LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. u iujping]^ f a. Shelf 11. SLhl^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A CHRISTMAS SONG THE SORROWING, 6 By£L1ZBETH BftOMINS. BOSTON, U. S. A. L. PRANG & COMPANY Copyright, 1S90, by L. Prang & Co., Uoston, U. S. A. = 6 13^ f\ <$f7ri3t:mas ^ot)(^ for tf^e Sorrou/lp*^. Oh, you to whom tlie Christmas' time Brings only l)itter tears, And agonizing" memories (Jf joys ol by-gone-years ! Whose ears the merry greetings strike With discords, sharp as pain; Who steal away to hide yonr grief, And weep, and weep again. What better oft'ering can you bring To sanctify the day, Than hrm resolve for others' sake To lay your grief away? To let no shadow from vour past Their happy present chill ; With true, unselhsh cheerfulness, The whole long day to hll. It is no easy thiii^- to do — To smile and let no trace Of all the sorrow in your heart Be mirrored in your face. It is no easy thing*, and yet, li done for others' sake. Some echoes of the jov around Must in your heart awake Anrl who shall say, that in the realm Of immortality, Your loved ones may not thrill with joy, This Sacrifice to see t Then courage, courage, fainting heart. Be equal to the test ; So shall you find your Christmas time With sacred Peace is blest. LiZBKTH B. CoMINS. ^^^ ■^2£T ■#V