LB J j Class Book L B CojpghtN . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT MENTAL FATIGUE Works in German BY MAX OFFNER Professor in K. Ludwig's Gymnasium, Mlinchen Author of "Die Geistige Ermudung' Die Psychologie Charles Bonnets. A study in the history of psychology. Leip- zig, J. A. Abel, 1893. Willensfreiheit, Zurechnung und Verant- wortung. Discussion of important concepts common to psychology, ethics, and criminal law. Leipzig, J. A. Abel, 1904. Das Gedachtnis. The results of experi- mental psychology, and their application to problems of instruction and education. Berlin, Reuther & Reichard,(New Edition). "The 'Value of Forgetting' is the subject which brings to a conclusion a book which should prove most useful. The usefulness, moreover, will be greatly increased by the bibliography and index which are ap- pended." From Mind, January, 1910. EiUtratumal Jtegrijoln^g iMnnngrapljfl MENTAL FATIGUE A Comprehensive Exposition of the Nature of Mental Fatigue, of the Methods of Its Measurement and of Their Results, with Special Reference to the Problems of Instruction DR. MAX OFFNER Professor at the Kgl. Ludwigs- Gymnasium at Munich Author of "Die Psychologie Charles Bonnets" "Willensfreiheit, Zurechnung und Verant-wortung" and "Das Gedachtnis" Translated from the German GUY MONTROSE WHIPPLE Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology Cornell University Author of "A Manual of Mental and Physical Tests." "A Guide to High-school Observation" "Questions in Psychology." "Questions in School Hygiene" etc. BALTIMORE WARWICK & YORK, Inc. 1911 Copyright by WARWICK & YORK, Inc. 1911