■A ■ K3 itt BATTLE HYMN OF DEMOCRACY DEDICATED TO THE NATIONS FIGHTING FOR WORLD-WIDE LIBERTY BY Robert James Kellogg (Edition with words only) COPYRIGHT 1917 BY ROBERT J. KELLOGG (all rights, including those of reproduction, setting to music, and translation, reserved) Decatur, Illinois. U. S. A. 1917 PRICES: PER COPY, 5 CTS,; PER DOZEN, 4QCTS.: PER FIFTY, $1 SO; PER HUNDRED, $2,50 A BATTLE HYMN OF DEMOCRACY DEDICATED TO THE NATIONS FIGHTING FOR WORLD-WIDE LIBERTY BY ROBERT JAMES KELLOGG T] 52 £ Arise in might, ye sons of Freedom, . K3 To strive for right against the strong, For helpless peoples crusht and bleeding Beneath the iron heel of wrong, For hearths and temples desolated, For freemen dragged away as slaves, For babes who sleep in ocean caves, For faith of nations violated — God, give us strength for Thee ! for Truth that makes men free ! God, give strength, give strength to win or die for Liberty ! The tyrants set themselves together To work their will with ruthless might ; They bound the nations in their tether With impious claim of God-lent right ; Thru centuries they tore and mangled The hopes of men, and knit their power To break in pieces and devour ; They rear'd their thrones on Freedom strangled. God, give us strength for Thee ! for Truth that makes men free ! God, give strength, give strength to win or die for Liberty ! Lord, help us break their bands asunder ! Fulfill Thy promise to the meek ! Rebuke in battle-tones of thunder ! ■ v ". : Divide the spoil ! defend the weak ! Confuse the hosts of wrong and error ! Break every tyrant chain, and give To nations all the right to live In peace unawed by ruthless terror. God, give us strength for Thee ! for Truth that makes men free ! God, give strength, give strength to win or die for Liberty ! MAVI7l9 fecu.. G2509 At last the age-long night has parted, And dawns God's Day of Liberty ; From Him who heals the broken-hearted And sets the bruised captive free — From Him have freemen learn'd the story Of brotherhood and equal laws. God, may the fight in Mankind's Cause For Right and Justice be our glory ! God, give us strength for Thee ! for Truth that makes men free ! God, give strength, give strength to win or die for Liberty ! The fire at Runnimede once lighted, That burst at Lexington to flame, Has girdled lands long-time benighted, And nations wake at Freedom's name ; From Europe, Africans and Asians, From Austral fields and Western steeps Triumphant hosts of Freedom sweep To conquer peace for men and nations. God, give us strength for Thee ! for Truth that makes men free ! God, give strength, give strength to win or die for Liberty ! The crowning conflict of the Ages — The fight to make the whole World free! God, strengthen while the battle rages From land to land and sea to sea ! God, keep us clean from every treason, That firm and true our hearts may be And know no fear save fear of Thee ! God, give us Peace in Thy good season ! We yield our all to Thee for Truth that makes men free — O God, give strength, give strength to live and die for Liberty ! Millikin University, May 8, 1917. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 546 779 ft i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 546 779 Ai Hollinger Corp. pH8.5