THE CITy BGHilTIPillE lacljcl Qlottgatc Seek .->iry- ^ .., THE CITY BEAUTIFUL A TRIBUTE TO THE CAPITAL OF THE UNITED STATES BY RACHEL TONGATE BECK Illustrations By LEONARD HAROLD WILDER, F. R. S. A. SECOND EDITION, REVISED WSTOPjfEli PUBUSHING HOUSE BOSTON Copyright, ig/j by The Christopher Pubi,ishing House FEB 17 1917 ©G1,A458104 Tlie Ci^ Beautiful J|THE spirit of seventy-six foretold M The upbuild of this great stronghold. Wise manhood linked the chain of laws. That bind men in a common cause. Moved by the patriotic cry, "Sink or swim, live or die". And Patrick Henry's shibboleth, "Give me liberty, or give me death," Congress signed the Declaration Of the Independence of this Nation. lltXDAUNTED couraj2;e paved the way, ^ To the Republic of today. The power of Federahzed control, Is centered in this Capitol. Beneath the shadow of the dome, Where the chosen members come To sit in council and decree Laws for the great Democracy. North, South, East and West, Are here in equal manifest. ''^'"^mmr- -JW^-«**S!»«.» JpACH a quota of the whole, ^ That forms the masterful control. Within these marble columns are The arbiters of peace and war The loom that weaves the w^ebs that bind, The high ideals of mankind. These terraces and corridors, ''The citadel of Senators", That echoed to the passing tread Of Columbia's martyred dead ^ ND measured eloquence of tongue, "^^ That through the Senate Chamber rung; Trophies and reHcs in the hall Where the whispering voices call; Where the Goddess makes her home On the ai)ex of the dome; Where the colors rise and fall Tn beauty on the outer wall; Where God 's beneficence is seen And Nature reigns, a royal queen; JjIERE the Temple Literary, ^J The Congressional Library, Rises with a gold crowned crest, In Columbia's Eagle's nest; Carved alabaster marble hall, Ripe mosaic frescoed wall; Wise philosophers and sages. From the aeons of the ages. Ancient gods and muses vie With the great modernity. The Cit}) Beautiful JJIELOVlilD o'er the world, our own, ^^ Columbia's city, Washington. The sun shines brighter from his throne, The moon has e'en a mellower tone. The stars are earthward bent, to shine On all the beauties that are thine. Potomac croons a mother's song, To soothe thee, as she winds along. Th(> City Beautiful, thy name Enriches all the hosts of fame. ^HE people's homes and altar fires, M The churches, with their star-tipped spires ; The avenues, where trees parade, In plumed emerald brigade; Federal buildings, treasure stored, With their overflowing hoard; Numerous parks, in verdure dressed, That woo the wayfarer to rest; Statues, that commemorate Some circumstance of high estate. ^HE monum('nt, a tovverinj>- might, V An obelisk of Parian white, Pointing heavenward over all The sacred precints of the Alall ; Here Alpheus his vigil keeps Where Potomac winding sweeps. ^J>L B rf?iri I s JifciX^ /|TRAND parades march in review M' On Pennsylvania Avenue. Where the White House, residence Of Cohimbia's Presidents, Mutely welcomes each new host, Nor seems to favor one the most. Here Deans of the Diplomacy Are guests of the Democracy. ^HP] romance of Colonial days, ^ Interspersed with tragedies, When Washington in buff and bhie, Wore powdered wig and buckled shoe; And those days at Yorktown w hen Von Steuben drilled our count r\ men w TfTOYAL millions venerate A deified Triumvirate. No monarch seated on a throne Had pedestal like Washington. Lincoln ! the apotheosis Of Columbia's dire distress; Grant, the Mars of Civil War, Was greater than an emperor. Their years are as the yesterdays; Their deeds are as the centuries. OUNT Vernon in memoria keeps Watch where Washington now sleeps: Where the aeoHan of regret Still sighs the name of La Fayette; While the boom of martial gun Awakes the dawn at Arlington, Once the home of General Lee Pride of the Confederacy. MJHEN fulfillment of thy mission ^^ Ripens into strong fruition; When thy praises have been sung By every language of the tongue, By the stranger on thy shore, Welcomed through the open door; By those Islands of the sea, Uplifted to their Liberty; When Candida's Dove of Peace Yields the War Gods full surcease; 19|HEN ''the city beautiful" shall bend ^^ To L'Enf ant's classic trend; When politics from fraud are purged, And brotherhood of man is urged; Then will the god's arch deities, Chaunt the anthem of thy praise: Jehovah's choirs with joy acclaim, The lasting triumph of thy name; And every voice on land and sea, Will hail the Flag of Liberty. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 092 043 8