In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and all that therein is, and resteth on the seventh day. and is resting now, and will awaken soon, that he may behold in the dawning of the new day all that he has made, an J this day and hoar is already set and we the living are living in darkness, but will arise, with the LORD, at the dawn of that great day. THE POETS SERMON IN VERSE. THE BCGINING OF THE End of the WORLD Is Here. FROM A MIND OF MYSTERY Food for yottr starving brain Tlieonlr SERMON IN VERSE in existance. and delivered in person bx the Poet and Atitbor MR. ROBERT A. HUEBNER CepyrltfHt«a 1990 Bjr Kolbvrt A. II««btte«r. S5CiA567216 /^^T' I ^ 4^^ X .0 ^' MAR 22 Ib^U THE POET'S SERMON IN VERSE THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE WORLD IS HERE THE REREVELATIONS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AS DIRL^^TED TO ST. JOHN THE DIVINE. '^\ i-'OUNDED ON FACTS AND NOT THEORY BY ROBERT A. HUEBNER INTRODUCTION: Now my dearly beloved people I am as you can plainly see me only u beirg I^ke unto yourself, and it is my desire to say that I am here for . tt good purpose only and CREED, COLOR or CALLING, cuts no figure with ;, me, as; I say, let ali mankind have a chance to listen to the good words- spoken, and all MANKIND certainly i.s entirely WELCOME to tne KNOW- LEDGE that I impart to you ail. Befitting .a& it may t>e, it is with much pleasure I assure yoti that I have- accepted this oppoitunity to deliver to ycu, and who in return, I expect wiU appreciate the delicate, yc-t forceful manner in which I expound this, m> , SERMON IN VERSE. .., Speaking as I do previous to my reading it, it is well for me to sa> mat it from a mind of MYSTERY, and that the Hidden Power which enlightens me coiiiefo from where I know not. Yes this most wonderful work it may prove beyond your realizat'on to- understand how I compiled it, yes, it is beyond your realization to those who are not vei-jed In the Ait of Poetry, to irnmagine the amount of time and labor it took to compile this the only SERMON IN VERSE in existance, therefore let JEW and GENTILE gather together under one rcof, or in one great body, and g've your unbiased attention to what will be heard by you, that we are at the' present time living in the beginning of the end of this great wor;d, after which .you will appreciate the invitation to you, to have had that privilege to hear the only Sermon in Verse expounded to you by the Poet and Author, and. that the knowledge you obtained, will ever be Food for your Stai-ving Mind, the same as food for your bodies. Well you may be proud to say that you here assembled, have for the very first time in your very evistance, ever given your personal attention to hear me th<^ Author and Writer of this my Sermon in Verse, and I will say^ that after many years of Solemn prayer, the privilege has been granted to me by my Creator, JEHOVA, to fill m_y long felt desire to be called uj)on to .^exemplify to tlie people, the Revelations of our Loid Jesus Christ. '[■^li: The Wisdom that cometh from above, is First Pure, knowledge we can ■ . npt impart without this, for as the body without the SPIRIT is dead, so FAITH without the work is dead also. Every good gift, and every Perfect gift, is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness neither shadow or turning.' Thei'e is but one Lawgiver, who only is able to save or distroy who are ' Vou that can judge another, why am I here, am I not herei for a good and ,;:,JHire Purpose, to EXEMPLIFY, yes and to impart KNOWLEDGE. Let us be of one mind, having compassion one of another, LOVE, be PITIFUL, be COURTEOUS. When I fuffered I threatened not, but committed myself to him who Judgeth RIGHTEOUSLY. Yes, as I am one in the World, but not of the Vvoiid, this has been cleai'ly proven to me, yes to my entire satisfaction and 1 hereby acicnowledge this the PURE TRUTH. In six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, and all therein, and on the seventh day hv. doea rest, and is resting now, and will awaken soon, and Ik hold in the Dawning of that New Day ail that he has done- And this day and hour is already set, and we the living are living in ilarkness, and we will rise as does the Lord at the dawn of that Great Day. And let me say, at the Lord Spake by the mouth of the PHOPHETS of old', to the Lord can speak to his people by the mouth of the TRUE POET of today. My Dear People, ever lemember that I am not here as a SAVIOUR of men, uh. No, I can not .save you, but you are the one that can save yourself, 1 could REVEAL to you much, that no other man will or can, but if attempted to do this, I would lake up to much time, and possibly get away from the principal subject, which ia of more inleret^t to you for your future. I dara tay tiiat I have had many arguments pro ai:d con but 1 have failed to find the one who can contridict my Sennon in Vei-ve, and prove it to be untrue. Another thing I wish you to understand, that it is utterly impossible, that I can be a DREAMER, as I can not write these verses in my dreams, for in this state of mind, we know nothing- And last but not least, that I ever wish you to retain to your memory, that I am one .who believes in LIVE and LET LIVE, and that I give CHARITY to the NEEDY more than any man that liveth can give, theiefore I ask you to contribute YOUR MITE, that I may continue in ihis good work, to let all MANKIND in the MOST REMOTE CORNERS OF IHE EARTH know that we are now living in the BEGINNING OV THE END OF THIS GREAT WORLD OF OURS, which is passing away in great confussion day by day. Remember you well at this moment what I speak to you, that it is my honest belief, that soon after the entrance of the year 1925, the bringing forth of children will soon come to an end, for when 20,736,000,000 people are on this earth, the earth will be quite full, there are only about 1,500,000,000 people on tlsis earth today. Let me tell you the way to read the Bible, and let you understand from it, take the 23, and 24, chapters of Mathew, and therein you will find much, but you must remember that you must give and take, and more than this you must read between the lines as there are Hidden the MYSTERiES of the BIBLE. In speaking at this moment, as I do, I wish to call to your attention, the fact of a composition in which I displaved KNOWLEDGE to its grar.dest extent. Shrouded in MYSTERY is the MIND of the POET as if in a dream, an object comes to his view, objects seen in the Heavens have a meaning, and to the POET nature provided that insight, that is not commonly possessed by the average man. Reading the lines, Reading between the lines, and reversing the linos, are a very deep study, and this gift of nature that comes from above, the POET only understands, and is never REVEALED by him to the satisfaction of the average man. In the month of MARCH, 1918, I predicted the VICTORY of the Amez-ican Forces, in this great WORLD WAR, which there is proof of in the Copyright Office v.'hcn I Copyrighted my Poem MY STAR OF VICTORY. In Ihe same month I predicted that the last shot would be fired on my Mother's Birthday which was on the same day as gave Birth to the Great German Poet SCHILLER, the TENTH day of NOVEMBER, and was it not that it v\^as proclaimed to the world that the last shot was fired on that day, and we received the news on the next morning early. Now you living peoples put you on your thinking caps, and begin to Icok the situation square in the face, and make up your minds that what I say, comes from POWERS greater than this poor little insignificant I, the Poet, do possess, and what object have I in view but to tell to you the TRUTH only, so as you may PREPARE yourself for what is to come. VENGEANCE belongs to the Lord God Almighty, and he has shown himself, how long shall the wicked TRIUMPH, how long shall you speak hard, understand you fool when will you get wise, who teacheth you KNOWLEDGE where does he get it from. I forget not the crv of the humble, Consider my trouble that I Suffered for you, come thou and lift me from the gates of DEATH, the wicked are snared by the works of their own hand?, the needy shall not be forgotten, expectation of the poor shall not perish, ask for MERCY it will be granted, you have seen it MISCHIEF and SPITE. I committed myself to you as a helper to the WIDOW, In the LORD I put my trust, GOD has heard the desire of the humble, you will prepare your heart, and cause your ears to hear me, they speak vanity. Every one with their neighbor, with flattering lips, But with a DOUBLE HEART do they speak to YOU. I have trusted in your MERCY, my heart will rejoice in your salvation. A soft answer turns ' away wrath, but grievous words' stir anger, the tongue of the wise useth KNOWLEDGE, but the mouth of fools pour out foolishness, a word spoken in due season; OH HOW GOOD IT IS. The Lord will destroy the hou.^^^e of the proud, but he will ESTABLISH the border of the WIDOW. You despiseth your own soul, refusing instruc- tions. If you are reproved you will get understanding. The fear of the LORD is the instruction of WISDOM, and before HONOR comes HUMILITY. He that handleth a matter wisely, shall fmd good, and who so trusteth m the LORD, happy is he- BUY the TRUTH, and sell it not, also wisdom an^ instruction and under- standing, speak not in the ears of a FOOL, for he will despise the wisdom of your word.'^. Apply your heart to instinictions, and your ears to the words of KNOWLEDGE. PRUDENCE foisees evil, Hide yourself for the simple pass on and are punished. The eyes of the LORD presei-ve KNOWLEDGE, and he overthroweth the TRANSGRESSOR. Why do you eat HONEY, because it is good. The Honeycomb is sweet to the taste, so shall KNOWLEDGE and WlbDOM be to the SOUL. When you have found it, then this is your reward, and your expectations, will never be cut off. Now give me your attention, and believe me, for I speak only THE TRUTH TO YOU. THE POETS SERMON IN VERSE 'Tis the work of the TRUE POET of today, To take his pen in hand; And spread the news all over this Earth, That the living- may understand: Two false Messias did appear, In times gone by 'tis tiue; Astronomers sensations did create, Amonest the living Yes, you- With ieagcr eyes look for the day. Give attention with listenine eavs^; Then seek you MEEKNf]SS my advice We now are in those years: Of the beginnin"' of the end Of this Great World of ours; Yes, in the twinkling of an eye, A chant'e in moments, and not in hours. Read you not the book of Laws, It, you do not understand; But, be ever in readiness This I say, To you peoples of every land: Think you not that in the flesh, Your Messiah will appear; These teachings are untiue, I know, Believe me this and hear. The people all over this earth will REVOLT, Every power will he overthrown; Yes more than this I will reveal. Because to me it i? known: Questions I'm not here to answer, To the living of today; But truth you'll find in all my writing* The Poet, I to you say- Believe me I'm not a Fanatic, On matters I speak of todav, Tis but my MIND of MYSTERY; Its contents to display: To those of Knowledge Starving, And thinking from year to year; And asking each other this question, Where do we go to from here. Ah yes, to all I will explain, If you are as i interested; A Hiddrn Power provej^ to me, \vith inspiiation I'm invested No secrets in my mind I'll keep. But all I'll tell to you; And as you joumoy through this life. Be careful what you do. I'm ut like a rain drop in the air, Poor little insignificant I; But yet my MIND of MISTERY, To prove to you I'll try; Don't think Expansion of the Brain, ^ For Lucre that I write. To Deceive the people of today, I consider this not right. I'm honest as the day is long, Like the Sun for ail I j-hine; All the knowledge I possess, Is yours as well as mine: Why in mis3ry should I keep. Poor you to live in F'EAR, In this CRUEL, CRUEL wicked world No, for this I a mnot here. Let JEW and GENTILE cry aloud. ■ In the cloutis our MESSIAH will stand; Before our very eyes we'll hear Ail that he may command: Then again from us he will depart. Back to his Heavenly Home, 'there to Rein as our Miglity Judge, Of the living and dead, yes, he alone. Don't think that I the outer man. Produce this work today; Without a Hidden Power within, Not one word could I write or say: As 1 start Revelations to you to explain, Cast everything else from your mind; It is possible all therein is TRUTH, Yes and more than tiuth you'll find. Of Revolutions I did speak. Yet there is another trouble. That is supposed to follow this. Oh curse we this an awful bubble: 'Tis growing stronger, yes, every day, We'ed prevent it if we but could ; ' But ANARCHY will yet rule this world. Perhaps 'twill prove for the good. Yes, remember the dead will lie in the ; rstieets, This shoi-tly before the end; The living will wish tliat they were there, This message to Heaven they do send : Their time has not yet come to die, But suffering longer they will exist. But impossible they find thsir prayers not heeded Because they're UNBELIEVERS, Yes, this the reason wnv. You've only a few years yet to tarry. Bear you this well m mind; For the Thousand Year of the Almighty, Is almost upon us you'll nnd: Are you ready to stand before the Judgment Bench, And there give Testimoney, ves. True; Then if only little evils you've done. Ah Mercy, will be shown to you. AH charges that may stand against you, Wo dare not pronounce one a lie. For the second death stares us in the face, The hardest sentanc thus • delivered, why : To be honest, Plead Guilty, and ask Mercy, By your Judge considered 'twill bt.*; Because he shows Mercy to Sinners, No matter if 'tis you or me. Remember you there are not so many classes, That in which one you can't f>nC; Where your name and failings will apply: Take heed and don't play your blind: 'Tis better that you now yourself retire, And consult your most deepest thpught. First seek forgiveness, against those now living. Who you wronged. Remember this News you I brought- There's more than one place in the book of Law; That I can vcfei" you to., yes, voi;; Then you will leam how to seek the rest. ' ' The Fathet's Foi'givenesF; too true: Ah, yes, this will.' ^jring you mucl) happiness, ■ While life with you does remain; Then each night as you kneel at your bedside, You'll thank your GOD, yes, again and again. You may think that this story is Fishy, If so punishment will come to you; Ah yes, all the reqiainder of your days In misery a burden ^'ou'll carry, 'tis true: Throw off that Yoke that holds you X as tj And seek new blessings, prepaired for you; K'emember that I, with a Mind of ■ ..-Mygtery, The Poet, told this to you, to do. Thej-e's no doubt in ray mind, that unawares You are, of conditions beautiful awaiting you; Yes, an explaination of all of these, My duty it is, and duty I will do: So tbat you may enjoy, the grandest pleasures of life, , ' That we receive on every hand;. But don't forget, the pleasures of the hereafter, Prepare yourself, for they'i^e far more Grand. The assurance I have, from a Hidden ^ Power, From afar, yet, I know not where. As this I am forbid to speak of. And to speak of it I do not care: So long as you, who are starving for knowledge, I'll impart it to you. yes todav; If, you'll only grasp it, and hold it. And use it, to advantage, this the Po^t I say. You'll find as I dwell on my subject, It may bring pardon to vou by and by; For something wrong, tlat y^u have done, That oft times makes you ciy Weep not, but wipe those tears away, Consolation you I'll bring; Yes Mercy, Your Father, he will grant it, . .^n Then in rest, you'll pay for sin Remember you well now my remarks, That Churcheanity, yes I, am not preaching; For this is beyond my reasoning mind, But Christeanity, yes, I am teaching : To those who may have a desire to know. That we, yes the Poor, the Masses; Will receive the preference, oi ever- lasting life, Against the Miserable, Hoarding Classes. Tis by the sweat of our brow that we must earn, The Bread, yes, that we daily eat, But when it comes to fighting for admission, '■ ■■ To Kingdom Come, the classes we will defeat: There is but one question, answer it you the rich, Why the Wealth of the world you do hoard; And keep the poor in misery and distress. This is not the t?aching3 of CHRIST OUR LORD. According to inspirations to me thus given, In 1925, the end of ANARCHY we will see; After that again the first from the dead will arise, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, 'twill bs; All the Ancient Prophets from Jeiusalem Next to arrise from the dead we'll find; Then from o-eneration to generation backwards, In new bodies will come all Mankind. Then Satin the Devil in Irons Bound, For one thousand years, yes, to lay; For causing all sickness, poverty, misery and death, / ''^, ; '. Ove us, then he'll hold no ' rnb^e sway: Eveness of climate, not to hot or-, to coidj . . . . . ; j.f i & r Mankind will enjoy, yes, living, .,:,'// No more Tiiists or Landlords^ ,to hold down the Poor, ,^ / ' '; This infonnation tb youj I am giving. .-^ ,,^ Everytloing, yes, in abundajice wi)) gl'OW, In the Deserts forth water will spring; Under Rule of RIGHTEOUSNESS, there'll be no more Poor, Evenly divided will be evei'vthing: Every man will have his own hom'e tlien, ■ , . , ' No more pains and no more sighing; Becoming more perfect in body and mind, No more sickness, and no more dying. A real pleasure it will be for us to' live, All over this Universe, Too True; Millions are living today who'll nevei se death. Believe what I'm telling to aj^ou Bec^aufe with the New KING in harmony they live, You'll grow younger and more perfect each day; Under CHRIST the LORD these blessings arrive, I, the Poet to you do say. Of that day and hour knoweth no man, Coming upon the world as a tnief in the night; But, the chosen ones shall not be overtaken In the darkness, I know this is right: I am in the world, but not of the ''■ world. My back turned towardsi sin for ever, Revealed in my Mind of Mysteiy I kno-vV, The Righteous will die no never- This Earth will never be destroyed, say I, But passing away in confusion it is; With great noises, and alann and fire, GOD will not destroy what's his: If tiius he could not give one pure language, To the living ones that here remain; Which he speaks of in Mathew and Zephania, This to you is proven, yes again. Itching ears desiring the praise of men, (Churcheanity^i Instead of the approval of God on High; You will find that with my Mind of Mystery, True Christeanitv to teach, this rn try: Your soul throughout eternity cursed, Blasphemy, upon our Creators Character say I; For these abominal teachings to us they must, In the second death be punished, and die. ' . , Knov/ you not that to whom you yield to day, His servants you are also 'tis true: But, get away from that confounded theoiy, (Chui'cheanity) This the Poet's advice to you: By one man sin entered into this world. Oft' times this to you was told; But, the death of CHRIST, redeemed yes, one and all, This knowledge yes, 'tis old. A special opportunity extended to all mankind, Your living body as a sacrifice to give; Faithful unto death, a Crown of life, Immortal and forever you live: Remember by wisdom, the world knows not GOD; They of the woi'ld make you think they are wise. They could never approach the Poet, No, I've listened to, to many of their lies. 'Tis true if wisdom and knowledge you want, 'Tis written seek and vou shall f nd; Knock and it shall be o'lened unto you, And expounded from a MYSTERI- OUS MIND I sought wisdom and knowledge in the past, From a Hidden Power it come too true; And thus inspired, not of my own merit, The Poet I, this tell to you. Truth will cover the earth, as water covers the Sea, But, this can not be said of you today ; Yet all tears will be v.iped from off all faces, Sorrow and sighing, will flee away: After the last vestage of troubles are swept away, With content and happiness I will live too true. May the Blessings of GOD be sent from Heaven, For these the Poet does pray for you. All mankind will awaken in the Resurrection Which proves to me, NOT DEAD, but, only we sleep; MARVEL not at this, the hour soon at hand, Are you prepared your Judge to meet: The Kingdom of Heaven soon fully set up, 1925, Supposed to be about the year. As near as the good book does tell us. From now on, HARK, don't live in fear. As I forgive others, will you forgive me, If wrong you think, I done to you; A blessing, yes, this would I consider, No more wrongs, to you, I'd do: As the next few years go rolling by, MEEKNESS, LOWLINESS, for these yes pray; In the midst of the worst of troubles, You and I may be Hidden away, As we linger along tlirough life's journey, Every path looks alike to us all; Yes, but one, is the path ol RIGHT- OUSNESS, If we enter it, we will not faU Into wickedness, such is not withn. But, at the end, is the Heavenly THRONE; \yiieve Weai y, Wandering, you and 1, Should try to make our home. l\ianifestations from GOD on HIGH, They come to me e'\-eiy day; Appeals fiom my heart tlius rendered, Each time that I kneel and pray: Yes, answered at once, comes a •"'message, From the Heavens above 'tis true; GLORIFIED Is my FATHER in . Heaven, , V, : . For that, which I'm teaching you. in place of a Prophet, the 'same as of old, f The -aijsIgnmeMt'is made to me; The POET v/ith the Mind of Mystery ,||;»; instruct the peoples, yes he; ;..- That every thing is coming to pass, As hv CHRIST to us was told; .' Tlie beginning of the end of the World (u,ifi!_ Hei:6, This to you all I must unfold. Mourn and grieve not for death, For those passed away only sleep; And .'500U we will see them again. Then why for them should we weep: Let thoughts of happiness hold you, There is no reasons why; For those that sleep v/ill awaken, The Spirit does never die. Vv^e know fond Mothers are thinking, Of their Loved Ones taken away; In the chamber of death they are sleeping. Believe me what I say: Soon we will all awaken. In the Dawn of that New Day; Ah yes, 'tis fast approaching. Take heed to what I say. Revelations to me imparted, KNOWLEDGE, for reasons v/hy; For those who seek for WISDOM, To comfort them FU ti-y: ■ Weep no more with Sorrow, But remember what I say; We soon will see all loved ones, Who sleep and passed away. Don't hold me in reverence, no, For what I tell to you; Give Praise to Him in the Highest, I ask that this you do : ' For all that I am teaching, To you, thus wandeiing blind, A gift that you should Treasure, From my Mysterious Mind. I thank, yes my Ci'eator, Eeach day that passes by; For Blessings He Bestows on me, To do good, to all, I try: Ah yes, I know, that a reward, To the Friendless and Alone; Will be a place in Heaven, My Everlasting Home. Turn each pag2 of your life's book, Note all the wrongs, committed by you; Then seek you for forgiveness, and repent. The Poet's advice, for you to do: If you are earnest, and deserving, vour prayer, Will be heard, by GOD. on high; No more in misery, then, you'll live. With sadness, and sorrow, vou'll no more cry. In conclusion of this my Sermon in Vei'se, There are but two thinp-s lacking today; Yes, FAITH and LOVE towards all mankind. My MIND OF MYSTERY, prompts me this to say: Yes, 'tis right, you can't deny it, if you try, Be your own Questioner, your answer, yes, RIGHT; May Heaven teach you, this lesson to retain, * ■ Saving to you good night. m Heaven is a Mansion in a garden ol" liOve, Where Angels dwell within its golden walls; And when a weary wanderer for admission there appeals The Angels then escort him to its halls: He enters in this Mansion in the Heavens far above, And is brought before the ever- lasting Throne; With welcome he is greeted and remains for evermore, In a Holy and a Righteous happy home- Heaven is a Mansion in a garden of LOVE, And' when Ave journey u'^wards to the skies; The Angels there will ofuide us, through the paths of Righteous- ness Where brightness always beams before our eyes: Ah mercy there is shown; to all who come appealing, Yes, before the everlasting throne above. In joyfulness our souls forever more will be mingling, In the Reims of purest happiness and LOVE. SERMON IN VERSE COMPLETED THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1920, 10.04 p. M. COPYRIGHTED 1920, BY ROBERT A. HUEBNER. TfiE FOE-TS PRAYER FCR "WOMAN, (ientle Saviour, my Redeemer, ' • Who doth rule with GOD on High; ' . My appeals I send to Heaven, - .' j The second Death dont let me Die: ^ Yes I know yon will show Mercy, ■ Hear. Oh hear me as I cry; Natiif e handed down froth EVA, ' Woman she Was BORN TO ife' ' j GOD iny;!Fatb^;show thy PITY, :; I thie FIRST to ever SIN: , Temptinng Man, Me CRUEL Woman, .: To Realize I now Begin: ] Evil Spirits cast from within me, \ Make me Pure and White as Snow; Faith and, Love Obedient Ever, : Heavenwards my Pleadings go. ; Hood win^eii no more f),ut now en light- ; ened, .,,„.,, .-j-,. ., ,-. .^ i M Al^JlFESt ; myself 46; m^r I The Leasing Spirits now Removing, ; Thou who sendeth CHARITY: ; Let me feel I'm not Forsaken, >, By my FATHER up on High; '\ Who will Save Me in due season, ^ The Second Death, dont let me DIE. ] THE POET'S PRAYER Change my Prayers, Oh Heavenly Father, Look down at me from far above; Teach, OH teach me, hear my pleadings, Fill my Heart, with FAITH AND LOVE: Change my prayers, OH My RE- DEEMER, On the Cross you died for all; Me a SINNER, don't FORSAKE Me, SAVE ME! LIFT ME! ere I Fall. Change m.y prayers, my Heart's Appealing, Let THY MERCY fall on me Grant FORGIVENESS, to a Sinner, In DISTRESS. Ah yes I be: Let One Ray of LIGHT from Heaven, SHINE for me, from far above; Sent to me, from GOD THE FATHER Teach me to have FAITH AND LOVE.rr , -From the Poet's Sermojv in Verse. li LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ISSIi'l illll ii I! Il&l III!! '!'" '"" '"" "!" mil ■III nil nil 021 929 795 6 ^