^^<^. o 0^ ° ^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress Iittp://www.arcliive.org/details/vitalrecordsofwo01wood VITAL RECORDS OF WOODSTOCK 1686-1854 HARTFORD The Case. Lockwood & Brainard Co. 1914 IS -^^b'1 /-/6 ./'.. Ccrfi^f PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Lucius Barnes Barbour Newton Case Brainard 0. of D, t AR Lx .. S TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface . Prefatory Note Vital Statistics No. i Vital Statistics No. 2 First Book of Records Book of Births Index of Names . Index of Places . ti xiii I 85 359 489 523 619 PREFACE This volume is a continuation of the Vital Record Series of Connecticut, the first being the records of the towns of Bolton and Vernon, published by the Connecticut Historical Society, 1909, and the second and third of the town of Norwich, published by the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut, 1913. The Records of Woodstock have lately been repaired and entries on the margins of the leaves are missing in many places, as will be observed from the text. Where possible the missing information has been supplied from the Church Records and other sources and this has been bracketed. The thanks of the Committee are due to the courtesy of Mr. Frank E. Barrett, of North Woodstock, the present town clerk, for his assistance in the prosecution of this task and to Miss Irene Howe Mix, of Hartford, for the careful proof-reading and indexing. PREFATORY NOTE Woodstock was incorporated as a town in 1690 by Massa- chusetts, althoug"h the first settlement there was as early as April 1686, and was known as New Roxbury or Quatosett. The land was granted in 1663 by the Colony of Massachusetts to the town of Roxbury and practically all of its first settlers came from there. The leaders in its settlement were Peter Aspinwall, Thomas Bacon, Henry Bowen, Matthew Davis, John Frissell, Nathaniel Geary, Benjamin Griggs, George Griggs, Joseph Lord, John Marcy, Ebenezer Morris, Benjamin Sabin and Jonathan Smithers. Not all of these remained there, but the company was soon augmented by others from Roxbury. Woodstock was a part of Massachusetts until May, 1749, since which time it has been under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. It comprises nearly sixty square, miles, and its population from 1756 to 19 10 has been as follows : 1756 1366 1774 2054 1790 '^■14^ 1800 2463 I8I0 2654 1820 3017 1830 2917 1840 3053 1850 3381 i86q 3285 1870 2955 1880 2639 1890 2309 1900 2095 1910 1849 ^^^n ^f +,., — J *-U_ f-*! , 1 _j; -VTir- _ J ^j _ ^ irches of Woodstock are extant and they have been printed serially in the Putnam Patriot, a weekly newspaper of Windham County. A comprehensive history of Woodstock has been ably written by Miss Ellen Larned in her History of Windham County Con- necticut. VITAL STATISTICS NO. 1, 1686-1744 [Of the original volume which is herewith reproduced there is in existence and in constant use a copy, made by Elisha Child, Town Clerk of Woodstock, 1 763-1 783. This copy contains entries which do not appear in the original and their source is not known. These are printed in italics. The original has been preserved by the Emery process and the new paginatioa is followed. The first leaf contains cattlemarks only and the vital records begin on page 3 and extend through page 82. The remainder of the volume contains the Town and Proprietor's Records of the South-Half of the town.] [3] ^ Curiam's ofific^ Booke. April 9: 1690 John Holmes and Hannah Newel Maryed march 26: 1691 Hannah Holmes Daughter of John Holmes -& hanah his wife Borne April 18: 1689 Sam" Rice Son of Sam" Rice the ist fon in "the town Borne March 28**" 1691 Martha Rice Daughter of Sam" Rice Borne feb'': Q.'j'. 1690/1 Math Davis and Margrett Corbin Maried May 30: 89 Steven Seabin fon of Benj° Seabin and Sarah his wife Born Novenb^: 13 89: Sarah the wife of Sam" lyon Died. Decemb^ 17*^'^: 89 John Mercy son of John Mercy and sarah liis wife borne 9^'" 6: 1686 Nath" Gary fon of Nath" Gary born feb"" 6: 88 or 9 Hannah Gary Davght'" of Nath" Gary Borne April. 6: 91 Sarah Gary Davght^ of Nath" Gary borne. March : 14 89 : or 90 Arther humphrey Son of Arther humph- Tey Borne Novemb'" Nathaniel Johnfon of Woodftock and hannah had- ley of Branford maried: Abigail Johnfon Davghf of Nathaniel Johnfon Borne Jan II : 1691/2 Jofeph ffrissel and Abigail Bartholomew Mar- ied May 3 : 89 Jn° Hubbard Son of Jn° Hubbard & Rebacke Born aug^* 7: 89 Rebecah Bacon Davghl^ of Tho Bacon Borne ffeb' 2 : 91/2 Experience Bacon Davghf of Tho Bacon Borne ffeb'': 15: 91/2 Damorous Corbitt Davgh'" of Rob'"''* Corbitt Borne 9^1- 23 1691 Jofeph Peak fon of Jonath Peak born 29 June 1692 John Johnfon fon of John Johnfon born 1692 aug^' 18 John Rice fon of Sam" Rice born 1692 aprill 10 Benj^ Leavins fon of Jn° & Elizabeth Levens "born 2 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS , 1692 aug^* 22 Eben'' Humphry fon of Arther Humphrey bor v^ Jabiz Corbin and Mary Mofs maryed ^' Capr Standly Ehenezer Morrifs and Sarah Davis were Married by Cap^ Sewall Sep^ i^* 1692 1692 9^'" John Chandler & Mary Raymond Maryed ^ Capt° A return of M" Josiah Dimght of Such Perfons as were married by him in Woodstock James Corbin and Hannah Eastman April f"^ i6c)'j John Morfs and Hannah Williams May id"^ i6py William Coit and Sarah Chandler June cf-'^ id^y Peter Morfs and Prif cilia Carpenter Decern'^ 22^ i6p8 Peter Afpinwal and Elisabeth Leavins March 24^^ i6p8/p Edmund Chamberlin & Elifabeth Bartholom"^ Novem'' 21^^ 1699 James Leavens and Mary Chamberlin Novem' 21^^ lopp Nathaniel Afpinwall and Abigail Bowen were Married by the Rev^ Nehemiah Walter Novem"" 11^'^ 1698 Benjamin Griggs'^ & Patience Griggs June 18^^ I'joi Samuel Bugbee and Dorothy Carpenter of this Town were Married January 26^^ 1701/2 David Bifhop and Rebecca Hubbard both of Woodstock were Married february 4^^ 1^01/2 Married by the Rev^ Jofiah Dzvight Samuel Warner and Mehetabel Sabin January 2^ 1694/5 John Coit and Mehetabel Chandler June 2^"^ 1^95 Benjamin Miller and Mary Johnfon Sep^"^ 18^ 1695 John Scarbrough and Mehetabel Bugbee Ocf if-^, 1695 John Bugbee & Abigail C orbit July 10^^ 1696 [ ] y^"" [ 1 J^^° ffrizel fon of Joseph &: Abigail frizel born Septem^ 2^ 1692 [4] An Gary Daughf of Nath" & ann Gary Born Jan'' 25 1692/3 Efter Deming Daughter of Jofeph and Mary Deming born the 13 day of april 1693. James Mercy Son of Jn° Mercy ^ Sarah his wife born feb'": 26 1693 Grace Morris Davghf of Edw*^ Morris ^ Eliz: his wife born 9^'': 14 1692 Sarah Morris Daughf of Ebben'" Morris ^ Sarah his wife , Borne 29 June 1693 *- Tho Corbin fon of Jabiz Corbin ^' mary his wife born June 26. 1693 Davis fon of Math Dauis ^ Margrett his wife born Aug^* 18: died: 22 1693 Dauid Sang'' son of Nath" Sang'' by Mary his wife born 31^' aug^* 1693 * First written "Sabin." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 3 John Chandler fon of John Chandler ^' Mary his wife born Octob^: 18 1693 , Hannah Johnson Davght'" of Nathan" Johnfon ^ Hannah his wife born: S""": 31 1693 David Knight Son of David Knight ^1 Sarah his wife born 10'"': 12 1693 Hannah Peak Davghf of Jonath Peak ^ Hannah his wife J born: 9'''": 14 1693 Daniell Corbitt fon of Rob'"'^ Corbit ^ Abiel his wife born Decern^ 29: 1693 Jan'' 31^' 1693 Sarah frifsel Davght of Joseph frifsel by Abigail his wife Borne. Joshua Gary fon of Nathaniel Gary ^ Ann his wife Borne Apr" 4: 1694 July 2,J 1694 Timothy Sabin fon of Benj^ Sabin by Sarah his wife Born Noif 4^^ i6p4 Rebecca Carpenter Davghf of John Carpenter by Rebecca his wife born 9'"': 23 Ann Deming Davghf of Jofeph Deming ^ mary hif wife Born lo^'": II Dorcas corbin Davghf of Jabiz Corbin ^ mary his >/ wife Born Henry Bacon fon of Joseph Bacon by margret his wife Born 9^'" 20 Mary Morris Davght^ of Ebben'' Morris ^^^ Sarah his wife born march 23 : 1694/5 Abigail Morris Davght'" of Edw'^ Morris ^ Eliz. his wife Born October 25 1694 Thomas Bacon fon of Tho Bacon By Rebecca his wife Born aprill 10*'' 1695 Jacob Holmes Son of James Holmes by Jane his Wife Born May if^ i6q5 John Holmes Son of John Holmes by Hannah his Born June 28^ 1695 Rachel Daughter of Arthur Humphry by Rachel his Wife Born June ^^'^ 1695 Edward Son of John Marcy by Sarah his Wife Born June 28^'^ 1695 Mary Johnson Daughter of John Johnson by Margaret his Wife Born July 28^^ 1695 Jonathan Sanger Son of Nathaniel Sanger by Mary his Wife Born Septenf 8^^ 1695 Mary Perin Daughter of Samuel Perin by Mehetable his Wife Born Sept 18^^ 1695 Benjamin Warner Son of Samuel Warner by Mehetabel his Wife Born Novem^ 29*-'^ 1695 4 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lydia Johnson Daughter of Nathaniel Johnson by Hannah his Wife Born Decern j*^ i6g5 Sarah Knight Daughter of David Knight by Sarah his Wife Born Decern^ 0^^ i(>95 Mehetabel Leavens Daughter of John and Elifabeth Leavens born Febr^ s^ ^-^95/^ v/' Dorcas Daughter of Jonathan Peake by Hannah his Wife Born Febr^ 2p^^ ^6g^/6 Jofhua Chandler Son of John Chandler by Mary his Wife Born Febru^ p**' ^^95/^ Margaret Daughter of Joseph Bacon by Margaret Hs Wife born Octo^ p*^ 1689 Elifabeth Daughter of Joseph Bacon by his Wife Margaret Born Octo"" 19^^ 1691 Elisha Gary Son of Nathaniel Gary by Anne his Wife Born ^ June 8^'^ 1696 v'' Jabez Corbin Son of Jabez Corbin by Mary his Wife Born January 4^^ i6p6// Bithiah Bugbee Daughter of John Bugbee by Abiel his wife Born Sept'' s^ ^^9^^ Hezekiah Sabin son of John Sabin by Sarah his Wife Born Novem'^ 5*'' i6q2 John Sabin Son of John Sabin by Sarah his Wife Born January 28'^ 1694/5 [5] In the 1696/7 y"" March th: i Was born anna Carpender the daughter of John Carpender by Rebeka his wife 96/7 March 22 was born Margret Morise the daughter of Ebenezer Morise by Sarah his wife, 97 Aprl 23 was born Criftofur Sitton the fon of Benjamin Sitton ^ Lidia his wife Noah Sabin fon of John Sabin by Sarah his wife born Jana 27 1696/7 Mehetable Gary the daughter of Nathanel Gary ^ by ann his wife born July: 11: 1697 Sarah Warner the daughter of Samuel Warner by Mehetabel his wife, born September 13 1697 and deed Janu'' 22 1697/8 Robert Corbit Died Sept 18^ 1695 Elifha Gary fon of Nathaniel & Anne Gary Died August sS*'^ 1696 mehetabel Perin the daugh'' of Samuel perin by mehetabel his wife born march 29 & died april 12 1697 Abigal frifel Daughter of Joseph frisel by abigal his wife born October 23 1695 Hannah frifel the daughter of Jofeph frifel by abigail his wife born octo 18-1697 Sarah Johnfon the daughter of Nathanel Johnfon by hannah his wife born December 15 1697 & deed Janua 15 1697/8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 5 Anna dwight the daughter of M*" Jofiah Dwight by mary his wife born octo 10 1697 Isaac Johnfon the fon of John Johnfon ^ Margrit his wife born Decern 23 1697 Jofeph Marcy the fon of John marcy ^ by Sarah his wife born Sep 18 1697 Mary Bacon the daughter of Jofeph Bacon by margrit his wife born September 24 1696/7 ^ Samuel Perin fon of Samuel Perin born in ^ by mehetable his wife march 13 1697/8 Beththiah Peake the daughter of Jonathan Peake by hannah his wife born Febua 20 1697/8 William Gary the fon of william Gary by Sufana his wife born Janua 24: 1697/8 Thankfull holmes the daughter of James holmes by hannah ^ his wife born September 11 1690 James holmes the Son of James holmes by hannah ^ his wife born may 14 1692 Thomas- Holmes the Son of James holmes by hannah ^ his wife born may 4 1698 [6] Elezer Sanger the fon of Nathanel Sanger by mary his wife born march 6 1697/8 Sarah taylor the daughtei*-©f Samuel taylor by mary his wife born April 8 1698 - William Chandler fon of John Chandler by Mary his wife bom Novemb^ 3:1698 Penuel Deming the fon of Jofeph Deming by mary his wife born Jully 11 : 1696 Ann Umphry the daughter of Aurthur Umphry by Reachel his wife born July the 3 : 1698 John Dwight the Son of m"^ Jofiah Dwight by mary his wife born Nouember the : 7 : 1698 Ebennezer holmnes the fon of John holmnes by hannah his wife born febrery 13 1695/6. John Corbin the fon of Jabez Corbin ^' by mary his wife born II day of December 1698 Clemment Corbin the fon of James Corbin by hannah his wife born febrery 17 1698 Nathaniel Jonfon Se*" deceafed febuary 14 1698/9 in woodf Rebackah miller the daughter of Beniamin miller by mary his wife born Decembr 5 1698 Mary deming the daughter of Jofeph Deming by mary his wife bom Jenuery 2 1698/9 Nathanael Jonfon the fon of Nathanael Johnfon ^ by han- nah his wife born January 23 1698/9 1 Date overwritten to read " Nouember 24 1696." 2 Overwritten to read " Joana." 6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Mehetabel wamner the daughter of Samuel warnner by Mehetbl his wife born December 22 1698 Margret holmes the daughter of John holmes by hannah his wife born march 16: 1698/9 Ebennezer Morris the fon of Ebennezer Morris by farah his wife born febuary 26 1698/9 Mary Gary the daughter of Nathanael Gary by ann his wife born July: 20: 1699 Rebeckah Scarbrough the daughter of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born may 7 : 1699 : Mehetabel Afpinwall the daughter of Nathanael Afpinwall by Abigail his wife born September 7. 99 Benjamin Bugbe the fon of John bugbe by Abiah his wife born September 3 99 John bugbe the Son o Jofeph bugbe by mehetable his wife born Augft 11 99 [7] Sufanna Lion the Daughter of John lion by Elifabeth his wife born Sept 29-99 Ifaac bartholomew the son of Isaac barthalomew born Nouem- ber 18 99 Mary Chandler daughter of John Chandler ^ Mary his wife born Apr" 20*'' 1700 Jofeph ffrifel the fon of Jofeph ffrifel by Abigail his wife born October 3 1699 Abraham Perin the Son of Samuel Perin by mehetabel his wife born march 21 1700 Rachel holmes the Daught of James holmes by Jayen his wife born march 24 1699-700 Mary Corbin the Daughter of James Corbin by hannah his wife born february 5 1699-700 John Mors the fon of Peter mors by prifcillah his wife bom December 29 1699 Abigail Peak born 7 april 1700 the Daughter of Jonathan Peak by hannah his wife Benjamin Marcy the Son of John marcy by Sarah his wife born march y® i 1699-700 Anna marcy the daughter of John marcy by Sarah his wife born October the feuenth 1687 in Roxbury Jofeph Bacon the fon of Jofeph Bacon by margret his wife bourn the 29 day of Augft 1700 Elifabeth Taylor the daughter of Samuel Taylor by Mary his wife bourn the 4 day Augft 1700 margret dauis the daughter of Mathew dauis by margret his wife born 7 day of febuary 1699 William Lion the Son of william Lion by debraah his wife born 26 of octob'" 1700 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 7 Edmund Chamberlin the fon of Edmund Chamberlin by Elifa- beth his wife born Auguft 23 1700 Edward John fon the fon of John Johnfon by margret his wife born Sept 6. 1700 Jofeph Corbin the fon of Jabez Corbin by mary his wife born December 14: 1700 & died y^ 20 day of December I'joo [8] Nathanael Child the fon of John Child by Elifebath his wife born September 3, 1699 Samuel Child the fon of Jo/iw Child by Elifabeth his wife born September 25, 1700 died Same week Hannah Leauens the daughter of James Leauens by mary his wife born Nouemb 18 1700 Samuel Warnner the son of Samuel Warnner by Mehetabel his wife born febuery 19: 1700/1 Phebe Richard fon the daughter of Zacharyah Richard by Mehetable his wife born febua 21: 1700: i Rachel Gary the daughter of Nathanaell Gary by anne his wife born march 16 1700/1 Mehetable umphery the daughter of arthur umphery by Rachel liis wife born 22 day of Augft 1700 Mary mors the daughter of Peter mors by prifcila his wife born may 3. 1701 Sarah Johnfon the Daughter of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born Auguft 17 died Auguft 31 i7o[ ] mary frifel' the daugter of Jofeph frifel by Abigail his wife born July 8: 1701 Jofeph Miller of middletown and Rebekah Johnfon of this town Married Nouember 28 1701 married by m"" Jofiah D wight Jofeph Morris the fon of Ebennezer Morris by Sarah his wife born Nouembe"" 6: 1701 Samuel Child the fon of John Child by Elifabeth his wife born January 27. 1 701/2 James Corbin the fon of James Corbin by hannah his wife born febu 24 1 701/2 Elisabeth Chamberlin the daughter of Edmund Chamberlin by Elifabeth his wife born march 6. 1 701/2 Abigail Holmes the daughter of James holmes by Jane his wife born febu 23 1701/2 [9] Abigail Afpinwall the daughter of Nathaniell Afpinwall by Abigail his wife: born octo 5. 1701. John perrin the son of Samuel perrin by Mehetabel his wife born march 18: 1701/2 John Bugbe the fon of John Bugbe by Abiah his wife born March 3. 1701/2: Sufana morris the daughter of Edward morris by Elifabeth his wife born Augft 17 1698 8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Prudenc their next child born aug^* 9*^ 1702 Elifabeth Chandler the daughter of John Chandler by mary his wife born may 13 : 1702 Daniel Lyon the fon of william Lyon by Dabroah his wife born June 6: 1702 Nathaniel Johnfon the fon of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born July 22. 1702 Rebeka Bartholomew the daughter of Isaac Bartholomew by Rebeckah his wife born Apri 8. 1702 Jofeph Grigs the fon of Benjamin Grigs by patience his wife born Sept 8:1702 Mofes Marcy the fon of John Marcy by Sarah his wife born April 18. 1702 the fame day Sarah peak the daughter of Jonathan Peak by hannah his wife Born. Jofeph Deming the fon of Jofeph Deming by mary hif wife born July 30 1702 Elifabeth holmes the daughter of John holmes by Hannah his wife born December 18. 1702 Novemb 10 1702 was John Goodall and Lydi titus marriaged by M"" dwight 1702/3 January 21 Chriftopher Peak & mary Stratton was married. Janua 28 was John Bartholomew and Elifabeth morris married by m"" Dwight March 26: 1703 was Jofeph Shaw of Stonington and Sufanna Grofuenor of Mafhamoquet married by m'' Jofiah Dwight Beniamin Lyon the fon of John Lyon by Elifabeth his wife born may 29 1701 Elifabeth Lyon the daught of John lyon by Elifabeth his wife born July 22: 1703 [10] Jofeph Corbin the fon of Jabez Corbin by mary his wife born March 17: 1701/2 Prifcilah Morfe the daughter of Peter morfe by prifcila his wife born September 23. 1702 John Scarbrough the fon of John Scarbrough by abigail his wife born January the fourth 1702/3 Benjamin Sabin the Son of Benjamin Sabin of mafhamoquet: by Elizabeth "his wife born June 12. 1702 John Umphre the Son of Arthur umphre by Rachel his wife born April 15. 1702 Rebeka Bugbe the daughter of Samuell Bugbe by Dorothy his wife born January 25-1702/3 Thomas Lyon the fon of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born april 9. 1703 Anna Johnfon the daughter of John Johnfon by margret his wife born april 14: 1703 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 9 Benjamin frifel the fon of Jofeph frifel by Abigail his wife born febeuary 19, 1702/3 Ifabel Taylor the daughter of Samuell ^ Taylor by mary his wife born June 25. 1702 Joseph Bugbe the fon of Jofeph Bugbe by Mehetabel his wife born June 7. 1703 April 15. 1703 John Chandler Se'" Dec of the Church of wood- stock died July 19, 1703 was bom fufanna Warnner the daughter of Samuel warnner by mehetable his wife of mafhamoquet Edmund Chamherlin son of Edmund and Elifabeth Chamber- Ian born March 6^^ iyoi/2 Ebennezer Lyon the fon of William Lyon by debo: his wife born Auguft 13. 1703 Christopher Peak the Son of Chriftopher Peak by mary his wife born Nouember i. 1703 [11] Benjamin Bacon the fon of Jofeph Bacon by margret his wife born Nouember 26. 1703 died ap'" 22 1704. Samuell Chandler the fon of John Chandler by mary his wife bom January 5-1703/4 Smith Johnfon the Son of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born Deem"" 26: 1703 Sarah Sabin the daughter of Benjamin Sabin by Elifabeth his wife born December 24 1703. Sam Marcy fon of John Marcy by farah his wife born July 28: 1704. Ebenezer Sabin Son of Ebenezer Sabin by fufanna his wife born Aug^^ y^ 8*^ 1696 Joseph Sabin fon of Ebenezer Sabin by Sufanna his wife bom June 23 : 1701 Sufannah Sabin Daughter of Ebenezer Sabin by Sufanna his wife born Apr" ^^^ 1704 and may the 26 1706 was born their next Child Jofhaua Sabin Seth lyon fone of Thomas lyon by Abigail his wife born March the 27**^ 1704. Rebecca Carpenter the wife of John Carpenter Deceafed y* 29 of December 1702. Elizabeth Holmes Daughf of John Holmes by Hannah his wife Decemb'" 18 1702 was born, and recorded before in this book. James Frizell fone of James Fizell by Mary his wife Apr" 15*^: 1704 was born. Jacob Child the fone of John Child by Elizabeth his wife born Aprill y® 25*^ 1703. Elizabeth Bartholomew wife of John Bartholomew Deceafed March y® 31 : 1704 'First written "James." lO WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Elizabeth Afpinwall daughf of Nathan" Afpinwal by Abigail his wife born March y'' 12^^ 1703/4. [12] Dorcafs Corbin daughter to James Corbin by Hannah his wife born March, y® 3: 1703/4. William Chamberlin fone of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife, born feb"" 23 1703/4. Margret Johnfon Daughter of John Johnfon by Margret his wife born in Roxbury and recorded there. 27*^ of Decemb"" 1689. Benj^ Corbin fone of Jabez Corbin by Mary his wife born the 23 of March 1703/4 Nathan" Perrin Son of Sam" and Mehetable Perrin born 8'^'* of May 1704 Jofeph ffrifselle Deceafed may 13*'^ 1704 Joshua Morris fon of Eb^ Morris by Sarah his wife born y^^ : 5th j^Q2 died 9'''': 2: 1703 Nathan" Eaton fon of Thomas Eaton by Lydia his wife born June y^: 8'*': 1704 Joseph Bugbee fone of Joseph Bugl^ee by Mehetable his wife deceafed June y^ 16'^'^ 1704 Tabitha Humfrey daughter of Arther Humfrey by Rachell his wife born June 16*^: 1704. Rebecca Morf daughter of Peter Mors by pricilla his wife born y® 26 of July 1704. Mary Carpenter daughter of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebecca his wife born May the 19*^'^: 1704. Octob' 4*^ 1704. Thomas Fling Late refident at Providence and Mary Evens near Woodstock Intend Mariage. Ruth Taylor daughter of Sam' Taylor by Mary his wife born September 15*'^ 1704. Flint Dwight fone of m"" Josiah and m^^ Mary Dwight, born the 17*'' day of July 1704. John Goodell fone of John Goodell by Lidia his wife born the 25*^ day of November 1704. Katharine Peak daughf of Jonathan Peak ^ Hannah his wife born aug^*. 29*"^: 1704: Jabez lyon fone of William lyon by Deborah his wife bom March 7*'' 1704.5 the f^ William lyon and his wife Deborah Daughter to John Colborn maried by m'' Joseph Belcher of Ded- ham' Novmber 8'^ 1699. [13] Ebenezer ffrifsel sone of Joseph fTrizell Deceased by Abigail his wife* born Jan'' firft 1704.5 died 9^'": : 1706 Elizabeth Gary Daughter of Nathan" Gary by Ann his wife born apr' the 8'^ 1703 in Mashamoquet Jemima Gary Daughter of Nathan" Gary by ann his wife born March the 20*^ 1705 in Mashamoquet < Overwritten to read " widow." ;WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS II Sarah John f on Daughf of Smith John f on by Sarah his Wife born 6'^'' June 6*^^ 1705. Benj^ Grigs fon of Benj^ Grigs ^ Patience his wife born feb"" 6 1704/5 Sarah Warner Daughter of Sam" Warner by Mehetable his wife born July 22 : 1705. Sarah Deming Daughter of Joseph Deming by Mary his wife born July 8*^ 1705 Phebe Holmes Daughf of James Holmes ^ Jane his wife born 7^^" y^'^: 1705 Abigail lyon Daughf of John lyon by Elizabeth his wife Born Aug^* the fir ft 1705 Dan" Allen of Mashamoquet Entered his purpofs of Mariage w*^ Hannah Davis of Roxb'" y^'^ 11*'*: 1705. Zach'" Richardson son of Zach"" Richard fon by Mehetabel his wife march the 30. 1705. Sufannah Bugbee daughter of John Bugbe by abiell his wife born apr" 11*'^ 1705 John Trufdel fon of Richard Trusdel by Mary his wife born Abigail Scarbrough daughter of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born may 7**^ 1705 Joshua Morris fon of Eben'" Morris by Sarah his wife born Octob'" the y^^ 1704. Sam" Bugbee fon of Sam" Bugbee by Dorathy his wife born March 22 1704.5 John Blake of Middleton and Elizabeth John fon of Wood- ftock Entered Their purpofs of Mariage 7^'': 19*^ 1705 Experience lyon Daughf of Abiel lyon by Judith his wife born gbr jjth jj7Q^ Sam" Marcy fon of Jn° Marcy ^ Sarah his wife born 8^''': 20: 1704 [14] Ebenezer Bugbe fon of Joseph Bugbe by Mehetabel his wife born 20 June 1701, dyed June 21 170 1 Elizabeth Chandler Late wife to Deacon Chandler of Wood- stock deceaced at New London 7^'': 23: 1705. Elisha Sabin Son of Benj^ Sabin by Elizabeth his wife born att Mashamoquet may 16 1705 Josiah Child son of John Child By Elifabeth his wife Born Octob'": 11: 1705 died octo'" 1705: ^ Sarah Chandler daughf of John Chandler by Mary his wife born Octob"" 11*'' 1705 Ebenezer Corbin Son of Jabez Corbin by Mary his wife was born April. 15: 1706 Jonathan Eaton Entered his Intention of Mariage w*'^ Lydiah Starr of dedham novemb'' 30* : 1705. 12 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Thomas Brown of Canterbury Entered his purpofs of Mar- iage w"^ Rachel leavens of the Parifh of Woodstock lo'"": 26"* 1705 Peter Mors fone of Peter Mors by Pricilla His wife born feb' 13 1705.6 Gold lyon fon of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born feb"^ 14*'': 1705.6 Samuel Mafcraft fon of Sam" Mafcraft by Mehetabel his wife born Jan"" 16'^^: 1705/6 Rachel Leavens daughter of Peter Leavens by Patience his wife born december the 4*^ 1705. Rachel leavens la ft written by mi f tack Efther her name. Mary Peak daughter of Chriftopher Peak by Mary his wife born 5 day of Aprill. 1706. Hannah Corbin Daughf of James Corbin by Hannah his wife Born March 24*^: 1705/6 Experience Holmes Daughf of John Holmes by Hannah his wife Born June y^ 8*^^: 1706 Henry Taylor fon of Sam". Taylor by Mary his wife born 30*'' June. 1706 Patience Parker Daughter of Jacob Parker by Thankfull his wife born June 25*^*^: 1706 Joseph Chamberlin fon of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife born July 22 1706. Hannah Bacon daughter of Thomas Bacon by Rebecca his wife born December 4*^: 1706. Peter Perin Son of Sam" Perin by mehetabel his wife born ^br. 22: 1706 Abiel lyon fon of Abiel lyon by Judith his wife born y^^ 6*^ 1706 Mehetabel Bugbee daughf of Joseph Bugbee by Mehetabel his wife born June 9*^ 1706 David Eaton fon of Thomas Eaton ^ Lydia his wife born July 21 : 1706 [15] Aaron Lyon fon of W™ Lyon by Deborah his wife born Jan*" 11*'^: 1706/7 Elizabeth Morris Daughf of Ebenez'" Morris by Sarah his wife born lo'"': 25: 1706 Woodftock Jan'' 31 : 1706/7. Nath" Sefsions of Mafhamoquet & Joanna Corbin of Woodstock Intend Mariage. Peter Afpinwall the Son of Nathaniel Afpinwall by Abigail his wife born Feb"" 16- 1706/7 Dorothy John fon the daughter of Smith John fon by Sarah his wife born March 22. 1706/7 Mehetabel Johnfon the daughter of John Johnfon by Margret his wife born March 13 1706/7 and dide may y® 3. 1707 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 13 Rebacka Carpenter the daughter of Eliphelet Carpenter by Rebacka his wife born may 3. 1707: Phillip Eaftman Entre"^ hif purpofs of marriage with Sarah Parker both of this town march : 22 : 1706/7 Naomi Gary the Daughf of Nathaniel Gary (of mafhamoquet) by Ann his wife born april: 29: 1707 Solomon Grigs the Son of Beniamin Grigs by Patience his wife born. May. 30: 1707. Mehetabel warnner the wife of Samuel warnner died July 12 1707 in the 30 year of her Eage Sarah Marcy the daughter of John Marcy by Sarah his„.wife born febu 18, 1706/7 ~" '" Abigail Lyon the daughter of Thomas Lyon by abigail his wife born Nouember 12. 1707 Peter Leavens Son of Peter Leavens by Patience his wife born Nouember 17. 1707 Richard Trufdell Dyed adjacent to Woodstock October 24''^. 1707. Decemb'' 22. 1707 Jofeph Leauens Entred his purpofe of mar- riage with Judith Sabin they both living near this town. Dec 26. 1707 Jofiah Bugbe of this town Entred his purpofe of Marriage with Sarah Hubbard of Mafhamoquet. The fame day Ebenezer Grofuernor of Mafhamoquet Entred his purpofe of Marriage with Anne Mercy of this town. Matthew Dauis the fon of Matthew Dauis by Margreat his wife born October 14. 1706 John Peak the fon of Chriftopher Peake by Mary his wife- "born December 14: 1707. Jofeph Morfe the fon of Peter Morfe by Prif fila his wife born October. 14. 1707 Lydia Eaton the daughf of Jonathan Eaton by lydia his wife "born Nove y^ 5[ ] - [16] Mehetabel Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife born Aug^*: 10*^: 1707 Philip Corbin fon of James Corbin by Hannah his wife bom January 5'^: 1707: 8 Mary Eaftman Daughter of Phillip Eaftman by Safah his wife born february 13*'': 1707.8 Sarah Holmes Daughter of James Holmes ^ Jean his wife born february the 27*^ 1707.8. Mehetabel Bacon daughter of Joseph Bacon ^ Margret his wife Born May 26*^^ 1706. Eliphalet Corbin fon of Jabez Corbin ^ Mary his wife born Apr" 26**^: 1708. Isaac Holmes fon of John Holmes ^ Hannah his wife born Apr" Q.'j: 1708 14 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Dorothy Bug'bee daughter of Samuel Bugbee ^ Dorothy his wife born Apr'^ 30*^: 1708 Apr" 24'^ 1708 Joseph Chandler of Mafhamoquet and Susanna Perrin of Roxb^ Enter their purpofs of Mariage Joshua lyon fon of John Lyon by Elifebeth his wife born June 22:1707 Mehetabel Mafcraft daughter of Samuel Mafcraft by Mehetabel his wife born June the 3 : 1708 Mary Scarbrough Daughter of John Scarbrough ^ Abigail his wife born July 25*^ : 1708. Mehetabel Johnfon Daughter of John Johnfon by Margret his wife born [ ] j^br 22th lyoQ Jonathan Bugbee of woodftock Entered his pur- pofs of Mariage w*^ Bethyah Lyon of Rehoboth. Susanna Johnfon Daughter of fmith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born 8*"" 2 : 1708. Mehetable Johnfon daughter of John Johnfon by Margret his wife born the 6 day of Septemb'' 1708 Dyed Jan'' 29 following Margret Lyon daughter of William Lyon by Deborah his wife born November 19 1708 Elizabeth Child Daughter of Jn° Child ^' Elizabeth his wife born the 10''' day of September 1708 Thomas Ainfworth fon of Edw*^ Ainfworth by Johannah his wife born April 15*^. 1708 [17] Elizabeth Davis Daughter of Matthew Davis ^ Margrett his wife born 9'^'" 13'''. 1708 Dyed December y® firft ..lie. lug Joanna Daughter of Matthew and Margaret Davis horn at Roxhury Octo'^ 22^ i6p6 Josiah Bugbee fon of Josiah Bugbee by Sarah his wife Born December 23 : 1708. Jan'": 18*^: 1708.9 Samuel Pain & Abigail Frifsell Intend Mar- riage, they both belong to Woodstock Sarah Gary daughter of William Gary by Sufanna his wife born January the 12^^ 1 700/1 John their next fon born December 15 : 1702 Joseph their next fon born March 7*^*: 1703/4 Sufanna their next daughter born may 23 : 1705 Elizabeth their Next Daughter born December 31 : 1708 Peter Chamberlin fon of Edw^ Cham'berlin by Eliz: his wife born Jan"" 15. 1708.9 Eliphalet Carpenter fon of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebeacca his wife fet/ 21 : 1708.9. Rebecca Gary Daughter of Nathan" Gary by Anne his wife born in mashamoquet March 3 : 1708.9 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 15 Ebenezer Marcy fon of John Marcy by Sarah his wife born June 6*'' 1709 Anthony Morfe son of Peter Morfe by Pricilla his wife born June 10''' 1709. Thomas Chandler fon of John Chandler by Mary his wife born July 23 : 1709 : Stephen Turner Slain the Same day w**" Lightning Mary Warner Daughter of Samuel Warner of Mashamoquet by Mary his wife born July 4*'' 1709 Mehetabel Grigs Daughter of Benjamin Grigs by Patience his wife born July 7*^ 1709. Ephraim Peak fon of Jonathan Peak by Hannah his Wife born May the Ninth 1709. Joshua Eaton fon of Thomas Eaton by Lydiah his wife born September the twenty third 1709. Marcy Drefser Daughter of Richard Drefser by Marcy his wife borne the sevententh day of Aprill 1709 Nathan" Afpinwall fon of Nathan" Afpinwall by Abigail his wife Born September the 7**^ 1709. [18] John Maf craft fon of famuel Maf craft by Mehetable his wife born march the fir ft 1709.10. Elizabeth Davis daughter of Matthew Davis by Margrett his wife born March the 26*'' 1710 Mary Bugbee daughter of John Bugbee by Abiell his wife born Aprill 20*'' 1710 Robart Corbin fon of Jabez Corbin by Mary his wife Born May 24 1710 Mehetabel Perin Daughter of Sam" Perrin By Mehetabel his wife Born June 3 : 1710. Martha Johnfon Daughter of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife Born June 3: 1710. Jonathan Lyon fon of Abiel Lyon by Judith his wife Born in Mashamoquet September 28*^ 1709. Mary Peak Daughter of Chriftopher Peak by Mary his wife Born June i^*: 1710 Samuel Scarbrough Son of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born the 28**^ day of Aug^*^ 1710. Elizabeth Deming daughter of Joseph Deming by Mary his wife born feptember 10*^ 17 10. Edward Bugbee fon of Josiah Bugbeee by Sarah his wife born October 6'^'' 1710 Keziah Eaton Daughter of Jonathan Eaton by Lydia his wife born May 24*'' 1710 Unice Bacon Daughter of Joseph Bacon by Margret his wife born October 15''': 1710. Stephen Corbin Son of James Corbin by Hannah his wife born aug^* 5*^ 1 7 ID l6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Jacob Drefser fon of Richard Drefser by Marcey his wife born November 14'^^ 1710. Anna Bugbee daughter of Sam" Bugbee by Dorothy his wife born decemb'' 23: 1709 Noah lyon fon of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born De- cember 2.(f^ 1 710. [19] Moses Lyon fon of William lyon by Deborah his wife born Jan"" 4*^ 1710/11. Dyed May 6*^^ 1712 John Payfon fon of Johnathan Payfon by Mary his wife born Jan'" 6*^^ 1710/11. Elizabeth Pain Daughter of Sam" Pain by Ruth his wife bom Aug^* 9th 1 710 in Mashamoquet. Joseph Chandler fon of Joseph Chandler ^ Susanna his wife born June 16''' 1710 in Ditto Mehetable Morris daughter of Eben'" Morris by Sarah his wife born December the twenty third: one thoufand feven hun- dred & nine — 1709 — not recorded in feafon Lydia Morfe Daughter of Peter Morfe by pricilla his wife born feb"" the firft 1710/11 The fame day Mary mafon wife of Robart Mafon Dyed Elizabeth lyon daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born feb'' 25*'' 1710.11 Jefse Bugbee fon of Sam" Bugbee by Dorothy his wife bom March lo*^^ 1710.11 Jonathan Bugbee fon of Jonathan Bugbee by Bethya his wife borne Jan'" 24*'' 17 10. 11 Hannah Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife born March 27*^ 171 1 -Mary Chandler the Wife of John Chandler Dyed Apr" 8*'' 1711 - Hannah Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife Dyed May the 23: 1711. Eph"" Child fon of Eph"" Child by Pricilla his wife born June j^th JJ7JJ Elizabeth Marcy daughter of John Marcy by Sarah his wife bom November the 8th 171 1 Samuel Hemenway fon of Sam" Hemenway by Hannah- his wife born November the 14: 171 1 John Chandler and Esther Alcock were Maried by m' Nehemiah Walter November 14*'' 171 1 in Roxbury Samuel Humfrey Son of Arthur Humfrey by Rachel his wife born October 17*'' 171 1 Dorcafs Carpenter Daughter of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebecca his wife born Aprill the fourteenth 171 1 Hannah Child Daughter of John Child by Elizabeth his wife born November 12*^ 1709 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 17 Abigail Child Daughter of John Child by Eliz^ his wife born May 17"" 171 1 [20] Anna Morris Daughter of Ebenezer Morris by Sarah his wife Born December 18'^ 171 1 Stephen Chapman fon of W™ Chapman by Anne his wife born October 28**" 171 1 in Afhford Thomas Trufdel fon of Eben'' Trufdel & Rachel his wife born November the firft 171 1 Leicefter Grofvenor and Mary Hubbard both of Mafhamoquet and Parifh of Woodstock were Maried in Woodstock by John Chandler Justice of Peace: Jan'" 16*^^ 171 1: 12. Hannah Griggs Daughter of Benj^ Griggs by Patience his wife born November 11*^ 171 1 Philip Eaftman fon of Phillip Eaftman by Sarah his wife born January 13*^ 171 1 :i2 John Warner son of Sam" Warner by Mary his wife bom August fourth 171 1 John May of Woodstock and Elizabeth Child of Brookline were Maryed by the Rev"""^ Nehemiah Walter Decemb'" 18''' 171 1. Sarah Rice late of Malborow Widdow Dyed Jan"" 24**^ 171 1 : 12 Serj*^ Samuel Rice of Woodstock dyed Septeml/ 2: 171 1 John Chamberlin fon of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife born May 11: 1712 Martha & Mary Child Daughters of John Child by Eliz his wife born June 10*'' 171 2 Mary Dyed the fame day & Martha y® 20*^ next. Anne Eaton Daughter of Thomas Eaton and Lydia his wife born May 31 : 1712 Sarah Bugbee daughter of Josiah Bug'bee and Sarah his wife born March 11*'': 1711/12 Samuel Pain fon of Samuel Pain of Mafhamoquet by Ruth his wife born March 21: 1711/12 Elizabeth Peak Daughter of Chriftopher Peak by Mary his wife born August 12 : 1712 Robert Mafon Son of Robert Mafon by Hannah his wife born August 30*^ 1 712 Amos Mors fon of Peter Mors by Pricilla his wife born October 13 : 1712 Patience Goodell Daughter of Jn° Goodell by Lydiah his wife born June i^' 1707 Sam" Goodell fon of John Goodell by Lydia his Wife born Feb'" I9*'» 1708:9 Eliphalet Goodell fon of John Goodell by Hannah his wife born July 6^^ 171 2 John Goodell and Hannah Colburn were maried by m"" Josiah D wight the 13*'' day of October 171 1 in Woodstock l8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Moses Lyon fon of William Lyon by Deborah his wife died May 6^'' 1712 [21] Moses Lyon fon of William Lyon by Deborah his wife born October the 26*'' 1712 Martha Drefser Daughter of Richard Drefser by Marcy his wife born September the 5'^^ 1712. Mary Lyon daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born g^^ lo***: 1712 Anne Gary wife of Nathan" Gary of Mashamoquet died X'''': 1 : 1712 Daniel Child fon of Ephraim Child by Pricilla his wife boril Jan"- i: 1712/3. Elizabeth May Daughter of John May by Elizabeth his wife born October iS*'^ 17 12. David Chandler Son of Jofeph Chandler by Sufanah his wife born May: 26 1712 in Mashamoquett. Allice Eaton Daughter of Jonathan Eaton & Lydia his wife born g'°'' 28: 1712 David Day fon of Robart Day & Elizabeth his wife born feb"": ii''' 1708:9 Susanah Day Daughter of Robart Day & Elizabeth his wife born July 13'*^ 171 2 Sarah Lyon daughter of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born May ii : 1713 John Holmes Dyed June 20*^ 1713: Rebecca Pain daughter of Samuel Pain by Abigail his wife born July 15 : 1710 Ebenezer Pain fon of Samuel Pain by Abigail his wife born October 15^^ 171 1. Caleb Johnfon fon of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born 27*^ day of Aug'* 17 13. Eli f ha Corbin fon of James Corbin by Hannah his wife born June 30*'' 17 13 Hannah Grigg Daughter of Benj^ Grigg by Patience his wife Dyed Aprill 27*^^ 171 3 John Marcy fon of John Marcy by Experience his wife born October the 18: 1713 dyed feb^ cf^ following. Margaret Carpenter Daughter of Jefse Carpenter by Margret his wife born September 23: 1713 Joseph Bartholomew & Eliz Sanger were Maried 9^"": 12*'* 1713 by John Chandler Justice of peace, their purpos having been Entered and publication made according to law [22] Nathaniel Sanger and Ruth Cook were maried the 16*'' ^br 1 71 3 b)^ John Chandler Justice of Peace, having been fir ft publifhed as the Law directs. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 19 Benjamin Child the son of Benjamin Child by Patience his wife born Aug^* 28^'' 1713- Joseph Bugbee fon of Samuel Bugbee by Dorithy his wife borne the 13 of December 1712. Sam" Carpenter of Pomfret and Hannah Johnfon of Wood- ftock Intend Mariage Jan"" 8*^ 1713- Zerviah Bugbee Daughter of Jonathan Bugbee by Bethyah his wife born november 26: 1713. Stephen Scarbrough fon of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born July 2: 1713. Ann Payfon daughter of Jonathan Payfon by Mary his wife born July 10'^ 1712. Elizabeth Warner daughter of Samuel Warner by Mary his wife born feb'" IQ**": 1713:14 John Mason son of Robert Mason by Hannah his wife born March 25*^ 1714 Ebenezer Eaftman fon of Ebenezer Eaftman by Sarah his wife born May 2: 1714: Keziah Mafcraft Daughter of Sam" Mafcraft by Mehetabel his wife born May 23 : 1714 Samuell Bartholomew son of Joseph Bartholomew by Eliza- beth his wife born Nov^: 2: 1714 Mary Chamberlin Daughter of Edmund Chamberlin by Eliza- beth his wife born November 10'^ 1714 Jerufha Marcy Daughter of John Marcy by Experience his wife born Jan"" i^* 1714.15 Esther Morfe Daughter of Peter Morfe by Pricilla his wife born Novemb'' 2: 1714 John Griggs fon of Benj^ Griggs by Patience his wife born July 28 1714 [23] Anna Lyon daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born feb'' 7*^ 17 14. 15 Hannah Johnson daughter of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born Aprill: 14*^ lyi^ Sufannah Eaton Daughter of Jonathan Eaton & Lydia his wife born Aprill the Eighth 171 5. John Carpenter son of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebeckah his wife born July 17'^'' 171 3 Joseph Carpenter son of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebeckah his wife born July 3: 1715. Nathan Ainf worth fon of Edward Ainf worth by Joannah his wife born July 20*'': 171 5 Thomas Alsop of Enfield and Mary Earl of Woodstock In- tend Mariage Entered Aug^^ 26^^ I7i5- Ebenezer and Ephraim Eaton fons of Thomas Eaton by Lydia his wife born Auguft 13*^ 1715- 20 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Grace Child Daughter of Benj* Child by Patience his wife born July 22 171 5 Dorothy Morris Daughter of Eben*" Morris by Sarah his wife born Novemb'' 12 : 171 3. Abigail Davis Daughter of Matthew Davis by Margrett his wife born Octob' 9*^ 1715- Philip Eaftman fon of Ebenezer Eaftman by Sarah his wife born ]a.tf 5*^ 1715:16 [fe over leaf] Pricilla Child Daughter of Ephraim Child by Pricilla his wife born March 7*^ 1714:15 Nath" Sanger and Dorcafs Peak were maryed Octob^ 27* 171 5 by John Chandler Jus Pac Edward Morris and bethya Peak were maryed Jan"" 12*'^ 1715: 16 by John Chandler Jus Pac Mary Pay son Daughter of Jonathan Pay fon by Mary his wife born September 20*^. 171 5 James Bugbee fon of famuell Bugbee by Dorothy his wife born July 11 : 1715 [24] Mary Eaftman wife of Philip Eaftman fen'" dyed June Philip Eaftman Sen'' Dyed octob^ 20*^ 1714 Ebenezer Eastman of Woodstock and Sarah Peafley of Haverhill were married in Haverhill by m'' Joshua Gardner June 3: 17.13 Philip Eaftman fon of Ebenezer Eaftman by Sarah his wife born Jan'' 5 1715.16 & recorded on the other fide. Experience Peak Daughter of Christopher Peak by Mary his wife born Feb"" 15*'' 1715:16 David Mafon Son of Robart Mafon by Hannah his wife bom Feb'' 16: 1715.16 Jefse Carpenter the fon of Jefse Carpenter by Margrett his wife born in Pomfret March 3: 1715:16 James the son of Deborah Corbit born Jan'' y^'^ 1715:16 Joseph Coomes Son of Richard Coomes by Ipsebeth his wife born Ap" 6*: 1716 Mercy Sanger Daughter of Nathan" Sanger by Dorcafs his wife born Aprill 29: 1716 Dyed Apr" 8: 1719 Beriah the Daughter of Sarah Child born feb^ 10*'^ 1715:16 Mary Mafcraft the Daughter of Samuel Mafcraft by Meheta- bel his wife, born June 19*'' 1716 Elizabeth Dwight Daughter of Josiah Dwight by Mary his wife born July 17*^ 17 16 Benjamin Sanger son of Nathaniel Sanger by Ruth his wife born August 3 : 1716 John Franklin and Mary Earl were maried in Woodstock Auguft the 31 : 1716 ^i John Chandler Jus Peace Esther Lyon Daughter of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born August 8*^ 17 16 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 21 Elisha Corbin Son of James Corbin by Hannah his wife died ybT 2^, I716 [25] John May son of John May by Elizabeth his wife born Sep^ 4'^ 1 7 14 John Chandler Jun"" of Woodftock and Hannah Gardiner of the Isle of wight Intend Marriage. Entered Septem'' IQ*'': 1716 Joshua May son of John May by Elizabeth his wife bor-ji the 16 day of October 1716 John Chandler and Hannah Gardner were Maried at the He of wight by John Mulford Esq^ Octob^ 24*'* 1716 Ephraim Griggs fon of Benjamin Griggs by Patience his wife bom Novemb"" y^^ 1716 Hefter Johnfon daughter of fmith Johnfon by farah his wife born October 25'^ 17 16 David Town and Mercy Barton both of oxford were Maryed in Woodstock Decemb"" 31 : 1716 by John Chandler Jus Peace Zerviah Lyon Daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born December 31 : 1716 Mariages Confumated by the Reverend Josiah D wight in Woodstock returned by him Jan*" 18*'^ 1716.17 viz Nath" Sefsions of Pomfret & Hannah Corbin of Woodstock March 2 : 1706.7. ^.^ Sam" Hemenway & Hannah Morris both of Woodstock Novemb^ 12: 1707 Jonathan Payfon & Mary Cook both of Woodstock Jan"" 12^'^ 1709.10 Sam" Gates & Mary Trusdell both of Mashamoquet now Pom- fret Feb"" 12: 1709.10. John Goodell neer Woodftock & Hannah Colburn of Wood Stock October 8*^ 1710. Benj^ Goodell and Hannah Gary both of Mafhamoquet (now Pomfret May 21: 1711. [26] Robart Mafon and Hannah Holmes both of Woodstock Novemb'" s*'* 171 1 Jefse Carpenter and Margret Bacon both of Woodstock Feb*" 27: 1711.12 Jeremiah Sabin and Abigail Davis both of Mashamoq* now Pomfret May 8*'^ 1712 Robart Burch of Kellingley and Elizabeth Bacon of Woodstock Jan*" 8 1712.13 John Marcy and Experience Colburn both of Woodstock Jan"- 14: 1712.13 John Marsh of Mendon and Abigail Eaftman of Woodstock Jan^ 15*^ 1712.13 Sam" Carpenter of Pomfret & Hannah Johnfon of Wood- stock Feb"" 4. 1 71 3. 14 22 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Daniel Peck of Rehoboth & Sarah Pain of Woodstock Apr*^ .15: 1714. Sam" Hemenway & Margret Johnfon both of Woodstock May 5 1714 WilHam Ward of Ashford and Rachel Humphrey of Wood- stock Ang^^ 5 1 714. Joseph Cady of Kellingley and Elizabeth Horfmer of Wood- stock Septemb'" 14 1714. William Lyon & Martha Morris both of Woodstock Jan^ 6*'' 1714-15 Daniel Holton of Kellingley & Lydiah Prefton of Woodstock Feb"" 26: 1714.15 Benjamin Franklin & Abigail Rice both of Woodstock Feb*" 14: I7I4-I5-. Joseph Wilson of Ashford and Sarah ^ Parker of Woodstock Aprill 5 : 17 16 John Johnfon and Hannah Aif worth both of Woodstock May 2: 1 716 — Recorded ^ John Chandler Town CI. [27] Israel Marcy fon of John Marcy by Experience his his wife born Jan^ 23. 1716:17. Hannah Scarbrough Daughter of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born Aug^'^ 22: 1716- Elizabeth Morris Daughter of Edward Morris by Bethyah his wife born Octob'' 12*^^ 1716- Joseph Bartholomew fon of Joseph Bartholomew by Eliza- beth his wife born Feb"" 10^'': 1715.16. Benjamin Franklyn the fon of John Franklyn ^' Mary his wife born Dec'' 30*'' 1716 July 6'^ 1717 Sam" Rice of Ashford & Mary Earl of Wood- ftock Intend mariage — & published Accordingly. 2j7th jyjy Eben'" Brooks of Kellingley and Sarah Child of Wood- stock Intend mariage & Published Accordingly Mary Sanger Daughter of Nathan" Sanger by Dorcafs his wife born Aug^' 10*'' 1717- Mary Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Hannah his wife born Septem'" y^ 9'^'^ ^7t^7 Thomas Lyon Died Septem'" 14*^: 1717. 7^'" 14*'' 1717 Hannah Corbin Daughter of James Corbin by Hannah his wife born Septemb'' 6**^ 1717- Isaac Hemingway son of Samuell Hemingway by Margarett his wife born may 22*^: 1716 Isaac Goodall son of John Goodall by Hannah his wife born Octo'" lo**" 171 5 Anna Carpenter dyed Dec'": 13*'': 171 7 aged ab* 21 years Jedidiah Bartholomew fon of Jofeph Bartholomew by Eliza- beth his wife born October 30: 1717 5 Overwritten to read " Mary." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 23 Pricillah Payfon daughter of Jonathan Payfon by Mary his wife born Decemb"" 2.']^^ 1717 [28] Joseph Peak & Grace Morris both of Woodstock In- tend Mariage Jan'' 9*^: 1717-8 Anna Carpenter Daughter of Jefse Carpenter by Margret his wife Jan'": 29'^ 1717:18. Ichabod Hohnes Dyed Jan"" 20*^^ 171 7. 18 Henry Child fon of Ephraim Child by Pricillah his wife born May 28''' 1 71 7 Henry Elithorp of Kellingley & Mehetabel Aspinwall of Wood- stock Intend Mariage Entered feb'" J^^: 1717 18 Matturin Allard and Rebecca Bacon both of woodstock In- tend mariage Entered Feb'' 22: 1717:8 John Brooks of Wooborn and Phebee Richardfon of Wood- stock Intend Mariage Entered feb'" 22: 1717.18 Mary Mafon Daughter of Robart Mafon by Hannah his wife born feb'' 24'*' 1717-8 Leiv*^ Eben'' Morris Dyed FeV 26: 1717.18 On March 5*^^ 1717.8 Henry Elithorp of Kellingley and Mehet- abel Afpinwall of Woodstock were Maryed in Woodstock by John Chandler Esq'' Justice of the peace Dorothy Bugbee daughter of Sam" Bugbee by Dorothy his wife born March 7*^^ 1717.8 Catharine Davis the Daughter of Matthew Davis born Octo- ber 14: 1712 by Margret his wife Prudence John fon the daughter of fmith John fon by Sarah his wife born May 12*^: 1718 June 28: 1 71 8 W" Chapman of Man f field & Abigail Lyon of Woodstock Intend marriage: Certificate given July 17'^ follow- ing — & Marryed the 18 ^ y^ Rev^ Josiah D wight Jerusha Eaton Daughter of Jonathan Eaton by Lydia his wife born Apr" 16'^^ 17 17 m'' James Wetmore of Newhaven and m''^ Anna Dwight of Woodftock Intend marriage Entered 8'''' 21 : 171 8 and Married November 5^^ 1718 ^ John Chandler Jus Pac^ [29] Hannah Morris Daughter of Edward Morris by Beth- yah his wife born March 9'^'' 171 8. Hannah Corbin Daughf of James Corbin by Hannah his wife Dyed Decemb'' 15*^ 1718. John Holmes and Mary John fon both of Woodstock Intend Marriage Entered Jan"" 10^'' 1718.19. Hannah Grigs Daughter of Benj^ Grigs by Patience his wife born December 5*^ 1718. Zerviah Sanger Daughter of Nathaniel Sanger by Dorcas his wife born December 21®*: 1718 Joseph Lyon Son of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife bom Jan'' II*'' 1718/9. 24 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Deborah Marcy Daughter of John Marcy by Experience his wife born Jan^ 23: 1718/9. Mary Bartholomew Daughter of Joseph & EHz^ Bartholomew born Feb'' 10^'' 1718.9 Shrove Tuefday John Holmes and Mary John f on both of Woodstock were Marryed in Woodstock Jan^ 28'^ 1718/9 ^; John Chandler Jus* Pac^ Daniel Mafcraft fon of Samuel Mafcraft by Mehetabel his wife born Jan"" 13: 1718/19 dyed May 4: 1719. Meheabel Mafcraft wife of Samuel Mafcraft Dyed the 22 of the fame Nathan Keny and Rebeckah Chamberlin both of Oxford were married in Woodstock Feb'" 23 : 1718/19 ^ Jn° Chandler Esq'' Jus Pac Nehemiah Bugbee fon of Jonathan Bugbee by Bethyah his wife born Feb'" 12'^'': 1718/19. Samuel Mafcraft Enters his purpofs of Marriage with Thank- full Holmes March 28: 1719- Seth Pain of Pomfret Enters his purpofs of Marriage w*** Mary Morris of Woodstock Apr''- 16*" 1718. / Eben'" Holmes & Joanna Ainfworth Marryed July i^* 1719 Mary Bartholomew Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Barthol- omew born Feb'" 10*'' 1718.19. Martha Drefser daughter of Richard Drefser by Marcy his wife born September s''' 1712. Recorded before. Richard Drefs fon to the above named born 7*"" 22: 1714 John Drefser fon to the above named born X*"" 8 1716 Joseph Drefser fon to the above named bom S'"" 11 : 1718 [30] Efther Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Hannah his wife Born May 23'': 1719. Peter mors fon of Peter mors by Pricillah his wife June 30*'' 1719 Born Peter mors a former fon of Peter Morfe by Pricilla his wife dyed September the i^*^ 1718. Caleb May Son of John May by Elizabeth his wife born 7'"": 13: 1719. Ichabod Peck of Rehoboth and Judith Pain of Wodstock Intend Mariage Entered 9^"": 23: 1719. Nehemiah Lyon fon of W" Lyon by Martha his wife bom Octob"" 16. 1 7 19 Ephraim Town and Sarah Kenny both of Oxford were Mar- ried in Woodstock Decemb'" 31 : 1719 ^ John Chandler Jus* Pac. Ichabod Peck of Rehoboth and Judith Pain of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Jan'" 5* 1719 ^ John Chandler Jus* Pac^ Edw^ Morris son of Edw^ Morris by Bethyah his wife born July 28*" 1 719. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 25 Peter Johnfon fon of Smith Johnfon by farah his wife born Jan"" 21=*: 1719/20 Mary Holmes daughter of John Holmes by Mary his wife born March 11*'': 1719/20. Marcy Sanger Daughter of Nath" Sanger by Dorcas his wife born March 12*^ 1719/20 Isaac Johnfon and Abigail Peak were Married in Woodftock Apr" 28: 1720 by John Chandler Jus* Pac^ Anna Chapman daughter of William Chapman by Abigail his wife born Apr^^ 16*^^: 1720. Sarah Carpenter Daughter of Eliphalet Carpenter and Rebecca his wife born May y^^ 1720. Ebenezer|Mason fons of Robart mafon by Hannah his wife Eliphalet jborn May 29*'' 1720. ollive Carpenter Daughter of Jefs Carpenter by Margret his wife born May the 26: 1720. Mehitabel Child Daughter of Ephraim Child by Pricillah his wife born Jan"" 8'^ 1719/20. [31] Elizabeth Jackfon Daughter of John Jackfon by Mary his wife born October 16*'' 171 3 Mar j cry Jackfon Daughter of John Jackfon by Mary his wife born June i^*: 1716- Jonathan Jackfon fon of John Jackfon by Mary his wife born June 9*^: 1718. Anna Mors Daughter of Peter morfe by Pricilla his wife born June 15*'' 1720 Dyed July 19*^ 1720 Rebeckah Mors dyed July 28*^ 1720. Thankfull Mafcraft Daughter of Samuel Mafcraf by Thank- full his wife born July 6*'' 1720, Dyed Aug^* 6*'' 1720. Marriage is Intended between David Holmes of Woodstock & Bathfhua fandford of Mendon 7^'' 24*'^ 1720 Marriage is Intended between Ebenezer Child of Woodstock and Elizabeth Bacon of Roxbury. Ditto between Jabez Corbin and Hannah Peak both of Woodstock. Ditto between Henry- Bacon of Woodstock and Hannah Woodward of Canterbury. October 1$^^ 1720 Nathan Pay fon fon of Jonathan Pay fon by Mary his wife born January the first 1 720/1 Joseph Scrabro' son of John Scarbro' by Abigail his wife born July 16*^ 1719- Marriage Intended between Thomas Squire and Elizabeth Cooke both of Woodstock Entered Feb'" 4*'' 1 720/1. Hannah Chamberlin daughter of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife born January 2: 1 720/1. John Chandler fon of John Chandler by Hannah his wife born Feb'" 26 1 720/1 26 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Ebenezer Holmes son of Ebenezer Holmes by Johannah his wife born Feb"" 27: 1 720/1 Anne Marcy Daughter of John Marcy by Experience his wife born Feb"" 27: 1 720/1 Jack English (an Indian Lad, Serv* to Maj'" Chandler dyed Apr" 1 72 1 [32] Marriage is Intended between Henry Bowen of Wood- stock & Margret Davis of Pomfret: Aprill 15^^ 1721 Marriage is Intended between David Allyn of Pomfrett and Anne Deming of Woodstock Aprill 15*'' 172 1 John Bartholomew son of Joseph and Elizabeth Bartholomew born March 15*^ 1720.21 Marriage is Intended between Josiah Cummins and Mary Frizel both of Woodstock April 29'*" 1721 Henry Bowen and Margret Davis were married in Wood- stock May lo**' 1 72 1 ^ Jn° Chandler Esq'" Jus* Pac^ Josiah Cumins and Mary Frifsel were married in Woodstock May 15: 1 72 1 ^i John Chandler Esq'' Jus* Pac^ Mary Child Daughter of Ephraim Child by Pricillah his wife born April i^': 1721 Experience Bugbee Daughter of Sam" Bugbee by Dorothy his wife born Feb'" 13: 1720/1 Dyed June S^^ 1721. Daniel & Thankfull Ma f craft (twins) fon & Daughter of Sam" Mafcraft by Thankfull his wife born June 23: 1721 Theodor Dwight fon of Josiah Dwight by Mary his wife born July 28*^ 1 72 1. David Holmes son of David Holmes by Bathsheway his wife born August 11*'' 1721- Lucy Lyon Daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born Agus* 7*'' 1721 Joannah Corbin Daughter of James Corbin by Hannah his wife born Aug^* 26: 1721 John Morfe Dyed October 17*'': 1721 (of the Small-Pox) Sarah Solomon Indian dyed October 30*^ 1721 (of the small Pox at S : I : Peter Morfe Dyed Nov'" 2. 1721 (of the Small Pox.) Dorothy Bugbee wife of Samuel Bugbee dyed Octob"" 25*'' 1721 Ebenezer Holmes dyed Nov'" 2. 1721 of the Small pox. Sibell Holmes daughter of John Holmes by Mary his wife born October 27*^^ 1721 Babesuck ^ alias folom" wife of Solomon died Decemb'" 9 1721 of the small pox. [33] Octob' 28 1 72 1 Thomas Eaton of Tolland & Elizabeth 6" Hanah " preceded this entry but has been erased. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 27 Parker of Woodstock Intend Mariage — & were Married 9^^: 31 : ^ John Chandler J. P. pbr ^th J ^2 1 John Child and Abigail Afpinwall both of this town Intend Marriage — & were Married X'''" 7 ^1 Jn° Chandler Jus' Pac^. Stephen May son of John May byx^Elizabeth his wife bom November lo'*" 1721. Abigail Lilly Daughter of Samuel lilly by Abigail his wife born Nov"" 3 : 1721 Mary Solomon Dyed Decemb'" 19'^ 1721 of the fmall pox. Rebeckah Gold daughter of Thomas Gold by Rebeckah his wife born December 28*^ 1721. their Eldest Son named Joseph Was born November: 22: 1717 their Eldest daughter named Hannah was born february 9. 17 19. both Recorded at Roxbury where they were born. Deacon Joseph Lyon Dyed Jan"" 12*^ 1721/2. Dorcafs Corbin dyed Jan"" 21^* 172 1/2. Joseph Peak & Mary Perrin Intend Marriage Jan'" 26*^^ 1721/2 were publifhed in Woodftock and Married March i®*: 1721/22 by John Chandler Jus* Pac Thomas Bacon of Woodstock & Dinah Spauldin of Plainfield Intend Marriage Jan"" 26: 1721/2 were publifhed in Woodftock. John Pepper of Woodstock & Hannah Holdrich of Roxbury Intend Mariage Entered Jan'' 29*^ 172 1/2 Joseph Griffin of Pomfret & Margret Morris of Woodstock Intend Marriage Entered Feb'' 17*'': 1721/22 Abigail Lilley daughter of Samuel Lilley by Abigail his wife, dyed feb'' 5'^'' 1721/22. Ebenezer Phillips fon of Ebenezer Phillips by Mary his wife born July 4**' 1721. Cheliab Bemifs fon of Daniel Bemis by Ruth his wife born in Kellingley Aug^* 24. 1721. Sarah Chandler daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife aged 16 year and about 5 months dyed March 7*^ 1721/22. [34] March 9* 1721/22 Edward Ainfworth of Woodstock and Joannah Davis of Pomfret Intend marriage, and were married Apr" 5*^. 1722 ^ John Chandler Jus Pac Silas Bowen Son of Henry Bowen by Margret his wife born Aprill 7*": 1722. Benjamin Carpenter fon of Jefse Carpenter by Margret his wife born March 29 1722. Ellenor Bugbee Daughter of Jonathan Bugbee by Bethyah his wife Born March 26*'' 1722. Jonathan Chapman fon of William Chapman by Abigail his wife Born Aprill 22: 1722. 28 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS David Johnfon fon of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife bom June the g^^ 1722. Dyed Decemb"" 5*^ 1723. Abiel & Benj° Morfe Pofthumus fons of Peter Morfe by Pricillah his wife, born May i^*: 1722 Mary Wright daughter of Jofeph Wright by Sarah his wife Born Aug^*^ 5'^ 1722 Dorothy Child daughter of John Child by Abigail his wife born October 6''', 1722. Decemb'' 29*^: 1722. Jofeph Dauis of Woodftock and Sarah Curtis of Roxbury Intend Marrage Abigail Lilley Daughter of Samuel Lilley by Abigail his wife born December 12**^. 1722. Esther Child Daughter of Ephraim Child by Prif cilia his wife born 7^''. 11*^. 1725. Hannah Eaton daughter of Jonathan Eaton by Lydia his wife born aug^*^ 27*^. 171 9. Jonathan Eaton fon of Jonathan Eaton by Lydia his wife born November 10*^ 1721. Habbijah Corbin Son of Jabez Corbin Jun'' by Hannah his wife born Feb'" 8'^ 1721/2 John Sanger Son of Nathanel Sanger by Dorcas his wife born may: 28*^^: 1722 [35] Mary Marcy Daughter of John Marcy Jun*" by Ex- perience his wife born February 12*^^. 1722/3. Abijah Ward fon of Bethyah Bugbee fingle won born Febru- ary the 22^^. 1720. Josiah Cummins fon of Josiah Cummins by Mary his Wife born June. 19*''. 1721 Sarah Cummins Daughter of Josiah Cummins by Mary his wife born March 11*'' 1722/3 Abigail Ainf worth Daughter of Edward Ainf worth by Joannah his wife born Feb"" 19*^. 1722/3. Marriage Intended between James Marcy & Judith Ainfworth both of Woodstock. Entered Aprill 4*^. 1723. they were Married May 2 : 1723 ^ m"" Josiah D wight in Woodstock Marriage Intended between Manafsah Horfmar & Mary Carpenter both of Woodstock. Entered May 4*^ 1723 Tabitha Holmes Daughter of David Holmes by Bathsheway his wife born Aprill 30*''. 1723. Marriage Intended between Samuel Bugbee and Mary Morfe Entered May 10*'' 1723. Marriage Intended between Abraham Perrin and Mary Morfe both of Woodstock Entered May 25*'^ 1723. Manafsah Horfmar and Mary Carpenter were Marryed in Woodstock May 30. 1723 by John Chandler Esq'" Justice of Peace. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 29 Samuel Bugbee and Mary Morfe were marryed in Woodstock June 26*^. 1722 by John Chandler Esq'' Jus* Pac^ Marcy Brock daughter of John Brock by Marcy his wife Born (in Boston) July 4*^, 1721. John Brock fon of John Brock by Marcy his wife Born May 14*^ 1723. Grace Morris Daughter of Edward Morris by Bethiah his wife July 4*^ 1721 Bethiah Morris Daughter of Edward Morris by Bethiah his wife born July 6: 1723 Benj^ Bartholomew fon of Joseph Bartholomew by Elizabeth his wife born June 26*'^: 1723. Mary Evans Daughter of Edmund & Ruth Evans horn at Mendon October 19^^ 1^2 2 [36] Susannah Lyon Daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born July 28*^. 1723. Mariage is Intended between moses marcy and Prudence morris both of the Parifh of Woodstock. Entered Aug^* 3: 1723. they were married Aug^* 19*^ 1723 ^ John Chandler Jus* Pac^. Jacob Mascraft fon of Samuel Mascraft by Thankful his wife born Aug^* 13*^. 1723. Marriage Intended between Joshua Brown of Norwich and Mary Bettys of Woodstock Entered 7^"" $^^. 1722,. John Holmes fon of John Holmes by Mary his wife born feptember 6*'' 1723. Joshua Brown of Norwich and Mary Bettys of Woodstock were Marryed Septei^ber 23 1723 by John Chandler Esq'" Jus* Pac^ : Gardiner Chandler fon of John Chandler by Hannah his wife born Sepf 18***. 1723. Octob'" 26*^ 1723 Marriage is Intended between Benj^ Roth & Unice Lyon both of the Parifh of Woodstock: Married Dec"" 12: 1723 by John Chandler Jus* Pac^. Abigail Pepper Daughter of John Pepper by Hannah his wife born May 13. 1723 ^br. ^th. J ^23 Marriage is Intended between Nathan Carpenter of Woodstock and Patience Towers of Attlebury. David Johnfon fon of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife dyed Dec' 5*^ 1723. Thomas Mighel of Kellingley and Mary Bacon of Woodstock Intend Marriage Entered Jan'" 12*'' 1723/4. John Maccoy fon of John Maccoy by Mary his wife born Jan'" 13*^. 1723.4. Huldah Peak Daughter of Joseph Peak by Grace his wife born Nov' 9*^ 1718 Grace Peak wife of Joseph Peak Dyed 30 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Joseph Peak fon of Joseph Peak by Mary his wife born Feb"" 8^^: 1722/3 Thomas May fon of John May by Elizabeth his wife bom Feb"" 14*^. 1723/4 Rebeckah Bacon Daughter of Thomas Bacon Jun^ by Dinah his wife born 8'"' 9^^ 1722 Anna Bacon Daughter of Thomas Bacon Jun'' by Dinah his wife born S''^ 22. 1723, John Maccoy fon of John Maccoy by Mary his wife born Jan^ I3t^ 1723/4. John Dwight of Woodstock and fibbil Hamhn of Middletown Intend Mariage. Entered march 6*^^ 1723/4 Penuel Child & Dorothy Dwight Intend Marriage. Entered March y^^ 1723/4 [37] M'' Henry Bowen Dyed March I3*\ 1723/4. he was aged about 90 years. Judith Marcy daughter of James Marcy by Judith his wife born Feb'' 25'*^. 1723/4 Dorothy Carpenter Daughter of Eliphalet Carpenter by Re- beckah his wife born September 14*'^. 1723. Hulda Lamb Daughter of John Lamb Entered below John Wright fon of Joseph Wright by Sarah his wife born Apr" 20*^^ 1724 Dyed Jatf 13^'^ 17334 Jonathan Newell of the Parifh of Woodftock & Millicent Mafon of Lexington Intend Marriage Entered May i®* 1724. Ephraim John fon fon of Isaac Johnfon by Abigail his wife born Feb''. 9'^'': 172 1/2 Dinah Johnfon Daughter of Isaac Johnfon by Abigail his wife born Nov'' 16. 1722. Asa Payfon fon of Jonathan Payfon by Mary his wife bom May 11*^. 1724 Jonathan Goold fon of Thomas Goold by Rebeckah his wife bom May 12*'' 1724. Marriage is Intended between Matturin Allard and Joannah Holmes both of Woodftock. Entered June 12*'' 1724. they were married in Woodstock July 13*^ 1724 ^ John Chandler Jus* Pac^ Marriage is Intended between Sam" Perrin and Dorothy Morris both of the Parrifh of Woodstock. Entered June 13''^ 1724. they were married in Woodstock July 14*^ 1724 ^ John Chandler Jus* Pac®. Elizabeth lilly Daughter of Samuel Lilly by Abigail his wife born July 15*'' 1724. Benj^ Grigg Dyed the 19*'' of August 1724 Daniel Ainf worth Dyed the i^* of September 1724. Samuel Manning fon of Timothy Manning by Sufannah his wife bom Auguft 19**'. 1724. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 31 Mary Brock Daughter of John Brock by Mary his wife born the 9^*^ day of September 1724. Nathaniel Sangar fon of Nathaniel fanger Jun'" by Dorcas his wife born September 24'^. 1724. Hulda Lamb Daughter of John Lamb by Rebeckah his wife born 18*** of April 1724. Deliverance Carpenter Son of Jefse Carpenter by Margeret his wife born Aug^* 7^^ 1724 [38] Benj^ Bugbee of Woodstock and Elizabeth Earl of Pomfret intend Marriage. Entered Nov'" 6*^. 1724 Patience Griggs Daughter of Benj'' Griggs by Patience his wife born December 21^^ 1724 post humous. Mary Peak Daughter of Joseph Peak by Mary his wife Born January the 13*^. 1724/5. Mariage is intended between Sanuel Marcy of Woodstock and Mary Ruffel of Ashford. Entered Feb"" i®*. 1724.5. Mar- ried by m'" James Hale in Ashford the 13'^ of Feb''. 1724.5 Sarah Child Daughter of John Child Jun"" By Abigail his wife born May 12*^ 1724. John Eaton Son of Jonathan Eaton by Lydia his wife born Ma:y the 18. 1724. Manafsah Horfmar fon of Manafsah Horsmar by Mary his wife Born October 11*''. 1724. Matthew Bowen fon of Henry Bowen by Margret his wife born October 22 1724. Benj^ Marcy and Mary Corbin both of Woodstock were mar- ried Feb'" 10*^. 1724.5 ^ John Chandler Jus' Pac^ Abigail Goodell Daughter of John Goodell by Anna his wife born October 13*. 1719. near Woodstock John Marcy Dyed December 23. 1724 in Woodstock (Senex.) Mary Cumins Daughter of Josiah Cumins by Mary his wife born February 2: 1724.5 Entered March 12'^ 1724/5. Ebenezer Morris of Woodstock and Sarah Killam of Enfield Intend Marriage. Joseph Belknap and Prudence Morris both of Wodstock Intend Marriage. Elisha Child fon of Ephraim Child by Prif cilia his wife born Feb'" 11*'' 1724/5. Hannah Pepper Daughter of John Pepper by Hannah his wife born Feb'' 28'^ 1724/5. Elizabeth Mascraft Daughter of Samuel Mafcraft by Thankful his wife born March the 12*'' 1724/5. Dyed April 18 1725. Josiah Holmes Son of David Holmes by Bathfheway his wife born March 23: 1724/5. [39] Marriage is Intended between Capt" William Chandler of Woodstock and m''^ Jemima Bradbury of Salisbury. Entered Aprill 10*^ 1725. 32 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Penuel Child and Dorothy Dwight were Married in Woodstock April 9*'' 1724 hy the Rev'' m'" Josiah Dwight. Jofiah Child fon of of Penuel Child by Dorothy his wife bom March 6*^ 1724/5 Mary Pay fon Daughter of Jonathan Pay fon by Mary his wife Dyed in Woodstock March 20*^ 1724/5 Isaac Morris fon of Edward Morris by Bethyah his wife born March 26, 1725. David Perin fon of Abraham Perin by Mary his wife born Auguft 4*'' 1724. Daniel Ainf worth fon of Edward Ainf worth by Joanna his wife born October 21^* 1724. Marriage is intended between Joseph Bacon and Rebeckah Carpenter. Entered May i^^^ 1725 — they were married in Bo f ton. Gideon Carpenter Son of Nathan Carpenter by Patience his wife born May 24*^ 1725. Theode Lyon Daughter of Joseph Lyon by Eliz his Wife born Aug^"^ ^th_ J725 Anna Payfon Daughter of Jonathan Payfon by Mary his wife Dyed July 4*^. 1725. James Bradbury of Woodstock & Elizab*'* Sanders of Haverel Intend Marriage Entered October 16. 1725 Chriftopher Peak and Rebeckah Bugbee both of Woodftock Intend Marriage. Entered Novemb'" 3. 1725. Mehetabel Holmes Daughter of John Holmes by Mary his wife born Octob'" 3. 1725. John Perin of Woodstock & Abigail Morris of Mianoxit In- tend Marriage. Entered Decemb'' 28*''. 1725. John Morfe & Sarah Peak — Edw"^ Bugbee & Katharine Peak all of Woodftock Intend Marriage. Entered Jatf 8*^. 1725.6 [40] Pennuel Bacon fon of Joseph Bacon Jun"" by Rebeckah his wife Born January 8*^ 1725.6. John Abbott fon of Daniel Abbott by Hannah his wife Born January the Eleventh 1725.6 Samuel Bacon fon of Thomas Bacon by Dinah his wife born S^"" 25. 1725. Sarah Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Hannah his wife Born January the Eleventh 1725.6 Experience Marcy Daughter of John Marcy by Experience his wife Born the 7th of November 1725. Elizabeth Sanger Daughter of Nathaniel Sanger by Dorcafs his wife Born January lo*'^. 1725-6. Marriage is Intended between James Horfmar and Elizabeth Aspinwall Entered Feb'" 5*^. 1725.6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 33 John Morfe and farah Peak — Edward Bugbee & Catharine Peak were marryed Feb"", y^'^. 1725.6 ^ John Chandler Just Pac^ David Brock fon of John Brock by Marcy his wife born November 5*^ 1725. Marriage is Intended between David Southwick of the Parifh of Woodstock and Hannah Grigs of Roxbury. Entered Feb"^ 25^. 1725.6 Elizabeth Mafcraft Daughter of Samuel Mafcraft by Thank- iull his wife born February the 24^^ 1725.6 died March 25**^. 1726. Dorothy Marcy Daughter of Mofes Marcy by Prudence his wife born November 18*^. 1723. Jedidiah Marcy fon of Moses Marcy by Prudence his wife "born September the i^*. 1725. Abiel Wright fon of Joseph Wright by Sarah his wife March ii*\ 1725.6 William Lyon Jun'' of Woodstock and Patience Hall of Bel- lingham Intend marriage. Entered April S'^'^ 1726 Thoams Bradbury Chandler fon of William Chandler by Jemima his wife born April 17*^. 1726 the Same Day Benjamin Perin fon of John Perrin by Abigail liis wife Born Eben^ Morris Son of Ebenezer Morris by Sarah his wife born April. 19*''. 1726. Dan" Lyon & Pricilla Morfe both of Woodftock Intend Mar- riage. Entered April 29. 1726 [41] Prudence May Daughter of John May by Elizabeth "his wife born March 22. 1725.6 Sarah Davis Daughter of Joseph Davis by Sarah his wife born Nov'' 23. 1723 Joseph Davis fon of Joseph Davis by Sarah his wife born March y^'^ 1724.5 Ebenezer Anna Perrin Daughter of Abraham Perin by Mary his wife born Feb"": 25: 1725.6 Jemima Bugbe Daughter of Jonathan Bugbee by Bethyah his wife born May 31^*: 1726. Anna Payfon Daughter of Jonathan Payfon by Mary his wife born Aug^'. 17*''. 1726. Habijah Child fon of John Child by Abigail his wife bom September y^'^ 1726 John Frizel And Abigail morris of Woodstock intend mar- riage. Entered Septemb"" 3 : 1726. Married Nov'". 10*^ 1726 ^ John Chandler Jus' Pac. Dorcafs Goold Daughter of Thomas Goold by Rebeckah his "wife born Aug^* 19*''. 1726. Dyed June 30. 1728. Nathaniel Child of Kellingley & Dorothy Johnfon of wood- 34 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS stock Intend Marriag-e. Entered October 8'^. 1726. Married Decemb'^ 8*''. 1726 ^' Jn° Chandler Jus* Pac^ Smith Johnfon and Experience Parker both of Woodstock intend Marriage. Entered Octob^ 8*^ 1726. Married Nov^ 16*. 1726 ^ John Chandler Just. Pac. Clement Corbin and Hanrlah Morris both of the Parifh of Woodstock intend Marriage. Entered October 14*'*. 1726. Mar- ried p^"". 7. 1726 by John Chandler Just. Pac. Nehemiah May of Woodstock & Mehetabel Holbrook of Rox- bury Intend Marriage. Entered Octob"" 22: 1726 Mehetabel Richardfon wife of Zachariah Richardfon Dyed Joseph Griggs and Patience Parker both of Woodstock In- tend Marriage. Entered 8*^'": 31. 1726. they were marryed Nov' 16. 1726 ^ John Chandler Just. Pac^ Martha Child Daughter of Penuel Child by Dorothy his wife born Aug^^ 18*''. 1726 Mary Lillee Daughter, Ruben Lillee fon of Samuel Lillie by Abigail his wife born July 16'''. 1726 Abigail Lillie wife of Samuel Lillie dyed August VK 1726. Marriage is Intended between Joshua Chandler of Woodftock & Elizabeth Cutler of Medway. Entered December 29'^''. 1726. Marryed Feb 16. 1726.7 ^ John Chandler Just. Pac. John Scarbro and Abigail Philmore both of Woodstock In- tend marriage. Entered Dec^. 29''^. 1726. Robert Cook of Kellingley and Rebeckah Scarbro of Wood- stock Intend Marriage. Entered Jan'' 12'^''. 1726/7. Married March 15*^. 1726.7 ^ John Chandler Just. Pac^ [42] Alitheah Bugbee Daughter of Benj^ Bugbee by Eliza- beth his wife born December 20*^. 1726. Marriage is Intended between Alexander Mackay of Wood- stock & Abigail Rood of Norwich. Entered Feb"" 10*''. 1726-7. Marriage is Intended between Samuel Lillie and Mehetabel Bacon both of Woodstock. Entered March i^'. 1726.7. they were Married March 23. 1726.7 ^ J: Chandler J. P. Jonathan Corbin fon of Jabez Corbin by Hannah his wife born 8'^'': 26. 1723 Jabez Corbin fon of Jabez Corbin by Hannah his wife born March 21. 1724.5 Hannah Corbin Daughter of Jabez Corbin by Hannah his wife bom 7^"". 13. 1726. the la ft in Woodftock, the 2 other adjacent viz at Quenibaug. Obadiah Child fon of Eben'" Child by Eliz his wife born Aug^* 10*'^ 1 72 1 and Dyed Decem'". 1722 Elizabeth Child Daughf of Eben'" Child by Eliz his wife born May 3: 1723 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 35 Sufanah Child Daughter of Eben'" Child by Eliz his wife born March 24*^ 1724/5 Margret Bacon wife of Joseph Bacon Dyed Feb"" 19*^. 1726.7 John Bacon fon of Thomas Bacon by Dinah his wife April 5 1727 . Alarriage is Intended Between Samuel Bugbee and Sufsanah John fon both of Woodstock. Entered April 5'^ 1727. the above named Per fon were Marryed May 16*^ 1727 ^i Jn° Chandler J. P. Marriage is Intended between Samuel Child of Woodstock & Keziah Hutchins of KelHngley. Entered May 2,G-^. i.'J2.'j. Irijah Sanger son of Nath" Sanger by Dorcas his wife born May 6*^. 1727 John Marcy Son of John Marcy by Experience his wife born Feb 27*^^. 1726.7 John Belknap son of Joseph Belknap by Prudence his wife born 7'''': 21. 1725 William Belknap son of Joseph Belknap by Prudence his wife born March 9**^. 1726.7 & Dyed 7^^ 19*^. 1727. Hannah Mackmaners Daughter of Thomas Mackmaners by Hannah his wife Born August 18: 1727 Peter & Joannah Child fon & Daughf of Ephraim Child by Prif cilia his wife born July 6. 1727 Amos Carpenter fon of Jefse Carpenter by Margret his wife born June i^* 1727. Phineas Bacon fon of Jofeph Bacon by Rebeckah his wife born June 8*^ 1727 Elijah Lyon fon of William Lyon by Patience his wife born May 8*^ 1727 Benj^ Morris & Hannah Horfmar Intend Marriage. Entered 8''^ 21. 1727. [43] John Frizel son of John Frizel by Abigail his wife born July 13. 1727 Martha Carpenter Daughter of Eliphal* Carpenter by Rebeckah his wife Born July 6'^^ 1726. Hannah Bowen Daughter of Henry Bowen by Margret his wife born Aug^* 9*^. 1727. Dyed Aug^*^ 21^*. 1727. Efther May Daughter of John May by Elizabeth his wife born Jan'" 7*^: 1727.8 Mary Corbin y® wife of Lt Jabez Corbin Dyed Jan"" 13 : 1727.8. Isaac Johnfon fon of Isaac Johnfon by Abigail his wife born April 2.^. 1725 Abigail Johnfon Daughter of Isaac Johnfon by Abigail his wife born Aug^* 2&^. 1727 Samuel Holmes son of John Holmes by Mary his wife born gbr jjth J727 and Dyed Nov"" i^* 1727 36 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sarah JMaf craft Daughter of Sam" Maf craft by Thankfull his wife born Aug^* 29*''. 1727 Jedediah Mors son of John Mors by Sarah his wife Born July 8^^ 1726. Hannah Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Hannah his wife born Feb'", i^'. 1727.8. Jofhua Chandler fon of Jofhua Chandler by Elizabeth his wife born March i^^ 1727.8 Abigail Wright Daughter of Jofeph Wright by Sarah his wife Born Feb^ 15. 1727.8. Penelope Eaton Daughter of Jonathan Eaton by Lydiah his wife born March the 21^*. 1726.7. Mary Corbin Daughter of Jabez Corbin by Hannah his wife born March f^ 1727/8 Caleb lyon of Rehoboth & Margaret Lyon of Woodftock' Intend Marryage. Entered Jan"" 13**^. 1727.8 Jacob Child & Dorcas Ainfworth both of Woodftock Intend Marriage. Entered March 9*^. 1727.8 Jofeph Maccoy, fon of John Maccoy by Mary his wife born October. 15 1727. Mary May Daughter of Nehemiah May by Mehetabel his wife born Octob'" 23. 1727. Rebeckah Lilly Daughter of John Lilly by Abigail his wife Born Aug^*^ 20'^'' 1727. Timothy Bugbee fon of Edward Bugbee by Catharine his wife born March 10*'' 1727-8 William Chandler fon of William Chandler by Jemima his wife born March 10*^ 1727.8 Frances Throop Daughter of Amos Throop by Frances his wife born March 17*'' 1727.8 Martha Marcy Daughter of Mofes Marcy by Prudence his wife born July 2: 1727. Moses Holmes fon of David Holmes by Bathfheway his wife born June 16. 1727. James Corbin & Sufannah Bacon both adjacent to Woodftock Intend marriage. Entered March 28*'^ 1728 Joseph Marcy of Woodftock & Mary Throp of Briftol Intend marriage. Jacob Lyon & Mehetabel Bugbe both of Woodftock Intend marriage. Entered March 29*^. 1728. James Morris fon of Eben"" Morris by Sarah his wife born Feb^ 2^*^ 1727.8. [44] Hannah Marcy Daughter of Benj^ Marcy by Mary his wife born October 4*^^. 1725. Louis Marcy Daughter of Benj^ Marcy by Mary his wife October 3. 1727. Freelove Carpenter Daughter of Nathan Carpenter by Patience his wife Born March 28*^^ 1728 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 37 Ruth Chamberlin Daugh*'" of John Chamberlin by Ruth his wife Born ocf. ii*^. 1728 Sarah Bugbee daughter of John Bugbee by Elizabeth his wife born April 2' [1755] EHsabeth Daughter of Caleb May by Mehetabel his wife born Decem"- [1755] Elias Son of Elisha Child by Alice his Wife Born December [1755] John Son of John Hutchins by Lucy his wife Born July 31^*^ [^754] . . • ^ Prudence Daughter of Benj° Lyon by Sarah his wife [bap- tized November 16, 1755] [20] [William] Son of William M*^Clellan by Anna his Wife born July 28'*^: 1755 [ ] Son of John Mercy Jun"" by Martha his Wife born Janua^ 28'''. 1756 [ ] Daughter of Nathan^ Babcock by Mary his Wife born Decem"" 19''': 1755 [ ] Daughter of Lemuel & Damari_§ . Chandler Born Jan- uary 22"^: 1756 [Sarah] Daughter of Parker and Hannah Morfs Born Novem"" 2iti>: 1755 [Hannah] Daughter of Heze^ & Eunice Smith Born February 11^^ 1756 [ ] Daughter Hez^ Smith by Eunice his wife bor February II*^ 1756 [ ] son of Jedidiah Morfe by Sarah his Wife Born Feb- ruary 12**': 1756 [Priscilla] Daughter of John Morfs Jun"" by EHsab^ his Wife born July 7*'' 1754 [Mary] Daughter of John Morfe Jun"". by Elisabeth his wife born Octo'' 25*''. 1755 [ ] son of Seth Hebbert by Eleonar his Wife Born Novem- ber 2^ 1755 [ ] of Zebadiah Marcy by Prifcilla his Wife Born Feb- ruary is*-^: 1756 [ ] Daughter of Israel Mary by Abigail his wife born Janu^ 25*''. 1756 [ ]iel Son of John Throop by Frances his wife born Febr'' 10*^: 1756 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS III [ ]er Son of Joseph Bacon by Mary his wife Born Janua^ 24''' ■■ 1755 [David] Son of John Brock Jun"" by Sarah his wife Born Feb- ru^ 13*'^: 1756 [Sophia] Daughter of Josheph Penniman by Lyddia his wife born Nov"" S^^: 1755 [Spenc]er Son of Nath" Child by Jemima his Wife born April 10*''. 1756 [Cyr]el son of Jonathan and Dinah Child born May 5^ 1756 [Abigai]l Daughter of Daniel and Abigail Bacon born Janu. 6 1756 [ ] Son of Asa Payson by Mary his Wife Born April 10*^. 1756 [Hannah] Posthumas son of Will"" Chandler Jutf by Mary his wife Born June 17*^ 1756 [Alice] Daughter of John Sanger by Dorothy his wife bom Decern'" 10*'': 1755 [Jesse ?] Son of Jacob Marfcraft by Mary his Wife born June 22*^. 1756 [Zilph]a Daughter of Daniel and Dorcas Marfcraft born May 27*^: 1756 [Esth]er Daughter of Abijah and Abigail Corbin born Octo- ber 24. 1755. [ ] Son of Jefse Carpenter by Abigail his wife Born May 13*^ 1756 [Bille] Son of Ephraim Manning by Mary his Wife born August 24*'': 1756 [Anna] Daughter of John and Mehetabel Chaffe born March 2^. o.s. 1748 [Olive] Daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah Chaffe born March 24*^ 1756 [ ]ah Daughter of Samuel and Anna Bacon born March 14^'^: 1756 [Ephraim son of] Smith Barret by Mary his wife born Febru^ 5"*: 1756 Jabez^® [son of] John Lyon by Mary his Wife born Jan''. 26 : 1756 [21] Leonard Son of Benj^ and Martha Bartholomew born Octo^ I5^^ 175 [9] Andrew Stephens son of Elkanah & Hannah Stephens Born Feb"- 13. 1759 Irene Daughter of John Perin 3^ by Prifcilla his wife born Sep^ 2^. 1756 Olive Daughter of John Child Jun"" by Sibbil born Sep'. 27'^'^ 1759 16 Added in a later hand. 112 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Eph™ Son of Stephen May by Mary his wife bom Nov"". 22. 1759 Azubah Daughter of Benj^ Lyon 2*. by Sarah his wife born Dece'' 4. 1759 Mamre Daughter of John Lyon by Mary his wife born July 5'^ 1759 Molly Daughter of Uriah Allard by Prudence born May !$"". 1759 . . , Zerviah Daughter of Jonathan Child by Dinah his wife born Octo'' 9. 1759 Stephen Son of Eli f ha Chamberlin by Damaris his wife born Octo'" 26. 17 [ ] Jonathan Cady Son of Jofiah Chaffe by Sarah his wife born Octo"". 19. 1759 Isaac Southwick son of David Brock by Marcy his wife born Jan^ 9'^ 1760 John Eliot Son of John and Efther Chandler born December 3P\ 1759 Hannah Daughter of Mofes and Marcy John f on born Novem- ber 17*^. 1759 Andrew son of y® Rev*^ Stephen Williams by Martha his wife born Jan'" 2i^^ 1760 Anna Daughter of Ezra Perrin & Anna his wife born Feb'". 26*^. 1760 Sam^' Son of Sam" & Jemime M'^Clellen bom Feb'" 11**'. 1760 Daniel son of Dan" Lyon Jun' by Prudence his wife born Jan'" 17 [1760] Timothy son of Silas Child by Jedidah his wife born Nov"" 27*. 1759 Eliz^ Daughter of Eben'" Smith Jun'" by Dorothy his wife born Dec'" 7*'' 1759 Chefter Son of W"'. Marcy by Lucy his wife born Nov'". 6*^^. 1759 Eliz'' Daughter of John Perin 2^ by Prif cilia born Aprill 24*^ [1760] Luther son of Nath" Eaton by Sarah his wife born Aprill 3 1^763] Thompson Son of Elifha Child by Allis his wife born Feb'". 8. i7[ ] Nabbe Daughter of Anna Child born Jan'". 12^'^. 1756 Uriah son of Uriah Allard by Prudence his wife born July 27"^ [1757] Zubah Daughter of Benj^ Lyon 2^ by Sarah his wife Bom December 4*^ [1759] Mamre Daughter of Jn° Lyon by Mary his wife born July [ ] 1759 Molle Daughter of Uriah Allard by Prudence born [ ] 17 [baptized June 3 1759] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 113 [Zerjviah Daughter of Jonath° Child by Dinah his wife [bap- tized October 14 1759] Ezra Son of Peter Child by Sufanna his wife born June i. 1759 Perley son of Ebenezer Child Jun"" by Charaty his wife born Dec'- 6 [1759] Abraham son of Israel Marcy by Abigail his wife born De- cem'"' [ ] Elias son of Stephen Chapman by Abigail his wife born May [baptized with Zerviah November 28 1762] Jemime Daughter of Nath" Child by Jemime his wife born May 28. 1760 [ ] Daughter of Jonas Sawyer by Lydia his wife born March 2 [ ] [ ] Matth^ Hammond by Mary his wife born Auguft 12*'' [ ] [22] [ Jfcilla Daughter of Jacob Fellows by Phebe his wife born Auguft 17'''. 1760. Jofeph Son of Elias Mafon by Lydia his wife born April 17. i7[6]o Elizabeth Daughter of Isaac Morris by Sarah his wife bom July Iot^ 1759 Eli f ha Son of Hez^ May by Elizabeth his wife born June 10*'* 1760 Allis Daughter of Eli f ha by Allis his wife Born June 8*^ 1760 Jonathan son of Jabez Corbin Jun'". by Sarah his wife born Auguft 20*^: 1760 Meriam Daughter of Joseph Manning by Ruth his wife bom June 30*'': 1760 Bille son of Nath" Sanger Jun'" by Mary his wife Born Aug®* 18'^. 1760 Ephraim son of Henry Child by Dorothy his wife born June 7. 1760 [A]biel Son of Caleb May by Mehetabel His wife born July 6*'*. 1760 John Maftes Son of James Call by Hannah his wife born Auguft I7*^ 1760 Sophia Daughter of Stephen Tucker by Lois his wife born March 16*^. 1760 Sarah Daughter of Noah Riply by Lydia his wife born May 17*'' 1760 [Ajbijah & Abiel Twin Children of Sam" Harding by [ ] nah his wife born Auguft i^*. 1760 [ ]annah Daughter of Caleb Lyon Jun'" by Eliz* his wife born July 30*''. 1760 8 114 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ]rtha Daughter of Will'" Powers by Return his wife [ ] in July 1 8'^. 1760 [ ]ter Morfs Son of Amos Perrin by Anna his wife [ ] September 8'^''. 1760 '^[Mojllyn Daughter of Ezra May by Margret his wife born March 29'''. 1760 [ ] Bacon Daughter of Ephriam Bacon by Sarah [his] wife Born October 11'^'' 1759 [23] Thomas son of George Lyon by Zerviah his wife born May 16. 1760 Dorothea Daughter of Parker And Hannah Morfs born June 12"". 1760 Zerviah Daughter of Eli f ha Goodell by Martha his wife born October 5*^^. 1760 Sarah Daughter of Elifha Chamberlin by Damaris his wife born June 3*^. 1760 Asenath Hodges Daughter of Jemime Chaffe Born July 22^. 1760 William Son of Thomas May by Lucy his Wife born Octo*" 16. 1760 Cyril Son of Darius Ainf worth by Mary his wife born Auguft 28"". 1760 William Son of Nathaniel Johnfon Jun"" by Anna his wife born October 13*^^ 1760 Zebulon Son of John Sanger by Dorothy his wife born June iS'\ 1757 Azubah Daughter of John Sanger by Dorothy his wife born September 3'^. 1760 Allis Daughter of Jacob Marfcraft by Mary his wife born Auguft 27'''. 1760 Sophia Daughter of Lemuel Peake by Johannah his . wife born November 3^. 1760 John son of George Cotne by Sarah his wife born Auguft 20'^''. 1760 Samuel son of Ebenezer Chaffe by [ ] wife born June 9*'* 1760 [W]illard Son of Henry Child by Dorothy his Wife Born May 7*^ 176 [baptized May 14 1758] [24] Sarah Daughter of Daniel Paine Jun'" by Eliz^ his wife born September 6*^. 1760 Sarah Daughter of Jofeph Frifsel by Huldah his wife bom December 4*^^. 1760 ' Abiel Son of John Morfs Jun^. by Elizabeth his wife May 28*^. 1760' Synthia Daughter of Shubael Child by Abigail his wife born October 26*^. 1760 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 115 Mary Daughter of Jonathan Morris by Mary his wife born Octo'". 28'^. 1760 Anne Daughter of Jonathan Gould by Mary his wife Born December 3'"'^ 1760 Didymus Son of John Howlet by Rebeckah his wife Born Aprill 4*''. 1760 Molly Daughter of Thomas Chapman by Mary his wife born Nov''. 20*''. 1760 Stephen son of Stephen Marcy by Mary his wife born Jan' i^\ 1760 [Elisjha son of John Hutchins by Lucy his wife born May 16^^: 1760 Rebeckah Daughter of Abraham Skinner Jun"" by Anna his wife born Aprill 20*^. 1760 John son of Peter Sanders by Grace his wife born In Kel- lingley January i^*. 1754 Lydia Daughter of Nathaniel Worrin by Alithea born Decem- ber 10*^. 1760 [ ] the Daughter of Daniel Bugbee 2^. by Efther his wife born December 4*^. 1760 [25] Jofeph Son of Benjamin Hayward by Hannah his wife born January 26. 1761 Clorine Daughter of Nathaniel Marcy by Hannah his wife Born December 15. 1760 Sarah Daughter of Jonathan Smalleye by Elizabeth his wife born Auguft 5*^. 1760 Elizabeth Daughter of Mofes Chandler by Frances his wife born October 20*^^. 1760 Timothy son of Timothy Perrin by Mary his wife born Jan- uary 11*'^. 1761 Hannah Daughter of Jofeph Peake Jun' by Sarah his wife bom January 13*^: 1761 Hannah Peak Daughter of Bethiah Deming born in Dudley Octo' 2^^"°- 1767 Perley son of Abner Harris by Deborah his wife Born May 8*^ 1760 Lucy Daughter of Benjamin Bartholomew by Martha his wife Born Dec"". 4**^ 1760 Lydia Daughter of James Bugbee by Mary his wife born Feb- ruary 20*''. 1760 Bette Daughter of Ephraim Manning by Mary his wife Born February 21=*. 176 1 Matilda Daughter of Elnathan Walker by Hannah his wife born December 18. 1760 Patte Daughter of Afa Morris by Anne his wife born March 16. 1761 Il6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Hezekiah Son of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife March 22^ : 1761 Molle Daughter of Matthew Hammond by Mary his wife born Aprill 8^^. 1 76 1 [26] Sarah Daughter of WilHam Manning by Mary his wife born June s^^ ^759 Lemuel fon of Neemiah Underwood by Anna his wife born feb"" 24**^: 1760 Michal Son of Richard flyn by Sarah his Wife born March the 9*^ 1754 Patty Daughter of Richard Flyn by Sarah his Wife born Feb- ruary y® 13*^ 1757 Hannah Daughter of Richard Flyn by Sarah his wife born Dece'". y* 13*^ 1759 Cloe Daughter of Jofiah Chaffee by Sarah his wife born April 17 1764 Martha Howlett the Daughter of Sam" Howlett Jun'' & Mary his wife Born March 28*'': A.D. 1760 Rachel Daughter of Eben''. Smith Jun"" by Dorothy his wife born March 22**: 1761 Abel son of Peter Sanders & Grace his wife born April is'**: A.D 1761 James son of Ebenezer Dodge & Eunice his born May iS'**. A.D. 1761 Rufus son of John Greene by Azubah his wife born June y*' 4*'^: A.D 1 761 Molly Daughter of William Martin Ju''. by Elizabeth his wife born April 10*'': 1761 [W]iman son of Daniel Ainsworth by Sarah his wife born March 28*: 1761 Mary the Daughter of Zebadiah Marcy by Prif cilia his wife born Feb 16: 1757 Adin the son of Zebadiah Marcy by Prifcilla his wife born April 17'^: 1758 Prifcilla Daughter of Zebadiah Marcy by Prifcilla his wife born Jan"^ 6*^. 1760 Zebadiah son of Zebadiah Marcy by Prifcilla his wife born July 2^: 1 76 1 Mary Daughter of Nathan Child by Dorcas his wife born July 20**'. 1 76 1 Jemima Daughter of Edward Johnson Jun"". by Mary his wife born Feb" 28*''. 1761 John son of John Dodge & Sarah his wife born May 20''': 1761 [ Jzabeth Daughter of John Marcy by Martha his wife born Aug^* 20*^: 1761 Present son of Jonas Sawyer by Lydia his wife born July 20*'' : 1 761 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 117 Rebekah Daughter of Uriah Allard by Prudence his wife born Jan^. 18*'': 1 761 Amarilla Daughter of John Nelson by Mary his wife born Aug^M 21®': 1761 [Es]ther Daughter of David Perin by Esther his wife born July 24*'': 1 76 1 Persis Daughter of Jonathan Child by Dinah his wife born August 23*^: 1 76 1 [ jdidiah Son of Jedidiah Morfs by Sarah his wife born August 22,^: 1 76 1 [ jhaniah Son of Zephaniah Dean by Hannah his wife born Feb^ 3*^: 1761 [Asa] Son of Abijah Child by Abigail his wife born June 18*'': 1761 [ ] Son of William Wakefield by Dorcas his wife born Sepf. 28*^: 1 761 [27] Ebenezer Son of Edward Ainfworth by Sibbil his wife bom June [1761] Lincoln son of Noah Ripley by Lydia his wife born Sepf: ly^^: i76[i] Molly Daughter of Silas Child by Jedida his wife born Ocf 20*^: 1 76 1 Elias son of Ephraim Carpenter by Tabitha his wife born Ocf : 7*^: 1 761 Molly Daughter of Eliphalet Goodale by Molly his wife born Decern'' 23^: 1759 John son of John Call by Lucy his wife born October y^ 14*^: 1761 Luther son of Nathan Ainsworth by Abigail his wife born Aug^*: y^ l6'^ 1760 Frances Daughter of Uriah Johnfon by Lucy his Wife born Sepf. 27*'^ i76[o] Huldah Daughter of Uriah Johnfon by Lucy his wife born Ocf. 8*1^: 1 76 1 Sarah Daughter of Stephen May by Mary his wife born Novm'": 21^*: 1761 Huldah Daughter of Ebenezer Holmes by Phebe his wife born July 10*'': 1756 Chandler son of Ebenezer Holmes by Martha his wife born March 10*'': 1760 John son of John Streeter by Margaret his wife born Nov': 19*1^: 1764 Isaac son of David Goodale by Hannah his wife born Octo': 4*'': 1 761 Caleb son of Samuel ChaflFe by Susannah his wife born Jan^. 25*^: 1761 Ii8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Abial son of James Chaff e by Rhoda his wife born Aug^*. 13*'' 1761 Anna Daughter of Silas Hodges by Mary his wife born Jan'*. i;^'^: 17 [ ] Jemima Daughter of W"". Manning by Mary his wife born Dec: 9*^^: i7[ ] Esther Daugf of Sam" Chamberlin Ju"" by Anna his wife born Ocf 25*^^: 17 [ ] Ezra son of Seth Chandler by Eunice his wife born April 3*^: 1761 Asa son of Hezekiah May by Elifabeth his wife born Nov'': 15*^: I76[ ] Dorothy Daughter of Daniel Lyon by Prudence his wife born Feb''. iS'"": 176 [2] Deborah Daughter of Benj^: Lyon by Sarah his Wife born March 15*'^ 176 [2] Mofes son of Mofes Chandler by Francis his wife born March 22"^. 1762 Lois Daughter of Asa Hammon by Lois his wife born July 24*'': 176 [baptized with David, Asa and Molly August 28 1768] William Son of Sam" M'^Clellan by Jemima his wife born March y^ 5*^*: 176 [2] Benjamin son of James Ledoite by Margaret his wife born April 4*''. 1 7 [62] Prifcilla Daughter of Jefse Carpenter by Abigail his wife born , Feb^ 22'*: 17 [baptized with Cyril October 20 1765] Zerviah Daughter of Stephen Chapman by Abigail his wife born May 7^^: 176 [2] Irene Daughter of John Child Jun'' by Sibbel his wife bom April 10*''. 1762 Charles Son of Shubael Child by Abigail his wife born May 9*''. 176 [baptized with Erastus August 12 1764] Kezia Daughter of Sam" Harding by Dinah his wife born May 19*'': 1762 David son of Joseph Frizel by Huldah his wife born April 10*'': iy[ ] Sabbrina Daughter of Isaac Stone by Sarah his wife born May lo^'': 17 [ ] Betty Daughter of Daniel Paine Jun''. by Betty his wife born June 28*''. 17 [62] Abiel Wright son of Joseph Narrimore by Sarah his wife born May 20*'' : 17 [62] Thankful Daughter of William Skinner by Thankful his wife born J[ ] [28] Deborah Daughter of William Skinner by Thankful his wife bom June 31^*: 1752 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 1 19 Deborah Daughter of Will™. Skinner by Thankful his wife born June y^^: 1754 Tabitha Daughter of Will™ Skinner by Thankful his wife born May 28'^: 1756 Francis Daughter of Will™ Skinner by Thankful his wife born Ocf 21^': 1757 Isaac son of Will™ Skinner by Thankful his wife born July 24*^^: 1759 Luther son of Will™. Skinner by Thankful his wife born Octob'": 14*^: 1760 Rebekah & Joanna Twins Daughters of Henry Child by Dorothy his wife born August the 21^': AD 1762 Alvan son of Joseph Peak Jun"" & Sarah his wife born May II*'': 1762 Spencer son of Elias Mason & Lydia his wife born Decern''. i^': 1761 Thomas son of Thomas Bugbee by Elizabeth his wife born Sepf. 19*'': 1 76 1 Cloe Daughter of Nathan Child by Dorcas his wife born Sepf . i^*. 1762 John son of Will™: Martin Jun'. by Elizabeth his wife born Sepf: 9*'': 1762 Cyrus son of Josiah Chaff e by Sarah his wife born July 18*^^ : 1762 Violeta Daughter of Lemuel Peak by Joanna his wife born Octob"-. 8*'^: 1762 Rufus son of Mof es Child by Mary his wife born August 30*^ : 1762 Allice Daughter of James Bugbee by Molly his wife bom Ocf. 29*'': 1762 Benjamin son of Amos Corbin by Kezia his wife born May the 4*^^: 1762 Lucretia Daughter of Henry Morris by Hannah his wife bom Septem'" 21^*^: 1762 Charity Daughter of' Nath" Child Esq"", by Jemima his wife born 2y^'^. of Ocf. 1762 [Sy]lva Daughter of Elisha Child by Alice his wife born 28*'' of Ocf. 1762 [Frjeeman Son of Benjamin Child by Patience his wife born 16"": of Nov"": 1762 Winslow Son of James Ames by Elifabeth his wife born 21^*. of Octob''. 1762 Sabrina Daughter of Hezekiah Smith by Eunice his wife born Nov'" 10*'': 1764 Ebenezer son of Ephraim Bacon by Sarah his wife bom Octob'. 9*^: 1 76 1 I20 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Anna Daughter of Daniel Bugbee by Anna his wife born Octob"" 24'''. 1762 Martha Daughter of Jonathan Allen by Martha his wife born July 24*'': 1762 Molly Daughter of Timothy Perin by Mary his wife born 16''' of Nov'': 1762 Stephen son of Rev'^. M''. Stephen Williams by Martha his wife born Aug^'. "j^^ 1762 Mercy Daughter of Benjamin Bacon by Miriam his wife born April 20'^: 1 761 Mary Daughter of Benj^ Bacon by Miriam his wife bom Sepf. ^^'. 1762 Ezenezer son of William Skinner by Thankful his wife born May 24*''. 1762 [ ]than Stedman Son of Prudence Hurlbut born July the 11*^: A. D. 1762 [ ]orah Daughter of Abial Chamberlin by Grace his wife born Septem"" : 20''' : 1762 [Isaa]c Son of Mofes Johnfon by Marcy his wife born may 29*^ 1762 [An]nah Daughter of John Morfs Jun'" by Elifebath his wife born June" 20*'' 1762 [ ] son of Jofiah Sumner by ann his wife born Sep*: 17*^: 1761 [29] [Wijlliam M^Clellen fon of Samuel & Jemima M*'- Clellen bor March 5. 1762 [ ]s Son To Stephen Roggers by Sarah his wife born October 5*^ 1762 Stephen Manning Son to Jofeph Manning by Ruth his wife born October 13**': 1762 Afrane Daughter to to Benjmin Bartholomew by Martha his wife born auguft 23*^: 1762 Aron Son to Ichabod Trufdel by Hannah his wife born De- cemb"". 7*^: 1762 Percy Daughter To William Bugbee by Betty his wife Born December 30*"^ 1762 Nathaniel Son To' Eliphet Redington by ann his wife born October 18''': 1762 Stephen son to Stephen Tucker by Lowes his wife born Sep*^: the 20**": 1 76 1 Lucy Daughter of John Hutchens by Lucy his wife born June 23^: 1762 Lucy Daughter to Nathaniel Badcock by Mary his wife born auguft 30**^: 1762 Mehetable Daughter to Caleb May by Mehetable his wife born February 21^*: 17 [63] 17 First written April. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS I2l Samuel Son To Jacob Marfcraft by mary his wife born Feb- ruary 24^^. 1763 William Son To John Ranne by Sibble his wife born August s'""- 1756 Jonathan Son To Jonathan Gould by Mary his wife born March 12*^: 1763 Charls Son To Lemuel Morris of Kellingley by Liddey his wife born April 24**" 1762 Martha Daughter to John Greene by azubah his wife born March 10''': 1763 Sarah Daughter of Nathaniel Eaton by Sary his wife born April 15*^: 1762 And Dece\ the Same Day Nathaniel son to Nathaniel Eaton by Sary his wife born march 14*'': 1763 And Dec^*. the same Day orintha Daughter to Japheth Bicknal by Hannah his wife born January 22""^ 1763 Eafter Daughter to Danel Bugbee by Eafter his wife born November 10*'': 1762 Azubah Daughter to Samuel Child Jun*" by Elifabath his wife born January 10*'' : 1763 Able Son to Thomas may by Lucey his wife born march 20*'' : 1763 Ofizas Son to John Dodge by Sary his wife born January i^^^: 1763 Bathiah Daughter to Jonathan Morris by Mary his wife born March ig**": 1763 Wareham son to Elnathan Walker by Hannah his wife born December i^*: 1762 Azubah Daughter to Ebenezer Ammadown by Sary his wife born March i^^: 1763 Mary Daughter to Stephen Tucker by Lois his Wife born April 19*'': 1763 Asa son to abner Harris Jun"" by Jerufha his wife born Jan- uary 26*^ 1763 Allis Daughter to Ephrem Manning by Mary his wife born March 25*^. 1763 John Sone To John Howlet by Rebecker his wife born Octobr II*'': 1762 Siluefter Son to Stephen Marcy by Marcy his wife Born April 10*^: 1763 Elizabath Daughter to Jonathan Smalladge by Elifabath his wife born January 25 : 1763 Andrew Sone to Seth Chandler by Unic his wife born October 30*'': 1762 Parker son to Jacob Fellows by Phebe his [ 1 October [ ] 13'M ] 122 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [30] [Eliza] bath Daughter of Ebenezer Chafife by Sary his wife born January 3'^: 1763 [Si] las Son to Nathaniel Johnfon Jun' by Annah his wife born June 29"': 1763 Policy Daughter to Afa Hammond by Lois his wife born May 24: 1763 Dauid Son To Dauid Holmes by Temperance his wife born auguft 17*'': 1762 John son to Walter Bordman by Patience his wife born Sep- tember 2°*^: 1757 Isaac Son to Samuel Chaff e by Suf annah his wife born April 10*'': 1763 Perley Son to Ebenezer Holmes by Marther his wife born March 18*^: 1763 William Son To Mathew Bowen by Mary his wife born Sep- tember 4*''. 1763 Anna Daughter to Benj° Haward by Hannah his wife born July 31^*: 1763 Afenath Daughter To Afa Morris by Anna his wife born Feb- ruary 26: 1763 [H]arvilud Son To Increas Child by Ollive his wife born Auguft 13*'': 1763 Afhna Son to Mofes Chandler by Frances his wife bom Sep*. 19**": 1763 Abner Son To George Cotney by Sary his wife born September 13*^: 1762 Lucy Daughter to Jonathan Child by Dinah his wife Born auguft 24*'*: 1763 Lidda Daughter to abner Harris by Deborough his wife Born Novem^'" 10'^'': 1762 Mehitable Daughter to Timothy Robinfon by Cafier his wife born October 3^. 1761 Elifabeth Daughter To John Call by Lucy his Wife born Sep- tember 29*^: 1763 Guftavus Sone To M'" Isaac Fellows by Lucy his wife born June 17*^. 1763 [Al]lis Daughter To Richard Flin by Sary his wife born July 21^*: 1763 Annah Daughter of John Sanger by Dorithy his wife born november the 12*'*: 1761 Perley Son Of John Sanger by Dorithy his wife Born March 25*'^. 1763 Lucindey Daughter of Henry Morris by Hannah his wife born Sep*, the 7*^: 1763 Betty Daughter of Hezekiah May by Elifa^ his Wife Born May 4*^: 1763 Hannah Daughter of Benj° Lyon 2^ by Sarah his Wife Born Sep'" 24**^. 1763 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 123 Winflow Son ©f Peter Child by Sufannah his Wife Born Ocf 17*^: 1763 Jofiah Son of Isaac Wilson by Abial his Wife born i*^ Sep' 1762 Ephraim son of Ephraim Carpenter by Tabitha his Wife born 26*^ May 1763 Alfred & Lyddia Children of Nath' Marcy by Hannah his Wife born October g^^ : 1763 Esther Daughter of Eben'' Smith Ju"" Efq'" by Dorothy his Wife born I**": Oct"": 1763 Leonard Son of Jedidiah Morfs by Sarah his Wife Born Nov"", ii'*': 1763 Perley son of William Chapman Ju'" by Tabithy His Wife born January i**": 1764 Fanny Daughter of Uriah Allard by Prudence his Wife born Dec"" 25*^: 1762 Sarah Corbin Daughter of Jabez Corbin Ju'" by Sarah his Wife born Jan"" 11*''. 1764 Abiel Holmes son of David Holmes by Temperance his Wife born Dec"" 24"" : 1763 Walter son of Elisha Chamberlin by Damaris his Wife born July 28'^. 1762 Addonijah fon of Sam? Chamberlin Ju' by Anna his Wife born Nov"" 23*^: 1763 Huldah Daughter of Darius Ainsworth by Mary his Wife born Ocf. 16"^. 1763 [ ] Daughter of Barnabas Raw fon by Mary his Wife born June 23^ i76[ ] [ ] David [Brock?] Marcy his Wife born Agust ^^^ i76[ ] [31] Charles Son of James Chaffee by Rhoda his Wife Bom June 14*'' 1763. Silas Son of Job Ruewee by Mary his Wife born February i*^ 1764 Lydia Daughter of Elias Mason by Lydia his Wife born Novem"" ii*"" 1763 Huldah Daughter of Ichabod Ormsbee by Esther his Wife Born Janu'''' 23*^. 1764 Mofes Dyer Son of John Dyer by his Wife born January 5*1^ 1764 Triphena Daughter of Ezra Perin by Anna His Wif born Febr'^ ii*^^ 1764 Olive Daughter of Joseph Narrimore by Sarah his Wife bor Dec"" 28*^ 1763 Amos Son of John Throop by Frances his Wife born December 22^. 1763 Benjamin Son of Joel Eddy by Rachel his Wife born June 20*'': 1754 124 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Rachel Daughter of Joel Eddy by Rachel his Wife Born Aug^* 5'*^ 1757 Olive Daughter of Joel Eddy By Rachel his Wife Born May 29*'' i76[ ] Ama Daughter of Joel Eddy by Rachel his Wife Born May 25*'' : 1763 John Son of Nathan Stedman by Prudence his Wife Born January 8*^'' 1764 Cyrrel Carpenter son of Jefsee Carpenter by Abigail his wife Born January y® 28^^^ : 1764 Noah Son of James Ledoyt by Margaret his Wife born March 16'^ 1764 Walter & ) Twin Children of Edward John f on Jun'" by Maray Willard ) his Wife Born February y^ 11*'' 1761 Cynthia Daughter of John Green 2^ by Rachel his Wife born February 18*^^: 176 [ ] Abigail Daughter of Jacob Fellows by Phebe his Wife Born March y® 7 : 176 [ ] Lemuel Son of Seth Hebbert by Eleonar his Wife Born Novem'" 16*^: 1764 Matturin son of Samuel Bacon by Anna his Wife Born July 14"^: 1759 Joanna Daughter of Sam' Bacon by Anna his Wife born March y^ 30*^: 1763 Hermes Daughter of Richard Peabody Ju'" by Tabitha his Wife born Febr^ y^ 2^: 1764 Anna Daughter of Jofeph Ainfworth by Rebekah his Wife born Nove"" y^ s^^' ^7^3 Erastus Son of Shubael Child by Abigail his Wife Born Novem- ber y^ ly^'^. 1763 The following are y^ Children of Ben. & Jinne Negro Servants to the Later Co'^ John Payfon Dec^ Viz I*'* Rofe born — December 30*^^ 1759 the 2^ a Daughter Named Flora Born December 14*^^ 1761 The Third a Daughter Name Juno Born December 17*^ 1763 Asa Son of Asa Perin by Olive his Wife born July y® 27*'' 1761 Greenfield Son of Afa Perin by Olive his Wife Born Novem^ iit^:i76[ ] William son of Nathaniel Elaton by Sarah his Wife Born Feb- ruary 23^ 176 [ ] [32] Mary Daughter of Daniel Paine Ju"" by Elifabeth his Wife born April 26^^ 1764 Hadlock Perin Son of David Perin by Esther his Wife Born July 21*''. 1763 Ifsachar Son of David Brock by Marcy his Wife Born May 14*'': 1764 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 125 Amos Son of John Morfe Ju'" by Elifabeth his Wife Born February 24^^ 1764 Kezia Daughter of Edward Ainfworth by Sibell his Wife born Nov'" 10*'': 1763 Jonathan Son of John Child by Sibill his Wife born March 6'^ AD: 1764 Lemuel Chandler Son of Samuel McQellen by Jemima his Wife Born April 3*^ 1764 Jacob Son of Nathan Child by Dorcas his Wife Born April 15*'* A D 1764 Alvan Son of Nathan Ainsworth Ju'' by Phebe his Wife born May 29*^* 1764 Betty Daughter of Ezra Chamberlin by Huldah his Wife Born Novem"" 21*"^: 1763 Alvan Son of George Lyon by Zarviah His Wife Born July IS*'' AD. 1758 Henry Son of George Lyon by Zerviah his Wife born 22*^. August 1762 Mofes Paine Son of Robert Durkee by Mehetabel his Wife born May 4*^^ 1764 Anne Daughter of Josiah Chaff e by Sarah his Wife born Febr'' 3^: 1764 Prif cilia Daughter of Daniel Lyon Ju^ by Prudence his Wife born June 15*^: 1764 Mary Daughteir of Silas Hodges by Mary his Wife Born Decem'' y^^ i7^S Oliver Son of Moses Child by Mary his Wife Born July 12*'* 1764 Patty Daughter of "Benjamin Bacon by Miriam his Wife born Eebr^ 6*^: 1764 Chloe Daughter of Nathaniel Sanger by Anna his Wife Born June 9*^. 1764 [HJarba Son of Samuel Child Jutf by Elifabeth his Wife Born April 24*'*. 1764 Calvin Son of Hezekiah Smith by Unice his Wife Born July II*^ AD. 1764 James Son of Ebenezer Smith Ju'" Efq'" by Dorothy his Wife iDorn August 22"^ 1764 Timothy Son of y^ Rev*^ M"" Stephen Williams by Martha his Wife born April 16*^: 1764 Asa Son of Stephen May by Mary his Wife Born September 4*^: 1764 Achsa Daughter of Jofeph Peake Ju' by Sarah his Wife born March 2* 1764 Lucy Daughter of Ichabod Marcy by Elisabeth his Wife Born July 18*'': 1764 126 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Zuba Daughter of David Goodell by Hannah his Wife Born Nov"" 4"": 1764 Hannah Daughter of Andrew Brown by Anne his Wife Born Febry 3"^. 1764 Prifcilla Daughter of Joseph Frifsel by Huldah his Wife Born May 4**^. 1764 Fanny Daughter of Mofes Johnfon by Marcy his Wife Bom May 6*'^ AD. 1764 Henry Bugbee Son of Thomas Bugbee by EHfabeth his Wife born Jan^ 7*^. 1764 Willard Son of William Marcy by Lucy his Wife born Ocf 3*: 1764 Daniel Son of William Martin J""" by Elisabeh his Wife born 14*^ June 17 [ ] [33] Uriah Wiman Son of Uriah Johnson by Lucy his Wife Born 14^^ January. 1764 Sophia Daughter of Hadlock Marcy by Alithea his Wife born Dece'" I***. 1764 Sarah Daughter of Luther Cady by Chloe his Wife Born Dec'' 1*'^ 1764 Phanelia Daughter of Silas Child by Jedida: his Wife Born Dec. iq'*" 1764 Lucy Daughter of Isaac Fellows By Lucy his Wife Born Novem"" 27: 17 [64] Marfilva Daughter of Nehemiah Underwood By Anna his Wi[fe] Born August y® 29*'': 1764 Dorothy Daughter of Silas Bowen by Mehetabel his Wife Born Decern y^ 31*^ 1764 Molle Daughter of Benj"^ Bugbee J"" by Sufanna his Wife Born Sepf y« 6"^: 1753 Abigail Daughter of Benj'' Bugbee J"" by Sufanna his Wife Born March y^ 3*^: 175 [5] Abigail 2^ Daughter of Benj° Bugbee J'", by Sufanna his Wife Born Jan'^y y® 14*^ 175 [7] Lufena Daughter of Benj"* Bugbee J"", by Sufanna his Wife Born Novem"" 28*'' 17 [ ] Prifcilla Daughter of Benj". Bugbee J' by Sufanna his Wife Born July 27*^. 1760 Silvester Son of Benj"^. Bugbee J'", by Sufanna his Wife Born Jan'^ y^ i*'^: 176 [2] Sufanna Daughter of Benj°. Bugbee J'", by Sufanna his Wife Born Febr^ 2^ 17 [64] Bette Daughter of Elifha Child by Alice his Wife Born Decem'" y^ 21*'^: I7[64] Sarah Daughter of Daniel Ainsworth by Sarah his Wife born March y^ 2: 17 [63] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 127 Sarah Daughter of Jedidiah Morfs by Sarah his Wife Born January y^ 2^ 17 [ ] Dorothy Huntington Daughter of the Rev^. M"". Abiel Leonard by Dorothy his wife Born Jan"^ 18*'^. 17 [65] WilHam son of Sam". Burnal by Mary his Wife Born January y^ 18^'': 175 [ ] Samuel Son of Samuel Burnal by Mary his Wife Born October Amos Allard Son of Sam". Burnal by Mary his Wife Born May y^ 8'^: 1760 Mary Daughter of Sam" Burnal by Mary his Wife Born Febr'"y. 22^: 1760 Phinehas Son of John Dodge by Sarah his Wife Born Decem"^ : 31^^: 176 [ ] Jonathan Son of Lemuel Peak by Johannah his Wife Born Jan"^ y^ 13*''. 1765 Martha Daughter of Jn°. Marcy by Martha his Wife Born June y^ 28: 1764 Dorothy Daughter of Daniel Bugbee 2*^. by Esther his Wife Born Decem^ 7- i? [ ] Abigail Daughter of Caleb May by Mehetabel his Wife Born Febry y^ 7: 17 [65] Chloe Daughter of Thomas May by Lucy his Wife Born Janu- ary y« 15*^: 17 [65] Nathan Son of John Goodell J"" by Mary his Wife Born October y« 5«^: 176 [ ] _ • Urania Daughter of Stephen & Lois Tucker Born December ye jst. 176 [5] Walter Son of Japheth & Hannah Bicknall Born Febr^ y^ i^^^. Willard Son of Daniel Ainsworth by Sarah his Wife Born March y® 7: 1765 Anne Daughter of Amos & Prifcilla Paine Born February y® 27: 17 [ ] ^ _ , Mary Daughter of Jonath^ Skinner by Drufilla his Wife Born June8(?)[ ] [34] David Son of Afa Hammond By his Wife Born Febr^ y^ r* 1765 Daniel Son of John and Azubah Greene Born March y® 28*^: 1765 Eli f ha Son of Eli f ha & Damaris Chamberlin Born May y^ 24*^^ 1764 Marfilva Daughter of Abiel & Grace Chamberlin Born June ye gth. J75^ Esther Daughter of Jonathan & Sarah Pidge Born Sepf y^ iS''^: 1759 128 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Susanna Daug-hter of Jofeph & Ruth Manning Born March 29*^: 1765 Mary Daughter of Charles & Mary Green Born Sepf. 21^* : 1764 Amasa Son of Timothy & Kezia Robinson Born Decern' 31^*: 1764 Barzillai Son of Jonathan & Lois Wilfon Born October 13*^: 1758 Abigail Daughter of Jonathan & Lois Wilfon Born October 28*'': 1760 Molly Daughter of Jonath'^. & Lois Wilfon Born January y^ 16*'': 1763 Carina Daughter of William & Bette Bugbee Born October y^ 27th. jy^^ Mary Daughter of Ichabod & Hannah Truesdell Born March 21^*: 1765 Stephen Son of John & Lucy Call his Wife Born May y^ 6*'^: 1765 Walter Son of Daniel & Sarah Bugbee his Wife Born March y^ 28*'': 1765 [S]arah Perin Daughter of Timothy Perin by Mary his Wife Born May y^ g*-^: 1765 Azubah Daughter of Jonathan & Dinah Child Born June y^ 13*1^: 1765 Ebenezer Son of Mofes & Frances Chandler Born July y® 30*^ : 1765 Silvanus Son of Ezra and Huldah Chamberlin born April y® 10*'': 1765 Lois Daughter of David & Prif cilia Hay ward Born May y* 6*^: 1765 Reuben Son of Zephaniah & Hannah Dean Born March y® 26*'': 1765 Molle Daughter of Abner Harris J"": & Jerufha his Wife Born August y^ 3*: 1764 Esther Daughter of Sam": Harding & Dinah his Wife Born July y^ i^*: 1765 Jonathan 'Son of Jonathan Lyon & Rebekah his Wife Born Sepf. y® 29: 1764 Ollive Daughter of Jonathan & Mary Gould Born June y® 20*^ : 1765. Elifabeth Daughter of George Coteney & Sarah his Wife Born April 22^: 1765 Eliphalet Son of Eph™ & Tabitha Carpenter Born July y® g*'^ : 1765 Chloe Daughter of Jofiah & Ann Sumner Born March y^ 25*^*: 1764 John Wilfon Son of W™ & Martha Wilfon Born March y® 9*'': 1754 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 1 29 Lucretia Daughter of William & Martha Wilfon Born Jan^ ye 27th. J 7^6 Timothy Son of W"' & Martha Wilfon Born, January y^ 8*^ : 1759 Anna Daughter of W"" & Martha Wilfon Born September y^ 23^ : 1760 [ ]uldah Daughter of W" & Martha Wilfon Born August y® 22^: 1762 Elijah Son of W" & Martha Wilfon Born August y* 11*'^: 1764 [35] Marfhal Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born October y« 15*'': 1765 Molle Daughter of Benj^^ & Sarah Lyon Born July y^ 14*^ : 1765 Lucy Daughter of Ephraim & Eunice Eaton Born October y* 15**^: 1765 Lucy Daughter of James & Rhoda Chaffee Born August y» 18*'^: 1765 Cyntha Daughter of Jonath" & Drufilla Skinner Born June y* Cylenda Daughter of Jonathan & Mary Morris Born May y* 6^^: 1765 Rebekah Daughter of Stephen 8l Mary Marcy Bom June y* Rufus Son of William & Dorcas Wakefield Born February 27th. J 75^ Afa Son of John & Elifabeth Morfs Born October y« 31^*: 1765 Alfred & David Twin Children of Ezra Chaffee & Jerufha Chaffee his Wife Bom July y* 5*^^: 1765 Lemuel Son of Stephen Chapman & Abigail his Wife Born Novem'" ii*^^: I76[5] Wareham Son of Stephen & Sibbel Abbott Born October y« 5*1^ : 1765 Joanna Daughter of Peter & Susanna Child Born June y^ 15"*: 1764 Esther Daughter of David & Esther Perin Born June y® 16*'' : i76[i] Hannah Daughter of Shubael & Abigail Child Born Novem': 26*'': i76[5] Penuel Son of John & Margret Perin Born February y^ 6*^*^: 1764 Jonathan son of Nathan Answorth J"". & Phebe his Wife Born Ocf. y« ii*'^: 176 [ ] Bette Daughter of Jacob Mascraft & Molly his Wife Born Jan^'y y^ 16*^ : 1766 Prudence Daughter of Nath' Marcy & Hannah his Wife Born Decem'" 18^^. 176 [5] 9 I30 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Thede Daughter of Asa Child by Elisabeth his Wife bom August 24"": 176 [5] Joseph Lyon son of William Chapman Ju'" by Tabitha his Wife Born Octo^ 21^*: 1765 John Son of Nathan Child by Dorcas his Wife Born January 1766 Rockfelane Daughter of Asa Perin by Olive his Wife Born Janu'"^ 3*: 1766 Daniel Son of Daniel Paine Jun' by Elisabeth his Born March 5"^: 1766 Levi Son of Eben'" Smith Ju'" Esq' by Dorothy his Wife born Decem'^ 4*^'' 1765 David son of Asahel and Jerusha Corbin Born Febr^ 16'^: 1766 Ebenezer Son of Peter Allard Ju"" by Patience his Wife Born Janu^26*^: 1766 Hermes Daughter of Richard & Tabitha Peabody Born March 16''': 1766 Sarah Daughter of Benjamin Bugbee Ju' & Sufanna his Wife born 1766 Levi Son of Natha' and Anna Johnson Born March 25^*"; 1766 Smith son of Smith Johnson by Sarah his Wife Born Febr^" 24*'': 1766 Sarah Daughter of Joseph and Sarah Peake Born Febr^ 5**": 1766 Elijah Son of Hezekiah May by Elisabeth his Wife Born May i'^: 176 [ ] Thede Daughter of Samuel and Susanna Chaffee Born June 19*1^ 1 76 [5] Joseph son of James and Molley Bugbee born June IQ*** i76[5] Prudence Daughter of Thomas and Lucy May Born April 30**^ : i76[6] Aaron son of Jonathan and Rebekah Lyon Born February 13*** i76[ ] Daniel fon of W" & Elifabeth Martin born June 14*^ [ J [36] Nathaniel Son of Benjamin and Miriam Bacon Born December 10^'' 1765 Levi Son of Mephibosheth and Lydia Thayer Born April 6*^ 1766 Molle Daughter of Asahel and Jerufha Corbin Born Febr'' 24**^: 1766 Hannah Daughter of Henry and Mary Bowen Born May. 3^: 1766 James Son of William and Martha Wilson Born October 28*'' : 1765 Orinda Daughter of Joseph Abbott Ju*" by Perses his Wife born May 25*'': 1766 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 131 Chloe Daughter of Luke Wafhburn by Kezia his Wife born June 25"^^: 1765 Benjamin Son of Luther and Chloe Cady Born June i**": 1766 Marcy Daughter of Abner and Deborah Harris Born April 15'^: 1766 Lemuel Ainsworth son of Edward and Sibbil Ainsworth born July 31*'': 1765 William Son of Phinehas and Elifabeth Stoddard born April 6'*" 1 75 [9?] Sarah Daughter of Phinehas Stoddard by Elifabeth his Wife born May 11*'': 1766 Judah Son of John Throop by Frances his Wife born June 29^'': 1766 Zerviah Daughter of Abner Harris Ju^ by Jerufha his Wife born March i*'': 1766 Adolphus Son of Isaac Fellows by Lucy his Wife Born July 28*'': 1766 Isabel Son of Daniel Abbot and Mary his Wife Born Sep' iS^^: 1765 Irene Daughter of Jefse Carpenter by Abigail his Wife Born July 30*''. 1766 Jof eph Child son of Uriah & Prudence Allard Born July 26*'' : 1766 Jemima Daughter of Joseph Narrimore by Sarah his Wife Born May i*^. 1766 Anna Allard Daughter of Daniel and Anna Allard Born Janu'' 4*^. 1765 Patte Daughter of y^ Rev^ Stephen Williams by Martha his Wife Born Augu* 17*'*: 1766 Alice Daughter of Abijah and Abigail Corbin Born March 22*. 1766 Betse Daughter of John Dyar by Anna his Wife Born July 22"^ : 1765 Niriam Daughter of Phillip and Anna Gage Born April ii**": 1766 Lucinda Daughter of Samuel Child Ju' by Elisabeth his Wife born May 28*^: 1766 Parthena Daughter of Nathan Ainsworth J' by Phebe his Wife Born Ocf 16. 1766 Amos Paine Son of Amos and Prif cilia Paine Born Sepf 25. 1766 Leonard son of Phinehas and Susannah Walker Born Octo' S*'^ 1766 Michael son of Hezekiah Dewing and Eunice his Wife born May 2^. 1764 Eunice Daughter of Heze'^ Dewing and Eunice his wife born Sep'. 26*^. 1766 132 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Prudence Daughter of Daniel Lyon Ju"" & Prudence his Wife Born Sept^ 28*^. 1766 Asa Son of Isaac Prefton and Sarrah his Wife Born May 19*^ : 1766 Sarah Daughter of Silas Bowen by Mehetabel his Wife Bom Ocf 20*^. 1766 Willard Son of William Bugbee by Betty his Wife Born Jan^^ 19*''. 1766 [Sjalmon son of Increafe Child by Olive his Wife Born Sep*^ 20*'': 1765 [Dojrothy Sanger Daughter of John and Dorothy Sanger born Decern'' 2.^^ [i745] [37] Sanford fon of Cap* David Holmes by Temperance his Wife born Decem"" 11. 1765 Gardner Son of William Gordon by Mary his Wife Born Septe"" I*. 1766 Marfylva Daughter of Elisha ChamberHn by Damaris his Wife born Nove'm'" 5**^. 1766 Raufell Son of John Chamberlin Jun'" by Mary his Wife Born Janu'^ II*^ 1766 Benjamin Son of Benjamin Lyon 2^ by Sarah his Wife Born Decem'". 14*''. 1766 Candace Daughter of Josiah Chaffee & Sarah his Wife Born Augu* 27*'': 1766 / Winthrop son of David Brock and Marcy his Wife Born Jan^ S*''. 1767 Simeon son of Ephraim Bacon by Sarah his Wife Born Mar'=^ 19*^: 1765 Sufannah Daughter of Benjamin Bacon by Eunice his Wife born May 5*^: 1766 Calvin son of Nath^ Eaton by Sarah his Wife Born April 4*'' : 1766 Aaron son of John Bowen and Dinah his Wife Born January 24*^^: 1764 Lucretia Daughter of John Bowen and Dinah his Wife Born Janu^: 2.(P'. 1765 John Son of John Bowen by Dinah his Wife Born Sepf : 23 : T766 The four following Children Born in Killingley — Ichabod son of Barnabas Eddy by Zurviah his Wife born Oct' I3t\ 1757 Abigail Daughter of Barnabas and Zerviah Eddy bom August 8*^. 1760 Betty Daughter of Barnabas and Zurviah Eddy born March 4*\ i76[ ] Caleb Son of Barnabas Eddy & Zurviah his Wife born March 19*^: 1766 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 133 John Son of Sam^ M°Clelen and Rachel his Wife born Jan^ 4*'': 1767 Azubah Daughter of Daniel Allen Ju' & Mary his Wife bom March 5*^. 1766 Sarah Daughter of Nathaniel Hurlbut & Sarah his Wife bom Sep"" 20*^. 1766 Anna Daughter of Daniel AUard by Anna his Wife born Febr^ 2^ 176 [ ] Rufus Son of William Wakefield by Dorcas his Wife born February 25^^. 176 [ ] William Son of Will"" Wakefield by Dorcas his Wife Bora July is'\ 176 [• ] Tirzah Daughter of Ephraim and Eunice Eaton born Feb- ruary 3*^. 176 [ ] Dexter Son of Afa Child by Eisabeth his Wife Born February 19^: 176 [7] Molley Daughter of William and Mary Spears Born Decem' 14*^ 176 [ ] Chloe Daughter of Elisha Child by Alice his wife Born March 28'^^: 176 [7] Stephen Son of Darius Ainfworth by Mary his Wife Born January 10*'' 176 [ ] Elisabeth Daughter of Mofes Chandler by Frances his Wife Born Febr^ 6'^. 176 [ ] Irena Daughter of Samuel Chamberlin Ju'' by Anna his wife Born Novem'^ 15*"^. 1765 Willard son of Ephraim and Tabitha Carpenter Born April 3^ : 1767 Chloe Daughter of Nathaniel Dodge by Hannah his Wife Born March 3^: 1766 Molle Daughter of John Goodel Ju"" by Mary his wife Born August 19*^. 1766 Molle Daughter of Abiel and Grace Chamberlin Born June II*^ 1766 Afsenath Daughter of William Allard by Rebekah his wife Born Decern'' 11*''. 1766 Zuriel Son of Ifaac Stone by Sarah his Wife Born February 3^ 1767 Mary Green Daughter of y® Rev*^ Abiel Leonard by Mary his Wife born March f^ 1767 Sarah Daughter of Benjamin Bugbe Ju"" by Sufanna his Wife Born January 176 [6] Lydda Daughter of Amos Lyon by Bithiah his Wife Born May 9**" 176 [ ] David Son of David Goodell and Hannah his Wife Born May I8t^ 17 [67] [Esthejr Child Daughter of John and Sibyl Child Bom April 4* [1766] 134 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [38] Howland Son of Smith Marcy by Patience his Wife Born April 17*''. 1767 Abiel son of Thomas Bugbee by Elifabeth his Wife Bom January 7*^^ 1765 Thomas Drefser Son of Ichabod & Hannah Truefdell Born July 16''' 1767 Zurviah Daughter of Elias and Zurviah Underwood Born May Rockfelane Daughter of Increafe and Olive Child Born July 19*'': 1767 Kezia Daughter of Timothy Robinfon by Keziah his Wife Born June 30*'*. 1767 Ephraim Son of Ephraim Manning by Mary his Wife Born May 25*^^. 1767 Anna Daughter of Williami Chapman Jun"" by Tabitha his Wife born Augu\ 13*''. 1767 Mary Daughter of John Greene by Azubah his Wife Born May ly^^ 1767 Hermi Daughter of Silas Child by Jedidah his Wife Born August 28^'' - - 1767 Epaphras Son of Shubael Child by Abigail his Wife Born September i^^ 1767 Samuel Son of Daniel Bugbee by Sarah his Wife Born Octo- ber 10*'' - - 1766 Gardner son of William Marcy by Lucy his Wife Born [ ] 12*'' 1762 Winthrop son of William Marcy by Lucy his Wife Born June 28*''. 1767 Molly Daughter of Seth Chandler by Eunice his Wife Born July 18'^ 1764 Joseph son of Seth Chandler by Eunice his Wife Born June 30*'' : 1766 [ Jvander Son of Ifsachar Child by Alithea his Wife Born May 16*'': 1767 Rufus Son of Edmund Chamberlin J"", by Elifabeth his Wife born Sep^ 9*^ — 1767 Charles Chaffee son of Ezra and Jerufha Born May 3^ 1767 Levi Son of David Perin by Esther his Wife Born March 28'"'' : 1767 Leonard Son of Lemuel Goodel and Elifabeth his Wife born Augu* 29*''. 1767 Sarah Jackson Daughter of Nehemiah & Esther Jackson born Sepf. 10*''. 1767 Sarah Dodge Daughter of John and Sarah Dodge Born April 22^. 1767 Betty Daughter of Hezekiah May by Elifabeth his Wife Bom March 26'''. 1767 WCX)DSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 135 Betty Bacon Daughter of Parker & Mary Bacon born October i^* born 1767 Esther Goodel Daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail Goodel Born Sept^ 16''' 1767 Monicha Daughter of William and Judith Frifsel Born May 15"^ 1767 Anna Perin Daughter of Amos and Jemima Perin born Octo' 24*^ 1767 Esther Richardson Daughter of John & Sufanna Richardson born March 8^^ 1767 Chloe May Daughter of Thomas and Lucy May Born Dec"" 20*''. 1767 Afenath Child Daughter of Jonathan & Dinah Child Born Decern'" 29*^* : 1767 Levi son of Mephibofheth Thayer by Lydia his Wife Bom October 29 1767 Anna Daughter of Samuel and Anna Chamberlin born January 9**^. 1768 Lydia Gould Daughter of Jonathan & Mary Gould born Nov'. 22 1767. Alphleda Dodge Daughter of Nathaniel & Hannah Dodge born Octob"" 19*^: 1767 Thomas Baker Son of Thomas and Sarah Baker Born Dec'" 18*": 1767 [Pe]rlen Bicknel son of Japheth and Hannah Bicknal Born August 29*^. 1767 [ ]arah Abbott Daughter of Stephen & Sibyl Abbott Born August 31^^. 1767 [ ]avid Marcy son of John and Martha Marcy born Octo*" 22"^: 1766 [Mary] Daughter of Jonathan & Martha Allen bom November [39] Anna Allard Daughter of Daniel and Anna Allard born February 24^^. 176 [ ] John Allard Son of Daniel and Anna Allard Born March 28*^* 1767 Elifabeth Child Daughter of Eben' Child Ju"". by Charity his Wife born Decem'. 29*''. 1767 Asa Johnson Son of Nathaniel & Anna Johnson bom October 16*^. 1767 Hannah Dean Daughter of Zephaniah & Hannah Dean Born December 22^. 1766 Haveland Cady Son of Luther & Chloe Cady bom Febraary 12**': 1768 Dorcas Cotney Daughter of John & Sarah Cotney Born October 29*^: 1767 136 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Bithiah Morrifs Daughter of Jonath" & Mary Morrifs born Augu*. i;^^^ 1767 Elijah Ainsworth son of Daniel Elifabeth Ainf worth Born Decern'". 12^^ 1767 Samuel Martin Son of William and Elisabeth Martin Born July S'"" 1766 Ruth Rawson Daughter of Barnabas & Mary Raw f on born Aug^^ 2^ 1760 Lois Rawson Daughter of Barnabas & Mary Rawfon Born Octo"". 8. 1765 Elifabeth Rawson Daughter of Barnabas & Mary Rawfon born Novem'". 27*^. 1767 Timothy Perin son of Cap* Timothy Perin by Mary his Wife born May 25*^. 1767 Zerviah Chamberlin Daughter of Abiel & Grace Chamberlin born March f^. 1768 Elias Mafon Son of John and Lydia^^ Mafon born Decem'", 2^. 1767 Calvin Chamberlin son of John & Mary Chamberlin born Febr^ 26*^. 176 [8] Billy Son of Moses Johnfon by Marcy his Wife Born June Martha Holmes Daughter of Eben'". & Martha Holmes born March 2^. I76[5] Cyril Bugbee Son of Daniel and Esther Bugbee born Decern"". S'\ 176 [ ] Daniel Bugbee son of Daniel Bugbee & Efther his Wife Born March 10*^ 176 [ ] John Boyden fon of Elnathan & Mary Boyden born Sepf 27*^ 1767 Enos Leach Son of Robert and Mary Leach born April 3*': 1766 Alpheus Leach fon of Robert and Mary Leach born March 29*^^ 1766 Thomas Wilson fon of William & Martha Wilson born April 20'"'. 176 [ ] Elnathan Waker fon of Elnathan & Hannah Walker born December 28*^ 1765 James Walker fon of Elnathan & Hannah Walker born Febr^ 5^" 176 [ ] Clementinia Peabody Daughter of Richard & Tabitha Peabody born April 14*'' 1760 William Spears Son of William & Mary Spears born March 25*^ 176 [ ] Abiel Holmes Son of Cap* David Holmes by Temperence his Wife born Decern"" 24 176 [ ] Lathrop Holmes Son of Cap* David Holmes by Temperence his Wife born May f^ 1768 *8 First written " Elizabeth." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 137 Triphena Corbin Daughter of Silas & Anna Corbin born Febru- ary 2^ 1768 Sarah Daughter of John and Mary Nelson born July 176 [ ] Margret Nelson Daughter of John & Mary Nelfon born Feb^ 19'^ 1765 Charles Campbell Nelson son of John & Mary Nelfon born March 1 76 [8] Asa Hammond son of Asa and Lois Hammond born August 25'^ 1767 Nathan Child Son of Nathan & Dorcas Child born Sptember [40] A Record of Births Lucy Peake Daughter of Joseph Peake Ju'". by Sarah his Wife born March 6*''. 1768 Nabby Chandler Daughter of Seth & Eunice Chandler Born May i^* 1768 Royal Paine Son of Amos Paine by Prifcilla his Wife Born June 12''^: 1768 Rhoda Corbin Daughter of Afahel & Jerufha Corbin born March lo**' 1768 Daniel Bugbee Son of Daniel & Sarah Bugbee born April ii**" 1768 Hannah Narrimore Daughter of Joseph & Sarah Narrimore born May 12}^. 1768 Alice Ains worth Daughter of Edward & Sibyl Ainf worth born April 3*^. 1767 Lotheta Franklin Daughter of Henry & Dorothy Franklin born Ocf. 18**^ 1767 John Morfs Son of John & Elifabeth Morfs Born July 28*'^ 1768 John Babcock Son of Nathaniel & Mary Babcock born Novem"". 26-^ 1765 William Harris fon of Abner Harris Jun"*. by Jerufha his Wife born Nov'". 19*^. 1767 Betty Lyon Daughter of Ifaiah and Sibyl Lyon Born May 30. 1766 Elijah Lyon Son of Ifaiah and Sibyl Lyon born April 27** 1768 "^ Marcy Brock Daughter of David Brock by Mercy his Wife born Ocf 12: 1768 Jonathan Ains worth Son of Nathan & Phebe Ainf worth bom July 25*^. 1768 Hervey Lyon Son of Benjamin Lyon by Sarah his Wife Born Sep'". 24*^. 1768 Elisha Chamberlin Son of Elifha and Damaris Chamberlin born Aug^*. 30. 1768 138 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Perley Thayer Son of Mephibofheth and Lydia Thayer Born Oct^ 7**^: 1768 Esther Paine Daughter of Eben'". Paine Jun"" by Esther his Wife bom Sepf. 3. 1768 Daniel Tucker Son of Stephen and Lois Tucker born Huldah Tucker Daughter of Stephen & Lois Tucker born April 2"^ 1768 Belinda Child Daughter of Samuel Child Jun"" by Elifabeth his Wife born July 30*^. 1768 Matilda Daughter of John and Dorothy Sanger Born Nov'". 23*'' 1766 Lucinda Daughter of John and Dorothy Sanger born July 6*'' 1768 John Posthumous Son to John & Sibyl Child Born August 29*'' 1768 John Son of Mofes and Frances Chandler Bom August 9*^ 1768 Sarah Fellows Daughter of Isaac and Leah Fellows born August 8''^: 1768 Elifabeth Marcy Daughter of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy born March 8*'^: 1767 Daniel Corbin Son of Abijah and Abigail Corbin born October e*'' 1768 Sarah Paine Daughter of Daniel Paine Jun'". by Elifabeth his Wife born Ocf 30^'' 1768 Anna Marfcraft Daughter of Jacob and Mary Marfcraft Born Angus*. i2'^'» 1768 Lawton Marcy Son of Smith and Patience Marcy Born Sep*". 2^^. 1768 Cynthia Skinner Daughter of Jonathan and Drufilla Skinner "born Jan^ i. 1767 Jonathan Venord Skinner Son of Jonathan & Drufilla Skinner born June 30*'' 1768 Penuel Bowen Rogers Son of Benj* and Frances Rogers born Ocf. 15*''. 1768 Mary Marcy Daughter of Stephen & Mary Marcy born April h"^ 1767 [41] A Record of Births Royal Hurlbutt son of Natha' & Sarah Hurlbutt Born March €'^. 1768 Sylinda Chaffee Daughter of Zebediah & Mehetabel Chaffe born Nov'' 6*^. 1768 Freeman Walker Son of Phinehas & Sufannah Walker born Decem'" I2*^ 1768 Rockfelena Lyon Daughter of Daniel & Prudence Lyon bom Dec^ 30*''. 1768 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 139 Lucinda Daughter of Edmund & Elifabeth Chamberlin born Janu''. 20*^^ 1769 Ifaac Son of Samuel and Sufanna Chaffee born December 26*^ 1768 Hannah Abbott Daughter of Jofeph Abbott Ju^. and Perfis his Wife born August 3"^. 1768 Mary Davis Eaton Daughter of Ephraim & Eunice Eaton born Janu^ 2^ 1769 Kezia Lewis Daughter of Eben'". & Lois Lewis born August 29**". 1767 Matthew Bowen Son of Matthew and Mary Bowen born Febr''. 10*^. 1769 Martha Hay ward Daughter of David & Prif cilia Hay ward born March I9*^ 1767 Dorcas Hay ward Daughter of David & Prif cilia Hay ward born Febru"" 12*^. 1769 Sarah Cady Daughter of Josiah & Sarah Chaffee born April 30 : 1768 David Frifsel fon of Joseph & Huldah Frifsel born Sep"". 6'^''. 1765 Sarah & Prifcilla Daughters of Jofeph & Huldah Frifsel born July 22^. 1767 Ezra Dean fon of Zephaniah & Hannah Dean Born Novem'. 4*\ 1768 Erepta Ainfworth Daughter of Darius & Mary Ainfworth born Nov"" 30"". i76[ ] Daniel Bacon fon of Benjam. & Miriam born April 18*'' 1768 Abel Stoddard ion of Phinehas & Elifabeth Stoddard born Sep"". 19*''. 1768 Rufus Nelfon fon of Charles & Bridget Nelfon born April 28^1^ 1768 Elifabeth Bacon Daughter of John & Kezia Bacon born March i6*\ 1768 Daniel fon of Anna Child at Dudley November 19^''. 1760 Lucy Bowen Daughter of John & Dinah Bowen born August 9**^ 1769 Dorothy Smith Daughter of Afa & Hannah Smith born January 25'^ 1769 Cyrel Bacon fon of Jonathan & Prifcilla Bacon born March 25*'' 1769 Afa May Son of Hezekiah & Elifabeth May born May 14^'^ 1769 Ephraim Skinner Son of Stephen & Huldah Skinner Bom Ocf I 1768 Abigail Wilfon Daughter of Jonathaan & Lois Wilfon Born August 12^ 1767 I40 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Molley, Bacon Daughter of Parker and Mary Bacon born March 15. 176 [ ] Eliab Underwood fon of Elias & Anna Underwood born March 23' 17 [ ] . Marfylva Lewis Daughter of Eben"". & Lois Lewis born April 15'^ 176 [ ] Samuel Underwood fon of Nehem.'* & Anna Underwood born June 12 176 [ ] Dorothy Franklin Daughter of Henry & Dorothy Franklin born June 23*^ 1769 Parker Manning fon of William & Mary Manning born April 1769 Anna May Daughter of Jofeph & Lois born July 15^^* 17 [72] [ ]thos Cotney Son of George & Sarah Cotney Born Ocf 28t^ [ ] [42] Henry Martin fon of W" & Elifabeth Martin born April 12. 176 [ ] Mary Robinson Daughter of Timothy & Kezia Robin fon bom June 25. 1769 Mofes Lyon fon of Amos and Bithiah Lyon born June 21^* 1769 Tabitha Chapman Daughter of William & Tabitha Chapman born Augus* 13'^'': 1769 Alpheus Bugbee fon of Caleb & Joanna Bugbee born Sep''. 25*''. 1769 Stephen Child fon of Silas & Jedidah Child bom April 24*''. 1769 Molley Perin Daughter of Timothy & Mary Perm born July 22*^. 1769 Lydia Child Daughter of Shubael & Abigail Child Born April 3^:1769 Rufus Peake fon of Tho^: & Alithea Peake Born Sep*" 23^. 1769 Nathaniel Leonard fon of y® Rev^ Abiel Leonard by Mary his Wife born Oct^ 4*^ 1768 Benjamin Marcy fon of Afahel & Prif cilia Marcy Born July iQth _ _ j^5g Parker Chapman fon of Tho^ & Mary Chapman born Sep"". 2**. 1769 Thomas Perin fon of Amos and Jemima Perin born October 3'^. 1769 Oliver Comins son of Joseph & Eunice Comins born Sep"". 17*'^. 1769 Sarah Throop Daughter of John & Frances Throop born June 1$^^. 1769 Hannah Manning Daughter of Ephr™. & Mary Manning born July 21^*. 1769 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 141 Prilcilla Child Daughter of Elisha & Allice Child Born Nov' 3** 1769 Chloe Sumner Daughter of Josiah & Anne Sumner Born May 28*'' 1769 Zubah Dodge Daughter of Nath' & Hannah Dodge born Sep' 12*^ 1769 Deborah Child Daughter of Jonathan & Dinah Child born Deem', i^^^. 1769 Miriam Bugbee Daughter of Benj*. and Sufanna Bugbee Born Feb'. 25*'^. 1768 Rebekah Perin Daughter of David and Esther Perin Born Nov', i'^ 1769 Josiah Lyon fon of William Lyon 3*^ by Sarah his Wife born Decem' 9*^^. 1769 Salle ftone Daughter of Ifaac Stone by Sarah his Wife born Decern' 13^^: 1768 Walter Ainsworth fon of Edw*^. and fybil Ainfworth born May 19*''. 1769 Huldah Child Daughter of Lemuel and Dorcas Child born Augs* 19*'': 1769 Ebenezer Corbin son of Silas and Anna Corbin Born Oct'. 31 1769 Anna M-^Clellen Daughter of Sam^ & Rachell M^'Clellen born May 7^^ 1768 James M'^Clellen fon of Sam' and Rachel M'^Clellen born Sep' 20^^. 1769 Walter Ainsworth fon of Nathan and Phebe Ainwsorth born Decem'. 30*^. 1769 Nathaniel Goodell fon of Nath^ & Abigail Goodell born August 21®* 1769 Bradford Mafon fon of Elias & Elisabeth Mason born Janu'. 14**'. 1769 Ranfsalar Child fon of Asa & Elisabeth Child born Sep'. 1$^^. 1769 Mary Marcy Daug'. of Step" And Mary Marcy born April 3*. 1768 [ ] Broughton fon of Abijah and Jerufha Broughton April 21 17 [ ] [43] Jonathan Kingsley Underwod son of Dan\ & Experien Underwood born March 2^ — 1770 Huldah Chamberlin Daugh'. of Ezra & Huldah Chamberlin born Dec' i^*^ 1769 Chloe Child Daughter of Nathan & Dorcas Child born Feb'. jgth jyyQ Alpha son of John & Margret Perin born May y^ 3^: 1769 Joseph Bugbee fon of Daniel & farah Bugbee born Febr^ 8*^. 1770 142 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Royal Mafon fon of Noah & Dorothy Malon born Febr^ 14*'' 1767 Sufanna Mafon Daughter of Noah an Dorothy Mafon bom Sep"". 19'''. 1769 Joanna Cham'berHn Dau'' of Abiel & Grace Chaniberlin born Feb"". 19. 1770 Alpheus Holton fon of Elijah & Rebecca Hoi ton born fep"" 19^'* 1769 Lois Tucker Daughter of Stephen & Louis Tucker born Ocf. 20**" 1769 Anna Child Daughter of Sam' and Elisabeth Child born April 6'^. 1770 Seth Corbin fon of Amos Corbin by Kezia his Wife born May 15*^: 1770 Thomas Fox fon of Jabez & Molly Fox born March 22* 1770 Jonathan Marcy fon of Jonath". and Hannah Marcy born April ii*\ 1770 Thomas Holbrook fon of Tho^. & Abigail Holbrook born July 21 1768 Nabby Holbrook Daughter of Tho^ & Abigail Holbrook born April 26^'' 1770 Drufus Hodges fon of Silas & Rachel Hodges born March 12*^ 1768 Jonathan Wilson fon of William & Martha Wilfon born July Salmon Cady son of Luther & Chloe Cady born June^^ 8*^ 1770 Kezia Corbin Daughter of Afahel & Jerufha Corbin bom May Judith Truefdel Daughter of Ichabod & Hannah Truefdel bom May 20''': 1770 Lyman Hammond Son of Asa & Lois Hammond bom May 19*^. 1769 Pamelia Chaffe Daughter of Zebadiah & Mehetabel Chaffe born Aug* 31^*^ - 1770 Kaac Goodell fon of David & Hannah Goodell born May 16*^ 1769 Joseph Carpenter Son of Ephraim & Tabitha Carpenter born March 3. 176 [ ] Abiel Eaton Son of Ephraim & Eunice Eaton born Octo"", 19*^ 17 [ ] Lucretia Greene Daughter of Jn°. & Azubah Greene Born Febr^. 20^^. 1770 Hadlock Cotney Son of George & Sarah Cotney born Novem'". 13"" 176 [ ] Royal Child fon of Amafa and Joanna Child born Nov'', i^' 1770 19 First written " May." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 143 Abel May son of Thomas and Lucy May born August 29*'': 1770 Sufanna Bacon Bifhop Dauf of Asa & Thankful Bifhop born August 15'^ 1770 Lucretia Hinds Daughter of John & Levina Hinds born Sepf 28. 1770 Lois Ainfworth Daughter of Darius & Mary Ainfworth born Aug 30 [ ] Molly Broughton Daugh"": of Abijah & Jeruf[h]a Broughton born Sep [ ] [44] A Record of Births Abiel Smith Son of Afa and Hannah Smith born October 1 1*^^ 1770 Thomas Chandler fon of Mofes & Francis Chandler born Febr^. 27**^: 1770 Miriam Bacon Daughter of Benjamin & Miriam Bacon born Dec"" 27^'» 1769 Lemuel Dunham Son of Marcy Bartholomew born March y® 2^ 1769 Joanna Hay ward Daug''. of David & Prif cilia Hay ward born Dec'" 20'^'^ 1770 Tho^ Perry Child fon of Lemuel & Dorcas Child bom Decern'". 20*^ .1770 Nathaniel M'^Clellen fon of Sam', and Rachel M'^Qellen born Decem'". 14*^: 1770 Parker Morfs Son of Parker Morfs Jun by Lydia his Wife Born Novem'" 28**^: 1770 David Brock son of David and Marcy Brock Born Janu'". 29*^^ 1771 Jerufha Bowen Daughter of Silas & Mehetabel Bowen Bom July i^. 1770 Welthen Manning Daughter^" of W™ & Mary Manning born Jan'" 26. 1 77 1 Reuben Underwood Daughter^" of Nehe^. & Rhoda Under- wood born Janu'". 21. 1770 Patty Morrifs Daughter of Jon^. & Mary Morrifs Born Decem"", 2^. 1769 Alvan Bacon son of Parker & Mary Bacon born January 7*^. 1769 Benjamin Frifsel fon of Benj^. Frifsel Jun"". & Elifabeth his wife born July 11*^. 1770 Perley Chandler son of Seth Chandler & Eunice his Wife Born Sep"". 1770 Lydia Perin Daughter of Afa and Olive Perin Born March 2^ I 77 I 20 First written " Son " and crossed out. 144 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Abigail Goodell|Twin Child of Nathaniel an Abigail Goodell Alpheus GoodeljBorn February the 2.^ 1771 Ralph Chamberlin fon of Edm^ & Elifabeth Chamberlin born Nov'" 19^^. 1770 Anna Underwood Daughter of Elias S2: Anna Underwood born Feb"". 23*^. 1 77 1 Alvan Lyon fon of Ifaiah and Sibyl Lyon born Nov'". 9*: 1770 Prudence Bowen daughter of John and Dinah Bowen born Nov"". \'^'^. 1770 Esther Ledioyt Daughter of Biel & Joanna Ledioyt born April 15- 1771 Lydia Chaffee Daughter of Ezra and Jerufha Chaffee born March 22^. 1771 Alfred Walker fon of Phinehas & fufannah Walker born March 29^^. 177 [3] Lucy Spears Daughter of W™. & Mary Spears Born July 8*'' 1770 Dorothy Church Chandler Daug"". of Ch^. Ch**. Chandler by Marian his Wife Born Aug. 19^^^. 1770 Margaret Luf combe Leonard Daug^. of y® Rev^ Abiel and Mary Leonard born July 27*^. 1770 Prifilla Lyon Paine Daug"". of Amos & Prifcilla Paine born June %^^. 1770 Sarah Converfe Daughter of Edw^ and Phebe Converfe born Dec"" 26. 1770 Levi Thayer Daughter of Mephibofheth & Lydia Thayer born Ocf. 30. 1770 Noadiah Child son of Shubael & Abigail Child born Febru''. i5t\ 1771 [Josiah] Allard Chaffee [So]n of Jofiah & Sarah Chaffee Born May 22*^ 17 [baptized with Candace, Sarah Cady, Molly and Betty August 27 1775] [45] A record of Births Irene Goodell Daughter of John & Mary Goodell born June ^3*' [ ] Calvin Bacon fon of Jonathan & Prifcilla Bacon born June Ifaac Bowen fon of Henry and Lydia and Bowen born April 9*** I7[7i] Adriel Peabody fon of Richard and Tabitha Peabody born May I*. I7[7i] Oliver Bugbee son of Daniel Bugbee 2^ by Esther his Wife born March 30*'' 17 [ ] William Frifsell fon of William & Judith Frifsel born March 2ist. ^jy [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 145 Esther Chamberlin Dau"" of Sam'. & Anna Chamberlin born August 13*^: 177 [ ] Chriftian Bartholemew Daug'' of John & CaroHne Bartho'' born Sep-" I77 [ ] Fanny Manning Daughter of Ephraim & Mary Manning bom May 12. I77[i] Charles Nelfon fon of Charles and Bridget Nelfon born April I8*^ I7[7i] Ebenezer Ormfbee fon of Ichabod and Esther Ormfbee bom May 3^ I77[i] Benjamin Hills fon of Jon^. Skinner by Drufilla his Wife born Jan-- 8. 177 [ ] Ebenezer Throop son of Jn° & Fanny Throop born July 6*'* 177 [ ] Bern f ley Carpenter fon of Ephr™ & Tabitha Carpenter born April 19 — 17 [ ] Mary Allard Daughter of William 81 Rebecca Allard bora Febr'^. 27 17 [ ] Per f is Allard daughter of W" and Rebecca Allard born March II 177 [ ] Thomas Marcy fon of Smith and Patience Marcy born Feb- ruary 19*''— 177 [baptized with Bradford June 17 1775] Mofes Bacon fon of Daniel and Esther Bacon born August 29 177 [ ] Irene Sanger Daughter of Jn°. & Dorothy Sanger born March 12'^ 1 771 Anice Corbin Daughter of Rhoda Chaffe born May 18 — I77[i] ^ Wiman Morrifs fon of Afa and Anna Morrif born Feb^y 21. i77[i] Mary Chandler Daughter of Mofes & Francis Chandler born Aug^ 23^ 177 [ ] Samuel Spincent Cotes son of Sam^ Rugles Cotes & Eunice his Wife born March 4*^. 17 [ ] Esther Abbott daughter of Stephen & Sibyl Abbott born August 28*''. 177 [ ] Mary May daughter of Eliakim and Martha May born Sep^ 2o'^\ 1 7 [72] Levina Jack fon daughter of Neh^. & Esther Jackfon born Oct^ i^'. 177 [ ] Policy Daughter of Hezekiah & Eunice Dewing born No'". 5. [ ] Calvin Ainfworth fon of Edw^. & Sibyl Ainfworth born June 3'- 17 [ ] Joshua May fon of Jofeph & Lois May Born Octo^ f^ 17 [baptized with Anna October 18, 1772] 10 146 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS y I •^ Salley Lyon Daughter of Amafa & Martha Lyon born Aug* jjtll J-7-, [- J Sary Narrimore Daughter of Jo^ and Sarah Narrimore born July iz'"" [1771] Cyrel Child son of Nathan & Dorcas Child bor Sep"". [1771] [ ] Paine Daug*^ of Isaac and [ ] [46] A Record of Births Baxter Son of Benjamin & Sarah Lyon Born December y® 1°*: 1771 [JJonathan Alhn fon of Jon^ and Martha Allen born July 28, 1771 Henry Corbin son of Silas and Anna Corbin born March 11*'' 1771 Jonathan Dodge son of Nath' and Hannah Dodge born July 10 - - 1771 Hannah fumner Daughter of Jofiah & Anne fumner born August 25*^^. 1771. Calvin Chamberlin fon of Eli f ha & Damaris Chamberlin born June 30*^. 1 77 1 Hannah Marcy Daug"" of Step'' & Mary Marcy Born Dec'". 24*''. 1770 Hadlock Perin son of David and Esther Perin born July 15'''. 1771 Perfis Goodell Daug"". of Lemuel & Elifabeth Goodell born Sep"" 10. 1 77 1 Anna Skinner Daug'". of Abraham skinner Ju"" by Anna his Wife born Ocf. 13.^1770 Huldah Skinner Daug"". of Abra™ Skinner Jun"". by Anna his Wife born Sep^ 29. 1771 Abiel Child son of Jon^. & Dinah Child born January 22^. 1772 Nabby May Daughter of Tho^. and Lucy May born Febr^. 6. 1772 Cyrel Carpenter fon of Amafa & Cynthia Carpenter born Feb'". 10. 1772 Jerufha Broughton Dau*".. of Abijah & Jerufha Broughton born May 31 1771 Chefter Bacon fon of Jn°. & Kezia Bacon born December 4*''. 1771 , John Bifhop fon of Afa & Thankful Bifhop born Decem"" i — 1771 Sanford Murray son of James & Sarah Murray bom Decem"" 28. 1771 Ifaac Morfe fon of Jn° & Elifabeth Morfe Born January 30*^ 1772 Patty Hurlbut Daughter of Jn°. & Sarah Hurlbut born Janu'. 31. 1772 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 147 Thomas Wilfon fon of Jonath"^. and Lois Wilfon born Jan^. 28. 1772 Lucy Underwood fon of Daniel & Experienc Underwood born Nov^ 28*^. 1 77 1 Molly Perin Daughter of Will"", and Mary Perin born March 3^. 1772 Dolly Franklin Daugh' of Henry and Dorothy Franklin born Feb^ 7*'^ 1772 John Chamberlin son of Jn°. Chamberlin Jun'". & Mary his Wife born March 20 1772 Anna Perin Daughter of Amos and Jemima Perin born March 21^*. 1772 [ ]ah Ainf worth fon of Nathan & Phebe Ainfworth born Jan^ 12*^ 1772 Hannah Bowen Daughter of Matthew & Mary Bowen Born April 21 1772 Sufannah Allard Daug'". of Peter and Patience Allard Born April 10'^ 1772 Anna John fon Daug'^ of Nath^ & Anna John fon born Decem'", 25^'» 1 77 1 Penuel Corbin fon of William & Dorothy Corbin bom Feb- ruary 20*** 1772 Stephen Stone fon of Ifaac and Sarah Stone born Decem"" 2^. 1770 ... , ^ Leonard Bacon fon of Benja" and Miriam Bacon born Octo' 30*^ - - 1771 Sally Bugbee Daughter of Jedi^ & Sarah Bugbee born March jst^ 1772 Uriah Lyon son of George Lyon by Zerviah his Wife born Oct 7. 177 [ ] Marven Clark fon of Afahel & Dorothy Clark born July y^^ 1772 [ ]a Grow fon of John and Deborah Grow born June 24*'' 17 [ ] [ ] of Elias and Lydia Ma fon born Janu^ 8**^ [ ] [47] [ ] cord of [ ] irths. ] [ ] & Hannah Smith born Sep^ y® — 14 [ ] [ ] of Jon^ Lyon by Rebeca his Wife born May 20*^ 17 [ ] [ ] Jon^ & Rebecca Lyon born July 16*'' 176 [ ] [ ] n^ & Rebecca Lyon born Nov''. 20^^ ^77 [ ] [ ] Jon^ & Rebecca Lyon born Feb"". 9*^ 177 [ ] [Lois] Tucker Daugh"". of Stephen & Lois Tucker born March I^ 1771 [Stephen Tu]cker Son of Stephen & Lois Tucker born Janu^ 28*^. 1772 [ ]nans posthumas Daugh"". of Joseph & Eunice Comins born June 5'^. 1772 148 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ • ]haffe Daugh"", of Josiah and Sarah Chaff e born Dec'" 14. 1771 [Betty Ch]ild Daughter of Elisha and Alice Child born March jjth J ^^2 [Seth Ch]ild Son of Shubael and Abigail Child born Jan^ 26*''. 1773 [ ] Ledoyt Son of Biel & Joanna Ledoyt born Janu^ 16*^. 1773 [ ] Ainsworth Dau'". of Darius & Mary Ainfworth born March 8^^. 1773 [Richar]d Peabody Son of Richard and Tabithy Peabody born Feb^ 4*^^. 1773 [ ]on Son of Parker & Mary Bacon born Janu"". 24*^ 1773 [Esther Charlo]tte Dau"". of Ifaac Fellows by Leah his Wife born Sep^ io^\ I77[2] [ ] Son of Abel and Sarah White Born August 17*'' 177 [ ] [ jerwood fon of Nehe^. & Rhoda Underwood born March 28t\ 177 [ ] [ Jberlin Daug"". of Edm^. & Elifabeth Chamberlin born Feb^ 27*''. 177 [ ] [ ] Daug"". of Eben'' and Lois Lewis born May 1$^^- ^77 [ ] [ ] belin Daug"". of Ezra Chamberlin by Huldah his Wife born July 27*'' I77 [ ] [ ]ker Daugh"". of Tho« & Sarah Baker born June 27*''. 177 [ ] [Theoda Pe]rin Daug"". of David and Esther Perm born March 4*^^. 177 [3] [Priscilla] Bacon Daug"" of Jon*, and Prif cilia Bacon born June 6^\ 177 [3] [Sarah Lyo[n] Daug"" of Cap*. Benj*. Lyon by Sarah his Wife ; born July i^* — I77[3] [ Jrpenter Daugh'. of Eph"" & Tabitha Carpenter born March 4*'' 177 [ ] [Nathaniel Hunt]ington Bowen fon of Silas & Mehetabel Born August 3^ 177 [3] [Asa Truesd]el fon of Darius & Rhoda Truefdel Born July. if"^. 17 [73] [ ]lard fon of William & Rebecca AUard born February 27. 177 [ ] [Lucy] Daugh"" o Jo^ Abbot Jun"". by Perfis his Wife born Sep^ 20*^. 177 [2] [ ]son Caleb & Joanna Bugbee born January 14*^ 17 [ ] [ ] of W"' & Esther Chamberlin born Augu^* 13. [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 149 [48] [ ]ah Hammond Da'', of Afa & Lois [ ] [ ] Throop Lyon Son of Warham & Anna [ ] [C]hloe Lyon Dau"". of Ezra Lyon by Sabr [ ] [Rjhoda Marcy D''. of Jon*. & Hannah M [ ] [Wijllouby Chamberlin Dau''. of Abiel & Grace [ J [Tjhomas Leonard fon of the Rev^. Abiel Leonard by Mary [baptized July 12 1772] Amos Lyon son of Amos & Bithiah Lyon born [ ] Benoni Lyon son of Amos and Bithiah Lyon born [ ] Walter Goodell son of Asa and Alice Goodell born [ ] [baptized with Azuba, Lyman, Rinda and Kezia July i, 1781] Laban Marcy son of Afahel & Prif cilia Marcy bo [ ] Ziba Goodell son of David & Hannah Goodell born [ ] [baptized December 16. 1770] Levi Goodell son of David and Hannah Goodell born [ ] [baptized May 31. 1772] Charles Mafon fon of Elias & Lydia Ma fon Born March [1772] Sarah Narrimore Daug^ of Sam' & Deborah Narri [ ] EHjah Walker fon of Eli f ha and Thankful Wal [ ] [P]erley Ainfworth fon of Daniel & Dorothy Ainfworth [ ] [Djorothy Ainfworth Dau' of Daniel & Dorothy Ainfworth bor [ ] Anna Spears Da"", of W"^. and Mary Spea [ ] Mebel Chaffee Daughter of Zebadiah & Mehetabel Ch [ ] [baptized November 8 1772] [J]ohn Richardfon son of John & Sufanna Richardfon Born o [ ] . [Sujfanna Richardfon Daug'" of Jn° & Sufanna Richardf[ ] Perley Ainsworth fon of Daniel & Elifabeth Ainfworth b[ ] [D]orothy Ainfworth Daug^ of Daniel & Elifabeth Ainf- worth [ ] [Rojxcelena Child Daugh"". of Samuel Child Jun^. Efq'*. by EHfabeth his Wif [baptized December 27, 1772] [01i]ve Goodell Daugh"-. of Natha'. and Abigail Goodell B [baptized January 10. 1773.] [Sajmuel Son of Charles Ch'^ & Marian Chandler Born June y®: 22^: 1772 Lydia Thayer Daughf of Mephibofheth & Lydia Thayer born Betty Chandler Daug'" of Seth & Eunice Chandler born [baptized September 6 1772] [Az]ubah Manning D"". of William & Mary Manning born [baptized January 10. 1773] [Waljter May Son of Jofeph and Lois May born [baptized January 31. 1773.] [Lujthor Child Son of Silas & Jedidah Child b [baptized Octo- ber 18, 1772.] I50 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS K [Elisjha Lyon Son of Amasa & Martha Lyon [baptized with Judah April 20. 1777.] [49] A Record of Births [ ]ene Goodell of John & Mary Goodell born June 13*^^ 17 [ ] [ ]muel Dunham fon of Marcy Bartholomew born March 2.(f^ 1769 Silas Corbin Son of Silas & Anna Corbin born May 12*^. 177 [ ] Nancy Carpenter Daug'' of Amafa & Cynthia Carpenter born Aug^' 12 17 [73] Mary Lucretia Daughter of Samuel & Rachel M'^Clellan Born May y^ IS*'' - - 1773 Orinda Lyon daugh'" of Ezra and Sabra Lyon Born Sep*". 3^ 177 [ ] Prifcilla Hayward Daug'". of David & Prifcilla Hayward born May 8. 17 [ ] Eli f ha Hurlbutt Son of Elijah and Sarah Hurlbutt born July 6*'^ 177 [ ] Charles Smith fon of Eben"" fmith Jun''. by Margaret his Wife born May i6*K 177 [ ] Mary Chamberlin Bugbee D"". of David & Hannah Bugbee bom April 4t\ 1 77 [3] Charles Jackfon Son of Nehemiah & Esther Jackfon born Nov"". 3'. 177 [ ] Daniel Richardfon fon of Jn°. & Sufanna Richardfon born March 17'^ 177 [ ] Abraham Williams Paine fon of Daniel and Elifabeth Paine born Octo'" i. 177 [ ] Ebenezer Cotes son of Sam' R. Cotes by Eunice his wife born April 19. 177 [ ] Parker Bugbee Son of Daniel Bugbee 2^ by Esther his Wife born aug^*. 31. [ ] Mehetabel Bugbee daug"". of Heze'^. & Bathfheba Bugbee bom Ocf 30*'' 1 77 [4] Win flow Allard fon of Peter Allard by Patience his Wife born July 4"^ 17 [ ] Rowene Child Daugh"". of Lem^ & Dorcas Child born De"" [ ] Salmon Stone fon of Ifaac & Sarah Stone Born Septem"". 9*^ 17 [ ] Sarah Flyn Daug"", of Richard & Elifabeth Flyn born Ocf. 26th 1 7 [73] Amos Lyon fon of Amos and Bithiah Lyon born Decem\ 22* 17 [ ] Zubah Goodell Dau^. of Afa & Alice Goodell born Decem'. \4^. 177 [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 151 Kezia Corbin Daugh"". of Amos & Kezia Corbin born May 12*^ 17 [ ] Walter Walker Son of Phinehas & Sufannah Walker born May 2^ [1773] Leverett Clark fon of Afahel & Dorothy Clark Born Jan^. 21^' [1774] Joseph Perin Corbin son of Will™ and Dorothy Corbin born Oct 2^ [ ] Lydia Huntington Lomis D"". of Eben''. & Mary Lomis bor Feb^ [1774] Mary Bifhop Daughter of Afa & Thankful Bifho [ ] [baptized April 16, 1774] Luther Ainfworth fon of Edw*^ Ainfworth by Sybil [ ] Dorothy Chamberlin Daug"". of Sam^ & Anna C[ ] Olive Murray Daug'". of James and Sara [ ] [baptized June 19, 1774] Philip Hay ward Son of Benjamin & Hannah [ ] John Goodell Son of John & Mary Goodell [ ] Amafa Corbin fon of'asahel & Jerufha Corb[ ] [Brad] ford M[arcy] son of Smith & Patience Ma[rcy baptized June 17 1775] [50] A Record of Births Jonathan Ainsworth fon of Nathan & Phebe Ainfworth born Jan[ ■] John Manning son of Ephr™ & Mary Manning born April 11'^'^. 177U] Molly Chamberlin D^. of John Chamberlin J"", by Mary his Wife born March 16'^. 17 [74] Rachel Bugbee D''. of Rufus and Rachel Bugbee born March 31- 177 [ ] . Philip Doddridge Leonard fon of y® Rev*^ Abiel Leonard by Mary his Wife born March 20, 177 [4] John Bofworth son of John and Eunice Bofworth born Augst 27*^ 177 [ ] Anna Lyon Daugh''. of Warham and Anna Lyon born April 3- 177 [ ] . Abner Sefsion Martin fon of Henry & Mary Martin born August 4*''. 1772 William Chapman son of Will™ & Tabitha Chapman born may 24: 1774 John Corbin son of Jn°. and Abigail Corbin Born Octob'". 14*''. ^773 Patty Corbin Daugh'". of Pelig & Levina Corbin born April 24*^ 1 77 [4] Joanna Hunt Bugbee Daug'". of Jedidiah & Sarah Bugbee born Febr^. 4 — 1774 152 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Thomas Morfe Posthumus Son of Parker & Lydia Morfe born Janu' 26. 1774 [ ]muel Sefsions Son of Refolved and Elifabeth Sefsions born July 18"" 177 [ ] Irene Bugbee Daugh^. of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee born March 31st [ J Lucy Tucker Daugh'". of Stephen & Anna Tucker bom June Huldah Hayward Daug"". of David & Prifcilla Hayward born Ap"". 12. 17 [ ] Betty Holbrook Daugh"" of Tho^ and Abigail Holbrook born Oct^ 24. i77[4] Penuel Tucker son of Stephen Tucker by Lois his Wife born Ocf 2<*. 1 77 [4] V [Jjudah Lyon son of Amafa & Martha Lyon born Nov'' 16. 177 [^ ] [A]aron Child Son of Amafa & Joanna Child born May 17. 1774 Alphleda Powers Daug'". of Nathan and Sarah Powers born Nov"". I. 1774 Molly Hide Daug"". of Afa & Lucy Hide born Febr^ 21'^'' 1774 Walter Jack f on son of Eleazer & Levina Jackson born June 5*^ 1774 [ ] Marcy D'". of Afahel and Prifcilla Marcy born May 26 177 [ ] [Azotus] Da"", of Zebadiah & Mehetabel Chaffee born Nov'' 6*'' I77[4] [ ] Son of Nath^ and Abigail Goodel born Nov"" 20*^. 1774 [ ] of Hezekiah & Eunice Dewing born May 9, 1774 [ ]th fon of Daniel & Elifa^ anfworth born Sep''. 5. 177 [ } [ ] of Jon*, and Marcy Eddy born Decm^". S*^** I77 [ ] [ ] of Jon^. & Marcy Eddy born May 22"^. 177 [ ] [ ] Dau'" of Benj^ & Sufanna Bugbee born Sep^ 17*^ 17 [ ] [ ]arles Ch'' & Marian Chandler Born July 20*^ [ ] X51] Electe Franklin Daug"". of Henry & Dorothy Franklin born May 3, 177 [4] Polysena Marcy Daug'". of Jon^ & Hannah Marcy born JSIov''. 28. 17 [ ] Elisha Paine Son of Eben''. and Esther Paine born August 17 [ ] Edmund Chamberlin Son of Edm'^ & Elisabeth Chamberlin born Dec'. 6. 177 [ ] . Sarah Child Dau"". of Sam'. Child Ju''. Efq. by Elisabeth his Wife born Dec"". 31, 17 [74] Lyman Doge son of Nath^ and Hannah Dodge born Febr^' Io^^ 17 [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 153 Tryphena Perin Daug''. of Abel and Elifabeth Perin born Feb^. 10*^. 17 [ ] Benjamin Child son of Jacob & Sybil his Wife born Decern"^ iS''^. 1774 Betty Lyon Daug"". of Ezra Lyon by Sabra his Wife born Nov"". 12^^. 1774 Parker Chaffee fon of Sam'. & Marcy Chaff e Born July 31^ - - ^773 Luther Corbin son of Silas and Anna Corbin born February I8'^ 1773 Abiel Ledyot Son of Biel and Joanna Ledoyt born Febr^. 12*^. ^77 3 Parker Martin fon of W™ & Elifabeth Martin born May 31^ 177 [ ] Sarah Martin D^. of W"' & Elifabeth Marfm Born Aug 17*^^ 1773 Rebeckah Throop Daugh'', of Ebenezer & Prudence Lyon born Jan^si. i77[ ] Abiel fon of Abiel & and Grace Chamberlin born Novem"". 1774 Levina Blackmar D^. of Levi and Hannah Blackmar born Sep'". ii*\ 176 [ ] Richard Blackmar Son of Levi and Hannah Blackmar born Jan'". 26. 176 [ ] Philla Blackmar Daug'". of Levi & Hannah Blackmar born Dec'". 26: 1766. Sarah Blackmar Daug'". of Levi & Hannah Blackmar born Spt^ 3^ 1769 Noah Blackmar son of Levi & Hannah Blackmar born March 3ot>' 17 [ ] Henry Blackmar son of Levi & Hannah Blackmar born March 29 177 [ ] Martha Blackmar son of Addonijah & Lyllis Blackmar born April 27*'' 1764 Abel Blackmar son of Addoinijah & Lyllis Blackmar born March 16. 1771 Joseph Blackmar son of Adonij^. & Lyllys Blackmar born Jan'" 11^ 177 [ ] Anne Blackmar son of Addo^. Lyllys Blackmar born Febr^ Martin Blackmar son of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar born May I5^\ 1773 Martha Blackmar D'". of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar born Sep'", f^ — 1774 Elias Underwood son of Elias and Anna Underwood born March c,^^ 1773 154 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Evander Underwood son of Elias and Anna Underwood born April 16*''. 177 [ ] Nathan Morey on of Ephraim & Anna Morey born March 10*^ 1775 Dorothy Marcy Daug*". of Stephen & Mary Marcy born Sep- tem. i^* 1774 Mary Bartholomew D^ug''. of John & Candace Barthom'^ born Oct'" r* 1774 Abie! Chamberlin Son of Abiel & Grace Chamberlin born Novem'". 19*'' i [774] Lydia Bugbee Daug^ of [ ] born Oct. [ ] [52] A Record of Births. Sarah Holbrook D"". of Job and Irene Holbrook bom Febr^ Mary Holbrook Daug'. of Job & Irene Holbrook born March 8^^ 1770 Hannah Holbrook Daug"". of Job & Irene Holbrook born May 20*^ 1 77 1 Irene Holbrook Daug"" of Job & Irene Holbrook born Decern'" 13*'' 1772 Parker Morfe Holbrook Son of Jod & Irene Holbrook born March i^* 1774 Sylvia Corbin Daug'" of Afahel & Jerufha Corbin born Febr^ Betfy Corbin Daug"". of William & Dorothy Corbin born Febr'' 13*^ 1775 Kezia Mafon Daug'". of Noah & Dorothy Mafon born April 28'^. 1 77 1 Samuel Mafon Daug'". of Noah & Dorothy Maysoii born July Sufannah Mafon D'". of Noah & Dorothy Mafon born April S'\ 1775 Hannah Allard Daug'" of William & Rebecca Allard born May 22^ 1775 John Bacon fon of Jonothan & Prifcilla Bacon born April 28'^'', 1775 Prifcilla Carpenter Daug"". of Amafa & Cyntha Carpenter born June 27, 1775 Thomas Morfe posthumous fon of Parker Morfe Ju"". by Lydia his Wife born Jan''. 26*. 1775 Darius Truefdell Son of Darius and Rhoda Truefdell born August i^*. 1775 Uriel Underwood fon of Elifha & Abigail Underwood born July 26*''. 1775 Jemima Chandler Daug*". of winthrop & Mary Chandler born Nov"". 24. 1772 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 155 Samuel Chandler son of Winthrop & Mary Chandler born Sept'. 3^ 1775 Urijah Underwood Son of Nehemiah & Rhoda Underwood born Sepf. 17*^. 1775 Harvey Bacon son of Parker & Mary Bacon born Feb'". 24 1775 Rebekah May Daug"". of Penuel & Anne May born April 30"* 1775 Nancy Walker Daug^. of Phinehas & Dorothy Walker bom Sep"". 19*''. 1775 Charles Flyn Son of Richard & Elifabeth Flyn born Novem- ber 6'^ 1775 Anna Bugbee Daugh'". of David & Hannah Bugbee born March 4"^ 1775 Phebe Ainfworth Daugh"" of Nathan & Phebe Ainfworth born June 18*^ 1775 Lyman Goodell Son of Afa & Alice Goodell born Nov''. 24. 1774 Tabitha Peabody Da'', of Richard & Tabitha Peabody Feb''. 22*^. 1775 Lucy Bugbee Dau"". of Caleb & Joanna Bugbee born May i^* 1775 Jemima Bradbury Chandler D'". of Winthrop & Mary Chandler born Novem''. 24*^. 1772 Lemuel Chandler Son of Winthrop & Mary Chandler born Sep^ 3^ 1775 Levi Ainsworth Son of Darius and Mary Ainfworth born Nov''. 13*''. 1774 Elijah Hurlbutt Son of Elijah and Sarah Hurlbutt born August 26. 1775 Ruben Bugbee Son of Daniel & Sarah Bugbee born August Rebecca Bugbee Dau''. of Benj* & Sufanna Bugbee born July jSt j^^ ["2] [Nath] aniel Johnfon fon of Nath^ Johnfon by Anna his wife born June $^^. [baptized May 8, 1774] [53] Continued Nancy Bugbee Dau'' of Thomas & Elisabeth Bugbee born May Harvey Carpenter Son of Ephra"". & Tabyth Carpenter bom Decern. 31. 1775 Ezra Lyon Son of Ezra & Sabra Lyon born August 8*^. 1776 Walter Morrifs Son of Jona". & Mary Morrifs born July 15*" 1772 Anna Morrifs Daug'^. of Jona". & Mary Morrifs born July 28*'' 1775 David Chafifee fon of Jofiah & Sarah Chaffee bom Sepf. 15*^. 1776 156 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Simeon Wight son of Simeon and Margaret Wight born Feb'''^. 28'^''. 1773 Pelatia Wight son of Simeon and Margaret Wight born Janu- ary 14*^. 1776 Ephraim Dane son of Zepha'* & Hannah Dane born May 31: 1775 William Hide Son of William & Mary Manning Born Septem*". ye jQth^ ^yy^ Mary Child Daugh^ of Shubael & Abigail Child born Jan"": jth. j^>75 Penuel May son of Joseph & Lois May born October 22* 1775 Alice Corbin Daug''. of Amos & Kezia Corbin born April 30*''. 1776 John Paine son of Dan'. Paine Jun'". by Elifabeth his wife born Sep''. 13. 1776 Mary Ormfbee Daug"" of Jo^ & Christian Ormfbee born Sep"^ 2,"]. 17 [baptized July 14, 1771] Rufus Flynt Ormbee fon of Jo^. & Christian Ormbee born Feb--. 18. 177 [4] Jofeph Ormfbee fon of Jo^ & Chriftian Ormfbee forn Febry. 16'^^. 1776 Jemima Perin Dau". of Amos & Jemima Perin born Octob"". 6. 1776 Anna Corbin Dau'' of Silas & Anna Corbin born June i^*^ 1776 Nancy Bugbee Daug"" of born May 21 — 1770 Leverett Bugbee son of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee born Jan"". 31. 1776 Cynthia Child Daug^. Nathan & Dorcas Child born Octo'' 25*''. 1776 Abiel Leonard son of Abiel & Mary Leonard born April 8. 1776 Dolly Johnfon Daug"" of Nath'. Johnfon Ju'". by Anna his Wife born Aug. ^^^^ ^77\_^\ Mehetabel May Daug''. of Eliakim & Martha May born Nov^ 23"- 177 [4] Elikim May son of Eliakim May & Martha his Wife born Sep"" 27. 17 Ij^il Ebenezer Lyon son of Eben"". and Prudence Lyon born August Bithiah Lyon Daughter of Amos and Bithiah Lyon born Octo"" 20. 1776 William Martin Son of Henry & Mary Martin born April 22^ 177 [ ] Matilda Clark Daug"" of Afahel & Dorothy Clark born Decem' 28'^ 1 77 [6] Calvin Bugbee Son of Daniel Bugbee 2^ & Efther his Wife born Sept 30"^ 177 [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 157 Nathaniel Marcy son of Nath' & Hannah Marcy born Novem^. 22°'^. 1774 Hannah Bugbee Daug'" of Jon^ Bugbee Jun"". & his Wife born Oct. 23. 17 [ ] [ ] alter Child son of Tho^ Child Ju^ by Lucy his Wife born Nov 15. 17 [ ] [ ] Corbin Daug''. of Afahel & Jerufha Corbin born [ ] [54] Matturin Allard fon of Daniel & Anna Allard Born May 4*^ 177 [ ] Lucy Chandler Daug"". of Seth and Eunice Chandler born [baptized Oct. 9, 1774] Dorothy Corbin Daug^ of Will™ and Dorothy Corbin born Janu'-. 5t^ 1777 Willard Richardfon son of Jn°. & Sufanna Richardfon born Nov"". 3 - -1774 John Bartholomew Son of Jn°. & Candace Bartholomew born Janua'". 23*^. 1777 Darius Ainf worth fon of Darius & Mary Ainf worth born Septem"" 3^. 1776 Charles Son of William & Elifabeth Martin Bom April y® 14*^. 1776 Harding Daugh. Timothy & Lydia Harding born April 23^ 1776 Lydia Ledoyt Daug'. of Abiel & Joanna Ledoyt born January 12*^. 1777 Infant Pofthumous fon of Amafa & Cynthia Carpenter born Janu"". 22*^. 1777 Polly Hay ward Daug"". of David & Prif cilia Hay ward born April 7*^. 1776 Mofes Richardfon fon of Jn°. & Sufanna Richardfon bom Decem'". 13*''. 1776 Rhoda Blackmar Daug'". of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar born Sep^ 17. 1776 Abigail Cotes daug^. of Samuel R. Cotes by Eunice his Wife born Febru''. i^^^. 1777 Zephaniah White son of Nicholas & Sarah White born April 14th 1774 ^ Abilene White Daugh"". of Nicholas and Sarah White born July 31^*. 1776 Rachel Clarke Daug^ of William & Rebecah Clarke born July 24'^ 1774 Seth Clarke son of William and Rebecah Clarke born June 23'^. 1776 Oren son of Ebenezer Lewis by Lois his Wife born March 4*^* 1777 Hannah Tucker Daug"". of Stephen & Lois Tucker born May 10^^. 1775 158 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Efther Tucker Daug'". of Stephen & Lois Tucker born June 13*''. 1776 Freeman Hide fon of Afa & Lucy Hide bom January 6*^. 1777 Silas Son of Henry and Lydia Bowen born Sep'". 6. 1774 Arfula Daughter of Charles Ch'^ & Marian Chandler Bom Decerns y^ V^: 1776 Frances Lyon Daug"" of Warham & Aanna Lyon born Aug. 20. 1776 Elijah Son of Elijah & Jemima Bugbee Born November y^ 7*^. 1776 John Bartholomew son of Jn°. & Candace Bartholom^. born Jan"-. 23^ 1777 Elifabeth Chamberlin Daug''. of Jn°. Chamberlin by Mary his Wife born Aug. 14. 1776 Freeman Powers fon of Nathan & farah Powers born October 14*^ 1776 Cyrel Chandler son of Seth & Eunice Chandler born July 16*^^ 1776 John White son of Cornelius and & Miriam White born Febr^'y. I 1773 Joel White son of Cornelius & Miriam White born Janu^'y. 11^^ 1775 Mary White Daug'. of Cornelius & Miriam White born March II 1777 Cylinda Hayward Daug^. of Amafa & Jemima Hayward born Sep^ 26. 1776 Fanny Tucker Daug*". of Ephraim & Lydia Tucker born March 23^. 1777 Sufanna Stoddard Daug"" of Benj^ & Esther Stoddard^^ Born Febr^ 2^. 1774 [ ] Stoddard Son of Benj^ & Esther Stoddard Born Octo"" 21^*. 177 [ ] [ ] Daug"" of William & Dorothy Corbin born Oct. 6th [ ] [55] [Prijfcilla Corbin Daug"" of Peleg & Levina Corbin born Qaaptized Jan. 7, 1776] Dorcas & ( Horfmer Daug'". of Abel & Sabra Horfmer Zerviah j born March i^* - - 1772 Zebulon Horfmer fon of Abel and Sabra Horfmer born August 14*^: 1775 Mary Durkee Grifwold Daug^. of Aaron & Anna Grifwold born Sep'". 10*^ - - 1776 Jonathan May Son of Thomas & Lucy Born December 4*^ 1776 Elisabeth Murray Daug'". of James & Sarah Murray born May 8*^. 1777 21 First written " Tucker." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 1 59 Chester Lyon Son of Benja And Sarah Lyon born April 3*. 1777 Charity Child Dang"-, of Neh^. & Elifabeth Child May 14*^ 1776 Harvey Sheffield fon of Jonathan & Olive Sheffield born March 29*^^ 1777 Pelatiah Sherman fon of Beriah & Elifabeth Sherman born May 7. 1777 Orinda Goodell Daug"". of Afa and Alice Goodell born October -2^ 1776 Leonard Holmes fon of David & Temperence Holmes born April 17'^. 17 [70] Hartwel Holmes son of David & Temperance Holmes born March \f^. 177 [2] Temperence Holmes Daug'' of David & Temperance Holmes born Jan"". 4*''. 177 [4] Liberty Holmes Son of David & Temperence Holmes born April 3"^. 177 [6] Polley Smith Daug'. of Tho^ and Mary Smith bom Octo^ 25*^, 177 [ ] Phebe Chamberlin Daug'" of Eli f ha & Damaris Chamberlin born Aug 11 1777 William Chandler son of Winthrop & Mary Chandler bom August 24 17 {yy^ Afa Bifhop fon of Afa and Thankful Bifhop born April [1777] Sarah Flyn Daug''. of Richard Flyn Ju^, by Elifabeth his wife born Sep. i [baptized April 6, 1777] Alvan Underwood son of Neh^. & Rhoda Underwood born Sep"-. 8:177 [ ] Patty Goodell Daug'". of Jn°. & Mary Goodell born March 11*^. 17 [ ] Harmony Hay ward D''. of Amafa & Jemima Hay ward born March 8^^. 177 [ ] Lucy Bartholomew Daug^. of Gardner & Sufanna Bartholo- mew born Feb^. [ ] Elias Bacon fon of Jonathan & Prif cilia Bacon born Sep'". 15*^ ^7 [ . ] Eunice Chamberlin Daug"". of Abiel & Grace Chamberlin born Novem"" 2^ 177 [baptized with Olive March 9, 1777] Esther Allen Daug*". of Jonathan & Martha Allen born January 4th 17 {77^ Jedidah Child Daughter^^ of Silas and Jedidah Child born Novem [baptized Aug. 9, 1778] Abiel Ainsworth Pofthumous fon of Nathan & Phebe Ainf- worth born May ii [ ] 22 First written "Son " and crossed out. l6o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Rebeca Allard Daug'" of William and Rebecca AUard bom Walter Paine son of Amos Paine by his Wife Prif cilia born Mar 8^*^ [1776] Jonathan Dodge son of Nath^ & Hannah Dodge bom [ ] Lydia Dodge Daug^. of NatW. & Hannah Dodge born Jan. C ] [56] A Records of Births Lucretia Tucker Daughter of Stephen & Anna Tucker bor Aug 20*^ 177 [ ] Clarifsa Tucker Daughter of Stephen and Anna Tucker born Ocf. 3- 177 [ ] Hannah Bugbee Daug'' of Caleb and Joanna Bugbee born May ^2^ 177 [ ] Mehetabel Lyon Daug''. of Lyman & Hannah Lyon born Decem"". 25'^. 1777 Nancy Manning Daug''. of Eph™. & Mary Manning bom Decem'". 9'** 1777 Daniel Baker son of Tho^. & Sarah Baker born January 31^*. 1776 Horatio Gates Baker fon of Tho^. & Sarah Baker bom Decem*". 29*'' 1777 Bern f ley Carpenter fon of Bemfley & Martha Carpenter born April 3^. 1776 Amafa Lyon Pofthumos fon of Amasa & Martha Lyon borri May 27th. 1777 Darius Child son of Alpha and Molly Child born Decern*". 26. 1777 Polly Hemnia Stone Daug*". of Tho^ & Hannah Stone born February i^*. 1777 Sufanna Morrifs Daug^. of Afa & Bithiah Morrifs born March 13*''. 1777 Theophilus Bradbury Chandler fon of Theoph. & Abigail ■Chandler born Aug*. 14*^. 1776 Eliakim Lyon Corbin son of Peleg & Levina Corbin born Octob'" y^^ lyyy Rhoda True f dell Daug*". of Darius & Rhoda True f dell bom Janu^ 31^^ 1778 Prentice Child son of Shubael &: Abigail Child born Decem'" 16*''. 1777 Joel Eddy Son of Jonathan & Marcy Eddy born December 21^*. 1777. Abiel Leonard son of the Rev*^ Abiel Leonard by Mary his Wife born April S*'' 1776 Thomas Buckman son of Stephen & Abigail Buckman born Januy 30*^^: 1778 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS l6l Roffell Ledoyt fon of James & Dorothy Ledoyt born Octob'" 31 - 1777 Henry Toleman Franklin son of Henry and Dorothy Franklin born Feb'" 6*^. 1778 Afahel Marcy son of Afahel & Prifcilla Marcy born Ocf. i^*. 1777 Daniel Bugbee son of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee born Febru'. 14*^. 1778 Sufanna Coburn Daug'". of Joseph & Mary Coburn bom July 29**^ 1775 John Coburn fon of Joseph & Mary Coburn born Janu'". 8^'' 1777 Alithea Skinner Daughter of Stephen & Huldah Skinner born February 15*" 1775 Adolphus Bolles Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles born May 25*^ 1777 [Wal] Iter Chaffee Son of Samuel & Mary Chaffee born April [ ] rah Allard Daugh'". of Daniel & Anna Allard born July 2^^ 1776 [ ]selana Wilfon Dau"". of Ifaac & Abigail Wilfon born [] [Har] mon May son of Joseph and Lois May Born April 28*^ 1778 Peggy Peabody Dau"" of Richard & Tabitha Peabody Born April 14*^: 1778 Nehemiah Barker Chandler son of Moses & Frances Chandler born June o.']^^ 1777^^ Betty Bacon Daug''. of John and Molly Bacon born Decem"". j2tli J 772 [ ] Bugbee Daug'. of Jon^. & Mary Bugbee Sep^ 13**^. 1774 [57] Continued Lucy Bugbee Daug'". of Elijah and Sarah Bugbee born April 26*''. 1778 John Jack fon fon of Nehemiah & Esther Jackfon born May J 2th J 7^3 Nancy Child Daug^. of Lemuel & Dorcas Child born May 20*''. 1778 Patty White Daug"". of Joel & Sarah White born March 23*^. 1778 Hannah Roberts Grifwold Daug"". of Aaron & Anna Grifwold born Febr^. 14*''. 1778 Polly Carpenter Daug'". of Ephr"" & Tabitha Carpenter born May 12^^: 1778 23 A line has been drawn througrh this entry. l62 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Urania Stone Dau"". of Cap*^. Ifaac Stone by Sarah his Wife born Janu"". 21^*^. 1776 Martha Hewlett Chaff e Daug^ of James Chaffee Ju"". by Sarah his Wife born Janu'". 10. 1776 Sally Chaffee Daugh"". of James Chaffee Ju''. by Sarah his Wife born Febr^. 17*^. 1778 Abifhai Sabin Underwood fon of Daniel & Experience Under- wood born Apr^ 24*''. 1778 Susanna Ledoyt Daug'". of Biel & Joanna Ledoyt born Sepf. 27*^: 177 [ ] Anne Daughter of Rebeckah Child born April 6^'^ 1778 Calvin Corbin son of Silas & Anna Corbin born Auguft 24**^ : 1778 Sally Smith Daug"" of Thomas & Mary Smith born July 19'^. 1778 Eunice Dodge Daug^ of Eben'" & Eunice Dodge born May 2.^ 1763 Hepfibah Dodge Daug'' of Eben'". & Eunice Dodge born July i«' 1765 Tirzah Dodge Daug"". of Eben'". & Eunice Dodge born Octob'" 8*'' 1767 Nathan Dodge son of Eben^. & Eunice Dodge born Novem'". 6 1770 Apollos Dodge son of Eben^. & Eunice Dodge born August ^f" 1774 Ebenezer Dodge son of Eben''. & Eunice Dodge born August 15. 1776 [Hann] ah Bugbee son of Hezekiah & Bathfhua Bugbee born July 25'*^. 1778 Charles Horfmer fon of James & Sarah Horfmer born Janu- ary 20**'. 1778 James Davenport Chandler fon of Mofes & Frances Chandler born June 2'j^'^. 1777 Oliver Perin son of Amos & Jemima Perin Born September Anna Child Daug'". of Thomas Child Jun^ by Lucy his Wife born Septem'" i^^ 1778 Jonathan Lyon son of Ebenezeir & Prudence Lyon Borki August 22'^. 1778 Jerufha Corbin Daug^. of Afahel & Jerufha Corbin Born De- cember 7*^. 1778 Molly May Daug'". of John & Hannah May Born January 23^. 1779 Chloe Chaffee Daug^. of Jofiah And Sarah Chaffee born Jan- uary 24*^. 1779 Ethalinda Powers Daug*". of Nathan & Sar,ah Powers born Octo'" 25. 1778 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 163 Thomas Coburn Son of Joseph And Mary Cobum born Decern'" 3^. 1778 [S] tephen Paine Son of Eben^ Paine Jun"". by Esther his Wife born Janu"" 19. 1777 [ ] harles Skinner son of Stephen & Huldah Skinner born Febru'". y^^. 1779 Molly Bacon Daug''. of John & Molly Bacon born Aug\ y^^ 1778 [Sa] rah Walker Daug"". of Phinehas & Sufanna Walker born Decern'" 23*^. 177 [7] [58] A Record of Births William Son of William & Elifabeth Martin Born Sepf". 29*^ 1779 Ebenezer Holmes son of Eben^ and Marcella Holmes born Feb^. 18"'. 177 [ ] John Freeman Hurlbutt son of Elijah & Sarah Hurlbutt born Septem"". 2^. 1778 Mary Brown Dag*", of Andrew & Ruth Brown born September 28''*. 1778 Paraclete Morrifs fon of WilHam and Sarah his Wife born Feb^ f^. lyjf^ Elifha Underwood Son of Elifha & Abigail Underwood Janu'"^ 31'': 1779 Beriah Chaffee Daug"". of Samuel Chaffee Ju'". by Sarah his Wife born Sep'" 18^''. 177 [ ] Zelophi Chaffee fon of Sam\ Chaffee Ju'". by Sarah his Wife born July 9*^ 177 [ ] John Corbin son of Jn°. & Abigail Corbin born April 2*. 1779 William Lyon fon of Elijah & Mary Lyon born Novf. 11*^. ^778 Nancy Chamberlin Dag'", of Edm'^ Chamberlin J'", by Elisabeth his Wife born Feb''^ 2*. 1779 Mofes Holmes fon of Eben"". & Elifabeth Holmes born March jgth -^yyg Simeon Bacon son of Benj* & Eunice Bacon born Octo"". 22*^. 1778 Polly Hay ward Daug"". of David & Prif cilia Hay ward born March 2V^. 1778 Thomas Richardfon Hewlett Son of Sam* Howlett Jun'' and Lucretia his Wife bom May ly^'^. 1779 Abel Chapman Son of W'" & Tabitha Chapman born June 17*'*. 1779 William Flyn Son of John & Mary Flyn born May 24*^. 1779 Mary Glyfson Chandler Daug'' of Winthrop & Mary Chandler bom Janu"". 29. 1779 Warham Lyon son of Warham & Anna Lyon born June 13*'' ^77 [ ] l64 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ]by Lyon Daug"" of Warham & Anna Lyon born July Jane Blackmar Daug'". of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar born f^ May 17 [ ] Polly Ainf worth Daug"" of Darius & Mary Ainf worth born June 27 [ ] [ ] fworth Daug'" of Edward & Sybil Aiinfworth born February Elisha Hurlbut Waldo son of Albigence & Lydia Waldo born September 11*'' 1773 Ralph Waldo son of Albigence & Lydia Waldo born Novem'". 27^^ 1775 Harriot Waldo Daug^. of Albigence & Lydia Waldo born April Thomas Fanning Waldo Son of Albigence & Lydia Waldo born Sep''. 19*^. 1779 Mehetabel Peake Daug"". of Thomas & Alithea Peake Born June 26*^ 1779 Mehetabel Child Daug^ of Charles & EHfabeth Child born Aug*. 22^. 1779 Hannah Bugbee Dau"". of Jon*. & Mary Bugbee born Octo'" 23* 1776 Eunice Bugbee Daug''. of Jon*. & Mary Bugbee born April lo*'* 1779 [ ] Goodell Daugh. of Afa & Alice Goodell bom March I'* 177 [ ] Luther Gage Son of Elifha & Olive Gage bom March 9 17 [] Abel Buckman Son of Stephen & Abigail Buckman born December 2^. 177 [9] [Levi] Child fon of Amafa & Joanna Child born June 8*. 17 [79J [59] Charles Son of Charles C"^ & Marian Chandler Bom January y® 19*^ 1779 [J] ared Child son of Shubael and Abigail Child born Novem"". 25*''. 1779 Hannah Miller Sefsions Daug^ of Amafa & Esther Sefsions bom Febru''. 2^ 1779 Flavilla Allard Daug*". of Peter & Patience Allard born July 24*^. 1779 Abel Buckman son of Stephen & Abigail Buckman born Decem"". 2*. 1779 Ebenezer Lyon son of Eben'". & Prudence Lyon born August Jonathan Lyon son of Eben"". Prudence Lyon born August Patty Daughter of Jedidiah and Sarah Bugbee born 1776 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 165 Natha^ Bugbee son of Jedi'' & Sarah Bugbee born Decern' 4*^. 1779 Hannah Daughter of William & Mary Lyon Born February 3^ i^* 1778 Sufanna Lyon Daug''. of W"". & Mary Lyon born November y"* 2ct\ 1779 Lyman Tucker Son of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker born Sepf. IQ*"". 1779 Uriah Child son of Abel & Rebecca Child born December ^^^ 1779 Eli f ha Child Son of Elias & Dorothea Child born February 11^''. 1780 Thomas Frifsel fon of Will"" & Judith Frifsel born Nov'". 1779 1779 George Richmond Son of Edw^. And Elifabeth Richmond born Janu"". 6*'' 1780 Pamela Child Dau^ of Alpha & Molly Child born April 15*^ 1780 Ezra Clarke fon of Afahel & Dorothy Clarke born March 20*^ 1780 Amafa Carpenter fon of Davis & Miriam Carpenter bom June Samuel Lyon Son of Elijah & Mary Lyon Born February 18*^ 1780 Infant Child of Stephen & Anna Tuck'" born October 4*^ 1779 Hiram Ledoyt Son of Abiel and Joanna Ledoyt born April 14*^. 1780 Elisabeth Carpenter Daug^. of Joseph & Martha Carpenter born Sep'". I4*^' 1778 Winthrop Son of William & Dorothy Corbin Born December 24. 177 [ ] Anna Allard Dan"".^* of Wm and Rebecca Allard born-Jan'". 19. 178 [ ] Phinehas Walker fon of Phinehas and Sufanna Walker born June 26. 1780 Ephraim Carpenter fon of Ephraim & Tabitha Carpenter born May 12'*'. 1780 Peggy^^ Smith Daug'". of Eben''. & Margaret Smith born No- vem'" 9^ 1779 Elisabeth Flynn Daug'". of Richard Flyn Ju'", by Elifabeth his Wife born July 17*''. 1780 Letitia Morrifs Daug'" of William & Sarah Morifs Born October 2^. 1780 Miriam Hayward Daug'". of Amafa & Jemima Hayward born June i6*^ 1779 2* First written " Son " and crossed out. 25 First written " Margaret." l66 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Hannah Morfe Daug'". of Calvin & Sophia Morfe Born June S^^ 1780 Walter Underwood fon of Elisha & Abigail Underwood Born October 3^ 1780 Hannah Lyon Daug"". of Jabez & Mehetabel Lyon Born July ' lo**". 1780 Thomas Williams son of Silas & Mary Williams born Auguft 12*^. 1780 Sanford Wilfon son of Ifaac & Abigail Wilfon born April 11*^ 178 [ - ] [60] A Record of Births. Mary Amidon Daug"". of Ruben And Olive Amidon born Nov. [ ] Urania Amidon Daug''. of Ruben & Olive Amidon born Sep', lo*"". 1773 Walter Amidon fon of Reuben & Olive Amidon born Octo"" 5"* ^775 Jabez Amidon son of Reuben & Olive Amidon born Sep'. 7'^. 1777 Rufus Amidon son of Reuben & Olive Amidon born Ocf. 26*^. 1779 Sybil Parry Daug' of Elijah & Irene Parry born Ocf. S^^. 1780 Ruth Daughter of Davis & Miriam Carpenter born December y*" 22** 1780 Walter Powers son of Cyrus & Rachel Powers born April 26*^. 1780 Uriah Allard Son of Daniel & Anna Allard born Jan^ 31*^ 1779 Afa Child Son of Thomas & Lucy Child born Sept' 18**^ 1780 Temperence Bugbee Daug''. of Heze'^. & Bathfhua Bugbee born Janu'. 17*^ 1781 Waldo fon of Stephen & Anna Tucker born August y^^. 1780 Nehemiah Jackfon fon of Neh"" & Efther Jackfon born July 29*1^ 1780 Thomas Fefsendon Smith son of Tho^. & Mary Smith bom Oct^ 16, 1780 William Chapman son of W" Chapman J' & Tabitha his Wife born Oct^ 14*'^ 1776 Chefter May son of Silas & Dorothy May born January 16*'^. 1781 Micah Perrin son of Jacob & Abigail Perrin born October 10*'^ 1779 Anna Paine Johnfon Daug'. of Uriah & Esther Johnfon Born June 26, 1779 Abijah Cotes son of Sam^ R. Cotes & Eunice his Wife born Jan'. 29*^. 1 781 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 167 Penuel May son of John & Hannah May born April 19^^. 1781 Perley Clark son of Will"^ & Rebecca Clark born Dec'. 30*\ 1778 Lynda Clark Dau'. of Will"^. & Rebeckah Clark born April 20*"^. 1 78 1 Polly Pollard Dau'-. of Joel & Sarah White born April 15*^ 178 1 Lucy Gage Daug'. of Elifha & Olive Gage born Nov^ 21^^. 1780 Abigail Hurlbut Daug'. of Elijah & Sarah Hurlbutt born June 25*^ 1780 Amos & Abel Perin Twin Children of Amos & Jemima Perin born May 24*''. 1781 Beulah Daughter of Silas & Anna Corbin born Jatf^^. 18. 1781 Abner Bacon fon of Jonathan & Prif cilia Bacon born Jan'"^. 28*^^. 1 78 1 Polly Flyn Daug'". of John and Mary Flyn Born December 8'\ 1 78 1 Rockfa Murray Daug^ of James & Sarah Murray born Aug 28'^ 1 78 1 Salome Child Daug'". of Abel & Rebeckah Child born July 8t^ 1 78 1 Polly Child Daug'". of Amafa & Joanna Child born June 30. 1781 [ ]ster Morfe Son of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe born May I2*^ 1 78 1 [Mary] Stone Daug''. of William & Hannah Stone born Deem'" 15*^ 1779 , ^ [ ] Lyon son of Ebenezer & Prudence Lyon born Septem- ber f^. 1780 [61] Hannah Lyman Daugh'. of y^ Rev^. Eliphalet Lyman & Hannah his wife born June 15'^'^. 17 [ ] Eliphalet Lyman Son of y^ Rev*^ Elipalet Lyman & hannah his wife born Sep*' 11*^ 17 [ ] John Lyman Son of the Rev*^. Eliphalet Lyman and Han*', his wife born July 3'^ 178 [ ] Daniel Lyman Son of Rev*^. Eliphalet Lyman & Hannah his wife born Sept'. 5*^. 178 [ ] Polly Daughter of Rev^. Eliphalet; & Hannah Lyman born July 22^ : 178 [ ] Stephen Child Son of Abel Child & Rebekah his Wife born April 25: 17 [83] Polly Bugbee Daughter of Hezekiah & Bathfhua Bugbee born Nov', ig**": 17 [ ] Horatio Walker Son of Phinehas Walker by Sufanna his Wife born October y« 8*''. 178 [2] l68 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Molly Kingfley Daughter of Enoch & Molly Kingfley Born Janua". 29**^: 178 [ ] Sarah Hurlbut Daughter of Elijah & Sarah Hurlbut Born Novem"". 2.(f'\ 178 [3] Allice Child Daughter of Charles & Elifabeth Child Born October y^ lo'*^: 178 [3] Calvin Goodell Son of John & Chloe Goodell Born November r [ ] Molly Lyon Daughter of W" & Sarah Lyon Born Sept^ 28*^ : 1771 Jofiah Lyon Son of W"" & Sarah Lyon Born December y^ 3"^ : 177 [2] I Nathaniel Lyon Son of W" & Sarah Lyon Born February y^. William Lyon Son of W" & Sarah Lyon Born August y® 5*'' : 177 [6] Jacob Lyon Son of W"" & Sarah Lyon Born August y^ 13*^: 177 [8] Jofeph Lyon Son of W™ & Sarah Lyon Born June y® 24*'': 178 [ ] Nathaniel Lyon Son of W"" & Sarah Lyon Born July y^ 29'^: I [ ] Jofeph Morfe Son of Calvin Morfe by Sophia his Wife Born April 20 [ ] William Munro Son of William & Sarah Morris Born August y«28"^: 17 [83] John Flyn Son of John & Mary Flyn Born Decern^, y^ 8'^'': 17 [ ] Calvin Son of John & Chloe Goodell Born Novemb'". 5. [ ] Hannah Daughter of Jacob & Hannah Ma f craft born May ii*'': [ ] Elifabeth; Daughter of Ebene''. & Margret Smith Born De- cember y^ 2 [baptized with Mary and Nancy May 28, 1786] Sarah Daughter of Amos & Bethiah Lyon Born October y® 25. [ ] . Payfon Sefsions Son of Amafa & Efther Sefsions Born Feb- ruary 23^ 178 [ ] Isaac Marcy Son of Abram & Irfula Marcy Born December y« lo*^ [ ] Cyrus Son of Francis Marcy Born May y® 24*'^: [ ] John Nichols Son of Jonathan & Rebekah Nichols Born [ ] [ ] Son of William Lyon 2^ & Sarah his Wife born [ ] [62] George Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born Decem''. 29*^^: 1764 Samuel Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born August ye ^d. jj75^ WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 169 Rufus Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born Febru^ : Noadiah Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born June y" S*"": 1774 Pardon Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born October ye ^th . J ^-,5 Lydia Morris Daughf^. of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born April ye ^th. J -779 Robert Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born October 23*^: 1781 Lemuel Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Born August y^ II*'': 1783 [ ]lle Bugbee Daughter of Stephen & Nancy Bugbee Born July y^ ig^^: 1783 Charles Thompfon Son of Elias & Dorothea Child Born Feb- ruary y^ is*-^: 1784 Nathaniel Jones son of Samuel & Jemima Jones Born Novem'" : ye j^th. J ^§2 [ Jlifabeth Kimbal Daughter of Ebenezer & Rebekah Kimbal Born May 28*'': 1775 [ ]rah Kimbal Daughter of Eben''. & Rebekah Kimbal Born April 4*'': 1777 [ ] hn Kimball Son of Eben^. & Rebekah Kimbal ; Born August y" 31^*: 1779 [ ]ry Kimball Daughter of Eben"". 81 Rebekah Kimbal; Born Sepf: y^ 18*'': 1782 [ Jin Son of Nehemiah & Rhoda Underwood Born Feb- ruary 16*'': 1784 [ ]arlotte Daughter of Daniel & Lovica Paul Born Feb- ruary y^ 3^. 1784 Charles Smith Son of Tho^ & Molle Smith Bom June y^ 4*'' : 1783 [ ]lva Wilfon Son of Barzilla & Silence Wilfon Born Feb- ruary y^ 8''': 1778 [ ] Wilfon Son of Barzilla & Silence Wilfon Born October y® 29: 1779 [ Jonathan Wilfon Son of Barzilla & Silence Wilfon Born October 8*'^: 1781 Thomas Cutler Wilfon Son of Barzilla & Silence Wilfon Born February 24*'': 1784 Lucinda Daughter of Jonathan Bugbee Jr. & Mary his Wife Born Octo^: 19*'': 1781 [ ]dia Daughter of Jonathan Bugbee J^. & Mary his Wife Born March 6^^: 1784 [Rojbert Reynolds Son of James Murry & Sarah his Wife Born April 17''': 1784 [ ]ubah Marcy Daughter of Jonathan & Hannah Marcy Born January 20: 1784 I70 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ]live Daughter of Jofiah & Efther Underwood Born Febru'"^ 22: 1784 Griffin Child Son of Alpha & Mary Child Born January 25*^ : 1784 [ ] Payfon Son of Afa Payfon & Lucy his Wife Born November y^ 6*. 1783 [ ] Bruce Son of Eli & Sarah Bruce Born August 24*'^: 1776 [ ] Bruce Son of Eli & Sarah Bruce Born January 2*^. 1784 [ ] Son of Eli & Sarah Bruce Born August 22'^: 1783 [ ] Eli & Sarah [ ] Born October 26'^^ [ ] [63] Sally Tucker D"". of Stephen & Anne Tucker born March 15'''. 1782 Sarah Skinner D'". of William Skinner Ju"". & Sarah his Wife born Auguft 2I'^ i78[ ] Jacob Mafcraft Son of Jacob & Hannah Mafcraft born August born August 30. 17 [ ] Lydia Jackson Daug'". of Benj^ & Sabrina Jackson born Sep'". 3' 178 [ ] Nancy Child Daughter of Willard Chid and Lydia his wife born Decern'' 3'''^: 17 [baptized August 3, 1783] Rhoda Barret Daughter of Tho^ and Elizabeth Barret Born June 26''' 178 [ ] Ephraim Perin Son of Jacob Perin & Abigail his wife Born Septem"". 23"^ 178 [ ] Eraftus May Son of Jn°. May and Hannah his wife born Feb^. y^ 8^'^ 178 [3] Amafa May son of Eliakim May & Martha his wife born June I6'^ 178 [3] Prudence Lyon daughter of Eben"". Lyon & Prudence his wife born Septem"". 15'^ 178 [ ] W"*. Earl Smith Son of Tho^. Smith and Mary his wife born March iit\ 178 [ ] Anna Corbin Daughter of John Corbin & Abigail his wife Born Feb^ 2^^ 178 [ ] John Lyon son of Cap*. W™. Lyon and Mary his wife born Novem'" 8*'' 1781 Elijah Lyon Lawton son of Jofhua Lawton & Sarah his wife born October 29*'*. 17 [ ] Elizabeth Mariam Lawton Daug'" of Jofhua Lawton & sarah his wife born June 2°^ 1778 Charles Morfe son of Jonathan Morfe & Azubah his wife born Feby 28*^ - 178 [ ] Sarah Mafon daughter of Jonathan Mafon & Deborah his wife born Decem. 12*''. 1782 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 171 Elijah Lyon Son of Elijah Lyon and Mary his wife born Octo- ber y^ 14'^ 178 [ ] Perry Child Son of Lemuel Child Dorcas his wife born Octo- ber 26'i> 178 [ ] Dijah Bowen son of Henry Bowen & Lydia his wife born May Q.f'^ 17 [77~\ Elifha Bowen Son of Henry Bowen & Lydia his wife born February 20*''. 177 [9] Henry bowen Son of Henry Bowen and Lydia his wife born October 10^^ [1780] Daniel Bowen Son of Henry Bowen & Lydia his wife born July 20* [1783] Sabra Lyon Daughter of Ezra Lyon and Sabra his wife Born May y« ^'^ 17 [ ] Phebe Lyon Daughter of Ezra Lyon and Sabra his wife born January 24^^ 178 [ ] Maricus Lyon Son of Ezra Lyon & Sabre his wife born Jan- uary 28''' 178 [ ] Abiel Bartholomew son of Gardiner Bartholomew Sufanna his wife born Septem'" 27**" [ ] Charles Bartholomew Son of Gardiner Bartholomew Sufannah his wife born August 6*'' [ ] Huldah Peake Chamberlin daughter of Abiel Chamberlin and Grace His wife Born January 22°^ A D 1779 William Chamberlin son of Abial Chamberlin and Grace Cham- berin his wife born July 8*'' 1782 [64] Abigail Perin Daughter of Elijah Perin and Melesent his wife born April 14*'': 1783 Daniel Perry of Rehoboth Now of Woodftock Born April 4*'' 1748. Judah Perry wife to the said Daniel Perry bom July y® 18*^ 1753 Rachel Perry Daughter of Daniel Perry & Judah his wife born Jan^ 17^^ 1772. Daniel Perry Son of Daniel Perry and Judah his wife born March i^''. 1774 Sarah Hunt Perry daughter of Daniel Perry & Judah his wife born October 9*^. 1776 [ ]ohn Perry Son of Daniel Perry and Judah his wife born October 5*^ 1778 Huldah Perry Daughter of Daniel Perry & Judah his wife born Septem''. 6'^'*. 1780 [ ] Perry Son of Daniel Perry and Judah his wife born Decem'" 29*^. 1782 Nancy Nichols Daughter of Jonathan Nichols & Rebeckah his wife born May y^ 7*^ — 1782 1/2 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Eli f ha Gage son of Eli f ha Gage and Olive his wife Born Octo- ber 13^''. 1782 [ ]rah Hely Lyon Daughter of Jonathan Lyon & Rebekah his wife born Novem''. 17'^^ I773- [ ]meroy Lyon Daughter of Jonathan Lyon & Rebekah his wife born Feb^. 27^^ 1776 [ ] rbin Lyon son of Jonathan Lyon & Rebekah his wife born Novem'". 19*^'. 1777 Mofes Lyon Son of Jonathan Lyon & Rebekah his wife born November 20*^. 178 [ ] [ ]ne Lyon daughter of Jonathan Lyon & Rebekah his wife born October 15*^ - 1782 [ ]ias Smith son of Daniel Smith and Elifabeth his wife born August 23*''. 1773 [ ] fhua Smith son of Daniel Smith and Elifabeth his wife born August 2g^^. 1775 [ ]abeth Smith Daughter of Daniel Smith and Elifabeth his wife born October 24*^^ - 1777 [ ]rah Smith Daughter of Daniel Smith and Elifabeth his wife born April 4'''. 1781 [ ]hoda Smith Daughter of Daniel Smith and Elizb'' his wife born October 6*^. 1783 this leaf has on the Childrns names of Daniel Perry by his wife Judith Julia a Mollato; Daughter of Genn Servant to Esq"". Smith Born Sepf 15*^ 1800 Simon a Negro Servant of Gen". Sam" M^Clellan born Febr''. 6*'^ 1774 Git a D°. of D°. born Sept^. 5^^^. 1782 Cefar a D°. of D°. born Decern''. 4*''. 1784 Prince a D°. of D°. born Nove"". V\ 1786 Gin a Negro Servant of Cap*. Ebe'" Smith Born May y^ 3^. 1783. [ ]ulia a Negro Servant of John Flyn Born July y^ 24. 1787 Mary Daughter of John & Chloe Wally Born March y® 2^. 1790 [ ] son of John & Chloe Wallie born November y® 17*''. 1788 & Died December f^ 178 [ ] [65] Abel Son of Abel & Lydia Joh[ ] March y« 11*'': 1784 Twin Children of David Goodell by Hannah his Wife Born May y® 15^^. 1766 Levi son of David & Hannah Goodell Borne March y^ 29*'' 1772 Sylvester son of David & Hannah Goodell Born February y** j^th. J7J74 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 173 Stephen Son of David & Hannah Goodell Born October y® Hannah Daughter of David & Hannah Goodell Born October ye jSt. J^^^ Molly Daughter of Jacob & Hannah Mafcraft Bom September 3': 17 [ ] Marfhe Daughter of David & Priscilla Howard Born Septem- ber y® IS*'': 1785 Hannah Daughter of Rhodes & Clarina Wilkinfon Born De- cember y® 28: 1783 Mary Daughters of Rhodes & Clarina Wilkinfon Born Novem- ber y^ 24*'': 178 [ ] Nathan Son of David & Margret Williams Born March y® 30*'': 178 [ ] Abigail Lillie Daughter of William & Sufanna Child Born March 23^. 1786 John Son of Noah & Dorothy Mafon Born November y^ 23^ 1782 Efther Daughter of Amos & Bethiah Lyon Bom February y^ i^': 1786 Joanna Daughter of Parker & Martha Commins Born Sepf. 30*'': 1 78 1 Lucy Daughter of Parker & Martha Commins Born August ye 2ist. 1782 Parker son of Parker & Martha Commins Born Sepf. 27*'': 1785 Allis Daughter of Ifrael Marcy J'". & Jem f ha his Wife Born February [ ] Thomas Son of William & Phebe Phillips Born April y® 9*'': 1771 James Brother & twin with Thomas above Bom April y® lo*** 1771 Lucy Daughter of W™ & Phebe Phillips Born October y® i^*: 1773 William Son of W° & Phebe Phillips Born July 2^. 1776 Jeremiah Son of W"' & Phebe Phillips Born March y« 9*^ 1778 Martha Daughter of W". & Phebe Phillips Born January v^ 10*'': 1 781 Wheeler Son of W"^ &: Phebe Phillips Born February y^ 11'^: 1783 Edward Son of W° & Phebe Phillips Born February y^ 9**': 1785 Sarah Daughter of Sam". & Azubah Chaffee born July y*" 3^: 1784 Jefse Son of Jonathan & Rebekah Nichols born Febru^. 19*: 178 [ ] 174 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Nathan Son of Afa & Lucy Payfon Born December y^ 20**^: 178 [ ] Afa Son of Afa & Lucy Payfon Born March y^ 22^: 178 [ ] Polly Daughter of Afa & Lucy Payfon Born April y^ 14*'': 1786 Laban Son of Nehemiah Underwood & Rhoda his Wife Born June [ ] Abiel Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Born July iz"^: 178 [ ] [66] Azor Son of And [ ]th Brown Born Sep* 28'^^ 178 [ ] Daniel Son of Jofhua & Phebe Squire Born July y® 28"": 1784 Charles Son of Tho^ & Molly Smith Born August y« 27*^: 1786 Sarah Sumner Daughter of Caleb & Sarah May born July y^ S*'^: 1786 John Albermarl Son of Abram & Urfula Marcy Born Sep- tember y^ 18''': 1785 Betfey Daughter of William & Mary Lyon Born January y° f". 1783 William Son of William & Mary Lyon Born August y^ 5*^: 1786 James Son of James & Sarah Tucker Born August y^ 10'^'^ : 1786 Polly Daughter of Charles & Matilda Lebret Born January ye j^th. J ^85 Rufus Son of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee Born July y® y^"^. 1784 Amafa Son of Ephraim & Lucy Carryl Born October y^ 12: 1779 Betfy Daughter of Ephraim & Lucy Carryl Born March y^ 4: 1781 Augustus son of Ephraim & Lucy Carryl Born September 4*^* : 1783 . Abiel Leonard Son of Ephraim & Lucy Carryl bom March y^ 4*'^: 1785. William Son of William & Dorothy Corbin born May y® 9*'': 1781 Crefia Daughter of William & Dorothy Corbin born Febr^. 19: 1784 Eunice Daughter of William & Dorothy Corbin born May ye 25th; J ^85 Polly Daughter of Molly Learned Born October y® 31^*: 1786 [ ]nold Son of James & Huldah Wheeler Born August y^ I3*'>: 1786 [ ]arity Daughter of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee born De- cember 5*^. 1786 [RJofwel Son of Jacob & Sufannah Foster Born July y^ 18"^: 1785. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 1 75 Luther Son of David & Sybil Rawfon Born November ig*''. 1777 Calvin Son of David & Sybil Rawfon Born August y^ 6. 1779 Sally Daughter of Stephen & Anna Tucker Born March i^^^. 1782 Charles Son of Stephen & Anna Tucker Born September 22*^ 1784 John Son of Darius & Rhoda Truefdel Born July y® 25"": 1786 Nancy Daughter of Gardner & Sufanna Bartholomew Born Novem^ 17*'': 1783 Betfa Daughter of Gardner & Sufanna Bartholomew Born November 22: 1785 Wareham Son of Wareham & Annah Lyon Born April y® 28'^^: 1786 [ ]achel Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar Born January 21'^'': 1783. Dorcas Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar Born Decem- ber 11^'': 1784 Lydia Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar Born October y® 16: 1786 [Abiel] Son of Daniel Lyon J"" & Efther his Wife Born Janu- ary y« 18**^: 1787 Sally Daughter of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born November 24**^: 1786 Abiel Son of Silas & Dorothy May Born January y^ 3*: 1787 [ ] Son of Jofeph & Christian Ormfbee born January y^ 13*'': 1784 [ ]ughter of Charles Ch'^ & Marian Chandler Born Feb- ruary 26^^ 1784 [67] Nancy Daughter of Afa & Allice Goodell Born July y^ 3' 178 [I] Sarah Daughter of Afa & Allice Goodell Bom September 30'^ : 178 [3] Lydia Daughters of Afa & Allice Goodell Born October y® 12*^: 178 [6] Hannah Daughter of Cyrus & Rachel Powers Born October 28*^^: 178 [ ] Sylvester Son of Cyrus & Rachel Powers Born December y^ 22'': I [ ] Sarah Daughter of Cyrus & Rachel Powers Born December 17'^: [ ] Orry Daughter of Ezra & Mary Franklin Born February i^': 17 [ ] Mary Daughter of Ezra & Mary Franklin Born May y^ 31^*: 1784 176 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS James Son of Ezra & Mary Franklin Born August y^ 22^: 1786 Ezra Franklin Son of James Franklin Born August y® iS^^' 1753 Betfe Daughter of Amafa & Joanna Child Born March 2y^^. 1783 Irenea Daughter of Amafa & Joanna Child Born August y® 28''^: 178 [5] Benjamin Throop Son of Edward & Elifabeth Richmond Born September y^ 14*^: [ ] Bille Son of Nehemiah & Mary Child Bom September 24'^: [ ] Esther Daughter of Eben"". & Margret Smith Born August y^ lo*'^: I [ ] Nancy Daughter of Eben'". & Margret Smith Born October y' 15 [1785] Wealthy Daughter of Jonathan & Hannah Marcy Born April ye 4th [■ ] Waldo Son of John & Prifcilla Fox Born October y^ 9**^: 17 [ ] Samuel Child Son of Mofes & Azubah Chandler Born May y® 7^:i[ ] Clarifsa Daughter of Willard & Lydia Child Bom March 5*^ [1787] Sarah Daughter of Will"" & Sarah Lyon Born April 13*^ [ ] Lucy Daughter of Charles & Miriam Morris Born February ye J3th |- ] Sally Sumner Daughter of Charles & Elifabeth Child Born March y^ g^^: [1787] Perfis Daughter of Amafa & Joanna Child Born March y® 16*^: [1787] Lucy Daughter of Samuel & Zubah Chaffee Born October y® i«^ 178 [ 1 Lucy Daughter of Jofeph & Chloe Foster Born April y^ 18*^: Hannah Daughter of Elijah & Sarah Hurlbut Born May y^ 29'': I [ ] Benj"^. Son of Jedidiah & Sarah Bugbee Born December 2 [ ] Daniel Son of Amos & Pricilla Paine Bom May 25*^: 17 [ ] Afenah Daughter of Amafa & Jemima Hayward Born Sept. 24: [ ] Rhoda Daughter of Amafa & Jemima Hayward Bom Novem. 3 [ ] Elifabeth Daughter of Charles C*'''. & Marian Chandler Born Sept^ y" lo**^ [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 177 [68] [ ] Barron Daughter of Jofeph & Sophia Fox Born august 12: 178 [ ] Efther Daughter of Elijah & Irenea Perry Born March y® 27*^. 1787 Gideon Son of Jofhua & Phebe Squire Born June y^ 8**^. 1787 Polly Daughter of Abel & Lydia Johnfon Born June y® 14: 1786- [ ] leb Son of Caleb & Joanna Bugbee Born December 26 : 1785 [Ajugustus son of William & Sarah Morris Born July y® 11*^: 1787 Robertfon son of Jofeph & Sophia Fox Born August y® y^'^: Nancy Daughter of Rufus & Lucinda Kingfley Born July IS*'*: 1787 Afa Son of John & Mary Goodell Born February y^ 22^ 1/47 Lydia Daughter of Henry & Lydia Bowen born April y^ 4*^. 1787 Nathan Son of Nehemiah & Efther Jackfon Born June y* 21^*. 1787 Joanna Daughter of Biel & Joanna Ledoit Born July y® S*'*: 1786 Benjamin Son of Elifha & Margret Qiamberlin Bom Sept''. 4*^: 1787 [ ] ftian Daughter of Jofeph & Chriftian Ormfbee Born Juney® 14*'': 1787 [ ]m Son of Samuel Howlet J"". & Lucretia his Wife Bom March 27*^ : 1787 [ ] im Son of Ephraim & Lucy Carryl Born January y^ 19*'': 1787 [ ] ula Daughter of Amos J"". & Polly Paine Born Decem- ber y« 16*^: 1787 [Georjge Son of William & Abigail Ranny Born August y* S'""- 1784 [ ]le Son of W" & Abigail Ranny Born February y^ 12*'': 1787 [ ]a Daughter of Jacob Jr. & Hannah Maf craft Bom Noembery* 11*'*: 1787 Hannah Daughter of Davis & Miriam Carpenter Born October ye 5th J787 Bathfhua Daughter of David & Experience Coburn Bom April y« 12*'' : 1787 [ ]rah Daughter of James & sarah Horfmer Bom April 27^^ 1786 Ebenezer Son of Ebenezer & Margret Smith Born December 30*^: 1787 12 178 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ] Paul Son of Sam". & Jemima Jones Born March 13 : 1788 [ ] Daughter of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Born February 22^: 1787 [ ] Daughter of Silas & Anna Corbin Born March y® 12*^ 1787 [ ] Daughter of Rev^. Eliphalet & Hannah Lyman born May 2'^: 1788 [John] Bacon Son of John & Hannah May Born January y^ 7*^^: 1787 [ ] Daughter of Daniel Lovifa Paul Born October y® y*-^ 1785 [ ] Son of Daniel & Lovifa Paul Born June y^ 28^"^: 1787 [ ] ua Son of Abraham & Urfula Marcy Born November y® 11*^: 1787 [ ] ina Daughter of Ezra & Huldah Chamberlin born October 19*^: 1787 [ ] y Daughter of Benjamin & Elifabeth Frifsel born October y^ 13: 1775 [ ] cia Daughter of Jacob & Sufanna Fofter born April 13*'': 1788 [ ] Crary born October 28**^. 1709 old stile [69] Stephen Child son of Lemuel & Dorcas Child born Febry. 24 [ ] William Stone son of William & Hannah Stone Born Septem 28*\ [ ] Cynthia Underwood D^. of Neh'^. & Rhoda Underwood born November 15*'' .17 [ ] Royal Son of Amos & Prif cilia Paine Bom 8 May 1778 Leonard Morfe fon of Calvin & Sophia Morfe Born October 10. 1775 Lydia Brown Morfe D"". of Calvin & Sophia Morfe Born Dec'". Sarah Paine D'". of Amos & Prifcilla Paine born October 26*''. 1780 Caleb Child fon of Charles & Elifabeth Child born Sepf. 25*''. 1781 David Hayward fon of David & Prifcilla Hayward born July 4*"^. 1780 John Eanny son of William & Abigail Fanny born Jan'"^. i^'. 1780 Alice Eanny D"". of William & Abigail Eanny born Ocf. 21^*. 1781 Anna Roberts D"". of Dan' & Afeenath Roberts born April 17*'': 1781 Aaron Corbin son of Peleg & Levina Corbin born December iS*-^. 1 78 1 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 179 Esther Bugbee Daug'". of Stephen & Nancy Bugbee born Angus* 5. 1 781 Rufns Perin son of Jacob & Abigail Perin Born December IIt^ 1781 Mary Smith Daug'". of Eben'". & Margaret Smith born Octob*" 25. 1781 Clary Hay ward D"". of Amafa & Jemima Hay ward bom June 20**" .1781 Sarah Parfons Johnfpn D''. of the Rev''. Jofhua Johnfon & Sarah his Wife born July 22'^. 1774 Thomas Atwater Johnfon fon of y® Rev'' Jofhua Johnfon & Sarah his Wife born Auguft ii**". 1781 Amos Burnal son of Sam' & Sophia Burnal born June 30*'' 1780 Sarah Burnal D"" of Samuel & Sophia Burnal born Sept'". 4*^^ 1781 Patty Bacon D"". of Benj''. & Miriam Bacon born February 2* 1775 Mary Bacon D^. of Benj'' & Miriam Bacon born Oct"", ii*** i77[7] William Bacon son of Benjamin & Miriam Bacon born Dec"" 25''' i77[8] Benjamin Bacon son of Benj. & Miriam Bacon born Febr^ 12*''. 1781 Betty Bugbee D'". of Caleb & Hannah Bugbee born May 3'' 1780 Mofes Richardfon fon of John & Sufannah Richardfon born Decem"" 13 : 177 [ ] Polly Richardfon fon of John & Sufannah Richardfon bom Nov^ 23 17 [ ] Oliver Holmes son of Eben^. & Marcella Holmes born June 3"^ 178 [ ] Nabby Buckman D'", of Stephen & Abigail Buckman born February 22'' 178 [2] WilHam Bond Mafon fon of Leonard & Lucy Mafon born March 3. 1782 Parker Morfe Child fon of Elias & Dorothea Child born March 13*'' 1782 Charles Gleafon Chandler fon of Winthrop & Mary Chandler born June 29. 17 [ ] Ezra Child son of Samuel & Elifabeth Child born Dec. [ ] 178 [baptized Feb. 24, 1782.] Hannah Morfe Daug' of Calvin & Sophia Morfe born June 8''' 17 [ ] [70] [Sil]as Buck fon of Amafa & Sybil Buck Born April 22^. 1782 l8o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ]ona°. Hewlett Son of Sam^ Howlet Ju'. Sl Lucretia his Wife Born June 22^ 1780 Lucretia Daugh'^ of Sam'. Howlet Ju'". & Lucretia his Wife Born Febr^^. s^^ 1782 Rufus Child son of Jemima Manning born March 17. 1782 Helocia Morrifs Daughter of W™ & Sarah Morrifs 'born March 17. 1782 Elifabeth Ormfbee Daug'' of Joseph & Chriftian Ormfbee born Sep"". ly^^. 1778. Sally Ledoyt D''. of Biel and Joanna Ledoyt born June 12^^. 1782 Spencer Child son of Alpha & Molly Child born May 15*'*. 1782 Sullivan Carpenter son of Ephr™ & Tabitha Carpenter born June 26^^. 1782 Alvan Corbin Son of Ezra & Hannah Corbin born Nouem"". 20^^ 1775 Eastman Corbin son of Ezra & Hannah Corbin born Novem'" 16. 1779 Ezra Corbin Son of Ezra & Hannah Corbin born May 17*'*. 1782 the three last Children born in Killingly Lucy Eddy Daugh'". of Jonathan & Marcy Eddy born January 20*''. 1782 Harviland Flyn Son of Richard Flyn Ju^ by Elifabeth his Wife born March 29^*^ 1782 Perez Lorin Richmond Son of Edw"^ & Elifabeth Rich- mond born Decem*" 19*'' 1781 Alfred Chamberlin Son of Ezra and Huldah Chamberlin bom July 8 1767 Huldah Chamberlin Dag^ of Ezra and Huldah Chamberlin born Patty Chamberlin Daug^ of Ezra and Huldah Chamberlin born Ezra Chamberlin son of Ezra & Huldah Chamberlin bom October 29*^. 1774 Lydia Chamberlin Daug''. of Ezra Chamberlin by Huldah his wife bom Ocf. 24*''. 1776 Efther Chamberlin Daug'". of Ezra & Huldah Chamberlin born Janua^ 27*^. 1778 Laban Chamberlin Son of Ezra & Huldah Chamberlin born April 21^*. 1 78 1 Perley Child Son of Sam' Child by Elifabeth his Wife bom May 2^^. 1782 Molly Manning Daug"". of Billy & Ruth Manning born Dec"". 20*^^ 1 78 1 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS l8l Lydia May D''. of Silas & Dorothy May Born September 28*''. 1782 Barnabas Chandler son of Theophilus & Abigail his Wife born Sep^ 20*'' 1782 Hannah May D"" of Jofeph and Louis May born Augiift 5*^. 1781 Lydda Johnfon D"". of Abel and Lydda his Wife born June 2*. 1782 Mehetabel Lyon D'". of Jabez & Mehetabel Lyon born Dec'". 17*''. 1781 Walter Carpenter son of Davis & Miriam Carpenter born September 22^. 1782 Hannah Daughter of Charles C^^ & Marian Chandler Bom March 2.(f^. 1781 [71] Joanna Daughter of John & Candace Bartholomew Born January [ ] Sarah Daughter of John & Candace Bartholomew Born Sept- ember 27*'': 17 [ ] Perley Son of Jacob & Mercy Ainf worth Bom December y' 25*^: 1778 Warham Son of Jacob & Mercy Ainfworth Born July y® 27**^: 1780 Chloe Daughter of Jacob & Mercy Ainfworth Born March ye JQth. j^g2 Luther Son of Jacob & Mercy Ainfworth Born February y® lo"*: 1784 Chloe Jackfon Daughter of Nehemiah & Esther Jackfon Born September 2^: 1782 Abigail Bicknal Daughter of Japheth & Hannah Bicknal born Octo^ 8. 1770 Nathan Son of Japheth & Hannah Bicknal Born March y® i^*: 1773 Fofthumus Son of Japheth & Hannah Bicknal Born April 19*'': 1775 Alfred Son of Japheth & Hannah Bicknal Born August y® 3^ : 1779 Ebenezer Son of Ebenezer Kimball & Rebekah his Wife Born July 17*'': 1784 Silas Chaffe Truesdel Son of Darius^^ & Rhoda Truesdel Born January y^ 14^'': 1784 Hannah Daughter of Nathan & Abigail Ainfworth Bom Jan'', y^ 30: 1771 John Cumbo Son of John & Bethiah Cumbo Bom July y^ f-^. 1763 Eziba Cumbo Daughter of John & Bethia Cumbo Born May y* 18*'^ 1765 25 First written "Silas." i82 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sibbel Cumbo Daughter of John & Bethia Cumbo Born April ye 28*11 J ^5-7 Abigail Daughter of John & Bethiah Cumbo Born August ye gth j^57 Sarah Daughter of John & Bethiah Cumbo Born July y^ 21^*: 1772 Dan Cumbo Son of John & Bethiah Cumbo Born September y* 28'^: 1774 Joanna Daughter of John & Bethiah Cumbo Born July y^ s*'*: 1777 Jonathan Cumbo Son of John & Bethiah Cumbo Born Decem- ber y^ 11*'^: 17 [ ] Charles Son of Charles & Miriam Morris Born July y® 26*''. Laban Son of Afahel & Prifcilla Marcy Born April y^ 7*^: 1780 Elifabeth Daughter of Afahel & Prifcilla Marcy born May y' 15*^: 1783 Afena Daughter of Jacob & Mercy Ainfworth Born May 1 1*^ : [] Sabin Son of Jacob & Mercy Ainfworth Bom June 3*^. 1776 Jacob Son of Jacob & Marcy Ainfworth Born Novem'". 10*''. [ ] Phebe Daughter of Joel & Sarah White Born April y« 16*": 178 [ ] Dolly Daughter of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born Nov"". 12*'* i7[ ] Danforth Son of Daniel Lyon J"". & Esther his Wife Born Ocf. 5[ ] Rufus Son of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee Born July y® 20*'': i78[4] [72] [An]nah Child Daughter of Stephen & Abigail Buckman Born June y^^ 1784 [L]ucy Child Daughter of Silas & Dorothy May Bom Decemb'' 11*'': 1784 Cyril Son of James & Huldah Wheeler Born August y® q*'': 1784 Annah Daughter Wareham & Annah Lyon Bom Jan^, y® 16*: 1782 Zurviah Daughter of Warham & Annah Lyon Born April 2&-^ : 1784 Amafa Son of Amafa & Sybbel Buck Born December 26*'': 1784 Matilda Daughter of Simeon & Esther Camp Bom Febru'' 19*'' 1783 Charles Son of Simeon & Esther Camp Born Decern^ 19*^: 1784 Sylvester son of Davis & Miriam Carpenter Born August y® 3«: 1784 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 183 Abigail Daughter of Jefse & Abigail Carpenter Born March ye 22^: 1760 Judith Daughter of Daniel & Judith Parry Born Decern'", y^ 18: 1784 Jofeph Son of Elijah & Jemima Bugbee Born March y^ 4*^: 1784 Thomas Son of Jofeph & Chriftian Ormfbee Born January 13*'': 1784 Amafa Son of Tho^ & Elifabeth Barret Born January y^ 24*'' : 1784 Betfey Daughter of Amos & Prifcilla Paine born January y® 27^^: 1785 Afa Son of Elijah & Mary Lyon Born Sept^ le*'^. 1784 Abigail Daughter of Caleb & Joanna Bugbee born Decern''. y° 9*'': 1782 ^ Ezra Son of Eliakim & Martha May Born May y^ 8*^: 1780 Sarah Daughter of Sam". & Azubah Chaffee Born July 3^ : 1784 Benjamin Son of Samuel & Lucretia Howlet Born July y® 19*'^ : 1784 Clarifsa Daughter of Jonathan & Mercy Eddy Born May i^*^ 1784 Chloe Daughter of Afahel & Dorothy Clark Born February ye Jjth. J^g^ [ ]nice Daughter of Silas & Ann Corbin Born October y^. 8*'^: 1782 [ ]las Son of Silas & Anna Corbin Born December y® 12*^: 1784 [ ]fther Daughter of Elijah Perry & Irenea his Wife Born Sept^ 19*'^: 1782 [ ]live Daughter of Elijah & Irenea Perry Born January 24: 1785 Judah Son. of John & Francis Throop Born November y®. 8'^'*: 1774 Eben'. Son of John & Francis Throop Born Nov'". 13*^ 1776 Stephen Son of W™ & Sybel Rufsel Born September y^ 2^. 1784 [N]abbe Bridge Daughter of Abel & Rebekah Child Born March 28*'': 1785 Hannah Daughter of Willard & Lydia Child Born April 2*^: 1785 Esther Daughter of Nehemiah & Esther Jackfon Born Jan'^. 20*^: 1785 [73] Hariot Daughter of Will"'. & Rebekah Rufsel born Jan^. [ ] Jofeph Son of Will'" & Rebekah Rufsel born March y^ 6^^. [ ] l84 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Ann Frances Daughter of Will™ & Rebekah Rufsel born No- vember 22*^: 178 [ ] Emely Esther Daughter of William & Rebekah Rufsel Born March y^ 28'^: 1795 Lathrop Son of Afahel & Mary Clerk Born August y® 12''': 1787 Jedidiah Son of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born June y® 18*^^ : 1788 Stephen Son of Stephen & Abigail Backman Born June y^ is''*: 1788 Lydia Daughter of Peter & Pathena John f on Born April 25*** 1788 Polly Daughter of David & Margret Williams Born June y^ 30*^^: 178 [ ] Rofwell Son of Charles & Matilda Lebret Born May y^ 17*'': 1788 Gideon Son of Gideon & Abigail Shaw Born February y® iq*** : i78[5] Jofiah Son of Gideon & Abigail Shaw Born March y® 4*'': 1787 Levi Son of John & Bethiah Utley Born April y^ i^^: 1772 Eli f ha Son of John & Bethiah Utley Born May 25**^ 1774 Betfey Daughter of John & Bethiah Utley Born June y^ 4*^^: 1776 Polly Daughter of John & Bethiah Utley Born April y^ 26^^: 177S Ovanda Daughter of Jonathan Lillie by Bethiah Utley born April i^' [ ] Relecte Daughter of Eben"". & Lydia Skinner Born Sept"^, y® j7th. 17 |- ] Chloe Daughter of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born October 3"": 1769 Grofvenor Son of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born October y^ 10: 1771 Eben"". Son of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born October 31^': 1774 Mary Daughter of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born August y« 20*'': 1774 Thomas Son of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born August y® 27'"^ 177 [ ] Ichabod Son of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born July y^ 5*^*: 178 [ ] Jofeph Son of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Born May y^ 14* : 17 [ ] Lillie Child Son of William & Sufanna Child Bom Sepf. 16*^': 1787 Samuel Son of Zurviah Child Born July y* 23^. 17 [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 185 Robah Daughter of James & Sarah Murray born February 9t^ 1788 Abijah Son of Hezekiah & Eunice Dewing born April y® 14. 17 [ ] James Son of Hezekiah & Bathfhua Bugbee Born April 11 17 [ ] Justin Son of Benjamin & Allice Eddy Born December y^ 19. 17 [ ] Ama Daughter of Benjamin & Allice Eddy Born April y® 3 [ ] John Son of Benjamin & Allice Eddy Born December [ ] Salton Son of Jethnial & Dorothy Perin Born December y^ e^M ] Lyman Son of Stephen & Perfis Johnfon Born May y^ 3^. 17 [ ] Wealthy Daughter of Jonas & Sarah Houghton Born Novem- ber y^ [ ] [74] [ ] Daughter of Jofeph & Chloe Foster Born No- vember y® 2^. 1788 [ ] son of Afa & Allice Goodell Born November y® 30*''. 1788 [ ]ler Son of John & Annah Howlett Born December y® IZ'\ 1788 [ Jllings Son of Edward & Elifabeth Richmond born Jan- uary 21^'. 1789 Erastus Son of Stephen & Anna Tucker Born January 23*^ : 1787 Eraftus Son of Perigrine & Rebekah White Born August y® I9ti>: 1788 John Son of Elijah & Melicent Perin Born March y^ 12*'': 1786 . Esther Daughter of Elijah & Melicent Perin born March y® 25*'': 1788 Suf annah Daughter of William & Sarah Skinner born May ye jQth. J ^8^ Bethefda Daughter of William & Sarah Skinner born June ye 27th. j^gg William Son of William & Sarah Skinner born June y^ 12: 1788 James Son of Cap*. William & Mary Lyon born April y^ 21^*: 1789 Tirzah Daughter of Rofwell & Tirzah Smith born November ye ^th J 788 Clarifsa Daughter of Uriah & R: Joanna Kingfley born April 8**^. 1789 Godfrey Son of Will"^ & Sarah Morris born April y^ 7*^: 1789 l86 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Henry Son of Willard & Lydia Child born June 3''. 1789 John son of Charles & EHfabeth Child Born March y^ 5*^. 1789 Horace Son of Charles & Miriam Morris born January 28*'': 1789 [ ]ster Son of Willard & Sarepta Bugbee born March y° 2^. 1789 [ Jpencer Son of Leonard & Lucy Mafon born March 22*^. 1789 Polly Daughter of Abel & Sabra Horfmer born April y^ i^* 1789 Jonathan Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee born May y® ii**^: 1789 Horace son of Peleg & Levina Corbin Born October y^ 23'^. 1783 Levina Daughter of Peleg & Levina Corbin born August y® ii^J^ 1786 Sam", son of Peleg & Levina Corbin born November y® s*** 1788 [ ]ment Son of Ebenezer & Polly Bacon born August y^ 19*^: 1789 [ ]elofha Daughter of Elijah Perry & Irene his Wife born Sepf. 2^ 1789 Nehemiah Son of John & Prifcilla Fox born May y® 25***: 1789 Sarah Daughter of John & Molly Linkhorn born December 2.e-^\ 1788 Noah son of David & Matilda Clerk born August y® 18*^: 1789 John Son of Henry & Dorothy Franklin born March y® 13*'': 1782 Fleeter Daughter of James & Lydia Rufsel born November 30*'^: 1788 Alki Son of Darius & Mary Ainfworth Born March y® 6"^. 1786 Polly Daughter of Davis & Miriam Carpenter bom May y* 10*'': 1789 [ ] Son of Stephen & Huldah Skinner Born March y® 15*^: 1785 [ ] Son of Stephen & Huldah Skinner Born March y® 20*^: 1789 [ ]n of y^ Rev'^. Eliphalet Lyman & Hannah his Wife born Octor. 15*''. 1789 [ ]ghter of Eli f ha & Margret Chamberlin Born August ye jgth. j^gg . [ ]on of Silas & Anna Corbin Born March y* 13*''. 1789 [75] Solomon Cady Son of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Born December 25*^: 177 [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 187 Dorcas Daughter of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Born July ii**^: 1782 Ephraim Son of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Born June 26^'^: 1784 Hannah Daughter of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Born January y® 14*^: 177 [ ] Adolphus Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Born May y®. 25*^: 177 [ ] Clarifsa Daughter of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Born April y* JQth. IJ'J<^ Jefse Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Born September 3*^. 1782 George Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Bo^ June y^ 18*'^ : 1784 Marcus Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Born July 25*^^: 1788 Abiel bom July 13: 1786^^ Hannah May Daughter of Charles & Elifabeth Child Born April 2(f 17 [85] Abigail Daughter of Ifrael Marcy J^. & Jerufha his Wife Born October 15*^: 1780 Jerufha Daughter of Ifrael Marcy J''. & Jerufha his Wife Born April y* 19**^: 1782 Anna Daughter of Hrael Marcy J'". & Jerufha his Wife Born Jan^ 17*'^ 1784 Dorothy Daughter of John & Mary Flyn Born Jan'', y^ 16: 1785 Alvan Lyon Son of Elifha & Sarah Marcy Born Septem'". 29*'^: 1784 Lemuel Son of Lemuel & Esther Underwood Born December y^ e*'^: 1784 Abigail Daughter of Nathan & Abigail Ainfworth born March ye 5th. j^c;7 Amafa Son of Nathan & Abigail Ainfworth bom May y^ i^*: 1767 Dolphus Son of Lemuel & Dorcas Child Born March 25**": 1785 Luther Son of Elifha & Damaris Chamberlin born May 31^*: 1774 Calvin 2^ Son of Elifha & Damaris Chamberlin born Sep*"", y® 9^'>:i78[ ] Samuel Son of Elifha & Margret Chamberlin born August 5*': 1784 Matilda Daughter of Jabez & Mehetabel Lyon born July y^ 13: 178 [ ] Betfey Daughter of Tho^ Bugbee J''. & Phebe his Wife bom Febr^. i8*»': 178 [ ] Charles Son of John & Hannah May Born April y^ 17*''. 1785 ^SMargrinal note. l88 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lydia Daughter of Elilha & Margret Chamberlin born August 2^ 1785 Reuben Son of Michael & EHfabeth Barlow Born October 16^'': 1784 John Son of Mofes & Abigail Eafterbrook born March 21^*: 1784 [ ] Son of William & Sarah Morris Born Sepf .22^ 1786 [ ]n of Hezekiah & Eunice Dewing Born April y*" 19"": 1782 [ Jughter of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker Born April y^ 12"^: 17 [ ] [ ] of Thomas & Abigail Buck Born October y^ 19*^ : [ ] [ ]ter of Elifha & Olive Gage Born December 31^*^ [ j [ ]ter of Jacob & Mercy Ainf worth Born September [ ] [76] Jacob Son of Thomas & Dorothy Ainfworth Born January y®. 21^*. 1743 Jofiah Son of Jofiah & Esther Underwood Born November y° if^ 1785 Zelotes Son of Eli & Sarah Bruce Born January the e*"^: 1786 [ ] Son of Hezekiah & Bathfhua Bugbee born October H'""- 1785 [ ] feph Son of Stephen & Prudence Chamberlin bor!n Novem"". 19*'': 1782 Stephen Son of Stephen & Prudence Qiamberlin born June 24**^: 1785 Parker Son of John & Rachel Green Born October 4*^''. 1766 Eunice Daughter of John & Rachel Green Born October y^ Francis Daughter of John & Rachel Green Born October 30*^^ : ^773 ^ Levina Daughter of John & Rachel Green Born January y® j2th: 1775. Rachel Daughter of Jo feph & Rachel Edmond Born February 28*'^: 1780 Elifabeth Daughter of John & Zurviah Easterbrook Bo'tn august 26: 1780 Polly Daughter of Allice Marcy Born June y^ 12*^: 1784 Job Son of Job & Irenea Holbrook born January y® 9*^: 1776. Job 2^ Son of Job & Irenea Holbrook Born December y® 15*^: 1777 Daniel Son of Job & Irenea Holbrook Born October y® 31^': 1779 Hannah Daughter of Job & Irenea Holbrook born Sepf. y® 10*''. 1 78 1 Alfon Son of Job & Irenea Holbrook born February y^ 6*''. 1784 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 189 Thomas son of Job & Irenea Holbrook born August 29*^: 1785 Leonard Son Elijah & Sarah Bugbee Born December y^ ly^^: 1784 Nabby Bacon D'". of Elijah & Sarah Bugbee Born April y® 28'^: 1780 Clarifsa Daughter of Richard & Elifabeth Flyn Born Novem- ber y^ 26*^: 1785 John Brewer Son of Phinehas & Sufanna Walker born April y« 6"^: 1785 Betfa Daughter of Thomas Smith & Molle his Wife Born March y^ 15*^: 1785 Pearley Son of John & Prifcilla Fox March y^ 1=*: 1782 William Son of John & Prifcilla Fox Born May y^ i^*: 1783 Abiel Son of John & Prifcilla Fox Born December y^ i^*. 1784 Juletta Daughter of Allice Corbin Born March the 22^ 1784 John Son of Hannah Corbin & Nancy Daughter of Hannah twins Born [ ] James Son of Ebenezer & Prudence Lyon Born March y'' [ ] Sarah Daughter of Didymus & Allice Howlet Born March y^ 20^^ [ ] [ ]las Johnfon Son of Stephen & Perfis Johnfon Born January y^ [ ] [ ] Daughter of Samuel & Jemima Jones Born Octo- [ ] [EHas Sewjall Son of Elias & Dorothea Child Born Marc [1786] [77] Nancy Daughter of Daniel & Esther Lyon born Sept: 27: 17 [ ] Betfey Paine Daughter of Martha Powers born March y* II*'': 1769 Daniel Martin Son of Martha Powers born March y® 13*^: 1785 Charles Martin Son of Martha Powers born May y® 25 : 1788 Matilda Daughter of David Clerk & Matilda his Wife bom Sept^ _y^ s^^'- ^777 David Clark Son of David & Matilda his Wife born March y^ 2^ 1780 Daniel Son of David Clerk & Matilda his Wife born Decem- ber 16*''. 1783 Molley Daughter of David & Matilda Clark born October 8*'^ : 1786 Elanor Daughter of Samuel & Mehetabel Torrey born March ye 27th. j^gp 190 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Jonathan Son of David & Matilda Clark Born August y^ 18*''. 1789 Marian Daughter of Tho^. & Phebe Bugbee Born October 30**^: 1786 Abiel Son of Thomas & Phebe Bugbee born August 22^. 1788 Dinah Daughter of Darius & Sarah Bacon born Novem'" 29^^": 1781 Matherin Son of Darius & Sarah Bacon born April y^ y^^\ 1783 Annah Daughter of Darius & Sarah born Novem''. y® 9*^. 1784 Lucretia Daughter of Darius & Sara Bacon born Novem'". 26t^ 1786 Simon Son''^ of Darius & Sarah Bacon born January 28"* : 1789 Sarah Sumner Daughter of Caleb & Sarah May born July y« 8''': 1786 Jedidiah Son of Jedidiah & Sarah Morfe Bom August y® 23"^: 176 [ ] Elifabeth Ann Daughter of Sam". & Rebekah Breefe born Sep*"". 29: 176 [ ] and were married May y® 14**^: 1789 in Shrew f bury New jerfey by Tho^ Little Polly Tiffany Daughter of Daniel & Polly Tiffany born August 21^*^ 1768 Nancy Daughter of Amos Paine Jr & Polly his Wife born December s^^. 178 [ ] Rhoda Daughter of Nehe'^ & Rhoda Underwood January born 27^'': 1790 Tho^ Son of Darius & Rhoda Truesdel Born July y® 10'''. 1789 Francis Daughter of Will"' & Elifabeth Johnfon born Decem- ber y^ 4^^: 178 [ ] Abida Son of Reuben & Lovica Dean born February y^ 12^^. 1789 M'". Manafseh Horfmer Senior was born August y® 7*^. old Stile 1702 Chester Son of Tho^. & Sally Manning Born January y® 26*^ : 1790 Bille Son of Calvin & Sophia Morfe Born June y^ 2^. 1789 in Harle [ ] Ingolfby Son of Henry & Hannah Work born December 2^. 1788 Lucy Daughter of Eben'". & Margret Smith born Janu'' y® i^*. 1790 Hannah Daughter of Elijah & Jemima Bugbee born May y® 27**^ 1786 27 First written " Daughter." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 191 A fa Son of Jacob & Mille Child Born Sepf. y^ 1 3-1 781 Sybil Daughter of Jacob & Mille Child August y^ 28'^. 1783 Samuel Son of Jacob & Mille Child Born November y^ 10*^. 1785 [ Jefter Son of Jacob & Mille Child Born September 27. 1787 [ Jfabeth Daughter of Jacob & Mille Child born June y" 22"^. 1789 [ ]hn Son of John & Annah Howlet born October y^ 28 1787 Charles Son of John & Annah Howlet born December v^ I3*^ 1788 [78] Mary Daughter of John & Rebekah Howlet Born Sepf. iS^-^ [ ] Sally Daughter of Dydimus & Allice Howlet Born March y* 20*^. 17 [ ] Lemuel Son of Dydimus & Allice Howlet born January y® 14''' : 178 [ ] . . Sylvester son of Dydimus & Allice Howlett born February ys 20*'': 1790 Jeremiah Son of Eben''. Holmes Jr. & Marfalle his Wife born Febr^. 10^'^: 1784 Mary Daughter of Eben^ Holmes J^ & Marfalle his Wife born May y® 8*^*. 1786 Perley son of Ebetf. Holmes J"". & Marfella his Wife born October f^ : 1788 Cyril Son of James & Huldah Wheeler Born August y^ g^^ 1789 Arnold Son of James & Huldah Wheeler Born August y^ 13 1786 Suf annah Daughter of James & Huldah Wheeler Born November y^ 8'^. 1788 Hyde Son of Calvin & Lucy Perrin Born March y^ 15*^^: 1790 Willard Son of Lem^. & Elifabeth Goodell Born July y^ 19*^: ^773 Hannah Daughter of Lem". & Elifabeth Goodell born June II*'': 1778 Allice Daughter of Lem". & Elifabeth Goodell born Novem'" 19 1783 Sarah Daughter of Billy & Ruth Manning born Novem'' 25 : 1783 Nathan son of Billy & Ruth Manning Born July y® 31^*: 1787 Abiel son of Billy & Ruth Manning Born March y® 28: 1790 Willard son of Walter & Policy Bicknal Born April 26^^. 1790 Prudence Daughter of William & Prudence Healy born August y® 16: 1789 192 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Betfey Daughter of John & Candace Bartholomew born June 25''': 1786 Clarifsa Daug-hte;r of John & Candace Barthojlomew bdrn December 15*^ 1788 Amos Son of Eph"" & Lucy Carrel born Novem^. y^ 2G-^: 1788 Lyman Son of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born June y^ 28*^^. 1790 Ezra Son of David Williams J"". & Mary his Wife born May 31^*. 1790 Lucy Daughter of Jacob & Hannah Mafcraft born June 2^: 1790 George Son of Will'" & Polly Bowen Born June y^ 8*^: 1789 Rebecca Daughter of Abel & Rebecca Child born May y^ 6*'': 1790 Laurinda Daughter of Timothy & Anna Child born May y^ 22^ 1789 Polly Hodges Daugh*"". of Drufus & Anna Hodges Bom February 6*^: 1790 Lucretia Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmore bom June y« 26''^: 1788 Sufanna Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar bom February y^ 21^* 1790 Sarah Daughter of Adonijah & Lilies Blackmar born January 25'^: 1783 Diadema Daughter of Adonijah & Lilies Blackmar born Sepf". y^ 29: 1785 Ruth Daughter of Adonijah & Lilies Blackmar born October y^ 29: 1788 Samuel Son of Sameul & Sufanna Fofter born September y® 17'^''. 1790 Erastus Son of Nathan & Judith Abbot born June y^ 25**'. 1790 Chefter Son of Nehemiah & Esther Jackfon Born September y«i3t'':i78[ ] [ ] Sterry Son of Rufus & Marcy Child Born June y® 19'^ : 1788 [ ] Son of Charles & Miriam Morris Bom October y® 2^ [ ] [79] Theolofia Daughter of Jethniel & Dorothy Perin [ ] [baptized with Clarissa April 29, 1801] Pamelia Daughter of Chefter & Sarah Child Born December [ ] George Son of Stephen & Perfis Johnfon born March 31^: 1790 Dorathea Daughter of Job & Irenea Holbrook Bom Novem- ber y^ II*'': 1787 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS ^ 193 Leonard Son of Leonard & Lucy Mafon Born December y° I8*^ 1790 Betfe Daughter of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Bom September 12^'^: 179 [ ] John Brewer Son of Phinehas & Sufanna Walker born April e-'^ 178 [5] Betfey Daughter of Sam". & Lucretia Howlet Born June y^ iS*'^: 17 [ ] Waldo Son of Afahel & Mary Clerk Born November y« 26.^: 179 [ ] Zilpah Daughter of Eben''. & Dorcas Coburn born April y* 4"^: 178 [3] Charles son of Eben"". & Dorcas Coburn born October y^ 30: 178 [5] Andrew Son of Eben^. & Dorcas Coburn born November y^ 9*": i7[87] Annes Daughter of Eben'" & Dorcas Coburn born December 28^^^: 179 [ ] Dolly Daughter of Benj". & Prifcilla Lyon Born December y^ 22^: 179 [ ] Lucy Daughter of Hezekiah & Bathfhua Bugbee born February y^ ly^'^ 1791 Mofes Bugbee son of Mofes & Marfilva Bugbee born June 22*^. 1787 Marfilva Daughter of Mofes & Marfilva Bugbee born Febr^. y^ 18*^ 17 [ ] Abigail Daughter of Mofes & Zubah Sumner born November ye j^th. J7 [- ] Matilda Daughter of Mofes & Zubah Sumner born November y«i5:i7[ ] Luther Son of Willard & Lydia Child Born March y^ 19*'^. 1791 Orra Daughter of James & Sarah Murry born August y® [1791] Dofha Daughter of Stephen & Abigail Buckman born Novemb'". 13*^. [ ] Leonard Son of Adonijah & Lillie Blackmar Born February ye -^2^1 : [ ] George Son of Afahel & Elifabeth Simons Born February 25*^: 1790 Henry Son of Tho^ Bugbee J'". & Phebe his Wife born Octo- ber 22*^: 1790 Polly Daughter of Elijah & Sarah Hurlbutt born June y® 20*^: 1789 Lucy Daughter of Eph°^. & Lucy Carryl born March 23^. 1791 Betfey Daughter of Jacob Leonard p. & Hannah his Wife born Octo"". y® 2 [ ] 13 194 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Betfey Daughter of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker born May ye 7th [ ] Nathan Son of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker born Novem^ [ ] John Fowler Son of Andrew & Salle Williams born December r [ ] Sophia Daughter of David Coburn & Experiance his Wife born Octob [ ] Polly Daughter of Mofes & Lucy Gage Born June y^ 15*^. 17 [ ] Sophy Daughter of Mofes & Lucy Gage Born March y® 27*^^ 17 [ ] Jacob Son of Jacob & Melia Child Born March y^ 13*''. 17 [ ] Sukey Daughter of Edward & Elifabeth Richmond born July ye 29th_ 177 [ ] Sarah Daughter of Jefse & Sarah BoUes born Sepf. 11' 1791 Loren Son of Andrew & Ruth Brown Born Sepf y^ 5*** [ ] Sukey Daughter of Andrew & Ruth Brown Born July y® 29*'': [ ] [ ] Daughter of Simeon & Lydia Wilfon Born [ ] [80] [ ] Samuel & Zubah Chafifee bom October 26 178 [ ] [ ] Daughter, of Samuel & Zubah Chaffee born May y* 3^ 1789 [ Jiranda Daughter of Samuel Zubah Chaffee born June y^ 3^- 1790 Henrietta Daughter of Ephraim & Abigail May born Novem- ber y^ 18: 1791 Walter son of Daniel Lyon. J*" & Esther his Wife born Sep- tember y^ 19*^'': 1 79 1 Lucretia Daughter of Nehemiah & Polly Child April y^ 12*'^. 1791 Nath" Son of Theodore & Betfey Child Born December 23^ 1791 Charles Son of Charles & Elifabeth Child Born July y^ 9**^. 1791 Elias Son of Elias Child & Sophia his Wife born September ye j5th. j^pj Hepfibah Daughter of Joel & Lydia Gage Born February y^ [ ] Son of Joel & Lydia Gage born November y^ 12*'^: 1786 Alvin Son of Joel & Lydia Gage Born May y^ 16*^: 1789 Major Son of Joel 81 Lydia Gage Born March y" 24^^: 1791 Griffin Son Jofiah & Esther Underwood Born June y® 28''': 1788 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 195 Jefse Son of Jofiah & Esther Underwood born December y* 30*''. 1789 Charles Son of Silas & Huldah Negus born January y^ 13''*: 1791 Sylvanus Son of Eli f ha & Margret Chamberlin born July y® 3^ 1791 Prudence Daughter of Abram & Urfula Marcy Born Novem- ber 25 : 1789 [ ]les Son of Abram & Urfula Marcy Born October y® 18: 1791 [ ]gail Daughter of Sam". & Mehetabel Torry Bom August y^ 6*''. 1 79 1 Betfey Daughter of Nath". & Polly Lyon Born March y« 10*^ : 1790 Sukey (?) Daughter of Nath" & Polly Lyon Born October y® 8*-^. 1 79 1 [ ]ther Daughter of Simeon & Esther Camp Born Febru- ary y^ 13*''. 1789 Elenor Daughter of Simeon & Esther Camp Born August ye 25th jygg Simeon son of Simeon & Esther Camp Born August y® 29*'', 1790 Afa Son of Rev*^ Eliphalet & Hannah Lyman born February 19*'': 1792 [ ]ange Son of Calvin & Lucy Perrin Born February 19'^'': 1792 [ ] Son of Ebetf. & Prudence Lyon Born August y^ iS'^^ 1787 Walter Son of Eben"". & Prudence Lyon Born August y° 19: 1787 [ ]lly Daughter of Jacob Leonard J"". & Hannah his Wife born Novem 30'^'': 1771 Nathan Son of Dydimus & Allice Howlett Born December y® 6*'': 1 79 1 Polly Daughter of Nehemiah & Esther Jackfon born Decem- ber y® 15*^: 1791 Clarifsa Daughter of Jethniel & Dolly Perrin born December ye ^o^'^: 1 79 1 Bradley Son of Timothy & Anna Child Born November 13*^. 1790 [ ]ey Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackman born August 23^: 1 791 Elifabeth May Daughter of Michael & Elifabeth Barlow born December 12: 1789 [ ] Dean Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born April ye jjth jygj 196 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ] Daughter of John & Annah Howlet born July y^ 13*''. 1791 [ ] Benj'". & Prif cilia Lyon Born April y^ 16*^. 1792 [81] Finley Breefe Son of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe of Charleftown [ ] April y® 27''': 1791 the 25. Grand Child of Jedidiah & Sarah Morfe [ ]ah Edwards Son of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe of Charlestown born October y® 4*^ 1792 and Died July y^ 31^*: 1793 aged about 10 months Almira Daughter of Elias Child 1^ & Polly his Wife Born May y^ 30*''. 1791 Afa Son of Davis & Miriam Carpenter Born Novem'' 28*^ [ ] John Son of Rufus & Lucinda Kingfley Born May y^ 9*'': 1792 Lydia Daughter of Timothy Perin J'". & Lydia his Wife Born March 22"^. 1792 William Son of Afa & Lucy Payfon Born November y® S*'^. 1791 Dolly Daughter of Ebenezer & Margret Smith Born Novem- ber y^ 17*'^: 17 [ ] Polly Daughter of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born July y* 21=*: 1792 Sukey Daughter of Leonard & Chloe Walker Born May y^ 22^: 1792 Abel Son of Abel & Rebekah Child Born May y^ 6*^. 1792 Charles son of Jofeph & Clarina Chaffee Born July 28*^ 1792 Polly Daughter of Will"' Bowen & Polly his Wife bom Febr^. 13*^^: 1792 Sally Sumner Daughter of Will™ & Sarah Morris Born Febru- ary y® 2f^\ 1 79 1 Charles Son of Samuel & Irenea Coburn of Fairlee born May ye jgth. J^g^ John Son of Samuel & Irenea Coburn of Fairlee born February ye j^th j.7^2 Sophia Daughter of Jofeph & Sophia Fox Born July y^ 2^. 1791 Nancy Daughter of Elifha & Olive Gage Born December y® 30*'': 1786 Chefter Son of Ehfha & Olive Gage Born June y^ 19*^: 1789 Annah Daughter of Elifha & Ollive Gage Bom October y^ 19*'*: 1791 Betfey Daughter of David Williams J"". & Mary his Wife born August 2^^. I [ ] Agustus Simons Son of Afahel & Elifabeth Simons Born Janu- ary y^ 21^* [ ] John Fellow Son of John Sr Charlotte Tucker Born May y® f^ : 1792 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 197 Sarah Daughter of Darius & Rhoda Truesdel Born July y® 29*^: 179 [ ] Richard Son of Timothy & Anna Child Bom September y® 4*^ : 1792. Lydia a twin Daughter of Samuel & Lydia Jones Born Novem- ber y® 26*''. 1792 Samuel a twin Son of Samuel & Lydia Jones Born November ye 27tli: 1792 Between the Births of the above twin Children was 28 hours. Ezra Son of Chester & Sarah Child Born September y^ 6*'^: 1792 Afa Son of Nathan & Polly Brown Born October y^ 11*^: 1792 Lucy Daughter of Jedidiah & Lucy Kimball born February y® 13*'': 1792 Phebe Daughter of Jacob & prudence Auftin born July y® 5*^: 1785 Nathan son of Jacob Austin & Prudence his Wife born Febru''. ye ^th . jj7^2 Elifabeth Daughter of Elijah & Melicent Perin Born October 31=*: 1790 Polly Daughter of Elijah & Irenea Perry Bom July y^ 28*^: 1792 Ithiel Son of Ebenezer & Sally Bunday born June y® 12*^. 1792 Lucy Daughter of Ephm. & Lucy Carrel Born March y^ 22*. 1791 Schyler Son of Ephraim & Lucy Carrel Born November y^ 11'^: 1792 Abigail Daughter of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrooks Born October y« 26*'' : 17 [ ] John Son of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrook Born March y^ 24*^ : 1784 Abel Son of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrook Born April y^ 7*^^ : 1788 [ ] Son of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrook Born f 1 y® 16*^ [ ] [82] Abel Son of William & Dorothy Corbin Born April y« I3:i7[ ] Sophia Daughter of Stephen Tucker J"". & Olive his Wife born March 13*'^: 1792 Polly Daughter of Samuel Howlet J^. & Lucretia his Wife born Decem'". 2^. 179 [ ] [ ] rew Augustus Son of Andrew & Salle Williams Born November 23'^ : 179 [ ] [ ] y Daughter of Amos & Polly Paine Born December y^ gth. J ^^2 Lucy Daughter of Jonas & Sarah Houghton Born July y* 20*'* : 1790 198 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Parley Son of Eben^. & Prudence Lyon Born August y^ 1786 Walter Son of Eben"". & Prudence Lyon Born August y® 1788 George Son of William & Salle May Born January y^ 19*^.: 1793 Alfred Son of Afa & Allice Goodell Born March y« 12*'': 1791 Mary Daughter of James & Mary Easterbrook born Novem"". Elifabeth Daughter of Charles & Elifabeth Child born May y^24t^: 1793 Lorain Son of Daniel & Lovica Paul born December y^ 25'^: 1788 Alexis Daughter of Daniel & Lovica Paul born Novem'". 30**^: 1790. Daniel Son of Daniel & Lovica Paul born October 25*''. 1792 Tenty Daughter of Thomas & Salle Manning Born April y^ 15: 1793 Salle Daughter of Walter & Polly Bicknall Born May y« 2^: 1793 Dolphus Son of Stephen Tucker 2^ and Anna his Wife Born March y^ 8*^. 1789 Anna Daughter of Stephen Tucker 2^ and Anna his Wife Bom January 25**^. 1793 David Son of David & Anna Morfe born in Union January ye -^jst. -^yyy Jofhua Son of Edward & Elifabeth Richmond Born June y® 30*^: 1793 transient [ ]fant child of William Lyon 2^ & Sarah his Wife Born & Died July y^ 25*'': 1793 Rhoda Daughter of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker Born December y^ i^': 1792 Sarahann Daughter of Eben''. & Marfally Holmes Born August y^ 18'^'': 1792 Erastus Son of Elias & Sophia Child Born September y® 3': 1793 Sophia Daughter of John & Hannah May Born Novem''. 30'^'': 1789 Bett^ Daughter of John & Hannah May Born Decem"". y® II*'': 1791 Afa Son of Ephraim & Nabby May Born Augut y^ 24*'': 1793 Royal Son of William & Sarah Morris Born April y^ 30*'': 1793 Bet fey Daughter of Ivory & Polly Bozworth born June y® 1793 grandaughter to W" & Priscilla Or [ ] Betfey Daughter of Jedidiah & Lucy Kimball born Sepf. y® 20*'': 1793 Hannah Daughter of Henry & Lydia Bowen born Janu^. 21^*. 1793 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 199 [ ]hara Dominico Trent, Son of Jofeph & Sophia Fox born November y® 8*-^: 1793 Sophia Daughter of Will"" Content Champlin Born Septem- ber y" y*-^: 1 79 1 William Son of Jabez & Mary Fox born November y^ 12*'': ^773 Benj°. Son of Leonard & Chloe Walker born October y® 12*'^. 1793 Hannah Daughter of Ebenezer & Margret Smith born Sepf. y® S*-^: 1793 Nathan Son of James p. & D'orothy Ledoyt Born May y® 8''^: 1 78 1 [ ] Son of James J''. & Dorothy Ledoyt Born July y® 16*'^. 1783 [ ] of James [ ] Dorothy Ledoyt Born [ ] y® 21^* 1786. [83] Rhoads Wilkinfon Son of Benjamin Wilkinfon Born October y® 21^*: 1750 Clarina the Wife of Rhoad Wilkinfon Daughter of Nath". Marcy Esq'". Born Decerns 15*'': 1760 Hannah Daughter of Rhoad & Clarina Wilkinfon Born December y® 28*^: 1783 Mary Daughter of Rhoad & Clarina Wilkinfon Born Novem- ber y« 24*^: 1785 Clarina Daughter of Rhoad & Clarina Wilkinfon Born Febru- ary y^ II*'': 1790 Rhoad Son of Rhoad & Clarina Wilkinfon Born January y® 2g'^: 1788 Samuel Son of Rhoad & Clarina Wilkinfon Born June y^ S*-^: 1796 Esther Daughter of Rhoad & Clarina Wilkinfon Born June 15*''. 1800 James Son of James J"". & Dorotliy Ledoyt Born August 22^ 1788 Hiram Son of James J'". & Dorothy Ledoyt Bom July y® 19*'' : 1791 Clarry Daughter of Elijah & Sarah Hurlbutt born April y® 27*'': 1793 Phebe Daughter of Warner & Lucy Goodell Born April y^ 28 1793 Polly Daughter of Nehemiah & Polly Child Born August y^ ^ti*: 1793 Billy Son of Job & Irenea Holbrook born Novem''. 24*'': 1792 Calvin Son of Timothy Perin J''. & Lydia his Wife Bom Sepf. y® 17*'': 1793 Sally Daughter of Jacob Maf craft J'. & Hannah his Wife born Novem'". y® 29**^: 1793 200 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sally Daughter of Afa & Polly Morfe born Sepf. 2^ 1773 Mathew Son of William & Polly Bowen born January y^ 28*^^ : 1794 Oliver Son of Noah & Lydia Ledoyt Born November y^ 18: 1792 Edwards Son of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe of Charlestown born Feb'', y^ 7*11: 1794 Thomas Son of Afa & Lucy Payfon Born February y^ 8*'': 1793 Barnard Son of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrook born Novem'', ye 5th. ^y^g Abigail Daughter of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrook born Octo- ber y^ 26: 1776 Abel Son of Mofes & Abigail Esterbrook born April y^ 17*^ : 1788 Stephen Son of Mofes & Abigail Easterbrook Born July y^ y^^. 1790 Sally Daughter of Jonathan & Hannah Pollet Bom Novem''. ye 2ist. iyg2 John Son of Charles & Fanny Mafon Born March y® 25*: 1794 Robert Son of Charles & Miriam Morris Born October y^ 15*'' 1792 Marvel Son of Daniel & Experiance Underwood born Febru''. 15: 1773 Lucy Daughter of Jofeph & Joanna Cogfwell Born January ye jpth. -^yg^ Samuel Son of Perley & Hannah Thayer Born July y^ 17*"^: 1793 Chester Son of Jacob & Sufanna Foster Born September y® 9ti>: 1793 Lyman Son of Silas & Huldah Negus Born May y^ 15^^- 1793 Allice Daughter of Davis & Miriam Carpenter born January y^ 14*'*: 1794 Sally Fellows Daughter of John & Charlotte Tucker born May y^ 28^'' : 1793 Hannah Daughter of James J''. & Dorothy Ledoyt born April y° IS'"": 1794 Sally Daughter of Elias Child 2^ & Polly his Wife Born October y^ 4*^: 1793 Abraham Son of Abraham & Urfula Marcy Born September ye 22'^: 1793 Sarah Daughter of Ifrael & Jerufha Marcy Born June y® 11*'^: 1788 Ifrael Son of Ifrael & Jerufha Marcy Born July y® 3**: 1790 Francis Daughter of Ifrael & Jerufha Marcy Born Decem- ber y® [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 20I [84] Patience Daughter of Samuel & Patience Patten born June y^ 9*'': 179 [ ] Samuel son of Samuel & Patience Patten Born December y^ 26''': 179 [ ] Sufanna Daughter of Samuel & Patience Patten born Febr^. ye J 3th. jyg^ David Son of David & Lydia Perin Born September y® 12*'': 1792 Betfey Daughter of Hezekiah & Bathshua Bugbee born March y^ 6"^. 1794 Huldah Daughter of David & Matilda Gierke born January 25"^: 1792 * Alba Son of David & Matilda Clarke Born April 25*^: 1794 Lydia Daughter of Dydimus & Allice Howlet born January y« 25*^: 1793 Rebekah Daughter of Nathan & Polly Brown Born May y^ 26*'': 1794 Jedd Son of Daniel Bottom & Betfey his Wife Born August 26^^: 1794 Jofeph son of Rev^. Eliphalet Lyman & Hannah his Wife born August y^ 26^^: 1794 Jofeph son of Samuel Torry & Mehetable his Wife born August 26*^: 1794 Betfey Daughter of Caleb & Ifabel May born March y® lo**^. 1794 Lyman son of Silas & Huldah Negus Born May y^ IS*'^: 1793 Dorothy Daughter of Elijah & Melicent Perin Born August ye jjth. j^g^ Abiel Son of William May & Sarah his Wife born May y^ 17*'^: 1794 Polly Daughter of Sam". & Dorothy Jones born February 4*'^ 1794 Calvin & Sophia twins of Calvin & Sophia Morfe born Feb- ruary y^ 17*^: 1793 Walter Son of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe born October 24*'': 1794 George Son of Thomas & Thankful Lyon Born Decem 31^*^: 1788 Lydia Daughter of Thomas & Thankful Lyon Born Decem- ber 16*''. 179 [ ] Clarry Daughter of Thomas & Thankful Lyon Born December 14*^: 1792 Ebenezer Chandler Son of Will"^ & Elifabeth Johnfon born July y^ 7^^: 1790 Polly Daughter of William & Elifabeth Johnfon born August ye J 5th. J 7^2 202 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Orrin Son of Will"" & Elilabeth Johnfon born October y^ 19*'^ : 1794 John son of John & Molly Lincoln Born May y^ 30*^: 1791 Chloe Daughter of John & Molly Lincoln Born September ye j^th. lyg^ Polly Daughter of David Williams J"". & Mary his Wife Born October 12'^'': 1794 Afa Son of David & Sybil Raw f on Born Novem"" y^ 16*^. 1794 Abijah Son of Caleb & Joanna Bugbee Born June y^ 12*^: 1793 Nancy Daughter of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee born Sepf. y^ 21^*. 1794 Ezra Davis Son of Stephen & Mehetabel Carter born March y« 16'^: 1788 Leonard son of Leonard & Chloe Walker born October y® i^*. 1794 Sally Daughter of Walter & Hepfibath Goodell Born Febru- ary y® 4^'': 1794 Agustus Son of Penuel & Dolly Perin Born February y^ 13*'': 1793 Polly Daughter of Daniel Lyon J'". & Esther his Wife born March y^ 19*^: 1794 Polly Daughter of Daniel Paine & Molly his Wife born May y« 4t^ 1793 Willard Son of Cyrus & Rachel Power Born September y® 19*'': 1 791 Anna Daughter of Cyrus & Rachel Power born November y^ 16: 1793 [ ]sula Daughter of Andrew & Ruth Brown born Novem- ber 2^: 1794 [85] Naomi Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born Sepf. y^ 10'^^: 1773 Polly Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born Sept'"', y® 9"':i775" Ebenezer Son of Amos & Abigail Broughton born Sepf. y® Nathan son of Amos & Abigail Broughton born October 29**^. 1778 Dolly Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born July y° 19*''. 1780 Harviland son of Amos & Abigail Broughton born April y^ 20*^: 1782 Lydia Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born July y^ 18*'^: 1784 27 This entry has been crossed out. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 203 Ifaac son of Amos & Abigail Broughton born December 20*'': 1786 Phebe Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born August y« iS*"^: 1788 Amos son of Amos & Abigail Broughton born Sepf. y^ 25*^: 1790 Anna Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born Novem''. 26: 1792 Abigail Daughter of Amos & Abigail Broughton born Sepf. 25: 1794 Jared Warner Son of Andrew and Sally Williams Born December y^ 22: 1794 Ruth Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar born August ye I4tli_ iyg2 Eden Son of Calvin & Lucy Perin Born April y^ 5*^ 1794 Dodridge son of Daniel & Lovica Paul Born September y^ 19*^: 1794 Lucinda Daughter of Mofes & Marfilva Bugbee born April 28'^'': 1792 Danforth Son of Mofes & Marfilva Bugbee born November 2^: 1794 Phebe Daughter of Abiel & Jemima Dean Born November ye J 2th. j-7gQ Ranflear Chamberlin Son of Ithamar & Joanna Cooms born March y^ 19*^: 1794 Thomas Son of Lemuel & Esther Underwood born Novem"". y« 7th. J ^35 Sylvanus Son of Lemuel & Esther Underwood born May y^ 18*'': 1789 Esther Daughter of Lemuel & Esther Underwood bom Decem^ y"* 21^'': 1791 Annah Daughter of Lemuel & Esther Underwood born August y^ 12*'': 1794 Afa Son of Walter & Ellice Johnfon Born March y^ 22*^: 1793 Lucinda Daughter of Walter & Ellice Johnfon Born October y^ 26*^: 1794 Zebulon Son of Jedidiah & Sarah Bugbee born May y® ii*"^: 1789 Oliver Son of Jedidiah & Sarah Bugbee born October y® 8*^*: 1793. Olive Daughter of Alpheus & Marfilva Bugbee born June 6^^. 1794 Sally Daughter of Stephen & Perfis Johnfon Born June y^ 7***: 1792 Betfey Daughter of Stephen & Perfis Johnfon Born May y® 31'': 1794 204 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECOTIDS Abiel Son of Ifrael & Temperance Williams born Jan^. 21^: 1794 Abiel Son of John & Charlotte Tucker Born May y® 2^. 1795- Polly Daughter of William & Content Champlin Born Janu^. 31''- 1794 Almira Daughter of Benjamin & Prif cilia Lyon Born March y^ 24*^- 1795 Polly Daughter of John & Mehetabel Phillips born May y® i8'\ 1795 Silvanus Barns Son of Jacob & Rachel Glyfson born April 28*^. 1793 Samuel Miller Son of Nathan & Polly Brown born July y® 11*'^: 1795 Abigail Daughter of Daniel & Mary Paine born May y^ 17*^ 1795 Sally Daughter of John & Hannah May Born October y® 18*^: 1793 [86] Zenas Leonard Son of Afa & Polly Morfe Born July y« 14*^: 1795 Cyntha Daughter of Ifrael & Jerufha Marcy Born March 15. 1795 Hannah Palmer Daughter of Jonathan & Hannah Pellet Born December y® 23*^. 1794 Dolly Child Daughter of Luther & Rebekah Baldwin born Sepf. 13*^: 1795 Thomas Son of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Born May y^ 25*'': 1794 Rev^. Eliphalet Lyman Son of M"", Lyman of Lebanon bom March 5'^. 1754 Will"" Glyfon Son of Will°^. & Content Champlin born August 2f^\ 1795 Uriah Son of Jofeph & Miriam AUard born December y® 4*'' : 1793 Richard Cary Son of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe Charlestown born June iS**': 1795 Danforth Son of Samuel & Zubah Chaffee Bom March y^ 31^*: 1793 Jafon Son of Samuel & Zubah Chaffee Born June y® 9*^'^: 1794 Henritta Daughter of John & Hannah Williams Bom Octo"". f^: 1795 Nancy Daughter of Levi & Anna Bowen bom March y° i***: 1794 Ira Son of Levi & Anna Bowen born August y® &^: 1795 Sally Daughter of Uriah & Eunice Walker born Novem*". ii*'*': 1794 Son of Hannah Houghton born December 23**: 1795 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 205 Elias Son of Jacob & Sufanna Foster Born August y^ 26^'': 1795 Orin Perry Son of Elijah & Irenea Perry born March y® S^^: 1795 Alvan Son of Abel & Rebekah Child born April 23*^ : 1795 Stephen Son of Eph" & Nabby May Born January 4*'': 1796 Elias Son of Leonard & Lucy Mafon Born January 27*^: 1796 Walter Son of Willard & Anna Bixby born December y® 9*'': 1795 Polly Daughter of Will™ Skinner J''. & Sarah his Wife born Decern'". 10*^ : 1793 Anna Daughter of Will"^ Skinner J"". & Sarah his Wife born July y« 5t\ 1795 Charles Son of Stephen & Martha Paine born December y* 9*1^: 1793 Griffeth Bowen Son of Ebenezer & Margret Smith Born Janu- ary y^ 23^. 1796 George Son of David & Elifabeth Frifsel Born July y^ 25 : 1795 Theophilus Son of Caleb & Ifabel May Born February y^ iS*'^: 1796 Nathaniel Son of Nehemiah & Mary Child born February y® 15*'': 1796 Juley Daughter of Enoch & Lydia Bacon born January y® 1 1*** : 1796 William Son of Cyrus & Rachel Powers born March 16*^. 1796 Sally Sumner Daughter of Charles & Elifabeth Child born June y^ 19*'' 1795 [ ] axter Son of Walter & Polly Bicknal Born June y® 4*^ : 1796 Molly Daughter of John & Molly Linkhorn born February y^ i^*: 1796 Lucy Daughter of Eben'". & Marfally Holmes Born December Betfey Daughter of Samuel & Dolly Jones born November 5*''. 1795 Nathan Son of Wilfon & Elifabeth Franklin Born March y^ 9*^ 1793 Calvin Son of Wilfon & Elifabeth Franklin Born October 31^*: 1795 [87] Record of Births Elias Son of Elias Child 2^. & Polly his Wife Born April y^ 3^ 1799 Mary ann Daughter of Simeon & Esther Wight born May y^ 2*. 1799 John Son of John & Chloe Walle Born December 3^^ 1796 2o6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Suky Daughter of Ebenez"". & Marfilla Holmes born December ye 2oti> 1795 Eliza ann Daughter of Ebenezer & Marfilla Holmes born November y"* 11*^. 1798 Sylvanus Son of Simon & Clarifsa Shepherd Born June y® 21^*^: 1799 Abiel Son of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born December y® 10*'': 1799 Sophia Daughter of Elias & Matilda Mafon born Septem"". y« f. 1799 Charles Son of Barnard & Cynthia Easterbrook Born August^* ye J^Ul. J^fJ^ Rebekah Daughter of Noah & Sufanna Chaffee Born March ye 25th J ^^5 Sarah Daughter of Noah & Sufanna Chaffee Born August y® Nancy Daughter of Noah & Sufanna Chaffee Born April y® 5"^- 1779 Martin Son of Noah & Sufanna Chaffee Born June y® 4*^ 1781 William Son of Noah & Sufanna Chaifee Born October y® 8^^: 1782 Patience Daughter of Noah & Sufanna Chaffee Born March ye 29111; 1787 Elfe Daughter of Noah & Sufanna Chaffee Bom July y® 25*''. 1789 Alvan Son of Wareham & Martha Lyon Born August y® 24^1^: 1793 Ifrael Son of Hrael & Prifcilla Williams Born December 30: 1799 Clarry Daughter of Alvin & Salle Lyon Born December 28: 1798 Lucretia Daughter of Throop & Rebekah Lyon Born June 29. 1798 Ira Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born March 2y: 1798 Eliza Daughter of John & Allathea Auftin Born November 26*''. 1799 Kezia Daughter of Marvel & Betfey Underwood Born Decem'". y® 5*^^. 1799 Stephen Marcy Son of Carpenter & Rebekah Bradford Born September y^ i^*^: 1798 Harriot Daughter of Will"" & Mary Fox Born August y^ 26^^: 1799 Prudence Daughter of Jofeph and Miraam Allard Born Decemb"" 22*^ 17 [ ] 28First written " Sepf." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 207 Eli f ha Child Son of Alfred & Betfey Walker Born September y^ 10*'': 1799 Sophia Daughter of Mofes & Zubah Sumner Born March ye j2^ j^g^ Lovifa Daughter of Mofes & Zubah Sumner Born August y^ 5*^^ 1798 Ira Son of'Jofhua & Keturah Smith Born February y^ 22"^: 1800 Paris Son of Lyman & Candace Goodell Born March 31^'. 1797 Lowry Daughter of Lyman & Candace Goodell Born Novem- ber y® 14^'': 1799 Prif cilia Daughter of John & Huldah Chandler Born August 11**": 1797 Lois Child Daughter of John & Huldah Chandler Born Decem''. S^^: 1799 Mary Prentice Daughter of Prentice & Molly Chubb Born Decem"". 13. 1778 Betfey Daughter of Prentice & Molly Chubb Born July 29'" 178 [ ] John son of Prentice & Molly Chubb Born April y® 29 1785 Lydia Daughter of Prentice & Molly Chubb Born June y^ 14**' 1789 Henry Son of Prentice & Molly Chubb Born June y^ 19 1793 Prentice Son of Prentice & Molly Chubb Born July y^ 24'^ 1795 [88] Record of Births Mofes Son of William & Mary Lyon Born Sept*", y® 11*^: 1793 George Leonard y^ 2^; Son of Daniel & Mehetabel Leonard Born April y^ 9*^^: 1798 Augustus Son of Apollos & Hannah Austin Born December y® 28^'': 1797 Almira Daughter of Apollos & Hannah Austin Born Sepf. 13*** 1799 Emilia Daughter of William & Sarah Briant Born December ye 2Qth jyg^ John Son of Will™ & Sarah Briant Born April y® 22*^. 1799 David Son of David & Hannah Packer Born December 23'' : 1795 Henry Son of David & Hannah Packer Born February y^ 12*^. 1797 Luther son of David & Hannah Packer Born February y® 15*'': 1800 Nancy Daughter of Alba & Roeny Abbott Born April y" i^*. 1800 2o8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Polly Daughter of Darius & Sarah Bacon Born January y^ s^^ - 1790 Chloe Daughter of Darius & Sarah Bacon Born October 18 — 1792 Sophia Daughter of Darius & Sarah Bacon Born January y* g'\ 1795 Betfey Daughter of Darius & Sarah Bacon Born February y^ 5'\ 1797 Jonathan Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born May y^ 1 1*^ : 1789 Nathan Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born April y® ii^'' 1 791 Wyman Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born February y® y^^ : 1793 Simeon son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born January y^ 6^'''. 1795 Ira Son of Jonathan & Mary Bugbee Born March y^ 27*^: 1798 Alvan Son of Cyrus & Phebe Power Born May y® 15'^'' 1799 Amos Son of Amos & Polly Paine Born January y° 12*^. 1800 David Son of Hartwell & Lois Holmes Born March y® i^*: 1798 Hartwell son of Hartwell & Lois Holmes Born Novem"". 2^ 1799 William Son of William & Mary Bowen April y^ 1 1*^ : 1800 Emely Daughter of Charles & Sarah Hunt Smith born April y^ 6*'*. 1800 Nancy Daughter of David & Lydia Perrin Born Decem'". i^^^ 1799 Elias Son of Charles & Elifabeth Child Born Octo''. y^ 29 1797 Abiel Son of Charles & Elifabeth Child Born Novem^ 6^*^. 1799 Sophia Daughter of Elias & Sophia Child Born May y^ 6*^ 1800 Orin Son of Nath'^ & Anna Marcy Born May y® 26: 1799 Sylvia Daughter of Willard & Sylvia Child Born June 28*'': 1800 I have Recorded 1162 Births to this time July 19* 1800 Annah Daughter of Levi & Sally Utley Born Febr''. 28*''. 1800 Andrew Son of Andrew & Ruth Brown born May y® 16*'' : 1800 [89] Ebenezer Son of Stephen & Martha Paine born June y^ 29: 1796 Sufanna Daughter of Chester & Sarah Child Born June y^ y^^: 1796 Betfey Daughter of Will"' & Sarah Morris Born December y^ 20*'': 1795 Per f is Daughter of Stephen & Per f is John f on born July y^ 30**': 1796 Tempa Daughter of John & Mehetabel Phillips born July 22 1796 John Williams Son of Eunice Dodge born October y^ 21^*: 1789 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 209 Bet fey Daughter of Jacob Mascraft p & Hannah his Wife bom Febr^ 13, 1796 Lucinda Daughter of John & Annah Hewlett born February y^ 28, 1796 Cyril Son of Mofes & Zubah Sumner Born February y® 19'''': 1792 Charles son of Mofes & Zubah Sumner Born July y® 23^. 1794 Henry son of Henry & Hannah Work Born October y^ 25**^: 1791 John son of Henry & Hannah Work Born February y^ 18*'': 1796 John Son of Henry & Lydia Bowen born Novem''. 28: 1795 Polly Daughter of Ithamar & Joanna Cooms born Novem'' y^ 3' 1795 Tempa Daughter of John & Mehetabel Phillips born July y® 22"^ 1796^^ Betfey Daughter of James & Naomi Williams born Sepf 4*^: 1792 Ira Son of Daniel & Lovifa Paul Born August y® 4*^: 1796 Willard Son of Willard & Silvia Child Born Novem^ 14*^^: 1796 Albigence Waldo; Son of John & Charlotte Tuckeir Born November 30^*": 1796 Simeon Wight Son of Levi & Nancy Bowen born June y^ 7*^: 1790 Abigail Daughter of Levi & Nancy Bowen born November y® 16**^: 17 [ ] Mary Daughter of Oliver & Mary Easterbrook born June y® y^ ly [ ] Anna Daughter of Oliver & Mary Easterbrook born May y^ 7*^. 1785 Benj'^. Son of Oliver & Mary Easterbrook born December y^ 8*'': 1789 Nancy Daughter of Silas & Dolly May born December y® 6*^. 1796 Lucretia Ann Daughter of Rufus & Anna Child born August y^ 6*^. 1796 Daniel Son of Daniel Lyon J"". & Esther his Wife born Febru- ary y^ 16*^: 1796 Allice Daughter of Leonard & Chloe Walker born March y* 23^. 1796 Betfey Daughter of Will™ & Candace Barber Bom February y« 24: 1794 Chester son of Will™ & Candace Barber born October y® 14*'*: 1 791 29 Entire entry crossed out. 14 2IO WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Polly Daughter of Will"" & Candace Barber born March y^ 3 • 1794 Nathan Son of Albee & Roena Abbott born Decern'", y® 11*^. 179 [ ] Sally ann Daughter of Will"' & Sarah May Born Novem'". y® 22: 179 [6] Charles Son of Perley & Anna Sanger Born August y® 17*''. 1788 Perley Son of Perley & Anna Sanger Born May y® 28'^''. 1789 Stephen Son of Jacob & Mille Child Born March y« H^'': 1791 Dyer son of Jacob & Mille Child Born November y^ 19*'': 1792 Morris Son of Jacob & Mille Child Bom April y^ 11*": 1794 Roxa Daughter of Jacob & Mille Child born June y^ 20'^*': 1796 Sally Daughter of Davis & Miriam Carpenter Born at Wal- pole Jan^ 26''': 179 [ ] [go] Hezekiah Son of Hezekiah & Bathfhua Bugbee born Jan^. 14'°: 1797 Anthony Wane Son of Ephraim & Lucy Carroll born Janu^. 22^: 1795 Sally Daughter of Perley & Anna Sanger Born Sept^ 2'*. 1792 Anna Daughter of Perley & Anna Sanger Born December y® 28*^: 1794 Chloe Daughter of Perley & Anna Sanger born May y® 17***. 1796 John Son of Timothy Perin J"". & Lydia his Wife born Febru- ary y® 25*''. 1796 Calvin Son of Chloe Chaffee Born November y® 8*'': 1781 Nancy Daughter of Chloe Chaffee Born April y^ 11*'': 1786 George son of Betty Chaffee by Robert^" Kelton born March ye J St jyg^ Polly Daughter of Caleb & Joanna Bugbee born August 16*'' : 1795 Lucy Daughter of Afa & Lucy Payfon Born March y® 12*^: 1796 George Son of James & Eunice M'"Clellan Born Decem''. 22''. 1776 Conftant Son of Joel & Sarah White Born February y^ 25*^^: 1796 Nancy Daughter of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe born February 20*'': 1797 3" First written "George." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 211 Baxter Son of Benjamin & Prif cilia Lyon Born March y** 3\ 1797 Huntington son of Rev^. Eliphalet Lyman & Hannah his Wife Born March 8*^: 1797 Jafon Son of Rufus & Rachel Bugbee bom October y^ 23^: 1796 Laura Daughter of Andrew & Sally Williams Born February 27: 1797 Emily Esther Daughter of William & Rebecca Ruisel born March y^ 28'^: 1775 Afa Son of Afa & Polly Morfe Born March y« ii^i^ 1797 [ ]rifsa Daughter of Betfey Lyon Born April y^ 14*^: 1797 John Son of Daniel & Betfey Bottom born September y^ 14*^: 1792 Jedd son of Daniel & Betfey Bottum Born August y® 26"": 1794 Harry son of Daniel & Betfey Bottum Born November y^ 13'-'': 1796 Olive Daughter of Jedidiah & Lucy Kimball born December ye jjth j^yg^ Nancy Daughter of Jofeph & Martha Carpenter born Febru- ary y^ 9*^: 1786 Erastus Son of John & Hannah May Born November y^ 2^. 1796 Waldo Son of Timothy Vinton was born March y^ i^*. 1796 John Son of Jofeph & Betfey Hyde born April y^ 4*''. 1797 Witter Son of Eleazar &: Kezia Litchfield Born August y® 23^: 1796 Rubah Daughter lof Elijah & Irenea Perry barn June y^ 26^: 1797 Polly Daughter of Didymus & Polly Howlet Born April y^ 17*'': 1797 Parmer Son of Elifabeth Goodell Born September 23*: 1776 Lucy Daughter of Timothy & Lydia Perin Born June y® g^^: 1797 Mary Eliza Daughter of John & Hannah Williams Born July ye J 5th. jygy Lucy Daughter of Davis & Miriam Carpenter Born at Walpole Octo^ y® i^* 1797 [91] Halfey Son of Daniel & Mehetabel Leonard bom November y^ 9*'': I79 [ ] Lucinda Daughter of Daniel & Phebe Tiffany Born August ye J 5th. jygQ Sally Daughter of Thomas & Sally Manning Born June y^ 16*^: 1795 212 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lucy Daughter of Edmund & Polly Tiffany Born April y^ 24*'': 1797 Payfon Son of John & Mary Flyn Born August y^ 25**^: 1796 Sophia Daughter of Elias Child 2.^ & Polly his Wife Born January y® 16''^: 1797 Polly Daughter of Frederick & Hannah Baylies born April ye j^th. j^p5 James son of Jonathan & Hannah Pellet Born April y® 22'*. 1797 George Son of Jonathan V: & Huldah Skinner Born March ye jQth. j^p5 Richard Gary Son of Docf. Jedidiah Morfe Gharlestown Born May y^ 6*'': 1797 Hannah Daughter of Mofes & Matilda Lyon Born September ye ^th. j^^j7 Benjamin Son of Jofeph & Miriam Allard Born April y® 6***: 1796 Parmelia Daughter of David & Lydia Perrin Born Sepf: y®. Betfey Daughter of Epaphras & Sally Ghild Born October y* 12: 1797 Sufanna Daughter of Jacob & Sufanna Foster Born October 20*'': 1797 Stephen Son of Stephen & Martha Paine Born October 14*^'^: 1797 Lucy Daughter of Uriah W. & Hannah John f on Born July y® jjth. j^^^ Derick Son of Afa & Irenea Sibley Born May y^ 22"* : 1788 Sophia Daughter of Afa & Irenea Sibley Born October y® s*** : 1790 Lucy Daughter of Afa & Irenea Sibley Born July 21^*^: 1792 Levi Son of Noah & Savilla Blackmar Born August 2*: 1797 Phebe Daughter of Jacob & Eunice Perin Born March y® 24*^ : 179 [ ] Thomas Son of Oliver & Hannah Ainfworth Born June y^ 16 : 1795 Daniel Son of Daniel & Mary Paine Born July y® 17*'*: 1797 Polly Daughter of Eben^. & Allethea Stoddard Born Janu^. 29*'' 1779 Allathea Daughter of Eben"*. & Allathea Stoddard Born April ye J^th. J^gj Ebenezer son of Eben''. & Allathea Stoddard Bom May y® 6*'' : 1785 Willard Son of Eben'". & Allathea Stoddard Bom February y* WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 213 Otif Son of Eben'-. & Allathea Stoddard Born April y" 8*^: 1793 Polly Daughter of Levi & Sally Utley Born December y^ 18"* : 1797 Michael son of Abner & Eunice Richmond Born Novem'". 13. 1786 Charles Son of Abner and Eunice Richmond Born April y® 12*^^: 1789 Esther Daughter of Abner & Eunice Richmond Born April y® 7*''. 1792 Danford Son of Abner & Eunice Richmond Born April y® s*'* 1795 [92] Annis Daughter of Stephen & Deborah Ainfworth Born May y^ 28*^ : 1797 Lucinda Daughter of Samuel & Zubah Chafifee Born May y® iS'**: 1796 Ebenezer son of Samuel & Azubah Chafifee Born Sepf. y^ 18*^ : 1797 Salle Daughter of Calvin & Sophia Morfe of Fairlee born Jan^. 13*^^: 1798 Miriam the Wife of M"". Cornelius White Born November y® 22*^: 1752 John Son of Cornelius & Miriam White Born February y® i^*: 1773 Joel Son of Cornelius & Miriam White Born January y^ 12*'': ^775 Jofeph Son of Cornelius & Miriam White Born February y® 23d. 1777 Azubah Daughter of Cornelius & Miriam White Born May y® 23^:1779 Lucy Daughter of Cornelius & Miriam White Born March y® IS*'': 1781 Afa Son of Cornelius & Miriam, White Bom Sepf. y* 15 : 1784 Freeland Son of Cornelius & Miriam White Born December ye jpth. J^g^ Patte Daughter of Cornelius & Miriam White Born Febru''. y* 8''': 1790 Marven Son of Cornelius & Miriam White Born Sept^. y® 19*^: 1792 Salem Son of Cornelius & Miriam White Born February y® Elliot Son of Elias Mafon J^. & Matilda his Wife Born Febru- ary 25''' 1798^^ Rufus son of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born December y® 25*** ^776 31 A line has been drawn through this entry. 214 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Emely Daughter of Alfred & Betf ey Walker bom Februy. g^^ : 1798 Jacob Son of Jacob Leonard J^. by Hannah his Wife born Jan^. 16*^: 1796 Lticretia Daughter of Stephen & Abigail Buckrnan born Febr^. 23^: 1798 Caleb Son of Caleb & Ifabel May Born March y« 10*^: 1798 Seth Son of Ephraim & Nabby May Born March y^ 6*^: 1798 Daniel son of Abel & Rebecca Child born December 2^. 1797 Tempa Daughter of Lathrop & Sarah Holmes bom Febr^: 27*^: 1798 Nancy Daughter of Elijah & Anna Torry Born Sepf 17 1782 Elijah son of Elijah & Anna Torry Born October y® 3^. 1784 Luther Son of Elijah & Anna Torry Born December y® 14*'': 1786 Jofeph son of Elijah & Anna Torry Born March y° 25 1789 Sukey Daughter of Elijah & Anna Torry Born June Jy^ 10'^'': 1792 Perley Son of Elijah & Anna Torry Born Sepf. y^ 10 - 1795 Alfred son of Elijah & Anna Torry Bom August y® 9*^: 1797 Tyla Daughter of Lemuel & Pamela Clark Born February 13*'': 1792 Sterry Son of Lemuel & Pamela Clark Born May y® 10*'': 1793 Liberty Son of Otis Pre f ton & Dolly his Wife bom January ye j^th; 17^ [93] M'"^ Hannah the Wife of y^ Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Born at Norwich April y® 27*'': 1753 Rev'^. Eliphalet Lyman Born at Lebanon March y® S^^ ^754 William Son of Ithamar & Joanna Comes Born January y® 13*''. 1798 Faith Daughter of Nehemiah & Mary Child Born March y" 10*'': 1798 Rebeckah Day Daubhter of Peleg & Rebeckah Corbin Bom March 18*^ 1790 Jane Davis Daughter of Peleg & Rebekah Corbin Born June ye jpth j^p2 Sally Mayo Daughter of Peleg & Rebekah Corbin Born May ye ^th. j^p^ Hannah Day Daughter of Peleg & Rebekah Corbin Born March 22"^: 1797 Francis Son of Jonas & Margret Barker Bom November 30'^: 1794 Polly Daughter of Jonas & Margret Barker Born August y® 31^*: 1796 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 215 Submit Daughter of of Jonas & Margret Barker born May y« 8*^^: 1798 Jared Son of Daniel & Esther Lyon Born April y^ 15*^: 1798 Hannah Daughter of Noah & Lydia Ledoyt Born February y^ 2.&^\ 1797 Rofwell Son of Samuel & Esther Elliot Born Sept'. y« 19*'^: 1797 Rofwell Elliot 2^. Son of Samuel & Esther Elliott Born October y« 2^ 1801 George Lewis Son of Samuel & Esther Elliott Bom June y^ 16*'' 1803 Polly Daughter of Rufus & Mary Knap Bom January 26*'*. 1798 Lucy Brown Daughter of Leonard & Lucy Mafon Born June Rachel Barns Daughter of Jacob & Lydia Bates born July y® 11*^: 1796 Lucinda Daughter of Jacob & Lydia Bates born February y^ S**^: 1798 Obadiah son of Timothy & Anna Child Born December y® 25 : 1795 Archeppus Son of Timothy & Anna Child Born December ye ^jst. j^p*7 Lydia Morfe Daughter of Willard & Sylvia Child Born July 29*'': 1798 Sophia Daughter of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born Novem- ber y^ 20*^^: 1797 Lemuel Son of Jacob & Eunice Perin Born August y^ 4*^: 1798 Allice Daughter of John & Annah Howlet Born April 2"*. 1797 Elifabeth Ann Daughter of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe born July \2^^\ 1798 Hofea Son of Timothy & Dolly Vinton May y* 24*^^: 1798 Samuel Son of Henry & Lydia Bowen Born December y^ 1 1 : 1797 Huldah Daughter of Penuel & Marfilva Tucker Bom Sept'. 21^*: 1797 Lucy Daughter of James & Eunice M'^Clellan Born May 14*^: 1798^2 Marian Daughter of Chester & Sarah Child Bom August ye 27th. J^^g Polly Daughter of Darius & Rhoda Truesdel Born February ye 5th: 1794 William Son of Will'" & Candace Barber Bom May y* i^* 1798 32 This entry has been crossed out. 2i6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lucy Eldridge Daughter of James & Eunice M'^Clellan Born May y^ 14*'': 1794 [94] Lorenzo Son of Alfred & Rebekah Marcy Born Febr''. 28^^: 1794 Hannah Grofvenor Daughter of Alfred & Rebekah Marcy Born August 4*'': 1795 Alma Son of Alfred & Rebekah Marcy Born Janu^. 27: 1797 Marian Daughter of Jonathan & Hannah Pellet Born Sepf. 10^'': 1798 Baruck Son of Baruck & Sybel Keith Born April y^ 6*^. 1798 Abiel Son of Calvin & Lucy Perin Born October y® 24*^ : 1798 Afa Son of Ranflear & Prifcilla Child Born December 2^: 1798 Lucius Trobridge Son of Daniel 81 Phebe Mafcraft Born Sept^ y" S^^' 1798 Celura Daughter of Perigrine & Rebekah White Born April y^ 8^'' 1797 Irenea Daughter of Noah & Molly How Born October y^ 2^ 1798 Dorothy Daughter of William & Sarah May Born February Chester Son of Baxter & Dolly Lyon Born February y^ 11*^: 1799 Henry Son of John & Phebe Dilleber Born January 24"": 1799 Willard Son of Willard & Anna Bixby born May y^ 13^^ 1798 Jonathan Son of Jonathan V. Skinner & Huldah his Wife Born April y« 8*: 1798 Sophia Daughter of John & Hannah May Born October y® 3*: 1798 Didymus son of Didymus & Polly Hewlett Born September 22^ 1798 Amafa Lyon Son of Ebenezer & Sally Bifhop Born Febru'^ ye 20*'! 1799 George Son of Epaphras & Sally Child Born March y" 2* 1799 Eunice Daughter of Penuel & Hannah Corbin Born Sepf. 12*^: 1797 Lathrop Son of Penuel & Hannah Corbin Born April y*" 23^ 1799 Justin Son of Urijah & Patty Underwood Born February y^ 22^: 1799 William Son of William & Frances Hammond Born November ye 27th. jj7g8 Amafa Son of Walter & Prifcilla Walker Born May y« 4*'*: 1799 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 21/ John Son of Ifaac & Jemima Hibbard Born March y^ 20*^*: 1797 Abiel Son of Ifaac & Jemima Hibbard Born May y^ 16**. 1799 Davis Son of Davis & Miriam^ Carpenter born Decem". y^ 25*^: 1799 Dolly Daughter of Marven & Nancy Clark Born May y^ 10*'* : 1799 Lucy Daughter of Hadlock & Anna Perin Born January y' 5th. j^g^ Lory Daughter William Hide Manning & Lucy his Wife born June y^ 24**^: 1799 Anna Daughter of Stephen Tucker 2^ & Annah his Wife Born Jan^. y«25t*^: 1793 Emele Daughter of Stephen 2* and Annah Tucker born Noem'". 5*^: 1794 Purlina Daughter of Penuel & Marfilva Tucker Born April y° 24*'': 1799 Henry Son of Luther & Rebekah Baldwin Born Sepf. y^ 12*'': 1797 Levi Son of Luther & Rebekah Baldwin Born January 8*^^: 1799 Levina Daughter of Richard & Mary Blackmar Born Agust 25. 1799 Polly Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Blackmar Born September [95] Record of Births Naomi Daughter of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born April y^ 20"": 1775 Rufus Son of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born December 25*^: 1777 Luther Son of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born November 23 1779 Polly Daughter of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born December 27*''. 1781 Theodore Son of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born October 3^. 1783 Jotham Son of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born July y^ 13'^. 1785 Calvin Son of Calvin & Naomi Gay Born May y^ 26 1788 Sarah Sumner Daughter of Caleb & Habel May Born April ye j^th. 1800 Harriot Daughter of Parker & Lydia Holbrook of Fairley Born June y^ i®*. 1800 our first Great grand Child Marfilva Daughter of Uriah & Eunice Walker Born February 10: 1798 Diantha Daughter of Uriah & Eunice Walker Born March y° 24*'' 1800 Baylies Son of Rufus & Mary Knap Born February 5*^ : 1800 2i8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Thomas Son of Thomas & Jean Barns Born December 30*'' 1799 Mary Trumbull Daughter John & Faith M^Clellan Born July 31"*: 1800 Samuel son of James & Eunicee M'^Glellan Born Sept^ 21^*: 1800 Elifabeth Daughter of Eph'". & Nabby May bom May 14*^: 180 [o] Abiel Son of Ithamar & Joanna Cooms Born August y® 29*'* : 18 [ ] Almy Daughter of Alfred & Rebekah Mafsy Born Sept^, 3'*. 1800 Mary Grofvenor Daughter of Licester & Mary Paine born Novem''. 19^^. 1782 David Draper Son of Licester & Mary Paine Born July y® 26*^: 1788 John Son of John & Mary Flyn Born October y* 5*^ 1787 Henrietta Daughter of John & Mary Flyn Born October y® 19*'' 1789 Nancy Daughter of John & Mary Flyn Born November y^ 6*'' : 1792 Lucina Daughter of Throop & Rebekah Lyon his Wife Born May y« 11*^: 1800 Walter Son of Hadlock & Annah Perrin Born August y® 8*'': 1800 Afa Son of Jofeph & Betfey Hyde Born April y* 9*'': 1799 Ruth Daughter of Will™ & Deborah Fezingden Born February . / 28*^: 1796 Deborah Daughter of Will™ & Deborah Fezingden Born April ye jQth. jj7pg Betfey Daughter of Will™ & Deborah Fezingden Born December 27*** I79 [ ] Aaron Nichols Son of Benj'', H. & Polly Skinner Born May y^ 8'*^ : 1800 Elifha Son of Ebenezer & Salle Bifhop Born September y® 19 1800 Sally Daughter of Luther & Rebekah Baldwin Born November 26^^: 1800 Charles Son of Eben''. & Marfalle Holmes Born April y« 8*'^: 1801 Matilda Darrow Daughter of Daniel & Phebe Mafcraft Born October y^ 4*^: 1800 Mary Daughter of Carpenter & Rebekah Bradford born October 30th: 1800 Eleazar Son of Didymus & Mary Howlet Born February y* 19*'': 1801 Jared Son of Albee & Roena Abbott Born May y* i^* 1801 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 219 [96] Record of Births Baxter Son of Baxter & Dolly Lyon Born July y® 4*'^. 1801 Elifha^^ Son of Stephen & Martha Paine Born May y^ 23^ : 1801 Daniel Bolton Son of Stephen & Deborah Ainfworth Born July y^ 3*^ : 1800 Ebeneber Son of Grofvenor & Lucy Marcy Born September y® f^. 1798 Lucretia Daughter of Grofvenor & Lucy Marcy Born April y^ I5*^ 1800 Suky Daughter of Alvan & Sally Lyon Born June y^ 8'*^ 1800 Esther Daughter of Calvin & Betfey Bugbee Born Febr^ 24*^ : 1799 Almira Daughter of Calvin & Betfey Bugbee Born April 14*** : 1801 John Son of Levi & Salle Utley Born September y^ 29 : 1801 James Rufsel Son of Jedediah & Nancy Morfe of Charlestown Born Jan^. y^ 26*^ : 1801 Phebe Daughter of Thomas J^. & Phebe Bugbee Born December 31^*. 1794 Nancy Daughter of Tho^ & Phebe Bugbee born Janu^. 31^*: 1799 Zelotes Son of Charles & Lydia Horfmer Born August 24**^: 1801 Nancy Daughter of Will™ & Candace Barber Born Janu^. y® 13 : 1801 Sally Daughter of Jacob & Eunice Perrin^* Born May y^ 30*^ : 1801 Harriot Daughter of Simon & Clarifsa Shepherd Born July ye JJ^th. j8qj Petey Daughter of John & Prudence Corbin Born Novem'' 14*^ : 1800 Nabby Daughter of Ifaac & Nabby Avery Born June y^ 6*'*: 1801 Chester Son of Abram & Urfula Marcy Born October 27*^^: 1798 Eunice Daughter of Abner & Eunice Richmond Born Febr^, 25*'' 1798 Abner Son of Abner & Eunis Richmond Born Octob" 22*^ 1801 A List of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn's Children, their Births. Abifha Son of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Born Decem''. 9*'': 1777 Polly Daughter of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Born Sepf. 20*'' : 1779 33 First written "Stephen." 34 First written "Dodge." 220 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Nancy Daughter of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Born Janu^. 24'^* 1784 Mary Daughter of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Born Jan^. 14*^: 1786 Lucretia Daughter of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Bom Sepf. 16^*^:1788 Tente Daughter of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Born Febu'' 3^ : 1794 Mandy Daughter of Abifha & Mary Wafhburn Born March 15*''': 1796 Dolly Daughter of EHas Mafon J^ & Matilda his Wife Born Sepf. g^^. 1 80 1 John Clark Born December y^ 14*"^ 17575 Sarah Qark Born June y^ 3*^. 1760 John & Sarah Clark were Married December y® 7*^. 1780; by Biel Ledoyt Levinia Daughter of John & Sarah Clark Born March y® 4***: 1782 Thaddeus Son of John & Sarah Clark Born April y^ 11^^. - 1783 [ ] Son of John & Sarah Clark Born January y^ ^^"^ 1786 [97] Record of Births Damaris Daughter of John & Sarah Clark Born August y^ 19*'': 1787 Sally Daughter of John & Sarah Clark Born Novefti^ y^ 19***: 1800 John Son of Thomas & Elifabeth Corbin Born June y® 17*^: 1801 Lorra Daughter of Fredrick & Allice Bugbee Born July y® 9^. 1800 Fredrick Son of Fredrick & Allice Bugbee Born March y® 17**^: 1802 Increafe Son of George & Sufanna Sumner Born January y^ 3^: 1801 Almira Daughter of William & Sally May Born January 22: 1802. Pelatiah Wight Son of Pelatiah & Prudence Wight Born August y® 31^*. 1800 John Hodges Son of John & Allithea Austin Born November y«2i^*: 180 [ ]^*. John Parmiter Son of John & Lois Manning born November 14*^: 1800 Mafon Son of John & Lois Manning B November y® 21^* : 1801 Gurdin Son of Nathniel & Ama Marcy Born December y® 6*''. 1801 34 Entire entry crossed out. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 221 Clarifsa Daughter of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker Born in Dudley March 20'^: 1784 Laurry Daughter of Zephaniah & Huldah Tucker Born in Dudley February 28: 178 [ ] Abiel Son of Calvin & Lucy Perrin Born October y® 24**^: 1798 John Edward Paul Son of John & Allithea Auftin Born Novem'". y® 21^*: 1801 Hiram Son of Jacob & Mille Child Born October y^ 15*^: 1798 Justin Son of Zephaniah & Lucy Lincoln J"". Born August 26**^. 180 [ ] William Pitt Son of Andrew &: Sally Williams Born October 30'*^: 180 [ ] William Son of Will"" Lyon y^ 4*'*: & Nanna his Wife Born October f^: 1 [ ] Schailer Son of Rofwell & Martha Chamberlin Born Septem"". 4'^ 1800 Lucy Daughter of Cyril & Abigail Carpenter Born May y^ 12*^ : 180 [ ] Augustus Son of Benjamin & Polly Skinner Born January y^ 5*'' : - 1802 Adaline Daughter of Alfred & Allice Walker Born Sepf. y* 25*^: 1801 Chester Son of Chester & Sarah Child Born June y^ 14*'^ : 1802 1299 Births to this time I have Recorded Daniel Son of Daniel & Mehetabel Leonard Born October y° 6^^: 1800 Emely Daughter of Henry & Betfey Corbin Born February y* 5*^: 1802 Peleg C Child son of Ranflaer & Prifcilla Child Born July II*^ 1800 Linus Son of Ranflaer & Prifcilla Child Born February y^ 27*^: - 1802 John Freeman Son of John & Eunice Upham Born October y' 11'^: 1801 Henry Hayward Son of Penuel & Hannah Corbin born Novem. iG'"' : 18 [ ] Penuel Son of Penuel & Hannah Corbin; Born August y^ 12*^: 18 [ ] Perigrine Son of Willard & Orinda Jackfon Born October y' 3':i7[ ] Lydia Daughter of Willard & Orinda Jackfon bom October y' 25''>:i8[ ] Harviland Son of Pelatiah & Prudence Wight Born March y" 14*'' : - 1802 James Cary Son of Parker & Abigail Morfe Born September ye 20*1^ 1799 222 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Parker Son of Parker & Abigail Morfe Born April y^ 9*^* 1802 Charles Son of Benjamin & Prif cilia Lyon Born March y® 9*^: 1800. [98] Record of Births Laura Daughter of Albee & Roena Abbott Born July y^ 31°*: 1802 Zenas son of Henry & Betfey Corbin Born December y® 16*'* 1799^^ Policy Daughter of Henry & Betfey Corbin Bom October y® 28'^'': 1799 Bradford Son of Mofes & Matilda Lyon Bom November y® 6*^ 1802 Lucretia Daughter of Henry Martin 2^ & Mary his Wife Born Jan^. y^ 16*'^ : 1800 Andrew Son of Henry Martin 2^. & Mary his Wife Born July y® 4*'^: 1802 Abiel Dana Son of Ifrael & Prif cilia Williams Born Decern'": 4*^: 1801. Edward Son of Parker & Lydia Holbrook Born January 12 : 1802 Clarifsa Daughter of Leonard & Polly Morfe Born March y® 3^: 1802 Mira Daughter of Lemuel & Parmela Clarke Born Febr''. y® o.'j : 1795 Leota Daughter of Lemuel & Parmela Clarke Born Sepf. y® 27 : 1796 Sephronia Daughter of Lemuel & Pamela Clarke Born Janu^. ye jSt. J^^g Ambrof e Son of Lemuel & Pamela Clark Born March y® 17*'' : 1799 Lea fa Daughter of Lemuel & Pamela Clark Born March y® 2,f^: 1801 Lydia Daughter of Leonard & Lucy Mafon Born January y® 8*^: 1803 Nancy Daughter of Benjamin & Marfilva Webfter Born March 6*^: 1794 Luther Son of Benjamin & Marfilva Webfter Born March 14*^: 1796 Benjamin son of Benjamin & Marfilva Webfter Born Janu'^. George King Son of King & Lucy Hayward Born February 15- 1799 Lucy Paine Daughter of King & Lucy Hayward Born July y* 13''': 1800 =5 First written " October ye 28th." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 223 Noah Paine Son of King and Lucy Hayward Born December 30: 1801 Samuel Soule Son of Phillip & Mary Hayward Born January 30*''. 1803 Sophia Daughter of Charles & Sarah Hunt Smith Born February y^ 9'^ 1803 Levina Daughter of Jofeph & Levina Corbin Born January 10''': 1796 Joanna Daughter of Jofeph & Polly Corbin Born January y® 2,2. : 1800 Polly Daughter of Joseph & Polly Corbin Born March y^ 4*^: 1803 Nancy Daughter of Walter & Ellis Johnfon Bom November y® 22-^: 1795 Samuel Son or Walter & Ellis Johnfon Born March y° 3^ - 1800 Bethiah Daughter of Dana & Esther Lyon Born December y® 12*'': 1802 Elizabeth Ann; Daughter of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe of Charlestown Born January y^ 27*^'': 1803 Emely Daughter Mofes & Lucy Gage Born April y® 4*^^ - 1803 / Parker Morfe Son of Elifha & Nancy Child Born March y^ 27 : ^ 1803 Mary Daughter of Eph"^ & Nabby May Born January y® 2y^^ 1803 Charlotte Daughter of Didymus & Mary Howlett Born February y® i^* : 1803 Lucinda Daughter of Daniel & Phebe Mafcraft Bom August y* 4"" : 1802 Afa son of Benjamin & Prifcilla Lyon Born May y® 2y - 1802 [99] Record of Births Charlotte Daughter of Alfred & Rebekah Marcy Born August 26*'^ : 18 [ ] Sanford Son of Alfred & Rebekah Marcy Born March y® i^*: 1804 Lucy Daughter of Elihu & Lucy Morfe Born April y^ 19*^ 1804 Phila Daughter of Thomas & Sally Manning Born March y® Emely Daughter of Thomas & Sally Manning Born Novem^. y^ i^': 1802 Sophia Daughter of Ebenezer & Lydia Skinner Born August y^ 23"^. 1803 John Son of John & Huldah Chandler Born April y® 25*'' 1804 Ala Daughter of Charles & Polly Skinner Born February y® 26'^: 1 80 1 224 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Alamanda Daughter of Charles & Polly Skinner Born August y** 22 1803 Armina Daughter Parley & Nancy Stoddard Bom April y® i«* 1803 Amafa Son of Cyril & Abigail Carpenter Bom September y^ 14'^ 1804 John Son of Jofeph & Mary Haradon Born October ^y® 3^. 1800 Faith Wiliams Daughter of John & Faith M^Clellan Born April 27'^ : 1804 William Clark Son of Mofes & Lucretia Holmes Born March 2^ 1804 Polly Daughter of Silas & Huldah Negus Born June y^ 8*'' 1775 Hannah Daughter of Silas & Huldah Negus Born Novem'^ Allice Daughter of Gamaliel & Rebekah Newell Born Febru''. ye 23'i: lygi Mira Daughter of Gamaliel & Rebekah Newel Born January y^ 9 1794 Thomas son of Gamaliel & Rebekah Newel Born June y^ 9'^. 1797 Robert Bolton Son of Gamaliel & Rebekah Newel Bom December 22'^: 1799 Rebekah Daughter of Gamaliel & Rebekah Newel Born April ye 27th. jgQ2 Loyd Son of Gamaliel & Rebekah Newell Bom February y^ 18*^: 180 [ ] Jared Son of Jofeph and Betfey Hyde Born February 13*'' 1803 William Son of Abraham & Lydia Paine Born September y® 29^** 1804 William Clark Son of Mofes & Lucrecia Holmes Bom March y® 2^ 1804 Nancy Daughter of Benj°. Lyon y® 3^ & Lydia his Wife Born April f^ : 1801 Sanford Son of Benj''. Lyon y® 3^. & Lydia his Wife Bom Decern'". 30**^ : 1803 [L]orinda Daughter of Reuben & Beriah Gould Born November 19'^^ 180 [ ] Harriot Daughter of Elifha & Nancy Child Bom November y® 18*'^ 1804 Pliny Son of Marvin & Nancy Clark Bom December 13**': 1804 Alba Son of Stephen & Deborah Ainfworth Bom October y® 12 - 1804 Samuel Son of Samuel & Lois Pike Bom June y® 2^ 1804 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 225 George Son of Carpenter & Rebekah Bradford Born June y^ 24^^ 1804 Eli f ha Son of Judah & Mehetabel Lyon Born January y® 22^ 1803 Eliza Daughter of Judah & Mehetabel Lyon Born December y® 25*^ 1804 Otis Son of Jofhua & Keturah Smith Born December 22^ 180 [ ] Nathan son of Jofhua & Keturah Smith Born October y® 29*^* : 18 [ ] [100] Record of Births Aaron Son of Amafa & Perly Lyon Bom November y® 6 - 1804 Nathan Son of Samuel & Patience Patten Born March y® 4*^: 1796 George makepiece son of Sam" & Patience Patten Born March 13*'': 1798 Aldin Son of Sam" Patten & Patience his Wife Born April y^ 5^1^: 1800 Suf terry son of Samuel & Patience Patten Born May y® 7*^ 1802 Sally Daughter of Samuel & Patience Patten Born May y® 26*^: 1804 Huldah Daughter of Ithamar & Joanna Coomes Born April y® 19**' 1803 Lucius Son of Solomon J'"^^ & Eliza Horsmer Born February y° 6^^. 1805 Mary Eliza Daughter of John & Hannah Lindley Born September y* 11*^: 1803 William Son of Uriah & Eunice Walker Born August y* 10*'* 1802 Diantha Daughter of Uriah & Eunice Walker Born February y" 14 1805 Eraftus Son of Rofwell & Martha Chamberlin Born February y^ f^ 1804 Lucrecia Daughter of Elias & Matilda Mafon Born February y® 10*^ 1805 The following is a Record of the Births of M"". Elias Mafon his Wife & family Elias Mafon Born at Watertown; Commonwealth of Mafschufets August y^ 24*^: 1723 Lydia his Wife Born at Watertown in s^ State August y® 15*'' 1729 Elijah Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born January y® 25*"* 1754 Sophia Daughter of Elias & Lyia Mafon Bom June y® s'^'^ 1755 1755 36 "Jr." crossed out. IS 226 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Leonard Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born September y® 6*\. 1756 Jonathan Son of Elias & Lydia Malon Bom February y® 2^ 1758 Joseph Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born April y® 17*'', 1760 Spencer Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born December y^ i^^ 1761 Lydia Daughter of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born November y® II - 1763 Marfhal Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Bom October y« iS'** 1765 Elias Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born December y® 2^. 1767 Bradford Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born January y^ 14'''. 1769 Benjamin Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born January y* S*^: 1770 Charles Son of Elias & Lydia Mafon Born March y* is^'^ 1772 Jofeph their Son Died at New York in October 1776 Spencer their Son Died January y** 21^*: 1764 Bradford their Son Died January y^ 19*^ 1769 Benjamin their Son Died January y® 12*^^ 1770 Judith Daughter of Daniel & Judith Perry Born December y* iS^'*: 1784 Daniel Son of Daniel & Judith Perry Bom November 19*^'*. 1788 Matilda Daughter of Daniel & Judith Perry Born July y^ 29*^'' 1792 Nancy Daughter of Daniel & Judith Perry Born August y® 4*'^. 1794 Almander Son of Cyrus & Rachel Powers Born June y^ 15*'' 1804 [loi] Record of Births Eunice Caroline Daughter of Elias Child 2^ & Polly his Wife Born June y^ 24*'': 180 [ ] Lathrop Son of Cyril & Joanna Bugbee Born December ye lo*^** 1807 Judith Hunt Daughter of John & Huldah Mafon Born July y* 3^ 1807 Mary Daughter of Solomon C & Eliza Horfmer Born August ye 26*'' 1807 Efther Daughter of William Corbin J"". & Mercy his Wife Born January y^ 12 1808 Alden Son of Jefse & Ruth White Born February y* 1$*^ 1808 The following is a Record of the Births of the Children of Abel & Sarah Morfe, 12 in Number WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 227 Leonard son of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born October y^ 27*^'': 1770 Polly Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born September y^ 5*^: 1772 Abel Son of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born February y^ 8th: 1774 Oliver Son of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born November y® 4*''. 1775 Sally Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born October y^ y^^: 1777 Stephen son of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born June y® 24*'', 1779 Patty Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Bom June y^ 28*^ : - 1 781 Dorothea Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born January y^ 16*'': 1784 Nathan son of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born October y^ 15*^. 1785 Sufanna Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born September y® 24*^: 1787 Elifabeth Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born September ye j^th. jygg Nancy Daughter of Abel & Sarah Morfe Born October y® 16^ Emeline Child Daughter of Abiel & Salome Chamberlin Born Sept^ 30 : 180 [ ] Charles Son of David & Abigail Chaffee Born August y® 7*" 180 [ ] Tabitha Daughter of Will"" & Hannah Chapman Born February 28*1^. 180 [ ] Sally Daughter of Will™ & Hannah Chapman Born April y* 23*^ : - 1807 Mary Bennet Daughter of Perley & Thankful Chapman Born August 7*^ 180 [ ] Anna Daughter of Perley & Thankful Chapman Born February 20*^: 180 [ ] Betfey Daughter of Perley & Thankful Chapman Born August 27"^ 180 [ ] Lucy Daughter of Cyril & Abigail Chapman Born January 29*^^ William Peake Son of Cyril & Abigail Chapman Born September 18*^ 180 [ ] Mary Hyde Daughter of Abigail Chapman Born September y® 18''^. 180 [ ] John Son of John & Olive Wilber Born December y® 16*'' 180 [ ] Sufanna Daughter of Will™ & Mary Wilber Born February y® iS^'^ 180 [ 1 Anna Daughter of Will™ & Mary Wilber Born December y® 24 180 [ ] 228 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Daniel son of William & Mary Wil'ber Born June y^ i^^ 1808 Prentice son of Henry Martin' 2^ & Mary his Wife Born July y® 28'*^ 1807 Mary S. Daughter of Tho^. & Mary Hayward Born January 20*'': 1804 Nancy Daughter of Thomas & Mary Hayward Born Novem'". 20 18 [ ] Phebe Perry Daughter of Hezekiah & Rofalinday Palmer Born July y^ 26*^. 180 [ ] Nancy Daughter of Marvin & Nancy Gierke Born Septem'. y* 26^^ 1805 Orfon Son of John Brown Walker & Laury his Wife Born January y^ 18*^: 1808 Lyman Son of Uriah & Jerufha Lyon born January y^ 26* 1808 [102] Record of Births Nancy Daughter of Jofeph and Lucy Dean Born October y® y^^ 1803 Abiel son of Jofeph and Lucy Dean Born October y® 16*'' 1805 Julia ann Daughter of Jofeph and Lucy Dean Born May y® 31^* 1808 Aldis Son of Hadlock & Anna Perrin Born December y® 27*^: 1808 Stephen Lyon Son of George & Allice Potter Born Septem"". 13*'': 1807 Emeline Ghild Ghamberlin Daughter of Abiel Ghamberlin J^ & Salome his Wife born Sepf. 30: 1808^^ Ghefter Son of Ghefter & Lydia Lamb Born May y^ 28*^^ 1808 William Ainf worth Son of Willard & Sarepty Bugbee Born December 27*^ 1808 David Son of Jonathan & Sufanna Allen Born April 26'^''. 1801 Jonathan Son of Jonathan & Sufanna Allen Born .May y® 10*'' : 1803 Jofeph Son of Jonathan & Sufanna Allen Born October y® 13*^. 1805 Samuel Son of Jonathan & Sufanna Allen Born February y^ 24*^, 1809 William Son of John & Betfey Paine Born April y^ 8*'^. 1809 Lucy Daughter of Zephaniah & Lucy Lincoln (Now Wife of Mofes Gage) born August 27*'' 1769 Esther Daughter of Gharles & Sarah H. Smith Born April y® 2^ 1809 , , rlf ^75° ^9^ Births the last year from y® 19*^ of July to this 17*^ of June 1809 37 A line has been drawn through this entry and the words " before recorded," follow it WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 229 Stattira Daughter of Charles & Sarah Martin Born June y® 14^'': 1808 Judfon Son of Jacob Mafcraft 2^ & Afenath his Wife Born June y^ 20*'' 1808 Lucy Daughter of William and Sarah May Born January y® 22"^ 1809 Mary Allen Daughter of Charles & Hannah Chandler Born October 24 1806 Carlo Chandler Son of Amafa & Eunice Carrol Born October y^ 20^^ : 1806 Augustus Darwin Son of Amafa & Eunice Carrol Born August y« 4^^ 1808 A record of the births of M'". Ebenezer Skinner's Children Relecta Daughter of Ebenezer & Lydia Skinner Born September f^ 1788 Lydia Daughter of Eben"". & Lydia Skinner Born August y® 20'^: 1790 George son of Ebenezer & Lydia Skinner Born November y® 7*^^: 1792 Ebenezer, a twin Son of Eben''. & Lydia Skinner Born April ye 27th. j^gg Elias Son of Ebenezer & Lydia Skinner Born October y^ 28**^ : 1798 Paraclete Son of Eben"". & Lydia Skinner Born August y® 20*** : 1801 Sophia Daughter of Eben"". & Lydia Skinner Born August y° 23'^: 1803 Sabraan Daughter of Eben*". & Lydia Skinner born August y® 3"" 1805 Waldo Son of Ebenezer and Lydia Skinner Born October y° 13: 1808 Nancy Daughter of Ifaac & Jemima Hibbard Born December 4*^ : 1805 Lucy Daughter of Ifaac & Jemima Hibbard Born November y® 19*''. 1807 Habel May Daughter of Haac & Jemima Hibbard Born May y® 16''' 1809 [103] ■ R [ ] Births Gurden Hicks Son of John & Betfey Child Born August y® i^*. 1804 Abijah Smith Son of Jonathan & Hannah Lyon Born April y* 2^ 1805 Thomas Jefferfon son of Thomas Bugbee Jr. & Phebe his Wife Born May 27 1805 Myra Daughter of Ranefllaers & Prifcilla Child Born Febru- ary y^ 18*'' 1805 230 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS ^ Sufanna Daughter of Charles & Salle Lebret Born April y^ 21^*: 1804 George Wafhington Son of Loyd B 8c Lydia Birt Born April y® 13*'' 1805 Mahala Daughter of Appolos & Anna Dodge Born May y® 6 1804 Hannah Bradbury Daughter of Jesse L & Temperance Hunt Born June y® 20*^^ : 1805 Will™. Austin Son of Henry & Polly Converfe Born January y® lo*'^ 180 [ ] Seth Son of William & Fanny Hammond Born January y^ 18*'' 180 [ ] Abigail Daughter of David & Abigail Chaffee Born March y* 3^. 1802 Lydia Daughter of David & Abigail Chaffee Born July y^ 29*'' : 1803 Phebe Daughter of Didymus & Mary Howlett Born December y« 20''' : 1804 Mary Daughter of Jofeph & Molly Richmond Born June y® 11*^ 1 781 Jofeph Son of Jofeph & Molly Richmond Born March y^ 11*^: 1783 Sufannah Daughter of Jofeph & Molly Richmond Born April y® 5*^: 1786 Lovifa Daughter of Jofeph & Molly Richmond Born May y* 31^*: 1788 Zelotes Son of Jofeph & Molly Richmond Born October y® 21^*: 1791 Sela Daughter of Jofeph & Molly Richmond Born August y® 2^. 1794 John Son of Joseph & Molly Richmond Born March y^ 14*'': 1793 15 12 Births to this place & time July 19*^: 1805 which is my Birthday ; 79 years old Martha Daughter of Noah & Savilla Blackmar born May 26*^ : 1799 Lucy Daughter of Noah & Savilla Blackmar born October 22* : 1 801 Samuel son of Noah & Savilla Blackmar Born Novem^; 20*'*. 1803 Annis Daughter of Penuel & Marfilva Tucker Born April y® 2^. 1804 Danforth Son of Benjamin & Matilda Child Born Sepf. y^ 18*'': 1804 Noah Son of John & Huldah Mafon Born May y* 18 1805 Alfred Son of Alfred & Betfey Walker Born July y*" 29**^ 1805 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 231 Ruth Daughter Jonathan Marcy p. & Polly his Wife Born April y^ 5*^ : 1805 Mariann, Daughter of John And Allithea Auftin Born Novem''., 18*^ 1804 Judah Son of Jonas & Margret Barker Born September y^ 30*'' 1802 Silas Son of Jonas & Margret Barker Born September y^ 23*: 1804 Eaton Son of Phinehas Walker J"". & Lucy his Wife Born Sept^ 27: 1805 Nancy Daughter of Samuel & Sarah Mafcraft Born September y" 8*'^ : 1805 Electa Daughter of Abiel Chamberlin J''. & Salome his Wife Born Octo"". 11 : 1805 Clement Son of Henfdel & Betfey Clark Born August y® ii*** 1803 Charles W. Noyes Son of Charles W. Noyes & Abigail his Wife Born Janu^. 8'^ 178 [ ] [104] Record of Births Danforth Son of Luther & Molly Rawfon Born September y* 27*^: 1805 Horatio Nelfon Daughter of Elias Child 2^ & Polly his Wife Born August y^ 7^^ 1801 Polly Maria Daughter of Elias Child 2^ & Polly his Wife Born June y® 22*^ : 1803 Marian Daughter of Elias Child 2^ & Polly his Wife Born June y^ 18*'': 1805 Esqire James Son James & Jewel & Experiance Jewel Born Febru^. 5*^: 1789 Sally ann Daughter of James & Experiance Jewel Born May y" 22"*: 1787 Sophia Daughter of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born November 20. 1798 Abiel Son of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born February y® y^^ 1800 Content Daughter of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born March y^ 15*'': 1802 Hiram Son of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born April y® 26"* 1804 Nehemiah Jackfon Son of Rofwell & Hannah Ledoyt Born June y* f^: 1805 Charles Thomas Son of Parker & Abigail Morfe Born March y^ 24^1" : 1805 Silas May Son of Elkanah & Lucy Penniman Born March y^ 4*1": 1806 232 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sanford son of Albee & Roena Abbott Born December y® 24 1805 Zeruah Daughter of Jofeph P & Polly Corbin Born May y^ 3*^: 1805 Stephen Paul Son of Benjamin & Marfilva Webfter Born May y^ iS^^: 1803 Hiram Burnam Son of Aaron & Lucy Child Born December y^ 5'*^: 1805 Maria Daughter of Will"' & Sally Duncan Born March y« i^^^ 1805 Ezra Son of William & Francis Hammond Born February y® 17*'': 1806 Thomas Son of Luther & Rebekah Baldwin Born February ye 25th: 1805 Edwin Fayette Son of Ezekiel & Hannah Brown Born July y® 4'\ 1804 Zenas Windfor Son of Ezekiel & Hannah Brown Born Decem'". y® i^^: 1805 Lewis Kimball Son of Cyrill & Betfey Bacon Born June y® S*-^ 180S Marcus Son of Eliakim May J^. & Hannah his Wife Born January y^ 17*^: 1806 Sarah Cady Daughter of David & Abigail Chaffee Bom March y^ 1 : 1806 Sally Daughter of John & Hannah Lindley Born July y^ 28* 1805 Jedidiah Son of Simon & Clarissa Shepherd Born y® 8*'^ of January 1806 James Son of James & Annah Deliber Born February y^ 27 1782 Lucy Daughter of Uriah & Jerufha Lyon Born December y® 2^ : 1805 John^^ Mafon Son of John & Lois Manning Born November y® 21^'^: 1801 John Judfon Son of John & Lois Manning Born May y® 29 1805 1559 births to the 19*^ of July 1806 Marcia Daughter of Mofes and Matilda Lyon Born June 22* 1805 Phillip Son of Phillip & Mary Hayward Born December y° 31^*: 1805 Miriam Daughter of John & Molly Lincoln Born Septem'". 13*'': 1798 Damaris Daughter of John & Sarah Clark Born August y^ 19*'' - 1803 38 " John " crossed out. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 233 Gen" Samuel M'^Clellan Born in Worcester January y® 4**^ 1730 [105] Record of Births Sufannah Fox Daughter of Hannah Morfe Born April v^ 18*'' - 1 791 Ann Otis Learned Daughter of Hannah Morfe Born October y^ 24*^ : 1801 Jared Son of Ezra & Levina Lillie Born July y^ 24*'' - - 1802 Raiment Son of Timothy Perrin J"". & Lydia his Wife Born Febr^. 28*'^. 1799 Gurdin son of Timothy Perrin J"". & Lydja his Wife Born August y® 13*'' 1 801 Polly Daughter of Timothy Perrin J^. & Lydia his Wife Born Novem"". 19*^ : 1802 Lorinza Son of Eleazar & Kezia Litchfield Born August y® 2^ - 1799 I have Recorded 1355 births to July 19*'': 1803 Lucy Daughter of Samuel & Sarah Mafcraft Born May y* 22^ 1802 Lorinda Daughter of Peleg & Rebeckah Corbin Born August ye J St j^pp Melenda Daughter of Phinehas Walker J"". & Lucy his Wife Born Decern'". 30 1801 Nathan Son of Ifrael & Prif cilia Williams Born July y^ 10''^. 1803 Luther Son of Luther & Rebekah Baldwin BOrn July y^ 14*^: 1803 Nancy Daughter of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born September 16: 1803 Nancy Haftens Daughter of Cyrus & Rachel Powers Born July y^ 4**^ 1802 Nancy Maria Daughter of Marvin & Nancy Clark Born Sep- tember 3*^ 1800 Elmira Son of Alvan & Sally Lyon Born March y® 16*'' 1802 Abiel Son of Noah & Lydia Ledoyt Born April y® 4*^*: 1803 Warner Son of Henry & Sally Perry Born November y® 1$*^: 1800 Otis Son of Calvin & Lucy Perrin Born October y® 14*^^: 1803 Celifta Daughter of Rufus & Jemima Leonard Born March y« 3^. 1800 Jencks Wheeler son of Rufus & Jemima Leonard Bom May ye j2th. j8q2 Royal Son of William & Fanny Hammond Born April y® 6'^. 1802 Eliza Daughter of Elijah & Anna Torry Born February y® 9*^^: 1801 234 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Parley son of Elijah & Anna Torry Born February i8 - 1803 Sufanna Moore Daughter of Bezaleel & Bathfheba Gould Born May y® 2.2.^. 1790 Sophia Daughter of Bezaleel Sz: Bathfheba Gould Born May ye 20*^^ 1792 Silas Son of Bezaleel & Bathfheba Gould Born February y® II - 1794 Calvin Son of Bezaleel & Bathfheba Gould Born October ye 30th . jj,c,5 Luther Son of Bezaleel & Bathfheba Gould Born April 13*^ 1797 Lucinda Daughter of Bezaleel & Bathfheba Gould Bom Sep- tem''. 2d^^ 1798 Mary Daughter of Bezaleel & Bathfheba Gould Born Septem^ i^*: 1802 Afa Son of Ifaac & Jemima Hibbard Born September 24*'': 1801 Charles son of Ifaac & Jemima Hibbard Born November 28: 1803 Sophia Daughter of John & Huldah Chandler Born May y® 18*^: 1802 Erafmus Son of Luther & Molly Rawfon Born October y* 16* - 1803 Sarah May Daughter of Amos & Polly Paine Born October 23^ 1803 Eliza Daughter of Walter & Ellis John f on Born Augu [ ] [106] Record of Births Dimof thanes Son of Daniel & Parmelia Tiffany Born March ye 25th _ j8q2 Lucy Daughter of Simon & Clarifsa Shepherd Born June ye 26t'»: - 1803 Elvira Daughter of Alfred & Betfey Walker Born August 5*^: 1803 Sally Winchester; Daughter of Amafa & Perly Lyon Born March 23^: 1803 Deliver Son of Phinehas Walker J"". & Lucy his Wife Born September y® 19'-^: 1803 Jafon Son of Henry & Sally Perry Born January y® 30*^: 1804 Anna Fifk Daughter of Ezra & Beulah Lyon Born February y^ 18*1^: 1803 Nancy Daughter of James & Eunie M<=Clellan Bom Decern''. y^ 26*''. 1803 Thomas Son of William & Sarah May Born January y® 12^^^: - 1804 Schuiler Son of Daniel Lyon J"". & Esther his Wife Born December y* "j^^. 1801 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 235 Roena Daughter of Albee & Roena Abbott Born January y® 12*'^. 1804 Ranflaer son of Abiel & Salome Chamberlin Born January y° y^'^: 1804 Leonard son of Abram & Urfula Marcy Born December y® 31^*: 1803 William Norris Son of John & Betfey Child Born August y® 6*'^: 1801 Rufsel Son of John & Betfey Child Born January y® 21^* 1803 Gordin Judfon Son of Edmimd & Polly Tiffiany Born Sept- ember y® 9^^: 1802 Thomas Son of David & Lydia Perrin Born March y^ 3'^ - - 1802 Cynthia Daughter Willard & Silvia Child 'Born April y® 2^ - - 1804 Abel Son of Solomon C & Elifabeth Horfmer Born March 26'''. 1803 Conftant Southward of Manffield Esq^ Born April 15^^ Old Stile - 1730 Abiel Son of Caleb & Naomi Chaffee Born January y® 5^"^ - - 1801 Calvin Son of Alvan & Salle Lyon Born May y^ 17'^'': - 1804 Seth son of William and Frances Hammond Born Jan^ iS*"* 1804 Silas Son of Reuben & Beriah Gould Bom April y^ is**" - - 1803 Samuel B Son of Eliakim & Hannah May Born April y^ 7*'': 1802 Jafper Son of Eliakim & Hannah May Born March y^ ii**: 1804 George son of Allen & Polly Tiffany Born February 24'^'' - - 1800 Harriot Daughter of Allen & Polly Tiffany Born January ye ^Qth _ jgQ2 Dolly Daughter of Allen & Polly Tiffany Born January y"^ 15*^: 1804 Nancy Daughter of Jofeph & Lucy Deans Born October v® 7 - - 1803 John Son of Barnard & Cyntha Easterbrook Born June y® i^: 1804 Elijah Son of Samuel & Rebekah Lyon Born April y® 9*^^ - - 1802 Otis Son of Samuel & Rebekah Lyon Bom March y^ 26*'* 1804 Jonas Son of Jofeph & Anna Seagrave Born June y^ 11^^: 1804 Thomas Son of Uriah & Jerufha Lyon Born March y® 4*** 1803 236 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Dorothy & Danforth twin Children of Perley & Polly Lyon Born June y^ 5*^^ : 1804 Lydia Sefsions Daughter Mercy Barret, which child is Illegitimate Born Janua''^ 29: 1804 Prifcilla Daughter of Olive & Polly Barret Born April y^ 12''': - 1804 [ ] 118 No y« 19 of July 1804^^ [107] Record of Births Mary Daughter of Jefse & Ruth White Born July y^ 29*^ - - 1806 Abigail Daughter of Daniel & Mary Paine Born May y* 17th _ _ j^^3 Emely Daughter of Daniel & Mary Paine Born July y® 17 1799 ' Eliza Daughter of Daniel & Mary Paine Born January y" 12^'', 1802 Sarah Daughter of John & Faith M<=Clellan Born April y« 28*^: 1806 James Eldridge son of James & Nancy M°Clellan born Aug- ust 14''': 1806 John Son of Benjamin & Prifcilla Lyon Born April y® 27*^ 1806 Caroline Davis Daughter of Abel & Anna Perrin Bom May ye 26"^ - - 1806 Charles Stoddard Son of Charles & Polly Skinner Born Jan- uary y^ 27*'': 1806 Charles Squire Son of Charles & Salle Lebret Born August y« 8*^ - - 1806 Walter Son of Calvin & Lucy Perrin Born May y® 19 - - 1806 Peggy Daughter of Oliver and Efther Kendall Born January ye 28''': 1792 Smith Son of Oliver and Esther Kendall Born Sept"", y® 29*^, 1793 Hannah Daughter of Oliver & Esther Kential Born October 30*^: 1795 Freeman Son of Oliver and Esther Kendal Born February y® 23": 1799 Salter Son of David & Lydia Perrin Born Janu^. 24*^': 1805 Nancy Daughter of Will™ and Allice Paul Born August y® 28*^: - 1804 Malinda Daughter of Jacob & Arfena Mafcraft Born June y« 6'*^ : 1806 Dolly May Daughter of Abram & Lydia Paine Born January ye 2^51 - 1807 39 Marginal note. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 237 Allice Daughter of Samuel & Azubah Chaffee Born July y" iS*'' - 1799 Elizer Daughter of Samuel & Azubah Chaffee Born April 2*^: 1803 Ezra Son of Samuel & Azubah Chaffee Born April y^ 12'^'': 1806 William Son of Ithamar & Joanna Comes Born June y** 7*^: 1806 Almond Son of Timothy J''. & Dorcafs Perrin Born May y® 2.e^\ 1806 Charles Son of John & Huldah Chandler Born July y® 2*^ - - 1806 Lowell Son of Amos White & Hepfibath his Wife Born May y^ 20*^ : 1804 Jeft"erfon son of Amos White & Hepfibath his Wife Born June y^ iS*'^: 1805 Otis Son of Amos White & Hepfibath his Wife Born October y® 12 - 1806 Polly Daugther of Afa & Polly Morfe Born July y^ 22*^ - - 1801 John & Jacob twins and Sons of Afa Sz: Polly Morfe Born March y^ 10*^: 1805 Mofes Son of Thomas & Alphlede Chandler Born November ye J^th. j^^p Sally Daughter of Thomas & Alplede Chandler Born August y^ 26*^: 1801 Afa Son of David & Mary Corbin Born March y^ 29*'' - - 1793 Benjamin Son of David & Mary Corbin born October y® 20*'' - - 1794 Elias son of David & Mary Corbin Born May y® 25'''': - - 1797 Eleazar Son of David & Mary Corbin Born May y® 5*'' - 1799 Emeline Daughter of Will"" & Mary Fox Born January y^ 23"^ - 1806 Sarah Healy Daughter of Hezekiah Palmer & Rofalinda his Wife born Sept^ 15*'^, 18 [ ] [108] Record of Births Bathfheba Daughter of Reuben & Beriah Gould born January 2^^"^: 1807 Zephaniah son of Ezra & Sally Dean Born Septem"". y^ 14"^: 1804 Telamon Son of Ezra & Sally Dean Born December y® 7*'': 1806 Horatio son of William Corbin J'". & Mercy his Wife Born August I7*^ 1806 Charles W. Noyes son of Charles W. Noyes & Abigail his Wife Born January y« S''', 1784 238 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Samuel Son of Charles W. Noyes & Abigail his Wife Born December y« 17*'' - 1787 Abby Daughter of Charles W. Noyes & Abigail his Wife Born December y® 27'^* 1790 Sybbel Daughter of Charles W. Noyes & Abigail his Wife Born January y® g^^ 1794 Lonzo Sal Twin Sons of Jonathan & Hannah Lyon Born Lorin j January y^ 19*^: 1807 Joel Son of Jacob & Eunice Perrin Bom October y^ 26^: 1806 Sara ann Daughter of Amos & Polly Perrin Born May y* 25*** : 1807 Bridget Daughter of David & Lois Holwill Born December ye 27th. lygy Jofeph Fealdon Son of Henry & Sarah Perry Born June y® 26*'^. 1806 Cyril Son of Cyril & Abigail Chapman Born January y® 29*'', 1807 Maryette Daughter of Pliny & Lucy Woodward Born May y^ i^': 1805 Mary ann Daughter of Charles & Sarah Hunt Smith Born May y^ 31^*^: 1807 Jefse Penniman Son of Amafa & Parley Lyon Born November 17*'*: 1806 Sukey White ; then Simpfon, Now Wife to Calvin Morfe born March y« 18: 1770 Samuel Chandler Son of John & Betfey Paine Born February y^ 21^*^: 1807 Clarifsa Daughter of Benajah & Nabby Bugbee Born August 23* - 1807 Keziah Branch Daughter of Eleazar & Keziah Litchfield Born October y^ 9*'': 1806 Jemima Daughter of Oliver & Dorathy Perrin Born November y® 16*'^: 187 Myrtilla Daughter of Phinehas Walker J"". & Lucy his Wife Born June y^ 3^: 1807 Grace Daughter of Uriah & Eunice Walker Born May y® 15*^; 1807 Lucy Lyman Daughter of Chefter & Hannah May Born Nov- ember the 22^, 1807: Edmund Prelate Son of Edmund & Polly Tiffany Born Sep- tember y® 26*^ : 1807 Emeline Daughter of Samuel & Rebekah Lyon Born July y^ 25^J» - - 1806 Polly Daugther of Oliver & Polly Barret Born September y* 17*. 1807 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 239 Sally Marcy Daughter of Charles & Sally Leebrett born Febr^ 7''': 1808 Stiles Son of Luther & Molly Rawfon Born August y" 2( ?)o*^ 1807 William Son of William & Saloma Paul Born September y° 23"^ - - 1793 Amafa Son of William & Saloma Paul Born September y® 13 179s Nancy Daughter of William & Allice Paul Born August y® 28 - - 1804 Sanford Son of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born September y« 13*'': 1806 Prudence May Daughter of Cyril & Nabby Carpenter Born Sept^ y^ 9* : 1807 Maria Therefsa Daughter of Abiel and Judith Fox Born January y® 16** - 1808 Mafon son of Parker & Abigail Morfe Bom January y^ 7'*^ - 1808 [109] Record of Births Parmelia Daughter of Nathaniel & Betfey Briggs Born at Rochester November 23*' 17 [ ] Mary Parker & Chandler Robbins twins of Nathaniel & Betfey Briggs Born at Rochester February 29*'' 180 [ ] Zebedee Clap Son of Nath'^ & Betfey Briggs Born at Roches- ter January 25'"' : 180 [ ] Nathaniel Son of NatW^ & Betfey Briggs Born at Woodstock May y^ 22^: I [ ] Jeremiah Clap Son of Nath" & Betfey Briggs Born February ye i4_.[ ]39 Jane Daughter of John McClellan Esq"". & Faith his Wife Born September y^ 16"' : [ ] Horace Son of John & Elanor Knapping Born Septem''. y^ 8**' 18 [ ] Maryann Daughter of Uriah & Chriftiana Smith Born October S"- [ ] Rachel Daughter of Henfdell & Betfey Clark Born December 2 - - 180 [ ] Sanford son of Henfdall & Betfey Clark Born March y® 2^— 180 r ] • I have recorded 1775 Births up to this i^': of November 1809 Edward Ingerfoll Son of Nath". & Grace McClellan Born February y® 12*^ [ ] Juftus Son of Dolphus & Chloe Child Born September v** 21=' - [ ] Amos Son of Amos & Hephfibah White Born June y^ 3*^: - I [ ] 39 The above six children were baptized July 1, 1810. 240 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sanford son of Benajah & Nabby Bugbee born September ye 2d [ ] Elifabeth Hala Daughter of John & Elifabeth Easterbrook born May y® 2 [ ] John Theophilus Bradbury Chandler Son of John & Elifabeth Ea [ ] Born January y® 22^ 1808 Ebenezer Howard son of John & Elifabeth Easterbrook Born [ ] Schuiler Son of Jeremiah & Zurviah Phillips Bom April y® 26*^^: 18 [ ] Milton Son of Carpenter & Rebeckah Bradford Born January y« 12*'^: 18 [ ] Seth son of Epaphras and Sally Child Born March 5*^ 1802 Sally Daughter of Epaphas and Sally Child Born Novem"" 21^* i[ ] Emeline Daughter of Epaphras and Sally Child Born Octob'" 14*^^ 18 [ ] Abiel son of Charles & Sally Lebrett Born February y® 4*^ : - I [ ] Marian Daughter of Elkanah & Phebe Spring Bom Decem [ ] Sarah Daughter of Reu'ben & Beriah Gould Born July y® lo"* : [ ] Clark Son of EHas & Matilda Mafon Born November [ ] Benjamin Wilkinfon Son of George & Allice Potter Born October 26 [ ] Judfon Son of William & Nancy Phillips Born Febru^. [ ] Jonathan John Evans Son of John & Hannah Lindley Born September ist [ ] Cordis son of Eliakim May J^. & Hannah his Wife Born Feb- ruary y® 8*^ - - 180 [ ] Ezra son of Eliakim May J"". & Hannah his Wife Bom Feb- ruary y® 27*^* - - 18 [ ] Eliza twin Daughter with the s*^ Ezra of Eliakim May J"". & Hannah his Wife Born Febry 27*'* : 18 [ ] Sela Daughter of William & Francis Hammond Born April y« 27 - - 18 [ ] Nancy ann Daughter of Nathaniel & Amy Marcy Born Oct- tober 28*^: 18 [ ] Luther Son of Daniel & Sally Paine Born May y®i3t^ - - [ ] Monica Daughter of Afa & Allis Goodell Born May y® 30*^ - - [ 3 [no] Record of Births [ ] Daughter of John & Huldah Mafon Born May y* 7*'*: 1810 Hartly Lee Son of Jonathan & Matilda Lee Born August y® 7«», 1808 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 241 [ ] ard, Son of Jofeph & Parthena Huntington Born June y« 18*^. 1809 [ ]n Son of Appollos & Anna Dodge Born January y^ 30 - - 1806 [ ]a Daughter of Apollos & Anna Dodge Born February y^ 23*^ 1808 [ Jfanna Mafon Daughter of Alexander & Sufanna Coburn Born May 17*'': 1810 [ Jrillia Whetmore Daughter of Urfula Cole Born July ye Qth _ _ J 809 [ ]niel Fitts Son of Calvin & Patience Gay, Born October y« e^. - - 1808 [ ]a Daughter of Phinehas Walker J"" & Lucy his Wife born Novem"". 10: 1809 [ jmarida Daughter of John & Anna Howlett Born June ye JQth. _ jgQ^ Lydia Daughter of Chester and Hannah May Born September y^ 20*^ : 1810 Hiram Son of Didymus Howlet by Matilda Wife of Samuel Martin born Nov"". 30 1809 Mary Spaldin Daughter of Parker Comins J''. & Lucy his Wife born August 29 1809 [ ]ett Son of Daniel & Phebe Mafcraft Born April y« 10^'' : - - 1808 [ ]iam Son of Henry & Betfey Corbin Born December ye nth _ j8q^ [ ]es Son of Henry & Betfey Corbin Born February y^ 18* - - 1804 [ ]ly Daughter of Henry & Betfey Corbin Born August y^ 19*'': 1806 [ ]chel Danforth Son of Danforth & Hannah Lyon Born May 23"^: 1810 [ ]ur and| Twins of John and Hulda Chandler [ jarfha J Born June 25*^ 1808 Catharine Daughter of Perley and Sally Fox Born Nov"" 26*'* 1810 Harriat Daughter of Oliver and Dorothy Perin Born Septem''. 13**" 1810 [ ]ius Lemuel son of Charles and Hannah Chandler Born August 5*-'' 1809 [ C Jharles Dighton son of Luther and Molly Rawson born March 14*'' 1810 Seth son of Uriah and Christian Smith born Jan'', i*^ - 181 1 Fidelia Daughter of Will™, and Hannah Chapman born Jan^ 22 1809 [ jus Bolles son of Benjamin & Matilda Child born Sept^. 20: 1809 16 242 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [Edwi]n Son of John & Betfey Child Born May 12*^- 1810 [ ]mira Daughter of Eli & Tryphena Kendal Born August II. 1792 Carpenter son of Marvin and Nancy Clerk Born Decemb"" 28*'' 1810 Lucy Torry Daughter of Pliny & Lucy Woodward Born January 3^: 1808 Emelia Daughter of Pliny & Lucy Woodward Born April y® 21^^ - - 1810 Emely Daughter of Afa & Theodora Bugbee born February i;*'": 1811 [ ]mer Son of Charles & Sarah Martin Born April y° 6^^: 1810 Stattira Daughter of Charles and Sarah Martin Born June i H*'^ 18 [ ] [ ]1 Child son of Abiel and Salome Chamberlin [ ] 9*1^ 1811 [in] Records of Births Noah Mafon Son of Alexander & Sufannah Coburn Bom January y® 21^*^ - - 1800 John Son of Alexander & Sufannah Coburn Born May y® 25*11 - - 1801 Polly Daughter of Alexander & Sufannah Coburn Born March y^ ii^*': 1803 Alexander son of Alex'". & Sufannah Coburn Born August y* 18*'': 1807 Daman Son of John & Deborah Chandler Born January y* 3i«* - 1808 Lucy Daughter of Jonathan & Zubah Morfe Born April y^ 6'*^: Wednefday - 1808 William Henry Son of Philip and Mary Hayward Born Aug- ust y^ 6 - - 1807 Mary Daughter of Eliphalet & Hannah Huntington Born October y^ 8**^. 1807 Galen Son of Benjamin & Hanah Marcy Born; April y^ 12**^ - 1807 Afa Son of Loami & Mary Stone Born October y® 20*'': -- 1795 Sarah Daughter of Loami & Mary Stone Born February y^ 20^'' - 1797 John Son of Loami & Mary Stone Born February 20'^^ - - 1799 Aaron Son of Loami & Mary Stone Born April y^ f^ - 1801 Hannah Daughter of Loami & Mary Stone Born February y« 8'^ - 1803 Sophia Daughter of Loami & Mary Stone Born March y® 29 - 1805 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 243 Lucy Daughter of Jefse L & Temperance Hunt Born April 2.(f - 1808 Dwight Son of Albee & Roena Abbott Eorn April y^ 6*^ - - 1808 Willard Son of John P. Allen & Betfey his Wife Bom April y« 10*''. 1808 George Sidney Son of George W. & Bathfheba Partridge born Nove''. f^: 1807 Sanford Holmes Son Jofeph P & Polly Corbin Born September 13 - 18 [ ] I have Recorded 1660 Births; up to this time July 8'''. 1808 Alvan Greenleaf, Son of Rev^. Alvan and Peggy Underwood, Born April y^ 15*^ 1809 Jefse Deliber Son of James Deliber & Polly his Wife Bom February y^ 9**^ 178 [ ] Thomas son of Jefse and Polly Deliber Born October y® 14"' - - 1799 Jefse son of Jefse & Polly Deliber Born March y^ 11*^: 1801 Benjamin Son of Jefse & Polly Deliber Born September y® 14*^: 1803 Annah Daughter of Jefse & Polly Deliber Born October y® 27*'' 1805 George Son of Nathan & Sufanna Matthew f on Born March y« 29t>' - 1795 David Son of Nathan & Sufanna Matthewfon Born January ye jSt j^(^g Arnold Son of Nathan & Sufanna Matthewfon Born January 26^^^: 1 80 1 Levina Lyon Daughter of Ranflaer & Prif cilia Child Born November i^' 1806 Gurdin Son of Nathaniel & Amy Marcy Born October y® 6^^^. 1802 Gestin Son of Nathanial & Amy Marcy Born July y^ 18'^ - 1803 Edwin son of Nathaniel & Amy Marcy Born March y® 28*^: 1804 Alfred & Alvin twin sons of Nathaniel & Amy Marcy Born March y® 5'^'': 1807 Augustus Storrs Son of King & Lucy Hayward Born Nov- ember 24***; 18 [ ] Almira Daughter of King & Lucy Hayward Born April y® 9*^: 1805 Nancy Daughter of King and Lucy Hayward Born July y® 28*^: 1806 Pliny Son of King and Lucy Hayward Born May y® 18: If 244 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [112] The Birth & age of my Greatgrandchildren in Craftf- bury Clarifsa Daughter of Leonard & Polly Morfe of Craftfbury Born March y" s^ 1802 Nancy Breefe Daughter of Leonard & Polly Morfe Born April y^ 13*'^: 1804 William Son of Leonard & Polly Morfe Born October y® H*'^: - - 1806 Sophia Daughter of Leonard & Polly Morfe Born March y® 8*^ : - 1808 The Birth & age of my Greatgrandchildren in Exeter & Woodstock Lydia Daughter of David & Hannah Morfe of Exeter Born January 2^ - 1805 Earl Son of David & Hannah Morfe of Exeter Born Septem- ber y^ 27: 1806 Roscius Son of David & Hannah Morfe of Exeter Born April y« 2g^^: 1808 Parker Son of Eli f ha & Nancy Child of Exeter Born March ye 27th. J 803 Harriot Daughter of Eli f ha & Nancy Child of Exeter Born Novem^ y^ 18''' - 1804 Elias Son of Eli f ha & Nancy Child of Exeter Born September y^ 3''. 1806 Willard Son of Eli f ha & Nancy Child of Exeter Born April ye jj7th. _ jgQg Loifa Wood, Daughter of Elkanah & Lucy Penniman Born Sepf. y^ 23^: 1808 Lydia Daughter of Abram W. and Lydia Paine Born October ye 27th. jgQg A Still Born Infant Daughter of Pearley & Sally Fox Born February y® 16'*": 1809 Dolly May Daughter of Abram & Lydia Paine Born January ye ^th _ _ jgQ-, Silas May son of Elkanah & Lucy Penniman Born March y^ 4^^ - - 1806 Silas, Son of Chester & Hannah May Born February y® y^^ - - 1809 Mary Daughter of Parker & Lydia Holbrook of Fairley ( ?) Born July y® 26*^: - 1809 Sarah Daughter of Jofeph & Suky Morfe of Lemminfter Born Sept^ 2^. 1809 Calvin Son of Jofeph & Suky Morfe of D° Born Septem"". - 28 1806 William Son of Jofeph & Suky Morfe of D° Born February S''^ 1808 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 245 Ephraim Son of Charles T Child & Clarifsa his Wife of Exeter born November y® [ ] 1808 Caroline Daughter of Chester & Bridget Morfe of Westfield born January y^ 3 : 1809 Erastus son of Alba and Roeny Abbott born Jan^ 15''' 1810 Betfey Daughter of Job & Sally Wheaton Born February y® 2.7 - 1806 Abigail Daughter of James and Abigail Wheaton born Octob'' 27*'' 1809 George son of Elkanah & Lucy Penniman Born June y** 22*^: - 1810 Lydia Daughter of Chester & Hannah May Born September y® 20"^: 1810 Elifabeth Daughter of Charles T. Child & Clarifsa his Wife of Exeter Born April 11*'': 1810 Linus Son of David & Hannah Morfe of Exeter Born April ye 20''' - - 1810 Charles T. Son of Elifha and Nancy Child of Exeter Born April y^ 27*^: 1810 Catherine Daughter of Perley & Sally Fox Born November y^ 26: 1810 Chester Son of Chester & Bridget Morfe Born at Westfield December 17*''. 1810 Sarah C. Daughter of Jedidiah Morfe 2^ & Almira his Wife Born January y^ 4: 1812 Luther son of Charles T. & Clarifsa Child Born December ye i6th - - 181 1 Jofeph Jacobs Son of Charles & Sophia Morfe Born April ye 27th - - 1812 Mary ann Daughter of Chester & Hannah May Born June y^ 4*** : 1812 [113] Mary Maria Daughter of Waldo' and Almira Fox born Febr^. 13*^ 181 2 John Newton son of Abiel and Solama Chamberlin born May 26*^ 1812 Alvan Bacon Son of Benajah & Nabba Bugbee Born Feb- ruary y^ 22"^: 18 [ ] Mary Daughter of Alvan & Bethiah Bacon Born July y** 12"^ - - 180 [ ] Sarah Daughter of Alvan & Bethiah Bacon Born June y® I8*^ - 1809 Joseph Jacobs Son of Charles & Sophia Morse Born; April 27*** - 1812*0 Mary ann Daughter of Chester & Hannah May Born June ye 4th __ j8i2*o ** A line has been drawn through this entry. 246 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Walter son of Walter and Elles Johnson born Sepf 4*'' 1807 Sally ann Daughter of Walter and Elles Johnson born Nov- emb'" 4*^ 181 1 James Son of Alfred & Betfey Walker Born March 12*'':- 1808 Willam son of Alfred & Betfey Walker Born May y^ IS***: 1810 Mary ann Daughter of Samuel & Lowis Pike Born March H**^: 1806 Zenas son of John A. Marcy & Sabra his Wife Born Decem- ber y^ 24 - 181 1 ■ Aner Son of Laban & Sally Underwood Born March y^ 21^' - 1812 Amelia Maria Daughter of Eben'" and Lucy Stoddard born June 12'^ 1812 Adifon Son of Wheeler & Anna Phillips Born November y® S^^ 181 1 Margret Daughter of Benjamin & Hannah Marcy Born June y^ II : 181 1 Samuel Paul son of John and Hannah Linley born Novemb"" 13''' 1811 Soranus Jacob Son of Zephaniah Lincoln J"". & Lucy his Wife born June 21^*: 1812 Edward Eldridge and| twin Sons of Docf Daniel Lyman & Edwin Huntington ] Mary his Wife Bor[] April y* 8:[] Galen Son Benjamin and Hannah . born April 12 1808 Lois Ann Daughter of John W and Lucy Browning born June IS*'' 180 [ ] Jane Allice Daughter of John W and Lucy Browning born June 25*'' 180 [ ] , Clarinda Daughter of John W. and Lucy Browning born August 3*^ 181 [ ] John Weld son of Abel & Anna Perrin Born September y® 6''' - 1812 Benjamin Hill son of Benjamin H. Skinner and Polly his wife born Jan^. 5*^ 1804 John; Son of John M'=Clellan Esq"". & Faith his Wife Born August y^ 31**^: 1812 Hartwell, Son of Phinehas Walker J^. & Lucy his Wife born April 22*^ 1812 Lyman son of Charles and Sarah Martin born May 3*^ 1812 } Mary Drefsor Daughter of Ezra and Bulah Lyon born Febr'^ i«* 1808 Marcus son of Ezra and Bulah Lyon born June 7'^ 1810 Angelina B Daughter of John and Polly Clark Born June II 1811 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 247 [114] Ledoyt John son of Pliney and Lucy Woodard born Jan^ i^* 181 3 Oliver son of Marvin and Amelia Ingols born Sepf 3*^ 1812 Lemuel son of Willard and Anna Goodell born Febr'^ ii** 1811 Julian Daughter of Joseph and Lucy Deans born May 31^' 1808 Eliza Daughter of Joseph and Lucy Deans born Jan^. 11*^ 1811 Mary Daughter of Marcus ond Marcha Taft born August 3* 1812 Almond David son of Joseph P. and Polly Corbin born April 22*^ 1810 Lucy Adeline Daughter of Alanson and Nancy Bolles born October the 30**' 181 1 Angelina Atwood Daughter of Epraim and Sarah Horsmer Born November 20*^. 1812 Stephen William son of John and Bethesday Perrin bom Janua^ 14**^1813 George Son of Perley & Sally Fox born April y® 12: 1813 Cyntha Daughter of Laban and Sally Underwood born Febr^ 21* 1813 Roswell Mason son of Roswell and Hannah Ledoyt born Octob"" 31^* 181 1 Recorded Loifa Grace Daughter of Charles and Hannah Chandler born April 20*^ 1 81 2 Samuel son of Hezekiah ond Rosalinda Palmer bom Novemb"" 25^^^ 181 1 George son of Asa and Theodora Bugbee born Febr^ 19*'^ 1813 Adelade Daughter of Uriah and Cristiana Smith born Octob' 29*'' 1812 [115] Record of Births [ ] Daughter of Jedidiah Morfe 2.^ and Almira his Wife born January [ ] Luther Son of Charles T. & Clarrifsa Child of Exeter N York Bom January [ ] John son of John and Betey Paine born Jan^ 12*^^ 1812 Lydia Daughter of Daniel & Sarah Paine Born February y^ M*'^: 18 [ ] Amos son of Daniel & Sarah Paine Born September y® 13 - 1808 Luther son of Daniel & Sarah Paine Born May y** 14*^ - 1810 Edwin Smith Son of Aldis & Nancy Penniman Born Decem'". 26*'': 181 1 Otis Son of Mofes & Matilda Lyon Born July y^ 7*^-- 1811 248 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sarah ann daughter of Loyd B and Lydia Burt born May 26**^ 18 [ ] James Gordon son of Loyd B. and Lydia Burt born July 21^* 1809 ^ George Washington son of Loyd B. and Lydia Burt bom Jan^ 3<* 181 1 Sally Pellet daughter of Hartwell and Lois Holmes born Novemb'" [ ] Luther son of Hartwell and Lois Holmes Jan^ 15'^'' 1806 Hannah Palmer Daughter of Hartwell and Lois Holmes born Decemb'' 22^ 1809 Temperance Bishop daughter of Hartwell an[ ] Holmes born May \^'^ 181 1 William son of Daniel and Sophia Minard born [ ] Hannah Daughter of Thomas & Elifabeth Corbin born April [ ] Mary Daughter of Thomas & Elifabeth Corbin Born May r V \ Zera son of Thomas & EHfabeth Corbin Born December [ ] Sarah Cole Daughter of Thomas & Elifabeth Corbin born March [ ] Thomas son of Thomas & Elifabeth Corbin born December [ ] William Henry Son of Adolphus Martin Martin & Nancy Potter his Wife Born Sep[ ] Asa son of Josiah Willard and Ruth Chaffee born May 22^ 1797 Rhoda Daughter of Josiah W. and Ruth Chafee born Sept"^ 28 [ ] Lucy Daughter of Josiah W. and Ruth Chaffee born Febr^ 19*" i[ ] Willard son of Josiah W. and Ruth Chaffee born Decem'' "j^^ [ ] Josiah son of Josiah W. and Ruth Chaffee born August 20*'* 1803 Nancy Daughter of Josiah W. and Ruth Chaffee born Decern'' 26^'^ - 180 [ ] Jemima Daughter of Josiah W. and Ruth Chaffee born Aug* 24*'^ 18 [ J Stephen [ ]iah W. and Ruth Chaffee born Decern' 24*'' 180 [ ] [ ] Josiah W. and Ruth Chaffee born May 2^ 18 [ ] [ ] Perley and Mary Lyon born Nov'" 14 [ ] [116] [ ]ry Lucnetia Daughteit iof James and Nancy M-^Clellan [ ] [ ]drew son of Abijah and Dorothy Dewing Born March 19*"^ 1809 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 249 [ ]nford son of Abijah and Dorothy Dewing born Decemb'". S'^ 1810 [ ]nice Daughter of Eben"" and Catharine Dewing born April 5'^ 1808 [ ]riam Daughter of Jofeph and Miriam Allard born May 16*^ 1803 Joseph Child son of Joseph and Miriam Allard born Decemb'" 16*'^ 1808 David Copp son of Parker and Lucy Comins born Febr^ 27^^ 1811 Sarah Daughter of Charles & Polly Sanger Born October y« 28^*^ - 1810 Alma Daughter of John and Bethesday Perrin born March 29*^^ 181 [ ] Son of Abram W. & Lydia Paine Born May y^ 23^. 181 [ ] Royal Hibbard son of Asa and Allathea Child born Jan^. ly^^ 180 [ ] Afa Waterman Son of Afher & Mariann Hyde Born Septem- ber 28*": 180 [ ] Mary Eliza Daughter of Afher & Mariann Hyde Born Decem"". y^ 13*'' - 18 10 Claris fsa Daughter of Ransellaer and Prif cilia Child Born Sept^ 26'^ 181 [ ] [ ] Daughter of John and Ollive Wilber Born June 7'^ 1810 [Amasa Lyon son] of Ebenezer & Sally Bifhop Born February ye 20*'^ 1799 [Elisha son of] Eben"". and Sally Bifhop born September y® 19*^ 1800 [Adelia d] aughter of Eben"". & Sally Bifhop born December y® 11*^: 1802 [Hezekiah] son of Ebenezer & Sally Bifhop born December y® 2^: 1804 [Tabitha Strong] Daughter of Eben^. & Sally Bifhop Born September y^ 13*^: 1806 [ ] Daughter of William & Frances Hammond Born June y^ 17^'': 181 1 [ ] Daughter of Ingolfby W. & Rhoda Crawford Born August y^ i^': 181 1 [Samu]el Son of Reuben & Beriah Gould Born October y° 8*^": 181 1 [ ]uly Daughter of John and Hulda Chandler born March 7"^ 181 1 [ ] aniel Son of George & Lucy Stead Born July y^ 16*^ : - 1801 250 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [ ]sen son of George & Lucy Stead Born February y^ ^^^ 1804 George Baylies Son of George & Lucy Stead Bom April y^ 23"^: 1806 Angel son of George & Lucy Stead Born August y® 19 1809 Fredrick Son of George & Lucy Stead Born August y* g*^: 1811 Sofia ann Daugter of Abel and Anna Perrin born August 12*'* 1810 Rachel Abba Daughter of Nathaniel and Grace M°Clellan born DecemV 30*^ 1810 Schuyler son of Nehemiah K. Harris by Betsy Hooker wife of Samuel Hooker born Decemb'" 12*'' 180 [ . ] [ ]Anna Daughter of Hadlock & Anna Perrin [ ] [117] [ ]cy Emaline Daughter of Alanson Bolles & Nancy his wife Born March 26**^ 18 [ ] [ ]line Daughter of George Stead & Lucy his wife Bom November 29*'' 181 [ ] Maria Daughter of George Stead by Lucy his wife Born December 12*^ 181] ] Lucy Daughter of George Stead & Lucy his wife Born Nov- ember 6*'^ 1819 Mercy Daughter of Joab Giles by Belinda his wife Born October 11*'' 1800 Mary Randell Daughter of Israel Mathewson & Catharine his wife Born Sep*. 15*''. 1802 Horatio Bowen Son of Israel Mathewson & Catherine his wife Born March 4*'', 1804 Charles son of Israel Mathewson & his wife Catherine Born June 14*^^ i8[ ] James Volintine son of Israel Mathewson & Catherine his wife Born June [ ] Edwin son of Israel Mathewson & Catherine his wife Born June 18 [ ] Periwill Son of Israel Mathewson & Catherine his wife Born October 22 [ ] Louisa Catherine Daughter of Israel Mathewson and Cath- erine his wife Born [ ] Samuel Williams Son of Isael Mathewson & Catherine his wife Born [ ] Israel Son of Israel Mathewson & Catherine his wife Bom Feb^ 14*1^ [ ] Margret Daughter of Joab Giles & Belinda his wife Born July ly^^. 1802 Eliza Daughter of Joab Giles & Belinda his wife Born Feh' 29*'' 1804 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 25 1 Sophia Daughter of Joab Giles & Belinda his wife Born Dece'. 17 1805 Russell James Son of Joab Giles & Belinda his wife Born November 19 1807 John Burley son of Joab Giles & Belinda his wife Born Octo- ber 17 1809 [118] [ ]iel Tyler Son of Joab Giles & Belinda his Wife Born Sep*. 24*'' [ ]than Herwood Son of Joab Giles & Belinda his Wife Born April 4*'' - 1814 [ ]rifs Lyon Son of Joab Giles & Belinda his Wife Born July 23*^ 1816 [ ]do son of Benjamin Chamberlin & Sally his wife Born May 24*^ 1812 [ ]a Daughtor of Benjamin Chamberlin & Sally his wife Bom Ocf. 16*1* 1815 [ ]a Daughtor of Benjamin Chamberlin & Sally his wife Born August 4*'' 181 7 [ ]lia Daughter of Benjamin Chamberlin & Sally his wife Born October 16**' 1818 [ ]hen Williams Son of Benajah Bugbee 2** & Betsy his wife Born February 9*'' 1816 [ ]ry Edwards son of Benajah Bugbee 2^ & Betsy his wife Born August 3* 18 19 [ ]nry son of Leonard Mason & Sally his wife Born June 9*'' 1819 [ ] Daughtor of Leonard Mason & Sally his wife Born April 29**^. 1 82 1 [ ]r Daughtor of Walter Tucker Jun and Lucinda his wife Born Dece'. 26*^ 1820 [ ] Daughtor of John Perrin & Bathefda his wife Born February 17*'' 1821 [ ]n Son of Lathrop Clark & Lucy his wife Born May 19*^ 182 1 [ ]ry Ann Daughter of Simeon Wilson & Lydia his wife Born Woodstock August 10*^ 1806 [Epjhraim May Son of Henry Child & Henrietta his wife Born August 3^ 1821 [As] a Thurston Son of Luther Child & Pamela his wife Born June y'^ 1820 [ ]lementine Daughtor of Timothy Jones & Lydia his wife Born October 29*'^ 1819 William Cutler Son of Timothy Jones and Lydia his wife Born September 16*^^ 1821 [119] Mary Peniman Daughtor of Lorin Brown & Rhoda his wife Born July 30**" 181 3 252 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS William Thomas son of Thomas Morse & Sally his wife Born March 15'^ 1813 Arnold Son of Charles Martin & Sarah his wife also Luiza Daughter of s^ Charles & Sarah twins Born April 3*^ 1814 Elisabeth Daughter of Soloman C. Hosmer & Elisabeth His wife born June 26 AD 1809 Emily Daughtor of Soloman C. Hosmer & Elizabeth His wife born October 13*^^ 181 1 Luis Son of Oren Perrin & Mehitable his wife born July ■; g'"" 18 14 Sarah Daughtor William Hammond & Frances his Wife Born September 10'^ 1812 George Augustus son of John Paine & Betsy his wife born ^ August 28^*^ 1 8 14 Elizabeth Kingsley Daughtor of William Flyn and Clarisa his wife born Feb"" i^' 1813 Mary Daugtor of Asahel Marcy Jur. & Persis His his wife Born March 9* 1801 Rinaldo B Son of Asahel Marcy Jur. & Persis his wife born January 11*'' 1803 John Judson son of Asahel Marcy Ju'". & Persis his wife born March 24^'^ 1805 Caroline P. Daughtor of Asahel Marcy Jur. & Persis his wife born December 20'*" 1808 Rebeckah Daughtor Abiel Chamberlin & Solama His wife born October 4''' 1813 [120] Sally Daughtor of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah his wife born November 4**^ 1796 Nathan son of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah his wife born August 19"" 1798 John son of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah his wife born June i^t 1801 Joshua son of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah his wife born September 3''^ 1804 Mary Daughtor of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah His wife Born July 29*'' 1806 Lydia Daughtor of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah His wife born April 23''^ 1809 Nancy Daughtor of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah His wife born June lo'*"' 1812 Anderson son of Samuel Lillie & Zilpah His wife born Nov- ember 7*'^. 181 1 > Nelson son of Samuel Lillie & Zilpah, His wife born Septem- ber 15*'' 1813 Elisha & Elias Twin Sons of Uriah Lyon & Jerusha his wife born Sepf 4'^'' 18 10 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 253 Zurviah Daughter of Uriah Lyon & Jerusha his wife born July 30*'' 1 8 12 Lyman Son of Uriah Lyon & Jerusha his wife born Septem- ber 1$^^ 1814 Parley son of Parley Thayer & Hannah his wife born August 2^ 1797 Priscilla Daughter of Perley Lyon & Mary Hs wife born August 27'^ 1813 Amos Son of Uriah Smith & Chritionia His wife born Aug- ust I7*^ 1814 [121] Charles Child son of George W. Potter and Allice His wife born March 2^. 1812 George son of George W. Pottfer and Allice His Wife born July 30^ 1 8 14 Emila Daughtor of John Perrin and Bethesda his wife born July 8*^ 18 14 Marsha Daughtor of Major Gage & Huldah his wife born June 30'^'' 1 8 14 Maro Son of Joseph Austin & Sally hs wife Born December 15*^ 1807 and M""^ Austin Consort to s*^ Joseph Departed this Life -^pril the 27*^^ 1809 aged about 24 years Mar}'- Daughtor of Joseph Austin & Polly His wife born July 7^ 1812 Hiram son of Joseph Austin & Polly His wife born October 7*^ 1814 Amelia Daughtor of David Rogers and Sukey his wife Born March 18''^ 1814 Hannah Daughtor of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born May 9*'' 1795 Sarah Daughtor of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born May 22^ 1799 James Luscomb son of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born January 16^ 1802 Lias Son of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born July 9*^ 1805 Lydia Daughtor of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born March 12*^ 1808 Anis Daughtor of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born January 12'^'' 181 1 Lucy Daughtor of Pearley Thayer & Hannah his wife Born March 29*^ 1814 [122] Joseph son of John M'^Clellan Esqr & Faith His wife iDorn July 8*^^ 1814 William Rhodes son of Rhodes Arnold & Polly His wife born August 31^* 1814 254 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Fidelia Daughter of Elias Perry & Darcas his wife Born October 21^^ 1805 Nathan son of Elias Perry & Darcas his wife Born Sep* 11*'' 1807 died March 31=* j8o8 Prif cilia Daughtor of Elias Perry & Darcas his wife Born January 2']^^ 1809 Andrew son of Elias Perry & Darcas his wife Born June 8*^ 181 1 Charles Emanuel son of Thomas Hayward & Sally his wife \ born February 4*'' 1809 Sophia Theresse Daughtor of Thomas Hayward & Sally his ' wife born November 6'^'^ 181 1 Roxana Daughtor of Thomas Hayward & Sally his wife born ! December 2(f^ 18 13 Earned son of Chester Barber & Hannah his wife born April 13'^ 1813 Sanford son of Chester Barber & Hannah his Wife born December 14'^ 18 14 Selesta Daughtor of Asa Lillie & Hannah his wife Born June 30*^ 1 8 14 Schuyler Lyon son of Amos Carroll & Polly his wife born October 2^ 1814 William Bester Son of Joseph P. Corbin & Polly his wife born June I^^ 18 14 Hartwell son of Abiel Lyon & Abigail his wife Born April 22* 181 1 Albert son of Abiel Lyon & Abigail his wife Born December 6* 1812 Sophia Daughtor of Abiel Lyon & Abigail his wife Bom May 5*^^ 1814 [123] John Marshall de la Fayette son of Ebenezer Stoddard and Lucy his wife Born June 30*^ 1813 Edwin Son of Simon Shepard and Clarifsa his wife Born March 13*'' 18 13 1 Hartwell son of Abiel Lyon & Abigail his Wife Born April 22^ 181 I " Albert son of Abiel Lyon & Abigail his wife Born December 6*^^ 1812 *i Sophia Daughter of Abiel Lyon & Abigail his wife Born May *^ Lucy Daughtor of Ebenezer Howlett & Lois His wife Born September 8'^ 1793 Betsey Daughtor of Ebenezer Howlett & Lois His wife Born February 22^ 1795 Asa son of Ebenezer Howlett & Lois His wife Born July 16*'* 1796 41 A line has been drawn through this entry. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 255 Ebenezer son of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Born May 2f^ 1798 Keziah Daughtor of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Born July 2^ 1800 Laura Daughter of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Born July 2^ 1802 Pearley son of Ebenezer Hewlett by Lois His wife Born August 18'^ 1804 Orin Lewis son of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Bern June i^*^ 1806 Mary Ann Daughtor of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Bern March 18*'^ 1808 George son of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Bern Febr'' 26*^ - 1810 Hannah Daughtor of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Born June 13''' 1812 Daniel sen of Ebenezer Hewlett & Lois His wife Born Dec- ember s'*" 18 14 Susannah Daughter of Alexandra Coburn and Susannah his wife Bern May 17*^^ 1810 [124] Eliza Rhobe Daughter of William Rufsell & Rebecca ( ?) his wife Born August 13'^'' 1797 Sophrenia D of David Hiscock & Anna his wife Bom April 30*'* 1811 Otis sen of David Hiscock & Anna his wife Born July \^^ 1812 Freeman son of David Hiscock & Anna his wife Born Novem- ber 24''' 1 81 3 Jonathan May son of Cyrel Carpenter & Abigail his wife born February 2^ 18 15 Waldo son of Perley Fox & Sally his wife Bom July 20'^ 1815 Amasa son of Amasa Carroll Dec^. & Eunice his wife Bern March 2^ 18 15 James Sullivan sen of Ezekel Brown & Hannah his wife Born October 2^^ - 1809 Charlotte Daughtor of Ezekiel Brown & Hannah His wife Born November 3*^, 181 1 Ezekel son of Ezekel Brown & Hannah his wife Born Decem- ber II*'' 1813 Elkanah son of Elkanah Peniman & Lucy his Wife Born July 9*'^ 1915 Samuel M'^Clellan sen of Bille Child & Sally his wife Bern August V^ 181 5 Warren Perrin Sen of Lathrep Clark and Lucy his wife Bern September 9'^ 181 5 Pliny son of Penuel Cerbin & Hannah his wife Born Nov- ember 29*'' 1805 256 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Elizabeth Kingsley Daughter of WilHam Flyn and Clarisa his wife Born February i^^ 1814 [125] Hannah Daughter of Penuel Corbin & Hannah his Wife Born January 14*^ 1808 and s^ Hannah Departed this Hfe October 13'^*' 1809 Hannah 2^ Daughter of Penuel Corbin & Hannah his wife Born September 5^^^ 1809 Lucius son of Penuel Corbin & Hannah his wife Born Octo- ber 26"' 181 1 and Departed this life July 30*^ 1814 Lucy Daughter of Laben Underwood & Sally his wife Born August 2^ 1815 Lucinda Daughter of Wareham Lyon Jur. & Mabel his wife Born June 6*^^ 1814 Oliver Watson son of Wareham Lyon Jur. & Mabel his wife Born August 28'^ 1815 George son of Jefse Dillibar and Mary his wife Born May 4**^ 1809 Maria Daughter of David Rogers Sukey his wife Born Nov- ember 25''' 181 5 Edward Eaten sen of George Bewen & Lydia his Wife Born September 20"^ 18 15 Francis William son of William Flyn & Clarifsa His wife Bom November 29'''' 181 5 Jethniel sen of Hadleck Perrin and Anna his wife Born June the 9^'' 181 5 Thadeus Chapin son of Ebenezer Dewing and Catherine his wife Bern Sep* 5*^ 1815 Comfort ann Daughter of Charels Tucker & Lucy his wife Bern November 23'"^ 1812 Susan Daughter of Charles Tucker & Lucy His wife Born May if^ 1815 William- Son of Daniel Sumner & Prudence His wife Born June 30*^^ 1785 Josiah Sen of Daniel Sumner & Prudence his wife Born May 8**^ 1789 [126] Erastus Son of Daniel Sumner & Prudence his wife Born July 12*'' 1791 George son of Daniel Sumner & Prudence his wife Born February 18''' 1794 Releaf Daughter of Daniel Sumner & Prudence his wife Born Decem'" i^* 1796 Asa Son of Daniel Sumner & Prudence his wife Bern Janu'' 23'"'^ 1800 Augusta son of Wanton Comstock & Elisabeth Born October 4*^ 1 79 1 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 257 Huldah Daughter of Wanton Comstock & Elisabeth his wife Born January 14*'' 1801 Emela Daughter of Oliver Perrin & Dorothy his wife Born June 15*'' 1815 Marshal son of Nehemiah Fox and Polly His wife Born March 11^^ 1816 Stephen son of Silas Johnson & Huldah his wife Born Novem- ber 10'^ 1812 Mary Ann Daughter of Ziba Covell & Ann W. his wife Born February 13*'' 18 16 Avis Son of John A. Marcy & Sabra his wife Born Septem- ber 13'^'^ 1815 Lyman son of Isaac Hibbart & Jemima his wife Born April 30*'' 181 1 Mary Daughter of Isaac Hibbard & Jemima His wife Bern April 25*^ 18 1 3 Newton Son of Simon Barret & Lydia his his Born Septem- ber 28'^ 1812 Milton son of Simon Barret and Lydia his wife Born August 5'!^ 181 5 Thomas C. Wilson Sen of Zolve Wilson & Miriam his wife Born October 5*'' 1804 Resolved Palmer Son of Zolve Wilson & Miriam his wife Born February ig*'' 1807 [127] Lyman Son of Zepheniah Tucker and Hulda his wife Born September 19*^ 1779 Lucretia Daughter of Zep^ Tucker & Hulda his wife Born April 12* 1782 Clarifsa Daughter of Zep'' Tucker & Mulda his wife Bern March 20*^ 1784 Lucene Lorry Daughter of Zep'* Tucker & Hulda his wife Born February 26*^ 1786 Betsey Daughter of Zeph*^ Tucker & Hulda his wife Born May 7*^ 1788 Nathan sen of Zep*' Tucker & Hulda his wife Bern Novem- ber 6*^ 1790 Chandler H. son of Zep'^ Tucker & Huldah his wife Born February 16*'' 1795 Huldah Daughter of Zep^ Tucker & Huldah his wife Bern April i^*^ 1797 Sarah Daughter of Alpheus Richardson & Betsey his wife Born May ij^'^ 1802 Samuel Wood son of Alpheus Richardson & Betsey his wife Born April 10*^ 1805 Betsey Daughter of Alpheus Richardson & Betsey his wife Born September 24*^ 1806 17 258 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Thomas Banister Son of Alpheus Richardson & Betsey his wife Born August lo*** 1808 Elizabeth Patridge Daughter of Samuel Child & Almira his wife Born September 9*** 181 5 Schuyler Son of David Tiffeny & Betsey his wife Born Decem- ber 31^' 1815 Levina Maria Daughter of Asa Goodell Jur & Patty his wife Born December ^^^ 1814 Walter son of Willard Jackson and Orinda his wife Born February 9"" 1805 Otis son of Willard Jackson & Orinda his wife Born Novem- ber 8''^ 1808 Lucrecia Daughtor of Willard Jackson & Orinda his wife Born January 9*^ 1816 [128] Erastus son of Uriah Walker & Eunice his wife Born October 20*'' 1809 Horrace Son of Uriah Walker and Eunice his wife Born October 4*^ 18 12 Amasa son of Uriah Walker and Eunice his wife Born August 14*'' 181 5 Loisa Daughtor of Henry Perry and Sally his wife Born May i^* 1816 Abraham Williams son of Daniel Paine & Sarah his wife Born April 13^'*' 1816 Clarrifsa Daughtor of Jonathan Allin and susannah his wife Born February 18''' 1797 Wilmurth son of Jonathan Allin and susannah his wife Born December 10*'' 1798 Mason son of Goi|jJfrey Grosvenor & Dorothy his wife Born April the 30*^ 18 16 John Elijah son of John Randall & Abigail his wife Born April 26'^ 1812 Sarah Holmes Daughtor of Asa Bugbee and Theodorah his wife Born April 5**^ 1816 Eleonor Lucretia Daughtor of Henry Child & Lucretia his Wife Born April i^* 1816 and her Motheer died in ababout one Hour after She was Born. Polly Daughtor of Henry Work & Hannah his wife Born January y^^ 1799 Ezra Son of Henry Work & Hannah his wife Born May 3'* 1801 Emely Daughtor of Henry Work and Hannah his wife Born j June 6^^ 1805 Benjamin son of Henry Work & Hannah his wife Born October 31^* 1807 Alonzo son of Henry Work and Hannah his wife Born j January 3^ 181 o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 259 Henry Dean son of Henry Work & Hannah his wife Born December 8^^ 1814 Elizabeth Kingsley Daughter of W"" Flyn and Clarisa his wife Born February V^ 1814 [129] Charles Dighton son of Luther Rawson & Mary his Wife Born March 14*'' 1810 Calvin Son of Luther Rawson and Mary his Wife Born October lo*** 181 1 Mary May Daughtor of Luther Rawson and Mary his wife Born February 12**', 1816 Elizabeth May Daughtor of Darius Barlow & Almira his wife Born October 31^' 1807 Sophronia Daughtor of Darius Barlow & Almira his wife Born October 2f^ 1801 Joanna Daughtor of Darius Barlow & Almira his wife Bori^ February 14*^ 18 15 Stephen Eddy son of Erastus Tucker & Lyida his wife Born September 23*'' 181 1 Israel Keach son of Erastus Tucker & Lydia his wife Born May 17^^ 1813 Marinett Daughtor of Erastus Tucker & Lydia his wife Born January s*** 1815 Harriat Daughtor of Chester May & Hannah his wife Born February 28*'^ 18 15 Eliphalet Lyman Son of Chester May & Hannah his wife Born November 15'^ 18 16 Hannah Daughtor of Joseph Austin & Folly his wife Boru December 30'^'' 18 16 David Son of John Dillibar & Phebe his wife Born February 23^ 1801 Lydia Daughtor of John Dillibar & Phebe his wife Born April 29*'' 1803 Sanford son of John Dillibar & Phebe his wife Born April 21** 1807 Reuben son of Ezra Dean & Sarah his wife Born November V^ 1809 Lucy Work Daughtor Ezra Dean & Sarah his wife Born Feb- ruary 17''' 181 3 Charles Rollen son of Ezra Dean & Sarah his wife Bom Octo- ber 9*^ 1815 [130] Benjamin Bradbury son of Roswell Hare & Olive his wife Born October le*'* 181 5 Palmer Cleveland son of Charles Chandler & Hannah his wife Born January 7*'* 1816 Elisabeth Daughtor of Lyman Johnson & Betsey his wife Born June 23* A. D. 181 2 26o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Warrin Barlow son of Lyman Johnson & Betsey his wife Born July 11**^ A. D. 1815 Mary Stone Daughter of William Lyon 3* & Lydia His wife Born January 30*'' 1817 Anthoney son of Hezekiah Palmer & Rosalinda his wife Born March 23^ 18 15 Sophia Daughter of Marcus Taft and Marsha his wife Born March 12^^ 1816 Prudence May Daughtor of Abiel Lyon and Abigail His wife Born April lo*'^ 1816 Betsey Morse Daughtor of Stephen Child & Abigail His wife Born November g^^ 181 3 Caroline Daughtor of Stephen Child and Abigail his wife Born January 2^*-^ 18 16 Nancy Smith Daughter of John Paine and Betsey his wife Born March 6*^ 18 17 Sarah Elizabeth Daughtor of James Bugbee & Elizabeth his wife Born February 14*^ 1817 Sophia Daughtor of John A. Marcy & Sabra his wife Born April 30*^ 18 1 7 William son of Jedidiah Morse 2^ and Almira his wife Born December 22^ 18 16 Oziah son of Asa Goodell Jun"* & Polly his wife Born Novem- ber 3^'! A. D. 1816 Nancy Daughter of Abraham Haven & Barshaba his wife Born September 14'^'' 1797 James son of Abraham Haven & Barshaba his wife Born April y^^ 1799 Betsey Daughter of Abraham Haven & Barshaba his wife Born Sep* 3'"^ 1803 [131] Polly Daughtor of Perley Stoddard & Nancy his wife Born December 25*'' AD 1809 Almina Daughtor of Perley Stoddard & Nancy his wife Born April i^* AD 1803 Ebenezer Alonzo son of Parley Stoddard & Nancy his wife Born July i^* AD 1805 Ophiela Hix Daughtor of Pearley Stoddard & Nancy his wife Born July 23*^ 1807 John Ransalier son of Perley Stoddard & Nancy his wife Bom June 8*^ AD 1809 Polly Maria Daughtor of Pearley Stoddard & Nancy His wife Born June 8*^ AD 1809 Parley Fitzaland son of Parley Stoddard & Nancy His wife Born May 3"^ AD 181 1 Willard son of Parley Stoddard & Nancy His wife Born August 16*'* 1813 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 261 Nancy Matilda Daughter of Parley Stoddard & Nancy His wife Born March 21^* AD 1816 George Son of Benajah Bugbee & Nabba his wife Born May 28^"^ AD 1814 William Danforth son of Amos Carroll & Polly his wife Born October y^^ 1816 Phila Manning Daughter of Samuel Reynolds and Sally his wife Born August 18*'' 1817 Nelson son of Laban Underwood & Sally his wife Born May 6'^ 1817 Joshua son of Joshua Spear and Sibble His wife Born Febru- ary 1$^^ 181 6 Sarah Daughter of Jacob Lyon and Martha his wife Born September 22^ 181 7 John Otis, son of Abiel Fox and Judith his Wife Bom July s*** 1817 Emily Daughter of Nathaniel Chamberlin & Polly his wife Born February ii^'' 181 1 [132] Micah Lewis sen of Rufus G. Taylor & Rachel his wife Born July 28**^ 1816 Lucian son of Olcutt Fisher Jutf & Polly his wife Born May 4*^^ 1817 William Nelson son of Amasa Bartholomew and Nancy his wife Bern August iS*^*" 1815 Mary Ann Daughter of Major Gage & Huldah His wife Bern November 8*^ 1816 Mary Malvana Daughter of George Arnold and Polly his wife Bern January 12^'' 1814 Ann lovisa Daughter of Walter Tucker & Lois his Wife Born July is*'^ 1816 Charles sen of Samuel Bartholomew & Susanna his wife Born January 6^"^ 1799 Eliza Daughter of Leonard Mason & Sally his Wife Born November 6^'' 181 7 Mary Daughter of Epaphrus Child and Sally his wife Born January 13*^ 181 7 Mariah Daughter of George Bowen & Lydia his wife Bern October 21*^ 1817 Thomas sen of Delphus Child & Chloe his wife Born June 8*^ 1817 Liberty Sen of Moses Holmes & Lucretia his wife Born May 2G-^ 1807 Leonard sen of Moses Holmes & Lucretia his wife Bom July II*'' 1812 Lucretia Daughter of Moses Holmes & Lucretia his wife Born August 20^^ 181 5 262 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Francis Waldo son of Silas H. Cutler & Almira his wife Born February 20*^^ 1818 Laury Daughtor of Olcott Fisher & Mary his wife Born Jan'^ 28*'' 1799 Nancy Maria Daughtor of Doctor Thomas Morse & Sally his wife Born August 29"^ 1816 Mariah Daughtor of Charles Martin and Sarah his wife Born July 21^' 1816 George son of Abiel Chamberlin & Salome his wife Born Novem-" 18^^ 181 7 [133] William Manning son of John Underwood & Tainter his wife Born May 12*^ 1817 Phebe Mariah Daughtor of Elijah Carpenter & Phebe his wife Born May 16'^ 1814 Asar Brown Son of David Rogers & Sukey his wife Born Novem"" 15 1817 Finley M. son of Nehemiah Fox and Polly his wife Born March 22"^ 1818 Mary Etta Daughtor of Ebenezer Stoddard and Lucy his wife Born December 25*^ 1815 George S. Faber son of Ebenezer Stoddard Esqr. and Lucy his wife Born June 2*^ 1818 Chester William son of Abram W. Paine 81 Lucy his wife Born Ocf 22^ 181 7 Salam Brown son of Charity P. Brown Born August y^^ 1816 Elisabeth Daughter of Phebe Perrin Born Fd[f i^* 181 3" Caroline Daughtor of Elijah Haughton & Ama his wife Born April 2^ 1818 Lucina Daughtor of William Hammond & Francies his »wife Born August 14*'' 1817 Luther Gage son of Luther Tucker & Polly his wife Bom September 20*'' 18 16 George son of *^ Joseph son of George Seagraves and Clarry his wife Born June 14*^ 1818 Elijah Marcy son of Nathan Jackson & Priscilla his wife Born April 22^ 1818 Elezabeth Murry Child Daughtor of Phebe Perrin Born Feb"^ i^* 1813 William Dodge Son of Phebe Perrin Born July 19*^ 1818 Albert Judson Son of Alanson Bolles & Nancy His Wife Born April 30''^ 18 1 7 [134] Charles son of Charles Sanger & Polly his wife Born May 15*^ 1812 Polly daughtor of Charles Sanger & Polly his wife Born Octo- ber 17*'' 1813 •*2 A line has been drawn through this entry. **The words " George son of" are blurred as though erasure was intended. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 263 Emily Daughter of Charles Sanger & Polly his wife Born June 11^ 18 1 5 Lewis son of Charles Sanger & Polly his wife Born August 5*^ 1817 Leonard Holmes Son of Charles Child Junr. & Almira His wife Born April 24*^ 1818 Elmer Son of Lyman Morse and Lucy his wife Born March 13^ 1818 William son of Oliver Perrin & Dorothy his wife Born May 13*'' AD 1817 Ephraim son of Ransellaer Child Esq'" & Prefsella His wife Born May 31^' 1818 . Sarah Daughtor of Chester Ingols and Percy His wife Born October 22^ 1818 Aljalina Daughtor of Warham Lyon & Mabel His wife Born April 9*^^ 1817 Alfred S. Lyon son of Warham Lyon & Mabel his Wife Bom Nov" i^^ 1818 Lucian Carpenter son of Daniel Carpenter & Olive His wife Born in the Town of Holland Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts January 22"*^ 1812 David Son of Daniel Carpenter & Olive his wife Born at Woodstock November 22*^. 1814 William Son of Daniel Carpenter & Olive His wife Born July 23'"^ 181 7 Markus Son of Elder Isaac Dwinel & Roxa His wife Born August 2°'^ 18 18 Algeline Daughtor of Elder Nicholas Branch & Sally his wife Born at Pawtucket State of Rhode Island August 26''' 1810 Amanda Daughtor of Elder Nicholas Branch & Sally his wife Born at Providence in s^ State of R. I. Feb^ 28*'' 1813 Almira Daughtor of Nicholas Branch & Sally his wife Bom at Woodstock May 6'^'' 18 15 Nicholas Jun^ Son of Nicholas Branch & Sally his wife Bom May 21^' 1817. [135] John son of Christoper Allen and Marther his wife Born June ^^^ 1813 Nicholus son of Christoper Allen and Marther his wife Born April V^ 1810 Amos C son of Christoper Allen & Marther his wife Born January 22'^ 1819 Clinton son of Luther Child & Pamela his wife Born March 3'"'* AD 1817 Sarah May Daughtor of Luther Child & Pamela His wife Born June 18''^ 1818 Thomas C son of Daniel Steere & Claraca his wife Born Octo- ber 2y^^ 1817 264 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Eliza Ann Daughter of Daniel Hibbard & Lucretia his wife Born Decern'' 30*'' 181 5 Antonette Daughter of Daniel Hibbard & Lucretia his wife Born March 20*'' 1817 Emma E. Daughter of Asahel Eliot & Patty his wife Born Sept j^th jgjg Marian Daughter of John Chandler 1^ & Deborah his wife Born April 5^^ 181 1 WilHam Son of John Chandler 2^ & Deborah his wife Born February 21^' 1813 Seth Son of John Chandler 2'^ & Deborah his wife Born June 25"^ 1815 John Eddy son of John Chandler 2.^ & Deborah his wife Born June 12*^ 1817 Mary W. Payson Daughter Thomas Payson & Lurana his wife Born January the 7*^ 1819 John Jun"". son of John Perren & Bethesday his wife Born July iQti^ 1816 Elijah Son of John Perrin & Bethesday his wife Born March 14*^ 1819 [136] John Jun'" Sen of John Dean & Emeley his wife Born April 27"^ 18 1 7 Albart Son of John Dean & Emeley his wife Bern June 23*^ 1819 Ruth Knap Daughter of Job Whitney & Abigail his wife Born November 21^' 1816 Lutia Drefser Daughter Job Whitney & Abigail his wife Bom Novem"" 22'^'^ 1818 Catharine Daughter of Joseph Danes & his Wife Lucy Born April 20*'' 1819 Asahel Dighten Son of Lathrop Clark & Lucy his wife Born July 23'"'^ 1 8 17 Charles Lathrop Son of Lathrop Clark & Lycy his wife Born February 28*^^ 18 19 Joseph & Benjamin Sons of John Chandler & Deborah his wife twin Children Born August 13*'' 18 19 Charles Child Sen of Obediah Cerbin & Amanda his wife Born September 15'^ 1819 Albert son of John Paine and Betsey his wife Born July 23'"^ 1819 Washington Quay Sen of Charles Smith & Sally his wife Born June 9*'' 1 8 19 Luther Sen of Nehemiah Fox & Polly his wife Bern June 12*'' 1819 Sarah Daughter of David Houghton & Sally his wife Born December 29*'' 1818 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 265 Emeline Fox Daughter of Thomas Lawson & Lucy his wife Born May 13'^ 1819 Lydia Daughter of Major Gage & Hulda his wife Born March 28*'^ 1819 [137] EH Son of Caleb Bugbee Jur. & Anna his wife Born June 4*^^ 1808 John Corbin Son of Caleb Bugbee Jur. & Anna his wife Born March 23* 181 1 Sophia Daughtor of Caleb Bugbee & Anna his Wife Born May 14*'^ 1812 Caroline, Matilda, Daughtor, of Jacob, Austin, Jun''. & Joanna his wife. Born August IQ^"" 1813 John Prentis Son of Epaphras Child & Sally his Wife Born the 18'^'' Day of February 18 14 Samuel Paul Son of John Lindley & Hannah his wife Born November 13*'' 181 1 Halsey son of Benj'^ Webster & Matilda his wife Born Decem- ber 9*^ 1809 Huldah Daughtor of Benjamin Webster & Matilda his wife Born Nov"" if^ 1810 Cynthe Daughtor of Benj° Webster & Matilda his wife Born June 15*'' 1813 Leonard Chapin Son of Ebenezer Dewing & Chatharine his wife Born July 6*'' 181 1 Nancy Daugtor of Ebenezer Dewing Chatharine his wife Born June 28*^ 1 81 3 Betsey Morse Daughter of Abijah Dewing & Dorothey his wife Born May 10*'' 1812 Harriet Daughtor of Henry Perry & Sally his Wife Born October the 29 AD 1808 Naoma Daughtor of Henry Perry & Sally his wife Born November i^"^ 1801 Ruhama Daughtor of Henry Perry & Sally his wife Born July the 26*^ 1813 [138] Mary Ann Daughtor of Benajah Bugbee 2.^ & Betsy his wife Born February 4*^* 1814 Henry Chandler Son of George Bowen & Lydia his wife Born Sepf 11*^ 1813 Olcott Son of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Born August 14*'' 1804 Alma Daughtor of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Born March 12*^ 1806 Andrus Son of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Born October 25*^ 1807 Jared Son of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Born May 29*'' 1809 266 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lewis Son of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Born January 26*^ 181 1 Eliza Daughter of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Bom June 30*'' 181 2 Esther Daughtor of Solomon Corbin & Nancy his wife Bom September 26*^ 1813 Mary Caroline Daughter of Alanson Bolles & Nancy his wife Born August 20*'* 181 3 Sarah Daughtor of Daniel Paine & Sarah his wife Born April 11*** 1814 [139] John Augustin son of John and Hulda Mason born June 16*^ 1813 John, Son of Nehemiah and Polly Fox Born August y® 8^^. 1813 Sarah Daughter of Abram W & Lydia Paine Born January y^ 24*'' 1813 Luatta La Rue Daughter of Elijah and Phebe Carpenter born Febr^. 2^ 1812 Sally Daughter of Perly and Anna Sanger born Sept'. 2^ 1792 Anne Daughter of Perly and Anne Sanger born Decemb' 28'*" 1793 John son of Perley and Anne Sanger born Febr^ 2^ 1798 William son of Perley and Anne Sanger born Febr'' 28''' 1801 Abiel son of Perley and Anne Sanger born May s^^ 1804 Betsey Daughter of Perley and Anne Sanger born Jan^ 8"^ 181 1 Parmela Graves, Daughter of Ithamer and Joanna Cooms born Octob' 24''' 1809 Harriot Perrin Daughtor of Oliver Perrin & Dorothy his wife Born February 22^ 1813 Charles Adams Son of John A Marcy & Sabra his wife Born June 14*'' 1813 Almaria Daughtor of William K Green & Betsey his Wife Born September 12'^ 1813 Alfred Son of Warham Lyon Jur & Mabel his wife Born February 21, 181 1 Alvana Daughtor of Warham Lyon Jur & Mabel his wife Born July ii*^ 1812 Annette Maria Daughtor of Chester May & Hannah his wife Born October 2g^^ 1813 Nancy Daughtor of Dolphus Child & Chloe his wife Born August 27*'' 181 3 Mary Daughtor of Willard Jackson & Orinda his wife Born August 22*^ 1810 [140] Abiel Son of Charles Lebret & Sally his wife Born January 19*'* 1 812 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 267 Charles Son of Willard Jackson & Orinda his wife born Sep- tember 21'^ 1813 Silas Son of Ezra Lyon & Beulah his wife Born March 28*'* 1813 Olcutt Oscar Son of Olcutt Fisher Jur & Eunice his Wife Born February 6*^ 1812 Lucy Antoanette Daughtor of Elkanah Peniman & Lucy his wife Born 5*-^ Day of August 181 3 Matilda Daughtor of Moses Lyon & Matilda his wife Born July the I'* 1813 Melatiah Curtis Daughtor of Samuel Child & Almira his wife Born October ii*** 1813 William Son of John Upham & Eunice his wife Born July 15*^^ 1813 Prescott Mires Son of Moses Lyon 2^ Sibyl his wife Born the 29*** Day of August 1813 Charles Dwight Son Charles Smith & Sally his wife Born April 16*'' 181 3 Andrew Son of Marven Clark & Nancy his wife Born Novem- ber [ ] 1813 Jesse Lyman Son of Jefse L, Hunt & Temperence his wife Born May 29*^^ 181 1 George Son of Luther Tucker & Betsey his Wife born January 6*'> 1808 Ephraim Son of Luther Tucker & Betsey his wife Born Octo- ber 4**" 1809 Lydia Daughtor of Luther Tucker & Betsey his wife Born August 29*^ 18 1 3 [141] Danforth Lewis son of Amos Perrin & Marcena his Wife Born May i8''^ AD 1819 Jonathan Edwards Son of Lyman Morse & Lucy his wife Born August 14*^ 18 19 Eliza Ann Daughtor of Daniel Carpenter & Olive his wife Born March 4**' 1820 Lorenzo Son of Asa Goodell Jun"" & Patty his Born October 20*^ 1818 Abel Dodge son of Abil Dodge & Nancy his wife Born Sep- tember 23* 1819 James Sibley son of Ephraim Houghton & Polly his wife Born September 3** 1819 Nancy Ann Daughtor of Nathaniel Marcy & Almy his wife Born October 28*'' 1809 Charles Grosvenor son of Nathaniel Marcy & Almy his wife Born November 12'^ 1815 Abby Chandler Daughtor of Henry Child & Henriettee his Second Wife Born September 27*'' 1819 268 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Mary E. Daughter of Samuel Lyon & Rebeckah his wife Born July 2.'j^^ 1811 Sarah Semantha Daughtor of Samuel Lyon & Rebeckah his wife Born Feb^ 16^*^ 18 13 George Washington Son of Samuel Lyon & Rebeckah his wife Born March 16, 1819 Lois Adeline Daughtor of Eben"". Howlett & Lois his wife Born ii'*' 1817 William A. Chamberlin son of William, Chamberlin & Betsey his wife Born January 1^ 1820 Mary Eliza Daughtor of Samuel Gushing & Lydia his wife Born Jan" 19'^ - 1817 [142] Gatherine Daughtor of John Trusdell & Sophia his wife Born March 6^'^ 1809 Rhoada Daughtor of John Truesdell & Sopia his wife Born November 26^^ 18 10 Hellen son of John Truesdell & Sophia his wife Born October 7*^ 1812 and Departed this life October 20*^^ 1812 aged 13 days. John Baylis son of John Truesdell & Sophia his wife Born October V^ 1814 Thomas Truesdell Son of John Truesdell & Sophia his wife Born November 9"" 1816 Sophia Daughtor of John Truesdell & Sophia his wife Born October 14*^^ 18 19. Sarah Lord Daughtor of the Rev^ Samuel Backus and Sally his wife was born November i^* 1816** Mary Esther Daughtor of Rev^. Samuel Backus & Sally his wife Born February 23^ 1819 Faith Daughtor of Gharles Sanger & Polly his wife Born August 25''' 1819 Thomas Lawson son of Stephen Bugbee Jun"". & Esther his wife Born April 21^* 1820 Nancy Daughtor of Henry Wells Jun^ & Lucy his wife Born July 2^ 1819 John Albemarle Jun'" son of John A. Marcy & Sabra his wife Born July 9*^ 1820 Hannah Heminway Daughtor of Ransellaer G Goomes & Han- nah his wife Born July 16*^ - 1816 Polly Sergeant Daughtor of Ransellaer G. Gomes & Hannah his wife Born April 3^^ 1818 Gustavest Abiel Son of Ransellaer G Goomes & Hannah his wife Born February 18'^'' 1820 [143] Fanny Daughtor of Wareham Lyon Jun' and Mabel his Wife Born August 28*^ 1820 and Departed this life February 28*'^ 1821 •W A line has been drawn through this entry. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 269 Marshal Son of Wareham Lyon Jun^. & Mabel his wife born Nov^ 28*^ 1 82 1 Alma Daughtor of Godfrey Grosvenor & Esther his wife Bom October 4*'' 182 1 Chloe Lindley Daughter of Edward D Perry & Hannah his wife Born April 24*'' 182 1 William ChamberHn Son of Chandler H. Tucker & Lucy his wife Born May 12^^ 1818 Hannah Maria Daughtor of Chandler H. Tucker & Lucy his wife Born December 20*^ 1821 Edward Agustus Son of Robert D Dorrance & Lucy his wife Born August 30*'' 1821 Prudence May Daughtor of Abiel Lyon & Nabby his wife born April 10*^ 1816 Almira Daughtor of Abiel Lyon & Nabby his wife Born March 20*'^ 1818 Daniel Son of Abiel Lyon & Nabby his wife Born November 30**' 1819 Pamelia Daughter of Abiel Lyon & Nabby his wife Born December 26*^ 18 [ ] Francis Son of Francis Harding & Olive his wife Born Febru- ary s*-^ 182 1 Lucy Shepard Daughtor of Francis Harding & olive his wife Born January 13*'' 1822 Samuel Son of Calvin Rawson & Prudence his wife Born January 4*'' 1820 Samuel died Feb^ i^* 1820 aged 27 days Samuel Son of Calvin Rawson & Prudence his wife was born October 26*'' 1821 Jane Maria Daughtor of Lyman Morse & Lucy his wife Born March 9^^^ 1821 [144] Sarah Ann Daughtor of Alderman Wilbour & Polly his wife Born June 2^ 1805 Moses Chandler Son of Dwight S Marcy & Lois his wife Born November s^^ 1818 Nathan ChamberHn Son of Dwight S. Marcy & Lois his wife Born Sepf 15*^ 1820 Henrita Daughtor of Daniel Hibbard & Lucretia his wife Born Febr^ 20*'' 1822 Elizabeth Daughtor of Asa May & Sally his wife Born July 10*'' 1821 Isaac Milton Son of Stephen Child & Lovica his wife Born July 6*'^ 1 82 1 Charlotte Draper Daughtor of Benjamin Hubbord & Anstis his wife Born January 19*'* 1822 270 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Mary Ann Daughter of Simeon Wilson & Lydia his wife Bom August lo'*' 1816 Zerah Son of Elijah Bugbee & Rhoda his wife Born October 4^^ 1807 William R Son of Daniel Steers & Clarissa his Wife Born July 2.(f^ 1820 Lydia Ann Daughtor of Moses Chandler & Marcha his wife Born December 2* 1821 Mahitable Ann Daughtor of Stephen Bugbee Jun'" and Esther his wife Born Dece'", ii^'' 1821 Luther W. Son of Nathan Fisher and Marandee his wife Born July 6^'' 1818 Maria Louisa Daughtor of Nathan Fisher and Maranda his wife Born July 25*'': 182 [ ] Phebe Emelin Daughtor of Jeremiah Phillips & Zerviah his wife Born May 27'^'' 1812 Mary Daughtor of Jeremiah Phillips & Zerviah his Wife Bom October 30*'' 18 14 Sally Daughtor of** Sally Daughtor of Moses Lyon & Matilda his wife Born April 20*^' 1 8 16 Esther Daughtor of Alfred Marcy & Rebekah his Wife Born May 23^, 1807 [145] Emery son of Elkanah Peniman and Lucy his wife Bom May 8'^ 1817 Albert son of David Houghton & Sally his wife June 25*'' 1820 Mary Maria Daughtor of Nehemiah Fox & Polly his wife Born October 4*'* 1820 Marion Louisa Daughtor of James M'^Clellan & Nancy his wife Born August 23'"'^ 1819 John Davis son of James Lyon & Lucy his wife Born Novem- ber 6*'^ 1820 Ransellaer Child Jun'" son of Ransellaer Child Esq'" & Prifcilla his wife Born March 6*'' 1820 Sarah Lord Daughtor of the Rev^ Samuel Backus & Sarah his wife Born November i^* 1816 Mary Esther Daughtor of the Rev^ Samuel Backus & Sarah his wife Born February 23^ 1819 William son of Ruben Barlow & Darcas his wife Born Nov- ember IS*'' 1815 Lucena Daughtor of Reuben Barlow & Darcas his wife Bom January 4*'' 181 7 Lucinda Collesta Daughtor of Reuben Barlow & Darcas his wife Born March 22^ i[ ] Reuben Micha Son of Reuben Barlow & Dorcas his wife Born December 2^ 18 19 ** Crossed out in the origrinal. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 271 Charles Fowler son of Godfrey Grosvenor & Esther his wife Born March S""" 1818 Dorothy Perrin Grosvenor Daughtor of Godfrey Grosvenor his wife Born Dece'' 14*'' 1819 Thomas Chandler son of Chauney Kibbe & Sally his wife Born September 23^ 1820 Elmira Daughtor of Royal P. Wheaton & Suviah his Wife Born July 3*^ 1807 Job Orton Son of Job Whitney & Abigail his wife Born Janu- ary 25''* 1 82 1 Martha Daughtor of Jacob Lyon & Martha his wife Born Jan- uary 9**" 182 1 [146] Caroline Monica Daughtor of Asa Goodell Jun"". & Patty his wife Born August 26*'' 1820 Jared Son of Ezra LilHe & Levina his wife Born July 24*^ 1802 Orin Son of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born May ii^*' 1804 Sarah Daughtor of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born Decem- ber 22^ 1806 Aaron son of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born October 31^* 1807 Major Son of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born January 5*^^ 1810 John Son of Ezra Lillie & Levina Born December 4"" 181 1 Deceased Marcy Daughtor of Ezra Lillie & Levina his Born December 24"* 1813 Levina Daughtor of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born March 14. 1816 John Son of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born July 16, 1819 Deceased Lois Daughter of Ezra Lillie & Levina his wife Born August 8^^^ 1820 Abiel Son of Perley Fox & Sally his wife Born April 23^ 182 1 Jabez Fox Son of Alanson Bolles & Nancy his wife Born Jan^ i^ 1820 and Departed this life February 2^ 1820 Clarissa Daughtor of Calvin Gould by Betsey his wife Bom July 22^ 18 1 7 Eliza Daughtor of Calvin Gould & Betsey his wife Born Sep* 30*^* 1 8 19 and Departed this life December 13*^ 1820 Lydia Daughtor of Calvin Gould by Betsey his wife Born January 28^ 182 1 [147] Luther Strong Rawson son of Calvin Rawson & Pru- dence his wife B January 4*^ - 1824 Nathan Davison Born December 20"* 1796 Loreta his wife Born February 2^ 1797 272 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Phebe M Daughter of Nathan Davison by Loreta his wife B Janu^ 23, 1823 Joseph Son of Nathan Davison by Loreta his wife B July 15''' 1824 WilHam Henry son of Gardner Wright & Phebe his wif B March 2^ 1822 Hannah Daughter of Gustavus A Comins and Jane his wife B. Jan^ 17 1825 Nancy M Daughter of Prosper Smith & Monica his Wife B FeV 15^^ 1825 Mary A Daughter of Royal Smith & Wheaton & Zurviah *^ Mary A Daughter of Royal Wheaton by Zeveah his wife B Nov"". -^^^ 1824 Almira Daughter of David Houghton by Sally his wife B October 7*^'' 1822 Giles son of David Houghton by Sally his wife B September 9''' 1824 Sarah Daughter of Chauncy Kibbe by Sally his wife Born March i* 1825 Nelson Son of John A Marcy by Sabra his wife Born Jan^ 16^^ 1823 Celia Daughter of John A Marcy by Sabra his wife Born June lo*^^. 1825 Sally Morse Daughter of Leonard Mason by Sally his wife Born May 23*^ 1825 Joseph Jacobs Son of Charles Morse by Sophia his wife B April 27**^ 1812 David Holmes Son of Charles Morse by Sophia his wife B January 2^ 181 5 George Son of Charles Morse by Sophia his wife B. Feb'' 2* 1817 Lucy Ann Daughter of Charles Morse by Sophia his wife B Sep* 8*^. 1821 Edward Son of Gardiner Wright by Phebe his wife Born Aug- ust 20* - 1825 Ellen Daughter of John Paine by Betsey his wife born 31^* day of Ocf 1824 Luther S. Child son of Luther Child by Pamela his wife Born May 12*''. 1824 Samuel L son of Amasa Haskell by Amanda his wife Born July 13. 1825 Lucy Bond Daughter of Elias Mason 2^ by Eliza his wife B : April 16: 1824 Sarah Sophronia Daughter of Elihu Morse by Lucy his AVife B February 22'* 1825 45 This entry has been crossed out in the original. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 273 Charles son of Eben'" Stoddard by Lucy his wife Born Ocf I. 1820 Lucy Daughter of Eben'' Stoddard by Lucy his wife B Feb^ 13. 1823 Martha D Daughter of Judah Lyon by Mehitable his wife B Decern'" 2"^ 1806 Mahitable Daughter of Judah Lyon by Mehitable his wife B April 26. 1810 Judah C Son of Judah Lyon by Mehitable his wife B July iiti^ 1814 [148] Nancy Daughter of Joseph Deans by Lucy his wife Bom October /^ 1803 Abiel Son of Joseph Deans by Lucy his wife Born October 16. 1805 Julia ann Daughter of Joseph Deans by Lucy his wife Born May 31^' 1808 Eliza Daughter of Joseph Deans by Lucy his wife Born Jan^ 11"^. 181 1 Catharine Daughter of Joseph Deans by Lucy his wife Born April II*'' 1819 Joseph Edwin Son of Joseph Deans by Lucy his wife Born. Decerns 3'"^ 1824 Annette Louisa Daughter of Lyman Morse by Lucy his wife Born Feb^ 27*^. 1823 Julia Armina Daughter of Lyman Morse by Lucy his wife Born July 9*^ 1825 Prudenc Daughter of Leonard Marcy by Sally his wife Born December 20. 1825 Lydia Ann Daughter of Moses Chandler by Marcia his wife B Jan^ 1 : 1826 George Sumner son of Rodney Martin by Philee his wife B April 6*'^ 1 82 1 Abby Jane Daughter of Rodney Martin by Philee his wife B April i^' 1823 Sarah Daughter of Nathan Austin by Sally his wife B August 4. 181 5 Dwight Son of Nathan Austin by Sally his wife B April 4*'^ 181 7 Betsey Daughter of Nathan Austin by Sally his Wife B August 31^*^ 1819 Martha Daughter of Nathan Austin by Sally his wife B June 7*^ 1825 Abiel son of Charles Child Jun'' by Almira his Wife B Febr'' 8t^ 1820 Sarah Temperence Daughter of Charles Childs Jun^ by Almira his wife B September 26 1822 18 274 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS George Clinton son of John F. Williams by Lucretia his Wife Born September 5^**. 1825 John son of Abiather Craft by Annis his wife Born Jan^ 12*^ 1826 Susan Daughter of Alvan Gage by Irena his wife Born October 13'^'' 1822 Lydia Johnson Daughter of Thomas Lawson by Lucy his wife B April 4: 1823 Thomas Perry son of Dolphus Child by Chloe his wife Born June 8* 1817 Roena Daughter of Dolphus Child by Chloe his wife B August 16*^ 1822 Mary Daughter George Underwood by Sally his wife B Sep* 26* 1820 Sophia Daughter of George Underwood by Sally his wife B July 17*''. 1822 Amelia Allen Daughter of George Bowen by Lydia his wife B May i^* 1822 Alfred L son of Alfred B Frink by Mary his wife B April 23'"^ 1823 Francis Waldo son of Silas H Cutler by Almira his wife B Feb^ 2i^t jgjg Mary Almira Daughter of Silas H. Cutler by Almira his wife B Nove'' 24 1822 [149] Charles Henry Son. of Charles Allen by Mahitabe his wife B October 20'*^ 18 18 William son of Charles Allen by Mahitable his wife B November 6'^*'. 1820 Asa Thurston son of Luther Child by Permila his wife B June y^^ 1820 Edward Morse son of Luther Child by Permila his wife B April 15''' 1822 Nelson son of James Lyon by Lucy his wife B: March 11: George Summer son of Rodney Martin by Phila his wife B April 6**: 1821 Abby Jane Daughter of Rodney Martin by Phila his wife B April i^* 1823 Edin Perrin Son of Lathrop Clark by Lucy his wife B May 19*^. 1821 Charles son of Wheeler Phillips by Anna his wife B October i^* 1814 Whitman son of Wheeler Phillip by Anna his wife B Octo- ber 3^"^ 1816 Francis Waldo Son of Lathrop Clark by Lucy his wife B February 5"^ 1823 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 275 Abel Son of Nathan Morse by Rebekah his wife Born August 20*''. 1823 Anna Daughter of Thomas Corbin by EHsabeth his wife B October 21 : 1812 John son of Leonard Mason by Sally his wife B April 29*'* William H Son of Jacob Persons by Priscilla his wife B June' 25**" 1823 Hannah E Daughter of George Frissell by Hannah his wife B Sep' 25'!^ 18(2?) 3 Sarah Ann Daughter of Abraham Marcy Ju'" by Sarah his wife B Nov"" 9'*^ 1822 Mary M Daughter of George Arnold by Mary his wife B Janu^ 12*^ 1814 Susan Daughter of George Arnold by Mary his wife B June f^ 1819 Samuel H son of George Arnold by Sally his wife B April 23*'' 1823 Charles Harris son of Asa May by Sally his wife B Septem- ber 2'^'^. 1823 Amasa Son of William E. Rice by Cloranda his wife B May 31* 1823 Henry Son of Hezekiah Palmer by Lucy his wife B October 25*^ 1823 Thomas Chandler son of Godfrey Grosvenor by Esther his wife B Febru^'y 8'^^ 1824 Warrin Son of Wareham Lyon by Mabel his wife B Octo- ber 2^ 1823 Spencer Son of William Chamberlin by Betsey his wife B Sep' 9"*. 1823 Luther D Son of Hezekiah Bugbee by Selance his wife B Jan^ i2'\ 1824 Samuel son of Abiel Chamberlin by Solome his wife B November 10'^ 1822 George Milton son of Erastus May by Lydia M his wife B June 14''^ 1823 Abagail Daughter of Stephen Child by Abagail his 'wife B August 11'^ 1818 Abel Son of Stephen Child by Abagail his wife B July 27'^ 182 1 Hannah May Daughter of Stephen Child by Abagail his wife B November 15'*^ 1823 [150] Louisa Daughter of Raswell Hair by Olive his wife B June 19'^ 1818 Oliye Daughter of Raswell Hair by Olive his wife B Sep' 25. 1820 276 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Raswell Jun"" Son of Raswell Hair by Olive his wife B August ii"^^ 1822 Mary Elisabeth Daughter of Moses Lyon 3*^ by Tryphena his wife B Jan^ 25**^. 1826 Jane W'^" Daughter of W"" Haskill by Sylvania his wife B May 30*^. 1809 Rachel L. Daughter of W" Haskell by Sylvania his wife B Jan^ H^*^ 1812 Christopher Son of W™ Haskell by Sylvania his wife B May 4^^ 1814 William L.. Son of W™ Haskell by Sylvania his wife B Sep* 8*^ 1816 Benjamin W son of W™ Haskell by Sylvania his wife B Sep* 2S'^ 1818 Amasa son of W™ Haskell by Sylvania his wife Born April 14*'' 1822 Dudley R Son of William Haskell by Sylvania his Wife B Nov'- 8*^^ 1825 Amasa Son of David Keyes by Betsey "his wife B Novem'" 22* 1824 George Son of Nathan Morse by Ilebeckah his wife B March 29*'' 1825 Henry Keith son of Hezekiah Bugbee by Silence M. his wife Born February 5**" 1826 Elisabeth Allen daughter of Lucius T. Mascraft by Betsey his wife Born October 23'''^ 1825 John W. Son of Asa Goodell Jun^ by Patty his wife Born June 26*'' 1822 Mary Eilza Daughter of Asa Goodell Jun'' by Patty his wife Born June s"^ 1824 Lathrop Son of Asa Goodell Jun^ by Patty his wife Born April 9*^^ 1826 Melinda Dugher of Phineas Walker Jun by his wif Lucy Born December 30*^ 180 1 Doliver Son of Phineas Walker by Lucy his Wife B Sep* 19*''. 1803 Myrtella Dugher of Phineas Walker Ju*" by Lucy his wife B June 3'-^ 18" [ ] Eaton Son of Phineas Walker Jun'' by Lucy his wife B Sep* 28*1^ 1825 Myrtilla Daughter of Phineas Walker Jun'" by Lucy his wie B June 3'''^ 1807 Elsa Daughter of Phineas Walker Jun'" by Lucy his wife B Nov'" 10 1809 46 " w" Is crossed out in the original. 47 A line has been drawn throucrh this entry in the original. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 277 Lycy Howard Daughter of Phineas Walker Jun'" by Lucy his wife Born April 24^^ 181 2 Hartwell son of Phineas Walker by Ju [ ?] Lucy his wife Born April 22 1812 Susannah Hyde Daughter of Phineas Walker Jun"" by Lucy his wile Born December 3'"'^ 1814 Maria Daughter of Phineas Walker Jun"" by Lucy his wife Born April 9*^ 18 17 Phineas Allen Son of Phineas Walker Jun^ by his wife Lucy Born June 28*^*^ 1819 [151] Warren Sumner Son of Darius Barlow & Chloe his wife Born March 20*'' 1820 Daniel Averil Son of Darius Barlow & Chloe his wife Bom January 13*^^ 1822 Elesabeth Daughtor of John Paine & Betsey his wife Born March s^^ 1822 Amos Anthony Son of Amos Carroll & Polly his wife Born March 26''' 1820 Mary Eliza Daughtor of Amos Carroll & Polly his wife Born November y*-^ 1821 Charles H Allin Son of Charles Allin & Mahala his wife Born October 20^'^ 18 18 Albart W. Allin son of Charles Allin & Mahala his wife Born November 6*^^ 1820 Amelia Allen Daughtor of George Bowen & Lydia W*^ his wife Born May i^*^ 1822 Elizebeth Daughtor of Benajah Bugbee 2^ and Betsey his wife Born July 19 AD 1822 Mary Sophia Daughtor Andrew A Williams and Emily his wife Born August 9'^'^ 1822 Emma Ann Daughtor of John Dean and Emilia his wife Born June 18*'' 1822 Sanford son of Simon Herrindeen & Zeba his wife Born Octo- ber ly^^ 1807 Sarah Daughtor of James Omond & Sarah his wife Born March 6^*^ 18 17 James son of James Omond & Sarah his wife Born October 19 18 Plannah Young Daughtor of James Omond & Sarah hs wife Born October 8'^ 1820 Eliza Rofs Daughtor of James Omond & Sarah his wife Born December 12^'^ 1821 [152] Caroline Daughtor of Amos Abbott & Anna his wife Born October 6''' 1820 ' The words " Before recorded " in different hand and ink, are here inserted, 278 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lewis Son of William Chamberlin by Rebecca his wife Born October 22^. 1804 Juliana Daughter of William Chamberlain by Rebecca his wife Born June (f^. 1808 Mary Convers Daughter of William Chamberlain by Rebecca his wife Born April 24*^^ 1817 Elias Wheelocke Son of Elias Perry & Darcus his wife Born July 9'''. 1820 Lorin Brown Son of David Rogers & Sukey his wife Born November 12^^ 182 1 George Willington son of George Johnson by Hannah his wife Born August ly^^. 1814 William James son of George Johnson by Hannah his wife Born August 12. 1822 Thomas Lyon Son of George Seagrave & Clarry his wife Born August 22^ AD 1819 Susan Daughter of Alvan Gage by Ann*'' Irena his wife Born October 13*^ 1822 Sally Daughter of William Lyon 2^^ by Axseph his Wife B Nov"" 17''* 1822 Jedediah Kimball Son of Robert D Dorrance his wife Lucy Born February y^^ 1823 Caraline Augusta Daughter of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife Born June 12'^'* 1806 Hannah Maria Daughter of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife Born August 12**^ 1807 Hiram Walker Son of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife Born July 19*^ 1810 William Grosvenor Son of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife Born January 20*** 1812 Cyrel Schuyler Son of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife Born November 30*'' 1814 Samuel Son of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife B Jan'' 30*^^ 1817 Betsey Daughter of Cyrel Chaffee & Hannah his wife B Feb^ 25^'^. 1823 [153] Judson mills Son of Moses Lyon 2^ & Sibyl his wife B August 6*'^ 1813 Nancy W Daughter of Moses Lyon 2^ & Sibyl his wife B Sep*^ 30. 1817 Deceased April 24*'' 1819 Mary Martha Daughter of Moses Lyon 2^ & Sibyl his wife B March 31 : 1819 Francis Julia Daughter of Moses L)^on 2^ & Sibyl his wife B August 29: 182 1 John Allin Son of Moses Arnold & Lutia his wife Born August s^^ 1 82 1 *9 A line has been drawn through the word " Ann." WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 279 Sarah Blifs Daughter of James Lamson & Sally M his wife Born March 24^^ 1820 James Son of James Lamson & Sally his wife Born Oct^ 13*^. 1822 Susanah Williams Daughter of William Lyon 3^ & Lydia his Wife B April 12''^ 1822 Laury Daughter of Ruben Barlow & Darcus his wife B June 25*'' 1 82 1 Mary Ann Daughter of Ruben Barlow & Darcus his wife Dece'". 22^ 1823 Almon Orvill son of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B May 4^^ 1809 Nancy Dean Daughter of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B July 12*^811 Bebee Wilmarth Daughter of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B Ocf 10^^ 181 3 Bayles Son of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B June 28: 181 [ ] Almeda Daughter of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B August 22^ 1822 Harriett Daughter of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B March 20^'' 1823 Mary D Daughter of Stephen Bourn & Nancy his wife B Feb^ 2°'! 1816 Hannah Huntington Daughter of Chester May & Hannah his wife Born December 8"". 1819 Nancy Daughter of Chester May & Hannah his wife B March 18'^ 1823 Lucina Daughter of David Craft Jun*". & Fanney his wife B October 25*'' 1814 Lucius Son of David Craft Jun"" & Fanney his wife B Nov"" S'^ 1817 Sophronia Daughter of David Craft Jun''. & Fanney his wife B Sep^ 14"^ 1819 Calester Daughter of David Craft. Jun^. & Fanney his wife * B Febru^ 22°'^ 1820 Diania Daughter of David Craft Jun"". & Fanney his wife B Nov^. i;^^^ 1822 Laodica Daughter of David Craft Jun"". & Fanney his wife B Dece^ 23^^ 1823 Polly Daughter of William Lyon i^* & Axseph his wife Born May 6^'^ 1824 Darius Ainsworth Son of Alanson Bolles & Nancy his wife B Sept 28^i. J 823 Samuel Monroe Fenner son of Mary J Allton & Samuel Fenner Born April 16''' 1824 the s'^ Fenner being the reputed Fat [her] 28o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Jason son of John Dean & Emely his wife Bourn October i* 1824 Edward Barlow Son of Asa Bugbee & Theodora his wife Born May 20* 1824 Hannah Daughter of Amos Abbott & Anna his wife B May 21. 1824 Harriat Daughter of Chester Marcy & Damaris his wife B January 28''' 1825 Maria Daughter of Abraham Marcy & Sarah Ann his wife B July 28''^ 1825 [154] Jacob son of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B August 30**^ 1781^*' Asenath daughter of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B April 2"'^ i8[ ]^° Malinda daughter of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B June 6''' 1806 Judson Son of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B June 20**^ 1808 Diantha daughter of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B April 22°*^ 1812 Addison Son of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B Sept* 25* 1815 Mason Son of Jacob Mascraft & Asenath his wife B December 30*^ 1822 Amelia Allen daughter of George Bowen & Lydia his wife B May I"* 1822=^° Martha D daughter of Judah Lyon & M^" Elisha son of Judah Lyon & Mehitable his Wife Born Jan^ 22"* 1803 Eliza daughter of Judah Lyon & Mehetable his wife B Decem- ber 25*^ 1804 Martha D daughter of Judah Lyon & Mehitable his wife B Decem'" 2""^ 1806 Mehitable daughter of Judah Lyon & Mehitable his wife B April 26*'' 1810 Tudah C Son of Judah Lyon & Mehetable his wife B July 11*'' 1814 Nancy Thomas daughter of John Weaver and Tabathey his wife B November 25*^^ 1807 Mary Sweet daughter of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B Decem'" 4*^ 1809 Phebe Green daughter of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B Sep* 13*** 181 1 Lydia daughter of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B August 11**^ 1813 50 A line has been drawn througrh this entry. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 281 Martin son of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B February 13'^ 1815 WilHam Albert son of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B March y"-"" 1818 Christopher Son of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B June 3'"^ 1819 John Son of John Weaver & Tabathy his wife B June 8**^ 1823 William Kimball son of William K Green by Betsey his wife Born July 18 1816 Harriott Newell daughter of William K Green by Betsey his wife Born July 18*'^ 1818 Samuel Danna son of William K Green by Betsey his wife Born July 6 1822 [155] Timothy Son of Phineas Walker Jun'" by Lucy his wife Born Nov"" 11*^ 1821 Nancy Daughter of Phineas Walker Jur by Lucy his wife Born December 14^'' 1824 Joseph Russel Son of William Barber by Azubeah his wife Born May 4**^ 1824 Perry Cleat Skinner Son of William Barber by his wife Azueah Born Jan^ 23'''^ 1826 James Alexander son of Alexander Dorrance by Mary his wife B March 29*^ 1826. John H. Payson son of Thomas Payson by Lurania his wife Born April 28*^ 1826 Sarah M Daughter of Godfrey Grosvenor by Esther his Wife Born May 5*^^ 1826 Moses Frederic Son of Moses Lyon 2^ by Sibyl his wife B October 3"^ 1823 Sibyl Olive Daughter of Moses Lyon 2^ by Sibyl his wife B 20*'' 1826 Abiel La Fayette Son of Lathrop Clark by Lucy his wife Born May the first 1824 Lucy Daughter of Lathrop Clark by Lucy his wife Born May 25*'' 1826 Luther Webster son of Benjamin Webster by Sophia his wife Born October 3'"'^ 1825 Aaron Johnson son of Aaron Corben by Betsey his wife Born November 25^^ 1826 and the Mother of the s*^ Aaron J & Wife of the s^ Aaron Corben Departed this life immediately after the s^ Aaron J was Born being Nov'' 25*"^ 1826 Lucius son of Elem Convers by Alathear his wife Born June 4*'^ 1825 Clarif sa Daughter of George Mathewson by Esther his wife B Jan^ 14 1825 282 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Charles Liberty son of Hezekiah Palmer by Lucy his wife Born July 4'^ 1826 Newman G son of Erastus Child by Rhoda his wife Born Sep* 10 1825 Albert son of John Truesdell by Sophia his wife Born Nov- ember i^* 1 82 1 Henry son of John Truesdell by Sophia his wife Born Dec- ember 28*^^ 1823 Charles Son of John Truesdell by Sophia his wife Born Oct- ober 19* 1825 Rebekah Church Daughter of Charles Sanger by his wife Rebekah Born January 2""^ 1825 Wilkes Sharpe son of Charles Sanger by Rebekah his wife B August if^ 1826 Levina Daughter of Holsey Leonard by Lucretia his wife B July i [9] Marriages Elifha Child and Allice Maning Were Married by the ^ Rev^ M"" Stiles^^ See below Abijah Child and Abigail Johnson both of Woodftock were married p^ y^ Rev*^ M'" Stiles Jonathan Gould and Mary Corbin both of Woodftock were Married p^ y® Rev"^ M"" Stiles April 25 : 1750 John Dodge and Sarah Morfe both of Woodftock were Mar- ried p"" y^ Rev^ M"" Stephen Williams Februar 1750^^ Matthew Bowen of Woodstock and Mary Dana of Pomfret were Married in Pomfret y^ 4**" day of octob"* 1750 ^ Henry Bowen J. P. John Morfs Jun"" & Elizabith Bugbee both of Woodstock Were Married in Said Town y° 7'^ day of March 1750/1 p'" Henry Bowen Jus*^ Peace Thomas Jewell of Man f field & Darcos Wright of Woodftock Were Married p"" M^ Stiles Nath" Badcock and Mary Johnson both of Woodftock were Married y® 11'^'* day of June AD: 1751 p"" Henry Bowen Jus*^ Peace Caleb may of Woodftock & Elizabeth Payson of Brooklyn »were Married at Brooklyn on y« iS'** Day of Octob"" 1750 p^ M"" Colton Brown Pastor Joseph Scarbrough of woodftock & Easter Holms of Pomfret were Joyned in marriage y^ 29*^*^ day of June 1749: p'" M'' Stiles Elifha Child & allice maning both of woodftock were Married the 16 : Day of Jan': 1750 ff M'" Stiles Sam" Rennols of Pomfret & Synthia Carpenter of Woodftock were Married the 8*^ day of May: 1752 p' Henry Bowen Jus*^ Peace Simeon Bacon & Eafther Davis both of Woodftock were Married the 7^^ Day of May 1752 ^ Stephen Williams Pas'" [10] Record of Marriages Nehemiah May Jun'" & Anna Lyon both of Woodftock were Married the 18*'^ Day of March 1752 ^ y« Rev*^ M"" Abel Stiles Pas'" John Lyon & Mary Evens both of Woodftock were Married July 23: 1750. by y^ Rev^ M"" Abel Stiles Pastor Ebenezer Haven of Hopkinton & Abigail Child of Woodftock were Married in s*^ Woodftock Octob'" 5*: 1752 ^ M"" Stiles James Call & Sarah Barret of Kellingly were Joyned in Mar- riage y^ first Day of November 1752 ^ Henry Bowen Jus*^ of Peace Mofes Child & Mary Payson both of Woodftock 'were Joyned in Marriage y^ 24*'' Day of June 1752 p'' y^ Rev^ M"" Stiles 55 Entry erased. 292 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Zebulon Baldwin of Leicester & Hannah Lyon of woodftock were married the i^*-^ Day of July 1752 ^ M^ Stiles Amos Broughton and Mary Cotes both of woodftock were married y® 30''' Day of Aug* 1742 p^ Lycester Grofvenor Jus*° of Peace Ifaiah Chaff e & Betty Maning both of Woodftock were Mar- ried March y^ 5* 175 1/2 p'" M'" Stiles Uriah Allord & Prudence Child both of Woodftock were Mar- ried y^ 15*^ Day of July 1752 p"" W" Chandler Jus'^ Peace Benjamin Bugbee & Sufanna Morfs both of Woodftock were Married y^ 18*'^ Day of Jan'' 1753 Benjamin Lyon 2^ & Sarah May were married Jan"" 25 : 1753 p"" M"" Stiles Thomas Chapman & Mary Chaffe both of woodftock Married y« 2g^^ of March: 1753: p'' M^ S. WilHams Pas'" William Janes of Brimfield & Experiene bacon of Woodftock Mari*^ the 12*^ Day of april 1753 p"" m'" Stiles Thomas May & Lucy Child both of woodftock were married y^ 26: Day of April 1753 Nathan Ainfworth & Abiail Child Both of Woodftock Married October 11*'': 1750 O. S. ^ M"" Stephen Williams [11] Joseph Maning of Woodftock & Ruth Child of Killingly were Married the 16'^'' Day of april: 1753 p' W" Chandler Jus*" Peace David Perin & Easter marcy Married the 26 of Decem'" 175 1 p'- S. W : Samuel Bacon & Anna Allord both of woodftock wer married the fourth Day of feb'" ano. Dom 1753 p"" William Chandler Jus*" of Peace Seth Hibbard & Elenor Lovet both of woodftock Married July jj^th. J ^2 2 p"" William Chandler Jus*^ of Peace Ephraim Chaffe and Anna Torrey were married Novem'"" 21"*: 175 [ ] William Chandler Jun"" of Woodftock & Mary Hodes of Taun- ton Married Ap" 5**^ 1753 George Abbott & Mary Whitney both of Woodftock marrid Jan'' 16*'' 1754 by William Chandler Jus^ of y* Peace Isaiah Bugbee & Huldah Ainfworth Both of Woodftock were Married Jan"" 24*^ 1754 ^ y^ Rev*^ M'" Stephen Williams John Bugbee of Woodftock and Elizabeth Bragg of Afhford were Married by William Chandler Jus^ Peac^ Feb"" f^ 1754 Edward Johnfon Jun'' and Mary Philips both of Woodftock married November 1^^^ 1753 Amos Marcy and Mary Roads Both of Woodftock iwere Mar- ried May i^* 1754 p' Henry Bo wen Jus^ Pac^ WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 293 Jacob Gibbs of Woodftock and Sarah Scarbrough of Afhford were Married March 28''* 1754 p'' the Rev* M"" Stephen Williams Stephen Marcy and Mary Hay ward were marryed Decern'' 21'* 1752 ^ the Rev*^ M'" Stephen Williams John Perrin 3* and Prifcilla Morfs both of Woodftock Marrid the II Day of October A. D. 1750 O. S. p"" Rev* M^ Stephen Williams Benjamin Capren and Mary Thompson Both of Woodftock were married Auguft 22* 1754 John Howlet and Rebecca Chaff e both of Woodftock were Married October 3* 1754 ^ M"" Stephen Williams Cl[ ] [12] Benjamin Chaffe and Hannah Skinner of Woodftock were marrid September 19*^ 1754 ^ m"" Williams M'' John Marcy of Woodftock and M'"^ Sarah Miller of Wind- ham Married December 17'^ 1751 Moses Chandler and Frances Lyon both of Woodftock were married December 12*'' 1754 ^' m"" Williams Ezekiel Upham of Sturbridge and Rebekah Morfs of Wood- ftock were Married Jan"" g^^ 1755 ^ M'" Stephen Williams Cumfort Rice of Worcefter and Martha Morris of Woodftock: were married Jan"" i^*^ 1755 p'" Rev* M' Williams Asa Payson of Woodftock and Mary Johnfon of Middleto'wn Married Octo 21^*^: 1754 Edward Ainf worth Jun"" and Kezia Corbin both of Woodftock were Married May 22* 1755 p"" M"" Williams William Ainfworth and Mary Marcy Jun'" both of Woodftock were Married y^ 2g^^ Day of May 1755 p'" M"" Williams Jonathan Child & Dinah Bacon Both of Woodftock were Mar- ryed the 12*'' Day of June A. D .1755 p' Rev* M' Stephen Williams Paul Benjamin and Jenny, the Negro Servants of Cap* John Payson of Woodftock were by their Mafters Confent Joyned In Marriage by William Chandler Jus^ Pac^ - January 12**' 1753 Zebadiah Marcy and Prifcilla Morris both of Woodftock were Marryed the 21^* Day of Auguft 1755 by y° Rev* M"" Stephen Williams Clerk David Bifhop Jun'" and Hannah Davis Both of Woodftock were Marrid Auguft 26*'': 1755 by Henry Bowen Esq'" John Throop of Woodftock and Frances Dana of Pomfret •were Marryed December 17*'' 1755 p M' Stephen Williams [13] Caleb May of Woodstock and Mehetabell Holbrook of Pomfret Marryed February 26'^*' 1755 This May Certify that Silas Child of Woodftock and Jedidah Allen of Afhford were married Jan' 20*'' 1756 p"" M"" Williams John Child Jun'" and Sibbil Bugbee both of Woodftock were Joyned In marriage January 22. 1756 p'" M"^ S Williams 294 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lemuel Chandler and Damaris Felfha both of Kellingley were Married January i'^* 1755 Obadiah Peak and Martha Corbin both of Woodftock were Married January 27*^^ 1756 p"" M'" S Wiliams Jonathan Johnfon and Abigail Green Both of Woodftock were Married Jan"" 16'*" 1756 p'" M^ Stephen Williams Nathaniel Perrin of Woodftock and Mary Blackmore of Norwich were married March 3^ 1756 p"" Rev*^ M"" Salmon Treat Nathaniel Johnfon Ju"" and Anna Child Both of Woodftock fwere Married Aprill i^*: 1756 ^ M'' S Williams Ephraim Manning and Mary Fox Both of Woodftock were Marryed March 28*^^ 1756 John Johnfon and Rachel Hayward Both of Woodftock were Married May 13*^ 1756 p"" M^ Stephen Williams Will'" Nelfon Jun^ & Mary Carpenter Jun^ Both of Woodftock were Married May 13*'' 1756 Caleb Lyon Jun"" of Woodftock and Elizabeth Hodges of Norton were Marryed Aprill 28*'' 1756 Daniel Bugbee 2.^ and Efther Chamberlin Both of Woodftock were Married December 30'^ 1756 p"" S Williams [14] Deacon Ebenezer Corbin of Woodftock and M''^ Judith Harding of Wrentham were Joyned In Marriage Jan"" lo''' 1757 Peter Child of Woodftock and Sufannah Child of Kellingly Joyned In Marriage Decem*'^ 30*^ by M'" Stiles William Gorden and Mary Abbott Both of Woodftock were Joynd In Marriage Aprill 21** 1757 p'' M"' Stephen Williams John Carpenter Jutf of Woodftock and Mary Morgan of Brimfield were marryed Feb'" 9*^ I757 Sam'^ M^Clellan of Woodftock and Jemima Chandler Jun"^ of Kellingley were marryed Nov'" 16. 1757 by the Reverend M"^ Noadiah Rufsel of Kellingley John Fox and Elioner Lovett both of Woodftock were Joyned in Marriage Nov"" 16: 1757 ^ Samuel Chandler Esq"" Elifha Chamberlin and Damaris Bugbee both of Woodftock were Marryed November 16*'' ^ Samuel Chandler Esq*" Samuel Harding and Dinah Johnfon both of Woodftock were Marryed by M'' Stephen Williams Elnathan Walker And Hannah Bugbee both of Woodftock were Joyned in Marriage Jan'" 12*^: 1758 ^ M'" Stephen Williams Jonathan Morris and Mary Skinner both of Woodftock were Married Jan'" 2,0-^ 1758 ^ M'" Stephen Williams Matthew Hammond and Mary Muncil both of Woodftock were Marryed March 30*'' 1758 by M"" Williams of Woodftock Jeremiah Jackfon and Phebe Murry of Woodftock were rriarry'd March 16. 1758 by Sam" Chandler Esq"" Stephen Tucker and Lois Lyon Both of Woodftock were Marrid March 31^* 1757 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 295 Uriah Marcy and Uranah Lyon both of Woodftock were Married May 23^ 1758 George Lyon and Zerviah Marcy both of Woodftock were Marrid Aprill 6^'^ 1758 [15] Daniel Lyon Jun"" and Prudence May both of Woodftock were Joyned in Marriage November 23^: 1756 Edward Ainfiworth Jun^ and Sibbil Child Both of Woodftock were Marryed March 1$^^ 1758 p^ Stephen Williams Elifha Goodell of Woodftock and Martha Lebret of Kellingley were Marryed p'' M"" Williams March 30*^^ 1758 Jofeph Peake Jun'" and Sarah Allen both of Woodftock were Marryed September 28*^ 1758 ^ Sam' Chandler Jus^ Pac^ Jofiah Chaff e of Woodftock and Sarah Cady of Kellingley were Marry 'd July 13^^ 1758 by M'' Brown David Wallis Jun"" and Mary Freeland both of Woodftock Marryed May 22^ 1758 Eliphalet Goodell and Molly Lyon both of Woodstock were Marrid November 23*^ 1758 p"" M"" Stephen Williams William Manning & Mary Payson both of Woodftock were married Jan^ 4*'' 1759 ^ Sam" Chandler Esq"" Jofeph Frizell and Huldah Johnfon both of Woodftock were Marrid February i^* 1759 ^ Sam" Chandler Jus^ Pac Jabez Corbin Jun"" and Sarah Abbott both of Woodftock were Married December 27*^ 1758 ^ M"" Stiles Ezekiel Corbin and Dorcafs Jewell Both of Woodftock were Married December 27*^^ 1758 ^ M^ Stiles James Chaff e of Woodftock and Rhode Cady of Kellingley were MarryM Auguft 8^^ 1759 by y^ Rev*^ M"" Brotwn Hezekiah May and Eliz^ Carpenter both of Woodftock were Married Aprill 26^^ 1759 Stephen Chapman and Abigail Durke both of Woodftock were Married May 24*'' 1759 by Sam" Chandler Esq"" Jus^ Pac^ Thomas Bugbee and Elizabeth Marten both of Woodftock were Married January 25*^ 1759 by Sam" Chandler Esq'" [16] John Green of Woodftock and Azubah Ward of Wor- cefter were Married Decem'" 26*^ 1758 by James Putnam Esq*" Manafsah Horfmer Jutf and Dorcas Peake both of Wood- ftock were Married February i^* 1759 p"" Sam" Chandler Esq** Amos Perrin and Anna Morfe both of Woodftock were Married Decern^' 6*^ 1759 p^ m'" Stiles Darius Ainfworth and Mary Child both of Woodftock were Married Decem^'" 20*'' 1759 p"" M^ Stephen WilHams Jonathan Paddleford of Ashford & Mary Ferman of Wood- ftock were Marry'd February y® lo*'^ 1754 Shubael Child and Abigail Bo wen both of Woodftock were Married Dec^ 27*^ 1759 ^ Stephen Williams 296 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lemuel Peake & Johannah Ellingwood were Married March 13*^ 1760 P'" M"" Stiles Benjamin Roth Ju|i'" and Efter Allen both of Woodftock were Marry 'd Aprill 24*^ 1760 ^' Sam" Chandler Jus^ Pac^ Ebenezer Dodge and Eunice Marcy Both of Woodftock were Married June 12''' 1760 M"" Stephen Williams William Marten Jun"^ of Woodftock and Elizabeth Crawford y* 2** of Union Were Joyned in Marriage May y^ 12'^'' 1760 ^ M^ Ezra Horton Samuel Chandler of Kellingley and Anna Paine of Woodftock were Joyned in Marrige July 17*^^ 1760 ^ Mr. Stiles Nathaniel Marcy of Woodftock and Hannah Grofvenor of Pomfret were Married Sep'" 11*^ 1760 ^ M'' Aaron Putnum [17] Samuel Chamberlin Jun^ of Woodftock and Anna Kings- ley of Pomfret were Married Octo 30*^^ 1760 p'" M"" Putnum Isaac Bowen of Woodftock and Mary Haynes of Brimfield were married Octo'' 29*'' 1760 p^ Mofes Marcy Esq^ at Stur- bridge Daniel Paine Jun"" of Woodftock and Elizabeth Williams of Marlborough were Married May 3^ 1759 Stephen Lyon of Woodftock and Huldah Bugbee of Kell- ingley were Joyned in Marriage January i^' 1761 ^1 M"" Russell Thomas Fox Jun^ and Grace Lyon Both of Woodftock were Joyned In Marriage May 20*** 176 [ ] by Sam' Chandler Esq Silas Hodges and Mary Bacon both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage June y® 2^ A. D. 1761 p"" Stephen Williams Nathan Child and Dorcas Green both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage October the 9*^: 1760 p"" M'" A Stiles David Goodale and Hannah Abbott were married in Wood- stock Jan^ i^': Anno Domini 1761 p"" Stephen Williams John Call and Lucy Chaffe were Married in Woodstock Jan- uary i^* A. D 1 761 p"" Step'^: Williams William Hay ward Jun'" & Sarah John f on were Married in Woodftock the 17^^ Day of Nov'": 1761 p^ Stephen Williams Jonathan Skinner & Drucilla Perin were Joined in Marriage in Woodstock Nov'" y^ 26^^ A. D 1761 p'" Eben"" Smith Jun'" Esq"" [18] Amos Corbin and Kezia Mason both of Woodstock were Married May the 28*^ A. D 1761 p'" M'" Stephen Williams Isaac Stone and Sarah Lyon both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage July y® 2^ Anno Domini 1761 By Nathaniel Child Esq"- Abner Harris Jun'" and Jerusha Rofs of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage January the 7*" Anno Dom 1762 By Eben- ezer Smith Jun'" Esq : Marfon Eaton of Killingsley & Elifabeth Lyon of Woodstock 'were Joined in Marriage January the 7*^ A. D 1762 By Sam" Chandler Esq'" WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 297 Japheth Bicknell and Hannah Child both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage June the i/*"": Anno Domini 1762 Attest Stephen WilHams Pasf. Amos Lyon of Woodstock and Bithiah Dana of Pomfrett were Joined in Marriage June the 17*^^: AD 1762 p"" M'^ Stephen WilHams Nathan Call and Sufannah Bugbee both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage June the 17'^'': A.D 1762 p"" M"" Stephen Williams William Bugbee & Betty Franklin both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage July 7*^ AD 1702 p'' Ebenezer Smith Jun"" Jus* Peace M"" Samuel Child Jun^ of Woodstock & M" Elizabeth Weld of Pomfret were Joined in Marriage July 8*^: AD 1762 p"" y^ Rev^ M^ Aaron Putnam [ig] Richard Peabody Jun"" and Tabitha Child both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage July y** 8*^ : A D 1762 ^ M"". Stephen Williams Ichabod Ormsbee and Esther Bacon both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage November the iS*^*^: AD 1762 p"" Ebenezer Smith Jun^ Jus* Peace Daniel Bugbee of Woodstock and Anna Holbrook of Pomfret were Joined in Marriage December the 17''^: AD 1761 p'" Rev"*^ M'" Aaron Putnam Pasf Benjamin Bacon and Miriam Howlett both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October the 17*'^ A D 1760 p' Samuel Chand- ler Esq'" Isaac Fellows of Woodstock and Lucey Tuttle of Littleton were Joyned in marrige Auguft the Tenth Anno: Domini 1762 ^ Reur^ M^: Rogers Paftor Nathan Stedman Prudence Haliburt were married in Wood- ftock April 13*^: 1763 by the Reu"'^: M"" Stephen Williams Paftor Charles Nelfon and Bridget Bacon both of Woodftock were Joyned In Marriag April 21^* 1763 by Samuel Chandler Jus' Peace Ezra Chamberlin and Huldah Perin both of Woodftock were married in Woodftock January 6*^: 1763 by the Reuerend M"" Stephen Williams Paftor Ichabod Marcy & Elizabeth Grofuenor of Pomfret were mar- ried in Pomfret April 14*^: 1763 ^ the Reu"*^ M"" Aron Putnam Cap*: David Holmes of Woodftock & M": Temperance Bifhop Jun"": of Norwich were Married ^ the Reuerend M': Peter Powers of Norwich Novem*"": 12*'^ 1761 Nathaniel Sanger and Hannah Bifhop Both of Woodftock were married Auguft 24*^: 1763 ^ the Reu''*: M"" Abial Leonard Paftor 298 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Ebenezer Holmes and Marther Howlet both of Woodftock were married April 12*1': 1759 ^> the Reue^^: M^ Able Stiles Paftor [20] Increas Child of Woodftock and Ollive Peas of Sum- mors were Married by Samuel Rennals Efq'" of said Summos Nouember 3'"'^: 1762 Afa Child & Elifabeth Murry both of Woodftock were mar- ried by the Reu°^: M"" Able Stiles of Said Woodftock November Daniel AUard and Anna May both of Woodstock were Mar- ried December 21*^ 1763 by Nathaniel Child Efq"" Jonathan Lyon of Woodftock and Rebekah Corbin of Dudley were Married December 22*^: 1763 by y^ Rev'^ M' Charles Glea- son of Dudley M"" Silas Bowen of Woodstock Enter"^ his Intention of Mar- riage with Mrf^ Mehetabel Webb of Windham Dec^ 29*^: 1763 Afahel Corbin of Woodstock and Jerufha Morfs of Stur- bridge M^ere Married December 22"^ 1763 by the Rev"^ M'" Jofhua Paine of said Sturbridge William Chapman Jur and Tabytha Peake both of Wood- stock were Maryed May 17''': 1763 by Nath^ Child Efqr Amos Paine and Prif cilia Lyon both of Woodstock were Mar- ried January 12*^ : 1764 by the Rev* M"" Abel Stiles Nathan Ains worth Jun"" and Phebe Kingsley both of Wood- stock were Married February 2^: 1764 by the Rev^ M"" Stephen Williams John Green and Rachel Bugbee both of Woodstock were Mar- ried September y^ 20*'': 1763 by Ebenezer Smith Jun'' Efq'" Jofeph Ainf worth and Rebekah Allard both of Woodstock were Married January y® f^: 1761 by y^ Rev* M'" Abel Stiles of Woodstock Ebenezer Ammidown and Sarah Flyn both of Woodstock were Married August y^ 24: Anno Dom. 1762 p'' Nathaniel Child Efq'- Ichabod Thomson and Mary Dodge both of Woodftock were Married January ^^^ AD. 1763 p"" Nathaniel Child Efq^ [21] Lemuel Morrifs and Lydia Wilkinson both of North Woodstock were Married January 14^'' A. D. 1762 p'' Nathaniel Child Efq^ Stephen Abbott and Sibill Ainfworth both of Woodstock wer^ Married May y^ 16*^ AD 1764 by the Rev* M'" Stephen Williams William Spears and Mary Hammond both of Woodstock were Married May y^ 31*'' 1764 by M^ Abiel Leonard of Woodstock Daniel Bugbee of Woodstock and Sarah Dana of Ashford were Married June f^ AD. 1764 by y^ Rev* M^ Stephen Wil- liams WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 299 Henry Bowen of Woodstock and Mary Adams of Warren were Married Novem^ i*'' 1764 Certifyed M"" Solomon Townsend Pastor Luther Cady and Chloe Child both of Woodstock were Mar- ried October 3^ 1764 by Nathaniel Child Esq"" Jofeph Abbott Ju'' Entfer^ his Intention otf marriage with Perfis Perin Decern'" y^ 11*'': 1764 Jedidiah Morfs T: Clerk James Bugbee p and Ann Morris were Publifhed Decem'" y^ 23^ 1764 The Rev^ : Mr Abiel Leonard of Woodstock and M''^ Dorothy Huntington of Norwich were Married April y" 26*^^: 1764 By the Rev^ M'' Benj° Lord Past^ Ezra Chaffee & Jerufha Hurlbutt Both of Woodstock were Married September y^ 20*^: 1764 By M'' Stephen Williams [22] John Goodell J"" of Woodstock and Mary Warner of Windham were Married December y® 7*'^: 1763 By M'" Eben'" Devotion Past^ Daniel Abbott of Woodstock and Mary Kenfield of Belcher- town Were Married November y^ 29*^: 1764 By Justus Foward Pasf M"" Hadlock Marcy and M^^ Alethea Stiles both of Woodftock were married 29*'' of October Anno Domini 1764 p'" Abel Stiles Pastor M'' Charles Green of Woodstock & M" Sarah Farman of Pomfrett were married: 18'^ of April A:D 1765 p"" Aaron Put- nam Pastor Smith Marcy of Woodstock Enter^ his Intention of Marriage with Patience Lawton of Worrin June y® 13*^: 1765 Elijah Carpenter of Woodstock Enter*^ his Intention of Mar- riage with Hannah Cory of Sturbridge June y® 17*^: 1765 Mephibofheth Thayer & Lydya Chamberlin Both of Wood- stock Were Joyned in Marriage May y® 7*^: 1765 p"" Ebenezer Smith J^ Esq'- Robert Leach & Mary Bartholomew Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage July y^ 25*^: 1765 p'' Sam" Chandler Esq"" William Wilfon and Martha Ranney of Middletown were Married January y^ 10*'': 1753 by Mofes Bartlett Pasf [23] Solomon Arthenton of Richman and Dorothy Child of Woodstock Were Married October y^ 23^: 1765 p'' Stephen Wil- liams Pasf Ephraim Eaton & Eunice Sanger Both of Woodstock were Married were Joyned in Marriage July y^ 4*^: 1765 p'' Sam" Chandler Esq'' M"- Smith Marcy of Woodstock and M''^ Patience Lawton of Warren were Joyned in Marriage October y® lo**^: AD: 1765 Certify** By the Rev*^ Solomon Townsend Pasf 300 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M'' Daniel Ains worth of Woodstock and M" Elisabeth Corbin of Dudley were Married in Woodstock January y^ y^^\ 1766 Cer- tify"^ By the Rev*^: Stephen Williams Pasf Joseph Barret and Abigail Rofs both of Woodstock were Married January 2y^'^ AD 1766 Certify by the Rev''^ Stephen Williams Pastor Ezra Walker and Abigail Skinner both of Woodstock were Married January 27*^ AD 1766 Certifyed by the Rev^ Stephen Williams Pastor Joshua Child and Dorothy Child both of North Woostock were Married February 26''' 1766 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Elijah Carpenter of Woostock and Hannah Cory of Sturbridge were Married October lo'*^ 1765 by the Rev* Joshua Paine Pastor Ephraim Carpenter and Tabitha Chaffee both of Woodstock were Married May 14*''; 1761 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor [24] Amos Perin and Jemima Chaffe both of Woodstock were Married June ^^^ 1766 by The Rev* Abiel Leonard Pastor Phinehas Walker and Susannah Hide both of Woodstock were Married December 19*^^ 1765 by y^ Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Hezekiah Dewing and Eunice Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married Novem"" 29*"" 1763 by y^ Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor Isaac Preston and Sarah Nelson both of Woodstock were Married December 26'^'' 1765 by Samuel Chandler Justice Peace John Bowen and Dinah Sawyer both of Woodstock were Mar- ried June the 2* 1763 by Edmund Chamberlin Jun"" and Elisabeth Kingsley both of Woodstock were Married Novem'" 20'^^ 1766 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor M"" Samuel M^Clellan of Woodstock and Mf^ Rachel Abbe of Windham were Married March 5*^*^: 1766 by Nehemiah Jackson and Esther Abbott both of Woodstock were Married February 2*: 1767 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor Nathaniel Goodell and Abigail Chaff e both of Woodstock were Married May 29*^^ 1766 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor Nathaniel Hurlbut of Woodstock and Sarah Allen of Stafford were Married February 25*"^ 1766 by Nathaniel Dodge and Hannah Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married September 5*^ 1765 p'" Abiel Leonard Pa ft or Lemuel Goodell of Woodstock and Elifabeth Wakefield of Afhford were Married December 4'^^ 1766 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor [25] Hsachar Child and Alithea Moffat both of Woodstock were Married November 20*'' 1766 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 301 William Allard and Rebekah Davis both of Woodstock were Married April 1766 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Parker Bacon and Mary Child both of Woodstock w^ere Mar- ried April the 9*^ 1767 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pa f tor The Rev* Abiel Leonard of Woodstock and M''^ Mary Green of Bristol virere married May 8^^ 1766 by the Rev* John Burt Pa f tor M" Thomas Baker of Woodstock and M" Sarah Ward of Worcefter w^ere Married April 14*^ 1767 by the Rev* M'^Cartee Pastor Elias Underwood and Anna Crouch both of Woodstock were Married January 22* 1767 by the Rev* Ezra Horton Pastor M"" Seth Chandler and Eunice Durkee both of Pomfrett were Married June s*'' 1760 by the Rev* Aaron Putnam Pastor William Frifsell and Judith Mafon both of Wodstock were Married June the 12''' 1766 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor John Richardson and Susanna Hodges both of Woodstock were Married August 29'^ 1765 by the Rev* Abiel Leonard Pastor M"" Nathaniel Blake and M" Abigail Child both of Woodstock were Married November 19*^ 1767 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Thomas Peake and Alithea Child both of Woodstock were Married November 19*^ 1767 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor Asa Smith and Hannah Bowen both of Woodstock were Mar- ried December 10*^ 1767 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor [26] A Record of Marriages M"" Nathaniel Blake and Mrs Abigail Child both of North Woodstock were Married November 19*^ 1767 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Abiel Lyon and Elifabeth Horfmer both of Woodstock were Married the 4*^^ day of June 1767 by the Rev* Abiel Leonard Pastor Ebenezer Paine Ju'' and Esther Child both of Woodstock were Married July 2* 1767 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor M'" Ifaac Fellows and M'"^ Leah Paine both of Woodstock were Married Novem"" iS*** 1767 by the Rev* Abiel Leonard Pastor Lemuel Child and Dorcas Perry both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Novem'" 18*^^ 1768 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor Jonathan Bacon and Prifcilla Child both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February 9*'' 1768 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Joseph May and Lois Child both of Woodstock were Married Novem'" ly^^ 1768 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor 302 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Zebediah Chaffee and Mehetabel Prefton both of Woodstock were Married according to Law January y^ 28*^^ 1768 by y^ Rev^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Amos Coburn of Dudley and Sarah Dodge of Woodstock were Married In Woodstock Nov'' 10'^'' 1768 by y^ Rev"^ Stephen WilHams Pastor This is a Minute of Ebenezer Lewis of North Woodstock Con- duct & Lois Powers said Lewis took the said Lois by the Right Hand and Declared her before God and thefe Witnefses to be his Wife and she the said Lois takeing him the said Lewis by the right Hand Declared near the same Words. 1 Novem'' 2J^ 1766 befor me Natha' Child Justice Peace Afahel Marcy and Prifcilla Dunham both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock Dec^ 29"" 1768 by y® Rev^ S. Williams Pastor [27] Phinehas Kinyon and Elisabeth Rogers were Married according to Law in Woodftock January 22*^ 1767 by the Rev^ Abiel Leonard Paftor Daniel Underwood and Experience Kingsley both of Wood- ftock were married March 15'^'^ 1769 by Nathaniel Child Justice Peace William Lyon and Sarah Mafon both of Woodftock were Married January 24"* 1769 by Abiel Leonard Paftor Stephen Skinner and Huldah Child both of Woodstock were Married In Woodstock April 28^"" 1769 Test Stephen Williams Henry Franklin and Dorothy Chafifee both of Woodftock were married July 29"^ 1766 by the Rev*^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Caleb Bugbe and Joanna Eastman both of Woodstock were married January 14*^^ 1769 by y^ Rev*^ Stephen Williams Joseph Comins and Eunice Yeomans both of Woodstock were Married January 19'^^ 1769 by the Rev*^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Thomas Truefdell of Pomfret and Rhoda Curtis of Wood- stock were Married April 13*^ 1769 by Nathaniel Child Efq'' M'' Charles Church Chandler of Woodstock, and M''^ Marian Grifwold of Lyme were Maried Sep"" 20^^ 1769 by y^ Rev*^ Stephen Johnfon Caleb Bugbee and Joanna Eastman both of Woodstock were Married January 14*^ 1769 by the Rev'^ Stephen Williams Jacob Lyon Jun'" and Lucy Perin both of Woodstock were Married December 5*'^ 1769 by y® Rev'^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Jonathan Marcy and Hannah Stone both of Woodstock Were Married July 27**^ 1769 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Pastor [28] David Rawfon and Sybil Beals both of Woodstock were Married November 23"^ 1769 by the Rev^ Abel Stiles Pastor Amafa Carpenter And Cynthia Child both of North Wood- stock were Married Januarv ii*^ 1770 by y* Rev* Abel Stiles Paftor WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 303 Afa Bifhop and Thankful Bacon both of Woodstock were Married 5"" Day of Decern"" 1769 by the Rev*^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Amafa Child and Joanna. Carpenter both of North Wood- ftock were Married February i^* 1770 by the Rev*^ Abel Stiles Pastor M"" Silas Corbin of Woodstock & M""^ Anna Fifk of Sturbridge were Married December 30''' 1767 by Mofes Marcy Efq"" John Bartholomew and Candace Ainfworth both of Wood- stock were Married according to law the 14*^^ day of December 1769 by the Rev*^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Joseph Hafcall of Woodstock and Alice Fitch of Killingly were Married Decem^ 14*^ 1769 by y® Rev^ Noadiah Rufsel Pastor Elijah Holton of Killingly & Rebecca Adams of Woodstock were Married October ly^^ 1770 by the Rev^ Abel Stiles Pastor Jabez Fox of Woodstock and Molley Strobridge of Middle- borough were Married September 28''* 1769 by the Rev^ Reed Pastor Doct^ Parker Morfe Jun"" and M"" Lydia Marcy both of Wood- ftock were Married Feb'" 22^ 1770 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Pastor Nehemiah Underwood Jun"" and Rhoda Cotes both of Wood- ftock were Married June y® 7*^ 1770 by the Rev'^ Stephen Wil- liams Pa f tor [29] M"" Paul Tew of Providence and M^ Mary Child of Woodstock were Married September 27**^ 1770 by Abiel Leonard Paftor Samuel Ruggles Cotes and Eunice Child both of Woodstock were Married In Woodstock May 17*^ 1770 by the Rev^ Stephen Williams Paftor Elisha Walker & Thankful Stone both of Woodftock were Married in Woodftock Nov^ 15*^ 1770 by the Rev"^ Abel Stiles Pastor John Hindes and Levina Brock both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock March 1770 by y^ Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Eliakim May and Martha Lyon both of Woodftock were Mar- ried in Woodftock Dec"" 27*^ 1770 by y^ Rev'^ Abel Stiles Elijah Hurlbutt of Woodstock and Sarah Standly of Union were Married February 19''' 1771 by Ezra Horton Paftor Benjamin Frifsel Jun'" & Elisabeth Hewlett both of Wood- ftock were Married May the 10*^ 1768 by the Rev"^ Abiel Leonard . Paftor Afa Perin of Woodftock and Olive Daily of Killingly were Married in Killingley March i^*^ 1759 by Jacob Drefser Esq^ William Perin and Mary Marfcraft both of Woodftock were Married March 12**" 1771 by the Rev* Abiel Leonard Paftor 304 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Thomas Holms and Thamar Harris both of Woodstock were Married January IS*'' 1771 by the Rev^ Abiel Leonard Pa f tor M^ Biel Ledioyt and M''^ Joanna Ainfworth both of Wood- ftock were Married May the 29*'' 1770 by [30] John Lyon of Woodftock and Miriam Trifkett of Dor- chester were Married April 23^ 1771 by y^ Rev^ Abel Stiles Pa f tor Cornelius White And Miriam Brackett both of Woodftock were Married April 25*^^ 1771 by Nath' Child Esq"" Mofes Perin and Mary Paine both of Woodftock were Mar- ried in Woodftock May 2^ 1769 by y^ Rev'^ Stephen Williams Jedediah Bugbee and Sarah Dodge both of Woodftock were Married August i^': 1771 by the Rev^ Abiel Leonard, Paftor Amafa Lyon of Woodftock and Martha Dana of Pomfrett were Married January 31^* 1770 by The Rev^ Aaron Putnam Paf'' Afa Goodell and AHce Corbin both of Woodftock were Mar- ried January 24^ 1771 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Paftor Stephen Marcy and Mary Hay ward both of Woodftock were Married Decem'" 21^*^ 1752 by y'' Rev^ Stephen Williams William Frifsell of Woodftock and Esther Chaberlin of Afh- ford were Married December 26'^'' 1771 by y^ Rev* Stephen Williams Warham Lyon and Anne Underwood both of Woodftock were Married Decem"" 19*'' 1771 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Henry Martin of Woodftock and Mary Sefsions of Union were Married November 14*^ 1771 by the Rev^ Ezra Horton Paftor David Bugbee and Hannah Thompson both of Woodstock were Married April 7*'' 1772 by y^ Rev"^ Abiel Leonard [31] Afahel Clark and Dorothy Hide both of Woodftock were Married Novem'" 12*^ 1771 by y® Rev*^ Abel Stiles Paftor John Grow and Deborah Davifon both of Pomfrett were Mar- ried March 2,6'^ 1772 by y^ Rev^ Aaron Putnam Paf"" Ebenezer Smith and Margaret Bowen both of Woodftock were Married June 18''^: 1772 by y® Rev* Abiel Leonard Pastor Richard Flynn and Elifabeth Ainfworth both of Woodftock were Married Decem^ 10*^ 1772 by Abiel Leonard Paftor Ichabod Griggs and Chloe Bartholomew both of Woodftock were Married Decem'' 10*^ 1772 by Stephen Williams paftor Hezekiah Bugbee and Bathfheba Holmes both of Woodstock were Married January 21^* ^^77^ ^Y Abiel Leonard Paftor Peleg Corbin and Levina Lyon both of Woodftock were Mar- ried January 14*^ 1773 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor Abel White of Norton and Sarah Brock of Woodstock were maried Novem^ 5* 1770 by Nath' Child Efq'" Rufus Bugbee and Rachel Perin both of Woodftock were Married April S*'' 1773 by Stephen Williams Paftor WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 305 Abel Perin And Elifabeth Boylstone both of Woodstock were Married April i^* 1773 by Stephen Williams Paftor Calvin Morfe and Sophia Mafon both of Woodstock were Married Janu^ 6*^ 1774 by y^ Rev"^ Abiel Leonard Paf"" [32] Nathan Powers of Woodstock and Sarah Chaffee of Afhford were married Novem'" 25*^ 1773 by Benj. Summer Ju^ Peace Eleazer Jackson and Levina Child both of North Woodstock were Married March 10* 1774 by Nath' Child Efq'' Abijah Child and Sarah Mascraft both of Woodstock were Married February 17^^ 1774 by y^ Rev* Abiel Leonard Penuel May & Anne Sumner both of Woodstock were Mar- ried March 3'^ 1774 by Samuel Chandler Jus* Peace Ebenezer Lyon and Prudence Bugbee both of Woodftock were Married April y^^ 1774 by Rev"^ Stephen Williams Elijah Mafon and Sarah Child both of Woodstock were were ried Janu'' ig**" 1775 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Paftor Thomas Child ]u^ and Lucy Gage both of Woodstock were Married January 26'^'' 1775 by the Rev'^ Stephen Williams Pastor John Perin 3*^ and Sabra Peake both of Woodstock were Mar- ried February g^^ 1775 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Pastor Aaron Lyon & Elisabeth May both of Woodstock were Mar- ried February 23*^ 1775 by the Rev'^ Abel Stiles Pastor Elisha Underwood and Abigail Chaffe both of Woodstock were Married April 25'^'' 1775 by the Rev'^ Abiel Leonard Pastor Joseph Carpenter & Patty Child both of Woodstock were Mar- ried June 29*^^: 1775 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor M'' Abijah Child & Elisabeth Perin both Woodstock were Married April 13*^: 1775 by y^ Rev* Stephen Williams [33] Winthrop Chandler of Killingly & Mary Glyfon of Dud- ley were Married February 11^ 1772 by Rev* Charles Gleafon Paftor Timothy Harding & Levina Perin both of Woodstock were Married June i^*^ 1775 by Jedidiah Morfe Ju^ Peace Thomas Stone of Pomfrett and Hannah Dodge of Woodstock were Married February 29*^ 1776 by Stephen Williams Paftor Winthrop Chandler of Killingley & Mary Gleafon of Dudley were Married February 11*^ 1772 by Charles Gleafon Paftor Andrew Brown and Ruth Raw f on both of Woodftock were Married October 3* 1776 by Stephen Williams Paftor Lyman Lyon and Hannah Corbin both of Woodstock were Married January 1777 by Abel Stiles Pastor Stephen Buckman and Abigail Manning both of Woodstock were Married March 20*^ 1777 by Nathaniel Child Efq'" Alpha Child and Molly May both of Woodstock were Mar- ried March 27*^ 1777 by the Rev* Abel Stiles Pastor 20 3o6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Charles Child and Elifabeth May both of Woodstock were Married April ^^ 1777 by the Rev"^ Abel Stiles Pastor Samuel Corbin Jun"" and Mehetabel Lyon Ju'' both of Wood- stock were Married April 10^^ 1777 by the Rev*^ Abel Stiles Pa f tor Parker Bacon and Rachel Freeman both of Woodstock were Married April 24*^ 1777 by the Rev*^ Abel Stiles Pastor Amafa Hayward and Jemima Johnfon both of Woodftock were Married Sep"" 23 1774 by y® Rev*^ Stephen Williams [34] M^ Elijah Lyon of Woodftock and Mifs Elifabeth Mer- iam of Mendon were Married ]zrf 9'^ 1752 by y® Rev*^ Dow Pastor Aaron Grifwold of Middletown and Anna Johnfon of Wood- stock Married 24'^ November 1774 by Abiel Leonard Pastor Benjamin Stoddard and Esther Hide both qf Woodstock were Married 28'*^ Day of February 1772 by the Rev'^ Abel Stiles Pastor M'' Abel Horsmer of Woodstock and Mrs Sabra Cady of Kil- lingly were Married July 11''' 1771 by the Rev*^ Abiel Leonard Pastor James Ledoyt and Dorothy Wilson both of Woodstock were Married January 30*^^^ I777 by Abel Ledoyt Nehemiah Child of Woodstock and Elifabeth Shipman of Say- brook were Married May 24'^'' 1775 by W"" Hart Paftor M'" Ebenezer Coburn and M""® Eleonar Fairfield both of Wood- stock were married May 28"^ i777 by Jedidiah Morfe Ju^ Pac Thomas Smith and Mary Stone both of Woodstock were Married July 18^'' 1776 by Jedidiah Morfe Jus*^ Peace M^ Uriah Johnfon & M"^ Esther Paine both of Woodftock were Married Novem'" 16"' 1775 by Jedidiah Morfe Esq"" 1775 Gardner Bartholomew of Woodstock & Sufanna Dana of Pomfret were Married May 2^ 1776 by the Rev"* Aaron Putnam Afa Morrifs of Woodstock & Bithiah Goff of Middletown were Married Decem'' 7'^'^ 1775 by the Reve*^ Stephen W^illiams Paftor Elijah Lyon and Mary Crofs both of Woodstock were Mar- ried [35] William Morrifs and Sarah Bowman both of Wood- stock were Married February 5*** 1778 by the Rev*^ Abel Stiles Pastor Samuel Howlett Jun'" of Woodstock and Lucretia Richardfon of Worcefter were Married May 6^ 1778 by Thaddeus M'^Carty Minifter of the Gofpel Prentice Chubb & Molly Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married April 30^*" 1778 by Jedidiah Morfe Jus^ Peace John Flyn & Mary Pay son both of Woodftock were Married June 23*^ 1778 by Jedidiah Morfe Juft^ Peace WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 307 Ephraim Bowers of Killingly and Martha Perington of Newprovidence Townfhip in the State o Penfylvania both free and Single Perfons as Attefted by Mefs'"^ Jacob Miller & William Keers were Joined together in Mattrimony on the first day of August AD 1778 p"" me as Witnefs my Hand Henry Mucklenburg Proteftant Minifter John Bacon and Molly Bugbee both of Woodstock were Mar- ried May 28^'' 1772 by Samuel Child Jutf Jus* Peace Abel Child and Rebecca Allard botih of Woodftock were Married March 11^ 1779 by the Rev"^ Abel Stiles Pator Elias Child and Dorothea Morfe both of Woodftock were Married March 18*^^ 1779: by the Rev^ Abel Stiles Paftor William Madeson & Tabatha Chaffee were married i/** March 1780 by Biel Ledoit of Woodstock [36] Ichabod Franklin of Winchefter and Hannah Franklin of Woodftock were Married March 17*^ 1779 by Jedidiah Morfe Juf® of y^ Peace Benjamin Skinner and Sarah Alanning both of Woodftock were Married March 30''' 1779 by Jeded'' Morfe Juf^ of y^ Peace Samuel Chaffee Jun'" and Sarah Chaffe both of Woodftock were Married November 17*^^ 1774 by the Rev*^ Abel Stiles paftor Ebenezer Holmes of Wodstock & EHsabeth Barret of Kel- lingley were married November 16 1775 by the Rev*^ Noadiah Rufsell Paftor James Chaffee and Sarah Howlett both of Woodstock were Married March 21^'^ 1775 by Rev^ Abiel Leonard Paftor Doctor Albigence Waldo of Pomfrett and Mrs Lydia Hurlbut were Married Novem'' 1772 by the Rev*^ James Cogswell Pastor Jonathan Bugbee Jun^ and Mary Dean both of Woodstock we Married June 23 1773 by Benjamin Sumner Ju^ Peace Elifha Gage and Olive Underwood were Married May 21 1779 by Samuel Child M^ Jacob Child and M""' Milly Curtis both of Woodftock were Married Septem"" 23'^ 1779 by y® Rev'^ Stephen Williams Paftor M"" Elijah Perry & M^ Irene Child both of Woodftock were Married October 28'^ 1779 by the Rev^ Stephen Williams Paftor Elias Keyes of Afhford & Olive Child of Woodftock were Married November 29'^'' i779 by Jedidiah Morfe Ju^ Peace Samuel Burnal & Sophia Tucker both of Woodstock were Married February 2p- 1780 by Ehfha Child Ju^ Peace [37] Davis Carpenter and Miriam Manning both of Wood- ftock were Married December 24*^^ 1778 by Abeel Stiles Paftor Silas Alay & Dorothy Morfe both of Woodstock were Married March 30*^ 1780 by Eliphelet Lyman Paftor 3o8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Bille Manning of Woodftock & Ruth Nichols of Manffield were Married November 25**" 1780 by Richard Salter ^" Paftor M"" Jofiah Hammond and M^^ Sybil Bifhop both of Woodstock were Married June S'*" 1780 by the Rev"^ Eliphelet Lyman Pastor M'' Benjamin Bugbee and Mrs Joanna Dodge both of Wood- ftock were Married Decem'" 18*'' 1778 by Jedid^ Morfe Ju^ Peace M-" William Chapman & M" Sarah Corbin both of Woodstock were Married May 31^*^ 1780 by Eli f ha Child Ju® Peace John Alton Ju"" of Killingly & Anna Babcock of Woodftock were Married Novem'" 26 1778 by Jedidiah Morfe Ju^ Peace Stephen Bugbee & Nancy Shaw hoth of Woodftock were Married November 9*^ 1780 Teft Biel Ledoyt Jonathan Morse & Azubah Lyon both of Woodftock were Married November 30**^ 1780 by Elipalet Lyman Paftor Jacob Perrin of Woodftock & Abigail Woodard of Wor- cefter were Married Febru'' lo**" 1778 by Stone Paftor Elisha Wilcox and Abigail Corbin both of Woodstock were Married August 19*'' 1781 by Elisha Child Ju^ Peace William Ranny & Abigail Bacon both of Woodftock were Married Septem^ 19'^ 1779 by the Rev"^ Abel Stiles Paftor [38] Daniel Roberts & Afeenath Tucker both of Woodftock were Married April 6* 1779 by the Rev"^ Abel Stiles Paftor Jonathan Mafon and Deborah Lyon both of Woodftock were Married February 7* 1782 by Eliphalet Lyman Paftor Ebenezer Holmes Ju'" & Mariella Colburn both Woodftock were Married April 7^ 1778 by Abel Stiles Paftor Leonard Mafon of Woodftock & Lucy Bond of Watertown were Married May 24^ 1781 by R. Rofwell Elliott Paftor Willard Child & Lydia Morfe both of Woodftock were Mar- ied January 10'^'' 1782 by Eliphalet Lyman Pastor William Skinner Jun'" and Sarah Green both of Woodftock were Married January 25'^ 1781 by Stephen Williams Paftor Jacob Mafcraft Ju'" and Hannah Austin both of Woodstock were Married October 25*'': 1780 by Jedidiah Morfe Ju^ Peace Marriages Look in y® first Book page 85. Records of Deaths Page i [i] Elizabeth Wife of Benjamin Bugbe Dyed March 19*'^: 1743/4 In y® 42*^ year of her age Abial Wife of Jn° Bugbe Dyed April 14*'^: 1744 In the 82** year of her age Samuel Perin Dyed March 11'^: 1743/4 Being 73 years old that Day David Green Dyed July 22^ 1744 In the year of his age Allithea Daughter of M' Abel & Allithea Stiles Dyed 22^: 1744 In her 2^ year 68 David Salter written first and erased. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 309 Abel Stiles Dyed Auguft 29*^: 1744 In the 4*^ year of his age Jonathan Peake Jun"" Dyed Auguft 23^: 1744 In the 39*^ year of his age Abigaile Wife of Nathaniel Perin Dyed Sep'": 3^: 1744 I« the 36: year of her age Jonathan Peake Dyed Sep'': 20^*^: 1744: In thee 81 year of his age . Hannah Daughter of Nehemiah & Mehetable May Dyed March ii***: 1744 John Bugbe Dyed Octob'" 5^: 1744 In the year of his age James son of Daniel & Leah Paine Died Nov"": 19: 1744 Bethiah Daughter of Ifrael & Abigail Mercy Died July 26: 1744 Dorothy Daughter of Ebenezer Smith Ju^ by Dorothy his wife Died Aug' 20: 1744 Dea° David Holmes Died May 22: 1745 In y^ 53^ year of his age John May Jutf Died By Thunder & Lightning June 18: 1745 Joel Chaff Died June 20''': 1745 In the 43*^ year of his age John Son of Sam^^ and Dorothy Chandler Died July 19: 1745 Elizabeth Wife of Edward Borfworth Died in this Town July 25: 1745 Elizabeth Morris Died Aug' 9* : 1745 : In ye 29'*^ year of her age Edward Morris Jun'" Died auguft 14: 1745 Hannah Morris Died auguft 13: 1745 Ebenezer Murrin of Wallingsford Died Aug' 25 : 1745 : aged 2.2 Eunis Bugbee Wife of Jonathan Bugbe Jun"" Died aug' 28 1745 Zurviah Child Died Sep'" 18: 1745 Stephen Thornton Died Sep' 19: 1745 Infant Daughter of Ed: Chamberlin Jun'" Died Sep"" 15: 1745 [2] M"^ Samuel Morris of Thom"^ Died Jan'" 9'^: 1745 Samuel Dodd Died Jan'" 1745 John Marten Son of William Marten by Elizabeth his Wife Died by accident Octob'" 28: 1745 - Jofeph Goold Died at Cape Britton 1745 Peter Perin 1 Slain by y^ Indian Enimy Aaron Lyon \ on Saturday y^ 24 Day of Jofepeh Mercy Jutf J May 1746: at N° 4 N.H David Allin Died Decem'" 4*^ 1746^^ Darcos Chaffe Daughter of Thomas & Darcos Chaffe Died Aug' 31 : 1746 David Allin died Dec'" 4"^: 1746 aged 59 Entry erased. 3IO WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M'"^ Elizabeth Wright Wife of Cap* Jofeph Wright Died Dec"" 28*'': 1746 Charles Chandler son of Col : Tho^ Chandler by Eliz*^ his wife Died Jan*: 4*: 1746/7 Elizabeth wife of Henry Lyon Died June 23"^: 1747 In y^ 36 year of her age Mary Wife of Ephreim Maning Died Nov'' 24*^: 1747 Mary y® wife of Eben'": Chaffe died ]arf: 21* 1746/7 In y® 39*'' year of her age Daughter of Eb'' Chaff e by Mary his wife died Jan'' 22"^ : 1746/7 Widdow Joanna Ellingwood Died Feb'' 2^ 1747/8 David & Jonathan Sons of Thomas & Mercy Fox Died March 22'': 1747/8 aged about 5 Hours Sarah daughter of Zebu'' and Joanna Dodge died Ap" 26: 1748 the R*^ : M"" Josiah Dwight died aug* 8**' 1748 In y'^ 78**^ y" of his age David Holmes son of David Holmes by Mehetabell his Wife died Octob'' 29: 1748 John Richardfon died y^ 3"^ day of Nov'' 1748 aged about 22 years Rebekah Williams daughter of Jofeph Williams by Ruth his wife died Nov'': 18: 1748 M''^ Joanna Ainfworth Wid^ of M'' Edward Ainfworth died Dec'': 23^: 1748: aged 79 Jonathan Dodge died June 7*^ 1748 in y^ 15*^ year of his age Mrs Sarah Lyon wife of Elijah Lyon Died June 8*'' 1748 [3] Phebe Child Daughter of Ephreim Child Ju'' Died Dec'' 25*: 1748 Hannah Barret Daughter of Benony Barret Died June 15: 1749 aged one year & 10 months Ebenezer Ormfbee Son of Thomas & EHz*'' Ormfbee died July 1749 on the Evening after ii*"^ day in y* Seventh year of his age Huldah Ormfbee daughter of Tho^ & Eliz*'' Ormfbee died July 13*": 1749 Daniel Ormfbee son of Tho^ & Elizabeth Ormfbee died Aug* 20: 1749 M"^ Abigail Barret y® wife of M'' Mofes Barret Died Aug* 22^: ^749 Jonathan A'lorfs Son of John Morfs by Sarah his wife Died April 5 : 1749 Jonathan T'^" Peake son of John Peake by Heph^ : his wife died Nov'' : 4 : 1749 in y^ 5* : year of his age Nathan Johnfon died July 24*^ 1749= Jon": Johnfons Son Nehemiah Bugbee died April 16:1750: in y^ 32 year of his age 60 Possibly intended to have been erased. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 311 Elizabeth Perin wif of John Perin y^ 2,^ : Died y^ i*^ day of June 1750 in the 25* year of her age Mehetable Morris Daughter of M-" Sam" Morris Died May Lucretia Morris Daughter of M^ Sam" Morris died June 1750 Ephreim Maning Died May 17^^^ in the 63 year of his age 1750 Abigail Leeke died at M"" John Wileys May 1750 Margret Johnson Died Aug*^ 12'''^: 1750 Rebekah Fox daughter of Thomas Fox died June 20*^: 1750 Amos Rockwood died June 25*^: 1750 Mary Deming aged Died august 29*^^ 1750 Marfilva Bifhop aged 2 years & 3 months & 5 days Died Octob'" y^ 31*: 1749 Perfes Bifhop aged 5 years and 5 Dayes Died Novem'" y^ 3'^ : 1749 M'"^ Elizabeth Horfraer Died Jan'" 16: 1745 in y® 83*^ year of her age Thomas Ormfbee Jutf Died September y* 6^ 1750 Just Entred his 19*'^ year Barfhua Bugbee Daughter of Benjamin Bugbee Died aug* 30 : ^750. Prifsilla Barrit Daughter of Smith Barret by Mary his wife Died December y^ 16: 1749: in y^ Seventh year of her age Thomas Barret their Third Son Died Dec"" y® 22'^: 1749 in the fift year of his age [4] Ephreim Barret y^ 4'*^ son of Smith Barret by Mary his Wife Died Decem^': y^ 12*^: 1749: in the 3*^ year of his age Abel Child Son of Jofeph & Abigail Child Died March y^ i* : 1751 David Holmes Son of David & Mehetable Holmes Died Octob^ 29'^'' 1748 David son of David & Mehetable Holmes died Feb^ 11 : 1748/9 Billy Holmes Son of David & Mehetable Holmes Died Feb^ 4: 1747/8 Deacon Edmund Chamberlin Died Decem^ y^ 18: 1751 aged about yy years Peter Reed Died at Robxury Decem'" 31*'': 1751 M""^ Abigail Paine*^^ Died Jan'" 13: 1752 aged about 80 years Martha y^ wife of Eb'" Corbin Died March 22"^: 1752 in y^ 40*'' year of her age Jeremiah Son of Thomas & Allice Newell Died the 26: Day of ap": 1752 Sarah Lyon wife of Elijah Lyon Died June 8*^: 1748 Child Daughter of Mofes Child by mary his wife Died Octob"" 6*: 1752 61 " Widof Samuel " added in later hand. 312 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Hannah Daugh*"" of Joseph & Mary Peake Died y® 29*'' of sep' 1726 aged 29 dayes M" Elizabeth May wife of Deacon John May Died the 12*'' Day of December Anno: Dom: 1752 in y^ year of her age Hannah Mackmanners Died y^ 4*^ Day of Jan"": 1753 Huldah Ainfworth wife of Nathan Ainfworth Died y^ 3*^ Day of April: 1749 ag^ 31 Mary, Daug'': of Nathan & Huldah Ainfworth Died April 10*'': 1749 ag'^ 5 years Daniel Perin Son of Timo Perin by Mary his wife born Jan*" 14* 175362 Mehetable Sanger died y^ 14''': day of March: 1753 Hannah Daug*^ of Richard & Sarah Flyn Died March 22'^: ^753 Joseph Newel Died y^ 12'*^ day of april 1753 in his 3'^ year William Thompson died y^ 17*^: day of april 1753 John Bartholomew Died y® 20*^*^ day of april 1753 Joannah Ainfworth wife of Edward Ainfworth Died y® 25': Day of ap": 1753 Abner Marcy Died the i*: Day of May: 1753 Thomas Chaffe Died the 3^ Day of May: 1753 Nehemiah May Died the 6' day of May: 1753 Bugbee wife of John Bugbee Died y^ 8*^ Day of May : 1753 Mary Perin wife of Abraham Perin Died the 10"^ Day of May 1753 Delilah, S-Indian Servent of Silas Bowen Died y® 11^'' Day of May 1753 [5] Abraham Perin Died y^ 19**' Day of May 1753 in the 54^^^ year of his age Allice Newel Daugh'' of Thomas and Allice Newel Died y® 31*'* of May: 1753 M" Mehetable Perin died the 7^^ day of Septem"" 1752 aged Peter Perin son of John & Abigail Perin died y® 24''' day of April 1749 Nathaniel Perin Died the 9*'' day of June 1753 Twin Children of Simeon Bacon Named Efther and Rebecca by Easter his wife died one of them y^ 20 y^ other 23^ of Sep"" 1752 Zurviah Daughter of Thomas Bacon Jun'" by Anna his wife Died April y^ 6* 1753 Abigail May Daughter of Caleb May by Eliz'^ his wife born y^ 24*^ day of June 1753 Alpha Child Son of Nath" Child by Jemima his wife born y^ 19*^ day of aug*^ 1753 ®^ *2 Entry erased. 63 This entry and the precedingr one erased. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 313 William Taynter son of John Taynter by Sarah his wife Died Feb'' 2*^: 17495 [sic] M""® Sarah Taynter y^ wife of M'' John Taynter Died y® 29*^ day of Octob"" : 1753 E'' 37 Rebekah Child wife of Henry Child Died Novem'' y® 7 1753 Elizabeth May wife of Caleb May Died Novem'" 22*^ : 1753 Sarah Smith Daughter of Zacher'^ Smith by Huldah his wife Died Decem"" 12"^'': 1753 Esther Chamberlin wife of Sam" Chamberlin Died Decern'' 22: 1753 Mary Chaff e Wife of Eben'' Chaff e Died Decem"" 29'*^ 1753 Will" Child son of Deacon Tho® Child by Anna his Wife Died Feb"" 6: I75[ ] Nathan Son of Nathan Dodge by Mary his wife Died June 28'^'' 1753 aged 22 y'" Israel Marcy Son of Israel Marcy by Abigail his Wife Died February 17*^: 1754 aged Near 6 y[ ] Infant Child Son of Jofeph Peniman by Lydia his wife Died January 20*'^: 1753 Zachariah Richardson Died June i^^ 1754 William Chandler Esq'" Died June 20**^ i754 Jerufha Johnfon wife of Jonathan Johnfon Died August iS^"^ 1754 Martha Daughter of the Rev'^' M'" Stephen Williams Died May 22^: 1754 Nathan Son of Jonathan Johnfon Died Sep'' 1754 Daniel Son of Timothy & Mary Perin Died November 2^ 1754 Lydia Morfs Daughter of John Morfs Died November 29*^^: 1754 Cumfort Chaff e Daughter of Ephraim & Anna Chaff e Died October 25*^: 1754 John Wilfon Son of Eph™ & Anna Chaff e Died October 26*'' 1754 [6] Ebenezer Corbin Jun'' Son of Ebenezer Corbin Died Sepf 30''' 1754 Mary Daughter of John Morfs Died November • 10*^ 1754 Prifcilla Daughter of Jefse & Abigail Carpenter Died October 10'^ 1754 Abigail Daughter of Jefse Carpenter & his Said Wife Died Octo"" 15*^ 1754 Martha Daughter of Sam" & Kefiah Child Died November 24''' 1754 Abner Marcy Son of John Marcy Died April 20*^ 1753 Zachariah Richardson Died June i^*^ 1754 before recorded Abel Son of the Rev^ M"- Abel Stiles by Alithea Died Decem'"' 13: 1754 Thomas Gould Died 314 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sophia Daughter of y^ Rev^ M"" Abel Stiles by Allithea Died Decern'^'" 4"^^ 1754 Daughter of Hezekiah Smith by Eunice Died Mary Daughter of Parker Morfs by Hannah Died Nov^ 23 1754 Jonathan Bugbee Died December 11*^ I754 David Hammon Son of Jonathan & Katharine Hamond Died Aug"' 21"' 1754 Jonathan Hammond Son of Jonathan Hammond &c Died Octo"" 28'!^ 1754 Mary Marten Daughter of W™ & Elif^ Marten Died Jan"" 22 1755 Jeremiah Son of Thomas & Alliss Newell Died Dec^ 18'*^ 1754 Gemaliel Newell Son of Tho* & Allis Newell Died Jan'' f^ 1755 ^ Samuel Son of Tho^ and Allis Newell Died Jan^ 12*^^ 1755 Rachel Daughter of Noah & Lydia Ripley Died February 22^ 1755 The Widow Hannah Bartholomew Died March 3'' 1755 Sarah Daughter of Jonath" Eaftman by Eliz^ his wife Died Huldah Daughter of Jonath'* Eaftman by Eliz^ his wife Died Mary Peake wife of M'" Jofeph Peak Died February 24*'' 1755 Chandler Holmes Son of Ebetf & Phebe Holmes Died May 4**^ 1755 Abiel Son of Sarah Abbott Named Abiel Brown Died May 4*^^ ^755 Hannah Daughter of Hez"^ Smith by Eunice &c Died Dec^ 14 1754 Fanna Daughter of Uriah Allard by Prudence his wife Died Aprill 2g^^: 1755 Jemime Daughter of David Brock by Mary his wife Died Dec- 3-^: 1755 Lucretia Daughter of Said David Brock by Said wife Died Dec'" 18'^: 1755 Elifabeth Southwick Died December 25*^^: 1755 Chriftopher Chaff e Died December 31^*^ 1755 [7] Joseph Son of Jonathan Gould by Mary his wife Died Jan"- 4^^^ 1756 Eafter Daughter of Stephen Marcy by Mary his wife Died Bette Daughter of Hez'' Smith by Unice his wife Died Feb"" : 14 : ^756 Amos Son of Jedidiah Morfs by Sarah his wife Died March IS*'' 1755 Dorothy Daughter of Jedidiah Morfs by his s^ wife Died Aprill 20*^^ 1755 Eliz^ Daughter of John Morfs Jun'" by EHz^ his wife Died Octob'" 25 : 1754 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 315 Joanna Daughter of A'P Eph'° Child by Prifcilla his wife Died March 21^* 1756 Abel Son to Uriah Allard by Prudence his wife Died Aprill 8"' 1756 • ivr« Mary Hodges Died in Woodftock Aprill 20'^ 1756 Mad"" Esther Chandler Died Aprill 2f 1756 Henry Son of W" Chandler Dec'^ by Jemime his wife Died Aprill 25*'^ 175 [ ] Lemuel Chandler Died July 17^^ 1756 John Cotes Died September 21^^ 1756 Ebenezer Frifsel Died In Albany y*^ 23^^ Day of December 1755 Sarah Frifsel (his sifter) Died March 6*^ 1756 Lucretia Child Daughter of Mofes & Mary Child Died Aug^' : ly^^: 1756 Amos Morfe Died October i^*' 1756 Edward Morris Son of Afa Morris by Anna his Wife Died Nov^ 18 1756 Wiman Son of Afa Morris by Anna his wife Died y^ 2(f Day of Nov"^ 175 [ ] Penuel Son of John Perrin Died October 26. 1756 Kefiah y^ Wife of Edward Ainfworth Jun^ Died December i^' 1756 Hannah Peake Daughter of Jofeph Peake Died Aug""* 25. 1756 Obadiah Peak Died September 24*^ 1756 Allis Daughter of Elifha Child by AUis his wife Died Octo^ 25 1756 Efther Daughter of Zach*^ Richardfon Died Nov'' 19'^ 1756 Abigal Wife of Samuel Harding Died December 17. 1756 M""^ Martha Lyon Died May 8*^ 1756 M^^ Hannah Peake Died October 16*^ 1756 Annah Horfmer Daughter of -James Horfmer Died Octo"" 6*'^ 1756 Samuel Marfcraft Jutf Died Sep"". 16. 1756 Anna Daughter of Jofeph Hayward Died May 10*^ 1756 in her jQth yr Beck Negro Wench of Sam" Chandler Died Decem'''' 26'^ 1756 Efther Daughter of Stephen & Mary Marcy Died January 31'' 1756 [8] Thomas Penuel and John Children of Stephen Squire by Anna his wife Died Sep'' y" firft 3"^: 4: 7: Days 1756 Mofes Son of Mofes Chandler by Frances his wife Died Jatf 2jst j^27 Abigail Daughter of Caleb May by Eliz^ his wife Died Sep"" 12'-^ 1756 John Son of John Hutchins by Lucy his wife Died March 4'^ 1757 3i6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lucy Daughter of Said Hutchins by Lucy &c Died March 6**' 1757 Elifha Son of Said Hutchins &c Died March 8'^ 1757 Afa Payson Died Aprill 2^. A.D. 1757 Prudence Daughter of Benj^ Lyon 2^. by Sarah his wife Died Jatf. 30'\ 1757 Amos Son of John Dodge Died 10"^^ December 1754. Ehz^ King f ley Died September I9^^ 1756 Leonard Morfe Son of Docf Parker Morfe Died Sep''. 8*^. 1757 Sarah Pain Daughter of Cap* Dan" Paine Died Octo"" 5*^. 1757 Henry Bowen Esq'" Died January i^*. 1758 Nathaniel Perrin Died October 10*^^. 1756 M""" Mary Paine wife of M'' Eben"" Paine Died May 23^. 1758 M'" Edward Ainf worth Died June 16*^. 1758 Andrew Son of M"" Stephen Williams by Martha his wife Died July 20. 1758 M'' Jonathan Hammond Died June 27*''. 1758 Hannah the wife of David Bifhop Jun'" Died June 2^. 1758 Daniel Marfcraft Died December 18*^. 1758 David Wallis Jutf Died Novem^^ 22. 1758 Darius Son of Nath". Child by Jemima his wife Died May 29'*"- 1759 Sarah Daughter of Benj^ Child Jun'' by Patience his wif Died January 18'^'') 1759 M'"^ Anna May wife of M" Jofhua May Died Aprill 4*^ 1759 William Son of Tho^ May by Lucy his wife Died July y^^. 1757 Mary Daughter of Nath" Eaton by Sarah his wife Died July 4'^ 1759- Mary Morris Daughter of L*. Edw"^ Morris Died July 29*^. 1759 The Widow Prifcilla Morfe Died Aug^l 2^. 1759 in y^ 79 year of her Age. Hannah Daughter of James Ledoit by Margret his wife David Allen Died June 12*^. 1758 Infant Child of M'' Jofeph Peak by Sarah his wife Died Aug 2°^ 1759 David Bifhop Jun'' Died June ly^^ 1759 [9] Griffith Son of Matthew and Mary Bowen Died Thompfon Son of Elifha Child Died May 28*^ 1760 Cap*^ Jabez Lyon Died May 30*''. 1760 aged 55 y'"^ 2"" & 12D. M"" Penuel Bowen Died March 18*^. 1760 Abigail Daughter of Israel Marcy by Abigail his wife Died July 26*^ I76[ ] M' Ephraim Child Died November 22^. 1759 Anna Perrin Wife of Amos Perrin Died Septem'^'" 8*'*. 1760 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 317 Jofeph Child Son of Jofeph Child Died at Green Bufh Octo'' 26, 176 [ ] ^ ^ M"" John Marcy Died March 26**^. 1760. Aged 70 y". 3™ [ ] M'"^ Patience Lyon Wife of M'" Will"^. Lyon Died Sep^ 3. I76[ ] Aged 55 years 10". and a Day Martha Daughter of Sam^ Child by Kefiah his wife Died November 24*^. 1754 Stephen their Son Died y^ 14***. Day of Octo^ 1758 M'' John Chaffee Died December 2^. 1757 aged 85 Eliz^ Chaffe wife of y^ Said John Chaffee Died Feb"-. 5'\ 1760 87 y Jofeph Son of ®* M'^ Jacob Woodward Died Nov^ 28*''. 1760 Jofeph Son of Jofeph & Ruth Williams Died Nov'". 26. I7[ ] Cap* Jonathan Payson Died December 23*^. 1760 Prif cilia >'* wife of John Perrin 2^ Died Decem'^'" 22: 1760 Deborah Wife of William Child Died Jan. 14*'' 1761 Lucy Daughter of Benj^ Bartholomew by Martha his wife Died Dec"-. 18*^: 1760 Patience Daughter of Abigah Tucker by Lucy his wife born Januarv 26* : 1761 Samuel Chaffe Son of Eben"- Chaffe Died Sep^: 5*^^. 1758 Warham Son of Elnathan walker by Hannah his wife Died July 10 1759 Anna Bacon Wife of Thomas Bacon Died April 8*^ 1758 [iq] Jonathan Hawle^ the son of Saml" Howlet Jun''' & Mary his wife Died August 18*^. A.D. 1759 Martha the wife of Samuel Howlett Died October 18*^: 1759 Abiel Son of Caleb May Died the 13*'' Day of July 1761 Nethaniel Sanger Died the 6**^ Day of June 1761. In y® "j^ Year of his age. Henry Lyon the Son of Henry Lyon & Eliz'^ his wife Died in a Campaine at Ticondaroga October y^ 25*. A.D. 1760 Chester Son of Thomas May by Lucy his Wife Died Jan'' 27: 1762 Zerviah Daughter of Stephen Chapman by Abigail his wife born May 7*^ 1762 ^'^ [ ] Daughter of John Child Jun^. by Sibbel his wife bom April 10*'' 1762 ^^ Charles Son of Shubael Child by Abigail his wife born May y^ 19*^. 1762 "^ Thefe three Lines above Recorded by a Mistake M" Dorothy Bowen the wife of M''. Silas Bowen & the Daugh- ter of M*". Daniel Lyon & Prifcilla his wife Died May the 16*^: A.D. 1762 64 This entry has been crossed out in the origrinal. 65 This entry has been crossed out in the original. 3i8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sabarah Daughter of Will™: Skinner & Thankful his wife Died Sep*. 23 : 1754 Tabitha Daughter of Will™ Skinner & Thankful his wife Died Jan^: 26*^: 1759 Anna the wife of Daniel Bugbee Died November the 6*. AD 1762 Joanna Child Daughter to Henry Child & Dorithy his wife Died Nouember: 25: 1762 M'"^ John Brock Jun'" Died January y^ 25*: AD. 1757 M"^ Elijah Hurlbutt Died August ii^'^ AD 1763 Lois Daughter of Barnabas Rawfon by Mary his Wife Died January 22'^: 1762 Spencer Son of Elias Mason by Lydia his Wife Died Janu'' 21*^. 1764 M'"^ Patience Child the Wife of Cap* Benjamin Child Died March 15*** AD: 1764 Alice Daughter of Jofeph Manning by Ruth his Wife Died Febr^ y« 6*'^: 1763 M-"^ Jemima M^Clelin the Wife of M^ Samuel M'^Clelin Died April 13*^ 1764. Darius Bugbee Died May y^ 21*^: AD 1764 Sarah Daughter of Joseph Frifsel by Huldah his Wife Died October the 3'^ 1764 Abigail Daughter of Benj". Bugbee J"". By Sufanna his Wife Died Sepf. 28*"^ 1756 Esther Daughter of Stephen & Mary Marcy Died Janu"". 31 1756 [iia] Olive Daughter of Uriah Johnson by Lucy his Wife Died Sept' y* 6*^. AD 1764 Lucy the Daughter of Uriah Johnson by Lucy his AVife Died Esther & Frances Daughters of Uriah Johnson & Lucy his Wife Died Sep'" 15'^: 1764 Parker Son of Uriah Johnson by Lucy his Wife Dyed Sep- tember ig^^. 1764 M'"'' John Morfs Died Novem' y^ 13**^, 1764 Aged 64 Years 10 Months and 14 Days M'^ Anna the Wife of M'" Ebenezer Wilfon Died August 12^^ 1764 M'" John Child Died September y^ i^*: 1764 Al'" James Marcy Died January y® 28*: 1765 Aged 71 years 10 Months and 22 Days: he was Born Febr.y 26: 1693 Charity Daughter of Nath". Child & Jemima his Wife Died Novem y 16 1764 Sarah Daughter^ of Jedidiah Morfs by Sarah his Wife Died Febr^ 5*^: 1765 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 319 Daniel Mascraft Son of Dan". Mascraft by Dorcas his Wife Died august y® 8 1764 Darius Powers Son of W" Powers Died at Detroit August ye ^th. jy^^ Mary Wife of M'". Charles Green Died December 28^ 1764 M'"^ Dorothy Leonard Wife of y^ Rev^ M"". Abiel Leonard Died July y^ 6^: I7[ ] Sarah Wife of Daniel Ainsworth Died July y^ 14*^ 1765 Zephaniah Son of Zephaniah & Hannah Dean Died October ye 23d. j^5^ Samuel Bugbee J^ Died August y^ 16*^: AD: 1765 M''. Benjamin Marcy Died April y® ii*'^: 1760 in y^ 61^^: year of his age M^^ Jofeph Child Died September y^ 27*^: 1765 Timothy Son of W" & Martha Wlfon Died June y^ f^: 1759 Elijah Son of W" & Martha Wilfon Died August 23"^: 1764 Marfilva Daughter of Afahel Corbin Died May y° 3'^: 1765 Mary Hodges y^ Wife of Silas Hodges Died November y® 19*'': 1765 Esther Daughter of David & Esther Perin Died April y® 23*^: 1765 Benjamin Child J''. Died December y®, 9*^^: 1765 in y® 52*^ year of his age Leonard Morfs Son of Jedidiah Morfs by Sarah his Wife Died Dece^ 16*: 176 [ ] Timothy Son of Timothy Perrin & Mary his Wife Died Dec- ember y^ 8^ : I76[ ] Molly Daughter of Timothy Perrin & Mary his Wife Died Decem''. y^ 12*: 1765 Levi Son of David Perin by Esther his Wife Died January y° V^: 1766 Hadlock Son of David Perin by Esther his Wife Died Jan- uary y® 5*^: 1766 Jonathan Son of Nathan Ainf worth J'", by Phebe his Wife Died Jan^. y^ 11*^: 1766 Esther Daughter of Daniel Bugbee 2^ & Esther his Wife Died Janu^ y® 23*^. 1766 Betty Daugter of Daniel Paine Jun"" and Elisabeth his Wife Died Janu^ 30*^: 1766 Sarah Daughter of Daniel Paine Ju'" & Elisabeth his Wife Died March 6*^. 1766 M*" Thomas Bacon Ju"" Died March 25*^^ Aged 70 Years 11 Months and 16 Days [12a] M^^ Abigail Johnson the Wife of M'" Isaac Johnson Died February the 22*^. 1766 Anna Paine Daughter of Amos and Prifcilla Paine Died March 20^^. 1766 320 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Hermes Daughter of Richard Peabody Jun"* and Tabithy his Wife Died May ly^^: 1765 M'' Isaac Johnson Died April 3"^. 1766 Joseph Lyon Son of William Chapman Ju'' and Tabitha his Wife Died April 11**^ 1766 Anna Daughter of Samuel and Dinah Harding Died Febr^ j^th 1^55 Aged Seven Years and one Month Cornelius Son of Samuel and Abigail Harding Died Febru- ary 23"^: 1766 Aged Eleven Years and Eleven Months Betty Daughter of Hezekiah and Elisabeth May Died July 18*^: 1766 Elijah Son of Hezekiah May by Elifabeth his Wife Died July 24^'^: 1766 Asa Son of Hezekiah And Elisabeth May Died August. 2^. 1766 M" Lucy Fellows Wife of M'" Isaac Fellows Died August S*'': 1766 Widow Anna Allen Died August 8*^. 1766 Asa Son of Joseph Manning by Ruth his Wife Died Nov- ember 3*^. 1766 Stephen son of Joseph and Ruth Manning Died November I0*^ 1766 Haviland Son of Increafe Child and Olive his Wife Died Aug* 19*^. 1766 Nathan Son of William Gorden and Mary his wife Died Sepf II'^ 1766 Levina Daughter of William Gorden by Mary his wife Died Sepf 2G-^. 1766 Elisha Son of Elisha Chamberlin by Damaris his Wife Died June 27'^*'. 1766 Winflow Son of Peter Child and Sufannah his Wife Died Decem'' 30. 1766 Aaron Son of John Bowen and Dinah his Wife Died January 24^'^: iy64 Dorcas Wife of William Wakefield Died July 18*^ 1766 Elisabeth Daughter of Moses and Frances Chandler Died July 6*^^. 1766 Adonijah Son of Samuel Chamberlin Jun'" by Anna hi? wife Died June 6*^^. 1766 Efther Daughter of Sam^ Chamberlin Jun'" by Anna his wife Died July 22'' 1766 Abigail Daughter of Jonathan Wilfon by Lois his Wife Died August 3*^: 1766 Mary Daughter of Jonathan Wilfon by Lois his wife Died August 6''*'. 1766 Zolve Son of Jonathan Wilfon by Lois his Wife Died Aug- ust 7*'*: 1766 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 321 Thomas Son of Jonathan Wilfon by Lois his Wife Died August 2.G-^\ 1766 Hepsibah Daughter of James and Margaret Ledioyt Died July 31^^ 1766 Anna Daughter of Joel Eddy by Rachel his wife Died Dec- emb"" 4^^ 1766 Molley Daughter of Eliphelet Goodell by Molley his Wife Died March 4^^ 1766 Isaac Goodell son of David and Hannah Goodell Died Sep- tember 8*^ 1766 Zubah Goodell Daughter of David & Hannah Goodell Died December 29*^. 1766 [lib] Henry Son of Thomas Bugbee by Elisabeth his Wife Died July 1766 Mary Lyon the Wife of John Lyon Died August 28'^ 1767 M"" Benjamin Lyon Died August 26"' 1767 in the 38^^ Year of his age Triphena Daughter of Ezra Perin by Anna his Wife Decem'" 29*^ 1766 Deacon Daniel Lyon Died March the 3*^. 1767 Patte Williams Daughter of y^ Rev'^ Stephen Williams by Martha his Wife Died Octo^ f^. 1766 Ebenezer Smith Jun^ Esq'' Died September 9*''. 1767 in y^ ^^th Year of his age Chloe Daughter of Thomas and Lucy May Died September 2.^^. 1767 Abel May Son of Thomas May by Lucy his Wife Died Octo''. 10*^. 1767 Levi Thayer Son of Mphibofheth and Anna Thayer Died July 3^: 1766 Levi Thayer son of Mephibofheth and Lydia Thayer Died Decem'". 3^: 1767 Martha Allen Daughter of Jonathan & Martha Alien iJied October 15*''. 1764 Elisha Lyon Son of Cap*. Nehemiah and Mehetabel Lyon Died October 15*^. 1767 Instantaeously and Accidentally by the Discharge of a Gun Betty Child Daughter of Elisha & Alice Child Died January 5'^ 1768 Bithiah Morrifs Daughter of Jonath" & Mary Morrifs Died October 15**^: 1766 Lois Rawfon Daughter of Barnabas & Mary Rawfon Died Octob'" 13*. 1766 Elisabeth Rawson Daughter of Barnabas & Mary Rawfon died Ocf 22^. 1766 Asa Rawfon Daughter of Barnabas & Mary Rawfon Died April 10^. 1767 022 ' WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Enos Leach son of Robert and Mary Leach Died May 2f'^ 1766 Esther Bugbee Daughter of Daniel and Esther Bugbe Died Jan^. 23"^: 1766 Ifsachar Southwick Son of David & Marcy Brock Died Aprill 8^^ 1768 David Southwick Brock Son of David & Marcy Brock died April 1 2**' 1768 Winthrop Brock Son of David and Marcy Brock Died April 13'^. 1768 Eunice Brock Daughter of David and Marcy Brock died April 19'^. 1768 Ifaac Southwick Brock Son of David & Marcy Brock Died April 24*^. 1768 Esther Smith Daughter of Eben'" Smith Ju'" Efq'' & Dorothy his Wife died April I9*^ 1766 Rachel Smith Daughter of Eben-- Smith Ju"" E:fq^ & Dorothy his Wife Died April 21^^ 1766 Dorothy Smith Daughter of Eben"" Smith Ju'' Efq"" & Dor- othy Smith Died Ap\ 22'^. 1766 Elisabeth Smith Daughter of Eben"" Smith Ju"". & Dorothy his Wife Died Apr' 25^^. 1766 M^ Jofhua Child Died May 28^ 1768 Mehetabel May Daughter of Dea". Caleb May by Mehetabel his Wife Died June 23*^ 1768 Abigail May Daughter of Dea'' Caleb May by Mehetabel his Wife Died July 3^ 1768 Rockselane Child Daughter of Increafe & Olive Child Died July 13*. 1768 M'". Joshua Chandler Died April 15*^. 1768 in the 73 Year of his Age Elijah Lvon Son of Ifaiah and Sibyl Lyon Died August 11*^: 1768 ' John Child Died July 28*^' 1768 [12b] A Record of Deaths The four following Lines Recorded by a Miftake Belinda Child Daughter of Sam' Child Ju'' & EHfabeth his Wife born July 30^^^ 1768 «« Decaamia Sanger Daughter of John & Dorothy Sanger Born Decern'". 27*: 1764®^ Matilda Sanger Daughter of John and Dorothy Sanger born Nov''. 23^^. 1766*^^ Lucinda Sanger Daughter of John & Dorothy Sanger born July 6"^. 1768 «*' Daniel Tucker Son of Stephen and Lois Tucker Died Sepf. 66 A line has been drawn through this entry. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 323 Stephen Tucker Son of Stephen and Lois Tucker Died Sepf Chloe Daughter of Thomas and Lucy May Died Novem''. 26'^ 1768 Sarah Fellows Daughter of Ifaac and Leah Fellows Died So Cynthia Skinner Daughter of Jonathan & Drufilla Skinner Died Aug 31=* 1766 ( ?) M" Elifabeth Child wife of Eben'-. Child Died November 30*^. 1768 Prifcilla Frifsel Daughter of Jofeph & Huldah Frifsel Died Decem"" 18'^'' 1764 David Frifsel Son of Jofeph & Huldah Frifsel Died Decem"^. 19*''. 1764 Marcy Bacon Daughter of Benja". & Miriam Bacon Died Sep'". 22"^. 1768 Patty Bacon Daughter of Benj^. & Miriam Bacon Died Sep"". 25*''. 1768 Mary Bacon Daughter of Benj^ Miriam Bacon Died Sep''. 2.(f 1768 Sarah Cady Daughter of Luther & Chloe Cady Died March 9*'' 1769 Jonathan Ainsworth fon of Nathan & Phebe Ainf worth Died Feb''. 14*^^. 1769 Betty Bacon Daughter of Parker & Mary Bacon Died March 26*'^ 1769 M''^ Kezia Robinfon Wife of M^ Timothy Died July 5*^ 1769 M'' Ebenezer Lyon Died July 12*^^ Aged 63 Years 11 Months 1769 M"-^ Jemima Child wife of Nath^ Child Efq^ Died Ocf 29*1^. 1769 Bradford Ma fon fon of Elias & Elifabeth Mafon Died Jan'". 19*''. 1769 Deacon John May Aged 83 Years 3 Month 28 Day Died Mach i^'. 1770 "Widow Prifcilla Lyon Died September 20*^^. 1769 Sarah Dodge Daughter of Jn° & Sarah Dodge Died 1769 Ruth Child the Wife of Daniel Child Died March iS^i^ 1771 M''. William Child Aged 'j}, Years Died April 16^"^. 1770 Olive Daily Daughter of Olive Wife of Afa Perin. Died April 20: 1759 Abiel Lyon Died April the 30*^ 1771 Ruth Child Wife of Daniel Child Died 1771 " Patience Davifon Wife of Eben'". Davifon Died 1771 M''^: Tabitha Skinner Wife of M''. Abraham Skinner died July 13*^ 1 77 1 Thomas Marcy July 4*^^ 1769 Doc'" Parker Morfe Jun"" Died July 18^^: 1771 87 A line has been drawn through this entry. 324 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [13] A Record of Deaths M''^ Sufanna Chaffee Wife of M''. Samuel Chaffee died June 9*^. 1768 M"" John Perin Aged years Died April 5*^: 1770 Amos Lyon fon of Amos Lyon by Bithiah his Wife Died August 12^'': 1 77 1 Benoni Lyon fon of Amos & Bithiah Lyon Died August 26*. 1772 M"". Nehemiah Underwood Aged 51 Years 4 Months & 27^ Died Ocf 20'^ 1772 M'"^ Mary the Wife of M^ Peter Allard Died Novem^ 25*'' 1772 M". Sarah Smith wife of Eben^ Smith in the 80*'' year of her age Died February 9*^. 1773 Hannah Tucker Daug'". of Stephen & Lois Tucker died April 30*^ 1 77 1 Infant Child of Abel and Sarah White Died July 3'^ 1771 Thomas Perry fon of Lemuel & Dorcas Child Died Nov"". 26**^. 1773 Anna Spears Daug''. of Wilham & Mary Spears Died April I8'^ 1773 Mrs. Abigail Walker wife of Ezra Walker Died aug*" 6. 177 [ ] M"" John Perin Jun^. Died February 9*^ 1773 M''^^ Mehetabel Long Wife of Silas Long Efq Died June 18*^. 1774 HJannah Daughter of Stephen & Lois Tucker/ Died May 1770. Chloe Daughter of Nehemiah & Esther Jackson Died Jan'' 3 177 [ ] . Lucy Johnfon wife of Uriah Johnfon Died Nover 16'^'^ 1774 Deacon Ebenezer Corbin Died May 25*^ in the 70*^ Year of his age 1775 M'" Ephraim Child In the '64 Year of his age Died Sep"". 12*''. 1775 M*" Nehemiah Underwood Aged 51 Years four months & 28 days Died October 20*^ 1772 Harvey Bacon Son of Parker & Mary Bacon Died Octo"" 24*^* 1774 Ruben Bugbee fon of Abijah & Bugbee Died Sep''. 4*''. 1775 Laban Marcy fon of Afahel & Prif cilia Marcy Died Sep''. 5. 1775 Mary Daug'' of Afahel and Prifcilla Marcy Died Sep''. 25"' 1775 Mary Bacon Wife of Parker Bacon Died June ii'^''. 1775 M''. Penuel May Died October 19'^. 1775 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 325 Royal Child fon of Amafa & Joanna Child Died April ig*''. 1775 M^ Jofeph Peak in the 84*'' Year of his Age Died Novem"". 15'^- 1775 Mifs Hannah Stanley Died November 5**^ 1775 Mofes Richardson fon of Jn°. & Sufana Richardson Died Decern'" 13*'' 1776 Griffith Bowen fon of Matthew & Mary Bowen Died 1776 Lieu* Ephraim Child Died Septem"" ye 12*^ 177 [ ] [14] A Recorde of Deaths Bemfley Carpenter fon of Ephr". & Tabtha Carpenter Died Oct^ 7*'^. 1775 Nellie Carpenter Dang'' of Eph™ & Tabitha Carpenter Died Oct^ 9. 1775 Ephraim Carpenter fon of Eph™. & Tabitha Carpenter Died June 20*^^. 1776 Prif cilia Child Daug^ of Eli f ha & Alice Child Died Ocf. 3^ 1775 Kezia Corbin Dau"". of Amos & Kezia Corbin Died Ocf 9*^ 1776 Seth Corbin fon of amos & Kezia Corbin Died Ocf. 13*^. 1776 Abner Martin Son of Henry & Mary Martin Died Febr^. 25th J ^^5 Calvin Bugbee Son of Daniel Bugbee 2'^ & Efther his Wife M'' Eliakim Lyon fon of Nehemiah & Mehetabel Lyon Died Oct^ 3^ 1776 M"" Joseph Manning Died October 3*^ 1776 M^ Joel Eddy Died 1776 M'". Amafa Carpenter Died 1776 M'" Eliakim Frifsel Died 1776 M'' Nehemiah Bugbee Died 1776 M"" Jonathan Skinner Died 1776 M"" Edward Johnfon Died 1776 M"". Levi Child Died Novem'' 15*^ 1776 M'" Amafa Lyon Died 1776 M'-. Daniel Child Died May 1776 M^. Nathan A(infwortW Died Novem^. 2^^ 1776 Mr Afa Morifs Died July the 30*^ 1774 Mrs Eifabeth Lyon Wife of M^ Elijah Lyon Died Februy. 2^th jyyy Abel May Son of Thomas and Lucy May Died Nov''. 8 1776 PhiHp White Ju^ fon of Philip & White Died June f^ 1777 Perly Lyon fon of Daniel & Prudence Lyon Died 1777 M". Abigail Child wife of M"-. Abijah Child Died Sept^ 9^ 1774 M''. Abijah Child Died May 18*^ Both of the Smallpox 1777 326 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M'-^ Elifabeth Child wife of M^ Abijah Child Died May 9*^ 1777 Jonathan Dodge fon of Nath^ and Hannah Dodge Died Sep"". 12. 1775 Lyman Dodge fon of Nath^ & Hannah Dodge Died Sep'". 13*^. 1775 Rev'^ Abiel Leonard Died at Danbury August 14 at 5 "Clock P.M. 1777 Penuel May fon of Joseph & Lois May Died Sep"" 16**" 1777 Anna May Daug'". of Joseph & Lois May Died Sep^ 28^^. 1777 [15] M''. Matturin Allard Died March 29*^. 1774 in the 93 or 94 Year of his Age Mrs Anna Underwood wife of the late Neh''. Underwood Died July 4*''. 1776 Mary Barrett Daughter of Smith & Mary Barret Died Septem- ber i^^^. 1777 M^ John Lyon Died September 26*. 1778 Chef tor Lyon fon of Cap*. Benja"" Lyon & Sarah his Wife Died May 14**^. 1778 Luke Ainf worth son of W"". & Marah Ainf worth Died Octo- ber 8*^ 1778 M'". Ebenezer Dodge Died November 28*^. 1776 Eli f ha Paine fon of Ebetf. Pain Jun^. by Esther his Wife Died Febru^. 26*'^. 1777 Elifha Underwood son of Eli ^^ Eunice Daughter of the Rev*^. Stephen Williams by Martha his Wife Died August 8^^ 1776 Deacon Caleb May Died June 11*'' 1777 in the 60 year of his Age. Widow Jemima Chandler Died June 29**^ ^779 Polly Hayward Daug'' of David Hayward by Prifcilla his Wife Died June 5*^ 1777 Mr^ Anna Chapman Wife of M^ W" Chapman Died Febru^. 4*'^ 1779 Mr^. Jemima Chandler Died June 25. 1779 Warham Lyon fon of Warham & Anna Lvon Died June 20 1778 Ralph Waldo Son of Abligence & Lydia Waldo Died August 10*''. 1777 Mr^ Sybil Child wife of M^ Jacob Child Died August lo***. 1777 Mrs. Prifcilla Child Wid°. of Mr. Ephm. Child Died Janu'' 26*^. 1780 in her 96 Year. Cap* Stephen Marcy Died December 4* 1776 ' A line has been drawn this entry. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 327 Molly Marcy Daug"". of Stephen & Mary Marcy Died Decern'". S'\ 1776 Efther Marcy Daug''. of Stephen & A'lary Marcy died Ocf. 1775 Mrs. Mary Marcy wid°. of Cap* Stephen Marcy Died Decern^ 7'\ 1779 Clarrifsa Tucker Daug''. of Stephen & Anna Tucker Died Octo'" 17^^. 1779 Lucrecia Tucker Daug'". of Stephen &; Anna Tucker Died Sepf". 17 1779 Elisabeth Carpenter ^^ Mrs. Mary Hammond wife of M'". Jofiah Hammond Died September 13*''. 1778 Mary Hammond Daug'". of M". Jofiah Hammond Died August Abel Chapman Son of W" Chapman J & Tabitha his Wife Died March 1776 Will'" Chapman fon of W' Chapman p & Tabitha his Wife Died March 1776 Dea" Thomas Child Died July 19*'' 1782 in y® 79 year of his age Alice Child Daug"" of Eli f ha & Alice Child died November i"* 1781 John Son of John & Sarah Dodge Died at New London August y* 10 1777 [16] A Record of Deaths Hannah Clark Daug"" of Cap*^ Nath^ Clark by Mary his Wife Died Decem"" 26*''. 1777 Elifabeth Clark Daug^ of Abel & Elifabeth Clark Died Jan^^. 30*''. 1 78 1 Alice Child D'" of Elifha & Alice Child Died Novem'". i^': 1 78 1 in her 22 year Pamelia Child D^ of Alpha & Molly Child Died July if^. 1782 Deacon Thomas Child in the 79 Year of his Age Died July 19*''. 1782 Deacon Edmond Chamberlin Departed this Life December ye pth_ j^yyg Kezia Corbin Daug'" of Afahel Corbin Died September ye, 21^* 1783 Abiel Bartholomew Son of Gardiner Bartholomew Died May 9*'' 1782 Stephen Child son of Lemuel Child Departed this Life October 19*". 1783 69 A line has been drawn through this entry. 328 " WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS John Lyman Son of y® Rev*^ EHphalet Lyman Died August y« lo*^ A.D. 1783 Henry Franklin Died November y® 21^*^: 1783 Sarah Chamberlin Died December y^ 27*'': 1783 Jofiah Lyon Son of William Lyon 2^ & Sarah his Wife Died April 20: 1 77 1 Mollie Lyon Daughter of W" & Sarah Lyon Died Feb^^. f^ : 1772 Nath". Lyon Son of W" & Sarah Lyon Died March 21^*: 1774 Eunice Buck Daughter of Amafa & Sybil Buck Died Sepf. 2^: 1783 Payfon Sefsions Son of Amafa & Esther Sefsions Died Feb- ruary 26^*": 1783 Robert Morris Son of Lemuel & Lydia Morris Died August '\ ye 25th: 1782 M""^ Alethea Marcy Confort to M"" Hadlock Marcy Died Jan- uary y^ 2^^"^'. 1784 Luther Son of Nathan & Abigail Ainf worth was kill^ in the army Octo^ 20**: 1780 Mary Peak Daughter of Jofeph Peak Died March y^ 14*^: 1784 Charles Son of Tho^ & Molle Smith Died Septem''. 27: 1784 Elifabeth Murry Wife of Matthew Murry Died Janu^. i^*: 1785 Daniel Bacon of Woodstock Died January 2^. 1785 Annah Daughter of Warham & Annah Lyon Died August 18*'^: 1780 Daniel Parry Son of Daniel & Judah Parry Died Nov"". 2^'. 1783 Jofeph Son of Ichabod & EHfabeth Marcy Died December 17^^^: 1784 Sarah the Wife of Ebenezer Chaffee Died August y^ 5*^: 1782 Eben'-. Chaffee Died April y^ 11^^: 1784 [17] A Record of Deaths Zurviah Daughter of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Died March y"* Dorcas Daughter of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Died Sepf. y^ I4^\ 1775 Zebulon Son of Abel & Sabre Horfmer Died Sept^. 15^^: 1781 M"". Ephraim Horfmer Died May y^ V^\ 1784 M''^ Dorothy Carpenter Died February 5*: 1784 W°. Dorcas Sanger Died May y^ 19*^: 1785 aged 89 years 2 months & 7 Days WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 329 Elifha Son of Elifha & Damaris Chamberlin Died June 27^'': 1766 Calvin Son of Elifha & Damaris Chamberlin Died April 12*^^: 1776 Damaris the Wife of Elifha Chamberlin Died February i^M 1782 Samuel Son of Elifha & Margret Chamberlin Died October iS"'. 1781 Dorothy the Wife of Afahel Clark Died June y® 23<^: 1785 His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq^. Late Governor of this State Departed this Life August y^ 17*'': 1785 in the 75*^: year of his age an Infant; Son of William Lyon 2*^. & Sarah his Wife Died May y^ i^* 1782 [or 4] Charles Son of John & Hannah May Born April y^ 17*^ 1785 ^° Chloe Daughter of Afahel & Dorothy Clerk Died Sepf. 11 1785 M''. Jonathan Bugbee of Newroxbury Died January y® 9^^ T786 M^ Ebenezer Wilfon Died October y« 27*^. 1785 Hannah Daughter of Job & Irenea Holbrook Died October y® 9'^: 1775 Job Son of Job & Irenea Holbrook Died April y^ 8*^. 1777 Infant Son of Elijah & Sarah Bugbee Died December y'^ 12*'^: 1782 EHas Sewel Son of Elias & Dorothea Child Died March v® 18''^: 1786 Twin Children of David & Hannah Goodell one Died May 20^^: the other Still Born 1767 Ifaac Son of David & Hannah Goodell Died September y^ 8*^ 1767 Azubah Daughter of David & Hannah Goodell Died September 29*'' 1767 Infant Child of David & Hannah Goodell Died 1776 Esther Daughter of Elijah & Irenea Perry Died April y^ i^*^: 1786 Efther Daughter of Amos & Bethiah Lyon Died February y® V^: 1786 Joanna Daughter of Parker & Martha Commins Born Septem- ber y^ 30*^: 1786'^^ Lucy Daughter of Parker & Martha Commins Born August y^ 2i^t 178 [ ] '^ Parker Son of Parker & Martha Commins Born Sep^ y® 21 : 1785 " ™ A line has been drawn through this entry. 71 A line has been drawn through this entry. 330 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Cap*. Jofeph Marcy Departed this Life October y^ iS**" 1785, in y^ 89 year of his age W*^. Martha Phillips Departed this Life December 3*. 1784 [18] A Record of Deaths Samuel Son of Mephibofheth & Lydia Thayer Died February ye j2th. j^g5 M"". Eben"". Chaffee Died April y^ 11*^. 1784 Sarah the Wife of Eben'". Chaffee Died August y^ 5^^. 1782 Tirzah Daughter of Zebadiah & Mehetabel Chaffee Died March 28'^: 1786 Sarah the Wife of M'-. Caleb May Died July y^ 21^': 1786 M^ Jofiah Sumner Died July 23^ 1786 Dorothea the Wife of M'". Elias Child Died July y^ 24*^: 1786 Jeremy Shantup an Indian Native of Woodstock Died July 18'^: 1786 John Sunfiman Died August y^ i^*: 1786 Betfe Daughter of Tho^ & Molly Smith Died July 17*^: 1786 Molly Learned Died in Childbed October y® 31 1786 Huldah the Wife of Cap^ Stephen Lyon Died April y® 23*^ 1782 Cap*. Afa Lyon Son of Cap^ Jabez Lyon Died February y® 28*1^: 1785 John Lyon Son of Cap*. Jabez Lyon Died at Stratford Sepf. 26th. jj7^7g Urania Daughter of Ifaac & Sarah Stone Died May y^ 22*^ 1783 Cap*. Benjamin Frifsel Departed this Life March y^ 24*** : 1787 aged 74 years & 22 days Ebenezer Chandler Son of M"". Mofes Chandler Died February y® 8*^. 1767 Mofes Chandler Son of M"". Mofes Chandler Died March y^ 9*^ 1787 Charles Church Chandler Esq''. Departed this Life August y^ 8*^: 1787 aged 40 years 7 months wanting three Days Elifabeth Daughter of Charles O"^ & Marian Chandler Died August 13*^: 1787 Sarah Daughter of Afa & Allice Goodell Died September y® 7*". 1787 Charles Son of Charles C^ Chandler Esq''. & Marian hs Wife Died Sepf. y« 19*'^: 1787 W°. Annah Squire Departed this Life October y^ 19**'. 1787 Peddv Daughter of Abiel & Jemima Dean Died January y® 2'^ 1786 Samuel Chandler Esq''. Departed this Life April y« 8*'': 1781 aged yy years 3 months & 3 Days Samuel Chandler J"". Son of Charles & Marian Chandler Died June y^ 16**': 1782 aged 10 years wanting 6 Days WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 331 Salle Holbrook Daughter of Job & Irenea Holbrook Died Janu^ y^ f: 1788 Grace the Wife of Abiel ChamberHn Died January y® 11*'*: 1788. the Wife of John Holbrook Died January y® 19*^: 1788 W° Abigail Child Departed this Life January y® 24*^: 1788 in the 87*^*": year of her age Mehetabel Elletrye of Thompfon Died February y^ 9**^ 1788 in the 89 years of her age [ig] A Record of Deaths W° Joanna Allard Departed this Life February y® 8***. 1788 Aged 88 years M""^ Martha Williams Con fort of the Rev'^. Stephen Wiliams Departed this Life December y® 11^: 1786 Rev*^ M^. Wareham Williams of Northford in Branford Died the 4'-'* of April 1788: in y® 63'^ year of his age Jaiiima the Wife of m"" Samuel Jones Died April y^ 18^^: 1788 in y® 28*^^ year of her age M'*. James Horfmer Departed this Life September y® 20*^: 1770 Samliel Son of James & Sarah Horfmer Died September y^ 14*'^: 1787 Sarah Daughter of James & Sarah Horfmer Died Sept^. y® 21**. 1787 Elifabeth Daughter of James & Sarah Horfmer Died October ye j2th. j^ygy Jemima Jones Confort of m'' Samuel Jones Departed this Life April y« 18*1^: 1788 Jofeph Carpenter Son of Eph™ Carpenter & Rebekah his Wife Died February 14*'': 1787 Erastus Son of John & Hannah May Died February y® 8*^: 1787 Abigail the Wife of D'^ Shubael Child Died May y^ 14*1^: 1788 Huldah the Wife of m'". Jofeph Frifsel Died October y^ 28*'': 1787 John Utley was Slain by the Savages at Sufquehannah August y^ s^^: 1778 Jofeph Son of Ichabod & Elifabeth Marcy Died December y® 11*^ 1784 Abigail Lillie Daughter of William & Sufanna Child Died August y® 20*'': 1788 Zilpah Allen Departed this Life October y« 25*: 1788 James Horfmer Departed this Life October y^ 27*^ 1788 M'". Ezra Chamberlin Died October y® 22"^ 1788 Sylvanus Chamberlin Died October y^ II'^^ 1788 Huldah Chamberlin Died October y® 19*'!. 1788 332 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Cap*. David Perin Died October y® lo*^ 1788 in y^ 65*^ year of his age Willm Powers Died October y® ^^ 1788 September 30 Margret the Wife of m'". David Williams Died October 10"^: 1788 Patty Daughter of Ezra & Huldah Chamberlin Died Novem- ber y*^ pth. j^gg M'"^ Levina the Wife of Cap*. Peleg Corbin of Thompfon Died November 18: I78[ ] Polly Daughter of David & Margret Williams Died November. 20*^^: 1788 Salter Son of Jethniel & Dorothy Perin Died December 28**^ : 1788 Nathan Son of m''. David & Margret Williams Died January y^ 22^. 1789 M'■^ Mehetabel Con fort of Cap*. Nehemiah Lyon Departed this Life April y^ 17*^. 1789 aged 70 years 2 months & 29 Days - 27 minutes after 9 "Clock M'^ Esther Con fort of M^ John Child of Roxbury Departed this Life: April y^ 9 1789 aged 66 years W°. Mary Roth Died April 14**^: 1789 Sarah Johnfon Died April 15*'': 1789 Rev*^. Doctor Hall of Sutton Departed this Life May y^ 7'*^: Anna Paine Daughter of Cap*. Amos Paine & Prif cilia his Wife Departed this Life May y® 17**": 1789. Eight O'Clock in the morning Spencer Son of Leonard & Lucy Mafon Died April 3*^: 1789 Daniel Son of Amos & Prif cilia Pane Died January 7*^: 1789 [20] A Record of Deaths Afa Son of the Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman & Hannah his Wife Departed this Life November y® 25'^: 1789 aged 5 weeks Lemuel Dunham Son of Mercy Bartholomew Died June y^ M"". Eben''. Paine Departed this Life March 29*'': 1789 aged "jy years 5 months & 14 Days Rebekah the Wife of Samuel Bacon Died March y^ 9*^: 1786 W°. Lydia Richardfon Departed this Life January y^ ii*"^. 1790 M"". Blackman Died January y^ lo*'^. 1790 Leah the Con fort of Capt. Daniel Paine Died January 30 1790 in y® 80*^ of her age D'' David Shepher*^. Died February y^ 9*^*: 1790 W°. Mary Marcy Late Con fort of Cap*. Jofeph Marcy Died Febr'' 19*^: 1790 72 The words " October ye " are crossed out in the original. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 333 Rofe Negro wench of Cap*. Daniel Paine Died March y^ i^'. 1790 Hiram Son of Biel & Joanna Ledoyt Died January y^ i^^ 1790 Cap\ Sam". Chandler Died in a fit Suddenly April y'' 12*^: 1790 The widow of nf. Eph"" Child jr. Died Infaign April 2i^^ 1790 The W°. Mehetabel Lyon Died May y<^ 25*^: 1790 in the 84 year of her age W^ Elifabeth Chandler Wife of M''. Jofhua Chandler Died February y^ 8*^ 1785 Abigail Child Died June y^ 19'^: 1790 2 o'Clock in the morning aged 79 years & 22 Days Lieu* Samuel Bugbee was Born March y^ 22^^ 1705 old Stile which brings it to the 2^ of April new Stile — He Died the 19*''. of July 1790 10 O'clock in the Evening, aged 85 years, three months & 18 Days Zebulon Sanger Son of John Sanger Died July y® 27*^. 1790 3 O'clock afternoon W°. Abigail Morris Died July y'' 29*^. 1790 in the year of her age Winthrop Chandler Died July y^ 29*^. 1790 W". Elifabeth Scarbrough Late w°. of Daniel Paine J''. Died Sepf. y° 6*^. 1790 at Pomfret Clarifsa the Wife of Silas Johnfon Died September y^ y^^. 1790 Ruth Chamberlain Died August y^ 28'^: 1790 Maj''. Benj°. Hubbard of Pomfret Departed this life Septem': ye JQth. J^gQ Hannah ; Late Con fort of Nathaniel Marcy Esq"". Departed this life Sept^ 15*^: 1790 Elifabeth Clark Died at M^ SamJ^. Jones. Septem'". 30*^. 1790 Cap*. Amos Paine Departed this life October y® 25*^ 1790 aged 54 years wanting ten Days ; at ten oClock in the Evening M^^ Marcy Con fort of M^'Rufus Child Departed this Life February y^ 2^. 1789 in y® 19*"^ year of her age M'■^ Dorothy Con fort of m"". John Sanger Departed this life December 9*^: 1790 M''^ Lucy Confort of m'". Tho^ May Died Decem''. y^ 17*^: 1790 aged 61 years 2 months & 6 days Ifaac Benfon Son of m"". Daniel Barret Wife Died in a fit January y^ 3*^. 1791 Lucy Daughter of the Rev'^ Eliph*. Lyman & Hannah his Wife Died January y® 6*'' : 1791 : 5 OClock Morn Sarah Daughter of Job & Irenea Holbrook Died January y^ 3'. 1788 Mary Daughter of Jonathan & Mary Allen Died August y^ ^th. 1J790 in y® 23*^ year of her age 334 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [21] A Record of Deaths W°. Kezia Hende Departed this Life March. 3^: 1791 of the Meafels aged y'j Anna the Wife of m"". Wareham Lyon Died March y** 4*'': 1791 ; in y® 40^ year of her age M^ Manafseh Horfmer Died March y^ 20*'': 1791 in the 89*'' year of his age W°. Barjiabas Rawfon Died April y^ i^': 1791 EHfabeth Easterbrook Died April y^ i^^ 1791 in the 64* year of his age Patience Easterbrook Died January 31^*. 1791 Cap^ Stephen Lyon Died April y^ 26*^. 1791 in the 53'^ year of his age M^ Roger Crary Departed this Life May y^ 12*'': 1791 in the 82*^ year of his age W°. Deborah Coburn of Sturbridge Died May y^ S*"" 1791 Nathan Mallery of Woodbury Died July y® 4*^ 1791 who Stabbed himfelf with a knife June 27*. 1791 at the houfe of John Perin 2*^ in Woodstock; of which wound he Died Chloe Lyon Died July y^ 6**" 1791 aged 19 years the Day She Died M^ Oliver Barret Died July y« 6*^ 1791 Hannah Crocker Died at m''. Eleazar Fifhers July y® 9**^. 1791 in y^ 21^*^ year of her age Afa Sanger Died July y® 12**^: 1791 in the ^^^ year of his age Eunice Perin Departed this life July y^ 23''. 1791 in the 56*'' year of her age Nancy Daughter of Daniel Lyon J"". & Esther his Wife Died March 13: 1791 Nathniel Child Esq''. Departed this Life June y^ 19'^'': 1791. Cap*. Eph"* Manning Departed this Life January y^ 17**^ 1792 in y^ 62*^ year of his age Ifaac Son of Abram & Urfula Marcy Died August y^ 28 1787. Charles Son of Simeon & Esther Camp Died February y^ 18'^: 1790 Simeon Son of Simeon & Esther Camp Died November 27: 1791 W°. Return Powers Died February y® 11'^: 1792 Lydia Daughter of D°. Timothy & Molly Perin Died Febr^ y^ 17*^: 1792 Sam'^ Goodell Died February 23*^: 1792 - 83 years old wanting 7 Days Tabitha the Wife of Will'". Chaman J'". Died May y« 24*''. 1792 W°. Katherine Hammond Died June y^ 9'''. 1792 aged 79 years & 8 months wanting 5 Days Lydia Perin Daughter of D°. Timothy Perin & Mary his Wife Died Febr^ 17*^: 1792 in y® 34*^ y'" of her age WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 335 M^. Ifrael Mary Departed this Life July y^ 27**^: 1792 in ye 76**^. year of his age Cap^ Benjamin Shepherd Departed this life July y^ 28*'^: 1792 Mr. Jonathan Lyman of Lebanon Departed this Life y^ 29 of July 1790 in the 8I®^ year of his age Tabitha the Wife of William Chapman J'". Died May y® 27'^ : 1792 Hannah the 2"^ Wife of Will" Chapman J''. Died November y® 8*^: 1792 M"". William Chapman Sen'', Departed this Life November y® i^th. iyg2: II O'clock night M''. Caleb Lyon Departed this Life November y® 14"^: 1792 in y® 84**^ : year of his [ ] Marcus Son of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Died June y® 27''': 1792 Lydia the Confort of M"". Sam'^ Jones Departed this life November v'^ 30'^: 1792 in y® 36 year of [ ] Lydia the Confort of M^ Willard Child Departed this life Decem^ y®. 9*^: 1792 in y® 34*^ y'" of her age M^^ Elifabeth Consort of M^. Ichabod Marcy Departed this Life Decem''. y^ 28*"^: 1792 M'"^. Abigail Holmes Died December y*^ 29^^: 1792 in y® 91^*. year of her age Zilpah the Wife of Wyman Morris Died March y® 26^^: 1792 Elifabeth widow of Mar f on Eaton Died Jan'', y® 6*^^. 1793 in the 58'^'^ year of her age Eunice Daughter of Will'" & Dorothy Corbin Died January ye jgth. j^c)I [22] W°. Mary Perry Departed this Life January y^ 27*^: 1793 in the yy^^ year of her age Biel Son of Silas & Dolly May Departed this life February y® yth. lyg-^ in y^ y^^, year of his age W°. Sarah Lyon Departed this Life February y® 20*'': 1793 in the SS'''. year of her age Polly, Daughter of Drufus & Anna Hodges Died February ye 2ist: 1793 in y® 4*^^ year of her age Sam", a twin Son of Samuel & Lydia Jones Died Saturday March 2^. 1793 M*". Tho^ Fox Departed this Life March y® 13*^: 1793 in the Peter Johnfon Died March y® 9*^: 1793 -in the 71^^ year of his age W°. Dorothy Chandler Departed this Life March y® 21^*: 1793 in the 79 year of her age Docf. William Glyfon Departed this Life April y® 6^^: 1793 Jonathan Child Departed this Life April y® 10*'' aged 29 years I month & 4 days : 1793 336 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Jonas Houghton Departed this life November 13*^^: 1791 ^ W°. Dorcas Horfmer Departed this Life April y^ 21^*^: 1793 ; aged 82 years wanting i Day Clarifsa Daughter of Jefse & Sarah Bolles Died March y^ 3^. 1793 in y* 14'*^ year of her age Salle Summer Daughter of Charles & Elifabeth Child Died June y^ 11*^: 1792 Chester Son of Thomas & Sally Manning Died September ye 20*^ : 1792 Arthur Alatthewfon of Johnfton Died at Cap*. Lyons August ye 23 1804 Wealthy Houghton Departed this Life May y^: 14*^: 1804 in the ly^^ year of her age Elifabeth Ann Daughter of Jedidiah & Nancy Morfe of Charleftown Died June 15*'': 1804 W°. Anna John f on Con fort of Nath". Johnfon Deceas'^ Died August y^ 29 1804 D° David Lyon of Ludlow ; Died September y^ 20 1804 in the 69**^ year of his age Ezra Whitney Esq'' in the 75^'' year of his age Died Septem- ber y* 24*'' 1804 [30] Record of Deaths William Son of Abram & Lydia Paine Died October y®. 8**: aged 9 days 1804 W° Bethiah Marcy Departed this Life October y^ 9*^. after a long Illnefs 1804 W° Martha White Departed this Life October y^ 12*^. in y« 86*^ year of her age 1804 M''^ Elifabeth Confort of D''. Nehemiah Lyon Departed this life November y^ 12*^: 1804 Abigail Deering Departed this Life in a fit November y® 20*^: 1804 M''. Eunice; Confort of M'^. James M'^Clellan Departed this life November 22'^: 1804 M'"^ Keziah Confort of m"". Jonathan Bixbey Departed this life August y® $^'^\ 1804 M'"^ Hannah Confort of m'". Samuel Parmer Departed this life January y^ 6*''. Sabbath morn 1805 W°. Bethiah Confort of M"". Jonathan Lyman of Lebanon Deceas^. Died February 6'^: 1804 aged 90 years W°. Sprague Confort of m'". John Sprague deceas'^ aged 90 years Died March y^ 6*^: 1805 Sufanna Daughter of Samuel & Patience Patten Died August 31**: 1796 Solomon Wales Esq"", of Union Died March y« 20*'*. 1805 aged 76 A line has been drawn through this entry. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 347 Hiram Son of Ifaac Hibberd Died February y® 4*^^: in the 2V^: year of his age 1805 Old W°. Spnague Departed this hfe March y^ 6*. aged 91 1805 Cap^ WilHam Lyon Departed this Life March 30'*^ : aged 63 years 1805 M". Sarah Confort of Jedidiah Morfe Esq''. Departed this Life in the 8i^l year of her age, on the s^^ Day of April 8 OClock in the Morning 1805 M'•^ Thankful Confort of D°. Wiliam Skinner Departed this Life in the 84**" year of her age; on the 16^^ Day of April 1804 Confort of John Partridge Allen Died April y® 2^. 1805 M''. Eli f ha Chamberlin in the 70**^: year of his age Departed this Life June y^ 26*^. 1805 W™ Auftin a son of Henry '^'^ & Polly Converfe 4 month old Died in a fit June y^ 24^^ : 1805 M"". Samuel Perrin of Pomfret Departed this Life July y 12*^: in the year of his age 1805 511 Deaths to this time & place July y^ 19'^: 1805, I am 79 years old to day M^ Mephibfheth Thayer Departed this Life July y^ 25^"^ 1805 M''. Eleazar Hayward Departed this Life at Boston July y^ 20*^ : 1805 George Cotney Departed this Life August y^ 2^. 11 OClock in y^ Evening 1805 Lucy Confort of Elihu Morfe Departed this Life May y® 2S^^ 1805 Sophia Confort of Calvin Morfe Fairley Died September 14*'^ : aged 50 years 1805 Francis W°. & Relict of M^ Mofes Chandler Decease Died October y® 5*^ : 1805 ; aged 70 years W°. Anna Gage aged 84 years Departed this Life September 28*^^: 1805 Peter M. Perrin Son of Amos Perrin Died Sepf. 27''': 1805 Sophia Confort of Calvin Morfe Died Sepf. 14'^''. 1805 in the 51^' year of her age M^ Pelatiah Wight Departed this Life October y^ 21^*: 1805 in the 30'^''. year of his age M^. Jonathan Allen in y® 76*'^. year of his age. Departed this life Novem''. y^ 5*^^: 1805 A Mollatto Man Named Was hanged at Windham for Murder Novem''. 16*^: 1805 [31] Record of Deaths Marcus Lyon Son of Ezra Lyon was murdered November y® 9**^: 1805 77 First written "Benjamin." 348 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Oliver Bugbee Son of Daniel Bugbee Died at Cazanovia October y« 16''^ : 1805 M''^ Lydia; Confort of M''. Benjamin Lyon 3^ Departed this life November y^ 21^*^. 1805 M"". Silas May Departed this Life December y^ 26*'*. 1805 aged 52 years lacking 11 Days W° Mary Manning Departed this Life December y® 29*'*: 1805 ; in y^ 71^' year of her age Jonas Son of Doc*^. Jofeph & Anna Seagrave Departed this Life January y^ 2.^'. 1806 Calvin Gay Departed this Life January y^ 23*. 1806 Bette Daughter of John & Hannah May Departed this Life January y^ 22*^ : 1806 aged 14 years Mrs Abigail Allen Departed this life February 7*^ in y^ 83* year of her age 1806 Cap* Matthew Bowen Departed this Life February y^ 23*^ in 82** of his age 1806 M''. Ephraim Tucker Departed this Life February 28*^"^ : in y^ 84*'^ year of her age 1806 Ifaiah Perrin Departed this Life March y® lo*"^: in the 65*^ year of his age 1806 Abigail Confort of M"". Walter Fairfield Died March y® 16*^ in y® 37*'' year of her age 1806 W° Candace Barber Died very Suddenly in the 40*^, year of her age March 2^-^. 1806 , Stephen Perrin Departed this Life April y® 2^^^: 1806 in the 63^ year of his age 1806 Co". Benj°. Freeman of Sturbridge Departed this Life May 22"^ aged 62 years - 1806 D" Mofes Wells of Sturbridge Departed this Life May f^\ aged 84 years - 1806 540 Deaths to y® 19 of July 1806 Brother Wiliam Moor of Union Departed this Life July 3^ aged about 78 years 1806 Samuel Soule Son of Phillip & Mary Hayward Died April y« 5**: 1806 M'"^ Parmela Confort of Rev^. William Graves Departed this Life July y® 21^*: 1806 M^ Ifaiah Bugbee of Afhford Departed this Life August y* 3'* in the ']']^'°- year of his age; 1806 W°. Anna Child Departed this Life in the 95*^^ year of her age August 11*^: 1806 M''^ Sufanna Confort of M"". Peter Child in the 75*'' year of her age August y® \2^^: 1806 M"". Tho^ Blifs of Brimfield Departed this Life August y^ j^th. aged 64 years 1806 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 349 Mis Jemima, Daughter of M^ Amos Perrin & Jemima his Wife aged 29 years Died August 26 1806 M^ Samuel Chamberlin Departed this life November 22*: aged 72 years, 7 months 1803 M^ John Torry aged yj years Departed this Life October y® 20 1806 Gen". Mofes Cleaveland of Canterbury Died aged 56 Novem- ber y^ 15*'': 1806 Daughter of David Allen J"". Died November y^ 19"' 1806 M'". George Summer Departed this Life November y^ 22^ 1806 M"". Jacob Mafcraft Departed this life in y® 84*^ year of his age December y^ 17*^'': 1806 M''. George Lyon in the 74*^ year of his age Departed this Life January y® 3*^. 1807 A Negro Boy Scalded to Death at Ifaiah Lyons December y® 28*^. 1806 M''^ Lucy Con fort of Cap*. Aaron Child, in the 23*^ year of her age died Jan^'y 7**^: 1807 [32] Record of Deaths Phillip, Son of Phillip & Marty Hayward Departed this life January y« 18*'^: 1807 W° Anna Tucker Departed this Life aged "^2 years : January y^ 20*^ 1807 D''. Will°» Skinner Departed this Life in the 87"^. year of his age Janu^ 30*^ 1807 Clarifsa Daughter of M'' Jethniel Perrin Departed this Life Aged 15 years March 19*'' 1807 Nath''^ Fuller Departed this Life March y® \f^\ Tuesday Night — 1807 M"". John Perrin Departed this Life March y* 24*^: aged 89 years lacking 6 Days 1807 W°. of M"". George Sumner Departed this life March y® 22** 1807 M'"^. Hannah Bugbee Daughter of M"", Edward Bugbee Deceas^, of Thompfon Departed this Life in Thompfon in the 72*^. year of her age April y^ 9*^. 1807 M^. John Corbin Departed this life after a Short Illnefs April y* 24 1807 A M^. Simmons Departed this Life April y^ 26*^ in Woodstock 1807 Polly Lyon Daughter of D"". Will™, & Sarah Lyon Departed this life May y^ 4*^^. 1807 W°. Esther Perrin Departed this Life in the 76*'' year of her age May y^ 16*^. 1807 M'". William Afhlay Departed this Life in a Sudden manner May y* 29*'*. 1807 350 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M''. Benj°. Perrin of Holland Departed this Life in y^ 82^. year of his age June y® 9*^. - 1807 Rev*^. Thomas Brockway of Columbia Departed this Life while on a Vifit to his friends in Lyme ; in a very Sudden manner July y^ 4*'' : 1807 Cap*. Benjamin Lyon in the y'j'^^. year of his age Departed this Life July 14''': 1807 M''. Will"" Chapman in the 64*"^. year of his age Departed this Life July y® 16**^: - 1807 M''. Daniel Barret; in the 66*^^. year of his age Departed this life July y^ 2.2.^ : 1807 W° Mary Lyon in the year of her age Departed this Life after a long Illnefs July y* 23'^ 1807 W°, Margret Perrin in the 'j'j^'^ year of her age Departed this Hfe August y^ i^': 1807 M'". William Perrin in the 62^. year of his age Departed this Life August i'*^: 1807 An Infant Son of Amos & Polly Paine Departed this life July y« 21^ 1807 Rev'^. M"" .Pond of Afhford Departed this Life on Thurfday August y^ 6*'': 1807 M'"^ Elifabeth, Confort of Cap*. Chriftopher Bently; in the 53*^ year of her age, Departed this Life July y® 24^^**: 1807 Polly Paine Daughter of Amos & Polly Paine Departed this Life Sept^ 4***; in y® is*'* y'' of her age 1807 Gen", Samuel M'=Clellan in the 78*^ year of his age Departed this Life Sepf; y^ if"^ 1807 Cap*. William Manning in the 74**^. year of his age Departed this Life Sepf y^ 18*'': 1807 M''^ Polly Confort of M''. Amos Paine in the 43^ year of her age Died Sepf. y^ i(f^ 1807 W°. Prifcilla Paine in the 65*** year of her age Departed this life September y^ 29*''. 1807 D°. Nehemiah Lyon in the 88*^. year of his age Departed this Life October y^ i^*. 1807 Ephraim Child aged 47 & 4 months Departed this Life Octo- ber y^. 7*^ 1807 M'". Abel Child aged 55 years Departed this Life November y^ 12*^ 1807 [33] Record of Deaths W° Lois May Confort of M"" Jofeph May in the 66*^ year of her age Died at Exeter Sepf 8***: 1807 Betty Mafcraft in the 42^ year of her age Departed this Life December y^ 7*'' : 1807 Hannah Morfe Daughter of Doctf David Morfe Departed this life Novem'". y^ o.y^^. 1807 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 35 1 Lucy Lyman Daughter of Chester & Hannah May Departed this life Decern'", y" 23'': 1807 W°. Martha Bartholomew Departed this life January y^ 22*^: in the 82*^ year of her age 1808 Maj'" John Chandler of Pomfret Departed this Life January 22^ 1808 M'■^ Marfilva the Wife of Benj°. Webfter, Died November y^ 3"^. 1807 M"" Fredrick Bailies of Sturbridge Departed this life March y* 23*^ 1808 M""^ Betfey Hovey Daughter of Doct^ Eph™ Carrol Died at Providence March y^ 23"^. 1808 W°. Torry Departed this Life April y^ 4'^'^. aged 82 years 1808 M"". Darius Truesdel Departed this Life, aged 57 years May y« 6'^^ 1808 M'' Lemuel Child in y^ 61^*^ year of his age Departed this Life May y« i6*'» 1808 W°. Mary May in the 88*^^ year of her age Departed this Life May y^ 18: 1808 607 Deaths to this 8*^. Day of July 1808 W° Dorothy Mafon in 67*^ year of her age Departed this Life July y® 20*^ 1808 M""^ Howlitt Confort of Didymus Howlett Departed this life August y« ii'^i* 1808 M^ James Mell from Georgia for his health Died at Maj^ Sanford Holmes August y® 13*^^. 1808 M'". Benajah Cary of Hamton Departed this Life aged 28 yrs August 24*^. 1808 M""^ Carpenter Confort of m^ Chester Carpenter Died August 31^* Suddenly 1808 M"" Jofeph Kendal of Afhford Departed this life September y" 2^ 1808 M"" Daniel Bowen Departed this Life September y^ 3*^. 1808 W°. Eunice Dewing Departed this Life in y^ 68'^'' year of her age Septem'". 27*'': 1808 M"". Abijah Corbin in the 87*^* year of his age Departed this Life October y« 16**^ : 1808 Cap*. Stephen Tucker in the 74"^ year of his age Departed this life Novem-- y« 8*^. 1808 Mis Anna Child Departed this Life December y® 22 : in y® 84*'' y"". of her age 1808 W° Dinah Harding of Deerfield in the 86*^^ year of her age Died June y^ 22'^. 1808 W°. Mary Raw f on Departed this Life January y* 11*^: 1809 in the year of her age 1809 found dead in her bed in the morn- ing 352 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M""^ Alpha Child in the 56**' year of his age; Departed this life January y® 25*'' 1809 Mis Keziah Blancher; Daughter of M"" John Blancher of Sturbridge in y** 40*** year of her age Died at the W° Sarah Horfmers of Woodstock in a fit February y* 14*^: 1809 W°. Grace Sanders in the 78'^ year of her age Died in Thomp- fon April y^ 1^ 1809 637 Deaths to this time & place June y^ 17*^: 1809 Schyler Son of Docf. Eph"" Carrel Died June 22^ in the 16^'' year of his age 1809 M" Naomi Con fort of M^ Daniel Stead Departed this Life June y® 26^^: 1809 Widow Ifabel May Departed this Life July 2^. in the year of her age 1809 M^ Daniel Stead Departed this Life, October y^ 6*^ 1809 M"". Ebenezer Marcy a Native of Woodstock, Late of New york Departed this Life December the 5**^, 100 years old lacking 6 months 180 [ ] I have recorded 642 Deaths up to this time; November i^*: 1809) 27 years Sally Daughter of M''. Abel Morfe Departed this life in the 33^ year of her age November 21^': 1809 W" Sybil Hammond in the 89*'' year of her age Departed this Life February 20*'': 18 [ ] Maj"". Daniel Taft Departed this Life May y^ 12*''. in the 59 year of his age 1810 W° Rhoda Taft Confort of the Late Maj^ Daniel Taft Departed this life May y^ 23"^: 1810 Molly Morris Departed this Life at Cap* Phinehas Walker June y* 12*'' 1810 [34] Record of Deaths M''^ Sufanna; Confort of M"" Alexander Coburn Departed this Life June y^ 30*'' : 1810 Jonathan ; Son of M"". David Qark Departed this Life August 22*^ aged 21^' years 1810 Stephen Williams Son of W°. Molly Williams Departed this Life Septem"" i^*: 1810 M^^ Wife of M^ Nath^ May Departed this Life Septem- ber 4*'' : aged 42 years 18 10 M''. Peter Child, aged 83 years & 2 months Departed this life September y® 6*^ 18 10 M^ William Gould Son of M"" Bezaliel Gould Departed this life October y^ 14*'' 1810 Clarifsa Daughter of Cap*. Daniel Lyon Departed this life October y^ 16*'': 1810 an Infant Child of M*". Knapping Still Born October 28*^ 1810 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 353 jYjrs Prudence; Con fort of Cap*. Daniel Lyon in the 71^'. year of her age Departed this Life December y^. 19* : 2 OClock in the morning' 1810 M''. Amos Perrin Departed this life aged 72 years January y^ 11*^ 181 1 W° Wells Departed this life January y^ 13*^^ 181 1 M'". Seth Clarke, in the 87^ year of his age Departed this life Jan'-y. 12: 181 1 L*. Leonard Mafon in 55*^ year of his age Departed this life January y® 15*^: 181 1 Lydia Daughter of Joel Gage aged 14 years Departed this Life January y^ ig**": 181 1 Son of M^. Darius Barlow was killed Inftantly by the fall of a haycart on his head as he was at play in the barn with another Boy, he was about 6 years old he died January 28* 181 1 George: Son of Elkanah & Lucy Pennimah Died March y® 7* 181 I Charles, Son of Elias & Matilda Mafon; Departed this life August y^ 19*'^: 1810 D"^. William Lyon of Wodstock, aged 66 years 3 months and 26 Days Departed this Life, Suddenly; Suppofed in a fit, on the 30*. Day of March, 181 1 M''. Phillip Lyon of Ludlow ; in the 82^ year of his age ; Elder Brother of Dea°. William Lyon, Departed this Life January y® 30 181 1 M"". John Judfon of Eastford after a long & Confumptive Illnefs; Departed this Hfe April y®- 16; 181 1 M''. David Brock, in the 86*^^ year of his age Departed this life May 16*^ 181 1 D°. Shubael Child, in the 76 year of his age Departed this life June y® 7*'': 181 1 Mary EHza Daughter of Afher & Mary ann Hyde Departed this Hfe March if^. 181 1 Hon^^ W" Wlliams of Lebanon in y^ 8i^^ year of his age Departed this life August 2*. 181 1 M"". Denifon Bacon Departed this life November y® 17*^ 181 1 M''^ Abigail Skinner Departed this Life December y® 16*'': in the 87*^. of her age 181 1 M". Sabra Confort of M^ : Daniel Bugbee, in the 66*^^ year of her age Died December 23^: 181 1 Doce" Ephr™ Carroll Departed this life January y^ 28**" ; in the year of his age 1812 M^ Prifcilla Johnfon in the 79*''. year of her age Died Jan- uary y^ 22^ 1812 M''. Jofeph Carpenter, in y* 60*^: year of his age Departed this life January y® 31^* 1812 2Z 354 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M''. Amos Lyon aged 79 years lacking 10 Days Departed this life February y^ 26: 1812 M". Elifabeth the Wife of M^ Thomas Bugbee, in the 75*^ year of her age Died March 15'^'*: 1812 W° Zurviah Chapman of Warwick R: I. Died about the 15*'': of April, in the 94'^ year of her age 18 12 M''^. Hannah Wife of Nathaniel Dodge of Union Died August y® 8'^: in the 71 year of her age 1812 [35] Record of Deaths Edward Eldredge Son of Doc*^ Daniel Lyman Died April y® 20*^ 181 1 aged 12 Days George Son of Abram W & Lydia Paine Died November y* 2^ 1812 Elder Biel Ledoyt Depated this Life in the 70*'^ year of his age March the 24*^^. 18 13 W°. Mary Johnfon Departed this life April y* 23*^ 1813 in the 88'*' year of her age M"". Rhoads Wilkinfon p: in the 26 year of his age, Departed this Life April y® 27*^: 181 3 Walter Bicknel Departed this Life May y^ i^* 1813 M^®. Tabitha Skinner in the 88"^. year of her age Departed this Life May y* ly^ : 1813 2 OClock in the morning 1813 M^^. Francis Skinner in the 56*^* year of her age Departed this Life May the 21^*: 1813 M^^ Grace; Confort of Nath". M'=Clellan Esq"", Departed this life, after a long Confinement May y^ 23*^. 1813 M'"^ Sarah Confort of M'". William Skinner in 59**" year of her age; Departed this Life May y^ 28*^'': 1813 W°. Mary Bowen Departed this Life June y^ 21^*: 1813 aged 88 years M". Nancy Confort of M^. Aldis Penniman Departed this life July y^ 2^ 1813 M''. Ifaiah Lyon Departed this Life August the 25"^ 1813 Rev'' : William Graves Departed this Life August the 26^ : 1813 W°. Sarah Peake, in the 87* year of her age Departed this Life November the 9**": 1813 Rev^. Aaron Putnam of Pomfret Departed this life October y* 30'^: 1813 M'". Waldo Fox aged 2y years, : one month & ten days. Departed this Life; November y®. 19*'': 1813 Mary Jackson Daughter of M^ Willard Jackson aged 3 years Departed this life Sep'tember 18*'^ 1813 M''. Jethniel Perrin aged 56 years Departed this life December the 9*^ 1 81 3 M"" Perrin went to bed well and Died before Sun rise the next morning Supposed in a fit WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 355 Alfred Son of M*" Warham Lyon Jur Departed this life Octo- ber 2."/^ 1813 aged two years eight Months & 6 Days Mifs Lydia Wheeler Departed this life December 2.6^^ 1813 M""^ Unice Consort of M^ Olcutt Fisher Jur Departed this Life December 29*^ 181 3 aged 20 years [36] Record of Deaths Cap*. Stephen Tucker in the year of his age Departed this life June y® 13*: 1810 M"". Samuel Underwood of Pomfret aged 43 years Departed this life July y® II*^ 1810 M'. Uriah Allard, in 86* : year of his age Departed this life August y® 20*^ 181 o M"" John Sanger aged 92 Departed this life February the i^* 1814 M*" Sanger was the oldest man living in Woodstock when he died Ephraim Horsmer Son of Abil Horsmer Departed January 1814 M"". Abil Horsmer aged ^2 years Departed this life February f^ 1814 M^® Molly Richmond Consort of M'" Joseph Richmond Departed this life February 6* 1814 aged 53 years Mifs Sela Richmond Daughter of M"" Joseph Richmond M*" Jacob Austin Jur aged 42 years departed this life March 1814 M""^ Dorcas Perrin Consort of M^ Timothy Perrin Jur departed this Life March 13*^ 1814 M"" Timothy Perrin Jur Departed this life March 25*^ 1814 Mifs Mary Wheat Daughtor of M"" Benjamin Wheat Departed this life March 24*'' 18 14 M"" Asahel Corbin aged 74 years departed this life March 31^* 1814 M""^ Lucy Howard wife of King Howard Departed this life March 31^* 1814 M''^ Alphlede Chandler wife of Thomas Chandler Departed this life April 4*^ 1814 Capt. Solomon Corbin Departed this life June 20* 1814 W° Mary Lyon Departed this life October 22"^ 1814 aged 87 Joshua Chamberlin Son of Elisha Chamberlin & Sarah his wife Departed this life October 31^*^ 1807 aged three years one month and 28 Days M^^ Dorothy May W° of M"" Silas May Departed this November 23"^ AD 1814 aged 57 years Judson Marcy Son of M'" Asahel Marcy Jur Departed this life April 24*^ 18 15 aged Ten years and 30 days 356 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [37] M^ David Allin departed this life December 9**^ AD 181 5 Aged 81 years Lieut. George W. Potter departed this life Dece^. 23""^ 18 15 aged 35 years M--^ Polly Perrin wife of M^ Amos Perrin Departed this life October 19''' AD 181 3 aged 31 years M'^ Lucretia Child wife of M"" Henry Child departed this Life April r' 1816 She was Daughter of Neh'^ Child Esq"- & Polly his wife She left a Child one hour old and on the 5**^ of April AD 1816 Departed this life M""^ Sally Child wife of M"" William Child She has left a son aged 8* Months & 5 days at her Decease M""^ Dorothy Grosvenor wife of Godfrey Grosvenor departed this life May the 30*^^ 1816 and left a child 4 weeks old M"" Jonathan Allin Jur°. Departed this Hfe March 24**^ 1812 M'"^ Phebe Dillibar wife of John Dillibar Departed this Life September 9*'' 18 16 Widow Lydia Mason Departed this life January 24*'^ 1817 M^^ Rosalinda Palmer wife of M"" Hezekiah Palmer Departed this hfe April 2^ 1815 M''^ Lothetha Tucker wife of M"" Walker Tucker Departed this life June 28*^^ 1814 Cap*. Carpenter Bradford Departed this life November 10*^ 1817 Sarah C. Bugbee Daughter of M"" James Departed this life January 3'"'^ 18 18 age 11™ 16 days M"" Bezaleel Gould Departed this hfe March 19*^ AD 1818 and was Buried in the Masonic order on the 21^* March 1818 [38] The W° Urania Marcy Departed this hfe November 1818 aged 84 years Almira Barlow wife of Cap* Darius Barlow Departed this life about 4 oClock in the afternoon on the 13*^ day of November AD 18 18 aged 34 years Experance Marcy Departed this life November 23''^ AD 181 8 aged 61 years Lydia Paine wife of M"" Abram W Paine Departed this life December 31^* AD 1818 aged 37 years Asahel Marcy Departed this Hfe March the 2.^ 1819 aged 81 years Mary Maria Fox Daughtor of the Late Waldo Fox Departed this life April 28*^* 18 19 aged 7 years, & two months and 15 days Her death was much Lemented by all her relatives and friends Like the rose she bloomed but to fade and die Hannah Ledoyt Departed this life October 8*'' 1819 aged 60 years WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 357 Daniel Bugbee Departed this life November y^ 1819 aged 84 years Jedediah Morse Esq^ Departed this life December 29*^ 1819 aged 93 years being the Oldest man in Town M'"^ Rebekah Hewlett Departed this life December 30*^^ 1819 aged over 80 years [39] Zepheniah Lincoln Departed this life March 18*^ 1820 Aged 85 years Lucy Lincoln w° to the s*^ Zeph'' Lincoln Departed this life April 28^ 1820 aged 79 years M^ John May Departed this life oct" 5^ 1820 aged 72 Deacon Aaron Lyon Departed this life October 28*^^ 1821 aged 74 . M''^ Betsey Gould Wife of M^ Calvin Gould Departed this life September 18*^ 1821 aged 27 'W\ Oliver Easterbrooks Departed this life January 24***. 1822 aged 81 years M^ Jonathan Marcy Departed this life April the S^^ 1822 aged 79 years M'"^ Esther Perrin wiiEe of the Late Levi Perrin Departed this life April 6*^ 1822 aged 51 years Cor : Chester Child Departed this life April y^ 24^ 1822 aged 64 years W° Elisabeth Lyon wife of the Late Deacon Aaron Lyon Departed this life May 20^ 1822 aged 74 years M'' Jacob Child Departed this life July 30*^ 1822 aged 76 years Mifs Polly Skinner dughtor of M"" W"" Skinner Departed this life Angus the 10* 1822 aged 28 years Rev*^ Stephen William Departed this life September 16*''. 1822 aged 60 years David Hay ward Departed this life September 20*^ 1822 aged 79 years M'^ Rebekah White wife of M'" Peregrine White Departed this life Sep* 27 AD 1822 aged 6y years [40] Samuel Jones Departed this life November 8*^ 1822 aged 69 years W° Eleoner Child wife of the Late Nath" Child Esq^ departed this life November 12*^ 1822 aged 82 years May 1822 Almira Cutler wife of Silas H Cutler Departed this life November 24*^ 1822 aged Elias son of Elias Perry Widow Zurviah Lyon wife of the late George Lyon Departed this life March S*'^ 1823 aged 85 years Widow Hannah Morrifs wife of '^^ W° of Samuel Morifs Dec* Departed this life February 27^ 1823 aged 90 years 78 The words "wife of" have been crossed out. 358 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Departed this life Nancy Mathewson November 22^ 1821 Departed this life Arnold Mathewson June 28*^ 1822 Departed this life Betsey Mathewson November 6*'* 1822 Departed this life David Mathewson August 22^^^ 1823 Departed this life '" Faith Child Departed this life August 10*^ 1824 aged 26 Thomas Lyon Departed this life August 26**^ 1824 aged 64 years Elehue Morse Departed this life February 26*"^ 1824 aged 60 years Departed this live Widow Lydia Thayer October 8'^ 1825 aged 80 years Cap* Hezekiah Bugbee Departed this life August 4*^ 1826 aged 81 years ^'^ Departed this life Sophia Child wife of EHas Child Feb^ 25 AD 1826 aged 55 years Departed this life Newman G Son of Erastus & Rhoda R Child April 22-^ 1826 Departed this life Tryphena Lyon wife of M"" Moses Lyon 3'"*^ July 12^^ 1828 aged 25 [41] Clarasey Wilkinson wife of Rhodes Wilkinson departed this life Oct^ 21^* 182 [ ] Theodorah Bugbee wife of Asa Bugbee departed this life March 3''^ 1825 Silena M Bugbee wife of Hezekiah Bugbee Jun"" departed this life March the 19*'' aged 21 years the 31 day of August last Henry Martin Departed this life August 8* 1826 aged 82 years Nathan Mathewson departed this life August y^^ 1826 aged 69 years Cap*. Hezekiah Bugbee departed this life August y^^ 1826 aged 81 Betsey Walker wife of Cap*. Alfred Walker departed this life June 30*^. 1826 aged 53 years John Altton Departed this life June 8*^". 1826 aged 68 years Jacob Child Departed this life November 26^. 1826 aged 64 years Nathan Jackson departed this life June 22*^ 1828 aged 41 years Priscilla Fox wife of John Fox departed this life September 19* 1829 aged 65 years 79 The words " Departed this life " crossed out. 80 This entry crossed out, THE FIRST BOOK OF RECORDS FOR THE TOWN OF WOODSTOCK TRANSCRIBED BY ELISHA CHILD TOWN CLERK [This volume consists of a transcription of the vital records contained in Volume I of Woodstock Records reproduced on pages 1 to 84 of this publication, town votes, and the iollowing marriages which are undoubtedly records of original entry.] [85] Marriages Continued From Book N° : 2 M"". Rhodes Wilkinson and Mr^ Clarina Marcy both of Wood- stock were Marrid in Woodstock January y* 2°^ 1783 by y® Rev^ Stephen Williams M''. Ebenezer Harward and Mr^ Ruth Covel were Married in Woodstock October ye 28*^ 1783. By the Rev^ Stephen Williams M"": Ezra Child and Mr^ Hannah Child were Married In Woodstock March the 20*^ 1783 by y^ Dev*^ Jofhua John f on Minifter M'" Lemuel Underwood and Mr^ Esther Cotes were married In Woodstock June ye 26*^ 1783 by Biel Ledoyt Clerk James Wheeler of Scituate & Huldah Ainsworth of Wood- ftock were Married in Woodstock June y® 12**^ 1783 by Biel Ledoyt Clerk M^ Josiah Underwood and Mr^ Esther Gage both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock October 21^* 1783 by Biel Ledoyt Clerk Abraham Marcy and Arfula Stone both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y® 20**^ ^^7^3- by Biel Ledoyt Clerk George Coteney & Marcy Bartholomew both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y® 23^: 1783 by y^ Rev^ Stephen Williams Thomas Barret of Woodstock & Elifabeth Smith of Oxford were Married February y* 13*^: 1782 by Edward Davis: Jus* Peace Cap* Stephen Lyon of Woodstock & M^^ Molly Wilkin f on of Scituate were Married January y* i^*: 1784 by Jofeph Windfor Elder 359 360 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS John Goodell J^" & Chloe Perrin both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock December y^ 26^ 1782 by Biel Ledoyt Elder Samuel Coburn & Irenea Perin both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y^ 13*^^: 1784: p'' Jedidiah Morfe Jus* Peace i [86] M^ Charles Mwris & M" Miriam Nichols both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 20*^: 1783 by the Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M'" Samuel Jones & M""^ Jemima Child both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 19**^: 1782 : by the Rev^ Jofhua Johnfon Charles Lebrett & Matilda Sanger both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock March y^ 28"^ 1784 in the Evening by Eliph* Lyman Clerk M'- Caleb May of Woodstock & M'"^ Sarah Sumner of Pom- fret were married in Pomfret January y^: 29**^ 1784 by the Rev^ Walter Lyon Clerk M'' Kiles Paul of Killingley & M"' Levina Green of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock February y* 5**^: 1782 by the Rev** Stephen Williams Clerk M-" Daniel Lyon J'" & M" Efther Perin both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y®: 4"*: 1783 p'' Stephen Williams Clerk M''. Simeon Camp & M" Esther Watkins both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y® 4*'' 1782 by Rev^ Stephen Williams Parker Cummins & Patty Flyn both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y® 11*'' 1781 by Eliphalet Lyman Pastor Ephraim Barret & Anna Allen both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y® 27**^: 1785 by Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Pastor Samuel Chaffee & Azubah Sanger both of Woodstock were A/[arried in Woodstock May y^ 25*^ : 1783 by the Rev^ M"" Elipha- let Lyman Clerk David Craft of Woodstock & Eunice Lillie of Union were Married in Woodstock April y^ s^^: 1785 pr Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace Stephen Johnfon & Perfis Bugbee both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock November y^ 13*^^: 1783 p'' Rev'^ Stephen Williams Clerk William Child & Sufannah Corbin both of Woodstock werere Married in Woodstock December y^ 29^ 1784 p'' Rev"^ Stephen Williams Clerk [87] David Bates of Woodstock & Prudence Brown of Pom- fret were Married in Pomfret April y^ 3*^ 1783 p"" Elder William Grow WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 361 Daniel Lock Picket & Abylene Coburn were married in Wood- stock April y® 4*^: 1785 p'^ the Rev"^ Jofhua Johnfon Clerk Jefse Belles of Woodstock & Sarah Nichols of Manffield were Married May the 10*^: 1774 p'" the Rev"^ Richard Salter Paftor Ifrael Marcy J"" of Woodstock and Jerufha White of Norton were married in Woodstock January y® 27*^^: 1780 by Biel Ledoyt Elder of the Baptist Society Eli f ha Chamberlin & Margret Ledoit both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock July y* 11* 1782 by Elder Biel Ledoit Thomas Bugbee J"" & Phebe Carpenter both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 4';'*: 1783 by Elder Biel Ledoit Thomas Buck & Abigail Carpenter both of Woodstock were Married May y^ 22"^ 1785 By the Rev^ Jofhua Johnfon Paftor Didymus Howlet & Allice Marcy both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock September y^ 29*^: 1785 by the Rev^ Stephen Williams Paftor M"" Jacob Mafcraft of Woodstock & M^^ Hanah Crofsby of Thompfon were Married May y* 8^'': 1783 by the Rev"^ Noadiah Rufsel Pastor William Johnfon & Elifabeth Chandler Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February the 16'^ 1786 by the Rev*^ Stephen Williams Pastor Noah Mafon & Dorothy Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock July y*" 24*^: 1766 by the Rev"^ Stephen Williams Pastor Clement Mafon & Silence Green both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y^ 14*^: 1786 by the Rever^ Stephen Williams Pastor Nehemiah Lyon & Bettee Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y* 16*'': 1778 by the Rev'^ Abel Stiles Pastor [88] Samuel Chaffee & Azubah Sanger both of Woodstock were Married In Woodstock May 25^^ 1783 by the Rev^ M'' Eliphalet Lyman Afahel Clarke & Mary Bugbee both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in s^ Woodstock June y* 22"^ 1786 by the Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Daniel Holmes of Waterbury & Zurviah Eafterb rooks of Woodstock were married in Woodstock October y^ 3*^ 1786 by the Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk James Tucker & Sarah Clerk both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock March y° 3"^ 1785 by the Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Doctor Ephraim Carryl & M" Lucy Clark both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock March y^ 2.(f°-\ 1779 p"" 362 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sylvester Smith & Hannah Hayward both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock January y^ 18'^: 1787 p'" the Rev^ Stephen WilHams; Clerk Chandler Holmes of Woodstock & Amelia Potter of Coventry State of Rhod[e] Ifland Daughter of Stephen Potter Esq'" and by the s*^ Stephen Potter Esq' were Joyned in Marriage January y* 4*^: AD 1787 Ezra Franklin of Woodstock & Mary Waters of Brookline were Married November y® 21^*^: 1780 by Mofes Chandler & Azubah Child Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 25*^: 1784 by the Rev^ Stephen Williams Pastor The Rev^ M" : Eliphalet Lyman of Woodstock & M'"^ Hannah Huntington of Norwich were Married October y^ 14^: 1779 by the Rev'' D' Lord of Norwich Enfign Afahel Clerk & Mary Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock June y^ 22^: 1786 by ReV^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Amos Paine J'" & Polly Lyon both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock May y*: 17*^: 1787 by Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Benjamin Hayward of Woodstock & Hannah King of Rainham were Married in Rainham June y^ 22.^ 1758 by the Rev^ M'" Wales Pastor [89] M"" Rufus Kingfley of Windham & M'^ Lucinda Cutler of Lisbon were Legal Married October y^ 12*^^: 1786 by the Rev'' M"" Andrew Lee Clerk John Howlet of Canterbury & Annah Sange.r of Woodstock were married in Woodstock on the Evening of the 15^^: of July 1787 by Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Jacob Leonard J"" & Hannah Morfe both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock December y^ 20**^: 1787 by Biel Ledoit Elder Ebenezer Skinner & Lydia Mafon both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock January y^ 3*^ 1788 by the Rev'' Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Docf Robert Chandler Late of Woodstock & Sarah Walker of Woodstock were married in Woodstock January the 17*'* 1788 by the Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Peter Perin & Mary Morfe both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock February y^ 2^ 1780 By Biel Ledoyt Elder Willard Johnfon & Sarah Holbrook both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Sunday Evening February y^ 17'^: 1788 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace Afa Sibley & Irenea Carpenter both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock January y° 10*: 1787 by the Rev'' Jofhua Johnfon Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 363 Perigrine White & Rebekah Bacon both of Wodstock were married in Woodstock March y^ i^*: 1787 by the Rev^ Jofhua John f on Clerk Timothy Child of Woodstock & Amie Parrifh of Manffield were Married in Manffield May y^ 15*^: 1788 by Rev^ Mofes Welch Pa f tor Sylvanus Chamberlin & Polly Goodell both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y^ 24* : 1788 by Biel Ledoyt Clerk Rofwel Smith & Tirzah Dodge both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock June y^ 25^^ 1788 by Biel Ledoyt Elder Peter Johnfon & Parthena Ainfworth both of Woodstock were married in Afhford June y* 27*^^ 1787 by Biel Ledoyt Clerk Benjamin Eddy & Alice Abbott both of Woodstock were Mar- ried March the 30*'' 1785 by Abiel Ledoyt Clerk [90] Chefter Tucker of Cornifh & Sally Stone of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock February y^ 12*: 1789 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus'' Peace Cap* Thomas May of Fairley & M" Polly Mills of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock March y® 8'^'' 1789 by Rev*^ Stephen Williams Clerk Nath" Child Esq'' & M'"^ Elanor Fox were Married September ye jgth j^j75 jjj Woodstock by the Rev"^ Abel Stiles Pastor Calvin Perin & Lucy Peake both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y® y^^: 1789 by Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"^ David Williams J"" & M" Mary Bowen J-" both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock May y^ 12*'': 1789 by y'' Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Willard Bugbee & Sarepta Ainfworth both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock September y® 18*^: 1788 by Rev^ Stephen Williams M"" Andrew Willams & M'"^ Sarah Skinner both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock May y® 21^*: 1789 by the Rev^ Stephen Williams Clerk Darus Bacon &: Sarah Sheffield both of Woodstock were Mar- ried December y^ 21^*: 1780 by the Rev^ Abel Stiles Paftor Jedidiah Morfe Late of Woodstock Now Minifter at Charles- town and M" Elifabeth Ann Breefe of Shrewfbury in New- jerfey were Married in Shrewfbury May y^ 14*^: 1789 by Tho^ Little Esq^ M"- Sam" Breefe Esq' and M" Rebekah Finley both Shrewf- bury in Newjerfey were Married November y^ 14**^ 1765 by the rev*^ M'' Tennant the s*^ Rebekah then aged 16 years 5 months & 17 Days and Died aged 18 years & 8 months Walter Bicknal & Polly Tiffany both of Woodstock were Mar- ried July 2* 1789 by M'' Charles Truefdel Paftor of Nobletown 364 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS D^ Enoch Burt of Wilbreham & M" Thankful Skinner of Woodstock were Married February y* lo**^: 1790 by the Rev^ EHphalet Lyman Clerk Chester Child & Salle May both of Woodstock were Married February y^ ii*'' 1790 by the Rev^ Jofhua Johnfon Clerk Same Day Sam" Mafcraft & Salle Peake Both of Woodstock were Married by the Rev^ M'' Lyman It being Gen^ Wafhing- tons birth Day [91] Jofhua Chandler of Woodstock & Hannah Fernam of Afhford were Married in Afhford November y^ 13*^: 1788 by Benj° Clark Efq^ Reuben Dean of Woodstock & Lovica Sumner of Afhford were married in Afhford May y® 22^ 1788 by y* Rev^ Andrew Judfon Reuben Blofs of Royalton & Phebe Green of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y* 7*^ 1784 by the Rev^ EHpha- let Lyman Clerk Chester Child & Sarah May Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Wedlock February y® ii*^^ 1790 by the Rev* Jofhua Johnfon Clerk Thomas Manning & Sally Tiffany both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y*' 25*^: 1789 p' Rev'^ EHphalet Lyman Clerk Benjamin Lyon J*" & Prifcilla Paine J^ were Married in Wood- stock March y* 4^*^: 1790 By the Rev^ M' Lyman Pastor Ephraim May & Abigail Chandler both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock March y* 4*^ 1790 by the Rev*^ Jofhua Johnfon Pastor Jedidiah Kimball & Lucy Shepherd both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 20*^ : 1789 p"" Eli f ha Child Efq"" M' Henry Work & Hannah Dean both of Woodstock were Married January y^ 11*^: 1787 p' Rev* Andrew Judfon Pastor M"" Will"' Healy of Dudley & M" Prudence Lyon of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock January y* lo*^^: 1788 by the Rev* Jofhua Johnfon John Wallee of Woodstock & Chloe Freedom of Afhford were Married in Sturbridge July 2*: 1787 p' Ebenezer Craft Justice of the Peace Kaac Bowen & Anne Smith Wight both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y* 3* 1789 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Pastor L*. David Holmes & M^^ Hannah Lyon both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y^ i^*^: 1789 by the Rev* EHphalet Lyman Clerk Michal Dewing & Ruth Coburn both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in s* Woodstock May y* 6*'^ 1790 by the Rev* Stephen Wil- liams Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 365 Eleazer Bradway & Rachel Perry both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock June y^ g^^: 1790 by Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace [92] M"" Leonard Walker & M" Chloe Child both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Wedlock March y^ 31^* 1790 p"" Jofhua John f on Clerk Abel Johnfon & Lydia Mumford were Married May y^ 16'^: 1781 in Woodstock by Biel Ledoyt Elder William Fraifers & Marfilva Sanders were Married in Wood- stock April y^ 8^^ 1790 by Nathaniel Marcy Jus*^ Peace M"" William Bowen of Woodstock & M""^ Polly Chandler of Pomfret were Married December y® 25***: 1788 by Rev'^ Aaron Putnam Pastor Thomas Goodell & Irenea Goodell both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage Sepf y^ 2^ 1790 p^ Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace Drufus Hodges & Anna Mafcraft were Married in Wood- stock April 2^ 1789 by the Rev*^ M"" Lyman Clerk M'" Seth Clark & M''^ Chloe Cotes both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 2^ 1790 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus*^ Peace M"" Jathniel Perin & Mi^ Dorothy Lyon both of Woodstock were Married June y® 22*^: 1786 p"" Jofhua Johnfon Clerk M"" Elias Child & M^' Sophia Morfe both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y® 16*'' 1790 p"" the Rev^ Eliph- alet Lyman Clerk Elias Child 2^ & Polly Dewing Both of Woodstock were Mar- ried January y^ 25*^^ 1791 p"" Benj" Sumner Jus'^ Peace Amos Morfe of Fairlee & Tamar Buck of Killingley were Married in Killingley February y^ 10*'': 1791 p^ Jedidiah Morfe Jus'= Peace Harbe Green & Hannah Tucker both of Woodstock were Mar- ried February y^ 10*'^ 1791 p^ Rev^ Stephen Williams Clerk Mofes Bugbee & Marfilva Underwood were Married in Woodstock July y* y^^ 1785 p' Abiel Ledoy*^ Elder Daniel Bugbee & Sabre Lyon both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock March y^ 10*'' 1791 p'' Jedidiah Morfe Esq*" Jus° Peace M"" William Howlett & M^= Prif cilia Barrett both of Wood- stock were Married April y® 7*'' 1791 by the Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Afahel Simons & Elifabeth Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y® 24*-^: 1788 by Elder Biel Ledoyt Simeon Wilfon & Lydia Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 14*'': 1791 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus® Peace ^66 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [93] Samuel Underwood & Sufanna Richard f on both of Woodstock were Married January y^ 26*'': 1791 by the Rev* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Lieu* Afa Child & M""^ Abigail Adams both of Woodstock were Married on a Publick Lecture April y^ 20'^'': 1791 p"" the Rev"^ M^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Mofes Sumner & Zubah Daily both of Woodstock were Mar- ried March y^ 6*'': 1786 p'' the Rev* Jofhua Johnfon Clerk Jofeph Chaffee & Clarina Griggs both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock May y^ 26'^'' 1791 p'" Jedidiah Morfe Jus" Peace M'' Mofes Clarke of Sturbridge & M""^ Hannah Robbins of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock June y® 16*'' 1791 p*" Jedidiah Morfe Jus'' Peace Mofes Gage & Lucy Lincoln Both Woodstock were Married May ye S^^ 1781 by Biel Ledoyt Elder Stephen Tucker J"" & Ollive Green both of Woodstock were Married Sunday Evening July 3* 1791 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace M"" David Perin & M" Lydia Marcy both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage October y^ 25*^: 1791 by Nath^^ Marcy Esq'' Jus'' Peace; agd 57 yars 7 months & 17 Days Noah Ledoyt & Lydia Eafterbrooks both of Woodstock were Married in said Woodstock December y^ 29''' 1791 pr Jedidiah Morfe Just Peace M'' William May & M'"^ Sarah Paine both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y® 15*^ 1791 by the Rev* Jofiah Whitney Clerk Samuel Jones & Lydia Tucker both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock December y^ 15^^^: 1791 by the Rev* William Graves Clerk Seth Demming & Huldah Tucker both of Cornifh were Mar- ried in Woodstock January y® 29'^'^ Sunday Evening 1792 by Jedidiah Morfe Esq"". Jus° Peace Ebenezer Demming of Cornifh & Eunice Child of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y® 29**" Sunday Evening 1792 by Elifha Child Esq"" Jus'' Peace Samuel Brooks of Brookline & Eunice Dean of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y® 29**^ Sunday Evening 1792 by Rev* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Willard Bigfby & Anna Chapman both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock July y® 10'^'' 1791 by Rev* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Wyman Morris of Woodstock & Zilpah Holman of Sutton were Joyned in Marriage in Woodstock December y® 29*^ 1791 by the Rev* Stephen Williams Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 367 Jofeph Cog-fwell & Joanna Bacon both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock March y^ 4*^^: Sunday Evening 1792 by the Rev*^ William Graves Clerk M"" Warham Lyon & Patty Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married April y^ 12**' 1792 and Penuel Perrin & Dolly Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married April y^ 12"" 1792 all by Jedidiah Morfe Esq'" Jus° Peace [94] M'" Daniel Paine of Woodstock & M'"^ Molly Chandler of Thompfon were Married in Thompfon February y® 9*^*: 1792 p"" Rev"^ Will'" Graves Clerk James Easterbrooks & Polly Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 2^^^ 1792 p'' Jedidiah Morfe Jus" Peace M"" Elias Child 2^ & Polly Dewing Both of Woodstock were Married January the 25'^. 1791 p"" Benjamin Sumner Jus^ Peace Cyril Bugbee & Hannah Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Thurfday May y^ 24*^: 1792 p'" Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Ephraim Child & Mifs Betfey Bacon both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock June y^ 12*^ 1792 p' Rev^ William Graves Clerk Ichabod Warner Goodell & Lucy Phillips both of Woodstock were Married in AVoodstock June y^ 28*''. 1792 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus°. Peace Timothy Perin Ju'" of Woodstock &: Lydia Raymond of Canter- bury were Married January y^ 5*^^ 1791 in Canterbury by Rev* M'". John Staples Clerk Maj"" Abida Smith of New Pomfret & M'"^ Polly Peabody of Norwich were Married in Norwich June y^ 10*^. 1792 Sun- day Evening by Rev^ Walter King Clerk M^ Freeman Walker & M'"^ Betfey Chandler both of Wood- stock were Married June y^ 14'^. 1792 by Rev*^ William Graves Clerk Afa Morfe & Polly Leonard both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock October y^ 11*^: 1792 p'' Jedidiah Morfe Esq"" Justice of y® Peace M"" William Chapman J"" & Hannah Chapman were Married in Woodstock August y^ 16*^ 1792 p^ Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Doct^ John Tucker & M'"^ Charlotte Fellows both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock May y® iS''*: 1791 by Rev* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Caleb May & Mifs Ifabel Chandler of Thompfon were Married June t 14*'': I792 P"" WILLIAM GRAVES PASTOR Benjamin Webfter of Pomfret & Marfilva Chamberlin of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 27*'': 1792 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus'' Peace 368 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M"" Nathan Brown of Woodstock & M^= Polly Clerk of Pom- fret were Lawfully Joyned in Marriage November y^ 13*^ 1791 p"" Tho^ Grofvenor Jus" Peace Perley Sanger & Anna Chaffee were Married June y^ 8*^ 1788 by Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Samuel Morris & M" Betfey Bradford both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y^ 31^': 1793 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus'^ of y^ Peace M"" Alfred Chamberlin & M" Lucy Spears both of Woodstock were Married February y® 7*^: 1793 by the Rev*^ Stephen Wil- liams clerk [95] M^ Jofeph Allard of Woodstock & M'^^ Miriam Bacon of Canaan Were Married January y^ 13*'' 1793 By Rev*^ John Camp Clerk M^ Samuel Howlett & W°. Mary Chaffee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock May y^ 21^*^: 1789 p'" Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Daniel Barrett J^ & Lucinda Sanger both Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 3*^ 1793 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Justice of the Peace Perley Thayer & Hannah Lifcomb both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 8'^ 1792 p' Rev^ Stephen Williams Clerk Samuel Jones & Dolly Abbott both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock March y® 31^': 1793 p'" Rev'^ William Graves Clerk Walter Goodell & Hepfibah Dodge were Married May y^ 30*^ 1793 are both of Woodstock p'' Jedidiah Morfe Esq^ Jus'^ Peace William Paul & Salomi Bartholomew were Married December y« 2^ 1792 p^ Nath" Marcy Jus'= Peace Wmflow Allard & Zurviah Chamberlin both of Wcoilstock were Married in Woodstock February y^ ii'^*' 1793 by Pev^ William Graves Pastor Ithamar Cooms & Joanna Chamberlin both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock March ye 28**" 1793 by Rev"^ Wil- liam Graves Pastor Alpheus Bugbee & Sylvia Lewis both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y® 4*'' 1793 p^ Rev'^ Stephen Williams Clerk M'" James Baccus of Norwich & M'^ Dorothy O"^ Chandler of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Sepf 15*^ 1793 (Sunday Evening) by Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Rufus Peake of Thompfon & Violettee Peake of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 7'^^: 1793 by Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace M^ William Sabin of Pomfret and M''^ Elifabeth Skinner of WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 369 M'" Will" Chapman of Woodstock & M" Martha Bundy of Thompfon were Joyned in 'Marriage Sepf 23*^ 1793 by Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Charles Mafon & M"= Fanny Manning both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock May y^ 16*^ 1793 p'" Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M'". Ifrael Williams & M". Temperance Holmes J^ both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 3*^. 1794 By Rev*^. Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M" Oliver Ainfworth & M""^ Hannah Marcy both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock October y® 23*^ I794 P"^ Jedidiah Morfe Justice of y^ Peace Daniel Leonard of Woodstock and Mehetabel Hicks of Pom- fret were Married in Pomfret November y^ 6**^: 1794 p'' Jedidiah Morfe Justice of y® Peace M'" Thomas Lyon & M""^ Thankful Fifher were Married in Killingley September y^ 4^'' 1788 by M"" Day Minifer of the Go f pel [96] M'" Leonard Holmes & M" Salle Lyon both of Wood- stock were married in Woodstock November y^ 2']^"^: 1794 being Thankfgiving Day by the Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Abel Alton of Thompfon & M'"^ Irenea Sanger of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 2,'j^'^\ 1794 by the Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Luther Baldwin & Rebekah Child both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 27*^: 1794 by the Rev"^ William Graves Clerk Amos Broughton & Abigail Corbin both of Woodstock were Married; Decem"" 3^: 1772 By y^ Rev^ Stephen Williams Clerk D° Nehemiah Lyon of Woodstock & M''^ Elifabeth Squire of Pomfret were Married in Pomfret December y^ iS*'^: 1794 by Rev* Walter Lyon Clerk M"" John Blanchard of Crydon & M" Sally Emes of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock January y® 29**^: 1795 p'' Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace Oliver Bugbee & Lucy Underwood both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y^ 5*^ 1795 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace Stephen Chaffee of Brimfield & Ruth Underwood of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y^ 5*^: 1795 by Rev'^ Stephen Williams Clerk Loammi Stone & Polly Ainfworth both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock February y^ 19''': 1795 p'" Jedidiah Morfe Jus'' Peace 24 370 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M"". John Williams & M" Hannah Bowen both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock August y^ 24*^^: 1794 p"" Eliphalet Lyman Pa f tor M"" Walter Johnfon & M^^ Ellis Tourtelot; he of Woodstock & She of Killingley were Married in Killingley Febrliary y^ 16*^^ 1792 p'" Eleazer Moffit Jus"" Peace M-" Levi Utley & M^^ Hannah Deliber Both of Woodstock were Joyn^ in Marriage Sepf y^ 18**^ I794 P'' Nath" Marcy Jus° Peace M'" William Bryant & Sarah Martin of Woodstock were Joyned in Wedlock April y^ I9'''' 1795 by me Amos Wells Clerk Cap* Willard Child & M" Silvia Child Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock May y^ 'j^'^ 1795 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Jus'^ Peace Cap' Ichabod Marcy of Woodstock & M^^ Hannah Williams of Brooklyn were Married in Brooklyn February y® 5*^^ 1795 by Rev*^ Jofiah Whitney Clerk John Phillips & Mehetabel May both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage November y^ 13*^*" 1794 By Rev*^ WilHam Graves Clerk [97] M-" Nath" Brown & M""^ Annah Johnfon both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage May y® 31^'': 1795 p"" Nath" Marcy Jus'= Peace M"^ Jofeph Blackman of Dudley & Mr= Polly Barnes of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock April y® 24*^^ I794 by Rev^ William Graves Clerk M"" Laban Herenden & M""^ Polly Marcy were Married in Woodstock June'y^ 14'^^: 1795 p"" me Jedidiah Morfe Justice of the Peace Lieu'' Zebulon Lyon of Woodstock & M""^ Lienor Skinner of Thompfon were Married in Woodstock February y® 7*'' 1782 p'" EHphalet Lyman Clerk Elijah Lyman of Coventry & Lydia Chamberlin of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock Octoben y® 4*^ 1795 by Daniel Bolton Gen". Ebene'" Huntington of Norwich and M""^ Maria Lucretia McClellan of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock October ye ^th. j^g^ pr Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Eli f ha Bartholomew & Lovica Hall both of Woodstock were Mariried in s^. Woodstock Novdmben y^ 2-^^ 1795 By Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Albee Abbott & Roena Child both of Woodstock were Married in Said Woodstock November y® 26*^: 1795 by Rev*^ William Graves Clerk Alpheus Blanchard & Sally Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 2*^: 1795 p"" Jedidiah Morfe Tus° Peace WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 371 Cap* Benjamin Hayward of Woodstock & M""^ Mefsenger of Afhford were Married November y^ 25*'' 1795 by Aaron Lyon of Woodstock and Jedidah Child of Sharon were Married in Woodstock December y^ 24^^: 1795 p"" Rev^ Eli- phalet Lyman Clerk Charles Mafon & Hannah Manning both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 24*^^: 1795 p''. Rev*^. Eli- phalet Lyman Clerk Willard Leavens & Tabitha Chapman both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock December y^ 24*^'': 1795 p'' Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Leveret Clerk & Elifabeth Cole both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y® y^^ 1796 p' Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace M'" Stephen Paine & M""^ Martha Morfe were Married in Woodstock May y® 19*^ 1795 - 62^ year of his age By Nath" Marcy Jus'" Peace David Frifsel & Elifabeth Bartholomew Both of Woodstock; were married in Woodstock; June y® 6*^ 1793 By Rev*^ Eli- phalet Lyman Clerk Jacob Bates & Lydia Barns both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y® 12*^^ 1796 by Nath' Marcy Jus'' Peace [98] M"" James M^Clellan of Woodstock & M^^ Eunice Eldridge of Brookline were Married in Brookline February y® 25**": 1796 By the Rev^ Jofiah Whitney Clerk Jofeph Haradon & Polly Utley Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage July y^ 14*^^: 1796; by Nath" Marcy Jus° Peace Jacob Perin & Eunice Dodges both of Woodstock were mar- ried in Woodstock August y^ 29*^^: 1796 p' the Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk James Williams & Naomi Gay were Joyned in Marriage December y^ 13*'': 1795 by Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Jofeph Hyde & Betfey Utley both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock October y^ 27*^: 1796 by me Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace Maj'' John M'^Clellan of Woodstock & M''^ Faith Williams of Lebanon were Married in Lebanon November y® 22^: 1796 p' the Rev<^ M^ Zebulon Ely Clerk M"" Rufus Child of Woodstock & M" Anna Barnam of Sturbridge were Married in Sturbridge January y^ 18'^'^: 1795 By the Rev*^ Jofhua Paine Pastor Stephen Ainfworth of Woodstock & Deborah Bolton of Afh- ford were Married December y® 24*^: 1795 by Daniel Bolton Elder Ezra Bartlet of Afhford & Lois Ainfworth of Woodstock were Married January y^ 12*'^: 1797 by Daniel Bolton Elder 372 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Ebenezer Dodge & Rachel Harridon Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage December y^ 22"^: 1796 by Nath^^ Marcy Jus'' Peace M"- Mofes Lyon & M-"^ Matilda Bradford both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage June y® 23*^ 1796 by Nath^^ Marcy Jus" Peace M'" Carpenter Bradford & M^^ Rebekah Marcy both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage May y*^ 26^^: 1796 by Nath" Marcy Jus°. Peace M^ Alfred Walker & Mifs Betfy Child both of Woodstock were Married according to y® Laws of this State by William Graves Clerk February y^ 21^* 1797 Elias Mafon J"" and Matilda Clerk Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage June y® 8*^^ 1797 ^7 Rev'^ William Graves Clerk M'" Timothy Vinton & Dolly Shumway Joyned together in the marriage Covenant before me Jafon Phipps Justice of Peace a Copy of the original Certificate Thompfon June y^ 12*'' 1797 M^ Hadlock Perin & M" Hannah Child Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock May y^ 4*'' : A D : 1797 By Nath- aniel Marcy Jus° of the Peace [gg] M"" Daniel Tiffany & M''^ Phebe Bann were Married January y® 26*^^ 1789 By the Rev*^ Jofiah Whitney Brookline Daniel Tiffany & Polly Howlett Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock August y^ 27*'' Sunday Evening 1797 By Jedidiah Morfe Jus'' of the Peace y^ 60**^ couple William Peake & Sally Bugbee both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock October y® 19*'' : 1797 p' me Jedidiah Morfe Jus° Peace M"" Hartwell Holmes & M" Lois Pellit were Joyned in Mar- riage July y® 9*'': 1797 who were both of Woodstock p'" Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M^ Ranflear Child of Woodstock & M"-^ Prifcilla Corbin of Thompfon were Married November y® 28*^^: 1797 p"" Rev'^ Wil- liam Graves Clerk M"" Eben-- Corbin & M''^ Patty Goodell both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock January y® 17**" 1798 By M"" Amos Weld Clerk M'" Samuel Cotes of Cazenovia & M""^ Bethiah Lyon- of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage January y® 18*'^: 1798 p'' Jedidiah Morfe Jus" of the Peace Levi Utley of Woodstock & Sally Smith of Pomfret were Legally Joyned in Marriage January y* 22'^: 1797 by Oliver Dodge Bifhop M"" Abner Richmond & M^^ Eunice Dewing both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock June y® 30*'': 1785 by Rev** Stephen Williams Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 373 M'" William Hammond & M""" Fanny John f on both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock December y® 3*^ 1797 By Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"^ Grofvenor Marcy of Woodstock & M^^ Lucy Bartholomew of Thompfon were Legally Joyned in Marriage March y^ ii*^: 1798 By the Rev*^. Daniel Dow Clerk M"" Aaron Phillips & M^^ Polly Brown both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage January y** 1798 by Rev^ William Graves Clerk M^ Baxter Lyon & M'"^ Dolly Paine both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 3^: 1798 by Rev*^: Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M-" Walter Walker & M'-^ Prif cilia Carpenter Both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock April y^ 3*^ 1798 by Rev^ William Graves Clerk Doctor Eben' Bifhop & M'"^ Salle Lyon both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y® 26: 1798 By the Rev^ William Graves Clerk [100] Simeon Wite & Esther Smith both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock April y® 29**^ 1798 By the Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Calvin Bugbee & Betfey Stanton both of Woodstock were married in Wodstock May y*" 13^^ Sabbath by M'" Amos Wells Clerk «i Urijah Underwood & Patty Stanton both of Woodstock were married in Woodstock May y® 14*'^ : Monday by M"' Amos Wells Clerk «i M'" Jofeph Raiment of Canterbury & M^^ Mary Perin of V/oodstock were Married in Woodstock May y® 14*^: 1798 by y® Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Thomas Barnes J'' & M''^ Jean Blackmarr both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage May y^ 21^*: 1798; by Rev"^ Will'" Graves Clerk Gen" Samuel M^Clellan of Woodstock & M"^^ Eunice Folunf- bee of Worfcefter were Joyned in Marrige July y® 3^ 1798 by Neh'^ Child Jus'^ of y^ Peace Marvel Underwood & Betfey Lyon Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage August y® 19*^ 1798 By John Fox Esq"" Jus'= of the Peace Cyrus Powers & Phebe Chamberlin both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock June y® 3^ 1798 by John Fox Jus° of y^ Peace Nath" Marcy J'" & Ama Brad way both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock June y® 10*'': 1798 by John Fox Esq"" Jus° of y^ Peace 81 A private diary gives the year 1798. 374 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Penuel Tucker & Marfilva Abbott both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock July y"* lo'^*': 1796 By Rev^ Will"" Graves Clerk M^ Alfred Marcy & M^^ Rebekah Perin Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock March y^ 31^^: 1798 p"" Nath" Marcy Jus° of y® Peace M"" Parker Morfe of Woodstock; and M'"^ Abigail Carey of Windham were Joyned in Marriage October y® 6*"^: 1798 p*" Rev'^ James Cogfwell:D:D M-" Barak Keith & M"^ Matilda Burley Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 2'^. 1798 p'" Jedidiah Morfe Justice of y^ Peace Elijah Bugbee 8t Rhoda Marcy both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y^ 2^ 1798 by John Fox Esq"" Jus'' of the Peace Daniel Mafcraft of Woodstock & Phebe Trobridge of Pom- fret were Joyned in Marriage September y^ 21^*: 1797 by y® Rev^ M'" Andrew Judfon Clerk [loi] M'" Cyril Carpenter & M^^ Nabby May both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage January y® 17''': 1799 by the Rev^ William Graves Clerk M^ Willard Abbott & M'-^ Nancy Child Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage January y^ y^^ 1799 ^7 John Fox Esq"" Jus'' of y® Peace M"" Rufus Gay of Woodstock & M''^ Deborah Grow of Thomp- fon were Joyn*^ in Marriage February y® 3*^ 1799 ^y ^^ Amos Weld Clerk John Corbin & Prudence Allard were Married November y® 2^: 1798 p^ me William Graves Clerk M"" Penuel Corbin of Woodstock & M" Hannah Hayward of Afhford were Joyn^ in Marriage November y® 26''^ 1795 ^7 Daniel Bolton Elder Rufus Leonard of Woodstock & Jemima Hicks of Pomfret were Joyned in Marriage May y® 21^*: 1799 p"^ Jedidiah Morfe Jus" of y® Peace Ifaac Hebbard of Woodstock & Jemima Jordan of Thompfon were Married in Woodstock November y® 27*^ 1796 p'" Rev"* William Graves Clerk M'' Marven Clerk of Woodstock & M^^ Nancy Carpenter of Afhford were Joyned in Marriage February y® 19**^: 1799 p' Elder Daniel Bolton William Hide Manning of Woodstock an Lucy Tucker of Pomfret were Joyned in Marriage January y^ 31^': 1799 By Elder Amos Wells M"- Elijah Sabin of Dudley & M^« Rhoda Pike of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage September y® 8*^: in the Evening 1799 by Jedidiah Morfe Jus° of y^ Peace / WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 375 M'' Benjamin Lyon & M^= Lydia Morfe Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage November y^ 19*"^: 1798 By the Rev'^ WilHam Graves Clerk M^ Angel Stead & M" Ruth Bradway were Joyned in Mar- riage Septe'" y® i^* 1799 P'^ ^'^^ John Fox Jus'^ of y^ Peace M"" Simon Shepherd of Woodstock; & M""^ Clarifsa Moor of Canterbury were Joyned in Marriage March y^ 14^"^ 1798 P"" Daniel Frost Jus° of y^ Peace Barnard Eafterbrook & Cynthia Green both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November y® 25*^: 1798 p"" M^ Amos Wells Elder M"' Ifrael Williams of Woodstock & M""^ Prifcilla Howard of Tolland were Joyned in Marriage January y^ 1799 ^7 Docf Nathan Williams Clerk M'" Elvin Lyon & M'"^ Sally Barrett Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage June y^ 6*^^: 1798 by M"" Amos Wells Clerk Epaphras Perrin of New Pomfret & Esther Chamberlin of Cryden were Joyned in Marriage January y® 19*^ 1800 by the Rev*^ M"" Havens of Cryden [102] M"" John Auftin of Woodstock and M""" Allethea Paul of Taunton were Lawfully, Joyned in Marriage February y^ 26*'': 1799 p"" James Williams Justice of y® Peace M^ John Chandler; & M" Huldah Howard Both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage October y® 4*^ 1795 By Daniel Bolton Elder M"" Apollos Auftin & M'"^ Hannah Abbott both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock December y® 17'^: A D 1796 By Rev* Will™ Graves Clerk M' Jonathan Bugbee & M" Mary Deane Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock June y® 23* 1773 By Benj'^ Sumner Esq' Jus*^ of y^ Peace M'' Charles Smith & M" Sarah Hunt Perry of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage August y® 29*^^: 1799 by Rev*^ William Graves Clerk I have Recorded 260 Marriages to this time M"" Parker Holbrook & Lydia Morfe of West Fairley were Joyned in Marriage October ye 8'^ 1799 p"" Eli f ha Thayer Jus'' of y^ Peace M' Darius Matthew f on of Brookline and M""^ Polly Smith of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage December y® 2^ 1800 by the Rev* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk William Lyon 3* & Hanna Tucker both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage April y^ 26*^: by Elder Amos Wells 263: July 19: 1 801 ^^ M*" Charles Horfmer & M""^ Lydia Harwood were Joyned in 82 Marginal note. 376 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Marriage November y^ 27*^*^: 1800 By the Rev* M'" Daniel Dow Clerk M"" Benjamin Hill Skinner of Woodstock & M^ Polly Nichols of Thompfon were Joyned in Marriage May y^ 27*"^ 1799 By Parfon Crofby Elder M"^ Ifaac Avery p of Groton & Mifs Nabby Wheeler of Stonningtown were Joyned in Marriage April y^ 27*^: 1800 By Elder Chriftopher Avery Phillip Hay ward Escf of Woodstock & M^" Mary Soule of Providence were Joyned in Marriage Novem"" 29**^ 1801 p'' Rev*^ Alvan Underwood Clerk M'' William Wilber & M""^ Polly Olney of Union were Joined in Marriage November y^ 29*'' 1801 By John Fox Esq"" Jus'= of y^ Peace x\bifha Wafhburn J'" & Betfey Bugbee both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage January y^ 3* 1802 by m^ Alvan Underwood Clerk John Clark & Sarah Chamberlin were Joyned in Marriage Decem"" 7*^ 1780 By Biel Ledoyt Elder [103] M"" Frederick Bugbee & Allice Bugbee both of Wood- stock were Joyned in Marriage January y® 5*^: 1799 by Rev*^ M"" Andrew Judfon Clerk M^. Pelatiah Wight and Prudence Austin both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock November y^ 27*^: 1799 By Elder Daniel Bolton M'' John Manning of Woodstock & M" Lois Parmiter of Peter f ham were Joyned in Marriage February y'' 6**^ 1800 By the Rev-^ M'- Reed Clerk M'" Ranfel Ledoyt & M""^ Hannah Bugbee both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joyned in Marriage April y^ 18'^'*: 1802 By John Fox Esq"" Jus'^ of the Peace Benjamin Child of Woodstock & Matilda Bolles of Afhford were Joyned in Marriage March y^ 18*: 1802 by Andrew Judfon Clerk Darius Child & Lateicia Morris Both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Feb^^ y® 11*'^: 1802 By the Rev'^ William Graves Clerk Zep^hanHah Lincoln J^ oS, Woodstock and Lucy Jacobs of Rehoboth were Joyned in Marriage September y® 2* 1800 By Martin Esq"" Jus'^ of y^ Peace M'" Amafa Lyon and M"^^ Perly Penniman Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage May y^ 6'^ : 1802 By the Rev* William Graves Clerk M"" Judah Lyon & M^= Mehetabel Childs both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage February y^ 18"^ 1802 by Rev* Wil- liam. Graves Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 377 M*" Willard Jackfon & Orinda Goodell were Joyned in Mar- riage July 8*^*": 1798 By Elder Daniel Bolton M"" Elifha Child & M'"^ Henry Child both of Woodstock were Married in Woodstock Nobember y^ 18*^: 1802 p'" me Will"" Graves Clerk M^ Abiel Chamberlin p Mis Salome Child Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage September y^ 30*'' 1802 by Rev*^ Will™ Graves Clerk M"" Uriah Lyon of Woodstock; and Mis Jerufha Nooning of Killingley were Joined in Marriage December y^ 31^*: 1801 By Elder Amos Wells Clerk Henry Martin 2^ & Mary Prentice Chubb Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage September y*" 5'^ 1799 By Elder Amos Wells Clerk Leonard Morfe & Polly Grow of West Fairley were Maarried in W Fairly May y^ 17*^ 1801 p"" Elifha Thayer Esq"" Jus° of y^ Peace Dana Lyon & Esther Jackfon both of Woodstock were Mar- ried in Woodstock February y'^ 6'^^ Sabbath Evening 1803 by John Fox Esq"" Jus° Peace Luther Corbin & Ollive Stoel were Married February y^ 6*^^ Sabbath Evening 1803 by Elder Robert Stanton M'' King Hayward of Woodstock and Mis Lucy Paine of Afhford were Joined in Marriage the 4*"^ Day of April 1798 by me Enoch Pond Clerk Solomon Cady Horfmer; Betfey Carpenter both of Wood- stock were Married October y® 24*^ 1802 by Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk [104] M^ Jofeph Corbin & Polly Hayward Both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage March y® 21^*: 1799 By Elder Robert Stanton M'' Jonathan May & Mis Sally Paine both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage April y® 14*^: 1803 By the Rev^ EHphalet Lyman Clerk Ezra Lillie of Union; and Levina Clarke of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November y® 26*'' 1801 by Daniel Bolton Elder Timothy Perrin Jun'' of Woodstock & Dorcas Ingols of Pomfret were Joyned in Marriage April y^ 17"^ 1803 by Rev*^ Walter Lyon Clerk 286 Marriages July 19*'^ 1803 ^'^ Henry Lyon & Phebe Ainf worth were Joyned in Marriage September y® 8*^ 1803 By Daniel Bolton Elder Henry Perry & Sally Stead Both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage October y® 15*^ 1800 By John Fox Esq"" Jus^ of y^ Peace 82 Marginal note. 378 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M"" Perley Lyon & Mis Polly Bradford both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November y^ lo'*": 1803 By Rev"^ Will"" Graves Clerk M"" Abram W Paine & Mis Lydia May Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December the i^*: 1803 - By Rev*^ Will™ Graves Clerk M^ Luther Raw f on & Mis Molly May Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January y® 20'^ 1803 By Rev"^ Will" Graves Clerk M^ David Morfe & M^^ Hannah Child Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January y^ 24'^ 1804 By the Rev*^ William Graves Clerk M'" Ezra Lyon & M'"' Beulah Corbin Both of Woodstock were Joined in Martriage October 'y® loP 1802 by Elder Robert Stanton M"" John Mafon aand Mis Huldah Perry both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage February y^ 22*^ 1804' By Rev'^ Alvan Underwood Clerk M'" Loyd Bowers Birt ; and Mis Lydia Marcy Both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage February y^ 16**^: 1804 By Rev^ M"^ Alvan Underwood Clerk M^ John Child of Woodstock & Mis Betfey Thayer of Brook- lin were Joined in Marriage April y® 27*^ 1800 by Rev'^ Jofiah Whitney Clerk Caleb Chaffee & Naomi Aldrich were Joined in Marriage Feb- ruary y® 25**^ : i'8oo By M'" Jefse Lyman Hunt & Mifs Temperance Bugbee both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage April y® 26*^ 1804 p"" Eli- phalet Lyman Clerk Jonathan Ledoyt & Lydia Chamberlin both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November y® 24*'*: 1803: By Daniel Bolton Elder [105] M'" Jonathan Marcy y of Woodstock and Mifs Polly Harrendeen of Douglefs were Joined in Marriage December y^ 24*^ 1803 By the Rev'^ M"" Haac Stone Paftor M' Reuben Gould & Mis Beriah Chaffee Both of Woodstock were Married Novem'" 25*'' 1804 By Will" Graves Clerk M'' Eliakim May J"" & Mis Hannah Bradford both of Wood- stock were Joned in Marriage April y^ 28''': 1801 By Rev*^ Will" Graves Clerk M'' Samuel Lyon & Mis Rebekah Howlet were Married Febru- ary y® 22 1802 By Eben'' Smith Esq'' Jus° of y^ Peace M^ John Sanger & M" Sarah Cady Chaffee both of Wood- stock were Married in Woodstock July y^ 22*^ Sunday Evening By the Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk 1804 The one 82 the other 36 years old WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 379 Oliver Barret of Woodstock; & Polly Leonard of Thompfon were Married in Thomfon September y^ 26"^ 1802 By Elder Parfon Crofby Charles Skinner & Polly Stoddard both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage March y*' 24*^: 1800 By the Rev*^ Andrew Judfon Clerk Gamaliel Newell & Rebekah Bacon were Joined in Marriage April y^ 13*'': 1790 Mofes Holmes of Woodstock & Lucretia Clerk of Dudley were Joyned in Marriage April y^ 2.^ 1803 By Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Elkanah Penniman & Mis Lucy May both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December the t,']^'^ 1804 By the Rev^ William Graves Clerk M'' Jacob Mafcraft 2.^ of Woodstock and Mifs Afenath Wake- field of Thompfon were Legally Joined in Marriage on New- years Day January y^ V'^ 1805 p'" me Daniel Dow Clerk L* Aaron Child of Woodstock and M^^ Lucy Burnam of Afh- ford were Joined in Marriage Sabbath Evening January y® 13'*^ 1805 By Rev-^ Mofes C Welch Clerk M^ James Whitney & M'"^ Clarrifsa Gould Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage February y® 24*'' 1805 p"" John Fox Jus"^ of y^ Peace M'' John Lindley & M^^ Hannah Paul both of Woodstock were Joyned in Marriage November y^ 27'^: 1801 By the Rev^ M"" Daniel Dow Clerk Appolus Dodge & Anna Shaddon Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October y^ lo*"" : 1802 p'" Rev'* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk David Chaffee & Abigail Paul Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marr^iage .November y"" 2&^ 1800 By tiie Rev^ Eliphalet^ Lyman Clerk 320 Marriages to this place & time July y® 19*^ : 1805 my Birth Day 79 years old 320 M'' Royal Paine of Woodstock & Mis Nancy Vinfon of New- port were Joined in Marriage July y® 2^ 1805 by the Rev'^ Caleb J Tenney Paftor in Newport [106] John Mafon & Huldah Perry both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage February v® 22*^ 1804 p"" Rev*^ Alvan Under- Wood M"" Darius Ainfworth & Mifs Elifabeth Hayward were Joined in Marriage October y^ 16'^'' 1805 by Rcv^ Enoch Pond; N:D: M Clerk M'" Hinf del Clerk & Mis Betfey Cutler were Joined in Mar- riage February y^ 6*** 1803 p"" John Fox Esq"^ Jus*' of y^ Peace M' John Paine & Mifs Betfey Smith Both of Woodstock were 38o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Joyned in Marriage November y® 13*'': 1804 By Rev'^ Alvan Underwood Clerk M"" Baxter Lyon of Craftfbury Vermont & Miss Sally Blanch- ard of Concord N Hamfhire were Joined in Marriage Septem- ber y« 19**^ 1805 By the Rev^ Will"" Partrick Paftor Uriah Smith & Chriftiana Barret were Joined in Marriage Decem*" 20^^ 1794 By John M^Clellan Esq'" Jus*" of y^ Peace M'" Theophilus B Chandler ; and Mifs Hannah Bugbee were Joined in Marriage December y^ 9*^ 1802 p'" Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Maj"" Sanford Holmes of Woodstock State of Connecticut and Mis Rhoda Clark of Hopkinton State of Rhod Hland were Joined in Marriage May y® 21^*: 1806 By Rev"^ Abraham Cone Elder M"" Jefse White & Mis Ruth Vaile now of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October y® 20*'' 1805 by the Rev*^ M"" Wood Clerk M'' James M'^Clellan and M" Nancy Eldridge were Joined in Marriage December y^ 8^'': 1805 By Rev*^ Walker King Clerk Oliver Kendal of Afhford & Esther Chamberlin of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage June y^ 16*'': 1791 By M"" Levi Perrin & M^^ Esther Kendal both of Woodstock were joined in Marriage October y® 23*^ 1806 By Rev*^ Alvan Under- wood Clerk M'" George Patten and Mis Allice Child both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October y^ 16'^: 1806 By Rev^ Will"" Graves Clerk M"" Chester May and Mis Hannah Lyman J'' both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage December y® 24*^: 1806 By Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M'" Chester Morfe of Woodstock and Mis Bridget Holwell of Framingham were Joined in Marriage November y® 17*^: 1806 By Jonathan Maynard Jus'= Peace [107] M'" Bezaleel Gould & M'^ Dinah Hill were Joined in Marriage January y* 13*^ 1805 By the Rev*^ Ifaac Stone Pastor Rev*^ Alvan Underwood and Mis Peggy Smith Both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage May y® 24*^; 1804 by y^ Rev*^ Eli- philet Lyman Clerk M"" Uriah Child & Mis Polly Carpenter Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage April y^ 2^ 1807 p'' Rev*^ William Graves Clerk M"" Hezekiah Palmer of Woodstock & Ms Rofativaea [Rosa- linda] Healy of Dudley were Joined in Marriage November y^ 21^*^ 1805 pr the Rev*. Abiel Williams Clerk M'" Ezra Dean of Woodstock & Mis Sally Work of Afhford were Joined in Marriage May y® 20*^ 1804 By Daniel Bolton Elder WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 381 IVf William Corbin J'" & Mis Mercy Howard were Joined in Marriage November y® 28"" 1805 By Elder John Rathburn Amos Perrin J'' of Woodstock & Polly Lewis of Stonington were Joined in Marriage November y^ 14^^ 1805 By Elijah Pal- mer Esq'" Jus*^ of y® Peace William Harridon & Jerufha Marcy were Joined in Marriage March y® 9*^ 1804 By John Fox Esq" Jus'' of y® Peace M^ Afa Child of Woodstock and Mis Allithea Stowel of South Brimfield were Joined in Wedlock on the ii**^ Day of March 1807 By nre the Subfcriber Elijah Codington Pastor of y^ C^"^ in s^ South Brimfield M' Abiel Fox and Miss Judith Perry both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage on the 25**^ of March 1807 By y^ Rev'^ Alvan Underwood Clerk M' Will™ Haradon & Mifs Jerufha Marcy were Joined in Marriage Mach y® 9^*^ 1807 By John Fox Esq'" Jus'= of y^ Peace M"" Calvin Morfe of W^*^ Fairley and Mis Sukey Simpfon of Bradford were Joined in Marriag October y® 4'^ 1806 by the Rev*^ M"" Gardner Kellog Clerk M'" Benajah Bugbee & Mis Nabby Bacon both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October ~y^ 17*^ 1805 p"" Rev*^ William Graves Clerk M'" Oliver Perrin & Mis Dorothy Truesdel both of Woodstock were Married November y® 27*'' 1806 By Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M" Charles Thompfon Child & Mis Clarifsa Child Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January y^ 21^*^: 1808 By y^ Rev^ William Graves Clerk William Paul & Allice Corbin both of Woodstock were Mar- ried January 9*'': 1803 By Elder Robert Stanton M'" John Partridge Allen and Mifs Betfey Ide Both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage October y® 22'^ 1807 By Rev^ Eli- phalet Lyman Clerk M'" Perley Fox & Mifs Sally Morfe Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage March y® 22** on Tuesday 1808 By the Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Qerk [108] M'" Alexander Coburn & Mis Sufannah Mafon Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October y® 26*** 1798 By M"" David Clark p of Woodstock & Mis Sarah Bartlett of Afhford are Lawfully Joyned in Marriage November 26'^ : 1807 p"" me Biel Ledoyt Clerk M"" Aldis Penniman and Mis Nancy Smith both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage May y^ 24*^^: 1808 By the Rev'^ Alvan Underwood Clerk 353 to the S^^ of July 1808 «* 84 Marginal note. 382 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M'" Jethniel Perrin & Mis Pruda Wight both Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November y^ iS*"" 1807 By Rev^ Alvan Underwood Clerk M'" Jofeph Huntington of Woodstock & Mis Parthenea Smith of Windham were Joined in Marriage July y^ 3'^ 1808 By Samuel Pirkins Esq' Jus° of y® Peace M"" Cyril Chapman & Mis Abigail Barrows Both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage November y® 7''^ 1805 By Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" John Wilber & Mis Olive Marcy Both Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January y® 4*'' 1807 By Rev'^ Alvan Under- wood Clerk M' William Wilber of Woodstock & Mis Mary Olney of s" Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November 30''^: 1801 By John Fox Jus° of y® Peace M'" Adolphus Child & Miss Chloe Jackfon both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December the i^^: 1808 By the Rev*^ Alvan Underwood Clerk . M"" George Arnold and M""^ Polly Presbray ware Joined in Marriage by M' Biel Ledoyt Clerk Woodstock July 28^'' 1808 M"" George Potter & Mis Allice Child both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October y^ 16 1806 By William Graves Clerk M"" John Brewer Walker & Mis Laury Tucker both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage April y® 8*^: 1807 By Rev*^ William Graves Clerk M"" Phillip Dean of Killingley & Mis/ Lucrecia Mafon of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January y® 31^*: 1809 By Rev^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Jofeph Dean & Miss Lucy Chaffee both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December y^ 30**^: 1802 pr me Ebe- nezer Smith Jus*^ of y® Peace Minerva Cufhman Esq"" of Exeter; County of Othfigo State of New York and Mis Elifabeth Child of Woodstock; County of Windham & State of Connecticut ; were Joined in Marriage February y® 28"^: 1809; by Rev*^ William Graves Clerk Rev*^ William Graves of Woodstock ; and Mis Delia Clapp of Rochefter were Joined in Marriage December y® 12^^: 1808 by the Rev-^ M' Cobb Clerk M'" Appolos Dodge & Mis Olive Snow v/ere Joined in Mar- riage July y® 3*^ 1809 p'" me John Fox Esq"" Jus^ Peace Docf Amafa Carroll & Mis Eunice Chandler both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage May y® 3^ 1804 By Rev'' William Graves Clerk [log] M"" Danforth Lyon & Mis Hannah Wilkinfon both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage June the 25**^: 1809 By the Rev'' Alvan Underwood Clerk Doct^ John Elliot Eaton of Brookfield: & Mis Urfula Paine WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 383 of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage September y*^ 21^*: 1809 By the Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Docf William B Mason of Woodstock and Mis Lydia Worth- ington of Colchester were Joined in Marriage October y^ 8**^ 1809 Sunday Evening; by Rev*^ Salmon Cone Clerk M"" Simon Barret and Mis Lydia Mascraft were Joined in Marriage October the 12*^^ 1809 Thurfday Evening: By Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk 373 Marriages to the i^* of November 1809 — 27 years Cap* Amos Paine of Woodstock; and M""^ Tryphena Kendal of Afhford were Joined in Marriage on the 'I2*'' : Day of Nov- ember 1809 By Rev^ William Storrs Clerk M"" Nathaniel M'^Clellan of Woodstock and Mis Grace Mal- bone of Pomfret were Joined in Marriage March y^ 22"^ 1808 By Rev^ Daniel Fogg Clerk John Easterbrooks of Woodstock & Mis Elifabeth Howard of Thompfon were Joined in Marriage March y^ 28**^: 1805 By M'" Afa Pickering of Mendon Mafsachufets and Mis Hannah Lyon 2^ of Woodstock Were Joined in Marriage April y® 9*^^: 1 810 By Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Union March the 22 1810 I then Married M"" John A Marcy to Mis Sabra Howard Certified by me Samuel Crawford Justice of the Peace M"" Calvin Gay & Mis Patience Chaffee Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December y^ 27**^: 1807 By M^ Amos Wells Clerk Bethuel A Woodward of Canterbury and Clarifsa Williams of Woodstock are Lawfully Married to Each Other p'" me Abiel Ledoyt April y® 12^^: 1810 above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest p'" me Jedidiah Morfe Reg'" M"" Ephraim Horfmer and Mis Sarah Palmer both of Wood- stock were Lawfully Married April y® 26*^^: 1810 by Rev'^ Eli- phalet Lyman Clerk M"" Benjamin Lyon 2^ and Mis Hannah Morfe both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage March the 14'^ 181 1 by the Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Jedidiah Morse 2^ and Miss Almira Kendal both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage Alarch 21** 181 1 by the Rev"^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M'" Afa Bugbee of Woodstock, & Mis Theodora Curtice of Sturbridge were Joined in Marriage November y® 2^ 1809; By Rev^ Zenas L. Leonard Clerk [no] M'' Abijah Dewing and Mis Dorothy Morfe both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriag June 26''' 1808 by the Rev'^ Will'" Graves Clerk M'' Ebenezer Dewing of Woodstock and Mis Catherine Chapin of Worcester were Joined in Marriag Novem'" 28**^ 1806 384 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M"" Charles Morfe and Mis Sophia Gage both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage April the 18'^: 181 1 By the Rev* Alvan Underwood Clerk M"" Wheeler Phillips of Woodstock and Mis Anna Crawford of Union were Joined in Marriage April the 25^'^: 181 1: By Samuel Crawford Esq'" Jus° of y^ Peace Cap* Alexander Coburn and M'"® Mary Williams both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage March the 7'^ 181 1 By Rev*^ William Graves Clerk M"" Parker Comins Jun"" of Woodstock and Mifs Lucy Copp of Killingly ware Joined in Marriage Feb'' 5*"^ 1809 by Eli f ha Atkins Clerk Charles Sanger of Woodstock; and Polly Abbott of Afhford were Joined in Marriage March y^ 27*'' : 1809 By M"" Amos Wells Clerk M'' John Perrin and Mifs Bethesday Skinner both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage Novemb^ 14*'* 1809 By the Rev'^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Adolfus Martin and Mifs Nancy Potter Weaver both of Woodstock were oined in Marriage Sepf 30*'' 1810 By the Rev'* Alvan Underwood Clerk M"" Ephraim Tucker J"" of Pomfret; & Mis Sarah Skinner J"" of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage May y® 29*^: 181 1 p"" Rev*^ Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Waldo Fox & Mis Almira Child both of Wodstock were Joined in Marriage June y® 3** Sabbath Evening 181 1 by Rev'* Alvan Underwood Clerk M"" Alanfon Bolles & Mis Nancy Bugbee both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage September y" 30*^ 1810 p^ Rev* Alvan Underwood Clerk M"- Ingoldfby W Crawford and Mis Rhoda Taft Both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage May y® 29*^ 1810 By John Fox Esq^ Jus*^ of y® Peace [hi] M"" Elisha Utley and Mifs Susan Perry both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage April y^^ 181 1 by John Fox Esq'" Justice of Peace M-" William Child & M" Sally Lyon both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January y^ 23'* 1812 By the Rev'* Will"' Graves Clerk M"" Charles Kendall & Miss Nancy Paine both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage February y® 6*'^ 18 12 by the Rev'* Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M'' Alvan Bacon ; M" Bethiah Clapp both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage October the i^*: 1799 By Rev** William Graves Clerk M"" John Albemarl Marcy of Woodstock & M""^ Sabra Hay- WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 385 ward of Union were Joined in Marriage March y® 22'^ 1810 by Samuel Crawford Esq"^ Justice of Peace M^" Nehemiah Fox and Mis Polly Morfe both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage September y^ 3*^ 1812 By the Rev^ Alvan Undeirwood Clerk M'" Daniel Clerark of Woodstock and Mis Anna Blanchard of Union were Joined in Marriage April 26*^^ 1812 By Abijah Sefsions Justice of Peace Docf Daniel Lyman of Woodstock and Mis Francs Mary Eldridge of Brooklin were Joined in Marriage June y® 26*^^ 181 1 By Rev^ Andrew Lee Clerk M"" John Wilkinson Browning and Mifs Lucy Wills Weaver both of Woodstock ware Joined in Marriage July y^^ A D 1805 by Ebetf Smith Justice of Peace Elisha Smith and Mary Earned both of Woodstock ware Joined in Marriage Octob'" 4*"^ 181 2 by Alvan Underwood Clerk M'' Otis Stoddard and Mis Francis Perkins ware lawfully Joined in Marriage August 29*^ 1813 by Eben'' Smith Justice of Peace M'" Nehemiah Underwood & M''^ Lois Tuseter both of Wood- stock was lawfully Joined in Marriage October 17*^ 1813 By John Fox Justice of Peace [112] M'' Asa Lillie aand Mifs Hannah Thayer both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November 25*"^ 181 3 By John Fox Justice of Peace M"" Major Gage and Mifs Huldah Clark both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage November 25**^ 1813 By John Fox Justice of Peace M"" William K. Green (formerly of Leicester Mafsachusetts) and Mifs Betsey Kimball (Daughter of Deacon Jud*^ Kimball) of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December lo*'^ 1812 by me Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Warham Lyon J'" & Mifs Mabel Stacy were Joined in Marriage on the 16*^'^ Day of April 1810 Mifs Mabel Stacy belonged to the Town of Munson State of Mafsachusetts By Alfred Ely Pastor of the Church in Munson M^ Samuel Child & M'"^ Almira Hasting 'wejfe Joined jn Marrige on the 26*^ Day of March 1812 at Lebanon by William Ripley Pastor of a Church in Goshen Society in s'^ Lebanon M-"' Moses Lyon 2^ of Woodstock & Mifs Sibyl Tourtelott of Thompson were Joined in Marrige on the first Day of Decem- ber A D 1812 by Daniel Dow Pastor of Church in Thompson M"" David Craft Ju^ & Mifs Fanny Bishop both of Woodstock were Joined in Marrige on the 18*'^ Day of February 1814 By John Fox Esq^ Justice of Peace M"" David Rogers & Mifs Sukey Brown both of Woodstock 25 386 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS were Joined in marrige on the 17* Day of March 1814 By John Fox Justice of Peace M"" Henry Child & Mifs Lucretia Child both of Woodstock were Joined in marrige on 2.^ Day of December 1813 By Alvan Underwood Clerk [113] M'' Benajah Bugbee 2.^ and Mifs Betsy William both of Woodstock were Joined in marriage September 26*^ 1813 By Alvan Underwood Clerk M"" George Bowen & Mifs Lydia W Eaton of Dudley Mafsa- chusets were Joined in Marriage October 13'^ 181 3 By Abiel Williams Clerk Mifs Lydia Eaton was the Daughtor of the Late Doctor Eaton of Said Dudley M"" William Flyn of Woodstock & Mifs Clarisfa Kingsley of Lisbon were Joined in Marriage March 26**^ 1812 By Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M^ James Young of Sturbridge & Mifs Esther Ledioyt of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage August 18''^ 1814 By John Fox Justice of Peace Col° Jonathan Lyon of Woodstock & Mifs Hannah Lyon Daughtor of the Late Cap^ W" Lyon Dec^ were Joined in Mar- riage June 22"^ A D 1814 By Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Pearley Thayer Jun & Alifs Zeruiah Bracket both of Woodstock were Joined in marriage October 24*'^ 1814 By John Fox Justice of Peace M' Lathrop Clark & Lucy Perrin both of Woodstock were Joined in mariage October 13*^ 1814 by Alvan Underwood Clerk M'' Ebenezer Howlett & Lois Lewis both of s'^ Woodstock were Joined in marriage September 2^ 1792 by Nath" Marcy Justice of Peace [114] M^ Thomas Chandler & Mifs Lydia Goodell both of Woodstock Were Joined in marriage on the 18*^^ day of Janu- ary 181 5 By Alvan Underwood Clerk M"" Job Whitney & Mifs Nabby Buckman both of Woodstock were Joined in marriage on 2^ day of March 181 5 By Sam' Backus minister of the Gospel Rev^ Samuel Backus of Woodstock & Mifs Sarah Danielson Daughter of General Danielson of Killingly wer'e Joined in marriage on the 26**^ day of December A D 1815 By Rev* Roswell Whitmore (Pastor of Church in Killingly) Maj"" Jacob Lyon of Woodstock & Mifs Marthe Robinson of Canterbury were Joined Marrige on the 25 day of May 181 5 By Rev'' Asa Meech Clerk M"" Amos Perrin of Woodstock & Mifs Marcena Blanchard of Union were Joined in Marrige on the i®* Day of December A D 1814 by Sam" Crawford Justice of Peace WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 387 M'' Silas Johnson of Woodstock & Mifs Huldah Beckwith of Waterford were Joined in Marraige on the 31^* day of March 181 1 By Moses Warren Justice of Peace M'" Simon Barrett of Woodstock & Mifs Lydia Marscraft wer^ Joined in Marraige on the 12*'^ day of October 1809 Cap* William Lyon of Woodstock & Mifs Lydia Sumner of Ashford were Joined in Marraige on 27*^ day of September 181 5 by Hollis Samson minister of the Gospel in s'^ Ashford Jonathan Allin was Joined in Marraige with Susannah Tuller March 24*^ A D 1796 M"" Godfrey Grosvenor & Mifs Dorothy Perrin were Joined in marraige on the 22"^ day of March A D 1815 By Alvan Under- wood Clerk M^ Godfrey Groisvenor aand Mifs Esther Pe{rrin both of Woodstock were Joined in marraige on the 2^ day of July 181 6 By John Fox Justice of Peace [115] Cap* Caleb Handy of Southbridge Mafsachusetts and Mifs Ovandy Utley of Woodstock Connecticut were Joined in Marrige on the 22'' Day of September A D 1816 By John Fox Esq'' Justice of Peace M"" Russel Stead and Mifs Betsey Johnson (Daughter of Decon Stephen Johnson) both of s"^ Woodstock were Joined in marrige on the 4**" day of July A D 1816 By Alvan Underwood V. D. M M"" Luther W Lyon and Mifs Rebecca Green both of Wood- stock were Joined in marriage on the 7*^ day of February 18 16 By George Angell Clerk Capt Darius Barlow and Mifs Almira Sumner of Woodstock were Joined in marriage on the 22*^ day of September 1805 By Enoch Pond V. D. M. M'' Roswell Hare and Mifs Olive Bracket both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage March the 12"^ A D 1815 By Alvan Underwood Clerk M'' Chester Jackson and Mifs Hannah Lyon both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage on the 4^^ day of July 18 16 By Elder Nicholus Branch M"" Lyman Johnson and Mifs Betsey Barlow both of Wood- stock were Joined in marriage on the 29"' day of September 181 1 By Alvan Underwood Clerk M'" Hezekiah Palmer and Mifs Lucy Bugbee both of Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage on the 23*^ 181 7 By Eliphalet Lyman Clerk M"" Leonard Mason and Mifs Sally B Morse both of Wood- stock were Joined in Mariage on the 7*^ day of November A D 1816 By Alvan Underwood Pastor of a Church in Woodstock M'" James Lyon and Mifs Lucy L Davis both of Woodstock 388 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS were Joined in Marriage on the i8*^ day of December A D 1817 By Eliphalet Lyman Clerk Woodstock April 14*^ 1799 this may Certify that M'" Jesse Dilliber was Lawfully Married to Mif^ Polly Lyon by me John Fox Justice of the Peace [116] M'' Walter Tucker of Woodstock & Lois Cleaveland of Thompson were Joined in Mariage December 12*^ 181 5 By Elder George Angell Clerk M'" Chester Ingols & M''^ Percy Johnson of said Woodstock were Joined in marriage May 13**^: 1818 By Rev*^ Alvan Under- wood Minister of the Gospel M'" John Haskill of Dudley Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts & Mifs Comstolk of Woodstock Windham County were Joined in Marriage July 29*^^^ 181 8 By Sam" Backus Settled min- ister of the Gosple M"" George Seagraves & Mifs Clarry Lyon both of said Wood- stock were Joined in marriage May 29*^^ 1817 By Elder Nicholas Branch M^ Charles Child Jutf & Mifs Almira Holmes both of Wood- stock' were Joined in Mariage March 20**^ 18 17 By Samuel Backus Settled minister of the Gospel Recorded by John Fox Town Qerk M*" Lyman Morse and Mifs Lucy Mascraft Both of said Woodstock were Joined in Marriage June 5*^ 181 7 By Eliphalet Lyman Recorded by John Fox T Clerk M'" William Wilbour & Mifs Sarah Thayer both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage December 14**^ 1818 by Gersham Plimp- ton Justice of Peace Recorded by John Fox T Clerk M^ Luther Child & Mifs Pamela Child Both of said Wood- stock were Joined in Marriage January 25'^ 1816 By the Rev^ Samuel Backus Minister of the Gospel [117] M^ Stephen H Eastabrooks and Mifs Lydia Davis both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage January 7*^ 1819 By Isaac Dwinel Pastor of the 2.^ Baptist Church M"" Asahel Elliott and Mifs Patty Roffee Both of s^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage Jan^ i^* 18 15 by George Angell Pastor of the 2^ Baptist Church Cap* Darius Barlow of Woodstock and Mifs Cloe Ford of Canterbury were Lawfully Joined in Mariage at s^ Canterbury on the 28*^ day of March 1819 by Erastus Learned Paster of a Church in s* Canterbury M'' Stephen Child and Mifs Lovisa Deans of Ashford were lawfully Joined in Marriage at said Ashford September 21®'^ A D 1819 by Alvan Underwood Pastor of a Church in Wood- stock WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 389 M"" Alvan Lyon of Woodstock and Mifs Lucinda Stacy of Munson were lawfully Joined in Marriage at said Munson on the 2(f^ day of December 1819 By one of the Justices of Peace of s^ Munson M'' Henry Child and Henriettee May Daughtor of Cap'' Eph"" May were lawfully Joined in Marriage November 19'''^ 1819 By Samuel Backus Settled minister M"" William Chamberlin & Mifs Betsey Tucker were Lawfully Joined in marriage Sept 9*^ 181 7 By Sam" Backus minister of the North Society M'' Asa May and M""^ Sally May Daughtor of M'' John May were lawfully Joined in marriage November 18*'* 1819 By Samuel Backus minister of the Gospel This may Certify Israel Mathewson Son of Israel Mathewson of Woodstock in the County of Windham and State of Connecticut and Katharine Williams Daughtor of Peleg Williams now Residing in Foster in the County of Provedence and State of Rhode Island were Lawfully Joined together in marriage on the 11**^ day of February 1802 by me John Williams Elder the above is a true Record of a Certificate as Lodged with me for Reord attest John Fox T: C. [118] This may Certifes that on the 25"' day of June, 1820 Dexter W Jones and Philenia Simson were Lawfully Joined in marriage by me Samuel Backus minister The above is a true Record of the Certificate of marriage Rec*^ to Record August i'*' 1820 attest John Fox T. Clerk This Certifies that M"" Alvan Gage & Mifs Irena Munger were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood Settled minister Woodstock May 28*^ 1820 the above is a true Record attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock September 7*^ 1820 This Certifies that M"" Erastus Tucker & mifs Dinah Bacon Both of said Woodstock were law- fully Joined in marriage by me Alvan Underwood Settled minister The above is a true Record of the Certificate of marrige as rec^ attest John Fox Town Clerk Pomfret September 3"^ 1820 this Certifies that M"" Sylvester Chenney & Lovisa Abbott Both of said Woodstock were Law- fully Joined in marriage By me James Grow minister of the Gospel and ordained a true Copy attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock October iS'^'' 1820 this may Certify that M"" Stephen Gay and M''^ Eunice Perrin both of said Woodstock were lav/fully Joined in marriage by me John Fox Justice of Peace a true Copy attest John Fox T Clerk 390 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Windham County fs Woodstock 16'^'' of November 181 5 Then Joined in marriage according to Law. Ransellear C Coomes and Hannah Chaffee both of Woodstock attest Samuel Backus Minister of the Gospel a true copy attest John Fox T Clerk [119] Woodstock November 30*^ 1820 Let this Certify whom it may Concern that M"" Robert D Darran and Mifs Lucy Kim- ball both of said Woodstock were on the evening of this Date hereof lawfully united in Marriage by me Eliphalet Lyman C Clarke the above is a true Record of the Certificate attest John Fox T Clark Woodstock September 24'^ 1820 This certifies that Augustus Thomas Jun'' & Priscilla Condel were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood a minister' in Woodstock The above is a true Record attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock December 20*^^^ 1820 This Certifies that M"" In- crese Sumner of Ashford & Mifs Roxe Child of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood a minister of Woodstock The above is a true copy of Certificat Rec*^ for Record Jan'' 6*^ 182 1 attest John Fox T Clerk This Certifies that on the 18*^^ day of January 1821 Theophilus May & Huldah Tucker were Lawfully Joined in marriage by me Samuel Backus minister of the Gospel The above is a true Record attest John Fox Town Clerk Woodstock February y^^ 1821 This Certifies that Stephen Burlingame of Glorcester Rhode Island was this day Lawfully married to Susana Fox of this Town by me Samuel Backus Minister of the Gospel This may certify that M^ Absalom Baker of Pomfret and Mifs Kesiah Howlet of Woodstock were Joined in marriage in this Town of Woodstock on the Evening of the first day of April 1821 agreeable to the Law of this State by me Eben'' Stoddard Justice Peace The above is a true Copy of the original Certificate Reed and & Recorded April 2^ 1821 attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock June 18'^ 1818 this may Certify that M^ William Martin 2^ and Mifs Susanna Bradway were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by Elder Nicholas Branch ordained minister in s^ Woodstock attested by Stephen Bugbee & Sally Bugbee the above is a true Record attest John Fox T Clerk [120] Woodstock March 29*^ 1821 this Certifies that. M"" Elias Snow & Mifs Polly Lyman were Lawfully Joined in mar- rige by me Alvan Underwood a minister of Woodstock WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 391 the above is a true Copy of the above Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock March 2.(f 1821 this Certifiies that M"" Earl C Prifton of Ashford & Mifs Harrit Fox of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood a minister of Woodstock the above is a true Copy of the above Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock June lo**" 1821 This Certify that M'' Luther Loomis Shaw of Monson & Mifs Lydia Dilliber of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood a minister of Woodstock The above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox Twon Clerk Woodstock July the first this may Certify that Calvin Harding of Southbridge Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts and Mifs Lydia Jackson were Joined in Marriage by me John Fox Justice of Peace the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock June 11^^ 1821 This will certify that on the day of Date that Doc^ Timothy Sheffield of Thompson and Mifs Susannah Chamberlin of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in marriage By John Nichols an ordained preacher of the Gospel The above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock July 8"^ 1821 Let this certify whom it may Con- cern that Edward Smith of Needham Mafs and Loisia Aldrich of this Town were on the Evening of the date hereof Lawfully entered in Marriage By me Eliphalet Lyman Clerk the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. C. [121] This May Certify that on the 29*'' of July 1821 William Sanger and Polly Barber Both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in marriage B[y] John Nichols an ordained preacher of the Gospel • the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk ' 4 Windham County fs Woodstock August 14*^^ 1821 This day John Hibbard and Adeline Walker both of s"^ Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Sam" Backus Minister of Gospel the above is a true Copy of the above Certificate Test John Fox T C 392 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS This may Certify to all whom it may concern that on the 20*^ day of Sep* 1821 that Wiliam Andrews Sally Leving were Lawfully married to Each other By me Allen Barnes the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate R"^ for Record 18'^ day of Ocf 1821 attest John Fox Town Clerk This day Elias Mason 2^ and EHza May Both of s^ Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me *^ Sam" Backus minister of Gospel the above is a true copy of the original Certificate Rec^ Nov"" 29*'' 1 82 1 attest John Fox T Clerk This day Erastus May and Lydia M Child both of s"^ Wood- stock were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me ^^ Sam" Backus minister of Gospel Rec*^ for Record November 29*'' 182 1 attest John Fox T Clerk This will Certify that on the 11*'' day of November 1821 That Alford Carpenter of Ashford and Betsey Huntington of Wood- stock were lawfully Joined in marriage By John Nichols Rec'^ and Recorded December 8*^ 1821 attest John Fox Regstr [122] Woodstock Dec'" 5 1821 This may Certify Lowell Bacon of Dudley Mafsachusetts and Betsey Morgan of s*^ Wood- stock were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Sam" Backus minister of Gospel R-ec*^ and Recorded 8*^^ Day of December 1821 attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock Nov 15*^ 1821 This day Andre\y A. Williams & Emily Smith of Woodstock were lawfully joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood Re'd & recorded 10*^ day of Dec'" 1821 attest John Fox T. Clerk This May Certify that Benjamin Chamberlin of Woodstock and Sally Crowford of Union were lawfully Joined in marriage in said Union on 4*^ day of March 181 1 By Samuel Crowford Esq"" Justice of Peace the above is a Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock July 1820 this may Certify that M"" Montgomry Comins & Eliza Lynley were Lawfully Joined in Marriage By me William Bowen Justice of Peace V\^oodstock September 6'^'' 1821 WilUam Fisher of Raynham Commonwealth of Mafachusett & Lucy Child of s* Woodstock 85 " Nov. lytli 1821. " has been added in pencil and a private diary gives the date as Nov. 22, 1821. 86 A private diary gives the date Nov. 28, 1821. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 393 "were Lawfully Joined in Marriage according to Law By me William Bowen Justice of Peace Woodstock Jan^ 16*'^ 1822 the two above Certificates are true Copies of the original ones attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock January the first this may Certify that M"^ Jona- than Mclntire of Southbridge and Mifs Polly Howlett of Wood- stock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Abram W Paine Justice Peace the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate R*^ and Recorded the 16*^ day of January 1822 attest John Fox Town Clerk [123] Woodstock March 30*'' 1820 this may Certify that M' Walter Tucker Jun Lucinda Chaffee both of s*^ Woodstock were Joined in marriage By James Grow minister of the Gospel the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat Test John Fox T C Woodstock January 8*^^ 1822 this may Certify that Joseph Lyman & Mary Briggs both of Woodstock were this day Law- fully Joined in Marriage Before me Samuel Backus Min'" Gospel the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat R*^ for Record Feb^ i^* 1822 attest John Fox Register Woodstock February s^^ 1822 this may Certify that M"" Abra- ham Marcy Jun'" & Mifs Sarah Ann Wilber both of s"^ Wood- stock were this day Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me John Fox Justice of Peace the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk Windham County i^s Canterbury Dec'" 28"''' 18 19 then M'" Edward D. Perry of Woodstock and Mifs Hannah Stephen of Canterbury both in s*^ County were lawfully Joined together in Marriage By me Daniel Frost Jus*' Peace the above is a true Copy of the original attest John Fox T C R^ Feb^ 22^ 1822 Woodstock January 29^^ 1822 This day William Lyon and Achsa D3^er both of said Woodstock were lawfully Joined in marriage by me Samuel Backus Min Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk Rec^ Feb^ 23-^ 1822 George Frissell of Woodstock was lawfully Joined in marriage to Hannah Belknap Owen of Gloucester State of Rhide Island July 22^"^ 1 82 1 394 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the above is a true -record of the original Certificate attest John Fox Town Clerk [124] Woodstock August 3'^ 181 7 Let this Certify whom it may Concern that M^ Chandler H Tucker and Mifs Lucy Corbin both of this Town were on the Evening of the date hereof Lawfully united in marriage by me Eliphalet Lyman C. Clerk the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat Rec'^ to Record Feb^ 25" 1822 attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock March 7*^ 1822 This will Certify that on the day of date that Asa Rathbone and Clarisa Huntington Both of Wood- stock were Lawfully Joined in marriage By John Nichols the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk Woodstock May y^'^ 1820 This may Certify that on the day of date Rufus Child and Sophia Underwood both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage By John Nichols the above is a true Copy of the Original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock March y^^ 1822 This day Phinehas Wright of Fitz William in the State of New Hampshore was Lawfully married to Sarah S May of this Town by me Sam" Backus minister of Gospel the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox Register Woodstock March 28*^^ 1822 This day Nathan Morse and Rebecca Child Both of s'^ Wodstock were Lawfully Joined in marrige by me Sam^ Backus Min Gospel the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk [125] Woodstock March 6*^'' 1822 This day Turner Sears of Greenwich (Mafs) and Mary E. Marcy of this town were law- fully joined in Marriage by me Alvan Underwood Reed & recorded lo*^^ day of March 1822 attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock October 23'^ 182 1 this may Certify that on the day of the date Issachar Bates of Thompson & Roxana Kindall of this Town were lawfully Joined in marriage By me Eliphalet Lyman Minister Gos^ the above is a true Record of the original Test John Fox T. C. Woodstock January 10*^ 1822 This day Walter Fairfield Ju'' and Lucy Ann Heath were Lawfully Joined in Marriage By me Eliphalet Lyman ordained minister the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 395 Woodstock April 11*'' 1822 This day William P Goodell and Maranda Chandler were Lawfully Joined in marriage By me Eliphalet Lyman ordained minister the above is a True Record of the original Certificate Test John Fox T Clerk Woodstock October 23'^ 181 7 this Certifies that M"" D wight S Marcy & Mifs Lois C Chandler both of this place were Lawfully Joined in marriage by me Alvan Underwood Paster of Church the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that Paul Kennee of Union and Susanna Barrett of Woodstock were Lawfully Married November 28*^^ 1822 by me James Grow Pastor of the Baptist Church in Pomfret the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk [126] Woodstock April 23''^ 1822 This may Certify that Liberty Nicholes of Sturbridge Mafsachusetts was this day Law- fully married to Patty Richardson of Woodstock by me Sam' Backus Min"" Gos' the above is a true Copy of the original attest John Fox Town Clerk This Certifies that M"" Stephen Bugbee Jun"" and Mifs Esther Moor were Joined in Marriage Feb^ 11^^ 1810 William Foster Justice of Peace the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock May 2^ day of April 1832 Noah H Griggs of Pomfret & Lucretia Mason of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage at s'^ Woodstock by me Alvan Underwood Minister of the Gosple This may Certify that on the 4'^'' day of March 1832 Isaac Fener of Charton & Pamelina Buckman of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s"^ Woodstock by me Foster Thayer M G 426 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the above is a true Record of the foregoing Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that Leonard Chaffee & Emily Comstock both of s*^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s'* Woodstock on the first Day of April 1832 By me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat Test John Fox Town Clerk I Certify that at Woodstock Connecticut on the 13 day of May A D 1832 I Lawfully married John G Tucker of Pomfret Con- necticut and Alice Parker of Oxford Mafs Woodstock May 13*^ A D 1832 Amos Babcock the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk [164] This may Certify that M'' Benjamin Bradford and Mifs Sarah Healy were Married by me this day Dudley Mafs 27^^ September 1.83 1 James H Francis Minister of the Gospel the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk This May Certify that John F WilHams Esq"" of Woodstock Conn' and Mary Jane White of Lancaster New Hampshier were this day Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me at s^ Lancaster June 6*'' 1832 Rufsell H Spalding ordained Minister the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock May 20''' 1832 this certifies that Asa King of Pomfret Connecticut and Eliza Ann Hibbard of Woodstock have been Lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant according to Law of this State By me Orron Cowles pastor of church North Woodstock the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest J. Fox T Clerk Woodstock March 4*^ 1832 this May Certify that Isaac Tower Ju"" of Charlton Mafs: and Penelia Buckman of Woodstock Conn* were this day lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant by me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gospel the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk Woodstock May 3"^ A D 1832 this may Certify that Henry Ingolls of Pomfret & Lavinia Child of Woodstock bot of Wind- ham County were on the s"^ 3'^ day of May Lawfully Joind in Marriage at s^ Woodstock by me ' Foster Thayer M Gosple WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 427 the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox Town Clerk Woodstock June 3*^ 1832 this may Certify that Gordon O Gager of Stafford in Tolland County & Rachel L Haskell of s^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant on the s^ 3*^ day of June A D 1832 By me Foster Thayer M of Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original attest John Fox T. C Woodstock June 24*^^ 1832 this may Certify that Simon Clay of Milbury & Lutina Reves of Brookfield both of Mafs* were Law- fully Joined in the Marrige Covenant on the s'^ 24**^ day of June 1832 at s^ Woodstock by me Foster Thayer Minister of Gosple the above is a. true Record of the original Test John Fox T C [165] Woodstock August 6*^^ 1832 this may Certify that Edmond Larkins of Woodstock Connecticut & Sally Clark of Hanover Mafswere Married on the evening of the 6*^ of August A D 1832 By me George B Atwell M Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T C Woodstock Sep* 24* 1832 this may Certify that Abrham Haven of Dudley Mafs & Polly Shumway of s*^ Woodstock were on s^ 24**^ day of Sept 1832 lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant by me Amos Babcock minister of Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This May Certify that William Manning Jun'' of Pomfret & Antainett Manning of Woodstock both of Windham County were on the 30**^ day of Sep* A D 1832 lawfully Joined in Mar- riage at s^ Woodstock By me Alvan Underwood M of Gosple This May Certify that Solomon Morgan of Southbridge Mafs and Alice Morgan of Woodstock Connecticut were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s'^ Woodstock on the 7*^ day of Ocf 1832 Orin Coles Pastor of Church North Woodstock This May Certify that Lester Amadown & Hannah Corbin both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage at said Wood- stock on 13*'' day of November A D 1832 By me Orin Coles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the foregoing Certificate attest John Fox T C This May Certify that James Tucker & Nancy Joy both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s'* Woodstock on 22'* day of October A D 1832 By me W M Conell minister of the Gosple 428 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the above is a true copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that Allin Chase of Pautucit State of Rhodes Island and Frances Waldo of Pomfret Connecticut were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant on the 12 Day of December 1832 at said Woodstock By George B Atwell Minister of Gosple a true Copy of the original attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that W"' P. Hiscock & Eliza Howard both of Woodstock Were lawfully Joined in marriage on 29*^ day of December 1832 at s'^ Woodstock by me George B Atwell minister of Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certlficat attest John Fox T. Clerk [166] To Whom it may Concern I lawfully Joined Abnor Johnson Jun"" of Randolph and Lucy G Smith of South Brook- field Massachusetts in Marriage January 27**" 1833 Amos Babcock Elder the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that Charles P Adams and Lucy Ann Hill both of the Town of North Brookfield in the Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts Were on the 15^^ day of February 1833 lawfully Joined in Mariage By me John F Williams Jus'^ of Peace the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T C this may Certify that on the lo*'^ day of February 1833 Seneca Case & Marcia Stone both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in marriage By me Alvan Underwood Minister of the Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T C This may Certify that Aaron Randal of Woodstock and Cordelia Wright of Dudley Mafsachusetts were on the 30*^^ day of Decem- ber 1832 Lawfully Joined in Marriage at s"^ Woodstock by me George B Atwell Minister of the Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify that Jeremiah H C Briggs and Louisa M Rogers both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage by me Isaac Jennison an Elder in the M E Church Woodstock Feb^ lo**' 1833 the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox Reg"" This may Certify that Geremiah Gallup of V/oodstock and Dina Wright of Staford in Tolland County were on the 3*^ day of WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 429 February 1833 Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Geo. B Atwell Minister of the Gospel the above Certificat is a true copy of the orig-inal attest John Fox T. C This may Certify that on the 20*'' day of Feburuary A D 1833 at Woodstock Charles Collar of Pomfret and Sally Walker of s"^ Woodstock and both of Windham County were Lawfully Joined in marriage by me Orin Coles Minister of the Gosple a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify to whom it may Concern that on 10^^ March 1833 at Woodstock Francis Herrinton and Mary S Weaver Both of s*^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Amos Babcock Elder ^ [167] To Whom it may Concern this May Certify that at Woodstock Leonard Alby of Charlton Mafsachusetts and Eliza Buckman were lawfully Joined in Marriage at s^ Woodstock on the 10*^ day of February A D 1833 by Me Foster Thayer M of Gosple the above is a true record of the original Cerfied by John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that Woodstock on the 23''^ day of Febru- ary 1833 Jason Carpinter & Betsey Sanger both of s*^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in marriage by me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple attest John Fox T Clerk the above is a true record of the original Cerfied by John Fox T Clerk This may Certify whom it may concern that on the 18 day of March 1833 Ralph N Lyon of Southbridge Mafsachusetts and Catharine Sweet of Woodstock Connecticut were Joined in Mar- riage Covenant at s^ Woodstock by me George B Atwell M G. the above is a true record of s*^ original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify that on the 27''' day of May 1833 Freedom West & Polly Bacon both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage on s*^ day at said Woodstock by me Orron Colwles M Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat Test John Fox C Clerk This may Certify that on the 8'^'' day of April 1833 that Moses Lyon & Dolly May were lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at Woodstock by me Orin Colwles M Gosple 430 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify on the 31^*^ day of March 1833 David Her- rington of Thompson and Lydia Weaver of Woodstock in s^ County of Windham were lawfully Joined in Marriage at s*^ Woodstock by me Amos Babcock M Gosple attest John Fox Town Clerk This may Certify on 28*'* day of March 1833 that Solomon F Tracy Alimra Nichols both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage at s^ Woodstock by me William M Cornell M Gospel the above is a true Record of the above Cirtificat Test John Fox Clerk [168] This may Certify that John Morse & Almena Armour both of Woodstock were on the 31^* day of March 1833 lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s*^ Woodstock Geo B Atwell M G the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T C This may Certify that Irconia Moulton of Batavia State of New york and Dille Clark of Woodstock County of Windham and State of Connecticut were on the 21^* day of April 1833 Joined in the marriage Covenat by me Geo : B Atwell M : G the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox. Town Clerk Woodstock May 9*^ 1833 This May Certify that Charles Richward of Killingly and Loveisa Vinton of said Woodstock were on the s'^ 9*'^ day of May A D 1833 were Lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenat s*^ Woodstock by me Orin Cowles Minister of the Gosple This may Certify that George N Sumner & Adeline Phillips both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage on the 2.^ day of June at said Woodstock by me George B Atwell minister of Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk this May Certify that Warner Howard of Union and Mary Taft of Woodstock was Lawfully Joined in the Marriage Cove- nant at said Woodstock on 29*^^ day of September 1833 by me Wheeler Phillips Jus' Peace a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 431 This may Certify that WilHam Arnold and Emily Arnold s"^ Arnold of Worwick & s"^ Emily of Woodstock ware lawfully Joined in Marriage at s'' Woodstock on 18''' day of September 1833 By me Albert Cole the above is a true record of the original Certificate attest John Fox Town Clerk [169] This May Certify that on 8^^ day of September 1833 John W Green and Mary Ann Sweet both of Thompson in Windham County were Lawfully Joined in Marriege By me Orin Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest J Fox T Clerk this may Certify that on the 17 day of November 1833 Isaac E Smith of New york and Emily Walker of s*^ Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marrage by me Orin Cowles Minster of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify that on 27*^* day October 1833 Elmer Wood of Athol Massachusetts and Abigail Brock of Woodstock Con- necticut were Lawfully Joined in Marrige by me Orin Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John FoxT C This May Certify that on 29 day of December 1833 Benjamin Aplin and Esther Marcy both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant By Me George B Atwell Minister of G the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T. Clerk This May Certify that on the first day of January 1834 that Nathan Handy & Ann Upham both of Thompson were Lawfuly Joined in Marrige by me Orin Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificate attest John Fox Register ^ This May Certify that on the December A D 1833 that Elisha Walker and Nancy Demmon both of North Brookfield Massachusetts were Lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at Woodstock Cpnn* By me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the above Certifycate attest John Fox Regester This may Certify that on the first day of January A D 1834 Aat Ebenezer Marcy of Thompson and Damaris Aplin of Woodstock 432 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s^ Wood- stock by me Albert Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox Town Clerk [170] Woodstock February 12*'* 1834 this may Certify that Ralph P Rufsell of Willington and Lucy B Child of Woodstock was Lawfully Joined in Marriage at s*^ Woodstock on the s^ 12 Day of Feb^ By me Foster Thayer minister of the Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This May Certify that George Bradford & Phebee Phillips both of Woodstock were on the 28'^'^ day of March 1834 lawfully Joined in marriage at s'^ Woodstock By me George B Atwell minister of Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk this May Certify that Henry Wells & Lucy Payson both of Woodstock were on the 25**^ day of September 1817 Lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s^ Woodstock by me Isaac Grindwell M Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This May Certify that Daniel Copelin of Thompson & Permelia G^Hibbard of Woodstock both in Windham County were on the 7**^ May Joined in the Marriage Covenant at said Woodstock By me W™ M Connell minister of the Gosple a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This May Certify that Doctor Daniel E Hall and Sumner both of Thompson in Windham' County were Lawfully Joined in Marriage at s^ Thompson on the 14*^^ day of April 1834 By me Orin Cowles minister of Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T C this may Certify that Charles Richards of of Killingly and Louisa Vinton of Woodstock both of Windham County were Lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s'^ Woodstock on the 27*'' day of May 1834 By me Orin Cowles Minister of Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk [171] Woodstock May 18*'' 1834 this may Certify that William Steers of s'^ Woodstock & Harriot Goodell of Thompson was lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant on the s^ 18*^ day of May By me Foster Thayer minister of the Gosple WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 433 the above is a record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. C This May Certify that Dwight Foster of Palmer of Maf- sachusetts & Lovisa Penniman of Woodstock Connecticut were Lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s'^ Woodstock on the 4*^^ day of June 1834 By me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple This may Certify that James M More and Rebecca Adams of Southbridge Mafsachusetts were on the 15''^ day of June 1834 Lawfully Joined in Marriage at s*^ Woodstock by me Foster Thayer Minister of Gosple the above is a true Record of the above Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk Ths may Certify that Luther Baldwin & Susan Sabins both of Southbridge Mafsachusetts were on the 15*^^ day of June 1834 Joined in the marriage Covenant at Woodstock by me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the above Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify that Nathan Corbin & Ann Sumner both of Woodstock were on the 25*^*^ day of May 1834 lawfully Joined in Marriage at s"^ Woodstock by me Nathan D Benedict pastor of the first B Church the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox Town Clerk this may Certify that John A Parker and Louisa M Kinstry Both of Worcester Commonwealth of Massachusetts were on the loth day August 1834 lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenat at s^ Woodstock by me John F Williams Justice of Peace the above is a true Record of the orriginal Certificat attest John Fox T: Clerk this may Certify that Eleazer K Fairbank Southbridge and Ruth West of Charlton both of the Commonwealth of Maf- sachusetts were on this 31^*^ day of August 1834 lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenat at Woodstock Windham County Con- necticut by me John F Williams Justice of Peace the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk [172] This may Certify that Daniel Young of Smithfield R:I and Louis Pearce of Woodstock Connecticut were on the 2^ day of September 1834 lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s*^ Woodstock By me Albert Cole Pastor of 2^ Baptist Church 28 / 434 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify that Roswell M Ledoyt & Adeline Chamber- lin Both of Woodstock were on the 25*^*^ day of August 1834 Lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s'^ Woodstock By me Nathan D Benedict pastor of Baptice Church the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox Town Clerk this May Certify that Alfred Scott of Barra State of Vermont to Caroline Carter of Woodstock Connecticut were on the 4'^'* day of September 1834 lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s'' Woodstock by Me Orson Cowles Minister of Gosple the above is a true Record attest John Fox T Clerk This May Certify that Hubbard Abbot & Anna Morcy Both of Woodstock were on the 8*^^ day of September 1834 Lawfully Joined in Marriage at s'^ Woodstock by me Orson Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat at John Fox T Clerk this May Certify that Addison Phillips & Mary P Waldo Both of Woodstock were on the 2,2^ day of September 1834 Lawfully Joined in Marriage at s^ Woodstock by me Orson Cowles Minister of Gosple the above is a true record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk this may Certify that Earl C Briggs & Nancy M[aria] Morse Both of Woodstock were on the 20*^ day of October 1834 law- fully Joined in Marriage at s*^ Woodstock by me John D Baldwin Clerk the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. C [173] this may Certify that on the 1^ day of Nov'' 1834 Ruben Wells Ju'' of Bridgewater Pensylvania & Nancy Deans of Woodstock Connecticut were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant at s^ Woodstock on this s*^ 2^ day of Nov"" 1834 By me John D Baldwin Clerk the above is a true Record of the original Certificat Test John FoxT C This may Certify that on the 8*^^ day of December 1834 William Paine of Woodstock and Abigail C Rickard of Thomp- son were lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at said Thompson on the s^ 8*^^ Day of December 1834 by me Orson Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 435 This may Certify that on 2.']^^ day of November 1834 Amos Perrin & Abigail Dorset both of Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenant at s*^ Woodstock by me Leonord Gage Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk this may Certify that 14**" day of November 1834 Roberson Smith of Lecester Worcester County Commonwealth of Mafsa- chusetts & Julia S Rices oxford s*^ County of Worcester were lawfully Joined in marriage at s^ Woodstock by me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify that Jonathan Pike and Betsey Vinton both of Southbridge in Worcester County Commonwealth of Mafsa- chusetts were on 26*^^ day of October 1834 lawfully Joined in Marriage at Woodstock Connecticut By me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple this may Certify that Charles Snow of Southbridge & Susanna Vinton both of Worcester County & Commonwealth of Mafsa- chusetts were lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenan at Wood- stock Connecticut on the 30'^'^ day of November 1834 By me Foster Thayer Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk this may Certify that on lo*'^ day of December 1834 that Thomas Bishop of Lisbon New London County and Tabitha S Bishop of Woodstock Windham County were lawfully Joined in Marriage on s^ lo*** of December ot s^ Woodstock by me Foster Thayer M Gosple true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk [174] This May Certify that on 26'-'^ day of November 1834 that Daniel D Baldwin & Jerusha Heginbothom both of Stur- bridge County of Worcester Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts were at Woodstock Connecticut Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Nathan D Benedict Pastor of the first Baptis Church Woodstock the above is a true record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk this may Certify that on the first of Januory 1835 William A Spooner & Abby Colvin Both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenat At said Woodstock by me Albert Cole minister if the Gosple the above is a true Record if the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk 436 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS this may Certify that on the first day of January 1835 that at Woodstock Jefferson Putney of Dudley Mafsachusetts and ■ Ursula Morgan of s'^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Mar- riage Covenat by By me Orson Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the above Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This May Certify that on 4*^ day of January 1835 ^t Wood- stock Perley Lyon and Marcy Whitney both of s"^ Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenant by me Orson Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk this may Certify that on the 6*"^ day of Jan^ 1835 at Woodstock Stephen L Potter & Sarah C Morse both of s^ Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Otis Rockwood Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat at John Fox T. Clerk this May Certify that on the iS*"* day of January 1835 at Wood- stock John Cox and Hannah Fowles both residence of Southbridge Mafsachusetts were Lawfully Joined in Marrige on the s^ 18'^'^ Instant at s"^ Woodstock by me Otis Rockwood Minister of Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificate attest John Fox T Clerk This May Certify that on the 20*^ Day of January 1835 at Woodstock William Robinson Jun"" of Oxford Mafsachusetts and Emeline Dunham of s*^ Woodstock Con*^ were Lawfully Joined in the Marrige Covenant By me John D Baldwin Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk [175] This may Certify that on the 5*"^ day of February 1835 at Woodstock Liberty Stone of Charlton and Charlott Hamilton of Brookfield Both of the Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts were lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenat at s*^ Woodstock by me John D Baldwin Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T. Clerk This certifies that Robert A Sherman and Cynthia Underwood both of Woodstock Conn were by me legally joined in marriage March 18 1835 Jo^^n D Baldwin Minister of the gospel This certifies that Daniel L. Crawford of Union and Minerva Howard of Woodstock Conn were by me legally joined in mar- riage March 24 1835. John D. Baldwin Minister of the gospel WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 437 This certfies that Lucius W. Davis of Harwinton and Roxana Howard of Woodstock Conn were by me legally joined in mar- riage April 19 1835 Joh'^ D- Baldwin Minister of the gospel The above are true copies of the original certificates Attest John Fox T. Clerk This may Certify at on the 10^^ day of August 1835 that John A Parkis and Louisa M'^Kinstry both of Worcester in the Com- monwealth of Mafsachusetts were this day and year above Written lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenat by me the Subscriber John F. Williams Justice of the Peace the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest Jo Fox T Clerk This certifies that Silas May and Harriet Perry both of Wood- stock were by me legally joined in Marriage May 20 1835 John D Baldwin Pastor The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest, [176] This may Certify that on 8*^ day of April 1835 that Danford Goodell and Joann Barlow both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in the marriage Covenat at s*^ Woodstock By me N. D. Benedict Paster of the i^* B C This may Certify that on the g^'^ day of April 1835 at Wood- stock State of Connecticut that Jared Little of Somersett Vt & Larra Marcy of s*^ Woodstock were Lawfully Joined in the mar- riage Covenant by me N D Benedict Paster of the B Church The above is a true record of the two Certificates as Recorded attest John Fox Register This may Certify that on the 14*'' day of March 1835 ^t Wood- stock Oliver Holt of Dudley Massachusetts and Eliza C Brown of s^ Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage at s*^ Wood- stock on s'^ 14*^ day of March By me Foster Thayer minister of Gosple the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John F[ox] T C This may Certify that Benjamin Patten of Stafford and Huldah Gage of Woodstock were on the 14*'' day of April 1835 lawfully Joined in the Marriage Covenat at s*^ Woodstock by me Leonard Gage Paster of the 3^ Baphtis Church in s* Ashford the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John Fox T Clerk This may Certify that on 22*^ day of April 1835 that John Witter of Brooklyn and Mary Ann Bradford of Woodstock and both of Windham County were Lawfully Joined in the Marrige Covinat at said Woodstock by me Otis Rockwood Minister of the Gosple 438 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the above is a true Record of the original Certificat attest John FoxT C This may Certify that on the 7**^ day of April 1834®^ that Charles May & Maria Chandler both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage at s'^ Woodstock by me Orson Cowles Minister of the Gosple the above is a Record of the original Certificat John Fox Town Clerk [177] This May Certify that Leonard H Dean and Louise Perry both of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in Marriage on the 2f^ day of August 1835 by John D Baldwin Minister of the Gosple the above is a true Copy of the original Certificat as Recorded attest John Fox T C This may certify that I married M'' William D Ware to Mifs Betsey Pierce both of Woodstock Ocf 4*'' 1835 Nathan D Benidict Paster of i^* Bap Ch Woodstock The above is a true record of original certifi* as recorded Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that I married M"" Sanford Bosworth of Ashford to Mifs Mary A. Bugbee Woodstock Oct 6*^ 1835 Nathan D Benedict Pastor of the V''^ Bap* Ch Woodstock The above is a true record of original certifi*^ Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that on the 25 Ultemore I united in marriage in the Town of Woodstock M'" John A Bugbee & Mifs Susan McKinstry as the law direct N. Branch The above is a true record of original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Nov 8*1^ 1835 Married in Woodstock Nov i^* 1835 by Leonard Gage Pas* of 3"^ Baptis Church in Ashford M"" Silas Allen of Union to Mifs Mary Leonard of Woodstock The above is a true record of certi* Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [178] This may ertifies that Parker B Pinnock and Eliza Corbin both of Woodstock ware lawfully married by me Nov 9*^ 1835 By me Joseph Juson Minister of the Gospel The above is a tru record of certi* Attest Wheeler Phillips Register M'" Albee Hiscox and Mifs Lucy Underwood both of Wood- stock ware Lawfully joined in marriage by me Nov 26 1835 Nathan D Benedict Minister of the Gospel The above is a true record of the Certi*^ Attest Wheeler Phillips Reg* 911835 given in a private diary WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 439 This may certify that the intention of Marriage between M'" Isaac Corbin of Woodstock & Mifs Maria Bartlett of Ashford hath been made pubHc according to law Woodstock Dec 6'^'^ 1835 Chester Lyon S Clerk I hereby certify that I united the above named person in marriage on the 6 inst according to the laws of this State Orson Cowles paster of the church in N Woodstock M. Brook The above is a true record of certi* Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk M"" Willard Bugbee of Union & Mifs Caroline R Marcy of Woodstock were Married by me December 28*^ 1835 and M*" Forris Walker of Monson Mafs & Mrs Phebe Walker of Wood- stock Jany 3*^ 1836 Nathan D Benedict minister of the Gofpel the above is a true record of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [179] This certifies that Otis T Lyon and Mary C Bolles both of Woodstock, Conn, ware by me leagally united in mar- riage on the 25*^^ day of January 1836 John D Baldwin Pastor of the 2^'^ Cong Chch in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk The marriage of the persons named below was solemnized by me whose names I hereby send to you to record August 30**" 1835 Edward Arnold to Almariah Corbon both of Woodstock Sept i^* 1835 Benjamin Baldwin of New York To Mary Smith of Woodstock Ocf 14 Rev Erastus Dickinson of Canton Mafs to Maria Bowen of Woodstock O Rockwood The above ia a true copy of the origanal Certificate Atteft Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that M"" Francis Fitts of Dudley Mafs and Mifs Eliza Deane of West Woodstock Ct. ware lawfully married in s^ Woodstock on the i^* day of Nov 1835 by Dudley Mafs; Feby 26 1836 John Boyden Jr Clr. Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock April 12^^ 1836 I hereby certify that on 27''' day of March last I united in marriage according to the law of this State M"" [S.] Gould and Mifs Olive Sanger both of this Town Orson Cowles The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certify that I solemnized a marraige between Benj Walker and Caroline Austin both of this Town on the 28'^ day of March 1836 John D Baldwin 440 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [i8o] Aldis Perrin and Sarah Paine both of Woodstock on May 2f^ 1836 George Leonard and Nancy Dewing both of Woodstock May 28^*^ 1836 Sam' A. Whipple and Hannah D. Work both of Woodstock May 4''' 1836 Jasper May of Woodstock Ct and Diana Bosworth of Belcher- town Mafs on May 8^^ 1836 This certifies that I have married the above at the times specified above John D. Baldwin Paster of the 2^ Cong. Church in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original Certi* Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that M'" William Phelps and Mifs Clarifsa M. Clark both of Woodstock ware Married by me May 11^ 1836 N. D. Benedict Paster of the i^* Bap Church Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certi*^ Atteft Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk William P. Burley of Union and Mary Dorsett of Woodstock ware married by me June 16*'' 1836 N. D. Benedict Min^ of the Gos' The above is a tru copy of the original certi* Atteft Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M"" Simeon Herendeen and Mifs Mary LilHe Both of Wood- stock were Married by me Sept ii^*^ 1836 N. D. Benedict Paster of the first Bap Chh in Woodstock The above is a true copy Atteft Wheeler Phillies T Clerk M"" Alonzo Work and Mifs Mary Phillips both of Wood- stock ware Married by me Sept 18^'' 1836 N. D. Benedict Pastor of the i"' Bap Chh in Woodstock. The above is a true copy M'' Phillips Town Clerk [181] M'" Jared Corbin & Mifs Sophia T Howard both of Woodstock ware by me united in marriage according to the laws of this State on the 3*^ day of Octo'" 1836 Orson Cowles Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Atteft Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk M"" Warren Bishop and Mifs Mariah Rogers both of Wood- stock were lawfully united in Marraige by me Oct' 6*^ 1836 Nathan D. Benedict Pa^ of the i^* Bap the above is a true copy W Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock 6*1^ Nov 1836 This may certify that I this day joined in marriage Mendrick Balcom and Charlotte Beal agreea- WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 441 ble to the laws of the State Luther Rawson Justice of peace The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that on the 6*'' day of Nov 1828 David M. Alverson and Addeline M. Rogers were joined in marriage agreeable to the laws of this state John Paine Justice of the Peace Windham County fs Woodstock Nov"" the 6"^ AD 1828 I the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace for Windham County hereby certify that David M Alvison and Adeline M. Rogers both of said Woodstock were lawfully joined in Marriage on the 6^^^ day of Nov 1828 by me John Paine Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original certificate Atteft Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [182] This certifies that the intention of marriage between M"" Daniel Bowen of Brookfield Mafs and Mifs Maryann Frifsle of Thompson hath been made public according to Law Woodstock Dec"" 11 1836 Chster Lyon S Clerk I hereby certify that the above named individuals were un- ited my me in marraige on tusday the 3*^ insant Orson Cowles the above is a true copy Atteft Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certify that the intention of marraige between M"" John N Woodard and Mifs Hannah S Frifsel both of Thompson hath been made public according to law Woodstock Jany 22'^ 1837 Chester Lyons Clerk I hereby certify that the above named individuals ware united by me in marraige on Sunday 22'^ inft Orson Cowles The above is a true Copy Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk I make return of the following Marriages Solemnized by me within the last month Mr Samuel H Davenport to Mifs Mary C Chamberlin both of Woodstock Nov 14*^ 1836 Mr Judson M Lyon to Mifs Sarah Ann Arnold both of Wood- stock Nov 24* 1836 Mr William W Aply of Chaplin to Mrs Emily E Kimball of Woodstock Dec 11*^ 1836 Otis Rockwood The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Mr Geo W Johnson Woodstock to Mifs Betsey White of Killingly Dec 12*^ 1836 By John D Baldwin The above is a true record Atteft Wheeler Phillips Town Clrk [183] This certifies that on the 9*^^ of April 1837 Alonzo Davis of Northbridge Mafs and Minerva Jacobs of Sturbridge Mafs ware lawfully married by the Subscriber Lent S. Hough Paster of the Church of Christ in North Woodstock Village corners The above is a true record Atteft Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 442 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M^ Charles Sherman of Ashford and Mifs Lucetta Weaver of Woodstock ware lawfully married by me April ^'^ 1837 ^^^ also M"" Jonathan Seamons and Ruaney Goodell both of Wood- stock April 27^ 1837 N. D. Benedict Paster of the first Baptist Ch*" in Woodstock The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that Horace Walker of Thompson and Suson Sanger of Woodstock have been duly published of their inten- tion of marriage according to Law I hereby certify that the above named individuals were by me united in marriage on the 14^'' inst O. Cowles Paster of ch. in Muddy Brook The above is a true record of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that James Walker & Isabel M. Hibbard both of Woodstock were this day married by me Lent S. Hough Paster of the Church Woodstock May 18*'' 1837 of Ch in Woodstock Village Corners The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [184] Mr Edward Lyon & Mifs Maria Chamberlin both of Woodstock were lawfully Married by me May 29^^ 1837 and also M"" Sanford Marcy and Lydia Ann Chandler both of Wood- stock June 4*^ 1837 N. D. Benedict Pastor of the i^' B Ch^. The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that the intention of marriage between James L Ives of Plymouth and Mifs Susan Weaver of Woodstock has been published according to law August 13*^ 1837 Attest John Fowler 2^ T Clerk I hereby certify that I have this day August 14*'^ 1837 united the above named individuals in marriage according to laws of this State Attest O Cowles Pastor of the church in N. Woodstock M. Brook The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that M"" William C. Aldrich of Thompson and Mifs Sophia Marcy of Woodstock were lawfully married by me this day Woodstock August 14*'' 1837 Thomas Huntington Ordained Minister The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that the intention of marriage betwen M"" James L. Ives of Plymouth ^^ 92 " Crossed out. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 443 This certifies that M^ Ezra Howard p of Ashford and Mifs Betsey Pike of Woodstock were lawfully married by me this day Ashford Sept 26'^ 1837 Leonard Gage Pas*^ of 3'^ Ch^ in Ashford The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [185] This certifies that the persons named below ware legally joined in Marriage by me viz May y^'^ 1837 John A Marcy to Ann Louisa Tucker both of Woodstock June 11*^ Joseph C Credsford to Betsey Doway both of Woodstock Otis Rockwood The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Joel S. Copelin of Thompson & Daantha Moscraft of West Woodstock were by the subscriber lawfully married Sept 19''' 1837 Lent S. Hough Paster of the i^*^ Ch in North Woodstock Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certifies that Stephen Cole of Sutton Mafs and Lucretia Buckman of North Woodstock Con were by me lawfully mar- ried October i* 1837 Lent S Hough Paster of the i^* Ch in North Woodstock The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk William H. Church and Mifs Lydia Tucker both of Wood- stock were lawfully married by me Ocf 23 1837 N. D. Benedict Minister of the Gospel The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that William M. Smith and Nancy Bartlett both of Rutland Mafs ware this day legally united in marriage by me Sidney Holman minister of the Gospel October 23'^ 1837 The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day legally solemnized marriage between Abiel Coplin of Dudley and Matilda Mascraft of Wood- stock Nov 6'^ 1837 Jo^" D. Baldwin The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [186] This certifies that on the i^* instant I legally solem- ized marriage between Charles D. Smith of this Town and Mary ann Baldwin of Norwich Nov'' 1837 John D Baldwin The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk 444 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS M"" Chauncey Vile of Worcester Mafs & Mifs Sophia A Smith of Woodstock ware lawfully married by me Nov 30 1837 Nathan D. Benedict Min^ of the Gosple The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This is to certify that on the 13^^ of December 1837 I sol- emnized marriage Between M'" Ezra Dean & Mifs Pamelia B. Hobbs both of Woodstock Tho' Boutelle The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M'" Walter Lyon of Union & Mifs Hannah Snow of Wood- stock were lawfully married by me January lo** 1838 N. D. Benedict Minister of Gospel The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This may certify the M"" Pitt Sharp of Pomfret and Mifs Julia Ann Deanes of Woodstock ware married this day March 19^ 1836 at Woodstock Ct by John Boyden Ju C C The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [187] I have united in marriage within 30 days the follow- ing persons Feby 25'^ 1838 Major Lillie to Dorathy Gould both of Woodstock March 12I' 1838 Mr Hezekah Bishop to Mifs Martha D. Lyon both of Woodstock Thomas Boutelle The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies M"" Curtis Hibbard and Mifs Asineth Fuller both of Woodstock Conn, ware legally joined in marriage on 26 day of March A D 1838 Bela Hicks Paster of the Woodstock March 26*^ 1838 Baptist Church in Pomfret Con The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that William H. Brown of Woodstock Conn, and Mifs Hannah L Lyon of Wales Mafs ware married March 19*^ 1838 by me Geo Mixler Pastor of the Ch Wales March 20^^ 1838 The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify M"" Edwin Marcy and Adeline M. Wetherell both of Pomfret were legally joined in marriage on the 8*^ day of April 1838 by me Wheeler Phillips Justice of the Peace The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk North Woodstock Feby ii*^^ 1838 This is to certify Charles K. Brigs and Semantha Burlingame both of Thompson were this day lawfully married by the Subscriber Lent S. Hough The above is a true record Wheeler Phillipps T. Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 445 [188] I hereby certify that Albert Lyon and Mary P Brown both of Woodstock ware married this day by John Boyden Jr C C The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that I have this day united in marriage M"" EHsha Lyon and Mifs Lucy May both of Woodstock North Woodstock March 28*'^ 1838 Tho^ Boytelle Pas^ of a Chh The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that M'" George W. Manahan of Douglas Mafs and Mifs Sarah B. Lamson of Woodstock have been joined in marriage by me this day North Woodstock April 19*^ 1838 Tho^ Boutelle Pas'" of a Ch'^ The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certifies that Samuel Longly of Smithfield Rhode Island and Nancy Nichols of Thompson ware married by the Subscriber April 22'''^ 1838 L. S. Hough minister in N. Woodstock The above is a true record Attest W. Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that George W. Green and Lydia A. Bacon both of Southbridge Mafs were married by the Subscriber April 22^^ 1838 L. S. Hough Minister in N Woodstock The above is a true record W Phillips T Clerk This certifies that Timothy Forgett and Sophia Lyon both of Woodstock were by the Subscriber Married April 23*^ 1838 L. S. Hough minister in North Woodstock The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [189] M' Dwight Austin & Mifs Mary Ann Bates both of Woodstock were lawfully married by me Nathan D Benedict Min^ of the Gos^ The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Married in this Town M'" Christopher Briggs of Providence Rhode Island to Mifs Nancy A Burdon of Woodstock Woodstock Sept iS*"" 1837 John Paine L Minister The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Benjamin W Potter was married to Nancy Chamberlin both of Woodstock by the Subscriber Woodstock May 30*^ 1838 Sam' J Curtifs ordained Minister The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that Lewis G Moore and Sally Sanders both of Southbridge Mafs were married by the subscriber June 10'^'' 1838 ^ L. S. Hough Paster of a Church of Christ in North Woodstock The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk 446 WOODSTOCK yiTAL RECORDS Married by John Fowler Esq July 15*^ 1838 William Money to Joanna Brown The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M"" John Rhodes of Johnston R. I. and Mifs Sarah B Johnson of Woodstock were lawfully united in marriage by me August 12* 1838 N. B. Benedict Minister of the Gospel The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [190] This may certify that M"" Otis Hiscox and Mifs Mar- vel Green both of Woodstock ware lawfully united in marriage by me August 13^^ 1838 N. B. Benedict minister of the Gospel The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that Rev Andrew Benton of Mt Pleasant Ohio and Mifs Dolly Stow of Charlton Mafs ware united by sub- scriber in bands of matrimony Aug* 27'^'^ 1838 L S Hough Paster of the great Church in north Woodstock Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M'' Williapi M Bacon of Millbury were married to Mifs Matilda B Lyon of Woodstock August 9^^ 1838 by the subscriber Sam" J Curtifs The above is a true record W. Phillips T. Clerk This may certifies M'' William M Bacon J Millebury was married ^^ This certifies that Jethniel Perrin was married to Lucy W. Litchfield the 13*'^ of Sept 1838 by the Subscriber Samuel J Curtifs Minister of the Gospel The above is a true record W Phillips T Clerk This may certify that I have joined in marriage Horance Prince Charlston Mafs and Hannah Rogers of Woodstock Con Woodstock December 2°"^ 1838 H. H. Davis ordained Minister of the M. E. Church. The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [191] This may certify that I have this day united in mar- riage M'' Daniel Pediford and Mifs Maryant Bashen both of Southbridge Mafs Tho^ Boutelle North Woodstock Dec'' 1838 The above is a true record Attest W. Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Valentine O. Eastman of Grofton Mafs was married to DeHa Dodge of Woodstock November the 4'^'' 1838 by the Subscriber ' Sam" J Ci\rtifs The above is a true record of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 93 This entry crossed out. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 447 This certifies that Freelove Metcalf of Mansfield was mar- ried to Ruhamah Perry of Woodstock Jany i^* 1839 by me Sam" J Curtifs The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Warner Howard of W^oodstock was mar- ried to Juliet Allen of Ashford by the subscriber Jany S^ 1839 Sam'' J Curtifs The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M^ William M. Underwood and Mifs Matilda Moorhouse both of Woodstock were lawfully married by me Nathan D. Benedict Pastor of the first Bap* Church in Woodstock The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk M'' Emanuel Stafford of Coventry R. I. and Mifs Sophia Clark of Woodstock were married by me Jany 6*^^ 1839 N. D. Benedict Paster of the first Bap Ch^ in Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certifies that Edwin May of Webster Mafs and Ruth K Whitney of Woodstock Ct were on the 3*^ day in January 1839 lawfully married by the Subscriber L. S. Hough minister in the West Parish of North Woodstock This above is a true record Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [192] This certifies that Charles D. Rawson of Webster Mafs and Almira Lyon of Woodstock Ct were lawfully married by me Jany g^ 1839 L. S. Hough Minister in the West Parish of North Woodstock The above is a true record Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk North Woodstock Feby 25^^ 1839 This certifies that Damon W. Chandler and Prudence Lyon were by me this day lawfully married L. S. Hough Paster of the village Comer Church N. Woodstock The above is a true record W Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that Royal Phillips of Ashford was married to Lucinda C. Barlow of Woodstock Feby 28*^ 1839 by the subscri- ber Sam' J Curtifs The above is a true record of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certifies that Elisha Child and Lucin D Whitney both of Woodstock ware lawfully married by me March 4*^ 1839 Lent S Hough Paster of the West Ch in N Woodstock The above is a true record of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 448 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that Lyman A Maynard of North Brookfield Mafs and Susan H Walker of Woodstock were lawfully mar- ried by me March 5*^^ 1839 Lent S Hough Paster of the West Ch in N. Woodstock The above is a true record of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [193] This certifies that John S. D. Grant of Woodstock Ct and Lucinda Brown of Killingly Ct ware lawfully joined in Marriage at Woodstock this 24*^ day of March A D 1839 t»y me Daniel Williams minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies M'' Thomas E. Corbin of Woodstock and Mifs Sally M. Clerk of Southbridge Mafs have been lawfully joined in marriage by me this day Erastus Benton Woodstock March 27'' 1839 Minister of the Gofpel The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock This certifies that I have during the last two days united in marriage M"" Nathan Harley of Tolland Ct to Mifs Mary Big- ford of this town Also M'" Peter Lucian of Leicester Mafs to Mifs Margaret Morway of Southbridge Mafs North Woodstock March 25*^ 1839 Thomas Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Liberty A Lyon of Southbridge Mafs and Mary Hibbard of Woodstock were lawfully married by me on the 18*^ of March 1839 Lent S Hough paster of the west Ch in N. Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Parker B Pennock and Marcia J. Lyon both of Woodstock war married March 18'' 1839 by the Subscriber Sam' J Curtis The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M"" Edwin May of Thompson & Mifs Amanda A Scott of Wood- stock Attest Thomas Boutelle North Woodstock April 20^ 1839 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [194] This certifies that Francis Snow and Betsey H. Allard both of Southbridge Mafs were married by me May 11'* 1839 Lent S. Housfh Paster of the West ch in N Woodstock WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 449 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock March 8^ 1839 This certifies whom it may concerns that on or about the 2<^ of August 1816 M'' Olcutt Fisher & Mifs Polly Jackson both of this town ware lawfully joined in marriage by me Alvin Underwood then Paster of the Cong' Church in that place The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Ths certifies that Winsor Bruce of Webster Mafs and Huldah Webster of Woodstock were Married by the subscriber June 9^ A. D. 1839 Rev"^ Sam' J. Curtis of Woodstock Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Aaron Wakefield of Grafton Mafs & Adotia Buckman of Woodstock were lawfully married by me June 6*'' 1839 Lent S. Hough Paster of West ch in North Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that Alfred Handel and Almira Crofs both of Woodstock were lawfully married by me July 4'' 1839 Lent S. Hough Pastor of the Ch in North Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [195] This certifies that I married Leonard C Corbin to Adaline Jackson both of Woodstock July f" 1839 Rev"^ Sam' Curtiss of W. Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk North Woodstock Aug 18'' 1839 This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M'' W™ B. Chandler and Mifs Abigail A Billings both of Thompson Ct Attest Tho^ Boutelle Paster of a Church The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Sept i^* 1839 This certifies that I married Harden Fenner to Mary H. Pierce both of Woodstock Rev'^ Samuel J Curtifs of Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk Woodstock Sept 16'' 1839 I hereby give notice to the Town Clerk that I have this day united in marriage M"" Chester W. Paine & Mary Perry both of Woodstock Benjamin Ober 29 450 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk North Woodstock Sept i6'' 1839 This may certify that I have this day united in Marriage M'' Albert Morse and Mifs Martha Morse both of Woodstock Thos Boutelle Pastor of a Ch^ The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk West Woodstock Con Oct 16^' 1839 This certifies that M"" John Adams West Boylston Mafs and Mifs Elmer of West Woodstock Con were lawfully married by me this day R. W. Allen Minister of the Gospel . The above is' a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [196] This may certify that I have this day joined in mar- riage Seth Torington & Harriet Allen of Monson Mafs accord- ing to the Laws of this State Connecticut fs Windham County Town of Woodstock Sept 28^ 1839 Peleg C Child Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that M^ John B. Gueld and Mifs Sophrona Barlow both of Woodstock in the State of Con were legally joined in Marriage on the 9^^ day of Oc'^'" 1839 Woodstock Oct'' 9^ 1839 ^^^^ Hicks Pastor of a Baptis Church in Pomfret Ct The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Reed Turterlott and Mifs Calista Philips both of Woodstock were legally joined in Marriage on the 14'^ day of Ocf 1839 by me Sam^ J Curtifs The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk- This certifies that I have this day united in Marriage M' Samuel Peters of Woodstock Ct & Mifs Sally Sprage of Webster Mafs Tho" Boutelle Pastor of a Ch^ North Woodstock Ocf 20^ 1839 This certifies that I have this day united in marraige M"" Pal- mer Harding of Southbridge Mafs & Mrs Bathsheba Wood of Woodstock Con Tho^ Boutelle Pastor of a Ch'' North Woodstock Nov 20^^ 1839 The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marraige M' Palmer Chamberlin & Mifs Sylvia Walker Also M^ Robert WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 451 Readhead & Mifs Caroline Jane Abbott all of Woodstock North Woodstock Dec^ 8*^ 1839 Tho^ Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [197] This certifies that Sylvester Robbins & Dolly Brown bot of Dudley Mafs were this i'*^ day of Jany 1840 lawfully married by me L. S Hough Paster of a Ch^ in N. Woodstock North Woodstock Ct Jany i^*^ 1840 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk North Woodstock Jany 13^ 1840 This certifies that I have this day united in marraige Mr Seth Clapp and Mifs Caroline Vinton both of Woodstock Attest Thomas Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Philips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in the bands of wedlock Capt Sam.uel M. Child and Mifs Sarah Ann Perry both of Woodstock Attest Thomas Boutelle North Woodstock Jany 30^^ 1840 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that the marriage of M^ Albert Merriam of East Cambrige Mafs & Mifs Fanny Keth of Eastford Ct sol- emnized by me March 16*^ 1840 Benj Ober Paster of the 2°'^ Eccl Sc in West Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest W. Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that M"" John Ball and Mifs Bosetta Buss both of Southbridge Mafs were this 2^^ day of April 1840 married by me L S Hough Paster of a Church of Ch* in N Woodstock North Woodstock April 2* 1840 Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [198] The marriage of the following persons was duly solemnized by me Nov"" 2y^ 1837 Leonard Tollman to Sarah C. Blair both of Woodstock Feb 4^" 1838 Thomas Allen to Mary W. Payson both of Woodstock Feby 11 1838 George W Atwood to Minerva Chord both of Abington March 27^ 1838 Joel Fuller to Clarissa Hibbard both of Woodstock August 12'' 1838 Sylvester Gardner Somerset Mafs to Mary E Johnson of Woodstock September 23'"^ 1838 Joseph Bickford to Phebe C Hibbard both of Woodstock 452 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS October 29 1838 W™ Richardson to Mifs Betsey Johnson both residents in Woodstock October 13*^ 1839 Jabze L Bowen of KilHngly to Mary S Coombs of Woodstock October 2']^'^ 1839 Luther B Graves of Shrewsbury V*^ to S Maria Rufsell of Barre Mafs now residence in Woodstock Nov"" 2.^ 1839 Tanner P Bowen of KilHngley Ct to Louisa R McKinstry of Southbridge Mafs Dec"" 25 1839 Jones Palmer of BurHnton Vt to OHve Hoyt of Grafton N. H. March if" 1840 Cyrel Spaulding Ju of Plainfield to Lucy Baldwin of Woodstock March 26 1840 Lyman Hibbard to Abby P Palmer both 'of Woodstock Otis Rockwood The above is a true copy of the original certificats April 29*^ 1840 Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [igg] This certifies that I have this day solemized a mar- riage cerimony between M*" Anson Fower of Lebonon Ct & Mifs Mehetable Lyon of Woodstock Thos Boutelle North Woodstock May 19^ 1840. The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that M'' James Allen of Thompson Ct and Mifs Lutia Levens of Woodstock were leagally joined in mar- riage on the 18^ day of May 1840 Bela Hicks Minister at the i^* Baptist Church in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Philips T. Clerk This certifies that George W. Hambleton of Norfolk Ct. and Caroline Houghton of Southbridge Mafs were this day married by me May 17^ 1840 L. S. Hough Minister in N. Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day solemized a marriage cerimony between M"" Aaron Fowler of Lebonon Ct and Mifs Mehitabel Lyon of Woodstock North Woodstock May 19* 1840 Tho' Boutelle The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that M' Ebenezer Rich of Oxford Mafs and Mifs Olive Goodale of Thompson Ct. were this day married by the subscriber L. S. Hough Minister in North Woodstock North Woodstock June 29*'' 1840 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillip Town Clerk This certifies that M"" John Cooper and Mifs Harriet M. Dick- erson both of Southbridge Mafs were this day married by the m WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 453 subscriber L. S. Hough Minister No Woodstock North Woodstock July 16'^ 1840 The above is a true copy W. Phillips T. Clerk [200 J This certifies that I solemnized a marriage on the 5*^ of April 1840 between Seth Clark & Ayrline Lyon both of Woodstock Otis Perrin Woodstock April 6^ 1840 The above is a true copy W. Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M'' Hezekiah Smith and Mifs Adeline Hicks both of Thompson Con Thomas Boutell North Woodstock July 3^ 1840 The above is a true copy W. Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that M'" West Smith of Foster R. I. and Mifs Ann Warner of Killingly Ct were lawfully married this day by o James Grove Minister of the Go f pel The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that on the ^o^ of August 1840 M"" Daniel Willis and Mifs Mary F Carter both of Southbridge Mafs were mar- ried by the subscriber L. S. Hough Ordained minister North Woodstock Aug* 31^* 1840. The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that M'" Ransom Johnson and Mifs Nancy Rollion both of Dudley Mafs were married by me on the 13'' day of Sept. 1840. And that M^ Duty J Sears of Killingly Ct and Mifs Hannah P Chase of Southbridge Mafs were married by me the 20*^ of Sept 1840 L. S. Hough Ordain* Minister North Woodstock Sept 22"^ 1840 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [201] Sept 14'' 1840 M"" Newton Barrett of Hudson Ohio to Mifs Emily Bugbee of Woodstock Ct ware lawfully married by me Otis Rockwood Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk October 6^ 1840 M'" George Langdon of East Hartford Ct. to Mifs Emma O Barstow of Woodstock Avare lawfully united in marriage by me O. Rockwood Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M"" Horace C Smith and Mifs Fidelia Dodge both of Woodstock were marriage by me L S Hough Ordained minister North Woodstock Oct^ 19^ 1840 Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 454 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS To Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Sir I hereby certify that the marriage of M^ Benjamin R. Cotton of Holden Mafs and Mifs Abby Jane Pike of Woodstock was solemnized by me Also that the marriage of M'' Olcott Fisher & Mifs Parmelia Perrin both of was solemnized by me October 2& 1840 Benjamin Ober Clerk This may certify that M^ Oliver W Lyon and Mifs Lydia Shepard both of this town were legally joined in marraige on the 11'' of December 1840 Bela Hicks Minister of the Gospel North Woodstock Ct. Dec'" 2,^ 1840 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M"" George Morgan of Woodstock and Susanna Allard of Southbridge were joined in Marriage at Woodstock Nov'" 2,(^ 1839 by Ezra Child Justice of Peace The above is a true copy Attest W. Phillips T. Clerk [202] This certifies that M'" William G. Child & Mifs Mary J. Simpson of Uxbridge have been lawfully married by me D. A. Grosvenor Pastor of the Evang^ Cong^ Uxbridge Dec'" 1^ 1840 Church Uxbridge Mafs The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this day solemnized a marriage ceremony between M"" Chester B Fletcher and Mifs Abigail A Paddock both of Woodstock Attest Tho^ Boutelle N. Woodstock Dec'" 22* 1840 The above is a true copy Attest W. Phillips T. Clerk The following marriages have been solemized by me of which I make this return Ocf" 6*^ 1840 M"" George Langdon of Hartford to Mifs Emma O Barstow of Woodstock Sept 14*^ M'" Newton Barrett of Hudson Ohio to Emily Bugbee of Woodstock Nov 17*^" M'" Harry Blifs of East Winsor to Mifs Hannah Cooms of Woodstock Dec"" 30*^ M'" Nathan H Chandler of Pomfret to Mifs Eliza Searle of Woodstock Dec'" 31^* M"" Gustavus A Cooms to Mifs Betsey E Chamber- lin both of Woodstock O. Rock wood The above is a true copy of the original certificats Attest Wheeler Phillipg T. Clerk This may certify that I have solemnized a marriage between William Webster and Eliza Chamberlin both of Woodstock on the 21^* day of March 1841 Otis Perrin Woodstock April 10*'' 1841 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 455 The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [203] I hereby certify that the marriage of M'" Charles Mathewson & Mifs Celia Hammond both of Woodstock was solemnized by me Jan i^* 1841 Benj Ober Clerk The above is a true copy W. Phillips Town Clerk That the marriage of Doctor Milton Bradford to Mifs Lydia A Morse both of Woodstock was solemnized by me Jan 4"* 1 84 1 Benj Ober Clerk The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certifies that M"" Nelson Morse and Mifs Pamelia Lyon both of Woodstock were this day lawfully married by the sub- scriber L. S. Hough Ordained Minister North Woodstock April 4=^ 1841 April 5*^ 1841 The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify on March 28*" 1841 I married M'" Samuel Lyon to Mifs Polly Howlet Attest George Bowen Justice of the Peace Woodstock April 5^ 1841 The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M'" Jeremiah Spencer of East Greenwich R. L and Ann P. Blackstone Brownswith Main were lawfully Married July 5'^ 1840 by James Grow Minister of the Gospel Woodstock April 5^ to 1841 The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that that M^ Daniel D wight of Dudley Mafs and Mrs. Mary A. Haven of Woodstock were this day lawfully mar- ried by the subscriber Otis Rockwood Woodstock March 2^^^ 1841 April 5^*^ 1841 Attest Wheeler Phillip Town Clerk [204] I hereby certify that the marriage of Joseph Bickford of Thompson & Sarah C Lyon of Woodstock were solemnized by me April 12^ 1841 Also the marriage of Charles H Allen and Sarah Jackson both of Woodstock were solemnized by me April 26^ 1 84 1 Benj Ober The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M"" William Dennis and Mifs Rebecca W Cilia both of Southbridge Mafs Avere this day united in marriage by me L. S. Hough Ordained Minister North Woodstock April 9*^ 1841 The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 456 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS This may certify that Mr Lucian G. Hiscox of Uuion and Miss Perley Ann Perrin of Woodstock Ct were legally joined in marriage on 28*^^ day of April 1841 A D Bela Hicks Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that I have this day united in Marriage Mr Waldo Skinner & Mifs Nancy S. Paine both of Woodstock North Woodstock May 4 1841 Attest Thomas Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [205] This certifies that I have this day solemniged a mar- riage ceremony between Mr James B Houghton of Woodstock & Mifs Sylvia L Carpenter of Thompson North Woodstock May 18*^ 1841 Attest Thos Boutelle . The above is a true copy of the original W. Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M"" Aaron B Houghton & Mifs Susan Dodge both of Woodstock North Woodstock July 11*^ 1841 Thomas Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certifies that the Marriage of Maynard Dodge of Charls- ton Philena Newton of Woodstock were Solemnized by me June 10'' 1841 Benj Ober C. Clerk The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk Married in Oxford May 18^ 1841 by A. Smith Lyon M' Jered Lillie of Woodstock Ct to Mifs Celia Shumway of Oxford A. Smith Lyon Paster of the Baptist Church N. Oxford The above is a true copy of the original Atteft Wheeler Phil- lips T. Clerk This certifies that I have this Day united in Marriage Dea Deodat Barstow of Brewer Maine & Mrs Sarah May of this town Attest Thos Boutelle North Woodstock August 15*^ 1841 The above is a true coppy of the original Attest Wteeler Phillips T Clerk The marriage of M"" Asa Phillips & Betsey Austin were sol- emnized by me Woodstock Nov. 25*'' 1841 Benjamin Ober The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [206] This may Certify that on the first day of September A D 1841 Nathan Brown of Southbridge and Ruth Edwards WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 457 of Charlton both of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me John F Williams Justice of Peace The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that M"" Ralph W Aldrich of Thompson & Mifs Martha Perrin of Woodstock were lawfully married this 8"^ day of Sept 1841 by James Grow Minister of the Gofple The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that I have this day united in Marriage Col. Elisha Lyon & Mifs Rebecca Peters both of Woodstock Nor Woodstock Sept 7*^ 1841 Attest Thos Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk [207] Ths may certify that marriage was solemnized by me this day between Mr John Cooper & Miss Abby Carpenter both of Woodstock Alfred E Green Minister of the Gospel Woodstock oct 3*^ 1841 The above is a true copy W Phillips T Clerk This may Certify that I have this day united in Marriage John Shepard and Lois Danforth both of Leicester in the County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts November 21^* A D 1841 John F Williams Justice of Peace The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk I hereby certify that Jared D Howard of Woodstock & Mifs Hannah Griggs of Abington both in Connecticut were by me duly joined in marriage on Wednesday the 24*^^ of Nov 1841 W. Child V. D. M. The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that Daiiiel Austin of Brooklyn N. Y. & Amelia A Bowen of Woodstock were lawfully Married by me this 30'' day of Nov 1841 Erastus Dickinson The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T C I hereby certify that the marriage of M'" Eldredge G. Day of Thompson & Mifs Nancy E BoUes of Woodstock were Solem- ized by me Jany 3'"'^ 1842 Benj Ober Woodstock Jany 21^*^ 1842 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Philips T. Clerk 458 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [208] I hereby certify that I have this day solemnized a marriage cerimony between M'" George A Paine & Mifs Pris- cilla Lyon both of Woodstock North Woodstock Jan 5^^ 1842 Tho^ Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk Woodstock Nov 25**^ 1842 This may certify that on the day of date Maj Isaac Mills of Thompson and Miss Susan E Arnold of Woodstock were lawfully Joined in marriage By Daniel Dow Pastor of the church in s'^ Thompson The above is a true copy of the certificat Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Mr Jonathan Clark of Woodstock and Miss Mynervy Lillie of Union were lawfully united in marriage by me ' Wheeler Phillips Justice of Peace Woodstock March 13*'^ 1842 The above is a true coppy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Samuel Chaffee to Mifs Rhoda Corbin both of Thompson And Mr Willard TuUer of Ashford to Mifs Almira Chaffee of Thompson were all legally joined in Marriage in this place on the 27*^^ day of March 1842 West Woodstock Apr i^*^ 1842 Bela Hicks Administrator The above is a true coppy Attest Wheeler Philips Town Clerk [209] This may certify that William C Jackson of Wood- stock and Nancy Burdick of Canterberry were legally joined in Marriage April 3*^ day A D 1842 West Woodstock Apr 4"' 1842 Bela Hicks Administrator The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may crtify that on the 27*^ day of March Mr Johnathan Easterbrooks and Mifs Mary W Bacon wer legally joined in Marriage both of Woodstock by me Wheeler Phillips Justice of Peace The above is a true coppy Attest Wheeler Philips Town Clerk Woodstock April 4*^ 1842 This certifies that Mr Samuel Brad- ford and Mifs Cordelia Brown were lawfully married by me April 3*^ 1842 Waldo Lyon Minister of the Gospil The above is a true coppy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in Marriage Mr Ashley Mills of Thompson and Mifs Abigil E Child of Wood- stock Attest Thos Boutelle Pastor of a church No Woodstock Apr 6*^^ 1842 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 459 This certifies that I solemized a marriage between M"" Aaron Lillie of Woodstock and Mifs Lucy Babbet of Webster Mafs on the 6*'' of April 1842 Otis Perrin Woodstock April 6*" 1842 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [210] The subscriber hereby certifies that Mr Henry D Robinson Westboro Mafs and Mifs Anna A Lyon of Wood- stock ct were legally joined in Marriage on the i^^ day of May A D 1842 Bela Hicks The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that M"" Emary B. Horn of Southbro Mafs and Mifs Mary E. Goodell of Woodstock Ct. were legally Joined in Marriage on the 16** day of June 1842 B Hicks officiating Minister The above is a true copy Attest W. Philips T. Clerk This may certify that M*" Erastus L. Hayward of Sutton Mafs and Mifs Maria L. Dicknson of Southbridge Mafs were legally joined in marriage on the 11*^ day of August 1842 by me Wheeler Phillips Justice of Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This certifies that I solemnized a marriage between M'' Walter W Fox of Pomfret Conn and Miss Maria E Tower of Dudley Mafs on the 22'''^ of August 1842 Otis Perrin Woodstock August 23** 1842 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify That M'" William A Weaver and Miss Phebe E Bates both of Woodstock Ct were legally joined in marriage on the 22^ day of August 1842 West Woodstock Aug* 2<^ 1842 B. Hicks Administrator The above is a true copy Attest W. Phillips Town Clerk [211] This is to certify that David Warner of the town of Plymouth in the State of Connecticut and Susan Austin of this town were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 4^ day of Sept 1842 by me John Howson Minister of the Gosple The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Married Woodstock Sept 13^ 1842 M"" Otis N Upham of Southbridge Mafs to Mifs Caroline Goodale of Woodstock Ct B Hicks Administrator The above is a copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This is to certify that M"" John Scranton of Griswold Conn & Mifs Dorcus M Krans of Brunswick Maine were duly pub- lished and Married by myself this 28** of August 1842 Agree- 460 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS able to previous intention on their part and according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut Halcues Slade The above is a true copy Attest W Phillip T Clerk This certifies that Alvan Bugbee of the town of Ashford and Sarah Chamberlin of this town were Joined together in Holy Matimony an the 25''' day of October 1842 John Howson Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that Henry C Morse of Dudley Mafs & Sarah M Child of Woodstock Conn were by me duly joined in mar- riage on the eveing of Nov 17*^ 1842 Woodstock Nov 18^ 1842 W. Child Minister of the Gosple The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk [212] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr Ambrose Brown of West Greenwich Road island and Mifs Lydia Green of Woodstock Connecticut were joined in mar- riage at Woodstock agreeably to the Laws of the State on the fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and forty two by me Alvin Bennett Minister of the Gopel The above is a true coppy Attest Wheeler Phillips Register This certifies that Mr Robert Crowd and Mifs Diantha M. Scott of Southbridge Mass were joined in Marriage on the i^* day of Jan 1843 ^^ Woodstock by me Washington Munger Minister of the Gospel Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in Marriage M"" Asa Bugbee and Mifs Mercy Lyon both of Woodstock N. Woodstock Dec'^ 26"^ 1842 Tho= Boutelle Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This may certify that Mr Emery Cady and Mifs Sophia Silsb}^ were on the first joined in Marriage both of Woodstock Jan 26 1842 by John Paine Pastor or a ch'' in Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [213] This certifies that Daniel D wight Jun of Dudly Mafs and Mifs Mary E Low of Woodstock were joined in marriage on the first day of Jan. 1843 Also on the tenth inst Mr Palmer Chandler of Pomfret and Mifs Sally Ann Johnson of Woodstock were joined in marriage by me John Paine Pastor of a ch^ in Woodstock Jan 26 1843 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 461 This certifies that Daniel Chapman & Joanna Philhps both of Tolland Conn were on the day of date lawfully joined in mar- riage in this place by me Alvan Underwood Minister of the Woodstock May 24*^^ 1842 Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that on the first day of Jan 1843 I marri^ Elisha Clapp to Harriet T. Tucker Daniel C. Frost acting Paster of the Congregational Church North Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk Marriage intended between Stephen H Robinson of Providence and Martha Lyon of Woodstock The Marriage was solemnized by me Nov 28"' 1842 Benj Ober The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk [214] Mr Royal Hammond and Mifs Sarah Seamons both of Woodstock Ct were legally joined in Marriage on the 6^^ of March 1843 B Hicks Administrator Woodstock March 6''' 1843 The above is a true coppy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk Mr William Howard and Mifs Maranda Houghton both of Union ct were legally joined in Marriage on the 6*'' of March 1843 S Hicks Administrator Woodstock March 6*^ 1843 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk Daniel Havens was married to Lucindia E Gun by me Feb 1843 Peleg C Child Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that William Thayer of Woodstock and Laura Barlow of the same place were married by me on the 4*'' of Apr 1843 John Howson Also Leonard S Goodell of Woodstock and Annis M Brown of Union this day Woodstock Apil 12'^'' 1843 John Howson The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [215] I hereby certify that Mr William Hammond Jr and Mifs Mary Chandler both of Woodstock were Lawfully joined in Marriage this 16*^ day of April A D 1843 by me the Sub- scriber Johnson Sweet Justice of the Peace The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage Mr Luciun Burleigh of Plainfield ct & Mifs Betsey M. Child of this town 462 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Also Mr Henry Welsh of this town and Mifs Prudence Casey of East Windsor Conn Attest Thos Boutelle No Woodstock April 4*^ 1843 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Register West Thompson May 8^ 1843 This may certify that Martin Paine and Lucia Ann Perrin ' both of Woodstock were on the sixteenth day of April 1843 lawfully joined in marriage by me Erastus Benton Minister of Gosple The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk ' This certifies that the marriage of M'' Stephen D. Skinner & Mifs Abigail Weaver both of Woodstock were Solemnized by me May 29*^ 1843 Benj. Ober The above is a true record W. Phillips Town Clerk Marriage Between M"" Orestes W. Darling of Webster & Mifs Caroline E. Albee of Southbridge by me Isaac Woodbury Woodstock May 20^ 1843 The above is a true record W Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Rev Holmes Slade & Mifs Chatharine Dean both of this town were duly joined in Marriage by me Woodstock 2.6^ day of June A. D. 1843 Z Baker Minister The above is a true record Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [216] This may Certify that Henry Phelps and Elizabeth F Burt both of Worcester in the Commonwealth of Massachu- fetts were on the f" day of August A. D. 1843 Joined in Mar- riage by me at Woodstock in the State of Connecticut John F. Williams Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk West Woodstock Sept 3"^ 1843 This is to certtify that M'" John Kenyon of West Parish and Mifs Hannah Cocking of South Parish Woodstock were duly joined in marriage by myself this 3'"'^ day of Sept 1843 ^ Slade Minister of the Gosple The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This is to certify that M"" Joseph Barrows & Mifs Adis Purvi- ette both of Southbridge were duly Joined in Marriage by me this ii'^^ day of June 1843 Peleg C Child Justice of Peace North Woodstock June 11^ 1843 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that M"" Charles Bell and Mifs Victoria Barrows both of Southbridge Ma fs were duly joined in mar- WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 463 riage by me Peleg C Child Justice of the Peace North Woodstock June 11'' 1843 The above is a true copy of original Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk Woodstock Oct 19^ 1843 This certifies that Charles C Wil- liams of Dudley Mafs and Mary Corbin of Woodstock Conn have been this day lawfully joinded in Marriage by me Erastus Benton Minister of the Gosple The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest W Phillips Town Clerk [217] This certifies that the Marriage between M"" Ira Thayer & Mifs Lucretia Barlow both of Woodstock was solemized before me on the 8"^ day of the present month Woodstock Oct 9^ 1843 Isaac Woodbury The above is a true copy of the original certificate W P Town Clerk Marriages in the first Parish in Woodstock Oct 4*^ 1 841 Edmond Wilkinson of Pomfret to Sarah Barstow of Woodstock Jan 9'' 1842 W"' W Arnold to Anna Ann Alton both of Wood- stock Dec'" 2°^ 1841 M"" Rhodes Arnold of Woodstock to Mifs Hopey Batty of Warwick R I March 13'' 1842 Albert H Arnold of Thompson to Mary Gor- ton of Woodstock May 8"^ Henry S Searle to Elizabath Underwood both of Pomfret May 19^ M^ Isaac Webb Middletown to Mifs Sarah M'^Clellan of Woodstock July s^^ Henry C Prouty of G. Brookfield Mafs to Mifs Mary M Lyon of Woodstock Aug* 28 Marcus Munyon of Woodstock to Emeline Alton of Thompson Otis Rockwood The above is a true copy of the original certificates W Phillips T Clerk I certify that M^ Sabin L. Ballard of the town Woodstock Ct and Mifs Freelove Young of the town of Woodstock Ct were joined in marriage by me in the town of Woodstock in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty three on the 21^^ day of Oct Benjamin C. Phelps minister of the Gospel in Thompson The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that M'" Elias P. Aply and Mifs Betsey Chandler were this 27^ day of Nov^ 1843 duly joined in mar- riage by me Holmes Slade 464 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [218] This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M^ William Chandler & Mifs Caroline C. Child both of Wood- stock Attest Tho^ Boutelle North Woodstock Jan i^* 1844 The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Elisha Pearl Esq of Lisbon W. Territory and Mifs Sarah Trobridge of Woodstock have this day been united in marriage by me according to law Tho^ Boutelle North Woodstock February 21^* 1844 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify to all whom it may concern that Mr Dan- forth L Perrin and Mifs Sally A Nichols was Lawfully joined in Marriage this sevententh day of March A D 1844 By Me the subscriber Johnson Sweet Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Windham Co Woodstock April 21^* A. D. 1844 To all it may concern I hereby certify that R/p Silas L Brown D C D & Mifs Phylanda Jane Reave both of Grafton in State of Mafs were Lawfully joinded in marriage this Day by me the Subscriber Johnson Sweet Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [219] Woodstock May 10*^'' 1844 Mr Ebenezer Barrett and Kessiah Bacon both of Woodstock were on the 5*^^ inst joined in marriage by me John Paine Paster of a ch^ in Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Reg"" West Woodstock March 25*'' 1844 This certifies that Benja- min D Putmam of Union and Eunice R Brown of Woodstock have been this day lawfully joined in marrage By me Erastus Benton Minister of Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Reg"" Woodstock June 12^ 1844 This certifies that Julius R Whiton of Stafford and Eliza L Chandler of this town have been this day lawfully joined in Marriage by me Erastus Benton Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock April 30'' 1844 This certifies that Abiel D Wil- liams of Southbridge Mafs and Anna.Corbin of this town have been this day lawfully joined in marriage by me Erastus Benton Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 465 To whom it may Concern This certifies that M"" George H Dileben of Southbridge Mafs & Mifs Clarissa S. Bowen of Kil- lingly Ct joined in marriage on Sunday Aug* iS*" 1844 by me Henry Bromley Paster of the i^*^ Baptist Chh in Woodstock Windham Co Ct The above is a true copy Attest W Phillips T Clerk This certifies that the marriage of M'' Anson Paul of St Thomas Upper Canada & Mifs Caroline E Child of Woodstock was solemnized by me the 23*^ of July 1844 Benj Ober Clerk The above is a true copy Attest W Phillips T Clerk [220] This certifies that M" Mellen Cocking and Mifs Mar- garet Poots both of Woodstock were joined in Marriage Jan i^*^ 1844 by me John Paine Paster of a Chh in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that on the 26*'' of May 1844 I solemnized a marriage between Lucius Clark & Emiline Vinton and also a marriage between Daniel S Clark & Nancy N Vinton all of Woodstock Conn. Otis Perrin Minister of the Gospel Woodstock May 27^ 1844 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that the Marriage of John W Adams of Pomfret & Mary Ann Smith of Woodstock was solemnized by me April 23"^ 1844 Also the Marriage of Elijah M. Jackson & Melahah Sefsion of Union was solemnized by me May 22'''' Also the marriage of David Bolles of Thompson and Lucina Hammond of Woodstock was solemnized by me May 26'^ 1844 Woodstock May 27*^ 1844 Benj Ober The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phil- lips T Clerk M"" Daniel Spalding & Miis Mary E Sanger both of Wood- stock were joined in marriage by me Augt 2&^ 1844 John Paine Pastor of a Chh in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk [221] This is to certify that M'" Benjamin Hallingworth of Waterford & Mifs Delilah Austin of Woodstock were united in marriage by me Sept i®' 1844 Also that M"" Oliver H Perry and Mifs Mary Ann Underwood were united in marriage by me Sept 24'' 1844 Benj Ober The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 30 406 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Woodstock Sept 30*^ 1844 This certifies that Clinton Howard of Union & Lucretia Jackson of this town were joined in mar- riage by me Erastus Benton Minister of the Gospel The a'bove is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M' John Augustine Mason & Mifs Lucy Pond Mason both of Wood- stock Tho^ Boutelle Woodstock Sept 26'' 1844 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Charles H Briggs and Mifs Lucy Stone both of Southbridge Mafs were Joinded in marriage in^ accord- ance with the Laws of this State on Sunday Sept the 2.^ A D 1844 by me Henry Brumley Minister of the Gos' Woodstock Oct V''^ 1844 The above is a true copy W. Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M'" Lucian P. Snow of Ashford and Mifs Marcy A Barlow of Woodstock were joined in Marriage in ac- cordance with the laws of this State on Sunday Oct. 13'^ 1844 Henry Bromley Minister of the Gosple Woodstock Oct. x-^ 1844 The above is a true copy W. Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M'' William Bradjway of Woodstock and Mifs Sarah Bosworth of Ashford were joined in marriage on Sunday Oct 13'' 1844 by me Henry Brumley Minister of the Gospel Woodstock Oct 13'' 1844 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [222] This certifies that M'' Lorin B Rogers of Woodstock and Mifs Sarah Sanger of Webster Mafs were joined in Mar- riage on Monday Oct 14*^ 1844 by me Henry Brumley Minister of the Gosple West Woodstock Oct 14^ 1844 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Ebenezer Dodge 2"^ and Mifs Hannah H. Davison both of Woodstock were joined in Marriage in ac- cordance with the Laws of this State on Thursday Nov 28** 1844 by me Harry Brumley Min'' of the Gos' West Woodstock Windham Co. State of Con. Nov. 28^ A. D. 1844 The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 467 This certifies that David Lawson and Mary Corbin both of Union were legally given in the bands of matrimony by me Eleazar Corbin Justice of the Peace Woodstock Nov^ 17^ 1844 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock Nov"" iq'"" 1844 This certifies that the marriage of M"" Stephen Williams Bugbee & Mifs Mariah Ingalls were sol- emnized by me Benj Ober The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk [223] This certifies that I have this day united in Marriage M"" William E. Arnold of Milford Mafs & Mifs Esther Arnold of Woodstock Attest Thof Boutelle North Woodstock Nov"" 28^ 1844 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M^ Cheney P. Shaddon Mafs and Mifs Hannah Corbin of Woodstock Conn were Joined in marriage on Monday December 23'"'^ 1844 by me Henry Bramley Pastor of the First Baptis Chh in Woodstock Woodstock Windham Co State of Connecticut December 23'"'^ 1844 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M"^ Edward D Phipps of Thompson & Mifs Elizabath L. Henry of Woodstock Also M'" William W. Rogers & Mifs Permelia G. Cooms both of Woodstock Thomas Boutelle North Woodstock Jan i^* 1845 The above is a true copy of the above certficats Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that I have this day joined together in the bonds of matrimony Mr Samuel K Hopkins of Warwick R I and Mifs Abby Peters of Providence R. I. Tho^ Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificate W. Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that a marriage ceremony between M'' Liberty A Lyon of Southbridge Mafs & Mifs Abigail D. Phipps of Thomson Ct. has been has been performed by me this day North Woodstock April 9^^ 1845 Tho^ Boutelle The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 468 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [224] Married in South Woodstock Jan i^* 1845 ^"^ Schuyler L. Carroll to Mifs Mary Davenport both of Woodstock Thomas Huntington Ordained Minister The above is a true copy the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This is to certify that M^ Joseph Blood of Canton St. Law- rence County of New York & Mifs Lefe Goodell of Charlton Mafs were duly joined in marriage by me this 2"^ day of Feb 1845 . . H. Slade The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that John D. Vinton and Mifs Harriet Cocking were duly Joined in marriage by me the 16^ day of March 1845 Also M'" Luther L Fox and Mifs Sylvia A. Brown the 8^ day of April 1845 all of Woodstock H. Slade The above is a true copy W Phillips T Clerk To whom it may concern This certifies that M'' Charles Peters of Brooklyn and Mifs Lidia Crown of Woodstock were joined in Marriage on Sunday April 20^^ 1845 ii'^ accordance with the laws of this State by me Henry Brumley Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy W Phillips T Clerk Woodstock May i^* 1845 This may certify that a marriage was this day solemnized by the subscriber 'between Mr Amos A Carroll & Mifs Emma A Deane both of this town Atest James Porter late Pastor of the first Church in Pomfret The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [225] This certifies that M"" George Boulton of Southbridge Mafs & Mifs Marcia Howard of this place Were joined in Marriage on Thursday May 15*'^ 1845 i^ accordance with the laws of this State by Henry Bromley Pas' of i^*^ Baptii Woodstock May 15^ 1845 Church^ The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest' Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk May 1^^ 1845 Marriage Rev Albert G. Palmer of Stongngton Con to Mifs Amelia N. Wells of Woodstock John Paine Paster of a Chh in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock May 28''' 1845 Married M'' Giles E. Houghton of Northbridge and Deley Ann Bacon of Southbridge Mafs Erastus Benton Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 469 June IS*" 1845 Married in the town M"" Jacob Barton of Oxford Mafs to Mifs Louesa Vinton of Dudley Mafs Woodstock July 10'' 1845 John Paine Paster of Chh The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk Charles Littlefield and Sarah Campbell of Woodstock ware Joined in marriage on the 20^ day of August 1845 t>y me Ezra Child Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that Geore R Sutton and Sarah J Marchant both of Pawtucket in Mafs on the 3*^ day of August 1845 law- fully Joined in Marriage by me at Woodstock Conn John F. Williams Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [226] This may Certify that William Simms and Eliza Anderson both of Boston in the Commonwealth of Mafsachu- setts were on the 15 day of September 1845 lawfully Joined in Marriage by me at Woodstock Conn* John F Williams Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk To whom it may concern This certifies that Rev N D Benedict Wawarsing Ulster Co. N. York and Mifs Margaret Guild of this place were Married on Thursday September 18^^ 1845 ^y me H Bromley Minister of the Gospel West Woodstock Sept 22 1845 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M"" Nathan Thayer and Mifs Laura Ann Turner both of Woodstock were married on Sunday Oct 12^ 1845 by me Henry Bromley Minister of the Gospel West Woodstock Oct 13^ 1845 Windham County Ct The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M'' Holley W Plastings of Northbridge Mas. and Mifs Rhoda M Coomes of Woodstock Attest Tho^ Boutelle N Woodstock Oct. 13*'' 1845 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [227] To whom it may concern This certifies that the in- tention of Marriage between Mr John E Averill of Woodstock & Mifs Elizabeth A Caverno of Bangor of Maine has been duly published by me Woodstock Ct Nov 20**^ 1845 Harry Bramly Minister of the Gospel 470 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage M'' Judah C. Lyon of East Douglas Mafs & Mifs Esther C Shermon of Smithfield R Island Attest Tho^ Boutelle N Woodstock Nov 28"^ 1845 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock December 15^ 1845 Married this day Samuel Withey of Ashford to Amanda Y Braman of Woodstock Joseph B Daman Pastor of the B Church Killingly Ct The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler PhilHps Town Clerk This certifies that Charles T Worthley of Dudley and Lucy B. Rufsell of Woodstock were united by me in marriage Wood- stock Oct 13'' 1845 Roger Albiston Minister The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that James Gibney & Hannah O Nail both of Southbridge were united in marriage by me Roger Albiston Minister The above is a true copy of the original certificate Woodstock Nov. 2f^. 1845 Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that M'' Elisha Morse of Vermont & Mifs Eliza Lillie of Woodstock have been this day united by me in marriage Woodstock Dec'' 2.2"^^ 1845 Roger Albiston Minister Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [228] This certifies that M"" Benjamin WenUworth and Mifs Zephia Shepheard of Woodstock were married by me Woodstock Dec"" 31^*^ 1845 Roger Albiston Minister The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest >; Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that the Marriage of M'" John O. Fox of Pom- fret and Mifs Eliza Phillips of Woodstock were solemized by me Woodstock Jan 4^ 1846 Benj Ober The above is a true copy Attest W Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Mr Henry Lyon of East Brookfield and Mifs Matilda A'IcIntire of Charlton both of Mafs. were joined in Mar- riage by me Woodstock Nov. 30^ 1845 John Paine Paster of a Chh in S Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certies that M"" William D. Horn of Sturbridge and Mifs Louisa Lamb of Charlton Mafs were joined in Marriage in WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 471 accordance with Laws of this State on Sunday Jan 11'^'^ 1846 by me Henry Bramley Paster of the i^^ Baptist Church W Woodstock Windham County Conn Jan 11*^ A D 1846 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies That John F Warren and Sarepta E Bolls were joined in Marriage by trie both of Woodstock Jan ii** 1846 John Paine Paster of a Chh in Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [229] This is to certify that Mr Albert Bre\vster of Preston & Mifs Mary Giddings of Franklin were married by me on the the second day of March 1846 Roger Albiston Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that Mr Asa Putnam of Union & Mifs Lucy Dean of Woodstock were united by me in marriage on the 22°** day of March 1846 Roger Albiston The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Reg'" This is to certify that M"" Ebenezer Kingsbury of Woodstock & Mifs Martha Aldrich of Woodstock were united by me in marriage on the 22*^ day of March 1846 Roger Albeston The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that Mr Albert Brewster of Preston & Miss Mary Giddings of Franklin were united by me in marriage on the 2'^ day of March 1846 Roger Albiston The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk I hereby certify that Mr John P Kinsley of Norwich was legally married on the 19*^ inst to Mifs Clarissa Mathewson of this Town by me H Bromly Pastor of the i^* B Church W Woodstock April 22^ 1846 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk To whom it may concern This certifies that Mr Williams E Preston of Ashford & Miss Lavina Leonard of Woodstock were joined in marriage on the 7*May May 1846 by me Henry Bromley Minister of the Gospel W Woodstock May y^^ 1846 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This certifies that I have solemnized a marriage on the 14*^ of June 1846 between Mr John W Craft & Mifs Charity E Webber both of this town Otis Perrin Minister of the Gospel Woodstock June 16*'' 1846 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Reg _ 472 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [230] This certifies that I have this day united in the bonds of matrimony Mr AhoHab J Corbin of Stafford Ct. & Miss Harriet Sanger of Woodstok Attest Thos Boutelle North Woodstock May 5^^ 1846 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk The marriage between Rev Thomas Holman of Union and Mifs Maria Louisa Crawford of Woodstock was solemnized by me Aug*^ 6^ 1846 Isaac Woodbury The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that the undersigned united in the holy bonds of Marriage M"" Thomas Hale and Mifs EHza Chase in due form according to law and the usage of the Baptist denomi- nation Edwin C Brown Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in the bonds of wed- lock Rev Darius Gore of Groveland, Illinois and Mifs Lucretia M Dean of this town Attest Tho^ Boutelle No. Woodstock Sept. 29^" 1846 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk Daniel M Chamberlin Sarah P Fox married by me Woodstock Oct. 12^ 1846 Benj Ober The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that M"" Jesse W. Bigelow of Oxford Mafs & Mifs Joanna Watson of Union Conn were joined together in holy Matrimony on this 26 day of Oct 1846 by me B. M. Walker Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [231] Ths is to certify that I joined in the holy bonds of Marriage M"" William Ray Rogers and Mifs Susan Bacon accord- ing to laAv and the usages of Baptis Denomination of Christians of this date Edwin C. Brown Minister of the Gospel West Woodstock Oct 15^ 1846 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that on the 26^ of November last I solemnized a marriage between M'' John A Burleigh of Sturbridge & Mifs Cornelia M. Rogers (alias Mrs. C. M. Howard*) of Woodstock And this day I have united in marriage M'' Chauncey A Darby & Mifs Roxa A Bro^wn both of Woodstock No Woodstock December 6^ 1846 Thomas Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificats Attest Wheeler Phillips Town. Clerk ' *My certificate says Mifs C. M. Rogers, but as she had been divorced from her former husband I suppose her name was Mrs. C. M. Howard. T. Boutelle WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 473 The following Marriages have been solemnized by me 184^ Jonathan Curtis April 5^ M'' Dwight Baker to Mifs Lucinda Tucker both of Woodstock June i^* M^ Gurdon E. Lyman to Mifs Sarah H. Bugbee both of Woodstock Oct f M^ Jonah T. Morse of Duglas Mafs. to Mifs Harriet Comings of Woodstock Nov 4^ M' George A Penniman to Mifs Mary J Flynn both of Woodstock This certify that above is a true copy of the original certificats Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Alpheus Humes of Burrillville R. I. and Tryphena Wilkinson of Woodstock Conn, were united in Mar- riage this day by me I. J. Burgefs Pastor of the Baptist Ch. in Pomfret Conn* The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [232] This may certify that M'" Danford Bartlett of Ashford and Mifs Caroline A. Vinton of this town were joined together in holy Matrimony on the first Ins* by me B M Walker West Woodstock Jan a^ 1846 Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This is to certify that the undersigned a Minister of the Gospel united in the holy bpnds of Marriage the sixth day of Dec*" instant M'' Albert Brown of Killingly and Mifs Celia Marcy of Woodstock according to latw the usages of the Baptis denomina- tion Edwin C Brown West Woodstock Dec"^ 2.6^ 1846 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This Certifies that I have this day united in the sacred bonds of Matrimony M"" Luther E Rawson & Mifs Ehzabeth May both of Woodstock Attest Tho^ Boutelle a minister of the Gosple No Woodstock Feb 24^ 1847 The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that the marriage between M'" Charles C Stoddard & Mifs Mary E Crawford both of Woodstock Ct was solemnized before me in Woodstock Feb 11^ 1847 Isaac Woodbury Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk 474 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [233] This certifies that I have this day united in Marriage Mr Bornabus Chandler & Mifs Sally Boyden both of Charlton Mass Attest Thomas Boutelle No Woodstock April 5/47 A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I hereby certify that I have this day solemnized a Marriage ceremony between Mr Daniel P Gordner & Miss Huldah M Cooms late of Woodstock Attest Thomas Boutelle No Woodstock April 11*'' 1847 A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk West Woodstock June 3*^ 1847 This certifies that I joined in the holy bands of Marriage Capt James M Herideen and Miss Emily Chamberlain both of Woodstock Ct the 30'^'' day of May 1847 according to la^w and the usages of the Baptist Churches Edwin C Brown Pastor of Bap Chh A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk West Woodstock June 3*^ 1847 This certifies that I joined in the holy bands of Marriage Mr Samuel C Crawford of Union and Miss Levina M Goodell of Woodstock the 5*^^ day of May 1847 according to law and the usage of the Baptist Chhs Edwin C Brown Past of a Bap* Chh The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that I married the above named Ephraim Batton & Matilda Muddock on Sunday the 2^ day of May 1847 Peleg C Child Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips T Clerk [234] This is to certify that the subscriber united in the holy bonds of Marriage Mr Stephen Johnson and Miss Lois Lillie both of Woodstock on the S*^'^ instant acording to law & the usage of the Baptist denomination Edwin C Brown Paster of West Woodstock Apr 17**^ 1847 Bapt Chh A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that the subscriber united in the holy bonds of marriage of Mr Joseph R Barber of Thompson & Miss Judith H Perry of Woodstock the 7**^ instant according to law and the custom of the Baptist Chh Edwin C Brown Paster of Chh West Woodstock April if^ 1847 A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that a marriage has this day been solemnized by the subscriber between M'' Charles P. Chapin and Eliza E Morse both of Worcester Mass Attest James Porter' Woodstock May 25*^ 1847 Minister of the Gospel A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 475 June 14^ 1847 United in Marriage Mr Ebenezer Hibbard and Mrs Cloe Carpenter both of this Town John Paine Pastor of a Chh in Woodstock A tru copy Attest Wheeler PhilHps reg'' George Lyon and Emily D Vinton were married by me May 28'^ both of Southbridge Mass Peleg C Child Justice of peace A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [235] A return to the Town Clerks Office for record the following marriage June 2.(f^ 1847 ^^r Benjamin Skinner of Boston Mass to Miss Susan W Lyon of Woodstock Jonathan Curtis A true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I return to the Town Clerks office for record the following marriage June 29*^ 1847 M"" Benjamin Summer of Boston Mafs to Mifs Susan W Lyon of Woodstock Jonathan Curtis The above is a true copy^* M"" Robert Scranton of Woodstock & Mrs Lydia Brown of Thompson were joined in Marriage by me this day John Paine Paster or a Chh in this place So Woodstock July 5^ 1847 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This is to certify that I united in Marriage on the 18*^ inst M" John Bowen & Mifs Harriet E Marriot both Mafsachusetts according to the usage of Baptist Edwin C Brown Paster of i^*^ Bap Society Woodstock July 24^ 1847 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [236] The following marriage was solemnized by me this day M"" Jesse B. Sherman of Burrillville R. L to Miss Mary J Kelton of Woodstock Nov i^* 1847 Jonathan Curtis The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that William J Johnson and Mifs Lucretia B Rogers both of Woodstock Connecticut were Joined in mar- riage by me at StaflFord this 31^' day of Oct 1847 Asa Willey Justice of Peace The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk The Subscriber makes return for record in the Clerks book the following marriage solemnized by him Sept 'f' My Charles J. Harris and Mifs Mary Ann Bugbee both of Woodstock Jonathan Curtis The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 94 Crossed out. 476 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS This certifies that M"" Wilham Gould of Woodstock and Mifs Diantha Handell of Thompson were joined together in holy Matrimony Oct 24^ 1847 by me Benj M. Walker Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Philip T. Clerk To Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Sir I make to your office the following return for record of a marriage solemnized by me Oct 17'^ 1847 M"" Isaac Moore to Mifs Ariadna Mitchell both of Woodstock Jonathan Curtis The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [237] This certifies that M"" Christopher H. Williams of Woodstock and Mifs Wealthy Ann Kenyon of Ashford were by the subscriber joined in Marriage Dec^ 26 1847 John Paine Pastor of the Baptis Church So Woodstock The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that W™ H Pearson and Martha Caulkins both of Woodstock were joined in Marriage by the subscriber Jan 16*'^ 1848 John Paine Paster of a Chh So. Woodstock Jan. 24^^ 1848 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Woodstock Windham County State of Connecticut Jan 23*^ 1848 This may certify That M"" John Rich of Leicester Mafs and Mifs Alvina Marcy of Afhford Con. were this day Joined in Marriage by me acording to the la^ws of this State Geo S F Stoddard Justice of the peace The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Marriage to be recorded solemnized by Jonathan Curtis March 6^ 1848. John P. Saunders to Roxa M. Bennett both of Wood- stock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I return to the Town Clerk for record the following mar- riages solemized by me Jonathon Curtis March 13'^ 1848 M^ Ared U. Elliott of Thompson to Mifs Abigail B. Kelton of Woodstock April 10 M^ James Dodge of Holden Mafs to Mifs Rhoda Chaffee of Grafton Mafs The above is a true copy of the original certificats Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that Jacob Cleveland and Caroline Shaddock both of Pepperell Commonwealth of Massachusetts were law- fully joined in marriage by me at Woodstock Ct on the 18*^^ day of April A D 1848 John F Williams Justice of the Pealce WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 477 The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [238] This certifies that the undersigned united in Marriage on the 7 instant Mr Albert Baylis of Southbridge Mafs and Mifs Nancy Perry of Woodstock Edwin C Bro(vvn Woodstock Sept 20*^ 1848 Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original certificate attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This certifies that the undersigned united in marriage on the 15 instant Mr Senis Baker and Mifs Polly F. Braman both of Woodstock Edwin C Brown Minister of the Gospel W Woodstock Oct 19*'' 1848 Woodstock Windham County State of Connecticut Nov 6*"^ 1848 This may certify that ,Mr Albert Burges of Canterbury and Mifs Mary Ann Handy of Woodstock and both of Wind- ham County were this day Joined in Marriage by me according to the laws of the State George S. F. Stoddard Justice of the peace M"" Noah Griggs Mifs Ruth King both of Woodstock were Joined in marriage by me the 5*^ instant Woodstock March 28 1849 John Pain Pastor of a Church in this place True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk To Ezra Child Town Clerk of Woodstock Sir I make the following returns of Marriages solemnized by me Dec 26*^ 1848 M' Harrison Johnson of Pomfret to Mifs Annette L Bowen of Woodstock March 7^^ 1849 Mr J Francis Perry to Mifs Caroline A Bugbee both of Woodstock True Copy of original Certificates Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [239] April I 1849 ^^ Thomas Kinyon & Mifs Ann Mars- den both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage by me John Paine Paster of the Baptist Church S Woodstock True Copy of Certificate Ezra Child Town Clerk This is to certify that M'' Alfred Chafifee of Afhford and Mifs Almira Dean of Woodstock were legally joined in Mar- riage on the 4*'' day of April 1849 t>y me Rensalear O Putney Minister of the Gospel True copy of Certificat Ezra Child Town Clerk This may certify that M'' George W Hill and Mifs Mary A Chamberlin both of Woodstock in the State of Connecticut were Joined together in holy Matrimony on the 30^*" day of April in 478 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine by me S W Hammond Minister of the Gospel True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk Woodstock Windham County State of Connecticut This Certi- fies that Mr John Tuttle of Pomfret in Same County and Mifs Mary C Whitman were this day Joined in Marriage according to the laws of this State May 27"^ 1849 George S. F. Stoddard Justice of the Peace True Copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk Woodstock Windham County Connecticut May 31 1849 This may Certify Mr Abraham Bradley of Southbridge Mafs and Mifs Leach of Northbridge in said state were this day joined in Marriage by me according to the laiws of this State George S F Stoddard Justice of the Peace True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [240] M'" Samuel R. Swan of Providence R. L and Mifs Louisa M Sanger of Woodstock Ct were this day joined in Mar- riage by me May 23^ 1848 John Paine Pastor of the Baptis Ch^ in S Woodstock The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I Hereby certify that I have this day united in M.arriage M"" Lewis Daly and Mifs Hannah Diggins both of Woodstock No Woodstock April 4^ 1848 Thos Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certify that the undersigned joined in Marriage this day M"" Edward B. Searle of Rochester N. York and Mifs Sarah S Bacon of Woodstock according to Law Woodstock May 28^ 1848 Edwin C Brown Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original certificate Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This is to certify that Jonathan Lillie of Union and Augusta Badger of Holland Mass were lawfully married by me Woodstock April 16'' 1848 Eleazer Corbin Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy W Phillips T Clerk This is to certify that Benjamin A Prue of Warren R. I. Adaline Barlow of Woodstock were lawfully married by me Woodstock April 9^ 1848 Eleazer Corbin Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certify that I legally joined in Marriage M'" Lewis A Hyde and Mifs Elizabeth A. Barlow the 30*^^ of March 1848 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 479 both of Woodstock Edwin C Brown Minister of the Gospel Woodstock April 5^ 1848 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [241] This is to certify that I this day legally joined in mar- riage M'' Alfred Lyon and Mifs Esther Barlow both of Wood- stock Edwin C. Brown Minister of the Gospel Woodstock April 5^^ 1848 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that David L Corey and Relief Ann Tuttle both of Brookfield in the Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts were lawfuly joined in Marriage by me at Woodstock Ct June 18^^ 1848 John F Williams Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk To Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk Sir I send you for record the following marriages solemnized by me Jonathan Curtifs June 6*^ M"" Vernum Nash Taylor of Checkopee Mass to Mifs Elizabath Curtis of Woodstock July 2"'^ M'^ Moses F Lyon of Woodstock to Mifs Susan M Thayer of Sutton Mass August 5^" 1848 M'" Ebenezer Sherman of Checkopee Mas to Mifs Caroline Smalledge of Checkopee The above is a true copy of the original Certificates Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that I have this day united in marriage Mr Henry P Hamm (?) and Mifs Melley Wood both of Lancaster Mafs Tho^ Boutelle Paster of a Church Woodstock Ja 7 1849 The above is a true copy of the original Certificate attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [242] This certifies that on the 15 day of February 1849 Mr Samuel Corbin of Woodstock and Laura Wilson of Eastford were legally joined in marriage by me Rensalear Putney Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk • Mr Mason Mascraft of Thompson and Mifs Mary W Potter of Woodstock were joined in marriage January 24 1849 by me John Paine Minister of Bap* Church True copy of certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This Certifies that I have this day united in marriage M"" George A Paine and Mifs Mary Ann Lyon both of Woodstock N Woodstock Feb 19 1849 Attest Tho^ Boutelle True Copy of the original Certificate Attest Ezra Child T Clerk 48o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS This may certify that Dwight A Studley of Dudley in the commonwealth of Mafs and Mary E Oatley of Thompson O were lawfully Joined in marriage by me at Woodstock on the 24^^ day of december A D 1848 John F Williams Justice of Peace True copy of Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [243] To the Town Clerk of Woodstock This is to certify that Mr Joseph E Dean and Mifs Nancy B Phillips Were duly joined in Marriage by me this 9 day April 1849 Roxbury Mafsachusetts H. Slade True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk April 26 1849 Woodstock Windham County state of Connecticut June 3^ 1849 This may certify that Jonathan M Wetheey of said Woodstock Amand E Bowen of Ashford in said County were this day joined in Marriage by me in accordance to the laws of the state George S F Stoddard Justice of the Peace True Copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This Certifies that M'" Samuel M Fenner and Mifs Mary T Warner both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage by me May 13 1849 John Paine Minister of B Church This Certifies M'" Frederick Sanger and Mifs Mariah Brooks both of Woodstock were Joined in Marriage by me June 10 1849 John Paine Paster of Church True copies of original Certificates Attest Ezra Child T Clerk This Certifies that Abraham S Marcy of Brookfield and Mary Eliza Heally of Sturbridge were at Woodstock legally Joined in Marriage on the 17'^'' day of June A D 1849 by Me Judson M Lyon Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This certifies that Nelson Whitman & Manetta Harindeen Were Joined in Marriage May f^ 1849 they being both of Thompson by me Jonathan Curtis M G The above is a true copy of Certificate Attest Ezra Child T Clerk [244] This is to Certify that on the 8*** day of July 1849 I Joined in marriage M'" Elijah Howe and Mifs Sarah Ann Rogers according to the law of this State William Turkington North Woodstock July 9 1849 True copy of original Certificate Attes* Ezra Child Town Clerk This Certifies that W^ Cummins and Cynthia Avery also Edson Ford and Harriette Knight were Joined in Marriage by WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 481 me the first day of July 1849 Judson M Lyon Justice of Peace West Woodstock July 30 1849 True Copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This Certifies that I have this day Joined in Marriage Russel Emmerson & Tryphena Hall both of Woodstock Woodstock September 2"^ 1849 Peleg C Child Justice of Peace True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk Married August 23 1849 William A Harris of Georgia and Mifs Mary H Arnold of this Town Also September 3"^ 1849 Rev. John B Guild of Plainfield and Mif Julia A Griggs of this Town By John Paine Paster of the Baptist Church True copy of Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This certifies that on the 15*^ of Oct 1849 I joined in Mar- riage Mr Henry Sanger and Miss Lydia Sanger according to the Law of this State W™ Turkington No Woodstock Oct 15^^ 1849 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [245] This certifies that I have this day united in marriage Mr Samuel Blifs & Mifs Sylvia Cooms both of Woodstock No Woodstock Oct 22'^'^ 1849 Tho« Boutelle The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M'' Edmond A Blackmar and Mrs Kerziah Baker both of Woodstock were joined in Marriage by me Nov 26^ 1849 John Paine Pastor of a Chh in this place The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk The following Marriage solemnized by me I return for record to your office Dec'" 2°'^ 1849 M"" Jonathan Weaver of the Island of Cuba to Mifs Jane C M<= Clellan of Woodstock Jonathan Curtis The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M"" Luna W. Benson and Mifs Emeline Taunt were joined in Marriage by me Dec 30^ 1840 P. C. Child Justice of the Peace and also on the same day I joined in marriage Marvin Reynolds and Mifs Caroline Bolton Peleg C Child Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy of the original Certificats Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk 31 482 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS This is to certify that M' Abner Lee and Mifs Betsey Wright were joined in Marriage Jan 17"^ 1850 James A Clark; North Woodstock Jan, 25*^ 1850 i The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [246] This may certify that M^ Joseph B Jackson of Wood- stock Ct. and Mifs Frances E L Burdick of Warwick R I were' lawfully joined in Marage Feb. 3^^ 1850 Woodstock Feb 3'^ 1850 Bela Hicks Administrator ■ The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk To whomsoever it may concern This may ceritfy that Rev Isaac Dwinnell of Tolland and Mifs Lucretia Martin of Wood- stock were legally unitted in Marriage at Woodstock March 19^^' 1850 Bela Hicks Admin"^' The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest. Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk : This may certify that M"" Benjamin D. Putnam and Mifs Lydia Chamberlin both of Woodstock were this day united in Marriage by the Subscriber as the law directs Woodstock Feb 17^ 1850 Nicholas Branch The above is a true copy of the original certificate Attest Wheeler Phillips T. Clerk This may certify that M'' George M Perrin and Mifs Lucy Stetson both of Woodstock were legally joined in Marriage April 14^ 1850 Bela Hicks Administrator The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk To whomsoever it may concern This may certify that M' Benjamin Shepheard and Mifs Permelia Ingalls both of Wood- stock Ct were legally joined in Marriage April 29^ 1850 Bela Hicks Administrator The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that M^ Grosvenor Dodge of Woodstock and Mifs Mary M. Spencer of Southbridge were legally joined in Marriage March 31^* 1850 Bela Hicks Administrator The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [247] Windham County fs Woodstock May 12*'' 1850 This certifies that Geo. A Green and Trephena Griggs were legally joined in Marriage by me Judsoh M Lyon Justice of the Peace • The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This certifies that that M^ Edward Chamberlin & Mifs Diantha C Tucker were united by me in Marriage at the time and place of date according to the lavv^s of this State Windham County fs Woodstock Aug* 20^ 1849 Lucius Holmes Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 483 Windham County Ss Woodstock November ii*^^ 1849 This certifies that M^ Thomas Phillips and Miss Mary Wilkinson were legally united in Marriage at the time and place of date by me Lucius Holmes Justice of the Peace The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk I make return to your office office of the following marriage solemnized by me Jonathan Curtis June 26^ 1850 Mr. Edward H Huntington of Norwich to Mifs Harriet A Lyman of Woodstock The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This may certify that M"" Henry Stodard and Mifs Sarah M. Stetson both of Woodstock Ct were legally joined in Marriage August 14'' 1850 Bela Hicks Administrator Woodstock Sept 12^ 1850 The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk M'' John D Lyon and Mifs Mary E. Johnson both of Wood- stock were joined in Marriage Sept 2''^ 1850 by me John Paine Paster of Bap Chh So Parish The above is a true copy Attest Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk [248] Also ,M^ Joseph F. Russel and Mifs Caroline C. Fenner both of Woodstock were joined in Marriage Sept 25'' 1850 by me John Paine Pastor of Bap Ch So Woodstock So Woodstock Sept 26^ 1850 The above is a true copy Wheeler Phillips Town Clerk This is to certify that M"" Lot S Hawkins and Mifs Laura Ann Peckham both of Woodstock were legally joined in Mar- riage on the 18 of October 1850 By me Sidney Dean Woodstock 18 Oct 1850 Minister of the Gospel True Copy Ezra Child T C This is to certify that Matrimony has solemnized witness M'' Levi A Blifs and Lydia Coomes James A Clark North Woodstock 16 Oct 1850 True copy of original Ezra Child Town Clerk To whomsoever it may concern This may certify that M'" Eben Allen of Erving Mas. and Mifs Diantha Houghton of Union Ct were legally Joined in Marriage in Woodstock Nov 15 1850 Woodstock Nov 16 1850 Bela Hix Administrator To whomsoever it may concern this may Certify that M"" William Arnold of Thompson and Miff Olive Plank of Wood- stock Ct were legally Joined in marriage Oct i 1850 Woodstock Oct I 1850 Bela Hix Administrator To whomsoever it may concern This may certify that M'' Darius Houghton and Mifs Emelen F Plank both of Woodstock 484 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS C were legally Joined in Marriage Woodstock Oct 24 1850 Bela Hix Administ The above are true Copies of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [249] Woodstock Windham County State of Connecticut Oct SAD 1850 This may certify that M-" George H Wethey of Woodstock and Mifs Ruth Brown of Thompson were this day Joined in by me according to the law of the state George S F Stoddard Justice of the Peace True copy of original Certificate Ezra Child Town Clerk To Ezra Child Town Clerk I make the following return of Marriages solemnized by me to your office for record Nov 20 1850 Russel B Putnam of Vermont Harriet M Smith of Woodstock Jan 14 185 1 Paris M Law of Killingly Ct Emily Perry of Woodstock Jan 16 1 85 1 Andrew Horton Jr Harriet Prince both of Wood- stock Jonathan Curtis The above is a true copy of the original Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk Mr Harden Williams and Mifs Sarah Calkins both of Wood- ■stock were Joined in Marriage January 5 185 1 by me John Child Pastor of the Baptist Church S W True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This may certify that M"" Albert L Fish of Woodstock and Mifs Eovine O Morse of Union were legally Joined in Marriage Feb- ruary 3 185 1 Bela Hicks Administrator Woodstock March i^* 185 1 True copy of original Certificat Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [250] Town Ezra Child Town Clerk of Woodstock Sir I return to your office for Record the following marriages solem- nized by me Jonathan Curtis March 3 M'" Robert E Logan of Adisa to Mifs Sarah M Stephens both of New York April 2^ Mr Abel Child 2.^ to Mifs Ellen M Bugbee both of Woodstock Connecticut True copy of original certificat Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk To whom it may concern This may certify that M'' John. Loomis of Montville and Mifs Rowenee Chapman of Woodstock both of Ct were Joined in Marriage March 31 185 1 Woodstock April 11 185 1 Bela Hicks Administr i WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 485 To whomsoever it may concern This may certify that M"" Oils Walker of Southbridge Mas and Mifs Caroline Barlow of Wood- stock Ct were legally Joined in Marriage April 20^^ 185 1 Woodstock April 29 185 1 Bela Hicks Administrator This may certify that Mr Ro'bert Readhead and Mifs Mary McDonald were joined in marriage on the 21 day of January 1 85 1 by me W™ H Marsh Pastor of Congregational Church in Woodstock This may certify that Mr Geo I Chamberlin of HardKvick Mass & Miss Harriet A Lyon of Woodstock were joined in mar- riage on the 15*^* day of Jan 185 1 by me W" H Marsh Pastor of Congregational Church in Woodstock True Copy of original Certificate Ezra Child Town Clerk [251] Ths may certify that Mr Amasa Child and Mifs Sarah Child were joined in marriage on the 26 Feb 185 1 by me W™ H Marsh Pastor of the Congregational Church in Woodstock True Copy of original Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Jonathan M Carpenter and Mifs Ellen Paine were joined in marriage on the 29 of Jan 1851 by me W™ H Marsh Pastor of the Congregational Church in Woodstock True copy of original Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This may Certify that Mr Alpha Phillips and .Mifs Prudence Hibbard were joined in marriage Jan i 185 1 by me W™ H Marsh Pastor of the Congregational Church in Woodstock True copy of original Ezra Child Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Edward Killam of Enfield and Hannah Child of Woodstock were Joined in marriage on the 12 day of April 185 1 by me William H Marsh Minister of C^' Church True copy of original Certificat Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This may certify that Mr John M Child and Miss Julia A Sanger both of the town of Woodstock Conn were lawfully joined in marriage on the thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord 185 1 by me Daniel Dorchester Jr Minister of the Gospel True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [252] This may Certify that Amasa Chandler and Larilla Preston both of Woodstock were lawfully married by me the twenty first day of May 185 1 Erastus Dickinson Minister of the Gospel True copy of the original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk 486 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS So Woodstock July 7 185 1 This certifies that M Gurdon E Withey and Mifs Harriet N Hastings were Joined in Marriage July 7 185 1 by John Paine Pastor of Baptist Church True Copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child' T Clerk I hereby certify that I united in marriage on the first instant in this place Channing Kibbee and Lucretia Tiffany both of Woodstock William Allen Minister of 2 Congregational Church W Woodstock September 4 185 1 True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk This may Certify that on the 18 day of June 1851 Joined in Marriage Richard Adams and Mary Daily both of Woodstock Ct PC Child Just of the Peace This may Certify that I this 28 day June 185 1 Joined in Mar- riage Frederick Southwick and Harriet Cousins both of South- bridge Mass Peleg C Child Justice of the Peace The above are true Copies of the original Certificates Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk [253] South Webster Oct 6 1851 To Ezra Child Esq Town Clerk Sir I transmit to you for record the following marriages solemnized by me Jonathan Curtis September 8 Mr Samuel Hyde of Norwich to Mifs Anna C Webster of Woodstock Sept 9 Mr Francis H Rivers to Mifs Martha R Hibbard botlf of Woodstock Sept 17 Profefsa Benj"^ Silliman of Newhaven to M'"^ Isabel Webb of Woodstock The above is a true copy of original Certificates Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk • I do hereby certify that Mr Simon M Plank and Mifs Clarissa E Rathburn both of Woodstock were lawfully joined in mar- riage in Woodstock Oct i^*^ 185 1 Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk Married at Woodstock Oct 26 185 1 by Danforth Child Esq Orville Bracket of Woodstock and Harriet F Main of Willing- ton state of Connecticut True Copy of original certificate Attest Ezra Child Town Clerk Clerk Nov 26 Mr Joseph W Stacy of Prescott Ms and Mifs Phebe A Smith of Woodstock nvere married by me Jonathan Curtis Minister of the Gospel To the Town Clerk of Woodstock I return to your office for record the following Marriage Solemized Jan i 1852 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 487 Augustus H Buck of Killingly to Mifs Cloe Perry Woodstock Woodstock Jan 8, 1852 Jonathan Curtis Minister True copy of original certificate Ezra Child Town Clerk [254] North Woodstock Feb 28 1852 This may certify that I have lawfully united in marriage M'" Pearley Chandler and M'"^ Mary M Child both of Woodstock Conn on the 3"^ day of Feb- ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two Daniel Dorchester Minister of the Gospel True Copy of Original Attest Ezra Child T Clerk This certifies that I lawfully joined in marriage in W Woodstock Mar 30^^ 1852 Mr Gilbert W Phillips & Mifs Jane Stoddard both of W Woodstock William Allen Minister of cong Chh So W Woodstock W Woodstock Apr 16^^^ 1852 True Copy of original Attest E Child Town Clerk This certifies that I lawfully joined in marriage in W Wood- stock Apr i^* 1852 Mr J M Clay Smith of Peoria Illinoiss & Mifs Myrtis Childs of W Woodstock William Allen Minister of cong Ch So W Woodstock W Woodstock Apr 16*^ 1852 The above is a true Copy of Original Certificate Attest Ezra Child T Clerk I hereby Certify that I Legally Joined in Marriage in Wood- stock July 4 1852 the Rev Allen Underwood of Oxford Massa- chusetts and Lucy Perrin of of Woodstock W Woodstock July 25 1852 William Allen Minister of 2.^ Congregational Ch 2*^ Society Woodstock True copy of original Certificate Attest Ezrd Child T Clerk [255] Woodstock Aug 2^ 1852 This may Certify that I joined in marriage on the 6*'' day of July 1852 Holmes Lyon and Mifs Congdon both of Southbridge in the County of Wor- cester and state of Mafsachusetts William R Arnold Justice of the Peace True copy of Certificate Albert Ezra Child T Clerk North Woodstock This certifies that Jeremiah Levett & Mary Ann Child were duly Joined in Marriage March 10 1852 by me ■ - O D Hine Minister of the Gospel This Certifies that Alfred Commins of Killingly and Louisa Grevel of Brooklyn were duly Joined in the covenant of Marriage April 15*'' 1852 by me O D Hine Minister of the Gospel This certifies that John B Healy and Mary E Child iwere duly Joined in the covenant of Marriage Feb 25 1852 by me O D Hine Minister of the Gospel 488 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS This certifies that George Morse & Sylvia May were duly Joined in the covenant of Marriage April 5 1852 by me O D Hine Minister of the Gospel True copy of original Certificates Attest Ezra Child T Clerk Woodstock August 30 1852 This may certify that David W Allen and Eliza A Lewis were Joined in marriage by me on the 29^"^ instant William R Arnold Justice of Peace [256] Quinnebaug (now Putnam^^) Conn Oct 10*^ 1852 This is to certify that on the 14*^^ of September 1852 in the Town of South Woodstock Ct Air Dwight M Day & Miss Harriet C Mathewsen were lawfully united in the bonds of marriage Signed I Leonard Corning Minister of the Gospel The above is a true Copy of the Original Certificate Attest Ezra C May Town Clerk Quinebaug (now Putnam®^) Ct. Oct 10*^ 1852 This to Certify that on the 28'*' of September 1852 in the Town of South Wood- stock Ct Mr Keyes Danforth & Miss Anna Lyon fWere lawfully united in the bonds of Marriage Signed I Leonard Coming Minister of the Gospel The above is a true copy of Original Certifict Attest Ezra C May Town Clerk I certify that Ira C Bailey and Lilian A Brown were joined in Marriage by me agreeably to the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at Brookfield March 31 1867 Attest Joshua Coit Clergyman The above is a true copy of the original Certificate Attest Ezra C May Town Clerk 95 Written in pencil. BOOK OF BIRTHS [This volume is an alphabetically arranged copy of the foregoing volumes and is of original entry only as to the latest records. Only those records which do not appear elsewhere are herewith reproduced.] [i] Marcy Dau of Jacob Ainsworth by Marcy his Wife Born Sept 26 1780 [2] Lucy Dau of Nath^ Aspenwell by Mary Bom May 7. i7[ ] Mary Dau of John Abbott by Mary his Wife Born Aug 31 [ ] Uriah Son of Uriah Allard by Prudence his Wife Born April 14 [ ] Rebeckah Dau of WilHam Allard by Rebeckah his Wife Born June 6 [ ] Dinah Dau of Daniel Allard by Anna his Wife Born July [ ] Laban Son of W" Ainsworth by Mary his Wife Born July [ ] [3] Samuel M Fenner Son of Mary J Alton Born Apr 16 1824 Myron Son of Nathan Austin by Sally his Wife Born Jany 27 1829 Andrew R Son of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born Apr 22'^ [ ] William S. Son of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born Nov 3"^ [ ] Albert PI Son of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born Nov 14 [ ] George E Son of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born Mar 15 [ ] Jabez R Son of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born June 14 [ ] Suson E Dau of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born Feb I [ ] Henry R Son of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born June 18 [ ] Catharine M Dau of Phillip Arnold by Katharine his Wife Born Aug 7 [ ] John R Son of John Amidon by Eliza F his Wife Born Feby 81837 489 490 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Abigail C. Dau of John Amidon by Eliza F his Wife Born Apr 19 1838 Jerome F Son of John Amidon by Eliza F his Wife Born Au' 4 1844 Martha E Dau of John Amidon by Eliza his Wife Born Nov 21°' 1850 Mary Eliza Dau of John Amidon by Eliza his Wife Feby 28*^ 1840 Hannah A Dau of Lester Amidon by Hannah D his Wife Born July 21^* 1835 Amelia R Dau of W™ R Arnold by his Wife Sarah S Born Jan 27*^ 1840 Sarah E Dau of W"^ R Arnold by his Wife Sarah S Born Aug i'^ 1841 Frederic H F Son of Henry W & Scyntha M Austin Born March i"' 1845 [5] Dinah Daughter of John Bishop by Sible his wife Born Jan^ 25 1743 Abigail Daughter of Daniel Bacon by Abigail his wife Born May 31 1758 [6] Nathaniel son of James Bugbee by Marcy his wife Born June 27 1751 Abel son of Jefse Bugbee by Experance his wife Born Octo- ber 20 1752 Levi Son of Ephraim Bacon by Sarah his wife Born October 29 1757 Sophia Daughter James Bugbee by Marcy his wife Born August 29 1757 Mary Daughter of Smith Barrett by Mary his wife Born October 16 1759 David son of David Bishop by Anna his wife Born October 16 ^759 Patty Daughter of Daniel Bugbee by Esther his wife Born Decern'^. 4 1750 Unice Daughter of Daniel Brock by Anna his wife Born July 18 1762 Susanna Daughter of Benj'* Bugbee by Susanna his wife Born Nov^ 28 1754 [7] Sarah Daughter of Daniel Bugbee by Sarah his wife Bo,rn March 1765 Elisabeth Daughter of John Bowen by Dinah his wife Born August 9 1769 Bathsheba Daugtor of Benj"^ Bugbee by Susanna his wife Born Sep* 17 1770 [8] Mary Daughter of Asa Bishop by Thankful his wife Born Sep* 8 1773 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 491 Benjamin son of Benj° Bugbee by Susanna his wife Born Sept^ 6 1774 Mary Daughter of Jonathan Bugbee by Mary his wife Born Sep* 13 1774 [9] Chester son of Willard Bugbee by Sarepta his wife Born March 2^ 1789 Lament son of Ebenezer Bacon by Polly his wife Born August 19 1789 Sarah Daug^ of Darius Bacon by Sarah his wife Born Novem'" 29 1781 [10] Nancy E Daug^ of Alanson Bolles by Nancy his wife Born March 26 182 1 Surrepta E Daug^ of Alanson Bolles by Nancy his wife Born Jan^ 1 1 1828 [12] Addeline Daug'' of Reuben Barlow by Darcus his wife Born Janu^. 12 1827 Caroline Daug'^ of Reuben Barlow by Darcus his wife Bom Janu^ 12 1827 Esther Daug^ of Reuben Barlow by Darcus his wife Born March 9 1829 Danforth Son of Reuben Barlow by Dorcus his wife Born July 14 1830 Otis P. Son of Reuben Barlow by Dorcas his wife Born April 22^ 1837 George Atwell son of Darius Barlow by Chloe his wife Born July 31^ 1826 • Elizabeth Almira Barlow Daug'^ of Darius Barlow by Chloe his wife Born July y^ 1828 Calista Holistine Daug of Darius Barlow by Chloe his wife Born Ocf 29^^ 1830 Merrill son of Darius Barlow by Chloe his wife Born Feby 26 1824 Edwin S Son of Asa Bugbee by Nancy 2^ wife Born Jan^ 26 1828 Caroline A Daug"^ of Asa Bugbee by Nancy his wife Born March 12 1830 [13] Lyman Son of Darius Bacon By Sarah his wife Born Jan^ 28 1789 Sarah T Daug^ of Darius Bacon By Sarah his wife Born Jany 10 1791 Betsey Ann Daug^ of Cyrel L Bacon By Betsey Ann his wife Born [baptized June 21 1812] Benjamin Bradford Born August 4 1779 Samuel son of Benjamin Bradford By Sarah his wife Born June 3"^ 1808 492 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sally Daug'^ of Benjamin Bradford By Sarah his wife Born June 26 1820 Benjamin Son of Benjamin Bradford By Sarah his 2^ Wife Bom July 6 1832 Sarah L Daug*" of Benjamin Bradford By Sarah his wife Born May 4 1834 Hannah H. Daug'' of Benj. Bradford by Sarah his wife born June 26'' 1836 Nancy Daug*'' of Sally Bugbee now the Wife of Stillman Bosworth Born Febru^ 24 1804 Sary Ann E Daug"^ of Stillman W Bosworth By Nancy his wife Born May 18 1834 Orvell G Son of Jared Brackit By Permelia his wife Born May 10 1832 W™ Slater Son of Jered Bracket By Permillia his wife Born Dec'" 6 1836 Henry Chandler Son of Chandler R Briggs By Chloe his wife Born Nov'" 4 1832 Sarah M Daugt of Chandler R Briggs by Chloe his wife Born Nov 22"^ 1836 Chloe E. Daug of Chander R Briggs by Chloe his Wife Born Ezra son of Jeremiah H. C. Briggs by Loiza his wife Born April 6 1834 Susan E. Daug* of Jeremiah H. C. Briggs by Loiza his wife Born Dec'' 10^ 1836 [14] Sarah E. Bosworth Dau*. of Charles C. Bosworth By his wife Careline Born Sept. 12 1835 Amelia Daug^ of Warren Bishop by Maria his wife born Nov. 4^ 1837 Whitman Worthington son of Stillman Bosworth by his wife Nancy born May 11'^ 1839 Byron son of George Bradford by Phebe E his wife Born June 12'' 1835 Mary Maria Daugt. of George Bradford by Phebe E his wife Born Oct. 23*^ 1840 Rebekah Daugt. of George Bradford by Phebe E. his wife Born Dec'". 31 1843 Elizabeth dughter of S. W. & Maria Bugbee born Feb 27 1846 Henry Aborn Son of Averill Barlow by Mary E Barlow born July 28 1849 Walton Son Averill Barlow by Mary E Barlow born July 9 1851 [15] W'" Sheapard son of Thomas Boutelle by his wife Born Jan. S^ 1842 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 493 Emily A. Daughter of Samuel Barrett by Sophronia his wife Born Aug 21^* 1843 Alba F. Son of Samuel Barrett by Sophronia his Wife Born June 2.f^ 1846 Sarah L. Daug'" of Hez. Bishop by Marther his wife born Feb. 19*^ 1839 Eb'". son of Hez. Bishop by Marther his wife born Feb. 19"^ 1841 Ann M. Daug^' of Hez. Bishop by Marther his wife born Jan. 20" 1844 Henry Newton son of Hiram N. Brown by Hariet his wife born Jan. 30^ 1839 Charles Hathaway Daug'' of Hiram N Brown by Hariet his wife born Oct. 21^ 1842 Harriet Louisa Daugh. of Hiram N. Brown by Harriet his wife born Jan. 20*^ 1848 Henry A son of Henry W Brown by his wif Chloe born March J^ 1846 Tho^ L. son of Nathan H Blackmar by his wife Lucy born Dec"" 2& 1844 [16] Abby Elisabeth Daughter of Geo. Bugbee by Juliet his wife Born Jan. 16^ 1847. James M Bushnell son of Leonard Bushnell by Mary his wife Born August 18'' 1846 [17] Cyrel Son of Thomas Buck by Abigail his wife Born Oct. [ ] Asa Son of Hezekiah Bugbee by Bathshua his Wife Born Oct. 14. 17 [ ] Minerva Dau of Calvin Bugbee by Betsey his Wife Born April [ ] [18] Samuel Son of Eli Bruce by Sarah his Wife Born Aug 24 177 [ ] Charles Son of Eli Bruce by Sarah his Wife Born Jan 2^ 178 [ ] Eli Son of Eli Bruce by Sarah his Wife Born Aug 22^ 178 [ ] [25] Sarah Daug^ of Abial Chamberlin by Grace his wife Born Sep* 20 1762 [26] Barkus son of George Cotney By Sarah his wife Born Octo'- 28 1768 [27] Marian Daug^ of Charles C Chandler By Marian his wife Born July 29 1774 494 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [28] Priscilla Daug^ of Peleg Corbin By Levina his wife Born Decerns 30 1775 Ichabo4 Son of Peleg Corbin By Levina his wife Born Nov. 14 1779 Lucius Bolls son of Benjamin Child By A/[atilda his wife Born Sep\ 20 1809 John son of Seth Chandler By Eunice his wife Born June 7 1779 Deborah Eddy wife of said John Chandler Daught of John Eddy Born Jan^ 2 1784 Amasa son of John Chandler By Deborah his wife Born Novem''. 20 1822 Erasmus D son of John Chandler By Deborah his wife Bom August 12 1825 Augustus Son of John Chandler & Deborah his wife Born Dec i^* 1830 [29] Marven son of Marven Clark By Nancy his wife Bo^m Feb" 3 1816 Otis Nelson son of Lathrop Clark By Lucy his wife Born June I 1828 . Matilda Daug'' of David Clark By Matilda his wife Born Dece"". 16 1783 Polly Daug'' of David Clark By Matilda his wife Born John son of Seth Clark By Born Dece'". 14 1757 Sarah Daug^ of Elisha Clark By Damaris his wife Born June 3 1760 John Jur. son of John Clark By Sarah his wife Born Jan'' 5 1786 Dilli Daug^ of John Clark Jun'". By Polly his wife Born Feb^ 16 1813 John W son of John Clark By Polly his wife Born [30] Sarah M Daugh'' of William Child By Sophia his 2^ wife Born June 5*'* 1830 [31] Sarah M Daug^ of Horatio N Child By Dolly M his wife Born Jan^ 22'^'^ 1827 Frank P'Son of Horatio N. Child By Dolly M his wife Born ') Jan'' 29: 1830 Sidnev E Son of Horatio N Child By Dolly M his wife Born . I Feb^ 7^ ^1833 I Edwin Son of Horatio N. Child by Dolly M. his wife Born Sept. 10'^ 1837 [32] William son of Henry Corbin By Betsey his wife Born Decem"" 11 1809 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 495 Moses son of Henry Corbin By Betsey his wife Born Febru'' i8 1804 Dolly Daugh of Henry Corbin By Betsey his wife Born August 19 1806 Susan Daug^ of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born August 22'^ 181 1 Billings B Son of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born June 12 1813 William H son of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born Jan^ 6 181 5 Jeremeah Ju"". son of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born April 19 1817 Emeline Daug'^ of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born Nov''. 23 1818 Francis C Son of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born Decem'' 31 1820 Edward P son of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born March 26 1823 John Coe son of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born Nov''. 9 1825 Mary E Daug^ of Jeremiah C Church By Susan his wife Born Feb^ 9 1830 [33] Jane Daug'' of Silas H Cutler ^^ Charles son of Hiram B Child By Fanny his wife Born August 8 1829 Lura Irena Daug'^. of Hiram B Child By Fanny his wife Born April I 1 83 1 Martes C Daug'^ of Elias Child 3*^ By Nancy his wife Born Dec'". 2 1826 Almira Daug'' of Elias Child 3'''^ By Nancy his wife Born Novem''. i 1828 Minor G Son of Thaddeus Clark By Lucy his wife ^Sorn Decem'' f^ 1809 Maria C Daug'^ of Thaddeus Clark By Lucy his wife Born Jan^ e"^ 181 5 George W Son of Thaddeus Clark By Lucy his wife Born Sep' 6^'' 1817 Mary Ann Daug^ of Luther Child By Pamela his wife Born May 16'^ 1826 Pamela H Daug'' of Luther Child By Pamela his wife Born Feb^ 20'^ 1829 [ ] son of Luther Child By Pamela his wife Born April 6^ 1830 86 Written in pencil. 496 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [Sus]an A Daug'^ of Luther Child By Pamela his wife Born Oct'" 3 183 1 [34] W" Wallace son of Eleazer Corbin By Disa his wife Born April 21. 1827 Mary ann Levina Daug"^ of Eleazer Corbin By Disa his wife Born June 20 1829 Seth son of Seth" Clapp By Hannah his wife Born July 18 181 [ ] Zebadee son of Seth" Clapp By Hannah his wife Born March 22 [ ] Elisha son of Seth" Clapp By Hannah his wife Born Janu^ 3 [ ] Sally Daug'' of Seth" Clapp By Hannah his wife Born March 9 [ ] Mary Daug'' of Seth" Clapp By Hannah his wife Born Jan^ [ ] [ ] By Hannah his wife Born Ocf [35] Rhoda Daug^ of Elisha Chamberlin by Margaret his wife Born August 16 1789 Jerusha Daug*" of Jonathan Child by Dinah his wife Born Elias son of Stephen Carpinter by Abigail his wife Born May 25 1760 Abilane Daug*'" of John Coburn by Deborah his wife Born Sept 13 1*7^2 [36] William son of Thomas Child by Anna his wife Born Dece; 5 [ ] Elias son of John Child Ju'" by Sibbil his wife Born Jan^ 24 John Payson son of Moses Child by Mary his wife Born May 10 [ ] Davis son of Jefse Carpinter by Abigail his wife Born Febr'' Phineas son of Silas Child by Jedida his wife Born August 16 [ ] Fanny Daug'^ of Moses Chandler by Frances his wife Born Jan'' 15 [ ] Fanny Daug'^ of Abijah Child by Abigail his wife Born April Abigail Daug'^ of Abijah Corbin by Abigail his wife Born June 17 [ 1 Abial son of Jefse Carpenter by Mary his wife Born June 20 [ ] 9^ Crossed out and " Lathrop " written in pencil WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 497 [37] Ezra Child son of Amasa Carpinter By Susan his wife Born March 7 1832 Edward R Son of Amasa Carpenter By Mary his wife Born June 16 1838 Susan P Daugh*^ of Amasa Carpenter By Mary his wife Born Oct 28 1840 Amasa T Son of Amasa Carpenter By Mary his wife Born May 6 1843 Mary E Daug'' Amasa Carpenter By Mary his wife Born July 21 : 1845 Albert M Son Amasa Carpenter By Mary his wife Born June 4 1848 Mary Elan Daug'' of Danforth Childs By Clarissa his wife Born Decem'". 16 1832 Hamilton Lucius son of Danforth Childs by Clarissa his wife Born Feby 22 1833 Mary Emily Dau^. of Danforth Child by Clarissa his wife Born Feby q'^ ^183 [ ] Jane D Daug*" Gustavus A Comins By Jane his wife Born Feby 23: I [ ] Ann Foot Daug^ of Orson Cowles By Eunce Ann his wife Born Sep* 2f' i [ ] Edward Son of Orson Cowles B Eunce Ann his wife Born Dec 22"^ [ ] [38] Morris Perrin Son of Pliney Clark By Lucretia his wife Born Febru^ 23 1829 Nancy Maria Daug^ of Pliney Clark By Lucretia his wife Born November 13. 1830 L Nancy Daugh of Merrich Chamberlin by Angerline his wife born Apr\ is*'' 1835 Alcey E Dau of William & Betsey Chamberlin his Wife Born July 24*'' 1828 Chester Edward Son of Chester Child by Prudence his wife Born October 13*^ 1836 Ezra Carpenter son of Chester Child by Prudence his wife Born April 15 1841 Abby Prudence Daugh of Chester Child by Prudence his wife Born April 21 1843 Brainard Winslow Son of Chester Child by Prudence his wife Born August 1846 John Spencer Son of John Child by Allice his wife Born Sept 30'' 1833 1-2 498 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS George Walker son of John Child by Allice his wife Born Dec-^ iS'^ 1836 Cyrel Carpenter Son Daniel Child by Lucy his wife born Feby 20^ 1828 Oscar Herbert Son of Daniel Child by Lucy his wife born March 8'^ 183 1 Foster Daniel Son of Daniel Child by Lucy his wife born August 13'' 1834 Susan Richmond Daughter of Daniel Child by Lucy his wife born March ii'^ 1837 Amasa C ") Twin Freeman W ) Sons of Daniel Child by Lucy his wife born Dec IS'*' 1839 Henry S Son of Daniel Child by Lucy his wife born Jan 19" ;■ 1844 [39] Geo. E son of Jere^. Church by Lucretia his wife born Jan 2f^ 1846 Geo. Augustus son of Amos A Carroll by Emma A his wife born Dec"". 18'^. 1847 Andrew F son of Geo W. Clark by Olive his wife born Octo- ber 18^ 1842 Oliver W son of Tho' E Corbin by Sally M. his wife born Feb. 27'' 1841 Mary E. Daug^. of Tho° E. Corbin by Sally M. his wife born March 15^ 1845 [40] Mary N. Daug*. of Lewis Chamberlain Mary his wife born July 4'' 1846 Mary E. Daug'. of Asa T Child by Roxanna his wife born March 26"^ 1849 [41] Nancy Daughter of Elisha & Lucia D. Child Born Apr. 26*1^ 1 84 1 Abby Daughter of Elisha & Lucia D. Child Born Apr. 12*'' 1843 Ruth K. Daughter of Elisha & Lucia D. Child Born Mar i«' 1849 [43] Lathrop Son William Chandler by Jemima his wife Born [ ] [45] Lydia H Dau of Seth Child by Loucia his Wife Born 1 Nov 24 [ ] Luther H Son of William H Church by Lydia his Wife Born June 13 I ] John H Son of Elias Child by Sophronia his Wf Born April 5 1830 Ann Perry Dau of Sam' M Child by Sarah H. T his Wife Born Feb 24 184 [ ] WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS ' 499 Merrick M Son of Sam^ M Child by Sarah H T his Wfe Born Jan 21 i84[ ] Sarah Dau of John Cooper by Sarah his Wife Born Aug 3* 1843 Salona Dau of Jason Carpenter by [ ] his Wfe Born Sepr 18 1834 Theopilus Son of Theopilus Chandler by Sally M his Wfe Born Mar 28'^ 1826 Edwin P Son of John P Child by Fanny P his Wf Born June 15 1844 Clinton Son of John P Child by Fanny P his Wife Born Jan i«^ 1848 Edwin Son of John P Child by Fanny his Wife Born Jan 6 [ ] Henry T Son of Asa T Child by Roxanna his Wife Born June 26 1846 [46] The following was taken from the family bible and added to this record August 6'^ 191 1 by request of Benjamin F. Chandler. Erastus Chandler married to Mary Ann Young August 13^'' 1815 William Henry Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Feb. 13, 1817 William Henry Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Died Nov. 23, 1822 Elizabeth Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Aug. 21, 1818 Lydia Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Bom Feb. 24, 1820 Lydia Dau of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Died Aug. 9, 1822 Mary Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Feb. 23, 1823 Harriet Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Oct. 12,, 1824 Maria Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born. Aug. 31, 1827 Lydia Sophia Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born June 20, 1830 Henry Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Oct. 18, 1831 George Earl Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Bom Feb. 6, 1833 William Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Oct. 9, 1835 500 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS William Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Died Aug. i8, 1853 Nancy Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born May 22, 1834 Nancy Dau. of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Died Feb. 2, 185 1 Benjamin Franklin Son of Erastus & Mary Ann Chandler Born Oct. 24, 1840 [56] John Son of Apollos Dodge By Anna his wife Born Janu^ ^^^ 1806 Anna Daug^ of Appollos Dodge By Anna his wife Bom Feby 23 1808 Hiram Son of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born March I"* 181 1 Nathan Son of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born April 19 1817 Susan Daug*" of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born Januy 3'"'^ 1820 Fidelia Daug'' of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born April 23'"^ 1823 Grosvenor Son of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born Febr^. 28 1827 Hepsibah Daug*" of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born May I'* 1830 Emily Daug*" of Apollos Dodge By Olive his wife Born June I 1834 Ellen Elizabeth Daug*" of Ebenezer Dodge By Hannah his wife Born Nov 2 1845 George ( ?) Miller Son of Ebenezer Dodge By Hannah his wife Born March 22 1846 John Mason Son of Ebenezer Dodge by Hannah his Wife Born Dec 5 1848 Mary G Daug'' of Jonathan Davise By Abby his wife Born Sep' 16 1830 Anna W Daug^ of Eden Davis By Anna his wife Born Feb 6 1828 W™ Eaton Son of Cyrus Devenport By Tryphosa his wife ! Born April 7 183 1 Phebe Ann Daughter of Cyrus Davenport by Tryphena his ; wife Born Ocf 25 1833 Frances Tryphena Daughter of Cyrus Davenport by Tryphena \ his wife Born May 4^ 1834 [57] Maria Lou Daug'' of Jonathan E Davis By Abby his wife Born June 25 1827 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 501 Abby C Daugh'' of Alexander Darance By Mary his wife Born April 18 1829 V/illiam F Son of Alexander Darrance By Mary his wife Born May 10 1832 Francis C Dorrance Son of Alexander Dorrance By Mary his wife Born June 24^ 1836 Livi Nelson Son of Simon Dean By Maria his wife Born August 4*'' 1827 Luke Son of Hezekiah Dewing By Eunice his wife Born May 9 1774 Eben''. Son of Hezekiah Dewing By Eunice his wife Born Apr\ 19 1782 Hiram Son of Ebenezer Dewing By Catharine his wife Born June 7 1819 Clark Son of Ebenezer Dewing By Catharine his wife Born Dec'" 22 1822 Seth Son of Ebenezer Dewing By Catharine his wife Born Jan^. 24 1824 [66] Joanna Daug'^ of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born May 19 1809 Rhoby C Daug^. of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born August 18 181 1 Hale son of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born April 28 1814 Lyda A Daug^. of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born Sep*. 10 1816 Perses S Daug'^. of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born March 16 1818 Charlotte Daug^ of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born May 3'"^ 1821 Nath^ Son of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born October 2^ 1823 John S Son of Calvin Easterbrooks By Mary his wife Born March 20 1825 Marsall Son of Rufus Elmer By Aurillia his wife Born April 5'' 1831 Mary Daug'' of Rufus Elmer By Aurillia his wife Born Novem"". 17 1833 [67] W™ Sefion son of John S. Easterbrooks by Louisa his wife born Dec''. 16^ 1840 [73] Polly Daug'^ of Richard Flyn By Sarah his wife Born Feb^ 13 1757 Ellen L daug'" of Luther W. Fisher by Mary D. his wife born Sept. 29. 1844 502 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [74] John Jun''. son of John Fox By Eleoner his wife Born August 7 1759 William son of John Fox By Eleoner his wife Born June 28 1760 Martha Daug''. of Perley Fox By Sally his wife Born May 28 1818 Sarah Daug^ of Perley Fox By Sally his wife Born March 21 1823 Mary Daugh. of Perley Fox By Sally his wife Born 1833 John W"^ Son of William Fox By Sally his wife Born Sep*^ 15 1807 Ebenezer F. Son of William Fox By Sally his wife Born August 24 1810 Charles Son of William Fox By Sally his wife Born Decem"" 8 1812 Sarah Daug^, of William Fox By Sally his wife Born April 4 1818 Dolly Daug^. of Nehemiah Fox By Polly his wife Born Jan^. 7 1823 Abiel Son of Nehemiah Fox By Polly his wife Born April 17 1824 Nancy Daug^. of Nehemiah Fox B Polly his wife Born Sep*. 26 1825 Eleoner Daug^. of Nehemiah Fox B Polly his wife Born Dece"". 16 1833 Polly B Daug'' of Joseph Fox By Sophia his wife Born August 12 1785 Stiles R Son of Joseph Fox By Sophia his wife Born August 7 1787 Mary wife of W"" Fox Born Decern'". 16 1778 Mary Daug''. of William Fox By Mary his wife Bom Novem' 16 1801 Afa son of William Fox By Mary his wife Born Sep*, i^* 1803 [75] Nancy Daug''. of Abiel Fox By Judeth his wife Born August lo**" 1809 Alvan B son of John Fowler 2'* By Mary C his Wife Born July 24 I 82 I Mary H Daug^ of John Fowler 2.^ By Mary C his wife Born June II*'' 1823 Chandler B Son of John Fowler 2^ By Mary C his wife Born June 19 1825 Sarah B Daug^ of John Fowler 2"^ By Mary C his wife Bom April 30 1828 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 503 Sarah A Daug'' of Nathan Fisher By Maranda his wife Born Oct^ 26 1825 Sanford Son of Nathan Fisher By Maranda his wife Born Aug\ 5 183 1 Melven E. Son of Lucian Fisher 'by his wife Emily Born May 21^' 1843 [80] Keziah Daug* of Asa Goodell By Alice his wife Born March i=* 1779 Asa Ju"". son of Asa Goodell By Allice his wife Born Novem"', 30 1788 [81] Susan Daug*. of Alven Gage By Irena his wife Born Octob"". 13 1822 Enos son of Joel Gage By Lydia his wife Born Nov''. 12 1786 James S. Gould son of Samuel Gould by Olive his wife born April iS'' 1838 Henry M Son of Samuel Gould by Olive his wife born Aug\ 28^ 1839 Mary E. Daug''. of Samuel Gould by Olive his wife born March 8*^. 1841 Ellen Maria of Samuel Gould by Olive his wife born Jany 15 1844 [82] Mary E. Daug''. of Simeon Herendeen by Mary his wife born January ii*" 1838 Ezra Son of Simeon Herendeen by Mary his wife born Feb. i8\ 1839 [88] Abiel son of David Holmes By Mehitable his wife Born Jan^ 29 1747 Adaline Daug'^. of Eber. Howlet by Lois his wife Born May 13^ 1817. Martha Ann Daug* of Lyman Hiscock By Zurveah his wife Born July 8*^ 1833 Lucy Dag'' of Lyman Hiscock By Zeurviah his wife Born Jan. I8*^ 1835 Sophrona Dag'", of Lyman Hiscock By Zeurviah his wife Born June 28*^^ 1837 Berton E. Son of Lyman Hiscox by Zeurviah his wife Bom Oct 17'^ 1846 [89] Gilbert son of Thomas Hayward By Sally his wife Born Sophia Daug*^. of Isaac Hibbard By Jemima his wife Born May 18 1802^8 Isaac Son of Isaac Hibbard By Jemima his wife born Nov 22'^ 1818 'Entire entry crossed out. 504 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [90] Daniel L. Healey was Born Decern'". 28 1792 Tryphena his wife was Born October 3"^ 1791 And they were joined in Marriage in the Town of Wards- boro"" State of Vermont Feb^ 2^ 1817 William H. son of William Healy by Sophia his wife Born Hiram Son of Water^* Howard By Mary his wife Born Novem"" 26 1834 Erastus Jur son of Erastus Henry By Elizabeth his wife Born Nov"-. 16 1818 George son of Erastus Henry By Elisabeth his wife Born Feb^ 6 1822 . _ Elisabeth L Daug^. of Erastus Henry By Elisabeth his wife Born Sep^ 8 1824 William son of Erastus Henry By Elisabeth his wife Born May 19 1831 [91] Ellen Daug^ of Alba Hiscox by Lucy his wife Born May 22'^ 1836 Annette Daugh*. of Alba Hiscox by Lucy his wife Born Decem- ber 2°"^ 1838 Perrin P. son Ezra Hammond by Esther A. his wife Born October 18^ 1840. Lucy Ann Daugh"" of Ezra Hammond by Esther A his wife Born April iS'^ 1843 Walter Edwards son of Ezra Hammond by Esther A his wife born Jan 14*'' 1849 Sarah J. Daug''. of Aaron B. Houghton by Susan his wife born July 2°* 1843 [92] William P Jur. son of W". P. Hiscox by his wife Eliza born Feb. 26 1835 Dwight son of W™ P. Hiscox by his wife Eliza born May 12^^. 1838 Irene Daug*. of James S. Houghton by his wife Silvia born June 10'' 1842 Mary C. Daug'". of James S. Houghton by by his wife Silvia bon June 15^. 1844 Mary daughter of Warner Howard by Juliaette his wife born Nov ii*^^ 1839 Charles N son of Warner Floward by Juliaette his wife born Oct 31^* 1841 Maria J daughter of Warner Howard by Juliaette his wife born Nov 2&-'^ 1842 Emily J ) daughters of Warner Howard by Juliaette his Frances E J wife born Oct 16*^ 1844 99 " Warner " written in pencil. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 505 George G. son of David Herrington by Lydia his wife Born April i^^ 1836 Benjamin S Son of L S Hough by his Wife Hannah S. Born April 16''^ 1 84 1 [g8] Polly Daug^ of Moses Johnson By Marcy his wife Born Feb^ 20 1758 Willard son of Nehe"^ Jackson By Esther his wife Born Nancy Daug^ of Nathan Jackson By Priscilla his wife Born Decern'' 2'^ 1820 Sarah Daug*^ of Nathan Jackson By Priscilla his wife Born Ocf 28 1822 Nehemiah Son of Nathan Jackson By Priscilla his wife Born August 29 1826 Henry C son of Elijah M Jackson By Melatiah his wife Born January 15 1848 Willie E son of Elijah M Jackson By Melatiah his wife Bom Nov 6^^ 1865 Silas son of Stephen Johnson By Persis his wife Born Jan^ 23 1785 Bethiah Daug'. of Samuel Jones By Jemima his wife Born Oct^ 4 1785 Amasa L. son of George Johnson by Hannah his wife Born Jan. 12^^ 1826 Henry W. son of George Johnson byHannah his wife Born Jan. ly^ 1832 [gg] Alma Maria Daug*. of Nathaniel Jones By Alma his wife Born Feb"" 11 1832 Sarah Daug*. of Nathaniel Jones By Alma his wife Born October 11. 1834 Samuel N Son of Nathaniel Jones By Alma his wife Born April 2 1841 Maria Ingalls Daug"" of Chester Ingalls by Percy his w^fe born June 2y 1820 Lucy J. Daug^ of Chester Ingalls by Percy his wife born Aug' 3*^ 1830. Alma Maria Jones Daugh of Nathaniel Jones by Almira his wife born Fby ii'^ 1832 Sarah Jones Daught. of Nathaniel Jones by Almira his wife born Sept. 1834 [104] Charles E. son of Horise .Kimball By Careline his wife Born June 10 1833 Horis Emeson 2^ of Horise Kimball By Careline his wife Born May 27. 1834 5o6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [105] Daniel Lyon was Born June 7*^^ 1702 Priscilla his wife was Born Sep* 23 1702 Abiel 2'^ Son of Daniel Lyon By Priscilla his wife Born March 28 1739 Daniel Lyon Jun"" Born Feb^ 22 1734 Prudence his wife Born March 23 1740 Perley son of Daniel Lyon Jun"" By Prudence his wife Born Dece'". 27 1757 Hannah Daug^, of Daniel Lyon Jun''. By Prudence his wife Born Aug^ 14 1771 Benjamin Son of Daniel Lyon Jun"". By Prudence his wife Born Nov^ 19 1773 Molly Daug^ of Daniel Lyon Jun^. By Prudence his wife Born Nov"" 19 1773 Clarifsa Daug^ of Daniel Lyon Jun*". By Prudence his wife Born Nov' 4 1775 Perley 2.^ son of Daniel Lyon Jun"" By Prudence his wife Born June 3'''^ 1778 ■ Molly 2^- Daug*^ of Daniel Lyon Jun''. By Prudence his wife Born Aug^ 27 1780 Hannah 2°*^ Daug^. of Daniel Lyon Jun'". By Prudence his wife Born Aug*. 20 1783 Abiel Son of Daniel Lyon Jun*". By Prudence his wife Born Augu*. 25 1787 Jasper son of Daniel Lyon 2^ By Esther his w;ife Born Jan'' 18 1787 Clarifsa Daug''. of Perley Lyon By Mary his wife Born Nov'. 14 1810. Walter Son of Perley Lyon By Mary his wife Born June 21 1816 Mary Daug*. of Perley Lyon By Mary his wife Born Sep*. 30 1818 [106] Mehitable Daug^ of Nehe*' Lyon By Mehitable his wife Born August 14 1758 Sarah Daug** of Jonathan Lyon By Rebekah his wife Bom Nov'. 17 1773 Mynervy Daug'^. of Jonathan Lyon By Rebekah his wife Born Febe^ 27 1776 Corbin son of Jonathan Lyon By Rebekah his wife Born Nov' 19 1777 Jemima Daug'^. of Jonathan Lyon By Rebekah his wife Born Oct' 15 1782 [107] Asa son of Thomas Lyon By Thankful his wife Born Oct. 14 1799 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 507 Mary Daug*. of Thomas Lyon By Thankful his wife Born Aug*. 13 1805 Lyman son of Uriah Lyon By Jerusha his wife Died October 3 1810 EHza Daug*. of Uriah Lyon By Jerusha his wife Born Feb^ 20 1817 Waldo son of Uriah Lyon By Jerusha his wife Born April 12 1820 Charles Son of Uriah Lyon By Jerusha his wife Born Nove'" 24 1822 Moses son of Amos Lyon By Bethyah his wife Born June 20 1769 Matilda wife of s*^ Moses Lyon Born Nov"" 8 1774 [108] Lydia Daug^ of James Ledoyt By Margaret his wife Born Hannah Daug'^ of James Ledoyt By Margaret his wife Born Roswell son of James Ledoyt Jur. By Dorothy his wife Born Ocf. 31 1777 Jonathan son of James Ledoyt Jun. By Dorothy his wife Born May 8 1781 Benjamin son of James Ledoyt Junr By Dorothy his wife Born July 16 1783 ; Polly Daug^. of James Ledoyt Jun"". By Dorothy his wife Born Jan^ 21 1786 Harriet L Daug^ of Eleazer Litcheld 2* By Marina L his wife Born Oct^ 11 1830 Ann Eliza Daug"^ of Eleazer Litchfield 2.^ By Marina L his wife Born Aug* 8 1832 Helen E. Daug*. of Eleazer Litchfield By Marina L his wife Born April 22'^ 1834 Lucy Daug'" of Eliphalet Lyman By Hannah his wife Born May 2 1788 Asa son of Eliphalet .Lyman By Hannah his wife Born Ocf 15 1789 Harriet S Dag*, of George W Lee By Harriet his wife Born Feb^ 8 1835 [109] Harriet A Daug^ of Asa Lyon By Sabra Ann his wife Born April 20 1829 Edwin B Son of Asa Lyon By Sabra Ann his wife Born Dec"" 28 1830 Sophia S Daug'^ of Asa Lyon By Sabra Ann his wife Born Ocf 14 1832 Orlo H. Son of Asa Lyon By Sabra Ann his wife Born Jany 20 1835 5o8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lydia F Daugh"" of Asa Lyon By Sabra Ann his wife Born Mch i8 1838 Anna E Daug"" of Asa Lyon by Sabra Ann his wife Born Sepr 9*^^ 1840 Mary E. Daug*". of Asa Lyon by Sabra Ann his wife Born July 27*^^ 1842 Abbie L. Daug'". of Asa Lyon by Sabra Ann his wife Born May if^ 1850 Sarah T Daug'' of Moses Lyon 3'''^ By Sally Ann his v/ife Born March 21 1831 Gilbert C Son of Lorenzo Lichfield By Lydia his wife Born June 14 1832 George P. son of Lorenzo Litchfield by Lydia his wife Born June 3*^ 1840 Albert L son of Lorenzo Litchfield by Lidia his wife born May 30*^ 1846 [no] Geo. H. Son of Rossell M. Ledoyt by Adeline his wife born Sept 6"" 1835 Elisha M. Son of Elisha Lyon by Lucy Lyon his wife born May 11*^ 1839 Abby P. Daug of Elisha Lyon by Rebecca his wife born Jan. 5*^ 1840 Lucy M. Daug of Elisha Lyon by Rebecca his wife born June 5 1842 Charles E. Son of Elisha Lyon by Rebecca his wife born Feb 28^"^ 1845 Oliver P son of Elisha Lyon by Rebecca his wife born March 3' 1847 James Harrison son of James Lyon by Lucy L. his wife born Dec"". 28^^ 1839 Lucy A Lyon Daug^ of James Lyon by Lucy L. his wife born Aug^ 2°"^ 1832 Albert B. Son of Otis T Lyon by Mary C. his wife born Sept 4^ 1836 Emily M. Daug'" of Cyprian S Lyon Malinda his wife born [ ] 25^^^ 1844 [in] Rebecca Daugtr. of Elisha Lyon by Lucy M. his wife born June 6^. 1842 William Lyon and Deborah Colburn were married November 8 1699 by the Rev. Joseph Belcer of Dedham. Said W™ Lyon was born in Roxbury Mass. and removed to Woodstock in about the year 1686 John son of Jabez Lyon by Mehetabel his wife born Feb 14. 1779 Said Jabez Lyon with Mehetabel his wife removed to Brandon Vermont with their children in about the year 1790 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 509 [132] Dorothy Daug^ of Jedediah Morse By Sarah his wife Born Lydia Daug^ of Jedediah Morse By Sarah his wife Born June 22'^ 1759 Chester Son of Jonathan Morse By Zubah his wife Born May 12 1781 Lucy Lavina Daug^ of Ehhu Morse By Lucy his wife Born April 14 1829 [133] Polly Daug^ of Samuel McClellan By Jemima his wife Born 1758 Judah Son of Samuel McClellan By Rachel his wife Born May 25 1780 Clark son of Elias Mason By Matilda his wife Born Nov"" 20 1809 Mary son of Elias Mason By Matilda his wife Born Augu* 8 1812 Charles Dwight Son of Elias Mason By Matilda his wife Born Sep*^ 24 1815 Sarah C Daug** of Elisas Mason By Matilda his wife Born July 26 182 1 Emily Daug*^ of John A Marcy By Sabra his wife Born April 10 1830 Augusta Daughter of John A Marcy by Sabra his wife Born Apr' 24 1835 [134] Orin Son of Nath" Marcy By Amy his wife Born May 26 1799 Albert R Son of Rodney Martin by Phila his wife Born May 18'^ 1840 Emily Augusta Daughter of Rodney Martin by Phila his wife Born May 22* 1835 Albert son of Leonard Morse By Remember his wife Born March 20*^ 1814 Nathan son of Leonard Morse By Remember his wife Born Dece'" 24 181 5 Nelson son of Leonard Morse By Remember his wife Born May 3^ 1818 Stephen son of Leonard Morse By Remember his wife Born June 28 1820 Joseph M Son of Leonard Morse By Remember his wife Born April i^' 1823 Charles D Son of Leonard Morse By Remember his wife Born Nov"", i"'. 1827 [135] Joshua Son of Abraham Marcy B Ursula his wife Born Nove''. 11 1789 '- Charles Son of Abraham Marcy By Ursula his wife Born Oct^ 18 1 79 1 5IO WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Luther' son of Leonard Marcy By Sally his wife Born April 15 1830 N. E. Son of Nathan Morse By Rebekah his wife Born Nov^ 12 1829 Elizabeth A Daug*^ of Lucius Mascraft By Betsey his wife Born Ocf 23 1825 Mary ann Daug'. of Lucius Mascraft By Betsey his wife Born August 21 1830 John N Son of Lucius Mascraft By Betsey his wife Born October 5 1832 Eliza E Daug^ Jedediah Morse By Almira his wife Born Aug^ 29 1 814 [136] Zenos A. son of Zenas Marcy by Eiza his wife born June 30^ 1834 Sam' L Son of Zenas Marcy by Eliza his wife born April 27^ 1838 Mary Ann Atwell Daug"^ of Zenas Marcy by Eliza his wife born June if" 1840 Hellen Niollia daug^ of Sam'. W. Mathewson by Harriet his wife born Feb. 12'' 1842 Lucy daughter of Abiel & Dolly May born January 21^* 1840 George A. son of Abiel & Dolly May born Febr^. 9*'' 1844 Martin Amos son of Martin Paine by Lucia his wife born Oct f" 1847 Albert Morse Married to Martha Morse September 16'' 1839 Lewis son of Albert Morse by Martha his wife born Jan. 2&- 1842 Edward L. son of Albert Morse by Martha his wife born Oct 5*^ 1844 Frances M Daughter of Charles Mathewson by Celia his Wife born Nov 11 1841 John Son of Charles Mathewson by Celia his Wife born Aug 22 1843 Emilene Daughter of Charles Mathewson by Celia his Wife born May 10 1845 Gilbert Son of Charles Mathewson by Celia his Wife born June 7 1847 David Son of Charles Mathewson by Celia his Wife Nov 18 1849 [137] Permilia A Daughter of Nelson Morse by Permilia Born April 14 1844 Ezra C Son of Asa May by Sarah his Wife Born Oct 13^ 1825 Carlo Son of Asa May by Sarah his Wife Born Sept 3^ 1829 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 511 [163] Geo. Harves son of Benj Ober [of Beverly Mafs]^*'" by Nancy E. H. [of Wrentham MafsJ^o" his wife born Oct 2^ 1 841 Abby Hallock Daug" of Benj Ober by Nancy E, H. his wife born April 7'^ 1844 Mary Ray Daug" of Benj. Ober by Nancy E. H. his wife born April y^^ 1844 [170] Rhodes son of George W. Potter By Alice his wife Born July 12 1816 Otis son of Daniel Perry By Judith his wife Born Dece"" 29 1782 William H. son of Daniel Perry Jun'". By Sophia his wife Born May 25 1820 Peter L son of Daniel Perry Jun'". By Sophia his wife Born March 9 1823 Elias C son of Daniel Perry Jun'' By Sophia his wife Born April 17 1825 Myron Son of Daniel Perry Jun"". By Sophia his wife Born April 14 1828 Sophia A Daug*. of Henry Perry By Sally his wife Born Aug^ 28 1819 Daniel Son of Otis Perrin By Betsey his wife Born Nov' 15 1834 Emily Daugh. of Otis Perrin by Betsey his wife Born April 15^ 1838 John Son of Otis Perrin by Betsey his wife Born May 15*^ 1841 Francis Son of Otis Perrin by Betsey his wife Born June 30'^ 1843 Sarah Ann Daug"". of Otis Perrin by Betsey his wife Born Jan. 6"^ 1845 [171] Judith Daug^. of John Perry By Arrabel his wife Born Nove"". 28 1828 Dennis John™ Son of John Perry By Arrabel his wife Born Nov"" 6 1830 Jane Edna Daug^. of John Perry By Arrabel his wife Born June 25 1833 John Harrifs Son of John Perry By Arrabel his wife Bom Dece"" 23 1834 Hariet Ann Daug'' of John Perry by Arrable his wife Born April 7^ 1837 Lydia M. Daugh of Chester W. Paine by Mary His wife Bom Nov. 2S^ 1840 100 Written in pencil. 512 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Maria Elizabath Daug"". of Charles C Potter by his Maria W. Born Nov. 28 1842 [172] John Son of Asa Payson By Lucy his wife Born Novem'" 6 1783 Georg-e C Son*of Jeremiah PhiHips By Zerviah his wife Born June 20 1823 Elisha M Son of Jeremiah By Zerviah his wife Born Sep* 9 1825 Gilbert Son of Wheeler Phillips by Anna his wife born Apr'. 8 1820 Gilbert W. son of Wheeler Phillips by Eunice his wife born July 22"^ 1828 W™ Andrew Son of Wheeler Phillips by Eunice his wife born March 11'' 1837 Allen F son of Addison Phillips by Mary P. his wife born August 18 1835 Anna C daug', of Addison Phillips by Mary his wife born June 20*'' 1839 [173] The Record of the Marriage of John Paine Esq"" to Betsey Smith the Daughtor of Eben'" Smith Esq', the s*^ John & Betsey were married November 13'^ 1805 and the Names of their Children as follows Samuel C Son of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born Feb^ 21 1807 William son of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born April 8 1809 John Jun'" son of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born Jan"" 12 1812 George A son of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born Augu* 6 1814 Nancy S Daug^ of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born March 6 1817 Albert Son of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born July 21 1819 Elizabeth Daug*^ of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born March 5 1822 Ellen Daug* of John Paine By Betsey his wife Born Oct' 31 1824 John The Father of the above Childrens born Sept. 13'' 1776 taken from Book No i Martha Ann Daug' of Elisha Paine By Sophia his wife Born Jan^ 24^^ 1828 Joseph M son of Elisha Paine By Sophia his wife Born March 16*'' 1830 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 513 Royal N. son of James Paine by Phebe his wife Born May 3' 1834 Henry F son of James Paine by Phebe his wife Bom April 9'"^ 1836 Charles Nealy son of James Paine by Phebe his wife^*'^ [174] Edward Augustus Perrin son of Jon'* Perrin Caroline his wife Born Aug*^ 10^ 1836 John N. Perrin Son of Jon'* Perrin by Caroline his wife Born May 28*' 1834 Henry C. Son of Parker B. Pennock by Lucy C his wife bom July 2'*^ 1834 John P. Son of Parker B Pennock by Eliza his wife born Aug*. 15*^ 1836 Mary A. Daughter of Aldis Perrin by Sarah his wife bom June 13*** 1837 Sarah C. Daugh. of Aldis Perrin by Sarah his wife born Sep*. 21^ 1843 Juliaett Daughter of Aldis Perrin by Sarah his wife bom Dec. 20*'» 1846 Payson Abiel Son of Walter Perrin by Lucy his wife bom March 21^* 1839 Henry C. Penniman born Oct 7^^ 1836 [175] John Marshal Son of Jethniel Perrin by Lucy his Wife born May 24*^* 1839 Eunice Lemira Perrin Daug^ of Jethniel Perrin by Lucy his Wife born Oct. 31^* 1845 Elin J. Peckham by Hannah S. his wife born 2^ of Oct 1840 Laura Ann Peckham by Hannah S. his wife born 11'' of April 1831 Silas M. Son of Elkanah S. Penniman by Abigail his wife born April 23"^ 1842 Marcia M. Daug*"*. of Martin Paine by Lucia M. his wife born Aug*. 9'* 1843 William F. Son of George A. Penniman by Mary J Born October 6 1848 [176] Mary Ann Daughter of John Paine by Mary Ann his wife Born February 16'^ 1839 Harriet May Daug"" of John Paine by Mary Ann his wife bom June 23"^ 1841 John Merrick Son of John Paine by Mary Ann his wife born January 13*1* 1845 102 Written in pencil. 33 514 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS John S. Son of John F. Parkhurst by Sarah C. his wife bom Oct. 6*^ 1844 Caroline L. Daug"". of John F Parkhurst by Sarah C. his wife born July 31^* 1846 Geo. M. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born Jan 6 1836 W™ R Potter Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born Mar 4 1837 Mary E. dau. of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born Apr. 18 1838 Albert E. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born , Sep 29"' 1839 Charles A. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife bom ■ Aug 19"^ 1842 Stephen D. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born Oct 18*^ 1844 Caleb C. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife bom Sep 28*^^ 1846 Sarah A. dau. of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born May 2°^ 1848 Henry J. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born Sep 15*'' 1850 Newton R. Son of Stephen L. Potter by Sarah C. his wife born Mar 11*^ 1853 Hezekiah B. s. of Samuel and Eleanor Howard Palmer died Mar. 16 1845 age 4^. i". 2* Oriana Sigourney d. of Samuel and Eleanor Howard Palmer died Mar. 19 1845 Age 7^ 11" 19^ Mary Grundy Palmer d. of Samuel and Eleanor Howard Palmer died Mar. 23" 1845 age 2^ 11* [177] William H. Son of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born June 25 1823. Mary Ann Daught. of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Jan. 25 1825 Caroline M. Daugt. of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Nov 16. 1826 Sarah S. Daugt. of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Feb. 7. 1828 Susan L. Daugt. of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born May 9. 1829 James M Son of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born June 10, 183 1 Olive J. Daughter of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Jan. 30, 1833 John C. Son of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Feb. I, 1835 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 515 Juliette B Daught of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Sept 26. 1837 Harriet M. Daught of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Apr. 4, 1839 Willard O Son of Jacob Parsons by Pricilla his Wife Born Oct 15 1841 [181] Maryann Rogers Daug. of Eli C Rogers by his wife Hannah Rogers born July 4 1835 Albert C. Rider Son of Franklin F. Rider by his wife Lucy A Rider born Nov 4^ 1836 [185] Harriott Daug*"" of Joseph Rufsell By Rebekah his wife Born Jan^ 9 1786 Joseph son of Joseph Rufsell By Rebekah his wife Born March 6 1788 Ann Frances Daug'' of Joseph Rufsell By Rebekah his wife Born Nov"" 22 1789 Hayley H Daug^ of Joseph Rufsell By Rebekah his wife Born. Jan^ 5 1793 Emily Esther Daug*" of Joseph Rufsell By Rebekah his wife Born March 28 1795 Eliza Rhobe Daug'' of Joseph Rufsell By Rebekah his wife Born August 13 1797 Isabel Jemima Daug* of Stiles Rawson by Lucy his Wife Born Dec 21 1837 Stiles Rawson Son of Stiles Rawson By Lucy his Wife Born Nov 23 1843 [192] Catharine Daug* of Johnson Sweet By Ruth his wife Born Sep*. 15 1803 Nancy Ann Daug* of Johnson Sweet By Ruth his wife Born Augu* 22 1805 Edward son of Johnson Sweet By Ruth his wife Born Dece'. 23 1816 Edwin Son of Johnson Sweet By Ruth his wife Born Dece'. 23 1816 Susan Daug*. of Johnson Sweet By Ruth his wife Born Feb^ 4 1822 Andrew Son of Hezekiah Seamer By Polly his wife Born Jan^ 2°* 1 83 1 Mary Lois Daug'' of Hezekiah Seamer By Polly his wife Born October 10 1832 Perley son of Eben"" Stoddard By Allathea his wife Born Ebenezer Son of Eben''. Stoddard By Lucy his wife Born March 11 1825 Henry Son of Eben'. Stoddard By Lucy his wife Bom August 17 1827 5l6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Jane Daug*'. of Eben' Stoddard By Lucy his wife Born FebJ" 21 1830 Seth Son of Eben"" Stoddard By Lucy his wife Born Jan^ 28 1833 [193] CaroHne Daug*. of George Stead By Lucy his wife Born Nov"". 29 1814 Mary ann Daug*^ of Hiram Smith By Catherine his wife Bom Feb'' 22 1832 Hezekiah L. Snow Son of Hezekiah Snow By Sarah Ann his wife Born Feb. 15'^'' 1824 Margery A Daug*. of Hezekiah Snow by Sarah Ann his wife Born June i^' 1830 Lucinda A Daug* of Hezekiah Snow by Sarah Ann his wife Born Nov"" 20^ 1833 Leverett A. Son of Hezekiah Snow by Sarah Ann his wife Bom March 8^ 1837 [194] Emely E. Stow Daughter of W"" M. Stow by Sarah his wife born June 7^ 1836 Ebenezer Smith Son of Charles D. S. Smith by his wife Mary A. born Nov f" 1839 Hannah Amelia Daug'' of Charles D Smith by his wife Mary A born Sept. 16^ 1845 Loera P. daug"". of Tho^ S. Slade by his wife Mary born May 2°^ 1840 Weathey Ann Daugh. of Thomas S. Slade by his wife Mary born May 19'' 1842 Ellen Lousa Snow Dau«. of Hiram Snow by Hudah his wife born June i^ 1846 Mary A. dau*. of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born Oct 'f- 1825 Horace C Son of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born Feb. 28 1827 Adaline dagh. of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born Nov. 12'' 1828 Geo. B. Son of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born May 19'' 1830 Luther B son of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born Jan. 2.^ 1832 John son of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born Feb. 19 1834 Bradford C. son of Asa Stone by Olive h!s wife born Nov. 19^ 1835 Milton C. son of Asa Stone by Olive his wife bom Sept 23"* 1838 Nancy J. daug'. of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born Aug* 17^ 1840 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 517 Charles W. son of Asa Stone by Olive his wife born April 22* 1846 [195] Edwin F. son of Hiram Snow by Hulda K. his wife born Feb. 28^ 1844 Daniel Jr. son of Daniel Stead by Elaner his wife born Aug*. 15^ 1832 David A. son of Daniel Stead by Elaner his wife born Oct. 9^ 1836 [196] Eliza daughter of Holmes Slade by Catharine his wife born May 12'^ 1844 Henry R. son of John Stetson by his wife Mary B. born May 25^^ 1844 Arthur C. son of John Stetson by Mary B. his wife born Dec' ii'^ 1846 Mary E. daug'". of John Stetson by Mary B. his wife born Jan 2,2 1848 [208] Lydia Daug'^ of Stephen Tucker By Lois his Wife Born July 29 1751 [209] Nancy Daug^ of Ephraim Tucker By Lydia his Wife Born March 23 1777 William Son of John Truesdell By Sophia his Wife Bom Oct 7 1812 [210] Thomas J son of Daniel Taft By Rhoda his wife Born Decern'. 17 1806 Thomas M son of Thomas J Taft By Mary his wife Born Sep*. 17 1830 Marca Ingalls Daughter of Chester Ingalls by Percy his wife born June 27 1820 Lucy J. Ingalls Daugh. of Chester Ingalls by Percy his wife born Aug*. 3 1830 [211] George W"* Son of William Thayer by Laura his wife Born April 4^ 1844 Charles Henry son of William Thayer by Laura his wife Born Oct 9^ 1847 Phebe Ann Daughter of Nathan Thayer by Lawry Ann born Sept 4 1846 [215] George Harrison son of Wheaton Thurber by Abigail B his wife Born Feby 12*^ 1840 Edgar son of Wheaton Thurber by Abigail B his wife Born Aug 4*^^ 1844 William Roscoe son of Wheaton Thurber by Abigail B his wife Born Aug 16 1846 5i8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS [222] Neh'' Son of Nehemiah Underwood By Rhoda his wife Born March 28 1773 Aden Son of Nehemiah Underwood By Rhoda his wife Born Feb^ 16 1784 Thomas Son of Laban Underwood By Sally his wife Born July 29'^ 1 8 19 Maryan Daug'^ of Laban Underwood By Sally his wife Born March 5^ 182 1 Laban W Son of Laban Underwood By Sally his wife Born May 24^ 1823 William Son of Laban Underwood By Sally his wife Born Febr^ 16 1830 [226] Eliza A Daug'". of Orrin Vinton by Prudence his wife born Aug* Baldwin J Son of Hosea & Matilda W. Vinton Born Dec 25 1845 John H. Son of John D Vinton by Harriet his wife Born March 18*^ 1846 [230] Benj. H. Walker Son of Benjamin Walker by Caroline ■his wife born Jany 6**" 1837 [234] Lucian B Son of Stephen Webster By Mary his wife Born Octo'" 17 1830 Emily Daug^ of Stepen Webster by Mary his wife Born Nov^ 28 1836 Miron Son of Stephen Webster by Mary his wife Born July 9*^ 1839 Elsa Daug^ of Phineas Walker Jr. By Lucy his Wife Born Nov'" 10 1809 Amasa A Son of Phineas Walker Jr. By Lucy his wife Born April 22 1822 Henry D Son of Phineas Walker Jun'". By Lucy his wife Born June 31 1830 Welson Son of Uriah Walker By Eunice his wife Born April 5 1819 Aurillia Daug'^ of [ ] Whetmore By Ursula Cole Born July 9 1809 [235] Henry G Son of Gardner Wright By Phebe his wife Born Dec 22 1827 [236] Charles S son of Andrew A WilHams By Emily his wife Born December 7'^'^ 1830 Mary E Daug*^. of Andrew A Williams By Emily his wife Born June 11*'' 1833 Harriet L Daug^ of John F Williams Esq'". By Mary Jane his wife Born July 2^^^ 1833 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS 519 Rollin Fox son of William P Williams By Maria T his wife Born Nov.em^ 2^^ 1832 Emma T daughter of W"^ P. Williams and Maria T. his wife born May 18 [ ] John N. son of W™ P Williams and Maria T. his wife born March Ellen M. d. of W"" P Williams and Maria T his wife Laura B, d. of W" P. Williams and Maria T. his wife W™. Henry Son of Welcome Wilmarth By Sarah his wife Born May 20*'' 1832 Phebe M Daug^ of John Work By Matilday his wife Bom Sepf 27 1830 Betsey M. Daugf. of Phinehas Wright by Sarah his wife Born May 26** 1823 Ebenezer Son of Phineas Wright by Sarah his wife Born Ocf. 25 1827 Phines G, Son of Phineas Wright by Sarah his wife Born April 3^ 1829 Sarah J. Daugh of Phineas Wright by Sarah his wife Born June 19^ 1835 [237] Charles Henry Son of Charles Ware By Lawly his wife Born Decem"" 17 1830 Emma Theresa Daug'' of Charles Ware By Lawly his wife Born May 21 1833 Maria Wells Daug* of Henry Wells By Lucy his wife Born Febr^ 20. 1825 Erastus Son of Henry Wells By Lucy his wife Bom Jan^ II 1827 Elmira Daughter of James & Isabel Walker born May 19"^ 1840 Emily Isabella Doug"", of James & Isabel Walker born Feb^". i^t 1843 [The remainder of this volume contains tabulated entries of Births, Marriages and Deaths through the year 1866.] INDICES 521 INDEX OF NAMES In this index, the various spellings of the surnames are printed as they appear in the text. The given names, however, conform to the accepted standards of orthography. Abbe, Abbee, Rachel, 300. Shubael, 346. Abbot, Abbott, , 97, 103. Abigail, 62, 66, 69, 73, 82, 94. Albee, 207, 210, 218, 222, 232, 235, 243, 245, 344, 370. Alice, 363. , Amos, 277, 280. Anna, 92, 95, 277, 280, 287, 434. Anne, 97, 286. Caroline, :i77. Caroline Jane, 451. Daniel, 32, 37, 41, 73, 131, 299. Dolly, 368. Dorcas, 68. Dwight, 243. Eleanor, 92. Elizabeth, 6r. Erastus, 192, 245. Esther, 104, 145, 300. George, 41, 103, 292. Hannah, 32, 37, 41, 47, 66, 69, 139, 280, 296, 375. Hubbard 434. Isabel, 131. Jared, 218. John, 32, 107, 489. Joseph, 62, 66, 69, 73, 82, 94, 130, 139, 148, 299. Judith 192. Laura, 222, 344. Lovisa, 389. Lucy, 148. Marsilva, 374. Mary, 103. 107, 131, 292, 294, 299, 489. Nancy, 207, 374. Nathan, 92. 95, 97, 192, 210, 286. 287. 336. Nathaniel, 340. OlHfif, 95. Orinda, 130. Persis, 130, 139, 148, 299. 523 Abbot, Abbott, Phebe, 77, 80. Polly, 384. Roena, 207, 210, 218, 222, 232. 23s, 243. 245, 344, 370. Sanford, 232. Sarah, 37, 94, 135, 295, 314. Stephen, 129, 135, 145, 298. Sybil, 129, 13s, 14s, 298. Wareham, 129. Willard, 374. Zebediah, 97. Adams. Abigail, 366. Andrew, 340. Charles, P., 428. John, 450. John W., 465. Lucy Ann, 4:28. Mary, 299, 486. Mary Ann, 465. Rebecca, 303, 433. Richard, 486. Ainsworth, Answorth, Aisworth, Abiel, 159, 292. Abigail, 28, 82, 102, 117, 181, 187, 28s, 328. Alba, 224. Alice, 49, 137. Alki, 186. Alvan, 135. Amasa, 187. Anna, 124. Annis, 213. Asena, 182. Calvin, 145. Candace, 94, 303. Chloe, 181. Cyril, 114. Daniel, 30, 32, qa, 97, 102, 103, 106, 116, 126, 127, 136, 149, 152, 286, 287, 300, 319. Daniel Bolton, 219. Darius, 65, 114, 123, 133, 139, 143. 148, 15s, 157, 164, 186, 29s, 379. Deborah, 213, 219, 224, 371. 524 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Ainsworth, Answorth, Aisworth, Dorcas, 36, 40, 42. Dorothy, 149, 188. Ebenezer, 117. Edward, 14, 19, 27, 28, 32, 40. 49, 61. 71. 93, 117, 125, 131, 137, 141, 14s, 151, 164, 293, 295, 310, 312, 31S, 316. Elijah, 136. Elizabeth, 45, 48, 97, 136, I49, 152, 300, 304, 379- Erepta, 139. Grace, 81, 87. Hannah, 22, 181, 212, 369. Henry, 102. Huldah, 57, 58, 59, 65, 81, 102, 123, 292, 312, 359. Jacob, 181, 182, 188, 489- Joanna, 14, 19, 24, -if], 28, 32, 40, 49. 61, 93, 102, 103, 304, 310, 312. Jonathan, 129, 137, I5i, 3i9, 323- Joseph, 124, 298. Judith, 28. Kezia, 125. 293, 315. Laban, 489. Lemuel, 131. Levi, 155. Lois, 143, 371. Loisia, 391. Luke, 326. Luther, 117, 151, 181, 328. Marah, 326. Marcy, 182, 489. Mary, 44, 87, 102, 114, 123, 133, 139, 143, 148, 155, 157, 164, 186, 293, 29s, 312, 489. Mercy 181, 182. 188. Nathan, 19, 57, 58, 59, 65, 81, 87, 102, 103, 117, 125, 129, 131, 137, 141, 147, 151, 155, 159, 181, 187, 292, 298, 312, 319, 323, 325, 328, 337. Oliver, 212, 369. Parthena, 131, 363. Perley, 149, 181. Phebe, 125, 129, 131, 137, 141, 147, 151, 155, 159, 298, 319, 323, 2>T7. Polly, 164, 369. Rebecca. 124, 298. Sabin, 182. Sarah, 94, 97, 102, 103, ic6, 116, 126, 127, 286, 287, 319. Sarepta, 363. Smith, 93. ( Stephen, 133, 213, 219, 224, 371. Sybil, 94, 117, 125, 131, 137, 141, 14s, 151, 164, 295, 298. Thomas, 14, 188, 212. Ainsworth, Answorth, Aisworth, Walter, 141. Warham, 181. Willard, 127. William, 61, 293, 326, 489. Wyman, 116. Albiston, Roger, 470, 471. Alby, Albee, Arethusa, 419. Caroline E., 462. Eliza, 429. Leonard, 429. Alcock, Esther, 16. Aldrich, Betsey, 419. Francis H., 401. Martha, 471. Naomi, 378. Ralph W., 457. Sophia, 442. Sprague, 419. William C, 442, Allard, Allord, , 161, 249. Abel, 109, 315. Anna, 39, 131, I33, I3S, I57, 161. 165, 166, 292, 298, 489. Asenath, 133. Benjamin, 212, 416. Betsey, 284. Betsey H., 448. Clorinda, 284. Daniel, 53, 131, I33. I35, i57, 161, 166, 298, 489. Dinah, 489. Ebenezer, 87, 130. Eleazer, 78. Fanny, 108, 123, 314. Flavilla, 164. Hannah, 154. Joanna, 30, 39, 40, 53, 78, 331. John, 135. Joseph, 204, 206, 212, 249, 368. Joseph Child, 131, 249. Lucy, 416. Mary, 51, 54, 64, 87, 14S, 324- Matturin, 23, 30, 39, 40, 53, 60, 78, 157, 326. Miriam, 204, 206, 212, 249, 368. Molly, 112. Patience, 130, 147, 150, 164. Persis, 145. Peter, 51, 54, 64, 87, 130, 147, 150, 164. 324- Prudence, 108, 109, 112, 117, 123, 131, 206, 292, 314, 315, 374, 405, 489. Rebecca, 23, 40, 117, 133, 145, 148, 154, 160, 165, 298, 301, 307, 489. Susanna, 147, 454. INDEX OF NAMES '525 Allard, Allord, Uriah, 39, 108, 109, 112, 117, 123. 131, 166, 204, 284, 292, 314, 31S, 355, 489. William, 54, 133, 145, 148, 154, 160, 16s, 301, 489. Winslow, ISO, 368. Zerviah, 368. Allen, Allyn, Allan, AUin, , 92. Abigail, 348. Albert W., 277. Alithea, 92. Amos C, 263. Anna, 320, 360. Anne, 26. Azubah, 133. Betsey, 243, 381. Catharine G., 413. Charles, 274, 277. Charles H., 2y7, 455. Charles Henry, 274. Christopher, 263. Clarissa, 258. Daniel, 11, 133. David. 26, 228, 309, 316, 349, 356. David W., 488. Diantha, 483. Ebenezer, 483. Eliza A., 488. Elizabeth, 67. Esther, 159, 296. Hannah, 11. Harriet, 450. Hollis, 413. James, 452. Jedidah, 293. John, 263. John P., 243. John Partridge, 347, 381. Jonathan, 120, 135, 146, 159, 228, 258, 321, 333, 344, 347, 3S6, 387. Joseph, 228. Juliet, 447. Lutia, 452. Mahala, 2:7"]. Marcia, 403. Martha, 120, 135, 146, 159, 263, 321. 344- Mary, 133, 135, 333, 438. Mary W., 451. Mehitabel, 274. R. W., 450. Rhoda, 92. Ruth, 92. Samuel, 92, 228. Sarah, 295, 300, 455. Silas, 438. Susanna, 228, 258. 387. Allen, Allyn, Allan, AUin, Thomas, 92, 451. Waity, 405. Willard, 243. William, 274, 486, 487. Wilmarth, 258. Zilpah, 331. Alsop, Mary, 19. Thomas, 19. Alton, Allton, Abel, 369. Anna, 84, 308. Anna Ann, 463. Arethusa, 419. David, 82, 285. Emeline, 463. Irene, 369. John, 308, 358. Joseph, 108. Lucy, 395. Mary J., 279, 489. Rebecca, 82, 285. Roswell, 419. Zerviah, 108. Alverson, Alvison. Adeline, M., 441. David M., 441. Ames, Elizabeth, 119. James, 119. Winslow, 119. Amidon, Ammadown, Amadown, Abigail C, 490. Azubah, 121. Ebenezer, 121, 298. Eliza F., 489, 490. Hannah, 427. Hannah A., 490. Hannah D., 490. Jabez, 166. Jerome F., 490. John, 489, 490. John R., 489. Lester, 427, 490. Martha E., 490. Mar3^ 166. Mary Eliza, 490. Olive, 166. Reuben, 166. Rufus, 166. Ruth, 286, 287. Sarah, 121, 298. Urania, 166. Walter, 166. Anderson, Eliza, 469. Mary, 38. Andrews, Betsey, 399. Sally, 392. William, 392. Angell, George, 387, 388. Aplin, Benjamin, 431. 526* WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Aplin, Damaris, 431. Esther, 431. Aply, Betsey, 463. Elias P., 463- William W., 44i- Armour, Almena, 430. Arnold, Albert H., 463, 489. Almaria, 439- Amelia R., 490- Andrew R., 4^- Anna Ann, 463. Betsey, 283, 409- Catharine M., 489- Edward, 439- Elijah, 416. Emily, 431. Esther, 467. George, 261, 275, 382. George E., 489. Hannah Elizabeth, 283. Henry R.. 489- Hopey, 463. ' Huldah, 425. Jabez R., 489- John Allin, 278. Katharine, 489. Lucy Paine, 416. Lutia, 278. Mary, 275, 463. Mary H., 481. Mary M., 275. Mary Malvana, 261. Moses, 278. Olive, 483. Philip, 489- Polly, 253, 261, 382. Rhodes, 253, 283,, 409, 463. Samuel H., 275. Sarah Ann, 441. Sarah E., 490. Sarah S., 490. Susan, 275. Susan E., 458, 489. William, 431, 483, 489. William E., 467. William R., 487, 488, 490. William Rhodes, 253. William W., 463. Arthenton, Dorothy, 299. Solomon, 299. [Ashley], Ashly, Ashlay, Hannah, 288. William, 349. Aspinwall, Aspinwal, Aspenwal, Aspenwall. Abigail, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 27, 5,"' 74- Asa, 69. Elizabeth, 2, 10, 32. Lucy, 87, 489. Aspinwall, Aspinwal, Aspenwal, Aspenwall. Mary, 62, 69, 74, 81, 87, 489. Mehitabel, 6, 23. Nathaniel, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 57, 62, 69, 74, 81, 87, 489. Peter, 2, 12, 48, 53, 61. Rebecca, 48, 53, 61. Zerviah, 53. Atkins, Elisha, 384. Atwell, George B., 403-405, 407- 410, 412, 413, 41S-425, 427- 432. Atwood, George W., 451. Minerva, 451. Austin, Alithea, 206, 220, 221, 231, 375. Almira, 207. Amelia A., 457. Apollos, 207, 375. Augustus, 207. Betsey, 273, 456. Caroline, 439. Caroline Matilda, 265. Cynthia M., 490. Daniel, 457. Delilah, 465. " Dwight, 272,, 445. Eliza, 206. Frederic H. F., 490. Hannah, 207, 259, 308, 375. Henry W., 490 Hiram, 253. Jacob, 197, 265, 355. Joanna, 265. John, 206, 220, 221, 231, 375. John Edward Paul, 221. John Hodges, 220. Joseph, 253, 259. Marian, 231. Maro, 253. Martha, 273. Mary, 253. Mary Ann, 445. Myron, 489. Nathan, 197, 273, 489. Permilla, 416. Phebe, 197. Polly, 253, 259. Prudence, 197, 376. Sally, 253, 273, 489. Sarah, 273. Susan, 459. Averill, Elizabeth A., 469. John E., 469. Avery, Christopher, 376. Cynthia, 480. Isaac, 219, 2>7(>- Nabby, 219, 2>7^. INDEX OF NAMES 527 B. H. -, 82. Babbet, Lucy, 459- Babcock, Badcock, Amos, 417, 419-421, 423-430. Anna, 308. Hannah, loi. John, 137. Lucy, 120. ^ Mary, loi. iio, 120, 137, 291. Nathaniel, loi, no, 120, 137, 291. Backus, Baccus, . 105- Dorothy Church, 368. James, 368. Mary, 105. Mary Esther, 268. 270. Sally, 268. Samuel, 268, 270, 386, 388-394, 397-401, 403-412, 414, 415, 417. Sarah, 270, 386. Sarah Lord, 268, 270. Timothy, 105. Bacon, 96. Abigail, 44, 58, 63, 69. 85, 93, 98, 107, III, 308, 490. Abner, 167. Alvan, 143, 24s, 384. Anna, 30, 52, 53, 55, 63, 66, 69, 1Z, 75, 77, 85, 89, III, 124, 190, 292, 312, 317. Asa, 96. Benjamin, 9, 63, 96, 120, 125, 130, 132, 139, 143, 147, 163, 179, 297, 323. Bethia, 245, 384. Betsey, 208, 232, "^j^yj, 392. Betsey Ann, 283, 491. Betty, 13s, 161, 323. Bridget, 69, 297. Calvin, 144. Chester, 146. Chloe, 208, 342. Cyril, 139, 232. Cyril L., 283, 491. Daniel, 58, 63, 69, 85, 93, 98, 99, 107, III, 139, 14s, 328, 490. Darius, 190, 208, 342, 363, 491. Deley Ann, 468. Denison, 93, 353. Dinah, 27, 30, 32, 35, 40, 55, 190, 293, 389. Dorothy, 92, 287. Ebenezer, 119, 186, 491. Edwin, 283. Elias, 159. Elizabeth,. 4, 21, 25, 139. Enoch, 205. Bacon, Ephraim, 68, 96, 99, 103, 114, 119, 132, 490. Esther, 63, 106, 145, 291, 297, 312. Eunice, 15, 41. 42, 85, 132, 163. Experience, i, 292. Hannah, 12, 25, 42, 75, Harvey, 155, 324. Henry, 3, 25. Jeptha, 406. Joanna, 124, 367. John, 71, 98, 139, 146, 154, 161, 163, 307. Jonathan, 139, 144, 148, 154, 159, 167, 301. Joseph, z-(i, 9, 13, IS, 32, 35, Z7, 41, 42, 47, III. Juley, 205. Kezia, 139, 146. 464. Lament, 491. Leonard, 147. Levi, 490. Lewis Kimball, 22,2. Lowell, 392. Lucretia, 190. Lucy, 406, 421. Lydia, 205. Lydia A., 445. Lyman, 491. Marcy, 323. Margaret, 2>-(>, 9, 13, I5, 21, 35, Mary, 5, 29, 40, 41^ 42, 47, 85, <^, III, 120, 13s, 140, 143, 148, 15s, 179, 24s, 2S&, 296, 301, 323, 324. Mary W., 458. Matilda B., 446. Matturin, 124, 190. Mehitabel, 13, 34. Mercy, 120. Miriam, 120, 125, 130, 139, 143, 147, 179, 297, 323, 368. Molly, 140, 161, 163, 307. Moses, 96, 145. Nabby, 381. Nathaniel, 69, 130. Parker, 85, 135, 140, 143, 148, 155, 301, 306, 323, 324. Patty, 125, 179, 323- Penuel, 32, 92, 287. Phihp, 71. Phineas, 35, 92. Polly, 186, 208, 429, 491. Priscilla, 139, 144, 148, 154, 159, 167, 301. Rachel, 306. Rebecca, i, 3, 12, 23, 30, 32, 35, 37, 41, 47, 77, 290, 312, 332, 303, 379. 528 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Bacon, . Samuel, 32, in, 124, 292, 332, 344. Sarah, 41, 42, 68, 96, 99, I03, 114, 119, 132, 190, 208, 24s, 342, 363, 490, 491- Sarah H., 399. Sarah S., 478. Sarah T., 491. Simeon, 2,7, 106, 132, 163, 291, 312. Simon, 190. Sophia, 208, 409. Sopial, 404. Susan, 472. Susanna, 2,^, 42, 132. Thankful, 303. Thomas, i, 3, 12, 27, 30, 32, 35. 40, 52. 53> 55, 63, 66, 69, 73, 75, 8s, 89, 312, 317, 319, 340. Thompson, 93. Tryphosa, 72- William, 107, i79- William M., 446. Zerviah, 89, 312. Badger, Augusta, 478. Bailey, Baily, Franklin, 420. Ira C, 488. Lillian A., 488. Sarah, 420. Baker, Absalom, 390. Daniel, 160. Dwight, 473- Horatio Gates, 160. Kezia, 390, 481. Lucinda, 473. Polly F., 477. Sarah, 135, 148, 160, 301. Senis, 477. Thomas, 135, 148, 160, 301. Z., 462. Balcom, Charlotte, 4A^- Mendrick, 440. Baldwin, Benjamin, 439. Daniel D., 435. Dolly Child, 204. Hannah, loi, 292. Henry, 217. Jerusha, 435. John D., 434, 436-441, 443- Levi, 217. Lucy, 452. Luther, 204, 217, 218, 232, 233, 369, 433- Mary. 439. Mary Ann, 443. Rebecca, 204, 217, 218, 232, 233, 369. Sally. 218. Susan, 433. Baldwin, Thomas, 232. Zebulon, loi, 292. Ball, John, 451. Rosetta, 451. Ballard, Freelove, 463. Sabin L., 463. Bann, Phebe, 27^. Barber, Azubah, 281. Betsey, 209. Candace, 209, 210, 215, 219, 348. Chester, 209, 254. Hannah, 254. Joseph R., 474. Joseph Russel, 281. Judith H., 474. Larned, 254. Nancy, 219. Paraclete Skinner, 281. Polly, 210^ 391. Sanford, 254. William, 209, 210, 215, 219, 281, 345- Barker, Elizabeth, 109, 286, 287. Francis, 214. Jonas, 214, 215, 231. Judah, 231. Margaret, 214, 211;, 231. Nehemiah. 109, 286, 287. Polly, 214. Silas, 231. Submit, 215, 408. Barlow, Adeline, 478, 491. Almira, 259, 356, 387. Averill, 492. Betsey, 387. Calista Holistine, 491. Caroline, 485, 491. Chloe, 277, 388, 491. Danforth, 491. Daniel Averil, 277. Darius, 259, 277, 353, 356, 387, 388, 491. Dorcas, 270, 279, 491. Elizabeth, 188, 195. Elizabeth A., 478. Elizabeth Almira, 491. Elizabeth M., 400. Elizabeth May, 259, Esther, 479, 491. George Atwell, 491. Henry Aborn, 492. Joanna, 259, 437. Laura, 279, 461. Lucena, 270. Lucinda C, 447. Lucinda Collesta, 270. Lucretia, 463. Marcy A., 466. Mary Ann, 279. Mary E., 492. INDEX OF NAMES 529 Barlow, Merrill, 491. Michael, 188, 195. Otis P., 491. Reuben, 188, 270, 279, 491. Reuben Micah, 270. Sophronia, 259, 450 Walton, 492. Warren Sumner, 277. William, 270. Barnard, Ebenezer, 37, 41. Elizabeth, 2)7, 4i- Rebecca, 37. Barnes, Barns, Allen, 392. Jean, 218, 2>12,- Lydia, 371. Polly, 370. Rachel, 338. Thomas, 218, 338, 342, 373. Barnam, Anna, 371. • - Barrett, Barret, Abigail, 290, 300, 310. Alba F., 493. Amasa, 183. Aima, 360. Benoni, 68, 83, 98, 310. Christiana, 380. Daniel, 78, 333, ZZ7, 35o, 368. Ebenezer, 464. Elizabeth, 83, 98, 170, 183, 307, 359. Emily, 453, 454. Emily A., 493. Ephraim, iii, 311, 360. Esther, 421. Hannah, jj,, 3 10, 340. Isaac Benson, 333. Jeffords, 422. Joseph, 300. Kezia, 464. Lucinda, ZZ7, 368. Lydia, 257, 383, 387, 422. Martha, 95. Mary, 62, 65, 7Z, 78, 85, 88, 95, 103, 311, 326, 342, 490. Mercy, 68, 236. Milton, z^y. Moses, 290, 310. Nancy, 424. Newton, 257, 453, 454. Olive, 236. Oliver, 238, 334, 379. Polly, 236. 238, 379. Priscilla, 85, 100, 236, 311, 365. Rhoda, 170. Sally, 375. Samuel, 65, 493. Sarah, 100, 291. Simon, 257, 383, 387. 34 Barrett, Barret, Smith, 62, 65, Ti, 78, 85, 88, 95, 100, 103, III, 311, 326, 490. Sophronia, 493. Susanna, 395. Thomas, 88, 103, 170, 183, 311, 359. William, 98. Barrows, Abigail, 382. Adis, 462. Joseph, 462. Victoria, 462. Barstow, Bastow, Bestow, Abigail, 285. Deodat, 456. Dorothy, 41, 42. Emma O.. 453, 454. , Sarah, 456, 463. Zedekiah, 414. Bartholomew, 98. Abiel, 171, 327. Abigail, i. Amasa, 261. Asrane, 120. Benjamin, 29, 98, 102-104, m, 115. 120, 288, 317, 343- Betsey, 175, 192, 336. Candace, 154, 157, 158, 181, 192, 303. Caroline, 145. Charles, 171, 261. Chloe, 304. Christian, 145. Clarissa, 192. Elisha, 336, 370. Elizabeth, 2, 8, 9, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, 104, 371. Enos, 58, 59, 68, 75. 85, 90. Gardner, 98, 159, 171, 175, 306, Z'27- Hannah, (£, 68, 314. Hepzibah, 58, 59, 68, 75, 85, 90, 340. Isaac, 6, 8. Jedidiah, 22, 102. Joanna, 181. John, 8, 9, 26, (£, 75, 145, 154, 157, 158, 181, 192, 303, 312, 340. Joseph, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29. Lemuel Dunham, 143, 150, 332. Leonard, in. Lovica, 370. Lucy, 115, 159, 317, 373. Marcy, 143, 150, 359. Martha, 102, 104, in, 115, 120, 288, 317, 351. mzry, 2, A, 90, 154, 299. Mercy, 85, 332. Nancy, 175, 261. 530 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Bartholomew, Rebecca, 8. Salome, 368. Samuel, 19, 261. Sarah, 59, 181, 340. Susanna, 159, 171, I7S, 261, 306. William Nelson, 261. Bartlet, Bartlett, Caroline A., 473. Danford, 473. • Ezra, 371. Lois, 371. Maria, 439- Moses, 299. Nancy, 443. Sarah, 381. Barton, Jacob, 469. Louisa, 469. Mercy, 21. Bashen, Maryann, 446. Basset, Bethia, 38. Bates, David, 360. Issachar, 394. Jacob, 215, 371. Lucinda, 215. Lydia, 215, 371. Mary Ann, 445. Phebe E., 459. Prudence, 360. Rachel Barnes, 215. Roxana, 394. Batton, Ephraim, 474. Matilda, 474. Batty, Hopey, 463. Baylis, Bailies, Baylies, Albert, 477. Frederick, 212, 351. Hannah, 212. Nancy, 477. Polly, 212. Beal, Beals, Charlotte, 440. Sybil, 302. Beckwith, Huldah, 287. Beebe, Hannah, 403. Belcher, Joseph, 10, 508. Belknap, Hannah, 38. John, 35. Joseph, 31, 35, 38, 60. Prudence, 31, 35, 38, 60, Sybil, 60. William, 35. Bell, Charles, 462. Victoria, 462. Bemis, Bemiss, Bemus, Chileab, 27. Danford, 419. Daniel, 27. Lucena, 419. Ruth, 27. Benedict, Margaret, 469. Benedict, Nathan D., 433-435, 437- 440, 442-447- Bennett, Bennit, Alvin, 460. Roxa M., 476. Thomas, 70. Benson, Emeline, 481. Luna W., 481. Bently, Christoplier, 350. Elizabeth, 350. Benton, Andrew, 446. Dolly, 446. Erastus, 448, 462, 463, 464, 466, 468. Bettis, Bettys, Ebenezer, 44, 48, 53. Lurana, 44, 48, 53. Mary, 29. Priscilla, 53. [Bevins], Bivens, Beben, Ebenezer, 53, 56, 63, 67. Hannah, 63. Susanna, 53, 56, 63, 67. Timothy, 56. Bickford, Bigford, Joseph, 451, 455. Mai-y, 448. Phebe C, 451. Sarah C, 455. Bicknall, Bicknal, Bicknee, Abigail, 181. Alfred, 181. Baxter. 205. Dorintha, 121. Hannah, 121, 127, 135, 181, 297. Japhet, 121, 127, 135, 181, 297. Nathan, 181. Perlen, 135. Polly, 191, 198, 205, 363. Sally, 198. Walter, 127, 191, 198, 205, 354, 363. Willard, 191. Bigelow, Jesse W., 472. Joanna, 472. Billings, Abigail A., 449. Bishop, Adelia, 249. Amasa Lyon, 216, 249. Amelia, 492. Ann M., 493. Anna, 47, 49, 55, 86, 102, 106, 490. Asa, 65, 70, 89, 143, 146, 151, 159, 303, 490. Bille, 54. David, 2, 47, 49, 55, 86, 102, 104, 106, 293, 316, 490. Ebenezer, 62, 65, 70, 216, 218, 249, 373, 493. Elisha, 218, 249. Fanny, 385. INDEX OF NAMES 531 Bishop, Hannah, 104, 293, 297, 316. Hezekiah. 249, 444, 493- John, 45, 46, SO, 54, 6S, 70, 75, 77,. 79, 87, 89, 103, 146, 490. Katharine, 70. Lydia, 62, 65, 70. Maria, 440, 492. Martha, 493. Martha D., 444. Marsilva, 102, 311. Mary, 45, 46, 50, 54, 58, 65, 70, 75, 79. 87, 151, 490. Nathan, 55. Persis, 86, 311. Rebecca, 2. Sally, 216, 218, 249, Z72,- Sarah L., 493. Susanna Bacon, 143. Sybil, 77, 79, 87, 89, 103, 308, 490. Tabitha S., 435- Tabitha Strong, 249. Temperance, 297. Thankful, 143, 146, 151, I59, 303, 490. Thomas, 106, 435. Warren, 440, 492. William, 65. Bixby, Bixbey, Bigsby, Anna, 205, 216, 2>^- Jonathan, 346. Kezia, 346. Walter, 205. Willard, 205, 216, 366. Blackman, , 332. Joseph, 370. Polly, 370. Blackmar, Blackmore, Blackman, Abel, 153. Adonijah, 153, 192, 193. Anne, 153. Diadema, 192. Dorcas, 175. Edmond A., 481. Hannah, 153, 424. Henry, 153. Jane, 164, 373- Joseph, 153. ^ Keziah, 481. Leonard, 193. Levi, 153, 212. Levina, 153, 217. , Lucy, 230, 493. Lucretia, 192. Lydia, 153, 157, 164, 175, 192, 195, 203, 217. Lyllis, 153, 192, I93- Martha, 153, 230. Martin, 153. Mary, 217, 294. Blackmar, Blackmore, Blackman, Nathan H., 493. Noah, 153, 212, 230. Phila, 153. Polly, 217. Rachel, 175. Rhoda, 157. Richard, 153, 217. Ruth, 192, 203. Samuel, 230. Sarah, 153, 192. Savilla, 212, 230. Stephen, 153, 157, 164, 175, 192, 195, 203, 217. Susanna, 192. Thomas L., 493. Blackstone, Ann P., 455. Blair, Sarah C. 451. Blake, Abigail, 301. Elizabeth, 11. John, II. Nathaniel, 301. Blanchard, Blancher, Alpheus, 370. Anna, 385. John, 352, 369. Kezia, 352. Lucy, 415- Marcena, 386. Sally, 369, 370, 380. Bliss, Hannah, 454. Harry, 454. Isabel, 408. Levi A., 483. Lydia, 483. Obadiah, 408. Samuel, 481. Sarah, 67. Sylvia, 481. Thornas, 348. Blood, Joseph, 468. Bloss, Phebe, 364. Reuben, 364. Blye, Mary, 58. Oliver, 58. Boardman, Bordman, John, 122. Patience, 103, 122. Walter, 103, 122. Bolles, Bolls, Abiel, 174, 187 Adeline, 421. Adolphus, 161, 187. Alanson, 247, 250, 262, 266, 271, 279, 384, 491. Albert Judson, 262. Qarissa, 187, 336. Darius Ainsworth, 279. David, 465. Emeline, 250. 532 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Bolles, Bolls, George, 187. Hannah, 187. Jabez Fox, 271. Jesse, 161, 174, 187. 194. 335, 336, 361. Lucina, 465. Lucy Adeline. 247. Marcus, 187, 335- Mary C, 439- Mary Caroline, 266. ' Matilda, 376. Nancy, 247, 250, 262, 266, 271, 279, 384, 491- Nancy E., 457. 49i- Sarah, 161, 174, i87, I94, 335. 336, 361. Sarepta E., 471. 491- Bolton, Boulton, Caroline, 481. Daniel, 370, 37i, 374, 375, 370, ZTl, 378, 380. Deborah, 371. George, 468. Marcia, 468. Bond, Lucy, 308. Bonney, Isaac, 415- Bosworth, Bozworth, Borsworth, Betsey, 198. Caroline, 492. Charles C, 492. Diana, 44. Edward, 309. Elizabeth, 309 Eunice, 151. Ivory, i^. John, 151. Mary A., 438. Nancy, 424, 492. Polly, 198. Sanford, 438. Sarah, 466. Sarah E., 492 Sarah Ann E.. 492. Stillman, 492. Stillman W., 424. 492. Whitman Worthington, 492. Bottom, Bottum, Betsey, 201, 211. Daniel, 201, 211. Harry, 211, 403. Jedd, 201, 211. John, 211. Lucy, 403. Bourn, Almeda, 279. Almon Orvill, 279. Bayles, 279. Bebee Wilmarth, 279. Harriet, 279. Mary D., 279. Nancy, 279. Bourn, Nancy Dean, 279. Stephen, 279. Boutelle, Thomas, 444-446, 448- 454, 456-458, 460, 462, 464, 466, 467, 469, 470, 472-474, 474, 479-481, 492. William Sheapard, 492. Bowen, , 71, 344- Aaron, 132, 320. Abigail, 2, 65, 209, 295. Amanda E., 480. Amelia A., 457- Amelia Allen, 274, 277, 280. Anna, 204. Anne Smith, 364. Annette L, 477. Benjamin, 72. Clarissa S., 465. Danforth, no. Daniel, 98, 171, 351, 441. Dijah, 171. Dinah, 132, 139, 144, 3.00, 320, 490. Dorothy, 91, 95, 98, 105, 107, 109, 126, 286, 287, 317. Edward Eaton, 256. Eiisha, 109, 171. Elizabeth, 54, 490. Frances, 62, 64, 72, 85, 90. Francis, 78. George, 192, 256, 261, 265, 274, 277, 280, 386, 455. Griffith, 105, 316 325. H., 82, 287. Hannah, 35, 43, 70, 90, 91, 130, 147, 198, 301, 370. Harriet E., 475. Henry, 26, 27, 30, 31, 35, 217, 43, 56, 64, 70, yd, 78, 82, 95, 130, 144, 158, 171, 177, 198, 209, 215, 285, 290-293, 299, 316. Henry Chandler, 265. Ira, 204. Isaac, 2,7, 54, 61, 65, 71, yd, 144, 296, 364. Jabez L., 452. Jerusha, 54, 61, 65, 71, yd, I43- John, 78, 132, 139. 144. 209, 300, 320, 475, 490. Levi, 204, 209. Louisa R., 452. Lucretia, 132. Lucy. 139. Lydia, 144, 158, 171, I77, 198, 209, 215, 256, 261, 265, 274, 280. Lydia W., 277, 386. Margaret, 26, 27, 31, 35, 37, 43, 56, 70, yd, 78, 100, 304. INDEX OF NAMES 533 Bowen, Maria, 261, 439. Mary, 100, 105, 107, no, 122, 130, I39> I47> 208, 290, 291, 296, 299, 316, 325, 354, 363- Mary Ann, 441. Mary S., 452. Matthew, 31, 100, 105, 107, no, 122, 139, 147, 200, 290, 291, 316, 32s, 348. Mehitabel, 126, 132, 143, 148, 298. Nancy, 204, 209. Nathaniel Huntington, 148. Penuel, 62, 64, 72 78, 85, 90, 316. Polly, 192, 196, 200, 365. Prudence, 144. Prentice, 61, 76. Priscilla, 107. ^ Samuel, 215. , ---- Sarah, 132. Silas, 27, 91, 95, 98, 105, 107, 109, 126, 132, 143, 148, 158, 286, 287, 298, 312, 317. Simeon Wight, 209. Tanner P., 452. William, 122, 192, 196, 200, 208, 365, 392, 393, 396, 404, 407, 417-419, 422. BowerSj , 104, 105. Emeline, 413. Ephraim, 307. Huldah, 406. John, 104, 413. Martha, 307. Mary, 418. Rebecca, 104. Bowman, Sarah, 306. Boyden, Elnathan, 136. John, 136, 439, 444, 445. Mary, 136. Sally, 474. Boylestone, Elizabeth, 305. Brackett, Bracket, Brackit, Harriet P., 486. Jared. 416, 492. Laban B., 406. Melinda, 406. Miriam, 304. Olive, 387. Orville, 486. Orville G., 492. Permelia, 416, 492. William Slater, 492. Zerviah, 386. Bradbury, Elizabeth, 32. James, 32. Jemima, 31. Bradford, Benjamin, 426, 491, 492. Betsey, 368. Byron, 492. Bradford, Carpenter, 206, 218, 225, 240, 356, 372. Cordelia, 458. George, 225, 338, 432, 492. Hannah, 378. Hannah H., 492. Lydia A.. 455. Mary, 218. Mary Ann., 437. Mary Maria, 492. Matilda, 372. Milton, 240, 455. Phebe, 432. Phebe E., 492. Polly, 378, 403. Rebecca, 206, 218, 225, 240, 372, 492. Sally, 492. Samuel, 341, 458, 491. Sarah, 426, 491, 492. Sarah L., 492. Stephen Marcy, 206, 403. Bradin, William, 339. Bradley, Abraham, 478. Bradway, Ama, 373. Eleazer, 365. Rachel, 365. Ruth, 375. Sarah, 466. Susanna, 390. Thomas, 342. William, 466. Bragg, Abigail, 37. Elizabeth, 292. Braman, Amanda Y., 470. Amelia, 413. Polly F., 477. Branch, Algeline, 263. Almira, 263. Amanda, 263. N., 438. Nicholas, 263, 387, 388, 390, 482. Sally, 263. Bray, Thomas Wells, 84. Breese, Elizabeth Ann, 190, 363. Rebecca, 190, 363. Samuel, 190, 363. Breinal (?), Mehitabel, 60. Brewster, Albert, 471. Mary, 471. Briggs, Brigs, Betsey, 239. Chandler Robbins, 239, 492. Charles H., 466. Charles K., 444. Chloe, 492. Chloe E., 492. Christopher, 445. Earl C, 434- Ezra, 492. 534 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Briggs, Brigs, Henry Chandler, 492. Jeremiah, 239. Jeremiah H. C, 428, 492. Loiza, 492. Louisa M., 428. Lucy, 466. Mary, 393- Mary Parker, 239. Nancy A., 445. Nancy Maria, 434. Nathaniel, 239. Pamelia, 239, 399. Samantha, 444. Sarah M., 492. Susan, 492. Zebedee Clapp, 239. Brock, — — ■ — , 103. Abigail, 431. Anna, 490. Daniel, 490. David, 33, 106, 100, III, 112, 123, 124, 132, 137, 143, 288, 289, 314. 322, 353- David Southwick, 322. Eunice, 322, 490. Issachar, 124. Isaac Southwick, 112, 322. James, 90. Jemima, 100, 314. John, 29, 31, 33, 81, 90, 93, 103. 106. Ill, 285, 318. Levina, 100, 303. Lucretia, 314. Marcy, 29, 33, 77, 78, 100, 112, 123, 124, 132, 137, 143, 288, 322. Mary, 31, 90, 314. Mercy, 137, 289. Sarah, 81, 90, 93, 103, 106, iii, 28s, 304- Winthrop, 132, 322. Brockway, Thomas, 350. Brooks, Ebenezer, 22. Eunice, 366. John, 23. Maria, 480. Phebe, 23. Samuel, 366. Sarah, 22. Broughton, Abigail, 202, 203, 337, 369. Abijah, 97, 141, 143, 140. Amos, 81. 87, 90, 96, 97, 102, 109, 202, 203, 292, 337, 369. Anna, 203. Dolly, 202. Ebenezer, 202, 337. Harviland, 202, 337. Isaac, 203, 337. Broughton, Jerusha, 141, 143, 146. John, 87. Lydia, 202. Mary, 81, 87, 90, 96, 97, 102, 109, 292. Molly, 143. Naomi, 202. Nathan, 109. 202. Phebe, 203. Polly, 202, 337. William, 102. Brown, , 97, 295. Abiel, 314. Abigail, 46. Albert, 473- Ambrose, 460. Andrew, 126, 163. 194, 202, 208, 30s, 337. Anna, 370. Anne, 126. Annis M., 461. Asa, 197. Azor, 174. Celia, 473- Charity P., 262. Charles Hathaway, 493. Charlotte, 255. Chloe, 493. Colton, 291. Cordelia, 458. Dolly, 451. Edwin C, 472-475, 477-479- Edwin Fayette, 232. Eliza C, 437- Eunice R., 464. Ezekiel, 232, 255. Hannah, 126, 232, 255, Hannah L., 444. Harriet, 493. Harriet Louisa, 493. Henry A., 493. Henry Newton, 493. Henry W., 493. Hiram N., 493. Huldah, 406. James Sullivan, 255. Joanna, 446. Joshua, 29. Liberty, 406. Lillian A., 488. Loren, 194, 251. Lucinda, 448. Lydia, 460, 475. Mary, 29, 163. Mary P.. 445- Mary Peniman, 251. Nathan, 197, 201, 204, 339, 368, 456. Nathaniel, 370. Philanda Jane, 464. INDEX OF NAMES 535 Brown, Polly, 197, 201, 204, 339, Buckman, Backman, 368, Z72,- Nabby, 179, 386. Prudence, 360. Pamelina, 425. Rachel, 12. Penelia, 426. Rebecca, 201, 339. Stephen, 160, 164, 179, 182, 184, Rhoda, 251. 193. 214, 30s. Roxa A., 472. Thomas, 160. Ruth, 163, 194, 202, 208, 30s, Buckminster, Mehitabel, 287. 227, 456, 484- Thomas, 287. Salam, 262. Bugbee, Bugbe, Samuel Miller, 204. Abby Elizabeth, 493. Silas L., 464. Abel, 490. Sukey, 194, 337, 385. Abiah, 6, 7. ., / Sylvia A., 468. Abiel, 4, II, 15, 83, 91, 134. 190, Thomas, 12. 308. "William H., 444. Abigail, 2, 56, 82, 83, 89, 92 , 96, Zenas Windsor, 232. IOC, 126, 183, 318. Browning-, Clarinda, 246. Abijah, 81, 202, 324. \ Hannah, 396. Abner, 56. Jane Alice, 246. Alice, 119, 220, 376. John W., 246. Alithea, 34, 83. John Wilkinson, 385. Almira, 219. Lois Ann, 246. Alpheus, 140, 203, 368. Lucy, 246. Alvan, 460. Lucy Wills, 38s. Alvan Bacon, 245. Bruce, Charles, 493. Amasa, 87. Eli, 170, 188, 493. Ann, 299. Huldah, 449. Anna, 16, 59, 71, 86, 120, ISS. Samuel, 493. 26s, 297, 318. Sarah, 170, 188, 493. Anne, 37. Winsor, 449. Asa, 2421, 247, 2158,. 280, 3S8, Zelotes, 188. 383, 460, 491, 493. Brumley, Bromley, Bramley, Bathsheba, 85, 150, 162, 166, 167. Henry, 465-471. 185, 188, 193, 201. 210, 304, Bryant, Briant, 311, 490, 493. Emilia, 207. Benajah, 238, 240, 245, 251, 261, John, 207. 26s, 277, 284, 381, 386. Sarah, 207. 307. Benjamin, 6, 31, 34, 40. 44 , 49, William, 207, 370. 54, 60, 69, 74, 83, 85, 8g ■, 92, Buck, Abigail, 188, 361, 493. - 96, 100, 126, 130, 133, 141, Amasa, 179, 182, 328. 152, 15s, 176, 292, 308, 311, Augustus H., 487. 318, 490, 491. Chloe, 487. Bethia, 4, 14, 16, 19, 24, 27 , 28, Cyril, 493. 32,, 29, 46. Eunice, 328. Betsey, 187, 201, 219, 251, 265, Silas, 179. 277, 284, 272, 376, 386, 400, Sybil, 179, 182, 328. 493- Tamar, 365. Betty, 107, 120, 128, 132, 179, 297, Thomas, 188, 361, 493. 361. Buckinham, Betsey, 403. Caleb, 89, 90, 140, 148, 155, 160, Buckman, Backman, 177, 179, 183, 202, 210, 26s, Abel, 164. 302. Abigail, 160, 164, 179, 182, 184, Calvin, 156, 219, 325, 2>72, 493- 103. 214, 305. Caroline A., 477, 491. Anna Child, 182 Caroline R., 439. Adotia, 449. Catharine, 33, 36. Almira, 420. Charity. 46, 174. Dosha, 193. Chester, 491. Eliza, 429. Clarina, 128. Lucretia, 214, 443. Clarissa, 238, 416. 536 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Bugbee, Bugbe, Cyril, 136, 226, 367. Damaris, 69, 294. Danforth, 203. Daniel, 50, 54, nS, 120, 121, 127, 128, 134, 136, 137, I4i> 144, ISO, 1 55, 156, 161, 294, 297, 298, 318, 3i9> 322, 325. 348, 353> 357, 365, 490. Darius, 39, io4, no, 310. David, 96, 150, 155, 304- Dean, 195. Dinah, 87. Dolly, 367. Dorothy, 2, 8, 11. 14, 10, 19, 20, 23, 26, 57, 77, 83, 127, 361. Ebenezer, 11. Edward, 15, 'i'2; 33, 36, 55, 349- Edwards, 251. Edward Barlow, 280. Edwin S., 491 • Eleanor, 27. Eli, 265. Elijah, 98, 158, 161, 183, 189, 190, 270, 329, 374- Elizabeth, 31, 34, 37, 40, 44, 49, 54, 60, 69, 74, 82, 83, 85, 95, 99, 119, 126, 134, 155, 260, 277, 286, 287, 291, 292, 295, 308, 321, 343, 354, 365, 592. Ellen M., 484. Elmore, 284. Emily, 242, 453, 454- Esther, 63, 105, Ii5, 121, 127, 136, 144, 150. IS6> 179, 219, 268, 270, 294, 319, 322, 32s, 395, 490. Eunice, 55, 58, 60, 68, 74, 81, 164, 300, 309- Experience, 26, 50, 53, 55, 59, 67, 69, 71, 81, 86, 91, 96, 108, 490. Francis, 284, Frederick, 220, 376. George, 247, 261, 493- Hannah. 43, 56, 62, 74, 7(>, 87, 109, 150, 155, 157, 160, 162, 164, 179, 190, 290, 294, 300, 304, 349, 367, 376, 380, 398. Henry, 126, 193. 321. Henry Keith, 276. Hezekiah, 91, 150, 162, 166, 167, 185, 188, 193, 201, 210, 275, 276, 304, 358, 493- Huldah, 292, 296. Ira, 206, 208, 342. Irene, 152. Isaiah, 43, 292, 348. James, 20, 62, 74, ^(i, 87, 91, 95, 98, 100, 107, 109, 115, 119, Bugbee, Bugbe, 130, 185, 260, 286, 299, 339, 356, 490. Jason, 211. Jedidiah, 81, 89, 147, 151, 164, 165, 176, 203, 304. Jemima, Z2>„ 158, 183, 190, 287. ' Jesse, 16, 50, S3, 55, 59, 67, 69, 71, 81, 86, 91, 96, 108, 490. Joanna, 140, 148, 155, 160, 177, 183, 202, 210, 226, 302, 308. Joanna Hunt, 151. John, 2, 4, 6, 7, II, 15, 37, 82, 83, 292, 308, 309, 312. John A., 438. John Corbin, 265. Jonathan, 14, 16, 19, 24, 27, 33, 39, 46, 55, 58, 60, 68, 74, 81, 95, 99, 103, 157, 161, 164, 169, 174, 186, 195, 206, 208, 286, 287, 307, 309, 314, 329, 342. 375, 491. Joseph, 6, 9, 10, II, 12, 19, 39, 57, 74, 130, 141, 183. Josiah, 13-15, 17. Juliet, 493. Katherine, 32, 55, 56. Lathrop, 226. Leonard, 189. Leveret, 156. Lois, 69. Lorra, 220. Lucinda, 169, 203. Lucy, 55, 155, 161, i93, 369, 387- Lusena, 126. Luther D., 275. Lydia, 115, 154, 365. Lyman, iio. Marcy, 490. Maria, 467, 492. Marian, 190. Marsilvia, 193, 203, 365. Mary, 15, 28, 29, 44, 48, 56, 60, 91, 95, 98, 100, 104, 107, 109, no, 115, 161, 164, 169, 174, 186, 195, 206, 208, 286, 307, 342, 361, 362, 375, 491. Mary A., 438. Mary Ann, 265, 475. Mary Chamberlin, 150. Mehitabel, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 2)(>, 42, ISO. Mehitabel Ann, 270. Mercy, 460. Minerva, 493. Miriam. 141. Molly, 191, 126, 130, 306, 307. Moses, 193, 203, 365. Nabby, 238, 240, 245, 261, 381. Nabby Bacon, 189. INDEX OF NAMES 537 Bugbee, Bugbe, Nancy, 155, 156, 169, 179, 202, 219, 308, 384, 491, 492. Nathan, 208. Nathaniel, 100, 165, 490. Nehemiah, 24, 104, 290, 310, 325. Olive, 203. Oliver, 144, 203, 348, 369. Parker, 150. Patty, 164, 2)^7, 490. Persis, 120, 360. Phebe, 187, 190, 193, 219, 229, 361. Polly, 167, 210, 367, 410, 422. Priscilla, 126. Prudence, 99, 305. Rachel, 92, 151, 152, 156, 161, 174, 182, 202, 211, 298, 304, 397- Rebecca, 8, Z'2; 155. Reuben, 155, 324. Rhoda, 270, 374. Rufus, 98, 151, 152, 156, 161, 174, 182, 202, 211, 304. S. W., 492. Sabra, 353, 365. Sally, 147, 370, 372, 390, 492. Samuel, 2, 8, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 28, 29, 35, 37, 43, SO, 57, 60, 62>, ^2, ^z, 87, 89, 90, 98, 103, 134, 319, 2>Zl. Sanford, 240. Sarah, 13, 14, 15, 17, 2>7, 128, 130, 133, 134, 137, 141, 147, 151, 155, 161, 164, i6s, 176, 189, 203, 286, 287, 298, 304, 329, 460, 490. Sarah C., 356. Sarah Elizabeth, 260. Sarah H., 473. Sarah Holmes, 258. Sarepta, 186, 228, -^^z, 49i. Silena M., 358. Silence, 275. Silence M., 276. Simeon, 208. Sophia, 265, 490. Stephen, 169, 179, 268, 270, 308, 390, 395. Stephen Williams, 251, 467. Susan, 438. Susanna, 11, 35, ■7,7, 43, 45, 48, SO, ^2,, 72, 83, 87, 89, 90, 98, 103, 126, 130, 133, 141, 152, ISS, 292, 297, 318, ZZT, 344, 490, 491- Sybil, 60, 293. Sylvester, 126. Sylvia, 368. Tamzen, 68. Bugbee, Bugbe, Temperance, 166, 378. Theodora, 242, 247, 258, 280, 3S8, 383. Thomas, 49, 119, 126, 134, 155, 187, 190, 193, 219, 229, 295, 321, 345, 354, 361. Thomas JefiFerson, 229. Thomas Laws on, 268. Timothy, 36, s6, 100. Walter, 128. Willard, 132, 186, 228, 363, 491. William, 60, 120, 128, 132, 297, . 439- William Ainsworth, 228. Wyman, 208. Zebulon, 203. Zerah, 270. Zerviah, 19, 52. Zilpah, 96. Bundy, Bunday, Asa S., 412. Ebenezer, 197. Emily, 412. Ithiel, 197. Lucretia, 418. Martha, 369. Prosper W., 418. Sally, 197. Burch, Elizabeth, 21. Robert, 21. Burdick, Frances E. L., 482. Nancy, 4s8. Burdon, Nancy A., 445. Surges, Burgess, Albert, 477. Mary Ann, 477. I- J., 473. Burley, Burleigh, Betsey M., 461. Cornelia M., 472. John A., 472. Lucian, 461. Mary, 440. Matilda, 374. William P., 440. Burlingame, Samantha, 444. Stephen, 390. Susanna, 390. Burnal, Amos, 179. Amos Allard, 127. Mary, 127. Samuel, 127, 179, 307. Sarah, 179. Sophia, 179, 307. William, 127. Burnham, Burnam, Lucy, 379. Sybil, 343. Burt, Birt, Elizabeth F., 462. 538 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Burt, Birt, Enoch, 364. George Washington, 230, 248. James Gordon, 248. John, 301. Lloyd Bowers, 230, 248, 378. Lydia, 230, 248, 378. Sarah Ann, 248. Thankful, 364. Bushnell, James M., 493. Leonard, 493. Mary, 493. Buss, Rosetta, 451. Cady, Benjamin, 131. Chloe, 126, 131, 135, 142, 299, 323. Elizabeth, 22. Emery, 460. Haviland, 135. Joseph, 22. Luther, 126, 131, I3S, 142, 299, 222,. Rhoda, 295. Sabra, 306. Salmon, 142. Sarah, 126, 295, 323. Sophia, 460. Calkins, Caulkins, Martha, 476. Sarah, 484. Call, Elizabeth, 122. Hannah, 113. James, 113, 291. John, 117, 122, 128, 296. John Mastes, 113. Lucy, 117, 122, 128, 296. Nathan, 297. Sarah, 291. Stephen, 128. Susanna, 297. Camp, Abijah, 87. " Charles, 182, 334. Eleanor, &2>, 87,. 195- Esther, 182, 195, 334, 360. John, 83, '87, 368. - Matilda, 182. Simeon, 182, 195, 334, 360. Campbell, Sarah, 469. Capren, Benjamin, 293. Mary, 293. Carey, Abigail, 374. Benajah, 351. Carpenter, Carpender, Carpinter, Abby, 457. Abial, 496. Abigail, 44, 46, 49, So, 54, 82, 88, 91, 94, 96, 103, III, 118, 124, 131, 183, 221, 224, 255, 285, 313, 361, 496. Albert M., 497. Alford, 392. Carpenter, Carpender, Carpinter, Alice, 200, 2>Z^. Amasa, 88, 146, 150, 154, 157, 165, 224, 302, 325, 497. Amasa T., 497. Amos, 35. Anna, 4, 22, 23. Asa, 196. Bemsley, 81, 145, 160, 325. Benjamin, 27. Betsey, 2>77, 392, 429, Chester, 351. Chloe, 475. Cynthia, 146, 150, 154, iS7, 291, 302. Cyril, 118, 124, 146, 221, 224, 239, 255, 374- Daniel, 54, 263, 267. David, 263, 399. Davis, 165, 166, 177, 181, 182, 186, 196, 200, 210, 211, 217, .307, 336, 345, 496. Deliverance, 31. Dorcas, 16, 40, 42, 92. Dorothy, 2, 30, 86, 328. Ebenezer, 89. Edward R., 497. Electa, 408. Elias, 117, 496. Elijah, 83, 262, 266, 299, 300. Eliphalet, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 25, 30, 35, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, SO, 54, 59, 64, 72, 83, 89, 92, 96, 98, 104, 128. Eliza Ann, 267. Elizabeth, 66, 67, 70, 72, 81, 102, 165, 295, 327. Ellen, 485. Ephraim, 59, 117, 123, 128, 133, 142, 145, 148, 155, 161, i6s, 180, 300, 325, 331. Eunice, 86. Ezra Child, 497. Freelove, z^. Gideon, 32. Hannah, 19, 21, 98, 104, 177, 299, 300. Harriet, 399. Harvey, 155. Henry, 38. Huldah, 286. Irene, 131, 262. Jason, 429, 499. Jesse, 18, 20, 21, 2:^, 25, 27, 31, 35, 38, 44, 82, 88, 91, 94, 103, III, 118, 124, 131, 183, 285, 313, 496. Joanna, 91, 303. Joel, 105. John, 3, 4, 9, 19, 66, 67, 70, 81, 102, 104, 294. INDEX OF NAMES 539 Carpenter, Carpender, Carpinter, Jonathan M., 485. Jonathan May, 255. Joseph, 19, 102, 142, 165, 211, 30s, 331, 339, 353- Lucia, 423. Lucian Carpenter, 263. Lucy, 211, 221, 408. Luetta La Rue, 266. Margaret, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 38, 44. Martha, 35, 160, 165, 211, 288, 339. Mary, 10, 28, 40, 42, 46, 49, 59, 64, y2., 83, 89, 92, 96, 98, 104, 294, 496, 497- Mary E., 497. • Miriam, 165, 166, i77, 181, 182, 186, 196, 200, 210, 211, 217, 307, 336, 345- Nabby, 239, 374. Nancy, 150, 211, 374, 417. Nathan, 29, 32, 36, 46. Nellie, 325. Olive, 25, 263, 267. Patience, 29, 32, 36. Patty, 305- Phebe, 262, 266, 361. Phebe Maria, 262, Polly, 161, 186, 380. .Priscilla, 2, 118, 154, 313, 373. Prudence, 420. Prudence May, 239. Rebecca, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 25, 30, 32, 35, 44, 64, 105, 331. Ruth, 166. Sally, 210. Salona, 499. Samuel, 19, 21. Sarah, 25, 67. Stephen, 496. Sullivan, 180. Susan, 497. Susan P., 497. Sylvester, 182. Sylvia L., 456. Tabitha, 117, 123, 128, 133, 142, 145, 148, 155, 161, 165, 180, 300, 325. Walter, 181. Willard, 133. William, 49, 104, 263, 417. Carrol, Carroll, Carrel, Carryl, Abiel Leonard, 174. Amasa, 174, 229, 255, 382. Amos, 192, 254, 261, 277. Amos A., 468, 498. Amos Anthony, 277. Anthony Wane, 210. Augustus, 174. Carrol, Carroll, Carrel, Carryl, Augustus Darwin, 229. Betsey, 174. Betsey Hovey, 351. Carlo Chandler, 299. Emma A., 468, 498. Ephraim, 174, 177, 192, 193, 197, 210, 351, 352, 353, 361. Eunice, 229, 255, 383, 400. George Augustus, 498. Lucy, 174, 177, 192, 193, 197, 210, 361. Mary, 468. Mary Eliza, 277. Polly, 254, 261, 277. Schuyler, 197, 352. Schuyler L., 468. Schuyler Lyon, 254. William Danforth, 261. Carter, Caroline, 434. ' Ezra Davis, 202. John, 45, 48. Mary F., 453. * Methitabel, 202. Stephen, 202. Susanna, 45, 48. Case, Marcia, 428. Seneca, 428. Casey, Prudence, 462. Caverno, Elizabeth A., 469. Chaffee, Chafee, Chaffe, Chaff, , 108. Abiel, 118, 235, 345. Abigail, 52, 53, 54, 60, 61, 227, 230, 232, 300, 30s, 379. Alfred, 129, 477. Alice, 237. Almira, 458, 477. Amos, 86. Anna, 65, 104, 106, 108, iii, 292, 313, 368. Anne, 125. Annice Corbin, 145. Asa, 52, 103, 109, 248. Azotus, 152. Azubah, 173, 183, 237, 345, 360, 361. Benjamin, 49, 293. Beriah, 61, d^^ 81, 91, 93, 104, 163, 378. Betty, 102, 144, 210-278, 292, 344. Caleb, 117, 235, 378. Calvin, 210. Candace, 132, 144. Caroline Augusta, 278. Celinda, 138. Charles, 123, 134, 196, 227. Chloe, 116, 162, 210. Christopher, 314. Clarina, 196, 366. Comfort, 65, 313. 540 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Chaffee, Chafee, Chaffe, Chaff, Cyril, 278. Cyril Schuyler, 278. Cyrus, 119. Danforth, 204. . Daniel, 71, Ti. Darius, 86, 91. David, 129, 155, 227, 230, 232, 379- Dorcas, 68, 74, 85, 92, 99, 309, 341- Dorothy, 81, 302. Ebenezer, 40, 42, 44, 50, 55, 69, 78, 86, 92, III, 114, 122, 213, 288, 310, 313, 317, 328, 330. Eliza, 237, 402. Elizabeth, 49, 52, 54, 60, 61, 71, Ti, 79, 86, 122, 289, 317. Elsie, 206. Emily, 426. Ephr^im, 104, 106, 108, 313, 292. Esther, 52, 91. Ezra, 78, 129, 134, 144, 237, 299- George, 210. Hannah, 44, 49> 52, 57, 60, 65, 71, 77, 78, 86, 88, 102, 278, 293, 390. Hannah Maria, 278. Henry, 92. Hiram Walker, 278. Isaac, 122, 139. Isaiah, 102, 292. James, 61, 63, 81, 91, 93, "8, 123, 129, 162, 295, 307. Jason, 204. Jemima, 74, 114, 248, 300. Jerusha, 129, 134, 144, 299. Joel, 49, 52, 60, 61, 71, 7Z, 79, 86, 88, 309. John, 40, 42, 48, 52, 54, 59, 65, 86, III, 317, 339. Jonathan, 57, 60, 71. Jonathan Cady, 112. Joseph, 44, 49, 52, 57, 60, 65, 71, 77, 78, 86, 88, 91, 196, 366. Josiah, 112, 116, 119, 125, 132, 139, 144, 148, 155, 162, 248, 295, 344- Josiah Allard, 144. Josiah W., 248. Josiah Willard, 248. Leonard, 426. Lucinda, 213, 393. Lucy, 79, 129, 176, 248, 296, 382. Lydia, 144, 230. Mabel, 149. Marcy, 153. Martha Howlett, 162. Martin, 206. Chaffee, Chafee, Chaffe, Chaff, Mary, 40, 42, 44, 50, 55, 69, 78, 86, 92, 109, 161, 288, 292, 310, 313, 368. Mehitabel, 40, 42, 48, 52, 59, 65, 86, III, 138, 142, 149, 152, 302, 330, 345. Miranda, 194. Molly, 107, 144. Nancy, 206, 210, 248. Naomi, 235, 378. Nathan, 6^. Noah, 206. Olive, 92, III, Pamelia, 142. ' Parker, 153. Patience, 206, 383. Rebecca, 55, 206, 293. Rhoda, 99, 118, 123, 129, 145, 248, 295, 458, 476. Ruth, 86, 248, 369. Sally, 162. Sally A., 403. Samuel, 44, 92, 96, 106, 107, 114, 117, 122, 130, 139, 153, 161, 163, 173, 176, 183, 194, 204, 213, 237, 278, 28s, 307, 317, 324, 345, 360, 361, 458. Sarah, 54, 91, iii, 112, 116, 119, 122, 125, 132, 139, 144, 148, 155, 162, 163, 173, 183, 206, 289, 295, 30s, 307, 328, 330. Sarah Cady, 139, 144, 232, 378. Simeon, 59. Stephen, 248, 344, 369, Susanna, 92, 96, 106, 107, 117, 122, 130, 139, 206, 285, 324. Tabitha, 69, 300, 307, 334- Thede, 130. Thomas, 68, 74, 85, 92, 99, 106; 309, 312. Tirzah, 330. Walter, 161. Willard, 248. William, 206. William Grosvenor, 278. . Wilson, 108. Zebediah, 138, 142, 149, 152, 302, 330. Zelophi, 163. Zubah, 176, 194, 204, 213. Chakies, Martha, 66. Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Cham- belin, Chamberlian, Cham- berlan, Chambrlin. , 88, 120, 242. Abiel, 63, 120, 127, 133, 136, 142, 149, 153, 154, 159, 171, 227, 228, 231, 23s, 242, 245, 252, 262, 275, 331, 377, 493. INDEX OF NAMES 541 Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Cham- belin, Chamberlian, Cham- berlan, Chambrlin. Adaline, 434. Adonijah, 123, 320. Alcey E., 497. Alfred, 180, 368. Angeline, 497. Angeline B., 418. Anna, 118, 123, 133, 135, 145, 151, 296, 320. Anne, 82, 285, Asa, 87. Benjamin, 177, 251, 392. Betsey, 125, 268, 275, 389, 497. Betsey E., 454. Calvin, 136, 146, 187, 329. Damaris, 112, 114, 123, 127, 132, 137, 146, 159, 187, 294, 320, 329- Daniel M., 472. Diantha C, 482. Dorothy, 151. Edmund, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 25, 50, 53, 59, 63, (£, 70, 74, 79, 88, 134, 139, 144, 148, 152, 163, 300, 309, 311, 327. Edward, 14, 482. Electa, 231. Elisha, 56, 112, 114, 123, 127, 132, 137, 146, 159, "i^n, 186, 187, 188, 195, 252, 294, 320, 329, 347, 355, 361, 496. Eliza, 454. Elizabeth, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 25, 62, 91, 134, 139, 144, 148, 152, 158, 163, 300. Emeline Child, 227, 228. Emily, 261, 474. Erastus, 225. Esther, 49, 56, 69, 74, 79, 93, 118, 14s, 148, 180, 294, 304, 313, 320, 375, 380. Eunice, 159. Ezra, 74, 125, 128, 141, 148, 178, 180, 297, 331, 332. George, 262. George I., 485. Grace, 120, 127, 133, 136, 142, 149, 153, 154, 159, 171, 331, 493- Hannah, 25, 66, ^\, 75, 87, 91. 100, 107. Harriet A., 485. Huldah, 69, 125, 128, 141, 148, 178, 180, 297, 331, 332. Huldah Peake, 171. Irena, 133. Jacob, 80. Joanna, 142, 368. Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Cham- belin, Chamberlian, Cham- berlan, Chambrlin. John, 17, yj, 66, 71, 75, 87, 91, 107, 132, 136, 147, 151, 158, 252. John Newton, 245. Joseph, 12, 107, 188. Joshua, 252, 355. Julia Ann, 413. Juliana, 278. L. Nancy, 497. Laban, 180. Lewis, 278, 413, 498. Loranda, 414. Lucinda, 139. Lucy, 368, 413. Luther, 187. Lydia, 93, 180, 188, 252, 299, 370, 378, 482. Margaret, 177, 186, 188, 195, 329, 361, 496. Maria, 442. Marsilva, 127, 132, 367. Martha, 79, 221, 225. Mary, 2, 19, 132, 136, 147, 151, 158, 252, 285, 286, 410, 413, 498. Mary A., 477. Mary C, 441. Mary Convers, 278. Mary N., 498. Merrick, 413, 418, 497. Molly, 133, 151. Nancy, 163, 252, 445. Nathan, 252. Nathaniel, 261. Normand, 100. Olive, 159. Palmer, 450. Patty, 180, 332, Peter, 14, 71. Phebe, 80, 159, Z1Z- Polly, 261, 363. Prudence, 188. Ralph, 144. Ransslear, 235. Rebecca, 24, 252, 278. Rhoda, 496. Roswell, 132, 221, 225. Rufus, 134. Ruth, 37, 333. Sally, 251, 252, 392. Salome, 227, 228, 231, 235, 242, 245, 252, 262, 275, Z71. Samuel, 49, 56, 69, 74, 79, 93, 118, 123, 133, 13s, 145, 151, 187, 275, 296, 313, 320, 329, 349- 542 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Cham- belin, Chamberlian, Cham- berlan, Chambrlin. Sarah, 50, 53, 59, 63, 66, 70, 71, 74, 79, 88, 114, 252, 328, 355, Z'j^i, 460, 493. Sarah P., 472. Schailer, 221. Spencer, 275. Stephen, 93, 112, 188. Susanna, 391. Sylvanus, 128, 195, 331, 363. Sylvia, 450. Walter, 123. William, 10, 53, 70, 74, 148, 171, 268, 275, 278, 389, 497. William A, 268. Willoughby, 149. Zerviah, 59, 136, 368. Champlin, Content, 199, 204. Polly, 204. Sophia, 199. William, 199, 204. William Glysson, 204. Chandler, , 11, 26, 241. Abigail, 160, 181, 364. Abigail A., 449. Alphlede, 237, 355. Amasa, 485, 494. Andrew, 121. Anna, 296, 366. Arsula, 158. Ashna, 122. Augustus, 494. Azubah, 176, 362. Barnabas, 181, 474. Benjamin, 264. Benjamin F., 499. Benjamin Franklin, 500. Betsey, 149, 367, 463- Caroline C., 464. Charles, 90, 164, 229, 237, 241, 247, 259, 310, 330. Charles C, 493. Charles Church, 91, 144, 149, 152, 158, 164, 17s, 176, 181, 302, 330. Charles Gleason, 179. Cyril, 158. Damaris, no, 294. Damon, 242. Damon W., 447- David, 18. Deborah, 242, 264, 494. Dorothy, 76, ^^, 79, §5, 9i, 309, 335. Dorothy Church, 144, 368. Ebenezer, 128, 330. Eliza, 454. Eliza L., 464. Chandler, Elizabeth, 8, 11, 34, 2)'^, 38, 41, 47, 49, 59, 12, 86, 90, 115, 133, 176, 286, 287, 310, 320, 330, 333, 361, 499. Erasmus D., 494. Erastus, 499, 500. Esther, 16, 24, 76, 79, 112, 315. Eunice, 118, 121, 134, 137, 143, 149, 157, 158, 301, 382, 412, 494. Ezra, 118. Fanny, 496. Frances, 106, no, 115, 122, 128, 133, 138, 161, 162, 293, 315, 320, 347, 496. Francis, 118, 143, 145. Francis A., 423. Gardiner, 29. George Earl, 499. Gilbert, 423. Hannah, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 32, 36, 41, 58, III, 181, 229, 241, 247, 259, 364, 380. Harriet, 499- Henry, 79, 108, 31S, 499- Huldah, 207, 223, 234, 237, 241, 249, 375- Isabel, 367. James Davenport, 162. James S., 411. Jemima, 31, 33, 36, 40, 47, 5i, ^Z, 73, 79, 108, 154, 294, 31S, 326, 498. Jemima Bradbury, 155. John, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, II, 13, IS, 16, 17, 18, 20-41, 44-47, 49, SI, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62, 66-68, 76, n, 80, 81, 85, 112, 138, 207, 223; 234, 237, 241, 242, 249, 264, 285, 309, 351, 375, 494. John Eddy, 264. John Eliot, 112. Joseph, 14, 16, 18, 134, 264. Joshua, 4, 34, 36, 41, 55, 322, 333, 364. Keziah, 424. Larilla, 485. Lathrop, 498. Lemuel, 40, no, iS5, 294, 315. Lois, 207. Lois C, 395- Loisa Grace, 247. Lucretia, 41. Lucy, 49, 157- Lydia, 386, 499. Lydia Ann, 270, 273, 442. Lydia Sophia, 499. Marcia, 241, 270, 273. Marcus, 419. INDEX OF NAMES 543 Chandler, Maria, 438, 499. Marian, 144, 149, 152, 158, 164, 175, 176, 181, 264, 302, 330, 493. Martha C, 419- Mary, 2-6, 8, 9, 11, 13, iS, 16, 22, 27, 63, 103, III, 145, 154, 155, 159, 163, 179, 292, 30s,, 411, 461, 499. Mary Allen, 229. Mary Ann, 422, 499, 500. Mary Glysson, 163. Mary M., 487. Mehitabel, 2, 13, 73, 287. Miranda, 395. Molly, 134. 367- Moses, 106, no, 115, 118, 122, 128, 133, 138, 143, 145, 161, 162, 176, 237, 270, 273, 293, 315, 320, 330, 347, 362, 496. Nabby, 137. Nancy, 500. Nathan H., 454. Nehemiah Barker, 161. Palmer, 460. Palmer Cleveland, 259. Patience, 67. Perley, 143, 487. Philemon, 67. Polly, 365. Priscilla, 207. Prudence, 447. Rebecca, no. Robert, 362. Sally, 237, 474. Sally Ann, 460. Sally M., 499. Samuel, 9, 58, 76, 77, 79, 85, 91, 149, 155, 285, 288, 289, 294, 297, 299, 300, 305, 309, 315, 330, 333- Samuel Child, 176. Sarah, 2, 11, 27, 32, 362. Seth, 118, 121, 134, 137, 143, 149, 157, 158, 264, 301, 494- Sophia, 234, 397. Susanna, 14, 16, 18. Theophilus, 47, 160, 181, 499. Theophilus B., 380. Theophilus Bradbury, 160. Thomas, 15, 47, 49, 59, 72, 86, 90, 103, 143, 237, 290, 310, 355, 386, 424. Thomas. Bradbury, 33. William, 5, 31, 33, 36, 40, 47, 51, 63, 73, 79, 103, 108, III, 159, 264, 292, 293, 313, 31S, 464, 498-Soo. William B., 449. Chandler, William Henry, 499. Winthrop, 108, 154, i55, I59, 163, 179, 305, 333. Chapin, Catherine, 383. Charles P., 474. Eliza E., 474. Chapman, Chapmaan, Abel, 163, 327. Abigail, 23, 25, 27, 113, 118, 129, 227, 238, 295, 317, 382. Amelia, 413. Anna, 25, 58, 59, 85, 134, 227, 326. Anne, 17. Betsey, 227. Cyril, 227, 238, 382. Daniel, 461. Ebenezer, 55, 58, 63, 69, 74, 79, 85. Edward, 413. Elias, 113. Elizabeth, 59. FideUa, 341. Hannah, 63, 69, 227, 241, 335, 367. Joanna, 461 Jonathan, 27, 343. Joseph Lyon, 130, 320. Lemuel, 129. Lucy, 65, 227. Martha, 369. Mar3^, 115, 140, 292. Mary Bennet, 227. Mary Hyde, 227. ■. Molly, 115. Parker, 140. Perley, 123, 227. Prudence, 55, 58, 63, 69, 74, 79, 85. Rhoda, 73. Rowena, 484. Ruth, 75. Sally, 227. Sarah, 85, 308. Shubael, 74. Stephen, 17, 52, 53, 58, 63, 65, 73, 75, 113, 118, 129, 29s, 317- Sybil. 63. Tabitha, 123, 130, 134, 140, 151, 163, 166, 227, 298, 320, 327, 335 371. Thankful, 227. Thomas, 115, 140, 292. William, 17, 23, 25, 27, 58, 59, 85, 123, 130, 134, 140, 151, 163, 166, 227, 241, 298, 308, 320, 326, 327, 334, 335, 350, 367, 369. 544 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Chapman, Chapmaan, William Peake, 227. Zerviah, 52, 53, 58, 63, 65, ^z, 75, 113, n8, 317, 354- Chase, Allin, 428, Alvah, 404, 409. Eliza, 472. Frances, 428. Hannah P., 453. Samuel, 286. Sophia, 409. Susanna, 286. Chenney, Lovisa, 389. Sylvester, 389. Child, Childs, 1 76, 97, loi, 192, 241. Aaron, 152, 232, 349, 379, Abby, 498. Abby Chandler, 267. Abby Prudence, 497. Abel, 89, loi, 165, 167, 183, 192, 196, 20s, 214, 27s, 307, 311, 350, 404, 484. Abiel, 146, 208, 273, 292, 420. Abigail, 17, 27, 28, 31, 33, 39, 43, 49, 50, 55, 57, 60, 64, 69, 72, 79, 89, 97, 100, 104, 114, 117, 118, 124, 129, 134, 140, 144, 148, 156, 160, 164, 260, 275, 288, 290, 291, 295, 301, 311, 317, 32s, 331, 333, 366, 496. Abigail E., 458. Abigail Lillie, 173, 331. Abijah, 33, 97, 100, 104, 117, 289, 290, 291, 30s, 325, 326, 496. Abner, 407. Adolphus, 382. Alice, 98, 100, 108, no, 112, 119, 126, 133, 141, 148, 168, 291, 315, 321, 325, 327, 380, 382, 497, 498. Alice M., 425. Alithea, 45, d^, 134, 249, 300, 301, 381. Almira, 196, 258, 263, 267, 273, 284, 384, 385, 388, 495. Alpha, 107, 160, 165, 170, 180, 30s, 312, 327, 352. Alvan, 205, 399. Amasa, 86, 142, 152, 164, 167, 176, 303, 325, 337, 485. Amasa C, 498. Amie, 363. Ann Perry, 498. Anna, 38, 39, 45, 49, 52, 63, 68, ^2,, 79, 94, 96, 108, 112, 139, 142, 162, 192, 195, 197, 209, 215, 288, 294, 313, 348, 3SI, 371, 496. Child, Childs, Archippus, 215. Asa, 81, 117, 130, 133, 141, 166, 191, 216, 249, 298, 366, 381. Asa T., 498, 499. Asa Thurston, 215, 274. Asenath, 135. Azubah, 121, 128, 362. Belinda, 138, 322. Benajah, 72, 104. Benjamin, 19, 20, 57, 68, 70, T},, 81, 86, 90, 94, 99, 104, 107, 109, 119, 153, 230, 241, 316, 318, 319, 376, 494- Beriah, 20. Betsey, 176, 194, 212, 229, 235, 242, 337, 346, 367, 372, 378. Betsey M., 461 Betsey Morse, 260. Betty, 126, 148, 321. Bille, 176, 255. Bradley, 195. Brainard Winslow, 497. Caleb, 178. Caroline, 260. Caroline C, 464. Caroline E., 465. Cephas, 109. Charity, 104, 113, 119, I35, IS9, 318. Charles, 98, 100, 118, 164, 168, 176, 178, 186, 187, 194, 198, 205, 208, 263, 273, 284, 306, 317, 336, 388, 407, 408, 495- Charles T., 245, 247. Charles Thompson, 169, 381. Chester, 192, 197, 208, 215, 221, 357, 364, 420, 497- Chester Edward, 497. Chloe, Ti, 119, 133, 141, 239, 261, 266, 274, 299, 365, 382. Clarissa, 176, 245, 247, 249, 381, 424, 497. Clinton, 263, 499. Cynthia, 94, 114, 156, 235, 302. 414. Cyril, III, 146. Cyril Carpenter, 498. Dan forth, 230, 424, 486, 497. Daniel, 18, 98, lOi, 139, 214, 286, 287, 323, 325, 408, 498. Darius, 93, 160, 316, 376. Deborah, 40, 46, 52, 65, 141, 317. Dexter, 133. Dinah, 100, lOS, in, 112, 113, 117, 122, 128, 135, 141, 146, 293, 496. Dolly, 407. Dolly M., 404, 494. Dolphus, 187, 239, 261, 266, 274. INDEX OF NAMES 545 Child, Childs, Dorcas, 36, 40, 42, 49, 70, 116, 119, 125, 130, 137, 141, 143, 146, 150, 156, 161, 171, 178, 187, 296, 301, 324. Dorothea, 165, 169, 179, 189, 307, 329, 330. Dorothea M., 404. Dorothy, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 72, 80, 81, 113, 114, 119, 299, 300, 318, 336. Dyer, 210. Ebenezer, 25, 34, 35, 51, 56, 65, 74, 7(i, 104, 113, 135, 323. Edward, 57. Edward Morse, 274. Edwin, 242, 494, 499. Edwin P., 499. Eleanor, 357, 363. Eleanor Lucretia, 258. Eleazer, 57. EHas, no, 165, 169, 179, 189, 194, 196, 198, 200, 20s, 208, 212, 226, 231, 244, 307, 329, 330, ZZ7, 338, 341, 358, 36s, 367, 403, 408, 495, 498. Elias Sewall, 189, 329. Elijah, 57, 70, 86. Elisha, 31, 98, 100, 108, no, 112, 119, 126, 133, 141, 148, 165, 223, 224, 244, 245, 291, 307, 308, 315, 316, 321, 325, 327, 341, 364, 366, zn, 447, 498. Elizabeth, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 25, 34, 35, 51, 56, 65, 74, 76, 99, 121, 125, 130, 131, 133, 13s, 138, 141, 142, 149, 152, 159, 164, 168, 176, 178, 179, 180, 186, 187, 191, 194, 198, 205, 208, 245, 297, 298, 305, 306, 322, 323, 326, 336, 382. Elizabeth Patridge, 258. Ellen M., 484. Emeline, 240, 423. Emily, 407. Epaphras, 134, 212, 216, 240, 261, 265. Ephraim, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, 35, 51, 52, 57, 63, 73, 81, 87, 113, 24s, 263, 310, 315, 316, 324, 325, 326, 333, 350, 367. Ephraim May, 251. Erastus, 118, 124, 198, 282, 358. Erastus M., 283. Esther, 28, 79, 133, 301, 332, 338. Eunice, 97, 303, 366. Eunice Caroline, 226. 35 Child, Childs, Evander, 134. Ezra, 113, 179, 197, 359, 454, 469, 477, 481, 483-488. Ezra Carpenter, 497. Faith, 214, 358. Fanny, 414, 495, 496. Fanny P., 499. Foster Daniel, 498. Frances, 55, 60. Frank P., 494. Freeman, 119. Freeman W., 498. George, 216. George Walker, 498. Grace, 20, 62, 70. Griffin, 170. Gurdon Hicks, 229. Hamilton Lucius, 497. Hannah, 16, 51, 66, 79, 129, 183, 187, 297, 359, 372, 378, 48s. Hannah May, 275. Harba, 125. Harriet, 224, 244, 407. Haviland, 122, 320. Henrietta, 251, 267, 389. Henry, 23, 76, 77, 86, 91, 94, 100, 113, 114, 119, 186, 251, 258, 267, 313, 318, 336, 337, 356, 377, 386, 389. Henry S., 498. Henry T., 499. Hermi, 134. Hiram, 221, 414. Hiram B., 414, 495. Hiram Burnham, 232. Horatio Nelson, 231, 404, 494. Huldah, 96, 141, 302. Increase, 73, 122, 132, 134, 298, 320, 322. Irene, 118, 176, 307. Isaac Milton, 269. Issachar, 134, 300. Jacob, 9, 36, 40, 42, 49, 70, 90, 125, 153, 191, 194, 210, 221, ^ 307, 326, 357, 358. Jared, 164. Jedidah, 117, 126, 134, 149, 159, .293, 371, 496. Jedidiah, 112, 140. Jemima, 56, 93, 99, 107, in, 113, 119, 287, 312, 316, 318, 323, 360, 496. Joanna, 35, 119, 129, 142, 152, 164, 167, 176, 303, 315, 318, 325, 337- John, 7, 9, n, 14, 16, 17, 27, 28, 31, 33, 50, 55, 72, 79, m, n8, 125, 130, 133, 138, 186, 546 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Child, Childs, 229, 23s, 242, 293, 317, 318, 322, 2,^2, 346, 378, 425, 484, 496-498. John H., 498. John M., 485- John P., 499- John Payson, 496. John Prentis, 265. John Spencer, 497. Jonathan, 46, 105, in, 112, 113, 117, 122, 125, 128, 135, 141, 146, 293, 335, 496. Joseph, 39, 43, 49, 55, 57, 60, 64, 69, 89, 311, 317, 319- Joshua, 300, 322. Josiah, II, 32. JuHa A., 485. Justus, 239. Keziah, 35, 38, 43, 48, 51, 56, 64, 72, 79, 90, 95, 99, 107, 313, 317- Laticia, 376. Laurinda, 192. Lavinia, 426. Lemuel, 141, 143, 150, 161, 171, 178, 187, 30X, 324, 327, 345, 351- Leonard Holmes, 263. Levi, 91, 164, 325. Levina, 99, 305. Levina Lyon, 243. Lillie, 184. Linus, 221. Lois, 79, 301. Lovisa, 269, 388. Lucia, 498. Lucia D., 447, 498. Lucinda, 131. Lucius Bolles, 494. Lucretia, 103, I94, 258, 315, 356, 386. Lucretia Ann, 209. Lucy, 40, 122, 157, 162, 166, 232, 292, 305, 337, 349, 379, 392, 408, 409, 498. Lucy B., 432. Lura Irena, 495. Luther, 149, 193, 245, 247, 263, 272, 274, 388, 495, 496. Luther S., 272. Lydia, 140, 170, 176, 183, 186, 193, 308, 335. Lydia H., 498. Lydia M., 392. Lydia Morse, 215. Marcy, 192, 333. Margaret, 45, 57, 76. Marian, 215, 231. Martes C, 495. Martha, 17, 34, 107, 3I3, 3I7- Child, Childs, Mary, 17, 26, 51, 52, 63, 72, 7z, 81, 87, 94, loi, 103, 116, 119, 125, 156, 170, 176, 20s, 214, 261, 286, 287, 291, 295, 301, 303, 311, 315, 399, 496. Mary Ann, 400, 487, 495. Mary E., 487, 498. Mary Elan, 497. Mary Elizabeth, 284. Mary Emily, 497. Mary J., 454. Mary M., 487. Matilda, 230, 241-376, 494. Mehitabel, 25, 67, 77, 164, 376. Melatiah Curtis, 267. Melia, 194. Merrick M., 499. Milly, 191, 210, 221, 307. Molly, 117, 160, 165, 180, 305, 227. ' Morris, 210. Moses, 70, loi, 103, 119, 125, 291, 311, 315, 496. Myra, 229. Myrtis, 487. Nabbe, 112. Nabbe Bridge, 183. Nancy, 161, 170, 223, 224, 244, 24s, 266, 374, 403, 495, 498. Nathan, 49, 116, 119, 125, 130, 137, 141, 146, 156, 296. Nathaniel, 7, 2,3, 70, 93, 99, 107, III, 113, 119, 194, 205, 287, 296, 298, 299, 302, 304, 30s, 312, 316, 318, 323, 334, 357, 363- Nehemiah, 99, 159, 176, 194, 199, 205, 214, 306, 356, 273- Newman G., 282, 358. Noadiah, 144. Obadiah, 34, 74, 215. Olive, III, 122, 132, 134, 298, 307, 320, 322. Oliver, 125. Oscar Herbert, 498. Pamela, 165, 192, 251, 262, 272, 274, 327, 388, 495, 496. Pamela H., 495. Parker, 244. Parker Morse, 179, 223, 338. Patience, 19, 20, 57, 68, 70, 72, 81, 86, 90, 94, 99, 104, 107, 109, 119, 289, 316, 318, Patty, 305. Peleg C, 221, 450, 461-463, 474, 475, 481, 486. Penuel, 30, 32, 34. Parley, 113, 180. Persis, 117, 176. Perry, 171. INDEX OF NAMES 547 Child, Childs, Peter, 35, 105, 113, 123, 129, 294, 320, 348, 352. Peter Hamilton, 283. Phanelia, 126. Phebe, 87, 310. Phineas, 90, 496. Polly, 167, 194, 196, 199, 200, 20s, 212, 226, 231, 341, 356, 36s, 367, 380. Polly Maria, 231. Prentice, 160. Priscilla, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, 35, 57, 63, 141, 216, 221, 229, 243, 249, 263, 270, 289, 301, 315, 325, 326, 372. Prudence, 39, 292, 420, 497. Ransselaer, 141, 216, 221, 229, 243, 249, 263, 270, 372. Rebecca, 49, 57, 64, 76, 77, 86, 91, 94, 100, 119, 162, 165, 167, 183, 192, 196, 20s, 214, 307, 313, 369, 394. Relief, 43. Rhoda, 282, 283. Rhoda R., 358. Richard, 197. Rowena, 150, 274, 370. Roxa, 210. Roxanna, 498, 499. Roxselana, 143, 149, 322, 390. Royal, 142, 325. Royal Hibbard, 249. Rufus, 119, 180, 192, 209, 323, 371, 394- Russel, 23s, 346. Ruth, 98, loi, 286, 287, 292, 323. Ruth K., 498. Sally, 200, 212, 216, 240, 255, 261, 265, 356, 364, 384. Sally Sumner, 176,- 205, 336. Salmon, 132. Salome, 167, 377. Samuel, 7, 35, 38, 43, 48, 56, 64, 72, 79, 90, 95, 99, 107, 121, I2S, 131, 138, 142, 149, 152, 179, 180, 184, 191, 258, 267, 297, 307, 3'^3, 3'i7, 322, 385. Samuel M., 451, 498, 499. Samuel McClellan, 255. Sarah, 20, 22, 31, 70, 81, 100, 107, 152, 192, 197, 208, 215, 221, 285, 286, 290, 305, 316, 364, 485- Sarah Ann, 451. Sarah H. T., 498, 499. Sarah Lucinda, 284. Sarah M., 460, 494. Sarah May, 263. Sarah Temperance, 273. Seth, 148, 240, 498. Child, Childs, Shubael, 55, 118, 114, 124, 129, 134, 140, 144, 148, 156, 160, 164, 295, 317, 353. Sidney E., 494. Silas, 43, 112, 117, 126, 134, 140, 149, 159, 293, 496. Sophia, 104, 194, 198, 208, 212, 358, .365, 394, 420, 494- Sophronia, 408, 498. Sophronia L., 408. Spencer, iii, 180, 414. Stephen, 56, 98, 140, 167, 178, 210, 260, 269, 275, 317, 327, 388. Susan, 414. Susan A., 496. Susan Richmond, 498. Susanna, 35, 82, 105, 113, 123, 129, 173, 184, 208, 285, 294, 320, 331, 348, 360. Sybil, 49, 97, III, 118, 125, 133, 138, 153, 191, 293, 295, 317, 326, 496. Sylvia, 119, 208, 209, 215, 235^ 370, 401. Tabitha, 64, 297. Thede, 130. Theodore, 194. Thomas, 39, 45, 49, 52, 63, 68, 72, 79, 94, 96, 108, 157, 162, 166, 261, 30s, 313, 327, 337, 338, 496. Thomas Perry, 143, 274, 324. Thompson, 112, 316. Timothy, 112, 192, 195, 197, 215, 363. Uriah, 165, 380. W., 457, 460. Walter, 157. Willard, 114, 170, 176, 183, 186, 193, 208, 209, 215, 23s, 244, 308, 335, 370. William, 40, 46, 52, 68, 105, 108, 173, 184, 313, 317, 323, 331, 356, 360, 384, 494, 496. William G., 454. William Norris, 235, 346. Winslow, 123, 320. Zerviah, 98, 112, 113, 184, 309. Zilla, 104. Chord, Minerva, 451. Chubb, Betsey, 207. Henry, 207. John, 207. Lydia, 207. Mary Prentice, 207, 377. Molly, 207, 306. Prentice, 207, 306, 338. Chukyes, Hannah, 286. Church, Billings B., 495. 548 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Church, Dorothy, ^^. Edward P., 495. Elizabeth, 61. Emeline, 495. Francis C, 495. George E., 498. Jeremiah, 495, 498. Jeremiah C, 495. John, 58. John Coe, 495. Josiah, 61. Lucretia, 498. Luther H., 498. Lydia, 443, 498. Mary E., 495. Susan, 421, 495. Susanna, 58. William H., 443, 495, 498. Cilia, Rebecca W., 455- Clapp, Bethia, 384. Betsey, 401. Caroline, 451. Delia, 382. EUsha, 461, 496. Hannah, 496. Harriet T., 461. Lathrop, 496. Mary, 496. Sally, 496. Seth, 451, 496. Zebedee, 496. Clark, Clarke, Clerk, Clerke, Clerark, , 338. Abel, 327. Abiel La Fayette, 281. Albee, 201. Ambrose, 222. Andrew, 267. Andrew F., 498. Angeline B., 246, 418. Anna, 385. ArHne, 453- Asahel, 147, iSi, 156, 165, 183, 184, 193, 304, 329, 361, 362. Asahel Dighten, 264. Benjamin, 364. Betsey, 231, 239, 379. Carpenter, 242. Charles Lathrop, 264. Chloe, 183, 329, 36s. Clarissa M., 440. Clement, 231. Cordelia, 425. Damaris, 220, 232, 398, 494. Daniel, 189, 385. Daniel S., 465. David, 186, i«< 381, 494. Dille, 430, 494- Dolly, 217, 345. 190, 201, 352, Clark, Clarke, Clerk, Clerke, Clerark, Dorothy, 147, 151, 156, 165, 183, 304, 329. Edin Perrin, 274. Elisha, 494. Eliza, 410. EUzabeth, 327, ZZZ, 37i. EmeHne, 423, 465. Ezra, 165. Francis H., 401. Francis Waldo, 274. George W., 495, 498. Hannah, z^T, 366. Harma, 339. Hinsdel, 231, 239, 379. Huldah, 201, 385. Isaac, 425. James A., 482, 483. John, 220, 232, 246, 2>1^, 494. John W., 494. Jonathan, 190, 352, 458. Johnson, 339. Joseph, 408. Lathrop, 184, 251, 255, 264, 274, 281, 386, 494. Leasa, 222. Lemuel, 214, 222. Leota, 222. Leveret, 151, 371. Levina, 226, ZIT- Linda, 167. Lucius, 465. Lucretia, 379, 409, 497. Lucy, 251, 255, 264, 274, 281, 361, 386, 494, 495. Maria C, 495. Marvin, 147, 217, 224, 228, 233, 242, 267, 345, 374, 494- Mary, 184, 193, 327, 346, 361, 362. Matilda, 156, 186, 189, 190, 201, 372, 494- Minerva, 458. Minor G., 423, 495. Mira, 222. Molly, 189. Morris Perrin, 497. Moses, 366. Nancy, 217, 224, 228, 233, 242, 267, 345, 374, 415, 494. ^ Nancy H., 465. Nancy Maria, 233, 497. Nathaniel, 327, 336. Noah, 186. Olive, 4q8. Otis Nelson, 494. Palmer, 401. Pamela, 214, 222. Perley, 167. Pliny, 224, 409, 497. INDEX OF NAMES 549 Clark, Clarke, Clerk, Clerke, Clerark, Polly, 246, 368, 494. Rachel, 157, 239. Rebecca, 157, 167. Rhoda, 380. Sally, 220, 427. Sally M., 448. Sanford, 239. Sarah, 220, 232, 361, 376, 381, 494. Schuyler G., 410. Seth, 157, 353, 365, 453, 494- Sophia, 447. Sophronia, 222. Sterry, 214. Submit, 408. Thaddeus, 220, 495. Tyla, 214. Waldo, 193. Warren Perrin, 255. William, 157, 167. Clay, Lutina, 427. Simon, 427. Cleveland, Cleaveland, Cleaueland, Caroline, 476. Deliverance, 82, 285. Elisha, 67, 68, yz, 75, 76. Esther, 67, 68, ^^, 75, 76. Jacob, 476. Kezia, 43. Lois, 388. Moses, 349. ♦ Peter, ^i, 75. Rebecca, 82, 285. Clinton, George, 84. Coates, Coats, Cotes, , 94- Abigail, 157. - Abijah, 166. Anne, 82, 90, 94, 99, 285. Bethia, 372. Chloe, 90, 365. Ebenezer, 150. Esther, 99, 359. Eunice, 145, 150, 157, 166, 303, 339. Hannah, 339. John, 82, 90, 94. 99, 285. 3I5- Mary, 81, 292. Rhoda, 303. Samuel, 372. Samuel R., 150, 157, 166, 339. Samuel Ruggles, 145, 303. Samuel Spinccnt, 145. Coatney, Cotney, Cotne, Coteney, ■ , 140. Abner, 122. Barkus, 493. Dorcas, 135. Elizabeth, 128. Coatney, Cotney, Cotne, Coteney, George, 114, 122, 128, 140, 142, 347, 359, 493- Hadlock, 142. John, 114, 135. Marcy, 359. Sarah, 114, 122, 128, 135, 140, 142, 493. Cobb, , 382. Coburn, Abilene, 361, 496, Alexander, 241, 242, 255, 352, 381, 384. Amos, 302. Andrew, 193. Annes, 193. Bathshua, 177. Benjamin, 286. Bethia, 46. Charles, 193, 196. David, 177, 194. Deborah, 68, 96, 98, 334, 496. Dorcas, 193. Ebenezer, 193, 306. Eleanor, 306. Experience, 177, 194. Hannah, 286. Irene, 196, 360. John, 68, 96, 98, 161, 196, 242, 496. Joseph, 98, 161, 163. Mary, 96, 161, 163, 384. Noah Mason, 242, Polly, 242. Ruth, 364. Samuel, 196, 360. Sarah, 302. Sophia, 194. Susanna, 161, 241, 242, 255, 352, 381. Susanna Mason, 241. Thomas, 163. Zilpah, 193. Cocking, Hannah, 462. Harriet, 468. Margaret, 465. Mellen, 465. Codington, Elijah, 381. Cogswell, James, 307, 374. Joanna, 200, 367. John, 106. Joseph, 200, z^T. Lucy, 200. Sarah, 106. Coit, John, 2. Joshua, 488. Mehitabel, 2. Sarah, 2. William, 2. Colburn, Colborn, Deborah, 10, 508. Experience, 21. 550 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Colburn, Colborn, Hannah, 17, 21. John, 10. Mariella, 308. Cole, Coles, see Cowles. Golegrove, Susan, 424. Collar, Charles, 429. Sally, 429. Colvin, Abby, 435- Comstock, Comstolk, , 388. Augusta, 256. Eliza, 404. Elizabeth, 256, 257. Emily, 426. George, 404. Huldah, 257, 411. Lucy, 403. Wanton, 256, 257. Conavoy, Mahala, 405. WiUiam, 405. Condel, Priscilla, 390. Cone, Abraham, 380. Salmon, 383. Congdon, , 487. Connell, William M., 420, 422, 427, 432. Converse, Convers, Alethea, 281, 397, Benjamin, 347. Edward, 144. Elam, 281, 397. Henry, 230, 347. Lucius, 281. Phear, 424. Phebe, 144. Polly, 230, 347. Sarah, 144. William Austin, 230, 347. Cook, Cooke, Elizabeth, 25. Mary, 21. Rebecca, 34. Robert, 34. Ruth, 18. Coomes, Cooms, Coombs, Comes, Abiel, 218. Betsey E., 454. Gustavus A., 454. Gustavus Abiel, 268. Hannah, 268, 390, 454. Hannah Hemingway, 268. Huldah, 225. Huldah M., 474. Ipsebeth, 20. Ithamar, 203, 209, 214, 218, 225, 237, 266, 368. Joanna, 203, 209, 214, 218, 225, 237, 266, 368. Joseph, 20. Lydia, 483. 203. Coomes, Cooms, Coombs, Comes, Mary S., 452. Parmela G., 467. Parmela Graves, 266. Polly, 209. Polly Sergeant, 268. Ransellaer C, 268, 390. Ransellaer Chamberlin, Rhoda M., 469. Richard, 20. Sylvia, 481. William, 214, 237. Cooper, Abby, 457. Harriet M., 452. John, 452, 457, 499. Sarah, 499. Copelin, Coplin, Abiel, 443. Daniel, 432. Diantha, 443.' Joel S., 443- Matilda, 443. Permelia G., 432. Copp, Lucy, 384. Corbin, Corben, Corbon, , 89, 100. Aaron, 178, 281. Aaron Johnson, 281. Abel, 197. Abigail, 85, 98, 100, 138, IS I, 163, 170, 369, 496. Abijah, ^8, iii, 131, 138, 289, 351, 496. Adeline, 449. Aholiab J., 472. Alice, 56, 131, 156, 189, 304, 381. Alma, 265, 420. Almaria, 439. Almond David, 247. Alvan, 180. Amanda, 264. Amasa, 151. Amos, 61, 119, 142, 296, 325. Andrus, 265. Anna, 49, 137, 141, 146, 156, 162, 167, 170, 186, 275, 303, 344, Asa, 2x1. Asahel, 69, 130, 137, 154, 157, 162, 298, 355. Benjamin, 10, 43, 44, i. 69, 81, 89, 100, 119, Betsey, 154, 221, 222, 494, 495. Beulah, 167, 378. Calvin, 162. Candace, 407. Charles Child, 264. Ill, 131, 289, 308, 151, 156, 150, 153, 178, 183, 433, 464. 142, 151, 319, 327, 8, 52, 61, 237. 241, 281, INDEX OF NAMES 551 Corbin, Corben, Corbon, Clement, 5, 34. Cresia, 174. Daniel; 56, 138. David, 130, 237. Disa, 496. Dolly, 495. Dorcas, 3, 10, 27, 295. Dorothy, 41, 42, 147, 151, 154, 157- 158, 165, 174, 197, 335- Eastman, 180. Ebenezer, 11, 47, 49, 63, 69, 75, 8S, 89, 97, 100, 141, 294, 311, 313, 324, 372. Eleazer, 237, 467, 478, 496. Eliakim Lyon, 160. Elias, 237. Eliphalet, 13. EHsha, 18, 21, 340. Eliza, 266, 438. Elizabeth, 220, 248, 275, 300. Emily, 221. Esther, iii, 226, 266. Eunice, 174, 216, 335, 407. Ezekiel, 45, 295. Ezra, 180. Habbijah, 28. Hannah, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 34, 36, 45, 56, 71, 89, 98, 180, 189, 216, 221, 248, 25s, 256, 286, 30s, 374, 427, 467. Hannah Day, 214. Harriet, 472. Henry, 146, 221, 222, 241, 494, 495- Henry Hay ward, 221. Horace, 186. Horatio, 237. Ichabod, 494. Isaac, 4;j9. Jabez,(2-5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 25, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37* 45, 56, 57, 71, 113, 123, 295. James, 2, 5-7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 36, 42. Jane D., 397. Jane Davis, 214. Jared, 265, 440. Jemima, 43, 44, 48, 52, 61, 69, 81, 89, 100. Jerusha, 130, 137, 142, 151, 154, 157, 162, 298. Joanna, 12, 26, 223. John, 5, 38, 42, 151, 163, 170, 189, 219, 220, 349, 374. Jonathan, 34, 112. Joseph, 7, 8, 223, 345, 377. Joseph P., 232, 243, 247, 254. Joseph Perin, 151. Judith, 294. Corbin, Corben, Corbon, Juletta, 189. Kezia, 63, 119, 142, 151, 156, 293, 296, 325, 327- Lathrop, 216. Laura, 479. Leonard C., 449. Levina, 151, 158, 160, 178, 186, 223, 304, 332, 345, 494- Lewis, 266. Lois, 81. Lorinda, 233. Lucius, 256. Lucy, 394. Luther, 153, 377. Marcy, 97. Margaret, i. Maria, 439. Marsilva, 319. Martha, 38, 42, 47, 49, 63, 69, 75, 85, 100, 294, 311. Mary, 2-8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 31, 35, 36, 37r 237, 248, 290, 410, 463, 467- Mary Ann Levina, 496. Mary E., 498. Mehitabel, 306. Mercy, 75, 226, 237, 381. Molly, 130. Moses, 495. Nancy, 189, 265, 266. Nathan, 433. Obadiah, 264. Olcott, 265. Olive, 377. Oliver W., 498. Patty, 151, 372. Peleg, 151. 158, 160, 178, 186, 214, 233, 304, 332, 494. Penuel, 147, 216, 221, 255, 256, 374, 410. Petey, 219. Philip, 13, 41, 42. Pliny, 255. Polly, 222, 223, 232, 243, 247, 254, 377- Priscilla, 158, 372, 494. Prudence, 219, 374. Rebecca, 214, 233, 298. Rebecca Day, 214. Rhoda, 137, 458. Robert, 15, 67, 89. Sabra, 89. Sally M., 397, 448, 498. Sally Mayo, 214. Samuel, 89, 186, 306, 479. Sanford Holmes, 243. Sarah, 67, 89, 113, 123, 295, 308. Sarah Cole, 248. Seth, 142, 325. 552 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Corbin, Corben, Corbon, Silas, 69, 137, 141, 146, 150, iS3, 156, 162, 167, 178, 183, 186, 303, 344. ^^ Solomon, 26s, 266, 355. Sophia T., 440. Stephen, 15. Susanna, 36, 42, 360. Sylvia, I54- Thomas, 2, 220, 248, 275. Thomas E., 448, 498. Tryphena, 137. William, 147, iSi, i54, i57, i58, i6s, 174, 197, 226, 237, 335, 381, 494- ^ William Bester, 254. William Wallace, 496. Winthrop, 165. Zenas, 222. Zera, 248. Zeruah, 232. Corbit, Corbitt, Abiel, 3. Abigail, 2. Damaris, i. Daniel, 3. Deborah, 20. James, 20. Robert, i, 3, 4- Cornell, William M.. 423, 430. Corning, Leonard, 488. Cory, Corey, David L., 479- Hannah, 299, 300. Relief Ann, 479- Coteney, see Coatney. Cotes, see Coats. Cotton, Abby Jane, 454. Benjarriin R., 454- Cousins, Harriet, 486. Covel, Covell, Ann W., 257. Mary Ann, 257. Ruth, 359- Ziba, 257. Cole, Coles, Cowles, , 241. Albert. 431, 432, 433, 435. Ann Foot, 497. Edward, 497. Elizabeth, 371- Eunice^ Ann, 497- Lucretia, 443. Orson, 426, 427, 429, 431, 432, 434, 436, 438-442, 497. Stephen, 443. Ursula, 241, 518. Cox, Hannah, 436. John, 436. Coy, Amasa, 402. Orinda, 402. Craft, , 102. Abiather, 274, 402. Annis, 274, 402. Calester, 279. Charity E., 471. David, ^^, 78, 88, 92, 279, 360, 385. Diania, 279. Ebenezer, 364. Eunice, 360. Fanny, 279, 385. John, 274. John W., 471. Laodica, 279. Lucina, 279. Lucius, 279. Marcy, ^T, 78. Mercy, 88, 92. Nathaniel, 88. Patience, 88. Sophronia, 279. Crampton, Caroline Elizabeth, 282. Ralph S., 282, 410-414. Tirzah, 282. Crary, Cary, Cararee, , 178. Bethia, 95. Dorcas, lOi. Experience, 78. Hannah, 62, 78. John, 71, 90. Mary, loi. Melatiah, 64. Nathaniel, loi. Rebecca, 54, 64, 78, 90, 95. Richard, 90. Roger, 54, 64, 78, 90, 95, 334. Ruth, 95. Cravirford, Crowford, Anna, 384. Daniel L., 436. Elizabeth, 296, Ingolsby W., 249, 384. Levina M., 474. Maria Louisa, 472. Mary E., 473. Minerva, 436. Rhoda, 249, 384. Sally, 392. Samuel, 383-386, 392. Samuel C, 474. Credsford, Betsey, 443. Joseph C., 443. Crocker, , 341. Hannah, 334. Sally, 418. Crosby, , 379. Hannah, 361. Parson, zy^- Cross, Almira, 449. Mary, 306. INDEX OF NAMES 553 Crouch, Anna, 301. Crowd, Diantha M., 460. Robert, 460. Crown, Lydia, 468. Cumbo, Abigail, 182. Bethia, 181, 182. Dan, 182. Eziba, 181. Joanna, 182. John, 181, 182. Jonathan, 182. Sarah, 182. Sybil, 182. Cummings, Cummins, Comings, Cumins, Comins, Commins, , 147- Abigail, 38. Alfred, 487- Anna, 52, 68. Cynthia, 480. David Copp, 249. Eliza, 392. Eunice, 140, 147, 302. Gustavus A., 272, 283, 284, 397, 497. Hannah, 272. Harriet, 473. Henry Augustus, 284. Jane, 272, 283, 284, 497. Jane D., 397, 497. Joanna, 173, 329. Joseph, 44, 45, S6, 140, 147, 302. Josiah, 26, 28, 31, 38, 44, 45, 48, 52, 56, 68. Leonard, 488. Louisa, 487. Lucy, 173, 241, 249, 329, 384. Martha, 173, 329. Mary, 26, 28, 31, 38, 44, 45- Mary Spaldin, 241. Mehitabel, 45, 48, 52, 56. Montgomery, 392. Oliver, 140. Parker, 173, 241, 249, 329, 360, 384. Patty, 360. Samuel Corbin, 283. Sarah, 28. WiUiam, 480. Curtis, Curtice, Curtiss, Elizabeth, 479. Jonathan, 473, 475, 476, 479-48i, 483, 484, 486, 487. Milly, 307. Rhoda, 302. Samuel J., 445-450. Sarah, 28. Theodora, 383. Gushing, Lydia, 268. Mary Eliza. 268. Samuel, 268. Cushman, , 94. AUerton, 289. Bille, 91. Deborah, 289. EUzabeth, 382. James, 91, 94. Levina, 91. Minerva, 382. Sylvester, 94. Cutler, Abigail, 62, 66. Almira, 262, 274, 357. Betsey, 379. Elizabeth, 34. Ellen C, 282. Francis Waldo, 262, 274. Jane, 495. Jemima, 43, 44, 48. Lucinda, 362. Mary, 41. Mary Almira, 274. Mary Ann, 282, 400. Silas H., 262, 274, 282, 357, 400, 495. Daly, Daily, Hannah, 478. Lewis, 478. Mary, 486. Olive, 303. Zubah, 366. Daman, Joseph B., 470. Dana, Bethia, 297. Frances, 293. Martha, 304. Mary, 82, 290, 291. Sarah, 298. Susanna, 306. Dane, Danes, Catharine, 264. Ephraim, 156. Hannah, 156. Joseph, 264. Lucy, 264. Zephaniah, 156. Danforth, Anna, 488. Keyes, 488. Lois, 457. Danielson, Sarah, 386. Darby, Chauncey A., 472. Roxa A., 472. Darling, Caroline E., 462. Orestes W., 462. Darran, Lucy, 390. Robert D., 390. Darrance, see Dorrance. Davenport, Devinport, Deaven- port, Devenport, Cyrus, 284, 414, 500. Cyrus Golden, 284. Eleazer, 68, 91. Elizabeth, 68, 91. Frances Tryphena, 500. 554 WOODSTOCX VITAL RECORDS Davenport, Devinport, Deaven- port, Devenport, Mary, 468. Mary C, 44i- Phebe Ann, 500. Richard, Qi- Samuel H., 441 • Tryphena, 500. Tryphosa, 284, 414, 500. William Eaton, 500. Davis, Davice, Davise, Dauis, . , 2. Abby, 283, 500. Abigail, 20, 21. Alonzo, 441. Amasa, 85, 86. Ann, 70. Anna, 73, 75, 600. Anna W., 500. Caleb, 72. Catherine, 23. Dorothy, 92, 345. Eden, 500. Edward, 359- Elizabeth, 14, 15. Esther, 51, 291. Eunice, 61, 73. H. H., 446. Hannah, 11, 42, Si, 53, 57, 61, 85, 86, 92, 97, 293. James, 55. Jemima, 61. Joanna, 14, 27. Jonathan, 500. Jonathan E., 500. Joseph, 28, 33, 39, 49, 55, 61, 74, 75. Joshua, 47, 54, 72, 83, 85, 86, 91- Levine, 92. Luca, 83. Lucius W., 437- Lucy L., 387. Lydia, 388. Margaret, i, 2, 6, 13, 14, iS, 20, 23, 26, 70. Maria Louisa, 283, 500. Martha, 66. Mary, 73. Mary A., 412. Mary G., 500. Matthew, i, 2, 6, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23, 70. Mehitabel, 53. Minerva, 441. Rachel, 39. Rebecca, 54, 75, 301. Robert, 91. Roxanna, 437. Ruth, 49, 55, 61, 74, 75- Samuel, 42, 51, 53, 57, 61, Th, 75, 92, 97. Davis, Davice, Davise, Dauis, Sarah, 2, 28, 33, 39, 47, 54, 66, 72, 83, 91. William, 74, 75. Davison, Deborah, 304. Ebenezer, 323. Hannah M., 466. Joseph, 272. Loreta, 271, 272. Nathan, 271, 272. Patience, 323. Phebe M., 272. Day, , 369- David, 18. Dwight M., 488. Eldredge G., 457. Elizabeth, 18. Harriet C, 488. Nancy E., 457. Robert, 18. Susanna, 18. Dean, Deans, Deane, Deanes, Abida, 190. Abiel, 203, 228, 273, 330, 338. Albert, 264. Almira, 477. Catharine, 273, 462. Charles Rollen, 259. EHjah, 395. Eliza, 247, 273, 439. Emily, 264, 280. Emilia, 277, 396. Emma A., 468. Emma Ann, 277. Eunice, 366. Ezra, 139, 237, 259, 380, 444. Hannah, 117, 128, 135, 139, 319, 364. Jason, 280. Jemima, 203, 330, 338. John, 264, 277, 280, 396. Joseph, 228, 235, 247, 273, 382. Joseph E., 480. Julian, 247. Julia Ann, 228, 273, 444. Leonard H., 438. Levi Nelson, 501. Louise, 438. Lovica, 190, 364, 388. Lucretia, 382. Lucretia M., 472. Lucy, 228, 235, 247, 273, 382, 471. I Lucy Work, 259. % Mary, 307, 375. " Maria, 405, 501. Nancy, 228, 235, 273, 434. Nancy B., 480. Pamelia B., 444. Phebe, 203, 338. Philip, 382. Peddy, 330. INDEX OF NAMES 555 Dean, Deans, Deane, Deanes, Reuben, 128, 190, 259, 364. Sally, 2n, 380. Sarah, 259. Sidney, 483. Simon, 405, 501. Telamon, 237. Zephaniah, 117, 128, 13S, 239, ^yj, 319- Zilpah, 395. Deering, Abigail, 346. Deliber, see Dillibar. Deming, Demming, Ann, 3. Anne, 26. Bethia, 115. Ebenezer, 366. Elizabeth, 15, 62. Esther, 2. Eunice, ■^(£. Hannah Peak, 115. Huldah, 366. Joseph, 2, 3, 5, 8, II, IS, 75. Mary, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 311. Penuel, 5. Sarah, 11, 39. Seth, 366. Demmon, Nancy, 431. Dennis, Rebecca W., 455. William, 455. Derby, Mary, 62. Devotion, Ebenezer, 299. Dewing, Abijah, 185, 248, 249, 265, 383. Andrew, 248. Betsey Morse, 265. Catharine, 249, 256, 265, 383, SOI. Clark, 501. Dorothy, 248, 249, 26s, 383. Ebenezer, 249, 256, 26s, 383, soi. Eunice, 131, 14s, 1S2, i8s, 188, 249, 300, 351, 372, 406, SOI. Hezekiah, 131, 14s, 152, 185, 188, 300, 340, SOI. Hiram, 501. Leonard Chapin, 265. Luke, SOI. Michael, 131, 364. Nancy, 265, 440. Polly, 145, 36s, 367. Ruth, 364. Sanford, 249. Seth, SOI. Thaddeus Chapin, 256. Dexter, Samuel, 84. Dickerson, Harriet M., 452. Dickinson, Erastus, 439, 4S7, 485. Maria, 439. Maria L., 459. Diggins, Hannah, 478. Dillibar, Dilleber, Dileben, Dilliber, Deliber, Anna, 232, 243. Benjamin, 243. Clarissa S., 46s. David, 2S9. George, 256. George H., 465. Hannah, 370. Henry, 216. James, 232, 243. Jesse, 243, 2s6, 388. John, 216, 259, 356. Lydia, 259, 391. Mary, 256. Phebe, 216, 2S9, 3S6. Polly, 243, 388. Sanford, 259. Thomas, 243. Dodd, Samuel, 309. Dodge, Dodges, Doge, , 94. Abel, 267. Alphleda, 135. Amos, 102, 316. Anna, 230, 241, 379, 500. Apollos, 162, 230, 241, 379, 382, Soo. Chloe, 133. Delia, 446. Ebenezer, 116, 162, 296, 326, 372, 424, 466, 500. Ellen Elizabeth, 500. Emily, SOD. Easter, 98. Eunice, 116, 162, 208, 219, 296, 371. Fidelia, 453. Fidelia, soo. George Miller, 500. Grosvenor, 482, soo. Hannah, 109, 133, 135, 141, 146, IS2, 160, 300, 305, 326, 354, soo. Hannah M., 466. Hepsibah, 162, 368, 500. Hiram, 500. Jacob, 219. James, 116, 476. Joanna, 93, 286, 289, 308, 310. John, 98, 102, 116, 121, 127, 134, 290, 291, 316, 323, 327, 341, 500. John Mason, 500. John Williams, 208. Jonathan, 146, 160, 310, 326. Lydia, 160, 396. Lyman, 152, 326. Mahala, 230, 405. Mary, 94, 95, 108, 109, 298, 313. Mary M., 482. Maynard, 456. 556 Dodge, Dodges, Doge, Nancy, 267, 417. Nathan, 94, 95, 108, 109, 162, 313, 500. Nathaniel, 94, i33, i35, 141, I40> 152, 160, 300, 326, 354. Olive, 382, 500. Oliver, 372. Ozias, 121. Philena, 456. Phineas, 127. Rachel, ZJ2. Rebecca, 108. Rhoda, 476. Sally, 219, 434- Sarah, 93, 95, 98, 102, 116, 121, 127, 134, 290, 291, 302, 304, 310, 323, 327, 341- Susan, 456, 500. Tirzah, 162, 363. Zebulon, 93, 286, 289, 310. Zubah, 141. Dorchester. Daniel, 485, 487. Dorrance, Darrance, Darance, Abby C., 501. Alexander, 281, 402, 501. Edward Augustus, 269. Francis C, Soi. James Alexander, 281. Jedidiah Kimball, 278. Lucy, 269, 278. Mary, 281, 501. Mary L., 402. Robert D., 269, 278. William F., 501. Dorset, Dorsett, Abigail, 435- Eliza, 402. Mary, 440. Ruth, 422. Dow, , 306, 342. Daniel,. ^^^, 376, 379, 385, 409, 414, 458. Henry L., 407. Mary, 407. Doway, Betsey, 443. Downing, Dinah, TJ. Draper, Eunice, 55, 58. Jemima, 82, 285. Dresser, Abigail, 38. Asa, 38. Benjamin, 38. Jacob, 16, 303. John, 24. Joseph, 24. Kezia, 38. Marcy, 15, 16, 18, 24, 38. Martha, 18, 24. Richard, 15, 16, 18, 24, 38. Duncan, Duncon, Maria, 232, 405. WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Duncan, Duncon, Sally, 232. William, 232. Dunham, Caleb, 413. Emeline, 413, 436. Lemuel, 332. Priscilla, 302. Durkee, Durke, Abigail, 83, 295. Andrew, ^2,, 75, 87, 92. Bartholomew, 'JZ- Benjamin, 87. Elizabeth, 92. Eunice, 75, 301. Marcy, 92. Mary, T^, 75, 87, 289. Mehitabel, 125. Moses Paine, 125. Robert, 125. Dwight, , 8. Anna, 5, 23. Daniel, 455, 460. Dorothy, 30, 32. Elizabeth, 20. Flint, ID. John, S, 30. Josiah, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 17, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 32, 310. Mary, 5, 10, 20, 26. Mary A., 455. Mary E., 460. Sybil, 30. Theodore, 26. Dwinnell, Dwinel, Isaac, 263, 388, 482. Lucretia, 482. Marcus, 263. Roxa, 263. Dyer, Dyar, Achsa, 393. Anna, 131. Betsey, 131. John, 123, 131. Moses, 123. Eanny, Abigail, 178. Alice, 178. John, 178. William, 178. Earl, Elizabeth, 31. Mary, 19, 20, 22. Eastman, Abigail, 21. Delia, 446. Ebenezer, 19, 20. Elizabeth, 314. Hannah, 2. Huldah, 314. Joanna, 302. Jonathan, 314. Marv, 13, 20. Philip, 13, 17, 20. INDEX OF NAMES 557 Eastman, Sarah, 13, 17, 19, 20, 314. Valentine O., 446. Easton, Abiel, 142. Alice, 18. Anne, 17. Barsheba, 105. Calvin, 132. Comfort, 39. David, 12. Ebenezer, 19. Elizabeth, 26, 295, 335. Ephraim, 19, 129, 132, 139, 142, 299. Eimice, 129, 133, 139, 142, 299. Hannah, 28. Jerusha, 23. John, 31. John Elliot, 382. Jonathan, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 23, 28, 31, 36, 39, 46. Joshua, 15. Kezia, 15. Lucy, 129. Luther, 105, 112. Lydia, 10-13, i5-i9, '^Z, 28, 31, 36, 39, 46. Lydia W., 386. Marson, 46, 296, 335. Mary, 316. Mary Davis, 139. Nathaniel, 10, 105, 112, 121, 124, 132, 316. Penelope, z^. Sarah, 105, 112, 121, 124, 132, 316. Susanna, 19. Thomas, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 26. Tirzah, 133. Ursula, 382. William, 124. Eddy, Abigail, 132. Alice, 185, 363. Ama, 124, 185. Anna, 321. Barnabas, 132. Benjamin, 123, 185, 363, 411. Betty, 132. Caleb, 132. Clarissa, 183. * Deborah, 494. Hannah, 282. Ichabod, 132. Joel, 123, 124, 160, 321, 325, John, 18s, 494. Jonathan, 152, 160, 180, 183. Justin, 185. Lucia, 411. Lucy, 180, 282, 409. Marcy, 152, 160, 180. Mercy, 183. Eddy, Olive, 124. Rachel, 123, 124, 321. Rufus P., 282, 409. Zerviah, 132. Edmonds, Edmunds, Edmond, Bathshua, 285, 286. Hannah, 44, 48. Joseph, 188, 285, 286. Mary, 2>7- Rachel, 188. Ruth, 456. Eells, Ells, Samuel, 84. , Eldridge, , 340. Eunice, 371. Frances Mary, 385. Isaac, 422. Nancy, 380. Sarah Ann, 422. Elletrye, Mehitabel, 331. ^Ellingwood, Elingwood, Ellinwood, Abigail, 40, 41, 42, 47, 60. Ephraim, 59. Joanna, 59, 68, 74, 286, 289, ?96, Jonathan, 59, 68, 74. 310. Lydia, 60. Mary, 74. Phebe, 41, 42. Sarah, 47. Thomas, 40, 41, 42, 47, 60. Elithorp, Henry, 23. Mehitabel, 23. Elliot, Elliott, Eliot, Abigail, 97. Abigail B., 476. Ared U., 476. Asahel, 264, 388. Betsey, 400. Elizabeth, 47. Emma E., 264. Esther, 215, 345. Francis, 97. George Lewis, 215. Nathaniel, 97. Patty, 264, 388. Roswell, 215, 308, 345. Samuel, 215, 345. Samuel D., 400. Elmore, Elmer, , 450. Aurillia, 416, 501. Marsall, 501. Mary, 501. Rufus, 416, 501. Ely, Alfred, 385. Zebulon, 371. Emes, Ems, Sally, 369. 558 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Ernes, Ems, Samuel, 336. Emmerson, Russell, 481. Tryphena, 481. English, Jack (Indian), 26. Ensworth, Jedidiah, 338. Esterbrook, Easterbrook, Easterbrooks, Eastabrooks, Abel, 197, 200. Abigail, 188, 197, 200. Anna, 209, 418. Barnard, 200, 206, 235, 375. Benjamin, 209. Calvin, 501. Charles, 206. Charlotte, 501. Cynthia, 206, 235, 375. Ebenezer Howard, 240. Elizabeth, 188, 240, 334, 383. Elizabeth Hala, 240. Hale, 501. James, 198, 367. Joanna, 501. John, 188, 197, 23s, 240, 383. John S., 501. John Theophilus Bradbury Chandler, 240. Jonathan, 458. Louisa, SOI. Lucinda, 412. Lydia, 366, 388. Lyda A., 501. Mary, 198, 209, 501. Mary W., 458. Moses, 188, 197, 200. Nathaniel, 501. Oliver, 209, 357. Patience, 334. Perses S., 501. Polly, 367. Rhoby C, 501. Stephen, 200. Stephen H., 388. William Session, 501. Zerviah, 188, 361. Evans, Evens, Edmund, 29. Mary, 10, 29, 291. Ruth, 29. Fairbanks, Fairbank, Eleazer K, 43. Ruth, 433. Sarah, 68. Fairfield, Abigail, 348. Eleanor, 306. John, 396. Lucy Ann, 394. Lydia, 396. Martha W., 419. Fairfield, Walter, 348, 394. Farman, Ferman, Firman, Jonathan, 80. Mary, 80. Mary, 295. Sarah, 299. Farnum, Fernam, Hannah, 364. Jemima, 286. Fellows, Abigail, 124. Adolphus, 131. Charlotte, 367. Esther Charlotte, 148. Gustavus, 122. Isaac, 122, 126, 131, 138, 148, 297, 301, 320, 323- Jacob, 113, 121, 124. Leah, 138, 148, 301, 323, 343- Lucy, 122, 126, 131, 297, 320. Mary, 414. Parker, 121. Phebe, 113, 121, 124. Priscilla, 113. Sarah, 138, 323. Felsha, Damaris, 294. Fenn, Hannah, 58. Fenner, Fener, Caleb, 413. Caroline C, 483. Emily, 400. Harden, 449. Isaac, 425. Julia Ann, 413. Mary H., 449. Mary T., 480. Pamelina, 425. Samuel, 279, 400. Samuel M., 480, 489. Samuel Monroe, 279. Fezingden, Betsy, 218. Deborah, 218. Ruth, 218. William, 218. Finley, Rebecca, 363. Fish, Albert L., 484. Lovine O., 484. Fisher, Abigail, 289. Eleazer, 334. Ellen L., 501. Emily, 503. Eunice, 267, 355. Laura, 262. Lucian, 261, 503. Lucy, 392. Luther W., 270, 501. Maria Louisa, 270. Mary, 262. Mary D., 501. Melvin E., 503. Miranda, 270, 503. INDEX OF NAMES 559 Fisher, Nathan, 270, 503. Olcott, 261, 262, 267, 355, 449, 454- Olcott Oscar, 267. Parmelia, 454. Polly, 261, 449. Sanford, 503. Sarah A., 503. Thankful, 369. William, 392. Fisk, , 341. Anna, 303. Fitch, Alice, 303. Fitts, Eliza, 439. Francis, 439. Fletcher, Abigail A., 454. Chester B., 454. Fling, Mary, 10. Thomas, 10. Flint, John, 66. Martha, 66. Flynn, Flyn, Flinn, Flin, Alice, 122. Charles, 155. Clarissa, 189, 252, 256, 259, 386. Dorothy, 187. Elizabeth, 150, 155, 159, 165, 180, 189, 304. Elizabeth Kingsley, 252, 256, 259. Francis William, 256. Hannah, 102, 116, 312. Haviland, 180. Henrietta, 218. John, 97, 163, 167, 168, 172, 187, 212, 218, 306, 345. Mary, 93, 163, 167, 168, 187, 212, 218, 306. Mary J., 473. Michael, 116. Nancy, 218. Patty, 116, 360. Payson, 212. Polly, 167, 501. Richard, 79, 80, 88, 93, 97, 102, 116, 122, 150, 15s, 159, 165, 180, 189, 304, 312, SOI. Sarah, 79, 80, 88, 93, 97, 102, 116, 122, ISO, IS9, 298, 312, 343, 501. William, 163, 252, 2S6, 259, 386. Fogg, Daniel, 383. Folunsbee, Eunice, 373. Ford, Chloe, 388. Edson, 480. Harriet, 480. Forgett, Sophia, 445. Timothy, 445. Foster, Chester, 200. Chloe, 176, i8s. Foster, Dwight, 433. Elias, 20s. Jacob, 7S, 174, 178, 200, 205, 212. Joseph, 176, i8s. Lovisa, 433. Lucy, 176. Roswell, 174. Samuel, 192. Susanna, 174, 178, 192, 200, 205, 212. William, 395. Foward, Justus, 299. Fowler, Fowles, Fower, Aaron, 452. Alvan B., 502. Anson, 452. Chandler B., 502. Hannah, 436. Mary C, S02. Mary H., S02. John, 442, 446, S02. Mehitabel, 452. Sarah B., S02. Fox, Abiel, 189, 239, 261, 271, 381, 502. Almira, 345, 384. Asa, 502. Barron, 177. Catharine, 241, 245. Charles, S02. David, 93, 310. Dolly, S02. Ebenezer F., S02. Eleanor, 294, 363, 502. Emeline, 237, 41J. Eliza, 470. Fanny, 96. Finley M., 262. George, 247. Grace, 296. Hannah, 44, 290. Harriet, 206, 391. Jabez, 87, 142, 199, 303. John, 61, 176, 186, 189, 266, 294, 358, 373-377, 379, 381, 382, 384-406, 408-422, 425-438, 502. John O., 470. John Otis, 261. John William, 502. Jonathan, 93, 310. Joseph, 177, 196, 199, 339, S02, Judith, 239, 261, 381, S02. Luther, 264. Luther L., 468. Marcy, 39, 44, 47, S4, 73, 81, 87, 107. Maria E., 459. Maria T., 409. Maria Theresa, 239. 56o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Fox, Marshal, 257. Martha, 502. Mary, 54, 199, 206, 237, 294, 502. Mary L., 402. Mary Maria, 245, 270, 356. Mercy, 61, 93, 96, 310, 337- Molly, 142, 303- Nancy, 502. Nehemiah, 186, 257, 262, 264, 266, 270, 385, 502. O'Hara Dominico Trent, 199. Perley, 189, 241, 244, 245, 247, 255, 271, 381, 502. Polly, 257, 262, 264, 266, 270, 385, S02. Polly B., 502. Priscilla, 176, 186, 189, 358. Rebecca, 81, 107, 31 1- Robertson, 177. Sally, 241, 244, 24s, 247, 25s, 271, 381, 502. Sarah, 502. Sarah P., 472. Sophia, 177, 196, 199, 339, S02. Stiles R., 502. Susanna, 390. Sylvia A., 468. Thomas, 39, 44, 47, 54, 61, 73, 81, 87, 93, 96, 107, 142, 296, 310, 311, 335- Waldo, 176, 24s, 255, 354, 35^, 384. Walter W., 459- William, 189, 199, 206, 237, 502. Fraisers, Marsilva, 365. William, 365. Francis, James H., 426. Franklin, Franklyn, Abigail, 22. Benjamin, 22, 284. Betty, 297. Calvin, 205. Dolly, 147, 407- Dorothy, 137, 140, 147, 1S2, 161, 186, 302. Electe, 152. Elizabeth, 205. Ezra, 175, 176, 362. Hannah, 307. Henry, 137, 140, I47, I52, 161, 186, 302, 328. Henry Toleman, 161. Ichabod, 307. James, 176. John, 20, 22, 186, 284. John J., 412. Lotheta, 137. Lucinda, 284, 412. Mary, 20, 22, 175, 176, 362. Kathan, 205. Franklin, Franklyn, Orry, 175. Wilson, 205. Freedom, Chloe, 364. Freeland, Mary, 295. Freeman, Benjamin, 348. Hannah, 422. Rachel, 306. Frink, Alfred B., 274. Alfred L., 274. Mary, 274. Frissel, Frissell, Frizel, Frisel, ffrizell, Frizell, Friszel, Frizle, ffrisselle, Frissle, Abigail, 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 33, 35, 37, 43, 59. Benjamin, 9, 47, 55, 68, 78, 88, 95, loi, 143, 178, 303, 330. David, 118, 139, 205, 323, 371, Ebenezer, 10, Zl, 3iS- Eliakim, 106, 325. Elizabeth, 37, 43, 50, 56, 64, 72, 79, 87, 143, 178, 205, 303, 371. Ephraim, loi. Esther, 304. George, 205, 275, 393. Hannah, 4, 47, 68, 87, 275. Hannah Belknap, 393. Hannah E., 275. Hannah S., 441. Huldah, 114, 118, 126, 139, 295, 318, 323, 331. Isaac, 65, 79. James, 9, Z7, 43, 50, 56, 64, 72, 79, 87. John, 2, ZZ, 35, Z7, 43, 59, 65, 106, 289, 290. Joseph, I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 43, 114, 118, 126, 139, 295, 318, ^■2.^, 331- Judith, 135, 144, 165, 301. Mary, 7, 9, 26, 56, 78. Mary Ann, 441. Mehitabel, 64. Monica, 135. Naomi, 55, 68, 78, 88, 95, lOl. Priscilla, 126, 139, 323. Samuel, 79. Sarah, 3, 59, 72, 104, 106, 114, 139, 289, 290, 315, 318. Susanna, 65, 79. Thomas, 165. William, 135, 144, 165, 301, 304. Frost, Daniel, 375, 393- Daniel C, 461. Fuller, Abigail, 80, 109. Anna, 109. Asenath, 444. Clarissa, 451. INDEX OF NAMES 561 Fuller, 'Joel, 451. Kezia B., 421. Lydia, 414. Nathaniel, 349. Rufus, 421. Gage, Alvan, 194, 274, 278, 389, S03. Ann Irena, 278. Anna, 131, 196, 347. Chester, 196. -^ Elisha, 164, 167, 172, 188, 196, 307. Emily, 223, 412. Enos, 503. Esther, 359. Hepsibah, 194, 396. Huldah, 253, 261, 265, 385, 437- Irena, 274, 278, 389, 503. Joel, 194, 353, S03. Leonard, 435, 437, 438, 443. Lucy, 167, 194, 223, 228, 305, 366. Luther, 164. Lydia, 194, 265, 353, 503. Major, 194, 253, 261, 265, 385. Marsha, 253, 417. Mary Ann, 261. Miriam, 131. Moses, 194, 223, 228, 366. Nancy, 196. Olive, 164, 167, 172, 188, 196, 307. . Philip, 131. Polly, 194. Sophia, 194, 384. Susan, 274, 278, 503. Gager, Gordon O., 427. Rachel L., 427. Gallup, Dinah, 428. Jeremiah, 428. Gardner, Gardiner, Gordner, Daniel P., 474. Hannah, 21. Huldah M., 474. Joshua, 20. Mary E., 451. Sylvester, 451. Gary, Ann, 2-4, 6, 10, 13. Anne, 4, 7, 14, 18. Elisha, 4. Elizabeth, 10, 14 Hannah, i, 21, 41, 47, 48. Jemima, 10. John, 14, 41, 47, 48. Joseph, 14. Joshua, 3. Mary, 6, 47. Mehitabel, 4. Naomi, 13. 36 Gary, Nathaniel, 1-4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 18. Rachel, 7. Rebecca, 14. Sarah, i, 14. Susanna, 5, 14. William, 5, 14. Gates, Mary, 21. Samuel, 21, Gay, Calvin, 213, 217, 241, 348, 383. Deborah, 374. Eunice, 389. Fitts, 241. Jotham, 217. Luther, 217. Naomi, 213, 217, 371. Patience, 241, 383. Polly, 217. Rufus, 213, 217, 374. Stephen, 389. Theodore, 217. Gaylord, Horace, 412. Mary A., 412. Gibbs, Jacob, 293. Sarah, 293. Gibney, Hannah, 470. James, 470. Giddings, Mary, 471. Giles, Belinda, 250, 251. EHza, 250. ' Joab, 250, 251. John Burley, 251. Lyon, 251. Margaret, 250. Mercy, 250. Nathan Herwood, 251. Russell James, 251. Sophia, 251. Tyler, 251. Gilmore, Orinda, 417. William, 417. Gleason, Glysson, Glyson, Charles, 298, 305. Jacob, 204, 338. Mary, 305. Rachel, 204, 338. Sylvanus Barns, 204. William, 335. Goddard, Deborah, 68. Goffe, Goff, Bethia, 81, 93, 306. Betty, 93. Grace, 285. Hezekiah, 81, 93, 285. Gold, Hannah, 27. Joseph, 27. Rebecca, 27. Thomas, 27. Goodell, Goodel, Goodall, Goodale,' ,92. 562 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Goodell, Goodel, Goodall, Goodale, Abigail, 31, 80, 135, 141. H4, I49, 152, 300. Alfred, 198. Alice, 149, 150, 155, i59, 164, 175, 18s, 191, 198, 240, 304, 330, 503. Almira, 413. Alpheus, 144. Anna, 31, 247, Annis M., 461. Asa, 87, 92, 149, 150, 155, 159, ' 164, 175, 177, i8s, 198, 240, 258, 260, 267, 271, 276, 304, 330, 503. Azuba, 149, 329- Benjamin, 21. Calvin, 168. Candace, 207 Caroline, 459- Caroline Monica, 271. Chloe, 168, 360. Danford, 437. David, 68, 117, 126, 133, 142, I49, 172, 173, 296, 321, 329. Eliphalet, 17, 5i, 52, n?, 295, 321. Elisha, 46, 114, 295. Elizabeth, 134, 146, 191, 211, 300. Esther, 98, I35- George, 411. Hannah, 17, 21, 22, 117, 126, 133, 142, 149, 172, 173, 191, 296, 321, 329- Harriet, 432. Hepsibath, 202, 368. Huldah, 411. Ichabod Warner, 367. Irene, 144, 336, 365. Isaac, 22, 87, 117, 142, 321, 329- Joan, 437- John, 8, 10, 17, 21, 22, 31, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 68, 73, 87, 92, 95, 98, 127, 133, 144, 150, 151, 159, 168, 177, 299, 360. John W., 276. Kezia, 149, 424, 503. Lathrop, 276. Lemuel, 87, 134, 146, 191, 247, 300. Leonard, 134. Leonard S., 461. Levi, 149, 172. Levina M., 474. Levina Maria, 258. Lese, 468. Lorenzo, 267. Lowry, 207. Lucy, 199, 367. Lydia, 8, 10, 17, 175, 386. Lyman, 149, 155, 207. Goodell, Goodel, Goodall, Goodale, Martha, 114, 295. ,, ;y\^' /' Mary, ,44- 46,''48,;si, 52^ 63, 73, 87, 92* 95, 98; 127, 133, I44>- 150, 151, 159, 177, 299. Mary E., 459. Mary Eliza, 276. Miranda, 395. Molly, 117, 133, 295, 321. Monica, 240, 395. Nancy, 175. Nathan, 127. Nathaniel, 7Z, I35, 141, I44, 149, 152, 300. Olive, 149, 452. Orinda, 149, i59, Z17- Ozias, 260. Paris, 207. Palmer, 211. Patience, 17. Patty, 159, 258, 267, 271, 276, 372. Persis, 146. Phebe, 199. Polly, 260, 363. Ruaney, 442. Sally, 202. Samuel, 17, 334. Sarah, 175, 330. Stephen, 173. Sylvester, 172. Thomas, 336, 365- Walter, 149, 202, 368. Warner, 199. Willard, 191, 247. William P., 395. Zerviah, 114. Zuba, 126, 149, 150, 321. Gorden, Gordon, Gardner, 132. Jean, 54- Levina, 320. Mary, 132, 294, 320. Nathan, 320. Samuel, 54. William, 132, 294, 320. Gore, Darius, 472. Lucretia M., 472. Gorton, Mary, 463. Gould, Goold, Almira, 413. Anne, 115. Bathsheba, 234, 237, 345, 407. Beriah, 224, 235, 237, 240, 249, • 378. Betsey, 271, 357. Bezaleel, 234, 345, 352, 356, 380. Calvin, 234, 271, 357. Clarissa, 271, 379. Dorcas, Z2>, 38. Diantha, 476. INDEX OF NAMES 563 Gould, Goold, Dinah, 380. Dorothy, 444. Dorcas, 288. Eliza, 271. Ellen Maria, 503. Hannah, y^. Henry M., 503. James S., 503. Jonathan, 30, 99, 107, 115, 121, 128, 135, 290, 291, 314, 345. Joseph, 99, 309, 314. Lorinda, 224. Lucinda, 234. Luther, 234. Lydia, 135, 271. Mary, 99, 107, 115, 121, 128, 135, 234, 290, 291, 314, 345. Mary E., 503. Olive, 128, 439, 503. Orinda, 417. Rebecca, 30, 33, 38, 44, 53, 82, 285. Reuben, 224, 235, 237, 240, 249, 378. s., 439. Samuel, 249, 503. Sarah, 44, 240. Silas, 234, 23s, 345, 413. Sophia, 234. Susanna Moore, 234. Thomas, 30, zz, 38, 44, 53, 313. William, 352, 476. Gr( ), Priscilla, 198. William, 198. Grant, John S. D., 448. Lucinda, 448. Graves, Delia, 382. Luther B., 452. Parmela, 348. S. Maria, 452. William, 336, 348, 354, 366-370, 373-384. Gray, James, 406. Zulia, 406. Green, Greene, Abigail, 80, 100, 102, 294. Alfred E., 457. Almaria, 266. Anna, 102. Azubah, 116, 121, 127, 134, 142, 295. Betsey, 266, 281, 385. Charles, 128, 299, 319. Cynthia, 124, 375. Daniel, 127. David, 'J2, 308. Dorcas, 290, 296. Eliphalet, y2.. Eunice, 188. Francis, 188. Green, Greene, George A., 482. George W., 445. Hannah, 365. Harbe, 365. Harriet Newell, 281. Hepziba, ^2. John, 44, 116, 121, 124, 127, 134, 142, 188, 295, 298. John W., 431. Levina, 188, 360. Lucretia, 142. Lydia, 72, 290, 460. Lydia A., 445. Martha, 121. Marvel, 446. Mary, 44, 72, 128, 134, 301, 319. Mary Ann, 431. Nahum, 290. Olive, 2)(i^. Parker, 188, Phebe, 364. Rachel, 124, 188, 298. Rebecca, 387. Rufus, 116. Samuel, 80, 100, 102. Samuel Danna, 281. Sarah, 299, 308. Silence, 361. Stephen, 100. Tabitha, 72. Tryphena, 482. William K., 266, 281, 385. William Kimball, 281. Zebediah, 100. Grevel, Louisa, 487. Griffin, Joseph, 2,T. Margaret, 27. Griggs, Grigg, Grigs, Abijah, 342. Benjamin, 2, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 30, 31. Chloe, 304. Clarina, 366. Ephraim, 21. Esther, 421. Hannah, 17, 18, 23, 33, 457. Hezekiah, 88. Ichabod, 289, 304. John, 19, 423. Joseph, 8, 34, 88. Julia A., 481. Lucretia, 425. Lydia, 289. Mehitabel, 15, 45, 48. Nancy, 423. Noah, 477. Noah H., 425. Patience, 2, 8, 11, 13, IS, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 31, 34, 67, 88. 564 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Griggs, Grigg, Grigs, Ruth, 49, 477. Solomon, 13, 421. Tryphena, 482. Grindwell, Isaac, 432. Griswold, Aaron, 158, 161, 306. Anna, 158, 161, 306. Hannah Roberts, 161. Marian, 302. Mary Durkee, 158. Roger, 84. Grosvenor, Grosvernor, Grosve- nour, Grosuernor, Grosve- ner. Alma, 269. Anne, 13. Caleb, 67. Charles Fowler, 271. D. A., 454- Dorothy, 258, 356, 387. Dorothy Perrin, 271. Ebenezer, 13. Esther, 269, 271, 275, 281, 387, Elizabeth, 297. Godfrey, 258, 269, 271, 275, 281, 356, 387. Hannah, 109, 296. Leicester, 17, 292. Mary, 17, 54. Mason, 258. Sarah, 67. Sarah M., 281. Susanna, 8. Thomas, 368. Thomas Chandler, 275. Grout, Hannah, 97. Grove, James, 453. Grow, Deborah, 147, 304, 374. James, 389, 393, 395, 401, 455, 457- John, 147, 304. Polly, 377- William, 360. Guild, Gueld, John B., 450, 481. Marcy, 415. Margaret, 469. Sophia, 420. Sophrona, 450. Guiles, Eliza, 410. Gun, Lucinda E., 461. Hadlev, Hannah, i. Haigh, Martha, 422. Hale, Eliza, 472. James, 31. Thomas, 472. Haliburt, Prudence, 297. Hall, , 332. Daniel E., 432. Hall, Lovica, 370. Laurna, 38. Patience, 33. Reuben, 341. Tryphena, 481. Hallingworth, Benjamin, 465. Delilah, 465. Hambleton, Caroline, 452. George W., 452. Hamilton, Charlotte, 436. Hamlin, Sybil, 30. Hamm, Henry P., 479. Melley, 479. Hammond, Hammon, Hamond, Haman, , 103. Abel, 65. Abigail, 290. Anne, 55. Asa, 118, 122, 127, 137, 142, 149. Betty, 72. Celia, 455. David, 118, 127, 314. Esther, 103. Esther A., 504. Eunice, 41, 42. Ezra, 232, 504. Fanny, 230, 233, 373. Frances, 216, 235, 249, 252, 262. Francis, 232, 240. Jonathan, 51, 65, 72, 79, 87, 98, 103, 314, 316. Josiah, 308, 327, 336. Katherine, 51, 65, 72, 79, 87, 98, 103, 314, 334- Lois, 65, 118, 122, 137, 142, 149, Lucina, 262, 465. Lucy Ann, 504. Lyman, 142. Margaret, 87. Mary, 79, 113, 116, 294, 298, 327, 461. Matthew, 51, 113, 116, 294. Molly, 116, 118. Perrin P., 504. Polly, 122. Royal, 233, 461. S. W., 478. Samuel, 41, 42. Sarah, 252, 461. Seth, 230, 235. Sela, 240. Sybil, 308, 352. Walter Edwards, 504. William, 216, 230, 232, 233, 235, 240, 249, 252, 262, 373, 461. Handel, Handell, Alfred, 449. , Almira, 449. Diantha, 476. INDEX OF NAMES 565 Handy, Ann, 431. Caleb, 387. Mary Ann, 477. Nathan, 431. Ovandy, 387. Haradon, Herendeen, Harridon, Herridon, Herenden, Har- indeen, Harrendeen, Herr- indeen, Herideen, Emily, 474. Ezra, 503. James M., 474. Jerusha, 381. John, 224, 417. Joseph, 224, 371. ^^ Laban, 370. Manetta, 480. Mary, 224, 440, 503. Mary E., 503. Nancy A., 417. Pelly, 370, 371, 378. Rachel, 372. • Sanf ord, 277. Simeon, 440, 503. Simon, 277. William, 381. Zeba, 277. Harding, Hardin, , 103. Abiel, 113. Abigail, 98, 99, 103, 105, 289, 3iS> 320. Abijah, 113. Anna, 320. Bathsheba, 450. Calvin, 391. Cornelius, 320. Dinah, 118, 128, 294, 320, 351. Esther, 128. Francis, 269. Judith, 294. Kezia, 118. Levina, 305, 339. Lucy Shepard, 269. Lydia, 157, 391. Olive, 269. Palmer, 450. Samuel, 98, 99, 103, 105, 113, 118, 128, 289, 294, 315, 320. Stephen, 99. Timothy, 98, 157, 305, 339. Hare, Hair, Benjamin Bradbury, 259. Louisa, 275. Olive, 259, 27s, 276, 387. Roswell, 259, 275, 276, 387. Harley, Mary, 448. Nathan, 448. Harriman, Herriman, Heriman, Hariman, Anna, 94. Harriman, Herriman, Heriman, Hariman, Levine, 96. Molly, 96. Sarah, 94, 96, 288, 289. Stephen, 94, 96, 288, 289. Harrington, see Herrington. Harris, Harries, Abner, 58, 63, 69, 78, 88, 90, 93, 97, 102, 103, 104, 115, 121, 122, 128, 131, 137, 296. Asa, 121. Benjamin, loi. Betsey, 250. Charles J., 475. Deborah, 58, dz, 69, 78, 88, 90, 93. 97, 102, 103, 104, 115, 122, 131. Elizabeth, 69. Esther, 90. Experience, 88. George, loi, 290. Jerusha, 121, 128, 131, 137, 296^ John, 78, 104. Lidda, 122. Marcy, 131. Mary Ann, 475. Mary H., 481. Molly, 128. Nehemiah K., 250. Per ley, 115. Rebecca, loi, 290. Sarah, 71, 78. Schuyler, 250. Susanna, 71. Tamar, 97, 304. Thomas, 63, 93. William, 71, 78, 137. William A., 481. Zerviah, 131. Hart, William, 306. Harwood, Harward, Ebenezer, 359. Lydia, 375. Ruth, 359. Hascall, Haskell, Haskill, Alice, 303. Amanda, 272. Amasa, 272, 276. Benjamin W, 276. Christopher, 276. Dudley R., 276. Eunice, 406. Jane, 276, 417. Jane W., 276. John, 388. Joseph, 303. Larned, 406. Rachel L., 276, 427. Samuel L., 272. 566 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Hascall, Haskell, Haskill, Sylvania, 276. William, 276. William L., 276. Hasting, Hastings, Almira, 385. Harriet N., 486. Holley W., 469. Rhoda M., 469. Hatch, Mary Ann, 422. Royal, 422. Haughton, see Houghton. Havens, Haven, , 375- Abigail, 291. Abraham, 260, 427. Barsheba, 260. Betsey, 260. Daniel, 461. Ebenezer, 291. James, 260. Lucinda, E., 461. Mary A., 455- Nancy, 260. Polly, 427. Hawkins, Laura Ann, 483. Lot S., 483- Hawks, Daniel A., 425. Rosette, 425. Hayden, Beriah, 61. Haynes, Mary, 296. Hayward, Almira, 243. Amasa, 158, 159, 165, 176, 179, 306. Ann, 74, 79, 91. Anna, 60, 63, 315. Anne, 48, 52, 55. Asenath, 176. Augustus Storrs, 243. Benjamin, 52, 115, 151, 336, 362, 371- Charles Emanuel, 254. Clary, 179. Cylinda, 158. David, 74, 128, 139, 143, 150, 152, 157, 163, 178, 326, 357- Dorcas, 139. Eleazer, 347. Elizabeth, 54, 379. Erastus L., 459. • Esther, 63. George King, 222. Gilbert, 503. Hannah, 115, 151, 336, 362, 374. Harmony, 159. Hopestill, 79. Huldah, 152. Jemima, 158, 159, 165, 176, 179, 304. Joanna, 143. Hayward, Joseph, 48, 52, 55, 60, 63, 74> 79> 91, IIS. 315. Kmg, 222, 223, 243, Z77- Lois, 128. Lucy, 222, 223, 243, zll, 415. Lucy Paine, 222, 416. Maria L., 459. Martha, 139. Mary, 41, 48, 223, 228, 232, 242, 293, 304, 348, 349, nd. Mary S., 228. Miriam, 165. Nancy, 228, 243. Noah Paine, 223. Philip, 151, 223, 232, 242, 348, 349, 376. Pliny, 243, 415. Polly, 157, 163, 326, Z17. Priscilla, 128, 139, 143, 150, 152, 157, 163, 178, 326. Rachel, 55, 60, 294. Rhoda, 176. Roxana, 254. Sabra, 384. Sally, 254, 503. Samuel Soule, 223, 348. Sarah, 296. Sophia Theresa, 254. Thomas, 228, 254, 503. William, 296. William Henry, 242. Healy, Healey, Abiel L., 284. Abigail, 288. Alice, 398. Caleb, 403. Chester F., 284. Daniel D., 284. Daniel L., 284, 285, 504. Dolly, 403. Ebenezer, 288. Edwin, 284. Henry, 284. Hezeiciah, 285. John B., 487. Joseph, 398. Joshua, 398. ' Mary E., 487. Mary Eliza, 480. Prudence, 191, 284, 364. Rosalinda, 380. Sarah, 426. Sophia, 504. Tryphena, 284, 285, 504. William, 191, 284, 364, 504. William H., 504. William K., 284. Heath, Lucy Ann, 394. , Heginbothom, Jerusha, 435. INDEX OF NAMES 567 Hemingway, Hemenway, Elizabeth, 47, 49. Hannah, 16, 21. Isaac, 22, 60, 62, 65, 66. Margaret, 22, 65, 83. Mercy, 62, 65, 66, 68, y6. Samuel, 16, 21, 22, 47, 49. Hende, Kezia, 334. Hendrick, Jabez, 289, 290. Lois, 289, 290. Henry, Elizabeth, 504. Elizabeth L., 467, 504. Erastus, 504. George, 504. William, 504. Hergecheimer, Christopher, 398. Herrindeen, see Haradon. Herrington, Herrinton, David, 430, 505. Francis, 429. George G., 505. Jeremiah, 419. Lydia, 430, 505. Mary S., 429. Phebe G., 419 Hibbard, Hebberd, Hebbert, Hib- bart, Abby P., 452. Abiel, 217. Adeline, 391. Antoinette, 264. Asa, 234, 412. * Asenath, 444. Charles, 234. , Chloe, 475- Clarissa, 451. Curtis, 444. Daniel, 264, 269. Ebenezer, 475. Elone, 103. Eleanor, no, 124, 292. Eliza Ann, 264, 426, Eunice, 412. Henrietta, 269. Hiram, 347. Isaac, 217, 229, 234, 257, 347, 374, 503. Isabel M., 442. Isabel May, 229. Jemima, 217, 229, 234, 257, 374, 503. John, 217, 391. Lemuel, 124. Lovisa, 423. Lucretia, 264, 269. Lucy, 229. Lyman, 257, 452. Martha R., 486. Mary, 257, 448. Nancy, 229, 410. Hibbard, Hebberd, Hebbert, Hib- bart, Permelia G., 432, Phebe C, 451. Prudence, 485. Seth, 103, no, 124, 292. Sophia, 503. Hicks, Adaline, 453. Bela, 444, 450, 452, 454, 456, 458, 459, 482, 483, 48s. Jemima, 374. Mehitabel, 369. Hill, Dinah, 380. George W., 477. Lucy Ann, 428. Mary A., 477, Hinds, Hindes, , 94- John, 77, 90, 94, 143, 303. Judith, 77, 90, 94, Lemuel, 90. Levina, 143, 303. Lucretia, 143. Hine, O. D., 487, 488. Hiscox, Hiscock, Alba, 504. Albee, 438. Anna, 255. Annette, 504. Burton E., 503. David, 255. Dwight, 504. Eliza, 428, 504. Ellen, 504. Freeman, 255. Lucian G., 456. Lucy, 438, 503, 504. Lyman, 425, 503. Martha Ann, 503. Marvel, 446. Otis, 255, 446. Perley Ann, 456. Sophronia, 255, 503. William P., 428, 504, Zerviah, 425, 503. Hitchcock, Stephen, 416. Hix, Bela, 483, 484. Hobbs, Pamelia B., 444. Hodges, Hodes, , 104. Anna, 104, 118, 192, 335, 365. Asenath, 114. Drufus, 142, 192, 335, 365. Elizabeth, 294. Mary, 118, 125, 292, 296, 315, 319- Polly, 192, 335. Rachel, 142. Seth, 104. Silas, 118, 125, 142, 296, 319. 568 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Hodges, Hodes, Susanna, 301. Holbrook, Abigail, 142, 152. Alson, 188. Anna, 297. Betty, 152. Billy, 199- Daniel, 188. Dorothea, 192. Edward, 222. Hannah, IS4> 188, 329. Harriet, 217. Irene, 154, 188, 189, 192, I99. 329, 331, 333. Job, IS4, 188, 189, 192, 199, 329, 331, 333- John, 331. Parker, 217, 222, 244, 375. Mary, 154, 244. Mehitabel, 34, 293. Nabby, 142. Parker, 217, 222, 244, 375. Parker Morse, IS4- Sally, 331- Sarah, 154, 333, 362. Thomas, 142, 152, 189. Holdrich, Hannah, 27. Hollingworth, Hannah, 424. Jabez, 422. Joseph, 424. Martha, 422. Holman, Maria Louisa, 472. Sidney, 443. Thomas, 472. Zilpah, 366. Holmes, Holms, . 99. Abiel, 123, 136, 503. Abigail, 7, 67, 72, 75, 81, 89, 335- Almira, 388. Amelia, 362. Asa, 91, 99. Bathsheba, 304. Bathshua, 25, 26, 28, 31, 36, 40, 41, 45, 46, 106, 285, 286. Beulah, 82. Billy, 311. Chandler, 104, 117, 314, 362. Charles, 218. Daniel, 361. David, 25, 26, 28, 31, 36, 40, 41, 45, 46, 91, 99, 106, 122, 123, 132, 136, 159, 208, 297, 309, 310, 311, 364, 503. Dorothy, 89. Ebenezer, 5, 24, 26, 77, 80, 86, 89, 94, 104, 117, 122, 136, 163, 179, 191, 198, 205, 206, 218, 298, 307, 308, 314, 337. Eliza Ann, 206. Holmes, Holms, Elizabeth, 8, 9, 163, 307. Esther, 49, 290, 291. Experience, 12, 39. Hannah, i, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, | 21, 43, 76, 82, 364. Hannah Palmer, 248. Hartwell, 159, 208, 248, 372. Huldah, 117. Ichabod, 23. Isaac, 13. Jacob, 3. James, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 76. Jane, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 76. Jeremiah, 191. Joanna, 5, 24, 26, 30. John, I, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 32, 35, 37, 43, 49, 54, 55, 63, 71. Joseph, 54, 81. Josiah, 31, 285, 287, Lathrop, 136, 214. Lemuel, 63. Leonard, 159, 261, 369. Liberty, 159, 261. Lois, 208, 248, 372. Lucretia, 224, 261, 379, 404. Lucius, 482, 483. Lucy, 205. Luther, 248. Marcella, 163, 179, 191, 198, 205, 206, 218, 308. Margaret, 6, 51. Martha, 117, 122, 136, 298. Mary, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 32, 35, 37, 43, 49, 54 63, 7h I9i- Mehitabel, 32, 91, 99, 106, 310, 311, 503. Moses, 36, 163, 224, 261, 379. Oliver, 179. Perley, 122, 191. Phebe, 11, 77^^^, 86, 89, 94, 104, 117, 286, 314. Philip, 71. Rachel, 6. Rhoda, 285, 287, 380. Sally, 369. Sally Pellet, 248. Samuel, 35, 37. Sanford, 132, 341, 351, 380. Sarah, 13, 80, 89, 214, Sarah Ann, 198. Stephen, 40, 41, 46. Sukey, 206. Sybil, 26, 77, Tabitha, 28, 45, 99. Tamar, 304. Tempa, 214. Temperance, 122, 123, 132, 136, 159, 297, 345, 369. INDEX OF NAMES 569 Holmes, Holms, Temperance Bishop, 248. Thankful, 5, 24. Thomas, 5, 67, 72, 75, 81, 89, 304. William, j^. William Clark, 224. Zerviah, 361. Holt, Eliza C, 437. Oliver, 437. Holton, Alpheus, 142. Daniel, 22. Elijah, 142, 303. Lydia, 22. Rebecca, 142, 303. Holwell, Holwill, Bridget, 238, 380. David, 238. Lois, 238. Hooker, Betsey, 250. Samuel, 250. Hopkins, Abby, 467. Clarissa, 410. Rhoda, 285, 287. Samuel K., 467. Horn, Emery B., 459. Louisa, 470. Mary E., 459. William D., 470. Horsmer, Hosmer, Horsmar, Abel, 60, 64, 75, 158, 178, 186, 187, 193, 204, 23s, 306, 328, ^ 338, 355. Angelina Atwood, 247. Anna, 39, 315. Betsey, 193, 2,77- Charles, 162, 219, 375. Dorcas, 40, 42, 44, 47, 50, 60, 64, ^,. 75, 158, 187, 295, 328, 336. Eliza, 225, 226. Elizabeth, 22, 32, 39, 64, 7z, 235, 252, 301, 311, 331, 340. Emily, 252. Ephraim, 40, 42, 44, 47, 50, 60, 64, 75, 187, 247, 328, 355, 383. Hannah, 35, 42. James, 39, 64, 73, 162, 177, 315, 331. John, 32. Lucius, 225. Lydia, 219, 375. Manasseh, 28, 31, 190, 295, 334. Martha, 38, 42. Mary, 28, 31, 226. Polly, 186. Sabra, 47, 158, 178, 186, 187, 193, 204, 306, 328, 338. Samuel, 331. Sarah 162, 177, 247, 331, 352, 383. Horsmer, Hosmer, Horsmar, Solomon, 225. Solomon C, 226, 235, 252. Solomon Cady, 186, 377. Thomas, 50, 204, 338. Zebulon, 44, 158, 328, Zelotes, 219. Zerviah, 158, 328. Horton, Andrew, 484. Ezra, 296, 301, 303, 304. Harriet, 484. Hough, Benjamin S., 505. ' Hannah S., 505. L. S., 445-447, 45i, 452, 453, 455, 505. Lent S., 441, 442, 443, 444, 447, 448, 449- Houghton, Haughton, < Aaron B., 456, 504. Albert, 270. Almira, 272. Ama, 262. ^' Caroline, 262, 452,,,^'' Darius, 483. '"-^ David, 264, 270, 272. Deley Ann, 468. Diantha, 483. Elijah, 262. Emeline F., 483. Ephraim, 267. Giles, 272. Giles E., 468. Hannah, 204. Irene, 504. James B., 456. James S., 504. James Sibley, 267. Jonas, 185, 197, 336. Lucy, 197. Mary C, 504. Miranda, 461. Polly, 267. Sally, 264, 270, 272. Sarah, 185, 197, 264. Sarah J., 504. Susan, 456, 504. Sylvia, 504. Sylvia L., 456. Wealthy, 185, 346. How, Irenea, 216. Israel, 76, 77. Molly, 216. Noah, 216. Sarah, 76, 77. Howard, Haward, Anna, 122. Benjamin, 122. Betsey, 443. CM., 472. Charles N., 504. 570 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Howard, Haward, Clinton, 466. David, 173. Eliza, 428. Elizabeth, 383. Emily J., 504. Ezra, 443- Frances E., 504. Hannah, 122, 457. Hiram, 504. Huldah, 375. Jared D., 457. Juliet, 447, 504- King, 355. Lucretia, 466. Lucy, 355. Marcia, 468. Maria J., 504. Marsha, 173. Mary, 430, 504. Mercy, 381. Minerva, 436. Miranda, 461. Priscilla, 173, 375. Roxana, 437. Sabra, 383. Sophia T., 440. Warner, 430, 447, 504. Water, 504. William, 461. Howe, Elijah, 480. Sarah Ann, 480. Howlet, Hewlett, Howlitt, , 105, 351- Adeline, 503. Alice, 189, 191, 195, 201, 215, 338, 361, 398. Amanda, 241. Anna, 185, 191, 196, 209, 215, 241, 362. Asa, 254. Benjamin, 183. Betsey, 193, 254. Charles, 191. Charlotte, 223. Dan, 290. Daniel, 255. Didymus, 115, 189, 191, 195, 201, 211, 216, 218, 223, 230, 241, 338, 351, 361. Ebenezer, 254, 255, 268, 386, 503. Eleazer, 218. Elizabeth, 303. George, 255. Hannah, 255. Hiram, 241. John, 105, 109, IIS, 121, i8s, 191, 196, 209, 215, 241, 293, 362. Jonathan, 106, 180, 317. Keziah, 255, 390. Howlet, Howlett, Howlitt, Laura, 255. Lemuel, 191. Lois, 254, 255, 268, 386, 503. Lois Adeline, 268. Lorra, 415, 416. Lucinda, 209. Lucretia, 163, 177, 180, 183, 193, 197, 306. Lucy, 254, 407. Lydia, 201. Martha, 116, 298, 317. Mary, 100, 106, 108, 116, 191, 218, 223, 230, 290, 317, 34i» 368. Mary Ann, 255. Matilda, 241. Miraam, 297. Nathan, 195. Orin Lewis, 255. Pearley, 255. Phebe, 230. Polly, 197, 211, 216, 372, 393, 455- Priscilla, 365. Rebecca, 105, 109, 115, 121, 191, 293, 357, 378. Sally, 191. Samuel, 100, 106, 108, 116, 163, 177, 180, 183, 193, 197, 306, 317, 341, 368. Sarah, 189, 307. Sylvester, 191. Thomas, 109. Thomas Richardson, 163. William, 100, 343, 365. Howson, John, 459, 460, 461. Hoyt, Olive, 452. Hovey, Polly, 410. Hubbard, Hubbord, Anstis, 269. Benjamin, 269, 333. Charlotte Draper, 269. John, I. Mary, 17. Rebecca, i, 2. Sarah, 13. Hughes, Experience, 288. Jonas, 288. Humes, Alpheus, 473. Tryphena, 473. Humphrey, Humphry, Umphre, Humfrey, tJmphery, Umphry, Ann, 5. Arthur, 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 16. Ebenezer, 2. John, 8. Mehitabel, 7. Rachel, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 16, 22. Samuel, 16. INDEX OF NAMES 571 Humphrey, Humphry, Umphre, Humfrey, Umphery, Umphry, Tabitha, 10. Hunt, Hannah Bradbury, 230. Jesse L., 230, 243, 267. Jesse Lyman, 267, 378. Lucy, 243. Martha, 289. Temperance, 230, 243, 267, 378. Huntington, Betsey, 392. Clarissa, 394. Dorothy, 299. Ebenezer, 370. Edward H, 483. Eliphalet, 242. Hannah, 242, 362. Harriet A., 483. Joseph, 241, 382. Maria Lucretia, 370. Mary, 242. Parthena, 241, 382. Samuel, 84, 339. Thomas, 442, 468. Hurlbut, Hurlbutt, Abigail, 167. Clarry, 199. Elijah, 150, 155, 163, 167, 168, 176, 193, 199, 303, 318. Elisha, 150. Hannah, 176. Jerusha, 299. John, 146. John Freeman, 163. Lydia, 307. Nathaniel, 133, 138, 300. Patty, 146. Polly, 193- Prudence, 120. Royal, 138. Sarah, 133, 138, 146, 150, I5S. 163, 167, 168, 176, 193. 199. 300, 303. Stedman, 120. Hutchins, Hutchens, Barnace, 95. Elisha, 88, 115, 316. Freelove, 90. John, 7T, 80, 88, 90, 95, 105, 108, no, 115, 120, 315. Keziah, 35. Lucy, "JT, 80, 88, 90, 95, 105, 108, no, 115, 120, 315, 316. Hutchinson, Hutchenson, Aaron, 342. Elizabeth, 90. Mary, 90. Samuel, 90. Hyde, Hide, Anna C, 486. Asa, 91, 152, 158, 218. Hyde, Hide, Asa Waterman, 249. Asher, 249, 343, 353- Betsey, 211, 218, 224, 371. Dorothy, ^^, 81, 82, 91, loi, 104, 304, 343. Elizabeth A., 478. Esther, 81, 306. Freeman, 158. Jared, 224. John, 211. Joseph, 211, 218, 224, 371. Lewis A., 478. Lucy, 152, 158. Marian, 249, 353. Mary Eliza, 249, 353. Molly, 152. Rhoda, loi. Samuel, 486. Steven, 104. Susanna, 82, 300. Timothy, yy, 81, 82, 91, loi, 104, 343. Ide, Betsey, 381. Ingalls, Ingolls, Ingols, Ingoles, Alithea, 405. Amelia, 247. Chester, 263, 282, 388, 505, 5I7- Dorcas, yiT- Henry, 426. Lavinia, 426. Lucy J., 505, 517. Marca, 517. Maria, 467, 505. Marvin, 247. Oliver, 247. Pamelia, 282. Percy, 263, 282, 388, 505, 517- Permelia, 482. Sarah, 263. Ireson, Joseph, 408. Ives, James L., 442. Susan, 442. Jackson, Abigail, 40, 42. Adaline, 449. Benjamin, 170, 283. Charles, 150, 267. Chester, 192, 387. . Chloe, 181, 324, 382. Eleazer, 152, 305. Elijah M., 465, 505. Elijah Marcy, 262. Elizabeth, 25. Esther, 134, 145, 150, 161, 166, 177, 181, 183, 192, 195, 300, 324, 377, 505- Frances E. L., 482. Hannah, 41, 48, 387, 401. Henry C, 505. James, 401. 572 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Jackson, Jeremiah, 294. John, 25, 161. Jonathan, 25. Joseph B., 482. Levina, 145, 152, 305. Lucretia, 258, 466. Lydia, 170, 221, 391. Marjory, 25. Mary, 25, 43, 266, 354. Melahah, 465. Melatiah, 505. Nancy, 458, 505. Nathan, 177, 262, 358, 505. Nehemiah, 134, 145, 150, 161, 166, 177, 181, 183, 192, 195, 300, 324, 505. Otis, 258. Orinda, 221, 258, 266, 267, 283, 377. Peregrine, 221. Phebe, 294. Polly, 195, 449- Priscilla, 262, 505. Sabrina, 170. Sarah, 134, 455, 505- Walter, 152, 258, 283. Willard, 221, 258, 266, 267, 283, 354, 377, 505. William C, 458. Willie E., 505. Jacobs, Benjamin, 76, JT. Joseph, 70. Lucy, 376. Mary, 54, 55- Mercy, 70. Minerva, 441. Nathaniel, 70. ' Sarah, 76. Janes, Experience, 292. William, 292. Jennings, Elizabeth, 45, 48. John, 45, 48. Jennison, Isaac, 424, 428. Jewel, Jewell, Dorcas, 290, 291, 295. Experience, 231, 337. James, 231. Sally Ann, 231. Thomas, 290, 291. Johnson, Jonsoh, , 103. Abel, 93, 172, 177, 181, 36s. Abigail, i, 25, 30, 35, 41, 48, 61, 106, 290, 291, 294, 319. Abner, 428. Alice, 203, 223, 234, 246, 370. Amasa, 85. Amasa L., 505. Anna, 8, 52, 53, 66, 114, 122, 130, 135, 147, 155, 156, 294, 306, 346, 370. Johnson, Jonson, Anna Paine, 166. Annette L., 477. Asa, 135, 203. Asahel, 89. Betsey, 203, 259, 260, 387, 441, 452. Billy, 136. Caleb, 18. Caleb H., 410. Clarissa, 333. David, 28, 29, 44. Dinah, 30, 294. Dolly, 156. Dorothy, 12, 33. Ebenezer, 99. Ebenezer Chandler, 201. Edward, 7, 37, 41, 42, 47, 54, 64, 74, 89, 93, 99, no, 116, 124, 292, 325. Eliza, 234, 419. Elizabeth, 11, 80, 190, 201, 202, 259, 361. Ephraim, 30, 48. Esther, 57, 166, 306, 318. Experience, 34, 41, 44, 50, 53, 59, 83. Fanny, 126, 373. Frances, 117, 318. Francis, 190. Grace, 81, 85, 91. George, 192, 278, 396, 505. George W., 441. George Willington, 278. Grace, 285. Hannah, i, 3-5, 19, 21, 22, 55, 64, 112, 212, 278, 396, 505. Harrison, 477. Henry W., 505. Hester, 21. Hezekiah, 41, 83, 116. Huldah, 53, 117, 257, 295, 387. Isaac, 5, 25, 30, 35, 41, 48, 61, 95, 97, 120, 289, 319, 320. Isaiah, 74. Jemima, no, 116, 286, 306. ■ Jerusha, 97, 103, 3I3- — John, I, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22, 47, ^6, 81, 85, 91, 285, 294. Jonathan, 97, 103, 106, 294, 310, 313- Joshua, 179, 359, 360, 361-366. Levi, 130. Lois, 474. • Lucinda, 203. Lucretia, B., 475. Lucy, loi, 105, 117, 126, 212, 318, 324. Lucy G., 428. Lydia, 4, 172, i77, 181, 184, 365. INDEX OF NAMES 573 Johnson, Jonson, Lyman, 185, 259, 260, 387, 410. Marcy, 112, 120, 126, 136, 505. Margaret, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22, 311. Martha, 15, 97. Mary, 2, 3, 23, 24, 41, 46, 48, 51, 55, 64, 95, 97, no, 116, 124, 289, 291, 292, 293, 354. Mary E., 451, 483. Mehitabel, 12, 14, 64. Moses, 61, 112, 120, 126, 136, S05. Nancy, 223, 401, 404, 453. Nathan, 310, 313. Nathaniel, i, 3, 4, 5, 8, 41, 46, SI, 55, 64, 114, 122, 130, 135, 147, 155, 156, 286, 294, 337, 346. Olive, 318. Orrin, 202. Pardon B., 424. * Parker, 318. Parthena, 184, 363. Percv. 388. Persis, 185, 189, 192, 203, 208, 360, 505. Peter, 25, 184, 335,^ 363. Polly, 177, 201, 410, 505. Priscilla, 47, 50, 353. Prudence, 23, 55, 58. Rachel, 294. Ransom, 453. Rebecca, 7. Sally, 203. Sally Ann, 246, 460. Samuel, 223, 404. Sarah, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 37, 41, 42, 4?, 54, 57, 64, 74, 89, 93, 99, 116," 130, 179, 296, 332, 362. Sarah B., 446. Sarah Parsons, 179. Seth, 91. Silas, 122, 257, 333, 3^7, 505. Smith, 7, 8, 9, II, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 34, 41, 44, 50, 53, 57, 59, 116, 130. Stephen, 95, 185, 189, 192, 203, 208, 257, 302, 360, 387, 474, 505. Susan, 424. Susanna, 14, 35. Thomas Atwater, 179. Uriah, 41, loi, 117, 126, 166, 306, 318, 324, 339. Uriah W., 212. Uriah Wyman, 126.; Johnson, Jonson, Walter, 124, 203, 223, 234, 246, 370. Warrin Barlow, 260. Willard, 124, 362. William, 114, 190, 201, 202, 361. William J., 475. William James, 278. Jones, Alma, 420, 505. Alma Maria, 505. Almira, 505. Bethia, 505. Betsey, 205. Clementine, 251. Dexter W., 389, 411. Dolly, 205, 368, Dorothy, 201. Jemima, 169, 178, 189, 331, 360, 505. Lucy, 416. Lydia, 197, 251, 335, 366. Nathaniel, 169, 420, 505. Paul, 178. Philenia, 389. Polly, 201. Sally Ann, 415. Samuel, 169, 178, 189, 197, 201, 205, 331, 333, 335, 357, 360, 366, 368, 505. Samuel N., 505. Sarah, 505. Sophia, 411. Timothy, 251. William Cutler, 251. Jordan, Jemima, 374. Joy, Nancy, 427. Judson, Andrew, 364, 374, 376, 379. John, 353. Joseph, 438. Philo, 407. Keers, William, 307. Keith, Keth, Barak, 216, 337, 341, 374. Fanny, 451. Matilda, 374. Polly, 337- Sybil, 216, 337, 341. Kellog, Gardner, 381. Kelton, Abigail B., 476. George, 210. Mary J., 475. Robert, 210. Kendall, Kendal, Kindall, Kindell, Almira, 242, 383. Charles, 384. Esther, 236, 380. Eli, 242. Freeman, 236. Hannah, 236. 574 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Kendall, Kendal, Kindall, Kindell, Joseph, 351. Nancy, 384, 396. Oliver, 236, 380. Peggy, 236. Roxanna, 394. Smith, 236. Tryphena, 242, 383, 397. Tryphosa, 414. Kenfield, Mary, 299. Kenny, Keny, Kennee, Nathan, 24. Paul, 395- Rebecca, 24. Sarah, 24. Susanna, 395. Kenyon, Kinyon, Ann, 477. Elizabeth, 302. Hannah, 462. John, 462. Phinehas, 302. Thomas, 477. Wealthy Ann, 476. Keyes, Amasa, 276. Betsey, 276. Clarissa, 416. David, 276. Elias, 307. Joseph F., 416. Olive, 307. Kibbe, Kibbee, Channing, 486. Chauncey, 271, 272, 283. Henry Clay, 283. Lucretia, 486. Sally, 271, 2^2, 283. Sarah, 272. Thomas Chandler, 271. Kilbourn, Killborn, Ann, 75. Anna, 66. Mary, 75. Robert, (£, 75. Killam, Bethia, 46. Charles, 46. Edward, 485. Hannah, 485. Sarah, 31. Kimbal, Kimball, , 169. Betsey, 198, 385, 399. Caroline, 505. Charles E., 505. Ebenezer, 169, 181. Elizabeth, 169. Emily E., 401, 441. George H., 424. Horace, 505. Horace Emerson, 505. Kimbal, Kimball, Jedidiah, 197, 198, 211, 364, 385, 399- Lucy, 197, 198, 211, 364, 390. Nancy, 424. Olive, 211. Pardon, 401. Rebecca, 169, 181, King, Asa, 426. Eliza Ann, 426. Hannah, 362. Ruth, 477. Waher, 367, 380. Kingsbury, Ebenezer, 471. Martha, 471. Kingsley, Kinsley, Anna, 296. Clarissa, 185, 386, 471. Elizabeth, 300, 316. Enoch, 168. Experience, 302. John, 196. John P., 471. Molly, 168. Nancy, 177. Phear, 424. Phebe, 298. R. Joanna, 185. Ralph W., 424. Rufus, 177, 196, 362. Uriah, 185. Kinney, see Kenny. Kinstry, Louisa M., 433. Knap, Baylies, 217. Mary, 215, 217. Polly, 215. Rufus, 215, 217. ' Knapping, , 352. Eleanor, 239. Horace, 239. John, 239. Knight, David, 3, 4. Harriet, 480. Lurana, 44. Sarah, 3, 4. Krans, Dorcas M., 459. Lamb, Chester, 228. Huldah, 30, 31. John, 30, 31. Louisa, 470. Lydia, 228. Rebecca, 31. Lamson, James, 279, 284, 397. Mary, 284. Sally, 279, 284. Sally M., 279, 397. Sarah B., 445. Sarah Bliss, 279. Langdon, Emma O., 453. 454. jri INDEX OF NAMES 575 Langdon, George, 453, 454. Larkins, Edmond, 427. Sally, 427. Larned, Learned, Erastus, 388. Mary, 385. Molly, 174, 330. Otis, 342. Polly, 174. Lasell, Deborah, 95. Jael, 95. John, 95. Law, Emily, 484. Paris M., 484. Lawrence, Lawrance, Candace, 407. Joseph, 407. Marcy, 39. Lawson, David, 467. Emeline Fox, 265. Lucy, 265, 274. Lydia Johnson, 274. Mary, 467. Thomas, 265, 274. Lawton, Elijah Lyon, 170. Elizabeth Marian, 170. Joshua, 170. Patience, 299. Sarah, 170. Leach, Leech, , 478. -Alpheus, 136. Anna, 287. Anne, 286. Enos, 136, 322. Mary, 136, 299, 322. Robert, 136, 299, 322. Learned, see Larned. Leavens, Leavins, Leauens, Levens, Benjamin, i. Elizabeth, i, 2, 4. Esther, 12. Hannah, 7. James, 2, 7, John, I, 4. Joseph, 13. Lutia, 452. Mary, 2, 7. Mehitabel, 4. Patience, 12, 13. Peter, 12, 13. Rachel, 12. Tabitha, 340, 371. Willard, 340, 371. Leavitt, Levett, F., 425. Jeremiah, 487. Mary Ann, 487. . Lebret, Lebrett, Leebrett, Abiel, 240, 266. Charles, 99, 102, 174, 184, 230, 236, 239, 240, 266, 284, 360. Charles Squire, 236. John, 102. Martha, 99, 102, 295. Matilda, 174, 184, 360. Polly, 174. Roswell, 184. Sally, 230, 236, 239, 240, 266, 284. Sally Marcy, 239. Sarah, 99. Sarah M., 284. Susan, 400. Susanna, 99, 230. Ledoyt, Ledioyte, Ledioyt, Ledoit, Ledyot, Ledoite, . 247. Abel, 306. Abiel, 153, IS7, 165, 233, 363, 383. Adeline, 434, 508. Benjamin, 118, 507. Biel, 95, 144, 148, 153, 162, 177, 180, 220, 304, 307, 308, 333, 354, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 366, 376, 381, 382. Dorothy, 161, 199, 200, 306, 507. Esther, 144, 386. George H., 508. Hannah, 200, 215, 231, 247, 316, 356, 376, 507. Hepzibah, 96, 104, 321. Hiram, 165, 199, 333. James, 82, 95, 96, loi, 103, 104, 118, 124, 161, 199, 200, 306, 316, 321, 339, 507. Joanna, 144, 148, 153, 157, 162, 165, 177, 180, 304, 333. Jonathan, 378, 507. Lydia, 157, 200, 215, 233, 366, 378, S07. Margaret, 82, 95, 96, 10 1, 103, 104, 118, 124, 316, 321, 341, 361, 507. Molly, 96. Nathan, 199. Nehemiah Jackson, 231. Noah, 124, 200, 21S, 233, 366. Oliver, 200. Polly, S07. Ransel, 376. Roswell, 231, 247, 507. Roswell M., 434. Roswell Mason, 247. Russell, 161. Russell M., 508. Sally, 180. Susanna, 162. 576 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lee, Abner, 482. Andrew, 362, 385. Betsey, 482. Elizabeth, 289. Francis A., 423. Frederic, 421. George W., 507. Harriet, 507- Harriet S., 507. Hartly, 240. John, 289.; Jonathan, '240. Lucia, 411. Lucy, 421. Matilda, 240. Leeke, Abigail, 311. Leonard, Abiel, 127, 133, 140, 144, 149, 151, 156, 160, 297-307, 319, 326. Betsey, 193. Celista, 233. Daniel, 207, 211, 221, 369. Dorothy, 127, 299, 319. Dorothy Huntington, 127. George, 207, 440. Halsey, 211, 282. Hannah, 193, 195, 214, 362, 397. Jacob, 193, 19s, 214, 362. Jemima, 233, 374. Jencks Wheeler, 233. Jesse, 397. Levina, 282, 471. Lucretia, 282. Lucinda H., 415. Margaret Luscombe, 144. Mary, 133, 140, 144, 149, 151, 156, 160, 301, 438. Mary Green, 133. Mehitabel, 207, 211, 221, 369. Nancy, 440. Nathaniel, 140. Philip Dodridge, 151. Folly, 367, 379. Rufus, 233, 374. Thomas, 149. Zenas L., 383. Leshure, John, 404. Vashti, 404. Leving, Sally, 392. Lewis, Ebenezer, 139, 140, 148, 157, 302. Eliza A., 488. Kezia, 139. Lois, 139, 140, 148, 157, 302, 386. Marsilva, 140. Oren, 157. Polly, 381. Sylvia, 368. Lilley, Lilly, Lylliee, Lillee, Lillie, , 444. Lilley, Lilly, Lylliee, Lillee, Lillie, Aaron, 271, 459. Abigail, 27, 28, 30, 34, 36. Anderson, 252. Asa, 254, 385. Augusta, 478. Benjamin, 43. Celesta, 254. Celia, 456. Dorothy, 444. Eliza, 470. Elizabeth, 30. Eunice, 59, 360. Ezra, 233, 271, 377. Hannah, 254, 385. Jared, 233, 271, 437, 456. John, 36, 271. Jonathan, 184, 478. Levina, 233, 271, 377. Lois, 271, 474. Lucy, 459- Major, 271. Marcy, 271. Margaret, 39. Mary, 34, 440. Mehitabel, 34, 2,7, 39, 43, 50, 55, 59. Minerva, 458. Nelson, 252. Obadiah, 50, Orin, 271. Ovanda, 184. Phebe, 51, 54, 67. Rebecca, 36. Reuben, 34. Samuel, 27, 28, 30, 34, 37, 39, 43, SO, 55, 59, 252. Sarah, 55, 271, 398. Zilpah, 252. Lincoln, Linkhorn, Chloe, 202. John, 186, 202, 20s, 232. Justin, 221. Lucy, 221, 228, 246, 357, 366, Z76. Miriam, 232. Molly, 186, 202, 205, 232, Sarah, 186. Soranus Jacob, 246. Zephaniah, 221, 228, 246, '357, 376. _ Lindley, Linley, Hannah, 225, 232, 240, 246, 265, 379- John, 225, 232, 240, 246, 265, 379- Jonathan John Evans, 240. Mary Eliza, 225. Sally, 232. Samuel, 246. Samuel Paul, 265. INDEX OF NAMES 577 Liscomb, Hannah, 368. Litchfield, Litcheld, Albert L., 508. Ann Eliza, 507. Eleazer, 211, 233, 238, 341, 507. George P., 508. George Witter, 284. Gilbert C., 508. Harriet L., 507. Helen E., 507. Kezia, 211, 233, 238, 341. Kezia B., 421. Kezia Branch, 238. Lorenza, 233, 284, 415, 508. • Lucy W., 446. Lydia, 284, 415, 508. Marina L., 507. Witter, 211. Little, Larra, 437. Thomas, 190, 363. Littlefield, Charles, 469. Sarah, 469. Logan, Robert E., 484. Sarah M., 484. Long, Mehitabel, 324. Silas, 324. Longly, Nancy, 445. Samuel, 445. Loomis, Lomis, Ebenezer, 151. John, 484. Lydia Huntington, 151. Mary, 151. Rowena, 484. Lord, , 2)^2. Benjamin, 299. Love joy, John, 416. Lovet, Lovett, Eleanor, 82, 83, 292, 294. Jonathan, 82, 83. Joseph, 82, 83. Low, Mary E., 460. Lucian, Margaret, 448. Peter, 448. Lyman, , 204. Asa, 19s, 332, 507. Bethia, 346. Daniel, 167, 246, 354, 385. Edward Eldridge, 246, 354. Edwin Huntington, 246. Elijah, 370. Eliphalet, 167, 178, 186, 195, 201, 204, 211, 214, 307, 308, 328, 332, ZiZ, 360, 361, 362, 363- 372, 375, 377-388, 390, 391, 394, 395, 397, 399-401, 403, 404, 407, 418, 507. Frances Mary, 385. Gurdon E., 473. Lyman, Hannah, 167, 178, 186, I9S, 201, 211, 214, 332, 333, 362, 380, S07. Hannah H., 423, Harriet A., 483. Huntington, 21 1. John, 167, 328. Jonathan, 335, 346. Joseph, 201, 393. Lucy, ZZZ, 507. Lydia, 370. Mary, 246, 393. Orrille B., 423. Polly, 167, 390. Sarah H., 473. Lynley, Eliza, 392. Lyon, Lion, , 172, ZZ(i. A. Smith, 456, Aaron, 12, 54, 60, dy, 74, 79, 86, 92, 130, 225, 30s, 309, 357, 371. Aaron M., 422. Abby L., 508. Abby P., 508. Abiel, II, 12, IS, 59, 17s, 254, 260, 269, 301, 323, 506. Abigail, 8, 9, II, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 2,z, 254, 260. Abigail D., 467. Abijah Smith, 229. Achsa, 393. Albert, 254, 445. Albert B., 508. Alfred, 266, 355, 479. Alfred Colburn, 107. Alfred S., 263. Aljalina, 263. Alkmena, 91. Almira, 204, 233, 269, 447- Alonzo, 238. Alvan, 125, I44, 206, 219, 233, 23s, 375, 389. Alvana, 266. Amasa, 88, 146, 150, 152, 160, 225, 234, 238, 304, 325, Zld. Amos, 50, 133, 140, 149, 150, 156, 168, 173, 297, 324, 329, 354, 507. Anna, 19, 58, 149, 151, 158, 163, 164, 175, 182, 291, 326, 328, 334, 342, 418, 488. Anna A., 459. Anna E., 508. Anna Fisk, 234. Anne, 304. Arline, 453. Asa, 85, 183, '223, 330, 405, 506, 507, 508. Axseph, 278, 279, 282. 37 578 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lyon, Lion, Azubah, 112, 308. Baxter, 146, 211, 216, 219, 343. 373, 380. Benjamin, 8, 39, lOS, 107, "O, 112, 118, 122, 129, 132, 137, 146, 148, 159, 193, 196, 204, 211, 222, 223, 224, 236, 290, 292, 316, 321, 326, 348, 350, 364, 375, 383, 506. Benoni, 149, 324- Bethia, 14, i33, UO, I49, i5o, 156, 168, 173, 223, 297, 324, 329, 372, 507- Betsey, I74, i95, 211, 373, 405, 409. Betty, 137. 153, 340, 361 • Beulah, 234, 246, 267, 378. Bradford, 222. Caleb, 36, 42, 89, 92, 100, 113, 294, 335- Calvin, 235, 406. Caroline V., 283. Catharine, 429- Charles, 222, 507. Charles E., 508. Chester, 159, 216, 326, 439, 441- Chloe, 149, 334- Clarissa, 211, 352, 506. Clarry, 201, 206, 388. Corbin, 172, 506. Cyprian S., 508. Dana, 223, 377- Danforth, 182, 236, 241, 382. Daniel, 8, 33, 39, 47, 5i, 59, 7i, 89, 112, 118, 125, 132, 138, 175, 182, 189, 194, 202, 209, 215, 234, 269, 295, 3^7, 321, 325, 334, 337, 341, 352, 353, 360, 506. David, 56, 346. Deborah, 6, 8-10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 118, 289, 308, 508. Dolly, 193, 216, 219, 343, 373, 429. Dorothy, 39, 118, 236, 286, 287, 317, 365. Ebnezer, 9, 45, 50, 55, 64, 86, 93, 153, 156, 162, 164, 167, 170, 189, 195, 198, 305, 323- Edward, 442. Edwin B., 507. Eleanor, 370. Elem, 282. Eliakim, 105, 325- Eliza, 225, 280, 409, 422, 507. Elijah, 35, I37, 163, 165, 171, 183, 235, 288, 289, 306, 310, 311, 322, 32s, 342, 345. Lyon, Lion, Elisha, 86, 150, 225, 252, 280, 321, 445, 457, 508. Elisha M., 508. Eliza, 225, 280, 409; 422, 507. Elizabeth, 6, 8, ir, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, 45, 47, 49, 53, 61, 67, 72, 74, 78, 79, 83, 86, 113, 290, 294, 296, 301, 305, 306, 310, 317, 325, 346, 357, 369. Elphlede, 95. Emeline, 238, 423. Emily D., 475. Emily M., 508. Esther, 20, 173, I75, 182, 189, 194, 202, 209, 215, 223, 234, 329, 334, 237, 341, 360, 377» 479, 506. Esther C, 470. Ethelbert Child, 85. Eunice, 29. Experience, 11. Ezra, 86, 149, 150, i53, i55, 171. 234, 246, 267, 347, 378. Fanny, 268. Frances, 55, 158, 293, 342. . Frances Julia, 278. George, 47, ii4, 125, 147, 201, 295, 349, 357, 475. George Washington, 268. Gould, 12. Grace, 49, 62, 79, 85, 91, 95. 107, 296. Hannah, 46, 51, Ii3, 122, 160, 165, 166, 212, 229, 238, 241, 292, 305, 364, 375, 382, 383. 386, 387, 444, 506. Hannah L., 444. Harriet A., 485, 507. Hartwell, 254. Henry, 45, 47, 53, 61, 72, 78, 83, 125, 310, 317, 377, 470. Hervey, 137. Holmes, 487. Huldah, 296, 330. Isaiah, 79, 137, I44, 322, 349, 354. Jabez, 10, 38, 46, 50, 61, 69, 85, 88, III, 166, 181, 187, 316, 330, 508. - ••" Jacob, 36, 40, 42, 45, 49, 56, 65, 73, 87, 168, 261, 271, 302, 386. James, 185, 189, 270, 274, 282, 387, S08. James Harrison, 508. Jared, 215, 341. Jasper, 283, 412, S06. Jedidah, 371. INDEX OF NAMES 579 Lyon, Lion, Jemima, 46, 285, 287, 506. Jerusha, 228, 232, 235, 252, 253, 377. 507. Jesse Penniman, 238. Joanna, 61. John, 6, 8, II, 14, 46, lOi, III, 112, 170, 236, 291, 304, 321, 326, 330, 341, 508. John D., 483. John Davis, 270. Jonathan, 15, 74, 128, 130, 147. 162, 164, 172, 229, 238, 2^^ 386, 506. , / Joseph, i6j/i8, \4, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 32, 168. Joshua, 14. Josiah, 114, 168, 328. Judah, 150, 152, 22s, 273, 280, 376. Judah C, 280, 470. Judith, II, 12, 15. Judson M,, 411, 480, 481, 482. Judson Mills, 278. Levi, 89. Levina, 97, 304. Liberty A., 448, 467. Lois, 61, 294. Lorin, 238. Lorinda, 406. Lucinda, 218, 256, 389. Lucretia, 206, 409, 418. Lucy, 26, 69, ^^, 80, 232, 270, 274, 282, 302, 425, 445, 508. Lucy A., 508. Lucy L., 387, 508. Lucy M., 508. Lurana, 38, 61, 69. Luther W., 387, 419. Lydia, 133, 201, 224, 260, 279, 290, 348, 375, 387, 454. Lydia R, 508. Lyman, 107, 160, 228, 253, 305, 507. Mabel, 256, 263, 266, 268, 269, 275, 283, 385. Malinda, 508. Mamre, 112. Marcia, 232. Marcia J., 448. Marcus, 171, 246, 347, 418. Marcy, 436. Margaret, 14, 36, 42, 89, 92, lOO, 103. Maria, 442. Marshal, 269. Marsilva, 79. Martha, 22, 24, 86, 146, 150, 152, 160, 206, 261, 271, 303, 304, 315, 386, 461. Lyon, Lion, Martha D., 273, 280, 444. Martha W., 419. Martilla, 283. Mary, 18, 51, 52, 54, 60, loi, xil, 112, 163, i6s, 170, 171, 174. 183, 185, 207, 248, 253, 290, 291, 306, 321, 345, 350, 355, 416, 448, 506, 507. Mary Ann, 479. Mary C, 439, 5o8. Mary Dresser, 246. Mary E., 268, 483, 508. Mary Elizabeth, 276. Mary M., 463. Mary Martha, 278. Mary P., 445. Mary Stone, 260. Matilda, 187, 212, 222, 232, 247, 267, 270, 372, 340, 507. Matilda B., 446, Mehitabel, 36, 40, 42, 45, 49, 56, 65, 68, n, 77, 86, 87, 88, 92, 97, 105, 107, 160, 166, 181, 187, 225, 273, 280, 306, 321, 32s, 332, 333, 376, 452i 506, 508. Mercy, 460. Minerva, 506. Miriam, 304. Molly, 65, 89, 129, 168, 29s, 328, 359, 506. Moses, 16, 18, 62, 64, yg, 85, 91, 95, 107, 140, 172, 207, 212, 222, 232, 247, 267, 270, 276, 278, 281, 358, 372, 385, 397, 414, 429, 507, 508. Moses F., 479. Moses Frederic, 281. Nabby, 269. Nancy, 83, 189, 224, 334, 404. Nancy W., 278. Nanna, 221. ^ Nathaniel, 168, 195, 328. Nehemiah, 24, 68, 77, 86, 88, 92, 97, 105, 107, 321, 32s, 332, 340, 346, 350, 361, 369, S06. Nelson, 274. Noah, 16. , Oliff, loi. Oliver P., 508. Oliver W., 454. Oliver Watson, 256. Orinda, 150, 342. Orlo H., 507. Otis, 235, 247. Otis T., 439, 508. Pamelia, 269, 455. Patience, Z2>, 35, 46, 51, 69, 317. Patty, 367. 58o WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Lyon, Lion, Perley, 198, 225, 234, 236, 238, 248, 253, 325, 376, 378, 436, S06. Phebe, 171, 2>n- Phebe S., 283, 412. Philip, 40, 290, 353- ^ Polly, 195, 202, 236, 279, 349, 362, 378, 388, 455. Polly Arnold, 282. Prescott Mires, 267. Priscilla, ZZ, 39, 47, 5i, 59, 89, 125, 193, 196, 204, 211, 222, 223, 236, 253, 298, 317, 323, 364, 458, 506. Prudence, no, 112, 118, 125, 13-, 138, 153, 156, 162, 164, 167, 170, 189, 195, 198, 295, 305, 316, 325, 353, 364,^447, 506. Prudence May, 260, 269. Rachel Danforth, 241. Ralph N., 429- ^ _, , ^, Rebecca, 45, SO, 55, 64, 80, 93, 97» 128, 130, 147, 172, 206, 218, 235, 238, 268, 298, 343, 378, 387, 457, 506, 508. Rebecca Throop, i53- Rosette, 425. Roxselena, 138. Sabra, I49, i50, i53, i55, i7i, 365. Sabra Ann, 405, 507, 5o8. > Sally, 146, 206, 219, 233, 235, 270, 278, 369, 373, 375, 380, 384- Sally Ann, 414, 5o8. Sally Winchester, 234. Samuel, i, 165, 23S, 238, 268, 378, 455- Sanford, 224. Sarah, i, 18, 88, 105, 107, no, 112, 118, 122, 129, 132, 137, 141, 146, 148, 159, 168, 170, 198, 261, 288, 289, 292, 296, 302, 310, 311, 316, 326, 328, 329, 335, 349, 506. Sarah Ann, 441. Sarah C, 455- Sarah Hely, 172. Sarah M., 420. Sarah Semantha, 268. Sarah T., 508. Schuyler, 234. Seth, 9- Silas, 267. Sophia, 254, 445. Sophia S., 507. Stephen, 69, 296, 330, 334, 359- Sukey (?), i95, 219. Susan M., 479- Susan W., 475- Lyon, Lion, Susanna, 6, 29, 100, 165, 285, 286. Susanna Williams, 279. Sybil, 137, 144, 267, 278, 281, 322, 38s. Sybil Olive, 281. Sylvanus, 92. Thankful, 201, 369, 506, 507- Theode, 32. Thomas, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 78, 83, 114, 201, 235, 358, 369, 506, 507- Throop, 149, 206, 218. Tryphena, 276, 358, 397- Urania, 46, 50, 85, 88, 295, 340. Uriah, 147, 228, 232, 235, 252, 253, 377, 507. Waldo, 458, 507- Walter, 105, I94, I95, 198, 337, 360, 369, 2m, 444, 506. Wareham, 93, 149, I5i, 158, 163, 164, 17s, 182, 206, 256, 263, 266, 268, 269, 275, 283, 304, 326, 328, 334, 342, 355, 367, 385. Warren, 275. William, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 33, 35, 46, 51, 69, 75, 83, 87, 141, 163, i6s, 168, 170, 174, 176, i8s, 198, 207, 221, 260, 278, 279, 282, 302, 317, 328, 329, 341, 347, 349, 353, 375, 386, 387, 393, 5o8. Zebulon, 370. Zerviah, 21, 114, 125, 147, 182, 253, 295, 357, 425- Zubah, 112. McCarty, McCartee, , 301. Thaddeus, 306. McClellan, McClellen, McClelen, McClelin, Anna, no, 141- Edward Inger^oU, 239. - Eunice, 210, 215, 216, 218, 234, 346, 371, 373- ^ Faith, 218, 224, 236, 239, 240, 253, 371- Faith W., 411- Faith Williams, 224. ^ George, 210. Grace, 239, 250, 354, 383. James, 141, 210, 215, 216, 218, 234, 236, 248, 270, 346, 371, 380. 'James Eldridge, 236. Jane, 239. Jane C, 481. INDEX OF NAMES 581 McCIellan, McClellen, McClelen, McClelin, Jemima, 112, 118, 120, 125, 294, 3i€, S09. John, 84, 133, 218, 224, 236, 239, 246, 253, 371, 380, 402, 410, 422. Joseph, 253. Judah, 509. Lemuel Chandler, 125. *- Lucy, 215. « Lucy Eldridge, 216. Maria Lucretia, 370. Marion Louisa, 270. Mary J., 412. Mary Lucretia, 150, 248. Mary Trumbull, 218. Nancy, 234, 236, 248, 270, 380, 423- Nathaniel, 143, 239, 250, 354, 383. Polly, 509. Rachel, 133, 141, 143, 150, 300, 338, 509- Rachel Abba, 250. Samuel, 112, 118, 120, 125, 133, 141, 143, 150, 172, 218, 233. 294, 300, 318, 338, 350, Z72, 509. Sarah, 236, 463. William, no, 118, 120. McCoy, Maccoy, Hannah, 422. Ichabod, 422. John, 29, 30, z^' Joseph, 36. Mary, 29, 30, z^. McDonald, Mary, 485. Mclntire, Jonathan, 393. Lorinda, 406. Matilda, 470. Polly, 393. McKinstry, McKenstry, Horace, 423. Louisa, 437. Louisa R., 452. Lucia, 423. Susan, 438. McManers, McManer, Mackmaners, Hannah, 35, 88, 89, 312. Issachar, 89. Thomas, 35, 88. McMichel, McMickell, Macmichel, McMickel, Joseph, 49. Margaret, 46, 49. William, 46, 49. Maccoy, see McCoy. Machoney, Eleanor, 70. Joseph, 70. Mackay, Abigail, 34. Alexander, 34. Mackmaners, see McManers. Madison, Madeson, Henry A., 405. Tabitha, 307. Waity, 405. William, 307. Main, Harriet F., 486. Malbone, Grace, 383. Mallery, Nathan, 334. Manahan, George W., 445. Sarah B., 445. Manning, Maning, Abiel, 191. Abigail, 58, 305. Alice, 38, 106, 121, 291, 318. Antoinette, 427. Asa, 320. Azubah, 149. Betty, IIS, 292. Billy, III, 180, 191, 308, Chester, 190, 336. Emily, 223. Emily E., 401. Ephraim, 38, 43, 50, iii, 115, 121, 134, 140, 145, 151, 160, 294, 310, 311, 334. Fanny, 145, 369. Hannah, 45, 51, 53, 140, 371. Jemima, 118, 180. John, 52, 151, 220, 232, 344, 376. John Judson, 232. John Mason, 232. John Parmiter, 220, 344. Joseph, 38, 106, 113, 120, 128, 292, 318, 320, 325. Lois, 220, 232, 344, 376. Lory, 217. Lucy, 217, 374. Margaret, 51, 53, 80. Mary, 38, 43, 50, 51, 53, 67, 1 1 1, IIS, 116, 118, 121, 134, 140, 143, 14s, 149, 151, 156, 160, 294, 29s, 310, 348. Mason, 220, 232. Meriam, 113, 307. Molly, 180. Nancy, 160. Nathan, 191. Parker, 140. Phila, 223. Rufus Child, 180. Ruth, 106, 113, 120, 128, 180, 191, 292, 308, 318, 320. Sally, 190, 198, 211, 223, 336, 364. Samuel, 30. Sarah, 80, 116, 191, 307. Stephen, 120, 320. 582 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Manning, Maning, Susanna, 30, 38, 45, 50, 53, 07, 128. Tenty, 198. Thomas, 190, 198, 211, 223, 336, 364- Timothy, 30, 38, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55. Welthen, i43- William, 50, 116, 118, 140, I43, 149, 156, 295, 350, 427. William Hide, 156, 217, 374- Mansfield, Jacob, 402. Marchant, Sarah J., 469. Marcy, Marcey, Mercy, Massy, Mary, Morcy, , 102, 103, 169. Abigail, 80, 82, 86, 89, 93, 107, no, 113, 187, 309, 313, 310. Abner, 52, 312, 313. Abraham, 113, 178, 200, 275, 280, 283, 359, 393, 509. Abraham S., 480. Abram, 168, 174, iPS, 219, 23S, 334- Adeline M., 444- Adin, 116. Alethea, 126, 299, 328. Alfred, 123, 216, 218, 223, 243, 270, 341. 374- Alice, 173, 188, 361. Alma, 216, 341. Almy, 218, 267. Alvan Lyon, 187. Alvin, 243. Alvina, 476. Ama, 220, 373. Amos, 55, 103, 292. Amy, 240, 243, 509- Ann Louisa, 443- Anna, 6, 38, 82, 187, 295, 434- Anne, 13, 26, 66, 67. Arsula, 359- ^ Asahel, 70, 140, I49, 152, 161, 182, 252, 302, 324, 355, 350. Augusta, 509- Avis, 257. Benjamin, 6, 31, 36, 40, 69, 03, 85, 140, 242, 246, 319, 344- Bethia, 86, 89, 309, 346. Betsey, 405- Bradford, I45, I5i- Caroline P., 252. Caroline R., 439- Celia, 272, 473. Charles, 509. Charles Adams, 266. Charles Grosvenor, 267. Charlotte, 223. Chester, 112, 219, 280, 398. Chloe, 184. Marcy, Marcey, Mercy, Massy, Mary, Morcy, Clarina, 199, 359- Clorine, 115. Cynthia, 204, 338. Cyrus, 168. Damaris, 280, 398, 431. David, 135. Deborah, 24, 58, Dorothy, 33, 83, 85, I54- Dwight S., 269, 395- Ebenezer, 15, 66, 184, 219, 352, 431- Edward, 3. Edwin, 243, 444. Elijah, 46. Elisha, 56, 187, 337, 344- Eliza, 419, 510- Elizabeth, 16, 45, 69, 116, 125, 138, 182, 184, 297, 328, 331, 335- Emily, 509. Esther, 46, 105, 270, 292, 314, 315, 318, 327, 431- Eunice, 69, 296. Experience, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, 48, 52, 55, 75, 288, 356. Francis, 107, 168, 200. Galen, 242. Gardner, 134. Gestin, 243. Grace, 48. Grosvenor, 184, 219, 373. Gurdon, 220, 243. Hadlock, 70, 126, 299, 328. Hannah, 36, ii5, 123, 129, 142, 146, 149, 152, 157, 169, 176, 242, 246, 286, 287, 296, 302, 333, 369, 370. Hannah Grosvenor, 216. Harriet, 280. Howland, 134. Ichabod, 64, 125, 138, 184, 297, 328, 331, 335, 345, 370. Isaac, 168, 334. Israel, 22, 80, 82, 86, 89, 93, I07, no, 113, 173, 187, 200, 204, 309, 313, 316, 335, 338, 339, 361. James, 2, 28, 30, 38, 45, 56, 64, 318, 405. Jedidiah, 33. Jerusha, 19, 52, I73, 187, 200, 204, 338, 339, 361, 381. John, 1-3, 5, 6, 8. 9, n, i3, i5, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, 48, 52, 55, 75, 80, 103, no, 116, 127, 135, 293, 313, 317. INDEX OF NAMES S83 Marcy, Marcey, Mercy, Massy, Mary, Morcy, John A., 246, 257, 260, 266, 268, 272, 283, 383, 443, S09. John Albermarle, 174, 268, 384. John Judson, 252. Jonathan, 82, 142, 149, 152, 169, 176, 231, 302, 357, 378. Joseph, 5, 36, 40, 42, 46, 55, 64, 70, 74, 90, 184, 309, 328, 330, 331, 332. Joshua, 107, 509. Judith, 28, 30, 38, 45, 56, 64, 77. Judson, 355. Laban, 149, 182, 324. Larra, 437. Lawton, 138. Leonard, 235, 273, 398, 510, Lois, 269, 289, 290. Lois C, 395. Lorenzo, 216. Louis, 36. Lucretia, 219. Lucy, 112, 125, 126, 134, 219, 373. Luther, 510. Lydia, 90, 123, 303, 366, 378. Lydia Ann, 442. Marcy, 121. Margaret, 246. Maria, 280. Martha, 36, 103, no, 116, 127, 135. Mary, 28, 31, 36, 40, 42, 43, 46, 48, 55, 64, 66, 69, 70, 74, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, go, 93, 103, 105, IIS, 116, 129, 138, 141, 146, 154. 184, 252, 292, 293, 304. 314, 31S, 318, 324, 327, 332, 337- Mary Ann Atwell, 510. Mary E., 394. Mary Eliza, 480. Molly, 327. Moses, 8, 29, 33, 36, 41, 46, 296, 303. Moses Chandler, 269. Nancy Ann, 240, 267. Nathan Chamberlin, 269. Nathaniel, 55, iiS, 123, 129, 157, 199, 220, 240, 243, 267, 296, 333, 341, 36s, 366, 368, 370- 374, 386, 509. Nelson, 272. Olive, 382. Orin, 509. Patience, 134, 138, 145, 151, 299, Persis, 252. Polly, 188, 231, 370, 378. Polysena, 152. Priscilla, no, 116, 140, 149, 152, 161, 182, 293, 302, 324. Marcy, Marcey, Mercy, Massy, Mary, Morcy, Prudence, 29, 33, 36, 41, 46, 129, 19s, 273. Rebecca, 55, 129, 216, 218, 223, 270, 341, 372, 374- Rhoda, 149, 374. Rinaldo B., 252. Ruth, 231. Sabra, 246, 257, 260, 266, 268, 272, 283, 383, 384, S09. Sally, 273, 510. Sam, 9, II, 31, 43, 48, 69, 79, 87, 93. Samuel L., 510. Sanford, 223, 442. Sarah, i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, IS, 16, 37, 39, 41, 42, 76, 187, 200, 275, 293, 337, 398. Sarah Ann, 275, 280, 393. Smith, 74,^ 134, 138, 145, 151, 299. Sophia, 126, 260, 442. Stephen, 42, 103, 105, 115, 121, 129, 138, 141, 146, 154, 293, 304, 314, 315, 318, 326, 327. Sybil, 87. Sylvester, 121, Tabitha, 79. Thomas, 90, 145, 184, 323. Urania, 295, 356. Uriah, 45, 295, 337, 343. Ursula, 168, 174, 178, 19s, 200, 219, 235, 334, 509. Wealthy, 176. Willard, 126. William, 43, 112, 126, 134. Winthrop, 134. Zebediah, 48, no, 116, 293. Zenas, 246, 419, 510. Zenas A., 510. Zerviah, 64, 93, 295. Marriot, Harriet 9., 475. Marsden, Ann, 477. Marsh, Abigail, 21. John, 21. Mary, 54. Martha, Nicholas, 263. Marsh, William H., 485. Martin, Marten, Mertin, , 376. Abby Jane, 273, 274. Abner, 325. Abner Session, 151. Adeline, 421. Adolphus, 384. ^ Albert R., 509. Andrew, 222. Arnold, 252. Charles, 157, 229, 242, 246, 252, 262. Daniel, 126, 130. 584 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Martin, Marten, Mertin, Elizabeth, 53, 57, 61, 70, 71, ^2>, 87, 116, 119, 126, 130, 136, 140, 153, 157, 163, 295, 296, 309, 314- Emily Augusta, 509. Experience, 57. Frances Ann, 284. George Sumner, 273, 274. Henry, 140, 151, 156, 222, 228, 304, 325, 3S8, m. John, 70, 71, ^z, 119, 309. Luiza, 252. Lucretia, 222, 482. Lyman, 246. Maria, 262. Mary, 53, 87, 151, 156, 222, 228, 304, 314, 325. Mary Prentice, 377. Matilda, 241. Merick, 421. Molly, 116. Nancy Potter, 384. Parker, 153. Phila, 273, 274, 284, 509. Prentice, 228. Rodney, 273, 284, 274, 509. Samuel, 136, 241. Sarah, 153, 229, 242, 246, 252, 262, 370. Stattira, 229, 242. Susanna, 390. William, 53, 57, 61, 70, ^\, ^z, 87, 116, 119, 126, 130, 136, 140, 153, 156, 157, 163, 296, 309, 314, 390. Mascraft, Marscraft, Mascraf, Moscraft, Abigail, 38, 57- Addison, 280. Alice, 114. Anna, 138, 365. Arsena, 236. Asenath, 229, 280, ^79- Betsey, 209, 276, 403, 510. Betty, 129, 350. Daniel, 24, 26, 94, 97, loi, iii, 216, 218, 223, 241, 288, 316, 319, 374- Diantha, 280, 443. Dorcas, 94, 97, loi, iii, 288, 319. Dorothy, 97. Elizabeth, 31, 33. Elizabeth A., 510. Elizabeth Allen, 276. Esther, loi. Hannah, 168, 170, 173, 177, 192, 199, 209, 308, 361, 397. Jacob, 29, 93, 95, 99, III, 114, 121, 129, 138, 168, 170, 173, Mascraft, Marscraft, Mascraf, Moscraft, 177, 192, 199, 209, 229, 236, 280, 287, 308, 339, 349, 361, 379- Jesse, III. John, 15, ^T, 344- John N., 510. Judson, 229, 280. Kezia, 19, 58. Lucinda, 223. Lucius, 403, 510. Lucius T., 276. Lucius Trowbridge, 216. Lucy, 192, 233, 388. Lydia, 383, 387. Malinda, 236, 280. Mary, 20, 67, 68, 93, 95, 99, iii, 114, 121, 138, 287, 303. Mary Ann, 510. Mary W., 479. Mason, 280, 479. Matilda, 406, 443. Matilda Darrow, 218. Mehitabel, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 40, 42. Molly, 93, 129, 173. Nancy, 231. Phebe, 216, 218, 223, 241, 374. Sally, 199, 364. Samuel, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 57, 85, 121, 231, 233, 315, 364. Sarah, 36, 67, 231, 233, 288, 289, 305, 344- Thankful, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 33, Z(i, 38, 57, 286, 287. Zilpha, III. Mason, Mayson, Benjamin, 226. Bradford, 141, 226, 323. Charles, 149, 200, 226, zyj, 353, 369, 371- Charles Dwight, 509. Clark, 240, 509. Clement, 361. David, 20. Deborah, 170, 308. Dolly, 220, 403. Dorothy, 142, 154, 173, 351, 361. Ebenezer, 25. Elias, 105, 108, 109, 113, 119, 123, 129, 136, 141, 147, 149, 205, 206, 213, 220, 225, 226, 240, 272, 318, 323, 344, 353, 372, 392, 509. Elijah, 225, 305. Eliphalet, 25. Eliza, 261, 272, 392. Elizabeth, 136, 141, 323. INDEX OF NAMES 585 Mason, Mayson, Elliot, 213. Fanny, 200, 369. Francis, Z2>7- Hannah, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 371. Huldah, 226, 230, 240, 266, 378, 379. -^ John, 19, 136, 173, 200, 226, 230, 240, 266, 275, 378, 379. John Augustin, 266, 466. Jonathan, 170, 226, 308. Joseph, 113, 226. Judith, 301. Judith Hunt, 226. Kezia, 58, 75, 94, 154, 296. Lemuel, 75. Leonard, 105, 179, 186, 193, 205, 215, 222, 226, 251, 261, 272, 275, 308, 332, 341, 344, 353, 387. Lucretia, 225, 382, 425. Lucy, 179, 186, 193, 20s, 215, 222, 308, 32,2, 341, 344- Lucy Bond, 272. Lucy Brown, 215, 341. Lucy Pond, 466. Lydia, 105, 108, 109, 113, 119, 123, 129, 136, 147, 149, 222, 22s, 226, 318, 344, 356, 362, 383. Marshal, 129, 226. Mary, 16, 23, 509. Matilda, 206, 213, 220, 225, 240, 353, 372, 509. Melicent, 30, 94. Noah, 58, 75, 94, 142, 154, 173, 230. 341, 361. "^Robert, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25. Royal, 142. Sally, 251, 261, 272, 275. Sally B, 387. Sally Morse, 272. Samuel, 154. Sarah, 170, 302, 305. Sarah C, 509. Silence, 361. Sophia, 109, 206, 22s, 305, 405. Spencer, 119, 186, 226, 318, 332. Susanna, 142, 154, 381. William B., 383. William Bond, 179. Mathewson, Matthewson, Arnold, 243, 358. Arthur, 336. Betsey, 358. Catharine, 250, 389. Celia, 455, 510. Charles, 250, 455, 510. Mathewson, Matthewson, Clarissa, 281, 471. Darius, 375. David, 243, 358, 510. Edwin, 250. Emeline, 510. Esther, 381, 282, 399. Faith W., 411. Frances M., 510. George, 243, 281, 282, 399. George Prescott, 282. Gilbert, 510. Harriet, 510. Harriet C, 488. Helen Niollia, 510. Horatio Bowen, 250. Israel, 250, 389. James Volintine, 250. John, 510. Louisa Catherine, 250. Mary, 405. Mary Randell, 250. Nancy, 358. Nathan, 243, 358. Periwill, 250. Polly, 375. Rufus S., 411. Samuel W., 510. Samuel Williams, 250. Susanna, 243. May, , 94. Abel, 121, 143, 321, 325. Abiel, 113, 175, 201, 317, 510. Abigail, 107, 127, 194, 312, 315, 322, 342, 364. Almira, 220. Amanda A., 448. Amasa, 170. Anna, yj, 80, 86, 91, 94, 99, loi, 140, 145, 291, 298, 316, 326. Anne, 155, 305. Annette Maria, 266. Asa, 118, 125, 139, 198, 269, 275, 320, 389, 510. Bethia, 67. Betsey, 201, 283. Betty, 122, 134, 198, 320, 348. Biel, 335. Caleb, 24, 98, 99, 107, no, 113, 120, 127, 174, 190, 201, 205, 214, 217, 290, 291, 293, 312, 313, 315, 317, 322, 326, 330, Z57, 343, 360, 367. Carlo, 510. Charles, 187, 329, 438. Charles Harris, 275. Chester, 106, 166, 238, 241, 244, 245, 259, 266, 279, 317, 351, 380. Chloe, 127, 135, 321, 323, 586 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS May, Cynthia, 414. Diana, 440. Dolly, 209, 335, 429, 5 10. Dorothy, 166, 175, 181, 182, 216, 307, 355. Edward, 283. Edwin, 447, 448. Eliakim, 85, 145, 156, 170, 183, 232, 23s, 240, 303, 378. Elijah, 130, 320. Eliphalet Lyman, 259. Elisha, 113. Eliza, 240, 392, 422. Elizabeth, 17, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 45, 57, 70, 94, g8, 99, 107, no, 113, 118, 122, 130, 134, 139, 218, 269, 286, 287, 290, 291, 295, 30s, 306, 312, 313, 315, 320, 473. Ephraim, 112, 194, 198, 205, 214, 218, 223, 342, 364, Erastus, 170, 211, 275, 283, 331, 392. Esther, 35, 39, 91. 'Ezra, 46, 105, 109, 114, 183, 240. Ezra C, 488, 510. Frank,. 414. George, 198. George A., 510. George Milton, 275. Cordis, 240. Hannah, 64, 83, 98, 99, 162, 167, 170, 178, 181, 187, 198, 204, 211, 216, 232, 235, 238, 240, 241, 244, 245, 259, 266, 279, 309, 329, 331, 338, 348, 351, 378, 380. Hannah Huntington, 279. Harmon, 161. Harriet, 259, 437. Henrietta, 194, 389. Hezekiah, 113, 118, 122, 130, 134, 139, 295, 320. Huldah, 390. Isabel, 201, 205, 214, 217, 352, 367. Jasper, 235, 440. Joanna, 106. John, 17, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 45, 57, 7o, 162, 167, 170, 178, 187, 198, 204, 211, 216, 300, 312, 323, 329, 331, 338, 348, 357, 389. John Bacon, 178. Jonathan, 158, 377. Joseph, 45, 57, 80, 140, 145, 149, 156, 161, 181, 301, 326, 350. May, Joshua, 21, 77, 80, 86, 91, 94, 99, 145, 316, 342. Lois, 140, 145, 149, 156, 161, 181, 301, 326, 350. Lucy, 96, 106, 108, 109, 114, 121, 127, 130, 135, 143, 146, 158, 182, 229, 292, 316, 317, 321, 323, 325, 333, 379, 445, 5 10. Lucy Lyman, 238, 351. Lydia, 181, 241, 245, 283, 378. Lydia M., 275, 392. Marcus, 232. Margaret, 105, 109, 114. Maria, 438. Martha, 145, 156, 170, 183, 303. Mary, 36, 94, 96, 102, 106, 109, 112, 117, 125, 145, 223, 286, 287, 290, 351, 399. Mary Ann, 245. Mehitabel, 34, 36, 40, 46, 50, 64, 73, 83, 85, no, 113, 120, 127, 156, 293, 309, 322, 344, 370. Molly, 102, 114, 162, 305, 378. Nabby, 146, 198, 205, 214, 218, 223, 374- Nancy, 209, 279. Naomi, 55. Nathaniel, 352. Nehemiah, 34, 36, 40, 46, 50, 64, 73, 83, 85, loi, 109, 291, 309, 312. Penuel, 99, 155, 156, 167, 305, 324, 326, 422. Polly, 363, 422. Prudence, 33, 37, 40, 70, 73, 130, 295- Rebecca, 155. Ruth K., 447. Sally, 198, 204, 220, 269, 275, 364, 377, 389. Sally Ann, 210, 414. Samuel B., 235. Samuel J., 423. Sarah, 50, 117, 174, 190, 201, 210, 216, 229, 234, 292, 330, 337, 360, 364, 366, 456, 510. Sarah S., 394. Sarah Sumner, 174, 190, 217, 337- Seth, 214. Silas, 108, 166, 175, 181, 182, 209, 244, 307, 335, 348, 355, 437- Sophia, 198, 216, 338, 411. Stephen, 27, 94, 96, 102, 106, 109, 112, 117, 125, 205, 287, 336, 342. Sylvia, 488. Theophilus, 205, 390. INDEX OF NAMES 587 May, Thomas, 30, 106, 108, 109, 114, 121, 127, 130, 13s, 143. 146, 158, 234, 292, 316, 317, 321, 323, 325, 333, 345, 363, Walter, 149. William, loi, 109, 114, 198, 201, 210, 216, 220, 229, 234, 316, 366. Maynard, Jonathan, 380. Lyman A., 448. Mary, 418. Susan H., 448. William, 418. Meachim, Sophronia, 408. Meech, Asa, 386. Mell, James 351. Merriam, Meriam, Albert, 451. Elizabeth, 306. Fanny, 451. Messenger, , 371. Metcalf, Freelove, 447. Ruhamah, 447. Mighel, Mary, 29. Thomas, 29. Miller, Anna, 66. Benjamin, 2, 5. Jacob, 307. Jean, 54. Joseph, 7. Mary, 2, 5. Rebecca, 5, 7. Sarah, 293. Mills, Abigail E., 458. Ashley, 458. Isaac, 458. Josiah, 66. Nathaniel, 80. Polly, 363. Sarah, 66, 80. Susan E., 458. Minard, Daniel, 248. Sophia, 248. William, 248. Mitchell, Ariadne, 476. Mixler, George, 444. Moffit, Moffat, Alethea, 300. Eleazer, 370. Molburn, George, 414. Mary, 414. Money, Joanna, 446. William, 446. Monger, see Munger. Moore, Moor, More, Ariadna, 476. Clarissa, 375. Esther, 395. Moore, Moor, More, Hannah, 341. Isaac, 476. James M., 433. Joseph, 342. Lewis G., 445. Lucy, 425. Mary E., 421. Pliny, 344. Rebecca, 433. Royal, 341. Sally, 445. Thomas, 339, 425. Walter, 340. Walter Shepherd, 342. William, 341, 348. Moorhouse, Matilda, 447. Morey, Anna, 154. Emeline, 423. Ephraim, 154. Nathan, 154. Sanford, 423. Morgan, Alice, 427. Betsey, 392. George, 454. Mary, 294. Solomon, 427. Susanna, 454. Ursula, 436. Morris, Morries, Morriss, Morise, Moriss, Abigail, 3, 32, 33, 37, 43, 47, 52, 56, 61, 65, 73, 81, 89, 92, 333. Ann, 65, 299. Anna, 17, 39, loi, 108, no, 122, 145, 155, 288, 315. Anne, 115. Asa, 37, loi, 108, no, 115, 122, 145, 160, 288, 306, 315, 325. Asenath, 122. Augustus, 177. Benjamin, 35, 42, 46. Bethia, 20, 22, 23, 24, 29, 32, 37, 38, 43, 48, 54, 57, 61, 68, 70, 71, 73, 81, 121, 136, 160, 306, 321. Betsey, 208, 368. Charles, 121, 176, 182, 186, 192, 200, 360. Cylenda, 129. Darius, 100. Dorothy, 20, 30, 68, 71, 76. Ebenezer, 2-4, 6, 7, 10-12, 16, 17, 20, 23, 31, 33, 36, 75. iidward, 2, 3, 7, 20, 22, 23, 24, 29, 32, 37, 38, 43, 54, 57, 61, 68, 70, 71, 73, 82, 83, 88, 89, loi, 106, 285, 309, 31S, 316. Elizabeth, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 22, 44, 48, 83, 92, 113, 309. 588 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Morris, Morries, Morriss, Morise, Moriss, Eunice, 38, 288. George, 168. Godfrey, 185. "- Grace, 2, 23, 29, 81, 285. Hannah, 21, 23, 34, 35, 42, 46, 57, 61, 70, 7Z, 92, 97, 119, 122, 309, 357. Helocia, 180. Henry, 52, 119, 122. Horace, 186. Isaac, 32, 97, 100, 106, 108, 109, 113, 289. James, 36. Jemima. 82, 88, 285. John, 56. Jonathan, 54, 115, 121, 129, 136, 143, 155, 294, 321. Joseph, 7, 109. Joshua, 10, II, 45- Lemuel, 61, 121, 168, 169, 298, 328, 336. Letitia, 165, Z7(>. Lucinda, 122. Lucretia, 119, 31X. Lucy, 176. Lydia, 121, 168, 169, 298, 328, 336. Margaret, 4, 2rj. Martha, 22, 43, 293. Mary, 3, 24, 48, 115, 121, 129, 136, 143, 155, 294, 316, 321. Mehitabel, 16, 37, 42, 43, 47, 311. Miriam, 176, 182, 186, 192, 200, 360. Molly, 352. Noadiah, 169. Paraclete, 163. Pardon, 169. Patty, IIS, 143. Priscilla, 61, 293. Prudence, 8, 29, 31. Robert, 169, 200, 328. Royal, 198. Rufus, 169. Sally Sumner, 196. Samuel, ZT, 43, 47, 52, 56, 61, 65, Ti, 76, 81, 89, 92, 168, 309, 311, 343, 357, 368. Sarah, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20, 31, 33, 36, 75, 97, 100, 106, 108, 109, 113, 163, 165, 168, 177, 180, 185, 188, 196, 198, 208, 289, 306. Sophronia, 423. Susanna, 7, 58, 81, 160. Walter, 155. Morris, Morries, Morriss, Morise, Moriss, William, ^z, 163, 165, 168, 177, 180, 185, 188, 196, 198, 208, 306. William Munro, 168. Wyman, 145, 315, 335, 366. Zilpah, 335, 366. Morse, Morss, Mors, , 105. Abel, 86, 226, 227, 275, 352. Abiel, 28, 114, 206. Abigail, 56, 221, 222, 231, 239, 374- Abijah, 96. Albert, 450, 509, 510. Almena, 430. Almira, 245, 247, 260, 383, 510. Amos, 17, 67, 68, 125, 314, 315, 36s. Ann Otis, 233. Anna, 25, 71, 120, 198, 295. Annette Louisa, 273. Anthony, 15, 51, 53, 60, 64, 67, 341- Asa, 129, 200, 204, 211, 237, z^T- Azubah, 170, 308. Benjamin, 28, 48. Betsey, 400. Billy, 190. Bridget, 245, 380. Calvin, loi, 166, 168, 178, 179, 190, 201, 213, 238, 244, 305, 347, 381. Caroline, 245. Charles, 170, 245, 272, 384. Charles D., 509. Charles Thomas, 231. Chester, 245, 380, 509. Clarissa, 222, 244. David, 65, 198, 244, 24s, 350, 378. David Holmes, 272. Dorothea, 114, 227, 307. Dorothy, 92, 307, 314, 383, 509. Dolly, 182. Earl, 244. Edvirard, 200. Edward L., 510. Edwards, 196. Elihu, 223, 272, 282, 347, 358, 395, 509. Elisha, 470. Eliza, 470. Eliza E., 474, 510. Eliza Elvira, 282. Elizabeth, loi, lOS, no, 114, 120, 125, 129, 137, 146, 227» 291, 314. INDEX OF NAMES 589 Morse, Morss, Mors, Elizabeth Ann, 215, 223, 346, 363- Elmer, 263. Esther, 19, 67, 68, 72. Evander, 103. Finley Breese, 196. George, 272, 276, 488. Hannah, 2, 61, 65, 72, 73, 76, 79, 86, 92, 100, 103, no, 114, 166, 179, 233, 244, 245, 314, 350, 362, 378, 383. Harriet, 473. Henry C, 460. Irene, 92. Isaac, 146. Jacob, 237. James Gary, 221. James Russel, 219, 343. Jane Maria, 269. Jedidiah, 36, 92, 100, loi, 105, no, 117, 123, 127, 184, 190, 196, 200, 204, 212, 215, 219, 223, 24s, 247, 260, 285, 286, 290, 299, 305, 306, 307, 308, 314, 318, 319, 340, 343, 346, 347, 357, 360, 362, 363, 36s, 366, 367-372, 374, 383, 509, 510. Jerusha, 298. John, 2, 6, 26, 32, S3, 36, 37, 40, 45, 52, 58, 64, 72, 79, 86, loi, 105, no, 114, 120, 125, 129, 137, 146, 237, 291, 310, 313, 314, 318, 414, 430. Jonah T., 473. Jonathan, 86, 100, 167, 170, 175, 182, 184, 192, 196, 201, 206, 210, 233, 242, 308, 310, 344, S09. Jonathan Edwards, 267. Joseph, 13, 43, 48, 51, 56, 64, 72, 81, 86, 100, 168, 244. Joseph Jacobs, 245, 272. Joseph M., 509. Josiah, 51. Julia Armina, 273. Kezia, 43, 48, 51, S6, 64, 72, 81, 86. Leonard, 100, 123, 178, 222, 227, 244, 316, 319, 377, S09. Lewis, 510. Linus, 245. Loranda, 414. Lovine O., 484. Lucy, 223, 242, 263, 267, 269, 272, 273, 282, 347, 388, 395, 509. Lucy Ann, 272. Morse, Morss, Mors, Lucy Lavina, 509. Lydia, 16, 60, 64, 143, 152, 154, 244, 303, 308, 313, 345, 375, S09. Lydia A., 455. Lydia Brown, 178. Lyman, 192, 263, 267, 269, 273, 388. Martha, 371, 450, 510. Mary, 2, 7, 28, 29, 51, 53, 67, 68, 71, 73, 76, 79, loi, 103, no, 313, 314, 339, 362. Mason, 239. N. E., 510. Nancy, 196, 200, 204, 210, 215, 219, 223, 227, 233, 340, 343, 344, 346. Nancy Breese, 244. Nancy Maria, 262, 434. Nathan, 227, 275, 276, 394, 509, 510. Nelson, 455, 509, 510. OlifT, 100. Oliver, 227. Pamelia, 282, 399, 455, 510. Pamelia A., 510. Parker, 61, 65, 73, 76, 79, 86, 92, 100, 103, no, 114, 143, 152 154, 221, 222, 231, 239, 303, 314, 316, 323, 374. Patty, 227. Peter, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28, 60, 67, 71, 76, 81. Polly, 196, 200, 204, 211 222, 227, 237, 244, 367, 377, 385. Priscilla, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 28, 33, 40, 60, 96, loi, no, 289, 293, 316. Rebecca, 10, 25, 58, 275, 276, 293, 394, 510. Remember, 509. Richard Gary, 204, 212, 340. Roscius, 244. Sally, 175, 200, 213, 227, 252, 262, 352, 381. Sally B., 387- Sarah, 32, 33, 36, 37, 40, 45, 52, 58, 64, 72, 79, 86, 92, 100, loi, 105, no, 117, 123, 127, 190, 196, 226, 227, 244, 285, 286, 290, 291, 310, 314, 318, 319, 342, 347, 509. Sarah G., 245, 436. Sarah Gary, 282. Sarah M., 460. Sarah Sophronia, 272. 590 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Morse, Morss, Mors, Sophia, 166, 168, 178, 179, 190, 201, 213, 244, 245, 272, 30s, 347, 365, 384- Stephen 227, 509. Sukey, 244, 381. Sukey White, 238, Susanna, 52, 227, 292. Susanna Fox, 233. Sylvia, 488. Tamar, 365. Thaddeus, 100. Thomas, 152, I54, 252, 262, 282, 399- Walter, 201. William, 244, 260. William Thomas, 252. Zenas Leonard, 204. Zubah, 167, 17s, 182, 184, 192, 196, 201, 206, 210, 233, 242, 344, S09. Morway, Margaret, 488. Moulton, Mowlton, Dille, 430. Irconia, 430. Nancy, 424. Mucklenburg, Henry, 307. Muddock, Matilda, 474. Mulford, John, 21. Mumford, Lydia, 365. Muncil, Mary, 294. Munger, Monger, Abigail, 285. Deborah, 82. Elnathan, 82. Irene, 289. Jemima, 93, 285, 287. Joseph, 93, 28s, 287. Luca, 93. Samuel, 285. Sarah, 288, 289. Washington, 460. Munyan, Munyon, Emeline, 463. George, 409. Marcus, 463. Sally, 409. Murrin, Ebenezer, 309. Murray, Murry, Elizabeth, 61, 71, 74, 82, 89, 107, 158, 298, 328. James, 61, 71, 82, 146, 151, 158, 167, 169, 18s, 193. John, 107. Matthew, 61, 71, 74, 82, 89, 107, 328. Olive, 151. Orra, 193. Phebe, 74, 294. Murray, Murry, Robah, 185. Robert Reynolds, 169. Roxsa, 167. Sanford, 146. Sarah, 89, 146, 151, 158, 167, 169, 185, 193. Narrimore, Abiel Wright, 118. Deborah, 104, 149. Hannah, 137. Jemima, 131. Joseph, 118, 123, 131, 137, 146. Olive, 123. Samuel, 104, 149. Sarah, 118, 123, 131, 137, M^, 149. Nelson, Amarilla, 117. Bridget, 139, MS, 297. Charles, 139, I45, 297. Charles Campbell, 137. John, 106, 117, 137. Margaret, 137. Mary, 106, 117, 137, 294. Rufus, 139. Sarah, 137, 300. William, 106, 294. Newell, Newel, Abigail, 80, 81. Alice, 100, 103, 104, 224, 311, 312, 314, 342. Gamaliel, 224, 314, 339, 379. Hannah, i, 44, 48. Jeremiah, 311, 314, John, 82, 285. Jonathan, 30, 60. Joseph, 100, 312. Lloyd, 224. Lydia, 60. Mehitabel, Z7, 42. Milicent," 30. Mira, 224. Philip, 2,7, 42, 44, 48, 80, 81. Rebecca, 224, 339, 379. Robert Bolton, 224. Samuel, 314. . Susanna, 82, 285. Thomas, 100, 103, 104, 224, 311, 312, 314- Philena, 456. Nichols, Nicholes, Nicholds, Almira, 400, 430. Benjamin, 338. Betsey, 408. Caroline B., 398. TcssG I73» John,' 168, 391, 392, 394-396, 398, 399. Jonathan, 168, 171, 173. INDEX OF NAMES 591 Nichols, Nicholes Nicholds, Liberty, 395. Mary, 413. Miriam, 360. Nancy, 171, 445. Pamelia, 395. Patty, 395. Polly, 376. Proctor, 408. Rebecca, 168, 171, 173. Rufus, 400. Ruth, 308. Sally A., 464. Sarah, 361. William A., 395. Nicholson, Mary, 66. Nooning, Jerusha, 377. Noyes, Abby, 238. Abigail, 231, 237, 238. Charles W., 231, 237, 238. Samuel, 238. Sybil, 238. Nye, Fanny, 414. Oatley, Mary E., 480. Ober, Abby Hallock, 511, Benjamin, 449, 451, 454-457, 461, 462, 465, 467, 470, 472, SI I. George Harves, 511. Mary Ray, 511. Nancy E. H., 511. Olney, Mary, 382. Polly, 376. Omond, Eliza Ross, 277. Hannah Young, 277. James, 277. Sarah, 277. O'Nail, Hannah, 470. Orcut, Eunice, 62, 63. James, 54, 55, 62, 63, 74- Mary, 54, 55, 62, 63, 74. Nathan, 51, 54, 67. Peter, 62, 63. Phebe, 51, 54, 67. Sarah, 74. Ormsbee, Ormsbe, Ormsby, Ann, 64, 71. Anna, 79. Caleb, 64, 71, 79. Christian, 156, 177, 175, 180, 183, Cordelia; 425. Daniel, 91, 310. Ebenezer, 78, 145, 310. Elizabeth, 72, 78, 83, 91, 98, 180, 310. Esther, 71, 123, 145, 297. Experience, 79. Huldah, 88, 123, 310. Ichabod, 123, 145, 397. Jathniel, 72, Ormsbee, Ormsbe, Ormsby, Joseph, 72, 156, 175, 177. i8o, 183. Marsilva, 83. Mary, 88, 156. Rufus Flynt, 156. Sylvester, 83. Thomas, 72, 78, 83, 88, 91, 98, 183, 310, 311. Otis, Ann, 398. Owens, Owen, Caroline, 399. Hannah Belknap, 393. Packer, David, 207. Hannah, 207. Henry, 207. Luther, 207. Paddleford, Jonathan, 295. Mary, 295. Paddock, Abigail A., 454. Pafiford, Phebe S., 412. Pagan, Pagun, Hannah, 286. Martha, 66. Samuel, 66. Solomon, 286 Page, John, 59. Paine, Pain, Pane, , 177- Abigail, 14, 18, 204, 236, 311. Abigail C, 434. Abraham, 224. Abraham W., 424. Abraham Williams, 150, 258. Abram, 236, 244, 346. Abram W., 244, 249, 262, 266, 354, 3S6, 378, 393, 4io. Albert, 264, 512. Amos, 58, 127, 131, 137, 144, 160, 176, 177, 178, 183, 190, 197, 208, 234, 247, 298, 319, 332, 333, 350, 362, 383. Ann, 65. Anna, 296, 319, 332. Anne, 127. Asa, 86. Betsey, 183, 228, 238, 252, 260, 264, 272, 277, 279, 512. Betty, 118, 247, 319. Charles, 205. Charles Nealy, 513. Chester W., 449, 511. Chester William, 262, Daniel, 39, 45, 50, 58, 65, 75, 86, 114, 118, 124, 130, 138, 150, 156, 176, 202, 204, 212, 236, 240, 247, 258, 266, 296, 309, 316, 319, 332, 333, 338, 367. David Draper, 218. 592 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Paine, Pain, Pane, Dolly, 373. Dolly M., 404. Dolly May, 236, 244. Ebenezer, 18, 54, 63, 69, 78, 86, 96, 103, 138, 152, 163, 208, 301, 3^6, 326, 332, 400. Elisha, 152, 219, 326, 408, 512. Eliza, 236, 404. Elizabeth, 16, 114, 124, 130, 138, 150, 156, 277, 296, 319, 333, 512. Elizabeth M., 400. Ellen, 272, 48s, 512. Emily, 236. Esther, 75, 138, 152, 163, 301, 306, 326. George, 354. George A., 458, 479, 512. George Augustus, 252. Harriet May, 513. Henry F., 513. Isaac, 146. James, 86, 309, 513. John, 156, 228, 238, 247, 252, 260, 264, 272, 277, 379, 411. 441, 445, 460, 464, 465, 468, 469, 470, 471, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 483, 486, 512, 513. John Merrick, 513. Joseph M., 512. Joshua, 298, 300, 342, 371. Judith, 24. Leah, 39, 45. 50, 58, 65, 75, 86, 301, 309, 332. Leicester, 78, 218. Lucia, 510. Lucia Ann, 462. Lucia M., 513. Lucy, 262, 377, 411. Luther, 240, 347. Lydia, 224, 236, 244, 247, 249, 266, 346, 354, 356, 378, 415. Lydia M., 511. Marcia M., 513. Martha, 205, 208, 212, 219, 371. Martha Ann, 512. Martin, 462, 510, 513, Martin Amos, 510. Mary, 24, 54, 63, 69, 78, 86, 96, 103, 124, 204, 212, 218, 236, 304, 316, 449, 511- Mary Ann, 479, 513. Mary Grosvenor, 218. Molly, 202, 367. Nancy, 190, 379, 384. Nancy S., 456, 512. Nancy Smith, 260. Phebe, 513. Paine, Pain, Pane, Polly, 177, 190, 197, 202, 208, 234, 350, 362. Priscilla, 127, 131, 137, 144, 160, 176, 178, 183, 298, 319, 332, 350, 364, 458. Priscilla Lyon, 144. Rebecca, 18, 82, 285. Royal, 137, 178, 379. Royal N., 5i3- Ruth, 16, 17. Sally, 240, 377. Samuel, 14, 16, 17, 18, 54. Samuel C, 512. Samuel Chandler, 238. Sarah, 22, 45, 114, 138, 178, 247, 258, 266, 316, 319, 366, 440. Sarah M., 401. Sarah May, 234. Seth, 24. Sophia, 408, 512. Stephen, 96, 163, 205, 208, 212, 219, 371. Tryphena, 383. Ursula, 382. Walter, 160. William, 224, 228, 346, 434, 512. Palmer, Parmer, Abby P., 452. Albert G., 468. Amelia N., 468. Anthony, 260. Charles Liberty, 282. Eleanor Howard, 514. Elijah, 381. Hannah, 346. Henry, 275. Hezekiah, 228, 237, 247, 260, 275, 282, 356, 380, 387. Hezekiah B., 514. Jones, 452. Lucy, 275, 282, 387. Mary Grundy, 514. Olive, 452. Oriana Sigourney, 514. Phebe Perry, 228. Rosalinda, 228, 237, 247, 260, 356, 380. Samuel, 247, 346, 514. Sarah, 383. Sarah H., 420. Sarah Healy, 237. Parish, Parrish, Amie, 363. Jared, 407. Lucy, 407. Parker, Alice, 426. Bethia, 38, 43, 47. Elizabeth, 26. Experience, 34. Hannah, 47. d INDEX OF NAMES 593 Parker, Jacob, 12. John A., 433. Louisa M., 433. Lydia, 62. Mary, 22, 43. Nehemiah, 38, 43, 47. Patience, 12, 34. Sarah, 13, 22. Thankfull, 12. Parkhurst, Abigail, 83. Caroline L., 514. John F., 514. John S., 514. Sarah, C, 514. Parkis, John A., 437. Louisa, 437. Parmiter, Lois, 376. Parry, Daniel, 328. Judah, 328. Parsons, Persons, Caroline M., 514. Harriet M., 515. Jacob, 275, 514, 515. James M., 514. John C, 514. Juliette B., 515. Mary Ann, 514. Olive J., 514. Priscilla, 275, 514, 515. Sarah S., 514. Susan L., 514. Willard O., 515. William H., 275, 514. Partridge, Bathsheba, 243. George Sidney, 243. George W., 243. Patrick, William, 380. Patten, Alden, 225. Alice, 380. Benjamin, 437. George, 380. George Makepiece, 225. Huldah, 437. Nathan, 225. Patience, 201, 225, 346. Sally, 225. Samuel, 201, 225, 346. Susanna, 201, 346. Susterry, 225. Patterson, James, 421. Mary E., 421. Paul, Abigail, 379. Alexis, 198. Alice, 236, 381. Alithea, 375, Amasa, 239. Anson, 465. Benjamin (negro), 293. Caroline E., 465. Charlotte, 169. 38 Paul, Daniel, 169, 178, 198, 203, 209. Dodridge, 203. Hannah, 379. Ira, 209. Kiles, 360. Levina, 360. Lorraine, 198. Lovica, 169, 198, 203. Lovisa, 178, 209. Nancy, 236, 239. Nancy A., 417. Salome, 239, 368. William, 236, 239, 368, 381. Payson, Ann, 19. Anna, 32, 33. Asa, 30, 104, III, 170, 174, 196, 200, 210, 284, 293, 316, 512. Caroline A., 284. Elizabeth, 80, 290, 291. John, 16, 52, 54, 124, 293, 512. John H., 281. Jonathan, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, ^ 30, 32, 33, 38, 70, 80, 317' Lucy, 170,. 174, 196, 200, 210, 432, 512. Lurana, 264, 281. Mary, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 30, 32, 33, 38, 54, 70, 104, III, 291, 293, 295, 306. Mary^W., 264, 451. Nathan, 25, 174. Polly, 174. Priscilla, 23, 62. Tamar, 284. Thomas, 38, 200, 264, 281. William, 196. Zerviah, 52, 54. Peabody, Adriel, 144. Clementina, 136. Hermes, 124, 130, 320. Peggy, 161. Polly, 367. Richard, 124, 130, 136, 144, 148, iSS, 161, 297, 320. Tabitha, 124, 130, 136, 144, 148, 155, 161, 297, 320. Peake, Peak, , lOI. Abigail, 6, 25. Achsa, 125. Alithea, 140, 164, 301. Alvan, 119. Anna, 47. Bethia, 5, 20. Catharine, 33. Christopher, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 32, 78. Daniel, 20. Dorcas, 4, 20, 43, 295. 594 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS ""^ V Peake, Peak, Dorothy, 80. Eleanor, 83. Elizabeth, 17, 46, 47, 90. Ephraim, 15, 56. Experience, 20, 50, 53, 67. Grace, 23, 29. Hannah, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 25, loi, 115, 312, 315. Hepzibah, 58, 59, 65, 70, 78, 87, 90, 95, 99, 109, 310. Huldah, 29, 57, 58. Joanna, 114, 119, 127, 296. John, 13, 58, 59, 65, 70, 78, 87, 90, 95, 99, 109, 310. Jonathan, i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 38, 42, 43, 49, 56, 63, 72, 78, 87, 109, 127, 309. Jonathan T., 310. Joseph, I, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, loi, 115, 119, 125, 130, 137, 29s, 312, 314, 315, 316, 32s, 328, 342. Katharine, 10, 32. Lemuel, 49, 114, 119, 127, 296. Lucy, 63, 137, 363. Martha, 294. Mary, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 27, 30, 31, 45, 46, loi, 312, 314, 328. Mehitabel, 38, 42, 43, 49, 56, 63, 72, 78, 164. Obadiah, loi, 294, 315. Rebecca, 32. Rufus, 140, 368. Sabra, 72, 305. Sally, 364, 372. Sarah, 8, 32, 33, 99, 115, 119, 125, 130, 137, 29s, 316, 354. Sophia, 114. Tabitha, 65, 298. Thomas, 78, 140, 164, 301. Violetta, 119, 368. William, 372. Pearl, Elisha, 464. Sarah, 464. Pearson, Martha, 476. William H., 476. [Pease], Peas, Pees, Peese, Mary, 407. Olive, 298. Vashti, 404. Peasley, Sarah, 20. Peck, Daniel, 22. Ebenezer, 62. Elizabeth, 62. Ichabod, 24. Judith, 24. Sarah, 22. Peckham, Elin J., 513. Peckham, Hannah S., 513. Laura Ann, 483, 513. Pediford, Daniel, 446. Mary Ann, 446. Pellet, Pollet, Pellit, Hannah, 200, 204, 212, 216. Hannah Palmer, 204. James, 212. Jonathan, 200, 204, 212, 216. Lois, 2i72- Marian, 216. Sally, 200. Penniman, Peniman, Abigail, 513. Aldis, 247, 354, 381. Edwin Smith, 247. Elkanah, 231, 244, 245, 255, 267, 270, 353, 379. Elkanah S., 513. Emery, 270. George, 245, 353. George A., 473, 513. Henry C, 513. Joseph, 108, III, 313. Loyisa, 433. Loisa Wood, 244. Lucy, 231, 244, 24s, 255, 267, 270, 353, 379- Lucy Antoinette, 267. Lydia, 108, 1 11, 313. Mary J., 473, 513. Nancy, 247, 354, 381. Perly, 376. Silas M., 513. Silas May, 231, 244. Sophia, III. William F., 513. Pennock, Eliza, 438, 513. Henry C, 513. John P., 513. Lucy C, 513- Marcia J., 448. Parker B., 438, 448, 513, Pepper, Abigail, 29. Hannah, 27, 29, 31. John, 27, 29, 31. Perington, Martha, 307. [Perkins], Pirkins, Francis, 385. Samuel, 382. Perrin, Perin, Perren, , 102. Abel, 100, 153, 167, 236, 246, 250, 305. Abiel, 216, 221. Abigail, 2,2, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, SO, 54, 56, 64, 69, 71, 75, 7^, 78, 83, 90, 106, i66, 170, 171, 179, 308, 309, 312, 339, 435- INDEX OF NAMES 595 Perrin, Perin, Perren, Abraham, 6, 28, 32, 33, 38, 47, 102, 312. Aldis, 228, 440, 513. Alithea, 104. Alma, 249. Almira, 415. Almond, 237. Alpha, 141. Amos, 64, 114, 135, 140, 147, 156, 162, 167, 238, 267, 283, 295, 300, 316, 347, 349, 353, 356, 381, 386, 435. Anna, 33, 93, 98, 100, 112, 114, 123, 135, 147, 217, 218, 228, 236, 246, 250, 256, 285, 286, 295, 316, 321, 339. Asa, 48, 124, 130, 143, 303, 323- Augustus, 202. Benjamin, 33, 350. Bethseda, 247, 249, -251, 253, 264, 384. Betsey, 511. . Calvin, 191, 195, 199, 203, 216, 221, 233, 236, 363. Caroline, 513. Caroline B., 398. Caroline Davis, 236. Caroline E., 283. Chloe, 360. Clarissa, 192, 195, 349, 424. Danforth L., 464. Danforth Lewis, 267. Daniel, 102, 106, 312, 313, 511. David, 32, 102, 103, 105, 117, 124, 129, 134, 141, 146, 148, 201, 208, 212, 235, 236, 292, 319, 332, 366. Dolly, 195, 202, 367. Dorcas, 237, 355, 377. Dorothy, 30, 90, 185, 192, 201, 238, 241, 257, 263, 266, 332, 345, 365, 381, 387. Drusilla, 56, 296. Eden, 203. Edward Augustus, 513. Elijah, 64, 171, 185, 197, 201, 264, 337, 341. Elizabeth, 37, 112, 153, 197, 262, 283, 305, 311, 337. Elizabeth Murry, 262. Emily, 253, 257, 511. Epaphras, 375. Ephraim, 170. Erastus, 398. Esther, 102, 103, 105, 117, 124, 129, 134, 141, 146, 148, 185, 292, 319, 349, 357, 360, 375, 380. 387. Perrin, Perin, Perren, Eunice, 56, 212, 215, 219, 238, 334, 371, 389. Eunice Lemira, 513. Ezra, 93, 98, 100, 112, 123, 285, 286, 321, 339, 343. Francis, 511. George M., 482. Greenfield, 124. Gurdon, 233. Hadlock, 124, 146, 217, 218, 228, 250, 256, 319, 372. Hannah, 372. Harriet, 241, 266. Huldah, 88, 286, 290, 297. Hyde, 191. Irene, iii, 360. Isaiah, 75, 348. Jacob, 166, 170, 179, 212, 215, 219, 238, 308, 339, 371. Jathnial, 185, 192, 195, 256, 332, 345, 349, 354, 365, 382, 446,, 513. Jemima, 135, 140, 147, 156, 162,. 167, 238, 300, 349. Jesse, 343. Joel, 238. John, 7, 32, 33, 37, 39, 44, 50, 56, 64, 69, 75, 83, 90, 106, III, 112, 129, 141, 185, 210, 247, 249, 251, 253, 264, 293, 305, 311, 312, 31S, 317, 324, 334, 344, 349, 384, 511. John Marshal, 513. John N., 513. John Weld, 246. / Jonathan, 71, 513. Joseph, 50. Juliette, 513. Lemuel, 215. Levi, 134, 319, 357, 380. Levina, 93, 305. Louis, 252. Lucia Ann, 462. Lucy, 90, 191, 195, 203, 211, 216, 217, 221, 233, 236, 302, 363, 386, 482, 487, 513. Lucy W., 446. Lydia, 143, 196, 199, 201, 208, 210, 211, 212, 233, 235, 236, 334, 344, 366, 367. Marcena, 267, 386. Margaret, 59, 129, 141, 350. Martha, 457. Martha C, 419. Mary, 3, 27, 28, 32, 33, 38, 47, 102, 106, 115, 120, 128, 136, 140, 147, 290, 294, 303, 304, 312, 3^3, 319, 334, 336, 362, 373- 596 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Perrin, Perin, Perren, Mary A., 513. Mehitabel, 2-7, 10, 12, 15, 38, 42, 47, 56, 252, 312. Melicent, 171, 185, 197, 201. Micah, 166. Molly, 120, 140, 147, 319, 334. Morse, 114. Moses, 69, 304, 342. Nancy, 208, 403. Nathaniel, 10, 40, 42, 43, 48, 56, 64, 71, 78, 88, 90, 286, 294, 309, 312, 316. Olive, 124, 130, 143, 303, 323. Olive Daily, 323. Oliver, 162, 238, 241, 257, 263, 266, 381. Oren, 252. Otis, 233, 453, 454, 459, 465, 471, 511- Parmelia, 212, 454. Payson Abiel, 513. Penuel, 106, 129, 202, 315, 367. Perley Ann, 456. Persis, 78, 299. Peter, 12, 54, 64, 76, 88, 98, 106, 286, 309, 312, 339, 362. Peter M., 347. Phebe, 88, 90, 212, 262, 286, 343. Polly, 233, 238, 356, 381. Priscilla, iii, 112, 293, 317. Pruda, 382. Rachel, 304. Raiment, 233. Rebecca, 141, 374. Roxselane, 130. Rufus, 179. Sabra, 305. Sally, 219. Sally A., 464. Salter, 185, 236, 332. Samuel, 3-7, 10, 12, 15, 30, 83, 308, 347. Sarah, 128, 440, 513. Sarah Ann, 238, 422, 511. Sarah C, 513. Sophia Ann, 250. Stephen, 83, 348. Stephen William, 247. Susanna, 14, 59, 60. Theoda, 148. Theolosia, 192. Thomas, 59, 60, 88, 140, 235. Timothy, 102, 106, 115, 120, 128, 136, 140, 196, 199, 210, 211, 233, 237, 290, 312, 313, 319, 334, 336, 344, 355, 3^7, 177- Tryphena, 123, 153, 321. Walter, 218, 236, 513. Perrin, Perin, Perren, William, 88, 147, 263, 303, 350. William Dodge, 262. Perry, Parry, , 186^ Andrew, 254. Arrabel, 511. Bathsheba, 407. Caroline A., 477. Charles Otis, 283. Chloe, 487. Chloe Lindley, 269. Daniel, 171, 172, 183, 226, Sii. Dennis, 511. Dorcas, 254, 278, 301. Edward D., 269, 393. Elias, 254, 278, 357. Elias C, 511. Elias Wheelock, 278. Elijah, 166, 177, 183, 186, 197, 20s, 211, 307, 329. Elizabeth, 46, 47. Emily, 484. Esther, 177, 183, 329. Fidelia, 254. Gilbert, 283. Hannah, 86, 269, 393. Harriet, 265, 437. Harriet Ann, 511. Heman, 409. Henry, 233, 234, 238, 258, 265, 2>77, 511- Hepzibah, 58. Huldah, 171, 378, 379. Irene, 166, 177, 183, 186, 197, 205, 211, 307, 329. J. Francis, 477. Jane Edna, 511. Jason, 234. John, 171, 511. John Harris, 511. Jonathan, 86. Joseph Fealdon, 238. Judah, 171. Judith, 183, 226, 381, SII. Judith H., 474. Louise, 438. Loisa, 258. Mary, 335, 449. Mary Ann, 465. Matilda, 226. Myron, 511. Nancy, 226, 404, 477. Naomi, 265. Nathan, 254. OHver H., 283, 465. Orin, 205. Otis, 283, SII. Peter L., SH- Polly, 197, 283. INDEX OF NAMES 597 Perry, Parry, Priscilla, 254. Rachel, 171, 365. Richard, 407. Rubah, 211. Ruhama, 265, 447. Sally, 233, 234, 258, 265, z^^, 511. Sarah, 172, 238. Sarah Ann, 451. Sarah Hunt, 171, 375. Sarah W., 283. Sophia, 511. Sophia A., 511. Susan, 384. Sybil, 166. Thomas, 46, 47. Warner, 233. William, 60. » William H., 511. Persons, see Parsons. Peters, Abby, 467. Bemsly, 52, 53, 54, 67. Charles, 468. Hannah, 52, 53, 54, 67. Lydia, 468. Rebecca, 457. Sally, 450. Samuel, 450. Phelps, Benjamin C, 463. Clarissa M., 440. Elizabeth F., 462. Henry, 462. William, 440. Phillips, Philips, Aaron, zTi- Addison, 246, 434, 512. Adeline, 430. Allen F., 512. Alpha, 485. Anna, 246, 274, 384, 512. Anna C, 512. Asa, 456. Betsey, 456. Calista, 450. Charles, 274. Clarissa, 410. Ebenezer, 27, 37, 40, 82, 86, 90. Edward, 173. Elisha, 86. Elisha M., 512. Eliza, 470. Elizabeth, 288. Eunice, 407, 512. George C, 512. Gilbert, 512. Gilbert W., 487, 512. Harriet, 419. Henry, 410. Phillips, Philips, James, 173. Jane, 487. Jeremiah, 173, 240, 270, 512. Joanna, 461. John, 204, 208, 209, 370. John P., 419. Judson, 240. Lucinda C, 447. Lucy, 173, 367, 413. Martha, 173, 330. Mary, 2^, 37, 40, 82, 86, 90, 270, 289, 292, 440, 483. Mary P., 434, 512. Mehitabel, 204, 208, 209, 370. Nancy, 240. Nancy B., 480. Phebe, 90, 173, 432. Phebe Emelin, 270. Polly, 204, -^ilZ- Prudence, 485. Rispeh, 417. Royal, 447. Schuyler, 240. Tempa, 208, 209. Thomas, 173, 338, 483. Wheeler, 173, 246, 274, 384, 407, 430, 438-451, 453-479, 481- 483, 512. Whitman, 274. William, 173, 240, 338, 340. William Andrew, 512. Zerviah, 240, 270, 512. Philmore, Abigail, 34. Phipps, Abigail D., 467. Edward D., 467. Elizabeth L., 467. Jason, 372. Pickering, Asa, 383. Hannah, 383. Picket, Abilene, 361. Daniel Lock, 361. Pidge, Esther, 127. Jonathan, 127. Sarah, 127. Pierce, Pearce, Peirce, Betsey, 438. Louis, 433. Mary, 66. Mary H., 449. Timothy, 66. Pike, , 344. Abby Jane, 454. Abigail, 67. Betsey, 435, 443. Jonathan, 435. Lois, 224, 246. Mary Ann, 246. Rhoda, 374. 598 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Pike, Samuel, 224, 246. Sarah, 41, 42. Pinnock, see Pennock. Pitman, Lucretia, 418. Thomas, 418. Plank, Clarissa E., 486. Emeline P., 483. Olive, 483. Simon M., 486. Piatt, Mary, 399- Plimpton, Gershom, 388. Pond, , 350. Enoch, 377, 379, 387- Poots, Margaret, 465. Porter, James, 398, 401, 468, 474- Potter, Adolphus Martin, 248. Alice, 228, 240, 253, 382, 511- Albert E., 514. Amelia, 362. Benjamin W., 445- Benjamin Wilkinson, 240. Caleb C, SM- Charles A., 5I4- Charles C, 512. Charles Child, 253. George, 228, 240, 253, 382. George M., 5H- George W., 253, 356, 511 Henry J., SH Maria Elizabeth, 512 Maria W., 512. Mary, 344. Mary E., 514. Mary W., 479- Nancy, 248, 445. Newton R., 5i4- Rhodes, 511. Sarah A., 514. Sarah C, 436, 514- Stephen, 362. Stephen D., 514. Stephen L., 436, 5I4- Stephen Lyon, 228. William, 344. William Henry, 248. William R., 514. Powers, Power, , 102. Almander, 226. Alphleda, 152. Alvan, 208. Anna, 202. Betsey Paine, 189. Charles Martin, 189. Cyrus, 166, 17s, 202, 20S, 208, 226, 233, 373. Daniel Martin, 189. Darius, 79, 319. Ethalinda, 162. Powers, Power, Freeman, 158. Hannah, 175. Lois, 87, 302. Martha, 114, 189. Nancy Hastens, 233. Nathan, 98, 152, 158, 162, 305. Peter, 297. Phebe, 208, 373. Rachel, 166, 175, 202, 205, 226, 233- Return, 67, 68, 79, 87, 98, 102, 114, 334- Sarah, 152, 158, 162, 175, 305. Sylvester, 175. Walter, 166. Willard, 202. William, 67, 68, 79, 87, 98, 102, 114, 20s, 319, 332. Pratt, Betsey, 419. Daniel, 417. Marsha, 417. Presbray, Polly, 382, Preston, Priston, Asa, 132, Dolly, 214. Earl C, 391. Harriet, 391. Isaac, 132, 300. Larilla, 485. Lavina, 471. Liberty, 214. Lydia, 22. Mehitabel, 302. Otis, 214. Sarah, 132, 300. William E., 471. Prince, Hannah, 446. Harriet, 484. Horance, 446. Prouty, Henry C, 463. Mary M., 463. Prue, Adeline, 478. Benjamin A., 478. Purviette, Adis, 462. Putnam, Putnum, , 296. Aaron, 296, 297, 299, 301, 304, 306, 354, 365. Asa, 471. Benjamin D., 464, 482. Eunice R., 464. James, 295. Lucy, 471. Lydia, 482. Russell B., 484. Putney, Jefferson, 436. Ransellaer, 477, 479. Ursula, 436. INDEX OF NAMES 599 Rand, Abigail, 46. Randall, Randal, Randell, Aaron, 428. Abigail, 258. Cordelia, 428. John, 258. John Elijah, 258. Nehemiah, 418. Sally, 418. Ranny, Ranney, Ranne, Abigail, 177, 308. George, 177. John, 121. Martha, 299. Sybil, 121. William, 121, 177, 308. [Rathbun], Rathburn, ■ Rathbone, Asa, 394. Clarissa, 394. Clarissa E., 486. John, 381. Rawson, Almira, 420, 447. Asa, 202, 321. Barnabas, 123, 136, 318, 321, 334. Calvin, 175, 259, 269, 271. Charles D., 447. Charles Dighton, 241, 259. Dan forth, 231, 420.^ David, 17s, 202, 302. Elizabeth, 136, 321, 473. Erasmus, 234, 410. Isabel Jemima, 515. Lois, 136, 318, 321. Lucy, 515. Luther, 17s, 231, 234, 239, 241, 259, 282, 378, 396, 397, 399, 40s, 406, 408, 410, 419, 421. Luther E., 473. Luther Strong, 271. Mary, 123, 136, 259, 318, 321, SSI- Mary J., 282. Mary May, 259. Molly, 231, 234, 239, 241, 378. Nancy, 410. Prudence, 269, 271, 282. Ruth, 136, 305. Samuel, 269. Stiles, 239, 515. Sybil, 175, 202, 302. Raymond, Raiment, Joseph, 373. Lydia, 367. Mary, 2, 2)7Z- Readhead, Caroline Jane, 451. Mary, 485. Robert, 451, 485. Reave, Philanda Jane, 464. Redington, Ann, 120. Eliphalet, 120. Redington, Nathaniel, 120. Reed, r, 303, 2>76- Peter, 311. Reves, Lutina, 427. Reynolds, Reyolds, Rennols, Rennals, Caroline, 481. Cynthia, 291. Emily Maria, 282. Isabel, 408. Marvin, 481. Phila Manning, 261. Sally, 261, 282. Samuel, 261, 282, 291, 298. Rhodes, Roads, John, 446. Mary, 292. Sarah B., 446. Rice, Rices, Abigail, 22. ^ Amasa, 275. Caleb, 62. Coloranda, 275. Comfort, 293. Elizabeth, 61. John, I. Julia S., 435. Martha, i, 293. Mary, 22, 66. Priscilla, 62. Samuel, i, 17, 22. Sarah, 17. William E., 275. Rich, Alvina, 476. Ebenezer, 452. John, 476. Olive, 452. Richards, Richward, Charles, 430, 432. Louisa, 430, 432. Richardson, Richason, , 53. Alpheus, 257, 258. Anna, 78. Betsey, 257, 258, 408, 452. Daniel, 44, 60, 69, 70, 150. Esther, 47, 135, 315. Henrietta, 414. Jesse, 71. John, 65, 13s, 149, 150, 157, 179, 301, 310, 325. Lucretia, 306. Lydia, 38, 41, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 60, 65, 69, 70, 71, 78, 88, 332. Mehitabel, 7, 11, 34, 41. Moses, 157, 179, 325. Patty, 395. Phebe, 7, 23, Polly, 179. 6oo WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Richardson, Richason, Samuel Wood, 257. Sarah, 88, 257. Susanna, 13S, U9, iSo, I57. 179, 301, 325, 366. Thomas Banister, 258. Willard, i57- William, 452. Zachariah, 7, 11, 34, 38, 41, 42, 44, 47, 52, 60, 65, 69, 70, 71, 78, 88, 313, 315. Richmond, Abner, 213, 219, 372. Benjamin Throop, 176. Charles, 213. Danford, 213. Edward, 165, 176, 180, 185, 194, 198. Elizabeth, 165, 176, 180, 185, I94, 198. Esther, 213. Eunice, 213, 219, 372. George, 165. John, 230. Joseph, 230, 355- Joshua, 198. Lovisa, 230. Mary, 230. Michael, 213. Molly, 230, 355. Perez Lorin, 180. Sela, 230, 355- Sukey, 194. Susan, 417. Susanna, 230. William, 417. Zelotes, 230. Rickard, Abigail C, 434- Rider, Albert C, 515- Franklin F., 515. Lucy A., S15. Ripley, Riply, Betty, 106. Ezra, 98. Lincoln, 117. Lydia, 93, 96, 98, 105, 106, 109, 113, 117, 314. Noah, 93, 96, 98, IDS, 106, 109, 113, 117, 314- Rachel, 93, 109, 314. Sarah, 113. William, 385. Rivers, Francis H., 486. Martha R., 486. Roads, see Rhodes. Roath, see Roth. Robbins, Robins, Dolly, 451. Ebenezer, 39. Experience, 39. Robbins, Robins, Hannah, 366. Mary, 51. O., 416, 421. Onesipharus, 415. Sally Ann, 415. Sylvester, 451. Roberts, Roberds, Anna, 178. Asenath, 178, 308. Daniel, 178, 308. David, 76. Mercy, 76. Robinson, Alithea, 67. Amasa, 128. Anna A., 459. Asa, 402. Casier, 122. Eliza, 402. Emeline, 436. Francis K., 396. Henry D., 459. Kezia, 128, 134, 140, 323. Martha, 386, 461. Mary, 140. Mehitabel, 122. Nancy, 396. Stephen H., 461. Timothy, 122, 128, 134, 140, 323. William, 436. Rockwood, Amos, 311. O., 439, 454- Otis, 436, 437, 441, 443, 452, 453, 455, 463. Roffee, Patty, 388. Rogers, Roggers, , 397- Adeline M., 441. Amelia, 253. Asa Brown, 262. Benjamin, 138. Cornelia M., 472. David, 253, 256, 262, 278, 385. Eli C, 515. Elizabeth, 302. Frances, 138. Hannah, 446, 515. Lorin B., 466. Lorin Brown, 278. Louisa M., 428. Lucretia B., 475. Maria, 256, 440. Mary Ann, 515. Penuel Brown, 138. Permelia G., 467. Sally, 396. Sarah, 120, 466. Sarah Ann, 480. Stephen, 120. INDEX OF NAMES 6oi Rogers, Roggers, Sukey, 253, 256, 262, 278, 385. Susan, 472. William Ray, 472. William W., 467. RoUion, Nancy, 453. Rood, Abigail, 34. Anna, 50. Ebenezer, 50. Ross, Abigail, 300. Jerusha, 296. Roth, Benjamin, 29, 52, 65, 296. Esther, 296. Eunice, 29, 62, 65. Lydia, 289. Mary, 52, 82, 285, 332. Sarah, 52, 289, 290. Ruewee, Ruwee, Job, 123, 286, 287. Mary, 123, 286, 287. Silas, 123. Russ, Rosetta, 451. Russell, Russel, , 296. Ann Frances, 184, 515. Caroline C, 483. Electa, 186. Eliza Rhobe, 255, 515. Emily, 400. Emily Esther, 184, 211, 515. Harriet, 183, 515. Hayley H., 515. Huldah, 79. James, 186. Josel, 79. Joseph, 183, 515. Joseph F., 483. Lucy B., 432, 470. Lydia, 45, 186. Mary, 31. Noadiah, 294, 303, 307, 338, 361. Ralph P., 432. Rebecca, 183, 184, 211, 255, 515. S. Maria, 452. Silas, 79. Stephen, 183. Sybil, 183. William, 183, 184, 211, 255. Sabin, Sabens, Seabin, Abigail, 21. Almira, 415. Benjamin, i, 2, 3, 8, 9, 1 1, 415. Ebenezer, 9. Elijah, 374. Elisha, II, 46. Elizabeth, 8, 9, il, 368. Hezekiah, 4. Jeremiah, 21. John, 4. Joseph, 9. Sabin, Sabens, Seabin, Joshua, 9. Judith, 13. Mehitabel, 2. Noah, 4. P., 421. r Patience, 2. ■ ^ Rhoda, 374! Sarah, i, 3, 4, 9, 46. Steven, i. Susan, 433. Susanna, 9. Timothy, 3. William, 368. Sales, Sally A., 410. Salter, David, 308. Richard, 308, 361. Samson, Mollis, 387. Sandford, Bathshua, 25. Sanger, Abiel, 266, 403. Alice, III. Amasa, 63. Anna, 122, 125, 210, 266, 339, 362, 368. Anne, 266. Asa, 58, 334. Azariah, 53. Azubah, 114, 360, 361. Benjamin, 20. Betsey, 266, 429. Billy, 113. Charles, 210, 249, 262, 263, 268, 282, 384, 398. Chloe, 125, 210, 339. David, 2, 339. Decamia, 322. Dinah, 53. Dorcas, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31, 32, 35, 46, 58, 63, 290, 328. Dorothy, 80, 89, 11 1, 114, 122, 132, 138, 145, 322, 223- Eleazer, 5, 43, 48, 51, Elizabeth, 18, 22, 286, 287. Emily, 263. Eunice, 89, 299. Ezra, 51. Faith, 268. Frederick, 480. Hannah, 297, 403. Harriet, 472. Henry, 481. Huldah, 108, 22)7- Irene, 145, 369. Irijah, 35, 289. Jedidiah, 74. Job, 80. John, 28, 80, 89, III, 114, 122, 132, 138, 14s, 266, 322, 333, 22,7, 229, 355, 378. Jonathan, 3, 45, 53, 61, 65, 74- 6o2 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sanger, Julia A., 485. Lewis, 263. Louisa M., 478. Lucinda, 138, 322, 368. Lydia, 45, 53, 61, 65, 74 289, 481. Marcy, 25. Maria, 480. Mary, 2, 3, 5, 22, 43, 48, 51, 67, 82, 89, 91, 94, 108, 109, 113, 285. Mary E., 465. Matilda, 138, 322, 360. Mehitabel, 312. Mercy, 20, 62, 66. Nathaniel, 2, 3, 5, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31, 32, 35, 46, 58, 63, 82, 89, 91, 94, 108, 109, 113, 125, 285, 297, 317. Noadiah, 65. Olive, 439. Perley, 122, 210, 266, 339, 368. Polly, 249, 262, 263, 268, 384, 391- Rebecca, 282. Rebecca C, 398. Rebecca Church, 282. Ruth, 18, 20. Sally, 210, 266. Sarah, 249, 466. Sarah Cady, 378. Susan, 442. Tirzah, 94. Wilkes Sharpe, 282. William, 266, 391. • Zebulon, 114, 333. Zerviah, 23, 52, Saunders, Sanders, Abel, 116. Daniel, 105. Elizabeth, 32. Grace, 105, 115, 116, 352. John, 115. John P., 476. Marsilva, 365. Mercy, 339. Nancy, 396. Oliver, 396. Peter, 105, 115, 116. Roxa M., 476. Sally, 445. Sawyer, Dinah, 300. Jonas, 113, 116. Lydia, 113, 116. Prescott, 116. Scarborough, Scarbro, •^ Abigail, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 34, 37. 80, 81. / Dorothy, 45. Elizabeth, 333. Scarborough, Scarbro, Esther, 290, 291. Hannah, 22. John 2, 6, 8, II, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 34, 37, 45, 57, 415- Joseph, 25, 290, 291. Mary, 14, 40, 42. Mehitabel, 2. Nancy, 4x5. Rebecca, 6, 34. Samuel, 15. Sarah, 293. Stephen, 19. Scott, Alfred, 434. Amanda A., 448. Caroline, 434. Dinatha M., 460. Scranton, Dorcas M., 459. John, 459. Lydia, 475. Robert, 475. Seagrave, Seagraves, Anna, 235, 348. Clarry, 262, 278, 388. George, 262, 278, 388. Jonas, 235, 348. Joseph, 23s, 262, 348. Thomas Lyon, 278. Seamans, Seamons, Esther, 399. Jonathan, 442. Ruaney, 442. Sarah, 461. Seamer, Andrew, 515. Hezekiah, 515. Mary Lois, 515. Polly, 515- Searle, Searl, Searls, Catherine G., 413. Edward B., 478. Eliza, 454. Elizabeth, 463. Henry S., 463. Mary, 55. Sarah S., 478. Tenty, 402. Sears, Duty J., 453. Hannah P., 453. Mary E., 394. Turner, 394. Sessions, Session, Abijah, 385. Alexander, 99, 290. Amasa, 164, 168, 328. Eliakim W., 397. Elizabeth, 152. Esther, 164, 168, 328, 397. Hannah, 21. Hannah Miller, 164. INDEX OF NAMES 603 Sessions, Session, Huldah, 99, 290. Joanna, 12. Lydia, 236. Mary, 304. Melahah, 465. Nathaniel, 12, 21. Orinda, 402. Payson, 168, 328. Resolved, 152. Samuel, 152. Sewall, , 2. Sexton, Amos, 44, 48. Elizabeth, 44, 48. Shaddock, Caroline, 476. Shaddon, Anna, 379. Cheney P., 467. Hannah, 467. Shantup, Jeremy (Indian), 330. Sharpe, Sharp, Julia Ann, 444. Pitt, 444. Sally A., 403. Wilkes, 403. Shaw, Abigail, 184. Gideon, 184. John, 399. Joseph, 8. Josiah, 184. Luther Loomis, 391. Lydia, 391. Mary, 399. Nancy, 308. Susanna, 8. Sheffield, Harvey, 159. Jonathan, 159. Olive, 159. Sarah, 363. Susanna, 391, Timothy, 391. Shepard, Shepherd, Shepheard, Benjamin, 335, 482. Clarissa, 206, 219, 232, 234, 254, 375- David, 332. Edwin, 254. George, 414. Harriet, 219. Jedidiah, 232. John, 457. Lois, 457. Lucy, 234, 364. Lydia, 414, 454. Permelia, 482. Simon, 206, 219, 232, 234, 254, 375- Sylvanus, 206. Zephia, 470. Zilpah, 395. Sherman, Shermon, Shearman, Beriah, 159. Caroline, 479. Charles, 442. Cynthia, 436. Daniel, 71. Ebenezer, 479. Elizabeth, 159. Esther C, 470. Jesse B., 475. John, 71. Lucetta, 442. Mary J., 475. Pelatiah, 159. Robert A., 436. Shipman, Elizabeth, 306. Shumway, Celia, 456. Dolly, 372. Jeremiah, 343. Polly, 427. Sophia, 408. Sibley, Asa, 212, 340, 362. Derrick, 212. Irene, 212, 340, 362. Lucy, 212, 340. Sophia, 212. ^ Silliman, Benjamin, 486. Isabel, 486. Silsby, Henry, 407. Mary, 407. Sophia, 460. Simmons, , 349. Simms, Eliza, 469. William, 469. Simons, Asahel, 193, 196, 336, 365. Augustus, 196, 236. Elizabeth, 193, 196, 336, 365. George, 193, 336. Simpson, Mary J., 454. Philenia, 389. Sukey, 381. Sukey White, 238. Sitton, Benjamin, 4. Christopher, 4. Lydia, 4. Skinner, Skiner, Aaron Nichols, 218. Abby N., 284. Abigail, 300, 353, 462. Abraham, 97, 103, 105, 115, 146, 323, 342. Ala, 223. Alamanda, 224. Alithea, 161, 397. Anna, 95, 97, 105, 115, 146, 205. Augustus, 221, 401. Benjamin, 221, 290, 307, 475. - Benjamin H., 218, 246. Benjamin Hills, 145, 246, 376. 6o4 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Skinner, Skiner, Bethesda, 97, 185, 384. Calvin, 92. Charles, 163, 223, 224, 236, 379. Charles Stoddard, 236. Clarissa, 401. Cynthia, 129, 138, 323. Deborah, 118, 119. Drusilla, 127, 129, 138, 145, 296, 323- Ebenezer, 120, 184, 223, 229, 302, 405. Eleanor, 370. Elias, 229. Elizabeth, 290, 368. Ephraim, 139. Esther, 97. Francis, 119, 354- George, 212, 229, 345. Hannah, 95, 103, 284, 286, 287, 293, 412. Huldah, 139, 146, 161, 163, 186, 212, 216, 302. Isaac, 95, 119, 286, 287. Jonathan, 127, 129, 138, 145, 216, 296, 323, 325- Jonathan V., 212, 216, 345. Jonathan Venord, 138. Luther, 119. Lydia, 184, 223, 229, 362. Mary, 127, 294. Nancy S., 456. Paraclete, 229, 284, 412. Polly, 205, 218, 221, 223, 224, 236, 246, 357, 376, 379. Rebecca, 115. Relecte, 184, 229. Sabra, 229, 318. Sabra Ann, 405. Sarah, 170, 185, 205, 307, 308, 354, 363, 384. Sophia, 223, 229, 405. Stephen, 139, 161, 163, 186, 302. Stephen D., 462. Susan W., 475- Susanna^ 185. Tabitha, 119, 318, 323, 354- Thankful, 92, 97, 118, 119, 120, 286, 287, 318, 347, 364. Waldo, 229, 456. William, 92, 97, 118, 119, 120, 170, 185, 205, 286, 287, 308, 318, 347, 349, 354, 357- Slade, Catherine, 462, 517. Eliza, 517. H., 462, 468, 480. Halcues, 460. Holmes, 462, 463, 517. Loera P., 516. Slade, Mary, 516. Thomas S., 516. Weathey Ann, 516. Smalledge, Smalladge, Caroline, 479. Elizabeth, 121. Jonathan, 121. Smalleye, Elizabeth, 115. Jonathan, 115. Sarah, 115. Smith, , 102, 105, 172/ Abida, 99, 367. Abiel, 143, 231. Abigail, 96. Adelaide, 247. Adeline, 453. Amos, 253. Ann, 453. Asa, 88, 139, 143, 301. Betsey, 189, 330, 379, 512. Betty, 314. Calvin, 125. Catherine, 516. Charles, 150, 169, 174, 208, 223, 228, 236, 264, 267, 328, 375. Charles D., 443, 516. Charles D. S., 516. Charles Dwight, 267. Christiana, 215, 231, 239, 241, 247, 253, 380. Content, 231. Daniel, 39, 172. David, 78. Dolly, 196. Dorothy, 80, 81, 86, 88, 93, 99, 102, 112, 116, 123, 125, 130, 139, 309, Z^'2. Ebenezer, 80, 81, 86, 88, 93, 99, 102, 112, 116, 123, 125, 130, 150, 165, 168, 172, 176, 177, 179, 190, 196, 199, 20s, 296, 297, 298, 299, 304, 309, 321, 322, 324, 340, 378, 382, 38s, 512, 516. Ebenezer G., 402. Edward, 391. Edward S., 400. Elisha, 385. Eliza, 402. Elizabeth, 68, 82, 112, 168, 172, ^^■2, 359. Emily, 208, 392, 431. Esther, 123, 176, 228, 322, 373. Eunice, 94, 96, 99, 105, 107, no, 119, 125, 288, 314- Fidelia, 453. Griffith Bowen, 205, 340 Hannah, 94, no, 139, I43, I47, 199, 301, 314, 362 INDEX OF NAMES 60s Smith, Hannah Amelia, 516. Harriet M., 484. Hepsibath, 396. Hezekiah, 94, 96, 99, 107, no, 119, 125, 288, 314, 453. Hiram, 231, 516. Horace C, 453. Huldah, 313. Ira, 207. Isaac E., 431. J. M. Clay, 487. James, 125, 396. Jane, 82. John, 102. Jonathan, 78, 87, 93, 102. Joshua, 207, 225. Julia S., 435- Keturah, 207, 225. Leah, 30. Levi, 130. Loisia, 391. Lucretia, 396. Lucy, 190, 411. Lucy G., 428. Lucy M., 282. Lucy Monica, 282. Lydia, 422. Margaret, 46, 49, 150, 165, 168, 176, 177, 179, 190, 196, 199, 20s, 304, 340. Mary, 78, 87, 93, 102, 159, 162, 166, 168, 170, 179, 306, 385, 439. Mary A., 272, 516. Mary Ann, 238, 239, 443, 465, S16. Molly, 169, 174, 189, 328, 330. Monica, 282, 395. Myrtis, 487. Nancy, 168, 176, 381, 443. Nancy M., 272. Nathan, 225. Orin, 99. Otis, 225. Parthenea, 382. Peggy, i6s, 380. Phebe, 93. Phebe A., 486. Polly, 159, 367, 375- Prosper, 272, 282, 395. Rachel, 116, 322. Rhoda, 172. Roberson, 435. Roswell, 185, 363. Royal, 272. Sabrina, 119. Sally, 162, 264, 267, 372. Sanford, 239. Sarah, 39, 313, 324. Smith, Sarah H., 228. Sarah Hunt, 208, 223, 238, 375. Seth, 241. Sophia, 215, 223, 231, 411. Sophia A., 444. Susan, 400. Sylvester, 362. Thomas, 159, 162, 166, 169, 170, 174, 189, 306, 328, 330. Thomas Fessenden, 166. Tirzah, 185, 363. Uriah, 215, 231, 239, 241, 247, 253, 380. Washington Quay, 264. West, 453. William, 82. William Earl, 170. William M., 443. Zacheriah, 313. Snow, Betsey H., 448. Charles, 435. Edwin F., 517. Elias, 390. Elizabeth, 288. Ellen Louisa, 516. Francis, 448. Hannah, 444. Hezekiah, 516. Hezekiah L., 516. Hiram, 425, 516, 517. Huldaji, 425, 516. Huldah K., 517. Leveret A., 516. Lucian P., 466. Lucinda A., 516. Marjory A., 516. Marcy A., 466. Mary, 289. Oliver, 288, 289, 382. Polly, 390. Sarah Ann, 516. Susanna, 435. Solomon, Mary, 27. Sarah (Indian), 26. Soule, Mary, 376. Southard, Southward, Constant, 235. Harriet, 407. Samuel S., 407. Southwick, David, 33. Elizabeth, 314. Frederick, 486. Hannah, 33. Harriet, 486. Marcy, 288. Mercy, 289. Sarah, 81, 285. Sparks, Ebenezer, 58. Elizabeth, 58. 6o6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Spaulding, Spalding, Spauldin, Cyril, 452. Daniel, 465. Dinah, 27. Elizabeth, 286, 287. Hannah, 420. John, 286, 287. Lucy, 452. Mary, 62. Mary E., 465. Russell H., 426. Spear, Spears, Anna, 149, 324. Emeline, 413. Joshua, 261. Lucy, 144, 368. Mary, 133, 136, 144, 149, 298, 324- Molly, 133. Sybil, 261. William, 133, 136, 144, 149, 298, 324- Spencer, Ann P., 455. Jeremiah, 455. Mary M., 482. Spooner, Abby, 435. WilHam A., 435. Sprague, Sprage, , 346, 347- John, 338, 346. Sally, 450. Spring, Elkanah, 240. Marian, 240. Phebe, 240. Squires, Squire, Anna, 104, 106, 109, 315, 330. Benjamin, 53, 69. Daniel, 48, 174. Elizabeth, 25, 43, 48, 53, 63, 69, 369. Ezekiel, 43. Gideon, 177. John, 43, 315. Joshua, 174, 177. Martha, 43. Mary, 62,. Penuel, 106, 109, 315. Phebe, 174, 177. Ruth, 43. Stephen, 43, 104, 106, 109, 315. Thomas, 25, 43, 48, SZ, 63, 69, 106, 315. Stacy, Joseph W., 486. Lucinda, 389. Mabel, 385. Phebe A, 486; Stafford, Emanuel, 447. Sophia, 447. Stanley, Standly, Hannah, 325. Stanley, Standly, Sarah, 303. Staples, John, 367. Stanton, Betsey, 373. Patty, Z72- Robert, 377, 378, 381. Starr, Lydia, 11. Stead, Angel, 250, 375. Betsey, 387. Caroline, 250, 516. Daniel, 249, 352, 517. David A., 517. Eleanor, 517. Frederick, 250. George, 249, 250, 516. George BayHes, 250. Lucy, 249, 250, 516. Maria, 250. Naomi, 352. Russell, 387. Ruth, 375. Sally, 2>77- Stearns, Mary, 418. Stebbins, Heman, 401. Sarah M., 401. Stedman, John, 124. Nathan, 124, 297. Prudence, 124, 297. Steere, Steers, Clarissa, 263, 270, 283. Daniel, 263, 270, 283. Harriet, 432. John W., 283. Marietta S. M., 283. Thomas C, 263. William, 432. William R., 270. Stephen, Stephens, Andrew, iii. Clarissa, 401. Elkanah, iii. Hannah, iii, 393. _ Lucetta, 410. Mary, 290. Perley, 410. Sarah M., 484. Stetson, Arthur C, 517. Henry R., 517. John, SI 7. Lucy, 482. Mary B., 517. Mary E., 517. Sarah M., 483. Steward, Adams, 415. Stiles, , 287, 289-292, 294-296. A., 287, 296. Abel, 62, 66, 67. 68, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 85, 88, 93, 96, 28s, 286, 288, 290, 291, 298-309, 313, 314, 361, 363. A INDEX OF NAMES 607 Stiles, Alithea, 67, 74, 85. 88, 93, 96, 299, 308, 313, 314. Sophia, 96, 314. Stoddard, Stodard, Abel, 139. Alithea, 212, 213, 340, 515. Almira, 260. Amelia Maria, 246. Armina, 224. Benjamin, 158, 306. Charles, o.'jz- Charles C, 473. Ebenezer, 212, 213, 246, 254, 262, 273, 340, 343, 390, 397, 5 1 5, 516. Ebenezer Alonzo, 260. Elizabeth, 131, 139. Esther, 158, 306. Francis, 385. George S. Faber, 262, 476, 477, 478, 480, 484. Henry, 483, 515. Jane, 487, 516. John Marshall de la Fayette, 254- John Ransselear, 260. Lucy, 246, 254, 262, 273, 5 1 5, 516. Mary E., 473. Mary Etta, 262. Nancy, 224, 260, 261. Nancy Matilda, 261. Ophelia Hix, 260. Otis, 213, 385. Perley, 224, 260, 261, 515. Perley Fitzland, 260. Phinehas, 131, 139. Polly, 212, 260, 379. Polly Maria, 260. Sarah, 131. Sarah M., 483. Seth, 516. Susanna, 158. Willard, 212, 260, 340. William, 131. Stone, , 308. Aaron, 242. Adeline, 516. Arsula, 359. Asa, 242, 516, 517. Bradford C, 516. Charles W., 517. Charlotte, 436. George B., 516. Hannah, 160, 167, 178, 242, 302, 305, 401. Horace C, 516. Isaac, 118, 133, 141, 147, 150, 162, 296, 330, 378, 380. John, 242, 396, 516. Stone, Levi H., 420. Liberty, 436. Loammi, 242, 369. Lucy, 466. Luther B., 516. Marcia, 428. Mary, 167, 242, 306. Mary A., 516. Milton C, 516. Nancy J., 516. Olive, 516, 517. Polly, 369. Polly Hemnia, 160. Sabrina, 118. Sally, 141, z^2>, 396. Solomon, 150. Sarah, 118, 133, 141, 147, 150, 162, 242, 296, 330. Sophia, 242, 420. Stephen, 147. Thankful, 303. Thomas, 160, 305. Urania, 162, 330. William, 167, 178. Zuriel, 133. Storrs, Stores, Rebecca, 48. William, 283. Stow, Dolly, 446. Emely E., 516. Sarah, 516. William M., 516. Stowel, Stoel, Alithea, 381. Olive, ZIT- Stratton, Mary, 8. Streeter, John, 117. Margaret, 117. Strobridge, Molly, 303. Stubbsj Benjamin, 404. Lucretia, 404. Studley, Dwight A., 480. Mary E., 480. Sumner, , 432. Abigail, 193. AdeHne, 430. Almira, 387. Ann, 120, 128, 284, 433. Anne, 141, 146, 305. Asa, 256. Benjamin, 305, 307, 365, 367, 375, 475. Charles, 209. Chloe, 128, 141. Cyril, 209. Daniel, 256. Erastus, 256. Fily, 284. George, 220, 256, 349. 6o8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Sumner, George N., 430. Hannah, 146. Increase, 220, 390. Jesse, 284. Josiah, 106, 120, 128, 141, 146, 256, 330. Lovisa, 207, 364. Lydia, 387. Mary, 407. Matilda, 193. Moses, 193, 207, 209, 366, Prudence, 256. Release, 256. Roxe, 390. Sarah, 106, 360. Sophia, 207. Susan W., 475- Susanna, 220. William, 256. Zubah, 193, 207, 209, 366. Sunsiman, John, 330. Joseph, 345. Nancy, 345. Sutton, George R., 469. Sarah J., 469. Swan, Louisa M., 478. Samuel R., 478. Sweet, Betsey, 401. Catherine, 429, 515. Edward, SiS- Edwin, 515. Johnson, 461, 464, 515. Mary Ann, 431. Nancy Ann, 515. Ruth, 515. Susan, 515. William, 401. Sweeting, Mary, 411. Tabor, Hannah H., 423- Taft, Daniel, 352, 517, Marcus, 247, 260. Marsha, 247, 260. Mary, 247, 430, Si7- Rhoda, 352, 384, 517- Sophia, 260. Thomas J., 517. Thomas M., 517, Tainter, Taynter, David, 107. ^ John, 107, 313. Sarah, 107, 313. William, 313. William Ward, 107. Tarbell, Tarbel, Esther, 64, 72, 78, 86. Jerusha, 72. John, 64, 72, 78, 86. Sarah, 86. Taunt, Emeline, 481. Taylor, Tayler, Alexander, 71. Benjamin, 403. Elizabeth, 6, 479. . Henry, 12. Isabel, 9. James, 9. Mary, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 405. Micah Lewis, 261. Rachel, 261. Rufus G., 261. Ruth, 10. Samuel, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12. Sarah, 5. Vernon Nash, 479. William, 405. Tennant, Sophronia L., 408. Tenney, Caleb J., 379. Tew, Mary, 303. Paul, 303. Tyler, Almira, 400. Anna, 321. Annis, 253. Betsey, 378. Charles Henry, 517. EHsha, 375, 377. Foster, 422, 423, 425-427, 429, 431-433, 435, 437- George William, 517. Hannah, 200, 253, 368, 385. Ira, 463. James Luscomb, 253. Laura, 461, 517. Laura Ann, 469, 517. Levi, 130, 135, 144, 321. Lias, 253. Lucretia, 463. Lucy, 253. Lydia, 130, 13S, 138, 144, I49. 253, 299, 321, 330, 358. Mephibosheth, 130, 135, 138, 144, 149, 299, 321, 330, 347. Nathan, 469, 517. Patience, 68. Perley, 138, 200, 253, 368, 386. Phebe Ann, 517. Samuel, 200, 330. Sarah, 253, 388. Susan M., 479. William, 461, 517. Zerviah, 386. Thomas, Augustus, 390. Priscilla, 390. Thompson, Thomson, Deborah, 82. Hannah, 93, 304. Ichabod, 298, 346. Mary, 93, 285, 286, 293, 298. INDEX OF NAMES 609 Thompson, Thomson, Molly, 346. Pamelia, 395. Sally, 424. William, 93, 285, 286, 312. Thornton, Stephen, 309. Throop, Thropp, Throp, , so, no. Amos, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 66, 07, 123. Ebenezer, 145, 183. Fanny, 145. Frances, 36, 41, 44, 47, 49, 53, 56, 62, no, 123, 131, 140, 293. John, 49, no, 123, 131, 140, 145, 183, 293. Judah, 131, 183. Mary, 36. Nathaniel, 53, 57. Rebecca, 45. Sarah, 140. Thurber, Abigail, 517. Abigail B., 517. Edgar, 517. George Harrison, 517. Wheaton, 517. William Roscoe, 517. Tibson, Lucetta, 410. Tiffany, Tiffany, Allen, 235. Asa, 65. Betsey, 258. Daniel, 190, 211, 234, 372. David, 258. Demosthenes, 234. Dolly, 235. Edmund, 212, 235, 238. Edmund Prelate, 238. Elizabeth, 48, 56, 65, 75. George, 235. Gordin Judson, 235. Harriet, 235, 399. Isaiah, 48, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 78. Lucinda, 211. Lucy, 212, 486. Pamelia, 234. Persis, 65, 75. Phebe, 211, 372. Polly, 190, 212, 23s, 238, 363, 372. Recompense, 48. Sally, 364. Schuyler, 258. Tillinghast, Bardon, 412. Titus, Lydia, 8. Margaret, 82. Tollman, Leonard, 451. Sarah C, 451. 39 Torrey, Torry, , 351. Abigail, 195. Alfred, 214. Anna, 214, 233, 234, 292, 345. Eleanor, 189. Elijah, 214, 233, 234, 345. Eliza, 233. John, 349. Joseph, 201, 214, 338. Luther, 214. Mehitabel, 189, 195, 201. Nancy, 214. Perley, 214, 234, 345. Samuel, 189, 195, 201, 358. Sukey, 214. Torrington, Harriet, 450. Seth, 450. Tourtelot, Tourterlott, Calista, 450. Ellis, 370. Reed, 450. Sybil, 385. Tower, Towers, Isaac, 426. Maria E., 459. Patience, 29. Penelia, 426. Sarah, 46. Town, David, 21, 80. Ephraim, 24. Margaret, 80. Mercy, 21. Sarah, 24. Townsend, Alexander, 423. Solomon, 299. Sophronia, 423. Tracy, Almira, 430. Lucretia, 397. Solomon F., 430. Treat, Salmon, 294. Triskett, Miriam, 304. Trobridge, Phebe, 374, Sarah, 464. Truesdell, Truesdel, Trusdal, Trusdell, Aaron, 120. Albert, 282. Asa, 148. Bethia, 67. Catherine, 268. Charles, 282, 363. Darius, 148, 154, 160, 175, 181, 190, 197, 215, 351. Dorothy, 381. Ebenezer, 17, 67. Hannah, 120,- 128, 134, 142. Helen, 268. Henry, 282. 6io WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Truesdell, Truesdel, Trusdal, Trusdell, Ichabod, 120, 128, 134, 142. John, II, 175, 268, 282, 517. John Baylis, 268. Judith, 142. Mary, 11, 21, 128. Polly, 215. Rachel, 17. Rhoda, 148, 154, 160, 175, 181, 190, 197, 2x5, 268, 302. Richard, 11, I3- Sarah, 197. Silas, 181. Silas Chaf?e, 181. Sophia, 268, 282, 517. Thomas, 17, IQO, 268, 302. Thomas Dresser, 134. William, 5i7- Trumbull, Jonathan, 84, 329. Tucker, Tuckers, , 340. Abiel, 204. Abijah, 317- Albigence Waldo, 209. Alice, 426. Ann Louisa, 261, 443- Anna, 68, 152, 160, 165, 166, 170, 17s, 185, 198, 217, 327, 349. Annis, 230. Asenath, 308. Betsey, 194, 257, 267, 389. Chandler H., 257, 269, 394- Charles, I75, 256. Charlotte, 196, 200, 204, 209, 307. Chester, 363. Clarissa, 160, 221, 257, 327. Comfort Ann, 256. Daniel, 138, 322. David, 86. Diantha, 282. Diantha C, 482. Dinah, 389. Dolphus, 198. Emily, 217, 396. Ephraim, 158, 267, 348, 384, 517. Erastus, 185, 259, 389. Esther, 88, 158. Fanny, 158. George, 267. Hannah, 157, 324, 305, 375, 420. Hannah Maria, 269. Harriet T., 461. Huldah, 138, 165, 188, 194, 198, 215, 221, 257, 366, 390. Israel Keach, 259. James, 174, 361, 427. John, 196, 200, 204, 209, 367, 420. John Fellow, 196. Tucker, Tuckers, John G., 426. Joshua, ^^, 86, 88. Laura, 221, 382. Lois, 113, 120, 121, 127, 138, 142, 147, 152, 157, 158, 261, 282, 294, 322, 323, 324, 338, 388, S17. Lothetha, 356. Lucene Lorry, 257. Lucinda, 251, 393, 473- Lucretia, 160, 257, 327- Lucy, 152, 256, 269, 317, 374, 394- Luther, 262, 267. Luther Gage, 262. Lydia, 158, 259, 267, 266, 443, 517. Lyman, 165, 257. Marsilva, 2x5, 217, 230, 374. Mary, ^T, 86, 88, X2i. Nancy, 427, 5x7. Narinett, 259. Nathan, 194, 257. Olive, X97, 366. Patience, 3x7. Penuel, 152, 2x5, 217, 230, 374- Polly, 262. Purlina, 2x7. Rhoda, 198. Sally, 170, X7S, 363. Sally Fellows, 200. Sarah, 174, 361, 384- Sophia, X13, X97, 307. Stephen, X13, X20, X2X, 127, 138, X42, X47, 152, 157, 158, x6o, i6s, x66, X70, 17s, i8s, X97, X98, 217, 294, 322-324, 327, 338, 351, 355, 366, 517. Stephen Eddy, 259. Susan, 256, 4x7. Urania, 127. Waldo, x66. Walter, 251, 261, 282, 356, 388, 393. William Chamberlin, 269. Zephaniah, 165, 188, 194, 198, 221 2S7» Tuder, Eunice W., 421. Henry, 421. Tufts, Mary, 80. TuUer, Almira, 458. Susanna, 387. Willard, 458. Turkington, William, 480, 481. Turner, Laura Ann, 469. Nancy, 396. Stephen, 15. Tuseter, Lois, 385. INDEX OF NAMES 6ii Tuttle, John, 478. Lucy, 297. Mary C, 478. Relief Ann, 479. Underwood, , 343- Abigail, 154, 163, 166, 305. Abishai Sabin, 162. Aden, 518. Allen, 487. Alvan, 159, 243, ■it'?^, 378-409, 413-421, 424-428, 449, 461. Alvan Greenleaf, 243. Anna, 82, 94, loi, 105, 108, 116, 126, 140, 144, 153, 154, 203, 246, 285, 301, 304, 326. Betsey, 206, 342, 373. Cynthia, 178, 247. Daniel, 141, 147, 162, 200, 302. Eli, 326. Eliab, 140. Elias, 94, I34, 140, I44, I53, I54, 301. Elisha, 108, 154, '^^i, 166, 305, 326. Elizabeth, 463. Esther, 170, 187, 188, 194, I95, 203, 359. • Evander, 154. Experience, 141, 147, 162, 200, 302. George, 274, 402. Griffin, 194. Jesse, 195. John, 262. Jonathan Kingsley, 141. Josiah, 170, 188, 194, 195, 359. Justin, 216. Kezia, 206, 342. Laban, 174, 246, 247, 256, 261, 518. Laban W., 518. Lemuel, 116, 187, 203, 359. Lois, 385. Lucy, 147, 256, 369, 438, 487. Marsilva, 126, 365. Marvel, 200, 206, 342, 373. Mary, 274. Mary Ann, 465, 518. Matilda, 447. Nehemiah, 82, 94, loi, 105, 108, 116, 126, 140, 143, 148, 15s, 159, 169, 174, 178, 190, 285, 303, 324, 326, 385, 518. Nelson, 261. Olive, 105, 170, 307. Patty, 216, Z7Z- Peggy, 243, 380. Underwood, Rebecca C., 398. Reuben, 143. Rhoda, 143, 148, 15s, 159, 169, 174, 178, 190, 303, 518. Ruth, 369. Sally, 246, 247, 256, 261, 274, S18. Samuel, 140, 355, 366. Sophia, 274, 394. Susanna, 366. Sylvanus, 203. Tainter, 262. Tenty, 402. Thomas, 203, 518. Uriel, 154. Urijah, 155, 216, 373. Walter, 166. William, 518. William M., 447. William Manning, 262. Zerviah, 134. Upham, Ann, 431. Caroline, 459. Electa, 408. Eunice, 221, 267. Ezekiel, 109, 293, 339. John, 221, 267. John Freeman, 221. Otis N., 459. Rebecca, 109, 293. Sarah, 109. Walter, 408. William, 267. Utley, Utly, Anna, 208, 337. Anne, 66, 67, 69, 71. Bethia, 184. Betsey, 184, 371. Elisha, 184, 384, Hannah, 370. Japhet, d^, 67, 69, 71. Jerusha, 69. John, 184, 219, 331. Levi, 184, 208, 213, 219, 337, 370, 372. Ovandy, 387. Polly, 184, 213, 371. Sally, 208, 213, 219, 372. Susan, 384. Utter, Samuel, "JT. Sarah, 76, ^T. Vaile, Vile, Chauncey, 444. Ruth, 380. Sophia A., 444. Vinson, Nancy, 379. 6l2 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Vinton, Baldwin J., 518. Betsey, 435- Caroline, 451. Caroline A., 473. Dolly, 215, 372. Eliza A., 518. Emeline, 465. Emily D., 475. Harriet, 419, 468, 518. Hosea, 215, 518. Jane, 417. John E., 417. John D., 468, S18. John H., 518. Louisa, 430, 432, 469. Lucretia, 418. Lucy, 406. Matilda W., 518. Nancy H., 465. Orrin, 518. Phebe, 80. Prudence, 518. Susanna, 435. Timothy, 211, 215, 372. Waldo, 211. Wade, Charles, 415. Lorrey, 415. Wadkins, see Watkins. Wair, Charles, 416. Lorra, 416. Wakefield, Aaron, 449. Adotia, 449. Asenath, 379. Dorcas, 117, 129, 135, 320. Elizabeth, 300. Henrietta, 414. Hiram, 414. Rufus, 129, 133. William, 117, 129, 133, 320. Walcott, Annis, 402. Waldo, Albigence, 164, 307, 326. Elisha Hurlbut, 164. Frances, 428. Harriet, 164. John, 396. Lucretia, 396. Lydia, 164, 307, 326. Mary P., 434. Ralph, 164, 326. Thomas Fanning, 164. Wales, , 362. Solomon, 346. Walker, Waker, Abigail. 300, 324. Adeline, 221, 391. Alfred, 144, 207, 214, 221, 230, 234, 246, 358, 372. Alice, 209, 221. Walker, Waker, Alice M., 425. Amasa, 216, 258. Amasa A., 518. Benjamin, 199, 336, 439, 518. Benjamin H., 518. Benjamin M., ^y2, 473, 476. Betsey, 207, 214, 230, 234, 246, 358, 367, Z12. Caroline, 439, 485, 518. Chloe, 196, 199, 202, 209, 2)2,(i, 365. Diantha, 217, 225. Doliver, 234, 276. Dorothy, 155. Eaton, 231, 276. Elijah, 149. Elisha, 149, 303, 431. Elisha C, 401. Elisha Child, 207. Elmira, 519. Elnathan, 115, 121, 136, 294, 317. Elsa, 276, 518. Elvira, 234. Emily, 214, 431, 519. Erastus, 258. Eunice, 204, 217, 225, 238, 258, 518. Ezra, 300, 324. Forris, 439. Freeman, 138, 367. Grace, 238. Hannah, 115, 121, 136, 294, 317. Hartwell, 246, 277. Henry D., 518. Horace, 258, 442. Horatio, 167. Isabel, 519. Isabel M., 442. James, 136, 246, 442, 519. John Brewer, 189, 193, 382. John Brown, 228. John N., 404. Laury, 228, 382. Leonard, 131, 196, 199, 202, 209, 336, 365. Lucy, 231, 233, 234, 238, 241, 246, 276, 277, 281, 518. Lucy Howard, 277. Maria, 277. Marsilva, 217. Matilda, 115. Melinda, 233, 276, 406, Myrtilla, 238, 276. Nancy, 155, 281, 404, 431. Oils, 485. Orson, 228. Phebe, 439. INDEX OF NAMES 613 Walker, Waker, Phineas, 131, 138, 144, 151, 155, 163, 165, 167, 189, 193, 231, 233, 234, 238, 241, 246, 276, 277, 281, 300, 352, 518. Phineas Allen, 277. Priscilla, 216, 373. Sally, 204, 429. Sarah, 163, 362. Sukey, 196. Susan, 442. Susan H., 448. Susanna, 131, 138, 144, 151, 163, 165, 167, 189, 193, 300. Susanna Hyde, 277. Sylvia, 401, 450. Thankful, 149, 303. Timothy, 281. Uriah, 204, 217, 225, 238, 258, 518. Walter, 151, 216, 373. Wareham, 121, 317. Welson, 518. William, 225, 246. Wallis, Wallies, Walle, Walles, Wallie, Wally, Chloe, 172, 205, 364. David, 38, 45, 49, 60, 65, 74, 82, 295, 316. Elizabeth, 60, 65. John, 65, 172, 205, 364. Jonathan, 49. Mary, 38, 45, 49, 60, 74, 82, 172, 295- Thomas, 82. William, 74. Walter, Nehemiah, 2, 16, 17. Ward, Abijah, 28. Azubah, 295. Rachel, 22. Sarah, 301. William, 22. Wardwell, Return, 67, 68. Ware, Betsey, 438. Charles, 519. Charles Henry, 519. Emma Theresa, 519. Lawly, 519. WiUiam D., 438. Warner, Warnner, Ann, 453. Benjamin, 3. David, 459. Elizabeth, 19. John, 17. Mary, 15, 17, 19, 299. Mary T., 480. Mehitabel, 2-4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13. Roswell, 396. Warner, Warnner, Samuel, 2-4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19- Sarah, 4, 11. Susan, 459. Susanna, 9. Warrin, Worin, Worrin, Warren, Alithea, 83, 88, 92, 97, 104, los, 115. John, 97. John F., 471. Lois, 92. Lydia, 115. Moses, 387. Nathaniel, 83, 88, 92, 97, 104, 105, 115. Sarepta E., 471. Washburn, Abisha, 219, 220, 376. Betsey, 376. Chloe, 131. Kezia, 131. Lucretia, 220. Luke, 131. Mandy, 220. Mary, 219, 220. Nancy, 220. Polly, 219. * Tente, 220. Washington, , 364. George, 83, 84, 342. [Waterman], Warterman, James B., 415. Marcy, 415. Waters, Alithea, 405. Betsey, 400. Charles, 400. Jonathan, 405. Mary, ^62. Watkins, Wadkins, Bethia, 46, 57. Darius, 46. Dinah, 77. Esther, 360. Nehemiah, 46, 57, 77. Watson, Jonna, 472. Weaver, Abigail, 462. Christopher, 281. Hannah, 412. Jane C, 481. John, 280, 281. Jonathan, 481. Lucetta, 442. Lucy Wills, 385. Lydia, 280, 430. Martin, 281. Mary S., 429. Mary Sweet, 280. Nancy Potter, 384. Nancy Thomas, 280, 6i4 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Weaver, Phebe E., 459. Phebe G., 419- Phebe Green, 280. Tabitha, 280, 281. William A., 459. William Albert, 281. Susan, 442. Webb, Isaac, 412, 463. Isabel, 486. Mary J., 412, Mehitabel, 298. Sarah, 463. Webber, Charity E., 471. Webster, Anna C, 486. Benjamin, 222, 232, 265, 281, 351, 367, 397, 422-424- Cynthia, 265. Eliza, 454. Emily, 518. Halsey, 265. Huldah, 265, 449. John, 422. Lucian B., 518. Luther, 222, 281. Marsilva, 222, 232, 35 1-, 367. Mary, 416, 518. Matilda, 265. Miron, 518. Nancy, 222, Ruth, 422. Sophia, 281, 397. Stephen, 416, 518. Stephen Paul, 232. William, 454- Welch, Welsh, Henry, 462. Moses, 363. Moses C., 379. Prudence, 462. Weld, Amos, 372, 374- Elizabeth, 297. Joseph, 289. Patience, 289. -Wells, , 353- AmeHa N., 468. Amos, 370, 373-377. 383, 384- Erastus, 519- Henry, 268, 432, 519. Lucy, 268, 432, 5 19. Maria, 519. Moses, 348. Nancy, 268, 434. Reuben, 434. Wentworth, Benjamin, 470. Zephia, 470. West, Freedom, 429. Polly, 429. Ruth, 433- Sarah, 76, ^^. Westcot, Solomon (Indian), 34i- Wetherell, Adeline M., 444. Wetmore, Whetmore, , 518. Anna, 23. Aurillia, 518. James, 23. Ursula, 518. Wheat, Benjamin, 355. Mary, 355. Sally, 409. Wheaton, Abigail, 245. Betsey, 245. Elmira, 271. James, 245. Job, 245. Mary A., 272. Royal, 272. Royal P., 271. Sally, 245. Zerviah, 271, 272. Wheeler, Arnold, 174, IQI- Cyril, 182, 191. Huldah, 174- 182, 191, 359. James, 174, 182, 191, 359- Lydia, 355. Nabby, 376. Susanna, 191. Wheelock, Priscilla, 340. Ralph, 340. Whipple, Hannah D., 440. Marcia, 403. Samuel A., 440. William, 403. White, Abel, 148, 304. 324- Abigail, 46. Abilene, i57- Alden, 226. Amos, 237, 239. Asa, 213. Azubah, 213. Benjamin, 46. Betsey, 441. Celura, 2i6. Constant, 210, 338. Cornelius, 158, 213, 304, 340. Elizabeth, 58. Erastus, 185. Freeland, 213. Hepsibath, 237, 239. Jefferson, 237. Jerusha, 361. Jesse, 226, 236, 380. Joel, 158, 161, 167, 182, 210, 213, 338, 340. John, 158, 213, 340. Joseph, 213, 336, Lowell, 237. Lucy, 213. Martha, 346. Marvin, 213. INDEX OF NAMES 6iS White, Mary, 158, 236. Mary Jane, 426. Miriam, 158, 213, 304, 340. Nicholas, 157. Otis, 237. Patty, 161, 213, 340. Peregrine, 185, 216, 357, 363. Phebe, 182. Philip, 325. Polly Pollard, 167. Rebecca, 185, 216, 357, 363. Ruth, 226, 236, 380. Salem, 213. Sarah, 148, 157, 161, 167, 182, 210, 304, 324. Zephaniah, 157. Whitman, Manetta, 480. Mary C., 478. Nelson, 480. Whitmore, Whitemore, Aurillia, 416. David, 423, Lovisa, 423. Roswell, 386. Whitney, Witney, Abigail, 264, 271. Ann, 398. Anna, 50. . Clarissa, 379. Ezra, 346. Gershon, loi, 290. James, 379, 405. Job, 264, 271, 386. Job Orton, 271. Josiah, 366, 370-372, 378. Lucin D., 447. Lutia Dresser, 264. Marcy, 436. Mary, 292. Nabby, 386. Newell, 398. Prudence, 405. Ruth K., 447. Ruth Knap, 264. Sarah, loi, 290. Whiton, Eliza L., 464. Julius R., 464. Wight, Wite, Anne Smith, 364. Esther, 205, 373. Haviland, 221, 411. Margaret, 156. Mary Ann, 205. Peletiah, 156, 220, 221, 347, 376, 420. Pruda, 382. Prudence, 220, 221, 2>J^- Sarah M., 420. Simeon, 156, 205, 373. Sophia, 411. Wilber, Wilbour, Alderman, 269. Anna, 227. Daniel, 228, John, 227, 249, 382. Mary, 227, 228, 382. Olive, 227, 249, 382. Polly, 269, 376. Sarah, 341, 388. Sarah Ann, 269, 393. Susanna, 227. William, 227, 228, 341, 376, 382, 388. Wilcox, Abigail, 308. Elisha, 308. Wiley, John, 311. Wilkinson, Benjamin, 199. Clarina, 173, 199, 359. Clarissa, 358. Edmond, 463. Esther, 199, 397. Hannah, 173, 199, 382. Lydia, 298. Mary, 173, 199, 483. Molly, 359. Rhodes, 173, 199, 354, 358, 359. Samuel, 199. Sarah, 463. Tryphena, 473. Willey, Asa, 475. Williams, Abiel, 204, 380, 386, Abiel D., 464. Abiel Dana, 222. Abiram, 401. Ambrose, 104. Andrew, 109, 112, 194, 197, 203, 211, 221, 316, 363. Andrew A., 277, 283, 392, 518. Andrew Augustus, 197. Andrew Jackson, 283. Anna, 464. Betsey, 196, 209, 386. Charles C., 463. Charles S., 518. Christopher H., 476. Clarissa, 383. Daniel, 448. David, 173, 184, 192, 196, 202, Z2>2, 342, 363. Elizabeth, 87, 89, 92, 97, 296, 344. Ellen M., 519. Emily, 277, 283, 392, 518. Emma T., 519. Esther, 89. Eunice, 100, 326. Ezra, 192. Faith, 371. George Clinton, 274. Hannah, 2, 82, 204, 211, 370. 6i6 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Williams, Harden, 484. Harriet L., 518. Henrietta, 204. Isaac, 87, 89, 92, 97. Israel, 204, 206, 222, 233, 338, 369, 375- James, 209, 371, 375, Jared W., 399. Jared Warner, 203. John, 204, 211, 370, 389. John F., 274, 283, 418, 426, 428, 433, 437, 457, 462, 469, 476, 479, 480, 518. John Fowler, 194. John N., 519. John T., 397. Joseph, 82, 87, 91, 95, 98, 102, 104, 108, 310, 317, 417. Katharine, 389. Laura, 211. Laura B., 519. Lucretia, 274, 283, 397. Margaret, 173, 184, 332. Maria T., 283, 409, 519. Marshall H, 283. Martha, 96, 100, 109, 112, 120, 125, 131, 289, 313, 316, 321, 326, 331. Mary, 87, 89, 166, 192, 196, 202, 363, 384, 463. Mary E., 518. Mary Eliza, 211. Mary Jane, 426, 518. Mary Sophia, 277. Molly, 352. Myron Tracy, 283. Nancy, 401. Naomi, 209, 371. Nathan, 97, 173, 233, 332, 375. Patty, 131, 321. Peleg, 389. Polly, 184, 202, 332. Priscilla, 206, 222, 233, 375. Rachel, 397. Rebecca, 91, 95, 310. Rispah, 417. Rollin Fox, 519. Ruth, 82, 87, 91, 95, 98, 102, 104, 108, 310, 317. S., 289, 292. Sally, 194, 197, 203, 211, 221. Sarah, 98, 363, 484. Sarah H., 399. Silas, 166. ^ Stephen, 96, 100, 109, 112, 120, 125, 131, 288-308, 313, 316, 321, 326, 331, 338, 352, 357, 359-372. Temperance, 204, 338, 369. Williams, Thomas, 108, 166. Thomas, 108, 166. Thomas S., 397. Timothy, 125. Wareham, 331. Wealthy Ann, 476. William, 84, 353. William P., 283, 409, 519. William Pitt, 221. Zulia, 406. Willis, Daniel, 453. Hannah, 53. Lydia, 38, 42, 53. Mary F., 453. Robert, 53. Wilmarth, Sarah, 519. Welcome, 519. WiUiam Henry, 519. Wilson, Willson, , 105. Abial, 123. Abigail, 78, 128, 139, 161, 166, 320. Anna, 129, 318. Barzilla, 128, 169. Caroline, 399. Dorothy, 306. Ebenezer, 318, 329. Elijah, 129, 319. Eunice W., 421. Huldah, 129. Isaac, 123, 161, 166. James, 130. John, 128, 313. Jonathan, 105, 128, 139, 142, 147, 169, 320, 321. Joseph, 22. Josiah, 123. Laura, 479. Lois, 105, 128, 139, 147, 320, 321, 338. Lucretia, 129. Lydia, 194, 251, 270, 365. Martha, 128, 129, 130, 136, 142, 299, 319. Mary, 22, 287, 320. Mary Ann, 251, 270. Miriam, 257. Molly, 128. Resolved Palmer, 257. Roxalana, 161. Samuel, 78. Sanford, 166. Sarah, 22, dj, 337. Silence, 169. Simeon, 194, 251, 270, 365. Thomas, 136, 147, 321. Thomas C, 257, 399. Thomas Cutler, 169. INDEX OF NAMES 617 Wilson, Timothy, 129, 319. William, 128, 129, 130, 136, 142, 299, 319- Zolve, 257, 320. Windsor, Joseph, 359. Winslow, Eunice, 400. Thomas, 400. Withey, Wethey, Wetheey, Amanda E., 480. Amanda Y., 470. George H., 484. Gurdon E., 486. Harriet N., 486. Jonathan M., 480. Ruth, 484. Samuel, 470. Witter, Asa, 409. Eliza, 409. John, 437. Mary Ann, 437. Wolcott, Woolcott, Erastus, 336, Oliver, 340. Wood, , 380. Bathsheba, 450. Elmer, 431. Melley, 479. Sarah, 290. Woodbury, Isaac, 462, 463, 472, 473- Woodward, Woodard, Abigail, 308. Abraham, 95, 100, 109. Bethuel A., 383. Clarissa, 383. Emelia, 242. Hannah, 25. Hannah S., 441. Jacob, 317. Jane, 109. John, 247. John Clark, 100. John N., 441. Lucy, 238, 242, 247. Lucy Torry, 242. Mariette, 238. Nathan, 410. Pliny, 238, 242, 247. Sally A., 410. Sarah, 95, 100, 109. Work, Alonzo, 258, 440. Benjamin, 258, 421. Emily, 258, 407. Ezra, 258. Hannah, 190, 209, 258, 259, 364. Hannah D., 440. Henry, 190, 209, 258, 259, 364. Henry Dean, 259. Work, Ingolsby, 190. John, 209, 406, 519. Mary, 440. Matilda, 406, 519. Phebe M., 519. Polly, 258, 403. Sally, 380. Susan, 421. Worthington, Lydia, 383. Worthley, Charles T., 470. Lucy B., 470. Wright, Abiel, 33, 59, 70. Abigail, 36, 53, 54, 56, 63, 70, 74, 87, 106, 109, 289. Betsey, 482. Betsey M., 519. Cordelia, 428. Dinah, 428. Dorcas, 45, 290, 291. Dorothy, 41, 45, 287. Ebenezer, 519. Edward, 272. Elizabeth, 62, 66, 67, 310. Gardner, 272, 518. Gordon, 283. Hannah, 52, 54, 67, 108, 288. Henry G., 283, 518. Hepzibah, 58. Huldah, 56. John, 30, 50, 52. Joseph, 28, 30, 33, 36, 41, 45, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 62, 63, 70, 74, 87, 106, 108, 109, 288, 310. Lydia, 289. Mary, 28, 77, 108, 109, ^ Phebe, 272, 283, 518. Phineas, 394, 519. Phineas G., 519. Samuel, 87. Sarah, 28, 30, 33, 36, 41, 45, 50, 52, 53, 59, 63, 66, 519. Sarah J., 519. Sarah S., 394. William Henry, 272. Yeomans, Eunice, 302. Young, Daniel, 433. Esther, 386. Freelove, 463. James, 386. Louis, 433. Mary, 418. Mary Ann, 499. Zelotus, 418. (No surname.) Abigail, 102 Abilene, loi. Alice, 113. 6i8 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS (No Surname), Babe- 1 (No Surname), Mary, suck, 26. 102, 105. Benjamin, 246. Nathaniel, 106. Beriah, 104. Sally, 270. Deborah, loi. Solomon,, 26. Ebenezer, 33. Elisha, 113. Indians and Negroes. Galen, 246. 26, 124, 172, 195, 200, 201, 224, Hannah, 246. 293, 312, 315, 330, 333, 337, John, loi, 106. 341. Joseph, 105, 317. INDEX OF PLACES Abington, 451, 457. Abington, Mass., 417. Adisa, New York, 484. Albany, 315. Ashford, 17, 22, 31, 41, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 58, 82, 288, 289, 292, 293, 29s, 298, 300, 304, 305, 307, 343, 348, 350, 351, 364, 371, 374, Z7^, m, 379-384, 387-392, 395, 404, 407, 412, 415, 416, 424, 438, 439, 442, 443, 447, 458, 460, 466, 470, 471, 473, 476, 477, 480. Athol, Mass., 431. Attleborough, 29, 46. Bangor, Maine, 469. Barnstable, 38, 44. Barre, Mass., 452. Barre, Vermont, 434. Barrington, 39, 67, 286. Batavia, N. Y., 430. Belchertown, Mass., 299, 440. Bellingham, 33, 38. Beverly, Mass., 40, 511. Boston, Mass., 29, 32, 423, 469, 475. Bradford, 381. Brandon, Vt., 508. Branford, i. Brewer, Maine, 456. Bridgewater, Pa., 434. Brimfield, Mass., 38, 71, 292, 294, 296, 348, 369- Bristol, 36, ZT, 45, ^^, 301. Brookfield, Mass., 44, 45, 48, 287, 341, 382, 427, 436, 441, 463, 479, 480, 488. Brookline, 17, 49, 290, 362, 366, 371, 372, 375- Brooklyn, 291, 370, 378, 385, 397, 417, 423, 437, 468, 487- Brooklyn, N. Y., 457. Brownswith, Maine, 455. Brunswick, Me., 459. Burlington, N. Y., 422. Burlington, Vt., 45?. Burrillville, R. I., 473, 475. Cambridge, TJ. Cambridge River, 341. Canaan, 368. Canterbury, 12, 25, 41, 42, 43, 46, SI, 67, 68, 82, 28s, 341, 349, 362, zdT, zyz, 375, 383, 386, 388, 393, 401, 458, 477. Canton, Mass., 439. Canton, N. Y., 468. Cape Britton, 309. Cazenovia, 348, 372. Chaplin, 441. Charlestown, 80, 196, 200, 204, 212, 219, 223, 340, 343, 346, 363, 456. Charlton, Mass., 406, 410, 425, 426, 429, 433, 436, 446, 457, 468, 470. Chelsea, Vt., 400. Chicopee, Mass., 479. Colchester, 383. Columbia, 350, 423. Concord, N. H., 46, 380. Cornish, 363, 3615. Coventry, 370. Coventry, R. I., 362, 447. Craftsbury, Vt., 244, 340, 380. Crydon, 369, 375. Cuba, 481. Danbury, 326. Dedham, 10, 11, 67, 399, 508. Deerfield, 351. Detroit, 319. Dorchester, 304, Douglas, Mass., 378, 445, 473. Dudley, 46, 66, 80, 81, 94, 104, 115, 139, 28s, 286, 289, 298, 300, 302, 30s, 340, 364, 370, 374, 379, 380, 386, 388, 392, 398, 402, 406-408, 413, 417, 423, 427, 428, 436-439, 443, 451, 453, 455, 459, 460, 463, 469, 470, 480. East Brookfield, 470. East Cambridge, Mass., 451. 619 620 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS East Douglas, Mass., 470. Eastford, 343, 353, 45 1, 479- East Greenwich, R. I., 455. East Hartford, Ct., 453. East Windsor, 336, 454, 462. Enfield, 19, 31, 44, 48, 485. Erving, Mass., 483. Exeter, 244, 245. Exeter, N. Y., 247, 382. Fairlee, 196, 213, 217, 244, 347, 363, 365. Fitz William, N. H., 394. Foster, R. I., 389, 453. Framingham, 380. Franklin, 471. Georgia, 351, 481. Germantown, Penn., 398. Gloucester, R. I., 390, 393- Goar, County of, 82. Goshen Society, 385. Grafton, Mass., 446, 449, 464, 476. Grafton, N. H., 452. Great Britain, 84. Greenbush, 317. Greenwich, Mass., 394. Griswold, Ct., 459- Groton, 376. Groveland, 111., 472. Guildhall, Vt., 398. Hampton, 351. Hanover, Mass., 427. Hardwick, Mass., 485. Hartford, 58, 288, 454- Harwinton, 437. Hassanamisco, 46. Hatfield, 336. Haverhill, 20, 32. Holden, Mass., 454, 476. Holland, Mass., 263, 350, 405, 478. Hopkinton, R. I., 291, 380. Hudson, Ohio, 453, 454. Irvingham, 341. Isle of Wight, 21. Johnston, R. I., 336, 446. Keene, N. H., 414. Kekamoochaug, 40, 42, 44. Killingly, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 39, 58, 66, 67, 76, 80, 81, 82, 121, 132, 160, 285-296, 303-308, 360, 36s, 369, 370, 377, 382, 384, 386, 407, 413, 42s, 430, 432, 441, 448. 452, 46s, 470, 473, 484, 487. Lancaster, Mass., 479. Lancaster, N. H., 399, 426. Lebanon, 67, 84, 204, 214, 335, 346, 353, 371, 385, 452. Lebanon, N. Y., 397. Leicester, Mass., 58, 290, 292, 385, . 399, 435, 448, 457, 476. Leminster, 244. Lexington, 30. Lisbon, 362, 386, 435, 464. Litchfield, 340. Littleton, 297. Ludlow, 346. Lyme, 302, 350. ^ Maiden, yj. Mansfield, 23, 48, 235, 290, 291, 308, 361, 363, 424, 447. . Marlborough, 17, 296. Mashamoquet, 8-18, 21. Massachusetts, 467. Medway, 34. Mendon, Mass., 21, 25, 29, 68, 84, 290, 306, 338, 383. Mianoxit, 32. Middleborough, 303. Middletown, 7, 11, 30, 80, 81, 285, ^91, 299, 306, 412, 463. Milford, Mass., 58, 399, 467. Millbury, Mass., 408, 415, 427, 446. Montville, 484. Mortlake, 62. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 446. Muddy Brook, 442. Munson, Mass., 385, 389, 391, 439> 450. Needham, Mass., 62, 391. New Haven, 23, 486. New London, 11, 327. New Medfield, 62. New Medford, 58. New Pomfret, 367, 375- Newport, 379- New Providence, Penn., 307. New Roxbury, 329, 343. Newtown, 41, 4^. New York, 352, 431, 439- Nobletown, 363. Norfolk, Ct., 452. Northampton, 289. North Branford, 84. Northbridge, Mass., 441, 468, 469, 478. North Brookfield, Mass., 418, 428, 431, 448. Northford, Branford, 331. North Guilford, 84. North Oxford, 456. INDEX OF PLACES 621 North Woodstock, 298, 300, 302, 303, 305, 422, 426, 427, 441, 443-458, 462-482, 487. Norton, 294, 304, 361. Norwich, 29, 34, 39, 45, 48, 62, 84, 214, 294, 297, 299, 362, 367, 368, 370, 416, 443, 471, 483, 486. Oxford, Mass., 21, 24, 80, 359, 409, 426, 435, 436, 452, 456, 469, 472, 487. Palmer, Mass., 433. Pawtucket, Mass., 469. Pawtucket, R. I., 263, 428. Peoria, 111., 487. Pepperell, Mass., 476. Petersham, 2,^6. Philadelphia, 423. Plainfield, 27, 62, 286, 287, 417, 452, 461, 481. Plimpton, 289. Plymouth, 442, 459. Pomfret, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27 54, 58, 66, 67, 68, 286- 296-307, zzz, 338-340, 347, 351, 354, 355, 360, 367-369, 372, 374, Z17, 384, 390, 395, 397, 398, 405, 410, 411, 414, 417, 424-429, 444, 450, 454, 460, 463, 465, 468, 470, 477, 478. Pomfret, Vt., 342, 343. Prescott, Mass., 486. Preston, 83, 471. Providence, R. I., 10, 263, 303, 376, 403, 405, 407, 409, 461, 467, 478. Putnam, 488. 410, 31, 293, 344, 365, 383, 401, 419, 459, 473, 351, 445, Quinebaug, 34, 42, 488. Randolph, 428. Raynham, Mass., 362, 392. Rehoboth, 14, 22, 24, 36, 42, 54, 55, dT, 82, 171, 286, 376. Richmond, 299. Rochester, N. Y., 239, 382, 478. Romulus, N. Y., 423. Roxbury, Mass., 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 25, 27, 28, 2>2„ 34, 85, 289, 311, 2>Z2., 480, 508. Royalton, 364. Rutland, Mass., 443. St. Thomas, Canada, 465. Salisbury, 31. Savoy, Mass., 343. Saybrook, 306. Scituate, R. I., 359, 400, 405. Sharon, 371. Shrewsbury, N. J., 75, 190, 363. Shrewsbury, Vt., 452. Smithfield, R. I., 433, 445, 470. Somers, (yj, 68, 298. Somerset, Mass., 451. Somerset, Vt., 437. Southborough, Mass., 459. Southbridge, Mass., 387, 391, 393, 399, 402, 403, 406, 408, 410, 417, 421, 425, 427, 429, 433, 435, 436, 445, 446, 448, 450- 456, 459-470, 475-478, 482, 483, 485-487. --^South Brimfield, 381. South Brookfield, Mass., 428. South Webster, 486. South Woodstock, 423, 468, 475- 477, 483, 486, 488. Spencer, Mass., 419, 421. Stafford, 50, 300, 396, 401, 427, 428, 437, 464, 472. Stonington, 8, 89, 376, 381, 468. Stratford, 330. Stratford, Vt., 422, 425. Sturbridge, 75, 82, 285, 293, 296, 298-300, 303,- 334, 342, 343, 345, 348, 351, 352, 366, 371, 383, 386, 395, 396, 414, 420, 435, 441, 470, 472, 480. Susquehannah, 331. Sutton, Mass., 332, 366, 415, 443, 459, 479- Swansey, Mass., 403. Taunton, Mass., 292, 409, 395. Thompson, 42, 61, 63, 65, 66, "jj), 76, 79, 81, 89, 287-289, 309, 331, 332, 338, 340, 342, 349, 352, 367-376, 379, 383, 385, 388, 391, 394, 401, 405, 409, 411, 413, 414, 422, 423, 430, 431-434, 441-445, 448, 449, 452, 455-458, 463, 465, 467, 474-476, 479, 480, 483, 484. Ticonderoga, 317. Tiverton, R. I., 406. Tolland, 26, 375, 448, 461, 482. Union, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 339- 341, 344, 346, 348, 354, 360, 376, 2,77, 383-386, 392, 395, 402, 425, 430, 436, 438-440, 444, 456, 458, 461, 464-467, 471-474, 478, 483, 484. Uxbridge, Mass., 54, 454. 622 WOODSTOCK VITAL RECORDS Vermont, 407, 470, 484- Voluntown, 54- Wales, Mass., 415, 444- Wallingford, 309- Walpole, 39, 211, 345- Wardsborough, Vt., 504. Warren, R. I., 299, 478. Warwick, R. I., 354, 412, 43 1, 403, 467, 482. Washington City, 84. Waterbury, 361. Waterford, 387, 465. „ Watertown, Mass., 225, 308. Wawarsing, N. Y., 469. Webster, Mass., 447, 449, 402, 400. Westboro, Mass., 459- West Boylston, Mass., 450. West Fairley, 375, 377, 381. Westfield, 245. West Greenwich, R. I., 460. West Thompson, 462. West Woodstock, 450, 45 1, 458, 462, 466, 469, 471-474, 481, 486, 487. Wilbraham, 337, 339, 345, 304. Willington, 432, 486. Winchester, 307. Windham, 66, 67, 286, 293, 298, 299, 300, 346, 347, 362, 374, 382, 397- Windsor, 415. Wobum, 23. Woodbury, 334- >. Worcester, 58, 233, 293, 30i, 300, 308, 373, 383, 422, 433, 437, 444, 462, 474. Wrentham, Mass., 289, 5"- J9s ,0 o ^ Pq. '") '-^^ v^ -1 -Cfi S ,if f ,< , - . . . >^ "-^ v^ , . « c ;:\:'-.-. . ;;/ . , , . . ;^_ '^^A V