the sonn of Thomas Jeuken j William the sonn of James Torey Deborah the daughter of William Orcut David the sonn of John Briant Juner Sarah the daughter of Samuel Starse [?] Samuell the sonn of Richard Dwelly May the 27^ June the 10**^ June 17"^ June 24tJ> July l*"^ July the 8*^ Septeml/ 9^^ Septeml/ 24'*' October 7"' November 11"' November: 18"' December 2"' -^"84 Abigail the daughter of Israeli Hobird March 16"' Baptised* by our late pastor M. William Wetherell. [Added, in modern hand, "he died Ap. 9 1684. S. D.," probably by Samuel Deane.] Those following by our pastor M'". Thomas Mighell [Mr. Witherell's successor]. 1684 William the sonn of William Bersto ffebruary the fifth Lidia the daughter of William Barrell Beniamin the sonn of Benieamin Chandler William the sonn of John Curtise Israeli the sonn of Thomas Nickalls -Mary the daughter of Israeli vSilvester '^lary the daughter of Richard Dwelley Jun'" Baptised May 24"' Annah the daughter of Thomas King Jun'"', aged one year James the sonn of Job Randall | Iveziah the daughter Jonathan Turner j Tabitha the daughter of Thomas Perry William the sou of Nathauiell Brookes 16|| March 29"' 1685 Aperrill the 12^11 May the 17"» May 24^^ June the 7*" June 21"' July the 5"' * The word "baptised" is occasionally added to subsequent entries in the records, but will be omitted unless it appears necessary to print it. 14 1686 1687 1687. 1688. Joseph the son of Nathaniell Tilden Samuell tlie son of William Perry Samuell the sou of William Curtice Samuell the son of M'' Thomas JMighell bom & Baptized Elisha the son of Israeli Silvester Bethiah the daughter of Robert Woodward Marry the daughter of Nathaniell Brookes Deborah the daughter of John Briges Beniamin the sou of Beniamin Silvester Elisha the son of Thomas Sturtson Amos the sonn of Joseph Silvester ) Y ) September 20"' October 18"^ november 29"' Decern''*'' [vrorn] January the 10 Febuary 28 Febuary 28"' 1686 Aperrill the ll"' Aprill 25 May 23"> May the 30"^ June 13*'> Nathaniel the sou of James Torey Isaac the son of Isaac Randall Ebenezer son of Thomas King Jun"*" born Febuary 22"' 1685 & baptized June [worn] Richard the son of Richard Dwelley Juno'' July [worn] Patience the dauirhter of Thomas Nickalls August 8"^ Joshuah the son ) of Thomas Holdum [? Oldham] Mary the daughter j Junor Lidia the daughter of Jeremia Hatch Deborah the daughter of Israeli Chittentun Mary the daughter of William Barrell Mary the wife of James Bacer [Bowker, in modern hand] Mary the daughter of James Bucer Lazarus the son of James Bucer David the sonn of Thomas Perry Israeli the sou of Israel Hubird [? Hobart] \ Isaace the son of Samuel Hatch John the son of John Whetston | Jonathan the son of Jonathan Turner J Hannah the daughter of John Bayley August the 8"' August the 22*^^ September the 5"' September the 12"' September the 12*^^^ September the 26*^ November the 7*''' November the 21 1687 May the first May the 8' 1687 Icabod the sonn of Jacob Bumpus the 26 of June Mary the daughter of Samuell Holbrooke the 3 of July David the son of Steuen Tilden Sene^'' July the 17. John the son of John Bridges [? Briggs] late de- ^ fpnspd V s AuOTst 14 Hannah the daughter of Israel Chittentun Hannah the Daughter of Mr. Jeremyah Cushin August 21 James the son of William Barrell September 24 Joshua the son of John Briant Baptized October the 30th David the son of James Torey ) 168^- James the Son of Robert Woodward j March 1 1*'^ 1688 March 25 Aprill *"« first Elisha the sonn of Elisha Turner Elijah the sonn of Thomas Sturtson Mary the daughter of William Bersto Abigail the daughter and | Margeret the daughter of j Isaac Bucke April 22"^ 15 Susannah the daughter of Isaace Randall Susanna the daughter of John Whetston Elizybeth the daughter of Nathaniel) Brooks Thomas the son of Thomas Brooks Joseph the son of Beniamen Silvester Marry the daughter of Nathan Pickles Nehemiah the son of Job Randall Elizabeth the Daughter of Richard D welly Juner August the 12*^^ Peter the sonn of Israeli Silvester ") Lidiah the daughter of John Garret j Martha the daughter of John Besbe Beniamin the sonn of William Perry 1 Grace the Daughter of M^ Tho : Mishell f Aperill 29*^ June the 10*^^ July the 1. July 29''' August th( September 30 October 21 February lO*'' 1689. 1689 Aprill the 7'^ Samuell the son of John Briant Number of baptisms to this date. 678 [in modern hand] In the Book begun by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, in 1704, is the following : " The Names of those that were in full communion with this church befor I took the charge of it are these viz. : Deacon Thomas King. Deacon James Torry. Cap' : Benjamin Stetson Lieu' John Bryan [? Bryant], 'William Perry Joseph Bestow William Bestow Abraham Shutly ■^ Jonathan Turner -• Joseph Turner "- John Turner Samuel Hatch Jeremiah Hatch ' Robert Sprout Israel Hobart John Gushing Sen"": Cap'. John Gushing jun'' : Elizabeth Perry wife to William Perry Sarah Curtice Deborah Randal, Rachel Dwelly Prudence Stetson, Bathia Stetson Mary Bryan Margaret Stockbridge Martha Bestow Joliannah Besby Mary Hatch Elizabeth Sproute Deborah King Sarah Hobart Susannah Perry Eunice Torry Barshua Foster Mary Hatch (Barshua Turner ilMary Turner ""•■^Mercy Turner [Abigail Turner /Elizabeth Turner Lydia Barrel Martha Silvester Miriam Pickles" " When the Rev'^ M"" Lawson forsook this church he left no Catalogue of them that were baptized by him. Neither is there any to be found of those that have been baptized since the death of y^ Rev''. M'" Mighell. Therefore I thought fit soon after my ordination to defire Those that have been, And have had their Children baptized Since that time to give in their Names to me. And according to my Request many have done. Whom I have recorded." John Dwelley Sen"" baptised by M"" Lawson 1697. John, Rachel and Icabod Dwelly children of John Dwelly by Mr Lawson 1097. Obadiah and Jedidiah 1699. Abuah 1701. Simeon by Mr. Gushing 1702. 16 Joanna Brooks Daughter of Thomas Brooks by Mr Lawson 1695. Benjamin and Elizabeth woodward chiklren of Robert Woodward by Mr Lawson 1G95 or 96. Joanna 1696. And Mary 1700. Abigail Collomar Daughter of Peter Coll : by Mr Lawson 1 695 Sarah by Mr Jeremiah Gushing 1697. Anthony by Mr Lawson 1699. Peter by Mr Gushing 1701. Mary by M"^ Gushing 1703. Lydia D welly Daughter of Richard Dwelly by Mr Lawson 1696 Anthony and Jeremiah Stetson children of Robert Stetson, by M'' Law- son 1695. And Isaac 1700 Deborah And Robert Randal children of Isaac Randal by Mr Lawson 1697. Ruth by M'' Gushing 1699. Gidion by M'' Lawson 1699. Rachel by M-^ Gushing 1701. Elizabeth And Samuel Gurtiss children of Sam Gurtis, Sen*' by M'' Gush- ing 1696 Benjamin by Mr Lawson 1701 Abigail by Mr Gushing 1703. Margaret Foster Daughter of Ilatherly Foster by Mr. Lawson 1699. Joseph by Mr. Gushing 1702. Mercy Turner Daughter of Jonathan Turner by Mr Gershom Hobart 1691 Ruth by Mr. Lawson 1695. Ignatius by M'" Lawson 1698. Martha by M^' Lawson 1700 Isaac Buck Son of Isaac Buck by Mr Norton of Hingham 1689. Thomas And Ephraim Buck by M*' Lawson 1701 Elizabeth, and Samuel Torry children of Deacon James Torry by M'' [Hobart?] 1692. Rachel by iVP Lawson 1693 Joseph by M'' Lawson 1694 Stephen by M'' Lawson 1696 Lydia by M"^ Lawson 1698 Eunice by M'' Gushing 1702 Mary Brock Daughter of Francis Brock by M"" Lawson 1700 Grace by M'" Gushing 1704 Barshua by M^ Gashing 1703 John Besby Elijah Besby, Mary Besby, Moses Besby children of John bosby [? Bishee] by M"- Lawson 1696. Elisha by Mr. Lawson 1699 Aron by M'' Lawson 1700 Mary Torry the Daughter of Josiah Torry by M'' Norton of Hingham 1686 Josiah by M'" Norton 1687. Ruth, Galeb, Jeremiah by M'^' Lawson 1700. Kezia by M-" Gushing 1702 Rebecca Bastow Daughter of William Bestow by M^' Norton 1676 Ben- jamin by M'' Whitman of Hull 1691 Susanna by M^' Lawson 1694 Sarah Witherill Daughter of Willim Whitheril by M^' Gushing 1703 Joseph Gurtise the Son of Joseph Curtise by M"" Lawson 1697 .losiah by M-^ Gushing 1698 Rebecca by M'' Lawson 1699 Martha by M" Law- son 1701 Mary, Benjamin, Ebenezer, Lydia Curtise children of Benjamin Curtise by M^' Lawson 1696 Sarah by M-- Lawson 1699 Ruth by M'" Lawson 1700 Susanna by M'" Gushing 1702 Abigail and Samuel Tilden children of Samuel Tilden by M'' Lawson 1699. Lydia by M^' Lawson 1701. Sarah by M'^ Gushing 1703 17 Mary Turner Daughter of Elislia Turner by M'' Norton of Hingham 1G90 'Elizabeth by W Norton 1G92 Jacob by M"" Lawson 1695 Elisha by »!'■ Lawson 1700 Martha Bryan Daughter of John Bryan was baptized by M' Lawson 1695 Amos Perry the son of William Perry by M'' Whitman of Hull 1691. Abigail by M'" Gushing 1693 William by "M-^ Lawson 1694 Hannah by M"" Lawson 1696 Isaac by M'" Whitman 1698 Jerusha by M-^ Lawson 1699 Jerimiah by M"^ Caleb Gushing 1701 Abigail Turner Daughter of John Turner by M"" Willard of Boston 1690 John by M'" Lawson 1695 Margaret by M"" Gushing 1696/7 Lydia by M-" Lawson 1700 Richard by M"^ Cushin 1702 Elizabeth King Daughter of Daniel King by M'' Gushing 1702 p:ise [? Alice] Pickles daughter of Nathan Pickles by M"" Gushing 1692 Miriam by M^' Gushin 1697 "Nathan by M'' Lawson 1699 Zebulun and Barshua Silvester children of Israel Silvester were baptized by M"" Lawson 1695. Deborah by M^' Lawson 1697 Mary, Lydia, Abigail and Benjamin Silvester, children of Benjamin Sil- vester by M'' Lawson [no date.] John Glap Son of Stephen Glap, Temperance his wife, by Mr Lawson Rachel Glap daughter of Stephen ^^ Temperance Glaji, by M"" Gushing 1701 Ruth Rogers Daughter of Samuel and Jael Rogers of Marshfield by M"^ Lawson 1699. Elizabeth. Rogers Daughter of Sam" and Jael Rogers of Marshfield by M'' Norton of Hingham 1701 Sarah Stockbridge mary Stockbridge Thomas Stockbridge, Deborah Stockbridge children of Thomas Stockbridge and Sarah his wife by M"" Torry of Weymouth. The names of those that I have admitted into full communion with this church, are here sett down. 1 John Hatch, was admitted* Novemb"" 5, 1704 2 Sarah Tildiu the wife of Sam" Tilden of marshfield November 5, 1704 3 Ann Torry Decemb"^^ 30 1704 Daughter of Deacon Torry In the year 1705 these were admitted 1 Daniel King IMarch 18 2 Judith Ghurch Avife of Nathanael Ghurch March 18 ■ 3 Charles Turner April 8 4 John King of Marshfield May 6"' 5 Samuel Curtise and 6 Elizabeth Curtise his wife and ) . , ^ rr T 1 r< 1 • I August 0. 7 Joseph Cushnig j '^ 1706. In this year th'ese were admitted 1 Stephen Clap and I March 10 2 lemperance Clap his wiie ) * The word " admitted," wliich is occasionally added to subsequent entries, will be omitted unless it appeal's necessary to print it. 18 3 Thomas Stockbridge June 2'^ 4 Mary Torry Daughter of Josiah Torry July 7. 5 Rebecca Wills Wife of Sam' Wills August 4 6 Jael Rogers wife of Sam'' Rogars of Marshfield, October the G"' 1707. In this year these were admitted 1 Margaret Pratt, Wife of Jonathan Pratt 2 Lydia Lappam Daughter of Thomas Lappam July 6*'^ 3 John Magooue Jun"" August 3'' day 1708. In this year was admitted 1 Abigail Lappam wife of Joseph Lappam July 4"' 1709. In this year was admitted 1 Grace Stetson Wife of Benjamin Stetson Jun"" October 2'^ 1710. In this year was admitted 1 Hannah Lappam, wife of Sam" Lappam April 2'' 2 Benjamin Stetson Jun'' May 7"' 3 Mary Rose, widow of Jabez Rose, August 6**^ 4 Martha Clark Wife of Thomas Clark Sen'" October P^ 5 Peter Collomer and 6 Abigail Collomer liis wife Nov'' 5*'' 7 Thomas Clark Sen'' Dec. 3^' i7n. 1 — Elizabeth Proute Wife of Edward Proute June 3** 2 — Ruth Torry daughter of Josiah Torry August 5"' 1712. 1713. 1714. 1 Joseph Stockbridge of Duxborough 2 Philip Turner, June P* 3 Elizabeth Turner wife of Philip Turner, July G*'' 4 Sarah Pinchion Wife of Thomas Pinchion .Tuly G"' 5 Joanna Wing wife of Bachelor Wing September 7*^'' 1712 6 Eunice James wife of John James September 7*'' 1 Mercy Oldum Wife of Thomas Oldum June 7*'' 2 Ann Stetson Wife of Gershom Stetson August 2'' 1 Sarah Stockbridge Wife of Thomas Stockbridge, March 7^'' 2 Lazarus Turner Apprentice to Thomas Stockbridge March 7*' 3 Hannah Magoone Wife of John Magooue IMny 2'* 4 Samuel Curtice jun'' & ] May 2** 5 Anna Curtice his wife j 1714 6 Samuel Tilden of Marshlield June 13 7 Miriam Curtice, August P' 8 Hannah Brooks wife of Thomas Brooks October 3'' 9 Deborah Bryant Wife of John Bryant December 5'^'' 10 Mary Cusliing Wife of James Gushing December 5* 1715 1 Mercy Palmer, Wife of Elnathan Palmer, July 10*" Mehithabel oldom,* wife of Josbua Oldum, being a member of y^ chh of Christ in Barnstable, and Coming to Live in this town desired *This entry is crossed out in the book. (See later entry in 1724.) 19 to partake with this chh, July 10*'^ 1715. Her dismission from y« chh was read Nov. 1^* 1724. 2 Stephen Tilden of Marshfield. August 7"' 3 Abigail Bryant wife of Sam" Bryant August 7"' 4 Frances I^ells Daughter of John and Frances Eells August : 7**^ ~ 5 Anna Turner widow of Amasa Turner Sep* 4'*^ 1715 6 Mary Silvester wife of Benj'" Silvester november 7*'> 7 Martha Bryant. Novemb^' 6"> 1715 8 Hatherly Foster. December 4*" 1715 1716 1 Elizabeth Tolman Wife of Benj™ Tolman July !«» 1716. - 2 Hannah Turner Widow of Japhet Turner. August 5^^ 1716 3 Martha Bisby daughter of John Bisby of marshfield. August 5"* 1716. 4 George King & his wife \ Oct : 7"' 5 Deborah King ) 1716 6 Edward Prouty Nov 4"> 1716. Anno 1717 1 Nathanael Brooks aged 71 years Jan^ 6*^ 1716/17 2 Mary Bryant, wife o"f Thomas Bryant Aprill 7"> 1717 [This last entry is on page 7 of the church book, and is followed by the words : " Carried to fol : 37." The following is therefore continued from the entries on page 37.] A further List of the names of those y* and admitted into full Comunion with y*^ Second Chh of Christ in Scittuate. brought from fol: 7"' 1717 Anno 1717 3 Rebeccah King Wife of John King June 2*^ 1717 4 Nehemiah Hobart of Hingham was admitted into full Comunion* July 14"' 1717 5 John Jacob of Hingham August the 4"^ 1717 6 Abigail Neal Wife of Joseph Neal October 13. 1717 1718 Anno 1718 1 Elizabeth Brooks wife of Gilbert Brooks ^ Mirch 2*^ 2 Elizabeth Brooks Daughter of Nathan" Brooks \- 171 7/10 3 Jemimah Torry Daughter of Josiah Torry ) ' 4 Joseph Nash August. 3'' 1718 1719 1719 Anno. 1 Ebenezar Goreham. May 3'^ 1719 1720 Anno 1720 1 Lydia Tilden daughter of Sam": Tilden of Marshfield was reciev'' to Comunion at the Lords Supper January 3'^ 1719/20. 2 Hannah Lincoln Wife of Solomon Lincoln March 6"' 1719/20. 3 Zecbariah Dammon. & his wife 4 Mehithabel Dammon. James Briggs 6 Ruth Silvester wife of Benj"' SiF jun'' 7 Mary Brooks wife of Nat : Brooks 8 Sarah Whetstone widow a^ S - If 2 ° ■^ ^ t^ . a s ■- o H a §^ i 8 |«- *The words "admitted into full Comunion" in subsequent entries will be omitted unless required by the context. 20 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hannali Nash, the Wife of Joseph Nash 1720 Thomas Toby & ") Mary Toby his wife, Thomas Merit & Abigail his wife, Mary Pahner wife of John Pahner, & Hannah Brif^gs wife in this Chh Sep* 4"' of James Briggs were admitted to Comuuion at the Lords Table, October 2*^ 1720. 16 John James Anno. 1721 1 Daniel Daramon w"' this Chh: Dec: 4th 1720 ruary 5"' 1720/21. Ursellah Randal wife of Job Randal jun'' 4"> 1721. Job Randal, & his wife . . June IP" 1721 w'" the Chh at the Lords Supper. Feb- . . with the Chh June 4 Mary Randal . . Anno 1722 1 Elijah Gushing . 1722 2 Samuel Hatch jun'' . . . 1722 3 Isaac Perry 4 Eliz : Hatch wife of Sam" Hatch jun"" 5 Lydia Stoddard daughter of J : Stoddard Mary Pando, maid Serv* to J : Cushing. 7 Timothy Symms & ) 8 Elizabeth his wife j 9 Sarah House Widow of Sam" House .... w*" this Chh December 2'^ 1722 Anno 1723 1 Benjamin Perry &, Ruth Perry his wife Isaac Tailor ; and Ruth Tailor his wife w"' the Chh at the Lords Supper. Aprill P* . . w^" the Chh at y® Lords Supper Aug : I''* . . . . w' the Chh Sep^: 2'^ 1722 oct: 7. 1722 February o'^ 1722/3 March 10"' 1722/3. 6 Ruth Turner wife of Caleb Turner 5"' 1723. Ruth Stetson Wife of Elijah Stetson, .... at June 2'' 1723 at y'' Lords Supper May the Lords Table. Anno. 1724 1 P^lizabeth Cushing wife of John Cushing jun'" January. 5*'' 1723/4. Naomi Chamberlain alias morris Feb : 9"^ 1723/4 Samuel Holbroke, of y** North precinct Marth P* : Deborah Brigs wife of Jose])h Briggs Sen^' : April : b^ Abigail Hobart and Y . . . . April : 5. 1724. Desire Hatch 1724 21 7 Deborah Otis wife of Isaac Otis, .... at the Lords Supper May 3"^ 1724 S Desire Silvester wife of Richard Silvester .... to the Lords table June Jti' 1724. 9 Isaac Buck July 5^^ 1724. 3 Barshua Torry wife of Sam' Torry August 2'' 1724. 11 Abigail Brooks wife of Gilbert Brooks August SOt"^ 1724 12 Mehitabel Oldum* Wife of Joshua Oldum being a member of the Chh of Christ in Barnstable had her dismission from y*^ Chh to this, read in the audience of the Chh : November 1*' 1724 1725 1 Isaack Jones & \ 2 Hannah Jones his / .... in this Chh wife & \ May 2'^^ 3 Joanna Rugles \ 1725 wife of .John Rugles / 4 Hannah Barker wife of Barnabas Barker .... at the Lords table June &^ 1725 5 Jeremiah Hatch .... at the Lords table August 1®* 1725 6 Anthony Sisco ) -.y , p- ( JNegro s . . . . 7 PhebyhiswifeJ ^^'^^ 1^' ^^^^ Thomas Joslyn June 5^^ 1726. Fear Turner Nathan Turners widow & 3 AUice Pickles daughter of Nathan Pickles September 4* 1726 4 Sarah lambet wife of James lambet [? Lambert] oct: 9"^ 1726 Anno 1727 1 Elizabeth Gushing wife of Elijah Gushing of Abington Jan : 1^* 1726/7 2 Lydia .Tames wife of .John James April 2'^ 1727 3 Samuel Lappam Sep*^ 3'' 1727 4 Samuel Torry oct : 1^* 1727 5 Lydia Clift of Marshfield : Octob^ 1^* 1727 6 Thomas Lambert aged 67. & his wife 7 Joanna Lambert aged 63. Nov 5^^ 1727 -' 8 Elizabeth Turner wife of Joseph Turner Dec : 3*^ 1727. Atino. 1728 1 Thomas Clark & ) j -.j, ,_j.- ,q 2 Allice his wife | ^'^''-- 7'' 1727/8 3 Joseph Torry. & Deborah 4 his wife, Jan: 7. 1727/8. ■~ 5 Joshua Turner ') 6 Joseph Jacob & V- Jan : 7*^^ 1727/8. 7 Penelipa Hatch ) 8 Desire Tildin wife of Sam' Tildin jun"" of Marshfield .... in this Chh March 3^' 1727/8. * See entry in 1715. 22 - 9 Mercy Turner wife of Benj"" Turner jun^' March 3*^ 1727/8 10 Anna Stetson wife of Anthony Stetson March 3P' 1728. 11 Rebecca Curtice wife of Benjamin Curtice March 31*' 1728 • 12 Abigail Turner wife of William Turner March 31. 1728. 13 Grace Hatch wife of John Hatch June 2'^ 1728. 14 Thomas orcut of Hingham 15 Elizabeth Silvester of Hanover .... with this 1 6 Martha Man of Hanover ! Chh. 17 Jemima Damon Dan^ D : wife [ August 4th 18 Deborah Stetson Serg* S : S : daughter 1728 19 Silence Dammon a single woman 20 ThankfuU Blossom wife of John Blossom October 6"' 1728 -21 Lydia Turuer Widow of Jonathan Turner October 13^'^ 1728 22 Amy Dwelle widow Oct: 13. 1828. 23 Lydia Simmons wife of Ebenezer Simmons Nov 10*^ 1728. A7ino 1729 1 Jonah Stetson Feb. 2"^ 1728/9 2 Elizabeth Butler wife of Israel Butler Feb: 2^^ 1728/9 3 Mercy Stetson wife of Jonah Stetson April 6'^ 1729 4 Ruth Perry wife of Amos Perry April 6"^ 1729 5 Joseph Benson his dismission from the Chh of Christ in Hull to this Chh was read and accepted by a full vote April 4'^ 1729 6 Benjamin King July 6"^ 1729, in the 20'^^ year of his age. 7 David Foster August 3'' 1729. 8 John Ruggles's dismission from the new north Chh in Boston, was read and accepted by a full vote, oct. 5*'' 1729. 9 Israel Butler's dismission from the Chh in Tisbury was read to this Chh, and accepted by a full vote ") dismissed to the westerly oct: o^'^ 1729 >- Chh in Barnstable June ) twenty fourth 1740. [Later entry] 10 Elizabeth oakman wife of Sam* oakman of Marshfield December 7^^ 1729 11 Rebecca Sprague a Single woman Dec : 7**^ 1729. Anno 1730. 1 David Bryant & 2 3 William Barrel & 4 5 Ephraim Otis : & ^IZt^ ] March p. 1729/30 IbllaiTMrwl*} Ma.chl» 1729/30. l yi— — -— — . ( March 1*^1729/30. 6 Joseph Cushmg, jun*^ j / 7 Margret Turner May 10"^ 1730 8 Robert Woodart (upward of 70 years) June 7*-^ 1730. 9 Rachel Stetson daughter of Serg* Sam* Stetson Aug: 2^* 1730. 10 Nathan Pickles jun & 11 Richard Turner Sep' 13«^ 1730 12 Jane Jones wife of Ebenezer Jones of marshfield &. 13 Rebecka Lappam wife of David Lappam of marshfield, & 14 Sarah Tilden daughter of SamJ Tilden of Marshfield Sep' 13'*> 1730 15 Benj'" Randal, & I 16 Sarah [h]is wife | ^o^. 1 1730 23 17 Elizabeth Hatch wife of Israel Hatch Nov : P* 1730 18 Margret Stetson & | daughters of 19 Leah Stetson J Beuj"' Stetson Dec : 6*1730 Anno 1731. 1 Margret Merit wife of Henry Merit January 10*^ 1730/31. 2 Abigail Foster wife of Joseph Foster March 7"^ 1730/31 3 Margret Foster daughter of Hatherly Foster April 4"> 1731. ~ 4 Lusanua Turner the wife of Hawkins Turner gave to this chh a Letter of recomendation from the chh of christ in Groton in Connecticut w*^^ was accepted by the chh, April 4*^*^ 1731 5 Anna Palmer wife of Bazaliel Palmer was baptized & received into full Comunion with this chh. July 25'^'^ 1731. 6 Judith Dwelle wife of John Dwelle Aug: 1** 1731. 7 Elizabeth Bryant daughter of David Bryant Sep* 5*^ 1731. 8 Joseph Dunham & |oct:30'M731 y Jane Dunham his wile ) Anno 1732 1 Doctor Isaac Otis Jan : 2'^ 1731/2 2 John James jun^ and \ ^^^^^^ ^^,^ ^^g^^^ Lydia Silvester wife oi Joseph j ' 4 William Clift & \ 5 Judith Clift his wife & f a ., ^a ttq.o c T^i o ^^ e ) April 2"^ 1732. 6 John Spooner all ot ( ^ Marshheld / 7 Mary Benson wife of Joseph Benson May 14*^ 1732 8 Nathan Pickels — and) ^ -, nd ttq.t y limothy iSymms jun"^ ) '' 10 Mary Neal, wife of John Neal son of Joseph Neal Sept : 3"^ 1732 11 Benj'" Tolman — and \ 12 Sam'i Eells & ) 13 Hannah Eells his wife and ) Nov: b''^ 1732. 14 Eliz : Dwelle wife of Jedediah Dwelle Anno 1733 1 Edward Eells Feb. 4''^ 1732-3. 2 Hannah Barrel daughter of William May 6*1' 1733. 3 Perciss Stockbridge daughter of Sam^ Stockbridge June 3*^ 1733 4 Hannah Bowker wife of James, August 5**^ 1733. 5 Martin, An Indian man Servant to M^' Hatherly Foster Sep* 2*^ 1733 6 Mary Bowker, aged near 70 years widow Oct: 7*^^ 1733 1734 1 Joseph Clap, and his wife 2 Hannah Clap Feb : 3'^ 1733/4. June 9^^ 1734 after Sacrament the Chh by a manual vote Exprest their willingness that 3 James Chushing ; 4 Samuel Stockbridge & 5 Lydia Stockbridge his wife Should be looked upon by all the frater- nity as under the watch of this Chh, & Enjoy the priviledge of it as they have done for some years past. Notwithstanding y^ have 24 not brought either Letters of dismission or recommendation from the chh into w'''' they were at first admitted : viz : the 1^' chh iu Scittuate 6 Eachel Otis wife of Ephraim July 7«^ 1734. 7 Jurusha Church wife of Nath' Chh jun'' August 4''' 1734 8 Robert Stetson jun'" Sep* 15"" 1734 9 Eunice Prouty Sept 15"" 1734. 10 Rachel Smith wife of Joseph Smith of Hanover Nov 3^ 1734 11 Patience Lamb wife of James Lamb, Judux [?J Nov : 3*^ 1734. Anno. 1735 1 Mary Dwelle wife of Joseph Jan: 12th 1734/5 2 Frances Hatch wife of Jeremiah Hatch Sep' 7"" 1735. 3 Mary Gushing wife of John Gushing jun^ Es(f Nov : 2'' 1735 4 Mehitabel Merit, wife of Jonathan Merit Nov : 9"' 1735 5 Mary Toby of about 17 years, daughter of Thomas Dec : 14*^ 1735. 1736 1 Margret Collomare wife of John Gollomar March V^ 1735/6 2 Thomas White of Marshfield and 3 Mary Bryant daughter of David Oct 10"' 1736. 1737 1 William Curtice jun"^ July 3*^ 1737 dismissed to Pembroke June 24, 1740. [Later entry.] 2 North Eells : Nov : 6'"" 1737 1738 1 Benjamin Perry jun'' Feb b^^ 1737/8 2 Mary Silvester wife of Zebulon April 2^' 1738. 3 Cesar a Negro Serv* of Gap' Torrys Aug' 6"" 1738. 4 Richard, Alias Dick, a negro Serv' to M"^ Anthony Gollomar was received into full comunion w''" this chh [no date] 1739 - 1 Elizabeth Turner (Widow of Benj™) May 6"' 1739. 2 Elkanah Tolman & 3 Elizabeth his wife members of the first chh of Christ in Plymouth, had their dissmission & recomendation, Read to & by y* chh, accepted, May 6'^ 1739. 1740 1 Edward Prouty was received into full Comunion with this chh Sept 14th 1741. 1 Temperance Foster wife of Elisha: May 10"' 2 Lemuel Bryant July 5'^ 3 Ruth Perry, daughter of Benj'» Perry Aug. 9'" 1741 1742 1 Anna Lenthal Eells Feb : 7"' 1741/2 2 Joseph Copeland, & ) ^^ 3 Elizabeth Copeland his wife | ^P^^^ ^ ^'^^ 4 Joseph Damon & 5 Joseph Palmer & 6 Jane his wife & \ June 6"^ 1742. 7 Mary Williams of Taunton 25 8 Bathsheba Dammon. ') 9 Jemima DammoD, & [■ July 4"' 1742 10 Sarah Green j 11 Sarah Stockbridge wife of Sam'^ Stockbridge jutf" Aug' V^ 1742 12 Bethiah Powers wife of Nicholas Powers Aug l** 1742 13 Hauuah Briggs daughter of Jam^ Briggs Aug' V^ 1742. 14 Mary Woodart wife" of Robert, Aug 21) 1742 15 Mary Neal wife of John Neal Aug* 29 1742 16 Abigail Lincoln wife of Isaac, Aug* 29. 1742 17 William Silvester & ^ -^^ r-th 18 Mary his wife ) °^" ' 19 Abigail Bestow & ) ^ „ , ^,.^ 20 Mehitabel Northy j ^^^^- ^^ ^'^- 21 Mary Buck wife of Isaac Buck jun'' Nov : 7tli 1742. 22 Samuel Hatch, Son of Jeremiah Hat[c]h Dec : 1** 1742 1743 1 Priscilla Hatch Wife of Micah Hatcli February 6'" 1742/3 — 2 Deborah Turner Wife of Israel Turner Feb. G**^ 1742/3 3 Edmmid Gross and \ 4 Olive his wife. / ^. , gth 5 Mary Brook [? Brooks] wife of E [?] "'\ 174.W3 6 Abigail Marble wife of David V "' 7 Hannah Stetson wife of Ma [?] / 8 Thomas Bryant jun"^ April 3" 1743. 9 Mary Torry wife of Cap* Caleb Torry April 3'^ 1743 10 Abner Peri-y Son of Beuj"^ Perry May 1^* 1743. 11 Hannnh Collomar Wife of Thomas Collomar June 5*'^ 1743 - 12 Abigail Turner wife of Jonathan June 5"' 1743. 13 Jemima Prouty wife of William Aug* 7*'' 14 Mercy Lincoln wif*^ of Joshua Aug* 7*"^ 15 Ruth'Eells wife of Nort[h] Aug* 7*^ 1743 16 James Lambert Sep* 4*'^ 1743. 17 Cap* Nehemiah Randall Oct : 2'^ 1743 18 Sarah Lambert wife of James Oct : 2^* 1743. 19 Michael Turner Nov : 6*'^ 1743 1744 1 Abigail Bowker wife of Lazarus May 13. 1744. ' 2 Joanna Dammon wife of Joseph June 10*'' 1744. She is the person y* Compleats the Siun of 295 Since I was ordained, w*^^'' was June the 14*^ 1704. Next thirsday it will be 40 years 3 Isaac Dammon, & ) t i -■ . 4 Lydia his wife j 5 Benimin Stoddard & ') 6 Mary his wife, & ^ Oct 7*'^ 1744 7 Patience Gorden ) 8 Benj'" Curtice Nov. 4*i' 1744. 9 Cuba, a Negro Servant woman of M"^ Isaac Turners Dec : 2'^ 1744 1745 Leah Foster a free Negro woman Sep* 1** 1745. 1746 „ 1 Deborah Turner Daughter of John Turner May 4*^ 1746. 26 2 Abiel Benson, widow of Joseph Benson junr Aug* 3'^ 1746 3 Mary Bryant wife of Samuel Bryant jun'' Nov: 9**^ 1746. 1747 Grace Church, wife of Joseph Church July 5"^ 1747. 1748 1 Sarah Wheelright the wife of John Wheleright 2 Jael Whitten a Single woman May P* 1748. 3 Anna Curtiss a Single woman June 5* 1748 4 Hannah Buck daughter of Isaac Buck aged about 17 yeares Dec: 4"^ 1748. 1749 1 Sarah House Daughter David House Deceased, a young woman, March S^i^ 1748/9 2 Mary Northy wife of James July 2d 1749 3 Sarah Ruggles daughter of Brother John Ruggles 4 Sarah Clap the wife of Joseph Clap had her dismiffion from the 2d chirch in Bridgwater to this Church read & accepted Aug* — 6 1749. 5 Abigail Bryant wife of Benjamin Sep* 3^^ 1749. 6 Mary Samfon wife of Charls Samfon Nov : S*'^ 1749. M'' Jonathan Dorby's Dismifsion from y** P* chh: in Hingham was read & he Receiv'd into full Communion with this Church November the 13*^: 1754 the morning before He was Ordained Att* Joseph Cushing Jun'^ Clerk of the Church during the Vacancy The Names* of tliofe that If have baptized in the year 1704 are here set down. 1704. Ruth Foster daughter of Hatherly Foster. June. 25. Experience Stock-Bridge, Daughter of Charles Stockbridge. June. 25. John Stockbridge Son of Joseph Stockbridge July. 2 Deborah Dwelly Daughter of John Dwelly July. 2 -^. Jeffe Turner Son of Jonathan Turner July. 2. Richard Curtife, Son of Joseph Curtife July. 2. Edward, and Elizabeth Proutey children of Edward Prouty. July 16, Deborah Curtife Daughter of Benjamin Curtife July 16. Richard Silvester Son of Benjamin Silvester July 16. Daniel King Son of Daniel King. July. 23. Hopeftil Befby Son of John Befby Auguft. 6. Thomas Clap, Son of Stephen Clap Auguft. 6. Caleb Randal, Son of Isaac Randal Auguft 20. -- Hawkins Turner, Son of Benjamin Turner September. 3. Deborah And Aj-en [? Aaron] Woodward children of Robert "Woodward September. 10. Sarah [?] Turner, Daughter of John Turner September. 17. — , Japhet Turner, Son of Japhet Turner September 17, Abijah and Leah Stetfon children of Benjamin Stetfon Jun'" : September 24. * These haptismal entries begin on page 8 of the Church Book, and continue for 48 pages, into the year 1751. t Rev. Nathaniel Eells. 27 Gidion and Elizabeth Rofe Children of Jeremiah Rofe, October. 1. JNIary James, daughter of John James October. 8. Judith Church, daughter of Nathan^^ Church ocf : 8. Thomas Clark, Son of Thomas Clark jun'' October 22. Hannah and Mary Lappam Children of Samuel Lappam October. 22. Adult <( Elizabeth Jorden aged [blanlc] years, bap* : Nov'' 5. Ad If 1 Elizabeth Henchman daughter of Jofeph Henchman aged [blan¥\ I years bapt : November 5 Judith Bryan, Daughter of Joseph Bryan Nov'' 5. William and Amos Stetfon children of Robert Stetson. November. 5. John Collomar, fon of Peter Collomar. December. 3. Adult <{ Joseph Henchman aged [blank'] years, Dec : 3. Mary, Thomas, Deborah, Edmoud, and Sarah Henchman children of Joseph Henchman were bajjtized December. 3. 1705. Mary Smith Daughter of Deborah Smith. March 25 John King fon of John King of Marfhfield, April. 1 [or 3]. Adult -l Thomas A Negroe ferv' to John Dwelly April. 1 [or 3]. — - Adult \ Thomas Turner aged [blank'\ years. May. 6. Mary Buker [? Bowker], Elizabeth Buker, Edmund Buker Children of James Buker May. 27. Adidt Experience Pamer [? Palmer] Aged \blan¥\ June 17. Rebeccah Tilden, Daughter of Samuel Tilden of Marshfield June 17 Gorge, And Mary Shove, children of Edward Shove, June. 17. Lydia Turner, Daughter of Thomas Turner, and martha A his wife. June. 17. Hannah Witherel Daughter of William Witherel and Sarah his wife July. 15. John Magoone the fon of John Magoone and Hannah his wife, July 22. 1705 David Magoone, and Mary Magoone Children of Elias and Hannah July 22. Hannah Henchman Daughter of Joseph Henchman and Mary his wife. July. 29. Sarah Eells, Daughter of Nathanael and Hannah Eells August. 5. 1705 Keziah Perry daughter of William and Elizabeth Perry. Auguft. 22. 1705 William Curtife, fon of Benjamin Curtife and Mary his wife August. 12. David Pickles, fon of Nathan Pickles and Miriam his wife, August. 12. Adidt f Mary Joflen aged 21 years, and Adult \ Nathaniel Joflen aged 18 years; August 19. jj , f Patience Stetfon aged 17. years; daughter of Sam^' Stetfon; I September. 9*^ Ann Clark, Deborah Clark, Charity Clark, Children of Thomas Clark and Martha his wife Sepf : 9"\ Nathanael Parker, William Parker Rachel Parker and Miriam, alias Mary Parker, Children of William Parker and Rachel his wife : Septem- ber. 16. Charles Turner the Son of Charles turner and his wife September. 30. Elizabeth Randal Daughter of Ifaac Randal and Deborah his wife ; No- vember. 4***. 28 Adult Mary Beacon, aged 27 years. November 11. Standly Silvester fon of Benjamin Silvefter and his wife. December 10, Anno 1706 Jane King daughter of Icabod King and Hannah his Wife. March 3*^. Timothy Fofter Son of Hatherly Fofter and Barfhua liis wife March 10. Benjamin Cufhing fon of Jolin Cufhing and Deborah his wife Aprill. 28. 1706 Hannali Turner daughter of Japhet Turner and Hannah his wife. April 28. Anna Clap daughter of Joseph Clap and Abigail his Wife May. 5 Thomas Clap Son of John Clap and Hannah his Wife May. 5. David Lappam fon of Sam^^ Lappan [s«c]. May. 12, Adult \ ■{ Thomas Stockbridge Aged [blank'] years May. 19. Ezekiel Kent Son of John Kent and Sarah his wife. May 26. Hannah Beacon, Daughter of Mary Beacon. June 16 Samuel And Mary Rogers Children of Samuel Rogers, of Marfhfield and Jael his wife June. 23. Adult. Lydia Clift Wife of William Clift. July. 14 Lydia Clift, and William Clift, Children of William & Lydia Clift his wife. July. 14. Joshua Steaples [? Staples] Son of Samuell Steples and Elizabeth His wife July 14. Elisha Curtice, Son of Joseph Curtice and Rebecca his wife July. 14. Mary King Daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth King. July. 28 Mary Turner Daughter of Jonathan Turner and Mercy his wife Auguft. 4. Rebekah King Daughter of John King and Rebekah his wife Auguft 25. \_blauk'] Stockbridge daughter of Charles Stockbridge and Abigail his wife Sep*: 1. Martha Stetfon Daughter of Robert Stetfon and Mary his wife Sept : 8. Abiel Turner Son of John Turner and Abigail His Widow October 6**^ Adult. Margaret Pratt Wife of Jonathan Pi-att October 13. Abigail Prat, Margret Prat, Martha Pratt Children of Jonathan Prat, and Margarett His Wife October. 13. Stephen Clap Son of Stephen Clap and Temperance his wife December. 1. Barfhubah Stockbridge Daughter of Joseph Stockbridge and Margret, his wife, December. 3. Mary Perry daughter of James Perry and Mary his wife December 1, James Proute son of Edward Prouty and Elizabeth his wife. Decemb'' : 1. Miles Parker Son of William Parker and Rachel his wife December, 22. Anno 1707 Samuel Eells Son of Nathanael & Hannah Eells. February 23. 1706/7 Abigail Kent, Daughter of Ebenezar Kent. Aprill 6. Deborah Pratt, & Patience Pi'att children of Jonathan Pratt & Marga- ret his wife ; May. 4'^ Desire Silvefter, daughters [s/c] of Richard Silvefter & Desire his wife. May 4'!/ 1707. Bezaleel Palmer Son of Bezaleel & Elizabeth Palmer his Widdow. May 11*^ 29 Kuth Turner Daugliter of Thomas Turner and Martha his Wife May. Thankfull Dwelly Daughter of John Dwelly & Rachel His Wife May. 25. Eunice James Daughter of John James & Eunice his Wife May 25. Racliiel Taylor Daughter of Ifaac Taylor & Sarah his Wife. June. P'. Margaret Torry daughter of William Torry & Margaret his Wife June. 1^*. John Mackfarland, Son of John Mackfarland of Duxboroug [Duxbury], and Martha his Wife. June 8''\ Jemima Turner Daughter of Thomas Turner & Hannah his Wife June l5t^ Rachel Silvefter, John Silvefter, & Samuel Silvefter, Children of Sam- uel Silvefter & Lucretious his wife ; of Marshfeild. June. 22. Isaac Collamare Son of Peter Colomare & Abigail his wife. July 27. Hannah Lincoln Daughter of Solomon Lincoln, & Hannah his wife, Auguft 3'^ Joseph Jacob, fon of David Jacob and Sarah his wife ; August l?''^. Mary Clift Daughter of William Clift and Lydia his Wife, Auguft. 31. Mary Randal Daughter of Ifaac Randal & Deborah his wife October 26 Amos Silvefter Son of Amof Silvefter and Elizabeth his wife. Novem- ber 16. Mary Witherell daughter of William Witherell & [^blank'] his wife No- vember. 16. Miriam Turner daughter of Charls turner, & Mercy his wife November 23. Anno 1708. Thefe were Baptized viz : 1 Othniel Pratt fon of Jonathan Pratt and Margaret his wife March, 21. Joseph King fon of John King & Rebecca his Wife April: 11"* [hlank'] Church Daughter of Nathan^': Church & Judith his wife, April. 25. Robert King fon of Daniel King & Elizabeth his wife. May. 2'^ Mary Rofe, daughter of Jabez Rofe & Mary, his widdow. May 2*^ Elias Magoone fon of Elias Magoone, of Duxborough June. 20. Joshua Silvefter fon of Samuel Silvefter of Marshtield, .June 27 Thankfull Curtife Daughter of Joseph Curtice and Rebecca his wife, June. 27. Thomas Rofe Son of Jeremiah Rofe an[d] Elizabeth his wife. June. 27. Adult Hannah Lappam wife of Samuel Lappam Elizabeth Lappam daughter of Samuel Lappam & Hannah his wife, July. 4'" Barnabas Perry fon of Henry Perry and [hlan¥] his wife July 4''* Elifha Fofter fon of Hatherly Fofter and Barshubah His wife July 4*'* Samuel Curtice fon of Samuel Curtice and Anna his wife July 4''*. Adult. John Berstowe, jun*^ : fon of John Berstowe, & Lydia His wife ; July. 18'^ David Curtice fon of Benjamin Curtice &, [blank'] his Wife; Auguft P'. Jael Rogers daughter of Sam": Rogers & Jael his wife, of Marshfield Auguft. ^^\ Stephen Good-fpeed, & Nathanael Goodfpeed, children of Nathan'^ Ooodfpeed & Sarah his Wife ; of Rochester. Auguft. 29. Mary Dwelly Daughter of John Dwelly & Rachel his wife, Auguft. 29. Lydia Hatch daughter of Samuel Hatch, & Elizabeth his wife, Auguft 29. Lydia Woodward daughter of Robert Woodward & Bethia His wife- September. 12 Sarah Staples Daughter of Samuel Steples & Elizabeth his wife Octo- ber 3-^. so Magaret Stockbridge Daughter of Joseph Stockbridge and Margaret his wife October. 31. Mary & Ephraim Cain, Children of Ephraim Cain and Hannah his wife, of Middleborough Decern"*: 19 Anno. 1709. thefe were Baptized. John Eells fon of Nathanael Eells & Hannah His wife January. 23,- 1708/9 Benjamin Stoddard Son of Benjamin Stoddard & Mary his wife March 27. William Silvefter fon of Amos Silvefter & Elifabeth his Wife. March. 27. Abigail Torry daughter of William Torry& Margaret His wife April. 10. Faith Silvefter daughter of Richard Silvefter & Defire his Wife, May. 22.. John James, Son of John James & Eunice his wife June. 5*^ Margret Silvefter Daughter of Joseph Silvefter & Mary his wife of Marshfield June 5*^^'. Benjamin Dwelly, fon of John Dwelly & Rachel his wife July. 3'\ Richard Prouty fon of Edward Prouty & Eliz: his wife July. 10*''. Kathanael Cufhiug fon of John Chufhing & Deborah his wife July. 17*^" John Curtice fon of John Curtice & Experience his wife July. 17^'^ Joseph Church fon of Nathanael Church & Judith his wife July 17*^* Gidion Stetfon fon of Robert Stetfon & Mary his Wife July. 24. Samuel Berstowe fon of Samuel Berstowe & Lidia his Wife July. 24. Hannah Mackfarland daughter of John Mackfarland & Martha his wife, of Duxborough : Auguft. 7"' Ephraim Spoonner, Servant to Ensign Thomas Stockbridge, Auguft 14*'^' r Ephraim Turner Son of Charls Turner and Mercy his wife; August X 28''^ this child being very fick and at the point of death, was baptized in { private. Deborah Bryant Daughter of John Bryant & Deborah his Avife Sepf 4*^ James Magoone, Thomas IMagoone Sarah Magoone, children of Ja,me5 Magoone deceafed, & Sarah his Widow. September. 18"' James Wood worth fon of Robert wodwortli October. 2^' Natlianael Clap fon of Stephen Clap & Temperance His wife October. 23'. Elizabeth & Israel Turner children of Philip Turner, & Eliz : his wife oct: 23. Samuel Clift son of Will'" Clift & Lydia his wife, of Marfhfield, Octo- ber 23, i Charls Stock-bridge fon of Charls Stockbridge & Abigail his wife, March •< 13. 1709/10 tills child being sick, and in danger of death was baptized ( in private. ?', e. at his fathers house. Anno. 1710. Samuel Staples fon of Sam" Staples & Elizabeth his wife : April. 2"* Benjamin King Son of John King & Rebekkah his wife, April 16*^ Abigail Randall, Daughter of Ifaac & Deborah Randall April. . 30. Jeffe Curtice Son of Jofeph Curtice and Rebeccah his wife May 7''^ Elkanah Totman, fervant to Joseph Turner, May 1 4 Mehetabel King daughter of Dan" King & Elizabeth his wife, May. 14, Ruth Hatch Daughter of Sam" Hatch jun"": & Elizabeth his wife May. 28, Ruth Dwelly, Samuel Dwelly, Margrett Dwelly, children of Richard Dwelly Deceafed, and Aimy his Widdow. June 4'^^ 1710 Benjamin Tolman Son of Benia'" Tolman & Elizabeth his wife, June 31 Elizabeth Silvefter daughter of Samuel Silvefter and His wife, of Marfh- ^Id. June 18. llachel Prat, daughter of Jonathan Prat & margret his wife July. 16.^ Aim Stockbridge Daughter of Thomas Stockbridge & Sarah His wife. July 23. Thomas Collomar Son of Peter Collomar & Abigail his wife July 30"' Mary Pratt Daughter of Jabez Pratt & Iblank] His wife of duxborough. September 3^^ Robert Stetfon fon of Robert Stetfon and Mary his wife Sept 10. Ruth church daughter of Richard Chh deceafed. October 1*** David Bryant & Elizabeth Bryant, children of David Bryant and Han- nah his wife Oct : 1st David Clark, Samuel Clark & Mary Clark Children of Thomas Clark & Martha his wife Oct: 8*'> Sufannah Rogers daughter of Samuel Rogers & Jael his wife October. S^'' Anna Palmer & Patience Palmer Children of John Palmer and Mary Iiis wife Ocf 8"' John Proute, fon of Edward Proute & Elizabeth his Wife, Decemb'^ 3'* Adult Mary Bryant the wife of Thomas Bryant: December lO*''. Benjamin Bryant the fon of Thomas Bryant & Mary his wife December 10'^ John Alden, fon of John Alden, of Duxborough and Hannah his wife. Dec: 10^^ Adult Isaac Jones aged [Mank'] years son of Isaac & Mary Jones Late of Boftou deceafed Dec : 24"' Peleg Curtice fon of Benjamin Curtice & [blank'] His wife Dec : 24. Anno. 1711. Nathanael Eells Son of Nathanael Eells & Hannah his wife, was bap- tized February 4"^ 1710/11 Thomas Turner, Son of Charls Turner & Mercy his wife March 1 1*"^ 1710/11 Jofeph Silvefter fon of Amos Silvefter & Elizabeth his wife March 11'* Mary Silvefter Daughter of Jofeph Silvefter & Mary his wife of Marsh- field March \^'^ Joshua Lappam Son of Samuell Lappam & Haitnah his wife March 25. Jofeph houfp, David Hoiife, James Houfe, Samuel Houfe, John Houfe, Rebecca Houfe, Elizabeth Houfe children of Samuell Houfe, and Sarah His wife, Aprill 22, 1711 Ann Curtice daughter of Sam'^ curtice jun"^: & Ann his wife Aprill 22, 1711. Benjamin .James Son of John James & Eunice his wife May. 20"' Mary Stoddard Daughter of Benj"' Stoddard & Mary his wife May. 20j* Margaret & Ruth Bryant children of Jonathan Bryant & Elizabeth his wife : May 27*" Deborah King daughter of George King & Deborah his wife may 27*''. Elizabeth Hanks daughter of Benjamin Hanks & Abigail his wife ; who live at a place called the Majors Purchafe. Adult: Elizabeth Wanton of Marfhtield. July. P* Thankfull Sprout & Abigail Sprout children of Ebenezar Sprout and [blank'] His wife July. 22. Joseph Palmer fon of Sam" Palmer & Ann his wife. July. 22. Adult. Sufannah Berstowe. ( children of John Ber- Adult. Abigail Berstowe •< stow & & Lydia his Adult. Lydia Berstowe ( wife August. 5'". 32 Jerufha King Daughter of John King & Rebecca his wife Augnft. 12. Euth Palmer, Mary Palmer & John Palmer children of John Palmer & Mary his wife. Sep' 2o. Elizabeth Staples daughter of Sam" Staples & Elizabeth his wife : Sep' 30. Mary Bryant daughter of David Bryant & Hannah his wife Sep' 30 Mary Bryant daughter of Thomas Bryant & Mary his wife November 18"^ Susannah Stockbridge daughter of Joseph Stockbridge & Margred his wife, of Duxborough : Nov : 25. Joseph Cuf hing Soli of Joseph Cufhing & Mercy his wife November. 25. 1711. An7io. 1712. John Fpfter Son of Hatherly Fofter & Barfheba his wife : Aprill. 6"^. Neherniah Eandal fon of Nehemiah Randall & Mercy his wife. April 13 Joshua Lincoln Son of Solomon Lincoln & Hannah his wife Aprill. 13. Samuel Tolman fon of Benjamin Tolmau & Elizabeth his wife May 4'^ Eunice Proutie daughter of Edward Proutie «fe Eliz : his wife May 4"^ Deborah Riply Daughter of John Riply, June 8"^ Israel Hatch, David Hatch, Jonathan Hatch, Lidya Hatch Elizabeth Hatch children of Israel Hatch & Elizabeth his wife June S*'^ Joseph Smith, brought to baptifm by his uncle Israel And aunt Eliza- beth Hatch. June S''^. Lufanna Dwelle daughter of John Dwelle & Rachel his wife June 15.'^ Hannah Symms daughter of Timothy Syms & Elizabeth his Wife : June 29. Thomas Swift Son of Thomas Swift «fe Rachel his wife, June 29 Adult: Elifabeth Taylor daughter of John Taylor. July. 20"^ Adult : Anna Turner Widow of Amafa turner, and her childi'en viz : Benjamin, Eliab, Anna, & Hannah, July. 20"'. Adult: Deborah Rogers wife of John Rogere jun'" and all her children, viz : Daniel, John and one daughter, viz : Elizabeth July 20'^ Cornelius, John, & Mary Briggs children of Joseph Briggs «fe Deborah his wife, August 10"^. Adult. Lydia Right Wife of John Right. August. 24. [ Samuel Collomar Son of Peter Collomar & Abigail his wife August oO'^ this child being Sick and near unto death as was fuppofed by its parents was Bajjtized att home. Adult j John Hatch jun'' : & Adult ( Hannah Hatch wife of John Hatch jun'' Sept. 7"'. Agatha Bryant, daughter of John Bryant & Deborah his wife. Sept: 7'^. Adult. Hannah Ewell daughter of Gerfham Ewell. fep' 28. Mary Houie daughter of Sam" Houfe & Sarah his wife : Sep' 28. Mercy Silvefter daughter of Sam" Silvefter of Marshfield Sept. 28. Mercy Newcomb, & Jofhua newcomb, children of Andrew newcomb & mercy his wife, of truerow. Sept. : 28. Benjamin Tildin Son of Sam" Tildiu & Sarah his wife of Marfhfield Oc- tober. 5"'. Deborah Bearf tow daughter of Sam" : Berftow & Lydia his wife October. Peleg Curtice fon of Joseph Curtice and Rebeckah his wife ocf 12. Grace Turner daughter of Philip Turner & Elizabeth his wife Ocf 12. Mary Thorne the Adopted daughter of Thomas Pincheon and Sarah his wife. October. 19'^'. 33 Siifauna Turner dangliter of Isaac Turner & Rnth his wife Dec : 7'^ Adult ( JNIargret Proute ^ Dec : -^ & [■ 14*^ Adult (William Proute J 1712. Anno. 1713. Edward Eells Son of Nath" : Eells and Hannali his wife was baptized January 4"' 1712/13 Mehetabal Hatch daughter of John hatch juu''. and Hannah his wife. Feb : 22. 1712/13 Hincksman Silvef ter, f on of Amos Silvefter and Elizabeth his wife march I5t'> 1712/13 Adult, Jonathan Proute. March 29'^^ Mar}^ Joflin daughter of Nathan" Joflin & Frances his wife March. 29*'' Jonathan Silvefter Son of Jofeph Silvefter of Marfhfield, & mary his wife Aprill b'^ Deborah Briggs daughter of Jofeph Briggs & Deborah his wife April 5'^^ Grace Randall daughter of Jsaac Randall & Deborah his wife April 12 1713. Anno 1713. Samuel Perry, Sou of Benjamin Perry & Ruth his wife. May. lO*'' Lydia James daughter of John James & Eimice his wife may 17"' Samuel Aldin Son of John Aldin of Duxborouhg & Hannah his wife. May. 17''' Jofliua Bryant Son of Sam"^ Bryant & Abigail his wife May. 24'" Jofhua Stoddard Son of Ilezekiah Stoddard & Lois his witfe. June 7''' Hannah Dammon daughter of Daniel & Barfheba Dammon. June 14*" Adult. Hope Torry Wife of David Torry June 21. Stei)hen Torry & Rachel Torry children of David Torry and Hope his wife. June. 21. Alexander & Jofhua Parker children of W™ Parker &, Rachel his wife July. 12. Philip Turner Son of Philip Turner & Elizabeth his wife. July. 12. Mercy Lappam Daughter of Sam'' Lappam & Hannah his wife July. 12. Deborah White daughter of Jofeph White & Elizabeth his wife, of Marfh- field. Auguft 23 James Randal Son of Nehemiah Randall and Mercy his wife, of Pem- brooke Auguft 23. Thomas King Son of John Iving and Rebeckkah his Wife, of Marfhfield, Auguft. 23. Rhoda King daughter of George King & Deborah his wife Aug : 23. Mercy Right daughter of John & Lydia Right. Auguft 30. Abner Steti'on Son of Sam" Stetfon & Elizabeth his wife Sep' : 6 Martha Curtice Daughter of Sam" Curtice & Anna his wife Sept : 6"* Anno. 17 IJ^ John Briggs Son of John Briggs and Deborah liis wife Oct 25 Ruth Parker Daughter of Charity Parker. Oct : 25 Robert Sproute Son of James Sproute & Elizabeth his wife, November l^* Adult Lazarus Turner an apprentice to Enfign Stockbridge. Dec : 13 1713 * This should be 1713. 34 Anno. 171Jf. Olieff Silvefter daughter of Zebulem Silvester & Mary his wife Jau : SP' Seth Bryaut Son of Thomas Bryant and Mary his Wife. Feb : 21. Richard Dwelly Son of Richard & Grace Dwelly, Feb: 21. Peter Silvefter Son of Peter and Mary Silvefter Feb : 28. Elizabeth Tolman daughter of Benj'" Tolman «fe Elizabeth his wife. Aprill 25 Adult Hannah Magoone Wife of John Magoone. May 2*^ 1714. Miriam Turner Daughter of Charlfe Turner & mercy his wife May 2*^ Deborah Rogers Daughter of John & Deborah Rogers May 2*^ Timothy Symms, Son to Timotliy Symms & Elizab:'^ his wife May 30. Sarah houfe, daughter of Sam^' Houfe & Sarah his wife June 13 Jacob Bryant Son of David Bryaut and Hannah his wife June 13. Isaac Lincoln Son of Soloman Lincoln & Hannah his wife June 20. Caleb Church Son of Nathanaell Church «fe Judith his wife . June, 27. Susanna Bryant Daughter of John & Deborah Bryant June. 27. Hannah Proute Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Proute July 25'^*^ Content, Deliverance, Ann, and Abigail Bifhop, Children of ftutfon Bifh- op, & Abigail his wife. July 25. li'rael «fc Elizabeth Turner, children of Japhet & Hannah Turner were baptifed by me At Pembroke where I occafionally preach 'd for M"" Lewes. Auguft 8. 1714. William Brooks Son of Gilbert, 6b Elizabeth Brook. Sep* 12. 1714 Jonathan Turner Son of Jsaac & Ruth Turner Sep' 19'^ 1714 Hannah, Lydia, «&; William Barrel, Children of William & Elizabeth Bar- rel. Sejj'' 26. Bczaleel & Sufanuah Curtice Children of John & Experience Curtice Oc- tober \^>^ 1714. Adult. Mary Taylor daughter of William Talor. Oct : 24 1714 Adult Deiire Oldum, Daughter of Thomas & Mercy Oldum oct : 24. 1714 Ebenezer Rogers Son of Samuel & Jael Rogers of Marfhlield. Oct : 24. Adult. ( Alice Wheaton Daughter of Obediah Wheaton & Sarah his wife : < was baptized at Deacon David Jacobs houfe. She being there ( fick with a Confumption & not Likely to recover. Mercy Dwelly daughter of .John and Rachel Dwelly Nov : 7*'^ 1714. John Bifby Son of John Bifby and Mary his wife, of Marfhfield No- vember 7.''^ i714. Job Turner Son of Philip & Elizabeth Turner Dec: 26. 1714 Anno 1715 Hannah Eells Daughter of Nathanael &, Hannah Eells was baptized Jan- uary 30"^ 1714/15 Jofiah Cufhing Son of John Cufhing, & Sarah His wife was baptized February 13^'^ 1714/15 Anno 1715 George Stetfon Son of Sam^ Stetfon and Elizabeth his wife, Feb : 20. 1714/15 Adult. ( Elizabeth .Stetfon wife of Samuel Stetfon, was Baptized March 23 1714/15 at home She being fick with a fever & not Likely to Live : Elifha James Son of John James & Eunice his wife, April 17"' 1715 Mieah Stockbridge Son of Thomas Stockbridge & Sarah his wife Aprill 24. 85 Adult. Sarah Ramfdel Wife of Thomas Ramfclel : and her children whof g names are here Inferted were baptized May lo"* 1715. Mar}^ Eamfdel. \ Children of Thomas Jofeph Kamsdel / Ramfdel & Sarah, his Jemimah Ramfdel i wife, were Baptized Gidiou Ramfdel / May 15. 1715. Adult. Frances Joflin the wife of NathanaellJoflin was baptifedMay 29. 1715. Benjamin Perry Son of Benjamin Perry &. Ruth his wife June 12. 1715 i Benjamin Berftowe son of Benjamin & Mercy Berftowe was Baptized the < twenty ninth day of June 1715 in the evening, At his fathers houfe, he ( being Sick, & as was thought not Likely to recover Adult Mercy Pitcher wife of Jofeph Pitcher were baptized July 3'' 1715 Jonah Woolfon Son of [blank] Woolfon & [blank] His wife Sometime of watertown July 3'' 1715 Nathanaell Bifhop Son of Stutfon Bifhop & Abigail his wife July 3. 1715 Thankfuil Lappam Daughter of Sam^^ & Hannah Lappam. July 24. 1715 Robert Thomfon, Son of Robert & Ann Thomfon Auguft 7^^ 1715 Samuel Palmer Son of Samuell & Anna Palmer Auguft 7, 1715 Adult. Mercy Beftow wife of Benj"' Beftow. & Martha Beftow daughter of Benja"^ & mercy Beftow, was baptized. Auguft 14, 1715 Anno 1716* Mary Sprout daughter of Ebenezar Sprout. Auguft 14. Sarah Ramfdel, daughter of Thomas & Sarah Ramfdel August. 14. 1715 Michael Silvefter Son of Amos & Elizabeth Silvefter Auguft 14. 1715 Mary Clyft Daughter of W™ Clift and Lydia his wife, of marfhfield. August 21. 1715 Alice Palmer daughter of [blank] his wife. Auguft 21. Sarah Silvefter daughter of Jofeph Silvefter of Marfhfield. Auguft 21. Martha Demmon daughter of Zechariah Demmon. Auguft 21. 1715 Ezekiel Palmer, Samuel Palmer, Sarah Palmer & Deborah Palmei" children of Elnathan & mercy Palmer, were baptized Sep"^ 4*^ 1715. Anna King Daughter of John «fe Rebeckah King. Sept 4*^ 1715. Grace Turner daughter of John Turner & [blank] His wife, Oct : 9*^ Elifha Stoddard Son of Beniamin & Mary Stoddard Oct: 16. 1715 Jofeph Tolman, fon of Benjamin and Elizabeth Tolman Nov : 6*^ f Sarah Turner Daughter of Charls & Mercy Turner was Baptifed Dec 5 \ 2^ 1715. This Child being sick was baptized in Private Anno 1716 Miriam Curtice daughter of Sam" & Anna Curtice Januaiy 1** Adult. Rachel Thorn (aged about nineteen years. Daughter of Jofeph Thorn of Hingham) was baptized Feb : 19. 1715/16. Elizabeth Beftow. Jofeph Beftow, & James Beftowe, children of Jofeph & mary Beftow were Baptifed, Aprill 8'^'^ 1716. Thomas Bryant Son of Thomas & Mary Bryant Aprill 29. 1716. Grace D welly daughter of Richard Dwelly & Grace his wife, Aprill 29. 1716 Adult .James Briggs may 6*^ 1716. Elizabeth Brigs the Daughter of James Brigs May 6"' 1716 IMary Eells daughter of Nathan^ and Hannah Eells, was Baptized May IS^i" 1716 *Tliis should be 1715 36 Hannali Silvefter daughter of Peter & mary Silvefter. may. 27. 1716. Adult Mary Woodward Wife of Benj™ woodward June ?j^ 1716 Btnijamin & Thomas Woodward childi-eu of Benj'" & mary woodward were baptized June '6'^^ 1716. Elifha Prouty Son of Edward & Elizabeth Prouty. June 24. 1716 Daniel Dammon Son of Daniel & Barfhebah Dammon. June 24. 1716 Philip Turner Son of Philip and Elizabeth Turner July l^*" 1716 Thomas Palmer Son of John Palmer & Mary His wife was Baptized in Private July 8 1716, it being sick and not Likely to recover. John Bryant Son of John & Deborah Bryant, July 22 1716. Jofhua Palmer Son of Sam^^ Palmer & Anne his wife July 22. 1716 Samuel Bryant Son of Sam'^ and Abigail Bryant July 29. 1716 Mehetabel Dammon daughter of Zechariah Dammon, Sep* 2*^ 1716 Benjamin Beftowe Son of Benj'" & Mercy Beftowe Sep'^ 2<^ 1716 Samuel Ramfdell |^ children of Sam^' ]\Iary Ramf del j & mary Ramfdel of Pembroke, were baptized Sept: 2'' 1716 Caftle Tuell Son of Benjamin Tuell & Joanna his wife fep* 9'^ Anthony Symms fon of Timothy & Elizabeth Symms Sept: 23. 1716. Anno 1717 / November 25. 1716. v \ Being at New Port on / j llhode Ifland, and Preaching,? \ after Sermon I Baptized / Elizabeth Touniand daughter of Nathan & Agatha Tounfand. Edward & Elizabeth Roffom, children of Edward and Elizabeth Eoffom. John Draper and P^lizabeth Draper Children of John Draper & Thomas Brewer fon Of John Brewer and Ann his wife. These I Baptifed at Newport, the day and year above mentioned. 1717. Scittuate. Adult. Henry Joflin aged about twenty years, was Baptized Jan : 27. 1716/17 Adidt. Keziah Joflin aged about twenty & one years was Baptized. Jan: 27. 1716/17 Mary Silvester daughter of Amofs & Elizabeth Silvefter April 7'''' 1717 f Aprill 14tM717 Being at -< Hingham Coney Haffett & preaching ( there ; after Sermon I Baptized Thomas, the Son of Nathan" and Elizabeth Nicols. Benjamin the Son of Andrew and Rachel Beals Samuel the Son of Jezeniah & Rebecca Nicols Elizabeth the daughter of Hezekiah & Mary Lincoln. Abigail, the daughter of John and Percis Farrow Anno 1717 Perez Randal Son of Jsaac and Deborah Randall Baptized Aprill 21, 1717 William Tolman Son of Benjamin & Elizabeth Tolman Baptized Aprill 28 1717 Mercy Cufhing daughter of John Cufhing Efq"" & Sarah his wife, Bap- tized May lO*'^ 1717 Deborah Lincoln daughter of Soloman Lincoln & Hannah his wife ; Baptized. May lOti* 1717 37 f May 26. 1717. Being at Hingham -< and preaching there after Sermon ( I Baptized Stephen Dunbar Son of Jofhuah & Hannah Dunbar. David Whitten Son of David & Elizabeth Whitten Benjamin Gilbert Son of Daniel & Judeth Gilbert. Lydiah Otis daughter of Nathan^' : Otis & Hannah his wife, baptifed June 2<^ 1717. William Gilford Son of Will™ & Elizabeth his wife June 2'^ Sufannah Gilford daughter of Will™ & Eliz : Gilford June 2*^ 1717 Barnabas Thomfon Son of Robert Thomfon & Anne his wife June 9"^ 1717 Sarah Rogers daughter of Sam" & Jael Rogers. June 16 1717 Lydia King Daughter of George King & Deborah his wife June IG. 1717 Adult Jane Right aged about [blank] years was Baptized June 16. 1717 Hezekiah Herrendeen, Son of Hezekiah Herrendeeu And His wife, of marfhfield was baptized June 24 1717 Thankful Briggs A Child of Jofeph Briggs & Deborah his wife, was Baptized by me at m'^ Pitchers meeting houfe : June oO^^^ 1717 Simeon Nafh Son of Jofeph Nafh and Hanah his wife, being Sick was baptifed at his houfe, July 1^* 1717 Lydiah Beftow daughter of Samuel Bestow & Lydia his wife Baptized July 7**^ 1717 Isaac Jones Son of Jsaac Jones & Hannah his wife. Baptized July 7*'^ Mary Beftow Daughter of Jofeph & Mary Beftow; Baptized July 14'^ 1717 Peleg Perry Son of Benj™ Perry and Ruth his wife July 21. 1717 Jofeph Nafh, John Nafh, Hannah Nafh, Elizabeth Nafh, James Nafh, David Nafh ; childi-en of Jofeph Nafh & Hannah his wife were baptized July 28'^ 1717 Barfheba Bryant daughter of David & Hannah Bryant Baptized July 28. 1717 Elif ha Parker Son of W™ Parker and Rachel his wife of Rochefter was Baptized July 28. 1717. Thomas Silvefter, son of Sam'^ filvefter of marfhfield, baptized, Augult 4th 1717 Ruth Fofter Daughter of Hatherly Fofter and Barfhua his wife Auguft 4th 1717 Elizabeth Torry, Daughter of David Torry & Hope his wife, Bapt^ Aug: IP^ 1717 Nathanael Beftow Son of Beuj™ & Mercy Beftow Baptized August ll"' 1717 Nathanael Turner Son of Philip & Eliz : ^^ Turner, Baptized August 11'^ 1717 Martha Silvester daughter of Zebulun & mary Silvester Auguft 11* 1717 Adult Rachel Stetfon Daughter of Serg* Samuel Stetfon was Baptifed Auguft 18"' 1717 Ziphorah James daughter of John & Eunice James Baptized Sep* P* 1717 Elizabeth Stetfon daughter of Sam" Stetfon & Elizabeth his wife, Bap- tized Sep' P* 1717 ■r iTrr ) children of John & James Warren f ^.-r -„r i x- j TVT r Naomy vVarren, baptized Naomy warren^ g^p^g^,,^7j^ ^ Mary Harlow, daughter of Sam"^ Harlow & mary his wife was baptized Sep-- 8'^ 1717 Elifha King vSon of John King and Rebeca his wife, of Marfhfield was baptized Oct. 6"' 17 17. John Briggs Son of James Brigs & Hannah his wife, Oct : 6**" 1717 Lemuel Dwelly Son of John Dwelly & Rachel his wife. Baptized oct : 13. 1717 Jofhua Silvefter Son of Peter & Mary Silvester, Bap'd Nov. 3*^ 1717 Lufanna Bifhop Daughter of Stutfon Bifhop & Abigail His wife Bap- tized, Nov: 17'^ ] 7 17 Lydiah Pitcher daughter of Joseph & Mercy Pitcher, Baptized novem- ber 24*'^ 1717 Mehitabel Oldham daughter of Jofhua Oldham and Mehitabel his wife^ December 1^' 1717 1718 John Woodward fon of Benj™ & mary "Woodward, baptized februaiy 23. 1717/18. Mary Prouty daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Prouty baptifed March 2*. March 16«M7 17/1 8 Being at Hingham and Preaching there after Sermon in the afternoon, Baptized severall children. — as — Jedediah Lincoln Son of Jedediah Lincoln and Bethiah his wife- Israel Levit, fon of Jsrael & maxy Levit ; Margaret Lincoln Daugh"" : of Israel & margret Lincoln Dan'^ Cufhing fon of Dan" & Sarah Cufhing. Sam" Joluifon fon of Benj™ & Efter Johnfon Lydia franklin, Daugh^ of John & Lydia franklin Elifabeth Lane Daugh'' of Jsaiic & Hanah Lane. Deborah Lincoln Daugh'' of Samuel and Deborah Lincoln.. Dan" Sprague fon of Jofiah & Elifab'^*'^ Sprague Thomas Lincoln fon of Thom^ & Hannah Lincoln. James Garnet fon of .Tam^ & Jane Garnet Deborah Loring, of Benj'" & Deb'' Loring Sarah Jones, of Thom^ & Catherine Jones. Rachel Mackfarland of James & Sarah mackfarland. Adult Jonah Stetfon, Son of Sam" Stetfon, was Baptized march 23* 1717/18 being of Adult years. Deborah Curtice, daughter of Sam" & Anna Curtice was baptifed march 23. 1717/18. Benjamin Curtice Son of Benjamin Curtice jun'^ & Hannah his wife was baptized April 27. 1718 Jael Dammon daughter of Zecheriah & Mehitabel Dammon, was baptifed May 4"' 1718 Increafe Whetf tone, &, John TVTietftone children of John Whetftone and [blank] his wife were baptifed May 4"^ 1718. Mary Stetfon daughter of Anthony and Anna Stetfon. May 11. 1718 Amafa Turner Son of Amafa & Anna Turner, Baptifed May 18*^'^ 1718. Nathanaell Silvefter Son of Amos & Elizabeth Silvefter, was baptifed July 6"' 1718. Gilbert Brooks Son of Gilbert and Elizabeth Brooks was baptized July 13"> 1718. 39 Tiinotliy Silvefter Son of Joseph Silvefter of marflifield, baptized July 20^^^ 1718 Peleg Bryant Son of Thomas & Mary Bryant, was Baptifed July 27'^ 1718 Adult. Mary Buck the wife of Jfaac Buck was Baptized Auguft 3^ 1718. Ifaac Buck the Son of Ifaac & Mary Buck, was baptized August o*^ 1718. James Warren Son of John and Naomy Warren baptized Auguft 3*^ 1718 Abigail Lathly daughter of Philip Lathly deceafed, was baptized at her mothers requeft, Auguft 17. 1718 Hannah Otis daughter of Nathan^^ : Otis and Hannah his wife, formerly «f this Town but Now of New-London ; was Baptized Sep'. 7*'^ 1718 North Eells Son of Nathanaell & Hannah Eells, was baptized Sep* 28 1718 Amos Lappam Son of Samuel and Hannah Lappam was bap* Sep* 28 1718 William Lathly An apprentice Child to John Magoon was baptized Oct : 5 1718 Bartlet Turner, Son of John & mercy Turner. Baptized Oct: 12. 1718. Mary Church daughter of Nathan" & Judith Chh, was baptized Oct : 26. 1718, Jofeph Turner Son of Charls & Joanna Turner was Baptized Nov : 2^ 1718 Agatha Gilford daughter of W™ Gilford & Elizabeth his wife Nov : 2^ 1718 Job Neal Son of Jofep[h] Neal & Abigail his wife was Baptized Nov : 23. 1718 Jfaac Dammon Son of Dan" Dammon & Bathfhebah his wifo was Bap* Nov. 28 171-^ John Bryant Son of Samuell Bryant and Abigail his wife, was Baptized Dec: 21. 1718. Anno Domini 1719. Adult. Allice Clerk, Wife of Thomas dark, being fick & fuppofed to be nigh unto death, defiring baptifni, after some difcourfe with her, & her manif eftation of repentance & faith in Chrift was baptized, in the prefence of Deacon Stephen Clap & fome others of the Chh. March G*" 1719 Adult. Mary Lambert daughter of John Lambert, was Baptized march 8*1' 1718/19 Mary Jones, daughter of Jfaac Jones and Hannah his wife ; bap* : March 8*'> 1718/19 Elifha Tollman Son of Benj™ Tolman «& Elizabeth his wife, was Bap- tized mai-ch 15*1' jyjg Jfaac Turner, Son of Jsaack & Ruth Turner, baptized Api-ill b^'^ 1719. John Briggs fon of James & Hannah Brigs, baptized Aprill b^^ 1719 Sarah Stockbridge Daughter of Thomas Stockbridge & Sarah his Wife was Baptifed Aprell 26 1719 Mercy Nash, daughter of Jofeph & Hannah his wife was baptized may 3'^ 1719 Deborah Cufhing daughter of John & Elizabeth cufhing was baptized may 3*^ 1719 Deborah Tower daughter of Benj™ & Bethiah Tower : Baptifed may 3^^ 1719 40 John Clerk, mary Clerk, Jofepli Clerk, Seth Clerk, Martha Clerk, Caleb- Clerk, children of Thomas Clerk & Allice his wife, were baptifed May 3^ 1719 Abiel Perry Son of Benj™ & Ruth Perry was baptized in private, it being fick, March 11'^ 1719 May 17'^^ 1719 I preach'd at Little Hingham, and after Sermon I Bap- tized Mofes Lincoln the Son of JMofes & Lincoln & Martha his wife. Mary Philips, Daughter of Thomas Philips & Rachel his wife. John Taylor Son of Jfaac & Ruth Taylor was Baptized May 31. 1719 Tailer Brooks Sou of Nathanaell & Mary Brooks, was baptifed May 31. 1719 Sarah King Daughter of George King & Deborah his wife, was baptifed June 7*1^ 1719 Adult. James Bowker jun''. was baptifed June 28*'* 1719 Adult. Hannah Bowker the wife of James Bowker jun"^. was Baptized June 28. 1719. Lazarus Bowker Son of James Bowker & Hannah his wife was Baptized June 28"^ 1719 Thomas Slack Son of Thomas & Ruth Slack of Plymptou, was Baptized July 12"' 1719 Ann Tomfon daughter of Ann & Robert Tomfon Baptized August 2*^' 1719 Abigail Tilden daughter of Sam" and Defire Tilden, of Marfhfield was Baptized Auguft 23. 1719 Auguft SO.'^^ 1719 I preach'd att Little Hingham, and after Sermon I Baptized — Daniel Lincoln Son of Obadiah and Sufanna Lincoln. John Stevenfon fon of John & Rachel Stevenfon Elizabeth ISicols daughter of nathanael and Elizabeth nicols. Rachel Beal daughter of Andrew & Rachel Beal. [blank^ Berftow daughter of Jofeph and Mary Beftow, being An Infant and Sick nigh unto death was Baptized in private Oct: 12 1719 Caleb Silvefter Son of Amofs & Elizabeth Silvef ter, was baptifed march 20"' 1719/20 Caleb Beftow Son of Benjamin Beftow & Mercy ; baptifed march 20*^ 1719/20 Job Beftow fon of Sam" & Lydia Beftow was Baptifed April 3'^ 1720 Content Ramfdel daughter of Samuel & Martha Ramfdel was baptized Aprill 3^1 1720 Adtdt Lydia Wheaten daughter of Obadiah & Sarah wheaten being Sick & Lame at Deacon Jacobs Houfe, & not Likely to recover, was Baj^tized Aprill 4"^ 1720. Abel Curtice, Son of William Curtice & Margret His wife was Baptized Aprill 10"' 1720 James Briggs Son of James & Hannah His wife, was baptized AjH-ilL 24. 1720. Ifrael & Elifha Silvefter Children of Zebulun Silvefter and Mary his wife, were baptized Aprill 24. 1720. Saruh C'ufhing daughter of John Cufhing jun''. & Elizabeth his wife, was Bnptiied May P* 172\). Benjamin Silvefter Son of Benj™ Silvefter & Jerufha his wife was Bap- tized May 8"' 1720 Ruth Silvefter daughter of Benj"^ & Ruth Silvefter was baptized May 8*** 1720. 41 Elifha Palmer Son of Samuell Palmer & Anna his wife was baptized May 8"" 1720 John Tomfon Sou of Robert and Anne Tomfon was Baptized may 15*^ 1720 Elizabeth King daughter of John King & Rebeccah his wife of IMarfh- field, was baptized may 29. 1720 Gennet Rogers daughter of William & Gennet Rogers w\as Baptized May 29. 1720. June 3*^^ 1720. Elifha Randal Son of Nehemiah Randal & Ruth his wife of Pembroke, was baptized, at his houie, the child being very lick & not Likely to recover Simeon Curtice Son of Sam" : & Anna Curtice, was Baptized June 5*^ 1720. Elijah Stoddard Son of Benj'" & Mary Stoddard was Baptized. June 26. 1720 Ruth Randal daughter of Nehem : Randal & Ruth his wife, of Pembroke was Baptized July 10."^ 1720 Benjamin Brooks Son of Gilbert and Hannah Brooks was baptized July 31. 1720. Hannah Bryant daughter Thomas Bryant & mary his wife was Baptized Auguft 7t'^1720 Abigail Newcombe Daughter of Andrew newcombe & mercy his wife, of Truro, was baptized Auguft 7'^ 1720 Ifaac Young Son of Jofeph Young & Anna his w^ife of Truro was Bap- tized August 7*'' 1720. Lemuel Tiu-ner Son of Jsaac Turner & Ruth his wife, was baptifed Aug : 14'^ 1720 James Buck Son of Jsaac Buck & Mary his wife was Baptized Auguft l^i^ 1720. Auguft 21^^ 1720 I preach'd at Little Hingham, and after Sermon J Bap- tized — John Farrow, son of John & Pircif farrow Daniel Tower son of Daniel and Sarah Tower. Amos Joy, son of Prince & Abigail joy Content James, daughter of Thomas & Patience James. Abigail Brigs Daughter of Jofeph & Deborah Briggs of Scittuate Silence Nicols, daughter of Jazeniah & Rebeccah Nichols. Experience Nicols daughter of Roger Nicols & Bethiah. Adult: Ruth Bates, daughter of Jofeph Bates, was Baptized Auguft 28*"^ 1720 Ezra Clark Son of Thomas & Allice Clarke was baptized Sep* 4"^ 1720 Luke Bifhop Son of Hudlon Bifhop, & his wife of Pembroke. Bap**^ Sep*. 4*1^ 1720 Thomas Curtice Son of Benjamin Curtife jun'" : & Hannah his wife was Baptized Sep* 4*^ 1720 Adult: Thomas Merit was Baptized Sep* ll*'^ 1720 Agatha Merit, Abi- gail merit, Aimy meret, & mary merit children of Thomas merit & Abi- gail his wife were Baptized Sep* 11*^^ 1720 Nehemiah Turner son of Abner & Aimy Turner, & Abner Turner fon of Abner & Aimy Turner, were baptized fep* : 11**^ 1720 John Warren Son of John warren and Aimy his wife Baptized Sep* 11. 1720 42 Hannah Bradford daughter of Elifha Bradford & Barfhua his wife, of Plymouth ; was baptized Sept. 18"^ 1720, Defire Tilden Daughter of Sam" Tildeu & Delire his wife, of marfhfield was Baptized Sept 18, 1720. Adult : Thomas Toby and his wife Adult: Mary Toby were baptized October 2*^ 1720. and alfo their Chil- dren ; viz ; Jane Tobey, Elifha Toby and mary Toby, were baptifed Oct^ 2^' 1720 Adult. Jfaac Hatch, fon of Jeremiah Hatch was baptized Oct: 2"^ 1720 Jolhuah Beftow vSon of Jofeph Bef tow & Elizabeth his wife, was Bap- tized Dec: 4"' 1720 Mary Dammou Daughter of Zech : & mehitabel his wife was Baptized Jan: 1^' 1720/21. Noah Brooks fon of Nathn' : & mary his wife was Baptized Jan. 22** 1720/21 Lydia Houfe daughter of Jofeph Houfe & Lydiah his wife was baptifed Feb : G"' 1720/21 at the Hoiife of Benj™ Curtice, the Child being very sick there. Adult Abner Turner aged upward of fourty years, being fick and not Likely to recover was baptized at his own houfe Feb : 14"' 1720/21 Hannah Silvefter daughter of Jofeph Silvef ter of Marfhfield was baptized March 19"' 1720/21 Ruth Tolman daughter of Ben : jamin & Elizabeth Tolman was Baptized at Home, Jt being Sick : March 27"' 1721. Adult. Jofeph Joflin fon of Henry Joflin, was baptized may 14*'' 1721. Bethiah Tower Daughter of Benj'" & Bethiah Tower was baptized may. 14. 1721 Elizabeth Curtice daughter of John Curtice, & Experience his wife was baptized may 'I'S^'^^ 1721 Abner Perry Son of Benj'" & Ruth Perry was baptized May 28.*" 1721. Adult Urfellah Randal wife of Job Randal jun'' was baptized & Received in to full Communion w"' y° Chh June 4*" 1721. Thomas Randall, Job Randal, Sarah Randal «& Mary Randal Children of Job Randal jun'' & Urfellah his wife were baptized June 4"' 1721. Thomas Farrow Son of Benjamin farrow & [blank] his wife was baptized June 4'" 1721. James Torry ^ children of James & Sarah Torry of Marfhfield were bapr & V tized July 2'i 1721 Sarah Torry ) Thomas Church Son of Nathan" Chh and Jerufha his wife was baptized July 2M721 William Clyft Son of William Clift ju'^ & Judith his wife of marfhfield was baptized July 30"'. 1721. Martha Toby daughter of Thomas Toby & Mary his Wife, was baptized Auguft 13"' 1721. Jofeph Dammon Son of Daniel & Barfhebah his wife was Baptized Sep- tember 3^' 1721. Benjamin Hatch Son of John Hatch jun'" & Grace his wife was baptized Sept 3'' 1721 Jsaac Taller Son of Jsaac Taller & Ruth his wife was Baptized Sept : ^^ 1721 Ruth Perry daughter of Amos «Sc Ruth Perry was Baptized Sep*. 10, 172 L 48 — Sept 1721. I preach'd at Little Hingham and after Sermon J Baptized Jeffe Stevenfon, Son of John & Rachel Stevenfon Right Woodart. & Mary Woodart children of Benj"^ & mary woodart were baptized Sep* 24 1721 Gerfhom Randal Son o£ Nehemiah & Ruth his wife, of Pembrok. Bap- tized Oct P' 1721 Relief Dammon, (of John Damon & Eliz- his wife of Marfhfield) was Baptized October 1.^* 1721 Edmund Silvefter Son of Amof & Eliz : Silvefter was Baptized oct : 8*^ 1721 Anna Lenthal Eells daughter of Nathanael & Hannah Eells was born October 16*'' 1721, and baptized October 22/' 1721. Thomas Ruggles Son of John & Joanna Ruggles was Baptized oct: 29. 1721 Seth Briggs Son of James & Hannah Briggs was Baptized oc* 29. 1721 Mary Barker daughter of Jsaac Barker & Elizabeth his wife of Rhode Jsland, was Baptized Novemb'' 1*** 1721. at the Houfe of M^' Jofeph Ber- ftowe. The Child being fick there and not Likely to recover. Adult Alice Clark wife of Thomas Clark was Baptized nov : 12"^ 1721 Gael Curtice daughter of W'^ & Margret Curtice was Baptifed nov : 26. 1721 A7ino. 1122 Elizabeth Fofter daughter of Hatherly Fofter & Barfhua his wife, Bap*^ Feb : 25. Lemuel Bryant Son of Thomas and Mary Bryant, Baptized Feb : 25**^ 1721/22. Jonah Stetfon Son of Jonah & Mercy Stetfon, Baptized, Feb : 25 1721/22. Alice Clark daughter of Thom'^ & Allice Clerk Baptized Feb : 25*'^' 1721/22 Luke Curtice Son of Benjamin & Hannah curtice, Baptized March ll*'' 1722 March 23*^ 1722 Ebenezer Brooks Son of Gilbert Brooks was baptized afe his houfe, being not Likely to Live Mary Silvefter daughter of Peter and Maiy, was Baptized March 25 Thomas Thomfon Son of Robert & Ann Thomfon was Baptized May 6, 1722 Stephen Hatch Son of Jsaac Hatch & Sarah his wife was Baptized Mav 20,1722. James Bowker Son of James & Hannah Bowker was Baptized may 20"^ 1722 Richard Church Son of Richard Church and his wife Baptifed may 20, 1722 Benjamin Ramfdel Son of Jofeph & Mary Ramfdel of Pembroke was Baptifed may 20"^ 1722 Barfheba Daiiion daughter of Daniel & Jemima Dammon was baptized June 3^' 1722 Abigail Neal daughter of Jofeph & Abigail neal Baptized June 17"^ 1722 Thomas Buck ion of Jsaac Buck and mary his wife Baptized June 17*** 1722 James Silvefter Son of Benj"* & Ruth Silvefter, Baptized June 17*'^ 1722 Elifha Nafh Son of Jofeph & Hannah nafh was Baptized July 8**^ 1722 Anthony Symms, Son of Timothy & Eliz : Syms, was Baptized July 15"* 44 Patience Jordan ; of John Jordan & Patience liis wife, Bap* July 15*^ 1722 Content Cuf liing daughter of James & mary Culhing bap* July 22, 1722 Amos Curtice Son of Sam" : & Anna Curtice was baptized July 22. 1722 Jofeph Stetfon Ion of Anthony & Anna Stetfon was Baptized Auguft 5*^ 1722 Adult: Deborah Wheaten aged about 23 years was baptized Augul't 19* 1722 Mercy Beftow Daughter of Benj™ Bef tow & mercy his wife was baptized Auguft 19, 1722 Benjamin Torry Son of Keziah Torry, was Baptized Aug: 19, 1722 Mercy Tilden Daughter of Sam^' Tilden juu"" & defire his wife of marfh- field, was Bap* fep* 9"' 1722 John Cufhing Son of John Cufhing jun"^ & and his wife Elizabeth, was baptized Sep* 23. 1722 Ezekiel Turner ion of Jsaac & Ruth Turner, Bap* fep* 23, 1722 Bradberry daughter of Abner & Sarah Dwelly Bap* fep* 23. 1722 Nathanael Warren Son of John warren & Naomi His wife was Baptized of Pembroke Sep* 30. 1722. Ifaac & Jofiah Hatch children of Jsaac Hatch & Lydia his wife were Baptized Sep* 30*'^ 1722. Jofeph & Alice Stetfon children of famuel & Elizabeth Stetfon were bap- tized Sep* 30"^ 1722. Adult: John Lambert ju" was baptized Oct: 21. 1722 John Lambert Son of John Lambert ju^" & Ruth his wife was baptized Oct: 21. 1722 Jofeph & Abigail Hanmer children of Benj™ & Abigail Hanmer were baptized Oct: 21. 1722 Nathanael Brooks Sou of Nathan' 1723. George Shaw, Son of John & Abigail Shaw of Plympton was baptized Dec: 29. 1723 1724 Elifha Briggs Son of James & Hannah Brigs was baptized Jan 5^^ 1723/4 Margret Randal daughter of John & Jane Randal was baptized Jan : 12. 1723/4. Adult Richard Bowker was baptized Feb : 9^\ 1723/4 Adult Jofeph Perry was baptized Feb : 23. 1723/4 Hannah Curtice daughter of Benj'" & Hannah Curtice was Baptized March ist 1724 Adult. lames Lambert was baptized March 14'^ 1724 at the Houfe of Henry Joflin, he being Sick there. Adult Anna Lambert daughter of John Lambert was baptized March 15. 1723/4 Adult. Elizabeth Hammon wife of Jedidiah Hammon was baptized in the evening March 15"' 1724. in Private She being dangeroufly Sick. Barnabas Barker Son of Barnabas & Hannah Barker was baptized in pri- vate, being fick with conuulfion, April : 1 : 1724. Mary Silvefter daughter of Amos & Elizabeth filvefter was baptized Apr : Levi Silvefter Son of Peter and Mary Silvefter, was baptized April : 5*'' 1724. Jane Torry, daughter of Sam' & Barfhua Torry was baptized April 5"' 1724. Adidt Jofeph Briggs Sen"^ was baptized April -.6^^ 1724. Adult: Thomas Joflin fon of Henry Joflin, was Baptized April 5*-'^ 1724. Charles Church Son of Richard Chli and his wife was Baptized April :19"\ 1724 Jemima Damon, daughter of Dan' & Jemimah, was baptized May 3d 1724 Adult Judeth Parker was baptized May 3" 1724 Adult : Jedidiah Hammon was Baptized May 1 7*'^ 1724 T^^ i^TT*"'^ "'x> I Children of Jedidiah Hammon were baptized may Jofeph Hammon & >• j^m ^^24 Benj"" Hammon ) 47 Jfaac Otis and Deborah Otis children of Jsaac & Deborah otis were Bap- tized May 17"^. 1724 Caleb Lambert Son of John & Ruth Lambert was baptized May 17'^'* 1724 Mary Hatch daughter of John & Grace Hatch was baptized may 17*^ 1724 Simeon Woodart Son of Benj" : & Mary. Baptiz^^ May 17. 1724 Adult. Caleb Oldham was baptized May 31. 1724 Anna Stetfon daughter of Anthony & Anna. Bapt : June 7**^ 1724 Nathanael Church Son of Nathanael Chh jun^'. Bapt : June 14 Jofeph Perry, fon of Jofeph Perry, baptifed June 14. 1724 Ebenezar Simmons Son of Ebenezar Simmons, and Lydia his wife Bap- tized June 28 1724 Adult Anthony Negro Serv' to Thomas Rogers of Marlhfield and Adult Phebe negro ferv' to s'^ Rogers, & wife to fd Anthony, was Baptifed June 28*^ 1724 Ruth, Negro daughter of Anthony & Phebie, was baptized June 28 1724 Benjamin Turner Son of Benj™ Turner jun"" & Mercy his wife was bap- tifed in Private being not likely to Live, June 28. 1724. Jofeph Torrey Son of Jofeph & Deborah Torry was baptifed July 5^ 1724 William Dwelly Son of Abner & Sarah, was Baptifed July 5"' 1724. Samuel Curtice Son of Benj"^ & Rebecca Curtice was baptized July 12. 1724. Mary, the daughter of lofeph & Hannah Nafh was Baptized July 19th 1724. Simeon, the Son of Caleb & Rachel Turner, Baptifed July 19. 1724 Samuel & Mary, Turner, Children of Nathan & Fear Turner, was bap*^^ : July 19 1724 Wills Clyft Son of William & Judeth Clift was baptized July 26^^^ 1724 Jofhua Houfe Son of Jofeph & Lydia Houfe was Baptized Auguft. 2*^ 1724 William Robinlon : fervant Child to Col" Cufhing, was baptized Auguft 2"* 1724 Nathanael Cufhing Son of John Cufhing & Elizabeth his wife, Baptized Auguft 30"\ 1724 Abigail Dammon Daughter of Zechariah & Mehitabel Damon, baptifed Aug* 30 1724 Jacob Silvefter Son of Benj"" & Ruth, baptized Oct: 4'^ 1724 Ruth Tilden daughter of Sam^ & Difire Tilden of Marfhfield was Bap- tized Oct: i^^ 1724 Jeremiah Role, Son of Gidion & Lydia Rofe, baptized Oct : 4 1724 Jfaac Jones Son of Jfaac & Hannah, Baptiz** Oct: 11. 1724 Jonathan Tower Son of Benj'" & Bethiah, was baptized in private, being fick & not Likely to Live. Nov : 3^^ 1724 William Curtice Sou of W"^ Curtice was Baptized Nov : 29. 1724 WaitStill Turner Son of Jsaac & Ruth Turner was baptized nov 29 1724. Eunice Stetfon Daughter of Jonah & Mercy ftetson was baptized Nov : 29. 1724 Thomas Moore Son of W'" More, a Stranger from Jreland, was baptized Nov: 29. 1724, Simeon Turner Son of Nathan Turner Deceafed : was baptized Nov : 29. 1724. Nathanael Bryant Son of Thomas & Mercy Bryant was Baptized Nov : 29 1724 in the Evening, at Thomas Bryants Houfe, being fick. 48 Thomas Tobie Son of Thomas & Mary Tobie was baptized Jn private, being fick; March 23 1724/5 Sarah Cambel daughter of James & Sarah Cambel was baptized April. 4*'^ 1725 Hannah Briggs daughter of James & Hannah was baptized in private, being dangerously Sick. April 10"' 1725 John Gilford Son of William & Elizabeth Gilford, an Jnfant Child being Sick was baptized at Benj™ woodart houfe April 12 1725 Adult Jedediah Hatch was Baptized May 2'' 1725 Ruth Brooks daughter of Gilbert Brook & Abigail his wife was baptized May 2" 1725 Simeon D welly Son of John D welly & Judith his wife was baptized May 2*^ 1725 Elizabeth Prouty daughter of Jsaac & Elizabeth Prouty was Baptized May 2'^ 1725. Lydia Lappam daughter of Samuel & Hannah Lappam was Baptized May 9"> 1725 iiufanna Chh daughter of Richard Church was baptized May 16'^ 1725 Elizabeth Gilford daughter of W"^ & Eliz : Gilford was baptized May IG. 1725 Ebenezar ^ ^^j^^^ Children of Jofeph Silvefter of Marf hfield were bap- T .. 1 tized May 23. 1725 Liucreiia ( John Bowker Son of James & Hannah Bowker were baptized May 23. 1725 May 30*'' 1725 J preach'd for M"" Bourn, and after Sermon J Baptized Seth Man Son of Man. Jofeph Beftow Son of Sam' & Lydia Beftow was Baptifed June 13*'' 1725 Mary Buck daughter of Jsaac & Mary Buck was Baptized June 13*'' 1725 Jfaac Shaw, Son of John Shaw & Abigail his wife, of Plymptou, was baptized June 27*'' 1725 Margret Beftow daughter of Benj'" & Margret Beftow was baptized June 27*" 1725 Jfaac Tailor fon of Jfaac & Ruth Tailor was baptized June 27. 1725 Jeremiah Hatch, Son of Jeremiah Hatch & Deborah Hatch was baptized June 27. 1725 Mercy Stockbridge daughter of Charls & Anna Stockbridge was baptized June 27. 1725 Deborah Torry daughter of Jofeph & Deborah Torry was baptized July 4*" 1725 Samuel Simmon Son of Ebenezar Simmons was Baptized July. 18 1725 Mary Perry daughter of Amos Perry & Ruth his wife was baptized July 18 1725 ( William Hearfey, Jfaac Hearfey, & Abigail Hearfey Children of Wil- \ liam & Abigail Hearfey of Abington, were baptized July 18*'' 1725 Hannah Rofe, daughter of Jofeph & Elizabeth Rofe of Marf hli eld, was Baptized July 25 1725 Thomas Stockbridge Son of Thomas Stockbridge was Baptized in Pri- vate being fick Auguft 6*'' 1725 Jofiah Otis Son of Jfaac & Deborah Otis was baptized Auguft 22.^ 1725 Adult Hannah Stockbridge Wife of Thomas Stockbridge was Baptized Sep* 26. 1725 49 Hannah Barker daughter of Barnabas Barker & Hannah his wife. Bap- tized fep : 26 1725 Mary Ahas Grace Ruggles daughte[r] of Jolin & Joanna Ruggles, was Baptized fept : 2G : 172o. Ezekiel Caffel Son of Timothy & Deborah Caf fel of New:port on Rhode Jfknd, was baptized oct : 17*^'^ 1725 William Cufhmg fon of John & Elizabeth Cufhing was baptized Oct : 31. 1725 Elijah Cufhing Son of Elijah & Elizabeth Cufhing was baptized Feb : G*^' 1725 Penellope Hatch Daughter of Jfaac & Penelope Hatch was Baptized Feb: 20. 1725 Star Turner fon of Jofeph & Elizabeth Turner was baptized March G"' 1725/6. Richard Dwelle Son of Richard & Margaret Dwelle was baptized March 7"^ 1725/6. Ju Private, being fick. Elizabeth Silvefter daughter of Amos & Elizabeth f ilvefter was Baptized April : 24"' 1726 Martha Man daughter Benjamin & Martha Man, was baptifed April 24. 1726. Elilha Rofe fon of Jofeph Rofe, & Elizabeth his wife of marfhfield, was baptized May 1*' 1726. Caleb Curtice Son of Benj°' & Hannah Curtice was baptized May 8*^'^ 1726 Abigail Church daughter of Nathan^ & Jerufha Chh was baptized may 15"' 1726 Job Curtice fon of Benjamin & Rebecca Curtice was Baptized May 15*'' 1726 Luke Stetfon fon of Elijah & Ruth ftetson was baptized May 15'^ 1726 Prifcilla Turner daughter of Caleb & Rachel Turner was Baptized May 15"' 1726. Lydia Brooks daughter of Nathanael & Mary Brooks was baptized Jn private may 16*'' 1726. being fick & not Likely to Recover. Prince Palmer Sou of Sam" & Ann Palmar, was baptized May 22^' 1726 Sarah Cufhing daughter of James & Mary Cufhing was baptized June 12 1726. Elizabeth Houfe daughter of Jofeph & Lydia Houfe was baptized June 12. 1726 Sarah Farrow daughter of Benjamin & Leah Farrow was baptized June 19^" 1726. Grace Hatch daughter of John Hatch jun'" & Grace his wife was baptized June 26"' 1726. Jofhua Burdet Son of Henry Burdet & Lydia his wife was Baptifed June 26"' 1726. JohnTolman Son of Benj'". & Elizabeth Tolman was baptized July 10"' 1726 Ruth Dwelle daughter of John & .Judeth Dwellv was baptized July 10"' 1726 Ezekiel Clark fon of Thomas & Allice Clark was baptized July 24"' 1726. William Otis fon of Jsaac & Deborah Otis, was baptized July 24*" 1726. Lydia Shaw daughter of John Shaw & Abigail his wife, of Piymptou, was bai)tized July 3L 1726 Jsaac Perry Son of Benj'" & Ruth Perrj- was baptized Auguft 21. 1726. 50 Ruben SymmoBS Son of Ebenezar Symons was baptized Auguft 28 1726 Mehitabel Curtice Daughter of Samuel & Anna Curtice was baptized Sept iith 1726 Nathanael Clyft Son of William Clift of Marfhfield was baptized Sep* 11«' 1726 Margaret Randal Daughter of John Randal & Jane his wife was Bap- tized fep' 11*1726 Sarah Jones daughter of Jf aac & Hannah Jones was baptized Sep* 1 1"' 1726 Amos Perry Son of Amos & Ruth Perry was baptized in Private Oct : irM726 it bein[g] fick George Clap Son of John & Mercy Clap was baptifed Oct; 23'i 1726 Mary Lucas daughter of lane Lucas of Marfhfield was baptized Oct : 23. 1726 Deborah Silvelter Daughter of Peter & Mary Silvef ter was baptized Nov : 27. 1726 Nathanael Curtice Son of Benj™ Curtice, ju*" & Hannah his wife, of Han- over was baptized march 31. 1728 Mary Cocks daughter of W"* & Mary Cocks of Hanover was baptifed March 31. 1728. Adult. Abigail Barrel wife of W™ Barrel was Baptifed may 5th 1728. Abigail & ) Children of william & Abigail Barrell were baptized May James ) 5"^ Elizabeth Wormwool [or Wormwoll or WermaW] an adopted Child of Johanna Turner of Marfhfield was baptized May 5*^^ 1728. William Chh Sou of Nathan' & Jerufha Church was baptized May 5"' 1728 Abigail Cornifh daughter of Jofeph & Patience Cornifh of Hanover was baptized May 26. 1728. Sarah Hatch Daughter of Jsaac Hatch of Hanover was Baptifed May 26. 1728 Job Stetfon, & \_ Children of W™ & Hannah Stetfon were baptized June Caleb ftetlon j 2'^ 1728. Nathan Hatch Son of Jeremiah & Frances Hatch was baptized June 30"' 1728. [ Omission'] Daughter of Benj™ & Mercy Bef tow was Baptized in private She being fick & not Likely to Live. July 10"' 1728 Anna Warren daughter of John & naomi warren was baptized July 28*'' Jofhua Stetfon Son of Elijah & Ruth his wife, was baptifed July 28 1728. Adult Silence Damon was baptized Aug* 4*'' 1728 Benj'" Curtice Son of Benj™ & Rebeccae Curtice was Baptized Aug* 18. 1728 ■ Abel Torry Son of Sam' ^ Barfhua Torry was Baptized Aug: 18*'' 1728 Lucretia Turner daughter of Hawkins Turner was baptized Aug : 18 1728 Francis Burdet Son of Henry Burdet was Baptized Auguft 18. 1728. Peleg Simmons Son of Ebenezar Simmons was Baptized Sep* 1** 1728 Hannah P2wel (daughter of Gerfhom Ewel & Submit Ewel his Relict, wife of John Stetfon of Marfhfield) was Baptized In private Sep* 25 1728. Adult. Thankful! Bloffom wife of John Bloffom was baptized Oct : 6*" 1728. 51 Thomas Bloffom Son of John & Thankful! Broffom was baptized Oct. 6ti> 1728. Adult : Lydia Turner Jonathan Turners widow was Baptized Oct. 13. 1728. John Clap, Son of John & mercy Clap, was baptized Oct: 13. 1728. James Blankinfhip (Alias Gordon) Son of Anne Blankinfhip, and ap- prentice to the widow Rachel D welly, was baptized at the defire of Td Dwelle, She being in full Comunion w'''^ this Chh. Zillah Perry daughter of Benjamin & Ruth Perry was baptized nov° W^ 1728. r November 24"^ 1728 J preach'd at Sandwitch at the houfe of Jofhua Blackwell, after Sermon J baptized feuerall Children viz : John Swift the Son of Jofiah & Experience Swift. Deborah Tapper daughter of Eliakim and Joanna Tupper Jerifha Swift daughter of Thomas aud Thankfull Swift. Sarah Ellis daughter of Jofiah & Sarah Ellis. INIartha Blackwell daughter of Sam' : and Mary Blackwell. Hannah Jones, daughter of Ebenezar & Jane Jones of Marfhfiekl was baptized Dec : 29"' 1728. 1729 Lydiah Clift daughter of W" Clift of Marfhfield was Baptized Jan : 12"i 1728/9. Ruth Role daughter of Jofhua Rofe of Marfhfield was baptized January 12^^ 1728/9 Sarah Clap daughter of Samuel & Hannah Clap was baptized Jan : 19*'' 1728/9. Mary Hearfy Daughter of william Heariie of Abington was baptized by me at Hanover march 9"^ 1728/9. Cornelius Briggs Son of James & Hannah Brigs was baptized march 16'^'* 1728/9 Samuel Randal Son of Nehemiah & Ruth, was baptized march 30"' 1729 Defire Barker daughter Barnabas & Hannah was baptized march 30, 1729 Lydia Bowker daughter of James & Hannah was baptized march 30. 1729 John Bourn, Son of John & Abigail Bourn of Marfhfield was Baptized April 13 1729 Abigail Brooks daughter of Gilbert & Abigail, was baptized April. 20'''' 1729 Adult Martin an Indian man ferv* to M"" Fofter was Baptized April. 4'''' 1729. Ruth Prouty daughter of Jsaac & Elizabeth Prouty was Baptized May 11"' 1729 Abigail Torry daughter of Jofeph & Bathfheba Torry was baptized June 8"' 1729. Abel Turner Son of william & Abigail Turner was baptized June &'^ 1729. Thomas Lappam Son of David & Rebecca Lappam was baptized June 15"' 1729 John Ruggles Son of John & Joanna Ruggles was baptized June 22** : 1729. Tobias Oakman, Son of Samuel Oakman of Marfhfield, was baptized in private, he being Sick &, not Likely to Live. July 1^' 1729 Micah Stetfon Son of Jonah & mercy Stetfon being Sick was baptized in private July 4"' 1729 52 Nicolas Daviff Son of Nicholas & Grace Davis of Kingston, was bap- tized Anguit o*^ 1729 JelTe vvoodart Son of Benjamin & Mary woodart was baptized Auguft 3'' 1729. Adult Sarah Lambert wife of James Lambert was baptized Auguft 24th 1729 James Lambert & Sai'ah Lambert Children of James and Sarah Lambert were baptized Auguft 24 th 1729 William Perry Son of Amos & Ruth Perry was baptized in Private it being fick & not Likely to Live, Aug*^ 30*^ Micael Brooks Son of Nathan'' & mary Brook was baptized Oct 5'*^ 1729 Lufonna Merit Daughter of Henry & margret merit being fick was bap- tized in Private Oct : 8"' 1729 Stephen Otis Son of Jsaac & Deborah Otis was baptized Oct : 12. 1729. October 26th 1729 J preach'd at Sandwitch at the houfe of M"" Eldad Tupper After Ser- mon J baptized two Children viz: Enoch Tupper Son of Samuel and Hannah Tupper Mary Blackwell daughter of Samuel & Mary Black well. Anna Toby daughter of Thomas & mary Toby was baptized oct 26 1729 by the Rev'^' m'' David Turner PaP'' of a Chh in Rehoboth Lemuel Silvefter Son of Jofeph and Lydia Silvefter was baptized nov : 2'! 1729 Benjamin Dwelly Son of John & Judith Dwelley was baptifed nov 2*^ 1729 Adult. Hannah Randal wife of Caleb Randall was baptized nov : 30"' 1729 Stephen Randall Son of Caled [? Caleb] & Hannah was baptized Nov : 30 1729 Elizabeth Dwelle & Deborah Dwelle, children of Jedediah & Elizabeth Dwelle were baptized Nov: 30*'^ 1729. Thomas Rofe Sou of Gidiou & Lydia Rofe was baptized Dec : 14"' 1729 Eliphalet Northy Son of James Northy & Mary his wife was baptized in Private Dec : 21''* in the Evening being Sick«fe not Likely to recover 1729 Ruth Clap daughter of John & Mercy Clap was baptized Dec : 28*^ 1729 by the Rev'' m'' Bourn 1730 Lydiah Hatch daughter of Jsaac & Penelipa Hatch was Baptized Jan : 4"^ 1729/30 Adult Jcabod Merit and his Infant Child Jofeph Mei'it were baptized march V 1729/30 David Jacob fon of Jofhua & Mary Jacob was baptized March I''* 1729/30 ( April 26"' J preached at Sandwitch and after Sermon J baptized two ■} Children : Charls Tupper Son of Eliakim & Joanna Tupper. ( Micael Ellis Son of Joliah & Sarah Ellis. Rebecca Dammou daughter of Zechariah & Mehitabel, was baptized. May 3^ 1730 Amos Dammon Son of Daniel & Jemimah was Baptized May 3'' 1730 Eunice Turner daughter of Charls & Eunice Turner was Baptized May 3^ 1730 Ruth Stetfon Daughter of Elijah & Ruth Stetfon was baptized Mav 1 0"' 1730 53 May l?''^ 1730 I Preach'd at New-port on Rhode Jfland and adminiftred the Sacra- ment of the Lords Suiiper ; to the 2'* Congregational Chh there ; and Baptized 1. Patience Dodge the wife of Hezakiah Dodge, and 2. Samuel Dodge Son of Hezekiah and Patience Dodge. 3. Thomas V/'illiams Son of lendall & Mehitabel williams memorandum Nathan' Tiffany & his wife, members of the Chh in Afhford. & INF^ Potter a member of the Chh in Briftol, defired the Priviledge of partaking w^*^ y* chh ; and had it. Anna Palmer daughter of Sam^ Palmer & Ann his wife was baptized May 2i'^ 1730 Lufanna Magoone daughter of John & Abigail Magoone was baptized May 24"' 1730 David Hatch Sou of David & Mary Hatch of Bridgwater was Baptized June U^^ Ezra Stetfon, Son of Anthony & Anna was baptized June 28 1730. David Lappam Son of David & Rebecca, was baptized July 5'^^ 1730. Elizabeth Butler daughter of Jsrael & Elizabeth Butler was baptized July 12^'^ 1730. Elifha Turner Son of Benj"' & Mercy Turner was baptized July 12. 1730. Lydia Perry daughter of William Perry of Freetown, & adopted by Eliza- beth Tolmau wife of Benj'*\ was baptized July 19. 1730 Bethiah woodart daughte of Eben : woodart & Bethiah his wife was Bap- tized July 19. 1730. Sarah Church Daughter of Nathan' Chh jun'^ & Jerufha his wife was bap- tized July 19 1730. John Neil, Son of John Neil & his wife (an Jreland man & wo- man) was baptized July 19. 1730 Adam Stetfon Son of Abijah & Deborah Stetfon was baptized July 19"^. 1730. Mary Brvant daughter of Benj™ and Abigail his wife ; was baptized Auguft 16"'il730 David Bryant Son of David Bryant jnn'' & Hannah his wife was baptized Sep' 6"^ 1730. James Prouty Son of Jsaac & Eliz : was baptized Sep* : 6'^ 1730 Mary & Abigail twin Children of Barnabas & Hannah Barker were bap- tized Sep'ber by the Rev'* m^ Bourn. 1730 Mary Cufhing daughter of John & Mary Cufhing was baptized Sep*. 13 1730. Ruth Bryant daughter of Elizabeth Bryant was baptized Sep* 13. 1730 Mary withington daughter of Henry & mary withington of Kingston was Baptized Sep* 13 1730 Mary merit daughter of Icabod & Mary Merit was Babtized Oct ll*'' 1730 Rebecca Curtice daughter of Benjamin & Rebecca his wife was Baptized Oct: 11 1730 Ruth Randall daughter of Caleb & Hannah his wife was baptized Oct : ll*'' 1730. Lufanna Dwelle daughter of Jofeph & Mary Dwelly was baptized nov : 8*'^ 1730. Star Turner Son of Jofeph & Eliz*'' : Turner was baptized Dec : 6*'^ 1730 54 Dorothy Turner daughter of Hawkins & Lufanna ; was bap* Dec : 6'^' 1730 Jael Silvefter daughter of Mary Silvefter was Baptized Dec : fi"' 1730 Abigail Tones daughter of Eben'" Jones & Jane his wife of marfhUeld was baptized Dec : 20. 1730 William Witherel Eells Son of Sam^ & Hannah Eells was baptized Dec : 20. t" 1730 1731 Each el Clap daughter of John & mercy clap was baptifed Feb : 28 1730/1 Hannah Otis daughter of Jsaac & Deborah otis was baptized March 21^*^ 1730/1 Lulauna & Ezekiel Dammon Children of John & Eliz : Dammou of Marf h- field were baptized March 28"^ 1731 Jofeph Randall, Benjamin Randall Sarah Randal & Ezra Randal Chil- dren of Benj"^ & Sarah Randal were baptized April 4"' 1731 Luce Dwelle daughter of Jedidiah & Elizabeth Dwelle was Bap': April 4}^ 1731 Ruth Silvefter daughter of Jofeph & Lydia Silvefter, was baptized May 9'^ 1731 Experience Brooks daughter of Gilbert & Abigail Brooks, was Baptized May 16.*'' 1731. By the Rev'* M"" Bourn of the North Society in this town. John Neal, Son of Johu & Mary Neal, being Sick & not Likely to Live was baptized in Private May 20**^ 1731. Elijah Randal Son of Nehemiah & Ruth was baptized May 23 1731 Abigail Turner daughter of W™ & Abigail was Baptized may 23. 1731 Deborah Bowker daughter of James & Hannah, was baptized may 23. 1731 Luke Lambert Son of James & Sarah Lambert was baptized mav 23. 1731 Sarah Ruggles daughter of Johu & Joanna, was baptized May 30. 1731. Hannah Perry daughter of Amos & Ruth Perry was Baptized May 31. 1731. in private, being Sick, and as was Supofed in great danger. Willes Clift Son of W" & Judith clift of marfhfield was Baptized June &^ 1731 Jofeph Rofe Son of Jofhua & Eliz : Rofe of marfhfield was baptized Jne 6"' 1731 Jonathan Bryant Sou of David & Hannah, was baptized June 6**^ 1731 Peter Bourn Son of John & Abigail Bourn of Marfhfield was baptized June 20*1^ 1731 Eleanar Prouty Daughter of Elizabeth Prouty deceafed, was prefented by her Granmother Elizfabeth Prouty to baptifm, & was baptized June 20 1731 Jolin Barker Son of Barnabas and Hannah his wife was Baptized June 27. 1731 Amos Lappam Son of David and Rebecca, was baptized July 11. 1731 Ezekiel Young Son of Jofeph & Lydia, was Baptized July 18."' John James Son of John James & Rhoda his wife was baptized by the P^ovf' M'^ Bourn July 18"' 1731. Wary Moor daughter of John Moor, Of Jreland was baptized by the Rev** M'- Bourn July 18. 1731. Rachel Farrow daughter of Benj"' : was baptized by M'' Bourn July 18. 1731. 55 Bezaliel Palmer & Nathanael Palmer Children of Bezaliel & Anna Pal- mer, were baptized July 25'^ 1731. Adult: Abigail Rufiel was baptized Aug*** 1** 1731 William Brigs Son of James & Hannah was baptized Auguft 1^* 1731. Mary Barrel daughter William & Abigail was baptized Auguft 1^^* 1731. Paul Torry Son of Jofeph & Barf heba his wife was baptized Auguft 24 [?]. 1731. Malbo rough Turner Son of Caleb & Rachel was baptized Sept o^^ 1731. Elizbeth Perry daughter of Benj'" & Ruth was baptized fept 10"' 1731 by the Revd m*^ Boiu-n of Scittuate. Adult: Sep* 17*^ 1731 Hannah Hatch the wife of Thomas Hatch was baptized in private, fhe being fick, & not Likly to recover. Sept 26. J preach'd at Hanover, & baptized Joi'eph, the Son of Jofeph & mary Curtice Adidt. Jofeph Dunham was Baptized Oct 10. 1731 Jacob, Luke, Zebulun & Nathanael Silvefter, Children of Zebulun & Mary his wife, were baptized Oct: 10"' 1731. Ruth Burded daughter of Henry & Lydia Burdet was baptized nov 7"^ 1731 Mary Clap daughter of Samuel Clap & Sarah his wife was baptized nov : 14"'1731 Mercy Brooks daughter of Nathan^ : & Mary, was baptized Nov 28. 1731. Zecheriah Dammon Son of Dauiel & Jemima was Baptized in private being dangeroufly ill with Convulfions December 6*'' 1731 1732 Jsaiah Randal Son of Benj™ & Sarah his wife was baptized Jan : 2^ 1731/2 Robert Lenthall Eells Son of fam' & Hannah Eells was baptized Feb : 13«' 1731/2 Ruben Tailor Sou of David & Elizabeth was baptized March 19*^ 1731/2 Luce Bryant daughter of Benj™ & Abigail was Baptized March .26. 1732. Mary Dwelle daughter of Jofeph & Mary was Baptized March 26. 1732. Benjamin Merit Son of Jcabod & Mary, was baptized April 2'^ 1732 April 23*^ 1732 J preached at Marfhifield North meeting houfe And Baptized Several Childi'en their viz : Mary Hatch daughter of Jsaac & Penelopia of Scittuate. Jofeph Dagget, Samuel Dogget noah Dogget & Bethiah dogget Child' of Sam' & Bethiah Dogget lane Eames, mary Eames, Jedediah Eames, & Penelopia Eames Chil- dren of Jedediah & Mai-y Eames. Abigail Farrow daughter of Benj'" & Leah was baptized by the Rev*^ M' Bourn April 23. 1732 John Neal, Son of John & Mary neal was baptized in private being fick w*" a fore mouth & not Likely to Live April 29"^ 1732 Lydia Rofe daughter of Gidion & Lydia was baptized April 30*'' 1732 Jofeph Perry & Elizabeth Perry children of W™ Perry Late of Free- town Deceafed were Baptized June 11"' 1732 Israel oakman Son of Sam' Oakman of Marfh field an infant of about afortnigt old, was baptized at his houfe June. 24 1732 this child dyed Soon after it was baptized. Jeruiha Church daughter of Nathan' Church jun'' & Jeruf ha his wife was baptized July 9"' 1732. John Stetfon, Son of Abijah & Deborah, was baptized July 9** 1732. 57 Simeon Brooks Son of Nat' & mary, was Baptized July P* 1733. Grace Turner daughter of Hawkins & Lufanna, was Baptized July P' 1733. Jolm Moor Son of John more & his wife fi'om Jreland, was bap- tized July P' 1733. Sarah Butler daughter of Jsrael & Eliz*'^ was baptized July 15**^ 1733. Chads Turner Son of Charles and Eunice, was baptized Aug*. 5*'^ 1733 Robert Randal Son of Robert and Dorcafs was baptized Aug* 12. 1733 Benjamin Turner Son of Benj™ & Merc}^, was Baptized Oct: 23. 1733 Hannah Bryant daughter of David & Hannah was Baptized Nov : 4*'' 1733 Jofeph Cufhing fon of Jofeph And Lydia, was baptized Dec : 2'^ 1733. Hannah Randal daughter of Caleb & Hannah was baptized Dec: 9 1733 1734 Charles Stockbridge Brooks Son of Gilbert & Abigail Vv^as baptized Jan : 20*i>. Hannah Clap daughter of Jofeph & Hannah his wife was baptized Feb : 3 1733/4 Huldah Randal daughter of Benj'" & Sarah was Baptized March 3*^ 1733/4 Amos Perry Son of Amos & Ruth was baptifed March 17*" 1733/4 Abner Dvvelly fon of Jedidiah & Elizabeth was baptized March 17*^ 1733/4 Drill ella Dwelly daughter of Jofeph & Mary was baptized March 17*"^ 1733/4 March 24*'' 1733/4 Preach [ed] at Hanover and baptized two Children viz : Elizabeth Bafs daughter of the Rev'' M'^ Benj'" Bafs ; & Stephen (Stockbridge Son of Thomas Stockbridge, of Scittuate. Jobn Barrel Son of WilHam & Abigail was baptized March 31.1734. William Clap Son of Sam" & Sarah was baptized March 31. 1734 Elizabeth Randal daughter of Cap* Nehemiah Randal & Ruth his wife was baptized April 14. 1734 Lydia Barker, of Barnabas & Hannah was baptized Aprl. 21. 1734. Hannah Eells of John & Abiah, was baptized May 5*** 1734 Bathfheba Fauuce, of Thomas & Hannah belonging to Plymouth was baptized may 5*'' 1734. Jchabod Neal, Son of John & mary an Jnfant being fick & not Likely to Live was baptized May 10*'' 1734. Jn private. Elizabeth Bourn daughter of John & Abigail of Marhf field was bap- tized May 12*" 1734 William Church Son of Nathan' & .Jerufha was Baptized May 19 1734 Margret Foster daughter of Jofeph & Abigail was Baptized May 26*'' 1734 Abiel Dammon Son of Dan' & Jemima was baptized June 9*'' 1734 Ephraim Otis Son of Ephraim & Rachel was baptized June 9*'' 1734 f Mercy Hatch daughter of Hezekiah & Patience was baptized in Private, I fhe being dangerously Sick with Convulsions, June 15*'' 1734 Gideon Rofe Son of Gideon & Lydia, was baptized June 1 6*" 1734 Mary Turner daughter of Thomas & Mary his wife was baptized July 7*" 1734 ^ Robert Wafon [or Wasson] Son of Thom* & Ann, was baiJtized July 7*" 1734 -^ 58 Elifha Lappam Son of David & Rebecca of Marfhfield was baptized July l"-^ 1734. John Clap, Son of John & Mercy, was baptized July 14^"^ 1734. Elifha & Thomas Stetfon Children of Anthony & Anna his wife were Baptized Auguft 4th 1734 Hannah Merit of Ichabod & Mary was baptized Auguft 4'''^ 1734 Elizabeth Oakman of Sam' & Elizabeth of Marfhfield was baptized Au- gust 4"^ 1734. Tamar Farrow daughter of Benj"* Farrow was Baptized by y® Rev-' mr Bourn of this Town Auguft 11*'^ 1734 Charls Cufhing fon of John Cufhing jun'^ was baptized Auguft 18"' 1734 Silva, alias Zilpha, Clift daughter of W"°' Clift of Marfhfield was bap- tized Auguft 18"' 1734 Abner Turner Son of Caleb, and Rachel was baptized Sep*^ 1*' 1734. James Curtice Son of Benj™ & Rebecca was baptized Sep' 8"^ 1734 Lufanna Perry daughter of Sam' and Elizabeth Perry, was baptized Sept gth 1734 Sarah Hatch daughter of Jsaac & Penelopa was Baptized Sep* 15"' 1734. Peter Collomare, son of Jsaac & ThankfuU was baptized Oct: 20"' 1734 Lydia Woodart daughter of James & Sarah was baptized Oct : 20"' 1734. James Otis, Son of Jsaac & Deborah was baptized October 27. 1734. Jsaac Smith, Ifrael, Peleg, Levi, Abial, Rachel, & Jofhua Smith, Chil- dren of Jofeph & Rachel Smith formerly of Hanover, were baptized No- vember 3' 1734. Martha Neal daughter of John Neal from Jrelaud, was baptized Nov: 17"' 1734 j Elizabeth Silvefter, daughter of John and Elizabeth of Marfhfield, being ( fick was Baptized in private Nov : 28"' 1734. Lydia Turner an Infant Child of Caleb & Rachel Turner being fick was Baptized in private Dec : 9'''' 1734 1735 Jofeph Palmer Son of Jofeph and Jane Palmer was baptized Jan : 5*'' 1734/5 Bethiah Rofe daughter of Jofhua & Elizabeth Rofe, of Marfhfield was baptized Feb: 16 1734/5 Hannah Lincoln daughter of Jofhua & Mercy was baptized Feb. 23. 1734/5 Mary Bowker daughter of James & Hanah was baptized feb : 23. 1734/5 Content Jones a Child of Elifha & Sarah Jones of Marfhfield was bap- tized march 23. 1734/5 ( Ruth Bryant an Jufant child of David Bryant being fick was baptized ( Privatly march 25 1735 Elifha Jones, Son of Elifha & Sarah Jones of Marfhfield was baptized May 4"' 1735. May 1 1'" 1735 J preached at Marfhfield north Purifh, where J Baptized Mary Spooner daughter of John and Hannah Spooiier. Barfhebah Sherman daugliter of Ebenezar & Barfhebah. Obadiah Dammon Son of Ebenezar & Abigail Dammon Lucretia Silvefter daughter of John & Elizabeth Silvefter. Adult. Hannah Hat[c]h & her Sifter Adtill. Zerviah Hatch daughters of Thomas Hatch were baptized May 18"' 1735 Mehitabel Curtice daughter of Elifha & Martha was baptized May 18"^ 1735 59 John Jacob Son of Jofhua & Mary was Baptized June 8**^ 1735 Samuel Eells, son of Samael & Hannah of Hanover, was baptized June 15"^ 1735. Benjamin Bryant, Son of Benjamin & Abigail, was baptized June 22*^ 1735 Anthony Collomare, Son of Anthony & His wife was baptized. July 13.*^^ 1735. Elijah Curtice fon of Sam^^ & Rebecca was Baptized July 20*'^ 1735 Nathauaell Holms, fon of John Holms of Pembrooke, & adopted fon of Samuel Lappam, was baptized July 20**^ 1735. July 24'!^ 1735. Adult J Thomas Oldham being fick and very dangerous ; at his earneft \ defire was Baptifed and his children viz : Thomas & Patience. Lydiah Lambert daughter of James & Sarah was Baptifed Aug' 17."^ 1735 Auguft 24'^ 1735 J preached at Marfhfield North meeting houfe bap- tized — Adult Experience Rogers, wife of Sam' Rogers jun'' & Penelopiah & Lydia Rogers children of the above faid Sam' & Experience Rogers. Rebecca Prouty daughter of Edward & Rebeccah was baptized Aug'' 31. 1735. Adult Ann Hatch daughter of Jeremiah Hatch was baptized Sep : 7'*^ 1735 Elifha Jacob, Son of Jofeph & Mary was baptized Sep* 7**^ 1735 Ebenezar Jones, fon of Eben"^ & Jane, of Marfhfield was baptized fep* 7"^ 1735 Elifha Barrel Son of William and Abigail, was baptifed Sep' 28 Abigail Stetfon daughter of Abijah & Deborah was baptifed Sep' 28 : 1735 Catherine Turner of Hawkins & Lufanna, was baptifed Oct : 5"' 1 735 Adult ( Fortune Gold, and Betty his wife, negro f ervants to Jofeph Hatch ( were baptized oct : 5"^ 1735 f lames Mullan Son of Arthur & Mary, was Baptized privatly being I fick, Oct: 6*1735 lohn Silvefter Sou of John & Eliz : of Marfhfield was baptized Oct : 12. 1735. John Magoone Son of John & Abigail was baptized Oct: 19 1735. o 1 -n XT 1 rri ( Children of Benjamin and Sarah Tur- Sarah iurner, Hannah iurner ] i • i i ,-i i A rr i> T-> -J T^ ■{ tier, were baptized, and my Crrand- Ann iurner & David iurner ) ^„ .,1 r » j ( Children. Adidt. Jonathan Merit, and Adult Mehitabel merit ; & Simeon Merit the fon of Jonathan & Mehitabel wei-e baptized Nov : 9"* 1735. Lydia Silvefter, daughter of Jofeph & Lydia, was baptized Nov : 9"^ 1735. David Marble & f Children of David & Abigail Marble were baptized Abigail Marble \ Nov. 23 1735. George Gray Son of Thomas & Sarah his wife from Jreland was bap- tized nov: 23'^' 1735. Elifha Silvefter Son of Elifha & Eunice was baptized Nov: 30"> 1735. Mary Collomare daughter of John & Margaret was Baptized Dec: 14'^ 1735. Anna Palmer of Bezaliel & Anna was baptized in private being fick. Dec:22M735. 60 1736 J David, & Ziporah Jnfant & Twin children of Barnabas & Hanah Barker ( were Baptized being fick, in private January 16"' 1735/6 j Daniel Hatch an Jnfant Child of Bezaliel & Patience being fick was I Baptized in private March 2*^ 1735/6 ( March 14*^ J preachd at marfhfield north meeting houfe and then < Thomas Rogers Son of Samuel Rogers jun^ and Experience his wife { was baptized Sarah Taylor daughter of David Taylor & Eliz:*'' His wife was baptized April IS' 1736 being Great faft day r May 5"' 1736 Lydia Powers daughter of Nicalas Powers & Bethiah his \ wife was baptized in Private. John Brooks [Son] of Gilferd & Abigail v/as baptized May 9"' 1736 Charls Church of Nat" & Jerufha was baptized May 9"^ 1736 Nathanael Rofe of Gidion & Elizabeth was baptized may 9*^ 1736 Elizabeth Lappam of David & Rebecca of marfhfield was baptized at marfhfield Nort[h] meeting houfe may 23. 1736. Mary Cowing of Job Cowing was baptized by me in the north meeting houfe May 30^'^ 1736. Jsaac Collomare, Son of Jsack & Thankfull was baptized by the Rev*^ M'" Bourn may 30*'^ 1736. Jofeph Clap, Son of Jofeph & Hannah was Baptized June 6'" 1736, Adult Richard, a Negro Slave of M'' Anthony Collomare was Baptized June 6'^ 1736 f June 9*^ 1736. Thomas Otis an Infant Child of Dr Jsaac otis's being [ fick was baptized in private. Lydia Turner of W°' & Abigail was baptized June IS^'^ 1736 Bradbury Dwelle of Jofeph & Mary was Baptized June 13. 1736 ( lune 18"^ Hatch an Jnfant Child of a bout four years son of -j David Hatch, being fick of a dangerous Difeafe was baptized in ( jjrivate. Jofejjh Turner Son of Benj"^ & Mercy, was baptized. June 20. 1736 John Rofe fon of Jofhua and Elizabeth of Marfhfield was baptized June 27'!^ 1736. Elizabeth Perry Daughter of Sam' & Eliz :"^ was baptized Ji;ly 4*'^ 1736. George Cufhing fon of Jofeph & Lydia was baptized July U'^'^ 1736 Samuel Hatch Son of Jsaac & Penelopy was baptized Aug* 1^' 1736. Elizabeth Copeland daughter of Jofeph and Eliz : was baptized Aug* 1. 1736 Jofhua Dwelle Sou of Jedidiah & Eliz: was baptized Aug* 1^* 1736. Jofeph Clyft, of William & Judith of Marfhfield was Baptized Aug* 8*'^ Rebecca King of Jofeph & Thankfull was baptized Aug* 8*^ 1736. Luther Marble Son of David & Abigail was baptized Aug* 15*'' 1736 Sarah Woodart daughter of James & Sarah was baptized Aug* 15*'' 1736. Abigail Clap, daughter of Benjamin and Grace, of the North Precinct was baptized Aug* 29*" 1736. Jsaac Perry Son of Amos & Ruth was baptized Sep* 5*" 1736. Edward Cufhing of John and mary was baptized SejD* 12 1736 Ruth Torrey, of Caleb & Mary was baptized Sep* 12*'' 1736. George Bryant of Benjamin & Abigail was bapt*^' Sep* 12 1736. Sage Randal of Caleb and Hannah was baptifed Sep* 12. 1736. Paul Randall, Sou of Benj'" & Sarah was baptized Oct: 3** 1736. Rachel Lincoln of Jofhua & Mercy was baptized oct: 17*'' 1736. 61 Elizabeth Wade of Jofeph & Rachel was baptized Oct: 24*^ JL736, 1737 ( Hannah North Eells daughter of Sam^ & Hannah Eells of Hanover -< being fick & in a dangerous Condition was Baptized Jn Private Jan : ( 18. 1736/7 Relief Jacob Daughter of Jofeph & Mary, was baptized Feb : 6'^ 1736/7 f Thomas King an Jnfant Child of John Kings of Marfhfield being dan- ( geroufly fick was Baptized in Private Feb : 22'' 1736/7 Lydia Beftow daughter of Sam' & Margret Beftow of Hanover was bap- tifed by me at Hanover March 20 1736/7 Adult Michael Hatch, & Prifcilla his wife were baptized Ajjril S"* 1737. Samuel Collamare son of Anthony was baptized April S'' 1737 Elifha Ciu'tice Son of Elifha & Martha was baptized April 3'^ 1737 April: 24 1737 J preached at Marfhfield, & Baptized Stephen Lappam Son of David & Rebecca. Hatherly Fofter Son of Jofeph & Abigail was baptized by the Rev'* M'' Bourn April 24t'> 1737. j William Barker Son of Barnabas & Mary Barker was Baptized In Private I being fick & not Likle to Live. May 1«' 1737. Jsaac Clap Son of John & Mercy was baptized May 8^^ 1737 Deborah Stetfon of Abijah & Deb : was baptized May 8* 1737 Patience Hatch of Hzekiah & Patience was Baptized May 8*^" 1737. Thomas Turner Son of Thom^ & Mary was Baptized May 15"^ 1737 Gidion Stetfon Son of Gidion & Lydia, was baptized May 29 1737 Abigail Proutte daughter of Edward & Rebeccah was baptized June 12*^ 1737. Adult f Cefar Anegro Slave of Cap* Caleb Torry, was baptized June 12'^^ I 1737. Ruth Bowker of James & Hafiah was baptized June 26*^^ 1737 Jofhua Jacob son of Jofhua & Mary was baptized July 3** 1737 f Jofeph Copeland, an Jnfant Child of Jofeph & Elizabeth, was baptized \ in private, being fick, on Satturday Eve, Auguft 6*^ 1737. j Jofeph Lambert An Jnfant Child of John Lambert was Baptized in \ private Aug*- 26 1737. Hannah Magoou daughter of John & Abigail was baptized Sep* 11**^ 1737 Mercy James daughter of Benj™ & Mercy was baptized Sep* 18. 1737 Jofeph Dwelly Sou of Jofeph & Mary was baptized Oct: 16. 1737 Hannah Faunce of Plymouth dauter of Thomas & Hanah was Bap : Oct : 16. 1737 Elizabeth Turner daughter of Hawkins & Lufanna was bapt*^ oct 23. 1737. Adult. Mary Braimen was baptized Nov 20**" 1737 lofeph Collomare Son of Jsaac was baptized Dec: 4**^ 1737 ( Mary Hayden daughter of Hayden & his wife was baptized I in Private being" fick Dec : 9^^ 1737 1738 Stephen Brooks Son of Nat'' and Mary was baptized January 1^* 1737/8 Bethia Spooner daughter of John Spooner of Marfhfield was baptized Jan: 15*1^ 1737/8. Hannah North Eells daughter of Samuel & Hannah Eells of Hanover was Baptized Feb : 5**^ 1737/8. 62 Simeon Rogers Son of Sam" Rogers jun'' of marfhfield was baptized Feb: 12 1737/8 Mary Truant daughter of John [?] Truant of Marfhfield was baptized Feb 12«> 1737/8 f Benj'" Palmer an Jnfant of Bezelial Palmer was baptized in private I benig Sick, on Feb: 2o"> 1737/8 Robinfon Turner Son of Abiell & Eliz : was baptized Feb : 26. 1737/8 Sarah Hammon of Benj" & Sarah was baptized Feb: 26 : 1737/8 John Eells son of John & Abiah Eells was baptized March 5^'^ 1737/8 Mary Curtice, Daugh of Benj'" & Rebecca was Baptifed March 19'^'* 1787/8 Bethiah Woodart daughter of James Woodart & his wife was bap- tized march 19"' 1737/8. Adult. Lydia Clift the wife of Sam' Clift of Marfhfield was baptized at the North Meting houfe in Marfhfield march 26"' 1738 Benjamin Dammon Son of Ebenezar Damon of Marfhfield was baptized march 26"' 1738 Hannah Holmes daughter of Jofiah Holms of Marfhfield was bapt^' : March 26. 1738 Mercy Lincoln daughter of Jofhua & mercy, was baptized April 23** 1738 Micael Hatch Son of Micael and Prifcilla was bap'^ : April 23. 1738. Jedidiah Dwelle sou of Jedidiah and P^lizabeth was baptized April 30'^ 1738 Colebourn Barrel Son of W" Barrell was baptized May 7*^" 1738 Mercy Barker daughter of Barnabas, was baptized May 7. 1738 Gidion Randal Sou of Caleb and Hannah was baptized May 14"' 1738 May 21^* 1738 J preached at Hhigham for the Rev'^ M"^ Gay, and bap- tized Lydia Whitten daughter of Jsaac & Lj'dia. Blay 26"' 1738 George Turner fon of Charls & Eunice, being fick was baptifed in private. Adult. Benjamin Bowker was baptifed June 4"' 1738. The same day was baptized his Jnfant Child whofe name is Benjamin. Adult. Rebecca Bowker was baptifed June 4'^'' 1738. Elifha Silvefter Son of Elifha & Eunice, was bapt : June 4"^ 1738. George Neal Son of John Neal, Late of Jreland was baptized June 4*'' 1738 Ruth Clap, of Jofeph & Hannah was baptized July 2^^ 1738. Lydiah King, of John & Mary of Marfhfield was baptized July 2'' 1738 Tliomas Collomare, of Thomas & Hannah was Baptized July 2^* 1738. Caleb Torry Son of Caleb & Mary was baptized July 9"' 17*38 Mary Fifh daughter of Ebenezar [&] Deborah of Duxborough was baptized Jidy 9'" 1738. Lillis Bryant daughter of Benj'^' and Abigail, was baptifed July 23. 1738 Martha Hatch daughter of Nehemiah & Martha was baptized July 23, 1738 i Thomas Otis an Jnfant Child, fon of Jsaac & Deborah being danger- ( oufly sick was baptized in private. July 25*^ Adult Jeremiah Hatch (aged about years) was baptized Aug' 6"^^ 1738 Jofeph Lambert fon of James, was baptized Aug* 6*^^ 1738. Lufanna Randall daughter of Cap* Nehemiah Randal, bap : Aug* 13*^ 1738 63 Sarah Gray daughter of Thomas Gray & Sarah his wife, Baptized Aug*^ 13. 1738 John Vinal, Son of John & Mary was baptized Aug* 13"' 1738. Chriftian Farrow, a Child of Benj'" Farrow, was baptized Aug* 20. 1738 Ephraim Marble Son of David & Abigail was bap* Aug* 20*^ 1738 Defire Silvefter a Child of Nehemiah Silvefter, bap*'*: Aug* 20*'^ 1738 Mercy Turner daughter of Benj™ & Mercy, was bap*'^ Aug* 27**^ 1738 Sep* 10*'^ 1738 J preached at Wetherf field in Connecticut: & baptized a child for Gideon Deming named Mei-cy. Deborah Woodart, daughter of Benjamin & Deborah, of Leifter, was baptized Sep* 17.*'> 1738. Williai^Stetfon ^ Q^:^Yi\ven of W^ Stetfon & Hannah were baptized in Stephen Stetfon ( P^-i^ate Sept : 28*^ 1738. Stanton James Son of John & Prudence, was baptifed oct : 15*'^ 1738 Patience Brook daughter of W" & Mary, was baptized oct : 15*^ 1738. Samuel Lappam Son of Jofhuah & Mary was baptized Oct: 22*' 1738. Elijah Stoddard son of Benj™ & Ruth was baptized oct : 22. 1738 Abfolom, Son of Cefar a negro Serv* to Cap* Torry was baptized oct : 22. 1738. 1739 Hannah King daughter of Jofeph of Marfhfield was baptized Jan. 21** 1738/9 Abigail Fofter daughter of Jofeph & Abigail was baptized Feb : 18**> 1738/9. Benjamin Bowker Son of Benj™ & Hannah was baptized Feb: 18*^ 1738/9 Ann Neal of Jofeph & Allice was baptized Feb : 25*^ 1738/9 Thankful! Collomare of Jsaac & ThankfuU was baptized March 4*^ 1738/9 March 22'' 1738/9 John Grofs an Jnfant Child of Edmund & Olive Groi's being dangeroufly Sick was baptized. March 2o'^ 1738/9 Ann Bryant an Jnfant Child of David Bryant being daugeroufy fick was baptized. Elizabeth Randall of Benj™ & Sarah was baptized April 1** 1739. April 22'' 1739 J preach[ed] at Marfhfield north meeting houfe and Baptized Sarah Clift daughter of william. Benjamin Lappam son of David. Elifabeth Silvefter daughter of John. Rhoda Rofe, daughter of Jofhua April 29*'^ 1739 J preach[e]d at Duxboroug[h], and Baptized Nathanael & Lemuel Turner Children of Amafa & Rebecca Philip Chandler fon of Philij) and Rebecca. Silvanus Curtice, Son of Silvanus and Dorothy. Warren Wefton Son of Eliphaz and Prifcilla. Williams Fifh son of Nathan'* and Mary. Mercy Cufhiug daughter of Jofeph & Lydia, was baptized May 6*'^ 1739 Charls Silvefter Son of William & Mary was baptized May 6*'^ 1739. Ruth Copeland daughter of Jofeph & Elizabeth was baptized May 6*^ 1739 64 Hannah Jacob daughter of Jofeph and Mary was baptized May 13. 1739. Lemuel Church son of Nathan^^ Church jun'' was baptized in private being sick & not Likely to Live May 25'!^ 1739 Prifcilla Hatch daughter of Micael & Prifcilla was Baptized May 27 1739 Jonathan Hatch Son of Hezekiah & Hannah was baptized June 17. 1739 Confider, & Seth Jones twin Children of Eb^jiezar & Jane Jones of Marfhfield were baptized June 24 1739. Nehemiah Prouty, Son of Margret Prouty, was baptized June 24. 1739 Experience Palmer & Jsaac Palmer Children of Jofeph Palmer & Mary his wife were baptized July 1®* 1739 Daniel Faunce son of Thomas and Hannah his wife of Plymouth was baptized July 1«* 1739. Ruth Randall & ( children of Mary Randal were baptized July 8**^ Elifha Randal \ 1739. Betty Jones of Elifha & Sarah of Marfhfield was baptized July 22. 1739. James Stockbridge Son of Sam" & Sarah, was baptized July 29. 1739 Deborah Silvefter, of Jofeph & Lydia was baptized Auguft 5*"^ 1739 Amos Clift, & Mary Clift, Children of Sam^ & Lvdia of marfhfield, were baptized Aug' 12. 1739. j Nabby Otis an Jnfant of Dr Jsaac Otis [&] Deborah, his wife being 1 fick, was baptized in private Aug' 22 [?] 1739* Betty Tiu:-ner daughter of Hawkins & Lufanna, was baptized Sep' 2 1739. Adult. Patience Pamalich an Jndian woman was Baptized Sep' 2*^ 1739. Bennony Pamalich Son of the above S*^ Patience was baptized Sep' 2^' 1739 j Edward Turner Son of Charls & Eunice being fick was baptized in I private, Sep' S"^ 1739 Solomon Lincoln Son of Jsaac & Abigail was baptized Oct: 28 1739. John Stockbridge Son of Micael & Mary was baptized oct 28"> 1739. Hannah Clap, of Nathan" Clap & his wife, was baptized nov: 18 1739 by the Rev*^ M*" Gay of Hingham Elizabeth Turner of Abiel & Eliz : his wife was baptized nov : 18 1739, by the Rev*^ M"" Gay of Hingham Ezra Tolman of Elkana Tolman & his wife was Baptized Nov : 25. 1739 Zechariah Curtice of Elifha Curtice and His wife, was baptized Nov. 25. 1739 Adult. Cefar Burges a negro man was Baptized Dec: 9'^ 1739. 1740 Sufanna Collomare of Anthony & his wife was baptized Jan : 27"^ 1739/40. Nathanael Turner, of W" & Abigail was baptized Feb: 10. 1739/40 Ruben Turner of Jonathan & Abigail was baptized Feb: 24"^ 1739/40. Mary Vinal, daughter of John «&; Mary was baptized April: 13. 1740 Betty Bryant daughter of Benj"^ & Abigail was baptized. April 13"" 1740 John Fofter Son of Elifha & Temperance was baptized April : 13. 1740. * This date is blotted. 65 Adult. Rachel Taller, a widow was baptized April 20"' 1740 & Lettice Taller her daughter was baptized at the farae time. Betty CoUoraare daughter of John Collomare was baptized April 20"^ Hannah Collomare daughter of Thomas Collomare was baptized April 20. 1740. Sam" Clap Son of Sam". & Sarah was Baptized April. 27. 1740 Afahel Rofe Son of Gidion & Lydia was baptized April. 27. 1740 Deborali Lincoln daughter of Jofhua and Mercy, was baptized April. 27. 1740. Sarah Woodart daughter of Jamus and Sarah was baptized April. 27. 1740. Mehitabel Marvel daughter of David marvel was baptized by m"" Bourn May IB*'' 1740 Robert Stetfon Son of Robert Stetfon was baptized by m"^ Bourn May. 18t»>. Jofeph Bowker fon of James, was baptized by m'^ Bourn May 18"' 1740 Seth Silvefter fon of Nehemiah was baptized by m'' Bourn May IS"' 1740 Jfaac Torry Son of Caleb, was Baptized June 1*' 1740 '^June 8"' 1740. J preach'd at Hingham the second Sab : after M"" Ho- barts death ; and Baptized two children, viz : Jonathan Marvel, Son of Nathan" &, Hannah Orcot daughter of Em- erfon orcot. Jonathan Perry Son of Amos & Ruth was baptized in Private July 17* 1740 Rachel Brooks daughter of Gilbert was baptized July 20. 1740 John Brooks fon of Gilbert Brooks jun^ & Deborah his wife was bap- tized Aug* 17. 1740 \ memorandum Aug* 10 1740 J preach[e]d for m'" Bourn & baptifed a I child of John Bates's whofe name J have forgott. Eunice Jacob daughter of Jofhua & Mary was baptized Sep' 14*'' 1740. Mercy Clap daughter of John Clap and mercy his wife, was baptized Sep* 28*" 1740. Hannah Tolman daughter of Jofeph and Hannah [h]is wife, was bap- tized Sep* 29. William Perry An Jnfant Child of Benj"^ Peiy & Ruth his wife was baptized in private, being f ick. Oct : 2'' 1740 Elizabeth Prouty, William Prouty, & Richard Prouty Children of W"^ & Elizabeth were baptized Oct : 12*" 1740. Lufannah Prouty, Deborah Prouty & Jonathan Prouty Children of Wil- liam & Jemiraah Prouty were baptized Oct: 12*'' 1740. Edward Prouty Son of Edward & Rebecca Prouty was baptized oct : 26. 1740: John Hunt fon of John Hunt & his wife was bap : nov. 2. 1740 Mary Copeland, of Jofeph & Elizabeth was baptized Nov : 9.*" 1740 Jofhua Barker fon of Barnabas & Mary was baptized Nov : 16*" 1740. James Silvefter fon of Eliiha & Eunice was baptized nov : 23'^' 1740. Jofhua Collomar fon of Jsaac Collomare was baptized Nov : 23. 1740. 1741 Hannah Bowker daughter of Benj"" & Hannah was baptized Jan : 18 1740/1 mehitabel Brooks daughter of * & Meriam Brooks was Baptized Feb : 22 1740/1 *This name is badly blotted, but is probably Tailor. 66 mercy Toby daughter of Elilha Toby & his wife was baptized march V^ 1740/1 Abigail Lincoln Daughter of Jsaac & Abigail was baptized March 8*^^ 1740/1 ( Lot, Sou of widow Elifabeth Dwelle was baptized iu private it being ( sick & not Likely to recover march 16. 1740/1 Prudence James daughter of Johu & Prudence was baptized march 'i'i'* 1740/1 Hannah Brooks daughter of W" & mary Brooks was baptized March 29*'^ 1741 Simeon Rofe Son of Gideon & Lydia was Baptized April 26. 1741 Seth Stoddard fon of Benj™ Stoddard jun"" and his wife was bap- tized April 26"> 1741 Turner an Jnfant Child of Charls and Eunice Turner was Bap- tized in private Jt being fick & not Like to Live May 6'*^ 1741 Robert Cortbel Son of Robert & mary was baptized May 17* 1741. Abiel Turner Son of Abiel and Eliz.*^ was bap* May 10 1741. Peleg Turner Son of Benj™ & Mercy was baptized may 24 1741 Betty Fofter, daughter of Jofeph & Abigail, was baptized May 24 1741 Defire Clap Daughter of Nathan" & Deiire was baptized May 24"^ 1741. Rachel Gilkey daughter of James and Grace was baptifed may 24. 1741. Defire Bowker daughter of James & Hannah was bapt^^ June 7*^' 1 741 Sarah Jacob daughter of Deacon Jofeph Jacob & Mary his wife was bap- tized June 14 1741 July 26, 1741. J preach*^ at Taunton and baptifed : William Codden Son of George & Eliz : Codden : & Prudence Hofkins daughter of Jofhua & Lydia Hofkins. Mary Silvefter daughter of W"' & Mai-y, was baptized Aug 2^ 1741. C John Hatch an Jnfant Child of Micael & Prifcilla was baptized Jn pri- \ vate On Sabbath Evening Aug' 2'' 1741 Edmund Grofs son of Edmund & Oliffe, was baptized Sep* 6*^ 1741 AUice or Elfe Neal daughter of Jofeph and Allice Neal was baptized in private Sep* 16. or 17. 1741 Nathan Cufhing Sou of Jofeph and Lydia was baptized Se]/ 27 1741. Lemuel Dwelly Son of Jofeph & Mary was baptized Oct: 4*^ 1741 Adult. James Northy was Baptized Oct: 18*'^ 1741 Adult. Mary Noj-thy, & Adidt : Mehitabell Northy Children of James North [y] were baptized after y^ had own'd the Cov* Oct : 18. Ebenezar Northy, Anna Northy, Sarah Northy, Deborah Northy & Jeff e Northy Children of James & mary Northy were baptized oct : 18 1741. Elizabeth Gray daughter of Thos. Gray from Jreland was baptized oct 18*1^ 1741. Calvin Powers Son of Walter Powers was baptized Oct: 18*^ 1741. Hawkins Turner Son of Hawkins and Lufanna his wife was baptized Nov 1»* 1741. Sarah Hart daughter of William and Mary Mallus [or Melius] was bap : Nov: 15. 1741 f Mercy Turner an Jnfant of Jeffe & Lydia Turner, being fick was bap- I tized Ju private Dec: 11*^' 1741. Nehemiah Randal Son of Elifha& Zeporah was baptized Dec : 13*^ 1741 f Dec : 27. P : M : J preach'd at Taunton and Baptized my GrandChild, ( Enos Williams, Son of Seth & Mary Williams 67 1742 Adult. lames Northy Sou of lames &, Mary his wife being some what delirious, was baptifecl at the requeft of his Parents, he def iring of it alfo. Jan: 10^^ 1741/2 Caleb Randal fon of Caleb & Hannah Randal of Hanover was baptized Jan: 10"' 1741/2. Keziah Stockbridge daughter of Mical «& Mary Stochbridge, was bap- tized Jan : 10*'^ 1741/2 Amos Stetfou sou of Gidion Stetfon was baptized Jan: 24 1741/2 f Feb 4"' 1741/2 Abigail Hatch an Jnfant Child of Hezekiah Hatches I being fick was baptized in private William Randal Son of Benjamin «fc Sarah was baptized March. 28'^ 1742 Jofeph Silvefter Son of Jofeph & Lydia was baptized May 16^^^ 1742 Edward Prouty Ion of Edward & Rebecca, bapt^' may 16. 1742 Mary Palmer of Jofeph & Jane was baptized may 16 1742 Nehemiah Silvefter Son of Nehemiah & Mehitabel bap: may 16 1742 Isaac Lincoln fon of Jaac [Isaac] Lincoln & His wife bap*^^ May le''^ 1742 P[h]ilip Turner Son of Jsrael & Deborah was baptized may 16. 1742 Lufaima CoUomare daughter of Anthony & Sufana bap*^ May 23 1742 Luce Lambert of James & Sarah was baptized May 30* 1742 Benjamin Palmer of Bezalael & Anna, was baptized may 30. 1742 Caleb Nicols of Jsrael & Elizabeth was baptized June 6*^' 1742. Rhode Marvel Daughter of David & his wife was baptized by M"^ Wales June 13. 1742 Martha Stetfon daughter of Anthony & Ann his vnfe, was baptized by M-- Wales June 13. 1742 William Wilfon Son of W™ & Hannah was baptized June 13*^ 1742 Adult. John Wheelwright was baptized June 20'-'^ 1742. Levi Corthel Son of Robert &, mary was baptized June 20*^ 1742. Mary AVoodart daughter of James & Sarah was baptized June 27*'^ 1742 ( Thaukfull Hatch an Jnfant child of Micael Hatch & Prifcilla his wife I being Sick, was baptized Jn private June 28"' 1742 Adult. Judith Dammou wife of Daniel Damon was baptized July 4"' 1742. Ala Role Son of Gidion & Lydia was baptized July 4*'' 1742 Simeon Nafh Son of Symion & Lydiah was baptized July 4"^ 1742 Hannah Barker of Sam" Barker jun'' was baptized. July 7'^ 1742 Abigail Barrel of William & Abigail was baptized July 18"' 1742 John CoUomare Son of John & Margret was baptized July 18"' 1742 Lydia CoUomare of Thomas & Hannah was baptized July 18"' 174. [1742] Ruben Buck Son of Jsaac Buck jun' & Mary, was baptized July 18. 1742. Rebecca CoUomare daughter of Jsaac & Thaukfull was baptized Aug* l^t 1742. Daniel Dammon Son of Daniel & Judith was baptized Aug* 22. 1742. Grace Stetfon, daughter of Matthew and Hannah was baptized oct. 10. 1742 Nathan Cufhing Son of Jofeph & Lydia was baptized Oct : 1 0*". 1742 Ezekiel Vinal fon of John tt INIary was baptized oct : 10"' 1742 Rhode James daughter of John & Prudence James was baptized oct : 10*^ 1742 68 Miriam Tolman daugliter of Elifha & Miriam his wife was bajitized oct : 17. 1742. Adult. Samuel Holman was Baptized in Private, Oct : 31. 1742. Adult. Grace Sifco a negro Serv* formerly to Jofeph Clap of this town, now to John Hall of hingham, after her Coufeffion * =* * was read to the Chh. and accepted, was baptized Nov. 14 1742 Sarah Brooks daughter of William & Mary, was baptized Nov. 21. 1742 Lufauna Eells daughter of John & Abiah, was baptized Dec: 19"' 1742 Sarah Curtice daughter of Elifha & Sarah was baptized Dec: 19"' 1742 Dec: 26 1742 J preach'd at Pembrok vilage for m'' Lemuel Bryant and baptized three Children viz. Seth Pierce Son of Jofhua Pierce, Pierce \_sic~\ and his wife. Patience & Prince, Children of Richard, a Negro Serv' of m'' Jofiah Cufhiugs. 1743 Jonathan Turner, Son of Jeffe and Lydia, was Baptized Jan : 9*^ 1742/3 Silvanus Clap, Son of Nat'^ & Defire Clap was was \_sic'\ baptized. Jan : 23'^ 1742/3 Jofhua Lincoln Son of Jofhua & Mercy was Baptized Jan : 23/ 1742/3 Sufanna Sterer daughter of Benj"^ & Ruth, was baptized Jan 23. 1742/3 Barfheba Fofter daughter of Elifha & Temperance was baptized by m"^ wales of Marihfield Jan : 16. 1742/3 lofeph Fofter fon of Jofeph & Abigail was baptized March 6*'' 1742/3 Hannah Copeland daughter of Jofeph & Eliz : was baptized march 6th 1742/3. Olive Grofs daughter of Edmund & Olive was Baptized march 6"' 1742/3 Samuel Brooks, Son of Gilbert & Deborah was baptifed March 6"' 1742/3 Sylla [?] Soul, & Abigail Soul, Children of Jchabod Soul deceafed, & his widow was baptized marcli 6"' 1742/3 lames Jacob, fon of Jofhua & Mary was baptized marcli 20"' 1742/3 Mary Torry daughter of Caleb and Mary was baptifed April 3**. John Cufhiug, fon of John Cufhing jun'" & Deborah was baptized April B*^ 1743 Sarah Hatch dater of Mical & Prifcilla, was baptized May 1. 1743. Couftant Church & Lemuel Church children of Nathanael and Jerufha, were baptized May 8"^ 1743 Sarah Eells daughter of John & Abiah was baptifed May 8"' 1743 Lydia Jacob daughter of Deacon Jofeph Jacob and his wife, bapt'^ June 5"' 1743 Conftant ('lap fon of Cap*^ John Clap & iMercy his wife, was baptized June 5"' 1743 . Simeon Silvefter fon of Elifha & Eunice was baptized June 5"' 1743. Defire Eells daughter of North Eells & Ruth his wife an Jnfaut of nine days old, being fick and not Likely to Live was baptized in private June 17"' 1743. Luce Barker of Barnabas & Mary was Baptifed June 26. 1743 Malachi Stetfon of Job & mary was Baptized June 26. 1743. David Tower Son of Benj"^ Tower jun'' was baptized July 10"' 1743 69 Simeon Curtice fon of Simeon Curtice was baptized July 10**^ 1743 James Gilkey Son of James & Grace, was baptized July 24*^'' 174o. Elizabeth Church daughter of Jofeph & Grace, was baptized July 31. 1743. Miriam Brooks daughter of Tailor Brooks & Miriam his wife was bap- tized July 31. 1743 Ruben Role Son of Gidion & Eliz : was baptii'ed oct : 30. 1743 Richard Silvefter fon of nehemiah was baptized oct : 30. 1743 David Collomare Son of Jsaac was baptifed Nov: G*^*^ 1743 lofeph Dammon Son of Jofeph was Baptized Nov: G'^ 1743 James, & Benjamin Cufhing Children of James Cufhing jun^ were bap- tized Nov : G"^ 1743 Deborah Nafh daughter of Simeon was bap : Nov : 6. 1743 Elizabeth Brooks daughter of Nat" & Eliz : was baptifed Nov: G"> 1743 Abigail Turner Daughter of Abiel & Eliz^'^. was Bap'^' Dec : 4'^'^ 1743 Lufanna Negro daughter of Cefar negro, Slave to Cap* Caleb Torry, was baptized Dec : 11"' 1743 1744 Ruth Dwelle daughter of Jofeph & Mary was baptized Jan : IS*-^' 1743/4 Adult: Mary Bowker daughter of Richard was Bap'' Jan: 22. Sarah Prouty daughter of Edward & Rebecca Prouty was baptized Jan : 29 1743/4 Samuel Tolman fon of Jofeph & Mary was baptized Jan: 29 1743/4. Pickles Cufhing Son of Deaccon Jofeph Cufhing & Lydia his wife, was baptized Feb: 19'" 1743/4. Ruth Hatch daughter of Hezekiah was baptized March 11"' 1743/4 Zenos Stetfon Son of Gidion was baptized march 11. 1743/4 Lazarus Bowker fon of Lazarus was baptized M'" [March] 11. 1743/4 Jabez Standly Son of Jabez & Deborah was baptized March 18 1743/4 Ephraim Palmer Son of Jofeph & Jane was Baptifed April 22'^ 1744. Afa Turner Son of Jonathan & Abigail was bajitized April 22*^' 1744. Mary Lincoln daughter of Josfhua and Mercy was baptized May 13*'' 1744 Lydia Cufhing daughter of James Cufhing jun'' was baptized May 13. 1744 Mary Corthel daughter of Robert Corthel, was baptized May 13. 1744 Elifabeth Cufhing daughter of John Cufhing jun'' was baptized May 27. 1744 by M'- Bouru Thankfall Hatch daughter of Micael Hatch was baptized May 27. 1744 by M'' Bourn. Jonatha[n] Star Turner Son of Hawkins Turner was baptized June 10'" 1744 Rhode Bowker daughter of James & Mary Bowker was baptifed June 17'" 174L John Dammon son of Daniel & .Judith was baptized July V^ 1744 Hannah Nichols daughter of Jsrael and — his wife was baptized July 15*" 1744. Rebecca Neal daughter of Jofeph Neal & his wife was baptized July 15*" 1744. Mary Powell daughter of Peleg Bryant & his wife was Bap- tized July 15*" 1744 Jofeph Church Son of Jofeph & Grace, was baptized July 22'^ 1744 70 Roland Ciifhing Son of the Honourable John Cufhing & Mary his wife, was baptized July 29"' 1744. by the Rev^^ IVF Bourn Ruth Bryant daughter of Benj"' & Abigail, was baptized Aug: 5*^' 1744. i Jofeph Lambert Son of Jofeph Lambert & his wife was baptized ■< in Private he being Sick, in the Evening after the Sabbath Aug'' 5''^ ( 1744. an Jnfaut Child. Calvin Wade fon of Jofeph & Rachel was baptized Aug* 19. 1744. Sarah Lincoln daughter of Jsaac & Abigail was baptized Aug* 19. 1744. Elifha Tolman fon of Elifhah & Miriam Tolman was Baptized Aug* 19*^ 1744. Luce Silvefter daughter of Jsrael Silvefter & • his wife, was bap- tized Aug: 19. 1744. Elifha James Son of John James jun'' & Prudence his wife was baptized Aug* 26. 1744 Charls Curtice Son of Benj™ & Rebecca was baptized Sep* 2^* 1744. Martha Collamer daughter of Tliom.^ & Hannah was baptized Sep* 2^* 1744. Stephen Daramon Son of Jsaac & Lydia was baptized Sep* 9*'' 1744. Zepi^arah Randal daughter of Elifha & Zcporah was baptized Sep* IG. 1744 Mary Buck daughter of Jsaac Buck jun'' and Mai'y his wife was bapt^' Sep* 16. 1744 Tamar daughter of Cefar Negro, & Sarah his wife was Baptized Sep* 23. 1744 William Church Son of Natlian^^ & Jernfha was baptized Sep* 30. 1744. Luce Barker, daugliter of Barnabas & Mary, was baptized Oct : 7*'' 1744. Defire Eells daughter of North & Ruth Eells was Baptized Oct: 14*'^ 1744. Simeon Perry Son of Abner & Sarah was baptifed oct : 14*'^ 1744. Lufauua Turner daughter of Benj'" & mercy was baptized Oct: 28. 1744. Elifabeth Vinal daughter of John & Mary was baptifed Oct: 28. 1744. Abigail Turner daughter of Jeffe & Lydia was baptized Oct: 28. 1744. Jofeph AVoodart Son of James & Mary was baptized Oct: 28. 1744. Noah Brooks Son of Tailor & Miriam was baptized Nov : 4. 1744. Sarah Stockbridge daughter of Samuel Stockbridge jun"" & Sarah his wife was baptized Dec: 9*^' 1744, Eunice Bowker daughter of Benj™ & Hannah was baptifed Dec : 9*'^ 1744. Jofeph Benfon Sou of Jofeph & Abiel was baptized Dec: 16. 1744. John Neal Son of Job & Sarali w^as baptized Dec: 23. 1744. Baptifms this year 50 1745. Jofeph Stetfon an Jnfant child of Jof : Stetfon & his wife was baptifed in Private, not being Likely to Live, on Saturday Jan : 19*'' 1744/5. Seth Brooks Sou of william an infant was baptized Jn private not being Likely to Live : ,Jan : 28**' 174 1/5. Rhoda Stetfon daughter of Job & mary was baptized Feb : 10. 1744/5. Hawkes Cufhing Son of Joseph & Lydia was baptized Feb. 17*'^ 1744/5 Temperance Clap Daught' of "Nat'* ik. Defire was baptized Feb. 17*'' 1744/5 71 Abigail Clap an Jnfaut of Jofeph Clap being Sick was baptized in pri- vate. Feb: 27. 1744/5 Timothy Fofter Son of Jofeph & Abigail was baptifed March 24. 1744/5 John Skiffe Sou of Samuel and Elifabeth was baptized April 7"' 1745 Hannah Willfon daughter of W™ & Hannah was Baptifed April 14*^ 1745 Simeon Perry fon of Jofeph & rachel was baptized April 14"^ 1745. lofeph Jacob, fon of Deacon Jofeph Jacob & mary his wife, was bap- tized April 28"^ 1745 Rhode Copeland daughter of Jofeph & Eliz"^ Baptifed April 28 : 1745 Melzar Curtice Son of Simeon & his wife, baptifed April 28*^ 1745 ( Elizabeth Eandal an Jnfant Child of Gerfhom & Elizabeth Randal was I baptifed in Private May 3*^ 1745 Jt being dangeroufly fick Elifha Fofter Son of Elifha & Temperance was baptized May 5*^ 1745 Richard, & Thomas, negro Children of Cuba, a Negro Slave to m'' Jsaac Turner, were baptifed; may 5"^ 1745. Lenthall Eells daughter of John & Abiah Eells was baptized may 19"' 1745 Daniel Randal Son of Benj"' and Sarah was baptized May 26. 1745 Katheriue, a Negro Child of Cuba a Negro Slave, to M^' Jsaac Turner was baptifed may 2G'^ 1745. Martha Curtice daughter of Elifha & Sarah Cm-tice was baptized June 2^ 1745 lohn Gilkie Son of James & Grace, was baptized June 16. 1745. Enoch CoUamar fon of John & margret was baptized June 30. 1745 Dwelle Clap, fon of David Clap jun"" was baptized July 28''' 1745. Margret Turner daughter of Abiel & Elifabeth was baptized. Aug* 11. 1745 Ifrael Turner Son of Jsrael & Deborah was baptized Aug*^ 25. 1745 Ad* Leah Fother [?] a Negro woman Liviug with M''* Amy Dwelly was Baptifed Sep*^ 1^* 1745. Ruth Stoddard daughter of Benj"' & Ruth was baptized fep* 22. 1745 Mary Tolman daug-hter of Jofeph & Mary, was baptized Nov: 3'' 1745 Ephraim Stetfon fon of Matthew & Hannah was baptized Nov : 17. 1745. Samuel Cufhing Son of James Cufhing jun'' & his Avife was baptized Nov 24 Mary Gray daughter of James Gray & his wife was baptifed Nov: 24. 1745 Abisfail Bowker an Jnfant of Lazarus Bowker & Abigail his wife was baptized in private Nov : 30. 1745. Francis Cufhing fon of John & Deborah was baptifed Dec : 1^* 1745. 35 Baptifms 35 this Last year 1746 Ruben Hatch Son of Nehemiah & Mary his wife was baptized Jan 19 1745/6. Lydia Stetfon daughter of Gidion Stetfon and his wife was bap- tifed march 23. 1745.6 * Adult. 72 Samuel Curtice Son of Amos & Mary his wife was baptifed April. 6"' 1746 Benjamiu Perry fon of Benjamin & his wife was baptized April 20"^ 1746 Elijah Silvefter Son of William & Mary was baptized April. 20 1746. Abigail Tower daughter of Benj[a]min Tower jun & his wife, was Baptiied May 4'^^ 1746 Jemima Farrow daughter of Thomas & Jemimah was baptifed May 4. 1746 Elifabeth Rofe Daughter of Gidion & Lydia, bapt'', may 11"' Rebecca Neal, daugter of Jofeph & AUice, bap'* May 11 1746 Mary Brooks daughter of W™ & Mary bapt'^' May 11 1746. Jofeph Dammon fon of Jofeph & loAnna was baptized May 18"' 1746 Nehemiah Silvefter, Son of Nehemiah & Mehitabel, was bap*^ May 25. 1746. Abigail CoUamar daughter of Anthony Collomar deceafed was Baptized June 1. 1746 Lurana Lambert daughter of John Lambert and his wife was baptifed .luue 1. 1746. Jsaac Silvefter fon of W" & Mary was paptized July 5"' 1746. William James fon of John & Prudence was baptized July 13"' 1746. Jofhua Hatch fon of Micael & Prifcilla was Bapt*^ July 20, 1746. Prince Bryant fon of Benj"' and Abigail was baptized July 27. 1746. Lufanna Stetfon daughter of Jofeph & Mary was baptized July 27. 1746. Sufannah Prouty of Edward & Rebecca Proutv, was baptized Aug'' 24 1746 Lufanna Buck of Jsaac Buck jun"" & Mary his wife was baptized Aug* 24 1746. Oliver Nafh : & Church Nafh Children of Simeon and Lydiah Naf h were baptifed by my Son Edward Aug* 10. 1746. Abner Perry Son of Abner Perry deceafe[d] and Sarah his widow was baptized Sep* 7*^^ 1746. Enofs Briggs Son of Seth & Abigail was baptized Sep* 7. 1746. Cornelius Bowker Son of James Bowker jun'' & his Wife was baptized Sep* 28. 1746 Jffachar, Son of Cefar Negro and his wife Sarah ; Indn* was baptifed Sep* 28. 1746. Sarah Dwelle daughter of Jofeph was Baptized Oct: 5'^ 1746 Jofeph Church Son of Jofeph & Grace was Baptized oct : 5"' 1746 Lydia Turner daughter of Jonathan and Abigail was baptifed Oct 26 1746 Peleg Bryant Son of Peleg & his wife was baptized Oct: lO**" 1746. Lemuel Cufhiug fon of Jofeph Cufhiug jun'' & Lydia his wife was bap- tized nov. 23. 1746 Abner Wade fon of lofeph W^ade and Rachel his wife was baptifed Nov 23. 1746. lofhua Barrel Son of William & Lydia was Baptifed Nov: 30 1746. Job Neal Son of Job & Sarah was baptifed Nov: 30. 1746. Seth Turner Son of Jeffe & Lydia was baptized Dec : 2L 1746 The whole Number of those baptifed Anno 1746 is 36 * Indian ? 73 1747 Nathanael Eells fon of North Eells and Ruth his wife was born Jan : 1*' 174(5/7 And Baptifed Jan : 18. William Turner Son of Charls & Unice, was baptifed Jan : 25*'^ 1746/7. Mary Clap daughter of Nat^' & Defire was baptifed Jan : 25"^ 1746/7 Elifabeth Curtice of Sam" & Rachel was baptifed P^eb : 15. 1746/7 Sarah Riply daughter of Jofhua Riply and his wife was Bap- tifed Feb: 22 1746/7 Temperance Fofter daughter of Elifhah & Temperance his wife was baptifed march 29. 1747. Hannah Brigs daughter of James Briggs & Hannah his wife was Bap- tifed march 29. 1747 Content Barker daughter of Barnabas Barker & his wife was baptized April 5^^ 1747. Lufanna [or Lufanda] Perry daughter of Jofeph Perry & his wife was bap' April 26 1747. Elifabeth Turner of Benj°» & Mercy was baptifed May 17*'> 1747. Sarah Bryant of Thorn* & Sarah was baptifed may [? 17] 1747. Deborah Jacob daughter of Deacon Jofeph Jacob & Mary his wife was Baptized May 24. 1747 Deborah Torry of Cap*- Caleb Torry & mary his wife was baptifed may 31. 1747. 'Ruth Vinal daughter of John & Mary, was baptifed June 7* 1747 Jofeph Eells Son of John & Abiah Eells was baptifed June 21** 1747. Abigail Wilfon daughter of W" & Mary wilfon was baptifed June 21** 1747 John Right Son of Mercy Right was baptifed June 2Pt 1747. Luce Cufhing daughter of the Honourable John Cufhiug Esq"^ And Mary his wife was Baptifed June 28*^ 1747. John Woodart fon of James & Sarah was baptifed June 28"^ 1747. ( Luke Palmer an Jnfaut Child of Jofeph and Jane Palmer being fick { with the throat trouble was baptifed Jn private June 30*^ 1747. Roland Turner & Anna Turner Twinn children of Abial and Elifabeth Turner were baptifed July o'^ 1747 Robert Cufhing Son of John Cusfhing jun'' and deborah his wife was baptifed July 5''' 1747. ( luly 7*'^ 1747. J baptifed two Children of Jofhua & Lydia Palmer. ■} they being dangeroufly Sick, the name of the one was Lydya the { name of the Other was Anna Hatch daughter of Nehemiah Hatch and Mary, was baptized July 19*1^ 1747 Lydia Copeland daughter of Jofeph & Elifabeth was baptifed July 26'^ 1747. Mercy Tolman daughter of Elifha & Miriam, was baptifed Aug* 2* 1747. Charls Samf on had a child baptifed by the Rev^ M"^ Bryant of Brain- tree, on the 9**' of Auguft 1747. William Lincoln Son of Jsaack & Abigail was baptifed Aug' 30"' 1747. Nehemiah Randal Son of Gerfhom & Elifabeth was baptifed Sep' 6. 1747. Jacob Stetfon Son of Matthew & Hannah was baptifed Sep' 27"^ 1747. Calvin Curtis, Son of Elifha & Sarah was baptifed Sep' 27. 1747. 74 Sufannah Randal daughter of Perez and Sarah was baptifed Sep' 27. 1747. Gerfhom Bowker Son of Lazarus & Abigail was baptifed Oct: 4*'> 1747. Deborah Bowker daughter of John & Aun was baptifed Oct: 4'i> 1747. Lydia Randal daughter of Elifha «fe Zeporah was baptifed oct: 11. 1747. Luce Turner daughter of Hawkins & was baptifed Oct 11. 1747. Jofhua Turner Son of Jsrael & Deborah was baptized Oct: 25. 1747 Eunice Stetfon daugher of George & Eunice was baptifed oct : 25 1747 Elizabeth Tolman daughter of Jofeph & Mary was baptifed Nov : 8. Mary Church daughter of Thomas and Mary ; was baptifed Nov : 29 1747. The whole number of the baptifed this year is 42 1748 Sarah Wheelwright daughter of John & Sarah, was baptifed Ian : 10. Lucrefia Gilkie, daughter of James and Grace was baptifed Jan : 24. 1747/8. Lydia Collomar daughter of Thomas CoUomar & Hannah his wife was baptifed Feb: 14. 1747/8 Amos Curtice Son of Amos & Mary was baptifed Feb. 14. 1747/8 Martha Farrow daughter of Thomas & Jemimah, was baptifed Feb: 14. 1747/8 lacob Lincoln Son of Jsaac & Abigail was baptifed March 6^^ 1747/8. Margret Briggs daughter of John And Abigail Brigs was baptized March 27. 1748 Eunice James daughter of John and Prudence was baptized April 3, 1748. Ann Bryant of Peleg & Mary was Baptifed April S'' 1748. Samuel Stockbridge Son of Sam^^ & Sarah was baptized April. 17. 1748. Lydiah Tower of Jonathan & Lydia was baptifed April 17"* 1748. Batlifheba Damon daughter of Danniel & Judith, was baptized May 1^* 1748. Stephen Silvefter fon of Nehemiah & his wife was baptized may 8«' 1748. Jsrael Silvefter Son of Jsrael and his wife was baptifed May 8. 1748. Abigail Bryant daughter of Sam" Bryant and mary his wife was bap- tifed May 8. 1748. Deborah Man an Jnfant of Jofiah & Mary Man was baptifed in private, being fick. may 13. Mary Palmer of Jofehp \_sic2 & Jane his wife was Baptifed may 15'^ 1748. Jofhua Bowker Son of Bemjm [s«'c] and Hannah was Baptifed May 22. 1748. June 4"' 1748. J baptifed an Jnfant child of Jonathan & Elifabeth Elems which child died Juu 6'^'* j June 7"' J baptized, Abigail Bryant an Jnfant Child of Benjmin Bry- I ant and his Wife Thomas Cufhing Son of Jofeph and Lydia, was baptized June 26. 1748 Lufannah Prouty daughter of William and his wife was baptifed June 26. 1748 75 Abigail Cufhing daughter of the honourable John Cufhing, Efq"", & Mary his wife, was baptifed July o'^ 1748. Lurania Silvefter daughter of Elifha Silvefter an[d] his wife was baptifed July 3'^ 1748. Job Curtice Son of Samuel & Rachel was baptifed July 10"' 1748. Adult. Sarah Hooper a young woman Living with M'' Sam^^ Stock- bridge was baj^tized July 10. 1748 Hannah Stetfon, daughter of Gidion Stetfon & his wife bap- tized July 24 Jsaac Dammon Son of Jsaack & Lydya was Baptifed July 24, 1748. Elifabeth, daughter of Celar a negro Servant or Slave, to Capt Torry, and Sarah his wife, a free Jndian woman was baptized Aug* 28. 1748. Defire Stoddard daughter of Benj™ Stoddard & his wife , was baptifed Aug* 28. 1748. Abigail Standly daughter of Jabez & Abigail Standly was baptifed Sep* 11. 1748. ( Bartlet Bowker an Jnfant Son of Lazarus Bowker was baptifed in Pri- I vate, Sep' 12, 1748. Sarah Cole daughter of James Cole & Sarah his wife was baptifed Sep* 25. 1748. Jsaack Buck, son of Jsaac & mary was baptifed Sep* 25. 1748 Molly Stetfon daughter of Jofeph Stetfon & his wife was bap- tifed Sep* 25 1748 f Samuel Eells Son of North & Ruth Eells was baptifed Sept 26 1748 in [ private, being lick & not Likely to Live Nathanael Jacob Son of Deacon Jofeph Jacob & his wife was bap^ Oct 9*'^ Jofeph Neal son of Job & his wife was baptifed Oct : 9*'^ 1748. Macael Hatch Son of Michael & his wife Oct: 23. 1748 Sufanna Clap of Natli^i & defire his wife was baptifed Oct : 30*'^ 1748 ( Defire Elmes daughter of Jonathan Elmes & his wife an Jnfant I was baptifed in Private oct : 31. 1748 Luce Jacob daughter of Jofhua & Mary was baptifed Nov: 13. 1748. Hannah Silvefter daughter of W"' and Mary was baptifed nov : 20. 1748 Luce Cufhing daughter of James Cufhing jun"" & his wife baptifed Nov : 27. 1748. Huldah Lambert of John Lambert & his wife, baptifed Nov : 27. 1748. Sarah Briggs, of James & Hannah was baptifed Dec: 11. 1748. f Lydia Barrel, daughter of William Barrel, & Lydia his wife deceafed \ was baptized in private Dec : 16. 1748 Seth Turner fon of Jeffe & Lydia was baptifed Dec : 18. 1748. Bartlet Bowker of John Bowker and his wife was baptifed Dec. 25 1748. The whole number of the baptifed this year amounts to 50. 1749 Sufanna Rrooks daughter of W"" Willian [sjc] Brook[s] & his wife was Baptized Jan 22 1748/9. Deborah Cufhing daughter of John Cufhing & Deborah was baptifed Jan : 29 1748/9. Samuel Bryant Son of Sam" Bryant Jun^ & Mary his wife was baptifed march 5. 76 Adult. Sarah houfe Daughter of David Houfe deceafed was baptifed March 5. 1748/9 Molly northy Hatch daughter of nehemiah Hatch was baptifed by m"^ Bourn march 19. Sarah Fofter daughter of Elifha Fofter &. his wife was baptifed April 2'' 1749 Luther Curtice Son of Elifha Curtice & his wife was baptized April 9** 1749. John Dwelly Son of Jofeph Dwelly deceafed and Mary his widow was baptized April 9"> 1749 Rachel wade, daughter of Jofeph & Rachel was baptized April 9'''^ 1749 Robert Randal Son of Perez &, Sarah Randal was baptized April 9'''' 1749. Hannah Clap daughter of Jofeph Clap and his wife, was bap- tifed April. 23. 1749 Mary Man daughter of Jofiah man and Mary his wife was baptifed April 23. 1749 Margret Briggs daughter of John & Abigail was baptifed may 14*^'' 1749 Thomas Cufhing Son of Deacon Jofeph Cufhing jun^' & Lydia his wife was baptifed June 4*^^ 1749 Margret Bowker daughter of Benj™ and Hannah was baptifed June 4''' 1749. Calvin Turner Son of Jonathan and Abigail was baptifed July 2"'' 1749 Barne Wade & Zebulon Wade Children of Zebulon wade and his wife were baptized in private July 19^'^ [ ?] 1749. Adiilt Mary Turner wife of Nat" Turner was baptized July 23 1749. Elijah Turner fon of Nathan^^ & Mary was baptized July 23. 1749 Betty Woodart daughter of James woodart his wife deceafed was bap- tized July 23 1749. Efter [Esther] Tower daughter of Benj™ & his wife of Abbin- ton was baptized Aug 6"^ 1743. Jofeph Copeland, fon of Jofeph & Elizabeth was Baptized Sept 3'' 1749 Adidt Philifs a Negro Slave to Dr Otis was baptifed Sept 3*^ 1749 Olive & Betty, & Ruben three Children of the above named Philis were Baptised Sept 3^* 1749 Thankfull Eells, daughter of North Eells, & Ruth, his wife, was Bap- tifed In private about five of the Clock in the morning, and died be- tween Twelve and one of the Clock Oct: 8 1749. Zechariah Damon Son of Zechariah Dammon, and Anna Lenthall his wife, was baptized Oct: 15^^ 1749 Rhoda Bryant daughter of Peleg & Mary was baptifed December 3*^ 1749 Lydia James daughter of John James &, Prudence his wife was baptifed Dec: 31. 1749 The whole number of the baptifed this year amounts to 31 1750. Jacob Turner Son of Jsrael & Deborah was baptized March 25. 1750. Lydia Stockbridge of Sam" & Sarah was baptifed April V^ 1750. Demmick Bowker of Lazarus & Abigail was baptifed April P* 1750. BathSheba Barker of Barnabas «fe Mary was Baptifed April 15*'' 1750 Samuel Dammon of Daniel & Sarah was Baptifed April IS''' 1750. Luscenda Stetfon of Jofhua «fe Lillis was baptized April 29. 1750 77 ^^ Nathanael Jacob, Son of Deacon Jofeph Jacob & raavy his wife was iDaptifed May &^ 1750 Luther Stetfou fon of Job & Mary was baptifecl may 6*'' 1750. Silva Church daughter of Jofeph, & Grace his Widow was baptized May &-^ 1750. Adult Philis a Negro Servant to Deacon Jofeph Cufhing was baptized June 3-^' 1750. Caleb Cufhing fon of Jofeph & Lydia was baptifed July 1^* 1750. Sufanua Man daughter of Jofiah man & his wife was baptifed July 8«^ 1750. Sul'annah Randal daughter of Benja"" Randal jun'' & Hannah his wife was baptized July 15"' 1750. Nathanael Silvefter Son of Nehemiah & Mehitable was Baptifed July 29. 1750 Anna Wade daughter of Zebulon Wade and his wife was Bap- tifed Aug' 5"' 1750. Samuel Curtice Son of Sam": & Rachel was baptifed Aug* 12*^^ 1750. At a Meeting of the 2''. Church of Christ in Scituate on y« 1 1"\ Day of Oct" 1750 being the first Chh, Meeting after the Death of the Rev^* M'' Eells. S'' Church chose y*^ Rev" M'' Shearj^ Bourn Moderator of the S"* Meeting and after Prayer to God for his presence & Direction S" Church chose Joseph Cushing Jun"" Clerk of S"^ Church during the prefent Vacancy. Sarah Buck Daughter of Isaac Buck lun"" and Mary his wife was Bap- tised September y*^ 2'' 1750 by M'" Lewis. Charles Tolman Son of Elisha and Miriam Tolman and James Gilkey Son of James and Grace Gilkey were Baptised September y® 9'^ 1750 by M'' Niles. Barker Cushing Son of M'' John Cushing lun^ and Deborah his Wife and Bailey Randall Son of Perez and Sarah Randall and William Son of Sambo a free Negro and Martha his Wife an Jndian were all Baptised October y® 14*^^ 1750 by M'^' Anger [Angier]. Joseph Tolman Son of Joseph and Mary Tolman was Baptised Oct° y® 28^'' 1750 by M'' Nath'^ Eells of Stonington Abigail Eells Daughter of John and Abiah Eells was Baptised Novem- ber f '^'^ 1750 by M'- Edward Eells. Jra Bryant Son of Samuel Bryant lun' and Mary his Wife was Baptised November y« 4"' 1750 by M^' Edw" Eells Sarah Cushing Daughter of James Cushing Jun"^ & Mary his Wife was Baptised Novemb : y® 4"' 1750 by M'' Edw'' Eells Ruth Dammou, Joanna Dammou, and Leaf a Dammon Daughters of Joseph and Joanna Dammon were Baptised November y** 4^'' 1750 by M"" Edw'' Eells of Middletown Steel Foster Son of Cap* Joseph Foster and Abigail his Wife was Bap- tised January y® 6*" 1750 by M"^ Gay Thankful Eells Daughter of North Eells and Ruth his Wife was Bap- tised January y*' 20"' 1750 by M"^ Wales of marshfield. Abigail Clap Daughter of Natlian" Clap Esq'' and Desire his Wife, was Baptized February y*^ 10'" 1750/1 by M'' Bourn. Nathaniel Dammon Son of Zachariah Dammon Jun"" and Anna Lenthal his Wife Was Baptized February y« 24'^' 1750/1 by M-^ Bafs. Bethiah Turner Daughter of Abiel Turner and Elizabeth his Wife and George Stetson Son of George and Unice Stetson his wife and Lucy Brigs Daughter of James Briggs Jun'' and Hfinnah his Wife and Mary Stetson 78 Daughter of Gideon Stetson were all Baptized June y^ 2*^ 1751 by M"^ Edward Eells of Middletown. lane Palmer Daughter of Joseph Palmer and Jane his Wife and James Cole Son of James Cole and Lucy Stodder Daughter of Benjamin Stodder lun"^ were all Baptised June ye 2^ 1751 by the Rev*^ M^' Edward P^ells of Middletown. Nathaniel Gushing Son of Joseph Gushing lun"^ and Lydia his Wife and Seth Turner Son of Jonathan Turner & Abigail his Wife, and John Briggs Son of John Briggs and Abigail his wife and Lucy Bowker Daughter of John Bowker and Ann his Wife were all Baptised June y'^ 23*^ 1751 by the Rev'^ M-- Gay. James Briant Son of Peleg Briaat and Mary his Wife and James Barrel Son of James Barrel and Deborah his Wife were both Baptised June y® 30*^ 1751 by M^ Bourn. [This concludes the baptisms of the " Rev. Nathaniel Eells book," so- called. The entries from the death of Rev. Mr. Eells were made, un- doubtedly, by Joseph Gushing.] A Catalogue of the Members of the second Church of Christ in Scitu- ate, Nov"" : 13. 1751.* Samuel Stockbridge, Sen'' : & Lidia his Wife. lerufha Church, wife to M'' : Nath. lun-^ Eunice Sylvefter, wife to M'' : Elisha ^• Rachel Spooner, Widow. Mary Barker, wife to M'' : lames B. Mary Cufhing, wife to Hon', lohn C, Esq : Margarett Gollamore, wife to M"": John. North Eells, & Ruth, his Wife. Mary Sylvefter, wife to M'': Zebu- Ion S. Temperance Fofter Wife to M'' : Elifha. Ruth Perry. Anna Lenthal Damon Wife to M' : Zach. lofeph Copeland & Elifabeth, his Wife. loi'eph Damon & loanna his Wife. lofeph Palmer & lane, his Wife. lemima Farrow, Wife to M>' : Tho* : F. Joseph Cufhing : y^ Deacon. Sen'' : Elifabeth Curtice, y® Widow Stephen Clap. Temperance his Wife. Abagail Collamore, y^ Widow Elifabeth Prouty, y® Widow Elifabeth Turner, Widow Sarah Pinchion, — Widow Ann Stetfon,AVife to M"^ Gerfhom S°. Miriam Curtice. Mary Cufhing, Wife to M"" lames Cufhing. Elifabeth Tolmau, Wife to M' Benjamin Tolman. George King, & Deborah, his Wife. Elifabeth Brooks. Zachariah Damon, & Mehetabel, his Wife. lames Briggs, & Anna, his Wife. Mary Brooks, Wife to M'' Nath' B. lohn James, Sen"^ & Lidia, his Wife. Timothy Symmes, & Elifabeth, his Wife. Benjamin Perry. Rachel Turner. Abigail Hobart. * The following entries are from the third book of records called " The Church Book — Jonathan Darbys — 1752," He was pastor until 1754, and was succeeded by Rev. Da» vid Barns, D.D. 79 Ifaac Otis & Deborah, his Wife. Dei'ire Sylvefter. Ifaac Buck lonna Ruggles, "Wife to M"^ lohn Ruggles. Elfe Benfon, Wife to M"- Jofeph Benfon. Sarah Lambert, Wife to M"" lames Lambert. lofeph Jacob, y** Deacon. Mercy Turner, Widow. Benjamin Curtice & Rebecca, his Wife. Abigail Turner, Wife to M': W»: T. Temima Damon, Widow. Lidia Simmons. Ion ah Stetfon & Mercy, his Wife. Ruth Perry. Rebecca Prouty, Widow. William Barrel & Abigail, his Wife. lofeph Cufhing, Jun'": y^: Deacon Margarett Turner. Rachel Stetfon, Wife to M': Sam': S. Nathan Pickles. Richard Turner. Benjamin Randal & Sarah, his Wife. Abigail Fofter, Wife of M-": Jof*': F. Luf anna Turner, wife to M"^ : Haw- kins T. ludah Dwelly, Widow. lofeph Dunham & lane, his Wife. lohn lames, lun"" & Prudence, his Wife. Lidia Sylvefter, Wife to M'' : loseph S. Mary Barker, wife to M'' : Barnabas, Sr : Hannah Merit, wife to M^" : David M. Hannah Bowker, wife to M*' : lames B. lofeph Clap, & Sarah, his wife. Sarah Barker, Wife to M"" : Barna- bas, Jun"^ : Sarah Stockbridge, Wife to M'" : Samuel, Jun^ : Mary Neal, Wife to M"" : John N. William Sylvefter & Mary his Wife. Mary Buck, Wife to Isaac B., Jun'' : Prifcilla Hatch Wife to M"" : Michael H. Deborah Turner, Wife to M"" : If rael T. Edmond Grofs & Olive, his Wife. Mary Brooks, Wife to M"" : Wm : Hannah Stetfon, Wife to M^" : Ma- thew S. Mary Torry, Wife to M"" : Caleb T. Hannah Collamore, Wife to M"": Tho«: Abigail Turner, Wife to M'' : Jon* : T. lemima Prouty, Wife to M"^ : W» : P. Ruth Randal, Widow. Abigail Bowker, Wife to M' : Laza- rus B. Ifaac Damon & Lidia, his Wife. Benjamin Stoddard & Mary his Wife. Patience lordan. Widow. Cuba, a Servant to M'' : Ifaac Tur- ner. Deborah Oakman, Wife to M"" : Sam': O. Abiel Bryant, Wife to M'' : lohn B. Mary Bryant, Wife to M"" : Sam' : B. lael Whitton. Hannah Turner, Wife to M"^ : Lem- uel T. Mary Northy, Wife to M"^: lames N. Sarah Ruggles. Abigail Bryant, Wife to M"" : Benja- min B. Mary Sampfon, Wife to M'^ : Charles S. The Names of those Admitted into full-Communion 1752 April. 5. Mary, y^ : Wife of Robert Damon. May. 3. lofhua Lincoln & Huldah his Wife. 80 June. Nov: Gilbert Brooks. loieph Tolman & Mary Lis Wife. Thomas Pinchion & Agatha his Wife. 1753. June. 10. 1'. Ch^': of Marfhfield, Oct°: 7. 15. Nov'": 4. Oliver Winflows, difsmifion from y^ was read & he recieved. Hannah, y^ Wife of M"" : W™ : Stetfon. The Hon^ : John Cufhing Efq"" : being in full Communion with y*' : eftablifhed Ch'' : & deliring y® : ordinances of Chrifti- anity with us & y® : Privilidges of this Ch*^ : his Request Was granted by a Unanimous Vote. M-^*: Mary Cufhing & M"* : W"^ : Cufhing— the Children of ludge Cufhing. December y® 4*^^. 1754 M''. David Barns's Dismifsion from the Chh in Littleton was Read & He Received into the 2^^. Chh in Scituate. Attest Joseph Cushing Jun"". Clerk of S'^ Church During the Vacancy. Octb"^ 5. 1755 John Ruggles, Jun. Elifabeth Wife to M"^ Jofeph Toleman Nehemiah Porter and his Wife. Prince Rofe John Cufhing Jun & Deborah his Wife Abiel Turner and Elifabeth his Wife Grace y^ Wife of Elifha Sylvefter the wife of Deacon Cuihhig & his Son Jofeph Sam^ Clap Jun and his wife Lucy Ruth Torry D. to Cap* Torry Nehemiah Hatch & Wife The Widdow Hannah Bowker Lucy Bryant & Hannah Sparhawke Elifha Tolman and his wife Gilbert Brooks and Prifcilla Perry. Elifabeth Curtice Dcemb"" : 3 : Lmnary 1756 : March April : May June 6. 1756 July Novb-^ The Names of those who are baptized. 1751 Nov: 17. Lucy, daughter to Cap : lohn Lxmes j"" : Melzar & Mary, Children of Charles Sampfon. — By Rev** : M"" : Bourn. Dec™ : . 1. Deborah, daughter to M'' : Gerfhom Randal. Prudence, D. to M'" : Jofeph Stetfon. lohn Son to M"" : lohn Bryant. (This Child Was baptized ye : Sabbath before Viz. Nov"^ : 24. y'': F* : I baptized). 8. Mary, daughter to M' : Elifha Fofter. by Rev**: M'^ : Bourn. Friday. 20. all y*^ : Children of M'' : Richard Turner in his houf e, he being Sick. Viz. lemima, upon her defire. lohn, Vine, lofeph, Confider, & Ruth. (6) 1752 Jan^ : 26. Sarah, daughter to lob Neal. Feb. 23. lohn, Son to Barnabas Barker lun'' : ;i Feb. 25. March. 8. 29. April, May. May. June. luly. Aug. N. Stile begins Sept. 5. 12. 26. 3. 10. 21. 5. 12. 30. 24. being Tuefday, Confider, sou to lon^ : Elms, in liis house it being Sick. Benjamin, Son to Benj''^: Randal jun"" : Elijah, sou to Sam^ : Briant, & Nathaniel, son to Nath' : Turner. William, sou to lofepli Copeland, Thomas, sou to Tho^ : Farrar, & Caleb, sou to amos Damon. Caleb, sou to lofeph Wade- William sou to Will™ : Brooks, & William sou to M'^ : Will"^ : Merchant o£ Bofton. Lebeus, sou to Sambo, a free Negro. Ruth, daughter to Ifaac Stetfou. Mary, D. to Deacon lofeph lacob, & Mary, D. to Robert Damon. Haunah, D. to Cap. Caleb Torey, & louathan, Son to Lazarus Buker, [Bowker] & Mary, D. to Ifaac Buck. Elifha, sou to Benj* : Buker. lacob sou to lames Gilkey. Mary, D. to [omitted] Burrel. Deborah, D. to y® : Widow- Ruth Turner. Deboi-ah, D. to Dea" : Iof'» : Cufhiug lun"" : lofeph, Abigail, & Peleg, Children of m'' : Ifrael Smith. North, sou to M"" : North Eells. Abiel D to M'^ : Sam* : Stock bridge luu'' : Simeon Sou to M'" : Dan* : Damon. Oct°: Oct"; Nov"^ Nov"^ Dec'" Jan^" : Feb. Feb. March April. May. David, S. to Widow Mary Clap, & David Clap luu"^ : dec*^ : Stephen, S. to Sam' : Clap & Lucy his Wife. 10. Tuefday. Simeon, S. to Tho^ : & Agatha Pinchion at her Defire. Zipporah, D. to M"" : Barnabas Barker Sen"" : Celia, D. to Ifrael Sylvefter, by M"" : Bourn. Tho*: Pinchion Sen"" : Tho**: Pinchion juu'': Mary & ludeth. Children of Tho^ : Pinchion Sen"" : Enoch, Sou to Sam' : Curtice. Anna, D. to M'' : lohn Bowker. Perils, D. to M-^ : Ion'* : Turner. Elizabeth Hooper, AEt [omitted] : Edward, Son to lohn Cufhiug lun"". 22. 29. 5. 12. 19. 3. 1753 14. Bethiah, D. to M^• Abiel Turner. 18. Lydia, D. to M^ lefse Turner. Abigail, D. to M'" : lohu Brings. Elifha, Sou to M'' : Elifha Silvef ter. 25. Stephen, Sou to M'' : Zach"^ : Damon Jun"" : 22. Huldah, D. to M^'. lofhua Lincoln, apprehended near its end. Was baptized in their house. 1. David, Son to M'': William Prouty, & lames. Son to M"": lames Briggs lun'' : 15. Eunice, D. to Nath' : Clap, Esq'': 13. Abigail (Smith) D. to y«: Widow Rachel Spooner, & Elifa- beth, D. to M'': lonah Stetfou lun"": 82 May. 27. Marlborough, Son to M'": W" : Silvefter. lune. 3. Luke, Son to M'' : Luke Silvefter. 10. Edward, Son to Capt : Peleg Bryant. July. 15. Thomas, Sou to Capt lohn lames lun"": Sarah, D. to Bazaleel Palmer, by M"" : Bourn. 16. Mark, son to Philis, Negro Servant of Deacon lofepli Cufh- ing lun'' : 29. Freeborn, Son to Sam" : Bow, a Negro Man, free. Aug* : 5. Mary, D. to Sam" : Randal & Sarah his Wife, Who own'd y*': Covenant. Deborah, D. to lacob Silvefter, Who own'^ : Covenant. 26. Jonathan, Son to lon^ : & Lydia Towner. Sept : 2. Damaris, D. to Nehemiah & Lettice Prouty. 23. Submit, D. to Tho* : & Han^^ Collamore. Molly, D. to M^ : Sam^ : & Mary Bryant. 30. David, Son to M' : Robert & M""* : Mary Damon. Oct" : 14. David, Son to M"" : Ifrael & M}'' : Deb : Turner. William, Son to M^" : lames & M''^ : Deb : Barrel. 21. Anna, D. to M'': Luke & lonna Bowker — y^ : own*^: Cove- nant. 28. lofeph. Son to M'' : Oliver Winflow. By M"" : Bourn. Simeon, Son to M'' : Tho^ : & M'^^ : Agatha Pincheou. Ebenezer, Son to M^ : lof : & M-^^ : Elif : Copeland. Nov'' : 4. lob, Son to M"" : lob Neal. 18. Martha D. to M"-; lof: & M"^^ : lane Palmer. Dec^ : 2. Hannah, D. to M"" : Benj'* : & M'« : Han^^ : Randal. 9. Sarah, D. to M"^ : Elifha & M--^ : Mer"' : Tolemau. By M-^ : Bourn. 1754. lany: 10. Molly, D. to Nath': & Mary Mayo being sick, Was bap- tized at her defire & upon her account. 13. Ruth, D"-: to M'' : Elifha & Temperance Fofter. 20. Lidia D. to M'' : Nath' : Mayo, & Mary his wife upon her account. Feb. 24. William, Son to M"" : W™ : Tones of Marfhfield, Who own'd y® : Covenant. March. 30. Jonathan, Son to M'' : Lazarus Bowker & Abigail his Wife, being dangeroufly ill. April. 2. M"^ : Ifaac Prouty AEt : 65, on his Death Bed. 7. Mary, D. to M"^ :' Barnbas Barker Tun'' : The Rev"^. M*". Dorby Departed this Life April y« 22'^. 1754 In the 28'^. Year of His Age and in y® 3*^. Year of His Ministry. At a Church Meeting of y® 2'^. Church of Christ in Scituate on y® 7"^. Day of May A.D. 1754 being the first Chh. Meeting after the Death of the Rev^. M"". Dorby S**. Church Chose y« Rev'^. M''' Bourn Moderator of S". Meeting. Also S^'. Church Chose Joseph Cushing lun''. Clerk of S**. Chh. during the present Vacancy Baptized. 1754 April. 28*^ Rebecca Curtis Daughter to Elisha and Sarah Curtis By y® Rev-i M'" Gay 83 May. 5"\ Elisabeth Stetson Daughter to Isaac Stetson, By y^ Rev*^. M^ Perkins. May. 19*^. Betty Stodder Daughter to Benj*^ Stodder lun-". Martha Daughter to Thomas Farrow and Amos Dammou Son to Amos Dammon all by the Rev*^. M"". Bourn. May 26 Abigail lacob Daughter to Dea". loseph Jacob by the Rev''. M'". Smith June y®. 2^^. Desire Silvester Daughter to Nehemiah Silvester, Lucy Smith Daughter to Jsrael Smith. Lucinda Clap Daughter to Samuel Clap lu'' Jsrael & Ruth Lapi)um Children of Thomas Lappum and Asher Son to Philis Slave to Doc"^ Otis all by the Rev''. M^ Wales September y® 29^''. 1754 Mehitabel Cole Daughter to James Cole and Eze- kiel Sprague Son to Ezekiel & Priscilla Sprague. all by the Rev"! M'-. Smith of Wey°. [Weymouth] October y® 20^^. 1754 Caleb Gushing Son to Dea". loseph Cushing Iu^ Samuel Stetson Son to George Stetson and Samuel Randall Son to Samuel Randall all by the Rev'* M''. Nat'' Eells of Stonington. October y® 27'*^. 1754. Ann Briggs Daughter to lohn Briggs and lohn Bowker Son to lohn Bowker by the Rev''. M"". Edward Eells of Middletown. David Barns [his autograph] The names of those y*. were Baptized Since I was Ordained. Decem*"^. 4: 1754 Dec^ 15 : David, Son of M"". lesse Turner Chriftopher, Son to M"^ Sam". Curtice 1755 Feb. 8 Thomas Son to M^' E : Sylvefter Feb: 16: Robert, Son to M^' I : Ciifhing Lemuel Son to M"" Laz : Bowker Feb 23 Martha Daughter to M"" A : Turner March. 2 Rachel Daugh^''. to Nath : Clap Esq March. 23 Elisabeth Daugh'^ to Gerfh : Randal April 6 : James: Son to Caleb Tory 1755 Apr : 24 Ruth : D : to North Eells May 18 Cefar in Private by Reafon of Sicknefs Sev*^ [Servant to] John P21ms May 18 Rhoda D : to M^ Peleg Briant Edward Son to Zec'\ Damon Jofeph Son to Ezra Randal. May 25 Gilbert Son to W°\ Brooks Bathfhebah D to Luke Bowker June 1 Elifabeth : D : to Amos Damon Hannah : D : to W"'. Damon June 8 Zine : D : to Sam". Briant Aug : 3 : Benjamin Son to Jofh Lincoln Celia : D : to Jsrael Sylveiter Job Son to Nathl : turner. Lucy D : to James Cufhing 84 Aug : 23 : Abiah D : to John Briant N : B : Sarah D to Waterman Eells. this Day w : Eells & wife y"" confefsion owned y^ cov' and had y"^ Child Babtized Sarah D : Nath Church OctV: 5: 1755/ Rebeckah D : to Jofeph CopeUind Nath'. Sou to Na*'" Broks [Bi-ooks] Huldah D : to Bezelael Palmer Rachel : D : w™. Brigs Octb' 26/ Lydia D: to Jonah Stetfon Anna D : to Job Neal Jonathan Son to Nehe™ Prouty Sarah : D ; Benja : Randal Ju Elifabeth Wife to Jofeph toleman Charles Son to Israel Smith Ruth D : to Jona"'. turner Abigail D : to Ezek : Sprague Jofeph Son to John Brigs Ljdia D : to Deacon Ciifh [Cushing] : Sarah D : to Sam'' Randal W'". Haden & wife made confefsion and owned y® Gov*, and with his Children 5 in Number w^ Baptized Damfon D : to John Bowker Hannah D : to Jom [? John or James] Nicolfon Mercy D : to a negro of D'' Otis John Son to Michael Hatch Marcy D: to Eliph : No the [Northy] June 20 : Nath : fon to Nath Clap Johanna D : thom^ Farrar Jemimah D : to Amos Damon Sarah Da : Benja. Collomore Mary Ditto Hannah Ditto Benja Son to S*^ Collomore. June 30/ Thomas Son to J" Nicols Sept: 19/ Betty Jones : D : to John Jones Barnabas Son to B.'"' Barker 1757 Jan 16 Deborah D to Jsrael Turner Abigail D to Ezra Randal March 20:1757 Nehemiah Son to Mr Nehemiah Porter 26 : Nabby : D : to Lazarus Bowker Baptized in private by Rea- fon of Sicknefs April : 3 : [blank] to Jonah Stetfon Jun 10 Barker Son to J": Cufhing Jun 17 Sarah D to Widdow [blank] Palmer 24 Sam": Son to Elifha Tolman Ezekiel son to Peter Collmore 24 John Son to Sam" Bryant : 24 : Orphan D. to y*' Widdo Peterfon owned y^ covenant & was Baptized May 8 1757 Ezekiel Son of Isai. Stoddard Nov""^ Nov: Dec"-- 16/ 23/ Febl: 175G Feb/ Feb 8/ 29/ May 16/ May 16: May May 23 30/ 85 15 Elifha Son to Lemuel Sylvefter Lucy : D : to Isaac Damon 22 Sarah D : to John Homes 29 : Elijah Son to Jofeph Clap S-^ [?] Lydia D : to John Curtice Abigail D : to M"^ : Stephen Lapham Prifce [Priscilla] : D to Jsaac Prouty. Before Baptifm y^ same Day y** S^ Prouty and wife owned y^ Covenant June 19 1757 Allice : D : to Deacon Culhing Jun July 3 Lydia D to Nath Brooks Jun 10 Barftow Son to Cap*. W^. Sylvefter Rhoda D : to Michael Hatch : 17 : Rachel : D : to R*^ David Barns and Rachel his wife 23 : Thomas, Sam^^. Abel, Sons, to Simeon Nafh and Lydia his Daughter 31 Cynthia D : to Elijah Curtice Aug 14: Thomas Barker Son to M''. James Brigs 21. Jofeph Son D«^ Jofeph Jacob 28 : Unice : D : to Isaac Stetfon Sept : 1757 Oliver Son of Oliver winflow Ceberry [Sebre] D : to John Brigs Allice : D : to Israel Smith Eliphalet Son to Eliph Nothe [Northy] Octbr 2 1757 Martha D : to Peleg Bryant 9 Damaris D : to : Nehe°^ : Prouty Ruth : D : to Cornelius Brigs 16 Molly: D to Benj--^: Randall. nov : 6 : Mary : D : to Math : Stetfon Abigail D to [blank] Tore [Torrey] , _. ,. Mercy : D : to Antony Eames i > ' "^ Hannah his wife His wife owned y^ Cov : Bapt : on His ac- count Gidion Son to Gidion Rofe Jun brot out by her alone and Baptized on Her account 20 Gerfhom Son to M'' Nehemiah Sylvefter Betty : D : to Benj^ CoUmore Baptized on Her Account DecV 4: Ebenezer & Grace Totman owned y® Covenant and y*' children w^ [were] Baptized Thomas and Stephen Charles Son to John Bowker Jenny D : to Nath Mayhew Baptized on Her Account 86 July 6 Aug^' 3 1788 1788 Octo*^^ 5 1788 Octob'' 4 1789 May 2 Aug^* 7 1790 1791 Sep* 4 Nov^'' 6 1791 1791 July 1 Sept 2 1792 1792 Sept 1 1793 [The following records, on four loose sheets badly worn and broken, were found in Norwell, and belong to the pastorate of Rev. David Barnes.] (Sheet No. 1, one side) A Lift of thofe who Joined to the C'"' in 1786 July 21 1786 Elijah Whitman was received to Communion with the Church Charles Turner Jun"". Eunice The Wife of Nath^^ Jordan Hannah Otis Daughter of D"" Otis Jofhua Clapp was admitted Nath^^ Winflow and wife were admitted Hannah Turner wife to Charles Turner Efq"^ Tho^ Jenkins and wife were admitted to Communion Abiel Turner Jun"" Betfy Otis was admitted Fofter Waterman W And the widdow Sarah Neal The Wife of Luther Barrell belonging to The firft Chh in Hingham beng difmifsed from y* C'^' and recom- mended was received into this C^*^ Elijah Whitman was difmifsed and recommended to y® firft C^'^ in Pembroke June 1 1794 Polly Turner Daughter to Hon"^' Charles Turner was admitted to full communion Sep* 28 M''* Hannah Stone wife to the Rev'^ M"" Stone of Yarmouth June 7 1795 Bethiah Winflow of Scituate was admitted July 5 Hannah Tolman Auguf t : 2 John Briggs Octob' 4 The Wife of John Fofter Jun' Nov^-^ 5 ; 1797 Nath'i Winflow Jun' and Wife May 6 1798 Eben^ Copeland & Wife Hannah Copeland June 3 Sally Southworth wife to Tho* Southworth Cloe Sylvefter July 1 : Jofhua Bryant and wife Nabby Culhing Daughter to Nathaniel Cufhing Ruth Culhing wife to Pickles Cufhing Sally Turner Lucy Sylvefter Aug* 5 1798 Nov"' 4 July 1799 Octo""^ 5 1800 May 3 1801 Sept. 6 Octob"- 4 (Sheet No. 1, other side.) Jofhua Jacobs Jun*" And Wife James Sparrel and wife Deborah Waterman Junr was baptized and rec^ into y^ C^^ Bathfheba Houfe was alfo admitted Deborah Waterman Polly Simons was admitted to communion Samuel Waterman was admitted to communion John Fofter admitted to communion Tho^ Cufhing & Wife William Barrel 87 Sept 4 1803 John Hatch and his wife Nov'^'^ 11 The Wife of Deacon John Ruggles May 12 1805 Ruth, the wife of Deacon Elil'h James Mary The Wife John Fof ter Sen"^ Ruf ha Tower, D to Mathew Tower Bathfheba Jones Bafhua Tower wife to Mathew Tower 1806 John Jones was received into Communion 1806 James Curtifs Jun"^ & Wife The Widdow Prudence Turner Emelia Sprague, Cynthia Nicols At a meeting of the Church regularly Notified The C*^ made choice of Tho* Cul hing for a Deacon. He ac- cepted y" Office May 10 1807 Nabby Fofter wife to Capt Seth Fofter Eunice Torry Daug*®"" to James Torry June 7 James Barril Sept 6 Hitte Curtice wife To Sam^^ Curtice was received into the C^^ tho' not prefent She being confined by sicknefs The same day Hitte Curtice Jun'' and Sophia Curtice Daughters of Sam^^ Curtice w"" Admitted to communion June 2 May 4 July 6 July 27 (Sheet No. 2, one side.) Deaths for the Year 1786. Jan^ 1786 Abraham a Negro Aged about 70 of Old age The Palfy and the relicks of the Omerial Difeale Jany 29 1786 The Widdow Anna Soper aged about 60, of a Motification March 28 1786 Paul Curtice, Etat : 19 : Suddenly by the overietting of a loaded Carte May 2 Elms aged 9, of a Nervous Fever in the begin[n]ing which ended in a Confumption May 10 Jemima Hatch aged 70 of a Dropfie May 30 An infant belonging to Elijah Turner & wife w'^ lived a few momints June 8 Cap^ Benj'* Randall aged 62 of a Mortification as was fupposed in his Bowells June 27 An infant belonging to Elifha Young and wife Aged about 3 Months of Convulfion fits July 17 The wife of Jofhua Clapp Aged [blank'] of a Confumption [torrtjug^* 9 The Widdow Stockbridge Aged 78 of a Complication of diforders [torn'jtoh^ The Widdow Perry aged 61 of a complication of diforders [tornjcem.'^'^ 15 Elifha Fofter's Daughter aged 4"'* of a Difsentery [^orn]ny 2 D'' Ephraim Otis's Son aged 3 y'"® of a Quiufy [worn]any 13 John Stetson aged 92 of old age Feb^ 19 Mercy Turner Widdow aged 83 of old age March A Child of Nath'^ Brooks Jun'' aged 18 month of a Con- fumption March Mercy Clapp Aged [blank'] of a billious Cholick April The widdow Hannah Hatch aged 78 of old age Aug-'* 31 Hannah Collmore wife to Benj'^ CoUmore aged 64, of a billious Diforder 88 0010*"^ 17 A Child of Calvin Daman and Wife aged 7 months of the Canker Octo'''' 18 Lazarus Bowkers Jun"^ wife aged 41 of a Canker Fever Octo'''' 23 An Infant of Nath Jordan and Wife 14 Day old Dif order Unknown Decmb"" 16 Hannah Viual aged 84 of old age [^worn^an^ 7 1788 Cole Wife to James Cole aged 68 of a billions diforder [^worri]eh^/5 A Daughter of Dea"* James aged 6^^^ of a billions dif- order & \worn~\ [torny 6 Stoddard wife to Benj* Stoddard aged 72 of a [worw] [torn] a child of Tho* Church Jun"" aged half an hour [wor?i] [ton*] Jacob Vinal aged 88 of old age [worn] [torii\ [BJarrell Daughter to James Barrell aged 26 of a [worn] of [«<7orw] (Sheet No. 2, other side.) Feby 7 1794 Rev"^ Nathan Stone of Yarmouth & Mifs Hannah Clapp, Scituate March 6 Jofhua Herfy Jun"" of Hingham «fe Lucy Jacobs, Scituate Nathan Hunt of Quincy & Polly Turner of Scituate May 18 Lazarus Bowker and Sarah Tui'ner both of Scituate July 6 Bartlett Barrell & Relief Nafh both of Scituate July 9 Thomas Ford of Duxborough & Hannah Church of Scituate Sep* 1 Sam" Lewis of Falmouth and Nabby Turner Tolman, Scituate Nov^"^ 26 Edmond Whitemore & Jane Cortherill both of Scituate Jany 1 1795 John Tui-ner and Cloa Clapp both of Scituate March 22 Abijah Otis & Mary Turner both of Scituate May 28 Fruitfull Sylvefter & Patty Clapp Negroes both of Scituate June 7 David Whitcomb [in pencil] of Cohafset and Prudence Dorithy of Scituate June 18 Charles Lapham & Temperance Clapp both of Scituate Aug^* 4 David Prouty and Lydia Stoddard both of Scituate \_woni] Sept 30 1795 Paul Otis and Lucy Bailey both of Scituate Octob^' 4 1795 John Cudworth Jun'" & Patty Litchfield both of Scit[z^oni] Nov'^'^ 29 Thomas Cufhing and Ruth Turner both of Scituate Charles Whiting Cufhing of Hingham & Deborah Jacobs of Scituate December 2 1795 Elijah Randal and Ruth Woodward both of Scituate January 1 1796 Nath^^ Stevens of Marfhfield and Lydig, Church of Scituate March 27 Confider Howland of Marfhfield and Ruth Church of Scituate Cato Negro man of scituate & Joanna Negro woman refident in Scituate Willam Cufhing of Pembroke & Ruth Briggs of Scituate Nath" Turner and Rachell Turner both of Scitua[M'o/'«] Ebenezer Copeland & Sarah Waterman both of Scituate [wora]i8 Whiting of Hingham & Abigail Bowker of Scituate [worw,] Nafh and Debby Cufhing both of Scituate [worn] Keen of Marfhfield & Sufannah Church of Scit[rf?o?vi] Octo:'''^ 26 [worii^^^ 13 [worn] \^wora] 89 (Sheet No. 3, one side.) Decern'^'- 20 1787 M"^ Jonathan Cuf hing of Hingham & Mifs Sarah Sim- mons [^worti^ Scituate. March [worn] (20?) 1788 Perez Jacobs of Hanover & Kelief Bowker Scituate March 25 Elijah Bowker & Anna Sylvefter both of Scituate April 1 7 Bela Mann of Hanover & Anne Bryant of Scituate May 24 Wil™ Jackfou of Plymouth & Nancy Barnes of Scituate June 8 John James and Patience Clapp both of Scituate Dcem^ 25 Samuel Sprague and Lydia Mayhew, ditto AprU 9 1789 Cap* James Shaw of Abington and the Widdow Mary Turner of Scituate April 9 Sam^^ McChane of briftol in the County of Lincoln & Phebe Cudworth in y® County of plymouth April 30 Stephen Bowker and Lucy Cufhing both of Scituate [to?'n] June 12 Benj^ Hayden of Scituate & Ruth Lincoln of Cohafset Sept 21 Charles Turner Ju"" Ef quire & Hannah Jacobs both of Sci[worn] Octob'' 14. Elifh Grot's and Deborah Sylvefter both of Scitu[worft] Nov*^' 19 M'' Jofiah Cotton of Plymouth Clerk of the Court, To Rachell Barnes of Scituate Nov"^"^ 26. Tho^ Waterman and Sally Winflow b[M'orn] of Scituate Decem'^'' 17. Calvin Damon and Mercy Eelles both of Scituate March 11 1790 Mical Clapp and Eunice Sylvefter hot\^woru'] of Scituate [Dates of the following are worn off] Sam^ Griffin of Fitswilliam and Hannah Bowker Scitua[wor?«] Jofeph Cufhing and Delire Bowker of Scitu[iyor«] Elijah Lewis of Hingham & Sarah Stockbridge Scit [worn] [worn]" Tylden of Marf hfield and Peggy Folter of Scit[wo»7i] [worn] Turner Lane and Lucy Stetson both of Scituate [worn] Daman of Scituate to Hannah Dam[2i'orn] of of (Sheet No. 3, other side.) Benjamin Brooker [or Brookes] of Roxbury and Harriot Grandifon of Scituate April 27 James Ewell of Marfhfield & Elifabeth Crague of Scituate May 22 Gad Levet of Pembroke and Huldah Perry of Scituate June 2 ( ?) 1791 Bille Corlew And Sarah Bourn both of Scituate June 30 1791 Benjamin Bowker Jun"" and Cloa Stetson both of Scituate Elifha Briggs and Abigail Fofter both of Scituate Elijah Sylvefter of Hanover & Elifabeth Briggs of Scituate Paul Otis & Penelopie Nichols both of Scituate John Cafwell & Chriftiana Perry of Hanover. Jefse Curtis of Hanover & the widdow Lucy Morton of Scituate Abner Crooker of Marfhfield & Deborah Stutson, Scituate 22 Thatcher Tildeu of Marf [h] field & Lucy Turner of Scituate Amos Litchfield and Afenath Stockbridge bpth of Scituate \_forn^an^" 1 1792. Jofeph Gannett & Ruth Gannett both of Scituate Jany 19 1792 Pickles Cufhing & Ruth Cufhing both of Scituate [worn]any 27 1791 Octob-^ 2 (?) Octob^ 13 Nov^-^ 17 Nov^"" 24 Nov^'^ 21 [torn] Decern Decem'"' 25 90 Feb^ 5 1792 Jofeph Battles and Sarah Turner both of Scituate March 9 1792 Nath^i Eelles & Elifabeth Randall both of Scituate April 3. 1792 June 10 June 17 : 1792 [torn^g^^ 12 Octo^^' 22 Octo'^' 25 Octo''^ 28 Nov'^'^ 4 [i^orw]^"^ 8 \_wornY^ 24 [worn] 1793 worn^ 13 worn] 'woni] worn] Carried to the Town Clerk. Sam^' Fofter of Kiugfton and Mary Otis, Scituate Caleb Torry & Sufannah Litchfield both of Scituate Capt : Will™ Church and the Widdow Jael Henderfon both of Scituate Ward Jackfon & Lucy Naf h both of Scituate Pollicarpus Jacobs & Lydia Clapp both of Bofton Tho^ Carlow of Springfield & Abigail Carlow of Scituate Elif ha Turner & Lydia Briggs both of Scituate Hawke Cufhing and Abigail Clapp both of [^orw] Seth Stoddard and Martha Stockbridge both of [worn] James Wright and Lucy Brown both of Scituate Isaac Thomas of Marf hfield, & Temperance Turn[^worn] Simion Litchfield and Lucy Hatch Both of Sci[wor«] Henry Joflyn of Pembroke and Lou[w?o?'?i] Micah Lapham and Sarah Cuf bin [worw] Zacheus Lambart & Zipporah Cu\_ivom'] Samuel Donnely (?) \^the rest indistinct'] (Sheet No. 4, written only on one side.) [No year date appears] ^worn]3iTch 10 Sarah Fofter wife of John Fofter aged 46 of a Confump- tion Af hur Spragues wife Aged 43 Diforder unknown Nath^' Eells wife aged 39 of a putrid fever A Child of Will"' Studly and Wife aged one Yea[r] of a Confumption The widow Damon aged 52 of a Languifhment The wife of Hawke Cufhing aged 41 of a Confumption The Widdow Standley Aged 83 of old age The Wife of James Colman aged 49 of a Dropfy June 1 July July Octob 1 Octob-^ 30 Damon and 22^ 6 May 15. 1791* Clarrifsa & Lucinda twins Daughters to Sam^^ ; Wife. Lydia Daughter to Simeon Daman & wife Clarrifsa D. to abiel Turner Jun''. & wife Galen Clapp Son to Capt John James & wife Rebeckah in Private D. to Tho^ Lapham Jun"^ & wife George & Ruth, Son and D. to Tho^. Lapham Jun and wife Delire Eells D. to Calvin Daman and Wife Elias Son to James Barrell Jun"". And Wife Quintus Carolus, Son of Charles Turner Efq"'. & Wife Lucinda D : to Elijah Turner and wife Tryphine D to Tho^ Sylvelter Jun'. & Wife Sylvefter Son to Charles Tolman & Avife Joseph Son To Roland Turner and wife Thomas Son to Tho**. Waterman and Wife * This entry begins what is left of the church baptisms of Rev. David Barnes — con- tained in loosely-sewed sheets, without covers, preserved at the Norwell Bank. Rev. Dr. Barnes retired from the ministry in 1809, and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Deane. Besides the baptisms, there are marriages, church admissions, dismissals, etc. May June July Aug^ Aug^^ 14 Aug^*. 21 Aug^' 27 Sept 7: 91 Jan? 9 1792 Feb 14 Feby 20 May June 27 3 May June 13 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July July July 15 22 29 Sept Aug®'. 9 19 Sept. 16 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 31 [sic] Octol/ : 7 Octo^ 14 Nov^ 3 Nov*^ 4 Decb' Jan^ 13 1793 Feb 24 May 5 June 2 Aug*^ 4. Aug': 18. Sept Sept Octo^'" 8. 22 6 Octob'. 13 Novb^ 24 Deem''. 7 Feby3 1794 april 13. Lufstanos. Son to Bryant Stephenfon & wife Mary Collier[?] D to Galen Daman & Wife in private Zacheriah adult in j" other Parifh very Sick. His other name Nafh. Charles, Son to Noah Meritt in private Elifha Son to Elilha Young & wife Benj^ Turner Son to Benj'^ Lane «fe wife Horace Son to Capt Enoch Collmomore [^sic'] and wife Experence D to Sam^^. Randall and Wife Hannah D to Capt John James and wife Hannah D to Nath^ Waterman and wife Thirzby D to Jofhua Bryant Jun''. & wife Betfy D. to Mathew Tore [Torrey] & Wife Chloe D to Benj-'^ Bowker Jun"". and wife Thomas Son to tho*. Ruggles & wife Sam'i. go,^ to Qharls Turner Efq^ & Wife. Mary D to Sam^^ Curtis & wife Leafe D to Jofeph Cufhing & wife Harris Son to Gerfhom Bowker in Private Lucy & Ruth Daughters to WilP Barrell and wife Samuel Son to Charles Turner Efq"^. and wife Lydia, Betfy, Hannah, D® : William Joliah Levitt Sons to William .James & wife. Polly D : to s*^. James & wife Baptized in private Elijah Stowers Son to Elijah Curtice Jun'' & wife Lucy Cufhing D. To Stephen Bowker & wife Elijah Son to John Hatch and wife. Calvin Son to Calvin Daman & wife Artimifsa : D to Jonathan Hatch Jun"^. and wife James Son to Jefse Wright & wife Juda Litchfield D. To Jolhua Daman & wife Polly D : to Tho^ Lapham Jun'^. and wife Eleanor Wife of Robert Northy. Eleanor D : & James Son to Robert Northy and Wife Jofeph Son to Sam^^ Simmons & Wife Mary Turner D. to Jofeph Tolman Jun' & Wife Thankfull Wife to Sam'^. Simons Adult Peleg & Sam^^ Sons to Sam^^ Simons and wife Luther son to Luther Barrell and Wife Benj**. Hearfsy son to Braddock Jacobs and wife Marcus Son to Sam^^ Tolman & wife John Son to Elijah Bowker and wife Elijah Son to William Brooks Junr & wife Clarrifsa D : to Jofeph Jacobs and Wife Lucy D. to Benj**^ Lane and Wife Anna D. to Elifha Briggs and wife Bettfy D : to Israel Turner & wife Gorham Son to Jofeph Benfon & wife Betfey D. to Nath'^. Cufhing & wife Lucy D. to Jofeph Cufhing and wife Abigail D to Gerfhom Bowker and wife in private Elifha Son to David Clapp & wife in private Lucy D. to Nath" Chittenden & Wife Nancy D to Lemuel Jacobs & wife 92 May June 22 8 June 29 Aug^ 24 Augft. 31 Sept 14. Sept 28 Octo^-- 5 Nov'''^ 2, Decm^^ 7 May 10 1795 June 7 June 14 July Aug^' Aug^'. 26 9: 23 Sept Octob'. 27 4 Octo^-^ 18 Octo^^ 25. Nov^' 1 Nov''^ 8 April 4 1796 May 1 May 8 May 20 May 29 July 5. Aug^*-. 1 4 Aug^^ 14 Aug^*, 21 Aug^*. 28 Sept Sept 6. Horrace Son to John James and wife Hannah Tolmon D. to Charles Turner Efq"". & Wife Efther D to Charles Cole & wife Alpheus Son to Micah Stetfon & wife Efther D to Charles Cole and wife Eldward [or Edward] son to Nath^. Culhing Jun'". and wife Benjamin son to Roland Turner and wife Johaunah D. to Elifha Young and wife Turner son to Jonat^\ Hatch Jun"" : and wife Sam^^ Stanly Son to Sam^^. Bowker Negro and wife Harriot, Stanly D'' to Prince Freeman Negro & wife Nabby D : to Stephen Bowker and wife Sam^^ Litchfield Son to Simion Daman & wife Betfey. D to Tho^ Ruggles and wife Fanny D to David Clapp and wife Elijah Son to David Clapp and wife Tryphofy D to Tho^. Sylvefter & wife Eliza. Bailey. Son to Elijah Turner Efq"". and wife Ruth Tillden D : to Calvin Daman & Wife Son to Pickles Culhing Jun''. and wife Jofeph Copeland son to Sam^. Tolman & wife Sarah Jacobs Daughter to Elifha Briggs & wife Loring Culhing son to Micah Lapham & wife Nabby Leavet D. to Luther Barrell & wife Affee[?] D : to Co". Will". Turner & wife Fanny D. to Benj'^ Lane and wife Theadore son to Charles Turner Efq"", and wife John son to John Fofter Jun"". & Wife Lydea D. to Braddock Jacobs and wife Betfy. D to Gerlhom Ewell and wife Charles, son to David Clapp and wife Seth Stoddard Jun^. and wife Owned the Covenant He was Baptized with two of y*'. Children Named Benjamin and Temperance Lucinda an adult D to Sylvanus Daman. Demick Bowker son to Galen Daman & wife in private Joliah son to Charles Briggs and wife Jofhua Dauis son of Harris Turner and wife Charles son to Stephen Totman & wife Thomas son to Sam^^ : Simmons and wife Nabby an adult Wife to Ezra Dingley of Duxbury Lydia D. to Elijah Curtice & wife. Cloe Stowers D. to John Turner & wife Anna D. to Simeon Daman & wife Abiah Joice D to Tho^ Lapham Jun'' and wife Harriot D to Nath^'. Chittenden & wife Hannah an adult wife to Elijah Briggs James Buffinton son to Elijah Briggs & wife Elifabeth Daughter to Elijah Bi'iggs & wife Baptized the Children of Conlider Merritt & wife in private they being Sick of y^ Canker Rafh — Polly : D. Joce[?] D : Benjamin Son. Roxa[?] D : Conlider son Jofeph son Prifsa D 93 Octo^"-. 23. Nov»'^ 13 20 May 21 1797 July. 9. Octo"'" : 8: Octo'"". 29 Nov*"". 2 Nov"^ 5. Nov'"-. 12. Nov''''. 19 Jauy 1 1 1798. April. 28. May 19: July 1. July 8 July 22 Aug*' 5 Aucr^^ 5. Se^' 30 Octo'>^ 7 June 10 1799 June 30 Julv 7 Sept 1 Sept 29 Octo'"'. 6: Octo'"". 13 Octo"^ 20 Nov''^ 3 Jany 5 1800 July 13 Sept 14 14 21 Octob^ -2 '6 Delight D to Elijah Bowker and wife Lydia Ford. D : to Micah Stetlbn & wife Molly Dau*^ to William James & wife Mary Rand. D : to Charles Turner Efq''. & wife Hannah Chandler Daiig^ to Cha[n]dler Cole and Wife Anfon son to Jon'^ Hatch Jun"^. & wife Ruth Turner D to Tho». Cufhing & wife Ruth Thomas D to Picles Cufhing & wife Lazerus Bowker, Son to Galen Daman & wife Bethyah Woodard : D to Will"' Gallon [?] Jun'" & wife Stephen. Son to Jofeph Cufhing & wife. Debbe Cufhing D. to John Nafh & Wife in private Samuel Oakman son to Tho®. Ruggles & wife William son to Charles Lapham & Wife Lucy D: to Nath" Winflow Jun"". & wife Sarah Turner D. to Benj* Turner Lane & wife Nathan Son to William Brooks and wife in private Turner. Son to Sam". Tolman and wife in private Sarah D to Eben'' : Copeland & wife Noah Son to Jofhua Bryant and wife Deborah Richmond : 1) to Perez Jacobs and wife Sam". Weft son to Nath". Cufhing and wife Gracy D to James Torry & wife Lucy Daughter to John James and wife James Newton Son to .Tames Sparrell and wife Hannah Waterman. D to Jofhua Jacobs Jun'. and wife Fanny D to Luther Barrel and wife Juda Hatch D to Harris Turner & wife Lucy Sylveller D to John Ewell and wife Mary D to Elijali Curtice & wife James Son to Thomas Southward & wife Elifha son to Micah Stetson and wife Joanna & Hannah Daughters to Braddock Jacobs & wife Sarah Stockbridge D to Perez Turner & wife Joanna Turner. D to Capt Benj*^ Lane and wife Francis Son Col'. Charles Turner and wife Charles son to Charles Cole and wife Abiel son to Roland Turner and wife Mary D to Nath" Winflow Jun^ & wife Charlotte D to Charles Lapham & wife. James So[n] to John Fofter Jun"- & wife John son to John Nafh and wife Hannah Stowel D to Elifha Briggs and wife Sally D to Robert Nortliy and wife Howard son to Galen Daman and wife Elizabeth D to Sam" Tolman and wife in private Mary D to -Jofhua Jacobs Ju*^ & wife Eliza D to John Ewell and wife Sarah Cufhing D to Sam" Waterman and Wife Margaret D to Will*^ Galiow and Wife in private Caroline D to Thomas Cufhing & wife Lydia D to Micah Lapham and Wife Hannah Cufhing D to Perez Turner & Wife 94 Nov^' 2 Charlotte Appleton T) to Sam" Kent and Wife Hannah wife to 8am" Kent at y® same time John Son to Nath" Cufhing and Wife Decm"^ Mary D to Pickles Cufhing Juii'" & wife in private April 26 1801 Matilda D to Charles Turner Efq'' and wife May 3 Amala son to Ilan'is Turner and wife May 10 Maiyann D to Walter Jacobs & wife May 31 Paul son to Elijah Curtice & Wife Auguft 9 John son to John Ewell and wife October 18 Sarah Smith D to Elifha Briggs & wife Charlott D to Elijah Bowker & wife Caroline D to Warren Bowker & wife Octo*''" 25 f Enoch son to James Cole and wife ) J I Mary Clapp D to James Cole and wife ) 5" Nov'^'^ 1 Caroline D to Seth Fofter and Wife their first child. Charlotte Curtifs D to Nath" Winflow & wife Decemb'' 13 Deborah Clapp D to Tho'^ ^I'igsS and wife April 5, 1802 Mary Perry Church adult in private Sick May 2 Jofhua Son to Capt Jolhua Jacobs Jun"" & wife Damfon D. to Simonds & wife June 27 John King son to John Nash and wife Hannah williams Da to Sam" Kent & wife June 30 Abigail Daughter Thomas Lapham Jun' Aug^^ 1 Maria D. To Capt Benj"' Lane and wife P^lifabeth wife to Ebeuezer Osborn Ebenezer son to Ebenezer Osborn & wife Augft 8 Hannah Schiverick D. To Nath" Eelles Jun-" & wife Aug^* 29. Betiy Turner D. to Walter Jacobs & wife Sept 5 Afa Delano son to Afa Waterman & wife October 3, Peter Thatcher son, Lucy Turner, Daughter Athertou Wales, son, Henry, son, Ctiildren of Thatcher Tildeu and wife May 30 1803 Lucy Sylvefter in private near her end June 5. Miclial D. and John son — twins of John Collaraore & wife July 10 John Turner son to Sam" ["James" eareted in another hand] Sparrell and wife Aug** 7 Alfred Brunlbn son to Capt Setli Fofter and wife Matilda D. to fJoiepli Cufhing and wife October. 9 Betiy. D. to Thatcher Tilden and wife Octoiy 16 R D. to P>lijah Bowker and wife Mary D to Pickles Cufhing Jun'' and wife Octo"^'' 23 Thomas son to John -lones and wife Julia D. to Col Charles Turner & wife. Octo'"" 30 [blank] Turner D. to Jonathan Hatch Jun'" & wife Unice Whiting D to Hari'is Turner October 25 in private Hannah Totnian. D. to Stephen Totmau adult being very Sick April 22 1804 Edmond son to Warren Bowker & wife May 20 Sarah [over " Mary," crossed out] south worth D. to John Fol'ter Jun'' and wife Mary Elifabeth D to Will'"" Delano & wife 95 Jiine 3 June 24 July 1 July 15 Aug^' 5 Sept 2 Sept 23 Sept 30. Octo*' -^ov^' 4 March 20 1S05 Mav 12 June 2 June 30. Aug^' 4 Octo'"- 13 180") Nov'"' 3 Decemb'" 8 June 15 1806 Juue 29 July 6 Aug^^ 3 : Aug** 14 October 5 Nov'^"" 9 Nov'" 26 May 10 1807. Mary Stockbridge D. to Elnanathan [siV] Cufliing & wife Thopbilus sou to Capt Jolhua Jacobs Jun'' & wife Mary D. to Sam" Simous aud wife Charles Henry son to Charles Lapham & wife George son to Benj'^ Lane and wife Nath" Cufhing son to John Nafh and wife Calvin son & Sufannah D to Galen Daman & wife Nancy D to Charles Cole & wife Eliza D to Eben'^ Ofborn & wife Luther Albert Son to Luther Tildeu & wife Mary Turner D to James Torry Jun'^ & wife Huldah D. Ebenezer Copland and Wife Joseph and Charles Sons to Major John James and wife Jane, Daugter William Corlew in private William Hart Son to William Delano and wife Dolly [over " Mary," crossed out] D, to Joseph Stock- bridge & wife. Rufus Litchfield adult Rufus son to Rufus Litchfield and wife Jerulha Gay D to Elnathau Cufhing & wife Charlotte Gushing D. to Sam" Waterman & wife Almira D to Major John James & wife William, son Coll Charles Turner & wife David Jacob son to Nath" Cufhing & wife Temperance Freeman D. to Timothy Fofter & wife James Otis Son, James Curtis and wife Amelia adult, Daughter to Alhur Sprague Henry Turner son to The* Ruggles and wife Luther Turner and his child named Lucy Elvira D to Demick Bowker & wife John Sou to Jofeph Cufhing & wife Edward Son to Fofter Jacobs & wife Lucy Clapp, Daughter to the same Mary D. to W"' Whiting of Hauover Harriot D to Pickles Cufhing & wife John Son to Jona*'^ Hatch & wife Elifha Hey den adult at ye same time Elifha son to Elifha Heyden & wife Anie Cufliing D to Capt. Jofhua Jacobs Jun"" & wife Hannah Wife to Warren Sylvefter & their child Almira Phebe Cufhing D to James Curtils & wife In private Catherine Sylvefter a black woman Elifha son to Elifha Fofter Jun'' & wife Prudence Clark D. to AVill"' Delano & wife Temperance Cufhing D. of Sylvanus Daman an adult. Melzar Stoddard son to Luther Turner formerly of Pem- broke Nathan son To Cap' Tho* Southard & wife Mary Daughter To Rufus Litchfield and wife William, Son to Harris Turner & wife, lately moved to Town lend Julia D to Luther Tilden & wife 96 May 24 July 5 Octob'' 11 Nov'^^ 1 Nov'^i" 8 Nov*"" 15 Decm"^ 23 Jan^ 24 1808 April 24 May 1 June 5 June 4 July 3 Aug^' 8 Aug^* 2 Augst 14 Sept 2 [?] Octo'"- Nov''^ 13 March 5 1809 June 4 July 2 July 9 July 16 Aug*** 6 Aug 13 Sept 19 Sept Sepf Nov'' 5 William son to Timothy Fofter & wife Joliah son to Thomas Cufhing & wife Deborah D to Elifha Heydeu & wife Zilpah Turner to Nath'' P^ells & wife Prudence Clark D to Will"^ Delano & wife Charles Warren son to Warren Sylvester & wife Edward Bartlett son to Thacher Tilden and wife David William son to Amiel Studly & wife Rachel Wife to Bayley Jenkens Thomas Bailey & William Woodward sons to Bailey Jenkens & wife George Anfon Son to Anfon Robbins & wife Temperance D to Micah Lapham & wife Francis. D. To Sam" Waterman & wife Julia D : to Pickles Cufhing & wife Mary Stetson & Eliza Stutson both adults in private on account o Sicknefs. Harriette D to Seth P"'ofter and wife Grace Turner ['' Barstow," written above "Turner"] D to Elifh Fofter & wife Thomas son to Tho** Southward & wife Eliza Daughter Major John James & wife Rachel Wife to Perkins Clapp Rachel D to perkins Clapp and wife Sam" son to perkins Clapp & wife a Child belonging Prince & wife in private on account of Sicknefs Hannah D To Jofiah Stoddard and wife Bela Tower son to Jofhua Jacobs Ju'' Frederick sou to James Curtice & wife Jofeph Warren son to Eliiha Brigs iK; wife Lucy D to Allen Clapp & wile Anna Eliza D to [blank] Turner & wife. Eunic D to David Bowker & wife Betfey D to James Sparrel & wife Harriot D to Allen Clap & wife Nath" sou to Nathaneel Eells & wife Jane Daughter to Nath'' Cufhing Jun'' & wife Benj'^ Hatch Tower to Sara'^ EeJls and wife Lufixuimh Ruggles 1) to George Hatch & wife Eliza D to John Nafli and wife Harrifon son to Dea" Thomas ('uihing & wife Polly Da to Elifha Tolman aud wife Sarah D to Capt Southward & wife in private Sarah D to Lulher Tilden and wife AValter son to Anson Rollins [? Robbins] & wife Francis son to Timo' Fofter & wife Anna D to Jofeph Cufhing & wife Charles son James Curtice & wife Mary D to Luther Tilden & wife Francis son of John Ewell & Wife Elisha Son of Foster Jacobs & Wife 97 Nov"^'" 1 1807 July 3 April 2 February May 1808 October 7 1803 William Son of William Studley & Wife William Sou of Elisha Hayden & Wife Widdow Rlioda Ford Lucy Ford & Rhoda Ford Jun'' Nabby Barker James Curtifs were addmitted members of the chh The wife of George Torry admitted Jofeph Turner & Franie Cufuhing [s«c] admitted John Nafh and wife were admitted Deaths for the Year 1799 7 1799 The W^iddow Elms ^tat. 68 of a complication of dif- orders Lucy Sylvefter of a confumption A child of David Frouty another of Benj'^ Bailey John Hatches wife of a confumption The C'"^ difmifsed the Rev'' Charles Turner and recom- in Turner [Maine, mended him to the c^''^ of Chrift jjrobably ] . Octob'^ 16 1803 The c*"^ difmifsed the wife of Luther Barrell and recom- mended her to the c^" of Chrift in Alhburuham [This completes the book of Rev. David Barnes.] Church Members and Admissions.* 1810-1850. When I came into the ministry in Scituate, there appeared to be a loss of a part of the Church records, during the ministry of my venerable pre- decessor Dr. Barnes. I was, therefore, unable to ascertain the names of the Church members then living, except by enquiry. In this manner the following list was collected, of the names of the members of the 2d Cong. Chh. in Scituate liveing in Feb. 1810. Samuel Deane. This is undoubtedly imperfect and does not pretend to chronological ar- rangement. Hon. William Cushing M""* Hannah his wife Hon. Nathan Cushing M''* Abigail his wife Dea. Elisha James Ruth, his wife Dea. Thomas Cushing Ruth his wife Hon. Charles Turner J' Hannah his wife John Foster Sen. Mary his wife Dea. John Ruggles William Briggs M"^* Eliz*'' his wife Wid Rhoda Ford Rhoda Ford J"^ Rev. David Barnes, D.D., Sen. Pastor. Samuel Waterman Sally his wife M" Bathsua Town (of Matther) Charles Tolman Sen. Mrs Mary his wife Wid Experience Stetson Naby Foster (wife of Cap. Seth) Thomas Ruggles Nabby Barker, dis. William James Sen. Mary his wife Sall}^ Young AVid. Marcy Turner (Israel) Wid. Ruth Jenkins Caleb Torrey Sen. Rev. W™ Torrey Mary Cushing (wid. of John) * From the Church Book of Rev. Samuel Deane, pages 70-77 inclusive, tisms in the first part of this book will appear later in the Register. The Bap- 98 John Jones Sen. Hannah Brooks (wife Simeon) Bathsheba Daman (wife Melzar) Joseph Jacob. Hannah, his wife Huldah Church (wife of Thomas) Sarah Bowker (wife Lazarus) Eunice Torrey (wife of James) Nathaniel Winslow M""^ Sarah his wife M'^^ Sarah Winslow (wid. of Maj.) Cap. Joshua Jacob. Hannah his wife. Bathsheba House. Jerusha Eells (wife Sam') Miss Emily Sprague. Miss Cynthia Nichols. Miss Eunice Torrey Thankful Torrey (wife Geo) Col. John Jacob. Lucy Copeland (wife of W"' Jr) Nabby wife of J" Foster J'' Abigail Otis (wife of D''. C. O.) Miss Frances Cushing. Miss Betsey James Thomas Lapham Sen. Abiah his wife Hette Curtis (wife of Sam') Miss Sophia Curtis Miss Hette Curtis James Barrell Sen. M" Mary his wife Wid. Zeporah Randall James Turner Wid. Lucy Briggs Miss Betsey Otis John Nash Deborah his wife Wid. Deb"" Waterman Wid. Hannah James Patience Oldham (of Jon*) Wid Eliz*'' Stetson Wid Ruth Craig Joshua Bryant. M" Abiel his wife Wid. Marcy Brooks John Hatch Lucy his wife Cap. Tho^ Southworth Sally his wife Elizabeth Clap (wife of Sylvanus) Eunice Jordan (wife of Nath') Lydia Woodward Benj" Stetson Mary Delano (wife of Benj") Cap James Curtis Phebe his wife M'"^ Hannah Stone Nathaniel Jacob. Edmund Bowker. Lydia his wife Cap James Sparrell Betsey his wife Eben"^ Copeland Sally his wife Hannah Copeland Lydia Copeland. Names of Church Members in Scit. South Parish. 1810. admitted since Jan. S. Deane. 1810 June Aug. Oct. 1811. June Sept. Oct. 31 5 gtb Miss Eunice Brooks. Cap. Wiir Brooks M'^ Lucy Brooks, (his wife) Miss Betsey Brooks. M*" Samuel Foster. M''^ Sarah Foster, (wife) M"" Nath' Cushing. M'"'' Jane Cushing. (wife) Miss Thirza Bryant Miss Betsey Torrey. M'' Gershom Ewell. M" Hannah Ewell (his wife) M" Sarah Stetson. Miss Elizabeth Studley. Miss Lucy Cushing. Miss Elizabeth Stetson. 99 [None ill 1812] 1813 May 2** Mrs Patience James. Maj. Jno. Jas. wife. Sept. 5 M'' Silas Stetson. 1814 May V^ William Studley Sen M"^® Asenath Litchfield Miss Lucy Stockbridge June 5"' M'* Esther Cole M""* Mary Studley. 1815 Sep 3'' Hannah Lincoln Elms Oct. P' M"" Thomas Lapham M''® Sally Lapham (his wife) Nov 12*'' M'^ Polly Harris methodist [in pencil] 1816 June 2'^ Elizabeth Lincoln July 7 D'' Cushing Otis. Aug. 4 M'' Samuel A. Turner M''^ Nancy Magoun Sept P' Wid Elizabeth Elms 1817 Aug 3 M"^ Noah Nichols Sep. 7 M''' Lydia Parsons. M"^^ Betsey Penniman. Pickles Cushing J'' M''® Rachel Cushing (his wife) Miss Deborah Hatch 1818 July 5*^ Christopher Cushing Esq"^ M''^ Lucy Cushing (his wife) M" Stella Deane [None in 1819] 1820 July 2'* Wid. Alice Cushing Cap. Perez Turner M''^ Hannah Turner his wife Aug. 6"' Timothy Foster Jacob Read Sep. 'S^ Joshua James Sally James his wife 1821 July P' Hannah James Carolme Foster Sep. 2*^ Cap. Luther Tilden M''^ Philenda Tilden his wife Wid. Sarah Delano David Bowker M''^ Eunice Bowker his wife Lemuel Jacobs Sen. M''* Sarah Jacobs his wife Wid. Lydia Turner (of Elisha Turner) W" Hammatt Esq. M""^ Huldah .Jacob. M'^^ Sarah S. Benson Wid. Deborah Turner. M" Nabby Eells (wife of Nath' Ells) Charles Foster M" Eunice Foster 1822 Oct. gth 1823 June ist July 6th 1824 Sep. June 7th 6. July Sep. Sep. 4th 5th 5. 100 1825 May l^t Miss Betsey Gushing Miss Deborah C. Briggs. June 12*'' John Foster Miss Nabby Nichols. M"^^ Betsey Jones. M-^^ Lydia Turner. M''^ Sally Meritt Miss Ruth Gushing Miss Garoline Gushing. Sep 4''' Samuel Gurtis Sen. M"^^ Welthea James 1826 [no entries] 1827 Sep. 2^^ Miss Lydia Gushing Miss Temperance Foster. 1828 July 6*'' Wid. Betsey Jacob of Walter [written above Betsey] Sep. 7*'' M*^^ Thirza Bowker (wife of Dimmock Bowker.) Miss Nebby Nash Oct. 5*'' M'- Lot Litchfield M'^^ Dolly Litchfield his wife M"^ Benjamin Turner M''* Hannah G. Turner his wife. 1828 Oct. 5 Miss Hannah Jacob. Nov. 2** James N. Sparrell M''* Desire Sparrell his wife 1829 July 12. Nath^ Glap. M''^ Anna Glap. his wife Dec. 6. Elijah Daman. M''* Lucy Daman his wife [None in 1830.] 1831 May 3. Gharles Gole sen M''^ Martha Clap wife Elijah sen June 5. M*"^ Rachel Jenkins wife of Bailey J. . . . M^^ Rachel Litchfield wife of Rufus L July 3 Wid. Rachel Glap (of Perkins) Wid. Rachel Gardner (of Seth) Sep. 4. Miss Julia Tilden 1832 July 1. Wid. Bethia Tolman M'^® Lusanna Turner wife of Lem' T. John K. Nash Esq. Eliza Nash Lucy Southworth Martha P. Deane 1832 July 1 Sarah Otis Gurtis Abigail Tilden Otis M''^ Sally Foster (wife of Elisha) Grace B. Foster Sarah D. Foster Sally Lapham William Hart Delano M''^ Sarah Delano (his wife) Aug. 5, M'' Ebenezer Stetson M"^ James Southworth 101 Wid Charlotte Clapp Sep. 2'* Cap. Job Cowen M'-. Alfred Litchfield M" Mary Litchfield his wife Lucy Nichols Curtis. Oct. 7"" M"^" Briggs (wife of Cap. Benj.) Miss Sarah Miss Harriet her daughter 1833 Aug. 3. M-^ Nathi Brooks M''® Charlotte his wife 1834 Juue 6 Henry Briggs Caroline Otis Briggs (his dau) [None in 1835, 1836, 1837,] Persons admitted to this church* since 1836. Mary R. James, Mrs. Mary Otis Robbins Emily Cushing. " " Clarifsa Cushing. June 2 Elijah Brooks & his wife Maria Brooks. " " Mrs. Jane Delano. Abiel Turner & his wife [blank] Turner [blank] 1838 April 1. July 1. 1839 May 5 1841 Oct. 10 Mrs Sophia Tilden 1842 April 24 Mr Elnathan Cushing Louisa Cushing, his wife. May 1 Caroline Tilden. July 3 Mr. David Torrey Mrs. Vesta Torrey. Persons admitted to the Church. Sep'- 4, 1842 Mary E. Delano Prudence Delano Lucy Delano. October 2d 1842 Rachel Turner Deborah Anne Clapp. Antoinette Clapp Sep 3, 1843 Dr Amory Gale and Patty Gale his wife. Mrs Dama Stockbridge Susanna Stowell Stockbridge Elisabeth Richmond Stockbridge Mrs Lydia K. Litchfield. November 5 Charlotte A. Clapp. Susanna Damon October 6, 1844 Joseph Clapp, — and Lucy Clapp his wife. July 6, 1845 William James Mrs Maria Hatch. 1846 Nov. 1. Lucretia Clapp. 1847 September 5. Mary Clapp. October 3. Mrs. Lucinda Turner. * Rev. Samuel Deane died Aug. 9, 1834, and Rev. Samuel J. May was installed Oct. 26, 1836. He was succeeded by Rev. William O. Mosley, ordainJd Feb. 15, 1843, and he was followed, in 1848, by Rev. Caleb Stetson, who was pastor for eleven years. 102 Ministry of Rev. C. Stetson 1849 Jau^ Mrs Julia Ann Stetson wife of the Pastor, l^t Church Medford [The list of admissions will end here.] from the 1810 May 6. June 3*. June 17 July 19 Aug. Sep'. Sep. Sep Oct. Oct. 14 Oct 28 Oct. 28 Dec, 2'\ 1811. March 3'^ Ap 21 Ap. 26 May. 19 June 2 June 1 6 July T^ Sep 29 Oct. 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 1^*. 1812 May 10 June Aug. Aug. Sep Oct. 7. 2. a 28 27 Baptisms in Scit. South Paris eighteen hundred ten. Children Bap. Joshua Turner Turner Hatch Alvan Martm (in private) Nathaniel Elnathan Ann. Jane Sarah Delano Betsey (adult) Jane Hervey Turner Mary " James [by Mr Thomas] [by Mr Allen] Oct. 11' W" Gushing Albert Israel (in private) Temperance James Samuel Dorcasina ) & Ruth ) Abigail Tilden Matilda Sarah Otis Frances Theodore Parsons Gracy W" Phillips Henry Sarah Hatch Martha Turner Mary Ann. Emily Ebenezer (adult in priv.) James Joseph Mary Jacobs Martha Phillips [?] George Mary (adult) Hayward Pierce Sam'. Stetson Rachel Woodw^ h, from P'. January, S. Deane. Parents of the Children. Cap. Elisha Foster Bailey Jenkins Melzar Damon Jos. Cusliing Nath' Gushing 2^ Elnathan Gushing Elnathan Gushing Sam'. Foster George Torrey Seth Foster Warren Sylvester Maj Jno. James Elisha Briggs 1811. Gap Josh* Jacobs Pickles Gush^ [Gushing] J^ John Nash Gap. Thos Southworth Sam' Waterman Elijah Bowker D'. Gushing Otis Anson Robins James Gurtis. Elnathan Gushing David Bowker Rufus Litchfield Gap Luther Tilden Dimick Bowker Elisha Tolman Nath'. Fells. Elisha Heyden. Dea. Thos. Gushing. 1812 Stephen Totman. Ebenez'' Totman. Eben'". Totman. Tim° Foster Rev. Sam'. Deane Gap Elisha Foster Nath'. Turner. Nath'. Gushs. 2d. Gap. Storer of Portl'' [Portland] Bailey Jenkins. 103 Oct. 25 Nov. 22'' 1813 June 23. June 4 4 11 15 July July Aug. Aug 22 Sep 0^^ 19 31 31 Sep Oct Oct 1814 June 19 July 17 Oct. 2^1 Sep. 27 Dec. 22^ 1815 Ap. 3-^ June 4 June 11 July 16 July 17 July 30 Aug Sep Sep. Oct. 5 3** 10 Oct. 1«* Nov. 5*^ Nov. 12*^ 1816 June 2'^ June 9^^ July July July Sep Nov Dec. Dec. 1817. Oct. 5'" Oct. 19 Nov. 9'^. 7 14 ■J St 3 I St 8 William Julia Allyne James Otis Joanna Williams Geo. Partridge Jno. Hillard Desire Otis Chas. Freder"^ Eliza Piam Thirza Sarah Rufus Nathan Enoch Levi (adult, private) John (in private) Joseph Annah Brooks Rhoda George (private) Clarissa Lem'. Gushing Hann'' Lincoln (adult) Lucy Nichols Benjamin \ Sally / Israel ( Rachel Clap ' M--^ Sally. Eunice Stephen ) Samuel j Elizabeth (adult) Martha Rachel Lydia Sally Sally. Geo. Ward Lydia King Lydia King Polly Bowker David Richm*^. .John Milton Allen Clapp Rufus Litchfield. Josei^h Cushing. 1813 Cap. Seth Foster. Melzar Daman Elnathan Cushing Cap Jas. Sparrell David Bowker James Curtis Rev. Sam^ Deane Pickles Cushing Jr Cap Josh''. Jacobs Dimick Bowker 1814 Nathi. Eells Rufus Litchfi. Nath'. Cushing 2^'. Abr™. Harris. Dwelly Clap 1815 Cap.Thos. South'*". [Southworth] Timo^. Foster Allen Clap Josi*". Stodart. Cap : Thos. Southw'^ Dea. Thos. Cushing Sam*. Waterman Sam* Elms James Curtis Thom^ Lapham Tho*. Lapham & wife David Bowker Abrah""*. Harris 1816 Solom" Lincoln Elisha Hay den Cap Jas. Sparrell Melzar Daman Cap Elisha Foster Cap W™ Brooks J^ Cap. Josh^. Jacob, Pickles Cushing Jr. Thomas Lapham 1817. Allen Clap. Joshua Jacob Rev. Samuel Deane 104 iOXO. June 7. Hannah Clap Aug 16 Benjamin 1819. June G^^ Cha^ Gushing July 4*1' William Aug V* Lucy Brooks Nov. 7«> Philip 1820 July 2^ Abigail Aug 6'^ Catharine Whiton Aug. 6 James Clapp Aug. 6 Joshua Bryant ■ Sep. 3" Emily. Oct 20"^ James. Nov. 2^ Harriet Nov. 2"^ Saml Deane 1821 July P» Lucretia ) Helena j Sep. 2^. Caroline. Oct. 7'^ Jos. James. Lloyd [three sons] do. do. Geo. Parsons do. do. Hervey Hatch 1822 June 8. Thompson Philips. Sep V\ Helen Maria j Benj*^ Franklin Oct. 6*'' < i Edw'i. Hart. 1 Sarah. 1 [ Lucy Snow Oct 6"> Helena Clap. 1823 June 17'*' Mary Loisa in private Aug S^.i Eunice John Thaxter Sep. 28* Julia Oct. 5'\ Chas. Walter 1824 June. 6 M'^ Huldah Jacob (adult) do Freeman ) Dexter j do do Mary | Henry j do July 4"' Helen do Deborah ) Hannah Jacob j do Aug 1. Edwin Sep 5. Ch^ Thomas [ Walter | Nov 7 Gushing Otis 1818. Timothy Foster. Nathaniel Eells. 1819 Henry Sheaf e Esq*" Elisha Hayden Cap. Luther Tilden. Gap. Elisha Foster. 1820 Samuel Adams Turner. David Bowker. David Bowker. Jacob Read. Joshua James. Samuel Turner. James Curtis J"" James Curtis J' 1821 Allen Clajjp Gap. Luther Tilden. Gap. Isaac Whittemore (deceased) M"". Eb^ Thayer Fogg. Bailey Jenkins. 1822 Maj. W" Hamatt Rev. Sam'. Deane \ Wid. Sarah Delano, (wid. of W") David Bowker. 1823 Samuel Foster. Gap. W" Brooks Allen Clap. Ellisha Hayden. 1824 dau. of Lazarus Bowker child", of M'•^ Huldah Jacob. Gap. Elisha Foster. Joshua .Tames. Wid. Deb'-. Turner. David Bowker. Charles Foster Cap. James Curtis 105 1825 Juue 12 Aug 15* Sep. 10 Oct 2-i 1826 1827 Feb. 4''^ July 22'i. Aufif. 5. Aug 31«t Oct. 14 1828 Oct. 5. Nov. 2. Nov. 16 do. 1829 Oct. 22\ Dec. 6. do. 18.^0 Nov. 2 do 1831 Ap 24. Sep 4 1832 Ap. 5. July 1. July 1. Sep. 2'^ do. Noah Nichols ) William V Gushing ) John Howlaud (in. private) Allen Mary Randall J Anne Appleton V- William Henry ) [none] Stephen. Albert Horace Tower Chas. Edward Ebenezer Thayer M''^ Lydia Bowker Bishop Charles Roland Eliz'i*. Robinson Peres Martha David Shiverick M'. Lot Litchfield adult M""^. Desire Sparrell (adult) Martha James James Newton Mary Turner Sarah Ann George Laurinda in private M"^* Lucy wife of Debby Gushing Nash John Welthea Alden William Harper aged 7 - Rebecca Gushing *' 5 Lucy Ann " 3 George Henry 1825 Charles Jones W"». Hammatt Esq. Allen Clap. W". James J^ 1827 Stephen Benson. William James J"" Eben'. T. Fogg, Esq. wife of Chas. D. Bishop. Sam. A. Turner 1828 Benj^ Turner \ son of Amos Litchfield I daughter of M"" James Barrell j and wife of James N. Sparrell {_ children of ( James N. Sparrell Stephen Benson. 1829 V David Bowker. Elijah Daman d[au.] of James N. Sparrell. 1830 Sam' A. Turner Esq. William James J^ 1831 Wid Lucy Bean. James N. Sparrell 1832 Relief (dau*ofBartlettBarrell) Wife of John Gregory Sarah (d. of Sim". Brooks) f Sarah Ann | j Mary Frances f M-- Alfred Litchfield (adult) Esther Cole wife of Will™. H. Delano, child" of W". H. Delano. son of Dea. Israel Litchfield. M"^ Alfred Litchfield. 106 1833 Nath^. Milton 10 Charlotte Elizabeth 4 same time M"" Nath^ Brooks 1834 (June 6*) Caroline Otis Geo. Henry Mary Elizabeth Ruggles Thomas Wales John Ruggles Lucy Turner Aug 3* Ellen 1833 j children of Nath & Charlotte I Brooks- Father of children above. children of Mr. Henry Briggs & his late wife, Betsey, Daugh- ter of Thomas Ruggles. [names of parents not given.] Daughter of Timothy Foster. Miscellaneous Records. 1810, July Ist Voted — To dismiss M''* Hannah Stone, and to recommend her to the fellowship and comm" of the church of Christ in Dennis. 1813. Jan. 31^' Voted to dismiss M"" William Torrey, and to recommend him to the fellowship and communion of the church of Christ in Canan- dagua N. York. 1818 May S'^ The church Voted to dismiss Nathaniel Jacob and to give him a recommendation to the Church of Christ in Hanover, under the Pastoral care of the Rev. Calvin Chadwick. 1820. Sep. 3*^ Nabby Barker dismissed at her own request to the church in Hanover. 1826. May 14th. Cap Joshua Jacob, M'' Joshua James, and M"". Charles Foster chosen Deacons. [This completes the abstracts from Samuel Deane's book, and the church records to 1850, except some omissions and corrections which follow.] * These two entries were " copied from an imperfect leaf, taken out " of the book, by Rev. W. H. Fish, successor of S. Deane. OMISSIONS. Page 27, after line 20, insert: Joseph Dwelly son of John Dwelly, May 6 [baptized] Page 40, after line 32, insert : Jsaac Stetfon Son of Anthony and Anna Stetfon, Baptized Oct: 12 1719 Mary Bowker daughter of James Bowker jun"^ & Hannah his wife was baptized Nov: 1^' 1719 Jofeph Ramfdel fon of Jofeph & mary Ramfdel of Pembroke was Bap- tized Nov: l«t 1719 John Woodward fon of John Woodward & Mary his wife was Baptized november 29* 1719. John Hatch, the Son of John Hatch jun"" & Grace his wife, An Jnfant being Sick, & as was Suppofed nigh unto death, was Baptized in private Feb: 25«^ 1719/20 Page 50, after line 16, insert: 1726 Sarah Dwelle daughter of Abner & Sarah Dwelle was baptized Dec : 1^ 1726 in private. She being lick and not Likely to recover. Charls Stetfon Son of Anthony & Anna Stetfon, was baptized Dec : 25''' 1726. 1727 Adult. Benjamin Randal was baptized Feb : 5* 1726/7 Adult. Jofhua Turner was baptifed Feb : 12"^ 1726/7 Rebecca Stetfon, Lydia Stetfon & Samuel Stetfon Children of Samuel & Rebecca Stetfon were Baptized Feb : W^ 1726/7 James Rogers, & Jeremiah Rogers, Children of John Rogers & Deborah his wife, were baptized Feb: 19. 1726/7. Margret Curtice daughter of W" Curtice & Margret his wife was bap- tized Feb: 26. 1726/7 Rachel Briggs daughter of James & Hannah Brigs was baptized Feb : 26. 1726/7 Elizabeth Turner ; Jael Turner Princes Turner & Lurana Turner Chil- dren of Jofhua & Elizabeth Turner, were baptized Feb: 26^'' 1726/7 Micael Clap Son of Sam" and Sarah Clap was baptized March 26.'^ 1727 Adult. Lydia James wife of John James was Baptized April 2'^ 1727 Abel woodwart Son of Benjamin &, Mary woodwart was baptized April 2^^ 1727. Ann Woodworth daughter of Ebenezar & Joanna woodworth, was bap- tized April 2'! 1727. 108 Sarah, daughter of Zecheriah, &, Mehittable Dammon, was Baptifed May 14. 1727 Robert Son of Daniel & Jemimah Dammon was baptized, May 14 1727 Thomas Buck Son of Jsaac Buck & Mary his wife was Baptized June 4:^^ 1727. Noah Torry Son of Jofeph & deborah Torry was baptized June 4"* 1727 Luce Turner daughter of Benj"" & Mercy Turner was baptized June 4'''* 1727 Mary Ruflel Serv*^ child to John Ruggles was baptifed June 4"^ 1727 Adult: Rebecca Sprague was Baptized June 4**^ 1727. Rebecca Berftow daughter of Benjmin Beftow & his wife was baptized June IV^ 1727. Ezekiel Lamb and James Lamb, Children of James Lamb (Indus) and Patience, (a Melatto) his wife were baptized June 18"' 1727. Luke Toby, Son of Thomas Toby & Mary his wife was Baptized July 2'^ 1727. Hannah Bowker daughter of James & Hannah Bowker was Baptized. July 2'^ 1727. Elizabeth Beftow daughter of Sam^ & Lydia Beftow was Baptized July 23. 1727 Joliah Cornifli Son of Jofeph & Patience Cornifh of Hanover was bap- tized Auguft 6^^ 1727 John Ruggles Son of John & Joanna Rugles was baptized Sep' 10'^ 1727 Sept. 24'^'' 1727 J preached at the north Precinct for M'' Bourn, & Bap- tized : Nathanael Brigg son of Jofeph and Deborah Briggs. Oct 8^^ 1727 J preached at Hanover and after Sermon J Baptized. Adult william Cocks. Jsaac & Mary Hatch Children of Jsaac Hatch. Benjamin Man, Son of Beuj'" man. Adult Judith Rogers, wife of Jofeph Rogers of marfhfield was Baptized oct : IS'i^ 1727 Jofeph Silvef ter son of Jofeph & Mary Silvefter of Marfhfield was Bap- tized Oct: 15. 1727. Adult Abigail Studly was Baptized Oct. 22. 1727 Adult. Deborah Stetfon daugter of Serg' Sam^ ftetfon was baptized Oct: 22. 1727 Prince Rofe Son of Gidion & Lydia Rofe was baptifed oct: 29 1727. William Turner Son of w™ & Abigail Turner was baptized nov : 26 1727 Samuel Oakman Son of Sam^ & Elizabeth oakman of marfhfield was Baptifed nov : 26. 1727 Adult. Penelipah Hatch wife of Jsaac Hatch was baptized Dec : 24 1727 Seth Hatch Son of Jsaac and Penelipah Hatch was baptized Dec : 24*'' 1727. Mary Brooks daughter of Nathan' & mary Brooks was baptifed in Private Dec: 1727 1728 Elizabeth Brooks daughter of Gilbert Brooks & Abigail his wife was baptized Jan : V^ 1727/8 Jofeph Turner Son of Jofeph & Elizabeth Turner was baptized Jan : 28*1' 1727/8. January 30*'' 1727/8 Sarah Jacob an Infant Child of Jofhua & Mary Jacob was Baptized in Private, it being Sick & not Likely to recover. CORRECTIONS. Page 1. For Guilulmo Wetherell, read Guilielmo Wetherell (Rev. Wil- liam Witherell.) Page 3, line '2Q>,for BiiiTouges, read Burroughs, line 30, /or May 11, read May 14. line 42, /or Batshebah, read Bathsheba. Also on page 5, line 30. Page 4, line 1 2, for Whetston, read Whetstone. Page 5, line 21, for Lowell, read Louell. This correction should also be made on pages 6 and 7. Deane's Hist. Scituate says : Lowell, line 48, for Hicks, read Hicke. Page 7, line 15, /or Mar. 21, read Mar. 24. line 53, for Gener (?), read Grace y®. Page 8, line 5, for July 3, read July 31. line 9, /or Bethia, i-ead Bethaia; also /or Loy read Loys. line 11, /or L [?], read Rogers. line 29, strike out [?]. line 37, for Blackmore, read Blackmoor. On page 9, this name should appear Blacmore. line 46, /or Cushion, read Cushen (Gushing). Page 9, line 16, for Bryant jun^, read Bryant sen'", line 29, for Curlien (?), read Curtice, line 31, for Andrew, read Anthonie. line 34, /or Sept. 20, read Sept. 23 (probably), line 36, /or Oct. 2, 7-ead Oct. 2 [worn]. line 39, for Bompas April 4, read Bumpus April 7. line 45, for Marcy, read Mercy ; also/or "Whiston, read Whetston. Pages 10 and 11, for Studson, read in every case, Sturtson (Stetson). Page 10, line 15, add [or Marcy], after Mary, line 19, for Mary, read Mercy, line 22, for Nickells, read Nickolls. line 32, for Barrel, read Barret, line 37, for Litchfield, read Lichfield ; for August 4, read August [worn], line 39, for junior, read senior. lines 44 and 50, for Witherel and Witherell, read Wetherel and Wetherell. Page 11, line 2, for Nathaniell Brooks, read Nathanell Brooke [Brooks], line 3, for Anna, read Anne ; for junior, read senior, lines 7 and 37, for Whiston, read Whetestone, Whetefton, re- spectively, line 8, for Eleanor, read Elleaner. line 9, stnke out (?). line 12, for Bumpas, read Bumpus. line 15 f for Badcock, read Badcoke. 110 line 11, for Litchfield, read Lichfield. line \di,for Curtise, read Curtice. line 2'2,for November [?], read November 7'^ line 23, ybr Zoar, read Isaac. lines 24 and 51, for Witherell, read Wetherell. line 25, for , read Alee ; for Zoar [?], read Isaac Prince. line 86, for Sprout, read Sprut [Sprout]. line 38, for Lichfield, read Leichfield, Page 12, line l,for Jinkius, read Ginkins [Jenkins], line 3, for Clarke, read Clape [Clapp]. line IS, for Joslin, reac? Joycelin [Joslin or Josselyn]. line 23, for Curtise, read Curtice. Also on page 13. line 34:, for Briaut, read Orcut. Page 13, line 14, /or Buck, read Bucke. lines 15 and lQ,for Witherell, read "Wetherell. line 29, insert 608, after 16"\ This refers to the number of baptisms by Rev. Wm. Witherell. line 41, ybr Nickalls, read Nickolls. Page 14, line 8, for Marry, read Mercy- line 19, for Nickalls, read Nickolls. line 33, for Whetston, read Wheteston. Page 15, line 6, for Marry, read Marcy. line 44, /or Mighell, read Mighil. last line, /or Abuah, read Abnah [Abner]. Page 16, line 13, read Curtise in each case ; for Sam, read Sam". line 23, /or [Hobart?], read Jer: Hobart [of Hingham]. line 29, /or bosby, read besby. line 34, /or Bastow, read Bestow. Page 17, line 8, for Jerimiah, read Jemimah. line 19, after Clap, insert &. line 32, for 30, read 10. Page 18, line 4:, for Rogars, read Rogers. lines 18 and 19, for Collomer, j-ead Collomar. Page 19. line 7, for 7* read &^K line 23, for and, read are. Page 20, line 29, after Pando, insert [or Pardo]. Page 21, line 22,/or Dec. 17, read Dec. 12. line 24, /or Joslyn, read Joslin. Page 22, line 13, for Lydia Turner, read Lydia Turner. line 28, after full vote, insert oct : 5"' 1729 [date misplaced]. Page 23, line 16, /or 30* read 10^^ Page 24, line 9, for Judux [?], read Indns [Indians]. Page 25, line 17, for Micah, read Micael. line 27, for Hannuh, read Hannah. line 46, /or Gordon, reac? Jorden. line 50, for Foster, read Fother [? Foster]. Page 26, line 6, after Wheleright, add April 3^. line 15, after John Ruggles, add Aug* 6, 1749. Page 27, line 37, for Auguft. 22., read Auguft 12. Page 28, line 3 6, /or December. 3., 7'ead December. 1. Page 29, line 2, for 15^\ read 1P\ line 13, for CoUamare, read CoUomare. line 52, for Sarah Staples, read Sarah Steples [? Staples]. Ill Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 32, line 8 34, line 2 line 18 35, line 28 36, line 25 37, line 17 38, line 9 39, line 28 41, line 37 42, line 7 43, line 20, Page 50, line 1 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 51, line 16 52, line 7 56, line 5 72, line 13 83, line 38 85, line 31 89, line 4 line 16 line 44 92, line 18 93, line 10 94, line 42 97, line 34 for Susannah, read Lusannah. for Zebulem, read Zebulun. for stutl'on, read Hutfon. See pp. 38, 41. after daughter of, insert John Palmer and. for Tounfaud, read Townfand. for June 24, read June 23. for Stutfon, read Hutfon [? Hudson]. See page 34, for Bathfhebah, read Barfheba. for Jazeuiah, read Jezeuiah. for Jane Tobey, read Jane Toby. for Gael, read Jael. for Symons, read Symons. for Jerifha, read Jerufha, for Sarah Lambert, read Sarah Lumbert [in each easel for 1734, read 1732. for lo Anna, read Joanna. for May 18, read May 12. after Eames, insert and. after Bowker, insert of. for Hayden, read Heyden. after Perry, insert both. for Eliza, read Eliia[h]. for Gallon [?], read Gallow, jun"". for R, read R[e]bekah [Rebecca]. for (of Matther), rearf (of Matthew). Page Page Page Page 100, line Xl^for Nebby, read Debby H 46 78 0* o V' .^^5. v^S- e^'^^/ ^V '^^ .^, 'i>'.o«..%. » ^^^ ^* \^ s» * * ' .0 ■^ ■ ■ v. '^-5. s-.^ •'"■-• % ,** \^ S • • » ^-1. ^0 ■0 °o >*\»J4:>V ..o*,.i';^-.'^°o ,-^^.'.^-^\ /^ -> JAN "^8 PiC^ N. MANCHESTER. '^^S^-•^ INDIANA 4 o , -