LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0-7 139 632 3 GARDENA, CALIFORNIA GEO. M, MICHAEI.S' \VAI,NUT ORCHARD By transfer M f 190? WATER DEVELOPMENT AT GAKDENA GARI3ENA ALF wa}' between the City and the Sea. It is just the place to look at, because: 1. It is a g-ood place for 3'ou to build 3'our home. 2. It is a safe place for j^ou to invest 3'our mone}'. 3. It is a clean place at which to raise 3-our children. 4. It is a profitable place for 3'ou to start in business. 5. It is an all around s"ood place, offering 3'ou advantages that are lacking in some other locations. SHIPPING MILK KESIDENCE OF J. H. BATaKICIv LOCATION— Onlj'^ twelve miles south of Los Angeles, eight miles east of Re- dondo, and ten miles north of San Pedro. I^o^v TO tiET there- Two electric car lines now run to Gardena. The Pacific Electric In- terurban cars leave Main and Third streets, Los Angeles, every thirty minutes. The L,os Angeles and Redoudo cars leave Second and Spring streets every forty minutes, and a third road is being built to Gardena. COU^TTKY LIKE ^VITH CITY I^ R I VILEGES— The fact that Gardena is located so near Los Angeles makes it easy for the people of this vicinit3' to RESIDENCE OF W. J. MUDGE H. jeffek's store enjoy all the j^Teat advantag-es of city life and city business and at the same time enjoy all the rare comforts and the healthful profit of living- in the country. All modern conveniences, such as electric lights, telephone ser- vice, free delivery of newspa- pers, express office, etc., are en- joyed in Gardena. CLIMATE- This is a thing for Gardena to boast of. Without doubt, the best summer climate in the state — never too hot for comfort and never too cold for out door pleasures. Near enough to the sea to escape the intense heat of interior places, and far enough fron the sea to escape the unpleasant features of the beach resort. When the climate of Gardena becomes well known RESIDENCE OF H, W. HORN RESIDENCE OF J. W. KLASGYE tliat alone will attract the inul- titiide. SOIL— Deep, rich, loamy soil, espec- ially adapted to the raising of strawberries, blackberries, and small fruits of all kinds. Straw- berries are marketed from here eleven months in the 3'ear. All kinds of vegetables thrive, while the watermelon and cant- aloupe crop is alwa3's a profit maker, Gardena being close to Los Angeles market. The poul- tr3" business here is wonderful, and a money maker, and the adaptability of the soil to the growtli of alfalfa makes the dairy business attractive to many. N. E. CO\VI,ES' CHICKEN RANCH AVATKK- M, y, CHUKCH AND PAKSONAGE Abundance of water sup- plied to tlie homes by either the Gardena Water Supply' Compan3' or the Strawberry Park Water Company a t cheap rates. Man3' of the ranches have pumping plants of their own and for small cost the five and ten acre ranches are irrigated, tHURCHES AND SCHOOLS— There are four religious denominations in Gardena. The Baptist, the Methodist Episcopal, the Seventh Day Adventist, and the Christian Science, and within a inile of Gardena is a Presb3-terian church. stki<;e;t vSce;ni? in oakd?:;na GARDENA GKAMMAK SCHOOI, Gardcna has a splendid public school buildiin,--, well equipped, and larg-e commo- dious grounds. Ground has been bought and a $25,000.00 high school building is in course of construction. The high school has been estab- lished three 3'ears, and al- though at present in leased quarters, is well equipped with all modern appliances and an efficient corps of teachers. cox VENI BXCES— Sei'eral grocer^' and gen- eral merchandise stores, fur- niture store, hardware store, iirst class drug store, harness shop, meat market, bakery', hotel, lumber yard, bicycle STRKyT scknh; in gakukna A, A, GARY'S BKKKY RANCH and rciiair shop, bhu-ksinith and machine shop, several real estate offices, bank, local newspaper and job otlice, plumber, jeweler, dentist, and good ph3'sicians and surgeons. LODGES AND SOCLRTIFiS- F. and A. M.; K. of P.; I. O. F.; T. F. B.; M. W. A.; W. C, T. U. IXVESTMEXT Gardena has had a steady' and solid growth and for two 3'ears this advancement has been rapid, because people have found out the advan- tages of this locality. There has been no spasmodic boom. STREET SCENE IN GARDEN A There has been no sensa- tional advertising-. There has been no wildcat specula- tion. On its merits Girdena has attracted attention and real estate values have in- creased two hundred per cent in two 3'ears, and an invest- ment now is as safe and more profitable than money in the bank, and there are some g-ood opportunities now. In fact, now is the ti ne to buy. You can find g-oo:l licalth. good company, go d climate, good conveniences. Investi- ■-^ate and invest. GARDENA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY IMOSA OM K. w. ol,ne;y's kksidencu A riJvSidence; of w. simpson 'T'O suin it :ill ii]) in a few ■*■ words: Gardena undoubtedly' off- ers the best kind of induce- ments to all classes of j^ood citizens. The Investor, the Homesfcker, the every day Business man. The family with some members in school and some members working- in the city will all find at Gardena opportuni- ties and profits and advan- tag^es and comforts rarel3'^ found even in this wonder- ful Southern California with its inexhaustible resources. One of the best things that can be said of a man is this: "The better 3'ou know him the more 3'ou love him." "He wears well." This is F. T. MCI" ' """^Cl ^BWt D, w. jisffer's residence; Ten miles from the cit3'' seven miles from the sea, Is Gardena. Where the great wharves of L,os Ang-eles are bound, Is Gardena. Where commerce and culture wi.l both play their part, Is Gardena. In making- the life that shall flow from the heart. Of tills center of business and pleasui'e, Now open to all but too gi'eat to measure, Is Gardena. 60. nc of nature's richest soil, At Gardena. SHIPPING BEKKIES Yicldiiiijf plenty for 3-our toil, At Gardeiia. This is where you oug-ht to come, Bu3' some land and build a home. Spend 3-our strenf,'-th and niake some mone3', In this land of fruit and hone3', At Gardena. Whatever else 3'ou do, where- ever else 3'ou go. Visit Gardena. Whether 3'ou are hij^h or whether 3'ou are low. Visit Gardena. rbisidknce; of b, fanning Summer, autumn, winter spring, Whenever 3'ou are on the wing-, Looking for the brightest thing. In this country's richest ring. Visit Gardena. Read, mark, learn and then dig-est. These facts we tell and then invest. At Gardena. "mwf^'kiu RESIDENCE OF W. J. GOADE The raising of Eucalyptus trees for fuel is profitable upon $30J per acre land in Southern Cil fornia. J. A. i,akb;y kesidence FLOWERS There is no knoAvn place on earth which excels Southern California in the propagation, growth, and beauty of its flow- ers. It is know^n as the "land of roses." RESIDENCE OF H. JEFFERS. 4h ^ The Orange Groves of Cal- ifornia are not equaled in any other portion of the world. RESIDENCE OF MRS. INA WAIJ.IN Los Angeles County has the largest olive ranch and the most extensive plants for their preservation and the manufac- ture of oil in the world. GARDENA BAPTIST CHURCH ."• fea ■.» *"VW > \V. J. MUDGE'S WAI.NUT ORCHAKD (;:^i^WM::^. Prunes were first raised In Palestine and the seed brought from there. Now California leads the world in the Produc- tion of prunes. <~^y/L D. W. JEFFFRS' AI.FAI,FA FIELD NEAR GARDENA y LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 017 139 632 3 Q > O m z > 3 m •0 O 3) H m 31 tJ X i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0-7 139 632 3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■•■ "■! • IIImiIIIiiiiIi ill lull ;i|{ iillji,, 017 139 632 3 «