.O' ^ t; S CO V 1. " * "x^ A' ^ .^' . "^^1^ ^O ♦ . . , • '^. ' • I 1 ' Jl' ** O'^ <9^ * » ' <^ .0 ^o v„ o ■ o ,** o_, * , , 1 * 'f- <^^ ^ "l- o ,<^^\.. , % ¥: .5.'---, o > lO' .&^ .= .0' ^- > vP s o * '■'•■^ 0^ ^<^■^ o*. ^> •^r '■' ^ v^' ^ ' *.- 1 Vr,^. ,-5* ' " vP ^b * ,. "^ ^ , ^^^^^ ,^ >'^^^.^ <.K ^ - „ V •V^ ^^' "°.. .^9 .^1 .6 V !• ■>h 'V ^'^ V ' ' . -^m + r-i \*°\. CoLcoRD Genealogy. Descendants of Kdward Colcord of New Hampshire, 1630 to 1908. By DOANE B. COLCORD, B. S., M. D., Late Prof, of Chem. Kansas Med. College, Creswell, Ore. Published by MAHLON J. COLCORD, Coudersport, Pa. 1908. pRess OF Potter county journal. COUDERSPORT, Pa. ^^ J ^ i 3xe CONTENTS. Chart, Lines of Descent, .... Page 2 Errata, "4 Author's Preface, "5 FAMILIES BY GENERATIONS: Generation I, . ..." 7 Generation II, . . . . . " 9 Generation III, . . . . "13 Generation IV, . . . . . " 17 Generation V, . . . . "21 Generation VI, . . . . . " 29 Generation VII, . . . . "40 Generation VIII, . . . . " 58 Generation IX, . . . . "90 Generation X, . . . . . " 118 Descendants of Oolcord Daughters, . Ap. " 1 Maternal Ancestors, . . . " " 17 Historical and Traditional Notes, . " " 19 Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, " " 23 Civil War Army Roll, . . . '' " 24 Additional Notes, Ivory^, and his two sons, " " 25 Index, given names of Colcords, . . " " 27 Index, names other than Colcord, . " " 33 ERRATA. Page 13. 5th line— For 1682 read 1686. " 18, 4th line from bottom — Add '-or Exeter." " 2.S— Four children of Edward(4) and Jane Coffin were omitted, viz : Mary, born 1745, died 1748; Samuel, born 1748; George, born 1750; Martin, born 1754. A partial correction of this record was made on page 27, but later information adds three more names, Mary, George, and Martin. 38, 11th line— After daughter add "Anna" and omit remainder of line. .38, 7th line from bottom — For "Westboro" read "Waterboro." 42 and 43 — For Armala read Amala. 42 and 44— After "Oregon City" read "Oregon." 42, 15th line from bottoin — After Betsey Emery add "Colcord." 44. 12th line from bottom— For "Joseph B." read "Ralph B." 47, 11th line from bottom — For "Nathura" read "Nahum." 53, 17th line -After "one son" read "Otis Tapley" and omit rest. 73, 6th line— For "1907" read "1906." 100, 13th line from bottom— For "John W" read "Joseph W." 105— For "Dilloway" read "Dilaway." 105. and Ap. 16— For "Santon E. Colson" read "Stanton E. Colsou." 107, 7th line from bottom— For "Leufkln" read "Lufkin." 116, last line — For "Las Conces" read "Las Cruces." 117, 5th line— Add "died 1908." 11 Ap.— After Birdsley add ("or Bursley.") 13 Ap. 11th line from bottom— Before "Elliott" read "Farmer." 13 Ap. 9th line from bottom— Before "Harr" read "Kate." 14 Ap.— "Fannie, Alice and Hannah Pendleton" should be added to "Children of Amelia(9) (Webber) and G. W. Pendleton," and omitted from 10th Generation under Kibble family. 18 Ap. — In Latin quotation for "Dubusque" read "Dubiisque." 18 Ap.— For "Shackanoxon" read "Shackaraoxon" and for "Rossean" read "Rosseau." DOANK BLOOD ('(ILCOKI". ■I'HF, Al'TIKll!. See ra^e "U. COLCORP GENEALOGY. FOREWORD. This record aims to prove that the Colcords of New Hampshire and Maine, whence have come all the Colcords in the United States, are the descendants of Samuel Col- cord, of Kingston, N. H., and of his father Edward, of Dover, who came to New England about 1630-31 from Hants Co.. England. Only those famihes bearing the Colcord name have been recorded in the body of this book, later than the 7th generation from Edward. The author desires to extend his most grateful ac- knowledgements and thanks to the many relatives and friends who have kindly aided and encouraged him in his work, and especially to Prof. D. H. Colcord, of Pomona College, Cal., Prof. E. J. Bartlett, of Dartmouth College; Miss J. C. Colcord, of Orono A. College, Me., whose witty and felicitous suggestions furnished some valuable clues ; A. D. Colcord, of Winterport, Me., ("An Old River Town") of which he has published the history in an attractive book; and to Edwin R. Towle, author of "Towle Genea- logy," who has kindly furnished much original informa- tion, besides the large amount transcribed from his well- written book. M. J. Colcord, co-laborer and publisher, has also furnished a large portion of the records. Thanks are also due to Sarah E. Cushman of the N. E. Gen. Society, of Boston, Mass., for careful and pains- taking work in searching for ancient records relating to the Colcord families and relatives in the N. E. Hist. & Gen. Soc. Library at Boston. D. B. COLCORD. Creswell, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1908. ®1|^ (Eolrntt (Er^at. COLCORD GENEALOGY. GENERATION I. Of Hdward Colcord,^ the Urst of that name to settle in America. Edward Colcott, or Colcord, came to Portsmouth, N.H., from Hants County, England, about 1631, when he was fifteen years old. The name is derived from Cole, an old English name, and Cote or Cot, a cottage or house with lands adjoining. The Colcott "Crest" is a sitting Hon ("Hon sejant") collared and lined with the motto : "Dieu Avec Nous" beneath, which is a part of the coat of arms of the Earl of Berkeley — conferred by authority. The first Earl of Berkeley was created in 1421 (Burke). His name was also spelled Colcote. When Edward^ came to Portsmouth, in 1631, "there were," he affirms, "but three houses in aU that side of the country adjoining Pascataqua River." He went to Exeter and resided in or near there until after 1638. He married Ann (e) Page and was in "Pasquat- iquate," or Dover, in 1640, being 5th grantee in the hst of the first grants given. He signed a petition for an inde- pendent government, sent to the King in 1642, and in 1643, June 14, was appointed "Magistrate" of Dover with two associates by the "Court of Mass." He returned to Exeter in 1644, was in Hampton, a few miles east of Exeter, in 1()45, and by "grants" and trading acquired lands in Do- ver, Exeter and New Market. He was often engaged in litigation, a man of inde- pendent spirit who chafed under restraint, and loved ad- 8 COLCORD GENEALOGY. venture. He had many friends and not a few enemies. He raised a large family, the daughters marrying into some of the best of the colonist families, and becoming the mothers of the Dearborn, Hobbs, Fifield, Coffin, and Stevens families. His oldest son, Jonathan, died in his twenty-first year (1661) and his two remaining sons marched to Rhode Island in the King Phillips' War, in which Edward, Jr., was slain by the Indians at North Hill, June 13, 1677; a young man of promise "whose death was greatly regretted." Edward^ was now past 60 years old and February 10, 1681-2, he died at Hampton, N. H., where all his children were raised. 00 r § 'd'^ ^1 00 00 a t< $5 H Ph -^73 Cl T3 ^^ a >. 0) tH-d 3 3 taW 2 00 '2 CO S in r ci ; a (rf •o 60 ^ ^ 3-a --^ L4 r/l ;= •^ HI '_j >ixi a ^ •a 0) a ^'r* ^ as a .SflS D illla' a ■^ tSrg 5l- 33 W ;s) M Wt-] ''l 1 § ^ 3 >> fe 4) g a Xi(/} eS >-5W ? a! O ;i; lO loo «j ".w r^ is GO 1 1-1 Tf* ?5 CiO . " ^ < !« 00 r T) ■^S* r (-1 •do ' , -H CO M 3 S .a ^ i^ 5>- -Si - »^ a> e, £2 " "^ "-■ »5 -2 ^ [i] ^ a < 2 K o c:o &H CO Wo vC a o o ct m: V Av cr ja COLCORD GENEALOGY. GENERATION II. Family of Mdward} Children of Edward^ and Ann (Page) Colcord. Jonathan, born 1641; died 1661. No record. (a)lHAnnah, born 1646, Hampton; married Thos. Dearborn. (b) Sarah, born 1647, Hampton; married John Hobbs, Dec. 28, 1665. (c) Mary, born Oct. 14, 1649, Hampton; married Rev. BenJ. Flfleld, 1670. Kdward, Jr., born Feb. 2, 1661, Hampton: slain by Indians, June 13, 1677. (d) Samuel, Lieut,, born 1656; married Mary Ayer In 1680-1. (e) Mehltable, born 1658; married Nathaniel Stevens of Salisbury. Shuah, born 1660. No record. (f ) Deborah, born 1664; married Tristram Coffin about 1684. Abigail, born July 23, 1«!7. * Hannah (Col(3ord) Dearborn married in Hampton, N. H., where her descendants still live, and where her father died, was the mother of a large and influential family. Her husband, Thomas Dearborn, was born in 1634 in Eng- land, and came to Hampton, N. H., early in its history. Her grandson, Reuben Dearborn, married Esther Hobbs, a grand daughter of her sister Sarah (Colcord) Hobbs. Fifteen Dearborns were among the Alumni of Dart- mouth College, catalogue of 1900. Nearly all were from the original Hampton family. Henry Dearborn, born at Hampton in 1751 was a Major in the Revolutionary Army, A. M. C, and later Secretary of War. ^ Sarah (Colcord) Hobbs was the ancestress of Reuben Towle, the founder of the Franklin, Vermont branch of the Towle family of Hampton, N. H. Reuben's gi*andmother, 10 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Sarah Hobbs (Towle) was a granddaughter of Sarah Col- cord, Edward's^ daughter. Capt. Hobbs of the Colonial Army, 1755, was a de- scendant. Deacon Hobbs, Sarah's husband, was a pious man and lived to an advanced age, dying in Hampton. '^ Rev. Benj. Fifield, Mary's husband, died at Hampton Falls. ^ Lieut. Samuel Colcord^ went with his brother Ed- ward^ to aid the Colonial Army in King Phillips' War in 1677, in which his brother was slain and where he prob- ably earned his promotion. On his return he met Mary Ayer, of Haverhill, Mass., daughter of Thomas Ayer, Jr., and Elizabeth (Hutchins), born March 22, 1660-1, in Haver- hill, Mass , whom he afterwards married. After Samuel's^ return he was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature, or Council, in 1682. He manied Miss Ayer in 1680, his son Samuel, Jr., being born in 1682, March 11, in Hampton. In 1689 he petitions about lands in ancient Dover, which had been destroyed by Indians, and in 1694 was one of the grantees of Kingston, which he thereafter be- came very active in founding and building up. He moved there with his family and settled about 1690, but on ac- count of Indian raids he returned to his relatives and lands in Hampton and Newmarket, remaining there until ordered to return to Kingston, by the Council at Plymouth in 1707. Meantime his oldest sons, Samuel, Jr., and Jonathan had grown to be young men, and Samuel Jr., married Lieut. Peter Folsoni's daughter, of Exeter, in September, 1704. Samuel, Sr., and Samuel, Jr., returned to Kingston after the order of the Council in 1707, and Samuel, the elder, resided there until his death in 1736, Oct. 10. His wife, Mary, died May 5, 1739. COLCORD GENEALOGY. ll His eldest son, Samuel, Lieut. Jr., bom 1682, died about 1716, and his widow, Elizabeth, married Samuel Sanborn. Hence the two Samuel Colcords, mentioned in the list of "Men of Kingston," 1727, must have been Lieut. Samuel, Sr., bom 1656, and his grandson, Samuel, born 1710, then a young man. Lieut. Samuel Colcord,Sr., both by marriage and association, was connected with some of the influential families of his time, and has been highly spoken of by the early historians, as a man of sterling worth, patriotic, brave and energetic, an active church worker and a kind husband and father. He lived to see Kingstoii rebuilt, after Indian raids, and to found, with others, the first church there, in which some of his children were baptised and married. Some of his descendants still own the lands first granted to him. His daughter, Hannah, married a grandson of the Rev. Samuel Dudley, first pastor of Exeter Congregational Church, 1658, who was the eldest son of Gov. Thomas Dudley, of Ipswich, Mass. « Mehitable^ was second wife of Nathaniel Stevens, of Salisbury, N. H. Married in 1677. He died in 1682, leav- ing her a widow. He was born in 1611, the son of John and Katherine Stevens, of England. f The Cofiins inmiigrated from Devonshire, England, with the Tristrams and others between 1629 and 1640. Deborah's^ descendants intermarried with the Col- cords and Towles in later generations, and the name Tris- tum or Tristram persists in many of the Colcord and Towle famihes, as well as in the numerous Coffin families to the present day. The records of the famihes of Edward' s^ daughters have not been followed in this genealogy, except in a few instances, but may be found (incomplete) in several pub- 12 COLCORD GENEALOGY. lished volumes, and also in the N. E. Gen. & Hist. Regis- ter (60 vols.) and elsewhere. In the Fourth and later generations the Dearborns and descendants of Edward Colcord^ became connected by marriage, while the Coffins, re-entering the Colcord family through Bartholomew Tliyng, and the Dudleys, by several intermarriages, joined the Colcords. The descendants of Edward's^ daughters became very numerous — the first famiHes being large and far exceed- ing in numbers the male line — as Samuel, only, of Ed- ward's sons lived to be the father of children. COLCOliD GENEALOGY. U GENERATION III. Family of Samuel.^ Children of SamueP and Mary (Ayer) Colcord, of Hamp- ton, N. H. (a) Lieut. Samuel, Jr., born March 11, 1682; married Elizabeth Folsom, (b) Jonathan, born March 4, 1684. Elizabeth, born 1682. (c) Hannah, born 1689; married Samuel Dudley, ot Kingston, 1709. (d) Edward, born 1692; married Mary Gordan or Gordlng. (e) Ebenezer, born 1695; married Hannah Fellows, 1715. (f) Mary, born 1698; married Thomas K. Sleeper 1714. "" Samuel Colcord^, Jr , Lieutenant in French and In- dian War, born after the return of his father from the King Phillip's War, where his uncle Edward, Jr., was slain; went with his father to the new town of Kingston, north- west of Exeter, and lived there until about 1700, when, being compelled to leave the place by Indian raids, the family returned to their lands in Exeter and New Market. In 1689 there was no government with recognized au- thority to govern the settlements in New Hampshire, and much confusion and litigation arose over the various land grants. In 1690 neither the Plymouth nor Massachusetts Bay Colony had a charter, but a new charter was granted in 1691, and SamueF was made a grantee of lands at Kingston in 1694. In 1707, being ordered by the Council at Plymouth to return to their habitation in Kingston, SamueF, now about 25 years old, married Miss Folsom of Exeter, daughter of Lieut. Peter Folsom, and returned with his father to Kingston where his children, Peter, Elizabeth, Samuel B., Benjamin and Mary were born. 14 COLCORD GENEALOGY. SaniueF died shortly after the birth of his last child (1715) and his widow married Samuel Sanborn in 1716. The date of his death is lacking. ^ Jonathan Colcord"^ was named for his uncle, Ed- ward's fii'st born, who died in 1661. While a young lad his father was called to Military duty in the "Garritson" of Oyster River (near Exeter) on account of Indian troubles, and later was driven from his new home in Kingston, He was ordered to return to Kingston with Samuel, his father, in 1707, but does not appear to have made a permanent home there as we find he owned land near Exeter through which a "highway" passed in 1732 (N. H. State paper, p. 632) and his son shipped cattle from this land (in W. New- Market) to "Passamaquade Meadows" in 1775. Jonathan was recorded as one of the earliest settlers of New Market, and owned lands "partly in New Market and partly in Exeter" (New Market Directory S.New Market families). No complete record of his children has been found. He died in 1773, Dec. 31. (Wilson Colcord's rec- ord). His son Jonathan, Jr., born about 1710, succeeded him on the farm and lived there until after the close of the Revolutionary War, and probably died there. He was married about 1708, or possibly earlier, his wife's name being unknown, not having been found in any records, so far as the author can learn, though much sought after. ^ Hannah (Colcord) Dudley married a grandson of the Rev. Samuel Dudley, the first settled pastor of Exeter, 1658, (Congregational Church) who was the oldest son of Gov. Thomas Dudley of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Rev. Samuel's wife was Mary Winthn^p, daughter of Gov. Winthrop, of Massachusetts. A descendant of the family, also named Samuel Dudley, hves now on the old home- stead in "Brentwood" (1907)— A. W. Dudley. OOLCORD GENEALOGY. 15 ^ Edward-^ who mamed Mary Gordon ("Gording") in 1714, was a little child during the troublous times, about 1700, and before his father returned to Kingston was about 15 or 16 years old. His marriage in 1714 is given in the Kingston Records, and also the birth of Edward, Jr., in 1715. He appears as a resident of S. W. Exeter after 1730, and is not in the hst of inhabitants of Kingston in 1727. In 1730 Samuel and others petitioned for "more lands for their children," and in 1731 Edward, Jr., was living in the west part of Exeter (afterwards called "Hawke," now Marshall's Corner) where meetings were held, and the "West Society" of Exeter organized. On petition a church was formed, meetings held at first "at house of Edward Colcord, Jr." — Hawke Church Records. Later a new town was asked for and Brentwood was granted in 1742, Edward and Ebenezer being among the grantees. Edward was selectman in 1748 "in Parish of Keeueborough," and he and Edward, Jr., were residents of Brentwood for many years. ® Ebenezer^ was associated with Edward-^ in organiz- ing Brentwood, and in 1745 "was miller of the grist mill at Crawley's Falls." Ebenezer, Jr., was born in 1726 (Kingston Records) "baptized April 10th, 1726," and was found in Brentwood in 1742 and at Crawley's Falls in 1745. He was a "selectman of Brentwood" in 1776. He died in 1824, nearly a century old. It has been found very difficult to trace Ebenezer's family, records being ab- sent or uncertain. It seems that one of the three John Colcordb in the Revolutionary War was the son of Ebe- nezer*, and one was the son of Edward*. The list of Jona- than's* sons in the New Market Directory does not contain the name of John, and Daniel is the only recorded son of Samuel B*. Recent proofs make it probable that the third soldier John was a grandson of Edward^ and a son of 16 COLCORD GENEALOGY. John*. It seems established also by tradition that Ebenezer^, Jr., born about 1750, was the grandfather of Ebenezer' Pay son Colcord, of Turner, Me., who married Sarah Towne in 1836. ' Mary"^ (Colcord) Sleeper married Thomas Sleeper in Kingston, N. H., in 1714, and was probably the grand- mother of Hon. Jonathan Fifield Sleeper, A. M., a teacher of note, who died in Kingston in 1804. He received his degree from Dartmouth College m 1786. He was the first of nine Sleepers of the Alumni of the College, Catalogue of 1900. I have noted only a few of Mary's numerous descendants, Edward's^ grandchildren numbered about forty per- sons in the year 1700, of whom only four bore the name of Colcord. Of these four, SamueF settled in Kingston and died there. Jonathan- went back to Exeter and New Market and owned lands in both townships, while Edward-^ and Ebenezer^ settled in S. W. Exeter and Brentwood, after living in New Market a few years, before their father returned to Kingston. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 17 GENERATION IV. Families of Snninel,^ Jonathan,^ Hannah,^ I^dward,^ and Mbenezer^, {of SamueP, EdwarcV-.) 1. Children of SamueF and Elizabeth (Folsora) Colcord. (a) Peter, born June 27, 1705. (b) Elizabeth, born 1708, Kingston, N. H.; died 1735; unmarried. (c) Samuel B., born Aug. 22, 1710, Kingston; married Meliitable Ladd, 1732. Benjamin, born 1712; died, young. Mary, born 1715; married Col. Eben Stevens, 1736, Kingston. * Peter Colcord* was born during Indian Wars and probably while his father was in New Market or Hampton. He was captured by the Indians in 1724 and carried away with several others, but escaped "by his own courage and ingenuity," and on his retm-n reported "the Indians' pro- ceedings," which was "advantageous to the government," for which service the General Assembly of New Hamp- shire voted (Sept. 27, 1724) to pay him lOX. He was then on an "expedition against the Indians," from which he evidently retmned in safety, as we find the name Peter Colcord among the signers of petitions later, (1778-1785) but no re("ord of his marriage or family is at hand. ^ One Elizabeth Colcord died at Kingston in 1735, either Elizabeth* or Elizabethl <^ Samuel B*., whose father died when he was a lad of six or seven years, probably lived with his mother after she married her second husband, Samuel Sanborn, and was one of the inhabitants of Kingston in 1727, when a "list of Kingston men" was taken. He was a grantee of 18 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Stevenstown in 1749. He was associated with Bartlett, Stevens, Dudley and other noted famihes. ^ Mary*, the youngest child of SamueF and Elizabeth, was married into the Stevens family, into which her grandfather's sister, Mehitable, had also married, from which family the new town of Stevenstown was named, in which many of her relatives were grantees in 1749. 2. Children of Jonathan^ and Colcord. (a) Jonathan, Jr., born 1710 New Market or vie; married Sarah Burleigh. John, born 1715. Samuel, born 1724; died 1824. Hannah, married Josiah Oilman. ^ Jonathan* was born after his father had been order- ed to return to Kingston (Council at Plymouth, 1707) but if his father went to Kingston, he soon returned to the farm in New Market (and Exeter) where he seems to have Uved and died. He was recorded as owning a farm "which lay partly in Exeter" and through which a "highway" was laid out in 1732, from Nottingham to New Market. His sons' names, but no dates, are given in the Exeter and New Market Directory 1872(Beckett). From the Waterboro Bible, copied by Ralph B. Colcord's father, Ivory, in 1828, his oldest son Jonathan, Jr., was born in 1743. In 1760 Jona- than and Jonathan, Jr., were on a petition in New Market as "Freeholders." In Oct. 1775, "Jona" Colcord paid one day's work on rafts for defense at Newington. In 1775 he, (Jonathan, Jr.,) petitioned for permission to ship his cattle to "Passamaquade" to winter, but this must have been Jonathan* as Jonathan-^ died in 1773. In 1778 Jona- than is mentioned as a member of the "West Society," New Market. Hannah Colcord*, who married Benjamin Dearborn about 1738 and moved to Plymouth, was probably Jona- than's daughter. No proofs. — Dearborn Gen. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 19 One of the John Colcords of army record was un- doubtedly Jonathan's son, but we have only proofs of time and place of enlistment, without exact dates. 3. Children of Hannah^ (Colcord) and Samuel Dudley. (a) Hannah Dudley, born 1716; married Josiah Thyng, of Brentwood. (b) Samuel Dudley, Jr., born 1711. See Dudley Genealogy. This line not followed. ^ The Thyng family is followed only to establish the genealogy of Eliphalet' and John'' Colcord of later genera- tions. ^ Samuel Dudley, Jr., was the ancestor of a Samuel Dudley who still occupies a portion of the original land- grant to Gov. Dudley, Samuel's^ grandfather. 4. Children of Edward^ and Mary (Gordon) Colcord. (a) Edward, born 1715; married Jane Coffin of Exeter, N. H. John, born about 1718; married ; see John (5). Brentwood. (b) Gideon, born 1720-23; married Rachel Parsons of Cape Ann, Mass. _. Anne, born 1722-24; married Robert Evans, of Dover, N. H. Jane, probably; no dates. * Edward^ lived in New Market, S. W. Exeter and Brentwood, or "Hawke." He married in 1741, Kingston Records, and was living with his father, or near him, in 5. W. Exeter, until Brentwood was organized in 1742. His wife, Jane Coffin, was the granddaughter of Tristram and Deborah^ (Colcord) Coffin, born March 11, 1721. His father and uncle Ebenezer, became leading members of the new town of Brentwood, but Edward, Jr., was living in New Market in 1760, and later was an inhabitM.nt of Exe- ter, where his wife's relatives lived. He was an active church worker, and among the organizers of the first church at "Hawke," now Danville, about 1731. The soci- ety first met at the house of Edward, Jr., Marshalls Corners. ^ Gideon* Colcord, of New Market, date of birth un- 20 COLCORD GENEALOGY. certain, signed a petition in 1760 with his brother Edward. Dearborn (Hist, of Parsonfieid) says he was the father of six sons. He died at the age of 50, before the Eevolution. His widow married Samuel Lane, of Stratham, in 1774, His wife, Rachel Parsons, was born Jmie 29, 1726; died Jan. 18, 1813. She was a daughter of Josiah and Eunice Parsons. 5. Children of Ebenezer^ and Hannah (Fellows) Colcord. (a) Ebenezer, Jr., born Jan. 1, 1726; married Patience Stevens 1749; Kings- ton, N. H. (b) Samuel, born February 5, 1721-2; married ; Kingston and New Hampton. Abigail, born May 18, 1733; died Oct. 20, 1735, Kingston. Peter, born March 19, 1727-8; died, infant. Mary, born Aug. 1st, 1735; married ; Kingston. Hannah, born 1730, about; baptized June 1730; died, Sept. 1735, Kingston. Ebenezer, born May 1, 1724; died same date. ^ Ebenezer* Colcord was married Jan. 22,1749-50, and his oldest son Ebenezer,^ Jr., was probably born 1751-2. No complete record of his children has been found. ^ Samuel* Colcord was probably the gi-andfather of SamueF of Exeter, born 1774— See Gen. 6. The Sleeper family, of Mary^ (Colcord) Sleeper, not followed. CHARLES 15. OdLCORD. 1 Tim— 1854. See Page il. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 21 GENERATION V. Families of Peter,'^ and Samuel B^, {of Samuel,^ Samuel,'^ Edward.'^) 1. Children of Peter* and ( ) Colcord. Peter, born 1730; no record. 2. Children of Samuel B.* and Mehitable (Ladd) Colcord. Elizabeth, born 1739, Kingston; married Nath'l French, Jr., in 1758. Mary, born 1744; no record. (a) Daniel, born Oct. 16, 1747; married Dolly Clifford, about 1779, Kingston, N. H. (b) Mehitable, born March 28, 1751; married Wm. Patten in 1774; Kingston, N. H. (c) Hannah, born March 13, 1754; married Dr. Joseph Bartlett, Dec. 16, 1773. a Daniel Colcord had a son born in 1781; date of mar- riage unknown. ^ The Patten family record has been published, in part, by Hon. Colcord Patten, Mehitable's son. Only a few of the members are given in this book. ^ Hannah^ Colcord who married Dr. Bartlett when only nineteen years of age, went immediately to Salisbury, N. H., where she became the mother of a large and influ- ential family, a part of which is given in this record. Her second son, Samuel Colcord Bartlett, was the father of the late President of Dartmouth College, Rev. Dr. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, LL. D., etc. Families of Jonathan^ and Hannah,* {of Jonathan,'^ Sam- uel,- Edward.^) 1. Children of Jonathan* and Sarah (Burleigh) Colcord. (a) Jonathan, Jr., born Sept. 26, 1743; married Elizabeth Boardman. (b) David, born 1745; married Eunice Parsons about 1776-7. 22 COLCORD GENEALOGY. (c) Samuel, born 1748; married 1st Mary Pearson and 2nd, Anna Robinson (d) Joseph, born 1750; married Fanny Russell in 1776. William, born 1753; married 1 Dates approximate. Mary, born 1756; married — >—> Names given in (Exeter and New Mi John, born 1757-60; married — \ ket Directory) Beckett 1872. * Jonathan^ Colcord, Jr., whose farm lay partly in New Market aud partly in Exeter (Beckett) and whose birth was recorded in the Waterboro, Maine, Family Bible, whose record was copied by Ralph B. Colcord and sent to the author in 1907, was a farmer and stockman, occupy- ing lands owned by his father, from grants given to Ed- ward^ probably, by the Exeter and Hampton Colonies. He was a member of the "West Society" with Eliphalet and Peter Colcord in 1778, built rafts, for defense, at Newing- ton in 1775, and signed petitions in New Market in 1784 and 1785. He died in Maine, Feb. 21, 1804, probably at Waterboro. ^ David^ Colcord's date of birth is not found in the records. As his elder brother Jonathan was born in 1743, and as he entered the Army in 1775, his birth would be between 1744-5 and 1754. He married in 1776-7, his wife, Eunice Parsons being probably a niece of Gideon's* wife^ who had a sister Eunice Parsons, and whose youngest daughter was named Eunice. David was associated with Gideon's son, Josiah, in the army and his name was on petitions with John, Peter, Edward and Eliphalet Colcord in 1784 and 1785. He was in New Market, census of 1790, as head of a family. He was a farmer ar;d blacksmitli. He moved to Londonderry where his oldest sou, David*^, was born in 1778. Date of death not known. ^ SamueP Colcord, of New Market (Cogswell), married Mary Pearson, Sept. 9, 1772, by whom he had seven chil- dren. He was a pious man and good singer, greatly loved and respected. At his deach "more than one hundred neighbors gathered around his dying bed to hear him sing COLCORD GENEALOGY. 23 Psalms." He lived in Nottingham, was very prosperous, built saw and grist mills, and died March 25, 1824. ^ Joseph^ Colcord, who married Fanny Russell, lived in New Market, N.H., and was a soldier of the Revolution, a corporal in the same Company as David and Josiah in November, 1775, and with Job or Joab in 1777. The names of his children and of some of his grandchildren are found in Beckett's Exeter and New Market Directory, page 131-2. Of Jonathan's remaining children, WilUam, Mary and perhaps Jesse and John, we have no certain knowledge. Of the three John Colcords in the Army, one was probably Jonathan's son. 2. Children of Hannah* Colcord and Daniel Gilman. Abigail Gilman, born 1740-50. No further record. Probably married Wil- liam Moore of Stratham. See Gen. 7. Families of Mdward^ and Gideon,^ {nf Edward,^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Edward* and Jane (Coffin) Colcord. (a) Edward, born 1743; married , Exeter, N. H. See Army Rolls. (b) John, Lieut., born 1746-7; married Helena Carpenter, of Exeter. Jane, born 1748. Harvey, born 1750. ^ Edward^ Colcord was born in S. W. Exeter, or Brentwood about the date of the organization of Brent- wood. ^ John'' Colcord's wife, Helena Carpenter, was the daughter of Anthony Carpenter who died in the year 17G0 when she was about three years old, and she went to Exeter to live with an older sister, who married Hon. Nath'l Rogers. She was married in 1780-82, and had two SODS, John C. and Tristram C, named for her husband's father and grandfather (Coftiu). John^ died July 27, 1821, at 75. (E. R. Towle). He was a 1st Lieutenant in the Revo- 24 COLCORD GENEALOGY. lutionary Army. Lieut. John Colcord enlisted May 26, 1775, Sergeant; commissioned as 2d Lieutenant in 1777; 1st Lieutenant 1st Co. 2d Battalion Continental Army in 1778 (2d N. H. Continental Regt.) He was of New Market, discharged at White Plains, Aug., 1778. Another John Colcord enlisted June 6, 1775, in Capt. Samuel Gilman's Co. at 28; born 1746 or '47. There were two soldiers in Col. Stephen Evans' Reg't named John Colcord, in Sept. 1777, at Saratoga. Lieut. John's brother, Edward,^ enlisted in the same company with him in 1775 ("Edw. Calkert") — Army Eolls. 3. Children of Gideon* and Rachel (Parsons) Colcord. (a) Gideon, born about 1750; married (1) Mary Moore, (2) Mrs. L. Lyford. (b) Nathaniel, born March 2, 1755; married Rachel Whldden. (c) Josiah, born April 10, 1755; married Mary Shepard in 1783. (d) Joab, born 1760; married ; had four sons. Jeremiah, born 1762; died in Parsonstield, Me. Benjamin, born 1765; married ; of Northwood, N. H. (e) Eunice, born 1767; married Jabez Lane of Stratham, N. H. ^ Gideon^ Colcord, of New Market, (Wm. Lane's Dects, N. E. Hist. & Gen. Reg. Vol. 27, p. 179) probably married Mary Moore, of Stratham, whose mother was AbigaiP Gilman, a daughter of Hannah* Colcord, for his fh"st wife, and after her death married the widow of The- ophilus Lyford, of Exeter, nee Lois James — complete proofs are lacking. See Dudley Genealogy. ^ Nathaniel,^ of Hallowell, Me., was born in New Mar- ket, went to Hallowell in August, 1794, and had two daugh- ters born there, the five older children being born in New Hampshire. Only a partial record of this family is given here. ^ Josiah^ Colcord and his brother Joab, who were born in New Market, N. H., went to Parsonsfield before that town was organized, and a meeting was held at the house COLCORD GENEALOGY. 25 of Josiah which was the first "town meeting" called to or- ganize the town, their names being among the original members of the meeting. Josiah was at work in the field when the Eevolutionary War commenced, and hearing of a conflict at Boston, he shouldered his musket, left his crop and walked to Boston, arriving shortly after the Bat- tle of Bunker Hill. He served under Washington, march- ed to New York and fought in the battles against Bur- goyne at Saratoga and Stillwater and was at the sur- render of Burgoyne. After the War he returned to his farm and lived on the homestead the remainder of hishfe. ^ Joab^ Colcord was with his brother Josiah in the Army and after the War settled near him and "in 1785 kept an inn in Middle Road Village," while his brother "lived on the Middle Road, farm of H. W. Colcord."— Dear- born's Parsonsfield. ^ Eunice^ Colcord (Lane) lost her father before the War, and when of age married Jabez Lane, whose father, Samuel Lane, had married her mother in 1774. She lived in Stratham, N. H. (See Wm. Lane's Disc. N. E. H. and Gen. Reg.) General Note. The date of Josiah's birth conflicts with that of Nathaniel's, one being given by Dearborn and the other by the Maine Hist. Soc. (Hallo well. Me.,) and the author has not been able to correct them. Dearborn's Hist, of Parsonsfield gives the names of the above family as being children of Edward, Jr., (instead of grandchildren,) but gives no dates or proofs, while there are several proofs to show that the record given above is correct. See Ap- pendix. It seems probable that Dearborn's statements re- lating to Edward and Gideon were from tradition only, (or chiefly) as they conflict with well proved facts from various records from other sources. 26 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Families of Mbenezer,* and Samuel,* {of Ebenezer,^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Ebenezer,* and Patience (Stevens) Colcord. (a) Ebenezer, born 1750-51; married — — ; Brentwood, N. H. (b) John, born 1756-60; married Lydia Merrill in Kingston, May 10, 1787. Samuel (probably). ^ No record is found of the date of birth of Ebenezer' s* children, but Ebenezer, Jr., signed the "Ass'n test" in 1776 at Brentwood. This may have been Ebenezer^, then 26 years old, and capable of bearing arms, and later Ebenezer^ Payson Colcord, born 1813, was claimed by Payson rela- tives to be of Ebenezer^, of Brentwood, which has been followed in this record. ^ John^ Colcord, who married Lydia Merrill, of Brent- wood, had a son John ("Capt.") who was an officer in the War of 1812. He hved on the old "Colcord Grant" made to SamueP of Kingston and his sons. Dorothy^ Colcord, born about 1765-70, who married a Felbrick, was probably a daughter of Ebenezer.^ She mar- ried Jedidiah Felbrick, June 28, 1790. — Kingston Eecords. 2. Children of SamueP and Colcord. Probably Samuel, born 1748-50, of New Hampton. Gener.u^ Eemarks. Members of the IV Generation whose record is not found in the 5th are as follows : Elizabeth* and Mary*. No records. Anne* of Edward^ not followed. — See Whittier Gen. Samuel* Dudley, not followed. — See Dudley Gen. Mary*, 1735, of Ebenezer^ no records. During this period, (1730-70,) Brentwood was organized 1742 by Edward Colcord, Ebenezer Colcord, and others, COLCORD GENEALOGY. 27 who had already organized a church in "Hawke" (S. W. Exeter) and S. Hampton and N. Hampton were incorpoi- ated the same year. New Market had ah*eady been "set off" from Exeter, and Jonathan^ owned land in both towns. In 1749 Col. Ebenezer Stevens, who married Mary Colcord in 1736, with Samuel* Colcord, several members of the Stevens families, and many others who were related to the Colcords were "grantees" of a new town set off from lands adjoining Kingston and incorporated in 1768, becom- ing Salisbury. It was at first named for Col. Stevens. In Kingston and Salisbury were born the Bartletts of Han- nah and Dr. Joseph Bartlett, the Stevens children, of Mary and Col. Ebenezer Stevens, the Philbrooks, the Websters, Sauborns, Dearborns and Towles all connected with the Colcords by marriage. Daniel Webster's father resided many years with the family of Mary and Ebenezer Stev- ens, and the Colcord, Webster and Stevens families are closely connected by marriage at the present day. Omitted from Notes, page 24, of Edward*'s children. Edward* had another son, SamueP, born July 5, 174S, who resided in Exeter, N. H., and who married Deborah Gilman, July 18, 1773, and second Mrs. Anna (Walden) Gilman, April 21, 1785. The date of Jane's birth is uncer- tain, and Harvey may have been the son of John* instead of Edward*. Other MEivrBERS of the V Generation. (a) Reuben Towle, born 17(;2, of Chester, N. H. etc., married Sarah Clougb. (b) Bliphalet Thyng, born 1738-1742; married 1st, Abigail Stephens, 2nd Sally Hills, Brentwood, N. II. One daughter, Hannah. (c) Abigail Gilman, born 1740-50 (no date); married Wm. Moor e of Stratham ^ Eeuben Towle, of Chester, N. H., son of Jonathan Towle, who was the son of Anthony Towle and Sarah (Hobbs,^) (Sarah Colcord^ and John Hobbs, Edward,*) mar- 28 COLCORD GENEALOGY. ried Sarah Clougli and settled in Enfield, N. H. in 1786. Keuben was the son of Jonathan,* (Anthony^) and Caleb Towle,^ one of nine children, of Phillip^ Towle, who came from Eng;land in 1640 and settled in Hampton, N. H., where our ancestor, Edward Colcord^ lived after 1645. Jonathan* Towle, of Sarah'^ Hobbs, of Sarah^ (Colcord) Hobbs, was the father of Reuben^ Towle whose daughter, Ann^ R., married Tristram*^ C, and John*^ C. Colcord, who are the first members of the Towle family, given in this record, which was mostly taken from "Towle Genealogy," (1892, Franklin, Vt.,) which see for remainder of Towle family. It will be noted that all descendants of Eeuben^ Towle, of Franklin, Vt., are also descendants of Edward Colcord, through Sarah^ Hobbs. — See Towle Genealogy, page 11. ^ Eliphalet Colcord was in the Army of the Revolu- tion in Capt. Pike's Co. in 1777 and 1778. The name in- dicates that he was from Brentwood or Kingston, but proofs are lacking of the date of his birth, and also of his parentage. See Eliphalet, later. *^AbigaiP and William Mooi'e of Stratham had a daughter, Mary Moore,^ who married Gideon^ Colcord. No dates.— Dudley Gen. 1894. WILI;1AM HdCiKIiS ('()r,(()l!li. 1826—1901. See P!iy:e oO. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 29 GENERATION VI. Families of Daniel,^ Mehitahle^ and Hannah,^ {of Samuel,* Samuel,^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of DanieP and Dolly (Clifford) Colcord, of Kingston, N. H. Louis, born Oct. 21, 1772. Married . Hannah, born March 28, 1774. No record. Peter, born 1775. No record, (a) Daniel, born June 13, 1781. Married Polly Woodman. * DanieP Colcord had a son Daniel born at Kingston, June 9, 1818, who died at Brentwood, N. H., Aug. 12, 1897, and was buried at Kingston. 2. Children of Mehitable'^ (Colcord) and Hon. William Patten, of Kingston, N. H. (a) Aaron Patten, born 1775. Isaac Patten, born 1786. (b) Colcord Patten, born Sept. 2, 1789. He had lour sons and one daughter. '^The genealogy of the Patten family, with the history of Kingston, by Colcord Patten, shows that the names William and Aaron continued through several generations of this family, whose record I have not transcribed. b Colcord Patten, to whom we are indebted for much information concerning the early history of Kingston, left his notes to his son, the late Ichabod Bartlett Patten, a druggist of Boston. I have not endeavored to follow this well known fam- ily in its later generations for want of time and space. Much data has been collected which may be published 30 COLCORD GENEALOGY. later. The Bartlett, Patten and Colcord families are con- nected by several inter-marriages in the last century. — See Appendix, Patten families. 3. Children of Hannah^ (Colcord) and Dr. Joseph Bartlett, of Kingston and Salisbury, N. H. Joseph Bartlett, born 1775. Susanna, born 1777; married Moses Eastman; died 1806. Samuel Colcord, born Jan. 16, 1780; married Kleanor Pettengill. Hannah, born March 25, 1782; died Nov. 12, 1802. Levi, born June 3, 1784; died June 21, 1864. (a) Ichabod, born Jan. 24, 1786; died Oct. 19, 1853. Peter, born Oct. 18, 1788; died Sept. 8, 1868. James, born Aug. 14, 1792; died June 17, 1837. Daniel, born Aug. 25, 1795. For Bartlett families, see Appendix. ^ Hon. Ichabod Bartlett was one of the organizers of the N. H. Historical Society in 1823. He was a noted law- yer and politician, a member of the N. H. Constitutional Convention, nominee for Governor, etc., and an active worker in the Councils of the State. Families of Jonathan,^ David,^ SamiieP and Joseph;' {of Jonathan,'^ Jonathan,'^ Samiuely^ Edioard^.) 1. Childi'en of Jonathan'^ and Elizabeth (Boardman) Col- cord of New Market, N. H. (a) Phineas, born July 12, 1767; married Rebecca Bradbury. (b) Jesse, born Feb. 8, 1769; married, 1st Elizabeth Nasson; 2nd Betsy Emery. Jonathan, Jr., born Dec. 3. 1770; married Nancy Marshall; died Jan. 7. 1835 Joseph, born Feb. 17, 1773. (c) Wilson, born May 25, 1775; married Polly Hobbs. Rhoda, born July 17, 1779; married * Phineas married a sister of William Bradbury, the noted musical composer. She was born Sept. 3, 1766. ^ Jesse married Elizabeth or Susan Nasson for his first wife in 1791. She was born in 1771, died in 1793, leaving one son, John N. His second wife, Betsy Emery, was COLCORD GENEALOGY. 31 bom in Sanford in 1771 and was the daughter of Caleb Emery, born in 1740, a son of David Emery, born in 1680, who came to Elliott, York Co., Me., in 1710. Jesse died in 1835. « Rev. Wilson Colcord, of Waterville, Me., had one daughter, Fanny. Other children not known. 2. Children of David^ and Eunice (Parsons) Colcord, of New Market and Londonderry, N. H. (a) David, born April 7, 1778; married, 1st Rebecca Bmart, 2nd Rebecca (Ellis) Harrlman. (b) Benjamin, born 1779-80; married Abigail Park; died 1831. Chase, born 1783; married Abigail Lanpher. William, born 1785; married Sally Ames. John, born 1787; married Amelia L. Park. Eunice, born 1790; married Capt. August Lanpher. Polly, born 1792; married Capt. Joslah Towle. ^ David^'s second wife was a niece of his first wife. David Colcord, Jr., Lieutenant in Capt. Jonathan Dow's company, in the War of 1812, moved to Prospect, now N. Searsport, Me., in the winter of 1798, when his oldest child was only one year old. He traveled across the frozen rivers and through the dark forests in a "pung," the first one seen in the new settlement where he located. He built a home on the shore of a little sheet of clear water, now called "Swan Lake," then "goose pond," and the homestead remained in the family for more than a hundred years. He was a pious man, a fine singer and a music teacher, and at "three score years and ten," was tall, straight and active, as the author when a lad remembers seeing him. All the children of David'^ were sea captains or the wives of sea captains. ^ Captains Benjamin, Chase, WiUiam and John Colcord were all sea men, engaged in coasting or West India trade generally, and had homes in Prospect or Belfast, Me., 32 COLCORD GENEALOGY. where their sisters, Eunice Lanpher and Polly Towle also lived. Searsport, Me., was a part of Prospect until 1845. 3. Children of SamueP and, 1st, Mary (Pearson or Par- sons), and, 2nd, Anna (Robinson) Colcord, of Notting- ham, N. H. His children were by his first wife. (a) Samuel, born 1774; married, 1st Mary Tuxbury in 1801, and, 2nd, Hannah Knowles, June 5, 1817. Joslah, born 1776; died In Atkinson, single, (b) Jonathan, born 1778-9; married and moved to Ohio and had children. (c) Charles, born about 1781; married and was a Free Baptist minister In Ohio. Jerusha, l)orn 1783; married Mark Maloon and moved South. Nancy, born 1786; married Moses Snow and lived In Maine. Mary, born 1788; date unknown; lived on homestead; unmarried. ^ Samuel,^' like his father, was a man of great piety. His first wife was of Deerfield. His second, of Northwood, was a daughter of Simeon Knowles and a sister of Deacon Levi Knowles. He was a millwright and a successful business man. ^Jonathan settled in Jackson Co., Mo., near Fort Sib- ley, where he raised a lai-ge family. "He prospered and left a very valuable farm, now owned by Judge Samuel Hudson, his grandson." — Letter of C. F. Colcord. ^ C. B. Colcord*^ settled at North Middletown, Bourbon Co., Ky., in 1813, then about twenty-seven years old, from the state of New Hampshire, with an older brother, Jona- than, going into business together. Their spirit of busi- ness venture, however, was not to be satisfied in a village traffic; so they engaged in extensive speculations, which proved remunerative, C. B. Colcord being the first man to take a drove of mules by land from Bourbon county to New Orleans. He was married to Mrs. Louisa Medcalf Bristow in 1824, and by that union were born six children, only two of whom grew to maturity: William R., born Nov. 26, 1827, and Francis Palmer, Sept. 17, 1829, receiv- COLCORD GENEALOGY. 33 ing liberal education at Western Military Institute, then located at Georgetown, Ky., at which time James G. Blaine was one of the preceptors. — Letter of James R. Eogers, of Paris, Ky., Dec. 1908. Charles B. became very prosperous and prominent, and owned a very fine estate when he died. His wife's maiden name was Medcalf . By his mamage with Mrs. Bristow he became the father of two sons, Wm. R. and Frank P., and one daughter, Louisa. It is said that Charles B.'s grandfather, Capt. Parsons, whose daughter Mary was the wife of Samuel M. Colcord, of Nottingham, N. H., (See Gen. V) lived to be 116 years old, and followed the sea until he was 90 years of age. He was probably a brother or cousin of Rachel Parsons, of Cape Ann, Mass., (Gloucester), who married Gideon Colcord of New Market and Stratham, N. H., about 1745. Several members of the Parsons family were sea captains, and one, Josiah, married Eunice Sargent in 1719 and moved to N. H. He had 10 children. Of Jerusha and Nancy nothing further is here re- corded. See Appendix. 4. Children of Joseph^ and Fanny (Russell) Colcord, of New Market, N. H., and Salem, Mass. (a) Thomas, born Oct. 25, 1780; married Esther Marshall; moved to Salem, Mass. Sally, born 1780; married William Safford, of Exeter, N. H. Joseph, born 1783; married Sally Jenness, of South New Market. John, born 1787; married Comfort Folsom. Betsy Armit, born 1790; married Cotton S. Brown, of Concord, N. H. Fanny, born ; married Prescott. Caroline, born ; married Watson. (Exeter and New Market Directory, Beckett.) No dates. ^This Thomas Colcord, whose son Thomas, Jr., "went West," seems to have returned from Salem, Mass., to South New Market, where he died, as his children were 34 COLCORD GENEALOGY. bom there. He may have been the grandfather of the Springfield, Oregon, Charles Colcord, whose father's name was Thomas. Families of Bdward,^ John,^ Samuel^ and Harvey,^ {of Edward,'^ Edward,^ Samtiel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Edward^ and wife (unknown) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. Edward, born 1768-80; married Sarah Weeks about 1805. (a) George, born about 1780, Exeter, N. H. *The Weeks families, of whom Joshua, Jonathan, Joseph and Samuel were residents, of Greenland (set off from Portsmouth) in 1714. Thomas Edgerly and Samuel Weeks were among the first members of Gilmanton First Baptist Church, 1773.— McClintock's History of N. H. See General Notes. 2. Children of Johu^ and Helena (Carpenter) Colcord, of Exeter and Brentwood, N. H. (a) Tristram Coffin, born 1784; married Anne R. Towle. (b) John Carpenter, born 1787; married Mrs. Ann R. (Towle) Colcord. Several daughters. Names unknown. * Tristram^ Coffin Colcord was a grandson of Jane Coffin*, wife of Edward, who was a granddaughter of Tris- tram Coffin of Hampton, who married Deborah^ Colcord, Edwara's daughter, who was born 1664. He and his brother, John C, went to Thornton and Chester and in 1810, when he married Anne R. Towle, he was said to be of Candia. Miss Towle was born on a farm at the south end of Enfield Poud, June 17, 1787. Tristram removed to Franklin, Vermont, where his only child, Betsy, was born in 1812, and the next year he died from a fever, leaving his wife and little child suddenly without support in the wilderness, one hundred thirty miles from her father's home. Her father, Reuben Towle, made the long journey COLCORD GENEALOGY. 35 and took his child and grandchild home, but on the way the wagon overturned and Mrs. Colcord suffered the dislo- cation of both wrists and completed the journey in this sad condition. ^John C. made a home for the widow in Franklin, Vt., where they raised a large family. 3. Children of SamueP and (1) Deborah (Gilman) and (2) Anna Walden (Gilman) Colcord. (See note page 27.) Edward, born 1774, Exeter, N. H. Hannah, born 1777, Exeter, N. H. Abigail, born 1779, Exeter, N. H. Josiah, born 1781, Exeter, N. H. Daniel, born June 30, 1786; married Mehitable Sampson. Thomas, born June 30, 1786; married Judith Wlggln; died August 4, 18G0. Daniel and Thomas, twins, were the sons of Samuel's second wife. 4. Children of Harvey^ and (wife unknown) Colcord, of Exeter and New Market, N. H. Abigail, born 1788-90; married Rev. Theodore Moses Harmony, Me. Samuel, born 1790-91; married ; wife died 1839; a carpenter. (a) Thomas, born 1792-93 married Sarah Kimball, Exeter, N. H. Deborah, born 1795; married George Van Duzee, Exeter, N. H. Ann, born 1798-99; married (1) Chas. Kobinson, (2) Rev. Jere Marsh. Mary, born 1801-02; married John liadger. ^A Thomas Colcord, Jr., born 1762, or earlier, was a grantee of Protectworth in 1782. He was probably a son of Thomas^ a Revolutionary soldier and a grandson of Jonathan-^ No record of his wife or family found, but the name occurs in the seventh and later generations in Somerset families. Isaac Colcord, of Army records, prob- ably had. children born 1778 and later. No record found. Families of Nathaniel,^ Josiah,^ Joab'^ and Benjamin,^ {of Gideon,* Edioard,'^ Samuel,- EdioardA) 1. Children of NathanieP and Rachel (Whidden) Colcord, 36 COLCORD GENEALOGY. of Exeter, N. H. and Hallowell, Me. "Came to Hal- lowell, Me., in 1794."— Eecords. (a) Gideon, born Mar. 12, 1782; married Sally Mason, of Pittston, Me. Rebecca, born April 24, 1784, in Canterbury, N. H. Nathaniel, Jr„ born July, 1788; married . Polly, born Jvme 19, 1790, in Canterbury, N. H. Betsey, born April 4, 1796, In Hallowell, Me. Nancy, born April 9, 1799. in Hallowell, Me. "Gideon died at sea on a passage from the West In- dies, March 27, 1816. His wife was a daughter of Samuel and Jane Mason, of Pittston, Me. 2. Children of Josiah^ and Mary (Shepard) Colcord. (a) Hachel, born May 22, 1785; married Stephen Swett, Parsonslield, Me. (b) Gideon, born May 25, 1787; married Comfort Doe, 1809; died 1863. Comfort, born April 23, 1789; married ; died Oct 7 12, 1864. Nancy, born Oct. 27, 1791; died Sept. 11, 1866. John S., born Dec. 7, 17*3; died March 31, 1885. (c) Abby, born June 20, 1800; married Morris Lord, Parsonsfleld; died Dec. 1868 Mercy, born July 29, 1803; died Dec. 1831. Mary, born March 26, 1805; died March 5, 1845. ^RacheP settled in Parsonsfleld. She had eight children. *^ Gideon*^ married June 10, 1809, and died April 11, 1863. His wife died Oct. 1, 1834. ^Abby (Colcord) Lord settled in Lowell, Mass. (Records mostly from Dearborn's Parsonsfleld, Me.) 3. Children of Joab^ and Colcord, of Parsonsfleld, Me. — R. J. Colcord' s Record. Harvey, born 1790-1; married . (a) Joab, born Aug. 4, 1793; married Betsey M. Towle, Feb. 24, 1818, (b) Josiah, born 1794-7; married Mary Griffeth. See John Wiggen Colcord. (c) Charles, born 1796-8; married Abigail Towie. "Joab*^ and Charles'^ settled near the west line of the town, Parsonsfied: Harvey at Tuftonboro, and Josiah in New York State. — Dearborn's Parsonsfleld.) ^A record of Josiah's family has not been found but he was probably the father of Martha Owen Colcord, who married Prof. John Wiggin Colcord in 1844. ^'No male descendent of Charles has been found. His WILLIAM COLCOKD. 1823— 187H. See Page 58. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 37 two daughters married and had families. See Gen. VII and VIII. 4. Children of Benjamin^ and ( ) Colcord, of North- wood, N. H. (a) Gideon, born about 1790; married Mrs. Lois (James) Lyford. (b) Enoch L., born 1794; married , E. Boston, Mass. ^No authentic record of Benjamin's family has been found. Mentioned in Dudley's Genealogy without dates. ^ Enoch L. Colcord had a son born in Boston in 1829. See Austin N. Colcord, Gen. VIII. Families of Ebenezer,^ John,^ and Samuel,^ ( Of Ehenezer,"^-^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Ebenezer^ and ( ) Colcord, of Brent- wood, N. H. (a) Dorothy, born 1775; married Jedediah Felbrick, in 1790, at Kingston. (b) Ebenezer, born 1780; married Mrs. Elizabeth (Clifford) Payson. ^ The record of the marriage of Ebenezer* (N. H. Hist. Society) in 1749 or 1750 fixes the date of Ebenezer^'s birth as not earlier than 1751, and the date of Ebenezer^^'s birth probably not earlier than 1778. He was married about 1809 and died 1815. His wife was the daughter of John P. Payson. They resided at Brentwood, N. H., and Dudley or Turner, Me. His wife's mother was Hannah, daughter of David Clifford. The Cliffords were among the first settlers of Hampton Falls, 1715. See Appendix. 2. Children of John^ and Lydia (Merrill) Colcord, of Kingston. John, born 1789; married Hannah Thyng. l<:iiphalet, born 1792: married Olive Steele, of Exeter. Harvey, probably. A Mrs. Olive Colcord was living on Oak street, in Exeter, N. H., when the Exeter Directory wa5 compiled by Beckett in 1872. See Gen. VII. 38 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 3. Children of SamueP and ( ) Colcord, of New Hampton, N. H. Samuel, born 1774; married , In Exeter. (See Samuel (7), born 1797.) General Notes. Gideon Colcord, probably of the VI Generation, mar- ried Mary Moore, of Stratham, about 1800 to 1810. No record of their children has been obtained. Mary Moore was a grand daughter of Hannah* (Colcord) Gilman of Jonathan.^ In the census of 1790, Edward^ Colcord, of Exeter, N. H., had two sons more than sixteen years of age, and one daughter whose name has not been learned. The record of the large family of Edward*^ is given in the next generation, and some descendants of George^ have been recorded. There is a tradition that Samuel,^ who was the father of Jonathan and Charles Colcord, came from England in 1784 and settled in Concord, N. H., but no records or proofs have been found by the author to substantiate this story. The SamueP of Deerfield and Northwood was the son of Mary Parsons or Pearson, who was a daughter of "Capt. Parsons," who is also said to have been the grandfather of Charles and Jonathan, connecting the Kentucky family with Samuel of Nottingham, N. H., formerly of New Mar- ket, N. H. The records of Ralph B. Colcord, copied from the Westboro, Me. Bible, in 1828, commences with Jonathan,'^ born 1743, and gives his children and the family of Ivory'' Colcord, born 1799, and of Ralph'^ B. Colcord and descend- ants to 1906. The family of David^ is from original records and of SamueP from Cogswell's History, 1878. The records of the Maine branches are taken from COLCORD GENEALOGY. 39 various sources, principally from Town Records and from original comnmnications. Approximate dates have been supplied where exact dates are wanting. The sons of Jonathan* scattered after the close of the War and became widely separated. Jonathan^, Jr., born 1743, remained on the farm until near the close of the century. David went, probably, to Parsonsfield, or that vicinity, on the Ossipee River, then to Londonderry, N. H., where David, Jr., was born (1778) and later to Tamworth, N. H., from which town David, Jr., emigrated to Prospect, Me., in 1799. SamueP went to Nottingham, N. H., probably, before 1780. 40 COLCORD GENEALOGY. GENERATION VII. Paniilies of I^oiiis/' Hannah,'^ Peter^' and Daniel,^ (Of Daniel,^ Samuel^-'^-, Edward.^) 1. Children of Daniel,^ and Polly (Woodman) Colcord, of Kingston, N. H. (a) Daniel, born, J line 9, 1818; married ; died Aug. 12, 1897, In Brentwood. (b) Monroe, born, 1820?; married Hannah Webster, of Kingston. ^ Daniel Oolcord, the grandson of Samuel B., lived and died in Brentwood and was buried in Kingston, N. H. We have no record of wife or children. ^ Monroe Colcord married Hannah Webster, of Kings- ton, a descendant of Ebenezer Webster, Hon. Daniel Webster's father. No records have been obtained of the families of Louis*^, Hannah" or Peter*'. Two sons and four aaughters were recorded in the census of 1790, the sons being under 16 years of age in family of Daniel of Kingston. For record of Bartlett and Patten families, see Ap- pendix. Families of Phineas,^' Jesse/' Jonathan,^ and Wilson,^ {of Jonathan,^^-''^ Samuel,- Edward.^) 1. Children of Phineas'' and Eebecca (Bradbury) Colcord, from Waterboro, Me., Bible record. {R. B. Colcord.) (a) William, born .lan. 20, 1791; died at Hath, N. Y. (b) Wear, born Sept. IB, 1792; married Kllzabeth Kdgerly. (e) IJotsy, born Nov. 1(5, 1794; married .Toseph Vlaisted. (d) Joseph, born March 31, 1797; married Sally l>icklnson, (e) Ivory, born August 21, 1799 ; married Klzina Smith. Nancy, born July 17, 1801: died In Infancy. Mary, born Sept. i!0, 180:'.; married Brown, Boston, Mass. Tolly, born Feb. 14, 180(i. No record. (() I'hlneas, .Ir., born Jan. (i, 1812; married Eliza Utissell. Died In Boston. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 41 * William, Mith his brothers, Joseph and Ivory, walked from Maine to New York State in 1818 on their way to Ohio. At Bath, N. Y., they found some friends from Maine and decided to locate on Bonny Hill, near Bath, where William died. He was never married. ^ Wear Colcord, born near the Piscataqua River, mar- ried Elizabeth Tate Edgerly of Dm-ham, N. H., Nov. 13, 1817, and Hved in Lowell, Mass., and later in Maiden, Mass., where he died Oct. 27, 1869. His wife, who died in 1873, was a daughter of Sanmel Edgerly, of Durham, the son of Jonathan. Thomas Edgerly was one of the delegates from Dover in 1689 to organize a council for the government of the Colonists of New Hampshire, who were then without a charter ; and in 1773, another Thomas Edgerly, a de- scendant, was one of the original male members of the First Baptist Church of Gilmanton, a new town formed from the older towns of Exeter, Northfield and Dover, N. H. Durham was originally a part of Dover, formerly called Oyster River, and was incorporated a parish in 1765. Mesheck Wear, for whom Wear Colcord was named, was President of the Senate in 1775. ^Betsey Colcord Plaisted had seven sons and one daughter. One son, Ivory Plaisted, settled in Cleveland, Ohio. Record not followed; ^Joseph had learned the blacksmith trade in Port- land, Me., and in addition to working at his trade, he cleared and tilled a large farm on Bonny Hill. He had a big nose and a jovial, kindly disposition, loved to play harmless practical jokes but was sincere and upright in character, unrefined but generous, industrious and of ex- cellent habits. * Ivory Colcord was married in 1820. He staid a few years on Bonny Hill, where eight of his children were 42 COLCORD GENEALOGY. born, and then moved to Sterling, Whiteside County, 111., in 1837. It required forty days to make the journey. In 1828, he went back to his old home in Waterboro, Maine, where he copied the family record from the Bible, and from this record, which was preserved in the Illinois home, Kalph B. Colcord, Ivory's son, obtained the names and dates of birth of Jonathan ^ and his children and gi*and- children, a copy of which was sent to the Author in 1907, before Ralph B. died. Proofs of the accuracy of this rec- ord have since been obtained by the Author from other re- liable sources, and many of Ivory's descendants will be found in the later generations here recorded, but some names and dates are still lacking. Ivory was a man of sterling worth and a successful business man. Many of his children and grandchildren still reside in Illinois. The families of his sisters, Mary and Polly, have not been re- corded here. ^ Phineas, Jr., married Eliza Russell and went to Cal- ifornia during the early settlement of that State, where he kept a store. His health failed and he returned to Boston, where he died. He left two children, a boy and a girl, whose names the Author has been unable to obtain. 2. Children of Jesse^ and, 1st, Susanna (Susan) Nason and 2nd, Betsy Emery, of Sanford, Me. (a) John Nason, born April 18, 1793; married (1st) Polly Armala; (2nd) Clara Webster, of Sanford, Me. Elizabeth, born Nov. 30, 1794; died April 19, 1795, Sanford, Me. (b) David, born April 28, 1796; married Sally Mason; died June 9, 1867. (c) Mary II., born April 27, 1798; married John Pearl; died Aug. 28, 1876. Betsey, born July 13, 1800; died Dec. 8, 1800, Sanford, Me. Ilhoda, born March 16, 1802; died April 27, 1802, Sanford, Me. (d) Jesse, Jr., born April 8, 1803; died Nov. 25, 1825; Sanford, Me. (e) Phineas, born Feb. 8, 1806; married Nancy Garland; died Aug. 21. 1846. Susan N., born Dec. 4, 1808; died July 18, 1832, Porter, Me. (f ) Isabella, born June 5, 1811; married Stephen Broolcs Jan. 3, 1841. (g) Caleb E., born Mar. 4, 1814; married Mary Kennard in 1840; died 1853. (h) Charlotta S., born Feb. 18, 1817; married Peter H. Hatch; died, Oregon City, 111. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 43 It seems certain that Jesse's first wife's name was Su- san. ''John Nason Colcord, whose mother died soon after his birth, went to sea when a young lad and was one of the impressed seamen taken by a British frigate, whose impressment brought on the war of 1812. After his es- cape he served in the navy for three years, then joined the first Astor expedition to the Northwest Coast, follow- ing the sea for a number of years. Being ill on one of these voyages, he was left at the Sandwich Islands where he married a half-breed Spanish woman named Polly Ar- rnala, and in 1818 built the first house built by an Ameri- can in Honolulu. He raised a family there, and after his wife's death, he returned to Maine (in 1840) where he mar- ried Clara Webster, of Sanford, Me. He went back to Honolulu, S. I., with his second wife in 1842, but in 1845 took his wife and family to Woburn, Mass., where he spent the remainder of his life, dying there May 5, 1852. See Appendix. ^ David Colcord, of Porter, Me. , was referred to by Dearborn in his "History of Parsonsfield," Me., as the late Capt. David Colcord. He was Selectman of the town for several years, leaving four children at his death. One still living. ''Mary H. Pearl raised a family; not recorded here. ^ Jesse Colcord, Jr., died single. •'Phineas Colcord married in 1835 and died 1846. He was lame from infancy. Probably had children, but no record obtained. ^ Isabella or Isabel Brooks lived in Porter, Me. s Caleb Emery Colcord was a dwarf. Had no children. ^ Charlotta S., born in Porter, Me., went to the Sand- wich Islands and was mamed there to Peter Hatch, of 44 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Winchester, Mass. She died in Oregon City (Dearborn) lU. (?) in 1846. General Notes. Jesse® bought a large tract of land in Porter, Me., in 1808. His first wife died when John^ N. was only nine days old. His grandmother Nason took the babe and kept him until he was four years old. Moulton's History of Porter, Me., 'page 24, reads: "Jesse Colcord, born New Market, N. H., Feb. 9, 1769, married (1st) Elizabeth Nason, who (?) died April 3, 1835. Children (1st) John N. born in Sanford, April 18, 1793. Died, May 25, 1852. He married (2nd) Betsy Emery, April 6, 1794. She was born Oct. 21, 1771, died Dec. 6, 1829. (2nd.) Eliz- abeth, born Nov. 30, 1794, and etc." This account is not clear and has given rise to much confusion and contro- versy. Emery's History of Sanford, Me., page 426, reads: "John Colcord, son of John and Susannah (Nason) Colcord, born April 18, 1793, and etc." I have followed the record of J. W. Colcord, John N's son, which agrees with Moul- tin's History as to his father's name, John N(ason), but says he was born in 1791, differing from both Moulton and Emery in date. Joseph B. Colcord in a letter to the author in 1907 says: "John, not John N., was Jesse Colcord's second son, and while in the Sandwich Islands married a native woman and had three children, two boys and one girl." Unfortunately the date of Jesse's marriage to his first wife is not recorded. It seems probable that the name of his first wife was Susanna, not Elizabeth, and it was certainly Jesse, not John N. who married Elizabeth (or Betsy) Emery, whose first child was named Elizabeth, born Nov. 30, 1794. The name of the Sandwich Island woman, the first wife of John N., is given as "Polly" by Mrs. Sarah Wyman, who is a granddaughter of Jesse Col- 1833-189fi. SAIVIUKI, FKEKMAN roLCORIt. See Page 87 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 45 cord, a niece of John N. See notes on Jesse Colcord of VIII Generation. 3. Children of Jonathan®, and Nancy (Marshall) Col- cord, of Exeter, N. H., Newmarket. N. H. and Ber- wick, Me. (a) Jotham, born April, 1796; married ; Residence, E. Newport, Me. John, born 1798 ? ; never married . Lived In S. Berwick, Me. (b) Leonard, born about 1806; married Ann Elizabeth Burley (or Burleigh,) (c) Emily, born about 1807; Residence Exeter, N. H., and Salem, Mass, (d) Charles J., born about 1808; married Susan Lord, Portsmouth, N. H. (e) Samuel M., born 1817; married, 1st, Abby Hinkley, of Brunswick; 2nd Elizabeth Rodman. * Jotham Colcord raised a family, but all his children have passed away, and no record found. ^ Leonard Colcord lived in South Berwick, Me. His wife was a descendant of the Burleys and Dudleys of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, one of whom married Jonathan,* Leonard's greatgrandfather. ^ Emily Colcord married a manufacturer of Great Falls, N. H., named Burleigh. He lost his eyesight, was operated on for cataract in Paris and afterwards died, leaving his wife a young widow. She was noted for her beauty, and became celebrated as a teacher, having a se- lect school for girls in Exeter, N. H., and also in Salem, Mass., which were successfully conducted and widely known in New England fifty years ago. She never re- married. ^ Charles J. Colcord was the father of John E. Colcord, Chief Clerk at U. S. Navy Yard at Kittery, opposite Ports- mouth, N. H. His other children not known. ® Samuel M. Colcord, ex-President of the Massachu- setts College of Pharmacy and of the American Pharma- ceutical Association, a charter member, was for a number of years a wholesale druggist, corner Hanover and Port- land streets, Boston, Mass., and for fourteen years partner 46 COLCORD GENEALOGY. of Theodore Metcalf, son of Judge Metcalf, a well-known retail druggist. He died in 1895. N^. No record found of family of Joseph,^ born 1773. S/x Children of Wilson^ (Rev.) and Polly (Hobbs) Colcord, of Western Maine. Fanny Colcord, born about 1800; married Ivory Low, of Augusta, Me. Records for the remainder of this family have not been received. 6. Children of Rhoda*'' Colcord have not been found. Families of David^, Benjamin^, Chase^,John^, Wil- liam^, JEunice^, and Polly ^, {of David,^ Johathan,^^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of David ^ and, 1st, Rebecca Smart and, 2nd, Rebecca (Ellis) Harrimau, of Prospect, Me. (a) Elizabeth, born Jan. 10, 1798; married William Dodge, Esq., in 1812, Pros- pect, Me. (b) David, born March 27, 1800; married 1st, Martha West and, 2nd, Mrs. Hannah (Doane) Blood. Resided in Prospect and Bucksport, Me. (c) Mark, born June 7, 1803; married Rebecca Towle Marden. (d) James, twin brother of Mark; married Eliza Cunningham, Prospect, Me. Joshua, born 1805; died unmarried. (e) Wilson, born Dec. 16, 1822 ; married Catherine Black, Prospect, Me. (1) Amanda, born May 15, 1825; married 1st, William y. Young, 2nd, Green- leal P.Curtis. (Living in 1908), Searsport, Me. Amasa T., died single. ^Elizabeth Colcord was born in Tam worth N. H., and while an infant was taken in a "pung" across the country to Prospect, Me. She married young, raised a large fam- ily, celebrated her "Golden Wedding" in 1862 and died painlessly, after a beautiful and happy Christian life. ^ Rev. David Colcord, whose mother died while he was a boy, early became a sailor, and rose from cook to cap- tain in the coasting trade. A good singer and an earnest Christain, he became a sailor preacher and preached, when in port, from Maine to Florida, along the coast. His health COLCORD GENEALOGY, 47 failing, he spent his later years as a farmer and local preacher in Bucksport, Me., where he died in 1858. He was buried in the Long Pond Cemetery in Bucksport, Me. ^ Mark Colcord was a successful business man and had a fine home near Searsport Village, Me., where he raised a large family, but his later years were shadowed by the tragic death of a son, who was caught in the ma- chinery of a mill on his farm, and by the early death of nearly all his children, none of whom lived to raise large famihes, except the oldest daughter, Hannah. '^ James, the twin brother of Mark, died in 1875, in Prospect, Me., where he had always lived. ^ Wilson Colcord was the son of David's second wife. He married Catherine Black in 1843, and lived in Sears- port, Me. * Amanda (Young) Curtis, one of the few living mem- bers of the VII Generation from Edward, is living with a daughter in Searsport, Me., and many of the records of the Prospect branch of our family have been furnished by her, or corroborated by her memory of names and facts. 2. Childi-en of Benjamin'' and Abigail (Park) Col- cord. (a) Benjamin, born 1803; married Ablah Blanchard, Prospect, Me. Matilda, born 1801; married Augustus Webber, a sea captain. Amelia, born 1806; married Nathum Griftin, Searsport, Me. (b) Jolan, born 1808; married Betsy Curtis, Searsport, Me. ^Captain Benjamin was a well-known and highly re- spected sea captain, whom the Author often heard his fa- ther speak of when a boy. He died in 1872. Two of his sons and several of his grandsons "followed the sea." "Capt. Benjamin Colcord died in 1868, aged 64 years, 9 months and 11 days." (Letter of Captain Charles A. Colcord, Sept. 1908.) The above date of birth is deduced from this record of his son, Charles A. The other dates are ap- proximate only. 48 COLCORD GENEALOGY. ^ Capt. John sailed with the Author's father when they were young men, and became a master in his turn, marrying into the Curtis family. Benjamin and John Colcord were seamen and became captains and owners of vessels, sailing from Searsport, Me. Their descendants live in various places now, but many of them still follow the sea. Their records have been com- piled mostly from notes gathered by Miss J. C. Colcord of the X Generation. The descendants of Matilda and Captain Webber and of Amelia (Griffin) are given partially, from Miss J. C. Col- cord's records, with approximate dates. See Generations VIII, IX and X. 3. Children of Capt. Chase'^ and Abigail (Lanpher) Colcord, of Prospect, Me. Abigail, born 1802; married Ezekiel Messman. (a) Emily, born 1803; married Alpheus Field. Chase, Jr., born 1805; married Mary Ann, born 1806; married White. Eunice, born 1808. Elizabeth, born 1810. (b) Jonathan D(avid), born Jan. 13, 1813; married Hannah Smart, Feb. 25th, 1838. Above dates approximate, except that of Jonathan D. ^ Emily (Colcord) Field resided in Searsport, Me., and raised a family there. ^ This was Captain Jonathan, a coaster, who lived in Searsport in the early part of the last century. The record of Captain Chase Colcord's family, except in the families of Emily (Field) and Johathan D. is incomplete. 4. Children of Captain John and Amelia L. (Park) Col- cord. Elmira, born 1806; married James Mossman. Mary Ann, born 1810; no record. John Greenleaf Pendleton, born 1812; married Nancy Pendleton. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 49 5. Children of Capt. William^ and Sally (Ames) Colcord, of Prospect, Me. Mary Jane, born about 1800; married Batchelder. Sally, born 1803; married Marshal Dutch. John S., born 1806; married Sarah House. Josiah, born 1808; married Miss Berry. William, born 1812; married Miss Hidibone. Living in 1908. No later records of this family have been received. The children lived in Prospect, and Searsport, Me., where many of their descendants stiD reside. 6. Children of Eunice (Colcord) and Capt. Augustus Lan- pher, of Prospect, Me. Augustus Lanpher, born 1800; married Eliza Towle. Eliza Lanpher, born 1803; no record. William Lanpher, born 1805; married Abigail Turner. Abigail Lanpher, born 1808; married Thomas True. Eunice Lanpher, born 1810-12; married John Mason. Dates are approximate, and no later records. 7. Children of PoUy*^ (Colcord) and Josiah Towle. Josiah Towle, Jr., born about 1805; married Blanche Snow, (a) Margaret Towle, born about 1807; married A. T. C. Dodge, of Washing- ton, D. C. Isabel Towle, born about 1810; married Levi Fundy. David Towle, born about 1812; married Ann Towle, born about 1814; married - - Sparrow. Mary Jane Towle, born about 1816-18; married Gardner. Abigail Towle, born about 1820; married Piper. Henry Palmer Towle, born about 1824. No record. The dates are approximate and no later record. * For children of Margaret Towle Dodge see Amasa T. C. Dodge family in Appendix. The geneaology of this branch of the Towle family has not been traced here, but Capt. Josiah Towle was doubt- less a descendant of the Towles of Hampton, N. H., whose ancestor was Philip Towle, who came to Hampton, N. H., in 1640. See Towle Genealogy. Families of Samuel,^ Jonathan^ and Charles,^ {of Samuel,^ Jonathan,^-^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Samuel^ and, 1st, Mary (Tuxbury), and, 2nd, 50 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Hannah (Knowles) Colcord, Northwood, &c., N. H. Mary, born April 28, 1803; married Levi Knowles, oi Northwood, in 1822. Bradbury, born 1805; married ; has children; went to Texas. (a) Samuel, born 1807; married — ; Kentucky; haschlldren. Nancy, born 1809-11; married Joseph Harvey; Northwood. * Samuel,^ of Nottingham, who came from New Market "early in its history" hved between Northwood and Deer- field when SamueF was born, and he married his first wife Mary, Jan. 23, 1801, in Deerfield. She died July 1st, 1811, and six years later, June 5, 1817, he married Hannah Knowles, daughter of Simeon Knowles, of Northwood, who was left a widow by Samuel's death in 1841. She died March 19, 1851. The families of Bradbury and Samuel have not been heard from. Nancy (Harvey) had one daughter, Mary A. 2. Children of Jonathan^, and Eebeccah (McMillican, of Charleston, S. C.,) Colcord, of Bourbon Co., Kentucky, — C. F. Colcord's record. 3. Children of Charles B.^ and Louisa (Bristow) Medcalf Colcord, of Bourbon Co., Ky., 1824. William Rogers, born Nov. 27, 1826; married-Marie Clay; died 1901. Francis Palmer, born Sept. 17, 1829. died, 1899. Louisa. William and Francis Colcord were educated at West- ern Military Institute, then located at Georgetown, Ky., when Hon. James G. Blaine was teacher there. William Rogers was named for a friend of his father, Charles B., who was born in N. H., in 1772, and lived in the same neighborhood in Kentucky. Families of Thomas RS\ Joseph^' and John,^' (Of Joseph,-^ JonatlmW^-^, SanmeP, EdwardA) 1. Children of Thomas E«., and Esther (Marshall) Colcord, COLCORD GENEALOGY. 51 Exeter, N. H. Esther Ann, born Feb. 16, 1811; married Jeremiah Perkins. (a) Edward II., born Mar. 1, 1813; married Sarah Smith, ol Newburyport, Mass. (b) Thomas, A. R., born Nov. 27, 1815; married Eleanor Tracy. Living in 1908. Joseph Augustus, born Mar. 5, 1817; died Nov. 7, 1821, In Salem, Mass. James F., born June 16, 1820; died In Salem, Nov. 1, 1821. Francis R., born 1822; died 1823. Joseph A., born June 24, 1821. Francis Russell, born 1826; died 1830. Clara Augusta, born Nov. 17, 1828; married Dr. Fletcher. Laura Ellen, born Nov. 24, 1831; married Charles Iloag. Susan Mead, born Nov. 2, 18.^; married ; died 18.j8; New Market, N. H. Families of Mdward^ and George,^ {Of Edward,^>^^ Samuel^ EdwardA) Children of Edward^ and Clara (Weeks) Colcord, mar- ried in G-ilmanton, N. H. Samuel, born June 22, 1807. Joseph, born Aug. 12, 1808. Edward, born May 7, 1810. Daniel, born March 22, 1812. Nancy, born Feb. 21, 1814. Sally, born Mar. 6, 1816. George, born Mar. 7, 1818. Isaac, born July 23, 1822. Hannah, born April 14, 1824. Children of George^ and Joanna (Jones) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. Lydia Ann Colcord, born 1802; married Joseph Adams JanvrLn In 1822. She died April 30, 1860. Resided In Exeter, N. II. No list of other children. Families of John C.^ and Tristrum C.^ [of John,^ Edvcard,^^ Samuel,^ Edo:ardA) 1. Children of John C.^ and Tiistrum C.^ and Ann R. (Towle) Colcord. (a) Betsey T., bom July 12, 1812; married Enoch Pomeroy In 1837. (a) Henry C, bom Aug. 29, 1816; married Lestlna E. Fleteher, Franklin, Vt. George, bom June 12, 1820; died 1820, Franklin, Vt.— Towle Gene. (b) John, born April 18, 1822; married Sylvia Prudentia Bowman, Franklin. (c) Maria, bom Sept. 20, 1828; died April 2, 1847, Franklin, Vt. (d) Sarah T., born .Sept. 25, 1828; married Joshua W. Peckham. (e) George, bom June 21, 1831; married, 1st, Parmella Earle; 2nd, Martha Armstrong. 52 COLCORD GENEALOGY. These children are connected with Edward Colcord,^ thus: J JohnandTrIstum(6), John(5), Edward(4), Edward(3), Bamuel(2), Edward(l). jAnn R. (6), Reuben Towle (5), Sai'ah Hobbs (4), Hobbs (3), Sarah and John Hobbs (2), Edward (1). * Henry C, was a blacksmith and farmer. He lived in Berkshire, Canada, and Franklin, Vt., dyiDg in Frank- lin, July 3, 1884. ''*' John's wife, Sylvia P., was the daughter of Eben. Bowman, of Westford, Vt; married June 7, 1849. He re- mained on the farm. He was a Kepresentative in 1863 and 1864, a member and official in the Church for more than fifty years; died April 20, 1898. ** Maria, a most estimable young lady; died in 1847. ^ Joshua W. Peckham lived on a farm one and one- half miles North of Franklin Centre. A faithful member and steward of the church; he died young, November 25, 1860. 'George married MirsS Earle, of Burke, N. Y., and lived on a farm in South Berkshire for several years. His wife died in January, 1866, and he married Martha, daughter of Alexandei- Armstrong, of St. Armaud, P. Q., and lived some years in Berkshire, after which be went to Minne- apolis, Minn., working as carpenter and builder there in 1892. He died Oct. 19, 1904. Several members of the 7th Generation of this branch of the Colcord family were alive at the beginning of the present century. Many interesting incidents are related of them and their ancestors in the "Towle Genealogy," 1892, to which the reader is referred. Family of Daniel,^ and of Thomas^, {of Samuel,^ Edtoard,'^^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of DanieP and Mehitabel (Sampson) Colcord, CHART. l':S K. CoLCiilIli. 1867— See Page 8(i. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 53 of Exeter, N. H. (a) Samuel, born July 27, 1811; married Elizabeth Perham, Exeter, N. H. (b) Willam Sampson, born Oct. 17, 1815; married, 1st, Mary E. Beckett; 2nd Frances W. Plant; died 1892. (c) Otis Brlggs, born 1817; married ; died 1898. Jane, born June 9, 1819; married Jacob Clark, Greenville, 111.. Ami, born 1824; living (1908) Bunker HUl, 111. '^ Samuel Colcord was married to Elizabeth Perham, May 1, 1836. He went to Bond Co., LI., and was a mer- chant in Greenville for several years. Miss Perham was a descendant of the Pilgrims. See Appendix — Eev. Sam- uel ^ Colcord. ^ William was a storekeeper and postmaster in Green- ville, 111., where his descendants still live. He was born in Exeter, N. H. ^ Otis Colcord was a dealer in live stock and owned a farm near Greenville, 111. He had one son whose name has not been obtained. Probably another family of Samuel^ but records lacking. 2. Children of Thomas^ and Judith (Wiggin) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. (a) John AViggin, born 1818 in Exeter, N. H.; married, 1st, Martha Owen Colcord; 2nd, Emily Radford; .Srd, Mercy A. Hussey. * A graduate of Colby University, (A. M.) 1841, he be- came a successful educator, teaching in Portland, Me., Chicago, HI., and in Peabody, Mass. Principal of Literary and Scientific Institute in 1842; Portland, Me. High School and Academy, 1847 to 1850; Peabody, Mass. High School 1855; Chicago, HI. 1856; returned to Portland, Me. and was editor of "Zion's Advocate" for 15 years thereafter. (Hayward's History Hancock, N. H.) Well known and highly spoken of in Maine as a writer, teacher, and speaker. 54 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Families of Rachel,^ Gideon^\ John S.^, and Abby^, {of Josiah,^ Gideon,* Edward,^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Rachel (Colcord) and Stephen Swett, of Parsonsfield, Me. Mary Swett, born about 1807; Alice, 1809; Merlbah, 1811; Mercy, 1814; Asa, 1816; John, 1818; Stephen, 1822; Joslah, 1825— had one daughter, Em ily a teacher In Parsonsfleld, Me. 2. Children of Gideon^ and Comfort (Doe) Colcord, and 2nd, Mrs. Devlin, of Parsonsfield, Me. (a) Elizabeth Doe, born June 20, 1811; single; died 1891. (b) Rulus, born June 20, 1813; married Roxanna Wentworth, born June 7, 1822; died August, 1891. Parsonsfleld, Me. Joslah H., born July 6, 1817; married Anna Hobbs; died 1852; had one daughter, Clara, born 1849. Cliraena, born April 13, 1820; died Nov. 1885; never married. Mercy S., born May 23, 1825; spinster; died Jan. 21, 1859; Parsonsfleld. (c) Clara L., born Apr. 26, 1826; married Rev. Eph. A. Edwards, Beverly, Mass. John D., born July 21, 1829; never married; died Aug. 20, 1853. ^ Elizabeth was a teacher, lived in Parsoufield and was buried there. ''Rufus Colcord, born in Parsonsfield, Me., was a grandson of Josiah, a soldier of the Revolution, who shouldered his musket and walked from Parsonsfield to Boston, as soon as he heard of the impending conflict there in 1775. Rufus lived on the homestead in Parsonsfield where he died in 1884. He had three sons, one of whom, Henry W., still lives on the old homestead in Parsonsfield. All are married and have children. ^^ Clara Leavitt Colcord was loved and respected by all who knew her, being possessed of a gentle and lovable disposition. She left her home when but a young girl, having lost her mother, went to Lowell, Mass., where she had an older sister, secured means for obtaining an edu- cation by her own efforts, and attended the Academy at New Hampton, N. H., where she was a classmate of Mrs. H. B. Stowe. She was very successful as a teaclier. She married a Baptist Minister i\i 1853, by whom she had six COLCORD GENEALOGY. 55 sons, four of whom are still living in Beverly, Mass.— Let- ter of Benj. I. Edwards, 1908. No record found of John S. later. 3. Children of Abby*' (Colcord) and Morris Lord, of Par- sonfield, Me. George C. Lord, born about 1822; lived In Lowell, Mass. Josiah C. Lord, born 1824, Lowell, Mass. Augustus C. Lord, born 1827, Lowell, Mass. Hester Lord, born 1829, Lowell, Mass. Randolph Lord, born 1832, Lowell, Mass. Charles Lord, born 1834, Lowell, Mass. No later records. Families of Joab,^ Josiab,^ SamueP and Charles,^ {of Joah,^ Gideon,^ Edward,^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Joab^ and Betsey M. (Towle) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. John M., born December 13, 1819; married Lucy Bingham, Nov. 27, 1849; Exeter, N. H. Elizabeth, born 1821; died 1823. Henry A. F„ born Nov. 24, 1823; married, (1st), Nancy C. Wlngate, 1850; (2nd), Eliza A. Towle, Sept. 6, 1855. Charles, born Nov. 26, 1826; died Jan. 18, 1830. Simeon F., born April 2, 1831; died Jan. 14, 1833. Clarlnda, born 1837; died 1838. The Towle family, originally of Hampton, N. H. (1640) early intermarried with the Colcord family, and several somewhat distinct branches have resulted therefrom. The Franklin, Vt., families are from Anthony Towle and Sarah (Colcord) Hobbs on the one side, and from John C. Colcord who married Ann R. (Towle) Colcord on the other. Some of the Towle families, of Hampton, moved to Maine after the war of the Revolution, and we find them in Parsons- field, Prospect, and other Maine towns, where their de- scendants married the Colcords of later generations. 2. Children of Josiah^ and Mary (Griffeth) Colcord. Martha Owen, born about 1820-25. Married Prol. John W. Colcord, of Exeter, N. H., and Portland, Me. 56 COLCORD GENEALOGY. I have not been able to find the other children of Josiah^, or full proofs of his line of descent. The above Une seems most probable. — D. B. C. 3. Children of Charles^ and Abigail (Towle) Colcord, of Parsonsfield, Me. Juliette, born about 1826. Hester, born about 1828-30. Other children died young. Families of John,^ and Thomas,^ {of Johnfi Ebenezer,*-^ Samuel,"^ EdwardA) 1. Children of John^ and (Hannah Thyng) Colcord, of Kingston and Brentwood, N. H. Jacob, born 1815-20; died single. Frederic, born 1818; married; had two sons. John, born 1820-21; died single in Central America or California. Abby, born 1822-26; spinster; died May, 1908, on old homestead, at Brent- wood, N. H, John^ Colcord and Lydia Merrill were married in Kingston, May 10, 1787. — Kingston Records. Their son John^ born about 1789, lived on the lands granted to Samuel Colcord, or Samuel Dudley in the first settlement of Kingston and Brentwood. Only one son, Frederic, manned and raised a family. John' went to sea and, by tradition, was said to have died in Central America. Abby remained single and lived to be nearly 90 years of age. Family of Mhene^^er,^ {of Ebenezer,^-^Sa7nuel,'^ EdioardA ) 1. Children of Ebenezer*^ and Elizabeth Clifford (Payson) . Colcord, of Turner, Me. (a) Aurella, born about 1811; man-led Tlios. C. Norris; died In Perry, la. (b) Ebenezer Payson, born Aug. 9, 1813; married Sarah Towne In 1837. ^ Aurelia and her husband both died in Perry, Iowa, 1850- DAMKI. WKHSTKK COIA'OKD, M. H. See Page 58. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 57 after 1870, leaviog four children, one of whom was alive in 1906. See Gen. VIII, Elizabeth Norris. ^Ebenezer' was born in Dudley, or Turner, Me., and died in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, May 15, 1852, while on the way to California. Ebenezer Colcord, of Brentwood, born 1726, married Patience Stevens in 1749-50. No record of the birth of their children has been found, but Ebenezer, Jr., if born before 1755 would have been 25 years old or more in 1780, and he signed the "Association Test" in Brentwood in 1776. If he married in 1780 to 1790, he would have been between 23 and 33 years old when Ebenezer Payson Col- cord (his oldest son) was born. No other Brentwood or Kingston Colcord has been found who would fill these conditions. Family of UUphalet,^ {John,^ Ehenezer,^-^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) Children of Eliphalet^ and OUve (Steele) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. Mary OUve, born Nov. 1, 1824; married Jacob Carlisle; died Dec. 23, 1907. Elizabeth A., born Oct. 20, 1828; married John Cobum. William H., born Dec. 24, 1832; married ; living in 1908. Charles Ellphalet, born Dec 17, 1835; married Sarah E. Clarke. Family of Samuel,^ {Of Samuel,^ Ebenezer,^ Samuel,2 Edward-^) It may be that this Samuel was a son of Edward,^ {Edward,*-^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) Children of Samuel'^ and ( ) Colcord, of Exeter, N.H. Samuel, born 1795; married Lydla Palmer. Stephen, born ; married Sarah Smith, Meredeth, N. H. Otis, born ; married Adeline Worthen. Abigail, born ; married Edward Chamberlin. Mehitabel. Betsy. Children of Enoch L.^ and ( ) Colcord, of Boston, Mass. (May have been of John^, of Exeter, N. H. Austin N., born June 10. 182!); married Kate Spear, Boston and Philadelphia. 58 COLCORD GENEALOGY. GENERATION VIII. Families of Daniel ^ and Monroe,"^ {of Daniel,^ Samuel^-^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Daniel ' and ( ) Colcord, of Kingston, and Brentwood, N. H. No records received. 2. Children of Monroe' and Hannah (Webster) Colcord, of Kingston, N. H. Monroe Taylor, born May 20, 1847; died Nov. 22, 1869; single, (a) Daniel Webster, born May 23, 1850; married Laura A. Walton. * Daniel W. Colcord, M. D., was practicing medicine in Seabrook, N. H., in 1908. He was married Jan. 10, 1877. No children. Doctor Colcord is a very kindly, hospitable man, a skillful physician, a lover of well-bred horses and a scientific checker and chess player, games in which he takes great delight. Families of Wear,"^ Joseph,^ Ivory'' and Phineas,'' {of Phineasfi Joymthanfir^^ Samuel,'^ EdioardA) 1. Children of Wear' and Ehzabeth (Tate Edgerly) Colcord. Sarah Ann, born about 1819; spinster; Durham, N. II. Ivory, born 1821; bachelor, (a) William, born Nov. 2, 182;^; married Sarah Maria Cousins; died Jan. 12. 1876. Emellne, born about 1825; spinster; now dead. Mary Elizabeth, born 1827; married Israel Tlbbetts, E. Cambridge, Mass. Charles, born about 1830; married Lucy Lincoln, of Somerville, Mass. Ellen, born about 1832; spinster. ''William Colcord's father and his family continued to reside in Durham, N, H., until his son William was seven years of age, and then, in 1830, moved to Lowell, Mass. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 59 f The family attended the Appleton Street Congregational Church for some ten years, the then pastor being Rev. William Twinning. In 1840 he united with the Appleton Sti-eet Church, but in 1842 changed his church connec- tions and became a member of the John Street Church, and so continued until the Summer of 1853. After gradu- ating from Lowell High School, William went to work for Selwin Bancroft, of Lowell, in the grocery business, under a contract for four years, which contract was completed and he entered into a second contract for four more years, on which second term contract he worked one year, which brought him to the age of 21, when his employer proposed to him a co-partnership, which was satisfactorily consum- mated, and the business was thereafter continued in the firm name of Bancroft & Colcord, and so continued until 1853, when the firm sold out. Meantime, William Colcord had been married to Sarah Maria Cousins on May 1st, 1845; she was a daugh- ter of Ichabod Cousins and his wife Mary Wiggins, of Baldwin, Maine. After the marriage of William Colcord and his wife they continued to five in Lowell, Mass. , where their first children William Henry and Frederick Wear were born, and until September 1853, when, becoming en- thused with the "Western Fever," the business having been sold out on that account, William Colcord, and his wife with their two children struck out "Westward-Ho," but they got only as far as Cincinnati, Ohio, where friends prevailed on them to remain, so there they squatted or settled, and he obtained a position as book-keeper in a bank in Cincinnati, where he remained but a short time, and in May, 1854, entered the employ of Gaylord Son & Co., owners and operators of blast furnaces and rolling mills, and while here employed he removed his family to Newport, Ky., a suburb of Cincinnati, on the opposite side 60 COLCORD GENEALOGY. of the Ohio river, in Kentucky, where two daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Fannie Cousins were born, then in 1857, under a contract with Gay lord Son & Co., he, with his family removed to St. Louis, Mo., and established a branch house there for that firm; the business proving very successful up to 1868, when William Colcord with- di'ew from the old connections and succeeded to the con- trol and sole ownership of the Saint Louis business of Gaylord Son & Co. and thereafter continued in the iron business in St. Louis, Mo., up to 1874. Wilham Colcord and his wife were members of First Congregational Church, of St. Louis, of which Rev. Tru- man Post was pastor from 1857 to 1866, and from 1866 to 1876 they were members of Pilgrim Congregational Church, of St. Louis, Mo. Wilham Colcord died Jan'y 12, 1876; his wife, Sarah Maria Colcord died April 30, 1904; buried in the family lot, Bellefontaine Cemetery, Saint Louis, Mo. 2. Children of Joseph^ and Sally (Dickinson) Colcord, of Bath, N. Y. (a) David Dickinson, born 1821; died 1905; married Sarah Peet, July 4, 1844. Phineas, born 1823; died 1842; unmarried. (b) Nancy, born 1825; married Giles Gustin. (c) Eliza, born 1828; died Dec. 8, 1908; married Jacob Peet. Emily, born 1830; died 1857; married John Calkins. Harriett, born 1832; died 1833. (d) Amos D., born 1835; died 1885; married Sarah Taggart. (e) Albert, born 1841; married Elizabeth Shearer. Wilson, born 1848; died 1849. (f) M. Bradbury, born 1852; married Sarah Morrison. ^ David Dickinson Colcord was born on Bonny Hill, Steuben county, N. Y. Struck out for himself at the age of 16 and went to Coudersport, Pa., where he attended the academy under William H. DePuy, the talented son of a Bonny Hill neighbor, and from whom he acquired a thirst for knowledge and an ambition to fit himself for the high- er callings of Ufe. He studied medicine while teaching IJAVIU D. 1821—1905. See Pa^e ( AMOS D. 1835—1880. See Page 60. JOSEPH COLCORD 1797—1862. See Page 40. WITH HIS FOUR SON.S. ALBERT, 1841— See Page 60. M. BRAI>BURY. 1851- See Page 60. 1853— Kdith. Mahlon. M. J. COLCOKD AND FAMILY. See page 95. Alice. Haskell. See page 118. Marian. Harold. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 61 school but did not practice till late in life, having devoted aboat thirty years of his life to teaching and farming. He held a Ucense as local preacher for some years and was active in Sunday School and church work. He was a very vigorous, active man, generous to a fault, and de- voted to the service of his fellow-men. He served one year in the Civil War, coming out considerably broken in health. He practiced medicine from about 1872 until within a year or two of his death. ^ Nancy (Colcord) Gustin was married at Bath, N. Y., and early in their married life she and her husband moved to Homer, Pa., where he built one of the first saw mills in that backwoods country. They endured many hardships of pioneer life while rearing a family, and later moved to Illinois, thence to South Dakota, and finally went to live with their daughter, Emily Hasbrouck, at Pine Island, Minn., where Mr. Gustin died. Nancy is living (1908) in wonderful possession of her mental faculties, which were always clear and bright, tho now in feeble health and nearly blind. She was a charming story-teller, as many of the children who listened to her sweet voice can testify, and a splendid correspondent, her letters being models of conversational style. ^^ Eliza (Colcord) Peet was born at Bath, N. Y., and came to Coudersport with her brother David about 1843, to attend the Academy, then under the principalship of Harrison DePuy. She taught school one term and short- ly afterwards married Jacob Peet, youngest son of John Peet, the well known Potter county pioneer. They took up a piece of land in what was known as South Woods, three miles south of Coudersport, being one of the first settlers in that almost unbroken forest. She was truly a help-meet, doing her share in buffeting the hard conditions of pioneer life, bravely enduring and energetically over- 62 COLCORD GENEALOGY. coming the hardships and privations of the early settler. A large family of children were reared, until the terrible diphtheria scourge of 1862 claimed fom' from their fireside. Four children grew to maturity under the care of a father and mother whom they can well "rise up and call blessed." Mr. Peet died in 1892 and Mrs. Peet made her home with her daughters until she died. An obituary of Mrs. Peet says: "Mrs. Peet was a woman of rare good sense and boundless hospitality. Her home from first to last was a haven for travelers and a place of hearty welcome for a host of friends. She was a woman of spotless character and sincere piety. She hated iniquity in all its forms but cherished a loving charity for the erring and a quick sympathy for the afflicted. To those who knew her best, her memory is a benediction, her example an inspiration, her death a personal loss." ^ Amos D. Colcord was born on Bonny Hill, and left home at the age of sixteen, going to Cleveland, O., to learn the trade of marble-cutter. That not being to his liking, he joined a party of gold-hunters and went as far west as Iowa "to seek his fortune." There he enlisted in the U. S. Cavalry and was in Texas under Bragg at the outbreak of the Rebellion. He chose the stars and stripes and came North while many of his comrades espoused the cause of the Southern Confederacy. He served all through the war, escaping from over sixty engagements without a scratch, altho having his clothing pierced many times and several horses shot under him. He was a most hospitable man, kind and charitable. Altho having but little educa- tion he had a wonderful memory, could repeat a speech or sermon almost verbatim. After the war he lived at Coudersport, Pa. ^Albert Colcord was born on Bonny Hill, Steuben Co., N. Y. Moved to Pennsylvania in 1868. Blacksmith and COLCORD GENEALOGY. 63 farmer. A typical Colcord. Rolicking lover of fun. A great mimic. Served two years in Civil War. In many battles. Lives near Coudersport, a prosperous retired farmer. ^ Melvin Bradbury, born on Bonny Hill. Has lived in Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania. Has been a S. D. A. preacher, a blacksmith and a farmer. 3. Children of Ivory ^ and Elzina (Smith) Colcord. Ethan S., born April 18, 1822, Steuben Co., N. Y. Mary Ann, born April 9, 1824, Steuben Co., N. Y. Abigail, born March 4, 1826; married Washington M. Law; died 1864. (a) Ralph B., born .June 8, 1828; married Mary A. Shively 1854; died 1907. Lorena D., born Oct. 5, 1830; married (1st) Rev. John Cummings 1850; (2d) W. M. Law, 1865; died 1908. John, born June 24, 1833. Rose Ann, born April 5, 1835; married Caleb Burgess, April 30, 1856. Ivory, Jr., born Feb. 22, 1837; married Charlotte A. Eraser. William H., born July 29, 1839; married Fianna Viola Linerode, 1860; died 1892. Elvira E., born July 25, 1841; married James A. DeGroff, 1858. George Washington, born May 12, 1843; married Ada L. 1866; died 1902. Nancy, born July 15, 1845. Mary Angellne, born Nov. 22, 1847; married Orro Terpenny, Denver, Col. '^Ralph Bennett Colcord was born at Bath, New York. When he was nine years old his parents. Ivory and Elzina Colcord, moved from New York to Illinois, making the trip down the Ohio and up the Mississippi rivers. His education was obtained in the public schools at Lyndon and Knox Colleges. He was a close Bible student all his life, and became a Christian while a boy, joining the Methodist Protestant church. He united with the Chris- tian Church in 1875, and organized a church of which he was a charter member. He was an elder in the church nearly all his life and always a teacher in the Sunday School until a short time before his death. As a young man he was a teacher in the public schools. He pur- chased one hundred sixty acres of land and built a fine home, for those times. For fifteen years he lived on the farm, overseeing its care and folio wing his chosen business, 64 COLCORD GENEALOGY. that of a marble and granite dealer until 1869, when, for the better school advantages for his children, he moved to Sterling where he built a new home and continued in busi- ness until 1893, when, for the benefit of his wife's health, he sold his business to W. J. Moore and moved to Pasa- dena, California. There he built another home and hav- ing retired from active business, and with Mrs. Colcord's improved health, his desire was to spend the evening of his life devoting himself entirely to the church, his home and loved ones. On November 21, 1902, Mrs. Colcord passed to her reward, leaving him and their daughter. Miss Luella, in the old home. He preserved the record of the family, copied by his father from the Bible in Water- boro, Me., in 1828, and continued the record of his own family to 1907, sending a copy to the Author a few months before his death. He enjoyed traveling and had visited every state in the Union and on Oct. 13, 1907 he went on his last journey to the Eternal home. Among his last words were these, "I am glad I have kept the faith." 4. Childi^en of Phineas', Jr., and Eliza (Russell) Colcord. A boy, born in Massachusetts about 1836-44. went with his father to California. A girl probably younger. Families of Jolm NJ and David,'' {of Jesse,^ Jonathan,^"^-^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of John N.7 and (1) Polly (Amala), (2) Clara T. (Webster) Colcord, of Sanford, Me., and Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. (a) John Araala, born 1820; died 1867. (b) Jesse, born 1822; married ; died 1864. David, born 1830. Phineas, born 1834; went to sea very young and was never heard from. (c) Susan born 1836; died . (d) Joseph Webster, born 1843, Honolulu; married Emma S. Pike, 1876. (e) George Francis, born 1845: married Mary L. Wlndus; died 1902. (f) Clara M., born 1847; married C. P. Jeffers. A daughter was born In Honolulu in 1841, and died an infant. 1828-1907 KAI.PII HKXNKTT ("OLCORD. See Page &i. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 65 * John Amala, the son of a half-breed Spanish woman of Honolulu, S. I., came to the U. S., with his father in 1845, or later, and then returned to the Sandwich Islands, and became Governor of one of the smaller islands, before the revolution there. Later history not obtained. ''Jesse Colcord, A. B., Yale College, attorney-at-law, was a bright young lawyer in 1862, or about that date, when he visited Ralph B. Colcord and his other relatives in lUinois. Ralph B. wrote of that visit that "he (Jesse) was a fine looking man, a little dark, but of good address, and could speak seven languages." He died in Denver, Col, of consumption, leaving a widow who died in 1866. "" Susan Colcord, being the youngest child of John's first wife, was brought to Massachusetts to be educated, but died of consumption while young. '^Joseph Webster Colcord, born in Honolulu and raised in Woburn, Mass., was engaged in mercantile and drug business in Cincinnati, O,, in California and, later, settled in Lynn, Mass., his present residence. He was a soldier in the Civil War and returned to Lynn, Mass., in 1865, after the War was over. He has been connected with pharmacy in some form since the '60s, and has held the positions of secretary of local. State and national as- sociations for many years. ^ George F. Colcord was born in Woburn, Mass. He enlisted in the 1 st Massachusetts, Co. L., and was wound- ed before Petersburg, from the effects of which wound he died. After the Civil War he went to Iowa and had a drug store at Wilton Junction, where the Author saw him in 1868. He was married May 7, 1872. He later studied law and was a very successful attorney at the time of his death, which occurred at Sutherland, Iowa. "A kind, just man, whom even his enemies honored and respected." 66 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 'Mrs. Clara M. Jeffers, of Swampscott, Mass., who has furnished several interesting and important particulars about this branch of the family, writes that her mother, Clara T. Webster, was born in Sanford, Me., but thinks her father was born in Saco, Me. She says, ''There is a legend in the family that my great-grandfather married twice and had six children by each wife." The Author has not been able to verify this legend, but Jonathan,^ the great-grandfather referred to, had five sons and one daughter, of whom proofs are on record, by his wife, Ehzabeth (Boardman), and his father, Jonathan,* also had SIX children. 2. Children of David' and Sally (Mason) Colcord, of Por- ter, Me. Washiugton, born Sept. 14, 1822; married Susan Roberts, of Porter, Me. April 4, 1844. David A., born .June 11, 1825: married Martha .1. Lane, of Brownville, Me. (a) Sarah Jane, born Feb. 20, 1828; married Ward Wyman, Woburn, Mass. Jesse, born 1829-31; died 1880; married 1st, Alfreda Stone and 2nd, Emma Moulton. His tirst wife, who was a daughter of Nathaniel Stone, ol Porter, Me., died Oct. 30, 1878. ^Mrs. Sarah J, Wyman is the only member of this family now living (1908). Address, Woburn, Mass. Families of Charles,'^ Leonard,^ and Samuel,^ {of Jonathan,^^*-'^ Samuel,''^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Charles' and Susan (Lord) Colcord, of Portsmouth, N. H. (a) John E., born about 1837; married , Portsmouth, N. H. ^John E. is now chief clerk at U. S. Navy Yard at Kittery, Me., opposite Portsmouth, N. H. (1908.) Record of other children lacking. 2. Children of Leonard' and Ann Elizabeth (Burleigh) Colcord, of South Berwick, Me. (a) John T., born Nov. 7, 1850; married . Frank W., born about 1855, S. Berwiclc, Me. CAPT. LINCOLN ALDEN COLCOKD. AND HIS TWO CHILDREN'. See page 108. LINCOLN coLnii;!). 1883— See page Tili. MISS JOANNA CAU\'KK COLCORD. 18S'2— See page 123. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 67 * John T. Colcord is now a dry goods merchant at Ithaca, N. Y. (1908.) Has one daughter, Bessie Irene (Crough). 3. Children of Samuel Marshall^ and 1st, Abbey (Hink- ley) of Brunswick, Me., and 2nd, Elizabeth (Kodman) Colcord. Abby Adams, born about 1850, now dead. Brunswick, Me. (a) Jonathan Marshall, born Sept. 17, 1856; married . (b) Wallace, born ; married, . (c) Mabel, born ; single. * Jonathan Marshall Colcord, Ph. G., is now a promi- nent druggist of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ^ Wallace Colcord is in business in Dover, Mass. ^ Mabel Colcord is a graduate of Eadcliff e College and of the Albany Library School, N. Y., and is at present (1908) in the U. S. Government employ at Washington, D. C. She and Wallace were children of Elizabeth Eod- man Colcord. Family of Fanny ^ I/OW, {of Wilson,^ Jonathan,^'^^ Samuel,^ EchvarclA) 1. Children of Fanny^ (Colcord) and Ivory Low, of Augus- ta, Me. Ira Hobbs Low, born Jan. 9, 1818; married Ellen Caffrey Jan. 19, 1847. Re- sided in Waterville, Me. Died Dec. 20, 1896. The other children of Fanny Colcord Low have not been heard from by the author. Families of Hlizabetb,^ Davidi' Mark,'' James,'' Wil- son,'' Amanda,'' {Of David,^ David,^ Jonathcm,^-^ Samuel^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Elizabeth Colcord'^ and William J. Dodge, Esq., of Prospect, Me. (Prospect formerly included Searsport, which was set off in 1846.) (a) Amasa Taylor Colcord Dodge, born Nov. 5, 1814; married (1st) Margaret Towle, and {2nd) Mary Ann Meleny. 68 COLCORD GENEALOGY. (b) Flavilla J., born 1815; married (1st) J. Maglathy and (2nd) Mr. Goodell. William Dodge, born Sept. 27, 1818; married Adaline Dodge (second cous- slns), Searsport, Me. Stephen Lovell, born 1820; married, (1st) Almira Stearns; (2nd) Mrs. Hel- en Seavy Chase, of Petersboro, N. H. Lived in Belfast, Me. (c) Asaph, born July 9, 1838; married Laura Levin Pentz, of Baltimore, Md. Elizabeth, born June 7, 1826; married J. L. Sanders; died July 1, 1876; Searsport, Me. Marcus N., born 1822; married Nancy B. Chapman; died Dec. 29, 1906; two children. His widow died 1906. David O. Wesley, born Dec. 10, 1825; married, (1st) ; (2nd) ; resi- dence, Minneapolis, Minn. Rebecca A., born 1828; died young. Susan R., born Sept. 13, 1830; married Charles S. Maglathy, Searsport. (d) Persis Ann, born 1833; married, (1st) Mugridge; and (2nd) C. O. Per- nald; "Old Homestead;" died 1906; no children. Adaline, born Aug. 21, 1840; single; died in Washington, D. C, Dec. 1893. (e) Mary H., born May 20, 1836; married Levi Rosenbaum In 1855. David Colcord, born 1834; died 1837. ^ Amasa Taylor Colcord Dodge studied law and prac- ticed in Washington, D. C, for many years. His family have become separated since his death, a few years ago, but one brother and a sister still reside in the capital city. ^ Flavilla Dodge Maglathy had four children by her first husband, and being left a widow, married a Mr. Goodell in 1856, by whom she had one son, Raymond Dodge Goodell, now dead. He lived in Contacook, N. H. ^ Asaph Dodge, lieutenant in Civil War, has been for many years employed in the War Department Office at Washington, since 1890. He was in Co. F. 16th N. Y. Infantry. Mustered out at Albany, N. Y., May 22, 1863. His wife was born Sept. 8, 1843, and died Jan. 4, 1908. ^Persis Ann (Fernald) lived in the old homestead on the Shore of Swan Lake (formerly Goose Pond) in North Searsport, Me., after the death of her father, where the Author spent many happy hours after the close of the Civil War, with "Uncle William" and "Aunt Betsy." Their Golden Wedding anniversary occurred in 1862. Mrs. Fernald died there in 1906, leaving no children, and the homestead has passed into other hands. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 69 « Mary H. (Dodge) Rosenbaum is still living in Wash- ington, D. 0. Residence 121 S. E. 11th St. Her husband died suddenly July 26, 1906. Nearly all of the fourteen children of this family have passed away, but the saintly lives of their parents and the loving cheerfulness of the old home v^ill not soon be for- gotten. 2. Children of David ^ and 1st Martha (West) and 2nd, Hannah Doane (Blood) Colcord, of Seai'sport and Bucksport, Me. (a) Seldin, born 1824; died 1851 In Bucksport. Me. Martha, boru 1826; died unmarried. Rebecca, born 1828; died of cliolera in 1849, Bangor, Me. (b) Emily M., born 1830; married, {1st) Augustus Stilkey; (2nd) Hantoon; (3d) J. Smith. (c) Mary, born 1831; married Daniel Brown; died 1888. (d) Clarissa Jane, born Aug. 13,'1832; married John Adams Jones; died 1880. (e) \\'iUiam David, born Sept. 9, 1834; married Olive E. Tyrrell, of Wisconsin; died 1882. ({) Doane Blood, born Nov. 14, 1841; married (1st) Luella Percis Spencer, (2d) Mrs. Marlen Grace Hooper (nee Lippincott). Daniel, born about 1843; died in infancy, (g) Ruth Ida Nickerson, born Aug. 18jl; married Devillo Gates; died Dec. 1889. a Seldin Colcord was a stone mason and never mar- ried, dying while still a young man, at his father s home in Bucksport, Me. He was a prominent member of the Sons of Temperance, and was buried by that Order in the : Long Pond Cemetery near the old farm. ^ Emily Colcord married a mason by trade, a fine young man who contracted the drink habit and died early from intemperance. She was a nurse in the Civil War, and was an active worker in temperance and other reforms. She later married and lived in Boston, where her husband (Smith) died, and she spent her last years with her only living daughter, Mrs. Clara Phillips, in Ellsworth, Me., dy- ing July 15, 1908. She was buried by the side of her first . husband and an infant daughter in Bangor, Me. She was 70 COLCORD GENEALOGY. an active Christian worker and died happy in the faith in which she had lived. ^Mary Colcord married Daniel Brown, a tanner and millwright in Dedham, Me. She had seven chil- dren, two of them being twins. She was a devoted moth- er, and outlived her husband, dying in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1888. ^ Clarissa Jane married J. Jones in Great Falls, N. H., and moved to a farm in Wisconsin, near Wan-en, Dl. She had four children. ® Rev. William David Colcord went from Maine to Wisconsin in 1855 ; married there and went across the plains to California with his young wife, where he found- ed a home and raised a large family. He was in the cav- alry service during the Civil War, was a local preacher of the M, E. Church, and after a long and painful illness died in Humboldt County, Cal., in 1882. ^ Doane Blood Colcord, B. S., M. D., was born in Bucksport, Me. He married Luella Spencer, of Hanover, N. H., in 1872, by whom he had one child, which died in infancy, and was buried with its mother in Norwich, Vt., in 1873. He married Mrs. Marien Grace Hooper Nov. 5, 1878, in Burlington, la., by whom he had two children, both living at the present date. He was a student and teacher at E. M. C. Seminary and was in the army as leader of the Signal Corps Post Band duriug the Civil War. He gradu- ated from the Scientific Department of Dartmouth College in 18Ci7 as B. S.; was seven years in the Engineering De- partment of the B. C. R &. N. Ry. Co.; graduated from Belle vue Hospital Medical College in 1875 as M. D.; prac- ticed medicine in Waymart, Pa., with Dr. Niles, now of Carbondale, Pa.; then removed to Cedar Falls, la., and in 1888 to Topeka, Kan., where he remained for about four- COLCORD GENEALOGY. 71 teen years. He was elected Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in Kansas Medical College in 1893, and was Orthopedic Surgeon to Stormont Hospital. He was sur- geon for the Mt. Carmel Coal Co. in 1899-1900, where he contracted blood-poisoning from a surgical case and after several months' illness went to Colorado for his health, ac- cepting a position with the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co, as consulting and chief engineer on water supply, having charge of the construction of reservoirs, canals and pipe lines for the water supply of the Bessemer Steel Works, at Pueblo. He assisted in the difficult task of locating the D. N. W. & P. Ry. (Moffatt Short Line) from Denver to Steamboat Springs, being with the pioneer surveying party and making the location over and through the main range and Gore range of the Rocky mountains in 1902 and '03. He then had charge of final location and construction of the Mt. Hood (Switch-back) railroad and a loop line ex- tention of the Sumpter Valley railroad over the Blue mountains in Oregon, and later was employed by the O. S. L. Ry. Co. in locating a double track between Green river and Granger, and in the location and construction of the Willow Creek branch of the O. S. L. Ry. in Wyoming. He is now living with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Armi- tage, in Creswell, Ore., practicing medicine, doing some literary work and taking life easy. He has always been an enthusiastic lover of music, led a church choir for more than twenty years, a class leader, church, Sunday School and temperance worker, and is proud of his Colcord an- cestors. g Ruth Ida Nickerson Gates, named for her Aunt Ruth Doane (Nickerson), was afflicted with heart disease from girlhood, but lived an active Christian life in church and temperance work and died as she lived, — a devoted Chris- tian. She never had children. She married a cabinet maker, and died from heart trouble in Chicago in 1889. 72 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 3. Children of James' and Eliza (Cunningham) Colcord, of Prospect, Me. Sarah Elizabeth, born Aug. 24, 1832; m ; died August 1, 1893. (a) Maria N., born Nov. 23, 1834; married Henry J. Woods. Newton, Mass. James W., born Feb. 25, 1837; died Dec. 24, 1854. (b) Roswell K., born April 25, 1839; married Mary F. Hopkins, 1868, Virginia City, Nev. (c) Aurilla, born Sept. 5, 1841; twin; married Augustus Pote, Bangor, Me. (d) Flavllla, born Sept. 5, 1841; twin; married George Prouty, Milford, Mass. » Mrs. Maria N. Woods had two sons, one of whom died in Italy, and since his death she has travelled much, spending the winters in California or Florida, and the summers in her Massachusetts home, or in Maine. Her husband is a retired capitalist and they are at present (1908) in Newton, Mass. ^ Roswell K. Colcord was born in the town of Sears- port, Waldo County, Me., and wsls educated in country school and village high school. Lived on the Pacific Coast since 1856. Superintendent and manager of mines and mills for 25 years. Commissioner to Paris Exposition in 1889. Located in the territory of Nevada, in March, 1863. Governor of Nevada (as a Republican), served from Jan- uary, 1890, to January, 1895. Appointed Superintendent of the Mint of the U. S. at Carson in 1898; still holds that position. (1908). •^ Aurilla (Colcord) Pote, whom the Author remembers as a cultured vocalist with a fine voice, was saddened by the loss of four beautiful children — her entire family — and has since devoted her life to musical and art culture, living for a number of years in New York City. Her ad- dress is now Bangor, Me. (1908.) *^Flavilla (Colcord) Prouty a twin sister of Aurilla C, resides in Milford, Mass. 4. Children of Murk" and Rebecca Towle (Mardeu) Col- cord, of Prospect and Searsport, Me. KX-i;(l\KHN(ll; (IK NKVAIIA. 18S9- .See Pase 72' COLCORD GENEALOGY. 73 (a) Moses Smith, born April 14, 1829; married Mrs. (Burke) Wlllilams, Cal. (b) Hannah Maria, born Dec. 7, 1830; married Stanton E. Colson 1856; died 1882; Searsport. Mark, Jr., born Oct. 16, 1832; killed in a saw mill, Oct. 24, 1850; Searsport. Martin V. B., born Nov. 4, 1834; died July 14, 1837; Searsport, Me. (c) Melissa Jane, born Mar. 14, 1837; married Samuel Dllaway; died 1907. (d) Amasa Dodge, born May 13, 1839; married Laura E. Fernald; died 1873. (e) Samuel Marden, born July 29, 1841; married Mary A. Colson; died 1873. Susan Rebecca, born Sept. 5, 1843; married Clifford W. Woodman, 1866; died 1868. Hollis Munroe, born Oct. 12; 1845; married Sarah L. Wallace; died 1882. Mary Francenie, born Dec. 4 1847; died 1857; Searsport, Me. Ellen M., born Sept. 7, 1850; died 1857; Searsport, Me. * Moses went to California on the "Gold Hunter," around the Horn in 1852. He married a widow in Cali- fornia about 1860 and died Dec. 11, 1861, in San Francisco, leaving no children. ^ Hannah raised a large family. ^ Melissa was left a widow and went to Baxter Springs, Kan., where she was interested with her youngest son in a zinc mine, and died there in 1906. <* Amasa D. chose the profession of architect and with fair prospects of success was cut off by disease in young manhood, leaving a wife and one son, who still sur- vive. ^ Samuel was mate of a merchant vessel and his early death was greatly regretted. 5. Children of Amanda'' (Colcord) and (1) William L. Young and (2) Greenleaf P. Curtis. Fred Young, born 1847; married Miss Cunningham; Inskip, Cal. Annie Young, born 1849; married Wentworth; Searsport, Me. Emma Young, born 1851; married Cunningham; Belfast, Me. Lizzie R., born ; married Kerr; Winthrop, Mass. (a) Roy Curtis, born 1861; married; Sulphur Springs, Col. "■ Roy Curtis is living on a stock ranch in Middle Park, Col., not far from Hot Sulphur Springs. He has a family but his record has not been obtained. 6. Children of Wilson^ and Catherine (Black) Colcord, of Prospect, Me. 74 COLCOED GENEALOGY. (a) Daniel David, born Nov. 21, 1849; married Katie Gilchrist; died, 1903. (b) Elizabeth A., born Aug. 27, 1853; married Wilber James Nickerson. (c) Albion B., born Aug. 27, 1851; married Lilian Wise, Kokomo, Col. (d) Charles H., born Oct. 31, 1855; married Josephine Dowd. John Wilson, born Julj' 25, 1866; married Rose Dowd. ^ Daniel D. died in Denver, Col. He was a stock- man and a miner. Details of his history have not been obtained. ^Amanda Elizabeth was born in Prospect or Searsport, Me., now resides in Swanville, Me. She furnished the rec- ord of Wilson's family. ^ Albion B. lived in Kokomo, Col., in 1902, a merchant and mining man. He or his brother was postmaster at Kokomo in 1902 and '03. * Charles H. and John Wilson Colcord were inter- ested in mines and mercantile business in 1903 in Colorado, and have not since been heard from. They have children. Families of Benjamin,'^ Matilda,'' John' and Amelia,'' {Of Benjamin,^ David fi Jonatlian,^^ Samuel'^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Capt. Benjamin^ and Abiah (Blanchard) Colcord. Andrew, born 1828; died In infancy; Prospect, Me. Cordelia Ann, born 1830; married William Carver 1853; Searsport, Me. (a) Andrew Drake, born 1832; married Aletta Norcross. Benjamin Loren, born 18:^3; storekeeper; married Mary H. Carver, 1854. James, born 1835; fanner; married Abble Lanpher; died 1872. Franklin Adams Karle, born 1837; married Eliza West. Charles, born 1839-40; married Ann Maria Colcord. ^Captain Andrew Drake Colcord was a well-known seaman forty years ago and was a mariner for thirty years or more. His son, Capt. Charles, was born in Searsport, Me. 2. Children of Matilda^ Colcord and Augustus Webber, of Searsport, Me. Henry Augustus Webber, born about 1820; married Hannah Black. Sarah Webber, born about 1822; married Phineas Carver. Amelia Webber, born 1825: married George W. Pendleton. Matilda Jane, born 1827. Celia Abiah, died young. Clifton Webber, born about iaS2; married Villa Black. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 75 Children of Capt. John^ and Betsey (Curtis) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. Clara Lizzie, born 1830; married C. Frank Carver. Ttieodore, born 1833; married Libbie HulT. No children. Hannah Curtis, born 1835; married . Children of Amelia^ Colcord and Nahum Griffin, Sears- port, Me. Clara Griffin, born about 1847; married James Partridge. Marietta, born 1849-'50; married Ferdinand Harriman. Families of Bmily,^ Chase, Jr.,' and Jonathan D.,' {of Chase,^ David,^ Jonathan,'^-^ Samuel,^ Edivard.^) 1. Children of Emily ^ (Colcord) and Alpheus Field of Searsport, Me. Amasa D., born about 1820; married ; Searsport, Me. Eliza, born 1822-25; married Whltum; Searsport, Me. Died 1903. 2. Children of Jonathan D.'^ and Hannah (Smart) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. (a) Prince E., born 1850-53; married Ada B. Carver; Dixmont, Me. (b) Hannah E., born Jan. 27, 1855; married R. M. Young, Searsport, Me. Fred, born 1848; Trowa, New Zealand. ^Ada Byron Carver, Prince E. Colcord's wife, was the daughter of Cordelia^ Ann Colcord, who was the daughter of Beujamin^ Colcord. Family of Lydia Ann,^ {of George,^ Edward"^-^, Samuel,^ EdioardA) 1. Childi-en of Lydia Ann' (Colcord) and Joseph Adams Janvrin, Exeter, N. H. and New York City. (a) Joseph Edward Janvrin, M. D., born Jan. 13, 1839, Exeter, N. H. a Dr. Joseph E. Janvrin was born in the old home of Edward* at Exeter, N. H., his mother, Lydia Ann, being a daughter of George ^ Colcord and Joanna Jones, of Exe- ter, N. H., and the granddaughter of Edward^ Colcord. The remaining children of Lydia Ann have not been obtained. 76 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Family of Naney^ {of Samuel^ {Nottingham) Jonathan^*-^, Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Nancy (Colcord) and Joseph Harvey, of Northwood, N. H. Mary Abigail, born 1830-40; married John Knowlton, of Northwood. Record is incomplete. Family of Jonathan,'' (?) {of Jonathan,^^^^ Samuel,'^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Jonathan' and Kebeckah (McMillien) Col- cord, of Cane Ridge, Ky., and Charlestown, S. C. Ida, born 1819 to 1840; married a Brown. Lives in Missouri. Armilda, born 1819 to 1840. No record. Armilda is said to have possessed rare beauty. "Jonathan Colcord died in 1852 in Jackson county, Mo., leaving a large family, all dead now but one, Ida Brown." — W. C, Harrelson. Family of William R.\ {of Charles B ^, Samuelfi Jonathan,^^ Samuel,'^ Ed^oard.^) 1. Children of William Rogers and Marie (Clay) Colcord, of Bourbon county, Ky. (a) Charles Francis, born Aug. 18, 1859; married Harriet Scoresby, 1885. ^ Charles Francis Colcord left Kentucky when ten years old and went to Texas and lived on a horse ranch until 1876, when he drove a herd of horses to Western Indian Territory, near Medicine Lodge, Kansas, where he lived on a cattle ranch until the opening of Oklahoma, April 22, 1889, and since that time he has lived in Okla- homa City ; was the fust Chief Police of Oklahoma City and the first Sheriff of Oklahoma County. Later on, he was President of the Commercial National Bank for sev- eral years, retiring in 1907. He has been very success- ful. His wife is a daughter of Rev. Thomas Scoresby, of Hutchison, Kansas. 1859- CMAHLES FRANCIS COLCORD. See Page 76. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 77 Families of Edward JT./ and Thomas A. i?.,^ {of Thomas B.^, Josej)h,^ Jonathan,*-^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Edward H.^ and Sarah (Smith j Colcord, of New Market, N. H., and Salem, Mass. (a) Thomas R., born Nov. 8, 1834; died 1848; never married. (b) Edward H., born Jan. 6, 1836; married , Vinton, Iowa. Esther Ann P., born July 2, 1838; married Lucy G., born June 2, 1840; died 1848. Joseph Augustus, born Jan. 17, 1846. Huron, S. D. Blanche P.. born June 27, 1850; died 1&J2. 2. Children of Thomas^ and Eleanor Tracy (Davis ?) Col- cord of New Market, N. H. and Salem, Mass. Thomas Miller, born 1844, Salem, Mass; married Emma McCormacli. Eleanor Tracy, born 1846; married A. P. Williamson, Stevensville, Mont. William, born 1848-50; single; Idaho and Alaslia. Martha Bailey, born 1852; married John H. Williams, Santa Barbara, Cal. Laura, born 1856-60; married Cyrus Williams, Payette, Idaho. John, born 1862; married Effle Williams, Stevensville, Ida.; died 1906. Mary, born 1865; married Elmer Knapp. Harriet, born 1867; married Mallory; died 1886. Joseph, born 1870; married Mary Spanie; died 1902. Two children died young. Families of Rufus," Josiah,^ Clara I^.' {of Gideon,^ Josiali,^ Gideon,'^ Edward,'^ Samuel,'^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Rufus'^ andRoxanna (Wentworth) Colcord. (a) Henry W. Colcord, born Nov. 20, 1844; married Eva A. Moulton, 1873. Edward John, born July 28, 1849; married Carolyn Hincliley. Rufus Judson, born Oct. 4, 1851; married Adah F. Austin. ^Henry Wentworth Colcord lives on the old Josiah Colcord homestead near Parsonsfield, Me., and has "the old musket which his great-grandfather, Josiah, carried in the war of the Revolution." His wife was a daughter of Wm. E. and Priscilla Moulton, of Parsonsfield, Me. They have no children. 2. Children of Josiah H.'^ and Anna (Hobbs) Colcord, of Parsonsfield, Me. Clara Colcord, born about 1849; married Niece, Seattle, Wash. Other children, if any, not found by Author. 78 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 3. Children of Clara^ (Leavett) Colcord and Rev. Eph- riam A. Edwards, of Beverly, Mass. Justin Edwards, born Jan. 26, 1855; died Nov. 8, 1883. Charles Wesley, born Sept. 25, 1858. John Franklin, boru April 10, 1860; single. George Ephriam, born May 12, 1862; died March 28, 1885. Benjamin J., born Feb. 7, 1870. Beverly, Mass. Families of Henry,' John,' Sarali,^ and George,^ (of John C.,6 John,^ Edward,^-^ Samuel,'^ Edward^). 1. Children of Henry C^ and Lestina E. (Fletcher) Colcord. (a) Caroline D., born Feb. 4, 1847; died 1866, single. (b) Zlna H., born May 5, 1850; married Jennie M. Fay, Dec., 1869. Joseph E., born Jan. 1, 1855; died March 14, 1865. Anna E., born Jan. 14, 1857; married John L. Whitney. Betsey, born May 21, 1859; married . ^Caroline D. Colcord, a fine Christian young lady, died June 23, 1866. The family suffered a great loss in her death, and shortly afterwards the family moved to Berk- shire, Canada, returning to Franklin, Vt., before her fa- ther's death in 1884. '^Zina H. Colcord was the only surviving son of Henry C. in 1892. He was then in Everett, Mass., engaged in a bakery. 2. Children of John' and Sylvia (Bowman) Colcord, of Franklin, Vt. Edward C, born Sept. 4, 1851; married Mary A. McMenigal, 1884. Francis C, born Dec. 3, 1853; married Anna S. Shattuck, of Athol, Mass. Herbert B., born Feb. 15, 1856; married Alice S. Green, of Fort Jackson N. Y. John Cortes, born March 18, 1858; married Sadie Cox, of Indiana, 1890. Hannah Annette, born June 15, 1861; married Edson A. Libby, Enosburg Falls, Vt. 3. Children of Sarah Towle' (Colcord) and Joshua Peck- ham, of Franklin, Vt. (a) Charles W., born 1855; married Annette Titemore, St. Armand, P. Q. *Charles W. Peckham purchased the Enoch Pomeroy farm and was living upon it in 1893. Dr. Pomeroy was one of the first settlers and physicians of Franklin. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 79 Charles' mother married L. D. Roberts iu 1866, for her second husband. She died in 1884. 4. Children of George^ and (1) Parmelia C. (Earl) and (2j Martha (Armstrong) Colcord, of Franklin, Vt. Maria M., born Aug. 8, 1856; married A. D. Whitney, of East Franklin. Ida M., born April 5, 1858; died March 22, 1862. Lillian A., born Jan. 9, 1861; married Henry E. Dewing, Feb. 20, 1879. Earle, born Feb. 24, 1864; married Lucy R. Hammond. Ernest J., born ; married Bertha E. Stetson. Amelia, born ; married Rev. E. Grant. Grace, born ; married James A. Conner. Family of Betsey, '^ {of Tristrum,^ John,^ Edioard,^'^ Samuel,- Edward^). 1. Children of Betsey^ Towle (Colcord) and Enoch Pom- eroy, of Franklin, Vt. (a) Candice, born Dec. 15, 1837; marriee Chauncey Temple, 1875. George E., born 1840; married (1) Lydia E. Hibbard and (2) Mrs. Susan L. Ladd, 1878. Mary A., born 1844; married Luna L., born 1846; never married. St. Albans, Vt. ^Candice married Hon. Chauncey Temple, who was a Representative in 1882, and a lay delegate to General Conference of M. E. Church in 1888. Mrs. Betsey Fomeroy lived in his family until her death in 1903. Families of Samuel,^ William SJ Ammi,^ and Otis,'' {of Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Edward^^ Samuel,'^ Edward i) 1. Children of SamueP and Elizabeth (Perham) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H., and E. Wilton, Me. Abble Elizabeth, born 1837; married Wm. T. Carson, 1856, Greenville, 111. (a) Josiah P., born 1842; married Mary Gardener, of St. Louis, Mo.; died 1878. Jennie C, born 1846; married H. H. Staub, Greenville, 111. (b) Samuel, born Nov. 14, 1849; married Alice Blinn, New York City. (c) Mary Ellen, born 1852; married George H. Bass, Wilton. Me. Ida Eulalia, born 1855; married George H. Hubbard, Ida Grove, la. ^Josiah Perham Colcord, at the age of seventeen, en- listed in the 22nd Illinois Volunteers for the American Civil War, without the consent of his parents, and on their objection to his enlisting at that age, the enlistment was 80 COLCORD GENEALOGY. cancelled. A little later, parental objection being re- moved, he enlisted as a private in the 130th Illinois Vol- unteers and soon rose to the rank of Lieutenant. He was about to receive another promotion, when in the battle of Vicksburg he was twice wounded, the second wound being so serious that he was carried from the field. For months following this he was either lying in a hospital recovering from his wounds or on crutches getting about with difficulty. His final recovery left him with a slight lameness which, much to his regret, prevented his return to the service. He moved to St. Louis where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. At the early age of twenty-two was by the Governor's appointment, made prosecuting attor- ney for the new Court of Criminal Correction. On the expiration of his term, he was elected to this office by popular election and held it until he resigned to become a member of the Missouri House of Representatives to which he was elected. He was in much demand as a public speaker and by many regarded the most brilliant platform speaker in the state. Had he lived, there is every reason to believe he would have attained a much higher public position and wider influence. His wife was a brilliant and beautiful woman, but died in 1907 in an insane asylum. ''The Rev. Samuel Colcord was educated at Illinois College and ordained a Congregational minister in New York City at the Broadway Tabernacle in 1873. Two years later, at the age of 26, he was preaching in Chicker- ing Hall, corner of Fifth Avenue and 18th street, where he continued to preach for seven years to one of the larg- est congregations in the city and which frequently over- flowed the hall. He became the Pastor of Puritan church in Brooklyn where he made a supreme effort to relieve < ; PURITAN CHURCH, BROOKLYN, N. Y. REV. SAMrEI. COI.COKD. PASTOR. AHrJIIi; (COIA'OliD) CARSON. 1887— See Vnse 79. JANE (COLCORD) CLARK, 1810— See Page 53. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 81 the church from debt and secure for it the valuable pro- perty which it now owns. At the same time he attempt- ed to carry on his work in Chickering Hall, preaching there every Sunday afternoon and in the church morning and evening. The effort succeeded, but at the cost of his health which was seriously broken. Keluctantly yielding to his physicians' commands, to the great regret of his people, he resigned his charges and for several years engaged in business in New York City. In this he was eminently successful amassing a large for- tune. His fortune took wings and left him with restored health, strugghng for years to lift a great load of debt at a time when he was most anxious to forsake business and return to his chosen work. He felt that his mission was to preach to the educat- ed and cultured non-church-goers of his city, who, he in- sisted, were the most neglected by religious influences of any class in the community. His Chickering Hall work was to that end. Though in business hfe, he is still a member of the Manhattan Association of Congregational Ministers and frequently preaches. He has Httle regard for denominational lines. The exactions of business did not prevent his return to the platform in a memorable debate with the famous agnostic, Eobert G. IngersoU, in 1895, in which he was proclaimed the victor. His lecture, growing out of this debate, was in such demand that it was dehvered twenty - five times in New York City within sixty days and after- wards in leading cities throughout the country. On the occasion of one of these lectures in Chickering Hall, Col. IngersoU sat in the audience. His presence encouraged several of the many agnostics present to attack the lec- turer with volleys of questions and determined inteiTup- tions in what was evidently a preconcerted attempt to break up the lecture. Against this assault, Mr. Colcord 82 COLCORD GENEALOGY. held the platform for two hours, administering to his foes a defeat so decisive that the great audience, not satisfied with ordinary methods of applause, arose and cheered for some minutes, waving handkerchiefs, hats and even um- brellas with such persistence that the speaker had for a time almost as much trouble quieting the enthusiasm of his friends as he had before in subduing the interruptions. Seldom has a lecture been more universally acclaimed. The New York Herald said: "The great hall was crowded to the utmost to hear this lecture, hundreds having wait- ed for two houi'S in the rain before the doors were opened. Great applause greeted his retorts, men, and women even, stamping on the floor to swell the sound." The New York World described him as "skilled in language, witty and fearless, keen and entertaining" and adds, "Ingersoll was applauded, but cheers greeted the salUes of Colcord." The same paper, speaking of his audiences, said, "A furor arose and the people demanded more. Night after night they forced him to speak. Throngs came and made In- gersoU's audiences look like a pailful of dried seaweed alongside of a field of hay." The Independent described it as "brilliant and effective," while the famous Dr. Park- hurst in his characteristic style said of the lecture, "it is generous, pertinent and pungent; and if it does not gain access to the intelligence of his hearers, it will be because their intelligence is sitting with closed doors." 2. Children of William Sampson' and (1) Mary E. (Beckett) and (2) Frances W. (Plant) Colcord, Greenville, 111. William F., born Aug. 14, 1854; married Frances Ellen Townsend, 1893. Lizzie S., born Jan. 9, 1852; married : Greenville, 111. Emma E., born Oct. 23, 1860; Greenville, 111. 3. Children of Otis' and Harriet Colcord. (a) Otis Tapley, born 1845-50; married Jennie Laughlin. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 83 *0f their children only one is living, Sallie C, the only living descendant of Otis^ Colcord. 4. Children of Ammi'^ and Sarah (Conant) Oolcord, of Temple, Me., and Bunker Hill, 111. George Amml, born April 16, 1850; married Julia L. Maynard, of South Deerfleld, Mass., 1881. Jennie, born June 6, 1848; married Henry Sampson, 1868. Ida, born Oct. 25, 18-58. Eula, born Oct. 2, 1863. Families of Mary Olivia^, Elizabeth A\, William H.,' and Charles MUphalet/ ( Of EliphaletS^ Jolm,^ Ehenezer,'^^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Mary Olivia^ (Colcord) and Jacob Carlisle, of Exeter, N. H. Jamefs W., married Olive A. Tasker. Josephine A., married Woodbury Berry. Patience C, died. Daniel, died. George A., married Anna Folsom. Emma L., died. Cora A., married Rice D. Burpee. Walter S., married Hattie E. Folsora. Evelyn A. Etta M., married Charles E. Smith. Jacob A., married Ida M. Hayes. 2. Children of Elizabeth A. ^(Colcord) and John K. Coburn, of Exeter, N. H. Herbert A., married Clara Ham. Ina L., married Daniel M. Perkins. John Coburn, died. 3. Children of William H.'' and Frances E. (Pike) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. Charles, married Cora Fogg. Ella, married Albion Kenniston. William. Frank, married Luella Thompson. Arthur, married Addle McCuie. Albion, married Anna Corson. Jerry, married Mary Kussell. 84 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 4. Children of Charles Eliphalet' Colcord, and Sarah E. (Clarke),(of England), of Exeter, N. H. She died in 1901. Albert Percy, born P^eb. 9, 1859, Exeter, N. H.; married Cora K. Greaves, ol Irasburg, Vt. Hattie Olive, born Dec. 9, 1860; married J. N. Gurdy, Exeter, N. H. Edward, born Mar. 11, 1863; died; N. Andover, Mass. Mary V., born May 14, 1865; married Arthur Gray, Exeter, N. H. Families of Aiirelia' and Mhenezer Pay son,'' (Of Ehenezer^^^'^, SamueV; Edwurch). 1. Children of Aurelia^ (Colcord) and Rev. Thomas C. Nor- ris, Vienna, Me., and Perry, Iowa. Elizabeth, born about 1836-40; married Rev. Little, Perry, la. Several children died. Clara and Aurelia, twins, died in Perry, la. 2. Children of Ebenezer Payson' and Sarah (Towne) Col- cord, of Danvers, Mass. Sarah Ellen, born Dec. 14, .1837. Harriet Payson, born Sept. 19, 1839; died July 30, 1861. Abbie Elvira, born Dec. 16, 1840; died Dec. 25, 1843. (a) William Goodwin, born July 24, 1842; married Martha Hamilton, 1865; Hartford, Conn. Abbie Jane, born June 14, 1844; married Alfred Hutchinson. 1867; teacher. Eben Franklin, born Jan. 5, 1846; married Lizzie Jauette Davis. Elizabeth Towne, bom April 13, 1849; died Sd^uUfl^US^pcelyn Mudge. (b) Daniel Herbert, born Jan. 10, 1851; married . ^ Wm. Gr. Colcord, Sergt. Invalid Corps, formerly of Co. F. 35th Regt. M. V. M. Residence, Lynn, Mass., 1908. ^D. H. Colcord, A. B., A. M , B. D., attended School District No. 4, Danvers, Mass., till 1863, then Holten High School till 1867, graduating with highest honors. He worked as bookkeeper in E. & A. Mudge's Shoe Factory, Danvers, till March, 1871. Principal of Tapley Grammar School, Danvers, 1871 to March, 1874. Preparation for college being completed, he entered Amherst College in Sept., 1874. Appointed one of eight to compete for Porter Prize for highest entrance examination. Appointed to represent department of modern languages at ConiQience- SAMUEL COLCORI). 1811— See page 58. OTIS HKHtGS C'UIA'UHD. 1H18-1.S9S. See page 08. WILLIAM SAMPSON UOLCOKD. 1S15-1.S92. See page 58 AMMI COLCOHD. Sec page 5.8. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 85 ment in June, 1878, speaking on Dante and Goethe. De- gree of A. B. with rank of Philosophical Oration in June, 1878, ranking fourth in class of eighty-two; appointed to Phi Beta Kappa Society at end of Junior Year; member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity; editor of Amherst Student; member of College Glee Club and of the Orphean Quintette; Assistant Librarian in College Library 1876-78; Vice President of class 1876-78; Ivy Orator, Commence- ment 1878, speaking on "The Oak in Mythology"; Septem- ber, 1878, entered Andover Theological Seminary, gradu- ting in 1881; appointed to represent department of Greek Exegesis at Commencement, speaking on "The Old Testa- ment Apocrypha", meantime President of Harmolinks So- ciety (literary and musical); pulpit supply at Eiverside Mission Church, Lawrence, Mass.; hcensed to preach by Suffolk South Congregational Association in 1880; accept- ed call to Bedford, N. H. Presbyterian church, 1881; dis- missed and commended to South Cal. Asso. of Congregation- al Ministers and Churches in May, 1887, having previously (Dec. 1886) gone to Southern Cahfornia, on account of ill health; gathered and organized Congregational Church, Monrovia, Cal, in Dec, 1887, and was installed pastor; dismissed by Council in February, 1891, having previously, (September 1890), begun work in Pomona College as teach- er of Latin and Modern Languages; resumed acting pas- torate of the Monrovia church in 189:4, though continuing as professor of the Latin Language and Literatm-e in Po- mona College; continued in position since, having been absent last half of college year, 1898-9 on account of ill health, and spending college year 1903-4 in graduate work at Harvard University. A frequent pulpit supply in the churches of Southern California. 86 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Family of John Wiggin,^ {Of Thomas,^ Samuel,^ Edward,^^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of John Wiggin' and (1) Martha Owen (Colcord); (2) Emily (Radford;) (3) Mercy A. (Hussey,) of Exeter, N. H., Portland, Me., etc. (a) Martha Owen, born 1845, in Hancock, N. H. (b) Mary Ellen, born 1847, died young in Portland, Me. (c) Kdward Radford, born 1852, Portland, Me. John Wlggln, born 1854, Portland, Me. George Waldron, born 1855, Peabody, Mass.; died 1873, In Portland. Millie, born 1859-60; died 1878; Author of "For My Name's Sake." Albert Gardner, born Feb. 1880, Portland, Me. Thomas Hardy, born Sept. 1881, Portland, Me. ^ b Martha Owen and Mary Ellen Colcord were daugh- ters of John W. Colcord's first wife, Martha Owen Colcord, who died August, 1847. « Edward Radford, born of John W. Colcord's second wife in Portland, Me., has not been located. Neither has his brother, John W., Jr. Albert Gardner and Thomas Hardy were children of his third wife whom he married in 1875. No later record of them obtained. Family of Henry A. FJ {of Joah,^^ Gideon,^ Edward,'^ Samuel,'^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Henry A. F.' and (1) Nancy C. (Wingate) and (2) EUza A. (Towle) Colcord, of Parsonfield, Me. Clara Bingham, born 1861; married W. H. Butler, 1896. John M., born 1865; married Flora A. Titcorab, of Haverhill, Mass., 1886. (a) Charles Francis, born Sept. 21, 1867; m . ^ Charles F. Colcord is General Manager of the West- ern Livestock Co. of Chicago, 111., now in Tucumcari, N. M. Family of Frederick,'' {Of John, ^^^ Ehenezer,^-^ Samuel,- EdwardA) 1. Children of Frederick^ and ( ) Colcord, of Brent- wood, N. H. Jacob, born 1845; married . Ezra, born 1847. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 87 These two brothers went to Georgia and engaged in the lumber business, accumulating a fortune. Family of Samuel,^ {of Sanmel,^^^ Ehenezerfi Samuel,^ EdicarclA) 1. Children of SamueF and Margaret (Palmer) Colcord, of Candia, N. H. Samuel F., born 1830; married Susan A. Brown. The Harry Colcord Branch. Children of Thomas and Ann (Beai,i) Colcord, of Spring- vUle, N. H. Moses, born May 21, 1806; married (1) Anna Richards; (2) Catherine Cole, Jan. 15, 1835, at Darien, N. Y.; died at Attica, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1879. The Hneage of Thomas Colcord, father of Moses, has not been found, and these f amihes could not therefore be inserted among any of the known generations. Children of Moses and (1) Anna (Richards); (2) Catherine (Cole) Colcord, of Attica, N. Y. (a) Harry, born 1828; married Kate , ol Schenectady; died, Dec, 1906. Cora Ann, born April 28, 1846; (by second wile) married Benjamin Slater; died April 7, 1890. ^ Harry Colcord was a born artist, and because his father did not sympathize with his ambition to develop his talent, the boy ran away from home and went to sea. After four years before the mast, and a few years in the studio of a famous artist m New York, he joined Blondin, the great tight-rope walker, and rode on the latter' s back three times across Niagara Gorge on a tight rope. The first trip was made in August, 1859, the last one in the presence of the Prince of Wales and 250,000 people. This feat required superhuman nerve. The pubhsher of this book saw Harry in Chicago in 1886, where he hved at ease by means of his brush, being a portrait painter of 88 COLCORD GENEALOGY. considerable skill, tho he told the writer that it was the disappointment of his life that he could not realize his one ambition to paint a great picture. Harry's recital of his daring adventure has been fre- quently pubHshed, and is a thrilling story, given in his own words, from which we quote : "There were 2,000 feet of the rope. It was of manilla, three inches in diameter, made in a New York rope walk, in two pieces. It took us oearly five months to stretch the rope and to get the guy lines in place. "It was two hundred and fifty feet above water at its lowest point, which was fifty feet below the highest — in other words, there was a grade of fifty feet in each one thousand feet. There were 75,000 feet of guy line alto- gether. Each of them was weighted with a ten-pound sand bag to drop them out of the way of Blondin's balance pole, which was thirty feet long and weighed sixty pounds. "I took my place on Blondin's back, and he began the descent from the Canadian side on the rope. By reason of the fact that I had to bear my weight on his shoulders and had to use my arms, and with main strength, to sup- port myself, frequent rests were necessary. I told Blondin when I wanted to rest, and then I dropped down on the rope on one foot and waited till my arms were relieved, when I would spring up again, using only my arms to lift and hold myself in place. "There was a forty foot length between the guys on one side and those of the other, and this it was impossible to make steady. It was the middle span. Below us two- hundred and fifty feet roared the river, and over it we swung from side to side. Still moving on steadily, how- ever, Blondin never trembled. When he had gone about ten feet on the middle span somebody on the American side pulled the other guy line. We afterwards found out it was done intentionally, and the rope was stopped in its COLCORD GENEALOGY. 89 swing. Blondin stopped and his pole went from side to side in the vain effort to enable him to secure his balance. At one time it was up and down on the right side, at an- other up and down on the left, and I recall now with won- der that I was only curious to know whether he would succeed in getting control of himself or not. I didn't feel any fear. Failing in getting his balance, he started to run across the horrible span, and we safely reached the point where the guy rope came from the American shore. Then to steady himself Blondin put his foot on the guy rope and tried to stop, but the guy line broke and with a dash of speed he ran swiftly twenty-five feet further to the rope. There he recovered his balance and whispered loud : 'De- scendezvous.' The perspiration stood out on his neck and shoulders in great beads, and we balanced ourselves on the swaying rope. Presently he said, 'Allon', and I raised myself to his shoulders and we went on in safety and without accident toward the shore. "It was not until we lauded that I appreciated what had been done Then it occurred to me that the man who pulled the guy line was one of those who bet that the feat could never be accomplished, and my indignation master- ed any reactionary feeling of fear. You see, many thous- ands of dollars were bet upon the ability of Blondin to carry a man over, and human cupidity stops at no sacri- fice. Then there were the congi'atulations and the praises of pluck and the rest of it, so that in my foolish, boyish elation I forgot everything else." Children of Cora Ann (Colcord) and Benjamin Slater, of Attica, N. Y. Lillian May, born June 28, 1869. Harry Colcord, born May 11, 1871. Frederick Cole, born March 31, 1874; married Fannie Deck, of Tonawan- da, N. Y., 1899. George Benjamin, born April 11, 1876; married Margery 8. Pettinglll, o( Warsaw, N. Y., 1905. Jerome Moses, born July 23, 1878. Walter McLean, born Sept. 23, 1880; married Mabel E, Kuth, ol Buffalo, 1905. 90 COLCORD GENEALOGY, GENERATION IX. Families of William^ and Mary B.^, {Of Wear,"^ Phineas,^ Jonathan,^-^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of William^ and Sarah Maria (Cousins) Col- cord, married at Lowell, Mass., May 1, 1845. (a) William Henry, born Sept. 11, 1847; married Jennie I. Pearce. Frederick Wear, born Nov. 29, 1850; married Emma Francis Booth. Mary Elizabeth, born July 17, 1855; married Frank Chase Condon. Fannie Cousins, born Jan. 22, 18-58; married Algernon Wolverton. (b) Albert Edward, born Nov. 17, 1860; married Rose Anna Marshall. Lillian Gertrude, born April 27, 1863; died Oct. 29, 1865. (c) Walter Rea, born Mar. 6, 1867; married Meta Garrels. Sarah Maria, born Feb. 6, 1870; married Wilber J. Gregory, 1892. Victor Herbert, born June 7, 1873; died July 12, 1873. * William H. Col cord resides in Pittsburgh, Pa. Through his efforts the records of the descendants of Jonathan^ Colcord's sons, Phineas*^ and Jesse *^ have been corrected and brought down to date, and much information con- cerning other branches of the family has been obtained. To his ancestral contribution he adds the following regarding himself : "As the oldest child of my father's family I was taken to St Louis, Mo., in 1857, at the age of ten years, and there I attended the public schools and the University until I had absorbed as much of book learning as my wise and good father deemed me mentally capable, and at the same time, in a measure, qualify and fit me to take up his line of work, and as his heir and 'Crown Prince,' so to speak, assume the responsibilities and execute the duties and trusts evolving from a busy, hustling and strenuous life in COLCORD GENEALOGY. 91 the iron and steel industries, in which my father was ex- tensively interested at the time. "To what extent I may have made good, if indeed I made good at all, or in any degree, is not for me to say. This much, however, I do say, — that I early commenced on the job, have loyally staid by it, am still holding it down, and hope to round out an even century of time ere *I go to the land where my father is gone, where he shall rejoice in the name of his son.' "Could I in early life have followed my own youthful inclinations, the promptings of my own heart, my own mind's line of thought, I would have become a naturalist, a discoverer perhaps, certainly a traveler in the cause, but there were influences that decreed otherwise. I traveled 'all right all right,' from ocean to ocean, from Quebec to Key West and Cuba, from British Columbia to Mexico City and Panama, afoot, horseback, by canal boat, steam- boat, stage, railroad, automobile and air-ship, as a sales- man of iron and steel and of the products of iron and steel. So much for your Uucle Billy. "From 1857 to 1877 my home was in St. Louis, Mo.; from 1877 to 1900 in Chicago, 111., and from 1900 to the present time, Pittsburgh, Pa. In Chicago, on October 1, 1884, 1 married Jennie Inkerton Pearce, a daughter of James Pearce and his wife, Mary Gosh, of Cincinnati, O. We lived happily together until my wife died May 2, 1897, leaving no issue ; hence, as there has been "nothing doing" since, it must be evident to any inquiring mind that I am certainly long on ancestry and short to the limit on pos- terity. "Speaking of ancestry calls to my mind the verses of of John Kendrick Bangs, which are here quoted for the benefit of the readers of this little booklet, as they are in harmony with this genealogy : 92 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 'First lamllles' are very flne, If one believes In caste ; 'Tls very well to have a line Of ancestors for eons nine^ Fair Eve and Adam started mine ; But, take It first and last, There's little in a family tree Whose fruit has gone to seed ; 'Tls better far for one to be A mushroom minus pedigree. But of the best variety In character and deed. My boast is not of how I trace My line to noble Quelph To leaders In some bygone race ; But how I'm going to win a place, However fast or hot the pace As ancestor myself ; So that, when all Is over here, Up in the realm of bliss My forebears back to Adam's year When I arrive will shout and cheer And whisper in their neighbor's ear: 'We're relatives of his !' ** Albert E. Colcord was born in St. Loois, Nov. 17, 1863. After completing his course at the public schools he attended the manual training school, from which he was graduated at the age of eighteen. This was followed by a two-years' course at Washington University, the lat- terthe most celebrated institution of learning in the South- west. Prior to attending the Washington University he had some practical experience as an engineer, which was of gi'eat value to him. In 1880 he was topographical en- gineer on the Missouri River Commission, accompanying Captain Wellman, United States Engineer Corps. They surveyed the Missouri River from Fort Randall to Sioux City, Iowa. There were eighty in the party, comprising a full corps of engineers. The aim at the time was to straighten the river. In 1881 he was one of another party which went out in charge of Professor J. B. Johnson, one of the most distinguished engineers in this country, now dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, and who has written much upon the subject of engineering. This party was known as a precise leveling corps and surveyed the route of a proposed deep water channel from Fulton, 111., to Lake Michigan. The value of association with these men was almost inestimable, be- cause it was at a time when talented men had time and opportunity to devote attention to study and the discussion of the various subjects under consideration. His career is further detailed by the "Construction News :" WILLIAM IIEXUY C'()l>((iltl> 1847 See Pase 90. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 93 "In 1881 Mr. Colcord entered Washington University, where he remained two years, and then took a two years' course of architecture at the Art Institute. Completing this course, he entered the office of Kirtschner & Kirtsch- ner in 1885. They were at the time architects for the board of education at St. Louis, but Mr. Colcord' s work was not connected with that branch of their practice. He devoted his attention to the general work of the office. After two years, or in 1887, he went with the Wabash Railway, designing cars. After a year he returned to the office of Kirtschner & Kirtschner, where he remained for six months. He then devoted his attention to monument- al designing for the Hurricane Granite Company, with whom he remained two years, or until the Company closed the St. Louis offices, and Mr. Colcord then went to the quarries at Hurricane Island, Maine, where he re- mained about six months. Mr. Colcord came to Chicago in 1890 and has been very busily occupied since that time. In 1892, he formed a partnership with Thomas R. Bishop, which lasted seven years. Mr. Colcord was then for two years in the office of the city engineer, Chicago, designing bridges and work of a public character. While in this office he completed the course in bridge engineering at the International Correspondence Schools at Scranton, Pa. "In 1901 he again embarked in business for himself under his own name and has designed a large number of residences and apartment houses. "He has had a pleasant line of work. He is at the present time engaged in the construction of the Manistee County Savings Bank building at Manistee, Mich., the cost of which will be $90,000, and the First National Bank of Menominee, Mich.; also preparing plans for the Bank of Sheboygan, Vv^is., and the People's Savings Bank of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He has also designed a number of high 94 COLCORD GENEALOGY. grade residences, including, recently, twenty at Jackson Park Highlands for Frank I. Bennett and associates, and is at work on plans for twenty more to cost from $12,000 to $15,000 each. Mr. Colcord is a Fellow of the Ameri- can Institute of Architects, is a Knight Templar, and a member of the Medina Temple." Albert has one son, born February 19, 1909, named Albert Edward, Jr., whose portrait is found herein. *^ Walter Rea Colcord was born in St. Louis, Mo., and educated in the public schools of St. Louis. His father died when his son was nine years of age. His mother, left with a large family and small means, succeeded thru self-denial and rare good management in pioviding him an education. Of her he writes : "Having at an early age been deprived of the guidance of a father, whatever in life there may be worthy of esteem, is due to the ever pure and noble influence and example of my most honored mother." His first position was that of clerk in a railroad office, but at the age of twenty he determined to learn a mercan- tile business, and went to Chicago, accepting a position as stock clerk at a salary of six dollars a week for that pur- pose. At that time he was nmch interested in religious matters and soon became very active in church work, be- ing president of a Christian Endeavor Society, and teach- er of a Sunday School class. A few years later he changed his opinion of religious matters and dropped all connection with the church. At the age of twenty-two he was appointed traveling salesman which occupation he followed for five years. At the age of twenty-seven he determined to have the name of Colcord once more listed among the business houses of St. Louis, and he returned to his native city in 1894 and established himself as manufacturer's agent in the ma- chinery and supply business. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 95 June 1st, 1896, he was married to Meta Eliza Gan-els, daughter of William Gerhart Garrels, of St. Louis. In 1897 the partnership of Colcord & Sanderson was formed, a small store opened and a stock of machinery and supplies laid in. One year later he bought out his partner and continued the business under the name of W. E. Colcord Machinery Company. In 1903 the business was incorporated under the same name, with W. R. Col- (;ord, President and Treasurer, J. H. Bentzen, Vice Presi- dent and Secreoary. He has two children, a son Gerard Rea, born in St. Louis, Nov. 1st, 1900, and a daughter, Eunice, born May 24, 1908. 2. Children of Mary Elizabeth (Colcord) and Israel Tib- betts, of E. Cambridge, Mass. Louise Tibbetts, born 1850 or later. Frank Tibbetts, born 1852 or later. Mary Elizabeth Colcord married (1st) William Burgess, by whom she had no children. Families of David,* Nancy,^ Uliza,^ Emily,* Amos,* Albert,* and Bradbury* (Of Joseph," Phineas,^ Jonathanfi-^^ Samuel,'^ Edward.'^) 1. Children of David D.^ and Sarah (Peet) Colcord. Milton R., born 1845 ; died 1862. (a) Alice Lorena, born 1848 ; married G. W. Berfleld ; died 1879. Amelia, born 1850 ; died 1862. (b) Mahlon Joseph, born July 4, 1853 ; married Edith Haskell. Imogen, born 1856; died 1862. Lizzie, born 1859 ; died 1862. (c) Amos Watson, born Oct. 14, 1863 ; married Eva Bradford. » Alice suffered when a girl from a serious attack of diphtheria, a malignant scourge that visited the neighbor- hood in the fall of 1862, taking away four from each of three neighboring families, eight of them being four cous- ins, one brother and three sisters, leaving her with but one 96 COLCORD GENEALOGY. brother, both with impah^ed health. She recovered some- what and taught school several years, beginning at the age of sixteen. A sweet and dutiful girl, Alice became a woman of excellent Christian character. Mild-mannered and reserved, yet firm in her convictions, she was univer- sally loved and respected for her many virtues. ^ Mahlon Joseph Colcord was born at Coudersport, Pa. Graduated at Central State Normal School in 1880. Taught school ten years. Admitted to the Bar in 1884. A Master Mason. Delegate to Eepublican National Con- vention at Chicago in 1908. Is now (1908) editor and pub- lisher of the Potter County Journal at Coudersport. Also State Trustee for Central State Normal School. <^Amos W. Colcord was born at Coudersport, Pa. Graduated at Central State Normal School in 1884, and at College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore in 1894, after being principal of schools at Lake Benton, Minn., Big Stone City and Milbank, S. D. He has taken a post-grad- uate course in medicine at Philadelphia and at Harvard. Now (1908) practicing medicine at Clairton, Pa., where he is surgeon for Carnegie Steel Company. 2. Children of Nancy ^ (Colcordj and Giles Gustin, Hom- er, Pa. Wilson H., born 1852. Drowned 1859 in his father's millpond. Giles Almond, born 1855; married. Burtrum, Minn, (a) Emily, born 1857; married Major Hasbrouck, 1877, Pine Island, Minn. Julia, born 1861; married Q. A. McDermott, Kasmer, N. D. * Emily is active in church and temperance woj-k, all her family being Baptists. 3. Children of Eliza A.^ (Colcord) and Jacob Peet, Homer, Pa. Elvlna E., born 1846; married T. B. Rees. Morton D., born 1848; died 1862. Wallace R., born 1852; died 1862. Lillian, born 1856; died 186:^. Flora R., born 1859; married Thomas Wrench. Orrel, born 1865; married F. R. Moody. Albert Brainard, born 1866 ; married Bertha l»eck. ALBKUT KDWAKI) COIA'OHD. 1860- See Paae 90. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 97 4. Children of Emily ^ (Colcord) and John Calkins, Bath, N. Y. Gilbert, born 1849; married (1st) Julia A. Brlggs, (2nd) Carrie Gilmaster. Mary, born 1853; married James Johnston, Coudersport, Pa. (a) Merville. born ia35; married Alice Adams; died 1905. * Merville Calkins was crippled when a boy and suf- fered much all of his life from the injury. But by dint of perseverance he secured a High School education, taught school several terms, and learned the printers' trade. He was editor and publisher of different newspapers and held the office of Justice of the Peace several years. 5. Children of Amos D.^ and Sarah (Taggart) Colcord. (a) Julius Seth, born 1868; married Lena Darrin. a Julius Seth Colcord was born at Bath, N. Y. Grad- uate of Coudersport High School. Is now (1908) a farmer in Coudersport on the old Peet Homestead. 6. Children of Albert *^ and Elizabeth (Sherer) Colcord, Coudersport, Pa. (a) Joseph B., born 1862; married Mary Jackson. (b) John S., born 1868; married Anna Guenter. Susan, born 1872; married Thomas LeCompt. Amy. born Feb. 22, 1875; died June, 1875. Iva, born 1879; married Rev. Emerson Austin. ^ Joseph B. Colcord was born at Bath, N. Y. Gradu- ated at Coudersport Academy and in 1885 from the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore, Md. Is now (1908) practicing medicine ; also serving second term as postmaster at Port Allegany, Pa. b John Sherer Colcord is a prosperous farmer, black- smith and lumberman, residing near Coudersport, Pa. 7. Children of M. Bradbury and Sarah (Morrison) Col- cord, Ceres, Pa. Arlon v., born 1881; killed in a railroad wreck 1905. Wallace J., born 1887; railroad engineer, Altoona, Pa. Kate, born 1884; married Edwin O. Anundson. Cora, born 1890. Lester Lee, born 1895. 98 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Families of Mthan,^ Abigail,^ Ralph Bennett,^ Lo- rena,^ Ivory, ^ William H.,^ Mlvira.^ {Of Ivory,'' Phineas,^ Jonathan,^-^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Ethan Smith and — ( ) Colcord of Sterling, 111. Albert H., Ivory Arthur, Royal J., Arta, married Stewart. 2. Children of AbigaiP (Colcord) and Washington M. Law, of Sterling, 111. Ivory Orlan Law, born Oct. 3, 1852; married Katherine Thorpe. James Anderson and Nancy Lorena. died in infancy. Elzina died at the age of 4 years. Abram Taylor died at the age of 14. Born 1845-50; died 1860-64. 3. Children of Ralph B.^ and Mary A. (Shively) Colcord, of Sterling, 111. (a) Emma L., born Sept. 15, 1855; married George Washington Pearl. Luella May, born April 18, 1857. Nora Belle, born June 27, 1864; married W.J. Moore; died 1883. ^ Emma L. (Colcord) Pearl had a daughter, Glennie Pearl (Hall) the mother of Doreeiie Hall. 4. Children of Lorena^ (Colcord) and Rev. John Cum- mings. Edwin Ernest, born June 8, 1858; died Sept. 30, 1859. Emma Elzina, born Jan. 9, 18G0; married Charles F. Grover, Denver, Col. Anna Lorena, born Aug. 22, 1861; died March 23, 1863. Clara May, born May 1. 1863; married Otto E. Erdman. 1885. 5. Children of Ivory G."^ and Charlotte (Eraser) Colcord. Irena Loretta, born April 2, 1859; married W. E. Cornell, 1882. (a) Wlllard Allen, born Dec. 8, 1860; married Anna L. Guise, 1882. Ivory Celian, born Aug. 14, 1869; married Maggie Beck, 1889. Bertha Viola, born Dec. 27, 1871; married Edwin M. Stewart. Milton, born Jan, 9; 1873; died Jan. 11, 1873. Angle Pearl, born Oct. 29, 1874; married Clark Higgs, 1894. Edith Marion, born Jan. 27, 1877; married Albert Lane, 1897. '^Willard Alien Colcord is Associate Editor of "Lib- erty" the official organ of the Rehgious Liberty Bureau, published by the Seventh Day Adventists at Tacoma Park, Washington, D. C. A trenchant writer, fluent speaker COLCORD GENEALOGY. 99 and fine musician, Rev. W. A. Colcord is a power in the church of his choice. 6. Children of William H.^ and Fianna (Linerode) Col- cord, of Minot, N. D. Alice C, born June 28, 1861; married Lewis Peugh, 1878. Eustatia, B., born March 16, 1862; married ,J. Fred Fehrenson, 1884. (a) Annette A., born May 14, 1865; married George Allen Over, 1885. (b) Edith B., born Sept. 10, 1866; married William D. Deets, 1887. (c) Ernest Schuyler, born Sept. 6, 1867; married Maude Pittman, 1889. (d) Clayton E., born Jan. 26, 1870; married Louisa Loechel. (e) Nellie L., born Aug. 13, 1873; married Frank W. Walser. (f) Elberta E., born Nov. 27, 1875; married Bert F. Baker, 1894. (g) Glenn D., born Feb. 7, 1879; married Mae Evans, 1903. Grace Elzina, born May 15, 1881; married R. E. Douglas. West Jordan, Utah. One son, Kenneth. '^Annette A. was married to Mr. Over on the silver anniversary of the marriage of her parents. They reside at Sterling, 111., where they take great delight in enter- taining their hundreds of friends. Mrs. Over is a typical Colcord, jolly and a friend to all. ^ Edith B. resides on a beautiful farm near Milledge- ville, 111. She is a home-maker, a woman who takes a lively interest in the home topics at the County Farmers' Institutes, and her words of wisdom always carry great weight. ^ Ernest Schuyler is a newspaper man of considerable note in the northwestern part of Illinois, being connected with the Sterling Daily Standard, as field manager. •^Clayton is a graduate of the Drake University, of Des Moines, la., and for a time practiced law at Bancroft, Iowa. For the past seven years he has been a farmer near Glenburn, N. D., locating on the broad prairies on one of his Uncle Samuel's homesteads. While he has a natural inclination to practice law, the call of the wild has a firm hold on him; he loves the free life of a North Da- kota farmer, where every man is ruler of all that he sur- veys. 100 COLCORD GENEALOGY. ^Nellie L.'s husband is a prominent real estate man of Sterling, 111. Her love for society can be attributed to nothing less than the Colcord instinct for companionship. * Mr. and Mrs. Baker reside on a farm near Glenburn, N. D. Mrs. Baker for some years taught school with her husband, who was a well-known Northern Illinois profes- sor. Ill health caused him to seek the invigorating North Dakota prairies. K Glenn D. has resided for the past seven years at Mi- not, N. D., where he is editor of the Ward County Inde- pendent, one of the largest and best known papers in the entire State. He will take off his coat and fight any time for the State of his adoption, which he considers the land of opportunity. 7. Children of Elvira E.^ (Colcord) and James A. DeGroff, of Denver, Col. Raymond V., born 1859; married Bertha Hazen. One daughter, Hazel L., born 1886. Lettie A., born 1863. James Leroy, born 1866; died 1872. Burton L„ born 1870; married Anna Phelps. One daughter, Alice E., died in infancy. Families of George JP.,^ ^nd John W.,^ {Of John N.,"^ Jesse^, Jonathan^-^-'^, SmnueV^, Edward^.) 1. Children of George Francis^ and Mary L. (Windus) Colcord, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. (a) Grace B., born Feb. 23, 1873; unmarried. Jessie C, born 1874; died 1875. ^ Grace B. expresses personal pride in being a Colcord. She says : "I am a Colcord first, last and all the time, so they tell me, and my father was the ideal man; any one who is like him is sure to have a warm place in my heart." She is Director of the Triscol Conservatory of Expressive Arts at Des Moines, Iowa; and is greatly in love with her work. 1867 WALTER REA COI.CORD AND SON, (JERAUn RKA. See Page 90. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 101 Children of Joseph W.^ and Emma S. (Pike) Colcord of Lynn, Mass. Ethel S., bom 1882. Marion P., born 1877: died 1887. Edith W., born 1881; died 1882. Families of Washington,^ David,^ Jesse,^ and Sarah Jane.^ {Of David,' Jesse,^ Johnathan,-:>-*-'^ Samuel,^ Edico.rdA) 1. Children of Washington^ and Susan O. (Roberts; Col- cord, of Porter, Me. (a) Wilson, bom May 28. 184-5; married Hattie Rounds, 1867. (b) Irving Washington, born Nov. 6, 1865: unmarried. *Wilson Colcord lives in Porter, Me., and has children, of whom ^VQ have the names of two, namely Arthur W., and Blanche B. ''living Colcord, of Cornish, Me., has furnished the author some valuable notes of the Porter families. 2. Children of David A.* and Martha Juliette (Lane) Col- cord, of E. Brownfield, Me. Juliette Martha, born Oct. 4, 1865: married Charles X. Lane. E. Brown- field. Me. 3. Children of Jesse** and Alfreda (Stone) Colcord, of Por- ter, Maine. (a) Nathaniel Dana, bom Nov. 13. 1870; Boston. Mass. * Nathaniel has followed the newspaper business as reporter and editor for nearly eighteen years, since gi'adu- atiug from the Biddeford high school in 1891. He was city messenger of Portland dudng the year 1907; Uved in Biddeford twelve 3'ears, from 1887 to 1899, previously hv- ing in Cornish, Maine, thirteen years; was a resident of Portland eight years before coming to Boston in 1908. Is a member of Mavoshen Lodge, K. of P., Xo. 1, of Bidde- ford, and Portland Lodge, B. P. O. E., 188 of Portland. Never mamed. 102 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Families of Wm. D.,^ Doane B.,^ Mary,^ Emily, ^ and Clarissa,^ {Of B avid, "'-^^^^ Jonathan, ^'^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of William David and Olive E. (Tyrrell) Col- cord, of Humboltd Co., Cal. (a) Doy Wllber, bom 1859; married Josephine A. Scott, 1883. (b) Charlissa A., born 1861: married Chas. E. Gordon, Ferndale, Cal. (c) Clara L., born 1863; married T. B. Morton. Sherman P., born 1866; unmarried in 1908. William Allen, born 1870; married ; died in 1897 Oliver D. twin, born 1874; died young. Olive K., twin, born 1874; married Claussen. San Fransiseo, Cal. (d) Marietta, born 1868; married J. II. Burke, Gurneville. Cal. (e) Ada, born 1878; married Fred B. Tribble 1903, San Fransiseo, Cal. Charles S., born 1880; Eureka, Cal. Shingle-weaver. *Doy W. Colcord was born in Magnolia, Rock Co., Wis., held the family together after his father's death, and later established a steam laundry which he is success- fully conducting in Eureka, Cal. ^ Charlissa (Colcord) Gordon's husband was an editor. He died in 1895 leaving one child. ''Clara L. Morton was born in Humboldt Co., Cal. She first married a Turner by whom she had two children born at Carters, Cal. Turner died and she married T. B. Morton, a contractor. ^Marietta's husband is a fruit-grower. ^ Ada Colcord Tribble was one of the earthquake suf- ferers in San Francisco. 2. Children of Doane B.^ and (1) Luella Percis (Spencer); (2) Marien Grace (Lippincott) Hooper Colcord. George Spencer, born February 23. 1873; died Mar. 5. 1873. (a) Ellenora Riechstien, born May 18, 1880; married Guy Arnold Armitage. (b) Doane Lippincott, born Dec. 1. 1881; married Iva Swan, Feb. 6, 1909. David, born 1883; died an infant. ^ Ellenora R. (Colcord) Armitage was born in Burling- ton, Iowa, in the Cook residence, where her grandmother lived many years ; was educated in Topeka, Kansas, and after her mother's death in Denver, 1903, kept house for COLCORD GENEALOGY. 103 her father in Portland, Oregon, where she met and mar- ried G. A. Armitage, a successful young merchant now of Creswell, Ore. ^ Doane L. Colcord was born in Conway, Iowa, re- ceived his school education in Topeka, Kan.; joined a sur- veying party of the C. F. and I. Co., near Pueblo, Col., when nineteen years old, and has been actively engaged in civil engineering work since that time. He was rod- man on the surveys across the Rocky Mountains for the Denver N. W. & Pac. Ry., in 1902; levelman on the S. V. Ry. in 1903, and instrumentman in Wyoming for the O. S. L. Ry. in 1905-07. Is now with the City Engineering Dept. of Portland, Oregon; Assistant on Water Supply, 1909. His wife, Iva Swan, was of Baker City, Oregon. 3. Children of Mary^ (Colcord) and Daniel Brown, of Ded- ham, Me. Martha, boru 1850; died in infancy. (a) Clara Jane, born 1856; married Joseph Winters, Minneapolis. Minn. (b) Charles Sumner, born 1858; married Maud , of Cedar Falls, la. (c) Nettie May, twin, born ISfil; married Fred Utter. (c) Nellie Fay, twin, boru 1861; married Fred Mayhew. (d) Edwin F., born 1864, married Nevada Harr. * Clara J. Brown was a successful teacher in the city of Cedar Fails, Iowa, and elsewhere before her marriage and an earnest worker in church, temperance, social and musical circles. She had to contend against poor health being afflicted with asthma. She married a cabinet mak- er whose health failed, and is now residing near Ramsey, N. J., on a fruit farm. ^ Charles S. Brown was born in Dedham, Maine. He inherited a love for mechanical pursuits, became a station- ary engineer and later an inventor, some of his inventions yielding him a fair profit. He lost his first wife, whom he married in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and later married and set- tled in Lake Mills, Minn., where he has a pleasant home. ^Nettie and Nellie were born in Dedham, Maine, and 104 COLCORD GENEALOGY. received their education in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where their father lived for several years before moving to Minnesota where their parents died. They looked so nearly alike that their own mother could not always tell them apart. They were bright, healthy girls, musical and vivacious and had many friends when young. They married in Minne- apolis and raised families there where they now reside. Nelhe speut several years in Europe, one child being born in Sweden. Her husband died in London, England in 1906. ^ Edwin F. Brown, a millwright and general foreman, was born in Dedham, Maine. Married in Cedar Falls, la., and has been for many years in the employ of Johnson Bros, in Dallas, Oregon and elsewliere, engaged in the lumbering business. He is now (1908) in a new lumber- town, Walville, Wash. An upright, active and capable mechanic and a haid-working man of excellent character and habits. He lost his only child, Claire in Minnea[)olis, Minn., 1896, which greatly shadowed and saddened liis life. 4. Children of Emily ,^ (Colcord) and Augustus Stilkey of Bangor, Me. (a) Clara A., born 1852, married A. Phillips. Kllsworlh. Me. Prudence, born 1849; died young. '^Mrs. Clara A. Phillips, made a home for her mother and nursed her through her long and painful illness until her death in 1908. 5. Children of Clarissa J.^ (Colcord) and John Jones, of Rock Co., Wisconsin. (a) Mary B., born February 14. 1858, married Oscar DeHaven. (b) Oscar L., born ,Iuly 1, 1860, married . (c) Ruth Frances born .Aug. 17. 18()3. married A. M. Tousley 1887. George, born 1866; married , La Crosse, Wis. ^Mrs. Mary DeHaven hves in Dallas, Oregon. "^Oscar L. Jones resides in Minneapolis, Minn., where he has raised a large family. «Mrs Ruth Tousley was in Detroit, Mich, when last heard from. She married a traveling salesman. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 105 Families of Hannah,^ Melissa,^ Amasa,^ Samuel,^ Hollis,^ {of Mark, "^ Bavid,^^^ Jonatlmn,^'^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Hannah M.« (Colcord) and Santon E. Col- son, of Searsport, Me. and Brooks, Me. Moses Milo, born 1859; married Alice U. McKay of Brooks, Me. James Marden, born 1860; died 1889, Norwood, Mass. Kzra S.. born Oct., 1869. died Nov., 1869. Charles R., born 1862; died 1883, Searsport, Me. Susan Jane, born 1867, married Willard Ferris, 1885, N. Andover, Mass. Eliza Rebecca, born 1870; married Wm. A. McFarland, Bangor. Me. A son, Lawrence E. McFarland. was born Jan. 6, 1900. in liangor. Me. 2. Children of Melissa Jane^ (Colcord) and Samuel Dil- loway, of Searsport, etc., Me. (a) George L., born 1870; married Josephine McKown Nov. 27, 1892. Ellenora D., born 1872, died 1873. (b) Franli A., born 1878, resided liaxter Springs. Kan. (1907 j. * George L. Dilloway, M. D., is practicing medicine in Boston, Mass. b Frank A. Dilloway was Hving with his widowed mother in March, 1907, when she died in Baxter Springs, Kan., where they owned zinc mines. He was then un- married. 3. Children of Aniasa^ and Laura E. (Fernald), Colcord Searsport, Me. (a) Allen D., born May 13, 1867; Winterport, ^ie. =^ Allen D. Colcord, Supt. of Schools in Winterport, Me. has never married. He has been a successful teacher, an author of some note and makes his home with his mother, who married Fred Coffin of "Otter Brook Farm" in W. Winterport. 4. Children of Samuel Marden^ and Mary A. (Colson) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. Mary, born 1873; died in infancy. Samuel Marden, Jr., born 1873; married Annie Rimmele, 1895. (Had two sons, David and Leroy.) The Colson family of Brooks, Me. and Norwood, Mass. 106 COLCORD GENEALOGY. the author has not been able to get records; the above records have been compiled from letters from A. D. Col- cord, Mrs. Amanda Om'tis and other Searsport relatives. 5. Children of Hollis Monroe^ and Sarah L. (Wallace) Colcord, Frank Colcord, born 1880, Norwood, Mass. Family of Thomas M.,^ {Of Thomas,''-^ Josephfi Joyiathan,^-'^ Samnelr Edwaril.'^) 1. Children of Thomas Miller^ and Emma (McCormack) Colcord. (a) Marietta, born June 1870; married Wilbert G. Googin. (b) Eleanor Tracy, born Nov. 1872; married Jonathan Miller Hazlett. (c) Charlotte, born 1875. Guy A., born 1877. Residence unknown. Ethelyn M.. born Feb. 1880; married Zue G. Peck, LosAngeles, Cal. Marie Stuart, born Sept. 1889. Two children died in infancy. '"^Marietta (Colcord) Googin was born in Sedalia, Mo. Residence, Durant, Miss. She has one son Thomas Max- el Googin, born Sept. 1906. ''Eleanor T. (Colcord) Hazlett vi^as born in Crawford Co., Iowa; now residing in Mason City, Iowa and has three children (1908) viz: Hazel Marie Hazlett, born Jan. 1896; Charles Colcord Hazlett, born Aug. 1901; Jonathan Wilbert Hazlett, born June, 1905. ^Charlotte Colcord was born in Crawford Co., Iowa, and now resides with her widowed mother and youngest sister, Marie, in Porterville, Cal. The younger children were all born in Crawford Co., Iowa. Families of Maria N., Roswell K.,^ and Anrilla,^ [Of Jcunes, "^-^^ Jonathan, ■'-•^ Samuel,'^ Edward.^} 1. Children of Maria N.^ (Colcord) and Harry J. Woods of Newton, Mass. (a) Charles D., born 1858; res. Orono, Me.; married Mary Morgan. One son died in Italy several years ago. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 107 ^ Prof. Charles D. Woods is Supt. of the experiment station of Orono College, Me. (State Agiicultural College). He married Mary Morgan, a cultured lady of fine family, a descendant of titled ancestors, whose letters to the author have been inspiring and helpful. The search for the Colcott "Crest" and Coat of Arms was commenced at her suggestion. 2, Children of Hon. Roswell K.*^ and Mary F. (Hopkins) Colcord, of Carson City, Nev. (a) Stella Gladys, born 1875. ^This only daughter has been educated at Snell's Seminary, Oakland, and Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. 3. Children of Aurilla^ (Colcord) and Augustus Pote, of Searsport, Me., New York City, etc. Augustus Edward; born Mar. 6, 1862. Edward Dickey, born Aug. 6, 1868; died Mar. 29. 187'J. Lena May, born Sept. 4, 1872; died Mar. 2-j, 1870. Leta .May, born Feb. 22, 1876; died Mar. 25, 1879. Families of Daniel D.,^ Elizabeth A.,*^ Albion,^ John,^ Chas. H.^ (Of Wilson,'' Davul,^^ Jonatho/a,^^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Daniel D.^ and Katie (Gilchrist) Colcord. Wilson David, born Nov. 22; 1879. Thomas Clifford, born 1882. Orrie P., born 1884. Hattie E., born 1886. 2. Children of Elizabeth Amanda,*^ (Colcord) and James William Nickerson, of Searsport, Me. Laura Thurston, born Nov. 18., 1874; married Henry Geo. Appleton. 1896. Marian Matthews, born April 21, 1877; married Rawson A. Leufkin, 1903. Ethel Grace, born Oct. 31, 1878; died Dec. 29, 1893. KatherineJeanette. born May 23, 1880; married Wm. W. Wilson, 1903. Albion Ross, born July 18, 1882; married Nellie Jackson, born January 18, 1887: died Nov. 3, 1892. Augustus Elizabeth, born April 12, 1888. Harold Wilbert. born March 2, 1891. lOcS COLCORD GENEALOGY. 3. Children of Albion^ and Lillian (Wise) Colcord. Rex, born about 1876. Ella Wilson, born about 1878. 4. Children of Charles H.*^ and Josephine (Dowd) Colcord. Hazel Kirke, born Apr. 6, 1882. Frank, born Apr. 1884. Blanche, born 1888; died young. 5. Children of John Wilson^ and Rose (Dowd) Colcord. James, born 1890. Clarence, born 1892. Elbert, born about 1894. Families of Cordelia Ann,^ Andrew X>./ Benjamin,^ James,^ Franklin A.,^ Charles,^ {Of Benjamin,''-^ Daviil,^ Jonuthan,^-'^ Samuel,'^ Edtoar(P) 1. Children of Cordelia A.^ (Colcord) and William Carver. Ada Byron, born 1855; married Prince Colcord; died 1899. Anna Abiah, born 1857; married Andrew Fowler. 2. Children of Capt. Andrew D.^ and Arietta (Norcross) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. (a) Charles Andrew, born September 28. 1855; married 1st Elizabeth Bacon, 2nd Isabel Meriwether. Grace A. born 1861; married Henry Appleby. ^ Captain Charles A. Colcord followed the sea as man and master for 40 years. 3. Children of Benjamin Loren^ and Mary H. (Carver) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. (a) Ijincoln Alden, born 1857; married .Jennie Sweetser, 1881. Frank Wesley, born 1861; married Ida Lord, Dorchester, Mo ^Captain Lincoln A. Colcord was born in Searsport, Me., attended Bucksport Seminary, went to sea in 1872, and took command of bark Charlotte A. Littlefield in 1879. Has since conunanded barkentine Clara E. McGil- very, bark Harvard, ship State of Maine, and steamship American. Is at present (1908) in command of steamship Virginian of the American Hawaiian S. S. Co., between San Fransisco and the Sandwich Islands, having formerly JOHN 8. OOLCUUD, WIFE AND DALTGHTEK. 1868— See page 97 SUSAN (CULCOKD) LECOMPT. 1872— See page 97 IVA (COLCoKIt) Al'S'l'IN. Aud daugliter. I-Uhel May. 1879— Seepages?. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 109 been engaged in the East Indian Merchant Marine Ser- vice. He has a home in Searsport, Me., but has often taken members of his family with him on his voyages. 4. Children of James^ and Abby (Lanpher) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. Delia Maria, born 1863; married Melvin Cunningham, 1884. Amos Adelbert, born 1864, maried Lulu Dow. Abiah Blanchard, born 1866; married Frank Grady. Loren Herbert, born 1871; married May Pendleton. Benjamin Franklin, born 1873; married Louise Atherton. Edwin Truly, born 1875; married Hannah Berry. This recoT-d obtained by Miss J. C. Colcord, is lacking in exact dates, some of the dates having been given ap- proximately by the author. 5. Children of Franklin A. E.^ and Eliza (West) Colcord, of Searsport, Me. Rowena Asenath, born 1864; married Linda Jane, born 1866; married Gertrude, born 1871; died 1880. Andrew James, born 1876; married Clara Ryder. One son. Chester Ir- win, born 1905. Evalina Carver, bom 1878; died in 1882. 6. Children of Capt. Charles^ and Ann Maria (Colcord) Colcord. Charles Jr., born 1880 to 90; died young. Family of Clara Lizzie^ {Of John,' Benjamin,^ David,^ Jonathan,^^ Samuel,- EdirardA) 1. Children of Clara Lizzie (Colcord) and C. Frank Car- ver, of Searsport, Me. Clara, born 1856: married Charles Sawyer. Family of Charles Francis^ {Of William Rogers,' Charles B.,^ Samuel,^ Jonathan, *-3 Samuel,' EdioardA ) 1. Children of Charles Francis^ and Haniett (Scoresby) 110 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Colcord, of Oklahoma. Ray, born Sept. 12, 1886. O. F., Jr. born June 12, 1888; died Aug 23, 1900. Marguerite, born June 30. 1891. Caroline, born Aug. 8, 1895. Sidney, born Feb. 17, 1898. Cadijah, born Aug. 2, 1899. Harriett, born Sept. 2, 1901. Families of Zina H.^ and Anna B.^ ( OfHenry,'^ J. C.,6 John/^ Edimrd,^^ Samuel,'^ UdiourcU) 1. Children of Zina H.^ and Jennie M. (Fay) Colcord, of Everett, Mass. Bernie Fay, born Mar. 4, 1873; died 1874. (a) Carrie E., born Sept. 11, 1877; married Charles H. Austin in 1901 Lena M., born May 31, 1883; married William E. Gibson, 1904. ^Mrs Carrie E. (Colcord) Austin has two children, Miranda, born 1902, Jennie B., born 1904. 2. Children of Anna E.^ (Colcord) and John L. Whitney of E. Frankhn, Vt. Lulu G., born Jan. 29, 1877. Maud H., born Mar. 9, 1878. Nellie C, born July 31. 1880. Glenna P., born May 9, 1882; died Marcli 4, 1883. Henry K., born January 24, 1884. Edith M.. born Sept. U, 1885. Bernice, born March 24, 1887; died Oct. 27, 1887. Orloff H., born Feb. 21, 1891; died Feb. 26, 1891. No further record of this family. Families of Hdward C.,^ Herbert B.,^ John C.,^ and Hannah Annette,^ [Of John," John C,6 John,^ Edward,^-^ Samuel,^ EdtvardA ) 1. Children of Edward C.,^ and Mary A. (McMinigal) Col- cord, of St. Albans, W. Va. (a) Edward C, Jr., born Jan. 15, 1885. Francis C, born Mar. 29, 1886. Sylvia P., born June 10, 1888. Eugene L., born Oct. 22, 1891. Mary Agnes, born Jan. 30, 1895. Tristram Coflin, born Jan. 23, 1898. William Allison, born Oct. 27, 1901. COLCORD GENEALOGY. Ill ^Edward C. Colcord was State Printer of West Vir- ginia in 1906. 2. Children of Herbert B.,*^ and Alice S. (Green) Colcord, of Franklin, Vt. Elmer E., born May 8, 1880. Julia T., born Nov. 26, 1884; married Harlo B. Towle, Dee. 30, 1908. 3. Children of John C.,^ and Sadie (Cox) Colcord, of New- berg, Oregon. Ula S., born Oct. 19, 1891. 4. Children of Hannah Annette^ (Colcord) and Edson A. Libby, Enosburg Falls, Vt. Sarah A., born June 13, 1889. Priidie M., born Jime 12, 1891. Maud P., born June 17, 1893. Mildred L., born Oct. 13, 1894. Families of Maria M.,^ I^illian A.,^ Earle,^ JErnest J.,^ and Grace.^ {Of Oeorge,"^ John C.,^ Johnfi Edioard,'^-^ Samuel,- EdwardA) 1. Children of Maria M.^ (Colcord) and A. D. Whitney of Berkshire, Vermont. Harlow A., born Nov. 17, 1877. Charles, born August 1, 1879. Joseph H., born Jan. 30. 1889. Foster C, twin, born July 2-5, 1892. Helen, twin, born July 2-5, 1892. Alloway Whitney of St. Armand was the father of Adolphus D. Whitney, who married Miss Maria M. Col- cord. He owned a farm in Franklin, Vt. on which his son, A. D. Whitney Hved in 1893. (Towle Gen.) 2. Children of Lillian A.*^ (Colcord) and Henry E. Dewing of Franklin, Vermont. Herman A., born Jan. 12, 1884: married Lorinda Boyd, 1902. Has one child Elmer A., born 1906. Ernest, born May 11, 1886. Wra. Howard, born April 1, 1894. 3. Children of Earle^ and Lucy R. (Hammond) Colcord, 112 COLCORD GENEALOGY. of E. Franklin, Vt. Alma M., born Nov. 22. isa'j; married Chas. C. Stanley. 4. Children of Earnest J.^ and Bertha E. (Stetson) Col- cord, of Berkshire, Vt. Carl O., born Sept. 28, 1888, Richford, Vt. Kenneth George, born Jan. 13, 1891. Earnest Jay, born April 1, 1904. Grace A., born July 2, 1906. 5. Children of Grace^ (Colcord) and James A. Conner. Ralph C, born June 30, 1902. George C, born Jan. 2, 190-5. Grace^ Colcord was the daughter of Martha Arm- strong, George'^ Colcord' s second wife who was a daughter of Alex. Armstrong, of St. Armand, P. Q. Families of Abbie B.,^ Samuel,^ and Ida Bulalia,^ [Of Samuel,'^ Danielfi Samuel,-^ Edivard,'^-^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Abbie E.^ (Colcord) and William T. Car- son, of Wilton, Me., and Greenville, 111. Eulalia Elizabeth, born May 9, 1857. Clarence Henry, born Apr. 9, 1860; married Carrie McKinley. Fanny Perhara, born Oct. 1, 1862; died April 25, 1905. Mary Ellen, born 1865; died Jan. 31, 1870. William Clark, born Aug. 7, 1874; married I^ouise Seawell: one daughter. Mildred. Hattie Spencer, born Dec. 28, 1881; 2. Children of Ida E. (Colcord) and George Hubbard, of Ida Grove, Iowa. Ethel, born ; married \Vm. Gregg, Seattle. Wash.; has one child. Dorothy E. Homer, born . Family of William F.,^ {Of Wm. S.,"^ Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Edward,^-''' SmmteW^ Edward.^) 1. Children of William Francis^ and Frances (Townsend) Colcord of Greenville, 111. Glenn Townsend, born June 21, 1894. Lloyd Plant, born June 2;^, 1896. Lessie Cassat, born Nov. 6, 1897. 1,S73- MISS MA15KL Cul.COUD. See i)a^e 114. 180:5- AMOS W. COLCORI), M. D. See Page 95. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 113 Family of George Ammi,^ {Of Ammi,'^ Daniel,^ Samuelfi Edwarcl,-^-^ Samuel,- EdwariU) 1. Children of George A.^ and Julia L. (Maynard) Col- cord, of Bunker Hill, 111. Anna Louise, born 1883. Alice Jane, born 1885. May Elizabeth, born 1888. Frank Maynard, born 1890. Mabel Susan, born 1891. Edward Clark, born 1897. Families of Edward J.,^ and Rufus J.,^ (Of Bufics,'^ Gideon,^ Josiah,^ Gideon,'^ Edward,^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Edward J.^ and Carrie (Hinckley) Colcord, of Parsonsfield, Me. (a) Alice Louisa, born Oct 9, 1882; married Uhas. A. Schultz. Brooklyn, N. Y. Hattie Tobey, born April 4, 1884. Henry Wentworth, born July 21, 1888. "" Mrs. Alice L. (Colcord) Schultz has one daughter, Carolyn Hinckley, born May 3, 1903. She is the great- great-great-grand-daughter of Josiah'^ Colcord. 2. Children of Eufus Judson^ and Ada (Austin) Colcord, of Koxbury, Mass. Grace, born 1874. Edward A., born 1876. Family of John M.,^ {Qf Henry A. F.,"^ Joahfi-^ Gideon^ Edward,^ Samuel,'^ Edward.^) 1. Children of John M(arshall)^ and Flora A. (Titcomb) Colcord, of Haverhill, Mass. and Effingham, N. H. Arthur Titcomb, born Nov. 20, 1888. John Harold, born, Oct. 2, 1890. Howard Edward, born Feb. 8, 1898. 1. Children of Austin N.^ and Kate (Spear) Colcord, (of Enoch L.,^ probably of John.^) (a) Edward, born Dec. 12, 1867; married Ella B. Hill. Fannie M., born June 5, 1872; died October 11, 1881. 114 COLCORD GENEALOGY. ^Edward Colcord is a house and sign painter in Phil- adelphia, Pa. He writes in 1906 : "My grandfather's name was Enoch L. Colcord, and father's Austin N., and to my knowledge father had two brothers; were originally from Boston, Mass., then came to Philadelphia where grand- father owned extensive property. My parents lived in Philadelphia and had two children, myself and sister Fan- nie, four years younger than me. When I was seven years old mother died and we were placed in an Educa- tional Home. I was taken from the Home by Mr. Ten- dal, Sussex Co., Del., and sister was adopted by Dr. Price, West Chester, Pa. My sister died at the age of nine years. I lived with Mr. Tendal till I was sixteen, then came to Philadelphia where I learned my trade as a painter. Lat- er on was married and have lived here since; have two daughters thirteen and nine years of age. My parents and grandparents are buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa." Families of Abbie,^ William G.,^ Mben F.^ and Daniel H.,^ ( Of Ebenezer Payson,"^ Ebenezer,^-^^-'^ Samuel,^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Abbie*^ (Colcord) and Alfred Hutchinson, of Danvers, Mass. Annie Pope, born Dec. 11, 1868; married James P. Carleton. Harriet H., bora March 21, 1873; married Franlc W. Marsli. Alfred Pay son, born June 17, 1878; married . 2. Children of William Goodwin^ and Martha L. (Hamil- ton) Colcord, of Lynn, Mass. (a) Mabel, born July 13. 1873, in San Francisco. Harry Payson, born 18(56; died 1871. * Mabel is a vocalist and actress. The Boston papers say of her : "Among the younger group of Boston act- resses perhaps none is better known and better liked than Miss Mabel Colcord, who is now a permanent member of COLCORD GENEALOGY. 115 the John Craig Stock Company at the Castle Square Theatre, and who in the few weeks since the opening of the season has given satisfactory evidence of her clever- ness. Miss Colcord is an artist in every sense of the word, and no matter whether her role be large or small, long or short, important or unimportant, she is inevitably certain to give it the distinction that comes of an engaging per- sonality and the rare skill of the player, who has studied her art and realizes its every possibility. There are few parts that Miss Colcord cannot play, and whether it be as a grand dame or a governess, as a heroine or as a servant she is always sure of applause, both for herself and her acting. Her ingenuity in dialect roles is especially marked, and she may be relied upon to give character to every person she represents on the stage." — "As a news- paper correspondent of 10 years' experience, both as a girl and a woman, Mabel Colcord, now playing heavies in the Keith Stock Company, had most excellent training for her chosen profession. Nobody so much as the newspa- per man or woman gets an insight into human nature and the ways of the world." — "Enthusiasm, hard work, and last, but not least, personal magnetism, are the three qualities in Miss Colcord's make-up which have contribut- ed the most towards her rapid advance. When she talks about her work she can't conceal her enthusiasm ; it leaps right out of her hazel eyes, and you can't help feel- ing that, to use a homely phrase, 'she would rather act than eat.' " 3. Children of Eben Frank"" and Lizzie Jennette (Davis) Colcord, of Dauvers, Mass. p:isie Davis, born Nov. 6, 1879. 4. Children of Daniel H ^ and Pamelia Jocelyn (Mudge) Colcord, of Claremont, Cal. Herbert Payson, born June 6, 1884: died Apr. 4, 188fi. Lucy Wentwortli, born December 27d, 1885; died May IM, 1886. Ralph Mudge, born February 11, 1888. Miriam Jocelyn, born June '25, 1889. 116 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Families of Charles,^ Mlla,^ Frank,^ Arthur, ^ Albion,^ {Of Wni. if.,7 EUphalet,^ John,^ Ehenezer,^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Charles^ and Cora (Fogg) Colcord of Ex- eter, N. H. Everett, married Fannie Smart. Lewis. 2. Children of Ella^ (Colcord) and Albion Kenniston. Guy E., married Alice V. Mitchell; one son, William B. 3. Children of Frank^ and Luella (Thompson) Colcord. Alice V. 4. Children of Arthur^ and Addie (McCuie) Colcord. Edna F., married J. B. Flinekin. Arthur F. Emmett B. William H. Frank E. 5. Children of Albion® and Anna (Corson) Colcord. Christian. Frances C. Levina B. Ulysses. Stanford. Families of Albert^ and Hattie,^ {Of Charles, E.,"' EliphaUt,^ JoJin/^-^ Ehenezer,'^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Albert P.^ and Cora K. (Greaves) Colcord. Eleanor S. Colcord, born Jan. 29, 1902; Somerville, Mass. 2. Childi^en of Hattie Olive® (Colcord) and J. N. Gurdy, of Lawrence, Mass. Irene, born November 1, 1888. Elbert, born June 22, 1898. Hattie G., born July 10, 1883. Family of Samuel F.,^ {Of Samuel,"-^^ Ehenezer,^-^ Samuel,'^ EdwardA) 1. Children of Samuel F.® and Susan A. (Brown) Colcord of Candia, N. H. Ernest S. born 1865, marrried Minnie B. Hayes, Haverhill. Mass. Sadie M., born 1863, Candla, N. H. Lulu M., born 1867, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Hattie S., born 1878: married S. Burnham, now In Las Conces, N. M, SAI\rUEL ERXKST CoLCoKl). 1865- See page 116. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 117 Family of Charles,^ [Of Thomas,'^-^ Harvey "'^l) 1. Children of Charles^ and Amanda (Shattuck) Colcord) of Somerset Co., Me., and Springfield, Ore. Clyde, born Feb. 5, 1885. Edgar, born March, 1887. George E., born 1889. Ethel, born July 3. 1891 Family of Benjamin. Several families of Colcords in Boston do not appear herein, as no record has been furnished of their lineage. Charles A. died in that city in Feb'y, 1U07, at the age of 65. He was for many years deputy superintendent of State charities. His brother, Joseph George, a painter, lived at 60 Joy Street, Boston, in 1908, and they had two brothers, WiUiam H., and Benjamin F., besides a sister, Mrs. Harry Slavers, who lived in Somerville. Their father was Benjamin, of Exeter and Concord, and he had two brothers, Daniel and George. Considerable effort was made to get the records of these members, but without avail, and they could not therefore be connected in this work with any branch of former generations. 118 COLCOKD GENEALOGY. GENERATION X. Families of Frederick,^ Mary F.,^ Walter 2?.," and Albert F.,^ {Of William,^ Wear,'' Phineas,^ Jonathan,^'^-^ Samuel,'^ EclwarcU) 1. Children of Frederick Wear^ and Emma Frances (Booth) Colcord, of Mass. Bertha Frances, born Mar. 19. 1874; married Clarence Davis, 1892, Provid- ence. R. 1. 2. Children of Mary E.^ (Colcord) and Frank Chase Condon. Fannie Colcord, born January 15, 1886. Hamilton C, born Oct. 21, 1895. 3. Children of Walter Rea^ and Meta (Garrels) Colcord, of St. Louis, Mo. Gerard Ilea, born Nov. 1. 1900. Eunice, born May 24, 1908. 4. Children of Albert E.^ and Rose A. (Marshall) Colcord, of Chicago, 111. Albert Edward, Jr., born February 19, 1909, Chicago, TU. Families of Alice L/.,^ Mahlon J.,^ and Amos W.,^ ( Of David D.,^ Joseph,"^ Phineas,^ Jonathanfi-^-^ Samuel,^ Edward i) 1. Children of Alice Lorena^ (Colcord) and G. W. Berfield, of Homer, Pa. Stella, born Oct 20, 1873; married William ('.Downs. Has two children, Oscar Daryl, born 1895; and Maude Virginia, born 1905. Moxahala, O. Alice Pearl, born Sept. 20, 1879; married Rev. F. \V. Berlin, Honeoye Falls. Has two children, Ijeonore and Datus Wilber. 2. Children of Mahlon Joseph^ and Edith (Haskell) Col- cord, of Coudersport, Pa. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 119 David Harold, born May 4, 1889. Marian Leota, born Dec. 30, 1890. Alice Belle, born Sept. 13, 1895. Edwin Haskell, born Feb. 14, 1900. Children of Amos Watson'^ and Eva (Bradford; Col- cord, of Clairton, Pa. Rose, born April 5, 1891. Claude Bradford, born Mar. 14, 1897. Katherine M., born July 3, 1899. Harriett, born Dec, 1900. Family of Julius S.,^ {Of Amos D.,^ Joseph,"^ Pkineas,^ Jonathan,-^^-^ Samuelr EdwardA) .. Children of Julius Seth^ and Lena (Darrin) Colcord, of Coudersport, Pa. Mildred, born 1895. Sarah, born 1897. Fred, born 1900; died 1901. Lewis, born 1901; died 1901. Dorothy, born 1903; died 1906. Families of Joseph B.,^ John S.,'-^ Susan^ and Iva,^ (Of Albert,'^ Joseph,' Phineas,^ Jonathan, -^"^-^ Samuel,- Edward.^) 1. Children of Joseph B.^ and Mary (Jackson) Colcord, of Port Allegany, Pa. Albert J., born 1888. Esther, born 1894; died 1907. 2. Children of John S.^ and Anna (Guenter) Colcord, of Inez, Pa. Gladys, born 1902. 3. Children of Susan (Colcord) and Thomas LeCompt, of Coudersport, Pa. Lettie E., born July 4, 1900. Robert S., born Oct. 9. 1902. Edna L., born June 17, 1908. 4. Children of Iva (Colcord) and Rev. Emerson Austin, of University Place, Neb. Ethel May, born Jan. 1, 1906. Edith Mabel, born Aug. 23, 1907. 120 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Family of Arta,^ {OfEthan,^ Ivory, '^ Phineas,^ Joaathanfi-'^^ Samuel,- Edward.^) 1. Children of Arta^ (Colcord) and Stewart, of Grand Forks, N. D. Eleanor E. Sylvia S. M. Earl A. Lynn, M. Maude E. Leila E. Bernice A. Families of Irena,^ Willard;^ Ivory C.,^ Angie,^ and Bdith^' {Of Ivory G. ,8 Ivory,'' Phineas,^ Jonathan,'^-^ Sanmel,'^ Edward^) 1. Children of Irena Loretta'^ (Colcord) and W. E. Cor- nell, of Battle Creek, Mich. Bessie May, born Nov. 1885; died Nov. 1891. 2. Children of Willard Allen^ and Anna L. (Guise) Col- cord, of Washington, D. C. Charles Herbert, born Sept. 21. 1883; married Margaret Degges, 1905; one son, P:dward, born 1906. Clara Louise, born June 12, 1888. Clarance Guise, born Aug. 17. 1898. Glenn Albert, born March 22. 1901. 3. Children of Ivory Celian'* and Maggie (Beck) Colcord. Lottie Melvina, born July 21, 1890. Edna Viola, born Dec. 25, 1891. Carl Ellsworth, born June 14, 1895. Royal Irving, born March 29, 1897. Cellan Glenn, born Oct. 21. 1901. Ivory Grandon, born Dec. 14. 1903. 4. Children of Angle PearP (Colcord) and Clark Riggs. John, born 1896. Robert, born 1898. 5. Children of Edith Marian^ (Colcord) and Albert Lane. Maurice, born 1900. Maxwell, born 1903. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 121 Families of Alice C./^ Bustatia J?.,^ Edith B.,^ Ernest S.,^ Clayton J5.' and Elberta ^.,« {Of William H.,^ Ivory,'^ Phineas/' Jonathan,^-^-^ Sanmel,"- Edward.^) 1. Children of Alice 0.^ (Colcord) and Lewis Peugh. Jessie, born 1882, married Lemuel Gerdes, 1909. Fay, born 1884, married Gertrude Jacobs, 1907. One son, Kenneth. Ross, born 1888; married Susan Bryson, 1907. One daughter, Uuth. Jennie, born 1890; married Ward Hannah, 1907. 2. Children of Eustatia B.^ (Colcord) and J. Fred Fehren- son, of Pasadena, Oal. Claude, born at Salt Lake City, (a) Ross, born 1887; died 1909 in California. Freddie. Gale. "^This was the first death among the descendants of William and Fianna Colcord, a remarkable record for half a century. 3. Children of Edith B.^ (Colcord) and William D. Deets. Ward Allen, born 1887. Fern Alcesta. born 1892. Russell William, born 1897. LaVere Ronald, born 1899. l^oris Lucille, born 1903. 4. Children of Ernest Schuyler^ and Maude (Pittman) Colcord. Clifford, born 1893. Grace, M. born 1898. 5. Children of Clayton E.^ and Louisa (Loechel) Colcord, of Glenburn, N. D Gladys. Edith Blanche. 6. Children of Elberta E.^ (Colcord) and Bert F. Baker, of Glenburn, N. D. Don. Mildred. Helen. Families of Doy W.,^ Charlissa A.,^ Clara,^ Olive^^ William A.,« ( Of William D.,^ David,'^-^-^ Jonathan,'^-'^ Samuel,'^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Doy Wilber^ and Josephine A. (Scott) Col- 122 COLCORD GENEALOGY. cord, of Eureka, Cal. (a) Edwin David, born Jan. 19, 1885. (b) Bessie Olive, born Feb. 28, 1887. Annie F., born Oct. 5, 1889. ^Edwiii D. Colcord was arodman with a locatiog party on the Willow Creek Branch of the O. S. L. R. R. in 1907, and in 1908 enlisted in the U S. Army. He is now a gun- ner in the 70th Co. of Coast Artillery, U. S. A. ''Bessie and Annie Colcord were assistants in their father's business in 1908. 2. Children of Charlissa A.^ (Colcord) and C. E. Gordon, of Eureka, Cal. Laura M., born 1885. 3. Children of Clara L.^ (Colcord) and Turner, Car- ters, Cal. (a) Alice, born 1885. Irene, born 1887. '^ Alice and Irene Turner live with their uncle, Doy W. Colcord in Eureka, Cal. 4. Children of Olive E.^ (Colcord) and L. Claussen, of Gurneville, Cal. Lester, born 1898. Another child— no record. 5. Children of William AUeu^ Colcord (wife unknown) of Eureka, Cal Sherman P., born 1874; died in infancy. Pamily of Grace, ^ ( Of Andrew D.,8 Benjamin,"'-^ Bavid,^ Jonathan,'^-^ Samuel,'^ Edioard.^) 1. Children of Grace A.^ (Colcord) and Henry Appleby, of New York City. Florence, born 1888. Henry, died young. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 123 Family of Lincoln Alden,^ {Of Benjamin Loren,''-> Benjamin,'^-^ David,'^ Jonathan,^-^ Samuel,''^ EdioardA) 1. Children of Lincoln Alden'^ and Jennie (Sweetser) Col- cord, of Searsport, Maine. (a) Joanna Carver, born 1882. (b) Lincoln Ross, born 1883. '"^Miss Joanna Carver Colcord is an assistant in Chem- istry at the Maine State Agricultural College Experiment Station at Orono, Maine. She has a liberal education, has accompanied her father, Capt. Colcord, on some of his voyages to China and the Orient, and has been a help and inspiration to the Author in gathering materials for this book. ^^ Lincoln Ross Colcord was born in South Atlantic Ocean on bark Charlotte A. Littlefield. Attended Univer- sity of Maine. Civil Engineer with the Bangor & Aroos- took R R from 1904 to 1907. Writer of sea stories, sev- eral of which have been accepted by the American Maga- zine, which says of his first one : "This is the first story ever pubhshed by Lincoln Colcord. Eead it and see if you don't agree with us that in Mr. Colcord we have found a real story teller. We have more stories of his. Mr. Col- cord's father was a sea captain and he himself has made voyages, so it is probable that there is a certain founda- tion for all these tales of the sea that he tells. 'Ah-Man' is full of wild adventure, and also affords a glimpse of the inscrutable Chinese." The Belfast Journal says of him : "Mr. Colcord, or 'Line' as he is known to his college friends, was a student at the University of Maine in the class of 1907. He is a member of the Kappa Sigma Fra- ternity and his list of college honors was a long one. Be- sides his contributions to The Prism, The Campus and Blue Book, he made the executive committee of the Athlet- ic Association and was a Junior Prom. aid. Not only in 124 COLCORD GENEALOGY. literary circles does Mr. Colcord shine, for he contributed largely to the art department of The Prism as well, doing the title page, a charming series of drawings to procede the class histories, some of the club headings and other decorations. The Blue Book owes to him its artistic cover. The Junior Prom, dance order cover also bore one of his drawings, which was reproduced in color. The Maine stu- dents also owe to Mr. Colcord the words and nmsic of their well-loved 'stein song', and 'Maine' men everywhere will unite with other friends in extending congratulations and good wishes for future success." Families of Delia M.,^ Abiah B.,^ Benjamin F.,^ and Fdwin,^ {Of James, ^ Benjamin,'^-^ David,^ Jonathan,*-'^ Samuel,'^ Echvard.^) 1. Children of Delia Maria^ (Colcord) and Melvin Cun- ningham. Georgie. 2. Children of Abiah B.^ (Colcord) and Frank Grady. One son, born 1903. 3. Children of Benjamin F.-* and Louise (Atherton) Col- cord. Walter. 4. Children of Edwin'^ and Hannah (Berry) Colcord. Kenneth. Kathleen. Family of Edward,^ (Of Austin N.fi Enoch L.J &c.) 1. Children of Edward^ and Ella B. (Hill) Colcord of Phil- adelphia, Pa. Ella B. M., born May 26, 1893. Edna B., born October 4, 1897. KAY ('(ihCOKl). See page HO. COLCORD GENEALOGY. APPENDIX. The preceding records contain Colcords or the children of Colcords only, while the following descendants of Ed- ward^ are recorded under different family names, including the Bartlett family, the Patten family, the Dodge families, etc. THE PATTEN FAMILY. Families of Aaron,*^ Isaac,*^ and Colcord,^ Patten, (of Hon. William Patten and Mehitable^ Oolcord.) [See page 29] 1. Children of Aaron^ and (wife unknown) Patten, of Kingston, N. H. Rev. William Aaron, born June 28, 1816; A. B. Dart. Coll. 1843— D. D. And. Theo. Sem. 1846— Chaplain 32nd Me. Vols.— Pastor Kingston, N. H. 2. Children of Isaac'^ Patten— not recorded. 3. Children of Colcord^ and (wife unknown) Patten, of Kingston, N. H. William Colcord Patten, born 1816; A. M. Dart. Coll. 1871; a lawyer; died 1873. (a) Ichabod Bartlett Patten, born abt. 1818; died in Boston, Mass. abt, 1905. A successful business man; married a Bartlett and preserved many historical memoranda gathered by his father relating to the Colcord family. (b) Claudius Patten, born abt. 1820, Kingston, N. H. (c) Ora P. Patten, born abt. 18'23, Kingston, N. H. Mehitable, born 182.5—30. A teacher. ^ Ichabod B. Patten was a druggist in Boston, Mass. ''Claudius B. Patten of the National Bank of State St., Boston, 1906, has not been followed. 2 COLCORD GENEALOGY. <5 Ora P. Patten was of the firm of Fairbanks & Co. dealers in scales in 1907. Eecord of family not obtained. The Patten family has not been followed later. THE BARTLBTT FAMILY. Of Samuel Colcord B^^rtlett, of Kingston, N. H. De- scendants OF Hannah^ Colcord, (Samuel B./'^-^ Edward.^j Compiled by Prof. E. J. Bartlett of Dartmouth College, with notes by D. B. Colcord. Joseph Bartlett, born at Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 14, 1751, married Hannah^ Colcord of Kingston, N. H. Dec. 16, 1773. Joseph^ Bartlett, M. D. was a son of Joseph,^ of Stephen,* of Richard Bartlett, ^^-^ of Mass. Hannah^ Col- cord, was a daughter of Samuel B.,* of Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Edward^ Colcord, born in England in 1616-'17. SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Children of Joseph and Hannah^ (Colcord) Bartlett, of Salisbury, N. H. (a) Joseph, born 1775. (bj Susannah, born 1777; married Hon. Moses Eastman. (c) Samuel Colcord. born 1780; married Eleanor Pettengill. Hannah, born 178-2: died 1802. (d) Levi, born 1784; married Clarissa Walker. (e) Tchabod, born 1786. Peter, born 1788; married Ann Pettengill, 1816; she died 1837. (f) James, born 1792. Daniel, born 1795. '^Joseph Bartlett, Jr.' s record has not been obtained. ^ Susannah married Hon. Moses Eastman, A. M. 1800. He was a graduate of Dart. Coll. 1794, was born in Salis- bury, N. H. in 1770. A lawyer by profession. He died in Waltham, Mass., 1848. His wife died in 18')6. ^ Samuel Colcord Bartlett married in 1810. He died 1867, his wife having died in 1861. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 3 ^ Hon. Levi Bartlett was married 1814 to Miss Clarissa Walker of CoDcord, N. H. She was born 1788. He died 1864. He received the degree of A. M. in 1859, Dart. Coll. He was a merchant, and died in Boston, Mass., 1864. ® Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, A. M. was a member of Con- gress 1823-1829, member of N. H. Constitutional Conven- tion 1850, and an eminent lawyer of Portsmouth, N. H. where he died in 1853. ^ James Bartlett, A. M., Dart. Coll. 1812, lawyer, died in Dover, N. H., 1837. Note. — Dr. Joseph*' Bartlett's grandfather, Stephen* Bartlett, had a son, Josiah,"^ who had three sons, Levi,^ Josiah,^ and Ezra.*^ He had a family of 12 children. Levi*^ had a sou, Levi S.^ and a grandson, Levi S.,^ Jr., who with his wife, R. Grace Bartlett now lives in Kingston, N. H, She has kindly furnished some valuable information to the Author. Only the descendants of Samuel Colcord, the third child of Dr. Joseph and Hannah (Colcord) Bartlett, are here recorded. SEVENTH GENERATION. 1. Children of Samuel Colcord*^ and Eleanor (Pettengill) Bartlett, of N. H. Amos Pettengill, born 1812; married Sarah M. Rogers. Mary E., born 1814; died single. (a) Joseph, born 1816; married Margaret Motlej\ Sarah, born 1815; married A. Stevens. (b) Samuel Colcord, born 1817; married (1) Laura Bradlee, (2) Mary Bacon Learned. Levi James, born 182:3; married Harriett Crane. Alfred Henry, born 1825, died 1826. (c) William Henry, born 1827; married Caroline Baker. Of this family three have gi'aduated from Dartmouth College, one died in infancy, and of the others we have but meager notes. 4 COLCORD GENEALOGY. •-^ Rev. Joseph Bartlett, A. M. (1835) And. Theo. Sem. 1843, tutor Dart. Coll. 1838-'41, Pastor Buxton, Me., 1847, 1867; died 1882 in Gorham, Me. ^ Rev. Dr. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D. D., L.L. D. President of Dart. Coll. 1877-1892, was bo7-n in Salisbury, N. H. Tutor 1838-'39. Pastor— Prof. Phil, and Rhet. Western Reserve Coll., 1846-1852. Prof, in Chicago Theo. Sem., 1858-1877; died 1898, Hanover, N. H. He married 1st in 1843, 2nd in 1846. His first wife died in Dec. 1843. ^ Hon. William Henry Bartlett was Judge of the Su- preme Court of N. H., 1861-1867. An eminent lawyer, his life was cut off while he was still a young man, dying in Concord, N. H. in 1867, and leaving no issue. eighth generation. Families of Amos P.,'^ Joseph,^ Samuel C.,'^ Levi J.,^ (of Samuel C.,*' Hannah^ Colcord, Samuel,^"-^'^ etc.) 1. Children of Amos^ and Sarah M. (Rogers) Bartlett, of Peoria, 111. Mary Ellen, born about 1838. Sarah, born about 1841, married John Stevens, Peoria, 111. Samuel Colcord, born 1845; married Laura A. Benton. Wra. Henry born 1850; married Mary Campbell. Helen, born about 1854; unmari'ied. 2. Children of Joseph and Margaret (Motley) Bartlett, of Buxton, Me. Ellen Motley, born 1849-"50; married Hodgdon. 3. Children of Samuel Colcord^ and Mary Bacon (Learned) Bartlett, of Hanover, N. H. etc. (a) Edwin Julius, born 1851; married Caroline Rice. Alice Wheatou, born 1854; married Henry Atterbury Stimson In 1877. William Alfred, born 1858; married (1) Susie Pitkin, (2) Esther Pitkin. (b) Samuel Colcord, born 1865; married Fanny Gorden. ^ Prof . Edwin J. Bartlett, A. M., M. D., Rush. Med. Coll., 1879. Born in Hudson, O. Prof. Chemistry Dart. Coll., 1883. Res. Hanover, N. H. The author is indebted COLCORD GENEALOGY. 5 to him for much historical and genealogical data, besides the record of his illustrious father's descendants. ''Rev. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, A. M., And. Theo. Sem., 1894; born in Chicago, 111.; married Aug. 26, 1874, Missionary, Tottori, Japan (1907). 4. Children of Levi J. and Clarissa (Walker) Bartlett. Albert. Grace. ninth generation. Families of Samuel C.,^ William H.,^ (of Amos P.," Samuel C.,^' Joseph and Hannah^ (Colcord) Samuel B.,'-'-^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Samuel Colcord^ and Laura A. (Benton) Bartlett of Peoria, 111. Samuel Colcord, born 1878. Peoria. 111. Edmund, born 1880-85. Peoria. 111. 2. Children of William Henry ^ and Mary (Campbell) Bartlett. Norman, born 1878-"80 ? Mary, born 1880 ? married Howard Deering. William Henry, born 1882 ? m ? Record incomplete. Fa:^illy of Ellen"^ Motley, (Joseph,^ etc.) 1. Children of EUen^ Motley Hodgdon. Mary Frost Hodgdon, born abt. 1872: married Philip .Mason Palmer. Families of Edwin Julius,^ Alice Wheaton,** William A.^ AND Samuel C.^ (of Samuel C," Samuel C.,^ Joseph and Hannah^ (Colcord) Samuel,*-^2 Edward.^) 1 . Children of Edwin Julius^ and Caroline E. (Rice) Bart- 6 COLCORD GENEALOGY. lett of Hanover, N. H. Harriette Louise, born 1880: married JMoses Bradstred Perkins. Edwin Rice, born 1883. (a) Samuel Coleord, born 1886. John Foster, born 1889. '^SamueF Coleord Bartlett was engaged in Civil En- gineering at Port Au Prince on the Pacific Coast in 1908 for the G. T. Pac. R. R. Co. A student of Dartmouth Col- lege. 2. Children of Alice^ Wheaton B. Stimson. Alice Mary, born 1879, married Wilson F. Smith in 1908. Julia C, born 1881. Lucile Hinlvle, born 1882. Henry Bartlett, born 1884. Phillip JSl., born 1888. Dorothy, born 1890. Barbara, l3orn 1898. 3. Children of WilHamS Alfred, D. D. and Esther (Pitkin) Bartlett, of Lowell, Mass. William Pitkin, born 1892. Doris Janette, born 1894. Richard Learned, born 1896. 4. Children of SanmeP Coleord and Fanny (Gordon) Bart- lett. Samuel Coleord Bartlett, born 1896. Gordon Bartlett, born 1898. Robert Ijearned B., born 1899. Donald Bartlett, born 1902. Notes. — It will be noted in the Bartlett record that the name of Samuel Coleord has persisted through the several generations down to the present time, and also that the Bartlett family has been among the leaders of professional and educational advancement. For 100 years from 1808 to 1908, Dartmouth College was never without one or more Bartlett students among its under-graduates. The Bartlett Alumni in the Catalog of 1900 number 48 names. The Author is not aware that any complete gen- ealogy of this illustrious family exists. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 7 THH GUSTIN FAMIIY. Giles Gustin, who married Nancy Colcord, (see page 60-62) of Bath, N, Y., was descended from one John Gus- tin, who emigrated to America from the Isle of Jersey in 1675. John's baptismal name was "Augustine Le Ros- signol Jean." Giles' grandfather, Amos, served in the Eevolutionary War under Col. Nathan Gallop, of Groton, Conn. 1. Children of Giles Almond and Louisa (Frank) Gustin, of Burtrum, Minn. Ralph B., born 1881. Alfred Ray. born 1886. Grace, born 1894. Kitty, born 1901. Joseph, born 1904. 2. Children of Emily (Gustin) and Major Hasbrouck, of Pine Island, Minn. (a) Jesse J., born 1879; died 1900. (b) George Ivory, born 1886. Florence Josephine, born 1888: killed by accidental discharge of gun, 1901. ^Jesse Hasbrouck was a U. S. Eegular soldier in the Philippines under General Lawton, and died on his way home. He v/as in a shipwreck on the way to the Orient, and altho finally saved, the crew suffered for some days cast away on an island. ^ George enlisted in the navy in 1904, but his health failing he was discharged the same year. He is a very capable young man. 3. Children of Juha E. (Gustin) and S. J. McDermott, of Kasmer, N. D. (a) Giles Almond, born 1880; married Mrs. Winifred Doyle, (b) Josephine Estelle born 1882; married Thomas Caldwell. Myrtle Claire, born 1885. Mahlon Joseph, born 1889. Iva Lorena, born 1897. Hazel L., born 1898. ''' Giles A. McDermott was a U. S. soldier, euhsting in 8 COLCORD GENEALOGY. October, 1899, and sailing from San Fransisco to the Phillipine Islands in September. He was in several bat- tles and was wounded in the right knee and left hand, and and after being in the hospital for seven months, was in- valided home, arriving Mar. 8, 1901. He is now a tele- graph operator with good position. ^Josephine's only son, Thomas James Caldwell, born November 29, 1903, is the subject of a portrait herein, and is, through the female line, a great-great-grand-son of Joseph Colcord, of Bath, N. Y. The maternal ancestors of this boy, Nancy (Colcord) Gustin, Julia McDermott and Josie Caldwell, are all proud of their Colcord lineage. THB PBBT FAMILY. (For Eliza (Colcord) Peet, see Page 60-62.) 1. Children of Elvina Electa (Peet) and Thomas Birney Eees, of Coudersport, Pa. Glenn M., born 187'2: married Bertha Breunle. One child, Ruth Orrel. born 1908. Clayton W.. born 1874: married Addie Knight. One child. KtheL born 1904. Raymond D., born 1876; died UX)1. Harry P., born 1881. Mildred M.. Iwrn 181)2. 2. Children of Flora Rhoda (Peet) and Thomas Wrench, of Bound Brook, N. J. Gertrude A., born 1881. Orrel L., born 1887. Maude L., born 1888. 3. Children of Orrel (Peet) and Fred R. Moody, of Rix- ford. Pa. Edna Bernice. born 1888; married Roy C. Claflin, of Washington, D. C. Florence L. A., born 1894. Paul Brincliman. born 1899; died 1900. 4. Children of Albert Brainard and Bertha (Peck) Peet, of Milford, Del. RoUand Stanley, born 1891. Donald Colcord, born 1906. ELIZA (COLCURD) ITOET. ELVIxNA (PEET) REES. With three daughters. 1846— See page 9fi. 1828-190,s. See page 62. FLORA (I'EET) WREXCH. ORREL (I'EET) MOt)J)Y. IHijy— See page 96. 1865— See page 96. NANCY (COLCORD) GUSTIN. THOMAS JAMKS CALDWELL. With two grandsons and 190:^- See Ap. page 8. one great-grandson. 182!>— See page (52. JKSSE llASBKOUCK. GILES ALMOND MoDEUMOTT. 1879_1900. See Ap. page 7. 1880— See Ap. page 7. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 9 THM CALKINS FAMILY. (For Emily (Colcord) Calkins, see Page 60. 1. Children of Mary E. (Calkins) and James Johnston, of Coudersport, Pa. Emily, born 1868; married Irvin Angevlne. Three sons and one daughter. Elizabeth, born 1870; married William Higgins. One son. Fannie Laurena, born 1875; died 1886. Mahlon, born 1882; married Minnie Kohler; one son born 1908. Nina H., born 1887. Irving, born 1891. Sarah Lillian, born 1893. Laurant D., born 1895. 2. Children of Gilbert and (1) Julia A. (Briggs); (2) Car- rie (Gilmaster) Calkins. Emey, born 1874. 3. Children of Merville and AUce (Adams) Calkins, of Coudersport, Pa. Maynard. Harry. Maude. Gilbert. Elcherd. THB DODGF FAMILY, Of Elizabeth^ (Colcord) Dodge, David,^^ &c. 1. Children of ^Amasa^ Taylor Colcord and (1) Margaret (To\^de) and (2) Mary Ann (Meleny) Dodge, attorney- at-law, Washington, D. C. (b) Araminda, born 1838; married Charles Webster. Six children. Sydney, born 1840; married . (c) Mary Elizabeth, born 1845; married Lemuel Bursley, 1867. Orestes, born 1843; married (d) Fred P., born 1848; married . ^Amasa's first wife, Margaret Towle, was a daughter of Polly Colcord Towle, a distant relative. Amasa died in Washington, D. C. b Araminda' s children were born in Glenham, Maine. "Mary Elizabeth was married in Bangor, Me., in 1867, and had five children. She died about 1888 in Washing- ton, D. C. •^Fred P. was son of second wife. (A. Dodge letter.) 10 COLCORD GENEALOGY. 2. Children of Flavilla^ (Dodge) Maglathy, Searsport, Me. Clara A., born abovit 1837. Ellen J., born about 1839. Annie E., born 1841; married Hurdan. One daughter. Two children died young. 3. Children of Stephen^ Lovell and (1st) Almira (Stearns) (2nd) Mrs. Helen (Seavy) Chase Dodge. Ambrose J., born about 1&17, Belfast, Me. Henry O., born 1849, Belfast, Me. 4. Children of Asaph^ Dodge and Miss Laura Pentz, of Baltimore. Laura L., born 1870, Washington, D. C. She married a Mr. Paul. 5. Children of William^ and Adaline Dodge. Flavins O., born 1835; married ; one sou, died. A grandson was a student at College In 1903. Ellen J., born about 1837, N. Searsport, Me., and Washington, D. C. William 0., born about 1840. " " " 6. Children of Elizabeth (Dodge) and J. L. Sanders, Searsport, Me. Ella F., born 1849; married Ida, born 1850-&1; married M. B. Thompson, Lowell, Mass. 7. Children of Mary H.^ (Dodge) and Levi Rosenbaum, of Prospect, Me., and Washington, D. C. Rosa Hester, born 1856; married S. Y. Ellis, 1879, Susan Ellen, born 1808; married J. B. Adams, 1889. William Adolph, born 1883; married L. Gilbert, 1887. Ebenezer Augustus, born 1870; died, 1894; single. Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum, now a widow, lives in Wash- ington, D. C. 8. Children of Susan R.^ (Dodge) and Chas. S. Maglathy. William, born 1848; married ; died before 1907. Has one son. 9. Children of Marcus N.^ and Nancy (Chapman) Dodge. Charles W., born 1847-50; married Grace F., born 1850-60; . No late record of this family. 10. Children of David O.^ Wesley Dodge. Harry O. Dodge, living in 1903. No later record. The IX Generation of the Dodge family, descendants of Elizabeth ^ Colcord, reside in Maine, New Hampshire, COLCORD GENEALOGY. 11 Washington, D. C, and California and have not all been found for this record. tenth generation. Families of Araminda,^ Mary E.^ Amasa,^ (of Amasa T.,« Elizabeth J David,^^ Jonathan,*-^ SamueP, Edward.^) 1. Children of Araminda,^ (Dodge) and Charles Webster, of Prospect, Me. Margaret, born 1870. Blanche, born 1872; married Frank J. Bradford. Has two children, Paul, born 1890, and Bertha M., born 1893. 2. Children of Mary E.^ (Dodge) and Lemuel Birdsley. (a) Harry Chlpman, born 1869; married Edith Bail, of Michigan. Sidney Gyle, born 1871-3. Ruth Wing, born 1873; died young. Mary Margaret, born 1875; married Sydney Young. Has two sons, 1903. Araminda, born 1880; died young. '•^ Harry Chipman Bursley has four or more children. 3. Children of Charles and Ehzabeth^ (Dodge) Howard. Carl, born 1881, Searsport, Me. Ernest Linwood, born 1883, Searsport, Me. Pauline M., born 1885-7, " Persis A., born 1889-90, THE GROVBR FAMILY. (Of Lorena,^ Ivory,'' Phineas,^ Jonathan,^-*-^ Samuel,^ Ed- ward. ^ Children of Enniia Elzina'-* (Cummings) and Charles F. Grover, of Denver, Col. Horace Llewellyn, born 1878; died 1882. GlannC. O., born 1892. THB LAW FAMILY. (Of Abigail, Ivory,'' Phineas,*^ Jonathan,^-^-^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) TENTH GENERATION. 1. Cliildren of Ivory O.'^ and Katherine (Thorpe) Law, of 12 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Denver, Ool. C. Cliflford, born 1876; married Harold O., born 1878. Callan W., born 1883. Abigail E., born 1885. Washington McKindrick, born 1887. Elizabeth Elzina, born 1890. Lucy Lorena, born 1893. 2. Children of Joshua Perry^ and Sarah E. (Johnson) Law; married July 16, 1876. Lottie May, born Jmie 12. Twin sons died in infancy, 1879. LeRoy Lincoln, born Feb. 1891; married Louise Garry. Pearl and Edwin Earle died young. Frank, born 1889. Twins, boy and girl, born 1891-2; died in 1892. Record is incomplete. Parents living in 1908. eleventh generation. Of Joshua Law,^ Abigail ^ Colcord, Ivory,^ &c. 1. Children of LeRoy Lincoln^^ and Louise (Garry) Law; married Jan. 15, 1906. Joshua Perry Law, Jr., born Jan. 1907. A great-great grand-son of Ivory Colcord. THH BROWN FAMILY. Familes of Clara,^ Charles,^ Edwin,^ Nettie,^ Nellie,^ (Of MaryS Colcord, David,7-6-^ &c.) 1. Children of Clara J.^ (Brown) and Joseph Winter of MinneapoKs, Minn., etc. Ralph Winter, born 1888, electrician, Ramsey, N. J. Helen Winter, born 1897, Ramsey, N. J. 2. Children of Charles S^ and Brown, of Lake Mills, Wisconsin. William Edwin, born 1879. Ernest E., born 1881. Maud Luella, born 1877; married A. Weldon. One son, Howard, born 1889. Leta May, born 1882. 3. Children of Edwin' and Nevada (Harr) Brown. Clare Brown, born 1896, died about 1900. Minneapolis, Minn. 4. Children of Nettie May^ (Brown) and Fred Utter of 18(58— JFLirS SET 1 1 COLCORII. See page 97 EMILY ((4rSTIN) II ASRROUCK. 185T— See page 9fi. m>> AI.MOM) (t. (tISTIN. See page 9(5. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 13 Minneapolis, Minn. Nellie A., born 1888. Gail, born 1893. 5. Children of Nellie Fay'-* (Brown) and Fred Mayhew of Minneapolis, Minn. Nettie Kate, born 1888. Howard, born 1891. Fred, born 1893. Oscar K., born 1900. Helen Lena, born 1902 in Forserum, Sweden. THB PHILLIPS FAMILY. 1. Children of Clara A.^ (Stilkey) and Adrian Phillips of Ellsworth, Me. (a) Fred P., born 1870; married Lillian Tourtelotte. ^Augustus Eoscoe, born 1898, and Ernest H., born 1899, children of Fred P. and Lillian Phillips, are the great- great-grand-childi'en of David^ Colcord and belong to the 11th generation from Edward.^ THB JONES FAMILY, (Of Clarissa^ Colcord, David ^'^^^ Jonathan*-^, SamueP, Edward \) 1. Children of Mary B.'-* (Jones) and Oscar DeHaven. Myrtle, born 1883; married Elliott, 1908. Glenn, born 1886; O. A. C. Class, 1908. 2. Children of Oscar L.-^ and (Harr) Jones, of Minne- apolis, Minn. Claude, born 188fi. Walter, born 1892. Fay, born 1888. Paul, born 1896. Earle, born 1890. BYank, born 1901. 3. Children of Ruth ^ F. (Jones) and A. M. Tousley, of De- troit, Mich. Clyde, born 1888. Clara May, born 1889. Now at Oberlin College, O. 14 COLCOKD GENEALOGY. THB WEBBER FAMILY. (Of Matilda,'^ Benjamin,^ David,^ Jonathan/-^ Samuel,^ Edward.i) NINTH GENERATION. 1. Children of Henry Aug.^ and Hannah (Black) Webber. Louis Dudley, born about 1845. Harry, born about 1848. Katherine, born about 1850; was drowned. Joseph Walnut, born 1852. 2. Children of Sarah,® (Webber) and Phineas Carver. Angeline, born 1874-5. Jennie, born 1876; married Nathan Gilkey; had two children, Henrietta, born 1898, and Archer, born about 1900. 3. Children of Amelia^ (Webber) and George W. Pendelton Alena, born 1848; Manter DeCrow Sarah, born 1860; married Kibble. 4. Children of Chfton^ and Villa (Black) Webber. LeRoy, born 1858-60. Percy, born 1860^62. Ernest, born 1864. TENTH GENERATION. 1. Children of Sarah » (Pendleton) Kibble. George, born 1870. Amelia, born 1875. Fannie Pendleton, born 1852; married Sparge. Hannah Pendleton, born 1855; married Hersey. Alice Pendleton, born 1860. 2. Children of Fannie^ (Pendleton) Sparge. Albert, born 1877. Howard, born 1879. 3. Children of Hannah H.^ (Pendleton) Hersey. Alfred, born 1875. Lena, born 1877. Doris, born 1880. Clara^ Griffin, 1818-20, of Ameha^ Colcord and Na- huni Griffin married James Partridge and had a son, Fer- dinand^ Partridge, born about 1840; he had three children; names unknown. Marietta® Griffin, born about 1820, married Ferdinand Harriman and had Ella and James. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 15 Family of Clara Lizzie,^ (Of John,^ Benjamin,^ &c.) 1. Children of Clara Lizzie^ (Colcord) and Frank^ Carver. Clara F., boru about 1873; married Charles Sawyer and had two children, (1903) Ralph, born 1895, and Theodore, born 1898—1900. THB POMBROY FAMILY, (Of Betsy Towle,^ Tristrum,^ John,^ &c) 1. Children of Candice^ (Pomeroy) and Hon. Chauncey Temple. Luna C, born 1877; married Arthur C. Beaman. Had one child, Luna, born 1903. 2. Children of George E.^ Pomeroy and Lydia E. (Hibbard), of St. Armand, P. Q. Luna E.. born 1871, Hibbard G., born 1878, married Mary E. Armstrong, 1903. The Whitney and Dewing famiUes of Franklin, Vt., married into the Colcord family in the Eighth Generation and their records may be found in the Colcord records and in the Towle Genealogy, excex^t a few members of the later generations. Henry E. Dewing, born 1857; married LilKan A., daughter of George^ Colcord, of J. C^ and A. R. Colcord, and A. D. Whitney married Maria M. Colcord, Lillian A. Colcord's sister, Oct. 20, 1876. Abbie^ (Colcord) Hutchinson's Descendants, (Of Ebenezer^-'^^*-^ SamueP, Edward ^) Children of Annie P.^ (Hutchinson) and James P. Carlton, of Danvers, Mass. Margaret, born 1894. Helen, born 1896. Children of Harriet'-' (Hutchinson) and Frank W. Marsh, of Danvers, Mass. Dwight H., born 1901. 16 COLCORD GENEALOGY. TH^ NICK^RSON FAMII^Y, (Of Amanda E.^ Colcord, Wilson,^ David,^^ Jonathan/-^ Samuel,^ Edward.^) 1. Children of Laura Thurston^ (Nickerson) and Henry- George Appleton. Phyllis Ardelle, boru 1907. 2. Children of Marian M.^ (Nickerson) and Rawson A. Lufkin. Beatrice K., born 190(5. THB COLSON FAMILY, (Of Hannah M.« (Colcord) and Santon E. Colson). 1. Children of Susan J.^ (Colson) and Willard W. Ferris, of N. Andover, Mass, Lizzie, born 1887. Mabel, born 1889; died 1893. 2. Children of EUza R.^ (Colson) and Wm. A. McFarland, of Bangor, Me. Elmer L., born 1888; died 1904. Montieth C, born 1890. Guy E., born 1893. William R., born 1897. Lawrence E., born 1900. Note. Hannah*^ Colson died at the old homestead in Searsport, Me., in 1882, and in 1908 all the children of the once large and happy family had passed away. FAMILY OF FANNY (COLCORD) LOW, (Of Wilson ^ &c.) 1. Children of Ira^ Hobbs Low and Ellen (Caffrey) of Waterville and Fairfield, Me. Mary, born 1850; married L. D. Carver. Fanny Colcord, born 1852; married Lovejoy. Hortense, born 1854-'60; married Bowman. ALI5KUT KDWAUl) COLCUKL). .Ik. IJorn Feb. 19. 1909— See Pase 94. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 17 Maternal Ancestors of the Colcord Family. In only a few instances has the descent of the Col- cords been traced backward through maternal lines. Such of these records as have been furnished to the author are given in concise form as follows. PROF. D. H. COLCORD'S MATERNAL ANCESTORS. Sarah (Towne) Colcord, mother ol Daniel H. (8) Colcord was a descendant of: A 1 William Towne and wife, Joanna Blessing, settled in Salem, Mass., in 1640. 2 Edmund, 3 Joseph, 4 Daniel, 6 Thomas, 6 Daniel, 7 Sarah. B Thos. Browning of Boxford, Mass., whose daughter, Mary, married 2 Ed- mund Towne. C Robert and Mary Smith of Boxford, whose daugther. Amy Smith, married 3 Joseph Towne. D Thomas Dorman of Topsfleld, Mass. 1 Thomas, 2 Thomas, 3 Amos. 4 Dor- othy, who married 4 Daniel Towne. E Judith Wood, who married 2 Thomas Dorman. F John and Dorothy Robinson, whose daughter, Dorothy, married 3 Amos Dorman. G Anna Brown of Salem who (being widow of George Traw) married 5 Thomas Towne. H Christian Brown, widow, Salisbury, Mass., 1640. 1 Christian, 2 Henry, 3 Hen- ry, 4 Eleazer, 5 Joseph 6 Hetta, who married 6 Daniel Towne, and was the mother of Sarah Towne Colcord. I John and Priscilla Putnam. 1 ,Iohn, 2 John, 3 Hannah, who married 2 Hen- ry Brown. J Rebecca Prince, who married 2 John Putnam. K John and Priscilla Putnam. 1 John, 2 Thomas, 3 Joseph, 4 Sarah (sister of Gen'l. Israel Putnam.) L John and Mary Porter, Dorset, England, 1596. 1 John, 2 Israel, (of Hingham, Mass., 1643) 3 Elizabeth, who married 3 Joseph Putman. M Wm. and Ann Hathorn (Hawthorne) in Salem Village about 1630; 1 William, 2 Elizabeth, who married 2 Israel Porter. N Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson. 1 Richard, 2 Joseph, 3 Joseph, 4 Ebenezer, 5 Bethiah, who married 5 Joseph Brown. O Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick (Quakers, persecuted in Salem (See Whittler's Poem.) 1 Lawrence, 2 John, 3 John, 4 Hannah, who married 4 Eb- enezer Hutchinson. P Robert and Persis Black. 1 Robert, 2 Hannah, who (as widow of Fallett) married 2 John Southwick. Daniel, who died about 1860. I have not the Payson line in full, but conjecture it thus: 1 Edward Payson, 2 Edward, 3 John, 4 Jonathan, 5 Thomas, 6 John Phillips Payson, 7 Elizabeth Clif- ford Payson Colcord. If so, my father was a descendant of Benit Eliot, father of John, Indian Apostle; of George Phillips, and Samuel Appleton. 18 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Ebenezer Payson Colcord's mother was Elizabeth Clifford Payson, of Brent- wood, N. H. Her father was John Phillips Payson, who married 1st, Hannah Clif- ford and 2nd Louisa Clifford, both daughters of David Clifford of Brentwood. Eliz- abeth was the daughter of John and Hannah. Children of John and Louisa were John Payson. of Chelsea, Mass., and Orrin Payson, Ac. Elizabeth Clifford Payson after the death of her husband, Daniel (?) Colcord, married Palmer. One child was born. MATERNAL ANCESTORS OP DOANE L.(9) COLCORD AND ELLENORA R.{9) (COLCORD) ARMITAGE AND OF JOHN C. HOOPER AND ESTHER V. (HOOPER) H(>RD, CHILDREN OF MIRIAM C.8 (LIPPINCOTT-HOOPER) COLCORD. She was the daughter of Richard Lippincott, born 1800, of Camden, N. J., who was of Richard and Abigail of London, England (originally of Devonshire) who came to New Elngland In 1638 and settled in Camden in 1669. The Lippincott family dates back to 1086, the original name being in the "Doomsday Book" of Wm. the Conqueror. The name was derived from the old Saxon name Love and Cote, a cottage with lands, hence Love-Cote, Luffcot, Loughincot, Luppincott and Lippin- cott, which last name has been used for 300 years. The original Richard was a Baronet of Gloucester, Stoke-Bishop, with a coat of arms having three lions (running) surmounted by three tleur de lis and a mitre, with the motto below : ''Bectis Dubusque Secimdus," See Burke's Peerage, Duke of Gloucester. Miriam Lippincott's mother was Esther VanDusen, born 1823, daughter of Nicholas and Margaret (Hewson) VanDusen of Kensington, of John Hewson, born 1744, who came to America in 1773. He built the rtrst vessel constructed in the Shack- anoxon ship yards, Philadelphia, the bark, Rosscan, for Stephen Girard about 1788. She was still afloat in 1888. Nicholas VanDusen was of Dutch descent. MATERNAL ANCESTORS OF DANIEL (6) AND THOMAS (6) COLCORD. Samuel (5) and 1 Thomas Walden Anna Walden < and 1 Jacob Treadwell (Anna TreadwelW and I William Cotton \ Sarah Cotton ^^^^^^d . Ralph Carter t Anna Larier j ^^^ ^^.j^^ These were early New Hampshire fanailies. Mehitable Sampson, the wife of Daniel (6) Colcord, of Exeter, N. H. (who was the father of .-amuel (7j Colcord of Greenville, 111.) was the daughter of Michael Sampson, a son of Caleb Sampson, Jr., who was a son of Caleb Sampson, Sr., a son of Henry Sampson, who when a yauth of 14 years came to this country on the Mayflower in 1620. Her ancestor Caleb Sampson married Mary Standlsh, the daughter of Alexander Standlsh, who was a son of Miles (Myles) Standish and Sarah Alden, the daughter of John Aiden and Prlscilla Mullens. Hence six an- cestors of Mehitable Sampson were pilgrims on the Mayflower. THE PARSONS ANCESTRY. Samuel (5) and David (5) of Jonathan (4) married into the Parsons family of Gloucester, Mass. This branch of the Parsons family was of Josiah (Capt.) son of John 1666, Jett'rey 1630. The Parsons family lived near Boston and at Gloucester (Cape Ann), Mass., and New Market, N. H. Gov. Sir John Wentworth's daughter married Rev. Samuel Dudley of Exeter and several members of the (Jolcord family married Wentworths and Burleighs or Dudleys, whose children can therefore trace their pedigree back to Sir John Went- worth or Gov. Dudley of N. II. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 19 Historical and Traditional Notes. In 1661 Chief Justice Sewall of Massachusetts, then a small boy of six or seven years, was taken by his mother from a small town In the northern part of Hampshire Co. England, called Stoke-Bishop, to join the Colonists In New England, an account of which is given in a letter from Judge Sewall to his son published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register. On reaching the coast of Mass. the mother and son were lodged by Richard Colcord (or Colcott) who took the "Freeman's oath" In 1632 and who was Clerk of the Court of Assts. of the Mass. Bay Colony in 1672. Mrs. Sewall seems to have been acquainted with the Colcord or Colcott fam- ily in B^ngland, Edward Colcord's youngest son, Samuel, was at this time a lad of Ave or six six years and was living in or near New Hampton, N. H. No record has been found of this Richard Colcott's wife or children. Mrs. Jane (Colcord) Clark, a great grand-daughter of Edward (4) Colcord, 85 years old (1908), has collected and written down the following statements. "Three brothers by the name of Colcord came from England (to America). Two of them married and settled in this country. The third never married, was a sea captain and was lost at sea.'' No dates or names are given. She narrates the following incident relating to the home of Edward (4) of Exeter. "^\^hen my grandfather (Samuel 5, Colcord) was a boy, one day he was up stairs and saw a large party of Indians coming to the house. The house is a quaint old two.story building, witli quite a large j-ard inclosed by a stone fence. I called there a few years ago and was greatly interested in the old home, with Its very large tire places and brick ovens, and the curious large wooden door latches. The front hall was of greater interest, with its steep, painted stairs, which turned near the top, where there was a broad stair. On the broad stair there was a large bag of beans, not tied up, on the day when grandfather saw tlie Indians. As the boy rushed down stairs to give the alarm, he upset the bag of beans, which pounded down the stairs into the hall below, making such a noise that the Indians were frightened and left in a hurry." Mrs. Nancy Gustin, of Pine Island. Minn., in a letter to the author relates that "three brothers came to America from England at an early day, by the name of Colcord. One of the brothers was the father of my great grandfather, Jonathan, R. B. Colcord said." (Nancy Colcord Gustin is now 84 years old). "One of these brothers returned to England and bought cards for a carding machine, and started the carding business. For this a trunk was sent him from his friends (?) in England, with strict orders to see that it was not opened until this Colcord opened it. The strictness of the orders created suspicion in his mind and he put the trunk on a shelf over liis head before oi)ening it. When he turned the key the lid flew open and two pistols wereflred at him, which would have shot him had he been in an ordinary position." As Edward (1) was only 14 or 15 years old when he came to America, it seems probable that he came with older relatives, but direct proofs are lacking. History mentions Kdward's name often, and the early lists of settlers and grantees contain his name, but no mention of relatives. Two conveyances of lands purchased from the Indians, bearing date of April 3, 1638, bear Edward Colcord's name, (Wentworth's History) and in Savage's History "his first coming is reckoned 1631," This date is confirmed by Edward's own statement relating to his first visit to the Pascataqua River country, as recorded in the New Hampshire Provincial 20 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Papers, Vol. 1, Page 110, In which he affirmed "there were but three houses In all that side of the country adjoining the river." Traditions in several branches oi the family relate that two or three brothers came together when Edward flrst came from England, but none of them gives names until a later date, when Samuel and Jonathan are spoken of, as in the Kentucky branch of the family, which relates that "Samuel Colcord came to Con- cord, N. H. from England about 1784," etc. "Gideon and Edward came from Eng- land about 1700."— Dearborn. No Colcords have been found by the author who are mentioned in early New England History and who are not Edward's descendants. Rev. John Wheelwright, who was banished from Massachusetts because of his religious opinions, sought to escape the intolerance of the Massachusetts colony by purchasing lauds from the Indians in the wilderness of New Hampshire to found the new town of Exeter. He is said to have employed Edward Colcord to make the purchase. The controversy over the title to these lands led to much litigation and strife. It is conceded by historians that Edward was competent by education and Indian experience to make purchases of the Indians in 1638, the date of the convey- ances, whether he did actually treat with them or not. Later historians have contended that the actual settlers of Dover and Exeter who were driven into exile, had more right to the lands which they acquired from the Indians than the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which simply assumed control, even when without a Charter, and without purchasing them from the rightful owners, the Indians. It is not the purpose of this history to enter into a discussion of the famous Indian deed to Rev. John Wheelwright and others, long ago set aside. The Colcord families for 150 years, from 1630 to 1780, lived on or near the shores of the Pascataqua Bay and River, N. H., and on the small rivers emptying into the Pascataqua. The first settlements of Dover's Point, Portsmouth, Hampton (Beach) and Exeter could all be reached by small river craft, and new settlements were made on the shores of the smaller streams. Edward and his companions sailed a short distance iip the Cocheco River, from Dover point and founded the town of Pascataquake or Dover, and when appointed a magistrate, it was for the Pascata- qua settlements in 1642. The new settlement made by Edward Colcott and others, called at first Pas- cataquake, was soon partially abandoned on account of Indian raids, and Edward returned to Exeter, and received two or more land grants as a citizen of Exeter. Northam was incorporated in 1641 (including Pascataquake) and was called Dover in 1642. The bounds between Ejseter and Hampton were determined in 1646 by Samuel Dudley and others. I<>dward lived in Hampton after this date until his death in 1682. Here Samuel (2), Edward's youngest son, was born in 1(¥36, and his, Edwards, daughters married and settled in Hampton. Samuel (2) was a grantee of Kings- ton, which was settled by twenty Hampton people In 1694, and here Lieut. Samuel (2> died in 1736. His grandson, Samuel (4) (Samuel (3) died in 1716) and his son-in- law, Samuel Dudley, and Mary, (4) who married Col. Eben Stevens, were among the grantees of the town of Stevenstown, (afterwards Salisbury) in 1749. Edward (3) and Ebenezer (3) settled in S. W. Exeter and were grantees of Brentwood, formed from Exeter in 1742, while Jonathan (3> remained in Newmarket (which was formed from Exeter in 1727) and the "Jonathan" farm was partly in Newmar- ket and partly in Exeter in 1775. S. Newmarket was incorporated in 1849. Hampton Palls, North Hampton, South Hampton, Kensington and Sea- brook were originally included in Hampton. Danville, formerly Hawke, was a part of Kingston, where Edward (3) lived before 1740. In the 4th Generation Sam- uel's danghter, Mary, (4) married Col. Ebenezer Stevens, from whom Stevenstown was named. Ebenezer Webster, born 1739, father of Daniel Webster, resided many COLCORD GENEALOGY. 21 years with Col. Stevens and his wife, Mary (McClintock). During the 5th and 6th Generations, from 1750 to 1800 the four original towns in New Hampshire, viz: Exe- ter, Hampton, Dover and Portsmouth, the two latter on the northeast and the for- mer on the southwest along the Pascataqua River, had been divided into many smaller townships, and the new towns of Nottingham, Deerfleld and Londonderry on the southwest and of Durham, Lee, New Durham and others (made from Dover) on the north east, and South Hampton, Sea Brook and Hampton Falls (of Hamp- ton) took the place of the older towns. Farther to the north on the Ossipee River and Lake, Ossipee, Tamworth, Tuftonborough and other towns were incorporated after the Revolution, and into these new towns went the younger members of the Coicord family. Samuel's descendants, as we have seen, migrated into tlie adjoin- ing towns of Brentwood, Stevenstown (Salisbury) and South New Market, while Jonathan's and Edward's sons separated more widely, members of the 5th and 6th Generations going eastward into Maine, to Waterboro, Saco, Kennebunk and Turner, and northeast to Ossipee, N. H., Parsonsville and Porter, Me., and later across the state to Prospect, on the Penobscot Bay. Many of the daughters mar- ried into more settled lives,and became the wives and mothers of professional men. Of these we may name in order of time, Deacon John Hobbs, Rev. Benj. Fifleld, Dr. Joseph Bartlett, Col. Ebenezer Stevens, Hon. \Vm. Coicord Patten. Hon. Ichabod Coicord Bartlett, Hon. Wm. Patten, Dr. Samuel Coicord Bartlett, Pres. Dart. Coll., D.D., LLD., Hon. Ezra Bartlett, Chief Justice William Henry Bartlett, and many others of the early generations. From "Towle Genealogy" we learn that "Anthony Towle, born in 1703, mar- ried Sarah Hobbs in 1734." She was a grand daughter of Sarah Coicord, the daugh- ter of Hldward (1). Anthony Towle lived in Chester, N. H., and had ten children, one named Jonathan, born 1739, being the father of Reuben, who was a tanner by trade. Reuben moved to Enrteld, N. H., and married Sarah Clough in 1786, and from Reuben and Sarah iTowle) the Towle and Coicord families of Franklin, Vt., sprang. Reuben's oldest daughter, Ann R., married tirst Tristram C. and after his death, his brother, John C. Coicord, from whom the Colcords of Franklin, Vt., were descended. Both Reuben Towle and John C. Colcord's fathers were soldiers of the Revolution, Reuben enlisting when only sixteen years of age. These Celcords were said to be of Thornton, N. H., before marrying into the Towle family, having pushed forward into the wilderness northward and westward from the original set- tlements in Exeter, Hampton and Newmarket. In the 5th Generation, Samuel Coicord, Jonathan's son, married Mary Pear- son or Parsons, as the name was variously spelled, while his brother David married Eunice Parsons, Mary's sister. Eunice and Mary were the daughters of Capt. Josiah Parsons of Gloucester, (Cape Ann) Mass., and his wife Eunice Sargeant. The fol- lowing incident is related by C. F. Coicord, of Oklahoma City : "I have heard fath- er tell of one of his great-grandfathers by the name of Capt. Parsons, who lived to be 116 years old, and was on the sea until he was 90 years old; that he lived four miles from his son's home near Boston, and when my father was put up behind the old Captain, on the old family mare to take him home, as soon as he would get out of sight he would get off and walk, saying that he could walk and liked it much better. This was when he was over 100 years old. He was born in 1697. He or his son Josiah sold land in Gloucester In 1743, and was then called a 'Coaster'." Josiah Parsons, born 1720, in Gloucester, was the brother of Rachel Parsons, who was Gideon Colcord's wife, born 1726. This branch of the Parsons family is of Jeffrey Parsons, and Sarah Vinson born 1630, and John, born 1666, who was the father of Josiah, born 1697. See Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass. There Is a tradition in one branch of the Coicord family that one of their ancestors was an officer in the British Army during the war of the Revolution and that he afterwards went to Central or South America, but no proofs of such a Col- 22 COLCORD GENEALOGY. cord have been found by the Author. Many wild adventures were entered into shortly after the War of the Revolution and about the time of the War of 1812, the recital of which at the firesides along the New England Coast, Incited many young men and women to leave their homes in the early part of the last century, and seek to emulate or outdo the deeds of their fathers by perilous journeys by sea or by land. They were the ambitious sous and daughters of hardy, adventurious fron- tiersmen and sailors, and so we learn that Tristram and John Colcord made the long trip of one hundred thirty miles through the wilderness from Enfleld Pond, N. H., to found a home in Western Vermont; three of the children of Phineas Colcord of Waterboro, Me., made the long journey toward Ohio, the "Landof Promise," one hundred years ago, stopping in New York State and leaving some of their family there, while others, reinforced by friends, pushed on across the wide prairies to the fertilelandsof Illinois, after a few years, -and thus New York, Penn'a, Ohio and Illinois contained settlements of Colcords which have continued to this day. But to many of the boys the seaman's life appealed more strongly, and often against the mother's wish and the father's command, the boy sailed away .into the unknown future. John N. Colcord, the son of Jesse, of Porter, Me., was one of these adventur- ous lads whose story is told elsewhere, and each family seems to have had one or more boys of the same class. Charles and Jonathan, the sons of Samuel (5) of Northwood, took their way to Kentucky, via Ohio, and became prosperous stock- men and traders there. IJavid, with his wife, Eunice Parsons, of sailor stock, went through the forests of Maine to the fine harbor of Searsport, Maine, on the Penob- scot Bay, where their children continued to "follow the sea," and later, in the 8th Generation, two of the grandchildren sailed "around the Horn" to seek their fortunes in California, while one took the "overland route" across the arid plains of the Great Desert, to the land of gold. One, Roswell K., attained wealth and distinction in Nevada, where he became Governor of the territory, and later Supt. of the U. S- Mint at Carson City; one accumulated some property, married, and died childless; and the third lost his health and property and left a large family to struggle with adversity at his death. The records of some of these adventurous men are only fragmentary, as in the case of Harry Colcord of New York State, who made the perilous ride on Blon- din's back across the Niagara river about fifty years ago, on a tight-rope stretched across the chasm below the Falls. His father's name was Moses and his place in the family has not been determined, but he related that when a young man, (he was born in 1828), he ran away to sea on a "whaler" and sailed to the Arctic Ocean, prob- ably shipping at New Bedford, Mass., which was then the great whaling port of the U. S. He was doubtless one of the "lost boys" in our family records. The Author's maternal grandfather was a New Bedford "whaler," (Bangs Doane) and related many tales of thrilling adventure connected with the pursuit and capture of the "monsters of the deep," which would strongly appeal to the young men of those days. During the Civil War, 1861 to 1865, the Army and Navy KoUs contain the names of Colcords from nearly every State in the Union. Date and rank of service has not always been given in the preceding pages, but facts are related pertaining to the service when ascertained. Many of Samuel's (4) descendants, of Kingston, continued to live in New Hampshire for several generations. While the children of Jonathan (4) and of Jonathan (5) scattered soon after the Revolution, Edward (4) had the pleasure of keeping his family near him, in the old Exeter home and in New Market and Brentwood for many years. In the 6th Generation, however, we find this family also separating widely, and now the members of the 8th and 9th Generations are found in many States from Maine to Oregon. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 23 OF EBENEZKR'S (3) DESCENDANTS. In the Census of 1790 Ebenezer Colcord, of Brentwood, as head of a family, had two sons over sixteen years of age. and one son under sixteen. His son. Ebe- nezer (4), Jr., had two male children under sixteen years old and oneidaughter. As Ebenezer (4) was 64 years old his youngest son was probably born between 1776 and 1781, and Ebenezer (5), Jr., born about 1761-2, was married before 1785 as he had three children in 1790. His oldest son became the father of Kbenezer Payson (7) Col- cord, born 1813, of Turner, Me. Samuel (6) Colcord, of Candla, born 1797, may have been the son of Samuel (5), Ebenezer (4-3) son whose record is incomplete. The names of the daughters of Ebenezer (5-4) do not appear in the records. Recent clues have been found by whicli the family record may be completed by later historians, with the help of vital statistics and historical data gathered by the N. H. Historical Society. SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION. From the Array Rolls published in the N. H. State Papers, Vols. 14, 15, 16 and 17, we find that the following descendants of Lieut. Samuel (2) Colcord and of Ed- ward (1) Colcord are eligible to membership in the S. and D. of Rev. Soc'y, viz: 1. All descendants of Reuben Towle (5), who was a soldier from Chester, N. H. and of John C. (6) and Tristram C. (6), whose father, John (5), was an officer in the Revolutionary Army from Exeter or Newmarlcet. This includes all Franklin, Vt., Towles and Colcords. 2. All Parsonsfield, Me. and other descendants of Josiah (5) Colcord, who was in Capt. Hill's Co., 1775, at Bunker Hill, Saratoga, &c. A private and non-com- missioned officer. 3. All descendants of David (5) Colcord, of Newmarket, N. H. and Prospect, Me. David (5) was in Capt. Hill's Co. in 1775, and in Joseph Parson's Co. 4. Brentwood and Exeter families of Edward (5) Colcord, who was in Capt. Gll- raan's Co., 1775 with John (6) Colcord. 5. Of Joseph (5) Colcord of New Market, a Corporal in Capt. Hill's Co., 1775, &c. 6. Descendant's of Jonathan (5) Colcord, Jr., Newington, N. H., — N. H. Provincial Papers, Vol. 7. Includes the families of Phineas,{6) Jesse,(6) Joseph,(6) &c. 7. Descendants of Thomas (5) Colcord of Portsmouth or Protectworth. A Corporal in Capt. Brown's Co. in 1786, &c. 8. Of John (5) of New Market [of Ebenezer (3) or Edward (3)] in Capt. Gilman's Co., 1775. 9. Descendants of Job (or Joab) (5) of Exeter or Tuftonboro, N. H., Capt. Zebulon Gilman's Co., 1775. 10. Eliphalet (5) Colcord's descendants of Capt. Robert Pike's Co. He marched to Rhode Island in 1777. 11. John (5). of John (4), was in Capt. Porter Kimball's Co. at Saratoga in 1775. Probably of Exeter, N. H. A 2d Lieutenant. 12. Descendants of Isaac Colcord, of Capt. Joseph Waite's Co. in Jan. 1778. Was taken prisoner and later exchanged. None of his descendants has been found by the Author. He was of Walpole, N. H .(?) Maternal lines of descent have not here been followed. Descendants of Cap- tains Samuel, Zebulon, Nicholas Oilman, Samuel Qilmore and Joseph Waite, and other Revolutionary Army otlicers, some of whom had children who married into the Colcord family, are also eligible to membership. 24 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Civil War Army Roll. MAINE REGIMENTS. Edwin A. Colcord. Lewis S. Colcord, Joseph L. Colcord, , Albert J. Colcord, Marshall N. Colcord, Frank A. Colcord, Henry W. Colcord, Robert A. Colcord, Doane B. Colcord, Co. E. 3d Inf. Co. A. 6th Inf. Musician. Co. C, 1st. Cav. Farmingdale. Co. C, 1st. Cav. Farmingdale. Co. H„ 9th Inf. Sergt. Co. K., 26th Inf. 29th Inf. U. S. Navy. 1st H. A. and U. S. Signal Corps— Post Band Leader. REGIMENTS FROM OTHER STATES. David D. Colcord, Amos D. Colcord, Albert Colcord, Joseph W. Colcord, George F. Colcord, William D. Colcord, Josiah P. Colcord. Asaph Dodge, \Vm. G. Colcord, 199th Penn'a. Vol. Inf. 5th U. S. Cav. 76th N. Y. Vol. Inf. 7 1st Mass. Cav. Co. L. California Cav. Lieut. 22d and 130th 111. Lieut. Co. F. 16th N. Y. Inf. Sergt. Invalid Corps, Co. F. 35th M. V. M. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 25 Additional Notes of Ivory' and Two of His Sons. Some Interesting facts concerning the life of Ivory (7) Colcord, and two of his sons, which came to hand too late for insertion in thebody of the book, are added here. See pages 40 and 63. "Ivory Colcord, Sr., was a native of Alfred, Me., and his wife of Keene, N.H. They arrived in the state of Illinois in October, 1837, when the Indians were still plentiful in that region. The couple with their six little children, traveled the en- tire distance from New York state, by water, shipping at Olean Point on a flat boat with household goods, going down the Alleghany river to Pittsburg, de- scended the Ohio, thence up the Mississippi to Fulton, 111., the place being known as Baker's Ferry. They camped out that night and the next day went across country about twenty miles to what was afterwards known as Genesee Grove. Here was their first abode, a small log house, 12x12. Their home boasted a puncheon floor made of split logs, with the rough halves turned up. This was quite difl'erent from the dirt floors of those pioneer days. Tlie house was actually provided with windows, the glass being brought from the East. The dwelling was considered commodious, as there were three rooms, two down and one upstairs. Mr. Colcord built another room at his own expense ofl' the house, and in this he taught the flrst school ever known in the state. About fifteen attended school, most of them coming on horseback. Mr. Colcord was the flrst coroner of Wliiteside County. He was also the first justice of the peace, which office he long held. In 1853 a ten room house was built in the woods, and this house is in good repair and in use today. This was a great novelty in those days, people coming for many miles to see the first large house ever built in that portion of the state. During the dark days of the Rebellion, the Colcord home was one of the stations of the famous 'under- ground railway' when escaping slaves were aided to go on their way towards the Canadian line. Hundreds of slaves were brot to the home, just before daybreak, and safely stowed away in the attic until night, when some of the boys would take them thru the darkness to the next station. All day long Grandma Colcord and the girls would sew for the little black urchins or their poor mother, and in the evening the little negro boys and girls, who had been as still as mice all day long, would be let out to scamper vuider the trees before being loaded like so many 'Berkshires' in the wagon to be carted away. Ivory Colcord died in the year 1865, age 65 years and was survived by his wife twenty years, she dying in 1885, age eighty years: two lives replete with good works, whose memories like kind deeds will live on as long as memory or tradition remains, thought of and spoken of with reverent words and manner." The following paragraph copied from the obituary of William II. Col- cord, son of Ivory (7) and Elzina Colcord, will give an insight into the kind of citizen he was. "He served several terms as principal of the Coleta school, and was honored with many positions of public trust, such as assessor, justice of the peace, post- master and supervisor. The latter position he held for a dozen successive years, and for the last term, was chairman of the board of supervisors of Whiteside county. In all these positions, he discharged his duties Intelligently, honestly and 26 COLCORD GENEALOGY. thoroughly. No man In the township or in the county was better known or more thoroughly esteemed. During his residence of over hall a century in Genesse town- ship, he Injured no man, and he benefited, helped and encouraged many. Mr. Col- cord was abreast of the times, thoroughly progressive, well informed, an original and forcible writer, earnest in his convictions, but honest and charitable in his judgment of men and events. No man wielded greater influence in his commu- nity than he, and even his enemies, if he had any, must admit that this influence was generally exerted for the right." "Geo. W. Colcord, son of Ivory and Elzina Colcord, was born on the old Genesee homestead; he secured his early education in the district school, and later attended the Shimer Academy at Mt. Carroll, 111. He early began teaching school and entered the ministry later. He was a devout believer in the faith of the Seventh Day Adventist, and for several years was general secretary and evangelist of the church in Illinois. He opened an academy at Milton, Oregon, and after bringing this denominational school up to his ideal, went to Graysville, Tenn., where he started a similar academy. There the work was too severe for him and at the advice of the authorities at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, he was sent to Boul- der, Colo. He preached and taught in the college at Boulder, until his death. Mr. Colcord was a musician of some note, giving lessons in both instrumental and vocal music. He died, leaving his wife, Ada Lucretia Colcord, to whom he was wed in 1866." COLCORD GENEALOGY. 27 INDEX. COLCORD, CHRISTIAN NAMES. Abble E., 79, 112. Abbie Jane, 84, 114. Abbie (Hlnckly), 45, 67. Abbie (Lanpher), 74, 109. Abby, 36, 54, 55, 56, 84. Abby A., 67. Abiah (Blanchard), 47, 74. Abiah B.. 109. 124. Abigail, 9, 20, 28, 35, 48, 57, 63, Abigail (Lanpher), 31, 48. Abigail (Park), 31, 47. Abigail iTowie), 36, 56. A. D., 5. Ada 102. Adah F. (Austin), 77, 113. Addle (McCuie), 83, 116. Adeline (Wortham), 57. Albert, 60, 62. Albert E.,90, 92, 94, 118. Albert G., 86. Albert H., 98. Albert J., 119. Albert Percy, 84, 116. Albion, 83, 116. Albion B., 74, 108. Aletta (Norcross), 74, 108. Alfreda (Stone) 66, 101. Alice B., 119. AliceC, 99, 121. Alice J., 113. Alice v., 116. Alice Lorena, 95, 118. Alice Louise, 113. Alice (Blinn),79. Alice (Green), 78. Allen D., 105. AlmaM., 112. Amanda, 46, 47. 67,73. Amanda (Shattuck), 117. Amasa, 46. Amasa D., 73, 105. Amelia, 47, 48, 74, 75, 79, 95. Amelia (Park), 31, 48. Am mi, 53, 83. Amos A.. 109. Amos D., 60, 62, 97. AmosW., 95, 96, 119. Amy, 97. Andrew, 74. Andrew D., 74, 108. Andrew J., 109. Angle P., 98, 120. Ann, 26, 35. Ann M., 109. Ann (Bean), 87. Ann E. (Burley), 45, 06. Ann (Page), 7, 9. Ann (Towle), 28, 34, 51, 55. Anna L., 113. Anna (Corson), 83, 116. Anna (Guenter), 97, 119. Anna L. (Guise), 98, 120. Anna (Hobbs), 54. Anna (Richards), 87. Anna (Robinson), 22, 32. Anna (Shattuck), 78. Anna (Walden), 27, 35. Anne, 19, 26. Annette A. 99. Annie F., 122. Annie (Rimraele), 105. Arlon v., 97. Arta, 98, 120. Armilda, 76. Arthur, 83, 116. Arthur F., 116. Arthur T., 113. Arthur W., 101. Aurelia, 56. 84. Aurilla, 72, 107. Austin N.,37, 57, 113, 114. Benjamin, 13, 17, 24, 31, 35, 37, 46, 47, 48, 74, 75. Benjamin F., 109, 117,124. Benjamin Loren, 74, 108. Bernie Fay, HO. Bertha F., 118. Bertha V., 98. Bertha (Stetson) 79, 112. Bessie Irene, 67. Bessie O., 122. Betsy, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 47, 57, 78. Betsy A., 33 Betsy (Curtis), 75. Betsy (Emery), 30, 42, 44. Betsy (Towle), 36, 51, 52, 79. Blanche, 108. Blanche P., 77, 101. Bradbury, 50, 60, 97. Cadijah, 110. Caleb E., 42, 43. Carl E., 120. Carl O.. 112. Caroline, aS, 110. Caroline D., 78. Caroline (Hinckley), 77, 113. Carrie E., 110. Catherine (Black), 46, 47, 73. Catherine (Cole), 87. Celian G., 120. Charles, 32, 34, 36, 38, 49, 55, 56, 58, 66, 74. 83. 109, 116, 117. Charles A., 47, 108, 117. Charles B., 32, 33, 50. Charles D., 106. Charles E., 57, 84. Charles F., 76, 86, 109, 110. Charles H., 74, 108, 120. Charles J., 45. Charles S., 103. Charlissa A., 102, 122. Charlotte, 106. Charlotte S., 42, 43. Charlotte A. (Eraser), 63, 98. Chase, 31, 46, 48. 28 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Chester I., 109. Christian, 116. Clara, 77. Clara A., 51. Clara B., 8G. Clara J., 103. Clara L., .M, 75, 78, 102, 109, 120, 122, ap. 15. Clara M., 64, 66. Clara T., 66. Clara (Ryder), 109. Clara (Webster). 42, 43, 64. Clara (Weeks), 51. Clarence, 108. Clarence G., 120. Clarlnda, 55. Clarissa J., 69, 70, 104. Claude B.. 119. Clayton E., 99. 121. Clitlord, 121, Climena, 54. Clyde, 117. Comfori, 36. Comfort fDoe), 36. 64. Comfort (Folsom), 33. Cora, 97. Cora Ann. 87, 89. Cora (Fogg), 83, 116. Cora (Greaves), 84, 116. Cordelia A., 74, 75, 108. Daniel, 15, 21,29, 35, 40, 42, 51, 52, 58, 69, 117, ap. 18. Daniel D., 74, 107, ap. 17. Daniel H., 5, 84, 115. Daniel Webster, 58. David, 21, 22. 23, 30, 31, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47, 64, 66, 67, 69, 102, ap. 13. David A., 66. 101. David D., 60. 95. David, H., 119. Deborah, 9, 11, 19, 27, 34, 35. Deborah (Gilman), 27, 35. Delia M., 109. 124. Doane B., 1, 5, 69, 70, 102. Doane L., 102, 103. Dolly (Clifford), 21, 29. Dorothy, 26, 37, 119. Doy Wilber, 102, 121, 122. Earle, 79, 111. Ethan, 63, 98. Eben F., 84, 115. Ebenezer, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26. 37, 39, 56, 57. ap. 23 Ebenezer Payson, 16, 26, 56, 57. 84, ap. 18. Edgar, 117. PIdith B., 99, 121. Edith M., 98, 120. Edith W., 101. Edith ! Haskell) 95,118. Edna B., 121. Edna v., 120. Edward, 5. 7, 8, 9. 10, 11. 12, 13, 15, 16. 17, 19. 20, 22, 23, 24. 25, 26. 27, 28, 34, 35. 38, 51, 52 75, 84, 113, 114, 124, ap. 2. Edward A., 113. Edward C, 78, 110, 111, 113. Edward II., 51. 77. Edward J., 77, 113. Edward R., 86. Edwin D., 122. Edwin H., 119. Edwin T., 109, 124. Ertie (Williams), 77. Elbert, 108. Elberta E., 99, 100, 121. Eleanor S., 116. Eleanor T., 106. Eleanor (PettingiU). 30. Eleanor (Tracy) 51, 77. Eliphalet, 19, 22, 28, 37, 57. Eliza, 60, 61, ap. 8. Eliza (Cimningham), 46, 72. Eliza (Russell), 40, 42, 64. Eliza (Towle),55. 86. Eliza (West), 74, 109. Elizabeth, 13, 17, 21, 26, 42, 44. 46, 48, 55, 67, 84, ap. 10. Elizabeth A.. 57, 74, 83, 107. Elizabeth (Bacon), 108. Elizabeth (Hoardman), 21, 30, 66. Elizabeth Doe, 54. Elizabeth (Edgerly), 40,41,58. Elizabeth (Folsom), 13, 17. Elizabeth (Nasson , 30, 44. Elizabeth C. (Payson), 37, 56, ap. 18. Elizabeth (Perham), 5:3, 79. Elizabeth (Rodman/, 4-5, 67. Elizabeth (Shearer), 60. Ella, 83, 108, 116, Ella B., 124. Ella (Hill), 113,124. Ellen, 68. Kllen M., 73. EUenora R., 102. Elmer E., 111. Elmira, 48. Elsie D., 113. Elvira, 6:^, 100. Elzina (Smith), 40. Emeline, 58. Emily, 45, 48, 60, 75, 96, 104, ap. 9. Emily M., 69. Emily (Radford), 53, 86. Emma E., 82.j Emma L., 98. Emma (Booth), 90. 118. Emma (McCormack), 77, 106. Emma Moulton, 60. Emma S. (Pike), 64, 101. Emmett B., 116. Enoch L., 37. 57, 114. Ernest J,. 79, 112. Ernest S., 99, 116, 121. Esther, 119. Esther A., 51, 77. Esther (Marshall), 33, 50. Ethel, 117. Ethel S., 101. Ethelyn M., 106. Eugene L. 110. Eula, 83. Eunice, 21, 25, 31. 32, 46, 48, 49, 95, 118. Eunice (Parsons i, 21, 22, 24, 31. Eustatia B , 99, 121. Eva (Bradford), 95, 119. Eva (Moulton), 77. Evalina C 109. Everett, 116. Ezra, 86. Fanny. 31. .33, 46, 67. Fanny C, 60, 90. Fanuy M., 113. Fanny (Russell), 22, 23, 33. Fannie (Smart), 110. Fianna V., (EInerode), 63, 99, 121. Fla villa. 72, Flora 'Titcombi, 86. 11^ Frances K. iPike), 83. Frances (Palmer), 32, 33, 50. Frances W. (Plant, S^, 82. Frances (Townsend , 82, 112. Francis C, 78. 110, 116. Francis R., 51. Frank. 83, lOG, 108, 116. Frank E., 116. Frank M.. 113. Frank W.:()6. 108. Franklin A. E., 74, 109. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 29 Fred, 75, 119. Frederick, 56, 86. Frederick \V., 59,90.118. George, 34, 38. 51, 52, 75, 79. 117, ap. 15. George A.. 8:3, 113. George E., 117. George F., 64, 65, 100. George S., 102. George Waldron, 86. George Washington, 63, ap. 25. Gerard R., 95, 118. Gertrude, 1U9. Gideon, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 33, 36, 37, 38, 54. Gladys, 119, 121. Glenn A., 120. Glenn D., 99, 100. (ilemi T., 112. Grace, 79, 112, 113. Grace A., 108, 112, 122. Grace B , 100. Grace E., 99. Grace .M.. 121. Guy A., 106. Hannah, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 35, 38, 40, 47. 51, 111, ap. 2. Hannah A., 78. Hannah (Curtis) 75. Hannah Doane, 46, 69. Hannali E., 75. Hannah M., 73, 105. Hauuah (Berry). 109, 124. Hannah (Fellows), 13, 20. Hannah (Smart), 48, 7-5. Hannah (Thyng), 37, 56. Hannah (Webster), 40, 58. Harriett, 60, 77, 110, 119. Harriett (Payson), 84. Harriett (Scoresby), 76, 109. Harry. 87, ap. 22, Harry P., 114. Harvey, 23, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37. Hattie E., 107. Hattie O., 84, 116. Hattie S., 116. Hattie T., 113. Hattie (Rounds), 101. Hazel K., 108. Helena (Carpenter), 23, 34. Henry A. F.,55, 86. Henry C. 51. 52, 78. Henry W., 2.5, 54, 77, 113. Herbert B., 78. Herbert P., 115. Hester, 56. Hollis M., 73, 106. Howard E , 113. Ida, 76, 83. Ida E., 79, 112. Ida M., 79. Ida (Lord), 108. Imogen, 95. Irena L., 98, 120. Irving Washington, 101. Isabella, 42, 43. Isabelle (Merlweather), 108. Isaac. 35, 51. Iva, 97, 119. Iva (Swan). 102, 103. Ivory, 18, 38, 40, 41, 42, 68, 63, ap. 25. Ivory A., 98. Ivory C, 98, 120. Ivory Ct., 6i, 98, 120. Jacob, 56, 86. James, 46, 47, 67, 72, 74. 108, 109. James F., 51. James W., 72. Jane, 19, 23, 27, 5:3, ap. 19. Jane (Coffin), 19, 2:3, :34. Jennie, 83. Jennie C , 79. Jennie M. (Fay), 78, 110. Jennie 1. (Pearce), 90, 91. Jennie (Laughlin), 82. Jennie (Sweetzer), 108, 123. Jeremiali, 24. Jeruslia, 32, ;33. Jerry, 83. Jesse, 23, ;30, 31, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 64, 65, 66, 90, 101. Jessie, 100. Jonathan, S, 9. 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 2i, 22, 23, 27, 30, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 50, 66, 76, 90. Joab, 23, 24, 25, 35, 36, 55. Joanna C, 5, 48, 109, 12:3. Joanna (Jones). 51, 75. John, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 33, .34, ;36, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 62, 56, 63, 74, 75, 77, 78. John Aniala, 64, 65. John C, 23, 28, ;34, 35, 51, 52, 55, 78, 111. John D., 54. John E., 45, 66 John, G. P., 48. John H., 113. JohnM.,55. 86, 113. John N., 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 64; ap. 22. Johns., 36, 49, 54, 97, 119. John X., 66, 67. John Wilson, 74, 108. John Wiggin, 36, 53, 55, 86. Jonathan D., 48, 75. Jouatlian M.. 67. Joseph, 22, 23, 30, 33, 40. 41, 46. 50, 51, 58, 00, 77, ap. 8. Joseph A., 51, 77. Joseph B., 97, 119. Joseph E„ 78. Joseph G., 117. Joseph W., 44, 64, 65, 101. Josephine (Dowd), 74, 108. Josephine (Scott., 102, 121. Joshua, 46. Joslah. 22, 23, 2:3,24, 2-5,32,36, 36,49,54, 55, 56, 77, li;3. Josiah H.. 54. Josiah P., 79. Jotliam, 45. Judith (Wiggin) 35, 53. Julia (Maynard), 83, 113. Julia T., 111. Juliette, 56. Juliette M., 101. Julius S., 97, 119. Kate, 97. Kate (Gilchrist), 74, 107. Kate (Spear), 57, li:3. Katherine M., 119. Kathleen, 124. Kenneth, 124. Laura, 77. Laura (Allen), 51. Laura (Fernald), 73, 105. Laura (Walton;, 58. Lena M., 110. Lena (Darrin), 97, 119. Leonard, 45, 66. Lessie C, 112. Lester L..97. Lestina E. (Fletcher), 51, 78. Levina B., 116. Lewis, 116, 119. Lillian A., 79, HI, ap. 15. Lillian G.. 90. Lillian (Wise), 74, 108. Lincoln A., 108, 123. 30 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Liucoln R., 123. Linda Jane, 109. Lizzie, 95. Lizzie S., 82. Lizzie J. (Davis), 84, 115. Lloyd P., 112. Lois (James) 24. 37. Lorzena D., 63, 98. Lorin H., 109. Lottie M. 120. Louis, 29. 40. Louisa, 33. 50. Louisa (Loectiell, 99, 121. Louisa (Medcalf), 32, 50. Louise (Atherton), 109, 124. Lucy G., 77. Lucy W., 115. Lucy (Biugham), 55. Lucy (Hammond), 79, HI. Lucy (Lincoln), 58. Luella. 64. 98. Luella P.. (Spencer), 69, 70. 102. Luella (Thompson), 83, 116. Lula (Dow), 109. Lulu M., 116. Lydia Ann. 51, 75. Lydia (Merrill), 26, 37, 56. Lydia (Palmer), 57, 87. Mabel, 67, 114. Mabel S., 113. M. Bradbury, 60, &i, 97. Mae E. (Evans), 99. Maggie (Beck), 98, 120. Mahlon J., 1, 5. 95. 96, 118. Magaret (Degges). 120. Margaret (Palmer), 87. Marguerite, 110. Maria, 51. 52. Maria M., 79, 111. Maria N., 72, 106, ap. 15. Marian L., 119. Marian P., 106. Marie S., 106. Marie (Clay), 50 76. Marietta, 102. Marien G. (Lippincott), 69, 70 Mark,46, 47, 67,72, 73. Martha, 69. Martha B., 77. Martha Owen, 36, 53, 55, 86. Martha (Armstrong), 51, 52, 112. Martha (Hamilton), 84, 114. Martha J. (Lane). 66, 101. Martha (West), 46, 47, 69. Martin V. B., 73. Mary, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, IS, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27 32. 33, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 50, 69, 70, 77, 103, 106. Mary Agnes, 110. Mary Angeline, 63. Mary Ann, 48, 63. Mary E., -58, 60, 79. 86. 90, 95, 118. Mary F., 73, 107. Mary H„ 42, 43. Mary Jane, 49. Mary O., 57, 83. Mary V., 84. Mary (Ayer), 9, 10. 13. Mary E. (Becket), 53, 82. Mary H. (Carver), 74, 108. Mary A. (Colson), 73, 105. Mary (Gardener), 79. Mary J. (Gardner i, 49. Mary (Gordon), 13, 15, 19. Mary (Griltith), 36, 55. Mary F. (Hopkins), 72, 107. Mary (.lackson), 97, 119. Mary (Kennard), 42. Mary (McMlnegal), 78, 110. Mary (Moore), 24, 38, Mary (Morgan), 106. Mary (Pearson), 22, 32, 38. Mary (Uussell), 83. Mary (Shepard), 24, .36. Mary (Shively), 63, 98. Mary (Spaniei, 77. Mary (Tuxbury), 32, 49. Mary L. (VVindus), 64, 100, Matilda. 47. 48. 74. Maude (Pitman), 99, 121. May E., 113. May (Pendleton), 109. Mehitable, 9, 11, 18, 21. 29, 57. Mehitable (Ladd), 17, 21. Mehitable (Sampson), 35. 52. Melissa J., 73, 105. Mercey, 36. Mercey A. (Hussey), 53, 86. Meta (Garrels), 90, 95, 118. Mildred, 119. Millie, 86. Minnie (Hayes), 116. Milton, 98. Milton R., 95. Miriam J., 115. Monroe, 40, 58. Monroe T., 58. Moses, 87. Moses S., 73. Nancy, 32, 33, 36, 40, 50. 51, 60 7, 8, 19. Nancy (Garland), 42. Nancy (i\Iarshall), 30, 45. Nancy (Pendleton). 48. Nancy (Wingatei, 55, 86. Nathaniel, 24, 25, ,35. 36. Nathaniel D.. 101. Nellie L., 99, 100. Nora B.. 98. Olive E., 102, 122. Olive (Steele), 37, 57. Olive E. (Tyrrell), 69, 102. Oliver D., 102. Orrie P., 107. Otis, 57. Otis Briggs, 53, 82, 83. Otis Tapley, 82. Pamelia J. (Mudge), 84, 115. Parmelia lEarlei, 51. 52, 79. Patience (Stevens), 20. 26, 57. Peter, 13, 17. 20, 21, 22, 29, 40. Phlneas. 30, 40, 42, 43, 58, 60, 64. 90. Polly, 31, 32. 36, 40, 42, 46. 49. Polly (Amala), 42, 43, 64. Polly (Hobbs), 30, 46. Polly (Woodman), 29, 40. Prince E., 75. Rachael, 36, 54. Rachael (Parsons), 19, 20. 24,33. Rachael (Whlddon), 24, 35. Ralph Bennett. 18, 38, 42, 63, 98. Ralph M. 115. Ray, 110. Rebecca, 36, 69. Rebecca (Bradbury), 30, 40. Rebecca ( Kllis), 31, 46. Rebecca (McMillan), 50, 76. Rebecca (iMarden), 6, 46, 72. Rebecca (Smart), 31, 46. Rex, 108. Rhoda, 30, 42, 46. Rose, 119. Rose Ann, 63. Rose (Dowd), 74, 108. Rose (Marshall), 90, 118. 61, 76, 9(i; ap. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 31 Roswell K., 72, 107. Rowena A.. 109. Roxaniia (W'eutworth), 54, 77. Royal I.. 120. Royal J., 98. Ruf us, 54, 77. Rufus J., 77, 113. Ruth Ida, 69, 70. Sadie M., 116. Sadie (Cox), 78, 111. Sally, 33, 49, 51. Sally C, 83. Sally (Ames,; 31, 49. Sally (Dickinson). 40, 60. Sally (Jenness), 33. Sally (Mason), 36, 42, 66. Samuel, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, S7 38, 39, 40, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57, 79, 80, 87; ap. 2. Samuel B., 13, 17, 21, 40; ap. 2. Samuel F., 87, 116. Samuel Marden, 45, 66, 67, 73, 105. Sarah, 9, 10, 27, 28, 55, 119. Sarah Ann, 58. Sarah K., 72, 84. Sarah Jane, 66. Sarah M., 90. Sarah (Burleigh), 18, 21. Sarah (Clarke), 57, 84. Sarah (Conant), 83. Sarah M. (Cousins), 58, 59, 60, 90. Sarah (House), 49. Sarah (Kimbal),35. Sarah i Morrison), 60, 97. Sarah (Peet), 60, 95. Sarah (Smith), 51, 57, 77. Sarah (Taggart), 60, 97. Sarah (Towle), 51,78. Sarah (Towne), 56, 84. Sarah L. (Wallace), 73, 106. Sarah (Weeks), 34. Seldin, 69. Sherman P., 102, 122. Shuah, 9. Sidney, 110. Simeon, 55. Stanford, 116. Stella G., 107. Stephen, 57. Susan, 65, 97, 119. Susan N., 42. Susan R., 73. Susan A. (Brown), 87, 116. Susan (Elizabeth) (Nasson), 30, 42. Susan (Lord), 45, 66. Susan (Roberts;, 66, 101. Susan Mead, 51. Sylvia P., 110. Sylvia P. (Bowman), 51, 52, 78. Theodore, 75. Thomas, 33, 35, 52, 53, 77. 87, ap. 18. Thomas A. R., 51. Thomas C, 107. Thomas H., 86. Thomas M., 77, 106. Thomas R., 50, 77. Tristram C, 23, 28, 34, 51, 52. 110. UlaS., 111. Ulysses, 116. Victor H., 90. Wallace, 67, 97. Walter, 124. Walter R., 90, 94, 118. Washington, 66, 101. Wear, 40. 41. 58. Willard A., 98, 120. William, 22, 23, 31, 40, 41, 46, 49, 58, 59, 60, 77, 83, 90. William A., 102, 110, 122. William D., 69, 70, 102. William P., 82, 112. William G., 84. 114. William H., 57, 59, 63, 83, 90, 99, 116, 117, 121, ap. 25. William R., 32, 33, 50, 76. William S., 53, 82, Wilson, 30, 31, 40, 46, 47, 60, 67, 73, 101. Wilson D., 107. Zina H., 78, 110. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 33 INDEX. NAMES OTHER THAN COLCORD. Adams, Alice, 93; ap. 9 J. B., ap. 10. John, 6-t. Susan E.. ap. 10. Alden, John. ap. 18. A mala. Polly, 42, 43, G4. Ames, Sally, 31, 49. Angevine. Emily, ap. 9. Irviu. ap. 9. Anundson, Edwin, 97. Kate, 97. Appleby, Florence, 122. Grace A., 108, 122. Henry, 108, 122. Appleton, Henry G,. 107; ap. 16. Laura T., 107; ap. 16. Phyllis A., ap. IG. Armitage, EUenora, 102. Guy A., 102. Armstrong, Alexander, 52, 112. Martha, 51.52,79, 112. Mary E., ap. 15. Atherton, Louise, 109. 124. Austin, Ada F., 77, 113. Carrie E.. 110. Chas. H., 110. Edith M., 119. Emerson, 97, 119. Ethel M., 119. Iva, 97, 119. Jennie B., 110. Miranda, 110. Ayer, Elizabeth, 10. Mary A., 9, 10, 13. Mary. 35. Thomas. 10. Bachelder, Mary J., 49. Bacon, Elizabeth, 108; ap. Badger, John, 35. Mary, 35. Bail, Edith, ap. 11. Baker, Burt F, 99, 100, 121. Caroline, ap. 3. Don, 121. Elberta. 99, 100, 121. Helen, 121. Mildred, 121. Bancroft, Selwin, 59. Bartlett, Albert, ap. 5. Alfred, ap. 3. Alice W., ap. 4,6. Amos P., ap. 3, 4. Ann, ap. 2. Caroline, ap. 3, 4, 5. Clarissa, ap. 2, 5. Daniel, 30; ap. 3. Donald, ap. 6. Doris J., ap. 6. Edwin J., ap. 2, 4, 5. Edmund, ap. 5. Bartlett, Edwin R., ap. 6. Eleanor, 30; ap. 2, 3. Ellen M., ap. 4, 5. Esther, ap. 4, 6. Ezra, ap. 3, 21. Fannie, 4, 6. Grace, ap. 5. Gordon, ap. 6. Hannah, 21, 30; ap. 2, 3. Harriette, ap. 3. Harrietts L., ap. 6. Helen, ap. 4. Ichataod, 30; ap. 2, 3. James. 30; ap. 2, 3. John F.. ap. 6. Joseph, 21,30; ap. 2,3, 4. Josiah, ap. 3. Laura, ap. 3. Laura A., ap. 4, 5. Levi, 30; ap. 2, 3. Levi J., ap. 3, 5. Levi S., ap. 3. Margaret, ap. 3, 4. Mary, ap. 3, 4, 5. Mary Bacon, ap. 4. Mary E., ap. 3, 4. Norman, ap. 5. Peter, 30; ap. 2. R. Grace, ap. 2, 3. Richard, ap. 2. Richard L.. ap. 6. Robert L., ap. 6. Samuel C, 21,30; ap. 2..3. 4,5,6,21. Sarah, ap. 3, 4. Sarah M., 3, 4. Stephen, ap. 2, 3. Susanna, 30; ap. 2. Susie, ap. 4. William A., ap. 4, 6. William H., ap. 3. William Henry, ap. 3, 4, 5. William P., ap. 6. Bass, George H., 79. Mary Ellen, 79. Beaman, Arthur C, ap, 15. Bean, Ann. 87. Luna, ap. 15. Luna C, ap. 15. Beck, Maggie, 98, 12U. Beckett, Mary E., 53, 82. Benton, Laura A., ap. 4, 5. Bertield, Alice L., 95, 118. Alice P., 118. G. W.,95, 118. Stella, 118. Berkley, Earl of, 7. Berlin, Alice P., 118. Datus W., 118. Leonora. 118. Fulton W., 118. Berry, Miss, 49. Josephine A., 83. Hannah, 109, 124. Woodbury, 83. Bingham, Lucy, 55. 34 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Bishop, Thomas R., 9S. Black, Catharine, 46, 47, 73. Hannah, 74; ap. 14. Villa. 74; ap. 14. Blanchard, A blah. 47, 74. Blessing, .Joanna, ap. Blinu, Alice, 7\). Leta. ap. 12. Blood, Hannah, 69. Hannah Doane. 46. Daniel. 46. Boardman, Elizabeth. 21. 30, 66. Booth, Knima F., 90, 118. Bowman. Eben, 52. Hortense, ap. 16. Sylva P. 51, 52, 78. Boyd, Lorinda. 111. Bradbury, Rebecca, 30, 40. William, 30. Bradford, Bertha M., ap. 11. Eva, 95, 119. Frank .J.. 11. Paul, 11. Bradlee, Laura, ap. 3. Breunle, Bertha, ap. 8. Briggs, Julia A., 97; ap. 9. Bristow, Louisa, 32, 50. Brooks, Isabella, 42. Stephen, 42; ap. Brown, Betsy, 33. Charles S. 103; ap. 12. Claire, 104; ap. 12. Clara J., 103; ap. 12. Cotton S., 33. Daniel, 46, 69, 70, 103. p:dwin F., 103, 104; ap, 12. Ernest E., ap. 12. Ida, 76. Leta May, ap. 12, Martha, 103. Mary, 40, 69, 70, 103. Maude, 103. Maude Ij., ap. 12. Nellie Fay, 103; ap. 13. Nettie May, 103; ap. 12. Nevada, 103; ap. 12. Susan A., 87, 116 William E., ap. 12. Bryson, Susan, 121. Burgess, Caleb, 63. Rose Ann, 63. William, 95. Burke, J. H., 102. Marietta, 102. Mrs. P., 73. Burleigh, Ann E., 45, 66. Emily, 45. Sarah, 18, 21. Burley, James, 19. Josiah ,26. Burnham, llattie S., 116. S., 116. Burpee, Cora A., 83. Rice D., 83. Bursley,(or Birdsley) Araminda, ap. 11. Edith, ap. 11. Harry C., ap. 11. Lemuel, ap. 9, 11. Mary E.,ap. 9, 11. Mary M., ap, 11. Ruth \V., ap. 11. Sidney U.. ap. 11. Butler. Clara B., 86. William IL, 86. Cattery, lOllen, (i7, 140, ap. 16. Calkins, Alice, 97. ap. 9. Carrie, 97; ap. 9. Elcherd, ap. 9. Emey, ap. 9. Emily, 60, 97; ap. 9. Gilbert, 97; ap. 9. Harry, ap. 9. John, 60, 97. Julia, 97; ap. 9. Mary, 97; ap, 9. Maude, ap. 9. ISlaynard, ap. 9. Merville, 97, ap. 9. Caldwell, .Josephine, ap. 7, 8. Thomas, ap. 7. Thomas James, ap. 8. Campbell. Mary, ap. 4, 5. Carlisle. Cora A., 83. Daniel, 83. Emma L., 83. Etta M., 83. Evelyn A., 83. George A., 83. Jacob A. 57, 83. James W., 83. Josephine A., 83. Mary O., 57, 83. Patience C, 83. Walter S., 83. Carlton. Annie P., 114; ap. 15. .James P.. 114; ap. 15. Helen, ap. 15. Margaret, ap. 15. Carpenter, Anthony, 23. Helena, 2;^, 34. Carson, Abby E., 79, 112. Carrie, 112. Clarence H., 112. Eulalia E., 112, Fannie P., 112. llattie S., 112. Louise, 112. Mary E., 112. Mildred, 112. William C, 112. William T., 79, 112. Carver, Ada Byron, 75, 108. Angeiine, 108; ap. 14. Anna A., 108. C. Frank, 75; ap. 15. Clara F., ap. 15. Clara L., 75, 109; ap. 15. Cordelia Ann, 74, 108. Jennie, 108; ap. 14. L. 1)., ap. 16. Mary H., 74, 108. Mary S. Phiueas, 74; ap. 14. Ruby. Sarah W., ap. 14. William, 74, 108. Chamberlain, Abigail, 57. I'klvvard, 57. Chapman, Nancy B., (58; ap. 10. Chase, Helen, 68, Clallin, Edna B., ap. 8. Roy, ap, 8. Clark, Jacob, 5:5. Jane. 53; ap. 19. Clarke, Sarah K.. 57, 84. Claussen, L., 102, 122, Olive E.. 102. Clay, Marie, 50, 76. Clitlord, David, 37. Dolly, 21, 29. Ellzaljeth, 37, 56. Hannah, 37. Clough, Sarab, 27. Coburn, Eli/,al)eth, 57, 83. Herbert A., 8,3. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 35 Ooburn, Ina L., 83. John, 57, 83. Coffin, Deborah, 9, 11, 19, 34. Fred, 105. Jane, 19, 23, 34. Tristram, 9, 19. Cole, Catherine, 87. Colson, Alice R. 106. Charles R.,105. Eliza R., 105; ap. 16. Ezra S., 106. Hannah M., 73, 105, ap. 16. James M., 105. Mary A., 73, 105. Moses M., 105. Stanton E., 73, 105. Susan J., 106; ap. 16. Conant, Sarah, 83. Condon, Fannie C, 118. Frank C, 90, 118. Hamilton C, 118. Mary E-, 90, 118. Conner, George C. 112. Grace. 79, 112. James A. 79 112. Ralph C, 112. Cornell, Bessie M.. 120. Irena L., 98, 120. W. E., 98, 120. Corson, Anna, 83, 116. Cousins, Ichabod, 59. Sarah M., 68, 59, 60,90. Cox, Sadie, 78, 111. Crane, Harriet, ap. 3. Crough, Bessie Irene, 67. Cummings, Anna L., 98. Clara M., 98. Edwin K., 98. Emma E., 98. John. 63, 98. Lorena D., 63, 98. Cunningham, Delia M. 109, 124. Eliza. 46, 72. Emma Y., 73. Georgie, 124. Melvin, 109, 124. Miss. 73. Curtis, Amanda. 46, 47, 106. Betsey. 47, 75. Greenleaf P., 46, 73. Roy, 73. Cushman, Sarah E., 5. D Daines, Leonena, Darrin, Lena, 97, 119. Davis, Bertha F.. 118. Clarence, 118. Isaac, Lizzie J., 84, 115. Dearborn, Benjamin, 18. Hannah, 9, 18. Henry, 9. Reuben, 9. Thomas, 9. Deck, Fannie, 77. 89. DeCrow, Alena, ap. 14. Manter, ap. 14. Deerlng, Howard, ap. 5. Mary, ap. 5. Deets, Doris L. 121. Edith D., 99, 121. Fern A., 121. lia Vere R., 121. Russell W. 121. Ward A.. 121. William D., 99-121. De GrofT, Alice E., 100. Anna. 100. DeGroff, Bertha, 100. Burton L., 100. Elvira E., 63, 100. Hazel L., 100. James A., 63, 100. James L. 100. Lettie A., 100. Raymond V., 100. Degges, Margaret, 120. De Haven, Glenn, ap. 13. Mary B., 104. ap. 13. Myrtle, ap. 13. Oscar M.. 104: ap. 13. De Puy, William H., 60, 61. Devlin, Mrs., 54. Dewing, Dolphus, 79. Elmer A., 111. Ernest. 111. Henry E., 79, 111; ap. 15. Herman A., 111. J. P., Lillian, 79, 111; ap. 15. Lorinda, 111. William Howard, 111. Dickinson, Sally, 40. 60. Dllaway, Ellenora D., 105. Frank A., 105. George L., 105. Josephine, 105. Melissa, 7;^, 105. Samuel, 73, 105. Doane, Hannah, 46. Ruth, 71. Doe, Comfort, ;^6, 54. Douglass, Grace, 99. Kenneth, 99. R. E., 99. Dow, Jonathan, 31. Lulu, 109. Doyle, Mrs. W., ap. 7. Dodge, Adeline, 68; ap. 10. Almira, 68; ap. 10. Amasa T. C, 49, 67; ap 9. Ambi'ose J., ap. 10. Araminda, ap. 9, 11. Asaph, 68; ap. 10. Charles W., ap, 10. David Colcord. 68. David O.. 68; ap. 10. Elizabeth, 46, 67, 68, ap. 10, 11. Ellen J., ap. 10. Flavilla J. 68; ap. 10. Flavins O., ap. 10. Fred P., ap. 9. Grace F.. ap. 10. Harry O., ap. 10. Helen, 68; ap. 10. Henry O., ap. 10. Laura L., 68; ap. 10. Marcus N., 68; ap. 10. Margaret, 49; ap. 9. Mary Ann, ap. 9. Mary E., ap. 9, 11. Mary H.. 68; ap. 10. Nancy, 68; ap. 10. Orestes, ap. 9. Persis A., 68. Rebecca A., 68. Stephen L., 68; ap. 10. Susan R., 68; ap. 10. .Sydney, ap. 9. William, 68; ap. 10. William James, 46, 67. William O., ap. 10. Dowd, Josephine, 74, 108. Rose, 74, 108. Downs, Maude V., 118. Oscar D., 118. Stella, 118. 36 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Downs, William C, 118. Dudley, A. \V., 14. Hannah, 11, 14, 19. Samuel, 11, 13, 14, 19. Stephen, 11. Thomas, 11. Dutch, Marshall, 49. Sally. 49. Eastman, Moses, 30: ap. 2. Susanna, 30; ap. 2. Earle, ParmellaC, 51, 52, 79. Edwards, Benjamin J., 78. Charles W., 78. Clara L., 54, 78. Ephrlam A., 54, 78. George E.. 78. John P., 78. Justin, 78. Edgerly, Elizabeth Tate, 40, 41, 58. Jonathan, 41. Samuel, 41. Thomas, 41. Elliott, Farmer, ap. 13. Ellis, Rebecca H., 31, 46. Rosa H. ap. 10. ». Y., ap. 10. Emery. Betsey. 30, 44. Caleb, 31. David, 31. Erdnian, Clara M., 98. Otto E.. 98. Evans. Ann. 19. Mae. 99. Robert. 19. Stephen, 24. Fay, Jennie M., 78, 110. Fehren.son, Claude. 121. Eustatia, 99, 121. Fred, 121. Gale, 121. J. F., 99, 121. Ross, 121. Felbrlck, Dorothy. 2fi, 37. Jedidiah, 26, 37. Fellows, Hannah, 13. Fernald C. C, 68. Laura E., 73; 105. Ferris, Lizzie, ap. 16. Mabel, ap. 16. Susan J. 105; ap. 16. Willard W., 105; ap. 16. Field, Alpheus, 48, 75. Emily, 48, 75. Araasa, 75. Eliza, 75. Fifleld, Benjamin. 9, 10. Mary, 9. Fletcher. Clara A., 51. Doctor, 51. Lestina iO., 51, 78. Flinekln, Edna F., 116. J. B., 116. Fogg, Cora, K?, 116. Folsoni, Anna, 83. Comfort, 33. Klizabelh, 10, 13, 17. II at tie E., Ki. Peter, 10, 13. Fowler, Andrew, 108. Ann A., 198. Frank. Louisa, ap, 7. Frazer, Charlotte A., 63, 98. French, Elizabeth, 21. Nathaniel, 21. Fundy, Isabel, 49. Levi, 49. Gardener, Mary 79. Gardner, Mary, J., 49. Garland. Nancy, 42. Garrels, Meta E., 90, 95, 118. William G., 95. Garry, Louise, ap. 12. Gates, Devillo, 69. Ruth Ida, 69, 71. Gerdes, Jessie, 121. Lemuel, 121. Gibson, Lena M., 110. William E., 110. Gilbert D., ap. 19. L., ap. 10. Gilchrist, Kate, 74, 107. Gil key Archer, ap. 14. Henrietta, ap. 14. Nathan, ap. 14. Gilman, Abigail, 23. Anna W., 27, 35, Daniel, 23. Deborah, 27, 35. Hannah, 18, 23, 24, 38. Josiah, 18. Mary, Samuel, 24. Gilmaster, Carrie, 97; ap. 9. Goodell, Flavilla, 68. Raymond D., 68. Googin, Marietta, 106. Thomas M., 106. Wilbert G., 106. Gordon, Charlissa, 102. 122. Charles E., 102, 122. Fannie, ap. 4, 6. Laura M., 122. Mary, 13, 15, 19. Gore, Sarah, Goss, Mary, 91. Grant, Amelia, 79. E., 79. Grady, Abiah, 109. 124. Frank, 109, 124. Gray, Arthur, 84. Mary V., 84. Greaves, Cora K., 84, 116. Green, Alice S., 78, 111. Gregg, Dorothy E.. 112.- Ethel, 112. William, 112. Gregory, Sarah M., 90. Wilbur J., 90. Griffin, Amelia, 47, 48, 75; ap. 14. Clara, 75; ap. 14. Marietta, 75;:ap. 14. Nahum, 47, 75; ap. 14. Griffith, Josiah, 55. Mai-y, 36, 55. Grover, Charles F., 98; ap. 11. limnia E., 98; ap. 11. Glenn, ap. 11. Horace L., U. Guenter, Anna, 97, 119. Guise, Anna L., 98, 120. Gurdy, Elbert. 116. Hattie. 84, 116. Hattie G., 116. • Irene, 116. J. N., 84, U6. Gustin, Alfred R., ap. 7. Amos, ap. 7. Emily, 96; ap. 7. Giles, 60, 96; ap. 7. Giles Almond, 96; ap. 7. Grace, ap. 7. John, ap. 7. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 37 Gustin, Joseph, ap. 7. Julia E., 96; ap. 7. Kittie, ap. 7. Louisa, ap. 7. Nancy, 60, 61, 96; ap. 7, 19. Kalph B., ap. 7. WlUiara H., 96. H Ilall, Doreene. 98. GlennieP., 98. Ham. Clara, 83. Hamilton, :Martha, 84, 114. Hammond. Lucy U., 78, 111. Hannah, Ward, 121. Jennie, 121. Hantoon, Emily, 69. Harr, Kate, ap. 13. Nevada, 103; ap. 12. Harriman, Ella, ap. 14. Ferdinand, 75; ap. 14. James, ap. 14. Rebecca, 31, 46. Harvey, Joseph, 50, 76. Nancy, 50, 76. Mary A., 50, 76. Hasbrouck, Emily, 61, 96; ap. 7. Florence Jf., ap. 7. George I., ap. 7. Jesse, ap. 7. Major, 96, ap. 7. Haskell, Edith, 95, 118. Hatch, Charlotta, 42. Peter H., 42. Hayes, Ida M., 83. Minnie B„ 116. Hazen, Bertha. 100. Hazlett, Charles Colcord, 106. Eleanor T., 106. Hazel M., 106. Jonathan M., 106. Jonathan W., 106. Hersey, Alfred, ap. 14. Doris, ap. 14. Hannah, ap. 14. Lena, ap. 14. Hibbard, Lydia E., 79; ap. 1-5. Hiddibone, Miss, 49. Higgins, Elizabeth, ap. 9. William, ap. 9. Hill, Ella B., 113, 124. Hills, Sally, 27. Hinkley, Abby, 45, 67. Caroline, 77, 113. Hoag, Charles, 51. Laura, 51. Hobbs, Anna, 54, 77. Esther, 9. James, John, 9, 10, 52. Maurice, 10. Morris. Polly, 30, 46. Sarah, 9, 10, 27. Hodgen, Ellen M., ap. 4, 5. Mary F.„ ap. 5. Hodgdon, Ellen, ap. 4, 5. Hooper, J. C, 69. Marien G., 70. Hopkins, Mary F., 72, 107. House. Sarah, 49. Howard, Carl, ap. 11. Charles, ap. 11. Elizabeth, ap. 11. Ernest L., ap.U. Pauline M., ap. 11. Persis A., ap. U. Hubbard, Ethel. 112. George H., 79, 112. Hubbard, Homer, 112. Ida E., 79, 112. Ilutr, Lizzie, 75. Hun ton, Frank, Hurdan, Annie, ap. 10. Hussy, Mercy A., 53, 86. Hutchins, Elizabeth, ap. 10. Hutchinson, Abbie, 84, 114. Alfred J., 84, 114. Alfred P., 114. Annie P., 114; ap 15. Harriet II., 114; ap. 15. I Ingersoll, R. G., 81. Jacobs, Gertrude, 121. Jackson, Mary, 97, 119. James, Kinsley, Lois, 24, 37. Janvrin, Joseph A., 51, 75. Lydia Ann, 51, 75. Joseph E., 75. Jeffers, Clara M., 64, 66. C. P., 64. Jenness, Sally, 33. Johnson, Sarah E., ap. 12. Johnston, Elizabeth, ap. 9. Emily, ap. 9. Fannie L., ap. 9. Irving, ap. 9. James, 97; ap. 9. Laurant D., ap. 9. Mahlon, ap. 9. Mary E., 97; ap. 9. Minnie, ap. 9. Nina H., ap. 9. Sarah L., ap. 9. Jones, Clarissa, 69, 104. Claude, an. 13. Earle, ap. 13. Fay, 13. Frank, ap. 13. George, 1U4. Joanna, -51, 75. John, 69, 104. John A., 69. Kate, ap. 13. Mary B., 104; ap.l3. Oscar L., 104; ap. 13. Paul, ap. 13. Ruth F., 104; ap. 13. Walter, ap. 13. Jones, Clarissa, 69, 104. Claude, ap. 13. Earle, ap. 13. Fay, ap. 13. Frank, ap. 13. George, 104. J oanua, 51, 75. John, 69, 104. John A., 69. Mary B., 104. Oscar, 1U4. Paul. ap. 13. Ruth, 104. Walter, ap. 13. K Kennard, Mary, 42. Keuniston, Albion, 83, 116. Alice v., 116. Ella. 83. 116. Guy E.. 116. William B., 116. 38 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Kerr, Lizze, 73. Kibble, Alice P., ap. 14. See Errata. Amelia, ap. 14. Fannie P., ap. 14. See Errata. George, ap. 14. Hannah P., ap. 14. See Errata. Sarah, ap. 14 Kimball, Sarah, 35. Knapp, 151mer, 77. Mary, 77. Knight, Addle, ap. 8. Knowles. Hannah, 32, 50. Levi, 32. 50. Mary, 50. Simeon, 32, 50. Knowlton, John, 76. Kohler, Minnie, ap. 9. Ladd, Mehitable, 21, 17. Susan L., 79. Lane, Albert, 98. Charles N., 101. Edith M„ 98. Eunice, 24, 25. Jabez, 24, 25. Juliette M., 101. Martha J., 66, 101. Maurice, 120. Maxwell, 120. Samuel, 20, 25. William, 24. Lanpher, Abby, 74, 109. Abigail, 31, 48, 49. Augustus, 31, 49. Eliza, 49. Eunice, 31. 32, 49. William, 49. Laughlin, Jennie, 82. Law, Abigail, 63. Abigail E., ap. 12. Abram T., 98. Callan W., ap. 12. Catherine E., 98, ap. 11. C. Clifford, ap. 12. Edwin, ap. 12. Elizabeth E., ap. 12. Elzlna, 98. Frank, ap. 12. Harold O , ap. 12. Ivory O., 98, ap. 11. James A., 98. Katherine. 98. Leroy L., ap. 12. Lorena, 63. Lottie May, ap. 12. Louise, ap. 12. Lucy L., ap. 12. Nancy L., 9S. Pearl, ap. 12. Sarah E., ap. 12. Washington M., 63, 98. Washington, McK., ap. 12. Learned, Mary B., ap. 3, 4. LeCorapt, Edna L., 119. Lettie E., 119. Robert S., 119.! Susan, 97, ,119. Thomas, 97, 119. Libby, Edson A., 78, 111. Hannah A., 7S, 111. Maude P., 111. Mildred L., 111. Prudie M., 111. Sarah A., 111. Llnco'n, Lucy, 58. TJnerode, Fianna, 63, 99, 121. Lippencott, Marien G., 69, 102. Richard, ap. 18. Little, Elizabeth, 84. Rev., 84. Loechel, Louisa, 99, 121. Lord, Abby, 36, 55. Augustus, 55. Charles, 55. George C, 55. Hester, 55. Ida, 108. Josiah, 55. Morris, 36, 55. Randolph. 55. Susan, 45, 66. Lovejoy, Fannie C, ap. 16. Low, Ellen, ap. 16. Fannie Colcord, 46, 67, ap. 16. Hortense, ap. 16 Ira H.. 67, ap. 16. Ivory, 46, 67. Mary, ap. 16. Lufkin, Beatrice K., ap. 16. Marian M., 107. ap. 16. Rawson A., 107, ap. 16. Lyford, Lois, 24, 37. Theophilus, 24. M Maglathy, Annie, E., ap. 10. Charles S., 68; ap. 10. Clara A., ap. 10. Ellen J., ap. 10. FlavlUa, 68; ap. 10. J., 68; ap. 10. Susan R., 68; ap. 10. William, ap. 10. Malloon, Jerusha, 32. Mark, 32. Mallory, Harriet, 77. Marden, Rebecca, Towle, 46, 72. Marsh, Ann, 35. Dwight H., ap. 15. Frank W., 114, ap. 15. Harriet H., 114, ap. 15. Jeremia, 35. Marshall, Esther, 33, 50. Nancy, 30, 45. Rose A., 90, 118. Mason, Jane. 36. John, 49. Sally, 36. 42, 66. Samuel, 36. Sarah, 46. Mayhew, Fred, 103, ap. 13. Helen, ap. 13. Howard, ap. 13. Nellie Fay, 103, ap. 13. Nettie K., ap. 13. Oscar, ap. 13. Maynard. Julia L., 83, 113. McCornuick. Emma, 77, 106. McCuie, Addle, 83, 116. McDermott, Giles A., 96, ap. 7. Hazel L., ap. 7. Iva L., ap. 7. Josephine E., ap. 7. Julia, 96, ap. 7. Mahlon J., ap. 7. Myrtle C, ap. 7. Winifred, ap. 7. McFarland,i Eliza R., 105, ap. 16. Elmer L., ap. 16. Guy E., ap. 16. Montieth C. ap. 16. Laurence E.. 105, ap. 16. William A., 105, ap. 16. William R., ap. 16. McKay, Alice R., 105. McKinley, Carrie, 112. McKown, Josephine, 105. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 39 McMilliean, Rebecca, 60, 76. McMinnegal, Mary A., 78, 110. Medcalf, Louisa, 32. Meleny, Mary Ann, 67, ap. 9. Merrill, Lydia, 26, 37, 56. Merriweather, Isabel, 108. Messman, Abigail, 18. Ezekiel, 48. Mitchell, Alice V., 116. Moody, Edna B., ap. 8. Florence L. A., ap. 8. Fred K., 96. ap. 8. Orrel. 96, ap. 8. Paul B., ap. 8. Moore, Abigail, 27. Mary, 24, 38. Nora B., 98. William, 27. W.J., 64, 9.S. Morgan, Mary, 106. 107. Morrison, Sarah, 60, 97. Morton, Clara L., 102. T. B., 102. Moses, Theodore, 35. Mossman, Kliuira, 48. James, 48. Motley, Margaret, ap. 3. 4. Moulton, Kmma, 66. Eva, 77. William E., 77. Mudge, Paraelia J., 84. 115. Mugridge, Persis. 68. N Nasson, Elizabeth, 30, 42, 44. Niclcerson, Albion R.. 107. Augusta E., 107. Elizabeth A., 74, 107. Ethel Grace. 107. Harold W., 107. James William, 107. Katherine J., 107. Laura T., 107, ap. 16. Marian M., 107, ap. 16. Nettie J., 107. Ruth, 71. Wilber James, 74. Norcross, Arietta, 74, 108. Norris, Aurelia, 56, 84. Clara, 84. Elizabeth, 84. Thomas C, 56, 84. Over, Annette A., 99. Geo. A., 99. Page. Ann. 7. 9. Palmer. Lydia (Margaret) 57, 87. Mary F.. ap. 5. Philip M., ap. 5. Park, Abigail, 31, 47. Amelia, 31, 48. Parsons, I'aptain, 33, 38. Eunice, 20, 21, 22, 31. Josiah, 20, 33. Mary, 38. Rachel 19. 20, 24. Partridge, Ferdinand, ap. 14. Patten. Aaron. 29, ap. 1. Claudius, ap. 1. Colcord, 21, 29, ap. 1. Ichabod B., 29, ap. 1. Isaac, 29, ap. 1. Patten, James, 75, ap. 14. Mehitable, 21, 29, ap. 1. Ora. ap. 1, 2. William, 21, 29, ap. 1. ^\'illialn Aaron, ap. 1. William Colcord, ap 1. Paul, Laura L., ap. 10. Payson, Elizabeth, 37, 66. John P., 37. Pearce, James, 91. Jennie I.. 90. Pearl, Emma L., 98. George W., 98. Glennie, 98. John, 42. Mary H., 42. 43. Pearson, Mary, 22, 32, 38. Peck, Bertha, 96. Ethelyn M., 106. Zue G., 106. Peckham, Annette, 78. Chas. W.. 78. Joshua, 51, 52, 78. Sarah, T., 51, 78. Peet, A. Brainard. 96, 108. Bertha, 96, 108. Donald C, ap. 8. Eliza, 60, 61, 96, ap. 8. Elvina E., 96, ap. 8. Flora R., 96, ap. 8. Jacob, 60, 61, 96. John. 61. Lillian, 96. Morton D., 96. Orrel, 96, ap. 8. Rolland, ap. 8. Sarah. 60. 95. Wallace R., 96. Pendleton, Alena, ap. 14. Amelia, 74, ap. 14. Fannie, ap. 14. George W., 74, ap. 14. Plannah, ap. 14. May, 109. Nancy, 48. Sarah, ap. 14. Pentz, Laura Ij., 68; ap. 10. Perham, Elizabeth, 53, 79. Perkins, Daniel M., 83. Esther Ann, 51. Harriet L., ap. 6. Jeremiah, 51. Moses B., ap. 6. Pettingill, Ann, ap. 2. Eleanor, 30, ap. 2, 3. Margery S., 89. Peugh, Alice C, 99, 121. Fay, 121. Gertrude, 121. Jennie, 121. Jessie. 121. Kenneth. 121. Lewis, 99, 121. RO.SS. 121. Ruth, 121. .Susan, 121. Phalen, Hetty, 51. Phelps, Anna, 100. Phillips, Adrian, 104, ap. 13. Auiiustus R., ap. 13. Clara, 69. 104, ap. 13. Ernest H.. ap. 13. Fred P. ap. 13. Lillian, ap. 13. Pike, EmmaS., 64, 101. Frances, 83. Piper, Abigail, 49. Pitkin, Esther, ap. 4, 6. Susie, ap. 4. Pitman, Maude. 99, 121. 40 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Plaisted, Betsy, 40, 41. Ivory, 41. Joseph, 40. Plant, Frances W., 53, 82. Pomeroy, Betsy T., 51, 79. Candice, 79;;ap. 15. Enoch. 51, 78, 79. George E., 79, ap. 15. Hibbard G., ap. 15. Luna E..ap. 15. Luna L., 79. Lydia F., ap. 15. Mary A., 79. Mary. E., ap. 15. Post, Truman, 60. Pots, Augustus. 72, 107. Aurilla, 72, 107. Edward. 107. Lena, 107. Leta, 107. Prescott, Fannie, 33. Prouty, Flavilla, 72. George, 72. Radford, Addie, ap. 8. Bertha, ap. 8. Emily, 53, 86. Rees, Clayton W., ap. 8. Ethel, ap. 8. Elvina E., 96, ap. 8. Glenn M., ap. 8. Harry P.. ap. 8. Mildred M., ap. 8. Raymond D., ap. 8. Ruth Orrel, ap. 8. Thomas B., 96, ap. 8. Rice, Caroline, ap. 4, 5. Richards, Anna, 87. Riggs, Angle P., 98, 120. Clark, 98, 120. John, 120. Robert, 120. Rimmele, Annie, 105. Roberts, L. D., 79. Susan O., 66, 101. Robie, Anna R., 28. Robinson, Anna, 22, 32, 35. Charles, 32, 35. Rodman, Elizabeth. 45, 67. James R., 3.3. Rogers, Nathaniel, 23. Sarah M., ap. 3, 4. William, 50, Rosenbaum, Ebenezer, ap. 10. Levi, 6S; ap. 10. Mary H., 68, 69; ap. 10. Rosa H., ap. 10. Susan Ellen, ap. 10. William Adolph, ap. 10. Rounds, Hattie, 101. Russell, Eliza, 40, 42. 64. Fannie, 22, 23, 33. Mary, 83. Ruth, Mabel E., 89. Saflord, Sally, 33. William, 33. Sampson, Henry, 83. Jennie, 83. Mehitable, 35, 52. Sanborn, Samuel, 11, 17. Sanders, Elizabeth, 68; ap. 10. Ella F., ap. 10. Ida. ap. 10. J. L., 68; ap. 10. Sargeant, Eunice, 33. Sawyer, Charles, ap. 15. Clara F., ap, 15. Ralph, ap. 15. Theodore, ap. 15. Schultz, Alice L., 113. Carolyn H., 113. Charles A., IVX Scoresby, Harriet, 76, 109. Thomas, 76. Scott, Josephine A., 102, 121. Seavy, Helen, 68; ap. 10. Seawell, Louise, 112. Shattuck. Amanda, 117. Anna S., 78. Shepard. Mary, 24. 36. Sherer, Elizabeth, 60, 97. Shively, Mary A., 63, 98. Slater, Benjamin, 87, 89. Cora Ann, 87, 89. Fannie, 89. Fred C. 89. George B., 89. Harry C. 89. Jerome M., S9. Lillian M., 89. Mabel E.,89. Margery S., 89. Walter M., 89. Sleeper, Jonathan F.. 16. Mary. 13. 16. Thomas. 13, 16. Smart, Fannie, 116. Hannah, 48, 75. Rebecca, 31, 46. Smith, Charles E., 83. Elzina, 40, 63; ap. 25. Emily M.. 69. Ettie M., 83. Sarah, 51, 57, 77. William E'., 36. Snow, Blanche, 49. Moses, 32. Nancy, 32. Sparge, Albert, ap. 14. Fannie, ap. 14. Howard, ap. 14. Sparrie, Mary, 77. Sparrow, Ann, 49. Spear, Kate, 57, 113. Spencer, Luella P., 69, 70, 102. Staudlsh, Miles, ap. 18. Stanley, Alma M., 112. Charles C, 112. Staub, H. H., 79. Jennie C, 79. Stearnes. Almira, 68; ap. 10. Steele, Olive, 37, 57. Stetson, Bertha E., 79, 112. Stevens, A., ap. 3. Eben, 17, 27. John, ap. 4. John P., 11. Katherine. 11. Mary, 17, 18. 27. Mehitable, 9, 11, 18. Nathaniel. 9, 11. Patience, 20, 26. Sarah, ap. 4. Stephens, Abigail, 27. Stewart, Arta, 98, 120. Bernice A.. 120. Bertha B., 98. Earl A., 120. Edward M., 98. Elmer E.. 120. Lelia E., 120. Lynn. 120. Maude K., 120. Sylvia 8., 120. COLCORD GENEALOGY. 41 Stilkey, Augustus, 69, 104. Clara A.. 104, ap. 13. Emily. 69, 104. Prudence. 104. Stimson, Alice M., ap. 4, 6. Alice \V., ap. 6. Barbara, ap. 6. Dorothy, ap. 6. Henry A., ap. 4. Henry B., ap. 6. Julia C, ap. 6. Lucille H., ap. 6. Philip M., ap. 6. Stone, Alfreda, 66. Nathaniel, 66. Swan, Iva, 102. Sweetser, Jennie, 108, 12;^. Swett, Alice, 54. Asa, 54. Emily, 54. John, 54. Josiah, 54. Mary, 54. Mercy, 54. Meribaugh, 54. Rachael, 36, 54. Stephen, 36, 53, 54. Taggart, Sarah, 60, 97. Tasker, Oliver A., 83. Temple, Candice, 79, ap. 15. Chauncey, 79 ap. 15. Luna C, ap. 15. Tibbltts, Frank, 95. Israel, 58, 95. Louise, 95. Mary E., 58, 95. Terpenny, Mary A. 63. Orro, 63. Titcomb, Flora A., 86, 113. Titraore, Annette, 78. Thompson, Luella, 83, 116. M. B., ap. 10. Thorpe, Catherine, 98 ap. 11. Thyng, Bartholomew, 12. Eliphalet, 19, 27. Josiah. 19. Hannah, 19, 27, 37, 56. Tourtelotte, Lillian, ap. 13. Tousley, A. M., 104, ap. 13. Clara M,, ap. 13. Clyde, ap. 13. Ruth F„ 104, ap. 13. Towle, Abigail, 36, 49, 56. Ann, 49. Ann R.. 28, 34, 51, 55. Anthony, 27, -55. Betsey. 34, 55. Betsey M., 36. Blanche, 49. Caleb, 28. David, 49. Eliza, 49. Eliza A.. 5b, 86. Harlow B.. 111. Henry P., 49. Isabel, 49. Jonathan, 27. Josiah, 31, 49. Julia T., 111. Margaret, 49, ap. 9. Mary Jane, 49. Philip. 28, 49. Polly, 31, 32. 49, ap. 9. Reuben, 9, 27, 34, 52. Sarah, 9. Towne. Sarah, 16, 56, 84. Townsend, Frances E., 82, 112. Trlbble, Ada. 102. Fred B., 102. True, Thomas, 49. Turner, Abigail, 49. Alice, 121. Clara L., 102, 122. Irene, 121. Tuxbury, Mary, 32, 49. Twining, William, 59. Tyrell, Olive E., 69, 102. u utter, Fred, 103, ap. 12. Gail, ap. 13. Nellie A. ap. 13. Nettie May, 103. ap. 13. V Van Duzee, Deborah. 35. (■ieorge, 35. w Walden, Anna, 27. Walker. Clarissa, ap. 2, 5. Wallace, Sarah L., 73, 106. Walton, Lavira A., 58. Walser, Frank W., 99. Nellie L., 99. 100. Watson. Caroline, 33. Wear. Hon. Mesheck, 41. Webber, Amelia, 74, ap. 14. Augustus, 47, 48, 74. Celia A., 74. Clifton, 74, ap. 14. Ernest, ap. 14. Hannah A. 74, ap. 14. Harry, ap. 14. Henry A., 74, ap. 14. Joseph, ap. 14. Katherine, ap. 14. Leroy, ap. 14. Louisa, ap. 14. Matilda, 47, 48. Percy, ap. 14. Sarah, 74. ap. 14. Villa, 74, ap. 14. Webster, Araminda, ap. 9. 11. Blanche, ap. 11. Charles, ap. 9, 11. Clara T., 42, 43, 69. Daniel, 26, 40. Ebenezer, 40. Hannah, 40, 58. Margaret, ap. 11. Weeks, Clara, 51. Jonathan, 34. Joseph, 34. .loshua, 34. Samuel, 34. Sarah, 34. Weldon, A., ap. 12. Howard, ap. 12. Maude, ap. 12. Wentworth, Anne Y., 73. Roxanna, 54, 77. West, Eliza, 74, 109. Martha. 46, 66, 69. Whiddon, Rachael, 24, 35. White, Mary Ann, 48. Whitney, A. D., 79, 111; ap. 15. AUoway, 111. Anna E., 78, 110. Bernice, 110. Charles, 110. Edith M., 110. Foster C, 110. 42 COLCORD GENEALOGY. Whitney. Glenna P.. 110. Harlow. 111. Helen, HI. Henry K.. 110. John L., 78, 110. Joseph H., 111. LuluG., 110. Maria M., 79. Ill; ap. 15. Maude H.. 110. Nellie C 110. OrloffH., 110. Whitum. Eliza. 75. AViggin, John 36. Judith. 53. Wiggins. Mary 59. Williams. Mrs. (Burke). 73. Cyrus. 77. Effle, 77. John. 77. >> John H.. 77. Laura, 77. Martha, 77. Williamson, A. P., 77. Eleanor. 77. Wilson, Katherine K.. 107. William W., 107. Windus, Mary L., 64, 100. Wingate, Nancy C, 55, 86. Winter, Clara J., 103; ap. 12. Helen, ap. 12. Joseph, 103; ap. 12. Ralph, ap. 12. Wise, Lillian, 74. 10,s. Wolverton, Algernon, 90. Fannie, 90. Woodman, Clifford W., 73. Polly, 29, 40. Susan R., 73. Woods, Chas. D., 106, 107. Harry J., 72, 106. Maria N., 72, 106. Mary, 106, 107. Worthen. Adeline. 57. Wrench, Flora, 96; ap. 8. Gertrude, ap. S. Maude L., ap. 8. Orrel, ap. 8. Thomas, 96; ap. 8. Wyman, Ward, 66. Sarah J., 66. Young, Amanda, 46, 73. Annie, 73. Emma, 73. Fred. 7:3. Hannah E., 75. Lizzie, 73. Mary M., ap. 11. R. M., 7-5. Sydney, ap. 11. William S.. 46. 73. H185 ^ .' \. / .v:^s?,^-- u ^ -'i % ^ •--•\ ,/^,.'-.--\ /.-■'■,•-.> y,v-°--'^ °(A\ ■>< - /\ ^°^W^^- .^^'\ '^S /\ .^-^vv '^0^ < V ^ « « o - -U '^ '»/■.• O, O^ * o « o ' -C * V ^^ • • " A 11' ^•^ >.--.^\V^ S- x^!^ jU'-f't: 8 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962