Home Cookery. 250 TESTED RECEIPTS. BY M RS. H, ( • t- ^ -7 A^ SEJCOIsTID EIDITXOIsr. '/X. PH ILADELPHIA ^881 ''■^ ^l^^ COPYRIGHT BY JACKS (J N BROTHERS. JACKSON BROTHERS. PRINTERS, 402 LIBRARY STREET, PHILADA. PREFACE. This cookery book bases its claim to the attention of the housewife on the fact that each receipt has been practi- cally tested in the ordinary course of household affairs and has met the approval of more than one competent judge. The number of receipts has been purposely limited, in order that no one may have the least difficulty in finding and choosing a dish, and that there may yet be a sufficient variety to please the most capricious taste. Mrs. H. November, iSSo. CONTENTS. PAGE SOUPS 5 SHELL FISH 14 FISH 18 MEATS 20 GAME AND POULTRY 20 MADE DISHES 82 VEGETABLES 43 SALADS 40 P>REAKFAST AND TEA CAKES 48 SAUCES 51 PASTRY 56 PUDDINGS ; Gl DISHES FOR DESSERT 71 PLAIN SWEET CAKES 78 FANCY CAKES 86 PRESERVES, JELLIES, BEVERAGES, CANDIES, ETC 89 PICKLES % POTTING 98 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. IG drains 1 ounce. 16 ounces 1 pound. 28 pounds 1 quarter of hundred. 4 quarters, or 112 pounds I hundred. 20 hundred 1 ton. LIQUID MEASURE. 4 gills 1 pint. 2 pints 1 quart. 4 quarts 1 gallon. ^^id:oil.:e=:e3:i-^. WIENER BROTHERS, DEALERS IN FINE FRUITS, NUTS k CONFECTIONERY, Fancy Groceries, Choice Mian, Freicii ani all Iiortefl Wines, FOR FAMILY USE. ^ 1227 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Confections, Holiday Novelties, German Favors, &.c. Fruits handsomely arranged in Baskets. Wiener Brothers, 1227 Chestnut Street. STEWART, PEIRCE & CO. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS. Gents' t\tecl? Wear and Notions. Tie West-Eld Unlannflriel Slirt a Specialty. 1416 Chestnut Street, 104 The handy getting of things. Never tire of congratulating yourselves, Philadelphians, on your markets ; in which nearly everything for your bounteous larders is got under the cool shadow of one roof Here, too, you find under one roof, and on one floor, almost everything that people in other cities have to go for, in all weathers, from store to store, and from street to street. Did you ever think how much extra you could afford to pay for goods for such handiness of getting them ? And as you get good butter and fresh vegetables in the markets — good and fresh above the goodness and freshness known in most cities. New York for example — so here you get the best things in the whole world, if you like ; in silks, dress-goods, bonnets, shoes, gloves, shirts; in short, in almost everything you deck your persons or furnish your homes with; and when you find our price for anything higher than somebody else's, let us know! Our house is too big to be fine, and our visitors too many to be select ; it is a big everybody's house ; there are every- body's goods in it ; and yours, no matter whether your purse is heavy or light. We welcome you all ; we provide for you all; and we do not mean to provide meanly or thinly, or any way but bountifully. The test of a merchant is, how big and how true a dollar's worth does he give ? JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, and City Hall Square. 105 MANUFACTURERS OF GEORGE G. THOMAS' IMPROVED Ventilatorfs dS: Chimney-Tops, (Patented July 11, 1871,) FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c. Also, Manufacturers of and Dealers in 6S7 Morih Jfineteenth Street, Philadelphia. Joseph Allen, ESTABIjISBED 1835. James C. Allen, Henry W. Allen, Joseph Allen, Jr. Medal Awarded 1876, International Exhibition. ttm CIESTNUT STIBET, MANUFACTORY. r^T^ : ] ^ -J ^] ^-u :^ N.E. cor. 12th & Hamilton sts. iTnuaaeipnia. i/fO'J^ Jiflounf V'tinon sSUul, Cakes, Ice-Creams, Jellies, Meringues, Charlotte Russe, &c. &c. PARTIES AND WEDDINGS SUPPLIED. lOG H. HUTCHISON,. 0-raca.^-Late of I='iLilad.a,. Collegfe of :E=l:i.arxaaac3r, Fairmount Avenue ^ Twentieth St. P. E. CHILL.MAN, I^or2:2:ierl3r of IP. E. Clxillrsn.a.2nL cSc Co. STTSTTC Fl OTOGE APTIf K, »M. Alt- II STIlEET, — Established 1800 — PEALKK IN RIBBONS, SILKS AND VELVETS, -MILLINERY GOODS- 105, 107 ^ 109 JYorth Eighth Street, PHILABELPHIA. Trim-am-eci Ha,ts axi-d. Bon^LanLets a- specia,lt37-. GEO. L. LUTZ, MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTH-WEST CORNER RIDGE & FAIRMOUNT AVENUES PHILADELPHIA. 107 JOHN WANAMAKER & GO. " I say, Fred, where'd you get those trousers ?" "Where I get everything — why? but why weren't you over last night?" " Never mind last night. I want to know about those trousers." "You're too hard on a fellow — they're Wana- maker's kerseys, if you must know — but — " "You don't mean those $3.50 kerseys?" " I do exactly — if I like a thing I don't care how little I pay for it — do you ?" John Wanamaker & Co. 820 Chestnut Street. MANUFACTURERS OF A^ V f AGTOIY i=mij^^^EiL.mi.A.. First-class Paper Hangers sent to all parts of the country. 108 BARRETT & MARSHALL, 1914 PAIRMOUNT AVENUE, Building and House-Furnishing HARDUrARS^ READY-MIXED PAINTS FOR FAMILY USE, Putty and Glass, Tine Cutlery and Plated Ware. HARRY C. BARRETT. rOBT. L. MARSHALL. I Villi I IIIJ AklTII^ ITHE BEST THREAD for SEWING MACHINES J Tf ILLIIfimni lU Tie Best Spool Coto for MacMnes M M Serai ITS T^'P n^ WILLIMANTIQ New Six-Cord Soft Finish. STEOJVG, SMOOTH AJVD ELASTIC. Ask for the RED LABEL. DIAMONDS. WATCHES. HAMRICK & SON, 804 Chestnut Street, FINE JEWELRY. PHl!)tJ©iLPM(]^= SILVERWARE. 109 Established 1841. DAVID CARRICK & CO. JIANrFACTURERS OF Crack, Cake; lis&uitMnlConfcctioiisrj JVos. 1903 and 1905 Market Street, JOSEPH SLACK, 19th and Ridge Avenue, AND N. W. corner 17th and Fairmount Ave. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF mmm\ 3 d FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES DAILY. CHOICE ALDERNEY BUTYER. PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING In all its branches promptly executed by TOY 6L BRO. 929 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. jg@°"Sewcr-Gas Prevented. — Drains Laid. — ^Ventilation a Specialty. "^g All orders received at residence, 2002 Mt. Vernon Street, promptly attended to. — Charges low. 110 MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 5 1 S Chestnut street, Naval Uniforms. PHILADELPHIA. THACKARA, BUCK & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ilf ISf 10 MB lllf iiie, No. 718 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 0@atli©itil Oiipl Ofeislig AND FIRE-PROOF STORE HOUSE, (OUR NEW BUILDING,) 20fh Street, above Chestnut Street, Ptiitade/phia. J8@°'72 separate rooms for the storage of Furniture and Household Goods. Ill GEAP mm^ OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. tOYS FANCY GOODS AND NOVELTIES III unsurpassed variety and extremely low prices. 1006 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. BUSH^HILL NEW AND SECOND-HAND Bought and Sold. S. E. CORNER RIDGE AVE. & SPRING GARDEN STREET, ^i3:iIj^^I3EI_iI=i3:i^^. All kinds of Furniture stored. Diina anl Cut Elassware neatly hii BY F. BENDIMERE,. 818 Taney Street, Philadelphia. Vases and other Ornaments Cemented. The Extension of Cracks in Plate-Glass and China eiiectually Prevented. 112 113 GLEN ECHO MILLS. BiBp va MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF O ^ fii F A 7 Z XT G S , 1012 & 1014 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SEOHZE MONmS IBB CEMETERY ENCLOSURES, AKK UNRIVALLED FOR BEAUT Y — E C O N O M Y D U R A B I L I T Y. PAXSON, COMFORT & CO. 523 Market Street, Philadelphia. Gall or send for lllustrafed Price List. 114 j:^' o 3EAflIS' GA '^■k ^ -^b22- G? i-eM-nu-'t / k^/.© t:/'e i-i-li^t^^-e-lMfi it^ JAMI5 s. tKm;i & sorfs. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF I I ookinjUlassESpDilPaintinjsJinoEiipings Chromo-LithographSy Picture-Frames. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HOWSON & SONS, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS, AND COUNSEL IN PATENT CASES, Principal Offices, No. 119 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Branch Office, 605 Seventh Street, Washington, D. C. 115 L. KNOWLES. C. P. PEROT. 250 & 252 N. BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Fine Family ^ E« O IT a a Specialty. PILLBURT's best, ^ r KING OF ALL, Hamilton's fancy, I a j. r j red star, GOLD medal, r "gGHtS TOr A PATAPSCO, plant's extra, ) y stonewall. CHAS. M. VANDBGRIPT, BUILDING AND HOUSE-FURNISHING HARDAVARE, N. E. CORNER Twentieth and Callowhill Streets, Mechanics' Tools, Cutlery, Nails and Sash-Weights AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HENRY J. SCHOCH, rai m m ezcqaie stmies 640 North Sixteenth Street, (Below Fairmount Avenue.) Orders left at 728 Green st. will be promptly attended to fi^-BOARDING HORSES A SrECIALTY.-^^a 116 m N. E. Cor. 17th and Wallace Streets, « si% Itrft dii „ 1^ Jk -. AH Kinds of Furniture Stored. Upholstering and Jobbing of every description. Hineteeath and Brown Streets, DEALER IN CHOICE Fruits, Vegetables, Meats,