FF 325 K7 Copy 1 TWO YEAH ObDS | IN TRAINING I Koals of 1891. 5 i -COMPILED BY i C. F. KNIPPEL : San Francisco, Cal. 1893. s San Fra>cisco: Facific Frintiug Co., 558 California Street. tete^JffijP3ff2ST3rarl-K "iJa'JiiOE I TWO YEAR OiiDS I N TR AINING Foals of 1891. COMPILED BY / C; F. KNIPPEL, San Francisco, Cal. 893. Sax Francisco: Pacific Printing Co., 538 California Street. S» c Entered according to the act of Congress in the year 1893 in the office of the Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C.^by C. F KNIPPEL. Horse. Des. Sire. Dam. Owner. Abbess, (formerly Abra filly) ch by imp Kyrle Daly Abra .* W. O'B Macdonough Acoma, colt, b by Meltoti W, Lakeland Achsah, colt, ch by Sir Joseph Boyle & Littlefield Ada Mead, b f by Clinton Boy— Lillie B C. M. Barrow Addie C, ch f by Kosciusko— East Lake J. Morrow Adela colt, br by Langar E. F. Fanning Adelaide colt, ch by imp Rayon d'Or W. C. Daly Adele filly, b by Leonatus Blossom Hill Stable Adoneo filly, b by Himyar M. Murphy Advance, chc by Forester — Contessa J. H. Briggs Adventuress, chf by Chance — Lisbona W. S. Wood Advocate, be by Pardee— Jenny Rowett Bashford Manor Farm Aggie Cross filly, br by Spendthrift Iroquois Stable Agitato, ch f by Flood — imp Amelia Pueblo Stable Aigrette colt, b by Hyder Ali Marcus Daly Ailee filly, b by imp Darebin S. G. Reed Aileen filly, b by Onondaga R. L. Rose Akbar, imp, ch c bv Salisburv — Indian Empress... J. A. & A. H. Morris Alaho colt, b by imp Cheviot Santa Anita Stable Alameda, c blk by John A Oceanvien Stable Alameda filly, ch by Fellowcraft S. Disbroso Alasco colt, b by Dry Monopole Geo. Bell Albatross filly, b by Bishop Islip Stable Albatross, br c by imp Albert- Voltura.. Charter Oak St'bl Albert, br c by Jim Brown — Not Idle M. F. Tarpey Albertus colt, ch by Savers W. Mulkey Al. Boyer, be by imp Deceiver — Bayadere Anderson & Gooding Alcenor, br c by Aloha — Lottie... Small wood & Le Forgee Airline S, ch f by Sayre— Bertie B I). Waldo Aleppo, imp brebv Britain? — Syria. .J. A. & A. H. Morris A'.ethia Allen, bf by Leonatu? — Gammarita J. Bowen Alexina filly, b by imp Ga ore E. C. Choate Alexis, be by Argyle — Frisa Garden City Stable Alfereta colt, br by imp Darebin....W. O'B. Macdonough Alibi, br by Miser — Acquittal E. Brown Alice C, bf by Paniqu — Sweetheart C. F. Sanders Alice I) filly, eh by Vigil Iroqnois Stud Alice L. bf by Linden — imp Logan R. N. Fisher Alice Vincent colt, b by Punster E. J. Lawrence Alleen, bf by imp Keene — Allie J. G. Dreunan Alleen, bf by George Kinney — Allegro O. O. West, Jr. Almy filly, ch by Turco J. H. Lewis Alonso, be by Fonso — Falerno B. J. Treaev Alopathy, brf by Aloha— Piety G. Kinkel Alpena colt, b by Hindoo. Blossom Hill Stable Alroza, be by Wawekus — Alice R Capt Widner Alta colt, b by Postgnarl C. D. Townseinl Alt^Jnne, bf by Falsetto — Jenniejnne C. E. Railey Atnadine colt, brbv Dnke of Montrose C. F. Sanders Amanda, ch f by Warwick — Mischief Mat Storn Amelia May, brf. by Jim Gore — Bettie West W. P. Magrane Amor r, imp brc by Galliard — Sister Edith ." Walcott & Campbell Ananias, chc by Algerine — Stcy Teller. ..H. D. C. Forbe> Anchylo ed, be by Stuyvcant — Alabama S. S. Brown Andrew F, (forml'y Lucy Wallace geld'g) ch by imp Kantaka — Lucy Wallace F. E. Smith Anglo, be by imp Saxon — Carlotta J. H. Bri'^g> Ann Billet filly, b by Sensation Railway Stable Ann McCoy colt, b by Punster J. H. Shannon Anna Belle, chf by Sensation — Ann Rahwiy Stable Anna C colt, br by Vanguard Rodegap & Smith Anna Douglass, chf by Dudley — Susie Douglass... C. Davis Ani-a Maynes, bf by Leonatus — imp Prairie Queen J. Bowen Anne Boleyii colt, b by imp King Galop S. Mehrbach Annie C filly, ch by Judge Murray W. P. Bureh Annie F filly, ch by Pontiac Ramapo Stable Annie G fill}', b by Long- Taw J. Smith Annie I filly, b by Vocalic S. Diusbrow Annie J filly, b by Figaro Scoggan Bro^ Annie Martin geld'ff, b by vSpendthrift C. F. Sanders Annie Woodcock filly, b by Buckra T. H. Stevens Antipode ch f by Pontiac — Annie F J. O. Donner Anthem, ch f by Falsetto — Ten Drop J. H. Pepper Anxiety filly, b by Lisbon Phoenix Stock Farm Apalachee, b f by Greenland — Tuscaloosa Mad ison Sta 1 le Appomattox, b c by Stratford — War Dress J. Brennau Aquilla, ch f by Sterling — Fagle J. A. & A. H. Morris Arch Bishop, b c by Bishop — Sierra Medra...Burndge Bros Arco, ch c by Duke of Norfolk — Neilson...Pueble Slables Ardeuto, blk f by Hidalgo — Touche Pas N. Burke Areliue, b f by Aretino — Pauline T. Kilev Arena, ch f by Aretino — M.inette Moonshine Stable Areca colt, b by Falsetto Phoenix Stock Farm Arena, b f by Aretino — Libby L ..MeGafferty & Wishard Aria, b f by Ventilator — Pouch A. Clason Ariola colt, ch by imp Brutus Phnwood Stock Farm Argitato, be by imp Cyrus — Frolic Pueblo Stable Arkansas Traveler, ch c by Blazes — Emma Wilson... Arkansas Stable Armitage, b c by Surinam — imp Paloma.. J. G. Follausbee Ar Tempo, b c by Hidalgo — Graciosa Pueblo Stable Articus, br by Argyle — Glen Loch G. Van Gordeu Artie Fern, b f by Aretino — Lucille Boyn ton... Brown & Co Ashland, ch c by Springbok — Tea Rose W. Tarr Aspirant, b c by Barnes — Aspiration ...." J. A. & A. H. Morris Aspen imp, 1) f by Dan Godfrey — Pink Pearl... L. N. Sehoenfeld Astalat imp colt, b by Jils Johnson F. McKane Astoria Ally, ch by imp Ravou d'Or G. M. Briggs Assignee, ch c by vSpendthrift — Maid of Atliol.. J. R. Keene Attraction filly, ch by Hyder Ali C. Kerr Audubon, ch c by Audrain — Verona R. T. Holloway Audrey, ch f by Audrain — Jessie Hatcher J. Desha Augustus, br c by Sobrante — Oriuda W. R. Reiss Aunt Jane colt, ch by imp Cheviot. ..W. O'B. Macdonough Aunt Jennie filly, ch by Bob Miles Rutledge & Co Aunt Lida, ch t Hyder Ali— Mottle Liberty Stable Aurelia colt, b by imp Sir Modred...W. O'B. Macdonough Auricoma, a filly imp, by Eothem Marcus Daly Atlanta colt, b by imp Cheviot Santa Anita Stable Atropine, ch c by imp St. Blaise — Belladonna .Blemton Stable Avon, ch c bo Stratford — Gem J. Hunter Azalea colt, b by Bishop T. W. Coulter B Baby Bill cn c ^ y ^ ni P Great Tom — Castilla... H. E. Leigh Baby colt, b bv Inspector B Mr. Madison Badge filly, b by Falsetto J. W. Clark Bal Gal, b f by iuio Pirate of Penzeance — Vivacity... ". r R. Williams Bancroft, b c by Kossuth — Fanny Doty M. F. Coonan Bandala colt, b by Himyar C. H. Jeffrey Bandusa colt, b by Stratford L. Stuart Bankers Daughter, ch f by Himyar — Banka...C. R. Jaynes Barbiche geld'g, br by Powhattan J. H. McCormick Barboise filly, b by imp Cheviot W. Hayward Bard colt, blk by imp Saxon Phil. Chinn Bardaga, br c by Onondaga — Barbary Sheffield Stable Barmaid colt, b by Postguard D. Hopper Barney Aaron Jr, b c by Barney Aaron... dam unknown Baroness, b f by The Bard — Ella Lakeland... Burridge Bros Basso, b c by Falsetto — Surefoot J. E. Pepper Battenberg, ch c bv Lisbon — imp Queen era ft... J Allan & Co Bawble, b f by George Kinney — Bijou... Fleetwood Stable Beatify, ch f by Hidalgo— Butterfly M. Daly Beattie imp, bf by Silviard — Cloudless... L. N. Schoenfeld Beauty colt, b by Jim Brown J. G. Follausbee Bedford, b g by Aretino — Mattie D W. G. Cannon Bedotte filly, br by imp Kingston S. G. Reed Bee Line, b g by Panique — Ida B...McCafferty & Wishard Begun, ch f by Hindoo — Kate Claxton J. R. Keene Beldemere, b'f by Belvidere — Vintage... Preakness Stable Belgravia, br f bv Duke of Montrose — Sonata... * W. O. Scully Belinda colt, b by Verona Santa Anita Stable Belle of Eltham colt, imp b by Rayon d'Or...A. Thompson Belle Lorine colt, ch by Knight of Ellerslie...W. Easton Belle Platte^ b f by Minister— Wild Rose Chas. Kerr Belle Palmer colt, b by Leouatus A. Lakeland Belle of Sefton filly, br by Quicklime H. Warnke Belle Swift, ch f by Iroquois — Toilet McCafferty & Wishard Bellona filly, b bp Spendthrift Iroquois Stable Ben Buffington, ch c by Barney Aaron — Ginger... R. A. Patterson Benediction filly, imp b by Algerine E .Leigh Benita, b f by Ben AH — Italia Burridge Bros Ben Lomond, br c by imp Deceiver — Kate Bowling... . W. B. Jennings Bentinck, imp c by Althotas Wm. Hendrie Berkeley, ch f by Belvidere — Tenny Preakness Stable Bertie B' filly, ch by Sayre D. Waldo Bertha Fenton, b f by H.' Fentou— Bertha C...R. N. Strauss Bertie W colt, br by imp Cheviot...W. O'B. Macdonough Bervan, b c by Bersan— Lady Van... P. J. Gilmau & Son Bessemer, b c by Belvidere — Louie Preakness Stable Bessie M, br f by Surinam — Sweet Peggy J. Miller Bessie Morrison filly, br by Duke of Montrose C. Oxx Betty Ghio, ch f by Endurer— imp Royal Title. ..J. C. Ghio Beulah Clark filly, br by Albert F. M. Hall B. F. Fly Jr, br g by Casino — Beauty Brown & Co Bi gg°y et colt ' b by Enquirer H. E. Leigh Big Mid, ch c by imp Midlothian — Probability... Oneck Stable Bijou filly, ch by Ventilator N. Strauss Bill Arp, ch c bg Blazes Arkansas Stable Billet Doux filly, br by Stratford Empire Stable Billy Foote, ch c by Prince of Norfolk — Retta E.... G. W. Trahern Billy Hartigan, b c by Le Laps — Nemmie C •••■ J. Collev & Son Bink, b f by Leouatus— Troika Turnev Bros Birdie Russurm colt, br by Kosciusko Kappa Sigma Stable Birthmark, 1) c by Outcast— dam by Gilroy... Bradley Bros Black Annie colt", b by Barnes Boyle & Littlerield Blackbird, blk f by Vocalic— Flotsam H. C. Rodegap Blackfoot, blk g by Pontiac or Runiieymede — Girofle J. O. Donner Black Gai colt, br bv Voltigeur W. B. Jennings Black Hawk, blk c by Hyder Ali— Miss Clay.. Walcott & Campbel 1 Black Hawk., blk c by Oneka, Thriftless. ..O. O. West Jr. Black Willow filly, blk by Partisan Dunlap & Prowse Blandona colt, ch by Algerine S. U. Bruce Blazeaway, ch c by imp St. Blaise — Farina Walcott & Cam pbell Blithesome filly, by imp Sir Modred S. G. Reed Blossom, 1) fby George Kinuev— Apple Blossom... ; ' '. W. H. Roller Blue Bonnet geld'g, ch by Wildidle G. W. Trahern Blue Stocking colt, b by King Alfonso. ..H. C. McCaffertv Blue& White, br f bv Algerine— imp Miss Neilson ; Mr. Stefflet Blue and Wbite colt, b by Himyar J. H. Ramsdell Bob Tyne, c by Ponso Wm. Hendrie Bobb v Burns— ch c bv Scotia nder — dam by Charlie " Howard ." E. G. Wachter Bobby Gavlor, b c by Jils Johnson — Angela. ..G. Campbell Bobinet filly, b by Luke Blackburn E. Leigh Bob Neely, br c by imp Silvermine — Minnie Bradley... W. W. Mitchell Bona Schoenfeld, ch c by St. Honorat — Lady Lumley L.N. Schoenfel d Bon Bon filly, imp by Bersan Wm. Hendrie Bonita filly, b by Joe Hooker C. L. Fair Bonnet, b fby Tyrant — Cressit Madison Stable Bonnetta colt, b by Iroquois J. Reiser Bonnie Jean colt, b by imp Brutus.. Elmwood Stock Farm Bonnie Kate, br fby Siddartha — Sound W. G. Cannon Bonnie Leaf filly, b by imp Kingston S. G. Reed Bonnavallum imp, be by Bean Brummel — Queen... J. A. &. A. H. Morris Boo^e, b c by imp Cheviot — dam by Wildidle ". vS. G. Reed Bordeaux, blk c by imp Mariner — Eufaula I,. J. Rose Border, b c by imp Cheviot W. O'B Macdonough Bordelaise filly, imp b by imp Kantaka J. F. Caldwell Border, b C by imp Cheviot — Sister to Ruth Ryan W. O'B. Macdonough Border Lassie, b f by imp Cheviot — Cosette M. F. Tarpey Rose, b c by imp Cheviot — dam bv Wildidle... S. G. Reed Bothnia filly, ch by Albert W. F. McLaughlin Bowers, ch c by imp Great Tom — Moselle J. R. Keene Bovvden Lass, imp ch f by Galliard — Caste J. R. Keene Bowknot, b f by Himyar — Favorban K. Leigh Bowstring, c by Linden Wm. Hendrie Brahma, br c by Hindoo — Patrella J. Ruppert, Jr. Brakeman, ch c by Luke Blackburn — Alameda D. W. Kelly Bravourina, br f by Himyar — imp Bravoura — B. H. Newsman Bren Aimee, br f by Childeric — Amy J. K. Pepper Bribery filly, ch by Enquirer E. C. Choate Brier colt, b by Himyar J. Harris Brigerta filly, b by Pirate of Penzeance C. Grannon Brinda colt, ch by Forester J. Rvan British Queen colt by Loyalis Blackstoue Stable Britta, by ch f Alarm — Meadow Lark — Bashfod.... Manor Farm Broadhead, b c by Onondaga — Maria D J. E. Madden Brocade filly, b by Spendthrift J. H. Kernaghan Brooklet filly, br by Chance J. E. McDonald Brunova filly, b by Dry Monople W. L. Powers Buck George, b c by Sayre — Anna Veto L. H. Bell Buckingham, br by imp London — Lady Buckden.. F. Callaghan Buck Miller, ch c by imp Keene — Petite J. M. Simpson .S: Son Buckram, ch c by Buchanan — Irene Scoggau Bros Buena, ch f bv Harry O'Fallon — Helen Brooks — ". W. F. Brooks & Bro Buenos Ayres, ch c by Housatonic — Emma D j. McAdams Buneo, ch c by imp Deceiver— Miss Flood... W. B. Gilpin Burgonet, ch f by Bulwark — Trinkitat Clay & Wilson Busiris, b c by Emperor — Belphoebe Rancocas Stable Butler Girl filly, b by Saxon Thos. Winters Button, br c by Sid — Idler D. Bridges Cadina fill y> br h Y Falsetto., W. S. Taylor Calanao, br bv Eolus — Calash M. F. Dwyer Callee-i filly, b by Harry O Fallon J. Delph, Jr. Calomel filly, b by Hindoo W. M. Banick Coloraw, blk c by imp Adamspaar Tayl r & Caldwell Calumet, chby imp Glen Atlul — Verbena — Scoggan Bros. Colusa filly, b by Story— D. V. Ballew Camden, br by Duke of Magenta — Halloween .* Boyle & Littlefield Camden, br c by Joquita — Rosalie W. Mulkey Cameo filly, b by imp Rotherhill E. C Choate Camero filly, b by Powhattan Scoggan Bros. Camille, b f by Freeman— Wildfire II J. D. Patton Canada colt, ch by King Alfonso — Gideon & Daly Can Reel, ch f by imp Newcourt — Madam Reel... " Hasty Stable Cantey filley, by imp Charaxu- W. H. Roller Captain Tip, ch" c bv Plenipo — Wild Olive J. A. Sutlv rland Careless, br c by Eolus — Sans Souci — P. J. Dwyer & Son Caress colt, b by imp Sir Modre 1 W. M. Barrick Carmell, ch e by Duke of Norfolk — Ca men W.D.Appleby Carnot, be by Reg nt — Nance Holt n W. F. Mosbv Caroline, blk f by Ballard— Hattie M Trial Stable Caroline Hamilton, bf bv Outcast — Sylvia Springer " P. C. Kidd Carlisle, br c by Geo. Kinney — Hattie Carlisle '. T. B. Doswell Carrara, ch f by imp St. Blaise — Carita — Blemton Stable Carrie colt, ch by Harry O'Fallon L. Fowler Carrie Race filly, b by Hilarity P. Con war Carrol Jr., by by imp Kyrle Daly — Fidelity J. J. Mahoney Cass, b c by Charlie Cass — Bal Gal Richland Stable Castagnette filly, b by Eothen B. Cameron Castlebar, b c by Leonatus — Vassar E. F. McLean Cateract, b c by King Ernest — Cascade... Rancoeas Stable Catheri e colt, b by Ge> rge Kin ey Woodbine Stable Catherine Douglas? filly, by j uke of Montrose "... .'. Crit Davis Cav Spring, b c by Iroquois — Golightly J. \V. Ltvy Cedarbr ok, ch c by Jim Gore — Ella S West & Co. Challenge, ch c by joe H oker — Mattie Glenn... C. L. Fair Cham is filly, br bv Uncas J. P. J awes Chant, b c by Falsetto— Addi C . R. L. R se Chariot, b c by imp Charaxus — Jennie Keene M. F. Dwyer Charity, b f by Spendthrift — Kalula Anderson & Gooding Charles Pack, ch c by Lisbon — Stephanie. ..O. O. West, Jr. Charlie Graham, ch c by Rayon d' Or — Liatunah... Brooklyn Stable Charlie T, b c bv Grinstead or Gano — Armida Howard... ." C. Thomas Charlie T Y, ch c by Springbok— Edith Ruddy Bros Charmetta, b f by imp Darebin — Carrie — Avondale Stable Charlotte colt, b by Alta— H. Schwartz Chateau, br c by imp i'arebin — Chatelaine Oneck Stables Charter, ch c by imp Charaxus — Ada Belle. ..M. F. Dwyer Chateau, ch c by imp Charaxus — Eolee M. F. Dwyer Chartreuse, ch f by imp Cheviot — Zara * W. O'B Macdonouh Cheese Straw geld'g, ch g, Peter (by Hermit) J. Duffy Cherokee, b c by Felloweharm — Glenola...W. E. Gibson Chesnut Belle filly, ch by Surinam J. Lambert Cheval, b c by imp Moccasin — Zingarelli...Scoggan Bros Chevalier, br bv imp King Galop — The Maid J. M. Jeffcott Chevereuse, b f by imp Cheviot — Cosette May & Hall Chew Chase, b f by imp Cheviot — Jennie Belshaw... ' ." M. F. Tarpev Chevy Hock, ch c by imp Cheviot— Eda...W. F. Milliek Chimes, b c by imp Great Tom — Beersheba...J. Ruppert Jr Chiquita colt, b by Ben All W. O'B. Macdonough 12 Christopher Columbus, br c by Tremont — Mauola... R. A. Swigert Chrystal filly, b by imp Loyalist F. Keeue City Hall, br c by Faust us— Rue Rivali J. J. Couch Claire, ch f by Duke of Norfolk — Lakine C. L. Don Clark, b c by Harry O'Fallon — Queen of the May... Oriental Stable Clansman, b g by imp Rayon d'Or — Scottish Lass... F. Keene Clara A colt, br by Sensation ...' W. C. Daly Clara Bauer, br f by Blazes — Lucy Prince J. W. Levy Clara Belle, ch f by Enquirer — Glen Ellen W. Laring Clara D colt, b by Emperor of Norfolk Santa Anita Stable Clara White, ch f by imp Deceiver — Electrica Clark & White Clarus, ch c by Heyder All — Clarissa O. H. Berry Claymore, ch c by McDuff — Wanda F. Keene Clear Sea, b f by Holmby — Blue Sea H. Warlike Clementina, b f by imp Rayon d'Or... Clemency — J. Ruppert Jr Clt-o filly, b by Tyrant S. G. Reed Clio filly, ch by imp Kautaka J. F. Caldwell Clover filly, imp b by imp Rayon d'Or S. Saudford & Sons Colassa filly, ch by Enquirer W. O'B. Macdonough Columbia, ch f by Faustus — Annie Richards .' Paris Park Stud Columbus, ch c by Circassian — Fanny Pevtou ."....Woodland Stable Columbus, ch g by Iroquois — Maud Ward ' .McCafferty & Wishard Come Home, bg by Hidalgo — Melua M. J. Daly Comeaway, b g by Getaway — Lizzie Hornsby F. M. Lockwood Comedie colt, by Buckra T. H. Stevens Comet filh', b c by Luke Blackburn M. Louden Commission, b g by imp Saxon — Louise T — Clark & White Commodore, b c by Comrade — Nellie W Tavlor & Caldwell Conductor, b c by Tom Martin — Fortitude Owsley & McGeon Conductor McSweenfey, ch c by Strathmore... Millie Hin- kel ".. ". W. E. West Connie C, imp ch f by Reverberation — Lass o' Gourie... L. X. Schoenfeld Conquest Colt, ch by Dennoxlove — A. Belmont Cora H, ch f by Luke Blackburn — Annie C — Ruddy Bros Coral fillv. br by Falsetto — K. Brown Corncob, ch c by imp Mariner — Cantenac ." T. H. Williams Jr. Coronado, ch c bv Ivjev d'Or — Tombetta ". G B. Morris & Co Coroner, ch c bv Con Creegan — dam bv Harrv O'Fallon — ' ."..D. C. Beck Constantinople filly, imp by Spendthrift M. Murphy Contentment, b c bv Favor — Happv Sallv II " ." H. P. Headly Contralto filly, br by Tremont E. C. Choate Contrition, imp ch f by Saraband — The New Magdalen... J. A. &. A. H. Morris Cooper, b c by imp Deceiver — Lady Crafton... Ireland Bros Court Scandal imp, b f by Childeric — Colona L. X. Schoenfeld Courtney, ch c by imp Wagner — Fabecia — B. McClelland Count Harry colt by Harry O'Fallon Smith Gentry Crossfire colt, br by Stratford — Gideon & Dalv Cross Patch, bf bv Macaroon — Anarchy Walcott & Campbell Cuuarder, b c by Stylites — Alborah Gideon & Daly Cuivre, ch c by St. Paul — Florence — L. J. Garre.t Curacoa, ch c by imp Top Gallant — Wanculla — .... Rancocas Stable Cuyma Colt, br by imp Darebin C. Smith Cymbal, b c by St Savior — Songstress Burns & Waterhouse Cvrus, blk c bv Tremont — Sdk Gown — Ireland Bios Dairy Maid colt, b bv Three Cheers W. P. Fine Dam by Bannach Loth colt, b by Bulwark E. Stubb Dam by Blue Eves colt, b by imp Pirate of Penzance ". W. P. Burch Dam by Cash c It, by Fellow Brook J. M. Young Dam by Gray Palmer colt, imp, b by Melton W. Lakeland Dam by Hurrah filly, br by Spendthrift — Iroquois Stable Dam by Jim Brown filly, ch by Apache Chas. Kerr Dam by King Alfonso colt, b by Elias Lawrence — Bradley Bros. Dam by Lexington Colt, ch by Audra n Murphy & Holloway Dam by Sir Bevys colt, by Voltigeur W. B. Jennings Dam by Three Cheers geld'g, ch by Prince of Norfolk ' B. C. Holly Dam by Tympanum colt, b by Voltig ur..\V. B. Jennings Dam by Vassal colt, b by Barnes W. P. Burch Dam by Vassal colt, b by Barnes S. Ross Damask, imp ch f by Dan Godfrey — Maid of Kent L.N. Schoenfeld Danton, b c by Linden — Agnes Aetna Stable Dare 1 evil, ch c by Wilful — Gavolte.... Brook wood Stable Dark Days, imp br c by Xenophon — Baroness L. N. Schoenfeld Dart, ch c by Faus us — Tinsel Scoggan Bros. Dart Maiden, imp ch f by St. Gatien — Maid of the Isles JR. Keene Daruna Wedgewood, ch c by Elk wood — Yelta Alabama Stable Dashaway, b c by Judge McKinstry — Skipawav ..." ". E" F. Fallon Dashing Charlie, b c by imp Darebiu — So odent.M. Daly Daughter filly, b by Kosciusko J. D. Royster Dauntless, (form'ly Simplicity colt,) b by Powhattan Simplicity. .' Phoenix Sotck Farm Dawn of Day colt, b by Strathmore C. H. Carmichael Davbreak, ch c by imp Rossington — Early Light... .' J. A. & A. H. Morris Daylight filly, b by Stuyvesant S S. Brown De Bourg, imp b c by Penton— F r. st Bell M. Daly Deceitful, ch f by imp Deceiver — Luella ,. Murphy "» b °. v I)r . v Mouople J. 3$IcClo»k< Galaxy filly, b by Hayden Edwards W. E. Applegate Galilee, be by The Bard— Athalrie S. W. Street Galletin, b c by imp 111 Used — Fillette J. Ruppert, Jr. Gallatin, b c bv imp Top Gallant — Catherine M.. .. .' Christy & Mack Gallopin, b c by Leonatus — Hennepin Kendall Stable Galloping Queen, br f by imp King Galop — Willemette T. H. Draner Ganelon, br c by Favor — Glenola Hawthorne Stable Garnett colt, ch by Hyder All X. Burns Gayety, b f by Grayson— Mirth P. M. West & Co. Genie filly, b by Falsetto W. S. Taylor General Custer, ch c by Gen. Rowette — Lucy R.J. Chase General W. H. Jackson, ch c by Duke of Kent — Gold Bug .* J. I). Patton Geneura, b f by Fiddlesticks — Geneva Blemton Stable George Beck, ch c by George Kinney — Becky B Scoggan Bros. George Brieze, ch g by Wawekus — Miss Henry ".H. Snider George Hakes, b g by by Ira R. Bride— Stella B.... .' H. F. Batchler Georgetown Belle, br f by Virginius — ...Glen Belle S. Jones C.eorgia, b f by George Kinney — Julia L Kastin & Larrabie r.eorgie B filly, b by Powhatten Scoggan Bros. Geraldine Jones, ch f by Duke of Kent — Bellona... ". J. D. Patton Gertrude geld'g, ch by Miser W. Donahue G. B. Cox, b g by McDuff— Red Leaves J. Marklein Grigsaw filly, ch by imp Harold R. A. Swigert Gdlead, be by St. Savior — Mistake W. F. Smith Gilhooly, b f bv Renown — Princess Lvon..Whitten Bros. Gilly flower colt, br by McDuff ." H. Warnke Gilroy, ch g by Luke Blackburn — Giuldeau M. Daly Giroflle geld'g, blk by Runnymede or Pontine Ramapo Stable 24 Gladola, b f by imp Kingston — Geranium... Stnbbs Bros. Glance, br f by Falsetto — Gleam E. Leigh Glance imp colt, b by St. Gatien M. Daly Gleam filly, b by Mc Duff. A. Thompson Glee, b f by imp Cheviot — Glendew Palo Alto Stable Gleesome, ch f bv Cvclops — Winsome J. A. & A. H. Morris Glenangle, b c by imp Glenelg — Triangle.. B. McClelland (rlendair colt, by imp Sir Modred Burridge Bros. Glenella filly, by imp Woodlands Fleetwood Stable Glendora colt, b by imp Sir Modred W. O'B. Macdonough (Men Island, b c by imp Glenelg — Hay ti... Burridge Bros. Glen Mercy colt, b by Leonatus W. S. Simmons Glenora colt, b by imp Wagner G. Carroll Glidaga filly, ch by McDuff P. C. Kidd Glide, ch f by Fonso — Saraband E. F. McLean Glidelia filly, b by imp Galore W. J. McGovern Glorianna, ch f by Col. Clark— Glorietta K. Stone Glorianne colt, ch by Hyder Ali J. J. Sheridan Glorita colt, b bv Rutherford Santa Anita Stable Goldban colt, cti by McDuff. H. D. Cable Gold Bond geld'g, by Sayre D. Waldo Gold Bred filly, ch by Linden J. P. Culbertson Golddust, ch f by Isaac Murphy — Ada Glen P. J. Gilman & Son Golden Lass, blk f by imp Rayon'd' Or — imp Doncaster Lass ' H. Theobold Golden Valley, b f by Rayon d' Or — Valleria Rancocas Stable Good Friday colt, b by Grenada Bundy & Glanfield Gore Jay, ch c by Jim Gore — Lucy J Weber & White Gordius, be by Argyle — Gerhardine D. Miller Govenor Hill, b c*by Harry Hill — Marry Louise.... Scoggan Bros. Governor Sheehan, b c by Falsetto — Altair D. T. Pulsifer Governor Tillman, ch c by Buchanan — imp Tube Rose Mrs. C. McCafferty Graceful, b f by imp Newcourt — Levantliem Malboro Stable Gradtiz colt, b by Eolian A. Shields 25 Graydon, b c by Duke of Montrose — Irene Hawthorne Stabl e Grand Flower, br c by Boulevard — Rose Delour.... .* M. Daly Grampion, cli g by imp Glenelg — Malta.. Gideon & Daly Grapeshot colt, b by Iroquois F. I). Weir Gratz Henly, b c by Outcast — Silver Bell.... Ireland Bros. Gretchen, ch f by Luke Blackburn — Pinafore Lorraine Stable Grey Badge, gr f by Luke Alexander — Leprossy Girl Osburne & Hawkins Grey Jack, gr c by Punster — Maria Lewis.. W. G. Cannon Guile, b f bv imp Deceiver — The Baroness '. R. T. Holloway Guiltless, b f by Major Ban — Acquittal... B. W. Kavanagh Gulid filly, b by Joe Daniels C. Kerr Guldmar, b g by Pardee — Starlight Bash ford Manor Farm Gulnare colt, ch by Winfred .Boyle 6c Littlefield Gussie, ch f by Hyder Ali — Attraction Chas. Kerr Gwendolvn, b f by imp St. Simon — Red Spinner... M. Daly H Hacienda, brf by Volturno, — Ollie Highland Grove Stock Farm Halfbreed, br g by Poutiac — Soubrette J. (). Douner Halfmine, ch c by Himyar — Herzegovina... I). T. Pulsifer Hal ton, br g by Himyar— Maud L Boyle & Littlefield Hampton, be by Harry Hill — Orange Blossom Scoggan Bros. Handover, cfac by Hindoo — Bourbon Belle P.J. Dwyer&Son Hannah H, bf by imp Deceiver — Germaine Keystone Stable Hanop filly, by Fellowcraft J. Croker Happy Baud, br c by John Happy — Miss Laura Garden City Stable Harry Craig, ch c by McDuff— Longlight R. L. Baker Harry Lewis, chjj bv Versailles — Cousin Kate 26 B. Schreibef Hartford, chc by Kinglike — Fan Fan W. C. Daly Hattie Vaughan, 1>f by George Kinney — Golden Reel .■ ...J. I). Hughes. Ha el Hatch, brc by imp Dutch Roller — Blossom... * W. B, Jennings Ha elwood, 1> f by Elkwood — Hibernia.... Alabama Stable Headlight, bfby Pikes Peak Nashville Stable Hearsay colt, b by Himyar J. Croker Heartsease filly, b r imp Rapture G. D. Wilson Heartstone filly, brby Rapture T. Springer Heather Bell, b f by Luke Blackburn— Highland Belle J . R . Keene Heedless, b fby Lead On — Limit .K. Gorrigan HenriettJ colt, c h by Knight of Ellerslie R. C. Fitzgerald Heurv of Navarre, chc by Knight of Ellerslie— Miss Ross ' " '. B. McClelland Helen colt, b (Alroyi by Eolus N. Strauss Helen filly, b by Tremont N. Strauss Helen M. filly c h by imp Woodlands.... Woodbine Stable Helen Scratch filly, b by Hidalgo S. G. Reed Helena colt, c h (Wardance) by Hidalgo W. Rollins Helena filly, c h Mortimer) by imp Kingston C. I ) . Townsend Helene colt, b by Elias Lawrence P. M. West Hellas, brc by imp Pirate of Pen/.eance — Lauraine J. Healv Helnia, b fby Alarm— Countess.... Bashford Manor Farm Hermenie colt, c h by Mr. Pickwick J. Smith Herodia filly, b by Lisbon K. C. Blunt Heroine, chf cy imp Rossington — Ada Reese E. C ( >rriga 1 1 Herschel colt, b by King Cole Orleans Stable Heva filly, c h by Baden Baden Blossom Hill Stable Hibernia Colt, b by Melton J. Macke\ Hibernia Queen, b f by Albert— Hibernia F. Smith High Test, chc by imp 111 Used— Carmen Eastin «S: Larrabie Himyara. b fby Himyar— War Reel J. R Pepper Hindoomere, b Fby Hindoo — Cherry Blossom Sheffield Stable Hindustan, b c by Hindoo — Xallpa J. Ruppertjr. Hirondelle colt, b r by imp Darebin ....A. J. Jones His Grace, cbc by Eolus — Lad}' Grace M. F. Dwyer His Honor, brc by imp Stylites— -Her Majesty j- K. Pepper Hodgson, chc by Pardee — Mollie Highland Rash ford Manor Kara 1 Holmbrook, b f by Holmby — Geology A. Lakeland Honey Bee colt, c h by imp Rayon d ; or L. Stuart Honeymoon, brf by Perkins — Evaline W. (V. Cannon Hoosier, brc by Florentine — Indiana R. L. Rose Hop filly, bf by Bishop M. Wolff Hornpipe, b c by imp Mr Pickwick — Round Dance... J R. Keene Hulbert, brc by Oneko— Rupee Hawthorne Stable Hurlingham, b r by imp King Galop — Playing Fields Blemt< >n Stable . Hush, b c by imp Mr Pickwick— Quietly.. ..Oneck Stable Husky, b c b Dry Monopole — Soprano." Rancocas Stable Hybrid, b c by Hi Ban — What is it Mr. Madison Hymn, b g by Himvar— Una B W. H. Roller Hypatia, b f by Favor— Ida Walton Hickory Stable Hyra Villia, b f Himvar — Tolima C. R. jaynes l lantha, chf by Jumbo, Sylvia T. Winters Iceland, b c by Greenland — Leeda D. W. McCann Ida Belle Colt', b by Peekskill W. C. Daly [dlewise filly, c h by Koscius-ko S. K. Hughes Ildegund, b f by Chevalier — dam by Attilla Thorn dale Stock Farm Illinois, b c by imp 111 Used — Dauntless C. Fleishman & Son India, b f by Blazes — Miss Hall T. Lica -l\ Indianola, b f by Iroquois — Dollie Varden H. Brown Independence, ch g by imp Gleuelg — Impudence Blemton Stable. Indicator, ch g by Kantaka — Reine d or W. K. Colton Indra, be by Hindoo — Juanita Rancocas Stable 28 Industry filly, h bv King Dav Handy Bros. In Front, ch f by Boulevard— Ellen D D. W. Kelly Ingalls, b g by O'Kema — Cheque McCafferty & Wishard Innocent, eh f imp Rayon d'or — Verdict J. Ruppert Jr Inspector C, ch c by Inspector B — Retta Baden Stable Interocean, ch g by Enquirer — Bonnie Meade McCafferty & Wishard Intimidad, b c by Fayor — Reina Victoria J. R. Keene Invade, ch f by Farandale — Ida K Ayondale Stable Inverwick filly, b by Stonehenge W. C. Daly Imelda filly, b by Iroquois R. C. Blunt Imp, imp b f by St. Simon — Red Spinner M. Daly Ibla, br f by imp Midlothian — Misfortune ' Oneck Stable Ironsides, ch c by Iroquois — Punka Walcott & Campbell Isis filly, ch by Roseberry M. Daly IssToddie filly b by Linden F. Bal'l Ita, chf by Clipses — Beauty C. Stagil Iuka filly, b by Dry Monopole F. Gerhardy Ixion. br c by imp ,Sailor Prince — Ildica Rancocas Slable Jacinta b f by Chevalier — Dohabiah Thorndale Stock Farm Jack Joyner, b g by Luke Blackburn — Highland Lassie .." ...... McCafferty & Wishard Jack Paul, ch c by Charlie Howard — Memento McWaiii & Williams Jack of vSpades, b c by Magnetizer — Nellie Ames... Blemton vStal >le Jacqueline colt, ch by imp Wagner S. T. Crawford Jake Zimmerman, ch c by Faustus — imp English Lass J. J. Coughlin Jamboree, b c by imp Glenelg^Linnet E. F. McLean Jamestown, h by Algerine — Ioca J. H. Briggs James V. Carter, ch g bv Lvcurgus — Stilletto '....." ! T. D. Carter 2 9 fanova colt, br by imp Cheviot Santa Anita Stable Jasper, br c by Troubadour — Garnet S. S. Brown J. Bell, ch c by Guardsman — dam by Reform.... J. Fowley Jennie Belshair filly, b by imp Cheviot M. F. Tarpey Jennie Buchanan, ch f by Buchanan — Jennie C Scogga n Bros. Jennie Deaue, ch f by imp Sir Modred — Kchota. ... Antrim Stal >le Jennie Flood colt, b by imp King Galop C. Littlefield Jennie June, b fby Hvder Ali — Bagatelle .....; Liberty Stable Jennie Lee, ch fby Luke Blackburn, Hildegarde... .' McCafferty & Wishafd Jennie S. b fby Blazes — Marion Tenbroeck....J. W. Levy Jennie W, b fby Bonnie Ban — Felicite C. F. Sanders J. I. B. ch g by Red Skin or John Bull — Ida C T. Lica /e Jersey Girl fillly, ch by Onondaga R. L. Rose Jersy Maid, b f by Pontiac— Jersy Queen J. O. Donner Jessamine, ch fby Onondaga — Mary Lamphier ; f John Healy Jessica filly, b by Terra Cotta C. B. Beach Jewelrv colt, ch by imp Kingston W. O. B. Macdonough Jim Henry, b c by John Henry — dam by Wanderer.. W. F. Applegate Jim Lee, h c by John Happy — Olive P. Siebenthaler Jim McGuire, ch c by imp 111 Used — Cordelia C. Fleishman & Son Jim Swavne, b c by imp Mr. Pickwick or Luke Black- burn— Belle" Pate McCafferty & Wiskard Jim White, ch c by Iroquois — Wampe H. E. Leigh Jimmie R, ch c by imp Glenelg — Scliottka. ..Ruddy Bros. Joe Frank, br c by Joe Marsh— Flora M Thos Bally Joe Knott, ch g by Joe Daniels — Love Knot... .M. J. Daly Joe L, ch fby Chevalier — Hoiden ". Thorndale vStock Farm Joe L. ch fby George Kinney— Hoiden W. L. White Joe-o-Scott, blk c by Vocalic— Gladys L M. Laskey John Arthur, br c by Vocalic — Lean Z Carlisle vS: Shields 3° John Brennau, b c by imp Uhlan — False Step.. J Brennan John Cooper, b e by imp Deceiver — Kitty E. Headley John Cowan, ch c b} r Faustus — imp Annapolis .....J. J- Coughlin John Dunn, b c bv Doubt — Dong Nannie '. '. Carlisle & Shields John M. Palmer, b c by imp Intruder — Asia I). A. Hazlett John Wilson, br c by Hyder Ali — Repartee Johnnv Blakemore, b g by Freeman — Annie L '. J. D. Patton Joker, bg by Warwick— Jollity M.Daly Jovita, bfbySobrante — Clyto Alamo Stable Joy colt, ch by Blythewood W. P. Burch J. P. B., b c by Kingfisher — Bahama C. Fleishman & Son Juanita, brfby Joe Daniels — Guilia Chas. Kerr Judge Payne, b c b)' imp Deceiver — Exile.... W A. Smith Judith, ch f by Julien — Waiting S. K. Hughes & Co. Juliette Hills ch f by Wawekus — Miss Yates M. Keegan Julius, ch c by imp Rapture — Sally Howard Iroquois Stable Jupiter, br g by Okema — Juliet M MeCaffertv & Wishard K Kahama br c by Iroquois — Baby Blake .' Rancocas Stable Kanta filly, ch by Circassian J. Waldeu Kapanga imp colt, ch by Spendthrift W. H. Roller Kapanga imp colt, ch by Spendthrift Dr. Smith Kate Mulky filly, ch by Sayre D. Waldo Katie Badger, ch f by imp Keene — Manette J. M. Simpson & Son Katie colt, ch by Turco D. Stuart Katonah, b g by imp Kantaka — LJUie B Dead wood Stal >1 e Katydid, br c by Wawekus — Little Kate Captain Widener 31 Kazan, br c by Muscovy — Empress J. Hunter Keene, ch g by imp Keenc — Duleena R. J. Lucas Kenawha colt, cli by Double Duke J. II. McCann Keumore, br c by George Kinney — Hattie Carlisle... • T. B. Doswell Kene1>ec filly, b by Bishop J. Rogers Kentigerna, ch f by Greenland — Edisto... Madison Stable Kessler, ch g by Withrow — Lizzie Hayden J. Kessler Kinda, ch f by Bonnie Ban — Hegiaz... Himyar Stable Kindness, b f by Fautus — Zula.." J. J. Coughlin King Calico, br c by Wawekus— Daruna... Liberty Stable King Charley, br c by imp King Galop — Sister..".. Han niga n & C o . Kincraft, b c by Faustus — Lady Craft F. Smith King David, b c by imp Siddartha— Prue Blackburn Whitaker & Parish King Rameses, b e by King Cole — Ariane •• Burridge Bros. King's daughter, b f by Kingfisher — Viola "... ■ J. E. McDonald Kinney Broeck, ch g by George Kinney— Beth Broeck Eastin & Larrabie Kinney filly, b by George Kinney C. A. Stentenberg Kissingen colt b by Tom Martin." A. Thompson Kith colt, br by Tremont J. McLaughlin Kitty Clark colt, ch f by Chimney Sweep... A. Thompson Kitty Clark, ch f by Col Clark — Lady Longstreet.... F. Lester Kitty Greame colt, ch by Springbok or Audrain.... W. L. Collins Knick-knack filly, b by King Ernest B. Cameron Krat Keene, b c by imp Keene — Gazana J. M. Simpson & Co. Kurt, ch c by Clipses— Miss Golivelv .' W. McClelland La Anthia filly, ] > by imp v Slylites J. K. Pepper Lacasta, ch F by "Hayden Edwards— Japonica Bl emton Stable Lackey, b c by Longfellow— Perditta ,...E. Corrigan 32 La Cigale colt, ch by imp Richmond S. S. Brown Lady Bird colt, ch by Pontiac, Ramapo vStable Lady Bishop, b f by Bishop — Venzuela .' C. Fleishman & Son Lady Bountiful, ch f Miser — Glencairne Bovle & Littlefield Lady Brooke, brfby Warwick— Kitten H. Theobald Lady Clementina, ch f by Harry O'Fallon— Clemmie G.. Goodwood Stud Lady Cluke, ch f by Favor— Folly P. C. Kidd Lady Coughlin, ch f by Faustus — imp Sleepy Rye J. J. Coughlin Lady Gay, b f by Bishop — Laughing Water W. G. Cannon Lady Grace, ch f by imp Moccasin — Miss Charmer .' White & Clark Lady Himyar filly, b bv Longfellow J. E. Pepper Lady Hood filly by Fenelon W. H. Roller Lady Intruder, b f by imp Intruder — Lady Emma Owen Bros. Ladv Judette b f bv Highland Chief — Erin-go-Brogh M. Daly Lady Jim, ch f by Khartoun — dam by Casino L. PL ell Lady Kinross colt, b by imp Deceiver B. McClelland Lady Lightfoot filly, ch by Panique C. F. Sanders Lady Lion filly, b by Strath more J. W. Johnson Lady Mansfield colt, ch by Hi Ban J. Lnwlor Ladv Molly, b f by Hawkstone — Princess Iskra .' J. McCarthy Lady Rodel, b f by Hawkstone — Rodel H. Parker Lady Rose, br f by Le Laps — Repose ." Charter Oak Stable Lady Rosemary, ch f by imp St. Blaise — Lady Primrose- Blemton Stabl e Lady Stockwell colt, ch by Powhattan Scoggan Bros. Lady Stylites, b f imp Stylites — Liantha J. P,. Pepper La Farondelle colt, b by Duke of Montrose T. J. Clay Lafayette, ch c by Linden — Bonnie Bess Preakness Stable La Joy a, blk f by Hindoo — La Belle N. J. E. Pepper La Juive filly, b by imp 111 Used H. Pringle Lakota, b c by Le Laps — Creole Belle B. J. Treacy 33 Lakeshore, ch c by Farandale — Gooyaquil G. W. Belknap Lalla Rookh, ch f by Scotland — Alice Thompson... O. O. West Jr. Lalla Virginia, bfby Elkwood — Hibernia Alabama Stable Lambayeque, brfby imp Midlothian — Lima Oneck Stable La Misere imp b f by Wisdom — Podogra J. A. & A. H. Morris Landlord, b c by Longfellow — imp Manzanita P. J. Dwyer&Son Lantern, b c by Linden — Gleam Preakness Stable La Pomona, b f by Longfellow — Geneva E. Corrigan Larry O'Brien, b c by Harrv O'Fallon — Fidgetty J. O. Desha Last Chance, ch c by Dnke of Norfolk — Vedette... J. Reaver La Scala filly, ch by imp Midlothian W. O. B. Macdonongh La Tambourine, b f by King Alfonso — La Ghana... J. A. &A. H. Morris Laughing Eyes, b f by Blue Eyes — Varina Aeti 1 a Stabl e Laura Winston filly, ch by Jim Brown H. K. Vingut Laureatte, ch c by imp Siddartha — Mary J B. O. Bear Lava, ch f by Blue Eyes — Etna Aetna Stable Lay On, ch c by McDuff— Blessing J. F. Ireland & Co. Lazorone, ch c by Spendthrift — Spina way.... H. E. Leigh Leafilly, ch by Spendthrift ...C. F. Sanders Ledette filly, gr by imp Brutus Elmwood Stock Farm Leeta May, ch f bv Blue Eyes — Woodlark ....." G. W. Leigh & Son Le Faro, b c by Leonatus — Faro Girl J. H. McAvov Lehigh, b c by Greenland — Lackawana S. Street Lena G, b f by Jack Hardy — Miss Cleveland H. T. Batchler Lento, b c by Leonatus — Umbria J. Patterson Leo M, b c by Leonatus — Vienna Kendall Stable Leonville, b c by Leonatus — Villette P. J. Dwyer & Son 34 1/ Estrange, b c by imp Silvermine — Mary Howard '. B. B. Million Letola filly, b by imp Darebin S. G. Reed Levee filly, b by Knight of Ellerslie W. Hopper Lewin, ch c by Lisbon — Helpmate E. Brown Libertine, b c by Leonatus — Falise Lorraine Stable Lightfoot, ch f by Linden — Elkhorn Lass Preakness Stable Lilita filly, b by Volante Santa Anita Stable Lilly, ch f by imp St. Blaise — Bella Blemton Stable Lilly S. filly, ch f by Red Wing H. K. Vingnt Lindele, gr f by Linden — Adele Preakness Stable Linderette, ch f by Linden— Virginia B R. M. Fisher Linwood, ch g by Rayon d'or — Kinloch J. Ruppert Jr. Little Chris, b c by Leonatus — Middlemarch Kendall Stable Little Criss filly, b by John Harper W. B. Jennings Little Flush colt, ch by imp Cheviot W. O'B. Macdonough Little Hopes filly, br by Jils Johnson M. Murphy Little Jessie, brfby Leonatus — Fantine J. Colley & Sou Little Martha filly, b by Con Cregan L. M. Lesley Little Mat, b c by Voltigeur — Stella W. B. Jennings Little Miss, b f by imp Deceiver — Old Miss S. H. Hughes & Co. Little Pearl imp, b f by Gallant — Lady Hawthorne J. A. &. A. H. Morris Little Pirate, ch c by imp Pirate of Penzeance — Mis- fortune (Gilroy) Oneck Stable Little Tom, ch c by imp Great Tom — Florence A... T. Winters Little Tug, b c by Inspector B— Lillie M.... Baden Stable Little Walter, b c by King Alfonso — Lizzie Billet... P. McNamara Live Oak, br c by Linden — Annie Stout Preakness Stable Lizzie Flynn colt, ch by imp Rapture G. Welsh Lizzie Mack colt, b by Hayden Edwards J. Cotton Lizzie P colt, ch by imp Cheviot ". W. O. B. Macdonough Lizzie Tabor colt, br bv Althatos W. Hendrie 35 Llewellyn b c by imp Woodlands — Follie Farine... Bradley Bros. Loehinvar, b c by imp Cheviot — Arathusa M. Storn Loehinvar, c by Lisbon Win. Hendrie Lochinvar, ch c by The Bard — Minnie Andrews.... Rancocas Stabl e Locust Queen, b f by imp King Galop— Locust Bloom Blemton Stable Lodio Belle, b f by Major Ban — Boggs Mare P. Ritter Loetita filly, br by Althotas '..C. I). & H Chenault Lon Foster, b c by imp Darebin — Glendair Burridge Bros. Longbridge, br c by Long Taw — Maggie Hunt M. F. l>wyer Longbrook, ch c by Long Taw — Meadowbrook .' Oneck Stable Long Elaine geld'g, b by Bubbler G. Strauss Long Maid colt, b c by Audrain J. Thornton Lonsdale, (form'ly Miss Pulsifer colt) br by Volturno Miss Pulsifer .....L. E. Meyer Longpart, br c by Longfellow — Semper Paratus C. Fleishman & Son Long Prince, Ch c by Prince Leopold — Lady Mansfield .' Mrs. G. Carroll Longshanks. br c by Longfellow — Alta Blue....;.... J- Ruppert Jr. Longton, b c by Longfellow — Latonia C. Fleishman & Son Longdate, br c by Longfellow — Marquita Rancocas Stable Loodal, ch c by Wildidle — Free Love Burns & Waterhouse Lord Hawkstone, imp, blk c by Hawkstone — Eulalia W. H. A. Smith Lorena Mc, ch f by Onondaga — Lida Stanhope G. B. Morris & Co. Lorinda ch f by Linden — Bonnie Lizzie Preakuess Stable Lorrilla filly, b by Hyder Ali C. Kerr Lorna Doone, b f by imp Sir Modred — Gypsy , Kastin & Larabie 36 Lot Danirow, eh c by McDuff— Novel Kyle & Buffington Loto colt, ch by Hyder Ali N. Strauss Lotus, b c by Leonatus — Nettie Howell P. J. Dwyer & Son Lou Lanier colt, b r by imp Darebin S. G. Reed Louise H, b f by Aretino — Mary G J. Morrow Louise Lyton colt, b by Vigil D. S. Weir Lovely filly b by Spendthrift M. Kittson Loving Hearts, b f by Long Taw — Queen of Hearts J. A. & A. H. Morris Lovenot, b g by Tremont — La Traviata J. Hunter Lucerne filly, br by Bishop Kappa Sigma Stable Lucille Murphy, b f by Isaac Murphy — Hinda E. Corriga n Lucky B, ch c by imp Albert — Romping Girl... J. Croker Lucrece, br f bv Iroquois — Edna B J Phillips Lucretia filly b by Knight of Ellerslie W. H. Roller Lucy Listle colt, br by imp Harold T. W. Coulter Lucy Moore colt, br bv Hi Ban E. F. McLean Lucy Race filly, b by Hilarity J. B. Temple Ludlow, b c by imp Deceiver — Phillippa D Campbell Luella colt, br by imp Deceiver W. W. Lester Lulu filly, b by imp Darebin H. Everett Lulu McLean,!) f bv Bishop — Dublin Belle .' E. F. McLean Lulu Race colt, b by Hilarity P. Connors Lullaby filly, br by Bonnie Ban Iroquois Stud Luna filly, br by imp Midlothian Oneck Stable Lune d'Or colt, by imp Kantaka A. Thompson Lydia B, b f by Dad — Buckeye Lass Catarqui Stable M Mabel cc> lt< ^ by H11 P Sir Modred W. (). B. Macdonough Mabille geld'g b by Tremont C. Cornehlsen Macadge, b f by Macaroon — Adage B. McClelland Maclight, ch c by McDuff— Long-a-Light R. L. Baker Madam Hindoo, b f by Hindoo — Little Madam J. H. Davidson Madelaine, b f bv Stratford — Mauinee Mil brook Stable 37 Madge Doree imp b f by Blandford — Zig Zag L. N. Schoenfeld Madrigal colt, cli by imp Kvrle Dalv C. Smith Maggie A filly, by Emigrant M. Murphy Maggie Gray eh f by Spendthrift— Alice Gray .J. R. Grav Maggie Small wood, bfby Aloha — Queen W. M. Lowry & Co. Magnetism colt, b by imp 111 Used P. Belmont Mahogany, b c by Bulwark — Mary Kennev...B. J. Treacv Maid of the Mist colt, b by imp Deceiver..". C. Kerr Mai Fai. ch f by Ban Yan— Jennie S E. M. Sparks Major General, br bv Dnke of Montrose — Varna J. H. Carr Mamie B filly, by Hayden Edwards J. E. McDonald Mamie C colt, b by Libretto P. Dunne Mamie M colt, bk'byimp 111 Used J. HLMcCormick Mamie W b f by Vigil— Annie C L. & E. Wunsch Manoa, blk f by Harry O'Fallon — Mattie Rapture W. E. A ppl egate Marble, b c by Long Taw, — Pis? J. H. Briggs Marble Post, ch c by Post Guard— Man-el D. Mannheimer Marcell, b f by Luke Blackburn — Martice Avondale vStable Marchaway, b c by Iroquois — Marchioness Kendall Stable Marella filly, b by Falconer J. H. McCormick Margaret Haight filly br by Himyar , Marie, b f by imp Glenelg — Lady Wayward R. A. S wigert Marilee colt, br by Alta M. J. Kellv Marmoset filly, blk by Tremont N. Strauss Mart filly, b by Okenia McCafFerty & Wishard Martina filly b c by Leonatus Kentucky Stable Martine colt, b by Warwick H. Hewett Martini, b c by King Cole — Hercheles Martinet, ch g by Farandale — Monardo Avondale Stable Marton, b f by imp Glenelg — Mignon R. A. Swigert Martha filly, ch by Con Cregen Seoggan Bros. Marvin, b c by imp Cheviot— Lurline W. F. Smith 38 Mary, b f by Bishop — Bessie Belle R. Croker Marv Anderson filly, by imp Cheviot W. O. B. Macdonough Mary Ann colt, b by Favor R. L. Rose Mary Eliza, b f by Powhattan — Little Say E. Brown Maryland, ch c by McDuff— Princess Ann H. B. Dnrnham Marv Pavne colt, ch by Chance J. Delany Mary Winnifred colt, ch by Favor J. H. McCormick Maplewood, ch f by Elk wood — Verga O. O. West Jr. Masonic Home, chc by Ecuador — Pretense. ...J. YV. Levy Master Fred, ch c bv McDuff — .Silken Ban .' E. F. McLean Master Paradox, b c by Paradox — Flora G. D. Wilson Master Randolph imp, ch c by Tertius — Lady Randolph L.N. Schoen fel 1 1 Mat Byrnes imp, br c by Hampton — Cherry M. Daly Mattie Brockman, b f by Powhattan II — dam by St. Martin W. F. Vernon Mattie Stanley filly b by Himyar W. T. Brown Maud M, ch f by Springbok — Astoria J. Turney Maurine colt, b by impRayon d'or M. Young Max Layne, br c by Kosciusko — Alice J. W. Levy May Day, b f bv Dashwood — Minnie Lee G. Knarr Mavfern, ch fby Tennvson — Mattie Luck .' Watkins & Dowel 1 Mavfield filly, br by Troubadour or Stuyvesant S. vS. Brown May geld'g, ch by Tenison Horse Shoe Stable Mavorv Hilton, br fby Iroquois — Bric-a-Brac ~ Lorraine Stab! e May Thompson, ch fby Kosciusko — Delphine W G. Cannon McDonald, b c by imp Rayon d'or — Sheboygan.... *. S. W. Street Bilclntyre, br c by Powhatton — Vis-a-Vis " .' C. Cornehlsent & Co. Mechanic, b g by Masterpiece — Not Much.... S. S. Brown Meddler, chc by Long Taw— Meddle ." J. A. & A. H. Morris Medea, ch f by Trou badour — Matinee S. S. Brown Medge colt, br by Fonso W. M. Barrick 39 Meditation, b c bv Aretino— Moderation.... W. G. Cannon Medusa filly, b r by Spendthrift Iroquois Stable Mehallah colt, b by imp 111 Used M. Daly Meliss fillv b by Powhattan Scoggau Bros. Melodv colt, b f by imp Rossington— Mary Owsley \ J. A. &A. H. Morris Memento colt b r by Sensation Gideon & Daly Memoir, b f bv Broad Church— Keepsake R. E. Bybee Memoria imp,' ch f by Ox !ip— Recollection * J. A. & A. H. Morris Memory, b f bv Duke of Montrose— imp Memon f. ; \V. K. &J. A. McCann Memphis, ch g by Cosino— Sally Glenn Ruddy Bros. Mercury, b c bv imp Brutus — The Swayback Klmwood Stock Farm MerrvChristmas'fiilv, b by Althatos A. Belmont Merry Thought, ch f by imp Chicken— imp Algeria " J- Duggon Messalia, ch f bv Blazes— Measalina Hampton & Co. Metal filly, ch by Luke Blackburn W. B. Jennings Metropole, b c by George Kinney— Ella B * W. O. Scully Mew, bflVv' Major Ban— Scat L. A. Blasingome Midget, ch f by Postguard— Folly T. M. Berry Midnight, ch f bv The Jocobite— Oliva K. F. McLean Millie'colt, br by imp Darebin C. Ken- Mi mac Queen, ch f by imp Midlothian— Patty Oneck Stabl e Minletoe filly, b bv Surinam H. K. Vingut Minnie Baxter, b fby Bishop— Octa Baxter & Cashin Minnie Brown filly br by Lisbon Phoenix Stock Farm Minnie M, blk fby Egmont— Gwendoline ' Aetna Stable Minnie Mackin, ch f bv Blazes— Eli/.a Carr C. McCafferty Minnock filly, ch by imp Moccasin or Andrain Mique O'Brien, b c by Oneka— White Veil New Memphis Stable Miranda filly, br by Falsetto W. Lakeland Miss Annie, ch fby Himyar— Lena Oliver J. J. Mahoney 4o Miss Ban, ch f by Major Ban — Louisa D Burns & Waterhouse Miss Bettie, bfbyimp Deceiver — Bonnetta Falls City Stable Miss Bettie S, b f by Tom Martin — imp Hera M. Keegan Miss Dorsey geld'g, b by Ecuador M. Louden Miss Fletcher, ch f by Hyder Ali — Kate Fletcher... J. McDonald Miss Florence, b f by Tenstone — Bettie Wirt J. D. Patton Miss Galop, b f by imp King Galop — Miss Nailer... Mr Sands Miss Guest filly, ch by Powhattan Scoggau Bros. Miss Hampton colt, ch by Enquirer F. Gebhard Miss Hazel, b f by imp Deceiver — Hazel kirke E. C. Headley Miss Helyette, ch f by imp Woodlands — Guardina G. W. Leighton Miss Hickey, b f by Panique — Minnie Chee G. B. Morris & Co. Miss Hooker colt, ch by Joe Daniels C. Ken- Miss Jennie filly, b by Boulevard M. Daly Miss Johnson colt, br by Jils Johnson — Miss L, blk f by Le Laps — Crescent J. A. Sutherland Miss Lilly, ch f by imp 111 Used — Affinity C. Fleishman & Son Miss Marie, b f by Luke Blackburn — Bonnet J.J. Mahoney Miss Marie filly, br by Stuyvesant or Richmond.... S. S. Brown Miss Murphy, ch f by Isaac Murphy— Ventura E. Corrigau Missouri Belle, ch f by Orphan Boy — Hebianthus... L. H. Bell Miss Primrose colt, blk by Powhattan F. K. Bradley Miss Rook, blk f by Idaho— Ida May C. Slagil Miss Rosetyn, ch f by Blue Eyes — Missive Bradley Bros. Miss Scota, br f by Scotlander — Corinne D. W. Kelly Miss Story, bf by Storey — Calusa G. Belle w 4i Miss Slylites, b f by imp Stylites — Poets Venture... J. E. Pepper Mistral, 1) f Kinglike — Cyclone A. C. Monson Modesto br c bv Hyder Ali — Visalia M. Storn Mollie F. colt, blk by imp Albert J. Croker Mollie McCarty's Last colt, b by Emperor of Norfolk Santa Anita Stable Mollie Pitcher filly, blk by Bubbler Kentucky Stable Mollie Rodgers, b f by Judge McKinstry — Ursula... E. F. Fallon Mollie Walton colt, ch by imp Sir Modred C. Kerr Monarchist filly, br by Tremont J. Rodegap Monelta filly, b by imp Pirate of Penzeance E. L. ( Graves Moneybox colt, ch by Kantaka (). T. Havener Monico filly, ch by Farondale J. Hoffman Monolith imp ch c bv Springfield — Obelisk ' J. A. & A. H. Morris Monroe colt, ch by Postguard Brighton Stable Montalva, b c by Sid— May Bell I). Bridges Monte Cristo, b c by Jim Brown — Mercedes Rancocas Stable Montepool, ch c bv Spendthrift — Enquiress . Sheffield Stable Montgomery Cooper, b c bv Duke of Kent — Gold Flea... ." J. I). Patton Mopsy, b f by Vocalie — Finale L. M. Lasley Morning Bride filly b c by imp Deceiver G. H . Colem an Morocco, b c by Eolus — Cerise Rancocas Stable Myrris, chc by Swigert — Ivy May J. M. Mathewson Mr. Jingle, b c by Mr. Pickwick — Miss Lizzie... J. Hunter Mr. Wernberg, br c by Muscovy — Holmdel J. McLaughlin Mr. Tupman, br c bv imp Mr. Pickwick — Maratana P. J. Dwyer & Son Mrs. Morgan, b f by imp Siddartha — Rose Higby... Woodbin e Stab! e Mose Solomon, ch c by McDuff — Pappoose T. Kiley Mate, b c bv Tom Martin — Alice Jennings T. Murphv Mother Hubbard colt, br by Alta H. Butler Mo/„art, b c by imp Siivermine. — Potina 42 Kentucky Stable Mt. Sterling, b c by Duke of Montrose — Vamoose H. B. Durnhani & Co. Mulberry, b c bv imp Deceiver — Jenny McKinney F. F. Sellars Murt fillv, b c by Okema McCaffertv & Wishard Music filly, b by Hyder Ali S. G. Reed Music, cli fby Iroquois — Gypsy... McCafferty & Wishard Mutineer, ch c by imp Cheviot — Mutiny Burns & Waterhouse My Lady, b fby Fellowcraft— Dixietta C. Littlefield My Mollie filly, b r by Blythewood W. P. Burch Myra, b fby Himyar — Soon Ban Burridge Bros. Mystification imp filly, by Langar E. A. Maguire Myrtilla filly, b by imp Siddartha Woodbine Stable Myrtle filly, ch by Luke Blackburn W. B. Jennings Myrtle Lipman, ch c by Aretino — Emma Jackson .' M. Randolph N Naatucket im P« D fty Apollo — Sterling Isle .' J. A. & A. H. Morris Nady Douglass, ch f by Major Ban — Miss Douglass W. Gardner Nahma, b f bv Longfellow — Queen Beluga '. J. A. & A. H. Morris Namesake colt, ch by Vigil E. Kelly Nana filly, ch by Warwick D. Lovett Nancy Lee, b f by Strathspy — Bonnie Lee...W. Hendrie... Nannie Grey, colt, b rby Himyar F. Keene Nannie Gentry colt, ch by Stampede A. Ogilvie Napoleon, b c by King Cole — Ariana Excelsior Stable Naraissa, b fby Buchanan — Betsy Bramble Scoggan Bros. Nashville, b g by Ecuador — imp June Ruddy Bros. Nat Goodwin, br g bv Jils Johnson — Press Onward ....." D. A. Honig Nehusta filly, ch by Hidalgo H. Hewitt Neilson colt, ch by Duke of Norfolk J. L. Ramsdell Nelglen, b fby imp Glenelg — Pride Gideon & Daly Nellie C colt, ch by imp W T agner Mrs. G. Carroll 43 Nelle Collier geld'g, ch by Jim Brown J. G. Follansbee Nellie Schoenfeld imp, br bv Royal Hampton— Blushing Biide L. N. Schoenfeld Nephew, ch c by Springbok —The Niece J. S. Clark- Nereid, br f by Troubadour— Nanon S. S. Brown Nettie tilly, ch c by Sussex J. Boden Neuralgia, b c by imp Sir Modred— Allah H. E. Leigh Newark, b c by Bulwark— Maggie N B. J. Treacv Niobe colt, b c by Lucifer W. Mulkey Noah, ch c by Springbok— Grey Gown F. Parks Nocturne, b f by Falsetto— West Wind E. Leigh Nodaway colt, b c by Hyder Ali L. S. Ring Nonsense, ch f by Powhattan— Hattie Harris J. Brennen Nonsense, b c by Bishop Virlein Oneck Stable Noram, b c by George Kinney— Tourmaline.... I. Murphy Norma filly, blk by Vocalic F. Ball Norma udie, b f by imp Kyrle Dalv — Extract G. D. Poorman North Side, b c by Iroquois— Tattoo Ruddv Bros. Not Idle filly, ch by Alert M: F. Tarpev Not Named, b c by Buckra — dam bv Fred Rossitter T. H. Stevens Not Named, ch c by Tom Sawyer — Virgie Hearn... L. T. Caton Nutwood, b c by Elkwood— Adelina Patti Elkton Stable Nydia, ch f by Isaac Murphy— Ada Glean E. Corrigan Oakwood, °c °y Elkwood — Tawdy T. Sayres Oakwood, ch f by Fellowcharm — Agnes B J. Mullen Oasis filly, ch by Major Richards T. Stringer Oceanica filly, b by Oregon C. E. Miller Odd Sacks, b c by Jils Johnson — Rosamary Brook wood Stable Odrey, ch fby Audrain— Jessie Hatcher J. Desha Odylie, 1) fby Onondaga— Bettie M White & Wilkerson O. F. C, b c by Fonso — Beulah B. H. Neumait 44 Ohio Belle, br f by Iroquois — Toplight Kendall Stable Ohno, ch f by Oneko — Pet Durnham & March Ominous colt, ch by Elias Lawrence A. White Ondina, ch f by Onondaga — Bliss W. E. Colton Onon, b c by Onondaga — Vendome Fall City Stable Ontario, ch c by Onondaga — Black Maria. .J. Ruppert Jr. On-the-Way, ch f by Panique— By the way...W. H. Sands Opera, ch f by Farondale — Ophelia Avondale Stable Oporto, b c by Lisbon — Eleanor C J. R. Keene Orbed Maiden, imp b f by by Loyalist or Althatos.. Moonbeam J. A. 6c A. H. Morris Orchid, b f by Onondaga — Kelp C. R. Jaynes Orinda, b f by Harden Edwards — Mollie Seabrook W. E. Applegate Orizaba, ch C by imp Cyrns — Leila L.J. Rose Onims imp, ch c by Bend 'Or — Ashgrove ." J. A. & A. H. Morris Ouida, b f by imp vSir Modred — Wanda. ..Rancocas Stable Oulte, ch f bv Shannon — imp Cutaway ."....Palo Alto Stable Our Pet, ch f by Renown — Maggie J Whitteu Bros Ouray, b c by Oneko — Rupee Hawthorne Stable Otyanna, br f by Onondaga— Miss Hight B. J. Treacy ( )vation, b f bv Three Cheers — Hattie Ball W. O. B. Macdonough Ox Eve imp, ch c bv Salisburv — Miss Daisv " ." J. A. & A. H. Morris Ozark, ch c by George Kinney — May French Pastime Stab] e Pacolet gr c by John Henry — Creola !..' W. E. Applegate .\: C«». Pal, be by Oneko — Palianthus C. F. Railev Pansv geld'g, ch bv Bishop Blossom Hill Stable Paradox filly ch by Favor P. C. Kidd Paragon colt, b by Voltigeur W. B. Jennings Parasite, b f bv imp Cvrus — imp Getaway ". W. O^ B. McDonough Park Manor, br g by Muscovy — Woodflower J. McLaughl in 45 Parthian, b c by Ben Ali — Parthenia Rancocas Stable Partisana colt, b by Cyclone Dnnlap & Prowse Pat, b f by Buchanan — dam by Highlander.!.... ..... Scogga n Bros. Patagonia, ch f Fondu Lac — Vanita E. 1\ McLean Patience colt, br by Kinglike C. Smith Patricia, br c by Jils Johnson — Lizzie K J. E. Pepper Patrican, b c by imp St. Blaise— Peeress... Blemtou Stable Patrican, ch c by Wawekus Kate Milner Capt. Widener Patrican, br c by Longfellow — Una E. Corrigan Patriot, ch c by Favor — Magnolia Clark PI- B. Durnham Patrol, b f by Khartoun— Patricia E. F. McLean Patrolman, ch c by inspector B — Luxury Mr. Madiseu Patrona filly, b by Liberty K. Smith Patroness filly, ch by Powhattan Phoenix Stable Patty of Cork colt, ch by Spendthrift J. H. Carr Pauline filly, by Aretino T. Kiley Paulus, chc by Wilful — Miss Glennen M. A. Elias Paxton, (form'ly Mint Drop c) b by Lisbon — Mint Drop '....Glen Island Stable Paying Teller, b c by Faustus — Bank Stock Sennett .S: Warn Peacemaker, b g by Onondaga — Jacose C. Boyle Pearl Song, ch c by Falsetto — Pearl Thorn. ..C. E. Railev Pearlie Mills, ch f by Warfellow— ( Gratitude.. .W. E. West Pecksniff, ch c by imp Mr. Pickwick— Heulopen... Blemton Stable Pella, b f by Leonatus— The Widow Blemton Stable Pendalum, b f by The Bard — Equipoise... Rancocas Stable Penelope filly, ch by Knight of Ellerslie Dr. Smith Penniless, ch c by Spendthrift — imp Bridal '. Boyle & Littlefield Pervia colt, ch by imp Kingston H. Hewitt Perdita, ch f by Bob Miles— Tube Rose J. Morris Peri filly, b by Boulevard McCafferty & Wishard Perugia, b f by Florentine — Cachuca E. H. Douglass Pest filly, b by Portland E. F. Van Meter Petrola filly, b c by imp Glenelg E. C. Choate 46 Petulance fill v. ch bv Harden Edwards '. W. E. Applegate & Co. Peytonia, ch c by Blazes — Fannie Covington Scoggan Bros. Phaon, b c bv Duke of Magenta — Charmer T. Glennin Phil Gazelle, ch c by John Reber — Bessie Johnson C. Armstrong Philopena, b f bv imp Top Gallant — Virginity W. O. Scully Phabos, b c by Volturno — Miss Pulsifer L. E. Meyer* Pickaway, b c by imp Mr Pickwick — Runaway Em pire Stable Pie, br c by Favor — Undercrust Baden Stable Pinkie filly, b by Florentine J. Frost Pique colt, b by Miser W. Donohue Pirate Chief, br c by imp Pirate of Pen eance — Minnehaha Belle Oneck Stable Pirate King, b c by imp Pirate of Penzeance — Emily F Labold Bros. Pit-a-Pat colt, b by Vigil S. Dinsbrow Pittsburgh, gr c by Springbok — Jennie V Durnham & Applegate Pixey filly, ch by McD.iff.... Wesley Field Phoebe Anderson colt ch by imp Cheviot.... Pueblo Stable Plaything filly, br by imp Sir Modred S. G. Reed Philura, b f by Jils Johnson — Zelica Baden Stable Planetarium colt, b by Fonso W. Hendrie Plantress filly, b c by Leonatus J. Turney Plunderer colt, ch by Privateer J. Mackey Pochino, ch c by Powhattan — Fanchon J. Hnnter Poetry, b f by The Bard — Empress J. A. Casatt Pollv Parrott, b f bv Ballard — Ladv Reaper " H. c. Parrott Pollywoods, colt, b by imp Albert J. S. Williams Pontoon, ch c by Hampton — Plum Bonnet Blackstone Stable Pop Groves, b c by imp Albert — Pollywoods F. Smith Porcelain, b f by imp Sir Modred — Preciosa Avondale Stable Portugal, b c by Troubadour — Sunbeam S. S. Brown 47 Postmaid, ch f by Postguard — Marguerite D. Mannheimer Potentate, b c by Hayden Edwards — Amelia P .' W. E. Applegate & Co. Pottawatomie, b c by Powhattan — Quickmarch J. Ruppert Jr. Powder, b c by Powhattan — Patuta Allan & Co. Powell, ch g by Wilful — Irogleu W. Donahue Powhantes, b f by Duke of Montrose E. Gaylord Preference, b f by Fonso — Pretense B.J. Treacy Premium filly, ch by Tyrant Undine Stable Presto, b c by Longfellow— Ballet... J. A. & A. H. Morris Presto filly, br by imp Rayon d'or P. Gebhard Pricelle, b c by imp Cyrus — Precious Pueblo Stable Prig, b c by Galore — Prude J. A. &. A. H. Morris Prince, ch c by imp Cheviot — imp Music .". Palo Alto Stable Prince Carl, br c by Springbok — Longbow Kendall Stable Prince Leo, b c by Leonatus — Royal Oueeu Wood ford & Buckner Prince of Orange, b c by Prince of Norfolk — -Eda... Ocean View Stabl e Princess colt, b by George Kinney C. A. Fredenberg Princess Claire imp, ch f bv George Fredericks Claire H. Theobald Princess Gardner, ch f bv Prince of Norfolk — Laura Gardner D. A. Hazlett Princess Himyar, ch f by Himyar — Princess Chuck C. R. Jaynt-s Princess Leon, be c by Blazes — Belle J. W. Lew Princess Louise, b f by Hidalgo — Unit Liberty Stable Probasco, b c by Outcast — Bettie H A. L. Ferguson Professor S, ch c by Miser — Caretaker C. Fleishman & Son Prose filly, b by Ben Ali F. Gebbard Prosper, Jr., ch c by Prosper — Jessie D R. L. Hubbard Proverb, b c bv Ventilator — Maxim Walcott & Campbell Prude colt, b by imp Kingston Camden Stable Pscyhe, b f by Buchanan — Mishap ...Scoggan Bros. Puffer fillv. b bv Himvar S. D. Wilson 4 8 Pug, blk cbv Adanapaar — dam unknown Taylor & Caldwell Pulaski, b g by Capt. Al — Gold Cup Owen Bros Pulitzer, b g by Bishop — Lucia McCafferty & Wishard Quartered Oak, l) g by Wawekus — Vernetta.... T. I). Carter Quartz, ch f by imp Ravon d'or — Reel Dance • • J- H. Briggs Queechy colt, b} r Hiiiryar Boyle & Littlefield Queen Bee colt, ch by Longfellow J. K. Madden Queen Bess, b f by Kinglike... Miss Bassett Walcott & Campbell Queen Faustus, b f by Faustus— Rhadamantha Charter Oak Stable Queen Isabella, b f by Longfellow — Alarm B. McClelland Queenlike, b f by Kinglike — Pompon B. McClelland Queen Mali, b f by Okema— Murt McCafferty & Wishard Queen Sabe colt, br by Klamath Boyle & Littlefield Queen of Scots, 1) fby imp Cheviot — Lady Elizabeth .' .'.... \Y. F. Smith Queen T filly, ch by imp Rayon d'or S. Stuart Queens Taste, b fby imp Rotherhill — Symphony ".Madison Stable Quickstep, ch c by Galen — Kate D. W. Covington Quickstep colt, blk by King Alfonso or Glen Athol Brooklyn Stabl e Quicktime imp, brc by Quicklime — Fair Sister L. N. Schoen feld Quietly colt, by Mr. Pickwick Oneck Stable Quirt, ch fby Joe Hooker — Trifle J. I\ Cavaiigh RaCiO br c by King Alfonso — Helen Wallace P. Dunne Raid colt, ch by Hi Ban H. F. McLean 49 Randall Gibson, br c by Vocalic — Consuela .' H. H. Stanhope Rap-a-Rap, b c by imp Rapture — Wanton E. Gaylord Ralhleen, b f by Pat Malloy — imp Miss Jeffrey Himyar Stable Realization, b c by Regent — Si die Watson & Hoaj Rebecca Rowett filly, ch by Panique W. Uonohue Rebound colt, ch by Muscovv M. T. Donovan Red and Blue filly, ch by Hind o W. M. Barrick Redeworth Rose, blk f by Bendigo — Rosewreatli J. Mackey Red Jim, ch c by Le Laps — Fairness E. Brown Refraction colt, ch by Hi Ban J. Dwyci Regalia, b f by King Galop — Perfecto Blemton Stable Regret colt, by Ben Ali ..W. Whiteside Reiff, br g bv Enquirer... Glenview ." McCafferty & Wishard Rena B filly, gr f by Longfellow E. Corrigan Ren Avon, b c by Falsetto — Ripplette C. E. Railey Relampago, be by Three Cheers — Narcola I). Miller Relaps, b c by Le Laps — Plenty Charter Oak Stable Renominee, b c by Masterpiece or imp Richmond Pet Morris." S. S. Brown Remedy, br c by Tremont — Tincture P. J. Dwyer & Son Repitition, b c by Leonatus — Repeat H. Theobold Repose, ch f by Oneko — Restless H. H. Ashlock Rescue imp filly, br by Favor M. Murphy Resplendent, br c by Longfellow — Attractive C. E. Railey Reta B geld'g, by Prince of Norfolk — G. W. Trahern Retreat, b c by Postguard— Alfonie Carter.... J. H. Briggs Revelry colt, ch by Circassian T. F. F.mons Rhapsody, b f by imp Rapture — Myralia Rhett Goode, be by imp Pirate of Peuzeanee — Letter B... * Ridge wood Stable Rhoda filly, ch by Elkwood J. Shields Rhodautha. ch f bv imp Couveth — Brunova ." P. W. Thompson Rica filly, bcbyTheBard A.J. Cassatt Richland, b c bv Hilaritv— Grisette B P. Strauss 5° Rightmore, b c by Strathmore — Right... Brown & Rogers Rillito, bf by Apache — Brook Chas. Kerr Riverside, be by Stratford — Water Lilly F. Keene Roberta, blk f by Volturno — Milesi Brown & Co. Rolla, br c bv imp Rotherhill — Merry Maiden ". .' R. A. Swigert Roma, br c by Iroquois — Brunette Rancocas Stable Romeo, br c by Macaroon — Juliette M. F, Dwyer Rominet, ch f by John Reber — Alborale C. Armstrong Romulus, b c by imp Brutus — Beauty Elmwood Stock Farm Rondeau, ch f by Astral — Rudy T. Hums Rosalie, ch bv imp Cvrus — imp Rosetta ." Palo Alto Stable Rosalind colt, br by imp Darebin W. Luhring Rosamond, b f by imp Richmond — Faith S. S. Brown Rosalie, ch f by Hyder Ali— Rosemary W. O'B Macdonough Rosalie, b f by imp Mariner — Rosy Dr. Thos. Bowhill Rosa Olive, ch f bv Luke Blackburn — Traviata McCafferty & Wishard Rosa R filly, ch by George Kinney P. Dunne Rosa Simpson, br f by imp Keene — Idle wild J. M. Simpson & Co. Rosebud colt, b by Emperor of Norfolk Santa Anita Stable Roscommon, ch c bv Himvar — Whisperine I). T. Pulsifer Rose Higby fillly, b by imp Siddartha... Woodbine Stable Roselle imp filly, br by Hindoo — Meadowthorpe Stud Rose Ladv, b f bv Duke of Montrose — Ladv Longfellow Clay & Wilson Rose Standish, b f bv Longfellow — Hvpatia .'. Walcott & Campbell Rosy Morn, ch f by St. Paul— Why Not C. E. Miller Rouge, b f by Emperor — Blush Rancocas Stable Rousseau, ch c by Eolus — Til lie Russell P. J. Dwyer & Son Rowland Reed, b c by King Alfonso — Vergeline. ... D. T. Pulsifer Roxella II colt, bv Hilaritv R. G. Clark 5i Royal Ensign, b c by imp King Galop — Insignia... '. Blemton Stable Royal George, eh c by Onondaga — Lady Caroline.. J. R. Keene Royal Prince, ch c by Prince of Norfolk — Balinette .' T. Winters Rubicon, ch c by imp Rayon d'Or — Lilly R Rancocas Stable Ruction, b c by Wilful— Rosewood Millbrook Stable Rustic, b c by Longfellow — Wigwam J. E. Madden Ruth S, b f by Jils" Johnson — Lelia K J. Fitzpatrick Saddlebags, b c by imp Silvermine — Spinaway Saginaw, brg by Iroquois — Merci Preakness Stable Sahara, bf by imp 111 Used — She Blemton Stable Salesman, b c by Fonso — Sample Aetna Stable Sallie Mack, ch f by Apache — dam by Wheatlv...C. Kerr Sallie Miller, ch f by Three Cheers— Little Sophie J. H. Miller Sally Mack filly, ch by Luke Blackburn J. Reiser Salvia, ch f by imp Rossington — Sallie M J. A. & A. H. Morris Sam Lucas, b c by imp 111 Used — Mehallah M. Daly Sandola colt, ch by Uncas C. Smith Santa Anita colt, b by imp Cheviot Santa Anita Stable Santa Maria, b f by Bishop — Amerique E. F. McLean Santa Monica, br f by Iroquois — Blue Gown Santa Lucia filly, ch by imp Rayon d'Or M. Young Santa Paula, b c by St. Paul — Neyella J. Bybee Santa Rita colt, b by Hyder Ali D. Lovett Saphronia filly, b c'by Oneko L. Stuart Sappho, b f by imp Rossington— Zeletie W. H. McCarty Sarah B, b f bv Buck Walton— Daisv Mesquite Stable Sarrh H. C, ch f by Panique— Minnie S....C. D. Chenault Sautrelle, ch c by imp Richmond — La Cigale .' S. S. Brown Savanna lilly, b by Emperor of Norfolk Santa Anita Stable 52 Scamp, b c by imp Sir Modred — Glad Eyes ..H. Theobold Schoolg rl colt, ch by Sir Modred W. O'B. Macdonough Sea Lark, br fby Little Ruffin — Fannie Willoughby Wm. Hendrie SeaSide, ch fby imp Mariner — Marin P. Siebenthaler Sea Shell filly, b by Powhattan j. K. McDonald vSemele. b fby Apache — Emma Longfield Chas. Kerr Senator, b c by Luke Blackburn — Mamie () P. J. Dwyer & Son Senator Grady, ch c by Iroquois — Satinet *..M. Daly Senator Irby, ch c by bishop — Bridget C. McCafferty Selika, b fby Spendthrift — Messmate Bashford Manor Farm Selma, b fby Siddartha — Fanny Bowling .' Charter Oak Stable Semper Cara. b fby King Alfonso— Pa Svlphide... ...Oneck Stable Semper Idem filly, b by Longfellow Gideon & Daly Semper Vive filly, br by Falsetto Gideon & Daly Senella, b c by Sensation — Aella C. Fleishman & Son Senfrid, b c by Sensation — Ferida... C. Fleishman & Son Senita imp, b fby Childeric — Sub Rosa J. E. Pepper Sentinel, ch c by Post Guard— Lottie II f. R. Keene Seven Up, ch fby Casino — Catalina J. Huffman Shadrock, b c by Voltigeur — Africa F. P. Porter Shaft filly, ch by Chitabob A. Belmont Sharp, ch g by imp Keene — Peggy Morgan.. ..K. J. Lucas Sh nandoah Hoy, b g by Col Hepburn— Eulalia Highland (irove Stock Farm Shoplifter, b fby Britannic— Pilferv ".J. A. &A. H. Morris Shuttle, b fby imp Siddartha— Lady Prewitt Scoggan Bros. Sidda Hallow, b fby imp Siddartha — imp Halloween '.... B. (). Bear Sidney, ch c by Reveille— Ninena B. C. Holly Signal, ch c by Pardee— Lady Salyers Bash ford Manor Fa" rm Silence imp. b fby The Lambkin— Close the Door J. A. 6c A. H. Morris 53 Silk down, ch f by Springbok — Fanny Hall G. \V. Leihy & Son Silver Mine, b f by imp Silver Mine — Belle of Nantura H. D. Berry Silver State, b fby imp Clieviot — Bessie Shannon... W. Thompson Silverthread filly, b by Powhattan W. C. Daly Sinaloa tillv, b bv Spendthrift W. P. Burcii vSir Ashe, be by Alta— Mother Hubbard H. D. Brown Sir Cnthbert, be by Alta — Dizzy Blonde .' Maltese Villa Stable Sir Galahad, br e by Falsetto — India F. P'sher Sir Knight, b e by Longfellow — Belle Knight K. Corrigan Sir Thomas, blk c b\ Nathan Combs — Bessie Elm wood Stoc k Farm Sis Himyar colt, b by Jils Johnson C. Littlefield vSister Anita, b fby Buchanan — Butterfly G. D. Wilson Sister Florence, b fby Voltnrno — Ardente Sunset Stable vSister Sue, ch fby Springbok — Fright T. Kiley Sister to Charmer, ch fby Wildidle — Turban N. Burk Sister to Jim Douglass filly, br by Hidalgo W. O'B. Macdonough Skater, b c by imp Dutch Roller — Lena....\V. B. Jennings Skylight c It, ch bv Onondaga W. C. Daly Sleepy filly, ch fby Hyder Ali S. G. Reed Sleight of Hand, ch c by Uncas — Xecromancv " Boyle & Littlefield Sligo, ch c b Onondaga — Elsinore Carlton Stable Slipalong colt, br by Harry O'Fallon T. \V. Moore Slipper Dance colt, b by imp Dutch Roller X. Strauss Slywink, b fby Bonnie Ban — Lady Cleveland Himyar Stable Smilaz colt, ch by Ed Corrigan Maltese Villa Stable Sparrowgrass colt, ch by imp Great Tom M. Daly vSolah filly, b c by Powhattan II T. Stringer Solitaire, b c by imp Brutus — Fanny F O. Appleby Solitaire, ch fby imp Rossington — Ada Reese Nash ville Stable Song and Dance, b c by The Bard — Heel and Toe... Blemton Stable 54 Son Mauheur, b f by Pontiac — Miss Lumley Ramapo Stable Soorana filly, b by imp Saxon M. D. Richards Soprano, br f by Falsetto — Lady Athol F Keene South Park, b c by Fellowcraft — Last Tag....C. R. Jay nes South Park, b c by Leonatus — Etowah G. W. Leihy&Son Sozodont colt, ch by Florentine S. G. Reed Spaldie filly, b c bv Strathmore Glen Island Stable Spark filly, ch f by Rayon d'Or J. F. Caldwell Sparkle imp, bf by Loyalist — Crystal F. Keene Speedwell, b f by imp Rotherhill — Columbine J. G. Hutchins Spread Eagle, b c by Longfellow — Hiflight Blemton Stable Spring Balance, ch f by Springbok — Fonsica J. O. Desha Spring Eagle filly, b by Hayden Edwards ' .'. J. E. McDonald Springland, gr c by Longfellow — Aconite W. D. Richardson Springlight fillv, ch by Housatonic Highland Park Stable Springrole, ch c by Springbok — Ellen Douglass J. O. K. Redman Springtime, ch g by imp Kyrle Daly — Springlike... J. G. Follansbee Sprinkle, b f by Turco — Mag Brookwood Stable Sprinta colt, ch by Favor C. Oxx Sprite, b c by Bersan — Titania H. Fox Squarefellow, b c by Longfellow — Square Dance E. Corrigan Stampede, b c by St. Savior— Nightbawk W. F. Smith Star Actress imp, ch f bv Kendal — Petrarchina H. Theobold Starlight colt, ch by Joe Daniels J. Frost Startle, ch f by Onondaga — Bonnie Lee J. E. Madden Stella filly, brby imp Sir Modred S. M. Smith Stonenellie, ch f by Stonehenge — Nell A. Classon St. Appollo, b c by St. Paul— Neyella R. E. By bee St. Bernard, ch c by Faustus — Alflorita J. J. Coughlin 55 vSt. Elmore, b c by imp Keene — Gintsev ,..M. P. Mattingly St. Helena, b f by imp Deceiver — dam by Ferncliff ." I. Fall City Stable St. Jacob, ch c cy imp St. Blaise — Wood Violet... M. Daly St. Julien, ch c by imp St. Blaise — Carina C. Fleishman & Son St. Lawrence, b c bv Klias Lawrence — Trinity ." J. H. Rutherford St. Mary colt, b by Isaac Murphy G. Strauss St. Maxim, ch c by imp St. Blaise — Delilah C. Fleishman & Son St. Nicholis, b c bv Imp Rotherhill — Gadabout E. W. Taylor St. Pat, ch c by Harry Hill— Erne C Scoggan Bros. Strathflower, b f bv Strathrnore — Flower of Meath.... G. B. Morris & Co. vStrathrol, b c by Stratmore — imp Patroleuse Hawthorne Stable Subjunction imp, b f by Substautif — Giralda L. N. Schoenfeld Subsidv imp, b f by Substantif — Red Tape '. L. N. Schoenfeld Subrosa, b f bv imp Sir Modred — Rosa G ." Walcott & Campbell Sue Abbott, ch f by imp Brutus — Edna K Ken nedy Bros. Sugar Plum, f by Bersau Wm. Hendrie Sulphide imp, b f by Bendigo — Pyrites ."...J. A. & A. H. Morris Sunbeam colt, b by Troubadour S. S. Brown Sun Dial, ch f bv imp Ravon d'Or — All Hands Around... .' H. Theobold Sun Glimpse, ch c by Falsetto — Sun gleam F. Esher vSurefoot colt, b by Falsetto — Meadowthorpe stud... Susie Jennings colt, b by Hilarity R. G. Clarke Susie Laskey colt, b by Powhattan II J. D. Hughes Stylitine, b f by imp Stylites — Perad venture J. E. Pepper vS. W. Stanton, b c by Voltigeur — Cock-a-doo Moons hi ne Stable 56 Swatara, ch fby imp St Blaise — Susquehana O. H. P. Belmont Sweetheart filly, b by Panique C. F. Sanders Sweet Home filly, b by Uncas Rancocas Stable Sweetmeat, ch c by Macaroon — Bossinet Boyle & Littlefield Swift filly, ch by Nee Ban W. Thompson Svmberline, h fby Iroquois — Fannie Mattinglv.. .. ". McCafFerty ,S: Wishard Sylian, br c by imp Woodlands — Bonita Aetna Stable Syrian Princess filly, b c by Kendall J. Mackey Tagliona, c 'h f °>' * m P Newcourt — Lillian Aetn a Stabl e Taglomit, b fby imp Newcourt — dam by Faustus.. Aetna Stable Taltnoge, b c by Telemachus— Sifter L uise ' '. B. McClelland Talusa, ch c by imp Rayon d'Or — Lizzie Cox Rancocas Stabl e Tarn Tarn, bg by Falsetto — Minarrtte R. L. Rose Tan talon, b c by King Co e — Ariana Burridge Bros. Tariff Reform, b c by Jaike Blackburn — Havillah... A. L. Ferguson Tarr Tarr, ch c by imp Mocassin — dam by Springbok ". '. W. Tarr Tarrock, b f by Jils Johnson — Via C. Fleishman Tattersall, br c by Longfellow — Curlv Bowling * '..(;. B. Morris & Co. Tauber, grgby Aloha — Myrtle J. W. Pointer Teacher filly, b by imp Sir Modred S. (*. Reed Tear Drop, b fby Sailor Prince — Dolores Rancocas Stable Teeta May, ch fby Blue Eves — Woodlark ....." „. (;. W. Leihy & Son Tenacious, be by Iroquois — Tassel M, Daly Tendency filly, b by imp Harold A. Gwynn Teuerine fillv, blk by Lisbon Kentucky Stable Terese fillv. b c bv Hindoo K. C. Choate 57 Terrapin, chc by Terra Cotta Dutchess of Montrose Test colt, b by Joe Daniels r QtnSE The Belle filly, ch by Hayden Bdwari^J.'^'McDonald The Broker, b c by Elkwood-imp War Dance..!! ..,, „••;;•• ••; :••■■■ C. c. Moffit & Co. The Bully, ch c by Tyrant-Marigold Oneck Stable lhe D ane. br c by Green [and— Leeda p, Kellv 1 he D iide imp, blk c by Ksterling— The Beile T . n Vv'T'V J- A - ^ A.'H.Morris The General, b c by Leonatus— Bridlemere...J. R Keene lhe Heroine, ch f by Pellowcraft— Lulu S w,- u'"l\ »•«•••—•—» Hawthorne Stable lhe Hustler, b c by Boulevard— High Noon MM , ;■•••; J- W. Thornton 1 he Ironmaster, b c by Rlkwood— Tawdry . IM _ ;••••• C. C. Moffitt&Co. he Jester, gr c by The Bard— Victress Oneck Stable lhe Joker, blk g by Faustus— Rose Bonnie T1 -\:-\ ••••»•••• McCafferty & Wishard The Kelt b c by Greenland— Atlanta Madison Stable lhe I.ark, b f by Wildidle— dam by Monday .... *: ;••••■• •. W. M. Murrv The Major, ch c by Majoy Ban— Josie I) \V. F. Millick lhe Mallard, b c by Fellowcharm— The Teal ..,, ^ r .•••: ; Burns & Waterhouse Hie Marquis, br g by Iroquois- Margo .... T) . •••••;• •;• Walcott & Campbell lhe Piper, b g by Falsetto- Madie Boyles .... n ". ;•••, ; Win. Hendrie 1 Ik- Rejeoted, ch c by Knight of EHerslie— Lucy Wallace ,., , ' ' " ; , ' •; \ W. P.aston lhe Rook, ch f by Strathmore— The Crow — ,.,. ■•• ; Hawthorne Stable lhe Shaker, b c by Rolus— Countersign .... ~ •■••......... ...^Sheffield Stable 1 he Tenth Legion imp, br c by Valour— Little Vixen S. Z. Dickson & Co. The Wraith colt, ch by Springbok J. B. Reed Thelma, b f by Alarm— Countess... Bashford Manor Farm Theodora filly, be by Guardsman W. B. Jennings Thetis colt, blk by Alia Maltese Villa Stable 58 Thornhill, eh c by imp Cheviot — Phoebe Anderson W. Murry Thread, b e by Mont D'or — Nellie Sanders Mesquite Stable Three Cheers eolt. eh bv imp Ravon d'Or J. O. McDonald Thurston, b c bv Longfell w — Belle Knight Gideon & Daly Tiara colt, blk bv imp Saxon J. Thornton Tillie S, b f by Major Ban— Stella S W, Gardner Tilsit, b c bv Duke of Montrose — La Farondelle.... : T.J. Clay Timbale filly, blk by Hidalgo J. B. Collins Tippacanoe, b c by Voltigeur — Western Belle Scoggan Bros T«>d\ Smith, br f by Favor — Keepsake Baden Stable Token, b f by imp Sir Modred — Carissima " Madison Stable Tolema filly, b by Himyar C. R. Jaynes Tomato colt, cb by Ecuador C. Weatherford Tom Elmore, br c by Julien — Ems Saltbath Bros Tommie Belle filly, b by Iroquois K. C. Choate Tom Thumb, br g by Harry Hill — Spider Scoggan Bros Ton Ton, b c by Tontine — Queenstown E. Brown Toplight filly, br by Iroquois Kendall Stable Top of the Morning colt, b by Egmont R. L. Rose Torchbearer, ch c by imp Brutus — dam by Bob Wooding Elmwood Stock Farm Tortuga colt, ch by Springbok R. Leigh Toscona, ch f by imp St. Blaise — Toucques Blemton Stable Tot imp, b f by Exiling — Silver Bells W. Kaston Touch me not colt, b by Luke Blackburn M. Daly Tourmaline colt, ch by Sir Modred .' W. O'B Macdonough Trade Dollar colt, ch by imp Sir Modred W. O'B. Macdonough Traitor, b c by Emperor — Aconite Rancocas Stable Tramps filly, br by Surinam G. T. Leach Treason, br f by Tremont — Fannie Brown Oneck Stable 59 Treasure Trove, br f by Hindoo — Roselle E. Leigh Trellis filly, b c by John Happy S. G. Reed Tremain, ch c by Luke Blackburn — Aileen ! . T. Kilev Tremona, bfby Tremont — Forona E. F. McLean Tresbien, blk f by imp Saxon — Easter J. W. Wright Trevelvan imp, ch c by Charibert— Muscot '. J. A. & A. H. Morris Tribune, ch c by White — Orinoco H. M. Turner Tiibute, b c by Favor — May Lndv Labold Bros Trifle, b f bv Buchanan — Gold Bird Scoggan Bros. Trifle filly, b by Joe Hooker E. S\ Paddock Trillion, ch c by King Ernest — Trill A. C. Monsoon Trim, b c by imp Glenelg — Cornflower J. E. Madden Triugal, ch c bv Tom Ochiltree— Souci W. Jennings Trophy colt, ch by McDuff J. H. McCormick Trumpeter, ch by Charaxus — Thomasia F. Keene Truthful, ch c by Wilful— Florimel M. A. Elias Tube Rose, ch f bv Luke Blackburn — Ensilage T. Kiley Tuckahoe, b g by Tom Bowling — Marvin M. Daly Tucker, ch c by Buchanan — Ruffle Ireland Bros. Tulare colt, b r by imp Darebin S. G. Reed Tup To, be by Jils Johnson — Miss Austine M. D. Richardson Turanner, b c bv Besmoine — Ella Rowett * W. H. Thompson Turic, b c by imp Stylites — Ouise Bright J. E. Pepper Twang, ch c by Morgan vScout Jr — Maggie D McLeanore & King Two Cheers, br c by Three Cheers — Corona , Owen Bros. Tyrany filly, b by imp Sir Modred C. Smith Typhone colt, ch by imp Sir Modred S. G. Reed U Undina, b fby Luke Blackburn. — Augusta .....' C. Fleishman & Son Unfaithful, br f by Spendthrift— Felicity J. Wilson Uno Colorado, ch c bv Joe Hooker — Jessie R ; C. L. Fair Upper Ten, ch c by Onondaga — Oliva Labold Bros Uproar colt, br by" Hindoo— Meadowthorpe Stud 6o Valerian c °lt, D Dv Bramble K. Lei.^h Valiant, ch c by Chevalier — Plasic I. Murphy Valencia, ch f by Hidalgo — Yum-Yum W. O'B. Macdonough Vallesia colt, brby McDuff R. Leigh Valley Fuse b g by Vol turn o... Fuchsia ' J. M. Young & Co. Van Dyke, b c by Attila— Pollie Vick T. Winters Van Dyke, c by Van Dorn Win. Hendrie Yariella colt, b by imp Great Tom K. Leigh Varuna, b c by Emperor — Vestella Ran cocas Stable Vassal, br c by Jils Johnson — Vixen K. Corrigan Vatella colt, c by Head Lad \. M. Hoge Vega filly, ch by Hindoo Gideon ^ Dalv Vellum c It. brby Hindoo \V. M. Barrick Venita eolt, ch by Audrain R. Tucker Venusburg, 1> fb\ Emperor — Ynonda.... Ran cocas Stable Vera filly, b by McDufl II. I-:. Lei< c by imp Cheviot W. O'B. Macdonough W-rst.'. 1> fby Odondaga — Poetry ( ). A. Jones Vexation filly, l> c by Liberty K. vSmith Viola, 1) fby imp Richmond" — Virginia S. S. Brown Viola C, ch fby Tenison — Mayflower Horse Shoe Stable Violetta, brfby Vocalic — Vietta J. H. McCormick N'iente filly, ch by imp Cheviot Santa Anita Stable Vilula, ch f bp Luke Blackburn — Myrtle W. Jennings Virgie Wright c It. by Onondaga..... II. E. Leigh Virginia filly, b c by Joe Hooker C. L. Fair Virginia Dare filly, ch by Powhattan J. J. Marklein Virginian, be by imp Jacobite— Sappho Palmetto Stable Vision filly, brby Egmont J. K. Larkman Visitor, ch c by Troubadour — Christiana Gushing 6c Orth 6i Vital filly, eh by Joe Daniels J. J.. Ramsdeli Vivace, ch f by Flood — Amelia Pueblo Stable Vivandiere, br f by Troubadour — Eukonia S. S. Brown Vivage, ch c by Flood — imp Amelia N. Burk Vivid imp colt, ch by Wanderer J. S. McDonald Viz. b f by Emperor — Vandura Rancocas vStable Volanteria, b f by Volaute — La Rullinana Pastime Stable Volautress, ch f by Volaute — Maggie M... Pastime Stable Volaticus, ch c by Volaute — Alice West.... Pastime Stable Vol-au -Vent, br f by Yolante — Relax Pastime Stable Voldora. b c by Volturno — Glendora J. Huffman Voleric, ch fby Volante — Portia Weber & White Volette, ch fby Volante — Li/./.ette Pastime Stable Vollee, b fby Volante — imp Lavd Trappist '. K. K. Alcock Volt, ch c by Volaute — Cora Belle Pastime Stable Volturo colt, c by imp Albert A. Colin Vorange, ch fby Volante — Orange Girl. ..Weber & White w \/y/ a if colt, b by Hidalgo Fordham Stable Waitindoo fillyi b by Tom Martin C. Davis Waiting imp colt, b by imp Rayon d'Or...H. C. 1). Forbes Wanamaker imp b c by Poste Restante — Agnes .' J. A. &A. H. Morris Wanderine colt, b by John Henry W. K. Applegate Wandering Nun, b fby Argyle — imp Janet N La Siesta Rauch Wanita, br c by Wawekus — Billeta Capt. Widener War Banner filly, by Longfellow Kentucky Stable War Bonnet, ch c by Pontiac — Ladybird J. O. Douner Warlike, br c by King Ernest — Warpaint A. Classon War Lord, b c by Duke of Montrose — Thundercloud Madison Stable Warrior, b r by Enquirer or Iroquois — Melita F. Keene Warwickshire, ch c by imp Stylites — Warwick Lass J. K. Pepper Watch Charm, b c by Glen Elm— Carrie W..H. D. Brown 62 Waterproof, br g bv Fellowcraft — Gossamer C. Littlefield Jr. Wave filly, b c by Linden Kentucky Stable Wedding Bell, ch f by Le Laps — Vivacity ." B.J. Treacy Welcome imp, b c by Lourdes — Camera L. N. vSchoenfeld Wellington, b g by Oneka— Hattie T McCafferty 8: Wishard Wentworth, b c by Bonnie Ban — Dixie Himvar ". Boyle & Littlefield Wera filly, b c by McDuff H. E. Leigh Werwacolt, b c by Buckra T. H. Stevens Wessington, b c by Luke Blackburn — Mamie O P. J. Dwyer & Sou West Brook, ch f bv Woodcraft — imp Maud Lvon Whitten Bros. West Park, b c by Luke Blackburn — Envenon J. Reiser Westeria, b f bv Harrv O'Fallon — Warwickshire Lass '. W. White Wetumka, b f by Leonatus — Talladega Aetna Stable Whirlwind, b f by imp King Galop — Goldie Cad... Bl emton Stable White Eagle, b f by Hawkstone — White Serge "...J. McCarty Whitestone, b c by McDuff— Beckv Sharp '. White .\: Clark Whizgig colt, ch bv Ecuador M. Louden Why Not geld' g, by Prince of Norfolk B. C. Holly Why Not II, br f bv Renown — Rosa Lee .' Whitten Bros Widow Cliquot colt, b by imp Darebin S Mehrbach Will Fonso, ch c bv Fonso — Minnie Williams B. McClelland William T, b c by Faustus — Madamme Rowett C. C. Hall Willow, blk f by Partisan — Beach Willows H. E. Stimpson Winfield. b g by Blazes — Lorena Nelson.... Scoggan Bros. &&• Witch Sterling, b f by Bonanza — Witch J. E. Pepper 63 Wolsey imp, b c by Hampton — Jennie B ' ". J. A. &A. H. Moms Woodflower colt, b by Muscovy J. McLaughlin Wood Nymph, b f by Magnetiser or imp 111 Used — Woodbine Blemton Stable Wvana, ch fby Oregon— Superba C. E. Miller Yo-EI-Rey be by Joe Hooker — Marian '. C. L- Fair Young Flush colt, ch by imp Midlothian S. G. Reed Vsabel colt, by imp Midlothian W. O'B. Macdouough Yucatan, b c by Surinam — Daisy S...Walcott & Campbell Zamacrow, ch c by Falsetto — Cachuca W. Lakeland Zella filly, br by imp Albert M. Donovan Zephyr filly, be by Falsetto Meadowthorpe Stud Zither imp. blk fby Atheling — Zitella ". J. A. & A. H. Morris Zophille, br fby imp Albert — dam by Faustus ' ". J. Bradley Zoulika, ch fby McDuff— Nyleptha....Durnham & March Zuleika filly, ch by Spendthrift Jockies and their Engagements for 1893. Armstrong Oneck Stable Bain H. Snider Ballard Barrett Bros Belairs J. W Jackson Bergen, M W. C. Daly Blake, Win Preakness Stable Blevins J . K. Pepper Britton S. S. Brown Burgess, T I). T. Pulsifer Crattv Columbine Stable Clancy, W B. C. Holly Clayton, Alonzo Bash ford Manor Farm Clayton, Andy C. Fleishman & vSon Cottrill, Wm/. J. Rnppert, Jr. Costello, M (). (). West, Jr. Covington, Alex J. B. Morris Delahantv I). T. Pnlsifer Doggett, S.J Oneck Stable Donahue, W Raniapo Stable I )onovan , J Mike 1 >al y Evans, Jr., Geo Burridge Bros. Fit/.patrick, W J. R. Keene Flint, Geo J. K. Seagram Flynn, Joe Elmer Railey Flynn, T T. Wilkerson Fox, Paul J. Rnppert, Jr. (Harrison, E. H .'...Marcus Daly (»oodale, Frank Walcott & Campbell, 2nd call Goldstein, Robert Idaho Stable Graham, Wallace.... Iroquois Stable and Brown & Rogers Hamilton, A Blemton Stable, Mess. Keene 2nd call Harris, R W. M. Barrick Day ward, W Burridge Bros. 65 Hazlett R.J. Lucas Hen aessy, M M vourna vStable Hill, W.. C. L. Fair Hoggett, Robt K. Corrigan Hutsell, H. L W. E- Applegate Irving, J Aetna Stable Juison B.J. Treacy Lamley, John M. P. Dwyer and R. Croker, 2nd call Leigh, F Camden Stable, 2nd call Leonard Ed Corrigan Littlefield, Fred J. A. & A. H. Morris Martin, W Baden Stable, 2nd call Meux, J J. M. Young McCaflertv, J. J McCafferty & Wishard Mc Donald, Geo C. L. Fair Mid a^ele y, Win Rancocas vStable Miller, Geo T. H. Williams, Jr. Murph y, Isaac Penny, Hugh M. J. Daly Perkins, W S. S. Brown Perkins, A R. L. Baker Pickering, Wm Boyle & Littlefield Reiff, I,.. McCafferty 6c Wishard Ritchie "-Sam Bryant Rogers Gideon & Daly Rogers P J- B. McDonald Sargent. J. A. & A. H. Morris Sims, Wm Rancocas Stable and P. J. Dwyer & Son, 2d call Sloane Fred Gebbard Smith, Robt Hugh Kirkeudall Stuart, R Col. North Stevenson, Tom : J. W. Levy Taral, Fred Walcott & Campbell and Col North Taylor, Geo Nathan Strauss Thompson, Albert : Jacob Ruppert, Jr. Thorpe C A Scoggan Bros, and Kendall vStable Vignes'....' Aetna Stable Walker, C Wm. Lakeland Warshaw, D Ed Brown Williams, R Avondale Stable Williams.. T T. H. Stevens LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 845 907 5 • 1