Qass. Book. (IK. ^m-Jji (nz^d THE STORY OF THE Irish in Boston TOGETHER WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF REPRESENTATIVE MEN AND NOTED WOMEN Edited and Ci.)mpiled by JAMES BERNARD GULDEN ILLUSTRATED BOSTON JAMES B. GULDEN & COMPANY 1889 Copyright, 1SS9, By JAMES B. CULLEN & COMPANY. TAis book h sold only by subscription by us and through our authorized agents. It can never be obtained in any other way, excepting fraudulently. All persons are zvarned not to buy this book from stores, as all zvho sell it unauthorized by us zvill be held responsible. ISotfttoill anfi Cl)uvctii([ BOSTON INTRODUCTION, THE purpose of this work is to give an account of the settlement, progress, and development of the Irish and their descendants in Boston, from the earliest times. The propriety, expediency, and necessity of presenting the subject was conceived by the author ten years ago, while engaged in preparing an article for the Boston " Pilot," relating to the Irishmen of Boston. The work then seemed to be impracticable, by reason of the complex character of unpublished historical data, the long period of time that would be required to unravel the skein and weave the story together. Within a few years the labor of examining various histories and collecting manuscripts of invaluable interest and worth was commenced. The researches in this direction revealed many sur- prising events in the colonial, as well as in the more recent history of Boston, wherein Irishmen were active participants ; and, strange to say, where the importance of their achievements is mentioned at all, or they themselves are written about, the most meagre information is given. By careful study and recourse to comparative references many facts, hitherto generally unknown, were brought to light. An examination of the table of comparative statistics shows an unequalled record of immigration to Boston, to the credit of the Irish nation. Nor were all the early Irish settlers here " hewers of wood and drawers of water." Amongst the dignified professional, mercantile,' ^ John Cogan, of the County Cork, Ireland, was the father of mercantile life in Boston. He was the first to open a store on the north-east corner of Washington and State streets. His house stood on the north-west corner of Tremont and Beacon streets. In 1635 Nathaniel Hancock came from Ireland, and settled in Newtown (now Cambridge, Mass.). He died in Cambridge, in 1652. See Holmes' Annals. (iiil IV INTR OD UC TION- and commercial * men of the time stood the self-reliant and brainy Irishman. In 1634 the General Court of Massachusetts granted lands to Irish and Scotch gentlemen on the Merrimac river, now Newbury- port.^ The successive communities from the old Puritan days have realized the good and useful deeds of the Irish in this city, whose unswerving fidelity and loyalty to Boston, old and new, remain unsurpassed. Their love of liberty, their hatred of oppression, their valor and heroism in the War for Independence, when remembered, should sink so deep In the hearts of their fellow-citizens as to fraternize them forever. When lovely Peace had spread her white pinions over the land. Irishmen wended their way to the farm, the workshop, and the mill. Their adaptability and loyal adherence at all times to the strange and newly constructed government which followed the Revolution, and their observance of the stranger laws and customs then introduced, are as characteristic of them as their love of industry, thrift, and success. Once in this free country, they guarded her interests, of which theirs formed an integral part, jealously, carefully, valiantly. The Irish soldier of Boston engaged in the successive wars that followed the Revolution, and the reader has but to turn to the pages of history to find him fighting and dying on the altar of liberty in its defence. Scrutinize the regimental history of the Union armies : ' A.D. 1636, mo. 3, 15. "Here arrived a ship called the * St. Patrick,' belonging to Sir Thomas Wentworth, Deputy of Ireland, one Palmer, Master. When she came near Castle Island the Lieutenant of the fort went aboard her, and made her strike her flag, which the master took as great injury, and complained of it to the magistrates; who calling the Lieutenant before them, heard the cause, and declared to the master, that he had no commission so to do. And because he had made them strike to the fort (which had then no colors aboard) they tendered the master such satisfaction as he desired, which was only this, that the Lieutenant aboard their ship should acknowledge his error, that so all the ships company might receive satisfaction lest the deputy should have been informed that he had offered that discourtesy to his ship, which he had never offered to any before." — "Winthrop's Journal," p. 100, Vol. i. ^ See Records of General Court, Vol. i., p. 28. INTR on UC TION. V Where will we find the Union soldiers, foreign or native born, nearer the breastworks of the enemy than those who wore the sprig of green ? Generations of Irishmen have made their home in Boston. They and their descendants have inwrought their work on the various departments of municipal life. Where is it recorded? Have we an Irish Historical Society in Boston to preserve the history and lives of our people? In this respect there has been a void in the literature of Boston. The original design of this work was draughted on a much smaller scale ; but, by the advice of many persons eminent in letters and public life, it was enlarged. The subject is presented in two parts — historical and bio- graphical. The first seven historical chapters were written by Mr. William Taylor, Jr. The biographical sketches — Distinguished Men of Early Times, Representative Men of Our Own Times, and Noted Women, — including a newly written sketch of the Catholic Church in Boston, Sketches of Men in Professional and Public Life, etc., were written, and in some instances compiled, by the author, who also prepared the table of contents, in a way to make it interesting. The en- gravings were made especially for this work. If the work shall lead to a more thorough knowledge of the good accomplished by the Irish in Boston, and thereby awaken a fuller appreciation of their worth as citizens, its object will have been attained. J. B. C. Boston, Mass., February, 1889. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. The Irish in the colonial period. — St. Botolph's town. — Pro-English and Anti-Irish feeling among the colonists. — Irish names that appear in Boston's colonial his- tory. — Causes of Irish emigration. — Religious prejudice. — The authorities extend an invitation to the New- England colonists to settle in Ireland. — The undesirable- ness of Ireland as a home at that time. — The " Scotch-Irish." — Visits of the Puritans to Ireland. -^American colonists of Irish descent. — Declaration of the citizens of the town on the Catholic question. — Extracts from the town records of Sept. 22, 1746. — "Pope's night" in Boston. — Burning the Pope in effigy. — Gen. Washington appears on the scene. — He reprimands the soldiers. — The Abbe de la Poterie. — Irish apostates. — Difference in race between the " Scotch-Irish " and the Catholic-Irish. — The Charitable Irish Society. — " Of the Irish Nation." — The Scots' Charitable Society. — A.D. 1636. — The Brecks of Dorchester. — A numerous and distinguished family. — An unrecorded deed. — " Robert Breck of Galway, in Ireland, merchant." — Florence Maccarty in Boston as early as 1686. — Thaddeus Maccarty and family. — Edward Mortimer, the mathematician and volunteer fireman. — Distinctively Irish names which appear in the register of births, marriages, and deaths, in Boston, from 1 630-1 700. — Under Cromwell's government many Irish people emigrate to New England. — On their arrival they are sold as slaves. — The reason why. — In 1654 the ship " Goodfellow " arrives at Boston with a large number of Irish immigrants. — What Cotton Mather says. — The petition of Ann Glyn and Jane Hunter, spins- ters, lately arrived from Dublin, Ireland. — EngHsh criminals systematically sold to the colonists. — Daring pirates kidnap men and sell them to Americans. — The brigantine " Bootle," Capt. Robert Boyd commanding, touches Boston in August, 1736. — The selectmen order him not to let his passengers " Come on Shoar." CHAPTER II. The Irish witch. — The belief in the actual existence of imps, witches, and embodied devils. — The defenders of the behef were often men of great and distinguished talents. — Eminent counsel and learned divines gave attendance at trials of sus- pected witches. — The devil's marks "being pricked will not bleed." — Watching for the witch's imp. — The wise magistrate. — Colonial society ajar, and seized by the devil-fear. — Mrs. Ann Hibbins falls a victim to the witch-hunter. — The 1 2 CONTENTS. 1 fourth victim. —The Goodwin family suspected of witchcraft. — Gov. Hutch- inson and the "Wild Irish." —The ministers appoint a day of fasting and prayer with the Goodwin family. — Goody Glover speaks in the Gaelic tongue while ren- dering her testimony in court. — She is said to be under the devil's influence. — Her house searched while she is on trial. — What was found there. — " Two honest men " act as her interpreters. — She is sent to prison. — Cotton Mather visits her twice while she is in prison. — She speaks to him in Irish. — Her interpreters tell him that the Irish word for " spirits " is the same as for " saints." — A witness testifies to having seen Goody Glover come down the chimney. — Examined by the physicians. — Their conclusion is that poor Goody is sane. — Sentenced to be hanged. — From the prison to the gallows. — The prophecy. — The procession. — The tumult. — Judge Sewall makes an entry in his diary. — The execution . CHAPTER HI. The Charitable Irish Society. — The earliest association of Irishmen in Boston. — Object, aim, and scope of its founders. — Extracts from the records. — Early mem- bers of the Society.— James Mayer and Robert Henry. — The cautious selectmen. — The law of the province. — In 1722 John Little is warned by the selectmen to " depart out of this town." — John remains in Boston. — Interesting incidents and anecdotes about other early members of the Society. — Peter Pelham, painter and engraver. — His unsettled life. — A sketch of his life and works. — He marries the widow of Richard Copley. — Squire Singleton, of Ireland, anci, his daughter. — "The best Virginia Tobacco, cut, pigtail, and spun, of all sorts by Wholesale and Retail, at the Cheapest Rates."— A sketch of John Singleton Copley. — The Auchmuty family. — Capt. William Mackay, Gentleman. — His address to the members of the Society at a meeting held in October, 1784, the first after the Revo- lutionary War. — A word about the Tory members of the Society. — The Scots' Charitable Society abscond in a body at the beginning of the Revolution. — They carry off the Society records to Halifax. — Capt. John Mackey, master of the schooner "Margaret," is elected into the Charitable Irish Society in 1791.— Capt. Robert Gardner furnishes the town of Boston a ship to take home " A true account of the horred Massacre" of Nov. 5, 1770. — His interest in his fellow- countrymen. — Many old members and some interesting facts connected with their lives.— The Society and the Irish Presbyterian Church. — Gov. Hancock presents the bell and vane of the old Brattle-street meeting-house. — The first pastor. — Rev. John Moorhead. — In 171 7 another colony of Irish immigrants arrives with Capt. Robert Temple. — The Know-nothing spirit already abroad. — The Society visits Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, at the Tremont House, June 22, 1833. — President Jackson's address in reply to an Address of Welcome, by Mr. James Boyd, on behalf of the Society. —The Society honors Lafayette. — The centennial celebration, March 17, 1837. —The President of the Charitable Mechanics' Association addresses the Society. — An impending crisis. — Hugh O'Brien submits a draft of resolutions condemning and abhorring every principle or movement that would dissever the Union, and invoking the assistance of CONTEXTS. citizens of all classes to devote themselves to the cause of the common country - Many members go to the seat of war. -The centennial anniversary of the battk of Bunker Hill . CHAPTER IV. Capt. Daniel Malcom and the revenue acts. - He is appointed on a committee to regulate the sale of lambs. -The revenue officers suspect him of keeping contra- band goods on his premises. -They institute a search without due warrant. - The sturdy captain stops them at the door of a room that he has his own reasons for protecting. -The officers retire. -They return again and meet with a worse reception. -Captain Malcom has his Irish temper aroused. - Bloodshed immi- nent.— The British officers give up the search. — The attitude of the CroM-n offi- cials. -The government depositions regarding the event. - A town-meeting held at which a committee of eight of the foremost citizens is appointed, including Otis, Hancock, and Adams, to ask the governor for copies of the testimony. - False views of the trouble gain credence with the ministry. - Faneuil Hall closed to the revenue officers at the State dinner on election day. -The revenue officers complain to England. - Gage stations a regiment in Boston. - Castle WilUam prepares for active service. — Trouble brewing. — " Rebel " and « Tyrant." - A guard of forty men and what they did. -The streets filling with an excited crowd. -Wild rumors and a war ship. -Malcom stands at the head of his friends. -The boats arrive. - The excitement increases. — Malcom threatens to throw the frigate's people into the sea. -The moorings are cut. -The vessel leaves the wharf. - An attack. - The Collector's boat dragged to the Common. - The Puritan Sabbath follows. -A meeting at Liberty Hall.-Otis, Hancock, Adams, and Malcom wait upon the governor. - They submit a petition. - Otis speaks of armed resistance. - Malcom still busy vindicating the rights and liberties of the people. - He is appointed to report on the best course for the town to adopt « in the present emergency."- With the recording of the report Captain Malcom passes away. - His membership in the Charitable Irish Society. — His grave on Copp's Hill CHAPTER V. The immigrant. -The first considerable influx of Irish immigrants. - Capt. Robert Temple and the Irish Protestants. - Five ships in Boston harbor bearing Irish immigrants. -The authorities warn the Irish to depart the town. - Governor Wentworth receives friendly warnings that the Irish are settling in the Merrimack valley. — John Sullivan, the Limerick schoolmaster, settles in Berwick, Me. — His distinguished sons, James and John. - A transcript from the memori'al tablet m King's Chapel relating to William Sullivan. _ The Amorys. -The introduc- tion of the potato and the spinning-wheel by the Irish. -The establishment of a public spinning-wheel by the town. -The Society for encouraging Industry - A public spinning match on the Common. - 1736-38, ten ships come to Boston 44 4 CONTEXTS. p. from Ireland. — The immigrants ordered to Spectacie Island. — Capt. Bene- dict Arnold touches at Boston in the " Prudent Hannah." — A fifty-nine days' passage from Kingsgate, Ireland, to Boston. — The returned Irish emigrant in- spires Swift to write " Gulliver's Travels." — Dennis Sullivant appears before the selectmen of Boston in 1736. — A pathetic letter from across the sea. — The province appropriates fourteen pounds to send the poor fellow home. — A sloop in the harbor. — The horrors of starvation. — Cannibalism resorted to by the crew. — In the hospital on Rainsford's Island. — Governor Shirley receives a letter from a ship's crew in extreme want. — Piracy, pure and simple. — The result of a priva- teering exploit. — Importing Irish Protestants. — A letter to Samuel Waldo from James Boies. — " An act to regulate the importation of Germans and other pas- sengers coming to settle in this province." — The modern emigrant ship. — Thanks to Miss Charlotte G. O'Brien CHAPTER VI. The Know-nothing movement. — Its origin, history, and development. — Beautiful Devorgilla, of Brefny. — Dermot McMurrough and the O'Rorke. — English hatred towards the Irish. — Its influence on American thought and action. — Fostered by a careful silence of Enghsh historians on the grievances of the Irish. — Nursed on American soil, it sinks to sleep in times of danger. — The Irish citizen stands preeminently among the defenders of American liberty. — The utterance of Cotton Mather. — " There has been formidable attempts of Satan and his Sons to unsettle us." — Boston trembles for the purity of her English stock. — Regulations imposed upon the march of colonization. — The records of 1723. — Many Irishmen in Boston at the time of the Revolution. — The Loyal Irish Vol- unteers. — Catholics claim the right to worship. — Irish citizenship asserts itself. — A prerequisite to citizenship. — Foreign-born citizens take refuge in the ranks of the democracy. — Accession to the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson. — The natu- ralization Act of 1S02. — The War of 181 2 kindled by the Irish exiles. —The religious phase of the hostility to the Irish in Boston. — The Broad-street riot. — A blot on Boston's history. — Mayor Eliot on the scene. — He calls out the militia. — The riot is speedily quelled. — The burning of the Ursuline Convent at Charlestown. — The Montgomery Guards. — An insult given to the Irish com- pany. — The march from the Common to Faneuil Hall. — Followed by a mob and stoned. — The Irish boys march steadily through the spiteful shower of missiles until they reach their armory. — Governor Everett applauds the Irish company, and denounces the conduct of the City Guards. — " Native-Americanism " again. — "I don't know." — An " address " to the Native- Americans of New York. — Another anti-Irish excitement in Boston. — Famine in Ireland. — The political aspect of the case. — The visits of Catholic priests to the city institutions con- sidered as revolutionary. — The citizens' movement. — The Boston "Bee." — Mayor Shurtleff and the Board of Aldermen wait upon John, Bishop of Boston. — " Protestant Jesuits " organize. — Their political machinery carefully and perfectly regulated. — The Know-nothing candidate. — lie is defeated. — The election of CONTENTS. 5 PAGE Alexander H. Rice to the mayoralty. — The Columbian Artillery. — It disbands to escape persecution at the hands of the State government. — The birth of the anti-slavery movement. — Wreck of the so-called American party. — War ! Irishmen to the front . • . 65 CHAPTER VII. I. — Concord and Lexington. The Irish soldier. — Irish heroes come forward to take their places in the annals of American history. — Col. James Barrett at Concord bridge. — The cry of Paul Revere. — Irishmen heard it and sprang to the defence of the common cause. — The minute-men. — A beautiful picture of united patriotism. — A battle without a parallel in history. — Yankee marksmen lay the red-coats low. — Irish- American minute-men. — Hugh Cargill, of Ballyshannon. — Dr. Thomas Welsh, the army surgeon, to the patriots. — " Lo ! from the east I see the harbinger, and from the train 'tis Peace herself, and, as attendants, all the gentle arts of life." — Irish names on the rolls of the Lexington minute-men 82 Tl. — Bunkef Hill. The morning of June 17, 1775. — A wonderful sight. — The breastworks on top of Breed's Hill. — Manned by yeomen. — A blow for liberty, and another in revenge for the dreadful oppression of their forefathers in Ireland. — One thousand men at work under the veil of darkness. — A fierce cannonade from the English war-ship " Lively." — Brave Col. John Stark addresses his men. — They fight to the death. — Charlestown ablaze. — The flower of the English army twice hurled back from their defences. — " There, see that officer ! Let's have a shot at him ! " — The English columns broken to pieces. — " The patriots stand like the Greeks of Thermopylae." — Names of Irishmen found on the rolls of Bunker Hill, as given in the Massachusetts archives .......... 88 III. — The Siege of Boston. The English must go. — Washington arrives from Virginia. — General John Sullivan leads a brigade. — Emigrants from Ireland settle along the South Atlantic coast. — They go forth to battle for American liberty. — Daniel Morgan. — Colonel Knox promises to send a noble train of artillery to General Washington. — He keeps his word. — A faithful wife. — General William Sullivan's reminiscence. — General Knox financially embarrassed. — A trio of men. — Friendly tears. — " Gentlemen, this will never do ! " — Irish hospitality. — Stephen Moylan. — Old Put. — " Powder, powder; ye gods, give us powder!" — A word about General Sullivan. — Irish Tories. — Arthur Lee on the Irish Catholics. — General Howe speaks of" some Irish — merchants." — Crean Brush, the Irish villain. — His connection with Ethan Allen. — Brush is delegated by General Gage. — Brush is put in Boston jail. — Remorse and suicide of Brush. — What is a Firbolg? — The Irishmen who served in the Con- tinental army besieging Boston .......... 94 CONTENTS. IV. — The War of 1S12 and the Mexican War. Boston, the seat of discontent and turbulence. — War declared. — Boston is anti bellum. — The New England Guards. — The Rangers. — The Boston and Charles town Sea Fencibles. — Irish names on their rolls. — The citizen soldiery enlist. — Irishmen on the rolls of this regiment V. — War of Secession. Two distinctively Irish regiments march from Boston to the seat of war, — The sun- burst floats in companionship with the stars and stripes about the bayonets of the famous Ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, and the equally famous Twenty-eighth, the " Faugh-a-Ballaghs." — The adjutant-general's report of the Ninth regiment. — Thomas Cass offers his secvices to Governor Andrew, They are gladly accepted. — The governor permits the Irish flag to be carried by the soldiers. — The war- officers of the regiment. — The Twenty-eighth is mustered in on Jan. 11, 1862, at Camp Cameron, near Boston. — The war-officers of the regiment. — June 29, 1861. — The Ninth on to Washington. — At Arlington Heights. — The Peninsula campaign. — The Ninth bears the beautiful national flag which was presented to the regiment by the boys of the Eliot school. — Aboard the U. S. Transport, " State of Maine." — The campaign of McClellan. — A plan of the peninsular campaign. — Confederate cavalry ride completely around General McClellan's army. — A change, of base. — General Lee planning to attack the Union army. — General Porter attacked by Gen, A. R. Hill. — The battle of Gaines' Mill follows. — A desperate engagement. — The national army loses 6,000 men. — The Ninth's ranks decimated. — They lose over one-fifth of their fighting strength. — Colonel Cass is disabled, and dies at Malvern Hill, — Col. Patrick R. Guiney succeeds to the command. — Guiney orders the colors forward. — Charge! — The Irish regi- ment that never lost a color. — The Ninth among the last regiments to leave the field of battle. — The war correspondent's tribute to the Ninth. — After the battle of Gaines' Mill. — The rebel yell. — McClellan's tribute to the men of the Ninth. — Colonel Guiney at Harrison's Landing. — Promoted for ability and bravery. — The Ninth in the Second Bull Run. — Under IMcDowell. — The Twenty -eighth in the battle. — The disaster at Fredericksburg. — Terrible fighting. — Hancock's division, with the brigades of Cook, Meagher, and Caldwell, advance. — The Ninth at Gettysburg. — The Twenty-eighth on Cemetery Hill. — Exposed to the heavy and concentrated musketry fire, — Colonel Guiney wounded in the first day's fight in the Wilderness. — Lieut. -Colonel Hanleyin command during the remainder of the battle, — The Twenty-eighth in the W^ilderness. — Death of Capt, James Mclntire and Capt, Charles P. Smith. — A race for Richmond. — The Ninth in it to Cold Harbor. — The loss in this series of engagements. — The Twenty-eighth stays nearly through the war, — Death of Colonel Byrnes at Cold Harbor. — At Petersburg, Va. — The Twenty-eighth the last regiment to leave the intrenchments at the battle of Reams' Station. — Publicly complimented for gallant conduct by General Nelson A. Miles. — Officers killed in action. — Home again . CONTENTS. 7 PAGE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON I2i BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED MEN OF EARLY TIMES. John Hancock 167 Major-General Henry Knox 169 Governor James Sullivan 171 Robert Treat Paine The Crehore Family 174 175 Rev. John Lyford 177 William Hibbins 178 Benjamin Crehore 178 George Downing 181 Anthony Gulliver igi James Boies 183 Jeremiah Smith 186 John Hannan 186 Hugh McLean 188 John McLean 189 John Singleton Copley 190 Lord John Singleton Copley Lvndhurst 193 Charles Jackson 193 James Jackson 194 Patrick Tr.\cy Jackson 195 James Kavanagh 196 William Douglass O'Connor 197 Jeremiah Smith Boies 197 Andrew Dunlap 198 Cornelius Conway Felton 198 James Boyd 199 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF OUR OWN TIMES. John Boyle O'Reilly 207 Patrick A. Collins 213 Hugh O'Brien 216 Patrick S. Gilmore 219 Gov. Thomas Talbot 221 The Milmores 223 CONTENTS. William Parsons . Patrick Donahoe . Thomas D'Arcy McGee Rev. Henry Giles Thomas J. Gargan The Most Rev. John J. William Rt. Rev. Matthew Harkins Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J. . Robert Dwyer Joyce, M.D., M.R Gen. Patrick R. Guiney John E. Fitzgerald Rev. John Cordner Rev. Robert Meredith Edward C. Carrigan . Rev. Henry Bernard Carpenter LA. VAGE 224 227 231 235 238 240 241 243 245 249 253 256 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF NOTED WOMEN. Louise Imogen Guiney 263 Mary Elizabeth Blake 271 Katherine Eleanor Conway 277 Mary Catherine Crowley 281 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF BOSTON LAWYERS .... 283 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF BOSTON PHYSICIANS . . . . 301 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF BOSTON JOURNALISTS ... 309 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE 12,1 BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND MEN OF BUSINESS 397 APPENDICES 431 ENGRAVINGS. By J. P. MURPHY & CO. Tombstone of Daniel Malcom Patrick A. Collins William Parsons Thomas D'Arcy McGee PAGE John Boyle O'Reilly Froniispiece James Boyd 40 49 Henry A. McGlenen 102 Gen. Patrick R. Guiney 104 Peninsular War Map log Col. Patrick T. Hanley . . 116 The Most Rev. John J. Williams 124 John Hancock .... 167 Major-General Henry Knox 169 214 Hugh O'Brien 216 Gov. Thomas Talbot , , 220 225 Patrick Donahoe 228 231 Thomas J. Gargan 236 Louise Imogen Guiney 264 Katherine E. Conway 378 Mary Catherine Crowley 282 Edward J. Jenkins 292 William A. Dunn, M.D. 304 James Jeffrey Roche 310 Thomas F. Keenan ............ 31S William F. Kenney Thomas Maguire . 320 322 John J. Merrigan . ^ , 326 Stephen O'Meara . . . 328 (9) 10 ENGRA VIXGS. Charles S. O'Neill Helen F. O'Neill . Margaret G. Reynolds Michael M. Cunniff EdWARD J. DONO\'AN William Doogue . Paul H. Kendricken John H. McDonough Michael J. McEttrick John R. Murphy . John B. O'Brien . Christopher Blake Thomas B. Fitz Patrick Maguire . Dennis J. Hern John B. Regan PAGE 332 334 350 354 356 366 374 376 380 382 408 410 412 418 420 THE IRISH IN BOSTON, CHAPTER I. THE IRISH IN THE COLONIAL PERIOD. BOSTON, Massachusetts, considered as a name merely, presents a contrast of elements that t\'pifies its history. One end of it is ancient, Christian, civiHzed : St. BotolpJi s town, so clipped and rubbed in centuries of English speech as to leave its canonical name- sake out of all memory. As for the other end, it is the native name of a tribe whose history had ceased before Boston's was begun. " The town of a wild Indian tribe which used to be called after St. Botolph" would be a literal translation of its familiar, and, to most of us, intrinsically meaningless name. So, in the history of the dear old place itself, contradictions appear throughout its existence. Planted after several wealthy colonies had already achieved a place in history, it was destined soon to lead in all that marks advance of civilization, and shortly afterward to inaugurate the sullen state of insubordina- tion to England which eventually led to open rebellion. Founded for the sake of an unrestrained worship of God, it was most bitter in religious persecution ; giving of its first thoughts to the establishment of liberal education, it darkened ignorance in the days of witchcraft superstition ; English of all things, it was of necessity anti-Irish, and classed this unfortunate people with the heathen tribes of the forest: }'et among her earliest records appear the distinctively Irish names of Cogan, Barry, Connors, MacCarty, Kelly ; throughout her colonial history, when the wild Irish, the pope, the devil, and the Pretender were classed together and hated in the lump, the Irish were in their midst, though Irish Catholicity remained till near the Revolution (11) 12 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. almost unrepresented. And what more striking contrast than its first year and its last past, when an Irish Catholic mayor forthe fourth time ascended the chair of office and entered upon duties that none have more ably and faithfully discharged ! During the colonization of America, Ireland was certainly a dreadful place to live in, and Irish emigration to America was very naturally to be expected. Class lines in Ireland were drawn sharply on the basis of formal religion, and the people were divided into three unequal portions, the largest having least power, and the smallest the greatest power. The government of the country was in the hands of communicants of the Established Church of Ireland; all refusing the rigid and systematic tests were excluded from the franchise. These Episcopalians were the agents of the most cruel and systematic oppression that ever disgraced civilization. They lived among a people outnumbering them nearly ten to one, whose religion they despised and persecuted, whose ignorance they mocked at while they fostered it, whose extreme poverty and distress were the conditions of their own prosperity. Avarice and bigotry both urged them to abuse their despotic power. They lived there as the carpet-baggers lived at the South after the war ; and they had every reason to want to leave at the first profitable opportunity. A large number of Presbyterians from Scotland had settled in the North of Ireland, in the reign of James I. These shared, to a certain extent, the political disqualifications of the Catholics. They hated Catholicism perhaps even more fiercely than the English them- selves, and they sowed the seeds of an unchristian bigotry, which to this day disgraces the name of Ulster. They were between the upper and the nether millstone, the Episcopalians above, the Catholics beneath ; and soon after the beginning of the eighteenth century, the best of them gave up the struggle and flocked in shiploads to America. As for the Catholics, who constituted nearly four-fifths of the population, their condition is best described in the words of the his- torian Bancroft : — "... a conquered people, whom the victors delighted to trample upon, and did not fear to provoke. Their industry within the THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 13 kingdom was prohibited or repressed by law, and then they were calumniated as naturally idle. Their savings could not be invested on equal terms in trade, manufactures, or real property; and they were called improvident. The gates of learning were shut on them, and they were derided as ignorant." Add to this that the law of the land was always and everywhere set against the dictates of their"' conscience, while the persecution of their priesthood delivered them over to the spiritual guidance of any ignorant peasant whose courage and faith enabled him to face the terrors of the law. The same motive that brought about the " plantation of Ulster " moved the authorities to invite some of the New England colonists, a few years after the founding of Boston, to go to Ireland and settle there. In spite of liberal bounties offered for such colonization, very few went, and the episode is interesting rather as showing the un- desirableness of Ireland as a home at that time, than for its influence on the course of history on either side of the water. When this sketch was first proposed it seemed to the writer that to begin before the Revolution with the history of the Irish here would be a profitless task. The subject has not before been treated in any publication. There are one or two church histories that deal with the question, but they, as well as all others, take it for granted, without very careful search, that an Irishman in New England was in early times as rare as a white blackbird. But on consideration of the large "Scotch-Irish" immigration to New Hampshire and to the South, and of the occasional visits of the Puritans to Ireland, it seemed strange if, with all the exodus from that land of sorrow, so few should reach America. On careful examination of some original records these suspicions were strengthened into belief. It was found that a large number of the American colonists were of Irish descent. How large may be inferred from the personnel of the patriot armies of the Revolution. George W. Parke Custis, Washington's adopted son, in " Per- sonal Recollections," says : " Of the operations of the war, I mean the soldiers up to the coming of the French, Ireland had furnished in the ratio of one hundred for one of any other nation." 14 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. At an investigation of the causes of defeat in the war with the colonies, held in the British House of Commons in 1779, Major General Roberston, who had served twenty-four years in America, was asked, " How are the provincial corps composed, mostly of native Americans, or from emigrants from various nations of ••Europe? " He answered : " Some of the corps consist mostly of natives ; others, I believe the greatest number, are enlisted from such people that can be got in the country, and many of them may be emigrants. I remember General Lee telling me that he believed half the rebel army were from Ireland." ^ Joseph Galloway, a native of Pennsylvania, Speaker of the Assembly of the colony for twelve years, and a delegate to the first Continental Congress, who became a violent Tory in 1778, was ex- amined for several days by various members of the House of Com- mons. Among other questions he was asked, " That part of the rebel army that enlisted in the service of Congress, were they chiefly composed of natives of America, or were the greater part of them English, Scotch, and Irish ? " Galloway answered : " The names and places of their nativity being taken down, I can answer the question with precision. There were scarcely one-fourth natives of America, about one-half Irish, the other fourth English and Scotch." ^ The fact that hardly any Irish Catholic is heard of as eminent among the early Bostonians is easily accounted for, if we remember the feeling almost universal against them, as well as the great dis- advantages pressing upon Catholics at the very outset of the struggle. Englishmen, and Americans as well, inherited a hearty hatred of the French, and everything belonging to them, due to a warfare con- tinuous through generations. Catholics were, therefore, apart from religious prejudice, looked upon as hostile, in that they had beliefs and principles in common with the French. In fact, almost all the Catholics heard of in the earlier days of Boston were straggling Frenchmen ; and the first priests to venture an establishment here were French. ' British House of Commons Reports, fifth session, fourteenth Parliament, vol. xiii., p. 303. * British Commons Reports, vjol. xiii., p. 431 . THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 15 This view of the case is borne out by the fact that, when French alliance was assured, and her friendly vessels lay at anchor in the harbor, the selectmen of Boston so far forgot their fears as to march in a solemn religious procession headed by French priests with a crucifix borne in the van. Lest there should be any misunderstanding of the actual state of public opinion in Boston on the question of Catholics, the follow- ing declarations of the citizens of the town should be carefully con- sidered.^ In the records of the town meeting, on Sept. 22, 1746, this entry appears : — Whereas it is suggested that there are several persons Roman Catholicks that now dwell and reside in this Town and it may be very Dangerous to permit such persons to Reside here in Case we should be attack'd by an Enemy, There- fore Voted that M^ Jeremiah Allen AP. Nathaniel Gardner and Mr, Joseph Bradford be and hereby are appointed a Committee to take Care and prevent any Danger the Town may be in from Roman Catholicks residing here by making Strict Search and enquiry after all such and pursue such Methods relating to them as the Law directs. In the adjournment of this meeting, September 25, we find the following : — The Committee appointed the 22^ instant to take Care and prevent any Danger the Town may be in by Roman Catholicks residing here, Reported that they had found the Laws now in force relating to such persons to be insufficient To Enable them to Effect the same and therefore could do nothing hereon altho they suspected a considerable number of Roman Catholicks to be now in Town, — Whereupon it was moved & Voted that the Representatives of this Town be and hereby are desired to Endeavour at the next Session of the General Court to get a law pass'd that shall be effectual to Secure the Town from any Danger they may be in, by Roman Catholicks Dwelling here. The following extract is from the records of the town meeting held Nov. 20, 1772, or rather from a pamphlet published by order of the town, containing the report of a committee of that meeting. This committee was appointed " to state the rights of the Colonists, 'Town Rec, 1746, p. 103. 16 THE IRISH IX BO ST OX. and of this province in particular, as men, as Christians, and as subjects. . . . " : — In regard to Religeon, mutual tolleration in the different professions thereof, is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practiced ; and both by pre- cept and example inculcated on mankind. . . . Mr. Lock has asserted and proved . . , that such toleration ought to be extended to all those whose doctrines are not subversive of society. The only Sects which he thinks ought to be, and which by all wise laws are excluded from such toleration are those who teach doctrines subversive of the Civil Government under which they live. The Roman C atholics or Papists are excluded by reason of such doctrines as these " that Princes excommunicated may be deposed, and those they call Hereticks may be destroyed without mercy ; besides their recognizing the Pope in so absolute a manner, in subversion of Government, by introducing as far as possible into the states, under whose protection they enjoy life, liberty and property, that solecism in politicks, Imperium in imperio leading directly to the worst anarchy and confu- sion, civil discord, war and bloodshed.' After this, by way of justification, reference is made to the ex- ception of " Papists, etc.," from the benefits of the Toleration Act, and to the " liberty of conscience allowed in the worship of God to all christians except Papists" granted in the charter of the Province. We find young Henry Knox, the future artillerist of the Ameri- can army, in an anti-popery procession, one " Pope's night," in Boston, and when a wagon broke a wheel, he supported it with his own tough-stringed muscles, lest the pageant should be eclipsed by that of a rival organization. His family was from near Belfast in Ireland. " Pope's night" was celebrated on November 5, each year, by processions of anti-popery exhibits, and ended by burning the pope in effigy. We find a reference to it in one of General Washington's orders to his army soon after taking command at Boston : — November 5. As the Commander-in-Chief has been apprised of a design formed for the observance of that ridiculous and childish custom of burning the effigy of the Pope, he cannot help expressing his surprise that there should be offi- cers and soldiers in this army so void of common sense as not to see the impropriety of such a step at this juncture ; at a time when we are soliciting, and have really ' Town Rec, 1772, pp. 95-96. THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 17 obtained, the friendship and alliance of the people of Canada, whom we ought to consider as brethren embarked in the same cause, — the defence of the liberty of America; at this juncture, and under such circumstances, to be insulting their re- ligion, is so monstrous as not to be suffered or excused ; indeed, instead of offering the most remote insult, it is our duty to address public thanks to these our brethern, as to them we are indebted for every late happy success over the common enemy in Canada. The conflict of rival processions for the custody of the pope and the devil, the two important features of each display, sometimes led to serious trouble.^ The custom disappeared after the Revolution. In such dread was this religion held at Boston that even the dying were grudged the solace of the priest's last office. On the 4th of February, 1789, a Frenchman named Louis Abraham Welsh, at point of death in the town of Dedham, begged to see a priest. His intimate friend and his landlord went together to Boston to bring the Abbe de la Poterie, the only Catholic clergyman in the vicinity ; but on arriving in the town they were dissuaded from their kindly enterprise, and the poor fellow died unshriven.^ It is to be remembered, too, that non-conforming Catholics in Ireland had small chance of retaining any property, and consequently came to this country in extreme distress. Probably most of them were sold into temporary slavery to pay for their passage over. Without doubt many came as transports under the penal laws against preaching or teaching their religion or harboring those who did. All education of whatever kind obtained by " papists " in Ireland must be obtained in secret, and in terror of the law. Even in manufactures, except in the case of linen, no more than two apprentices were allowed in any Catholic establishment. Neither are Irish apostates from Catholicity in America to be from any point of view seriously blamed ; they lived without religious instruction from the learned of their faith, in the midst of men who, while known and acknowledged as in most things wise and good, regarded their condition as little better than paganism ; and they were subject to social and political ' Town Records, 1765, p. 15S; 1767, p. 224; 1774, pp. 194-5. *This was the occasion of a small pamphlet (4 pp.), to be found in a miscellaneous volume called " Boston Scraps," in the Boston Public Library. 18 THE IRISH LV BOSTON: cold-shouldering, which is always more effective than active perse- cution. The wonder is that any of that creed remained. They did, however, make some effort for conscience' sake. It is said that the French authorities in Canada had to send home for an Irish priest for the benefit of the Catholics at Boston. It was intended to station him at St. Johns. ^ A large number of the Irish in America were Presbyterians, descendants of the planters of Ulster. It has come to be the fashion to call them Scotch-Irish, and the statement has been made that nothing could be more unjust and offensive than to call them Irish. Perhaps they might be excused for appealing to the nationality of their great-grandfathers, coming as they did from a land where alienation was considered the highest claim to worldly distinction. What was the test? How many generations, born and dead on Irish soil, could be accepted as enough to prove Irish nationality? Of course such a test was not applied with the same thoroughness to Scotchmen, be- cause they were not coming to live with oppressors, and to compete with them for the good things of the wilderness. Stress is laid upon the difference in race between the Scotch- Irish and the Catholic Irish ; but as Scotland was in early times colo- nized by the Irish, received from them the Gaelic tongue, the Christian religion, the laws and customs of early civilization, and even her very name, the difference in race-tendency between the Irish and even the bona-fide Scotch cannot be great. The condition of the " planters " and their descendants in Ireland was not, to be sure, so much like citizenship as that of their cousins in Scotland. They formed a separate community within the country, holding land by rental, bitterly hating the Catholics. But was the condition of the "wild Irish" any nearer to that of natives? So far as hatred went, they had plenty of cause to hate their Presbyterian neighbors as well as their "natural lords" the English; they held land on still more precarious tenure, if at all; they were separate as the pariahs of the East, and not only without political organization, but even without any opportunity of religious communion ; they Rev. James Fitton : The Church in New England, p. 74. THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 19 were regarded by the government as alien and hostile. Of course, they were more numerous than the " planters " of Ulster and Con- naught; but this is not a question of majorities. Perhaps the most significant thing in this connection appears in the organization of the Charitable Irish Society. Without the slight- est equivocation they describe themselves as " of the Irish Nation," and, to make the matter plainer, select St. Patrick's day as the time of starting their work. A Scots' Charitable Society had been in existence some sixty years, and was then in a flourishing condition ; so if they were Scotchmen, they had no need to call themselves Irish- men, and leave it for modern historians to undo their work. If there is anything less dignified than a negro powdered white, or a Jew that hopes to conceal his race, it is an Irishman ashamed of his nation- ality. In view of the worry of later generations, it is refreshing to note that these Irishmen were not of the worrying class. They did, however, bar Catholics from all offices of honor or trust; following is an order adopted on organization, and in force during the earlier years of the society : — VIII. The Managers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, three Assistants, and three Key-keepers, with a Servitor to attend the Society's service, the Managers to be natives of Ireland, or Natives of any other Part of the British Dominions of Irish Extraction, being Protestants, and inhabi- tants of Boston. Under date of 1764, a revised copy of the rules and orders is on record, and in the eighth article the qualification of Protestantism is omitted, all others being retained. In 1804, when the present constitution was drawn up, the religious limitation was formally abandoned. To the prejudice of the New England colonists against Irishmen is due much of the obscurity that now envelops the history of the Irish here in early times. In cases where the emigrant dared to place his own old home upon record, his connections neglected to record or publish the fact, and in the second generation there v/ere few traces left of the nationality of the first. We have, in another 20 THE IRISH ly BOSTON. place, adverted to the conjectured birthplace of Peter Pelham ; another and similar instance of mistaken history occurred among the Brecks, of Dorchester, a numerous and distinguished family, that have left their honorable mark on the whole of Boston's earlier life. The first of the family is Edward Brick, or Breck, who came to Dorchester in 1636 with his son Robert, and was admitted a freeman in 1639. He was chosen to run the boundary of the town in 1642, was on the board of selectmen in 1645, and received many other tokens of the town's confidence. In 1653, when his wife's death was entered of record, he was described as " Edward Breecke of Dor- chester, servant to Mr. William Paddy" (after whom Paddy's alley, leading north-west from North street, was named). In Savage's Dictionary of Genealogy he is entered as "probably of Ashton in County Devon," England ; but it has recently been shown that this con- jecture was a mistaken one. There is, at present, in the possession of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, a deed on parch- ment which has never been recorded. It recites that in consideration of £61 Thos Hawkins has conveyed to Dan' Preston of Dorchester 24 acres of land more or less, part upland and part marsh, in a place anciently called Captain's neck, bounded by the land late Edward Brick's on the north, by the mill creek on the south and west, by the creek in part and by the land of said Dan' Preston in part on the east, excepting about a quarter acre that belonged with the mill; " which twenty-fower acres of land the said Thomas Hawkins had and purchased of Robert Breck of Galway in Ireland Merchant and Sarah his wife as by their general deed . . . bearing date the thirtieth of December 1663 more fully appeareth." This Thomas Hawkins was the only son of Captain Thomas Hawkins, one of the earliest ship-builders in Boston, and a man of some note in his time.^ Robert Breck, named in the deed, was the son of Edward Breck, and had married Sarah, the daughter of the younger Thomas Hawkins. He removed to Boston, where he was admitted an inhabitant in 1655, and where his son Robert was born in 1658. From this family and its collateral branch, the Brecks of ' See Drake, pp. 271, 2S7. THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 21 Medfield, come many of the most respected citizens of Boston, from that time to the present day. The name occurs frequently among the early graduates of Harvard College. Then there are two other families whose names are a pretty sure indication of Irish blood, although they are described as English when any description is ventured upon. Florence Maccarty^ was in Bos- ton as early as 1686. He was a butcher, and one of the founders of the first society for Episcopal worship in New England.^ He had two sons, Thomas, born 1689, and William, born 1691 ; and he had three daughters. He was elected constable for the year 1687-88. He built his slaughter-house on Peck's wharf, in 1693, in company with Samuel Bill and Henry Brightman. He died in 1712. His son William was on several occasions elected to office in Boston, but did not seem anxious to serve the town in that way. The estate of Florence Maccarty, at his death, was valued at ;^2,922, including " land and housing on King Street," valued at i^i,000, situated probably at the south-west corner of State and Congress streets, which was at that time known as Maccarty's corner. The Maccarty farm, near where the Marcella-street Home now is, was bought for use as a stock farm, in connection with his butcher busi- ness ; it was broken up and sold in 1830. Thaddeus Maccarty had four sons and a daughter ; Charles died at the age of eighteen, in 1683 ; the others were: Francis, born in 1667; Thaddeus, born in 1670; and Samuel, born in 1678. He was an officer of the town in 1674, and a member of the artillery company in 1 68 1. He was taxed for £^0 in 1686. This implies an estate of probably not less than ;!^250, actual value at that time ; and this sum represents much more than the same amount now does. He died at the age of sixty-five, in Boston, in 1705. His son Thaddeus was elected constable in 1727, but showed the same disinclination to serve. Thomas Maccarty graduated from Harvard College in 1691, and ' There was an Irish chief of this name of some note about a century before (see Amory, Transfer of Erin, p. 522) : this man's name may be an indication of patriotism on the part of his parents, possibly of family pride. But the next generation did not inherit the father's significant name. « Drake, p. 468. 22 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. was dead in 1698. Charles Maccarty was badly wounded in the ex- pedition against Quebec in 1690. These last two are not known to belong to either of the two families mentioned above. David Kelly was a land-owner in Boston in 1679.^ His son David was born here in 1647, Edward in 1664, John Kelly lived here about the same time, and had sons John and Samuel. Edward Mortimer was on one of the first fire-engine companies here organized.^ He kept a public house, and was described as " an accomplished Merchant, a person of great modesty, and could answer the most abstruse points in algebra, navigation, dialling, etc." He was an Irishman. By his wife, Jane, he had three sons : Edward, born 1676; Richard, born 1680; Robert, born 1688 ; and three daughters. In the register of births, marriages, and deaths in Boston, from 1630 to 1700, there are over two hundred entries of names distinc- tively Irish,^ and probably many others just as certainly Irish, but not so entered. In some cases, here and there, Scotch and Irish nation- ality is remarked upon in the register. We give a few instances of this : — 1656. Edmond Coussins of Pulling Point and Margaret Bird an Irish maid servant to John Grover of Rumney Marsh were married. 1658. Mary of John Bowhonno a Scotchman and Moer his wife & Irishwoman born May 9. James Webster a Scotishman & Mary Hay an Irish maid were married 14"* Feb. 1659. John Morrell an Irishman and Lysbell Morrell an Irishwoman were married 31st August by John Endecott Gov. 1661. John Reylean an Irishman & Margaret Brene an Irishwoman were married 15th March by John Endecott Governor. Bryan Morfrey an Irishman & Margaret Mayhoone widow were married 20th July by John Endecott Governor. The Christian name Bridget occurs frequently in families whose names give no suggestion of Irish birth. The fact that these marriages 'Records, 1679, p. 129. 'Records, 1678. p. 125. 3 Including Barry, Collins, Hay, Healy, Kelly, Kenny, McCarty, McCue, McLoughlin, Manning, Morfrey (Murphy?), Mulligan, Ockonnel (God save the mark!), Pateson, Rylee, Shannon. THE COLONIAL PERIOD. 23 were solemnized by magistrates does not prove that the contracting parties were not Catholics, when we consider the necessities of the times. But their Catholicity was probably in most cases short-lived, as has been before remarked. Under Cromwell's government many Irish people were sent to New England. On their arrival they were sold as servants or slaves, by those at whose charge they were brought here. The slavery was only temporary, generally for four years, and v/as distinctly under- stood to be in direct payment for the trouble and expense of trans- porting them.^ In 1654 the ship " Goodfcllow," Capt. George Dell, arrived at Boston with a large number of Irish immigrants, that were sold into service to such of the inhabitants as needed them. It is possible that this is the episode to which Cotton Mather refers as one of the " formidable Attempts of Satan and his Sons to Unsettle us." After working out their service these immigrants had a tolerably even chance to succeed in life, especially if they joined some one of the churches here established and recognized. While many of them did not do so, it is very evident from the church records that some of them did. To this period belongs the following petition, addressed to the authorities of the province, the original of which is to be found in the Massachusetts archives : — The petition of Ann Glyn and Jane Hunter Spinsters Humbly Sheweth : That your Peti™ lately arrived at Boston from Dublin in Ireland in the Brig- anteen Ann & Rebecca whereof Thomas Hendry is Master That in Dublin aforsd your Peti''^ agreed to Serve the Said Hendry the Term of Four years he Transporting them to Boston and he also agreeing to provide for and give unto your Petitioners each of them a New Suit of Cloaths for all parts of* their Bodys which were Accord- ingly provided in Dublin and brought over here and since your Petii-s are disposed of the said M"" Hendry witholds from and refuses to deliver unto your Vtiv^ their Cloaths according to his promise & Agreement. Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray your honours Consideration of the premises and that the said Master Hendry may be Directed to deliver unto your Petitioners their Cloaths according to his promise and agreement. ANN GLYN X signum. JANE HUNTER X signum. ' Randolph's report in the Hutchinson papers. 24 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Hendry was ordered to appear before the provincial authorities and show cause for his retention of the emigrants' property. It was also the practice for some daring pirates to kidnap men at the English, Scotch, or Irish ports, and sell them to the Americans. Some of these waifs may have found their way to Boston. Moreover, English criminals were systematically sold to the colonists.^ As late as 1736 the brigantine " Bootle," Capt. Robert Boyd commanding, sailed from Cork for Virginia, with nineteen transports. He touched at Boston in August, but the selectmen promptly had him before them, and made him promise he would not let them " come on Shoar," but would keep a strict watch on board his vessel to prevent their escape. It was on this ship that William Stewart came, who is men- tioned as one of the early members of the Charitable Irish Society. • Statute of the reign of George I. [4 Geo. I., c. xi.], referred to in Lecky's " Eng- land in the XVIIIth Century," p. 12. THE IRISH WITCH. 25 CHAPTER II. THE IRISH WITCH. THE saddest tale we find in all American history is that of the witchcraft delusion that prevailed in Massachusetts in the latter part of the seventeenth century. The belief in the actual existence of imps, witches, and embodied devils, and of their power to influence, not only the mental, but also the bodily, sufferings of their victims, was as wide as Christianity itself. " The defenders of the belief, who were often men of great and distinguished talent, maintained that there was no fact in history more fully attested, and that to reject it would be to strike at the root of all historical evidence of the miracu- lous." ^ One Matthew Hopkins, in England, is to be credited with the invention of a system of "proving" witchcraft that was every- where approved and adopted by the prosecuting officers. Eminent counsel and learned divines gave attendance at trials of suspected witches to see that "no fraud or wrong" was done them. Accord- ing to the law-books of the time "these witches have, ordinarily, a familiar, or spirit, which appeareth to them in the shape of a man, woman, boy, dog, cat, foal, hare, rat, toad, etc. Their said familiar hath some big or little teat upon their (the witch's) body, and in some secret place, where he sucketh them. And besides their sucking, the devil leaveth other marks upon their body, sometimes like a blue or red spot, like a flea- biting, sometimes the flesh sunk in and hollow, all which may for a time be covered, yea, taken away, but will come out again in their old form." Torture and indignity is not only hinted at, but even specifically enjoined. The justices of the peace are reminded that the devil's marks "being pricked will not bleed, and be often in their secretest parts, and therefore require diligent and careful search." ' W. E. H. Lecky, Hist, of Raliunalism, p. 3S. 26 THE IRISH IV BOSTOy. There was a set method of "watching" for the appearance of the witch's imp. " She is placed in the middle of a room upon a stool or table, cross-legged, or in some uneasy posture, to which, if she submits not, she is bound with cords. She is there watched, and kept without meat or sleep for the space of four and twenty hours, — for they say within that time they shall see her imp come and suck. A little hole is likewise made in the door for the imps to come in at." To comfort the magistrate for any uncertainty, he is reminded that he " may not always expect direct evidence, seeing all their works are the works of darkness." Solely upon such evidence as could be obtained by these in- human practices, and without any of the fables as to actual injury of others, such as were common and accepted in later cases, Mrs. Mar- garet Jones, a kindly and sympathetic woman, was condemned, and, in spite of earnest appeals and avowals of innocence, was hanged on. June 15, 1648. The second victim in Boston, Mary Parsons, con- fessed to the murder of her own child by witchcraft. She was un- doubtedly insane. The devil-fear that seized upon colonial society at this time spared nobody. Of course the ignorant and the poor, with small chance to hide their personal peculiarities, were most of:en victims ; but the upper ten furnished their quota too. Mrs. Ann Hibbins was one of these. Of excellent family herself, and wealthy, her husband had been one of the judges that sat at the condemnation of Mrs. Jones. She was widowed now, and had suffered many misfortunes ; her infirmities, and even her wit, were turned as evidence against her. She was executed June 5, 1656. The fourth victim was after the witch-hunter's own heart. She was old, and ignorant, and poor. She spoke a strange tongue, and in secret she practised the rites of her childhood's religion. She was superstitious herself, and in the crazy terror of the time she lost her poor old addled wits : she thought herself a witch, too. In the midsummer of 16S8, four of the children of John Good- win, a mason living in Boston, began to be afflicted with unaccount- able pains. Martha, the eldest, was thirteen years old, John eleven, THE IRISH WITCH. 27 Mercy seven, and Benjamin five. These children were well brought up, and were " thought to be without guile." The exhibitions that they furnished to the wondering community would have delighted a medium or a "Christian scientist" of the present day. They had pain in their heads, teeth, eyes, tongue ; their necks were breaking, their backs, their knees, their toes ; their cries were piteous and shrill, and the shifting of the pain from one part to another was con- stant and inexplicable. The most curious feature of their symptoms was the fact that the same part was affected, in each of the party, at the same time, so that they changed their yells and gestures simul- taneously, like soldiers at drill. The pains lasted an hour or more, and when it was over the children acted naturally, as at other times. The family had physicians examine the children, but no reasonable cause could be found for their disease ; so witchcraft was suspected. The cause was then sought for, and it was remembered that some weeks before, Martha had missed some of the family linen, and had charged a certain laundress with taking it away. Governor Hutchinson says " the mother of the laundress was one of the wild Irish, of bad char- acter, and gave the girl harsh language." Soon after this the " dis- temper " came upon her, and extended to her sister and her two brothers. There was also an older brother, and a little baby at the breast, but these were not seriously affected. The only persons that had absolutely no sign of the disorder were the little baby and the father of the family. The ministers appointed a day of fasting and prayer with the Goodwin family, and after this the youngest recov- ered. But the others obtained no relief, and finally the magistrates apprehended the two women, the laundress and her mother. Their name was Glover. On being brought into court, Mrs. Glover spoke only Irish, so that her testimony may have been misunderstood ; and it is well to bear this fact in mind. It was said, though, that she spoke English in her family, and was perfectly able to converse in that tongue ; her refus- ing to do so was regarded as an additional proof that she was undef the devil's influence. During the confinement of these poor women, the Goodwin children remained well while out of their own house; 28 THE IRISH ly BOSTO.V. but on returning to it they were vexed as before. They were therefore bestowed at the houses of neighbors. The good people of the time " could not but think the devil had a hand in it by some instrument." Goody Glover's house was searched while she was on trial, and several small "puppets or babies," made of rags and stuffed with goat's hair, were found and brought to the court. Through the " two honest men " that acted as her interpreters, she acknowledged that her way of tormenting the objects of her malice was to wet the top of her finger with spittle and stroke these little images. As she il- lustrated her method to the Court, a child in the room was taken with fits. On repeating the experiment, the same result followed. When she was asked if she had no one to stand by her, she replied in the affirmative; but looking up "very pertly," she cried out, "No, he's gone ! " She then confessed that there was one, her prince, whose relations to her do not clearly appear in the evidence. In the night she was heard soundly rating one that she called a devil, for basely deserting her, and she said 'twas for that cause she had con- fessed all. Cotton Mather visited her twice as she lay in prison, and ex- horted her to abandon her covenant with hell. To him also she spoke only Irish. Her interpreters told him that the Irish word for spirits was the same as for saints. He understood her not to deny her guilt of witchcraft, but he got very little from her about her meetings with her confederates. She gave Mr. Mather the names of four persons who were associated with her in her uncanny dealings, but he kept them to himself, from a wholesome fear of " wronging the reputation of the innocent by stories not enough inquired into." She did not answer many of his questions, and she refused to pray or be prayed for, because her spirits or saints would not give her leave. In regard to abandoning her supposed bargain with the devil, she re- plied that he " spoke a very reasonable thing, but she could not do it." She could not repeat the Lord's Prayer in English, even when it was repeated to her line by line, but made ridiculous nonsense of it. She knew it in Latin, however, but there was one part of it that she could not say, for some reason or other THE IRISH WITCH. 29 If it were not for the rag-babies and her tricks with them, it might be thought that her supposed confession was a gigantic mis- take, due to her testifying only through interpreters to prejudiced judges. But there was no other way of accounting for her use of the images than the way that all tradition justified. And again, there was a quantity of additional evidence, of an entirely different char- acter from that which caused the death of Mrs. Jones, the first Boston witch, forty years before. A woman named Hughes testified that Goody Glover had bewitched to death a Mrs. Howen about six years before ; and further, that when the Hughes woman was preparing to testify, her son was taken with the same disorders that afflicted the Goodwin children. She said that she remonstrated with the witch, who replied that the boy's suffering was in retaliation for what the Hughes woman had done to herself and daughter. Hughes denied having injured her, and she relented. She looked kindly on the lad as she passed him in the court-room, and he was never troubled there- after. The reliability of this witness may be estimated by her testi- mony, that in former times she had often seen Goody Glover come down the chimney. The witch was examined by several physicians, who kept her in conversation for five or six hours. Their conclusion was that she was sane. So she was sentenced to be hanged. On the i6th of November, 1688, she was drawn in a cart, a hated and dreaded figure, chief in importance, stared at and mocked at, through the principal streets from her prison to the gallows. As she went she prophesied the children should have no relief from her death. It was ten o'clock in the morning. The procession was marshalled in due form, with judges and constables, and as it passed the window of Judge Sewall he was attracted by the tumult, and after watching it pass he made an entry in his diary of the death of the Widow Glover. The people crowded to see the end, as always ; and when it was over they quietly dispersed, leaving the worn-out body hang- ing as a terror to evil-doers.^ ' The usual place of execution was in the easterly part of the South Burying-ground, a fragment of which is still in existence on Washington street. The gallows was placed near the shore, not far from the present site of the City Hospital, and its gloomy presence gave to what is now known as the South Bay the name of Gallows Bay. 30 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. We can imagine the distress of the daughter, herself suspected of witchcraft, alone and friendless in the midst of a stern people. She thought her mother guilty; she heard the voices of the imps as the November winds whistled through the trees, or saw them frisk in the lengthening shadow that swung slowly to and fro on the beach. The children, whose ailments and whose testimony had doomed the old woman that hung there dead, were to live each a long life ; did they ever in secret question their hearts for the truth of that sad history? If they did, no whisper of it reached the outer world, and they lived and died in the odor of sanctity. Cotton Mather has frequently been referred to as the chief agent in this ferocious persecution. On the contrary, it will appear to any fair-minded investigator that, though he fully believed in the reality of witches and witchcraft, he was always earnestly in favor of combating them, so far as possible, by prayer and fasting, and re- peatedly interfered to urge humane counsels. To his moderation and good sense it is undoubtedly due that the names mentioned by the crazed old woman whose troubles we have just sketched did not lead to further excitement and other judicial murders. His character is not such as the older narratives of the witchcraft period would have us believe ; his harshness was only toward the devils, but he tried at all times to show gentleness and compassion to those pos- sessed by them.^ >See Mem. Hist. Bost. ii., 156. THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 31 CHAPTER III. THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. THE earliest association of Irishmen in Boston was the Charitable Irish Society, whose organization on St. Patrick's day, in 1737, was mentioned above. The following extracts from the records of the Society at that time will serve to establish its character and that of its founders : — Whereas; Several Gentlemen, Merchants and Others, of the Irish Nation residing in Boston, in New England, from an Affectionate and Compassionate con- cern for their countrymen in these Parts, who may be reduced by Sickness, Ship- wrack, Old age and other Infirmities and unforeseen Accidents, Have thought fitt to form themselves into a Charitable Society, for the relief of such their poor and indi- gent Countrymen, without any Design of not contributing towards the Provision of the Town Poor in general as usual. And the said Society being now in its Minority, it is to be hoped and expected, that all Gentlemen, Merch'^ and others of the Irish Nation, or Extraction, residing in, or trading to these Parts, who are lovers of Charity and their Countrymen, will readily come into and give their Assistance to so laudable an undertaking ; and for the due Regulation and Management of said in- tended Charity, the Society, on the 17th day of Alarch, in the Year 1737, agreed on the following Rules and Orders. I. This Charity is intended and to be appropriated to and for the Relief of Poor, aged, and infirm Persons, and such as have been reduced by Sickness, Ship- wrack, and other accidental Misfortunes, Contributers, who may by such Misfortunes become Objects to be always first preferred. II. All persons of evil Fame or Repute, are to [be] excluded as unworthy this Charity, and also all Persons reduced in other Countries and having suffered no Misfortune in their Passage hither shall not be deemed Objects of this Charity ; and all Irish Men, or of Irish Extraction, being capable and invited to joyn in this Charitable undertaking, and refusing the same, are to be for ever excluded the Benefit thereof. The names of the twenty-six original members of this Society are as follows : Robert Duncan, Andrew Knox, Nathaniel Walsh, Joseph 32 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. St. Lawrence, Daniel McFfall, Edward Allen, William Drummond, William Freeland, Daniel Gibbs, John Noble, Adam Boyd, William Stewart, Daniel Neal, James Mayes, Samuel Moor, Philip Mortimer, James Egart, George Glen, Peter Pelham, John Little, Archibald Thomas, Edward Alderchurch, James Clark, John Clark, Thomas Bennett, and Patrick Walker. Of some of these members nothing is known. Joseph St. Law- rence was only recently come into the town ; in the selectmen's record for Sept. 28, 1737, appears the following note: — " Mr. Joseph St. Lawrence from Ireland, ]\Ierchant, having im- ported upwards of Fifty Pounds Sterling, Prays he may be Allow'd to Carry on his Business in this Town." Nothing further is said, and it is presumed he was admitted. There was an Edward Allen, a builder, living in Marshall's lane in 1789; a healthy old man, if he was the same one that was present at this meeting. William Freeland may possibly have been the same as William Fryland, a joiner from Ireland, who was admitted as inhabitant of the town September 9, 1730, although the spelling is not quite near enough to warrant certainty. Spelling even of proper names at that time was in a chaotic state. Achmody passed for a fair spelling of Auchmuty, while Breck, Bricke, and Brick were equivalent forms, and Mecarty was current as the correct thing for the classic McCarty. James Mayes was accepted as bondsman for Robert Henry, 'a blacksmith from Ireland, who was admitted as inhabitant of the town August 5, 1741. The selectmen were very cautious about new arrivals, lest they should turn out to be of no account, and become an expense to the town. The law of the Province on this point was very strict, and forbade a citizen of the town to receive strangers " as inmates, boarders, or tenants ... in any house of his whatsoever within this Province . . . for more than the space of twenty days," without giving an account thereof to the town authorities, describing the immigrants and their circumstances as fully as possible. Then no persons, except those holding property sufficient to ensure free- dom from want, were admitted without the bond of some inhabitant THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 33 to secure the town from expense if the new-comer should ever be a charge on it. Daniel Gibbs was probably Captain Daniel Gibbs, of the ship " Sagamore," who brought four hundred and eight passengers from Ireland in this same year, arriving at Boston Sept, 7, 1737. It was doubtless in consequence of his membership that the qualification " or trading to these parts " was introduced into the requirements for membership, as stated in the preamble to the " Rules and Orders." John Noble is on record on the 15th of October, 1740, as giving bond with Arthur Noble for the latter's wife and two children in the sum of £200. This family came from the colony of Georgetown, in Virginia. Arthur Noble was elected a member of the Charitable Irish Society in July of this same year. In 1796 he lived on Han- over street, corner Friend street. William Stewart was a cooper, who came from Ireland with his wife and two children in 1736. Joshua Winslow had engaged to be responsible for him, but finally he got Peter Curtice, a teamster, and Robert Dunlop, a laborer, to be his bondsmen. Thomas Bennett was a " retaylor of strong drink." John Little came here in 1722, and was so little known or ap- preciated that the selectmen warned him to " depart out of this town," as was the custom in cases where a new-comer had not much property nor any friends to pledge themselves for him. But he seems to have satisfied their doubts, for we soon after find them urging him to serve the town in one way and another, while he was trying in every way to get rid of it. He was chosen constable in 173 1, and excused by the town-meeting; again in 1732, and he asked to be relieved. In 1733 he was chosen hogreeve, and he paid to be let off, in accordance with the custom still prevailing in town governments, to accept money as an equivalent for public service. It is evident that his prosperity was no longer open to question. William Hall was president of the Society in 1766, and was the first to have his name on the records in that capacity. He served the town as constable in 1730. With John Carr and Capt. James Finney he " executed a bond of the penalty of six hundred pounds 34 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. to indemnify the town on account of one hundred and sixty-two passengers imported by the said Finney in the Snow ^ Charming Molly, November 7, I737-" George Glen was a tailor. He had come from South Carohna in 1 718, and was also warned to depart the town by the selectmen; but he did not go, for we find him in 1742 in trouble for having in his house David Watts, his wife and two children, " from Topsham at the Eastward." They had been there about a month, and were like to become a town charge. It was voted by the selectmen to prose- cute Glen for not having informed of his receiving them into his house, according to law. Robert Duncan was a constable in 1740 and 1741. With two others he was on a bond for one hundred and fifty pounds in 1745. The Clark family were numerous and prominent in Boston, but the John and James here mentioned were probably of different stock. There was a James Clark in 1736 belonging to the engine company in the building next to the old North Church. Peter Pelham was a painter and engraver, and the father of fine arts in New England. He was in London in 1722; in 1727 he en- graved a portrait of Cotton Mather from a painting by himself. In 1734 he had already commenced a school; but in 1737, fearing probably to incur somebody's displeasure by the teaching of such vanity as dancing, he applied to the selectmen for " Liberty to Open a School in this Town for the Education of children in Reading, Writing, Needlework, Dancing, and the Art of Painting upon Glass, &c." The petition was read and granted " While he continues to regulate the same in Conformity to the Laws of this Province, and has the Approbation of the Select men of the Town for the time being." With this authoritative license he felt safe to advertise his accomplishments to all " Gentlemen and Ladies in Town and Country." His places of abode were various ; he seems to have led a very ' A " snow " was a vessel having main and foremasts like a ship, and a smaller mast aft carrying a trysail. THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 35 unsettled life. In 1734 he lived near the Town Dock;^ here he ad- vertised his household goods for sale, as he was about to break up housekeeping. In February, 1738, he lived on Summer street. In 1742 he lived in Leverett's lane (now Congress street). In 1747 he kept his school on Queen (now Court street). Finally, after his second marriage, in 1748, he lived in " Lindel's row,"" till his death, in 1751. As to his origin, there is nothing outside of his own description of himself, in the Rules and Orders of the Charitable Irish Society, as " of the Irish Nation residing in Boston." It has been conjectured that his father was Peter Pelham, an English engraver, born about 1684. But the father of the New England artist had sat for his pict- ure at eighty, and " there never was so handsome, so charming a man at that age as he was ; " and he must have died before March 13, 1 76 1, because a letter from his daughter Helen, to Charles Pel- ham, a son by the first wife, mentions the death of the grandfather as a fact already known, and also that the date given above was that of her last previous letter. Besides the fact of Peter Pelham's mem- bership in that famous first meeting of the Charitable Irish Society, the family interest in Irish affairs is noteworthy. Henry Pelham-, the son of Peter by his second wife, and half-brother to Copley, the famous artist, engraved a mezzotint of the Countess of Desmond, and was very much interested in the antiquities of Kerry. He intended to publish a history of that county, but was cut off by accidental death. But by far the most striking circumstance in this connection is the marriage of Peter Pelham, the founder of the Irish Society, with the widow of Richard Copley. She was the daughter of Squire Singleton, of Ireland, and had been married in Limerick. They came to Boston, and John Singleton Copley was born to them July 3, 1737. Richard Copley died, and his widow for some time kept a tobacco store on Long Wharf, " selling the best Virginia Tobacco, Cut, Pigtail, and Spun, of all sorts, by Wholesale and Retail, at the ' Where Faneuil Hall now stands; Dock square was at the head of it. ^ Properly Lindall's lane, now Exchange place. 36 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. cheapest rates." In 1748 Pelham, who had probably lost his wife in 1734, when he " broke up housekeeping," married the widow Copley. He continued his school-teaching and she her shop. John Singleton Copley, the future artist, probably learned as much from his step-father as his time would permit. We may well guess, that between the teaching and the engraving and painting of pictures, little was told of the secrets of art in the three and a half years that Pelham lived, and Copley afterwards vainly regretted the lack of proper instruction in his early years. But in 1753 he engraved a portrait of Rev. Wm. Welsteed that is said to show traces of Pel- ham's teaching. His masterpiece was a portrait of his half-brother Henry Pelham, whose death in Ireland is mentioned above. The picture is called the " Boy and the Squirrel." ^ It was sent to Eng- land in 1774, and, owing to the miscarriage of an accompanying letter, its author was for a time unknown; but it was received enthu- siastically by the best judges of art in England, and its phenomenal success finally drew the young artist to that country, where he was joined in a few years by his family. He never returned to America. His best pictures were painted here. One of his later paintings, executed in England, that of " King Charles I. demanding in the House of Commons the five impeached members, 1641," is in the Boston Public Library. Robert Auchmuty, father and son, members of the Charitable Irish Society in the years that preceded the Revolution, were learned lawyers, and their influence was felt in the progressive tendency of the town. The elder Robert was instrumental in bringing about the expedition for the capture of Louisburg. The house is still standing which was built about 1761 by the younger Auchmuty, and where the secret council of British officers — Bernard, Hutchinson, Hallow- ell, and the rest of them — met to discuss the inconvenient privileges granted by the provincial charter, and the feasibility of frightening the colonists into submission. The father was distinguished for wit and learning ; he was short in stature, of crabbed manner, and with a squeaky voice. The son rose into prominence in his profes- 1 This picture is now in Boston. THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 37 sion, but died an exile in London, in 1788. The family were tories. They are called Scotch by the cyclopaedias, but the elder Robert was for three years president of the Society, and its rule as to nationality has already been mentioned. Capt. William Mackay — described as "gentleman" {i.e., not engaged in business), in the Directory of 1789 — lived on Fish street,^ and was appointed in 1772 on a committee to draw up a statement of the colony's rights and grievances. He succeeded Robert Auchmuty in the presidency of the Society, and continued to hold that office till succeeded by Simon Elliot, in 1788. During the revolutionary period he enjoyed to the fullest extent the confidence of his towns- people, serving on many committees for various purposes. Among other things he was a member of the " Committee of correspondence, safety, and inspection," appointed by the town in 1776. At a meeting of the Society held in October, 1784, the first after the Revolutionary war, the president, William Mackay, made an address, which was placed on the records, and is as follows : — Gent"" Members of the Charitable Irish Society I congratulate you on this Joyful Occasion, that we are assembled again after Ten years absence occasioned by a Dreadful and Ruinous war of near Eight years ; also that we have Conquered One of the greatest and most potent Nations in on the Globe so far as to have peace and Independency. May our friends. Countrymen in Ireland, Behave like the Brave Americans till they recover their Liberties. It is to be remembered that the tory members of the Society — and they were neither few nor petty — had been weeded out, and the president was speaking to loyal citizens of the new republic. The Scots' Charitable Society had absconded in a body at the be- ginning of the Revolution, carrying off their Society records to Halifax. They reorganized in Boston, and were incorporated with eleven members, in 1786. Mr. William Mackay was dead in i8or. Capt. John Mackay was master of the schooner "Margaret;" he was elected into the Society in 179 1. On the way home from Amsterdam, in 1796, with a valuable cargo, he was wrecked in Salem ' Now North street, between Cross and Fleet streets. 38 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. harbor, during a blinding snow-storm, and perished, with three of his crew. Capt. Robert Gardner furnished the town of Boston a ship to take home "a true account of the horred Massacre" of Nov. 5, 1770. This gentleman's interest in his fellow-countrymen appears from the records of the Charitable Irish Society. At his instance, the Society voted, in 1794, a sum not exceeding £}, to purchase school-books for poor children of Irish extraction. Again, in 180 1 he advanced money from his own purse to the distressed emigrants on the brigantine " Albicore," trusting to the Society to repay him. The last record we have of him is 181 2, when he held the office of treasurer of the Society. James Downing (1737) kept a lodging-house in Wing's lane; in 1740 an Irishwoman, named Abigail Richardson, was lying there, friendless and destitute, and near her time of travail, and from there she was taken to the poorhouse. Thomas Lawlor (1739) was an innholder or retailer of spirits. He served on a fire-engine in 174I' and as constable in 1749. Rev. William McClennehan (1741) was not of Irish birth. He was a colleague of Rev. Thomas Cheever in the meeting-house at Rumney Marsh (Chelsea), and was said to rival Whitefield for eloquence. In 1754 he joined the Episcopal Church, and soon went to England. William Moore (1743) was a distiller; he served the town as fence-viewer for ten years (1745- 1755). In 1742 he paid for release from the duty of constable. Benjamin Thompson (1757) was a coppersmith of some means, and lived on Orange street. Patrick Tracy (1737) was of Newburyport, and quite successful. John McLane (1768) was a slater on Orange street. In 1766 he presented a bill of ^^82 to the town for repairs made by him on Faneuil Hall. He was a secretary of the Society. Capt. Alexander Wilson (1768) was appointed on a committee of merchants in 1779, whose duty it was to fix prices on different commodities, and thus relieve the distress due to a debased cur- rency. Patrick Conner kept a livery stable and boarding-house at 38 Marlboro' street. Henry Pelham (1774) has been spoken of before. He made a plan of Boston in 1775, a tracing of which is I THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 39 reproduced in the Evacuation Memorial, 1876. Gen. Simon Elliot, Jr. (1791), was a good soldier, and for a long time prominent in the town. Thomas McDonough, Esq., was the English consul, and hved in Oliver's lane. Andrew Campbell (1797) was a school- master in Leverett's lane, afterwards on Common street. Rev. John Murray (1797) was born in England, and is regarded as one of the founders of the Universalist movement in America. His preaching excited considerable interest, some of it unfavorable in the extreme; but he lived to enjoy the highest esteem of all. He died in Boston, in 1815. Samuel Bangs (1769) was appointed sealer of leather by the town in the year 1769-70. In 1789 he appears in the Directory as a cordwainer (shoemaker) on Kilby street. Hugh McDaniel (1739) in 1758 was a lessee of one of the town's buildings, and paid an an- nual rent of about ^^"13. Some of the members of the Society, as has been said before, sided with the British ; but it is more than probable that these lists of the proscribed were not very carefully made, and that on general principles the name of a man would be inserted if he had simply not been active in the colonial cause. At any rate, names of members of this Society are to be found in the lists of loyalists, that, after the Revolution, turn up in Boston citizens in good and regular standing. Two or three such names, that happen to be easily reached, are here given; they occur in the Directories of 1789 and 1796, after having been classed with the refugees : ^ John Bryant was a trader and inn- holder on Eliot street, and on Exchange lane ; John Magner was a smith and farrier, first on Oliver's dock, afterwards on Lindell's row; William McNeil had a rope-walk (William McNeil & Son) in Cow lane, on Fort Hill. An important part of the membership of the Charitable Irish Society was the Irish Presbyterian Church, established in Boston in 1727. They first worshipped in a building which had been a barn on the corner of Berry street and Long lane (now Channing and Federal streets) ; and this unpretentious building served them, with 'Mem. Hist. Bost., iii., 176-177. 40 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. the addition of a couple of wings, till 1744, when a comfortable church ^ was erected that bore a conspicuous part in the history of the town, and indeed of the nation, for it was here that the Massa- chusetts Convention met to debate the Federal Constitution, and finally to accept it, Feb. 7, 1788; and to this fact Federal street owes its name. Governor Hancock presented to the new building the bell and vane of the old Brattle-street meeting-house. Their first pastor was John Moorhead, who was born near Belfast, in Ireland, in 1703, and was educated at one of the Scotch universities. He was described as a forcible preacher, honest and blunt, and an " earnest and enthusiastic young Irishman." He published nothing, but maintained his connection with the church till his death, which occurred just at the beginning of the struggle for American Indepen- dence. He was elected a member of the Charitable Irish Society in 1739, and gave them sound advice upon occasion.'^ He held no office in the Society. Among his effects at his death was " a likely negro lad," to be sold by his executor. Another colony of the same class of Irish immigrants had ar- rived in 1 7 17, with Capt. Robert Temple. He settled at Noddle's Island,^ where he had a mansion-house that " contained elegant rooms suitable for the reception of persons of the first condition." These immigrants were not very cordially received. The Know- nothing spirit was already abroad ; or, rather, the English hatred for the nation they had so long trodden under foot followed the emi- grants that fled from them across the water. But when the Revolu- tion was at hand such an unhesitating stand was taken by the members of the Irish Presbyterian Church, and by other prominent Irishmen, that the coldness disappeared, and a cordial regard sprang up for Irish valor and patriotism that found its reward on many battle-fields. The charitable work of the Society is made up of small donations to tide over special emergencies, and is not, in general, of such a sort ' For the curious inscription on its columns, see Snow, " History of Boston," p. 222 ; for Dr. Channing's intelligible arrangement of it, see Drake, p. 576. ^ Extracts from the Records, p. 27. * East Boston. JAMES BOYD. THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 41 that any display could be made of it; still there are occasional con- tributions of five hundred or a thousand dollars at a time. The Society is not rich. If it had been wisely managed at its origin, its age would, by this time, have made it wealthy. A very large fraction of the annual income goes towards celebrating the anniversary of St. Patrick, and satisfying the natural longing of Irishmen for the society of their countrymen. One of the most notable events in the history of the Society was its visit, in a body, to Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, at the Tremont House, June 22, 1833. I'l reply to an address of welcome by Mr. James Boyd, on behalf of the Society, Jackson said : — I feel much gratified, sir, at this testimony of respect shown me by the Chari- table Irish Society of this city. It is with great pleasure that I see so many of the countrymen of my father assembled on this occasion. I have always been proud of my ancestry, and of being descended from that noble race, and rejoice that I am so nearly allied to a country which has so much to recommend it to the good wishes of the world. Would to God, sir, that Irishmen on the other side of the great water enjoyed the comforts, happiness, contentment, and liberty that we enjoy here ! I am well aware, sir, that Irishmen have never been backward in giving their support to the cause of liberty. They have fought, sir, for this country valiantly, and, I have no doubt, would fight again were it necessary ; but I hope it will be long before the institutions of our country need support of that kind. Accept my best wishes for the happi- ness of you all. The members of the Society were about to withdraw when President Jackson took Mr. Boyd by the hand, and said : — I am somewhat fatigued, sir, as you may notice ; but I cannot allow you to part with me until I again shake hands with you, which I do for yourself and the whole Society. I assure you, sir, there are few circumstances that have given me more heart-felt satisfaction than this visit. I shall remember it with pleasure, and, I hope you, sir, and all your Society will long enjoy health and happiness. On September 6, 1834, the Society joined in a procession in honor of Lafayette, " with a standard bearer and ten marshals, who decorated themselves with the medals of the Society, and a special 42 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. badge provided for the occasion in honor of General Lafayette, and bearing his likeness." The centennial celebration was held on March 17, 1837, ^"d the Society entertained as guests, Governor Edward Everett, Mayor Samuel A. Eliot, Hon. Stephen Fairbanks, President of the Massa- chusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, the Rev. Mr. John Pier- pont, Hon. John P. Bigelow, Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., and others. Among the remarks of the President of the Charitable Mechani-cs Association, we find the following : — The relation which you yourself, Mr. President, as well as some others whom I have now the honor to address, sustain to that institution is some indication of the readiness of its members to avail themselves at all times of the friendly aid and co- operation of the intelligent and scientific, to whatever nation they may belong, and more especially of the natives of that country from which we have derived some of our earliest impressions of the importance of cultivating the arts. The liberal policy of that institution in regard to the admission of members is worthy of all praise, and the great accession of members, from time to time, is the best proof of the wisdom of this course, and I trust it will never subject itself to the imputation of rejecting any high-minded, intelligent mechanic, who has complied with the conditions of the constitution, whether a native or adopted citizen. Just fifty years later, Hugh O'Brien, the Mayor of the city, and one of the foremost Irishmen in Boston, well known for his active business interest in matters of practical science, was successfully opposed for admission to this association by a Mr. Henry N. Sawyer, on the ground that he was a Jesuit ! The Society marched in the funeral processions of President Harrison in 1841, and of Andrew Jackson in 1845. In 1847 the famine, then destroying their countrymen in Ireland, moved them to give up their annual celebration, and strain every nerve to relieve their suffering fatherland. In i860, at the December quarterly meeting, held at the Parker House, Hugh O'Brien, the president, called the attention of the Society to the danger our country was in, and said " it would be well for this time-honored Society to express its deep feeling on this occa- sion." A committee was appointed to prepare resolutions, and, after THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. 43 brief consideration, submitted the following draft, which was unani- mously adopted : — Whereas, The chronicles of the day show the lamentable fact that these beloved United States are passing through a crisis that portends ruin to the integ- rity of this fair Republic and its institutions, and, Whereas, Our venerable Society preceded the foundation of the Confederacy and of the Constitution, guarded its infancy, and is identified with the existence and prosperity of the Union, and most sensitively feels the shock to the national body politic, — therefore. Resolved, That the Charitable Irish Society of Boston condemns and abhors every principle or movement that would dissever these United States, — and we now solemnly renew our vows of fealty and love for the Union and the Constitution, and emulating the example and glorious achievements of our predecessors of '76 and '89, we pledge our efforts and our influence for the vindication and maintenance, "pure and undefiled," of this most perfect form of civil and religious liberty. Resolved, That we invoke our brethren and fellow-citizens throughout the Union, by the memories of our past united career, to lay aside all sectional or partisan animosities, and devote themselves to the cause of our endangered common country. From the report of the secretary at the one hundred and twenty- fifth anniversary, March 17, 1862, we clip the following: — A good many of our members have gone to the war to fight for the restoration of the glorious Constitution and Union of the States. Several of them, we can mention with pride, have already obtained a position in the army of the Union, which has redounded to the honor of their nationality. Thomas Cass and Patrick R. Guiney may be named in this record. The former. Colonel, and the latter, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 9th Massachusetts Volunteers, which regiment, we are proud to say, composed entirely of Irish and Irish extraction, is to-day one of the best and bravest on the soil of deluded Virginia. The Society took part in the procession to celebrate the centen- nial anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill. They formed part of the third division, composed of historic societies and civic associa- tions. }a^n/^ 44 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. CHAPTER IV. CAPTAIN DANIEL MALCOM AND THE REVENUE ACTS. CAPTAIN DANIEL MALCOM was a citizen of Boston of con- siderable prominence in the exciting times that immediately preceded the Revolution. In the town records the name first occurs in the meeting of loth March, 1766, where he is appointed on a com- mittee to regulate the sale of lambs, probably to prevent the sale of unhealthy meat. He had good company on the committee, and his appointment thereon is a voucher of his high standing in the community. Soon the atten- tion of the town was attracted to an event of no common im- portance, in which Captain Malcom was the principal figure. The revenue officers, suspecting contraband goods to be on his prem- ises, began a search without due warrant. The sturdy captain stopped them at the door of a room that he had his own reasons for protecting, and so stubborn and defiant was he that they were glad to postpone the affair. But when they returned their reception was even worse. Captain Malcom had his Irish temper stirred, and would not suffer them to cross his threshold. Gathering his friends about him, he showed fight, and for a moment it looked as if bloodshed would follow. Fortunately, however, for the British offi- cers, at least, they consulted their better part of valor, and let the contraband goods remain under their very safe guardianship. It may well be imagined that no love was lost on either side. This occurrence was of itself important, as showing the strength of public sentiment backing Malcom in his resistance to the obnox- ious revenue lav\'s ; but it was made still more so by the attitude taken by the Crown officials. The governor of the province summoned DANIEL MA LOOM AND THE REVENUE ACTS. 45 before him in council the sheriff, the deputy collector, and the comp- troller of customs, with other citizens, and took their depositions in writing in regard to the raid. It reached the ears of the people that these depositions contained matter that if transmitted home, without a fuller and more impartial account, would greatly prejudice the interests of the colony. The testimony so taken was not recorded, nor open to inspection of any of the town's representatives. Under these circumstances the town-meeting appointed a committee of eight of the foremost citizens, including Otis, Hancock, and Adams, to ask the Governor for copies of the testimony, so that the town might be able to rectify mistakes, " and counterwork the designs of any who would represent them in a disadvantageous light." The committee was successful, and the suspicions of the town were confirmed when the depositions were read to them. At their bidding, the committee drew up a long letter of instructions ^ to their agent in London, Mr. Denis Deberdt, referring to the Stamp riots of the previous year, and giving a full, but not too highly colored, account of the " late occurrances in this town which is the particular occasion of our troubling you with this letter." The town apprehended that the government depositions " con- tained a partial account of the behavior of the people who from mere curiosity had got together, that they tended to corroborate the de- signs of our enemies," and so enclosed, not only the government depositions, but also a mass of testimony collected on the town's side, together with instructions that the agent should take every measure to prevent false views of the trouble gaining credence with the Ministry. This interesting letter closes by rebuking " a set of men in America who are continually transmitting to the mother country odious and false accounts of the collonys," and with a scath- ing denunciation of " an infamous character whose name is Richard- son," who seems to have made his living as an informer. The agent's replies were received and read at the May meeting of the next year, and with the reading of them the matter rested ; but it was not for- gotten, for when the town was asked to grant the use of Faneuil 'Town Rec, 1766, pp. 191-194. 46 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Hall for the state dinner of the governor and his council on election day, permission was refused, except with the understanding that the revenue officers " are not to be Invited to dine there on said Day." At the request of the town nearly all the merchants signed an agree- ment not to purchase after the 31st of December any of a list of about thirty different kinds of merchandise, if such merchandise was to be imported from England. Captain Malcom's signature to this list is given in this chapter. The revenue officers began to complain to England, and bitterly inveighed against the license of the press, the power and stubbornness of the town-meetings, and the " boycott " of imported articles. They asked for a firmer support, and broadly hinted that troops in the town and war-ships in the harbor would be very convenient. They got them. Gage stationed a regiment in Boston ; Castle William was prepared for active service ; a frigate, the " Romney," and four other vessels of war were stationed in Boston harbor. The irritation of the people was now further heightened by the arbitrary acts of Captain Comer, commanding this frigate ; she lay at anchor in the harbor, and received valuable additions to her crew from the fishermen of New England. Not enlistments : they were kidnapped by the press-gang, and even substitutes were refused. "Rebel" and "tyrant" were words freely bandied. The excitement finally culminated in the seizure of the sloop " Liberty." This vessel belonged to John Han- cock, who was a large ship-owner. She arrived from Madeira, in June, 1768, and made fast to Hancock's wharf (now Lewis wharf). The cargo was wine, and it is said part of it was consigned to Malcom. Thomas Kirk, the tidewaiter,^ went aboard heron Friday, June 10, and was followed by Captain John Marshall, the commander of Han- cock's London packet-ship, with some others. They fastened Kirk below, and kept him there some hours, while they removed part of the cargo. During the night they went on with the good work, and, though the rumbling of the carts and the wakefulness of those troubled times made concealment impossible, the removal was not interfered with. A guard of thirty or forty strapping fellows bearing clubs ' Inspector of customs. DANIEL MA L COM AND THE REVENUE ACTS. 47 marched with the loaded carts, and may have had something to do with the forbearance of the officials. The next day Captain Barnard, master of the sloop, made entry of five pipes of wine as his whole cargo ; and then there was trouble. The collector, Joseph Harrison, and the comptroller, Benjamin Hallowell, repaired to the wharf with the declared intention of seizing the ship for evasion of the revenue laws. Harrison hesitated, but Hallowell went ahead, made the seizure, marked the vessel with the broad arrow, and signalled to the " Rom- ney " as she lay anchored in the stream. Captain Comer sent his boats to bring her out under the guns of the ship. Meanwhile the streets in the neighborhood were filling with an excited crowd. Wild rumors spread abroad, and the sight of the war-ship bustling her boats out gave color to the idea that another impressment, or some similar act of oppression, was being carried out with the high hand of arbitrary power. Malcom stood at the head of his friends on the wharf and protested against the removal ; the vessel, they said, was safe where she was, and no officer nor anybody else had a right to remove her. The boats arrived, and the excitement increased. Malcolm and the other leaders of the populace threatened to go on board and throw the frigate's people into the sea. Suddenly the sloop's moorings were cut, and before anything could be done to prevent it she was gone from the wharf. The customs-officers, who were there in a body, now repented of their hasty action ; for the people before them, only half understanding the affair, knowing the bitterness of the govern- ment party, and suspecting the worst, seeing the vessel of one whom they knew and respected in the hands of the tyrant frigate-captain, and the protests and warnings of their leaders disregarded, became utterly furious. They attacked the officials, broke their swords, and handled them without much mercy. It speaks well for the respect- ability of that excited crowd that no one was killed. They smashed the windows in the houses of Hallowell and of his chief, the inspector- general. They seized the collector's boat, dragged it to the Common, smashed it into fragments, and made a bonfire with it. The next night was the eve of the Puritan Sabbath, and quiet reigned throughout the city. The widespread disorder of Friday, 48 THE IRISH IX BOSTOiY. the consciousness that the fire was only smoulderhig that might at any time break out and wrap the land in the flames of revolution, and, more than all, the sudden death of John Marshall, a universal favorite, the captain of the London packet, threw a cloud of sadness over the staid, church-going town, and brought to its people a just and solemn resolution that carried them in soberness and safety through the' trials of the following week. On Monday there were a few unauthorized attempts to organize the troubled spirit of the time ; but the steadier citizens took charge of the affair by calling a meeting at Liberty Hall ^ the next morning. Many answered the call, but the weather was threatening, so that they adjourned to Faneuil Hall. Here it was decided to call a town- meeting for the same afternoon, that the acts of the assembled citi- zens might be ensured recognition at the hands of the Crown. So it happened that the first popular assembly after the riot was a legal town-meeting. " After very cool and deliberate Debates upon the distressed Circumstances of the town," it was unanimously voted to send a com- mittee of twenty-one prominent citizens, of whom were Otis, Hancock, Adams, and our friend Captain Malcom, to wait upon the governor with a petition. This petition recites the fundamental doctrine of representative self-government, recalls the dutiful remonstrances of the colony, and the oppressive and unjust treatment that had followed, and in guarded terms reminds the king's representative that there is a limit to the patience of " this distressed and justly incensed People." They went on to say that, inasmuch as the Board of Customs had retreated to the castle, it was to be hoped they would never reassume their office ; and the petitioners " flattered themselves " that the governor would immediately order the " Romney " out of the har- bor till the town was assured of relief from its grievances. The * The ground about Liberty Tree was called Liberty Hall. This tree was the largest of a group of majestic elms that stood at the corner of Essex and Washington streets, a spot commemorated by a brown-stone tablet at the present day. It was christened amid much rejoicing at the time of the Stamp riots, and its name, " The Tree of Liberty," stamped on a copper plate, was nailed to it. This tree was cut down by the British in 1775, ^^^ ^"^ falling slew one of its destroyers. DANIEL MALCOM AA'D THE REVENUE ACTS. 49 *1v|/ I Here liis's^barkd/ii a ^tone (iraVe lo feet deepi A/fe6iep^r^dthisLif// ? /wae!c(44/years// '' a tr.up sdn/df^Liberty/ aFi/iend to rh^^Publick// an/EnemV 1 0/ oppre/sion aAcyone/ of the foTefnoIt jif opBoiins theRex^nlicActg . ^^^ governor received the committee hospitably, and repHed the next day in a conciHatory tone, but disclaimed all authority to do as he was asked by the town. At this meeting Otis spoke of armed resist- ance as the last re- sort, but one for which all should be ready. The town feared a repetition of the governor's tactics in the matter of the raid on Captain Mal- com, and appointed the same committee of twenty-one, of which Captain Mal- com was a member, to draw up an ac- count of the " true state of some late Occurrances," to be sent to Mr. Deberdt, in London, so that he could protect the colony from slander- ous attacks. The following Friday a third town- meeting formulated instructions to the representatives, and ominously resolved " at all times to assert and vindicate our dear and invaluable Rights and Libertys, at the utmost hazard of our lives and fortunes." The next town-meet- ing was held on the 1 2th of September. A committee of sixteen, among whom again we find Captain Malcom, was appointed to report on the best course for the town to adopt " in the present emergency." 77 This cut of Captain Malcom's gravestone we owe to the courtesy of Mr. Edward Macdonald, Superintendent of Copp's Hill. The tomb is of brick. (See Shurtleff, p. 209.) 50 • THE IRISH IN BOSTON. With the recording of the report of this committee Captain Malcom passes out of history. He died in October of the following year. Captain Malcom was an Irishman/ and at the time of which we write had only recently come to Boston. He was elected a member of the Charitable Irish Society in 1766, elected on the board of managers in i ']6'] , and vice-president the next year, — a position which he held till his death. It is to be remembered that these offices were not open except to men of Irish blood. He was one of the respon- sible representatives of the Society in money matters. His store, on Fleet street, was the resort of many of the more energetic of the revenue haters, and a constant menace to the peace of the king's officers. Ireland could not have presented to the colony a better man for the times, and if he had lived to hear the guns of Bunker Hill it needs no prophet to say he would have won renown for him- self and his race and shared gloriously in the triumph of his adopted country. His fellow-citizens appreciated him, and showed their confidence by selecting him as their representative in the troublesome and dan- gerous crises in which he was an actor ; but there is every reason to believe that his proper sphere was not diplomacy, but active and aggressive resistance. His grave is on Copp's Hill, in the oldest of Boston burial- grounds. The stone over it, shown in the accompanying cut, is of hard blue slate, two inches thick, and showing about a yard above the ground. The inscription is a just statement of his merits and reputation ; but an additional wreath is added to his laurels by the vindictive bullet-marks of the British soldiery, who used this stone as a target, and peppered the gravestone of the man who feared nothing less than a British "bloody-back." ' Drake, p. 737, note. THE IMMIGRANT. 51 CHAPTER V. THE IM.MIGRANT. THE first considerable influx of Irish immigrants began about 1717. Casual mention is made on September 28, 1717, when the selectmen warned James Goodwin to depart the town, that he had arrived from Ireland about two months before with Captain Doughs. In the same year came Captain Robert Temple with a number of Irish Protestants. He commanded a company with credit in campaigns against the Indians, and very soon conquered the esteem of his fellow-citizens. He was the first to live on Noddle's Island (now East Boston), was a member of the Episcopal Church, and was elected to the Charitable Irish Society in 1740. On August 4, 1718, arrived five ships in the harbor bearing Irish immigrants. These settled in different parts of the province, mainly in New Hampshire ; among them was Thomas Bell, subsequently a lessee of Noddle's Island. To this company, probably, belonged Thomas Walker, John Rodgers, James, Elizabeth, and Rachel Blare, who were warned to depart October 22, " having arrived from Ireland about two months before." The records of these warnings furnish, in many instances, the only clue we have to the extent and character of immigration. April 17, 1719, Alexander Macgrigory, "who with his family came lately from Ireland into this town," was warned to depart. On June 9, 17 19, arrived a colony of Irish, from whom Andrew Pernis, a cooper ; John Macannis and wife and four children; John Henderson, his wife and five children ; William Miller, his wife and four children ; John Criton and one maid ; John Severwrit ; Fran- cis Gray and wife and three children, — were, on June 13, warned to depart. September 23, Martha Newell is recorded as having arrived from Ireland about seven weeks before, and on December 5, John Walker, wife and three children, as having arrived from Ireland 52 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. about one month before. After this, for a while, either the stream of immigration was almost entirely diverted from Boston to enrich the surrounding territory, or the authorities found reason not to record so many Irish warnings. The fact that the Irish were still coming, and were not very welcome, is seen in the order of the town-meeting, in May, 1723, mentioned in another chapter, which states that " great numbers of Persons have very lately bin Trans- ported from Ireland into this Province, " and were driven by the Indian troubles to reside in the town. About the same time Gov- ernor Wentworth was in receipt of friendly warnings that the Irish were settling in the valley of the Merrimack, and that he had better take what precautions seemed best to him under the circumstances for the safety of the community. At a meeting of the selectmen, September 12, 1724, Captain Philip Bass appeared before them, " and it appearing to them that he had the measels (an Infectious Sickness) among his passengers in his vessel lately come from Ireland into this Harbor," he was or- dered to collect what passengers and goods he had allowed to get ashore, and go down to Spectacle Island till further order. Two of the most honored of Boston's early families were at- tracted to this city, after making a trial of other parts of America. They have had much influence on the course of events in Massa- chusetts, and especially in Boston. The more prominent of these was the family of John Sullivan, the Limerick schoolmaster, who settled in Berwick, Me., in 1730. From him descended James Sul- livan/ twice governor of the State ; John Sullivan,- the Revolutionary general ; William Sullivan, the lawyer, the interesting chronicler, the genial and accomplished gentleman. The memorial tablet of the last-named is in King's Chapel ; it bears a Latin inscription,^ and ' Autograph in Mem. Hist. Bost., iii., 208. '^Autograph in Mem. Hist. Bost., iii., 104. ^GUILIELMO SULLIVAN- JACOBI MASSACHUSETTENSIUM BIS GUBERNATORIS FILIO. JOHANNIS IN BELLO LIBERTATIS VINDICE DUCIS NEPOTI" VIRO SOLERTI BENIGNO INTEGERRIMO- SUMMA DIGNITATE ET COMITATE PR^DITO' REBUS ET CIVILIBUS ET MILITARIBUS CUM LAUDE VERSATO- JURISCONSULTO PR/ESTANTI CAUSIDICO FACUNDO* SCRIPTORI JUCUNDO SUBTILI' IN SER.MONE SUAVISSIMO- OMNIUM QUIBUS HOMO" NOBILIOR HUMANIOR ATQUE BEATIOR FIERI THE IMMIGRANT. y 53 the arms, crest, and motto of the O'Sullivan More.^ The family is probably a connection of the Sullivans of Chesterfield ; the prefix O' was not dropped by the Irish heads of the family till after the American Revolution. The Amorys were another important family. The first of the name here, Thomas Amory, went from Limerick to South Carolina, but in 1 72 1 removed to Boston. The family was active on the Tory side at the time of the American Revolution, but have in every way identified themselves with the prosperity of the city since. " The Transfer of Erin," from the pen of Thomas Coffin Amory, in our own generation, shows that the tradition of Irish descent is neither forgotten nor dishonored. It is to the Irish immigrants of this time that New England owes the introduction of the potato and the old-fashioned spinning- wheel.^ The potato, it is true, is an indigenous American product, and was unknown in Europe before Sir Francis Drake brought it from Virginia, in 1573; but it had been domesticated in Ireland, and from there first came to New England, where it has since been a staple. The other gifts of Ireland to the Yankees — the old- fashioned foot-wheel and hand-loom — came with the Irish spinners and weavers that landed in Boston in the earlier part of the eighteenth century. These acquisitions came in a good time. The town was much worried to provide suitable help for the poor, and to promote industry among the inhabitants. In 1720, when the appropriation for the poor reached eighteen hundred pounds, the town authorized a committee to consider and report on the establishment of a public spinning-school. They reported it expedient either to build or hire a house for the purpose, and to employ " some suitable person that is a weaver, having a wife that can instruct children in spinning flax, the town supplying them with money for a time on good security." Regu- POSSIT- PERSTUDIOSO- FILIA AMANTISSIMA KT AMICUS PR^CIPUE DEVINCTUS' UT CONTEMPLATIO VIRTUTUM PERMANEAT- HOC MARMOR LUGENTES POSUERUNT' NATUS XII NOV. MDCCLXXIV EXCESSIT III SEPT. MDCCCXXXIX. ' For the arms and crest see " Burke's Landed Gentry," The Sullivans of Wilmington. The motto is " Lamm Foisdin Each An Uachtar" — (What we gain by conquest we secure by clemency). 2 Drake, p. 560. 54 THE IRISH I.V BOSTO.V. lations for such a school were proposed, and a premium for good results su""<''ested.i Jn 1749 a society was established for encour- aging industry and helping the poor by spreading the knowledge of the linen manufacture. This was a revival of the enthusiasm for spinning, and went to much greater lengths. It was probably the basis of the effort to encourage Irish immigration, to which we shall shortly refer. The society was known as the Society for Encouraging Industry, and held an anniversary meeting on the 8th of August each year, where a sermon was preached and a collection made^ for the benefit of the enterprise. On the Common there was held a public spinning match ; the women gathered by hundreds, each with her wheel and distaff, and sat in rows spinning, rich and poor together, vying with each other in dexterity and grace for the ap- proval of a large company of the sterner sex. Weavers also appeared, in garments woven by themselves, working at a loom on a movable stage, carried on men's shoulders, and attended by music. It was due to the efforts of this society that the so-called Manufactory House was erected, which stood, till 1806, in Long Acre street (now Tremont), nearly opposite where Park-street Church now is. On June 10, 1727, George Steward, of Ireland, was admitted an inhabitant. Five Irishmen were among the refugees from surround- ing towns that were warned out of Boston, July 24 of the same year. September 9, 1730, William Fryland and Francis Clinton, joiners from Ireland, were admitted inhabitants. December 1 1 of the same year Dennis Cramy, a wig-maker from Ireland, was admitted. In Au- gust of 1736 appeared the brigantine " Bootle," with nineteen trans- ports, as mentioned in a previous chapter, together with other pas- sengers ; in September of the same year a shoemaker named James White gives notice that he has taken as journeyman into his family one John Wallace, " who was lately imported by Captain Beard, from Ireland, " on this same transport ship. During the two years 1736-38 ten ships are on record coming to Boston from Ireland, bringing a total of nearly one thousand pas- ' " £S ^°^ ^^^ ^'^^ piece of linen spun and wove here, provided it be worth 4s. per yd." ''.^453 in 1754- THE IMMIGRANT. 55 sengers, . It was on the occasion of this influx of Irishmen that the Charitable Irish Society was organized. Among these vessels were the sloop "Hannah," with thirty-seven pasengers, and the sloop "Two Mollys," with forty-three passengers,which arrived in November, 1736. In September of the next year, came the ship " Sagamore," with the heaviest load of passengers on record. They had been afflicted with measles on the passage, and it was only with great trouble they secured permission to land. The captain and a Mr. Hugh Ramsey, who had chartered the ship, were examined at some length by some of the physicians of the town, whose opinion was, that it would be very dangerous to the inhabitants if the passengers or the ship's company were allowed to land before they had " aired themselves and cleansed the ship." The immigrants were accordingly ordered to Spectacle Island for that purpose. To secure the town against loss, in case any of these immigrants became a public charge, two separate bonds were executed, — one for three hundred and eighty-one passengers, of the penalty of one thousand pounds, and one for twenty-seven pas- sengers, of the penalty of two hundred pounds. On the same day was filed a bond of six hundred pounds, for one hundred and sixty-two passengers imported from Ireland in the snow " Charming Molly," Captain James Finney. A couple of weeks before, a bond^ of five hundred pounds had been filed for passengers (number not given) in the brigantine "Elizabeth," Captain William Mills. In May of the next year came the ship " Eagle," Captain William Acton, with eighty-two passengers ; and the year after arrived the ship Barwick, Captain Ephraim Jackson, from Ireland, with forty-six passengers. Several other ships are incidentally mentioned ; among others the ship " Catharine," Captain Robert Waters, from which, in June, 1737, a transport named Bryan Karrick and a " spinster " named Catharine Driscoll landed and dwelt in the town ; the brigantine " Salutation," Captain John Carall (spelled also Carrell), arrived in September, 1737, with passengers, among whom were twelve that the 1 The names of Robert Auchmuty, William Hall, and William Moore, early members of the Charitable Irish Society, appear on these bonds; and Daniel Gibbs, master of the " Sagamore," was one of its orginal members. 56 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. town formally admitted as inhabitants. These twelve were with one exception (Mary Burton, a "single woman") the families of Irish- men already here, who had sufficiently prospered in their new home to be enabled to send to the old country for their wives, their sisters, and their children. There came also in the same ship George Lucas, his wife and child, and in all probability other passengers who did not happen to be mentioned in the selectmen's records. The time of passage appears in one or two cases : the ship " Sarah Galley," Captain Samuel Waterhouse, that was quarantined in April, 1737, for small-pox, had taken seven weeks to come to Boston from Cork, The three passengers in this vessel came from London. In August of the previous year Captain Benedict Arnold touched at Boston in the " Prudent Hannah," with one hundred and twenty pas- sengers, bound to Philadelphia ; and although he promised to take them all on board again, Mr. John Savell took a servant from among them. The passage from Ireland had occupied twelve weeks. The ship "Sally," in 1763, came in fifty-nine days from Kingsgate, Ireland; this vessel also was brought upon the record by being quarantined for small-pox. The Irish settler in America turned up occasionally in unhappy straits, and at Boston always received kindly treatment in his distress. It is said that the suggestion of " Gulliver's Travels " came to Swift from a returned Irish emigrant named Gulliver, whom James Boies had found sitting in tears on the road to Milton, and had helped to return to his native land. In 1736, at a miCeting of the selectmen of Boston, Dennis Sullivant appeared, and upon examination said that he, with his wife, were lately come to Boston from South Carolina by land ; that he had been in town about five weeks, and wanted to return to England or Ireland as soon as he could conveniently obtain a passage for himself and his wife. Of the same tenor is the following fetter, which quaintly tells its own pathetic story : — DoNNOUGHADEE, March II, 1755. Dear Son I Received Several Letters from you this wliile, which I am very much Grieved and in great Sorrow and trouble, about your poor and Melancholly Condition, I THE IMMIGRANT. 57 have wrot and sent 5 or 6 Letters to you within this 12 Months past whether you have received any of them I doe not know, pray use or take all the Pains or opper- tunity you Can get to come home, through God'' assistance we shall doe what Lyes in my power for you while I Live, pray neglect noe oppertunity in Comeing home as soon as Lyes in your power, your Mother has her Love to you and She is very Desireous and fond that you make the best Indeavour you can to gett home pra}- Delay not as soon is possible in Comeing home y' Brothers and Sister^ has theire Love to you, and they are also very Desireous of y"' Comeing home. Your Mother and L joyne with our Blessing to you. all at present from y'' Loving Father ALEXDR McNEILY. I also pray God to bless these Good Chris- tians which has been pleased to take Notice of you in your poor afflicted State and Condition. The province appropriated fourteen pounds for the purpose of sending the poor fellow to his friends in Ireland. On October 31, 1741, appeared in the harbor a sloop from Ireland with sixty-five passengers, bringing a dreadful story of distress and starvation. A meeting of the selectmen was imme- diately called, and steps were taken to investigate the matter. It was found that the unfortunate sloop was called the "Seaflower," and had sailed from Belfast, with Ebenezer Clark as captain, on July 10. She was bound for Philadelphia. Her original complement of passengers was one hundred and six. On July 25 the captain died, and soon after the mate fell sick. They encountered heavy weather and sprung their mast. They lost all the ship's officers, and partly because they were now under no proper discipline, perhaps also because the original stock of provisions was so small as only to suffice by the most careful allowancing, they soon exhausted their supplies, and began to suffer the horrors of starvation. The water also failed ; and the tortures of the ship's company aptly fitted the tale of the Ancient Mariner. In the extremity of their misery they resorted to cannibalism. Though our well-fed humanity sickens at the thought of it, it is more than probable that no assembly of men, in such a time of despair, would hesitate long between the sweetness 58 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. of life and the sacredness of death. Let us remember that that company of heroes who suffered with Greely in the Arctic winters, and came home to tell the tale, owed their wrecked existence to this ghastly expedient. It is one comfort, that the lottery was not called upon to pick out a victim for sacrifice : they fell from exhaustion or disease in sufficient numbers to ensure a plentiful supply. Six successive bodies were divided among their surviving shipmates, and they w^ere already cutting up a seventh when they espied the British man-of-war " Success." They were supplied with men and provisions sufficient to bring them to Boston, where they arrived after a passage of sixteen weeks, and with a loss of all their officers and about forty passengers. Of the sixty-five people surviving when they entered Boston harbor, as many as thirty were so weak as to be incapable of helping themselves, and required the speediest care to preserve their lives. The day of arrival was Saturday; on the fol- lowing Monday the Governor and his Council, acting on information received from the selectmen, ordered them to secure the vessel's papers and cargo, to " dispose of the Servants and Passengers " in the hospital on Rainsford's Island, to support, nurse, and recover them to health, and also to secure them for the use and service of the owners of the sloop. The owners were to be notified immedi- ately to repair to Boston to pay all charges, and to take all further care that might be necessary of the ship and her unlucky freight. Upon the refusal or neglect of the owners, the charges were to be demanded of the passengers, and exacted, if necessary, by the sale of their services " for a reasonable time." Accordingly, on Tuesday morning, the vessel was taken down to Rainsford's Island, and the passengers carried on shore and lodged in several rooms in the hospital. A messenger was despatched to New Haven for the owner, Mr. Joseph Thompson ; two weeks later he appeared, and with Capt. John Steel, one of the selectmen of Boston, gave surety to cover the town's expenses in their benevolent work. Notwithstanding this little for- mality, we find the next February that the town pays ten pounds eight shillings for nursing and burials. One of the passengers, named Carr, was so far recovered by November iS that he was THE IMMIGRANT. 59 employed as journeyman in the shop of Mr. Samuel Butler, the saddler, at No. 2 Dock square. The sensation which this tale of suffering created could hardly have died away when the Governor received the following communi- cation. The spelling shows a trace of the brogue. The humble supplication of us his Majesties Subjects Late from Urope — Humbly Showeth That y^ Suppliants together with upwards of one hundred & sixty more ship' y^ Desire of m'' Winslow that upon my arrival in Ireland i should inform you therewith as Tve y*^ managem' of two Vessels of m"" W™ Bowdoin's & shou'd be glad if y" or friends in Irel"^ did intend to carry familys from thence do believe I should be Enabled to treat w"* you & Sooner than any other. I Shall be ready to Sail from thence ab' ye 20"^ of March next & if you have any comm''^ shall gladly Execute them. I am S-- Your most humble serv"' iS:c JAMES BOIES (PS) My business here is to carry Passengers & Servants please to direct my letf to y*^ care of nv W" Winthrop merch' in Cork. Cork y 2'^ February 1749/50. To Sami Waldo EsQ^ The dangers due to overcrowding, though not so prominent in the case of Irish ships as wath the German immigrants of 1750 or thereabouts, undoubtedly prevailed to a great extent on all classes of passenger vessels. The following act, passed by the General Court in February, 1750, shows the dangers that forced themselves upon the attention of the people. A penalty of five pounds per pas- senger was incurred by violation of the provisions here quoted. Full authority was given to the customs officials to make needful exam- inations. The heartless and criminal parsimony that led to such THE IMMIGRANT. 63 horrors as that of the sloop " Seaflower " is also borne in mind by the legislators. An act. to regulate the Importation of Germans and other Passengers coming to settle in this Province : — Whereas Germans and other Foreigners may be Imported in so great Num- bers in one Vessel that through want of necessary room and Accommodations they may often Contract Mortal and Contagious Distempers & thereby occasion not only the death of great Numbers of such Foreigners in their passage but also by such means on their arrival in this Province those who may arrive may be so Infected as to spread the Contagion and be the cause of the death of many others. — To the end therefore that such an evil Practice may be prevented and Inconveniences thence arising avoided, as much as may be ; — Be it therefore Enacted by the Lieut Gov Council and House of Representa- tives, that from and after the publication of this Act no Master or Comander of any Ship or other Vessel whatsoever bound to the Port of Boston or elsewhere within this Province shall Import into said Port of Boston or into any other Port within this Province any greater number of Passengers in any one Ship or other Vessel than such only as shall be well provided with good and wholesome Meat, Drink and other Necessaries for Passengers and others during the whole Voyage ; and shall have room therein to contain for single Freight or Passengers of The age of Fourteen years or upwards at least six feet in length and one foot six inches in breadth. The modern emigrant ship, with its vast storage capacity and swift trips, is free from many of the dangers attending the slower and less commodious vessels of earlier times. But even now the immense crowd of people, twelve or fifteen hundred in a single ship, with ar- rangements made rather for sociability than for isolation, and to a certain extent subject to the authority and even caprice of stewards and of petty officers generally, have been exposed to considerable danger of social corruption, a danger which has been only recently, to a certain extent, eliminated. For what reform has been accom- plished in this direction the world owes its thanks to Miss Charoltte G. O'Brien, daughter of William Smith O'Brien (the Irish rebel of '48, who is said to trace his descent from Brian Boru), who entered single-handed upon the task of investigating the conditions attending the passage and arrival of Irish immigrants in America. At a meet- 64 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. ing of the Charitable Irish Society, Nov. 9, 1882, she gave an account of her efforts and results. Though there still remains work to be done in this direction, the friendless young Irishwoman in one of these floating cities has much to be thankful for, and far less diffi- culty in avoiding the snares that are ever spread for youth and chastity. THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 65 CHAPTER VI. THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. THE Know-nothing movement, so called, though nominally di- rected against all foreigners, arose in the deep hatred that the English and their descendants bear against the Irish. Its cause is to be sought deep in the roots of Irish history. Like the Greeks and Persians, these islanders, that should be allies and friends, as well as neighbors, have stood always with daggers lifted to perpetuate the shame of a faithless wife, the beautiful Devorgilla, of Brefny. No soft-voiced, effeminate Paris, however, was Dermot McMurrough, the betrayer of the Irish matron. Hoarse, gigantic, bloodthirsty, and ty- rannical, he was dearer to her than her own true lord, O'Rorke, and the joy of home and kindred. She fled with him, and pursued by her husband and by the king, who actively espoused the cause of the O'Rorke, they embarked for Aquitaine, where they found Henry II. of England. By his permission Dermot prepared and launched upon his native land Strongbow's army of Normans ; and in this treachery began the fight that has lasted without rest or reason for seven centuries. The Norman arms and discipline were everywhere victorious. They built great castles and lived by plunder. In the course of time they began to assimilate with the native Irish, a process which was much hastened by the neglect or inability of England to protect the loyal Anglo-Irish in times of rebellion. The faithlessness of Devorgilla bore fruit two centuries later in the infamous statute of Kilkenny,^ which separated the body of Ire- land into two parts, — the English Ireland being the head, entitled to reasonable consideration ; and the Irish Ireland, the tail, which existed only for the sake of the head, and had of itself no claim to any kind of consideration. The separation was rigid. Intermarriage and fos- ' 40 Edward HI., Irish Stat. 66 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. terage were high treason. English ecclesiastical preferments, monas- teries, horses, weapons, and any supplies, were forbidden to pass from English to Irish ; the Irish dress, their native manner of riding, their Irish language, or any mixing with the English, was forbidden. The murder of an Irishman or the violation of an Irishwoman was no crime, and war upon the Irish was the sacred duty of the English of the Pale. It is true that these enactments were not enforced, and that their very ferocity is an index of the weakness of the dominant body ; but one can see " that such as had the government of Ireland did indeed intend to make a perpetual enmity between the English and the Irish, pretending that the English should in the end root out the Irish." Although the rooting out is not yet completed, the hatred which inspired this spiteful statute has grown by exercise through centuries ; and the spectacle that Ireland furnishes in history is not unlike the condition of some households in the South before "the Institution" disappeared, w^iere of the daughters of one father one served the other early and late with all self-sacrifice and devotion, and for return had contempt and cruel abuse. When the Reformation came, Ireland's condition took the one possible increase of misery. Religious animosity was added to the race-hatred that had embittered her servitude ; and from that time forward the Englishman has known no honest faith, no Christian charity, no human mercy, for the " wild Irish " of Ireland's native race. To that inherited hate, fostered by a careful silence of English historians on the merits and grievances of the Irish, and by a not less careful emphasis on her religion, her wild and desperate struggles for relief or vengeance, her physical, mental, and moral starvation, America owes the mis-named " American " movement. It has sunk to. sleep in times of danger, and the universally acknowledged superi- ority of Irish soldiers has never gone begging. Irishmen signed the Declaration of Independence. Irishmen like " saucy Jack Barry " in the navy, like John Sullivan in the army, like Charles Carroll in the halls of state-craft, have not been heedlessly thrown away. It is in the piping times of peace, when the natural activity and THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 67 enterprise of Irishmen makes them formidable competitors for leader- ship, that the narrow-minded, the cowardly, and the ignorant fear to put " aliens " in command of a nation whose victories were in great part paid for by the blood of the alien race. Probably the first recorded symptom of this distemper is the utterance of Cotton Mather, in a sermon entitled "A Pillar of Grati- tude," delivered in 1700, in honor of the arrival of Governor Bcllo- mont, and containing a good deal of rather unnecessary praise of that functionary. The passage referred to says : " There has been formidable Attempts of Satan and his Sons to Unsettle us : But what an overwhelming blast from Heaven has defeated all those Attempts? ... At length it was proposed that a Colony of Irish might be sent over to check the growth of this Coun- trey : An Happy Revolution spoil'd tJiat Plot : and many an one of more general consequence than That I " It seems as if the reverend gentleman did not quite understand the characteristics of the Irish ; certainly, if he were alive now, the most cursory inspection of the registry of births would convince him that if any one is "checking the growth of this Countrey" it is not the Irish. A dozen years or so afterward, when Irish began to come in considerable numbers to the shores of Massachusetts Bay, Boston trembled again for the purity of her English stock, and finally took heart to impose regulations upon the march of colonization. The town-meeting of May 4, 1723, passed the following order: ^ — Whereas great numbers of Persons have very lately bin Transported from Ireland into this Province, many of which by Reason of the Present Indian war and other Accedents befalling them, Are now Resident in this Town whose Circum- stances and Condition are not known, Some of which if due care be not taken may become a Town Charge or be otherwise prejuditial to the well fair & Prosperity of the Place. For Remedy whereof Ordered That Every Person now Resident here, that hath within the space of three years last past bin brought from Ireland, or for the future shal come from thence hither, Shal come and Enter his name and Occu- pation with the Town Clerk and if marryed the number and Age of his Children and Servants, within the space of five dayes, on pain of forfeiting and paying the 'Records, 1723, p. 177. 68 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Sum of twenty Shillings for each offence, And the Sum of ten Shillings for Every one that Shal Continue in the neglect or non-Observance of this Order, for and During the term of forty-Eight hours after the expiration of the fine dayes afore- said So often as the Person offending Shal be complained of and Convict before any Justice of the Peace within the Said County. And be it further Ordered that whoever Shall Receive and Entertain and keep in his family any Person or Persons Transported from Ireland as aforesaid, Shal within the Space of forty-Eight hours after Such Receipt and Entertainment Return the Names of all Such Persons with their Circomstances as far as they are able to the Town Clerk. On Penalty of Twenty Shillings fine for the first forty-Eight hours and Ten Shillings for Every twenty-four houres he Shal be convict after the first forty-Eight hours and so toties quoties. And yet it is to these very immigrants, who are thus inveighed against here, that New England owes what she now prizes as the most precious rehc of her grandmothers, — the spinning-wheel of the past, — now rising from garret-graves throughout the breadth of the land, to bless with its shadowy memories the hearthstones of the present. At the time of the Revolution there were many Irishmen in Boston; enough to form a Tory company, — the Loyal Irish Vol- unteers, — and to send many recruits into the patriot ranks as well. Individuals, like Knox, Cargill, and Malcom, rose into public notice as representatives of their race ; others, like Crean Brush, and the " mean-looking Irishman," mentioned in connection with the " horred Massacre " of March 5 , 1 770,^ were so rare as to prove the rule of Irish worth by forming the needful though unwelcome exceptions. Catho- lics then began to avow themselves, and to claim the right to worship. Immediately after the war was over Irishmen appeared and took their share in the liberty and prosperity of the town. In the Boston Directories for 1789 and 1796, the only ones extant bearing an earlier date than 1800, occur many names that must be readily recognized as Irish. Some of the more noticeable are Thomas and John Barry, Michael Burns, John and Owen Callahan, Daniel Carney, Patrick Connor, Jeremiah Driscoll, Patrick Duggan, Patrick Lyons, Michale Mahoney, Patrick O'Brien, Patrick Welch, Flynn, Foley, Hurly, ' See Drake, p. 779. THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 69 Kelly, Lynch, McGee, McCarthy, Murphy. Here and there a name like Patience Callahan shows a curious mixture of Puritan and Irish. Sarah Malcom, the widow of Captain Daniel Malcom, kept a board- ing-house on Ship (now North) street. Claude de la Poterie, Roman Catholic priest, vice-prefect, and missionary apostolic, rector of the church in South Latin School street, lived in Oliver's lane. Crowley & Clark were tobacconists in Market square (now Faneuil Hall square). John Bo}'le and his son were booksellers. Christian Gullagher was a " limner," i.e. a portrait painter. Patrick Kenny was a comedian. Anna McClure was a schoolmistress. Neil & Getty kept an Irish linen store on Hanover street. James Sullivan was attorney-general, and his son William, then twenty-two years old, was in practice as a lawyer. Thomas Welsh, the patriotic physi- cian, was at this time a member of the school committee. No sooner did Irish citizenship thus fairly appear and claim an independent existence of equal rank with the other nationalities in a country which has ever styled itself, and with truth, as the asylum of the oppressed of all lands, than the old British instinct began to assert itself in the form of a persistent denial of the fitness of Irishmen for political activity of any kind. In the wars between England and France, our commerce suf- fered impartially at the hands of either ; and the exasperated state of public feeling was gradually overcoming the horror of war from which the surrender of Yorktown had relieved us. The war party in the national councils was divided into two hostile camps : one was for war with Great Britain, and these were called Democrats ; the others, the Federalists, were for war with France. Now, the immigrants of this time were, with very few and insig- nificant exceptions, exiles from Great Britain. The unsuccessful rising in Ireland in 1798, the rigid censorship of speech and press that preceded and followed it, the vengeful memory of civil war and conquest on the one hand, and among the insurgents the bitterness of defeat, furnished weighty reasons for many an exodus from the land of sorrow. Such immigrants naturally took the Democratic side, and the rapid increase of that party, due to such accessions, 70 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. formed the basis for active anti-alien action on the part of the FederaHsts. In 1795 the period of residence prerequisite to citizen- ship, which by the first naturalization act was only two years, was extended to five; and in 1798, taking advantage of the strong war feeling against France and the apparently unassailable supremacy of their party, the Federalists pushed the residence-period to fourteen years. This policy was not, of course, likely to attract many immi- grants to the Federalists' side ; the foreign-born citizens, with natural unanimity, took refuge in the ranks of the Democrats ; and as their political existence depended on their activity, they turned out to be valuable recruits to the party of which they are to-day no incon- siderable portion. The accession to the presidency of Thomas Jef- ferson, in 1800, paved the way to the naturalization act of 1802, which reduced the period of residence to five years, insured fresh reenforcements of aliens, and formed the Democratic policy in regard to naturalization. It is to her alien party, and especially to her Irish foster-sons, that America owes the glorious history of the War of 181 2. Foster, who had been the British Minister at Washington, and who had done his best to avert hostilities, on his return testified in Parliament that the war with America had been kindled by the Irish exiles ; and that among the members of Congress who voted for war were six who had been known as members of the Society of United Irishmen. This war was very unpopular at the North, and particularly so in New^ England. Toward the end of the year 18 14, representatives of the anti-war feeling met in convention at Hartford, Conn., and passed a series of resolutions full of the most ominous resentment at the national government, and almost threatening secession. They recommended that " naturalized foreigners should be debarred from membership in Congress and from all civil offices under the United States." After their adjournment, however, the brilliant close of the war so overwhelmed all opposition and seized upon the hearts of the people, that the delegates to the convention were most heartily ashamed of their work, and dropped the rebellious agitation like a THE KXO]V-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 71 hot potato. So it has been nearly always in the history of our country thus far: whenever the storm of hatred and prejudice seemed almost ready to drive back into the sea the foreigners that sought refuge on our shores, some great national crisis has arisen that has given them, strangers and friendless as they were, an oppor- tunity to show how stubbornly they can fight and how bravely they can die for a flag that is ready to protect them in freedom. The hostility to the Irish sometimes took a religious phase, but it is undeniable that no very bitter or long-continued opposition has been manifested against, say, the French ; while against the Irish the excitement has run so high that on more than one occa- sion the peace of the city has been seriously threatened by it. Curiously enough this rancorous feeling culminated in open outrage just about one hundred years after the earlier Irish immigrants, finding themselves rather coolly received in Boston, formed a society for their own enjoyment, and for the succor of unfortunate kindred. On Sunday, June ii, 1837, occurred th« famous Broad-street riot. An Irish funeral procession, going along East street, met a fire company returning from a fire in Roxbury. A contest began about the right of way, in which, at first, the funeral people had the best of it, and took possession of the engine-house. The firemen went to the churches and sounded an alarm of fire, to which the other companies responded, and now drove the Irish through to Purchase and Broad streets. They sought refuge in their houses, but their assailants followed them, breaking their windows and smashing furniture. The air was full of flying feathers and straw from the beds which had been ripped up and emptied into the street. Some of the tenement-houses were completely sacked, the occupants fleeing for their lives. The mayor of the city, Samuel A. Eliot, was early on the scene, but with the scanty police at his disposal could do little to control the disturbance. He took immediate steps to call out the military. The National Lancers, a cavalry company recently organized, were all well known and easily reached, and in about two hours after the beginning of the riot the mayor entered Broad street with about eight hundred men, the Lancers heading the 72 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. column. The riot was speedily quelled ; but the people were so excited that a military patrol was maintained all night, and sentinels were posted at the churches to prevent false alarms. At the official investigation, the blame for beginning the disturb- ance was equally divided between the firemen and the Irishmen. It was estimated that over fifteen thousand persons were concerned in the disturbance. No lives were lost, but there was a great deal of pretty tough fighting, and a considerable amount of property destroyed. One fireman was stretched senseless near Liverpool wharf, and the rumor that he had been killed added fury to the riot. Several of the " native Americans " were brought before the court and held in three or four hundred dollars. The forbearance of the Irish on previous occasions, as, for example, on the occasion of the burning of the Catholic convent at Charlestown, had led the people to look to them for unusual self-control in such matters ; though few men of any nation could be expected to look with calmness on the desolation of a not too comfortable home and the reckless and causeless abuse of countrymen and friends. Similar mob violence occurred at other periods in the history of the city. These outrages were not countenanced by the better class of Bostonians, but, unfortunately, they were so fierce in design and so relentless in execution that their traces will always remain as blemishes in the city's bright record. About the year 1837 a com- pany of naturalized Irishmen, and men of Irish descent, organized a militia company, and took to themselves the name of " The Mont- gomery Guards," after the famous Revolutionary general of that name, whose Irish blood did not bar him from the friendship of Washington nor from the devotion of American soldiers and people. On Septem- ber 12, 1837, a brigade inspection was held on Boston Common, under Gen. J. L. C. Amee. The brigade comprised Major Hoppin's bat- talion of artillery, in three companies ; the National Lancers, attached to the Second Regiment of Infantry ; the Pulaski Guards, attached to the Third ; and the ten companies of Colonel Smith's regiment of light infantry. One of these ten companies was the Montgomery Guards. Prejudice and race antipathy had risen to such a height that the mem- THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 73 bers of many of the other companies of the regiment had deliberately planned to march oft' the field if the Irish company appeared on parade. They did, of course, appear; and, in accordance with the agreement, no sooner had the regiment formed upon the parade- ground than the privates and non-commissioned officers of one of the anti-Irish companies, called the City Guards, left the field, under the leadership of a sergeant, in disobedience to the commands of their officers and in gross violation of military discipline. This dis- graceful example was followed by other companies, the Lafayette Guards, the Washington Light Infantry, and a large portion of the Fusileers, and of the Mechanic Riflemen. The commissioned officers, and in some cases a part of the warrant officers and privates, stood to their posts ; but three companies entire and portions of the others were sufficient to give to the mutiny an aspect of previous concert and of determined insubordination not at all reassuring to the friends of good order. The deserting companies marched through the streets to their quarters with drum and fife, playing " Yankee Doodle," and company standards flying beside the United States flag. In the afternoon, when the companies were dismissed, the Mont- gomery Guards with the others left the Common and proceeded to- wards their armory near Faneuil Hall. They were followed by a mob who pelted them with stones, coal, and sticks of wood all along their line of march. Not the least reprisal was attempted by the Guards, but keeping their ranks and marching steadily through the spiteful shower of missiles, they reached their armory, and from there quietly dispersed to their homes, having set an example for self- restraint and devotion to duty that put the " natives " to shame. Governor Everett, who on the preceding St. Patrick's day had attended the centennial of the Charitable Irish Society, and knew some little of the worth and antiquity of Irish citizens' service, issued a proclamation denouncing in strong terms the conduct of the City Guards and their imitators, and expressing warm approval " of the exemplary behavior of the Montgomery Guards under the trying cir- cumstances in which they were placed in the course of the day." 74 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Of the forty members of this company, thirty-two were native- born, and only eight were naturahzed. It is more than probable that it contained the sons of Irishmen whose fathers had fought in the battles of the Revolution. The Lafayette Guards and the Columbian Artillery Company after^vards became known as Irish organizations ; and the latter, after its disbandment, formed an association which was the nucleus of Company A of the Irish Ninth. Such is the irony of history. The organization of nativism in America was un-American in every particular. Nominations were made by secret meetings of per- sons unknown to the great majority of the members, and voted for on pain of expulsion. It was a secret, oath-bound fraternity, whose real objects and even whose name were not revealed to its own members till they had reached the higher degrees of initiation. During a cer- tain investigation this regulation caused witnesses who were members to reply constantly " I don't know," and suggested the name by which the movement has since been called. The name of the association was said to be " The Sons of '76; or, the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner." At first, selections of the best candidates were made from either party, and as they were secretly communicated to the members and universally balloted for by them, the results were the despair of the political calculator. In New York City the election of 1843 had gone to the Democrats, and the fight had been for years so close, so desperately contested, and so various in result, that the feeling between partisans was exasperated and bitter ; and the victors, as a home-thrust to the vanquished, gave the lion's share of the city patron- age to foreigners. The next year brought an " American " victory, in which the vote stood 24,5 lO " American," 20,538 Democratic, 5,297 Whig. In Philadelphia riots between the natives and the Irish led to the burning of two Catholic churches and the cracking of the Liberty bell. In 1845 New York and Philadelphia gave native majorities. In 1847 the American party in New York City was invisible. In the same year, in Boston, an assembly of all the lodges in the neighborhood was arranged to meet, on the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, in the midst of a crowded settlement of Irish on Fori Hill. Warned THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 75 and exhorted by their clergy, "followers of an Italian prince " though they were, the Irish remained that day within their humble homes, and allowed the insulting procession to have its unpatriotic holiday, without furnishing them the opportunity they sought for marring the peace of the city. The spirit of the leaders of this movement, many of whom were in other things worthy of all respect, is well shown by the following "Address" to the native Americans of New York, signed "J. T. B.," and printed in the editorial columns of the Boston " Courier," Oct. 31, 1844. The author was Joseph T. Buckingham. Extracts only are here given : — . . . In the plentitude of that generosity which has induced us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, ... we have warmed into life the torpid viper and the fanged adder, that already begin to show their teeth and spit their venom upon our dear and blood-bought privileges, our sacred and most cherished insti- tutions. Already the foreigners . . . attempt to control our legislators, to nominate our magistrates, and to brow-beat our voters at the ballot-box ; and if any of them are too diffident or too ignorant to talk to us in the tone of defiance and domination, they sell their votes to the more enlightened and crafty demagogue, and perjure their souls at the command of profligate leaders. Give to them freely all the advantages which your children enjoy — pay them liberally for their labor — help them to acquire property by enterprise and industry — and when, like your children, they have lived among yowtwenty-one y&zx's,, let them exercise your common privilege of admission to the ballot-boxes. The unsuccessful risings and the dreadful famine in Ireland, between 1846 and 1850, sent crowds of emigrants to America, and politics soon began to feel the impetus of their addition to Demo- cratic ranks. Much was said in nativist circles about " the greed and incapacity of foreign-born citizens for office." The periodic Catholic scare reached one of its maxima. On the crest of this rose another wave of the anti-Irish excitement, which Boston felt severely. Political associates were taunted with the alliance of " Irishmen fresh from the bogs of Ireland," who were " led up to the desk like dumb brutes, their hands guided to make a straight mark," and to "vote down inteUigent, honest native citizens." In 185 1, under 76 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Mayor John P. Bigelow, the Charitable Irish Society respectfully de- clined an invitation to participate in the Railroad jubilee procession, "for causes and from feelings best known to themselves," most probably on account of the disagreeable position that they would be placed in if they accepted and appeared in the parade. The next year Benjamin Seaver was elected mayor, and the " Traveller " shortly afterward contained an announcement that the Catholic priesthood, on the ground that the Irish had put him in office, would shortly demand, among other revolutionary and dangerous things, that the Catholic priests should visit the city in- stitutions at South Boston and Deer Island. Mild as that measure seems to us to-day, it was undoubtedly dangerous and revolution- ary in the eyes of the ill-balanced cranks of the time. One of the especial bugbears of the Know-nothings was the project of selling the jail lands on Leverett street to the Catholics : prop- erty was to be run down by the building of a Catholic church in that locality, and possibly there were other dangers ; at any rate, it was as effective for the Know-nothing politician as a red rag for a bull. After two terms of Mayor Seaver came two terms of Jerome Van Crowninshield Smith, i a Know-nothing sachem, whose adminis- tration wore out the patiences of the city. The expenses of the ten months, January-October, 1855, were $12,586, including over $2,500 for carriage-hire and refreshments; and in addition a little item labelled " Probable amount due at Young's Hotel," amounting to $1,500. The expenses for this single year were greater than for both of Seaver's administrations, and the city debt was increased nearly one million of dollars. The people were justly incensed at the abuse of a government which made such great pretensions as to " morality, temperance, and religion : " a large meeting was held in Faneuil Hall, and from this agitation sprang the citizens' movement, w^hich has since taken a very important part in our political history. The American faction nominated Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, a good ' His initials used to be translated Jerome Vaccinating the Children Smith, on account of an unpopular regulation as to vaccination in the schools. THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 11 man in a bad cause, and resorted to the old-fashioned tricks, and falsehoods, and insults to bring contempt upon their opponents. The Boston - Bee " was perhaps the most virulent. November 28 it contained this editorial : "It is currently reported that the self-con- stituted, dark-lantern clique of sixty, in making up their ticket for Mayor and Aldermen, waited upon f John, Bishop of Boston ^ and consulted His Holiness. . . . f John urged the claims of two or more on the Aldermen list, remarking that if they were upon the ticket he would pledge the entire Catholic vote of Boston for the Committee's tickets. . . . This is nothing new. Some few years since during the season of the Whig ward and city committee ... a committee was appointed to wait upon \ John and get him to suggest some names that would be acceptable to the Irish voters. . . . This is the manner in which the American citizens of Boston have been treated by the Whig party and [the citizens' committee] are now endeavoring to gain the ascendancy by the same contemptible means." On the same day the " Post," a Democratic paper, contained the following in regard to the citizens' ticket: " This will be opposed by the Protestant Jesuits, a thoroughly drilled phalanx which a Loyola could have gloried in; bound together by oaths; working by politi- cal machinery the most perfect ever worked ; and which, however much shattered in other States, remains tight and strong and in sound order in Massachusetts. This fact should be looked full in the face. It counsels thorough organized effort on the part of those in favor of the citizens' ticket." The contest was close and exciting, the undeniable worth of the Know-nothing candidate making the defeat of his party difficult- but the result was the election of Alexander H. Rice, one of the best mayors Boston ever had. It was in this year that the Columbian Artillery, an Irish com- pany, voluntarily disbanded to escape persecution at the hands of the State Government; they subsequently organized as the Colum- ' Rt. Rev. John Bernard Fitzpatrick, died 1866; son of Bernard Fitzpatrick, one of the early members of the Charitable Irish Society. 78 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. bian Associates, and, as mentioned elsewhere in this chapter, formed a point of beginning for the Ninth Regiment. The anti-slavery contest now rose into prominence and ensured the total wreck of the so-called American party. In the national election they were almost completely buried, receiving as their share of the two hundred and ninety-six electoral votes only the eight votes of Maryland. Their strength in New Hampshire sank from thirty-two thousand in March to a little over four hundred in No- vember. Popular attention was soon turned towards the restive South, and in the tornado of civil strife which soon burst upon our distracted country, many Irishmen won citizenship on the field of battle, rallying and falling around the green flag that, alas ! can never wave but in a foreign fight. No five years' probation then — only the bloody ordeal of the cannon, the rifle, and the bayonet; and not a few of Erin's sons entered upon citizenship and immor- tality together. Let us hope that in that fierce flame the Know- nothing stubble was totally consumed. There are other pages to which we would gladly turn, — glimpses of neighborly kindness — " good deeds in a naughty world," shining encouragingly from salient points in Irish and American history. But such occurrences, overbalancing as they do the most disheartening items of the preceding account, are not in the same sense exclu- sively a portion of Boston's history. The most recent and most valuable token of this generosity is the noble support which America is giving to the Home Rule agitation, not only in money, which is of course indispensable, but also in moral encouragement, where Boston's influence is freely and eff'ectively bestowed. One cannot but remember the earnest sympathy of Ireland with the American colonies in the darkest hour of their need ; we venture to add an instance of this mutual regard immediately connected with the pre- revolutionary excitement in Boston. At the town-meeting of March 12, 1771, about a year after THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 79 the " massacre " in State street, a letter " from that celebrated Patriot, Dr. Lucas, of Ireland,^ owning the Receipt of one transmitted him by a Committee of this Town together with the Pamphlet rela- tive to the horred Massacre in Boston March 5, 1770 — was read and attended to with the highest satisfaction." Dr. Joseph Warren, Samuel Adams, and two others were appointed a committee to reply to this letter. This distinguished Irishman was a physician of high professional standing, and a patriot whose services to Ireland and to liberty everywhere will make him long remembered. His opinions were so radical that he was twice exiled by the English government, and his writings were burned by the common hangman. He repre- sented Dublin in Parliament from 1761 till his death, November 4, 1 77 1. He established the " Freeman's Journal," which has ren- dered, and still renders, yeoman's service to the cause of Irish liberty. His personal appearance was very striking; it is said that all visitors to Parliament were curious to know his name. Dr. Johnson wrote of him, " Let the man thus driven into exile for having been the friend of his country, be received in every place as a confessor of liberty." There is a statue of him in the Dublin City Hall. It must ever be regretted that his death, at the age of fifty-eight, pre- vented him from seeing the triumph of the struggle in whose birth he had been so warmly interested. Another token of America's bounty to Ireland was the famine contribution of 1847. Of the one hundred and fifty thousand dollars received by the New England committee, over fifty thousand dollars was the gift of Boston ; and on the departure of the expedition bear- ing this charity to the wards of step-motherly England, it was rec- ollected that Ireland had anticipated the idea one hundred and seventy years before. In 1677, after the close of King Philip's War, the Massachusetts colonies were in great distress. Out of a popu- lation of perhaps twenty-five thousand, five or six hundred, fully one-tenth of her fighting men, fell in battle with the savages. Very opportunely at this time came the famous " Irish donation," a whole > Charles Lucas, M.D., born Sept. 16, 1713. 80 THE IRISH IiY BOSTON. shipload of provisions from some friends of the Boston churches in Dublin. The immediate occasion of this expedition was the appeal of Dr. Increase Mather to his friends in Ireland ; the effectiveness of the appeal being probably due, at least in part, to the active sym- pathy of Nathaniel Mather, who was then in London, for the home of his family and the scene of his earliest labors. The supplies came in " the good ship called the Katherine of Dublin," consigned to William Ting, James Oliver, and John Hull, who were authorized to sell enough of the cargo to pay the freight, amounting to four hundred and fifty pounds, and then to distribute the remainder to the poor. The directions as to this distribution furnish a touching commentary on the religious intolerance of the Massachusetts people : — Wee desire that an equall respect bee had to all godly psons agreeing in fundamentals . . . though differing about the subject of some ordinances, & pticularly that godly Anti-peodobaptists bee not excluded : w'='' wee the rather thus perticularly insert because sundry reports have come hither suggesting that godly psons of that pswasion have been severely dealt withall in New England & also because divers of that pswasion in this Citty have freely & very Considerably con- curred in advancing this releife. That if any of y^ Indians in New England who have adhered to the English in the present Warr bee bro't to distress by their barbrous Countrymen they bee by no means forgotten, . . . Especially that those of them that are of the house- hold of faith . . . may be singularly regarded. The proportion of this town was fifteen pounds six shillings, distributed among twenty-nine families, comprising one hundred and two persons. The distribution was made in March, 1677, and went to show that Boston had suffered nearly five times as much by the war as any other place ; but we must note that the Boston troops were not in any one of the great massacres, and that the presence of many of the distressed in Boston must be due to its being resorted to as an asylum by the hardy settlers whose homes had been scattered here and there in the unprotected country. In an account of this occurrence Mr. Charles Deane gives us a little foot-note, saying, " Respecting this Iri&Ji charity, we must not THE KNOW-NOTHING MOVEMENT. 81 indulge in the pleasing reflection that our fathers were indebted for its bestowment to the warm sympathies and generous impulses of the Irish Catholic. I intend nothing by the remark, but to make a state- ment of the fact." This statement is undoubtedly true ; because under the rule of Charles I., the Catholics were deprived of their property with a view to winning them into the Established Church, and under Parliament's rule they were banished in shiploads. When the king " got his own again," the change of masters gave no relief, and the Irish Catholics, who had fought not for their religion,^ but for their property, for their means of living, and for the homes of their ancestors, were left with little to live on, far less to give away. It seems hardly neces- sary for a man learned in the history of the world to say that the " Irish charity " must have come from those who alone had the means to be generous. Yet if it were not for the possessions that Irish Catholics once had, and had with little grace yielded, the warm heart of the Irish Protestant would have had to give from his own hard earnings, if he gave at all. ' Clogy, " Life of Bedell," quoted in Lecky's "England in the XVIIIth Century," p. 185. 82 THE IRISH ly BOSTON. CHAPTER VII. THE IRISH SOLDIER. IRISH valor, Irish decision, Irish perseverance, have filled the pages of American history with a story which has an intense interest for the people of Irish blood in the United States. From the early period, when the yoke of unjust taxation became unbearable, down to the casting aside of that other yoke, of unbearable human servitude, Irish thought as well as Irish heroes have come forth to take their places in the annals of this great nation. There are individual incidents when credit is accorded a brave man of French, Danish, or other foreign extraction, but none seem to have so firmly fixed themselves in a rightful demand for due credit in making and sustaining this republic as the Americans of Irish blood. To obtain this place, too, they had to overcome religious, social, and commercial obstructions raised by the very men by whose side they have stood now for over a century. They backed Col. James Barrett at Concord Bridge, and joined in that shot that awakened the world. They saw the great war-ships of a great nation humbled by Commodore Barry on Lake Erie. They helped to hunt Mexico, and were in at the death. They flocked by thousands to Lincoln's call in the sixties, fought to end the war, and have since fought in politics to bury the sectional strife engendered by it. The renown of their deeds is left to their descendants to record and boast of. There is no apology to make, no shame to veil. Properly to digest their military history alone, would require years of patient labor. The purpose of this chapter is to briefly present that part of it which relates to Boston. It has not been an easy task. The writers of the Irish-American people have left very imperfect records where they have left any, and the other historians have not cared, seemingly, to note the nationality of the people of whom they wrote. THE IRISH SOIDIER. 83 I. — Concord and Lexington. They came into the full light of colonial history at Lexington and Concord. The cry of Paul Revere roused them to take their share in the defence of the common cause. They responded promptly. Among them was Hugh Cargill, the Ballyshannon man, formerly belonging to Boston, but now of Concord. To his prompt response Concord owed the safety of her records. Among them also was Col. James Barrett, who was the commander of the minute- men of the town. Hardly had he left his bed when he heard of the murderous work of the regulars at Lexington. He removed, as was his first duty, a part of the colonial stores which had been hidden in his town, and then, with his command, fought the intruders at the North Bridge. The news of the dire work spread ; the minute-men gathered. No more beautiful picture of united patriotism adorns history. They left their wives and children, their workshops and farms, to gather for the fight. They came in scattered groups, dressed as they happened to be when the tidings of the fight came to them, only stopping long enough to snatch up their flintlocks, examine the priming, belt on the powder-horn and bullet-pouch. All the roads centring towards the main one along which the English must retreat presented these groups. At every cross-road their numbers increased. In the hurrying knots of men were citizens of all the surrounding towns, who had been gathering since four o'clock that morning. Some were led by their preachers, others by chosen captains, while still others went into the fray without a leader. Young and old cheered one another on for the conflict. Along the line of their march, patriotic mothers, wives, sweet- hearts, and daughters bade them " God-speed." " Impossible to have conquered such a people " was the comment of a great British statesman. " The only way for Great Britain to regain her hold would have been to exterminate them, men and women alike." When they reached the main road their first question was: 84 THE IRISH hV BOSTON. Have the red-coats passed? Where are they? Then the hurrying to give them battle. "You know the rest. In the books jou have read How the British regulars fired and fled, — How the farmers gave them ball for ball From behind each fence and farmyard wall, Chasing the red-coats down the lane, Then crossing the fields to emerge again Under the trees at the turn of the road, And onJy pausing to fire and load." They awoke the English to a true realization of the manhood of the new country. They were compelled to fly before the very men whom they had taunted with cowardice. The " battle of the minute-men " is without a parallel in history. Only another hour's delay, and the whole command that had gone forth in such martial splendor would have been compelled to lay down their arms to the unorganized, undisciplined farmer. The Yankees were marksmen. Every crack of their old flintlocks meant one red-coat less. They fired from behind the walls ; they chased the British till the reen- forcing column received them into their midst; and the fugitives, their limbs powerless and their tongues hanging out with utter distress, dropped on the road from exhaustion. To trace many of these marksmen back to the " old sod " would be an impossibility; but the list presented below, of Irish-American minute-men, is as complete and accurate as careful investigation and inquiry can make it. Names of an undoubted Irish origin are taken as substantial evidence of the nationality of the bearers themselves, or of their ancestors. Many others there were, of Irish birth or blood, whose identification is lost by intermarriage and the carelessness of historians. Of Col. James Barrett, who commanded at Concord, it is said that he was an Irish-American. Hugh Cargill, to whom reference is made above, was a liquor dealer on Cambridge street, which at that time began at Sudbury street, and reached the edge of the water at about the line of West Cedar street. He was a member of Engine Company No. 6. He THE IRISH SOIDIER. 85 * moved to Concord before 1796, and died there in 1799. He bequeathed to the town of Concord the Stratton Farm, valued in 1800 at $1,300, to be improved as a poor-house — for which pur- pose it is still used. He also gave several other parcels of real estate, valued at $3,720, the income of which is solely to be applied for the benefit of the poor. At the time of the Concord fight, Cargill was on hand, and assisted in removing the Concord town-records to a place of safety. He served at Bunker Hill as sergeant in Alisha Brown's company, in the regiment of Colonel Nixon. His tomb is marked by a plain slab : at the top is carved an urn, bearing his initials ; below is this epitaph : — Here lies interred the remains of Hugh Cargill, late of Boston, who died in Concord, January 12, 1799, in the sixtieth year of his age. Mr. Cargill was born in Ballyshannon, in Ireland; came to this country in the year 1774, destitute of the comforts of life ; but by his industry and good economy, he acquired a good estate ; [demised] to his wife, Rebecca Cargill ; likewise a large and generous donation to the town of Concord for benevolent purposes. How strange, O God, that reigns on high, That I should come so far to die ! And leave mj friends, where I was bred. To lay my bones with strangers dead ! But I have hopes, when I arise, To dwell with them in yonder skies.' Another prominent name in the accounts of Concord and Lex- ington is Dr. Thomas Welsh, who was army surgeon to the patriots. He it was who met brave Dr. Joseph Warren, the hero of Bunker Hill, as he rode through Charlestown, at about ten o'clock on the morning of that memorable April day. The news of the firing had been brought to Dr. Warren by messenger, and he informed Dr. Welsh that the reports of the murderous work of the regulars were true. "Well," said Dr. Welsh, "they are gone out." "Yes," replied Dr. Warren, " and we'll be up with them before night." How true this prophecy was history tells. 'Thomas D'Arcy McGee : Hist, of the Irish Settlers in America, p. 34. 86 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Dr. 'Welsh was bom at Charlestown, June i, 1754. He married Mary Kent of that town. He performed great service for his coun- trymen in attending to the dying and the wounded at Lexington and Bunker Hill. He was at Winter Hill, by which the troops that went to Cambridge retreated. He, with Samuel Blodgett, assisted in arresting the retreat of the New Hampshire troops flying from the re- doubt on Bunker Hill. He was surgeon at Castle Island in 1799, hospital physician at Rainsford's for many years, a member of the Boston Board of Health, vice-president of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 18 14, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He died at Boston in February, 1831. He was the last of the orators on the " horred massacre" of 1770. The oration was delivered in the Old Brick Church on Chauncey place, off Summer street, March 5, 1783, the year peace was declared and the colonies were united in a growing republic. In his peroration he said : — At length independence is ours. The halc)X>n day appears. Lo ! from the east I see the harbinger, and from the train 'tis Peace herself, and, as attendants, all the gentle arts of life. Commerce displays her snow-white navies, fraught with the wealth of kingdoms. Plenty from her copious horn pours forth her richest gifts. Heaven commands ! The east and the west give up, and the north keeps not back. All nations meet and beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning-hooks, and resolve to learn war no more. Henceforth shall the American wilderness blossom as the rose, and every man shall sit under his fig-tree, and none shall make him afraid. Below is given ington minute-men : a list of Irish names from the rolls of the Lex- Daniel Bagley, John Barrett, John Boyd, Daniel Bradlee, John Bradlee, William Bradley, Edward Breck, Joseph Burke, Richard Burke, Wait Burke, Daniel Carey, Joseph Carey, Peter Carey, William Carey, Silas Carty, John Carrell, Patrick Carrell, Jonathan Carroll, Joseph Carroll, Cornelius Cochran, William Cochran, Henry Cogen, John Collins, Jeremiah Collins, Mark Collins, Nathaniel Collins, Samuel Collins, THE IRISH SOLDIER. 87 Daniel Connors, William Connors, John Crehore, Timothy Crehore, William Crehore, James Dempsey, Philip Donehue, Benjamin Donnell, James Donnell, Joseph Donnell, John Donnelly, John Downing, Andrew Duningan, John Fadden, Thomas Fanning, William Fanning, John Farley, Michael Farley, John Fay, Thomas Fay, Timothy Fay, William Fay, John Fife, Robert Fife, John Flood, William Flood, John Foley, Mathew Gilligen, Richard Gilpatrick, James Gleason, John Gleason, Thomas Gleason, John Golden, Joseph Golden, James Gooly, John Grace, Daniel Griffin, Joseph Griffin, John Hacket, Joseph Hacket, Richard Hacket, Thomas Hacket, William Hacket, Joel Hogan, John Haley, Thomas Haley, William Haley, John Healy, John Holland, John Hugh, David Kelly, George Kelly, John Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Peter Kelly, Richard Kelly, Samuel Kelly, Stephen Kelly, David Kenny, James Kenny, John Kenny, Nathaniel Kenny, Thomas Kenny, William Kenny, Jeremiah Kinney, Daniel Lary, Samuel Lauchlin, James Logan, Joseph McAnnell, Thomas McBride, John McCarty, Andrew McCauseland, John McCullin, Michael McDonnell, James McFadden, Ebenezer McFarley, Thomas McFarley, Henry McGonegal, John McGrah, Daniel McGuire, John Mack, Patrick McKeen, James McKenny, Joseph McKenny, John McLeary, David McLeary, John McMullen, Thomas McMullen, John Madden, Daniel Mahon, James Mallone, John Manning, Robert Manning, Samuel Manning, Thomas Manning, Timothy Manning, William Manning, Benjamin Maxy, James Magoone, John Mehoney, Daniel MuUikin, Ebenezer Mullikin, John Murphy, Patrick Newjent, Patrick O'Brien, Richard O'Brien, Daniel Shay, John Shea, Edward Tappan, Michael Tappan, John Walsh, Joseph Walsh, Benjamin Welsh, Edward Welsh, John Welsh, Joseph Welsh, Samuel Welsh, Thomas Welsh, Walter Welsh, William Welsh. 88 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. W.— Bunker Hill. War alone could subdue the angry passions engendered by the fight at Lexington. English power needed more humble subjects, and the colonists had decided not only to avenge their injuries, but to fight for absolute freedom. The expedition to Lexington and Concord was the last the English soldiers made from Boston into the interior of the colony. The commands of Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn finally eluded destruction at the hands of the sharpshooters, who had made their return to camp a trail of blood. They were destined in a few months to be compelled to move again, and to be kept moving until they finally departed from the country forever. Lexington had cured British conceit. Bunker Hill w^ould amaze and alarm them. Farmers whom recklessness had driven into revolt acquired the art and science of war as if by intuition ; and the fearlessness, stability, and discipline of veterans came to them as the need for it grew. They proclaimed rebellion, and cooped the ruling power of the whole colony within the narrow confines of the city. The patriots hovered about, zealous to drive them into the sea. They taunted General Gage. They harassed him by small raids and seizures of supplies. They knew that he had been reenforced by Howe, Burgoyne, and Clinton, and by thousands of recruits. They were not terrified by the odds against them. They waited a month for the great generals to come out and crush them, and then, evidently tired of waiting, they started in to crush the great generals. When the sun rose on the morning of June 17, 1775, the inhab- itants of the town of Boston saw a w^onderful sight. There were breastworks on the top of " Breed's Hill," 1 manned by New England yeomen. It was a challenge to battle which could not be disre- garded. The English did succeed in driving the brave fellows from their works, but that victory only lent new lustre to the American arms. The soldiers who had planted St. George's cross on many heights in ' Historically known as Bunker Hill. THE IRISH SOIDIER. 89 the face of a desperate foe, who had made it respected the world over, found behind those humble breastworks an untrained militia that had the grit to withstand their best generals, and that hurled them back again and again. The fight of Bunker Hill made the reputation of the Continental troops, and inspired a confidence that never forsook them. There were many on that famous height who had their first opportunity then to strike a blow for liberty, and another in revenge for the dreadful oppression of their forefathers in Ireland. The first spadeful of earth on Breed's Hill was turned just before midnight on the night of the i6th of June, 1775. There were one thousand men at the work, under command of Col. William Pr^scott, of Pepperell, Mass. They worked all through the night under the veil of darkness. When the sun lit up their works to the astonished British on the morning of June 17, they greeted the sight with a fierce cannonade from the war-ship " Lively," which was anchored off what is now the Navy Yard. Tired and hungry, the patriots worked "on, exposed to that fire, awaiting reenforcements calmly, determined to defend those works with the last drop of blood. Through General Ward's doubt of w^hat the English generals would do, he delayed sending reenforcements to Breed's Hill. He feared to weaken his force in Cambridge, for the English might make that the point of attack rather than the breastwork on the hill. This doubt could not restrain the brave men of his army. They saw their countrymen under the fire of the English war-ships, and groups of them, all the morning long, crossed the neck, and entered the redoubt. They sought only a place in the fight, without regard to the commands in which they served. Such were Generals W^arren and Pomeroy. When General Ward became satisfied that the English would undertake to dislodge the patriots, reenforcements were immediately ordered over. They came across the neck, which was made a perfect death-hole by the concentrated fire of the English guns. Among them was the regiment of Col. John Stark, an Irish- American, whose bravery and devotion had put him at the head of 90 THE IRISH IV BOSTON. his New Hampshire troops, and afterwards made him one of the most famous commanders of the Revolution, His career in the cause of hberty is full of that dash and spirit which crowds the rec- ord of the late General Sheridan. Mr. Bagenal, in a book on the American Irish, published a few years ago in New York, says of Colonel Stark : " He was the son of an Irish farmer of New Hampshire. He inherited a good fund of mother-wit, and a brogue as mellifluous as if he was born and reared on the banks of the Inchigeelah, in the County Cork." A number of the men in his regiment came from Londonderry and Derryfield (now Manchester), both in New Hampshire, and both settled by emigrants from Ireland. He had the love, not of his own troops only, but of the whole army. He was hardy, independent, and brave, — a fit associate for the fearless Putnam, the energetic Pomeroy, and the veterans Prescott and Ward. The character of Colonel Stark may be shown by an incident at the crossing of the neck. From one till half-past three o'clock on that bloody afternoon, the Americans continued to cross. They were enfiladed by a galling fire from the ships and batteries. When Colonel Stark arrived, about two o'clock, it seemed a perfect hell of hissing shot and fire. Captain Dearborn, who was by his side, suggested to him the expediency of quickening his steps across ; but Stark replied, " One fresh man in action is worth ten fatigued ones," and, with the same deliberation, he continued his march. When he arrived at the fortifications, the English troops had already landed on the beach. He made one of his fiery addresses to his men, pointed out their red-coated foes, and then led them to the rail-fence. This fence had just previously been manned by Captain Knowlton, by orders of Colonel Prescott, to prevent the English from flanking the Americans. It was near the base of Bunker Hill, six hundred feet in the rear of the redoubt ; one-half of it was stone, with two rails of wood. A little distance in front of this rail was another parallel line of fence, and the space between the fences was filled with newly cut grass. There Stark and his brave Paddies fought for hours. It was a strategic point, and General Howe, in person, led THE IRISH SOLDIER. 91 the attack upon it. The EngHsh generals and soldiers underrated their opponents. That they would drive them from the redoubt was never questioned. They had only to move, and the Yankees would run. It was a trying time for the brave bands of men who were waiting for the attack, ignorant yet of the power of their own stern purpose. Charlestown was blazing ; shots from ships and batteries were hissing around them; many had never been in battle before ; very many had worked all night long, and were almost ready to sink to the ground with exhaustion. Twice they hurled back from their defences the flower of the English army, and when they did retire, it was when their powder had given out, and they were overwhelmed by the superior force of their foes. At the rail-fence they successfully resisted every attempt to turn their flank. Stark's men, like most of the other patriots, were marksmen. They used the rails of the fence to rest their flintlocks. They were intent on cutting down the British officers. When one was in sight, — that is, when they " could see the white of his eye," — they exclaimed, " There, see that officer ! Let's have a shot at him ! " and two or three would fire at the same moment. They cut up the companies with terrible severity, and so great was the car- nage that the English columns, a few moments before so proud and firm, were disconcerted and broken to pieces. Colonel Stark was everywhere among his men ; he led their cheers when their foes fell back, and was among the last to leave the works. Near him was a company of Charlestown volunteers, a portion of Colonel Gardner's regiment from Middlesex, under Capt. Joseph Harris. Their hearts were filled with a wilder hate, for they could see their homes blazing, and they thought of the dear ones left behind. They fought fiercely, never for a moment thinking of giving ground. Colonel Swett says of this company, " They were fighting at their own doors, on their own natal soil. They stood like the Greeks of Thermopylae, and they kept the pass till the enemy had discovered another." One of the bravest men of Colonel Stark's command was his major, Andrew McClar\', an Irishman, nearly six and one-half feet in height, and of athletic frame. During the action he, like his 92 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. colonel, fought among his men with great bravery. After the action he rode to Medford to procure bandages for the wounded, and on his return went with a few of his comrades to reconnoitre the British, then on Bunker Hill. As he was on his way to rejoin his men, a shot from a frigate lying where Craigie's Bridge now is, passed through his body. He leaped a few feet from the ground, pitched forward, and fell on his face dead. In 1 78 1 a poem on the battle was published, bearing the signa-* ture of John Boyle, the well-known bookseller of Boston. His Irish name adds significance to his words. The followingf is an extract: — " Again the conflict glows with rage severe, And fearless ranks in Combat mixt appear. Victory uncertain ! fierce contention reigns. And purple rivers drench the slippery plains. Column to column, host to host oppose, And rush impetuous on their adverse foes. When, lo ! the hero Warren from afar Sought for the battle and the field of war." Many other Irish names shared the renown of this combat. Laurence Sullivan and John Dillon were among the dead upon the field ; Daniel McGrath was taken prisoner, and died in captivity. The following names are found among those on the rolls of Bunker Hill, as given in the Massachusetts Archives : — 2d-Lieut. Chas. Dougherty, Richard Burk, John Bryan, Capt. Samuel Dunn, Michael Berry, Arthur Collamore, Col. John Patterson, William Burk, Samuel Carr, Ebenezer Sullivan, Josiah Burk, John Collins, Lieut. Joseph Welsh, Edward Burk, Edward Connor, John Burk, Thomas Burn, David Collins, John Barry, John Bogan, Peter Collins, Joseph Barry, William Bogan, Daniel Collins, Wait Burk, James Barry, Sergt. Hugh Cargill, Tilly Burk, Joseph Burne, Col. John Nixon, THE IRISH SOLDIER. 93 William Conner, John Cronyn, John Connor, David Connor, Isaac Collins, Stephen Collins, Aaron Carey, Demerel Collins, John Coy, Lieut. Daniel Collins, Daniel Callahan, Joseph Cavenaugh, Robert Callaghan, Lemuel Collins, Josiah Cummings, Charles Casity, Ambrose Collins, David Coye, Richard Collins, Henry Collins, John Cummings, James Conner, John Collins, Arthur Carey, Ambrose Craggin, Joshua Carey, Josiah Carey, Edward Casey, Jesse Cary, Michael Clary, Jeremiah Cady, Jeremiah Collins, Ebenezer Craggen, Samuel Craggen, John Coner, Daniel Carmical, John Carrel, Caleb Comings, John Calahan, Solomon Collins, Edward Conner, Luther Carey, Daniel Collins, William Carrall, James Carrall, Caleb Carey, William Casey, Laurence Carrol, John Connelly, Daniel C611ins, Timothy Carny, Patrick Connelly, Francis Crowley, John Cummings, Charles Doroughty, John Dougarty, Elijah Doyle, William Dougherty, Thomas Dougherty, Lieut. Charles Dougherty, William Dun, William Dunn, John Dougherty, John Dun, James Dunn, James Donnell, Jotham Donnel, Thomas Doyl, Patrick Doyle, Edwark Finiken, John Flyn, John Foye, Thomas Finn, Edward Fogerty, David Fling, James Fitzgerald, John Foy, Jacob Flyn, John Fitchjeril, Kendel Farley, Thomas Gleason, Daniel Griffin, Joseph Griffin, Nathaniel Griffin, Mathew Gilligan, John Gleason, William Gilman, William Gilmore, Joseph Griffin, Richard Gilpatrick, Joshua Gilpatrick, James Gilpatrick, John Gilmor, Joseph Griffin, Joseph Gleason, Daniel Lomasney, William Linnehan, Daniel Leary, Capt. Timothy Carey, John Laughton, Capt. Michael Gleason, Bartholomew Lynch, James Milliken, Joseph Manning, Peter Martin, Hugh McCarthy, Capt. Nathaniel Healy, James McGraw, William M'Cleary, Richard Murphy, Edward Madden, Michael McDonald, Daniel Murphy, David McCleary, James McConner, Morris M'Cleary, John Manning, William McClure, Robert McCormick, John McDonald, John McLarty, Daniel Moore, William Murphy, Daniel Maley, Hugh Morrison, John Meacham, 94 THE IRISH IV BOSTON. John McCartney, John McCoy, Thomas McLaughlin, Thomas McCullough, George McCleary, Robert McCleary, Daniel Maguire, John Morrison, Israel Murphy, Pierce Murphy, Peter McGee, Terrance McMahon, James McCormich, Daniel McNamara, Thomas Mahoney, William Murphy, Daniel Morrison, John McDonald, Joseph McDonnell, Joseph AIcLallin, William McKenney, James Milliken, John McCullough, John McGrath, John McGuire, John Mitchell, James M'Fadden, John Madden, Michael Minihan, Lawrence McLaughlin, David McElroy, William McCleary, James McCoy, Edward Manning, James McCullough, Daniel McCarty, Peter Martin, Patrick Mahoney, Eben Sullivan, John Noonan, John O'Conner, Dennis O'Brien, Capt. Jeremiah Gilman, Bryant Ryan, Cornelius Ryan, John Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Martin Rourke, Dennis R3'an, Daniel Rioden, John Rogers, James Ryan, John Roach, Timothy Roach, Capt. Daniel Gallusha, Capt. John Ford, James Ryan, Thomas Roach, James Richey, Fred Roach, John Rannor, John Rickey, Augustus Ryan, Oliver Sullivan, Patrick Shea, Richard Shea, Michael Stewart, John Shield, John Savage, Jeremiah Scanlan, John Sullivan, Timothy Sullivan, Robert Steel, John Shanahan, James Shay, Patrick Scandalin, Thomas Savage, Ebenezer Sullivan, Dani^el Shay, John Shay, Patrick Tracey, Thomas Tobin, Mathew Tobin, Mathias Welch, Benjamin Welch, John Welch, William Welsh, Peter Welch, James Welch, James Wall, Jonas Welch, Silas Welch, John Wolley, Joseph Welch, Walter Welch, Isaac Welch, Richard Welch, John Welch, William Welch, Edmund Welch, Joseph Welch, William Welch. III. TJic Siege of Boston. After the battle of Bunker Hill the Americans settled down to drive the English out of Boston. The town was surrounded and placed in a state of siege. The battle of Bunker Hill had inspired THE IRISH SOLDIER. 95 the whole country, and daily reenforcements came from the other colonies to join the men of New England. Washington came from Virginia and made an army out of what had been merely armed bands. At the head of one of his brigades, in which was Stark's regiment, he placed Gen. John Sullivan. Many of the settlements along the South Atlantic coast had been made by emigrants from Ireland, and those settlements sent forth their men as patriotically as Puritan New England. The reports of the fight of that June day had not ceased to travel when Daniel Morgan, the son of a County Derry man, marched into Cambridge at the head of five hundred sharpshooters. These men were dressed in buckskin uniforms, and their unerring aim became a terror to the English. The American army wanted artillery to enforce the siege. Under date of Dec. 17, 1775, Washington received from Col. Henry Knox, who had been sent on a mission to Ethan Allen, at Crown Point, Ticonderoga, a letter, saying, " I hope in sixteen or seventeen days to present to your Excellency a noble train of artillery, the inventory of which I have enclosed." Colonel Knox kept his word. With an enterprise and perseverance that elicited the warmest com- mendations, he brought, over frozen lakes and almost impassable snows, more than fifty cannon, mortars, and howitzers. With this train Washington was enabled to strengthen his position, and to make a more decisive move against the enemy. Colonel Knox was of a family that originally came from near Belfast. His career was a brilliant one. He commanded the artillery corps, and the effective work of his guns at Trenton, Princeton, Germantown, and Monmouth made him distinguished among the American generals. He was born in Boston, July 25, 1750. His wife was the daughter of a British official. She forsook her relatives, however, and ac- companied him in his flight, concealing on her person the sword which he used at Bunker Hill. Washington made him a major- general after the surrender of Cornwallis. From 1785 to 1794 he was Secretary of War. He died in 1806. 96 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Gen. William Sullivan has left the following reminiscence of our dashing artilleryman : — " Generals Knox, Lincoln, and Jackson had been companions in the Revolution, — had laughed, eaten and drunk, fought and lived together, and were on the most intimate terms. They loved each other to a degree but little known among the men of the present day. After the struggle of the war they retired to their homes, and were all comfortable in their worldly circumstances, if not rich ; but Knox possessed large tracts of land in the State of Maine, upon the rapid sales of which he confidently relied ; imagined himself more wealthy than he was ; and lived in luxurious style. He built himself a superb mansion at Thomaston, Me., where all his friends met with a cordial welcome and enjoyed the most liberal hospitality. It was not an unusual thing for Knox to kill, in summer, when great num- bers of friends visited him, an ox and twenty sheep on every Monday morning, and to make up one hundred beds daily in his house. He kept for his own use and that of his friends twenty saddle-horses and several carriages in his stables. This expensive style of living was too much for his means, as he was disappointed in the sale of his lands, and he was forced to borrow sums of money on the credit of his friends. Generals Lincoln and Jackson. He soon found himself involved to a large amount, and was obliged to acquaint his friends of the embarrassments into which he had unfortunately drawn them. Lincoln was at that time Collector of the port of Boston, and occupied a house in State street, now torn down, part of which he used for the Custom House and part he occupied as his dwelling. It was agreed that the three should meet there, and a full exposition of Knox's affairs be made known. I was applied to as counsel on the occasion, and was the first one who came at the time appointed. Jackson soon entered ; after him, Knox ; and almost immediately Lincoln came in. They seated themselves in a semicircle, whilst I took my place at the table for the purpose of drawing up the necessary papers and taking the notes of this melan- choly disclosure. These men had often met before, but never in a moment of such sorrow. Both Lincoln and Jackson knew and felt THE IRISH SOIDIER. 97 that Knox, the kindest heart in the world, had unwittingly involved them. They were all too full to speak, and maintained for some minutes a sorrowful silence. At last, as if moved by the same im- pulse, they raised their eyes. Their glances met, and Knox burst into tears. Soon, however, Lincoln rose, brushed a tear from his eye, and exclaimed, ' Gentlemen, this will never do ! We come hither to transact business ; let us attend to it.' This aroused the others, and Knox made a full disclosure of his affairs. Although Lincoln and Jackson suffered severe losses, it never disturbed the feelings of friendship and intimacy which had existed between these generous- hearted men."^ Such thoughtless extravagance is one of the well- known characteristics of our race, and was especially noticeable in Irish society of the eighteenth century. Extravagance ran riot, and excess in hospitality was the principal virtue of the host. " Nine gentlemen in ten in Ireland are impoverished by the great quantity of claret which, from mistaken notions of hospitality and dignity, they think it necessary should be drunk in their houses." It is natural that traces of this tendency should occasionally appear among the Irish in America. Another distinguished ofhcer of those gathered about Washing- ton during the siege of Boston was Stephen Moylan, colonel of Moylan's dragoons. He was born in Cork, and was the brother of the Roman Catholic bishop of that city. From the American camp in January, 1776, he writes: "Everything thaws here except old Put. He is still as hard as ever crying out for powder — powder — ye gods, give us powder ! " Moylan street at the Highlands obscurely keeps his memory among us. General Sullivan was the son of John Sullivan, the emigrant, who settled in Maine in 1730. He was born in Berwick, Me., in 1741 ; at the outset of the war he at once rose into prominence. The fortifi- cations on Ploughed Hill, upon which afterwards the Benedictine con- vent stood, that was burnt in 1837, were his work. He commanded with distinction at Germantown and Brandywine, finally retiring from 'William Sullivan's "Public Men of the Revolution." 98 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. the army on account of disabilities. Afterwards he was a member of Congress, and was made a judge in New Hampshire. He died in 1795. Sullivan, Morgan, Knox, Stark, and Moylan were instant in well-doing during the entire eight months of the siege, until Howe with his troops and his toadies was driv^en from the town. The evacuation occurred on St. Patrick's day, 1776. Gen. John Sullivan was made officer of the day, and it is said that the countersign, authorized by Washington's order, was " St. Patrick." Thus, on the most eventful day in the history of our city did the Commander-in-Chief of the American army pay a graceful compliment to the Irish people. We hear of Irish Tories that showed their heads from time to time during the siege. Thus "Draper's Gazette," Sept. 21, 1775, had the following : — Tuesday a snow arrived from Cork laden with Claret, pork, and butter. She brings advices of great armaments fitting out in England which may be expected here in the course of next month. A brigade of Irish Roman Catholics is forming in Munster and Connaught in order to be sent to Boston to act against the rebels. Whether the editor of the " Gazette " had positive information when he wrote as above, or whether his intention was to furnish un- pleasant news for the " rebels " to read, has never been ascertained. It is known, however, that neither the great armament nor the Roman Catholic brigade ever arrived in Boston. In fact, the English gov- ernment found the greatest difficulties in enlisting Irishmen to fight against the Americans. The sympathies of the Irish people were with the cause. Arthur Lee, among others, vouches for this. In a letter written to General Washington he said : — The resources of the country — that is to say, England — are almost annihilated in Germany, and their last resource is to the Roman Catholics of Ireland; and they have already experienced their unwillingness to go, every man of a regiment raised there last year having obliged them to ship him off tied and bound. And most certainly the Irish Catholics will desert more than any other troops whatever. Again, we are told that General Howe, in an order issued Dec. 7, 1775, said: "Some Irish merchants residing in town, with THE IRISH SOLDIER. 99 their adherents, having offered their services for the defence of the place, they have armed and formed into a company called the Loyal Irish Volunteers, and distinguished by a white cockade." James Forrest was appointed captain of this company, and the duty of its members was to mount guard every evening, Forrest was a member of the Charitable Irish Society, and in 1772 and 1773 he was " keeper of the silver key." Among the most notorious characters of the time was an Irishman by the name of Crean Brush. He was a scoundrel, apparently without a single redeeming quality. His career, as found in history, is the career of a thief and most mercenary vil- lain. He seemed to have great influence with the rulers of the town of Boston. They invested him with extraordinary power, and winked at his crimes. He was a terror to both loyalists and patriots, and his thievings amounted to thousands of dollars. He may be traced in Dr. O'Callaghan's Documentary History of New York. He was born in Dublin, trained to the law, and admitted to practice in New York, where he held office under the Provincial Secretary. He appears as a violent actor in the controversies and hostilities between the authorities of New York and the settlers in the so-called "Hampshire grants" (now Vermont), who held titles from the Governor of New Hampshire that were disputed by New York. In those controversies the famous Ethan Allen appears conspicuously as one of the settlers. His wife was a step-daughter of Crean Brush. The exciting events in Boston had an attraction for the adventurous spirit of Brush, and he found his way to the town in the autumn of 1775. He came highly recommended by the English authorities of New York, and jumped into favor immediately with General Gage. The closing-in of the town by the patriots led many Tories to seek flight either to England or Canada to await the cessation of hostilities. They had many valuables which they were unable to take with them. In October, 1775, Brush was delegated by Gage to receive such goods for safe-keeping. In the following March he was authorized by General Howe to secure all woollen and linen goods, to keep them from the " rebels." General Howe proclaimed : "If, after this LOFC 100 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. notice, any person secretes or keeps in his possession such articles, he will be treated as favoring the rebels." General Howe's commission to Brush went further. It stated that there was in the town a large quantity of goods which, " in the possession of the rebels, would enable them to carry on the war ; " and authorized him to take possession of all such goods as answered this description, and put them on board the ship " Minerva" and the brigantine "Elizabeth." This was a sweeping permission for Brush to rob, and he immediately took advantage of it. Early in the year 1776 he had secured permission from General Howe to raise a body of three hundred " loyal volunteers," who were to serve like the corps of Royal Fencible Americans, already organized. Under cover of his commission, and with the aid of his three hundred loyal brigands, he broke open stores, stripped them of their goods, and carried them on board the ships. Thieves and cut-throats, seeing him at this work, assumed authority to do likewise, and despoiled all those whom Brush permitted to escape while hunting for better prey. On the day of the evacuation he put off in the brigantine " Elizabeth," which was heavily laden with goods valued at one hundred thousand dollars at least. He had, however, delayed his departure too long. The fleet was down at the roads when the " Elizabeth " was trying to get out of the harbor. She was captured and brought back to Boston. The goods were confiscated, and Brush was put in the Boston jail heavily ironed. He was kept under rigid restrictions marked by merited indignities, though, it would seem, he found opportunity for gross intemperance. In 1777 he was joined by his wife, who contrived, after he had been in prison more than nineteen months, to disguise him in her own clothing, so as to enable him, on the night of Nov. 5, 1777, to get out of jail and away to New York. He went afterwards to Vermont, to look after his fifty thousand acres of land, which he had seized upon as his share during the land controversy. He fell into further trouble, and his estate was, for the most part, confiscated. In May, 1778, weighed down by grief and remorse, he blew out his brains with a pistol. THE IRISH SOLDIER. 101 Turning from this Firbolg ^ to the more deserving of our race, we find in the Continental army besieging Boston the following significant names : — Henry Adams (enrolled as an Irishman), Patrick Brezland, Charles Briant, Michael Bailey, Charles O'Brien, William Boyed, Richard Burk, John McCIary, Maurice Conner, Cornelius Corbitt, John C-onvvay, Richard Colbert, William Connelly, Timothy Dwyer, Daniel Driskill, John Dorin, Wm. Doyle, Michael Edwards, Thomas Eagin, John Flynn, Thom. Gurney, Michael Grant, John Gillen, Robert Hughes, William Hurly, John Houlding, Dennis Hogan, Bartholomew Hurley, Solomon Hurley, John Kneeland, David Kelley, Matthew Casey, Elijah Kelley, Michael Kirland, William Kelly, William Lackey, Philip Laraway, Wm. Love (entered from Ireland), Robt. Morrison, Daniel McCarty, Dominick Murray, Hugh McKowen, John Mitchell, Wm. Murphy, John McDonald, John McGee, Jeremiah Mahoney, John McClarry, Francis McNeal, John Maloney, Andrew Meguire, Phil Mahone, Barney McCormick, John O'Connel, James Magee, James Nagle, Michael Neagles, James Neil, John Noonan, James Newland, Thomas O'Bryan, John O'Brian, Charles O'Brian, Gregory O'Brian, Thomas O'Brian, John O'Hara, John Ray, James Riley, Michael Rockford, Thomas Riley, Thomas Sharidan, Maurice Shehay, Edmund Sculley, Jeremiah Shea, William Sullivan, Elijah T. Tinvey, Cornelius Teigh, James Welsh, Samuel Welsh, James Kennedy, William Ryan, John Welch, Morris Welsh, Barnabus Ryan, Simeon Riley. ' Every one who is black-haired, who is a tattler, guileful, tale-bearing, noisy, con- temptible; every wretched, mean, strolling, unsteady, harsh, and inhospitable person; every slave, every mean thief, every churl, every one who loves not to listen to music and enter- tainment, the disturbers of every council and every assembly, and the promoters of discord among people, — these are the descendants of the Firbolgs in Erinn. — Charles De Kay, in The Century, January, i8Sg. 102 THE IRISH m BOSTON. \Y. — The War of 1812 and the Mexican War. The War of 1812 contains very little that concerns us. It was not popular in the East. The Federal party, that at that time domi- nated nearly all the New England States, was opposed to the war. When the news was received in Massachusetts that President Madi- son had declared war on the British, there was intense opposition. The feeling of opposition to the war was especially bitter in Boston. Boston people were largely engaged in commerce, and feared the prowling war-ships of Great Britain. President Madison and his administration were loudly denounced. The Federalists charged that the war was simply a political move to retain the Democracy in power. The English spirit seemed to have revived with new strength among the Eastern traders. They refused assistance to the general government, and did nothing whatever to promote the success of the war. Probably it was on the war issue that the Democracy of the State swung into power, for in 181 2 their candidate for governor was elected. Both branches of the Legislature were also Democratic. Gover- nor Gerry openly accused the Federal party " of being anti-repub- lican in its principles, and opposed to the measures of the general government. Are we not called upon," said he, " to decide whether we will commit the liberty and independence of ourselves and pos- terity to the fidelity and protection of a national administration, at the head of which is a Madison, supported by an Executive Depart- ment, a Senate and House of Representatives abounding with Revolu- tionary and other meritorious patriots, or to a British administration, the disciples of Bute, who was the author of a plan to enslave these States, and to American royalists who cooperated with that govern- ment to bind us in chains while colonists? Is it not morally and politically impossible that a doubt can exist in regard to the choice? " The Federalists succeeded in electing Caleb Strong as Governor Gerry's successor. Boston was the seat of discontent and turbulence. Public passion was inflamed; and from the moment war was declared. HENRY A. McGLENEN THE IRISH SOIDIER. 103 Boston clamored for peace and reprobated the war as wicked and unjust. The State Senate was Democratic, while the House was controlled by the Federalists. The House issued an address containing these words : " If your sons must be torn from you by conscription, con- sign them to the care of God, but let there be no volunteers except for defensive war." The address issued by the Senate contained the following: "Let your young men who compose the militia be ready to march at a moment's warning to any part of our shores in defence of our coast." Notwithstanding the English spirit which seemed to dominate the majority of Massachusetts citizens, and which led to acts border- ing on secession, there were still several companies raised in the State for its defence. The records of these companies are in the archives at Washington, and consequently not available for this work. There were the New England Guards, the Rangers, and the Boston and Charlestown Sea Fencibles, all Boston companies, and containing on their rolls many Irish names. New England was opposed to the Mexican War also. The Whig party of Massachusetts deemed it a war to extend the Southern slave power, and were inclined to refuse all assistance to it. The third party, which was destined to supplant the Whig party, and which was to be known as the Republican, was at that time making itself felt, and its members were unalterably opposed to the war. At the request of the Secretary of War, Governor Briggs called upon the citizen soldiery to enlist. This was in May, 1846, and in November of the same year a regiment was raised, with Caleb Gushing of New- buryport as colonel, Isaac H. Wright of Roxbury, lieutenant-colonel, and Edward W. Abbott of Andover as major. It is understood that this regiment never went into action in whole or in part. They left Boston in February, 1847; and June 21, 1848, they departed from Vera Cruz for home. The rolls of this regiment, preserved in the Adjutant-General's office, show that at least two-fifths of the en- listed men in the regiment were Irish-Americans, among them being Henry A. McGlenen, the popular manager of the Boston Theatre. 104 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. V. — TJie War of Secession. Every regiment in the Army of the North had in it soldiers who were Irishmen or Irishmen's sons. A mere list of these soldiers would make a volume of this size. They were not confined to the ranks. They furnished types of heroism in the navy, as well as in the army, and in all grades, even to the highest. The daring and romantic figure of Sheridan, unique in our history, is a fitting crown to the valor of Irishmen ever}^vhere. They have fought on every field but Ireland's successfully; and the culmination of their labors is the salvation of the American Union. As for Massachusetts, the army rolls at the adjutant-general's office in Boston furnish a striking revelation. Two of the regiments were so distinctively Irish that the State permitted them to carry the flag of their mother-country. Thus it was that the "sunburst" floated in companionship with the stars and stripes above the bay- onets of the famous Ninth Massachusetts Volunteers and the equally famous Twenty-eighth, the " Faugh-a-Ballaughs." Other regiments from the State might also have carried the green flag so far as the na- tionality of their membership was concerned. These long lists of brave men suggest to the imagination pictures of the martial possi- bilities of the Irish people. The thought comes of having them mar- shalled in one grand host. They would not lack for leaders. Sheridan first, and about him Shields, Meagher, Kearny, and the rest, would make the blows of such an army effective and lasting. The two Irish regiments mentioned above are always referred to with high commendation in all the reports made to the adjutant-gen- eral during the four years of the war.^ Their record is as clear as the work of brave men can make it. No regiment should have a warmer place in the hearts of the citizens of Boston than the Ninth, for no regiment came closer to her people. Officers and men, the great majority of them, were her citizens. ' "The Ninth was one of the best regiments that' ever left the State." — Adjutant- GeneraVs Report. PATRICK R. GUINEY THE IRISH SOLDIER. 105 Among the first to proffer his services to Governor Andrew at the outbreak of the war was Thomas Cass. His idea was to organize a regiment of Irishmen, who should be permitted to carry the Irish flag, and, with the governor's hearty approval, he perfected such an organization. It may be said that Colonel Cass made the regiment's renown. His officers partook of his spirit, his untiring devotion, his unfaltering belief in the ultimate triumph of the cause ; so that when he fell, mortally wounded, in one of the seven days' battles, the regiment's loss was more bereavement than disaster. His mantle fell on Colonel Guiney, who proved a worthy successor. We give here a complete list of the war officers of this regiment. Some are gone ; but their children are among us, and not forgotten. Colonels. Thomas Cass,** Patrick R. Guiney. [Bvt. Brig. Gen.] Lieuienatii- Colonels . Cromwell G. Rowell, Robert Peard,*** Patrick R. Guiney, Patrick T. Hanley. [Bvt. Colonel.] Majors. Robert Peard, Patrick R. Guiney, George W. Button, Patrick T. Hanley, John W. Mahan. Surgeons. Peter Pinco, James F. Sullivan, Stephen W. Drew. Assistant Surgeons. Patrick A. O'Connell, Francis M. Lincoln, James F. Sullivan, Henry H. Fuller, John Ryan, James W. Fitzpatrick. Chaplains. Father Thomas Scully, Father Charles L. Egan. Captains. Christopher Plunkett, James E. Gallagher,* John R. Teague, John Carey,* Charles J. McCarthy, James E. McCafferty,* Timothy O'Leary, John W. Mahan, Michael Scanlan, James F. McGunigle, Thomas R. Roche, Timothy Burke, Patrick R. Guiney, Edward Fitzgerald, Jeremiah O'Neil,* George W. Button, Patrick T. Hanley, John H. Rafferty, John C. Willey, John H. Walsh, Michael F. O'Hara, John M. Tobin, Patrick W. Black, William A. Phelan,t Michael A. Finnerty, Michael Flynn, Martin O'Brien, James W. McNamara,-)- William Madigan.* First Lieutenatits . George W. Perkins, John Moran, * Killed at Gaines's Mills. t Killed in the Wilderness. ** Died in Boston of wounds received at Malvern Hill. *** Died of disease while in the service. lOfi THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Michael Scanlan, Patrick T. Hanley, Jolin W. Mahan, William W. Doherty, Michael H. McNamara, Timothy O'Leary, John M. Tobin, Thomas R. Roche, James E. McCafferty, James F. McGunigle, John H. Walsh, William Strachan, Patrick Walsh, Philip E. Redmond, John C. Willey, Edward McSweeney,:}: John H. Rafferty,^ Thomas Moone}-, William Burke, Michael Phalan, Michael F. O'Hara, Michael Flynn, William A. Phelan, Michael A. Finnerty, Matthew Dacey, Nicholas C. Flaherty, f John W. McNamara, Patrick E. Murphy, Robert A, Miller, Richard P. Nugent,* Timothy Dacey, Joseph Murphy, Michael F. O'Hara, Patrick W. Black, John Doherty, Daniel G. Macnamara, Archibald Simpson, f William B. Maloney, Martin O'Brien, Christopher Plunkett, Bernard F. Finan, John F. Doherty, James O'Donnell, William R. Burke. Second Lieittenatiis. Patrick Walsh, John H. Rafferty, Edward McSweeney, John H. Walsh, Philip E. Redmond.ttt Timothy Burke, John C. Willey, Patrick W. Black, Edward Fennottie, Michael Flynn, Matthew Dacey, John Doherty, William B. Mahoney, Martin O'Brien, Timothy Dacey, Patrick E. Murphy, Charles B. McGjnnisken,f Christopher Plunkett, Hugh McGunnigle, Archibald Simpson, R. P. Nugent, Timothy F. Lee, Michael Phalan, Michael C. Flaherty, Michael A. Finnerty, Francis O'Dowd,* William A. Phelan, Robert A. Miller, Bernard F. Finan, John F. Doherty, Daniel G. Macnamara, William J. Blood, James W. McNamara, William R. Burke. James O'Donnell, William A. Plunkett, Joseph Murphy, Frank McLalor, Philip Redmond, James O'Neill. f The Twenty-eighth was mustered in on Jan. ii, 1862, at Camp Cameron, near Boston. They first smelt powder at James's Island, June I and 2, in an effort to take Fort Johnson, which was successfully resisted. We give here a hst of their war officers, and we shall leave further mention of their record till they join the Army of the Potomac, Aug. 16, 1862. Thus our history of the two regiments will be in the main a history of that famous army. * Killed at Gaines's Mill, t Killed in the Wilderness. \ Killed at Malvern Hill. ttt Died in liospital at Washington, D.C. THE IRISH SOLDIER. 107 Colonels. William Monteith, Ricliard Byrnes,**** (}eorge W. Cartwright. Lieutenant-Colonels . Maclelian Moore, Jeremiah W. Coveney, George W. Cartwright, James Fleming.f f f Majors. Andrew P. Caraher, Andrew J. Lawler.** Surgeon. Patrick A. O'Connell. Chaplains. Father Nicholas O'Brien, Father Lawrence S. Mc- Mahon. Captains. Andrew P. Caraber, Lawrence P. Barrett, Charles P. Smith,* Andrew J. Lawler, John H. Brennan, Samuel Moore, John A. McDonald, John Riley, Patrick Nolan,*** Alexander Blaney, George F. McDonald, Michael Kiley, Martin Binney, Patrick W. Black, John Miles, Patrick Mclntyre,*** John Conners,ttt Patrick H. Bird. First Liciitenants. Charles H. Sanborn, Humphrey Sullivan, John J. Cooley, Hugh P. Boyle,*** James Magee, James McArdle, James O'Keef^, Benjamin F. Bartlett, William Mitchell, Moses J. Emery, James Magner,** Addison A. Hosmer, John Ahern, William J. Lemoyne, Jeremiah W. Coveney, Michael Keiley, Edward F. O'Brien, Leonard Harvey, Martin Binney, Walter J. Morgan, Patrick W. Black, John Miles, John Conners, M. Quilty, John Miner, Patrick H. Bird, Patrick Mclntyre, John Maher, John Knight, Michael E. Pouderly, Thomas J. Parker,ftt Thomas Cook. Second Lieutenants. James B. West,**** Jeremiah W. Coveney, Josiah F. Kennison, John Ahern, Florence J. Buckley, James A. Mclntyre,* Nicholas J. Barrett, f William H. Flynn,****^ J. Howard Tannant, Theophilus F. Page, Edwin J. Weller,tt John B. Noyes, William F. Cochrane,** Walter S. Bailey, John Sullivan, ft Jacob Nebrich, Patrick W. Black, Cornelius McCarty, Thomas Cook, John McGlinn, William McCarty, Alexander Barrett,****' David Hogan. It was in April, 1 86 1, that the Ninth Regiment was organized and encamped on Long Island. On June 29 Colonel Cass led them to Washington. Two days after the disaster at Bull Run they joined ■ Killed at Wilderness. 'Killed at Spottsylvania. ' Killed at Deep Bottom. = Killed at Cold Harbor. **** Killed at Chantilly. t Killed at Sharpsburg. ft KiUed at Fredericksburg. ttt Killed at Petersburg. 108 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. the troops posted as the guard of our national capital on Arlington Heights, — the scene of the first armed invasion of "the sacred soil of Virginia." Washington was then in a state of wholesome terror. The " powers that be " had gone into the war with the idea that one good blow would knock the Confederacy down ; but the Confederacy- countered unexpectedly at Bull Run. and after that the national government was careful to keep its guard up. One good result of this defeat was the creation of the great Army of the Potomac/ with Gen. George B, McClellan, then but thirty-five years of age, as its commander. The Ninth left Arlington Heights to join this famous army, in the early spring of 1862. We have nothing to do with the controversy which makes com- parison between masterly retreats and brilliant victories ; they both, it seems to us, are a necessity to the proper conduct and success of a war. In the eyes of his soldiers, or at least of a large majority of them, McClellan was the ideal soldier. He was an especial favorite of his Irish followers. In the peninsular campaign the Ninth bore a beautiful national flag, which had been presented to the regiment by the boys of the Eliot school.^ It may seem hard to understand the dual patriotism symbolized by these two flags. Certain it is that the cry: "Rally round the green flag ! " nerved this regiment to some of its bravest deeds. It must have been a surprise to the people of Alexandria, Va., on that March morning, to see a thousand boys in blue march- ing to the national tunes of Ireland and flying their Irish flag ; and a still greater surprise to see that same flag flying at the peak of the U.S. Transport " State of Maine," which took the Ninth to Fortress Munroe. 'The order for the transportation of McClellan's army was issued on the 27th of Feb- ruary, 1862, and four hundred vessels were required; for there were actually transported one hundred and twenty-one thousand men, fourteen thousand animals, forty-four batteries, and all the necessary ambulances and baggage-wagons, pontoons, and telegraph material. — Rossiter Johnson : " .4 Short History of the War of Secession.'''' '^ The Eliot school is located at the North End of Boston, in a section of the city which, at that time, was largely populated by people of Irish extraction. Many of the friends, rela- tives, and parents of the men of the Ninth lived at the North End. The battle-torn remnants of this flag now hang in the hall of the school-house on North Bennett street. THE IRISH SOIDIER. 109 The campaign upon which McClellan now entered was full of unforeseen difficulties. The first and greatest was the complete igno- rance of the Union army as to the topography of the country in which they were at work. It was some comfort to know that among the natives of the district, who knew only their own immediate neighborhood, the ignorance of the enemy was just as complete. Such a thing as a map of the peninsula had never been made. If the President had had a good map of the country he could have seen, and undoubtedly would have seen, the mistake that is now so easily pointed out. McClellan had planned an approach to Richmond along the James river on the north bank. The advantages of such a plan are readily seen by reference to our sketch. The base of supplies could be on the James, transports and supply- boats could come up to headquarters, and it would be unnecessary to leave heavy garrisons for covering a long line of communication. The gov- ernment at Washington, however, was very nerv- ous, and, although they now had about 70,000 men, including McDowell's corps, which should have been with McClellan, the War Department issued an order, May 18, directing that the army should approach Richmond from the north. This made it necessary for McClellan to make his base of supplies on the York and Pamunkey in- stead of on the James. The mistake of such a plan is now clearly seen. The accompanying rough map of the peninsula shows the relative positions of Fortress Munroe, Richmond, and White House, where, according to this order, McClellan made his base of supplies. The entire route, from whatever camp he might be in, to this last point, had to be kept secure from hostile occupation, Plan of the Peninsular Campaign. M Fortress Munroe. R Richmond. W White House. Y York River. J James River. C Chickahominy River. 110 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. or else, some fine day, the army would have to fight for their supper, with a slim chance of any being left for them. Again, the Chicka- hominy river lay between them and Richmond. Sudden rains might, in a single day, make this stream a torrent, and in two days impass- able. When the army should cross this river they would leave it between them and their supplies ; to leave a sufficient guard on the other bank would hopelessly weaken the attack, and to leave no guard would be to stake every hope of safety, not only for them- selves, but for the Union, upon the chances of a single day's fighting. McClellan was finally aroused to the imminent danger of his situation by the daring raid of a body of about 1,500 Confederate cavalry, which rode completely around his army, between him and White House. This was on the 12th of June. If, instead of " Jeb " Stuart and his audacious band, the invaders had been Jackson, with a large detachment, and if, instead of hurrying by, they had stopped to wreck the stores at White House, the result can be imagined. McClellan was then astride the Chickahominy, and determined to change his base to conform with his old idea. Soon after this Lee began to lay his plans for attacking the Union army. On June 26, in pursuance of a plan for a change of base, the heavy guns and a large part of the baggage train were removed to the north bank of the Chickahominy. Lee, Longstrcet, and the two Generals Hill crossed the Chickahominy and attempted to turn the flank of the Federal troops ; but the artillery literally mowed them down, and they gained no advantage. The next day McClellan continued the plan he had entered upon. Porter was covering the removal of the remainder of the stores, when he was attacked by Gen. A. P. Hill, and thus was brought on the battle of Gaines's Mills, or Chickahominy. The desperate character of this engage- ment may be estimated from the fact that the National army lost 6,000 men, and the enemy's loss is estimated at a much larger figure. The Ninth lost nearly 300 men, — over one-fifth of their fighting strength. The Ninth was in General Porter's corps, the available strength of which on this day was about 25,000 men, while Long- THE IRISH SOIDIER. Ill Street and the Hills brought against him an army of at least 55,000 men. The battle was begun by Gen. A. P. Hill, about two o'clock in the afternoon, and for two hours he hammered Porter, blow on blow, only to be hurled back with frightful loss. Jackson came with reen- forcements, and then heavy masses of Confederate troops made assaults all along the National line. Volley responded to volley; batteries that remained after the infantry supports had fallen back were decimated, captured and recaptured. The enemy finally suc- ceeded in breaking General Porter's line, and at sunset he was :ompelled to retire. The work of Porter's men in this engagement was so desperate and deadly that the Confederate generals thought they were fighting the whole Union army. Part of the rebel force was completely demoralized. Whole regiments were deliberately marching back, and there was the most outrageous skulking on their side ever seen during the war. No one who reads the story of the peninsular battles can doubt the bravery of the Southerners, but this time they had roused a lion ; the Ninth was as firm as a rock on the beach. ^ The reckless charges of the secessionists broke against their steady bayonets and w^ell-directed fire ; the entire staff of a regiment before their line would frequently disappear, and the headless ranks drift back to shelter. Colonel Cass was disabled by illness and a slight wound early in the battle, and his men were led by Lieutenant-Colonel Guiney, who, upon the death of Cass at Malvern Hill, succeeded to the command. The order came to charge; Guiney ordered the colors forward, and at his call the men sprang to support them. It is the proud record of this regiment that they never lost a color, and their daring charge in this hotly contested battle went far to save the colors of their brother regiments. Surely it is not just to call theirs a divided patriotism ; that green flag, symbol of hopes ' "The Irish held their position with a determination and ferocity that called forth the admiration of our own officers." — Report of a Prussian officer serving in the rebel army, quoted in J/eA'ainara^s "Irish A'inth." 112 THE IRISH I.V BOSTON. deferred for generations, and of bitter, fruitless struggles for home and freedom ; the flag that was bought by their children and deliv- ered into their hands by the most famous Irish soldier then living,' — would they be men if it did not rouse the deepest .and strongest passions of their nature ? Would they be worth our citizenship if they did not follow it, through wounds and death, to the greatness of the fame that history awards them to-day? As the day wore on with its fearful work, McClellan sent as reenforcements Slocum's division, and later Meagher's and French's. These last troops saved the day. Stragglers were beginning to work their way towards the bridges, and the thin and war-worn lines of heroes, having been under fire for two days, gladly rested behind the bulwark formed by the fresh troops. The enemy were finally baffled ; their victory, all but won, was again deferred. They were very willing to permit the retreat of an enemy less than half their number, that had resisted their most ferocious and reckless attacks for a whole day. The Ninth was among the last regiments to leave this field of dreadful carnage. After all the terrible strain of the day, they kept their ranks with the steadiness of veterans, and marched without a symptom of panic, an exemplar of discipline to the rest of the army, and a nucleus for stragglers that had courage enough to stay where they could find fighting companions. We quote from the New York '* Herald's " war correspondent : — Tlie Ninth Massachusetts Regiment was the rear of the retreating column, which had passed over a hill into a large, open plain. ... To break and run was not for the men who had coveted themselves with glory during the entire day. Col. P. R. Guiney (now in command) decided to form a line of battle on his colors, and resist the approach of the enemy until the advance of the retreat should have been far enough to leave ground sufficient to enable him to commence his retreat in good order. Colonel Guiney, with his standard-bearers, advanced upon the rebels with the words, "Men, follow your colors ! " It was enough. Before that small band of jaded heroes waved tlie stars and stripes and the green flag of Erin, and with loud huzzas they rushed upon the rebels, driving them up hill. After the battle of Gaines's Mills, McClellan continued the 'Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher, then commanding the "Irish Brigade." THE IRISH SOLDIER. 113 movement that he had begun. The enemy fancied that, being forced to abandon his depot at White House, he would retreat by the way he had come, and consequently lost valuable time in pur- suing him. They did attack him again, however, and harassed him all along his line of retreat, till he finally entrapped them at Malvern Hill. This was a small eminence on the north bank of the James river. The ground was peculiarly well situated for defence, and McClellan's keen engineering sense saw every point of vantage it could afford. Porter's division, of which the Ninth was a part, shared with Couch's the brunt of the attack. At 6 o'clock P.M. the artillery of the enemy concentrated its fire upon their fronts. Brigades formed in heavy masses under the cover of the trees, and raising the "rebel yell," started on the run across the open ground to storm the batteries. They were received first by a shower of grape and canister from the guns ; daring and determined, they pressed on to within a few yards of the line only to receive the deadly volley that their opponents had been saving for close quarters ; then the Union soldiers leaped to the charge, and their bayonets drove the remnant of their foes, in utter confusion, down and away, capturing colors and prisoners in goodly numbers. More than once in this fight the charges of the Irish Ninth decided a critical point of the contest.^ Colonel Cass had told General Porter ' in the morning that his men would sweep the enemy before them, and they did it, though poor Cass paid for it with his life. It seems proper to insert at this point the last words that Mc- Clellan ever wrote, the grateful tribute of the illustrious commander to the men with whom and by whom his fame was made : — So long as life lasts, the survivors of those glorious days will remember, with quickened pulse, the attitude of that army when it reached the goal for which it had striven with such transcendent heroism. Exhausted, depleted in num- bers, bleeding at every pore, but still proud and defiant, and strong m the conscious- ness of a great feat of amis heroically accomplished, it stood ready to renew the ' The authority for these statements is Gen. Fitz-John Porter. 114 THE IRISH IN BOSTOX. struggle with undiminished ardor whenever its commander sliould give the word. It was one of those magnificent episodes which dignify a nation's history, and are fit subjects for the grandest efforts of the poet and painter. It was while the regiment was at Harrison's Landing that Col. P. R. Guiney received his promotion as Colonel Cass's successor. He had been with the regiment from the date of its commission, and had rapidly risen in distinction for ability and bravery. He was one of the active organizers of the regiment. It was his gallant and meri- torious conduct at the battle of Gaines's Mills that gained him the colonelcy, his j^romotion having been urged by Gen. Fitz-John Porter himself In leaving now, as we must, the peninsular campaign to follow the fortunes of the regiment elsewhere, it must not be supposed that we have done justice to their story. We have omitted the account of important battles in which the Ninth participated, and we have omitted accounts of individual and regimental gallantry that should properly be told. The trouble is not the lack of incident, but the lack of space to recount it. What has been given is only to show the importance of this particular campaign, and to show the share of our Irish regiments in preventing the disastrous termination which was so imminently threatened and so narrowly averted. To write in the same way a full account of all the battles in which the Ninth and its peer, the Twenty-eighth, took part, would be equivalent to writing a history of the greater part of the Civil War. Grateful as that task would be, and proud as the record of our race would be in it, it is not our present purpose; we must confine ourselves to the most sketchy accounts, and be content with the omission of man}^ im- portant incidents. When we next see the Ninth in battle, they are serving under Pope in the second Bull Run. On August 29, they were a part of the corps which Porter refused to lead to almost certain destruction, — a refusal which caused one of the most unjust military sentences known to history. The next day, they were a part of the troops which Mc- Dowell hurled desperately at Lee's attacking column, still tr}-ing to THE IRISH SOLDIER. 115 obey their blundering chief as best they could. The Twenty-eighth was also in this battle, having recently come from South Carolina, and did good service in repelling the flank attack of Jackson's troops at Chantilly on the last day of the fight. The total loss of the latter regiment in the three days' battle was over two hundred. After the second battle of Bull Run, as after the first, the Government turned to McClellan. Lee was moving North, and Mc- Clellan started on his track. The Ninth and the Twenty-eighth were now following the same leader. Sometimes one was in action, sometimes the other. After McClellan had forced the passes at South Mountain, the Ninth had to watch inactively from the left bank of Antietam Creek while the Twenty-eighth fought with the heroic fragment of the army that McClellan was able to put into action. Their loss here was twelve killed, thirty-six wounded, out of less than two hundred taken into action. Foiled in his attempt at a Northern invasion, Lee started homeward. McClellan followed, but hesitated to attack him in the strongly intrenched positions that he was able to secure. The politicians at Washington again got after him, and between them and Halleck, Lincoln was persuaded to " swap horses " again, and Burnside was substituted for " Little Mac." True to the old proverb, the new commander rushed in where McClellan feared to risk his well-beloved men, and the disaster at Fredericksburg followed. We were pushed to an impossible attack, slaughtered by a determined foe impregnably intrenched ; but the way in which these brave men " went to their graves like beds " is the brightest example of daring, heroic, unflinching devotion to duty that the pages of history afford. Burnside ordered a charge to seize the heights back of the city. French and Hancock's divisions made the attack, the former leading. They came on bravely ; shells burst in their ranks, but they closed the gaps and marched on ; they met the fire of the infantry, dropping by hundreds, but not stopping. Finally two brigades rose up from a sunken road and delivered a inurderous fire almost in their faces. They halted and sought shelter, and then came Hancock's division with the brigades of Zook, Meagher, and Caldwell, — about five 116 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. thousand men. In Meagher's brigade was the Twenty-eighth Regiment. They charged in the same manner, but their desperate valor only carried them nearer to the deadly stone-wall. No organized body of men could ever reach it, for the enemy were so thick behind it that " each one at the wall had two or three behind him to load muskets and hand them to him, while he had only to lay them flat across the wall and fire them." Generals Couch and Howard, observing from a steeple, saw this fighting,^ and Howard could not suppress a cry of agony as he saw the brave men drop. The best testimony for our famous countrymen is from the pen of their foes. We quote from First-Lieut. William Miller Owen:- " In the foremost line we distinguished the green flag with the golden harp of old Ireland, and we knew it to be Meagher's Irish brigade. The gunners were directed to turn their guns against this column, but the gallant enemy pushed on beyond all former charges, and fought and left their dead within five and twenty paces of the sunken road." In spite of all the daring and death, the attempt failed to make any impression on the well-managed army of Confederates, and out of Hancock's brave five thousand that started on the charge, three thousand retired at the end of fifteen minutes, leaving their comrades where they fell. After one or two more of these frantic efforts to carry the posi- tion by storm, Burnside gave it up, and during the night withdrew to the other side of the river. Shortly afterward Hooker superseded him, and attempted to get around Lee's position and take him from the rear. He began the battle of Chancellorsville by a brilliant ' " I had never before seen fighting like that. Nothing approaching it in terrible uproar and destruction. There was no cheering on the part of the men, but a stubborn determination to obey orders and do their duty. I don't think there was much feeling of success. As they charged, the artillery fire would break their formation and they would get mixed; then they would close up, go forward, receive the withering infantry fire, and those who were able would run to the houses and fight as best they could, and then the next brigade coming up in succession would do its duty and melt like snow coming down on warm ground." — General Couch, in "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War,'''' vol. iii., p. 113. ■^ Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, vol. iii., p. 98. i COL, PATRICK T HANLEY. THE IRISH SOLDIER. 117 Strategic movement, which was soon neutraHzed by his vacillating and incompetent generalship ; and " Fighting Joe," after making a poor defensive battle, retired, beaten like his j^rcdecessor, though not quite so badly. His old-time energy soon returned, however, and he detected and followed up the attempted invasion of the North, which culminated at Gettysburg. Resenting the meddlesome and injurious dictation of Halleck, the commander-in-chief, he asked to be relieved of his command. Meade was appointed in his place, and led the army to the field which turned out to be the Waterloo of the Rebellion. The Ninth was at this battle, though not actively engaged ; they lost one killed and three wounded while on skirmish duty. The Irish brigade had lost their old commander, and now followed Col. Patrick Kelley. The Twenty-eighth, after many forced marches, took up a position with this brigade on the left of Ceme- tery Hill, early on the second day of the battle, and in this position line of battle was formed, and maintained until 4 o'clock P.M., at which time the regiment moved forward and engaged the enemy, who were strongly posted on the crest of a rocky hill. The Twenty-eighth went over the top of this hill and almost to the bottom of the other side, being the whole time exposed to a heavy and concentrated musketry fire and losing many men. The enemy were on both flanks, and caused our men to retire a short distance for support. During this engagement and the following one next day, the regiment lost in killed, wounded, and missing one hundred and one men. The Confederacy received its death-blow at Gettysburg, and the Army of the Potomac soon found itself on old battle-fields. Our tAvo Irish regiments took part in various minor engagements till the army went into winter quarters in the fall of 1863. In February of the next year, Grant took command of the armies of the United States, and thirteen months afterward the war finished, and the great and good Lincoln had gone to his rest. On the 3d of May, Grant crossed the Rapidan southward and plunged into the Wilderness, — a tract of deserted mining territory, densely 118 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. wooded and uninhabited. Lee, for once, took the offensive, doubt- less expecting to surprise his opponent; but Grant was awake, and the "murdering match" in the jungle left him in first-rate fighting and marching condition. It was in the first day's fight in the Wilderness that Colonel Guiney was wounded in the eye by a minie-ball, and the com- mand of the Ninth devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Hanley during the remainder of the battle. The Twenty-eighth was there, too. On the first day they lost sixteen killed, sixty-seven wounded, and fifteen missing. Here gallantly fell Lieut. James Mclntire and Capt. Charles P. Smith. They lost also on the last days of the battle, though not so heavily. Grant moved " by the left flank " from this time forward, and Lee never fought except defensively thereafter. It was a race for Richmond, and Lee got in first ; but there was a steady fight all the way. The Ninth was in it up to Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. They lost in this series of engagements Captains James W. Macnamara and William A. Phelan, and Lieutenants Nicholas C. Flaherty, James O'Neill, Archibald Simpson, and Charles B. McGinniskin. The Twenty-eighth stayed nearly through tlie war. In a daring charge at Cold Harbor they lost Colonel Byrnes. June 16 finds them at Petersburg, charging on and over the first line of works, until stopped by the superior force of the enemy. This regiment was the last to leave the intrenchments at the fiercely contested battle of Reams's Station, August 25. They were on this occasion publicly complimented for gallant conduct by the division commander. Gen. Nelson A. Miles. Their losses for the year 1864 were, in killed, wounded, and missing, four hundred and five. The time of enlistment for many of this regiment expired early in 1865, and Colonel Cartwright returned to Boston with them. The remainder were organized into the Twenty- eighth Battalion of Mas- sachusetts Volunteers. Lieut.-Col. James Fleming led them on March 25, 1865, ir^ ^i^ attack on Petersburg, Va. The enemy ad- vanced to meet the attack and were twice repulsed. On this occa- THE IRISH SOLDIER. 119 sion the battalion remained under fire until all its ammunition had been expended. In this engagement Lieutenant-Colonel Fleming, Capt. John Conners, Capt. Patrick Mclntyre, and First-Lieut. T. J. Parker were killed. There were also seven men killed and sixty-five wounded out of two hundred taken into action. The last fight of any moment made by the battalion was at South Side Railroad, under the command of Capt. P. H. Bird, on April 3, 1865. They were in at the surrender of Lee, and formed part of the grand review at Washington. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. A BOOK devoted to the history of the Irish race in Boston would be ludicrously incomplete without a sketch of that Church to which, at least, four-fifths of the Irish in their own land, or other- where scattered, belong. The loyalty of the Catholic Irish to their faith is a proverb ; and in New England, especially, " Irish " and " Catholic " are, for all practical purposes, convertible terms. In- deed, humanly speaking, the strength and importance of the Cath- olic Church in these parts to-day are due to the influx of the Irish element, and to the large and attractive personalities of the Irishmen who became prominent in her episcopate and priesthood. It remains, therefore, but to outline Catholic progress, as a whole, in Boston. The first Catholic ever to set foot in Boston was, doubtless, the Jesuit missionary, the Rev. Gabriel Druillettes. He had been a success- ful missionary among the Abnaki Indians in Maine, In 1650, Canada being anxious to open a free intercolonial trade and association, for mutual defence against the Iroquois, with New England, Father Druil- lettes was sent in quality of ambassador, so to speak, by the Cana- dian authorities to the governing powers in New England. The Jesuit was courteously received by Major-General Gibbons, who gave him a room in his house where he could be free to say his prayers and perform the exercises of his religion. Whence Dr. John Gilmary Shea, in his " History of the Catholic Church in Colonial Days " (Vol. I. of his "Catholic Church in the United States "), thinks we may infer that Father Druillettes celebrated Mass in Boston, Decem- ber, 1650. "At Roxbury," continues Dr. Shea, "he visited Eliot (the Pilgrim missionary to the Indians), who pressed him to remain under his roof until spring." The Jesuit did not prolong his stay. Be it remembered that only three years before, 1647, ^ law had been 124 THE IRISH ly BOSTON. enacted in New England expelling every Jesuit from the colonies, and dooming him to the gallows if he returned. A French Protestant refugee, who was in Boston in 1687, found eight or ten Catholics, three of whom were French, the others Irish. None were permanently settled, however, except the surgeon, who was, Dr. Shea thinks, Dr. Le Baron. From 1711-13, Father Justinian Durant, one of the priests who had tried to labor among the oppressed Acadians in Nova Scotia, was a prisoner in Boston. In 1775, when Washington took command of the American forces at Cambridge, and forbade the observance of " Pope day," there were evidently a few Catholics permanently located in Boston, Charlestown, and the towns in the vicinity. The Abbe Robin, a French priest, was in Boston in 1781 ; Father Lacy, an Irish priest, made a short visit to Boston about the same year. The Tories in Boston tried to excite anti-Catholic prejudice in New England against the American cause, on account of the alliance of Congress with France, and in their journals — how history repeats itself! — pub- lished imaginary items, dated ten years ahead, detailing the terrible things which would happen now that " Popery" was suffered to exist. In 1788 the Boston Catholics, under the direction of Father de la Poterie, a priest from the diocese of Aryen, France, acquired a site of a French Huguenot church on School street, and erected a small brick church, under the title of the Holy Cross. The Archbishop of Paris, on an appeal from the French Catholics in Boston, sent to the little church a needed outfit. There was, however, scant spiritual comfort for the Catholics in Boston till 1790, when Bishop Carroll sent them Father John Thayer, a native of Boston, who had been converted while travelling in Europe, received into the church in Rome in 1783, and ordained about three years later. When he took charge of his Boston flock he found it numbered about one hundred — French, Irish, and Americans. Bishop Carroll visited Boston for the first time in the spring of 1 79 1, to heal the division made in the little congregation by the dis- edifying French priest, Rousselct. The Bishop was courteously MOST REV. JOHN J. WILLIAMS. ARCHBISHOP OF BOSTON. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH LY BOSTON. 125 received by Bostonians generally, and, having been invited to the annual dinner of "The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company," pronounced the thanksgiving at the close of the banquet. Catholic growth in Boston was greatly quickened by the advent thither, in 1792, of the Rev. Francis A. Matignon, formerly professor in the College of Navarre, France, and experienced among English Catholics. He was joined, four years later, by his friend and country- man, the Rev. John Cheverus, like himself a refugee from the French revolution. These two priests, by their exemplary lives, unwearied devotion to the duties of their office, profound learning, kindliness, and tact, disarmed, by degrees, the prejudice and suspicion with which all things Catholic were regarded in Boston. The sermons of Father Cheverus attracted crowds of Protestants. His devotion to his fellow-citizens, — whose nurse and spiritual consoler he became, with- out distinction of race or creed, — when the yellow-fever scourge visited Boston, completed his victory. The Legislature of Massachusetts were preparing the formula of an oath to be taken by all the citizens of the State before voting at' elections ; but, fearing it might contain something objectionable to the Catholic conscience, they submitted it to Father Cheverus, accepted his revision, and enacted it into a law. In 1799 the Catholics felt the need of a new church. A sub- scription list was opened, which John Adams, President of the United States, headed with a generous offering, James Bullfinch, Esq., drew the plans, and declined remuneration therefor. On St. Patrick's day, 1800, ground was broken on the site acquired on Franklin street. The same year, however, witnessed a revival of the old anti- Catholic spirit, and Father Cheverus was prosecuted by Attorney- General Sullivan on the charge that he had violated the law, which was held to permit his ministrations only in Boston, by marrying two Catholics in Maine. Judges Bradbury and Strong were especially hostile to Father Cheverus ; but Judge Sewall, grandfather, we be- lieve, of Samuel Sewall, the eminent abolitionist, lately deceased, was unprejudiced. The pillory and a fine were threatened ; Bradbury would have the law carried out to the letter ; but he was thrown from 126 THE IRISH I.V BOSTO.V. his horse and prevented from attending court, and the Attorney- General was absent when the case was reached. The prosecution lapsed. In 1803 Bishop Carroll came on and dedicated the Church of the Holy Cross, assisted by Doctors Matignon and Cheverus. The late Hon. E. Hasket Derby presented this church with a bell from Spain. His son, the famous oculist. Dr. Hasket Derby, became a Catholic, and is a devoted attendant at the Cathedral. The bell is in the mortuary chapel at Holyhood. The humble and unpromising beginnings of the Church in. Boston have been dwelt on thus minutely only for the sake of con- trast with its magnificent development of to-day, — a development which sets it in the front rank of American Catholic Sees, — second only in numerical strength, riches, enterprise, and last, but far from least, steadfast faith and loyalty of religious spirit, to the great See of New York itself. In 1808 Pope Pius VII. erected four new Episcopal Sees in the United States, one of which was Boston, with Doctor Cheverus as first bishop. He was consecrated in Baltimore, by Archbishop Carroll, Nov. i, 18 10. Bishop Cheverus established a little theolog- ical seminary under his own roof for candidates for the priesthood, and founded 'an Ursuline Convent in Boston for the education of young girls. Boston's second Catholic parish — St. Augustine's, South Boston — was created by Bishop Cheverus. In 1823 his failing health obliged him to return to his native France, where he became successively Bishop of Montauban and Cardinal Archbishop of Bor- deaux, dying in 1836. His departure from Boston was mourned as much by Protestants as by Catholics. A Protestant lady, Mrs. John Gore, had his portrait painted by Gilbert Stuart. This portrait, now the property of Mrs. Horatio Greenough, adorns the Boston Art Museum. During his administration many converts were received into the Church, members of the most distinguished New England families. Bishop Cheverus was succeeded in the diocese of Boston by the Rt. Rev. Joseph Benedict Fenwick, a lineal descendant of Cuthbert THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 127 Fenwick, one of the Catholic pilgrims who helped Lord Baltimore to found the colony of Maryland. Irish immigrants poured into Boston during his episcopate, and the Irish priests followed their people. Churches and schools multiplied. Bishop Fenwick's first care in Boston was to remove the Ursuline nuns from their crowded and unhealthy quarters in the city to a fine estate in Charlestown. He next enlarged the Cathedral by an addition, seventy by forty. Ample space was afforded in the basement for school-rooms, which were soon filled by earnest and intelligent boys, whose studies were directed by the ecclesiastical students of the diocese. At this time Bishop Fenwick had but one priest in the city to share his labors, — the Rev. P. Byrne, a native of Kilkenny, Ireland. He came to this country at an early age, and was ordained in Boston, by Bishop Cheverus, in 1820. With the Rev. Denis Ryan, also a native of Kilkenny, and ordained for the diocese of Boston by Bishop Cheverus, he rendered inestimable services during the infancy of the Church in New England. He was the pastor of St. Mary's Church, Charlestown, from 1830 till 1843. Later, he had pastoral charge of New Bedford and the island of Nantucket. He died Dec. 4, 1844, and, according to his request, was buried in St. Augustine's Cemetery, South Boston. Father Ryan labored in the Maine missions of the vast diocese, and his name will always be tenderly associated with Catholic beginnings in Whitefield and Damariscotta. In 1827 Bishop Fenwick officiated at his first ordination, the candidates being the Revs. James Fitton and William Wiley. The former spent many fruitful years as a missionary among the Indians in Maine, and later built up the church in East Boston. He has left valuable records of Catholic beginnings and growth in his " Sketches of the Establishment of the Church in New England." Under Bishop Fenwick's administration the Church of St. Augustine, South Boston, built in 18 19 for a mortuary chapel, was enlarged to accommodate the Catholics, who were growing very numerous in its neighborhood. Its successive pastors have been the Revs. Thomas Lynch, 1833-1836; John Mahony, 1836, till his death, 128 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. in 1839; Michael Lynch, 1839-40; Terence Fitzsimons, 1840-44. The new and beautiful St. Augustine's of our own day was built by the Rev. Denis O'Callaghan, who became its first pastor. It was dedicated in 1874, and consecrated in 1884. Father O'Callaghan is of Irish birth, but resided in Boston since his seventh year (1848). He is a zealous priest and a well-known advocate of the legislative independence of his native land. The splendid church, free of debt, and the spacious schools under way, speak more eloquently for him and his people than a volume of praising words. The old cemetery, in which the pioneer Catholics of Boston are buried, is a shrine of historic interest and of reverent pilgrimage. Among the graves of the pioneer priests we find that of the Rev. John Mahony, men- tioned above among the pastors of St. Augustine's. He was born in the County Kerry, Ireland, in 1781. After his ordination and advent to America he spent six years on the Maryland missions, eight on those of Virginia, and thirteen in the Boston diocese. In 1834 Bishop Fenwick founded St. Mar}^'s parish, North End, Boston. The church was entirely completed and dedicated May 22, 1836. The following priests were successively in charge: the Revs. William Wiley, P. O'Beirne, Michael Healy, Thomas J. O'Flaherty, John B. Fitzpatrick, and Patrick Flood, till 1847, when it was placed in charge of the Jesuits. In 1832 Bishop Fenwick introduced into Boston the Sisters of Charity, from Emmittsburg, Md. The " foundation-sisters," as we may call them, were the famous Sister Anne Alexis and her companions, Sisters Blandina and Loyola. The first-named was for nearly fifty years a noted personage in Boston, a woman of attractive personality, rare culture, and great executive ability, and beloved by both Cath- olics and Protestants. The Sisters of Charity, though of French institution, were founded in the United States by an American con- vert, Mrs. Elizabeth Seton, and have attracted an immense Irish- American membership. Their late Mother-General for the United States was Mother Mary Euphemia Blenkinsop, a native of Dublin, Ire., and sister to the present rector of the Church of SS. Peter and Paul, South Boston. Her successor is a lad\' of Irish ancestry, — THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 129 Mother Mariana Fl}'nn. It is not wholly irrelevant to mention here that the present directress of the famous academy of the Sisters of Charity at Emmittsburg, Sister Lucia, is a Boston lady. These sisters have now under their charge in Boston : St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum for Girls, Camden street ; the Home for Destitute Catholic Children, Harrison avenue; St. Mary's Infant Asylum, in the Dor- chester District; and the Carney Hospital, South Boston. Among the notable benefactors of the Sisters of Charity in Boston may be named Andrew Carney, who founded the hospital which bears his name, and gave $12,000 to the St. Vincent's Orphanage; and the late Daniel Crowley, a most liberal contributor to all their works. Another of the old Boston parishes founded by Bishop Fenwick was St. Patrick's, Northampton street, in 1835. So active and virulent Avas the spirit of Know-nothingism at the time the new church was building, — it was the year following the destruction of the UrsuHne Convent in Charlestown, — that the men of the parish took turns by night in guarding the walls. The church was completed, however, without trouble, and dedicated Dec. 11, 1836. The Rev. Thomas Lynch, one of the most celebrated of the old-time Boston priests, was its pastor from this time until his death, in 1870. A few words descriptive of Father Tom, of whom it is truly said that he was heroic in soul and body, may be fitly given here from a recent sketch in the " Pilot : " — He was born in Virginia, County Cavan, in 1800. Piety, patriotism, and love of learning were the very atmosphere of his boyhood's home. His own father was his first instructor in English and Latin, and also in the grand old Gaelic tongue. How capable and successful an instructor may be judged from the fact that the boy at the age of eleven easily translated long passages from Virgil and Horace into Irish. His familiarity with the Irish language was of the greatest service to him in the priesthood years later, as many of the poor Irish immigrants who came to him in Boston for aid or counsel were unversed in any other tongue. While a student in Maynooth, he volunteered for the American mission, and came to this country in 1830. He stopped in Boston, and Bishop Fenwick was greatly pleased with the fervent young ecclesiastical student. He continued his studies under the bishop's direction, teaching, meanwhile, in the school attached to the Cathedral, and was ordained in 1833. He was a large, strong, and strikingly 130 THE IRISH I^ BOSTON. handsome man, and probably the best classical scholar at that time in New England. He was a good preacher, and diligent in devotion to the severe routine work of his large and scattered parish. But his distinguished characteristic — the grand passion of his life — was charity for the poor. At the time of the Irish famine — '46, '47, '48 — great numbers of Irish immigrants arrived in Boston, in the most destitute condition. To Father Tom they were at once directed. He fed them, clothed them, counselled them. They .slept in the basement of the church till other shelter could be procured for them ; or until, well equipped for the journey, he could start them on their way to the manufacturing towns of New England or the prairies of the Far West. He always had a store of boots and shoes in his house, and kept many hands busy making up clothes for the immigrant women and chil- dren. Not until the Day of Judgment will it be known what a multitude of souls owe their perseverance in the faith, and their eternal salvation, to Father Tom's unbounded charity. Nor was his solicitude for the resident poor less minute and comprehensive. He cared little for splendid buildings ; but much for drawing the hearts of the worn-out old laborer, the poor widow or orphan, to the love of God, by relieving in God's name their material sufferings. The needy never left his house with empty hands. A nephew of Father Lynch's, the Rev, Hugh P. Smyth, is the present rector of St. Joseph's Church, Roxbury. He is noted as a church-builder, having erected, in whole or part, about twenty-five churches during less than as many years in the priesthood. The successor of Father Lynch at St. Patrick's was the Rev. Joseph N. Gallagher, who built the beautiful new church on Dudley street, and the parochial school, so well conducted by Sisters of Charity, from Halifax, N.S. Under his pastorate the church cele- brated last year its semi-centenary. Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop Williams, all the bishops of the New England province, and a great number of priests, attended the impressive commemoration. The parish of the Holy Trinity, for German Catholics, — until very recently the only German Catholic parish in all New England, — was also organized under Bishop Fenwick's administration, and so was the first Catholic parish in East Boston. Perhaps the greatest work of Bishop Fenwick's episcopate was the founding of Holy Cross College of the Jesuits, at Worcester, in 1843. Its first presi- dent was Father "Tom" Mulledy, famous in old Georgetown's annals- THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 131 Bishop Fenwick was a Jesuit himself, having received the habit at Georgetown College, D.C., with his brother, Enoch Fenwick, and John McElroy, — the last a name subsequently so dear to Boston Catholics, — immediately on the restoration of the Society in the United States in 1806. In 1844 the Rt. Rev. John Bernard Fitzpatrick was made Coadjutor to Bishop Fenwick. The same year a new dio- cese — Hartford, then comprising the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island — was erected in New England, with the Rt. Rev. William Tyler, D.D., as its first Bishop. Bishop Fenwick died Aug. 11, 1846. We quote from a tender eulogium passed upon him by Dr. Brownson : " It will be long before we look upon his like again ; but he has been ours ; he has left his light along our pathway ; he has blessed us all by his pure example and his labor of love, and we are thank- ful." In the diocese, which had but two churches and two priests at his coming, he left fifty churches and as many priests, a college, an orphanage, and numerous schools. He was buried, as he desired, at his beloved Worcester College. We have not touched on the great sorrow of Bishop Fenwick's life, the Know-nothing uprising and the destruction of the Ursuline Convent at Charlestown, which are treated of fully elsewhere in this volume. Let us pass now to one of the brightest pages of the history of the Church in New England, and to perhaps the dearest name in her annals, John Bernard Fitzpatrick. He was born in Boston, of Irish parents, Nov. i, 1812. His family were prominent members of the Cathedral parish, and Bishop Cheverus and Father Matignon were present at his christening. He made his first studies at the Adams and Boylston Schools, winning the Franklin medals at the public exhibitions of each. In 1826 he entered the Boston Latin School, and through his exemplary conduct, talents, and application became a favorite with masters and pupils. In a poem for the reunion, in 1885, of an old class of the Latin School, Dr. T. W. Parsons, who had been his fellow-student, grows tenderly reminiscent of " blessed John Fitz- patrick." His vocation early manifested itself, to the great delight lo2 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. of Bishop Fenwick, and in 1829 he entered the Montreal College, completing, 1837, with immense success and brilliancy, his eight years' course. Young Fitzpatrick, on his return to Boston, was the recipient of many distinguished attentions. George F. Haskins, then a Protestant, and an Overseer of the Poor for the city of Boston, later a convert to the Faith, a priest, and the founder of the House of the Anggl Guardian, Roxbury, is quoted by Dr. R. H. Clarke, in his " Deceased Bishops of the United States," in an interesting sketch of the young Catholic student's reception at the annual school dinner in Faneuil Hall, Aug. 24, 1837. Among the guests were the Hon. Edward Everett, then Governor of the Commonwealth ; Hon. Samuel A. Eliot, Mayor of the city; President Quincy, of Harvard University; and Adjutant-General Dearborn. Major Benjamin Russell introduced Mr. Fitzpatrick in a most flattering speech. The response of the young man thus distinguished was, as Father Haskins tells us, modest, manly, dignified, and graceful. It was frequently interrupted by applause. The following month he went to the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris, where he was the only American student. His genius and virtue made him the subject of admiring interest. Says Dr. Clarke : " The Rt. Rev. Dr. De Goesbriand, Bishop of Burlington, Vt., who was one of his companions at St. Sulpice, has stated that the venerable Superior of the Sulpicians then predicted that young Fitzpatrick would one day rise to a high position in the Church of God, and become an ornament to its hierarchy." The prediction was speedily fulfilled. He was ordained priest June 13, 1840. In November of the same year he returned to Boston. His first mission — an arduous one — was at the Cathedral. He was at the same time assistant pastor of St. Mary's, North End. In September, 1843, he was ap- pointed pastor of the just-completed St. John's Church, East Cam- bridge. In 1844, being then only in his thirty-second year, he was made Coadjutor-bishop of Boston, — Rome concurring in Bishop Fen- wick's own choice. His consecration took place in the chapel of the Monastery of the Visitation Nuns, Georgetown, D.C., on Sunday, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 133 March 4, 1844. Bishop Fenwick was consecrator; Bishop Whelan, then of Richmond, Va., and Bishop Tyler, of Hartford, Conn., assistant consecrators. He at once reheved Bishop Fenwick of the more laborious duties of his office ; and no priest outrivalled the young Coadjutor-bishop in his devotion to the Cathedral parish work. His sermons attracted vast congregations, which always included many Protestants. It has been noticed that while the Church in Boston was poor and a stranger, it drew within its shelter so many men and women of personal distinction or of old and eminent families. After the Rev. John Thayer came Orestes A. Brownson, the Rev. George F. Has- kins (already referred to), the Rev. Joseph Coolidge Shaw and the Rev. Edward H. Welch (these two became Jesuits), Captain Chandler, besides representatives of the Dwights, Carys, Danas, Metcalfs, Lymans, Warrens, etc. One day in August, 1844, Bishop Fitzpatrick confirmed sixty persons, nearly half of whom were native converts. In 1846 Bishop Fenwick died, and the whole responsibility of the great diocese fell upon the young Coadjutor. At this time Bishop Fitzpatrick had these priests to assist him in Boston : at the Cathedral, the Revs. P. F. Lyndon, Ambrose Manahan, D.D., and John J. Williams, — the last named now the revered Archbishop of Boston; at St. Mary's, the Revs. P. Flood and James O'Reilly; at SS. Peter and Paul's, South Boston, the Rev. Terence Fitzsimons ; at St. Patrick's, the Rev. Thomas Lynch ; at St. John the Baptist, the Rev. George F. Haskins ; at the Holy Trinity, the Rev. Alexander Martin, O.S.F. ; at St. Nicholas, the Rev. Nicholas O'Brien; at Roxbury, the Rev. P. O'Beirne. St. Augustine's, South Boston, was vacant; and the church in Charlestown, wliich was not then within the city limits, was served by a convert priest, the Rev. George J. Goodwin, who was assisted by the Rev. M. M'Grath. In October, 1847, at the invitation of Bishop Fitzpatrick, Jesuit Fathers, headed by the Rev. John McElroy, S.J., took charge of St. Mary's parish. North End. Father McElroy was born in Enniskillen, Ireland, in 1782, and came to America in 1803. He became a 134 THE IRISH IN BO ST OX. Jesuit, studied for the priesthood at Georgetown College, D.C., was ordained there in 1817, and at one time held the responsible office of procurator of that institution. He was chaplain in the United States Army during the Mexican War, and was greatly beloved by the sol- diers. Settled in Boston, he took early thought for the educational needs of his parish, opened a parochial school for girls, and brought on a colony of Sisters of Notre Dame, from their mother-house in Cincinnati, to take charge of it. The Sisterhood of Notre Dame is one of the numerous com- munities of women which sprang up in France soon after the Revo- lution. Founded at Amiens in 1805, by Mother Julie Billiart, its present seat of government is at Namur, Belgium. The community is devoted exclusively to teaching. It has had an enormous devel- opment in the United States, most of all, perhaps, in New England. Besides the well-known academies of Notre Dame, Berkeley street, and Notre Dame, Roxbury, where a second generation of Boston's Catholic young womanhood is receiving a liberal education, the parochial schools under these Sisters' care, in the city and its neigh- borhood, have now a pupilage not far short of ten thousand. So rapid and vigorous was the growth of the Sisterhood of Notre Dame in these parts, and so numerous the applications of New Eng- land girls for admission to it, that it became necessary to open a novitiate here, which is now attached to the academy on Berkeley street. The present Provincial of the Sisterhood, Superior Julia, makes this house her headquarters during six months of every year, while she is visiting the numerous convents in her charge in New England. This lady is of Irish parentage, as are also an immense number of the religious whom she governs, and was the first pupil of the Academy of Notre Dame in Cincinnati. Father McElroy was succeeded at St. Mary's by the well-re- membered Father Wiget, who founded the boys' school, and the first sodalities in the city for young and old men. After him came, suc- cessively, Father Bannister, Father Brady, Father O'Kane, then Father Brady again, with orders to build a new church. The work was well under way when, in 1877, Father Brady was appointed Pro- THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TV BOSTON. 135 vincial of the New York-Maryland Province of the Jesuits ; and the Rev. WilHam H. Duncan, S.J. .took his place as pastor of St. Mary's. Father Duncan completed the new church, a large and splendid edifice, which cost about $250,000; the pastoral residence; the new schools, which now have an average attendance of fifteen hundred boys and girls ; and the parochial hall. One incident will suffi- ciently indicate the spirit of the congregation. Over twenty-two hundred young men, largely of the working people, followed the exercises of a retreat recently given in St. Mary's. Father McElroy's greatest work for Catholic education was the founding of Boston College. He built, also, the beautiful granite Church of the Immaculate Conception on Harrison avenue. The college started in i860, and was incorporated in 1863, with power " to confer such degrees as are usually conferred by colleges in the Commonwealth, except medical degrees." Names prominently asso- ciated with Boston College are those of the late Father John Bapst, S.J., and Father Robert Fulton, S.J. The story of Father Bapst and the "Ellsworth Outrage," in 1854, are doubtless well known to all our readers, and do not, moreover, come properly within the scope of this sketch. An extended sketch of Father Fulton is given elsewhere in this volume. His successor in the presidency of Boston College, in 1 88 1, was the Rev. Jeremiah J. O'Connor, S.J., now rector of St. Lawrence's Church, New York City. Then came the Rev. Edward V. Boursaud, S.J., now English secretary to the General of the Jesuits in Rome ; then the lamented Father Robert S. Stack, S.J., who died during his first month in office ; then the Rev. Nicholas Russo, S.J., now at St. Francis Xavier's, New York. The college has begun its second quarter of a century, with Father Fulton again at its head. Work has already begun on a large addition to the college proper, a building for the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College (founded in 1875 by Father Fulton), and a Catholic High School, which will be open to boys who have completed their course in schools of the parochial or grammar school grade. The venerable founder of Bo'ston College, Father John McElroy, died Sept. 12, 1877, St the great age of ninet}'-six }-ears. 136 THE IRISH LV BOSTON: But we must return and revert briefly to other events in the episcopate of Bishop Fitzpatrick. He dedicated the German Church of the Holy Trinity, Oct. 25, 1846, and placed it in charge of a Franciscan Father, the Rev. Alexander Martin. The parish subse- quently was given in care to the Jesuits, who built the present fine church and schools on Shawmut avenue. The establishment of the Church in East Boston, though begun in the last years of Bishop Fenwick's lifetime, may properly be adverted to here. Soon after the formation of the East Boston Company, in 1833, Irish Catholics began to settle on the island. The names of Mr. Daniel Crowley, Messrs. McManus, Cummiskey, Lavery, etc., are among the first of the permanent householders. In 1844 the Catholics bought the meeting-houbC of the Maverick Congregational Society. It was remodelled for Catholic use, and dedicated under the patronage of St. Nicholas, the Rev. Nicholas J. A. O'Brien being its first pastor. He was replaced in 1847 by the Rev. Charles McCallion ; and he, in 1 85 1, by the Rev. William Wiley, who, dying in 1855, was succeeded by the Rev. James Fitton. Father Wiley, a few months before his death, projected the present beautiful parish church, which was built by his successor, and dedi- cated as the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer. Father Fitton was born in Boston in 1803. His father was a native of Lancashire, Eng., his mother a native of Wales, and both were members of the first Catholic congregation in Boston. He began his education in the parochial school established by Dr. Matignon. Before his ordination he was a teacher in the seminary attached to the old Cathedral on Franklin street, and the present Archbishop of Boston, the Most Rev. John J. Williams, was one of his pupils. He was ordained by Bishop Fenvvick, Dec. 23, 1827. In 1828 he was missioned to the Passamaquoddy Indians in Maine, and exercised among them with great fruit the twofold office of priest and teacher. The following year he had also charge of the scattered Catholics of New Hampshire and Vermont. In 1830 he had charge of the mission extending from Boston to Long Island, N.Y., with Hartford, Conn., as a central point. In Hartford he THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 137 founded and personally conducted the first Catholic newspaper in the United States, the " Catholic Press," and made about eighty converts. In 1832 he purchased the property on Mt. St. James, Worcester, Mass., and established a school, which subsequently de- veloped into the College of the Holy Cross. After notable services on the missions of Rhode Island and Western Massachusetts, he was sent to East Boston, in 1855. Some faint idea of his missionary labors may be gathered from his " Sketches," already referred to ; but he keeps himself so well out of sight, that in reading the beginnings of Catholicity in New England one hardly realizes that the writer is often of necessity chronicling his own life and labors. In East Boston he founded four parishes, — the Most Holy Redeemer, St. Mary's, Star of the Sea, the Sacred Heart and the Assumption ; also, as early as 1858, a fine school for girls, under the Sisters of Notre Dame. His last work was the establishment, in his own parish, the Holy Redeemer, of a society for young men, now properly known as the Fitton Insti- tute. Father Fitton celebrated the golden jubilee of his priesthood Dec. 23, 1877. The day was kept with great honor in his own parish, and was made the subject of a splendid religious celebration in the Cathedral the following week, in which the Archbishop and all the priests of the diocese joined. Father Fitton died Sept. 15, 1881. The limitations of space forbid more than a brief advertence to the celebrated school controversy of 1859. Rules had been made in the public schools — though these were then, as now, professedly non-sectarian — enforcing on all the children the use of the Protestant version of the Bible, the reciting of the Ten Commandments in their Protestant form, the chanting of the Lord's Prayer in its Protestant form, and other religious chants in unison. A Catholic boy was severely punished in the Eliot School for his conscientious refusal to obey these rules ; several hundred of his comrades joined him in open resistance, and a season of intense, angry, and illogical excitement against all things Catholic pervaded Boston. The boys were suspended, and their parents notified that the indispensable condition of reinstatement was conformity to the objectionable rules. 138 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Moreover, they would, by staying out of school, be liable to arrest and imprisonment for truancy. In the latter case they would be sent to the city penitentiary, where they would be wholly at the mercy of the officers and teachers, who were all Protestants, and known to be of a proselytizing spirit. Bishop Fitzpatrick, to avoid the worse evil, advised the parents to direct the boys to submit, under protest, while he addressed a temperate and courteous letter to the School Board, wherein he set forth clearly why Catholics could not in conscience obey said rules, and made so manly and forcible an appeal for the citizen-rights of Catholics in the schools that he pierced through the prejudices to the reason of the Board ; the obnoxious rules were repealed ; and within the year, for the first time in the history of Boston, a Catholic priest and several Catholic laymen were elected members of the School Board. Hard work and heavy cares now began to tell on Bishop Fitz- patrick. He never had a secretary till 1855, nor a Vicar-General till 1857. No wonder that with the almost incredible increase of the Catholic population of New England, and the corresponding mul- tiplication of churches, schools, and beneficent institutions, the strength of the overworked bishop waned, and that hardly had he reached his prime till his end was in sight. Though at his petition before the National Council in Baltimore, in 1853, his diocese was again subdivided and the new Sees of Burlington, Vt., and Portland, Me., erected; still, at his death, in 1866, he left in the diocese of Boston, then comprising the State of Massachusetts over a hundred priests and as many churches, to say nothing of schools and chari- table institutions. In 1854 Bishop Fitzpatrick had paid his reguVdr ad /imiua visit to Rome. He was then in the very bloom of manly beauty and strength. Ten years later he went abroad again ; this time in a vain search for health. He always dearly loved the land of his ancestry ; and while in Brussels, having heard of the sufferings of the Irish people, he wrote from his sick-bed an urgent entreaty to his Boston flock to send help to Ireland. Needless to state that his appeal brought out a generous response. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 139 But Bishop Fitzpatrick was first of all an American. His fer- vent patriotism was known and honored of all men. From an ap- preciative tribute by a non-Catholic pen in the Boston " Gazette " we glean the following : — When the news came of the firing on Sumter, though a sick man, — he died five years after, — he was the first to order that all the churches be kept open for prayers for the Union. A gentleman tells me that during the first preparations for war, when people were talking of three-months' enlistments, as the war would surely be over before tliat, the Bishop said to him : " Urge people to make no such hasty calculations ; this thing has been long maturing ; they have more ammunition than we realize, and they have the advantage of territory and intense homogeneous in- terests. We will be lucky to see it ended in five years ; " — a bit of prescience that turned out almost exact. Sincerity, firmness, patience, and faith were the strong points in this great bishop's character. Of his faith, the Rev. George F. Haskins said that it was not only strong, but simple and reliant. " Hence," continued Father Haskins, " his solicitude in supplying the spiritual wants of his vast flock by sending them learned and good priests. Hence his earnest instructions to erect large and com- modious rather than ornamental and costly churches. Hence his deep concern for the training of little children ; his zeal in visiting personally every church and congregation, as long and as often as his health permitted ; his kind and considerate bearing towards Protestants of v/hatever sect; his uniform affability, that made all men, even the humblest, regard him as a friend." Some years before his death, Bishop Fitzpatrick had fixed his desire on the Rev. John J. Williams, then pastor of St. James' Church, Boston, as his successor in the episcopate ; and it was one of the great joys of his fading days when he learned that Pope Pius IX. had ratified his choice. Bishop Fitzpatrick died Feb. 13, 1866. All Boston united in mourning his loss and honoring his memory. As his body was carried to the Cathedral, and again during the funeral, the bells of the city were tolled by order of the mayor. Ten bishops, one hundred and forty priests, the Governor of Massa- chusetts, the Mayor of Boston, State and city officials, political and 140 THE IRISH HV BOSTON. literal-}- celebrities, and a concourse of people of every form of belief, attended the funeral of the beloved bishop. Bishop Williams was consecrated at St. James' Church, of which he had been rector, March ii, 1866, and went to reside at the Cathedral house on April 2 following. He was succeeded at St. James' by the Rev. James A. Healy. The Rev. William Byrne, now Vicar-General and rector of St. Joseph's, West End, Boston, was made Chancellor of the diocese. In the same year the Rev. Thomas Ma- gennis, now rector of the Church of St. Thomas, Jamaica Plain, was ordained. Bishop Williams gave early attention to a work which had been very near the heart of his predecessor, — the building of the new Cathedral. The old Cathedral lands on Franklin street had been transferred to Mr. Isaac Rich, in 1859. On Sunday, Sept. 16, i860, Mass was celebrated for the last time in the venerable old building, reminiscent of the apostolate of a Matignon, a Cheverus, and a Femvick. The site of the present Cathedral was acquired in two parcels, in October, i860, and January, 186 1. Ground was broken for the foundations April 27, 1866, and Bishop Williams laid the corner-stone June 25 following. Meantime the congregation worshipped in the Castle-street Church, bought from Harvard Col- lege in 1 86 1, and dedicated the same year as a Pro-Cathedral. Mass is still celebrated in this church on Sundays, for the accommodation of the people in its vicinity. The grand new Cathedral was dedicated Dec. 8, 1875. Archbishop Williams — Boston had been made a Metropolitan See early in the year — officiated. Bishop Lynch, of Charleston, S.C., preached. This Cathedral is unsurpassed for size and beauty in the United States, except b)' the Cathedral of New York City. In 1867 the Nuns of the Good Shepherd — an order devoted to the reformation of fallen women — made their first establishment in Boston. They have now a splendid brick convent on Tremont street, near Brookline, and in the twenty-two years of their existence here have reclaimed, or preserved from danger, about four thousand young women. The Boston house was erected into a mother-house THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 141 about two years ago, and the new convent and chapel dedicated with imposing ceremonies. Several young ladies have since taken the veil here, A Magdalen convent has also been opened within the same enclosure ; and here the penitent who desires to become a nun may enter, for no penitent, however thoroughly reformed, can be received into the order of the Good Shepherd. The whole institu- tion is now under the charge of Mother Mary of St. Aloysius. She is aided by about sixty nuns, who have under their charge close on three hundred penitents and children of the preservation classes. The house is maintained by the labor of the inmates and the offerings of the charitable. In 1870 the Little Sisters of the Poor made their first foundation in Boston. This community, one of the youngest in the Church, is of French origin, and is devoted to the aged poor of both sexes, without distinction of race or creed. They have now a large house on Dudley street, in which over two hundred old people are cared for. About six years ago they opened another house in Charles- town, and are preparing to found still another in Somerville, Mass. The Rev. T. Magennis, appointed in 1869 rector of the new parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica Plain, founded schools for boys and girls, directly his church was completed, and in 1873 brought on as teachers, the Sisters of St. Joseph, from Flushing, L.I, These Sisters were later given the parochial schools of the Gate of Heaven parish. South Boston, by the rector, the Rev. M. F. Higgins, and have also flourishing schools in Stoughton, Amesbury, and Haverhill. Their novitiate was transferred a few years ago from Jamaica Plain to Fresh Pond, Cambridge. The buildings on this erstwhile well-known pleasure resort have been adapted to conventual and academic pur- poses, and the place is known as Mt. St. Joseph's. The Sisterhood of St. Joseph was introduced into the United States from France in 1836, and is now numerically the strongest of all the communities of women in this country. It had, at latest estimates, a membership of 2,213, with 58,553 pupils in its academies and parochial schools. In 1873 the Italians and Portuguese resident in the North End were organized into a congregation, and a small Baptist meeting- 142 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. house, on North Bennet street, bought, remodelled for Catholic use, and dedicated under the patronage of St. John the Baptist. This is now used by the Portuguese alone. They are under the pastoral charge of the Rev. N. Serpa. His predecessor, the Rev. Henry B. M. Hughes, missionary apostolic, established a parochial school for boys and girls, and placed it in charge of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. Father Hughes was a Welsh convert, a man of great missionary enterprise and extraordinary linguistic attain- ments. He died in his native land, whither he had been missioned, about two years ago. The rapidly increasing Italians were placed under the pastoral charge of the Franciscan Fathers, Father Boniface, now Provincial of the New York and New England Province, being at the head of the mission. The first Italian chapel bears the name of St. Leonard of Port Maurice. Another congregation has recently been organized by Father Francis Tzaboglio, general secretary of the Missionary Society for Italian Immigrants, with its chapel on Beverly street. Father Paroli, of the same society, is in charge of it. In April, 1875, the Rev. James A. Healy, pastor of St. James'' Church, Boston, was made Bishop of Portland, Me. He was suc- ceeded by his brother, the gifted and beloved Father Sherwood Healy, who died the same year. An interesting fact in connection with St. James' parish is that since its creation, in 1852, three of its pastors have become bishops ; the third to be chosen for this dignity being the Rt. Rev. Matthew Harkins, who, in 1887, succeeded the late Bishop Hendricken in the diocese of Providence, R.I. During the pastorate of the Rev. Thomas Shahan, now at Arlington, Mass., schools were begun in this parish, — a work which the present rector, the Rev. W. P. McQuaid, is perfecting. Pope Pius IX. erected Boston into an archdiocese in 1875, with Springfield, Mass., Hartford, Conn., Providence, R.I., Portland, Me., and Burlington, Vt. (the diocese of Manchester, N.H., was not established till 1884), as Suffragan Sees. The pallium was conferred on Archbishop Williams May 2, 1875, by Cardinal M'Closkey, Arch- bishop of New York. Bishop McNeirney, of Albany, celebrated the THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IX BOSTON. 143 Mass; Bishop De Goesbriand, of Burlington, preached. All the bishops of New York and New England were present, with a multi- tude of priests, and the since celebrated Sanctuary Choir of the Cathedral — trained by Mile. Gabrielle de la Mottc — made its first appearance. This year is also memorable for the passage of a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature, through the efforts of Senator Flatley and others, by which freedom of worship was guaranteed to the Catholic inmates of the penal, reformatory, and charitable institutions of the city. The first Catholic religious service was held in the chapel of the State Prison, Charlestown, on June 6, 1875, the Rev. William Byrne, pastor of St. Mary's, Charlestown, officiating. Another notable event of the year was the religious and patri- otic celebration of the centenary of Daniel O'Connell, August 6, the Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J., being the orator at the commemoration at St. James' Church, in the morning, and John Boyle O'Reilly giving the poem, "A Nation's Test," at the festivities of the evening. In 1876 the Redemptorist Fathers built the splendid Church of Our Lady of PerpetualHelp, familiarly called the Mission Church, on Tremont street, Roxbury. These priests, whose Institute was founded in the last century b}^ St. Alphonsus Liguori, were intro- duced into this country in 1 84 1, by Archbishop Eccleston, of Balti- more, for the German Catholic missions of the United States. The American membership of the Congregation of the Most Holy Re- deemer has always been largely of German extraction, though the ubiquitous Irish race has been fairly represented in the ranks. The present rector of the Mission Church, Boston, the Rev. H. J. Mclnerney, is an Irishman. During the pastorate of his predeces- sor, the Rev. Joseph Henning, C.SS.R. (now rector of St. Patrick's Church, Toronto, Ont.), the Mission Church began to acquire a more than local celebrity through the remarkable, not to say miraculous, cures wrought at the shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The case of Miss Grace T. Hanley, daughter of Colonel Hanley, of Bos- ton, in 1883, is perhaps the most notable, and is commemorated by a bronze tablet in the wall of the Blessed Virgin's shrine. The ]^44 THE IRISH AV BOSTON. Redemptorist Fathers are completing a magnificent parochial school, which will accommodate fifteen hundred pupils, and will be opened this year, with the School Sisters of Notre Dame, from Baltimore, as teachers. Two existing Boston Catholic schools of equal magnitude are St. Mary's, North End, built long ago by the Jesuits, and St. Ste- phen's, in the same section, just completed by the Rev. M. Moran. The Rev. P. F. Lyndon, V.G., died April i8, 1878. He had" been Vicar-General under both Bishops Fitzpatrick and Williams, and administrator of the diocese while the latter was attending the Vatican Council, 1869-70. His most important pastoral charges were SS. Peter and Paul's, South Boston, and St. Joseph's, West End. He enlarged St. Joseph's Church, and provided the rectory. He also built the Gate of Heaven Church, South Boston. Father Lyndon's successor as Vicar-General was the Very Rev. William Byrne, then rector of St. Mary's, Charlestown. Father Byrne was born in Dunsany, County Meath, Ireland, about fifty-four years ago. He made his classical studies chiefly in Ireland. He came to New York City in 1857 and after a short res- idence there, convinced of his vocation to the priesthood, repaired for his ecclesiastical studies to Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmettsburg, Md. He was ordained priest for the diocese of Boston in 1864. For some years preceding his ordination, and for a year thereafter, he was pro- fessor of mathematics and philosophy in the college. In 1865 he was recalled to Boston, and appointed successively, as heretofore stated, Chancellor, pastor of St. Mary's, Charlestown, and Vicar- General. In 1880 Father Byrne was prevailed upon to accept the presidency of his old-time Alma Mater, Mt. St. Mary's, Emmettsburg. This institution was in serious financial difficulties ; it needed at its head a man of a hard-working, self-sacrificing disposition, clear judg- ment, and business ability, qualities which were already conspicuous in Father Byrne. After three years of his administration, the college found itself again in a prosperous condition, and Father Byrne re- turned to Boston, being succeeded at Mt. St. Mary's by another priest of the archdiocese of Boston, the Rev. Edward P. Allen. Father Eyrne's success in freeing Mt. St. Mary's from its difficulties won THE CATHOLIC CHURCH LV BOSTON. 145 for him the grateful consideration of the whole Church in America ; for that venerable college has had a most important and honorable part in her history. Over eighty years in existence, so many of its sons have been called to the honors of the Episcopate, that it is popu- larly named the "Mother of Bishops." There is not a diocese in the land that is not, or has not been at some time, represented in its seminary. A few months after his return from Mt. St. Mary's, Father Byrne succeeded the Rev. William J. Daly (who died in Rome, De- cember, 1883) in the pastorate of St. Joseph's Church, West End, Boston. Besides his distinctive work as Vicar-General of a great arch- diocese and rector of a populous city parish, Father Byrne has found time for much special service in the promotion of popular education and temperance reform. He founded, a few years ago, the Boston Temperance Missions. Associated with him was a band of prominent priests of the archdiocese, who went from church to church, on the invitation of the pastor, giving, for four successive evenings at each church, instructions on the causes of intemperance, its spiritual and temporal evils, and its remedies. These missions were highly successful, and set an example which has been followed in other dioceses. Father Byrne was administrator of the archdiocese of Boston during Archbishop Williams' visits to Rome in 1883 and 1887. He represented the Archbishop in Rome at the Golden Jubilee of Pope Leo XIH., and was the recipient of distinguished favor and consideration from the Sovereign Pontiff. Returning from Rome, he visited his native Ireland. Here the fame of his efforts for Irish nationalism had preceded him, and he received from the leaders of the Irish Parliamentary Party, and Irishmen generally, an enthusiastic welcome. He was an honored guest at the St. Patrick's day banquet of 1888, in London, and made an impressive speech in response to the toast " The Irish in America." The following Easter he cele- brated Mass before an immense congregation in his old parish church at Dunsany, County Meath. Bishop Nulty, of Meath, gave 146 THE IRISH LY BOSTON. a banquet in his honor, at which all the priests of the diocese were present, and at which the patriotic bishop praised in the warmest terms Father Byrne's eminent services to the Catholic faith and Irish nationalism. On his return to Boston the May following, the parish- ioners of St. Joseph's testified, by a memorable reception, their devo- tion to their cherished pastor. Father Byrne has a faculty of terse and lucid expression both in speaking and writing. He contributed to the great " Memorial His- tory of Boston," published by Messrs. J. R. Osgood & Co., the chap- ter on " The Roman Catholic Church in Boston." During the latest phases of the school excitement in Boston he has several times been called upon to explain, in the secular press, the Catholic doctrine on certain controverted points, notably the much-misrepresented question of indulgences ; and many misunderstandings have been cleared up, and much bad feeling dissipated, by his prudent, courteous, and clear manifestation of the Faith. By their invitation, he prepared a paper which was read before a meeting of the Universalist ministers of Bos- ton, last November, entitled " Aids to Practical Piety." On May lO, 1879, St. Mary's Church, Charlestown, celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. Archbishop Williams celebrated the Pontifi- cal High Mass, and Bishop O'Reilly, of Springfield, preached. At a further celebration, the following day, the Rev. Richard J. Barry, now rector of St. Cecilia's, Back Bay, Boston, and the Very Rev. J. J. Power, V. G., of the diocese of Springfield, Mass., made ad- dresses. The ranks of the priesthood in New England have received many accessions from old St. Mary's, Charlestown. This was the parish church of the Rt. Rev. Lawrence S. McMahon, now Bishop of Hartford, Conn., who used to serve Mass at its altar in his boy- hood. The present esteemed rector of the church, the Rev. John W. McMahon, is a brother of the bishop. Another old-time parish- ioner of St. Mary's is the Very Rev. John J. Power, Vicar-General of the diocese of Springfield, Mass. On Feb. 20, 1880, the nuns of the Sacred Heart, a teaching order, devoted mainly to the higher education of girls, were intro- THE CATHOLIC CHURCH I.V BOSTON. 147 duced into Boston, and located their academy at Chester square. This order, founded in France, in 1800, came first to America in 1 818, and has been marvellously popular and successful. Like all the other orders in this country, it has been largely recruited from among ladies of Irish birth or descent. Among them we may mention two nieces and a grandniece of the beloved Irish novelist and poet, Gerald Griffin ; and in the Boston convent, a relative of the illustrious Irish patriot, Theobald Wolfe Tone. The new con- vent on Chester square was built in 1886, It is in charge of Madame Sarah T. Randall. The academy has an attendance of nearly one hundred pupils. In the fall of 1884, the great work of the episcopate of Arch- bishop Williams, St. John's Ecclesiastical Seminary, Brighton, was completed. The seminary, a plain, substantial stone building, has beautiful grounds covering twenty-eight acres. As it now stands it has accommodations for one hundred students. Later, a new wing will be erected for the students of philosophy. Then the theological students will have the exclusive use of the present building. The course includes two years' philos- ophy, with natural science, and four years* theology. The seminary is open primarily to candidates for the priesthood from the various dioceses of New England ; but the candidates from other dioceses can also be received. A word here of the very remarkable man who is president of the seminary. The Very Rev. John B. Hogan, S.S., D.D., is a native of Ireland, but received his ecclesiastical training and lived the greater part of his priestly life in the seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris. He re- fused bishoprics in his native land and in France, preferring to devote himself unreservedly to the great work of his order, — the training of priests for God's Church. When, at the request of Archbishop Williams, Father Hogan was sent by the Superior of the Sulpicians to found the Boston Seminary, there was sorrow throughout France. The well-known Irishman, Mr. J. P. Leonard, long resident in Paris, and a friend of the distinguished priest, wrote thus of him to the "Pilot" in July, 1885 : — 148 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. For a quarter of a century as one of the Directors of St. Sulpice, Father Hogan was the friend and spiritual adviser of thousands of students who are now on the mission in different parts of France. Nothing can equal their respect and affection for him. I have heard tlieir feel- ings warmly expressed in Brittany, in Normandy, in the Orleanses, and the Dour- bones, in hospitals, and ambulances, and even on the field of battle. This will explain the outburst of sorrow, when the news of his departure became known. Father Hogan is regretted not only by the clergy, who all knew and appreci- ated him, but in the higher circles of Parisian society, though he lived almost exclusively in the seminary, holding little intercourse with the lay world. Once, however, much against his will, he was forced to leave it, and this was during the terrible Commune, when his conduct was truly heroic, saving, perhaps, the semi- nary, and certainly many most important documents, from destruction. From his prison cell on the conciergerie, quite close to that formerly occupied by the unfor- tunate Marie Antoinette, he defied and browbeat the miserable imitators of her persecutors, narrowly escaping the fate of the Archbishop of Paris and the other hostages. There is sorrow, too, among his own countrymen, for he was true to them and to his native land. Poor, suffering Ireland ever held the first place in his heart. In her dark hours, and they were many, he defended and served her, as many here know well, and none better than his old friend and constant admirer, J. P. Leonard. A pleasant incident in the history of the seminary was the assembHng within its walls, January, 1888, of the priests of the arch- diocese, in witness of their affection and devotion for the founder, Archbishop Williams. Besides the testimonial to the Archbishop himself, his portrait-bust in bronze, the work of the sculptor, Mr. John Donoghue, was presented by the priests to the seminary. The projector of both testimonials was the Rev. Arthur J. Teeling, of Newburyport, Mass. The development of the Parochial School System in Boston has also to be noted. We have seen its beginnings under Bishop Chev- erus and the Abbe Matignon. In this field, Boston Catholics, and indeed New England Catholics as a body, have had to work against difficulties not experienced in the same degree by their fellow-relig- ionists in other parts of the United States. Here the general preju- dice against the Catholic Church has been special and intense against the Catholic schools. Protestant ignorance or misunderstanding of the real point at issue, must account for this ; for the principle of THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TV BOSTOX. 149 religion in education, which the Church has ever maintained, and which CathoHcs, as far as possible, carry out, was the very corner- stone of the New England public-school system. Up to 1859 the public schools of Boston, though professedly non-sectarian, and only used by the Catholics as such in absence of Catholic schools, were practically Protestant. Though more nearly conformed to the non- sectarian profession to-day, the Catholic children, who still form at least half the attendance, are by no means secured against assaults on their faith ; and Catholic parents, who in any event prefer a relig- ous education to the best possible merely secular system, are building up steadily, at great personal sacrifice, their own schools. The decree of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1884, which emphasized the mind of the Church and the indispensable duty of American Catholics in regard to the establishment of parochial schools, naturally gave a great impetus to school building. Some of the largest and best in Boston have been erected since that date. Catholic activity in this direction excited the wrath of certain Protestants to such a degree that a bill ostensibly for " the inspection of private schools," but actually intended for the embarrassment, or even repression, of Catholic schools, was introduced into the Massa- chusetts Legislature, in January, 1888. This bill was framed on the majority report of the joint special committee of the Massachusetts Legislature of 1887, on the employ- ment and schooling of children. Its supporters professed to be moved by a fear that the education given in private schools was not equal to that given in the public schools ; and that the welfare of the children and the safety of the Commonwealth would be en- dangered if the private schools, to whose foundation and maintenance the State has contributed nothing, were not compelled to open their doors and submit teachers and pupils to the inspection and exami- nation of officials for the most part hostile to their very existence. Opposed to this bill was the able minority report of the same committee, presented by Representative Michael J. McEttrick. Said report protested against the proposed State inspection as an in- terference with the natural right of parents and the constitutional 150 THE IRISH LY BOSTON. right of American citizens. On these Hnes the bill was fought in five successive hearings before the Comrnittee on Education of the Massachusetts Legislature, and all the bigots and cranks in Boston and its neighborhood, led by the Rev. Joseph Cook and the Rev. A. A. Miner, D.D., advocated the bill. Ranged with the Catholics in opposition to it were such men as President Eliot, of Harvard University ; Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, of Cambridge ; the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, and Gen. Francis Walker. Charles F. Donnelly, Esq., represented the Catholic schools with con- spicuous ability and dignity. The bill was defeated, and the dis- cussion had the good effect of concentrating national attention on the well-defined attitude of the Catholics on the education question, and of bringing out strongly the fact that many thoughtful Protestants share the Catholic conviction of the necessity of religion in edu- cation. In the wake of the State Inspection Bill came the now historic episode in the school controversy, — the calumnious definition of the Catholic doctrine of indulgences by Master Charles B. Travis, of the English High School, Boston, before his history class, in which there were a number of Catholic pupils. Master Travis asserted that the Catholic doctrine of indulgences means a permission to commit sin, sometimes bought zvith money, and illustrated the asser- tion by the further statement that in a Catholic country a murderer brought before a judge would be liberated by showing his indulgence papers. A Catholic pupil earnestly objected to this infamous calumny of Catholic doctrine ; whereupon the professor replied that he would hold to his opinion, though the pupil was free to hold his own. The incident was made public, but the teacher's name and the name of the school were charitably withheld, in the hope that the case would be promptly investigated, and the offender brought, at least, to an apology; but within a few days the lie was reiterated in the most insulting manner. Thereupon the Rev. Theodore A. Metcalf, rector of the Gate of Heaven Church, South Boston, to whose parish the pupil above mentioned belonged, made a formal complaint to the THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 151 Boston School Committee. Master Travis, called to account, de- fended himself on the pica that he followed this foot-note in his text- book, " Swinton's Outlines of History."^ Later, the Committee on Text-Books, composed of three Protestants and two Catholics, the Rev. Dr. Duryea, G. B. Swasey, E. C. Carrigan, Judge J. D. Fallon, and Dr. J. G. Blake, in their annual revision of text-books, pro- nounced the book inaccurate not only on Catholic matters, but in other respects, and ordered it dropped. In this decision the Committee on High Schools, Dr. J. G. Blake, chairman, to whom Father Metcalf's complaint was referred, concurred, censured the action of Master Travis, and recommended his transfer to some other office in the High School than that for which he had shown himself so grossly unfitted. The School Committee accepted the report and adopted the recommendations. Chroniclers of this episode should note, however, that Father Metcalf never asked'either for the exclusion of " Swinton's Outlines" from the school nor the exclusion of Master Travis from the professorship of history, nor uttered one word of attack of the public-school system ; but simply appealed, in exercise of his citizen- right, to the School Committee to take measures to prevent the rep- etition by a teacher of statements inconsistent with non-sectarian teaching. This decision furnished to the anti-Catholic leaders a pretext for the incitement of the prejudices and ignorant fears which, in an earlier stage of Boston's history, had found expression in church- wrecking and convent-burning. Sunday after Sunday, Music Hall, Tremont Temple, and certain other Protestant places of worship rang with abuse and defamation of all things Catholic. It is true that the more refined and educated non-Catholic element had no part in this assault on their fellow-citizens of a diff"erent faith, and that so eminent a Protestant historian as Professor Fisher, of Yale College, publicly denounced as an atrocious scandal the assertion 1 " These indulgences were, in the early ages of the church, remissions of the penances imposed upon persons whose sins had brought scandal on the community. But in process of time they were represented as actual pardons of guilt, and the purchaser of indulgences was said to be delivered from all his sins." 152 THE IRISH ly bos to. v. that the Catholic Church ever taught that the forgiveness of sins can be bought with money. A Protestant association, called the Evan- gelical Alliance, formally petitioned the Boston School Committee for the restoration of " Swinton's Outlines" and the reinstatement of Master Travis. The petition was denied. Then the religious issue was introduced into the campaign preceding the municipal elections of Dec. II, 1888. A peculiar element in this campaign was the interference of a secret society known as the Committee of One Hundred, pledged to make aggressive war on the Catholics. In Boston, women have the right to vote for members of the School Committee. The Protestant women, excited by the frenzied appeals of ministers and politicians to save the schools, and Ameri- can institutions generally, " from the Jesuits," etc., voted in great numbers. Some Catholic women also voted, believing that the emer- gency justified them in overcoming their natural aversion to entering the field of political action. But the majority of the Catholic women felt that, in the long run, they were better serving the cause of justice by abstaining from the suffrage. The election resulted in the defeat of every candidate of the Catholic faith, or supposed to be favorable to equitable dealing with Catholics. The Catholic membership of the School Committee was reduced to eight, and this in a city whose population is more than half Catholic. In the spring of 1889 another bill for the State inspection of private schools was introduced into the Massachusetts Legislature. The bill was framed by the Rev. Samuel L. Gracey, of Salem, and most actively pushed by representatives of the Committee of One Hundred. The bill of the preceding year was conciliation itself in comparison with this, which, however, had the merit of throwing off all hypocrisy, and being, what it has been justly styled, an Anti- Catholic School Bill. It was aimed directly at the rights of Catho- lic parents and citizens, and, if carried into effect, would deprive these of freedom of conscience, and even of freedom of speech. This is the bill, as introduced before the Committee on Educa- tion : — THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 153 1. Absolute right of inspection and supervision by the local School Commit- tee of every private school in which any children between the ages of eight and fourteen were being educated. 2. That every parent and other person having control of a child able to attend school, and between the ages of eight and fourteen, and needing instruction, who would not cause such child to attend a public school, or a private school, approved by the local School Committee, would be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars, whether it appeared the child was receiving a good education elsewhere or not. 3. That the local School Committee shall only approve of a private school when the teaching therein is in the English language, in the branches provided by law, and the text-books used therein are such as may be approved by the committee, and when they are satisfied otherwise of the progress and condition of the school. 4. That any person who shall attempt to influence any parent or other person Jiaving under his care or control any child between eight and fourteen years, to take such child out of, or to hinder or prevent such child from attending a public or approved school by any threats of social, tnoral, political, religious, or ecclesiastical disability, or disabilities, or any punishment, or by any threats, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding $1 ,000, and not less than $300, in each offence. The petitioners for this bill tried to invest their cause with some respectability by securing as counsel ex-Governor Long. The counsel for the Catholic parochial and private schools was again Charles F. Donnelly, and the counsel for Protestant private schools, Nathan Matthews, Jr. The proposed bill was discussed before the Committee on Education in fourteen hearings, from March 20 till April 24, inclu- sive. On April 25 the closing arguments were made. Represent- ative Lund was assistant counsel for the petitioners. Two Protestant ministers — the Revs. A. A. Miner and J. B. Dunn — were constant in their attendance and advocacy of the bill. The presence among the petitioners of Superintendent Bartlett, of the public schools of Haverhill, resulted from the fact that the Haverhill School Committee had brought in an order of their own, asking for legislation on the inspection and approval of priv^ate schools, moved to this course by finding their powers insufficient for the suppression of the French Canadian parochial school, St. Joseph's. More than a third of the pupils attending this school came from homes in which only the 154 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. French language was spoken. Part of the teaching was, therefore, of necessity in the French language. This, and the fact that the text-books were not identical with those used in the public schools, decided a hostile school committee, after a hasty examination, to refuse to approve the school. The Rev. Oliver Boucher, rector of St. Joseph's, offered to make every reasonable concession to the School Committee. Neverthe- less, parents were ordered to withdraw their children from St. Joseph's and send them to the public schools, or otherwise be prose- cuted under the truant law. The French parents stood up bravely for their parental and conscientious rights. Several test cases were brought before Judge Carter, of Haverhill, who decided in favor of the defendants, giving it as his official opinion that St. Joseph's School, even without the modifications made by Father Boucher in the hope of securing the approval of the School Committee, amply met the requirements of the compulsory education statute. Then the cry was raised by some of the Boston bigots that the French people were coerced by the priests into sending their children to the parochial schools. On the other hand, it was maintained that the French kept up parochial schools, and had their children instructed in the ancestral tongue with a view to eventually annexing New England to the Province of Quebec ! French Canadians came in great numbers from Haverhill, Lowell, Lawrence, Marlboro', Worcester, Fall River, and Holyoke, to testify to their preference for a distinctly Catholic education for their children, and to their absolute loyalty to the United States. Among their conspicuously able spokesmen were Rep- resentative Dubuque, of Fall River, and Emil Tardivel, editor of " Le Travailleur," Worcester. The inquiry developed a fact little to the taste of the petitioners ; namely, that the French Canadians of Massachusetts are becoming naturalized rapidly, and in great numbers, and are, as a rule, in favor of the annexation of Canada to the United States. Three priests testified: the Revs. J. P. Bodfish, of Canton ; Joseph F. McDonough, of Taunton ; and the Rev. Richard Neagle, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Boston. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 155 Other remonstrants were Col. T. W. Higginson, J. W. McDonald, principal of the Stoneham High School, Edward Hamilton, Arthur A. Hill, editor of the " Haverhill Gazette," all Protestants ; Julius Palmer, Jr., and Thomas J. Gargan, Catholics. The searching and comprehensive examination to which the Catholics were subjected would give a disinterested hearer the impression that the Catholic Church was on trial for her life in Massachusetts. In the face of the fact developed during the hearing, that the Catholics number about two-fifths of the total population of the Commonwealth, and in many cities and towns are in the majority, Massachusetts legislators, whatever their political affiliations or relig- ious sympathies, began to shrink from open identification with the Anti-Catholic School Bill. While the hearings were still in progress, the House, to avoid the burden of a decision, appealed to the Supreme Court of Massachusetts for an interpretation of the statute relating to private schools. The Court refused an opinion. A few weeks later. Representative T. W, Bicknell, for the majority of the Committee on Education, reported to the Legislature a bill which, though divested of the prominent anti- Catholic features of the Gracey Bill, was still so bigoted and inquisitorial as to be objec- tionable to all fair-minded people. Representatives McEttrick and Keane, of the same committee, put in a minority report setting forth the needlessness of any additional legislation. Various substi- tute bills were offered and debated, but that which finally passed both branches of the Legislature, with slight amendments by Repre- sentatives Dubuque and Davis, was the bill of Representative Ward- well (Republican), of Haverhill. This bill does not change, but merely defines, the existing school laws ; clearing Section L (the Compulsory Education Statute) of the obsolete "poverty" and " half-time school " clauses, and explaining in what " the means of education " consist. Concluding this outline of the school controversy of 1889, it must be said that the Catholics, forced by the tactics of their oppo- nents to defend the teachings of their Church, as well as their citizen and parental rights, were most fortunate in their counsel, Mr. Charles F. Donnelly, who conducted their case with a dignity, disinterested- 156 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. ness, and ability which shaped public opinion at an early stage of the contest, and foredoomed all anti -Catholic and inquisitorial legis- lation before the close of the legislative hearings. That famous advocate of Catholic popular education, the Right Rev. Bernard J. McOuaid, of Rochester, N.Y., voiced the general Catholic conviction, when he said in Boston, before the Free- Thought Association, in 1876, that Massachusetts will yet settle the school question on an equitable basis for the whole country. This conviction of the national value of the outcome of the Catholic case in the Massachu- setts school controversy attracted national interest to Mr. Donnelly's procedure, and won grateful recognition from the American Catholic press, for the value of the weapons which he has furnished to the arsenals of those on whom in other commonwealths a similar conflict may be forced. Massachusetts Catholics have reason, also, to be pleased with their representatives in the Legislature, notably the faithful and loyal Mr. M. J. McEttrick. Prominent among the Catholic charitable institutions of Boston is the House of the Angel Guardian, founded in 1850 by a pious convert priest, the Rev. George F. Haskins. It is for orphan boys, and is conducted by Brothers of Charity from Montreal, Canada. The Home for Destitute Catholic Children, on Harrison avenue, deserves more than a mere naming. The Home for Destitute Catholic Children was organized in June, 1864. It was first known as the Eliot Charity School, and was conducted by benevolent ladies and gentlemen at a house on old High street, in this city. The original committee for this work was the Very Rev. John J. Williams, now Archbishop of Boston ; the Rev. James A. Healy, now Bishop of Portland, Me. ; Messrs. Patrick Donahoe, William S. Pelletier, Charles F. Donnelly, William S. Mellen, the last-named since deceased. A meeting, composed mainly of the superintendents of the various Catholic Sunday-schools, was held in the basement of the Cathedral chapel on the evening of Palm Sunday, March 20, 1864. It was ascertained that at least one thousand children between THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 157 the ages of eight and twelve years were annually prosecuted before the courts of Boston. The judges and officers before whom they appeared could only look upon them as homeless vagrants. They were for the most part children of Catholic parents. It was, therefore, proposed that a temporary home be provided for such children, or any other destitute child, regardless of creed, color, or nationality, where they might be cared for until they could be transferred to permanent and good homes. In 1864 George \V. Adams was elected to the position of superintendent, which he held until 1866, when he was succeeded by Bernard Cullen, whose labors for the Home covered a period of twelve years. Mr. Cullen died Feb. 12, 1878, and immediately his son, James B. Cullen, became his successor to the superintend- ency of the institution by a unanimous vote of the corporation. He did the duties of superintendent from Feb. 12, 1878, until May, 1883, when he voluntarily resigned and engaged in mercantile pursuits. John A. Duggan succeeded to the position made vacant by the younger Mr. Cullen, and he still occupies it. The association became a corporate body under the laws of the State, with fifteen members to constitute the board of managers, who are elected from the different parishes of Boston. The domestic management of the Home was under the super- vision of matrons until 1865, and then the Sisters of Charity were induced to assume the management of its domestic affairs. In 1870 the present spacious and well-appointed building on Harrison avenue was erected. When it is remembered that over seven thousand eight hundred destitute, homeless, neglected children have been received and pro- vided for at this establishment, without pay or compensation of any kind, and that the heavy indebtedness of the institution, incurred by a land purchase and erection of its buildings, together with the annual payment of about twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) for house expenses, it will be seen that, in order to place it on its present sound financial basis, much care, skill, and self-sacrifice were neces- sar}". 158 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. All poor, homeless, and friendless children between the ages of three and twelve years are received and sheltered, without any distinction of race, color, or religion. The names of the officers of the Home corporation, with the date of their election, are as follows: — 1864 — Patrick Donahoe ; Charles F. Donnelly, James Havey, Matthew Keany, John Lyons; 1869 — James Bonner; 1871 — Patrick Grealy, John W. McDonald, James McCormick, John B. O'Brien; 1877 — John Donovan, James W. Dunphy, James Dool- ing, James McMahon ; 1877 — Patrick Norton, Owen Nawn, David A. Ring; 1878 — Christopher Blake, Patrick T. Hanley; 1880 — Patrick Collins, Rev. W. H. Duncan, S.J., John Miller, Patrick F. Sullivan; 1882 — William Peard, Denis Cawley, Patrick Doherty, Thomas F. Doherty; 1889 — Rev. Richard Nagle. Twenty-eight members in all, two vacancies existing in the board. Officers for 1889 — President, John B. O'Brien; Vice-President, Charles F. Donnelly; Treasurer, Patrick F. Sullivan; Secretary, James Havey; Executive Committee, James VV. Dunphy, John W. McDonald, John Miller. The Home celebrated its Silver Jubilee on Sunday, May 26, 1889, in Music Hall, by a grand Catholic demonstration, at which Archbishop Williams presided, and Bishop Healy, of Portland, Me., delivered the chief address. Boston has not a more interesting public institution than the Working Boys' Home, on Bennet street. It was begun in a small building on Eliot street, in the spring of 1883, by the Rev. David H. Roche, with four boys. Under his direction the present spacious and well-appointed brick building on Bennet street was erected. In 1888 the Rev. John F. Ford succeeded Father Roche as superin- tendent. There are at present nearly one hundred boys in the Home. Sisters of St. Francis, from Allegany, N.Y., have charge of the domestic arrangements. Besides comfortable dormitories and refectories, there is a well-furnished gymnasium, and Father Ford has started a library and reading-room. The Home is open to working boys, without distinction of race or creed. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 159 A Home for Working Girls was opened in June, 1888, on Dover street, Boston, under the patronage of Archbishop Wilhams. It is directed by Grey Nuns from Montreal. It is not a charitable institution, but a house where home protection and home comforts can be supplied at a modest sum to girls employed in stores, offices, etc. An association of prominent Catholic ladies, called the Work- ing Girls' Friends' Society, has been organized for the benefit of this institution. Its president, in 1888, was Mrs. Hugh O'Brien; in 1889, Mrs. M. E. P. Fennell. The priesthood of Boston have always been earnest advocates of Irish Home Rule. On Jan. 25, 1881, almost immediately after the great National Convention of the Land League, in Buffalo, NA^., Archbishop Williams and all the priests of the archdiocese met at the house of the Vicar-General, Boston. The meeting endorsed the principles laid down in the Buffalo Convention as justified by religion and morality, and framed an address to the bishops, priests, and people of Ireland, expressing fraternal sympathy in their struggle, admiration for their splendid self-control in the face of extreme provocation, and speaking strong words for land reform and home rule. It thus concluded: "We pray the Giver of all good gifts that he may reward Ireland's cen- turies of suffering and fidelity to religion with the fullest civil liberty, peace, and prosperity, so that she may be once again the home of learning and science, and a source of blessings to other nations." The address was signed as follows : — John J. Williams, Archbishop of Boston; William Byrne, V.G. ; William A. Blenkinsop, Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, South Bos- ton, Chairman; M. F. Flatley, St. Joseph's, Wakefield, Secretary; T. H. Shahan, St. James, Boston; T. Magennis, St. Thomas, Ja- maica Plain ; M. J. Masterson, St. John's, Peabody. The address was followed by a generous contribution from the Boston priests to the funds of the Land League. A word about the chief Catholic Societies in Boston. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, composed of laymen, who regularly devote some time to the visiting and relief of the sick and poor, was 160 THE IRISH IiV BOSTON. introduced into Boston by its present archbishop, the Most Rev. John J. WilHams. In 1861, while pastor of St. James' Church, Boston, he estabUshed in that parish the first conference of St. Vincent de Paul. There is now scarcely a parish in the city without its conference. A conference of colored Catholics, called St. Peter Claver's, was established in the spring of 1889, under the presidency of Mr. Robert L. Rufin, with the Rev. John F. Ford, of the Working Boys' Home, as spiritual director. From the report of the Particular Council, for the year ending Dec. 31, 1888, we get a specimen year's work. The active membership at date was 547; families aided during the year, 1,532, comprising 5,378 persons; visits made to the poor, 22,953 ; moneys received during the year, added to balance in treasury, $34,866.56; moneys disbursed among the poor, $25,741.09 — leaving in treasury $9,125.47. The Particular Council is composed of a Council of Direction (constituted in 1889), as follows : — Spiritual Director, the Very Rev. William Byrne. V.G. ; Presi- dent, Thomas F. Ring; Vice-Presidents, Henry McQuade, Thomas Shay; Secretary, John J. Mundo ; Treasurer, J. W. McDonald; and the spiritual directors, presidents, and vice-presidents of the vari- ous Conferences. The Catholic Union, of Boston, was founded in March, 1873, under the inspiration of the words of the late Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Pius IX., recommending union and organization of the Catholic laity in the spirit of loyalty to the Church. To secure the perpetuation of a truly Catholic spirit in the Union, Sect. 2, Art. I., of the By-Laws provides that the Archbishop of Boston shall always be arbiter in all questions and cases that may arise in the Union. The first Ex- ecutive Committee of the Catholic Union (or the Council of the Cath- olic Union, as it was originally called) was thus composed : John G. Blake, M.D., Hon. P. A. Collins, Messrs. John F. McEvoy, William F. Connolly, H. L. Richards ; Treasurer, Hugh O'Brien ; Correspond- ing Secretary, William S. Pelletier ; Recording Secretary, John Boyle O'Reilly. First Board of Officers: President, Theodore Metcalf; iirst Vice-President, Patrick Donahoe ; second Vice-President, John THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TV BOSTON. 161 C. Crowley; Spiritual Director, the Rev. James Augustine Healy. Committee on Nominations : Hugh Carey, Gen. Patrick R. Guiney, John Boyle O'Reilly, Samuel Tuckerman. The Union proposed to its members these permanent studies and interests : The Church, Catholic Education, Public Schools, Pub- lic Institutions, Catholic Charities and Protection, Sacred Music. The influence of a body of earnest, intelligent men, taking serious thought of such questions as are involved in the foregoing topics, was soon felt in the community. To the Catholic Union is due in great part the obtaining of freedom of worship for the inmates of the State penal, reformatory, and charitable institutions. It is interest- ing to add that one of the two honorary members of the Catholic Union is a lady. Miss Emma Forbes Cary, of Cambridge, Mass., distinguished for her labors in the spiritual and temporal interest of prisoners. The other honorary member is the Rt. Rev. James A. Healy, Bishop of Portland, Me. The succession of presidents in the Catholic Union has been : Theodore Metcalf, 1873-75; Henry L. Richards, '75-/6; John C. Crowley, '76-78; Hugh O'Brien, '78-80; Thomas Dwight, M.D., '81-82; John B. Moran, M.D., '82-84; J. A. Maxwell, '84-85; Joseph D. Fallon, '85-86; J. C. Crowley, '86-88; Thomas F. Ring, '88-89. The successive spiritual directors have been : the Revs. James Augustine Healy, Alexander Sherwood Healy, Joshua P. Bodfish, and Leo P. Boland. The present board of officers (1889) : Honorary President, Archbishop Williams ; President, James L. Walsh ; First Vice-President, Thomas B. Fitz ; Second Vice-Presi- dent, James A, Reilly; Recording Secretary and Treasurer, John J. McCluskey; Corresponding Secretary, Thomas J.Kelly; Executive Committee, the foregoing cx-officiis and William H. Grainger, Daniel L. Prendergast, Francis Martin, Stephen Murphy, J. B. Fitz- patrick ; Committee on Nominations to Membership, M. C. Curry, Edward Harkins, T. J. Monaghan, F. B. Doherty. To Father Bodfish, for so many years identified with it as Spiritual Director, the Union is indebted largely for its development and influence as a social organization. A brilliant and memorable 1(52 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. event in the early history of the CathoHc Union was the three days' festival in Music Hall, concluding on the evening of Nov. 13, 1873, in honor of Pope Pius IX. The programme included an address by the President, Theodore Metcalf ; the address of the Catholic Union to Pope Pius IX., John Boyle O'Reilly; the reading of the Holy Father's reply to the Union's address, by William Summers Pelletier ; and the following addresses : " The Objects of the Catholic Union of Boston," Henry L. Richards; "The Growth of the Church in New England," Rev. James A. Healy, Spiritual Adviser to the Council of the Union ; " The Catholic Charities of Boston," Patrick Donahoe ; " Congratulatory," Dr. Henry James Anderson, President of the Catholic Union of New York; "Catholic Historical Society," John C. Crowley; "Catholic Institute in Boston," Patrick A. Collins; "The State of the Church in Europe," Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J. The great feature of Part III. of the Festival's programme was the discourse on '• The Duties of American Catholics," by the Rev. James Kent Stone. Dr. Kent Stone had been a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and President of Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y. His con- version was a direct result of the fatherly appeal of Pope Pius IX., just before the Vatican Council of 1869-70, to non-Catholic Chris- tians to return to the unity of the faith. This appeal was also the inspiration of Dr. Kent Stone's celebrated book, " The Invitation Heeded." The author is now a member of the austere Passionist Order, founded in the last century by St. Paul of the Cross ; and for seven years past has been doing wonderful missionary work in Buenos Ayres and other portions of the Argentine Republic and Chili, S.A. Other notable events in the history of the Catholic Union have been the reception in honor of Cardinal Gibbons, March 12, 1888; and the celebration, at the Brunswick, of the Centenary of Washing- ton's Inauguration, April 30, 1889. The new President, Judge James L. Walsh, was chairman; J. P. Leahy, Esq., toast-master. The formal addresses of the evening were : " George Washington," by Hon. Thomas J. Gargan ; "The Catholic Church," the Very Rev. William Byrne, V.G. ; "The United States of America," Thomas THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BOSTON. 163 Flatley, Esq. Addresses were also made by the Rev, J. P. Bodfish, the Rev. Leo. P. Boland, Spiritual Director of the Union, and ex- President Thomas F. Ring. CathoHc temperance work in Boston received its first notable impulse from the visit of Father Mathew, in 1 849. The city authorities gave him a public reception, and the use of Boston Common and Faneuil Hall for public meetings. On a single day, July 27, 1849, he gave the pledge to four thousand people, Catholic and non-Catholic. Among Boston priests eminent and successful in temperance work we may name the Rev. Peter A. McKenna, now of Marlboro' ; the Rev. Hugh Roe O'Donnell, of East Boston ; the Rev. James F. Talbot, D.D., of the Cathedral. Boston has a flourishing Arch- diocesan Total Abstinence Union, with a membership, at latest returns, of '^,66'j, and officered as follows: President, J. Crowley, of Cambridge ; Vice-President, Stephen Anderson ; Secretary, Edward Mulready ; Assistant Secretary, C. J. Fay; Treasurer, the Rev. P. A. McKenna. The eighteenth annual convention of the Catholic Total Absti- nence Union of the United States was held in Tremont Temple, Boston, August 2 and 3, 1888, under the presidency of the Rev. Thomas J. Conaty, D.D., of Worcester, Mass. There were delegates representing 53,000 Catholic total abstainers. Among the eminent visitors who addressed the Union were the Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, rector, and the Rev. Philip J. Garrigan, vice-rector, of the American Catholic University, Washington, D.C. ; the Rev. J. R. Slattery, rector of St. Joseph's Seminary, Baltimore, Md., for the education of candidates for the negro missions of the South ; the Revs. Thaddeus Hogan, Jersey City, N.J. ; Morgan M. Sheedy, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; J. M. Cleary, of Wisconsin ; and Walter Elliot, of the Paulist Fathers, New York. Protestants and Catholics alike crowded the galleries during the various sessions, and the revelation of the sound sense and effectiveness of Catholic methods of temperance reform was not lost on workers in the good cause outside the Catholic Church. 164 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Besides the associations above mentioned, every parish is well equipped with religious sodalities for men and women. To summarize: Of Boston's 400,000 population, fully 225,000 are Catholics. Out of the total of children born in this city in a recent year (1887), seven-twelfths were baptized in the various Catholic churches. These Catholics have 35 fine churches, at- tended by 125 priests. The thirty-sixth, St. Cecilia's, in the Back Bay district, is begun, and ground will soon be broken for two school-chapels in St. Joseph's parish, Roxbury. There is an ecclesiastical seminary with 81 students; a college with 275 ; three academies for girls with a total of 270 pupils, and 17 parochial schools with an attendance of over I0,000 boys and girls; three hospitals, five orphanages, two homes for the aged poor, a House of the Good Shepherd, a Home for Working Boys, and a Home for Working Girls. These are eloquent figures, and voice truths no reasonable mind can misunderstand, remembering how the seed of Catholicity was sowed on ungenial soil, in poverty and obscurity, and in the shadow of popular disfavor ; how it sprouted and strengthened, withstanding many tempests, until now, deep-rooted, of towering height and giant girth, beautiful, indestructible, it gathers a vast multitude under its grateful shade, and. Tree of Life as it is, puts forth its leaves for the healing of the nations. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES DISTINGUISHED MEN OF EARLY TIMES. SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED MEN OF EARLY TIMES. JOHN HANCOCK. IT is stated by reliable authorities that the ancestors of John Han- cock emigrated from near Downpatrick, Down County, Ireland, and settled in Boston ^ towards the close of the seventeenth century.^ The " Hancocks have been for centuries actively and largely engaged in the foreign and domestic trade of Newry," ^ and it was doubtless in a commercial capac- ity that the first of the name came to Boston. The family to which President Han- cock belonged is, it is said, now represented in Ireland by John Hancock, of Lurgan, Down County, and by Neilson Hancock, the founder of the Irish Statistical Society. John Hancock was born at Braintree, Mass., John hancock. in 1737, and when quite young was left in the care of his father's brother, a wealthy merchant of Boston, who sent him soon after to Harvard College, where he was graduated in 1754. He then became a clerk in his uncle's office, and, going to England on business in 1 761 , made the acquaintance of several of the leading public men there. ' Tyrone (Ireland) Constitution, quoted in " Irish World," Centennial number, 1876. The writer adds : " Those who are conversant with Reid's ' History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland" are aware that multitudes of Protestants left Ulster for the plantations of North America, for causes sufficiently explained in that authority. John Hancock's ancestor was amongst tliat number." ^ Anthony Hancock was in Boston in 1681. He came from Ireland. " Article in Pittsburgh " Leader," quoted in " Irish World." The name appears in the records of the Irish Parliament. 168 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. His uncle died in 1763, and left him great wealth, — the largest for- tune in New England. He became prominently identified with, and a leader in, public affairs. In 1766 he represented Boston in the Massachusetts General Assembly. Incidentally his regard and gen- erosity were bestowed upon his kindred in Boston. An Irish Presby- terian congregation, whose first place of worship was a barn, had erected a church on the corner of Federal and Berry streets. Hancock gave them a bell and vane. The first pastor of this church, Rev. John Moorhead, entered the ministry in Ireland, and was installed in Boston in 1730,^ becoming a member of the Charitable Irish Society in 1739. It was to this church that the convention of which Hancock was president adjourned from the Old State-House, where it met to consider the adoption of the Federal Constitution in January, 1788. He was from the first a sturdy opponent of the methods by which the London Parliament sought to injure and harass the colonists, and his example, efforts, and influence contributed materially to the ad- vancement of the national cause. One of the earliest" outrages," as the English called them, committed by the people upon the govern- ment officials, was paused by the seizure of Hancock's vessel, the " Liberty," on a charge of containing concealed contraband goods. " The people turned out, beat the officers, burned the government boat, and drove the officials to the fort in the harbor for safety." ^ He delivered in 1774 the annual oration in commemoration of the "Massacre" of March 5, 1770, and was elected in the same year president of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, and also a delegate to the Continental Congress, which met in September, at Philadelphia. On June 12, 1775, he was declared an " outlaw" by a proclamation of General Gage. In this document, " martial law " was proclaimed. Those in arms, and their friends, were declared " rebels, parricides of the Constitution," and a free pardon was offered to all who would return to their allegiance, except John Hancock and Samuel Adams. ' Drake's " Landmarks of Boston," p. 263. ' Lossing's " Eminent Americans," p. 160. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 1(39 Hancock was again a delegate to the Continental Congress, in 1775 ; and when Randolph, the first president, resigned through ill health fourteen days after it had met, the Massachusetts " outlaw " was chosen to fill his place. On July 4, 1776, Hancock, as president of Congress, and Charles Thomson, of Maghera, as secretary, signed the Declaration of Independence, when it was adopted, and with only their names attached to it " was sent forth to the world," the other signatures not being affixed to the document until August the second, following. The illustrious " First Signer," on account of weakened health, resigned his seat in Congress in 1777. In the year following, how- ever, when Sullivan was preparing to attack the British on Rhode Island, Hancock hastened to his aid at the head of the militia of Massachusetts, and took part in the stirring events near Bristol Ferry in August, 1778.^ The year following, he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, a position which he continued to hold for five consecutive years, when he declined a reelection. He was again chosen Governor in 1787, and reelected annually until his death, which took place Oct. 8, 1793. MAJOR-GENERAL HENRY KNOX. Major-General Henry Knox was born at Boston of Irish parents in 1750. When the Revolution commenced he was engaged in business as a bookseller in his native city, but he promptly sacrificed his personal in- terests in his zeal for the national cause. " The man," says Peterson, " who, of all others, stood first in Washington's affec- tions was Henry Knox, commander of the artillery in the American army. The in- tellectual abilities of Knox were sound; but , . 1 ^, ^ .... GENERAL KNOX. It was his moral ones that were preemmently deserving of esteem, and in consideration of which Washinc^ton Lossing's " Eminent Americans. 170 THE IRISH IiV BOSTON. bestowed upon him the love and confidence of a brother. In every action where Washington appeared in person Knox attended him; in every council of war he bore a part. His services at the head of the ordnance were invaluable. He assumed command of that branch of the army in the first year of the war, and continued at its head until the close of the contest. At the battle of Monmouth, the manner in which he handled his guns awakened the admiration of the enemy, and, in fact, contributed more, perhaps, than anything else to repel the last desperate assault. Greene had so high an opinion of Knox, that when Washington offered to the former the command of the Southern army, he proposed Knox in his stead. His first connection with the artillery service occurred immediately after the battle of Lexington. Knox had not been engaged in that struggle ; but, a few days subsequently, he made his escape from Boston, and, joining his countrymen in arms at Cambridge, offered to undertake the arduous task of transporting from Ticonderoga and Canada the heavy ordnance and military stores captured there by the Americans. The energetic spirit of the young man, and the handsome manner in which he executed a task abounding with what some would have considered impossibilities, attracted the special notice of Washington, and Knox, in consequence, Vv'as rewarded with the command of this very artillery, most of which he employed with good service in the siege of Boston. Thus at the age of twenty-five he occupied one of the most responsible positions in the army. From this period Knox remained with Washington, tak- ing part in all the principal battles fought by the Commander- in-Chief." When Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, Knox was promoted to the rank of major-general. He was in command of the American troops when they marched into New York on its evacuation by the English, Nov. 25, 1783, halting for a few hours near where now stands the armory of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, and then moving forward to take possession of Fort George, " amid the acclamations of thousands of emancipated freemen and the roar of artillery upon the battery." When, on December 4, the principal officers of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 171 the army assembled at Fraunce's Tavern to bid farewell to Wash- ington, the latter entered the room where they were all waiting, and, taking a glass of wine in his hand, expressed the wish that their " latter days might be as prosperous and happy as their former ones had been glorious and honorable." Then, having drunk, he said, "I cannot come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged to you if each will come and take me by the hand." Knox, who stood next to him, grasped his hand, and then, "while the tears flowed down the cheeks of each," the Commander-in-Chief embraced and kissed him, as he did afterwards the other officers. Knox succeeded Lincoln as Secretary of War under the old con- federation, and in 1789, on the organization of the Federal Govern- ment, he was chosen by Washington to fill the same position in his cabinet. He resigned in 1794, and went to live at Thomaston, Me. In 1798, when a foreign war seemed imminent, he was appointed to an important command ; but the trouble passed over, and he was not called on for active service. At the age of twenty-two years, in 1772, Knox joined the Char- itable Irish Society, of Boston. His desire to mingle and be iden- tified with men of Irish origin was further shown in 1782, when he became a member of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, of Philadel- phia. The Society of the Cincinnati was formed at his suggestion. He died in 1806, at Thomaston, Me. He was affable and unassuming in private life, as a public offi- cer thorough and capable, and as a soldier of unsurpassed daring. GOV. JAMES SULLIVAN. James Sullivan was a most ardent and distinguished patriot of the American Revolution, and he was equally noted for his masterly ability as a lawyer, statesman, and orator. His father, John Sul- livan, was an Irish schoolmaster, who had emigrated from Kerry or, as some say. Limerick, Ireland, to the Colonies, and settled in Berwick, Me., in 1723, and lived to see his two sons, James — the Governor of Massachusetts — and John, become distinguished among 172 THE IRISH IN BOSTOiV. their fellow-countrymen, dying at the patriarchal age of one hun- dred and five years. James was born in Maine, April 22, 1744, and was educated by his father, who taught school for many years in Benvick. The principles of self-government and the right of the colonists, as free- men, to resist the imposition of taxes other than those which were imposed by themselves and for their own benefit, were taught him, and deeply impressed on his young mind. Nearly all the settlers in those days had farms, and James was wont to assist his father on his farm, which developed his muscular strength. One da}% while felling a tree, he accidentally injured his leg, which left one limb shorter than the other. The weakness of his leg precluded hard manual labor, and he commenced the study of law and was admitted to the bar. He quickly attracted attention and practice. He was an uncompro- mising opponent to taxation without representation, and made a firm stand against the claims of the home government. He entered into the cause of American freedom heart and soul as the critical moment approached to strike a blow for liberty. In 1776 he was a member of the Provincial Congress, and held the leading position of a judge of the Superior Court of his State. He organized troops for State and national defence, but his lameness prevented him from assuming command, which his generous spirit would have gladly accepted were it not for that misfortune. He was a member of the Continental Congress in 1782, also a member of the Executive Council and Judge of Probate. When Maine was separated from Massachusetts he took up his residence in the latter. He was elected to Congress from Massachusetts in 1788. He became Attorney-General of that State in 1790, and while in that position projected the Middlesex Canal, and wrote the " History of the District of Maine," which the Legislature ordered to be pub- lished. He was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1807, and re- elected in 1808, in which year he died. His son, Hon. William Sullivan, was an eminent jurist and scholar, and wrote many valuable BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 173 works. He was a member of the Legislature of Massachusetts for nearly twenty-six years, and died in 1839. The mother of General Sullivan was a woman of great energy and spirit. There is a story told of a visit which she paid to her distinguished son when he was Governor of New Hampshire, and had as a guest his brother John. The servant, not knowing her, replied that she could not see the Governor — he was engaged. " But I must see him," said the old lady. — " Then, madam, you will please to wait in the ante-room." — " Tell your master," said she, sweeping out of the hall, ** that the mother of two of the greatest men in America will not wait in any one's ante-room." The Gov- ernor having called his servant, on hearing the report said to his brother, "James, let us run after her; it's my mother for cer- tain." Accordingly the two governors sallied out, and soon over- took and made their peace with the indignant but easily mollified lady. As a lawyer. Gov. James Sullivan ranked among the very first, and he was retained in the most important cases which were within the jurisdiction of the courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at that time. A proof of his ability is manifested in his success over his able opponents who were the legal luminaries of his day. They were such men as Dexter, Otis, Dana, and Parsons, to none of whom he was second. He had a commanding presence and dignity ; deep thought shone from his fine, expressive face. His distinguishing characteristics of mind were force, comprehensiveness, and repressed, but intense, ardor ; nothing escaped the piercing intensity of his scrutiny. His arguments were clear, close, pointed, and forcible, and always directed towards pertinent results, — no verbosity or clap- trap for admiration, but aimed to secure conviction. Although he seldom summoned up his pathetic powers, he did not lack this char- acteristic of his race, for it is said that when he adopted pathos it proved as intense and irresistible as his other masterly qualities. Among the works which he left are "A History of the District of Maine," "A Dissertation on Banks " and on the "Durability of States," " History of Land Titles in Massachusetts," " The Consti- 174 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. tutional Libert}- of the Press," " History of the Penobscot Indians," etc. He was a man of soHd and extensive acquirements, and was honored by one of the great seats of learning with the degree of LL.D. Some of his descendants are among living Bostonians. ROBERT TREAT PAIXE. Robert Treat Paine, according to very reliable authorities, was of Irish descent. O'Hart tells us that " Henry O'Neill, of Dungannon, born in 1665, sixth in descent from Shane the Proud, Prince of Ulster, and cousin of Sir Neal O'Neill, who was killed at the battle of the Boyne, changed his name to Paine, which was that of a maternal ancestor, after the surrender of Limerick, in order to preserve a portion of his estates. He entered the British, army, obtained grants of land in Cork County and other parts of Ireland, and was killed in 1698 at Foxford, in ]\Iayo. His youngest brother, Robert, who also took the name of Paine, emigrated to America a little before the occurrence alluded to. He was the grandfather of Robert Treat Paine." the signer of the Declaration, who was born at Boston, ]\Iarch 11, 1731. He graduated at Har- vard, where he studied theology in 1749, and acted as chaplain, in 1755, of the Provincial troops on the northern frontier. A little later he visited Europe, and on his return studied law, settling, in 1759, at Taunton, Mass., where he remained for several years. He was one of the delegates in 1768 to the convention called by prom- inent men in Boston, when Governor Bernard dissolved the General Court for refusing to rescind the circular letter sent to the other colonies. He conducted the prosecution of the English captain, Preston, and eight of his soldiers, when they were tried for their murderous work in the " Boston Massacre " of March 5, 1770. In 1773 and the year following, he was elected to the General Assembly of Mas- sachusetts, and was sent as a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1778, voting for, and signing, the Declaration of Inde- pendence. When, in 1780, the State Constitution of Massachusetts BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 175 was adopted, he was made iVttorncy-Gencral, which office he held until 1790, when he became a judge of the Supreme Court. In 1804 he resigned his position, on account of deafness and other infirmities of age, and died in 18 14, at the age of eighty-three. O'Hart says that beside Henry and Robert O'Neill, — Paine's ances- tors, — there were two other brothers, Brian and John, who went to France after Sarsfield's surrender, and finally settled in Portugal. Eight of their descendants, in 1807, when the French invaded the last-named country, went with the royal family of Braganza to Brazil, where many of their offspring are now to be found. THE CREHORE FAMILY. Teague Crehore — according to Savage's " Genealogical Diction- ary" — was the earliest known person who bore this name, and he resided in Milton or Dorchester some time during the decade of 1640-50. He is said to have been stolen from his parents in Ireland, and he was " a mere child at the time." His name does not correspond orthographically with any Irish name, but, phonetically, the old- fashioned pronunciation, aspirating the " h " and accenting the last syllable, corresponds with that of the Irish surname Krehan or Krahan. The more modern pronunciation is the reverse of the old, and corresponds with Creogh. The earliest written evidence of Teague Crehore is an unre- corded deed from John Gill to him of a parcel of salt-marsh, December, 1660. In 1670 he sold to Robert Bodcock a piece of land near Paul's Bridge, described as purchased by him from John Smith. His deed to Bodcock is upon record, Suffolk Records, lib. 7, fol. 281. This land was near Paul's Bridge. He married, proba- bly about 1665, Mary, said to have been the daughter of Robert Spurr, of Dorchester. His death is recorded in Milton Records, Jan. 3, 1695, aged fifty-five years. His widow administered, and the inventory, etc., are found in Suffolk Probate Records, lib. 176 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. 10, fol. 723. She married Matthias Puffer, of Stoughton, May 14, 1697. Teague left five living children. Timothy, the ancestor, proba- bly, of those bearing the name of Crehore, born Oct. 18, 1666, who married, Feb. lO, 1688, Ruth Riol (Ryall), of Dorchester. He died Aug. 15, 1739, and his headstone is in the Crehore lot, Milton cemetery. Another son, Benjamin, also survived Teague, but no record appears of his having married. Three daughters, Ann, Rebecca, and Mary, married, respectively, Ebenezer Maxwell, of Bristol, Robert Pelton, of Dorchester, and Henry Glover, of Bristol. In 17 14, the four last named united in conveyance of their share of the paternal estate to their brother Timothy (Suffolk Rec- ords, lib. 29, fol. 186). The records show that Timothy added considerably to the paternal estate. He had a numerous family, ten in all, only two of whom seemed to have continued the name, — Timothy, 3d, and John. The latter, who bore the title of " captain," was the head of a single line of males, all bearing the same name, who lived upon a part of the paternal estate, terminating, in the sixth generation (from Teague), with the death of John Arnold Crehore, who died Jan. 21, 1677, leaving no issue. Timothy, 3d, like his father, was the progenitor of all now bearing the name of Crehore. He was born Dec. 3, 1689, married Mary DriscoU, of Dorchester, Dec. 24, 171 2, and died Dec. 26, 1755. He was a farmer, and lived upon a portion of his father's farm, bordering the river, near Paul's Bridge, and is buried in Milton cemetery. He had three daughters, two of whom died young; the other, Hepsibah, with his sons, Jedediah and William, inherited his property, and the deed of partition, tri-partite, is now in possession of the family. Jedediah lived on the estate of which he had become possessed, and it passed into the hands of his third son, John Shepard, whose sons, Charles C. and Jeremiah, resided on it as late as 1844. The house now owned by I\Irs. Lyman Davenport, the one by Mrs. Green, and the next, adjoining the Bent property, are all of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 177 them situated upon this estate. William also had a number of descendants, one of whom, Thomas Crehore, lived in Milton, and was a well-known citizen. None of the family now bearing the name are residents of the town.' REV. JOHN LYFORD. Earlier than the time when so much commotion was caused in England by the many Irish people who had come to this country, and still desired to emigrate, we have on record in Savage's " Gen- ealogical Dictionary" and Hubbard's "History" an account of the advent of John Lyford. It may be said that " the Lords of the Committee for Foreign Plantations," as early as 1634, caused warrants to issue to stay the ships bearing Irish immigrants ; but on petition of the ship captains, who stated the prospective wealth that would accrue to England by the settlement and development of the colonies in Newfoundland, the vessels were released. John Lyford came from Ireland, and arrived in Plymouth in 1624. He landed there with Winslow on the ship " Charity." Lyford was hired by the "Adventurers " of London, approved of by them as an able minister who was willing to risk his life in a wilderness, and with his family, who came with him, to heroically endure many hardships in a strange land, that he might enjoy the liberty of his own judgment in matters of religion. He discovered a great difference between religious Ireland and the religious tenets of Plymouth. The Pilgrims disliked his teach- ings, many of whom had been previously taught by Robinson. It is thought that Lyford travelled over much territory adjacent to Plymouth, and passed through Boston, preaching and exhorting persons to accept his instructions. 1 The History of Milton, Teele. 178 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. WILLIAM HIBBINS. He was one of the Irish pioneers of the New England colony. He emigrated from Ireland on board the " Mary and John," and arrived here in 1634. He married a widow named Mrs, Anne Moore, who was a sister of Richard Bellingham, Governor of Massachusetts.' William Hibbins was held in high esteem by the towns-people of Boston, and as a magistrate and an agent of the colony in England he was regarded by the colonists as an important man. He is re- puted to have been possessed of wealth, which doubtless added to his popularity here. He died in 1654. Mrs. Hibbins died by hanging in 1656, by order of the General Court, to expiate her alleged crime of witchcraft. No jury could be found to convict her, and she suffered death at the hands of the ignorant and prejudiced authorities. She be- queathed her property to her two sons in Ireland, — John and Joseph Moore, of Ballyhorick, in the county of Cork.- BENJAMIN CREHORE. Our subject was a descendant of old Teague Crehore, of Ireland. Benjamin Crehore was born in Milton, and always lived there; his many business transactions in Boston, as well as his constant inter- course with the Boston men of his day, made him notable. Remarkable as it may appear, Benjamin Crehore manufactured the first bass-viols ever made in this country, and it came about in this way : In 1 798 he was engaged by the proprietors of the old Federal-street Theatre to assist in constructing the mechanical stage appliances for the play of the " Forty Thieves," then in rehearsal. He showed much inventiveness and skill in the nice adjustment ' Bellingham (Richard), colonial deputy from 1635 to 1636; 1640 to 1641 ; 1653 to 1654 ; and 1655 to 1665 ; Governor of Massachusetts, 1641, 1654, 1665 ; born 1592; died 1672. He was a law- yer, and one of the original patentees of the colony. See Suffolk Deeds, vol. viii., fol. 83, 84; also fol. 180-183. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 179 and execution of the intricate details of stage machinery, which greatly pleased the managers, and later, his services were demanded frequently. The leader of the orchestra, whose name was Peter von Hagen, came to him one day with a broken bass-viol, which had been considered useless, no one being found to mend it, and the band needed it greatly. Mr. Crehore's ingenuity received quite a test when he under- took to repair the instrument, for he was wholly unused to the work. He successfully repaired the viol, however, and it was pronounced by musicians to be improved in tone. This led to his commencing the manufacture of bass-viols in this country, and they rivalled those im- ported from other lands. Mr. John Preston, of Hyde Park, Mass., possessed one of these instruments. About the beginning of the present century, Deacon Nathan Martin C. Martin, the Milton postmaster for many years, a singer of note and a good musician, was on a visit at Thomaston, Me. On a certain Sunday he attended divine service there, and was invited to a seat in the choir, where he found a large bass-viol, which he tried, before the beginning of the religious services, and highly praised its superior tone. The man who played the instrument told Deacon Martin that it was valued highly, not only on account of its fine tone, but also for its antiquity. " Ah," said Deacon Martin, " an old instrument, is it? " — " Yes," said the musician, " a very old instrument ; we do not know exactly how old, but it is something more than two hundred years old." This aroused the curiosity of the deacon, who was an anti- quarian, to examine it minutely, and peering through the sound-holes, he read on a piece of paper pasted within,' — BEN CREHORE, MAKER, MILTON. Mr. Crehore's shop in Milton soon became the repository of un- repaired musical instruments of varied descriptions and kinds, and. History of Milton, Teele. 180 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Strange to relate, a piano-forte was among these. His read)- tact and skill served him in mastering a knowledge of this, as of other things which required much patience and perseverance. Its parts, mechanism, and movements were all familiar to him in a short time, and he began the manufacture of this popular instrument. " The first piano-forte made vi the United States was manufactured by Benjamin Crehore, in his shop at Milton, A.D. 1800." ^ Benjamin Crehore had planted the seed of an enterprise which to-day is as extensive as our continent. One of the largest and most successful piano manufactories in America sprung from his humble beginning. The inventive talent of Mr. Crehore could not lie dor- mant, and he sought some new venture after having transferred the piano business over to Lewis Babcock, a Milton boy who had been apprenticed to him, and also William and Adam Bent, who had been employed by him in the making of pianos. The War of 1812 had come to an end, when Dean Weymouth, a Southerner, who had lost his left leg in the service of his native land, took up residence in Milton for the purpose of acquiring an education that would be suit- able for the condition of things then existing. He had a charming manner and an attractive and gentlemanly bearing, which made him many friends. Among these was Benjamin Crehore, who conceived that the best way in which he could befriend the young man would be by rendering aid to his amputated leg. His idea was practically carried out, and after much labor the soldier-student was made happy by the possession of a wooden leg made by the ingenious Crehore. The leg had joints at the knee, at the ankle, and in the foot, nicely adjusted by straps, and with sufficient elasticity to render its use easy and comfortable. Capt. Lewis Vose, a saddler by trade, and Crehore's neighbor, supplied the straps, covering, and padding for the leg. This invention created a great deal of talk at the time of its completion, as it was the first experimetit of the kind ever made in America. The leg disappeared after it had been returned to Mr. Crehore 1 History of Milton, Teele. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 181 bj' the soldier-student, who could not pay for it, and its whereabouts remain enshrouded in mystery to this day. GEORGE DOWNING. The subject of this sketch was the son of Emmanuel Downing, who married a sister of John VVinthrop, Governor of Massachusetts. Emmanuel Downing arrived in this country in 1638, and his family followed him some years later. George was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1624, and studied at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., where he graduated with the first class which completed the course of study at that institution. His name appears on the list of the ahanni. He was a preacher in the army under General Fairfax, and was afterwards heard of in the Scotch army, and as an ambassador in the Low Countries. He captured three of the regicides of Charles I., one of whom was his old commander, Key. In 1654 he married Lady Frances Howard, sister of the first Earl of Carlisle. ANTHONY GULLIVER. Anthony Gulliver was born in Ireland in 1619, died in Milton, Nov. 28, 1706. After removing from Braintree to Unquity in 1646, he bought land of Edw^ard and Richard Hutchinson, sons and heirs of Richard Hutchinson, which was bounded north by Gulliver's Creek. He married Elenor, daughter of Stephen Kinsley, who bore him five sons and four daughters, — Lydia, born 165 i, married James Leonard; Samuel, born 1653, died 1676; Jonathan, born Oct. 27, 1659; Stephen, born 1663; John, born Dec. 3, 1669; Hannah, married Tucker ; Mary, married Atherton ; Elizabeth, born Nov. 6, 1671 ; Nathaniel, born Nov. 10, 1675, married Hanna Billings. About 1850 his house stood on Squantum street, Milton. When the building was demolished, the brick chimney was exam- ined, and it was found to have been composed of imported brick, 182 THE IRISH I.V BOSTON. which bore the inscription ** 1680." The house was at one time known as the Rawson House, — a name adopted from David Raw- son, who had married into the GulHver family. Anthon)' Guhiver became the possessor of a large tract of land in the heart of the town, most of which is now a part of the estate of Col. H. S. Russell. This property was owned and occupied by the Gulliver family for many years, and some of his descendants have lived on the land near by ever since. Lieut. Jonathan Gulliver, second son of Anthony, and a leading man of his day, married Theodora, daughter of Rev. Peter Thacher, the first pastor of INIilton. Anthony Gulliver was the ancestor of a large number of able and influential men and women, who have been prominent in the history of church and town affairs of Milton for nearly two hundred years. Some members of the family still remain among our citizens. Such forms of spelling the original name often appear as : Caliphar, CoUiford, Cullifer, Gulliwer, Gouliver, Gulhver, Gullifer. Capt. Lemuel Gulliver, who once lived at Algerine Corner, returned to Ireland in 1723, and gave a glowing description of the American country to his neighbor, Jonathan Swift. Lemuel's imagination was vivid and fanciful, and he turned it to a quaint account in this instance. He declared to Swift- that " the frogs were as tall as his knees, and had musical voices that were guitar- like in their tones ; the mosquitoes' bills were as long as darning- needles ; " and from these exaggerated and fabulous accounts of the country, the great Swift conceived and wrote the famous " Gulliver's Travels," which was published in 1726, displaying a unique union of misanthropy, satire, irony, ingenuity, and humor. In a letter from Pope to Swift, dated 23d March, 1727-28 (Bishop Warburton's ed., 1766, vol. ix., j6), appears the following: — I send you a very odd thing, a paper printed in Boston, in New England, wherein you'll find a real person, a member of their Parliament, of the name of Jonathan Gulliver. A person of the same name represented the town of Milton in the General Court in 1727, and received his name in 1659, before BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 183 either of the wits were born ; although Pope happily adds that, "perhaps he was an Anabaptist, unchristened till of full age." JAMES BOIES. James Boies was recognized as a faithful citizen, an earnest patriot, a prominent manufacturer, and a projector of many valuable enterprises, and one whose business relations with his contemporaries were of the most honorable kind, and of value to the community in which he lived. Mr. Boies was born in Ireland in 1702, and died in Milton, Mass., July ii, 1798, at the advanced age of ninety-six years. He married as second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah Smith, his fellow-countryman, and grandfather of Hon. Henry L. Pierce. Mr. Boies settled in Dorchester in the middle of the eighteenth century, and in his younger day he acted as supercargo on vessels employed in bringing emigrants from Ireland to New England. He became familiarly known as " Captain Boies," and had great business capacity. On the 1 3th of September, 1759, he was with General Wolfe in the battle on the Plains of Abraham. In 1775 General Washington appointed him to take charge of the transportation of the fagots of birch and swamp-brush which had been piled up at Little Neck the previous winter. Captain Boies directed the work, and three hun- dred teams were engaged in transporting the material to Dorchester Heights, with which they were fortified, and the evacuation of Boston followed. The British army, under General Howe, numbered eight thousand troops, and they sailed for Halifax in a hundred and twenty vessels. Captain Boies was one of a committee of three who drew up instructions for the representatives of Milton on May 28, 1776, wherein was voted that the colony would support the Continental Congress with their lives and fortunes if it should declare the United Colonies of North America independent of Great Britain. And the representatives were directed to act accordingly in the General Assembl}'. 184 THE IRISH IN BOSTOX. In 1765 Ebenezer Storer sold his half of the old powder-mill estate, in Milton, to James Boies, who in turn sold the same to Edward Wentworth, which goes to show that even at that early time Irishmen were among the thrifty and energetic land-owners. In the same year he built a paper-mill on the slitting-mill site, and conveyed to Richard Clark. The old house near the paper-mill at ]\Iattapan was built by Captain Boies for his own residence ; soon after he pur- chased the mill estate, June 29, 1765, he conveyed to Richard Clark the " northerly half of the dwelling-house in which he lived, and six acres of pasture-land bounded northerly on the ditch." Mr. Boies was interested in paper-mills and the manufacture of paper as early as 1760, when he had secured the services of Richard Clark, a skilful workman, who conducted the business with ability for five years, when, in company with Mr. Boies, he started the paper business in a new mill at Mattapan. In 1778 oVIr. Boies bought the slitting-mill property, which was the first mill started in the provinces for slitting iron. His son-in- law, Hugh McLean, had been in partnership with him since 1771, and in 1790 they made partition of their business, and it fell to Mr. McLean. Jeremiah Smith, Hugh McLean, and James Boies may be said to be the founders and early promoters of the paper industry of Dorchester. About 1795 a young man from New Jersey, named Mark Hollingsworth, was given employment in one of these mills, and after the deaths of Boies and McLean he, in company with Edward Tileston, became possessed of the mills and water privileges. The descendants of Messrs. Tileston and Hollingsworth carry on the business to this day in the same locality. James Boies was the father of Jeremiah Smith Boies, who grad- uated at Harvard College in 1783. He was for a time engaged in manufacturing with his father, on the Neponset river. After his father's death, however, he sold out, moved to Boston, and was elected an alderman. The following quaint advertisement is from the " Boston News BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 185 Letter" of March 23, 1769, which was the method of getting stock for the paper-mill of James Boies: — Advertisement. — The Bell Cart will go through Boston before the end of next month to collect Rags for the Paper Mills at Milton, when all people that will encourage the Paper Manufacture may dispose of them. They are taken in at Mr. Caleb Davis' Shop at the Fortification ; Mr. Andrew Gillespie's, near Dr. Clark's ; Mr. Andreas Randal's, near Phillip's Wharf; and Mr. John Boris' in Long Lane; Mr. Frothingham's in Charlestown ; Mr. Edson's, in Salem, Mr. John Hariss', in Newbury ; Mr. Daniel Fowle's in Portsmouth ; and the Paper Mill at Milton. Rags are beauties which concealed lie; But when in paper how it charms the eye ! Pray save your rags, new beauties to discover, For of paper truly every one's a lover. By pen and press such knowledge is displayed As wouldn't exist if paper was not made ; Wisdom of things mysterious, divine. Illustriously doth on paper shine. Early New England manufacturers were dependent on English artisans, in a great measure, for skilled work in special lines of pro- duction, as but few in this country knew the business. The paper industry stood in greater need of American workmen than almost any other, and the importance and immense value to be attached to the successful efforts and enterprise of the three Irishmen who fathered the movement can never be overestimated. James Boies and Hugh McLean petitioned the Congress of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, assembled at Watertown, on May 15, 1775, that John Slater, James Colder, William Durant, and William Pierce, then enlisted in the provincial army, be released from the service, as they had attained so great a knowledge of the art of paper-making that their attendance in the business was abso- lutely necessary to its being carried on. These men had worked at the petitioners' mills for two years previous to 1775, and it was deemed necessary to obtain their services again. On the following day Boies and McLean received a favorable reply from the Provin- cial Congress, and their petition was granted. 186 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. JEREMIAH SMITH. Jeremiah Smith was born in Ireland in 1705. In 1726 he came to Boston with his wife, and in 1737 moved to Milton. He was a neighbor and intimate friend of Governor Hutchinson, with whom he was a great favorite. Mr. Smith was also very intimate with Governor Hancock, at whose hospitable board the wits of the day were ever welcome, and Mr. Smith was never absent, except volun- tarily. He was the grandfather of Hon. Henry L. Pierce and Edmund J. Barker, of Dorchester; also, great-grandfather of ex- . Governor Henry J. Gardner. His death occurred at Milton, in 1790. On Sept. 13, 1728, the General Court passed an act granting the exclusive privilege to make paper in this province for a term of ten years to some Boston merchants. Among them were Thomas Han- cock and Benjamin Faneuil. A fine of twenty shillings was imposed on every ream manufactured by anybody else. These gentlemen leased a building at what is now Milton Lower Mills. Henry Deer- ing acted as agent and superintendent. These gentlemen carried on the business until 1737, when it came under the superintendency of Jeremiah Smith. In 1 741 he was enabled to purchase the mill from the heirs of Rev. Joseph Belcher, of Dedham, with seven acres of land laying on both sides of the Neponset river, and bounded by the public landing and also the county road. Mr. Smith continued to carry on the business until 1775, when, having accumulated a fortune, he sold out to his son-in-law, Daniel Vose, and retired from active business. If to Mr. Smith belongs the credit of being the first individual paper manufacturer, to others of his countrymen is due the fact that the Neponset river was made by them the basis of paper manufacturing in the North American colonies, which, in a measure, lasts to this day. JOHN HANNAN. One morning, in the fall of the year 1 764, a distressed wayfarer was seen sitting upon a rock at the Lower Mills, in Dorchester, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 187 weeping ; he attracted the interest and sympathy of a benevolent individual. The latter inquired into his circumstances, and learned that his name was John Hannan, an Irishman. He was a chocolate- maker by trade, and reported that he had come to this country to improve his condition, — that he was friendless, homeless, and penniless. The sympathetic stranger referred him to Mr. James Boies, as an Irishman of ample means, who, with Messrs. Wentworth & Storer, were constructing mills up the stream. Mr. Boies carefully ques- tioned him, and, satisfied with the truthfulness of his story, as well as inspired with confidence in Hannan's ability, employed him. Messrs. Boies, Wentworth, and Storer were then erecting a new mill on the site of the old powder-mill in Milton, and these gentlemen became interested benefactors of John Hannan. Boies built a chocolate-mill for Hannan, on the spot where now stands the famous, spacious, and commodious chocolate establishment of Henry L. Pierce, the descendant of an Irish settler named Jere- miah Smith; and on that site, in the spring of 1765, John Hannan manufactured the first chocolate made in the British Provinces of North America. In 1768 Barlow Trecothic bought the mill property, and Han- nan was compelled to leave. He opened a small shop in Boston, — by the assistance of Mr. Edward Preston, who put one kettle and other necessary apparatus into his fulling-mill in Dorchester, and there made chocolate for him until 1775, when a fire destroyed the building. Hannan then hired the mill in which he was at first employed, of the agent of the trustees of Trecothic, who had died in London, and engaged in the chocolate business on his own account. He employed a boy named Nathaniel Blake, to learn the business. Hannan was married to Elizabeth Gore, of Boston, in 1773, and they selected Dorchester as a place of residence. His married life was unhappy and unfortunate, and so affected him that he left his wife, after closing his business, in 1779. He caused a false report to be circulated about his departure for the West Indies to purchase cocoa ; but, in reality, he had started for 188 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Ireland, never to come back. He was never heard from afterwards, and it is conjectured that he was drowned at sea, or died on the pas- sage, without having revealed his true name. The widow Hannan attempted to carry on the making of chocolate, by the assistance of the Blake boy. The boy, like her late husband, took to his heels, and fled the premises, unable to tolerate her disposition. It may be well to add that the importance of the industrial event introduced by John Hannan can be readily seen and appre- ciated to-day. From the year 1765, when this Irishman first started his valuable enterprise, the industry has steadily grown, until now its vastness is as extensive as the continent. Its influence is felt through- out the great commercial centres of the world. Dr. James Baker took up the business in 1772, and the honorable and successful record of the house under the late management of our ex-Mayor Henry L. Pierce is well known, and bids us look back into the days of Irish John Hannan, to whose knowledge and labors in the incep- tion of this immense business we are indebted. HUGH McLEAN. Hugh McLean was born in Ireland in 1724. In his younger days he followed the sea. While in this occupation he became acquainted with his countryman, Captain Boies, and was induced to settle in Milton. It was during his residence in Milton that Mr. McLean married Agnes, a daughter of Captain Boies. While in partnership with his father-in-law he accumulated a considerable fortune. He was father of John McLean, the benefactor of Harvard College and the Massachusetts General Hospital. Hugh McLean owned and occupied the Jackson house, at Milton Upper Mills, on the west side of Blue Hill avenue, now owned by the heirs of George Hollingsworth, where he resided during his life. He died in Milton, December, 1799, at the good old age of seventy- five years. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 189 JOHN McLEAN. This benevolent public benefactor, humanitarian, and worthy son of a worthy Irish father and Irish-American mother, was born in Milton in 1761. At the time of John McLean's birth, his mother was the guest of Jeremiah Smith, at Milton Lower Falls. His father was then at St. George, transacting business of importance. She preferred to remain among her kindred until his return, for the Smith, Boies, and McLean families were most intimately affiliated by race ties and relationship. President Quincy, in his " History of Harvard College," states that John McLean was born in St. George. He lived at Milton with his father until he reached man's estate, and married Ann Amory, of the honorable and respected Amory family of Boston. Business adversity embarrassed Mr. McLean during the latter part of the eighteenth century, which was caused by an unfortunate decree of the French Council. A few years later he invited all of his creditors to a supper at the Exchange Coffee House, in Boston, where the sterling integrity which was the basis of his noble character manifested itself by a most pleasing and substantial act. When his guests assembled at the table every man found under his plate a check for the full amount of his debt, principal and interest. His handsome countenance and commanding figure were very much admired, and the magnetic quality of his social and genial nature captivated those who had the honor of his acquaintance or friendship. He was rarely seen walking in the streets of Boston for several years, having become afflicted with the gout, which compelled him to ride in his carriage whenever he desired an outing. The War of 18 12 had scarcely begun when he was actively engaged in molasses speculation, and he bought all of this article that could be purchased, held it until its value rose, and cleared $100,000 out of this enterprise. The Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard College are 190 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. monumental edifices to his memory and generosity. He made the former his residuary legatee. The Massachusetts General Hospital, at the time of incorporation, was given $100,000 by the State, to fund it, with the stipulation that it might bear the name of any bene- factor who should contribute a large sum, Mr, McLean's legacy was in excess of that amount. Notwithstanding, instead of justly inscribing his name on the Massachusetts General Hospital, they placed it on the institution for the insane at " Barrels Farm," the "McLean Asylum for the Insane." The sum of $43,062.93 has been realized from his bequests to Harvard College to the year 1886. He left many private legacies, amounting to many thousands of dollars. He made the minister and deacons of the First Church, Milton, the legatees of a trust fund of $2,000, the income of which is annually given to the poor ; and the same sum was bequeathed to the Federal-street Church, Boston, to be used for a similar object. On Blue Hill avenue, to-day, can be seen many milestones bearing these words, " J. McLean, 1823." He requested Mr. Isaac Davenport, his partner in business, to place them at certain distances along the road ; and, after Mr. McLean's death, which occurred before the work was finished, his name w^as inscribed on these distance indices by Mr. Davenport's instructions. Should the reader ever pass that way, let him reflect upon the good life of John McLean, whose Irish heart was warm, and throbbed as fast for his fellow-man as any of his race, and no hand was ever more ready to extend relief to the needy and suffering. On history's page will ever be written, of him, He was a noble man. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY. This eminent American artist was born in Boston, Mass., in 1737, of Irish parents. He was the son of Richard Copley and Mary Singleton, who had emigrated from the County Clare, Ireland, on the preceding year. Richard Copley was in poor health on his arrival in America, and went to the West Indies to recuperate and improve his failing strength. He died there in 1737, and his widow married BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 191 Peter Pelham, an engraver of Boston, by whom she had a son, — Henry. John had a strong penchant for art when but a boy, and developed it, uninstructed, without models or assistance, either in drawing or coloring. He had native genius, industry, and taste, by which he was aided in painting a picture of his half-brother, — Henry Pelham, — which he sent to Benjamin West, in 1760, to be entered in the Royal Academy, and which West declared was superb in color- ing, as well as artistic in design and drawing. It was named " The Boy and the Flying Squirrel." A flattering letter from West, urging Copley to come to England and make his home with him at his house, strongly tempted the young artist ; but he resolved to remain with his mother, and assist her to maintain the family. In 1769 he married Susannah Farnum Clarke, the daughter of a rich Boston merchant, agent for the East India Company, and the consignee of the famous cargo of tea which was steeped in Boston Harbor by an improved order of Red Men. Copley now fixed his residence on Beacon Hill, then a charming and beautiful suburb, which included seven acres of what is now a densely populated part of Boston. He pursued his art zealously, and with great success, while on this historic spot, and painted many of the distinguished people of his day. He visited New York in 1771, where he painted a miniature of Washington. He embarked for Europe in June, 1774, to see and study Euro- pean art, particularly the works of the masters. He sailed for England, where he remained sufficiently long to acquaint himself with the leading artists and works of art, and then passed into Italy. Here he was enchanted beyond expression with the beauties in nature and art. He remained in Rome some time, and collected val- uable specimens of art in plaster-casts. He was in Parma two months, making a copy of " St. Jerome," for Lord Grosvenor, and improving in art studies. This copy is said to be unsurpassed. In June, 1775, his wife and family, excepting an infant left with his mother in Boston, arrived in England on the last vessel (the " Mi- nerva," Captain Callahan) which left Massachusetts Bay as a British colony. 192 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. The threatening war impelled the devoted wife to go to her hus- band, as she knew art could not flourish here during the struggle, and she desired that the development of his genius might not be retarded. Her father was a Tory, and went to England ; that, too, induced her to leave America and join her husband. Copley's letters to his mother show him to have been in sympathy with the cause of the American colonists, and a strong defender of colonial rights. He then predicted the triumph of the colonists. Copley took up his residence in London after having left the continent, and made his home there with his wife and children, who had arrived shortly before. His brilliant career now began to shine forth as a painter of portraits and historical subjects. He was among the first artists of that day. His works include " A Boy rescued from a Shark in the Harbor of Havana," — a most thrilling and life-like effort, which has been engraved in mezzotint by Val. Green ; " The Red Cross Knight," from Spencer's " Fairy Queen ; " " A Family Picture," representing his own family, including his father-in-law, Mr. Clarke, — an excellent work, and said by connoisseurs to equal Van Dyke's best ; " The Western Family ; " " The Three Princesses," daughters of George in.; "The Death of Lord Chatham," engraved by Bartolozzi, and which increased the fame of Copley by its realistic impressiveness and power ; " The Siege of Gibraltar," painted for the city of London, in 1790, and hanging in the Council Chamber of Guild Hall (Copley had the honors of an academician conferred on him during the same year); "Charles L demanding the Impeached Members;" "The Death of Major Pierson," which the Duke of Wellington pronounced to be the only battle-piece which faithfully depicted the scene, or that was entirely satisfactory to him; "Abraham's Sacrifice; " " Hagar and Ishmael ; " "Saul reproved by Samuel;" "The Nativity;" " The Tribute Money ; " "Samuel and Eli ; " "Monmouth refusing to give the Names of his Accomplices to James II. ; " " The ' Offer' of the Crown to Lady Jane Grey ; " besides innumerable others in portraiture, etc. It was Copley's heartfelt wish to return to America, and again establish his home on Beacon Hill ; but his property had been alien- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 193 ated by his Boston agent, and Copley was unable to secure pos- session. His son, who became Lord Lyndhurst, came expressly to Boston to recover his father's property, but failed. This son became a famous lawyer, and afterward Lord Chancellor, and was elevated to the peerage. Copley died in London, Sept. 9, 1815, aged seventy- eight years. LORD JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY LYNDPIURST. He was a distinguished jurist and legislator of Great Britain, and a son of Copley, the Irish-American painter. He was born in Boston, Mass., May 21, 1772. He and his mother went to England in 1774, and joined his father, who was there practising his profession. John Singleton Copley Lyndhurst graduated from Cambridge in 1794, and became a Fellow at Trinity College. He came to America to recover the paternal estate which had been hypothe- cated by an agent, but failed ; for that reason the family remained in England. Our subject was called to the bar in 1802, and won distinction. He was a sergeant-at-law in 18 13, and Chief Justice of Chester in 181 7. He entered Parliament as a Tory in 181 8, and was knighted and made Solicitor-General in 18 19; was counsel of George IV. in the trial of Queen Catherine, 1820, and became Attorney-General in 1823; represented Cambridge in Parliament in 1826, and was made Master of the Rolls. In 1827 he was appointed Lord Chancellor, and raised to the Peerage as Baron Lyndhurst ; was Chief Baron of the Exchequer in 1830, and High Steward of Cambridge University in 184O. He died in London, October 12, 1863. He was a bigot ; he opposed Catholic emancipation, was an ultra Tory, and the son of a patriot. CHARLES JACKSON. Charles Jackson, an able and distinguished American jurist, was the son of Jonathan Jackson, a prominent and popular merchant who 194 THE IRISH iv boston: had emigrated with his parents from Ireland, and settled in Xewbury- port, Mass., where Charles was born. May 31, 1775 ; died in Boston, December 13, 1855. He graduated from Harvard College in 1793, and entered the law-office of Theophilus Parsons, where he remained for three years. He then established an office, in which he acquired a lucrative practice and an enviable reputation. He removed to Boston in 1803, and immediately became one of the foremost law- yers of the bar. He then formed a partnership with Judge Samuel Hubbard, and their business was said to have been the most profitable and success- ful in New England up to that day. He ^\•as chosen a judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, which office he held for ten years, and then resigned on account of poor health. In 1820 he was a leading member of the convention which amended the State Consti- tution, and in 1832 was one of the commissioners to revise the General Statutes of the State. He published a treatise on " Pleadings and Practice in Real Actions," and contributed many valuable papers to American jurisprudence. JAMES JACKSOX. James Jackson, an eminent American physician, was a }-ounger brother of Judge Charles Jackson ; he was born in Newburyport, October 3, 1777, and studied at Harv^ard College, where he graduated in 1796, and afterwards entered the office of Dr. Holyoke, of Salem, Mass., where he studied for two years. He went to London in 1802, and accepted the position of dresser in St. Thomas's Hospital, and attended the lectures at that place, and also those given at Guy's Hospital. He was abroad two years, returned to Boston and prac- tised his profession. He was chosen Professor of Clinical ^Medicine at Harvard College, and about this time he and Dr. Warren were principals in establishing an asylum for the insane at Somerville, Mass., and the Massachusetts General Hospital at Boston, of which he was the first BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 195 physician. He was made Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine at Harvard in 1812, and was for several years President of the Massachusetts Medical Society. He wrote numerous medical works and papers; among them, " The Brunonian System;" "On the Medical Effects of Dentition," 18 12; " On Cow-pox and Small- pox; " "On Spotted Fever," 18 16; "On Spasmodic Cholera;" " Syllabus of Lectures ; " " Text-Book of Lectures," 1825 ; " Letters to a Young Physician," 1855, etc.; besides a eulogy on Dr. John C. Warren, 1815, and " A memoir of his son, James Jackson, Jr.," 1825. Dr. Jackson resigned his professorship and other positions in 1835, and attended to his private practice solely. He died in Boston, Aug. 27, 1867, at a good old age, honored, respected, and lamented. PATRICK TRACY JACKSON. Patrick Tracy Jackson was an eminent American merchant, the third son of Jonathan Jackson, a younger brother of Judge Charles and Dr. James Jackson. He was born in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 14, 1780. His education was practical, and he en- tered the business house of William Bartlett, Newburyport, at fifteen years of age. He remained several years with Mr. Bartlett, and came to Boston, where he established himself in the India trade, and was successful in acquiring a large interest. He en- gaged with his brother-in-law, Francis C. Lowell, in the project of establishing cotton-mills and of introducing the power-loom. Lowell had been in England, examining and investigating as much as possible, but failed to solve the secret process and the technique of the machine, which were not divulged to him. Jackson and himself then invented a model, from which Paul Moody constructed a machine ; and in 181 3 they built their first mill at Waltham, near Boston, which is said to have been the first in the world that combined all the operations of converting raw cotton into finished cloth. In 1821 Jackson organized the Merrimac Manufacturing Company, and made large land purchases on the Merrimac River, adjoining the Pawtucket Canal, where a number 19() THE IRISH LY BOSTON. of mills were erected. This settlement generated the busy city of Lowell. A few years later he formed another company, who built a number of mills, and in 1830 he secured a charter for a railroad between Lowell and Boston. The construction of the road, which was completed in 1835, "^^'^^ under his superintendence and direc- tion, and it was pronounced to be the most perfect of its kind then in this country. His interests were extensive and of great value, but the financial crisis of 1837 swept away his magnificent fortune in a few months. His services were eagerly sought, how- ever, and he was the custodian of many important trusts connected with great and valuable manufacturing interests. He was, mentall}-, a broad-gauged, long-ranged man, possessing the generosity of his race, and bearing the love of his employees, for whose moral and intellectual improvement he was ever solicitous. He died Aug. 27, 1867, amid great sorrow. JAMES KAVANAGH. James Kavanagh was a native of the County of Wexford, Ireland, and immigrated to Boston in 1780. His stay in this city was of but short duration, but sufficiently long to distinguish him as a man of superior business attainments and excellent executive ability. He settled in Damariscotta Mills, Me., engaged exten- sively in the lumber business in that place, and built several vessels there. He was the father of Edward Kavanagh, the statesman, who was born in New Castle, Me., April 27, 1795, and whose death occurred Jan. 21, 1844. Edward was educated in Georgetown, D.C., and graduated in Montreal Seminary in 1820. He then studied law, was admitted to the bar, and began to practise in Damariscotta, Me. He was a member of the Maine Legislature in 1826-8, and again in 1842-3. He was secretary of the State Senate in 1830, and later, for a short time, its president. He was elected to Congress as a Jackson Demo- crat, serving from 1 83 1 till 1835, and then became charge d'affaires in Portugal, where he remained till 1842. He was afterwards a BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 197 member of the commission to settle the north-eastern boundary of Maine. In 1842-3 served as acting governor of Maine on the election of Gov. John Fairfield to the United States Senate. WILLIAM DOUGLAS O'CONNOR. This talented American writer was born in Boston, of Irish parents, 1833. He had artistic talent, and adopted painting as a profession, but drifted into literary habits, and became assistant editor of the Boston "Commonwealth," 1853, and, later, of the Philadelphia " Evening Post," from 1854 to '60. He was connected with the Lighthouse Department in Washington in 1861, and Libra- rian of the Treasury Department in 1871. He contributed largely to the popular literature of the day, in poems, tales, etc., for magazines: and is the author of "Harrington," a romance, the " Ghost," and " The Good Gray Poet," a vindication of Walt Whitman. JEREMIAH SMITH BOIES. Jeremiah was the son of Capt. James Boies. His useful life corresponded with that of his father's eminently well. Jeremiah Smith Boies was honored and respected by the citizens of Milton and Boston for his many manly qualities. Born in Milton in 1762, where he married a Miss Clark, he was early identified with the industrial progress and development of the town. In 1783 he was graduated from Harvard, and then engaged in manufactures at Dorchester. In 1765 he built a dam where the starch factory is now located, and constructed a chocolate, corn, and paper mill, engaging the services of Mark Hollingsworth, a young man from New Jersey, as foreman of the latter. Mark Hollingsworth and Edmund Tileston had been in the paper business at Needham, and they received from Mr. Boies a transfer of his business in 1801. His father had bequeathed to him the paper-mill in Milton, and he made many improvements there. The mansion on Mattapan street, now owned by the heirs of the Hon. Arthur W. Austin, was erected by Mr. l^oies. 198 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. In public life he was not less active than in mercantile and com- mercial. He was a trustee of Milton Academy in 1798, the date of its establishment, and was treasurer of the board of trustees for several years. His active interest and useful services in all educational and religious affairs, during his residence in Milton, were liberally devoted to the welfare of the people. Mr. Boies removed to Boston, and served on the Board of Aldermen in 1827. He died in this city in 1851. CORNELIUS CONWAY FELTON. Cornelius Conway Felton, a distinguished and learned Irish- American scholar and writer, was born in Newbury, Mass., of Irish parents, Nov. 6, 1807. He graduated at Harvard College with distinction in 1827. He supported himself while there by teaching, and was one of the conductors of the " Harvard Register" in his Senior year. After graduating, he taught for two years in Geneseo, New York, and in 1829 was appointed Assistant Professor of Latin at Harvard, and in 1832, Professor of Greek. He was honored by elevation to the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature, and was made one of the regents of the College in 1834. At that time he published an edition of Homer, which has passed through several revised editions, and, in 1840, a translation of Menzel's work on German literature. In 1841 he published "Clouds of Aristophanes." He also assisted in preparing a work on classical studies, and in 1844 assisted Longfellow in "Poets and Poetry of Europe." He was closely identified and intimately associated with the men of learning in Boston and vicinity; his writings were held in high esteem by the citizens of this city, and they helped to shape public thought to a high degree. ANDREW DUNLAP. Andrew Dunlap was born in 1794, and was the only son of James Dunlap, an Irish merchant of Salem. From his earliest childhood his ability was recognized and a brilliant future predicted BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 199 for him. In 1820 he moved to Boston, where his effective eloquence made him a favorite criminal-pleader. He was warmly attached to the Democratic party, and earnestly advocated the election of Andrew Jackson, to whose policy he remained devoted to the end of his life. He delivered orations in Boston on Independence Day, in 1822 and 1832; served as United States District Attorney from 1829 to 1835, when his resignation drew affectionate tributes of esteem and regret from Joseph Story and Judge Davis. He died a few months afterward. His *' Treatise on the Practice of Courts of Admiralty in Civil Cases of Maritime Jurisdiction " was posthumously published, under the editorship of Charles Sumner. JAMES BOYD. The sterling integrity which characterized James Boyd, and formed the basis of his honorable, useful public and private life, pre- sents a lesson worthy of imitation. Born at Newtownards, Ireland, Nov. II, 1793, of Hugh Boyd and Mary, ncc Patten, James, during his infancy, was cared for by his grandparents, James and Sarah Patten, of Cunningbrom. He married Margaret Curry, of Cainey Caw, Ireland, July 4, 1815 ; he died at Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1855. Margaret Curry was born in Ireland, Feb. 15, 1794; she died in Hyde Park, Mass., July 26, 1S74. Her father's name was Francis Curry, a farmer, of Cainey Caw, Parish Rahalp, County Down, Ireland, whose wife was Margaret Cavan; his mother was a Dunbar; hers, a Litton. Francis was a man of exemplary character and untiring industry. He died in 1852, in the one hundred and second year of his age. His wife died at the age of seventy. James' family consisted of twelve children, all born at Boston (except Colonel Francis, who was born at Newtownards, Ireland). James Boyd, though brought up in the tenets of the Scotch Presbyterian Church belief, joined the Unitarian faith of Channing, in which faith he died. In 18 19 he joined the old Hollis-street Church, of which Dr. John Pierpont was then the pastor. The contemporaries of Boyd's manhood have cherished his 200 THE IRISH IN BOSTOX. memory, and hi* Catholic countrymen respected him for his broad and Hberal mindedness. In the mid-summer of the year 1817 the Boyd family, consist- ing of James Boyd, his wife, and infant child, Francis, came from Ireland, and landed on Moose Island, in Passamaquoddy Bay, where they stayed for twenty-two days. On the fifth day of August, 1817, they took passage for Boston, Mass. They arrived here on the twelfth day of the same month, and on the following day James Boyd was at work for Arthur Noon, a chaise-trimmer from London, England, whose shop was located at 32 Orange street; James received from him six dollars per week for his services. In February, 1819, he was em- ployed by William Reed, a chaise-trimmer on Marlborough street (now Washington street), near the Old South Church. On May 6, 18 19, James commenced business, with a capital of fifty dollars, at 32 Orange street, the name then applied to that part of Washington street between Boylston and Dover streets. There he manufactured harnesses and trunks ; later he engaged in the manu- facture of leather hose for fire-engines, which was made of a single thickness of leather and waxed thread, and hand-sewed together. About 1820 he made an important improvement on the old process, a patent for which he applied, and it was granted to him on May 30, 1821. This was the first patent issued from the United States for fire-hose. It was quickly followed by another improve- ment, which substituted copper rivets for waxed thread. Mr. Boyd was the first manufacturer in New England to adopt this method of making fire-hose. It acquired a high reputation, and was known as Boyd's double-riveted fire-engine hose, and superseded the other. He manufactured fire-buckets, firemen's caps, and general leather supplies for the fire department. Public attention was soon attracted to the excellence of his mate- rials and workmanship, and he became the leading manufacturer of these goods. Larger accommodations, with increased facilities for his ex- tensively developed business, were necessary ; he removed to the west corner of ^Merchants' row and Faneuil Hall square; thence, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 201 in 1826, to a newly erected building on the opposite corner of Merchants' row. This was occupied on lease by himself and by the firm of James Boyd & Sons. It was afterwards purchased by Mr. James Boyd, subsequently sold to the Faneuil Hall Bank. The location of the business was changed in 1874 to No. 9 Federal street. For many years they were engaged in making military equipments, under contract with the United States Ordnance Department. For this branch he obtained a patent, Nov. 19, 1833, for a folio-extension knapsack. He became a member of the volunteer fire department of Boston, which was largely composed of young men engaged in pro- fessional, mechanical, and mercantile pursuits, and he soon rose to a commanding position. At the Beacon-street fire — one of the memorable conflagrations of Boston — he was the second foreman of Hero No. 6, and later the foreman of Brooks No. 11, a company noted for its efficiency, located on Franklin street, near the centre of the mercantile section of the city. He first suggested the organization of the Charitable As- sociation of the Boston Fire Department, drew up its constitution and by-laws, which were adopted, with slight modifications of two articles. He was the president of the board of trustees of the asso- ciation, and on his retirement from office, in 1829, resolutions were passed by the members of the association expressing their high appreciation of his services. This was the first association ever organized in this country for the relief of firemen suffering injury received while in the discharge of their duties ; it was the model for its successors in New York and elsewhere. In 1835 Mr. Boyd was elected to the Massachusetts Legisla- ture. One of the most important bills considered at the session was the one for the suppression of riots, suggested by the burning and destruction of the Ursuline Convent, at Charlestown, Mass., by a mob, in 1834. Mr. Boyd proposed an amendment to this bill, the adoption of which he urged by a stirring speech. It attracted much attention, and was published verbatim ct literatim in the " Columbian Sentinel," then a leading political journal. Subsequently the princi- ples enunciated therein were accepted as equitable. 202 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. On the i/th of March, 1837, he delivered an oration at the Masonic Temple before the Charitable Irish Society. It was a product of love for his native land, a loyal utterance of gratitude, no less patriotic, true, and hearty, for his adopted country. He denounced strongly the principles of that snake-like political move- ment of the Native-American party, so sudden in its inception, and more rapid and complete in failure. His able article — which ap- pealed to the " sober second thought" of the people — in the Boston " Atlas," the organ of the local Whig party, reviewed the message of Governor Gardner, and was editorially quoted as " able, well put, intelligent, and suggestive." Its sentiments were such as are now accepted by fair-minded men as to the rights and relations of our adopted fellow-citizens. In I S3 8 Mr. Boyd established a branch house in New Orleans. His second son, James Patten, who had served him for five years as clerk, entered into partnership with him, and managed the New Orleans house until, at his death. May 30, 1843, the branch was discontinued. In April, 1843, Mr. Boyd visited Indiana, to inspect the cannel- coal mines, of Cannelton. He bought an interest in the American Cannel Company. His son Frederick went out first as clerk, afterwards as partner with his father, and became manager, a positio/i which he occupied until about i860. Mr. Boyd continued to cooperate with the company in mining and cotton manufacturing at Cannelton until 1852. He visited the town frequently, encouraged the enterprises of the popu- lation, and raised funds for the erection of its churches and schools. He retired from active business about 1852; his wife survived him nearly nineteen years. Both are buried in Mt. Auburn Ceme- tery, of which Mr. Boyd was one of the original incorporators. According to the Mt. Auburn register of interments, on the 6th of July, 1832, an infant child of James Boyd was buried in Lot 182, Mountain avenue. It was the first burial made in the cemetery. Of their family of eleven children but three are living. Francis, born May 2, 18 16, was educated in the Boston Grammar- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 203 schools and at the English High School, from which he graduated in 1 831; he received his mercantile training in the office of Josiah Bradlee & Co., one of the old merchant firms of Boston. In 1840 Francis established the commission and shipping house of Boyd & Frothingham. Frederick, born April 29, 1824, has been referred to. John Curry, born April 25, 1820, succeeded his father as senior mem- ber of the firm. He, with Alexander, born Feb. 13, 1830, composed the firm known as James Boyd & Sons. John Curi*y died May 12, 1862. Alexander succeeded him, and he formed a co-partnership with Michael J. Ward, who had been employed in the store as clerk from boyhood. On Aug. 30, 1859, John Curry obtained a patent for his inven- tion of copper-riveted fire-engine hose, made of a heavy woven fabric of cotton with India-rubber or other water-proof material. Not a note or claim against the house of James Boyd or James Boyd & Sons was ever dishonored during its existence of nearly sixty years. Three other of the children died when quite young. Those who reached maturity are James Patten, born May 16, 181 8. William, born Dec. 3, 1822, learned the saddlery and harness trade, became a partner with his father; died Sept. 19, 1847. Margaret Curry, born Sept. 8, 1826, married Edward Wyman, of Boston; she died on March 22, 1854. Jane Louisa, born Sept. i, 1833, died on Oct. 14, 1857. James Boyd wrote much and delivered many public speeches. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF OUR OWN TIMES. SKETCHES OF REPRESENTATIVE MEN OF OUR OWN TIMES. JOHN BOYLE O'REILLY. " I hate his Irish NationaHsm, but I love his character and his poetry. He is your foremost man in America." This is a scholarly Anglo-American's estimate of John Boyle O'Reilly, the brilliant Irish patriot, poet, journalist, and orator. Thus regarded by a repre- sentative political opponent, who shall estimate his place in the hearts of that great constituency, coextensive not alone with America, but with the English speech, who love as life itself the cause he so worthily stands for? John Boyle O'Reilly was born at Dowth Castle, County Meath, Ireland, on June 28, 1844. His father, William David O'Reilly, was master of the Netterville Institution, and was a fine scholar with a strong mathematical bent. His mother, Eliza Boyle, was nearly related to Col. John Allen, a famous name among the Irish rebels of '98. He commanded a company in the French legion in the siege of Astorga, and risked his life to plant the French flag on the ramparts. The fine literary taste of this gifted mother became talent, nay, genius, in the son. Her passionate patriotism was reproduced in him intensified. Some of John Boyle O'Reilly's sweetest poems are of his much-loved and unforgotten mother, who suffered with his dangers and sorrows, but was not spared to enjoy his triumphs. She died while he was in prison ; and shall we err in believing that anxiety for her favorite son, the successive shocks of his arrest, trial, and death-sentence, had a share in bringing her to a premature grave? But we anticipate. Young O'Reilly had from his father that thorough training in the foundation studies by which Old-World lads (207) 208 THE IRISH LV BOSTON. of fourteen are in point of real education ahead of American boys of eighteen. At an early age the future journalist learned type- setting in the office of the Drogheda " Argus." Afterwards we find him earning his living as a short-hand reporter on newspapers in various English cities. He joined the Fenian movement at its inception. " A desperate game, that Fenianism ! " one said to him a few years ago. " Yes," he answered, with thoughtful face and glowing eyes ; " they could only say to us, ' Come, boys, it is prison or death ; but it is for Ireland,' and we came." And he looked as if he would gladly go the same perilous road again at the same appeal. In 1863 O'Reilly returned to Ireland and enlisted in the Tenth Hussars, in which he spent three years, furthering the revolutionary cause and mastering the art of war for future use. In 1866, on the secret evidence of the informer, he was arrested in Dublin, tried by special military commission for treason, in company with Sergeant- Major McCarthy and Corporal Thomas Chambers, and sentenced to twenty years' penal servitude. For the next two years he, with the two others named, was an inmate of the imperial prisons of England at Pentonville, Millbank, Chatham, Portsmouth, Dartmoor, and Port- land. In October, 1867, he was transported to the penal colony of Western Australia, with sixty other political prisoners. In February, 1869, he escaped from the penal colony in a boat, assisted by the Rev. Patrick McCabe, a Catholic priest stationed in his district, and some other devoted Irish-Australians. He was picked up at sea, after many hardships ashore and afloat, by the American whaling bark " Gazelle," commanded by Captain David R. Gifford, of New Bedford, who treated him with the greatest kindness for the six months he remained on board, and who lent him twenty guineas (all the money he had with him) when they separated off the Cape of Good Hope. Captain Gifford put O'Reilly on board another American ship (the " Sapphire," of Boston, bound to Liverpool), off the Cape. This vessel carried him safely to England, where, by the aid of her Yankee officers, he was shipped as an American sailor on board the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 200 "Bombay," of Bath, Me. (Capt. Frank Jordan), which landed him in Philadelphia in November, 1869. He was twenty-five years of age, strong and hopeful ; but he did not know a single soul on the American continent. Need we sa}' how O'Reilly gratefully kept the thought of Captain Gififord in his heart. His first book, " Songs from the Southern Seas," published in Boston in 1873, bears a touching dedication to Capt. David R. Gifford. The saddest part of it was, however, that the book reached his dwelling just two hours after his death. " A Tribute Too Late," wrote O'Reilly, at the head of one of the most touching memorials that was ever penned. O'Reilly landed in Philadelphia on Nov. 23, 1869, and made application for American citizenship the same day, at the United States Court in that city. He made but a brief stay here ; then went on to New York, where he gave a lecture and wrote some articles for the press. Thence he came to Boston on the 2d of January, 1870. He accompanied the Fenian raid into Canada in the same year, and sent descriptive letters thereof to the Boston papers. In the summer of 1870 he secured editorial employment on the " Pilot; " and, in his intervals of leisure, began to give to the world, in poems of singular strength, depth, and beauty, the results of the action, observation, and endurance of the crowded years of his short ex- istence. His Australian poems glowed with color and throbbed with life. He was recognized at once as a new and original presence in the literary world. Horace Greeley was much taken with O'Reilly's personality and work, and some of the latter's best narrative poems appeared in the New York " Tribune." The " Dark Blue," the mag- azine of the University of Oxford, England, gladly welcomed him to its exclusive pages, till it found out that he was a Fenian and an ex- political convict. He became a contributor to the " Galaxy," " Scribner's," the " Atlantic Monthly," " Harper's," and others of the best American literary publications. Emphatically a man's man, his frank, earnest, and attractive personality, his broad humanity, added to his eminent literary gifts, drew to him the admiration and friendship of Wendell Phillips, John 210 THE IRISH LY BOSTON. Greenleaf Whittier, William Lloyd Garrison, and others of God's noblemen in New England. It is pleasant to add here that this Irishman, who himself was the victim of tyranny, has a heart for oppressed people e\-erywhere, and has won in the affections of the colored people of America, by his outspoken and sympathetic advo- cacy of their interests, a place very near the three great names above mentioned. John Boyle O'Reilly has done much in his own single person to destroy the anti-Irish prejudices that lingered in New England long after they had practically disappeared from the rest of the country, as the snow-drifts linger in the clefts of her stony-hearted old hills. He has made plain to the nation, as well as to the rather timid and self-distrustful New England Irish themselves, that the least part of the Irish strength in that section is in mere force of numbers. In 1876 Mr. O'Reilly, already for some years editor of the " Pilot," became its proprietor, with Archbishop Williams. His paper is universally regarded as a foremost exponent of Irish- American thought, and as one of the stanchest and most capable defenders of Catholic interests. A live newspaper, it has unique features of literary and domestic interest; and such competent judges as the New York "Independent" and the Springfield " Republican" declare that some of the best poetry of the day appears in the " Pilot." In journalism, as out of it, Mr. O'Reilly is a faithful friend and a courteous and magnanimous opponent. In the midst of his journalistic work — and every detail of his paper has the benefit of his personal supervision — Mr. O'Reilly has brought out four volumes of poems, as follows : *' Songs of the Southern Seas," 1873; "Songs, Legends, and Ballads," 1878; " Statues in the Block," 1881 ; and " In Bohemia," 1886. All these books have gone through many editions. This is not the place for a critical estimate of Mr. O'Reilly's rank as a poet. The critical mind is debauched in this day of literary small things by the habit of solemn contemplation and silly over- praise of trifles. We turn our backs on the great literary standards, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 211 put on our keenest magnifying-glasses, and spend precious hours in ascertaining the relative size of a crowd of pigmies. The great words " poet," " genius," " Hterary immortahty," and the Hke, are flying about with such childish recklessness and lack of sense of pro- portion, that when a true poet, a real genius, appears, we are all out of language. Let us be honest. We have as yet no great poets in America. But of the small number of our true poets, John Boyle O'Reilly is one of the two or three who have the divine fire, whose words are in the hearts of the people, and who give promise of becoming great. He has written a novel, "Moondyne," based on his Australian experience, which is dramatic, forceful, as all his work is. It has had seven large editions. He has also edited a number of works, and prefaced not a few, among the latter George Makepeace Towle's "Young People's History of Ireland" (Lee & Shepard, Boston), and Justin McCarthy's " Ireland's Cause and England's Parliament," just published by the Ticknors, Boston. He has several works in preparation, among them " The Country with a Roof," an alle- gory, illustrating the defects in the American social system ; " The Evolution of Straight Weapons," which covers the whole ground of athletics ; and a work on the material resources of Ireland. For the past decade Mr. O'Reilly has been in great demand as a lecturer, and has been the chosen spokesman of the city of his home on some notable occasions. The best, perhaps, of his orations is " The Common Citizen Soldier," delivered in Boston on Memorial day, 1886. He is a famous athlete, and the serious, humane, and patriotic purpose which underlies all the doings of this man, who is making the most of his life, can be found even in his pastimes. Mr. O'Reilly is one of the founders, and was the president, of the Papyrus Club, which brings together a rather striking group of authors, artists, musicians, and actors; and he is a member of the St. Botolph, the Round Table, and other literary clubs of the modern Athens. He is blessed with a charming wnfe and children. " Her rare and loving judgment has been a standard I have tried to reach," 212 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. writes the poet, inscribing to this gifted wife his " Songs, Legends, and Ballads." What is the secret of the marvellous success of this man, not yet at his prime, who, little more than a decade and a half ago, was a friendless, penniless, political refugee? It is not native genius alone, nor patience and method, those best allies of genius, nor vigorous health, nor an impressive and pleasing personality. It is sterling character, which, when all is said and done, must ever outshine the dazzle of natural gifts or shrewd achievements. " It is sad to see the man overshadowed by the artisan." " I have never seen," said the subject of this sketch, " a human being in whose individuality I did not find something to respect." That earnest and reverent sympathy with all humanity is the key-note of his character and the secret of his wide-reaching influence, and the popular affection which he won in overflowing measure. He is generous ; he has a long memory for kindnesses and a short one for injuries ; he delights in others' gifts and successes. The literary men and women, the journalists, artists, musicians, and business men who owe their first fortunate impulse to his direction, or who have had his substantial aid over rough places, would make, if gathered .together, a large and respectable assemblage. It is much to say of any man what is true of him, that he is most loved and honored by those who have known him longest and nearest. And now, our last word of him must be as our first has been — of his work for Ireland. Through voice, through pen, through worldly substance, through the flame enkindled from his own heart in the hearts of others, he has labored unweariedly all these years for the cause of Irish freedom — that holy cause, for which he offered life itself when life was new and sweet. " For Ireland," that is the thread of gold which runs through all he writes and does. ' For thee the past and future days ; For thee the will to trample wrong and strike for slaves ; For thee the hope that ere mine arm be weak And ere mv heart be drv may close the strife BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 213 In which thj colors shall be borne through fire, And all thy griefs washed out in manly blood, And I shall see thee crowned and bound with love, Thy strong sons round thee guarding thee." May the patriot-poet's hope soon be realized, and may God spare him many years thereafter to the causes that need him and the hearts that love him ! PATRICK A. COLLINS. He is the foremost Democratic legislator in New England, and possesses many of the strongly marked characteristics of his race, combined with those of the true American citizen. His ability, both at the bar and in public life, has attracted the attention of all classes of citizens throughout the United States. His eloquence on the platform has been admired and praised by press and people at home and abroad. As a lawyer, he has distinguished himself by his successful management of many important cases which have involved large interests. The story of his life is eventful. He was born near Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland, March 12, 1844; the same year, by the way, in which his compatriots, John Boyle O'Reilly and John E. Fitzgerald, were born. His parents were Bartholomew and Mary Leahey Collins. Patrick was the youngest of a large family, and his father died when he was an infant. In 1848 his mother immigrated to America; first settled in Boston, afterwards in Chelsea. Young Collins attended the public schools of the latter place, but at the early age of twelve years obtained employment as an errand-boy in the office of a Boston lawyer. He left there to work in a Chelsea store, where he remained during the following winter. His brief experience in the law-office kindled within him a desire for the legal profession, and doubtless shaped his later course. The family subsequently removed to the West, and at fourteen years of age he was delving in the coal-fields of Ohio ; eight 214 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. years later he was an upholsterer in Boston, and a member of the Massachusetts Legislature ; at twenty-six years, a member of the Massachusetts State Senate, to which body he was reelected the fol- lowing year ; and in his fortieth year he was elected to Congress. He began life under the most unpromising circumstances : from the law-office and store, to the farm, coal-mine, machine-shop, and grindstone-mill of Ohio, he rose gradually, but positively, by hard work, patient and steady application, extensive reading, judicious cultivation, and careful development of innate talent, to an honorable and useful position. His sympathies have always been with the working-people, he having enjoyed their few attendant advantages and suffered their many hardships. In 1866 he joined the Fenian Brotherhood, serving the cause with voice and pen, and did effective work as an organizer. He began the study of law in the following year. In 1870 he enjoyed the unique distinction of being the youngest member then elected to the State Senate. The excitement and fascination of politi- cal life, however, did not distract him from the study of law, as he graduated with honors from the Harvard Law School with the class of 1 87 1. He was admitted to the Bar the same year, and has prac- tised extensively ever since. During his service at the State House he became identified with most liberal and beneficent legislation, notably the ten-hour law, admission of Catholic clergymen to re- formator}-, correctional, and charitable institutions, abolition of a distinct oath for Catholics, the improvement and development of public parks in Boston, and also legislation favorable towards secur- ing equal rights for foreign-born citizens. He was for many years a member of the Democratic City Central Committee of Boston, perfecting and strengthening the efficiency of that organization during his term as president, in 1873-4. He was for a time Judge- Advocate of the First Brigade, M.V.]\I. ; and was appointed by Governor Gaston as Judge-Advocate-General of Massachusetts in 1875, whence comes his title of General. He was twice the Democratic candidate for State Auditor, and in 1881 was nomi- nated for the position of Attorney-General. He was elected at (TI^^U^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 215 large from Massachusetts to the National Democratic Conventions of 1876 and 1880. In the latter year he became a member of the Democratic State Committee, and has been its chairman since 1884. General Collins was elected to represent the Fourth Massachusetts District in Con- gress in 1882, reelected in 1884, and although early in 1886 he issued a letter declining to be considered as a candidate, he was, nevertheless, unanimously renominated and reelected that year. Notwithstanding his activity in American politics, much of his time and ability have been devoted to the cause of Ireland. His connection with the Fenian Brotherhood, from 1862 to 1870, secre- tary of the Philadelphia Convention, chairman of a subsequent one, and the distinction of being elected the first president of the Irish National Land League of America, — all bespeak his loyalty. Charles Stewart Parnell, the great Irish leader, has repeatedly thanked General Collins for his valuable assistance rendered to suf- fering Erin, and at the League headquarters in Dublin his portrait hangs beside that of Parnell, to speak for the Irish in America. In the summer of 1887 General Collins visited Ireland and England. He was received with a perfect ovation by the people everywhere, his fame having preceded him. In London a compli- mentary dinner was tendered him by Parnell, at which all members of the Irish Prrliamentary party, as well as English and Scotch members, were ]_ '-esent. He was also banqueted by the Lord Mayor of Dublin and Co -poration, and the great and rare distinction of the freedom of the cit,' for distinguished services was conferred upon him. In Cork he was also received with every mark of honor and esteem. He was an honored guest at the Ancients' ceremony of casting the dart, and at the festivities following. In 1888 he peremptorily declined the use of his name for con- gressional honors. He was a member of the Judiciary Committee during his whole service in Congress, and was prominently engaged with many proposed acts of legislation ; among others, the Bank- ruptcy Bill. He headed the Massachusetts delegation to the National Democratic Convention at St, Louis in 1888; he was unanimously 21(i THE IRISH IN BOSTOX. chosen permanent chairman, and presented with the silver gavel which he wielded on that occasion. He possesses the magnetic qualities that typify our most eminent public speakers ; his command- ing presence, dignified and pleasing, is no less attractive than the tones of his resonant voice, which is clearly heard in the largest halls. His style of oratory is forceful, terse, and convincing, impressing an audience with the sincerity of an honest man whose utterances are full of good purposes, supported by logical proofs, and devoid of false coloring. General Collins has resided at Mt. Ida, Dorchester, since 1887, having removed there from South Boston. There, with his devoted wife and three children, his best days of peace and happiness are enjoyed within their home. HUGH O'BRIEN. Hon. Hugh O'Brien enjoys the proud distinction of having been elevated to the position of Mayor of Boston four successive years. During his administration he performed his duties fearlessly, faith- fully, and well. Born in Ireland, July 13, 1827, his childhood was passed there until he was five years old, when he was brought to America, and was sent to the Old Grammar School on Fort Hill, in Boston, where he graduated. Young O'Brien was as notional and studious as the typical Boston boy of his day, Boston ideas grew with him, and, later in life, the strong part which they formed in his mentality was made manifest in his sagacious public deeds. The solid foundation of his education, which was laid at school, was builded upon in a way that should teach a valuable lesson to the youths of to-day. The Public Library was his sanctum sanctoriun. He browsed among the books, eagerly read useful works, especially historical, biographical, and statistical books, which he studied Avith avidity. He entered the office of the Boston " Courier," to learn the printer's trade, at the age of twelve years, and made rapid progress while there. Later we find him in the book and job printing office of Messrs. Tuttle, Dennett, & Chisholm, on School street, where he became foreman at the aere of fifteen. He remained there several BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 217 years, until he originated and published the " Shipping and Com- mercial List," and has always been its editor. The experience which Mr. O'Brien received while in newspaper work would school any young man to a high degree who was desirous to advance in life. Mr. O'Brien's youthful life was a compeer to his manhood: diligent, persevering, determined, full of hope and pur- pose, combined with integrity, efficiency, and a steady application to study. These manly characteristics have made him an honored and respected man. Educational matters, literary societies, and charitable undertakings have always found in him a ready patron and a strong supporter. Mr. O'Brien placed the " Shipping and Commercial List" in a commanding position before the mercantile and commercial markets. Merchants relied upon it for accurate trade reference. The first annual reports of Boston's trade and com- merce were issued by Mr. O'Brien ; that volume has been adopted for years by the Merchants' Exchange. He met the wealthiest and most prominent merchants of Boston while engaged on his newspaper work. These gentlemen, whose intimacy with him enabled them to gain an insight into his methods and study his character, during the past forty years, praise him highly for his honesty, business sagacity, and successful management of affairs. While the city's population increased from 75,000 inhab- itants to over 400,000, Mr. O'Brien familiarized himself with the many changes in business arrangements, and the almost countless enterprises which have been managed in Boston. He has been the custodian of trust-funds for many purposes, which have been placed in his hands by prominent business men. He has kept sacred every trust. His ability as a financier is unquestionable, and as president of the Union Institution for Savings, treasurer of the Franklin Typo- graphical Society, and a director in various charitable institutions, his record is excellent. His natural abilities and business training fitted him for public life. He attracted the attention of the people, and in 1875 was elected to the Board of Aldermen, when the Boston "Advertiser" referred to him as "well known in the community, and has the respect and confidence of every one." He served as alderman 218 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. during seven years, from 1874, and he was chairman of the Board four years. The people scrutinized his public actions while on the Board, and approved of his course throughout. His official attention was always promptly given to all matters relating to the welfare of Boston or to the people thereof. Good pay for laborers, purification and improvement of the water-supply, a useful system of parks, sanitary reforms, schools, abolition of the poll-tax, and low taxation, — all received his earnest advocacy and support. His successful efforts are well known to all Bostonians. Alderman O'Brien was elected Mayor in December, 1884, for the year 1885. The old city charter was in force, and his splendid work under that instrument Avas full of serviceable deeds. Mayor O'Brien's sterling qualities of mind and heart were efficiently applied to stimulating and accomplishing the work of good government in its various branches. The citizens ap- preciated his services, and substantially sanctioned his management, by reelecting him Mayor, to serve during the years 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888. Anew city charter was established during his adminis- tration, which made him directly responsible for the honest and efficient regulation of the city's business. He proved equal to the task, and was much admired and praised by the press and public for his meritorious achievements. His public speaking is of the earnest, forcible, and argumentative style, and his honest utterances and solid reasoning often carry conviction to his hearers where the brilliant orator would fail to produce the same effect. The cause of labor and the men who toil have ever found a champion in Mayor O'Brien, and while most eloquent when defending their interests, the memories of his own past years of labor have ever been present to his mind and impelled him to demand justice for the working-men of to-day. In November, 1888, the people again nominated him for Mayor ; he received a large vote, but was defeated by the Republican candidate, Mr. Thomas N. Hart. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 219 PATRICK SARSFIELD GILMORE. Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, musician and bandmaster, was born in Ballygar, County Galway, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1829. He received a common-school education in his native place from one of the Irish schoolmasters of that period. Like most boys who were born on the Emerald Isle, his school-days did not last many years, and while quite young he was sent to work. He was first employed by a whole- sale grocer, with whom he served an apprenticeship of seven years. He displayed an early liking for drums and fifes, and was looked upon by those who knew him as a musical prodigy. Every spare moment after working-hours was devoted to musical instruments, and by the time that he was sixteen years of age he was a member of the Athlone Amateur Band, and had composed music of a military kind for his townsmen. At the age of nineteen, however, he sailed for America, and landed in Boston. In 1848, a few weeks after his arrival here, he became a cornet player for the Charlestown Band. A short time afterward he was engaged as leader of the Suffolk Band, succeeding Edward Kendall, the bugler. Later he made another change, this time to join the Brigade Band, and take the place of John Bartlett, who had held the position of trumpeter. Finally, he left Boston for a while, and accepted a position made vacant by Jerome Smith, of the Salem Band. The young musician had by this period made a reputation as the E-flat cornet player of the country. He remained with the Salem Band for about three years, and while there conceived the idea of fathering the Boston Common Fourth-of-July concerts, also the promenade concerts after- ward given at Music Hall. In 1858 he returned to Boston, where his projects were worked out. During the Civil War he enlisted in the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment Band, going with the Burn- side Expedition to North Carolina. In about a year the band was mustered out of service and returned to Boston, where he aided in the organization of a number of bands to be attached to the brigades, under general orders from the War Department. Governor Andrew 220 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. also commissioned him as Bandmaster-General and Chief Musician of the State of Massachusetts, clothing him with the authority to enlist musicians for military service. He recruited bands for the Department of the Gulf, under command of Major-General Banks, and, upon request of the State authorities, went in charge of those bands to New Orleans. While there, General Banks gave him the position of director of all the musical organizations connected with the department. At New Orleans he was as energetic as ever, and projected the plan of having a chorus of ten thousand school children and five hundred musicians, with infantry and artillery accompaniments, in a grand national concert, to aid in the inauguration of Michael Hahn, the first governor of Louisiana elected under the Union administration, March 4, 1864, just before the close of the war. Notwithstanding the prejudice of the parents, the " Star- Spangled Banner" was sung by ten thousand Southern children, and the success of the affair in every way was made complete. Later he returned to Boston and inaugurated a series of concerts, introducing to the public Madame Legrange, Gazzamuyi, Johannsen, Frederich, Guerrabella, Carlotta, Patti, Adelaide Phillips, Camilla Urso, Teresa Carreno, Brignoli, Stigelli, Carl Formes, and others. In 1868 he was invited to arrange a ball and series of concerts at Crosby's Opera House, Chicago. In 1869 he carried through successfully the great National Peace Jubilee in Boston, at which there was a chorus of ten thousand voices and one thousand musical instruments, the attendance numbering about sixty thousand persons daily. He also engineered with masterly skill the gigantic Music Jubilee of All Nations, 1872, which was partici- pated in by a chorus of twenty thousand voices and two thousand musical instruments. Never before in the world's history had there been such a gathering of musicians, and the attendance was estimated at about one hundred and twenty thousand daily. The executive committee gave Mr. Gilmore $50,000, as a present, at the close of the jubilee. About 1873 he left Boston and took up his residence in New York, where he organized the Twenty-second Regiment Band, which is now considered the best military band in the country. •m/m/'dn/i', GOV. THOMAS TALBOT. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 221 In recent years the band, under the direction of its accomplished band-master, has given concerts in all the principal cities of this country and Europe, and during the summer months of each year render a high order of sea-shore music at Manhattan Beach, New York. GOV. THOMAS TALBOT. Thomas Talbot was born in Cambridge, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1818 ; died at Billerica, Mass., Oct. 6, 1885. His parents were both natives of Ireland, who, shortly after marriage, immigrated to this country. The father was a weaver, and first obtained employment at his trade in Cambridge, N.Y. The family moved about from place to place, and finally located in Northampton, Mass., where the subject of this sketch was sent to work, at the age of thirteen, in the carding-room of a woollen factory in the town. When he had earned money enough- he secured what schooling privileges the vicinity allowed, studying fully as faithfully as he had worked. In the meantime, two of his brothers, Charles P. and Edward, had embarked in the business of the manufacture of broadcloths, in Williamsburg, and the family subsequently removed to that place, where Thomas accepted a situation in their mill. Through assiduous attention to his duties, and a marked fidelity to the advancement of the interests of his employers, he rose rapidly in their esteem and confidence, and, when twenty years of age, was given the overseership of the finishing- room. During the winter terms of 1838 and 1839 young Talbot managed to attend Cunningham Academy, which was the only high- school experience, and the last educational opportunity of the kind, that he was favored with. In the spring of 1839 he went to Pitts- field, where he worked for a short time as a finisher of broadcloths for the Pontoosuc Manufacturing Company. In December of that year his brother Charles removed from Lowell to North Billerica, rented an old grist-mill, and transferred his business of grinding dyestuffs to that place. Shortly after, he invited Thomas to join him, and the brothers associated themselves in business, under 22-2 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. the style of C. P. Talbot & Co. The business was a success from the start, and in 1851 the firm was enabled to purchase the water-power of the Middlesex Canal Company of that town. This investment proving to be a very advantageous one, the brothers increased their business in 1857 by the erection of a new mill for the manufacture of woollen flannels. In 1848 Mr. Talbot was united in marriage to Miss Mary Rogers, of Billerica, who died three years later. He remained a widower until 1855, when he formed a second union, with Miss Isabella W. Hayden. Mr. Talbot first entered public life when thirty-three years old, and from that time he was often called upon to fill positions of honor and trust, until he became the chief executive of the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts. At the fall election in 185 i he was chosen to represent the Billerica district in the Legislature, and in 1852 he was elected as a member of the convention to revise the constitution of the State, in both of which positions he made an excellent record. In 1864 Mr. Talbot was elected a member of the Executive Council. For five consecutive years he held that honorable position in association with Governors Andrew, Bullock, and Claflin. There he enjoyed the most abundant opportunities for acquainting himself with all the affairs of the State, and in those years proved himself to be one of the best of councillors. In 1872 he received the Republican nomi- nation for Lieutenant-Governor, the ticket being headed by Hon. William B, Washburn. The ticket came off victorious, and Mr. Talbot was reelected the following year. During the session of the Legislature of 1874 Governor Washburn was chosen to fill the vacancy in the Senate of the United States caused by the death of Mr. Sumner, and from the ist of May in that year until Governor Gaston was inaugurated, Lieutenant-Governor Talbot was the acting-gov- ernor of the State. Soon after he assumed the duties of the guber- natorial office, the ten-hour law was presented to him for approval, and he readily gave his signature to the act, which has since been the law of the State. For the next three years he devoted himself principally to his manufacturing business. In 1878 Mr. Talbot was nominated by the Republicans of the State as their candidate for BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 223 Governor, and in a bitter political contest defeated his opponent, Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, the Democratic candidate. The record of Governor Talbot's administration was a brilliant one, and in every public act he showed himself in favor of economy and retrenchment, and in strong opposition to all unnecessary expenditure of public money. He also approved the bill to extend to public charitable and reformatory institutions the provisions of an act of 1875, which provided the inmates liberty of worship according to the dictates of their conscience. After rendering efficient service to the State as governor during 1879, Mr. Talbot retired to private life, and con- tinued his usefulness in the community as mill-owner and em- ployer. THE MILMORES. Joseph Milmore, sculptor, was born in Sligo, Ireland, Oct. 22, 1842, and died in Geneva, Switzerland, Jan. 10, 1886. His residence in Boston dates back to the time of his infancy, and he was a pupil at the Brimmer and Quincy Grammar schools. During his boyhood he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker. He disliked the occupation, and afterwards became a marble-cutter, and developed an admirable taste for architectural work. He and his brother Martin associated themselves, and together they executed the " Sphinx," now in Mount Auburn Cemetery, and designed and executed the statuary on Hor- ticultural Hall building in Boston. A large number of soldiers' monuments were done by these talented brothers, and they stand in many places throughout the country, including the one on Boston Common, which cost $80,000, and is the most noteworthy of all. Martin Milmore, sculptor, was born in Sligo, Ireland, Sept. 14, 1844, and died in Boston Highlands, Mass., July 21, 1883. He came from Ireland to Boston in 185 1, and was taught lessons in wood-carving, when quite young, by his elder brother, Joseph. Martin graduated from the Latin School in i860, and afterwards entered the studio of Thomas Ball. Many years later he established himself in his own studio in Boston. He cut a statuette, entitled "Devotion," for the Sanitary Fair in 1863, and 224 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. received the contract from the city for the Soldiers and Sailors' Monument on the Common. He then sailed for Rome, where he spent some time in study, completing designs for parts of the monu- ment while there. It was unveiled in 1877. Mr. Milmore led a very busy life while in Rome, modelling the busts of Pope Pius IX., Wendell Phillips, Charles Sumner, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and other eminent men. He designed the soldiers' monument at Charlestown, and also the one at Forest Hills Cemetery. His works include busts of Longfellow, Theodore Parker, and George Ticknor, in the Public Library, and the large ideal figures, " Ceres," " Flora," and " Pomona," in granite, on Horticultural Hall. His bust of Charles Sumner, which was presented to George William Curtis by the State of Massa- chusetts, after the delivery of the latter's eulogy before the Legislature in 1878, has been placed by Mr. Curtis in the Metropolitan Museum. Among Milmore's other public works are his statue of " Amer- ica," at Fitchburg; his statue of Gen. Sylvanus Thayer, at West Point; and the "Weeping Lion," at Waterville, Me. His last work was a bust of Daniel Webster, which had been ordered by New Hampshire for the State House at Concord. HON. WILLIAM PARSONS. He was one of the best representatives of the Irish race that has crossed the Atlantic to the Western World. By his scholarship, vigor of thought, and chastity of expression, he had everywhere attracted and captivated the intellectual classes, and with them was the accepted favorite of the platform. At the same time his elo- quence and genial humor made him a source of universal attraction. Everywhere he lectured he was recalled, without a single excep- tion. He had the most brilliant record ever achieved in this country by any transatlantic literary orator. He was engaged every night throughout the lecture season in the different large cities of this country, when not bent on European travel. He was the only European lecturer who had held his American audiences for a consecutive number of years. For nearly twenty BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 225 years he had regularly come to America, and his rare eloquence was welcomed by large audiences in all our cities. He was a lecturer of the first order, an orator who ranked with the greatest names of the lyceum, — eloquent, graceful, learned, witty, and im- pressive, — an Irishman proud of his country and devoted to her cause. Mr. Parsons be- longed to the ancient Protestant house of Par- sons, Earls of Rosse, and was closely related to the well-known constructor of the great telescope, the late Earl of Rosse, president of the British Association, whose name may be associated with those of Franklin, Arago, Humboldt, and the great luminaries of the philo- sophic fields of science. He was born at Clontarf, near Dublin, in 1823, and received his education at the Academy of Edin- burgh under Dr. Wil- liams, the famous Hom- eric scholar, the friend and associate of Sydney Smith, founder of " The Edinburgh Review." He graduated at the University of Edin- burgh, under Professor Wilson, the " Christopher North" of "Black- wood," and the erudite Pillans ; subsequently entering Lincoln's Inn, London, to prepare for the bar. He was then engaged on one of the leading metropolitan newspapers, and on many occasions con- tributed papers of eminent ability to the magazine literature of the day. //^^ 226 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Following the natural bent of his tastes and talents, he devoted himself to the lecture platform of Great Britain and Ireland, where he at once achieved a signal success, and became, perhaps, the most popular public lecturer in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the national movement taking place for an extension of the franchise, eventuating in Mr. Disraeli's bill for household suffrage, Mr. Parsons entered the political arena, where he became a stanch supporter of the people's rights, and one of the most powerful advocates of the reform. Here he attracted the attention of the leading men of the popular cause, and of its chief inspirer, John Bright, who was so struck by the peculiar force and vivacity of his style as to emphati- cally declare that Mr. Parsons' oratory electrified his hearers. The Reform League considered him as by far their most effective speaker, and always placed him where they anticipated the strongest oppo- sition to their views. As an evidence of the appreciation in which he was held, he was earnestly solicited to put himself in nomination as a candidate for a seat in the British Parliament, to represent one of the Yorkshire boroughs. At Bradford, England, he was held the champion of the workmen, who frequently testified their gratitude for his advocacy of their cause. There was a novel power and freshness in his style, eminently his own, which rendered it captivating to his hearers ; the treatment of his subject, whether literary or political, was picturesque and lucid. He had a keen sense of humor and a poetic fancy, and, above all an earnest sincerity pervaded the varied graces of an accomplished, speaker. Illustration and anecdote were poured forth with consum- m_ate skill, throwing light and shade upon the topic under consideration. In the description of natural scenery he was graphic in the extreme. In the close and analytical delineation of character Mr. Parsons exhibited rare power, and portrayed his principal figures in a manner life-like and vivid. When but recently arrived, a stranger in this country, he had ready acceptance at once yielded to him from the American press, vying with the eulogies of the press of their transatlantic brethren- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. _ 227 The New York " Herald," in its report of his debut in the Cooper Institute, said : — He spoke without notes or manuscript, and with a vigor, fluency, and beauty of language that evoked repeated rounds of applause, such as is rarely heard in the Cooper Institute. His peroration might very well answer for a classic model of scholastic declamation. He brought to this country the most cordial commendations from distinguished Englishmen and leading British journals. His great popularity in the New England States is well known ; in Boston he lectured eighty times, and wherever he spoke in the West and Middle States, as well as in the East, he was invited to return the following season ; and he was repeatedly recalled in the same course. Mr. Parsons died in the city of Boston. The deceased passed away on the evening of Jan. i, 1888, aged 65 years. Throughout the United States the name of " Hon. William Parsons, of Ireland," as he was usually announced, was mourned. In his last illness, which was brief, confining him only a few days, he asked for the services of a Catholic priest, saying, " My mother was a Catholic, and I want to die in her religion." He was attended by a good priest, who was also his old friend. Rev, Denis O'Callaghan, of St. Augustine's Church, South Boston, whom he wished to hear his confession ; and before his death he received from his hand the sacraments of the Church. PATRICK DONAHOE. Patrick Donahoe, the founder of the "Pilot " and the Nestor of Catholic journalism in New England, was born in Munnery, Parish of Kilmore, County Cavan, Ireland, March 17, 18 14. He came to this country in 1825, and located in Boston. After a few years' schooling here, while still in his teens he entered the printing-office of the " Columbian Sentinel," where he acquired the art of type- setting and other branches of the business. The prejudice was very great against Irish Catholics in those days, and amounted to almost 228 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. an exclusion from the social circle. There were but few Catholics in Boston at that time, and only one little church to accommodate the Catholics for miles around. In no way discouraged by the prevail- ing proscription, however, the youth fought his way until he reached manhood, all the time having in view the establishment of a paper to defend his religion and race ; and the opportunity finally arrived. " The Jesuit," a paper established by Bishop Fenwick, of Boston, was about to be discontinued, and Mr, Donahoe, with Mr. Devereaux, secured the paper, and changed the name to the " Literary and Catholic Sentinel." This paper did not prove successful, however, and was subsequently abandoned. Repulsed, but not defeated, Messrs. Donahoe and Devereaux, in a few years later, again began the publication of another Catholic paper, the Boston " Pilot," which, under his management, reached a popularity probably not surpassed by any Catholic or Irish paper on the continent. At the breaking out of the Civil War Mr, Donahoe took an active part in the organization of the Irish troops for the defence of the Union. He was treasurer of the funds for equipping and preparing the gallant old Irish Ninth Massachusetts Regiment, com- manded by Col. Thomas Cass, for service, and on the day of their departure presented the regiment with ten bags of gold, each con- taining one hundred gold dollars, — one gold dollar for each man. He also assisted in the formation of the Faugh-a-Ballagh, Twenty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment, and aided the boys at Camp Cameron, Cambridge, during the early period of the Avar. His paper, the " Pilot," also took a leading part in encouraging and sustaining the Federal cause, Mr. Donahoe accumulated a large fortune, notwithstanding he gave away large sums to various charitable purposes ; to one institution alone, in Boston, he gave not far from ten thousand dollars. In 1872, St. John's Church, on Moore street, this city, was offered for sale, the congregation having purchased another on Hanover street. He saw the great need of a school in that section of the city, and purchased the building, and made it over to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Williams, On this estate he paid some six or ^z^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 229 seven thousand dollars, interest on the original purchase, $20,000. His intention was to pay the purchase-money, and he probably would have done so were it not for the great fire and other financial disas- ters. There is now a flourishing school in the building, of some nine or ten hundred children (girls), under the charge of the good Sisters of Notre Dame. Scarcely a church in New England that did not receive of his bounty. The poor priest from Ireland experienced his charity and hospitality. The American College at Rome, Mill Hill College, England, for the education of priests for the colored race, and other foreign institutions, partook of his charity. The great fire in Boston, in November, 1872, destroyed his splendid granite block, which cost to erect $150,000. His book stock, stereotype plates, etc., to the value of $100,000, were destroyed. Mr. Donahoe had a fine catalogue of Catholic works, and books relating to Ireland. All were swept away in a few hours. The building was one of the finest in the city. This was a terrible blow. The work of a lifetime swept away by the fire fiend ! A few weeks after the great fire, Mr. Donahoe was burnt out a second time ; his bookstore on Washington street was de- stroyed in May, 1873. Nothing daunted, Mr. Donahoe commenced to erect a suitable place for his business, and built a large and commodious structure on Boylston street, which he occupied in seven or eight months after the great November fire. The severe financial losses which he incurred, however, were so extended that he was compelled to fail in business shortly afterwards. In addition to his large newspaper and publishing business, he had previously opened a private bank, where he took money on deposit. At the time of his failure he was indebted to depositors to the amount of $73,000. His Grace Archbishop Williams came to the rescue, and purchased a three-fourths interest in the " Pilot." He placed it under the editorial and business management of John Boyle O'Reilly, and from that time forward yearly instalments from the earnings of the paper were paid to the depositors, until 1883, when the full principal was returned. The business adversity 2'^0 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. which Mr. Patrick Donahoe was subjected to was due to many un- fortunate causes. He was in the habit of assisting his friends b}' indorsing their paper, to enable them to carry on their business, and in this way he lost about $250,000. In the great Boston fire he lost over $350,000. To these may be added the losses of two other fires, which took away all his surplus capital. He had still the means to pay every dollar he owed ; but when the panic came, and the friends who had lent him money to carry on his business were forced to call in their assets, he was compelled to go under. The " Pilot" office and book- store, that cost, with fixtures, nearly $140,000, sold for $105,000, and the journal (worth $100,000), the machinery of which cost over $38,000, sold for $28,000. And so it was with his residence, and other property which he had mortgaged after the fires to enable him to carry on his business, — they shrunk in value so that they did not realize what they were mortgaged for. Mr. Donahoe was twice married, first on Nov. 23, 1836, and four children were the result of this union, one of Avhom survives. His second marriage occurred April 17, 1853; he has since be- come the father of three sons and one daughter, all of whom are living. He has filled many positions of trust. He was one of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions for nine years. President of the Emigrant Savings Bank, President of the Home for Desti- tute Catholic Children, etc. The latter institution is partly indebted to him for the splendid building now situated on Harrison avenue, East Concord, and Stoughton streets. He is at present engaged in the passenger and foreign exchange business, in which he has been interested for upwards of forty years. This was the only branch of his business that he was able to save from the wreck of his vast enterprises. He also publishes " Donahoe's Magazine," which has attained a very large circulation, and is increasing in favor with the Irish people at home and abroad. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 231 THOMAS D'ARCY McGEE. A poet, orator, and statesman of brilliant mind was Thomas D'Arcy McGee. He was born at Carlingford, County Louth, Ire- land, April 13, 1825. When very young he was left an orphan, and was cared for by his relatives in Ireland. After he had received a limited course of study in the ordinary day-schools of Wexford, he came to the United States, with his sister, in his seventeenth year. When he arrived here, in June, 1842, the agitation of the Repeal Movement was exciting the pa- triotism of his countrymen in America, and although but a mere boy in years he exerted much influence in behalf of the cause. The Fourth of July came, and it brought to his poetic mind the grandeur of free America. On that day he was present at an assemblage of his countrymen. He was called to the front, and his speech fairly carried the house by storm. His brilliant words and impassioned eloquence earned for him the title of "the boy orator." A few days later he was offered a position on the Boston "Pilot," and in less than two years he became its editor-in-chief, being then but nineteen years of age. The Native-Americanism movement then ran rampant, and our young editor's powerful pen and eloquent tongue attacked the un-American and unmanly insult, and every part of New England echoed with his scathing denunciations. In the Repeal agitation, McGee was actively interested, his editorials on the Irish question were masterly specimens of a gifted mind. In the old THOMAS D'ARCY McGEE. 232 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. country his people were attracted and encouraged by them, and Daniel O'Connell paid him a public tribute of praise. He left Boston during the agitation to fill the editor's chair of the Dublin "Freeman," one of the ablest papers in Ireland, be- ing then only twenty-two years of age. The policy of the paper was tame, much unsuited to the mind of McGee, who transferred his duties to the "Irish Nation," the organ of the Young Ireland party, where he met a staff of brilliant editors, and every man a star, — Davis, Duffy, Devin, Mitchell, and Reilly. What a galaxy ! Per- haps no other paper ever had such a talented corps of brilliant men attached to it as the " Nation " of McGee's day. The cause of the Irish patriots ended disastrously, and the old story of treachery, imprisonment, and death was repeated, and many brave Irish fellows fell victims to England's hatred. McGee escaped from Ireland and arrived in New York Oct. lO, 1848, and on the 26th of the same month the first number of the New York " Nation " appeared. McGee was then a disappointed man, and charged the failure of the rising to the Irish prelates and priests. A long and disagreeable controversy ensued between McGee and Archbishop Hughes, of New York, who took up the defence, and maintained that the action of the Irish clergy was right, just, and patriotic in saving from indiscriminate slaughter those who had no means of either offence or defence. McGee's standing was very much injured and his influence weakened with the best portion of his countrymen in America, and his paper suffered thereby. He started the "American Celt" in Boston in 1850, but afterwards trans- ferred it to Buffalo, and later to New York City. The tone of the new journal was more conservative, the mis- haps, disappointments, and difficulties which McGee had met soft- ened his aspirations and brought deeper and more mature thought to his solution of political questions and policies. The " American Celt" became popular, and had a beneficent influence on the Irish in America and Ireland. He became engaged in the colonization scheme, which has since been successfully carried on by Bishops Ireland, Spaulding, and others. It is claimed that McGee was the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 233 original projector of this enterprise. Archbishop Hughes, it is said, denounced the plan of colonization as mapped out by McGee, for reasons which his wisdom foresaw. This opposition, together with financial embarrassment, led McGee to accept an invitation from the Irish in Montreal to come and reside among them. They gave him sufficient real estate to make him eligible to Parliament, and he was successfully elected, after a hot contest. He started a paper, the " New Era ; " also studied law, and was admitted to the Lower Canadian Bar. His masterly abilities and breadth of statesmanship won him place and fame in Parliament above all his contemporaries. In 1865 he was presented by his con- stituents in Montreal with a beautiful residence in that city, as a sub- stantial mark of their high esteem. He was President of the Executive Council, and also acting Provincial Secretary in 1862. He was sent to Paris in 1867 as one of the Canadian Commissioners to the great Exposition, and afterwards travelled over portions of the Continent. At that time he was Minister of Agriculture and Emi- gration ; before he returned home he was a leader in the delibera- tions which the representatives of the Canadian government had with the home government in regard to the plan of confederation, which McGee had developed and urged throughout the provinces. The project was approved and perfected, — the Dominion of Canada was established. McGee was offered a seat in the Cabinet, but he declined, in order that a fellow-Celt from Nova Scotia might have the honor. McGee antagonized the Fenians of his day by denouncing them, especially those who had advocated the invasion of Canada. It is alleged that he was regarded by them as a traitor to his country and its cause. They induced Barney Devlin, an able Montreal advocate, to contest McGee's seat in Parliament ; a bitter contest followed; McGee was returned, but not by a majority of his countrymen, and he took his seat in the first Parliament of the Dominion Government. The anxieties, irritations, labors, and sorrows of those years at length impaired his health and confined him for some three months to his room. 234 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Shortly after his recovery, his brilliant life was brought to an untimely end. He was assassinated on' April 7, 1867, ^^ his way home from the Parliament House, Ottawa, after having delivered one of his wonderful speeches. The career of this remarkable man is unique and striking. As an unknown boy he came to America, not having had the advan- tage of a collegiate education, and only the training and experience which could be had in those days in an unimportant town in Ireland. Yet, although but just seventeen, he leaps into an important position in the cultivated city of Boston, and develops a power as a strong, able, vigorous, and classical writer, that placed him with the best in the land. As a statesman, orator, poet, and writer, he has had few equals. His vast fund of knowledge on every conceivable subject was supplemented by an inexhaustible command of language, chaste, beautiful, felicitous, and pointed, illumined by a brilliant imagination and filled with poetic fancies. He was unrivalled as a conversation- alist, overflowing with wit, humor, anecdotes ; consonant with this was his wonderful popularity as an after-dinner speaker, in which he was unapproachable. But while these qualities gave softness to his character, they did not take away from the intenseness of his oratory or the breadth, massiveness, and solidity of his political views. REV. HENRY GILES. Henry Giles, an able and distinguished divine, was born at Crockford, in the County Wexford, Ireland, Nov. i, 1809; died near Boston, July, 1882. He was educated at home, amidst various religious beliefs. This unsettled his religious views for awhile ; but he finally joined the Unitarians, and was called to the pastorate of a church at Greenock, Scotland, afterwards to Liverpool. He came to the United States in 1841, and his solid talents were quickly recognized, and he became a popular preacher and lecturer. His works include " Irish Lectures and Essays " (2 vols., Boston, 1845), " Christian Thoughts in Life," "Illustrations on Genius in Some of its Applications to Society and Culture." Giles was a clear, versatile, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 235 and powerful writer. He wrote a great deal for contemporary litera- ture in the best periodicals of the country. He passed many days here in Boston, and those of us who can remember him on the lecture platform, as he first stepped forward to speak, will agree that the delightful and genuine surprise he gave grew to singularly strong admiration, when, from a commonplace-appearing citizen he grandly rose to oratorical heights. THOMAS J. GARGAN. Among the able men of Boston who have become distinguished for their superior achievements in public life and by their eminent abilities at the bar, few indeed of the Irish race have attained so deservedly conspicuous a place as Thomas J. Gargan. His wise counsel and good judgment in political affairs have been sought and followed by leading Democrats, and they have affixed the seal of com- mendation to his many valuable acts. Mr. Gargan was born of Irish parents, at the West End, in Boston, 1844. His parents emigrated from Ireland and settled in Boston in 1825. Thomas was one of nine children, and he attended the pubhc schools until he graduated as a medal scholar from the Phillips Grammar School. He continued his studies under the private instructions of the Rev. Peter Kruse, S.J., and subsequently attended the Boston University Law School, where he graduated, receiving the degree of LL.B., after which he studied law in the office of Hon. Henry W. Paine, and in due time was admitted to practice. Early in life he displayed the oratorical gifts which have won the admiration of distinguished men both at home and abroad. He was not seventeen years old when he delivered an " Essay on the Irish in the War for the Union," under the auspices of the Cheverus Literary Insti- tute, an organization of which he was a leading member, and which brought out many interesting exhibitions at that time in Boston, notably one given at the Boston Theatre for the poor of Ireland. He engaged in the United States service at the breaking out of the late war, being then only eighteen years of age. He enlisted in Company C, 236 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Fifty-fifth Mass. Volunteers — an Irish regiment; he was elected and commissioned as lieutenant of Company C, which was afterwards consolidated with the Forty-eighth Massachusetts. He received an honorable discharge from the War Department. After his return from the war, Mr. Gargan entered into the duties of his profession, and his practice steadily grew to proportions and success far beyond his own anticipations. He first appeared as a public speaker during the war, before he had reached his majority. A war meeting was held, at which Hon. Otis Norcross presided ; and during the proceedings an attack was made by an ex-Know-Nothing upon the loyalty and patriotism of adopted citizens, to which Mr. Gargan replied with so much ability and eloquence, citing examples and statistics to prove their devotion to their adopted country, that at the suggestion of Mr. Norcross, and by the unanimous vote of the meeting, Mr. Gargan's name was added to the Union committee. The first year that he voted, he was nominated and elected by both parties as warden of the ward wherein he resided (old Ward 3), and shortly afterwards he was chosen to the Legislature, serving in the years 1868, 1870, and 1876. During these terms he served on the Committees of Public Charities, Probate and Chancery, Rules and Orders, and Manufactures, besides several important special com- mittees. In 1872 he was a delegate-at-large from this State to the National Convention at Baltimore, Md. For two years (1873-74) he was the President of the Charitable Irish Society, and is still a member of that, as well as many other important charitable associations. He was mainly instrumental in obtaining the charter for the Emigrant Savings Bank, after a hard fight and severe opposition ; he was its treasurer for two years and a half. In 1875 he served as a member of the Board of Overseers of the Poor of Boston. His legal practice has extended to cases of some of the most prominent and wealthy men, and also to large and powerful corporations, in the management of which he has been very successful. Mr. Gargan, when a young man, had few superiors of his age as a debater, then being very ready in reply, and fortif\'ing any position 1 'U^yJ: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 237 which he took by a strong array of facts. In February, 1876, he de- hvered the annual oration before the Mechanic Apprentices' Library Association, — an address which has been pronounced by competent critics as one of the best ever dehvered before the society ; and another very powerful speech of his was that made in opposition to the bill brought up in the House, a year earlier, taxing church property. He rapidly developed his oratorical power, and carefully culti- vated the best points in public speaking which were used by the masters of the rostrum ; and he is recognized to-day by the press and people as an orator, eloquent, masterly, and learned. His manner before a jury or public assemblage is pleasing and graceful; with finely modulated voice, that commands immediate attention, he interests his hearers at once, and wins their sympathy from the be- ginning to the close of his discourses, which, by the way, always afford abundant evidence of extensive reading, much thought and culture, besides being strong in facts, sound and logical in argu- ment. In the spring of 1881 Mr. Gargan met General Grant, and spent many pleasant hours with him in Mexico. His impressions of General Grant, which appeared in the Boston " Daily Globe" of August 3, 1885, were uniquely descriptive of the dead hero, and caused considerable and favorable comment throughout the country. At the banquet given in honor of General Grant by the Mexican Government, in the TivoH of San Cosme, in May, 1881, the Mexican dignitaries attended in a body; Mr. Gargan was present, with Col. Thomas B. Lewis and Mr. Albert K. Owen. Mr. Gargan had the honor of acting as president of the feast ; he presided most hand- somely, and made a characteristic speech, full of wit and wisdom. Among his many speeches, the most notable are the following : The one made at Marblehead in 1882, at the ratification meeting of Butler and Bowerman ; the Bay State dinner speech, in 1884, on which occasion Washington's birthday was commemorated by the Demo- cratic State Central Committee ; the argument made by him on be- half of Archbishop Williams, in the Lawrence Church case, upon the 238 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. decision of which rested the title of all the Catholic Church property in New England. The case went to the Supreme Court, and was won by Mr. Gargan. The Memorial-day oration, delivered at Win- chendon, May 30, 1883. He made a spirited, eloquent, and telling arraignment of Blaine in a speech delivered at Faneuil Hall during the campaign of 1884. He delivered the Fourth of July oration in 1885, which, for the beauty and newness of its summary, brilliancy of style, and copious- ness of historical minutiae, ranks among the best ever given to Bos- tonians. Mr. Gargan's witty extempore speech at Tremont Temple, Oct. 21, 1885, ratifying the candidacy of Hon. Frederick O. Prince, attracted much attention; his oration at Halifax, in January, 1886, at the banquet given by the Charitable Irish Society of that place, to celebrate the centenary of the organization, and at which he responded for the Charitable Irish Society of Boston, was eventful, and won en- comiums for him from both the foreign and American press. His versatility in the field of journalism has been shown by numerous articles written for the Boston press on Irish subjects, and special correspondence relating to the Franco-Prussian War, which he penned while sojourning in Ireland and France. THE MOST REV. JOHN J. WILLIAMS. The Most Rev. John J. Williams, the fourth Bishop and first Archbishop of Boston, was born in Boston, Mass., April 27, 1822. After the usual classical education in Montreal and at St. Sulpice in Paris, he was elevated to the priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Fen- wick, in 1843. Among his other missions was that of the chapel on Beach street, Boston (January, 1852), which had been built in 1850 to meet the increasing Catholic population in the vicinity of the South Cove. Under his ministration the congregation grew so rapidly that in one year it was found necessary to erect a large Gothic church, which was dedicated, in 1855, by Bishop Fitzpatrick. The Very Rev. J. J. Williams was Vicar-General and pastor of this church at the time he was made Coadjutor Bishop of Boston, having also been rector of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 239 the old Cathedral in Franklin street, which was pulled down in the fall of i860, the last Mass being celebrated on Sunday, September 16, of that year, on which occasion the present Archbishop acted as assistant priest. In 1866 the Very Rev. John J. Williams, on account of the failing health of Bishop Fitzpatrick, was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Boston, with the right of succession. Bishop Fitzpatrick died on Feb. 13, 1866, and on March ii of the same year Bishop Williams was consecrated at St. James' Church, of which he had been so long the pastor. From Oct. 19, 1869, to June 27, 1870, Bishop Williams was in Europe attending the Vatican Council. On May 2, 1875, l^e received the pallium at the hands of the late Cardinal McCloskey. The Solemn High Mass was celebrated by Bishop McNierny, of Albany ; Bishop De Goesbriand, of Burlington, Vt., preaching the sermon. It was the grandest religious ceremony ever seen in New England, On the same day the first American Cardinal celebrated his first Mass in Boston. The Cathedral of the Holy Cross was solemnly dedicated by Archbishop Williams, Dec. 8, 1875, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. At the time of his consecration the diocese of Boston included all the State of Massachusetts. Since then the diocese of Spring- field (including the counties of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, and Worcester) and part of the diocese of Providence (including Bristol, Barnstable, and part of Plymouth counties) were created. To-day the archdiocese of Boston has over one hundred and sixty churches, three hundred and twenty priests, and twenty-five thousand children in the parochial schools. The churches through- out the archdiocese are, for the most part, objects of pride to the Catholic heart, because of their beauty and elegance. After years of patient struggle, their financial condition is such as to warrant the belief that before many years have passed they will be entirely relieved of debt. Schools are multiplying every year ; the sick, the orphan, and the outcast are provided for ; while last, but not least, the new Seminary at Brighton is doing excellent work in preparing candidates for the work of the priesthood. This work has been for years the subject of the Archbishop's thoughts. Not a detail of its 240 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. construction escaped his notice ; and it stands to-day a monument to the zeal and piety of the clergy of Boston, their tribute of love and affection to their well-beloved Archbishop. In the building of the Cathedral he received valuable aid from the late Vicar- General P. F. Lyndon ; but the Seminary is his own work, to which he has given his heart and brain. RIGHT REV. MATTHEW HARKINS. The Right Rev. Matthew Harkins, the second bishop of the diocese of Providence, is of Irish parentage. He was born in Boston, Nov. 17, 1845, and his parents resided in the parish of which he has recently been pastor. He attended the Brimmer and Quincy Schools, and then the Latin School, from which he graduated, with a Franklin medal, in 1862. The next scholastic year was spent in completing his classical education at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. De- ciding that he had a vocation for the priesthood, Bishop Fitzpatrick, then the ordinary of the Boston diocese, sent him to France to pursue his philosophico-theological studies in the English College of Douay and at the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris. Here he studied with the most eminent teachers and divines of the Catholic Church. In 1869, after six years' study, he was ordained, and left Paris for Rome, for additional study. On his return to America, his first appointment was as curate of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Salem, Mass. After six years' labor at Salem, he was appointed, in 1876, to his first pastorate, St. Malachi's Church, Arlington, his parish also including Lexington and Belmont. Here he remained until April, 1884, when he was transferred to the large and important parish of St. James', Boston. From this church, also. Archbishop Williams and Bishop Healy were raised to Sees. Bishop Harkins is the sixth bishop which the diocese of Boston has given to the Church in New England. He is a sound theological scholar, and was selected by Arch- bishop Williams as his theologian at the recent Plenary Council of Baltimore, where he was appointed one of the notaries. His BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 241 powers are most strongly felt as an organizer and administrator, — • qualities which he possesses to an unusual degree, and which won for him his appointment as Bishop. He is of medium height, and strong and compact in build. His forehead is high, and his eyes beam with intelligence. He speaks with ease and fluency, and commands the earnest attention of an audience. He severed many ties in leaving Boston, but accepted the charge of an important field, to which he was warmly welcomed. REV. ROBERT FULTON, S.J. Honored and respected by the citizens of Boston of all creeds for his many virtues, his modesty, and profound learning, Father Fulton, the distinguished Catholic priest of the Society of Jesus, stands without a peer in this city among the ministers of religion, as a successful scholar and financier. Born at Alexandria, Va., June 28, 1826, his Irish ancestry can be traced to his grandfather, James O'Brien, who was sent to Spain while engaged in the diplomatic ser- vice of the United States. The vessel on which he sailed was wrecked off Cape Hatteras, and O'Brien perished. His widow received a pen- sion from the Spanish Government. Young Fulton was an orphan at seven years of age. During his boyhood he was a page in the United States Senate. He met the intellectual giants of those days, and he now relates the characteristics of Webster, Clay, Calhoun, and Thomas Benton, as he saw them, nearly half a century ago. The boy Fulton entered Georgetown College at sixteen years of age, ostensibly to receive a preparatory course of studies to fit him for West Point. His life at Georgetown College shaped his early course, and in his seventeenth year he communicated his desire to enter the Society of Jesus to his mother. The latter then resolved to consecrate her life also to the service of God. She accordingly entered the order of the Visitation Nuns, at whose convent in George- town she was known in religion as Sister Olympias. She died at the convent on the morning of Feb. 22, 1888, at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years and ten months. 242 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. On the completion of his novitiate, Mr. Fulton, then a scholastic, taught the class of rhetoric at St. John's, Frederick, Md., and Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. Thence he went to Georgetown College, and taught with great success the classes of poetry and rhetoric for a number of years, and had for his pupils many distinguished scholars of the present day. In the year 1856 he was ordained to the priest- hood at Georgetown, and in 1861 came to Boston, and remained here, excepting one year spent in Frederick, until January, 1880. He was prominent in the foundation of Boston College, and in 1864 fulfilled the duties of prefect of schools and studies. From a very discouraging beginning he raised Boston College to the high position which that institution now holds. Twelve years elapsed before he introduced the first class of philosophy, and by thus going slowly he was enabled to strengthen all the departments, and place the college on a firm basis. In 1870 Father Fulton was appointed rector of Boston College, and during the time of his residence in Boston he became a friend of some of the most distinguished literary men of the city, and exerted a wide influence in the advancement of Catholic education. He founded the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College in 1875, which was one of the greatest works that he has ever engaged in. In 1880 Father Fulton was appointed pastor of St. Lawrence's Church, New York, and held that position for one year. Owing to his financial success in the administration of affairs at Boston College and the Church of the Immaculate Conception, he was called upon by the then provincial of the Society, Rev. R. W. Brady, S.J., to undertake the almost herculean task of freeing St. Aloysius' Church, of Washington, from a debt of $200,000. Though naturally averse to such tasks, he obeyed the voice of his superior, and under great difficulties he was enabled in less than one year to place the Washington church out of all danger of financial ruin, paying off in that time about $100,000. In May, 1882, he was ap- pointed provincial of New York, Maryland province, and held that office for six years. His administration was marked b}- great success, both in a financial and literary point of view. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 243 In September, 1883, Father Fulton went to Rome as a delegate from this province to the general Congregation, whose suffrage elected the present general, Very Rev. A. M. Anderledy, S.J. In December, 1886, he was called to Ireland, receiving the appointment to the supreme office of Visitor, and having power to regulate all matters affecting that portion of the Society, including Australia and New Zealand. He returned to America in April, 1887, but in Sep- tember of the same year he visited Ireland in order to complete the discharge of his duties. In April, 1888, he returned once again to America. His appointment to the important position of Provincial for this country was earned by his world-wide administrative ability and business foresight. In June, 1888, his second term of office having expired, he was succeeded by Very Rev, Thomas Campbell, S.J., formerly rector of St. John's College, Fordham, New York. On July 4, 1888, he was announced at Boston College as its rector; he immediately assumed the duties incumbent upon him, and con- tinues his excellent work there. He is now actively engaged in remodelling and enlarging the present buildings connected with the College and the rooms of the Young Men's Catholic Association on Jimes street, which, when completed, will more than double their present dimensions. Plans for alterations have been drawn, and the building is in process of reconstruction. ROBERT DWYER JOYCE. Robert Dwyer Joyce, author, poet, and physician, was born in the County of Limerick, Ireland, and died in Dublin, Ireland, October 23, 1883. He was a descendant of the elder branch of the ancient family of Joyce (De Jorse), of Galway. His father was born in County Limerick, and married Elizabeth, daughter of John O'Dwyer, of Glendarragh, the last lineal descendant of the celebrated John O'Dwyer, of the Glen, Baron of Kilmana, whose title was forfeited after the Williamite wars, and who subsequently died a general in the French service. His mother's family numbered many renowned Celtic military geniuses of Europe. One, Count William 244 THE IRISH LV BOSTON. O'Dwyer, died a marshal in Russia; another, John O'Dwyer, was made hereditary Count of the Austrian Empire for saving the life of the Emperor Joseph in action ; and the present count, Jean Haudois (O'Dwyer), commanded part of the advance of the French cavalry at the battle of Solferino. Dr. Joyce received his rudimentary education at the ordinary country English and classical school near his father's home. He was sent to Dublin to complete his studies, and afterwards studied medicine at the Queen's University, where he received his degree, and was then appointed Professor of English Literature in the Pre- paratory College of the Catholic University, Dublin, He practised his profession for several years in Dublin with success, and in 1866 came to America and located in Boston. Early in life he displayed rare poetic ability, and later his bril- liant historical and legendary ballads appeared in some of the best Irish magazines and newspapers. He was a leading contributor to "The Harp," a Cork magazine, under the noni de plume of " Fear- dana," and also to the " Dublin Hibernian Magazine " and the " National Monthly." He was the author of " The Blacksmith of Limerick," " Ballads, Romances, and Songs," and other literary pro- ductions. He was a Celt in disposition and spirit, and in his writings, from the inception of Fenianism to its close, he exerted an inspiring influence in favor of resistance against the English government. In 1862 he wrote a number of miscellaneous poems and stories for the " Weekly Illustrated Journal," of Dublin, and later a serial entitled " The Squire of Castleton," for the Dublin " Irishman." In 1865 he became a regular contributor to the Dublin " Irish People," under the signature of " Merelon," and his busy pen for a time directed the thoughts that animated the loyal minds for the cause of national freedom and Irish liberty. In Boston he secured quite an extensive practice as a physician, and was phenomenally successful from the start. In 1872 his poems were published in book form, complete to that year, known as " Ballads of Irish Chivalry, Songs, and Poems," and the Irish and American press eulogized the volume with one accord. BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCHES. 245 His " Deirdre" and " Blanid," two beautiful epics, won him considerable literary fame in this country. People wondered how a busy physician could find time to produce these two exhaustive poems, in addition to his many other duties. Indeed, it was remark- able then, as it is indicative of his genius now. He has left us an Irish epic, based on the traditions and glory of the Irish race, and the only land of which he could sing. " Though many a field I've searched of foreign lore, And found great themes for song, jet ne'er would I Seek Greece, or Araby, or Persia's shore For heroes and the deeds of days gone by; To my own native land my heart would fly, Howe'er my fancy wandered, and I gave My thoughts to her, and to the heroes high She nursed in ages gone, and strove to save Some memory of their deeds from dark oblivion's wave." PATRICK R. GUINEY. General Patrick R. Guiney, lawyer, soldier, and patriot, was born in Parkstown, Tipperary, Ireland, Jan. 15, 1835, died in Boston, March 21, 1877. He was brought to the United States by his parents in 1842, and for a while located in Portland, Me., where he attended the public schools, and later Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. He came to Boston in 1855, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1856. In 1859 he was married in this city. At the beginning of the late Civil War he enlisted as private, in April, 1861 ; he was promoted to a Captaincy, June 11, 1861, and went as such to the field ; he helped largely in organizing the Ninth Massachusetts Volun- teers ; he was commissioned Major, Oct. 24, 1862 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, July 28, 1862 ; complimented in special orders for bravery at Gaines' Mills, June 27, 1862; promoted to Colonel for service in the field, July 26, 1863 ; commanded the Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Corps, most of the following year ; he lost his left eye by a terrible wound in the forehead, at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864; mustered out with the regiment ; promoted Brevet Brigadier-General, 246 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. March 13, 1865. He was Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County from 1866 to 1870, and held the position of Register of Probate and Insolvency from 1869 until his death, in 1877, which was caused by disease incurred by his head-wound in the war. He was Major-General Commander of the Veteran Military League, and a member of the Loyal Legion. The esteem and regard which his fellow-citizens had for him is aptly described by his friend and asso- ciate. Dr. John G. Blake, in the following lines, and by the poem by his excellent wife : — " \\\ the long list of names that deserve commemoration for the honor done their native land, none justly stands higher than that of Patrick R. Guiney. A brave, fearless, and successful soldier, who carried through his broken life, with a smiling face, the shattered constitution resulting from wounds received in the service of his adopted country; a pure, able, and honest public official, and an estimable private citizen, he combined all the qualities that the most exacting friendship could ask for. Life to him meant earnest, soul- felt endeavor. Chivalrous, pure-minded, the personification of in- tegrity, it used to be said of him that he stood so straight that he bent backward. " A man whose deep religious feeling permeated his life ; free from narrowness, and broadly catholic, he was a true and loyal son of Mother Church in the highest and fullest sense. In private life a devoted husband, a loving father, a fast friend, and delightful com- panion, his memory will live in the hearts of those who knew him best while life endures. " So much of heroism blended with his character, and is so well expressed in this little poem, that it seems appropriate to append it." This touching poetical tribute to General Guiney is fresh from the pen of our Boston poet, Mrs. Mary E. Blake : — " Large heart and brave! tried soul and true! How thickly in thy life's short span All strong, sweet virtues throve and grew As friend, as hero, and as man. ( BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 247 Unmoved by thought of blame or praise, Unbought bv gifts of power or pride, Thj feet still ti'od Time's devious wavs, With Duty as thy law and guide. " God breaks no mould so nobly rare As shrined of old heroic men. In lives like thine, as pure as fair. Earth's golden knighthood breathes again Amid a world of sordid greed, Of paltry aims, of perjured trust ; With soul as stainless as thy creed, We know thee strong, and pure, and just. " And still shall know, O friend beloved ! Thy spirit holds no place with death ; Our eyes are dim, our hearts are moved. But thou hast felt His kindly breath. So short, so swift thy pang of birth Ere dawned the heaven you longed to see. We bear the pain, who wait on earth, But all the glory fell to thee I '" Maj. Daniel G. McNamara, a staff-officer and a life-long friend of General Guiney, gives the following reminiscences : — " Nothing redounds more to a soldier's credit for gallant and meritorious conduct on the battlefield than the commendation of his superior officer. Gen. Fitz-John Porter, commander of the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac, to which the Ninth Regiment belonged, recommended, in special orders, Colonel Guiney for brevet commis- sion for gallant services at the battle of Gaines's Mills, and in his graphic account of that battle, published in the ' Century ' magazine of June, 1885, thus speaks of the Ninth Regiment while under fire: ' At Gaines's Mills Cass's gallant Ninth Massachusetts Volunteers (General Guiney was then lieutenant-colonel of the regiment), of Griffin's brigade, obstinately resisted A. P. Hill's crossing, and were so successful in delaying his advance after crossing as to com- pel him to employ large bodies to force the regiment back to the main line. This brought on a contest which extended to Morcll's centre, and over Martin's front, on his right, and lasted from 12.30 248 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. to near 2 o'clock, Cass and his immediate supports falling back south of the swamps. This persistent and prolonged resistance gave to this battle one of its well-known names, i.e., Gaines's Mills.' " After passing through the campaigns of nearly two years more, memory brings us vividly to the battle of the 'Wilderness,' May 5, 1864, under General Grant. Again the Ninth Regiment suffered terribly in killed and wounded. It was on that day that General Guiney fell at the head of his regiment with that terrible wound through his eye. The cruel bullet crushed through the eye down. into his head. Nothing but his splendid physique and strong vitality saved his life. The doctors declared he could not survive ; that the wound was of so terrible a nature that it was only a ques- tion of time, and rather than attempt an operation it was in their judg- ment better to let him die without unnecessary pain. Not so with the general ; although wounded nigh unto death, he still retained within his bosom all his native courage and indomitable pluck. Call- ing to his side, as he lay on the floor of the temporary hospital near the battlefield, Father Egan, chaplain of the Ninth, he said : 'Father, if you will find a surgeon on this field who will undertake to remove this bullet I will get better, for the longer it remains as it is the worse for me.' Father Egan, with his accustomed kindness, promptly secured the attendance of several surgeons from the hospital quarters. One among them agreed to undertake the operation, and in a com- paratively short time, in the presence of the other doctors, extracted the bullet, which proved to be a fifty-nine calibre rifle ball. Under all his sufferings the general was patient, never complaining of his rude surroundings and poor accommodations. In the course of a few days he reached Washington, where his loving wife awaited him to nurse and attend him on his painful journey home. After weeks of suffering, and when only partially recovered, he met his regiment at the depot in Boston on its return home for muster out, and rode at its head on its march to Faneuil Hall. Though time partly healed the jagged wound, it eventually shortened his brilliant life, and ended the bricrht future that was before him. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 249 " It can be said of General Guiney that he was a brave soldier, a firm disciplinarian, a true friend, and a generous, warm-hearted officer. He was loved and respected by his regiment, and his recog- nized ability and uniform manliness endeared him to his comrades and associates through life. While he loved his friends warmly and truly, he never harbored animosity against those who might exhibit unfriendliness towards him. His Christian training taught him to treat his fellows with Christian kindness, firmness, and forbearance. These traits of character carried him successfully through the diffi- culties that were to be encountered by a commander of volunteers in the army, and they won for him in after-life the esteem of all who knew him." He rendered able services to the cause of dumb animals while he was a district attorney, and won a case in which the Massachu- setts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were the prosecutors. His lofty and eloquent appeal for the dumb was publicly admired and praised. JOHN E. FITZGERALD. Familiar to all Bostonians is John E. Fitzgerald, an able lawyer, and the Collector of Internal Revenue for Massachusetts. He was born in Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland, Nov. 17, 1844, where he attended the schools of the Christian Brothers, and he also went to school in Dublin. When about nineteen years of age he took pas- sage on the steamship "Bohemian," bound for America; but the vessel was wrecked oft" Cape Elizabeth, near Portland, Me., and over one hundred lives were lost. Young Fitzgerald took refuge in a boat, and, after considerable hardship and suffering, was one of the three surviving passengers who landed on the shores of Cape Eliza- beth, Me., on the night of Feb. 21, 1864. Shortly after his arrival in this country he became engaged as a school teacher in Salem, Mass., where he remained about one year and six months. While occupied as a pedagogue he employed his leisure hours in the study of law in the office of William D. 2/)0 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Northend. In January, 1866, he removed to Boston, and continued his law studies in the office of George W. Earle, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. During 1865 and 1866, when the interest in Fenianism was at its height, he did active work for the cause. The vigor of youth, and his characteristic Irish enthusiasm, enabled him to do excellent service, and he made many effective and patriotic speeches. Since that period he has continued to be identified with Irish affairs, is always ready to assist in the welfare of the Irish people, and is one of the recognized leaders of the race in this country. He represented old Ward 7 (now 13) in the Common Council of 1872-75, and in the Legislature of 1870-71-73-74; was a Master in Chancery for Suffolk County from 1873 to 1878. He was a member of the School Committee in 1873-74-75-76, and resigned in the latter year when elected to the Board of Aldermen of 1877. He was later appointed a member of the Board of Fire Commis- sioners of the city of Boston, which position he held from 1879 to 1886. In the latter year he was appointed Collector of Internal Rev- enue for Massachusetts, and was specially requested by President Cleveland to accept the appointment. During his service to the city as a Fire Commissioner he did val- uable work in perfecting the efficiency of the department, and, there- fore, did not wish to sever his connection to engage in a new field. The request was so urgent, however, that after much hesitancy he accepted his present position under the Democratic administration. During his legislative experience he advocated the ten-hour law, and introduced the bill which allowed women to be eligible as members of the School Board. While in the aldermanic chamber he drafted the Horse Railway bill, and was instrumental in the passage of the law relating to the transfer from year to year of department appropriations instead of to the Sinking-fund. He framed the law which secured pensions for firemen, and inaugurated the annual fire- men's ball, which every year nets such a substantial sum. He was also a member of the committee A\hich drafted the law that made the School Board of this city consist of twent)'-four members. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 251 He has had considerable practice in the legal profession in the past, and one of his notable cases was that of Thomas Cahill vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This was an instance where his client was extradited from Ireland as the supposed murderer of Bridget Lanergan, but was afterwards discharged from jail when Thomas Piper, the real murderer, made his confession. In politics he has been conspicuous as a Democratic leader, and has served the party and rendered valuable assistance on the plat- form in every campaign since 1868. He was chairman of the Dem- ocratic City Committee in 1877-78, and presided at the Democratic State Convention in 1885, where he made a masterly address favor- able to the administration of President Cleveland and Civil-Service Reform. In 1887 he delivered the Fourth-of-July oration before the Boston City Government. He is a member of the Irish Charitable Society, National Land League, Bay State, Massachusetts Reform, Tariff Reform, Massachu- setts Young Men's Democratic, Central, clubs, and a hfe member of the Boston Young Men's Catholic Association, He is also a member of the Massachusetts State Fire Association, Barnicoat Vet- eran Association, and was selected to write a history of the Boston Fire Department, which was deposited in the box of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, to be opened upon their 350th anniversary. REV. JOHN CORDNER. Rev. John Cordner, LL.D., is a Unitarian minister. He was born in the parish of Hillsborough, County Down, Ireland, July 3, 1 8 16. By the removal of his parents, during his infancy, to Newry, in the same county, he passed his boyhood and early manhood in that town, receiving such education there as the best local schools afforded. While quite young Mr. Cordner was a frequent contributor to a liberal newspaper published in the town, of which Thomas O'Hagan, afterwards Lord Chancellor of Ireland, was editor. As a writer, young Cordner was so successful that he was almost per- suaded by Editor O'Hagan to adopt journalism as a profession, but, 252 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. as he had a tendency towards the Christian ministry, he conchided to pursue his studies for the latter calhng. He was brought up in the First Presbyterian Congregation of Newry, which was non-subscribing in principle and Unitarian in belief. The congregation was connected with the Remonstrant Synod of Ulster, and Dr. Cordner's studies were carried on under the direction of that body, at the Royal College, Belfast. He was licensed by the Remonstrant Presbytery of Bangor, and was ordained in September, 1843. He first took charge of a Unitarian congregation in the city of Montreal, Canada, where he had sole charge for thirty years, and became prominent among the clergy of that city. In 1852 he married a daughter of Rev. Dr. Francis Parkman, of Boston, and, upon his retirement from the ministry, owing to failing strength, he removed with his family to this city, where he now resides. Dr. Cordner has always taken an active part in public and charitable matters, both as a writer and preacher. He edited the " Liberal Christian," of Montreal, for several years ; he is the author of many published sermons, and, during the Rebellion, he advocated the case of the Federal Government as against the insurgent States of the South. By request of the New England Society of Montreal, he delivered an address on the " American Conflict," which was reprinted in England and widely circulated there. Dr. Cordner is a very popular L^nitarian of this city; he is always interested in re- ligious progress, and was an assiduous worker, with others, in securing the erection of the present magnificent building of the American Unitarian Association. REV. ROBERT R. MEREDITH. Rev. Robert R. Meredith, was born in Ireland, Feb. 8, 1838. He came to this country with his parents when quite young, and located in New York. From eighteen to twenty-seven years of age he followed the sea, and during his experience was a boatswain on the ill-fated steamer " Central America," which sailed from Aspinwall, over thirty years ago, with five hundred passengers, for New York. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 253 The steamer sprung aleak one stormy night, when nearing Cape Hatteras, and many of the passengers were drowned. Young Meredith managed to lash himself to a portion of the wheel-house, which was washed away, and drifted for about six days, without food or water, until he was picked up, in an unconscious state, by a foreign brig bound for Quebec, and soon after he returned to New York. He later attended the Methodist Seminary at Concord, N.H., where he studied for the ministry. He served as chaplain in the One Hundred and Fifty-third Regiment of New York Volunteers during the war, and afterwards became attached to the missionary corps of the Methodist Church, and labored successively in Troy, N.Y., Newark, N.J., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Springfield, Mass. In April, 1876, he came to Boston, as pastor of the Temple-street Methodist Episcopal Church. He next became pastor of the Phillips Congregational Church, of South Boston, where he remained five years, during which time he had the church enlarged at an expense of $30,000. In 1880 he became identified with the Sunday-school class work in Wesleyan Hall, and in a short time, under his super- vision, the attendance was so large that Tremont Temple was engaged for meetings every Saturday afternoon, where between two thousand and three thousand persons assembled. On Oct. 16, 1883, he accepted the pastorate of the Union Church, which he held until the spring of 1887, when he received a call from the Tompkins-avenue Congregational Church, of Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1882 he had the degree of D.D. conferred upon him by Dartmouth College. EDWARD C. CARRIGAN. Edward C. Carrigan was born in Chatham, England, in 1853, of Irish parents, they having moved there some years previous to the time of his birth. He died on Nov. 7, 1888, while on his way to Colorado Springs. When he was six years old his parents came to this country, landing in Quebec, where they died. He was early left to depend upon his own unaided efforts, and found his way to Woodstock, Vt., where he attended the village school. Acquiring a taste for study. 254 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. he determined to fit himself for college, and at the age of sixteen he began his career as a pedagogue in the district shools of Vermont in order to obtain funds for that purpose. While at Woodstock he enlisted for the war in the last year of the struggle, and was one of the youngest volunteers of the North. He entered Dartmouth College in 1874, having prepared himself by hard study. He paid his way by teaching in many places, and graduated in 1877. He came to Boston, and later entered the office of General Butler, where he followed ^is profession. He entered and graduated from the Boston University Law School. In 1 88 1 he became principal of the Boston Evening High School, and held that place till Oct. 10, 1886. He had previously been for three years principal of the Wells School at the West End. Mr. Carrigan contributed to the press after leaving college, and has at times served the " Herald " and other Boston papers. He had been a member of the State Board of Education since 1883. His name will long be a monument to the advancement of education in the State, and his reputation as one of its best promoters has become national. He was the framer of our present evening-school law, one of the principal promoters of the free text-book, author of the illiteracy bill, and, in fact, every reform for good in our schools in recent years has been greatly due to the efforts of Mr. Carrigan. He served as a member of the School Committee of Boston, where he exerted great influence. One of the last and valuable acts of his life was an ably-written letter to the Boston press, which appeared in the Boston papers and attracted great attention. It was a strong refutation against the prejudiced and bigoted arguments of certain anti-Irish celebrities, whose sole aim in life seems to be the dis- franchisement of the Irish. An extract from the letter should pass into history, and the subject will prove particularly interesting to Irish readers. Mr. Carrigan headed his letter, " How many Irish- Americans live in Boston? " and the following authoritative and re- markable statement appeared : — "As a wholesale disfranchisement of the Irish in the city and State is proposed by our British-American friends, I have thought that I BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 255 might be of service to those who are seriously contemplating ' Irish extermination ' by calling their attention to some interesting, if not valuable, data found in the census of the Commonwealth for the period ending 1885. By this census it will be seen that the children of Irish parentage now residing in Boston numerically exceed those of the children of Massachusetts parentage by 89,763 ; while the same report, for the State, shows an excess of 69,790 children of Irish parentage over those whose parents were natives of Massachu- setts. No one should be misled by these figures, for I have simply taken the two highest classes of people in the Commonwealth to show the ratio of the so-called ' Irish-American ' to that of the 'native- Americans,' whose fathers and mothers are to the manor born. If now we add the 8,508 children who are half Irish, and whose mother or father was born in Massachusetts, the ratio will be 98,271 to 50,977, or nearly two to one. " So much for Boston, where, as we have observed, it is determined that in the coming election for School Committee and other depart- ments of the City Government ' the Irish shall be swept from the board.' It is not necessary to print the census of other cities in the State which show like ratios, the whole number of persons in the Commonwealth whose parents were both Irish being 518,931, and those whose parents were both natives of Massachusetts being 449,141. That there may be no doubt as to the correctness of these statistics I will quote directly from the report, and first as to our Jesuit Boston : — BOSTON. Place f Birth. Males. Females. Both Father. Mother. Native. Foreign. Native. Foreign. Sexes. Ireland Ireland Massachusetts . . Ireland 33.528 24,976 30,933 60 34,084 25,865 42,195 76 140,740 50,977 3.323 5.185 Massachusetts . . Massachusetts . . 256 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. THE STATE. Children. Place of Birth. Males. j Females. Both Sexes. Father. Mother. Native. Forei-n. Native. 1 Foreign. Ireland Massachusetts . . 127,187 217,500 112,496 131,452 268 231,058 i3i>452 314 51^,931 Massachusetts . . 449,141 " It is not necessary to discuss probabilities of a growth of these ratios, nor comment upon the right of class representation, yet, in view of the rapid increase of the ' foreign element,' I have thought that it might not be unwise for our friends who are marshalling their anti-Irish forces to look philosophically at the facts, and, having reviewed the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to suggest the follow- ing as a fitting topic for a Sunday lesson in Tremont Temple : ^ — " All religious sects and denominations demeaning themselves peaceably and as good citizens of the Commonwealth shall be equal under the protection of the law, and no subordination of any one sect or denomination to another shall ever be established by law." HENRY BERNARD CARPENTER. The brilliant and many-gifted man whose name we have just written is, first of all, a typical Celt. He has the sensitive, poetic temperament ; the fervor of eloquence ; the generosity, enthusiasm, and kindly expansiveness, and the natural religiousness, to coin a word, which are racial traits. But in this man, and individualizing him, there is, over the poetic instinct, the poet's creative gift; and behind the natural orator, the scholar steeped in old classic lore, and abreast of all modern intellectual progress. In religion a Unitarian, and a clergyman of that communion as well, yet is he singularly drawn by the spiritual and material beauty of the Catholic church, An anti-Catholic demonstration was held at Tremont Temple at this time. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 257 whom he. loves to call "The Mother-Church," and to whom he has paid tribute of ahnost filial love in poem and oration. He is a dreamer, who would find his most congenial environment far enough either from battle-field or forum ; and yet, withal, a man of militant spirit, natural champion of the oppressed. He is intensely proud of his Irish birth, and has testified in helpful ways his devotion to the cause of Irish Home Rule. Henry Bernard Carpenter was born in Dublin, Ire., in 1840. His father and mother were each members of very old and honorable Irish families ; the one of Kilkenny, the other of Derry. On neither side is there any intermixture of English blood. The father was a clergyman of the then Established (Protestant) Church of Ireland, in whose principles, as well as in the high Tory and Orange tenets of his mother's family, the Boyds of Derry, young Carpenter was brought up. His father was his first teacher, and grounded him well in the Greek and Latin classics. In his eighteenth year he entered Oxford University, and made his course with most distinguishing success. He won prizes and a scholarship in Greek and Latin classical studies, and here first began to manifest his poetic gift. His brilliant University course is the more to be noted as it was made under difficulties. He suffered much then, as he has since, from a malformation of the eyes and weak sight, and often had to depend on readers. He graduated and left Oxford in 1862, and received the ap- pointment, under the Royal Commissioners of Education for Ireland, of Assistant Master in Classics and English Literature at Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, well called " the Eden of Ireland." William and Oscar Wilde, sons of Sir William Wilde, and other boys who have since become prominent men, were pupils of Mr. Carpenter at Portora. The ode written by Mr. Carpenter for the vice-regal visit of the Earl of Carlisle attracted attention, not alone from the man who was honored in being the subject of it, but from many others, who noted how gracefully his muse could move even in the fettering lines of the poem of an occasion. He was ordained afterwards as chaplain to the schoal, and later became chaplain to an Earl and 258 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. his tenantry, near Enniskillen. His first ventures in the lecture field were made at this time, and with great success. We have touched on the stern Tory and Protestant influences under which Mr. Carpenter was brought up. Little by little, and yielding every point only in deference to irresistible conviction, the young man departed from the old landlord and aristocratic ideas of his heritage and training, and in 1870 allied himself with the Irish Home Rule movement. His religious, as well as his political, sen- timents underwent a radical change. In 1874 he came to New England. Here he found congenial occupation, first as lecturer and contributor to the magazines and journals, later as pastor of congregations in Yarmouth and Bridge- ton, Me. In 1878, in response to repeated and urgent overtures, he accepted the pastorate of the Hollis-st. Unitarian Church, Boston. Mr, Carpenter greatly endeared himself to his congregation, and became also a favorite in Boston's social and literary circles. Mr. Carpenter published his first volume, " Liber Amoris," in 1887, with the Messrs. Ticknor & Co., of Boston. It is a mediaeval romance in blank verse, divided into four books, each with an ex- quisite lyrical prelude. The story itself is lovely ; instinct with the spirit of the chivalric ages, which were also the Ages of Faith. The key-note of it all is Love perfected by Sacrifice. The expression is well-nigh perfect; like the thought, full of serious beauty, both rising sometimes into grandeur. How beautiful this invocation to Sleep ! " Sleep, Sleep, sweet Sleep, father of Life and Death, Thy twin-born children ; source and end of all ; Heaven's porter, who, with bright, smooth key of gold, Warm from the breast of God's dumb daughter. Peace, Openest, through darkness, for world-wearied man, A door to fields of light and starry streams, Where he may greet his dead whom he deems lost, And in one minute taste eternity ; — Sweet Sleep, dear, easeful nurse of toil and woe, Who gatherest all thy children one by one, Whether in earth or skv or soundless sea, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 259 In thy warm folds of painless lullabies. And layest them soft upon the knees of God, Yet comest never near God's hands or eyes. For God, he only, slumbers not nor sleeps : Dear Sleep, upon whose heart, the home of dreams, Life wakes and wonders, weeps and sinks to rest." Here is another typical passage : — " If the love within thee. However holy, live for its own sake, More than for those it loves, oh, then, farewell Love's triumph over Death, farewell Love's last Fidelity made mightier by despair ; Farewell the faith that follows its lost star Down through Hell's whirlpools and great gulfs of night ! Love, living for himself, is but a dead, Kingdomless god, shorn of his deity." " Liber Amoris " proved not only a poem for the poets, but a poem for the people as well. It has passed through several editions. Of Mr. Carpenter's shorter poems, few have been more ad- mired than the " Vive Valeque," written after the departure of another beloved poet, the late Dr. Robert Dwyer Joyce, on his unhappily fruitless quest for health in his native land. These stanzas may fitly be given to the honor of the two poets : — *' Oh, saddest of all the sea's daughters, lerne, sweet mother isle, Say, how canst thou heal at thy waters the son whom we lend thee awhile ? When the gathering cries implore thee to help and to heal thy kind. When the dying are strewn before thee, thy living ones crouch behind ; When about thee thy perishing children cling, crying, ' Thou only art fair ! ' We have seen through Life's mazes bewildering how the earth-gods never spare. And the wolves, blood-ripe with slaughter, gnaw at thee with fangs of steel, Thou, Niobe-land of the water, hast many children to heal. Yet heal him, lerne, dear mother, thy days with his days shall increase ; At the song of this Delphic brother, nigh half of thy pangs shall cease. " Nor art thou, sweet friend, in a far land — all places are near on the globe ; Our greeting wear for thy garland, our love for thy festival robe. While we keep through glory and gloom two altar-candles for thee. 260 THE IRISH IX BOSTOX. Thy ' Blanid' of deathless doom, and thy dead but undying ' Deirdre.' And may He who builds in His patience the houses which death reveals, Round whom the fair constellations are dust from His chariot wheels ; Who showers His coin without scorning, each day as He issues it bright, The sun as His gold in the morning, the stars as His silver at night, The love which feedeth the sparrow and watcheth the little leaf, \Vhich guideth the death-laden arrow and counteth each grain of grief. Change thy life-chant from its minor, and spread thy spirit serene. As gold before the refiner whose face is reflected therein." Mr. Carpenter went abroad in the fall of 1887, and spent nearly a year in Greece and Italy. He gave to delighted Boston audiences during the season of 1888-89 the fruit of his loving study of the sacred places of poetry and art, in a series of lectures which have never been equalled here in intrinsic interest, literar}'' merit, and eloquent delivery since the days of Wendell Phillips. Mr. Carpenter retired from the pastorate of the Hollis-street church on its union with the Shawmut-avenue Unitarian church, in 1887. He has now charge of a large Unitarian congregation, which has its services in Steinert Hall, Boston. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES NOTED WOMEN * SKETCHES OF NOTED WOMEN. LOUISE IMOGEN GUINEY. ABOUT eight years ago there appeared in the Boston "Pilot" a Httle narrative poem of quite notable freshness and vigor, entitled " Charondas." The story of the old Greek soldier and law- giver was presented sympathetically, and with the even strength of a practised writer; yet there was more than a suggestion of high- minded, college-bred young manhood about it. " A bright Harvard boy," we said, and smiled at the ineffective disguise of the flippant initials " P. O. L." appended to the poem. The same day a letter from a friend enclosed one of her notes from a late pupil, of whose literary promise much had been said. Two lines of this especial note, however, arrested attention : " I am contributing verses to the 'Pilot' over a string of bogus initials, 'P. O. L.' and the signature * Louise Imogen Guiney.' " Here was the Harvard boy — a graduate of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Providence. Born in Roxbury, Mass., Jan. 7, 1861, she passed through a course of studies at the Notre Dame Academy of Roxbury, the Everett Grammar School, Boston, and latterly at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, " Elmhurst," Providence, R.I., where she graduated in 1879. She is one of the youngest and brightest writers engaged in current literary work, and possessing great intellectual ability and uncommon scholarship, gives promise of high literary achievements and extended popularity. Her first book — " Songs at the Start " — was published in Boston in 1884, and has been followed by " Goose-Quill Papers," 1885 ; "The White Sail," 1887; and "Brownies and Bogies," 1888. Much of her earlier work appeared in the "Pilot;" for John Boyle O'Reilly was among the first to recognize her budding talent, (263) 264 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. and was the most sedulous in fostering it. In literature, at least, one cannot separate the artist from the man or woman ; for God's truth is in the saying, that whatever one incidentally writes, he in- evitably writes himself. Miss Guiney comes naturally by her aptitude for grasping and voicing the heroic, and this is the dominant char- acteristic in her poetry. Her father. Gen. Patrick R. Guiney, — him- self a man of marked literary tastes, which, in a more leisurely life might have developed into talents, — enlisted at the first call to arms in the late Civil War, and was active in raising the famous Ninth Regiment of Massachusetts. He participated in thirty-six fierce engagements, but was wounded and incapacitated for further service in the Battle of the Wilderness. He survived the war some years, always a sufferer, but a brave and uncomplaining one ; and died in the flower of his age, from disease engendered by the wounds re- ceived in his last battle. There is a thought of him and of the grandfather who fought in the Irish uprising of '98, in the sonnet on the flags in the Massachusetts State House, in the little volume " Songs at the Start," already referred to : — " Dear witnesses, all luminous, eloquent, Stacked thickly on the tessellated floor ! The soldier-blood stirs in me as of yore In sire and grandsire who to battle went ; I seem to know the shaded valley-tent, The armed and bearded men, the thrill of war, Horses that prance to hear the cannon roar, Shrill bugle-calls and camp-fire merriment." She did, indeed, know something of " the camp-fire merriment" by actual experience ; for, when a toddling child, she went with her mother to Virginia, where the Army of the Potomac was encamped. In a delightful sketch, " A Child in Camp," — the sketch, indeed, which gives her little volume of prose essays, " Goose-Quill Papers," brought out by Roberts Brothers in 1885, its best reason for being, — she records her morning twilight impressions of a portentous era in American history. The heroism which appeals to our poet is of what may be called LOUISE IMOGEN GUINEY BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 265 the objective order. This is as is natural for a strong, self-reliant, self-centred life, that has budded and bloomed out-of-doors, like the lithe young willow of her native New England, which her straight, slender, supple form suggests. She is not a laureate of the out-of- sight heroism of which so many women poets have sung bravely and sweetly, if sometimes monotonously. A mood like that voiced in Rosa Mulholland's famous little poem, " Failure," would meet scant sympa- thy from this sunny young Greek. Indeed, her poetry shows a ten- dency to look on the loves and losses of ordinary humanity in a calm, judicial wa}-, as if they concerned the dwellers in another planet, and were quite unlikely ever to cast a shadow upon her own morning path. A tendency, only, we say; for there is a queer, wistful, pathetic touch, which is not altogether human, in some of the poems in her second volume, "The White Sail ; " notably in the legend of "The Wooing Pine," in the "Last Faun," "Youth," and " The Atoning Yesterday," as if a wood-nymph of the golden Hel- lenic age, called to take on the earthly risks and the immortal guerdons of humanity, should shrink and waver, half doubting that the new life held full compensation for the groves and grottoes and fountains, and the blithe, irresponsible play-fellows of her passing natural beatitude. " The White Sail," with which her latest volume of poems opens, is the old classic story of Theseus freeing Athens from the yearly maiden-tribute to the Minotaur of Crete ; and of his fatal forgetful- ness to hoist the promised white sail on his triumphant return to his father, ^Egeus. It is in blank verse, which is almost invariably smooth and melodious, with here and there a grand Tennysonian line. Though the poem nowhere rises to the dramatic force and fire which permeate the legend of " Tarpeia," — by all odds the best thing in the book, — yet it abounds in strong passages. A fine, foreshadowing touch is this incident of the childhood of Theseus, when he sees his pet turtle-pigeon dead through his neglect: — " Then the child Bewailed his darling, lying stiff and mute. And y4ithra held his innocent han dand hers 266 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. With solemn lessoning ; for she foresaw Remorse, and irremediable ache, And ruin, following him whose manhood swerves To the eased by-ways of forgetfulness. She, his hot brow caressing, so besought The weeping Prince : ' If thou, O little son I Wilt lay hereafter duties on thyself. Stand mindful of them, all thy vows observe. Be a trust broken but a small, small thing. Its possible shadow slaves this world in woe.' " There is a touch of grim humor in the recounting of the pun- ishments which Theseus, in later years, meted out to the monsters who oppressed the " realms distressed," through which he passed to find his father: — *' He harsh Procrustes bedded ; limb from limb Rent the Pine-bender on recoiling boughs ; And him that thrust the lavers of his feet Headlong in chasms, Theseus likewise served By dint of hospitable precedent." Take it all in all, we are glad of " The White Sail," were it only for this delicious lyric, with which our poet makes Alcamenes soothe the last vigil of ^geus : — " Thy voice is like the moon, revealed by stealthy paces, Thy silver margined voice like the ample moon and free ; Ah, beautiful ! ah, mighty ! the stars fall on their faces. The warring world is silent, for love and awe of thee. My soul is but a sailor, to whom thy wonder-singing Is anchorage, and haven, and unimagined day ! And who, in angry ocean, to thine enchantment clinging, Forgets the helm for rapture, and drifts to doom away."' " Tarpcia " is the story, told first by Livy, of the Roman girl, daughter of the aged keeper of the Citadel, who, straying outside the gates into the camp of the besieging Sabines, is tempted by the jewels of the chief: — BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 267 "The armlets he wore were thrice royal and wondrous to see: Exquisite artifice, whorls of barbaric design. Frost's fix^d mimicry ; orbic imaginings fine In sevenfold coils : and in orient glimmer from them, The variform voluble swinging of gem upon gem. And the glory thereof sent fever and fire to her eye. ' I had never such trinkets,' she sighed, — like a lute was her sigh." She ofifers, if he will but give them to her, to unbar the city gates for him and his host. He promises, and his followers likewise promise her their all ; but when the act was done, the poor little traitor — " Repulsed where they passed her, half tearful for wounded belief, •The bracelets!' she pleaded. Then faced her the leonine chief, And answered her : ' Even as I promised, maid-merchant, I do ' Down from his dark shoulder the baubles he sullenly drew. ' This left arm shall nothing begrudge thee. Accept. Find it sweet. Give, too, O my brothers ! ' The jewels he flung at her feet. The jewels hard, heavy ; she stooped to them, flushing with dread, But the shield he flung after: it clanged on her beautiful head. Like the Apennine bells when the villagers' warnings begin. Athwart the first lull broke the ominous din upon din ; With a ' Hail benefactress ! ' upon her they heaped in their zeal Death: agate and iron; death; chrysoprase, beryl, and steel. A mountain of shields! and the gemmy bright tangle in links, A torrent-like gush, pouring out on the grass from the chinks. Pyramidal gold ! the sumptuous monument won By the deed they had loved her for, doing, and loathed her for, done." These magnificent lines speak for themselves. The highest tribute to the poet's skill in handling the terrible story is that one 268 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. turns from Tarpeia with pity and horror, rather than with contempt. Freedom, strength, and simpHcity mark every Hne of this noble poem. " Moustache " ought to go into school-readers with Father Prout's " Dog of the Three Days," and Campbell's patriotic " Spanish Parrot." The historical ballads of " Chaluz Castle " and " A Chouan" are in the martial vein she lo\^es. In the appended poem, she touches high-water mark of the heroic. It proves that she has a heart for her heritage of patriot-blood, and on its sole strength she wins a high place among the poets of America. Whittier might have owned it with pride ; and it would have been heard, had he lived, on the eloquent lips of Wendell Phillips, JOHN BROWN: A PARADOX. Compassionate eyes had our brave John Brown, And a craggy, stern forehead, a militant frown ; He, the storm-bow of peace. Give him volley on volley, The fool who redeemed us once of our folly. And the smiter that healed us, our right John Brown! Too vehement, verily, was John Brown! For waiting is statesmanlike ; his the renown Of the holy rash arm, the equipper and starter Of freedom; aye, call him fanatic and martyr; He can carry both halos, our plain John Brown. A scandalous stumbling-block was John Brown, And a jeer ; but, ah ! soon from the terrified town, In his bleeding track made over hilltop and hollow, Wise armies and councils were eager to follow. And the children's lips chanted our lost John Brown. Star-led for us stumbled and groped John Brown, — Star-led in the awful morasses to drown ; And the trumpet that rang for a nation's upheaval. From the thought that was just, thro' the deed that was evil, Was blown with the breath of this dumb John Brown! BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 269 Bared heads and a pledge unto mad John Brown ! Now the curse is allayed, now the dragon is down, Now we see, clear enough, looking back at the onset, Christianity's flood-tide and Chivalry's sunset In the old broken heart of our hanged John Brown. We have touched on the out-of-door Hfe of our poet. It has enabled her to embody the bracing breath, the music, and the deli- cate colors of the New England spring in many a charming poem. The critical Richard Watson Gilder gave unstinted praise to a tiny spring-time lyric in her earlier volume ; and her " Gloucester Harbor," which has an unwonted note of human pathos, too, has won promi- nence among poems of places. Her eyes for the shyer beauties of woodland or riverside are keener now, and her touch is surer. What a lovely picture is this : — "As a shy brook wheels from jutting boughs. And in a sidelong glimmer sobs away." "Down Stream" is exquisite, and so is " Garden Chidings ; " and as much must be said for " Temptation," where the sight of a gypsy camp sets our poet wishing to " Break the lens and the plane, To burn the pen and the brush," that she might be "Abroad with the rain, And at home with the forest hush, With the crag, and the flower-urn." Her verse is nearly always notably musical ; but " The Knights of Weather " is one of the best examples we have ever noted of a poem which sings itself. " The White Sail " is dedicated to the memory of Keats ; and we find frequent traces of his influence, notably in " Cyclamen." How Keatsish, but how beautiful, are these lines : — 270 THE IRISH IV boston: " To thee my carol now! albeit no lark Hath for thy praise a throat too exquisite. Oh would that song might fit These harsh north slopes for thine inhabiting, Or shelter lend thy loveliest laggard wing, Thou undefiled estray of earth's o'ervanished Spring ! " And then from another poem, " On Some Old Music " : — " How, like an angel, it effaced the crime. The moil and heat of our tempestuous time. And brought from dewier air, to us who waited, The breath of peace, the healing breath sublime ! As falls, at midnight''s chime To an old pilgrim, plodding on belated. The thought of Love's remote sunshining prime." Our poet is uncompanioned among the singers of our day — except by Edith Thomas — in this, that she sings no love songs. There is a suggestion, though, of latent capabilities in that direction in the lyric from " The White Sail," already quoted. She differs from other woman poets, too, in that she almost never writes a dis- tinctively religious poem. " Ranieri " and " Frederic Ozanam " are the nearest approaches ; unless, indeed, we take " Saint Cadoc's Bell," which is as weird in its way as Mrs. Browning's " Lay of the Brown Rosary." We miss from this collection the noble Grant Memorial poem which Miss Guiney wrote, by invitation of the city of Boston, for the Grant Eulogy, Oct. 22, 1885; and "Sergeant Jasper," written a few months later, and which was widely republished at the time of the unveiling of the monument to the hero of Fort Moultrie, in Savannah, Feb. 22, 1888. Miss Guiney's latest volume is " Brownies and Bogies," D. Lo- throp & Co., Boston, 1888. It is a veritable compendium of the fairy-tales and folk-lore of all times and peoples. She is a con- tributor to the " Atlantic Monthly," " Harpers' Magazine," the '• Catholic World," the " Century," " Scribner's," " Wide Awake," " The Critic," the New York " Independent," etc. A fascinating BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 271 sketch of hers, " Dr. Johnson's Favorites," was published anony- mously, a few months ago, in " Macmillan's Magazine," London, England, and attracted much favorable comment in literary circles on both sides of the water. Miss Guiney is versed in English literature far beyond the wont even of professed literary people. She is a good Latin scholar, fluent in French and Italian, an accomplished musician. She has just set out on a visit to Europe, which will probably be pro- longed over two years. With youth, energy, and industry, a noble character and an attractive personality, with an honorable place achieved in letters, while her resources are still but half developed, it is not rash to predict that within the next decade Louise Imogen Guiney will make for herself a great and enduring name in English literature. K. E. C. MARY ELIZABETH BLAKE. Mary Elizabeth M'Grath was born in Dungarvan, County Water- ford, Ireland, in 1840. In 1849 she came with her parents to Quincy, Mass., where her father started the since well-known M'Grath marble works. Her father was a man of scholarly tastes and extensive reading, and his daughter received most of her early education at home. Later, she made the regular course at the Quincy High School, attended George B. Emerson's private school in Boston for a few years, and finally devoted some years to music and the languages at the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Manhattanville, N.Y. In 1865 she was married to Dr. John G. Blake, of Boston. While Mrs. Blake was still in her teens, her graceful poems and sketches, contributed to "The Pilot" over the pen-name of " Marie," attracted much favorable notice. A little later, the Boston " Gazette," then under the editorship of P. B. Shillaber, secured her promising pen. She wrote also for " The Transcript " and other Boston dailies. She scored an immediate success with her "Rambling Talks," in "The Boston Journal." These have since become one of the most popular features of that paper. 272 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. But Mrs. Blake is preeminently a poet, with a very sweet and distinct voice, akin to none of the American sisterhood of singers, except, perhaps, Mrs. Sarah M. B. Piatt. Her poems for children, most of which appeared first in the " Wide Awake," have made " M. E. B." a dear name and r, familiar in thousands of American homes. We find among Mrs. Blake's collected poems a cluster on which her poetic fame might safely rest, albeit they were penned with no thought of fame, and their author, like many another, but sang to ease her sorrow. They are the poems evoked by the great and in- effaceable grief of her young motherhood, the deaths of three lovely children within a week. The cluster is named, " In Sorrow," and the tears of bereaved mothers whose hearts have yearned to the author through fellowship of desolation is their all-sufificing eulogy. We quote : — A DEAD SUMMER. What lacks the summer? Not roses blowing, Nor tall white lilies with fragrance rife, Nor green things gay with the bliss of growing, Nor glad things drunk with the wine of life, Nor flushing of cloud in blue skies shining, Nor soft wind murmurs to rise and fall, Nor birds for singing, nor vines for twining, — Three little buds I miss, no more. That blossomed last year at my garden door, — And that is all. What lacks the summer? Not waves a-quiver With arrows of light from the hand of dawn, Nor drooping of boughs by the dimpling river, Nor nodding of grass on the windy lawn, Nor tides upswept upon silver beaches. Nor rustle of leaves on tree-tops tall, Nor dapple of shade in woodland reaches, — Life pulses gladly on vale and hill, But three little hearts that I love are still, — And that is all. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 273 What lacks the summer? Oh, light and savor, And message of healing the world above ! Gone is the old-time strength and flavor, Gone is the old-time peace and love, Gone is the bloom of the shimmering meadows, Music of birds as they sweep and fall, — All the great world is dim with shadows. Because no longer mine eyes can see The eyes that made summer and life for me, — And that is all. The later development of Mrs, Blake's poetic gift, as shown in her " Wendell Phillips," written by invitation of the city of Boston for his memorial in 1884; "How Ireland Answered," and " Women of the Revolution," both in 1885, — reveal splendid strength and fervor. Mrs. Blake was the poet of the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Sis- ters of Charity in 1882, and of the Catholic Union's Festival in honor of Pope Pius IX. in 1873. Here is a poem of Mrs. Blake's, a favorite at Irish patriotic festivals, reproduced hundreds of times in Irish publications, which cannot be omitted from this sketch. She calls it OUR RECORD. Who casts a slur on Irish worth, a stain on Irish fame ? Who dreads to own his Irish blood, or wear his Irish name ? Who scorns the warmth of Irish hearts, the clasp of Irish hands? Let us but raise the veil to-night and shame him as he stands. The Irish fame ! It rests enshrined within its own proud light, Wherever sword, or tongue, or pen has fashioned deed of might ; From battle-charge of Fontenoy to Grattan's thunder tone, It holds its storied past on high, unrivalled and alone. The Irish blood ! Its crimson tide has watered hill and plain Wherever there were wrongs to crush, or freeman's rights to gain; No dastard thought, no coward fear, has held it tamely by When there were noble deeds to do, or noble deaths to die ! 274 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. The Irish heart ! the Irish heart ! God keep it fair and free ; The fulness of its kindly thought, its wealth of honest glee, Its generous strength, its ardent faith, its uncomplaining trust, Though every worshipped idol breaks and crumbles into dust. And Irish hands, — aye, lift them up, embrowned by honest toil. The champions of our Western World, the guardians of the soil ! When flashed their battle-swords aloft, a waiting world might see What Irish hands could do and dare to keep a nation free. They bore our starry flag above through bastion, gate, and wall ; They stood before the foremost rank, the bravest of them all ; And when before the cannon's mouth they held the foe at bay. Oh, never could old Ireland's heart beat prouder than that day! So when a craven fain would hide the birth-mark of his race. Or slightly speak of Erin's sons before her children's face. Breathe no weak word of scorn or shame, but crush him where he stands With Irish worth and Irish fame as won by Irish hands. Mrs. Blake's prose is clear, picttiresque, and vivacious. She is a favorite contributor both of prose and poetry to the New- York " Independent," " Catholic World," " Ladies' Home Journal," of Philadelphia, " Wide-Awake," '* St. Nicholas," Providence "Journal," Chicago "Herald," and other publications. Her pub- lished works include: "Poems," Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1882; " On the Wing," Lee, Shepard, & Co., the outcome of a tour to California, 1883; "The Merry Months All," 1885; "Youth in Twelve Centuries," D. Lothrop & Co., 1886, — the two last-named are children's poems ; " Mexico : Picturesque, Political, Progres- sive," Lee, Shepard, & Co., 1888, which she wrote in conjunction with Mrs. Margaret F. Sullivan, of Chicago, after a sojourn in our neighbor republic which they made together. With this same devoted friend Mrs. Blake is, at present writing, making a five months' tour of Europe. Mrs. Blake's well-ordered and happy home is a standing refutation of the absurd old notion that a woman of letters is of necessity a failure in the higher office of wife and mother. In place of the portrait, which the editor of this volume regrets to BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 275 have been unable to secure, the following pen-picture of Mrs. Blake, from the faithful and tender hand of her friend above- named, is given: — " Here is a face that one must linger on, pale but healthful, with a pair of brown riddles for eyes, the love in them chasing the laughter, and both love and laughter very deep in their liquid depths. Keen sensibility beneath habitual reserve, internal heat and exterior fri- gidity, humor that must be rollicking when relaxed, and imagination that must be superb when freed from restraint. The studious ex- pression bespeaks power of concentration ; the quick flashes of sensi- bility betray the hidden vivacity, and there is a deft mingling of gravity, satire, and levity on the face that would have made one ask who the lady is." Our sketch fitly closes with this poem, one of the best Mrs. Blake ever wrote : — HOW IRELAND ANSWERED. A TRADITION OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Wheresoever in song or story Runs one theme of ancient glory. Wheresoever in word or action lives one spark for Freedom's shrine. Read it out before the people, Ring it loud in street and steeple, Till the hearts of those who listen thrill beneath its power divine ! And, as lives immortal, gracious, The great deed of young Horatius, Or that gauntlet of defiance flung by Tell in Gessler's face, So for him who claims as sireland The green hills of holy Ireland, Let the speech of old John Parnell speak its lesson to his nice. 'Twas in days when, sore tormenting. With a malice unrelenting, England pushed her youngest step-child past endurance into strife, 'Til with weak, frail hands uplifted — With but hate and courage gifted — * She began the desperate struggle that should end in death — or life. 276 THE IRISH IN BOS TOM. 'Twas the fourth long year of fighting ; Want and woe and famine, biting, Nipped the heart-strings of " the Rebels," chilled their pulse with cold despair; Southern swamp and Northern mountain Fed full streams to war's red fountain, And the gloom of hopeless struggle darkened all the heavy air. Lincoln's troops in wild disorder. Beaten on the Georgian border ; Fivescore craft, off Norfolk harbor, scuttled deep beneath the tide ; Hessian thieves, in swaggering sallies, Raiding fair New England valleys ; While before Savannah's trenches brave Pulaski, fighting, died ! Indian allies war-whoops raising, Where Wyoming's roofs are blazing ; Clinton, full of pomp and bluster, sailing down on Charleston; And the people, faint with striving, Worn with aimless, sad contriving. Tired at last of Freedom's battle, heedless if 'tis lost or won ! Shall now England pause in mercy. When the frozen plains of Jersey, Tracked with blood, show pathways trodden by bare feet of wounded men? When the drained and tortured nation Holds no longer gold or ration To upbuild her broken fortune, or to fill her veins again? Nay ! but striking swift and surely. Now to gain the end securely. Stirring asks for reenforcements — volunteers to speed the cause; And King George, in mandate royal. Speeds amid his subjects loyal. Calls for dutiful assistance to avenge his outraged laws. In the name of law and order. Sends across the Irish border To the wild and reckless spirits of whose daring well he knows : " Ho ! brave fools who fight for pleasure ! Here is chance for fame and treasure ; Teach those brazen Yankee devils the full force of Irish blows!" BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 'ill Old John Parnell, cool and quiet. — > Strange result on Celtic diet, — Colonel he of volunteers, and well-beloved chief of men. Reads the royal proclamation. Answers for himself and nation — Ye who heed the voice of honor, list the ringing words again : " Still, as in her ancient story, Ireland fights for right and glory ; Still her sons, through blood and danger, hold unstained their old renown ; But by God who reigneth o'er me. By the Motherland that bore me. Never Irish gold or valor helps to strike a patriot down ! " Thus, 'mid themes immortal, gracious, Like the deed of young Horatius, Or that gauntlet of defiance flung by Tell in Gessler's face, Let the Celt who claims as sireland The green hills of holy Ireland, Place the speech of old John Parnell, for the glory of his race. KATHERINE ELEANOR CONWAY. Katharine Eleanor Conway was born in Rochester, N.Y., of Irish parents. Her father was a bridge-builder and railroad contractor, and active in the politics of his city and State. Her mother was a home-keeper and book-lover, and the environment of the childhood of the subject of this sketch was eminently conducive to early mental development and intelligent interest in public affairs. She studied successively in the schools of the Sisters of Charity and the Nuns of the Sacred Heart, in her native city, completing her course at St. Mary's Academy, Buffalo, N.Y. One of her teachers in this last-named school was an English lady, a convert, who had come into the Church on the high tide of the Tractarian movement. She was a singularly gifted woman, accomplished, earnest, who had known personally many of the famous people of the Dickens- Thackeray era ; and the glimpses she gave her young pupil into that golden time was a not-to-be-forgotten delight. She encouraged 278 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Katherine to write, — indeed, her first published work (1868) was done in school, when she was about fifteen years of age. For several years thereafter she did reportorial work, verses, sketches, etc., for the Rochester " Daily Union," and correspondence for several New York papers. All this was more in the line of in- stinctive out-reaching, than the expression of any definite plan or purpose. She found at this time a judicious and helpful friend in Bishop M'Quaid, of Rochester, who, noting the aspiration, rather than the accomplishment, in some of the young girl's published work, opened his library to her, and by practical direction and suggestion greatly influenced the development of her aptitudes and the deter- mination of her life-work. From 1873-78 she edited in Rochester a little Catholic maga- zine, the " West End Journal," Serious family reverses occurring between these dates threw her on her own resources, and her ready pen became by degrees a source of revenue. She was for several years teacher of rhetoric and literature in the Normal School of Nazareth Convent, Rochester, and a contributor of short stories to the Philadelphia " Catholic Record " and various New York story papers and magazines. From 1878 till 1883 — with one short break — she was assistant editor on the " Catholic Union and Times," of Buffalo, N.Y. In 1883 she accepted a position on the editorial staff of " The Pilot," of Boston, where she has since remained. Her purely literary work includes a volume of poems, " On the Sunrise Slope," brought out by the Catholic Publication Society Company, of New York, in 1881, and quite successful. In 1886 she edited for Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement, the art writer, " Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints," published by Ticknor & Co., of Boston. This work has gone through several editions, winning warm approval from high Catholic authorities, and a recognition of marked and unusual kindness even from Pope Leo XIII., to whom a copy was presented near the time of his Golden Jubilee. Miss Conway has contributed literary criticisms, personal sketches, etc., to the Providence " Journal," Buffalo " Courier," and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 279 Other papers, besides doing much anonymous work in the way of book editing and compiling. In journaHsm she is accounted an adaptable and persistent worker. J. W. De Forest, the novelist and poet, says of her poems, that they are all marked by refreshing earnestness and sincerity; and not a few of them by wonderful passion, energy, and condensation. Miss Conway was the first Catholic to address the Women's Educational and Industrial Union, of Boston, — a society, non-secta- rian, it is true, but with a membership almost entirely Protestant. In- vited a year ago to prepare a paper on a distinctly Catholic theme, she chose " The Blessed Among Women," setting forth to her hearers the place of the Blessed Virgin in the Catholic Church, the grounds of Catholic devotion to her, her influence on the elevation of woman- hood, on poetry, art, music. The paper was exceedingly well received, and attracted general attention, at the time, for the novelty of the attendant circumstances. Later, the same society invited Miss Conway to address them again, and, under the head of " Some Christian Ideas," to explain the Catholic understanding of the Church Idea. This paper was even more widely noticed than the preceding one, and the author was requested to repeat it before several societies, both Catholic and non-Catholic. A new paper, " The Ideals of Christian Womanhood," written for the Boston Catholic Union, has been engaged also for several other associations. Miss Conway is a member of the executive council of the New England Woman's Press Club, and chairman of its literary committee. She is not more remarkable for her mental qualities than for their large balance and proportion. Her poetic gift, inborn and dominant, leaves her no less a woman of action, a natural helper, a publicist, — one with whom all clan feelings are intense, and in whom no outer sympathy is lacking. With her habits of consistency and justice, her perfect temper, her zealous, aggressive pen, she has one distinct Grecian trait, — the love for organization, and the personality which fits it and succeeds best through it. During her few journal- istic years in Boston she has made herself a place, special, and yet markedly representative, and has worked, with gracious modesty, for 280 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. every good cause within reach. Though Miss Conway is too busy to delight us often with her thoughtful and thrilling poetry, yet she is very blessed in " a deedful life," incapable of any but the highest and gentlest ideals, and which, in itself, makes an eloquence and a music of every day. The appended poem is fairly representative : — OUT OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH. Ireland, 1800-1885. "She died from you," they said, "in the flush of her bridal bloom." But they lied with their hearts and lips — beloved, thou could'st not die ! They lured thee out of my arms, and shut thee alive in the tomb, And guarded with fire and sword the place of thine agony. And they laughed but yester-eve, in their cruel strength and scorn, Saying, "Still through the years he seeks her — O fondest, faithfullest ! And still are fools to follow his beck on a hope forlorn, And never a one a-weary — and oh, the idle quest!" Did they dream their swords could sunder the bonds of soul to soul? Or that flames could daunt my purpose, though lit from the central Hell? Ah, they thought I grieved like a man — that time would ease my dole, With a new fair face forgetting what late I loved so well ! They knew me not — changeless, deathless, what time with heart grief riven. For thee in mortal seeming the paths of pain I trod — But I am Freedom — Freedom — and I've stood in the highest heaven, With the seven armored angels who guard the throne of God. Courage, mine own, nor falter, but hold for thy life to me — Look not back where the flames and the swords and the serpents were — Look up ! for yon stars are the souls of the men who died for thee, Crushed under the stone they would roll from the door of thy sepulchre. Ah, me ! but thy face is wan, and thy sweet eyes dimmed with tears. And the soul on thy pale lips flutters as if it were fain to flee — Ah, God! for thy years of waiting — thy tortured, murdered years — Ere I rent thy tomb and fled through the Valley of Death with thee ! BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 281 But oh ! for our journey's end, and home, and the light of dawn. And the sweet green earth, the bird-singing, the balm of the soft sea air — Oh, to hold thee close to my heart till the chill of the grave is gone. And kiss thy lips and thy hands and the strands of thy long fair hair ! Courage, mine own, nor falter, but cling for thy life to me — Hear the home-welcoming music, nor faint nor far away — And the conquering Cross ablaze in the heavens above us — see ! We are out of the Shadow of Death — but one step more to the day ! MARY CATHERINE CROWLEY. Mary Catherine Crowley is a native of Boston, and of a family prominent in its early and later Irish Catholic history. On her moth- er's side she is descended from the historic Scotch family of Cameron, of Lochiel and Lundavra. Miss Crowley's early education was con- ducted at home. Later she attended the Academy of Notre Dame, Roxbury, Mass., and finally made the full course at the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Manhattanville, where her mother and aunts had also been educated. Miss Crowley's literary career began about four years ago. She was fortunate in reaching her public at once through excellent mediums. We find her early work in the " Catholic World," the " Pilot," and the " Wide Awake." She figures also in that rather famous nursery of young talent. Father Russell's " Irish Monthly," and is a contributor of short stories to the " M'Clure Syndicate." Still later she appears in the " St, Nicholas," the " Ave Maria," the "Ladies' Home Journal," of Philadelphia, as an occasional corre- spondent of the New York " Freeman," and other Catholic publica- tions. Her poems are graceful and musical, her prose sketches and stories sprightly and delicate, while certain of her frequent anony- mous contributions to the Boston press on household, social, and educational topics reveal real thought, sound sense, and breadth of mind, and a capacity for terse and direct expression. It is, however, as a writer of children's stories that Miss Crowley seems thus far destined to make her highest reputation. There is 282 THE IRISH IN BOSTON, a superstition that any woman who can write at all ought to be able to write acceptably for children. Few realize that those characters are rare indeed that attain womanhood keeping the fragrance of their childhood still about them, and holding the clue whereby they can wander back at will to the lovely, innocent world of the child-heart. Miss Crowley is one of the fortunate few. Her first ventures, begun little more than a year ago in the line of stories from real life for children of to-day, were immediately successful. In response to a widely expressed demand, she gathered a few of these together from the pages of the "Ave Maria" and the "Ladies' Home Journal," and issued them in book form, under the title of " Merry Hearts and True," from the press of D. & J. Sadlier & Co., New York City. This charming little book had the unusual good fortune to go into its second edition the week it was published. Miss Crowley is at work on another volume of short stories, which will probably be ready for the Christmas holidays. There is evidently a very success- ful career before her in a department of literature where compara- tively few succeed. Miss Crowley is well versed in French, Spanish, and German; is a brilliant musician, and gifted with all in character and acquire- ment that makes a woman attractive in home-life and society. K. E. C. ^r^M^ ^^^n^^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BOSTON LAWYERS SKETCHES OF BOSTON LAWYERS. Aherin, John H. P., lawyer, born in Boston, April ii, 1858. He was educated at St. Mary's Parochial School, graduated in 1872, and was employed as clerk in the office of the Registry of Deeds until 1S77. ^^ studied law in the office of Mr. F. W. Kit- tredge, and later became the conveyancer of Messrs. Crowley & Maxwell, with %hom he remained until October, 1885, when he en- tered the Boston University Law School. He graduated in 1886, and was admitted to the Suffolk bar in June of the same year, and afterwards established himself in prac- tice. Barlow, James P., lawyer, born in North Easton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1863. He was edu- cated in the public schools of that town, and was a graduate of the North Easton High School, June 28, 1879, and the Boston Uni- versity Law School, May 28, 1886. He was admitted to the bar July 20, 1886, and began the practice of his profession in Boston, July, 1887. He ranks among the very young but promising lawyers in this vicinity. Barry, Thomas J., lawyer, born in South Boston, January I, 1857. He graduated from the Lawrence Grammar School in 1869, and the English High School in 1873. He attended Comer's Commercial College and Holy Cross College. He afterwards received a special course of two years at the Boston Latin School, and a classical course of one year at the Chauncy Hall School. He graduated at the Harvard Law School in 1 88 1, with the degree of LL.B. He subsequently studied law in a supplementary way, in the office of J. M. Baker, and Mas admitted to the bar in January, 1882. He has been actively engaged in poHtics since 1884. He was counsel for the Journeymen Tailors at the time of the strike at Somer's store, obtaining for them the right to have delegates walk the street in front of the es- tablishment without causing an obstruction. Since 1883 he has been attorney and secre- tary of the Warm Springs Consolidated Mining Co. He is also a stockholder of the Canton Manufacturing Co. During the school season, since 1 881, he has filled the position of secretary of the Evening High School, of Boston. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, Clover Club, and Democratic City Committee, of Boston. He is, at present, the president of the latter organization, having been elected in 1887. Burke, John H., lawyer, born in Chelsea, Mass., September 6, 1856. He graduated at the Bigelow Grammar School, South Bos- ton, attended Boston College, and graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1878, receiving the degree of LL.B. He was admitted to the Suffolk County bar in September, 1878. He practised law on his own account for five years, in the office of Hon. P. A. Collins, when, in 1883, he became a member of the law firm of Collins, Burke, & Griffin. He had entire management of the legal business of the office during Mr. CoUins's terms in Congress. He is a mem- ber of the Montgomery Light Guard Veteran Association, and was recently elected the president of the Charitable Irish Society. Byrne, Patrick Henry, lawyer, born in Lavagh, County Roscommon, Ireland, Feb. (285) 286 THE IRISH I.V BOSTON. 5, 1844, died at Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y., July 31, 1 88 1, aged thirty-seven years five months and twenty-six days. He came to this country \\ith his widowed mother when about five years old, and received his primary and academic education in the schools of New York City and at the University of New York. He was employed by his uncle, Mr. H. Brennan, at the marble-worker's trade. He subsequently abandoned the business, however, and accepted a position as travel- ling salesman for a wholesale woollen house in Boston. He eventually became the senior member of the collection agency firm of Byrne, Everett, & Co., 9 Pemberton square, but later disposed of his interest there and removed to New York City, where he estab- lished the same business on a far more ex- tensive and systematic plan, with headquar- ters in the Bennett Building of that city. In addition to his business activity he also at- tended the law school of the University of New York, from which institution he received his diploma in 1875, and was soon afterward admitted to practice as an attorney-at-law. To the ambitious young man the law was his aim and life-work, and he devoted himself entirely to its extended study and practice, with an office at 67 Wall street. He acquired a prominent and promising reputation as a law- yer for one of his age, and his intelligence, geniality, and correct habits always won for him the admiration of his many friends. During his legal practice he was retained in a number of important cases_ involving large interests, and by his ability as a counsel and advocate his clients were always ably repre- sented. He was also associated in the manufacture of patent gas-fixtures at Mor- risana. He left a wife and four children. Canavan, Michael J., lawyer, born in Somerville, Mass., resides in Lexington, ^lass. He graduated at the Somerville High School in 1867, and later entered Harvard University, where he was graduated citin laude. In 1S71 he had the degree of A.B. conferred upon him at Harvard, and he afterwards went to Germany, where, from 1871 to 1873, he spent much tune at the University of Gottingen. On his return to this country he reentered Harvard Univer- sity and distinguished himself. He received the degree of LL.B. in 1876, and A.M. in the same year. He was a trustee of the Somerville Public Library, and is independent in politics. He is actively engaged in ma- nipulating and dealing in Western invest- ments, lands, and mortgages. Casey, John H., lawyer, born in Somer- ville, Mass., Dec. 7, 1S60. He was educated in the public schools of Somerville, and re- moved to Boston in 1880, where he attended the Boston University Law School. He studied law also in the office of Stearns & Butler, and was admitted to the Suffolk bar in December, 1884. After practising law for a few years in this city, on Jan. 1, 18S8, he accepted a position as clerk to the District Attorney of Suffolk County. He is a mem- ber of the Royal Society of Good Fellows. Cassidy, William E., lawyer, born in Boston in 1856. He graduated at the Law- rence Grammar School and the Boston University Law School. Since his admission to the bar he has practised law in Boston, and during i8S4-'85-'S6 was a commissioner of insolvency. Collins, John A., lawyer, born in Bos- ton, February 29, i860. He graduated at the Lincoln Grammar School and the English High School, attended the law schools of both Harvard College and Boston University, and received the degree of LL.B. from the latter. He began the practice of law in Boston in 1S83. He M'as elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives of 1885, and again of 1886, and during his second term was the youngest member of that body. He repre- sented South Boston in the Senate of iSSS, and was also honored with being the young- est member of the upper branch of the Leg- islature. He has been a member of the Democratic Citv Central Committee for three BIO GRAPHIC A L SKE TCIIES. 287 years, and also a member of the Executive Committee. He is president of the local conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Collins, John J., lawyer, born in Boston, Aug. 28, 1862. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and at Holy Cross College, Worcester, from which he grad- uated in 1884. He afterward studied law at the .Boston University Law School, grad- uated, and was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1886. He is located in the office of Hon. P. A. Collins. Collins, Mark C, lawyer, born in Bos- ton, September 24, 1S49. He attended the public schools; graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1879, and was ad- mitted to the bar the following year. He has since been engaged in the practice of the legal profession in this city. CoLLisoN, Harvey N., lawyer, born in Boston, March 22, i860. He attended the Boston public schools ; graduated at Harvard College in 1881; graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1884, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar the same year. He represented Ward 6 in the Coni- mon Council of 1 883-'84-'85, and in the Legis- lature of i887-'88, serving on the committees on Election Laws, Probate, and Insolvency. In 1887 he was elected a member of the Bos- ton School Committee; is a Director of East Boston Ferries, a member of the Irish Char- itable Society, the Democratic Ward and City Committee, and Vice-President of the Young Men's Democratic Club of Jvlassachusetts. CooGAN, Michael B., lawyer, born in New Bedford, Mass., March 21, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of Provi- dence, R.I., and the Phillips Grammar School, Boston. He subsequently studied law in the office of Hon. Owen A. Galvin, and was ad- mitted to the Suffolk County bar, July 10, 1883. He was appointed clerk in the office of the United States ^Marshal by Gen. N. P. Banks, Aug. 8, 1887, and served in that capacity until July 7, 188S, when he was commissioned as a United States Secret Service Agent, in charge of the New England District, with headquarters at Room 132 Post-Office Build- ing, Boston. He was secretary of the Demo- cratic City Committee of Cambridge in 1886- 89; and is a member of St. John's Court No. 2,:^, Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, and Anchor Assembly 30, Royal Society of Good Fellows. CooNEY, Patrick H., lawyer, born in Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 20, 1845. He was educated in the Natick High School and West Newton English and Classical School. He subsequently studied law. He has been Assistant District Attorney for Middlesex County since Jan. i, 1880, and was a mem- ber of the School Committee of Natick for four years, from March, 1880. He has a law office in Boston, and is a member of the Algonquin Club and Meridian Lodge of Masons, Natick. Cotter, James E., lawyer, born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1848. He was educated in the public schools of Marlboro' and the State Normal School of Bridgewater; began studying law August 28, 1871, with William B. Gale, at Marlboro', and was admitted to the bar at Cambridge, January 2, 1874. Five days later he removed to Hyde Park, Mass. Since that period he has practised law in Norfolk and Suffolk counties. He was chairman of Registrars of Voters of Hyde Park in 1884-85 ; member of the School Com- mittee for five years, beginning March, 1886; he served as Chairman of the Board in 1888, and dechned a renomination, although ear- nestly urged to accept by the citizens of the town, even those who differed with him po- litically; town counsel for Hyde Park from 1S78 to 1889, and for Walpole since 1886 He was the Democratic nominee for district attorney for the south-eastern district, com- prising Norfolk and Plymouth counties, in 1874, and again in 1877; a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Democratic ticket 288 THE IRISH IN BO ST OX. in 1884, receiving 122,000 votes; he is a member of the Norfolk and Suffolk bar as- sociations, of the Charitable Irish Society, and the Massachusetts Order of Foresters. Courtney, William F., lawyer, born in Lowell, Mass., Dec. 10, 1855. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Lowell, is a graduate of the Lowell Commercial College and the Harvard Law School of 1 878. He was admitted to the bar July 8, 1878, and practised the legal profession in his native city. He was a member of the Legislature in 1882. In 1 886 he entered into partner- ship with Mr. Isaac S. Morse, for the practice of law in Boston. During 18S7 he acted as City Solicitor for Lowell. He was engaged as counsel for the defendant in the case of Commonwealth vs. Howe. This was a case of alleged ballot-stuffing on the license ques- tion. In the lower court his client was con- victed, but the case was carried to the Supreme Court, on the ground that there was no law to punish it, and the point was sustained. In view of this oversight, the Governor of Massachusetts sent a special message to the Legislature relative to the matter, and in 1887 the present law covering such cases was enacted. Creed, Michael J., lawyer, born in South Boston, Aug. 28, 1856. He graduated at the Bigelow Grammar School in 1869; at- tended the English High School ; took a special classical course; graduated at Bos- ton University Law School in 1879, receiving the degree of LL.B., and was admitted to the bar shortly afterwards. He was a member of the Legislature of iSS4-'85-'86; is on the Finance Committee of the Democratic City Central Committee, 1889, and a Commis- sioner of Insolvency for Suffolk County. Cronan, John F., lawyer, born in Boston, April 9, 1856. He attended the public schools and the English High School; gradu- ated at the Boston University Law School in 1879. He supplemented his legal studies in the office of F. A. Perry, and was admitted to the Suffolk bar when only twenty-three years of age. In 1876 he delivered a number of campaign speeches for Samuel J. Tilden, also for General Butler in the State campaign of 1878. He is one of the prominent young Democrats, and has resided in South Boston for a number of years. Cronin, Cornelius F., lawyer, born in South Boston, April 9, 1.856. He attended the public schools, French's Commercial College, and graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1879; was ad- mitted to the bar the same year. He was a member of the Legislature from Ward 13 in i88i-'82-'83; represented the Fifth Suf- folk District in the Senate of 1884; the candidate of the Democratic party for City Solicitor of Boston in 1885, but was defeated by five votes; is a member of the Mechanic Apprentice's Association and the South Bos- ton Young Men's Catholic Association. Cronin, Cornelius F., lawyer, born in the County Cork, Ireland, July 25, 1851. Hecame to this country when but a few years old, and located in Boston. He graduated at the D wight School (Franklin medal scholar) and the Boston University Law School, where he received the degree of LL.B. After leaving the grammar school he en- gaged for a time in the junk business, and travelled considerably through the United States and Canada. Upon his return to this city he studied law in the office of VVm. C. Greene, afterward with Messrs. Gargan, Swasey, & Adams, supplemented his legal studies at the Law School, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1878. He was a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1881— '82-'83, and the State Senate during 1S84. He has been a resident of South Boston for several years, but is at present located in Los Angeles, Cal. D.VCEY, Timothy J., born in Boston on the nth. of October, 1849; died Dec. 15, 1887. His parents came to this country from Ireland about fifty-five years ago. His BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 289 father, John Dacey, afterwards took an active part in municipal affairs, serving in the Common Council in i860 and 1861, and was elected to the lower branch of the Legisla- ture in 1863 and the year following. Young Dacey was a graduate of the Eliot Grammar School, receiving a Franklin medal in 1863. He passed through the English High School, and completed his education at Holy Cross College, Worcester. He subsequently be- gan the study of the law at the Harvard Law School, and graduated in 1 871, being ad- mitted to the bar in the same year. Mr. Dacey early in life became interested in poli- tics, and first entered the public service as a member of the Common Council from old Ward 2 in 1872, being reelected in the fol- lowing year. He became a candidate for the lower branch of the General Court, and was elected for the session of 1874. In 1875 he was elected a member of the State Senate, where he served two terms, winning the approbation of his constituents and the citizens at large by his admirable course while a meml)er of that body. He was a member of the judiciary committee during both sessions. He was appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the City Hospital on Feb. 7, 1873, and was a member till the time of his death, being president of the board during five years. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louis in 1876, which nominated Samuel J. Tilden. In January, 1877, ^^ ^^^ ^P" pointed First Assistant District Attorney of Suffolk County. He first became a member of the School Board in 1 880 for two jears, and in 1883 he was again elected to the Board, his nomination being tendered by the Democrats and Republicans alike. Mr. Dacey was returned to the Board in 1 885 for the term of four years, and for three years was president of that body. He also served on many of the important committees prior to his election as chairman. He was identified with a number of political and social organi- zations, and once was president of the Chari- table Irish Society. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Boston, and was one of a special committee which visited Great Britain as guests of the Ancient and Honorable Ar- tillery Company of London on the occasion of the jubilee anniversary of the latter company. Daly, Anthony C, lawyer, born in Bos- ton, Oct. II, 1853. He was educated in the public schools of this city. He subse- quently studied law, and was admitted while quite a young man to practice at the Suffolk County bar. He represented Ward 6 in the Legislature of 1S78. A short time afterwards he accepted a position as attorney for a rail- road in the West, where he is now located. DoHERTY, Philip J., lawyer, born in Charlestown, Jan. 27, 1856, where he has always resided. He is of Irish parentage, and is the grandson of James and Mary Munnegle, of the Parish of Desertagney, Ireland. He graduated at the Harvard Gram- mar School in 1870, and at the Charlestown High School in 1874. At an early age he began the study of law, and completed his course at the Boston University Law School in 1876, receiving the degree of LL.B. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar, June 4, 1877, and has been an active practitioner ever since. He was elected by the Democrats of Ward 5 to the Legislature of i884-'85-'86, and during his three years of service in the General Court did effective w^ork for his constituency and the working-classes throughout the State generally. During his last term of legisla- tive experience he was the acknowledged leader of the Democratic side of the House, and his subsequent vigorous and eloquent campaign speeches for the Democratic party have placed him in a position of prominence throughout the Commonwealth. The first year that Mr. Doherty served in the Legisla- ture he worked hard for the passage of the bill to abolish contract convict labor; also in favor of the bill providing that no minor under eighteen years of age, and no woman, shall be obliged to work more than ten hours a day. He strongly advocated the Free Text- Book Bill and the bill for the establishment 290 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. of benevolent building associations for the assistance of poor people in obtaining homes. In the year 18S5 he was the only member of the Democratic party honored with a position on the Judiciary Committee; he strongly supported the Employers' Liability Bill, the abolition of the poll-tax as a prerequisite for voting, and took an active part in other matters of important legislation. At the Democratic State Convention, in the fall of that year, by an eloquent and masterly speech he nominated Hon. F. O. Trince as the candidate for governor. In 18S6 Mr. Doherty was the nominee of his party for Speaker of the House. He advocated the Weekly Payment Bill, which became a law. He favored annual elections, the local rights bill, arbitration, soldiers' exemption bill, bill for employment of minors and women, and labor legislation. He was elected to the Board of Aldermen of 1S88 by the Indepen- dent Democrats of Charlestown, and was a delegate to the National Democratic Conven- tion at St. Louis the same year. In 1889 he ■was appointed a member of the Water Board by Mayor Hart, his present position. DwYER, William Whitton, lawyer, born in Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 19, 1840. He graduated from the Dublin High School and Trinity College, and was admitted attorney to Superior Court of Law and a solicitor of High Court of Chancery in Ireland, January, 1 86 1; practised law in Dublin for a short . period; came to Boston June 15, 1872, and was admitted to Suffolk bar in 1875. He was appointed a justice of the Municipal Court for the East Boston District, May 23, 1879. He is Judge-Advocate of the Mont- gomery Light Guards, and a member of the Irish National League. He is Past Grand Ruler and Representative from Massachu- setts to the Supreme Assembly of the Royal Society of Good Fellows; a Past Sachem and Representative to the Great Council of Massachusetts in the Improved Order of Red Men; a member of the Supreme Council Royal Conclave of Knights and Ladies, Iron Hall, Pilgrim Fathers, and Irish Charitable Society. He attended the funeral of Father Cahill, at New York, as a delegate of the latter society, and has several times acted as a delegate to the Democratic State con- ventions. Farrell Michael F., lawyer, born in Kilkenny, Ireland, Sept. 13, 1848. He im- migrated from Ireland to New York, in 1862, but did not settle in Boston until November, 1S64. He was educated in the public schools of New York City and at Boston College. He was admitted to the Middlesex County bar, June, 1871, and to the United States Circuit Court in 1S76. He was a member of the School Committee of Somerville from 1874 to '79. He is a mem- ber of the Irish Charitable Society. Fitzgerald, James E., lawyer, born in Boston, April 25, 1855. ^^^ graduated at the Lyman Grammar School, studied at the Boston English High School, at private schools, and afterwards entered the Boston University Law School. He was admitted to the Suffolk County bar in 1886, and made his headquarters at the law oflice of Swasey & Swasey, Boston. He has been a self-reliant man, and was engaged in the paper-stock and metal business from 1874 to 1882, the business success which followed enabling him to defray his educational expenses. His services in the City Council, from the year 1882 to 1884, as well as a member of the House of Representatives, from 18S6 to 1887, were of the most meritorious kind. He served on many important committees in both branches of the government, and nu- merous improvements were made in his dis- trict by his exertions. He had charge of and admirably forced the passage of a bill in the House for the appropriation of two million five hundred thousand dollars for the im- provement of public parks and squares. The bill was passed through a Republican House and Senate. He was the organizer and is the present president of the Democratic As- sociation of Ward 2. While in the House of Representatives he was appointed one of BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCIIES. 291 a committee to attend the centennial cele- bration of the adoption of the Constitution at Philadelphia, Penn. He presented the order to the House which made Labor day a legal holiday. Senator Alpheus B. Alger introduced a similar order to the Senate on the same day. Flatley, Thomas, lawyer, and Deputy Collector of the Port of Boston, was born at Claremorris, Ireland, in 185 1. He graduated at a private classical school, and matricu- lated in Queen's College, Gal way. While he was at college, the insurrection, or, as it was popularly known, "the rising," com- manded the attention of every Irishman, and fired the hearts of the Irish national patriots. Mr. Flatley was but a boy, and quite an in- spired one, for he took an active part in preparing for the movement against England. He mustered a battalion of patriotic young men, received a commission, and draughted a plan of campaign in his section of the counti-y. He planned a strategic movement whereby his men could capture arms and accoutrements, which they needed badly. Mr. Flatley was to order a number of his men to engage in a sham fight in the public square of the town, and while the police would be busy endeavoring to restore order, the remainder of the battalion would capture the police arsenal. Afterwards, the police were to be taken prisoners, and to be offered the alternative of being court-mar- tialled or swearing allegiance to the Irish republic. The order for " the rising " was countermanded on the eve of March 5, 1867, which was a fortunate occurrence for Ire- land. Flying columns of English soldiers were sent through the provinces with orders from the English commander to arrest " cen- tres " and suspects. Mr. Flatley, among others, fled the country. For a while after his arrival in this country he engaged in mercantile life, but his desire to perfect his studies impelled him to enter Georgetown College, Maryland, in 1868. He passed a brilliant examination there, and received his degree of Bachelor of Arts and a diploma, after acquitting himself most cred- itably in the law department. He subse- quently became a member of the college faculty. Later, he associated with his brother, P. J. Flatley, Esq., in law practice. He is a pronounced Democrat in politics, and was appointed Deputy Collector of the Port of Boston in 18S5. Mr. Flatley was at one time secretary of the Irish national organization in America. Flynn, Edward J., lawyer, born in Bos- ton, June 16, 1859. He graduated from the Eliot Grammar School, the English High School, Boston College, Class of '81, Boston University, and Harvard Law School. He was admitted to the bar in 1884, and has since practised law in Boston. He repre- sented Ward 6 in the Legislature of i885-'86, and was identified with the Metropolitan Police Bill, the Credibility of Witnesses' Bill, the resolve to abolish the poll-tax as a pre- requisite for voting, the Biennial Election Bill, and others. In 18S8 he was also a member, serving on the Judiciary Committee and on Constitutional Amendments. He is a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee, and one of the Board of Directors for East Boston Ferries. Fox, James W., lawyer, born in Boston, August 15, 1849. He was educated in the public schools, and studied law in the office of Hon. Henry W. Paine. After his admis- sion to the bar he began the practice of law in this city. He was a member of the Com- mon Council from Ward 13 in 1876, and of the Legislature in 1877. Galvin, John E., lawyer, born in Boston, November 8, 1857. He was educated in the public schools; is a graduate of the Eng- lish High and Latin Schools and the Har- vard Law School. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1879, and is now engaged in the active practice of law in this city. Galvin, Owen A., United States District Attorney, was born in Boston, of Irish par- 292 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. ents, June 21, 1852. After studying in the Boston public schools he entered the law office of Charles F. Donnelly in 1872, where he made his preparatory law studies in con- junction with a course of study which he re- ceived at the Boston University Law School, from which institution he graduated with the Class of 1876. He was admitted to the bar Feb. 29, 1876, and remained in the office of Lawyer Donnelly until 1882, where he acquired a varied, extensive, and practical experience in the multifarious intricacies of civil law and its successful application to complex cases. Mr. Galvin opened an office immediately. His attainments and good qualities were quickly recognized and appre- ciated, his list of clients grew to flattering proportions, and his lucrative practice has constantly increased ever since. He was elected a member of the House of Repre- sentatives in 1881, from Ward 8. He served in the Senate during the years 1882, 1883, and 1884. He was a candidate of the minority for the presidency of the Senate in 1884, a vice-president of the Democratic City Central Committee for two years, of which organization he has been a member for the past ten years. He has been one of the leading men in educational, benevolent, re- formatory, and political movements which have passed into the history of his native city. He was elected High Chief Ranger of the Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, i882-'83, from Cheverus Court, No. 6. In 1883 he was on the committee of investiga- tion who visited the State's penal institutions; on their report of the subsequent year the Re- formatory Prison at Concord, Mass., and the Homoeopathic Hospital for the Insane were established. Mr. Calvin's services on other committees, while in the public service, in- cluded Labor, Liquor, Harbor, Public Lands, Election, and Education; he was on the latter during four years. His appointment as First Assistant District Attorney by the Hon. George M. Stearns, then United States Attor- ney, placed him in a position of honor and trust. Mr. Stearns resigned his office Sep- tember, 1887, and the attention of President Cleveland was attracted to the high qualifica- tions which Mr. Galvin possessed, and he accordingly appointed him a United States District Attorney, September, 1887. HOYNES, Edward F., lawyer, born in Boston, February 14, 1858. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Boston, and later attended Boston College, the Harvard Law School, and Boston University Law School, graduating at the latter institution in 1882. He represented Ward 14 in the General Court of 1884. He is at present engaged in the retail dry-goods trade in South Boston. Jenkins, Edward J., lawyer, born in London, England, of Irish parents, Dec. 20, 1854. He came to Boston when but a few weeks old; was educated in the grammar schools of this city, and studied law at the Boston University Law School, was graduated in 1889, and he was admitted to the Suffolk bar on Nov. 30, 1881, and to the bar of the United States Court on Dec. 23, 1 88 1. He was a member of the Boston School Committee and secretary of the Democratic Central Committee in 1S76, during the famous Tilden campaign; was a member of the House of Representatives in i877-'78-'79, during the latter year he ten- dered his resignation as a member; was a Commissioner of Insolvency for the County of Suffolk during the years i879-'8o-'8i-'82- '83-'84'-85, and he refused to act longer. While a member of the House of Representa- tives he was the candidate of the Democracy for the clerk of the House. During the year 1 88 1 he was nominated by the Suffolk County Democratic Convention for clerk of the Su- perior Civil Court. In i885-'86-'88, he was elected as a member of the Common Council, and during that period served as its presiding officer; he was also Trustee for the Public Li- brary of Boston in 1885. He was a member of the Massachusetts Senate in 1887. Mr. Jenkins introduced the order for the abolition of the poll-tax as a prerequisite for voting; advocated the passage of the bill abolishing EDWARD J. JENKINS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 293 the contract system of labor. He secured the passage of the law relative to the practice of dentistry; favored the order authorizing the employment of matrons at police stations. He supported the act regulating the liabilities of employers to make compensations for personal injuries suffered by employees in their service. He introduced and voted for the order to authorize the city of Boston to operate the East Boston ferries free of tolls. He introduced and voted for orders to regu- late the observance of the Lord's day, the purport of which was to secure such modifi- cations as were necessary by the present social conditions of the community. He voted and advocated the making of Labor day a legal holiday. He supported and voted for the bill to establish the hours of labor of per- sons in the service of the Commonwealth, and the several cities and towns thereof, so that eight hours would constitute a working day. He introduced and favored orders to prevent fraud at primary meetings and at general elec- tions. He advocated the creation of a Board of Public Works for the city of Boston, con- sisting of nine members, to be elected by the City Council of Boston. He favored large appropriations for the construction of the public parks of Boston. He supported the bill giving preference in appointments to office to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors without civil-service examination. He voted for all ap>propriations for charitable institutions, such as the Carney Hospital at South Boston, Soldiers' Home in Chelsea, etc. His record in the Legislature on labor measures is well known. He voted for legislation relative to the better enforcement of the laws on labor; for the laws to secure uniform meal-times for children, young per- sons, and women employed in factories; for the order to secure legislation which would provide for the better ventilation and other sanitary improvements; for the law limiting the hours of labor for minors and women in manu- facturing and mechanical establishments; for the law which prohibits the employment of children cleaning dangerous machinery; for the law directing that employees in manufacturing, mechanical, and mercantile establishments be allowed sufficient time to vote; and for the bill, that became a law, causing contract labor in the penal institu- tions of the Commonwealth to be abolished. He is a member of the Central Club, Catholic Order of Foresters, Charitable Irish Society, and many other benevolent organizations. Was a member of the Montgomery Light Guards, being the drummer-boy of the company, and is now a member of the Veteran Association of that organization. Keating, Patrick M., lawyer, born at Springfield, Mass., March 15, i860. He was a graduate of the Houghton Grammar School in 1874, and also was graduate of the Springfield High School in 1878. He came to Boston, entered Harvard University, and was graduated in 1883. He entered the Har- vard Law School, and remained until 1885. He acquired a more complete and practical knowledge of law in the law office of J. Gargan, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar in the summer of 1885. He has been associate counsel with Mr. Gargan in many cases. KiERNAN, Patrick B., lawyer, born in Boston, March 2, 1852. He was educated in the Boston public schools, also in a pri- vate school taught by a Mr. Carroll, of Providence, R.L, and later at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College. He studied law, and after his admission to the bar began to practise in Boston and Chelsea. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society and the Chelsea Yacht Club. Leahy, John Patrick, lawyer, born in Boston, i860. Educated in the Boston pub- lic schools, and later received private instruc- tion. He studied law at Boston University Law School, and graduated with the Class of '84. He entered the law office of Mr. Charles F. Donnelly, where he acquired a knowledge of legal technique. Mr. Leahy has been in active practice since 1884, and he has an e.xtensive clientage in the Civil, 294 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Equity, and Probate Courts concerning trusts, wills, and conveyances of real estate. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Catholic Union of Boston, and is con- nected with the Young Men's Catholic Asso- ciation of Boston College. He gave religious instruction to the male adults at the House of Industry at Deer Island for over two years. He has been Vice-President of the Catholic Young Men's National Union, and also Vice-President of the Archdiocesan Union of Young Men's Societies. His repu- tation as a lecturer and a public speaker is good, and he has won praise as a writer. In two successive years he carried off the fifty-dollar prize offered by the Catholic Union of Boston for the best essay on the subject selected by the Union. He has been a contributor to the Catholic press and magazines. Among the sul^jects of his lect- ures are: "The American Catholic," " Some Strong Irish Characteristics," "Napoleon," " A Visit to the Roman Catacombs," " Elo- quence." LiBBY, Philip J., lawyer, born in Boston, Feb. 22, 1861. His elementary studies were made at the Boston public schools, and he graduated from Holy Cross College at Worcester, Mass., in 1S81. He studied law at the office of Messrs. Crowley & Maxwell, and graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1886, having then received the degree of LL.B. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in the same year. Magee, Frank P., lawyer, born in Bos- ton, Jan. 27, 1859. He attended the public schools of this city and the Boston Univer- sity Law School, from which he graduated in 1883. On Feb. 23, 1^83, he was admitted a member of the Suffolk County bar, and was later appointed a Justice of the Peace. He represented Ward 18 as one of the mem- bers of the Democratic Ward and City Com- mittee of i884-'85-'86. He was elected a Commissioner of Insolvency for three years, from Jan. i, 1887, and is connected with sev- eral societies in this vicinity, notably the Charitable Irish, Ancient Order of Foresters, Roxbury Bachelor Club, and others. Maher, Peter S., lawyer, born in South Boston, Dec. 21, 1847. He attended the public schools, and first entered the employ of J. M. Beebe & Co., dry-goods merchants, with whom he remained for five years, until the firm dissolved. He afterwards was en- gaged as clerk for two years in the Ijanking business for William Chadborn. He subse- quently studied law with Geo. F. Verry at Worcester, and came to Boston in 1881, and is at present with Hon. C. J. Noyes. Manning, John P., Clerk of Superior Court, Criminal Session, in Suffolk County. Born in Boston, June 17, 1851, and has always resided there. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of Boston, and graduated from the Dwight Grammar School. He received limited instruction at a commercial college, and studied at home. He entered the office of Supreme Court as a copyist, in 1868; was appointed assistant clerk in 1873; was admitted to the bar in January, 1874, on the motion of the late Hon. Chas. R. Train, after three years' study; was elected Clerk the following November, to fill an unexpired term caused by the death of Henry Homer, Esq. Though a Democrat, he received a plu- rality of two thousand four hundred votes more than the opposing candidate. In two years afterward he received but one political nomi- nation, the Democratic, yet he received a plu- rality of eight thousand votes over his oppo- nent; the two last elections he received the nominations of all political parties. He is untiring in his efforts to perform his duties satisfactorily to the bench, the bar, and the public, and is patient and attentive to the wants of all who have business with him. His office and his duties are of the most trying nature. His knowledge of law is admitted by those acquainted with him to be excellent. He has been a member of the Young Men's Catho- lic Association of Boston College since its BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 295 organization, also the Catliolic Union, Charitable Irish Society, and Catholic Order of Foresters. McCafferty, Matthew J., lawyer, born in Ireland, June 17, 1829 ; died, June 5, 18S5. At a very early age his parents immigrated to this country, and located in Boston, where young McCafferty attended the public schools. In 1841 the family removed to Lowell, Mass., and Matthew, who was then twelve years old, obtained employment in one of the mills of that city, where he remained four or five years, and afterward learned the machinist's trade. In 1852 he commenced the study of law in the office of Brown & Alger. Two years later he removed to Worcester, and resumed work as a machinist, to obtain addi- tional funds. During that time he read law, evenings, in the office of Hon. Peter C. Bacon, having for a fellow-student Judge Hamilton B. Staples. He saved enough, during the mean time, to pay his expenses at college; but upon making a visit to Lowell, prompted by filial duty, he expended the money he had accumulated in making his poor mother's homestead more comfortable, and was subsequently compelled to borrow from Gen. B. F. Butler to pay his way through Holy Cross College. After a three years' course he returned to his law studies in the office of Brown & Alger. In March, 1867, he was admitted to the bar in the Court of Common Pleas, at Lowell, and eventually opened an office in Worcester. At the out- break of the Civil War he took a decided stand, and, with characteristic Irish patriot- ism, urged his countrymen to rally in defence of the Union. He served as second lieu- tenant of Company C, Emmet Guards, Third BattaHon of Rifles, during its enlistment, and was subsequently commissioned major of the Twenty- fifth Massachusetts Regiment. He was a member of the Legislature of 1866, '765 '77, and '79; also of the Worcester School Board; and in 1880 was a Demo- cratic candidate for Congress. In 18S3 he was appointed, by Governor Butler, an Asso- ciate Justice of the Municipal Court at Bos- ton, which position he occupied at the time of his death. McGeough, James A., lawyer, born in the County Cavan, Ireland, June 15, 1854. He immigrated and came to Boston in 1859. His preparatory studies were made at the Boston public schools and at Boston College. He afterwards entered the Boston University Law School, and was graduated, with degree of LL.B., in 1874. He was admitted to the Suffolk County bar in the same year. He has won distinction in pubhc life by his meritorious services to the people whom he has creditably represented. He served in the Common Council in 1878, and he was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1879, 1880, and 1881. In the year 1883 he served in the Massa- chusetts Senate. While in the Legislature he made a notable speech, all the more remarkable on account of its improvisa- tion. It was directed against the Agnostic bill, which was introduced and ably sup- ported by Col. T. W. Higginson, in 1881. Mr. McGeough brought about the defeat of the bill by a majority of thirty-three votes. As a member of the State Central Com- mittee in 1887, ^ district member-at-large in 1888, and a delegate from the Fourth Dis- trict to the St. Louis Convention, he dis- played excellent qualifications for political leadership. He was counsel for the steer- age passengers in their suit against the Allan Line S.S. Co. His argument on behalf of his clients was forcible, positive, logical, which is characteristic of his public speaking. He is a regular Democrat in politics. McKelleget, R. J., lawyer, born in Boston, June 27, 1856. He attended the public schools of this city, also the English High School, and graduated from the Har- vard Law School of 1878. Since his admis- sion to the bar he has been engaged in the practice of law in Boston. McI^UGHLlN, Edward A., lawyer, born in Boston, Sept. 25, 1S53. He received his 296 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. education at Boston College and at Loyola College, Baltimore, from which he graduated in 1 87 1 with the degree of A.B. Boston Col- lege also honored him with the degree of A.M., in 1877. For the five years between 1 87 1 and 1876 he was engaged as professor at Loyola College, Maryland, and Seton Hall College, New Jersey. Returning to Boston, he studied law in the office of ex-Governor William Gaston, and also attended the Bos- ton University Law School, where he received the degree of LL.B. He was admitted to the bar in 1877. He was elected by the com- mittee who had in charge the general statute revision of 1880, to incorporate in the Public Statutes the amendments made by said com- mittee. He was highly complimented at the time for his valuable work by the present Judge Robert R. Bishop, who was president of the Senate during that year, and also chairman of the committee. He was also one of the two persons appointed under a resolve of the Legislature to superintend the printing of the Public Statutes. Mr. Mc- Laughlin was appointed Assistant Clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1878. Subsequently, upon the accession of Mr. Marden to the Speakership of the House, in 1S83, he was chosen Clerk, which position he has held since. He is recognized as a gentleman of scholarly attainments, and is a verypopular and efficient Clerk of the House of Representatives. McLaughlin, John D., lawyer, born in Boston, Dec. 3, 1864. He received his early educational training in the public schools of this city, and later attended Georgetown College, at which he graduated in 1883. In 1886 he graduated from the Boston Uni- versity Law School, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar of Massachusetts in the same year. Moore, M. J., lawyer, born in South Bos- ton, May 20, 1864. He attended the Boston public schools, the English High School, graduated at the Boston University Law School in 18S7, and was admitted to the bar in 1888. He extended his law studies in the office of J. F. Murphy, and is now in practice for himself, with an office at South Boston. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1 886, and is at present a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee from Ward 13. MuLCHiNOCK, John D., law student, born in Boston, July 9, 1855. He is a graduate of the Quincy Grammar School and the English High School. He studied three years at Holy Cross College, and also at Nicolet College, Canada, receiving a diploma from the latter. He represented Ward 12 in the Legislature of 1880. Mulligan, Henry C, lawyer, born in Natick, March 6, 1854. He is a graduate of Natick High School and Harvard Col- lege, Class of '79. Mr. Mulligan, after his admission to the bar, opened an office in Boston, where he is at present engaged in the practice of the legal profession. He was a member of the Natick School Committee in 1888-89; a trustee of Morse Institute and Natick Pubhc Library since 1885. Murphy, James R., lawyer, born in Bos- ton, July 29, 1853. He attended the public schools, Boston College, Georgetown Col- lege, D.C, and graduated at the latter in 1872. In 1873 he received the degree of A.M. from Loyola College, Baltimore, where he was engaged for a few years as a Latin instructor, and also at Seton Hall, N.J. He received the degree of LL.B. from Boston University in June, 1876, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar in the fol- lowing month of October. He introduced into Massachusetts the process of casting wrought iron, a valuable invention of a Swede, which is now in successful operation in foundry- work in Boston. He was one of the foun- ders of the Young Men's Catholic Associa- tion, and is at present engaged in a lucra- tive law practice in this city. Naphen, Henry F., lawyer, born in Ire- land, Aug. 14, 1852, and came to this coun- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 297 try with his parents when an infant. The family settled in Lowell, Mass., in 1S55, where he received his early education at the public schools. After removing to Bos- ton he continued his studies under a private tutor, and entered the Harvard Law School, from which he graduated in 187S. Later he took a further course at Harvard University, as resident Bachelor of Laws, and finally completed his professional education at the Law School of the Boston University. In 1 881 he was admitted to the Suffolk bar, and has since practised his profession in this city. In 1882 he was elected a member of the School Committee for three years, and in 1883 was appointed Bail Commis- sioner. He represented the Fifth Suffolk District in the Senate of i885-'86-'87. During his first year in the upper branch of the Legislature he served on the committees on Probate and Chancery, Election Laws, Drainage, and chairman of Committee on Engrossed Bills. During the same year he opposed the bill for transferring divorce cases from the Supreme to the Superior Court, worked against the Metropolitan Police Bill, and introduced a measure em- powering all courts of record to grant natu- ralization. In 1886-87 he opposed the introduction of an act that " No person hereafter naturalized in any court shall be entitled to be registered as a voter within thirty days of registration ; " and his action was sustained by the Supreme Court. He advocated the abolition of the poll-tax as a prerequisite for voting, was adverse to the divisions of Hopedale and Beverly, and took a leading and influential part in the legisla- tion concerning credibility of witnesses and the use of opinion. He is a member of the Ward 14 Democratic Committee, Charitable Irish Society, Catholic Union, Royal Society of Good Fellows, Catholic Order of Forest- ers, and was one of the original incorpora- tors of Father Roche's Working Boys' Home. NooNAN, Francis, lawyer, born in Bos- ton, June, i860. He is a graduate of one of the Grammar schools and also the High School of Charlestown. He was admitted to the Suffolk County bar, June 8, 1884, and has since that time been engaged in the practice of law. He was appointed a Notary Public by Governor Robinson, June 23, 1886. NooNAN, John A., lawyer, born in South Boston, August 25, 1861. He attended the public schools, graduated from the Boston Latin School, took a course at Harvard Col- lege, graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1886, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar the sariie year. He later continued his legal studies in the office of Burbank & Bennett in this city, where he is at present located in active practice. O'Brien, James W., lawyer, born in the city of Charlestown, Mass. (now a part of Boston), May l, 1846, where he has since resided. Charlestown was then a part of Middlesex County, and he was admitted to the bar in that county in 1867. He was a member of the Charlestown City Council in the years 1870 and 1871, serving at the same time as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library. He practised law in Charlestown until its annexation to Boston in 1874, when he removed his office to the city proper. On July 6, 1883, Mr. O'Brien was nominated by Gov. Benjamin F. Butler Judge of the Charlestown District Court, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Judge G. W. Warren. In Massachusetts the ap- pointment by the governor is non-conclusive unless the appointee be confirmed by the Gov- ernor's Council. Governor Butler's Council consisted of six Republicans and one Dem- ocrat, and they refused, in Mr. O'Brien's case, to confirm the Governor's appointment, by a party vote of six to one. The Boston papers condemned the partisan and unfair action of the Republican members of the Council in their treatment of Mr. O'Brien, whose qualifications made him worthy of the judgeship, and their conduct in voting against his confirmation because he was a Democrat was severely criticised. 298 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. O'LouGHLiN, P., lawyer, born in En- nistymore, County Clare, Ireland, July i6, 1849. He came to Boston, June 5, 1864, and was educated in the public schools of this city. He worked in the furniture busi- ness several years, and obtained money enough to take a three years' course at the Boston University Law School, winning the degree of LL.D. in 1878, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar in 1879. He was Superintendent of St. Joseph's Sunday-school at the West End for several years, Chief Ranger of St. Joseph's Court of Catholic Foresters, and President of the Charlestown Catholic Lyceum Association. Plunkett, Christopher G., la\vyer, born in Boston, Aug. 29, 1859. After the return of his father, Capt. Chris. Plunkett, from the war, his family removed to Medford, Mass. Young Plunkett was educated in the public schools of Medford, from which he gradu- ated in 1877. After graduating from the public schools of Medford he entered the Boston University Law School, from which he graduated in 1880, in the meanwhile studying in the office of Hon. John F. Colby. After completing his course in the Law School, and passing a highly satisfactory ex- amination for the Suffolk County bar on June 15, 1881, he was admitted to the Mas- sachusetts bar, upon motion of Hon. Nathan Morse. Since then he has been practising law in Boston. Mr. Plunkett has been elected by his towns-people in Medford to the office of auditor of the town, being the first descend- ant of an Irish-American ever elected to any office in the town of Medford. He has l:)een twice nominated by the Democratic party as its candidate for Senator in the First Middle- sex District of Massachusetts, and is one of the leaders of the young Democracy of the State. On August 29, 1888, he was the orator of the day at the grand reunion of the Massachusetts Ninth Regiment, held at Oak Island, near Boston. Reynolds, John P., lawyer, born in Charlestown, Mass., May 30, 1859. The public schools and Boston College founded his education, and he afterwards learned the harness-maker's trade, at which he worked for nine years, and at the same time read law. He entered the Boston University Law School, where he was graduated with the Class of 1886, and he was admitted to the Suf- folk bar in the same year. In 1883 and 1884 he was secretary of the Ward 5 committee of the Democratic Ward and City Committee. In 1884-S5 he took the school and prison census. He was the assistant registrar of voters for the Charlestown District in 1 884-'S5, and served in the Legislature in i886-'87. While in the House he served on the committees on Probate, Insolvency, and Prisons. He is President of St. Mary's Mutual Relief Society, and a member of the Ninth Regiment, M.V.M. Rilky, Thomas, lawyer, born in the County Cavan, Ireland, Dec. 4, 1849, and was brought from Ireland to Boston during his infancy. He was educated at the public schools, and graduated at the Harvard Law School in 1870, and received the degree of LL.B. He studied law in the office of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, and has been in active practice for eighteen years. He is a good pleader, a forcible speaker, and is noted for his tenacity to the interests of his clients. He early be- came interested in politics, and organized the Young Men's Democratic Club in 1871, was a delegate to the Baltimore Convention which nominated Horace Greeley in 1872, can- vassed Massachusetts and part of New York State for Samuel J. Tilden in 1S76. In l879-'8o and '82 he was prominent in the Butler campaigns. Shea, Daniel J., lawyer, born in Boston, March 31, 1857; died, Sept. 3, 1 888. He was a graduate of the Brimmer .School in 1S70, English High School of 1873, Boston Latin School, 1876 (being the first Catholic boy to win first prize for declamations), and studied two years at the Harvard Law School. He was admitted to the bar, practised law in Boston, and he was a Bail Commissioner. BIO GRA PHICAL SKE TCIIES. 299 Shea, John F., lawyer, born in Boston, June 2, 1S59. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of this city, and after a course of study in the law he was admitted to the Suf- folk County bar, where he is at present a well- known practitioner. Mr. Shea is a Democrat in politics, and was a member of the Legisla- ture of 1886, where he distinguished himself as member of the Committee on Claims. During 1S87 and 18S8 he represented the eighth district in the State Senate. Shea, R. W., lawyer, born in Halifax, N.S., March 14, 1851. While an infant he, with his parents, removed to Boston, where he obtained his early education in the public schools. He graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1877, and was admitted to the Nor- folk County bar in 1880. He was also admitted to the Chicago bar. He is now engaged in the practice of law in this city, and is a member of the Charitable Irish Society. Strange, Thomas F., lawyer, born in Manchester, N.H., Dec. 24, 1859. His father was one of the organizers of the first Catholic church in the place of his birth. He came to Boston while very young, and was educated in the public schools of this city; graduated from the Boston University Law School in 1882, receiving the degree of LL.'B., and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar the same year. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for eight years, and in 1883 was appointed to fill a vacancy as a Commissioner of Insolvency. He was later elected to the office for three years. Sullivan, Cornelius P., lawyer, born in Boston, April 22, i86l. He is a graduate of the Quincy Grammar School, the English High School of 1876, Latin School, 1882, and the Harvard Law School, 1885. He was ad- mitted to the bar in the latter year, and has since been engaged in legal practice. Sullr'AN, Richard, lawyer, l)orn in Dur- ham, Conn., Feb. 24, 1856. In infancy he was brought to Boston. He graduated at the Comins Grammar School, Boston College, Boston University Law School in 1882, re- ceiving the degree of LL.B., and was ad- mitted to the Suffolk County bar in 1883. He was a member of the Harvard Law School. In 1S81-82 he studied in the office of C. T. and T. H. Russell & Co. He was a member of the Common Council of i8S7-'8S- '89, serving on the committees on Claims, Judiciary, etc., and is one of the Executive Committee of the Young Men's Democratic Club of Massachusetts. Sullivan, William, lawyer, born in County Cork, Ireland, June 9, 1854. In the spring of 1866 he immigrated to this country, locating at Salem, Mass. He at- tended the public schools, graduated at the Salem High School in 1874, Harvard Law School in 1881, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar, June 22, 1882. During the year between his graduation from the law school and admission to the bar he studied in the office of Flon. E. R. Hoar, where he has continued to practise ever since. Sweeney, James F., la\\7er, born in May- nard, Mass., Sept. 19, 1863. The basis of his education was laid at the town school and the Maynard High School; he gradu- ated at the latter, and studied at Boston Col- lege for some time. He entered the law office of Mr. John F. Cronan, and attended the Boston University Law School. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar on Jan. 17, 1S88. He was chairman of the Maynard School Committee for three years, ending in March, 1888, and he was local editor of "The En- terprise," a Maynard newspaper. Taff, John H., lawyer, born in Boston, Aug. 20, 1859. He attended the public schools of this city, and graduated at the Boston Latin School in 1875, and Harvard College in 1879. He afterward studied law at the Harvard Law School; he graduated, and was admitted to the Suffolk County bar 300 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. in 1883. He supplemented his legal studies in the law office of Charles F. Donnelly, and is now engaged in active legal practice in Boston. Walsh, James L., lawyer, born in East Boston, March 28, 1843. He graduated at the Lyman Grammar school, at Holy Cross College, 1 866, and at the Harvard Law School. He represented Ward 2 in the Legislature of 1877-78, serving on the Joint Standing Committee on Harbors and the Judiciary Committee. Upon the establishment of the East Boston District Court he was appointed a special justice. Ward, John P. J., lawyer, born at the North End, Boston, Aug. 5, 1857. He at- tended the old Mayhew School and the Bos- ton High School. He studied law at the Boston University Law School, and received the degree of LL.B. in 1877. He was ad- mitted to the bar in May, 1878, and opened a law office shortly afterwards. He repre- sented Ward 7 in the Common Council for one year after his admission to the bar, but abandoned political life to give more atten- tion to the law. Whall, William B. F., lawyer, born in Boston, March 10, 1856. His early educa- tion was received at St. Mary's Parochial School. After graduation, he attended Bos- ton College, where he received a number of meritorious prizes. In 1874 he received the degree of A.B., and in 1876 the degree of A.>L, from Holy Cross College. He was I the recipient of the degree of LL.B. from Maryland University Law School in 1876, and was admitted to the iSLiryland bar July of the same jear. He was honored with the degree of LL.B. from the Boston Uni- versity Law School in 1877, and was ad- mitted to the Suffolk County bar of Massa- chusetts in November, 1877. He was a member of the Common Council, represent- ing Ward 7, during 1886 and 1887. He was elected as a Commissioner of Insolvency in the fall of 1886, to hold office for three years, from 1887 to 1890. Names of lawyers whose biographical sketches were not written, owing to no fault of Amory, Thomas C. Andrews, Augu.stus. Barry, Thomas E. Burke, Francis. C.A.HILL, John. Casey, P. J. Cavanagh, L. J. Coakley, T. W. Coffey, John A. Collins, Edward F. Connolly, William T. Cooney, James, Jr. Curly, Thomas. Daly, Aug. J. Dillon, J. T. Doherty, William W. Dolan, Matthew. Donahoe, C. H. Donnelly, Charles F. Druky, William H. Duff, William F. Dwyer, Richard J. F.A.GIN, James K. Fallon, Joseph D. Farley, James F. Feely, Joseph J. Flatley, P. J. Gallagher, Charles T. Harrington, D. A. Harrington, W. H. Hebron, John B. Kennedy, John C. Maguire, Thomas F. McDonald, J. W. Mor.\n, John B. MuL^■EY, P. E. Sullivan, Edward. Sullivan, J. B. Sullivan, J. J. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BOSTON PHYSICIANS SKETCHES OF BOSTON PHYSICIANS. Burke, John, physician, born in Ireland. He was educated at Holy Cross College, Worcester, and the Harvard Medical School, of both of which he was a graduate. He resided in Natick, Mass-., for a time, and was a member of the School Board of that town for one year. He subsequently removed to Boston, and located at the North End, where he is now engaged in the practice of medicine. Callanan, Samson A., physician, born at Port Jervis, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1862. He re- moved to Boston in 1872, and subsequently graduated from the Dwight School, Boston College (A.B. 18S2), (A.M. 18S3), and the Harvard Medical School. He is a member of Massachusetts Medical Society, Boston College Alumni Association, Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College, and is the medical examiner of Cathedral, St. James, Holy Trinity, St. Peters, and Ameri- can courts of Catholic Order of Foresters; also of the Knights of St. Rose, Royal Society of Good Fellows, and the International Be- nevolent and Fraternal Co. Daly, Bernard T., phj'sician, born in Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 13, 1857. He at- tended St. Mary's and Oliver Grammar Schools of that place, College of St. Thomas of Villanova, Penn., and the Medical School of New York University. He removed to Boston Oct. 6, 1883. He is a member of the Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, A.O.H, Elv. No. I, A. L. of H. Charitable Irish Society, M.U.B.A., and A.O.F. Devine, William H., physician, born in Boston, June 21, 1S60. He attended the public schools, graduated at the English High School and the Harvard Medical School, re- ceiving the degree of M.D. He has been for some time a practising physician in South Boston; he is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Legion of Honor. DoRCEY, James E., physician, born in Boston, Oct. 21, 1857. He attended the public schools, graduated at the Boston Latin School and the Harvard Medical School in 1 8S0, receiving the degree of M.D., and has practised in this city ever since. He is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters and of the Royal Arcanum. Dunn, William A., physician, born in Boston, Sept. 6, 1852. His people settled in this State more than half a century ago. His paternal grandmother was an old resident of Lawrence, Mass., and was buried there in 1845. His mother, nee Julia Kearny, was related to the family of Gen. Phil. Kearny. Dr. Dunn graduated as a Franklin Medal scholar from the Eliot School at the age of thirteen years. He possessed a rich and beautiful contralto voice, and was the soloist of his school. He sang in a choir of adults when but eleven years of age, and was very frequently heard in concerts, and became known as " the boy contralto. " The position of soloist in the choir of the Church of the Advent was tendered him, which he did not accept. He passed a successful examination for admission to the English High School; thence he went to Boston College, from which he graduated, having received in his last year all possible honors from that insti- tution. These comprised three silver medals (303) 304 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. and the gold prize for dramatic reading. He received the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and afterwards the honorary degree of Master of Arts, and then proceeded to Harvard University, to pursue a course of medical studies. He was graduated with such distin- guished honor that he received the prize of surgical house doctor at the Massachusetts General Hospital, where he resided for six- teen months. His experience while at Harvard, as assistant to the professor of medical chemis- try, served him in a great measure at the hospital. He was the assistant of Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, with whom he was associated in the compilation of his work on consumption. He was asked by Mr. Terry, a wealthy Southerner, to act as his medical companion during a three years' sojourn in Europe; although that gentleman made him a tempt- ing proposal, the young physician decided to remain in Boston. He became assistant to Dr. John G. Blake, with whom he remained one year, and then began to establish himself in practice, and opened an oflice on Cham- bers street, where he has remained ever since, and has become the possessor of wealth. His extensive practice requires an assistant's services, and is still growing. In 1S76 Dr. Dunn was the Professor of Chemistry at Boston College, later he taught physiology there. About the same year he was made assistant surgeon in the battery of the Second Brigade, M.V.M.; the first battalion of cav- alry, in the same brigade, claimed him as its assistant surgeon in the following year, and afterwards he became the surgeon, which position he held until 18S1, when his other medical duties compelled him to resign. In 1878 he went to Europe, and there pursued his medical investigations and studies with his friend, Mr. George Crompton, of Worces- ter, Mass., the famous inventor. In 18S2 he was appointed assistant surgeon to the Carney Hospital, and in 1S84 he was one of the visiting surgeons, which position he now holds, and while serving in that ca- pacity he has performed many difficult surgi- cal operations. He was elected to the School Committee in 1886, receiving the nomination of both pohtical parties. In 1887 Governor Ames appointed him, together with Hon. John F. Andrew, one of the trustees of the Institution for the Feeble-minded, for three years. He is trustee of the Union Institu- tion for Savings. In 18S7-88 the Alumni Association of Boston College elected him its president. He is a life member of the "\'oung Men's Catholic Association, a member of the Charitable Irish Society, the Eliot School Association, the Clover Club, the Puritan Club, and the Boston Athletic Club. He is medical examiner for several courts of For- esters. Dr. Dunn has written much. In 1 882 he published a pamphlet on the Thera- peutics of Vivisection, which he read before the Massachusetts Medical Society; also a paper on the " Use and Abuse of Ergot." .Several of his cases have been printed in the medical journals. He is a member of many societies, such as the American Medi- cal Association, the Boston Society for Medi- cal Observation, the Boston Medical Benevo- lent Association, and the Bostonian Society. Galligan, E. T., physician, born in Taun- ton, Mass., June 26, 1S58. He graduated from the Taunton High School, St. Charles College, and the Harvard Medical School. He is an attending physician at St. Eliza- beth's Hospital, and also at the House of the Angel Guardian. He is a member of the Mass. Med. Society, Norfolk Dist. Medi- cal Society, Mass. Catholic Order of Forest- ers, Clover Club, and he is considered one of the leading young medical practitioners of the city. Grainger, William H., physician, born in Mallow, County Cork, Ireland, Nov. 7, 1845. He emigrated from his native place, Nov. 7, 1864. In the year 1S70 he located in Boston. His early education was received at Rev. ]\Ir. Martindale's private school at Mallow, afterwards he went to a private tutor in Dublin and the Bandon Institute. He is a graduate of the Medical School of the University of New York, and has been WILLIAM DUNN. M.D BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 305 in active practice at East Boston for a num- ber of years. He has been a trustee of the East Boston Savings Bank since 1881, and a member of the School Committee since Jan- uary, 1887. He is also a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, Boston Gynae- cological Society, American Medical Asso- ciation, Charitable Irish Society, Catholic Union, Clover Club, and Wendell Phillips Branch of the Land League. Kennealy, John H., physician, born in Boston, Dec. 22, 1849. He attended the Eliot, Latin, and Chauncy Hall Schools, Harvard University, and also the medical school of that institution. He was surgeon in the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in i876-'77-'78, has been in active practice in the Roxbury district for several years, and was a candidate for the School Committee on two different occasions. He is a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Medical Society, American Legion of Honor, Royal Society of Good Fellows, Catholic Order of For- esters, and the Societe de la Prevoyance. Lane, John G., physician and surgeon, born in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1854. He was educated, however, in the National School, Donoughmore, County Cork, Ireland; Ter- rence Golden's Latin School; Clongowes Wood College, County Kildare; Trinity Col- lege, Dublin; and received the degrees of A.B., M.B., Bch. L.M., L.S., T.C.D., and Lie. Mid., Combe Lying-in Hospital of Dub- lin. He arrived in Boston, July 22, 1876, and has since been actively engaged in the prac- tice of his profession, being located in the peninsular district. He is a member of the Montgomery Light Guard Veteran Associa- tion, Irish-American Club of South Boston, Irish Charitable Society, Bachelors' Club of South Boston, and the National Irish Athletic Association. Lawler, Thomas J., physician, born in Boston, Dec. i, 1859. He attended the East-street Primary School, graduated from the Quincy Grammar, English High, and Harvard Medical Schools, receiving the de- gree of M.D. from the latter. He has been engaged in active practice at the West End for several years. He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and he is also connected with many fraternal organiza- tions. Macdonald, Williaj: G., physician and Medical Inspector of the Board of Health, born in Boston, March 12, 1858. He attend- ed the public schools and Boston College. Graduated from the latter institution and re- ceived the degree of A.B. He entered the medical school of Harvard University and graduated with the Class of 1884, and re- ceived a medal for proficiency in the nat- ural sciences. He is the treasurer of the Boston College Alumni Association. He has been the lecturer of the Massachusetts Emer- gency and Hygiene Association during three years, ending in June, 1888, in which posi- tion he did much useful work. MAR.A., Frank T., physician, born in Bos- ton, Dec. 21, 1863. He received his early education in the public schools, and subse- quently attended Holy Cross College, from which institution he received the degree of A.B., in 1883. He then took a regular course at the medical school of Harvard University, where he obtained the degree of M.D., in 18S7. McDevitt, James J., physician and sur- geon, born in East Boston, July 17, i860. He was a graduate of the Adams and Eng- lish High Schools, attended Boston College, and was also a graduate of the medical school of the University of New York. He is now physician for the Overseers of the Poor; a member of the Massachusetts Catho- lic Order of Foresters, Fitton Literary In- stitute, Ancient Order of Foresters, and the Royal Society of Good Fellows. McLaughlin, Henry V., physician and surgeon, born in Duncannon, County Wex- ford, Ireland, Feb. 9, 1S55. He immi- 306 THE IRISH IN' BOSTON, grated Feb. 12, 1S85, arrived in Boston Feb. 25, 1885. He was educated in the Collegiate Seminary of Waterford ; Ledwick School of Medicine and Surgery, Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, and the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland, and is a graduate from the two latter institutions. He has been an attend- ant physician to St. John's Ecclesiastical Seminary, Brighton, since Nov., 18S6; is medical examiner of the Brighton Assembly of Royal Society of Good Fellows, and a member of a local branch of the Irish Land League Association. McNally, Wm. J., physician and sur- geon, born in Charlestown, Oct. 8, 1863. He was a graduate of the public schools and the Harvard Medical School, and he is now engaged in practice. He is a member of the staffof the Charlestown Free Dispensary and of the Middlesex (So. District) Medical So- ciety, also of St. Mary's Young Men's Tem- perance Society. MoRAN, John B., physician, born in St. John, N.B., Aug. 3, 1838. He came to Boston in 1 841, and afterwards attended the public schools. He entered the Harvard Medical School in 1861. During the sum- mer of 1862 he was engaged by the sanitary commission as assistant surgeon in the " pen- insular campaign." He graduated as doctor of medicine in 1864, and for two years fol- lowing attended the hospitals of Vienna, Prague, Berlin, and Paris. Certain induce- ments, however, allured him into mercantile pursuits in 1866, which he followed for five years, until he resumed' the practice of medi- cine, in 1 87 1. He was elected a member of the Boston School Committee in 1876, and served nine consecutive years. Upon the creation of the office of Instructor of Hygiene in the public schools, in 1885, he was chosen to the position, which he at present retains. He was elected President of the Irish Chari- table Society in 1886, and presided at the memorable celebration of the 150th anni- versary of that organization. MoRAN, Martin W., physician, born in CUnton, Mass., Oct. 29, 1854. He attended the Clinton public schools, and graduated from the New York College and Bellevue Hospital in 1876. He was engaged after graduation as an inspector in New York, severing his connection with that position in October, 1887, and is now a practitioner in Boston. He is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters. Morris, John G., physician, born in Bos- ton, March 26, 1856. He is a graduate of the Boston Latin School, Harvard University, and also of the Harvard Medical School. He has practised for several years; served at the Mass. General Hospital, and he is at present visiting physician to St. Elizabeth's Hospital of this city. Murphy, Francis C, physician, born in Taunton, Mass., Dec. 23,1864. He attend- ed St. Mary's College, Montreal, Canada, the Harvard Medical School (graduate), and the City Hospital of Boston, having served two years at the latter institution as house physician. He is at present engaged in general practice at the South End of the city. Reilly, James A., dentist, born in Eng- land, Dec. 25, 1854. He immigrated to the United States in i860, settling first in Lowell, Mass. He graduated at the public school. Having a decided inclination for music, he made it a study for several years, and for a time attended the New England Conservatory of Music, but finally abandoned it as a profes- sion. He then entered Boston College, where he received a three years' course. In 1878 he became a student at the Harvard Dental School, and graduated in 188 1. He immedi- ately commenced the practice of dentistry, and for about three years was located at the West End, during which time he also con- ducted the music at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. In 1884 he opened an office. Since 1 886 he has been musical director at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mai- BIO GRA PHICA L SKE TCHES. 307 den, Mass. He is a member of the Catholic Union, Charitable Irish Society, Clover Club, Harvard Odontological Society, Massachu- setts Medical Society, the "Cecilia," and the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College. Roche, D. F., physician, born in Cam- bridge, Mass., ]March i, 1846. He attended the public schools of Cambridge, St. Charles College, Baltimore, St. Hyacinthe College, Canada, Troy Seminary, Boston Univer- sity, and University of New York, grad- uating at the Medical School of the latter institution in 1883. He practised one year in the Bellevue Hospital, and afterwards re- moved to Boston, where he has been located since. He is a member of the Mass. Eclectic Medical Society, Suffolk District Medical Society, and the National Eclectic Medical Association. Shea, Thomas B., physician, born in Bos- ton, March 9, 1862. He graduated at the Brimmer School, Holy Cross College, and Harvard Medical School, receiving the degree of M.D. from the latter. On Aug. i, 1887, he M'as appointed assistant resident phy- sician of Long and Rainsford islands, but resigned May i, 1888, to accept his present position as Assistant Port Physician. Young, John F., physician, born in Bos- ton, May 20, 1859. He attended the pub- lic and Latin schools, and graduated from the Harvard Medical School in 1881. He is now engaged in practice at South Boston, and has been a Director of the City Hospital since 1S86. In order that the names of other physicians may be knowi appear, through no fault of ours, we append this list : — whose sketches do not Blake, John G. boland, e. s. Broderick, T. J. Broidrick, James P. Buckley, P. F. Butler, N. H. Campbell, B. F. Cochrane, J. M. Collins, D. A. Doherty, Hugh. Dunn, C. S. Ferguson, Hugh. Ferry, James F. Finn, James A. Fitzgerald, Orrin, Ji Foley, Walter. Galvin, George W. Gavin, George F. Gavin, M. F. Gavin, P. F. GiLLispiE, John. GiLMAN, E. A. Harkins, Daniel S. Higgins, Henry R. Kinney, John E. Lyons, W. J. McCarty, George E. McGlynn, Edward. McGowan, Dennis J. McIntyre, David. McLaughlin, James A. McLaughlin, Joseph I. Murphy, Joseph P. Murray, I. H. O'DoNNELL, William. O'Keefe, M. W. Walsh, M. J. Walsh, Peter D. White, Robert. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BOSTON JOURNALISTS JAMES JEFFREY ROCHE. SKETCHES OF BOSTON JOURNALISTS. Barry, Edward P., journalist, born in South Boston, Nov. 28, 1864. He attended the public schools, and also received private instruction for the priesthood, but subse- quently abandoned his studies in this direc- tion. He was engaged in mercantile posi- tions for a time after leaving school, but at the age of nineteen he entered the journal- istic field and became editor and part owner of the " South Boston News." He later became attached to the staff of the Boston "Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record," as an assistant in the sporting department. In January, 1887, he acted as carnival corre- spondent for the Boston " Herald," at Mon- treal, Can., and Burlington, Vt. A few months afterward he was appointed assistant sporting editor of that paper, which position he held until quite recently. He is at pres- ent a medical student, but is also engaged as a special writer on the " Herald " staff, and an editor of one of the weekly papers in the peninsular district. He also represents Ward 15 in the Common Council of 1S89. Buckley, Eugene, journalist, born in Florida, Mass., Oct. 12, 1856. In 1868 he removed to Boston, where he has resided ever since. He was educated in the pub- lic schools, and supplemented his education by private study. He learned cabinet-mak- ing, serving an apprenticeship with Dee Bros. Afterward he was employed by the Fitchburg Railroad in the capacity of fore- man of the car department, remaining there about six years. He has always had an am- bition for newspaper work, as his regular trade was not congenial to him. In March, 1887, he was engaged by the Boston " Globe " as a general writer, with sporting news as a specialty. In a short time after his engagement on the paper he was recognized as a valuable man on general sports, and his progress as a chronicler in the sporting field has been decidedly satisfactory. He was therefore duly appointed aquatic editor and society reporter of the " Globe," — positions which he now occupies. During the season of 1888 he published the " Base-Ball Rec- ord." Burns, Edward F., journalist, born in Natick, Mass., April 22, 1859. He graduated from the Natick High School in 1876, and from Boston College with honor as poet of his class in 1 880. He studied medicine two years, but changed his intention and joined the Boston " Globe " staff as reporter in 18S4. During his engagement with that paper he has been reporter, assistant to day and night editors, and also night city editor. He be- came editor and manager of the Salem "Times" in 1887, for a short period, but returned to the " Globe" the latter part of the same year. He is at present performing the duties of reporter. He was the first historian of the Boston College Alumni As- sociation, and is now a member of the Executive Committee of the Class of '80. He is a member of the Entertainment Com- mittee of the Boston Press Club, and also a member of the Hendricks Club. He was the first reporter to get a copy of the first volume of "Blaine's Twenty Years of Congress," receiving the same simultaneously with the author, allowing the " Globe " to get an " ex- clusive " on other papers. He recently made an excellent record in reporting the Stain- (311) 312 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Cromwell trial at Bangor for his paper. He is a gentleman of acknowledged literary ability, an author of many taking verses, notaljly those published at the time of the yachting contests of 1887. When quite young he was a successful contributor to the "Youth's Companion," under the 7iom de plume of " Raleigh." Carmody, John D., journalist, born in South Boston, Aug. 24, 1864. He graduated from the Lawrence Grammar School in 1878, and attended the English High School for two years. He was first employed in the counting-room of the "Daily Advertiser; " afterward as shipping clerk in a sugar refin- ery; but in January, 1885, he became attached to the reportorial staff of the " Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record," and for a few years >vas the South Boston representa- tive of those papers. He was subsequently transferred to a place on the city staff, which he held until April, 1888, when he accepted a position on the staff of the Boston " Her- ald," where he is now employed. He was for five years a member of the dramatic class of SS. Peter and Paul's Church, and has made a local reputation in amateur theatri- cals. He is a member of a number of social organizations in the South Boston district. Ci'MMiXGS, Thomas H., business manager, Boston "Pilot," born in Boston, June 15, 1856. He graduated from the Mayhew School in 1870, attended the Latin School, and later St. Charles College, where he com- pleted the regular course in 1876. He de- livered the address of welcome to the presid- ing officers at the commencement exercises of the latter institution, in the presence of Bishop Becker, of Delaware, and Gov. John Lee Carroll, of Maryland. He subsequently resided in Paris for two years, and studied philosophy at Issy under the Sulpicians. In 1878 he returned to Boston, and became attached to the lower branch of the Public Library as curator, where he remained until 1885, when he entered the office of the Boston "Pilot." He is a member of the First Corps of Cadets, Webster Historical Society, Megantic Fish and Game Club, Young Men's Catholic Association, and a Director of the Working Boys' Home. CuRR/VX, Michael P., journalist. Mr. Curran's active journalistic career began in 1873, although he had been a frequent con- tributor to several papers in New York and Boston earlier than that time. He wrote vacation letters for the Boston " Pilot," and supplied editorial matter on current topics. After three years' experience in a large wholesale dry-goods establishment in Boston, he joined the staff of the Boston " Globe." Mr. AL ^L Ballou had just retired from the management of that journal and had Ijeen succeeded by Mr. Clarence S. Wason. Mr. Curran began as a suburban reporter. His district included Lynn and Salem. In Oc- tober, 1873, he was appointed on the regular reportorial staff. In 1874, during the famous campaign which terminated in the election of William Gaston as governor and the over- throw of six Republican congressional can- didates, Mr. Curran conducted the local political department of the paper, and dis- played an aptitude for that line of work which developed and broadened later on. In 1875 he became night editor of the " Globe," and served with credit to himself and the paper in that important capacity for over two years. In 1877 '^^ "Sunday Globe " was launched by Colonel Taylor and Mr. E. M. Bacon, who were then the direc- tors and controllers of the company's inter- ests. Mr. Curran was placed in charge of the editorial department, and to his untir- ing and intelligent efforts much of the suc- cess of that enterprise is due. In 1881 he managed the editorial department of the " Daily Globe " as well as of the .Sunday edition, and he controlled and directed the opinions of both papers until his retirement from active journalism in 1SS3, when he re- signed to accept the post of Police Commis- sioner. In addition to his duties in the office of the " Globe " he was for six years, from 1877 till 18S3, the New England corre- BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 313 spondent of the New York " Herald." After the bill enacted by the Legislature of 1SS5, providing for the transfer of the police de- partment from city to State control, had become operative, Mr. Curran joined the editorial staff of the "Saturday Evening Gazette," and remained in that service for about thirteen months. He resigned in Oc- tober, 1886, and devoted himself to miscella- neous literary and journalistic work, until September, 1887, when he was commissioned by the President of the United States as assistant appraiser of merchandise at the port of Boston. Mr. Curran, in his twelve or thirteen years of active journalism, took a prominent part in many events which have gone into the permanent history of the country. In 1874, when the people of the United States were startled, shocked, and incensed by the out- rage perpetrated by the Spanish authorities in seizing the " Virginius " and shooting a portion of her crew in Cuba, he was detailed to secure the views of the late Charles Sum- ner on the subject. Mr. Sumner was then a senator of the United States, and his position as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations imparted to his opinions great weight and importance. After a long and diplomatic interview the great statesman consented to give the young and enterprising journalist a two-column statement of the rights and duties of the United States in the premises, and its publication in the " Globe " next morning created a profound impression in New England, and in fact throughout the country. When the Russian frigate anchored off South-west Harbor on the coast of Maine during the Russo-Turkish War, Mr. Curran was the representative of the New York " Herald " in Boston. Mr. Bennett commis- sioned him to call on Caleb Gushing, the best international lawyer then in America, and get a legal opinion from him on the question in- volved, viz., WTiether the American govern- ment was violating the neutrality laws by allowing shelter to a ship of war belonging to one of the belligerents. Mr. Curran spent a day at Mr. Cushing's residence in Newbury- port, and returned to Boston at night with the most elaborate, as it was the most valuable, disquisition on the point at issue. Its publi- cation next day in the New York " Herald " settled forever the vexed question which had been raised, and ended the controversy. Perhaps one of the cleverest bits of inter- viewing ever done by a journalist was done by Mr. Curran in the celebrated Freeman case. Freeman, it may be remembered, re- sided in the little town of Pocasset, in Barn- stable County, Mass. He was a wild fanatic in religion, and became insane from constant reading of the Bible and his unaided efforts to interpret the true meaning of the language of the sacred volume. He reached the conclu- sion, finally, that it was his duty to sacrifice the lives of his children, as Abraham had been instructed to do under the old dispen- sation. One morning the little community was startled by the intelligence that this religious lunatic had actually killed his two children. He was arrested and lodged in the jail at Barnstable. Efforts had been made by almost every newspaper in the land to secure an interview with the prisoner, but in vain. He would not talk. A reporter was regarded by Freeman as his natural enemy. He refused to hold any conversa- tion with him under any circumstances. One morning as he was about to eat his meal of mush and milk, he was introduced to a stranger, who claimed to have come a long distance for the purpose of discussing the theo- logical and bibhcal questions surrounding the sacrificial act. "Are you a reporter?" asked the weary recluse. " I am a seeker after truth," was the response ; " I fail to find any justification in the Bible for your course. I may read it wrong, and if I do I want you to set me right." Taking a Bible out of his pocket the stranger proceeded to read portions of the Scriptures on which Freeman relied for his authority, and to com- ment on them in a way to arouse the antagonism of the filicide. In a moment there was a hot and fiery debate. Freeman argued his side of the case with spirit, and 314 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. the stranger maintained his point as best he could. The stranger was Air. Michael P. Curran, the New England correspondent of the New York " Herald." He had broken the silence of the crazed Bible interpreter and had penetrated the secret he tried so well to guard. The result of the interview was printed two days later in the " Herald," and it formed the text for many sermons and editorials. There was another celebrated criminal case in New England in which Mr. Curran took a prominent and conspicuous part. In 1875 a woman of somewhat questionable moral standing in Rutland, Vt., was mur- dered in her house in a retired portion of the city. The building she occupied was set on fire, and when the flames had been ex- tinguished, her mangled remains were dis- covered half charred and badly mutilated. Only circumstantial evidence could be pro- cured, but enough of that was found to justify the detectives in arresting one John P. Phair, a friend of the dead woman, and a native and a resident of the little city of Vergennes. Phair was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be hanged at Windsor, Vt., on a certain Friday in April, 1877. Prior to the day set for his execution he wrote and intrusted to the late Mr. Edward C. Carrigan, then a Dartmouth College senior and a correspondent of the Associate Press, a statement intended for publication after his death, in which he undertook to prove an effective and complete alibi. Phair stipu- lated that his defence should not be curtailed or condensed; that if published at all it must be published in toto, and not until after his execution. Mr. Carrigan took the docu- ment to Boston and eventually disposed of it to the managers of the " Globe." It was published on the morning of the day set for Phair's death, and created a local sensation on account of the clearness, vigor, and logi- cal sequence which its writer brought to his work. A Vermont man, doing business in Bos- ton, read it and declared that he could verify by personal knowledge and experience one of the most essential points in the paper. He proceeded to the " Globe " office and induced Col. Chas. H. Tajlor, then, as now, mana- ger of that journal, to telegraph to Governor Fairbanks for a reprieve long enough to allow him to appear and give his testimony. The reprieve was granted for thirty days. Mr. Curran was despatched to Vermont next day to look into the matter, and he collected, in conjunction with Mr. Carrigan, enough evidence to warrant the granting of a further respite by the governor for two years, in order that proceedings for the reopening of the case by order of the Legislature might be taken. Mr. Curran collected his documents together, and laid them before Governor Fairbanks, presenting them in an argument of half an hour's duration, which so im- pressed the executive that he postponed the execution, as stated already. In 1881, when President Garfield was shot by Guiteau, Mr. Curran was at the head of the editorial forces of the " Globe." The leading New England papers of the liberal stripe, and even some Republican organs, forecast great danger to the republic in the event of Arthur's accession. The " Globe" took the opposite view. It maintained that no man's life was necessary to the safety or peace of the country; that the American people were a self-governing and a law-abid- ing people, and that Mr. Arthur as their servant could only execute their will. Mr. Curran was rewarded by assurances from all over New England that he had struck the proper key-note, and the paper, holding fast to that policy, gained in reputation and in- creased its prosperity. When Garfield died, the same spirit animated the editorial com- ments. The memorial number of the " Globe," which was published a week later, containing poetic tributes from Oliver Wen- dell Holmes, John Boyle O'Reilly, Mrs. M. E. Blake, Rev. M. J. Savage, and others was in part the result of Mr. CuiTan's enterprise and effort. In the Land League movement in America, for the support of the Irish agitation, Mr, Curran took a prominent part. It was he ■who first convinced the managers of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 315 "Globe" that it would be good policy, as well as good journalism, to espouse the cause of the struggling Irish. The paper took its stand editorially in favor of the constitutional movement for land reform, and in this it was the pioneer among the New England press. Mr. Curran attended the conventions at Buf- falo in 1881, in Washington in 1882, and in Philadelphia in 1883, both as a delegate and as a newspaper correspondent, and contrib- uted, by his pen and his vote, to promote the object sought to be accomplished, an object which later on compelled the sanction and support of the entire American press. Deely, Joseph M., district reporter of the Boston " Daily Globe," born in Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 28, 1871. He was graduated from the Thorndike Grammar School, June 20, 1886, and attended the Evening High School. He entered the " Globe " office as office boy during the latter year. Dennison, Joseph A., reporter, born in Andover, Mass., Aug. 19, 1867. He at- tended Phillips Andover Academy for two years, intending to enter Dartmouth College, but was obliged, on account of domestic dif- ficulties, to leave before graduation. He first entered newspaper work on the staff of the Andover " Advertiser," and subsequentlj' assumed the editorship of the Lawrence "American" at the early age of eighteen. He joined the Boston " Globe " staff as re- porter in February, 1888, and was promoted to the position of assistant sporting editor in June, 1888. Donovan, William F., journalist, born in Boston, Dec. 29, 1867. He received his education in the public schools of this city, and afterward was employed as office boy with the " Evening Transcript " for a few months, when he left to occupy a similar position with the Boston " Herald." After three months in the latter office he was pro- moted, and has risen steadily since then. He has been with the " Herald " for about six years, and is at present in the exchange department. He also has charge of the "Catholic Church News" column of the " Herald," which is published twice a week. He is a regular contributor to " Donahoe's Monthly Magazine," and during 1888 was the author of the regular monthly article of " A Bostonian in New York," which will soon appear in book form. He is the president of the St. Joseph's Young Men's Association, a member of the Hendricks Club and of the Boston Press Club. Like his brother. Senator Edward J. Donovan, he early showed a taste for politics, and although he has but just cast his maiden vote, he is often referred to by his associates on the "Herald" as a walking political encyclo- paedia. Mr. Donovan has always been a warm friend of the Evening High School, and has appeared several times with the late Mr. E. C. Carrigan and pupils of the school, before legislative committees, advocating the introduction of new studies into that school. He was appointed a member of a committee of five to represent the school at the funeral of the great educator, John D. Philbrick. In 1886, out of a class of about seventy pupils but twenty-one received diplomas in phonography. Of this number, Mr. Dono- van was one. Drohan, John J., reporter for Boston " Daily Globe," born in South Boston, Aug. 22, 1866. Mr. Drohan became celebrated as one of the best Indian-club swingers in this country, and won many important matches up to his tenth year; when but thirteen years old he won the championship of America in the games of the Irish Athletic Club. His boyhood was spent in travelling and ap- pearing in the leading theatres of the States. He secured much of his education on the road, and while at home he attended the sessions of the Lawrence School in South Boston. He entered the law office of Judge Charles Levi Woodbury, where he copied briefs on a high stool and read law. He was encouraged by Judge Woodbury ; but when the "Evening Record" was published, in 316 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. 1884, Mr. Drohan was one of the first appli- cants. He had been connected with the South Boston " Tribune," which helped him to a position on the " Record." He did dis- trict local work for three months, and was promoted to night local reporter, and for a year did good work. The advent of the •' Sunday Record " gave Mr. Drohan the opportunity to do some good special work. He was the sporting editor of the " Sunday Record," the " Advertiser's" night local, and wrote a weekly letter on " Green-Room Gos- sip," signed "Jay Dee." His attack on Boston gambUng-houses created a sensation at the time, and resulted ultimately in the breaking up of some notorious places. He also cov- ered the Charles-river mystery, the Mellen conspiracy case, and the William Gray em- bezzlement and suicide. His base-ball letters in the " Record " attracted attention in sporting circles, and resulted in his being employed by the " Globe " for the season of 1888. Mr. Drohan is a member of the Monopole Club, which includes among its members Henry E. Dbcey, Nat Goodwin, M. J. Kelly, W. H. Crane, Foster Farrar, John Graham, E. E. Rice, and many other clever gentlemen. He has been secretary of the club for two years. His only literary work outside of his newspaper was the preparation of M. J. Kelly's book, " Play Ball." Drohan, William L., reporter, born in Boston, Feb. i, 1867. He attended the Lawrence Grammar School of South Boston, graduating in 1883. He then took a three- years course at Boston College. He was first employed for a short time on the reportorial staff of the "Evening Record." On Jan. I, 1S88, he became connected with the Boston " Glol^e " as an assistant night local reporter. He was promoted, iSIarch 9, to the position of a full-fledged night local reporter on the staff. DuNPHY, James W^, part owner of the Boston " Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record." Born in Ireland in 1844, and came to Boston in 1850. He attended the Brim- mer Grammar School until 1 856, and was then engaged to work in the office of the Boston " Daily Atlas." In 1 85 7 the " Atlas " consoli- dated with the Boston " Traveller," and Mr. Dunphy remained in the " Traveller " office until i860; he then became a book-keeper in the office of the " Commercial Bulletin," and remained there until 1864, when he trans- ferred his labors to the "Traveller" office. In 1869 he acquired a part ownership of the "Traveller," and spent many years of valu- able services on that newspaper. He re- signed his position on the paper in 18S6, on account of dissatisfaction with the manage- ment and surroundings. In 1887 he entered the office of the Boston " Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record," and upon the re- organization of the " Advertiser " Newspaper Co., in 188S, Mr. Dunphy became one of the owners of both journals, and the good basis on which the present success of the two dailies rest is partly due to his business man- agement. He was the first president of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union, and the first president and vice-president of the Young Men's Catholic Association, and he has been the president and is a director of the Home for Destitute Catholic Children. Evans, Thomas P., journalist, born in Tipperary, Ireland, March 29, 1849. He was first educated in Clifden, and afterward at Quain. He was later employed in the Home Rule interest by Alfred Crilly, brother of Daniel Crilly, Home Rule member of Parliament from Mayo. He was a frequent contributor for the cause in the " Finan- cial Reform Gazette," of which his em- ployer was editor. His father suffered imprisonment for organizing a body of citi- zens to give a reception to Daniel O'Connell on the occasion of his visit to Clifden. Mr. Evans has been connected with the sporting department of the Boston " Globe " for a year past. Flanagan, John S., editor and publisher, born in Boston (Charlestown District) in 1 85 1. He was educated at the Winthrop BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 317 Grammar School and French's Business Col- lege. Subsequently he learned the printer's trade, at which he was employed until 1884. In that year he became connected with the Charlestown "Enterprise," and is now its editor and publisher. During his manage- ment he has displayed more than ordinary "enterprise " in making the paper a success, both financially and editorially. He is a member of the Boston Press Club and the Suburban Press Association. Forrester, Arthur M., journalist, born in Ballytrain, County Monaghan, Ireland, Jan. 9, 1S50. He first attended the Shan- tonagh National School, but by the death of his father, when he was nine years of age, he was compelled to go to work in a printing- office in England. He finished his education under the tutelage of his mother, Ellen For- rester, a popular Irish poetess, and learned the trade of a printer. He early in life displayed literary ability, and in 1865 was a contributor to the " Irish People," under the noni de pbiine of " Angus." One of his articles in the suppressed edition was quoted by the attorney-general in his opening state- ment against O'Donovan Rossa. He went to DubUn to take part in an anticipated Fenian movement, in December, 1865, and remained there until after the suspension of ^Q habeas corpus act, in February, 1866. In 1867 he led two circles of the Manches- ter Fenians in the abortive raid on Chester Castle, after which he again returned to Dublin, and on March 9 was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for one year at hard labor for carrying arms in a "pro- claimed" district. On his release he was elected organizer and arms agent of the North of England Division of the I. R. B. , and was again arrested on Dec. 16, 1869, in Liverpool. After three examina- tions, in which he defended himself, was discharged on ^200 bail to keep the peace for twelve months. In 1S70 he joined a company of franc-tireurs, and served under Generals D'Aurelle de Paladine and Chanzy during the Franco-German War. At the battle of Conneret, in the series of engage- ments around Le Maus, on Jan. 8, 1871, he was promoted sous-lieutenant for saving a battery after the lieutenant and every ser- geant of the company had been killed. From 1 87 1 to 1874 he acted as organizer and arms agent for the S. C. in Ulster^ England, and Scotland. In August of the latter year he lost his right foot by a railway accident, and devoted himself thereafter to literature, until 1882, when he again actively engaged in revolutionary work in Dublin. His name was frequently mentioned in the Phoenix Park trials in connection with those of Joe Brady, Fagan, and Joe MuUett. He succeeded in getting away, however, and came to this country. For three years, be- ginning with 1884, he was assistant editor of the "Irish World." In October, 1887, he joined the proof-reading staff of the Bos- ton " Herald," his present position. He has published one volume of poems, " Songs of the Rising Nation," and is the author of two popular lyrics sung in Ireland, " Our Land Shall be Free" and "The Felon of our Land." He is also the author of a volume of Irish Songs and Stories, which is now in press. He is a member of Typographical Union No. 13, the Ancient Order of Foresters, and the Clan-na-Gael Society. FiTZWiLLiAM, Edward, editor, born in Riverstown Co., Sligo, Ireland, April 15, 1833. He emigrated, April 7, 1854. His early education was obtained at the National School, Drumfin, and at Leonard's Advanced School, in the land of his birth. At the age of seven- teen years he went to work for his father in a linen and woollen manufactory, and thorough- ly learned the details of the business. After his father's death and the departure of his brother for America, although but eighteen years of age, he continued in the manu- facture of these industries for four years. When he came to this country every fibre of the suit which he wore was " Irish," and made by his own hands. When only nineteen years old, two pieces of tweed man- 318 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. ufactured by him received first and second prizes at the Markree Castle cattle-show. For seventeen years after his arrival in this country he continued in the same Hne of busi- ness, and worked at Lawrence, Lowell, and Watertown, Mass., for several years, acting as overseer in the /Etna Mills of the latter place. Owing to ill-health he subsequently engaged in the grocery business, which he con- ducted successfully for sbc years. In Jan- uary, 1885, he published a weekly paper, "The Boston Sentinel," advocating protec- tion to American industry. During the two years which he was editor and publisher he wrote several Irish national songs, a collec- tion of which he subsequently published in pamphlet form. He has been a member of about every Irish national organization from the time of O'Connell to the present date, and is now Massachusetts State Organizer of the Irish National League. In the presiden- tial campaign of 18S8 he was an active Irish Republican, and made a number of addresses throughout New York State. Fuller, John E., reporter, born in East Cambridge, Mass., July 19, 1868. He left school at eighteen years of age, went to work at the Mutual Union Telegraph Co. Sub- sequently he did local work for the Boston " Daily Globe," and is at present employed in the office of the managing editor. Fynes, John T., reporter for the Boston " Herald," born in Boston, July 23, 1861, and graduated from the Phillips Grammar School in 1874; thence he engaged in mercantile life until 1883, when he joined the " Herald " staff. He has been the dramatic critic for the New York " Clipper " for five years, and occasional correspondent for other New York papers. During the past year, as police court reporter for the Boston "Herald" he has done interesting work, and his humorous style has made the court reports a marked feature for the paper. Hopkins, William A., news editor, born in Boston, June 26, 1S64. He removed to Ohio when quite young, and attended the Zanesville, Ohio, Latin School and St. Colum- ba's Academy, from both of which he grad- uated. He began newspaper work, after leaving school, as reporter and then city edi- tor of the Zanesville " Daily Times," remain- ing with the paper about five years. He was later the Ohio correspondent of the New York " World " and the Chicago " Times." He was also manager and part owner of the Zanesville "News." In 1884 he was elected the first secretary of the Jefferson Club, a Democratic organization taking an active part in Ohio politics. In January, 188S, he became employed by the Boston " Globe," as news editor, where he is now engaged. Keenan, Thomas F., journalist, and as a widely experienced and as an efficient all- round newspaper writer is unexcelled. He was born in Boston in 1S54; attended the May- hew Grammar and English High schools, and entered the employ of the Boston " Daily Ad- vertiser " (in the editorial department), as office-boy, in 1869. In 1870 and '71 he was employed in reportorial work, latterly as night local reporter. From 1872 to 1885 he was a reporter on the Boston " Herald," doing efficient service in every department of the journalistic field. In 1885 he joined the Boston "Daily Globe" staff. For many years he has been prominently identified with politics, but not until 1887 did he allow himself to be a candidate for pubHc office. That year he was elected to the Boston Common Council, and was reelected by a handsome majority in 18S8. In the city governments of '88 and '89 he served on many of the most important standing and special committees, — Finance, Public Library, Police; also Special Committee on University Course of Education, Resident and Non- resident City and County Employes, Sheridan Eulogy, monuments to Grant, Sheridan, and Farragut, and Charles-river Navigation. The effort to give city laborers permanent em- ployment, and which resulted in the famous deadlock of two months over the annual appropriation lull of 1S88, was due to his BIO GRAPHIC A L SA'E TCHES. 319 energy. The special commission appointed by Mayor Hart to consider a more equitable standard or basis of taxes was the result of Mr. Keenan's efforts. The tablets which the city has ordered to be erected at Charles- town on June 17, 1S89, in commemoration of the American patriots who died at the battle of Bunker Hill, are also mementoes of his untiring energy and patriotism. He has been identified with much other useful municipal legislation. Mr. Keenan is a Democrat in the broadest sense. Kelley, John W., reporter, born in Ire- land, May 4, 1859. He came to America in 1865, landing in New York City. He lived there two years and then removed to Somer- ville, Mass., where he now resides with his parents. He was educated in the public schools, and graduated from the Somerville High School in the class of 1876. In the fall of that year he entered Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada, remaining two years. He afterward took a two-years course at Boston College, graduating in the Class of 1880. He subsequently attended the Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada, to study for the priesthood, where he remained till the summer of 1882. By the suggestion of the director of the latter institution, he took, the next year fol- lowing, worldly pursuits, to test his vocation. During his outside experience he began writ- ing short stories and sketches for magazines and weekly story-papers. The work was so fascinating to him that he continued it, and finally branched into regular newspaper work. He was engaged on the Boston " Post " in the latter part of 18S2, and a few months later on the Boston " Globe." In the beginning of 18S3 he decided to adopt journalism as a profession. In the latter part of the same year he assumed the position of City Editor of the Cambridge "Tribune," continuing also his special work on the " Post " and "Globe." In 1 885-86-87 he reported the news of Cambridge for the " Globe," " Ad- vertiser," " Record," and " Post," in addition to his duties on the " Tribune." He is now attached to the " Globe " only, preferring to give more time to storj-writing. He has done some good work while on the staff of the latter paper, but by choice does not sign his articles. Kenney, William F., day editor of the Boston " Daily Globe," born in Woburn, Mass., of Irish parents, June 7, 1861, and was educated in the public schools of the town. He graduated from the Woburn Grammar School in 1876, and the High School in the Class of 1880. He afterward took a course in elocution and English at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College. He first began newspaper-work in his native place as a correspondent for the Boston " Globe." As a news-gatherer he was ener- getic, reliable, bright, and popular with the townspeople, and was a valuable represent- ative for the paper. His services were duly rewarded by the management of the "Globe," by tendering him a position upon the staff of that paper. After a service of three years in various' departments at the Boston office he was promoted to the position of day news editor in charge of the evening edition of the " Globe," the position which he now fills in a creditable manner. In addition to his regular work he is also correspondent for several journals, and is the special Boston correspondent for the New York " Evening World." In W^o- burn, where he still resides, he is very popular, and has lately been honored with positions of municipal management. Though a Dem- ocrat in politics, he was nominated by both parties in 18S5 as a member of the School Committee, and was elected by the largest vote ever cast in Woburn for any one candi- date, and was reelected for three years to the same position. He is also chairman of the Evening School Committee, and has been untiring in his labors to advance the efficiency of the evening schools. He is one of the prominent young Democrats of Middlesex County, and in the congres- sional contests of 1S84 and 1886 he was secretary of the Fifth District Democratic Congressional Committee. In 1889 he was 320 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. elected the auditor of the Woburn School Board. Kenniff, Daniel J., journalist, born in Boston, Oct. 7, 1861. He attended the Quincy Grammar School, Evening High School, Allen Stenographic Institute, and also supplemented his education by a course of home study. In 1S74, at the age of thirteen, he became employed as a cash-boy in a large dry-goods store, where he worked for several years in different capacities. He afterwards studied law for a year, but was finally com- pelled to deprive himself of a course at the law school. From October, 1 883, for almost a year, he was connected with the " Journal of Education." In September, 1884, he accepted a position as private secretary to Geo. H. Ellis, publisher of the " Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record." In December, 1884, he was appointed manager of one of the business departiiients, which he held until the reorganization of the " Daily Advertiser " Corporation in 18S6. He then joined the staff, and for some time thereafter did creditable work as a writer. He has re- cently acted as a special newspaper corre- spondent, in addition to being engaged in other literary enterprises. At the municipal election in December, 1886, he was a regular Democratic nominee in Ward 8 for the Com- mon Council, and received the largest num- ber of strictly Democratic votes cast for any one candidate. He was appointed a justice of the peace by Gov. Robinson on May 5, 1886; is an active member of the Boston Press Club, and a life member of both the Boston Young Men's Christian Union and St. Joseph's Young Men's Catholic Associa- tion. Leahy, William Augustine, author, born in Boston, Mass., July 18, 1867. He is a graduate of the Lavnrence Grammar School, Boston Latin School, and Harvard Univer- sity. He is a young man of much promise, and has contributed much creditable work to " Scribner's Magazine," the "Harvard Monthlv," and the " Harvard Advocate." His latest and best literary production is a poetical drama, "The Siege of Syracuse." He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the O. K. Society, the Mermaid Club, and the Harvard Monthly, all of Harvard University. Low, John, reporter, born in Boston, Feb. 20, 1852, and was the second son of James and Mary Low, who emigrated from the County Limerick, Ireland, in 1849. He at- tended the Eliot School until ten years of age, and moved with his parents to Illinois, where he attended the district schools during the winter months. In 1S71 he returned to this State, and settled in Wakefield, where he worked in the rattan factory for two years. In 1874 he graduated from the Union Busi- ness College in Boston, and later kept books. In 1877 he became connected with the Bos- ton " Daily Globe " as reporter, covering Mai- den and several other towns. His home is in Wakefield, where he has a wife and three daughters. Lowe, Allan, journalist, was born in Ramhill, Lancashire, Eng., Aug. 28, 1858. His father was a County Fermanagh man, and his mother was born in Donegal. He was educated at Portora Royal School in Enniskillen, and at the early age of thirteen years did his first newspaper work on the Fermanagh "Times," a weekly, started by his father in Enniskillen. He came to Boston when fifteen years old, and started in to learn the newspaper business at the bottom. He picked up type for a year, and then went to Montreal, where he at once became police reporter on the Mon- treal " Gazette." He showed aptitude in the business, and Alick P. Lowry, city editor of the Toronto " Mail," sent for him to join the staff of that paper. He was given sporting work to do, and for thirteen years has done very little other work. He wrote the fullest and most graphic accounts of lacrosse matches ever published in Canada. Since that time he has been all over the country, and has owned a weekly WILLIAM F. KENNEY. BIO GRAPHIC A L SKE TCIIES. 321 paper, and been engaged in many business ventures. He is the " horseman " of the "Globe." He joined that paper last July, and has done special work for that jour- nal. jMackin, Richard ]., newspaper corre- spondent, born in Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 23, 1865. He graduated from the Mather School in 1880, attended the Dorchester High School for two years, and graduated from Boston College in 1887. He entered the Harvard Medical School last fall, where he is at present studying medicine. He began his first newspaper work a year ago as Boston College correspondent for the " Globe," and is now the Dorchester representative of that paper. Magennis, Margaret J., for the past fourteen years connected with the Boston " Evening Traveller," is the widow of a farmer of county Down, Ireland, and daughter of a Belfast merchant. Being left a widow in early womanhood in the city of Cincinnati, O., while she and her husband were travelling, she was soon thrown upon her own resources, and naturally gravitated towards journalism. She shortly afterwards became a correspondent for several papers, among them the "Banner of Ulster," Belfast "Morning News," and "Caledonia Mercury," a Scotch paper. About twenty years ago her first contribution to a Boston paper appeared in the "Watchman" (the " Watchman and Reflector ") , to which she still occasionally contributes; subsequently to the "Youth's Companion" and other papers. Since her connection with the " Traveller " she has done every kind of work which generally falls to the lot of newspaper women. For ten or twelve years she has daily reported the doings of one of the municipal dis- trict courts. This brought her into commu- nication with various charitable and criminal institutions, for which she has done a vast deal of gratuitous charitable work of widely appreciated value ; for example, the well- known kindergarten of South Boston owes its origin to the early efforts of Mrs. Magen- nis in its behalf, and the first Protestant Sunday-school in the Marcella-street Home is due to the initiative taken by her; also the Loyal Temperance Legion at the same place. To these might be added the Home for Aged Couples, the Working Girls' Home, and the Free Home for Aged Women. The latter institution is indebted to this charitable lady for appeals through the press, and for start- ing a fair in the Phillips Church, South Bos- ton, and two in Boston, in its behalf. She is always glad to aid a nsedy person when it is in her power. No discrimination is made as to race, color, or religion. She is an offi- cer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and in that capacity visits the penal institutions and almshouses. Her efforts are now being directed towards procuring a tem- porary asylum for discharged prisoners, where they could stop during the time be- tween their release from prison and finding employment, believing, as she does, that in many cases permanent reformation would be likely to follow. She is an honorary member of the Woman's Relief Corps, G.A.R. ; has always been faithful and sincere in her char- itable work, and is a typical representative of a generous, kind-hearted woman. Mrs. Magennis is a descendant of a long line of sturdy Presbyterians. Maguire, Thomas, journalist, born in mid-ocean while his parents were making the passage in a sailing-vessel from Ireland to America in 184 1. He died of pneumonia in. the Chai-lestown District, Mass., Oct. 22, 1884. Soon after arrival in this country, Mr. Maguire's father died, and Mrs. Maguire located in Hinsdale, Berkshire County, Mass., where young Tom attended school and acquired the common education with which he began his journalistic career some years later. His genial disposition made him a great favorite with railroad people, and he eventually cast lines with them, becoming a water-boy and subsequently a brakeman on the Western Railroad, which has since been merged into the Boston & Worcester, 322 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. under the general name of the Boston & j Albany. In addition to his other work, Tom i contributed news paragraphs to the columns of j the Springfield " Republican," and became a great favorite of the elder Bowles, who gave him a position as a reporter on that paper. He served a successful apprenticeship with the " Republican," contributed to the New York " Herald," and subsequently came to Boston, where he secured a place on the Boston "Journal," "covering" the Massa- chusetts work for the New York " Herald " as well. ^Vhile with the "Journal " his work was " general," but for several years he was the reporter of legislative proceedings in one or the other of the two branches of the State government. In his earlier career as a journalist he had a happy faculty of making hosts of friends, who were always glad to see him and to favor him in every M-ay, and he was well known in every State in New Eng- land and in the large cities of Canada and the Provinces. His qualities as a news- gatherer and correspondent were as peculiar as his methods were unique. Early practice at the keyboard of the telegraph-office in Hins- dale made him very valuable in emergencies calling for an operator to take the place of the then imperfectly educated telegraphers of country towns and villages. He possessed a rare fund of mother-wit, and his easy manners, love of humor, and willingness to serve made him warm friends everywhere. He was a daring war correspondent while the Rebellion was in progress. On the occasion of the Fenian raid into Canada, in 1866, Tom was at the front for the "Journal" and two years later he was again in Canada with the " Irish Revolutionary Army," having meanwhile left the "Journal" and become New England correspondent for the New York " Herald." On the second raid his despatches were sent from all points between St. Armand and Prout River in Canada and St. Albans, Yt., and Malone, N.Y., on the American side. Tom's greatest achievement, which brought- liim into prominence, was connected with the loss of the WTiite Star steamship "Atlantic " on the coast of Nova Scotia, about eighteen years ago. On learning of the disaster, he started by special train for Halifax, and on arriving there chartered the only steamer that could be obtained and went to the wreck. In that way he recovered over one hundred bodies; and those, with many others recovered of the five hundred and sixty-two lost, were claimed by their friends solely through the complete and systematic description of the dead that Mr. Maguire gave to the public in his long despatches to his paper. Owing to the condition of the roads along the coast at the time, the wreck could not be reached except by boat; and, as Mr. Maguire had chartered the only available one, he was monarch of the field, leaving his fellow-corre- spondents unable to get any nearer the scene of the accident than Halifax, a distance of thirty miles. The latter were forced to stand about on the Halifax wharves and pick up meagre items, while Mr. Maguire sailed up in his steamer just from the wreck, and tele- graphed column after column of the last particulars. It made Mr. Maguire a hero, and called forth the admiration of a score or more of New York and Boston corre- spondents, who were out-generalled by his enterprise. Doubts were expressed on all sides about his ability to stay so long and do so much work under water, and many pro- fessional divers declared that no expert could remain under the water and accomplish so much as the New York " Herald " novice claimed to have done. Two days of newspaper war ensued on the subject, when Mr. Maguire received a per- emptory order by telegraph from Mr. James Gordon Bennett directing him to " go down in the bell again." He obeyed, and the "Herald" had another description of scenes witnessed in the second exploration of the wreck, and the vividness of the portrayal was even more shocking than the first. Tom had but few equals in the gathering, preparation, and dis- semination of news, and his clever feats attracted the attention of the leading news- paper men of his day, among whom was Colonel Rogers, of the Boston "Journal," who secured his services, and Tom proved a "'liiil THOMAS MAGUIRE, JOURNALIST. BIO GRAPHIC A I SKE TCHES. 323 fitting co-laborer to the then veteran Dave Leavitt, who at that time was in the zenith of his fame. At the opening of hostilities, in 1861, Tom Maguire (as he loved to be called) happened to be in New York vState, and was sent to West Point to look after a meeting between General Wool and President Lincoln, touching matters concerning the war. \Miile the President pared a trouble- some corn with a razor belonging to General Wool, the whole situation was discussed, and the order for the first call for troops was drawn up by the general and immediately signed by the President. The New York " Herald " the next morning published an " exclusive " sent by Tom which astounded the world. In 1S61 and 1862 he was with the Army of the Potomac as correspondent of the Boston " Journal," and spent much time at Acquia Creek, the depot of supplies, as well as at army headquarters. He was intimately associated with the leading gen- erals, and had the confidence of all who knew him, — officers and soldiers alike. He often risked his life by wandering within the rebel lines, but escaped all harm. He re- turned home in 1864 and resumed his labors on the Boston " Journal," but later became associated with the New York "Herald." WTiile serving on the staff of the " Herald," in 1 868 or thereabouts, he accompanied Prince Arthur in the latter's tour from Hali- fax throughout the country. He acted as secretary and agent for Patrick S. Gilmore during the World's Peace Jubilee, and Mr. Gilmore was so impressed by his genius and accomplishments as a writer that he com- posed and dedicated a piece of music to him. In 1870 Mr. Maguire executed a piece of fine work for the "Herald "in connection with the " Mill River Disaster." He accompanied the Duke Alexis, the son of the "Czar of all the Russias," in the latter's trip through- out the country, during which Tom especially distinguished himself on behalf of the New York " Herald." On reaching St. Louis, some sixty-eight correspondents were on hand, representing as many different journals, to accompany the Duke on the grand buffalo hunt which had been arranged in his honor by General Phil. Sheridan. At the last moment Sheridan decided that it would be impossible to take all the correspondents with the party by reason of lack of horses for transportation, and to be impartial, the general decided to have none of them go. He proposed to furnish an epitome of each day's sport for all the papers, and that settled it to all appearances for the poor correspondents, many of whom had travelled hundreds of miles to describe the antics of a live prince hunting down a live buffalo. Tom, however, was dissatisfied, and felt chagrined at having to return to New York with a report of his failure. He cogitated, soon saw his way clear, and in the most secret manner offered himself to Sheridan as a telegraph operator who might be wanted to assist in getting the re- port of each day's hunt through to the papers. This was done unknown to his associates, and he accompanied the party, which was headed by the lamented Custer, with whom Tom was on the best of terms, the result of a friendship formed on the battle-fields of Virginia. Tom did his duty as an operator to perfection, and the New York "Herald" printed a whole page of matter each day descriptive of the sport, which, when Sheridan discovered, angered him against Tom, as much as he ad- mired his skill in outwitting him. In 1872 Tom Maguire again distinguished himself during the big fire in Boston, and he made a hit in his description of President Grant's trip to the Vineyard and Cape in 1874. " Old " Grant and Tom were as fast friends as if brought up together at West Point. In connection with the centennial celebration of the battles of Lexington and Concord, in 1875, Tom made another " big hit " by pre- paring the matter for a special edition of the New York " Herald," which was sold all over New England during the day of the celebration. This issue of the New York " Herald " embraced an historical sketch of the battles from the pens of the late Ralph Waldo Emerson and other prominent men of the time, direct descendants of the patriots who met the British soldiery. Tom came in 324 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. for a share of the fame, and he continued in the service of the New York " Herald " until 1877, as New England correspondent. In 1878 he came to Boston and wrote for the " Globe," and finally became connected with the Boston " Herald." He wielded a most facile pen, and had wonderful descriptive powers. McGrath, David J., editor and publisher of " The Horse and Stable," — a trade journal, — born in East Weymouth, April 21, 1861. He graduated from the Bicknell Grammar School about 1S7S, and then went to work in a shoe manufactory, but found the business uncongenial and unsuited to his taste and inclination. He became connected with the Boston " Daily Globe " in the capacity of district local reporter, on July 6, 18S1, and he has shown marked ability in journalism since his advent to the field. He was pro- moted to the position of night city editor after service as local reporter, court reporter, and special correspondent. He also presided over the night desk and day desk, and his ed- itorial judgment was considered excellent by his associate journalists. The monotonous life at the desk gave him no opportunity to ex- tend his efforts and display his literary gifts as a special correspondent, for which he pos- sessed positive and unusual talent, and he decided to devote his mind to special work. He has done some notable newspaper feats, among which is his capture of young McNally, the Saco, Me., bank clerk, who ab- sconded with about half a million dollars. Mr. McGrath has been the correspondent for several New York papers. As a writer of short, breezy sketches he has no superior in Boston, and his more lengthy articles on passing events, which have appeared from time to time in the " Globe," have attracted much attention and favorable comment. McKjVY, M. E., reporter, graduated from St. John, N.B., schools at the age of fifteen, a licensed teacher. She began writing about seven years ago for several St. John papers, came to Boston three years ago, wrote for 1 the " Globe " and " Herald " articles on church matters, and is now an able member of the " Globe " reportorial staff, where she is doing excellent work. McNally, Hugh P., night editor of the Boston "Herald," born in Charlestown, Mass., 1856; attended the public schools of Charles- town. In early life he worked for John C. & E. a. Loud, bakers on Prince street, and for several years for Horace P. Stevens, pro- visions and groceries, on Chelsea street, Charlestown, whose employ he left to enter the steam-engineering department at the Navy Yard, with the intention of becoming an engineer in the navy. After a competitive examination he was made a government ap- prentice; but as there were no vacancies in the machine-shop he was placed in the pat- tern-shop, and served the full term of four years in learning the pattern-maker's trade. The possession of either trade — machinist or pattern-making — would gain him the time set for practical work at the naval academy. While learning his trade he studied hard at home and at the evening high school, posting himself fully on the requirements for admis- sion to the Annapolis Academy. At the same time he began reporting for the " Daily Advertiser," then on Court street, and also for the old " Sunday Times." He became de- voted to journalism, and secured a regular place on the staff of the " Daily Advertiser," where he remained for about eight years, doing all kinds of general reporting and special work, only leaving the " old daily " to become one of the night editors of the " Herald," a position he has filled for the past four years. He has written many special articles for the " Herald." While employed on the " Advertiser " he also did regular work for the " Sunday Courier," being for about three years city editor of the paper, and a special-article writer. The last two years of his connection with the " Courier " he had charge of the make-up and " putting to press." Mr. McNally has contributed frequently to New York and Western papers and to the BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 325 Irish-American press over the signatures of ' Hugh X " and " Heber." He was one of the founders of the St. Mary's Young Men's Temperance Society of Charlestown, and has been secretary, and also treasurer, of that or- ganization. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society and of the Boston Press Rifle Club, and has been the executive officer of the latter association. He is a married man, and has two children. McNally, John J., author and journahst, born in the Bunker Hill district of this city, May 7, 1854. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of that district, and was graduated from the Charlestown High School in 1872, and afterwards entered the Harvard Law School, where he prepared himself for ad- mission to the bar. While pursuing his studies at Harvard he began his career as a journalist on the Charlestown " Chronicle," a local paper which was at one time edited by Mr. John H. Holmes, the present editor of the Boston "Herald." When Mr. Stephen O'Meara, now managing editor of the Boston "Journal," was taken off district work and made a regular city reporter on the Bos- ton " Globe," in September, 1872, ilr. McNally succeeded him as the Charlestown reporter of that paper. He retained his newspaper connection during the two terms he was at Harvard, doing at night a variety of journalistic work, and studying law dur- ing the day. Inclination, taste, temperament, and habit induced him to desert the law and give his whole allegiance to journalism, where the immediate rewards for labor were greater. He was employed as a reporter and special writer by the "Globe," "Advertiser," and "Sunday Courier" at various times, and somewhere about 1S77 he succeeded Mr. Henry A. Clapp as dramatic critic of the " Sunday Times," which was then, as now, an excellent authority on dramatic matters. His work for the "Times" proving satis- factory, he was rapidly given charge of several departments, and finally was placed in full editorial control of the paper, which he con- ducted with success. It was as the dramatic critic of the " Times " that Mr. McNally attracted the attention of Mr. Willie Edouin and Manager E. E. Rice, and was engaged by the former to write, in conjunction with Mr. Dexter Smith, a bur- lesque for the newly organized Rice's Surprise Party. Messrs. McNally and Smith then wrote " Revels; or, Bon Ton George, Jr.," which was one of the most successful bur- lesques ever presented in this country. The piece was originally produced in San Fran- cisco, and when it was proposed to open with it in Philadelphia, Mr. McNally went on to that city, and rewrote the piece, adapting it to the members of the organization, which included Mr. Edouin, Mr. W. A. Mestayer, Mr. Henry E. Dixey, Mr. George Howard, Mr. Louis Harrison, and Misses Alice Ather- ton, Lena Merville, Marion Singer, Marion Elmore, Jennie Calef, and many others who have since appeared as stars. In Philadelphia Mr. Rice ofi"ered :\rr. ;Mc- Nally a good salary to travel with the company as librettist and press agent, and he entered the dramatic profession and remained in it for three seasons, acting as press agent, treasurer, and business manager. For a few months Mr. McNally was en- gaged as assistant business manager for Miss Annie Pixley, and when he left her service he returned to Boston and again entered jour- nalism as an editorial writer on the Boston " Daily Star," and a few weeks later was ap- pointed managing editor of that paper, leav- ing it to join the special editorial staff of writers on the Boston " Herald." He also assisted ISIr. E. A. Perry in the writing of dramatic criticisms, and when that gentleman was sent to England as the resident corre- spondent of the " Herald " in London, the management of that journal showed its ap- preciation of Mr. McNally's work by placing him in full control of its dramatic depart- ment. While he was with Mr. Rice, Mr. McNally rewrote "Horrors," "The Balies in the Wood," and other pieces in the Rice 7-eper- 32() THE IRISH nV BO ST OX. toire, and gave to all of them new leases of life and prosperity. In "The New Evan- geline," which was also the work of this author, Mr. Henry E. Dixey made one of his greatest early successes as a clerk to LeBlanc, a part especially written fo'r him. This version of the old extravaganza was singularly popular, and was first produced in Boston, at Forest Garden. Mr. ]\IcNally is also the author of a num- ber of short sketches and farces which were successful, but which were not billed under his name. He has written many topical, character, and sentimental songs, and he is responsible for a great many of the local verses which have been sung in this city by comedians of visiting combinations. His latest successes are " Home Rule," a pleasing sketch which was played with good results by the Irwin Sisters in the Howard Athenceum Star Specialty Company, who sung a topical duet bj the same author, " Upside Down," which he wrote in collaboration with INIr. Thomas A. Daly; " Army Tactics, or Love and Strategy;" "Irish Heads and German Hearts; " and " Little Lord Mc- Elroy." Mr. McNally has been singularly fortunate as an author, as his name has never been associated with a failure. McN.\LLY, Peter S., journalist, born in Charlestown, July 7, 1S65. He attended the public schools, and also took a three-years course at Boston College. He began news- paper work on the "Evening Star," July 7, 1S87, ^s Charlestown reporter. In Septem- ber of the same year he became a member of the " Post " staff. He subsequently joined the staff of the " Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record," and occasionally contributed to the "Journal." In February, 1S86, he became attached to the " Sunday Budget " and " Manufacturers' Gazette." In January, 1888, he returned to the "Advertiser " and " Record " as sporting editor and night local reporter, his present position. He is profi- cient as an athlete and swimmer, particularly in the latter, having won many long-distance races. He has a record of swimming from Bath, Me., to Fort Popham, on the Kenne- bec river, a distance of sixteen nautical miles. As a life-saver he holds a silver medal from the Massachusetts Humane Society, presented to him in April, 1886, with the inscription, "To P. S. McNally, — For repeated acts of humanity and bravery, by which many per- sons have been saved from drowning, Boston, 1872-1S86." He is reported to have rescued about forty persons. McN.\RV, William S., managing editor, born in North Abington, Mass., March 29, 1863. He is of Irish-Scotch descent. He attended the public schools of his native town until twelve years of age, when he re- moved to South Boston, where he has since resided. He was a graduate of the Lawrence Grammar School in 1877, and the English High School in 1880. In the latter year he became employed as reporter on the " Com- mercial Bulletin," and was recently appointed managing editor. He has been identified in amateur theatricals, as a public reader, and was at one time president of the South Bos- ton Union, also of the St. Augustine's Ly- ceum, and is a member of the South Boston Citizens' Association. He represented Ward 15 as a Democrat in the Common Council of 1886-87, and was elected to the Demo- cratic Ward and City Committee in 188S. He is a member of the Legislature of 1889, and is recognized as one of the prominent Democrats of that body. He is a lieutenant of Company B, Ninth Regiment, a member of the Boston Press Club and of the Massa- chusetts Young Men's Democratic Club. Merrigan, John J., editor, born in Bos- ton in 1855. -^^ became a resident of South Boston at an early age, where he graduated from the Lawrence Grammar School. When a boy he sold newspapers in the peninsular district, and the juvenile training which he acquired at the time doubtless prompted his subsequent desire to be a proprietor of a successful newspaper. In a measure he has accomplished this result, and is now JOHN J. MERRIGAN. BIOGRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 327 editor and proprietor of the South Boston " News," a weekly pubUcation of considerable local prominence. At the age of fourteen years be became employed at the book- binder's trade, subsequently accepted a position as clerk in a wall-paper establish- ment, and later was engaged for over three years with a building firm. His next busi- ness experiment was as an advertising solicitor. He assumed charge of the adver- tising department of a district paper, and through his efforts a very satisfactory financial showing was the result. Eventually he extended his work, and served as resident correspondent for New England newspapers. Finally, in 1885, he became connected with the South Boston "News," which has since been elevated to an influential position as a Democratic newspaper. MuRNANE, Timothy Hayes, journalist, born in Naugatuck, Conn., June 4, 1850. He received a common-school education, and began playing base-ball at an early age. From 1870 until 1885 he was engaged as player and manager for a number of base- ball clubs. During his experience on the " diamond " he was connected with the follow- ing clubs : The Savannah (Ga.) , Middletown (Conn.) Athletics, Philadelphia, Boston, and Providence. In 1874 he went to England and Ireland with the American ball-players, as a member of the Athletics of Philadelphia. He has been instrumental in bringing before the public many great ball-players, notably Messrs. Crane and Slattery, of New York; Sullivan, Farrell, and Duffy, of Chicago; Farrer, of Philadelphia; McCarthy, of St. Louis ; Nash and Johnston, of Boston; Hughes, of Brooklyn; Hackett, Shaw, Mor- gan, Murphy, and others. In 1884 he organ- ized the Boston Unions, and in 1886 the Boston Blues. In the spring of 18S6 he started the Boston " Referee," a sporting paper, M'hich he still continues to publish. He is also a member of the staff of the Bos- ton "Globe," and is at present the special writer for that paper of the games played by the Boston nine. In addition to his regular newspaper work he is special correspondent for the "Sporting Life," New York " Even- ing Telegram," St. Louis "Sporting News," and the "Press Association." Murray, William F., journalist, born in Cardiff, Wales, Aug. 18, 1S59, of Irish parents, with whom he came to the United States when only eleven months old. He lived in New York a few years, and then the family moved to the Provinces, where he was edu- cated in the public schools under the charge of the Sisters of Charity and the Christian Brothers, and in St. Mary's College and the Commercial College there. He studied law one year and a half in the office of Hon. John S. D. Thompson, the present minister of Justice of the Dominion. He learned Pit- man's system of phonography about this time, and abandoned the study of law to engage in journalistic work, toward which he had a strong inclination. He served two sessions as assistant reporter of the Legislature, and after joined the staff of one of the local news- papers. He came to Boston early in iSSo, and went to work on the daily and Sunday " Globe," and left there to edit a daily paper in one of the New England towns. During most of the winter of 1881-82 he travelled through the United States and Canada as stenographer and agent for the late Prof. O. S. Fowler. He afterward joined the Bos- ton " Herald " staff, where he remained until August, 1887, when he accepted a position as private secretary to the U.S. General Appraiser. In addition to performing the duties of his present position, he is also en- gaged to a limited extent in newspaper work, and was one of the representatives of the " Herald " at both the National Demo- cratic and Republican conventions in 1888. He is a member of the Boston Press Club, the Charitable Irish Society, and the Royal Arcanum. O'Brien, Carleton T., journalist, born in Boston, Sept. 29, 1858, and graduated from the Lewis Grammar School, and studied for 328 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. two years in the Roxbury High and Latin Schools. He left the high school to fill a position on the " Commercial and Shipping List," — a paper then managed and owned by his father, ex-Mayor O'Brien, — and he con- tinued with that paper until its dissolution, in 1886. He acquired much knowledge of the various branches of business in Boston, which he practically applied as a writer of the market reports for the Boston "Journal," and correspondent of several other papers. His reports of the different business interests are gauged as thoroughly accurate, and the wool trade particularly mark Mr. O'Brien's reports as authoritative. He is a member of numerous societies in Boston and vicinity. O'Callaghan, John J., reporter, born in West Springfield, Mass., Sept. 14, 1 861, where he attended the public schools. He later removed to Boston, Charlestown Dis- trict, and he has since resided there. In 1885 he became district reporter for the Boston " Daily Advertiser " and " Evening Record," and was subsequently promoted to a position on the local staff of both papers. He is a careful and thorough news-gatherer, ener- getic, and has done creditable work as a writer of political news, of which he now makes a specialty. He is a member of the Boston Press Club, St. Francis de Sales Young Men's Catholic Total Abstinence, and the Literary Society, of Charlestown, and served a year as president and an equal term as secretary of the temperance society. O'Connor, Eugene J., journalist and telegrapher, born in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 24, 1848. His early education was received in the public schools of that city. At the age of eighteen years he was engaged in telegraphic work, and subsequently held as important a position as the comparatively primitive condition of telegraphy of that time would admit. About 1874 he came to Boston, where he has since resided. In former years the position of an operator was not much more than a mere mechanical manipulator; the press despatches, which are now quite large, were then rather meagre, without the present regard for con- tinuity of the message. He who received the despatch mechanically transcribed letter by letter as it ticked inward. To-day Mr. O'Con- nor and others can send and receive with a precision and ease as though the wire were a living, breathing being. Previous to the telegraphers' strike in July, 1S83, he had been night chief operator of the Western Union Telegraph Comp:.ny, in Boston. At the Chicago convention of the Telegraphers' Brotherhood of the United States and Can- ada he was chosen chairman of the execu- tive board, under whose guidance the great strike of 1883 was conducted. For his " striking activity" in 1883 he was ostracized by the Western Union Company, but honored and revered by toiling operators throughout the country. He subsequently entered the ser- vice of the United Lines Company; later with the Baltimore & Ohio Company. When the Western Union Company assumed the man- agement of the latter Mr. O'Connor joined the staff of the Boston " Globe," where he is now employed. He is a Democrat, and has been first assistant assessor for the city of Boston; he is president ■ of the Telegraphers' Mu- tual Aid and Literary Association, and the success of the organization, as well as much advancement in telegraphic service, is largely due to his efforts. O'Keefe, Arthur, reporter, born in Bos- ton, Sept. 19, 1843. He attended the Win- throp Grammar School of Charlestown and Boston Latin School. He was first employed as a commercial traveller, but began news- paper work in 1881. He worked about a year for the Boston " Star," and afterwards for the Boston "Sentinel." He became en- gaged by the Boston " Globe" in 1886 as a space writer, and was later employed as re- porter on the regular staff, a position which he now holds. O'Meara, Henry, author, poet, and jour- nalist, born in St. John's, Newfoundland, Sept. I, 1850. He was educated chiefly at STEPHEN O'MEARA. BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 329 the Central Academy and St. Dunstan's College in Charlottetown, P.E.I. While at the latter place he was awarded the special prize for good conduct by suffrage of all the students, and he manifested a special interest in the rhetoric class, in which he was associ- ated with the present Archbishop of Halifax and with the poet-editor, Mr. James Jeffrey Roche. At the close of his classical studies he came with other members of the family to Boston, and after a brief experience at the Merchants' Exchange News Room he was engaged in the book department of the *' Pilot " publishing establishment, then con- ducted by Mr. Patrick Donahoe, in which po- sition he availed himself of its unusual oppor- tunities for an acquaintance with books and authors. He was promoted to an editorial position on "The Pilot," where for some years he was a co-worker with the chief editor, Mr. John Boyle O'Reilly. Subse- quently, during an interval of half a year, he taught classes at the House of the Angel Guardian in Boston Highlands. He after- wards accepted an engagement for special department work on the Boston " Herald." The editorial charge of the " Catholic Herald" at Lawrence, Mass., was given him during the first six months of its existence. Mr. O'Meara has also contributed to most of the papers in Boston at various times. When the Catholic Lyceum of Boston flour- ished he prepared a pamphlet history of its work; and as one of the projectors of the Lyceum of Charlestown, he participated in a course of public lectures, and also con- ducted a journalistic organ. He is the author of various poems, some of which have ap- peared in a recent compilation, and others in the newspapers of Boston and vicinity. In dramatic matters he has long displayed a special taste, having been the dramatic critic of the Boston " Times," and having also contributed critical articles to other Boston papers. One of the projects which he has in part accomplished has been the prep- aration of short poems in tribute to the heroines of Shakspeare. He has been for some years past employed in the office of the Boston "Journal," where he has had charge of the " Weekly Journal," and his varied work on the Daily^ particularly in the Hne of descriptive writing, has been uniformly credited with grace of diction. He has given considerable attention to historical and controversial material, and as chairman of the Committee of the Catholic Union of Boston on History and Statistics he has displayed marked ability. Mr. O'Meara is married and is the father of three children. O'Meara, Mary, journalist. She pos- sesses decided journalistic aptitude, which would bring her into prominence, if family duties did not greatly limit its exercise, and she is the wife of Henry O'Meara, of the editorial staff of the Boston " Journal." Mrs. O'Meara, whose maiden name was Lynch, is a native of Boston. Her journalistic i beginnings were made in " Our Young Folks' Magazine," edited by the Rev. Thomas Scully, of Cambridge, Mass. She was mar- ried about nine years ago. For eight years past she has conducted the Women's De- partment and the Children's Corner of the Boston " Republic." Her work shows rare taste and judgment. Mrs. O'Meara is a valued member of the New England Women's Press Club. She is a woman of ex- tremely pleasing presence and generous edu- cation, diffident of her own gift, and always happy in promoting the success of others. O'Meara, Stephen, editor, born in Charlottetown, P.E.I., July 26, 1854. His father was born in Thurles, County Tip- perary, Ireland, and his mother in New- foundland, where his father immigrated about 1833. He came to the United States in 1 864, and after a short residence in Braintree, Mass., and later in Boston, located in Charles- town, where he now resides. He graduated from the Harvard Grammar School in 186S, and from the Charlestown High School in 1872. The day after the latter graduation he became the Charlestown reporter of the Boston " Globe," and in October of the same 330 THE IRISH IX BOSTON, year a reporter on the city staff, where he remained until December, 1S74, tendering his resignation at that time to accept a posi- tion as shorthand reporter on the Boston "Journal." In May, 1S79, he was promoted to the office of city editor. During his ex- perience as a reporter he served five years at newspaper work in the Legislature, nearly three years at City Hall, and had a wide range of business, law, and political report- ing. In iSSi he was advanced to the position of news editor of the " Journal," which post he still occupies. The duties of his office are entirely executive, includ- ing the immediate direction of reporters and correspondents, and the supervision of the work of all persons engaged in the collection and handling of news as distinguished from purely editorial matter, or that involving the expression of the paper's opinions. In 18S1 he was vice-president, and afterward for two years president, of the Charlestown High School Association, and in 18S5 delivered the annual oration before that organization. He was the first instructor in phonography at the Boston Evening High School, a posi- tion which he held for four years; was for- merly the auditor and is now the treasurer of the New England Associated Press, and was president of the Boston Press Club during i8S6-'S7-'88, his election each year being unanimous. In 1S88 the honorary degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him by Dartmouth College. O'Neill, Charles S., editor, born in Boston, April 15, 1853. He is the son of Lieut. James O'Neill, of" the old " Fighting Ninth," who was killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 8, 1864, and of Ellen C. O'Neill {nee Quinn). Young O'Neill was educated in the public schools of Sandwich, Mass., Boston, and Somerville. As a boy he caught the journalistic fever, resulting in the publication of a little month- ly at Somerville, called the " Boy's Ad- vocate ; " later, entered the office of the Somerville "Journal," eventually stepping from the composing-room to the editorial staff. He purchased in 1S75 '^'^'^ Milford (Conn.) "Telegram ; " but after some months of hard work a severe and lingering illness compelled the abandonment of that venture. Returning to Boston in 1876, he remained for the succeeding two years engaged in edi- torial and reportorial work on suburban papers, the humdrum monotony of which was somewhat relieved by occasional poetic contributions to the " Pilot " and other papers. In 1878 the field of operations was changed to New York, but shifted again to Boston, near the close of that year. In 1SS2 he became attached to the reportorial staff of the Boston " Daily Globe," remaining so con- nected for about a year. In 1884 joined the staff of the " Catholic Herald," then published in Boston, and contributed thereto serial sketches of all the Boston Catholic churches. When the paper's place of publication was transferred to New York, went to Gotham to take up the same line of work in behalf of New York churches, but returned to Boston after six-months' experience there. Imme- diately on his return he became attached to the staff of the Roxbury " Advocate," leaving that paper Jan. i, 1886, to become editor of the " Boston Courier." This position was subsequently exchanged for a place on the staff of the Boston " Commonwealth." He was later called to occupy the editorial chair of the "Budget," in January, 1887, and he is the managing editor of that journal. In the past he has also contributed sketches to the " Commercial Bulletin " and " Ballou's Monthly;" poetry to the "Pilot," "Repub- lic," and New York " Ledger." He has been very successful as a writer of humorous and satiric verse and of songs. O'Neill, Helen F. By ability as a worker in the literary field, and with a keen sense of pleasing and refined humor, she has appropriately won " the distinction of being the only funny man in the country who is a woman ! " the honor having been conferred upon her liy the New York " Graphic " in a complimentary review of her weekly column CHARLES S. O'NEILL BIO GRAPHIC A L SKE TCIIES. 331 of humorous verse and prose which appeared in the Roxbury "Advocate " in the year iS86. Born in Sandwich, Mass., Jan. 5, 1S58, while quite young she removed with her parents to Somerville, where she attended the pubhc schools. At an early age she was possessed of a promising contralto voice and an ambition to cultivate the same. Music en- gaged her attention to the exclusion of literary development, although occasional interludes of writing tended to indicate the power that was being kept in sulijection. It was not until 1885, when convalescing from a severe lung affection, and finding that her sickness had so impaired her voice as to necessitate the abandonment of hopes previously enter- tained, that the literary instincts, hitherto sul)- ordinated, came to the front, — first, as a recreation to relieve the tedium of convales- cence; then, to develop into a life-work. Dur- ing this year poems from her pen appeared in numerous papers. In 18S6 she contributed weekly to the Roxbury " Advocate " a col- umn of humorous verse and prose, referred to above. About the same time she also contributed a series of pathetic sketches to the Detroit " P^ree Press." In the spring of 1887 she secured an engagement on the staff of the Boston " Budget," which position she still holds. Poetry from her pen has ap- peared in the Detroit " P^ee Press," J3oston "Pilot," Boston " Courier," and many other papers. She is considered a versatile writer ; her contributions, whether in verse or prose, serious or humorous, have been widely copied. She is the daughter of Lieut. James O'Neill, of the old Ninth Mass. Vols., who was killed at Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Va., May 8, 1864, and of Ellen C. O'Neill (^nee Quinn). QuiNN, Thomas C, secretary, born in Woburn, Mass., Aug. 24, 1S64. He at- tended the grammar and high schools of Woburn, and after leaving school learned the printer's trade in the office of the Wo- burn " Advertiser." He subsequently acted as local reporter in the town, and was engaged by the Boston "Globe," November, 1885. He served as a general reporter on the staff of the latter paper for a while, and did some good newspaper work on special assignments. His creditable efforts were duly appreciated by the management of the " Globe," and he was promoted to the position of private sec- retary to the managing editor. In addition to his duties as secretary, he had charge of many of the news features of the paper, under the direction of his superior officer. In May, 1SS9, he accepted the position of managing editor of the New York " Press." Raxkix, Edward B., journalist, was laorn in Queenstown, Ireland, in December, 1846. His father and mother, the former a native of New York, died while their only child was still in his infancy, and the boy was left to the care of relatives, who shortly afterward immi- grated to the United States and settled in Boston. His early education was received in the public schools of this city, and later at Lynn, Mass. At the latter place he employed his leisure hours in learning the shoemaker's trade. At the age of fourteen years, how- ever, he returned to Boston, and obtained employment of E. C. Bailey, who was then proprietor of the " Herald." After three years' service he learned the printer's trade, and in 1S65 he received an appointment on the reportorial staff. In the latter position he did creditable work, and in due time was pro- moted to a place in the editorial department. During his employment on the " Herald " he has served successively as general reporter, special writer, court and city government re- porter, military, political, sporting, and tele- graph news editor. He is at present engaged as a general writer, with special reference to athletics, aquatics, etc., and has charge of that department. He was a member of the Boston School Committee from 1871 to 1875 inclusive, of the Massachusetts Legislature in i872-'74-'75, and was a Democratic candi- date for presidential elector from the third district in 1S80. He was a member of tha Board of Directors for Public Institutions, and is a membef of the Boston Press Club, the Order of Elks, Boston Athletic Association, 332 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Charitable Irish Society; was keeper of the silver key of the latter organization in 1885, and its president in 1886. He is also an honorary member of the Hull Yacht Club, and a Director of the Working Boy's Home, for which institution he has been an earnest worker for some time past. He has been a prominent citizen of South Boston for the last fourteen years. Reynolds, Mrs. Margaret G., is a popular writer, under the 710m de plume " Sepperle," and during recent years has won a prominent position as an author and literary worker. Her writings display a remarkable clearness of forethought, care- fully prepared moral instruction, and are interestingly magnetic in construction. Mrs. Reynolds is a native of Pawtucket, R.I. The little cottage in which she was born, and which now stands a ruin on the Providence pike, was built by her father, an early settler, who cleared the wilderness around it and cultivated the land. Her first impulse to write came while seated on the door-step of her home after school hours, reading Jane Porter's "Scottish Chiefs." Her first story was written during a week of midnight sittings at the north window of her room, the moonlight presentment forming the theme of her sketch. In 1870 she removed to Boston, where she took up her pen for earnest work, and her first Bos- ton story — " All's Well that Ends Well " — appeared in what was then the mart for be- ginners, Dow's " Waverly Magazine." Other periodicals were written for in rapid succes- sion. The " Young Crusaders " — a juvenile magazine now out of the field — encouraged her work with prompt payment, supplying illustrations, to which she wrote many stories for the young. The " Irish World " then accepted her contributions, and awarded her high rates for temperance and emigrant sketches. She has also written for the Boston "Journal," "Transcript," " Record," "Sunday Times," and "Globe;" but her greatest success is thought to have been a long serial, " Corogyne Chronicles," which appeared in the New York " Freeman's Journal," and which will be reproduced in book form at an early date. That paper, in commenting upon the serial, said : " The plot and construction of this powerfully dramatic work runs out of the beaten track into a field of originality peculiarly the author's own. The strong moral motive underlying the plot culminates in startling strength at the close, the author's intention evidently being to lay a moral ambush, into which the reader wanders through a maze of thrilling mystery, and stumbles unawares. Every line of the story scintillates with a rare phase of genius, and if dramatized would make a play richly suited to the stage enterprise of Catholic Lyceums." She is now engaged upon a second serial, " Weep- ing Rock." The subject of the story is a high cliff rising close to the windows of her recent home in Whitney place, and which, , in sunshine as well as in storm, drips with moisture. The vein of the story, the chief scenes of which are laid in Roxbury, goes to prove why the rock wept. Mrs. Reynolds is of Irish parentage, an ardent Catholic, and much of her writing is pervaded with a deeply religious spirit. Roche, James Jeffrey, assistant editor of the Boston " Pilot," and poet, born in Queens County, Ireland, May 31, 1847, a most auspi- cious soil for a poet. Through his father, Edward Roche, Esq., an able mathematician and scholar, still living and occupying the office of Provincial Librarian inPrince Edward Island, he inherits the literary quality domi- nant in his temperament and his art. The family settled in Prince Edward Island in the same year. The boy was educated by his father, and later in St. Dunstan's College. Here, at the age of fifteen, foreshadowing his career, he turned journalist, and proudly edited the college w^eekly " unto the urn and ashes " of its infant end. His youth had a fair share of spirited adventure, an encounter- ing of odd characters and scenes, a sharp observance of events, and a close, rapid, hon- est, mental life. In 1866 he strolled alone HELEN F. O'NEIL BIO GRAPHIC A L SKE TCHES. 333 into the open gates of Boston, fell into the clutches of commerce, and prospered there; yet with revertings thenceforward to litera- ture, his early love and first unconscious choice, keeping up, in print, a running fire of the arch, absurd, unique humor which has since given his name its note. Already mar- ried, in 1883 he shifted into his natural posture, and became assistant editor of the Boston " Pilot," a position entirely to his mind, which he still fills. A man of activity, eminently social, interested in all public mat- ters, sensitive and independent, he has done, without any premeditation, much energetic and brilliant work, of which a " History of the Filibusters in Spanish America," a novel, and a drama are yet in manuscript. In 1886 he published " Songs and Satires," a distinct success, and an earnest of healthful and un- hurried growth. Nothing injures Mr. Roche's fun so much as his seriousness. When a throat is able to give out a ringing bass song of sport or war, we cease to demand falsetto of it, however quaint and dexterous. It is, perhaps, an un- happy gift, this of divided skill, for it some- times necessitates a pause, an adjustment, a choice. It is a grim truth that the humorous has no place on the top peaks of Parnassus : to be great, one must be grave. But Mr. Roche, of all men, can afford to let his lighter talent, exquisite as it is in kind, go by, so long as he can throw into his metrical nar- ratives the same keenness and decisiveness of thought, the same life and grace of phrase, which have glorified his cap-and-bells. Something in the generous and sympathetic air of to-day has colored his verses, ever and anon, with a light, humanitarian and revolu- tionary; but his protests, made as they are of beautiful philosophy, come from him with an odd grace only, and belie Timon's part with a look of Mercutio. A poet, as a poet merely, had best sing out his unregenerated music and leave great causes alone, unless they have overwhelmed him of his nature and their own will. The witty secretary of the Papyrus Club is undedicated, however he should deny it, and liegeman to no theory at heart. He sends his gallant and unbook- ish fancies on profane errands, — " Some to the wars, to seek their fortune there, Some to discover islands far away." Mr. Roche is, first, a scrivener and chron- icler, utterly impersonal, full of joy in deeds, a discerner between the expedient and the everlasting right, wholly fitted to throw into enduringsong some of the simple heroisms of our American annals. We bid fair to have in him an admirable ballad-writer, choosing instinctively and from affection " that which lieth nearest," and saying it with truth and zest. His muse, like himself, is happy in her place and time; none too much at the mercy of sentiment : coming through sheer intelli- gence to the conclusion of fools, and going her unvexed gypsy ways with an "All's well ! " ever on her lips. L. I. G. The sympathetic little poem, "Androm- eda," is one of Mr. Roche's creations. It is full of fine feeling and expression. ANDROMEDA. They chained her fair young body to the cold and cruel stone; The beast begot of sea and slime had marked her for his own; The callous world beheld the wrong, and left her there alone. Base caitiffs who belied her, false kinsmen who denied her, Ye left her there alone ! My Beautiful, they left thee in thy peril and thy pain; Tlie night that hath no morrow was brooding on the main : Rut lo! a light is breaking of hope for thee ag;iin; 'Tis Perseus' sword a-flaming, thy dawn of day proclaiming Across the western main. O Ireland ! O my country ! he comes to break thy chain ! Saunders, Daniel J., reporter, born in Boston, Feb. 23, i860. He is of Irish parent- age, and was educated in the public schools. He became employed by the Boston " Globe " 334 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. as office-boy about eleven years ago. After two and one-half years of service he was promoted to the position of reporter, and was engaged in reporting criminal work till September, 1888, when he was trans- ferred to the sporting department, and is now doing general sporting work. He has done good service as a news-gatherer for the paper. The district attorney of Suffolk County made an effort, a few years ago, to have him imprisoned because he would not inform the Grand Jury where he received his information of the confession, by a man in New Mexico, of having killed Lane at Dorchester. The attempt to punish, how- ever, was unsuccessful. He was correspon- dent of the New York " World " and St. Louis " Republican " for over two years. He figured prominently with other reporters, a short time ago, in the investigation of Chief Inspector Hanscom before the Police Com- missioners. During his newspaper experience he has been engaged in many notable cases. Taylor, Albert M., reporter, born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 20, 1866. Attended the public schools until 1879. Entered the office of the Boston " Daily Globe " as a space writer. He is now a reporter of day locals. Taylor, John N., sporting editor of the Boston " Daily Globe," born in Hallowell, Me., Sept. 23, 1859. He is a graduate from the Hallowell Classical and Scientific Acad- emy, and was a telegraph operator in Hal- lowell, later operated at the Western Union Telegraph Company's office in Boston for two years. Thence he entered the " Globe " office as the press operator, in which capacity he was employed during four years. He soon did reportorial work, was promoted to the position of assistant night editor, and subsequently advanced to his present posi- tion. He is recognized by newspaper men as an enterprising journalist of ready re- sources, and has many times won applause from the journalistic fraternity for his bold and successful methods of getting news. His reputation as a receiver of press de- spatches is one of the best in the country, for at one sitting he " took " 27,500 words of news. The wire was acknowledged by all operators to be the " hottest " in the United States. Patrick Ayers, Bob Martin, Frank Klein, and Mr. Waugh manipulated the New- York end of the wire at the time. Mr. Taylor did effective service, while night editor of the " Globe," by his rapid work in going to Farmington, Me., in October, 1886, at the time of the big fire in that town, and sending to the " Sunday Globe " the only account published outside of a few local papers in Maine. His knowledge of telegraphy served him well on this trip. In the spring of 1887 the yacht races between the " Volunteer," " Pur- itan," " Priscilla," and "Mayflower" excited the curiosity of the country, and the Boston journals were eager to command the news for this section. Competition was lively among the representatives of the different Boston newspapers. There were only two wires from Boston to Marblehead Neck. The Boston " Herald " had full control of one, and the "Associated Press" of the other. It was said that the " Globe " would fail to get the news. Mr. Taylor was assigned to the discouraging task of obtaining the details of the race, and thus uphold the reputation of his paper. Fie began work the night be- fore the race, hired a telephone wire, bor- rowed a sufficient amount of battery, made a telegraph circuit of it, and not only saved his paper from loss of news, but sent his re- port ahead of all other papers in the city on the start and finish of the race. Again, dur- ing the famous yacht race between the " Vol- unteer" and "Thistle," he extended the wire from the editorial room to a platform in front of the building, and had it put through to Sandy Hook, defeating the other Boston papers all the way from five minutes to half an hour on bulletins. He was made sport- ing editor in April, 1888. His first notable work in that department was on the arrival from Europe of Mr. John L. SuUivan. Mr. Taylor laid in wait in a tug, outside the Bos- ton light, for two days, and was the first per- son to shake hands with the famous pugilist. MARGARET G REYNOLDS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 335 and telegraph sighting of ship from Hull, and he arrived in this city while the Cunarder got quarantine. As Mr. Taylor was leaving the tug at Rovve's wharf for the " Globe " office, other Boston reporters were just departing from Commercial wharf for quarantine. At eight o'clock A.M. the first edition of the " Globe " was issued, and two hours later the second extra edition appeared, containing Mr. Taylor's interview with the champion, which was of much interest to many Bosto- nians. This second edition was sold on the street as Mr. Sullivan and his party drove by the "Globe" office in a carriage. The other papers' reports came out four and one-half hours later. Mr. Taylor has suc- cessfully managed the " Globe's " famous newsboy's base-ball team. He is an old ball player and all-round athlete. Wright, John B., journalist, born in Charlestown, Mass., in February, 1854. He was left an orphan when but a mere lad, and became 'Cn.e. protege of a friend, who encour- aged him substantially, sent him to school, and he graduated from the Warren Grammar School at Charlestown. He entered the Charlestown Navy Yard to learn the black- smith's trade, and while at work there he had the fingers of one hand crushed by a heavy sledge, which necessitated the amputation of one finger. While in service at the Na\7 Yard he studied phonography, and grew very proficient in that branch of knowledge. After five years and a half of labor at the Navy Yard, Mr. Wright entered upon his career as a newspaper man, and commenced to gather news for the Charlestown " Advertiser " early in the seventies. Following his journalistic bent, his activity led him to become a member of the reportorial staff of the Boston " Daily News," and he won distinction among his associates on that paper. The demise of the " Daily News " caused Mr. Wright to transfer his work to the Woonsocket " Patriot," where he performed the duties of editor, as well as covering all the reportorial fields known to a first-class or all-round journalist. In 1S76 he joined the reportorial staff of the Boston " Herald," and for a period often years he and his friend and brother journalist, Mr. Thomas F. Keenan, were identified with many leading and important events connected with their paper. Mr. Wright's capabihties have been evinced frequently in the handhngof criminal matters requiring much tact and great deli- cacy. His political articles have often com- manded words of praise, which is due to his active interest in and knowledge of public affairs. During General Butler's campaigns, beginning in 1878, and up to the close of 1884, Mr. Wright accompanied the general throughout the field, faithfully reporting the incidents and speeches for the Boston " Her- ald." He wrote the vivid pen-pictures of the Mechanics' Hall Convention for the Boston " Herald," and the Boston " Herald " men being the only reporters inside the hall up to eight o'clock on that memorable morning, they sent columns of news over the wires to the " Herald." In 1883, while General But- ler was governor, Mr. Wright's fealty was recognized by him, and the general appointed him to the position of assistant private secre- tary. At the close of General Butler's term of office Mr. Wright returned to his post on the " Herald," where he now remains, fiUing the position of assistant city editor. His fluent pen is never idle, and many Bostonians have read his correspondence under the nom de plume of the " Sentinel at the Outer Gate." He did excellent work on the Costley and Jennie Clarke murder cases, and over a year ago unmasked the Peter Frub Faculty, otherwise known as the Druid University of Maine. In prosecution of this exposure Mr. Wright had the degree of M.D. conferred on him by the " Druids." His utter dislike for hypocrisy and sham and his manly con- duct on all occasions have won him the es- teem of the community. He is wedded to domestic life, and his estimable wife is a sister of Col. Chas. H. Taylor, of the Boston " Daily Globe," and also Mr. Nathaniel H. Taylor, private secretary to ex-Mayor O'Brien. Mr. Wright was for many years an active member of the Volunteer Fire Department of old Charlestown. He comes from Dublin ancestr>'. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE. SKETCHES OF PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE. THE town of Boston was established by the passage of the order of the Court of Assistants on the 17th Sept. [7th O.S.], 1630. The first city government was organized on the 1st of May, 1822. Roxbury was first recognized by the Court of Assistants as a town on the 8th Oct., 1630. It was incorporated as a city on the 12th March, 1846, and annexed to Boston 6th Jan., 1868; accepted 9th Sept. Dorchester was named by the Court of Assistants in the same order in which Boston was named ; and it retained its town organi- zation until annexed to Boston on the 3d Jan., 1870; accepted 22d June. Charlestown was founded 4th July, 1629; incorporated as a city in 1847; annexed to Boston, 5th Jan., 1874; accepted, 7th Oct. West Roxbury was incorporated as a town on the 24th March, 185 1 ; annexed to Boston on 5th Jan., 1874; accepted, 7th Oct. Brighton was incorporated as a town in 1806; annexed to Boston on the 5th Jan., 1874; accepted, 7th Oct. ORATORS OF BOSTON Appointed by the public authoi-ities on the Annivei'sary of the Boston Massacre, March j, /770. 1774. Hon. John Hancock. 1783. Thomas Welsh, M.D. orators of boston Appointed by the public atithorities on the Anniversary of the Xational Inde- pendejtce, July 4, 1776. 1803. Hon. William Sullivan. 1808. Andrew Ritchie. 1883. Rev. H. Bernard Carpenter. 1885. Thomas J. Gargan. (339) 340 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. SELECTMEN OF THE TOWN OF BOSTON FROM 1 634 TO 1 82 1. The earliest entry preserved in the Town Records is dated Sept. I, 1634, and a board often citizens were in office at that date. Even at this early period there Avere men of Irish birth holding positions of honor and trust in the city government. These gentlemen held office as follows: — Oct. 6, 1634. Richard Bellingham and John Coggan or COGAN. April 29, 1639. John Cogan reelected. Dec. 16, 1639. John Cogan reelected. William Hibbens elected. Sept. 28, 1640. CoG.\N, Bellingham, and Hibbens chosen, with five others. March 20, 1642-43. Bellingham and Hibbens elected. Sept. 25, 1643. Same two reelected. May 17, 1644. Hibbens reelected. April 10, 1645. Same reelected. Dec. 26, 1645. Same reelected. William Paddy, 1655 to 1658. Thomas Hancock, 1740 to 1746; 1748 to 1753. In 1640, William Hibbens was the Town Treasurer. assessors. Thomas C. Amorv, 1827. James Ritchie, 1870. John J. Murphy, 1885. John M. Maguire, 1885. Joseph O'Kane has been the Clerk of the Common Council since 1885. fire department. Thomas C. Amory was Chief Engineer in 1829. BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 341 SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. 1883. James J. Flvnn/ 1884. Michael Meehan.^ 1886. John W. McDonald.^ SUPERINTENDENT OF LAMPS. 1883, 1885 to 1888. Hugh J. Toland. The City Architect in 1883 and 1888 was Charles J. Bateman. OUR MAYORS. 1878. Henry L. Pierce, who is of Irish descent, born in Stoughton, Mass., Aug. 23, 1825. 1885 to 1889. Hugh O'Brien, born in Ireland, July 13, 1827. 1888. Thomas Norton Hart, of Irish descent, born in North Reading in 1829. He came to Boston in 1842. THE CITY GOVERNMENT OF BOSTON, ORGANIZED IX 1 822. The names of the men of Irish birth and descent who have been members of the Board of Aldermen and members of the Common Council are given below : — 1825, 1825 1826 1826 1827 1827 aldermen. Daniel Carney. Thomas Welsh, Jr. Daniel Carney. Thomas Welsh, Jr. Thomas Welsh, Jr. Jeremiah Smith Boies. Died, 1884. • From July 21, 1884, to Aug. 3, ' From August, 1S85, to 1888. 342 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. 1859-63, inclusive. Thomas Coffin Amory, Jr. 1870. Christopher Augustus Connor. 1872-75, inclusive. James Power. 1875, 'T6, 'yj, '79, '80, '81, '^T). Hugh O'Brien. 1877. John E. Fitzgerald. 1879-81. James Joseph Flynn. 1882. Thomas Norton Hart. 1883. Thomas Henry Devlin. 1883. Paul Henry Kendricken. 1883. William Joseph Welch. 1884. James H. Nugent. 1884. John W. McDonald. 1885. Patrick J. Donovan. 1885. William J. Welch. 1885. Thomas N. Hart. 1885. Jeremiah H. Mullane. 1885. James H. Nugent. 1886. Patrick J. Donovan. 1886. Michael Barr. 1886. John H. Sullivan. 1886. Thomas N. Hart. 1886. William P. Carroll. 1886. Patrick James Maguh^e. 1887. Patrick J. Donovan. 1887. John H. Sullivan. 1887. John A. McLaughlin. 1887. William P. Carroll. 1887. Patrick James Maguire, 1887. John H. Lee. 1888. Philip J. Dohertv. 1888. John A. McLaughlin. 1888. William P. Carroll, to Jan. 28, 1888. 1888. John C. Short. 1888. James A. Murphy, from Feb. 21, 1888. Spe- cial election. 1889. John C. Short. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 343 1889. James A. Murphy. 1889. Philip J. Doherty. 1889. John A. McLaughlin. City Clerk. 1887-88. Joseph H. O'Neil. Many efforts were made to obtain sketches of all the past and present members of the public service, but for lack of data and on account of the slowness of many persons to furnish information, some sketches are omitted necessarily. However, a full and com- plete list of the names of the councilmen is given, with the dates of their service where no sketch appears. biographical sketches. Amory, Thomas C, the distinguished lawyer, scholar, and author. He is a grad- uate of Harvard University, of the class of 1830, which numbered Charles Sumner among its members. He has been active in the affairs of the Boston Provident Asso- ciation and of the Episcopal Church, and has also taken much interest in the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, of both of which he is a member. About 1885 or 1 886 he pub- lished a pamphlet vindicating his ancestor, Gen. John Sullivan, from the charges of the historian Bancroft. He is the author of a valuable work, " The Transfer of Erin." He has done honor to a name which has long been pi-ominent in the high social, intellectual life of Boston. His valuable services ren- dered to the city of Boston while he was a member of the city government are inesti- mable. In the years of 1836, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, he was a member of the Common Council. Thomas C. Amory, Jr., was chair- man of the Board of Alderman in 1S63, and had served as a member of the Board during the years 1859, '60, '61, '62, and '63. Bagley, Frank E., clerk, born in Bos- ton, Nov. 10, 1857. Graduated at the Old Winthrop School, of Charlestown, in 1873, and afterward became clerk in a brush store till 1 88 1. About that time he engaged as laborer for the Philadelphia Steamship Com- pany, and in 1885 was promoted to his present position as receiving-clerk. He is treasurer of the St. Francis de Sales Y.M.T.A Society, and president of the Druids. He was a member of the Common Council from Ward 3 in i^ Barr, Michael, truckman, born in Ire- land in 1836. He was educated in the national schools of his native place. At the age of fourteen he became a youthful contractor, and in January, 1855, immigrated to America, landing in New York, but finally settled in Boston, where he has since been located. He has followed the business of truckman for twenty-four years. He was a member of the Common Council in 1876- 83, and represented the Third District in the Aldermanic Chamber during 1886. Barry, David F. , salesman in the whole- sale paper warehouse of Marshall, Son, & Co. , of this city, where he has been employed for the past sixteen years; born in Boston in 1852. He graduated from the Quincy Gram- mar School with the class of 1867. During 344 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. his boyhood he was ambitious to acquire a knowledge of the advanced studies, and de- voted his evenings and spare hours during the day to reading. Mr. Barry met with the favor of the Democratic party in 1879, when he was elected a member of the Common Council, and served in that branch of the city government for nine years. He was president of the Council two years, 1S87-SS. Mr. Barry's services on committee work have always been of great value to the city, and they covered nearly all of the different and several committees appointed to supervise and execute matters pertaining to the prog- ress and development of Boston. President Barry was a firm and constant friend of the members of the Grand Army of the Republic; they have attested their belief in his sincerity and his good deeds on their behalf on many occasions. John A. Andrew Post 15 presented an elegant gold M'atch and chain to him on Jan. 25, 1888, as a practical avowal of regard. He assisted in entertaining President Cleveland when he visited Boston accom- panied by his wife, and he also was appointed one of a committee to extend courtesies to Queen Kapiolani upon her arrival in this city, in recognition of the favorable and friendly business relations then existing between the merchants of the Sand- wich Islands and those of Boston. Councilman Barry was reelected to the lower branch of the city government for 1887. He is the son of David Barry (now deceased), who was well known to the Irish people of Boston over forty years ago. The latter carried on the business of a wheelwright and shipwright in East Boston, in 1845, enlisted in the United States volun- teer service and went to the Mexican War. About 1849 he moved to the city proper, and established his business on Cove street, where it flourished for seventeen years. Thence he removed to Castle street with his family, which consisted of two sons and a daughter. The latter died at sixteen years of age. Councilman Barry's father was an active participant in the benevolent and political duties of the citizens of his day, particularly those which were designed to aid his countrymen. He was one of the com- mittee of one hundred who formed an association for the naturalization of Irishmen in Boston during Know-nothing times, in 1856. Barry, Edward P.' Barry, James J., assistant inspector of buildings, born at London, England, of Irish parents, Aug. 11, 1851. He immigrated to Boston in 1857. He studied at the Boston public schools until 1865. He was appren- ticed to the mason's trade in 1867, which he followed until Oct. i, 1880, when he was appointed to his present position of inspector. He was first assistant assessor in 1880, and served in the Common Council, representing Ward 22, during the years 1877, '78, '79. He has been actively identified with military affairs, and he is considered an excellent disciplinarian, tactician, and an efficient offi- cer. He is a member of Company C, Ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, and has been captain of that well-known company. Barry, Patrick T., merchant tailor, born in Charlestown, March 17, 1856. He at- tended the Prescott Grammar School until nine years of age, when he became employed in a dry-goods store as cash-boy. He after- wards worked at various occupations until he engaged in the tailoring business in 18S5, on his own account. He is now a member of the firm of Barry & Brown, merchant tailors. He represented Ward 3 as a Demo- crat in the Legislature of 1884-85, is presi- dent of St. Mary's Temperance Society, treasurer of St. Francis de Sales Society, and a member of the Royal Arcanum. Belford, Charles A., restaurateur, born in Brighton, Mass., Oct. 19, 1830. In 1835 he removed with his parents to Fort Hill square, and in 1838 to Roxbury, where he 1 See Journalists. BIO GRAPHIC A L SA'E TCHES. 345 has since resided. He graduated from the Ehot Grammar School in 1S48; afterward engaged with his father in the nursery busi- ness. He entered the customs service in 1857, and remained till 1861; was subse- quently conductor on the Metropolitan Rail- road. From 1864 to 1874 he filled the posi- tion of chief engineer of the Roxbuvy P'ire Department, at a salary of $2,100 per year. This office was abolished at the time of the Roxbury annexation. At the reorganization of the department he introduced steam-en- gines instead of the hand-machines. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society and Young Men's Catholic Associa- tion. Bent, James, Democrat, born in County Wexford, Ireland, Nov. 2, 1837. Died Feb- ruary, 1889. In 1846 he came to this coun- try. He received a public-school education; learned the shoe business, but later changed his occupation. In 1869 he was an inspector of voters; in 1871, a member of the Demo- cratic Ward and City Committee; represented Ward 2 in the Common Council of 1874-75, and was one of the organizers of the North End Fishing Club. Bishop, Robert, cotton-waste manufact- urer, born at County Limerick, Ireland, June, 1838. He came to Boston with his parents in 1840, and was sent to the Boston public schools when seven years of age. He left school without completing the full gram- mar-school course, and was apprenticed to Messrs. Wright & Hasty, printers, with whom he remained until 1S60; he entered Holy Cross College, at Worcester, Mass., under the rectorship of Rev. Fr. Champi, S.J. He studied two years at the college, when sickness compelled him to withdraw. In 1863 he engaged in the cotton-waste busi- ness for himself, with a very small capital (not more than two hundred dollars). By his arduous labor and exceptionally fine management the capital was increased, and the business was developed to its present large proportions. Mr. Bishop's annual volume of import and export trade amounts to over $750,000. His pay-roll foots up a weekly payment of $1,200. He manufactures rail- road waste and wadding for domestic trade in his large establishments at South Boston, which comprises a main factory building 202 X 45 feet, a store-house, 100 X 60 feet, and a sorting-house, 100 X 80 feet. These buildings are on three streets ; namely, Sixth, Seventh, and Tudor. The assessed value of his real and personal property covers about $300,000. In 1868 and 1870 he was a Democratic member of the Common Council. Bonner, Dennis, teamster, born in Done- gal, Ireland, in January, 1821. He was edu- cated in the schools of his native place, and immigrated to this country in 1842, and located in Boston, where he has since re- sided. Since 1845 ^^ ^^^ been in business as a teamster. He represented old Ward i (now Ward 2) in the Common Council of 1862, '63, '70, '71, and in the Legislature of 1873-74. He was a member of the Charita- ble Irish Society for about ten years. BoYLE, John J., salesman, born in Boston, July 4, 1848. He attended the Phillips School, and went to work when twelve years of age. He was first employed at the paint- ing trade. In 1861 he became connected with Cutter, Tower, & Co., stationers, and shortly afterward engaged with A. Storrs in Cornhill, later A. Storrs Bement Company, and has been with them ever since, serving in various capacities, from errand-boy to his present position as head clerk and salesman. He represented Ward 8 in the Common Council of 1881, '82, '83. He was at one time first lieutenant Company A, Ninth Regi- ment; is now captain of Montgomery Vet- eran Association, having been elected three years; and a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, Charitable Irish Society, Royal Order Good Fellows, and Knights of St. Rose. Brady, Thomas M., superintendent of marble work, born in Boston, Nov. 28, 1849. 346 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. He graduated as a Franklin medal scholar from the Eliot School in iS66, and afterward attended the English High School and the Institute of Technology, where he learned the principles of architecture and drawing. He later served an apprenticeship at the marble business with Arioch Wentworth, and subsequently acted in the capacity of fore- man. About this time he became a resident of Somerville, and served two years in the Common Council of that city. He was for six years president of Division 17, A.O.H., and for several years president of the local branch of the Irish Land League, and treas- urer of the Democratic Ward and City Com- mittee. After marriage he removed to South Boston, and interested himself in the Irish National League. He was elected president of the iMunicipal Council, I.X.L., of Boston, and was appointed by National President Patrick Egan to the office of State Executive for Massachusetts, upon the retirement of Thomas Flatley, in which capacity he led the Massachusetts delegation to the Chicago Convention of 1886. He gave much time to public speeches in this vicinity in favor of home rule for Ireland. In 1877 he accepted his present position as superintend- ent of the American Marble Company, Marietta, Ga. On Nov. 28, 1887, he was tendered a farewell banquet at the Parker House, at which John Boyle O'Reilly pre- sided, and Hon. P. A. Collins and others in- terested in the Irish cause were present. Brawley, John P., assistant clerk of committees of the city government, Boston, Mass.; born in Roxbury, Mass., Aug. 29, 1849. He graduated from the Comins Gram- mar School, 1861, and studied for three years after at the English High School. He went into the wholesale millinery business with J. W. Plympton & Co., as clerk, and later acted in the capacity of book-keeper until 1873, when he engaged with his father in the building business. He was a member of the Common Council in 1878-79. He intro- duced an important order to revise and im- prove the financial system of the city in regard to large loans and the methods of borrowing and accounting for the city's money. He insisted that premiums on loans, as well as the principal, belonged to the city, and should be accounted for and not expended for any purpose without an order from the City Council. The measure met with a strong opposition, but was passed finally. He dis- played good business tact while purchasing- agent for the Improved Sewerage Works during 1879 and 1S80. He was a clerk in the City Registrar's office in 1881. He was appointed to his pres- ent position, October, 18S5. Breen, Daniel F., elected to serve in the Common Council for the year 18S9. Brennan, Daniel F., clerk, born in Kan- turk. County Cork, Ireland, Feb. 3, 1844. He received a common-school education. Dur- ing the Civil War he served in the Forty-third Massachusetts Regiment, and afterward in the United States Navy. He represented Ward 13 in the Legislature of 18S2. He was one of the first assistant assessors of the city of Boston during 18S8. Burke, Michael H., inspector in the sewer department, born in Boston, July 15, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of this citj. He was a member of the House of Representatives of 1S86. He is one of the active young Democrats of the vicinity. Burke, William J., steam-boiler maker, born in St. John's, N.B., of Irish parentage, November, 1837. He came to this country with his parents when only six months old. He was educated in the public schools of Boston. During the war he was foreman for James A. Maynard & Co., afterwards he worked for the Erie Basin Iron Works of Brooklyn, N.Y., and later he had charge of the boiler depart- ment of the Beach Iron Works. He next went into business under the firm name of McBride & Co., and subsequently under his own name. He was a member of the Common Council of 1876, '77, and '78, from Ward 2; he was connected with the Boston Democratic City BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCIIES. 347 Committee for seven years, beginning in 1876. He was elected to the General Court of 1879, '81, and '82. In the latter year he was ap- pointed by John S. Damrell as inspector of elevators in the department for the survey and inspection of buildings, and was con- firmed by Mayor Green. In 1887 the Board of Directors of East Boston Ferries, appre- ciating his ability, offered him his present position as superintendent of ferries. In February, 1887, he was appointed by Secretary Whitney as civilian expert, to examine candi- dates for the position of master blacksmith, master sail-maker, and foreman galley-maker at the Charlestown Navy Yard. He is a prominent Democrat, and resides in East Boston. Butler, Thomas C, hotel keeper, born in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland, Jan. 6, 1842. He came to this country with his parents when two years of age, and located in Boston, where he has since resided. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and has been for many years engaged in the hotel business. He took an active interest in aquatic matters early in life, and for several years was a prominent oarsman. In 1868 and 1869 he held the single-scull championship of New Eng- land. He has been instrumental in bringing many oarsmen into prominence, has a very extended knowledge of aquatics, was the first to introduce the " working boat," and is a prominent member of the West End Boat Club. He was the winner of the single- scull race in the Boston City Regatta, July 4, 187 1, and with his brother, J. H. Butler, won the double-shell races of 1869-70, and with other partners in the regattas of 1871, '72, '74, '78. He was a member of the Demo- cratic Ward and City Committee for about ten years, represented Ward 8 in the Com- mon Council of 1874 and in the Legislature of 1882-83. Calnan, Patrick J., manufacturer, born in Roxbury, Nov. 25, 1847. He received his education in the public schools. He has been a non-commissioned officer of the Ninth Regiment, M.V.M., and is at present a shoe- stock manufacturer, residing in Charlestown. In 1SS7 he represented Ward 5 in the Legis- lature. Cannon, John J., Democrat, born in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland, May 2, 1852. He came to this country when seven years of age, and attended the Mayhew School of this city. He afterwards learned his trade as a shoemaker, and worked at the business for about seven years, two of which were in Baltimore, Md. He represented Ward 8 in the Common Council of 1882. He is one of the prominent Democrats of the West End, and a member of the A.O.H. and A.O. Foresters. Cannon, Patrick, clerk, born in Mayo County, Ireland, April 29, 1853. He came to this country in 1857, and located in Boston. He attended St. Mary's Parochial School until fourteen years of age, when he left to serve an apprenticeship at granite cutting. He was employed at his trade about five years, and then engaged with Austin Cannon. He was a member of the Common Council in 1 888, and was reelected to serve during 18S9. Cannon, Peter, born in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland, June 25, 1825; died 1889. He was educated at the National School, Cloonkeen, County Mayo. He came to Bos- ton, July 20, 1850, and first entered the shoe business on his own account. In 1871 he changed his business, and began the sale of liquors. He served in the Common Council of 1877-78 and in the Legislature of 1880- 81 from the seventh ward. Carberry, William H., iron founder, born in Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 22, 185 1. He graduated from the Comins School, learned his trade as an iron moulder, serving an ap- prenticeship of nine years with Alonzo Jos- lyn; in 187S he began business on his own account. He served in the Legislature of 348 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. 1878, '79, '80, from Ward 22, being a member of the Committees on Rules and Orders, Federal Relations, and Street Railways. In 1S79 he was president of the Young Men's Catholic Lyceum of Roxbury, and is a mem- ber of the Charitable Irish Society. Carney, Michael, registrar of voters, born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1S29. He was educated in the Bocan National and other schools. He came to Boston in 1849, and became employed in the shipyard of Donald McKay, where he learned the trade of bolting vessels. He later commenced business on his own account, and McKay, Briggs Bros., and other well-known ship- builders intrusted to Mr. Carney the work of bolting their vessels. In 1859 he engaged in the fire-insurance business. He was an assessor of the city from 1859-79, a member of the Common Council of 1866, '67, '68, and served in the Massachusetts House of Repre- sentatives from 1869-76. He earnestly ad- vocated the enactment of the bill relative to religious liberty in the prisons, which was passed by a vote of 91 to 54. He has been for a number of years on the Board of Regis- trars of Voters. Carroll, Micila.el J., mason and builder, born in New Bedford, Mass., March 16, 1858. He was educated in the old Franklin, Quincy, and Boylston Schools of this city; entered a law office; apprenticed to the trade of mason and builder about fourteen years ago, and has been at the business ever since. He was a member of the Common Council of 1887-S8, and reelected for 1889; a charter member of St. Augustine's Lyceum, its president during 1885 and 1886; Chief Ranger of St. James Court 54 of Foresters; accredited delegate to the Bricklayers' International Union and to the Central Labor Union of 1887. Carroll, Willl\m P., born in South Bos- ton, March 13, 1854; died in this city, Janu- ary, 1888. He studied at the public schools, and was withdrawn at nine years of age, when he was sent to work for Mr. William E. Cash, a crockery dealer on Washington street. He returned to school in 1864, and graduated from the Lawrence Grammar .School in 1869. He was an active politician, and did much effective pohtical service for Wards 7 and 13. He represented the Fourth Congressional District at the Na- tional Convention of 1884. He was presi- dent for four years of the Seventh Ward Fishing Club, a strong political organization. He served on the Board of Aldermen in 1886, 1887, and 1888, and died before the expiration of his term of office. He was a forcible speaker and an earnest debater. Mr. Carroll was the oldest of five children. His father enlisted in the old Ninth Massachu- setts Volunteers in 1862, went to the late war, and was honorably discharged as ser- geant of Company I in 1864. Casey, Frank, elected to serve in the Common Council during the year 18S9. Cavanagh, George H., contractor, born in Boston, June 17, 1839. He attended the Quincy, Hawes, and English High Schools. He served in Company A, First Massachu- setts Regiment, during the Civil War, and is a member of Post 15, G.A.R. In 1866 he succeeded his father in business, and has continued ever since. In 1879 he repre- sented Ward 15 in the Common Council. Collins, John A.' Collins, John J.' Collins, Michael D., sealer of weights and measures, born in Ireland, Sept. 29, 1836. He came to America in 1839, and located in Boston, where he has since resided. He is a graduate of the Old Eliot Grammar School, and Conant's Commercial College of the class of 1850. After leaving school he served a four years' apprenticeship at Ma- goon's Maiden Bridge Shipyard, and worked continuously at ship-building until i860, when he engaged in business for himself. iSce Lawvers. BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 349 He served in the House of Representatives in 1866-67, and in the Common Council, 1874-75. He occupied a position on the Board of Assessors from 1875 to 1883, in- clusive. He was appointed sealer of weights and measures for the city of Boston by Mayor Palmer in 1875, which position he still retains. Collins, Stephen J., United States store keeper, born in Charlestown, Aug. 22, 1862. He was a graduate of the Frothingham School in 1876. He shortly afterward en- tered the office of the Boston " Pilot," where he was for some time employed in various capacities. He subsequently learned the trade of an upholsterer, at which occupation he was engaged until March, 18S6, when he accepted a position in the appraisers' de- partment of the Custom House. In June, 1887, he was promoted to the office of store- keeper in the customs service. CoLLisoN, Harvey N.' CoNLiN, Christopher P., marble-tool manufacturer, born in East Boston, Dec. 25, 1849. He received his early education at the public schools, and later learned his trade as a marble-tool manufacturer. He represented Ward 2 in the Legislature of 1883. Connelly, Bartholomew J., builder, born in Boston, June 16, 1859. He grad- uated from the Brimmer School in 1874, and went to work at the building trade for his father. He served in the Common Council from Ward 19 in 1886-87, serving on the Committees on Common, Inspection of Build- ings, Sewers, Stony Brook, and Public Build- ings. He is at present engaged as a builder, with an office in the Ro.xbury district. CosTELLO, Michael W., machinist, engi- neer, and inventor, born in Galway, Ireland, Aug. 3, 1852. He came to this country in 1855, and shortly afterwards located in Bos- ton, where he attended the public schools. At eleven years of age he went to work in a cordage factory at twenty-five cents a day. He subsequently learned the trade of a ma- chinist. He was connected with the firm of P. H. Costello & Co., furnaces, etc. He is at present interested in patents, which pay him a royalty sufficient to warrant his retirement from active business life. He was a member of the Common Council in 1879-81 and the Legislature of 1883. He was one of a com- mittee of three that organized the first mass meeting held in Faneuil Hall in sympathy with the Irish Land League, and in 1881 he presented a resolution of sympathy for Ireland in the lower branch of the city government. Costello, Patrick H., assistant inspector of buildings, born in Ballamackard, County Galway, Ireland, March 4, 1845. He came to this country with his parents in 1848, and settled in Roxbury. He was educated in the public schools, and first began work in Day's Cordage Factory. He afterward served an apprenticeship at the heating and ventilat- ing business, which trade he learned and en- gaged in for several years. He represented Ward 22 in the Common Council of 1885, has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for five years, is a member of the Montgomery Veteran Asso- ciation, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, and Catholic Order of Foresters. He was appointed inspector of buildings on Jan. i, 1888. Cotter, James E.' Courtney, William F.' Creed, Michael J.' Cronin, Cornelius F.' Crook, Michael J., cashier, born in Boston, Aug. 28, 1843. He attended the Boylston School of this city, and was a 1 See Lawyers. 350 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Franklin medal scholar of his class. He has been for several years connected with the Western Union Telegraph Company, and at present occupies the responsible position of cashier. In 1S72 and 1S76 he was a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Legislature. Crowley, Jeremiah J., upholsterer, born in Boston, Aug. 31, 1850. He is a graduate of the Boylston School. He represented Ward 3 in the Legislature of 1879-80, serving on the Committees on Liquor Law and Labor; has been an officer of the Mechanics' Ap- prentice Library Association, a member of St. Mary's Y.^LT. Association, vice-president of the National C.T.A. Union, and State Master Workman, Knights of Labor of Massachusetts. CULLEN, Bernard, late superintendent of the Home for Destitute Catholic Children, was born in Cloneen, Parish of Kilmaca- traney, in the county of Sligo, Ireland, in 1823. He studied at Thomas Manning's private school, and at the National School in Geevagh. He was the son of James Cullen and Ann, nee Conlon. James was the son of Dominick Cullen and Bridget, nee Drury. Ann was the daughter of Bernard and Mary Conlon. Bernard Cullen emigrated from Ireland in 1847, and was married to Johanna Aylward on July 10, 1856, by the Rev. Fran- cis Lachat, at St. Mary's Church in Boston, Mass. Four children were born to him, — James Bernard, born Aug. 18, 1857; Mary, born March 13, 1859; Anastasia, born Jan. 13,1861; and' Richard James, born March 17, 1863. Bernard Cullen led a mercantile life for many years in Boston, and chiefly engaged in the fire-insurance business, until 1866, when he accepted the position of superintendent of the Home for Destitute Catholic Children, and his labors for that institution extended over a period of twelve years. He represented old Ward 3 in the Common Council in 1862-63, ^'^^ '^v^s a member of the House of Representatives in 1865. He was well known to the citizens of Boston, and his natural solicitude for the relief of the poor, coupled with practical charity, were among his chief characteristics. He was the first superintendent of old St. Mary's Sunday School, on Endicott street, the Rev. Bernardine Wiget, S.J., rector, and a member of the old Columbian Guards, the Charitable Irish Society, and the Knights of St. Patrick. His work in Boston which was of any consequence to the community consisted of his life-long, untiring, and suc- cessful efforts in relieving distress among the needy poor and unfortunate people of the city. He was a conspicuous figure at the courts, and did much of the voluntary work of probating prisoners, lately done by " Uncle " Cook and Probation Officer Savage. He was a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul during his life. CUNNIFF, Michael Vl., banker and broker, born in the County Roscommon, Ireland, 1850, arrived in Boston during the same year. He studied in the Boston public schools and Bryant & Stratton's Commercial School. He served an apprenticeship under Messrs. Stephen M. Smith & Co., cabinet makers, until he attained his majority. Subsequently he engaged in the liquor business, was suc- cessful, and withdrew from it. In 1S75 he commenced to actively participate in local politics. From that time he has been recog- nized as a political leader, particularly shrewd, diplomatic, determined, and un- tiring in his efforts to achieve success for the Democratic party, especially in Boston. He has been a successful man in business matters, controls a large number of shares of the Bay State Gas Company's securities, of which he has been a heavy buyer and seller, and he is a director for the company. Mr. Cunniff' is directly interested in, and identified with, many important enterprises in Boston, in which his personal work has produced profitable results. His investments cover the East Boston Land Company, the Charles River Embankment Company, the West End Railway Company, etc. He is one of the organizers of the Boston Gas Syndicate. Pohtically, his judgment is con- sidered to be extra good by older and more MICHAEL M, CUNNIFF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 351 experienced political leaders, who have made him their counsellor on many occasions. He is a skilful organizer, and commands a large following in the ranks of the Demo- crats. He served on Governor Ames's Council, this being the only time that he ever held a public office. For many years he has held high and honorable positions in the councils of the Democratic party. In 1876 he was elected a member of the Democratic State Central Committee, re- elected every year since, and he has rendered valuable services in perfectingits organization. In the years 1887-88 he was chairman of the executive committee of the .State committee, and for a long period a member of the Demo- cratic Ward and City Committee, of \vhich body he was the chairman during two years, as well as chairman of the finance committee. "While president of the Ward and City Com- mittee, in the years of 1882-83, he increased the Democratic registration to a figure un- precedented in the history of Boston. At the end of his two years' service he declined the presidency of this committee, though he remained an active member. He was an uncompromising Cleveland man. In 1884, at the Democratic National Conven- tion, he was received into the inner councils of the late Secretary of the Treasury, Daniel Manning, and Secretary of War, W'iUiam C. Whitney. During the recent National Convention at St. Louis, Mo., Mr. Cunniff actively urged the renomination of Grover Cleveland. He and his associates, Messrs. W. E. L. and C. O. L. Dilloway, reorganized and changed the location of the Mechanics' National Bank, of which he is a director, from South Boston to its present central posi- tion, on the corner of Washington and Franklin streets. The amount of deposits in the bank at the time when they assumed the management had reached the sum of ^350,000. This comparatively small business was increased by Mr. Cunniff and his co- workers to the large sum of deposits amount- ing to $1,000,000. The bank is in a fairway to become one of the leading national bank- ing institutions of the country. He has made it one of the depositories for the State'c moneys. Mr. Cunniff has favored the Kindergarten system of education ; he is a generous bene- factor of the charities of Boston. Dacy, Timothy J.' Davis, Herbert C, real estate, born in Boston in 1S54. He is a graduate of the Dearborn and the Roxbury High Schools; served in the Common Council of 1876, from which year to 1884 he held the position of general agent of New England for S. Davis & Co., Cincinnati, O. He is a prominent member of the Young Men's Catholic Asso- ciation, also Grand Ruler of Royal Order of Good Fellows, Trimountain Lodge, and dur- ing Ex-Mayor O'Brien's administration was a member of the official staff. Dee, John H., florist, born at Charles- town, Mass., May 13, 1S42, graduated from the Harvard Grammar School 1S57, and studied three years at the Charlestown High School. He acquired a practical naval knowledge at the Charlestown Navy Yard, entered the service of the U. S. Navy, in 1863, as engineer on the "Genesee," and afterwards on the " INIanhattan," both men- of-war, and he came out of service in 1865. He served on the Democratic Ward and City Committee from 1875 until 1880, and again resumed his membership in 1888. He served in the Common Council of 1877, and the House of Representatives in 1879 and 1880. He is a member of Edw. W. Kinsley Post 113, G.A.R. He is prominently iden- tified with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and his worth has been recog- nized practically by that organization, for it has elected him to every available position of honor and trust to which members are eligi- ble. He is a member of the Temple Council of the Royal Arcanum, also the Wapiti Tribe, No. 65, of the Improved Order of Red Men. i-yer 352 THE IRISH LV BOSTON. Denny, Thomas J., instructor of Athletics, bom in Ireland in 1850; died in Boston, March 30, 1SS7. He came to this country with his parents when very young, and at- tended the Quincy Grammar School of this city. He afterwards served an apprenticeship at cabinet-making, but early in life began to develop as an athlete. About 1863 he opened a school of instruction in sparring on Boylston street, and did a successful business for a few j-ears, and acquired a local reputation as a professor of the art of self-defence. He represented Ward 12 in the Common Council of 1878, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, '85, '86. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1884. Desmond, Cornelius, painter, born in Boston, May 11, 1838. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and resides at the North End. He represented Ward 6 in the Legislature of 1877, '78, '79, serving as monitor, and also on the Committee on Library. Desmond, Cornelius F., paymaster, born in Boston, Oct. 31, 1862. He attended the Quincy School, and at thirteen years of age entered the office of the Metropolitan Rail- road as messenger. In 1878 he was pro- moted to the position of assistant paymaster, and later was appointed paymaster of the West End Street Railway. For ten years past he has been a member of the Young Men's Catholic Total Abstinence Society of St. James' Church, and represented Ward 12 in the Common Council of 1887, '88, '89. Desmond, Jeremiah, brass-worker, born in Boston, May, 1853. He was educated in the public schools of Boston, and commenced to learn his trade when eleven years of age as a brass-worker. From 1S85 to 1887, inclu- sive, he represented Ward 16 in the Legisla- ture, and served on the Committees on Printing, Manufacturing, and Street Rail- ways. Dever, John F., salesman, born in Bos- ton, May 23, 1853. He attended the May- hew School until he was thirteen years of age. He first became employed as office boy for the Newton Oil Company, and later with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. In 1868 he entered the employ of the New England News Company, where he remained till 1879. He was afterwards connected with the Boston " Courier " for a short period. He represented Ward 20 in the Legislature of 1880-S1. In the fall of 1879 he was ap- pointed clerk and assistant registrar of voters^ which position he held from October, 1879, to June, 1885. He was employed in the Mayor's office as clerk under the administra- tion of Hon. Hugh O'Brien. In July, 1885, he was appointed superintendent of streets, but was not confirmed by the Board of Aldermen, for political reasons. He is a member of the Montgomery Light Guard Veteran Association. He was one of the secretaries of the Democratic City Central Committee in 1879, '80, '81 ; secretary of the Charitable Irish Society, 1881, '82, '83; he has been identified with Father Roche's Home ; is a member of the Clover Club; he has been director and financial secretary of Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston Col- lege for six years; and chairman of the Democratic Committee of Ward 20 for sev- eral years. Devlin, Thomas H., newspaper and peri- odical dealer, born in Boston, 1848, and graduated from the Brimmer School. He engaged in the periodical business with his father at the news depot of the Boston & Pro%ddence Railroad station in Boston, and succeeded to the business in 1866. He served in the Common Council in 1878, '79, '80, '81, '82, and was a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1883. He was for three years on the City Council Committees on Claims, Common and Public Grounds; one year on the Committee on Water; two years a member of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions; and was also on the Joint Special Committee on Commissions in 1881. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 353 Devney, Patrick F., public cabs, born in Galway, Ireland, Feb. i, 1850. He was educated in the public schools of Boston. He is now engaged in this city in the public- cab business. In 1884 he represented Ward 19 in the Massachusetts House of Represent- atives. Dillon, Frank H. , born in Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 22, 1S61. He graduated at the Winthrop School in 1875; worked as painter for F. M. Holmes Furniture Company, and as superintendent for Eagle Metallic Brush Com- pany. Later he established a saloon business. He was trustee of the Young Men's Catholic Lyceum of Charlestown, vice-president Quarterly Club, one of the organizers of the Moulton Associates, a member of Royal Order of Good Fellows; elected to the Com- mon Council of 1887, '88, '89, and served on Committees on Fire Department, City En- gineers, and Fourth of July. In 1881 was sergeant of Company D, Ninth Regiment. DoHERTY, Cornelius F., service clerk, born in Boston, Jan. 15, 1S52. He attended the Lyman School and St. Mary's Institute. He went to sea for three years, and upon his return served at the coppersmith trade, working at the business about eight years. In 1887 he engaged in the cigar and tobacco business in East Boston and also at Natick. He represented Ward 2 in the Common Council of 1879, '80, '81, and during six months of 1883, when he resigned on July I to accept his present position as service clerk in the Water Department of the city of Boston. He is a member of the Royal Order of Good Fellows, Fitton Literary Insti- tute, Young Men's Catholic Lyceum of East Boston, Columbian Rowing Association, and secretary of the Fourth District Congres- sional Club. DoHERTY, Daniel, born in Ballyliffin, County Donegal, Ireland, in 1838. He was educated in the Irish national schools of his native place, and came to this country on June 15, 1863. He settled in Boston, and became employed by the Boston Gas-Light Company, with whom he remained almost twelve years. He engaged in the saloon business in 1874, and in 1876 formed a partnership with his brother, John Doherty, under the present firm name of D. & J. Doherty. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1876 and the Legisla- ture of 1877-78. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for three years, and is a member of the Irish Charitable Society. Doherty, James D. Elected to the Com- mon Council for the year 1889. Doherty, James J., restaurateur, born in County Donegal, Ireland, Aug. 15, 184S. When five years of age his parents immigrated to this country, and settled in Boston, where he received his education at the public schools. At the age of sixteen he enlisted in an unattached company of volunteer militia on duty in Boston Harbor. In 1877, '78, '79 he was a member of the Common Council, and in the latter year he was one of the Board of Directors of East Boston Ferries. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for several years, and in 1880 represented Ward. 2 in the General Court. Doherty, John, born in Ballyliffin, County Donegal, Ireland, about 1846. He was educated in the Irish National schools, and came to this country in 1865. Shortly after his arrival in Boston he was employed in the freight department of the Boston & Maine Railroad, and later went to San Francisco, Cal., for five years. Upon his return to this city he entered the employ of the Boston Gas-Light Company, where he remained about four years. In 1876 he en- gaged in the saloon business with his brother, Daniel Doherty, under the present firm name of D. & J. Doherty. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1884-85 and in the Legislature of 1S87-88. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society. 354 THE IRISH ly BOSTON. DoHERTY, Joseph, grocer, born in Glack, County Donegal, Ireland, Aug. 14, 1844. He was educated in the schools of Carn- donah, Ireland. He came to this country on April 14, 1863, and settled in Boston, where he has since resided. He was for several years employed by Michael Doherty in the liquor business, and in 1874 engaged in the grocery and liquor business for himself. In 1876 he represented Ward 7 in the Common Council. Doherty, Neil, grocer, born in County Donegal, Ireland, March 14, 1837. He re- ceived a common-school education, and has been engaged in the grocery business in East Boston for some years past. He repre- sented Ward 2 in the Common Council of 1872-73, and in 1875-76 was a member of the Legislature. Doherty, Neil F., elected to the Ccm- nion Council for the year 18S9. Doherty, Philip J.' Doherty, Thomas F., water commissioner, born at the North End, Boston, in 1843. His parents removed to the Fort Hill dis- trict when he was two years of age, and his education was received at the Boylston School. He entered the dry-goods business with Kilby Brothers when twelve years old He was later engaged for fourteen years in the dry-goods house of Chandler & Co., a part of the time in the capacity of manager of one of the departments. He severed his connection with the latter firm to become a member of the concern of T. F. Doherty & Co., and continued in business until 1885, when he was appointed a member of the Board of Water Commissioners of the city of Boston. He has held many offices of trust, among these the presidency of the following organizations: Democratic Ward and City Committee, East Boston Citizens' Trade Asso- ciation, St. Vincent de Paul's Society of East 1 See Lawyers. Boston; and a directorship in both Father Roche's Working Boys' Home and the Home for Destitute Catholic Children. He has been active in Democratic politics for a number of years past, and is one of the prominent citi- zens of East Boston, where he has resided for many years. He is the colonel of the Montgomery Veteran Association. DoLAN, Charles H., produce dealer, born in Boston, March 23, 1859. He graduated at the Dearborn Grammar School in 1875, and was employed as clerk in a leather store until 1879. He subsequently entered the produce business, where he is now engaged on his own account. He served in the Com- mon Council of 1887, '88, '89 from Ward 20, and was a member of the Committees on East Boston Ferries, Assessors, Centennial Celebration, Appropriations, Claims, and Fourth of July; and has been secretary of Boston Catholic Cemetery Association for eight years past. Dolax, Michael J., boat-builder, born in Ireland, May 2, 1850. He was educated in the Boston public schools, and is at present engaged as a boat-builder at East Boston. He represented Ward 2 in the Legislature of 1883-84, serving on the Committee on Har- bor and Public Lands. Donahoe, Charles W., salesman, born In Boston, July 7, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and is at pres- ent employed as a salesman. He represented Ward 15 in the Common Council of 1882 and in the Legislature of 1SS3. Donohoe, Michael Thomas, clerk of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions, born in Lowell, Mass., Nov. 22, 1838. He was the second son of Owen M. Donohoe, a native of the County Cavan, Ireland, who immigrated to this country and settled in Lowell, Mass., in 1831, where he married Mary Cassidy. Young Michael went to the public schools at Lowell, and subsequently Holy Cross College, Worcester. He was BIO GRAPHIC A L SKE TCHES. 355 engaged in business at Manchester, N.H., when the secession ordinances were passed in the Southern States, and he recruited a company for the Third Regiment. He went to the war with the Third N.H. Regiment as captain of Company C, and was attached to it at Hilton Head and other points in the Pahnetto State, — old South Carolina. While he was connected with the Third, his superiors always found in him a most reliable officer for any emergency. He received from his colonel (Jackson) conspicuous mention for his conduct in the battle of Secessionville, not far from Charleston, in which, out of about six hundred engaged, the Third lost one hundred and four in killed and wounded. Whether it was for days or weeks to be away in command on detached service, or to go forward directing the advance line of skir- mishers, or lead his company in battle charge. Captain Donohoe knew his duty, and per- formed it with tact, skill, and courage. This pointed him out as the most fitting com- mander for the then contemplated Irish- American Regiment of the Granite State. The Tenth N.H. Regiment, which was composed chiefly of Irish-Americans, with Colonel Donohoe in command, left camp at Manchester, N.H., on the twenty-second day of September, 1862, and arrived at Wash- ington three days later. From Sept. 30, 1862, until the Tenth was mustered out at Manchester, June 21, 1865, Colonel Donohoe rendered heroic services to the Union. At the Capture of Fort Harri- son his horse was shot under him when in command of a skirmish line while the Army of the James was again moving forward to the attack, and later the colonel was severely wounded. General Donohoe was brevetted brigadier- general, and commanded a brigade of Devens's division, which was the first to enter the city of Richmond on April 3, 1865, and when the term of service expired he re- turned in command of three New Hamp- shire regiments. The State historian says : " The regiment was largely composed of foreigners, who leave a record highly creditable for patriot- ism, bravery, and good conduct ; those who survive are entitled to the gratitude of the State and nation ; and its dead upon many hard- fought fields, in rebel prisons and hos- pitals, are entitled to an honorable record in the history of the great Rebellion." General Donohoe married Miss Elizabeth E., second daughter of John and Isabella Mc- Anulty, who were of the earliest Irish people that made Lowell their home. Eight children have blessed this marriage, of whom five are living. For several years General Donohoe had resided in our adjoining city of Somer- ville, but has since made his home in Boston. On his return from the war he received an important appointment under the corpora- tion of the Concord, Boston, & Lowell Rail- road, which he retained until 1879. He then became connected with the Lake Shore Railroad route, taking charge of its passenger department at Boston; and later was the New England passenger agent of the Cleve- land, Columbus, & Indianapolis Railway Company, or " Bee Line." The general received the nomination for Secretary of State at the Massachusetts Dem- ocratic conventions in 1879 and '80. In the National House of Representatives, five or six years ago, his name was reported for the very honorable position of a member of the Board of Managers of the National Soldiers' Home, but he felt obliged to decline the honor on account of his railroad business. In 1887 he was appointed to his present position. Donnelly, Robert, health inspector, born in Cambridge, April 10, 1853. He attended the public schools of his native place until he was twelve years of age. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1883-84; is a member of the American Legion of Honor, and at present employed as a health inspector by the city of Boston. Donovan, Edward J., State Senator (Third Suffolk), was born in Boston, March 356 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. 15,1 864. He was educated in Boston's public schools, and is a graduate of the Phillips Grammar School, West End. In school, young Donovan displayed marked ability in declamation, and in later years has won a high reputation as an eloquent and effective public speaker. When quite young he lost his estimable father (Lawrence), who, for more than a quarter of a century, was among the prominent merchants of Boston, being a leading tobacconist. For some years Ed- ward has been one of the most efficient and trusted accountants in the employ of Brown, Durrell, & Co., one of the largest jobbing houses in the United States. When hardly twenty-one years of age young Donovan took an interest in public affairs, and at- tracted attention by his activity, especially in Ward 8. He was elected a representa- tive to the General Court for the years 1S87- 88, and Senator from the Third Suffolk Dis- trict for the year 1889. In 1SS7 he was the youngest member of the House, and is the youngest man ever elected to the Massachu- setts Senate. During his legislative service he has served on the Committees on Street Railways, Military Affairs, Water Supply, and Special Committee on Soldiers' Records, and has demonstrated his high talent and ability to perform yeoman service for the people and the Democratic party, as a champion of every cause needing a helping hand. Dur- ing his three years in the Legislature he has won the distinction of being one of the most eloquent and forcible debaters. Mr. Donovan is of an even temperament, and more than ordinarily well balanced mentally. He is a member of numerous societies, at the present time (1889) being president of the Hendricks Club of Boston, one of the most influential Democratic organizations in Massachusetts. Donovan, James, grocer, born in Boston, May 28, 1859. He has been engaged in the grocery and provision business since he left school. He was a member of the Common Council in 1882, and was five years in the Legislature from Ward 16, and served on the Committees of Mercantile Affairs, Prisons, Redistricting, and Railroads. He repre- sents the Fourth Suffolk District in the Senate the present year. Donovan, Patrick J., contractor and builder, was born in Charlestown, April 9, 1S48. He was educated in the Grammar and Charlestown High Schools, and was first employed as a clerk in a provision store. He is now a contractor and builder. He was a member of the Charlestown Fire Depart- ment during eight years, one of the Board of Engineers before the annexation; served in the Common Council of 1882, '83, '84, and represented Charlestown in the Board of Aldermen of 1885, '86, '87; he was Chairman of the Board in 1887. He was invariably punctual in attendance at the meetings of the two branches of the city government. He is a member of the Charlestown Veteran Firemen's Association. During nine years he was a member of the Democratic City Committee, for seven years a member of the State Committee, six years of which he was its assistant secretary, and is also a mem- ber of the Charlestown Bachelors' Club, and a past sachem of the same. He represented the Sixth Congressional District as a delegate at the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, and for some time has stood high in the councils of the Democratic party. DooGUE, William, Superintendent of Common and Public Grounds, born in Brocklaw Park, town of Stradbally, Queen's County, Ireland, May 24, 1828. He came to this country with his parents, four brothers, and four sisters in 1840. The family settled in Middletown, Conn., the same year. Young William went to the public schools in that town, and graduated from the high school, 1843. He was apprenticed to George Affleck & Co., Hartford, Conn., for five years, during which time he learned the science of flori- culture, horticulture, and landscape garden- ing at their celebrated nurseries. At the expiration of his term of apprenticeship, Mr. ^ ^ l^i^m WILLIAM DOOGUE. BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 357 Doogue was admitted into the firm as a full partner under a five years' contract. He studied botany for three years under Profes- sor Comstock, of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and came to Boston, 1856. After his arrival here he assumed the entire man- agement of the floricultural and horticultural business of the late Charles Copeland at Boston and Melrose. The well-known and highly successful greenhouses in " Floral Place " were established by Mr. Doogue nearly twenty-five years ago, and from that establishment floricultural decoration re- ceived its first impetus in Boston. In 1S71, the centennial year, Mr. Doogue laid out grounds and made a tropical and sub- tropical display on the centennial grounds at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Penn. His skill was practically recognized and he was presented with two gold and two silver medals and diplomas. He has been the Superintendent of the Common and Public Grounds since 1878, and the people and press of Boston have approved and extolled his work. During the year 1887, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society en- deavored to influence the city government to allow that body to erect a building on the Public Garden, " to be devoted to the study and advancement of floriculture." Mr. Wil- liam Minot, Jr., actively interested himself on behalf of the society's plan, but the able and vigorous protest against the innovation which was made by Mr. Doogue aroused the sentiment of the press and the public, and frustrated the designs of the Massachusetts Society. From the first year of Mr. Doogue's superintendence, down to the present time, the flower exhibits upon the Public Garden and in other portions of the city have sur- passed the most beautiful in the country. The flowers and plants under his manage- ment have been artistically arranged in beautiful and varied designs, and have fre- quently won for him extended praise. Driscoll, John D., house and sign painter, born in Cork, Ireland, Dec. 3, 1832. He immigrated to this country when very young, and attended the Boston public schools. From 1861 to 1863 he served in the war as a member of the Ninth Massachusetts Regiment, and was honorably discharged after the battle of Gettysburg on account of a disability. He reenlisted in the Second Massachusetts Cavalry in 1864, but was re- jected, however, because of his former disa- bility. He was a member of the Old Fenian Brotherhood, also of the F. B. Council, of the G.A.R. Post 7 since 1869, and is a member of the Irish Legion of St. Patrick. He was employed as messenger at City Hall during Mayor O'Brien's administration. Drynan, John, shipping-agent, born in Cork, Ireland, in 1832. He came to this country in 1833 with his parents when only one year old. He was educated in the Boylston and Eliot Schools of this city. He is by occupation a shipping-agent, but for some time past has not been engaged in business. He was a member of the Legisla- ture of 1870-71, and of the Common Council from Ward 6 in 1S77-78. He was con- nected with the old Columbians in 1858- 59- DuGGAN, Thomas H., plumber, born in County of Kilkenny, Ireland, March 11, 1848. He was educated in the schools of his native place, and came to this country, and settled in Boston about 1863. He went to work at his trade soon after his arrival here. He was employed by S. B. Allen for eight years, and subsequently as a journey- man for Lockwood F. Lamb and others. In 1873 he engaged in business for himself, and at present employs about forty workmen. He opened at one time a branch office for the extension of his business in New York City, which was managed successfully for about four years, but recently the business there has been discontinued. Mr. Duggan served in the Coinmon Council of 18S6, '87, '88. Dunlea, James J., gate-tender, born in Roxbury, June 22,1857. Lie was educated 358 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. in the public schools, and is employed as a gate-tender on the Providence Division of the Old Colony Railroad. He is a Demo- crat, and represented Ward 22 in the Legis- lature during 1887. While there he was a member of the Committee on Labor. DwYER, Patrick D., insurance agent, born in Galway, Ireland, in 1857. He came to this country with his parents when nine years of age. He attended the old Mayhew School in Boston, where he received his early education. For eleven years after leaving school he was employed by Hogg, Brown, & Taylor, dry-goods merchants. In 1883 he was appointed chief inspector under the Boston Water Board, which position he resigned shortly afterward. He was a mem- ber of the Legislature for 18S4, 1885, and 1886, serving on the Committees on Claims and Railroads. He was elected to Senate of 1887 and 1888, and was a member of the Committees on Claims, Insurance, and Li- brary. He was the vice-president of the Democratic Ward and City Committee during the years 1887, '88, '89. He is a member of the Catholic Union and Charitable Irish Society. Mr. Dwyer is now the only candidate for election to the presidency of the Democratic Ward and City Committee, a political dis- tinction much prized by Boston Democrats. As a Democrat he is a faithful adherent to the principles laid down by Thomas Jeffer- son and Andrew Jackson. In every local political campaign in Boston during the last six years his efforts have been directed towards increasing the numerical strength of the Democratic vote, and he has done effective service as an organizer and a public speaker. Fallon, James O., gas inspector, born in the County of Sligo, Ireland, and came to America in 1846, and settled in Lawrence, Mass. He graduated from the Lawrence High School at Lawrence, Mass., and in 1 858 he took up his residence in Boston. He was in the employ of Messrs. C. & M. Doherty for a while, and afterwards entered into the liquor business for himself, which he followed until 1885, when he was appointed a gas inspector. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for twenty years, and the chairman of the Ward Committee since 18S0. He was a member of the Legislature in 1870-71, and served on the Committees on Leave of Ab- sence, Pay-roll, and the Fisheries. Fallon, Thomas F., plumber, born in Providence, R.I., Dec. 7, 1858, and came to Boston about 1859. He attended the pub- lic schools, and after leaving school was ap- prenticed to Messrs. Regan & Duggan. In 1884 he went into the plumbing business for himself. During the years 1885, '86, '88 he served in the Common Council. Fanning, Robert C, United States laborer, born in Boston, Jan. 16, 1849. He attended the public schools, and afterward entered the junk and ship-chandlery business with his father, which he continued till 1874. Later he was engaged in weighing gold for the Boston & Albany Corporation. In 1886 he was appointed United States laborer in the Weighers' Department. He was a mem- ber of the Common Council, 1888-89. He is District Judge Advocate of District Assem- bly No. 3 of Massachusetts Knights of Labor, and chairman of the Board of Appeals for the State Assembly. He is also a member of Company C, Ninth Regiment, M.V.M. Farrell, John H., inspector, born in Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 6, 1841. He gradu- ated at the public schools and at French's Commercial Institute. From 1858 to 1867 he was engaged as book-keeper, from 1867 to 1877 in the grocery business, from 1878 to 1880 as a clerk. In 1880 he was ap- pointed an inspector of milk and vinegar at Cambridge, which position he held until 1885. In 1886 he accepted his present position as Custom-House inspector. Farrell, John R., merchant tailor, born in Sheffield, England, of Irish parents, in De- cember, 1832. He came to this country in childhood, receiving his education in the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 359 public schools of Lowell, Mass. During the late Rebellion he sen'ed as captain of a com- pany of the Fifty-fifth and also of the Forty- eighth Massachusetts Regiments. He was later a lieutenant-colonel of the Ninth Massa- chusetts Regiment, holding the office from May 12, 1866, to April 22, 1S68. He rep- resented Ward 1 2 in the Legislature of 1884. Farren, Patrick H., salesman, born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1837. He immi- grated to Boston in 1842, and was a pupil in the Boston public schools until 1852. He was later apprenticed to John \V. Mason as ship-carver, remaining with him four years, and was afterwards employed in various capacities till 1 85 7, when he went to Rich- mond, Me., and engaged in the carving busi- ness for himself. He returned to Boston in 1 86 1, and engaged in the provision business until 1873. He then accepted a position as travelling salesman for Chase & Sanborn, of this city, the position he still holds. He rep- resented Ward 3 in the Common Council of 1862 and in the Legislature of 1863. He was elected a Director of Public Institutions in 1885. He was a member of the old Colum- bian Association, and has been connected with the principal Irish charitable societies of this city for some years past. Farren, Thomas G., grocer, born in Boston, March 20, 1 858. He attended the public schools and graduated at the English High School. He is at present en- gaged in the grocery business at the North End. In 1887-88 he represented Ward 7 in the Legislature, serving on the Committees of County Estimates and Insurance; and for four years has been treasurer of the Ward 7 Democratic Committee. Fay, Thomas, Jr., paymaster, city treas- urer's office, City Hall, born in Roxbury, April 9, 1853. He received his early educa- tional training in the public schools of this city. He represented Ward 19 in the Legis- lature of 1881-82, serving on the Committee on County Estimates, and was one of the monitors during his first term. Fee, Thomas, deputy sheriff, born in Hingham, Mass., Aug. 13, 1S50. He at- tended the Hingham Grammar School and the Boston Evening Schools. He served an apprenticeship of three years at the machine trade with the American Tool and Machine Company. He was afterward employed at the Hinckley Locomotive Works. He left his trade later, and was employed as a salesman in a boot and shoe store. In 1875 ^^ ^^' came connected with the sheriffs office of Suffolk County. He was appointed consta- ble of the city of Boston by Mayor Prince in 1877. On Jan. i, 1884, he was appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff O'Brien. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, Royal Arcanum, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Royal Society of Good Fellows, Montgomery Light Guard Veteran Associa- tion, and the Democratic City Central Com- mittee. Fexnessey, Jeremiah G., crier of Supe- rior Court, born in Glanworth, County Cork, Ireland, April 4, 1857. He came to this country July 31, 1868, and settled in Bos- ton. Fle attended the Quincy Grammar School for two years. In 1870 he was employed at harness-making, and served eighteen months. He afterwards worked in a natural history store for six years. In 1878 he was engaged as conductor on the Metropolitan Railroad. He is at present holding the position as crier of the Superior Court. He was a member of the Demo- cratic City Central Committee of 1881, '82, '83, and of the Legislature of 1883, and the Democratic State Central Committee of 1884. He is a prominent Democrat of Boston, and is a member of a very large number of social and fraternal organizations. He is a total abstainer, but not a prohibitionist. FitzgeriVLD, Desmond, civil engineer, born in Nassau, N.P., May 20, 1846. He immigrated to Providence, R.I., in 1849, and in 1870 removed to Boston. He attended the Providence High School, Phillips Acade- my, and studied a year in Paris. He held 360 THE IRISH IX BOSTOX. the position of Deputy Secretary of State of Rhode Island for about a year, and also acted as private secretary to General Burnside. He subsequently adopted the profession of a civil engineer, and has been engaged on im- portant public works since 1867. He was appointed superintendent and resident en- gineer of the Boston Water Works in 1873, his present position. During his experience he has been engaged for four years in build- ing railroads in the West, and for two years was chief engineer of the Boston & Albany R.R. He is president of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, treasurer of the Council of the N.E. Meteorological Society, and Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society of England. Fitzgerald, James E.' Fitzgerald, Thomas F., American Bank- Note Company, born in Ireland, Dec. 20, 1S48. He received a common-school education. He was engaged with the American Bank- Note Company. He served in the Legis- lature of 1873, '74, '75, and represented the Sixth Suffolk District in the Senate of 1876- 77. He was returned to the Legislature again in 1879 from Ward 13. Fitzpatrick, John B., deputy sheriff of Suffolk County. He was an officer of the Supreme Judicial Court for many years, and has been identified with city. State, and na- tional affairs. He was a member of the Common Council in 1880, 'Si, '82, '83, and served on the most important committees. As a debater he is clear and forcible, and an excellent organizer. He is president of St. Joseph's Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society; a member of St. Joseph's Court No. II, M.C.O.F., and other benevo- lent societies. He is a Democrat in pohtics. Flanigan, William H., accountant, born in Charlestown, Nov. 7, 1851. He gradu- ated from the Lvman School, attended the English High School one year, took a course at private study and at Comer's Commercial College. He was employed four years as book-keeper for Gibbs & Stinson, two and one-half years in counting-room of Jordan, Marsh, & Co., four years as cashier for R. H. Stearns & Co., six years as assistant clerk and two years as clerk of the East Boston Ferries, and appointed accountant in the Mayor's office a few years -ago, when the new city charter took effect. He is a mem- ber of the Montgomery Veteran Association, and resides in East Boston. Flatley, Michael J., hotel- keeper, born in Ireland, where he received a part of his education. He came to America when a boy, and finished his schooling here. He has been the proprietor of the Jefferson House in Boston for several years. He was a member of the Common Council of 1873- 74, and represented the Third Suffolk Dis- trict in the Senate of 1875, '76, '77, '78, serving on the Committees on Labor, Prisons, and State House, While in the upper branch of the Legislature he was an indefatigable worker for prison reform, and initiated the legislation which finally resulted in the law forbidding the use of the gag in penal insti- tutions and houses of correction. He was a trustee of the State Primary and Reform School in 1881, and a member of the Gover- nor's Council in 1882. Flatley, Thomas.' Flynn, Edward J.' Flynn, James J., late superintendent of streets, born in St. John, N.B., in 1834, died in Boston, March 27, 1884. When only two months old he arrived in this city with his parents and located in old Fort Hill. He was educated in the public schools, and was a graduate of the Boylston Grammar School. At the age of twenty-one he was elected by the Democratic party as a ward officer, which position he filled for four years. ' See Lawyers BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCIIES. 361 In 1856116 engaged in the grocery business at South Boston, in which he continued for nearly three years. In 1859 he entered the business for the sale of ship stores on Broad street, where he was located for about ten years. He later engaged in the liquor trade until 1878, when he opened an office as a broker and dealer in real estate. He repre- sented old Ward 7 in the Legislature of 1865-66, and served in the Common Council of 1865, '66, '68, '69, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, and he was a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1879, '80, '81. In 1883 he was again a member of the Common Council, and was elected president of that body, being the first Irish-American who held that ofiice. In the same year he was appointed superintendent of streets of the city of Boston, the position he held at the time of his death. He was a member of the Charitable Irish Society, Knights of St. Patrick, and other organizations, and was at one time captain of the old Montgomery Guard, Ninth Regiment, M.V.M. FoGARTY, Jeremiah W., assessor's clerk, born in Boston, Sept. i, 1846. He graduated from the Quincy School, i860, and the English High School in 1863. He then engaged in the railroad business, and was employed as chief business clerk at .the East Boston office of the Boston & Albany Rail- road. He was appointed assessor's clerk in 1875, and also receiving-teller of the col- lector's department. He has been secretary of the Charitable Irish Society since 1885, and is one of the committee appointed to complete a history of the society. Fox, James W.' Gagan, Edward, born in Charlestown, Dec. 14, 1849. He was educated in the public schools of this vicinity. In 1863 he shipped in the navy, from which he was honorably discharged at the expiration of his service in 1865. Some years ago he learned 1 See Lawyers. the trade of an iron moulder, but is at present engaged in the liquor business in Charlestown. He is a member of Abraham Lincoln Post, has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for a number of years past, and represented Ward 5 in the General Court of 1SS5. Gallagher, James H., born in Boston, Sept. 29, 1855. He attended the Mayhew School of this city. He became employed after leaving school at furniture polishing, and later worked about five years as a glazier. About 1872 he engaged in the liquor business, which he has continued since. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1883, '84, '85, and during the latter year was a member of the Board of Public Institutions. He was at one period presi- dent of the West End Athletic Club and West End Boat Club. On Jan. 31, 1883, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace by Governor Butler. Gallagher, William, real estate, born in Boston, Nov. 8, 1818, died at South Boston, June I, 1884. He was educated in the public schools, and was at one time engaged in the stove trade. He was also largely connected as trustee and commissioner of real-estate transactions, and held the office of first assistant assessor in i860, '62, '65, 67, '70, '73. In 1863-64 he represented old Ward 12 in the Common Council. He was for many years identified with the Phillips Con- gregational Church, holding offices in the church and society. He was one of the original incorporators of the South Boston Savings Bank, a member of St. Paul's Lodge F. and A.M., St. Matthew's R.A. Chapter, and St. Omer Commandery of Knights Templars. He was always identified with matters of local interest in the South Boston district. He was the father of Hon. Charles F. and Mr. William Gallagher. Gallivan, William J., United States clerk, born in Boston, Feb. 2, 1865. He was a graduate of the Lawrence Grammar 362 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. and Boston Latin Schools, and Harvard Uni- versity, class of i88S. He was for a time employed as extra clerk in the Assessors' Department, also for the registrars of voters of the city, and is now clerk in the warehouse department of the United States Custom House in Boston. He is a member of the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College, and of the School and College Alumni. Galvin, Owen A.' Gargan, Francis, agent, Republic Mills, born in Boston, Dec. 25, 1846. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and also at the Georgetown College, D.C., where he studied one year in the senior class. He represented Ward 8 in the Legislature of 1878. GiLMAN, John E., settlement clerk at Board of Directors' office of Public Institu- tions, born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 22, 1844. He was educated at the Boston public schools. When fourteen years of age he was withdrawn from school and apprenticed to Pond & Duncklee, tinsmiths. He enlisted at Boston in the Twelfth (Webster) Regi- ment, Massachusetts Volunteers, Aug. 5, 1862. He was sent to Camp Cameron, Cambridge, and afterwards ordered to the seat of war. He joined his regiment at Rapidan river, Va., Aug. 13, 1862, and was attached to Thomp- son's Independent Pennsylvania Battery, and engaged with them in battles at Rappahan- nock Station, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, 2d, and Chantilly. On Sept. i, 1862, he re- joined the regiment at Hall's Hill, Va., and engaged in battles at South Mountain, Md., September 14; Antietam, September 17; Fredericksburg, December 13; and Chan- cellorsville. He fought on the memorable field of Gettysburg, July i and 2, 1863. During that fearful and decisive struggle for the preservation of the Union Mr. Oilman gallantly faced the horror and peril ' See Lawyers. of that hard-fought and well-won battle. On the second day of July he lost his right arm, near the shoulder, by a shell. He was sent to the hospital at York, Penn., and he was discharged Sept. 28, 1863. His com- manders were : Capt. Benjamin F. Cook, of Company E; Col. Fletcher Webster (son of Daniel), who was killed at Bull Run; Col. James L. Bates, who succeeded the latter; and General Reynolds, of the First Corps, who was killed at Gettysburg, July i . He was messenger and assistant doorkeeper at the State House, 1864-65, and has been a Justice of the Peace since 1866. He was a State constable from 1865-73, and then employed as settlement clerk by the Board of State Charities from 1879 until 1SS3, which position he resigned to assume the duties of his present occupation. As a member of the John A. Andrew Post 15, G.A.R., from 1868-75, and subsequently of the Charles Russell Lowell Post 7, G.A.R., he won good recognition from his comrades. He transferred to Thomas G. Hatton Post 26, G..\.R., of Roxbury, Jan. 19, 1885. He was elected officer of the day, 1886-87, and commander (26), 1888. He is a member of the Gettysburg Club. He was the poet at the dedication of the Twelfth Regiment monument on the field of Gettysburg. He composed and read an original poem for the occasion, and unveiled the Twelfth Regiment monument. He is a member of the Twelfth Regiment Associa- tion, representing Company E. He has been president of the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College. He founded a House of Representatives for the associa- tion, after the plan of that branch of the State government. He was elected five times president of the Shield Literary Institute, and the first president of the Boston Oratorio Society, 1873; vice-presi- dent, 1S74-77; and president since then. He was elected president of the Clover Club, 1887. He is a Catholic, and a mem- ber of St. Mary's choir since 1865, and bass soloist since 1877. ^^ ^^^ written for the Boston "Journal," "Gettysburg Poems ;" "King Alcohol," for "The Nation;" BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 363 and a touching poem entitled " War," for che " Grand Army Record." Glancy, John, advertising agent, has been one of Boston's leading Irish-Ameri- cans for forty years. Mr. Glancy, who was paymaster of the old Columbian Artillery, Boston, from which the old Ninth Massa- chusetts Regiment sprang, was born in County Leitrim, Ireland, in the year 1S29, — a very remarkable one in Irish history, being the year that gave emancipation, or, in other words, liberty of conscience, to the people. He was a Young Irelander in 184S, the year he immigrated to this country. Being always patriotic, he joined the Columbian Artillery of Boston, immediately after landing, and declared his intentions of becoming a citizen of the United States. He remained a mem- ber of the Columbians until disbanded by Governor Gardiner in 1854. Mr. Glancy, at the Burns's Riot in Boston, and under Colonel Cass, who was then captain, took a musket and did duty as private, and was ordered by Captain Cass to take the head of the company, where he remained without flinching during that eventful period. Mr. Glancy has taken an active part in everything that interested the Irish people in Boston since then. He was in the city government of Boston during thp years 1862, '63, '64; and represented the old Third Ward in the Legislature of Massachusetts two years, in 1865 and 1866, when there were only six Democrats in the Legis- lature against two hundred and thirty- four Republicans. He was truly in the glorious minority, as he himself many times remarked ; but nevertheless he was in- strumental in carrying two or three very important measures under Gov. John A. Andrew, who commissioned him as a Justice of Peace of Massachusetts, a commission he still holds. In 1861, when the war broke out, he took a lively interest in the formation of the Ninth, under Colonel Cass, presented the regiment with the two battle-flags which the regiment carried through every battle, and can now be seen riddled to shreds in the archives of the State. IMr. Glancy always attends the reunion of the Ninth, and he has himself declared he considers himself the godfather, or at least one of the godfathers, of the old regiment that covered itself with glory. Gorman, Dennis J., clerk, Assessors' De- partment, born in Boston, Oct. 25, 1S43. He graduated from the Boylston School in 1856, and Evening High School in i860. He subsequently learned the photographic stock business, and later attended Holy Cross College. In 1867 was one of the Board of Directors of the Charitable Irish Society. He represented Ward 5 in the Legislature of 1869-70. He has been a member of the Ninth Massachusetts Regi- ment since 1865, serving from private to captain. He assisted in organizing six com- panies of the Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Regi- ment, which done service at New Orleans during the Civil War. Some time ago he was appointed a clerk in the Assessors' Depart- ment of the city of Boston. Graham, James B., painter, born in Hali- fax, N.S., about 1838. He came to Boston when about ten years of age, and has since resided in this city. He represented Ward 20 in the Common Council of 1876, and was a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee of the same year. He was also a member of the General Court of 1S77, '78, and was reelected to the Common Council of 1SS4, '85, '86. Griffin, Gerald, born in Yonkers, N.Y., about 1853; died at Boston, Mass., March, 18S9. He was educated in the schools of his native place, and at Brooklyn, N.Y. He had been a resident of Boston for about fourteen years, and at the time of his death was the New England representa- tive of Cassell & Co., the London publishers. He was elected a member of the Boston School Committee in 1886, to fill a vacancy, and was reelected in the same year for a term of three years. He was a Democrat, a 364 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. progressive educator, and a member of many organizations, including the Y.M.C.A. of Boston College, the Orpheus Musical and Clover Clubs. Haggerty, David J., lavvyer, born in Boston, Jan. i, 1857. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and at pres- ent resides at South Boston. He is a com- missioned officer of the Ninth Regiment, M.V.M.; and represented Ward 14 in the General Court of 18S6, '8f, '88, serving on important committees. Haggerty, Roger, grocer, born in Lee- macrosson. County Donegal, Ireland, May, 1S46. He arrived in this country in 1865, and located in Boston. He was educated at one of the national schools in his native land. He was employed in Boston as a teamster for five years, which business he discontinued and engaged in groceries for himself. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1887-88. He is a member of both the Catholic and the Ancient Order of Foresters, and the Charitable Irish Society. Hanley, Patrick T. — He was born in Roscommon, Ireland, in 1831, and came to the United States with his people when only twelve years old. He lived for some time after his arrival here at Hamilton, O., and learned there the trade of cooper. In 1848 he moved to Boston at the request of Messrs. Fisher & Chapin, pork merchants, with whom he served as foreman of their packing estab- lishment until 1S60, when he visited Ireland. In 1853-54 young Hanley was a member of the Columbian Artillery, Fifth Regiment, M.V.M., which was, at the time, commanded by Captain Thompson and Col. Thomas Cass; afterward of the " Irish Ninth," was a lieu- tenant of the company. After his European trip he returned to Boston in 1 861, just at the time of the breaking out of the war, and Captain Cass invited his cooperation in organ- izing Company A, Columbian Guards, Ninth Regiment. He readily consented to assist in the work, and extended his usefulness farther as one of the organizers of Company B, Otis Guard, of which he was mustered into service himself as first Ueutenant. At Ar- lington Heights, Va., in August, 1861, Lieu- tenant Hanley succeeded as captain of the Otis Guard ; and on the death of Lieutenant - Colonel Peard, to whose position Maj. P. R. Guiney was advanced, Captain Hanley, in January, 1862, was commissioned major. After the Seven Days' battles on the Penin- sula, Gen. Fitz John Porter, commanding the Fifth Corps, issued Special Order No. 92, dated July 30, 1862, "for gallant conduct in the field of battle," in which he recommended that Major Hanley be promoted to the lieu- tenant-colonelcy, made vacant by the promo- tion of Guiney after the death of Cass; and he immediately received his commission. On the 5th of May, 1S64, the Ninth Regi- ment was among the first infantry corps to charge the enemy in the Wilderness cam- paign. Marching in line of battle to the front. Colonel Guiney received a wound that lost him an eye, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hanley was compelled to assume command; and from that time to the close of the war gallantly led his regiment through many desperate engagements. In September, 1864, Colonel Hanley married Miss Sarah C. McTague, daughter of Mr. Patrick F. McTague, an old and time-honored resident of Charlestown. Thirteen children Iiave blessed this union, ten of whom are now living, — five boys and five girls. For the past sixteen years Colonel Hanley has been engaged in the brewing business with Messrs. James McCormick & Co. He is always identified with the welfare of our charitable institutions, and is recognized as one of Boston's prominent Irish citizens. Harkixs, Dominick J., upholsterer, born in Boston, Feb. 18, 1856. He received his education at St. Mary's Institute. He was elected a member of the General Court from Ward 7 in 1884, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Representative John Doherty, and also in 1885 and 1SS6. During BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 365 his service in the Legislature he was on the Committee on Drainage. Hayes, James B., grocer, born in Boston, March, 1858. He is a graduate of the Quincy Grammar School, and of the English High School of 1874. He first entered the merchandise brokerage business with Benja- min W. Parker, and remained one year, when he accepted a position as stenographer for the Boston & Lowell Railroad. He is now engaged in the grocery business on his own account. In iSSS was a member of the Common Council. Hayes, John E., born in Boston, March 6, 1845. He was educated in the public schools of this city. During the war he served with the Forty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers and the Eleventh Battery. He is a prominent Democrat of Charlestown, and was a member of the House in 1883 and 1887. During his terms in the Legislature he served on the Committees on Military Affairs and Elections. Hayes, John J., commission merchant, born in Killarney, Ireland, Jan. 26, 1845. He was educated at the schools of Dublin, Ireland. For some years past he has taken an active interest in the business and pplitical interests of the city. From 1876 to 1880, inclusive, he was a member of the Boston School Committee, and represented the Eighth District in the Legislature of 1886. He is a member of the firm of Hayes & Engle, im- porters and commission merchants, and ranks among the prosperous young business men of this vicinity. Hayes, John W., born in Boston, July 7, 1852, where he has always resided. He attended the public schools of this city until eleven years of age. He was apprenticed to McAteer Bros, at the age of fifteen, and worked at his trade in various places for eleven years. About ten years ago he became engaged in the saloon business. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for four years, and of the Common Council of 1886, '87, '88, serving on a number of important committees. He has also been a member of Court Constantine Catholic Order of Foresters, for four years. Hayes, Walter L., elected to serve in the Common Council during the year 18S9. Hayxes, Edward F.' Henry, Neil, bill-poster, born in County Derry, Ireland, March 29, 1853. He immi- grated to this country very early in Hfe, and received his education in the Boston public schools. He is by occupation a bill-poster, and resides at the North End. He was a member of the Legislature of 1879 from Ward 7. Hoar, John J., salesman, born in Brook- lyn, N.Y., June 17, 1863. In 1865 he re- moved to Dorchester with his parents. He attended the Dearborn School and Boston College. He was employed as clerk for R. H. White & Co. from 1880 to 1882, and later for Jordan, Marsh, & Co., where he left in 1884 to t&ke his present position as sales- man for Richardson & Co., dealers in paints and oils. He is a member of the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick's Church, Massachu- setts Lodge 1,226, Knights of Honor, was vice-president of the Norfolk Associates for a year and a half, and represented Ward 20 in the Common Council of 1887, '88, '89, serving on the Committees on East Boston Ferries and Sewers. Jenkins, Edward J.i Joyce, John, currier, born in London, England, May, 1857. He was educated in Ireland. He has served in the United States Army and Navy. He was a member of the House of Representatives from Ward 19 in 1879, '80, '81, and served on the Com- mittee on Parishes and Religious Societies. 1 See Lawyers. 366 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Kearins, Patrick, bom in County Gal- way, Ireland, March 15, 1849. He attended the National School in Ballencurry, Ireland, and immigrated to New York in 1865, remov- ing to Vermont in 1866, and, finally, to Bos- ton in the following year, where he has since been located. He was employed as a team- ster for three years, afterward as coachman ; later with James O'Brien, dealer in whole- sale liquors, and then began the business of wholesale and retail liquors for himself. He served in the Common Council from Ward 6 in 1884, '85, '86, and was a member of the Committees on Claims, PubUc Parks, Com- mon, Water, Fisher Hill Investigation, and chairman of Committee on East Boston Ferries. Keefe, John A., elected to the Common Council for the year 1889. Keenan, Thomas F.' Keliher, Thomas J., grocer, born in Bos- ton, Oct. 13, 1858. He graduated from the Brimmer School in 1872. He was first em- ployed with his father in the grocery busi- ness, and afterwards obtained an interest in the concern, under the firm name of Keliher & Son. He was a member of the Common Council of 18S5, '86, '87, '88, and served on many of the important committees. Kelley, Francis B., painter, born in Ireland, Jan. 12, 1844. He came to Amer- ica in 1847, and received his education in the public schools of Roxbury. He represented Ward 22 in the Legislature of 1881. Kelley, John, assistant inspector of buildings, born in County Limerick, Ire- land, April 7, 1830. He immigrated to this country in 1S34, and located in Charlestown, where he has since resided. He was edu- cated in the Charlestown public schools, and afterwards went to work in a rope-walk. He subsequently learned his trade as a 1 See Journalists. mason, and worked at it for a number of years. He represented Ward 3 in the Common Council of 1875, '76, '77. He was later appointed an inspector of build- ings, his present position. He has been connected with the St. Mary's Mutual Rehef Society for thirty-one years; is a member of the Charlestown Veteran Fire Association, St. Mary's Temperance Society, and the Montgomery Veteran Association. Kelley, John P., plumber, born in Rox- bury, Mass., in 1849. He attended the pub- he schools, and Br>'ant & Stratton's College during the evening. He learned the plumber's trade while employed by P. D. Allen. He was a member of the Common Council in the year 18S8-89. He is a mem- ber of the Roxbury Bachelor Club, the Clan- na-Gael Society, and Company A, First Regiment, M.V.M. Kelley, Thomas F., printer, born in Bos- ton, Dec. 4, 1861. He graduated from the Mayhew School, 1873. He worked on the Boston " Daily Globe " about two years after leaving school, and then entered the Rand-Avery establishment to learn the printer's trade. He represented Ward 8 in the Common Council of 1887-88. He is a member of the St. Joseph's Young Men's Catholic Association and the Hendricks Club. Kendricken, Paul H., manufacturer, born in the County of Galway, Ireland, De- cember 25, 1834. He received a common- school education in the Cooper-street and Mayhew schools in Boston. He possessed talent, and showed a decided incHnation for mechanical engineering. He spent his even- ings in study to fit him for that occupation, and qualified himself laudably and success- fully. He passed an excellent examination as an engineer in the spring of 1862, and a few months later he was commissioned third assistant engineer in the U. S. Navy, and served in that capacity until promoted to the position of second assistant engineer, Sept. 6, 186^, for bravery under the hardest fire. His PAUL H KENDRICKEN BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 367 first service waS on board the " Connemaugh " of Admiral Dupont's fleet. Subsequently he was under Admirals Dahlgren and Farragut on board the ship " Circassian " and the moni- tor "Nauset," from which he was transferred to the " Connemaugh " by request of its com- mander. Mr. Kendricken's first engage- ment was at the attack on Fort Wagner, Morris Island, which was captured in 1863, after a long struggle, by the land and naval forces. He was with Admiral Farragut while passing Forts Morgan and Gaines, in Mobile Bay, when the celebrated ram " Tennessee " was captured. Thence he proceeded up the Mississippi river, and participated in the en- gagements at Baton Rouge and vicinity. Mr. Kendricken served in the navy four years and three months, and his resignation was ac- cepted Sept. 6, 1S66, at which time he received a diploma from the Naval Depart- ment, on which were inscribed words of gratitude for his valuable services. He also received a similar diploma from the State of Massachusetts. At the close of his service he returned to Boston, and was at once ap- pointed superintendent of the steam-heating works of T. S. Clogston & Co., and filled the position until the death of Mr. Clogston, when he formed a copartnership with jNIr. Ingalls, one of Mr. Clogston's partners, and established the firm of Ingalls & Kendricken, now one of the most successful and reliable firms in this line of business in the city. Mr. Kendricken married an estimable lady and settled at Boston Highlands, where his public spirit was quickly appreciated. He was elected a member of the Common Council of Ward 20 in 1878, and reelected in 1879 and 1880, when he positively declined to be reelected. A new honor was bestowed upon him by the people when they elected him to the aldermanic board, in 1883, where he served wnth credit to himself and benefit to the city. He was a director for Public Institutions, and introduced many improve- ments and reforms. In the fall of i8S4he was elected to the Massachusetts Senate, defeating Mr. Charles Whittier, president of the Whittier Machine Company, the Repub- lican candidate. He was the first Democrat that his party had been able to elect since the formation of the district, and his success caused much rejoicing. During his senatorial term he was on the side of popular govern- ment. He opposed the Metropolitan Police Bill vigorously, and advocated the bill com- pelling corporations to make weekly pay- ments to their employees, which would have applied to all incorporated cities and towns, as well as to business corporations. He urged and fought for the passage of the Soldiers' Exemption Bill,which was calculated to relieve veteran soldiers from the restric- tions of the civil-service rules in the matter of employment and appointment to office. The tenure of office bill for school teachers received his attention, and his efforts were directed towards its successful passage. This bill passed, and under it teachers retain their positions until removed by a vote of the committee. He was interested in the Tax Limitation Bill, which curtailed the borrowing capacity of the city. The passage of this law helped Mayor O'Brien in lowering the tax-rate. The new city charter shows much of his handiwork. In 1885 he was reelected to the Senate, defeating his Republican op- ponent, j\Ir. Halsey J. Boardman, by a hand- some majority. He proposed and effected the passage of the Park Loan Bill, amount- ing to two million five hundred thousand dol- lars. The vote stood eight to three against the bill before he had it passed. He is a large owner of real estate, notably the Hotel Nightingale, situated on Dudley, corner of Folsom street, which is assessed for ninety thousand dollars. He is a member of Ed- ward Kingsley Post 113, G.A.R., Commo- dore of the Kearsarge Association of Naval Veterans, and has a large interest in the Roxbury Club, of which he is a director. It includes some of the most influential and prominent men on its membership roll. Kennedy, Patrick J-i trader, born in East Boston, Jan. 2, 1858. His early edu- cation was acquired in the public schools. He is a well-Kncwn Democrat of Noddle's 368 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Island, and has served in the Legislature during i886and 1887. As a member of the lower branch of the Legislature he was a member of the Committees on Cities and Printing. Kidney, John A., auditor's clerk, born m Boston, Feb. 2, 1849. He graduated from the Eliot School in 1864, and afterwards attended the English High School. He was employed by Geo. B. Upton, merchant, the New England Lithographic Company, and from 1S74 to 1878 was engaged as treasurer and secretary of the shoe-machine companies of H. E. Townsend. He was in the insurance business for a short period, until he accepted the position, in July, 1880, of clerk in the auditor's office of the city of Boston. He represented Ward 6 in the Common Council of 1877, '78, '79, and to July, 1880. He is a member of American Legion of Honor, Paul Revere Mutual Bene- fit Association, and Irish Charitable Society. Kinney, John F., elected to serve in the Common Council for the year 1889. Lamb, Abraham J., provision dealer, born in Boston, July 27, 1844. He received his educational training in the public schools of this city. He has been engaged in the provision business for some time past; repre- sented Ward 16 in the Common Council of 1872-73 and the Legislature of 1881, '82, '83, serving on the Committee on Mercantile Af- fairs. Lane, Thomas J., superintendent of print- ing, born in Mallow, County of Cork, Ireland, Dec. 15, 1843. He immigrated in 1850, and located in Boston. He attended the public schools until eleven years of age, when he left to learn the printer's trade. He served an apprenticeship in the offices of Damrell & Moore and J. E. Farwell & Co. He left the latter office at nineteen years of age to enter the service of the United States in the Rebellion, and enlisted as private in a company of the Forty- fourth Massachusetts Volunteers. The regiment did nine months' service in North Carolina, and upon its return Mr Lane reenlisted in the Fourth Massa- chusetts Cavalry, serving as the company quartermaster-sergeant, second and first lieu- tenant. He served until the close of the war, when the company was disbanded at Galloupe's Island, by order of the adjutant- general. After the war he returned to Far- well's printing-office, where he remained until the spring of 1866, when he entered the employ of Rockwell & Churchill. In 1883 he was appointed superintendent of printing of the city of Boston. Lappen, John Edward, wooden and willow ware, born in Chelsea, Mass., Jan. i, 1855. He graduated from the Lawrence Grammar School in 1869, and attended the English High School for a year. He after- wards became employed by his uncle, of the firm of Owen Lappen & Co., dealers in wooden and willow ware, and on Oct. 10, 1885, began business in the same line for himself. He sensed in the Common Council of 18S3, '84, '85, and was a member of the Committees on Treasury and Collector's De- partments, City Hospital, Improved Sewer- age, and Finance. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and Charitable Irish Society. Leahy, Dennis J., real estate, born in Boston, July 28, 1856. He was educated in the public schools of Boston. He is at pres- ent a member of tiie firm of Leahy & Kelly, real-estate dealers and auctioneers. He has been a member of the State Militia, and repre- sented Ward 6 in the Legislature of 1885-86, serving on the Committee on Mercantile Affairs. Leary, Edward J., music compositor, born in South Boston, May 27, i860. lie was educated in the public schools of this city. He was first employed by the Suffolk Glass Company, and later, until 1 887, by Giles & Gay. He represented Ward 13 in the Common Council of 1886-87 ^^^ the General Court of 1888, serving on important committees in both bodies. He is a member of St. Peter BIO GRAPHICAL SKE TCHES. 369 and Paul's Total Abstinence Society, South Boston Athletic Club, Knights of Labor, Avenue Hall Democratic Club, and Chief Ranger, St. Peter and Paul's Catholic Order of Foresters. Lee, John H., reporter, born in Boston, April 26, 1846. He was educated in the public schools, and afterwards attended a private academy. He was first employed as an apprentice to a wood-turner; afterward learned chemistry; later became hotel clerk, and finally proprietor. He has been en- gaged, in recent years, as a reporter of the live-stock market for daily and trade papers. He is a resident of Brighton, and represented Ward 25 in the Common Council of 1883, '84, '85, '86, and served as president of that body during 1S84. He has been one of the leading Democrats of local fame for several years, and a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for ten years, serving as president during 1885-86. Logan, Lawrence J., born in Ireland, Aug. 12, 1842. He was educated in the national schools of his native country. He came to the United States in 1858, and first located in Worcester, Mass., where he went to work irr an iron foundry. He served an apprenticeship of four years at the iron- moulding trade, when he removed to Boston and engaged as clerk for P. F. Logan. In 1 86 1 he was admitted a partner, under the firm style of P. F. Logan & Brother, which contin- ued until 1873, when he succeeded to the business. He enlisted as private in the Ninth Massachusetts Regiment in 1866, was pro- moted from time to time, and now holds the position of lieutenant-colonel of the regi- ment. Thus he has rendered military ser- vice for twenty-three years. Mr. Logan has been a member of the Democratic City Committee since 1867, served four years as its treasurer, succeeding Michael Doherty, and represented the Fourth District in the Governor's Council of 1886-87. He is a leading Irish Nationalist, is connected also with a number of American societies, was formerly a director of the Home for Desti- tute Catholic Children, and has always been a liberal contributor to Catholic charities. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, makes an excellent presiding officer at a public meeting, and is a large real-estate Lomasney, Joseph P., printer, born in Boston, March 10, 1863. He attended the Mayhew and Phillips Schools, and engaged in earning a livelihood at the age of fifteen years. After learning the printer's trade he became employed in the Lamp Department for two years. In 1883 he took an active part in the Independent Democratic movement in Ward 8. He was a member of the Common Council during 1888, representing the eighth ward. Lynch, John E., boiler-maker, born in St. John, N.B., Jan. 28, 1852. He was educated in the pul^lic schools of both St. John and Bos- ton. He learned the trade of boiler-maker at the establishment of Cook, Rymes, & Co., Charlestown, and afterwards accepted a posi- tion in 1 87 1 as clerk in the office of E. P. Hodge & Co., boiler-makers at East Boston, of which firm he is now a member. He was connected with the Republican Ward and City Commit- tee for two years, a member of the Common Council of 1884-85, the Legislature of 1886- 87, and is at present a director of East Boston Ferries. He is a member of Mt. Tabor Lodge F. and A.M., St. John's Royal Arch Chapter, East Boston Council Royal and Select Masters, Wm. Parkman Commandery of Knights Templars, Knights of Honor, An- cient Order of United Workmen, Massachu- setts Charitable Mechanic Association, and a director of the Suffolk Masonic Mutual Relief Association, Boston Citizens' Electric Light and Power Company, and the Free Press Publishing Company. He is a resident of East Boston. Lyons, ThOiMAS F., sign writer and painter, born in Boston, Nov. 17, 1850. He gradu- ated from the Lawrence Grammar School. 370 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. On March lo, 1864, at the age of fourteen years, he entered the service of the United States Navy as a third-class boy, but was shortly promoted to the rank of first class. He was sent to the front on board the United States supply-boat " Connecticut," of the West Gulf blockading squadron under Ad- miral Farragut, and was engaged at Mobile Bay. He was ordered aboard the famous rebel ram " Tennessee," and took an active part in the engagement against Fort Morgan ; afterward he did service at the mouth of the Red river, and on board the United States gunboat " Glasgow," in charge of Admiral Thatcher. At the age of sixteen he began an apprenticeship of about seven years at sign and decorative painting, his present business. He represented Ward 19 in the Common Council of 18S8-89. Macnamara, Daniel G., was born in Bos- ton, Mass., April 12, 1S39, received a public- school and academic education; taught penmanship and book-keeping at the age of sixteen ; is the youngest of three brothers, com- missioned officers of the Ninth, who recruited and organized Company E in April, 1 861, for the Ninth Regiment. He was commis- sioned a lieutenant in the State MiHtia, but preferred to be mustered into the volunteer service in 1861 as first sergeant; was pro- moted commissary and quartermaster-ser- geant, second and first lieutenant, and at the age of twenty-two, quartermaster of the regi- ment; was constantly with his regiment dur- ing three years' service, and never off duty or on the sick list; was slightly wounded at Fredericksburg; was highly commended as brave, faithful, and competent in the dis- charge of all his duties by his superior offi- cers. He served in Texas as lieutenant in the Twenty-fifth Army Corps; was adjutant of the Ninth Militia Regiment in 1868-69. Read law with the intention of becoming a member of the Suffolk Bar, but subsequently accepted a clerkship under Collector Russell at the Boston Custom House in 1867, ^^'here he is still employed, with the same faithful- ness and constancv that marked his career in the war. At the present time he is major of the Montgomery Veterans and president of the Society of the Ninth Regiment, in his sixth term. He is a past commander of John A. Andrew Post 15, G.A.R., of this city. His untiring and unselfish interest in his old comrades of the Ninth Regiment is highly appreciated by all, and their regard for him grows stronger as they grow older. His elder brother, Capt. James W. Macnamara, was killed in action at the Wilderness under General Grant. He was a brilliant soldier. The history of the Ninth Regiment was written by his next oldest brother, Capt. Michael H., now living in the West. Macnamara, Capt. James Wm., Ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, was born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 23, 1835. He was the oldest of three brothers, who served in the Ninth Regiment as commission officers. His father, Daniel Macnamara, and his mother, Mary — «e't? Hickey — emigrated from Lim- erick, Ireland, and arrived in Boston in 1833. He received a public-school and academic education and learned the trade of printer. At the age of eighteen he chose seamanship for a profession, and after his first voyage around the world went through a thorough course of navigation under Captain Spear, of Boston, a professor of navigation, after which he followed the sea until he obtained the rank of mate, under an English firm at Lon- don. While on a trading voyage between London and the East Indies the Rebellion broke out, and on arriving in London, on a return voyage, he learned the situation of affairs at home, settled up with his firm, much against their wishes, and took the first steamer to Boston. On his arrival at Boston he found his two younger brothers, Michael and Daniel, raising a company for Cass's Irish Regiment. His intention was to enter the cavalry ser- vice, — having served as a volunteer in the India service during his travels, — but " blood being thicker than water " he joined his brothers, and was commissioned a second Ueutenant of Company E, then unattached. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 371 On the subsequent organization of the regi- ment, and final muster into service June ii, 1861, he and his brother Daniel were left out of the list of commissioned officers, and he accepted the position of color-sergeant of Company I (colored company), and received the national flag from the hands of Governor Andrew the day the regiment marched for the seat of war. He was, on the arrival of the regiment at Washington, promoted first sergeant of Company I, and at the battle of Gaines's Mills severely wounded and taken prisoner. On his exchange he joined his regiment from hospital, and was promoted a second lieutenant, having previously received from his colonel the following letter on his return to duty : — [copy.] Headquarters Ninth Mass. Vols., Oct. 15, 1862. First Sergeant James W. Macnamara :— Sergeant, — I hereby appoint you acting second lieutenant in this regiment, and as soon as I am officially informed of a vacancy, which no doubt now exists, I purpose to recommend you for commission. This opportunity affords me sincere pleasure. You were meritorious at Hanover, gallant at Gaines's Mills and the Chickahominy, and in camp and on parade your conduct and appear- ance entitles you to my esteem, and to whatever reward I am able to bestow. (Signed) P. R. GUINEY, Colonel commanding Ninth Massachusetts Volunteers. The fact that no such letter was issued by Colonel Guiney to any other non-commis- sioned officer in the regiment before or since is proof of the high esteem in which he was held. His soldierly and manly qualities soon advanced him to first lieutenant and cap- tain. He passed through all the campaigns of the regiment, and in every position of trial and danger proved himself a brave, cool, and daring leader. His motto was " Follow me," and he was never known to take men in where he could not take them out. At Hanover Court- House, where he is particularly mentioned, the right wing under command of Lieutenant- Colonel Guiney became separated from the left wing under Colonel Cass, the latter being in the open wheat-field, and the former well into the woods and underbrush. Naturally the left wing swept forward in pursuit of rebel General Branche's retreating troops, breaking from and leaving far in the rear the right wing. It took but a few moments for Colonel Guiney to discover that he was alone in the woods with but one-half of the regi- ment. How to reach and connect was the question. Sergeant Macnamara solved the problem. " Colonel," he said, " I mil find the left wing, with your permission." On the left flank he deployed skirmishers, and in less time than it takes to write it his company were out on the open field and deployed six yards apart in single file until he struck the left wng in full pursuit of the enemy. To communicate with Colonel Cass and state the situation of affairs was but the work of a moment, and when the right wing came in sight on the double-quick and joined the left, the regiment raised an Irish cheer that made the retreating foe think that the "Yankees" had reenforcements. It was then that the Ninth rendered such gallant service that the " wind up " of the battle of Hanover Court-House was short, sharp, and decisive. Not until the last campaign of the Ninth did this intrepid soldier fall. It was at the Wilderness, May 5, 1864, under Grant, leading his men in a charge on the enemy. In the woods they lay concealed awaiting till the Ninth approached. The brigade to which the Ninth was attached fell in ambush — flank and front. To go forward was slaughter, to retreat, the same. Nearly all the officers and one-half the men fell. Nineteen officers out of twenty-six were killed or wounded. Among the mortally wounded was Captain Macnamara, shot through and through. He now lies buried at Holyhood Cemetery, Brookline, where General Guiney and others of the Ninth " sleep their last sleep." 372 THE IRISH L\ BOSTON. Maguire, Patrick James, merchant tailor, born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, March 14, 1840. He came to this city at five years of age, and studied at the public schools. He learned the tailor's trade under Lothrop & Godfrey, and was employed at Oak Hall Clothing House as foreman. He engaged in the tailoring business M'ith George W. Jacobs, under the style of Jacobs & Maguire, and afterwards formed a partner- ship under the firm name of Sullivan & Maguire for the carrying on of the same business. His services in the Common Coun- cil include the years from 1879 through 1S84, during which time he made many street improvements which largely benefited his section of the city. He was a director for public institutions, 1882-83, and by his efforts the Catholic inmates at Deer Island were given the right by the city to partici- pate in their religious exercises under the guidance of a Catholic priest. Mr. Maguire introduced a new and economical process of manufacturing clothing at this institu- tion. The new hospital on Deer Island was built by his strong advocacy. He was a Democratic candidate for alderman, 1885, and was defeated. He received a re-nomi- nation, 1886, and was elected alderman by a majority of 860 votes. He was reelected Democratic alderman, 1887, by a majority vote of 1,200, the largest ever cast in the aldermanic district comprising Wards 19 and 22. He was on nearly all the important com- mittees. The present system of heating, as conducted by the Boston Steam-Heating Com- pany, was proposed by Alderman Maguire, and successfully carried through over the Mayor's veto. The improvements made in Wards 19 and 22 during the years of his aldermanic representation were much in excess of those made for twenty years previous, thus giving laborers more employment. In 1887 he in- creased the appropriation for paving streets to $200,000. He has been chairman of the W^ard Committee since 1884. Thevote in Ward 19 was increased from 400 to 3,000 by his assist- ance, and the full Democratic vote will count 2,100. He is an uncompromising Democrat. Mahax, Benjamin F. , merchant, born at Northboro' April 14, 1S16; died in Boston, Jan. 24, 1882. He came to this city while in his teens, and entered the ship-store ware- house of his brother, John Mahan, on Long Wharf, where he remained for four or five years, when he began business for himself, and for a period of almost a half-century was favorably known as a successful Long- Wharf merchant. He became interested in California and Colorado mines in the days when railroading in that part of the country was almost unthought of, and spent much of his time for two or three years in travelling over these territories. He was a Democrat in politics. He was at one time clerk of old Ward 3, and served as a member of the Com- mon Council of 1858-59. He took consid- erable interest in the Boston Fire Department in his younger days, and was an active mem- ber under Captain Barnicoat. He was a member of Columbia Lodge of Masons, and at one time a prominent Odd Fellow. He was also a member of the old " Winslow Blues," Handel and Haydn Society, and an honorary member of the National Lancers. Mahoney, James T., harness-maker, born in Kilworth, County Cork, Ireland, July 20, 1843. He came to this country with his parents in 1845, and attended the public schools of Boston until eleven years of age. He was first employed as errand-boy in a merchant's counting-room, afterward in a tobacco store, and finally was apprenticed to a harness-maker. While learning his trade the Rebellion occurred, and he enlisted in the First Massachusetts Regiment, serving until the battle of Fredericksburg, where he was wounded in the head and limb. He was honorably discharged for disability in March, 1863, and returned to this city, where he learned his trade. He was one of the or- ganized members of the Montgomery Light Guard, and in 1875, '77, '78, '80 represented Ward 13 in the General Court, and served on the Committees on Prisons, Tax- ation, and the Joint Standing Committee on Printing. BIO GRA PHICAL SKE TCHES. 373 Mahoney, Jeremiah S., book-keeper, born in Boston, Dec. 26, 1855. He was educated in the public schools, and at the age of four- teen years entered business. He was presi- dent of the Shawmut Rowing Club during 1885-86. He was a member of the Com- mon Council from Ward 13 in 18S8, serv- ing on a number of important committees. Mahoney, Patrick F., born in Boston, Feb. 5, 1847. He received his early educa- tion in the public schools of this city. At the age of seventeen he enlisted in Company j\l. Third Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, and did creditable service during the Rebellion. He represented Ward 6 in the General Court of 1880-81. Mahoney, William J., born in Boston in 1854. He attended the Eliot Grammar School, afterward worked at painting and varnishing for five years, then for A. Winn and Byam & Carleton, when he engaged in the liquor business for himself, which he has been identified with for the last fourteen or fifteen years. He has been connected with the Democratic Ward and City Committee for nine years, was a member of the State Central Committee during 18S6-87, served in the Common Council of 1886, '87,' 88, '89, for two years president of the Commercial Athletic Club, and a member of the North End Fishing Club. M ALONE, Edward, restaurateur, born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, April, 1834. He came to Boston in May, 1849, and attended the public schools. In 1850 he became employed by Nathan ^Matthews, of this city, for whom he worked twenty-two years, several years of which he had charge of his large real-estate interests. In 1872 he engaged in the restaurant business, and has continued in that line ever since. He repre- sented old Ward 2 in the Common Council of 1868-69, He was connected with the Bos- ton Light Dragoons for about eight years, and was also a member of the Charitable Irish Society. He is at present a member of the Royal Order of Good Fellows. Manning, John P.' Manning, Patrick H., grocer, born in Roscommon, Ireland, Jan. 27, 1845. ^^ is at present engaged in the grocery business, and represented Ward 19 in the Legislature of 1882-83, serving on the Committee on State House. Maquire, John J., hard-wood finisher, born in Boston, Jan. 4, 1850. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and later learned the trade of a hard-wood finisher, his present occupation. He represented Ward 13 in the Legislature of 1884. Marley, James F., architectural metal work, born in Ireland, March 25, 1S57. He came to this country in i860, and located in Boston. He attended the public schools, Comer's Commercial College, and took a mechanical-drawing course of two years at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. He went into business in 1876, and is at present a member of the firm of E. Marley & Bros. He was secretary of the Democratic City Committee in 1883, and -a member of the Democratic State Central Committee in 1884. He served in the Com- mon Council of 1883-84, and was on the Committees on Finance, Public Institutions, and Inspection of Buildings. He is at present secretary of the Shawmut Rowing Club. Martin, John B., merchant, born in South Boston, March i, 1848. He was educated in the public schools of this city. He is a manufacturer of essences. In -1872, '73, '74 he was a member of the Common Council, and in 1875 he served in the Legislature from old Ward 7. He represented the Sixth Suffolk District in the Senate of 1879-S0. He IS at present president of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions, and a promi- nent Democrat of South Boston, where he resides. In 1886 he was a candidate for 1 See Lawyers. 374 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Democratic nomination to Congress in the Fourth District Convention, the candidates at the time being Messrs. Martin, Dacey, and O'Neil. The supporters of Mr. Martin were steadfast till the last, until it was decided that Hon. P. A. Collins should succeed himself. McCarthy, Nicholas F., elected to serve in the Common Council of 1SS9. McCauley, Andrew P., elected to serve in the Common Council of 1889. McCuLLOUGH, Thomas, painter, born in Ireland, June 11, 1840. He came to this country at an early age. During the War of the Rebellion he was a non-commissioned officer in Company B, twenty-second Massa- chusetts Regiment, and served three years. He participated in nineteen battles of the war, and was wounded at Gettysburg. He represented "Ward 6 in the Legislature of 1881-82, and served on the Committee on Taxation. McDonald, John W., real estate and ex- superintendent of streets, born in Ireland in 1840. He came to this country in 1847. He was a graduate of the Brimmer School. He subsequently engaged in mercantile pursuits, and for twelve years afterwards was in the real-estate business. He was a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1884, and was appointed Superintendent of Streets of the city of Boston in the latter part of 1885. He has been treasurer of St. Vincent de Paul Society since 1878, connected with the Home for Destitute Children for twenty years, vice-president of the Charitable Irish Society, and a member of the Catholic Union. McDonald, Patrick F., iron merchant, horn in Boston, July 10, 1852. He grad- uated from the old Boylston School, Fort Hill, in 1868, and afterward became em- ployed by Lothrop & Co., in the iron business. In 1 877 he engaged in business for himself, and at present carries on a large wholesale trade throughout the New Eng- land States. He was president of St. James' Y.M.T. Association for two years, and repre- sented Ward 12 in the Common Council of 1877-78 and in the General Court of 1881, '82, '83, serving on the Committees on Claims, Mercantile Affairs, and Hoosac Tunnel. He has been a member of the Democratic City Central Committee for nine years, and of the State Central Committee two years. McDonough, John H., law student, born in Portland, Me., March 29, 1857. His early education was received in the public schools of that city. After coming to Boston he en- gaged in the trade of watch-making, which he followed for several years. Recently he abandoned his trade for the purpose of study- ing law, and is now located in the ofhce of Hon. Charles J. Noyes. He represented Ward 20 in the General Court of 1886, '87, '88, '89, and served on the committees on Water Supply and Election Laws and Rail- roads. He is one of the prominent young Democrats of Massachusetts, and is one of the recognized leaders of his party in the Legislature. He is a member of the Boston Young Men's Congress, Young Men's Catho- lic Association of Boston College, Charitable Irish Society, Montgomery Branch of Irish National Land League, Roxbury Bachelor Club, and the Democratic State Committee. McEnaney, Thomas Owen, merchant tailor, born in East Boston, Oct. 23, 1857. He received his early education at the Adams School, of which he is a graduate, and supplemented his training at the Union Business College of this city. He was first employed as book-keeper for John G. Gil- bert & Co., afterward by Hardy, Mayhew, & Co. He served as a custom cutter for J. C. Littlefield, on Beacon street, and finally opened business on his own account the 1st of January, 1888. He was a member of the Common Council in 1S85-86. McEttrick, Michael J., was l)orn in Roxbury, June 22, 1846, in the very district which he represents in the Massachusetts Legislature, and in the same house that his JOHN H McDONOUGH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 375 grandfather lived in over seventy years ago. His father, Matthew McEttrick, was for many years a prominent and respected citi- zen of Roxbury, and his mother was Mary McDonough, daughter of Patrick McDon- ough, one of the earliest Irish settlers in Roxbury, who commenced business there in 1819. Young McEttrick received his early education in our public schools, graduating from the Washington Grammar School at the early age of eleven years, the youngest boy in his class, and at its head. In 1857 he entered the Roxbury Latin School, graduat- ing with honors therefrom in 1862. He was entered at the office of Mr. Charles Whitney, the City Engineer of Roxbury, for the purpose of becoming a civil engineer. Commensurate with his intellectual growth was his physical development. At the age of sixteen he was able to outstrip any of his companions in all field sports, and he met and vanquished even the athletes of his dis- trict in feats of physical strength and endur- ance. At the age of twenty-one his strength had increased by cultivation and natural growth to such an extent, that his remark- able feats began to attract the attention of the outside world. He was one of the first in America to establish the fact that the powers of endurance in man were capable of severe tests; and, as a youth, he bore off the palm for pedestrianism in these parts. He entered long-distance walking matches in the summer of 1868, won the championship of America, and held it against all comers for four years. He distinguished himself as a thorough-going, all-round athlete, excelling in wrestling, jumping, and field sports, so that his reputation extended all over the country. In the last year of the war he served in the army, and was transferred by special order of the War Department to the regular army, in the corps of engineers. In the spring of 1884 he was elected to the position of assistant assessor, receiving a unanimous vote in both branches of the city govern- ment. In the fall of the same year he was nominated by the Democrats for representa- tive to the Legislature from Ward 20, Bos- ton. He received the highest number of votes ever accorded any man in his district, and has since been four times reelected, each time being more strongly endorsed than before. Each year showed him to be a strong and well-equipped man for the place. Alone and single-handed he has fought his way up to be one of the acknowledged leaders in the House, and one of its foremost debaters. He has served on some of the most important committees of the House; ^^z., Roads and Bridges, Finance, Expen- ditures, Education, Liquors, Constitutional Amendments, and the Child Labor Commit- tees. His work here has been characterized by thoroughness, signal ability, and wholly in the public interest. Says the Roxbury " Gazette : " " The two features of his legisla- tive experience which come directly home to the very firesides of the district, to the rich and poor alike, are the passage of the Franklin Park Loan and the Stony Brook bills, which conjointly will put over ^3,000,- 000 into the pockets of our laboring men. To him was intrusted the charge of both of these measures in the House of Repre- sentatives. His skilful and successful man- agement of the Stony Brook substitute bill in the House, as well as his eloquent speech upon the passage of the Franklin Park Loan bill, determined in a high degree the success of these two measures, which will eventually prove blessings to the community. His minority report on the private school was the crowning feature of his legislative career. The broad grasp of principle on constitu- tional law, which this report showed, and the high plane on which it placed the whole discussion, soon attracted attention to the man, and gave him a reputation far beyond the State lines of Massachusetts." "The Pilot," commenting on the matter edito- rially, in its issue of June 2, 1SS8, said : "Now that the battle over the State inspec- tion of private schools has ended in a splen- did victory for the only people whom the measure really assailed, the Catholics, it would be ungrateful not to emphasize the 376 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. credit due to Representative Michael J. Mc- Ettrick. He took up the cause of the pri- vate schools at risk of place and popularity. He saw and exposed the true nature of the proposed enactment. He framed the proper lines of resistance in his minority report. He was the only member who discerned the real intent and purport of the bill, and had the courage of his convictions. All through the legislative hearings he watched over Catholic interests with a vigilance and fidelity beyond praise; and it is not too much to say that to him, more than to any other single influence, is due the completeness of the dis- graceful defeat that has overtaken an unwar- ranted and un-American attempt to invade parental and citizen rights. The triumph is his triumph, and ' The Pilot ' tenders him its hearty congratulations." He is a forceful speaker, his remarks always showing thought and broad under- standing, and he frequently becomes really eloquent. His voice is large and full, well rounded and well controlled, and the ser- vices he has rendered his party as a stump speaker have been acknowledged in many ways. McGahey, Alexander B., born in Bos- ton, March 30, 1 855. He was educated in the pul3lic schools of this city. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1878-79, and he was a member of the Legislature of 1881-82, serving on important committees. He was nominated by the Independent Democrats four years ago ; was a candidate for the Senate of 1885 from the Third Suf- folk District. He was declared elected, but his seat was contested on the ground of an irregularity at the polling-places. At the special election which was held in March, 1885, his right to be a member of the Sen- ate was settled in his favor. He was the regular Democratic nominee the following year, and was reelected to the Senate of 1886. During his two terms he served on the Com- mittees on Federal Relations and on Street Railways. He has been a member of the Democratic City Committee for several years. McGaragle, Patrick F., builder and contractor, born in Boston, Feb. 2, 1845. He received his education in the public schools, and is now engaged in business as a contractor and builder. He was connected with the militia for about seven years, a member of the Common Council of 1878-79, and of the General Court of 1880-83 from Ward 8, serving on the Committee on Hoosac Tunnel. He was a trustee of the City Hos- pital during 1879, and is an active member of the Montgomery Veteran Associates. McGeough, James A.' McGowAN, William S., chief clerk of the Metropolitan Steamship Company, born at Gardner, Me., December 26, 1826. His father's name was Felix McGowan, a native of Manahamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland. His mother, Judith McGowan, was born at Northport, Me. The family settled in Lowell, Mass., in 1837, where young Mc- Gowan went to school, and graduated from the Lowell High School. He afterwards learned the drug business in Boston, and pursued it until 1842. His public services include his appointment as Clerk of the Water Commissioners, in 1846, when water was introduced into Boston from Lake Cochituate. He remained in this position until the commission surrendered their work to the city of Boston, in 1848. Then his services were engaged in the counting-room of the Boston " Daily Advertiser " as clerk, under Nathan Hale, Nathan Hale, Jr., and Charles Hale, who were then the proprietors and publishers. About 1852 he went into the drug trade on his own account, and con- tinued this business for six years. The gold fever led him to California, where he stayed one year. He returned, engaged in the steamship business, with which he has been connected ever since. He was a Democratic member of the Common Council in 1857, chairman of the Democratic Ward and City Committee in 1858, and the first steam fire- engine ever used in Boston was put in opera- 1 See Lawyers. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 377 tion by the passage of his order while in the Common Council. He was president of the Young Men's Catholic Association in 1854. He has always been prominently identified with the various charitable undertakings in this city. McGuNiGLE, James F., born in the County Donegal, Ireland, and is now in his fifty- second year. His father, William, with his M'ife and son, immigrated to this country in 1837, settling in Boston, Mass. James, at an early age, was placed in attendance at the public schools, continuing thereat until his eighteenth year, when he went to work at the cutler's trade, which he soon abandoned to learn the trade of boot and shoe maker, which he did at East Stoughton, Mass. Here he first met his present wife, to whom he was married in 1855, by whom he had four chil- dren before the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion. Upon the issue of the call of President Lincoln for seventy-five thousand troops, April 15, 1 861, the next day Captain McGuni- gle, having cut the proclamation from a news- paper, copied it upon a roll, went through the shops of the village and secured the signatures of twent)'-one Irishmen, or those who were descendants of Irishmen, which was the nu- cleus of Company K of the Irish Ninth Mas- sachusetts Infantry Volunteer Regiment. It was the captain's desire to get a company to- gether which might go to the front at once, to this end giving his time and labor. Besides securing these twenty-one recruits in East Stoughton, others to the number of sixty-three were secured in Stoughton Centre and the adjoining village of North Bridgewater, with which the captain went to Boston. Upon reporting and offering their services they were informed that they could not be then placed with any regiment, but to retain their organi- zation, return to their several towns, elect offi- cers, and stand in readiness to be called upon at an hour's notice This they did, the cap- tain being elected first lieutenant, and he only of the five officers chosen satisfactorily passed and received recommendation for a commis- sion. His company about two weeks subse- quently was ordered to report to Col. Thomas Cass at Long Island, Boston Harbor, and was designated as Company K of the Irish Ninth, being recruited to one hundred and one men, rank and file, when it went to the front on the 24th of June, 1861, landing at the Navy Yard in Washington a few days later. The captain's first military experience was with a company in Williamsburg, N.Y., con- nected with the Seventy-second Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y., commanded by Colonel Powers, which he joined in 1855, continuing with the same for about six months, when he returned to Massachusetts, and became a call member of Capt. Z. Bumpa's company of infantry of Braintree, with which he continued until President Lincoln's call, before mentioned. Captain McGunigle received his commission, as such, from Governor Andrew, bearing date the 27th June, 1862 (the battle of Gaines's Mill), in place of Captain Carey, who was killed in this engagement. The cap- tain participated in every battle, skirmish, and engagement of the regiment during its term of service up to the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864, in which engagement he received a gunshot wound in his left breast, the bullet penetrating a silver watch carried by him, and for the time being entirely pros- trating and rendering him unfit for service thereafter. The captain also received a gun- shot wound through his collar-bone at the battle of ]\Lalvern Hill, July i, 1862, being taken off the field in the same ambulance with Colonel Cass and Major Dutton. McKexna, Maurice J., grocer and pro- vision dealer, born in County Kerry, Ireland, Dec. 15, 1845. f^s arrived in Boston in 1857, where he has since resided. He was educated in the national schools of his native place and the puljjic schools of this city. He was first employed for Fleming & Has- kell, bookbinders, where he learned the trade, and later with Roberts Bros. He later entered the grocery business, where he has been very successful. He has served in the Democratic Ward and City Committee 378 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. and in the Common Council of 1S87-88, being a member of many important com- mittees. McLaughlin, Daniel, clerk, born in Ire- land in 1847. Hs ^v^s educated in his native country, and came to America while a young man. In 1882-83 ^^ represented Ward 7 in the Common Council, and was a member of the Legislature of 1885-86, serving on the Committees on County Estimates, Parishes, and Religious Societies. McLaughlin, Edward A.' McLaughlin, John A., undertaker, born in Boston, Feb. i, 1853. He attended the Eliot and Mayhew Schools, and received a five years' course at Boston College. He is by occupation an undertaker, but has been employed by the city of Boston as an over- seer of the poor for a few years, until he was elected to the Board of Aldermen. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1881-82, in the General Court of 1883- 84, serving on the Committee on Water Supply. In 1887 he was elected from the Third District to the Board of Aldermen, and was reelected to the Board of 1888-89. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for about nine years, and secretary of that organization three years. McLaughlin, Philip J., clerk, born in Boston, Feb. 7, 1850. He graduated from the Mayhew School in 1866. After leaving school he entered the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, where he is still employed as clerk in the superintendent's office. He served in the Common Council of 1880, '81, '88. He is secretary of the North End Fishing Club, Lakeman Boat Club, and the Atlantic Yacht Club. McNamara, Jeremiah J., born at County Cork, Ireland, March 16, 1842. He immi- grated to Boston, 1852, and attended the grammar schools until he was seventeen years of age. He enlisted in the United States Navy in 1861, and joined the naval brigade at Fort Ellsworth, Alexandria, Va. He was there three months, at the end of which time he was drafted into service on the Mississippi flotilla. He was assigned to duty on the gunboat " Essex," Commander Foote, and was at the bombardment of Fort Henry. Thirty- four lives were lost on board the " Essex," which was blown to atoms; Mr. McNamara was thrown into the river by a steam explo- sion, but was rescued. He fought under Commodore Davis at Fort Donelson, which suffered bombardment, but the enemy was compelled to surrender. He was one of eleven men who volunteered to spike a bat- tery of eleven heavy guns which were placed in the bend of the Mississippi river. They successfully spiked the guns at mid- night. He afterwards received a rating as able seaman. He was in the running of the blockade at Vicksburg, Miss., and there joined Admiral Farragut's fleet. On a forag- ing expedition, under Captain Porter, they met the enemy at Port Hudson; an engage- ment ensued, which resulted favorably to the Union troops. He can claim the honor of having been in the naval engagement at Vicksburg, in 1862, the Red- river expedi- tion, and the Army of the Tennessee under General Hooker. Mr. McNamara stayed at Chattanooga, Tenn., until General Lee sur- rendered, and received an honorable dis- charge from the service. He was a poHce officer from 1864 to 1871, promoted to ser- geant the latter year; remained on the police force until 1879, when he engaged in the saloon business. He served in the City Council from 1S80 to 1884, inclusive, was on many important committees, and is a member of Post 7, John A. Andrew, G.A.R. McNamara, John, builder, born in County of Cork, Ireland, May I, 184S. He came to this country May 7, 1867, and located in Boston. He was educated in the National School of his birthplace. He first worked BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 379 at his trade with John L. Shapleigh, and then with Jonas Fitch, and finally he branched off for himself. He is a member of the Royal Arcanmn, Knights of Honor, United Order of Friends, South Boston Yacht Club, and Company K, Boston Light Infantry. In 1888 he represented Ward 14 in the Common Council. McNelley, John E., baker, born in Plymouth, Me., Jan. 23, 1854. He received a common-school education, and learned the baker's trade. He became engaged in the business at the West End some years ago with his brother. He represented Ward 8 in the General Court of 1882, and was elected on the Independent Democratic ticket in 1884, to fill a vacancy in the Com- mon Council caused by the resignation of Francis P. Maguire. McSORLEY, John, United States weigher, born in County Tyrone, Ireland, Jan. 29, 1836. He was educated in the schools of his native place. He immigrated to this country in 185 1, and settled in New York City, where he remained until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he enlisted in the " Excelsior Brigade," Seventy-first Regiment, and served twenty-five months. In 1866 he was appointed weigher in the Boston Custom House, his present position. He has been a resident of Everett, Mass., for twenty years. He is now serving his second term as commander of G.A.R., Post 156, of that town, and is also a member of Lincoln Council A. L. of H., of which he has been treasurer and commander. M-ILLER, John, born in Ireland in 1821. He received his early education in the schools of his native country. He immigrated to this country about 1847, and settled in Boston. He first began business as a grocer, and in 1850 engaged in the wholesale and retail liquor business. By careful business application and integrity he has accumulated a fortune, and ranks among the successful business men and large taxpayers of this city. He was a member of the Common Council of 1865 and 1866, and of the Legis- lature of 1867 and 1868, representing old Ward 2, now Ward 6. He has been a mem- ber of the Democratic City Committee for a number of years. His present extensive trade is carried on principally throughout the United States and Canada. He received his son, William H., into partnership in the year 1880, and the business was increased by the latter. Their volume of business is said to reach 5500,000 annually, including a large domestic cigar trade. Mr. John Miller is practically retired from the business, and it is now managed by his son. Mitchell, George F., elected to serve in the Common Council during the year 1889. Monahan, William H., boot and shoe dealer, born in Roxbury in 1857. He learned his trade as an iron-moulder, but finally abandoned the occupation to engage in the boot and shoe business in Roxbury, his present occupation. He was a member of the Boston Fire Department for five years, and represented Ward 19 in the Legis- lature during 1887. MooNEY, Thomas, printer, born in Bos- ton, November, 1840. He was educated in the public schools of this city; afterward learned the printer's trade. He represented Ward 2 in the Common Council in 1874-75, and in the General Court of 1876-77. MoRRissEY, Denis H., chief clerk of the Board of Assessors, City Hall, was born in Boston, July 10, 1851. He was graduated from the Lawrence School, 1864. In that year he was employed by the Adams Express Company, became clerk of the money de- partment, resigned the position in 1871, and entered the auditor's department, to take charge of the books for the United States and Canada Express Company. He left there May, 1872, to act as ward clerk in the Assessors' Department of this city. He was elected chief clerk, Dec. 6, 1873, by a vote 380 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. of the principal assessors, to fill a vacancy made by Frederick W. Smith, who had re- signed. Mr. Morrissey has been mentioned three different times for the position of prin- cipal assessor. He served two years on the late lamented Col. B. F. Finan's staff, Ninth Regiment, as paymaster, and was commis- sioned by the then lieutenant-governor, Thomas Talbot, Aug. 13, 1874. Mr. Mor- rissey resigned and received an honorable discharge Feb. 25, 1876. He served on General Martin's staff, Sept. 17, 1880, at the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Boston. He was ap- pointed a Justice of the Peace, 1877, and reappointed, 1884. He increased the mem- bership of the Charitable Irish Society from two hundred to five hundred members, and introduced the annual ball, which is a great social event of the year. Mr. Morrissey is a member of many benevolent and social or- ganizations. Morrison, Peter, grocer, born in Boston, Aug. 31, 1853. He attended the public schools of this vicinity, and is at present en- gaged in the grocery business. He repre- sented Ward I in the Common Council of 1881, '82, 'S3, and in the Legislature of 1884. MuLCHiNocK, John D. • MULHALL, John F. J., elected to serve as member in the Common Council during the Mullane, Jeremiah H., born in Boston, Mass., August, 1852. His early studies were made at the Boston public schools, until 1S67. In 1872 a copartnership was formed by and between father and son, which existed until 1879; then his father died, leaving his heirs in full possession of the entire estate. Mr. Mullane is a born politician. He was a member of the Common Council from 1877 to 1880. He served in the House of Representatives from the year 18S0 to 1 See Lawyers. 1883, inclusive. While in the Legislature he was one of the Committee on Finance. This was an honor without precedent, for he was the first Democrat who had ever served on that important committee. He was Commis- sioner on Public Service, 1880 to 1885; elected to the Board of Aldermen; in the latter year he was a Director of Public Institutions, 1885; and on Jan. 10, 1887, elected to fill the unexpired term of Joseph H. O'Neil, who resigned; and on the same day he was elected for three years, from May i, 1887, an execu- tive appointment by Mayor O'Brien. His term of directorship will expire in 1890. He is a member of the Boston Light Dragoons, the Montgomery Veteran Association, and many other organizations. Mullen, James F., pork dealer, born in South Boston, July 2, 1863. He graduated from the Bigelow Grammar School in 1878, and then engaged with his father in the gro- cery and provision business, whom he now succeeds. He was a member of the Common Council of 1887-88, serving on the Commit- tees on Lamps and Treasury Department; is also a member of the Democratic City Central Committee and the Fourth District Congressional Association. Murphy, Francis J., dry goods, born in Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 22, 1852. He was educated in the public schools of his native city. He has been a prominent Demo- crat of the Bunker Hill district for several years past. He represented Ward 3 in the Common Council of 1881, '82, '83, '84, '85, and in the Legislature of 1886, and in both the municipal and State legislative branch he served on important committees. Murphy, James A., contractor, born in Boston in 1857, and was graduated filim the Bigelow Grammar School. In 1873 he re- ceived a high-school diploma, and then at- tended a special course of instruction at Comer's Commercial College. Afterwards he became a clerk and salesman in the grocery business of Wadleigh, Spurr, & Co., ^ ) (i / JOHN R. MURPHY. BIO GRA PHICAL SKE TCHES. 381 in whose employ he continued until 1884, when he resigned to enter business for him- self as a contractor. Mr. Murphy was a member of the Common Council from Ward 13 during the years 1882, ""SyT,, and '84, holding during the latter year positions on the following committees : Claims, Harbor, Public Parks, Joint Rules and Or- ders, Municipal Elections, Council Rules and Orders. Mr. Murphy has also been a member of the Borird of Directors for Pubhc Institu- tions. He has always been a vigorous sup- porter of the Democratic side of the Council Chamber. During 1884 Mr. Murphy was one of the leaders of the Democracy in de- bate on the floor of the Council. He has been a member of the Democratic City Com- mittee and of the Executive Committee since 1884. He is familiar with the machinery of Boston's city government, and well acquainted with the ordinances and the rules and law of procedure. At a special election on Feb. 21, 1 888, Mr. Murphy was elected an alderman from the Sixth District, to fill the place made vacant by the death of the late Alderman William P. Carroll. Mr. Murphy has done effective work as alderman since then. As a debater he is forcible and aggressive when need's be, yet passive and keen at every turn. He is a good tactician, possessing many resources and much reserve power. Murphy, John R., fire commissioner, was born in Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 25, 1856. He was graduated from the Harvard Grammar School, 1869, and from the Charles- town High School, 1873. He entered the office of Silsbee & Murphy, and engaged with them in the merchandise brokerage business, until 1875, when he became connected with the Boston " Pilot," of which his brother-in- law, Mr. John Boyle O'Reilly, is the editor and pubHsher. Mr. Murphy accepted the position of business manager of that newspaper, and was associated with Mr. O'Reilly during ten years. The ambition which prompts many men to become masters of their own actions prompted Mr. Murphy to establish a business for himself. Accordinglv, he embarked in newspaper advertising, in which he was suc- cessful. In 1886 he was appointed a fire commissioner by Mayor O'Brien, and he continues to hold that office. Mr. Murphy was a member of the House of Representa- tives during three years, from 1883-85, inclu- sive, a member of the Massachusetts Senaf.t in 1886. He is a Democrat, and his public speaking has won the applause and favor of his party, while those who differ from him politically acknowledge his ability as a leader in politics and a forcible, persuasive speaker on the platform. Murphy, Patrick F., book-keeper, born in Boston, July 25, 1855. He attended the Quincy Grammar and English High Schools, and is at present connected with Murphy & Kennedy, harness dealers. He represented Ward 12 in the General Court of 1S78-79. Murphy, Timothy A., dealer in paper and twine, born in Boston in 1842. He was educated in the public schools. He is a resident of the Roxbury district, and repre- sented Ward 20 in the Common Council in 1879-80, and was a member of the General Court in 1881. Murphy, William H., men's furnishing and jewellery, born at Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 18, 1855. He studied at the Boston public schools, and at an early age was en- gaged by the Boston Shirt Company, where he learned his business. He is very popular among the residents of Ward 3, who elected him to the Common Council in 1885, '86, '87, '88. He has been appointed on various im- portant committees. Murphy, William J., grocer, born in Boston, March 29, 1854. He attended the public schools of this city until 1867, when he left to learn the shoemaker's trade, which he followed till 1881, and was employed in many of the large suburban shoe factories at various times. In 1882 he engaged in the grocery business at South Boston on his own account, which 382 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. he still continues to transact. He represented Ward 15 in the Common Council of 1888, serving on the Committee on Parks and Markets. ]\IuRRAY, Geo. F. H., deputy collector of internal revenue, born on board a Peabody packet ship (American vessel) at sea, while his parents were coming from Australia, on Dec. 12, 1858. He attended the Boston public schools and St. Charles College, EUicott City, Md. In 1878 he returned to Boston, and became employed by Endicott & Macomber, insurance agents. He later engaged with C. A. Richards, wine merchant, but after a short period entered the insurance business again, on his own account. In 1885 he was appointed to his present position as a deputy collector of internal revenue. He represented Ward 13 in the Common Council, 1883, '84, '85, and was secretary of the Demo- cratic Ward and City Committee in 1884, '85, '86. He is a hfe member of the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College, and a member of the Bay State Club, Charitable Irish Society, Montgomery Veteran Associa- tion, Bachelor Club of South Boston, John Mitchell Branch, I.N.L., and Captain of Com- pany B, Ninth Regiment. Murray, Jeremiah A., kitchen-furnish- ing goods, born in Boston in 1843. He attended the public schools, and early in life engaged as a dealer in kitchen-furnishing goods, his present business. From 1862 to 1865 he served as sergeant in Light Battery, Eleventh Massachusetts Regiment, in the Army of the Potomac. He represented old Ward 3 in the Common Council of 1875-76. He is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, Knights of St. Rose, and Dahlgren Post 2, G.A.R. J^IuRRAY, Richard J., court officer, bom in Boston, Nov. 13, 1859. He attended the Mayhevv School, and after completing his education became employed as clerk. He was later employed for two years as water- inspector for the city of Boston. He was a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for six years, and represented Ward 8 in the Common Council of 1885-86. He was appointed an officer of the Supreme Judicial Court in 1 887, his present position. He is a member of the Fourth District Demo- cratic Congressional Club. Naphen, Henry.^ NooNAN, Daniel, printer, born in County Limerick, Ireland, Feb. 7, 1834. He arrived in this country at an early age, and attended the Boylston School of this city. He was a member of the State Police from November, 1867, to August, 1873. He served in the General Court of 1S75-76. NoRRis, Michael W., trader, born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1855. He immi- grated to this country in 1864, and settled in Boston. He graduated from the Boylston School, and at the age of fifteen went to woric as messenger for the Western Union Tele- graph Company. He afterward engaged as a seaman on the Lakes, and for a time was employed at the Pittsburg Lead Mills. He later returned to this city, and became employed by Haskell & Son, fish dealers. After a brief visit to the South in the interest of tlie fish business, he again returned to Boston in 1877, where he has since resided. He represented Ward 13 in the Common Council of 1888-89, serving on a number of important committees. He is a member of the Royal Society of Good Fellows, A.O.H., Charitable Irish Society, American Societ)' Hibernians, Fourth Congressional Club, and the National Athletic Association. NuNA.N, Thomas F., shipper, born in South Boston, Aug. 29, 1843. He graduated from the Lawrence School in 1859, and attended the High School for one year. In i860 he became employed by Christopher Blake, furniture manufacturer, with whom he remained for fourteen years. He is a > See Lawyers. JOHN B. O'BRIEN, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 383 inember of the Irish American Club, City Point Lodge, Knights of Honor, American Hibernians of South Boston, and represented Ward 15 in the Common Council of 1886, '87, '88, '89. O'Brien, Christopher, born in Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 27, 1839. He came to this country in 1844, and received his early edu- cation at the Mayhew School of tftis city. He became employed as a laborer for a time, and in 1863 enlisted in the navy, and served on board United States steamer "Ni- agara " for three years and six months. He returned to Boston in 1867, and shortly after- vi-ard engaged in the liquor business, in which he has continued ever since. He represented Ward 6 in the Common Council of 1887. When quite a young man he actively prac- tised athletic sports, particularly in the aquatic line. He rowed with George Faulkner at various times from 1858 to 1863, and was an active member of the McClellan, Commercial, and Boston Boat Clubs. He is at present a member of A.O. Foresters, John A. Andrew Post 15, G.A.R., and the Kearsarge Veteran Association. O'Brien, James M., elected to serve as a member of the Common Council during the year 1SS9. O'Brien, James W.' O'Brien, John B., sheriff of Suffolk County, State of Massachusetts, born in 1844. He attended the public schools in this city. At seventeen years of age he entered the army as a private in the Twenty-fourth Regiment, INIassachusetts Volunteers, and served three years. At the battle of Deep Run, Va., Aug. 16, 1864, he was severely wounded, but remained at his post of duty till the expira- tion of his term of service, in October, 1864, when he received an honorable discharge. In the year 1865 he entered the sheriffs office as clerk and collector, and in 1872 was 1 See Lawyers. appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff John M Clark. In the year ^883, Mr. Clark wishing to retire from the office of sheriff, Mr. O'Brien received the unanimous support of all parties, and was elected Sheriff of Suffolk County, which office he has held for nearly three years, performing its duties to the sat- isfaction of all and with credit to himself. On the first day of October, 1886, he received by acclamation the nomination of the Repub- lican party, and on October 20, the nomina- tion by acclamation of the Democratic Convention, for sheriff, for another term of three years. Mr. O'Brien has filled various other places of trust and honor in the city. He was su- perintendent of St. Joseph's Sunday-school for ten years, president of St. Joseph's Con- ference, of St. Vincent de Paul Society six years, president of St. Joseph's Temperance Society five years, clerk of the Emigrant Savings Bank four years. He is a member of the Catholic Union of Boston, the Charita- ble Irish Society, Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, the Grand Army of the Republic, and he is the president of the Home for Destitute Catholic Children, on Harrison avenue. Hon. John M. Clark, sheriff of Suf- folk County for more than a quarter of a century, speaking of Mr, O'Brien since his election, said : " He stands without a peer in the array of sheriffs of this Commonwealth, in the way of his bright accomplishments and ability." The judges of the court are warm in com- mendation of his administration. O'Connor, Dennis, born in County Cork, Ireland, June, 1840. He was educated in Dublin, and graduated from the Normal School of that place. He was a teacher of the National Board of Education for nine years. He immigrated to this country in July, 1S65, and located in Boston. He engaged in the liquor business shortly after he became a resident here, and in 1869 formed with his brother the partnership of D. & T. O'Con- nor, which has since continued. He rep- 384 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. resented Ward S in the Legislature of 1877- 79 and in the Common Council of 1878. O'Connor, Michael, contractor, born in Oranmore, County Galway, in 1 831. He was brought up with his mother's folks in Kilrush, County Clare, where he received his musical education under Bandmaster Hurley, playing 2d clarinet in Father Meehan's band of temperance boys at the age of nine. Three years later he and Michael Gamble played the clarinets in the band, and were a part of the parade that received Smith O'Brien in Limerick on his return after his imprisonment, July 4, 1S48. Mr. O'Connor came to Boston in 1849, with nothing but a set of clarinets and a flute as his stock in trade. He was mustered into the service of the United States as bandmas- ter, Ninth Regiment, June 11, 1861, to go to Washington. He served with the Ninth, and participated in the battles of Mechanicsville, Hanover Court-House, Gaines's Mill, Fair Oaks, and ]\Ialvern Hill, and was mustered out at Har- rison's Landing by order of the War Depart- ment in 1862, with all other bands in the corps. After going home he became band- leader in the Naval Station in Boston, under Admirals Stringham, Montgomery, and Rodgers, organizing the first regular band at that station. Mr. O'Connor is now in the business of general contracting. After the Ninth was mustered out, the survivors living in Boston formed the Society of the Old Ninth, to meet once a year " to fight the battles and reunions over again," and help comrades if required. O'Connor, Patrick, grocer, born in Ire- land, Oct. 15, 1842. He was educated in his native country, and came to America in 1857. He settled in Boston upon his arrival, and has remained here ever since. He is at present engaged in the grocery business. He represented Ward 2 in the Common Council in 1870-71, and was a member of the Legis- lature of 1872. O'Connor, Thomas, born in Cork, Ire- land, May 30, 1849. He was educated in the National Schools of his native place, and came to this country in 1867. He located in Boston, and engaged in the liquor business. In 1869 he formed a partnership with his brother, under the firm name of D. & T. O'Connor, which has since continued. He represented Ward 8 in the Common Council of 1877, and was chairman of the Demo- cratic Ward Committee during 1877-78. He is a memlier of the National Irish Athletic Association, Montgomery Club, Montgomery Veteran Association, and of the executive committee of the Massachusetts Protective Liquor Association. O'DoNNELL, James, born in County of Donegal, Ireland, June 22, 1846. He was educated in the National School of Carndon- nough, in Barony of Irishovven; his teacher was Philip Doherty. ]Mr. O'Donnell came to this country in July, 1863. He was first employed as clerk by Philip O'Donnell, and finally became his partner in the liquor busi- ness in 1876. He served in the Common Council of 1876 from Ward 7, being a mem- ber of the Committees on Bonds of City Offi- cers, Bathing, etc. O'DowD, Andrew A., clerk and account- ant, born in Cork, County of Cork, Ireland, Jan. 29, 1 85 1. He arrived in this country in 1S56, and located in Boston. He graduated from the Eliot Grammar School in 1864, and afterwards attended the English High School. He was for a time employed by the Insulated Lines Telegraph Company, later as clerk for Richards & Co., and for ten years clerk in the office of the Paving Department. In 1886 he was appointed to his present position as clerk and accountant in the office of the Superintendent of Bridges. He served in the Common Council of 1879-80, and is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, and was director of Young Men's Catholic Association during 1876, '77, '78. O'Flvnn, Thomas, grocer, born in Ire- land, March i, 1S46. He was educated BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 385 under the Board of National Education in his native country. He immigrated to this coun- try when quite young, and began business as a grocer's clerk at seventeen years of age. He worked at this occupation in New York City for a time, and is now engaged in the same business in this city. He was elected clerk of Ward 19 in 1S78, and to the Common Council for the years 1883, '84, '85. He has for many years been identified with various local benevolent and business organizations in this city. He took a prominent part in the organization of the Irish National Land League of the United States; was the chief mover in organizing the Retail Grocers' As- sociation of this city, — the idea having been first suggested by him in the " New England Grocer," during September, 1878. In 1883 he was elected a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee. During Gover- nor Robinson's administration he was ap- pointed a Justice of the Peace. O'Grady, Thomas, architect, born in Rox- bury, Mass., March 27, 1858. Graduated from the Comins Grammar School in 1872, and from the Roxbury High School in 1875. He was taught a special course in the depart- ment of architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technolog}-, under the instruction of Prof. William R. Ware, and was, gradu- ated with the class of 1880. Later he studied in the office of Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, for two years, and there received invaluable and practical knowledge of his profession. He studied one year in Baltimore, Md., at Charles Carson's office, returned to his native city, and established himself in the architectural profession. His best skill in design is displayed at the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Troy, N.Y., in a memo- rial granite and marble monument, erected by the Redemptorist priests, and now orna- menting their lot at Calvary Cemetery. St. Anne's School of Industry and Reform- atory of the Good Shepherd, Albany, N.Y.; the new parochial residence in St. James' parish, Boston; and the residence of S. M. Weld, at Wellesley, Mass., — are all beautiful specimens of his ability. He was instructor of architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1887-88; a member of the American Institute of Archaeology and Bos- ton Society of Architecture. He was elected to the School Board in 1887, and his tenure of office will continue until 1890. He re- ceived prize No. 2 for the second best design in the competition of architects for the Bos- ton PubHc Library building. The prize for design on the new Court House, Boston, was awarded him from among eighty Boston con- testants. He is the originator of a standard periodical, " The Technological Architectural Review;" the first number appeared in 1888. It is issued monthly, and contains heliot)'pe reproductions of drawings by the students of the Institute, which are selected by four jurors, of whom Mr. O'Grady is one. The published drawings are the finest executed in the school. O'Kane, Joseph, clerk of the Common Council, born in Boston, Jan. 11, 1847. He attended the Boston Grammar and Latin Schools, and afterwards went to Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. He was ap- pointed assistant clerk of the Council by Clerk Washington P. Gregg, October, 1865. He retained the position of assist- ant clerk for nineteen years. Mr. Gregg resigned in 1884, and Mr. O'Kane then suc- ceeded him to the clerkship. The succes- sive councils have unanimously elected him clerk since that time. He was a member of the School Committee from 1873 to 1876. The organizations with which he has been prominently associated are the Catholic Ly- ceum, of which he was the president. He was president of the Massachusetts Catholic Total Abstinence Union in 1874, and super- intendent of the Sunday School of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. He has ad- dressed assemblages on behalf of the tem- perance cause, to which he strongly adheres. O'Mealey, John W., druggist, born in Boston, June 25, 1861. He was educated in the public schools, and graduated from 386 THE IRISH LV BOSTON. the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, of which institution he is now a director. He was employed ten years for Kelley & Durkee, and is at present with Heath & Co. He was a Democratic member of the Common Council of 1886, and served in the Legisla- ture of 1887 from Ward 17. O'Neil, Joseph H., of the firm of M. F. & J. H. O'Neil, dealers in china, glass, and earthenware, was born in Fall River, March 23, 1853. Educated in public schools of Bos- ton. He was a member of the School Com- mittee in 1874, '75, '76, and a member of the House of Representatives from 187S-82, in- clusive, and in 1884. He served on the Com- mittees on Liquor Laws, Public Buildings, Street Railways, on Rules and Orders, on the Revision of the Statutes, and on Redistrict- ing the State, among others. In the national campaign of 1884 he ran against General Collins for Congress, but was defeated. He was a director and president of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions, and was the City Clerk in 1887-88. He was re-nomi- nated and elected to Congress in 1888, from the fourth district. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for many years. O'Neil, John W., painter, born in Charles- town, Sept. 21, 1859. He graduated from the Winthrop Grammar School, July, 1S75. He was elected a member of the Democratic City Central Committee in 1SS5, and repre- sented Ward 4 in the House of Representa- tives during this year, serving on the Committee on Election Laws He was a strong advocate of the Australian system of balloting. He is a member of the St. Francis de Sales Total Abstinence Society. O' Riley, Allen, furniture dealer, born at Shercock, County Cavan, Ireland, 1825. Emigrated from Ireland in 1847, ^^^ came to Boston in 1849. He was educated in Ireland. Elected to the City Council in 1865. He was a member of the City Coun- cil of Somerville later. He has retired from business and politics. His membership in the Massachusetts State Militia, the Dragoons, covers a period of sixteen years. Plunkett, Christopher, day inspector, Boston Custom House, born at Mount Bellew, County Gal way, Ireland, April 20, 1S29; died at Medford, Nov. 25, 1S8S. His father and mother came to this country and settled in Boston, Mass., in 1834, where his father followed his business as a stucco- worker. The boy Chris followed his parents to Boston at an early age, and after three years' private schooling he entered the em- ploy of Hudson & Smith, proprietors of the Maine "Telegraph" and superintendents of the Merchants' Exchange News Room, where he stayed a number of years. When Hugh Downing, of Philadelphia, introduced the magnetic telegraph between New York and Boston, he offered young Plunkett a position, which he accepted, and remained in for some time. After 1847, when Irish immi- gration was very hea\7, he was one of the organizers of the Irish Emigrant Society, which was for the purpose of assisting and protecting newly arrived immigrants. He served as a member of the board of di- rectors for some years. Captain Plunkett served the State creditably in the militia as a lieutenant in the Shields Artillery, Capt. Edward Young, one of the Irish-American companies which was disbanded by the Know-Nothing Governor, Henry J. Gardiner. At the time of the attack on Fort Sumter, in April, 1 86 1, Captain Plunkett held a lucra- tive position in the city of Boston. On the first call to arms he relinquished his position and threw all his energies into the recruiting and assisting in organizing the Ninth Massachusetts Regiment. He raised his company, and was elected captain of Company B, Otis Guards, April 29, 1861, and commissioned by Governor Andrew, May 2, 1 86 1, and went to the front with the regiment. But a difference having arisen between the captain and colonel, it cul- minated in the resignation of the former, only to return again in a short time as an enlisted man. He was rapidly promoted to BIO GRA PHICAL SKE TCIIES. 387' second and first lieutenant, and performed staff officer's duty at brigade headquarters, and during the first battle of Fredericksburg, in December, 1862, while running orders in front of Marye's Heights to the brigade to ad- vance at double-quick, he had his horse shot dead under him, and received a slight wound in the left leg. In 1863 he was one of three officers, with eighteen men, detailed on de- tached duty to proceed to Long Island, Bos- ton Harbor, for recruits to fill up the reduced ranks of the regiment, where he stayed eight weeks, when he asked to be relieved and sent back to his regiment. Captain Plunkett participated in all the battles with his regiment, from Antietam to the battle of North Anna river, on the twenty- third day of May, 1864, in which battle he had his right arm shot off by a twelve-pound solid shot. He also received a bad wound in the left side. The same shot killed two of his men, Privates Kelly and Sheehan. This was within eighteen days of the expira- tion of the term of service of the regiment. When the regiment was mustered out on Boston Common he was in the Mansion House Hospital, Alexandria, Va. In 1866, Gen. Darius N. Couch, who was then collector of the port of Boston, appointed Captain Plunkett a day inspector in the Boston Custom House, which position he held until his death. Powers, Edward J., printer, born in Boston in 1859. He attended the Lawrence and Bigelow Grammar Schools, and is at present engaged as a job printer. He repre- sented Ward 14 in the Common Council of 1886, '87, '88, serving on the Committees on Common, Public Library, Badges, Fourth of July, Assessors' Department, Department of Survey and Inspection of Buildings. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Park Square Club, Young Men's Catholic Association, Winthrop Council 53S R.A., and was con- nected with Company K., Ninth Regiment, in 1879. QuiGLEY, Charles F., leather manufact- urer, born in St. John, N.B., Jan. i, 1855. He located in Cambridgeport, Mass., in 1 868, and attended the public schools. About 1869 he learned his trade as a currier, and has followed the different branches of the business ever since, and is at present a member of the firm of Quigley & Mc- Donough, leather manufacturers, Chelsea, Mass. He represented Ward 2 in the Com- mon Council of 1 88 1, '82, '83. Quigley, Edward L., insurance, born in East Boston, Feb. 17, 1859. He attended the Adams Grammar School, and became employed in the insurance office of C. W. Holden in February, 1872, where he has had a business connection ever since. He represented Ward 5 in the Common Council of 1885-86. In addition to his insurance office in Boston he has another one in Charlestown. He is a member of the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College. Quigley, James L., finisher, born in Bos- ton, Sept. 8, 1848, where he has always resided. He was educated in the Mayhew and Eliot Grammar Schools of this city. He is by trade a furniture finisher, and has been quite prominent in local politics. He has been a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee for a number of years. He was an assistant assessor in 1876, and represented Ward 6 in the Legislature of 1877, '78, '79, '80, and was a member of the Senate of 188 1. QuiNN, Denis J., clerk, born in Boston, on Old Fort Hill, June 2, 186 1. He is a grad- uate of the Quincy Grammar School. He has been in the employ of Messrs. Carter, Rice, & Co. for the past five years. Mr. Quinn has been prominently identified in Ward 12 politics for several years, and was elected to the Legislature for 1888. He is also a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee. 388 THE IRISH LV BOSTO.V. QuiNN, Patrick H., elected to serve as a member of the Common Council for the year 1889. QuiNN, Philip H., clerk, born in Boston, March ii, 1859. He attended the old Boyl- ston, and afterward the Quincy School, from which he graduated in 1872, and also grad- uated from the English High School in 1875. He then became engaged with his father, Capt. John Quinn, in the stevedore business, which he still continues. He rep- resented Ward 12 in the General Court of 1886, '87, '88, and served on the Committees on Taxation, Harbors, and Public Lands. He is a member of the Ward 12 Oak Club, composed of prominent Irish-Americans. Reade, John, real estate and under- taker, born in Kilkenny, Ireland, Dec. i, 1824. He immigrated to this country May I, 1846. He lived two years at Blackstone, Mass., and twenty years at Milford, Mass., when he became a permanent resident of Charlestown. During the war he served as first lieutenant in the Fifty-seventh Massa- chusetts Regiment, and was in active service three and a half years, participating in all the battles fought from the Wilderness through to Petersburg. He was captured at the blowing up of the mine, and impris- oned for ten months and seven days at Columbus, S.C. He was afterward brevetted captain by Andrew Johnson for meritorious services. He represented Charlestown in the House of Representatives of 1880, '81, and '82, serving on the Committees on Street Railroads and Parishes and Religious Socie- ties. He is a Justice of the Peace, a member of Post II, G. A. R., Union Veterans No. 3, Charitable Irish Society, Montgomery Light Guard Veteran Association, and Ancient Or- der of Hibernians. He is engaged in the real-estate business, and is also an under- taker in Charlestown. Reardon, Peter J., marble-cutter, born in Boston, Dec. 17, 1859. He was a graduate of the Bigelow School. He was also a promi- nen*- member of St. Augustine's Lyceum. He represented Ward 15 in the General Court of 1886. Reilly, Edward F., clerk, born in Bos- ton, Oct. 8, 1853. He removed to Charles- town in 1859, and attended the old Harvard and High Schools, from both of which he graduated. He was first employed by Parker & Dupee in the wool business, and is at present with Nichols, Dupee, & Co. He assisted in organizing St. Mary's Young Men's Temperance Society in 1876, and was vice-president the second year of its exist- ence. He has taken an active interest in politics for twelve years past, was secretary of the Democratic City Committee of 1S87- 88, and has been a member of the Common Council of 1 886, '87, '88. Reynolds, John P.' Roach, Richard, grocer, born in Fer- moy, County Cork, Ireland, June, 1838. He was educated in the National School of his native town. He is at present engaged as a dealer in groceries and liquors in Boston. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1877-78 and in the Legislature of 1879. Robinson, Nathaniel G., sheriff's clerk, born in Boston, March iS, 1856. He at- tended the Phillips Grammar School, from which he was a graduate. At fifteen years of age he became employed at the book- binder's trade, and served two years and four months at the business, with Ira Bradley & Co. In August, 1873, he obtained employ- ment as conductor on the Metropolitan Rail- road, where he remained for about a year. He subsequently returned to the book- binding trade, and was actively engaged in that line until 1883, when he accepted his present position as clerk in the office of the sheriff of Suff"olk County. He was elected from Ward 8 as a member of the Common Council of 1SS9. RoGAN, Edward A., steam and gas fitter, born in Bosto^n, Jan. 12, 1S49. Pie attended BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 389 the public schools of this city, and after leaving school learned the trade of a steam and gas fitter. He represented Ward 7 in the Common Council of 1885-86. Rogers, Abraham T., assistant inspector of buildings, born in Roxbury, July 30, 1851. He was educated in the public schools and at French's Commercial College. He first became employed by his father in the real- estate business, where he continued for some time. He represented Ward 22 in the Com- mon Council of 1880-81, and until July, 1882, when he resigned as a member of that body to accept his present position as assist- ant inspector of buildings. He was at one time connected with Company C, Ninth Reg- iment, and is at present a member of the Royal Society of Good Fellows. Rogers, Patrick H., real estate, born in County Louth, Ireland, July 25, 1S13. He immigrated to St. John, N.B., when about twelve years of age, where he attended the public schools. When about twenty-nine years old he came to Roxbury, where he has since resided. He learned his trade as a carpenter early in life, which he continued for many years, until he extended his busi- ness as a builder and real-estate dealer. He was a member of the Roxbury Common Council of 1858, '59, '63, '65, '67, and repre- sented old Ward 15, Boston, in the same body in 1870. He is a member of the Rox- bury Charitable Society. Santry, John P., plumber, born in Bos- ton, April 9, 1852. He graduated from the Boylston Grammar School and went to leara the plumber's trade at fifteen years of age, and worked at it until 1876, when he en- gaged in business for himself, and he has been very successful. He served in the Common Council in 1878, is a member of the Democratic Ward and City Committee and Finance Committee, and he was elected a member of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions in 1883. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, the Central Club, and the Orpheus Club. ScoLLAXs, William, cattle-dealer, born in Newton, Mass., Aug. i, 1835. When quite young he removed to Brighton, where he attended the public schools. He has been engaged slaughtering and selling cattle since he left school. He served in the Com- mon Council from Ward 25 during 18S6, and was on the Committees of Sewers and Bridges. Shea, John B., book-keeper and real- estate agent, born in Boston, Aug. 15, 1851. He was educated in the Boylston and Latin Schools of this city. He represented Ward 13 in the Legislature of 187S. Shea, John F.' Sheerin, John B., clothing salesman, born in Boston, Feb. 22, 1849. He attended the Mayhew School of this city, and is at present engaged in the clothing business. He rep- resented Ward 6 in the Legislature of 1S82. He was elected a visiting agent for the Board of Overseers of the Poor, and has been almost constantly engaged in assisting various Catholic charitable undertakings and reHef bureaus throughout the city. Short, John C, tradesman, was born in Boston, of Irish parents, Nov. 27, 1S60. Eight years ago young Short was bending over his work at manual labor, — a carpet- color mixer, — performing his daily duties for a rich corporation, the Roxbury Carpet Com- pany, and there receiving his rudimentary and beneficial experience of the woes and wants of his co-workers. Thence he engaged in the service of the Metropolitan Railroad Company, of Boston, for whom he was to legislate some time later. His schooling was first received in the Boston public schools and the grammar schools in New York, Rutger's College, New York, at which he graduated in 1875. Ilis mind, then piously inclined, prompted him to test his vocation for the priestly calling, consequently he entered the 1 See Lawyers. 80O THE IRISH hV BOSTON. seminary of Our Lady of Angels, Suspension Bridge, Niagara, N.Y., but was obliged to leave there at the end of two years to return to the death-bed of his father. Mr. Short has been actively engaged in ameliorating the condition of his associate workmen, and extending his natural abilities towards the improvement of those who engage in the various occupations of manual labor. Mr. Short was a member of the Common Council in 1887, and his intelligent service on the important committees to which he had been assigned won him the confidence of the public. He was elected a member of the Board of Aldermen in i887,'88,'89, and is now accomplishing good work. Alderman Short is the son of James and Mary F. Short. His father was a member of the Ro.xbury Com- mon Council, and a well-to-do manufacturer of carpets. The elder Short was superintendent of John Crosby's carpet factory, in Bridge- port, Conn., and afterwards superintendent of the New Brunswick Carpet Company, of New Jersey, of which he became a partner. Alderman Short has been the honored recipient of many tokens of esteem and regard from the Boston workingmen, whose cause he has always espoused. He was presented with a gold watch and chain by them on Feb. 18, 1887, and ^400 in money, and his portrait in crayon at a ball which they gave in his honor. He also received ^200 from them at another time. He is the worthy foreman of the State Assembly of Massachusetts Knights of Labor, and he has remained a consistent friend to the men who have intrusted to his ability their interests. He was nominated by Mayor O'Brien a director of the Workingmen's Loan Association, of which Robert Treat Paine is the president. Spillane, Timothy B., carpenter, born in Ireland in 1849. He came to the United States when quite young, and received his early education in the pubhc schools of Amesbury, Mass., and completed his school training at a later period in the public schools of Boston. He was at one time a member of the old Seventh Regiment, M.V.^L, and served in the Legislature from ^\^'lrd 16 in 1879. Splaine, Henry, stable-keeper, born in Ireland, Aug. 6, 1837. He was enrolled as a member of Company E, Seventeenth Regiment, at Haverhill, in 1 86 1, and subse- quently elected Ueutenant and then colonel of the regiment. He was mustered out of service Aug. 19, 1865. He was a member of the General Court, from Ward 2, in 1872-73. Stack, James H., born in Boston, Aug. 6, 1855. He attended the Boylston Grammar School, which he left in 1S67 to learn the printer's trade. P'rom 1S67 to 1S79 he was employed by Rockwell & Churchill, when he engaged in the liquor business for himself, and now represents real and personal prop- erty to the amount of $50,000. He served in the Common Council of 1S82; is a mem- ber of the Montgomery Veteran Association and Charitable Irish Society. Sullivan, Benjamin J., post-ofhce super- intendent, born in East Boston, Jan. 12, 1856. He attended the public schools, and at the age of fifteen became employed in a dry-goods store, where he worked three years. He then learned wood-carving and upholstering, and was engaged in the latter trade for eleven years. He represented Ward 2 in the Common Council of 1886. He has been identified with the Democracy of East Boston for several years, and was recently appointed superintendent of the post-office for that district, his present position. Sullivan, James, stable-keeper, born in Kerry, Ireland, in 1S44. He was educated in the Boston public schools, having come to this city when quite young. During the war he served in one of the Massachusetts regiments, and is a member of the G.A.R. He is also a member of the Charitable Irish Society and the Foresters. He was elected to the House of Representatives of 1SS6-87, from Ward 13. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 391 Sullivan, James H., electeil to serve as a member of the Common Council during the year 18S9. SuLLiVAN% John H., stevedore, born in Ireland in 1848. He was educated in the National Schools of his birthplace. He ran away from home at the age of eighteen years to go to sea, and arrived in America in 1867. Later he was an inspector of East India merchandise in East Boston. He tinally be- came stevedore in charge of the National, Do- minion, Warren, and Leland Steamship Line docks. He was a member of the Common Council of 18S4-S5, Board of Aldermen of 18S6-87, and the Massachusetts Senate of 1888. Sullivan, Michael, born in London, England, April 10, 1837. He emigrated when very young, and settled in this city, where he was educated at the public schools- He represented Ward 5 in the Legislature of 1876. Sullivan, Richard.' Sullivan, Thomas F., cigar manufact- urer, born in Fitchville, Conn., March 22, 1862. He removed to New Hartford at an early age, where his parents still reside. He attended the public schools of the latter place, and at the age of fifteen engaged in the milk business with his father. In 1879 went into the grocery business at South Boston, which he continued till 188 1. Later he accepted a position as traveUing salesman for Allen & Woodworth, and remained with them for three years. In 1884 he entered the firm of McCormick & Sullivan, as manufact- urers of cigars. He was a member of the Legislature of 1887, from South Boston. Sweeney, Daniel J., printer, born in Boston, Jan. 25, 1834. He was educated in the public schools of this city, and after- ward learned the printer's trade. He was See Lawyers employed by Rockwell & Churchill for sev- eral years, and represented Ward I in the Common Council of 1S63, '64, '67, '79, '80, and in the Legislature of 1874-75. He has been employed as keeper of the city tombs during recent years. Sweeney, Thomas E., artist and in- structor, born in North Abington, Mass., Aug. 31, 1864. He graduated from the North Ab- ington High School and Massachusetts State Normal Art School, and supplemented his art studies in Paris. At the Normal School he stood first in his class on mechanical drawing, modelling in clay, and free-hand drawing, and was engaged as instructor at the school at which he graduated, a position which he still retains. He is also engaged as a teacher of mechanical drawing at the East Boston Evening Drawing-School, and as teacher of monumental drawing at the Evening Drawing-School of Quincy, Mass. He has resided in Boston since 1884, and during his business experience has executed many creditable works of art in different departments. Taylor, William, was born of Irish parents in St. John's, Newfoundland, April 15, 1S31, and received a good common-school educa- tion. A taste of sea life on fishing-trips woke the sailor instinct in him. School- books and slate went overboard, and at the age of fourteen he tried his luck as a stowa- way. Once he was found and put ashore in a M-ild country, with a three days' tramp through heavy snows between himself and home. The next attempt landed him at Figueira, in Portugal. During the next twelve or fifteen years he sailed in every quarter of the globe, varying the monotony of the sea by ventures, not altogether unrewarded, in the gold mines of Australia and California. In the forecastle he saw tyranny and cruelty enough to make him forever unwilling to trust any man to the unchecked and irre- sponsible power of another, and it is inter- esting to trace in the statute books of the State of Massachusetts the effect of this ex- 3D2 THE IRISH LY BOSTON. perience on Mr. Taylor's career as a legislator. Before he abandoned the sea he rose to the rank of captain. Mr. Taylor settled in Bos- ton in 1859. He was a member of the Com- mon Council in 1S70 and 1 87 1, and again in 1876; amemberof the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1872-73, and of the Senate in 1879-80. While on the Committee on Federal Relations in the House he pre- sented a resolution requesting Congress to legislate for the more effectual security of the rights of seamen in cases of shipwreck or freight losses; and though opposed by the rest of the committee, the measure was car- ried by both House and Senate, and was in- fluential in changing the maritime law of the nation. Mr. Taylor stood with the minority of the same committee in opposing the vote of censure passed on Charles Sumner in 1873. In the Senate he served with credit on the Committees on Fisheries and Harbors; orig- inated the appeal, which has since been an- nually repeated, for manhood suffrage, and which effected the reduction of the suffrage qualification to one dollar instead of two; proposed a modification of the ahen laws, tending to avoid expense and prevent fraud, which was rejected; secured the enactment" of legislation compelling private detectives to be licensed; was selected by the special committee of 1879 on contract convict labor to draft a bill for a reformatory, and embodied in this bill some of the most important of the humane ideas of prison reform then first coming into public notice. Mr. Taylor's work in this connection attracted wide attention, and resulted in the passage, in 1883, of the present law, which is a slight modification of the bill originally reported by him. He was a delegate to the National Demo- cratic Convention in 1881. In 1883 Mr. Taylor was appointed on the health com- mission. To his energetic administration of his share of this office is largely due the very noticeable improvement in the sanitary con- dition of the city during the last six years. Teevens, John J., bom in Darrlheyk, County Leitrim, Ireland, Nov. 11, 1844. He received his early education at the National Schools in Ireland, and emigrated, July 12, i860, locating in Boston. In i860 he en- gaged to learn the trade of coppersmith with A. B. & S. H. Loring, where he was employed for fifteen years. In 1875 ^^ entered into the hquor business for himself at South Boston, and now represents real estate to the amount of about $40,000. He was a member of the Common Council of 1887, '88, '89, serving on the Committees on Printing, Public Library, Ordinance, and Judiciary. He is a member of a number of Irish societies. ToBiN, Richard F., fire commissioner, born in Boston, Nov. 20, 1844. He was a pupil of the public schools, and was appren- ticed at sixteen years of age to Lyman, Kins- ley, & Co., iron moulders. He entered the service of the United States sloop-of-war "Preble "in 1862, and after the destruction of that vessel he was transferred to the frigate " Potomac." He rendered creditable service under Admiral Farragut in the West Gulf squadron. He has served in the Cam- bridge City Council, and was assistant engi- neer of the Cambridge fire department, and a Democratic member from Boston of the State Legislature, where he distinguished him- self by championing the " Soldiers' Exemption Bill." He has been a member of different posts of the Grand Army of the Republic, and he became a member of Post 30, at Cam- bridge, Mass., and was elected senior vice- commander and afterwards commander. He is now a member of Post 2, at South Boston. He was a member of the Council of Adminis- tration, Department of Massachusetts; junior vice department commander; and was unan- imously elected senior vice-commander, De- partment of ISIassachusetts, G.A.R. Mr. Tobin learned the iron business, and he was appointed the superintendent of the Wal- worth Manufacturing Company's extensive iron works at South Boston. He was ap- pointed a fire commissioner by Mayor O'Brien in April, 1877, on account of his fitness for the place, as well as in recognition of his ser- vices as a fireman and practical master of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 393 technique of the department. His appoint- ment satisfied many of our citizens, and sur- prised Commissioner Tobin, who had never solicited the office. ToLAND, Hugh J., superintendent of lamps, born in Boston, Sept. i, 1844. He graduated from the Lawrence Grammar School in 1859, and from Boston English High School with the class of 1862. He devoted three years to private study of the classics and modern languages; was taught the trade of watchmaker by his father, Mr. John Toland, with whom he remained in that business until 1872. He became actively en- gaged in politics, and he has filled many honorable positions in the service of the State and City governments. In 1869 he was elected to membership on the Boston School Board. He was an assistant assessor from 1870-76; a Democratic member of the House of Representatives 1871-75, inclusive ; a member of the Massachusetts State Senate from 1874-75, inclusive; a first assistant as- sessor in 1876; and a member of Governor's Council in 1877. He was the sealer of weights and measures from 1879-S3, inclusive, and the superintend- ent of lamps from 1885-89. He effected a change in the settlement laws while in the Legislature, whereby the right of settlement was granted to those persons who would pay taxes for three successive years, instead of for five years, as required by the old law. The painting of the building and the gilding of the dome of the State House in 1874 was due to Mr. Toland's persistent efforts, at an expense of $30,000. He \vas appointed on the Committee of In- vestigation, whose duties consisted of learn- ing the manner in which the money was spent. He was the chairman of the House Committee on Ventilation in 1875, and the attorney-general complimented him for the economical outlay which he had regulated on behalf of the State. In 1876 was the prin- cipal in the management of the campaign of Benjamin Dean, who was elected by twenty- iive votes; the Prince campaign in 1877; the Butler campaign in 1878 and 1882. In 1878 General Butler suffered defeat; but in 1882 he was successfully elected by a majority vote of 1 3,000. Tracy, Thomas F., cigar-maker, born in Boston, May 20, 186 1. He graduated from the Quincy Grammar School in 1877. ^^ was first employed for Shepard, Norwell, & Co., where he remained for three years, and then left to learn the trade of a cigar-maker, his present business. He served in the Com- mon Council of 1887-88 from Ward 12, and was on the Committees on City Hospital, Cambridge Bridge, Queen Kapiolani's Re- ception, City Hospital, Joint Contingent Expenses, and Health Department. To him is due the credit of first introducing the Saturday half-holiday order. He is a mem- ber of the Cigar-Makers' Union. Walsh, John H., hotel-keeper, born in Kilsheelan, near Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland, Nov. 28, 1842; died at Brighton, Mass., Sept. 3, 1888. He was educated in the schools of his native place, and early in life took an active part in the Fenian movement. He was one of the organizers of a circle in the town in which he lived, and took such a prominent part, that in 1865 he was com- pelled to flee from home to save his life. During that year he came to this country, and located in Boston, where he engaged in the liquor business. In 1874-75 he repre- sented old Ward 5 in the Common Council. About 1876 he became a resident of Brigh- ton, and established the Centennial House, AUston, the same year. He was a member of the Democratic City Committee for several years, and the State Central Committee one year. He was a stanch Democrat in politics, independent in action, but with the utmost honesty of purpose. He was always identi- fied with Irish affairs, and was one of the organizers of the Irish Athletic Club of Boston. Walsh, John L.' I See Lawyers. 394 THE IRISH IN BOSTON Walsh, Matthew, assistant inspector of buildings, born in County Kilkenny, Ire- land, June 20, 1836. He immigrated to Quebec in 1S45, but remained only a few weeks, and then came to Boston, where he has since been located. He attended the public schools until about thirteen years of age. In 1851 he served his apprenticeship as a plumber, which trade he was engaged in for a number of years. He served as sergeant in Company A of the Fifth Massa- chusetts Regiment during the M'ar. After returning from the battle-tield he resumed his employment as a journeyman plumber, and for a time was engaged in business on his own account. In 1883 he was appointed to his present position as inspector of build- ings. He was a member of the Charlestown Common Council of 1867, and of the same body in Boston during 1880, '81, '82. He is a member of Post 11, Grand Army of the Republic. Ward, John P. J.' Welch, William J., district superin- tendent Water Department, City Hall, was born in Boston in 1848, and attended the public schools. He was early engaged in the newspaper and periodical business at the Merchants' Exchange, and solely by his own exertions and industry he has accumu- lated a respectable fortune. In 1879 Mr. Welch was elected to the Common Council of 1880, and also served in the Councils of 1881- 82. He served on several important com- mittees, notably the Committees on Finance, Police, and Assessors' Department. He was elected an alderman in 1882 on the Demo- cratic and Citizens' tickets, arid was a member of the Board in 1885. Whall, William B. F.' White, James, tailor, born in County Limerick, Ireland, Jan. 20, 1S31. He re- ceived a common-school education. He is ^ Set Lawyers. by occupation a tailor, and has been a resi- dent of Charlestown for many years. On May 26, 1865, he was commissioned captain of the Jackson Guard, Company G, Ninth Regiment, M.V.M., which was formed at that time. During the last two years that Charles- town was a separate city, he was a member of the Charlestown Common Council. He also represented Ward 3 in the Legislature of 1881-82, and served on the Committee on Liquor Law. IMembers of Common Council. Amory, Jonathan, 1822, "23. Amory, Thomas Coffin, 1S36, '37, '38, '39, '40, '41, '42. Barry, Edward W., 1874. Barry, John H., 1857, '58. Barry, Patrick, 1875. Barry, William, 1822, '24, '25, '26, '27. Bean, Nicholas J., 1865. Boies, Jeremiah, 1825, '26. BR.A.DY, Hugh E., 1884, '85, '86. Brennan, Tho.mas, 1871, '72, '73. Buckley, Joseph, 1855, 'S^, '62, '63. Cannon, John, 1S79. Carney, Michael (Ward 7), 1867. Carr, Daniel, Jr., 1861. Carroll, Joseph H., 1886. Cassidy, Patrick L., 1883, '84, '85. Cawley, Dennis, Jr., 1866, '67, '74. Cochr.'VN, Samuel J., 1886. Coleman, Jeremiah F., 1887. Collins, Patrick, 1872, '73. CoNNELL, Joseph P., 1881, '82, '84. Connor, Christopher A., 1866, '67. CoYLE, George J., 1875. Coyle, Patrick, 1886, '87, '%%. Cronin, Patrick H., 18S0, '81. Crowley, James K., 1869, '74. Cullen, Bernard, 1862, '63. Dacey, James F., 1874. Dacey, John, 1S60, '61. Daly, James F., 1S81, '82. Daly, William A., 1885. Devine, James, 1870, '71, '72, '79, 'So. Doherty, Cornelius, 1859, '60. DoHERTY, Cornelius !•"., 1879, 'So, '81, 'S3. BIO GRAPHIC A L iiKE TCIIES. 395 DoHERTY, John, ist, 1879, '80, '81. DoHERTY, Thomas, 1869, '70. DoHERTY, Thomas H., 1873. DoLAN, Bartholomew, 1872. DoLAN, Thomas, 1868, '70, '71. Donnelly, Eugene C, 1870. Driscoll, Michael J., 186S. Duggan, John A., 1875, '77. DuGGAN, Thomas J., 1886. English, William, 1885, '86. Fagan, James, 1877. Fallon, John C, 1861, '62. Fennelly, Robert, 1825. FiNNERTY, Edward, 1883, '84. Fitzpatrick, Thomas J., 1875, '7^- Flynn, Dennis A., 1877, '87. Flynn, James J., 1865, '66, '68, '69, '71, '72, '73, '74> '75, '76, 'n, '83- Flynn, John F., 1865, '66. FOLAN, Martin T., 1880, '81, '85, '86, '89. Ford, William C, 1850, '57, '58, '59. Ford, William H., 1881, '82. Fox, James W., 1876. FoYE, John W., 1871. Furlong, Nicholas, 1879. Gallagher, John, 1885, '86. GiBLiN, John H., 1870. Gogin, Thomas, 1864, '67. Good, John, 1882. Green, Thomas H., 1884. Hanigan, Jeremiah, 1875. Hayes, John T., 1879. Hennessey, Edward, 1849, '50. HiCKEY, Thomas H., 1886. Horgan, Dennis A., 1884, '85. Houghton, Michael J., 1882, '83. Hughes, Francis M., 1872, '73. Jackson, Patrick T , 1822. Jackson, Patrick T., 1864. Keaney, Matthew, 1862, '63, '64, '68, '69. Kelley, John (Ward 6), 1877, '78. Kelley, Michael, 1873. Kelley, Roger J., 1879. KiLDUFF, William J., 1884. KiLLioN, Michael J., 1882, '83. Lappen, James A., 1875, '76. Leahy, John, i860. Logan, Patrick F., 1863. Loughlin, James W., 1S77. Mackin, William, 1884. Madden, Hugh A., 1866. Madden, John, 1873. Maguire, FriVncis p., 1883, '84. Mahan, John W., 1873. AIcCarthy, Charles J., 1S59, '60, '61, '62, '64. McCarty, Michael H., 1874. McClusky, James F., 1877. McCurmick, Martin S., 1881. McCuE, Robert, 1873. McDevitt, Robert, 1871. McGiLVRAY, David F., 1856, '57. McKenney, William, 1873. McNary, William S., 1886. Miller, William H., 1885. MiNON, Michael G., 1868. MoLEY, Patrick, 1874, '75. MooNEY Thomas (Ward 3), 1859. MooNEY, William, 1864, '65. MuLLANE, Jeremiah M., 1869, '71, '72. Murphy, Cornelius, 1861, '62. Murphy, James F., 1885. Murphy, John, 1886. Murphy, John J., 1870. Nugent, James H., 1877. O'Brien, Christopher, 1886. O'Brien, Francis, 1879. O'Brien, John, 1870, '71. O'Brien, John P., 1883. O'DoNNELL, Edward, 1877. O'Donnell, Philip, 1861, '62, '63. Power, Richard, 1875. QuiNN, John, 1870. Reagan, William J., 1884, '85, '86. Richards, William R., 1886. Riddle, Patrick E., 1885. Riley, James, 1859, '60, '61, '62. Ryan, Edward, 1862, '63. Ryan, Joseph T., 1868, '69, '70, '71. Slattery, John A., 1879. Sweeney, Daniel J., 2d, 1880. Taylor, William, 1870, '71, '76. Taylor, William, Jr., 1884, '85, '86. Teevan, James, 1881, '82. Tucker, John C, 1858, '59, '60, '61, '62, '63, '67. Wells, Michael F., 1862, '63, '64, '67, '68, '69, '70, '73- BUSINESS AFFAIRS MEN OF BUSINESS. BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND MEN OF BUSINESS. THE geographical position of Boston makes it one of the most important commercial cities in the United States, and, as the metropolis of New England, it commands the immense volume of trade of the Eastern States. The almost fabulous growth of our industries, and the ex- tent of our import and export trade, have won the admiration of the world. The Old World steadily receives our products, and there is an encouraging increase of exported articles each year. Boston is also the great distributing point whence the merchandise of the East is shipped to every section of the continent. The abundant capital at the disposal of its citizens places it in the front rank of the lead- ing industrial cities in the country. The position of the Irish race, as projectors and promoters of the diversified business enterprises and important factors in the present development of trade and manufact- ures, is progressive. The early Irish settlers of whom there is any record seem to have engaged in the paper and chocolate industries. Such men as John Cogan, James Boies, John Hannan, and Jeremiah Smith, for instance, were among the most able and prominent busi- ness men of early times. About Cogan much might be written. To Mr. John B. Reagan, of Dorchester, Mass., we are indebted for the discovery of Cogan's Celtic origin, and the following sketch of his work in Boston, which appeared in "The Boston Herald" of May 23, 1889, is interesting: — (399) 400 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. JOHN COGAN, THE MAN WHO OPENED THE FIRST STORE IN BOSTON. To the Editor of the " Herald: " — Among those who came over in the so-called Winthrop fleet, composed of " people from all parts," were several merchants from the maritime ports of Ireland, of whom John Cogan was one. He first went to Dorchester, and had land allotted him there in 1630. The keen and far-seeing eye of the man of business quickly discovered that Boston was destined to be the location for men of his stamp, and he moved there in 1632. He, in company with Winthrop, Bellingham, Coddington, and others, laid the foundation of what is to-day the city of Boston. He was appointed by Governor Winthrop in 1633 '^ commissioner to select the lands that were best adapted for agricultural purposes, that the colonists might not waste their energies in planting on land not adapted for their crop. He was one of the board of selectmen the first year of its existence, was one of the first to join the church, and so much was he esteemed by Rev. Mr. Wilson, the pastor of the first church in Boston, that Cogan was often consulted by him on worldly affairs. The lot on the north-east corner of State and Washington streets he purchased of Rev. Mr. Wilson, and erected a building on it; and on this spot, March 4, 1634, John Cogan from Ireland opened the first store in the town of Boston. To him belongs the honor of being the father of Boston merchants. He was one of the charter members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. The name of Mr. Cogan is insepa- rably connected with the interests and progress of the first twenty-five years of Boston's existence. He was the owner of a great deal of real estate in the city and surrounding towns. Among his property was the lot corner of Beacon and Tremont streets, known in our day as the Pavilion and Albion Hotel lot. It was 322 feet on Beacon street and 76 feet on Tremont street. After the death of Mr. Cogan it became the residence successively of Joshua Scotto, Colonel Shrimpton, and Rev. Mr. Oxenbridge, and was considered at that time one of the most desirable resi- dences in Boston. Mr. Cogan's next-door neighbor on the north, toward Pem- berton square, was Governor Bellingham. This Bellingham lot became famous afterward as the homestead of the Faneuils. The Faneuils came to Boston in 1691, and were obliged to give bonds to the town that they would not become a public charge. When Peter Faneuil died, in 1742, this property was appraised at the then enormous sura of ^12,375, so that this locality must have been one of Boston's favored spots as a residence. In 165 1 Mr. Cogan was married to Martha, the widow of Gov. John Winthrop, Governor Endicott performing the marriage ceremony. Among Mr. Cogan's donations to Harvard College was 175 acres of land in Chelsea. He was very wealthy for the times he lived in. Among his prop- erty was one farm in Chelsea, valued at ^450, beside other parcels in that locality. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 401 He had mills in Charlestown and in Maiden, also 500 acres of land in Woburn, and two stores in Boston, with other property beside his residence. All in all, he was one of Boston's chief pillars, both in Church and State. He died in Boston, April 27, 1658. ' J. B. R. Dorchester, May 23, 1889. PAPER-MILLS IN MILTON. EARLY IRISH SETTLERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. Recent articles on the early paper industry of this country have excited the curiosity of many of our older citizens, who have re- freshed their memory by tracing up the early history of some of the founders of the paper-mills. From records which have been ap- proved by the writers of history, a Dorchester (Mass.) citizen has compiled the following story of the paper industry on the Neponset river : — On Sept. 13, 1 728, the Massachusetts General Court passed an act granting the exclusive privilege to make paper in this province for a term of ten years to some Boston merchants. Among them were Thomas Hancock and Benjamin Faneuil. A fine of twenty shillings was imposed on every ream manufactured by anybody else. These gentlemen leased a building at what is now Milton Lower Mills. Henry Deering acted as agent and superintendent. These gentlemen carried on the business until 1737, when it came under the superin- tendency of Jeremiah Smith, who had some years' previously arrived from Ireland. In 1 74 1 he was enabled to purchase the mill from the heirs of Rev. Joseph Belcher, of Dedham, with seven acres of land lying on both sides of the Neponset river, and bounded by the public landing and also the county road. Mr. Smith continued to carry on the business until 1775, when, having accumulated a fortune, he sold out to his son-in-law, Daniel Vose, and retired from active business. If to Mr. Smith belongs the credit of being the first individual paper manu- facturer, to others of his countrymen is due the fact that the Neponset river was made the basis of paper manufacturing in the North American colonies, which, in a measure, lasts to this day. 402 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. About 1744, Capt. James Boies, who had been acting as super- cargo on vessels saihng from Galvvay and Bristol, settled in Dorchester, and built mills and manufactured paper. In 1771 he took into partnership his son-in-law, Hugh McLean, and they became the owners of several paper-mills and slitting-mills on the Neponset river. About 1795, a young man from New Jersey named Mark HoHingsworth was given employment in one of these mills, and after the deaths of Boies and McLean he, in company with Edward Tileston, became possessed of the mills and water privileges. The descendants of Messrs. Tileston and HoHingsworth carry on the business to this day in the same locality. Jeremiah Smith, Hugh McLean, and James Boies may be said to be the founders and early promoters of the paper industry of Dorchester and Milton. In the biographical sketches we have touched upon the business records of other men who were eminently among the solid men of the city in early times. The fact that the prominence of their descend- ants in business life does not stand out so boldly to-day is due to the blending of the Irish blood of the fathers with that of other nationalities. The Irish-American business men of our generation in Boston are progressing steadily towards the highest positions of profit in the commercial and mercantile world. The relative posi- tions between the Boston business men of Irish birth and descent and those of principal Western cities is very large, varying in point of wealth many millions of dollars. We have no Mackay, Flood, or other bonanza kings. The wealthy New York Irish-American capitalist has no peer in Boston. We are yet but sowers. A prominent citizen of Boston asked Gen. Benjamin F. Butler not long since why it was that the Irish citizens of Boston had not made more visible progress among the leading manufacturers and merchants of the city. The general replied that the Irish, in this respect, were like a young, sturdy, and growing wood, encompassed and overshadowed by a larger one of full growth, and that in course of time the young wood swells to such proportions as to force the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 403 old wood down, and burst into full view ; which seems to be a very unique explanation of the difficulty. It would involve much time and space to narrate the business success of the individual. Much can be learned from the biographical sketches in this book. That the Irish have contributed to the material advancement and pros- perity of Boston, and given to it much of its industrial prominence, is a fact unquestionable. THE UNION INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS. When the Rev. John McElroy, S.J., was building the Church of the Immaculate Conception and Boston College on Harrison avenue, it required a large expenditure of money, and he found it very difficult to obtain loans from the savings-banks of this city, as they were prejudiced against such loans, and there was a possibility that the work would have to stop for want of means. Associated with Father McElroy there were a number of lay- men, who were anxious for the financial prosperity and success of the church and college, among the most active of whom were Joseph A. Laforme, Francis McLaughlin, John C. Crowley, Hugh O'Brien, Geo. F. Emery, and Hugh Carey, and the question was asked, Why not start a savings-bank that would be managed with more liberality, enable the large and increasing Catholic population to build their churches, asylums, and institutions of learning, and also to encourage men of small means to build dwellings? They were aware of the fact that considerable money was lying idle, and that it only required a little effort to induce people to place their surplus earnings under the control of such a management, and, after consideration, it was determined to ask the Legislature for a charter. This idea was strongly encouraged by the Right Rev. John B. Fitzpatrick, by the Very Rev. J. J. Williams, V.G.,^ by the Rev. Father McElroy, and other well-known clergymen and laymen ; but it was believed at the time if Catholics alone applied for a charter, that it was doubtful if the Legislature would grant it, on account of 1 The present Archbishop of Boston, who has ever been a stanch friend of the bank. 404 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. existing prejudices. To overcome this prejudice, the cooperation of outside parties was asked, and, with the combined influence of such leading citizens as Moses B. WiUiams, Wm. I. Bowditch, R. S. S. Andros, Joshua D. Ball, Thomas J. Lee, Wm. H. Thorndike, and Robert H. Waters, the General Court was petitioned for a charter to the Union Institution for Savings in the city of Boston, which was granted to Moses B. Williams, Patrick Donahoe, John C. Crowley, and their associates. The act of incorporation was signed and approved by Gov. John A. Andrew, Feb. 8, 1865. The first president was John C. Crowley, and treasurer, George F. Emery, who held the position until his death, April 14, 1886. The "Union" commenced business at No. 238 Washington street. May I, 1865. On the 25th of March, 1869, the corporation approved of the purchase of a site for a bank building, corner of Chauncy and Bedford streets, and Messrs. John C. Crowley, Hugh O'Brien, and Joseph A. Laforme were appointed a building committee with full powers. A handsome stone structure was erected, to which the bank was removed Aug. 5, 1870, occupying No. 37 Bedford street, with the significant emblem of a large beehive in gilt pro- jecting over the entrance. This institution broke down the prejudice existing against loans on Catholic-church property, and savings-banks, whose depositors were, to a very large extent, Irish Catholics, and some of whom had positively refused any loans on such property, soon came to their senses, and now, and for a long time, such loans are eagerly taken, and considered among the safest investments. The bank has now been in existence twenty-four years, has been managed with care and ability, and successfully withstood the great run on savings-banks that occurred some years ago. In fact, during that panic, it proved to be one of the strongest savings-banks in the State, as the bank had a large amount of quick assets on hand, and was enabled to meet all demands in accordance with the by-laws of the institution. The rates of interest paid during these years have been from eight to three per cent. One commendable feature of the bank is the number of small mortgages held, — a far greater pro- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 405 portion than any similar bank in the State, — and in this way it has encouraged persons of small means to build and own their home- steads. The gentlemen who have been connected with the active man- agement of the bank during these twenty-four years are : — Moses B. Williams, Joseph A. Laforme, Hugh O'Brien, Patrick Donahoe, John C. Crowley, Francis McLaughlin, Thomas J. Lee, Robert H. Waters, Theodore Metcalf, Wm. H. O'Brien, Hugh Carey, James Collins, Francis A. Peters, John W. Cartwright, Thomas B. Williams, Bernard Foley, Owen Nawn, John J. Hayes, Cornelius P. Harkins, Joseph D. Fallon, Michael J. Ward, James W. Dunphy, P. H. Kendricken, John Curtin, Edward Harkins. The following as trustees : — R. S. S. Andros, John G. Blake, M.D., P. O. Burrough, Rev. Wm. Byrne, P. A. Collins, Tristram Campbell, Wm. T. Connelly, Michael Doherty, T. J. Dacey, James G. Davis, Cor. F. Driscoll, Wm. A. Dunn, M.D., George F. Emery, Rev. James Fitton, John E. Fitzgerald, M. F. Gavin, M.D., P. F. Griffin, Rev. Geo. A. Hamil- ton, Rev. Geo. F. Haskins, Owen H. Hanlon, Ambrose Kohler, James F. Mullin, William Murray, Dugald McDougall, John M. Maguire, W. J. Porter, Wm. S. Pelletier, Henry Pazolt, P. H. Powers, Henry L. Richards, Thomas F. Ring, P. F. Sullivan, Rev. J. Simeon, S.J., James H. Tallon, Samuel Tuckerman, Denis H. Tully, Joseph Walker, N. M. Williams. The bank is now located at the corner of Washington street and Hayward place, — a very prominent corner in a great business centre, — and since this estate was purchased it has largely increased in value. The bank has on hand a large guarantee and surplus fund, which insures perfect safety to all depositors. The present officers of the bank are : — 1888-89. President. — Hugh O'Brien. Vice-President. — Joseph D. Fallon. Treasjirer. — William S. Pelletier. 406 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Clerk.— ]o\\\\ J. McCluskey. Trustees. — John G. Blake, John Curtin, James G. Davis, C. F. Driscoll, William A. Dunn, James W. Dunphy, Joseph D. Fallon, John E. Fitzgerald, M. F. Gavin, C. P. Harkins, Edward Harkins, P. H. Kendricken, John M. Maguire, Owen Nawn, Hugh O'Brien, William S. Pelletier, William J. Porter, P. F. Sullivan, Joseph Walker, Michael J. Ward, Nicholas M. Williams. Executive Committee. — Hugh O'Brien, ex officio ; Joseph D. Fallon, John Curtin, C. P. Harkins, Edward Harkins, P. H. Kendricken, M. J. Ward. Deposits, $3,422,698.27. Surplus, $144,686.50. ANDREW CARNEY. Of the many representative Irishmen whom Boston can claim as an honored citizen, and refer to the history of his life with the utmost pride, none, perhaps, could have a more exalted position than Andrew Carney. He was, in the words of a business asso- ciate, " one of God's best noblemen." To the poor of this city in times of sickness and poverty he was a kind-hearted, whole- souled, generous friend and protector. To the Catholic Church and the charitable institutions in existence about the middle of the nineteenth century he v/as a ready provider, and always liberally subscribed large sums of money for their maintenance. Many a poor apple-woman of his time, presiding over her " little stand," was approached by the Irish merchant and tendered a half-dollar, "with no change," in payment of his purchase of an apple. He would walk away with the exclamation, " Hush, my dear woman, don't say a word about it ! " Incidents of this kind would sometimes be so frequent, that on riding home in a street car at the close of the day, he would not have money enough to pay his fare, necessitating a loan from a neighbor, which he always made it a rule to pay on the following day. Andrew Carney, the founder of the Carney Hospital, was born in Ballanagh, County Cavan, Ireland, May 12, 1794; he died at Boston, Mass., April 3, 1864, within a month and nine days of being seventy BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 407 years of age. He was of humble origin, and received but a meagre education. At an early age he learned the tailor's trade, and in i8i6, when twenty years of age, came to this country. He located in Boston, where he obtained employment as a tailor " at the bench," and for a time worked for Kelley & Hudson, tailors, on State street. " He began life," said the Rev. Father McElroy, in his eulogy, " with nothing but health and labor to rely upon." Young Carney was, however, self-reliant, confident, industrious, persevering, economical, and regular in his business habits, and he won. He held the key of success in his hand, turned it at the opportune time, and opened the door to a substantial fortune. In or about the third decade of the present century he became associated in business with Hon. Jacob Sleeper, under the firm style of Carney & Sleeper, cloth- iers, North street. This association continued until he was about fifty years of age, and resulted very satisfactorily financially to both partners. Few business firms of that period could show a business record as honorable, or one indicative of more comimendable enter- prise, Mr, Carney was always punctual, and regarded his word with the sincerity and security of a bond. It is said of him that he was a very keen business man, was exceedingly shrewd, and could see " money " in a transaction when others would be blind to the possi- bilities of the occasion. In 1845 the firm of Carney & Sleeper dis- solved, and during the last nineteen years of his life he was not actively engaged in business. During this time, however, he held trusts of responsibility and honor. He was one of the originators of the Bank of the Republic and the Safety Fund Bank, now the First National Bank, the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, and many other successful institutions. His donations for charity were many, and of large amounts. In the three years preceding his death he gave away over $300,000, an average of $100,000 a year. At the fall of the Pemberton Mills in Lawrence, Mass., about the year i860, which caused so much sufi'er- ing to poor families, he sent a telegram early in the morning to the authorities of the city informing them that his check had been sent by mail to aid the sufferers. He bought and presented to the good 408 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, the land and buildings now occupied by the Carney Hospital, at a cost of $13,500; and in the codicil to his will, dated June 25, 1863, he bequeathed $20,000 addi- tional, and one-half of the rest and residue of his estate, which amounted to $45,295.99. The Church of the Immaculate Conception also received $20,000. Mr. Carney was a noble-hearted, devoted Christian, and his death was a source of sincere sorrow to a large number. The obsequies were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, which were attended by Governor Andrew and council, the immediate business associates and merchants, many of whom closed their places of busi- ness at the hour of the funeral. At the church a grand requiem mass was celebrated, with Very Rev. John J.Williams, V.G., celebrant; Rev. Father Bapst, S.J., and Rev. Father O'Hagan, S.J., of Holy Cross College, deacon and sub-deacon ; and Rev. Father James A. Healey, master of ceremonies. An appropriate eulogy was delivered by the Rev. Father McElroy. Mr. Carney is understood to have left property to the amount of $717,354.99, which would now amount to a million and a half of dollars. CHRISTOPHER BLAKE. Christopher Blake, who for many years was prominently iden- tified with the furniture manufacturing interests of Boston, is a repre- sentative citizen of Irish birth, and a successful and retired merchant. From a comparatively small beginning, by his industry, perse- verance, good judgment, and strict business integrity, he has accumu- lated a comfortable fortune which now allows him a rest from the labor incidental to active business life. He was born in Balbriggan, County Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 24, 1830. His early education was re- ceived at a private school. In September, 1846, he arrived in Boston, where he has since made his home. He served four years' appren- ticeship at the furniture manufacturing trade with Joseph L. Ross, on Hawkins street, and afterwards worked as journeyman, until 1856, when he commenced business for himself at 94 Utica street, with a capital of only $300. His means were limited, but, with characteristic CHRISTOPHER BLAKE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 409 push, he was equal to the obstacles of the occasion, and subsequently became proprietor of a very large establishment. In 1866 he built a factory on Dorchester avenue, his salesrooms being located at 100 North street. He employed, on an average, one hundred and fifty men in a building completely equipped for the manufacture of centre tables, hall-stands, etageres, writing-desks, and bookcases. The patterns made consisted of over two thousand five hundred designs, and the production amounted to about $175,000 per year, — an average consumption of four hundred thousand feet of lumber, prin- cipally walnut, cherry, oak, mahogany, and white-wood. A forty- horse power engine was used to run seven circular saws, three band saws, three planers, five boring machines, four irregular moulders, one sandpaper machine, four jig saws, four turning-lathes, one pointer, and several other machines. The working-floor room covered about thirty-seven thousand square feet, and the kilns for drying lumber had a capacity of thirty thousand feet. His trade ex- tended all over the United States, with large exportations to South America. On April 4, 1887, he retired from business, leaving as suc- cessors Joseph M. Blake (son) and C. H. W. Schlimper, under the firm style of the C. Blake Furniture Manufacturing Company. Mr. Blake never accepted public office, although many times asked to do so. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, City Point Citizens' Association, Boston Furniture Club, a director of the Home for Destitute Catholic Children, and an honorary member of both Post 2, G.A.R., and the New England Furniture Exchange. THOMAS B. FITZ. Thomas B. Fitz, merchant, born in Grafton, Mass., Dec. 17, 1844. He attended the public schools of Hopkinton, Mass., and was a graduate of the High School of that place. He came to Boston when eighteen years of age, and became employed by E. D. Bell & Co., retail dry and fancy goods, at a salary of two and one-half dol- lars a week. The concern sold out shortly afterward, and young Fitz engaged with L. S. Schofield (formerly Bell's superintendent), 410 THE IRISH LV BOSTON. later, Schofield, Barron, & Co. The latter firm subsequently estab- lished a branch house in New York City, where Mr. Fitz became confidential clerk. In less than two years the firm dissolved, and he was offered and accepted a copartnership with Mr. Schofield, but, upon finding that less capital was put into the business than was rep- resented, he withdrew. In 1865 he engaged with Mason, Tucker, & Co., wholesale fancy goods, as a travelling salesman, where he re- mained for seven years. In July, 1872, he engaged with Brown, Button, & Co. ; but the great Boston fire, November 9, of that year, brought about a dissolution, and in December both partners com- menced business separately. About this time Mr. Brown made Messrs. Fitz and Durrell a very liberal offer to form a copartnership, which was accepted, and in two years were given equal shares in the firm of Brown, Durrell, & Co. It is understood that when Fitz and Durrell were boys together in the employ of E. B. Bell & Co., they formed a resolution to both go into business some day for themselves, and it was put into execu- tion in the formation of the present concern. He is a very active business man, an industrious worker, and a careful manager. The house of which he is now one of the partners started in a compara- tively small way, and is at present doing the largest business in the line of wholesale hosiery and fancy dry goods in Boston, selling their wares in nearly every State in the Union. The many charitable, generous, and kindly deeds of Mr. Fitz will never be known. Suffice it that the institutions for the relief of the poor and unfortunate, as well as the poor people themselves, share his fortune. His purse is always ready to support the cause of Ireland, and his splendid business ability is applied to the construction of the legitimate machinery which yields fruitfully the helpful financial product that is sent from New England to Ireland. WILLIAM H. BRINE. William H. Brine was born in Boston, and educated at the public schools. When fourteen years of age he entered the employ of Mr. Jonathan Wheeler, at East Cambridge. There he remained THOMAS B FITZ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 411 two years, and it may be of interest to our readers, and espe- cially to those of the young men who contemplate embarking in commercial life in a great city, to know that he received per week a salary of one dollar, his present position showing what may be achieved by self-denial, energy, and activity. We next find him in the employ of Hogg, Brown, & Taylor, of Boston, with whom he remained two years. This city then had a population of about 190,000, and the present growth up to 450,000 must appear to him astonishing. The growth of the dry-goods trade, in which his busi- ness ranks, has been very remarkable, especially when the great opposition of New York is considered. The sales of twelve dry- goods houses, strictly wholesale and wholesale and retail combined, last year amounted to $75,000,000, thus proving that the dry-goods business of Boston is the main feature in the city's commerce, repre- senting a larger total than any other industry ;. and when the sales of the exclusively retail dealers are also included, the total must be truly enormous. Having mastered the intricacies of the dry-goods business, and being truly regarded as a promising young business man of adminis- trative and executive ability, he entered the employ of Mr. John Harrington, at Somerville. In 1861, a few months later, on Mr. Harrington enlisting in the cause of the Union, so manifest had his ability become, and so great was the confidence of his employer, that he was offered and accepted a partnership. It will thus be seen that he has been connected with the present house over twenty-seven years. Mr. Brine justly ranks as a representative New England business man, thoroughly posted in his line of trade, and fully alive to the modern modes of doing business, and whose position, finan- cially and socially, is fully assured. He visited Europe in 1885, and although the firm had been connected with leading houses in England and Germany, by visiting the principal marts of trade in England and on the Continent, his ideas of the world's traffic were considerably enlarged. His visits to Nottingham, Balbriggan, and other places noted for their hosiery industries were very interesting and proved of great value to him in his business. This was supplemented by a 412 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. tour on the Continent, Vienna, for small-wares, being an objective point. Mr. Brine owns some one hundred and sixty acres of land, beautifully located at Manomet in Southern Plymouth County, Mass. This property is valued at $25,000. There are in Manomet two hotels, one of which is on his premises. The present firm of Brine & Norcross was organized in 1884, under the same title as now, succeeding to the old business so long conducted by John Harrington & Co. The premises then consisted of two stores, at 17 and 18 Tremont Row and 70 and 72 Tremont street, those on Washington street and Pemberton square having been added in 1886 and 1888 respectively. The firm now consists of the two original partners, Mr. William H. Brine and Mr. J. Henry Norcross. Mr. John Harrington retired in 1884. He is known to most of our older citizens as one of Boston's prominent and success- ful merchants, who through a long business career enjoyed the con- fidence of the commercial world and the respect of the community generally. The credit of the house has never been questioned under the two managements. PATRICK MAGUIRE. Patrick Maguire was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, on the 5th of December, 1838. He came to America when a child, at the early age of seven years, his first home being at Charlottetown, Prince Edward's Island, where his youth was spent. He there learned the trade of printer. When but ten years of age, he entered the office of " The Gazette," and served his time as an apprentice. The Provinces, however, did not off"er the opportunity for business ad- vancement which an ambitious, energetic, and able young man has the right to expect, and Mr. Maguire left Charlottetown in 1852, re- moving to Boston, where he engaged in his trade as a journeyman printer. In this occupation he continued until the age of twenty- seven, when, giving ^p active work at his trade, he entered the real- estate business, in which his energy, enterprise, and sound com- mercial judgment soon established him in a leading position. In a few years Mr. Maguire built up a large and substantial business, to PATRICK MAGUIRE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 413 which he still gives his personal attention, and was intrusted with the management of important estates. The establishment of " The Republic" by Mr. Maguire, in 1882, Avas a notable event in the history of weekly journalism in Boston. Mr. Maguire saw that the field was open for the entrance of a journal of a different class from any at that time in existence, and he pro- duced it with a success which was immediate and which has been continuous. " The Republic," which bore evidence in every depart- ment of skilful workmanship, quickly took its place among the leaders of popular thought and opinion, and has continued to exert an increasing influence. It is a monument to the enterprise and ability of its founder, who has impressed his strong individuality upon the journal, remaining from the first issue to this day its editor, proprietor, and publisher. Mr. Maguire has been for a quarter of a century one of the leaders of the Democratic party in Boston and in the State of Massa- chusetts. His first vote was cast for Stephen A. Douglas for Presi- dent in i860. As soon as he came of age, which occurred in the year preceding that of the Douglas campaign, he was chosen a member of the Democratic City Committee of Boston, and in that body he has held a seat to the present time, occupying the president's chair for three years in succession, in which he demonstrated a genius Tor political leadership. While so prominent for many years in the work of the party, Mr. Maguire accepted no office for himself; but in 1883 he was nominated member of the Executive Council of the Commonwealth from the Fourth Councillor District, and was elected by a substantial majority. He was reelected in 1884 and again in 1885, to serve for those years. Mr. Maguire was chosen in 1884 a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, where he took a prominent part in advocacy of the nomination of Mr. Cleveland. He was also a delegate to the National Convention of 1888, at St. Louis. In 1885 Mr. Maguire was appointed a member of the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of Boston, a position in which he is now serving, and is identified with the successful development of the great system of public parks in the city. 414 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. DENIS H. TULLY. Denis H. Tully, who was so well known as one of the most ex- tensive produce and wine merchants in Boston, died April lo, 1887. Mr. Tully was born in Ireland, and came to America in 1854, and entered the counting-room of a large wholesale house. Having practised civil engineering for some time in his native land, this early training proved of great advantage in his future career as a successful merchant. In 1857 he became connected with the late John S. Blake, of Central Wharf, Boston, in a short time rising to be that gentleman's chief assistant, and managing his extensive Mediterranean business. Upon Mr. Blake's death, in 1873, Mr. Tully became his successor as proprietor and owner of the establishment, and continued in active business until the time of his death. He was also treasurer of the Boston Beer Company, a corporation whose charter dated from 1828. From too close application to business, Mr. Tully's health gave way, and two years ago he had a severe attack, from which he recovered sufficiently to allow of his visiting Ireland for a few months, from which he derived much benefit. Mr. Tully was a devout Cath- olic, being a member of the congregation of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, and a benefactor of that church and of Boston College, and also of many worthy charitable institutions of Boston. By the will of the late Denis H. Tully, of Boston, Catholic churches and institutions in this city and Worcester were enriched by the sum of $90,000. To the Archbishop of Boston, $10,000 was bequeathed, to be applied by him toward reducing the debt on the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, and for the benefit and improvement of the church; $10,000 was also bequeathed to the Archbishop for the improvement and advancement of the Boston Ecclesiastical Semi- nary. The president of Boston College received $8,000 for the im- provement of the college, and an additional $2,000 to be kept sepa- rate from the general fund, the income to be devoted to a prize to be offered at the annual commencement exercises. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 415 The pastor of St. Mary's Church received $10,000, to be devoted to reduchig the church debt and for the support of the parish. The association for the care of destitute CathoHc children got $10,000; the Little Sisters of the Poor, $10,000; Carney Hospital, $5,000; the House of the Good Shepherd, $5,000; Holy Cross College, Worcester, $5,000; the new infant asylum on Dudley street, formed from St. Mary's Infant Asylum, $2,000; the House of the Angel Guardian, $2,000. This most thoughtful friend of the poor further bequeathed to his executrixes and executors the sum of $10,000, to be devoted to the deserving poor and destitute of the city, and to be expended through the instrumentality of the several paro- chial conferences of St. Vincent de Paul. This bequest was given with special reference to the parish poor of St. Mary's, St. Stephen's, St. James', St. Francis de Sales, St. Joseph's, and St. Mary's in the Charlestown district, St. Patrick's, and to the Conference of the Im- maculate Conception. Mr. Tully appointed his sisters, Cecilia Tully and Margaret M. Tully, to be executrixes, and Edward A. Kinney and Wm. S. Pelletier to be executors. They are exempt from surety. Holyhood Cemetery was bequeathed $1,000, the income to maintain the burial lot in good condition. After a number of private be- quests in addition to the charities above mentioned, the balance of the estate was bequeathed to the sisters of the deceased, HENRY A. McGLEXEN. The popular business agent of the Boston Theatre is the son of Irish parents, and was born in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 28, 1826. He attended the schools of his native place, including one term at St. Mary's College. At an early age he learned the printer's trade with John Murphy, the well-known Baltimore printer and Catholic book publisher. In 1845 he came to Boston, where he worked "at the case" in the newspaper offices. In 1846 he resigned a position on the " Daily Advertiser" to go to Mexico as a member of Company A, First Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Edward Webster, son of Daniel Webster, and remained in the service until the return of the regiment, July, 1848. He then resumed work as a printer, and re- 416 THE IRISH IX BOSTOX. ceived a varied experience in that line. In 1866 he became adver- tising and advance agent for many of the prominent public attractions which made successful tours throughout this country. About 1869 he accepted this present position, which he has filled very acceptably ever since. He is a member of the Boston Press Club, president of the Association of Massachusetts Volunteers in Mexico, vice-presi- dent of the National Association of Mexican War Veterans, Boston Light Infantry Veteran Association, Ro)'al Arcanum, Boston Athletic Association, and as the representative of the Mexican Volunteers, recently presented to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a flag received by them from Gen. Winfield Scott. The regiment did meritorious service under General Taylor on the Rio Grande and under General Scott on the Vera Cruz line, and on the eve of their departure for home the regiment was presented with a beautifully wrought silk standard, which was made by the Catholic nuns in a Mexican convent, at an expense of several hundred dollars. It was held by the survivors of the regiment until recently, when they presented it to the State of Massachusetts. The following correspondence is self-explanatory. The standard is one of five presented by General Scott to State troops. It had originally a blue ground, which is now faded to a yellowish drab. The flag bears, beside the United States* arms, the words, " Massa- chusetts Volunteer Infantry." BosTox, Jan. 23, 18S9. General, — I ask your acceptance for the Commonweahh of the accompany- ing standard given to the regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers in Mexico by Maj.-Gen. Winfield Scott, in recognition of faithful service performed in the cam- paigns of 1847-48. My surviving comrades are few, and each year lessens the number. When we have passed away, the standard will remain a testimony that the representatives of the Bay State, in a service which brought honor to our flag, and vast domain and exhaustless wealth to the nation, were deemed worthy of special commendation by the great captain of his day. Very respectfully yours, H. A. AIcGLENEN. To Adjutant-General S. Daltox, M.V.M. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 4=17 Adjutant-General's Office, Boston, Jan. 23, 1889. H. A. McGlenen, Esq.: — My Dear Sir, — I am in receipt of your communication of this date, asking my acceptance for the Commonwealth of the standard given to the regiment of Massachusetts Vohmteers in Mexico, by Gen. Winfield Scott, as a testimonial of faithful service performed in the campaign of 1847-48. His Excellency the Governor directs me to acknowledge the receipt of this valuable relic and to accept the same, with the assurance that it will be preserved with great care. I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, SAMUEL DALTON, Adjuta7it- General. DENNIS J. HERN. Dennis J. Hern is the general superintendent of the Mutual Union Telegraph Company, and general manager of the Mutual District Messenger Company. He was born in Boston, Mass., Aug. I9> 1853, and graduated from the Boylston Grammar School, on old Fort Hill, in 1863. Thence he went to work for the United States Telegraph Company, then located in the basement of the old State House in Boston, Mass., and which was merged finally into the American and Western Union Company. He advanced steadily upward through the various grades of positions, such as clerk, operator, and manager, until he was appointed the superintendent of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company in 1879, wdiich gave him the honor of being the youngest superintendent in the telegraph service in the United States. Mr. Hern was associated w^ith Prof. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the Bell telephone, and also with Prof. Thomas A. Edison, both of whom he assisted in their earliest scientific experiments between the years 1875 and 1880, and he received from these gentlemen liberal offers to join them in their enterprises, which he declined because of his penchant for the telegraph service. In 1880 the Western Union Company secured control of the Atlantic and Pacific Com- pany's stock, and Mr. Hern was invited by the New York officials of that company to accept a position with them corresponding to the one he had held in the service of the other corporation. At 418 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. that time the electric hght shone brilHantly upon a new field for investment and profit, and our subject hastened to New York, where he, with Alderman " Boss " McLaughlin, and Mr. Thomas Nevins, the chief engineer of the Brooklyn Fire Department, formed the Brook- lyn Electric Light Company. Mr. Hern owned one-fifth of the capital stock of the company, which he afterwards sold to Mr. McLaughlin and others. Mr. Parker C. Chandler, of Boston, and Mr. James M. Prendergast, the well-known Boston cotton-cloth commission merchant, were associated with Mr. Hern in the Brook- lyn venture, and the company, among other things, secured the contract for lighting the streets of Brooklyn and the Brooklyn bridge. During this period Mr. Hern was the managing director of the luminous Electric Manufacturing Compan}* of New York, then located on Bond street, in which several hundred men were employed in the manufacture of telegraphic and electric-light apparatus. Early in 1881 Mr. Hern assisted others to organize and capitalize the Mutual Union Telegraph Company of New York, whose capital reached the sum of three million dollars, and it was built to compete with the Western Union Telegraph Company. He was appointed general superintendent of the corporation from New York to Bangor, and he personally supervised the construction of its entire line system in the New England States, and the arrangement and appointments of the vast number of branch ofiices. Mr. Hern still retains his position in this corporation, notwithstanding that the Western Union Company controls the stock of the Mutual Union Company. He is a director for the Electrical Development Manu- facturing Company of Boston, which has a large manufactory on Congress street in this city, wherein the manufacture of electric-light apparatus is effected. In January, 1883, he organized the Mutual Union District Messenger Company in Boston, to furnish messengers to collect and deliver messages and telegrams for telegraph com- panies, and for the collection and delivery of messages, parcels, etc.^ for the public. A similar organization had existed in Boston and New York, and it had not been financially successful, nor had it ever paid a dividend, owing in a measure to inefficient management of DENNIS J. HERN BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 419 the business. Mr. Hern selected for his company during the forma- tion period a good staff of men of superior abiHties and boys ; the latter he had well drilled and trained to the service, and their deportment and clothing were scrupulously looked after, so as to attract the patronage of the public. He established well-appointed offices and distributed call-boxes throughout the city. Four offices and forty messengers and the necessary clerk hire made up the plant and working force in the beginning, and the connections with different points numbered less than five hundred. To-day the com- pany has forty-five hundred connections, it owns two hundred and twenty miles of wire, and employs four hundred messengers. Nearly a quarter of a million telegrams are received and delivered monthly in the city and vicinity by the company, besides a large number of letters and packages. The monthly revenue from it is over $10,000. The pay-roll shows annual payments to the messengers of $100,000, which goes directly into the poor families of Boston, which makes this great undertaking one of the great charities of our proud city. One-third of the four hundred messenger boys who are employed by the Mutual District Company are orphans, and Mr. Hern is ever on the alert for the employment and advancement of such as those. They are well cared for by the company, provided with good uniforms, they have established rules to regulate their habits and behavior, and are coached in their training school at 22 Exchange street. Mr. Hern is a positive and firm advocate of the payment of liberal wages to the employes of the concern, and this has had much to do with its success. Many organizations and clubs claim Mr. Hern on their rolls of membership, chief among which are the New York Electrical Society, composed of the prom- inent telegraph and electrical engineers of this country ; the Electric Club of Boston ; and the Boston Clover Club, He is a director in the telegraph and messenger companies at Newport, R.I., Water- bury, Conn., Brooklyn, N.Y., and Denver, Col. He is well known to nearly all of the leading business men in the Eastern States, and he was general manager of the Eastern Telegraph Company in New Hampshire and Maine, of which Governor Robie was the president. 420 THE IRISH IN- BOSTON. JAMES A. FLANAGAN. James A. Flanagan, contractor and builder, born at West- field, King's County, N.B., Oct. 8, 1845. He came to this country when quite a young man. He attended the public schools of New Brunswick, and after working on a farm, learned his trade as a carpenter and builder. About 1862 he gained a knowledge of mechanical drawing at the Newton Evening Drawing-Schools. He came to Boston in 1876, and was engaged as foreman for D. J. Donovan, builder. In 1882 he formed a copartnership with his employer and brother, under the firm name of Donovan & Flanagan Bros. Since the death of the former, Dec. 31, 1886, the business has been carried on by the Flanagan Bros. The firm is at present doing a business of over two hundred thousand dollars per year. Mr. Flanagan is a charter member of the Master Builders' Association. JOHN B. REGAN. John B. Regan, boot and shoe dealer, born in County Cork, Ireland, June 21, 1838. He came to this country in November, 1848, and located in Boston, where he attended the Quincy Gram- mar School. He learned the printing business with John H. East- man, at which he was engaged from 1853 to i860. In 1865 he established himself at the present site on Essex street, in the boot and shoe business. He is a member of the Charitable Irish Society, Montgomery Veteran Association, and has contributed considerable information about early Irish settlers in Boston. He is noted for his fondness of historical researches in this direction, and he has suc- ceeded in unearthing much valuable material pertaining to the Irish of the colonial period. JOHN B. REAGAN. LEADING BUSINESS MEN. 421 A LIST OF LEADING BUSINESS MEN IN BOSTON. Alley, John R., Bishop, Robert, Blake, C, Brine [&Norcross], Broderick, John Brophey, Thomas, Brown, Durrell, & Co., Burke, Patrick F., Boyle Bros., Boyle, J. A., Boyd, J. & J., & Co., Boston Furniture Co., Callaghan, J. H., Carey, Jeremiah, Carey, P. F., Calnan, James W., Campbell Bros., Campbell, P. J., & Sons, Campbell, Patrick, Cannon, Austin, Cannon, Peter, Canney, Patrick, Cleag, John P., Casey, James D., Casey, Maurice F., Cashman, Keating, & Co., Cassidy, John E., Cavanagh, John, & Son, Cawley & O'Connor, Clarke, Michael T., Clarke & Ryan, Cogan, Joseph, Coleman, C. A., Collier, P.F., Collins, James, & Co., Collins, Patrick, Conlon, John, Cullen, James B., & Co., Crowley, Peter C, Curran & Joyce, Curran, M., Curtin, John, Curry, Michael C, Callaghan, John H., & Co., Callaghan, Thomas O., & Co. Daly, John C, Dasey, Charles V., Day, Callaghan, & Co., Dee Bros. & Co., Deasy, Timothy, Doolan, John, Dee Bros., Dempsey Bros., Devine Bros., Devine, Dennis D., Devine, James V., Dobbins, Henry, Doherty Bros., Doherty, Henry, Doherty, Michael, & Co., Doherty, Patrick, Dorchester Mfc. Co., 1 Any names of other business men enrolment in later editions of this book, if or firms not on this list will be carefully kept for thev are sent to the author. 422 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Donahoe & Brennan, Donnelly, James J., Dooley's Hotel, Dowling, James, Dooling, James, Driscoll, C. F., & Co., Dugan, James, Donegan, John, Donohoe, Patrick, Donohoe, Chrysostom, Dunne, F. L., Dwyer, John, & Co., Dyer, J. & P., English, William, English, Maurice, Ellis [& Lewis], Fagan, James, Farrell, John R., Farrell, Nagle, & Power, Fay, Martin, Fay, Thomas, Finnegan, Patrick, & Co. Fitzgerald, James M., Flanagan Bros., Flatley, Michael J., Flinn Bros., Flood, John C, Flynn, David, Farrell, James, Fanen, Dennis, Fitzpatrick, John J., Foley, B. & A., Ford Bros., Ford, John G., Ford & McQuaid, Franey, Edward J., & Co. Gafifney, Peter, Gaffney, Thomas, & Co. Gallagher, J., Galvin Bros., Galvin, John M., Gately, M. R., & Co., Gibbon, John S., & Co., Gates & Co., Giblin, Hugh, Gleason, James A., Gorman Bros., Gormley, James, Gormley, John, & Son, Grace, James J., Gratton, J. T. Greeley, James, Greeley, Patrick, Green, Patrick J., Grimes, Thomas B., Haggerty, Roger, Hussey, Thomas, & Co., Haley, Michael, Hanlon & Co., Harkins, Edward, & Co., Harrigan, J., & Son, Harrington, John, , Harvey, John, Hayes, John J., Hearn, James, Herlihy, James W., Higgins & Cook, Higgins, Patrick, & Co., Hogan, John, Horan Bros., Horan, Maurice P"., Ha}-nes, Edward F., LEADING BUSINESS MEN. 423 Hurley, William, Johnson, William A., Keany, Matthew, Kelly Bros., Keefe, John J., & Co., Kelly & Co., Kelly, Patrick P., Kelly & Hays, Kelly, Michael, Kelly, Michael J., Kelly, Thomas, & Co., Kendricken, Paul H., Kennedy, Donald, Kennedy & Murphy, Kenney, J. W., Keogh, Richard T., Kerrigan, Wm. F., Kiley, Michael J., Lally & Collins, Lally, Edward F., , Lally, P. G., Lamb, John, Leonard, Lawrence, Leonard, Luke, Logan, L. J., & Co., Logan, Michael J., Lappen Bros., Lappen, J. E., & Co., Lappen, Owen, Lomasney, Joseph R., Laughlin Bros., Laughlin, James W., Lynch Bros., L}'nch, Eugene, Lynch, Thomas P., Lyons, John, Lyons, Thomas J., Lyons, Wm., John J., and Dennis, McAleer, Patrick, McCaffrey, John, McQuaid, Francis, McCarthy, F. C, Mahoney, E. H., Manning, William, Mullen, M. J., McAloon, James B., McAvoy, Dennis S., McBarron & Co., McBarron & Lucas, McCafferty, John H., McCann, Bernard, McCarthy, James C, McCarthy, John, & Son, McCarty, James, & Co., McConnell, Charles, McConnell, Hugh, McCormick, James, McCormick, John, estate of, McCormick, John L., McCormick, Thomas, McDevitt, Robert, McDonald, John W., McElroy, Henry, McEttrick, Michael F., McGowan, Patrick, McGuire & Hughes, McKenna, Stephen, McLaughlin, Daniel, McMahon, J. W., McMahon, James, McManus & Co., McShone, Henrv, & Co., 424 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Madden Bros,, Magullion & Calnan, Magullion, Frank E., Maher & Casey, Martin, John B., Meany, Edward F., estate of, Meehan, Michael, Meehan, Patrick, Miller, John, & Co., Monohan, Patrick, Moore, John F., Moore, Robert, Mullowney, Michael, Mulvey, Patrick D., Murphy, Chas. F., & Co., Murphy, Edward, Murphy, James P., & Co., Murphy, James S., Murphy, Leavins, & Co., Murphy & McCarthy, Murray, Jeremiah A., Murray, Henry, Murray, J. & O., Murray, Robert C, Nagle, Garrett, & Co., Nagle, William, N.E. Organ Co., Nawn, Hugh, Nawn, Owen, Noonan, Thomas B., O'Brien, James, O'Brien, James J., O'Brien, Timothy J., O'Connell, John, & Sons, O'Connell, T., & Co., O'Connor, John, O'Conor, Patience, O'Connor, Mrs. Thomas, O'Donnell, Philip E., & Co. O'Hare, John, O'Keefe, D. J., O'Kelly's, W., Sons, O'Neil, Gould, & Presby, O'Neil, Arthur H., O'Reilly, Denis, Pilot Publishing Co., Quinn, Francis, Quinn, James, & Co., Quirk, W. H., Reagan, Michael F., Regan, Martin, Reade, John, Roach, George F., & Co., Reardon, John, & Sons, Rooney, William, Ryan, John A., Ryan, P. J., Shea, Daniel, & Co., Shea, John, Shea, Patrick, Shay, Edward, & Co., Shields, Patrick F., Stack, James H., Sullivan Bros., Sullivan, James, & Co., Sullivan, John, Sullivan, Richard T., Sullivan, T., & Co., Sullivan, Wm. J., Smith Bros., Santry, John P., Scanlan, Patrick. I PRINCIPAL OCC UP A TIONS. 425 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. U.S. Custom House service U.S. Postal Department service .... Other national government ser\'ice . . State government service City Fire Department service City Police Department service City Street Department service City Water Department service City clerical service Other city government service U.S. Army service U.S. Navy service Cemetery service Clergymen .Sextons Lawyers Dentists Physicians Physicians and surgeons Editors ... - Journalists Reporters Artists , Musicians Music teachers Actors Theatrical agents and officials Professors , Teachers Architects Chemists Civil engineers Draughtsmen Inventors Stenographers Boarding-house keepers and employes, Hotel-keepers and employes Lodging-house keepers and employes, Restaurant-keepers and employes . . . Saloon-keepers and employes Coachmen (in families) Servants (in families) Bartenders 27 16 14 25 17 112 59 20 6 HI 19 49 104 34 13 13 I 18 4 4 I 3 4 12 5 4 I I 4 3 4 8 2 I 348 3 93 "5 334 n^ 255 Barbers Hairdressers Janitors (private buildings) Laundry-work , Stationary engineers and assistants. . . Undertakers and assistants Watchmen Commission merchants Merchants and dealers Merchants and dealers (wholesale) .. Pedlers Salesmen Salesmen (wholesale) Salesmen (travelling) Book-keepers Book-keepers (wholesale) Clerks. Clerks (wholesale) Clerks, shipping Clerks, shipping (wholesale) Telegraph officials and employes Agents Agents (insurance) Agents (real estate) Bank officials and employes Brokers , Collectors Cash and bundle boys Coal-heavers (vessels) Errand-boys Laborers and helpers (in stores) .... Longshoremen Office-boys Packers Porters Telegraph messengers and line-men . Boarding and livery stable keepers and employes Carriage and hack drivers Drivers of delivery wagons , Express company officials and em- ployes Herdic officials and employes 41 9 53 3 185 iS "3 8 ,187 64 258 229 22 29 35 9 253 19 25 25 10 64 5 19 3 9 24 5 lOI 65 39S .043 18 37 253 17 614 112 41 77 6 1 Including persons ot Irish birth only. This classification and these figures are compiled from the Census of iSSs, by Carroll D. Wright, and therefore arc the most reliable which could be found. 426 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. Horse-railroad officials and employes, 404 Teamsters 1,129 Steam-railroad officials and employes, 1,026 Master mariners (sailing) . 4 Mariners (sailing) 67 Steamboat officials and employes ... 52 Stevedores t^i Towboat officials and employes 12 Farmers 21 Farm laborers 190 Florists 23 Gardeners and assistants 273 Fishermen 332 Artisans' tools makers 6 Boot and shoemakers 3S8 Box-makers 8 Terra-cotta workers 7 Brush-makers 10 Builders and contractors . . 23 Carpenters 556 Gasfitters 13 Lathers 20 Masons 1,069 Painters 258 Paper-hangers 14 Plasterers 152 Plumbers 123 Roofers . 59 Stair-builders 3 Steam-fitters 13 Carpet-factory operatives 117 Carriage and wagon makers 36 Carriage painters ..... 29 Wheelwrights and wheel-makers .... 39 Watch-makers 8 Coat-makers ... 53 Hat and cap makers 29 Ready-made clothing makers 22 Tailors 515 Cordage-factory operatives 109 Cotton-mill operatives 14 Dyestuffs-makers 49 Pottery-works employes 5 Electricians 3 Electric-light company employes .... 4 Bakers 156 Chocolate-makers 3 Confectionery makers and packers. . . 20 Slaughter-house employes 20 Sugar-refinery employes 196 Cabinet-makers 67 Chair-makers 8 Furniture finishers 19 Furniture polishers , 21 Furniture-makers ' t^t. Upholsterers , . 58 Gas-works employes 371 Glass-works employes 19 Harness-makers 74 Morocco-workers 19 Tannery employes 204 Bottlers 12 Brewery employes in Lumber-yard employes 85 Saw-mill employes 19 Boiler- works employes 122 Machinists , 199 Machine-shop employes 43 Blacksmiths and helpers , . . . 473 Brass-workers 63 Copper-workers 17 Iron-workers 39 1 Jewellery-makers 5 Nail-makers 61 Tin-workers 59 Model and pattern makers 8 Organ and organ parts makers 18 Piano and piano parts makers 74 Oil-works employes 56 Paper-mills operatives 25 Photographers 5 Bookbindery employes 26 Book publishers and employes 3 Compositors and printers (book and job) 120 Compositors and printers (news- paper) 24 Lithographers and lithographic print- ers 13 Car-makers (steam and horse) I4 Rubber-factory operatives 47 Boat-builders 8 Calkers 14 Riggers 11 Sailmakers 8 Ship-carpenters 26 1 Xot specified. PRINCIPAL OCCUPA TIONS. 427 Marble- workers 225 Stone-workers ' 1 76 Cigar-makers 14 Trunk-factory employes 22 Coopers 143 Picture-frame makers 18 Wood-carvers 27 Wood-turners 5 Wood-workers ' 23 Woollen-mill operatives 24 Laborers 5j679 Apprentices 123 Scholars and students 588 Children at work and at school 16 Retired 732 Dependents (private support) 273 Not given 300 At home 193 Other occupations 1,827 Females. State hospital and asylum service .... 48 Other State government service — Nurses (in city hospitals) 18 Servants (in city hospitals) 17 Other city government service 9 Missionaries i Inmates of religious institutions 45 Physicians 2 Librarians and assistants — Artists I Musicians — Music teachers 8 Singers — Actresses i Teachers 43 Stenographers — Boarding-house keepers and em- ployes 249 Hotel-keepers and employes 449 Lodging-house keepers and employes, 64 Restaurant-keepers and employes 321 Housekeepers (in families) 198 Housewives 21,635 Housework 2,541 Ser\'ants in families 6,761 Book-keepers and clerks in offices . . 2 Private hospital and institution em- ployes 72 Laundry-work 705 W^asherwomen 5S9 Nurses 191 Merchants and dealers 247 Saleswomen , 95 Book-keepers and clerks 37 Telegraph officials and employes .... 2 Cash and bundle girls 25 Errand-girls 4 Rag pickers and sorters 42 Boot and shoe makers 2,1 Paper-box makers , 29 Box-makers ' 2 Brush-makers 10 Button-makers 12 Carpet-factory operatives . . 44 Watch-makers — Button-hole makers . . . .• 4 Cloak-makers 26 Coat-makers 69 Corset-makers 5 Dressmakers 418 Embroidery-workers 9 Fur-workers 6 Hat and cap makers 5 Hoop-skirt makers 9 Milliners 37 Necktie-makers 2 Pantaloon-makers 34 Seamstresses 242 Sewing-machine" operators 31 Shirt-makers 21 Suspender-makers 4 Tailoresses 257 Vest-makers 17 Cordage-factory operatives 59 Cotton-mill operatives 23 Medicine-factory employes 5 Bakers 5 Chocolate-makers i Confectionery makers and packers . . 2 Pickle and preserve factory employes, 1 1 Mattress-makers 11 Upholsterers 4 Jewellery-makers 2 Not specified. 428 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Nail-makers 19 Paper-mill operatives 18 Photographers 2 Bookbindery employes 34 Compositors and printers (book and job) 9 Compositors and printers (newspaper), — Lithographers and lithograph printers, i Rubber-clothing makers 16 Rubber-factory operatives 19 Silk-mill operatives lO Straw-workers — Cigar-makers 9 Tobacco-workers 4 Apprentices 15 Scholars and students 583 Children at M'ork and at school 10 Retired 232 Dependents (private support) 349 At home 244 Other occupations. 1,003 Not given 551 THE HEAVIEST TAX-PAYERS. The General Court at Boston, on May 14, 1634, enacted " that in all rates and public charges, the town [Boston] shall have respect to levy every man according to his estate, and with consideration of all other his abilities whatsoever, and not according to the number of his persons." Under the principle thus laid down, we are gov- erned in our system of taxation to-day. Below we give a list of the heaviest tax-payers among the Irish- Americans of Boston for the year 1889. For the Year 1SS9. Real Estate. Alley, John R Amory, Thomas C Amory, Tliomas C, et al. Bishop, Robert Bishop, Ellen E., wife of Robert . , Blake, Christopher Canny, Patrick Casey, John T., et al. , Colby, Patrick Collins, David , Collins, James CoUins, James, & Co Costello, James J Daley, John C, & Bro , Doherty, Michael, heirs Doherty, Cornelius E Duff, William F Foley, Bernard and Andrew, heirs Grant, Patrick, et al. Green, Margaret and Mary A. ... $192,000 76,000 193.500 52,200 71,100 108,600 101,200 95,Soo 84,100 42,000 206,400 156,800 76,000 139.300 77,000 121,700 45,700 $46,100 1,000 8,300 50,000 14,000 S,ooo 1,500 70,000 500 13,400 15,000 10,000 106,300 120,000 $3,204 60 1,033 80 2,704 12 1,369 48 952 74 1,644 84 1,465 28 1,305 82 1,128 94 1,502 80 2,774 46 179 56 2,103 "2 1,049 20 1,866 62 203 00 1,031 80 1,766 78 2,025 40 1,608 00 THE HEAVIEST TAX-PAYERS. 429 For the Year Real Estate. Hayes, Martin, heirs Hyland, William Hyndman, Eliza Jenney, Bernard and Francis H.. . . Keleher, Timothy Kelley, Thomas, & Co Kendricken, Paul H Kendricken, Paul H., and Ingalls. . Kenney, James W Lamb, John Lee, James Lee, John H Lee, John H., & Co Lennon, Nancy Logan, Lawrence J Logan, Lawrence J., et al., Trustees Lyons, Capt. John McAleer, Patrick . McCormick, James Meehan, Patrick Meehan, Patrick, et al. Miller, John , Miller, John, & Co Moore, Robert Murphy, Gardner, et al. Nawn, Hugh Nawn, Owen O'Riordon, Patrick . . Prendergast, James M Shea, John . Sullivan, Patrick F Sullivan, Richard . ,. Teevan, James Tucker, James Union Institution for Savings Wall, James H Wall, James \i., et al ., Walsh, John H Williams, John J., Most Rev., Tr.. ^286,100 fo,833 74 79,000 1,060 60 92,000 1,232 So 28,300 ^50.900 1,065 28 90,000 5,000 1,275 00 80,000 1,072 00 102,400 7,000 1,467 96 2,700 24,800 368 50 130,900 25,900 2,103 12 79,200 300 1,007 30 88,500 1,187 90 86,700 5,000 1,230 78 48,000 643 20 76,800 1,029 12 77,700 18,200 1,287 06 37,200 498 48 105,400 4,200 1,470 64 251,300 4,000 3,425 02 87,700 50,000 1,847 18 91,100 10,000 1,356 74 10,600 142 04 123,500 30,000 2,058 90 15,400 206 36 154,600 1,000 2,087 04 70,100 14,000 1,128 94 82,500 8,000 I,2lS 72 271,600 15,000 3,842 44 205,400 10,000 2,888 36 8,500 90,000 1,321 90 84,400 3.500 1,179 86 80,600 2,500 1,115 84 41,000 45,000 1,154 40 79,900 1,072 60 74,bco 19,300 1,260 26 433.900 5,814 26 152,400 800 2,054 88 62,100 832 14 84,000 14,000 1,315 20 473.700 1 2,000 6,510 38 I APPENDICES, AN IRISHMAN'S LETTER TO GOVERNOR GARDNER. THE following patriotic letter was written by James Boyd, and it was published in " The Atlas," a Boston daily paper, on Mon- day morning, Jan. 22, 1855. The opportunity for placing it on his- torical record seems to have been reserved for this work. Then, as now, race prejudice was in high and low places. FROM AN IRISH NATURALIZED CITIZEN. To His Excellency Governor Gardner: — The message which Your Excellency has promulgated, on accepting the inaugural oath of office, is a document of most serious importance to the whole community of Massachusetts, and especially so to a class of which the writer of this is an humble member. To the foreign-born portion of the inhabitants of the State, their tendencies, relations, and conditions, you have devoted nearly half, I think, of the address ; and to this portion of it the remarks which I propose to submit will be exclusively devoted. As these remarks in general will be opposed to a portion of yours, but not to all by any means, it is but fair in the outset to state how much and how far I approve. Your statistics concerning the proportion which foreigners bear to natives in the pauperism, beggary, and crimes within the State, I take to be correct, because access to the truth is within your reach, and I have no doubt you availed of it. The conclusions which you arrive at from these facts — namely, that the " people demand of their statesmen, and wise statesmanship suggests, that national and State legislation should interfere to direct, ameliorate, and control these elements, so far as it may be done within the limits of the Constitu- tion " — I join in unreservedly. (433) 434 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. Ill the list which you give of the work to be done by national and State legislation, to neutralize and prevent the evil tendencies arising from the excessive immigration of foreigners into the country, there are many items which have my decided approval. For in- stance: "To discourage imported political demagogues, whose trade here is to put themselves at the head of their deluded country- men — to organize prejudice, to vitalize foreign feeling and morbid passion, and then sell themselves to the highest partisan bidder;" to purify and ennoble the elective franchise ; to adopt a carefully guarded check-list throughout the nation; " to cultivate a living and energetic nationality ; " to develop a high and vital patriotism ; " to retain the Bible in our common schools ; " to keep entire the sepa- ration of Church and State ; " to nationalize before we naturalize, and to educate before either;" to guard against citizenship becoming cheap, — in all these items from your list, which you characterize " as ranking with the great movements that originally formed nations," I would most heartily join you in recommending to the earnest notice of the Legislature, and rejoice in a success equal to your highest wishes. Again you say, " When we witness the profuse liberality with which the sacred right of citizenship is bestowed among us, the slender guards that exist against its unworthy or fraudulent gift, and the great interests in the hands of those who receive it, as well as those who grant it, we should pause and calmly consider the possible consequences." By all means, say I, not only " pause and calmly consider the possible consequences," but call into action the best statesmanship in the country, not only to repair and strengthen the " slender guards that exist," but to erect barriers which neither foreign nor native demagogues could break down or crawl through. I could quote much more from your address which has my hearty approval, and may hereafter notice some such passages ; but enough has been quoted now to give you an insight to this branch of my political creed. This being noted, I will now endeavor to arrange a few thoughts elicited by the recommendations you submit APPENDICES. 435 for the treatment of the deplorable disease which the body politic is laboring under. One of the means proposed is in the following words : " I recommend, therefore, an amendment to our Constitution, prohibiting the exercise of the elective franchise to all of alien birth, qualified by naturalization, till they have resided within the United States twenty-one years." Such recommendation, I respectfully submit to Your Excellency, is not " wise statesmanship." In Massa- chusetts, such an organic or statute law can do no good, and it cer- tainly would do much evil. It is not amongst the exigencies of the times. Had you set your limits at a five years' residence, the time required by the existing United States laws, no fault could be found. You could thereby cut off all who have within that time obtained their papers hy false representations, and public opinion says there are many such. But your sweeping recommendation, involving as the victims of the amendments you ask for thousands within the State whose rights of citizenship are as legal, as sacred, and as precious to them as yours are to yourself, — an amendment which would equally stigmatize the honest and the dishonest, cannot, in any shape I can view it in, be taken as an act of " wise states- manship." The rights given and obtained by legal and fairly sought and granted naturalization, I have called as sacred as those obtained by native birth. They are in some respects more so ; the one being the result of individual judgment and choice, after mature deliberation ; the other, an accident or occurrence entirely beyond the control or direction of the individual ; the first the consummation of a straight- forward, regular bargain, consisting of " value received " on both sides, the United States of America being the proposing party on the one part, and the individual foreigner, becoming a naturalized citizen in accordance with the existing laws, the accepting party of the other part. The United States blazon over the whole civilized world that their country is " an asylum for all, a home for the free." The terms of obtaining all the rights and privileges of native-born citizens (ex- cept that of being eligible to the office of President^ are familiar to all moderately educated immigrants who arrive here from Europe. To 436 THE IRISH IX BOSTON. avail of this universally proclaimed offer on the part of the American people and Government, individuals and families break up their homes, and leave them with grief and regret, in which you, sir, happily for yourself, cannot in any measure sympathize, because you have not realized it personally. These individuals come with full faith in the sincerity and honesty of the offers held out. They per- form in good faith the part stipulated for them by the proposing party. In due time that proposing party fulfils in good faith the part it has promised. The contract is fairly entered into and fairly consummated by both. The State gains a new citizen, and the foreign individual becomes possessed legally and fairly of all the political rights of the native born, with the solitary exception named. Thus, sir, is created the present condition of thousands of the inhabitants of the State, — thousands who, under the operation of your "wise statesmanship," you would disfranchise and degrade. I would be respectful with Your Excellency, but the mantle of the office which you hold is not sufficient to cover or protect you from the natural indignation, the loathful feeling, which must arise in the bosoms of the victims aimed at, against any man in your position, who would deliberately make such a recommendation to the Legisla- ture of Massachusetts. Why not recommend that the class you name shall have their property confiscated? They hold it by no better claim than they hold those rights you would take away ; it is but the forcible deprivation of property, in either case, and it will require more sound logic than your address contains to show less moral guilt in the one operation than there would be in the other. You say the " honor of the American flag should be confided only to those who are born on the soil, hallowed by its protection ; they alone can justly be required to vindicate its rights. One of my earliest official acts, then, will be, if sanctioned by the Executive Council, to disband all military companies composed of persons of foreign birth." And this is another of the ingredients suggested by your statesmanship, " wisely to control the mingling of races into one nationality." Your assumption that the honor of the American flag APPENDICES. 437 should be confided only to native-born citizens is simply ridiculous. If not, the wisdom of the founders of the Republic and of the rulers of the nation, from Washington down to the present day, has been absolute folly when compared with the statesmanship and light of wisdom now shed upon the world through the Governor of Massa- chusetts. There has been ample experience, sir, in the history of three- quarters of a century, in the practice of all the individual States, as well as of the United States, in testing this very question ; and unless you can show me from this experience that Irishmen, as a class, have been unworthy of having confided to them the trust of sustaining the honor of the American flag, and show me that they have been traitors to that holy trust, when so relied upon by their adopted country, you must be expected to retract the assumption and the assertion made, or submit to be told, as you certainly will be, that you have uttered a base calumny, — a calumny on which you have built up an otherwise baseless fabric ; and on this structure without foundation, tried to find an apology and excuse for an act which can find no precedent in those of the governor of any State in this wide Republic. The only assimilating character which comes near it is that of a ukase of the Autocrat of Russia, I claim not for Irishmen any extra loyalty, or the possession of any claims superior to others ; but I do claim for them an equality which entitles them to a common share in all the duties, labors, and pecuniary support of the Republic, and such share of its honors as individual merit may entitle them to — no more. When they have obtained the rights of citizenship legally, you have no right to single them out as a class to be proscribed — in whose hands it is unsafe to leave the arms and accoutrements of the State, and to whom the paltry compensation doled out by the State to the uniformed militia should not be paid. True, as a salve for this polit- ical laceration, you recommend that they be exempt from military duty. A great boon, certainly, when there is no military duty re- quired of any one, except that which is voluntary. Your education, sir, has been of too liberal a character to per- mit the idea to be entertained for a moment that you wrote in 438 THE IRISH IV BOSTON. ignorance when the portion of your address last noticed was put upon paper. And supposing that the " Declaration of Rights," which the people of Massachusetts have seen fit to place in front of their Constitution, is familiar to you as the letters of the alphabet, and that you must have noticed especially the first, fourth, tenth, seventeenth, twenty-seventh, and twenty-eighth articles thereof, it is difficult to reconcile the doctrine you set forth and the practice you recommend with wise statesmanship and honesty of purpose. That document makes no distinction amongst the *' people," whether they are native or foreign. Though I thus consider the doctrine of your message as un- tenable, unwise, and very bad statesmanship, yet, sir, on the naked question of the propriety or impropriety of organizing and sustaining distinct military companies of persons of foreign birth, I have always been opposed to such organization ; and as long ago as the time of the first petition being sent in for a charter for the Montgomery Guards, my humble opinion was asked for by some of the movers, and my advice was decided and unequivocal, that no such organiza- tion should be desired by the young men themselves in the first place, and that no such Hberty should be granted by the com- mander-in-chief, if it was asked for. Other counsels, however, prevailed, and the mortifying results which had been foretold very soon overtook that unfortunate company. It is true it was dis- banded by Governor Everett, but not in that summary manner you recommend, nor for any of the reasons you give. He did it with great reluctance, and after various other means, all honorable, had been attempted unsuccessfully, in endeavoring to get over the exist- ing trouble, — a trouble which originated in the insubordination of some of the native companies, and not with the " Guards." No charge was brought by him or his Council against Irishmen indiscriminately, by asserting as an axiom that which is uncon- stitutional, as well as inexpedient and unwise, " that the honor of the American flag should be confided only to the hands of those who were native born." He did not manufacture an excuse by insulting and trying to degrade a class in the community who APPENDICES. 439 yield to none in their attachment, devotion, and zealous support of the United States and its Constitution and laws. His course was one of honesty and of a republican character; I complain of that which you recommend, because it seems to me decidedly otherwise. After the experience which the members of the Montgomery Guards had, it was hoped that no effort would again be made in this Commonwealth to organize and incorporate another militia company of persons of foreign birth ; but time ran on, a younger generation came up, organization was asked for in the usual way by citizens respectable and responsible, and the nati\ity of every member on the lists presented was probably not thought a subject of necessary inquiry, and the organizations were regularly granted by the Gov- ernor and Council of the time being. Under some of these grants, companies grew up of young men, principally, though not all, of Irish birth. I regretted to see it, be- cause I knew it would not be so beneficial to themselves individually, as it would be to amalgamate and mix in the ranks with native-born comrades of their own age and standing. This view, however, if ever considered at all by any of them, was overbalanced by some- thing else, and conscious of good purposes only on their own part, their drills commenced, and in due time their public appearances came round. Their first turnouts were favorably received and noticed by their superior officers, regimental, brigade, and division. Occasions came up of a most trying character, and musters ensued ; all of which brought every company and every member closely under the public gaze and scrutiny. These ordeals were all passed cred- itably and honorably to the Irish companies, as they have popularly been called, and the voice of commendation to all the troops, from sources of the highest authority, made no invidious distinction, nor uttered any apprehension or fear that the honor of the American flag would not be sustained in the hands of Irish as well as native-born soldiers. Public opinion was casting off gradually its old prejudices. The aggregate mind of the respective companies was proven to be, as it always had been, true and loyal to the laws of the land ; and 440 THE IRISH IN BOSTON. friends of good order saw as much to hope from and as little to fear from the existing state of the Massachusetts militia, as ever had been entertained at any former period. Under this state of things, Your Excellency was elected to office, and under this state of things you wrote your first address. Now, sir, I would respectfully ask you, is that address wisely considered, and does it contain the best advice which could be placed before the Massachusetts Legislature, to .lead them in aiding the Executive "wisely to control the mingling of races into one nationality," or is its remote and secret drift of a far difi"erent intention and tendency? Since the writing of this article was commenced, the report of the committee of Council, and your order thereon as commander-in- chief, disbanding the militia companies therein named, has been pro- mulgated from headquarters. These documents very ingeniously greatly extend the sphere of proscription marked out in the address. Four brief words add thousands to its victims. They confirm in my mind a certain purpose on the part of the present State Government, which previously I could only suspect to be shadowed forth in Your Excellency's address. The words " or of foreign extraction," intro- duced as they are, read to me wath a fearful import. When the policy intended to be pursued by the Governor and Council towards the volunteer militia of the State comes to be a little further developed, I think many will turn back in their memory, and bring forward the general popular impression which the conduct of the Boston companies inspired, as individual companies, during the trying and perilous passage of the " Burns Riots," so called. The lovers of law and order set no bounds to their praise of, and gratitude to, all and every company called out on that occasion, with one single unfortunate exception, and that exception was not found amongst the Irish companies. On the night when that riot first broke out, and when Mr. Batchelder, the police officer, was killed, the Columbian Artillery, one of those companies now disbanded by Your Excellency, was the first called upon to assist the city authorities. They obeyed with full ranks promptly, did all that men and soldiers could do, and successfully prevented further bloodshed. APPENDICES. 441 The Irish companies, on that memorable occasion, got quite as much popular praise for their uniform good conduct and steady, soldier-like bearing, as any of the old-established companies; and it is certain that the division and field officers did not, in their disposi- tion and arrangement of the troops, place those companies away from the points of danger or of honor. The fact is, they were invariably held to be exceedingly reliable through those perilous days. May not that constitute their crime now? Having thus given my views concerning the tendencies and effects of some of the recommendations contained in the address, as applicable to naturalized citizens generally, and to a portion of the volunteer militia particularly, I will defer to another paper some thoughts entertained on the naturalization laws as they exist, as Your Excellency recommends in your address they should exist, and as the individual who has submitted the foregoing thinks they ought to be, basing his humble opinion and judgment on personal obser- vation and experience in Massachusetts of more than twenty-one years. THE NINTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. Its history in brief is shown b}' the following list of engagements, in which, during its term of service, it participated : — Hall's Hill, Va., Sept. i8, 1861. Vienna, Va., Feb. 14, 1862. Drainsville, Va., Feb. 20, 1862. Bethel, Va., March 30, 1862. Yorktown, Va., April 5, 1862. Siege of Yorktown, Va., April 5 to May 4, 1862 West Point, Va., May 7, 1862. New Bridge, Va., May 24, 1862. Hanover Court-house, Va., May 27, 1862 Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. 442 THE IRISH LV BOSTON. Gaines's Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29, 1862. Malvern Hill, Va.,' July i, 1862. Manassas, Va., August 29, 30, 1862. Chantilly, Va., September i, 1862. South Mountain, Md., September 14, 15, 16, 1862. Antietam, Md., September 17, 18, 1862. Sharpsburg, Md., September 19, 1862. Boettler's Mill, Md., September 20, 1862. Sheppardstown, Md., September 25. 1862. Morrisville, Va., December 30, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 14, 1862. Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 4, 5, 1863. Ellis's Ford, June i, 1863. Brandy Station, June 9, 1863. Aldie Gap, June 21, 1863. Gettysburg, July 2, 3, 4, 1863. Wapping Heights, July 23, 1863. Culpepper, October 12, 13, 1863. Bristow Station, October 14, 1863; April 15, 1864. Rappahannock Station, August 20, 23, 1862 ; August i, 2, 1863 ; November 7, 1863. Locust Grove, November 26, 27, 28, 1863. Mine Run, Va., November 29, 30, December 2, 1863. Liberty, Va., January 13, 1864. Wilderness, May 5, 6, 7, 1864. Laurel Hill, May 8, 1864. Po River, May 10, 1864. Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. North Anna, May 23, 1864. Shady Oak, May 27, 1864. Tolopotomy Swamp, May 30, 31, 1864. Bethesda Church, June 3, 1864. Cold Harbor, June 5, 1864. APPENDICES. 443. CASUALTIES IN THE REGIMENT. Wounded. Total, or died. Officers 1 8 26 44 Non-com. staff and band ..... 44 Company A . 32 69 loi Company B 24 52 ^6 Company C . . . . . . . 17 61 78 Company D 21 60 81 Company E 25 55 80 Company F . . . . . . . 21 6}, 84 Company G 26 47 73 Company H ....... 22 52 74 Company I ....... 24 74 98 Company K ....... 20 50 70 Total ....... 250 613 863 I