/VfslNUyAL FfEPOffTS or L/£VT COL. /fD8J W SCOTT /878 - /8S* PUBLICATION RECORDS OF THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. AU ,&15 »w ANNUAL REPORT BREVET LIEUT.--C0L. R. N. SCOTT, U. S. ARMV War Department, Publication Office War Records, Washington City, September 30, 1878. To the Hon. the Secretary of War. Sir: I have the honor to report that the work of preparing the records of the war of the rebellion for publication is progressing as satisfactorily, in my opinion, as attending circumstances will permit ; and much pro- gress had been made when I took charge of the office in January last. The further prosecution of the work is embarrassed by a want of suffi- cient and suitable office room for the accommodation of the copyists and assorting of the records; by want of competent assistants to verify copy, and, to some extent, by the fact that Congress has not yet deter- mined the manner in which the records are to be published. It is of the utmost importance that the records be accurately published, and absolute accuracy can, in my judgment, only be secured by putting them in print under the immediate direction of those familiar with the names of persons and places concerned, and with military terms, and who are zealously interested in this special work. Many of the records can be copied in print directly from the original manuscript at but little if any greater cost than is involved in the ordinary process of copying, and with the advantage that the printed copies can be multiplied at an in- appreciable cost and be distributed to various places for safe keeping. These original manuscripts cannot well pass from the custody of the Department, and I have therefore asked for a limited number of printers to work under my own, or my successors, immediate direction. The Union Records filed in the Department are probably as complete as they can ever be, but the Confederate Records are by no means com- plete. Additions are being made to them from time to time, and under the policy adopted by yourself I believe that all the most important missing documents will be secured to the use of the United States. 4 Under these circumstances I have been devoted more particularly to an examination of the Union Records, and those for 1862 and 1863 are now under scrutiny. In my opinion the Confederate Records for 1861 are sufficiently complete to justify an attempt to publish all the records for that year. Just what links are missing can be determined and searched for when the compilation is made. I therefore suggest that Congress be requested to determine the manner in which the work is to be published, and venture to suggest, for your better judgment, that such publication should give the records, as nearly as may be, in chronological order; that the correspondence, orders, and reports relating to any battle or campaign should be arranged so as to give a complete history of the events to which they relate, and that by all means both the Union and the Confederate accounts of any event should be given in the same vol- ume. This to my mind is a matter of vital importance to our national welfare. General Marcus J. Wright, the War Department agent for collecting Confederate Records, was actively engaged in that duty while under my direction, and there is reason to believe that he will be eminently suc- cessful. His duties are now discharged under the immediate direction of the Adjutant-General. Messrs. Joseph W. Kirkley and A. P. Tasker, of the Adjutant-General's Office, are most zealous and efficient assistants in my work, performing much extra duty without additional compensation. There are now employed in the " War Records Office " 2 clerks, 19 copyists, 1 messenger, and 1 watchman. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ROBERT N. SCOTT, Capt., 3d Art., Bvt. Lieut-Col., U. S. Army, in Charge. PUBLICATION RECORDS OF THE WAR THE REBELLION. EXTRACT AN NUAL REPORT OF SECRETARY OF WAR War Department, November 19, 1879. Mr. President: I have the honor, in accordance with the require- ment of the statute, to submit the annual report of the operations of this department for the past year. ******** UNION AND CONFEDERATE WAR RECORDS. The preparation of these records for publication is progressing sat- isfactorily under the efficient management of Colonel R. N. Scott, of the Army. The War Department agent for collecting such Confederate records as may be placed, by gift or loan, at the disposal of the Government, has been very successful. The Southern Historical Society has placed its collection at the ser- vice of the Department, and valuable documents have been furnished by Generals Johnston, Pemberton, Wheeler, Jones, Ruggles, and others. In fact, there is a general disposition on the part of ex-Confederate officers to contribute material to the official History of the War. In a few instances records of the Confederate Armies are held for sale, but Colonel Scott renews his objection to the purchase of such docu- ments ; and in his views I concur. Attention is invited to the fact that as yet no provision has been made for publishing any of the records. xVn appropriation for the composition, stereotyping, and printing of proof copies of the records for 1861 is recommended. Extra compensation is asked for two of the Adjutant-General's clerks specially connected with the work of the War Records Office, and I recommend that this be granted. ******* GEO. W. McCRARY, Secretary of War. ANNUAL REPORT OF BREVET LIEUT.-COL R. N. SCOTT. U. S. ARMY. iE^TRACT.] War Department, September 1, 1879. To the Secretary of War, Sir: * * * * * * The War Department agent for the collection of Confederate record (General Marcus J. Wright) has been successful in the discharge of hi duties. By gift or loan man}- very valuable documents have been place* at the disposal of the Government The Southern Historical Societ has given us free use of its important collection. Through the courtesy of Generals Johnston and Pemberton we have now the inside histon of the siege of Ticksburg and the Confederate side of the campaign of Atlanta and of the Carolinas. Generals Wheeler, Jones, anc Buggies, among others, have also placed valuable papers at our disposal In fact, a general disposition is manifested among the ex-Confeder ate soldiers to contribute material for the official History of the War There are some three or four collections of Confederate records helc for sale, but I respectfully renew my objections to that method of proi curing such property. It is submitted that there is no propriety ir such purchases : that strictly speaking some of these records belong to the Government, and that the fact that the Government has refrainec from seizing them ought to induce the present holders to permit the authorities to make use of them. Moreover, the price of such things is purely arbitrary. The Government stands ready to publish to the world every duly authenticated document of historical value, and doc uments thus published must carry greater weight than those appearing! without such guarantee of genuineness. If the existing rule of making no purchases be adhered to, I believe that public sentiment will force every important Confederate document into the hands of the Govern- ment. ■Jf 7T -JT * 7T -S- •&• I desire especially to invite your attention to the question of extra compensation to Messrs. Kirkley and Tasker, of the Adjutant General's Office, whose special services in connection with the War Records have before been brought to your attention. Their assistance in my work is extra duty to them and most valuable to my office. It obviates the necessity for another clerk in my establishment, aud there seems to be good reason for some substantial recognition of it. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ROBERT N. SCOTT, Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel, U. S. Army. PUBLICATION RECORDS OF THE WAR THE REBELLION ANNUAL REPORT BREVET LIEUT.-COL. R. N. SCOTT, U. S. ARMY. War Department, Washington, D. C, September 30, 1880. To the Secretary of War. Sir: As the officer in charge, under your immediate direction, of the publication of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, as well as of the preliminary preparations therefor, I have the honor to state that the work has steadily progressed since my report of Sep- tember 1, 1879. Important additions have been made by voluntary contributions to the records, both Union and Confederate. Many documents that have been retained by Union commanders of high rank, and which were not duplicated in the files of the War Department, have been received, and through the agency of General Wright, especially employed for that purpose, valuable papers are being constantly received from the ex-Confederate officials. Mr. Davis, Generals Beauregard, Chalmers, D. H. Hill, B. R. Johnson, S. D. Lee, E. Kirby Smith, Steele, and A. P. Stewart, and the representatives of Generals Branch, Breckinridge, D. H. Cooper, and Ewell, are among the contributors not mentioned in former reports. Congress having at its last session made an appropriation for " the printing and binding, under the direction of the Secretary of War, of 10,000 copies of a compilation of the Official Records (Union and Con- federate) of the War of the Rebellion, so far as the same may be ready for publication during the fiscal year," the first two volumes were sent to the Public Printer on August 24th last. Other volumes will follow until the appropriation is exhausted. The work of publication is pro- PUBLICATION RECORDS OF THE WAR THE REBELLION. ANNUAL REPORT BREVET LIEUT.-COL. R, N. SCOTT, U. S. ARMY. War Department, War Records Office, Washington, D. C, October 12, 1881. To the Secretary of War. Sir : I have the honor to report progress in the publication of the military records of the War of the Rebellion. The examination of the files for 1861, 1862, and 1863, both Union and Confederate, and of the files of the Union armies for 1864 and 1865, has been completed and the necessary copying from them is nearly finished. Many of the Confederate files for 1864 and 1865 have also been examined. A few of the book records for 1863 and most of those for later years, of both armies, are yet to be searched The War Department agent for the collection (by gift or loan) of Con- federate documents continues to be successful in obtaining valuable records from Confederate officers or their heirs. The more extensive contributions of that nature received since my last report have been from the collections of Generals E. P. Alexander, S. G. French, Johnson Hagood, Bradley T. Johnson, James H. Lane, T. T. Munford, J. C. Tap- pan, E. C. Walthall, and "W. H. C. Whiting, and Colonels I. W. Avery and Charles Marshall. The " Polk Papers " have been donated to the Government by Dr. William M. Polk, now of New York City. By the act of June 16, 1880, Congress authorized the publication of 10,000 copies of each volume of the records that might be ready during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881. Under that act seven volumes — five of Series I, and one each of Series III and IV — were sent to the Public Printer. Of Series I, Vols. I and II have been given to the public. Vol. Ill, so far as this office is concerned, has been completed, and it will doubtless be delivered by the Public Printer before Congress assembles.* The text of Vols. IV and V have been stereotyped and they are being in- dexed. The text of Vols. I, Series III and IV, has also been stereotyped. * It is now published — December 16, 1881. 4 Under the current appropriation Vols. VI and VII, of Series I, have been sent to the Public Printer ;* Vols. VIII, IX, and X are ready for him, and Vols. XI to XVI will be arranged during the current fiscal year. With proper regard for accuracy the volumes cannot be published more rapidly until the examination of the records is completed. The contents of Vols. I to XI, Series I, are as follows : VOLUME I. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER V. Operations in Charleston Harbor, S. C. The secession of North Carolina. Janu- December 20, 1860-April 14, 1861. ary 9-May 20. 1861. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER VI. The secession of Georgia. January 3-26, The secession of Louisiana. January 10- 1861. February 19, 1861. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER VII. The secession of Alabama and Mississippi. Operations in Texas and New Mexico. January 4-20. 1861. February 1-June 11, 1861. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER VIII. Operation in Florida. January 6-August Operations in Arkansas, the Indian Terri- 31, 1861. tory, and Missouri. February 7-May 9, 1861. VOLUME II. CHAPTER IX. Operations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. April 16-July 31, 1861. VOLUME III. CHAPTER X. Operations in Missouri, Arkansas. Kansas, and Indian Territory. May 10-November 19, 1861. VOLUME IV. CHAPTER XI. CHAPTER XII.' Operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Operations in Kentucky and Tennessee. Arizona. June 11, 1861-February 1, July 1-November 19, 1861. 18»;2. CHAPTER XIII. Operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia. August 1, 1861-January 11, 1862. VOLUME V. CHAPTER XIV. Operations in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia. August 1, 1861- March 17, 1862. *And the text is now stereotyped. 5 VOLUME VI. CHAPTER XV. CHAPTER XVI. Operations on the coasts of South Caro- Operations in West Florida, Southern Ala- lina, Georgia, and Middle and East baina, Southern Mississippi, and Louisi- Florida. August 21, 1861-April 11, ana. September 1, 18G1-May 12, 1862. 1862. VOLUME VII. CHAPTER XVII. Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Novem- ber 19, 1861-March 4, 1862. VOLUME VIII. CHAPTER XVIII. Operations in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and the Indian Territory. November 19, 1861-April 10, 1862. VOLUME IX. CHAPTER XIX. CHAPTER XX. Operations in Southeastern Virginia. Jan- Operations in North Carolina. January 11- uary 11-March 17, 1862. August 20, 1862. CHAPTER XXI. Operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. February 1-September 20, 1862. VOLUME X. CHAPTER XXII. Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. VOLUME XI. CHAPTER XXIII. The Peninsula Campaign, Virginia, and operations immediately connected therewith. March 17-September 2, 1862. Messrs. Kirkley, of the Adjutant-General's Office, and Tasker, of the War Department, continue to render zealous and most valuable assist- ance to the work under my charge. In so doing they perform much extra lahor, for which, in my judgment, they should receive extra com- pensation. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ROBERT N. SCOTT, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. Army. PUBLICATION RECORDS OF THE WAR THE REBELLION ANNUAL REPORT BREVET LIEUT.-COL R. N. SCOTT, U. S. ARMY. War Department, War Records Office, Washington, D. C, October 23, 1882. To the Secretary of War. Sir: I have the honor to report progress in the publication of the Military Records of the War of the Rebellion since my report of Oc- tober 12, 1881. The examination and copying of the files of the Union Records for 1861-1865 is almost completed, and the book records for 1864 are now- being searched. The examination of the Confederate book records for 1863-1865, and of the files pertaining to these records for 1864, is pro- gressing. Volumes III, IV and V, Series I, of the Official Rebellion Records, have been given to the public; Volume VI is now being bound; the index to Volume VII is in the hands of the printers, and the book will doubt- less be issued before Congress reassembles. The text of Volumes VIII, IX, X and XI has been stereotyped, and the stereotyping of Volume XII is nearly completed. The cost of printing and binding the volumes already issued has been : Volume I $6,765 7> Part 2 6,164 95 Part 3 6,427 00 Volume XIII 6,868 86 For cost of extra proof sheets 125 00 Total *48,486 07 4 RECAPITULATION. Balance available as per last report $55,485 94 Deduct for error in report of October 14, 1883* 300 00 Actual balance October 14, 1884 $55,185 94 Appropriation for fiscal year ending June 30, 1886 36,000 00 Total $91,185 94 Expenditures 48,486 07 Available October 10, 1885 $42,699 87 The expenditures for salaries and rent made under the immediate supervision of this office during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, have been as follows : Salaries $30,969 43 Rent 1,200 00 Fuel, lights, stationery, and all other incidental expenses have been provided by the Supply Division of the War Department. The agency established in 1878 for the collection of such Confederate military records as might be placed by gift or loan at the disposal of the United States has, as from time to time reported, yielded most val- uable results. Its importance has naturally decreased from year to year, and its object is well nigh accomplished ; but it yet yields some fruit — commensurate, in my judgment, with its small cost — and an estimate has been submitted for its continuance. Very respectfully your obedient servant, ROBERT N. SCOTT, Lieutenant- Colonel Third Artillery, In Charge. *In report dated October 14, 1883, the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1884, is stated at $36,300 instead of §36,000— the correct amount. To correct this, the sum of $300 is deducted from the balance reported available October 14, 1884. rt-^-r PUBLICATION RECORDS OF THE WAR THE REBELLION ANNUAL REPORT OF LIEUTENANT-COLONEL R. N. SCOTT, U. S. ARMY WAR DEPARTMENT, Publication Office, War Records 1861-'65, Washington, D. C, October 9, 1886. To the Secretary of War: Sir : I have the honor to report the progress made since October 10, 1885, in the publication of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion : Of Series I, Volumes XIV, XV, and XVI, (in two parts,) and Part 1, of Volume XVII, (in all five books,) have been issued, and the index of Part 2, Volume XVII, is completed and in type. This part of Volume XVII and Volume XVIII will probably be issued by December 1st, next. The text of Part 2, Volume XXII, of Volume XXI1T, (in two parts,) and of the first two parts of Volume XXIV has been stereotyped ; and the third part of that volume and Volume XXV (in two parts) is in the hands of the Public Printer. The text of the supplement to Volume XII (the record of the Fitz John Porter court-martial, called for by the act of July 31st, last) has been stereotyped and indexed, and will probably be issued before Congress reassembles. The manuscript of Volumes XXXI, XXXII, and XXXIII is arranged for the printer, but Volume XXX is yet incomplete. The act approved August 7, 1882, which went into effect after the first five volumes of the records had been published, contemplated a completion of the sets to be issued under that law. For that purpose an estimate has been submitted for reprinting and binding 6,000 copies each of Volumes I to V. 4 The expenditures on account of printing, binding, &c, since October 10, 1885, are as follows : For composition, stereotyping, &c, of volumes still in the hands of the printer — Volume XXII, Part 2 $2,224 40 Volume XXIII, Part 1 1, 771 15 Part 2 1,990 60 Volume XXIV, Parti 1,745 15 Part 2 1,433 95 Part 3 798 90 Volume XII, (Supplement) 240 00 To complete — Volume XIV 6,958 05 Volume XV 7,924 41 Volume XVI, Part 1 7, 683 26 Part 2 6,603 09 Volume XVII, Part 1 5, 742 49 45, 115 45 RECAPITULATION. Balance available as per last report 42, 699 87 Appropriation for fiscal year ending June 30, 1887 36,000 00 Total 78,699 87 Expenditures 45, 115 45 Available October 10, 1886 33, 584 42 The expenditures for salaries and rent made under the immediate supervision of this office during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, have been as follows : Salaries $31,364 04 Rent 1,200 00 Fuel, lights, stationery, and all other incidental expenses have been provided by the Supply Division of the War Department. I respectfully invite attention to my recommendation accompanying estimate for fiscal year ending June 30, 1888, for $600 additional com- pensation to the clerk of Class IV engaged in preparing the general index. This work is of the most important and responsible nature, and requires the services of a person of experience and special ability. The compensation now allowed ($1,800) is inadequate for the service per- formed. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ROBT. N. SCOTT, Lieutenant- Colonel Third Artillery, in Charge. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 703 055 A 4|