ook of cxCANpr formulas |^ ITH ceaseless untiring efforts ^Vkite Stokes Company Lave given to tbe confectionery world not one tut several desirable and necessary products, each of tbem capable of producing an exceptional and superior piece of goods. Chief among tnem is our Perfection Nougat Creme. Tne success of tnis product, a lignt, white, fine cream fondant Las been exceptional yet entirely deserved. Not alone because it is a rare and original product but because of its remarkable assistance to confectioners large and small. Made of tbe bigbest grade materials, absolutely pure, its use is an immediate guarantee of a quality piece. It is an economy because it saves time, labor and money. W^Len Perfection Nougat Creme is used tbe necessity of a stock of eggs or egg albumen is eliminated. Tbe following formulas bave eacb and every one been made and used successfully. Tney Lave most of tbem been in use by manufacturing confectioners for several years and are bigbly prized. Tbe consistent use of Perfection Nougat Creme by bundreds of bouses is tangible evidence tbat tbe successful production of any of tbe formulas wbicb follow is greatly dependent upon its use — as indicated in tbe formulas. Tbese formulas cover a wide range of candy making and permit tbe production of seasonable goods of great variety. 4 Honey Nougat A delicious velvet chewing nougat— HONEY NOUGAT made with Perfection Nougat Creme, flavored with walnut and honey, it reaches the pinnacle of the confectioners ' art. 8 lbs. corn syrup Formula 6 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. honey % lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter Water to dissolve; cook to 265°. Pour very slowly into 8 pounds Perfection Nougat Creme, stirring or heating all the time. Continue to beat for 15 minutes or until batch gets short. Add 4 pounds chopped walnuts or glazed fruits. Pour on slab or on wafer paper in trays cut to suit and wrap. Dissolve Vi oz. sheet gelatine in 1 quart GLAZE ICING hot water. Add % lb. Bon-Bon Cream and stir until thoroughly mixed. Add 4% lbs. XXXX powdered sugar. Beat all together to a good stiff paste. Dip the Nougat. Lay it on a wire sieve to drain for a few minutes. Then place on wax paper laid in trays to dry. Pack to suit. Glazed Fruit Nougat GLAZED FRUIT The fruit in this delicious confection NOUGAT adds to eating quality — the transparent glaze to its attractiveness and keep- ing Pineapple, Cherry, Citron, etc. — of course it is made of Perfection Nougat Creme. Formula Place 5 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme in a kettle. Cook: 8 lbs. sugar, 4 lbs. corn syrup with water to dissolve, to 256°. Pour very slowly on the Nougat, stirring or beating all the time. Have one- half pound Acomo Cocoanut Butter melted with 3 pounds Bon-Bon Cream. Stir into the batch, continue to beat until batch gets short; add nut meats or fruits. Pour in trays lined with wafer paper. Cut to suit. MARSHMALLOW EGGS, ICE OEEAM CENTER FOR CHOCOLATES AND AS A CENTER FOR ANY FLUFFY PIECE YOU WISH TO MAKE 12 lbs. corn syrup 25 lbs. sugar Water to dissolve. Cook to 244°. Add: 10 lbs. good bon bon cream 10 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme Stir the bon bon cream and Perfection Nougat Creme in the first batch, add a little heat and cast in large mould to suit. Wrapped Pistachio Nousat A big and popular seller to retailers and customers — adds to pound assortments and makes fine decoration — reaches its utmost perfection made with Perfection Nougat Creme. Use the same formulas as for Honey Nougat, only use Pistachio Nuts in place of the walnuts. WRAPPED PISTACHIO NOUGAT Dipped Xougat 5 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme, place DIPPED NOTXGAT in kettle but do not cook or beat, cook 10 lbs. corn syrup, 10 lbs. sugar, % lb. Acomo Cocoanut But- ter with water to dissolve to 270°, pour very slowly into the Perfection Nougat Creme, beating or stirring all the time. Add nut meats or fruit to suit. Pour on slab, cut to suit requirements. 7 Cast Nougat Bars CAST NOUGAT BARS A delicious, creamy fluff made with Perfection Nougat Creme for a center, encased in a chocolate shell. Big money and time savers and best eating nougat ever conceived. Formula Remelt 25 lbs. Center Cream and add 10 lbs. Nougat Creme in the remelt. Cast in 5c bar shapes and let set over night in a dry room. In the morning the goods will have a firm crust and can be dipped in chocolate immediately. FORMULA Place 10 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme NOUGAT BAR in kettle or beater, cook 15 lbs. sugar, 7 lbs. corn syrup with water to dis- solve to 265°. Pour very slowly into the Perfection Nougat Creme, stirring or beating all the time. Add vanilla and nut meats to suit, pour in trays lined with wafer paper, spread one inch thick, cut in oblong bars to weigh 2 ounces each. WRAPPED PEA- 4 lbs. sugar. NUT NOUGAT 4 lbs. corn syrup Cook to 259°; pour slowly over 3 lbs. of Nougat Creme; beat 10 to 15 minutes. Add 6 lbs. of choco- late and peanuts. Cut in oblong pieces to be dipped in chocolate or wrapped in wax paper. Turkish Cream Nougat Place 10 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme FORMULA FOR in kettle or beater. Cook 20 lbs. sugar, TURKISH CREAM 6 lbs. corn syrup with water to dissolve NOUGAT to 265°. Pour very slowly on the Per- fection Nougat Creme, stirring or beating all the time. Add vanilla flavor and nut meats or fruits to suit. Stir well, pour in boxes lined with waxed paper. To be sliced as sold; make vanilla, strawberry and chocolate 5c bars and wrap in wax paper. 10 lbs. sugar SUGAR MINTS y 2 teaspoonful cream of tartar 3 pints water Place in clean kettle. Set on fire and bring to good boil; wash down sides of kettle with clean brush. Cook to 275°. Pour on greased slab. Add 2 lbs. Nougat Creme and work into the batch while cooling it to pull on the hook. Place on hook and as soon as batch gets started to pull well, add one pound of Fudge Cream. Pull batch till nice and light. Place on spinning table and spin out same as stick candy. Cut on buttercup cutter. Dust with XXXX sugar. When cold, pack in air tight tins or jars. Vanilla Fudge Caramel VANILLA FUDGE 9 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme CARAMEL 2 lbs. corn syrup Top and Bottom 8 lbs. sugar l 1 /^ lbs. Acomo Cocoanut Butter Stir and cook to a good medium ball; add 5 lbs. cream fond- ant, pour 10 lbs. on slab for the bottom. Spread one-fourth inch thick. CENTER Place 5 lbs. Nougat Creme in kettle, cook 8 lbs. sugar, 3 lbs. corn syrup, 1% lbs. Acomo Cocoanut Butter, cook to 256°, pour slowly on Perfection Nougat Creme, add 2 pounds cream fondant, 1 lb. raisins, 1 lb. currants, or nut meats. Pour on fudge batch. Roll down and let set a few minutes. Pour 10 lbs. vanilla batch for top. POLAR WAVE Cook to 246°; add: Stir till thoroughly paper. Spread as evenly as possible squares. 4 lbs. corn syrup 6 lbs. sugar x /4 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter. 1 qt. water 3 lbs. cream fondant 2 lbs. Nougat Creme Vz lb. chopped nut meats mixed. Pour on table laid with wax Mark or cut in penny 10 Perfection Karmel Nougat Roll 5 lbs. sugar PERFECTION 5 lbs. corn syrup KARMEL 5 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme NOUGAT ROLL 3 qts. cream Jacket \y 2 lbs. Acomo cocoanut butter Cook to medium ball. 18 lbs. sugar Center 6 lbs. corn syrup Cook to 268°. Beat into 8 pounds of Nougat Creme and add one pound of Acomo cocoanut butter. Cut the nougat in long strips and dip in the above hot caramel batch. Place on top of pecans and roll a little. 9 lbs. sugar ITALIAN 4 lbs. corn syrup DELIGHTS 1 gal. cream Cook to 244°. Two (2) lbs. of liquid chocolate; set off fire, add 4 lbs. of Nougat Creme and 6 lbs. of Bon Bon cream. Pour out on heavy wax paper; cut in oblong pieces. 11 Cream Fondant Place 85 lbs. sugar, 15 lbs. corn syrup, 1 FONDANT oz. cream of tartar, 3 gals, water in kettle, start steam or set kettle on fire. When batch starts to boil, put on steamer cover made size of kettle. Let batch steam down 5 minutes, remove cover and wash down sides of kettle with a clean brush wet with water to allay any possible chance of grain. Place ther- mometer in batch and cook to 244° or to suit your require- ments. Pour on clean slab, sprinkle top with a little water, let get almost cold, start to stir, or if using machine, place in same and beat. Run in tubs and cover with damp cloth to mellow down for a few hours, when it is ready for use. Place in kettle: 20 lbs. corn syrup, 30 lbs. sugar, 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar, 1 gal. water. Cook to 232° or to suit your requirements. Use same instructions for cooking as cream fondant. Add 100 lbs. of the above cream fondant and 40 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme. Stir well till thor- oughly mixed. Cast to suit. WHIPPED CREAM Cook the bob or conserve, add 100 lbs. CENTERS of the cream fondant and 40 lbs. Per- fection Nougat Creme. Stir well till thoroughly mixed. Bring to a good medium heat and cast in large mould. Can be dipped in from 3 to 4 hours if necessary. Proceed as for whipped cream centers, CHERRY NOUGAT using same cream fondant and bob or CREME CENTER conserve. Cast a small portion of the cream in a large round mould. Have a maraschino cherry placed on the cream. Then cast the mould full of cream, so as to completely cover the cherry. Dip in a good coating. These centers will crust in from three to four hours and must be dipped the same day they are made if possible. 12 Hand Roll 30 lbs. A sugar HAND BOLL 1% teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar. Made with the use Water to dissolve. Cook to 243° or to f Perfection suit your requirements. Pour on clean Nougat Creme slab; let get cold; start to beat or stir. When batch gets white and starts to show good grain, add 4 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme on batch and work to a good set. Cover with damp cloth. Let mellow down for one hour. Work up with hands. Flavor and color to suit. Koll out the size desired and dip in good coating. Hand Roll Fluff 10 lbs A sugar HAND BOLL % teaspoonful cream tartar rLTJTF % gallon water Place on fire and cook to 238°. Pour on clean slab. Let set until almost cold. Place four (4) pounds of Perfection Nougat Creme on batch and start to stir or beat. Continue until batch sets up in a firm mass. Cover with a damp cloth for one hour, work up with the hands. Color and flavor to suit, roll in small pieces. Dip in chocolate. 13 Nougat Fudge NOUGAT FUDGE A flavory piece of Nougat made with Perfection Nougat Creme and filled with nut meats. Attractive to taste and looks good in box of assorted goodies. Formula 10 lbs. corn syrup 15 lbs. sugar 8 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 1 lb. Acomo cocoanut butter. Water to dissolve, stir and cook to a good hard ball. Set off fire or take out of steam kettle. Add: 8 lbs. bon bon cream, 4 lbs. black walnuts or any nut meats you wish to use. Add 5 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme. Stir well until thoroughly mixed. Pour on slab laid with waxed paper. Use % inch bars. Cut in squares to pack in pails. CREAM BARS 6 lbs. corn syrup OR SQUARES 10 lbs. sugar % lb. Acomo cocoanut butter % gal. water Cook to 244°. Add: 3 lbs. cream fondant 3 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme 3 lbs. roasted peanuts. Stir till thoroughly mixed. Pour on table laid with wax paper. Use %-inch bars. Spread as evenly as possible. Smooth down the top with rolling pin. Cut in bars or squares. 14 Turkish Xowgnt Place 8 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme TURKISH in kettle. NOUGAT Place 18 lbs. sugar Chocolate and 6 lbs. corn syrup Vanilla Layer 1 gal. water in kettle. Cook to 265°. Pour slowly over the 8 lbs. Per- fection Nougat Creme, stirring all the time. Beat for 15 to 20 minutes till batch gets short. Have 1 lb. Acomo Cocoa- nut Butter shaved in fine pieces and mix through batch thoroughly. Add nut meats or fruits to suit. Pour one-half of the batch in tray lined with wax paper; spread one inch thick. Add 1^ lbs. Cocoa powder or liquid chocolate to remaining one-half of the batch. Pour on the white part, spread as evenly as possible. When cold slice with knife as sold, or cut in bars and dip in chocolate. 6 lbs. sugar 8 lbs. corn syrup Cook to 290°; add QV 2 lbs. honey, pour slowly over 5 pounds of Nougat Creme, beat 15 minutes, pour out on a slab and cut in nougatine shapes and dip in chocolate. 15 SLICED COCOA- 8 lbs. corn syrup NUT SQUARES 12 lbs. sugar % lb. Acomo cocoanut butter % gal. water Place in kettle. Set on fire and cook to 246°. Add: 6 lbs. cream fondant 2 lbs. Nougat Creme 4 lbs. sliced cocoanut Stir till thoroughly mixed. Pour on table laid with wax paper. Use %-inch bars. Spread as evenly as possible. When cold cut in %-inch squares. Pack in pails; or can be spread % inch, thick and cut in l^-inch squares. Pack 100 count in 5 lb. box. Make colors white, pink and maple. FRENCH COCOA- 5 i bs . SU gar, No. 14 1 lb. com syrup Cook to 240°. Add: 1 lb. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 pint water 3 lbs. cream fondant 2 lbs. shred cocoanut 2 lbs. Nougat Creme Stir till thoroughly mixed. Spoon out on wax paper, in puff or kiss shape. LOAF CREAM 6 lbs . sugar 2 lbs. corn syrup 2 pints sweet cream Bring to good boil. Add 2 pints more of sweet cream. Cook to 240° Add 5 lbs. cream fondant, 1% lbs. pecan pieces, 2 lbs. Nougat Creme. Stir till thoroughly mixed, and to get the heat out. Pour in box lined with wax paper. Let set until cold. Melt 3 lbs. glaze bon bon cream till dissolved. Add % lb. Nougat Creme. Bring to good medium heat. Take a small knife and ice in the same manner as for cake on all sides of the loaf. When dry slice as sold. wwdt Same as above, only use glaze cherries, chopped fine in place of nut meats and ice with pink colored cream. 16 Cardinal Patties A soft flowing center made with Per- fection Nougat Creme, dipped in cardinal, green, pink or white bon bon cream — attractive both to eye and palate. CARDINAL PATTIES Ee-melt 6 lbs. center cream, cook to about 233° and add 3 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme. Cast in pattie shape moulds and let set in dry room over night. Manufacturers without a dry room should let the patties stand 24 hours. Dip in bon bon cream, color to suit. 5 lbs. corn syrup 15 lbs. sugar FRAPPE SQUARES Cook to 260 to 265°; beat into 10 lbs. of Nougat Creme; beat short 15 to 20 minutes. Then add walnuts or pecans. Pour out on slab quarter of an inch thick and mark in squares. This piece can be made choco- late, pink and white. 17 CHEW NOUGAT Place 5 lbs. Nougat Creme in kettle. Cook: 10 lbs. sugar 10 lbs. corn syrup 1 qt. water to 278°. Pour very slowly into the Nougat Creme, stirring all the time. Add % lb. Acomo cocoanut butter. When well mixed, pour on greased slab. Break as sold. Sea Foam, Kisses, Etc. rORMTJLA TOR 5 lbs. sugar SEA FOAM, 2 lbs. corn syrup KISSES, Water to dissolve. Cook to 246°. Add: 2 lbs. bon bon cream DIVINITY, ETC. 3 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme Stir well together, add nut meats, cocoa- nut or fruits to suit. Spoon out on wax paper in kiss shape, using spoon and fork. « MAPLE NTTT Follow same instructions, adding two PUFFS pounds maple sugar and a little sugar color to bring out color. CHOCOLATE FRAPPE KISSES 5 lbs. bon bon cream 2 oz. glycerine Melt till good and hot. Add % lb. cocoa, 1% lbs. pecan pieces, 1 lb. Perfection Nougat Creme. Stir till well mixed. Spoon out on wax paper in kiss shape. 18 Sea Foam Kiss 5 lbs. sugar % lb. corn syrup 1 pint water SEA FOAM KISS Cook to 248°. Let cool for ten minutes. Add 3 lbs. Nougat Creme. Stir or beat till batch gets stiff and shows good grain. Add nut meats or fruits and cocoanut as desired. Spoon out on wax paper in kiss shape; when dry pack in boxes. 6 lbs. corn syrup 10 lbs. sugar y 2 lb. Acomo cocoanut butter Water to dissolve. Cook to 244°. Set off fire or pour out of steam kettle. Add 4 lbs. cream fondant, 3 lbs. Per- fection Nougat Creme. Stir till thoroughly mixed. Add nut meats or fruits and flavor to suit. Pour on table or slabs lined with wax paper. Use y 2 inch bars. Cut in squares or bars size to suit. CREAM SQUARES OR BARS MADE WITH THE USE OF PERFECTION NOUGAT CREME Use the above formula, only add 3 lbs ^^ CREAM glaze cherries chopped fine, color light cqtjarES pink and add cherry flavor. Finish as ^uaxvxio above. 19 MAPLE PUFFS 4 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. maple sugar 1% lbs. corn syrup 1 qt. water Place in kettle, and cook to 242°. Add 3 lbs. bon bon cream, 2% lbs. Nougat Creme, 2y 2 lbs. pecan pieces. A little burnt sugar color to bring out the maple color; one teaspoonful maple extract. Stir well together. Spoon out on wax paper in cream kiss shape. Let batch set until quite stiff before spooning out. LOZENGES Soak % lb. gum tragacanth in one gal- lon water over night. Make a bay of XXXX powdered sugar; add 10 lbs. corn syrup, strain the gum tragacanth and add; mix to a light dough with the XXXX sugar; add 5 lbs. Nougat Creme and 3 lbs. cream fondant. Mix to good stiff dough with XXXX sugar. Eoll out thin and cut in sizes to suit. Make colors and flavors as desired. MEXICAN 4 lbs. No. 14 sugar 2 lbs. maple sugar 1% lbs. corn syrup 2 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 qt. water Y 2 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter Place all in kettle and cook to 242°. Add 4 lbs. cream fondant. Stir till mixed; add 3 lbs. pecan pieces, 2 lbs. Nougat Creme. Mix well and spoon out on wax paper and flatten out about the size of a dollar. Allow to set till cold; pack in boxes. MOLASSES 5 lbs. sugar 1 lb. corn syrup PUFF 1 pint molasses 2 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 pint water Stir and cook to 240°. Add: 3 lbs. bon bon cream 2 lbs. Nougat Creme 2 lbs. long thread cocoanut Stir well to get the heat out. When batch is nice *ind creamy and gets stiff, spoon out on waxed paper in Kis* shape. 20 PERFECTION KARMEL KREME CHERHAPS equal in importance to Perfection Nougat Creme is Perfection Karmel Kreme. It should be borne in mind tkat tbis product is not in any way to be compared to a caramel paste or cheap tiller. Neither does it contain starch or flour. Perfection Karmel Kreme does contain a very large percentage of special grade milk and cream, therefore being thus rick in butterfat a creamy and rick piece of goods is absolutely assured and of tke kigkest quality. Perfection Karmel Kreme is an original and distinctive product and as suck wken used in tke following formulas and in tke numerous ways directed imparts an individuality and rickness and tkat different taste impossible to obtain by tke use of otker or substitute ingredients. Tke item of labor and time is important from tke stand- point of cost and profit, tkerefore in as muck as Perfection Karmel Kreme saves valuable time and labor it saves money. Tkat point alone is important but wken coupled witk tke assurance of a superior piece of goods at no increase in cost uniformity and tke possibility of a wide range not only or caramels but otker pieces from tkis one product, it skould instantly commend itself to tke discriminating and progres- sive Candy man as an absolute necessity. Tbe following Perfection Karmel Kreme formulas kave eack a distinct value and kave proven exceptionally successful wkerever introduced. 21 Karmel Kreme Cast Caramels INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING PERFECTION KARMEL KREME CAST CARAMELS 4 lbs. corn syrup 4 lbs. sugar V<2, lb. Acomo cocoanut butter V2 gal. evaporated condensed milk or 1 gal. sweet cream 10 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 oz. vanilla flavor 1 teaspoonful salt Place the sugar, corn syrup and Acomo cocoanut butter with 1 quart of the evaporated condensed milk in kettle. Bring to good boil. Add the remaining 3 quarts of evaporated condensed milk slowly. Stir and cook to good soft ball. Add the Perfection Karmel Kreme slowly. Try and keep the boil in batch, stir and cook to good soft ball. Add flavor and salt. When mixed through thoroughly cast in starch. Note: Caramels made to cast do not need to be cooked as high as slab caramels to obtain the best results. Caramels cooked from Perfection Karmel Kreme do not need to be cooked as high as caramels made from other materials. Perfection Karmel Kreme cast caramels can be made uni- form the year 'round, summer and winter, always soft and deliciously " chewy.' ' Chocolate Dipped Cast Caramel 3 lbs. corn syrup A PINE CHOCO- 3 lbs. sugar LATE DI p PB D 1/2 lb. Aconio cocoanut butter CAST CARAMEL % gal. sweet cream 12 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 oz. vanilla flavor 1 teaspoonful of salt Place the sugar, corn syrup and Acomo cocoanut butter with one quart of cream in kettle. Bring to good boil. Add the remaining quart of sweet cream slowly. Stir and cook to good soft ball. Add Perfection Karmel Kreme slowly. Try to keep the boil in batch, stir and cook to good soft ball. Add the flavor and salt. When mixed thoroughly, cast in starch. This product will make a first-class un- . FIRST-CLASS wrapped pan caramel without addi- UNWRAPPED tional ingredients. When cooking with PAN CARAMEL coke or gas fire, add when starting a handful of corn syrup, then add the desired amount of Per- fection Karmel Kreme you wish to cook. Place the kettle over a slow fire when starting. Cook 25 to 30 pound batches. This will make a fine light colored caramel. Stir the Karmel Kreme continually from the time you place it in the kettle until same is cooked to the desired degree, which should be a good medium ball in cool weather and a hard ball in hot weather. Test in water of medium temperature. AN EXTRA PINE UNWRAPPED CARAMEL Unwrapped Caramel 4 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. corn syrup % gal. cream Vi lb. good butter 10 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme Place the sugar and corn syrup and one quart of cream in kettle. Bring to a boil, add the remaining three quarts of cream slowly and cook to a good thread. Add the Perfec- tion Karmel Kreme. Stir and cook to a good medium ball. Add butter just before taking batch out of kettle. A GOOD WRAPPED CARAMEL 15 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kremle 8 lbs. corn syrup corn 5 lbs. sugar Stir the sugar and corn syrup until thor- oughly mixed, then add the Perfection Karmel Kreme. A VERY FINE UNWRAPPED PAN CARAMEL Finish as in above 30 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 gal. 22% cream 3 lbs. corn syrup 3 lbs. sugar formula. CARAMELS 5 lbs. sugar 4 lbs. corn syrup 1 gal. 22% cream Cook to a thread; add 4 to 6 lbs. of Perfection Karmel Kreme and cook to medium ball; add V 2 lb. of butter and bring back to medium ball. 24 15 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme THIS FORMULA 8 lbs. corn syrup MAKES A GOOD 8 lbs. scrap or sugar DIPPED Stir the corn syrup and scrap until thor- CARAMEL oughly melted, then add the Perfection Karmel Kreme. We advise using 1 lb. Mazetta Creme to each 10 lbs. of caramels, as well as all other goods that have any chewing quality, including taffies, nougats, fudges, kisses, etc. When using Mazetta Creme, cook the batch one or two degrees higher than you would otherwise. Set the kettle off fire or shut off steam, then add the Mazetta. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Salt Water Kiss SALT WATER KISS 15 lbs. corn syrup 5 lbs. sugar % lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter y 2 lb. butter 4 lbs. Nougat Creme 3 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 qt. water, 1 tablespoon salt. Place corn syrup, sugar and water in kettle and bring to good boil. Add the Acomo and Perfection Karmel Kreme, stir and cook to 264°. Add the butter, let boil through, set off fire and add the Nougat Creme; when mixed through, pour on slab. When cold enough to handle, pull well on hook. Spin out in kiss size, run through lump machine. Wrap in wax paper. Cut to weigh 66 to lb. Make different colors and flavors. Follow same formula and instructions EGO NOGG KISS as for Salt Water Kiss, only add 2 lbs. Nougat Creme and four (4) lbs. Egg Nogg Creme, after the batch is cooked. 25 MOLASSES 35 lbs. corn syrup KISSES 1° lbs. granulated sugar 10 lbs. New Orleans sugar 1 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 1 qt. Molasses 5 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 5 lbs. Mazetta Creme Cook sugar and corn syrup to good hard ball. Add Acomo Cocoanut butter, molasses and Perfection Karmel Kreme. Bring to good stiff crack; set off and stir in the Mazetta after boil leaves batch. Pour on slab when cool, pull well on hook or machine. If a white piece of goods is desired leave out the molasses. BUTTER SCOTCH 15 lbs. Mallo Scotch KISS 3 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme y 2 lb. butter Stir and cook to 256°. Set off and stir in four (4) lbs. Nougat Creme. Pour on slab. When cold enough to handle, pull well on hook. Finish as Salt Water Kisses. Use a few drops good lemon flavor. Fudge PUDGE 8 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. corn syrup 4 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme 1 qt. water. Stir and cook to 236°. Let cool for ten minutes. Stir till a good grain starts and batch commences to get heavy. Add one pound of Nougat Creme. When well mixed, pour on slab or table laid with wax paper. Use %-inch bars and spread as evenly as possible. Cut in squares or cubes. For chocolate fudge follow the above instructions, only add % pound of cocoa or bitter chocolate. 26 6 lbs. corn syrup FUDGE OE 5 lbs. New Orleans sugar ITALIAN CREAM 5 lbs. C. or No. 13 light brown sugar 10 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme Stir and cook to good medium ball, or 243° on gauge, set off fire or take out of steam kettle. Add 8 lbs. cream fondant. Stir well until heat is partly out. Pour on slab laid with wax paper. Use % inch bars. 3 lbs. corn syrup CARAMEL 3 lbs. sugar CREAM ROLLS 1 gal. sweet cream 10 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme y 2 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter Place the sugar, corn syrup and Acomo Cocoanut Butter in kettle; add one quart of the sweet cream, bring to good boil. Add the remaining cream slowly. Cook to good ball. Add the Karmel Kreme. Stir and cook to good medium ball. Pour on greased slab. Spread one-half inch thick. 7 lbs. corn syrup Center 10 lbs. sugar % lb. Acomo 1 qt. water Cook to 248°: add: 3 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme 10 lbs. cream fondant Stir till good and thick. Pour on slab. Let set till cold enough to handle. Knead up with the hands to break the set. Form in round piece; cut off enough of the caramel batch to make a jacket. Place the cream batch in the center and fold the caramel around it. Spin out same as stick candy in %-inch sticks. When set cut in %-inch lengths. Place in pans. For use in all fudge goods or any piece FUDGE CREAM of candy that a short cream is desired. 20 lbs. sugar 7 lbs. corn syrup 1 gal. water Place on fire. Follow instructions for cooking cream fond- ant. Cook to 243°. Pour on clean slab. Beat almost cold. •27 MAPLE FUDGE 5 lbs. No. 14 sugar 5 lbs. white sugar 6 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme I qt. sweet cream 1 qt. water 1 toaspoonful salt 1 lb. Perfection Nougat Creme Cook the sugar, cream and water to 236°. Add the caramel cream and cook to 236° again. Set off the fire and add the Nougat Creme. Let set for 10 to 20 minutes to cool. Add the salt and a little maple flavor. Stir again the sides of the kettle to start a good grain. When batch commences to get stiff pour on slab laid with wax paper. When cold cut to suit. PUDGE OR 3 lbs - corn syrup ITALIAN CREAM J lbs . sugar 5 lbs. Perfection Karmel Kreme % lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 1 pint water Place in kettle. Set on fire; stir and cook to good medium ball or 242°. Set off fire. Add 3 lbs. Fudge Creme; % lb. Nougat Creme. Stir well to get the heat out. When well mixed, pour on slab or table laid with wax paper. Use ^-inch bars. When cold cut in penny squares. TRENCH I }Js. sugar CHEWING 4 lbs - corn s y ru P CANDY * su 2 ar SKSffiLS^ 5 lbs corn syrup 1% gals, sweet cream % lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 20 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 2 teaspoonfuls salt Place the sugar, corn syrup, Acomo and one-half gallon of the cream in kettle and bring to good boil. Add the re- maining cream slowly. Stir and cook to good hard ball. Add the salt and Jersey Caramel Creme; cook to medium ball when tried in cold water. Pour on greased slab; cut and finish to suit. NOUGAT 3 }£ ™^up % lb. Acomo cocoanut butter 8 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 1 pint water Stir and cook to good medium ball. Add: 3 lbs. cream fondant iy 2 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme 44 Stir well to get the heat out. Pour one-half on slab laid with wax paper. Use %-inch bars. Make nougat center as follows: 5 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. corn syrup Yi lb. Acomo cocoanut butter 1 pint water Cook to 244°; add: 2 lbs. cream fondant 3 lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme A few nut meats or glaze fruits as desired. Stir till thor- oughly mixed. Pour on the fudge batch. Spread as evenly as possible. Warm up the remaining part of the fudge batch, and pour on for a top. When set cut in %-inch squares. Pack in pails. For cocoanut center, add 2 lbs. Macaroon Cocoanut. 2 lbs. sugar ^^-^.^ ««^^r«, 4 lbs. No. 14 sugar FUDGE FRUIT 4 lbs. corn syrup 4 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme y 2 lb. Acomo cocoanut butter 1 quart water Cook to good medium oall. Add: 3 lbs. cream fondant 2 lbs. Mazetta Creme % lb. pecan pieces % lb. cherries % lb. white raisins Stir well to get the heat out. Pour on slab laid with wax paper. Use %-inch bars. Spread as evenly as possible. Eoll down the top. When cold cut in size for 5c bars. Dip in chocolate. 20 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme wwo 1 gal. 22% cream, or 2 lbs. butter ^S^TJSSc 3 lbs. com syrup 5?3'5^SLt 3 lbs. sugar PA N CARAMEL Put the sugar and corn syrup in kettle, add half gallon of cream, let batch come to good boil, add the remaining cream slowly, cook to good thread, add the Jersey Caramel Creme, stir and cook to good medium ball, pour on slab. Finish to spit. PXTDQE 5c BARS 5 Q }l 8 ' corn syru P *»-n-n,o g j bs sugar Y2 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 4 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 1 quart water Cook to good medium ball. Add: 4 lbs. cream fondant 2 lbs. nut meats * 2% lbs. Perfection Nougat Creme Stir well to get the heat out. Pour on slab laid with wax paper. Use %-inch bars. When cold cut in sizes for 5c bars. Dip in chocolate. 5 lbs corn syrup CREAM CENTER 7 lbs . suga / * S^t?^?^ 12118 2 % lbs- Acomo cocoanut butter Water to dissolve; cook to 250°, add 8 lbs. bon bon cream 2 lbs. Mazetta Creme Stir well until thoroughly mixed. Use as a center for fudge or caramel. 15 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme ??£,,. ,,~~ 7 lbs. corn syrup CARAMEL FOR 7 lbs . scrap or sugar When cooked to the proper degree, fol- low caramel cooking instructions. Shut off steam or set off fire, then add 3 or 4 lbs. flour, well sifted. Stir or mix thoroughly. This acts as a drier and makes the caramel more tender. /-4Ai»A«jrrrr H lb s - sugar ?£?£??? 8 lbs - corn s ^ ru p 4 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 1 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 2 lbs. corn flour 1 oz. salt Place the sugar and corn syrup in kettle; add water to dis- solve. Bring to good boil, add the Acomo; cook to 285°. Add the condensed milk and corn flour which has been mixed to a paste. Cook to good crack or 260 to 264°. Add 46 the salt. Pour on greased slab. When cold cut in oblong pieces. Wrap in wax paper. Creamy walnut, almond, fruit, and raisin toffee same as above. Add nuts or fruits just before pouring on slab. 14 lbs. No. 14 sugar (brown) AUSTRALIAN 8 lbs. corn syrup EGO OR MILK 8 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme TOFFEE 1 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 2 lbs. corn flour 1 lb. butter 1 oz. salt 1 lb. Mazetta Creme Cook and finish as Caramel Toffee. Add butter and Mazetta Creme just as boil leaves the batch. 10 lbs. sugar CREAMY 8 lbs. corn syrup FINGERS 8 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 2 lbs. corn flour 1 lb. good butter 1 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 1 oz. salt Cook and finish as Caramel Toffee. Always add butter to batch just as batch reaches the desired degree. 14 lbs. No. 14 sugar EGG OR MILK 7 lbs. corn syrup TOFFEE 4 lbs. Jersey Caramel Creme 2 lbs. corn flour 1 lb. Acomo Cocoanut Butter 1 lb. good butter 1 oz. salt 2 lbs. Mazetta Creme Cook and finish as Caramel Toffee. Add butter and Mazetta Creme just as boil leaves the batch. Mint Toffee same only add % oz. oirof mint. 47 WHATS IN A NAME? CHAT NAME Las come to mean something very real — a guarantee — not only or satisfaction — but of service — of quality — originality and superiority ™fifl — and labor saving. TLrougLout its business life tLe^VLite- Stokes Company Las steadily maintained a concentrated effort toward sup- plying tLe trade not only witL tLe best but tLe newest — to occupy tLe front rank of progressive manufacturers catering to manufacturing confectioners, soda fountains, Lotels, tea rooms, bakers, etc. Our modern factory, con- < taining 40,000 square feet of floor space, was built and I equipped witL tLe idea of extending and increasing our facilities for service. TLat our efforts Lave been appreciated is testified to by tLe wide use of WTiite-Stokes Products tLe country over. MVe Lave always persistently adhered to tLe broad guarantee of Absolute satisfaction or a refund of tLe money — And our policy of manufacturing better and newer goods Las been proven sane by our increased volume yoff^ PRODUCTS ARE NOT EXPERIMENTS TLey Lave Leen evolved and perfected by men witL years of experience m tLe confectionery field, wLose knowledge is valued and wLose advice is sougLt for. We sincerely believe an acquaintance witL our Louse would Le of value to you. MAZETTA CREME PERFECTION NOUGAT CREME PERFECTION KARMEL KREME JERSEY CARAMEL CREME STANDARD CARAMEL CREME EGG NOGG CREME BUTTERSCOTCH CREME VALMORE MARSHMALLOW INNER LAYERS For Soda Fountain use : MALLO White and Caramel Topping MALLO Scotch Sundae Topping MALLO Honey Dew Topping MALLO Maple Mousse Topping MALLO Bitter Sweet Chocolate Sundae Topping MALLO Honey Maple Fudge Topping MALLO De Luxe (Egg Nogg) Topping MALLO Caramel Sundae (Heavy) Topping MALLO Pineapple Caramel Sundae Topping MALLO Raspberry Caramel Sundae Topping For Home use : MALLO Icing and Topping For Bakers' use : f VALMORE Icing and Filler Originated and made only hy WHITE-STOKES CO., Inc. 3615 Jasper Place, Ckicago, 111. New York: James A. Greaves, Agent, 6 Harrison Street Pacific Coast Agents: Parrott & Co.. Los Angeles. San Francisco, Portland. Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane 014 636 204 7