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X ' O • .V .,\^ \'' ■ 0' '>, J .^^ ..•^ '^c. o ,0" ,-N- 'f-- •r, 0^ V- .-.^- o.... -7"^ '?> O )' y*^"! -■X , .v;>-« ■f' .■ O * c , ' sV^ '-^- V ^ V O. ^ '^X .<^' •^ . ^*-' V- 'A- •> V .<£. ^-.. ,v ,<;-■ o " o ■^>-o^' ■ . 1 -r. o -o V^' ,^ ^.. - ^v^-cK ■ + ,0^ > ■•J' y "^ V ^ • • ' ., * ■ '•P - ^ ■^ ^^' -P ,V o. * <^. ■o. ■0 .' .^' ^^ -X.;,^/ '^^ O ^ . . s * *'> (5 1 ■^i%^'^\/^\ \ ' .'^^ ^'-yiw^' ^'^^\ ^ ^^^ ,;^i^. %^ .^^^^^ Vc^' o;^^;^ ^ .^ :^^^l§^o ^^^• .rv S o "^ *lfe^ ^s^ ;. .V %,^ V,,.. ,-._. .^^ o ° -! " ^ ^: ^°-'*. ' o ,-0 .q\ ?^ - . H o '* <-^^ c.^ \ / . .'':^^ ^■^o %■ %- o 1^ / Orrin Peer Allen. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT OF HATFIELD. MASS., 1668-1906. AND OF John Scott of Springfield, Mass., 1659-1906. BY ORRIN PEER ALLEN, PALMEIR, MASS. Compiler of the Genealogies of The Families of Allen, Cady, Doolittle, Fairman, Johnson, Lee, Scott, Etc., Etc. Curator of the Palmer Historical Society. Member of the Society Sons of the American Revolution. Etc., Etc. Go count thy sires of honored name ; Add thou to thine as fair a fame ; Then shall the far-off years confess That thou didst live thy branch to bless. PALMER, MASS.: Published by the Author. From the Press of C. B. Fiske & Company. 1906. ]¥ 2j EXPLANATIONS. This genealogy is arranged according to the plan adopted by the New- England Ilislorical and Genealogical Register, which has come into general use. Thus on page 21 llie figures on the left of the page denote the successive numbers of the heads of the families which will be taken up again; when a number is omitted before a name it indicates that such a name will not be mentioned again. Thus 11, 1, William, etc., we find again on page 27, where he is brought up with full particulars and his full family record given. The small e.xponent figures as on page 27, which follow thus, \Villiam3 Scott (William-', Williami), show the number of the generation from the common ancestor William Scott. Abbreviatio.ns.— b. for born; d. for died; m. for married; unm. for unmarried; dau. for daughter. Old a.nd New Style.— All dates prior to 1752 are supposed to conform to the old style then used. / /' -P ^' ? "i PREFACE. Primarily the writer was prompted to undertake the compilation of the Scott Genealogy because of his connection with the family by marriage, and because so little had appeared in print concerning the descendants of William Scott of Hatfield. The quest for material has extended through the period of fifteen years, as time could be spared to devote to the subject. All available means have been resorted to for the purpose of rendering the work as complete as possible, by search in public records and through extensive corre- spondence in this country and Canada. A few families may not be found in this compilation because no response could be obtained in answer to solicited records, and a limited number of families seem to have dropped out of the reach of earnest inquiry. Only those who have engaged in similar work can realize the needed patience and perseverance required to bring such a task to a satisfactory conclusion. For this reason the compiler desires to acknowledge his great indebtedness to the hosts of correspondents who have, in the main, so heartily responded to his inquiries, and have made the completion of the genealogy possible. He has been especially indebted to the late lamented William M. Scott of Cam- bridge, Vt., who took a deep and abiding interest in the prosecution of the work, and gathered a valuable amount of data pertaining to his branch of the Scott family. It was through his earnest search that the descendants of Daniel Scott were found in Canada, who had been lost sight of for an' entire century. The descendants of John Scott of Springfield have been given a place in this work, because by many he is thought to have been a near relative to William Scott, although the connection has not as yet been made clear. As no work of this nature has yet attained to perfection, the com- piler desires any one who may discover any error to kindly advise him of it, that it may be corrected in an addenda if advisable. Again thanking all who have rendered aid, the compiler trusts that this completed work will prove an acceptable memorial of a time-honored family, whose sons and daughters have contributed so much to the material welfare of their respective communities. ORRIN PEER ALLEN. Palmer, Mass., June 23, 1906. CONTENTS. Explanations, .....•••• 2 Preface, ,.....•••• 3 Contents, ......••• 4 List of Illustrations, 5 Introduction, ......... 7 Antiquity of the Name of Scott, 7 The Scott Coats of Arms, lO Some Scotts Who Came Early to this Country, lO Descendants of William Scott of Hatfield, 14 Appendix, ........ i6o A. — The Canadian Branch of Scotts, i6o B. — Descendants of Eli Scott, .... i68 C— Captain Waitsell Scott, 178 John Scott of Springfield, Mass., .... 181 Indices, ......... 196 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. To face pages as indicated below. Orrin Peer Allen, Mrs. Polly (Scott) Gates, Martin Gates, Sylvia Gates, Mrs. Martha (Gates) Matteson, Seba Austin Holton, Lebbeus Scott, Mrs. Martha A. (Miller) Scott, Learned Scott, William Henry Scott, M. D., Orasnius Alonzo Scott, Eleazer Guernsey Scott, Mrs. Sarah A. (Noyes) Scott, Julia Adeline Scott, Henry Harrison Howland, Mrs. Lucinda (Scott) Howland, Erasmus Alvah Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth P. (Noyes) Scott Hon, Obed Edson, . Mrs. Sarah (Scott) Edson, John Milton Edson, John Milton Edson Jr., Willis Scott Edson, Mrs. Bertha F. (Edson) Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Scott and granddaughter Carol Dodge, Thaxter Scott, Hon. Rufus Leonard Scott, Clara Louise Scott, . Frontispiece 58 58 59 59 60 71 71 73 74. 76 77 77 78 78 78 80 80 93 93 95 99 99 100 me 114 116 119 120 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Rufus Leonard Scott Jr., . Charles Warren Smead, Mrs. Sarah E. (Scott) Smead, Joel Eleazer Guernsey Scott, Mrs. Mary (Barclay) Scott, Mrs. Lucinda E. (Scott) Allen, Walter Scott Allen, Julia Adeline Allen, Lillie May Allen, Clayton C. Scott, Warren A. Scott, William Morgan Scott, Mrs. Jennie A. (Fillebrown) Scott, Marcus Duane Scott, George Valentine Scott and family. Home of George V. Scott, Campello, Jonathan Scott, Capt. David Scott, Judge Winfield Scott, Col. John David Scott, Thomas Scott, Capt. Benjamin Forbes, Thomas Chester Forbes, Heatherton, Home of John S. Goodwin, Naperville, 111., Mass 1 20 - 124 124 126 126 126 126 127 127 135 135 136 136 153 154 154 161 171 172 174 176 193 194 195 INTRODUCTION. Antiquity of the Name of Scott.* " The theory of Professor Inness of Edinborough University, in relation to the original name of Scott in Scotland, is that long before surnames were known the people of that country who wandered into England received the distinctive appellation of Scotus or Scot, and returned to Scotland bearing the name of Scot in addition to their former name. The canny lad who crossed the border a plain Robert, returned in time from P^ngland as Robert Scot, and reared a family who retained the surname of their ancestor. In 1686 Satchells wrote a history of the name of Scott, in which he carried it back to the days of Charlemagne. " Buchanan, in his history of Scotland, confirms this. He asserts that Charles the Great sent to Scotland for some learned and pious men who read philosophy in Greek and Latin at Paris, among whom were Johannes, surnamed Scotus. He was the preceptor of Charlemagne and left many monuments of learning which puts it beyond a doubt that the surname of Scot is of great antiquity. " But Hector Beothius, and other historians, among whom are Vermundus, Cornelius, and Scoleger, claim a still more remote antiquity for the name of Scot than is accorded by Satchells. Boethius avers that the name of Scot originated from Scota, the daughter of that Pharaoh, king of Egypt, that was drowned in the Red Sea. Thus : — Gathelus, son of Cecrops, first king of Athens, and a native of Egypt, became so insolent and troublesome at his father's court that he was banished the kingdom ; wherefore with a large band of fugutives he left Greece and went to Egypt in the *N. E. Genealogical Register, Vol. XXIII, p. 121. •Extracts from a paper by Martin B. Scott, Cleveland, O. INTRODUCTION. time of iMoscs, at a pericl when Pharaoh was engaged in a war with neighboring nations; joining his forces with the Egyptions, he was made a general and soon subdued the natives at war with Pharaoh, and so won the favor ami confidence of that monarch that he gave his daughter, named Scota, in marriage. About this time Egypt was visited with the plague of which we read, because Pharaoh would not let the children of Israel go. In order to escape from the plague, which was carrying oH multitudes, Gathelus and Scota, his wife, with a large number of (keeks and Egyptians put to sea and afterwards landed in Spain, called that portion of the country Port Gathale, which is now known as Portugal. Here he named the people " Scottis," from the affection he bore to his wife Scota. "After years of bloody wars with the barbarians of Spain Cathelus, with his colony, sailed for and landed in Ireland, and afterwards went over to the northern part of Britain, which was called Scotland (the land of the Scots) from the Scots who planted themselves there. " We have the testimony of Seneca that the name of Scot was known to some writer in the first century. The Bishop of Aberdeen, who searched all the monuments of antiquity of Scotland, says all concur that the name of Scot was derived from Scota, the most important person in the colony. "Long anterior to the general use of surnames, natives of Scotland who domiciled in England in the same period, or other countries, added " Scotus " to their proper name to denote their nativity or descent, as Johannes, surnamed Scotus, mentioned by Buchanan; John Duns Scotus, one of the greatest scholars of his time, of whom Halles says "at Oxford 30,000 pupils attended his lectures;" Marianus Scotus, the learned monk of Eulde, historian, etc. " As we come down to the Norman period in England, distin- guished persons who had Scotch blood in their veins added the christian name " le Scot," as John le Scot last I':arl of Chester, and his grand nephew, William Baliol le Scot, ancestor of the Scotts of Scotts Hall, Kent. " In lirocess of time the tendency of North Britain to pass into England became common, and as surnames came generally into use about the eleventh century, many descendants of Scotia assumed the name of Scott, usually spelled with one t, down to the beginning of the seventeenth century, with few exceptions. INTRODUCTION. 9 "The Scotts of Harden, according to good authority, sprang from the Laird of Sintur, of which family was Sir Waher Scott ; another notable member of this family is the Rev. Dr. Robert Scott, a proficient scholar and master of Baliol College, Oxford. "The Scotts of Scotts Hall, Kent, trace their pedigree in an unbroken line through Dervorgille (daughter and one of the heirs of Alan, lord of Galloway, Constable of Scotland), the mother of William Baliol Scot, to Fergus, king of Scotland, in the time of Alexander the Great, to Rollo, first duke of Normandy ; Baldwin, first Count of Flanders ; Henry I, emperor of Germany ; Waldimer the Great of Russia ; Romanus I, of the Greek empire ; Alfred the Great ; William the Conqueror ; and finally to Charlemagne ; mainly through female branches ; also to David I, of Scotland, and Stuard, earl of Northumberland, of a different line. The old Norman church at Brabourne, Kent, contains many monuments of the Scotts of Scotts Hall, some of which date back to the thirteenth century. In Kent, Staffordshire, and the Scotch border, for long generations the family of Scott has been one of great wealth and power ; at one period it was said the Scotts of Scotts Hall could travel from Brabourne to London (some fifty or sixty miles) without leaving the estates of the family connections. It is an historical record that in 1665 "Lady Anna Scott was esteemed the greatest fortune and most ^ccomphshed lady of the Isle of Britain." " In Scotch history we meet with John Scot, a native of Cheshire, England, who was elected Bishop of St. Andrews in 1178. The first of the name of Scot to be met with in English history after sur- names came into general use was John Scott, the last earl of Chester, born A. D. 1206; Sir Peter Scott, first mayor of Newcastle in 1251, and Sir Nicholas Scott his son, capital Bailiff of Newcastle in 1269. The Scotts of Holden, Kent, date back to John Scott, 1442. " During the last six centuries those bearing the name of Scott have earned honors in literature, arts and arms, and have frequently performed parts that have turned the tide even in the destiny of nations." " Better hearts o'er the border sod To seige or rescue never trod." TO INTRODUCTION. The Scott Coats of Arms. The name of Scott ranks among the most prominent British surnames, nearly 60 coats of arms being assigned to it in the Herald's College, and Burke gives the arms of 94 of the name, while the London Directory shows about 200 merchants, traders and bankers of this name in that metropolis. The Heraldric Journal, p. 103, gives good reasons for supposing that the Scotts of New England came from the branches of Scotts Hall, Kent Co., England, so as a matter of general interest I give a description of the coat of arms of this famous house as follows : Shield of eight quarterings, viz : — r. Argent, three Catherine wheels sable, a bordure engrailed, gules. 2. Barry of six, argent and gules, a chief vaire. 3. Purpure, a lion rampant, and crowned, gold. 4. Chequy, gold and azure. 5. Argent fjutte de sang, a saltier sable. C. :\rgent, a bend double, cotised, gules. 7. (rules a fesse between six cross-croslets, fitchee, argent. 8. (jules, a chevron between three trifoils argent. Some Scotts Who Came Early to This Country. Of the Scott families which came early to this county the following are known to have been connected with the branches of the Scotts of Scotts Hall, Kent, viz : — Richard Scott of Providence ; John Scott of Long Island fame, who came in 1642 ; Judge Edward Scott of Newport, R. L, and his cousin, James Scott, about 17 10. The above Richard Scott was probably the son of Richard of (ilemsford, England, born in 1607 ; he was of the church in Boston 1634. He soon removed to Providence. He married Catherine Marbury, 1637-8. He was said to have been the first convert of the Quakers in New England. He d. 1681-2; his wife d. 1687, ae. about 70. Their children were : L Richard. IL John. HL Mary, m. Aug. 12, 1666, Christopher Holder. IV. Patience, ni; Sept. 28, 1668, Henry Beere. INTRODUCTION. 1 1 V. Deliverence, m. Aug. 30, 1670, William Richardson, •^^^^^^(.v VI. A daughter who ni. Gov. Walter Clarke. The connections of the following have not been traced ; some of them may have been from the branches of the Kent Scotts. Benjamin Scott.* Benjamin Scott was early of Braintree, Mass., about 1643. He d. and wid. Hannah m. 21st of 7 th mo., 1647, John Harbor. His children were : I. Haimah, b. in England; m. in Braintree iSth nth mo., 1654., Christopher Webb. Their children were Peter, John, Christopher, Hannah, Benjamin, Mary, Joseph, Abigail. H. John, b. 25th loth mo., 1640; d. soon. in. Peter, b. Mar. 6, 1643. IV. Benjamin, d. 1683; bequeathed to Benjamin, son of his bro. Peter Scott, and to ch. of his brother-in- law, Christopher Webb. There may have been other children. The above Peter Scott of Braintree m. 22d loth mo., 1673, Abigail Neale. He d. Aug. 11, 1693. Their children were : I. Benjamin, b. 24th 9th mo., 1676; m. May 31, 1699, Mary Daniel. II. John, b. 9th 4th mo., 1678. III. Peter, b. Sept. 20, 1680. IV. Abigail, b. Oct. i, 1685. V. Joseph, b. Dec. 28, 1688. Steven Scott of Braintree, m. 27th 5lh mo., 16x54, Sarah I^amb. He may have been a son of Benjamin Scott. He had a dau. b. 1665 ; a son b. 1667 ; and Ellen, b. 1670. Robert Scott t was admitted to the church at Boston 15th loth mo., 1633, and was a merchant there in 1639. His wife, Elizabeth, was admitted to the church 163S, and was granted administration on husband's estate Mar. 24, 1653. ^^e m. (2) John Sweet. Children b. in Boston : — I. Nathaniel, bapt. 19th 6th mo., 1638. II. Elizabeth, b. loth xoth mo., 1640. *Vide Braintree Records. ' tVide Pope's Pioneers of Mass. 12 INTRODUCTION. III. Mary, b. 28th 12th mo., 1642. IV. John, b. and d. 1645. V. Samuel, bapt. ist 6th mo., 1647. VI. John, bapt. 6th 3d mo., 1649. Vll. Joseph, bapt. 9th 4th mo., 1650. Vlll. Redemption, b. Mar. 2, 1653. IX. DeHverance, bapt. 6th ist mo., 1653. X. Eleazer, b. July 18, 1654. Benjamin Scott was of Cambridge, where his wife Mary had Joseph, b. 1644; Benjamin, b. 1645. By wife Margaret had John, b. 1648. He probably removed to Rawley, Mass., 1652, where he had Samuel, b. 1655, and two daughters, where his will was made and jHobated in 1671. His widow, Margaret, was executed as a witch in Salem, Sept. 2 2d, 1693. John Scott was of Salem, 1648; he probably went to Providence, R. I., where by his wife Rebecca had 1. Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1662. II. John, b. Mar. 14, 1664. III. Mary, b. Feb. i, 1666. IV. Catherine, b. May 20, 1668. V. Deborah, b. Dec. 24, 1669. VI. Sylvanus, b. Nov. 10, 1672. Thomas Scott, probably of Boston, Co. Lincoln, Eng., came to Cambridge, Mass., about 1630, and settled in Hartford, Conn., about 1635. He was accidentally shot by John Ewe and died Nov. 6, 1643. His widow, Ann, m. (2) Nov. 7, 1644, Thomas Ford, who later removed to Northampton. Children of 'I'homas and Ann Scott, probably all b. in England : — I. Mary, m. Nov. 7, 1644, Robert Porter of Hartford. 11. Sarah, m. Dec. 5, 1645, John Stanly of Hartford. III. I'^lizabeth, m. Feb. 3, 1648, John Loomis, son of Josepli, who came from England before 1659. IV. Thomas, is said to have been an invalid and died at Hartford not long after his father's decease. " Thomas Scott, ae. 40, with wife Elizabeth, ae. 40, and ch, Elizabeth ae. 9, .'\bigail ae. 7, Thomas ae. 6, came in the Elizabeth of li)swich Apr. 30, 1634. Martha Scott, ae. 60, came in the same ship. He settled at Cambridge; propr. 1634; freeman Mar. 4, 1634-5. Removed to Ipswich; propr. 1635; town ofificer 1653. He was a son of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, Suffolk, yeoman, and his wife Martha. The father d. in 1624, and the widow came as above ; her dau. Ursula, wife of Richard Kembold or Kimball, came INTRODUCTION. ' 1 3 in the same ship. Will dated Mar. 8, 1653-4, probated 38th ist mo., 1654, beq. to son Thomas, daus. Elizabeth, Abigail, Hannah, Sarah and Mary Beas ; Richard Kimball, Thomas Rawlinson Sen., and Edmund Bridges, execs. His son, Thomas Scott of Stamford, Conn., sold land in Ipswich by his agent, Richard Kimball, Jan. 31, 1654. He paid legacy of his father to his sister Hannah, wife of Edmund Lockwood of Stamford, Mar. 15, 1667. After his death in 1683 his sisters Abigail, wife of Hamel Bosworth, and Elizabeth Spofford, with Thomas Patch, petitioned for re-administration of the estate of their father (Essex Files 41, 71). The widow married Ezekiel Rogers, made will at Boston June 22, 1678; prob. 2d 6th mo., 1678 ; beq. to son and dau. Snelling's children and dau. Martha Rogers." * Thomas Scott Jr. m. Margaret, dau. of William Hubbard, and removed to Stamford, Conn., where he d. in 1657 ; his widow returned to Ipswich and m. (2) Ezekiel Rogers. The son and a dau., Margaret, of this Thomas Scott are accounted for in this way : This Margaret Scott m. a Rogers, probably a son of her step-father, and this son deposing in 1693 says: " My grandfather and mother Scott had two children, Thomas and Margaret, my mother. Thomas, my uncle, went into England in 1683 and died there. Edward Scott was of Hadley before 1670, where he m. 1670 Ehzabeth Webster, probably dau. of Gov. John Webster. She d. Mar. 13, 1689, ae. 40. He removed later to New Haven. Children : — I. Elizabeth, b. 167 1. II. Sarah, b. 1674. III. Thomas, b. 1675. IV. John, b. 1677. V. Ebenezer, b. 1681. ' A ^ [ twins, b. 1682 . VII. Ann j ' VIII. Hannah, b. Nov. i, 1689. " Gen. Winfield Scott's grandfather was a Scotchman of the Clan Buccleuch, who escaped from the field of Culloden in 1748." I Hotton's list of emigrants we find the name of William Scott, who embarked from Gravesend Aug. 21, 1635, for Virginia, ae. 24. *Vide Pope's Pioneers of Mass. Descendants of William Scott of Hatfield, Mass. 1 668" 1906. Long and dilligent search has been made for the parentage of VVilUam Scott, but as yet the problem remains unsolved. There seems to have been no clue left by which we can judge whence or when he came to this country, for it now seems probable that he was an emigrant. He first appears on the scene at Hatfield about 1668, just a little later than John Scott at Spi-ingfield ; and from the similar names in both families the inference is drawn that they may have been brothers or very near of kin, for John also has left no trace of his ancestory. It is to be deplored that they left no record of their extraction to gratify the reasonable curiosity of their descendants. It is quite reasonable, however, to suppose that they were both scions of that proud house of Scotts of Scotts Hall of Kent, England, from which so many claim descent in this country, but this is only conjecture. The late J. M. Crafts, in his history of VVhately, favors the <)i)inion that William Scott was the son of Thomas of Hartford, but a few months before his death he wrote me that he had abandoned that idea and averred his belief that he was his grandson ; but in presenting his argument to ])rove this suggestion he had overlooked the fact that he had merged the lives of Thomas Scott of Ipswich and Thomas of Hartford into the same person, which fact upsets his theory. The reader will clearly see that our William Scott could not have been a descendant of either by care- fully reading the sketches of them in previous pages. My suggestion is that our William Scott may have been connected in some way with Benjamin Scott of Braintree, where his father-in-law, William Allis, was located some twelve years before settling in Hadley, which might account for his acquaintance with his future wife and for his coming to Hatfield. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 15 As before stated, William Scott came to that part of Hadley now Hatfield, about 1668. He married, Jan. 28, 1670, Hannah, daughter of Lieut. William Allis of Hatfield, b. about 1649. Lieut. Allis was an emigrant from England who settled first in Watertown, then in Braintree 1656 to 1658, later in Hartford, and finally was one of the original proprietors of Hadley in 1661. He was assigned a houselot on the west side of the river, now Hatfield, where he became the leading citizen for many years. He held the office of deacon, lieutenant of cavalrv, justice of the peace and selectman. He died Sept. 6, 1678. His estate was inventoried at ^496-63*. Aug. 8, 1670, William Scott was assigned a home lot 20 rods in width on the east side of the street near the north end of the street, opposite of Sergt. Ben Wait's, and this lot of Ben Wait's was where John Brown lived in 1882. There were two lots north of William Scott's before we reach the road running to the ferry. f Jan. 16, 1 67 1, he had another grant of land on the plains. He also had division in the commons. Hatfield street as first laid out extended one mile north and south; the street was about 10 rods wide and the house lots of about eight acres each were laid out on each side. As William Scott was some seven years later in coming than the original settlers his home, as has been stated above, was located at the north end of the long street, near the present estates of Ellis Wait and William Dorothy (according to information furnished by Mr. D. W. Wells of Hatfield). Here then our ancestor began life in a somewhat rude house ; but as a sawmill had been erected in Hatfield in 1664 or 5, no doubt he had a framed house inclosed by boards in a plain way. But this old first home has passed away long ago, as have all the others which were then scattered along the old street. At this time there were probably about thirty families in town. The rich meadows of Hatfield were mostly clear of trees when the whites settled there, and ready for the plow, where the red race for ages had raised corn ; so the yeomen of the valley had a much easier time to commence life than those who settled in the hill towns. " The Hatfield lands were mostly purchased from the Indian chiefs Umponchalla and Quanquont, of the Norwottuck tribe." J *Vide Probate Records at Northampton, vol. 2, p. i and 2. tj. M. Crafts additions to Hist. Whately. jVide Hubbard's Historical Address, 1 6 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. As the Indians had been fairly dealt with peace had subsisted between them and the settlers till war was incited by the wily King Philip. On October 19, 1675, the Indians, numbering nearly Soo, made a furious onset upon Hatfield with the determination to destroy the town and slay the inhabitants, but they had been expected by the English, who received them so hotly that they were beaten off and the town saved with small loss to Hatfield.* William Scott joined the expedition which made the attack upon the Indians at the Falls (now Turners Falls) May 19, 1676, which resulted in the signal defeat of the enemy, as well as the death of many English, William Allis Jr., a brother-in-law of William Scott, being one of the number killed. This was one of the most noted battles of the valley. On Sept. 19, 1677, another attack was made upon Hatfield by the Indians, when twelve persons were killed and seventeen captives taken. These captives were redeemed excepting three, who were killed by the Indians. l~his digression is made to show the perils amid which our ancestors labored. During these scenes of turmoil Hatfield lost about one-half of her dwellings by their being destroyed by the enemy. A portion of Hatfield street was in time protected by a palisaded inclosure, which was formed by setting split timbers eight feet long in the ground in an upright position, the tops being fastened by cross timbers. William Scott's house being at the extreme north end of the street, must have been outside of this enclosure. 'I'his was indeed a time when it required nerve to move beyond the smoke of one's own dwelling ; the Indian lurked on every hand and no one knew when a blow would be struck. I That William Scott performed his full share in the common defense is evinced l)y the fact that in 1677 the General Court at Boston allowed him for military expenses £, 2, 16 s. But war's alarms ceased after a while and prosperity smiled on our river town, and the farmer added to his acres and the family grew in number as the years rolled by. It seems that the staid dames of that elder day were fond of finery as now, and although the law was stern yet in 1673 we find that William Scott's wife and five other Hatfield women were fined for wearing silk contrary to the law. •Vide Hubbard's History. fFor many of the above facts I am indebted to Judd's valuable history of Hadley. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 7 William Scott appears to have been a prosperous man in his day, and at the close of his long life had accumulated quite a property in landed estate. Besides his house lot on the main street he had a lot each in the north and south meadows. In the first division of commons he had lot No. 65, 14 rods wide and over three miles long. In division No. 3 he had lot No. 6, which was 13 rods wide and about three miles long ; these were located in Hatfield. In division No. 2 he had lot No. 40, 12 rods wide and about two miles long. In division No. 4 he had lot No. 69, which was 13 rods wide and four miles in length. These two last lots were in the present town of Whately.* I have sought — diHgently through the Hatfield Town Records, as well as in the old cemetery — for the date of death of William Scott, but have failed to find it. There is no headstone to mark his grave. I was fortunate enough to find a copy of his will among the archives of Memorial Hall at Deerfield, dated Feb. 15, 17 16. This is the original will, but I am inclined to the opinion that it was not admitted to probate, as no record of it can be found at Northampton, where it should appear. It is probable that William Scott died about 1718; if so, he was about 83. The will commences in this wise : " In the name of God, Amen. The fifteenth day of February in the 3d year of his Majesty's reign, Anno Domini 17 16-17, I, William Scott of Hatfield, in the County of Hampshire in his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, being weakly of body and crazy of constitu- tion but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God therefor, calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed to all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all, give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial att the Discretion of my executor herein named, Nothing doubting but at the Gen'l Resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly Estates wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me in this Life far beyond my Deserts, I Give, Devise & Dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis. I Give and Bequeath to Hannah my •From unpublished letter of J. M. Crafts. / l8 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOIT. Dearly beloved wife, after my Decease, (She outliving me) the use and Improvement of my whole Estate both Real and Personal for her Support and Maintenance During the term of her Natural Life." Then follow the items of bequests to several members of the family, viz:— To his eldest son Josiah, Three acres of land in Denison's Farm in addition to what had already been given him in 1707. To his daughter, Hannah Braughton, forty shillings. The same amount was also devised to his sons Richard and William, and remaining daughter, Abigail Bingham. The remainder of his estate was devised to his son Joseph. The will was witnessed by Thomas Haskins, Nathaniel Dickinson ye 3d, and Joseph Wait. C^hildren of William and Hannah (Allis) Scott, born in Hatfield : 2. I. Josiah, b. June 18, 1671. 3. n. Richard, b. Feb. 22, 1673. 4. in. William, b. Nov. 24, 1676. IV. Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1679 ; m Braughton. 5. V. Joseph, b. Mar. 21, 1682. Vl. John, b. July 6, 1684 ; d. Feb. 8, 1692. VII. Mary, b. 1686. VIII. Mehitable, b. Sept. 9, 1687 ; d. Sept. 18, 1687. ■ IX. Jonathan, b. Nov. i, 1688; d. Nov. 15, 1688. X. "Abigail, b. Nov. 23, 1689; m. Dec. 14, 1710, Joseph of Windham, Conn., b. there Jan. 15, 1688, son of Thomas and May (Rudd) Bingham. She d. Mar. 30, 1 731. He m. (2) Nov. 30, 1742, Mrs. Rachel Huntington of Norwich. He d. in Windham Sept. 4, 1765. Children of first marriage, b. in Windham, Conn: (i) Lydia Bingham, b. Feb. 9, 1711-12; (2) Gideon Bingham, b. July 3, 1714; (s) Abigail Bingham, b. Nov. 2, 17 16 ; (4) Elijah Bingham, b. June I, 1719; (5) Joseph Bingham, b. Aug. ti, 1721. 2. Josiah^ Scott, (William') b. in Hatfield, Mass., June 18, 1671 ; m. 1698, Sarah Barrett, b. 1678. She was the daughter of lienjamin Barrett of Deerfield, who was a soldier in the Indian war under Capt. Turner, and was the son of John Barrett the emigrant. Her mother was Sarah, daughter of Isaac Graves of Hatfield. Isaac Graves was the son of Thomas and Sarah Graves, who came from England to Hartford, Conn., about 1645. Mary, the wife of Isaac Graves, was the daughter of Richard and Anis Church, who came from England to Hartford about 1637. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 9 The date of death of Josiah Scott and of his wife have not been ascertained. It is inferred that they both attained to a good old age. He was one of the earhest settlers in the present town of Whately, Mass., about 17 19, in the district called Hopewell, when he built a log house on the old Deerfield road north of the Zebine Bartlett place. In 1736 the General Court granted to the survivors or the descendants of those who served in the Falls fight of May 18, 1676, a grant of land in the new township of Falltown, now Bernardston, and Josiah Scott, whose father, William, was one of the soldiers in that memorable conflict, was one of the grantees, but he seems to have turned his claim over to his son Moses, as we shall see later. The following from the history of Whately probably refers to the family of Josiah Scott : " It is current tradition that no family of the name of Scott was molested by the Indians in their numerous raids in the valley after I the close of King Philip's war. To account for it the story goes that one of the name had a dream for three successive winter nights that an Indian family encamped in Hopewell was in a starving condition. Influenced by the repetition of his dream he started with his snow shoes and gun, and at the foot of Hopewell Hill shot a bear, with the meat of which he saved the lives of the, as he found, starving Indians ; and they never forgot his kindness. Of the encampment I on the spot indicated there is no doubt, as the records show, and their household utensils, etc. are found in abundance, and the writer ; has not met with the name Scott among the captives or those killed i in predatory excursions after 1697, the date of the breaking up of the Indian camp at Hopewell." Josiah Scott deeded, Nov. 6, 1745, the land he had in Bradstreet's grant and other lots in the division of commons in Hatfield to his son Josiah. He thus conveyed 37^ acres lying on the northerly part of Bradstreet's grant, and bounded west and north on the second division of commons, east on the Connecticut river, and south on Dea. Dickenson's land, with the buildings thereon, where J. M. Crafts lately lived. Children b. in Hatfield : I. Josiah, b. Nov. 29, 1699; m. Mary ; date and place of death not known, neither has any record of his children been found. From the county records we find that he sold June 16, 1749, one-half of the land in Hatfield, received from his father, to his brother Elijah, and on Mar. 23, 1754, he sold the 20 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. remainder to his brother Benjamin. Josiah Scott Jr. was then Hving at Ware River Precinct, now Ware, Mass. On Sept. 30, 1766, he sold land in Ware for ^100; he was then living in Guilford, N. Y., but diligent search there fails to reveal any trace, of him or his descendants. II. Sarah, b. Sept. 9, 1701. III. Hannah, b. May 30, 1704. 6. IV. Benjamin, b. May 31, 1708. V. Mehitable, b. May 4, 1711. 7. VI. Moses, b. Feb. 3, 17 13. VII. Ruth, b. Nov. 25, 1 7 15. VIII. Elijah, no dates. On June 16, 1749, a deed was given to Josiah and his brother, Elijah. Probably this is the Elijah Scott who m. Mar. i, 1753, Hannah Tuttle of Sunderland, who as widow was granted administration on the estate July 13, 1756, at Hatfield. 3. Richard^ Scott, (William') b. Feb. 22, 1673; m. Jan. 15, 1702, Elizabeth Belding. She was the daughter of Stephen and Mary (Wells) Belding, b. in Hatfied, Mass., Feb. 2, irferz. Her father was the son of Samuel, who came from England to Wethers- field, thence to Hatfield. Her mother was Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Beardsley) Wells, he the son of Hugh and Frances Wells, who came from England to Hartford in 1636, Mary Beardsley, was the daughter of William of Hartford. Richard Scott removed from Hatfield to Sunderland soon after 1715, and was one of the original settlers there. He was a promi- nent man in town and was repeatedly chosen one of the selectmen. He died in Sunderland Mar. 31, 1750. His wife d. Jan. 22, 1769. It is said there are no lineal descendants in the town at the present time. Children : I. Mary, b. .'^pr. 29, 1703; m. Apr. 22, 1730, Elisha Root of Deerfield, who d. Sept. 15, 1784. Children: Mary, Jonathan, Seth, Martha, Sym, Moses, Joseph, Eunice, Zur, Susanna, Lucy. 8. II. Jonathan, b. Aug. 11, 1705. III. I^lizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1707. IV. Rachel, b. July 3, 1710; m. Feb. 15, 1728, William Scott Jr. ' DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 21 V. Experience, b. Oct. 27, 1713 ; m. Oct. i, 1736, Israel Richardson. 9- VI. Lieut. Reuben, b. Sept. 25, 17 19. VII. Mehitable, b. May 3, 1722 ; m. June 4, 1749, Reuben Ellis. 10. VIII. Stephen, b. Oct. 16, 1725. 4. William^ Scott, (William') b. Nov. 24, 1676; m. Mary , who d. Dec. 7, 1711 ; he m. (2) 1715, Elizabeth , who d. Nov! 6, 1762, in her 77th year; he d. Nov. 20, 1759. He removed from Hatfield about 1 715 to Sunderland, of which town he was one of the early settlers. Children : 11. 1. William, b. Jan. 16, 1702. 12. II. John, b. June 3, 1704. 13. III. Samuel, b. May 3, 1707. IV. Mary, b. Oct. 23, 1709. V. Esther b. Sept. 12, 1715; m. Jan. 20, 1746, Dea. Noah Wright. 14- VI. Absalom, b. Apr. 28, 17 17. VII. Joshua b. Oct. 25, 1719 ; m. Mar. 12, 1746, F:hzabeth Cooley of Sunderland, dau. of Simon. He d Nov. 21, 1797 ; she d. Oct. 20, 1798, ae. 87 years. No issue. VIII. Jerusha, b. July 20, 1723; m. June 13, 1754, Aaron Bunce. IX. Abigail, b. July 26, 1729. X. Eunice, d. Nov. 3, 1743. - XI. Phebe, d. Apr. 9, 1756. 5. Joseph^ Scott, (William') b. in Hatfield, Mass., Mar. 21, ^1682; m. Feb. 13, 1707, Lydia Leonard. He succeeded to the estate of his father William and continued to reside there till his death, and was a successful man of affairs; he made his will Dec. 12, 1744, wherein he devised £50 to each of his seven daughters and divided the remainder of his real and personal estate between his sons David and Joseph. He d. about 1762. Children, b. in Hatfield : I. Lydia, b. Feb. 24, 1708; m. John Allis ; m. (2) John Field. 11. Miriam, b. Dec. 14, 1713; m. Dec. 14, 1735, Abel Aljis, b. July 21, 17 14; m. (2) Joseph Benton of Hartford, and d. May 26, 17 15. 22 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTl". III. Ebenezer, b. June 15, 1716; d. Dec. 25, 1735. 15. IV. David, b. Aug. 18, 1 7 17. u . 1 V. Hepzibah, b. Jan. 12, 17 19; m- Moses Hart, b Sept. 23, 1 7 14; d. about 1784; he was son ot Joseph, and grandson of Benjamin. 16. VI. Joseph, b. about 1722. VII Martha, m. Ephraim Smith, b. Mar. 24, 171 1, son ot Jonathan of Hatfield, and settled in Athol. 17. VIII. Leonard b. abt. 1726. IX. Abigail, m. Aaron Smith, son of Jonathan, b. l^eb. 7, 1 7 15, and settled in Athol. X. Submit, d. Sept. 8, 1771 ; m. probably Elijah Graves ; if so, children were: Elijah, b. abt. 1760; Gad, b. 1 Aug. 14, 1763. ^^ Swanzy, N. H. 6 Benjamins Scott, (Josiah^ William') b. May 31, 1708; m. Jemima Tuttle. He setted in Whately, Mass., in the Straits, very ^ early. He d. Aug. i, 1792 ; she d. Apr. 13, 1S02, ae. 92. Children : I. jemima, m. Aug. 15, i77'> Jonathan Graves Jr. of " Sunderland; ch. : Lemuel, b. 1772; Chester, b. , 1774; Elisah, b. 1776; Elijah b. 1778- TAicretia, : b. 1781; d. soon; Lucretia, b. 1784; m. Nathan Crompton. 18. H. Benjamin, b. May 22, 1744- | 19. III. James, b. abt. 1745- , ^^ ^^ ^, i IV. Theodora, m. July i, 1776, Stephen Orcutt, removed to Pittsford, Vt. She was noted for her feats in , spinning, having earned, besides caring for her household, in one year the sum of ^5, 4s, lod. Children : Stephen, b. abt. 1 7 7 7, and Z ebina, b. 1 7 79. 20. V. Elijah, b. abt. 1755. 7. Capt. Moscs-> Scott, (Josiah^ William') b. Feb. 3, 1713, in ] llatfield, Mass. He m. Aug. 24, 1742, Miriam Nash, b. in Hadley Jan. 2, 1710. She was the dau. of Ebenezer3 Nash, Timothys ThomJs', the emigrant to New Haven. Her father, Ebenezer, m. July I, 1 701, Mary Scott, dau. of John and Sarah (Bliss) Scott of Springfield. Her grandfather, Timothy Nash, m. abt. 1657 Rebeccah, dau. of Rev. Samuel Stone of Hartford ; her great- grandfather, Thomas, m. Margary, dau. of Nicholas Baker of England. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 23 Capt. Scott was one of the pioneers who settled in Falltown, now Bernardston. He was given an allotment of land on account of the services rendered by his grandfather, William Scott, in the Falls fight of 1676. His farm embraced all the meadow north of the village as far as the old cemetery, and the upland now known as the Warner place, where he built a house which was taken down some 100 years ago. He also erected and owned the saw-mill near the present iron bridge on Fall river, and ran it for many years. There has since been a mill on the same site until quite recently. He was a man of powerful physique, six feet in height, having the strength, it is said, of four ordinary men. He was a farmer, carpenter and soldier, and excelled in each occupation as duty demanded. He had the over- sight of constructing the first forts built in Falltown, and was not backward in their defense. The pioneers of the new town did not enjoy a long respite from danger, for war was declared by Great Britain against France and Spain Mar. 29, 1744, which involved New England as usual in the conflict with the French of Canada and their allies, the Indians of both Canada and New England. In Colrain and Falltown several houses were stockaded and some forts erected. Roaming parties of Indians were frequently seen in the woods seeking for an oppor- tunity to inflict damage or take captives. Some time in 1746, it is thought, Capt. Scott took his family to Fort Massachusetts, located in the present town of Adams, for their better protection. "In the month of Aug., 1746, M. Rigaud de Vaudreuil marched from Crown Point, with about eight hundred French and Indians, and invested Fort Massachusetts on the twentieth. The garrison at the time consisted of only twenty- two effective men under the command of Sargeant, afterward Lt. Col., John Hawkes; Capt. Williams, the former commander, having joined the forces then raised for an expedition against Canada. Not- withstanding the inferiority of his force the brave Sargeant rejected the proposals of the French commander, and resolved to defend the place to the last extremity. For twenty-eight hours, with small arms only and a small supply of ammunition, he resisted' the efforts of the enemy and kept them at a respectful distance. Habituated to sharp shooting, the garrison singled out the assailants whenever they exposed themselves and brought them down at long shots. Instances occurred in which the enemy were thus killed at the extraordinary distance of sixty rods, and they often fell when 24 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. they sup])ose(l themselves in perfect security. Having at length expended most of his ammunition, the brave commander reluctantly consented to submit, and a capitulation was agreed upon by which the garrison was to remain prisoners of war until exchanged or redeemed, to be humanely treated, and none to be delivered to the Indians. Vaudreuil however, the next day, in violation of the articles of capitulation, delivered one-half of the captives into the hands of the irritated Indians, by whom a sick man was immedately murdered ; l)ut the others were treated with humanity, carried to Crown Point, thence to Canada, and afterwards redeemed. Hawks lost but one man during the seige, but the enemy, according to information afterwards obtained, had forty-seven killed or badly wounded."* From a return made by Sergeant Hawkes we learn that Moses, Stephen and Joseph Scott were among the brave defenders of the fort. Moses Scott, with his wife and two young children and cousins, Stephen and Joseph, were taken to Canada with the other prisoners. Referring to Rev. John Norton's Dairy as given in Perry's Williamstown, I extract the following : "Friday, Aug. 22 (1746). They also (the French) carried Moses Scott's wife and two children, and another of Smead's children." " Monday, 15 (Sept). This day we sailed seven leagues and came to Quebec." "Dec. II (1746). Died Miriam, the wife of Moses Scott. She was taken with me at Fort Massachusetts ; she got a cold in the journey, which proved fatal, her circumstances being peculiar. She was never well after our arrival at Canada, but wasted away to a skeleton and lost the use of her limbs." " Feb. II (1647). Died in the morning, Moses Scott, son of Moses Scott. He was a child about two years old, and died with the consumption." Capt. Scott returned Aug. 26, 1747, having been in captivity 53 weeks and i day. On his release from captivity he was unable to obtain the liberation of his son Ebenezer, who had been sold to an Indian; but some three years afterward he returned to Quebec to redeem his son. When he discovered him he had lost the knowl- edge of his mother tongue, and ran like deer from his father's presence into tlie woods. It required a nimble Indian to catch him and bring him back. At last his father succeeded in taking •Hoyt's Antiquarian Researches, p. 237. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOIT. 25 him home, but the boy was so thoroughly imbued with Indian ways that he was often found in the morning wrapped in his banket lying on the floor, which he seemed to prefer to a civilized bed. After his return to Falltown, Moses Scott married a second time ; but the records do not disclose her name ;* he was in Capt. Israel Williams' Co., stationed in Colrain Oct. 19, 1756 to Jan. 23, 1757 ; his name also appears in John Burke's enlistment roll ending Nov. 30, 1758; he is said to have been on several expeditions to Lake George and against Canada. "In 1760 Moses Scott and Samuel Connable were granted ^27 to build a bridge across Fall River at the saw mill, which was the first bridge built in the town."t When in 1762 Falltown was organized into a township and took the name of Bernardston, he was chosen one of the first selectmen and was re-elected several times thereafter ; he also held various other responsible town offices and was a man highly respected. He died in Bernardston, where his gravestone may still be seen in the old cemetery north of the village, with this inscription, "To the memony of Capt. Moses Scott, who died July 23, 1799, ae. 86." " Some weeping friend may drop a tear On these dry bones and say, They once were strong as mine appear; And mine must be as they." It has thus far remained an unsolved problem when Moses Scott received his commission as captain. Just before sending copy to the printer the writer wrote to Hon. W. M. Olin, Secretary of State, to learn if the archives of Massachusetts throw any light upon the subject, the following being an extract from the reply : " There is little doubt that Moses Scott obtained his title of captain from having commanded the local militia company of the town of Bernardston, but unfortunately the confirmations of the a])pointments of the militia officers of the Province are not to be found in the State archives, although at times incidental references appear in the Legislative or the military records that supply proof of this fact, that the title evidently belonged to the individual." So the matter will have to rest, unless perchance the finding of some dust-covered document shall reveal the secret. *One authority however says her name was a Henry, t Holland's Hist. Western Mass., vol. 2, p. 321. 23- IV. 24. V. 25- VI. VII. 26 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children, b. in Bernardstono Mass : 2 1. I. Ebenezer, b. Sept. i8, 1743. II. Moses, b. 1745; d. a captive in Canada, Feb. 11, 1747- By second marriage : 22. III. Moses, b. abt. 1753. Miriam, b. May 12, 1760. Elihu, b. 1764. Anna, b. Nov. 22, 1767. Tamar, m. Hale ; he was drowned in the Connec- ticut river. She m. (2) Joseph Aldrich of Guilford, Vt. 8. Jonathan-5 Scott, (Richard^, William') b. Aug. 11, 1705, in Hatfield, Mass.; m. June 9, 1731, Thankful Hitchcock, b. Oct. i, 1707, in Springfield, Mass., dau. of John and g. dau. of Luke of New Haven, Ct. He removed abt. 1760 to Bennington, Vt. Children, b. in Sunderland,. Mass. : I. Thankful, b. Jan. 15, 1732; d. June 21, 1734. II. Mary, b. Dec. 10, 1734; m. William Murray of Amherst; ch. : (i)Elihu Murray, b. Oct. 13, 1753 ; (2) Elijah Murray, b. June 6, 1756; (3) Mercy Murray, b. Sept. 16, 1858; (4) Martha Murray, b. July 14, 1 761. 26. III. Jonathan, b. Jan. 28, 1737. 27. IV. Matthew, b. Aug. 14, 1739. V. Daniel, b. Dec. 3, 1744.* VI. Eunice, b. Jan. 2, 1750. 9. Lieut. Reuben-5 Scott, (Richard-, William') b. Sept. 25, 1719 ; m. July 7, 1744, Anna Cooley, dau. of Simon, b. June 27, 1725. He d. in Montague, Mass., May 26, 1805, where he was prominent in local affairs and a selectman for many years. He had service in the French and Indian war of 1759. Children : 1. Stephen, b. Oct. 14, 1746; d. May 31, 1760. 28. 11. Eleazer, b. Dec. 17, 1749. III. Trypheme, b. June 22, 1753; m. Mar. 12, 1775, Henry Ems of Montague. IV. Reuben, m. Oct. 20, 1793, Sabra Larraby. V. Ira, b. Apr. 3, 1757; he marched at the Lexington alarm Apr. 22, 1775. •See Appendix A for his descendants.. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 2 7 VI. Stephen, b. Oct. 31, 1760; m. Jan. 30, 1788, Cynthia Gunn. VII. Anna, m. May 26, 1791, Nathan Clark of New Salem. VIII. Eunice, m. June 3, 1788, Benjamin Sari of Stafford, Ct. 10. Stephen^ Scott, (Richard^ William") b. in Sunderland, Mass., Oct. 6, 1725 ; m. Nov. 13, 1754, Rhoda Graves of Sunder- land, dau. of Noah, b. Feb. 9, 1734. He was one of the brave defenders of Fort Massachusetts and taken captive with others to Canada in 1746, but was redeemed and returned in due time to his home in 1747. Children : I. Chloe, b. Oct. 19, 1755; m. Nov. 22, 1775, Joseph Shattuck, a Rev. soldier. He bap. Nov. 6, 1749; had Ansel, bapt. June 12, 1790, and Alfred, b. Aug. II, 1794, both at Hadley. II. Amzi, b. July 20, 1757 ; d. Aug. 31, 1767. III. Mindwell, b. Apr. 5, 1759. IV. Lucy, b. Oct. 2, 1761. V. Dorothy, b. Aug. 28, 1764; probably m. Caleb Beals of Whately, and had child Caleb, b. Sept. 15, 1786. VI. Salome, b. July 22, 1767. 1 1. VVilliam3 Scott, (William^, WilHam') b. Jan. 16, 1702, in Hatfield, Mass.; m. Feb. 15, 1727-8, Rachel Scott, dau. of Richard, b. July 3, 17 10. He removed to Swanzey, N. H., about 1768, where he d. Dec. 2, 177 1. Children, b. in Sunderland, Mass : I. Rachel, b. Sept. 15, 1729; m. Dec. 29, 1748, Elisha Graves. She d. Aug. 7, 1762 ; he was a soldier in the French and Indian war of 1748, and stationed at Fort Massachusetts. Children : ( i ) Jonathan Graves, b. Jan. 30, 1750; (2) Simeon Graves, b. June 24, 1752 ; (3) Hannah Graves, b. Dec. 16, 1754; (4) Lemuel Graves, b. Nov. 17, 1757. 29. II. Elisha, b. June 6, 1732. III. Simeon, b. Sept. 17, 1735 ; d. in Swanzey, N. H., Sept. 10, 1810. VI. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 6, 1738; soldier in French and Indian war; d. 1757 at Fort Massachusetts. V. Hepzibah, b. July 7, 1740; m. Nov. 14, 1758, Silas Graves. He was a soldier in the French and 2 8 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Indian war, 1755; was wounded in battle near Lake George ; was also a soldier in the Revolution. Children: (i) Julius, b. June 29, 1759; (2) Ebenezer, b. abt. Jan. 14, 1761; (3) Stephen, b. abt. May 20, 1763; each of these three sons served with their father in the Revolutionary war ; (4) Jerusha, bapt. Oct. 11, 1766. 30. VI. Nathan, b. Jan. 5, 1743. VII. William, b. Sept. 25, 1745 ; d. in Swanzey, N. H., Sept. 24, 1769. •" 31. VIII. David, b. Oct. 14, 1748. ^S^f? ',_ ' ^^'iT!evinia, b. Apr. 29, 17S0; unm ; d. June 4, i860. Lucretia, b. Apr. 21, 1783; unm. ; d. Aug. 26, 1823. Polly, b. Sept. 12, 1785. Patty, b. Apr. 27, 1788. Martin, b. Nov. 9, 1790. Eleazer, b. Apr. 26, 1795. 29. Elisha^ Scott, (William-^ William^ William') b. June 6, 1732; m. Mar. 25, 1756, Mary, dau. of Abraham Graves and Thankful Bardwell Graves, b. 1728; m (2) June 21, 1797, Mrs. Mitty Bigelow. Both husband and wife took letters from the church in Sunderland to the church in Swanzey, N. H., Aug. 30, 1761. Children, the first two b. in Sunderland, the others in Swanzey : I. Mary, b. Mar. 2, 1757 j m. Matthew Robley. II. Submit, b. Jan. 26, 1759. III. Assena, b. Dec. 4, 1761 ; m. Samuel Hills. IV. Eunice, b. June 15, 1765; m. Samuel Lane, great- grandfather of Frederick A. Lane of Mt. Vernon, N. v., who m. Jane A. Conkey of Amherst, Mass. V. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 5, 1767 ; m. Jan. 5, 1792, Angeline lielding. 66. I. 11. III. 661. IV. 66.^. V. 67." VI. 68. VII. •Vide Sheldon's Ilisl. Uccrfield, Vol. 2, Pail 2, p. 287. fVide Vol. 13, Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in Rev. War. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 4 1 VI. Elisha, b. Apr. i8, 1770; m. Dec. 11, t8oo, Dorcas Graves, dau. of Abner, b. June 9, 1778; d. in Watertown, N. Y., June 9, 1852; he was of Stratton, Vt. ; d. Apr. 9, 1S07. VII. Jerusha, b. Aug. 11, 1774, an adopted daughter and child of Abner Graves. 30. Nathan4 Scott, (Williams, William^ William') b. Jan. 5, 1743 ; m. Ruth Allen. Children : I. Rachel, bapt. May 6, 1770. II. Ora, b. July 14, 177 1. III. Thankful, b. abt. Aug. 8, 1773. IV. Content, bapt. July 12, 1775. V. Hephzibah, bap. Jan. 25, 1778. VI. Ruth, bapt. Jan. 30, 1780. VII. Ellen, bapt. Nov. 13, 1785 ; d. Nov. 15, 1788. VIII. Joshua, bapt. June 15, 1790. 31. David4 Scott, (VViUiam3, William^ William') b. in Sunder- land, Mass., Oct. 14, 1748; m. June 30, 1773, Bethiah Easterbrook of Sunderland. Children : I. Lydia, b. May 11, 1774. II. Lucinda, b. Oct. 5, 1776. III. Lucy, b. Aug. 16, 1778. 32. SamueH Scott, (Samuels, William^ William'), 1). Dec. 8, 1732; m. May 16, 1757, Lydia Tuttle. She d. J'eb. 4, 1760; he m. (2) Feb. 11, 1761, Mrs. Abigail Shattuck of Hinsdale, Mass. He was of Sunderland, Mass. Children : I. Joanna, b. Aug. 17, 1758. II. Benoni, b. Jan. 14, 1760. 33. Catherine4 Scott, (Samuels, William^ William') b. May 19, 1737 ; m. May 3, 1754, Jesse GravesS, (Jonathan4, Samuels, John^, Thomas') b. Mar. 6, 1730. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and died Jan. 14, 1819. Children : I. Jemima Graves, b. Apr. 20, 1756. II. Zilpah. Graves, b. July 11, 1858. III. Betty Graves, b. Sept. 2, 1760; d. young. 69. I. II. 7o. III. 71- IV. V. VI. 72. VII. 73- VIII. 74- IX. 42 DESCEND.^NTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 34. Phineas4 Scott, (Samuels, William^ William') b. May 25, 1745, in Sunderland, Mass.; ra. 1773, Thankful Kinsley. He d. June 6, 1814 ; she d. Nov. 4, 1808 ; she was probably dau. of Daniel of Bennington. He removed from Sunderland to Bennington, Vt., in 1762, as one of the early settlers there. He joined the military band in Bennington in 1764, and was in Capt. Dewey's Co. for the relief of Ft. Ticonderoga in 1776. Children : Samuel, b. 1778. Clara, m. Samuel Squares. Betsey. Col. Martin, b. 17, 1788. John Kinsley, b. 1 790 ; unm. ; d. May 20, 1 834, ae. 44. Rhoda, b. 1792; unm; d. Dec. 31, 1881. Hiram W. Henry, b. Oct. 3, 1798. Mary, b. 1803. 34^. Aaron4 Scott, (Samuel^ William^ William') b. about 1750, removed with his parents to Bennington, Vt., but soon set- tled in Cornwall, Vt., where he erected his first cabin. The follow- ing record of his children, b. in Cornwall, is taken from the history of that town, p. 289 : Children : I. Ashel, b. Jan. 7, 1778. 11. Ichabod, b. Mar. 17, 1780. III. Phebe, b. Feb. 26, 1782. IV. Ephraim, b. July 26, 1784. V. Alma, 1). Aug. 9, 1786. VI. Amos, b. Aug. 9, 1788. VII. Abel, b. July 9, 1790. VIll. Reuben, b. Apr. 10, 1792. . IX. Betsey, b. Oct. ir, 1793. X. Anna, b. Jan. 18, 1795. There was a Josiah Scott of Cornwall whose first child was born in 1794, but I have not been able to connect him with the above Aaron ; he may have been a son not recorded in Cornwall. He is credited with 10 ch. 35. Lydia4 Scott, (David^, Joseph-^, William') b. Jan. 16, 1743 ; m. Lemuel Wells, son of Noah. He d. in Hadley, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 43 Children : I. Israel Wells, b. June 17, 1774; m. July 11, 1798, Dolly Smith. II. Lydia Wells, m. Israel Graves. III. Lemuel Wells, b. abt. 1777. IV. Quartus Wells, bapt. Aug. 22, 1779. V. Noah Wells, bapt. Jan. 6, 1782 ; m. Jenny Ferguson. VI. Gad Wells, bapt. 1783. VII. Esther Wells, b. Feb. 9, 1785 ; m. Jan. 30, 18 17, Israel Crafts. 35J. Rhoda4 Scott, (David3, Joseph^, William') b. July i, 1745; m. Zebediah Graves. She d. Nov. 22, 1784. He was b. June 15, 1741 ; vvas a soldier in the Revolution. Children : I. Rhoda Graves, b. Sept. 19, 1762 ; d. Jan. 17, 1770. II. Rhoda Graves, b. Aug. 27, 1770; m. Israel Gould. III. Samuel Graves, b. Jan. 6, 1773 ; d. May 29, 1791. IV. Stephen Graves, b. June 9, 1775 ; d. Sept. 13, 1776. V. Stephen Graves, b. Sept. 5, 1777. VI. Sarah Graves, b. Jan. 28, 1780; m. Oct. 5, 1799, Samuel Bartlett. VII. Zebediah, b. Dec. 9, 1782 ; d. Oct. 22, 1783. 36. Capt. David4 Scott, (David^, Joseph', William') b. Sept. 19, 1748; m. Nov. 29, 1770, Esther Frary, dau. of Eleazer of Hatfield. She d. Nov. 30, 1789. He m. (2) Sarah Field, dau. of Eliakim and Esther (Graves) Field, b. Apr. 22, 1755; she d. Aug. 6, 1828, ae 77. Children : I. Anna, m. Aaron Gates ; moved to Phelps, N. Y., 1803. 75. II. Justin, bapt. Feb. 2, 1772. 76. III. Daniel, b. Oct. 23, 1774. 77. IV. Charles, b. Nov. 7, 1780. V. Irene, m. Leonard Cooley, and moved to Michigan. 78. VI. Olive, b. Nov. 25, 17S5. 79. VII. Esther, b. May 30, 17S9. 80. VIII. David, b. Feb. 23, 1793. 81. IX. Sarah, b. July 11, 1795. 82. X. Sophia, b. Aug. 11, 1798. 37. Lieut. AbeH Scott, (Davids, Joseph^ William') b. Apr. 15, 1751 ; m. Sept. 6, 1781, Martha Graves, dau. of Davids, (Davids, 44 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Samuel^, John^ Thomas'); she was b. Feb. 13, 1759, and d. Feb. 12, 1802 ; he m. (2) Feb. 21, 1805, Jerusha Crafts, b. Mar. 16, 1762, and d. Dec. 15, 1845. He d. on the old homestead in VVhately, Mass., Jan 1, 1837. He marched in Capt. Chapin's Co. on the Lexington alarm, Apr. 20, 1775. Children : I. Submit, b. Jan. 19, 17S3; d. soon. H. Submit, b. Jan. 24, 1784 ; d. Nov. 2, 1809. HI. Abel, b. Nov. 5, 17S6; d. soon. 83. IV. Abel, b. 1788. 84. V. Judith, b. July 17, 1790. VI. Ambrose, b. Sept. 17, 1792 ; d. unm. July 7, 1828. VII. Martha, b. Sept. 2, 1796; m. Mar. 21, 1833, Randall Graves, b. July 18, 1800; she d. Mar. 13, 1836. They had one child, Judith Luthera Graves, b. Jan. I, 1834; m. Dec. 18, 1872, J. W. Dickinson of Whately, Mass. 38. Selah4 Scott, (Davids, Joseph-, William') b. Nov. 19, 1753; m. Jan. 23, 1783, Mary Dickinson, who d. Sept. 27, 1841, He d. Oct. 9, 1826. He was in service at the time of the Lexington alarm. Lie did good service in the Revolution ; was on guard at surrender of Maj. Andre. Children : Polly, b. May 24, 1784. Charlotte, b. Apr. 22, 1786; m. Nov. 22, 1S14, P^rastus Crafts. She d. Sept. 5, 1815. Infant, b. and d. Dec. 12, 1788. Sally, b. Sept. 29, 1791. Selah, b. Feb. 16, 1795 ; unm.; d. Oct. 22, 1833. Horace, b. June 30, 1799. 39. Phineas* Scott, (David3, Joseph^, William') b. Mar. 13, 1756 ; m. Dec. 26, 1776, Rhoda Crafts, dau. of Thomas, b. Feb. 14, 1756, who d. Apr. 3, 1846 ; he d. x\pr. i, 1844. He was one of the early settlers of Hawley, Mass., to which new settlement he removed Mar. 13, 1780, when only log houses were used for family homes. At the time of his death he was survived by five children, 30 grand- children and four great-grandchildren. He served in the Revolu- tionary war and received a pension from the government therefor. 85- I. II. HI. 86. IV. V. 87. VI. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 45 Children, born in Hawley, Mass., excepting the eldest : 88. I. Patty, b. Dec. 29, 1779. II. Reuben, b. May 7, 1782 ; d. May 24, 1782. 89. III. Phineas, b. Oct. 17, 1784.. IV. Rhoda, b. July 7, 1786 ; unm. ; d. Feb. 6, 1862. V. Asa, b. Oct. 8, 1788; married Clarissa Wells, dau. of Elisha, b. Dec. 3, 1790. He d. Oct. 22, 1820; no children. She m. (2) Israel Crafts, and d. Sept. 5, 1858. 90. VI. Reuben, b. Apr. 11, 1791. VII. Miriam, b. Sept. 23, 1793; m. Samuel Potter of Ashfield ; d. Feb. — , 1816; had sons, Scott and Merrick Porter. VIII. Calvin, b. Mar. 12, 1796 ; unm,; d. Feb. 4, 1868. IX. Luther, b. Aug. 22, 1798. 40. Lucy4 Scott, (David3, Joseph^ William') b. July 14, 1758; m. Aug. 16, 1780, Asa Sanderson, son of Joseph, b. Apr. 11, 1756. He d. Dec. 12, 1842 ; she d. Jan. 26, 1826. He resided in Whately, Mass. Children : I. Luther Sanderson, b. Sept. 4, 1781 ; m. Abigail Starks ; he d. Dec. 20, 1856. II. Lucy Sanderson, b. May 3, 1783 ; m. Levi Moor. HI. Esther Sanderson, b. Feb. 25, 1785 ; d. soon. IV. Calvin Sanderson, b. Apr. 15, 17S8 ; d. Feb. 28, 1808. V. Electa Sanderson, b. May 24, 1790 ; m. Luther Warner. VI. Asa Sanderson, b. May 31, 1792 ; m. Dec. 22, 1819, Naomi Dickinson. VII. Rufus Sanderson, b. Mar. 25, 1794 ; m. Jan. 21, 1824, Lucy Morton. VHI. Esther Sanderson, b. Oct. 19, 1796 ; d. Aug. 22, 1846. IX. Nancy Sanderson, b. May 23, 1799 ; m. Aretus Scott. (See under his name). X. Patty Sanderson, b. June 14, 1801 ; m. Apr. 16, 1818, Chester Brown. 41. Esther4 Scott, (Davids, Josejjh^ William') b. July 20, 1761 ; m. 1779, Capt. Seth Frary, son of Eleazer, b. Sept. 2, 1758. He resided in Whately. Children : I. Thomas Frary, b. Feb. 12, 1780. II. Seth Frary, b. Oct. 27, 1783. HI. Dexter Frary, b. Aug. 10, 1786. 46 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. IV. Esther Frary, b. July 6, 1789; m. Feb. 12, i8ii, Lemuel Cooley ; had six children. V. Lydia Frary, b. Nov. 7, 1792; m. Jan. 20, 1812, Sylvester Morton. VI. Noah C. Frary, b, Jan. 27, 1795 ; d. soon. VII. Electa Frary, b. Oct. 5, 1796; m. Jan. 19, 1815, Oliver Graves. VIII, Eleazer Frary, b. Feb. 3, 1799. IX. Patty Frary, b. Dec. 12, 1801 ; m. Eli Thayer. 42. Ebenezer^ Scott, (Joseph-^, Joseph-, William") b. Apr. 22, 1750; m. Aug. 14, 1781, Susanna Parker, dau. of Abraham, b. Feb. 8, 1754, and d. Aug. 15, 1845, ae. 91 ; he d. Oct. 11, 182 1. He lived and d. in Hatfield, Mass. Children : I. Lydia, b. June 14, 1782; m. Asa Brown of Charlemont. 92. II. Thaddeus, b. June 14, 1785. III. Susannah, b. July 6, 1787 ; m. as his 2d wife Asa Brown of Charlemont, Mass. 93. IV. Ebenezer, b. July 22, 1792. V. Sophia, b. June 12, 1794 ; d. young. VI. Joseph, b. Mar. 1796; removed about 1817 to Brownhelm, Ohio, where he was one of the early settlers and where he m. Mary Moulton ; he had no children. 43. Joelt Scott, (Joseph^, Josejjh^ William') b. Oct. 9, 1751 ; m. Mary Bacon of Whately. He was a Revoluionary soldier. Children : I. Joel, bapt. Sept. i, 1776. II. Rufus, bapt. Apr. 20, 1777 ; d. May 20, 1777. III. Mary, bapt. May 31, 1778. IV. Abigail, bapt. Sept. 24, 1780. V. Rufus, bapt. July 10, 1785. VI. Chester, bapt. Oct. 24, 1790. 44. Josephi Scott, (Josephs, Joseph-, ^Villiam') b. 1754 in Hatfield ; m. IVLary Blood of Pepperell ; lived in Whately, where he d. Aug. 26, 1798. Shed, at Lanesboro, May 8, 1848. He enlisted for service in the Revolutionary war in 1777 for two months' service at Ticonderoga. DESCENDANTS OF VVILLUM SCOTT. 47 I. Alinda, bapt. Mar. 13, 1785 ; d. Dec. 12, 1788. II. Anna, bapt. Feb., 1787 ; d. Dec. 10, 1788. 94. III. Consider, bapt. June 21, 1789. 95. IV. Charles, bapt. June 26, 1791. 96. V. Learned, b. Apr. 6, 1794. 97. VI. Andrew, bapt. Sept. 25, 1796. VII. Melinda, bapt. Mar. 31, 1799; m. Dec. 13, 1827, Joel Kellogg of Halifax, Vt. ; they had three children. 45. Gad+ Scott, (Joseph3, Joseph-, William') b. 1756; m. Nov. 5, 1777, Persis Bacon, dau. of Benjamin of Whately, Mass. They had one child, d. Mar. 25, 1778. He d. Nov. 26, 1777, three weeks after marriage; she m. (2) Sept. 2, 1778, Elijah Scott, son of Benjamin3. Was in Revolutionary war. 46. Lucius4 Scott, (Joseph3, Joseph% William') m. Dec. 28, 1790, Dorothy Carley, dau. of Samuel, b. Sept. 17, 1 771. He is thought to have removed to Lanesboro. Children : I. Jason. II. Lois. III. Content; all bapt. Feb. 24, 1793 in Whately, Mass. 47. Abraham4 Scott, (Josephs, Joseph-, William') b. 1763 ; m. Nov. 6, 1793, Elizabeth Smith, dau. of Philip; she was b. Apr. 28, 1768; he d. June 14, 1803, ae. 41; she m. (2) Capt. Abijah Harding and had a large family ; she d. about 1826. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. : I. Content Wait, b. Jan. 22, 1789; m. Charles Blodgett of Wilmington, Vt. They removed to Lorain Co., Ohio, about 1830, and there raised a large family. 98. II. Aretas, b. Aug. 16, 1794. 48. Israel Scott, (Josephs, Joseph^, William') b. 1771 in Whately; m. Jan. 27, 1795, Alice Sampson, b. Mar. 16, 1771, and d. Nov. 23, 1795 ; he m. (2) Jan. 5, 1797, Hannah Cowles, dau. of Eleazer of Amherst, b. Nov. 10, 1772, and d. Apr. 20, 1827 in Hadley. He d. Mar. 2, 1842. He was a blacksmith and lived in Whately, Mass. 48 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. ('hildrcn, born in Whately : I. Alice, b. Nov. 3, 1795 ; m. Horace Smith, b. Mar. 23, 1795. They had Adeline, Rufus and Aaron, then removed to Wisconsin. II. Clarissa, b. Oct. 20, 1797 ; m. Deane. 99. III. Rufus, b. Feb. 9, 1800. IV. Hannah, b. Aug. 24, 1803 ; m. Andrew I-amson. V. Aaron, b. Feb. 14, 1806 ; d. Aug. 29, 18 10. VI. Irene, b. Sept. 10, 1808; d. Nov. 17, 1810. VII. Irene, b. Apr. 23, 1809; m. Israel W. Hibbard, who resided in Whately, Mass., and had seven children. 49. James5 Scott, (James^, Benjamin-^ Joseph-^, William') b. abt. Oct. 19, 1776; ni. ; removed from Whately to Charlemont, Mass., about 1829. Children : I. James. II. Consider. III. Erastus. IV. Samuel. V. Hosea. VI. Miranda, and four others whose names are unknown to the writer. 50. Considers Scott, (James^, Benjamin-?, Joseph^, William') b. twin with James abt. Oct. 19, 1776; m. Amanda ; she d. July 18, 1823. He removed from Whately to Charlemont as soon as 1809, where he was town clerk from 18 14 to 1826. Children : I. Horace, b. Mar. i, 1806; d. young. II. William Keith, b. Feb. 9, 1808. in. James, b. Dec. 27, 1809. IV. Amanda, b. Sept. 10, 1811. V. Martin, b. Jan. 12, 1814. VI. Charles, b. Nov. 24, 181 5. VII. Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1S17. VIII. Horace, b. Apr. 6, 1819 ; d. Sept. 26, 1819. Children by second marriage : iX. Henry Dwight, b. Jan. 24, 1825. X. Louise, b. Aug. 28, 1827. 51. EleazerS Scott, (Ebenezer^, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^, William') b. in Vernon, Vt., Aug. 7, 1788; m. Nov. 10, 18 10, Sarah Strickland, DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 49 lOl. 11. I02. III. 103. IV. 104. V. 105. VI. dau. of William and Patience Wright Webster Strickland of Gill, Mass., b. May 30, 1787. He d. Sept. 6, 1823 ; she d. May 31, 1847. He lived and died on the Scott homestead in Vernon. He was a constable and tax collector in Vernon for many years, and he was a member of the Masonic fraternity. Children, born in Vernon, Vt. : 100. I. Orsamus Alonzo, b. Feb. 17, 1812. Elvira, b. Apr. 9, 1814. " ,t Eleazer Guernsey, b. Aug. 12, 18 15, Lucinda Elmina, b. Nov. 11, 1S17. Love Patience, b. Jan. 18, 18 19. Erasmus Alvah, b. Sept. 25, 182 1. 52. Rufus5 Scott, (Moses4, Capt, Moses^, Josiah-, William') b. Apr. 28, 1778; m. Polly Nichols. He removed from Bernardston, Mass., to Utica, N. Y., with his family. Children : I. Alvah, b. July 20, 1799 ; unm. ; d. Oct. 23, 1819, in Branford, Ct. 106. 11, Stephen Van Rensselaer, b. Mar. 31, 1801. III. Harriet, b. Feb. 18, 1803 ; m. Zenry Kelsey. IV. Lurancy, b. May 27, 1805 ; m. Truman Wood. V. Charlotte, b. May 27, 1807 ; m. Lyman Strickland. VI. Rufus Bradley, b. June 19, 1809; unm.; he removed to Watertown, N. Y., where he died. VII, Lavander. VIII. Lanson. These two last were in the Civil War with Hooker. IX. Lydia ; m. Keith. 53. Zorahs Scott, (Ehhu4, Capt. Moses^, Josiah-', William') b. July 5. 1793 ; ^- Apr. 4, 1 814, Abigail Orvis, b. Feb. 25, 1796, and d. Aug. 22, 1894 ; he d. Aug. 19, 1884. He spent his first days in Colrain, Mass, Children : I, Catherine Almira, b. Jan. 29, 1815 ; d. July 24, 1815, 107. 11. Henry Alonzo, b. Nov. 24, 181 6. 108. HI, Catherine M., b, July 16, 1819. IV. Almira Adeline, b. July 3, 1822 ; m. Edmund Cheeny. She was killed May 22, 1867 by Simeon Peck, who later was adjudged insane. 109. V. Zorah Lorenzo, b. Mar, 28, 1825. no. VI. Melitta P., b. Sept. 5, 1827. III. VII, James Morey, b, June 5, 1830. 5© DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 54. Henrys Scott, (Elihut, Capt. Moses^, Josiah^ William') b. in Bernardston, Mass., Oct. 2, 1796; m. Jan. 2, 1823, Margaret Pierce, b. in Rutland, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1803. He d. Apr. 7, 1862 ; she d. Jan. 20, 1873. "In 181 2 he was a member of Capt. David Strickland's company, Lt. Col. Longley's regiment of infantry militia stationed at Camp Commercial Point, Dorchester, going as a substitute for his brother Zorah. After the war, being then eighteen years old, he left home and went to Newport, N. Y., where he learned the carpenter's trade. About 1820 he came to Rutland, N. Y., and was engaged in building for some ten years. He pur- chased a farm near Black River, on which he lived until 1859. He then retired from active labor and moved to Watertown, purchasing a place on upper State street, where he continued to reside until his death. He took the premium offered by the agricultural society for the best kept farm on several occasions. The stone walls built by him upon his Rutland farm, five miles in length, are still standing. The Methodist church being the only one near him after he came to this county, he united with it and continued a faithful member through life. He was a trustee of the Methodist church at Black River, settled in 1845, and was assessor and commissioner of high- ways of the town of Rutland. In politics he was independent in early life, and was among the founders of the Republican party." * Children, b. in Rutland, N. Y. : 112. I. Emerancy, b. Dec. 7, 1823. 112^. II. Martha Ann, b. .'\pr. 10, 1825. 113. III. Sherman Wooster, b. Aug. 20, 1826. 114. IV. Charlotte Pierce, b. Mar. 16, 1830. 115. V. Ross Clark, b. Oct. 19, 1838. 55. Philenes Scott, (Elihu^, Capt. Moses^, J-osiah% William') b. in Bernardston, Mass., Aug. 21, 1798; m. Nov. 19, 1817, Charles Jarvis Newcombe, b. at Bernardston, Mass., April 29, 1790, and d. at Shakopee, Minn., Nov. 3, 1857 ; she d. there Jan. to, t88o. Children, the oldest b. in Deerfield, the others in Bernardston, Mass. : I. Charlotte .Augusta Newcombe, b. June 12, 1818. II. Emily A. Newcombe, b. Dec. 1, 1820; m. Sept. 5, 1 844, Jonathan Moore. •Genealogical and family history of the county of Jefferson, N. V. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 51 •. III. Charles Goodrich Newcombe, b. Aug. 10, 1823 ; m. Nov. 25, 1847, Jane Catherine Perkins ; he d. Aug. 16, 1876. ' ^ IV. Henry Clay Newcombe, b. Oct. 28, 1833 ; m. Nov. 25, 1858, Amelia C. Franklin. She d. 1867 ; he m. (2) Oct. 20, 1868, Esther Jane Cooley. He resides in Shakopee, Minn., where he is a dealer in agri- cultural machinery, etc. Child by ist marriage, Carrie May Newcombe, b. Apr. 9, 1862, d. Sept. 9, 1884. Children by 2d marriage: (i) Lois Ada Newcombe, b. Apr. 17, 1871, d. June 5, 1878 ; (2) Henry Clay Newcombe, b. Aug. 6, 1873, d. May 27j 1873; (3) Bertie Cooley Newcombe, b. Jan. 17, 1876, d. Jan. 6, 1879; (4) Edwin Henry Newcombe, b. Feb. 20, 1878; (5) Arthur Leander Newcombe, b. Mar, 2, 1881. V, Henrietta Maria Newcombe, b. Aug. 13, 1838; m. Apr. 23, 1857, Harlow Waller at Trenton, Wis. ; she d. at Hiawatha, Kan., Feb. 24, 1875. 56. RoxannaS Scott, (Elihu4, Capt. Moses^, Josiah^ William') b. in Bernardston, Mass., Oct. 16, 1800; m. Jan. 28, 1828, Andrew Middletown of Antwerp, N. Y., where both died. They had six children, of whom three were living in 1891, viz: James M., Margaret, and Betsey Middletown. 57. Emirancy ClymenaS Scott, (Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah% William') b. Oct. 6, 1803; m. Apr. 27, 1824, Zalmon Chapin of Bernardston. He was b. Jan. 18, 1798; d. Nov. 10, 1869; she d. Jan. 20, 1885. Children : I. Lanson Chapin, b. Mar. i, 1825; m. June i, 1854, Mrs. Patience Scott, widow of Zorah L. Scott. He d. Oct. 22, 1867; she d. Nov. 15, 1893. Their children were: Clarence, b. Sept. 27, 1855 ; John W., b. Jan. 28, 1859; Eliza, b. Apr. 15, 1861 ; Mariah, b. Feb. 2, 1865 ; Edgar, b. Oct. 5, 1867. II. David Chapin, b. Nov. 30, 1826; m. Maria Vincent; m. (2) Lucy Hale. He d. Sept. 28, 1904. III. John ChajDin, b. Nov. 4, 1828 ; d. Apr. 1869. IV. Philena Chapin, b. Feb. 21, 1831 ; m. May, 1869, Ira Whitman. She resides in Bernardston. V. Marietta Chapin, b. March 9, 1835 ; unm. ; resides in Bernardston. VI. Eliza L. Chapin, b. July 18, 1837 ; d. Sept. 19, 1849. 52 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOIT. 58. James Sullivan^ Scott, (Elihu-*, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^, William') b. Oct. 19, 1S07 ; m. first wife in 1834 ; she d. 1845 ; m. (2) 1847, Mary Bothwell. He removed from Massachusetts in 1823 to Jefferson Co., N. Y., and in 1850 went to DePere, Wis., where he was residing in 1891. Children : I. James Hurbert, b. Dec. 3, 1848. II. Henry Burnett, b. July 14, 1851 ; d. Aug. 20, 1863. 111. Mary P., b. Oct. 31, 1856. ' IV. Frank Leonard, b. Nov. 3, 1858. V, Charles Winfield, b. July 9, 1861. 59. Capt. Lemuels Scott, (Jonathan^, Jonathan-^, Richard-', William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Nov. 8, 1764; m. Apr. 25, 1784, Zurviah Branch, dau. of Rufus. He d. .'\pr. 4, 182 1 ; she d. Dec. 27, 1843. He inherited some land in Pownal, Vt., from his father's estate, which he sold Feb. 25, 1788 for ^142; this same year he went alone to Fletcher, Vt., took up a tract of land, erected a log house and barn, cleared some land, burning the timber as he cut it, sowed some grain among the stumps, and after securing it in the fall returned to his family at Bennington. The following winter he conveyed his wife and child on a sled drawn by a pair of steers to Fletcher, a distance of 160 miles from Burlington, then containing but three log cabins ; the course led through the forest a distance of 25 miles, with blazed trees for a guide. His wife had an inverted sugar tub for a seat, with a scanty list of articles with which to commence housekeej)ing in the new log house. The afore- mentioned sugar tub remained in the family for 75 years, and was annually filled with maple sugar. They arrived at their destination in safety and began life in earnest, and as Mr. Scott was the second settler in town the life of the family must have been a lonely one for several years. They had little furniture save what they could construct, and it is said their only table for some years was an inverted wash tub, on which was placed a plate containing the meat, from which each helped himself. Flax and wool were raised on the farm, from which was spun and woven the material to clothe the family. Mr. Scott was an industrious man, for besides carrying on his farm he soon added blacksmithing and shoemaking to his list of DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 53 industries, which he conducted to his own advantage as well as for the convenience of others. His children were proud of the fact that they were the possessors of a new pair of shoes each winter. Mr. Scott prospered and soon had a farm of several hundred acres, and in 1809 he bought 250 acres of land in Fairfax for $2500. In 1 80 1 he built the second framed house in Fletcher, which is still in a good state of preservation, and the old homestead remained in the family till recently. The town of Hetcher was organized Nov. 16, 1790, the first meetings being held in the log cabin of Mr. Scott; he was chosen moderator, and one of the first selectmen. In 1791 he was chosen town clerk, holding the office till 1809, also in 1809 and 1 8 10, in all 18 years; he also represented the town ten years, which illustrates the fact that he was held in high esteem by his townsmen. He received June 3, 1813, the commission of captain of the 7th Co. in the 2d Regt. Vermont militia. Children born in Fletcher, Vt., save the eldest : 116. I. Jonathan, b. in Bennington, Oct. 28, 1787. Lemuel, b. Jan. 4, 1790. Seth, b. Feb. 20, 1792. Levi, b. Aug. 12, 1794. Abigail, twin with Levi, b. Aug. 12, 1794. Anna, b. Aug. 12, 1797. Emily b. Apr. 9, 1801. Jefferson, b. Apr. 25, 1802. Wait, b. Feb. 4, 1805. 60. SaleneS Scott, (Jonathan^, Jonathan-^, Richard^ WiJliam') b. in pjennington, Vt., Dec. 25, 1765 ; m. 1782, Rev. Samuel Holmes, son of Samuel. She d. Sept. 1855 ; he d. in Cambridge, Vt., in 1813, at the age of 51 years. He was one of the earliest settlers in Cambridge, Vt., where he settled about 17S5 on a farm in the east part of the town still remaining in the Holmes family. In the spring of 1786 his wife went to join him, going by foot from West to East Cambridge, then a wilderness, finding her way by the aid of marked trees, carrying one child and leading the other, till she reached the new log home her husband had gone to prepare, which was located at the foot of Nursery Hill. Her husband became a Baptist minister and was often away from home. On one occasion during his absence the house caught fire from a defective chimney, but she succeeded in subduing the flames by water brought from a 117. II. 118. HI. 119. IV. 120. V. 121. VI. 122. VII. 123. VIIL 124. IX. 54 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. nearby spring. On another occasion in her husband's absence she went in search of the cows through a great body of woods and lost her way ; she finally sank exhausted upon a fallen log, thinking she must spend the night there ; but soon to her joy the house dog came bounding to her side and guided her home. These incidents show the hardships through which she passed in her early married life, but she lived to a good old age and had the happiness to be called blessed by her grandchildren. Children, the two oldest b. in Bennington, the others in Cambridge, I. Sally Holmes, b. Jan. 12, 1783; m. , Caleb Morgan. Their farm was a part of the Holmes farm. They had several children. She d. Mar. 8, 1858. H. Abigail Holmes, b. Jan. 18, 1785 ; m. , Augustus Young. They resided in St. Albans, Vt. ; had one child, Augusta; she d. Aug. 1864. HI. Anna Holmes, b. Dec. 23, 17S6 ; m. Elijah Brewster; she d. Nov. i, 1864; had five children, Solon, Horatio, Maria, Dorinda, Mary. IV. Theron Holmes, b. Mar. 14, 1789; d. 1872; m. Priscilla Collins. V. Levi Holmes, b. Feb. 15, 1791 ; ^- ^^^y 22, 1852. He was in the War of 181 2. He has a son, A. P. Holmes, now living in Grand Rapids, Mich. | VI. Emily Holmes, b. Dec. 22, 1792 ; d. Aug. i, 1794- 1 VII. William Holmes, b. May 8, 1795 ; m. Laura Philips and went to New York state ; d. May 26, 1S42. ] VIII. John Holmes, b. Oct. 23, 1797; m. Deborah Baker; 1 he d. July 22, 1S75. IX. Martin Holmes, b. Feb. 3, 1800 ; d. Jan. 12, 1802. X. Mary Holmes, b. Aug. 15, 1802; m. Amasa Thompson ; she d. Apr. 9, 1868. XI. Child unnamed, b. Jan. 28, 1804 ; d. May 2, 1S04. ^ XII. Amanda Holmes, b. Apr. 18, 1806 ; m. John Wires of j Cambridge; she d. 28, 1848. Xlll. Samuel Holmes, b. June 22, 1813; m. Lucy Walbridge; d. Jan. 31, 1882. Of his family there were living (1900) Helen (Mrs. Stevens) of Worces- ter, Mass.; Mary (Mrs. Hawes) of Portland, Or.; Josie E. (Mrs. Rice) of Millbury, Mass.; Eva M. (Mrs. Sibley) of Worcester, Mass. ; Martin D. of (keendale, Mass.; Lucy W. (Mrs. Young) Green- dale ; Clara B. (Mrs. Pierce) ; Arimintar (Mrs. A. C. Smith) of Hyde Park, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 55 61. MartinS Scott, (Jonathan^ Jonathan3, RicharcP, William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Dec. 22, 1768; m. Feb. 6, 1794, Mary, dau. of Major Samuel and Beulah (Fay) Billings. Mary Billings' father Samuel was the son of Samuel, (1698) who was the son of Samuel, (1665) who was the son of Samuel, (1638) who was the son of Richard (16 10) and Margery Billings, who were at Hartford, Ct., 1640. Beulah Fay, who married Maj. Samuel Billings, was the daughter of Capt. Steven Fay, (landlord of Catamount Tavern) who was the son of Capt. John Fay of Westboro, Mass., who was the son of John Fay of Marlboro, Mass., who came to America from England, embarking at Gravesend on the 30th day of May, 1656 on board of the vessel Speedwell, Robert Locke, master, arriving at Boston on the 27th of June. He first settled at Sudbury, Mass., but removed to Marlboro previous to 1669, where he d. Dec. 5, 1690. Beulah Fay was sister of Dr. Jones Fay, (Sec'y of Council of Safety) of John Fay, who was killed at the battle of Bennington, and also of Col. Joseph Fay, who was commissioned to visit General Washington and confer with him in relation to matters concerning the state. Martin Scott engaged in the coasting trade between New York and Charlestown, S. C, consisting largely in horses, marble, etc. On one of these trips in 1799 he was wrecked and picked up by a New London whaler ; this vessel in turn was also wrecked, and he was rescued by a schooner bound for the southern coast of South America for the purpose of procuring furs. Here the com- pany was dissolved, and he took passage with his portion of goods for Canton, China, where he remained for some time and adopted some of the customs of the country, at least so far as to wear the Chinese queue and dress. There he exchanged his goods for earthern ware, silks, teas, etc., and with them arrived in safety at his home in 1803 ; but he was so changed in appearance that at first he was not recognized by his family, who supposed him dead. Some of the curios which he brought from China are still in the possession of his grandsons, Olin and Franklin. He died in Charleston, S. C, in 181 2. Children, b. in Bennington, Vt. : L Safford, b. Nov, 17, 1794 ; d. Jan. — , 1795. 125. H. Mary, b. Sept. 23, 1796. 56 DESCENDANTS (H" WILLIAM SCOIT. 126. III. Emily, b. Sept. — , 1798. 127. IV. Martin Billings, b. June 25, 1804. 128. V. Ueulah, b. Nov. 3, 1806. 62. Capt. Levis Scott, (Jonathan', Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Dec. 17, 1772; m. May i, 1798, Silence Barney, dau. of Capt. Rufus Barney of Bennington, b. at Taunton, Mass., Oct. 20, 1781. He d. July 7. 1828, in Swanton, Vt. ; she d. Nov. 6, 1866. Soon after marriage he removed from Bennington to Swanton, Vt., in March, 1800, and in company with his brother-in-law, Lemuel Barney, started -a forge for the manu- facture of iron. After a few years he closed out his interest in the iron business and gave his attention to farming, in which he proved successful and accumulated a handsome property. His townsmen appreciated his ability and entrusted him with various town ofifices. He was in the battle of Plattsburg in 1814, and was known as Capt. Scott. The first sermon preached in Swanton was at his house, because some of the ruder element had made it uncomfortable to hold the service at the schoolhouse where the appointment had been made. Children : I. Asa Holgate, b. Aug., 1799 ; d. Sept. iSoo. n. Clara, b. Aug. 1801 ; d. Dec, 1802. 129. HL Bradford, b. Feb. 25, 1805. 63. Meletines Scott, (Jonathan-t, Jonathan^, Richard-, William') b. Oct. 24, 1772 ; m. , Jesse Downs, b. at Bennington, 177 i, d. 1818. Children : I. Lorenzo Downs, m. Lois Dunham. II. Levi Downs, m. Sophia Wheeler. III. Daniel Downs, m. Elizabeth Wolf. IV. Candace Downs, m. Boltwood Noble. V. Harriet Downs. VI. Jesse Downs, m. Delia Spencer. VII. Norman Downs, m. Wealthy Pratt. Vlll. Emeline Downs, m, Lemuel Morgan. IX. Martin Downs. 64. Abigails Scott, (Jonathan^ Jonathan-^, Richard^, William'), b. Sept. 3, 1779; m. Jan. 11, 1800, Samuel Bullard, b. in Barre, DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 57 Mass., Nov. 9, 1776; he d. in Swanton, Vt., Aug. 3, 1825. He imigrated to Swanton in 1800, and on the second farm which he bought there he erected a large stone house in 1819 and kept tavern there till his death. The place has since continued in the family. Children, b. in Swanton : 1. Charles BuUard, b. Oct. 18, 1801 ; m. and had a family ; he lived on his father's homestead ; d. Jan. 14, 1875. II. Nelson BuUard, b. May 10, 1804; m. and had five children. He kept hotel in Swanton for 30 years; d. Mar. 19, 1882. III. Henry Bullard, b. Nov. 25, 181 1; d. many years since. 65. IraS Scott, (Jonathan-t, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. Oct. iS, 1782 ; m. , 1806, Asenath Woodworth, b. in Thetford, Vt., Aug., 12, 1783. He d. at St. John's, Canada, July 10, 1832, of cholera; she d. June 25, 1875, ae. 93. Ira Scott was a farmer and speculator in stock of all kinds. He kept valuable horses for breeding, and is said to have imported into Vermont the first jack from England, for which he paid the then large sum of $500. He also had an interest in sending to Spain for a lot of fine-wooled merino sheep. They were very small and yielded but two pounds of wool, but of fine quality. In 1S27 he bought 40 Jersey heifers in Canada, but they did not prove very remunerative, as butter then commanded but seven cents per pound. Children : 130. I. Fanny, b. June 6, 1807. II. Sarah, b. Feb. 11, 181 1. III. Ira Safford, b. Feb. 7, 1813; m. Dec. 31, 1834, ; she d. Dec. 5, 1898. He lives (1900) at Pleasant Hill, Mo. IV. Martin, b. Jan. 22, 1815 ; d. in St. Louis, Mo., July, 184S. V. Charles A., b. Oct. 2, 1816; m. 1837, Mary Stickney. 131. VI. Julius D., b. Jan. 23, 182 1. VII. Mary, b. 1823. 132. VIII. Martha, b. Jan. 15, 1828. - 66. RufusS Scott, (Eleazer4, Reuben-S Richard^ William') b. in Montague, Mass., Apr. 26, 1778; m. July 30, 1797, Olive Childi en : 133- I. 134- 11. III. 135- IV. 136. V. 137- VI. 138. VII. 139- VIII. 140. IX. 141. X. 58 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Whitney. He d. June 25, 1834; she d. . He removed from Wendell, Mass., about 181 2 to Chautauqua county, N. Y., where he spent the remainder of his days and where he was one of the early settlers. Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1779, in Leverett, Mass. Christopher, b. June 5, t8oi. Martha, b. Apr. 1802 ; m. Eli Gates; no issue. Tirzah, b. July 16, 1803. Reuben, b. Dec. 2, 1807, in Wendall, Mass. Cynthia, b. Aug. 31, 1809. Abigail, b. about 181 1. Levina, b. Apr. 13, 1813, in Gerry, Chautauqua county, N. Y. Olive, b. Aug. 4, 1815. Laura, b. Nov. 23, 181 8, in Shumla, Chautauqua county, N. Y. XI. Patty; unm. ; d. young. 66i. Pollys Scott, (Eleazer4, Reuben's, Richard^, William') b. in Montague, Mass., Dec. 12, 1785 ; m. Dec. 29, 1808, Reuben Gates, b. in Stowe, Mass., July 29, 1783. He d. in Verona, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1853 ; she d. in Edgerton, Wis., Feb. 25, 1S72. Children : 1. Mary Gates, b. in Wendell, Mass., Nov. 8, 1810; d. 1832 in Verona, N. Y. II. Daniel Gates, b. in Wendell, Mass., Oct. 31, 1815 ; m. 1839, Laura Sedgwick; he d. 1898 in Iowa. Children: (i) George H. Gates, b. 1840 in Verona, N. Y., d. 1861 in Nashville, Tenn., a soldier in the Union army; (2) Frank A. Gates, b. in Verona in 1842, m. 1873, lives in Iowa; (3) Mary H. Gates, b. in Verona, N. Y., 1845, ^^'^- 1866, T. F. Waste ; (4) Charles S. Gates, b. in Verona 1848, d. 1850; (5) Alice 1. Gates, b. 1850 in Verona, m. 1870, T. O. Hoover, she d. in Iowa 1879; (6) Martha A. Gates, b. 1853 in Verona, d. 1853 ; (7) Julia F. Gates, b. in Verona 1856, d. 1857 ; (8) Henry W. Gates, b. in Wisconsin 1859, now of Montana; (9) Eugene T. Gates, b. in Iowa 1862, d. 1897 in Fayette, Iowa. III. Martin Gates, b. Sept. 30, 1816 in Wendell, Mass., m. 1847, Louise Owen, who d. 1849 ! ^^ m. (2) 1852, Adelia Ayres, b. 1828, d. 1892. He removed from Mrs. Polly (Scott) Gates. Martin Gates. Sylvia Gates. -^' . 4*^ Mrs. Martha (Gates) Matteson. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 59 New England to Wisconsin in 1853, where he was engaged in farming and where he d. Aug. 12, 1884, a respected and esteemed citizen. Children: (i) Josephine L. Gates, b. 1848, m. 1869, D.L.Horner; (2) Mary E.Gates, b. 1854, m. 1883, B. D. Vaughn, she d. April 21, 1905 ; (3) Sylvia Gates, b. 1856, m. 187S, J. E. Westcott, now of Albion, Wis. ; (4) Clara Gates, b. 1866, m. 1891, H. C. Green of Albion, Wis. IV. Sylvia Gates, b. Aug. 29, 1820, in Verona, N. Y., now (1906) living in West Mitchell, Iowa. She has kindly furnished the data of the Gates family for this work. V. Martha Gates, b. in Verona, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1823; m. i860, Andrew Matteson ; she d. 1881 in Carrolton, Wash. Their children were: (i) Belle Matteson, b. 1861, m. 1882, d. 1887 in Port- land, Oregon; (2) Alfred Matteson, b. 1866, d. 1886 in Carrolton, Wash. Children of Frank A. Gates, son of David : ( i ) George Gates, b. 1873, d. 1875 in Iowa; (2) Alice Gates, b. 1876; (3) Susie Gates, b. 1879, both living in West Winon, Iowa. Children of T. F. and May H. (Gates) Waste (she dau. of Daniel Gates) : (i) Mason S. C. Waste, b. 1867, d. 1871 ; Ethel Waste, b. 1870, m. 1899; (3) Bessie G. Waste, b. 1882; (4) Sylvia F. Waste, b. 1885 ; the three last now living in Fayette, Iowa. Children of D. L. and Josephine L. (Gates) Horner (she dau. of Martin Gates) : (i) Efifie B. Horner, b. 1872, m. 1896, Mr. Coon; child, Rachel F. Coon, b. 1897; (2) Emma M. Horner, b. 1877, m. 1893, Mr. Wilson; children: Glenn Wilson, b. 1896; Beryl Wilson, b. 1899; (3) Daniel M. Horner, b. 1879; (4) Frank G. Horner, b. 1882, d. 1891. Children of B. D. and Mary E. (Gates) Vaughn (she dau. of Martin Gates) : (i) Frank Vaughn, b. 1889; (2) Gladys Vaughn, b. 1892. Children of J. E. and Sylvia (Gates) Wescott (she dau. of Martin Gates) : (i) Earl Wescott, b. 1880; (2) Grace Wescott, b. 1883; (3) Harry Wescott, b. 1885 ; (4) Nellie Wescott, b. 1887, d. 1888 ; (5) Hay Wescott, b. 1889; (6) Hazel Wescott, b. 1891 ; (7) Clara Wescott, b. 1893; (8) Laura Wescott, b. 1897; (9) Alfred Wescott, b. 1899 ; ''^ll living in Albion, Wis. Children of H. C. and Clara (Gates) Green, (she dau. of Martin 6o DESCENDANTS OF WILLUM SCOTT. Gates) : (i) Wayland Green, b. 1893 ; (2) Sidney Green, b. 1896; (3) Wallan Green, b. 1900; all living in Albion, Wis. 66A. Patty"; Scott, (Eleazer4, Reuben-^ Richard^ William') b. in ^Montague, Mass., Apr. 27, 1788; m. Feb. 5, 1812, Hezekiah Holton, b. in Northfield, Mass., June 13, 1777. He d. Aug. 23, 1848; she d. May 2, 1856. He was the son of Elijahs, SamueH, William-^, John^, William', the emigrant b. in England in 161 1 and came to New England in 1634. Children b. in Northfield, Mass. : 1. Quartus Holton, b. June 28, 1813; m. Jan. 2, 1837, Mary Ann Beetman, b. July 28, 1814. He resided in Fitchburg, Mass., where he d. Mar. 11, 1891 ; she d. Oct. 21, 1 89 2. They had five daughters, three of whom died in childhood. Helen F. Holton m. John Carpenter of Fitchburg; she d. soon, leaving two sons, Edwin H. Carpenter and Frank A. Carpenter, who live in Fitchburg. The other surviving daughter, Maria A. Holton, married Frank Alvord of Fitchburg and died leaving no issue. II. Henry Heath Holton, b. Aug. 4, 1815; m. Sept. 22, 1840, Diantha L., dau. of Lewis Austin, b. in Erving, Mass., Mar. 27, 1816. She d. Jan. 27, 1885; he d. in Montague, Mass., Oct. 30, 1891. He resided nearly all his life in Erving, where he was a selectman and assessor for many years. Children, b. in Erving, xMass. : (i) Emma D. Holton, died in infancy; (2) Seba Austin Holton, b. Aug. 30, 1847, m. July 10, 1877, Grace L., dau. of Capt. Obed Pierce of Falmouth, Mass., b. May 18, 1856; Mr. Holton is an honored graduate of Dartmouth College, was principal of Lawrence Academy in Falmouth 1881 — 1891 ; represented the First Barnstable district in the General Court 1 896-98 ; he is a resident of Falmouth, Mass. ; Mrs. Holton has traced her ancestry from Richard and Katherine (Marbury) Scott of Rhode Island, as follows : (2) Mary Scott m. Christopher Holden ; (3) Mary Holden m. Peleg Slocum ; (4) Holden Slocum m. Rebecca Almy ; (5) Polly Slocum m. Amy Russell; (6) Alice Slocum m. William Allen; (7) I'^liphal Allen m. Pardon Pierce; (8) Capt. Obed Pierce m. Eliza Lawrence ; (9) Grace L. Pierce m. Seba A. Holton. She is also descended Seba Austin Holton. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOIT. 6 1 from George Allen of Sandwich through her grand- mother, Eliphal' Allen, (William'^, EbenezerS, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer3, Ralph^, George'). The only child of S. A. and G. L. Holton is Edith Austin Holton, b. in Wayland, Mass., Jan. 27, 1881, who is now a teacher in Attleboro, Mass. (3) Frank H, Holton, b. Mar. i, 1S52 ; m. 1876 Inez E., dau. of Willard Fleming of Wendell, Mass. ; they have one son, Henry W. Holton, b. in Erving, Jan. 29, 1883 ; (4) Wellington S. Holton, d. in infancy. HI. Samuel Severence Holton, b. Nov. 16, 1818; m. Dec. 24, 1844 Samantha N., dau. of Martin Grant of Montague, b. Feb. 21, 1S24. He represented Northfield, Mass., in the General Court in 1856. He d. in Fitchburg, Mass., Mar. 24, 1901. His wife still lives there. No children. IV. Experience R. Holton, b. July 19, 1S22 ; m. James Moore of Erving, Mass., b. Sept. 15, 1820; d. June 7, 1869; she d. Sept. 23, 1848. Children: (i) Son, d. in infancy; (2) James M. Moore, m. Anna Lawrence, went South; (3) Edward Moore, m. Laura Sawyer, was a soldier in the Union army, imprisoned at Andersonville and suffered to that extent that he died a few years later ; (4) Clarence R. Moore, removed to New York. V. Mary S. Holton, b. Mar. 12, 1832; m. Sept. 1853, Hiram S. Foster of Athol, b. July 12, 1821 ; d. Mar. 22, 1895 ; she d. ; had one son, Edward T. Foster. 67. Martins Scott, (EleazerS Reuben3, Richard^, William') b. Nov. 9, 1790 ; m. Apr. 27, 18(9, Lydia Bartlett, b. Mar. 30, 1797, d. Jan. 10, 1837 ; m. (2) Apr. 4, 1838, Ruth Holton. She d. Nov. 21, 1869; he d. Nov. 10, 1840. Children : 142. I. Leonard, b. Jan. 7, 1820. II. Electa, M., b. July 2, 1824 ; d. Sept. 23, 1826. 143. III. Martha E., b. July 22, 1829. IV. Dexter, b. Aug. 23, r834; unm ; d. Nov. 26, 1S64. 68. EleazerS Scott, (Eleazer^, Reuben3, Richard-, William') b. in Wendell, Mass., Apr. 26, 1795 ; m. Oct. 19, 1S25, Meletiah H. Grover, b. Nov. 29, 1805 ; she d. Dec. 29, 1842. He m. (2) 62 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOT!'. Dec. 14, 1S43, Lousia Richardson. He d. in Montague, Sept. 20, 1886. Children : I, Lucretia Maria, 1). July 35, 1S26 ; d. July 18, 1829. 11. Harriet Marilla, b. July 30, 183 1 ; m. Jan. 24, 1850, Benjamin Davis. She d. Apr. 11, 1863 ; had seven children, four sons and three daughters. HI. Christopher, b. Dec. 23, 1832 ; m. Dec. 25, 1S60, Paulina Booth ; he d. Mar. 22, 1880; no issue. 144. IV. Edward Everett, b. Oct. 27, 1835. 69. Samuels Scott, (Phineas^, Samuel3, William-, William') b. in Bennington, 1778 ; m. Lucretia Harmon, b. 1778. She d. Oct. 10, 1832 ; he d. Feb. 17, 1844. He lived and died in Bennington, Vt. Children : I. Rhoda Ann, b. July 20, 1807 ; m. Jay S. Canfield of Sharon, Ct. ; she d. May 11, 1877. H. Martin Kinsley, b. Jan. 2, 1809 ; d. Feb. 26, 1S81. HI. Lucretia Harmon, b. Jan. 30, 181 1 ; unm. ; d. Aug. 21, 1878. 145. IV. Samuel Squires, b. April 4, 1813. 70. Betseys Scott, (Phineasi, Samuel^, William-, William') b. in Bennington, Vt. ; m. Bingham. Their son, Hon. Kingsley Scott Bingham, was governor of Michigan and U. S. Senator from that State. 71. Col. Martins Scott, (Phineas4, Samuel^, William-, William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Jan. 17, 1788 ; m. 1840, Lavinia McCracken. He d. in Mexico Sept. 8, 1847; she d. about 1850, being lost on the steamer Arctic ; no issue. The following account of Col, Scott is taken from Heminway's Vermont : " His youth was spent on his father's farm, during which he received only a common school education. He was fond of hunt- ing from his boyhood, and in early life became an expert and noted marksman. He was always accustomed to aim at the head of game, and considered it disgraceful to make a wound in the body. He would drive a nail into a board part way with a hammer, and then taking the farthest distance at which his eye could distinctly see it, drive it home with his unerring bullet. His skill with his rifle was such that he was excluded from the common sport of turkey shoot- ing, no owner of a turkey being willing to risk his shot for anything less than the value of the bird. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 63 " In April, 1814 he was appointed second lieutenant in the army ; became captain in 1828, and afterwards rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, always sustaining the character of a brave and active ofificer. From about 1820 he was for 12 or 15 years stationed at Green Bay, Prairie du Chien, and other military posts on the Western frontier. Here he had great opportunity for indulging in his favorite amusement, and became famous in all that region for his extraordinary success in the pursuit of game. " Like all hunters from Nimrod down, he was fond of relating his field adventures, which he often did to the great entertainment of his hearers. One of his stories must be related here, though it loses most of its interest in attempting to put it on paper : He said that many of the wild animals throughout the forest he frequented had become so well acquainted with his skill as a marksman that they would surrender on being introduced to him without requiring any waste of powder, and this was particularly the case with racoons. When he drew near one on a tree, he would hallo to it, " Coon, come down," to which the animal would say, " Who is it that's calling me?" His answer would be, "I am Martin Scott." "What?" the coon would enquire, "Captain Martin Scott of the Army?" "Yes," would be the answer. "Well, Captain Scott," says the conquered animal, "you needn't fire. I am a gone coon and may as well come down," and down he would come at once. " Col. Scott lost his life in the Mexican war at the sanguinary battle of Moleno del Rey, and his remains were brought to Benning- ton and interred in the old Center burying ground beside those of his family relatives. A neat marble column has been placed over his grave with the following inscription, which is but a just tribute to his memory : "Col. Martin Scott, bom in Bennington, Jan. 17, 178S. Killed in Mexico, Sept. 8, 1847. "Brevet Lt. Col. of the 5th Regt. of Infantry; was ^2 years in the service of his country on the Western frontier, in Florida, in Mexico, at the battle of Palo Alto, Rescla de la Palma, Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cherubusco, and was killed at Moleno del Rey. " He commanded his regt. in nearly all these engagements and received two brevets for gallant conduct. No braver or better officer fell in the Mexican War." 72. HiramS W. Scott, (Phineas4, Samuels, William^ William') b. Mar. 5, 1795 ; m. Dec. 20, 1815, Roena Babbett. He d. Jan. i, 1882 ; she d. Nov. 19, 1858. Children, b. in Bennington : I. Jane R., b. Feb. 25, 181 7 ; m. Apr. 19, 1842, James H. Wallace of Hoosick, N. Y. She d. 1858. 64 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 146. II. Edwin M., b. Sept. 23, 1818. 147. III. Julius O., b. Sept. 17, 1820. IV. Kinsley, b. Sept. 6, 1835 ; m. Sarah Elizabeth Sinsabaugh ; no issue; he d. 1889. 73. Henrys Scott, (Phineas4, Samuel^, William-^, William') b. Oct. 3, 179S; m. Jan. i, 1S32, Mary Ann Frye. He d. July 5, 1882 ; she d. Nov. 3, 1882. Children, b. in Bennington, where they reside : I. Ella Clarissa, b. Nov. 2, 1832 ; unni. II. Margaret Davitt, b. June 8, 1835 ; unm. III. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 14, 1S44 ; unm. IV. John Martin, b. June 3, 1848; m. Nov. 8, 1876, Adah E. Scott, dau. of Julius O. Scott, b. May 26, 1853. Two children were born to them, d. young. 74. MaryS Scott, (Phineas+, Samuel^, William-, William') b. 1803 ; m. Capt. Ira Hawks ; she d. Mar. 29, 1863. Children : I. Mary Hawks, m. John Rogers. II. Rhoda Hawks. III. Alden Hawks. 75. JustinS Scott, (Capt. Davids, David-?, Joseph-, William') bapt. Feb. 1772 ; m. Lydia Frary, dau. of Elisha of Whately, Mass., b. Sept. 17, 1773; he m. (2) Sarah. He d. Feb. 8, 1827. He settled in Phelps, N. Y., where he is buried. He probably had sev- eral children, but we have found the record of one only : Mary, d. Feb. 12, , ae. 23 ds. 76. Daniels Scott, (Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^ William') b. in Whately, Mass., July 28, 1774; m. , Roxa E. Smith, (Pauls, Rev. Elisha^, Jonathan-?, Philip^, Samuel') b. May 2, 1779 in Whately. He d. in Plymouth, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1865 ; she d. there Dec. I, 1856. He was a carpenter and farmer in Plymouth, N. Y., where he settled in 181 2. Children : 148. I. Horace, b. Jan. 12, 1798. 149. II. Merrick, b. iSoo. III. Roxa, b. 1802; m. Harry Bacon; both dead; had one child, Louise, who. m. ; is also dead; had three children : Wells, Dan and Ira. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 65 150. IV. Asa, b. in Sharon, N. Y., Sept. lo, 1804. 151. V. Walter, b. Sept. 23, 1806. VI. Pauline, b. Sept., 1808; m. Ralza A. Crumb. She d. abt. 1899. They had Amelia and Roxa, both d. unm ; and an adopted son, Frank, who resides in South Plymouth, N. Y. VII. Eliza, b. abt. 1810; m. Hiram Bliven and had John, Perry and Charles. 152. VIII. Jay Monroe, b. Oct. 12, 1S23. 77. CharlesS Scott, (Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^ William") b. Nov. 7, 1780; m. Hannah Frary, b. 1782, dau. of Elisha. He m. (2) Phebe Brown, b. 1782, d. Apr. 16, 1854. He d. May 2, 1868. He settled in Phelps, N. Y. Children : I. Champion, b. Sept. 20, 1800; m. ; he d. Oct. 7, 1747. He had Phebe, d. Aug. 13, 1S47, ^e. 12 yrs., 6 mos., 13 ds. ; probably others of whom we have no record. II. Amanda, b. Sept. 16, 1802. Ill, Hannah, b. Sept. 18, 1804. IV. Lucy H., b. 1806; m. Daniel Scott and d. Apr. 27, 1854, ae. 48. V. Olive, b. Apr. 27, 1807 ; m. Joshua Porter, b. in Conway, Mass., Feb. 27, 1804, d. in Phelps Sept. 8, 1894. Their children were Nathan W., Hannah, Sylvester, Delia. VI. Matilda, b. Aug. 18, 1809. VII. David, b. Nov. 16, 181 1; m. ; d. in Phelps July 4, 1888. His son Adonijah enlisted in Co. H., 3d N. Y. Vols., Sept. 7, 1864. He was killed Apr. 2, 1865, before Petersburg. After the war his remains were brought back and interred in the Phelps cemetery; age 31 yrs., 8 ms., 15 ds. There were probably other children. VIII. Aurilla, b. Feb. 22, 1814. IX. Marion, b. Oct. 17, 1 816. X. Philothete, b. May 31, 1819. XI. Alsine, b. June i, 1821. 78. Olives Scott, (Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^ William') b. Nov. 25, 1785; m. Dec. 27, 1804, Chauncey Crittendon. He d. Nov. 6, 1861; she d. Sept. 25, 1875. He went with his father, 66 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Osee Crittendon, to Phelps, N. Y., in 1795. He afterwards went to Rochester, N. Y. Children : I. Luther G. Crittendon, b. Dec. 15, 1805 ; m. Oct. 26, 1826, Pamelia Harris; he d. Aug. 28, 1868. n. Elvira Crittendon, b. Mar, 18, 1807; m. Jan. 27, 1824, Eber Sherwood. She was living in 1891 at the age of 84. HI. Austin Crittendon, b. Aug. 12, 1808; m. Mar. 3, 1830, Sarah Warrant. He d. Mar. 21, 1880; she d. Apr. 20, 1888, ae. 77. IV. Julia Ann Crittendon, b. Feb. 20, 1810; m. , was living in 1891 at the age of 81. V. Maria Crittendon, b. Aug. 20, 1812; m. May 20, 1830, John Gray. She d. June 22, 1S88; he d. Oct. 9, 1878, ae. 78. VI. Olive Crittendon, b. Mar. 21, 1814 ; d. young. VH. William Wallace Crittendon, b. Jan. 5, 1816. 79. Esthers Scott, (Capt. Davids David^, Joseph^ William') b. May 31, 179 1 ; m. Apr. 4, 181 1, Justin Bardwell, son of Noah and Lucy (Wait) Bardwell, b. Apr. 30, 1790. She d. Apr. 7, 1872 ; he d. Sept. 29, 1826. He resided in Whately, Mass. Children : L Son, unnamed, b. Apr. 17, 181 2 ; d. same day. H. Sophia Bardwell, b. June 10, 1814; m. July 3, 1834, Harvey Moore; she d. Dec. 22, 1885. Children: (i) Lucy, b. Oct. 19, 1834, m. July 24, 1855, John W. Field; he d. May 6, 1S64; she m. (2) Jan. 4, 1871, Theodore Beadsley ; (2) Levi, b. Oct. 25, 1S36, m. Nov. 27, 1856, Ellen C. Howe; he d. Apr. 21, 1870; (3) George W., b. Feb. 10, 1842, d. Feb. I, 1846 ; (4) George W., b. Dec. 22, 1846, m. Feb. 14, i866, Lauryett Bardwell. HI. Hannah Bardwell, b. Aug. 17, 181 6. IV. Sarah Bardwell, twin with Hannah, d. Sept. 12, 1816. V. Edwin Bardwell, b. Aug. 18, 1819; m. Aug. 13, 1846, Artemisa A. Munson ; he d. Sept. 20, 1884. Children: (i) Emma Josephine, b. Mar. 14, 1850, m. Dec. 31, 1868, James Bardwell, b. Sept. 2, 1845 ; he d. Oct. 2, 1870, she m. (2) May 22, 1872, Darius Bradford, b. Oct. 4, 1845; (2) Charles Edwin, b. July 9, 1854, m. Sept. 11, 1876, Ida C. Field, b. Jan. 28, 1858. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 6^ VI. Charles Bardwell, b. June 2, 1822 ; d. Apr. 7, 1823. VII. Olive Bardwell, b. Sept. 20, 1824; d. Aug. 17, 1848. 80. Davids Scott, (Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^ William') b. in Williamsburg, Mass., Feb. 23, 1793 ; m. Jan. 9, 181 7, Experience, dau. of Capt. Nathan Ames of Whately, b. Nov. 20, 1797, d. Feb. 25, 1857 ; he d. Sept. 17, 1848 in Williamsburg, Mass., on the farm where he was born and always lived. Children, b. in WilHamsburg, Mass. : I. Sarah, b. Apr. 23, 1818, d. same day. ' II. Minerva, twin with Sarah, b. Apr. 23, 1818; d. same day. 153. III. Christina, b. Jan. 6, 1819. IV. Lyman, b. Apr. 27, 1820; d. Mar. to, 1851. 154. V. Minerva, b. Dec. 26, 1821. VI. John F., b. June 20, 1824; unm. ; resides in Whately. 155. VII. Justin, b. Aug. 26, 1826. 156. VIII. Sarah, b. Oct. 28, 1828. 157. IX. David, b. Aug. 28, 1832. 81. Sarahs Scott, (Capt. David^, David^, Joseph^ William'), b. July II, 1795 ; m. Edward Ruddock. Children : I. David Ruddock, lived in New London, married and had two children, and died there. II. Eli Ruddock, m. Tamer Wood. Had two children : (i) Christina, m. Allen C. Cooley ; (2) Charles, d. young, m. (2) Ellen Jones, had one child, Mamie, m. Eugene Rose. 82. Sophias Scott, (Capt. David4, Davids, Joseph^ William') b. Aug. II, 1798; m. Aug. 22, 1822, Spencer Bardwell, son of Orange, b. Dec. 19, 1796. Children : I. Electa Bardwell, b. June 27, 1823 ; m. Horace McKinney i d. Aug. 24, 1850. 11. Alvin O. Bardwell, b. Oct. 22, 1824; d. Mar. 8, 1864. III. Sarah E. Bardwell, b. May 27, 1826 ; d. June 13, 1840. IV. Jenette C. Bardwell, b. June 25, 1829; m. Sept. 17, 1848, William A. Nash. Children : (i) William W. Nash, b. Apr. 20, 1852, m. May 3, 1875, Annie Forsyth; (2) Charles S. Nash, b. Apr. 28, 1857, m. Oct. 19, 1 88 1, Lizzie M. Dole. 68 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT, V. Esther M. Bardwell, b. Feb. 26, 1831 ; m. Oct. 12, 1859, as 2d wife, Bernard Hastings ; he d. June 11, 1 89 1. Children: (i) Ada S. Hastings, b. June 8, 1862, m. Sept. 23, 1885, George VV. Fry; (2) Nettie M. Hastings, b. Dec. 12, 1863, m. July 26, 1888, Wallace 1. Bond. VI. Fannie VV. Bardwell, b. Mar. 5, 18;^;^ ; m. David Scott, son of David5 ; she d. Oct. 3, 1880. VH. Charles S. Bardwell, b. Aug. 5, 1835 ; d. Oct. 6, 1864. VHI. Orange Bardwell, b. Mar. 31, 1837 ; d. same day. IX. Euphamie Bardwell, twin with Orange, b. Mar. 31, ^ 1837; d. Apr. 2, 1837. X. Francis G. Bardwell, b. July 13, 1842; m. Oct. 27, 1864, Martha E. Morse. Children: (i) Charles A. Bardwell, b. Oct. 19, 1865 ; m. Oct. 19, 1886, Martha E. Vining; (2) Frank O. Bardwell, b. Aug. 4, 1S67; (3) Daniel S. Bardwell, b. Mar. 5, 1869, m. May 24, 1890, Alma Dale; (4) James S. Bardwell, b. Dec. 4, 1870; (5) Frederic J. Bard- well, b. Sept. 27, 1873 ; (6) Martha S. Bardwell, b. Sept. 10, 1876, d. Mar. 29, 1877 ; (7) Robert H. Bardwell, b. Mar. 14, 1880; (8) Albert M. Bardwell, b. Aug. 10, 1883. 83. Abel5 Scott, (Abel4, Davids, Joseph^ VVilHam') b. Oct. 7, 178S, in VVhately, Mass.; m. Nov. 20, 1823, Paeisatis Harding, dau. of Abijah. He d. Sept. 10, 1841 ; she d. Feb. 26, 1873. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. : 158. 1. AdaUne, b. Dec. 4, 1825. 159. 11. Ambrose, b. Dec. 10, 182S. 84. Judiths Scott, (AbeH, David3, Joseph^ WiUiam') b. July 17, 1790; m. Apr. 19, 1810, Oliver Dickenson, son of Samuel, b. Oct. 23, 1782; he (1. Feb. 11, 1852. Children : 1. Orrin Dickenson, b. Nov. 20, 18 11 ; m. Dec. 19, 1838, Amanda M. Aldrich. He d. Nov. i, 1856; she d. May 17, 1878. "II. Dwight Dickenson, b. Sept. 12, 1814; d. Dec. 16, 1848; unm. III. Mary Ann Dickenson, b. Aug. 7, 1816; d. May 25, I S46 ; unm. IV. Oliver Dickenson. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 69 85. Pollys Scott, (Selah4, David3, Joseph^ William') b. May 24, 1784; m. Nov. 9, 1813, Daniel Dickenson, son of Gideon, b. Aug. 28, 1778; d. Nov. 4, 1830; she d. Sept. 7, 1859; resided in Whately, Mass. Children : I. Dennis Dickenson, b. 1814. 11. Electa Dickenson, b. July 30, 1816; m. Apr. 16, 1835, Jerre Graves. III. Elvira Dickenson, b. May 28, 1818; d. young. IV. Rufus Dickenson, b. Aug. 28, 1819. V. Elvira Dickenson, b. Aug. 28, 1821 ; m. Apr. 7, 1841, Elliot A. Allis, b. Feb. 13, 1816; she d. Aug. 25, 1861. VI. Esther Dickenson, b. Nov. 7, 1823; m. Thomas L. Allis. VII. Daniel Dickinson, b. July 10, 1826. 86. Sarahs Scott, (Selah*, Davids, Joseph% William') b. Sept. 29, 1 791 ; m. Dec. 23, 1819, Cotton Crafts, son of Reuben, b. July 27, 1788, d. May 29, 1843 ; resided in Whately, Mass. ; she d. July 27, 1883. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. : I. George Washington Crafts, b. June 2, 1821. II. Henry Clinton Crafts, b. Nov. 20, 1823 ; d. May 24, 1831. III. Amanda Melvina Crafts, b. Mar. 18, 1826; m. June I, 1850, Daniel Dickinson, son of Daniel, b. July 10, 1S26. VI. Asa Jackson Crafts, b. Aug. 30, 1S29. 87. Horaces Scott, (Selah4, David-% Joseph^, William') b. June 30, 1799, m. Dec. 23, 1819, Matilda Graves, dau. of Israels, (Israeb, Nathaniels, John^ Thomas') b. P'eb. 2, 1796; he d. Jan. 8, 1865 ; resided in Whately. Children : I. Charlotte, b. Oct., 1820; m. Bernard Hastings. II. Martha S., b. Oct. 7, 1826 ; m. Trowbridge Smith. 160. III. Luther G., b. July 5, 1824. 161. IV. Harrison G., b. July 6, 1828. 162. V. Mary Ann, b. July 15, 1833. 70 , DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCO'lT. 88. Pattys Scott, (Phineas^ David3, Joseph^ William') b. Dec. 29, 1779 ; '^- ^"^b. 28. 1799, Thomas Pixley of Hawley, Mass. Children, b. in Hawley : 1. Electa Pixley, b. Aug. 21, 1799. II. Noah Pixley, b. Jan 17, 1801. III. Sophronia Pixley, b. June 24, 1803. 89. PhineasS Scott, (Phineas^, David^, Joseph-, William') b. in /Hawley, Mass., Oct. 17, 1784; m. , Electa Harmon, dau. of / Elijah; he d. Oct. 8, 1809. Child: . ' ' Rosina, b. June 16, 1808 ; m. Milo T. Carter of Haw- ley ; she d. Mar. 19, 1857. ^■"^O. Reubens Scott, (Phineas^, David-5, Joseph^, William') b. in / Hawley, Mass., April 11, 1791 ; m. July 23, 1812, Electa, widow of / his brother Phineas Scott. He d. Dec. 26, 1876 ; she d. July 24, 1863. Children : I. Martha, b. Feb. 9. 1813 ; m. Oct. 22, 1336, Lewis Cobb. 163. II. Phineas, b. Sept. 19, 1815. 164. III. Elijah Harmon, b. Jan. 10, 1819. IV. Sophronia, b. Aug. 29, 1820; d. June 10, 1826. 165. V. Reuben, b. Mar. 18, 1823. 166. VI. Lucius, b. May 26, 1825. 167. VII. Edwin, b. Mar. 29, 1827. VIII. Sophronia Electa, b. Jan. 12, 1829 ; d. Jan. 12, 1831. IX. Irene West, b. May 11, 1832 ; m. Sept. 1855, William Fuller of Ashf^eld. She d. May 11, 1888 ; no ch. 91. LutherS Scott, (Phineas*, Davids, Joseph^ William') b. in Hawley, Aug. 22, 1798; m. Apr. 10, 1828, Rebecca Harmon, dau. of Dea. Elijah. He d. Sept. 17, 18S5; she d. Jan. 5, 1S67. He resided all his life in Hawley. Children, b. in Hawley : Samuel Bridgman, b. Oct. 9, 1828. Melissa, b. Mar. 10, 1830. Thaxter, b. Mar. 31, 1831. Olive, b. June 6, 1832 ; unm. ; d. Apr. 30, 1856. Ruth, b. Nov. 20, 1835 ; unm.; d. Apr. 26, 1856. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1838 ; d. Oct. 27, 1839. 168. I. 169. II. 170. 111. IV. V. VI. Lebbeus Scott. Mrs. Martha A. (Miller) Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 7 I 92. ThaddeusS Scott, (Ebenezer4, Josephs, Joseph', WllHam') b. June 14, 1785 ; m. May 20, 1811, Rachel Doty, b. in Leverctt, Mass., July 2, 1785, descended from Edward Doty of the Mayflower. He d. Aug. II, 1836 ; she d. July 20, 1873. Children : I. Gad, b. Sept. 17, 1812; m. Caroline Smith, b. July 1818; d. Oct. 25, 1872; m. (2) Lucy Reed; he d. Nov. 15, 1887 ; no issue. II. James, b. Oct. 26, 1814; m. Nov. 29, 1838, Lucy Scott, dau. of Aretas Scott, b. Nov. 14, 1820, d. Aug. 25, 1874 ; he d. Aug. 19, 1881 ; no children. III. Elizabeth Doty, b. Dec. 10, 1815 ; m. Dec. 3, 1835, Horace Avery Wright, b. June, 1808, d. Dec. i, 1889; she d. July 21, 1883. Had one dau., now Mrs. Delas Gibson of North Camden, Ohio. 171. IV. Caroline Eastman, b. Sept. 16, 1819. 172. V. Almira, b. Aug. 11, 1821. VI. Alpheus, b. Oct. 14, 1824 ; m. abt. 1845, Julia Russell ; he d. Apr. 15, 1877. He had ten children ; having been unable to get any response from them, cannot give record. VII. Lebbeus, b. in Hatfield, Mass., Oct. 14, 1824, twin with Alpheus; m. Jan. 3, 1850, Martha Aurelia Miller, b. Mar 20, 1824 ; he d. at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 7, 1898 ; no children. Mrs. Scott is quietly spending her declining years surrounded by appre- ciative friends at her home in Pittsfield. The following sketch of Mr. Scott is gleaned from the Pittsfield Saturday Blade : " His early life was spent on a farm and his education was in the schools of his town and at the Amherst Academy. He taught school winters, beginning at the age of 18, and worked on the farm summers, according to the custom of that time. This he continued until 1849. He went to New Jersey and took charge of an academy there, which ranked about the same as our grammar schools. He was a natural teacher and his pupils loved him. Returning to Massachusetts, he was engaged for one season in managing the track-laying and bridge building of the Rutland and Washington R. R., and also worked on the Keene railroad in about the same capacity. "Returning again to Springfield he had charge of the first evening school in that city and the first evening school for adults in Western Massachusetts. He also taught for some time in one of the grammar schools of that city with signal success. This was in the spring of 1851, and he remained there for three years, and in the 72 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. evening school for four years. In 1S54 Mr. Scott began an employ- ment with the Thompson & Co. Express Company, and ran on the road as messenger between Keene, N. H., and Springfield until December, 1855. " In December, 1855, Mr. Scott came to Pittsfield, and Berkshire thus gained a good citizen. He came as the agent of the Thompson & Co's. express, and continued in the position till the close of the office. He then acted as school superintendent for the committee for a time, and proved a most valuable man. " On the first of January, 1872, he was appointed jailer, a year and a day after its location in this city. He was appointed by Sheriff Root, and held the office continously till his resignation in the February prior to his death. His experiences and reminiscences in that duty would fill a volume. What scores of men has he turned the key upon. Some of the most desperate men in criminal annals have been in his care and custody. How many had he accompanied to and from the court house for trial, and his familiar form was always present, sittimg in his place near the dock at the criminal terms. He had seen nearly every judge on the bench during his term of office, and he was well known to all the bar and most of the jurors. Few men in the county were better known than he. " His townspeople and the whole people of Berkshire county fully relied on his integrity and fairness. An unswerving fidehty to duty and a clear conception of what was right, and performing it had endeared him to every one. He had executive ability in a high degree and nowhere was that called into play more than in the position, he held. He was methodical, accurate and honest. The affairs of the jail, with all its details, were as familiar to him as a book, and the sheriffs found in him a man on whom they could rely. " One of the most genial of men, with a great fund of general information, he was a delightful companion and neighbor, when the cares of the day were over and he was enjoying the companionship of friends or at his own cosy fireside. " Mr. Scott was for many years a member of the Masonic fraternity, joining the order in his early manhood. He was a member of Mystic lodge for years, and has held all the offices in its gift, being one of its long list of past masters. He was a member and past officer of Berkshire chapter, and of the Council of Royal and Select Masters. He was one of the chapter members of Berkshire commandery, Knights Templar. He had also attained the degree of the Ancient Scottish Rite Consistory, making him a 3 2d degree Mason. He was also one of the chapter members of Kassid Senate, K. A. E. O. In all these organizations he was an interested and helpful member." Learned Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 73 93. EbenezerS Scott, (Ebenezer^, Josephs, Joseph^, William') b. in Hatfield, Mass., July 22, 1792; m. Nov. 11, 1816, Lucy Putnam, dau. of Jonathan, b. Jan. 4, 1796, in Concord, Mass. He d. in Cummington, Mass., Aug. 8, 1834 ; she d. Jan. 18, 1879. They were among the first settlers of Brownholm, Ohio, in 181 7, but returned to Massachusetts about six years later. Children : I. Susan, b. in Brownholm, O., Oct. 25, 1818; d. Nov. I, 1837- 11. Lucy, b. in Brownholm, O., May 25, 1820; d. Nov. 24, 1887. HL James S., b. in Brownholm., O., Mar. 20, 1823; d. Dec. 24, 1846. IV. Joseph, b. in Hatfield, Mass., Feb. 25, 1825 ; d. Feb. 28, 1850. 173. V. Mary, b. in Savoy, Mass., Mar. 27, 1827. VL Henry B., b. in Windsor, Mass., Apr. 22, 1829; d. May 30, 1850. VH. Charles S., b. in Windsor, Mass., July 8, 1832; d. Oct 19, 1837. 94. Considers Scott, (Joseph^, Josephs, Joseph-, William') bapt. in Whately, Mass., in 1787, June 21 ; unm. ; d. Nov. 1815. He was a manufacturer of tinware in Whately, where Thaddeus Hawley has recently lived. He went South to sell his goods and died in Virginia. 95. CharlesS Scott, (Joseph4, Joseph^, Joseph-, William') bapt. June 26, 1791 ; m. Ruth Wells, dau. of EHsha of Hawley. He was a potter by trade; removed to Enfield, Mass., abt. 1835, where he kept a hotel many years, and died there. Had several children, but I have no dates. 96. Learneds Scott, (Joseph^, Josephs, Joseph^ William') b. Apr. 6, 1794; m. Mar. 5, 1821, Fanny Dickenson, dau. of Elisha and Susanna Dickenson of Amherst, bapt. May 10, 180 1. He d. Apr. I, 1873, at the home of his son, Rufus L. Scott, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; remains were taken to Lanesboro and buried in the family lot ; she d. Dec. 25, 1841. Learned Scott shortly after his marriage removed to Lanesboro, Mass., where he established himself i^ the marble business. He 74 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. acquired all the facilities necessary for carrying on the business from the quarrying to sawing, dressing, lettering, engraving, and placing the same in use. At that time Lanesboro had the most extensive marble works in the state. He was noted, like most of the early settlers in Hadley and Whately, for his earnest piety and sound moral principles, and to his early teachings his children attribute much of their success in life. The Brooklyn Daily Times of Apr. 4, 1873, says of him : — " He was kind, cordial and frank in his manner, and was univer- sally respected and beloved. He was a man of sincere piety, and when a resident of Lanesboro was ever to be found at the head of all religious enterprises of the place, always manifesting a deep interest in every movement that concerned the welfare of the rising generation. He could readily quote almost any passage in the scripture. He died calmly, and with the full assurance that death was but the beginning of life. The spectacle of his departure was as instructive as that of Addison, who called his relatives about him to see ' how a Christian could die.' " Children : 174. I. Thomas Porter Dickenson, b. Aug. 22, 1822. H. Mary Fidelia, b. Oct. 12, 1823; d. Apr. 12, 1825. HI. Austin Learned, b. July 7, 1825; unm. ; d. Mar. 13, 186S, at Stockton, California. IV. Ira, b. June 2, 1827 ; d. Sept. 9, 1828. V. Benjamin Franklin, b. Mar. 29, 1829; unm.; d. at Pueblo, Mexico, while in service of the U. S. Army, Aug. 6, 1847. VL Susan Amelia, b. Apr. 15, 1831 ; unm. \'II. William Henry, M. D., b. Mar. 19, 1833, ^^ Lanesboro, Mass. ; unm. He was educated in the district school and at Prof. Albert Tolman's high school of his native village. He studied medicine with the late Dr. Henry Pratt, one of the leading physicians of Western Alassachusetts, and at the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Mass., where he graduated in 1863 at the head of his class. Afterwards he took a course of lectures in New York. For a number of years he was associated in practice with Dr. Jared G. Baldwin of New York, since which time he has been in the enjoyment of a large practice. For about fifteen years he has been one of the consulting physicians at the hospital on VV^ard's Island. 175. Vlil. Rufus Leonard, b. Mar. 31, 1835. William Henry Scott, M. D. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 75 IX. Fanny Maria, b. May i, 1837; graduating teacher, public schools, Brooklyn. X. Harriet Fidelia, b. Mar. 15, 1840; d. May 28, 1856. XI. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1841 ; d. Dec. 29, 1841. 97. Andrews Scott, (Joseph^, Joseph3, Joseph^ William') bapt. Sept. 25, 1796; m. Jan. 1S23, Sarah Nash, dau. of Joseph and Eunice (Knight) Nash of Hadley, b. Mar. 25, 1754; he d. in Lanesboro, Mass., June 7, 1828. Children : T. Andre, b. in Whately, Jan. 7, 1824 ; d. at birth. II. Sedgwick, b. Feb. 6, 1825. 98. AretasS Scott, (Abraham^, Joseph^, Joseph^ William') b. in Whately, Mass., Aug. 16, 1794 ; m. Nov. 21, 1816, Nancy, dau. of Asa and Lucy (Scott) Sanderson, b. May 23, 1799. She d. Apr. 6, i860; he d. Feb. 17, 1849. He was a member of the Whately Rifle Company in the War of 181 2, and served about six months on the South Boston shore. He settled in Hatfield, where he became a well-to-do farmer; was a noted athlete, a prominent man in town affairs, selectman, assessor, etc. Children : I. Mortimer, b. 1817; d. 1818. II. Artemas, b. Nov. 18, 1818 ; m. Susan Morton; m. (2) Emily Beebe of North Wilbraham ; he d. Feb. 22, 1854. No children. III. Lucy, b. Nov. 14, 1820; m. Nov. 28, 1838, James Scott, son of Thaddeus. She d. in Montague Aug. 25, 1874; he d. Aug. 19, 1881. Alma, b. Nov. 30, 1822. Abraham, b. Jan. 6, 1825 ; d. Feb. 17, 1831. Martha, b. Mar. 8, 1827. Maria C, b. Mar. 15, 1829. Minerva, twin with Maria, b. Mar. 15, 1829; d. Dec. 16, 1843. Sophia Esther, b. Mar. 11, 1831. Nancy Sanderson, b. Sept. 25, 1834. Charles Abraham, b. Apr. 6, 1837. Edward Aretas, b. June 3, 1839. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 16, 1841. 99. RufusS Scott, (Israel, Josephs, Joseph^ William') b. in Whately, Feb. 9, 1800; m. May 10, 1825, Martha, dau. of Ebenezer 176. IV. V. 177. VI. 178. VII. VIII. 178^ IX. 179. X. 180. XL 181. XII. I8I1 XIII. 76 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTl". Dickenson; she d. Dec. 29, 1836. He ni. (2) Sept. 18, 1846, Dorcas, dau. of Benjamin Hapgood. She was formerly a teacher in Mount Holyoke College, and was residing at Amherst in 1891. Rufus Scott d. Aug. 16, 1855. Children : I, Martha, b. Jan. 20, 1826 ; m. June 3, 1856, Daniel O. Dickenson of VVaukegan, 111. ; she d. Mar. 22, 1868. She was a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College. II. Hannah C, b. May 27, 1827 ; m. Jan. 16, 1868, Francis E. Clark of VVaukegan, 111. She was a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College. 182. III. Rufus Porter, b. May i, 1829. IV. Israel, b. Apr. 9, 1831 ; d. Aug. 23, 1848. V. Emily A., b. Mar. 21, 1853 ; m. Sept. i, 1859, Charles W. Cleveland; she d. Sept. 27, i860; was a grad- uate of Mt. Holyoke College. VI. Aaron, b. Oct. 28, 1835 ; enlisted for three years in Co. G., 96th Ills., Aug., 1862 ; killed at Atlanta Aug. 2, 1864. Children by second marriage : VII. Israel S., b. Nov. 19, 1848; d. Aug. 24, 1849. VIII. Mary H. ; unm, ; a graduate of Mount Holyoke col- lege. IX. Israel F., b. July 2, 1852 ; d. Sept. 11, 1871. 100. Orasmus Alonzo*"' Scott, (EleazerS, Ebenezer4, Capt. Mosess, Josiah-, William') b. in Vernon, Vt., Feb. 17, 181 2 ; m. June i, 1863, Jane A. Dinsmore. He d. in Vernon, May 4, 1875 ; she d. Mar. 17, 1889. He resided on the homestead of his father and grandfather in Vernon, Vt. He ever fully exemplified in his life the best traits of a true Christian character. No children. 101. Elvira*^ Scott, (EleazerS, Ebenezer*, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William') b. in Vernon, Vt., Apr. 9, 1814; m. Sept. 4, 1839, Dea. Newell Greenwood, b. Dec. 10, 181 7, in Nelson, N. H. She d. Dec. 6, 1885 ; he d. in Nashua, N. H., Sept. 18, 1900. Mrs. Greenwood was a member of the Congregational church for more than fifty years. No higher comi)liment to be paid her memory than that " her friends were all who knew her." Deacon Greenwood removed from his native town with his parents to Winchester, N. H., in 1818. In 1845 he went to Lowell and found employment with the Middlesex Corporation. In 1848 he went to Concord, N. H., and Orasmus Alonzo Scott. Vx • 1 "^^ r w^ Eleazer Guernsey Scott. Mrs. Sarah A. (Noyes) Scott. DESCENDA^^^S OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 77 in 1856 settled in Nashua, N. H., where he remained till his death. He was employed in the bobbin works for 35 years. He served in the common council in 1 881-2. He was a deacon in the First church of Nashua for 21 years, and a citizen in every way entitled to honor and respect. Children : 1. Adeline Lucinda Greenwood, b. in Winchester, N. H., Mar. 31, 1841 ; d. Jan. 7, 1861. n. Mary Elvira Greenwood, b. in Lowell, Mass., Mar. 14, 1847 ; m. Jan. 30, 1873, Charles Willard Atwood, b. in Nashua, Sept. 7, 1841. They reside in Nashua. Child : Grace Edith Atwood, b. in Nashua May 9, 1875 5 ™- Sept. 14, 1904, Clarence Marshall Glyier, M. D. Reside in Roxbury, Mass. HI. Cyrus Newell Greenwood, b. in Concord, N, H., xAug. 22, 1850 ; m. Sept. 4, 1880, Amelia Eveline Yettaw, b. in Moore, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1850. They reside in Hudson, N. H. Child : Florence Edith Greenwood, b. in Burlington, Vt., Apr. 28, 1885. 102. Eleazer Guernsey'' Scott, (EleazerS, Ebenezer4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^, William') b. in Vernon, Vt., Aug. 12, 181 5 ; m. Oct. 2, 1838, Sarah Adaline, dau. of Joel and Sarah (Johnson) Noyes of Verona, Vt., b. in Vernon, Sept. 20, 1823 ; he d. in Palmer, Mass., Jan. 22, 1890. Mrs. Scott resides (1906) in Palmer. Mrs. Scott is descended from Rev. William Noyes of Choulderton, Wilt- shire, England, and his son, Rev. James, who settled in New England in 1834, as follows: Sarah A.''' Noyes, (JoeF, Asa?, Dea. Oliver'^, PeterS, Joseph^, Dea. Joseph-5, Rev. James^, Rev. William'). She is also descended by marriage from Peter Noyes and Walter Hynes, two of the first settlers of Sudbury, Mass. On the maternal side she is descended from William Johnson, who settled in Charles- town, Mass., 1635, as follows from her mother, Sarah? Johnson, (Stephen*^', Isaacs, Isaac^, William3, Jonathan-, William'.) The children and descendents of this couple are eligible to membership in the Colonial Society from Capt. Moses Scott, who was prominent in the Indian wars, and in the Sons and Daughters of the Revolution from Lt. Dea. Oliver Noyes, Stephen Johnson and Ebenezer Scott, who each had valiant service in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Scott began life under adverse circumstances. When only eight years old his father died ; his mother soon found it 78 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. difficult to care for the large family left her, and Guernsey, being a hardy boy, went out to work for small wages in the busy part of the year, and in the winter season did chores to pay for his board while he went to school. Thus he paid his way till of age. At the age of 23 he married and settled on the farm near the noted lily pond in Vernon, where he lived some 20 years and where four children were added to his family. In 1864 he sold the old homestead and bought the Lyman farm in Vernon, which he retained till his death. By years of frugality and toil he amassed a handsome property. He began a religious life in 1840, and was connected with the M. E. church, in which he became a class leader. A fev; years later he became interested in the Christian Advent doctrine. He lived a sincere and devoted Christian life, beloved and respected by all who knew him. He was buried among his kindred in the old cemetery in Vernon, Vt. Children : 183. I. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sept. 20, 1839. n. Julia Adeline, b. July 24, 1841 ; d. Dec. 18, 1863. She was educated in the schools of Vernon and at Bernardston Academy. She advanced rapidly in her studies and gave rich promise of a successful future, but her ambitious hopes were blasted by fell disease in early womanhood ; she went to her long sleep with patient, Christian resignation. 1 84. III. Joel Eleazer Guernsey, b. Mar. 23, 1843. 185. IV. Lucinda Elmina, b. June 5, 1845. 103. Lucinda Elmina'' Scott, (EleazerS, Ebenezert, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William') b. in Vernon, Vt., Nov. 11, 181 7 ; m. Oct. 7, 1846, Henry Harrison' Howland, (George^ Georges, George^, John-5, John^, John') of the Mayflower. Mr. Howland was b. in Gill, Mass., Feb. 4, 1815, and d. in Albion, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1901 ; she d. there Nov. 25, 1898. Mr. Howland removed with his parents from Gill, Mass., to Ontario Co., N. Y., about 1819, and in 1825 to Albion, where they ever after resided. Mr. Howland thus began life as one of the pioneers of Western New York. He chose the occupation of a farmer, in which he was successful, and was held in high regard by the community in which he spent his long and honored life as one whose Christian character was above reproach. Mrs. Howland was naturally endowed with a vigorous intellect, to which were added Julia Adeline Scott. Henry Harrison Howland. Mrs. Lucinda (Scott) Howland. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 79 the graces of a sunny Christian spirit which rendered her presence a benediction in the household and community. She became a convert to Christ in early life, and for many years was a member of the Baptist church in Albion, of which she was a devoted and beloved member. Children, b. in Albion, N. Y. : I. Sarah L. Rowland, b. July 14, 1850; d. Sept. 4, 1859. II. Mary J. Rowland, b. Feb. 17, 1853; m. Dec. 29, 1874, Charles B. Gray, b. Dec. 29, 1850. They reside on the Rowland homestead in Albion. Mr. Gray is interested in fruit raising and the nursery business, in which he is very successful. Their child, Inez Rowland Gray, b. Oct. 5, 1875 ; m. Oct. 22, 1903, George R. Casey. They reside in Fowlerville, N. V., where they are pleasantly situated. 104. Love Patience*^ Scott (EleazerS, Ebenezer+, Capt. MosesS, Josiah^, William') b. Jan. 18, 1819; m. Curtis Daniel Severance, b. in Gill, Mass., July 5, 1820; she d. June 20, 1870. Re resides (igo6) in Vernon, Vt. Mrs. Severance was converted in early life and joined the Methodist church ; later in life she and her husband embraced the doctrine of the Advent Christian denomination, and were devoted members of that body. Children : I. Rattie Severance, adopted ; m. Addison Baker of Guilford, Vt. Re is deceased ; she resides in Springfield, Mass. II. Jennie Maria Severance, b. in Northfield, Mass., Jan. 29, 1856; m. Charles Daniel Colburn, b. in Elkland, Pa., Oct. 7, 1857. Their children, b. in Springfield, Mass., are: (i) Grace June Colburn, b. May 19, 1884; (2) Rarry Scott Colburn, b. Jan. 2, 1888. III. Frederick Curtis Severance, b. in West Northfield, Mass., Sept. 20, 1859 ; has been twice married ; has one child. Re resides in Boston, Mass. IV. Frank S. Severance, twin with Frederick ; d. Apr. I, 1862. 105. Erasmus Alvah^ Scott, (EleazerS, Ebenezer4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William") b. in Vernon, Vt., Sept. 25, 1821 ; m. May 17, 1847, Elizabeth Pratt, dau. of Joel and Sarah (Johnson) Noyes, b. 8p DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. in Vernon, Vt., Sept, 25, 1820; he d. in Vernon Aug. 14, 1905. He was a farmer and resided on tlie Noyes liomestead during his long life. Like the other members of his family, he possessed a deeply religious nature and was for many years connected with the Advent Christian church of Vernon, of which he was one of the influential members for many years as well as a highly respected citizen of his native town. Mrs, Scott still resides (1906) in the house where she first saw the light, burdened with the weight of many years yet cheered with the hope that her Father's house hath many mansions. Children : I. Mary Ann Adaline, b. in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 25, 1S51 ; unm. Like a ministering angel she has remained at home to cherish and care for her parents in their declining years with sunny Christian devotion. IL Frank Walter, b. in Vernon Oct. 11, 1857 ; unm. He resides in Vernon on the Noyes-Scott homstead, where he has remained the faithful stay of his parents. He is a very successful farmer, having bought several adjoining farms, embracing the orig- inal Scott homesteads near the Vernon Lily Pond. 106. Stephen Van Rensselaer^ Scott, (RufusS, Moses4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^, William") b. in Bernardston, Mass., Mar. 31, 1801 ; m. Mary Hamilton; she d. Apr. 1888. Children, b. in Bernardston, Mass. : L Arnold, b. Mar. 10, 1826; unm.; d. Apr. 24, 1904. He lost his sight at the age of 21 by the premature discharge of a cannon at No. Adams, Mass. He was a machinist by trade. Lie owned a house in Bernardston, boarded himself, even cared for a * garden, carried the mail about the village, and often walked over to Northfield alone. He was quite well informed concerning his Scott ancestry, and matters of current interest. IL Theresa, b. June 10, 1828; m. Joel Wilson; m. (2) William Colwell of Northfield. She survives her second husband and lives with her sons at Northfield, Mass. 107. Henry Alonzo^' Scott, (Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses^, Josiah^, WilHam') b. Nov. 24, 1816, in Bernardston, Mass.; m. June Erasmus Alvah Scott. Mrs. Elizabeth P. (Noyes) Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 8 1 22, 1837, Mary Ann Call, b. June 22, 1819; she d. Dec. 15, 1870. He m. (2) Nov. 26, 1873, Martha A. Scott, dau. of HenryS, b. Apr. 10, 1825. He d. Jan. 10, 1897 ' ^^^ ^* ^^'^' 25, 1904. Children : I. Henry Orvil, b. Mar. 10, 1839. H. Zorah Winfield, b. Oct. 30, 1842; d. Mar. 15, 1848. 187. HI. Abby OHve, b. Aug. 17, 1844. ,187^. IV. Edwin Winfield, b. Jan. 27, 1847. 187J. V. Zorah Lorenzo, b. May 9, 1853. 108. Catherine M.^ Scott, (Zorahs, Ehhu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah', William') b. July 16, 1819; ni. Oct. 14, 1840, Dennison Davis, son of Alanson and Experience (Orvis) Davis, b. in Putney, Vt., May 3, 1819 ; she d. Aug. 9, 1878. Child : Warren Davis, b. Sept. 6, 1831 ; m. Sophie Perry; he d. Aug. 31, 1879. 109. Zorah Lorenzo''' Scott, (Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah-', William') b. Mar. 28, 1S25 ; m. July 4, 1846, Patience Fox, b. Nov. 28, 1829 ; he d. Oct. 4, 1850, in Charlemont, Mass. Child : 188. Horace Lorenzo, b. Dec. 22, 1848. Mrs. Patience Scott, m. (2) June i, 1854, Lanson Chapin, b. May I, 1825 ; he d. Oct. 22, 1867. Children by this marriage : I. Clarence Chapin, b. Sept. 28, 1855. H. John W. Chapin, b. Jan. 28, 1859. HL Eliza Chapin, b. Apr. 15, 1861. IV. Maria Chapin, b. Feb. 2, 1865. V. Edgar Chapin, b. Oct. 5, 1867. 110. MeUtta P.6 Scott, (Zorahs, Ehhu4, Capt. MosesS, Josiah^ William') b. Sept. 5, 1827; m. May 22, 1852, George E. Fuller. Reside in North Adams, Mass. Children, born in North Adams, Mass. : I. Ella Jane Fuller, b. Aug. 20, 1854 ; d. Dec. 14, 1S54. II. Charles Edward Fuller, b. Aug. 20, 1858 ; m. Oct. 22, 1 880, Amelia James. Their children are : ( i ) Anna M. Fuller, b. June 30, 1884 ; (2) Abbie A. Fuller, b. Nov. 7, 1886; (3) James Morey Fuller, b. Dec. 2, 1890, d. Jan. 27, 1897 ; (4) Ruth Amelia Fuller, 82 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. b. Aug. 2 1, 1892; (5) Catherine Augusta Fuller, b. Aug. 30, 1894; (6) Winfield Scott Fuller, b. |an. 3, 1902. III. George Willard Fuller, b. Apr. 20, 1858; d. Feb. 18, IV. Alice Lillian Fuller, b. Mar. 22, i860; m. Mar. 22, 1876, William D. Moshier. Reside in North Adams, Mass. There children are: (i) George Edward Moshier, b. July 27, 1877, m. Nov. 25, 1896, Helen Marion Manning ; their children are Marion, Alice, Helen, Charles Fuller Moshier, d. May 25, 1905, ae. 7 mos. ; (2) Charles Fuller Moshier, b. Oct. 16, 1880, m. July 19, 1905, Emma Eugenia Watson; (3) William D. Moshier, b. May 26, 1883; (4) Alice Catherine Moshier, b. June 4, 1S87. 111. James Morey^ Scott, (Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William") b. June 15, 1830; m. Nov. 9, 1854, Carrissa Leach, b. June 8, 1834, in Boston, Mass. He resided at Aurora, 111., where he d. Feb. 19, 189S. She resides with her son in South Bend, Ind., (1906). Children : L Sarah Abbie, b. at Sugar Grove, 111., Sept. 27, 1859; m. Nov. 15, 1877, George F. Smith, b. Jan. 2, 1855, in Conway, Mass. Reside in Aurora, 111. Their children are: (i) Charles M. Smith, b. Jan. 2, 1882, d. Jan. 9, 1899 ; (2) Ray H. Smith, b. Nov. 2, 1884 ; (3) Edna B. Smith, b. Mar. 17, 1887 ; (4) Myron H. Smith, b. Feb. 28, 1889; (5) Richard H, Smith, b. April 23, 1892 ; (6) George Warren Smith, b. June 27, 1895 ; (7) Edith Smith, b. Feb. 13, 1899; (8) Lawrence T. Smith, b. Apr. 24, 1902 ; (9) Walter K. Smith, b. July 21, 1905. IL Marcus Henry, b. in Amboy, III; m. Sept. 13, 1886, Sara Bartlett, b. May 30, 1863 ; he m. (2) Aug. 28, 1901, Anna L. Kelso of Fairbury, 111. Reside in South Bend, Ind. III. George Warren, b. in Colrain, Mass., June 26, 1566; m. Aug. 16, 1888, Agnes Haley, b. Jan. 26, 1870, at Shelburne, Mass. Reside in Pittsfield, Mass. Children: (i) Leueita Rose, b. Aug. 22, 1S98; (2) Warren Morey, b. May 19, 1899, d. Dec. 29, 1899; (3) Margaret Carolyn, b. Jan. 22, 1901 ; (4) Lawrence Dalmon, b. Dec. 29, 1904. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTI. 83 112. Emerancy6 Scott, (HenryS, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^^ William") b. Dec. 7, 1823; m. Sept. 16, 1844, Sidney Sternberg; she d. Feb. 20, 1S76. Children : I. Henry Scott Sternberg, b. Apr. 15, 1850; m. 1875, Clara James. They reside in Orwell, N. Y., and have four children : Ella, Sydney, Charles and Henry, n. Emily C. Sternberg, b. Sept. 1855 ; m. 1873, Charles E. Townsend. They reside at Austin, Iowa, and have three children : Hattie, Ross and Roy. 112 J. Martha Ann^ Scott, (HenryS, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah-, William') b. Apr, 10, 1825 ; m. 1841, John Scott, son of ^Reuben ; he d, Feb. 21, 1852. She m. (2) 1856, Henry Steenburg ; he d. 1857. She m. (3) Henry A. Scott, Nov. 26, 1873. He d. Jan. 7, 1897 ; she d. Dec. 25, 1904. The above John Scott is supposed to be of another race than of William of Hatfield. Children of ist marriage : I. Dexter B. Scott, b. Jan. 10, 1845 ; m. Sept. 20, 187 1, Catherine Miller. Their children are : (i) Ross C. Scott, who is married and has three children; (2) Herbert D. Scott, is married and has one child ; (3) Willis E. Scott. H. Anna M. Scott, b. Jan. 7, 1849; m. Sept. 20, 1876, Hoyt Dexter. Reside in Colrain, Mass. Their children are: (i) Lita B. Dexter, b. July 7, 1877 ; (2) Nina M. Dexter, b. Nov. 3, 1884. HI. Nancy B. Scott, b. June 3, 185 1 ; m. Sept. 11, 1S89, Robert Miller. No children. 113. Sherman Wooster*^ Scott, (HenryS, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William') b. Aug. 20, 1826V m. June 28, 1850, Nancy Robertson; she d. Apr. 10, 1851. He m. (2) Jan. 20, 1852, Sarah A. Porter, b. July 10, 1830. They removed May 20, 1902, to Estevan, Sas, Canada, where they now reside (1906). Children : I. John Henry, b. Nov. 3, 1852 ; m. May 3, 1883, Edna Jany. They reside in Kansas City, Mo. Their child, Lester J., was b. Feb. 6, 1888. II. Millie, b. Aug. 5, 1858; m. July 4, 1881, Robert Gilbaugh, b. Aug. 25, 1859. Reside in Estevan, B4 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Sas, Canada. Their children are: (i) Forest J. Gilbaugh, b. June 22, 1882; (2) Robert S. Gilbaugh, b. Aug. 31, 1885 ; (3) Leta M. Gilbaugh, b. iMar. 11, 1888; (4) Hazel M. Gilbaugh, b. July 12, i8go; (5) Nettie M. Gilbaugh, b. Dec. 14, 1892; (6) Earl A. Gilbaugh, b. Oct. 10, 1894; (7) Glenn A. Gilbaugh, b. Nov., 1896; (8) Mabel Gilbaugh, b. Feb. 2, 1900. 114. Charlotte P.^ Scott, (HenryS, Eliliu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William') b. Mar. 10, 1S30; m. June 5, 1849, Warren W. Johnson; he d. June, 1896. She resides (1906) at 29 State street, Watertown, N. Y. Children : I. Ella Louise Johnson, b. April 24, 1850; m. June 3, 1869, George H. Austin of Watertown, N. Y. Their dau., Edith Ella Austin, b. Mar. 23, 1873; m. June 16, 1898, Charles D. Riggs of Watertown. II. Sherman Warren Johnson, b. Oct. 24, 1853; m. Dec. 24, 1874, Catherine A. Campbell. Reside in Watertown. 115. Hon. Ross Clark'' Scott, (HenryS, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah-, William') b. in Rutland, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1838 ; m. Oct. 12, 1864, Fanny A., dau. of Judah and Almira (Smith) Lord of Watertown, N. Y., b. Dec. 25, 1841. He d. in Watertown, Sept. 20, 1898; she d. Sept. i, 1903. "He had just attained his majority when he moved with his parents to Watertown, N. Y. His early education was supplied by the public schools of his native county, and he prepared for college at the Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary. In i860 he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science from Genesee College, then located at Lima, N. Y., and which is now Syracuse LTniversity. After leaving college he studied law with Bagley & Wright, attorneys of Watertown, and in 1863 he was admitted to the bar. From that time until his death he was engaged in the active practice of his profession, except when his time was fully occupied with the duties of public office. He served as town clerk, justice of the peace, and as a member of the common council of Watertown, and in 1868 was appointed clerk of the surrogate's court. In the fall of that year he was elected special surrogate, and served in that capacity until 1877, when he was elected surrogate of Jefferson Co. He held this office for three terms of six years each, retiring from office in 1895. During these long years of public service he enjoyed as, high regard DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 85 as a man as he won as an official. He joined the Methodist church when a boy, and continued this relation through life, acting as a trustee of the State street church twelve years. He was one of the leaders of the Republican party in the county. He was connected with various financial interests in Watertown, and was for a long period of years a director of the National Union Bank, and secretary of the Jefferson County Savings Bank, which position he held at the time of his death. In 1864 he became a member of Neptune Hose and Steamer Co. No. i of the Watertown Fire Department, and was soon afterwards elected a director of the company. In 1865 he was made secretary of the department and held that office at the time of his death. He was historian of the department, and had probably seen a larger term of continuous service than any other fireman in the state. In 1895 he was elected as the first president of the Jefferson County Volunteer Fireman's Association and served three successive terms. He was trustee of Syracuse University and vice president of its alumni association in 1S76-7. In 1873 this institution conferred upon him the degree of Master of Science. His affability and kindness made him popular among any body of men with whom he was thrown, and his management added materially to the progress of any movement with which he was connected." " In his death the city of Watertown lost a sterling citizen and Jefferson county one of its best known public men." Children, b. in Watertown, N. Y. : I. Evarts Lord, b. June 20, 1866 ; d. Mar. 27, 1876. II. Allyn Ross, b. Nov. 23, 1874. HI. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 20, igSs. 116. Jonathan^ Scott, (Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan-*, Richard^, William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Oct. 28, 1787; m. Mar. 5, 1809, Almira Ward, b. in Poultney, Vt., May 11, 1788; he d. Mar. 20, 1839. She m. (2) Feb. 2, 1847, George King; she d. Nov. 25, 1857. She was the dau. of Barnard and Rachel (Strong) Ward. Mr. Scott resided in Fairfax, Vt. Children, b. in Fairfax, Vt., except the eldest, b. in Fletcher : 189. I. Maria, b. Dec. 26, 1809. II. Elvira, b. July 26, iSii; m. Oct. 3, 1833, Rufus Montague as his second wife ; he d. Nov. 26, 1S57. No children. She d. in Fletcher. Madison, b. Mar. 12, 1813. Harrison, b. July 4, 1814. Jackson, b. June 19, 1816; d. SepL 8, 1818. Nelson, b. Sept. 24, 1817. 90. III. 91. IV. V. 92, VI. 86 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. VII. Zuviah, b. Sept. 3, 1820; m. Jan. 23, 1851, Emerson Lovegrove ; she d. July 20, 1854. She left one child, Warner J., who was adopted by her brother, Chauncy W. Scott. VII. Alma R., b. Sept. 4, 1822; unm. ; d. Mar. 30, 1895. 193. IX. Chauncey Ward, b. Aug. 18, 1825 ; m. Prudence Chase ; he d. Mar. 25, 1S87. He had no children, but adopted Warner J., the son of his sister Zurviah. 194. X. Chandler Ward, b. June 4, 1827. 195. XI. Benjamin Franklin, b. March 27, 1832. 117. Lemuel'' Scott, (Lemuel-^, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard-^, William') b. Jan. 4, 1790 ; m. Nov. 11, 18 10, Betsey Montague, b. Feb. 24, 1787, dau. of Rufus, a descendant of Richard of Hadley, Mass. He d. at Montreal, Nov. 7, 1873 ; she d. Apr. 15, 1878. He was the first male child b. in Fletcher, Vt. He was in the war of 181 2, and was under fire at the battle of Plattsburg. Children, b. in Fairfax, Vt. : Darias, b. Dec. 18, 181 1. Jason, b. Sept. i, 1814 ; d. Dec. 6, 1S18. Seth B., b. June 19, 18 16. Rufus M., b. July 21, 181 9. Abigail M., b. Aug. 14, 1821. Lemuel W., b. Nov. 15, 1824. Annie E., b. Jan. 5, 1827. Emily C, b. June 4, 1829. 118. Capt. Seth^ Scott, (Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Feb. 20, 1792 ; m. Oct. 18, 1826, Charlotte Rice, dau. of Reuben, b. July 21, 1804. He d. Aug. 4, 1868 ; she d. July 8, 1869. He came into possession of his father's homestead in Fletcher, where he continued to reside till his death. He held various offices in town, and in 181 8 was appointed by Governor Galusha a lieutenant in the 7th company of infantry with the second regiment, which position he held till 1827, when he was appointed captain of the company, holding the position during the continuance of the then State militia. He entered the service in the war of 181 2, and at one time he was ordered to take a team to Sackett's Harbor with troops. While on the way some portion of the harness gave away, causing him to stop in order to repair the damage ; this caused the procession in his rear to stop, which so annoyed an under officer that he came up with drawn sword and 196. I. II. 197. III. 198. IV. 199. V. 200. VI. 201. VII. 202. VIII. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 87 threatened Scott with the loss of his head if he did not instantly move on. Scot, undaunted, placed his cocked pistol to the officer's breast, looking him straight in the eye without saying a word. The officer sheathed his sword and allowed Scott to take his time to make the necessary repairs without further interference. This was a sample of the stuff he was made of. In his early days Mr. Scott often went to Montreal, a distance of 130 miles, to find a good market for pork in the fall and winter season. On one of his trips he purchased a two-wheeled dump cart. On his return home this strange vehicle proved an irresistable attraction to the urchins of St. Albans, who failed to heed the warning to keep out of it, so Mr. Scott arranged matters to teacl) them a lesson by removing the pin which held the body of the cart to the part attached to the rear of his other carriage, so that just as he was passing through quite a muddy portion of the street he withdrew the pin and the troublesome boys suddenly were left floundering in the mire, minus a disposition to meddle with the strange craft again. Children, b. in Fletcher, Vt. : 203. I. George Mason, b. Aug. 7, 1826. II. William Morgan, b. Nov. 29, 1S30; d. Feb. 18, 1835. 204. III. William Morgan, b. July 23, 1835. 205. IV. Wait, b. Sept. 23, 1836. 119. Levi*^ Scott, (Lemuel-S Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Aug. 12, 1794; m. Eunice Nichols, b. Oct. 6, 1800. He d. Feb. 26, 1862; she d. July 2, 1891. He resided in Fletcher, Vt. Children : 206. I. Henry W., b. Nov. 3, 1822. II. Martin, d. in infancy. 207. III. Avaline A., b. Apr. 20, 1836. 120. Abigail^ Scott, (Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., twin with Levi, Aug. 12, 1794; ni. Ichabod Chace. She d. Oct. 11, 1859 ; he d. May 28, 1872, ae. 74. Children : I. Abigail Chace, b. ; m. , Peter O. Wetherby. Their children are Byron Wetherby, Elbert Wetherby, Ira Wetherby and Behnda Wetherby. 88 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. II. Wait Chace, b. Jan. 24, 1829; m. Feb. 28, 1853, Harriet T. Woodruff of Underhill, Vt., b. Jan. 12, 1826; she d. July 9, 1870. He m. (2) June i, 1871, Ella R. Swan; he d. Jan. 27, 1882. His children are: (i) Washington Wait Chace, b. Jan. 16, 1855, d. Aug. 21, 1856; (2) Maria H. Chace, b. Apr. 28, 1857, d. Aug. 6, 1865 ; (3) Nicie Delia Chace, b. Jan. i, i860, d. Feb. 21, 1862 ; (4) Homer W. Chace, b. June 27, 1872, d. May 5, 1899 ; (5) Marvin F. Chace, b. Mar. 19, 1876, d. Mar. 16, 1898. 121. Anna''' Scott, (Lemuel-S Jonathan^, Jonathans, Richard*, William') b. Aug. 12, 1797; m. Mar. 17, 1816, Cornelius Higgins. She d. Dec. 27, 1826. Children : 1. Lucy Higgins, b. ; m. Flisha ^V. Lane. II. Olive Higgins, b. ; m. Levi Stickney. III. Phebe Higgins, b. ; m. , Rensselaer W. Bailey. IV. Emily Higgins, b. Nov. 14, 1822; d. Aug. 15, 1827. 122. Emily^ Scott, (Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard% William'), b. April 9, 1801 ; m. July 4, 1826, Guy Kinsley, b. in Cambridge, Vt., May 8, 1800. She d. Oct. 6, 1878 ; he d. Aug. 29, 1886. They had five children, all died in infancy. They adopted Phebe, the daughter of Anna Scott and Cornelius Higgins, who m. Rensselaer W. Bailey. 123. Jefferson^ Scott, (Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathans, Richard^, William') b. April 25, 1802 ; m. May 8, 1828, Nancy Kinsley. He removed to North Brookfield, Mass., where he d. Nov. 11, 1868; she d. there Aug. n, 1882. Adopted child : Frederick, b. 1829; d. June 26, 1857. 124. Wait'' Scott, (Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Feb. 4, 1805 ; m. Aug. 8, 1838, Eliza M. Newton, b. 1820 in Kentucky. He resided in Fletcher and Swanton, Vt., thence went west to Ohio and Minnesota, and later to Tennessee, where he d. in 1859. He had loaned most of his money to a southern man, and when the war broke out the widow lost all, DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 89 leaving her without means. She returned to Minnesota and with great courage overcame all obstacles and kept her children together, an example worthy of all praise. She is now living (1906) in Devizes, Norton Co., Kansas. Children : I. Newton, b. June 13, 1840, in Alexander, O. He enlisted in the U. S. army in 1861 and d. Mar. 31, 1862, in the hospital at Nashville, Tenn. He was a brave soldier and an honor to his company. He was of the 2d Regt. Minn. Vols. The company sent the widowed mother a touching testimony of respect for their dead comrade, who was beloved by them all. n. Jonathan W., b. in Swanton, Vt., Oct. it, 1842; m. Mar. 30, 1871, Mehitabel Reynolds. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. D., 8th Regt. Minn. Vols. ; he served three years. HI. Edward P., b. in Fletcher, Vt., Jan. 4, 1837. P^nlisted in the Union army at the age of 17. Have learned nothing further of him. 208. IV. Zachary Taylor, b. in Cambridge, Vt., Feb. 17, 1852. 209. V. Merton B., b. in Cambridge, Vt., June 15, 1854. 125. Mary^ Scott, (MartinS, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Sept. 23, 1796; m. Henry Hopkins Robinson; she d. June 6, 18S8. Children : I. Ann Robinson, d. in childhood. II. Catherine Robinson, m. Joseph French ; their children were Henry R. French, Edward French and Joseph French. 126. Emily^ Scott, (Martin?, Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Richards WiUiam') b. in Bennington, Vt., Sept. — , 179S; m. Feb. 4, 1830, Romulus Walbridge. Children : I. Catherine Walbridge. II. Caroline Walbridge. III. Romulus Walbridge. 127. Martin Billings^ Scott, (MartinS, Jonathant, Jonathan-^, Richard^ William') b. in Bennington, Vt., June 25, 1804; m. June go DESCENDANl-S OF WILLIAM SCOTT. i8, 1829, Mary Ann Olin, b. Aug. 14, 1808. He d. Oct. 10, 1884; she d. Oct. 21, 1882. Resided at North Bennington, Vt. Children, b. in Bennington, Vt. : 210. I. Henry WilHam, b. June 6, 1830. -^'' 211. n. Giles Olin, b. Feb. 27, 1832. III. Franklin, b. Aug. 14, 1838; unm. ; resides in North Bennington, Vt., where he has devoted himself to the practice of law for many years, making a specialty of patent law. IV. Emily, b. Apr. 9, 1841; unm.; resides in North Bennington. Vt. 128. Beulah^ Scott, (MartinS, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard*, William') b. Nov. 3, 1806; m. Jan. 18, 1827, Resolvy Gage of East Boston, Mass. Children : I. Catherine Gage, d. 1855 ; unm. H. Edward B. Gage, m. and settled in Syracuse; left two sons ; both deceased. HI. Ellen F. Gage, m. Lyman VV. Clark of East Boston ; both deceased ; no children. IV. Margaret S. Gage ; m. George W. Albro, both living, (1906); no children. V. Frederic Gage ; d. in childhood. VI. Frank Gage ; m. Lena Bradford ; both living (1906); no children. 129. Bradford*^ Scott, (Capt. Levis, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. in Swanton, Vt., Feb. 5, 1805 ; m. Apr. 13, 1826, Sophronia S., dau. of Elijah Jackson, b. Nov. 5, 1807. He d. in Swanton, Feb. 19, 1870; she d. Oct. 17, 1888. He was in early manhood chosen constable for the town, and held the ofifice many years. He was also chosen a representative to the IvCgislature in 1835 and 1836, and held other town offices. He was for many years the Democratic leader of the town. On the completion of the Vermont and Canada R. R. he was appointed station agent at Swanton, which position he held till just before his death. Children, b. in Swanton, Vt. : I. Silence, b. Oct. 5, 1829, unm. ; d. Oct. 25, 1883. 212. II. Charles, b. July 30, 1833. 213. III. Romeo Hoyt, b. July 7, 1842. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 9 1 IV. Annie, b. Feb. 26, 1842 ; m. Dec. 21, 1868, Charles Wesley Deal; he d. Aug. 27, 1897; they had no children. She resides in Swanton, Vt. 214. V. Julia E., b. Nov. 10, 1849, 130. Fanny"^ Scott, (IraS, Jonathan4, Jonathan-^ Richard^ William') b. June 6, 1807 ; m. Lorenzo Blaisdell. He d. June 9, 1884, ae. 76; she d. Jan. 17, 1881. Children : I. Lucy E. Blaisdell, b. Feb. 3, 1833 ; m. Anson Corse ; she d. July 2, 1867. Had two sons: (i) Loren B. Corse, b. Nov. n, 1861 ; (2) Amos Corse, b. June 26, 1858; (3) daughter, b. Jan. 12, 1864, d. Sept. 18, 1867. H. Ira S. Blaisdell, m. 1866, M. J. Royce. He was a lawyer, having a large practice in various parts of the country. He d. in North Carolina, 1899, leaving two sons. III. Czarina Blaisdell, b. Jan. 12, 1839 ; m. Mar. 20, 1866, M. Holbrook; she d. Oct. 17, 1869, leaving one child, Julius H. Holbrook. IV. Guy K. Blaisdell, b. 1841 ; d. Jan. 20, 1884; m. Celestra Brush ; she d. before her husband. V. Delia Blaisdell, b. Dec. 15, 1843; d. Sept. 30, 1864. VI. Xenia Blaisdell, b. June 6, 1854; m. Dec. 31, 1874, Hannah Gibbs ; she d. Dec. 20, 1886, leaving one son, b. Apr. 26, 1876. 131. Julius D.6 Scott, (IraS, Jonathan^ Jonathans, Richards William') b. Jan. 21, 1821 ; m. , 1849, Mary A. Crosier; she is deceased. Children : I. H. Clay, b. May 8, 1851 ; d. at Waterville, Vt., Feb. 16, 1871. II. Lee A., b. Nov. 2, 1853; drowned in the Lamoille river, Vt., June 2, 1869. 215. III. Ira A., b. Feb. 10, 1856. 216. IV. Laura A., b. Aug. 19, i860. 132. Martha^ Scott, (IraS, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richards William') b. Jan. 15, 1828; m. Nov. 16, 1848, Lewis Householder, b. Jan. 18, 1826; he d. Nov. 24, 1887. She lives (1900) at Scotch Ridge, Wood county, Ohio. Q2 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children : 1. Laura Constance Householder, b. Oct. 8, 1849; d. Sept, 12, 1854. 11. Wealthy Avaline Householder, b. Oct. 4, 1851 ; m. May 15, 1874, Perry Augustine ; she d. Apr. 4, 1877. III. Lucy Angeline Householder, b. June 15, 1854; ni. Apr. 13, 1875, Alonzo Black. IV. Charlotte Etna Householder, b. Apr. 11, 1857; m. Aug. 25, 1890, Robert Dunipace. V. Cornelia Alice Householder, b. Nov. 17, 1859; d. Apr. 10, 1864. VI. Eli Householder, b. May 24, 1S62. VII. Czarina Householder, b. June 6, 1865 ; d. Sept. 12,1866. Vlll. Ira Householder, b. Dec. 7, 1867 ; m. Aug. 9, 1887, Mary Walker. IX. Mary Blanche Householder, b. Oct. 8, 187 1 ; m. Apr. 2, 1890, Charles Rhoda. Child of the above Perry and Wealthy Avaline Augustine : 1. Bertha Marcella Augustine, b. Feb. 3, 1875 y d. Oct. 10, 1895. Children of Alonzo and Lucy A. (Householder) Black: 1. Pearl May Black, b. Apr. 28, 1876. II. Infant born and died Aug. 12, 1878. III. Marriffa Ardella Black, b. Mar. 27, 1880. IV. Alonzo Ross Black, b. July 15, 1882. V. Stany Blaine Black, b. Aug. 30, 1884 ; d. Jan. 6, 1898. VI. Lawrence Dean Black, b. Sept. 24, 1S86. Vll. George Lewis Black, b. Jan. 12, 1890. VIII. Daisy Beryl Black, b. Feb. 12, 1892. IX. Laura Agnes Black, b. Jan. 21, 1894. X. Doris Erma Black, b. Nov. 8, 1S96. Children of Robert and Charlotte (Householder) Dunipace : I. Edwin Dunipace, b. July 23, 1891. II. Donald Dunipace, b. Nov. 12, 1896 ; d. Oct. 30, 1897. 111. Andre Dunipace, b. May 31, 1899. Children of Ira and Mary Walker Householder : 1. Sarah Ann Householder, b. Apr. r, 1888. 11. Julius Householder, b. Nov. 29, 1890. III. Jacob Lewis Householder, b. Mar. 6, 1899. Children of Charles and Mary B. (Householder) Rhoda: I. Florence M. Rhoda, b. Nov. 11, 1891. II. Ernest P. Rhoda, b. June 24, 1893. HI. Harold W. Rhoda, b. Aug. 7, 1895. IV. Bertha L. Rhoda, b. Aug. 24, 1897. V. Martha E. Rhoda, b. May 28, 1899. Hon. Obed Edson. Mrs. Sarah (Scott) Edson. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 93 133. Sarah's Scott, (RufusS, Eleazer4, Reubens, Richard^ William") b. in Leverett, Mass., Oct. 6, 1799 ; m. at Pomfret, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1 81 6, Obed Edson, b. at Ritchfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Sept. II, 1796. He d. at Villa Ridge, 111., Sept. 9, 1877; she d. there May 9, 1877. Hon. Obed Edson was a lineal descendant of Samuel Edson, who was born in England in 161 2 and came to Salem, Mass., in 163 8 or '39. Obed moved with his mother and stepfather. Major Sinclair, to Chautauqua county, N. Y., in 1810, where he was married ; moved to Warren county. Pa., from there to Johnstown, Pa., where he resided until 1855, when he removed with his family to Northern lUinois, moving from there to Pulaski county. 111., where he resided at the time of his death. He was quite prominent in civil, political and Masonic circles in the communities where he resided ; was associate justice of Warren county. Pa. ; member of the State Legislature ; collector of the State improvements at Johnstown ; assistant superintendent of the old Alleghany Portage railroad running over the mountains and connecting the east and west sec- tions of the old Pennsylvania canal. He was associate justice of Pulaski county. 111., which position he resigned a few weeks before his decease. He was for many years a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His death was the result of a severe cold brought on by outdoor exposure to inclement weather while engaged in closing up his judicial business. The following is an excerpt from one of the many newspaper sketches published after his death : " He was ever a firm, consistent observer of truth and justice, and always contributed liberally to charitable objects. For nearly sixty years he was a true and faithful member of the Masonic frater- nity, and the large concourse of his Masonic brethren who paid the last sad rites to his memory gave evidence of the high esteem in which he had lived and died. To his family and friends he leaves a record more lasting than time, more enduring than marble, simply this : ' An honest man.' In his private life he was kind, considerate and hospitable, deeply feeling for the woes and afflictions of others. In all his private career he was ever found true to the trusts and responsibilities imposed upon him, and fearless in the execution of every duty. Age sat with decent grace upon him, and worthily became his silver locks. He bore the marks of a life well spent, of virtue, truth and honor fully tried, and of large and wide experience in all the relations he bore to his family, his kindred and his friends. Of a truth can it be said of his survivors, and well may we acclaim : ' Weep ye fir trees, for the cedar has fallen.' " 94 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. The following brief sketches of Mrs. Sarah Scott Edson are taken from newspaper articles published after her death at Villa Ridge, 111. : "The married life of the deceased extended over a period of sixty-one years, the pearl (sixtieth) wedding anniversary being cele- brated a year ago last February. She removed from Massachusetts with her parents to Chautauqua county, N. Y., where she was married at an early age, she and her husband moving to Villa Ridge in 1864. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for forty years. Her last sickness extended over a period of only eight days. Before passing away she expressed her faith that she was going to a home of eternal happiness with her Saviour, whom she had so long loved and served. Her life was one of usefulness and unselfish devotion to her family, of Christian fortitude and patience under affliction. Her children, her grandchildren and her great-grand- children will ever cherish with deep affection the memory of the dear departed." " Mrs. Edson was always a kind neighbor, in sympathy with the sorrowing, charitable to all, a devoted wife, a firm, consistent Christian, and a genuine model of female character and excellence. As a mother it would be impossible to overrate her merits ; watch- ful, patient, impartial and affectionate, governing with a firm but gentle hand, studying only as a mother can the diverse dispositions of her children with such affectionate judgment as to avoid even a suspicion of wrong or error." Children, the first six born at Gerry, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., the last four at Pine Grove, Warren Co., Pa. : I. Sophia Edson, b. Apr. 10, 1S17 ; m. at Pine Grove, Pa., July 12, 1838, Henry Gile Sargent, b. at New- buryport, Mass., Dec. i, 1S09, son of John Sargent, b. at Manchester Jan. 14, 1782. She d. in Aurora, Neb., Dec. 14, 1891 ; he d. same place Mar. 29, 1899. n. Hiram Sinclair Edson, b. Dec. 3, 181 8, at Sinclairville, N. Y. ; m. at Busti, Chautauqua county, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1S40, Mary Van Deusen, b. Mar. 24, 1819 ; he d. at McHenry, 111., Nov. 23, 1854. He was survived by three sons, Obed, Henry and Rufus, now (1901) married and living West. III. Willis Bigelow Edson, b. at Sinclairville, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1820; m. May 4, 1843, Cordelia Curtis, b. at Ashville, N. Y., May 26, 1825; she d. at Villa Ridge, III, Aug. 2, 1866. He m. (2) Sept. 1867, Katherine (Hosmer) Stoddard, dau. of Hon Geo. and Elizabeth (Berry) Hosmer; he d. at Villa Ridge, June 6, 1890. N' ■^ 0^ 1 V • 4^ ■1 ' ■ lHHIip ^^^^^^^^HH^HI ^^^1 ^^ ' ^ 1 im^^L^H ^^^^I^^H ^^ John Milton Edson. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 95 IV. Fanny Edson, b. Oct. i6, 1822 ; m. at Pine Grove, Pa., Feb. 21, 1841, Le Grand Van Deusen, b. 1821 ; d. near Chicago, 111., Oct. 16, 1864. She m. (2) in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Feb. 12, 1877, Thomas Watson Manchester, b. in Barnet, Vt., Nov. 30, 1825, son of Thomas and Abigail (Redding) Man- chester ; she d. at Keokuk, Iowa, Aug. 21, i8g8. V, Walter Scott Edson, b. Sept. 10, 1824; m. at Pine Grove, Pa., June 28, 1849, Marcia A. Van Deusen, dau. of Joshua Belden and Lucia (Grosvenor) Van Deusen, b. at Ashville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Mar. 13, 1831 ; he d. at Kirkwood, Mo., Oct. 2, 1882. VI. Nancy Edson, b. Apr. 6, 1827 ; m. at Langworthy, Iowa, May 16, 1877, Stephen Batchelder. She resides at Langworthy, la. VII. John Milton Edson, b. in Pine Grove, Pa., Oct. 12, 1832 ; m. at McHenry, 111., Dec. 7, 1857, Elizabeth Marietta Swails, b. in Collins, Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 2, 1837 ; she d. in Chicago, TIL, Aug. 20, 1891. Mr. Edson moved to Johnstown, Pa., with his parents about 1848; attended select school there and academy in Indiana Co., Pa. ; name entered for the study of law in the office of Judge Cyrus L. Pirshing at Johnstown, but a several months' seige of malaria caused him to abandon his profession. He afterwards entered the office of " The Alleghany Mountain Echo" as a temporary make-shift, but that work proved so very congenial and so well suited to his tastes and inclination that he has, except at two brief intervals, been continuously connected with newspaper and printing work in different capacities down to the present time ; employed on Chicago daily papers for three years ; edited and published papers in Illinois in Du Page (-0., McHenry Co. at Bloomington, and in DeWitt Co., and Henry Co., returning to Chicago in 1867, when he engaged with Mr. A. N. Kellogg as the first editor employed by him in his newspaper auxiliary enterprise, then recently established ; he continued with that house down to the end of the year 1904, over thirty-seven years, as editor-in-chief of the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co. Mr. Edson still resides in Chicago but is not at present engaged in active business, having earned a well- deserved vacation for rest. The compiler of this 96 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. genealogy is indebted to Mr. Edson for the data connected with the descendants of Hon. Obed and Sarah (Scott) Edson. VIII. Joseph Hewes Edson, b. Apr. 15, 1835 ; drowned at Johnstown, Pa., July 21, 1857. IX. Thomas Hart Benson Edson, b. Sept. 7, 1837 ; d. at McHenry, 111., Aug. 21, 1854. X. Martha Lovina Edson, b. Sept. 26, 1840; d. Feb. 14, 1647. Children of the foregoing Henry G. and Sophia (Edson) Sargent : I. Henry Sargent, b. at Russellburg, Pa., Aug. 6, 1848; m. Libbie Miller Woods. Their children are : Arvilla Sargent, b. at Aurora, Neb., May 28, 1881, and Nora Sophia Sargent, b. at same place May 20, 1883. II. George B. Sargent, b. at Covington, Ky., Jan. 25, 1831 ; recently living in Cairo, 111. Children of the foregoing Hiram Sinclair and Mary Van Deusen Edson : I. Obed E. Edson, b. at Pine Grove, Pa., Apr. 7, 1842 ; m. Oct, 27, 1867, Martha A. Smith, b. July 7, 1852, at Volga, Iowa. Their children are : ( i ) Hiram O. Edson, b. Aug. 5, 1868, at Black River Falls, Wis., d. May 9, 1873; (2) Mary E. Edson, b. at Eau Claire, Wis., Apr. 12, 1870, d. Apr. 10, 1873; (3) Julia M. Edson, b. at Osseo, Wis., April 27, 1874; (4) Edna V. Edson, b. at Fergus Falls, Minn., July 7, 1876, m. Sept. 23, 1896, Atha E. Russell ; their dau. was born at Milton, Oregon, Dec. 19, 1897 ; (5) Imogene V. Edson, b. at Min- neapolis, Minn., May 29, 1880; (6) Obed C. Edson, b. at Sehome, Wash., Nov. 28, 1889, d. same place Apr. 9, 1890; (7) Guy Milton Edson, b. at Milton, Oregon, Nov. i, 1891. II. Henry Sargent Edson, b. at Pine Grove, Pa., Mar. 29, 1844. Have no record of his marriage or dates of his children, whose names follow : (i) Mary Edson, m. Brown; (2) Estella Edson, m. Kimbro ; (3) Gertrude Edson, m. Cramer; (4) Hiram Edson ; (5) John Edson (dead) ; (6) Byron Edson; (7) Milton Edson; (8) Otto Edson; (9) Genevieve Edson; (10) Queenie Edson (dead) ; (11) Bruce Edson; (12) A. Edson. Children of the above Mary (Edson) Brown are: (i) Rhoda Brown, (2) Donald Brown (dead), (3) Katherine Brown. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOIT. 97 Children of Estella (Edson) Kimbro are: (i) Margaret Kimbro, (2) Rhoda Kimbro, (3) Laura Kimbro. Children of Gertrude (Edson) Cramer are: (i) Lora Cramer, (2) Kara Cramer, (3) Zacklyme Cramer. Ill, Richard Montgomery Edson, b. at Elk, Pa., Aug. 28, 1844. IV. Rufus Scott Edson, b. at Johnstown, Pa., July 24, 1850. Have no record of marriage or dates of birth of his children, which follow: (i) Bessie Edson, (2) Ruby Edson, (3) Fern Edson. V. John Van Deusen Edson, b. at Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 26, 1854. Have no record of marriage. His children are: (i) Guy E. Edson, (2) Albert O. Edson, (3) Adelbert Edson, (4) Mary Edson (dead), (5) Russie May Edson. Children of Willis Bigelow and Cordelia Edson were : I. Ranson Curtis Edson, b. at Ashville, N. ¥., Sept. 23, 1844 ; d. there Oct. 24, 1852. II. May Edson, b. at Ashville, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1848; m. Oct. 2, 1865, Henry Forbush Weaver, son of Peter and Eliza (Jackson) Weaver. Their children are : (i) Edith May Weaver, b. in Pomfret, N. Y., July I, 1866; (2) Shelden Collier Weaver, b. at Villa Ridge, 111., Nov. 14, 1867; (3) WiUiam Alonzo Weaver, b. at Villa Ridge, Feb. 27, 1870; (4) Edson Peter Weaver, b. in Arkwright, N. Y., June 19, 1873, m. July 17, 1897, Lillian Maude Blodgett. The above Edith May Weaver, m. May 15, 1896, Charles Polete Merchant. Their children, b. in Fredonia, N. Y., are: (i) Edson Polete Merchant, b. Apr. 13, 1889; (3) Blanche Merchant, b. June 30, 1791; (4) Grace Merchant, b. Mar. 5, 1893; (s) Fred Merchant, b. July 19, 1896; (6) Angeline Gertrude Merchant, b. May 12, 1898. The above Edson Collier Weaver, m. Jan. 8, 1893, Emma May Fox. Their children, b. in Newport, Neb., are: (i) Lewis Edson Weaver, b. Jan. 2, 1894; (2) Ernerst Leroy Weaver, b. Jan. 30, 1896; (3) Henry Hugh Weaver, b. Dec. 7, 1899. Children of the foregoing Legrand F. and Fanny Edson Van Deusen : I. Joseph B. Van Deusen, b. at Russellburg, Pa., July 28, 1843; m. in Jones Co., Iowa, Sept. 1872, Alfareta Failing. Their children, b. in Hamilton Co., Neb., 98 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. are : (i) Carrie Van Deusen, b. 1873 ; (2) Waller LeGrand Van Deusen, b. 1875 ; (3) Thomas Van Deusen, b. 1878, d. 1886; (4) Hugh Owen Van Deusen, b. Apr., 1880; (5) Pearl Van Deusen, b. Apr., 1880; (6) Alfareta Van Deusen, d. Nov., 1882. II. Sarah Imogene Van Deusen, b. at Russellburg, Pa., July 3, 1845 ; d. in Chicago, May 20, 1857. III. Waller Delos Van Deusen, b. at Russellburg, Pa., Nov. 23, 1848. No further record received. Children of foregoing Waller S. and Marcia A. (Van Deusen) Edson : I. Ernest Eugene Edson, b. at Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 11, 1850; d. Dec. 22, 1850. II. Martha Jane Edson, b. Apr. 14, 1852; m. at Villa Ridge, 111., Feb. 7, 1872, Marshall W. Warren. I'heir children are : (i) Augusta V. D. Warren, b. at Villa Ridge, Pa., Sept. 5, 1872, m. at Webster Grove, Mo., Jan. 11, 1899, Charles J. Kendrick ; (2) Walter Marshall Warren, b. at Webster Grove, Mo.; (3) son, name not ascertained. 111. Son, b. Apr. 20, 1854 ; d. same day. IV. Frank Grosvenor Edson, b. Aug. 12, 1856; m. at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. i, 1882, Sarah E. Osborne. V. Fanny EHza Edson, b. at McHenry, 111., Nov. 27, 1858 ; d. at Kewanee, 111., Dec. 31, 1862. VI. Legrand Edson, b. at Chicago, Aug. 4, 1862; d. at Kewanee, 111., Dec. 31, 1862. VII. Pearl E. Edson, b. at Cairo, 111., Nov. 26, 1S63 ; m. Nov. II, 1885, William K. Stager, b. in Philadel- phia, June 19, 1858. Their children, b. in Waldo, Fla., are: (i) William Edson Stager, b. Dec. 24, 1886 ; (2) Margaret Lewis Stager, b. Feb. 2, 1889 ; (3) Mabel Augusta Stager, b. Aug. 16, 1891. VIII. Grace L. Edson, b. at Villa Ridge, 111., Mar. 31, 1866 ; m. Nov. 14, 1888, F. Rohmer Le Baron, son of Joseph M. and Florence R. LeBaron. Their children are : ( i ) Florence Augusta Le Baron, b. in Waldo, Fla., Feb. 15, 1S90; (2) Gladys Ruth LeBaron, b. in Palatka, Fla., Aug. 8, 1893; (3) Blanche Rhomer LeBaron, b. in Palatka, Aug. 28, 1898. IX. Blanche Edson, b. at Villa Ridge, III, Feb. 3, 1S68; m. Mar. i, 1894, George W. Strickland, M. D., son of William A. and Susan I. (Priest) Strickland. Their children, b. in Waldo, Fla., are: (i) Marcia / *^. „i John Milton Edson, Jr. Willis Scott Edson. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 99 V. D. Strickland, b. Dec. 15, 1896; (2) George Edson Strickland, b. July 12, 1898. X. Maude Edson, b. at Villa Ridge, 111., Aug. 22, 1870; m. Oct. 7, 1 89 1, Edward C. Stowe, son of Edward B. Stowe. Their children are: (i) Blanchard E. Stowe, b. in St. Louis, Mo., July 10, 1893; (2) Marcia R. Stowe, b. in Villa Ridge, III, Dec. 18, 1894. XI. Ida Russell Edson, b. in Villa Ridge, 111., Aug. 13, 1873 j d. Nov. 20, 1874. Children of the foregoing John Milton and Elizabeth M. (Swails) Edson are : I. Sarah Emogene Edson, b. at Clinton, 111., Oct. 15, 1858; d. at Galva, 111., Nov. 18, 1866. II. Joseph Sheldon Edson, b. in Chicago, 111., Nov. 11, i860; d. in Chicago Nov. 13, 1861. III. Marietta Elizabeth Edson, b. in Chicago, Nov. 18, 1862 ; d. in Chicago Sept. i, 1880. IV. John Milton Edson Jr., b. in Galva, 111., July 10, 1866 ; m. at Mineral Point, Wis., 1887, Ethel Harris. He m. (2) in Chicago, Aug. 16, 1892, Georgia Esther, dau. of George N. and Esther Houghton, b. in Chicago, Jan. 9, 1871. He was for fifteen years connected with the Armour company. He recently resigned the position of credit man and office manager at Jacksonville, Fla., and accepted the position of credit man with C. B. Van Deman Co., wholesale grocers in the same city. Child by first marriage : Harold Milton Edson, b. in Chicago, March 26, i888. Children by second marriage : George Milton Edson, b. in Chicago, July 20, 1S93, d. July 24, 1893 ; John Milton Edson 3d, b. in Boston, Mass., Aug. 31, 1898. V, Wilhs Scott Edson, b. in Chicago, May 17, 186S ; m. in Chicago, Oct. 9, 1894, Gertrude Eugenia, dau. of William Pitt and Annie Jane (Roads) Haight, b. in Muskagon, Mich., Sept. 16, 1873. Her father is a contractor and builder in Chicago. Mr. Edson has been connected with the editorial department of the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company for over sixteen years, and is now one of the editors of that company at the Chicago office, the headquarters of the company. Their children are: (i) Margaret Jeannette Edson, b. in Chicago, Aug. 4, 1895 ; (2) Frances Townsley Edson, b. in Chicago, Oct. 15, 1897 ; (3) Willis Scott Edson Jr., b. in Chicago, lOO DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. July 6, 1 901 : (4) Gertrude Eugenia Edson, b. in Chicago, July 22, 1903. VI. Bertha Frances Edson, b. in Chicago, May 26, 1872 ; m. at Racine, Wis., Feb. 12, 1891, Horace Howe Hammond, son of Israel Kelley and Hattie Elizabeth (Howe) Hammond, b. in Wilkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 24, 1866. His father was captain and owner of a sea vessel. Mr. Hammond has been connected for many years with the wholsale cloth- ing house of Woodhull, Goodale & Bull at Syracuse, N. Y. He is also a traveling salesman in the interests of the company. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond reside at Syracuse, N. Y. Their only child, Marion Edson Hammond, was born at Jackson, Mich., Oct. 27, 1892. 134. Christopher^' Scott, (RufusS, Eleazer^, Reuben3, Richard^, William') b. in Franklin Co., Mass., June 5, 1801 ; m. 1826, Marinda Metcalf, b. in Vt., Nov., 1804. He d. at Sycamore, 111., Oct. 21, 1888; she d. Apr. 7, 1855. Children : I. Eliza Ann, b. in Lodi, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1829; m. Nov. 19, 1859, J. V. Pratt. Residence, Richmond, Kane Co., 111. Their children are: (i) Earl Pratt, b. Sept. 9, 1891 ; (2) William J. Pratt, b. Mar. 17, 1866; (3) Hattie M. Pratt, b. Mar. 23, 1869, m. Apr. 14, 1SS2, Elliott. II. James W., b. Sept. 24, 1S30; he went to California in 1850. His after history is not known. HI. Levi, b. Apr. 16, 1833, at Arkwright, N. Y. ; d.Dec.31, 1834. IV. Harriet M., b. at Arkwright, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1835; m. 1865, Elam Nichols. Residence, Sandwich, 111. V. George B., b. at Arkwright, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1837 ; d. May 19, 1854. 217. VI. Lucy Mariah, b. at Arkwright, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1840. VII. Laura, b. at Arkwright, N. Y., June 19, 1842; d. Aug. 4, 1843. VIII. Walter R., b. at Wayne, N. Y., June 3, 1845 ; m. Elizabeth Hemenway ; he d. April, 1883. She resides at Ark Park, 111. 217^. IX. Mary L., b. at Bloommdale, 111., July 30, 1847. 135. Tirzah^ Scott, (RufusS, Eleazer^ Reuben3, Richard^ William') b. in Wendell, Mass., July 15, 1806; m. 1824, Russell W. Mrs. Bertha F. (Edson) Hammond. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. lOI Mattoon, b. Nov. 28, 1802. He d. Nov. 4, 1885, at Cassadaga, N. Y. ; she d. at Arkwright, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1865. Children : I. Abner R. Mattoon, b. July 19, 1825 ; m. Nov. iS, 1845, Rhoda F. Briggs, b. Nov. 26, 1829 ; he d. Apr. 30, 1895. She resides in Fredonia, N. Y. Children : (i) Laura C. Mattoon, b. Apr. 23, 1851, m. Thomas A. Harper; (2) Walter W. Mattoon, b. Nov. 26, 1S52, m. Clara McNett ; (3) Clara L. Mattoon, b. Oct. 24, 1S54, m. Marvin Mathews; (4) Frankie A. Mattoon, b. June 2, 1864, d. Sept. 17, 1864; (5) Lewis J. Mattoon, b. Sept. 2, 1888; (6) Ella J. Mattoon, b. Feb. 25, 1874, d. Sept, 4, 1893. H. Elvira S. Mattoon, b. Apr. 23, 1827 ; m. W. Griswold. III. Annette C. Mattoon, b. May 19, 1830, in Pomfret, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 3, 1856, William P. Shepard, b. Dec. 17, 1832. They reside in Cassadaga, N. Y. Their only child, Hattie A. Shepard, was b. May 24, 1857 ; m. Williamson. IV. Mary L. Mattoon, b. Jan. 2, 1832 ; d. Oct. 8, 1852. V. Franklin A. Mattoon, b. July 6, 1S34; ni. Curatine Straty. He d. 1861, Mar. 26. VL Olive S. Mattoon, b. Feb. 19, 1836 ; m. A. Webster. VIL Rebecca M. Mattoon, b. Oct. 28, 1838; m. W. M. Allen. VHL Cilista E. Mattoon, b. Apr. 7, 1840; m. Samuel Pickett. IX. Sherman Mattoon, d. at the age of three years. 136. Reuben^ Scott, (RufusS, Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richard% William') b. in Wendell, Mass., Dec. 23, 1807; m. May 29, 1829, Lois Wood. He d. Apr. i, 1892 ; she d. Apr. 15, 1872. Ezra, b. Aug. 15, 1830. Francis, b. in Pomfret, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1831,. Laura Sophia, b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1835^ Sylvester E., b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1840. Sally Hephzibah, b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1845. 137. Cynthia^ Scott, (RufusS, EleazerS Reuben3, Richard-, William') b. Aug. 31, 1809, in Massachusetts; m. May 20, 1830, Nathan Sherman, b. Feb. 24, 1800. He d. at Baraboo, Wis., Dec. 7, 1888; she d. at Mt. Tabor, Wis., May 14, 1882. Children : 218. I. 219. IL 220. III 221. IV, 222. V, I02 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOT!'. Children : I. Hannah M. Sherman, b. Feb. i8, 1831 ; m. Feb. 28, 1847, George Durkee; she d. June 30, 1884; left seven children and 1 1 grandchildren. II. Rufus Sherman, b. Aug. 17, 1833; m. Dec. 27, 1857, Louise Cliste ; he d. July 18, 1890; had seven children and two grandchildren. III. David B. Sherman, b. Jan. 2, 1835 ; m. Sept 27, 1866, Roxa Shorden ; she d. Jan. 20, 1899; had one child, Harris A. P. Sherman, b. Sept. 20, 1869. Resides in Elroy, Wis. His father resides in Mt. '1 abor. Wis. IV. Olive C. Sherman, b. Oct. 23, 1836; m. Mar. 12, 1S50, Benjamin Vanbleet ; she d. May 27, 1861 ; left three children and five grandchildren. V. Roxelda L. Sherman, b. Aug. 6, 1838; m. May 27, 1857, John E. Howell; m. (2) Nov., 1867, Burdette Emery ; has two children. VI. Cordeha L. Sherman, b. Dec. 17, 1839; m. Aug. 27, 1S56, George W. Hawkins ; have seven children. VII. Eli G. Sherman, b. Sept. 29, 1841 ; m. Nov. 4, 1862, Mary Moore; he d. Sept. 13, 1885; had eight children. VIII. Edgar G. Sherman, b. Feb. 12, 1843; m. Dec. 18, 1867, Mariah Beals ; have one child. Reside in Ridgeway, Colo. IX. Helen V. Sherman, b. Apr. 18, 1845 ! ™- ^P^. 20, 1865, Joshua Enslin ; have two children and one grandchild. Reside in Hudson, Wis. X. Nathan F. Sherman, b. June 14, 1849; m. Mar. 5, 1 87 1, Emma Willard. Reside in Baraboo, Wis. XI. Nancy C. Sherman, b. July 15, 1851 ; m. Mar. 20, 1870, Eli Baldon; she d. June 30, 18SS ; had five children. XII. Henry C. Sherman, b. Jan. 22, 1855 ; m. May 22, 1881, Hannah Cortin ; have three children. 138. AbigaiK' Scott, (RufusS Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richard^ William') b. about iSi i ; m. Cox; she d. at Arkwright, N. Y., Apr. II, 1877. Child, named Edward Scott, because the father died before the son's birth : Edward Scott, b. Nov. 3, 1826; m. July 4, 1849, Mary C. Barrell, b. Aug. 14, 1834; he d. Mar. 11, 1898. She resides in La Salle, 111. They had six sons, five of whom died unnamed soon after birth. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. IO3 Their son, Lee C. Scott, b. Jan. 15, 185 1 • m. Oct. S, 1873, Anna H. Johnson. She d. Jan. 9, 1883 ; he d. June 9, 1897. Their children were : (i) Clara A. Scott, b. Dec. 2, 1874, m. Dec. 2, 1896, John A. Reynolds of Deer Park, 111. ; (2) Carrie E. Scott, b. Aug. 26, 1877, m. Mar. 16, 1898, John A. Johnson; (3) Edward J. Scott, b. June 2, 1880, unm. ; (4 and 5) Julia and Jessie Scott, twins, b. Oct. i, 1882, Jessie d. Jan. 8, 1883, Julia m. Nov. 10, 1897, George Huwk. I3Q. Levinia'^ Scott, (Rufus^, Eleazer^, Reuben-% Richard^ William') b. in Gerry, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1813 ; m. Jan. 12, 1837, Joel R. Parker, b. in Boonville, Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 16, 181 2, a descendant of Joel Parker of Douglass, Mass. He d. Feb. 14, 1862 ; she d. Jan. 27, 1869. Children, b. in Fredonia, N. Y. I. Julius Joel Parker, b. Feb. 9, 183S ; m. Feb. 22, i860, Mary Elizabeth Wheelock, dau. of Alonzo Wheelock, descended from the founder of Dart- mouth College; she d. Apr. 6, 1872. He m. (2) June 23, 1880, Lucy H. Tremaine. He resides in Fredonia, N. Y., where he is an extensive and successful grower and shipper of fruits, vegetables, seeds, plants and nursery stock. Children: (i) Helen R. Parker, b. July 7, 1S61 ; m. July 22, 1S85, Fremont L. Calkins. They reside in Thorp, Wash. Their children are : (a) Frederick Park Calkins, b. May 23, 1888; (b) Forrest Fremont Calkins, b. Nov. 11, 1889; (c) Frances Mary Calkins, b. Mar. 9, 1894 ; (d) Julius Brown Calkins, b. Dec. 15, 1895 ; (e) Norman Floyd Calkins, b. Oct. 12, 1900. (2) Grace Elizabeth Parker, b. June 27, 1862, m. Apr. 28, 1886, Daniel R. Miles. They reside in Gilmore City, Iowa. Their child, Edith Miles, b. May 11, 1889, m. Sept. 10, 1905, Merle P. Dean. (3) Mary Esther Parker, b. Feb. i, 1864, m. Jan. 20, 1886, Edward Rush Carpenter. Reside in Auburn, N. Y. Their children are : (a) Carroll Edward Carpenter, b. Feb. 17, 1889; (b) Julius Henry Carpenter, b. Jan. 7, 1893 ; (c) Charles Clifford Miles Carpenter, b. Feb. 18, 1897 ; (d) Elizabeth Edwina Carpenter, b. Apr. 8, 1902 ; (4) Joel Wheelock Parker, b. Aug. 5, 1866, d. Jan. 24, 1899. I04 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. II. Julia Lavinia Parker, twin with Julius; m. June 20, 1863, Walter R.Wilcox. III. Calista Lucy Parker, b. Apr. i, 1841 ; m. Oct., 1867, Fernando C. Brown ; she d. at Springfield, Mo., Mar., 1898. They had one son, deceased. IV. Cornelius Walter Parker, b. May 16, 1842 ; enlisted in the 112th Regt. N. Y. Vols, in 1863 ; d. in hos- pital in Beaufort, S. C, Nov. 27, 1864. V. Pulaski Martin Parker, b. Mar. 9, 1844; m. Mar. 9, 1864, Ella Perham. He resides in Fredonia, N. Y., where he has held office for nearly 25 years. Their two children are deceased. I40. Olive'^' Scott, (RufusS, Eleazer*, Reuben3, Richard-, William") b. Aug. 4, 1815 ; m. Jan. 4, 1838, Beman B. Sherman, b. Feb. 26, 1811. She d. Oct. 20, 1876; he d. Feb. 22, 1897, They resided in Mayville, N. Y., prior to 1856, after that date in Edgerton, Wis., where they died. Children : I. Gustavas A. Sherman, b. Oct. 18, 1838; d. Feb. 15, 1839. II. Loren W. Sherman, b. Mar. 11, 1840; m. Aug. 10, 1868, Kate B. Wilcox; m. (2) Aug. 4, 1875, Marion F. Wilcox, sister of first wife. Children by first marriage: (i) Burton W. Sherman, b. July, 1869, d. Jan. 8, 1882 ; (2) Louis A. Sherman, b. Nov., 1870, m. 1892, Sophia Dahl ; (3) Edgar H. Sherman, b. Aug., 1872, d. Jan. 7, 1882; (4) Frank E. Sherman, b. 1S74, d. Oct., 1875. Chil- dren by second marriage: (5) Ephraim W. Sherman, b. May, 1878, d. Jan. 5, 1882 ; (6) Kate B. Sherman, b. May, 1880, d. June, 1882; (7) Laura I. Sherman, b. Sept., 1883; (8) Edna L. Sherman, b. Apr., 1^66. Mr. L. W. Sherman resides in Lyle, Minn. III. Frederick A. Sherman, b. June 10, 1846; d. Feb. 16, 1848. IV. Flora A. Sherman, b. Jan. 20, 1848; m. Apr. 10, 1889, William H. Pomeroy. Reside in Edgerton, Wis. No children. V. Jewett H. Sherman, b. Mar. 4, 185 1 ; m. Mar. 3, 1880, Mary Ellen Hanson. Reside in Lyle, Minn. Children: (i) son, b. and d. same day, Jan. 29, 1881 ; (2) Flora Belle Sherman, b. Sept. 16, 1882, d. Jan. 19, 1890 ; (3) Edward B. Sherman, b. Nov. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 105 26, 1883 ; (4) Nellie E. Sherman, b. Aug. i, 1885 ; (5) Grace May Sherman, b. Sept. 17, 1889; (6) Leslie W. Sherman, b. Nov. 25, 1892 ; (7) Stanton L. Sherman, b. Aug. 31, 1894; (8) Walter H. Sherman, b. Oct. 15, '1896; (9) Willis T. Sherman, b. Oct. 15, 1896. VI. Olive L. Sherman, b. Nov. 11, 1852 ; d. May 23, 1873. VII. Nelhe G. Sherman, b. Aug. 16, 1857 ; m.^Sept. 17, 1884, James M. Pyre. Reside in Edgerton, Wis. Children: (i) Frank ShermaniPyre,''b. Oct.] 31, 1888; (2) Russell Benson Pyre, b. Oct. 2, 1890. 141. Laura^ Scott, (RufusS, Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richards William') b. in Shumla, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1818; m.pec. 18, 1851, Alfred Wiggins. He d. Oct. 24, 1865 ; she d. Aug. 21, 1896. They resided first in Arkwright, N. Y., and later in Lewiston, Md., where he d. Children : I. Alfred C. Wiggins, b. Jan. 13, 1854 ; m. Lucy Bailey. Their only child, Mattie D. Wiggins, b. Nov. 26, 1874, m. Feb. 12, 1895, Leonard Dalrymple, whose child, Alfred Orrin Dalrymple, was b. Aug. 23, 1897. II. Lillian Cora Wiggins, b. Dec. 12, i860; m. Dec. 7, 1882, Walter Gibbs; she d. Apr. 23, 1898. Chil- dren: (i) Florence L. Gibbs, b. Nov. 30, 1883; (2) Laura Gladys Gibbs, b. Oct. 24, 1889. They reside in Fredonia, N. Y. 142. Leonard^^ Scott, (Martins, Eleazer4, Reubens, Richard^ William',) b. Jan. 7, 1820; m. July 14, 1847, Hephzibah C.Bennett, b. Aug. 18, 1824. She was living in 1905 in Dunkirk, N. Y. He d. July 22, 1896. Children : 233. I. Martin E., b. May 3, 1848. 234. II. Lydia M., b. Nov. 19, 1850. 235. III. Arthur J., b. Jan. 14, 1S54. 143. Martha E.^ Scott, (MartinS, Eleazer4, Reuben^, Richards William') b. July 22, 1829; m. Nov. 28, 1854, Sanford R. King, b. May 27, 1830, d. July 5, 1894. She resides in Montague, Mass. Children : I. Henry M. King, b. Oct. 12, 1855 ; d. Mar. 31, 1899 ; m. Aug. 21, 1883, Emma N. Chadwick ; had one child, Wesley N. King, b. Aug. 17, 1889. I06 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT, 11. Lillian L. King, b. Oct. 15, i860; m. June 30, 1S80, Samuel C. Lincoln. Their children: (i) Vivian M. Lincoln, b. June 19, 1881 ; (2) Mabel V. Lincoln, b. Sept. 4, 1S84; (3) Brooks M. Lincoln, b. Feb. 12, 1887. All reside in Montague, Mass. 144. Edward Everetf"' Scott, (EleazerS, Eleazer^, Reuben3, Richard-, William') b. in Montague, Mass., Oct. 27, 1835 ; m. Apr. 19, 1760, Alma Maria Davis, dau. of Elisha, b. Mar. 19, 1841; he d. Nov. 17, 1904. He resided in Montague, Mass. Children : 1. Clarence E., b. )an. 21, 1861 ; m. Dec. 22, 1882, Effie L. Montague, b. in Leverett Aug. 17, 1863; d. Dec. 12, 1889. He m. (2) Grace Bernett of Belchertown, Mass. Reside in Springfield, Mass. II. Frederick O., b. Jan. 14, 1868; m. Nov. 27, 1890, Annie L. Sewall. Reside in Montague, Mass. 145. Dea. Samuel Squires^ Scott, (Samuels, Phineas4, Samuel3, William^ William') b. Apr. 4, 1813, in Bennington, Vt. ; m. Oct. 13, 184T, Fanny Maria Patchin ; she d. May 17, 1851. He m. (2) Sept. 5, 1855, Elizabeth James Harrison, b. Nov. 7, 1829; he d. Jan. 22, 1893. Children by first marriage, b. in Bennington : 1. Fanny Lucretia, b. Aug. 6, 1S42 ; d. Aug. 14, 1842. 11. Fanny Squires Patchin, b. Dec. 3, 1843; d. Jan. 25, 1848. III. Edward Hooker, b. Apr. 27, 1851. Child by second marriage : IV. Frances Maria, b. Feb. 22, 1857. 146. Edwin Merrilf' Scott, (Hiram W.s, Phineas4, Samuels, William-, William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Sept. 23, 1818 ; m. Dec. 19, 1841, Helen Mar Everts, b. Jan. 12, 1825. Reside in Auburn, N. Y. Children : 226. I. Helen Rowena, b. Mar. 15, 1S46. 227. II. James Rollin, b. Apr. 8, 1848. 228. 111. Horatio R., b. Nov. 14, 1853. 229. IV. Edwin Merrill, b. July 7, 1856. 230. V. William Dudley, b. Dec. 6, 1858. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 107 VI. M. Louise, b. Feb. 22, 1861 ; unm. Resides in Auburn, N. Y. VII. Frederick E., b. Mar. 31, 1863; unm. Resides in Auburn, N. Y. 147. Julius O.*'^ Scott, (Hiram W.s, Pliineas^, Samuels, William^, William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Sept. 17, 1S20; m. Jan. 22, 1845, Mary Ann Clark. He d. Jan. 4, 1895 ; she d. Oct. 20, 1899. ■ Children : I. Egbert F., b. Aug. 5, 1846; enlisted Sept., 1863, in Co. K., 20th Regt. N. Y. Vol. Cavalry; dis- charged in Aug., 1865. An injury received in Dec, 1864, caused the loss of a limb. He was at the Soldiers' Home in 1900. II. Rollin A., b. Aug. 30, 1847; m. Mary Dillenbeck. Resides in Pulaski, N. Y. III. George B., b. Feb. 20, 1849; m. Nellie Fitzgerald. Resides in Chicago. IV. Alice J., b. Oct. 29, 1851 ; m. E. Dillenbeck. Reside in Pulaski, N. Y. V. Adah E., b. May 26, 1853 ; m. Nov. 8, 1876, John M. Scott, son of Henry and Mary A. Scott. Reside in Bennington, Vt. VI. Louisa E., b. Apr. 12, 1857. Resides in Syracuse, N. Y. VII. Mary, b. June 19, 185S; d. Mar., 1859. VIII. Maggie R., b. Jan. 13, 1862 ; m. Mr. Sperling. Reside in Syracuse. IX. Frank C, b. June 23, 1864; m. Pleadie Gibbs. Reside in Pulaski, N. Y. X. Fred E., b. Nov. 22, 1868. He resides in Syracuse, N. Y. 148. Horace*"' Scott, (Daniels, Capt. David4, David-^, Joseph^ William') b. Jan. 12, 1S98; m. 1822, Cynthia Webster; she d. May 10, 1837. He m. (2) Maria Smith, b. Feb. 4, 1804; d. Jan. 7, 1850.. He ra. (3) Lucy Howe, b. Aug. 27, 1816; he d. in Ruyter, N. Y., June, 1880. Children : 231. I. Daniel. 232. II. Horace. 233. III. Alonzo. 234. IV. Laura. 108 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 235. V. Lorinda. 236. VI. Cynthia. 237. VII. Helen. VIII. Horton ; m. Hattie Bacon. IX, Mile ; m. Ellen Smith. 149. Merrick^ Scott, (Daniels, Capt. Davids, David3, Joseph^ William') b. 1800; m. Sally Harvey. Children : ' I. John; m. Cynthia Webster. Shed.; hed. Had one child. II. Sally; m. Gilbert Trass; he d. She m. (2) Hewett. She is now (1905) at Mt. Upton, N. Y. III. Polly ; m. Boman Shaw ; d. She d. IV. Lucy Ann ; m. Shaw ; d. She d. V. Rachel ; m. Jefferson ; d. 150. Asa S.'^ Scott, (Daniels, Capt. David4, David-S Joseph^ William') b. in Sharon, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1S04 ; m. Mar. 6, 1828, Freelove J. French, b. June 4, 1S06, in Dublin, N. H., dau. of Ebenezer; he d. in Norwich, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1S77. Children : I. Elizabeth A., b. in Plymouth, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1830; m. Oct. 22, 1S51, Augustus C. Aldrich ; she d. Sept. 26, i860. Their son, Asa A. Aldrich, b. Apr. 26, 1857 ; m. May 31, 1888, Estelle Heady, whose daughters, Mildred and Marion, were born June 28, 1897. II. Frederick H., b. in Plymouth, N. \ ., Mar. 6, 1843; m. Dec. 26, 1865, Sarah J. Ransford ; she d. June 6, i'893. He m. (2) June 27, 1894, Mrs. Sarah A. Aldrich. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. 151. Walter" Scott, (Daniels, Capt. David4, David-\ Joseph^ William') b. Sept. 23, 1806; m. Sept. 17, 1S35, Delia Graves, dau. of Lucius, b. Apr. 9, 1S16; d. July 14, 1844, in Preston, N. Y. He m. (2) May 19, 1845, Elmina Gale, dau. of John. He began business as a wagon-maker, but later devoted himself to law and farming. He d. in Norwich, N. Y., Sejit. 3, 1888. Children by first marriage : I. Celia A., b. July 25, 1836 ; m. , Austin D. Sayies. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. lOQ 238. II. Harriet, b. June 28, 1838. III. Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1839; m. June 13, 1891, Lathrom Crandall, b. Jan. 14, 1828. Reside in Holmesville, N. Y. No children. IV. Theresa, b. Aug. 21, 1842; m. Nov. 22, 1861, Horace Gale. She d. Oct. 22, 1S90 ; he d. . Their child, E. Defraunce, is dead. V. Walter, b. June 24, 1844; m. Sept. 23, 1896, Emma Tracy. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. Children by second marriage : VI. Winfield R., b. Dec. 12, 1847; m. Sept. 19, 1872, Ahce Gale. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. Have one child, Grace L. VII. Merrietta D., b. Feb. 24, 1849; ""m- Resides in Norwich, N. Y. H. Gertrude L., b. Nov. 17, 1850. Roxa J., b. Dec. 26, 1852, unm. Resides in Norwich, N. Y. 240. X. Virgil A., b. Apr. 29, 1855. XL Hettie E., b. Aug. 13, 1859; m. Oct. i, 1874, Willis W. Gale. She d. Dec. 24, 1892 ; he d. . XII. Alice M., b. June 3, 1863 ; m. Apr. 8, 1886, Herbert D. Barry. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. Have one child, Guy Barry. 152. Col. Jay Monroe^ Scott, (Daniels, Capt. Davids, Davids, Joseph^ William') b. in Plymouth, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1823 ; m. Apr. 5, 1843, Clarissa Minerva, dau. of Jeremiah and Sally (Brown) King. He d. in Plymouth, N. Y., June 21, 1875; she d. May 16, 1904. Col. Scott was a prosperous farmer, was Colonel of the 41st Regt., N. Y. State Militia, was elected Justice of the Peace, Assessor and Highway Commissioner of the town of Plymouth, N. Y., and Superintendent of the Poor of Chenango County. Children, b. in Plymouth, N. Y. 241. I. Charles Winfield, b. Jan. i, 1844. 242. II. Henry Clay, b. Aug. i, 1845. 243. III. Jay Monroe, b. Feb. 7, 1850. IV. Julia Minerva, b. June 9, 1857; ra. Jan. 15, 1880, Samuel E. Avery ; she died in Williamsport, Pa., July 7, 1887. V. Flora Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1864; m. Dec. 31, 1889, George Erieg Graf¥, no DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOn'. 153. Christiana^' Scott, (Davids, Capt. David4, Davi(l% Joseph^ William') b. Jan. 6, 1819 ; m. Apr. 26, 1943, E. S. Munson, b. Mar. 1 1, 1819. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. : 1. Ellen M. Munson, b. Apr. i, 1S45 ; m. Eeb. 22, 1869, James Stone of Conway. Their child, Gertrude Stone, b. Eeb. 8, 1872. TL Mary Ann Munson, b. May i, 1847 ; d. Eeb. 26, 1848. 154. Minerva" Scent, (Davids, Capt. Davidf, David-^ Joseph^ William') b. Dec. 26, 1821 ; m. Sept. 20, 1849, E. S. Munson, hus- band of her deceased sister. He d. Mar. 14, 1896 ; she d. Eeb. 28, 1897. Resided in W'hately, Mass. Mrs. Munson was greatly inter- ested in the history of the Scott families, and contributed much information for this work. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. : I. Lyman S. Munson, b. Oct. 5, 1S50 ; m. Mar. 30, 1876, Eannie P. Brooks of dill, Mass. Their chiUl, Maude K. Munson, b. Aug. 30, 1879. IL Louise P. Munson, b. Aug. 15, 1852 ; m. Apr. 20, 1875, Melvin P. Bradford of Williamsburg, b. May 18, 1848. Children: (t) Mabel S. Bradford, b. Jan. 31, 1877; (2) Clarence M.Bradford, b. Mar. 12, 1880 ; (3) Harland S. Bradford, b. June 8, 1883. TIL Herbert S. Munson, b. Oct. lo, 1862 ; m. Dec. 24, 1886, Nettie L. Winch of Williamsburg, b. Aug. 5, 1863. 155. Justin'' Scott, (Davids, Capt. David ^, David-^, Joseph^ Willia'n') b. Aug. 26, 1826; m. Helen Smith, dau. of Samuel of Shelburne ; she d. Eeb. 10, 1857. He m. (2) 1858, Lucinda Wallace ; he d. Oct. i , 1 869, in Elorence, Mass. Child by first marriage : Etfie S., b. Mar. 8, 1855 ; m. 1875, William Bennett of Shelburne. 156. Sarah'' Scott, (Davids, Capt. Davids, Davids, Joseph^, William') b. Oct. 28, 1828; m. Apr. 25, 1850, Charles Rice of Williamsburg, INLass. Children : L Sarah L. Rice, b. P'eb. 19, 1S58; m. Nov. 5, 1879, Josiah B. Laugee. Their child, Sarah L Laugee, b. Aug. 20, 1880. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Ill II. Emma M. Rice, b. Dec. i8, 1859 ; m. Nov. 18, 1883, William H. Huntley of CoUinsville. Their child, Louise S. Huntley, b. Feb. 12, 1886. 157. David^ Scott, (Davids, Capt. David4, Davids, Joseph^ William') b. Aug. 28, 1832; m. Mar. 3, 1859, Fanny W., dau. of Spencer and Sophia (Scott) Bardwell of Whately, Mass. He d. Feb. 15, 187s ; she d. Oct. i, 1880. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. I. Idalette L., b. Jan, 30, i860; m. May 8, 1879, Levi H. Longley of Whately. II. Annie E., b. Dec. 27, 1867 ; m. Mar. 15, 1888, Hubert B. Scott of Whately. She d. Oct. 23, 1890. III. John F., b. Tan. 17, 1869 ; d. Aug. 19, 1871. IV. Ella S., b. Oct. 15, 1872 ; d. Feb. 21, 1878. 158. Adaline^ Scott, (Abels, AbeH, David3, Joseph^ William') b. Dec. 4, 1825 ; m. Apr. 9, 1850, Noah Dickenson, b. Feb. 5, 1820. He d. Nov, 25, 1889; she d. June 4, 1896. Resided in Whately, Mass. Children : I. Mary Esther Dickenson, b. June 10, 1855, II, Nettie Maria Dickenson, b. Oct. 18, 1858, III. Hiram R. Dickenson, b. Oct. 10, 1863. IV. Herbert Dickenson, b. Aug. 16, 1865 ; d. Oct. 25, 1867. And three other children, d, unnamed. 159. Ambrose^ Scott, (Abels, AbeH, Davids, Joseph^, William') b. Dec. 10, 1828; m. in Whately, Mass., Apr. 24, 1861, Martha Ann, dau. of Orrin and Amanda M. (Aldrich) Hutchinson of Whately, b. June 25, 1842. She d. Apr. 14, 1882 ; he d. Mar. 8, 1895, Children, b. in Whately, Mass. 244. I. Frank Orrin, b. Feb. 15, 1862. 11. Martha Maria, | ^ . ^_ ^^^ ^gg ^ ^^^^ III. Mary Amanda, ) ' y» -+ ; IV. Fred Lyman, b. May 3, 1867 ; d. young. 245. V. Lewis Anson, b. Mar. 9, 1874. 160. Luther Graves'^ Scott, (Horaces, SelaM, Davids, Joseph% William') b. in Whately, Mass., July 5, 1824; m. May 11, 1858, 112 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Mary Isabel, dau. of Henry Kenfield of Conway, b. May lo, 1838; he d. May 29, 1897. Resided in VVhately, Mass. Children, b. in Whately : I. Charlotte E., b. Feb. 14, 1859; d. soon. II. Sarah May, b. Jan. 23, 1S61 ; m. Charles A. Powers of Greenwich. 246. III. Anna Eliza, b. July 5, 1865. IV. Clara Isabelle, b. Sept. 12, 187 1 ; d. soon. 161. Harrison C^' Scott, (Horace?, Selah^ David3, Joseph^, William') b. in Whately, Mass., July 6, 1828; m. Nov. 22, 1853, Mary E., dau. of Samuel and Maria (Ward) Lamb of Whately, b. Nov. 12, 1836 ; he d. at Port Hudson, in the service of the Union army, July 10, 1863. Children, b. in Whately : I. Ida Maria, b. Apr. 9, 1857. II. Harry Duane, b. Nov. 12, 1859. 162. Mary Ann" Scott, (Horaces, Selah4, Davids, Joseph^ William') b. July 15, 1833; m. Nov. 27, 1851, George A. Woods, son of John, b. at Whately Feb. i, 1830; she d. Feb. 8, 1884. He resides in Westminster, Vt. Children : I. Henry Hubbard Woods, b. July 19, 1854. II. Martha Woods, b. July 11, 1856; m. Frank Sears of Orange, Mass. III. John Woods, b. July 6, 1857 ; m. July 13, 1886, Clara E. Fasler of Orange. IV. Allen Woods. 163. Phirieas'5 Scott, (Reuben?, Phineas'f, Davids, Joseph^, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., Sept. 19, 1815 ; m. Rebecca Kinney, b. in Guilford, Vt., May 27, 1820, dau. of Alvin Kinney. He d. in Hawley, Mass., Apr. 25, 1890; she d. June 20, 1898. Children, b. in Hawley, Mass. : I. Ellen, b. Nov. 14, 184 1 ; m. Oct. 28, 1858, Edwin Longley ; she d. in Williamsburg, Mass., Aug. 30, 1866. No children. II. Lorenzo Kinney, b. June 21, 1843. DESCENDANTS OF WILLUM SCOTl". It^ 164. Elijah Harmon^ Scott, (ReubenS, Phineas^, David^, Joseph^, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., Jan. lo, 1819 ; m. Feb. 25, 1846, Clara Lyons. He was a farmer and resided in Hawley, Mass., where he d. Mar. 23, 1891 ; she d. Nov. 4, 1887. Children, b. in Hawley : I. Rosina Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1847; ni. Jan. 12, 1876, Levi Vincent, b. July 31, 1847 ; she d. Feb. 20, 1893. Resides in Ashfield, Mass. No children. 248. n. Erwin Clinton, b. June 5, 1851. HI. Walter Elijah, b. Aug. 2, 1859; m. Dec. 29, 1887, Luna C. Frost, b. Jan. 12, 1867, dau. of Joseph E. Frost. Reside in Greenfield, Mass. Their son, Merle Wyman Scott, b. June 29, 1896. 165. Reuben*^ Scott, (Reubens, Phineas^, Davids, Joseph*, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., Mar. 18, 1823; m. June 3, 1847, Electa P. Joy, b. June 3, 1827 ; he d. May 12, 1870. She m. (2) Myron Hawks. She resides in Charlemont, Mass. Children, b. in Hawley, Mass. 249. L Millard Foster, b. Oct. 15, 1848. H. Melvina, b. Feb. 7, 1852 ; m. 1888, Emery Whitcomb. Reside in Greenfield, Mass. No children. HL Lucretia Joy, b. Dec. 2, 1854; d. Dec. 12, 1854. IV. Viola Tuttle, b. Jan. 16, 1856; m. Apr. 28, 1880, Charles Cooley. Reside in Charlemont, Mass. No children. 250. V. Tylon Reuben, b. July 16, 1858. VI. Harris Delano, b. Feb. 21, i86t ; d. May 8, 1888, in Charlemont. VII. Maria Electa, b. Sept. 10, 1863; m. Aug. 18, 1886, Frank Edwards. Reside in Charlemont, Mass. No children. 166. Lucius^ Scott, (Reubens, Phineas^, David^, Joseph*, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., May 26, 1825 ; m. Lucy Vincent of Ashfield. He d. Nov. 21, 1885 ; she d. Nov. 10, 1885. Children, b. in Hawley, Mass. I. Sarah Paulina, b. Nov. 3, 1856; m. May 9, 1882, Roswell Putnam ; she d. June 11, 1884. Their son, Carl Scott Putnam, b. Apr. 28, 1883. II. Mary Bassett, b. Aug. 30, i860; m. Feb. i, 1882. W. E. Mansfield of Hawley; she d. Aug. 25, 1887, 114 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Their son, Raymond Lucius Mansfield, b. May 3, 1885. III. Elvira Russell, b. May 15, 1863 ; m. Mar. 23, 1883, Oscar Rood of Buckland, b. Sept. 13, 1858. Their son, Bernard Rood, b. Mar. 9, 1889 ; d. 1889. 167. Edwin^ Scott, (Reubens, Phineas^, David^, Joseph^ William') b. in Havvley, Mass., Mar. 29, 1827 ; m. Sept. 10, 1854, Ann Ehzabeth, dau. of C. S. Longley of Hawley, b. in Hawley Apr. 23, 1833. Mr. Scott was selectman in 1865, town clerk 1872-4, and postmaster and merchant for many years. The post office has been in the Longley and Scott families since the settlement of the town of Hawley. He d. Feb. 20, 1897. She resides in Florence, Mass. Children : L George Edwin, b. May 8, 1856 ; d. Aug. 28, i860. n. Florence Bell, b. May 11, 1861 ; m. Dec. 25, 1883, Adna C. Bissell, b. Mar. 18, 1854. He d. Mar. 31, 1901. She m. (2) Oct. 22, 1903, Frank W. Bissell. Reside in Florence, Mass. III. Frank Battles, b. Sept. 10, 1865 ; d. Aug. 7, 1867. IV. Carrie Lamson, b. Aug. 11, 1869; d. May 21, 1S86. 168. Samuel Bridgmai/' Scott, (Reubens, Phineas^, David^, Joseph^ William') b. in Havvley, Mass., Oct. 9, 1828; m. May 14, 1854, Martha E. Pierce, dau. of I'homas, b. in Amherst, Mass. Reside in Shirley, Mass. Children: 1. George Frederick, b. in Shirley, Mass., July 20, 1855 ; m. Aug. 16, 1886, Anna Strong, b. in Hebron, N. Y. Have one child, IVLirtha Elizabeth, b. Nov. 4, 1887. Reside at Rotterdam Junction, N. Y. II. Ada Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1861 ; m. Jan. 14, 1885, Edward Wheeler of Ashbury, Mass. ; she d. June 18, 1 89 1. Children: (i ) Martha Belle Wheeler, b. Aug. 22, 1S85, m. Dec. 8, 1902, Henry L. Dodge ; have one child, Caroline Belle Dodge, b. Aug. 15, 1904; (2) Ralph Scott Wheeler, b. Dec. 16, 1886. Reside in Shirley, Mass. 169. Melissaf" Scott, (LutherS, Phineas4, David3, Joseph^ William') b. in Hawley, Mass., Mar. 10, 1830; m. May 9, 1849, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Scott and Granddaughter, Caroline B. Dodge. >^ DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. I15 Gardner Wilder Truesdell, b. May 27, 1822. He d. May 5, 1905 ; she d. June 19, 1905. They resided in Shelburne, Mass. Children, b. in Shelburne, excepting the oldest : if I. Luther Wilder Truesdell, b. in Conway, Mass., Mar. 17, 1850; m. Mar. 15, 1876, Ella E. Howard. Their children are : (i) Albert David Truesdell, b. Mar. 2, 1877, ^^- Sept. 7, 1899, Lilla Williams; (2) Grace Ella Truesdell, b. Aug. 17, 1878; (3) George Luther Truesdell, b. Mar. 24, 1880; (4) Gardner Wilder Truesdell, b. Apr. 22, 1882; (5) Eva May Truesdell, b. Nov. 24, 1885; (4) Elliot Howard Truesdell, b. Sept. 17, 1886; (7) Walter Raymond Truesdell, b. Sept. 9, 1889; (8) Roland Curtis Truesdell, b. Apr. 26, 1893. The above Grace Ella Truesdell m. Nov. 22, 1899, Josiah V. Truesdell; their child, Francis Eugene Truesdell, b. June 2, 1904. n. Olive Maria Truesdell, b. Mar. 4, 1856; m. Dec. 30, 1885, Ira L. Barnard. No children. Reside in Shelburne, Mass. III. Samuel Gardner Truesdell, b. Dec. 29, 1857; m. June 13, 1883, Sara A. Hitchcock; he d. July 3, 1892. Their child, John Gardner Truesdell, b. Sept. 5, 1884. IV. Juha Melissa Truesdell, b. Dec. 3, 1859 ; m. June 13, 1883, Charles L. Deans; she d. Aug. 17, 1901. Their children were: (i) Helen Martha Deans, b. Jan. 14, 1885, m. May 7, 1904, Richard John Ormond ; their child, Leslie Richard Ormond, b. Nov. 24, 1904; (2) Harold Lucius Deans, b. Nov. II, 1887; (3) Willard Pardee Deans, b. Apr. 16, 1894, d. May 30, 1894; (4) Charles Truesdell Deans, b. Oct 3, 1898, d. Apr. 11, 1899 ; (5) Ruth Scott Deans, b. Feb. 4, 1901, d. May 19, 1901. V. Tyler Scott Truesdell, b. Aug. 19, 1862 ; m. Dec. 30, 1886, Alice M. Severance. Their child, Howard Joseph Truesdell, b. June 15, 1888. 170. Thaxter^ Scott, (LutherS, Phineas**, David^, Joseph^ William') b. in Hawley, Mass., Mar. 31, 1831 ; m. June 5, 1866, Jane Barnard, dau. of Ira and Polly of Shelburne, Mass. She was b. Oct. 13, 1832; d. Sept. 6, 1904. He enlisted in Co. E., 52d Regt., Mass. Vols., Sept. 4, 1862; discharged Aug. 14, 1863; had active service in Louisiana. He lives in Hawley, on the old home- Il6 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Stead where his father and grandfather had Hved, and is a thrifty farmer and highly respected citizen of his native town. His son, Wilbur T., is associated with him on the farm, where they make a specialty of manufacturing a superior quality of maple sugar each spring. Children, b. in Hawley ; I. Wilbur Thaxter, b. May 14, 1867. II. Jennie Lois, b. Sept. 24, 1870; d. Jan. 6, 1900. ITI. Caroline Eastman''' Scott, (ThadeusS, Ebenezer^, Josephs, Joseph-, William') b. Sept. 16, 1819 ; m. Nov. 11, 1841, Edwin Harris, b. Mar. 10, 1808. He d. June 22, 1S91 ; she d. May 21, 1898. Resided in North Hatfield, Mass. Children : I. Ardelia Melissa Harris, b. Aug. 16, 1842 ; m. Aug. 16, 1865, Charles R. Dickinson. Reside in North Amherst, Mass. Children: (i) Edwin Harris Dickinson, b. Mar. 22, 1868, m. Mar. 24, 1892, Nellie Graves Cowles ; their son, William Cowles Dickinson, b. Oct. 12, 1893; (2) Louise Dickinson, b. Sept. 24, 1869 ; (3) Raymond Daniel Dickinson, b. Dec. 7, 1878, m. Aug. 12, 1903, Mary Brown Mudge ; have two children : (a) Charles Augustus Dickinson, b. Aug. 16, 1904 ; (b) Frances Dickin- son, b. Sept. 20, 1905. II. Augusta Mortimer Harris, b. Oct. 19, 1845; d. Aug. 6, 1846. III. Lucius Thadeus Harris, b. Apr. 19, 1848; m. Feb. 13, 1878, Mary L. Abbott ; he d. July 8, 1905. He was for many years a successful merchant at South DeeiTield, Mass. He was also an educational Chautauqua lecturer of some note. Had two children: (i) Edwin Lucius Harris, b. Feb. 20, 1879, m. Nov. 28, 1900, Florence Isabelle Gaskell; their son, Lucius Edwin Harris, b. Aug. 1901 ; Mr. Harris has succeeded to the business of his father ; (2) James Scott Harris, b. Feb. 19, i88i,d. Mar. 2, 1882. IV, Alfred Edwin Harris, b. Sept. 30, 1850 ; m. June 22, 1876, Estelle S. Hawes ; he d. Nov. i, 1903. Resided in North Hatfield, INIass. Children : (i) Charles Dickinson Harris, b. Sept. 15, 1877, m. June 22, 1904, Estella Adeline Eastman. (2) Margaret Dell Harris, b. Aug. 16, 1879, m. Nov. 22, Thaxter Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. II 7 1900, Archie Phelps Graves; have two children: (a) Hilda Harris Graves, b. Sept. 3, 1901 ; (b) Mary Graves, b. Mar. 17, 1905. (3) Clara Annella Harris, b. Nov. 22, 1S81, m. Oct. 17, 1901, Herbert Ellsworth Carter; have two children: (a) Esther Belle Carter, b. Aug. 29, 1902 ; (b) Warner Harris Carter, b. Nov. 7, 1905. (4) Anna Estelle Harris, b. July 24, 1883 ; ni. Dec. 24, 1902, John Cecil Burrington ; have two children : (a) Emma Estelle Burrington, b. Nov. 25, 1903 ; (b) Margaret Louise Burrington, b. June 11, 1905. (5) Helen Eouise Harris, b. July 14, 1885. (6) Arthur Alonzo Harris, b. Oct. 13, 1887. (7) L. Scott Harris, b. Apr. 12, 1889. (8) Philp Lester Harris, b. Jan. 21, 1891. V. Lucy Caroline Harris, b. Dec. 18, 1852 ; m. Dec. 25, 1893, William H. Browning. VL Arthur Browning Harris, b. Sept. 23, 1861 ; m. Nov. II, 1884, Nellie A. Hawes. He was killed by lightning July 29, 18S6. Child, Arthur Browning Harris, b. July 12, 1886, 172. Almira^ Scott, (Thadeus5, Ebenezer4, Josephs, Joseph^, William') b. Aug. 11, 182 1; m. July 28, 1846, Samuel Franklin Browning, b. in North Adams, Mass., Jan. 13, 1822. She d. Aug. 17, 1887 ; he d. Dec. 17, 1904. Children : L Celestia Doty Browning, b. in Chester, Mass., Mar. 16, 1849; m. in New Britain, Conn., June 30, 1878, John Stevens Comins. No children. Reside in Battle Creek, Mich. H. William Henry Browning, b. in North Adams, Mass., Sept. I, 185 1 ; m. Aug. i, 1875, Nellie Cornelia, dau. of Thomas Metcalf of Northfield, Mass., b. Nov. 13, 1854; she d. May 23, 1892. He m. (2) Dec. 25, 1893, Lucy Caroline, dau. of Edward Harris, b. Dec. 18, 1852. Reside in Northfield, Mass., where their children were born, viz. : (i) Jessalyn Hope Browning, b. July 26, 1876, m. Dec. 25, 1893, Alton J. Miner, whose children are: (a) Mabel Rachel Miner, b. Nov. 5, 1895 ; (b) Jennie Belle Miner, b. Sept. 11, 1S97; (c) Ethel Nellie Miner, b. Oct. i, 1902 ; (d) Lleman Alton Miner, b. July 12, 1904. (2) Heman Metcalf Browning, b. Oct. 24, 1880, d. Aug. 8, 1893. (3) Homer Franklin Browning, b. Aug. 17, 1882. (4) Lucy Il8 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Belle Browning, b. Dec. i, 1884, m. Apr. 20, 1904, RoUin Erving Shearer. (5) James Scott Browning, b. May 13, 1888. (6) William Browning, b. and d. May 23, 1892. III. Nellie Maria Browning, b. Aug. 25, 1853, in North Adams, Mass.; m. Apr. 19, 1877, Arthur E. Root, b. Mar. 10, 1853, in Montague, Mass. Reside in Amherst, Mass. Their dau., Sarah Browning Root, b. in Montague, Mass., Dec. 8, 1878. IV. James Scott Browning, b. in North Adams, Mass., Apr. 14, 1857; m. Feb. 28, 1886, Hattie Estella Meacham, b. Nov. 15, 1861, on Kelley's Island, Ohio. Mr. Browning is an expert engineer (loco- motive and stationary), and when the electric light plants came into vogue in the New England states he was engaged all through that period to instruct engineers in the use of dynamos. He was also for many years an engineer on several of the important Western railroads. Their children, b. in Toledo, O., are : ( i ) Hazel Almira Browning, b. Aug. 2, 1888; (2) Maude Belle Browning, b. Mar. 30, 1890; (3) Ina Browning, b. abt. 1892, d. abt. 1902. 173. Mary*^ Scott, (EbenezerS, Ebenezer^, Josephs, Joseph^ William') b. in Savoy, Mass., Mar. 27, 1827; m. Jan. i, 1855, Chester E. Pond, b. Nov. 10, 1827. She attended the Maplewood school, then taught school in Pittsfield, Mass., and later was principal of a young ladies' school in New Haven. In 1856 she and her husband went to Kansas during the Border war, with the New Haven colony, carrying " Beecher's Bibles and Rifles," and founded the town of Wabaunsee. She conducted a young ladies' school in Leavenworth, Kan., and Mr. Pond founded the first business college in Leavenworth and Topeka, Kan. Children : I. Charles Sumner Pond, b. in Waubansee, Kan., Aug. 31, 1858 ; d. in Durango, Col., Nov. 26, 1882. II. William Spencer Pond, b. in Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 27, i860. In 1 89 1 was manager for Wanamaker & Brown in Philadelphia. III. Edwin Julius Pond, b. in Leavenworth, Kan., May 14, 1865. In 1 861 was connected with the U. S. Coast ' and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. I :^?- Hon. Rufus Leonard Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. HQ 174. Thomas Porter Dickenson'^ Scott, (Learneds, Joseph*, joseph-5, Joseph^, WiUianV) b. in Lanesboro, Mass., Aug. 22, 1822 ; m. Sept. 18, 1862, Harriet E., dau. of Asa and Susan Brown of Charlemont, Mass. He d. May 4, 1871 ; she d. Aug. 11, 1885. Child : Mary Porter, b. in East Nassau, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1867 ; unm. She is a graduate of Packer Collegiate Institute, N. Y., and a teacher in the public schools of Brooklyn. 175. Rufus Leonard*^ Scott, (Learneds, Joseph^, Joseph^, Joseph-^, William') b. in Lanesboro, Mass., Mar. 31, 1835 ; m. June 26, 1866, Maria E., dau. of William M. and Phoebe (Weiant) Hull. Rufus Leonard Scott was born in Lanesboro, Mass., March 31, 1835. He attended the common school in boyhood and for a time worked at farming. Afterward he attended Lenox Academy, Mass., Charlottesville Seminary, Schoharie County, N. Y., and East Williston Seminary, Mass., a term or two in each school. Having acquired sufficient education to enable him to teach school, he followed that profession for a number of years in his native town, in New Jersey, New York and Illinois, studying law in the meantime. He was admitted to the bar of New York in 1861, graduating at the law department of the University of the City of New York. Since that time he has been in the active practice of his profession. From 1877 to 1879 he was Collector of Arrears of Taxes for the city of Brooklyn, now a part of the city of New York. During 1884 and 1885 he was alderman of said city, and member of the Board of Education from October, 18S6 to May, 1889, when he resigned to travel in Europe. During 1902 and 1903 he was Com- missioner of Taxes and Assessments for the City of New York. He has always taken a deep interest in public affairs, and has always been active in promoting public improvements in his adopted city and state. Children : I. Howard Dickinson, b. June 26, 1867 ; m. Jan. 18, 1902, Sadie Pecan. Their son, Howard Dickinson, b. Feb. 18, 1903. Resides in Los Angeles, Cal. II. Clara Louise, b. Oct. 4, 1869 ; d. May 8, 1903. The following appreciative obituary of Miss Scott appeared in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle : I20 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOIT. " Miss Clara Louise Scott will l)e remembered with lasting interest, not only by her immediate relatives and friends, but by a wide circle of those who knew her as an enthusiastic student and educator. She was at the time of her death a successful teacher in Public School No. ii, Borough of Brooklyn. Although not compelled by necessity to earn an income, she determined to devote her life to the work of education and charity. " In pursuit of her aims she sought to gain the fullest possible equipment, and to that end, after leaving public school, graduated from the Packer Collegiate Institute in the class of 1S89, and the Training School for Teachers, afterwards taking a course in medicine and graduating in 1897 as a physician from the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. Her practice as a physician was limited mostly to those who needed her services and yet were not able to give her other compensation than gratitude. She spent two years in travel and study abroad, became proficient in the French and German languages and gave a considerable period to Red Cross work in the hospitals of Zurich, Switzerland. " During the last two years and up to the time of her death she was a teacher in the public school above named; but while so engaged she ardently pursued studies in Adelphi College, as well as in Harvard and Columbia summer schools. The strength of her character and the consecration of her life to her chosen occupation were set forth by Dr. A. Stewart Walsh, who knew the deceased from her childhood, in his memorial address at the time of her funeral. He spoke in part as follows : " Clara Louise Scott was a rare young woman and one whose life will long be an inspiration to all those who came within the scope of her mfluence. With every inducement and opportunity to enter upon a life of ease or social pleasures, she elected to divert her course from such lines that she might attain the joy of highest culture and the delights of philanthropic works. She believed the teacher's to be the grandest of professions, and in seeking a field where she might practice that profession turned toward that direction in which she might impress the largest number of receptive minds. She counted probable results and little regarded the burdens of the labors involved. " Long before she was compelled to lay down her chosen occupation those who knew her best feared that her constitution, in the beginning robust, was giving way under the stress of her ambition. She led her class up to within an hour of her taking to her final sick chamber. She was a martyr to her zeal. Her motive was to make every occupation a duty of conscience. Those who hold that every work worth doing is worth doing well will remember this young woman as a fine e.xemplar of the dictum. She well illustrated also how much a devoted life may accomplish in a brief period. " It is natural to say that her life, all told, counting only thirty-three human years, was regretably short ; but this is because we so easily forget that the thing we call death ends nothing. It may change a field but not a destiny, a form but not a character. God's time is made up of substantial eternities. Clocks are pathetic human inventions by which in childish miserliness mortals try to dole out the world's little arc of eternity, which we but vaguely compre- hend. We forget so easily that We live in deeds, not years; thoughts not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on the dial. We should count time by heart throbs; he most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." III. Rufus Leonard Jr., b. July 26, 1872. He prepared for college at Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, and graduated at Amherst College, the youngest of his class, in 1892, and afterward at the New York law school, since which time he has been in Clara Louise Scott. Rufus Leonard Scott, Jr. DESCENDANTS OF WILLL-UI SCOTT. 121 active practice at the bar of New York, except a short period spent abroad. 176. Alma^ Scott, (AretasS, Abraham4, Joseph3, Joseph^ William') b. in Whately, Mass., Nov. 30, 1S22 ; m. Nov. 24, 1842, Franklin Field of Westfield, Mass., b. Mar. 25, 1820. Removed to Montague in 1866. He d. May 16, 1898; she d. May 7, 1892. Children : I. Minerva Field, b. June 25, 1845, ii^ Hatfield, Mass., m. Nov. 24, 1868, Irving B. Crafts. H. Frank Aretas Field, b. Jan. 30, 1851 ; m. Oct. 12, 1887, Ruth White Fuller. HI. Nancy Sanderson Field, b. June 11, 1859. IV, Fred Elisha Field, b. Nov. 7, 1861 ; m. Mar. 20, 1889, Rose M. Small. Their children: (i) Kenneth (>. Field, b. June 22, 1890; (2) Franklin Field, b. May 2, 1895 ; (3) Alma Rose Field, b. Aug. 23, 1899; (4) Rebecca Field, b. Mar. 13, 1905. Reside in Montague, Mass. 177. Martha'' Scott, (AretasS, Abraham4, Joseph3, Joseph^, WiUiam') b. in Hatfield, Mar. 8, 1827 ; m. Oct. 6, 1847, George A. Graves of Springfield, b. May 2, 1824. He established the hard- ware business in Springfield in May, 1847, which he still continues. Children, b. in Springfield : I. George Eugene Graves, b. Tuly 27, 1S50; d. Sept. 19, 1856. II. Elwood Leon Graves, b. Dec. 13, 1852 ; m. Apr. 23, 1885, Louise Hadley. In business with his father. Their children are : ( i ) George A. Graves, b. Jan. 10, 1886; (2) Eleanor N. Graves, b. Apr. 5, 1896; (3) Leon H. Graves, b. Jan. 20, 1900. III. Jennie Graves, b. Feb. 18, 1855; m. Oct. 17, 1877, Charles A. Fish. IV. Arthur Clifford Graves, b. Mar. 21, 1857 ; m. Oct. i, 1S85, NeUie Sibley; he d. Nov. 4, 1899. The children are: (i) Irene Graves, b. Oct. 10, 1886; (2) Frederick Leon Graves, b. Apr. 30, 1892. V. Herbert Hamilton Graves, b. Apr. 29, 1861 ; m. Nov. 17, 1885, Hattie Hale. In business with his father. Have one child, Ralph Scott Graves, b. Dec. 14, 1888. 122 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 178. Maria C.'^ Scott, (Aretas^ Abraham^, Josephs, Joseph^, William') b. in Hatfield, Mass., Mar. 15, 1S29; m. May 8, 1856, A. N. Claghorn, b. in Cummington, Mass., Aug. 28, 1S28. Residence, East Deerfield, Mass. Children : I. James F. Claghorn, b. Mar. i, 1851 ; m. Oct. 12, 1876, Carrie L. Cooley of Pittsfield, Mass. Chil- dren: (i) Robert B. Claghorn, b. Sept. 15, 1880; (2) Carrie May Claghorn, b. Dec. 17, 1882. II. Mary E. Claghorn, b. Feb. 15, 1855 ; i'^''- Nov. 30, 1875, Samuel Moody. Children: (i) Kate S. Moody, b. May 20, 1878; (2) Samuel Moody, b. Feb. 10, 1882 ; (3) Alvin James Moody, b. Jan 13, 1885 ; (4) Fred A. Moody, b. May 25, 1886. III. Edward A. Claghorn, b. Mar. 9, i860; d. July, i860. 1782. Sophia Esther'^ Scott, (AretasS, Abraham4, Josephs, Joseph^ William') b. Mar. 11, 1831 ; m. Nov. 28, 1850, George William Bliss, b. Aug. 15, 1829; d. Aug. 13, 1870. She resides (1905) in Easthampton, Mass. Children : I. Alice Maria Bliss, b. Aug. 27, 1851 ; d. Aug. 29, . 1867. II. Israel Martin Bliss, b. Sept. 22, 1S54; m. Mary Cunningham; m. (2) Delia Murphy. Children by first marriage are: (i) William E. Bliss; (2) George Bliss; (3) May Bliss. III. Harvey Mason Bliss, b. July 4, 1861 ; m. Fannie K. Morse. They have a child, Irene Frances Bliss. IV. Lucy Maria Bliss, b. Oct. ro, 1869; m. Myron Francis Taintor. Have one child, Esther Bliss Taintor. Reside in Easthampton. 17Q. Nancy Sanderson'' Scott, (AretasS, Abraham-*, Josephs, Joseph^, William') b. Sept. 28, 1834; m. Apr. 20, 1854, Elisha Hubbard Field, who d. in Galesburg, 111., Nov. 25, i860. She m. (2) Nov. 29, 1866, Horatio Orvis Rockwood, who d. May 23, 1883. She resides in Greenfield, Mass. Child by first marriage : i. Kate Field, b. Feb. 17, 1855; m. Dec. 2, 1873, Frank Dewey Beals, M. D., who d. Mar. 9, 1897. They had one child, Elsie Rockwood Beals, b. Nov. 5, 1875, m. Oct. 15, 1900, Col. Frederick E. Pierce; DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 123 she d. Sept. i, 1902, leaving one child, Ellen Elsie Pierce, b. June 5, 1902. 11. Edway Seward Rockwood, b. Oct. 21, 1870; unm. III. Horatio Orvis Rockwood, b. Feb. 23, 1873 ; unm. Children of 2d marriage, b. in Greenfield, Mass. : II. Edway S. Rockwood, b. Oct. 21, 1870. III. Horatio O. Rockwood, b. Feb. 23, 1873. 180. Charles Abraham*^ Scott, (AretasS, Abraham4, Josephs, Joseph^, William') b. in North Hatfield, Mass., Apr. 6, 1837; m. Oct. 10, i860, Maria, dau. of Estus and Sarah Thompson, b. in Palmer, Mass., June 22, 1838. Mr. Scott enlisted June 16, 1864, for three years in the 2d Mass. Cavalry; discharged June 6, 1865. Reside in Springfield, Mass. Children : 1. Winifred, b. Feb. 3, 1862. II. Charles, b. Mar. 11, 1864; d. July, 1864. III. Albert, b. Jan. 10, 1868 ; d. July, 1868. IV. Lucy, b. Feb. 21, 1877. V. Mary, b. July 4, 1880 ; d. Sept. 1881. 181. Edward Aretas^ Scott, (AretasS, Abraham-*, Joseph^, Joseph^ William') b. in North Hatfield, Mass., June 3, 1839; i^i- May 25, 1862, May J., dau. of John C. and Julia A. (Stockbridge) Sanderson, b. May 24, 1840; he d. Aug. 25, 1893. She resides at South Deerfield, Mass. Children : I. Hubert Bachelor, b. Aug. 25, 1863; m. Mar. 15, 1888, Annie E., dau. of David and Fanny W. (Bardwell) Scott, b. Dec. 27, 1868; d. suddenly of heart disease, Oct. 23, 1890. He m. (2) Sept. 9, 1893, Charlema Bemis of Chicopee, Mass. II. Lucy Diana, b. in Hatfield Jan. 26, 1865 ; d. Feb. 17, 1867. III. Edward Rockwood, b. in Hatfield Feb. 28, 1867 ; m. Oct. 31, 1901, Ethel May Blossom. Their dau., Lucy Violet, b. Mar. 21, 1904. IV. Daughter, b. July 2, 1875 ; d. same day. 181^. Mary Elizabeth^^ Scott, (AretasS, Abraham4, Josephs, Joseph^, William") b. Oct. 16, 1841 ; m. Mar. 31, 1867, Henry C. 124 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Batchellor ; he d. Apr. lo, 1870. She resides in Northampton, Mass., (1905). Child : Marion Batchellor, b. in Hatfield, Mass., Nov. 15, 1867 ; m. Nov. 16, 1895, Frank Leon Huxley, b. Dec. 12, 1869. Reside in Northampton, Mass. Their children are: (i) Robert Standish Huxley, b. Aug. 18, 1896; (2) Hubert Seymour Huxley, b. Jan. 8, 1898; (3) John Maurice Huxley, b. July 19, 1901 ; (4) Richard Montague Huxley, b. May 15, 1902. 182. Rufus Porter^ Scott, (RufusS, IsraeH, Joseph-', Joseph^, William') b. in Hadley, Mass., May i, 1829 ; m. June 8, 1850, Elvira Mewham ; she d. Mar. 13, 1873. He m. (2) May 29, 1878, Nancy M. Fay. She d. Oct. 28, 1894; he d. Oct. 29, 1898. He enlisted for three years in the 2d Mich. Light Battery during the Civil war. Resided in North Hadley, Mass. Children by first marriage : 251. L Frank, b. Feb. 28, 1852. H. Fannie, b. June 25, 1854; d. May 23, 1S62. 252. HL Lizzie, b. July 9, 1858. IV. Martha, b. Oct. 13, 1859; m. June 21, 1888, Fred- erick H. Fowler. Reside in Wayland, Mass. Their son, Scott Fowler, b. May 28, 1890. V. Nellie, b. Nov. i, 1862. She is matron (1906) of the Yankton Training School for Indian Boys at Greenwood, South Dakota. VL Abigail D., b. Oct. 6, 1864 ; d. Feb. 20, 1894. VH. Aaron, b. Dec. 24, 1866. Resides in North Hadley, Mass. VIII. Harry, b. Oct. 8, 1868. IX. Charles C, b. May 24, 1871. X. Rufus, b. Feb. 28, 1873. 183. Sarah Elizabeth? Scott, (EleazerG.", EleazerS, Ebenezer4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah% William') b. in Vernon, Vt., Sept. 20, 1839 ; ni. Dec. 25, 1866, Charles W. Smead, son of Warren and Abigail (Graves) Smead, b. in Greenfield, Mass., June 7, 1841. She received her education at the Academies of Bernardston, Brattle- boro and Wilbraham. She was also a graduate of the Music Vale Seminary at Salem, Conn. She taught school for quite a number of Charles Warren Smead. Mrs. Sarah E. (Scott) Smead. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. I 25 years in Vernon, Northfield and Brattleboro with great success. Mr. Smead has been a resident of Greenfield for many years, and is widely known for his sound judgment and success as a trader in live- stock, and for his kindly aid to many a poor neighbor in times of financial stress. Children : I. Joel Guernsey Smead, b. Tuly i8, 1869; d. Aug. 10, 1869. II. Harriet Mehitable Smead, b. June 22, 1870; m. Apr. 2, 1903, Henry Couillard of Deerfield ; he d. Apr. 3, 1905. She graduated from Prospect Hill School, Greenfield, in 18SS and was a very success- ful teacher in Massachusetts and Connecticut for a number of years. He was born at Exeter, Me., May I, 1828, but spent his life mostly in Massa- chusetts. He led a varied life ; was the land- lord of many hotels, but he had a genius for trade such as few men possess, and was successful to a degree. He was kind and genial in dis])osition and generous in accommodating those in need of aid. His last real estate purchase was the spacious Chapin house in Deerfield, where he pleasantly spent his last days. HI. Julia Adeline Smead, b. Oct. 21, 1871 ; d. Aug. 30, 1872. IV. Walter Scott Smead, b. Oct. 19, 1872 ; m. June 22, 1S93, Mary Agnes Kennedy, b. Mar. 25, 1874, at Shelburne Falls, Mass.; he d. Jan. 12, 1903. Children: (i) Frederick Francis Smead, b. Oct. 16, 1894; (2) Lawrence Warren Smead, b. Mar. 22, 1S96. Mrs. Smead and children reside at the Smead homestead in Greenfield. V. Frederic Guernsey Smead, b. Dec. 18, 1873; d. June 4, 1878. VI. Sadie Lucinda Smead, b. July 25, 1879 ; m. June 6, 1905, James Neild, son of Thomas and Anna (Rawlinson) Neild, b. in Albion, N. Y. She was a graduate of Greenfield High School in 1898, then took a year's course of study at the Westfield Normal School, and later graduated from the Lucas School of Shorthand in Greenfield, Mass., in 1900. She was the stenographer in the Holyoke Savings Bank for three and a half years. They reside in Holyoke, Mass. 126 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 184. Joel Eleazer Guernsey? Scott, (Eleazer G.^ Eleazen, Ebenezert, Capt. Moses-', Josiah^, William"), b. in Vernon, Vt., Mar. 23, 1843 '1 '"'"'• Oct. 26, 1876, Mrs. Mary (Barclay) Hurlburt. He educated in the common schools of V^ernon, and at Shelburne Falls Academy, Mass. Having a strong desire to enter a mercantile life, he entered the employ of Henry Stowe, then an extensive dry goods merchant of Worcester, Mass. Several years later he became a traveling salesman for Damon, Temple & Co. of Boston, for whom he built up an extensive trade in New England and the West. In a few years he was able to establish a business for himself in the manufacturing of neckwear in Chicago, and succeeded in building up a large trade in the West. He still resides in Chicago. No children. 185. I.ucinda Elmina? Scott, (Eleazer Ci.'', P^leazerS, Ebenezer^, Capt. Moses', Josiah-, William') b. in Vernon, Vt., June 5, 1845 ; m. June 16, 1863, Orrin Peer*^ Allen, (Roberts, Robert^, Joseph^, NathanieP, Edward'), b. in Wallingford, Vt., Sept. 30, 1833. She was educated in the common schools of Vernon, and at the Vernon Select School, with Oscar Lee principal, a graduate of Amherst College. In 1892 she spent .some time traveling abroad in England, Scotland, Ireland, fiance, Switzerland and Italy, visiting the most noted art galleries of the different countries, in which she took especial interest. O. P. Allen, the compiler of this genealogy, com- pleted his education at Chester Academy, Vt. He taught school for several years in his native state, resigning the position of superin- tendent of schools in Vernon, Vt., to become a teacher in Hackensack, N. J. Resigning his position there he came to Palmer, Mass., Oct. 5, 1859, and established a pharmacy, which he con- ducted till Nov., 1902, when he retired from active business. He has been engaged in genealogical work for many years, and besides this work he has compiled and published the genealogies of the families of Allen, Doolittle, Fairman and Lee, and collected data for the Cady and Johnson lines. He has also been an extensive writer of local history and mi.scellaneous literature. Children, b. in Palmer : 1. Walter Scott Allen, b. Feb. i, 1867 ; educated in the schools of Palmer and Mitchell's Boys' School of Billerica, Mass., where he won the gold medal for superior scholarship. Joel Eleazer Guernsey Scott. Mrs. Mary (Barclay) Scott. Mrs. Lucinda E. (Scott) Allen. ..fei Walter ScoU Allen. Julia Adeline Allen. Lillie May Allen. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 27 II. Julia Adeline Allen, b. July 6, 1869. She graduated from the Palmer high school and from the Westfield Normal School. She is a teacher of music. III. Lillie May Allen, b. Sept. 7, 1870. She graduated from the Palmer high school and then took a two- years' course at the Westfield Normal School. She is now (1906) in charge of the post ofifice at Deerfield, Mass., where she has had service for several years. 186. Henry Orvil7 Scott, (Henry Alonzo^, Zorahs, Elihu^, Capt. Moses3, Josiah-, William') b. Mar. 10, 1839 ; m. Aug. 6, 1863, Mary A. Goodnow of Shelburne, Mass.; she d. Jan. 6, 1903. Mr. Scott resides in Colrain, Mass., where he has conducted a general store for many years with success. Children, b. at Colrain : 253. I. Catherine May, b. Apr. 20, 1865. 254. II. Ross D., b. Jan. 27, 1874. He is with his father in the general store. 187. Abby 01ive7 Scott, (Henry Alonzo^, Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses-^, Josiah^, William') b. Aug. 17, 1844; m. 1862, Sabin S. Pierce, b. 1837; d, 1877. She m. (2) Aug. 12, 1878, Charles Wesley Billings, b. Feb. 24, 1844. Reside in North Adams, Mass. Children by first marriage, b. in Colrain, Mass. : I. Henry Morris Pierce, b. Sept. 6, 1865 ; m. June 9, 1885, Belle Caprin, b. in Troy, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1864. Have one child. Bertha Helen Pierce, I3. Nov. 22, 1 89 1. Reside in Troy, N. Y. II. Bertha May Pierce, b. Apr. 4, 187 1 ; m. Sept. 16, 1 89 1, Walter Sherman Carr, M. D., b. in Hillsbor- ough, N. H., Oct. II, 1861 ; d. Oct. 20, 1904. They have one child, Margaret Eleanor Carr, b. Jan. 6, 1893. They reside in North Adams, Mass. Children by second marriage : III. Gerturde Edna Billings, b. Mar. 28, 1881. IV. Howard Pomeroy Billings, b. Jan. 30, 1883 ; m. Dec. 27, 1905, Clara Belle Whitmore of Greylock, Mass. s \81i. Edwin Winfield7 Scott, (Henry Alonzo^ Zorahs, Elihu+, ^ Capt. Moses3, Josiah/, William') b. Jan. 27, 1847 ; m. Jan. 5, 1869, 128 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Laura G. Howard; she d. at Colrain, Mass. He m. (2) Ella L. Eastman; he d. in Colrain, Jan 27, 1878. His widow ni. (2) Knowlton, and resides in Gardner, Mass. Child by first marriage : I. Merritt W. Child by second marriage : n. Laura C. 1 87 A. Zorah Lorenzo? Scott, (Henry Alonzo^, Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^, William') b. in North Adams, Mass., May 9, 1853; m. Aug. 14, 1878, Myra E. Fay of Woodstock, Vt., dau. of Vivian M., b. Sept. 27, 1881. He m. (2) Mar. 9, 1892, Lottie M. Tracy of Delphi, N. Y. Mr. Scott moved from Colrain, Mass., Feb, 1893, to Syracuse, N. Y., and engaged in the employ of Charles F. Saul, general hardware dealer, where he still remains. Child: ^ . Walter E., b. Jan. 12, 1894. 188. Horace Lorenzo? Scott, (Zorah Lorenzo^ Zorahs, Elihu+, Capt. Moses-', Josiah^, William') b. in Charlemont, Mass., Dec. 22, 1848 ; m. Jan. 2, 1869, Martha Louisa Joslyn, b. Oct. 9, 1846. Children, b. in Putney, Vt. : L John Lorenzo, b. Sept. 5, 1872. H. Abbie May, b. June 25, 1880. 189. Maria? Scott, (Jonathan*^, Lemuel?, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard-^, William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Dec. 26, 1809 ; m. June 19, 1832, Aaron Drew, b. Apr. 18, 1805 ; he d. Apr. 9, 1862 ; she d. Jan. 3, 1 87 1. Mr. Drew was a successful farmer and a large owner of real estate, accumulated through his industry and aided in a large degree by the care and diligence of his estimable wife. Children : I. Daniel B. Drew, b. July 8, 1834; m. Sept. 9, 1849, Laura A. Farnsworth. Reside in Chicago. Their children are: (i) William P. Drew, b. Sept. 12, 1856, d. Aug. 10, 1858; (2) Erwin W. Drew, b. Feb. 23, i860; (3) Annie M. Drew, b. July 26, 1866. H. Truman G. Drew, b. Dec. 15, 1836 ; m. May 12, 1863, Ellen E. Sanderson; he d. in Fairfax, Vt., Mar. 11, 1886. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 12^ III. Reuben W. Drew, b. Dec. 14, 1839; d. in Fairfax, Vt., Dec. 7, 1865. IV. Rev. Alfred E. Drew, b. Sept. 14, 1841 ; m. July 17, 1867, Anna E. Atwood of Newbury, Vt. After preparatory courses he was graduated from the Theological Institute at Concord, N. H., in 1866, and a little later ordained a minister of the Meth- odist Episcopal church by Bishop Janes. His pastorates have been Litdeton, Bristol, Concord, and Manchester in New Hampshire ; Haverhill, Lawrence, New Bedford and Fall River in Massa- chusetts ; Stafford Springs in Connecticut ; Tarpon Springs and St. Petersburg, Florida. He is now (1906) located at the latter place. He has engaged somewhat extensively in revival work in every charge, and raised over one hundred thousand dollars for new churches and parsonages. During the past year (1905) Mrs. Drew has written a book dedicated to her husband as one " Who sees all circumstances, however dark, building into thrones and crowns." The book is entitled " The Karles of Karletonville, or The Life Beautiful." The book has proved so popular that after a few months it has gone into a second edition. The book has 244 pp., price $1.25. Child : Kate Anna Drew, b. Jan. 30, 1869; m. Dec. 7, 1895, William Clark Evans of New York City. Their dau., Dorothy Elizabeth Evans, b. Sept. 29, 1900, V. Elbert Drew, b. Mar. 23, 1844 ; d. Aug. 14, 1845. VI. Harmon C. Drew, b. Jan. 12, 1847 ; d. Aug. 8, 1S66. VII. Alma Rachel Drew, b. May 2, 1849 ! ™- Oct. 14, 1876, Edwin Swan Butts; she d. Dec. 16, 1904. He resides in Lansing, Mich. Their daughter, Mollie Drew Butts, b. Nov. 15, 1881. She is now (1906) principal of the high school at Colon, Mich. VIIL Burton Drew, b. July 22, 185 1 ; d. May 15, 1861. IX. John B. Drew, b. May 30, 1854, m. June 30, 1880, Emma Loveland, b. July 28, 1855. He attended the New Hampton Institute several years, and later the College Institute at Fort Edwards. In 1878, after a clerkship of several years, he established a drug store in Fairfax, Vt., and continued it till 1894; was postmaster at Fairfax 1883 to 1886; re- appointed 1889 to 1893. In 1894 removed to Randolph, Vt., where he was the senior of the drug firm of Drew & Leonard ; he sold his interest in the firm in Aug. 1905, and removed to Burling- 130 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. ton, Vt., in the following October, and purchased a fine residence on Colchester avenue. Children are: (i) Fred E. Drew, b. Apr. 17, 1S82 ; he is taking a special course at the Vermont University to prepare himself for teaching; (2) Ernest A. Drew, b. Apr. 7, 1887 ; he has entered the Vermont University for a course in electrical engineering. 1 90. Madison7 Scott, (Jonathan^, Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Kichard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Mar. 12, 1813 ; m. June 18, 1837, Hannah L. Beach, whose mother was a Seelye, a near relative of Pres. Seelye of Smith College. Mr. Scott d. Nov. 29, 1851. She m. (2) Jan. 16, 1856, Rev. Daniel Warren, and d. at Hyde Park, Vt., Jan. 21, 1872. Mr. Scott studied law with Esquire Hubbel of Fairfax, and was admitted to the bar and had a very successful practice till his death, with a promising future had he lived. Children, b. in Fairfax, Vt. : I. Hannah B., b. May 8, 1838 ; d. Aug. 22, 1840. 255. H. Rogene A., b. Apr. 6, 1840. 256. HI. Don E., b. Apr. i&, 1844. 191 . Harrison? Scott, (Jonathan^, Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathans, Richard'', William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., July 4, 1814 ; m. July 4, 1838, Esther Ann Lounsborg, b. in Newbry, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1818. She d. in San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 30, 189S; he d. in Vacaville, Calif., Dec. 21, 1890. He was a teacher in Ohio in the early 40's; also in New York and Ohio from 1846 to 1850; in mining operations in California, 1850 to 1864; a carpenter in Grass Valley, Calif., from 1863 to 1880, and a rancher and fruit raiser in Vacaville, Calif., from 1880 to 1890. Children : 257. I. William Henry, b. at Granville, O., Jan. 24, 1840. II. Philip Watson, b. at Granville, O., Dec. 25, 1841 ; d. at Fletcher, Vt., Sept. i, 1847. Hi. Almira Ward, b. at Jersey, O., June 3, 1844 ; d. there June 24, 1844. IV. Alice Gertrude, b. at Cincinnati, O., June 3, 1850; d. at Grass Valley Ai)r. 4, 1858. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. I3I 192. Rev. Nelson? Scott, (Jonathai/', Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Richard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Sept. 24, 1817 ; m. Oct. 8, 1846, Martha, dau. of Dea. Eleazer and Hannah (Haskell) Gaylord of Amherst, Mass., b. Mar. 14, 1821. He d. Jan. 26, 1899. She d. in Amherst, Mass., Jan. 12, 1905. He prepared for college at Castleton Seminary ; graduated at Amherst College 1843, and at Hartford Theological Seminary 1846 ; was a teacher at Sheldon Acad- emy, Southampton, Mass., 1839-41 ; ordained at East Hartford, Ct., Sept. 24, 1846, dismissed June 4, 1857 ; acting pastor at Edgar- town, Mass., 1857-8; at Marblehead, Mass., 1858-60; chaplain State Reform School, Westboro, 1860-62 ; without charge, Amherst, 1862-71 ; installed East Granville, Mass., Dec. 13, 187 1, dismissed Jan. 15, 1879; resided at Amherst after this without charge till his death. Children : 1. WilHam Nelson, b. Nov. 7, 1847 ; unm. 251. n. George Haskell, b. June 29, 185 1. HI. Charles Gaylord, b. Apr. 13, 1853; d. Aug. 6, 1881 ; unm. IV. Edgar T., b. Aug. 24, 1857 ; unm. V. Henry Harrison, b. Sept. i, 1858; d. Oct. 13, 1858. 193. Chauncey Ward' Scott, (Jonathan^, Lemuels, Jonathan-*, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Aug. 18, 1825 ; m. Prudence Chase. He d. Mar. 25, 1887. Adopted son : 259. Warren J. Scott, b. Jan. 23, 1852, son of Zuviah (Scott) Lovegrove. 194. Chandler Ward? Scott, (Jonathan*^, Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., June 4, 1827 ; m. Oct. — , 1849, Sarah Carrington. He d. in Mo., Aug. 14, 1886; she d. in Kansas, 1879. Soon after marriage he moved to Cincinnati, O., and engaged in the market business and was burned out in 1863, when he removed to Iowa, where Forest City now stands, where he was a pioneer and had Indians for troublesome neighbors. He enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, in Co. B., 32d Regt. Iowa Vol. Inf.; discharged July 22, 1863, at Columbia, Ky., for disability. He enlisted the second time Aug. 9, 1864, in Co. F. 32d Regt. Iowa Inf.; discharged June 6, 1865, at Davenport, la. In 1880 he moved to Southern Missouri, where he died. 132 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children : 260. 1. James P., b. in Cincinnati, O., Feb. 5, 1S51. II. Minerva A., b. Dec. 18, 1852 ; d. 1867. 261. III. Sarah Marilla, b. Feb. 4, 1857. IV. B. W.,b. 1859; d. 1862. Vl' Tohn^^""^' [ ^''''"^' ^- J"^""^ ^4, 1862 ; d. Sept. 1862. 195. Benjamin Franklin? Scott, (Jonathan^, Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Mar. 27, 1832 ; m. July 2, 1854, Margaret M. Aderhold of Carroll Co., Ga. He resides at Lamourie Bridge, Rapides Co., La. He left Vermont in 1849 and entered in the employment of his brother Chandler in Cincinnati, till he was burned out, when he entered a commercial college, from which he graduated and then went to Carroll Co., Ga., where he taught school seven years. In i860 he removed to Rapiden Parish, La., and continued his avocation of teaching till the Civil War broke out, and as his interests were in the South he cast his lot with his friends and enlisted in the Confederate service and bore his part bravely through the conflict, experiencing many hair-breadth escapes from peril in battle ; was once taken prisoner, but finally came out of the strife unscathed. After the war he resumed teaching in the parish where he now resides, for 19 years. Having taught school for 26 years in the South, he resigned and turned his attention to farming, in which he has been successful ; his crops consist of corn, cotton and cane. Children : I. Jonathan W., b. in Carroll Co., Ga., Jan. 23, 1856. 11. William Henry, b. in Carroll Co., Ga., Sept. 15, 1859; d. Nov., 1863. III. Georgia Ann, b. in Rapiden Point, La., Nov. 14, 1862. IV. Michael A., b. Aug. 13, 1866. V. Mary Alma, b. Jan. 14, 1869. VL Rogene Almira, b. Jan. 5, 1874. Vll. Benjamin Franklin Peirce, b. Aug. 20, 1S77. 196. lXarias7 Scott, (Lemuel^ Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Dec. 18, 18 11 ; m. Dec. 22, 1836, Olive Larrabee, b. at Stephenson, N. Y., Sept. 20, 181 1. She d. Oct. 24, 1889; he d. at Wolcott, Vt., Aug. 7, 1878. i DESCENDANTS OF WILLUM SCOTT. 1 33 Children : I. William Farrar, b. in Cambridge, Vt., Sept. 2, 1839; m. Oct. 9, 1864, Abby Ann Hartwell, dau. of William of Berlin, Vt. Mr. Scott commenced learning the printers' trade at St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 24, 1 85 5. In the spring of 1881 he came into possession of the Barre Enterprise, and was its successful editor and publisher till the spring of 1898, when failing health caused him to sell his interest in the paper. He resides in Burlington, Vt. No children. II. Henry Harrison, b. Sept. i, 1841 ; d. same day. 262. III. Adelia Maria, b. Mar. 30, 1843. 263. IV. Marcus Duane, b. Jan. 9, 1845. Hannah Elizabeth, b. Sept. i, 1847 \ d. same day. 197. Seth Branch^ Scott, (Lemuel*^, Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., June 19, 1816; m. Apr. 19, 1 74 1, Lucy Gregory Farrar, b. at St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 27, 1823; d. at Northfield, Mass., Aug. 19, 1893. He was residing in 1900 at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : I. Martha Elizabeth, b. Nov. 5, 1842 ; d. Jan. 12, 1843. II. Louise Charlotte, b. Jan. 5, 1844 ; m. John Kennedy. Resides in Montreal. 264. III. Lucie Farrar, b. Dec. 9, 1845. IV. Julia Anne, b. Sept. 12, 1850; unm. V. William Lemuel, b. in Somerville, Mass., Oct. 10, 1852. Resides at St. Lambert, Province Quebec. VI. Frederick Montague, b. in Montreal. Now of 140 Nassau St., N. Y. VII. Emma Frances Gregory, b. in Montreal June 19, 1858 ; m. F. L. Foster of Newark, N. J. VIII. Elizabeth Jane, b. Jan. 7, 1862 ; d. July 2, 1862. IX. Mary Montague, b. June 3, 1863 ; unm. X. John Seth, b. May 2, 1869 ; d. Jan. i, 1870. 198. Rufus M.7 Scott, (Lemuel", Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Richard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., July 21, 1819 ; m. Sept. 20, 1842, Jane A. Powell. He resided in Cambridge, Vt., where he d. Mar. 12, 1856. She m. (2) May 20, 1872, William Wheeler, and he resides in Essex, Vt. She d. Oct. 15, 1893. Child : 265. George Valentine, b. May 21, 1846. 134 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 199. Abigail M.7 Scott, (Lemuel^ Lemuels, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Aug. 14, 1821 ; m. July, 1842, Rev, King W. Burnham. Reside in New York city. Children : I. Edwin Scott Burnham, b. Mar. 15, 1844- m. and has two children. IT. George Henry Burnham, b. Mar. 24, 1854. III. Chester Walbridge Burnham, b. Apr. 13, 1856; d. Apr., 1865. IV. Marion Adle Burnham, b. May 13, 1859; ^^' Nov. i, 1879, ^'heo. R. Noyes, M. D. 200. Lemuel W.7 Scott, (Lemuel'^, Lemuels, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Nov. 15, 1824; m. Jan. 19, 1853, Amanda Danforth ; she d. Feb. 17, 1861, ae. 26 yrs. He m. (2) June 12, 1870, Christina Ross, widow of Horace Burditha, who was killed in the Civil war. Reside in Minne- apolis, Minn. Child by first marriage : I. Addie Amanda, b. Mar. 31, 1858; m. Frederick Cook, who d. 1898. She resides in Chicago. Chil- dren : (i) William Cook; (2) Gertrude Cook; (3) Edward Cook. Children by second marriage : II. Eva L., b. June 12, 1872. Ill, Clarence A., b. May 21, 1874. 201 . Annie E.7 Scott, (Lemuel'^, Lemuels, Jonathan*, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., Jan. 5, 1827; m. Apr. 18, 1855, Rev. Payson Tyler, b. in Rindge, N. H., Jan. 27, 1S25 ; she d. Dec. 7, 1862. He m. (2) May 30, 1866, Mary A. Greene; he d. at E. Hardwick, Vt., Feb. 14, 1869. He was converted at the age of 15, and united with the Baptist church at Fletcher, Vt. He learned the trade of shoemaker, then attended school at New Hampton, N. H., where he paid his way by working at his trade. For a few years he taught school in Vermont and Massachusetts, then had various pastorates in Vermont and Massachusetts. Children by first marriage : I. Mary Clara Tyler, b. in Barre, Mass., Feb. 13, 1856; m. Nov. 4, 1874, Wilson V. Clark. She d. abt. 1885, leaving two daus. : (i) Carrie Bertha Clark, Clayton C. Scott. Warren A. Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 35 b. at Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 23, 1876 ; graduated at the normal school in Los Angeles, Cal., and teaches; (2) Annie Carrie Clark, b. Jan. 8, 1880, ni. June 8, 1897, John H. Ray; have one child, Stanley Wilson Ray, b. June 21, 1899. Reside at Avalon, Catalina Island, Cal. II. Carrie Maria Tyler, b. in Colchester, Vt., May 16, 1858; m. Sept. I, 1881, Arthur B. Whitney of Topeka, Kan. Were located in Whatcom, Wash., in 1900. Their son, Allen Benny Whitney, b. May 29, 1901. 202. Emily C.7 Scott, (Lemuel'', Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Fairfax, Vt., June 4, 1829; m. Nov. 20, 1 85 1, David C. Carleton of Cambridge, Vt. Children : I. Henry David Carleton, b. Sept. 15, 1852 ; d. Aug. 28, 1861. II. Herbert Enoch Carleton, b. Oct. i, 1854; m. Aug. 16, 1 88 1. Has son, Charles David Carleton, b. May 15, 1882. III. Lucius B. Carleton, b. Apr. 12, 1857; m. Jan. 24, 1S79 ; has son, Harry S. Carleton, b. Dec. 3, 1883. IV. Franklin Henry Carleton, b. Jan. 11, 1865. 203. George Mason? Scott, (Capt. Seth*^, Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard^ William')> b. in Fletcher, Vt., Aug. 7, 1826; m. Aug. 7, 1849, Lorretta, dau. of Eli Bell; she d. June 6, i860. He m. (2) June 24, 1870, Susan M. Shanley, b. in Holden, Mass., July 2, 1 85 1. She d. July 2, 1901 ; he d. in Fletcher, Vt., Aug. 14, 1904. He was in the U. S. service from Dec, 1863 to the close of the war, and was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness. Children by second marriage, b. in Fletcher, Vt. : I. Clayton C, b. Feb. 10, 1872; m. June 17, 1894, Nellie J. Boyd of Cambridge, Vt. He is a con- tractor and builder. One child, Warren A., b. Apr. 10, 1896. Reside in Waterbury, Conn. II. Clifton H., b. July 26, 1873; m. Dec. r6, 1893, Bertha Granger of Hinesburgh, Vt. No children. Reside in Fletcher, Vt. III. Lorretta B., b. May 21, 1878; m. Sept. 26, 1895, Willis M. Parsons, b. in Fletcher, Vt., Mar. 26, 1874. Reside in Stowe, Vt. Children: (i) William M. 136 DESCENDANTS OF VVILLL\M SCOTT. Parsons, b. in Fletcher, Vt., July 30, 1896; (2) Evelyn I. Parsons, b. in Fletcher Sept. 17, igoo; (3) Marion A. Parsons, b. in Stowe, Vt., Sept. 29, 1905. IV. Wilma E., b. Nov. 29, 1S86; d. Aug., 1887. 204-. William Morgan? Scott, (Capt. Seth*^, Lemuel^, Jonathan* Jonathan-^ Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., July 22, 1835 m. May 4, 1856, Mandana E. Proctor, dau. of Levi, b. in Westford Vt., Feb. 13, 1839 ; she d. Sept. 9, 1863. He m. (2) May 24, 1866 Sophie C. Robie, dau. of Walter, b. Jan. 15, 1833; she d. Nov. 8 1897. He m. (3) Jan. 5, 190T, Mrs. Jennie A. Holbrook, nee Fillebrown ; he d. Apr. 13, 1905 in Cambridge, Vt., where he had lived many years. He enlisted Oct. 5, 1861, for three years in Berdan's U. S. sharpshooters in the army of the Potomac, and served till 1865. After the war he returned to Cambridge, where he was successful in business till his death. Mr. Scott took a deep interest in the history of the Scott family, and greatly aided the compiler of the work in gathering data concerning his own branch of the Scotts, who settled in Vermont and migrated elsewhere. Children, b. in Cambridge, Vt., by first marriage : 266. I. Elbert Ira, b. July 17, 1857. II. Lillian May, b. Dec. 18, i860; m. Oct. 15, 1885, Clinton R. Brown, b. Apr. 22, 1855, in Underhill, Vt. ; she d. July 24, 1891. Their child, Clark Scott Brown, b. March 18, 1887. Children by second marriage : , 266^. III. Marion Beatrice, b. July 11, 1867. IV. Fannie Amanda, b. Oct. 24, 1873; m. Aug. 8, 1893, James T. Spaulding, b. in Fletcher, Vt., Jan. 23, 1869. Reside in Fletcher, Vt. No children. 205. Wait? Scott, (Capt. Seth^ Lemuels, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Sept. 23, 1836 ; m. June 23, 1856, Joanna L. Smith, dau. of Nehemiah. He enlisted in the Union army Dec. 1863, and remained till the close of the war. He d. Aug. 20, 1901, at the Soldiers' Home in Bennington, Vt. Mrs. Scott resides in New Britain, Conn. Children : I. Winnana May, b. Sept. 5, 1857 ; d. in Plainville, Conn., Sept., 1879. William Morgan Scolt. "V-V Mrs. Jennie A. (Fillebrown) Scott. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 37 II. Salona lantha, b. in Fletcher, Vt., Oct. 14, 1859; d. 1861 in Fletcher, Vt. III. Lottie Salona, b. in Fletcher, Vt., May 4, 1863; d. in Plainville, Conn., 1896; m. Apr. 13, 1886, Edson Hart of Plainville; children: (i) Ethel, d. one month old ; (2) Mildred Joanna ; (3) Eleanor Ruth; (4) Myron Walter Hart. IV. Don Juan, b. in Fletcher, Vt., May 21, 1866; m. Oct. 26, 1889, Ada L. Hart. Reside in New Britain. No children. V. Frank N., b. in New Hartford, Conn., June 21, 1873 '■> m. Oct. 26, 1898, Harriet Tully of New Britain; she d. Dec. 19, 1904. He resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Their children were : (i) Winnana May, b. 1899, d. soon ; (2) Harriet F., d. soon. 206. Henry W.7 Scott, (Levi^, Lemuel^ Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Nov. 3, 1822 ; m. Jan. 23, 1855, Maria D. Spaulding, b. Aug. i, 1832 ; she d. Nov. 10, 1905. They celebrated their golden wedding at their home in Fletcher, Vt., in 1905, with 85 guests. Children, b. in Fletcher, Vt. : Olive Adelle, b. May 30, 1859. Ada Maria, b. June 16, 1861. Winfield Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1863. Lynn Hardee, b. Nov. 7, 1870; m. Oct. 15, 1895, Etta Spaulding. Reside in Bakersfield, Vt. 207. Avaline A." Scott, (Levi^, Lemuels, Jonathan-^, Jonathans, Richard-, William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Apr. 20, 1836 ; m. Sept. 22, 1853, Emerson S. Montague, b. Mar. 23, 1833 ; d. in Fletcher, Vt., Feb. II, 1865. She ra. (2) Apr. 23, 1873, Otis Sherman, b. Feb. 7, 1821, who d. Jan. 26, 1900. Children by first marriage : I. Clarence W. Montague, b. Jan. 14, 1854 ; m. Nov. 20, 1877, Emma E. Thomas. Their children: (i) Wilbur E. Montague, b. Oct. 18, 1878 ; m. July 18, 1900, Sadie L. Sweet; (2) L. O. Montague, b. Dec. 5, 1888 ; d. June 3, 1891. Child by second marriage : II. Cora M. Sherman, b. Sept. 17, 1875; m. Mar. 26, 1896, Peter L. Polander. Their children are : (i) Lawrence R. Polander, b. Mar. 26, 1897 ; Mae Rosa Polander, b. July 18, 1898. 267. 268. I. II. 269. III. IV. 138 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 208. Zachary Taylor^ Scott, (Wait^, Lemuels, Jonathant, Jonathans, Richards William') b. in Cambridge, Vt., Feb. 17, 1854; m. in Nebraska Flora A. Crovich, b. in Iowa Sept. 16, 1850. Resided in St. Joseph, Mo., where he was employed in a plow factory as a superior workman; is now (1906) in Devizes, Kansas. Children : 1. James P., b. at Pleasant Hill, Neb., May i, 1872. II. Elnora M., b. May 9, 1876. III. Oriliel, b. in Hitchcock Co., Neb., Oct. 24, 1884. 209. Merton B.7 Scott, (Wait^ Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. in Cambridge, Vt., June 15, 1854; m. Sept. 7, 1879, Alice May Cocks, b. in Iowa Apr. 16, 1865 ; she d. Oct. 26, 1S99. He resides at Devizes, Kansas, where he is a black- smith. His mother is living with him, 1906. Children : 1. Edward W^, b. in Kansas June i, 1880; ra. June i, 1900, Fiorina Kines. Their dau. was b. Mar. 1901. II. Charles S., b. Feb. 18, 1883 in Merton Co., Kan. HI. Ella M., b. Aug. 10, 1884. IV. Susan, b. Aug. 11, 1885. V. Ernest, b. Mar. 15, 1890. VI. Orlando E., b. in Cameron, Mo., May 15, 1S92. VJI. Merton Guy, b. in Westboro, Neb., Nov. 18, 1896. VIII. Son, unnamed ; d. soon. 210. Henry William? Scott, (Martin B.^, MartinS, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard-, William') b. in Bennington, Vt., June 6, 1830; m. June 7, 1855, Eliza Jane Fox, b. Oct. i, 1836. He d. May 13, 1897 ; she d. Mar. 4, 1906 in Bennington. He was a noted inventor and manufacturer. Children : 270. I. Frank Henry, b. in Shaftsbury, Vt., Sept. 28, 1859. II. Harriet Jane, b. in Shaftsbury, Vt., Mar. 12, 1861 ; m. Sept. 30, 1884, William Clark Bull, b. in Danby, Vt., Feb. 7, i860. Reside in Bennington. Child: Vera Lillian Bull, b. July 4, 1885. HI. Mary Jeannette, b. in Bennington Nov. 15, 1871 ; d. Nov. 7, 1872. IV. Charles Alonzo, b. in Bennington Feb. 21, 1874; d. Aug. 25, 1874. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 39 211. Col. Giles 01in7 Scott, (Martin B.^ MartinS, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Bennington, Vt., Feb. 27, 1832 ; m. Oct. 30, 1856, Celeste E. Gilbert, dan. of Samuel of Salem, N. Y., b. Mar. 27, 1831. " Col. Scott is proprietor of the Bennington Machine Works, and is a practical mechanic and engineer of long and varied practice, in which he has been very successful. The old Bennington iron foundry was the first one in Vermont, having been started in 1 8 10, and in the days when stoves were first made it was a leading concern in that business. Col. Scott became interested in these works in 185S, and in 1863 purchased the patterns, machinery, tools and good-will of the concern, and in 1865 he bought in like manner the plant of the old and well-estal)lished Eagle Iron Foundry and machine shop, and at the same time erected the extensive buildings now occupied by the Bennington Machine Works, and placed in them the machinery of both old establishments with new additional machinery. The leading line of work made here is gun- powder machinery, in some branches of which the proprietor has no rival. A large part of the gunpowder machinery used in the U. S. during the Civil War, and since, was made at these works and mill. From this establishment are now used in the leading gunpowder mills in Europe, South America, Mexico and the West Indes. At these works are also made pulp machinery in all its branches, quarrying and sawing appropriate of marble and other machinery." Col. Scott is also sole manufacturer of the N. E. Wood Pulp Grinder. Besides managing his own extensive business, Col. Scott takes a deep interest in public affairs. He is president of the Battle MoDument and Historical Association, and vice president of the Bennington Board of Trade. Children : I. Mary Lillian, b. July 19, 185S; d. May 27, 1875. n. Martin Gilbert, b. Aug. 25, 1872 ; d. Aug. 14, 1873. HI. Julia, b. Dec. 28, 1867 ; d. May 21, 1884. 212. Charles^ Scott, (Bradford'^ Capt. Levi-'", Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Richard-, William') b. in Swanton, Vt., July 30, 1833 ; m. Feb. 14, 1855, Mary Garretty, b. in Marsailles, Ohio, Dec. 3, 1832 ; he d. at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. iq, 1S62, while serving in an Indiana regiment during the Civil War. Children : 271. L Charles Gaylord, b. in Marion, O., Apr. 2, 1856. 272. H. Frances Sophronia, b. in Des Moines, Iowa, A])r. 4, 1858. 273. III. Sarah Eugenia, b. in Medaryville, Ind., Apr. 23, 1861. I40 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 213. Romeo Hoyt7 Scott, (Bradford*^, Capt. Levi?, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. in Swanton, Vt., July 7, 1842 ; m. Apr. 6, 1864, Jane E. Smith, b. Nov. 24, 1841. Mr. Scott has had constant railroad service since i860, most of the time as agent in the offices at Swanton, St. Albans, Barre and Burlington, Vt., at which last-named station he is now located. Children : I. Walter B., b. at Swanton, Vt., Apr. 15, 1867. II. Robert Lee, b. at Swanton, Vt., Oct. 27, i86g. III. Ruby Olive, b. at Swanton, Vt., Nov. 20, 1871. IV. Charles Romeo, b. at St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 30, 1875. V. Bertha Agnes, b. at Swanton, Vt., Oct. 14, 1877. 214. Julia E.7 Scott, (Bradford^ Capt. Levi?, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Swanton, Vt., Nov. 10, 1849, m. 1869, William O. Smith. Child : Frances Maude Smith, b. Dec. 6, 1869. 215. Ira A.7 Scott, (Julius D.^, IraS, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard^ William") b. Feb. 10, 1S56; m. 1880, Josephifte Sheehan. She d. 1888; he d. at Cripple Creek Jan. 30, 1900. He left Vermont in 1876, stopping for a time in each of the states of Iowa, Montana and Kansas, then went to Colorado and was at Leadville at the time of the great boom in 1879, when it sprang from a few shanties to a city of 40,000 in two months. He went to Denver in 1880 and located near the city and conducted a fruit and truck garden, a dairy, etc., till his death. Children : I. Cora A., b. July 4, 1882 ; m. Aug. 17, 1S99, Orr K. Scott, b. in Virginia and not a relative of the family by ancestry. Reside in Denver, Col. II. Lee A., b. Mar. 20, 1S84. Resides in Denver, Col. 216. Laura A.7 Scott, (Julius D.'^, IraS, Jonathan*, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. Aug. 19, i860; m. 1879, Harris J. Holmes. Reside on a fruit and dairy farm one and one-half miles out from the city of Denver. Children : I. Martin D. Holmes, b. in Vt. July 25, 1880. II. Gena A. Holmes, b. in Denver Sept. 16, 1882. III. Arthur H. Holmes, b. in Denver Dec. 29, 1887. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 141 217. Lucy Maria7 Scott, (Christopher^, RufusS, Eleazer4^ Reuben3, Richard^ William') b. at Arkwright, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1840; m. Dec. 3, 1862, Lee Clark, b. Jan. 28, 1837 ; she d. Apr. 22, 1879. He resides at Elgin, 111. Children : L John Walter Clark, b. Apr. 27, 1864. IL Clarissa Marinda Clark, b. Feb. 11, 1866. in. Lucy Maria Clark, b. June 26, 1868 ; m. Willard. IV. George Christopher Clark, b. Dec. 25, 1870. V. Ernest Leander Clark, b. Jan. 27, 1873. VI. Ira Burbank Clark, b. Apr. 10, 1875. VII. Edward Clark, b. Apr. 5, 1877. VIII. Jesse Nichols Clark, b. Apr. 22, 1879. 21 7i. Mary L.7 Scott, (Christopher^, RufusS Eleazer4, Reuben% Richard^ William') b. at Bloomindale, 111., July 30, 1847 ; m. May 28, 1873, Emmil Willmarth, b. in New York Aug. i, 1846; she d. at Sycamore, III, Oct. 24, 1905. He resides at Sycamore, 111. Children : I. Cora Esther Willmarth, b. Jan. 5, 1875, m. Sept. 26, 1895, Willard L. Elliott. Reside at Sycamore, 111. Their children are: (i) Lloyd Clayton Elliott, b. Sept. 10, 1896; (2) Pearl Irene Elliott, b. Apr. 22, 1898; (3) Harold Lime Elliott, b. Feb. 17, 1900; (4) George Morris Elliott, b. June 10, 1903. II. Jennie Grace Willmarth, b. May 25, 1879 ; m. Oct. 19, 1904, Calvin Webster Royce. Reside in Joliet, 111. III. Mary Lillian Willmarth, b. Nov. 24, 1885. 218. Ezra? Scott, ( Reuben^, Ruf us5, Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richard^, William') b. Aug. 15, 1830; m. Aug. 14, 1854, Roxy Love; she d. June 6, 1861. He ra. (2) Nov. 13, 1862, Mrs. Amy (Love) McNitt; he d. in Cassadaga, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1904. Children by first marriage : I. Henrietta, b. Mar. 8, 1852. IL Henry, b. Sept. i, 1855 ; d. Nov. 6, 1861. 219. Francis? Scott, (Reuben^ RufusS, Eleazer4, Reuben-^, Richard^ William') b. in Pomfret, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1831 ; m. July 4, 1855, Nancy M. Pierce, b. Mar. 29, 1833. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. 142 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children : I. Frank R., b. Mar. lo, 1857 ; m. Jan. i, 1S77, Mary A. Cranston. Reside in Hamlet, N. Y. 274. 11. Mary A., b. June 8, 1863. 275. III. Hattie M., b. May 23, 1867. 220. Laura Sophia? Scott, (Reuben*^, RufusS, Eleazer^, Reuben^ Richard^, William") b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1835 ; m. Dec. 24, 1856, Madison Riley Emory; he d. Apr. 14, 1873. ^^e resides in Dunkirk, N. Y. Children : 1. Lelia Samantha Emory, b. Jan. 17, 1858; m. Nov. 7, 1887, Jacob Rider. II. Mason Reuben Emory, b. Jan. 17, 1863; m. June 28, 1887, Florence Sweeting. Their son, Maurice R. Emory, b. Jan. 15, 1895. III. Nettie May Emory, b. July 14, 1S68; m. Oct. 16, 1895, Frank R. Newton ; she d. July 25, 1897. 221. Sylvester E.7 Scott, (Reuben'^ RufusS, Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richard-, William') b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1840 ; m. May 13, 1866, Emma Trude, b. Mar. 8, 1850. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. Children : 276. I. Henry E., b. Mar. 16, 1867. 277. II. Etta, b. Aug. I, 1869. III. Addie, b. Jan. 9, 1880; m. Dec. 24, 1899, Fred Putnam, b. Sept. 29, 1864. 222. Sally Hephzibah7 Scott, (Reuben^ RufusS, EleazeH, Reuben3, Richard-, William") b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1845 ; m. Feb. 16, 1S64, Warren Skinner, b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1840. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. Children : I. Clifton J. Skinner, b. in Arkwright, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1866; m. Jan. 9, 1893, Bertha Willmott. Their dau., Lois S. Skinner, b. in Dunkirk, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1896. II. Clayton E. Skinner, b. in Arkwright Jan. 16, 1869; m. Dec. 29, 1895, Cora Sampson. Their child, Evangie Skinner, b. in Pomfret, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1896. HI. Goldie E. Skinner, b. in Pomfret Oct. 3, 1874; m. Jan. 14, 1897, William Prown. Their child, Ruth Hepsie Brown, b. in Pomfret, N. Y., June 26, 1900. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 43 IV. Susan Lois Skinner, b. in Pomfret, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1879 ; d. July 12, 1883. V, Ray Scott Skinner, b. in Pomfret, Oct. 14, 1882. 223 n Martin E.7 Scott, (Leonard^, MartinS, Eleazer4, Reuben^, Richard-, William') b. May 3, 1848; m. Mar. i, 1873, Martha E. Smith, b. Nov. 24, 1854. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. Children : 278. I. James H., b. Apr. 5, 1874. II. Leonard M., b. Jan. 3, 1879. 224. Lydia M.7 Scott, (Leonard^ Martins, Eleazer^, Reuben^, Richard-, William') b. Nov. 19, 1850; m. 1870, William A. Pasho, b. May 3, 1838. Reside in Dunkirk, N. Y. Children : I. Henry L. Pasho, b. Mar. 23, 1872 ; m. May 20, 1896, Lillie F. Harberes, b. Jan. 3, 1876. II. Tennie M. Pasho, b. Sept. 20, 1876, m. Apr. 13, 1899, Mortimer P. Lucas, b. Jan. 7, 1873. Have one child, Mildred Lucas, 225. Arthur J. 7 Scott, (Leonard^', MartinS, Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richa^d^ William'), b. Jan. 14, 1854; m. Dec. 25, 1876, Clara J. Libby, b. June 14, 1855. Reside in Dunkirk, N. Y. Children : I. Emma L., b. Mar. 20, 1878. II. Nistie L., b. May 16, 1886. III. Gertrude A., b. Aug. 14, 1890. 226. Helen Rowena? Scott, (Edwin Merrell^, Hiram W.5, Phineas4, Samuel3, William^ William') b. Mar. 15, 1846; m. May 27, 187 1, Frank S. Wesneken, b. Mar. 16, 1850. Reside in Detroit, Mich. Children : I. Maude Sisson Wesneken, b. Dec. 25, 1872. II. Helen Scott Wesneken, b. Mar. 10, 1875. III. Frand Brennan Wesneken, b. Nov. 4, 1884. IV. Marguerite Everts Wesneken, b. Sept. 19, 1889. 227. James Rollins? Scott, (Edwin Merrell^ Hiram W.S, Phineas4, Samuel3, William^ William') b. Apr. 8, 1848; m. July 13, 1870, Anna Prindle. Reside in Auburn, N. Y. 144 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children : I. Frand Wesneken. II. Fred Harold. 228. Horatio Robinson? Scott, (Edwin Merrill^, Hiram W.s, Phineas4, Samuel^, William^, William') b. Nov. 14, 1853; m. Nov. 14, 1S80, Sophie Martha Dewitt, b. Apr. 2, 1862. Reside in Auburn, N. Y. Children : I. Jessie May, b. Dec. 22, 1881. II. Gertrude Louise, b. May 25, 1883. III. Edith Marie, b. May 18, 1892. 229. Edwin Merrill? Scott, (Edwin Merrill'^, Hiram W.s, Phineas4, Samuel^, WiUiam^, William') b. in Auburn, N. Y., July 11, 1856 ; ni. 1878, Carrie Adilard Goodrich, b. in Fleming, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1858. Reside in Detroit, Mich. Children, b. in Auburn, N. Y. : I. Mae Persis, b. Sept. 2, 1881. II. Charles Morris, b. Apr. 12, 1884. 230. William Dudley? Scott, (Edwin Merrill^, Hiram W.s, Phineas4, Samuels, William^ William') b. in Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1858 ; record of first marriage not ascertained. He m. (2) June 18, 1892, in Detroit, Mich., Katharine Sebartian, b. in Baden, Germany, Dec. 30, 1872 ; reside in Dearborn, Mich. Child by first marriage : I. Walter W., b. in Auburn, N. Y., 1877. Children by second marriage : II. Helen E., b. Nov. 12, 1893. III. William F., b. Feb. 5, 1895. IV, Arthur J., b. Apr. 12, 1905. 231. Daniel? Scott, (Horace*^, Daniels, Capt. David4, Davids, Joseph-, William') m. Jane Smith. Children : I. Moses B. II. Fitch. III. Alice. il DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 45 232. Horace? Scott, (Horace^ Daniels, Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^, William') m. Lorinda Shepherd. Children : I. Hattie. II. Ella. 233. Alonzo? Scott (Horace^ Daniels, Capt. David*, Davids, Joseph^, William') m. Phebe . Children : I. Alice. II. Norah. III. Ellen. IV. Chester. 234. Laura7 Scott, (Horace^, Daniels, Capt. David*, David^, Joseph^ William') m. John Aldrich. Children : I. Marcus J. Aldrich. II. Horace Aldrich. III. Lorinda Aldrich. IV. Lucy Aldrich. 235. Lorinda7 Scott, (Horace^ Daniels, Capt. David*, Davids, Joseph^, William') m. James Delamata. Child: Anna A. Delamata. 236. Cynthia7 Scott, (Horace^ Daniels, Capt. David*, David3, Joseph^ William') m. Elmer Everett. Children : I. Charles Everett. II. Amos Everett. III. Liza Everett. 237. Helen? Scott, (Horace^, Daniels, Capt. David*, Davids Joseph^ William') m. Merrill Dickenson. Children : I. Alice Dickenson. II. Emma Dickenson. 146 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 238. Harriet? Scott, (Walter^ Dai^ieis, Capt. David4, Davids, Joseph^, William') b. June 28, 1838; m. Sept. 27, 1855, Samuel Gale; she d. Dec. 24, 1903. Children : I. Willis Gale. II. Benton Gale. III. Herbert Gale. IV. Hubert Gale. 239. Gertrude L.7 Scott, (Walter^ Daniels, .Capt. Davids, David3, Joseph^, William') b. Nov. 17, 1850; m. Nov. 18, 1869, Nathan L. Thompson. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. Children : I. Edith G. Thompson. II. Lena M. Thompson. III. Nernie N. Thompson. IV. Guy V. Thompson. V. Elmer R. Thompson. VI. Herman A. Thompson. VII. Grace I. Thompson. VIII. Lynn H. Thompson. IX. Ray L. Thompson. X. Gladys M. Thompson. 240. Virgil A.7 Scott, (Walter^, Daniels, Capt. Davidt, Davids, Joseph', William') b. Apr. 29, 1855; m. Nov. 15, 1888, Ella M. Wilbur. Reside in Norwich, N. Y. Children : I. Ruth Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1894. II. Wilbur GaJe, b. June 7, 1896. 241 . Charles Winfield? Scott, (Col. Jay Monroe^ Daniels, Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^, William') b. in Plymouth, N. Y., Jan. i, 1844; m. Mar. 23, 1868, Ardette Virginia Berry, dau. of Richard Wayne and Lucy Osgood Berry, b. at Pharsalia, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1842 ; d. Jan. 28, 1874, in Plymouth, N. Y. He m. (2) June 16, 1878, Mary Eliza Bennington, dau. of Rev. Samuel Dinsmore and Eliza Gault Bennington, b. in Dublin, Md., Nov. 5, 1855. For many years Mr. Scott has been agent for the American Book Company of New York. He resides in Williamsport, Pa. Children, b. at Cherry Valley, N. Y. : I. Lucy Osgood, b. June 28, 1869. 279. 11. Richard Wayne, b. Dec. 9, 1870. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 47 242. Henry ClayV Scott, (Col. Jay Monroe^ Daniels, Capt. Davids, Davids, Joseph^, William') b. in Plymouth, N. Y., Aug. i, 1845 ; m. Sept. lo, 1868, Louisa Haley, adopted dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blincoe. Children : I. Bertha, b. Sept., 1869 ; d. in infancy. n. Herbert, b. 187 1 ; d. in infancy. 243. Jay Monroe? Scott, (Col. Jay Monroe^, Daniels, Capt. David4, David3, Joseph^ William') b. in Plymouth, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1850; m. Feb. 1868, Anna Blincoe, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blincoe. Child : Arthur J., b. in Plymouth, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1868 ; d. in Chicago, 111., Dec. 9, 1873, 244. Frank Orrin7 Scott, (Ambrose^ Abels, Abel^, David3, Joseph^ William') b. in Whately, Mass., Feb. 15, 1862 ; m. Jan. 18, 1887, Charlotte Fideha, dau. of Henry L. and Jane F. (Torry) Williams, b. Sept. 23, 1869, Reside on the old David Scott homestead in Whately. Children, b. in Whately, Mass. : I. Mariah Louise, b. Sept. 4, 1887 ; m. May 6, 1905, Henry C. Mowry of Wendell, Mass. IL Leon Ambrose, b. Apr. 23, 1889. HI. Cora Fidelia, b. Jan. 21, 1891. IV. George Lewis, b. Sept. 14, 1892. V. Ruth Alma, b. July 18, 1894 ; d. soon. VI. Ella Adaline, b. Jan. 24, 1895. VII. Frank Lyndon, b. Feb. 13, 1899. VIII. Atla, b. Apr. 17, 1902. 245. Lewis Anson7 Scott, (Ambrose^ Abels, AbeH, Davids Joseph^ William') b. in Whately, Mass., Mar. 9, 1874; m. May 24, 1898, Alice B., dau. of George and Eliza (Cowdry) Barrell of Yonkers, N. Y., b. July 19, 1878 ; he d. Oct. 28, 1905. She m. (2) Apr. 14, 1906, Henry Johnson. Resided in Whately, Mass. Children : I. Nellie Barrell, b. Feb. 22, 1S99. II. Alice Celia, b. Oct. 18, 1901. 148 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOT!'. 246. Anna Eliza? Scott (Luther G.^ Horaces, Selah4, Davids, Joseph-, William") b. in Whately, Mass., July 5, 1865 ; m. Sept. 6, 1882, Arthur Leon Atkins, b. Aug. 13, 1S57. Reside in Whately, Mass. Children, b. in Whately : L Robert Edward Atkins, b. May 14, 1S83. IL Harold Luther Atkins, b. Nov. 25, 1887. HL Forest Atkins, b. Nov. 30, 1894 ; d. Jan. 12, 1895. 247. Lorenzo Kinny? Scott, (Phineas^, Reuben?, Phineas4, David3, Joseph-, William') b. June 21, 1843, in Hawley, Mass.; m. May II, 1865, Betsey Dix, b. in Whitingham, Vt., May 11, 1837; he d. Mar. 31, 1899. Children, b. in Hawley, Mass. : 280. L Ellen Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1866. n. Phineas Lorenzo, b. Sept. 15, 1868; m. Jan. i, 1904, Luna Clemens. Reside in Buckland, Mass. 281. HL William Trow, b. Oct. 10, 1872. IV. Ernest Robert, b. Sept. 2, 1876 ; m. Dec. 27, 1899, Emma Taylor. Reside in Buckland, Mass. 248. Erwin Clinton? Scott, (Elijah'^, ReubenS, Phineas^, David-^, Joseph^, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., June 5, 1S51 ; m. Apr. 18, 1880, Jennie M. Cook, dau. of John F. Cook, b. Apr. 18, 1862 ; she d. Apr. 8, 1891. Resides in South Ashfield, Mass. " Children : L Clara Cook, b. Jan. 2, 18S2. 282. IL Ralph Lyon, b. May 21, 1883. 249. Millard Foster? Scott, (Reuben^ Reuben^ Phineas^, Davids, Joseph-, William") b. in Hawley, Mass., Oct. 15, 1848; m. Sept. 19, 1878, Sarah W., dau. of Ebenezer Wood, b. Oct. 22, 1858. Reside in Hawley, Mass. Children : I. Lillie May, b. Nov. 11, 1879; m. Nov. 27, 1902, Alexander W. Brown. Their children : ( i ) Mabelle Louise Brown, b. Mar. 9, 1904; (2) Millard Joseph Brown, b. Oct. 6, 1905. Reside in North- ampton, Mass. II. Efifie Eva, b. Dec. 13, 1S81 ; d. July 24, 1902. III. Margaret VV^ood, b. Aug. 19, 1889; member of the high school at Northampton, Mass., (1905). DESCENDANTS OF WILLUM SCOTT. 1 49 250. Tylon Reuben? Scott, (Reuben^ Reuben?, Phineas*, David-5, Joseph-, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., July i6, 1858; m. May 3, 1880, Jennie Leny. Reside in Lowell, Mass. Child : Miles Williams, b. Aug. 7, 1881 ; d. Apr. 1894. 251. Frank? Scott, (Rufus''', RufusS, IsraeH, Josephs, Joseph^ William') b. in Hadley, Mass., Feb. 28, 1852; m. Dec. 16, 1879, Mary A., dau. of Miles B. Morton of Whately, Mass. Reside in North Hadley, Mass. Children : I. Fannie E., b. Mar. 11, 1882. II. Frank P., b. Oct. 29, 1883. III. Fred A., b. Feb. 12, 1885. IV. Walter H., b. May 17, 1889 ; d. Feb. 19, 1S90. V. Edith M., b. Mar. 31, 189 1. VI. Robert M., b. Apr. 3, 1893. VII. Mary H., b. June 15, 1895. VIII. Howard S., b. June 26, 1898 ; d. Sept. 26, 1898. IX. Irene, b. May 27, 1900. 252. Lizzie? Scott, (Rufus P.^ RufusS, Israel, Josephs, Joseph^ William') b. in. Hadley, Mass., July 9, 1858; m. May 24, 1881, John Nash. Reside in North Hadley, Mass. Children : I. George Stickney Nash, b. Apr. 11, 1882. II. Alice NeUie Nash, b. Nov. 12, 1884 ; d. May 28, 1894. III. Ethel Scott Nash, b. Aug. 21, 1886. IV. Luella Meacham Nash, b. Jan. 13, 1889. V. Ruth E. Nash, b. Jan. 26, 1893. VI. Herman B. Nash, b. June 20, 1895. 253. Catherine May^ Scott, (Henry Orvil?, Henry A.^ Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^, William') b. in Colrain, Mass., Apr. 20, 1865 ; m. June 14, 1893, William T. Francis, b. Sept. 16, 1868, in South Trenton, N. J., son of Thomas and Fanny Francis. Reside in Springfield, Mass. Child : Beatrice Irene Francis, b. May 10, 1902. 254. Ross DennisonS Scott, (Henry Orvil?, Henry A.^ Zorahs, Elihu4, Capt. Moses3, Josiah^ William') b. in Colrain, Mass., Jan. 27, 150 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1874; m. June 15, 1898, Flora Purrington, daughter of Fremont and Ella. He is with his father in business in Colrain, Mass. Children : I. Lawrence Henry, b. Mar. 7, 1800. n. Floyd Leon, b. Nov. 23, 1903. 255. Rogena A."^, Scott, (Madison7, Jonathan'^', Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. Apr. 6, 1840; m. Feb., 1863, Rev. J. G. Bailey, a Congregational clergyman; she d. in Hyde Park, Vt., 1S69, May 8. She finished her education at Johnson Academy, Vt., and devoted several years to teaching in the South. She was a lady of fine accompHshments. Children, b. in Hyde Park, Vt. : I. Warren S. Bailey, d. 1865. n. Fanny Bailey, d. in 1S74 at the age of 9 years. 256. L)on Eugene'^ Scott, (Madison7, Jonathan'', Lemuels, Jonathan't, Jonathans, Richard-^, William") b. in Fairfax, Vt., Apr. 16, 1844 ; m. Sept. 25, 1S66, Nancy A. Smith. His boyhood was spent in Northern Vermont. At the age of 1 3 he went with his mother and step-father, the Rev. David Warren, to Warner, N. H., where Mr. Warren was pastor of the Congregational church for six years. Don lived there five years, which time was spent at the academies in Henniker and Meriden, N. H., with the exception of one winter devoted to teaching. In July, 1S62, he enlisted in the Union army and served till the close of the war, being present at Lee's surrender at Appomattox. In 1865 he went to Cincinnati and began his career in the book business. The next year he went to New York city, continuing in the same business till 1869, when he went to Burlington, Kansas, and established the book and stationery business which he still continues with success. In 1878 and again in 1897 he enjoyed trips abroad in Europe. He is a deacon in the Congregational church in Burlington, which position he has held for more than 25-6 years, being elected for life in 1900. He also holds various positions of trust and honor in his community. Children : I. Anna Eugenia, b. Aug. 9, 1867 ; d. May 23, 1870. II. Ernest Given, b. Feb. 15, 1869; d. Sept. 10, 1870. III. Rogene Anna, b. in Burlington, Kan., Sept. 8, 1872 ; m. Oct. 16, i90i,Eniil C. Pfuetze. She was educated DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 151 in the schools of her native city and at Washburn College, Topeka, Kan., from which she graduated in 1894. She spent three years teaching, and in 1 897 went to Europe and devoted two years to post- graduate work in the University at Halle and at Berlin, giving her attention mostly to German and French language and hterature. In 1899 she was called to the chair of modern languages in Wesleyan University at Salina, Kan. The family now resides in Manhattan, Kan. Their children are (i) Don Scott Pfuetze, b. Nov. 15, 1902 ; (2) Paul Eugene Pfuetze, b. Nov. 29, 1904, IV. Ella Campbell, b. in Burlington, Kan., Aug. 5, 1874; m. Aug. 3, 1899, Prof. D. L. McEachron of Wash- burn College. She was educated in the schools of Burlington and at Washburn College. She has engaged in notable Christian Endeavor work in various parts of her native state. The family resides in Topeka, Kan. Their children are: (i) Don Scott McEachron, b. Aug. 29 1902, d. July 30, 1903 ; (2) Lendrum Scott McEachron, b. June i, 1904. 257. William Henry^ Scott, (Harrison?, Jonathan^ Lemuels, Jonathans Jonathans, Richard", William') b.at Granville, O., Jan. 24, 1840; m. Jan. 23, 1871, Cora Graves, b. Oct. 21, 1848, at Taunton, Mass.; she was a teacher. He graduated from Oberlin College, 1861 ; was a private in Co. C, 7th Regt. Ohio Vol. Infantry, 1 86 1-2 ; prisoner of war Aug. 26, 1S61 ; clerk in miUtary cem. at Columbus, O., July to Nov., 1862; discharged for physical debiUty Nov. 20, 1S62 ; teacher in Ohio, 1863 ; was bookkeeper in Grass Valley, Calif., for several years, and at Fort Scott, Kan., and Chicago in same employment; in 1898 went to Los Angeles, Calif., as agent for building supplies. Children : I. Alice Leila, b. at Fort Scott, Kan., July 7, 1873; ^^ Sept. 29, 1873. II. Frank Theodore, b. at Fort Scott, Kan., July 27, 1874. 258. George Haskill^ Scott, (Nelson?, Jonathan^ Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard-, William') b. June 29, 1851 3 m. Sept. 17, 1879, Ella Maria Clark. 152 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children : I I. Charles Gaylord, b. Oct. 27, 1880; d. Jan. 2, 1895. II. Edgar George, b. Oct. i, 1882. 259. Warner J.^ Scott, (Chauncey W.7, Jonathan", Lemuels, Jonathan*, Jonathan-^, Richard^ William') b. June 21, 1852, son of Emerson and Zuviah (Scott) Lovegrove ; his parents dying when he was young, he was adopted by his uncle and took his name. He m. May 5, 1878, Ida Learned. He removed from Fletcher, Vt., to Kansas in 1880, to Nebraska in 1S86, and to Dos Palos, Calif., in 1896, where he now resides. Children : I. Bernice E., b. Apr. 21, 1879; m. May 5, 1899, E. L. Watson, of Dos Palas. II. Wilmer M., b. Aug. 20, 1884. 260. James V? Scott, (Chandler W.7, Jonathan^ Lemuels, Jonathan I, Jonathan3, Richard-, William') b. in Cincinnati, O., Feb. 5, 1851 ; m. Nov. 28, 1872, Ella J. Hartman. Children : I. Roy Milton, b. Sept. 19, 1873; m- July 12, 1894, Esther May Nutt. Reside in Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa, where he is foreman of the sewer pipe factory. Have one child. Myrtle C, b. May ^, 1896. 11. Charles Gillmore, b. Aug. 15, 1875. III. Albert Verna, b. Jan. 16, 1878; m. June 26, 1899, Ada E. Mason. Reside in Eldora, Iowa. IV. Jacob Lensard, b. Sept. 13, 1881. V. May Maud, b. Feb. 19, 1887. VI. Son, unnamed, twin with May, d. soon. VII. Earl Josiah, b. May 11, 1889. 261. Sarah Marilla^ Scott, (Chandler?, Jonathan^, Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Richard^ William'), b. Feb. 4, 1857; m. Mar. 12, 1874, Joseph H. Kidwiler, the first white child born in Hardin Co., Iowa. He commenced business as a general merchant in Eagle City, Iowa, in 1876, and where he was postmaster till 1884, when he removed to Ireton, la., where he still remains in the general merchandise business. % % i M Duane Scott. arcus Uuane DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 53 Children : I. Don Clarence Kidwiler, b. May 26, 1876 ; m. July 24, 1899, Lizzie Nichols. Their child, b. Aug. 24, 1900. Reside at Sioux Falls, Iowa. II. Chester Terence Kidwiler, b. Jan. 19, 1878. III. Otho Marvin Kidwiler, b. Aug. 24, 1888. 262. Adelia Maria^ Scott, (Darius?, Lemuel^ Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathans, Richa^d^ William') b. Mar. 30, 1843; m. Dec. 15, 1865, Harvey A. Rowell, b. in Wolcott, Vt., Apr. 18, 1843. He had service in the Civil War. Reside in Barre, Vt. Children : I. Fred Grant Rowell, b. Feb. i, 1867 ; architect, Barre, Vt. II. Charles Harvey Rowell, b. July 18, 1868 ; m. May 13, 1905, Ella Holmes. He is a contractor and builder in Barre, Vt. III, Linda Adelia Rowell, b. Apr. 5, 1870; m. Oct. 5, 1890, Fred Clinton Ordway. Have two children, (8) Ina Estella Ordway, b. Aug. 2, 1891 ; (2) Carroll Elmer Ordway, b. July 8, 1893. Reside in Barre, Vt. IV. Elbert Burbank Rowell, b. Feb. 24, 1874 ; d. Mar. 30, 1874. 263. Marcus Duane^ Scott, (Darius?, Lemuel*^, Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard-, William') b. in Cambridge, Vt., Jan. 9, 1845; m. Jan. i, 1866, Helen M. Walbridge, b. May 18, 1847. He removed from Cambridge to Wolcott, Vt., in the winter of 1862, where he was attending school when the war broke out. On Aug. 15, 1864, he with other schoolmates enlisted in the ist Vermont Cavalry, Co. E. His company joined the regiment at Bridgewater in the Shenandoah Valley, and in four weeks Gen. Sherman commenced his retreat down the valley, burning the barns and mills in his rear. The retreat began very early in the morning, and at one o'clock p. m. the rising dust five miles away betokened the coming of the enemy, while the lorn men were stationed near Torri's Creek. The horses were given in charge of one-fourth of the men and sent off, while the remainder awaited the onset of the foe behind a rail fence. The Confederates came on yelling, " You sons of , you burn our barns and mills, we'll give you ." The Union men stood their ground till it was found that a part of 1 54 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Early's men were getting in the rear, when a dash was made to get out of the trap and it was accomplished with some loss ; among the others was young Harvey B. Butts, a comrade very dear to Mr. Scott, who was never heard from after the engagement. Mr. Scott received a gunshot wound through the left wrist in an engagement at Columbia Furnace, Oct. 7, 1S64, and was discharged from the service on a surgeon's certificate for disability July 29, 1865. He returned to Wolcott, Vt., and devoted himself to farming till December, 1889, when he was appointed deputy collector and inspector of customs; serving four years he resigned in 1893, but in 1895 he accepted another appointment in the same service at Beecher's Falls, Vt., where he was in service in 1906 when these facts were received. Child: Minnie Etta, b. Oct. 22, 1S68 ; m. Aug. 19, 1889, Henry Alva Kusic, b. in VVaterbury, Vt., Aug. 7, 1854; she d. Dec. 25, 1900. Their child, Herbert Byron Kusic, b. in Wolcott, Vt., May 4, 1890. Reside in Wolcott, Vt. 264. Lucie Farran^ Scott, (Seth B.7, Lemuel'^, Lemuels, Jona- than4, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. Dec. 9, 1845 ] ri""- July 10, 1876, Charles Francis Wood, b. in Worcester, Mass., where they reside. Children : L Edward Lansford Wood, b. July 16, 1847. IL William f^ederic Wood, b. 1879; d. 1884. HL John Francis Wood, b. Aug. 29, 1882. 265. George Valentine'^ Scott, (Rufus7, Lemuel'^, Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard-, William') b. May 21, 1845, i^^ Cam- bridge, Vt. ; m. June 23, 1S69, Addie S. Gilcreas of Cambridgeport, Mass.; she d. Oct. 22, 1869. He m. (2) Mar. 11, 1873, Charlotte E. Talbot of Brockton, Mass., descended from John and Priscilla Alden as follows, from their son Joseph^, Isaac3, Mary4, m. Zachem Packard, Simeon Packards, Zenas Packard^', Charlotte Packard?, m. Joseph Wild, Susan Wild^, m. Henry Talbot, Charlotte Talbot^ m. G. V. Scott. Mr. Scott resides in Campello, (Brockton) Mass., where he is an engineer and machinist, and is the secretary and treasurer of the Geo. V. Scott Co., manufacturers and designers of special machinery. o n o < a 3 CD w D ■n 3 Home of George V. Scott, Campello, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 55 Children of G. V. and Charlotte Scott : I. Henry Frank, b. Aug. 5, 1876 ; m. Apr. 3, 1899, Alice G. Brown of Brockton. He graduated in class of '99 from Boston School of Technology. He now (1906) holds the position of mechanical engineer with the Dennison Manufacturing Co. n. Susie May, b. Dec. i, 1S79; d. Sept. 23, 18S1. HI. Jennie E.. b. Sept. 12, 1SS2, IV. Addie E., b. Dec. 5, 18S8. V. Hattie E., b. Sept. 12, 1894. 266. Elbert Ira^ Scott, (William M.7, Capt. Setl/', l.emueis, Jonathan^, Jonathan3, Richard^, William') b. in Cambridge, Vt., July 17, 1857 ; m. Nov., 1877, Julia A. Lane, dau. of Asa Lane of Underhill, Vt. ; she d. July 13, 1881. He m. (2) Nov. 6, 1884, Nettie Smith, b. Feb. 17, i860, dau. of Cyrus T. Smith of Underhill, Vt. Children by first marriage : L Ralph, b. Dec. 7, 1878. H. Julia, b. July 3, 1881. Children by second marriage : HL Florence, b. Nov. 14, 1886 ; d. Sept. 7, 1889. IV. Grant, b. Feb. 19, 1888. V. Ruth, b. Dec. i, 1891 ; d. Sept., 1892. 266J. Marion Beatrice'^ Scott, (William M.v, Capt.6, Lemuels, Jonathan4, Jonathans, Richard% William') b. in Cambridge, Vt., July II, 1867; m. Sept. i, 1892, Ralph Oscar Mudgett, b. in Cambridge, Vt., July 11, 1866. Reside in Essex Junction, Vt., where Mr. Mudgett is engaged in the hardware trade. Children, the three eldest b. in Cambridge, Vt., the two younger in Essex Junction, Vt. : I. Edward William Mudgett, b. Jan. 30, 1894. II. Madalin Sophia Mudgett, b. Apr. 13, 1896. III. Helen Elizabeth Mudgett, b. Feb. 3, 1901. IV. Marguerite Harriet Mudgett, b. Nov. 8, 1903. V. Charles Scott Mudgett, b. Aug. 30, 1904. 267. Olive Adelia^ Scott, (Henry W.7, Levi^ Lemuels, Jonathans Jonathan-^ Richard% William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., May 30, 1859; m. Dec. 12, 1877, Bennie W. Corse. Reside in Fletcher, Vt. 156 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. Children : I. Bernice Maria Corse, b. May 4, 1879; m. Dec. 25, 1902, Lewis E. Marcher. II. Clayton, Eugene Corse, b. June 22, 1881 ; d. Mar. 2, 1SS3. III. Mabel Blanche Corse, b. June 22, 1884. IV. Clifton Harrison Corse, b. Oct. 15, 1888. V. Bennie Ralph Corse, b. July 23, 189 1. VI. Tresa Eleanor Corse, b. Apr. 10, 1895. 268. Ada MariaS Scott, (Henry W.7, Levi^ Lemuels, Jonathan^, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt. ; m. Sept. 13, 1S82, Erving I. Learned. Reside in Fairfax, Vt. Children : I. Melbourne Sylvester Learned, b. Aug. 18, 1884. 11. Ethel May Learned, b. Mar. 9, 1889 ; d. 1892. III. Lena Vienna Learned, b. July 5, 1891. IV. Leola May Learned, b. Oct. 6, 1895. V. Hazel Maxine Learned, b. May 30, 1899. 269. Winfield H.s Scott, (Henry W.7, Levi^ Lemuels, Jona- thanS Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. in Fletcher, Vt., Aug. 16, 1863 ; m. Sept. 30, 1885, Lillie B. Reynolds, b. May, 1868. Reside in Jeffersonville, Vt. Children : I. Clayton H., b. May 31, 1887. II. Mattie A., b. Apr. 7, 1S89. III. Emma May, b. July 28, 1892. IV. Raymond E., b. Sept. 19, 1895. V. Slennie J., b. Dec. 22, 1899. VI. Clio Fay, b. Feb. 27, 1901. 270. Frank HenryS Scott, (Henry W.7, Martin BS\ Martins, JonathanJ, Jonathans, Richard,^ William') b. in Shaftsbury, Vt., Sept. 28, 1859; m. June 12, 1889, Elizabeth Winslow, b. Aug. 7, 1863 in Bennington, Vt. ; he d. Oct. 8, 1 891, at Bennington, Vt. He was an accountant for the firm of E. TifTany & Sons. She resides with her children at Bennington. Children, b. in Bennington, Vt. : I. Martin Winslow, b. Jan. 18, 1891. II. Frank Henry, b. May 13, 1892. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 1 57 271. Charles Gaylord^ Scott, (Charles?, Bradford^ Capt. Levis, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. in Marion, O., Apr. 2, 1856 ; m. Oct. 3, 1888, Etta Lods, b. at Ames, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1869. Child : Frances Lucille, b. Sept. 25, 1889. 272. Frances Sophronia'^ Scott, (Charles?, Bradford^ Capt. Levis, Jonathan4, Jonathan-^ Richard^, William') b. at Des Moines, Iowa, July 4, 1858 ; m. Oct. 2, 1876, John A. King, b. at Blairsville, Pa., Oct. 9, 1850- d. at Des Moines Aug. 25, 1877. She m. (2) Aug. 26, 1886, Dr. E. C. McNeel of Meade Center, Kansas. Child : Joseph Francis McNeel, b. at Delmar, Iowa, May 16, 1890. 273. Sarah Eugenia^ Scott, (Charles?, Bradford^^, Capt. Levis, Jonathan"*, Jonathan^S Richard^, William') b. at Medaryville, Ind., Apr. 23, 1 86 1 ; m. Apr. 22, 1880, John P. Howard, b. at Limerick, Ireland, Mar. 20, 1854. Children : I. John Howard, b. Mar. 2, 1881 ; d. Apr. 16, 1S91. II. Norah Howard, b. July 28, 1883. III. Charles Francis Howard, b. Jan. 29, 18S6. IV. Mary Eugenia Howard, b. Sept. 2, 1888. V. Jeremiah Howard, b. Jan. 17, 1891. VI. Helen Frances Howard, b. Mar. 21, 1893. IX. Josephine Howard, b. Apr. 22, 1898. 274. Mary A.s Scott, (Francis?, Reuben^, RufusS, Eleazer*, Reuben3, Richard^ William') b. June 8, 1S63; m. Jan. i, 1883, George Dorman. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. Children : I. Frank G. Dorman, b. Nov. 9, 1883. II. Ceroid D. Dorman, b. Mar. 14, 1886. 275. Hattie M.s Scott, (Francis?, Reuben^ RufusS, Eleazer4, Reuben3, Richard^ William') b. May 23, 1867 ; m. Sept. 12, 1889, Gilbert Essex. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. 158 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOT!'. 1 i Children : ' I. Harold Essex, b. July 2, 1S91. i II.' Francis G. Essex, b. Feb. 24, 1893. | ! 276. Henry E.^ Scott, (Sylvester?, Reuben^, RufusS, Eleazer4, ' Reuben3, Richard-, VVilham') b. Mar. 16, 1867 ; m. Dec. 20, 1888, | Rosa Dalrymple, b. June ig, 1872. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. j Children : j I. Ina, b. Jan. 2, 1S90. ^ II. Hazel, b. Mar. 18, 1892. III. Millie, b. Dec. 28, 1896. i 277. Etta- Scott, (Sylvester", Reuben'^, Rufus?, Eleazer-*, ' Reubens, Richard^ William') b. Aug. i, 1869; m. Apr. 7, 1891, Alley Dederick, b. Jan. 10, 1870. Reside in Cassadaga, N. Y. \ Children : ] I. Lena Dederick, b. Sept. i, 1892. j II. Alice Dederick, b. Aug. 29, 1S94. j HI. Emma Dederick, b. May 20, 1896. I IV. John C. Dederick, b. May 18, 1900. 278. James W.« Scott, (Martin E.7, Leonard^ Martins, | Eleazer4, Reuben.5, Richard^, William') b. Apr. 5, 1874 ; m. Apr. 9, ] 1896, Helen E. Paxton. Reside in Fredonia, N. Y. ' Children : < I. Marshall J., b. Mar. 25, 1900. j II. Leonard. 279. Richard Wayne^ Scott, (Charles W.7, Col. Jay M.^, ' Daniels, Capt. Davids, David3, Joseph-, William") b. at Cherry '' Valley, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1870; m. June 3, 1S97, Annetta Wagner, ; dau. of Amos S. Wagner of Williamsport, Pa. Reside in Williams- \ port. Pa. '; Children : j I, Mary Wagner, b. Oct. 3, 1900. II. Lucy Osgood Wagner, b. Apr. 27, 1904. 111. Richard Wagner, b. Oct. 12, 1905. 280. Ellen Elizabeth^ Scott, (Lorenzo K.7, Phineas^, Reubens, Phineas'', David^, Joseph'-^, William") b. in Hawley, Mass., June 15, DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SCOTT. 159 1S66; m. July 3, 1S83, Chester Graves, son of Erastus and Ellen Graves, b. Dec. 17, 1S63, in Montague, Mass. Reside in Orange, Mass. Children : I. Louise Graves, b. Aug. 18, 1884. II. Mabelle Graves, b. Feb. 9, 1895. 281. William Trow^ Scott, (Lorenzo K.7, Phineas'^, Reuben?, Phineas4, Davids, Joseph-, William') b. in Hawley, Mass., Oct. 10, 1872; m. June 17, 1894, Rose Taylor. Reside in Buckland, Mass. Children : I. Robert Eugene, b. Nov. 18, 1895. II. Clifton William, b. Apr. 2, 1898. III. Linwood Lorenzo, b. July 7, 1900. 282. Ralf LyonS Scott, (Erwin C.7, Elijah H.^, Reubens, Phineas-t, Davids, Joseph', William') b. May 21, 1S83; m. Jan. 6, 1904, Bertha L. Kinney, b. Jan. 6, 1886. Reside in South Ashfield, Mass. Child : Jennie Bertha, b. Dec. 7, 1904. APPENDIX. A — see page 26. The Canadian Branch of Scotts. Descendants of Daniel4 Scoit, (JoNA'rHAN3, Richard^, William'). Daniel Scott, b. in Sunderland, Mass., Dec. 3, 1744; m. Deis Herd. He d. Dec. 26, 1829; she d. Sept. 14, 1S24. The very valuable and interesting data connected with the Canadian branch of Scotts was collected by William M. Scott of Cambridge, Vt., who visited Canada several times for the purpose, and but for his lamented death in April, 1905, would doubtless have added much more to what is here given. The material came too late to appear in the proper place in the body of the work, so has been placed in the appendix. Daniel Scott removed from his native town to Bennington, Vt., where he was a member of the military company formed in 1764, and had previous experience in Indian warfare. During the conflict of the colonies with the mother country he proved loyal to the King, and found it convenient with many others to migrate to Canada about 1780, first stopping at Sorrell, then moving on to Cadwell's Manor, where he remained till about 1800, when he made his final settlement near Swartsburg in Brome Co., with his sons near him, where they spent their days in well-earned prosperity. This locality has since been kno.wn as the Scott Neighborhood, and in the vicinity is located the Scott cemetery, where many of the name have their last resting-place. Mr. Scott was a member of the Episcopal church, was a very exemplary and conscientious man and enjoyed the confidence of the community. His descendants are numerous and are scattered through the southern tier of towns in the Province of Quebec, and have proved a thrifty and respected people. Jonathan Scott. APPENDIX. l6l Children of Daniel and Lois Scott, b. in Canada : 2. I. Lemuel, b. Oct. 23, 1781. 3. IL Daniel, b. 1787. 4. IIL Jonathan, b. Jan. 3, 1794. 5. IV. Phiney, b. June 8, 1797. V. Nabey, m. John Church. 2. Capt. Lemuels Scott, (DanieH, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. Oct. 23, 1781 ; m. Jan. 9, 1803, Keziah Martin, b. Oct. 8, 1783. He d. Feb. 27, i860; she d. Oct. 7, 1856. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Martin, b. 1748; d. 1841, ae. 93. He lived on his father's home- stead in Svvartsburg, Canada. He was in the War of 181 2, taken prisoner and kept at Burlington six months. Children : 6. L Hiram, b. May 20, 1804. H. Infant son, d. May 8, 1806. 7. III. Daniel, b. May 2, 1807. 8. IV. Richard Martin, b. Feb. 23, 1809. 9. V. Jedediah, b. Dec. 5, 1810. VI. Infant son, d. May 1 1, 181 1.. 10. VII. Roxanna, b. Mar. 12, 1813. 11. VIII. Chester, b. Mar. 13, 181 5. 12. IX. Rachel, b. June I, 1817. 13. X. Lemuel, b. Sept. 26, 1820. 14. XL Morah, b. Mar. 11, 1824. 15. XII. Chastina, b. July 23, 1826. 3. Daniels Scott, (DanieH, Jonathan^ Richard^ William') b. 1787 ; m. Eunice West, b. 1789 ; she d. Nov. 27, 1828. He m. (2) Fanny Pickel, b. 1789. She d. Dec. 30, 1846 ; he d. Jan. 18, i860. He settled on his father's homestead in Swartsburg, Brome Co., P. Q., where he spent his life. Children : I. Lamsa, b. May 6, 1815 ; d. May 11, 1833. By second marriage : 16. II. Marvin D., b. Feb. 12, 1837. 4. Jonathans Scott, (Daniel4, Jonathans, Richard% William') b. Jan. 3, 1794; m. Dec. 21, 1817, Susanna Pickel. He settled in Dunham, P. Q. He d. Apr. [3, 1881 ; she d. Aug. 3, 1873, ae. 73. 1 62 APPENDIX, Children 17- i8. I. II. Ira, b. Dec. 17, 1818. Alvah H., b. Nov. 13, 1820, III. Mary, b. Dec. 17, 1823; m. J. P. Capron ; she d. Mar. 19, 1886. 1\. Alinira, b. June 16, 1839; m. David H. Aitkins ; had two children, John and Ira Aitkins. 5. PhineyS Scott, (DanieP, Jonathan-^, Richard^ William') b. June 8, 1797 ; m. Dec. 5, 1818, Lydia Bull ; he d. Sept. 18, 1892. He settled in Dunham, P. Q. Children : I. Sidney, b. Apr. 19, abt. 1819. II. Daniel P., b. July 31, abt. 1820. 111. Emily, b. June 11, 1822 ; m. Nathaniel Gould. Chil- dren: (i) Emeline; (2) Charles; (3) l.ibbie ; (4) Calista; (5) Hattie ; (6) Chester; (7) Anna. IV. Amanda, b. Sept. 12, 1824; m. Jan. 13, 1842, Jona- than H. Hastings; he d Oct. 3, 1886. V. Moses B., b. Feb. 13, abt. 1826. M. Perley, b. Oct. 19, abt. 1828. \ 11. Phiney, b. May 31, abt. 1830. 6. Hiram*^' Scott, (Lemuel^ DanieH, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. Mar. 20, 1804; m. Kate Shufelt. Hed. Apr. 27, 1878; she d. July 25, 1882. He sold his interest in the Scott Neighbor- hood in 1825 and moved into the Brome woods several miles from any neighbor, where he cleared a farm for his future residence. Children, b. in Brome, P. Q. 19. I. Levi, 1). May 1 1, 1828. 11. Luther. 111. Norman. IV. Diana, d. Jan. 7, 1906, ae. 70 V. Elizabeth. VI. Fedora, 7, Daniel*^ Scott, (Lemuels, DanieP, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. May 2, 1807 ; m. Mary Taylor. He d. Apr. 18, 1877 ; she d. May 7, 1866, ae. 58 yrs., i mo., 9 ds. Children : I. Permelia, b. Feb. 22, 1834; d. Oct. 15, 1839. 11. Kezia A., b. Oct. 14, 1837 ; m. S. Primmerman ; she d. Jan. 17, 1897. ill. Richard, b. Apr. 25, 1839; d. Apr. 21, 1840. APPENDIX. 163 8. Richard Martin<^ Scott, (Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richa^d^ WilHanV) b. Feb. 23, 1809 at Scottsmore, P. Q. ; m. Mary A. Freeman; he d. Apr. 21, 1896. Children : I. Delucia A., m. Stephen Baker. 20. II. Frank E., b. Sept. 10, 1837. 9. Jedediah*^ Scott, (Lemuels, Danieh, Jonathan-^ Richard^ Willi'am-) b. Dec. 5, 1810; m. Feb. 18, 1835, Drucilla Peters, b. May 29, 1817. He d. Sept. 22, 1892, in Dunham, P. Q. ; she d. Aug. 2, 1895. Charles M., b. Sept. 5, 1836; d. Sept. 21, 1839. Melvin N., b. Jan. 16, 1838; m. Jan. 27, 1857, Lucinda Hubbard. Harriet D., b. Mar. 25, 1840. George H., b. May 23, 1842. OHve A., b. Aug. 23, 1844; m. Owen B. Ingalls; she d. at Bridgeport, Me., Nov. 21, 1882. Lovina, b. Jan. 9, 1847 ; d. Aug. 6, 1848. Egbert L., b. July 10, 1849. Jedediah, b. Mar. 14, 1852. 10. Roxanna^ Scott, (Lemuels, Danieb, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. Mar. 12, 1813; m. John L. Darke; m. (2) DeWitt Dyre; m. (3) Harry Ingalls, b. Apr. 12, 1813, d. Apr. 23, 1890. She d. June n, 1901. Her mother carried her in arms from Can- ada to visit her husband, a war prisoner in Burlington in the war of 1812. Children by first marriage : I John L. Darke, b. Oct. 22, 1836; d. Apr. 22, 1855. II. Alma L. Darke, b. Feb. 12, 1835; m. E. J. Sweet; she d. June 12, 1873. Child by second marriage : III. Daughter. Children by third marriage : IV. Homer Ingalls, b. Jan. 21, 1853 ; d. Apr. 21, 1858. V. Lorin Ingalls. I 1 . Chester^ Scott, (Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. Mar. 13, 1815 ; m. Sybel. Children : I. 11. 21. HI. 22. ]V. V. VI. 23- VII. 24. VIII. 164 APPENDIX. Children : 1. Chester Larry, b. 1843; d. June 21, 1864; drowned in a mill pond while bathing. 11. Rachel Katharine, b. Apr. 7, 1846; d. Mar. 8, 1868. 12. RacheF' Scott, (Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathan-?, Richard-', William') b. June i, 1817 ; m. G. L. Sails; she d. June i, 1848. Children : L Rachel E. Sails, b. 1845 ; d. Apr. 19, 1849. IL George R. Sails, b. 1847 ; d. July 9, 1851. 13. Lemuel'^ Scott, (Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. Sept. 26, 1820 ; m. ■ ; he d. May 28, 1844. His widow m. Alexander Fisher of St. Albans. Vt. Child : 25. George Levi, b. Dec. 21, 1844. 14. Morah^ Scott, (Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathan3, Richard^ William') b. Mar. 11, 1S24 ; m. Jan. 6, 1S46, Nancy Dudley; he d. at East Boston, P. Q., May 9, 1901. Children : 26. L Susan A., b. May 28, 1S48. 27. IL Hubbard O., b. Feb. 9, 1851. 28. HL Ella K., b. Sept. 17, 1853. IV. Lemuel M., b. Nov. 26, 1S56 ; d. Apr. 15, 1S38. 29. V. Abbie F., b. Oct. 13, 1867. 15. Chastina^ Scott, (Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. July 23, 1826; m. Rev. Francis Hunt; both deceased. Child : William F. Hunt. Resides in the Northwest U. S. 16. Marvin^' Scott, (Daniels, DanieH, Jonathan^, Richard^ William") b. Feb. 12, 1837; m. Oct. 10, 1861, Sophronia Pettes. Reside at Scottsmore, V. Q. Children : L Charles M., b. Aug. 29, 1862 ; m. June 6, 1888, Mabel A. Feard. Their son, Harold F., b. June 20, 1890. n. Lewis D. S., b. Feb. 19, 1865 ; d. Mar. i, 1878. 111. Mary E., b. May 5, 1867 ; m. Aug. 28, 1889, M. A. Miltimore. Their child, Clinford S. Miltimore. APPENDIX. 165 IV. Violet E., b. Oct. 13, 1869. Trained nurse in Lynn, Mass. V. Landon, b. Aug. 30, 18S0. 17. Ira*^ Scott, (Jonathans, DanieH, Jonathan-^, Richard-, Wil- liam') b. Dec. 17, I St 8; m. 1840, Laura Baker; ni. (2) Apr., 1858, Mrs. Bullard; m. (3) Elvira Pickel, who d. Mar. 21, 1895, ae. 76 yrs. 7 mos. 20 ds. He resides in West Brome, P. Q. Data of his family was promised but never sent. 18. Alvah H.*^ Scott, (Jonathans, DanieH, Jonathan^, Richard^, William') b. Nov. 13, 1820; m. Mary Baker. He d. Apr. 5, 189S; she d. Aug. 26, 1887, ae. 74. He resided at Scottsmore, P. (^. Children : L Martha A., b. 1844; m. Loren Ingalls ; she d. Sept. 18, 1868. IL Jonathan M., b. July 9, 1846 ; d. Feb. 9, 1863. 19. Levi? Scott, (HiranA Lemuels, DanieH, J onathan3, Richard^ William') b. in Brome, P. Q., May 11, 1828; m. July 7, 1851, Floranthee Darling; m. (2) Feb. 4, 1S58, June Armington ; she d. Oct. 10, 1865, ae. 35; m. (3) Jan. 10, 1S67, Hattie L Eagle. They reside (1906) in Swartsburg, P. Q., where he is a prosperous farmer. Children by first marriage : L Blanche, b. Apr. 16, 1852 ; d. July 11, i860. H. Clarence, b. May 4, 1856 ; d. Oct. 28, 1S66. Children by second marriage : HL Hannibal, b. Jan. 16, 1859. IV. Hamlin, b. Aug. 20, i860 ; d. June 20, 1864. V. Alice W., b. June 28, 1865 ; m. June 27, 1888, Arthur Miltmore. Children: (i) Evelyn, b. Aug. 20, 1890; (2) Orpha, b. Nov. 1, 1896; (3) Eben S. Children by third marriage : VI. Edy E., d. Apr. 5, 1878, ae. 8 yrs. VII. Irving, b. Aug. 7, 1872. VIII. Infant, d. Sept. 25, 1875, ae. 2 ms. 20. Frank E.7 Scott, (Richard M.^ Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') b. Sept. 10, 1S37 : m. Mary A. Pettes; he d. in Swartsburg, P. Q., Mar. 27, 1904. 1 66 APPENDIX. Children : 30. I. William L., b. Nov. 14, i860. II. Child, b. Apr. 29, 1862. III. Richard N., b. Apr. 2, 1S64; m. Apr. 2, 1884, Patty Jackson. IV. James Emory, b. July 7, 1S77 ; m. Sept. 26, 1900, Kate O. May. Their child, b. May 29, 1902. 21. Harriet D.7 Scott, (Jedediah'^, Lemuels, DanieU, Jonathan^, Richard^ William') 1). Mar. 25, 1840; m. Oct. 13, 1859, J. D. Shufelt; he d. Dec. 25, 1874. She m. (2) May 7, 1879, B. E. L. McCuin. Children by first marriage : I. Child, b. Apr. 8, 1862. II. Lilla Shufelt, b. Aug. 12, 1866. III. Bert E. Shufelt, b. Oct. 3, 1870. IV. Eugene Shufelt, b. Apr. 6, 1872 ; d. Aug., 1874. Child by second marriage : V. Anna L. McCuin, b. Mar. 21, 1883. 22. George II.7 Scott, (Jedediah^ Lemuels, Daniel+, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. May 23, 1842; m. Dec. 24, 1863, Corilelen E. Bullard, granddaughter of Nabby Bullard of Swanton, Vt. Children ; I. Harry E., b. May i, 1865 ; d. Dec. 2, 1886. II. Edward V., b. June 29, 1867; m. Aug. 28, 1889, Luther Harvey. Have three children. HI. Cora E., b. Feb. 18, 1870; d. Jan. 27, 1884. IV. Ira M., b. Aug. 17, 1881. V. Leslie A., b. Mar. 17, 1883. 23. Egbert L." Scott, (Jedediah^, Lemuels, Danieb, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. July 10, 1849; ^i''- J"ne 14, 1S70, Diantha M. Harvey, b. Feb. 1849. Reside at Iron Hill, P. Q. Children : I. Hannibal Howard, b. May 29, 1879. 11. Frank A., b. Nov. 5, 1888. 24. Jedediah7 Scott, (Jedediah", Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. Mar. 14, 1852 ; m. July 7, 1875, Marcella F. Adams. 1. APPENDIX. 167 Children : I. Julia M., b. Dec. 24, 1876; m. June 11, 1902, J. C. McConnel. II. Grace I., b. Aug. 22, 1881. III. Carper, b. Aug. 10, 1S83. IV. Goldie K., b. Feb. 19, 1S90. 25. George Levi7 Scott, (Lemuef', Lemuel^ DanieH, Jonathans, Richard-, William') b. Dec. 21, 1844; ni. Jan. i, 1867, Julia Scovill. Reside at Scottsmore, P. Q. Children : I. Mabel K., b. Jan. 6, 1869 ; m. Sept. 5, 1894, Howard Tal)or. II. Jennie A., b. Aug. 2, 1870. III. Arthur L., b. Sept. 18, 1872 ; d. June 2, 1S74. IV. Nathaniel J., b. Apr. 23, 1875 > ™- ■^"g- 7> 190I) Grace E. Gardner of Hartford, Conn. V. M. G., b. Sept. 5, 1878; m. Sept. 3, 1902, Maria H. Boright. 26. Susan A. 7 Scott, (Morah^, Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. May 28, 1848; m. Feb. 6, 1S72, D. J. Randall. Children : I. Mollie E. Randall, b. Nov. 10, 1878; ni. Oct. 7, 1902, Joseph Perry of Boston, Mass. II. Chastina A., b. Dec. 8, 1882. 27. Hubbard 0.7 Scott, (Morah^, Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richard", William") b. Feb. 9, 185 1 ; m. Aug. 9, 187 1, Alice Brown. Children : I. Archie L., b. Oct. i, 1873 ; ™- Sept. 16, 1S96, Minnie Jenkins. II. Ellen A., b. June 24, 1877 ; m. May 12, 1896, John A. Churchill. 28. Ella K.7 Scott, (Morah", Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. Sept. 17, 1853; m. Apr. 2, 1872, E. G. Bowker. She d. Nov. 16, 1884. Children : I. Mabel E. Bowker, b. Dec. 22, 1873 ; d. Dec. 25, 1894. II. Lemuel G. Bowker, b. July 25, 1S74 ; m. 1901, Sadie Caulsin of Ottawa, Canada. HI. Ernest M. Bowker, b. June 14, 1881. 1 68 APPENDIX. 29. Abbie F.7 Scott, (Morah^ Lemuels, DanieH, Jonathans, Richard^ William') b. Oct. 13, 1867 ; m. Dec. 4, 1888, E. A. Brown. Child : Ralph Brown, b. Nov. 26, 1S90. 30. William F.« Scott, (Frank E.7, Richard M.^ Lemuels, Danieb, Jonathan^, Richard-, William") b. Nov. 14, i860; m. Sept. 6, 1863, Lavina S. (libson. Children : I. Frank S., b. Jan. 25, 1884. IL William H., b. Apr. i, 1886. in. George A., b. May 7, 1888. IV. Geraldine A., b. May 18, 1890. V. Richard J. M., b. Apr. 3, 1895. Appendix B — See page 28. Descendants of Eli Scott of Vermont and New York, a Branch of the Scott FA^^LY not Fully Identified. Eli Scott and posterity are given a place in the appendix because their connection with the line of William Scott of Hatfield has not yet been fully clear, and because there exist so many reasons for believing in their connection with that line. Eli Scott married Experience Bruce, whose mother was a Randall, and was known to have claimed direct descent from Robert Bruce of Scotland, but the birthplace of Eli Scott and wife, date of birth and marriage are not known to the writer, neither has their parentage been fully ascertained. Thus far the earliest mention discovered of Eli Scott is as a soldier of the Revolution on the rolls of Vermont, in the company of Captain Isaiah Fiske, with whom he served during two enlistments of six months each, which included the entire year of 1781. As there were two comrades in the same company of the name of Randall and one of Bruce, it seems quite probable that they were near relatives of Eli's wife. A tradition has long existed among the descendants of Eli Scott of a close relationship to the Scotts of Bennington, Vt., who removed from Sunderland, Mass., and it has been thought that EH was a son of Oliver^ Scott, Samuel^, William^, William' of Hatfield, Mass. This Oliver Scott was born in Sunderland, Mass., Feb. 27, 1739; removed to Bennington, Vt., where he joined the military APPENDIX. 169 company in 1764, and in 1767 was one of the first settlers in Rupert, Vt., where he built the first gristmill in that town ; a few years later he settled in Kent Hollow, some two miles from West Rupert. As the records of Rupert prior to 1800 were lost, the further account of Oliver Scott or of his family has been diflicult to trace. The older people of the town recall the name of Scott in Kent Hollow, probably descendants of Oliver. Among them was a David Scott, who died many years ago, an oft recurring name among William Scott's descendants. There was also William Scott, who removed to Lockport, N. Y., where he died in 1841, aged 59 years, making him born in 1782, quite probably a son of Oliver. If our Eli was the son of Oliver Scott, it may be supposed with good reason that he received the name in honor of his father's cousin, Eli Scott, who was killed in a fight with Indians at Charles- town, N. H., June 26, 1748. Another strong reason for believing that Eli Scott was closely related to the Bennington Scotts is the fact that all or nearly all the Scotts of Vermont who served in the war of the Revolution were descended from the Scotts of Sunderland, Mass. Again, it is worthy of note that David, the oldest son of Eli Scott, while in his numerous business trips between Western New York and Boston, often visited his Scott relatives in Western Massachusetts. It is also related that this David Scott once owned a large tract of timber land in Ben- nington, Wyoming Co., N. Y., which he is thought to have named in honor of the Vermont town long the residence of his relatives. In a recent correspondence with parties in Rupert, Vt., and vicinity, it was ascertained that no known descendants of Oliver Scott had lived there for many years, but it was found that many of the descendants of the early families of Rupert had removed to various sections of New York, notably to the vicinity of the final settlement of Eli Scott, following the custom of pioneer settlers to continue their neighborly relations in their migrations. It was also found that a Bruce family of direct descent from Robert Bruce of Scotland had an early settlement there, as well as Randall families, with whom our Eli Scott was allied by marriage. All these side incidents have their value in our final estimate of the probable relationship of Eli Scott to Oliver Scott of Rupert, Vermont. Eli Scott was a farmer after the Revolutionary war, and he resided at various places: At Albany, N. Y., about 1793; later at 170 ALPENDIX. Skaneateles and Alexander; and about 18 10 he made his final settlement on the Chestnut Hill Ridge Road near Middleport, N. Y., where he died about 1S35. His widow resided with her son, Capt. David Scott, till her death in 1S42 at the age of 79. Children of Eli and Experience (Bruce) Scott: 2. I. Eucy, b. perhaps at Albany, N. Y., about 1793. 3. H. David, b. at Albany, N. y', Mar. 11, 1795. 4. IH. Phebe, b. Sept. 29, . IV. Jason. He removed to Lafayette, Ind., where he d. unm., leaving his estate to his brother, Eeonard, who lived with him. V. Miranda. She m. William Dunn, and they resided on the Chestnut Hill Ridge Road, near Middleport, N. Y. No record of children. YE Minerva; m. John Waters, who removed to f^ort Wayne, Ind. Had several children, but subsequent history is unknown. VH. Eeonard, m. Jeannie Hanks of the Chestnut Ridge Road, and with his brother Jason removed to Eafayette, Ind., where he had five daughters who m. and .had families. 2. Eucy2 Scott, (Eli') b. perhaps in Albany, N. Y., about 1793 ; m. William Gardner of Newark, N. J. They both lived beyond the age of So years. Their daughter, Abby Gardner Earl, who gave the family record, says : " He walked through the wilderness by forest roads from Newark, N. J., to Alexander, N. Y., and married Eucy Scott." It is probable that at the time, iSio, Eli Scott lived at Alexander, three miles from Attica. Children : I. David (Jardner, b. abt. 1S12 ; d. 1S84; unm. IE Mary Gardner, b. 1814 ; m. William Brown of Newark, N. J., where they lived and died, leaving children there. III. Abby Gardner, b. abt. 1S16; m. William Earl of Newark, N. J. They lived on the ancient farm of the Earl family and had three sons, two of whom d. urmi. — David and Ered — and one is living yet in Iowa (1906) ; is married and has three children. IV. William Gardner, lived at Middleport, N. Y. ; m. and had children there, who are probably still alive. V. John Gardner, married and had children, and was living in Shelburne, Mass., in 1896. Capt. David Scott. APPENDIX. 171 3. Capt. David^ Scott, (Eli') b. at Albany, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1795, m. Feb. 5, 1822, Maria Stainton, b. in Woodstock, Vt., Aug. 2, 1804; d. in Attica, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1891. He d. in Attica, N. Y., June 5, 1864. He came to Western New York, perhaps prior to 181 2, with his parents. He served in the militia in 18 14 in the Plattsburg cam- paign. In 1825 he was given a captain's commission by Gov. DeWitt Clinton, and was ever after known as Captain Scott, and served in Maj.-Gen. Stanton's division. He was a prominent merchant in Attica from 1820 to 1850, when he removed to Waupaca, Wis., remaining there until 1861, when in ill health he returned to Attica and lived the three remaining years of his life with his daughter, Mrs. Bigelow, and Mrs. Dike of Brooklyn. He was several times a member of the Legislature of New York, and was much employed in public affairs on account of his eloquence as a speaker and lecturer. He was a life-long member of the Masonic order, and prominent during the Anti-Masonic movement in upholding the integrity of his brethren. In early life both he and his wife were Methodists, but later joined the Episcopal church and died fervent members of that body. In early life he was much engaged in lumber mills and making potash, for which he bought extensive forest tracts in the town of Bennington, N, Y., where he had a property known as Scottville, now known as Folsomdale, formerly the child home of the wife of President Cleveland. The Folsoms, who were of kin to him, bought this property of Mr. Scott. The old house built there by Folsom and Scott is still standing. Capt. Scott built the two earliest railroads in Western New York, now a part of the N. Y. Central from Batavia to Rochester and Batavia to Attica, and a part of the Erie railroad from Attica to Buffalo, 34 miles. There is a street named for him near the railroad station in Buffalo. In 1850 he removed to Waupaca, Wis., then a wild region inhab- ited by Indians. Here as in Attica his ability was recognized and he became an important factor in developing the country. He was elected as its first member to the Legislature, and received the appointment of postmaster, which he held till 1861. The town which he aided to develop has become one of the most flourishing towns in the State. 172 APPENDIX. Capt. Scott was a man of great energy and activity, as well as of property, and left an honored memory both in the East and West, where his l)usy life was spent. Maria Stanton, the wife of Capt. Scott, was the daughter of Maj.-Gen. Phineas3 Stanton, b. at Stonington, Conn., 1780, and Polly Thomas, dau. of Elias Thomas, who was descended through his mother, Mary Alden, from the Aldens of the Mayflower, and his wife, Sylvia Thompson, from Thomas Cooke of the Mayflower. As Phineas Stanton was as certainly from John Rowland of the May- flower, so Maria Stanton had three lines of that early settlement in her veins, besides the many intervening ones. Her father, Maj.-Gen. Stanton, was in eleven battles on the Canadian frontier war of 1812-15, ^iiJ was chief of (ien. Peter B. Porter's staff. Children of David and Maria Scott : Winfield, b. in Attica, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1823. Walter, b. in Attica, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1825. Ellen Maria, b. in Attica, Jan. 31, 1827. John David, b. in Attica, Aug. 3, 1834. Jeannie Deans, b. in Rochester, N. Y., July 11, 1837. Thomas, b. in Attica, Jan. i, 1843. VII and VIII. Two children d. in infancy. 4. Phcebe- Scott, (EH') b. Sept. 29, ; m. Dudley Root. They resided on a large farm some three miles from Brockport, N. Y., where they had two children : Pembroke Root, who d. sud- denly when a student, unm., and Lucy Scott Root, who m. Eastman Colby of Rochester, N. Y., who was a lumber merchant with Davis <& Earle for a time, antl later returned to Brockport, where after her husband's death Phoebe Root resided with them. Eastman Colby and wife died childless, leaving a large estate to a neice of Mr. Colby. So the family of Phabe Scott Root is extinct. She lived to a great age at Brockport. 5. Judge Winfield-5 Scott, (Capt. David^ Eli') b. in Attica, N. Y., March 29, 1S23 ; m. there Oct. 21, 1845, Sarah Cameron, b. in Augusta, Canada West, Sept. 3, 1827 ; he d. at Waupaca, Wis., Jan. 12, 1906. Judge Scott removed to Wisconsin about 1850 and soon settled in Waupaca in that state, where he remained until his death. He was a lawyer of note, and for many years filled the position of judge with 5. 6. I. II. 7- III. 8. IV. 9. 10. V. VI. Judge Winfield Scott. / APPENDIX. 173 honor and distinction, and in his death left an unsullied name as a rich legacy to his family, and to all who knew him. Mrs. Scott was the daughter of James and Mary (McScan) Cameron. James Cameron was b. 1792 at Lochaher, Scotland; d. at Waupaca, Wis., 1862. Mary McScan was b. at Mull, Argyleshire, Scotland, Aug. 2, 1792 ; d. at Attica, N. Y., 1850. They came to Canada soon after marriage, and later to Attica, N. Y. Children of Winfield and Sarah Scott : I. Arda Cameron, b. in Attica, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1846 ; d. Nov. 27, 1850. II. Walter, b. at Appleton, Wis., Mar. 5, 1851; unm.; resides in Waupaca, Wis. III. Frederick Packard, b. in Appleton, Wis., Mar. 31, 1853; d. June 3, 1856. IV. Anna Beatrice, b. in Appleton, Wis., June 7, 1855; unm. ; resides in Waupaca, Wis. V. Ada Winfield, b. in Waupaca, Wis., May 19, 1S58 ; d. there Feb. 21, 1868. VI. Jeannie Dike, b. in Waupaca, Wis., Aug. 5, 1861 ; m. Attica, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1888, Dr. Bradley Gaither of Baltimore, Md., where she now resides. No children. Dr. Bradley Gaither then a student of medicine, met her in Berlin, Germany, where she, in company with her uncle, Camden C. Dike, and family, were passing the winter. Dr. Gaither's family was one of the most important elements m the early history of Maryland, and the men of that family joined in all the wars ; his father served as major of artillery in the Confederate Army of the Civil war, and later as Colonel of the 5th Mary- land regiment, as he was still later of the veterans of that corps; his son, (ieorge Gaither, became colonel of the 5th Maryland, the corps of the elite of the state. VII. David, b. in Waupaca, Wis., Nov. 7, 1864 ; d. Nov. 7, 1873. „. VIII Merritt Bigelow, b. in Waupaca, Wis., Jan. 14, 18(17; m Oct. 16, 1895, Pauline Allen. No children. Resides at Waupaca, where he continues the law business of his father, with whom he was a partner. IX. Nellie M., b. in Waupaca, Wis., July 2, 1869; unm.; Resides in Waupaca. 6 Walter^ Scott, (Capt. David^ Kli' ) b. in Attica, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1825 ; unm. ; d. in Warrenton, Va., 1850. He was in Warrenton as 1 74 - APPENDIX. a student in the ofifice of Jndge Scott, where he was kindly cared for in his last illness. He had gone to Virginia with the purpose of buying for his father the Sudley Springs House, which figured in both battles of Bull Run, but his father, foreseeing the coming con- flict, dissuaded him, and saved the family from being participants in the horrors of those two battles. 7. Ellen Maria3 Scott, (Capt. David^ Eli') b. in Attica, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1827 ; m. abt. 1847, Merritt C. Bigelow; he d. 1869. She survived her husband and d. at the home of her son in New York. He was a successful wool merchant up to the time of his death. Children : I. Arthur Camden Bigelow, b. abt. 1861 ; m. abt. 1878, Nettie Starker of Albion, N. Y. Have two sons. He has been engaged in the wool business all his life, first on his own account, but is now the agent of Swift Co., having charge of their wool depart- ment in Philadelphia, n. Walter Scott Bigelow, b. abt. 1S65. He is a graduate of Rochester University, and was for several years connected with the N. Y. Tribune and other papers. He is now engaged in the export trade with the Orient. Resides in New York city. 8. Col. John David3 Scott, (Capt. David-, Eli') b. in Attica, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1834, unm. ; d. in New Orleans, I>a., Nov. 19, 1890. Some years previous to the Civil War he had gone to New Orleans, where he fell a victim to yellow fever, was saved by tender care and nursing and came to love the people there, so it was quite natural that when the war broke out he sided with the South and fought for their cause. In time he was promoted to be a colonel, was in charge of the heavy artillery and won distinguished honors. He was an ideal soldier, and on horseback was the embodyment of grace and dignity. He was chief of staff to Maj.-Gen. McGlynn, and had been an officer in the regular heavy artillery, a regiment raised at the outbreak of the war, and later was an officer of the Louisiana Field Artillery, an organization still existing. His long and gallant service had endeared him to the people of his adopted state, so that on his death unusual military, civil and Masonic honors were paid to his memory by state, military and civic officials, showing in some degree the high estimation in which he was held. Col. John David Scott. APPENDIX. 175 9. Jeannie Deans-^ Scott (Capt. David-, Eli') b. in Rochester, N. Y., July II, 1837. She was named in honor of Sir Walter Scott's heroine of the "Heart of Midlothian." m. Feb. 5, 1857, Camden Crosby Dike of Brooklyn, N. Y; he d. Oct. 5, 1894. She resides in Brooklyn. He was b. in Providence, R. 1., 1832, son of Alvin Valentine and Phebe (Prince) Dike. She was a daughter of James Prince of a Plymouth family, and descended from William Brewster, John Howland, etc. He was for many years a member of the firm of Dike Brothers, wool merchants of New York city. He retired in 1887 and for three years traveled in Europe with his family, returning to Brooklyn, where he resided till his death. Mrs. Dike is very prominent in women's clubs and is frequently requested to speak or preside in meetings. She is prominent in all the social movements of the Borough of Brooklyn, and has just aided in establishing the Master School of Music, to teach only principals of higher worth, of which she is president. She has been a member of the Ancient Church of the Pilgrims since 1S57, of which her husband was aJso a member. Children : . I. Col. Norman Stanton Dike, b. 1861 ; unm. ; resides in New York city. He graduated from Brown University, which his ancestors helped to foimd, also from Columbia Law School in 1887. He is a lawyer, is a member of many clubs and very pop- ular. He was Colonel on Gov. Morton's start of New York state ; sheriff of King's Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. He was a prominent candidate for the nomination for Lieut. Gov. of New York, but was set aside for Gov. Higgins first and Lieut. Gov. Bruce second. H. Ada Miriam Dike, b. 1865 ; m. Murray lioocock Reside in Keswick, Va. Their home is called Castaha. It is the ancient plantation of Capt. Merriweather Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedi- tion to the Pacific coast. Mr. Boocock enjoys the distinction of having the choicest herds of Hereford cattle in his section, for which he has received premiums at the exhibitions. They have two sons, Lawson and Carroll Boocock. HL Jessie Scott Dike, b. 1867; m. 1>- <^^e^,';g^. 1- ^- Williams, her fifth cousin from Robert \\i hams o Roxbury, Mass., through his son Isaac W illiams ot Newton, from whom both are descendants. 1 hey 176 APPENDIX. reside in Hartford, Conn., where he is secretary of the Capewith Horse Nail Co. They have one child, Stanton Williams, b. 1906, who can claim through his father a descent from the Plantagenet Kings of England, as a descendant of Lady Parsons, wife of Col. John Humphrey, the early settler of I-ynn. She was a daughter of the third earl of Lmcoln, and both her father and mother had Plantagenet blood, as may be seen in the Williams- Walsworth genealogy. 10. 'J1iomas3 Scott, (Capt. David^ Eli') b. in Attica, N. Y., Jan. 31, i,S43 ; unm. ; resides in New York city. On attaining his majority Mr. Scott became a wool merchant in New York city under the firm name of Dike Brothers until 18,87, and later under the name of Thomas Scott & Company until 1891, when he retired from business and after that passed several years in travel in European countries. In business years he had much trade with foreign countries as an exporter, which enabled him to aid the tariff commissioners in 1890 at the hearings on the McKinley tariff, and of the Dingley 1S91 tariff. He was a constant correspondent of Hon. William Lawrence, president of the National Wool Growers' Association, and was able to aid him in securing the present " Wool and Woolen" schedule of the tariff which has brought prosperity to the wool and woolen industry of the United States. Although Mr. Lawrence is dead, yet the June (1905) number of the Woolen Manufacturers' Bulletin gave him the honor of winning in the controversy and acknowledged he was right. Again, when the eleven reciprocity treaties of the Dingley tariff were negotiated unwisely by the Department of State, particularly the wool treaty with Argentina, Dec, 1899, Thomas Scott in a series of letters exposed the dishonesty and deceit of the American the minister at Buenos Ayres, Argentina, which not only defeated treaty with Argentina on wool, but carried the other ten treaties with foreign countries into the pigeon holes of the Senate, where they died a natural death by limitation. So Mr. Scott may jusdy feel proud of two performances, viz: Defeating the dishonest methods of the Treasury Department in wool and woolen schedules from 1868 to 1890, which had cost the country at least one hundred and forty millions of dollars. This has been replaced by an honest —T^ Thomas Scott. % #■ APPENDIX. 177 and Strict accounting in tariff lines, producinc; at least $15,000,000 a year more in duty on wool and woolens alone than was formerly collected under loose treasury methods, which made officials of that department superior to the law of 1868 up to 1890, which law, again attempted in the Dingley law of 1897, is now in force. Wool growing and wool manufacturing is now profitable and not attended with the constant bankruptcies which occurred prior to 1897. So in the tariff of 1890 and 1S97 and in the defeat of the Reciprocity treaty of the Dingley law, Mr. Scott can justly claim much credit, of which Hon. Wilbur F. Wakeman, secretary of the Protection Tariff, has given, to whose journal, the American Economist, Mr. Scott has been many years a contributor without reward, save only that the people of the United States have now an honest v/ool and woolen tariff, honestly administered. From 1875 to 1 89 1 Mr. Scott was an editorial writer in the old United States Economist, the most prominent wool and woolen journal of the time. He constantly exposed the scandals, but it was not until Hon. William Lawrence took up the case as president of the National Wool Growers' Association, with the wool states of the West and their senators and representatives in Congress with him; then came the hearings which showed the questionable methods, which may be read in the two great volumes called the "Hearings before the Committee of Ways and Means, 1889-90," or the "McKinley Law and 1897 Dingley Law." As for the reciprocity treaties, they are dead, and doubtless Mr. Scott's wool letters on Argentina, in the Economist, finished them with most men. For the past eight years Mr. Scott has been engaged in the attempt to defeat the vast schemes of outlays in the city of New York for a new water supply, for he contends that the city already has a greater supply than any other city in the world. The compiler of this volume is indebted to Mr. Thomas Scott for most of the data connected with the descendants of Eli Scott and takes this occasion to say that if any one into whose hands the fore- going account may fall, can furnish any clue to the parentage of Lli Scott, it will be most thankfully received. I7S APPENDIX. Appendix C. Captain VVaitstill Scott. The descendants of Eli Scott have long held the tradition that their ancestor was closely allied to Captain VVaitstill Scott without fully establishing the connection ; so in order to aid in the solution of the problem the following account is inserted. All efforts to ascertain the Captain's parentage have thus far proved unavailing, and it has been thought that the record of his birth was never placed upon the public records, as was often the case in those days. It is highly probable however, that he was descended from William Scott of Hatfield. Captain VVaitstill Scott was of Westmoreland, N. H., in the time of the Revolution, and commanded the company that marched from that town on occasion of the alarm at Ticonderoga in May, 1777. He probably came from Chesterfield with his son Lyman between 1815 and 1819, and lived at the Factory Village. His wife was Lydia, who d. Jan. 22, 1826, in her 80th year. He died Mar. 6, 1824, ae. 82,* (hence b. 1742). His descendants continue in the vicinity of his old home and in Brattleboro, Vt. The following ■ account does not aim to be comjjlete, but enough is given to place the family on record. Children : 1. Eunice, b. 1762. H. Woodruff (Probably) b. 176S; m. Hannah, who. d. Oct. 15, 1842, ae. 72. He d. Feb. 16, 1846, ae. 78. He settled in Acton, now a part of Town- shend, Vt., in 1795, and died there. HI. Lydia, b. 1772. IV. Waitstill, b. 1774; m. Hepzibah Daggett. He settled in Acton, Vt., and was chosen the first town clerk when the town was organized. Mar. 3, 1801. He later removed to Western New York. V. Rufus, b. 1778; was also of Acton for a time, then removed to Western New York. 2. VI. Rodolphus, b. 1780. _ , VII. Lucy, b. [782 ; m. William Amesbury. VIII. Lyman, b. 1784; m. Betsey Mason. He is said to have removed West after his father's death. His *Vide Hist. Chesterfield, N. H. APPENDIX. 179 children were : (i) Fanny ; (2) Rufus ; (3) Betsey ; (4) Harriet; (5) Josiah ; (6) Roxana ; (7) Maria, who m. Benjamin Gortan. IX. Chester, b. 1786. X. Festus, b. 1791. 2. Rodolphus^ Scott, (Waitstill') b. 1780; m. Lydia, dau. of Abel Haven; she d. 1839, ae. 54. He m. (2) Mrs. Diantha Hopkins. He d. in Chesterfield, N. H., 1851. His name also appears on the records of Acton, with quite a number of other Scotts, whose relationship is not known to the writer. He probably removed from Acton to Chesterfield about 1830. Children : I. Noyes, b. at Acton, Vt., 1803 ; d. in 111., 1843. 3. II. Horace, b. at Acton, abt. 1805. III. Alonzo, b. at Acton, 1809 ; d. 1819. IV. Ardelia, b. at Acton, 1809; m. Oct., 1828, Alfred Farwell. V. Rodolphus, d. in infancy. VI. Otis, b. 1826; m. 1848, Maria Hill of Swanzey, N.H. Resided in Chesterfield, N. H. Children: (i) Stella, b. 1850; (2) Frank, b. 1852; (3) Lilla, b. 1857; (4) Herbert, b. 1859; (5) Mary, b. 1864, m. 1882, Elias A. Wheeler; (6) Emma, b. 1867; (7) Nora, b. 1869. VII. Romanza, b. 1841 ; m. 1870. VIII. George D., b. 1842 ; m. Nancy Burns of Walpole. Their children were: (i) (ieorge B., b. 1874; (2) Ida, b. 1877 ; (3) Agnes, b. 1879, in Chester- field, N. H. 3. Horaces Scott, (Rodolphus% Waitstill') b. in Acton, Vt., about 1890; m. Miranda Herrick; he d. in i860 in Chesterfield, N.H. Children I. Persis, b. 1827 ; m. Alonzo Wilson. II. Horace P., b. Nov., 1S30; m. 1852, Lyrina Perry of Keene. He is deceased ; resided in Chesterfield, N. H. Children were: (i) Charles M., b. 1853; (2) Frank, b. 1854; (3) Andrew, d. young; (4) Martha, b. 1862 ; (5) Addie, b. 1865 ; (6) William, b. 1868; (7) Emma, b. 1870. 1 80 APPENDIX. III. James W,, b. 1836 ; m. 1856, Widow Field of Chester- field. Children were: (i) Ella, b. 1857, m. Horace S. Lincoln; (2) Annie D., b. 1859; ni. 1877, Ellis D. Royce; (3) Nora, b. 1862; (4) Alice, b. 1864; (5) Hattie, b. 1866; (6) Edgar, b. 1868. IV. Cordelia, b. 1836 ; m. Henry Stone of Keene. V. Sarah A., b. 1839, m. L. Houghton of Walpole. VI. Elizabeth, b. 184 1 ; m. William H. Henry. VII. Anna Maria, b. 1843; m. Briggs of Keene. VIII. George F., b. in Westmoreland, N. H., Oct. 27, 1S47 ; m. Eva Stone of Boston Highlands; ni. (2) Oct. 16, 187S, Viola, dau. of Charles and Hannah P. (Adams) Hobert, b. in Enfield, N. H., Feb. 9, 1850. Reside in Claremont, N. H., where he is engaged in real estate business. Children : Edith W., b. 1880, d. at age of 18; (2) Eva May, b. 1883 ; (3) Lillian, b. 1889. John Scott of Springfield, Mass., And Some of His Descendants. The first glimpse we obtain of John Scott, the progenitor of the name in Springfield and Palmer, is in the Springfield record of his marriage in 1659. After giving the subject much study and research, the writer has arrived at the conclusion that possibly John and William Scott, who both arrived in Springfield and Hadley respectively at about the same time, were brothers and emigrants from England. Future research may disprove this conclusion, but thus far no trace of their parentage has been found in this country. One evidence of the consanguinity of these two men is the similarity of the names of their children. John Scott married, July 26, 1659, Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Bliss. Her father was born in Okehampton, in the village of Belstone, County Devon, Eng., son of Thomas Bliss of Belstone. He first settled in Braintree, but removed to Hatfield in 1639, where he died in 1650. His widow, Margaret, a capable woman, removed to Springfield with her chil- dren save a daughter Ann, who married Robert Chapin, and a son Thomas, who first removed to Saybrook about 1644, thence to Norwich about 1660; she died in Springfield Aug. 28, 1684. John Scott bought a small tract of land in 1664 on the Agawam river. The records say that in 1664 "The jury also presented Capt. Pynchon and John Scott for not mayntayning their fences on the west side of ye river, a breach of the law of this jurisdiction." He was one of the soldiers who look part in the celebrated " Trails fight" in 1676; he was a citizen of Springfield in 1678, when he took the oath of allegiance, but a few years later he removed to Sufifield, where he was one of the early grantees ; there his youngest child was bom, and there he died Jan. 2, 1689-90, as found on the Sufifield records. He left an estate valued /:2 24-1 8s., which was l82 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. apportioned to his widow and children. His widow married Nov. 19, 1690, Samuel Terry Sen. of Springfield, and died Sept. 27, 1705; he died at Enfield 1731. It is a singular fact that while there are many descendants of John Scott still living bearing other names, there are none, so far as the knowledge of the writer extends, who bear the name of Scott in the male line. Children of John and Sarah Scott (from the Springfield city records) : 2. I. Sarah, b. Oct. 19, 1663. II. John, b. Jan. 4, 1665 ; d. young, 3. III. Hannah, b. Oct. 16, 1668. IV. Margaret, b. Feb. 28, 1670; m. Dec. 6, 16S7, John Remington; she d. Feb. 4, 1693. 1'heir dau., Sarah, b. Jan. 22, 1688. He m. (2) Dec. 29, 1700, Hannah Hale, dau. of Timothy. 4. V. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 3, 1673. 5. VI. William, b. Aug. 8, 1676. 6. VII. Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1678. 7. VIII. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1683. 2. Sarah^ Scott, (John') b. Oct. 19, 1663; m. Feb. 9, 1679, Benjamin Leonard, son of John of Springfield, b. Sept. 5, 1654. He d. Dec. 21, 1724; she d. Dec. 2, 1751. He was constable, select- man, trustee, etc., at various times in Springfield. Children : I. John Leonard, b. July 12, 1681 ; m. Sarah Dickenson. II. Benjamin Leonard, b. Oct. 23, 1683 ; d. young. III. Nathaniel Leonard, b. Nov. 6, 1685 ; m. Sarah Ely. IV. Ebenezer Leonard, b. Jan. 20, 1687, m. Martha Miller. V. Margaret Leonard, b. 1689; m. Joseph Ely Jr.; she d. Oct., [760. VI. Sarah Leonard, b. Mar. 28, 1691 ; m. Francis Ball. VII. Martha Leonard, b. Oct. 23, 1695 ; m. Joseph Ashley 2d; m. (2) Charles Ferry. VIII. Keziah Leonard, b. Nov. 25, 1697; m. Lamberton Cooper. IX. Abel Leonard, b. July 27, 1700; m. Esther Austin. X. Benjamin Leonard, b. Aug. 17, 1702; m. Thankful Merrick. XL Rachel Leonard, d. Jan. 19, 1706. 3. Hannah^ Scott, (John') b. Oct. 16, 166S ; m. Oct. 31, 1695, John Prowler of Springfield, where he was first chosen constable in 1725- DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. 1 83 Children : I. Hannah Fowler, b. Aug. 13, 1696 • m. John Bush. II. John Fowler, b. Apr. 16, 1698; m. Elizabeth Ferry. III. Mary Fowler, b. Feb. 12, 1700; m. David Horton. IV. Sarah Fowler, b. Jan. 30, 1702. V. Abigail Fowler, b. May 26, 1703; d. Aug. 2, 1710. VI. Elizabeth Fowler, b. Dec. 13, 1705 ; m. David Pease. VII. Christopher Fowler, b. Oct. 29, 1708; m. Experience HoUibut. VIII. Elisha Fowler, b. Feb. 16, 171 1. 4. Ebenezer^ Scott, (John') b. Aug. 3, 1673 ; m. in Springfield May 21, 1724, Mary Frost, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Barker) Frost, b. in Springfield Jan. i, 1696-7; he d. in Brimfield 1759. Some doubt has been expressed whether the Ebenezer Scott who settled in Brimfield about 1723 was the son of John Scott, in part because it makes him nearly 50 years of age at marriage ,; but the writer has an instance of a man marrying for the first time at the age of 72, and not a few who have first contracted marriage at nearly 50 years of age. We find in the Springfield records that Ebenezer Scott was sick of a fever in 1708, and the selectmen ordered his brother William, and John Fowler, a brother-in-law, to care for him, which implies that he was not then married; in 17 16 he deeded land in Springfield to his brother William. In 1731 Ebenezer Scott was chosen a tithingman in Brimfield, and in 1757 he was allotted a seat in the meeting house there. Power of administration was granted his widow Mary Aug. 29, 1757.; the property inventoried ^136-6-2, including real estate in Springfield. In the settlement of the estate one child, Achsah, is mentioned. On Feb. 15, 1764, Joseph Frost was ap- pointed guardian to Achsah Scott, a minor under 14 years of age, and sole heir to Ebenezer Scott, late of Brimfield. (See Reg. of Probate, Northampton, Book 10, p. 209.) Nov. 20, 1750, Ebenezer Scott sold land in Brimfield to a son Ebenezer, being a part of his portion ; he probably died before his father, as his sister Achsah is said to be the only heir after her father's death. 5. William^ Scott, (John') b. Aug. 8, 1676; m. June 21, 1706, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Merrick) Foote, b. in Hatfield, Feb. 26, 1682. He d. in Palmer, Mass., Dec. 31, 1763; she d. there Nov. 22, 1764. He was one of the constables of Springfield 8. I. 9- II. III. IV. lO. V. VI. 1 1. VII. 184 ■ DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. in 1724, but he located in Palmer before 1732, on the section now owned by the Wright Wire Company. In 1733 the committee sent by the court confirmed to him his claim of 100 acres where his house and improvements then were, showing he had settled there some time j^revious to that date. At the first town meeting held in 1733 he was one of a committee of three appointed to "prepare a draught of rules and orders for regulating the settlement." Children, b. in Springfield. Sarah, b. June 22, 1707. John, b. Mar. 9, 1708-9. Mary, b. Aug. 4, 1710. Margaret, b. Aug. 2, 1712; d. Dec, 17 16, in Spring- field. Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1714. Margaret, b. Dec. 25, 1720; d. Apr. 26, 1736. William, b. Nov. 8, 1723. 6. Mary' Scott, (John') b. Dec. 29, 1678; m. last of July, 1701, Ebenezer Nash, son of Lt. Timothy, b. in Hadley Oct. 25, 1673. He removed to Suffield, Ct., after 17 10, where he d. in 1748. She d. in Suffield, Oct. 19, 1747. Recently an old record has been found in Springfield which says John Saley and Mary Scott of Suffield were m. Feb. 16, 1696-7, which has caused the question to be raised whether or not she was the daughter of John Scott ; if she was she would have been but 1 7 years old. Now Judd says the wife of Ebenezer Nash was the daughter of John Scott of Springfield. The Nash Genealogy gives this account : " Ebenezer Nash married the last of July, 1 701, Mary Scott, the young woman who was named in the agreement of Timothy Nash's heirs as having been brought up in the family and forgotten in the will." The agreement was " That Mary Scott, who hath been brought up as a child under our honored father and mother's care and education till now she is of age for herself, that she shall have out of the inventoried estate before any distribution subtracted out of the total thereof, besides three sheepe, with the lambs to them, the full sum of Six pounds as the prizes in the inventory or other good pay to be payed in conveynient time. Signed March 28, 1699." We know that John Scott died when his daughter Mary was but 10 years old, and that her mother married the same year of her husband's death Samuel Terry, who had a large family, so that it DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. 1 85 would be quite natural for Mary to have been bound out, as was quite usual in those days, to a respectable family like that of Timothy Nash. It is stated that the Mary Scott in the Nash family had been with them since a child, and had come of age in 1699, which just tallies with the case of John Scott's daughter. In view of all these facts there remains little room for doubt about the correctness of Judd's statement. Children : I. Jonathan Nash, b. May 30, 1702 ; d. Nov. 7, 1704. II. Mary Nash, b. Oct. 29, 1704; m. Nov. 18, 1730, John Hovey of Mansfield, Ct., who d. Oct. 3, 1746. III. Miriam Nash, b. Jan. 27, 17 10; m. Aug. 24, 1742, Capt. Moses Scott of Bernardston, Mass., a grand- son of William Scott of Hatfield, whose descendants are found in the first part of this volume. 7. Elizabeth^ Scott, (John') b. Sept. 2, 1683; m. Feb. 19, 1708, Jonathan Worthington, son of Nicholas of Hartford; shed. Sept. 8, 1743; he m. (2) Sept. 22, 1748, Experience Fowler. He was one of the constables of Springfield in 1734. Children : I. Elizabeth Worthington, b. Sept. 17, 17 10; m. Samuel (jaylord. II. Margaret Worthington, b. Feb. 2, 1712 ; m. Jonathan Purchase. III. Jonathan Worthington, b. June 17, 17 15; m. Mary Purchase. IV. Nicholas Worthington, b. July 26, 1717; d. Feb. 23, 1720. V. William Worthington, b. Jan. 26, 1720; m. Sarah Rogers. VI. Amy Worthington, b. Nov. 3, 1725 ; d. Sept. 20, 1743- m. 3. Sarah3 Scott, (William^ John') b. June 22, 1707 Benjamin* Dickenson, (Nathaniel, Nathaniel-, Nathaniel') of Hadley, b. Sept. n, 1702. He d. May 18, 1778. He was a teacher and occasionally preached. Children : I. Azariah Dickenson, b. Sept. 18, 1735. II. John Dickenson. HI. Benjamin Dickenson ; was a physician m Sunderland and Whately 17 87-1 804, then removed to Hudson, N. Y., where he died. l86 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTl'. IV. Asenath Dickenson. V. William, b. Feb. 4, 1746; d. 1749. The above Azariah Dickinson, m. Sarah . Children, b. in Hadley : I. Sarah Dickenson, bapt. Nov. 8, 1767. II. William Dickenson, bapt. Nov. 8, 1767. III. John Dickenson, bapt. May 27, 1770; d. young. IV. John Dickenson, bapt. June 14, 1772. V. Samuel Steward Dickenson, b. Sept. i, 1774 ; d. Mar. 13, 1776. VI. Son, b. Oct. 28, 1777 ; d. Nov. 1777. . VII. Child, b. and d. Nov., 1778. VII I. Lucretia or Asenath Scott Dickenson, b. Apr. 29, 1782. 9. Johns Scott, (William-, John') b. Mar. 9, 1708-9; d. at Hadley while visiting his sister's family, Oct. 3, 1737. An inventory of his property enumerates a lot of 100 acres in the Elbows (Palmer) at ^400; a negro man /^,i20\ a tract of 120 acres of land in Brirnfield ^^o ; and other property amounting to ^679. He also had an assignment of land in Bernardston on account of his grand- father's — John Scott — service in the "Falls fight" in 1676. From the above it will be seen that he was one of the slave owners of Palmer. His farm was located east of Mount Dumplin, now known as the Michael O'Connor place. 10. Elizabeths Scott, (William', John') b. June 20, 1714-; m. 1734, Steward Southgate ; she d. at Leicester Sept. 19, 1748. Mr. Southgate was the son of Richard, the emigrant from Coombs, Suffolk County, Eng., who settled in Leicester 17 15. Steward was educated at Harvard and became a civil engineer, and was employed in surveying townships and farms. He came to Palmer, Mass., in 1732 and was chosen proprietor's clerk and surveyor of the t]istri(-t, in which capacity he served till 1740. He was a capable man and rendered good service to the district in many ways. He returned to Leicester in 1742, where he resided till his death. He there became a staunch (Quaker and defemler of the doctrine. Children : 1. Elizabeth Southgate, b. Jan. 26, 1735; d. Jan. 28, 1737- II. John Southgate, b. Jan. 15, 1737. HI. U'illiam Southgate, b. Aug. 29, 1739. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. 1 87 IV. Robert Southgate, b. Oct. 26, 1741 ; »^i- Mary, eldest daughter of Richard King; he was a physician. Moved to Scarboro, Me., June 21, 177 1, and d. there Nov. 2, 1803. Among his descendants are Rev. WiUiam Scott Southgate, D. D., of AnnapoHs, Md., a grandson; also Rt. Rev. Bishop Horatio Southgate, who d. 1895 in Astoria, L. 1., was a grandson. V. Margaret Southgate, b. and d. July 17, i743- VI. Sarah Southgate, b. and d. June 18, 1744. VII. Mary Southgate, b. Oct. 16, 1746; d. May 13, 1S56. VIII. Steward Southgate, b. in Leicester, 1748 ; m. Deborah Raymond and had 12 children; he settled m Barnard, Vt. Hutchinson Southgate of New York city is a great-great-grandson. 1 1 , Lieut. Williams Scott, (William^ John-) b. Nov. 8, 1723; m. Dec. 5, 1745, Abigail Kibbe of Enfield, Ct., b. there May 3, 1725. Her father was Isaac, son of Elisha of Boston and Enfield. Her mother was Dorothy, dau. of Ebenezer Smith, grandson of Rev. Henry Smith of VVethersfield. He d. in Palmer May 25, 1790- She m. (2) John Fowler, some years her junior, and d. in Palmer May 4, 1800. . . Lieut. Scott was well educated, and well read in law ; appreciatmg his fitness for the position, the town petitioned the Governor to appoint him a justice of the peace, which was granted. He was a very prominent man during the Revolutionary period, and was appointed the agent for Hampden county to collect and forward material for the army. He was clerk and treasurer of the Elbow Plantation from 1746 to 1750; treasurer of Palmer 1752 to 1754; selectman 1761 to 1775 ; representative i777- At the tmie of his death he owned land in Palmer, Greenwich, Wilbraham, Ludlow and West Springfield. The larger part of his estate was devised to his wife Abigail. Lt. Scott was one of the Palmer slave owners ; he had several born in his household, Peter and Nancy bemg their parents. He gave each of his children a slave, the boy, Cx^sar, -oing to John Scott of Middletown ; Rose went to William ; she vvas a bright, good-looking girl, and a good cook. She was given her freedom before her master's death, after which she lived for twenty years in the family of Asa Bates. The boy Hannibal went to Dr. Calvin Scott, and the girl Tibbee to Margaret. 1 88 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. It may be stated in this connection that the writer has examined the statement noted in the Connecticut Valley History, connecting this family with scenes of tragedy, and finds them unworthy of a moment's consideration, and should be relegated to oblivion. Children of Lieut. William and Abigail Scott : I. Margaret,"! d. Nov. 11,1748. 12. II. Asenath, V Triplets, b. Dec. 11, 1746. [sister. 13. III. Margaret, ) She survived and retained the name of her 14. IV. William, b. Feb. 10, 1849. 15. V. John, b. Apr. 22, 1752. 16. VI. Calvin, b. Aug. 9, 1754. 12. Asenath4 Scott, (W'illiam3, William^ John') b. Dec. 11, 1746 ; m. Capt. John Morgan Burt, b. Aug. 14, 1755, son of Capt. Samuel and Mary (Morgan) Burt. She died without issue two years after marriage. He m. (2) Feb. 28, 1781, Persis Kibbe. Later he removed to Norfolk, Va. 13. Margaret4 Scott, (William-?, William-, John") b. Dec. 11, 1746 ; m. Joshua Eddy of Wilbraham. She and her son Joshua d. before 1790. 14. \Villiam4 Scott, (William^, William^ John') b. Feb. 10, 1 749 ; m. Dec. 21, 1774, Violet, dau. of Capt. Samuel and Mary (Morgan) Burt. She was b. Oct. 21, 1750; d. May 28, 1792, (She was a fifth cousin of the writer.) He m. (2) Nov. 27, 1792, Mrs. Susan Newcombe of Somers, Conn. He d. in Somers Aug. iS, 1795. William4 Scott graduated at Harvard in 1741, and received a grand ovation on his return home. He then studied law some time in the office of Lawyer Pynchon of Springfield. On the completion of his studies he was appointed justice of the peace for Palmer in 1 741. His father having conducted a tavern at the old Scott home- stead for many years, built for his son near by in 1774 one of the finest houses in town for a tavern. Here Mr. Scott held courts of justice and conducted an extensive business out of town. His wife was a woman of remarkable ability, and looked after the interests of the tavern and farm during his absence. It was at this house that Washington stopped for breakfast on the morning of Oct. 22, 1789, on his visit to New England, and it was with a good degree of pride that the family exhibited the table linen used on that occasion for DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. 1 89 many years after. After the death of his first wife Mr. Scott removed to Troy, N. Y., where he did not long remain, but went to the home of his wife in Somers, where he died. Children : I. Lucy Burt, b. Ang. 24, 1775; unm. ; was a life-long invalid; d. Mar. 30, iSii. II. William, b. Nov. 20, 1776. He fitted for college but on the death of his mother he gave up his studies and shipped as first mate on a voyage to the West Indies, where he wrote to his relatives regarding his anticipated wealth ; later he returned and went to live with his uncle, John M. Burt, at Norfolk, Va., who owned a plantation there, where he engaged in teaching. He married but had no children. He d. in Fayette, N. C. 17. III. Aseneth B., b. Jan. 13, 1780. IV. Samuel B., b. Oct. 24, 1788. After his father's death he went to live with his aunt, Lucretia, widow of his uncle, John Scott of Middletown, Ct. He there learned the shoe trade and afterward established a successful business in that line in Worcester, Mass. He also had a shoe store at Shearer's Corner in , Palmer for a short time. He m. Elmira Chickering of Enfield, Mass. He had no children. He devised his property to his wife and relatives. He d. at Worcester, Nov. 10, 1S57 ; she d. Dec. 8, 1861, ae. 55. I 5. John4 Scott, (William-5, William^ John') b. Apr. 22, 1752. He was examined at Hartford and admitted to the bar Nov. 1774, and located at Middletown, Conn., where he practiced his profession ; he there m. Jan. 20, 1774, Lucretia, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Starr) Warner and granddaughter of Robert and Isabel (Whitmore) Warner. She was b. Sept. 23, 1752. John Scott d. Mar. 14, 1787 ; she m. (2) May 27, 1791, Capt. Seth Wetmore, and d. May 18, 1820. Capt. Wetmore was the son of Seth and Hannah, b. Oct. 9, 1743 ; d. Apr. 15, 1810. Children of John and Lucretia Scott : 18. I. Nabby, b. May 8, 1776. II. Lucretia Warner, b. May 16, 1780; m. Oct. xi, i8ot, Wheeler Brown of New Haven. They had one child, Harriet W., b. Mar. 19, 1803; d. Mar. 6, 1815. The widow, Lucretia Brown, m. (2) May 13, 190 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. 1827, Allyn Southmayd of Middletown. She d. Jan. 9, 1849 : he d. May 6, 1854. III. Aseneth Dickinson, b. Oct. i, 1782 ; d. Nov. 19, 1782. 19. IV. Sarah, b, Oct. i, 1782. Children of Capt. Seth and Lucretia (Scott) VVetmore : I. Julia Wetmore, b. Jan. 21, 1792; m. Dec. 3, 1S12, John C. Bush of New Haven. II. Harriet Wetmore, b. Sept. 22, 1794; m. Henry Sword of Middletown, and d. there Nov. i, 1823. 16. Ur. Calvin4 Scott, (\Villiam3, William^ John') b. Aug. 9, T754. He was a college graduate; studied medicine and practiced his profession first in Bernardston and then in Palmer till his death. He m. July 28, 1785, Sabra Hamilton, dau. of John of Palmer, b. Sept. 19, 1759. He made his will Sept. 20, 1800, and d. soon after, as letters of administration were granted Oct. 28 the same year. His property, amounting to ^181 7, was devised to wife and children. His widow d. in 1809. Children : I. Margaret, b. Apr. 9, 17S6; m. Nov. 22, 1814, Elisha Snow of Bernardston. He d. Mar. 5, 183-. Chil- dren : (i) Calvin S. Snow, b. Sept. 18, 18 15, removed to New York state ; (2) son, b. Nov. 13, d. Nov. 16, 1816; (3) Julia M. Snow, b. Feb. 9, 1 82 1, m. May 7, 1839, Cyrus VV. Hale ; she d. June 8, 184S ; (4) Alexander H. Snow, b. Nov. 7, 1S23, resides in Connecticut. II. John, b. Jan 2, 1788. He became a physician and went South and died there. III. Ceorge, b. May 31, 1790; d. Mar. 8, 1791. W. William, b. Feb. 9, 1795. V. Asenath, b. Jan. 7, 1798; m. Oct. i, 1818, Prince Snow Jr. of Bernardston. She d. Sept. 23, 1876; he d. May i, 1S78, in Bloomfield, Vt. Children: (i) Jane Snow, b. Aug. 19, 1819, m. Oved French ; (2) Eliza Snow, b. 182 1, m. Franklin Alger; (3) Zedina Snow, b. Feb. 25, 1824, m. July 7, 185-, Wm. Glover; (4) Minerva Snow, b. July 8, 1827, m. \Villiam E. Cooper. 17. Aseneth B.s Scott, (William'', William3, William^ John') 1). Jan. 13, 1780; m. Oct. 5, 1813, John Sedgwick, son of Dea. Gordon Sedgwick of Palmer, b. Dec. i, 1788. He d. Jan. 24, 1840; DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. I9I she d. May 24, 1877. Soon after the death of her father, Aseneth went to hve with William and Sarah Dickinson of Hadley, distant relatives, with whom she remained for some 18 years or till her marriage. Her husband was the proprietor of the celebrated Sedgwick Tavern, which succeeded the old Scott Tavern at Shearer's Corner in Palmer, and flourished during the time when stages ran from Boston to New York. The house gained great celebrity on account of the excellent meals furnished to guests, for Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick knew how to keep a hotel. Children : • „ t>w I. Maria Scott Sedgwick, b. Mar. 7, 1814, m. Dea. Hiram Converse, Jan. 30, 1838; he was b. in Palmer Mar. 24, 1807. She d. May ig, 1847, leaving an only son, John Sedgwick Converse, b. Dec. 15, TS38, who m. Dec. 25, i860, Louise Fowler. J. S. Converse finished his education at Monson Academy ; later he engaged in mercantile business in Palmer and Monson a few years, then went to Cleveland and shortly after to Saginaw, Mich., where he still remains in business. His eldest daughter, Minnie Louise, graduated at Ann Arbor, and\vas for some 13 years preceptress of the Saginaw high school ; has since taken a course of inslruction at the State Library in Albany with the intention of taking up library work. The youngest daughter, Maria Scott, graduated at the Saginaw high school and was m. June 14, 1893, to Frederic C. Roberts, and resides in East Saginaw. Dea. Hiram Converse m. (2) Oct. it, 1848, Jennette P. Washburn, b. July 29, 1820. He d. Dec. 4,, 1885 ; she d. Sept. 6, 1893. He spent his honor- able life on the farm where he was born, the homestead of his father, Dea. Benjamin, and grand- father, Capt. Alpheus Converse. He was chosen deacon of the Second Congregational church of Palmer in 1869. He received his education at the Monson and Westfield Academies. The only child of his second marriage was Mary Washburn Converse, b. Dec. 21, 1852 ; m. Orillus W. Studley Oct 9, 1873. Their children are Flora C, b. May 8,' 1 876, a graduate of the Palmer high school, class of '94, also of the Normal School at Bridge- water, and since a successful teacher in the pubhc schools of Springfield and victnity ; and Robert C, 192 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. II. b. May 19, 187S, a graduate of Palmer high school, class of '97. Julia Ann Sedgwick, b. Mar. 2, 1S16 ; m. Mar. 2, 1S40, Perlin Shearer, b. June 6, iSoS; he d. Mar. 9, 1892. She still resides (1906) on the Shearer homestead in Palmer. Children : Helen Aseneth, b. Nov. 2, 1841 ; Perlin Marcus, b. Dec. 2, 1849. The daughter, Helen A., m. Jan. 29, 1868, William P. P>ench of Palmer, who d. Sept. 6, 1899, ae. 58. Their children are: William' Shearer, b. May 2, 1872; John Whitcomb, b. Nov. 28, 1874; Marshall Scott, b. Nov. 16, 1876; May Evelyn, b. 1879, d. June 22, 1882; Clara Sedgwick, b. Nov. 18, 1881. (M. Scott Erench m. Mar. 13, 1S97, Miss Downey.) The son, Perlin M. Shearer, m. Dec. 31, 1874, Maria C. Davis j their children are : Perlin Marcus, b. June 25, 1875; Juha Maria, b. Aug. 11, 1878. He resides on the Shearer homestead in Palmer. HI. Mary Sedgwick, b. May 29, 1819; m. Sept 4, 1S38, John Foster, b. July 5, 1810 ; he d. in Palmer, Mar. 19, 1895. She survives and resides in Palmer. Their adopted daughter, Ida (kace, b. May 30J 1856, m. Nov. 17, 18S0, William R. Milligan, h. Nov. 21, 1857, d. Aug. 3, 1900. Their children are John Raymond, b. Jan. 25, 1885, and Raymond Augustus, b. Oct. 14, 1893. IV. Violet Burt Sedgwick, b. Dec. 29, 182 1 ; m. Oct. 20, 1847, Henry Howe, b. in Belchertown in 1818! He d. Nov. 13, 1851; she d. Nov. 21, 1853. They had one son, Henry Scott Howe, b. in New Haven July 18, 184S. He is unm. ; resides in \Varren, Mass. V. Ehzabeth Hodge Sedgwick, b. Feb. 17, 1824; m. Aug. II, 1846, Daniel Townsley Hitchcock, b. in Palmer June 28, 1822; d. Oct. 24, i860. Mrs. Hitchcock d. in Warren, June 11, 1905. Their children are: (i) PVederic Scott Hitchcock, b. in Warren May 27, 1858, m. Feb. 27, 1882, Lida P. Jones of Eowdoinham, Me. ; he is an electrician, and resides at Lynn, Mass.; (2) Mary Sedgwick Hitchcock, b. in Warren Nov. 18, i860; she resides in Warren where she has taught school for some years. VI. Almira Chickeng Sedgwick, b. Nov. 18, 1826, ni. Oct. 20, 1847, Alfred Lyon Converse, b. Oct. 23, 1824; she d. Aug. 29, 1893. He is the son of Capt. Benjamin Forbes. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT. 193 Marquis and grandson of Capt. Alpheus Converse. He resides in Warren. Children : ( x ) Mary Sedg- wick Converse, b. Dec. 15, 1848, d. Nov. 10, 1852 ; (2) Charles Lyon Converse, b. Sept. 28, 1863, m. Sept. 20, 1889, Kittie Mae Jennings. He resides in Warren; his children are: (i) Alfred Lyon Converse, b. Sept. 29, 1891 ; (2) Philigo Loy Converse, b. Apr. 8, 1893; (3) Mae Elizabeth Converse, b. June 23, 1S95. 18. Nabbys Scott, (John4, Williams, William^ John') b. May 8, 1776; m. Nov. 6, 1799, Col. Stephen Ball of New Haven, b. Feb. 17, 1762. He d. June 29, 1842 ; she d. Dec. i, 1844. Children : L Mary Ball, b. Dec. 17, rSoo; d. Sept. 23, 1854; unin. n. Stephen Ball, b. Apr. 17, 1803. He shipped about 1823 for a voyage to the Pacific coast of South America, and never returned. IH. John Scott Ball, twin with Stephen, b. Apr. 17, 1803 ; d. Feb. 22, 1807. IV. John Scott Ball, b. Aug. 5, 1S07 ; d. Oct. 4, 1861. V. Frederic Ball, b. Jan. 27, 1809; d. Nov. 17, 1873; unm. The above John Scott Ball m. Laura Ann Miller. She is still living at the age of 82 in New Haven. He d Oct. 4, 1S61. Their children were: Stephen Ball, b. Oct. 20, 1S39, and John Hotchkins Ball, b. Apr. 20, 1842 ; d. Sept. 2, 1867, unm. The above Stephen Ball m. Oct. 29, i86r, Ellen Virginia Bradley, dau. of Charles and Delia V. Bradley, b. Oct. 20, 1839 ; he d. Feb. 20, 1900. His widow survives and resides in Hartford, Conn. He was for many years secretary of the Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company. Children: Child b. Aug. 20, 1862, d. same day; Frederic William, b. Aug. 26, 1867, d. Feb. 27, 1902. He graduated from the Bissell Preparatory School, and was for many years with his father's office of the Hartford Life Insurance Company. 19. Sarahs Scott, (John), William^ William-, John') b. Oct. i, 1782, in Middletown, Conn.; m. Aug. 4, 1801, Capt. Benjamin Forbes, son of Capt. Elijah and Mary4 (Hall) Forbes, (Joseph-?, John^, James') of Hartford, Conn. He was b. Nov. 20, 1774. He d. in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 24, 1824; she d. Feb. 8, 1831. He 194 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOT!'. was a sea captain and made long voyages to China. Child : Thomas Chester Forbes, b. Nov. 12, 1803 ; m. May 31, 1826, Mary Elizabeth Sill, b. Mar. 2, 1807, dau. of Thomas and Clarissa (Treadway) SilK' (Michaels, Thomas^, Joseph^ Capt. Joseph-, John Sill')- He ran away to sea in his youth, but returning home entered into business and in 1833 he removed with his family to Danville, III, where he became a land broker and amassed a great fortune. His wife d. at Danville Aug. 27, 1872. He m. (2) Jan. 29, 1874, Mary Elizabeth Hessey, dau. of William and Catherine ; he d. in Danville, 111., Jan. 9, 1895. His widow has since intermarried with Joseph G. English of Danville. Children by first marriage : I. Harriet Brown Forbes, b. Nov. 7, 1827 ; d. June 13, 1833- H. Henry Still Forbes, b. Oct. 21, 1829; m. Lucy Helen Wright; m. (2) Georgiana Dunn; m. (3) Mrs. Kate Scott (Johnson) Harrison. HI. Sarah Scott Forbes, b. Aug. 22, 1831 ; m. Alexander Young Harrison. IV. Thomas Richard Forbes, b. Dec. 22, 1833; m. Anna E. Robinson. V. Frederick A. Forbes, b. June 30, 1837 ; d. Sept. 29, 1837. VI. William Forbes, b. Jan. 17, 1839; d. Dec. 4, 1858. Children by second marriage : VII. Cordelia Katherine Forbes, b. Jan. 8, 1876 ; unm. VIII. Caroline Chester Forbes, b. Feb. 4, 1879; unm. The above Thomas Richard Forbes, b. in Danville, 111., Dec. 22, 1833; m. Sept. I, 1857, Annie Eliza Robinson, b. Feb. 11, 1839 in Attica, Ind., dau. of William and Margaret (Davis) Robinson. He occupied the office of Deputy County Clerk at Danville. He d. Nov. 21, i860. His widow m. (2) Mason M.Wright. Children : I. Mary Elizabeth Forbes, b. at Danville, 111., June 9, 1858. H. Anna F'orbes, b. July 4, 1861 ; d. May 7, 1862. The above Mary Elizabeth Forbes m. Oct. 7, 1880, John Samuel Goodwin, b. in l^^denburg, Ind., Mar. 16, 1S58, son of Rev. William Rees and Susan Anna (Keeley) Goodwin-^ (SamueP, Thomas^, Thomas Goodwin'). They resided in Beloit, Kan., until Sept., 1888, returning to Danville, 111., until Jan. i, 1891, when they became Thomas Chester Forbes. n 3 o D X O 3 n o 3- 3 CD o o Q. Z T3 ■^' :& f DESCENDANTS OF JOHN SCOTT, 1 95 residents of Chicago. Mr. Goodwin is a graduate of the old Indiana Asbury — now De Pauw — University. In addition to his law business he is extensively interested in the breeding of Aberdeen-Angus catde, and was also a large shareholder in the Sioux City (Iowa) Traction Company. Mrs. Goodwin was educated at Rye Seminary, Rye, N. Y. Their only child, a daughter, is now (1906) in this school. About 1902 Mr. Goodwin disposed of his railway interests and purchased the Ellsworth estate at Naperville, Illinois. This is one of the most famous properties, embracing about four hundred acres, in that part of the state. The town of Naperville was organized before its neighbor, the City of Chicago, twenty-eight miles away, was named, and Mr. Goodwin's present residence, known as Heatherton, occupies the site of Old Fort Payne, erected on Fort Hill as a defense and refuge for the settlers in the Black Hawk War. Mr. Goodwin maintains his herd of Aberdeen-Angus cattle at this place, and is at present the president of the American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association. His law partner is General John C. Black, formerly Commissioner of Pensions and now chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission. Child of John S. and Anna Goodwin : Suzanne (Anna) Goodwin, b. Dec. 15, 1886. Index to Scotts. Note. — The figures refer to the page on which the name is found. Where the same name occurs more than once on same page, it will appear l)ut once in the index. Aarou, 2'J, 42, 48. 76, 124 Abel, 30, 42, 43, 44. 68 Abigail, 18, 21, 22, 30, 39,40, 53, 5G, 58, 87, 102 Abigail D., 124 Abigail M., 86, i:i4 Abbie F., 164. 168 Abbie M., 128 Abby O., 81, 127 Abrabain, 30, 47, 75 Absalom. 21, 29 Adaline, 68, 111 Ada E., 114, 137 Ada M., 13, 156 Ada W , 173 Adab E., 64, 107 Addie. 142, 179 Addie A., 134 Addie E., l.'JS Adelia M., 133, 153 Adouijab, 65 Agnefl, 179 Albert, 123 Albert v.. 152 Alice, 48, 144, 145, 180 Alice C, 147 Alice (}., 130 Alice J., 107 Alice L., 151 Alice M., 107 Alice W., 165 Alinda, 47 Alma, 42, 75, 121 Aluia K., 86 Almira, 71, 117, 162 AUiiira, 49 Almira W., 130 Aloiizo, 107, 145, 179 Alpbous, 71 Alsine, 65 Alvab,40 Alvab H., 162, 165 Allyn R.,85 Amanda, 48, 65, 1G2 « Ambrose, 44, 68, 111 Amos, 28, 42 Amzi, 27 Andre, 75 Andrew, 47, 75, 179 Ann K.,112 Anna, 26, 27, 36, 39, 42, 43, 47, 53, 88, 91 Anna B., 173 Anna E., 148, 1.50 Anna M., 83, 180 Auuic, n., 180 Annie E., 86, 111, 123, 134 ArdaC, 173 Ardelep, 179 Aretas. 45. 47, 71, 75 Arnold, 80 Artenias, 75 Artbur J., 105, 143, 144, 147 Artbur L., 167 Asa, 45, 65 Asa G., 108 Asa H, 56 Asaph, 35 Asabel, 42 Assene, 40 Aurilla, 65 Austin L, 74 Atta, 147 Avaliue, 87 Avalinia A., 137 ^^ Benjamin, 14, 20, 22, 31 Beniamin F., 74, 86, 132 Benjamin F. S., 132 Benoui, 41 Bern ice, 152 Bertha, 147 Bertha A., 140 Betsey, 35, 42. 62, 179 Beulah, 56, 90 B. W., 132 Blanche, 165 Bradford, 56, 90 Calvin, 45 Caroline, 35 Caroline E.,71, IIG Carper, 167 Carrie, 103 Carrie L., 114 Catherine, 28, 41 Catherine A., 49 Catherine M., 49, 81, 127, 149 Celia A., 108 Champion, 65 Chandler W., 86, 131 Charles, 43, 47, 48, 65. 73, 90, 123, 139 Charles A., 57, 75, 123, 138 197 Charles C, 124 Charles G., 131, 139, 152, 157 Charles H., 64, 85 Charles M., 144, 163, 164, 179 Charles R., 140 Charles S., 73, 138 Charles W.. 52, 109, 146 Charlotte, 44, 49, 69 Charlotte E., 112 Charlotte P., 50. 84 Chastlua, 161, 164 Chauucey, 29 Chauncey W.. S6, 131 Chester, 46, 145, 161, 163, 179 Chester L., 164 Chloe, 27 Christina, 67, 110 Christopher, 58, 62, 100 Clara, 42, 56 Clara A., 103 Clara C, 148 Clara I., 112 Clara L., 119 Clarence, 165 Clarence A., 134 Clarence E., 106 Clarissa, 48 Clayton C, 135 Clayton H., 159 Clifton H.. 135 Clifton W., 159 Clio F., 150 Consider, 31,47, 48, 73 Content, 41, 47 Content W., 47 Cora A., 140 Cora E., 166 Cora F., 147 Cornelia. 180 Cynthia, 34, 39, 08, 101, 108, 145 Daniel, 26, 43, 64. 65, 107, 144, 160, 161, 162 Daniel P., 162 David, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 41, 43. 65, 67, 68, 111, 123. 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 Darius, 86, 132 Delucia A , 163 Diana, 162 Dan E., 130, 150 Dan J., 137 Dorcas C, 29 Dorothy, 27 Dexter, 61 Dexter B., 83 EarlJ., 152 Ebenezer, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 46, 73, 77 Edgar, 180 Edgar G., 152 Edgar T., 131 Edith M., 144, 149 Edith W., 180 Edward, 102 Edward A , 75, 123 Edward E., 62, 1«6 Edward H., 106 Edward J.. 103 ICdward P., 89 Edward R., 123 (Edward V., 166, Edna should be) Edward W ,138 Edwin, 70, 114 Edwin M.. 64, 106. 144 Edwin W , 81, 127 Effie E., 148, 165 Effie S., 110 Egbert, 163 Egbert F., 107 Egbert L., 166 Elbert I., l:i6. 155 Eleazer, 26, 34, .39, 40, 48, 61 Eleazer G , 49, 77 Electa, 34,61,70 Eli, 28, 168. 169, 170, 178 Elihu, 26, 36 V Mjah, 19, 20, 22, 29, 31, 34, 35 Elijah H.,70, 113 Eiisha, 27, 40, 41 Eliza, 65 Eliza A . 100 Elizabeth, 20, 29. 70, 75, 162, 180 Elizabeth A., 108 Elizabeth I)., 71 Elizabeth J., 133 Elnora Vf , 138 Elvira, 49, 76, 85 Elvira R , 114 Ella, 145, 180 Ella A., 147 Ella C, 64, 151 Ella K., 164, 167 Ella M., 138 Ella S., Ill Ellen, 41, 112, 145 Ellen A., 167 Ellen E , 148, 1158 Ellen M , 172, 174 Euierancy, 50, 83 Emeranoy C, 36, 51 Emily, 53, .55, 88, 89, 90, 162 Emily A., 76 Emily C , 86, 135 Emma, 179 Emma A., 156 Emma F. G., 133 Emma L., 143 Ephraiiu, 42 Erasmus A., 49, 79 Erastus, 31, 48, Ernest, 138 Ernest (t., 150 Ernest R., 148 Erwin C 113, 148 Esther, 21,30, 43, 45,66 Etta. 142, -158 Eunice, 21, 26, 27, 29, 40, 178 Evarts L , 85 Eva L., 134 Eva M , 180 Experience, 21 Ezra. 101, 141 Fannie, 124 Fannie A., 136 Fannie E , 149 Fanny, .57, 91, 179 Fanny L , 106 Fanny M., 75 Fauv S P., 106 Fauy W., 123 Festus, 179 Fitch, 144 Flora K., 109 Florence, 155 Florence 1>., 114 Floyed L.. 1.50 Frances '. , 1.57 i<^rances M , 106 Frances S., 139. 157 Francis, loi, 141 Frank, 124, 149, 179 Frank A., 166 Frank B., 114 igS Frank C, 107 Frank E., 163, 165 Frank H., 188. 1S6 Frank L., 52, 147 Frank N., 137, 144 Frank ()., Ill, 147 Frank P., 149 Frank K., 142 Frank S.. 168 Frank T., ISl Frank W.,80 Franklin, 55, 90 Fred A., 149 Fred K.,107 Fred H., 144 Fred L., Ill Frederick, 88 Frederick E., 107 Frederick H, 108 Frederick M., 133 Frederick O., 106 Frederick P., 173 Fredora, 162 Gad, 30, 31,47, 71 George A., 168 George B., 100, 107, 179 George D., 179 George E , 114 George F., 114, 180 George H., 131, 151, 163, 166 George L., 147, 164, 167 George M., 87, 135 George V., 133, 154 George W., 82, 168 Georgia A., 132 Gertrude A , 143 Gertrude L., 109, 144, 146 Gideon, 29 Giles Olin, 90, 139 Goldie K., 167 Grace 1., 167 Grace L., 109 Grant, 155 Hamlin. 165 Hannah, 18, 20. 28, 29, 48, 65 Hannah 15., 130 Hannah C., 76 Hannah E., 133 ' Hannibal, 165 Hannibal H., 166 Harold F . 164 Harriot, 49, 109, 146, 179 Harriet D., 163, 166 Harriet F., 75, 137 Harriet J., 138 Harriet M., 62, 100 Harris D., 113 Harrison, 85, 130 Harrison G.,69, 112 Harry, 124 Harry E., 166 Hattie, 145, 180 Hattie E , 155 Hattie M., 142, 157 Hazel, 158 H. Clay, 91 Helen, 108, 145 Helen E , 144 Helen R.. 106. 143 Henry, 36, 4(i, 42. 50, 64, 107, 141 Henry A.. 47, 80, 83 Henry B., 52, 73 Henry C. 109, 147 Henry D., 48, 112 Henry E. 142, 158 Henry F., 155 Henry H., 131, 133 Henry O.. 81, 127 Henry W., 87, 90, 137, 138 Henrietta, 141 Hephziliah, 22, 27, 30, 41 Herbert, 147, 179 Herbert D., 83 Hettie E., 109 Hezekiah, 28 Hiram, 161, 162 Hiram W , 42, 63 Horace, 44, 48. 64, 69, 107, 145, 179 Horace L., 81, 128 Horace P., 179 Horatio R., 106, 144 Hortou. 108 Hosea, 48 Howard D , 119 Howard S., 149 Hubert B., Ill, 123 Hubbard O., 164, 167 Ichabod, 42 Ida, 179 IdaM., 112 Idalette L., HI Ina, 158 Ira, 26, 39, 57, 74, 162. 165 Ira A , 91 Ira M., 166 Ira Stafford, 57 Irene, 43, 48, 149 Irene W., 70 Irving, 165 Israel, 28, 30, 47, 76 Israel F., 76 Israel S.. 76 Jacob, 28 Jacob li., 152 Jackson, 85 James, 22, 31, 48, 71, 75 James E., 166 James H., 52, 143 James M., 49. 82 James P., 132, 138, 152 James R., 106, 143 James S., 36, ,52, 73 James W., 1(.0, 158, 180 Jane R., 63 Jason, 47, 86, 170 Jay M., 65, 100, 147 Jeaunio I)., 172, 173, 175 Jedediah, 161. 163, 166 Jefferson, r-s, 88 Jemima, 22 Jennie A , 167 Jennie B., 159 Jennie E., 155 Jennie L , 116 Jerusha, 21 Jessie, 103 Jetesie M., 144 Joab, 35 Joanna, 32, 41 Joel, 30, 46 Joel E. G., 78, 126 John, 14, 18, 21. 22, 28, 83, 108, 132 John D , 172, 174 John H., 83 John F., 67, 111 John K , 42 John L., 128 John IVl., 64, 107 John S., T33 Jonathan, 18, 20, 26, 39, 53, 85, 132, 161 Jonathan M., 165 Jonathan W., 89, 132 199 Joseph, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 30, 46, 73 Joshua, 21, 41 Josiah, 18, 19, 42, 179 Judith, 4t.G8 Julia, 103, 139, 155 Julia A , 78, 133 Julia E., 91, 140 Julia M., 109, 167 Julius D , 51, 91 Julius O, 64, 107 Justin, 29, 43, 64, 67, 110 Katherine, 60 Kezia, 162 Kinsley, 64 Lauisa, 161 Laudon, 165 Lanson, 49 Laura, 58, 100, 105, 107, 145 Laura, 91, 140 Laura C, 128 Laura S., 101, 142 Laurena, 150 Lavauda, 49 Lavii:a, 35 Lawrence D., 82 Learned, 47,73 Lebbeus, 71 Lee A., 91, 140 Lee C, 103 Lemuel, 39, 52, 53, 86, 161, 164 Lemuel M., 164 Lemuel W., 86, 134 Leonard, 22, 30, 61, 105, 158, 170 Leonard M., 143 Leslie A , 166 Lester J., 83 Leueita R., 82 Levi, 39, 53, 56, 87, 100, 162, 165 Levina, 58 Levinia, 40, 103 Lewis A., lU, 147 Lewis L). S., 164 Lilla, 179 Lillian, 180 Lillian M , 136 LillioM.,148 Lin wood L., 159 Lizzie, 124, 149 Lois, 47, 161 Lorda, 35 Lorenzo K., 112, 148 Lorinda, 108, 145 Lorretta B., 135 Lottie S , 137 Louisa E., 107 Louise, 48 Louise C, 133 Love P., 49, 79 Lovina, 163 Lucie F., 133, 154 Lucius, L9, 30, 47, 70, 113 Lucinda, 41 LuciudaE., 49, 78, 126 Lucretia, 40 Lucretia H,, 62 Lucretia J., 113 Lucretia M.,62 Lurancy,49 ^„ ,„,^ Lucy, 27, 30, 41, 45, 71, 73, 75, 123, 170, 178 Lucy A., 108 Lucy D., 123 Lucy H. , 65 Lucy M., 100, 141 Lucy O , 146 Lucy O. M., 158 Lucy v., 123 Luther, 45, 70, 162 Luther (!., 69, 111 Lydia, 21, 29, 41, 42, 40,49, 178 Lj'dia L., 30 Lydia M., 105, 143 Lyman, 67, 178 Lyman V\., 137 Mabel, 167 Madison, 88, 130 Mae F., 144 Maggie 11 ,107 Marcus D , 133, 153 Marcus H., 82 Maria, 85, 128, 179 Maria C, 122 Maria E., 113 Mariah L., 147 Margaret, 30 1 . Margaret C, 82 Margaret D., 64 Margaret W., 148 Marion B , 136, 155 Marshall J., 158 Martlia, 22, 40, 57, 58, 70, 75,76, 9(, 121, 124, 179 Martha A., 50, 81,83, 165 Martha E., 105, 114, 133 Martha F., 61 Martha M., Ill Marthas., 69 Martin, 39, 40, 42, 48, 55, 57, 61, 62, 63, 65, 87 Martin B., 55, 89, 138 Martin E., 105, 143 Martin G., 139 Martin K., 62 Martin W , 150 Marvin, 164 Marii>n D ,161 „. ^^ Mary, 18, 20, VA, 22, 26, 28, 40, 42, 4b, 55. 57, 61, 64, 73, 89, 107, 118, 123, 162, 179 Mary A., 69, 80, 107, 111, 112, 132, 142, 157 Marv H., 113 Mary K., 75, 123, 164 Mary F., 74 Mary H.,76, 149 Mary I., 100 Mary J., 138 Marv L., 139, 141 Mary M., 133, 152 Mary 1' , 52, 119 Mary W., 158 Ma; i Ida, 65 Mati hew, 26, 39 Mattie A.. V(i Mehitable, 18, 20, 21 Meletine, 39, 56 Meliuda, 47 Mel).->sa, 70, 114 Melilta 1" , 49.81 Melvin N . 163 Melvina, 113 Mercv. 29 Merle W., 113 Merrick, 64, 108 Merrietla 1).. 109 Merritt B., 173 Merritt \V., 128 Merton B., 89 Mertou G., 138 M. G , 167 Michael A., 132 Miles W.. 149 Millard F., 113, 148 200 Millie, 83, 168 ♦i » Millo, 108 • • ■ Mindwell,27 Minerva, 67, 75, 110, 170 Minerva, 132 Minnie E., 154 Miranda, 48, 170 Miriani,21,24, 26, 38, 45 M. Louise, 107 Morah, 161, 164 Mortimer, 75 M08O8, 20, 22, 24, 25, 29, 32, 34, 77 Moses B , 144, 162 Myrtle C. 162 Nabey, 161 Nancy B., 83 Nancy S., 75, 122 Nathan, 28, 41 Nathaniel J., 167 Nettie. 124 Nellie B., 147 Nellie M., 173 Nelson, 85, 131 Newton, 89 Nistie L., 143 Noah, 39 Nora, 179, 180 Norah, 145 Norman, 162 Noyes, 179 01in,55 Olive, 43, 58, 70, 104 Olive A.. 137, 155, 163 Oliver, 28, 168, 169 Ora, 41 Orr K., 140 Orsamus A., 49, 76 Orele, 36 Oriliel, 138 Orlando E., 138 Otis, 179 Patience, 34, 81 Patty, 41, 45, 58, 60, 70 Pauline, 65 Perley, 162 Permelia, 162 Persis, 179 Phebe, 21, 42, 65, 170, 172 Philene, 36, 50 Philip. 29, 130 Philothete, 65 Phineas, 29, 30, 42, 41, 45, 70, 112 Phineas L., 148 Phiney, 161, 162 PhoebB 28 Polly, 28, 34, 35, 40, 44, 58, 69, 108 Rachel, 20, 27. 41, 108, 161, 164 Rachel K., 164 Ralph, 165 Ralph L., 148, 149 Raymond E., 156 Reuben, 21. 26, 42, 45, 68, 70, 83, 101, 113 Rhoda, 30, 42, 43, 45 Rhoda A., 62 Richard, 18, 20, 60, 162 Richard. I. M., 168 Richard M., 161, 163 Richard N., 166 Richard W., 146, 158 Robert E., 159 Robert M., 149 Rodolphus, 178, 179 Rogina A., 132, 160 Rollin A., 107 Romanza. 179 Romeo H., 90, 140 Rosina, 70 Rosina M., 113 Ross C, 50, 83, 84 Ross D., 127, 149 Roxa, 64 Roxa .J ., 109 Roxanna. 36,51, 161, 163, 179 Roy M., 152 Ruby O., 140 Ruf us, 35, 40, 46, 48, 49, 57, 75, 124, 178, 179 Rufus L., 49, 73, 74, 119, 120 Rufus M., 86, 133 Rufus P., 76, 124 Ruth,20, 41,70, 155 Ruth A., 147 Ruth M., 146 Sabra, 35 Salena. 39, 53 Salome, 27 Salona I., 137 Samuel, 21, 28, 42, 48, 62, 168 Samuel B , 70, 114 Samuel S., 62. 106 Sally, 35, 44, 108 Sally H., 101, 142 Sarah, 20, 37, 43, 48, 58, 67, 69, 93, 109, 110 Sarah A., 82, 180 Sarah E., 78, 124. 139, 167 Sarah M , 112, 132, 162 Sarah P., 113 Sarah S., 39 Sedgwick, 75 Selah, 30, 44 Seth, 29, 53, 86 Seth B., 86, 133 Sherman W., 50, 83 Sidney, 162 Silence, 90 Simeon, 27 Slennie J., 156 Sophia, 43, 46, 67, 111 Sophia E., 75, 122 Sophronia, 70 Sophronia E., 70 Submit, 22. 30, 40, 44 Susan, 73, 138 Susan A., 74, 164, 167 Susie M., 156 Susannah, 46 Stella, 179 Stephen, 21,24,26,27 Stephen V. R., 49, 80 Sylvester E., 101, 142 Tamar. 26 Thaddeus, 46, 71,75 Thankful. 26. 41 Thaxter. 70. 115 Theodora, 22 Thersa, 80. 109 Thomas, 14, 172, 176, 177 Thomas P. D , 74, 119 Tirzah, 58, 100 Trypheme. 26 Tylon, 113, 149 Ursula, 40 Violet E , 165 Viola F., 113 Virgil A., 109, 146 Wart, 53, 87, 88, 136 Waitstill, 178 ' Waller B., 140 Waller H., 149 Waller W., 144 Walter, 65, 108, 109, 172, 173 Walter E., 113, 128 Walter R., 100 Warner J, 86, 162 Warren A., 135 Warren J, 131 Warren M., 82 Wilbur G, 146 WilliaLT'i4V^5. 16, 17, 18, 20, 21. 23, 27, 28, 168, 169, 179 William D., 106, 144 William F., 133, 144, 168 William H., 74, 130, 131, 151, 168 William K., 48 William L., 133, 166 William M., 87, 136 201 William N., 131 William T., 148, 159 Willis E., 83 Wilma K., 136 Wilma M., 152 Winifred, 123 Wintield, 109, 137, 156, 172 Wiunana M , 136. 137 Woodruff. 178 Zackary, 89. 138 Zorah. 36, 39, 49, 50. 51 Zorah L.. 49. 81, 128 Zorah W., 81 Zuviah, 86, 131, 152 Index to Names Other Than Scott. Abbott, Mary L., 116 Adaius, Hamiali P., 180 Marcel la F., 166 Aderliold, Margaret M., 132 AitkiDS, David H., 162 Ira, 162 John, 162 Albro, George W., 90 Alden, Isaac, 154 John, 154 Josepli, 154 Mary, 154, 172 Priscilla, 154 Aldrich, Amanda M., 68, 111 Asa A., 1U8 Augusta C, 108 Horace, 145 Joel, 36 Jt^hn, 145 JosepL, 26 Loriuda, 145 l.ucy, 145 Marion lOS Marcus J , 145 Mildred, 108 Sarah A , 108 Allen, J5bei ezer, 61 Kdwarii, 126 Pjleaiior, 32 Elepiial, 60, 61 ♦Teorge, 61 J"se.i)li, 126 Julia A., 127 Lillie M., 127 Nathaniel, 126 OrriH P ,126 Pauline, 173 Kalph, 61 itoberr,. 126 liut.h, 41 \V M , 101 Wi.liam, 60, 61 Walter S., 126 Allis, Abel, 21 Hannali, 15 Klliot A., 61) John, 21 Thomas L.,69 Vvilliani, 14, 15, J6 Alniy, Rebecca, (iO Alvord, Frank, 60 Auies, Kxi)erienoe, 67 Natlum, 67 Amidon, Juliette L., 37 Andrews, Hannah, 30 Armington, Juno, 165 Atherlon, Adonijali, 36 Allis, 35 Athertou, Heury, 36 Hepzibab, 36 Hope, 36 Horace, 36 Joseph, 35, 36 Merry, 35 Olive, 35 Oliver, 36 Ralph, 35 Marion S., 30 Samuel H..36 Atkins, Arthur L , 148 Forest, 148 Harold L., 148 Robert E., 148 Atwood, Anna E., 129 Grace E., 77 Charles W., 77 Augustine, Hertba M., 92 Perry, 92 Austin, Diantha L., 60 > dith E , 82 George H., 84 Lewis, 60 Avery, Samuel E., 109 Ayres, Adelia, 58 Habbett, Roena, 63 Racon, Benjamin. 31, 47 Hattie, 108 Louise, 64 Mary, 46 Persis, 31, 47 Railey, Fanny, 150 J. G.."l50 Lucy, 105 Ri"nsseiaer W., 88 Warren S., 150 Raker, Addison, 79 <"ynthia L., 33 Deborah, 54 Laura, 165 Margary, 22 Mary, 105 Mima, 37 Nicholas, 22 Stephen, 163 Raldwi'i, Eli, 102 i?allard, Mary, 29 P.arclay, Mary, 126 lUrdwell, Albert M., 68 Alvin O., 67 Charles, 67 Charles A., 08 Charles S., 68 Daniel S., 68 Edwin, 66, Electa, 67 Emma J., 66 203 Bardwell, Esther, 29 Esther M., 68 Euphaime, 68 Fannie W., 68 Fanny W., Ill, 123 Francis G., 68 Frank O., 68 Frederick J., 68 Hannah. 66 James, 66 James S., 68 Jennette C, 67 Justin, 66 Lauryett, 66 Lucv, 66 Noah, 66 Martha, 68 Olive, 67 Orange, 67, 68 Robert H., 68 Sarah, 66 Sarah E., 67 Spencer, 67, 111 Sophia, 66, 111 Thankful, -10 Barnard, Ira L., 115 Jane. 115 Barney, Lemuel, 56 Rufus, 56 Silence, 56 Barrel!, Alice B., 147 Eliza, 147 George, 147 Mary C, 102 Barrett, Benjamin, 18 John, 18 Sarah, 18 Barry, Guy, 109 Herbert D., 109 Bartlett, Leroy E., 38 Lydia, 61 Samuel, 43 Sara, 82 Sarah, 29 Batchellor, Henry C, 124 Marion, 124 Stephen, 95 Beals, Caleb, 27 Elsie R., 122 Frank D., 122 Mariah. 102 Beardsley, Mary, 20 William, 20 Theodore, GO Beebe, Emily, 75 Beech, Hannah L., 130 Beetman, Mary A., 60 Beldlug, Abigail, 31 Angeline, 40 Elizabeth, 20 Esther, 29 Joseph, 29 Mary, 20 Margaret, 30 Reuben, 29 Samuel, 20 Stephen, 20 Submit, 29 Bell, Eli, 135 Loretta, 135 Bemis, Charlema, 123 Bennett, Heplizibali E., 105 William, 110 Bennington, Eliza G., 146 Mary E., 146 Samuel D., 146 Benton, Joseph, 21 Bernett, Grace, 106 Berry, Ardette V., 146 Elizabeth, 94 Lucy O., 146 Richard W., 146 Bethwell, Lena R , 38 Bigelow, Arthur C, 174 Merrett C, 174 Mitty, 40 Walter S., 174 Billings, Bulah, 55 Charles W., 127 Gertrude E., 127 Howard P., 128 Mary, 55 Margery, 55 Richard, 55 Samuel, 55 Bingham, , 62 Abigail, 18 Eliiah, 18 Gideon, 18 Joseph, 18 Kinsley S., 62 Lydia, 18 Mary, 18 Thomas. 18 Bissell, Edna C, 114 Frank W., 114 Black, Alonzo. 92 Alonzo R., 92 Daisy B, 92 Doris E., 92 George L., 92 Laura A., 92 Laura D., 92 Marriffa A., 92 Pearl M., 92 Slany B., 92 Brush, Celestra, 92 Blaisdell, Czarina, 91 Delia. 91 Guy. 91 Ira S., 91 Lorenzo, 91 Lucy E,, 91 Xenia, 91 Blincoe, Anna, 147 Henry, 147 Bliss, Alice M., 122 George, 122 George W., 122 Harvey M.. 122 Irene F., 122 Israel M., 122 Lucy M., 122 Mary, 122 Sarah, 22 William E., 122 Bliven, Charles, 65 Hiram, 65 John, 65 Perry, 65 Blodgett, Charles, 47 David. 30 Lillian M., 97 Mary, 46 Ethel M., 123 Boardman, , 29 Boocock, Murray, 175 Bond, Wallace l.,68 Boright, Maria H., 167 Bowker, E. G., 167 Ernest M., 167 Lemuel G., 167 204 Bowker, Mabel E., 167 Bothwell, Mary, 52 Bottom, Ann, 39 Boyd, Nellie J., 135 Bradford, Clarence M., 110 Darius, 66 Harland G , 116 Lena, 90 Mabel S.. 110 Melviu P., 110 Branch, Zurviah, 52 Braughton, , 18 Brewster, Dormela, 54 Klijah, 54 Horatio, 54 Maria, 54 Mary, 54 Solan, 54 William, 175 Briggs, , 180 Rhoda F., 101 Brooks, Emma P., 110 Brown, , 96 Alexander W., 148 Alice, 167 Alice G., 155 Asa, 46, 119 Chester, 45 Clark S., 136 Clinton R., 136 Cynthia, 38 Donald, 96 E. A., 168 Fernando C, 104 Hattie E., 119 Katherine, 96 Lois, 31 Mabelle L., 148 Mary, 96 Willard J., 148 Phebe, 65 Ralph, 168 Rhoda, 96 Ruth H., 142 Sally, 109 Susan, 119 William, 142, 170 Browning, Celesta D., 117 Hazel A.. 118 Herman M., 117 Homer F., 117 Ina, 118 James S., 118 Jessalyn H., 117 Lucy B., 118 Maude B., 118 Nellie M., 118 Samuel F., 117 William, 118 William H., 117 Bruce, Experience, 168, 170 Robert, 168 Bull, Lydia, 162 Vera L., 138 William C, 138 BuUard, Charles, 59 Corilelen E., 166 Henry, 57 Mrs. 165 Nabby, 166 Nelson. 57 Samuel, 56 Bunce. Aaron, 21 Burditha, Horace, 134 Burnham, Chester W., 134 Edwin S., 134 Burnham, George H., 134 King W., 134 Marion A., 134 Burns, Nancy, 179 Burringtou, Emma E., 117 John C, 117 Margaret L., 117 Burt, Enos H , 35 Butts, Edwin S , 129 Mollie D , 129 Calkins, Forest F., 103 Frances M., 103 Frederick P., 103 Fremont L., 103 Julius B., 103 Norman F., 103 Call, Mary A., 81 Cameron, James, 173 Mary, 173 Sarah, 172 Campbell, Catherine A., 84 Canfleld, Jay S., 62 Capron, Belle, 127 J. P., 162 Lvdia A., 38 Carleton, Charles D., 135 David C , 135 Franklin H., 135 Harry S , 135 Henry D., 135 Herbert E., 135 Lucius B., 135 Carly, Dorothy, 47 Cary, Mercy, 31 Phebe, 30 Carpenter, Carroll E., 103 Charles C. M., 103 Edwin H., 60 Edward R., 103 Elizabeth E., 103 Frank A., 60 John, 60 Julius H.,103 (Jarr, Margaret E., 127 Walter S., 127 Carrington, Sarah, 131 Carroll, Mary R.,38 Carter, Esther B., 117 Hannah, 102 Herbert E., 117 Milo T., 70 Warner H., 117 Casey, George H., 79 Caulsin, Sarah, 167 Chase, Abigail, 87 Homer W., 88 Ichabod, 87 Maria H., 88 Marvin L., 88 Nicie D., 88 Prudence, 86, 131 Wait, 88 Washington W.,88 Chadwick, Emma N., 105 Chamberlain, Martha, 30 Chapin, Clarence, 51, 81 David, 51 Edgar, 51,81 Eliza, 51, 81 Eliza L , 51 John, 51 John W., 51,81 Lanson, 51, 81 Maria, 81 Mariah, 51 Marietta, 51 205 Chapin, Philene, 51 Zalmon,51 Cheeny, Edmond, 49 Church, Amos, 18 John. 161 May, 18 Richard, 18 Churchill, John A., 167 Clafchorn, A. N., It2 Carrie M., 122 Edward A , 122 James F., 122 Mary E., 122 Robert B, 122 Clark, Annie C, 135 Carrie B,, 134 Clarissa M , 141 Edward, 141 Edward G., 38 Edward G , Mrs., 39 Ella M., 151 Ernest M., 141 Francis E , 76 George C, 141 Ira B., 141 John W., 141 Lee, 141 Lucy M . 141 Lyman W., 90 Mary A.. 107 Nathan, 27 Wilson F., 134 Clemens, Luna, 148 Cleveland, Charles W., 76 Cliste, Louise, 1(»2 Cobb, Lewis. 70 Cocks, Alice M., 138 Colburn, Charles D., 79 Harry S , 79 Grace J, 79 Colby, Eastman, 172 Collins, Frifccilla, 54 Colwell, William, 80 Comins, John S., 117 Conkey, Jane A., 40, Cook, Edward, 134 Frederick, 134 Gertrude, 134 Jennie M., 148 John F., 148 William, i;i4 Cooke, Thomas, 172 Cooley, Allen C, 67 Anna, 26 Carrie L , 122 Charles, 113 Elizabeth, 21 Esther J., 51 Lemuel, 46 Leonard, 43 Sim' 'U, 21,26 Coon, Mr, 59 Rachel F., 59 Corse, Amos, 91 Anson, 91 Bennie E., 155 Bonnie M., 156 Bennie R., 156 Clayton E , 156 Clifton H., 156 Loreu B , 91 Mabel B., 156 Tresa, 156 Couillard. Henry, 125 Cowdry, Eliza, 147 Cowles, Eleazer, 47 Cowles, Hannah, 47 Nellie G., 116 Cox, , 102 Crafts, Amanda M., 09 Asa J., 69 Cotton, 09 Erastus, 44 George W., 69 Henry C, 69 Irving B., 121 Israel, 43, 45 Reuben, 69 Rhoda, 44 Thomas, 44 Cramer, , 96 Gertrude, 97 Zacklyme, 97 Crandall, Lathrom, 109 Cranston, Mary A., 142 Crittendon, Asa, 66 Austin, 66 Chauncey, 65 Elvira, 66 Julia A., 66 Luther G., 66 Maria, 66 Olive, 66 William W., 66 Crompton, Nathan, 22 Crosier, Mary A., 91 Crouch, Flora A., 138 Crumb, Amelia, 65 Frank, 65 Ralza A., 65 Roxa, 65 Cummings, Harriett, 36 Cunningham, Mary, 122 Curtis, Cordelia, 94 Cushman, Charles P., 33 Rhoda, 36 Theodore R., 38 Dadman, Hallie A., 38 Daggett, Hephzibah, 178 Dahl, Sophia, 104 Dalrymple, Alfred O., 105 Leonard, 105 Kosa, 158 Danforth, Amanda, 134 Darke, Alma L., 163 John L., 163 Darling, Floranthee, 105 Davis, Alauson, 81 Alma M., 106 Benjamin, 62 Dennison, 81, Elisha, 100 Experience, 81 Warren, 81 Deal, Charles W , 91 Dean, Merle 1'., 103 Deaue, , 48 Deans, Charles L., 115 Charles T., 115 Harold L., 115 Helen M., 115 Ruth S., 115 Willard P., 115 Dederick, Alice, 15S Alley, 158 Emma, 158 John C. 158 Lena, 158 Delamater, Anna A , 145 James, 145 Delvy. Sarah R., 30 Dewitt, Sophia M., 144 206 Dexter, Hoyt, 83 Lita B., 83 Nina M., 83 Dickenson, Alice, 145 Daniel, 09 Daniel O., 76 Dennis, 6"J Dwiglit, 08 Kbeuezer, 70j Klecta, 09 Klisha, 73 Elvira, 09 Bmnia, 145 Esther, 09 Fanny, 73 Gideon, 09 Herbert, HI Hlraui II., HI Mary A , 08 Mary E , HI Martba, 75 Merrill, 145 Nettie M., Ill Noah, HI Oliver, 08 Orrin, 68 Ruf us, 69 Samuel, 08 Susanna. 73 Dickinson, Charles A., 116 Charles R., 116 Edwin H., 116 Frances, 116 J. VV., 44 Louise, 116 Mary, 44 Naomi, 45 Raymond D., 116 William C, 116 Dike, Ada M., 175 Alvin v., 175 Cautien 0., 173, 175 Jessie S., 175 Norman S., 175 I'hebe, 175 Dillunbuck, E., 107 \ Mary, 107 Dinsmore, Jane A., 76 Dix, Betsey, 148 Dodge, Caroline 15., 114 Henry L., 114 Dole, Alma, 08, Lizzie M., 67 Durman, i'ratik G., 157 (ieorge, 157 Gerald D., 157 Downing, Abigail, 3^ Jefl'rey, Sir, 31i Uev. Dr , '62 Downs, Candaco, 56 Daniel, 50 Harriett, 56 Jessie, 56 Levi, 56 Lorenzo, 56 Martin, 56 Norman, 50 Doty, Edward, 71 Rachel, 71 Drew, Aaron, lliS Alma R., 129 AUred F., 129 Annie M., 128 Burton, 129 Daniel B., 128 Elbert, 129 Drew, Ernest A., 130 Erwin W., 128 Fred E., 130 Harmon C , 129 John B., 129 Kate A., 129 Reuben W., 129 Truman G., 128 William P., 128 Duuiface, Andre, 92 Donald, 92 Edwin, 92 Robert, 92 Dunham, Lois, 56 Dunn, William, 170 Durkee, George, 102 Dyre, DeWitt, 103 Facie, Hattie I., 165 Earle, Fred, 170 David, 170 William, 170 Eason, John 35 Eastman, Ella L., 128 Estella A., 110 Edson, A., 90 Adelbert, 97 Albert O., 07 Bertha F., 100 Bessie, 97 Blanche, 98 Bruce, 96 Byron, 90 Cordelia, 97 Edna V., 90 Elizabeth M., 87 Ernest E., 98 Estella, 90, 97 Fanny, 95, 97 Fanny E., 98 Fern, 97 Frances T., 99 Frank G., 98 Gertrude, 90, 97 Gertrude E., 100 George M., 99 (Jrace L., 98 ., 96 Hiiam S , 94, 96 Isla R., 99 Imogeuo v., '.,0 .Iolui,9C John M , 95,99 John M., Jr., 99 JohnM., 3d., 99 John V. 1)., 97 Joseph H.,96 Joseph S. 99 Julia M., 96 Legrand, 98 Mary. 96, 97 Mary E., 90 Mary V. D, 96 Marcia A., 98 Marietta E., 99 Martha J ., 98 Martha L.. 96 Margaret J , 99 Maude, 99 Milton, 96 Nancy, 95 Obed, 93, 96 207 Edson, Obed O., 96 Obed E.,96 rear! E., 98 Queenie, 90 Raii'^on C, 97 Richard M., 97 Rubv, 97 Rufu? S. 97 RuHsie M., 97 Samuel, 93 Sarah E., 99 Sarah G , 94,96, Sophia, 94, P6 Thomas H. K.,96 Walter S., 95, 98 Willis H., 94, 97 Willis S., 99 Edwards, Frank, 113 Elliott, , 100 George M., 141 Harold L., 141 Lloyd C, 141 I'earl I., 141 Willard L., 141 Kllis, Reuben, 21 Eiuery, Hurdette, 102 Emory, Lelia S , 142 Madison R., 142 Mason R , 142 Maurice R , 142 Nettie M., 142 Ems. Henry, 2G Euslin, Joshua, 102 Essex, Francis (i , 158 Gilburt, 157 Harold, 158 Esterbrook, I'.ertha. 41 Evans. Dorothy K , 129 William C, 129 Everett, Amos, 145 Charles. 145 Elmer, 145 IJza, 145 Everts, Helen M., 100 Failing;, AUarnta, 97 Fairman, Benjamin, 31 James, 31 John, 31 Love, 31 FarnViwi'rth, Laura A., 128 Farrar, Lucy (i., 133 Easier, Clara E.. 112 Farwell. Alfred, 179 Fay, Bulali, 55 James, 55 John, 55 Joseph, 55 Mvra E , 128 Nancy AL, 124 Steven, 55 Vivian M., 128 Feard, Mabel A.. 1(;4 Fergurson, Jenny, 43 Field, Aaron. .35 Aaron W , 35 Alma II.. 121 AuRUstus R., 35 EliaUim, 43 Elisha H.. 122 Esther, 43 Frank A., 121 Franklin, 121 Fred E., 121 Ida C, C6 John, 21 John A., 66 Field, Kate, 122 Kenneth C, 121 Minerva, 121 Nancy S.. 121 Rebecca, 121 Sarah. 43 Widow, 180 Fillobrown, Jennie A., 13C Fisk, Charles A., 121 Fisher, Alexander, 164 Fitzgerald, Nellie, 107 Fleming, Willard, 61 Inez E., 61 Ford, Daniel, 35 Forsyth, Anna, 67 Booster, Aldrich, 35 Edward T., Gl F. L., 133 Hiram S., 61 Martha, 29 Fowler, Frederick H., 124 Scott, 124 Eliza J., 138 Emma M., 97 Patience, 81 Frary, Eleazer, 43, 45, 46 Electa, 46 Elisha, 64, 65 Esther. 43, 46 Hannah. 65 Lvdia, 46, 64 N'oali C. 46 I'atty, 46 Sf'tli, 45 Thomas, 45 Franklin. Amelia C, .51 Francis, J'.pal rice T , 149 Fanny, 149 Thomas, 149 William T., 149 French, Kl)encz'»r, 108 Edward, R9 Freelove ,1 ., 108 Henry R..89 Joseph, 89 Freeman, Mary A , 163 Frost, Joseph K.. 113 Ltina C., 113 Knlh'r, Ahbie A., 81 Alice L.,82 Anna M., 81 C^atlicrino A., 82 Cliarh's E ,81 F.llaJ ,81 (Jeorge K., 81 George W., 82 James M.. 81 Ruth A, 81 Ruth W., 121 William, 70 Winlield G., 82 Fry, George W., 68 FrVo, Marv A.. 64 Gail her, Bradley, 173 Gage, Edward B., 90 Ellen F. 90 Catherine, itO Frank, 90 Mi^rgaret S., 90 Resolvy. 90 (Jale, Alice, 109 Ber.ton, 146 K. !>.. 10"' Klmer, KIS Horace, 109 Hubert, 146 208 Gale, Jdlin, 108 Saiiiiiel, 146 Willis, 146 Willis W., 109 Gariliier, Abbey, 170 David, 170 (iratie K., 167 John, 170 Marv, 170 William, 170 (Tarrety, Mary, 13!) Gaskell, Florence 1., 116 dales, Aaniii, 43 Alice, 50 Alice I., 58 ('harles K., 58 (■;iara, 59 Daiiiel, 58, 59 Kli, 58 Knuene T., 58 Frank A., 58,59 George, 59 George K., 58 Henry W, 58 Josephino I,., 59 Julia F., 58 Martha, 59 Martha A., 58 Martin, 58, 59 Mary, 58 Mary E., 59 Mary H., 58, 59 Reuben, 58 Susie, 59 Sylvia, 59 Gaylord, Eleazer, 131 Hannah, 131 Martha, 131 Gibson, Delas, 71 Lavina, 168 Gibbs, Florence L , 105 Hannah, 91 liaura (r , 105 Pleadie, 107 Walter, 105 Gilbaugh, Earl A., 84 Forest J., 84 Glenn A , 84 Hazel M., 84 Leta M., 83 Mabel, 84 Nettie M., 81 Robert, 83 Robert S., 83 Gilbert, Celeste IC, 139 Gllcreas, Addie S.. 154 Glyier, Clarence M., 77 Goalinan, Ethel M., 37 Gooilnow, Mary A., 127 Gorton, henjaniin, 179 Gould, Anna, 16'2 Calista, 162 Charles, 162 Chester, I6'2 Eineline, 162 Hattie, 162 Israel, 43 Libbie, 162 Nathaniel, 162 GrafT, George E., 109 Granger, Hertha, 135 Grant, Martin, 61 Sainantha, 61 Graves, Abigail, 124 Abner, 40 Amasa, 30 Graves, Archie P., 117 Arthur C, 121 Asa, 31 Betty, 41 Carrie A . 144 Chester, 122, 159 Cora. 151 Daniel, 31 David, 43 Delia, 108 Dorcas, 41 Kbenezer, 28 Eleanor N., 121 Elihu, 31 Elijah, 22 Elisah, 22 Elisha, 27 Ellen, 159 Elwood L., 121 Erastus, 159 Esther, 43 Frederick L., 121 <4ad. 22 George A., 121 George E., 121 Hannah, 27, 29 Herbert H., 121 Hilda H., 107 Irene, 121 Isaac, 18 Israel, 43, 69 Jemima, 31, 41 Jennie, 121 Jerre, 69 Jerusha, 28, 41 Jesse, 41 John, 30, 41, 44, 69 Jonathan, 22, 27,41 Judith L., 44 Julius, 28 I/einuel, 22, 27 Leon H., 121 Leonard, 31 Louise, 159 Lucia, 95 Lucius, 108 I^ucretia, 22 Lydia. 31 Mabelle, 159 Mary, 40, 117 Matilda, 69 Martha, 43 Nathan, 30, 31 Nathaniel, 69 Noah, 27 Oliver, 46 Randall, 44 Reuben, 31 Ralph S , 121 Rhoda, 27, 43 Samuel. 41, 43, 44 Sarah, 18, 43 Silas, 27 Simeon, 27, 29 Stephen, 28, 43 Thankful, 40 Thomas, 18,41, 44, 69 Zebediah, 31,43 Zilpah, 41 Gray, Charles B., 76 Inez H.,79 John, 66 Green, H. C.,59 Mary A., 134 Sidney, 60 William, 60 209 Green, Wayland, 60 Greenwood, Adaline L., 77 Cyrus N., 77 Florence E., 77 Newell, 76 Mary E., 77 Grinal, Ruth, 35 Griswold, W., 101 Grover, Meletiab H., 61 Gunn, Cynthia, 27 Hadley, Louise, 121 Haight, Anne J, 99 Gertrude E., 99 William P., 99 Hale, , 2G Almeda, 36 Ann, 36 Avle B., 38 Charlotte, 37 Cyrus W., 35 Francis M , 35 Gertrude P., 35 Harriet, 30 Hattie, 121 Henry W., 38 Homer B. D., 38 Lucy, 51 Mary B., 37 Nancy, 36 Ralph A., 37 Remsly E.,35 Samuel, 36 Samuel P., 37 Sophia S., 35 Timothy, 35 William B., 35 Haley, Agnes, 82 Louisa, 147 Hall, Jeny M., 37 Hamilton, Mary, 80 Hammond, Hattie E., 100 Hattie H., 100 Israel K-. 101) Marion E., 100 Hanks, Jeaunie, 170 Hanson, Mary E., 104 Hapgood, Benjamin, 76 Dorcas, 76 Harberes, Lillie F., 143 Harding, Abijah, 47, 68 Paeisatis, 68 Harmon, Electa, 70 Lucretia, 62 Rebecca, 70 Harper, Thomas A., 101 Harris, Alfred E., 116 AnuaE.. 117 Ardeiia M., 116 Arthur A., 117 Arthur B., 117 Augusta M,, 116 Charles D., 116 Clara A., 117 Edwin, 116, 117 Edwin L., 116 Ethel, 99 Helen L., 117 Jamea S., 116 L. Scott, 117 Lucius E., 116 Lucius F., 116 Lucy C, 117 Margaret D., 116 Pamelia, 66 Philip L.. 117 Harrison, Elizabeth J., 106 Hart, \(la L.. i;57 Henjamin, 22 Edson, 137 Eleanor K., 137 Ethel, i;-7 .Joseph, 22 Mildred J., 136 Moses, 22 Myron W., 137 HartmaM, Ella J., 1.52 Hartwell, Abl>y A., 133 Haskell, Mannali, 131 Hastings, Ada S , 68 Bernard, 68, 69 .louathaii H., 162 Nettie M., 68 Harvey, Diautha M., 166 Luther, 166 Sally, 108 Hawes, Estella S., 1 16 Mrs., 54 Nellie A.. 117 Hawks, Aldeu,64 Ira, 64 Mary, 64 Myron, 113 Rhoda, 64 Hawkins, (ieorge VV., 102 Haven, Lydia, 179 Haynes, Walter, 77 Heady, Estelle, 108 Hemenway, Klizabetli, 100 Henry, William H., 180 Herd, Lois, 160 Herrick, Miranda, 179 Hewett, , 108 Hibhard, Israel W., 48 Higgins, Cornelius, 88 Emily, 88 Lucy. 88 Pliei4 A. P.,.'>4 Ariniinrar, 54 Anna, 54 Arthur H., 140 Clara B , 54 Ella, 163 Emily, .54 Eva M., .54 4 Holton, Kdii h A , CI Klijah, GO Kmina O., GO Kxiierieiiee U., Gl Frank H., Gl (i. L.,GI Helen F., GO lICMi-y II , GO Ilciirv W., Gl llpz.>ki;ili,GO .loliii, GO Mira A., CO -Mary S.,G1 Ruth, CI Saniiiol, GO Samuel S., Gl S. A., CI Sarah, 37 Seba A , GO WelliiiKUm S., Gl Williain, GO Quaniis, GO Tloover, T. ()., r>H Hopkins, DiiuiMia, 179 Rndd. ;{i) Horner, I). I,.. 5!) Daniel M., 50 Kflie i; , fi'.) Kmnia M., 5S) Frank <; ,59 Josejilii'ie i, , 59 Hosnier, Elizalieth, 94 (ieorjro, 94 Katheriiie, 94 Honfiliton, Ksllujr, 99 (Je r^e K , 99 ro, , jig Estella, 97 I. anra, 97 Mari^aret, 97 Rhoua, 97 Kines, Fiorina, 138 King, Clarissa M,, 109 Georire, 85 Henry M., 105 Jeren)iah, 109 John A., 157 Lillian L., 106 Sally, 109 211 Kine, Sanford R., 105 Wesley N., 105 Kinney, Alvin, 112 Bertha L., 159 Rebecca, 112 Kinsley, Daniel, 42 Guy, 88 Nancy, 88 Thankful, 42 Knipht, Eunice, 75 Kusic, Henry A.. 154 Herbert B., 154 Lamb, Maria. 112 Mary E., 112 Samuel, 112 Lane, Asa, 155 Elisha W., 88 Frederick A, 40 Julia A., 155 Samuel, 40 Larabee, Olive, 132 Larabey, Sabra, 20 Lawrence, Anna, 01 B^,lizi. CO Laugee, .Joseph B.. 110 Sarah L.. 110 Leach, Carissa, 82 LeBaron, Blanche K., 98 Florence A., 98 Florence R., 98 F. Kohnier, 98 Gladys R., 98 .Joseph M.. 98 Learned, Erving T., 15G Ethel M., 15G Hazel M., 156 Ida, 152 Lena V.. 156 Leola M., 156 Melbourne S., 156 Leonard, Lydia, 121 Leny, Jennie, 149 Libby, Clara J., 143 Lincoln, Brooks M., 106 Horace S., 180 Mabel V., 106 Samuel r., 106 Vivian M., 106 Lods, Etta, 157 Longley, C. S.. 114 Edwin, 112 Levi H., in Lord, Ahuira, 84 Fanny A., 84 Judah, 84 Lounsbory, Esther A., 130 Love, Amy, 141 Roxy, 141 Lovegrove, Emerson, 86, 15;? Warren J., 86 Zuviah, 80. 131 Loveland, Emn>a, 129 Lucas, Mildred, 143 Mortimer f ., 143 Lyon, Clara, 113 Lydia, 31 Mallory, Mima, .17 Manchester, Abigail, 95 Thomas, 95 Thomas W., 95 Manning, Helen M., 82 Mansfield, Kaymond L., 114 W. K., 113 Marbury, Katborine, 60 Marcher, Lewis E., 156 Mason, Ada E., 152 Martin, Keziah, 161 Mavy, 161 Matteaon, Alfred. 53 Andrew, 59 Belle, 59 Mathews, Marvin, 101 Mattoon, Abner U., 101 Annette C.. 101 Clara L.. 101 Calesta E., 101 Ella J., 101 Elvira 8., 101 Frankie, 101 Franklin A., 101 Laura C 101 Lewis J., 101 Olive S., 101 Mary L., 101 Rebecca M., 101 Russell W., 101 Sherman, 101 Walter W., 101 May, Kate O., 166 McConnel, J.C., 167 McCuen, Anna L., 166 B. E. L., 166 McCracken, Lavinia, 62 McKachron, D. L , 151 Don S , 151 Leudrum S., 151 McGregory, Hannah, 31 Johh, 31 McKinney, Horace, 67 McNett, Clara, 101 McNitt, Amy, 141 McNiel, E. C , 157 Joseph F., 157 McScan, Mavy, 173 Meacham, Hattie E., 118 Merchant, Angeliue G., 97 Blanche, 97 Charles P.. 97 Edsou r., 97 Fred, 97 firace, 97 Metcalf, Maranda, 100 Nellie C, 117 Thomas, 117 Mewham, Elvira, 124 Middletowu, Andi-ew, ;u Betsey, 51 James M., 51 Margaret, 51 Miles, Daniel R.. 103 Edith, 103 Miller, Catherine, 83 Martha A., 71 Robert, 83 Miltmore, Arthur, 165 Charles S . U.4 Eben S., 165 Evelyn, 165 M. A., 164 Orpha, 165 Miner, Alton J., 117 Ethel N., 11. Hemaii A., 117 Jeiiiii5 Madeline S.. 155 Marguerite H , 155 Ralph O., 155 Munson, Arteniisa A , 66 Charles E . 66 Ellen M.. 110 E. s., no Herbert S., 110 Louise P., 110 Lyman S., 110 Mary A., lio Maude E., 110 Murphy, Delia, 122 Murray, Elihu, 26 Elijah, 26 Martha, 26 Mercy, 26 William, 20 Nash, Alice N.. 140 Charles H.. 67 Ebenezor, 22 Ethel S., 149 Eunice, 75 (Jeorge S.. 149 Herman B., 149 John, 149 Joseph, 75 Luella M., 149 Miriam, 22 Ruth E , 149 Sarah, 75 Nash, Thomas, 22 Timothy, 22 William A., 07 William W., 67 Neild, Anna. 125 James, 125 Thomas. 125 Newcombe, Arthur L . 51 Bertie C , 51 Carrie M., 51 Charlotte A., 50 Charles G., 51 Charles J., 50 Edwin, 51 Emily A., bO Henrietta M., 51 Henry C, 51 TiOis A., 51 Newton. Eliza M., 88 Frank R., 142 Nichols, Elam, 100 Eunice, 87 T izzie, 153 Patty, 49 Noble, Boltwood, 56 Noyes, Asa, 77 Elizabeth P., 79 .lames. 77 Joel, 77, 79 Joseph, 77 Oliver, 77 Peter, 77 Sarah. 77. 79 Sarah A., 77 Theodore R., 134 William, 77 Nntt, Esther M., 1,52 »)lin. Mary A.. 90 On-utt, Stephen, 22 Zebina, 22 Ordway. Carroll E.. 153 Fred <:.. 1,53 Ina E., 153 Ormand. Leslie R . 115 Richard J., 115 Osborne, Sarah E., 98 Orvis, Abigail, 49 Experience, 81 Owen, Louise, ,58 Packard, Charlotte. 1,54 Siineoii. 1,54 Zenas. 1,54 Zacliem. 1.54 Park. Albert M.,.S8 Alvah L., 38 Andy G., 37 Arthur N., 38 Dayton L., 38 Dickson D., 37 Dwight, 37 C. Jessie, 38 Edwin F., 38 Emma L., 38 Ernest E., 37 Frederl(!k, 37 Fred A. W., 37 F. Ralph. 37 George C, 37 George T. C, 38 Guy E . 37 Harriet M., 38 Hazel M . 38 Henry, 37 John H,, 37 Levi, 37 Levi B., 39 213 Park, Levi W., 38 Lucy A., 38 Lulu B ,37 Mary B., 39 Mary I., 37 Mary J., 38 Mary W , 37 Myrtli,38 Mellie O., 37 Jtaymoiul F., 37 Ralph, 38 William A., 38 Thacldeus H.,38 Parker, Abraham, 46 i;ali8ta L., 104 Cornelius W., 104 Grace K., 103 Helen R., 103 Jane C 51 Joel, 103 Joel B., 103 Joel W., 103 Julia A., 104 Julius J., 103 Lois, 30 Mary E., 103 Pulaski M., 104 Susanna, 46 Parhhurst, Ephraira, 35 Powers, Charles A., 112 Parsons, Evelyn 1., 136 Marion A., 136 William M., 135 Willis M., 135 Pasho, Henry L , 143 Jennie M., 143 William A., 143 Palchin, Fanuy M., 106 Paxton, Helen E., 158 Pease, Hannah, 31, 32 John, 32 Robert, 32 Pecan, Sadie, 119 Perbam, Ella. 104 Perry, Joseph, 167 Lyrina, 179 Sophie, 81 Peters, Drucilla, 163 Mary A., 165 Soplironia, 164 Pfuetze, Don S., 151 Emil C 150 Paul E., 151 Philips, Laura, 54 Pickel, Elvira, 165 Fanuy, 161 Susan, 161 Pickett, Samuel. 101 Pierce, Bertha H., 127 Bertha M., 127 Ellen E., 123 Fanny, 35 Frederick E., 122 Grace L., 60 Henry M., 127 Margaret, 50 Martha E., 114 Mrs., 54 Nancy M., 141 Obed, 60 Pardon, 60 Sabin S., 127 Thomas, 114 Pixley, Electa, 70 Noah, 70 Sophrouia, 70 Pixley, Thomae, 70 Polander, Lawrence R., 137 Mae R., 137 Peter L., 137 Pomerov, William H., 104 Pond, Charles S., 118 Chester E, 118 Edwin J., 118 William S., 118 Porter, Delia, 65 Ethel M., 37 Florence E., 37 Frederick E., 37 Hannah, 65 Joseph, 31 Joshua, 65 Nathan W., 65 Sarah A., 83 Sylvester, 65 t'otter, Merrick, 45 Samuel, 45 Scott, 45 Powell, Jane A., 133 Pratt, Hattie M., 100 J. v., 100 Pearl, 100 Wealthy, 56 William J., 100 Preston, Samuel, 28 Priest, Susan I , 98 Primmerman, S., 162 Prince, James, 175 Phebe, 176 Prindle, Anna, 143 Proctor, Levi, 136 Mandana E., 136 Purrington, Ella, 150 Flora, 150 Fremont, 150 Putnam, Carl S , 113 Fred, 142 Jonathan, 73 Lucy, 73 Roswell, 113 Pyre, Frank S., 105 James M., 105 Russell B., 105 Randall, . 168 D. J., 167 Chastina A., 167 Mollie E., 167 Rausford, Sarah ,1., 108 Rav, John M., 135 Stanley W., 135 Reed. Lucy, 71 Reynolds, John A., 103 Lillio B., 156 Redding, Abigail, 95 Rhoda, Bertha L., 92 Charles. 92 Eriiost P., 92 Florence M., 92 Harold W.,92 Martha E., 92 Rice, (Jliarlcs. 110 Charlotte, 86 Emma M., Ill Lois, 31 Mrs, 54 Reuben, 86 Sarah L , 110 Richardson, Hannah, 28 Israel, 21 Louise, 62 Rider, Jacob, 142 Riggs, Charles D., 84 214 Roads, Annie J., 99 Robertstou, Naucy, 83 Robio, Sophie C 136 Walter, 136 Robinson, Ann, 89 Catherine, 89 Henry H., 89 Robley, Mittthew, 40 Rockwood, Horatio O., 122, 12S Rood, Bernard, 114 Osoar, 114 Root, Arthur E , 118 Dudley, 172 Elisha, 20 Eunice, 20 Jonathan, 20 Joseph, 20 Lucy, 20 Lucy H., 172 Martha, 20 Mary, 20 Moses, 20 Pembroke, 172 I'hebe S., 172 Sarah B., 118 Seth, 20 Susanna, 20 Sym, 20 Zur, 20 Rose, Eugene, 67 Ross, Christiana, 134 Rowell, Charles H., 153 Elbert B., 153 Fred U., 153 Harvey A., 153 Liniia A., 153 Rowlenson, Anna, 125 Royce, Calvin W., 141 Ella D.. 180 M. J , 91 Rudduck, Charles, 67 Chiistina, 67 Daniel, 67 El I ward, 67 Eli, 67 Mamie, 67 Russell, Amy, 60 AtlUi b... 96 Julia, 71 ' Safford, Abigail, 39 Ann, 39 Joseph, 39 Thomas, 39 Sails, G. L , 164 (Jeorge L., 164 Richard E., 164 Sampson, Alice, 47 Cora, 142 Sanderson, At^a, 45, 75 Calvin, 45 Electa, 45 Ellen E., 128 Ksthor, 45 John C, 123 Joseph, 45 Julia A., 123 Lucy, 45, 75 Luther, 45 Mary J., 123 Nancy, 45, 75 l*atty,45 Kufu>', 45 Sargent, Arvilla, 96 (ieorge H., 96 Henry, 96 Henry G.,94,96 Sargent, John, 94 Nora, 96 Sophie, 96 Sari, Benjamin, 27 Sawyer, Laura, 61 SaylcK, Austin D., 108 Scovil, Julia, 167 Sears, Frank, 112 Sedgwick, Laura, 58 Sebartiai), Katherine, 144 Seelye, , 130 Severence, Alice M., 115 (;urli8D.,79 Experience, 39, 40 Frank S., 79 Frederick C, 79 Hattie, 79 Jennie M.. 79 John, 39, 40 Joseph, 39 Martin. 39 Obed,36 Sewell, Annie L., 116 Sibley, Mrs, 54 Nellie, 121 Simonds, Charles R., 36 Charlotte A., 37 Ceorge A., 36 Hollis D., 36 Ralph A., 37 Samuel H., 36 Sinsabaugh, Sarah E , 64 Shai;ley, Susan M , 135 Shattui;k, Abigail, 41 Alfred, 27 Ansel, 27 Josepli, 27 Lau'^a A., 37 Shaw, , 108 Bi>man, 108 Shearer, R')llin K., 118 Sheperd, Hattie A., 101 Lorinda, 145 William P., 101 Sheelian, Josephine, 140 Sherman, Heniau B , 104 Hunon W , 104 Daviil n., 102 Cura M., 137 Cordelia L , 102 Edgar C., 102 Ed!j:ar IL, 104 Edna L., 104 lOtlward B., 104 Eli (L, 102 Epliraim W., 104 Flora A., 104 Flora B., 104 Frank E., 104 Frederick A , 104 Grace M., 105 (lustavius A., 104 Hannah M., 102 Harris. A. P., 102 Helen V., 102 Henry (;., 102 Jowett H.. 104 Kate B., 104 Laura I , 104 Leslie W., 105 Lorau W., 104 Louis A., 104 Nancy C, 102 Nathan, 101 Nathan F., 102 Nellie E., 105 215 Sherman, Nellie Q., 105 Olive C, 102 Olive L., 105 Otis. 137 Roxelda L., 102 Rufus, 102 Stanton L., 105 Walter H., 105 Willis, T., 105 Sherwood, Eber, 66 Shorden, Roxa, 102 Shufelt, Bert E., 166 Eugene, 166 J. D., 166 Kate, 162 Lilla, 166 - Skinner, Clayton E., 142 Clifton J., 142 Evanger, 142 Goldie E., 142 Lois G., 142 Nettie M., 38 Ray S., 143 Susan L., 143 Warren, 142 Slate, David, 34 Elizabeth, 34 Slocum, Alice, 60 Holden, 60 Peleg, 60 Polly, 60 Small, Rode M., 121 Smead, Abigail, 124 Charles W., 124 Frederick F., 125 Frederic G., 125 Harriet M., 125 Joel G., 125 Julia A., 125 Lawrence W., 125 Sadie L., 125 Walter S., 125 Warren, 124 Smith, A. C, 54 Aaron, 22, 48 Adeline, 84 Almira, 84 Benjamin, 35 Caroline, 71 Charles M., 82 Cyrus T., 155 Dolly, 43 Edith, 82 Edna B., 82 Esther, 64 Elizabeth, 47 Ellen, 108 Ephraim, 22 Francis M., 140 George F., 82 George W , 82 Helen, 110 Horace, 48 Jane, 144 Jane E., 140 Jennie, 38 Joanna L., 136 Jonathan, 22, 64 Lawrence T., 82 Maria, 107 Martha A., 96 Martha E.. 143 Myron H., 82 Nancy A., 150 Nehemiah, 136 Nettie, 155 Smith, Paul, 64 Philip, 47, 64 Ray H., 82 Richard H., 82 Roxa E., 64 Rufus, 48 Samuel, 64, 110 Trowbridge, 64 Walter K., 82 William O., 140 Snider, Sarah, 38 Spaulding, Etta, 137 James T., 136 Maria D., 137 Spencer, Delia, 56 Sperling, ,107 Squares, Samuel, 42 Stager, Mabel A., 98 Margaret L., 98 William E.,98 William K., 98 Stanton, Elias, 172 Maria, 171, 172 Phineas, 172 Starker, Nettie, 174 Starks, Abigail, 45 Steenburg, Henry, 83 Sternburg, Charles, 83 Ella, 83 Emily C, 83 Henry, 83 Heury S., 83 Sidney, 83 Sleveus, Mrs., 54 Stickney, Levi, 83 Mary, 57 Stockbridge, Julia A., 123 Stoddard, Katherine, 94 Stone, Eva, 180 Gertrude, 110 Heury, 180 James, 110 Rebecca, 22 Samuel, 22 Thomas, 22 Story, Beuiamin. 29 Stowe, Blauchard E., 99 Edward B., 99 Edward 0,99 Marcia R., 99 Straty, Curatiue. 101 Streeter, Amos, 34 Strickland, George E., 99 George W., 98 Lyman, 49 Patience W., 49 Marcia V. D., 99 Sarah, 48 Susan 1., 98 William, 49 William A., 98 Strong, Anna, 114 Rachel, 85 Swails, Elizabeth M., 95, 99 Swan, Ella R., 88 Sweet, E.J, 163 Sadie L., 137 Sweeting, Florence, 142 Tabor, Howard, 167 Talbot, Charlotte E , 1j4 Henry, 154 Tainter, Esther B., 122 Myron F.. 122 Tasker, Emma F., 37 Tavlor, Emma, 148 Mary, 162 2l6 Taylor, Rose, 159 Thayer. Eli, 46 Thomas, Kmma E., 137 Polly, 172 Thompson, Amasa, 54 Edith G., 146 Elmer R., 146 Estus, 123 Fred E.. 37 Gladys M., 146 Grace L., 146 Herman A., 146 Lena M., 146 Lyman H., 146 Maria, 123 Nathan L., 146 Nernie N., 146 Ray I-., 146 Sarah, 123 Sylvia, 172 Torry, Jane F., 147 Townsend, Charles E., 83 Hattie, 83 Roy, 83 Ross. 83 Tracy, Emma, 109 Lottie M., 128 Trass, Gilbert, 108 Tremain, Lucy H., 103 Truesdell, Albert D., 115 Elliott H.. 115 . Eva M., 115 Francis E., 115 Gardner W., 115 George L.,1I5 Grace E., 115 Howard J., 115 John G., 115 Josiah v., 115 Julia M., 115 Luther W , 115 Olive M., 115 Roland C, 115 Samuel G., 115 Tylers., 115 Walter R., 115 Trude, Emma, 142 Tuck, William 8., 62 Tully, Harriet, 137 Tattle, Hannah, 20 Jemima, 22 Lydia, 41 Tyler, Carrie M.. 135 Mary C, 134 Payson, 134 Vanbleet, Benjamin, 102 VanDeusen, Alfareta, 98 Carrie, 98 Fanny, 97 Henry, 94 Hugh O., 98 Joseph B., 97 Joshua B., 95 Lucia, 95 LeGrand, 95 LeGrand F., 97 Mary, 94 Marcia A., 95, 98 Obed, 94 Pearl, 98 Rufus, 94 Sarah L, 98 Thomas, 98 Walter D., 98 Walter L., 98 Vaughn, B. D., 59 Vaughn. D. L., 59 Frank, 59 Gladys, 59 Vincent, Levi, 113 Lucy, 113 Martha, 51 Vining, Martha E., 68 Wait, Lucy, 66 Wagner, Amos S., 158 Annette, 158 Walbridge, Caroline, 89 Catherine, 89 Helen M., 153 Lucy, 54 Romulus, 89 Waldron, Bessie. 38 Essie M., 38 George C, 38 George E., 38 Lawrence C, 38 Walker, Mary, 92 Wallace, James H., 63 Lucinda, 110 Waller, Harlow, 51 Walson, Emma E., 82 Ward, Almira, 85 Barnard, 85 Maria, 112 Rachel, 85 Warner, Luther, 45 Warrant, Sarah, 66 Augusta V. G.,9: Daniel, 130 David, 150 Marshall W., 98 Walter M.,98 Warriner, Hannah, 32 Joanna, 32 Joseph, 32 Mary, 32 William, 32 Waste, Bessie G., 59 Ethel, 59 Mary H., 59 Mason S. C, 59 T. F., 68, 59 Sylvia F., 59 Waters, John, 170 Watson, E. L.. 152 Weaver, Edith M., 97 Edson C, 97 Edson P., 97 Eliza, 97 Ernest L., 97 Henry F., 97 Henry H., 97 Lewis E., 97 Peter, 97 Shelden C, 97 William A., 97 Webster, A., 101 Cynthia, 107, 108 Minor, 35 Patience W., 49 Sarah L., 35 Weiant, Phoebe, 119 Wells, Clarissa, 45 Elisha, 45, 73 Esther, 43 Frances, 20 Gad, 43 Hugh, 20 Israel, 43 Lemuel, 29, 42, 43 Lydia, 43 Mary, 20 Index to Descendants of John Scott of Springfield. AUin-oii i»7 18R Lucre ti a, 189 i^iM^ ' ]l^' Lucretia W., 189 -t*"""'.^R''i^' ''"' ''' Ma/sa^-et 182, 184. 187, 188, 190 Calvin, 187, 188, 190 , Moses is_, ??-'r.'.!i; \1^; % 185 186 Sar^ah''l8?l84. 185, 190, 193 Rhzabeili 18^, 184, l»o, i»b camuel B 189 GeorgP. 190 Wniiam, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185. 187, 188, JoC m! 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190 189, 190 217 Wells, Noah, 42, 43 Quartus, 43 Ruth, 73 Thomas, 20 Wescott, Alfred, 59 Clara, 59 Earl, 59 Grace, 59 Harry. 59 Hay. 59 Hazel, 59 J. E., 59 Laura, 59 Nellie, 59 Wesneken, B^rank B., 143 Frank S., 143 Helen S., 143 Margurette E., 143 Maude S., 143 West, Eunice, 165 Wetherby, Belinda. 87 Byron, 87 Elbert, 87 Ira, 87 Peter O., 87 Wheeler, Edward, 114 Elias A., 179 Martha B., 114 Ralph S ,114 Sophia, 56 William, 133 Wheelock, Alonzo, 103 Mary E, 103 Whitcomb, Emily, 113 Frank H , 59 White, Ira, 61 Whitman, Clara B., 127 Whitney, Alton B., 135 Arthur B., 135 Olive, 58 Wiggins, Alfred. 105 Alfred C, 105 Lillian C , 105 Mollie D.. 105 Wilbur, Ella M., 146 Wilcox, KateB , 104 Marion F., 104 Walter R., 104 Wild, Joseph, 154 Suaau, 154 Willard, Emma, 102 William, the Conqueror, .32 Williams, Charlotte F., 147 Henry L., 147 Isaac, 175 Williams, .Tane F , 147 Lilla, 115 Robert, 175 Stantiin. 176 T. G., 175 Williamson, , 101 Wlllmott, Bertha, 142 Willmarth, Cora C, 141 Emmil, 141 .le^nie G., 141 Mary L , 141 WiDslow, Elizabeth, 156 Wires, John, 54 Wilson, Alonzo. 179 Beryl, 59 (ilenn, 59 Joel, 80 Mr., 59 Winch, Nettie U., 110 Wiiigfleld, Elizabeth. 32 Thomas. 32 Wolf, Elizabeth, 56 Wood, Carrie F.,38 Charles F.. 154 Ebenezer, 148 Edward L., 154 Fannie E . 38 Helen I , 38 Herdee C, 38 Irving P., 38 John F., 154 Lois, 101 Ruth E ,38 Samuel C, 38 Sarah W.. 148 Tamer, 67 Truman, 49 William F., 154 Woodman, Otis M., 37 Woods, Allen, 112 Henry H , 112 J.'hn, 112 John A., 112 Libbie M.,96 Martha, 112 Woodrutf, Harris T., 88 Woortwor^h, Asenatli, 57 Wright, Chester, 35 Horace A., 71 iloseph, 35 Noah, 21 Yettaw, Amelia E., 77 Viiuug, Augusta, 54 Augustus, 54 Mrs., 54 Index to Names Other Than Scott. Alger, Fraukliu, 190 Ashley, Joseph, 182 Austin, Esther, 182 ' Ball, Francis, 182 Frederic, 193 Frederic W., 193 John H., 193 John S.. 193 • Mary, 193 Stephen, 193 Baker, Mary, 183 Bliss, Margaret, 181 Sarah, 181 Thomas, 181 Bradley, Charles, 190 Delia V., 190 Ellen v., 193 Harriet W., 189 Lucretia, 189 Wheeler, 189 Burt, John M., 188, 189 Mary, 188 Samuel, 188 Violet, 188 Bush, John, 183 John C, 190 Converse, Alfred L., 192, 193 Alpheus, 191, 193 Benjamin, 191 f^harles L., 193 Hiram, 191 John S., 191 Mae E., 193 Maria S., 191 Marquis, 193 Mary W., 191 Mary S., 193 Minnie L., 191 Philego L., 193 Chickering, Elmira, 189 Cooper, Lanberton, 182 William E., 190 Davis, Margaret, 194 Maria C, 192 Dickenson, Asenath, 180 Azarrah, 185, 186 Benjamin, 185 John, 185, 186 Lucretia 8., 180 Nathaniel, 185 Samuel S., 180 Sarah, 182, 186, 191 William, 180, 190 Downey, , 192 Dunn, Georgiana, 194 Eddy, Joshua, 188 KUy, Joseph, 182 Sarah, 182 English. Joseph O., 194 Ferry, Charles, 182 Ferry, Elizabeth, 183 Forbes, Anna, 194 Benjamin, 193 Caroline C, 194 Cordelia C, 194 Elijah, 193 Frederick A., 194 Harriet B., 194 Henry S., 194 James, 193 John, 193 Joseph, 193 Mary, 193 Mary E , 194 Sarah S., 194 Thomas C, 194 Thomas R., 194 William. 194 Foster, Ida S., 192 John, 192 Foote, Mary, 183 Samuel, 183 Sarah, 183 Fowler, Abigail, 183 Christopher, 183 Elisha, 183 Elizabeth, 183 Experience, 185 Hannah, 183 John, 182, 183 Louise, 191 Mary, 183 Sarah, 183 French, Clara S., 192 John W., 192 Marshall S., 192 Mary E., 192 Ovid, 190 William P., 192 William S., 192 Frost, Isaac, 183 Joseph, 183 Mary, 183 Gaylord, Samuel, 185 Glover, William, 190 Goodwin, Anna, 195 John S., 194, 195 Samuel, 194 Susan A., 194 Suzanne, 195 Thomas, 194 William R., 194 Hale, Hannah, 182 Cyrus W., 190 Mary, 193 Timothy, 182 220 Harrison, Alexander Y., 194 Kate S., 194 Hamilton, John, 190 Sabra, 190 Hessey, Catherine, 194 Mary E., 194 William, 194 Hitchcock, Daniel T., 192 Frederick S., 192 Mary S , 192 Hallibut, Experience, 183 Horton, David, 183 Hovey, John, 185 Howe, Henry, 190 Henry S , 192 Jennings, Kittie M., 193 Jones. Ida P , 192 Johnson, Kate S., 194 Keely, Snsan A., 194 Kibbe, Abigail, 187 Elisha, 187 Isaac, 187 Persis, 188 King-, Mary, 187 Richard, 187 Leonard, Abel, 182 Benjamin, 182 Ebenezer, 182 John, 182 Keziah, 182 Margaret. 182 Martha, 182 Rachel, 182 Sarah, 182 Merrick, Mary, 183 Thankful. 182 Miller, l.aura A., 193 Martha, 182 Milligan, John M.. 192 Raymond A. 192 William R., 192 Morgan Mary, 188 Nash, Ebenezer, 184 .lonathan, 185 Mary, 185 Miriam, 185 Timothy, 184, 185 Newcombe, Susan, 188 Pease, David, 183 Jonathan, 185 Mary, 185 Raymond, boborah, 187 Ueiiiington, .lohn, 182 Sarah, 182 Roberts, Frederic C, 191 Robinson, Anne E., 194 Margaret, 194 William, 194 Rogers, Sarali, 185 Sedgwick, Almira O., 192 Elizabeth H , 192 Cordon, 190 John, 190 Julia A , 192 Sedgwick, Maria S., 191 Mary, 192 Violet B., 192 Shearer, Helen A., 192 Julia M., 192 Perlin, 192 ,; Perlin M., 192 Sill, Clarissa. 194 " John, 194 Joseph, 194 Mary E , 194 Michael, 194 Thomas, 194 Smith, Dorothy, 187 Ebenezer, 187 Henry, 187 Snow, Alexp.nder H., 190 Calvin S.. 190 Elisha, 190 Eliza, 190 Jane, 190 Julia M., 190 Minerva, 190 Prince, 190 Zedina, 190 Southgate, Bishop H., 187 Elizabeth, 186 Hutchinson, 187 John, 18C Margaret, 187 Richard, 18G Robert, 187 Sarah, 187 Steward, 186, 187 •" ■ William, 186 William S., 187 SouthK ayd, Allyn,190 Starr, Mary, 189 Studley, Flora C , 191 Orillus W., 191 Robert C, 191 Sword. Henry, 190 Warner, Isabel 189 Lucretia, 189 Mary, 189 Robert, 189 Stephen, 189 Washburn, Jenuette P , 191 Wetmore, Hannah, 189 Harriet, 190 Isabel, 139 .lulia, 190 Setli, 189 Wortliington, Amy, 185 Elizabeth, 185 Jonathan, 185 Margaret, 185 Nicholas, 185 William, 188 Wright, Lucy H.,194 Mason M., 194 Terry, Samuel, 182 Tread way, Clarissa, 194 RC 11 1 .^ vy- ,T> v^' ^. A -^^ > o*^^ O , •Pi 0^ « .^■^ ^^ % . s * • > - ^* .v^ "^^x -- \ ^ * c< ■r^^ . f^' 9 ^^^ 0^ :?> ^^. <-~- ^-. .0' o^ L •* .0^ * 'i' 'J X^^ 't r^ • •^ d '"^■f ■ ■■' ^ '■• .0- ^ ■^ o C) '- % .-x^' ^ '-^' .S' ■r s •o ■-. J^ <:> ^ - • .vO^ ^. ''^- '' .V^ ^ ■-^ >t.. <^ c.^ ■f'. 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