D 526 .n44 1918 Copy 1 THE TRIAL OF THE KAISER THE TRIAL OF THE KAISER By EDWARD MENKIN 1306 Conway Building 111 WEST WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THE U. S. A. AND ITS ALLIES IN THEIR HGHT AGAINST KAISERDOM DOMINATING THE DESTINIES OF THE WORLD • • • EDWARD MENKIN Second Ecjition Copyright 1918 JUN 21 Ibjo ©CI,A500220 N\^^^ «yVi^^ I In the Heavenly Court GOTT, vs. WILHELM II von HOHENZOLLERN AND GUELPH, King of Prussia, Emperor of all Germany; alias, "Me and God;" alias, Kriegs herr von Furor Teutonicus; alias. Founder of Wilhelm's Orden; alias, Ruler by the Grace of God; alias, Ruler, by Divine Right, of the Chosen People; alias. Instrument of the Most High; alias. Envoy Extraordinary of Almighty God. In the Seventh Heaven, which is Araboth, sits the Great Judge of all creation; and there are the Ophanim ; the Seraphim; and the ten ranks of the angels. The most exalted in rank are those surrounding the Divine Throne on all sides — to the right, to the left, in front, and behind — under the leadership of the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. All the celestial beings praise God with the words : "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts !" Now, it fell upon the day of July 31st, 1914, that the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. (I select Satan as the prosecutor, for it is said that Satan had good intentions in his denunciations of Job, Talmud Tract Baba Bathra 16A. So then Satan has good intentions in prosecuting the Kaiser, as the Kaiser represents evil on earth.) And the Lord said unto Satan: "Hast thou considered Kaiser Wilhelm II, grandson of Emperor William I, son of Kaiser Frederich III, who ascended the throne of the Prussian kings, June 15, 1888, and who said, in an address to his people, 'TO MY PEOPLE, SUMMONED TO THE THRONE OF MY FATHERS: I have taken up the reins of government in looking for aid to The King of all kings, and I have sworn to God to follow the example of my fathers and to be to my people a just and mild ruler; to nurture piety and the fear of God; 3 to cherish PEACE and the country's welfare; to be a helper to the poor and oppressed, and the faithful guardian of justice.'" And Satan answered The Lord : "I have heard of the Kaiser's oath, which he took when he was crowned Emperor, but since then and up to the present time, he (the Kaiser) has been guilty of the crime of 'BLASPHEMY,' in that he (the Kaiser) HAS USED THY NAME IN VAIN." And the Lord said to Satan: "Where dost thou get thy proof?" To which Satan gave answer: "The whole cosmos complains against him — that is to say, he (the Kaiser) is destroying the whole world, which THOU hast created in order that THY people may keep the commandments THOU hast given to THY servant, Moses, on Sinai." Whereupon, The Heavenly Judge, The Creator of the universe, en- tered an order that Satan produce his evidence forthwith. THEN SATAN ARRAINGED THE KAISER: "The Kaiser violated Belgium's neutrality." The Lord asked Satan if he knew this charge to be true, and Satan replied that he had been on earth the moment the Kaiser marched his troops thru Belgium, and at that time he heard that the United States of America had a representative, in the person of the Honorable Brand Whitlock, who had with him, as his first secretary, the Honorable Hugh Gibson, which secretary kept a journal of all the proceedings in relation to the charge of the violation of Bel- gium's neutrality, at the American Legation in Brussells, and that said journal is entitled "The Rape of Belgium — A journal from our Legation in Belgium; by Hugh Gibson, First Secretary, American Legation in Brussels." (Mr. Gibson tells how: (i) He took over the German Lega- tion when ivar was declared; (2) he witnessed King Albert's great speech of defiance; (3) he zvas in Louvain during the burning and pillaging of the city; (4) he passed many times through the firing lines between the Germans and Belgians, with American dispatches ; (5) he was in Brussels when the Germans entered; (6) he had all manner of official and unofficial dealings with the Germans; (7) he had many opportunities to see King Albert, in the Held under shell Hre, and behind the lines; (8) he spent forty-eight hours trying to save Miss Cavell, arguing, pleading, and finally threatening, without effect.) "Now, I offer this book in evidence," said Satan, addressing himself to The Great Judge of all creation. And The Great Judge of all Creation said: "Let this book be admitted in evidence, marked 'Satan's Exhibit A.' " And none of the angels ob- jected to this. 4 The Lord asked Satan whether he was in Germany at that time and since; to which Satan gave answer that he was; that he spoke with professors, theologians, and pretended statesmen, all of whom justified this violation against Belgium's neutrality, on the authority of the Old Testament, and in particular did they rely upan Chapter XX of Deuter- onomy, commencing with verse 10 of that Chapter, which is as follows: "When thou drawest nigh unto a city to fight against it then proclaim peace unto it;" and verse 11: "And it shall be, if it makes thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that are found therein shall become tributary unto thee, and shall serve thee ;" and verse 12: "And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it." (Chapitre XX, Deuferonome, 10 : "Quand Hi t'approcheras d'une ville pour la comhattre, tu liii offriras la paix." ii: "Alors, si elle te fait line r'esponsc de paix, et fouvre Ics partes, tout le peuple qui s'y troiwera te sera tributaire et t& servira." 12: "Que si elle ne trait e, pas avcc toi mats qu'elle fasse la guerre contre toi, alors tu I'assiegeras.") And The Lord called Moses, at the request of the angel, Michael (who was present and guided Moses when on Sinai), to hear this justification of the destruction of Belgium, on the authority of the Old Testament. A great tumult prevailed — lightning, thunder (something that had not occurred since the law was given to Moses on that memor- able day) — and Moses appeared, escorted by the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, and, with tears in his eyes, addressed The Great Judge of all creation, saying : "As I remember, at the time Thou gavest Thy Law to me, word for word I jotted it down, and the con- struction and the interpretation put upon it by the German professors, theologians and pretended statesmen, is absolutely wrong and has no application to the case at bar. I therefore beseech Thee, Most Gracious Judge, not to admit same inta the evidence, for the reason that the Ger- mans claim that I was not a Jew at all, and if I am not a Jew, but a German, I do not remember that the Germans were present to receive THY Law. I remember distinctly that the other seventy nations on the earth refused to accept THY Law, and Thou gavest it, through me, to the chosen people, who, I understood, were those same people who are known as the children of Israel, whom Thou instructed me to take out of the land of Egypt, which I did. The children of Israel were 5 chosen for special duties, and those special duties were to observe THY Law as written ; and not for special privileges, as the Germans claim. And The Lord asked Satan whether he had heard that the Ger- mans claim that Moses was a German ; and Satan answered, saying that he had. Then The Lord asked Satan : "Where dost thou get thy in- formation?" And Satan answered, saying that he had in his hand the "Berliner Zeitung am Mittag," of November, 1915, which reported the claim of those professors, theologians and pretended statesmen. The Lord asked Satan to read it; and Satan read: "Moses was not a Jew at all. It is now beyond doubt that he was born in the Harz Mountains, and therefore he was a German. He led the north German tribes to Malta, and thence to Messina, the modern name of which can be dis- tinctly seen to have originated in 'Macedonia.' " Then Satan said : *T offer this in evidence and ask that it be marked 'Satan's Exhibit B.' " And The Lord said : "I shall let it in for the present, provided you can connect it with other evidence." Satan said that he had other evidence to offer; The Lord asked what it was, and Satan replied that the same professors, theologians and pretended statesmen claim that Jesus Christ was not a Jew ; that one in particular of said professors, namely, H. S. Chamberlain, makes such claim, while the others of the said professors claim that Jesus Christ was a German. The Lord asked Satan for his evidence; and Satan answered, saying that he had before him a book entitled "Ein Pangermanisches Deutschland," written by Reimer, which states : "Jesus Christ, with His blue eyes, fair hair, and fresh complexion, was essentially of German type. His very name testifies to His Ger- man origin ; the first syllable, JE, is plainly a corruption of GER, the letter 'R' having fallen out (as commonly happens) and being replaced by *S'; the second syllable, US, is merely the Latin termination of a man's name. We get, therefore, JESUS = German." Satan said: "I offer this in evidence as 'Satan's Exhibit C,' and ask that the same be. admitted." (Same ruling.) And The Lord asked Satan whether he had heard that the German wise men claimed the angels to be German ; and Satan answered : "No, but they claim that THOU, The Creator of the universe, art German, and in their whole theology, philosophy, and all their natural sciences, they have inculcated the idea that THOU art a German; and the Kaiser has imbibed that teaching, and, in an address to the army of the east. he used the following language: 'Remember that you are the chosen people. The Spirit of The Lord has descended on me because I am the Emperor of the Germans; I am the instrument of The Most High; I am His sword, His representative. Disaster and death to those who resist my will ! Disaster and death to those who do not believe in my mission !' And on March 22nd, 1905, the Kaiser said: 'We are the salt of the earth. God created us to civilize the world.' And in a speech made by the Kaiser at Munster, September, 1907, he said: 'The German people will be the granite block upon which The Good God may complete His work of civilizing the world. Then will be realized the word of the poet who said that the world will one day be healed by the German character ( Wesen ) .' " 'God demands the destruction of our enemies ! God, through my mouth, commands you to execute His orders,' the Kaiser stated in a proclamation to his army. " 'When you meet the foe, you will defeat him. No quarter will be given, no prisoners will be taken. Let all who fall into your hands be at your mercy. Just as the Huns, a thousand years ago, under the leadership of Attila, gained a reputation in virtue of which they still live in historical tradition, so may the name of Germany become known,' said the Kaiser, in an address to a battalion of mariners about to depart for China, July 2nd, 1900. "I offer all of these extracts from speeches of the Kaiser, and ask that same be admitted in evidence, marked 'Exhibit D.'" (Same ruling.) And The Lord asked Satan whether he had with him the books of the German teachers, tending to show that their belief that they are the chosen people, has become their conviction, and has imbued them with a feeling of superiority over all other nations; that they have be- come obsessed with the idea that they are God's favorites; that they speak of God as the German God, implying thereby that other people are without the pale of His special concern: and Satan repHed that he had. And The Lord said : "Read from book to book, successively, giving the name of the author of each book, as you quote therefrom." And Satan read: — " 'He who does not believe in the Divine Mission of Ger- many, had better hang himself, and rather today than tomorrow.' — H. S. Chamberlain, Die Zuversicht. " 'Oh, my Germany, into thy soul thou must etch a deep and indelible hate. Stifle in thy heart all human feeling, and hasten to the fight. Oh, Germany, Hate! Slaughter thy foes by the millions, and of their reeking corpses build a monument that shall reach the clouds. Oh, Germany, Hate! Salvation will come of thy wrath. Beat in their skulls with rifle-butts and axes. Let your clenched fist enforce the judgment of God.' — Vierordt, Song of Hate. " 'That which is so frequently described as the "German inner consciousness" is really nothing more or less than the will of our soul which is absorbed by the Will of God within it, and carries out that Will as its highest duty. When we talk frankly and boldly about the "German God," what we mean to express thereby is, the power of the Divine action within the German soul, for only in the German soul is centered the Kingdom of Heaven. This is German Christianity.' — Baron Hans Von Wol- zogen, in the Berlin Post. " 'God above us will see to it that war shall always recur, as a drastic medicine for ailing humanity.' — Heinrich von Treitzschke, The Interpreter of the Blood and Iron Theory of History. " 'We are beginning, slowly, humbly, and yet with a deep gladness, to divine God's intentions. It may sound proud, m.y friends, but we are conscious that it is also in all humbleness that we say it; the German soul is God's soul; it shall and will rule over mankind.' — Pastor W. Lehmann, on the German God. " 'Thou Who dwellest high in THY Heaven, above cherubim, seraphim, and zeppelins, Thou Who art enthroned as a God of thunder, in the midst of lightning from the clouds, and lightning, hail and tempest hurtling upon our enemy, and hurl him down to the dark burial-pits. Our God would not have shown so much solicitude for the German fatherland, if He had not pre- pared a great destiny for it.' — Pastor D. Vorwerk, Battle Prayer. " 'Germany must conquer, not because God fights on the side of Germany, but because the Germans fight on the side of God, and because The Deity is aware that Germany is determined, 8 at any cost, to carry out the task He has set her.' — Judge Chrzesinsky, in the Dusseldorfer-General Anzeiger. " 'A Jesusless horde, a crowd of the Godless, are in the field against us. May God surround us with His protection, since our defeat would also mean the defeat of His Son in Humanity.' — Pastor J. Rump, War Devotions. "'I have slaughtered the old and the sorrowful; I have struck off the breasts of women ; I have run through the bodies of children, who gazed at me with the eyes of the wounded lion. It is meet and right that I should cry aloud my pride, for am I not the flaming messenger of The Lord Almighty?' — Song of the German Sword. " 'Germany is the center of God's plans for the world.' — Pastor W. Lehmann, on The German God. " 'Among all the nations of the earth, the Germans are al- ways, relatively speaking, the best. For that reason, God has chosen Germany and Austria as His instrument; in a way, as His police, to correct other peoples placed on a lower plane.' — Rheinisch-Westfalische Zeitung, June, 1915. " 'In war time, every individual should be permeated with the conviction that for the fatherland's sake, the enemy must be annihilated without pity or consideration. Today we must with- draw ourselves from the New Testament and revert to the Old, which considers the utter annihilation of the enemy as an ex- cellent thing, an annihilation in which feeble respect of age or infancy finds no place.' — Pastor Lober, of Fremdeswald, in Kreuzzeitung. " 'The German empire must build with blood and iron the road to the attainment of its political destiny in the world.' — Prince von Bulow, Deutsche Politik. " 'That glorious feat of arms forty-four years ago gives us courage to believe that the German soul is the world's soul ; that God and Germany belong to one another.' — Pastor W. Lehmann. " 'When, here on earth, a battle is won by German arms, and the faithful dead ascend to Heaven, a Potsdam lance-corporal will call the guard to the door, and "old Fritz," springing from his golden throne, will give the command to present arms. That is the Heaven of young Germany.' — Jung Deutschland Post, October, 1913. " 'God has, in Luther, practically chosen the German people, and that can never be altered; for, is it not written, in Romans XI :29, "For the gifts and calling of God are without re- pentance?'" — Dr. Preuss. " 'Men must come to realize that whoever cannot speak German is a pariah.' — H, S. Chamberlain, Kriegsaufsatze. " 'Ye shall love peace as a means to new wars — and the short peace more than the long. Ye say it is the good cause which halloweth even war? I say unto you: It is the good war which halloweth every cause." — Nietzsche. Thus Spake Zarathustra. " 'The 42 cm. guns are a special gift from God to Germany, because He wishes to give Germany the victory.' — M. Hennig, Der Krieg und Wir. " 'Who are the men who tower highest in the history of the nation? For whom does the heart of the German beat with warmest love? Is it Goethe, Schiller, Wagner, or Marx? No. It is for Barbarossa, the great Frederick, Blucher, Moltke, Bis- marck — the hard men of blood. Those men, who sacrificed thousands of lives, are the men to whom the tenderest feelings — a thankfulness that has something of worship in it — flow from the soul of the people.' — W. Fuchs, in Die Post, January 28, 1912. " 'Be not considerate of thy neighbor. What thou doest can no one do to thee again. Lo, there is no requital. "Thou shalt not steal !" "Thou shalt not kill !" Such precepts were once called holy. Is there not, even in all life, stealing and killing? And for such precepts to be called holy, was not truth itself slain thereby? This new table, O my brethren, put I up over you, "Become hard !" ' — Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra. 10 "The modern Germany's prophet has given a new version of the Com- mandments in his Chapter entitled 'Old and New Tables.' The old tables are to be discarded; the new, containing his reading of the moral life, are to take the place of the old. This prophet is the creator of the conception of the superman, out of which has grown the thought of 'the Germans as the superpeople;' he gives a new reading, not only of the Commandments, but also of that expression of Jesus' teaching, the Golden Rule. Jesus said : 'Do unto others as you would have them do to 3^ou;' Zarathustra, Nietzsche says, 'Be not considerate of thy neigh- bor. What thou doest can no one do to thee again. Lo, there is no requital.' And, for the old tables containing such commands as 'Thou shalt not steal !' 'Thou shalt not kill !' he substitutes his new table, 'Become hard !' For him and for his disciples, the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule are outgrown. They were for slaves, and he terms them 'slave morality,' as applied to the moral teachings of Judaism and Christianity. "I offer all of these extracts from the books and sermons of the various pastors, here quoted, and ask that the same be admitted in the evidence, marked 'Satan's Exhibit E.' "Through this violation against a people that Julius Caesar says were the bravest, the v/hole world was set on fire. The killing of Franz Ferdinand, in Serajevo, on the 28th of June, 1914, was a mere pretense, and the Kaiser has been war mad since his boyhood days. "Prince Wilhelm, when a boy of fifteen, was sent to Cassel, there to attend (from 1874 to 1877) the local 'gymnasium,' known as the 'Lyceum Friedericanum,' a higher public school enjoying an excellent reputation. The prince did not like the methods of teaching observed by him while at school, so, in a letter written by him April 2, 1885, eight years after leaving college, to a German lawyer who had sent him two pamphlets on the shortcomings of the prevailing methods of Ger- man tuition, Prince Wilhelm, then a young man of twenty-six, said: " 'I have read "WORAN WIR LEIDEN" (What We Suf- fer From) with great interest, and greater pleasure; Homer, that magnificent man for whom I have a great admiration; Horace; Demosthenes, whose orations are bound to enthuse anyone. How were they read? With enthusiasm, perhaps, for the bat- 11 ties painted, or for the splendid weapons described, or for the strong passages of nature description? Not at all. Under the scalpel of the grammarian, the fanatical philologist, every brief sentence was divided — quartered, until the skeleton had been found, with joy, and had been triumphantly exhibited to the admiration of all, in order to demonstrate in how many ways any trivial thing may be prefixed, suffixed, or affixed. It is enough to cause tears ! The Latin and Greek treatises — a howl- ing farce — what trouble and labor they cost, and what pitiable results have been obtained ! I believe Horace would have given up the ghost with fright. Away with this rot ! War to the knife, against such tuition! This system gives to our youth a knowledge of the syntax and grammar of those ancient lan- guages, better than the old Greeks themselves possessed; they know by heart every one of those old generals, battles, and orders of battles, in the Punic and Mithridatic wars, but are left completely in the dark as to the battles of the Seven Years' War, let alone those of the "much too modern wars of '66 and 70," which, of course they haven't studied as yet. " 'Young students, on leaving school and entering the army, or stepping into civil life, each and all of them, were of one mind, in that the German empire must be re-established and Alsace-Lorraine must be regained. Prussian teachers were ad- vocates of the idea of national unity — an idea which was preached everywhere. That was in 1864-1866 — until 1870. With the year 1871 this condition ceased to exist ; the empire was reunited ; we had attained what we wanted; and matters had come to a stand- still. " 'Our school system, at present, lacks, above all, its na- tional basis. We want to educate our pupils to become young Germans, not young Greeks or Romans. When I attended school the Great Elector was, for us, a nebulous being; the Seven Years' War was left untouched ; and history, as a whole, wound up, for us, with the end of the last century — with the French Revolution, 12 " 'While unmistakable progress has been made since 1872 in methods of tuition, more must still be done in that line. The principals must remember that MULTUM NON MULTA is the proper motto for them to follow. Teachers must devote less at- tention to formalism and more to the spirit of what they teach.' "The impressive demonstration in favor of peace, which Emperor Wilhelm II inaugurated immediately after his accession, by means of a series of trips to foreign parts, was emphasized by the fact that his first visit was paid to the Czar of Russia, Alexander III. Wilhelm under- took the journey by sea, July 14th, less than a month after his father's death. He started from Kiel, on board his yacht, the 'Hohenzollern,* for St. Petersburg, accompanied by Prince Henry, his brother ; Prince Herbert Bismarck, then Secretary of Foreign Affairs ; General von Hahnke, then chief of his military cabinet; and a large and brilliant suite. Wilhelm told the Czar that he (Wilhelm) loved PEACE. WHAT A LIE!" Thereupon, angel Yefefiyah, the prince of the Torah (The Mosaic Law — Pentateuch), stepped up to the Throne of the Great Judge, and addressed The Lord as follows : — "Satan was not present when Thou gavest the Torah to Thy servant, Moses, when PEACE was proclaimed over all the world. At that time, and up to the present. Thy chosen people's mission has always been PEACE. Thou hadst employed Satan elsewhere, and he was not pres- ent ; he knew nothing of the revelation which Thou madest on Sinai. For Thou didst not want Satan to appear as an accuser, and said to him : 'Wouldst thou give the Torah to a people that forty days later would worship the golden calf?' I remember that Satan asked Thee regarding the whereabouts of the Torah, and Thou didst tell him : T gave the Torah to the earth.' To the earth, then, Satan betook himself, with his query: 'Where is the Torah?' The earth said: 'God knoweth of its course ; He knoweth its abiding place, for He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole Heaven.' Satan then passed on to the sea, to seek for the Torah, but the sea said : 'It is not in me.' Destruction and death said : 'We have heard of the fame thereof, with our ears.' Satan returned to THEE, and said : 'Oh, Lord, of the world — everywhere — have I sought the Torah, but I have found it not,' And Thou replied: 'Go, seek the son of Amram.' Satan then hastened to 13 Moses, and asked him: 'Where is the Torah that God hath given thee?' Whereupon, Moses answered : 'Who am I, that The Holy One — blessed be He — should have given me the Torah?' Thou spakest to Moses: 'O, Moses, thou utterest a falsehood.' But Moses answered : 'O, Lord of the world ! Thou hast in thy possession a hidden treasure that daily delights Thee. Dare I presume to declare it my possession?' Then Thou didst tell Moses : 'As a reward for thy humilit}^, the Torah shall be named for thee, and it shall henceforth be known as "The Torah of Moses." ' " After angel Yefefiyah had finished addressing The Great Judge, The Creator of the universe, Satan said : "I admit that I was not on Mount Sinai when Thou didst reveal Thyself to Moses, and Thou didst make those revelations and proclaim PEACE over all Thy Creation, but I have known PEACE since that time. Wilhelm, der verdammte Kaiser von Deutschland, did not have that word 'PEACE' in his vocabulary, nor did he mean what he said to the rulers of Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. He was telling them that he loved PEACE, for the sole purpose of humoring them, that he might gain time to make war preparations — and he did start to make war preparations since he became emperor of Germany — for he under- stood the term 'PEACE' to mean 'In time of PEACE prepare for war.' This is his principle. And as Thou, Most Gracious Judge, Creator of the Universe, gavest Thy Torah to Thy Servant, Moses, on account of his HUMH^ITY, and no such trait of character being possessed by any German, it is evident that Thy servant, Moses, is not a German, as the German theologians, professors, and pretended statesmen would have us believe. There is no German who would humiliate himself as Moses did. Therefore, their theory that they are Thy chosen people, and that Moses and Jesus Christ were German, falls to the ground." And The Great Judge of the universe asked Satan if he had any- thing further to show as evidence that Wilhelm had prepared himself for this world's greatest catastrophe ; and Satan answered that he had ; that he expected to prove, by further speeches and demeanor of the Kaiser that he had so prepared himself, Satan said : "And Thou, O Lord, shouldst judge him by his acts and doings. * * * As I have promised to con- nect the evidence, I now have more, which I wish to submit." Then The Great Judge said : "Proceed." And Satan said : 14 "In Frankfort-on-Oder, as a memorial day of the battle of Mars- la-Tour was being observed and a monument to Prince Frederick Charles (the 'Red Prince'), which had been erected by the third army corps, was being unveiled, Wilhelm was present and made a memorial speech, towards the close of which, he said: 'There are some who do not scruple to assert that if my father had lived he would have restored that which he and uncle of blessed memory, Prince Frederick Charles, had won by the sword. We all have known him too well to acquiesce, supinely, in an assertion which amounts to an affront to his memory. He had the same convictions we have, namely, that not an iota of the achievements of that great period should be relinquished, I believe that not only the third army corps, but the entire army, knows there can be but one voice on that score, and that we should prefer rather to leave our eighteen army corps and forty-two million people on the battle field, than to cede a single stone of that which my father and Prince Frederick Charles have won for us.' " And Satan said : "Does that show the peaceful character of Wilhelm — that he was willing to sacrifice forty-two million people and leave his entire eighteen army corps on the battle field than to 'cede a single stone' of that which his father and Prince Frederick Charles had won for him? If that is termed 'peaceful demeanor of Wilhelm,' then I must confess that I do not know what the word 'PEACE' means, and should seek a definition from Harnack, Eucken, Deissmann, General von Bern- hardi, Heinrich von Treitzechke, Friederich Nietzsche, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, and other professors, theologians and pretended statesmen, who pretend to know more than the angels who surround Thy Holy Throne." And The Great Judge of the universe told one of His angels to call Martin Luther, whereupon, Martin Luther came and addressed him- self to The Great Judge of the universe, and said: "I have not been at PEACE since those lunatics, the professors, theologians and pretended statesmen, have poisoned Wilhelm's mind with such crazy ideas as 'God has, in Luther (meaning myself), practically chosen the German people, and that can never be altered.' I did not preach such a doctrine 400 years ago. Another crazy saying which they have adopted is, 'We are the salt of the earth.' I desire to state that those lunatics, egotists, and fanatics, are not familiar with The Master's Sermon on the Mount, in 15 which Sermon The Master said : 'Think not that I came to destroy the Law (Torah, Old Testament) or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all things be accomplished.' If they believe that they are the salt of the earth, consider how The Master said, 'But if the salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted?' It is, therefore, good for nothing but to be trodden under the foot of man." Then Satan asked Martin Luther if he had finished speaking, to which Luther replied that he had. And Satan affirmed: "If the Huns claim that they are the salt of the earth, the salt has lost its savor and henceforth it shall be good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden underneath the foot of man." Satan continued : "I shall now read from a book entitled 'Gross Deutschland' (Great Germany), written by Otto Richard von Tannen- burg (the name is fictitious). The following is the poisoned doctrine which he preaches : " 'Our fathers have left us much to do. In compensation, the German nation holds a position among the European powers that permits it at once to reach its goal by a single rapid rush, A policy of sentiment is folly. Enthusiasm for humanity is idiocy. Charity should begin among one's compatriots. Politics is busi- ness. Right and wrong are notions needed in civil life only. The German people is always right because it is the German people and because it numbers 87,000,000. The period of preparation lasted for a long time (1871-1911) — ^forty years of toil on land and sea, the end constantly in view. The need now is, to begin the battle ; to vanquish and to conquer ; to gain new territories — lands for colonization for the German peasants, fathers of future warriors ; and for future conquests. * * * Peace is a de- testable word. Peace between Germans and Slavs is like a treaty made on paper between water and fire. * * * Since we have the force, we have not to seek reasons.' " Satan remarked : "Those statements are even more direct and un- abashed than the words of the professors. No equivocation here. What conceit !" 16 At this juncture of the proceedings, whispered ejaculations of the angels fell upon the ear. Satan heard them say : "Such rot!" "Since the Germans have the force, they do not have to seek for reasons !" "Always force; always power! Who can doubt that the writer, in his brutal frankness, expresses the true inwardness of the modern Ger- man militaristic mind." "To German militarism, peace is a detestable word, unless it be a German peace." "The forty years of preparation had as their purpose the exploita- tion of the weak; the conquest of the unprepared; the rape of neigh- boring lands." Satan said : "I shall now read from Conrad Borchling's book 'Das Belgische Problem' (The Belgian Problem), for the purpose of showing further that the Huns do not know what the word 'PEACE' means, and never did know what it meant, except as a catchword to fool the other rulers of Europe : " 'It follows that Belgium must never again aspire to inde- pendence. This state has always been an artificial product, created, in the first place, by the anxiety of that insular power which, in an irresponsible manner, has conjured up the whole of this frightful war. And because of this artificiality, and because in its nature and by right it belongs, so far as the smaller part is concerned, to Luxemburg, it must, in correspondence with these facts, be again united with those -two countries, with such conditions and measures of foresight as may be necessary, but only under one condition, viz. : That Holland, as well as Luxem- burg, voluntarily takes her place in the German empire, and hands over to Germany some positions on the coast as imperial harbours or fortifications, while the Belgian and Dutch colonies would have to be placed under the care of the German Colonial Office.' 17 "Lasson, Das Kultiir Ideal und der Krieg (Lasson, The Kultur Ideal and the War), says: " 'A so-called small state is not a state at all, but only a tolerated community which absurdedly pretends to be a state. There may be greater and lesser states. The lesser states have rights only in so far as they possess a power of resistance that must be taken into account, in so far as they are desirable allies or respectable adversaries.' " The Great Judge, Creator of the Universe, said to Satan : "Thou needst not quote further from books. Give thou to Me the names and authors and the titles of their books, and the angels that surround My Throne will read them, that this trial may not take up so much time, as the angels are in agony, not having seen or heard such a trial since I created the world. All books which thou wilt offer must be on the subjects of 'German Kultur,' and that Prussian motto, *Gott Mit Uns (God with us).' That motto I had no knowledge of until one of the angels informed me regarding it." Whereupon, Satan offered in evidence certain books (which are listed below) and requested that they be marked "Satan's Exhibit F." To which The Great Judge replied: "I shall let them in as evidence after the angels report to me that thou hast connected them with the other evidence which is material to the case at bar." Satan said: " 'Got Mit Uns' is the motto of the government of Prus- sia, of which der verdammte Kaiser Wilhelm claims to have been an- nointed king, by Thee." And thereupon, Satan presented to The Great Judge the following books, to be perused by the angels, who were to report their findings to The Court: (1) "Deutschlands Auswartige Politik (Germany's Foreign Policy) — 1914," by Graf Ernst Von Reventlow. (2) "Der Deutsche un Dieser Krieg (The German and This War) — 1914," by Karl Engelbrecht. (3) "Foundations of the 19th Centur}^," by Houston Stewart Cham- berlain. 18 (4) "Kriegs-Aiifsatze (War Essays) — 1914," by Houston Stewart Chamberlain. (5) "Politische Ideale (Political Ideals)— 1916," by Houston Stew- art Chamberlain. (6) "Handler und Helden (Hucksters and Heroes)," by Werner Sombart. (7) "Ewigkeit; Weltkriegs-Gedanken (Professor at Jena; Thoughts of the World War)— 1915," by Ernst Haeckel. (8) "Die Deutsche Erhebung von 1914 (The German Uprising of 1914)," by Frederich Meinecke, Professor of History, Berlin. (9) "Der Deutsche Mihtarismus (German Militarism)— 1915," by Wilhelm Von Blume. (10) "Deutsche Grenz PoUtik (German Frontier Policy) — 1906," by Ernst Hasse *^ (11) "Der Krieg un die Seele (The War and the Soul)— 1914," by Gottfried Tr'aube. (12) "Deutsche Schriften (German Writings)— 4th ed. 1903," by Paul de Lagarde.*^ (13) "Das Wirkliche Deutschland (The Real Germany)," by Oskar A. H. Schmitz.*' (14) "Die Wiedergeburt Durch den Krieg (The Regeneration Thru the War)," by Oskar A. Schmitz. (15) "Ein Mittel Europaischer Staatenverband (A Middle European League of States) — 1914," by Franz von Liszt.*^ (16) "Ein Pangermanisches Deutschland (A Pan German Germany) — 1905," by Joseph Ludwig Reimer,*^ (17) "Ein Starkes Volk — Ein Starkes Heer — (A Strong People — A Strong Army) — 1914," by Kurd von Strantz. (18) "Der Deutsche Chauvinismus*^ (German Chauvinism) — 1913," by Otfried Nippold, Professor University of Berne.*^ *i Haase was professor of colonial politics at Leipzig, and a municipal official. He was one of the most active leaders of the Pan-German League, and its president. *2 The real name of this author was Boetticher — a theologian and professor at Gottingen. *3 Schmitz is a writer on politics and literature. ** Von Liszt is professor of criminal law at Berlin. *^ Reimer is a young liberal-imperialist. *® This dogma derives its name from Nicholas Chauvin, a soldier. It is the dogma that brought on the present war, and the motive forces were the nationalist press; organizations like the Pan-German League; soldier politicians like Generals Keim, Liebert, Bernhardi, Eichhorn, Wrochem, etc., and politicians such as Maxi- milian, Harden, and Basserman. *^ Professor Nippold was with the German Foreign Office and in foreign service. 19 (19) "Turkei, Oesterreich, Dentscliland (Turkey, Austria and Ger- many)— 1912," by Albrecht Wirth.*' (20) "Unserc Ausscerlidic Politik (Our External Policy),'' by Al- brecht Wirth. (21) "Volksthum und Weltmacht (Popularizing Germany as a World Power in History)," by Albrecht Wirth. (22) "In Das Neue Deutschland (In the New Germany)," by Adolf Grabowsky.*® (23) "Das Gute des Welt-Krieges (The Good of This World War)," by Charles Ludwig Poehlmann. (24) "Hurrah and Halleluiah!" by J. P. Bang. (25) "Patriotismus, Kunst and Kunsthandwoerk (Patriotism, Art and Art-Handicraft)— 1914," by Gustav E. Pazurek. (26) "Reines Deutschtum (Pure Germanism)," by Friederich Lange.*^" (27) "Vom Geist des Krieges und des Deutschen Volkes Barbarei (From the Spirit of the War and the Barbarism of the Ger- man People) — 1914," by George Misch. (28) "Was Will Russland? (What Does Russia Want?)," by Paul Rohrbach. (29) "Warum es der Deutsche Krieg 1st (Why It is the German War)— 1914," by Paul Rohrbach. (30) "Deutschland als Befreier (Germany as the Liberator),"*" by Paul Rohrbach. (31) "Die Bagdadbahn (The Bagdad Railway or Terminus)," by Paul Rohrbach. (32) "Die Weltstellung des Deutschtums (The World's Position of Germanism)— 1897," by Fritz Bley.*" (33) "Was Muse Uns der Krieg Bringen (What Must the War Bring Us?)," by Rudolf Theuden. •* Wirth is a privat-d9cent in the Technische Hochschule (Technical High School) at Munich, and writer of many books and innumerable articles. *^ Grabowsky is editor of several periodicals and author of many books on political subjects. His idea is: "Today, nothing is more urgent than this — that the will to conquer the world should take possession of the whole German people." *" Lange was founder and president of the Deutschbund (German Alliance), a society formed in 1894, to push German colonization in Poland and Hungary. *" The author thinks this war will have merited for Germany a name as the Liberator of the nations. *" Bley is the editor of the "Zeit-Fragea" of Berlin. 20 (34) "Der Weltkrieg Seine Ursachen und Grunde (The World-War, Its Causes and Reasons)," by P. Heinsick. (35) "Die Wahren Ursachen des Weltkrieg (The True Reasons of the World-War)," by Karl A. Kuhn (of Charlottenburg). (36) "Deutsche Reden in Schwerer Zeit (German Speeches in Diffi- cult Days)," by Adolph Deissmann.*^^ {^7) "Weshalb die Deutschen im Auslande Unbeliebt Sind (Why the Germans are Unloved in Foreign Parts) — 1915," by R. Jannasch. (38) "Was Wir Schon Gewonnenhaben und Was Wir Noch Gewinnen Mussen (What We Have Already Won, and What We Have Yet to Win)— 1914," by Adolf von Harnack. An angel whispered : "The author ought to change the title of that book, "What We Have Already Won." We shall be unable to solve the problem. (39) "Warum Vir Siegcn Mussen (Why We Must Win)— 1915," by Willy Helm. The proceedings were momentarily interrupted when, from the last named book, an angel laughingly quoted in whispering tones : "No one in the whole world could longer cherish truth and right." And the angel commented: "As if Germany ever cherished the truth! Those barbarians know not that the name of The Great Judge of the universe alone stands for Truth, that He is The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.' " The presentation of books was resumed : (40) "Deutschland in Waffen (Germany Under Arms) — 1913," by Frederich Wilhelm, Crown Prince (der verdammte Luder). An angel : "How like unto his father ! The apple falleth not far from the tree. His father never knew the meaning of the word 'PEACE,' and so it is with the son." *!' Deissman is a professor of the New Testament interpretation in the Univer- sity of Berlin. 21 (41) "Gross Deutschlaiid unci Mittel Europa urn das Jalir 1950 (Great Germany and Middlc-Europa in 1950)— 1895," by "A Pan German." * * * An angel : "In the bosom of Greater Germany, the Dutch would be able to preserve, to a reasonable extent, their own peculiar characteristics." (42) "Wenn Ich Der Kaiser Ware (If I Were the Kaiser) I Would Not Want Any Better Place Than Sheol," by Daniel Fry- mann. An angel : "What a title for a book ! Could you, Herr Frymann, be worse still than der verdammte Wilhelm? If you think you could, eat the present Kaiser alive, and your book shall become a reality, and the trial shall stop at this point." * * * (43) "Die Nationen Und Ihre Philosphi (The Nations and Their Philosophy)— 1915," by WilHani Wundt. * ^ * And The Great Judge, The Creator of the universe, said to Satan : "The angels have read the books which Thou hast offered, and I have admitted them in evidence because the angels have reported that thou hast kept faith with Me, in that thou hast thus far connected the chain of evidence. Now, call the greatest man that Germany has ever had, he who wrote 'Faust.' " Satan inquired of The Great Judge : "Dost Thou mean the great masterpiece which is so wonderfully portrayed by French artists who understand art, and which, though written in German must be sung in French in order to give it savour — in which appears Dr. Faust and Mephistopheles as leading characters of the drama and opera? I know- that distinguished poet ; it is unfortunate that he should be called as a witness in this trial, for he was a gentleman. His name is Goethe." The Great Judge answered: "Call him." And Satan called Goethe; and he came, and told his story briefly : "German culture, as it is constituted today, is egoism of the grossest character. The Germans deserve that title given to them by Wilhelm (the imitator of Attilla), the title of 'Huns,' for, if 22 they had understood what I said an hundred years ago in a con- versation which I had with Eckerman, wherein I stated : 'The Germans are of yesterday. No doubt, in the last one hundred years we have been cultivating ourselves quite diligently, but it may still take a fezv centuries before our countrymen shall have absorbed sufficient intellect and higher culture that it may be said of them that it is a long time since they were barbarians/ they would not now be in such a position that the dead who have gone to their last resting place have no peace, which condition is due to those professors, theologians and pretended statesmen who have become despised here, as on earth, on account of the doctrine of hate preached by them. DU STOLZES DEUTSCHLAND, SCHAME DICH (Thou proud Germany, shame on thee). If I were in Germany today, I should ask the German people to kill the 'germ' from Germany (Keim von Deutschland). By 'the germ' I mean, those pastors (preachers), whose duty is to teach the doc- trine of love, 'THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF,' instead of preaching the doctrine of hate. The pro- fessors, theologians, and pretended statesmen have so poisoned the mind of Wilhelm that he takes it for granted that he has been destined to be the divine ruler of the universe. Thus far, Wil- helm has limited his possessions to the whole earth; but Thou, The Great Judge of the universe, shouldst estop him now, before he goes further, for Wilhelm may want to take possession of Heaven if he finds an opportunity; there is nothing to prevent him from going anywhere, except I prevail upon Thee, for the sake of the people of the earth. Thy creatures who wish to dwell in PEACE and HAPPINESS, that Thou shouldst send him to Hell, and reserve the front row of seats for the German pastors, phi- losophers, theologians, pretended statesmen; Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff, and their respective staffs. Then, when the peo- ple have killed the germ from Germany, and those who have poisoned the mind of Wilhelm shall have been given reserved seats in a Hell to be selected by Thee, Thou Most Omnipotent Judge of the universe, then the German people shall be cured from that germ, 'Kaiserdom,' with which they are infected." An angel whispered: "Goethe hath made an excellent witness." 23 Satan thanked Goethe, and said: "The angels say you are a great poet. You have diagnosed the German disease by discovering the germ ; and your advice on the killing of the germ, they (the angels) agree, is valuable, for which they thank you. You may go back to your place and rest in peace." And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, asked Satan if he knew of Prince Lichnowsky, who was the German ambassador to Great Britain at the commencement of the present war. And Satan answered that he knew of said prince. Whereupon, The Great Judge, Creator of the uni- verse, asked Satan to divulge all knowledge he possessed regarding Lich- nowsky, and to give an account of the facts and incidents v.^hich led to the world's greatest catastrophe. And Satan related the story of Lichnow- sky, which was, in substance, that Germany wanted war, prepared for it, and provoked it. And The Great Judge asked Satan if that was Lichnow- sky's statement, and Satan replied that it was. Then, The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, said: "Let that go in the evidence." And He said to Satan : "Go thou and obtain from Von Jagow his statement re- garding his connection with this war when he was the Hun's foreign minister. Satan went, and presently returning, reported unto The Court that he had interviewed the said Herr (Mr.) Von Jagow, and had obtained from him the following statement : "Sir Edward Grey is a lover of PEACE. He used his utmost endeavors to bring us to our senses. It was not England who forced the war; it was not Sir Edward Grey who plotted Ger- many's destruction. No, no, no ! ! The full responsibility lies with Berlin, champion of Austria's indefensible cause — not for Austria's sake (for the Germans are not utilitarians), but for furtherance of pan-German ambitions." And The Great Judge asked what Satan had to say about the other German diplomats, and Satan answered: "Bethmann-Hollweg (the ex- Imperial Chancellor) is a murderer and a liar. Zimmerman is a false prophet — January 31, 1917, he said: 'In two months England will be com- pelled to accept peace.' " An angel, whispering: "Zimmerman came as a prophet, and he is going down as a 'loss.' " 24 Satan complained, saying that he would resign his office, that he would not lower his Satanic dignity in getting interviews from such liars as the Hun's diplomats are, and were, and he added : "The psalmist, David, said: 'In my haste, I said all men are liars.' I speak advisedly — David was a little hasty when he said 'all men are liars.' I say, all men are not liars, but all German (Hun) Diplomats are liars, and are not men or human beings, but rather barbarians of the ape specie." And The Great Judge of the universe said : "Thou art excused from the task of interviewing the German diplomats. I agree with your statment that they are liars." And angel Michael asked permission to inspect the journal from our legation in Belgium, by Hugh Gibson. And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, asked angel Michael what he wished to see in that journal, and angel Michael replied that he wanted to see what this author reports about his eminence. Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malines, and added : "This eminent cardinal is a distinguished prelate, and a sincere Christian gentleman, and not such a person as the hypocrite, Wilhelm, who does not know that a Christian is a follower of Christ. And if Wilhelm were a true follower of Christ in the true sense of the word, he would not have set the world on fire, with such a war." And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, answered angel Michael : "Here is Gibson's book, and you will find therein all about that noble soul, the Cardinal, who was present when his cathedral was destroyed, and is still in Belgium doing My service to humanity. Satan interposed : "A prelate for Thee, God bless his soul ; but those German pastors, they are blasphemers. I always thought the Huns loved art (kunst), but when the voice of the Cardinal is heard in Heaven, saying that the Huns have destroyed such an artistic cathedral, those Huns should be sent to Hell, jointly with their Herr (Mr.) Wilhelm der verdammte Kaiser von die Huns. And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, said: "I am The God of all creatures. I love all My children. Wher- ever My Name is praised, there do I abide." And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, asked the angels if they had heard a voice from any other cardinal, and angel Gabriel addressed The Great Judge, The Creator of the universe, saying: "We have heard the voice of his eminence, Cardinal-Arch- bishop Lucon, who described the continuous bombardment of his 25 cathedral with great emotion. The Cardinal stated: 'Since Sep- tember, 1914, the Germans have been steadily firing on the cathe- dral. It is a miracle to me that the walls still stand. Through his holiness, the Pope, I have protested against this wantonness, without avail. They claim that the French army had been using its towers for observation purposes, and concealed guns there. The truth of the matter is, that the French, fearing that some harm might come to the venerable pile, refrained at all times from using it for military purposes. I wrote a letter to the Pope, in which I solemnly swore, on my honor as a man and a prelate of the church, that I have never abandoned my cathedral since the beginning of the war, and that never, at any time, had it been used for military purposes. All to no avail. The bombardment still continues, and at regular intervals. My old cathedral is battered peicemeal, and it breaks my heart.' " On hearing this story, the angels wept, and their tears touched the heart of Satan, who said : "What a hypocrite is Wilhelm ! In order to gain the confidence of his Catholic subjects (the Catholic population of Prussia, numbered, according to official census of 1900, over 12,000,000, out of a total of 34,000,000, therefore slightly exceeding one-third of the Prussian population), and in order to jolly them along, Wilhelm decided to visit Rome. In October, 1888, he made the journey to Rome, for the purpose of visiting the head of the Catholic church. A luncheon was given at the house of the Prussian minister to the Vatican, Baron von Schlozer, at which Cardinals Rampoli and Prince Hohenlohe participated. The Kaiser drove to the Vatican, accompanied by his brother, Prince Henry, Count Herbert Bismark, and all of the more important members of his large suite. He held a long interview with the Pope, at which no one else was present. The Centre press in Germany represented this visit as an insult to the Pope. They knew that Wilhelm was not sincere, that he wanted to fool his Catholic subjects, and he accomplished his purpose, as he fooled the kings and their representatives." Satan continued : "Kaiser Wilhelm, you imposed on the good nature of his holiness; you, a sinner! Your tongue uttered nothing but deceit, and the saliva in your mouth was full of poison, hence you came with unclean hands. For that reason you know in your heart that if you attempted to confess your sin, his holiness would have thrown you out 26 bodily, for he would have realized immediately that you are the worst rascal on earth." And angel Metatron, he who commanded Moses to ascend to God, and whose name is like that of his Master, interceded with The Great judge of all creation, and said: "I heard Wilhelm as a pulpit orator, July 29, 1900„ on board the Hohenzollern off Heligoland, preach a sermon, taking as his text. Exodus, Chap. 17, verse 11; which is as follows: 'But as long as Moses held up his hands, praying, Israel prevailed ; but when he lowered his hands, Amalek prevailed. (Que lorsque Moise elevait sa main, Israel alors etait le plus fort ; mais quand'l faisait reposer sa main alors Hamalek etait le plus fort) — Amen.' In his sermon he said : 'An imposing picture it is which today's text presents to our souls. There Vv'as Israel, making its way through the desert, coming from the Red Sea and on towards Mount Sinai; but of a sudden the heathen Amalekite people stop their progress, and a battle sets in, down the vale of Raphidim. But, see ! While the battle moves hither and thither, those devout men of God, Moses, Aaron and Hurr, climb up the mountain's side, and stretch out their hands towards Heaven; they pray; belov/ in the valley the warring throng; up on the mountain the praying three. That is the warlike picture of our text. And who, today, does not understand what lesson it conveys? For, again the pagan spirit of Amalek has stirred in far Asia, and with great cunning and power; with fire and murder, they seek to hinder the triumphal march of Christian faith ; of European commerce and education. And again God has ordered: 'Choose, men; go forth and fight AGAINST AMALEK.' You have seen thousands answering the call. VOLUNTEERS TO THE FRONT ! WHO WILL PROTECT the empire?'" "To whom was Wilhelm talking," asked Satan, addressing his query to angel Metatron. Angel Metatron replied : "To his navy, of course." "What further did Wilhelm say to his navy?" Satan inquired. "Wilhelm told his navy of the sacred duty of prayer. Certainly, it is an inspiring moment when a ship heaves anchor with a youthful crew on board. Have you not seen the e^-es of young warriors shining? Have you not heard their thousand-voiced 'Hurrah?'" 27 When angel Metatron had finished his story, Satan said: "You are of considerable assistance to me in making out a case of BLASPHEMY against Wilhelm. I agree with Wilhelm that sincere prayer is heard in Heaven, but did Wilhelm know that when he was preaching from that text the world knew him as Amalek? Amalek is only another name for his ancestor, Esau, who was the father of Edom. But as Amalek had not been sufficiently instructed by his father, in his wantonness he under- took to destroy the whole world. God, Who tries the reins and the heart, said to him: 'O, thou fool, I created thee after all the seventy nations, but for thy sins thou shalt be the first to, descend into hell.' To glorify the victory over Amalek, Moses built an altar, which God called 'My Miracle,' for the miracle God wrought against Amalek in the war of Israel was, as it were, a miracle for God." Satan continued : "Wilhelm is the same as Amalek, only a little worse still. Amalek undertook to destroy the whole world, but was pre- vented by The Most Gracious Judge, Creator of the universe; and Thou didst send Amalek to hell, and Moses built an altar to glorify his victory over Amalek, which Thou hast called 'My Miracle.' Send Wilhelm to hell, and the whole world will build an altar in honor of right, justice and mercy, for all of that which Thy Glorious Name represents, and all Thy children will forever pray unto Thee for the greatest miracle yet to be shown by Thee, and Thou canst name the altar 'PEACE.' For, after Thou hast sent Wilhelm to hell, the world shall have PEACE, and the prophecy of Thy prophet, Isaiah, will be fulfilled; 'And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people ; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their lances into pruning hooks; one nation shall not lift up the sword against another nation ; neither shall they learn war again.' Why was Wilhelm imploring THE MOST HIGH JUDGE, Creator of the universe, with prayer — just to gain his point, to kill more Christians, more Mohammedans, etc? Was not Wilhelm using THY NAME IN VAIN? For it was to Thy servant, Moses, Thou gavest Thy Laws on Sinai; and in those Laws it is written, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill.' And has not Wilhelm, with his murderous heart devastated a great portion of Europe? Never has a more ruthless crime cried to Heaven for revenge. Millions of widows, millions of poor orphans, weep for their provider — for husband or father, to protect them from danger and want, to bring them up, to comfort them, and to counsel them. Millions 28 of young men, in the flush of their youth, and millions of men once con- tent with their peaceful occupations, lie mutilated beyond recognition, upon the battle fields of Europe; thousands lie at the bottom of the sea. Ah, Wilhelm ! You murdered them. Millions of young women pine away in grief and sorrow because their sweethearts have fallen on the battle fields of Flanders and France. Millions of cripples, who were robbed of an arm, a leg, or even of the blessed light of day, are doomed to lifelong existence in wretchedness, a burden alike unto themselves and to their fellow beings. You Wilhelm, robbed them of their fortune, strength, health, and happiness! "What a sanctimonious hypocrite Wilhelm is ; he has blasphemed The Almighty and has called upon Him to bear witness to his lies and to be the advocate of his misdeeds." And Satan stated that he had held his temper back for over three years, and refrained from bringing this indictment against Wilhelm, as long as Wilhelm, the h3^pocrite, kept away from Uncle Sam; but as soon as Wilhelm began to kill innocent non-combatants who had a perfect right to travel on the high seas, and such violation being contrary to God's Law and international (man made) law, he (Satan) could not bear it longer, for he did not care to inform the beloved presidents of Uncle Sam from 1888 to the present time, that Wilhelm never meant what he said. And Satan added : ''Consider, for instance, the following: (a) September, 1889, a new American ambassador, Mr. Wilham Walter Phelps, came to Berlin, and on the 26th of that month his credentials were handed to Kaiser Wilhelm. Those friendly relations were dwelt upon by Wilhelm, in his reply to Mr. Phelps, wherein Wilhelm said : T have no doubt that you will always be successful in your endeavors to perpetuate those century-old good relations which have existed unbrokenly between your own country and my empire. The predominant sentiment of both nations is that of tried friendship and good will, and the future will only strengthen the cordi- ality of those relations;' (b) in October, 1892, Wilhelm sent a congratula- tory dispatch to Uncle Sam on the occasion of the Columbus celebration. The message was addressed to President Cleveland: The German em- peror sends you, through the German charge d'affairs, his sincere con- gratulations on the great country whose chief you are;' (c) when the 29 Maine exploded in the harbor of Havana, February 17, 1898, Wilhelm sent President McKinley the following cablegram : 'Permit me to express to you and your country my sincere condolence on the terrible loss of the Maine, and on the death of so many valorous officers and men of your navy.' "Wilhelm ought to be judged according to his acts and deeds. In courts established by men, it is permissible, under the rules of evidence, to ascertain what was in the defendant's mind at the time of making any such statement as Wilhelm made to our representatives in Berlin, In regard to those messages which he transmitted to our beloved presidents, were they friendly sentiments, expressed with a sincere heart, or were they made with a malicious heart and a poisoned tongue — designed to appear friendly on the surface, in order to cover the maliciousness of his heart? I shall prove that Wilhelm is a liar, and shall lay the foundation for im- peachment of his testimony on the ground that the statements he made are of a contradictory nature ; and the courts of law on earth, estabns'ied by men, would not admit such evidence. Hence, I beseech Thee, Most Omnipotent Judge, Creator of the universe, to expunge from the records all the testimony bearing on his friendly relations with Uncle Sam or his representatives who were stationed at Berlin." And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, said to Satan : 'T, The God Who gave the Laws to My servant, Moses, which Laws are now the laws of the entire cosmos, shall permit thee to offer evidence for the purpose of showing that Wilhehii did not mean what he said to Uncle Sam, his presidents, and representatives who were stationed at Berlin, and there is no necessity for you to invoke man-made laws here, for I, The God of all creatures, will sift the evidence, and will give credence where credence belongs, and will show mercy where mercy should be shown. Thou mayst proceed, now, and show wherein Wilhelm was not friendly to Uncle Sam." Thereupon, Satan offered his proofs, as follows: "(a) Wilhelm made a speech in June, 1896, in which he said. The protection of German citizens in South America could only mean interference in the affairs of South American nations, and if they refuse such interference, it is likely to mean such ultimatum as Austria sent to Serbia.' Such a statement, was not that a threat against the Monroe Doctrine (which Wilhelm could not swallow), and was likely to involve the United States? Wilhelm was at all times 30 trying to find a method for killing the principles of the noble doctrine, 'America for Americans.' (b) The German newspapers and magazines all aim to educate the German people with such rot as, 'in a hundred years the American people will be conquered by the German spirit, so that it will present an enormous German empire.' " God Himself laughingly interrupted: "Wilhelm's editors, authors, theologians and false prophets cannot prophesy such things. My real prophet. My beloved Daniel, asked a certain question (reported in MY BOOK, THE HOLY BIBLE, Daniel, Chap. XHI), which to this day remains unanswered; how, therefore, can those false prophets prophesy such things? Those who discovered America were inspired by Me. Those who fought for the independence of America were inspired by Me. Those who saved the Union were inspired by Me. Those who were instrumental in abolishing slavery were inspired by Me. Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and those other great American statesmen whose acts and deeds have been shown to the world, were inspired by Me. The Declara- tion of Independence, which is as holy to Me as the Book of Moses, was written by men under My inspiration." Satan, continuing with his proofs : "And those German papers and magazines say, 'It is the duty of every one who loves languages, to see that the language to be spoken in America in the future shall be the Ger- man language." Angels, whispering: "Those pan-Germanists have a lot of nerve." And Satan continued with his proofs : "(c) James W. Gerard, Ameri- can ambassador to Berlin, in his book entitled 'My Four Years in Ger- many,' in giving the substance of an interview which he had with den verdammte Kaiser von die Huns, October 22, 1915, states : 'The ver- dammte Kaiser said AMERICA HAD BETTER LOOK OUT AFTER THIS WAR; I shall stand no nonsense FROM AMERICA after the war.' " An angel laughingly whispered : "Wilhelm has the nerve, just as he would have the power, to make a world, stop the sun from shining in its daily course, or create destinies for the American people." Whereupon, Satan concluded his proofs with the following: "(d) His counts, and those of no account, have made statements, with the 31 authority of Wilhelm, in regard to the Admiral Dewey incident at Manila, and with regard to the statement that 'Some months after we finish our work in Europe, we will take New York and probably Washington, and hold them for some time. Vv^e will take a billion or more dollars from New York and other places,' " An angel: "American people will give you poison, Wilhelm. With the money they have they will, buy liberty bonds, for LIBERTY'S sake, and they will buy those bonds as often as they are called upon to do so, without a murmur, happy to have the privilege of buying them." Then The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, asked angel Metatron if he had anything further to state in defense of Wilhelm; and angel Metatron answered, saying that he had, and The Great Judge, whose mercy endureth forever, said: "Go on and tell us." And all the angels assembled to hear the last words of angel Metatron, which were as follows : "Wilhelm, der verdammte Kaiser von Deutschland has gone WAR MAD. He is absolutely crazy, and there is no scientist in his empire who can cure him of his ailment, and inasmuch as insanity is a defense in all the courts established by men, it ought to be permitted to be offered here as a defense, and I, therefore, offer this defense for Wilhelm for the purpose of saving him from purgatory, and would implore and beseech Thee, Most Gracious, Omnipotent Judge of the universe, to protect Wilhelm from the whole world, by sending him to some institution for the crimin- ally insane, and mark his forehead as was marked CAIN'S — Cain who killed his brother Abel — in order that the world may know him for his criminal deeds. Here are some of Wilhelm's charac- teristics which lead me to the conclusion that Kaiser Wilhelm has gone insane : First, from his youth, Wilhelm has had no interests except hunting and fighting — murder of beasts and murder of man. Millions of his subjects have never seen him, either in person or in likeness, in other garb than that of a hunter or warrior. Dressed as a hunter, he went afield to slaughter en masse the animals which were beaten up for him to kill. His bloodthirsty recreation was slaying stags and does in herds, shooting down more than a thousand helpless pheasants in one day. Does a sane person act in that manner? No!" 32 Angel Metatron's plea was interrupted by the sound of angels whis- pering among themselves. One was heard to say: "Satan is right in comparing Wilhelm to Amalek, the prototype of Essau. Essau was a hunter; Kaiser Wilhelm is also a hunter, and we would add to his many aliases the following: Alias Amalek; alias Attilla." Angel Metatron continued: "Secondly, Wilhelm claims that he has been annointed by Thee; that Thou and he wilt destroy the world, boasting: Gott Mit Uns (Gott Mit Huns), how can he lose the war which he brought upon the world? — that his Huns are the chosen people; that Moses, Thy servant, was a German; and that the author of The Sermon on the Mount, was a German. Does a sane person possess such delusions? No! Thirdly, Wil- helm claims he is superman, and has formed a partnership with the Turk, who is killing the Christians, Thy beloved children. Is that an act of a sane person? I answer, a thousand times, no!" Then, The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, asked angel Metatron if he was through with Wilhelm's defense, and angel Metatron answered, saying that he was through. Whereupon, The Great Judge, The Creator of the universe, said to Satan : "I have heard enough of the evidence. Look at the angels, how they shed tears. Nothing like it has ever come before Me, since Adam's time; and Adam's offense was a mere trifle com- pared with the one thou art charging to Wilhelm — that he is trying to destroy My people and the whole world. Thou needst not go to the trouble of furnishing Me with further proof. I see it all. Kaiser Wilhelm desires to usurp My Office in Heaven. Wilhelm has lied to My dear Uncle Sam, and to his noble representatives who were stationed at Berlin, with the same deceitful tongue with which he lied to the other rulers of the world. I, The God of all creatures, to Whom all give praise, found a place of refuge for all the oppressed people of the earth, by removing them to the New World. I have selected the United States as the most suitable haven for all those who were oppressed by such rascals as you, Wilhelm ! You, who have recently brought my dear and beloved Uncle Sam into this great world fire ! ! My dear, beloved Uncle Sam, and his hundred million good men and women who came to him from the four corners of the earth to dwell in his land of freedom, PEACE and HAPPINESS, a land dedicated to RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, where each person can pray to Me in any tongue, without molestation ; that country which produced 33 such men as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Daniel Webster, Patrick Henry, Abraham Lincoln, and William McKinley ! When that immortal Abraham Lincoln prayed to Me for guidance in his trying times, he was sincere, and not — as you, Wilhelm — the hypocrite. For, when Lincoln prayed, he prayed for a government which I have decreed shall never perish. And how you have permitted your pastors to defame My name and commit blasphemy! Look! See how the clergy in Uncle Sam's land preach My Doctrines as I have intended they should be taught — how they teach LOVE, instead of Hate. You, Wilhelm, have treated shamefully My cardinals in Europe. Who ever said you were a Christian? You are worse than a pagan! li you were a Christian, and followed the teachings of The One Who said He did not come to destroy but to fulfill, you would not be before Me on trial, but the fact is that you worship many gods, but those gods cannot assist you in this hour of your trial. If you had just followed one precept of the law, which is 'AND THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF,' thou wouldst have interpreted the teachings of Hillel, who, when the gentile said to him, 'Master, teach me the whole TORAH (The Pentateuch) while I stand on one foot,' answered: 'DO NOT DO THAT TO THY NEIGHBOR WHICH YOU WOULD NOT HAVE YOUR NEIGHBOR DO UNTO YOU.' This is the whole law; the rest is only commentary. The Master of the New Testament accepted that, but you did not. Therefore, you are no Christian, but worse than a pagan. "And how you have lied, Wilhelm, to My dear and true friend. Wood- row Wilson, the greatest statesman since Lincoln's time — a president who, with all his energy, endeavored to keep Uncle Sam out of this world fire; a president who is a true friend of mine, keeping my commandments and believing in my doctrine: 'Not by might and not by strength, but by My Spirit, saith The Lord of hosts.' And thus, as a follower of My teaching, I have called the American people, through him, as their great representa- tive in righteousness, and set them, the American people, for a light of the 'nations, to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and them that sit in darkness from the prison-house. My inter- pretation is different from the interpretation by the molders of the insane opinion of those who call themselves 'modern Germany,' for, at the time when I spoke to the children of Israel, my chosen people, I spoke through My prophet, Isaiah; today, I am speaking through My servant Woodrow 34 Wilson, as he represents the real chosen people ; for, in the armies of My beloved allies, who are fighting side by side with the beloved sons of Uncle Sam, there is no distinction made as to their mode of worship to Me, as all of them are My children. You, Wilhelm, promised President Wilson, My beloved servant, that you would stop your submarine warfare, refrain from killing noncombatants. You lied ! And your diplomats lied ! The only excuse j-our misrepresentatives gave for not discussing a peaceful adjustment between Austria and Servia, was that you were afraid of a diplomatic defeat. Is a defeat in diplomacy a good justification for bringing My cosm.os into this terrible catastrophe? I ask you this, Wil- helm. and you cannot answer. My good angel, Metatron, may now plead for you en the grounds of insanity, but you vv^ere not insane at that time. You falsely dreamed that you were destined by Me to rule My universe as a representative of Mine. Where did you get that delusion? Your silence admits your guilt. You have violated My law and international (man-made) lavN^. President Woodrow Wilson is recorded in the Book of Life as the person who v/anted PEACE without the shedding of blood, and permitted Uncle Sam to get into an affray with Wilhelm's Huns only after all human agencies were exhausted. President Wilson followed the injunction of My prophet, Micah, who said: *He hath shewed thee, O, man, what is good; and what doth The Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?' All of which, my servant, Wilson, hath complied with. As I am for PEACE, so, too, was My friend, Woodrow Wilson, for PEACE. Nevertheless, when I gave him instructions to proceed, he obeyed, and I shall be with him and his hundred million men and women, to the end. He is My commander in chief of the army and navy of Uncle Sam, and he is con- ducting the affairs of Uncle Sam through My guidance. Therefore, the charge of BLASPHEMY is sustained against you. Thou, Wilhelm, art the worst rascal in existence since I created the world. By what right do you claim that you were annointed emperor by Me? Your battleships will be destroyed. Your army will choke on its gas. You have predicted that you are a Theocrat and that 'Me and God (Mich and Gott — Gott mit uns — Gott mit Huns),' will destroy the world. What right have you to call yourself a preacher? When you were in My Holy Land on a visit to the Turk, you blasphemed My Name. Of all the sermons you have ever preached, you understood not the meaning of the text. The same faith that Amalek, your ancestor, received, awaits you. Why should your 35 Huns object to that word 'Him?' Who first called them Huns but you, in the nasty sermons preached by you as a false prophet. Your subjects shall soon get their right senses, and shall tell you where to get off. They will soon learn that if they wish to be a free people, they must be liberated from you and from those rascals who are associated with you. When one of your subjects who understood the land of FREEDOM came to the shores of Uncle Sam, seeking the bright future which is offered to all liberty-loving people, he at once became a loyal American ; and he is no less a personality than that great General Franz Siegel, who was an exile of yours in 1848-49. And in the footsteps of this idealistic man, walketh now his son. We have many such German-American loyal citizens, some of whom were born in Germany, others whose fathers were born in Germany and they themselves born in this glorious land of LIBERTY, the United States of America, including Jacob H. Schiff, C. Kotzenabe, Otto Kahn, Judge F. W. Lehmann, Judge Leo Rassieur, Julius Rosenwald, and many others. And to those citizens of the United States of America who form a part and parcel of the great melting pot of the land of Uncle Sam, a fine tribute was paid by My dear beloved friend, Woodrow Wilson, when he said : 'Some of the best stuff of America has come out of foreign lands, and some of the best stuff in America is the men who are natural- ized citizens of the United States.' Such words of wisdom were also spoken by Uncle Sam's first president, George Washington, the father of his country. I hope and trust that the tribute so paid may never be found wanting, and that all the citizens of the United States may do as my be- loved servant, Woodrow Wilson, may direct. For, as my servant, he is the President of all of you who are privileged to live in a land such as I have selected for you, a land of milk and honey, and when you are called upon to buy liberty bonds for liberty's sake, buy, buy, as often as you are asked. "As for you, Wilhelm, I disown 3^ou — I, The God who liberated a people from bondage 3,230 years ago, from Egypt. At that time, there was Moses, through whom I punished Pharoah. Now, I have designated, in that land where LIBERTY reigns — a land where the principles of democracy are practiced — that personality who is a true patriot, true to the flag, true to his religion, and true to his people, and a lover of PEACE, WOODROW WILSON, to avenge the wrong you, Wilhelm, have perpetrated upon my cosmos. And, Wilhelm, have you noticed how the sons of Uncle Sam have been, through Me, inspired to fight in 26 MY NAME FOR DEMOCRACY? Look at them in France, helping those brave boys who kept the Huns out of Paris ! In Uncle Sam's land, there are no nationalities, no titles. It is the melting pot of the world. When the sons of Uncle Sam BUY LIBERTY BONDS, they buy the bonds as Americans, and they will KEEP ON BUYING Liberty Bonds until you and your Huns are in the place I have assigned for your perma- nent abode. Have you seen, Wilhelm, how all the American citizens, by that greatest of titles given to free people, have responded to the be- loved president's call to arms? You, Wilhelm, compared your Huns to the citizens of the Roman empire, when you said, 'May it in the time to come, by the united action of princes and peoples, their armies and their citizens, become as powerful, as strongly united, as unique, as the universal Roman empire, so that one may say in the future: "I am a German citizen," as one used to say in olden times: "Civis Romanus sum." ' You, Wilhelm, are a conceited sort of a fool. I would not trade one of My American citizens for the whole of your empire. Have you noticed how the beloved allies are all, heart and soul, united with My dear Uncle Sam. in his fight to make the world a decent place to live in? How the Sammies rally around the GREATEST FLAG— THE STARS AND STRIPES? How they march under that flag, singing the sweet music of the angels in My abode, which is now called THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER OF AMERICA?' And do you know where they are singing the 'Watch on the Rhine (Die Wacht am Rhein) ?' In hell! For who would want to watch your Rhein? Wait until the United States of America and its beloved allies reach Berlin, and they will give an ounce of LIBERTY to your people. That will bring the dead to life again, and they will at once realize that you are a Blasphemer and a hypocrite. I have hoisted the American flag in Heaven, as it is em- blematic of my principles, JUSTICE, BROTHERLY LOVE, CHARITY, and FIDELITY. May the red, white and azure always waive, and under- neath it may the United States of America always beat their enemies black and blue. "My angels, sing a song to Uncle Sam's country, entitled 'OUR COUNTRY' :— . . , , ^, (Angels Chorus) "To her we cling, for her we pray; Our voices silent never. For her right-minded free people We'll fight, come what may. The Stars and Stripes forever." Z7 — I love that flag. That flag stands for something. And if there be any spies in that land of freedom, I authorize My beloved friend, Woodrow Wilson, to make quick work with them ; for, it were better they be kept in one of My cool places, a sort of frigid zone where no ice is necessary to keep them cool in hot summers. And if there be anyone who dwelleth in that land of freedom who is not willing to buy liberty bonds, if he be able to do so, or, if there be an able bodied person who can defend his country and flag, and refuses to do so, the name 'Slacker' is not enough punishment for such a creature; and if he is not true to such a flag, or should commit any acts or deeds which will in any way interfere with that cause in which My Uncle Sam is engaged, to make the world safe for democracy, let such traitor have MY CURSE UPON HIM AND HIS OR HER HEIRS FOREVER. May your beloved Woodrow Wilson, president of the greatest country in My cosmos, be blessed to guide the great ship of state, and I will be with him at all times, and will protect 3^our hundred millions of men, women and children, and bring you to victory; for 3'our flag, which I love and respect, has never had any stains, and your government of the people shall never perish. I will bless your cabinet, your senators, and representatives, who are true patriots, sincere, and honest statesmen. I will counsel them, and through My inspiration they will vote with you and will do as you want them to do. They will give you all the money you ask, all the men you v/ant, in the millions. I will guard the sea, so that your Sammies get over to France safely. I will order the biggest fish, the Leviaton, to destroy the submarines. I will also bless those in charge of the governments of your beloved allies. I will also help your beloved allies, for the reason that they wanted PEACE; and no books, whether written in black or white, will convince me otherwise." And The Great Judge, Creator of the universe, called Wilhelm, and Wilhelm did not answer to his name. And The Great Judge pronounced the sentence of His Heavenly Court, all of the angels concurring therein, that Wilhelm be sentenced to HELL. ^And that Hell to which Wilhelm is going has seven divisions — one beneath another. Sunday, he will be in Sheol; Monday, in Abaddon; Tuesday, in Beer Shahat; Wednesday, in Tit-ha-Yawen ; Thursday, Shaare Mawet; Friday, Sha'are Zalmawet, and Saturday, at Gehenna. From the last named place he will never be able to escape, and he will get no chance to teach his German Kulture. (The End) 38 List of Books Recommended for Your Perusal THE BIBLE. The Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginsberg. Jewish Pub. Society of Am., Philadelphia, Pa, Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, by Solomon Schechter, (Compress) Litt. D. (Cantab) The Macmillan Company, 1909. The Kaiser's Speeches, by Wolf von Schierbrand. Harper Bros., 1903. The German Terror in France, by Arnold J. Toynbee. Balliel College, Oxford. All of the booklets published by the Committee on Public Information^ Washington, D. C. The following booklets should be read by every true and loyal American : The President's Flag Day Address (with evidence of Germany's Plans), delivered June 14, 1917, in Washington, D. C. The War Message and Facts Behind It. (Annotated text of President Wilson's Message of April 2, 1917.) Address of the Hon. Robert Lansing, Secy, of State, delivered in Washington, D. C, April 15, 1918, to D. A. R. "We Must Win, Win We Will." The Rape of Belgium. A journal from our legation in Belgium, by Hugh Gibson, Secretary of American Legation in Brussels. Les Buts De Guerre De La Grande-Bretagne. Discours prononce a Londre le 5 Janvier, 1918, a la Conference ouvriere, par le tres Honorable David Lloyd George, Premier Ministre de la Grande Bretagne. (British War Aims. Statement by the Right Honorable David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Great Britain, to Organized Labor, London, January 5, 1918.) Hyman, Christy & Lilly, Ltd., 1918. Abraham Lincoln and Constitutional Government, by Bartow A. Ulrlch, Chicago. The Talmud of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Talmud, is the Rab- binic production of the earlier sages, teachers, and interpreters, and is cited here for those who may desire to understand the Old Testament, and get an idea of the learned men who participated in discussing same and debating as to what each word in the Old Testament meant, so as to keep the Israelites within the Laws of Sinai. The Jewish Talmud can be had in the public libraries, where they are given out to readers, volume at a time, for a period of two weeks. 39 THE following are some of the letters received with reference to my first edition of my booklet entitled "THE TRIAL OF THE KAISER," which booklet was 16 pages. The first copy of my booklet, a bound cop}^, was sent, by me to His Excellency the President of the United States, and the following is the reply which I received: The White House, Washington, March 4, 1918. My Dear Sir: — I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of March 1st, and to say that, by the President's direction, I am bringing the matter to the attention of Mr. Creel of the Committee on Public Information. May I not thank you cordially in the President's behalf for your good wishes? Sincerely yours, J. P. Tumulty, Secretary to the President. Navy Department, W^ashington, March 5, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin : Allow me to thank you for your letter of February 28th, enclosing the little booklet entitled, "The Trial of the Kaiser." I appreciate the spirit which has prompted you to make this contribution to the cause in which we are all enlisted. Sincerely yours, Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy. Department of State, Washington, March 4th, 1918. Mr. Edward Menkin, 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, 111. My Dear Sir : — Acknowledging receipt of copy of "Trial of the Kaiser," In the absence of the Secretary of State, letter signed by the Private Secretary, Richard Crane. 40 Copies of the "Trial of the Kaiser" were received by the following and acknowledged as follows: On March 11th, 1918, in behalf of the Attorney-General, by John M. O'Brien, Special Assistant to the Attorney-General ; in behalf of the Post- master-General, March 11th, 1918, by R. E. Cowart, Private Secretary. Secretary of the Interior, Washington, March 2, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin : Secretary Lane has received your letter of Feb. 28th, enclosing a copy of the book entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," and in reply wishes me to say that he has given it to Mr. Creel, Chairman of the Committee on Public Information. Cordially yours, Jos. J. Cotte, Private Secretary. Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Edward Menkin, Washington, March 4, 1918. 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills. In the absence of Secretary Houston, I acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 28th, and thank j^ou for your courtesy in sending him a copy of the document entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I shall be glad to bring the matter to his attention upon his return to the city. Very truly yours, F. R. Harrison, Assistant to the Secretary. Vice-President's Chamber, Mr. Edward Menkin, Washington, March 5, 1918. 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills. In the absence of the Vice-President, I have for acknowledgment your letter of the 28th ult., with its enclosure. Permit me to inform you that both will be brought to his attention promptly upon his return. Very respectfully, Mark Thistlethwaite, Private Secretary. 41 War Department, March 2, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin: In the absence of the Secretary of War, I beg leave to acknowledge and to thank you for your letter of February 28th, which will be brought to the Secretary's attention upon his return to Washington. Very truly yours, F. P. Keppel, Confidential Clerk. Department of Labor, Edward Menkin, Esq., Office of the Secretary, 1306 Conway Bldg., Washington, March 7, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: Permit to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the first instant, with the accompanying copy of "The Trial of the Kaiser," and to advise you that I shall bring the same to the attention of Secretary Wilson at the first opportunity. Respectfully yours, H. L. Kerwin, Assistant to the Secretary. Washington, D, C, March 23, 1918. My Dear Bro. Menkin: Thank you for the pamphlet "The Trial of the Kaiser." It is clever. I enjoyed it. A literary excursion into heaven or hell as a relief. Sincerely, Abram Simon, Rabbi of Washington Hebrew Congregation. Congregation Beth EI., Detroit, April 2nd, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: Thanking you for the courtesy in sending me a copy of your pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," and with good wishes, believe me to be. Very truly yours, Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, 42 25 Granby Street, Boston, Edward Menkin, Esq., March 20th, 1918. Ill W. Washington St., Chicago, Ills. Dear Mr, Menkin: I wish to convey to you my hearty thanks for your kindness in send- ing me an autographed copy of your book, "The Trial of the Kaiser." With cordial best wishes, I am. Very sincerely yours, C. J. SulHvan, Vice Chancellor. (C. J. Sullivan, is also Secretary to His Eminence, Cardinal O'Con- nell. Archbishop's House, 25 Granby Street, Boston, Mass.) Free Synagogue New York. Residence Stephen S. Wise, 23 West 90th Street. Let me thank you most heartily for your kindness in sending me the little volume entitled ''The Trial of the Kaiser." I look forward to reading it at the earliest possible moment, and, if I have any comment to send you, will be delighted to do so. With cordial greetings. Sincerely yours. Stephen S. Wise. Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, April 18th, 1918. 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills. My Dear Ed: I have taken time to read your book, "The Trial of the Kaiser," and I want to tell you that it is not only extremely interesting but I believe will be of great good in the present crisis. With personal regards, I remain. Very truly yours, Edward Sonnenschein, President of District Grand Lodge No. 6, Independent Order of B'nai Brith (Sons of the Covenant). 43 Office of the Chicago Daily News, Victor F. Lawson, Publisher, Mr. Edward Menkin, 15 North Wells St, 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, March 22, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: I have yonr letter of the 9th inst., and the accompanying copy of your booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser." I have read your sketch with interest and appreciate the good purpose which has moved you in issuing it. With renewed thanks for your courtesy. Very truly yours, Victor F. Lawson. Mr. Edward Menkin, Baltimore, March 18th, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir : The Cardinal hereby acknowledges receipt of your booklet "The Trial of the Kaiser." Respectfully, L. O. Donovan. (His Eminence Cardinal James Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, is one of the noblest souls in the United States; is loved and highly re- spected, with the greatest of reverence by all creeds, and always acts promptly in every crisis. May God bless him for many, many years to come as a useful citizen of the U. S. A. which he so dearly loves.) Temple Israel, Kingshighway and Washington, St. Louis, March 8, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I have received your pamphlet of "The Trial of the Kaiser," As soon as I obtain a leisure moment I will give myself the pleasure of reading it. I was indeed glad to hear from you. With all kind of wishes. Sincerely yours, Leon Harrison. (Rabbi Harrison is one of the greatest pulpit orators in the U. S. His patriotism is known nation-wide. His addresses delivered in our present crisis have filled his Temple and has converted many to become loyal after hearing such a clergyman.) 44 George Creel, Chairman, The Secretary of State, The Secretary of War, The Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Edward Menkin, Committee on PubHc Information, 1306 Conway Bldg., Washington, D. C, March 5th, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir : I beg leave to acknowledge receipt from the Secretary of the Interior of a copy of your pamphlet "The Trial of the Kaiser." Sincerely yours, Guy Stanton, Ford, Director of the Division on Civic and Educational Co-operation. United States Senate, James Hamilton Lewis, III., Chairman Committee on Expendi- tures in the Department of State, Hon. Edward Menkin, March 7, 1918. Chicago, Ills. My Dear Mr. Menkin : I shall read your pamphlet at the first moment. I send you my best wishes. Yours sincerely, James Elamilton Lewis. Edward Menkin, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa., April 7, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Mr. Menkin: Accept my thanks for the copy of your pamphlet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," which interested me greatly. Respectfully, Mayer Sulzberger, 1303 Girard Ave. (Judge Mayer Sulzberger is the founder of the American Jewish Committee and its first President. This organization is one of the most aristocratic body of men in the House of Israel.) 45 Cyrus H. McCormick, Mr. Edward Menkin, 606 South Michigan Ave., 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, March 19, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick wishes me to thank you for the copy of your booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," which you have so kindly sent him. I am, Yours very truly, A. M. Hort, Secretary. (Mr. McCormick is President of the International Harvester Co. of America.) Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., Office of the President Mr. Edward Menkin, 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills., March 23, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — I have received your letter of March 6th, enclosing a copy of your pamphlet "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I shall take pleasure in read- ing at the first opportunity. Yours truly, H. E. Byram, President. Armour & Company, PubHcity Bureau, March 18, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin: Mr. J. Ogden Armour has directed me to thank you for sending him your booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," and also for your kindly senti- ments toward the Armour family. He has sent it to the proper depart- ment with directions that consideration be given the matter of having it printed for dissemination among our employees. Mr. Armour appre- ciates very much the spirit and motive which prompts you to offer us the right to reprint. Very truly yours. Armour & Company, R. D. MacManus. 46 Edward Menkin, Esq., Atlantic City, N. J., April 20th, 1918. Chicago, Ills. My Dear Sir and Bro. : I came here for a few days rest, received your very kind letter and brochure. Thanks for both. You have hit from the shoulder. Keep it up. Sincerely, Simon Wolf. (The Hon. Simon Wolf resides in Washington, D. C, his latest book is "The Presidents I Have Known." If any one wants to know more about Brother Wolf, I refer him to the Capitol of our Nation.) Harry Cutler. Providence, Rhode Island, March 9, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: This is the first day I have had an opportunity to open up the little book you sent me entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," and find your inscription on the inside cover so complimentary to me, but which is so entirely unmerited. I cannot proceed with the reading of the book without first thanking you for the sentiments you have expressed, and assuring you of my deep appreciation therefor. With best wishes, I am, Yours very truly, Harry Cutler. (Mr. Cutler is Chairman of the Jewish Board for Welfare Work in the United States Army and Navy.) Chicago Woman's Club Fine Arts Building, 410 South Michigan Ave. March 7, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: Let me thank you for the clever and patriotic case you make out against the Great Enemy. It is a convincing arraignment, and should prove of real service to the cause of our country. Thanking you again for the courtesy, I am. Very truly yours, (Mrs. Edwin T.) Minnie Ferrel Johnson, President. (The most aristocratic Woman's Club in the West.) 47 Treasury Chambers, E. Menkin, Esq., Whitehall, S. W., 6th April, 1918. Attorney at Law, 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills., U. S. A. Dear Sir:— I am desired by Mr. Bonar Law to thank you for sending him a copy of 3^our book entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," Yours truly, He Davidson, (Mr. Bonar Law is the Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain.) British Embassy, Edward Menkin, Esq., Washington, 5th Alarch, 1918. 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills, My Dear Sir:— I am desired by Lord Reading to acknowledge with thanks your in- teresting letter of March 1st, enclosing a copy of your booklet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," Yours very truly, Herbert Montgomery, Private Secretary. (Lord Reading is the Chief Justice of Great Britain, the greatest legal mind of the world.) Ambassade de la Republique Francaise Aux Etats-Unis Mr. Edward Menkin, Washington, le March 9, 1918. Attorney and Counsellor, Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir : — I thank you sincerely for the letter and booklet annexed to it. I hope that the whole liberal world will agree with 3^ou as to the sentence to be passed upon the guilty. With sincere thanks for your friendly sentiments towards my country, once more in alliance with yours in a great cause, I am, Very truly yours, Jusserand. 48 Edward Menkin, Esq., Royal Italian Embassy, 1306 Conway Bldg., Washington, March 21st, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir : — His Excellency, the Italian Ambassador, wishes to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," which he was glad to obtain through your courtesy. Very sincerely yours, F. Cumberti. Legation De Belgique, Washington, D. C, March 28, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: Many thanks for your stirring pamphlet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," which you have had the thought and courtesy to send to me. I appre- ciated very much, also your letter with its many expressions of interest and loyalty for the Belgian cause. Your sympathy shows you, indeed, a loyal friend to my country, and forms one more link in the chain of friendship formed between the little country and its great Ally across the sea. In return, I take pleasure in sending to you a copy of Mr. Hugh Gibson's book on his experiences in Belgium, which I hope you will accept with my every regard. I remain, my dear Mr. Menkin, Very truly yours, de Cartier. New York City, March 12th, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I thank you for your courtesy in sending me "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I shall take pleasure in reading. Very sincerely j^ours, S. Stanwood Menken. (Mr. Menken is President of the National Security League.) State of North Dakota, Office of the Governor Bismark, N. Dak., March 11, 1918. Lynn J. Frazier, Governor Governor Frazier thanks you for the booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," and wishes me to thank you for the courtesy in sending it to him. N. A. Mason, Secretary to the Governor, 49 Executive Offices, State of Missouri Hon. Edward Menkin, City of Jefferson, April 22, 1918. Chicago, Ills. My Dear Mr. Menkin: Accept my thanks for your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy of your booklet. It will give me pleasure to read it carefully and thought- fully. Assuring you of my appreciation, I am, Sincerely yours, Frederick D. Gardner, Governor. New York, March 21, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I beg to acknowledge the enclosure of "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I have read with much interest. Thank you for sending me the same. Sincerely yours, Abram I. Elkus. (Mr. Elkus was American Ambassador to Turkey.) War Industries Board, Council of National Defense, Washington, April 9, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin : Your letter of April 1st, together with "The Trial of the Kaiser," reached me upon my return to the city. I appreciate very much your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy and I shall read it with much interest. I wish to express my appreciation also for the undeserved tribute with which you were kind enough to inscribe the pamphlet. From the hasty glance I have given the contents I am sure the President will enjoy reading it. Yours very truly, Julius Rosenwald. Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills. Chicago, April 30, 1918. Dear Sir: — I have just read with much interest your fierce indictment of the German Kaiser in the pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I am sure it will find a responsive echo in the soul of every loyal American, Very truly yours, E. F. Dunne. (Edward F. Dunne was Governor of Illinois.) SO State of Illinois, Office of the Governor, Springfield, March 2, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I have already read enough of the little book to know that I shall be greatly interested in it, and I am glad you are preparing to have it widely distributed. It was a great pleasure for me to see you again, and with personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Frank O. Lowden. (Governor Lov/den is the War Governor of Illinois, loved by every loyal American citizen ; his personality is admired in Illinois, and his patriotism is nation wide.) United States Food Administration Harry A. Wheeler, Federal Food Administrator for Illinois March 5th, 1918. Dear Mr Menkin: Acknowledging 5^ours of the 4th inst., I shall take this little book with me on my trip to Washington tomorrow and hope to have the time en route to read it and give you the suggestions which you ask. Very sincerely yours, H. A. Wheeler. (Hon. Harry A. Wheeler is also President of the Nat. Chamber of Commerce.) U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ills., April 12, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: Please accept my thanks for the little pamphlet which you so kindly sent me, entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I have read this with a great deal of interest and must congratulate you on the manner in which this has been compiled. John B. Kaufman, Surgeon, U. S. N. Athletic Officer. The Chicago Tribune, Mr. Edward Menkin, The World's Greatest Newspaper. 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, March 14, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — It has been a pleasure to look over the pamphlet which 30U have published entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." Yours very truly, E. S. Beck, Managing Editor. 51 Chicago Record Herald, Mr. Edward Menkin, Fair and Square. Chicago, Ills. March 11, 1918. Dear Sir : — In Mr. Keeley's absence from the office I take pleasure in acknowl- edging receipt of your pamphlet, "The Trial of the Kaiser." I am sure he will be glad to read it. Yours sincerely, Lincoln Macmillan, Assistant Managing Editor. The New York Public Library. Thank you for the gift of the booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser." (cl918) Very respectfully, E. H. Anderson, Director. Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum, March 18, 1918. Edward Menkin, Esq., Chicago. My Dear Menkin: Many thanks for the pamphlet, "The Trial of the Kaiser." I will read it at my leisure and no doubt will get a great deal of pleasure out of it. Yours cordially, C. Arch Williams. Supreme Regent, 1012 Rector Bldg., Chicago. Mayor's Office, San Francisco, March 12, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin: I wish to thank you for sending me a copy of your booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," which came in this morning's mail. I am sure I shall take pleasure in perusing it. Very sincerely, James Ralph, Mayor. 52 The University of Chicago, Founded by John D. Rockefeller Office of the President Dear Mr. Menkin : Chicago, March 4, 1918. Thanks for yours of the 2nd inst., with enclosed copy of "The Trial of the Kaiser." I shall examine it with interest and be glad to send you any comments. You certainly are quite correct in your judg- ment of Professor Mechem. Very truly yours, Harry Pratt Judson, (Professor Floyd R. Mechem was the most beloved and respected Professor at the University of Michigan, and was the author's teacher.) Greenebaum Sons Bank and Trust Co. M. E. Greenebaum, President Dear Mr. Menkin: Chicago, April 15, 1918. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your valued letter of the 11th inst., as also your book entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I have read the book with great interest and must congratulate you upon the forceful and unusual manner in which you have handled the subject. I am sure that those who will be privileged to read the book will obtain a view- point which is both original and bound to create a favorable impression. I beg to thank you most sincerely for your courtesy in sending me the book. Very truly yours, M. E. Greenebaum. (The Greenebaum family is known the world over. Mr. M. E. Greenebaum is the President of Sinai Congregation, the most aristocratic body of American Jews that can be found anywhere on earth. Mr. Greenebaum is a student of the highest kind of civics.) Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills. Dear Friend: I have read your compilation, "The Trial of the Kaiser." You have presented therein a complete and perfect indictment. If I were represent- ing the Kaiser as his attorney, I would insist that he plead guilty to the indictment and place himself upon the mercy of the court — hoping that the court would have no mercy. I hope that your work will have the circulation that it should have. Every American should read it. With kindest personal regards. Yours very trul}', William McKinley, (Tlie Hon. Wm. McKinley was Speaker of the House of Representa- tives of the great State of Illinois.) 53 Mr. Lou M. Houseman, Gen. West. Rep. A. H. Woods Theatrical Attractions Chicago, March 15, 1918. Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — Mr. Louis Mann desires me to thank you for the courteous letter together with your booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," and to say that he enjoyed reading it very much. It ought to do a great deal of good. Sincerely yours, Ed. Friend, For Mr. Louis Mann. (Mr. Louis Mann with Mr. Bernard is playing "Friendly Enemies." This play when it was at Washington, D. C, the President saw and made a speech, complimenting them on the artistic display.) Chicago, April 19, 1918. Dear Friend Menkin : Thank you very much for the booklet and the letter which accom- panied it. I am looking forward to an opportunity this evening to read the booklet carefully and I am sure I shall be greatly interested. Very truly yours. Marquis Eaton. (Mr. Eaton is a former President of the Hamilton Club of Chicago, and every Red Cross worker in America knows of his great work for the U. S. A.) The Jewish Publication Society of America I. George Dobsevage, Secretary Executive Committee Philadelphia, March 15, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin : I desire to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your little pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I shall read with pleasure. I can only report one regret in reading the title, and that is that it is merely the title of the book and not the circumstances of the trial and execution of the world's greatest murderer. With kindest re- gards, I am, Yours very truly, I. George Dobsevage, Secretary. 54 The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. Mr. Schiff thanks Mr. Menkin for his courtesy in sending him his little booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," which Mr. Schiff will read with much interest. March 13th, 1918. The letter is written by the Hon. Jacob Schiff in his own handwriting. (Mr. Schiff is one of the greatest German- American loyal citizens in the U. S., a philanthropist of the highest kind. Not only has he been a blessing to New York City, but to the world. Chicago, March 13, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: Thank you for sending me your brochure entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I shall read with interest. Very truly yours, Joseph W. Moses. (Mr. Moses is President of the Chicago Bar Association, and the distinguished Hon. Adolph Moses, his father of sacred memory, was a nestor of the Bar of Chicago from 1861 to 1905.) Hull House, Chicago, March 12th, 1918. Miss Jane Addams is in California where she will be for the month of March and part of April, speaking for the Food Administration. Your book, "The Trial of the Kaiser," will be brought to her attention. Very sincerely yours, Eleanor Daggett Kaisten, Secretary to Jane Addams. Harris Trust & Savings Bank Office of the President Chicago, March 20th, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I duly received yours of the 14th, and also copy of your book en- titled "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I hope to read at the first op- portunity. Thanking you for including me on your list and trusting that the book will accomplish the purpose for which we are all striving. I am, Yours very truly, Albert W. Harris, President. 55 President's Office Illinois Steel Company Chicago, April 12, 1918. Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — I have just returned from a recent absence and find your favor of March 16th, enclosing a copy of your pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." At the first opportunity I shall be glad to read this pamphlet. Thanking you for giving me an opportunity to read it, I am, with kind regards, Yours very truly, E. J. Buffington, President. Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago George M. Reynolds, President Edward Menkin, Esq., March 2nd, 1918. Chicago, Ills. My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your favor of the 1st inst., enclosing copy of "The Trial of the Kaiser," which I shall be glad to read at the first opportunity. Thanking you, I am. Very truly yours, G. M. Reynolds. (Since Mr. Reynolds became President of the Bank, it has become the second largest in the U. S. A.) Consulate De Belgique, Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills., Chicago, Ills. Etats-Unis. le 20 March, 1918. Dear Sir: — I beg to acknowledge receipt of your most interesting little pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I heartily agree with you in the punishment due to the "Envoy Extraordinary of Almighty God." I think your plan for translating the pamphlet into the French language is very advisable and I truly hope that the "Boches" have a chance to read it. The address of the Belgian Minister at Washington (for we have no Ambassador here in America) is, His Excellency Ed. deCartier, Minister of Belgium, Washington, D. C. Thanking you again for your kind letter, I beg to remain, Sincerely yours. Dr. C. Vermeren, Consul for Belgium. 56 J. Walter Freiberg, 216 East Front St., Cincinnati, March 19, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I am in receipt of yours of the 18th, enclosing a copy of your brochure "The Trial of the Kaiser." I anticipate reading it with much pleasure. Very truly yours, J. W. Freiberg. (Mr. Freiberg is the President of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, which organization includes most of the Reform Jewish Temples in the U. S. A.) Consulat De France, Mr. Edward Menkin, 22-27 108 South La Salle St., Chicago, Ills. Chicago, March 13th, 1918. Dear Sir : — I beg to acknowledge receipt of your booklet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," and to thank you for your courtesy. No doubt its translation into French will be a success on the other side of the Atlantic. Yours very truly, A. Barthelemy, Consul for France, Hon. Edward Menkin: Chicago, March 2nd, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — I beg to acknowledge receipt of the autographed copy of your most interesting booklet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," and also the one to my mother together with your letter. I read both the letter and the booklet to her and we both think it is wonderful and wish to thank you for same, and mother also wants to express her thanks for your beautiful letter and the very good wishes extended to her. Yours very truly, M. S. Rosenwald. (Mrs. Augusta Rosenwald is the mother of Julius and Morris S, Rosenwald. She was born in Hanover, Germany, and is one of the most patriotic Americans in Chicago. Her coming to this land of liberty has enriched our land with sons any mother can be proud of. Her son, the Hon. Julius Rosenwald, is at the Capitol of the Nation, helping the be- loved President in his fight to make the World safe for Democracy.) 57 Edison Building, Chicago, March 5th, 1918. Edward Menkin, Esq., Dear Sir: — I have yours of the 2nd and will, when I get an oppor- tunity, read "The Trial of the Kaiser." Yours truly, Samuel Insull. (Mr. Insull is the head of the State Council of Defense for the State of Illinois, and has accomplished wonders, he, as well as his beloved wife.) The Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railway Co. Chicago, March 20, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin: I beg to acknowledge receipt, with thanks, of the pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I have read this book with very much interest and have passed it on to the members of my department, as well as our general attorney, who is, I am sure, heartily in accord with your attitude, and all express their wish that the people of the United States will work in harmony and bring all their resources to bear in establishing Democracy as outlined by our esteemed President, the Hon. Woodrow Wilson. Sincerely yours, A. F, Scholz, Chief Claim Agent. Treasury Department Liberty Loan Campaign Committee Federal Reserve District Number Seven Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, March 12, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — I acknowledge receipt of your booklet which came by separate mail, but in the press of other matters I have not been able to give this the attention I would like. In the meantime I have asked one of our com- mittee men to look over the matter and you will doubtless hear from me again shortly. Very truly yours, Charles W. Folds, Director of Sales. (Through Mr. Folds efforts and his wonderful assistants, Chicago went over the top in its subscription to the Third Liberty Bond Campaign. The "I Will" spirit is still with Chicago.) 58 The National Bank of the Republic, Chicago, March 14, 1918. Mr. Edward Menkin, Dear Sir : — I take pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your pamphlet, "The Trial of the Kaiser," for which please accept my thanks. Yours very truly, John H. Lynch, President. Conference Committee on National Preparedness Henry A. Wise Wood, Chairman Edward Menkin, Esq., New York City, March 12, 1918. Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — ^ Mr. Wood desires me to thank you for "The Trial of the Kaiser," which he anticipates reading with a good deal of interest. Very truly yours, V. B. Campbell, Secretary to Chairman. Sovereign Grand Lodge of the L O. O. F. Office of the Sire Frank C. Goudy, Grand Sire, Denver, Colo., U. S. A., March 10, 1918. Dear Brother Menkin : Yours of March 6th, together with your booklet, received. I am greatly interested in your booklet and want to assure you, however, of my deep sympathy with everything that tends to destroy German propa- ganda in this Country, and I assure you of my willingness to co-operate with you to the extent of my ability. .With all good wishes, I am, Yours fraternally, Frank C. Goudy, Grand Sire. (The Independent Order of Odd Fellows, had a membership on De- cember 31, 1916, of 2,203,401, all loyal American supporters of our be- loved President, in this our crisis where we are fighting to make the world a decent place to live in.) 59 Office of Sidney Corning Eastman Chicago, April 12, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin: I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your excellent paper on "The Trial of the Kaiser." It is an original and excellent thought and you have presented the evidence in a convincing manner, everyone except an intense pro-German will have to admit it. Very truly yours, Sidney C. Eastman. (Mr. Eastman is the U. S. Court Referee in Bankruptcy and former President of the University of Michigan Alumnae of Chicago.) Jewish Board for Welfare Work in the United States Army and Navy New York City, April 9, 1918. Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of your booklet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." I have no doubt that your presentation of the subject will instruct and entertain numerous readers. Thanking you for your courtesy and good will, I am. Very truly yours, George Alexander Kohut, Chairman Library Committee. (This organization is looking after the interests of one hundred thousand Jewish soldiers and sailors, who are willing to die for the greatest country on earth, the U. S. A. God bless that land and its flag.) The University of Minnesota Minneapolis Office of the President President Burton wishes to thank you for the copy of the booklet. The Trial of the Kaiser." Very sincerely yours, O. S.' Buhr, Secretary to the President. 60 Lynchburg, Va., March 8th, 1918. Edward Menkin, Esq. 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — I beg to acknowledge with appreciation the receipt of your pamphlet on "The Trial of the Kaiser." It was courteous and thoughtful of you to send it and I wish to assure you that I have read it with much ap- preciation. With greatest respect and best wishes, I am, Very truly yours, Fred Harper. (Hon. Fred Harper is a lawyer and also the Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, which Order has over 500,000 (five hundred thousand) members, and every one of the members is a loyal American. As this Order is purely of an American nature, its women are all doing Red Cross work in their respective Elk units.) The Cunard Steamship Co., Limited Battery Park Bldg., 21 to 24 State St. New York, April 24, 1918. Air. Edward Menkin, 1306 Conway Bldg., Chicago, Ills. Dear Sir: — We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant and are much obliged to you for sending the copy of the booklet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser." We have perused same with much interest and hope that you will keep up the good work. Yours truly. The Cunard Steam Ship Co., Ltd., Per B. W. Whatmore. University of Michigan President's Office Ann Arbor, April 9, 1918. My Dear Mr. Menkin : Just as I was leaving for a trip to the coast your kind letter of March 7th with pamphlet entitled "The Trial of the Kaiser," came to hand. Before leaving I did not have time to give the letter or pamphlet 61 attention. Since returning I have done so and wish to say that in pre- paring the pamphlet you have rendered a distinct service and I wish to thank you for sending the pamphlet, which I have read with interest. With kind regards and best wishes and hoping that you will drop in on me whenever you are in this part of the country, I remain, Very sincerely yours, H. B. Hutchins, President of the University of Michigan. (The author graduated from the University of Michigan and received his L.L. B. in 1896. It is that institution which has inspired me with the love of American Patriotic Idealism, and today the U. of M. has thousands of its stars fighting in defense of Liberty and Justice, that law shall prevail, and that treaties are sacred and not scraps of paper as the Huns believe.) Press Club of Chicago, City Hall Square Building. This Club was honored by the President making an address to the members, and includes amongst its members all the leading writers of the Nation, who have a great deal to do in moulding public opinion. April 22, 1918. Mr. Edward Menkin, Chicago, Ills. My Dear Fellow Alumnus of the University of Michigan: I have read with much satisfaction, combined with no small amount of amusement, your satirical and well-handled prosecution of the present unrighteous and morally insane King of Prussia, and so-called Emperor of Germany. This blood-thirsty King and nominal emperor gained his position by no effort or merit of his own unlike our Presidents, but used his power for the destruction of European neighboring states, and filled the world with trouble. I can readily see from your expressions of true loyalty to our representative republic, that you have imbibed the patriotic and democratic spirit of our common Alma Mater, the popular and highly efficient University of Michigan. I hope that in no distant day many such real democratic institutions of learning may take the place of German Universities, dominated by imperial and crafty autocratic rulers. You undoubtedly believe, with Emanuel Kant, who was a co-temporary and friend of my grandfather, August Heinrich Ulrich, Professor of Jena for thirty years ending 1813, that "we could never have universal peace until the world was safe for Democracy." Yours respectfully, Bartow A. Ulrich. (Mr. Bartow A. Ulrich is the author of the book, "Abraham Lincoln and Constitutional Government," which he dedicated to the Press Club 62 of Chicago, of which he is a life member. He graduated from the Law Department of the University of Michigan in 1864, and previously studied in Heidelberg, Germany. He participated in the campaign of Abraham Lincoln in 18i54. His thesis written at the University, embodied a com- parison of the different forms of government, showing the superiority of a representative republican form of government like that of the United States, over all others. Mr, Ulrich is a friend of German Democracy and agrees with the punishment fixed for den verdammte Kaiser von die Huns.) Chicago, March 16, 1918. Dear Mr. Menkin: Many thanks for your publication of "The Trial of the Kaiser." I read it with great interest and hope that before this war is over there will be a condemnation of the gentleman in this life as thorough as that which you portray taking place in the life hereafter. Yours very sincerely, Otto C. Butz. (Mr. Butz is President of the Friends of German Democracy. He is the ideal American patriot and has no use for den verdammte Wilhelm. Mr. Butz is ranked among such German-Americans as Carl Schurz, Dr. William E. Bohn of New York City, and others who believe as Schurz did when he came to the U. S. A., that this was a decent place to live in and, as General Franz Sigel, the famous exile from autocratic Ger- many, who was one of the bravest of the brave in the Civil War.) There are thousands of letters which the author received, but it is impossible to publish them all in this edition, so he will conclude with a short extract which expresses the sentiments of the American Press. "The Trial of the Kaiser" is one of the best pieces of literature inspired by the present war. It is calculated to weld into American spirit all who live under American auspices, and to make the hyphenated sort a thing of the past. 63 Oeacidfcd using the Bookkeeper process SEP 9itn PreservationTechnoJMies Ill Thomson Park Drive LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS IIIMI IIIIIIIIIMIII li 021 929 140 1 P