W&" F 497 . P95 H7 *t gEAUTYSPOT f Put'in-Bqy Inland, La^Evie,0l,io. **»> PUT=IN=BAY /~\N the morning of September roth, 1813, a fleet of United ^-^ States war-ships was riding at anchor in Put-in-Bay. Standing on Gibraltar, at the entrance of the Bay, which is now 1 rowned by the spacious stone mansion of Jay Cooke, Esq., the youthful Commodore Perry swept the horizon in the north- ward with his glass and espied the approach of the British fleet. Shortly afterwards, he sailed with his fleet out of Putin-Bay, returning to the Bay in the evening with his own and n ith the vanquished fleet. Commodore Perry sent to General Harrison his immortal dispatch: "We have met the enemy and they are ours." Putin-Bay Island is the largest and must attractive of the famous and picturesque group of islands in Lake Erie, and is the MOST POPULAR SUMMER RESORT IN THE WEST. Its mag- nificent scenery, absolutely oure air and water, bracing atmos phere, entire abseni e of dews, superb boating, bathing and fish- ing have made it popular throughout the West and South for years. It is 65 miles west from Cleveland, do miles southeast from Detroit, 40 miles northeast from Toledo, and 22 miles north from Sandusky. There is an electric railway, many handsome summer cottages, magnificent bathing beaches, with ample bath houses, toboggan slides, etc. Witnin a radius of about five mdes are about twent) other islands, many having club houses, cottages and pleasure resorts. Travelers, either by steamers or railway, to the east, wot ,, r north, will find it to their interest, in mam ways, to top al Put-in-Bay Island, Ohio, midwaj between New y"ork and < hi cago— long enough, at least, to get acquainted with the place its geological wonders, its wines, its world's famous hotel and charming environments. The three-quarter million dollar Hotel "VICTORY" is in it- self a magnet that attracts many, who find nowhere else h.-i the environments of convenience, comfort, courtesy, homelike sur- roundings and good fond, superadded p. the bracing air. lovely pro pects, woodland rambles, and opportunities foi bathing yachting, fishing, etc., unlimited and unrivaled that they find here; or society anywhere more agreeable or refined It is indeed, a matter of general .email, that 111 spile ,,l all (hat is furnished, the wave of high prices has not yet reached Put-in- Bay. An illustrated souvenir booklet, rale book and other printed matter of the hotel, and a map of the island arc issued In the Hotel Victory Co. A post .aid lion, y ou will lam- it Write to T. W. McCREARY, General Manager Hotel Victory, if, 1 , . o „ TOLEDO, OHIO. [After June 1st. Put-in-Bay. Ohio.) Everybody ought to %noW something about VuUin^'Bay Putin-Bay — Lake Er Driveway along Put-in-Bay. Arrival and Departure of C. & T. Steamers at Putin Bay. Regatta Week at Putin-Bay. I - ; ' j !^^«E- v # :> -"^ *-,->. • •' .»•,.',".-«.. 'ft hue' niitin« Hotel Victory. V f* < cauSNE -**« Mam Entrance Hotel Victory, showing Victory Park Railway Terminal. Exterior Main Dining Hall Hotel Victory. Main Dining Hall, Hotel Victory, Seating 800 People. Grand Ccmrt. Hotel Victory, 200 feet square. Part of Gallery, Hotel Victory, Overlooking Lake Er Main Office. Hotel Victory. Grand Lobby, Hotel Victory. Ladies' Parlor. Hotel Victory. Assembly Hall. Hotel Victory. Seating Capacity, 700 People ■ K '''■ ill ill | i , 4*irj^|fjig ~y ti&LiJ^' u Morning Concert on the Lawn. Victory Park. -Hotel Victory Military Band. Morning Band Concert on Putin-Bay Island. . Victory Park. Sunshine and Shadow, Victory Park. Pompeiian Throne, Victory Park. Shaded Lawn. Victory Park. Interior Strontia Crystal Cave — the only known one in the world. The Wishing Well. Perry's Cave One of the hundreds of Vineyards on Put-in-Bav Island. Hotel Victory. Hotel Victory Lawn. Ohio Bankers' Association at Hotel Victory. National Knights of Columbus at Hotel Victory. Commercial Law League of America at Hotel Victory. National Beta Theta Pi at Hotel Victory. National Phi Gamma Delta at Hotel Victory. Ohio Bulletin.; As Ohio State Association Builders' Exchanges at Hotel Victory. Ohio Eclectic Medical Association at Hotel Victory. Smoker of the National Cash Registers' Representatives, Hotel Victory. U. S. Fish Hatchery. Squa w Harbor. Fut-in-Bay Iflaud Gibr ilt.ir Islan i. *^% -La ^^ 1 * A daily scene at Put in Bay Docks, showing Steamers "Frank E Kniiy. Lakeside*' and "Arrow, of the Detroit and Sandusky Lines. Victory Park Electric Kailway. — Cars passing at the Caves •'Immerhcim" — one of the many pretty Cottages at Victory Park. Cozy Comer and Fireplace "Immcrheini" Cottage. Victory Park. Living Room- "Immerheim" Cottage, Victory Park. Stone's Cove and Liglithous. Point- from ' Immerheim' ' Cottage, Victory Park. Hotel Victory from Stone's Cove. Start in free-for-all race, Hotel Victory Cup — 14 Yachts City of the Straits" —Fox's Dock, Putin-Bay. - — - h - - o In Perry Park, Putin-Bay Island. A SURPRISE, To the Medical Fraternity and the Public, was .... "The Victory Strontia Spa." It is not a new adjunct to the already popular Hotel Vii roRY. For years the spring has been on the property of the hotel company, and was known to possess some medicinal qualities, but not until a recent examination "I the water was made, did any one realize the great powers this pure, sparkling water contained ppended analysis, when given to the public, was a complete surprise and astoundment to some of tlie most noted and learned physicians of the country. It is alleged by the medical fraternity that nowhere else m the world does there another well exist containing so Jarge a percentage of "Strontium Sulphate" a- is found in the water of The Victory Strontia Spa CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS OF THE VICTORY STRONTIA SPA WATER. G. A. Kir. a m \in;. Ph. C, Chemist to the Ohio Dairy F 1 Commission, Chemist to the Citj of Toledo Xo. 2509. 1 [PAN Y, Put-in-Bay Island, 1 Ihio Dl 1 Sins: The sample of water from your Deep Strontia Spa submitted to me for examination has the following composition : Parts ia Grains per Cj c , 100.000. U.S.GaL Strontium sulphate S/.900 13 ":; S ' llCa -'50 .145 . ron 350 .->04 ^""""V;; •■:; 150 .087 sodium Chloride 1.920 1 no Potassium Chloride 1.560 !oo8 Magnesium Carbonate 24.620 u ;=;j Calcium Carbonate 44.060 25690 Calcium Sulphate [13.183 65^085 Total Solids 243.993 G. A. Kirch maier, Ph. C. Victory Strontia water is not a table water, but purely a medicinal one, and should he used as directed and 111 small portions "Strontium Sulphate" at the present time i^ playing a most important part in new and recent discovered treatments for "Bright's I 1 l\idne\ and Liver trouble, acting promptly, sun with curative certainty 111 the treatment of thesi .and kindred diseases, The "Spa," which is 400 feet deep, .s adjacent to the hotel and 1- within easy walking distance. In 1 proper 1- a drinking fountain through winch a stream of strontia water passes continually.