us\m- W7rxAj^.-c/\^\^ Its fine drinking quaUties make LION COFFEE MOST POPULAR COFFEE IN THE WORLD. , The wrappers in which Lion Coffee is pactced f or one year Only , if placed end to end woul-d: Ist.— Extend entirely tlirongh the center of the earth and protrude 2,800 miles into space at either side. « 2nd.— Put a border around the entire United States, including Alaska. 3rd.— Equal in length the combined lengths of the four greatest rivers in the World- Mississippi, Amazon, Euphrates and Nile. 4th. — Exceed in length the three longest mountain ranges— Himalaya, Eocky Mountains, and the Andes. 5th.— The Lion Coffee wrappers for one year if spread upon the earths surface, would en- tirely cover the states of Massachnsettes, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland. NO COFFEE HO POPULAK BECAUSE NONE SO , GOOD. Roasted and packed in l=Ib packages by WOOLSON SPICE COMPANY. TOLEDO, OHIO.^^^^^and^^^ KANSAS CITY, MO. m ^ „ i \^\ ■ ^g — PREFACE. -Q^-9 1r^ jilS ur.pretendmg needs neither excuse nor introduction. E\^ery true y\merican ^ interested in the Worlds Feir, where nations of ev'ery clime are v'ying With each other t- display the character and products of their Varied civ'ilizations. Drinkers of Lion Coffee, being arrvo ^ the most intelligent people of this continent, are particularl\) interested. Jo all lowers of good Goffe?;, and especiallvj to those Who recognize in Lion Coffee the best qualities of all others, this souvenir is rrost respectfully dedicated. Woolson Spies: (^ompain^^ X -^ iniiiiiiipiiiftii ^iiLiyiiiiiyii^ ©*^ /^OLUMBUS, the World renowned navigator and discoverer of \Jj, America, was born in Genoa, Italy, about the year 1436. Little is definitely known of his early life and training Settling at Lisbon in 1470, he married the daughter af a Portugese sailor, from whom he obtained some valuable charts, journals and other memoranda. He became a mapmaker and bookseller, and thus had opportunity to read the few books, of travel then extant. About this time Columbus became convinced that the earth is a sphere. This theory had been proposed many years before by Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle, but was not accepted by the astronomers of Columbus' day until, by his voyages, he proved its truthfulness. To execute his purpose of sailing westward in search of the Indies, funds must be provided for procuring ships and men, and this the sovereigns of England, France, Spain and Portugal refused to grant. Their refusal may partly be accounted for by the exorbitant demands of Columbus, who demanded one tenth of all gains from trade or conquest, besides being made admiral and viceroy of all discovered countries. Columbus spent eighteen fruitless years in thus wandering from Court to Court vainly endeavoring to win the sovereigns to his belief, and meanwhile made short voyages to Iceland, the Azores, the Canary Islands and coast of Guinea. At last Isabella, Queen of Spain, becoming convinced of his theory, induced King Ferdinand to grant him three small vessels (only one of which was decked) with 120 men, for the adventurous enterprise. The total cost of this expedition was only $3640. On the 3rd of August 1492, Columbus and his crew set sail from the harbor of Pelos, on their voyage to the eastern hemisphere. Their fleet consisted of three vessels, the Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina. An accident delayed the fleet one month at the Canary Islands, whence they again set sail. The crew soon began to be fearful, and this fear finally broke forth in open dissatisfaction. Compelled to quiet their forebodings by deceiving the crew regarding their true position and distance y from home, Columbus yet was puzzled by the strange variations ' observed in the magnetic needle, a fact never observed before. At 2 o'clock in the morning of October 12th, these daring mari- ners were rewarded bj' the sight of land, a small Island of the Bahamas. Here Columbus solemly planted the cross, and took possession of the country in the name of the Spanish King. The Island he named San Salvador, and called the natives Indians, be- lieving the newly discovered country to be a part of eastern India. The natives at first fled in fear from their pale-face brothers, but becoming bolder accepted the beads and other trinkets of the Span- iards. Columbus discovered other Islands on this first voyage, in- cluding Cuba and Hayti, (which he named Hispaniola,) but did not touch the mainland ^of America. Leaving a colony of 40 at Hispaniola, he returned to Spain, arriving home March 15th, 1493. People, court and sovereigns granted him a joyful reception. All Spain was filled witli tlie joyful news of his arrival and the strange stories related of this newly discovered land. Wild specus lions were soon afloat regarding the fabulous wealth of the new possessions. This was Columbus' proudest moment, and also the time of his greatest mistake. Had lie reported to his sovereign only the things actually seen on the voyage, Columbus would not have died in poverty. But his too eager promises awoke in the Spanish breast a belief that vatt riches awaited them in this newly discovered clime. Failing to fulfill these promises, the Spaniard's joy subsequently turned to hatred, nor did tliey realize the true importance of Columbus' discoveries until long after his death. At once King Ferdinand organized a second expedition. On Sept. 25th of the same year, with 17 ships and 1500 men, the great Admiral again sailed westward to America. On this voyage he discovered Jamaica, the Carribean group and other Islands, but returned after tliree years to free himself from the calumnies re» ported against him at home. His third voyage began May 30th, 1498. Steering farther southward, he discovered Trinidad and the mainland of South America, landing at the mouth of the Orinoco. He then sailed northward, intending to land at Hispaniola and resume his au- thority as Governor-General. But treachery awaited him. An officer named Bobadilla had superseded him, and placing him in chains sent him a prisoner to Spain. The Spanish people resented this insult to their favorite, and this led the King to fit Columbus for a fourth and last voyage. On the 9th of May 1502, with four vessels and 150 men, the old man once more set sail, this time in search of a passage uniting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, which he imagined lay somewliere between North and South America. After turning aside for some time in search of gold, but adding nothing of importance to his previous discoveries, Columbus re- turned to Spain in November 1504. No grateful reception await- ed him. Queen Isabella was dead ; Ferdinand proved basely ungrateful ; and so this greatest of discoverers was permitted'to (lie in poverty, at Valladolid, May 20th, 1506. In 1513 the re- mains of America's discoverer were brought to the New World, where they now rest, in a cathedral in the city of Havana. From that day to this, public estimate of Columbus has con- stantly increased, as the true importance of his great discovery becomes apparent. Columbus himself never realized this. His dream was a golden dream. He supposed Hispaniola to be the an- cient Ophir of Bible history, visited by the ships of Solomon, and that Cuba was but a remote part of Asia. Columbus died never realizing the real grandeur of his great discovery! GOING TO THM WORLD'S FAIR. All nations "will be there, for all are coming over to visit America. The Chinaman with wooden shoes and pigtail, The Scottish Chief and his highland Bride, Irishmen, Germans, English, Dutch, French, Russians, Italians, these antl many more will join the processian moving toward Chicago, Let us re- ceive them royally. Let us exhibit Amer-. ican hospitality by treating each to - ^i- a good strong cup of Lion Coffee. LioB Coffee is America's pride. From Maine to Texas it is drank daily in many million homes, all declaring ,_ that for strength, flavor and healthfulness Lion has no equal on the globe. Some coffees are noted for flavor, others for strength while Lion combines the best qualities of all, and makes the finest cup of coffee in the World. WORIyD'S COI^UMBIAN EXPOSITION. ORIGIN. The plan of holding an International Exposition to com memorate the discovery of America originated in 1885. Official recognition was given the enterprise - April 25th, 1890, when President Harrison attached his signature to the Act of Congress creating it. Dec. ?4th, 1890 the President issued his proclama- tion setting May 1st and Oct. 30th 1893 as the dates for its opening and closing. This proclamation also contained an in- vitation to the people of this and all countries to join in com- memorating the great event. The U. S. Government buildings were dedicated Oct. 21st, 1892. The grand formal opening of the Exhibition May 1st, outshone any similar event in the world's history, proving to the world that America can be first in pomp and splendor, as well as in enterprise and natural resources. LOCATION. No better location could have been chosen than Chicago, and no better site for a World's Fair than Jackson Park- Nothing approaching the site in beauty or extent was ever ofTer" ed to any previous Exposition; comprising 633 acres, distant 7 miles from City Hall, and stretching two and a half miles along the shore of Lake Michigan, the most beautiful body of fresh water in the world. In the background lies the vast South Park system, with its semi-circle of trees and verdure. Aside from its location on Jackson Park along the lake shore, the site also comprises Midway Plaisance, a beautiful strip of land one mile in length extending inland toward Chicago. HOW TO REACH THE GROUNDS. Visitors may reach the grounds most handily from tlie city in four ways : 1st. By the Illinois Central Hailroad, from either of the numerous stations along the lake front, and leaving the cars at South Park station. Time of trip 30 minutes. Round trip ticket 25 cents. 2nd. By the Elevated Eailroad from Congress street. Fare 5 cents. 3rd. By boat on Lake Michigan, leaving tlie docks on the lake front, between Monroe and Van Buren streets and landing at the Exposition pier. Time of trip 45 minutes. Round trip fare 25 cents. 4th. By Cottage Grove Ave. Cable Cars, running from the business center to the South Park entrance. Time of trip 45 minutes. Fare 5 cents each way. THE EXPOSITION BUILDINGS. The framework of the Exposition Buildings, (except where steel enters into their construction, as in Machinery Hall,) is mostly of wood, the outside covered with "staff," to give them a massive, marble-like appearance. This staff is composed of a peculiar cement-like material, mixed with ingredients to increase its adhesive properties. It is first prepared in the form of flat rectangles, and afterwards nailed to the outsides of tlie buildings. When dried it presents a white appearance not unlike marble, and may be stained to any desired color. -WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION (Continued.). A faint idea of the massiveness and magnificence of the Exposition buildings may be gained from their cost, size and dimensions, which are as follows . BUILDINGS. Area in acres. COST. Administration, - . - . 1.6 $ 450,000 Agriculture, with Annex, 13. 618,000 Art Galleries, with Annex, - 4.8 650,000 Agricultural Assembly Hall, - 1.3 100,000 Battleship, - - -' - .3 Casino, - .7 Dairy, .5 30,000 Electricity, 5.5 375,000 Fisheries and Annexes, 2.2 200,000 Forestry, 2.5 100,000 Horticulture, and Greenhouses, 6.2 300,000 Illinois, ------ 2. 250,000 Live-stock building, pavilion and sheds. 43.7 Manufactures and Liberal Arts, - 30.5 1,700,000 Mines, -...-. 5.6 265,000 Machinery Hall, - - - - 9.6 1,200,000 Machiney Annex, Power House, etc., 8.3 Music Hall, .7 Transportation, and Annex, - 14.4 300,000 U. S. Government, - - - - 3.3 400,000 Woman's, 1.8 1^^8,000 Total, - - . . 158.5 "ESTINIATED total cost of buildings $8,000,000. It. will be seen that the above figures do not include the minor exhibits, belonging to the separate states and of foreign nations, which are quite large and a principal feature of the OAe cufi that cheers hut doe$ 720 1 //re£r/ate'^ jf eu/i of IWAf COFf££ ^ Exposition. Neither do they include the cost of operating this gigantic enterprise from beginning to end. The total cost of the Fair is estimated at more than $25,000,000 What a pity that, within six months after close of the Ex- position, all these beautiful and costly buildings must be level- ed to the ground ! After the Fair closes, the Japanese building is to become the property of the Exposition Company for con- tinued use in Jackson Park; also much of the Transportation building will be utilized in actual railroad work; but as a rulj the material and workmanship of these magnificent buildings will no longer be of use. Like the butterfly their life is the more beautiful because so short. But unlike the butterfly the good which they have accomplished, by exhibiting the best products of art, science and achievements of- modern civilization, is beyond the scope of human calculation. ORGANIZATION. The management of this gigantic enterprise includes four organizations : 1 — The National Commission, authorized by Con- gress ; 2 -The World's Columbian Exposition Co., organized under the laws of the State of Illinois ; 3 — The Board of Lady Managers, authorized by Congress ; 4 — The World's Congress Auxilliary. Upon the second of these divisions falls the active management of the undertaking and most of its financial re- sponsibilities. To the National Commission is given the task of awakening an interest among foreign nations. The work of the Exhibition is divided into fifteen grand departments, each under a separate Chief, who conducts his department under directions of the general officers. The names of these departments indi- cate their character, being : 1. — Agriculture. 2. — Horticulture. 3. — Live Stock. 4. — Fisheries. 5. — Mines. 6. — Machinery. 7. — Transportation. 8. — Manufactures. 9. — Electricity. 10. — Fine Arts. 11.— Liberal Arts. 12.— Ethnology. 13.— Forestry. 14.— Publicity. 15. — Foreign Affairs. Exposition headquarters are located in the Administration building, and here also is the post-office. ITS INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER. The Columbian Exposition is most emphatically an inter- national undertaking. Its inttrnational character has thus been stated by Director-General Davis. "The exhibits at the Exhi- bition will cover a wider range and be far more varied and numerous than were ever before gathered together. The whole World is interested, and all the nations of the Earth will par- ticipate with the grandest and most creditable characteristic ex- WORI,D COI^UMBIAN EXHIBITION COMPARED WITH OTHER WORI^D'S FAIRS. Location and year. Acres Occupied Number of feet Under Eoof. No. of Exhibitors. Total Attendance. Duration of Fair Days, Total Receipts. Guarantee. Cost. London, 1857 21^ 24J 23J 87 280 236 100 173 1,037 700,000 1,866,000 1,291,800 3,371,904 2,963,421 1,688,858 1,858,778 1,000,000 5,000,000 17,000 22,000 28,653 52,000 142,000 30,864 40,366 55,000 6,039,196 5,162,330 6,211,103 10,200,000 7,254,687 9,910,996 16,032,725 28,149,353 Estimated 35,000,000 144 200 121 217 186 159 191 183 $1,780,000 6,441,200 1,644,260 2,103,175 6,971,832 3,813,724 2,531,650 8,300,000 British Govt. French Govt. English Govt. French Govt. $4,500,000 2,510,000 2,250,000 3,600,000 826,500,000 5.000,000 * Paris, 1855 London, 1862 $5,000,000 2,300,000 * Paris, 1867 Vienna, 1873 7,850,000 Phllad'lph'a, 1876 Paris, 1878 « Paris, 1889 6,500,000 Chicago, 1893 $31,500,000 *Bun at a great loss. No report ever made, and exact amount of deficit cannot be obtained. ^n^ -WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION siibits of their arts, sciences, natural resources, customs, condi- tions and progress of their people. From far away India, Bur- mah, Siam, China, Japan, Persia, Islands of the Pacific, Aus- Iralasia, Tasmania, Egypt, Turkey and strange but almost un- known Africa will come attractions of interesting character. All the European nations, with those of South and Central America, display great interest in the Exposition. Their finest collection of art will be gathered here, and each country prom- ises to display in the most complete manner its varied resources. - BMAUTIFUI,, US£)FUI, and - - VALUABLE PREMIUMS, —GIVEN AWAY- FREE, to Drinkers of LION COFFEE in return for the large Lion Heads cut from the Lion Coffee wrappers. These include many articles for use and home adorn ment, such as pictures, books, book- lets, knives, etc. Send for Illustrated Premium List, to WOOLSON SPICE CO., (Advertising Department,) TOLEDO, OHIO. L/iABTHA Washington COOK BOOK '.■ only 20 LION HEADS Continued.) Millions of money will be spent by these foreign countries, and the beauty of the Exposition enhanced thereby The style arch- itecture of their buildings will be characteristic of the countries represented. It will thus be seen that, in addition to the beau- tiful buildings erected by the Exposition, there will be a grand display of architecture from every part of the World, making the variety of design so extensive as to be bewildering in its outlines." Interesting as are these buildings, their contents constitute the chief feature of the Fair. Here, grouped under aprpropriate departments, may be seen the products of human ingenuity, art, science, knowledge and acquirements, from every country and every clime, representing times past, present and as far as possible the future. The exhibits of course vary with the char- acter of each department. Noticable contrasts are the depart- ments of Machinery and of Woman's Work, the former filled with the whir, clash and glitter of moving machinery, the latter an exhibit of the quieter but equally important arts of peace and industry. The Manufactures and Transportation exhibits- present the mammoth exhibits of the Exposition, while on the contrary the Horticultural exhibits of towering palms, waving ferns and fragrant flowers appeal to the senses in an entirely different way. The Electric exhibit, a years study by itself, to many proves the most interesting. But as a rule no two per- sons are equally interested in the same exhibit, their interest difiering with individual habits^ tastes and acquirements. The Columbian Exposition, in its varied departments, presents ex- hibits of interest to everyone, and none can depart from a week's (or even one day's) visit without carrying with them ad- ditional knowledge and an increased interest in the world about them. SPECIAL FEATURES. Aside from the general exhibits contained in the govern- ment buildings, there are innumerable special attractions for instruction and amusement of visitors. These include every im- aginable attraction, from the "fakir" and shooting-gallery (stationed outside the grounds) to attending a concert in the grand Ilusic Hall. The latter has a seating capacity of 2000, and an orchestra of 420 is provided for. The world renouned Prof. Thomas has charge of the music- for the Exposition. Rev. D. L. Moody is aLo to conduct a ceries. of special religious services. Noted Lecturers have been engaged. The great Chi- cago Auditorium is utilized for the larger gatherings. SIDE SHOWS : Twenty-one side shows are in full opera- tion on the grounds, many i them being located on Midway Plaisance. These attractions are concessions granted by the Ex- position management, and include among other things the Es- quimaux, German, Irish, Dahomey, Austrian, East Indian, American Indian, Chinese, Lapland and Turkish villages; the Hagenbeck animal show, circular railroad tower, the Ferris wheel, Algeria and Tunis, model St Peter, science of animal locomotion, panorama of volcano Kilanea, and the Moorisli palace. Twenty-five cents is the usual admission to these side attractions, some of them of considerable merit. Outside the grounds the dime-museums of "Fat woman and Skeleton," 'Snake Charmer" and other similar shows exist and prosper be- ca.use of the incredulitv of human nature. STI^ICTLY -HIGH- GRADE .. ._, , -_ Coffee ^*^^^ /lways uniform never varies Premiums given for return of the lion heads ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. FOREIGN BUILDINGS: The foreign exhibits constit^it a principal feature of the Fair, the general pnrpose being ._> exhibit by means of these the national characteristics of me .several nations participating. A detailed statement is unneces- sary, because the principal nations of the world are there, and to attempt description of their national characteristics would ba folly. To be appreciated these must be seen. Special menti'-. , however, might be made of the JAPANESE EXHIBIT o-.t WOODED ISLAND, a permanent structure erected in repiu duction of a Japanese temple, surrounded by the usual garc'cn, all of which is to revert to the city of Chicago after the F-;.-j. MIDWAY PLAISANCE is a tract running east and wet, the east end joining the grounds and about one mile in lengc^. On this tract are located most of the special attractions, inclu:'. -WORLD'S COLUMBIAN ing the Barre Sliding Railway, Tower of Babel, Ruins of Done- gal Castle, Offices of Adams Express Co., Bohemian Glass Fac- tory, Libbey Glass Co. of Toledo, the Japanese Bazaar, Nata- torium, and a captive balloon, besides the Moorish palace, na- tional villages and manyjDf the side-shows above referred, to. MEANS OF LOCOMOTION: Two moving railways car- ry visitors about the grounds. The Intramural Railway is a moving platform, with shade-protection and seats on top, from which may be viewed the panorama of grounds, buildings and varied sights without the labor of walking. This is in oper- ation on the main grounds. On Midway Plaisance is the Barre Sliding Railway, an amusing French invention, first given a practical demonstration at the Paris Exposition in 1889. It is an elevated railway, with iron shoes in place of wheels, and moved by water-power. The "Ferris Wheel" is the mechanical monstrosity of the World's Fair grounds, erected at a cost of $400,000, being to Columbian Fair what the "ElfTel Tower" was to the Paris Ex- position. It consists of a huge, upright revolving wheel, 264 feet in diameter, with 36 cars attached to its circumference, each car larger than a Pullman coach. Passengers board these cars, and then the huge wheel revolves, carrying them gradually up to a height nearly equal to that of the Administration building tower, traveling one sixth of a mile with each revolution. Two EXPOSITION (Continued.) — - revolutions constitute a trip requiring 20 minutes, the fare for which is 20 cents. The wheel revolves in an arched piece of steel the lai^gest ever forged, weighing 56 tons and costing $35,000. Locomotion by means of waterways, though less rapid than the others, presents the Exposition from its most pleasing side, the water side, through the lagoons, canal and basin. The waterways inside the grounds cover an area of about eighty-five acres. Here are provided launches and small crafts of all kind. Boarding these boats one can travel a distance of nearly three miles, passing enroute nearly all the principal buildings and points of attraction, thus afibrding a panorama of beautiful architeccure, landscape effects, floral deiigns, statuary, fountains, etc., such as has seldom been witnessed by the human eye. OTHER ATTRACTIONS : A SKATING RINK remains in operation all summer, the ice being 16 inches thick and frozen by artificial means. An interesting trip is that to the DOME OF THE ILLI- NOIS BUILDING, the highest attainable point on the grounds, (237f feet,) thus affording a splendid view of the grounds Visitors aspiring to a view of the grounds from a point higher than any of the buildings may gain this by ascending in a ballon suspended over Midway Plaisance. Perhaps the VIEW FROM THE PIER, looking south over the lagoon, presents the finest view of any on the grounds. DID "^OXJ LION COFFEE Here appears the GEAND CENTRAL COUET, having for its center the water basin, and for its circumference the front entrances to the largest of the government buildings. A TREE TRUNK HOUSE, in the center of the Administration building, is one of the queer things to be seen. Rising 30 feet from the floor level is the hollow trunk of a giant red- wood tree, 21 feet in diameter, with the inside fitted up as a residence and lighted by electricity The Convent of SANTA MARIA DE LA RABIDA, standing on a rocky promotory of the lake shore, is built in exact reproduction of this convent in Spain, where Columbus found shelter) in time of trouble, for himself anr^ boy, and where he developed his theory of an undiscov- ered continent to the west. This building is more closely connected with Columbus and his great work than "any other. GnNHRAI, INFORMATION. ADMISSION FEE — Fifty cents is admission fee during continuance of the Exposition. AREA OF BUILDINGS — 199.9 acres of floor-space are un- der roof, 50 acres of this being in galleries, and 40 acres in the live-stock sheds. -• AREA OF GROUNDS — 633 acres, comprising 80 acres in Midway Plaisance and 5-53 acres in Jackson Park. 77 acres of this comprise the interior waterways and Wooded Island. VinW LOOKING SOUTH OVMR LAGOON. BUILDING MATERIAI It is estimated that 75,000,000 feet of lumber were used in the buildings. This represents 5,000 acres of standing trees. The structural iron and steel required is 20,000 tons. COST OF EXPOSITION — The total estimated cost is $25,000,000, including $8,000,000 for erection of buildings. WHO PAYS THE BILLS?— The Exposition Company, in- corporated under the laws of Illinois, stand sponsor for all bills ■ GENERAL INFORMATION {Continued.) incurred by the general management. Money for this purpose is collected in three ways: lat. By direct grants f^itlier from the United States, Clucagp or the State of Illinois. 2nd. By gate receipts. 3rd. By concessions to side shows and other private enterpises for use, instruction or amusement. Expenses in- curred by the several states and foreign na- I ions are of course paid by them separately from the general manfigement. ELECTRICITY. _ Seventeen thousand horse-power for electric lighting is provided the Exposition. This is ten times that pro- vided the Paris Expopition of 1889, and will supply 9 5,000 incandescent lights and 5,000 arc-lights. Electric power is also provided the live buildings, of Mine-^, Electricity, Ag- riciiliure, Triins|iortation and Manxifactures. The elw'tr'c plant alone cost $1,000,000. :--IRS DEPARTMENT — Ample facili- tiirs are provided for pxtinguishinK fire-, in- cluding a crimfilete fire department, water-pipes and hose in every bui'ding, and a fire patrol on every floor, gallery and roof. The Chicago fire department is also subject to call should their services 1 e needed. POWER — 24,000 horse-power is also provided. The engines are in the power-house adjoining Machinery Hall. Oil is used for fuel. The boilers present a solid bank 600 feet long. WATER SUPPLY— Sixty-four million gallons of water are supplied daily to the grounds. Filtered lake water for drinking purpo^es is supplied free of charge to the thirsty visi- tor find employes, while cool and sparkling Hygea water may be bought for a penny a glass. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL BUREAU A medical hos- pital is in operation, where visitors and employes needing treatment are given the best. int:^resting i^otms. "Movable folding chairs may be rented for ten cents a day. Visitors can carry these about with them and rest at leisure. Terra Cotta is the color officially adopted by the World's Fair managers, because it is durable and f( rnis a pleasing background for all the primary c lors. Restaurants and dining-rooms capable of supplying 30,000 persons per hour are on the Exposition grounds, located in all the prin- cipal buildings. There is a dairy lunch in the Dairy building, and a railroad lunch in the Transportaton building. ' Columbian half-dollars, coined by the U. S. Gov't, and made legal tender, are the ofS- cial souvenirs of the Exposition. One hundred and twenty car-loads of glass, enough to cover twenty-nine acres, were used on the roofs of the various buildings. The Manu- factures building alone required forty-one car-loads, or eleven acres. A grand $50,000 fountain, 150 feet in diameter, stands at the head of the Administration building. Its waters are illuminated by electricity. I -.1^-^ nm^L^ii^**^ NATURE'S CONTRIBUTION Lak6 iViicnigari, to the world's fair. Looking north-eastwaid from the Exposition Grounds, the eye gazes upon 320 miles of watery exi^nnse— Lake Michigan. This is the third largest body of fresh water on the globe, and second in (he United States, with an area of 22,000 squire miles, a mean depth of about 1,000 feet, and having a lunar tidal wave of three inches. It is the only one of the five great inland lakes lying entirely wMhin U. S. territory. Its principal harbors are Chicago, Milwaukej and Grand Haven. The spacious harbor adjoining the Exposition Grounds is an interesting sight, for here may be seen myriads of small craft of every size, form and de- scription; immense lake steamers, "Grey-hounds of the deep," trailing their dense columns of smoke behind them; smaller steamers or "Excursion boats," sailing-boats, row-boats, tug-boats, and most interesting of all the XJ. S. imi- tation War Ship located near the pier. From the lake come cool, refreshiTig bret^zes, most welcome to the weary visitor. V I ll 11 Copyi- ^(iftil 1892 BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF WORLD'S FAIR GROUNDS— VIEWED FROM LAKE MICHIGAN. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— Height 220 feet,— Cost $450,000 ADMINISTRA TION B UII^DING. By popular verdict the Administration Building is pro- nounced the gem and crown of the Exposition palaces. In this building are the main offices of the Exposition Company. Its location, at the western end of the great court in the southern part of the site, makes it the most conspicuous building on the grounds, and the glitter of its great dome of gold will attract the gaze of all for miles around. This imposing edifice covers an area of 260 feet square and consists of four pavilions 84 feet square, one at each of the four angles of the square, and connected by a great central dome 120 feet in diameter and 220 feet in height, leaving at the center of each facade a recess 82 feet wide, within which are the grand entrances to the building. It will cost about $450,000. The architect is Eichard M. Hunt, of New York, President of the American Institute of Architects, to whose established reputation it is a notable contribution. The general design is in the style of the French renaissance. The first great story is in the Doric order, of heroic proportions, surrounded by a lofty balustrade and having the great tiers of the angle of each pavilion crown- ed with sculpture. The second story, with its lofty and spacious colonnade, is of the Ionic order. The four great entrances, one on each side of the building, are 50 feet wide and 50 feet high, deeply recessed and covered by semi-circular arched vaults, richly coffered. In the rear of these arches are the entrance doors, and above them great screens of glass, giving light to the central rotunda. Across the face of these screens, at the level of the office floor, are the galleries of communication between the defierent pavilions. The interior teatures of this great building even exceed in beauty and splendor those of the exterior. Between every two of the grand entrances, and connecting the intervening pavilion with the great rotunda, is a hall or logga 30 feet square, giving access to the offices and provided with broad, circular stairways, and swift running elevators. Above the balcony is the second story, 50 feet in height. From the top of the cornice of this story rises the interior dome, 220 feet from the floor, and in the center is an opening 50 feet in diameter, transmitting a flow of light from the exterior dome overhead. The under side of the dome is enriched with deep panelings, richly moulded, and the panels are filled with sculpture in low relief, and immense paintings representing the arts and sciences. In size this rotunda rivals, if it does not surpass, the most celebrated domes ,of a similar character in the world. THM WOMAN'S BUILBING. This beautiful building is intended as an exhibit of woman's work and genius, and its very existence marks advance in public sentiment over former times. On the first floor are located a niodel Kindergarten and modern Hospital, also exhibits of re- form work and charity organizations. The second floor com- ]5rises ladies' parlors, committee rooms and dressing rooms, be- V'des the great assembly room and club room. Here also are the model kitchen, refreshment rooms, etc. All conveniencies and comforts are here provided for women during the time of the exposition. In one room will be a library of books by women, and in another recor Is and statistics of such employments in which women are engaged as can not be exhibited. A prize of $1000 was awarded to the lady architect designing this building. Its style is Italian renaissance. The principal facade has an extreme length of 400 feet, the width of the building being half this distance. An open ro- tunda, 65x70 feet, reaches the entire height of the building, and is surmounted with a richly ornamented skylight. The building fronts on that part of the la- goon which takes the form of a bay 400 feet in width, which may be reached from the building by a series of gradually de- scending terraces, ornamented with shrubs and flowers. The first story is raised about ten feet from the ground line, with a wide staircase leading to the center pavilion. This pavillion forming the main triple-arched entrance, with an open collonade in the second story, is finished with a low pediment enriched with a highly elaborate bas-relief. The corner pavilions have each an open collonade added above the main cornice. Here are located the hanging gardens. The women of the country may justly be proud of this magnificent building. TRANSPOR TA TION B UII^DING. The Transportation Building cost about $300,000. Facing eastward, it commands a view of the floral island and an ex- tensive branch of the lagoon. Its archictecture is simple, al- though very rich and elaborate in detail, and savors much of the Romanesque style of architecture. The main building of the transportation exhibit measures 960x250 feet. From this extends westward an enormous annex, covering about nine acres, but only one story in heiglit. Here may be seen the more bulky exhibits, such as locomotivep, cable and horse cars, wagons, bicycles, boats and vehicles of countless variety and usefulness. A principal feature of the building is its huge central dome rising 165 feet above the ground, and reached by eight passenger elevators constantly carrying up and down their loads of Immanity, for from the top of this dome may best be seen the Northern Court, one of the most beautiful efTects of the entire E"posiiion. The elevators themselves form an interesting part of the transportation exhibit, and as they also carry ])assengers to galleries at various stages of height, a fine view of the interior of the building may easily be obtaincl The galleries of this building, like those of the other buildings, have extensive floor space, and can accomo- date an almost limitless assemblage of people without either crowding or inconvenience. Thus will visitors be protected from the rain during inclement weather. The main entrance to the Transportation Building, consists of an immense single arch enriched to an extraordinary degree with carvings, bas-reliefs and mnral painting.'-, the entire feature presenting an eflfect of great richness and beauty. The remainder of the building is more modest in coloring, consisting of a continuous arcade with subordinate colonnade. The mechanical student finds in this building material for endless study, while the more curious visitor is also entertained. MANUFACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING— 1 687x787 Feet— Cost $1,700,000. MANUFACTURES AND LIBJSRAI, ARTS BUIIDING. Notable for its symmetrical proportions, the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building is the mammoth structure of the Ex- position. It measures 1,687 by 787 feet and covers nearly 31 acres, being the largest Exposition building ever constructed. Within the building a gallery 50 feet wide extends around all four sides, and projecting from this are 86 smaller galleries, 12 feet wide, from which visitors may survey the vast array of ex- hibits and the busy scene below The galleries are approached upon the main floor by 30 great staircases, the flights of which are 12 feet wide each. "Columbia Avenue," 50 feet wide, ex- tends through the mammoth building longitudinally, and an avenue of like width crosses it at right angles at the center. The main roof is of iron and glass, and arches an area 385 by 1,400 feet, having its ridge 150 feet from the groilnd. The building, including its galleries, has about 40 acres of fldbr space. The Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building" is in the Corinthian style of architecture, and in point of being severely classic excels nearly all of the other editices. The long array of columns and arches, which its facades present, is relieved from monotony by very elaborate ornamentation. In this orna- mentation female figures, symbolical of the various arts and sciences, play a conspicious and very attractive part. The exterior of the building is covered with "staff,,' which is treated to represent marble. The huge fluted columns and the immense arches are apparently of this beautiful material. There are four great entrances, one in the center of each facade. These are designed in the manner of triumphal arches, the central archway of each being 40 feet wide and 80 feet high. Surmounting tiiese portals is the great attic story ornamented with sculptured eagles 18 feet high, and on each side above the side arches are great panels with inscriptions, and the spandrel.s . are filled with sculptured figures in bisrelief. At each corner of the main building are pavilions forming great arched en- trances, which a/re designtd in harmony with the great portals. The building occupies a most conspicuous place in the grounds, facing the lake, with only lawns and promenades between. The central hall will seat 75,000 persons, allowing six square feet to each person, and by the same arriingement the entire building would seat 300,000. There are 7,000.000 feet of lumber in the floor, and it required five car-loads of nails to fasten the flooring. There are eleven acres of skylight (requiring forty car-loads of glass) in the roof, while 600 flat cars were required to bring the iron trusses supporting the roof, from the iron-works to Chicago. THM FISHHRmS BUIhDNG. m&^^ This building stands almost at the head of the park, northward of tlie U. S. Gov't, building. It embraces a 1 irge central . structure, connected Avith two smaller buildings at either end. Size 1 100x200 fe. t, cost about % 00,000. The central structure contains tlie general Fisheries' exhibit, wliile of the two annexed buildings, one contains the Angling exhibits, the other the Aquaria. 4 On the exterior may be seen a* ornaments* innumerable forms of capitals, modillions. brack- ets, corn ic s and the like, designed in the shape of fish and other forms of the sea. The roof of the building is of Spanish tile. In the center of the polygonal building is a rotunda 60 feet in diameter, in the middle of which is a basin or pool 26 feet wide, from which rises a towering mass of rocks, Covered with moss and 1 ichens. From clefts and crevices in the rocks crystal streams of water gush and drop to the masses of reeds, rushes and or- namental semi-aquatic plants in the basins below. These are ten in number, each with a capacity of 7,000 to 27,000 gallons. The glass fronts of the Aquaria are 575 feet in length, and have 3,000 square feet of surface. The totat water capacity of the Aquaria, exclusive of reser- voirs, is 18,725 cubic feet, or 140,000 gallons. Of this amount about 40,000 is devoted to the marine exhibit. The salt water circul tion of about 80,000 gallons was brought in a condensed state from the seashore, while the fresh wat' r is taken from J-'ike Michigan. The Fisheries Exhibit is especially complete and instructive. Not only does it contain every device and appliance since the day of Columbus for catching fish, but also aims to have a specimen of each and every variety of fish that can be obtained and preserved, and prepared specimens of such as it is impossi- ble to preserve alive. The various appliances for hatching, breeding and raising fish are here exhibited, together with inethods of canning and preserving them for food; also books charts and diagrams relating to the subject. Here may be seen the finnv tribe in all its multiplicity and glory; anemonde from the depths of the sea, the weird looking horse-shoe crab, and other strange looking creatures, as well as the shining gold-fish and - others more beautiful. Fishes from lake and sea, mountain and plain, largre and small, extinct and those now living may be seen in the Fisheries Building. HORTICULTURAL HALL. This beautiful building stands on the western shore of the lagoon ju^t suuth of the park entrance at the Lake from midway Plaisauce. In front are beautiful flower terraces for outside exhibits, ex- tending down to the low parapet and boat-land; n^' at the waters edge. Horticultural Hall is 1000 feet long by 250 fe>_t wide, and cost S.jOO,000. Its exterior is tinted in a soft warm buff, color being reserved for the interior of the building. The plan is a central pavilion with two end pavilions, thus forming two interior courts, each 88x270 feet. The center pavil- ion is roofed by a crystal dome 1C7 feet in diameter and 113 feet high, under which are exhibited the tallest palms, bamboos and tree-ferns that can be procured. There are galleries in each pavilion, those of the central pavilion being designed for cafes, with surroundings particular- ly adopted to rest and refreshment.' Tho.-e exhibits requiring sunshine and light are shown where the roof is entirely of glass and not far removed from tlie plants, the front curtains and space under the galleries being reserved for exhibits requiring less light. This buildino will be the resort of all lovers of flowers, plants, vines, seeds, fruits and horticultural implements, both of our own and foreign countries; from the sunny tropics to win- ter's northern home, but principally of course from countries where winter and summer alternate. A full display of the literature of the subject, with methods of cultivation and care is also here given. The visitor, wearied by the revolving wheels and clanking machinery of other exhibits, finds rest and enjoy- ment in Horticultural Hall. MACHINERY HALL — Dimensions 850x500 Feet. — Cost $1,200,000. MACHINERY HAhl Machinery Hall is pronounced by many second only to the Administration Building in the magnificence of its appearance. This building measures 850x500 feet, and with the Machinery Annex and Power House cost about $1,200,000, with a total floor nrea of 23.7 acres. 10,500,000 feet of lumber and 11,000,000 pounds of structural steel were used in its construc- tion. It is located at the extreme south end of the Park, mid- way between the shore of Lake Michigan and the west line of the Exposition grounds. Three immense arched iron trusses span the interior of this building, giving it the appearance of three railroad train-houte. side by side, surrounded on all sides by a gallery fifty feet wides In each of these three long naves is an elevated traveling-crane, used previously for transporting building material, but now u?ed for the conveyance of visitors from one end of the building to the other. The arched trusses are so built that they can be taken down and sold as railroad houses at close of the Exposi- tion. The power for this building- is supplied by the power- house previously referred to, which adjoins it on the south. In design. Machinery Hall follows classical models through- out, the detail being borrowed from the renaissance of Seville and other Spanish towns as being appropriate to the Columbian celebration. A colonnade with cafe at either end forms the connecting link between Machinery and Agricultural Halls. As in all the other buildings of the court, an arcade on the first story permits passage around the building under cover. The Machinery Annex, in the rear of the Administration Building being between that building and Machinery Hall, may be entered by tunnels, subways or bridges from three of the Ex- position buildings. The inner circumference of the Annex con- tains exhibits of machinery, while in the center is a park 400 feet in diameter, where visitors fatigued by the hum of machin- ery may find rest and quiet. In Machiner ■ Hall the machinist (and indeed everyone interested in manufacturing) may find enough for weeks of in- teresting study and observation. Here is exhibited the grealesit aggregation of modern machinery X'ld appliances known to modern times. Every conceivable form of inechanicnl appliance may here be seen, including steam, water,, air and gas engines, boilers, water wheels, shafting, belting, pulleys, cabhs and all forms of transmission of power; Machines for working in metal, wood, paper, stone, clay, glass, cloih and every conceivable form of material; for electrotyping, lithographing and printing of all kinds; for preparing foods by grinding, refining and evaporating; special apparatus for making ice, conducting fire departments and the like; besides tools of every description and for purposes innumerable. Probably no building of the Exposition contains a greater number or variety of interesting exhibits than does Machinery Hall. THn AGRICUITURAI, BUILDING.— One of the most magnificent structures raised for ihe Exposition is the Agiicultural Building. The style of architecture Is classic renaissance. This building IS put up very near. the shore of Lake Michigan, and is almost surrounded by the lagoons that lead Into the Park from the lake. The building is 500x 800 feet, its longest dimensiotJs being east and wesi. Cost about $618,000. For a single story building the design is bold and heroic The general cornice line 18 65 feet above grade. On either side of the main entrance are mammoth Corinthisn pillars, 50 feet high and 5 feet in diameter. On eauh corner and from the center of the building pavilions are reared, the center one being 144 feet square. The corner pavilions are connected by curtains, fbrming a continuous arcade around the top of the building. The main entrance leads through an opening 54 feet wide into a yestibule, from which entrance is had to the rotunda, '00 feet in dcaineter. This is Burraounted by a mammoth glass dome 130 feet high. All through the rtain vestibule statuary has been designed, illustrative of the agri- cu tural industry. Similar designs a e grouped about all of the grand entrances in the most elaborate manner. -The corner pavilions are surmounted by domes 96 feet high, and above these tuwer groups of statuar' . The design of these domes is that of three female figures, of hei-culeau jroportious, tupporting a mam- moth globe. To the southward of the Agricultural Building is a spacious structure devoted chleflv to a Live Stock and Agricultural Assembly Hall. This building Is conveniently near one of the stations of the elevated railway. On the first floor, near the main entrance of the building, is located a bureau of infcirmation. This floor also contains suitable committee and other rooms for the different live-stock associations. On this floor there are also large and handsomely equipped waitiug-rooms. Broad stairways lead from the first floor into the Assembly room, which has a seating capacity of about 1,500. This Assembly room furnishes facilities for lectures, delivered by gentlemen eminent in their special fields of work, embracing every Interest connected with live stock, agriculture and allied industries. THM ART PALACB. Grecian Ionic in style, the Fine Arts Building is a pure type of the most refined and classic architecture. The building is oblong, measuring 500x320 feet, intersected north, east, south and west by a great nave and transept 100 feet wide and 70 feet high, and at their intersection a dome 60 feet in diameter and 125 feet high, surmounted by a colossal statue of the famous figure "'Wing- ed Victory." The collections of sculpture are displayed in spaces on the main floor, with pictures and sculptured relief panels on the walls both of ground floor and galleries. Smaller rooms are also pr ivided for private collections and those of the art schools. On either side of the main building, connected with it by handsome corriders, are large annexes, also utilized for the various art exhibits. The main building is entered by four great portals, richly ornamented with architectural sculpture, and approached by broad flights of steps. Walls, colonnades and frieze are richly ornamented with paintings, sculpture and portraits in bas-relief. This building, is beautifully "located in the northern part of the park, with the south front facing the lagoon, which is reach- ed by an immense flight of stairs, leading through beautiful terraces and ornamented balustrades to the boat-landing below. In con- struction this building is one of the most substantial on the grounds. Surrounding the building stand groups of statues, and other ornaments of classic art, such as the Choragic monument, "Cave of the Winds," and other beautiful examples of Grecian art. The ornamentation also includes statutes of heroic and life-sisse proportions. Cost about $650,000. THE ELECTRICAL BUILDING— Dimensions 345x700 Feet,— Cost $375, 000. -MhnCTRICAL BUILDING. The Electrical Building, perhaps the most novel and brilliant exhibt in the whole Exposition, is 345 feet wide and 700 feet long, the major axis running north and south. The south front is on the great Quadrangle or Court; the north front faces the lagoon ; the east front is opposite the Manufacturers' Building, and the west faces the Mining Building. The general scheme of the plan is based on the longitudinal nave 115 feet wide and 114 feet high, crossed in the middle by a transept of the same width and height. The nave and the transept have a pitched roof, with a range of skylights at the bultom of the pitch, and clearstory windows. The rest of the building is covered with a flat roof, averaging 62 fi-et in height, and provided with skylights. The second story is composed of a series of galleries connected across the nave by two bridges, with ace ss by four grand staircases. The area of the galleries in the second story is 118,546 square feet, or 2.7 acres. 'Cost about ^75,000. The exterior walls of this building are composed of a con- tinuous Corinthian order of pilasters, 3 feet 6 inches wide and 42 feet high, supporting a full entablature, and resting upon a stylobate 8 fuet 6 inches. The total height of the walls from the grade outside is 68 feet Q inches. At each of the four cor- ners of the building there is a pavilion, above which rises a light open spire or tower 169 feet high. Intermediate between these corner pavilions and the central prvilions on the east and west sides, there is a subordinate pavalion bearing a low square dome upon an open lantern. In a niche at the center of the south pavilion, upon a lofty pedestal, sits a colossal statue of Benjamin Franklin, justly commemorating the important dis- coveries made by him in the field of electricity. The Electricity Building has an open portico extending along the whole of the south facade, the lower or Ionic order forming an open screen in front of it. The various subordinate pavilions are treated with windows and balconies. The details of the exterior orders are richly decorated, and the pediments, friezes, panels and spandrils have received a decoration of figures in relii f, with architectural motifs, the general tendency of which is to illustrate the purposes of the building. Here are be found apparatus illustrating the phenomena and laws of electricity and magnetism, and for electrical meas- urements; electric batteries; appliances for producing electricity, for transmission of electrical currtnts; electrical motors; light- ing and heating by electricity ; electro-metallurgy and chemistry ; telegraph and electric signals; telephone and appliances; phon- ographs; electricity in surgery and dentistry ; history of electrical invention ; in fact all implements and inventions relating to modern progress and development in electrical science. -min:es and mining building.- This great strncture is situated between the Electricity and Transportation buildings. In plan it is simple and straightforward, but thoroughly complete in every detail. It is 350 feet wide by 700 feet long, and cost about $265,000. There is on. the inside of the building a gallery 60 feet wide, extending entirely around the structure, thus leaving a main hall 630 feet long and 230 feet wide in a single story 100 feet in height. The main entrances are massive arched ways, rising to a height of 90 feet, richly ornamented in sculptural decoratiqns emblematic of the mining industries. At each corner of the building are large square pavilions surmounted by low domes. Between the main entrance and the corner pavilion are richly ornamented arches, forming an open loggia on the ground- floor, and deeply recessed promenades on the gallery floor, the latter commanding fine views of the court, lake and islands. The loggias on the first floor are faced with marbles of different kinds and hues, considered as part of the Mining Exhibits, but so utiliz- ed as to have a marketable value at close of the Exposition. A great portion of the roof is covered with gl ss. The cantilever system is used to support the roof. The Mines and Min- ing building is the only one using steel trusses to support the roof- In this building will be displayed the riches and beauty of Earth's interior; minerals and ores of all kinds, such as iron, copper and coal; artificial productions of tin, aluminum and the like; the precious metals of great value and in great profusion: be- sides marbles for use and beauty, building stones, clays, graphite, salts, sulphur, and all the other productions of Mother Earth re- lating to mining and metallurgy. THU V. S. GOVMRNMMNT BUILDNG. Delightfully located near tlie Lake Shore, Fonth of the space reserved fur foreign nations and the several states, is the Gov- ernment Exhibit Building. The buildings of England, Germany and Mexico are near to the northward. This luiilding is classic in style, bearing a strong resemblance to the National Museum and other Government buildings at Washington. It covers an area of 350x420 feet, is constructed of iron, brick and glass, and cost $400,000. Its leading architectural feature is the imposing central doir^e 120 feet in diameter and 150 feet high, the floor of which is kept free from exhibits. ' The south half of the Government building is devoted to the exhibits of the Post-Office Department, Treasury Department, ■with those of War and Agriculture. A model post-office in action at this place handles the mail for the Exposition grounds. Here also the Treasury Dep't., exhibits a complete collection of U. S. coins, treasury notes and other matters of interest. A lite-saving station has been established on the Lake shore, under direction of the War Dep't. The south half of the building is made interesting by the Fisheries' Commission, Smithsonian Institute and Interior Dep't. exhibits. The State Dep't. exhibits extends from the rotunda to the east end, and that of the Department of Justice from the rotunda to the west end of the building. Adjacent to the building, a large area is devoted to the field linspitnls, life-saving station, etc. ILLINOIS STATM BUILDING. Illinois has from the first been liberal toward the Exposition, and may now feel proud of the beautifully imposing building which bears her name. This building occupies one of the most favored spots on the grounds, in the northern portion, southwest of the unique buildings of states and foreign nations. Cost of construction $250,000. Its principal feature is a masfive dome, 200 feet high, from which, as well as from the beautiful terraces adjoining the grounds, may be viewed the panorama of all the magnificent Fail- buildings, and artificial water-way leading toward the Lake. Light and ventilation are provided in sufficient quan- tities. This building is constructed of Illinois stone, brick and steel, and forms a splendid advertisement for the State from which it is named. Fountains and flowers decorate the grounds, and allegorical statuary finds a place in the decorative features of the build- ing, whose interior is appropriately ornamented. The State of Illinois has exceeded all her sister states in the amount of labor and money appropriated to the Columbian Exposition, Chicago alone having done grandly in this respect. POINTS OF INTEREST TO VISITORS IN CHICAGO.- Lincoln Park, oa the north side of the city, renched by the Clark Street cable cars. Beside its beautiful flowers, its variety of scenery and large zoological collection, it contains the faimous Grant Monument, 1 incoln Statue, the Indian Group, the LaSalle and Schiller Monument?, and the Electric Fountain. Beside this one and the parks located near the Exposition grounds on the South Side, is the group of parks on the West Side — Douglas, Garfield and Humboldt— each of 'which furnish many and varied attraclions to the visitor. The Lake Shore Drive and .'^heridan Road, running twenty-five miles along Lake Michigan to the north. Water Works: North Side Pumping Station, at the foot of Chicago Avenue, and new Central Station on Fourteenth Street; also, the two or three -other stations in other parts of the city. Art Institute. The new building on the Lake front, be- tween Monroe and Jackson Streets. AuDiTORiir&l "Wabash Avenue and Congress Street. This is the most famous building in the L'nited Si ates. It contains a hall accommodating over 8,0(0 people, a hotel with 400 rooms, innumerable stores, smaller halls, etc. Its main entrance, on Congress Street, is as magnificent as some Old World palaces. The United States Signal Station is on the top floors of ^the tower. The view from the top of the buildihg is grand beyond description. Armour Mission, Butterfield and Thirty-third Streets. A Sunday at this ini.»-sion will amply repay any one interested in charitable work. The Cable Power Houses, on State Street, near Twenty- first, State and Fifty-second Streets, Cottage Grove Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, Qark Street, corner of Elm Street. Board of Trade Building, foot of Lasalle Street, between Sherman Street and Pacific Avenue. Union Stock Yards, Soutn Halsted Street, reached by State Street cable and transfer at Thirty-ninth Street. Newberry Library, Clark and Oak Streets, on the North Side. Chamber of Commerce Building, corner LaSalle and Washington Streets. W. C;. T. U. Temple, corner Monroe and LaSalh^ Streets. Every woman in America will want to see this building. Rand-McNally Building, 162-174 Adams Street. Home Insurance Building, corner LaSalle and Monroe Streets. EooKEKY Building, corner Adams and LaSalle Streets. Manhattan Building, Dearborn Street, near Post Office. Caxton Building: 328 Dearborn Street. Unity Buhlding, Dearborn Street, between Washington and Randolph Streets. Masonic Tebeple, corner State and Randolph Streets, twenty stories high, with a magnificent interior in white marble. Marshall Field & Go's Retail Store, northeast corner State and Washington Streets. Car-son, Pirie, tr'cOTT & Co., southwest corner State and- Washington Streets. The Fair, corner State and Adams Streets. SiEGEL, Cooper & Co., in the great Leiter building, corner State and Van Buren Streets. ,. '' '■^-■■-'■*?gaB3«t»^:s>iiaBua^^^- X CHICAGO. CHICAGO, the "Garden City," is second largest city in America and seventh in the world, with an area of 181.7 square miles, and contains one million and a quarter population. The name is of Indian origin, meaning ''wild onion." Jts growth has been phenomenal. Starting with a population of about 60 in 1832, this rhodern Phoenix promises soon to be the ffrst city in America. Chicago's greatest length is 24 miles, and its greatest width 10.5 miles. But the dimensions of Chicago are her least interesting feature, the people, industries, buildings, parks, boulevards and pub- lic enterprise being the features of greatest interest to the Col- umbian visitor. Chicago is divided by the Chicago river into three natural divisions, called North, West and South Chicago. The Street railway systems, park systems, public schools, etc., all conform to these general divisions. The park system alone, com- prising 28 beautifully decorated plats of ground, connected with broad and well kept boulevards, aggregate 3,290 acres. The largest of these are Lincoln Park to the north and Jackson Park to the south, the latter the site of the World's Fair. Situated at the southern terminus of Lake Michigan, Chica- go forms a natural shipping point for the great stretch of ter- ritory lying west and southward, and is the terminus of 35 railroads. The wharfage alone, of over 18 miles, exceeds that of Liverpool. Of late its vessel carrying trade has grown rapid- ly, until 39 vessels of 70,260 tons aggregate burden, and of a total value of $3,088,350 are owned and registered in the port of Chicago. The water supply comes from Lake Michigan, a tunnel being run out into the lake for that purpose. 57,000,000 gallons of water are used daily. In former days the city was lower than now. To provide a better sewerage system and promote the public health the level of the entire city was raised just 7 feet. Chicago posseses one of the most complete railroad sys- tems in the world, comprising 396 miles of track, and carrying upwards of 600,000 people daily. The public library. of 150,000 bound volumes circulates more books than any other in the country. The Gre department also is quite complete, comprising 62 fire companies, .including 3 tire- boats for operation on the water,) 21 hook and ladder companies, and 9 hose-carts, and re- quiring 367 liorses to operate them. The Chicago jiost-offices is noted for efficiency and the immense riiail which it handles daily. Telephones are as numerous in Chicago as elsewhere, one company alone having 8,500 "phones," and 1,800 miles of wire. The present Mayor of Chicago is a democrat, Carter H. Harri- son, chosen at the early spring election after a most exciting contest. From the inception of "the World's Fair Chicago has exhib- ited a most laudable enterprise, first to secure its location, and afterwards to insure its success by the expenditure of energy and money. Besides donating one of her finest parks, §;10,000,000 in money constitutes her principal donation toward the Exposition. Visitors to the World's Fair need entertain no fear regard- ing sufficient food and lodging ; for in addition to the 750 regu- lar hotels, capable of caring comfortably for 150,000 extra guests, and 700 restaurants with feeding capacity of at le st" 100,000 persons daily, innumerable eating and lodging houses of every imaginable cost and description have sprung into existence during the past few months for accommodation of the transient visitors. Fortunately for the people of this country Chicago is cen- trally located to all parts of North America, being distant 912 miles from New York, 2,417 miles from San Francisco, 1,248 miles from Jacksonville, Fla., 844 miles from Montreal, Canada, and 1,531 from Monterey, Mexico. Thus may all people of this continent reach the World's Fair wiih the least possible expenditure of time and money, while European for- eigners will gain an adequate idea of the vastness of the United States, from having to travel one third across it. Administration Building, : : '. Page Intramural Eailway, : Agricultural " : : : ^ <£ 24 Japanese Exhibit, : Art Palace, : : ': : il 25 Lake Michigan, : : Area of Buildings, : : : il 6 Locomotion, means of Barre Sliding Bail way, : : (I 10 Machinery Hall, : Bird's Eye View, : : : ({ 13 Manufactures Building, Central Court, : : : : Origin, ; : : Cost of Buildings, : : : if 6 Organization, : : Electrical Exhibits, : : : " 26 Other World's Fairs, : Exposition Buildings, : : : •i 5 Side Shows, : Ferris Wheel, : : : : i( 10 _ Sire, : : : Fisheries Exhibit, : : : : « 20 Transportation Building, Foreign Exhibits, : : : (£ 9 Tree Trunk House, ; General Information, : : : ii 11 U. S, Goverment Building, How to reach the Grounds, : t< 5 Waterways, : : Illinois Building, : : : : a 30 Woman's Building, : Page 10 ii 9 tc 12 it 10 a 22 (C 18 u 28 ii 9 tc 3 il 12 a 5 it 7 it 7 (t 9 it 5 (t 17 tt 11 C( 29 it 10 it 16 I COMBINES fiEllSf PAUTIIS ^ .IQUAUTYiSTREIiTH RoASTEO. In Mb. Packages, Bt woolson spice CO. TOUEDO* O. ^ I 06€ £08 900 nil ssaaoNOD do Adbaan |E^^Ki^KK^S^SiaEKK!i^EKHiSSaKSiSEIISSKKS^^S3S^^^^E HoUinger Corp. pH8.5 i n 06e 90 ssaaoNOD d(