|||^«, .;. w.^ 1,! ■■ THE OR NATURAL emAMMAR. EXPL-AINII\a IN A SERIES OF SOCIAL LESS0N3, 3Cfte iFfrst 22lemeittB cC 3LuxtQU^Qt. I — A Perfect Alphabet and Musical Pcale; Combination of the sim- ple sounds and classification of words. II — The Main Principles of Language and the Farts of Speech. /Ill — Simple and Complex combinatioD of words and sentences, with exercises in con. position and definition. IV — A list of the most important Idioms of the English Language, •with appropriate Rules of Syntax. V — An Appendix of choice things both new and old. THE WHCLE INTERSPERSED WITH DIRECTIONS AND QUESTIONS, FOR THE ASSISTANCE OF TEACHER AND PUPIL, 'ERFEOT COmiAN^ C DESIGN ED TO BE A GUIDE TO A PERFEOt COmiANT^ OF VOICE, AND PROPER USE OF WORDS. BY SCHUYLER^* CLARK. PROVIDENCE: PUBLISHED BY CORY, MARSHALL ANP HAMMOND, NO. 13, MARKET-S TRKET. 1830. RHODE-ISLAND DISTRICT, &c. . g BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the ttnlh day of April A. D. one tbousJUcf t ''"■-' eight hundred and thirty and in the "fiiiv-tourth year of (he Independenci| of the United States of America Corr/, RlarskaU 6f Hammond, of the said Difitrict, live deposited in this office the title of a book, the risrht whereof they claiiiu as propnie- lorij, in the words following, to wit — " . "The American Lingui?t or Natural Grammar, explaining in a seri es of Social Less«^ns the first elements of language. — 1st. A perfect Alphabet and Musicni Scale;''conjhinafioa of the simple sounds and classification of words. — 2d. The Main Principles of Langiipget and the parts of speech. — 3d. Simple and Complex combination of words and senteaees ^vith exercises in composition and definiiioo. — 4th. A list of ihe n;ost important Idi/Wns of the English Language with approprmle rules of synlax.— 5!!>. An appendix of choice things both new and old. The wliole inleispersed with directions and questions |o»- the assistance of Teachers and Pupils, designed to be a guide to a perfect commancl^of voice and properuse of words — By Schuyler Clark." In conformity to an act of Congress of (he United States^ entitled "An Act for ihe^en- couragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts and book, it- the auffjt.is and proprietors of such copies, during tiie time tlieiein menlioiifd,'' and also to an Art entitled, "An Act supplementary to An Act entitled An Act foi the encouragement of learning, bf securing the copies of riiaps, chaits and booksto the authors a'ci piT)pri— eiors of" such copies, duiing the time therem neniioned, and extending the benefi! tljfcre- of to the art of designing, engraving etching and historical snd olher prints. Witness, BENJAMIN (OVV'ELL, Cierk of the Rhode Inland DatricU y^ PREFACE. Tli3 American Linguist is given to the world with the iiopes, that the learned maj receive its improvements and may feel disposed to cast a shade over its faults. It is not with this work as with many others, to be seen an<^ understood at a glance. The importance of its princi- ples is to be known only by fair experiment. It is not pretended that its present dress in every respect is the most enviable one. The plan of the work may not be the- most judicious, the arrangement may be imperfect, but it is hoped, for once, the reader will look upon the bright side. Let him look at those things upon which the labor of years has been bestowed, and which must stand and grow brighter and brighter so long as the soul speaketh in sound. I am proud to say, that I feel myself unable to do justice to ihe principles I bring forward, they are worthy of the united efforts of a nation to perfect. Since this system was commenced, eight years ago, much has been done, in various parts of the world, in the cause of education. But what is the present state of our schools? Wha^ do our scholars know of the English Language^ and the Grammar of it? How many in all our schools who can repeat correctly the elementary sounds of the human voice'^ How many that can tell what belong to a simple sentence ? How many that can conjugate a verb correctly through all the moods and tenses, numbers and persons, understanding- iy? How many have we in our schools, or out of thenij that are good readers? Language has been hut imperfectly taught in our common schools, nor do I suppose that in any of our schools the English Language has been thoroughly taught. 3Ianu have learned it, hut not at school. We have pretend- ed to have English Grammar taught, and in too many cases it has been a pretence only. I would have the English Language studied and learned by every scholar in all our schools. I would not by any means neglect the grammar, any more than I would have 4 PREFACE. the gt^ain in my fields neglect to clothe itself with husks; or have my child neglect to watch over and preserve the health of its body while cultivating the mind. Grammar is to lan- guage what the body is to the mind. Instead of a child's being able merely to parse a sentence after studying for years, I would have him as soon a^s he can write, fill out book after book of proper, elegant original sen- tences, to carry home and read and define to his parents and friends. When the subject of Language is rightly present- ed to the mind of a child, the task of learning the grammar is but triflino'. Within ten years, if nothing happen to interrupt the pro- gress of our schools, it shall be as common to find children at the age of six years able to compose elegant language^ as it is now uncommon to find them able even to read the most simple language. This will be done without any magic, as assuredly as the warm sun and cooling shower bring forth to perfection the green herbage and timely fruit. As a band cast about th^ swelling bud, or as a worm in the core, so are false rules and book-instruction to the mind of a child; and he who would not instruct from objects rather than from mere signs and sounds, is like the mother who prepares only dust and vapor for her children's food, while her table groans with wholesome meats, I wish to acknowledge every assistance that has been granted me by my Pupils, Patrons and Friends, since first undertaking this work. Among the many, I beg leave to mention my friend and patron. Dr. George Frout, of Springfield, Massachusetts. He has been to me more than a brother. Without his assistance this work could never have appeared, and should I neglect to give him this tribute, perhaps all the return I can ever make, I should indeed be unworthy of his confidence. To my friends in this place, I cannot refrain from tender- ing my most hearty thanks, for rescuing my character from defamation^ and asserting my claim to the origincding of prin- ciples that were grasped by the stealthy clutches of avarice. To Dr. Rush, I am indebted for several ideas incorporated into this work. See Social Lessons, No. 1, 62 to 67, the terms relating to qualities of the voice. The quotations from No. 1, no to 113, from 131 to 133—6. The term, 'Wave of the Voice,' No. 1, 161. Remarks, No, 1, 169, 173^ PREFACE. 5 Renfarks on Rbythmiis, No. 3, 145. Some of the idioms in No. 4, were taken from Dr. Webster's grammar, and some remarks. The Rules of Spelling were taken from iVHirray'Sj No. 1, 235. The examples given to illustrate the Prefixes, No. 1, 228, were mostly taken from Picket's works, but improved I trust bj placing the examples directly beneath the definitions. The examples illustrating the Affixes wer^ taken from his work, but the method of arranging the examples in columns and referring to the meaning, is a plan of niine. I have found Picket's works well suited to a thor- ough course of instruction, and it is^to be regretted that they are fiot more extensively used in onr schools. The ideas expressed from No. 2, 120 to 129, were mostly taken from Adam's English Grammar. The manner of applying the pronouns. No. 2, 29; the conjugation tables. No. 2, 23, No. 4. 11, No. 5, 8 — 18; and a number of other things in this work, might seem to one unacquainted with the facts, to have been taken from a work lately published, entitled — " Intellectual and Practical Grammar." Justice to myself demands that I here state, that the System developed in the ''American Linguisty^^ was, in its simplicity, explained to, and practised in the school of the Author of '' Intellectual and Practical Gram- mar," by myself, previous to that author's writing his Gram- mar. The introduction of a Perfect Alphabet into this work, is to facilitate the acquisition of a perfect knowledge of the el- cmentaVy sounds. It may become very useful, as in the scheme- No. 2, 134. With a very little alteration I sup- pose I can express by it correctly the sounds of ail langua- ges^ spoken by man. I suppose the simple voivcl sounds to be alike in all languages, but difff3rentiy modified, as one language may be spoJcen more nasal than another, or more gutteral, rougher, or smoother. The French lano^uage is more nasal than the English To express the nasal sounds I would place a dot over the vowel character thus: ^ ^ c ) ^^ v-^ ( ) o No. 1, 52. To express a gutteral sound I would place a dot beneath the vowel character, thus: Q ^ ^ ( >/-Nv_^( ) o No. i, 5: Other variations might be required^ and some other charac- 1# 6 PREFACE. ters, to form a complete Universal Alphabet. Such an Al- phabet, it is believed, must come into use ere we can have the best possible means for gaining knowledge. Need I give my reasons for introducing the subject of Mu- sic into this work? Well, First. By arranging the vowels according to their natural ORDER, and by bringing the Musical Scale to a perfect sys- tem, I have made the way to vocal music very easy to the child. Second. Singing is a healthy exercise^ and almost every child is delighted with it. Third . We have singing in all our churches. In t)rder to sing ivelly the ari of singing must be well undersfood, and the performers must have much correct practice. For the want of this practice and suitable knowledge^ with a ve- ry few exceptions, we have in our churches very bad singing. Children ivill of their own accord^ save time enough from their sports to acquire the art perfectly. These are some of the many reasons that might be given for my uniting music with the acquisition of Language. I have in this work undertaken to lay open the subject of Language in a way by which a teacher may present its sev- eral branches, directly to the minds of children. It is, em- phatically ^ from beginning to end, a practical system. It is intended to be useful to the mother^ whose duty it is to help the infant to read the book of nature. It is to put her in mindy that her own house is to her infant the first section of this great book, and that she wants not the books of art to explain it to her. The first leaf the infant's frame and motions, and voice; the second Itaf or page, the table and its furniture; the thirds the different rooms of the hbuse, the names of parts of the house: the floor, the door, the'window; the parts of things: the top, the bottom, the side, the ends, the middle, the corners. The second section, the garden' the naraes of the plants, and their qualities, the color and fra- grance of the pink and rose, the taste of the apple and peachy the roughness and smoothness of things, softness and hardness, the size and weight. No. 1, 157, No. 2, 14, 17, 148, 150, No. 4, 11. It is intended to be useful, not only to the mother and her infant, to the teacher and his scholars; but to the master and PREFACE. 7 his apprentice, to the young man of business, whose school hours fell in the days of books and artificial teaching. It may likewise be useful to the young man of science, by directing his mind to first principles, by which he may rid himself of the load of rubbish which hitherto has impeded his'progress to desirable perfection. It is hoped that its in- fluence may be felt in the pulpit, at the bar, in the halls of legislation, and on the stage; in the reading room, at the oratorio, and in " the sweet domestic circle." I beg leave to observe, that the effects which my experi- ence in teaching this system has led me to observe, warrant a belief of its tdility to the public . I have uniformly found it interesting to my pupils of all ages, and of course, calcu- lated to enlighten and instruct the mind; I therefore have the greatest confidence, that it may prove so to others. That it may injure none, and be a blessing to many, is the humble and devout prayer of the Author. ' S. C. Providence^ R. I, August j 1830. HOW TO USE THE BOOK. One hour a day I would devote to simultaneous exercises, when the whole school should be engaged in the same thing. And. this should be a set time, every scholar having his slate, pencil, and book. I would call the exercise ' A GENERAL. LECTURE. ,^ Subjects to be dwelt upon. < 1. Perfect Alphabet. No. 1, 52. ^ 2. Qualities of the voice, and Musical Scale. No. 1, 71, 96,^7 — 1—2. 3. Combination of the Elementary Sounds. No. 1, 51, 107, 128, 152. 4. Main Principles. No. 2, 1. General Relatives, No. 2. 139, and Parts of Speech. No. 2, 137. 5. Conjuijation and Dcfiiiition of Sentences. No. 4, 11. No. 3, 122. Suppose the time from 10 to 11 every day be devoted to this ex- ercise. MONDAY. 1. 1 would teach the whole school the Vowel Key. No. 1, 42. 2. 'I he Pitch of Voice, by counting the figures from the bottom of the second Musical Scale, in the Key of C, No. 1, 97, in the speak- ing voice, according to No. 1, 115. 3. The four principal modes of the voice, abruptness^ lon^'timey 7no/^o^o?^e, rising and falling inflections. No. 1, 159. 4. The first Main Principle- No. 2, 1. First let each one in school mention the name of something in the school-room. Then take one of the exah'^^jles, No. 2, 5, for a subject or text. Say thus: Write the word man upon the slate. Now ten names are to be se- lected that w^iil relate to mankind. Suppose No. 1, gives the name woman.) each one writes it, the one that selects it is to spell before it is written, or the whole class afterward. Next, No. 2, mentions one, and 30 on to the 10th. Now select ten more relating to beasts. After a class of words in this way is written, let them be spelled, or the letters named while looking oa the slate, let them be pronounced in the diiferent inflections, ^c. Let each scholar have a writing book properly ruled, and copy the words from the slate into it. TUESDAY. 1. Repeat the vowels softly, abrupt, With more time, soft. Ris- ing slide, falling. Give force, i\n\e and pitch at the same time. 2. Combine each consonant with every vowel. No. 1, 51, 3. Teach them the combination of the vowels. No. 1, 107. Here the teacher should be very nice in giving examples. HOW TO USE THE BOOK. 9 4. Practise upon the Musical Scale in the Key of C, and apply the musical syllables, /a, so/, &c. 5. Write more words upon the first Main Principle, so as to fill a page in the writing book. No. 2, 7, 11, 9. Let the teacher givefa- iniliatr instruction respecting gender and numberj &c. according lo the age of his scholars. WEDNESDAY. 1. Repeat the vowels. Let the teacher direct the manner. 2. Attend to the principle of pitch as explained in No. 1, 70, 71. S. Apply the siven first vowels to the practice of the Musical Scale* and join with them some of the consonants. 4. Kecite the diphthongs and raise a third from the radical to the vanish. At another time raise a fouith, at another a fifth, and so on. Then (hll the same. 5. Recite a hundred of the triphthongs. No. 1, 128. 6. Read No. 1, 186 and 187, according to directions. No. I, 191, 192. THURSDAY. 1. Write the exercises. No. 1, 46. 3. Recite the second hundred of triphthongs. 3. Read from No. 1, 62, 67. 4 Read No. 1, 188 and 189, according to No. 1, 193. 5. Attend to the second Main Principle of Language. No. 2, 15. Let a page be filled of this principle. Let the class read simultane- ously. No. 2, 149, 150. FRIDAY. 1. Recite the vow^els in the different degrees of openness. No. 1, 96. 2. Recite the third hundred of triphthongs. 3. Read from No. 4, 133, to 147. 4. Recite the first hundred of quadrathongs, first each sound by itself. 5. Read No. 1, 198, according to No. 1, 214. 6. Attend to the third Main Principle. Let a page be filled like the examples given. No, 2, 20 7. Read the auxihaiies in the different conjugations. No. 2, 23. Read the pronouns. No. 2, 24, 29, 31. See that this principle be understood in the outset. SATURDAY. Let an extra hour or two be devoted to reading and singing. Thus go on, each lesson adding only a little to what has before been taught. CLASS INSTRUCTION. Let another hour or half hour be given for the purpose of reading the book in course. Let it be a set time: every day, or every other day. How to teach a class of small children who cannot write. 1. Write the words of the vowel key one at a time, on the black board, and give the true vowel sounds to the whole class, and let 10 Mow TO USE THE BOOK. them be repeated until learned. No. 1, 157. Then let th|p consG- "nants be united to them as in No. 1,51. As soon as they can make the figure:? let them write upon the slate the diphthongs and triph- thongs, and recite a portion of them daily. Let the teachers-direct the qaality of the voice. Let your little pupils be placed before you. Say to them: ^^Kvery thin^ must have a name.''^ Call on No. 1, to mention a name. Ferhap-? the little child may not understand. Say thus to her br him: What do youvtearoa your feet? That, will put the whole class to thinking. Let each one in the class give an example. Then say to No. 2, tell me the name of something that is kept in tha kitch- en. Let each one, round to No. 1, give an example. Next call on No. 3, to mention the name of something kept in ihe parlor, Sft, No. 2, 148, 153. Let them learn the words, No. 2, 22, 23, 24,^8, 59, 139, by degrees. ^ • 3. As soon as they can make the letters, set them to writing the simple combination of words, No. 3,3. Let them be directed to write thus, uiider principle third: Let the same ogent do the same Hct to different objects, thus: Dogs bite horses. Dogs watch goods, oxen clothes Write ten objects cows houses sheep wagons It will be found that children will construct thousands of sentences like these. Let them, after they understand how, do it at their seats, and read their examples in a class. A word of caution. Allow not the young scholar to write care- lessly upon the slate. Let them take the irregular verbs, No. 3, 73, and the proper names from some Spelling bonk. And direct them thus: Let Georgs 5mc^ ten different things, mBntioning some auxiliary, thus: George can bind the stalks, or the green stalks. George can bind the rye George can bind the oats George can bmd the barley, S)'C. Next let James bleed ten different things. James can bleed an ox, or a lame ox. a horse a cow Then let Peter ^yri??.^ ten different things. Another one buy. ten things, and so on, INDEX. Social Lessons i jYo. 1. Sectional -Numbpr, 42 Vowel Key 44 Consonant Key 45 to 51 Combination of Vowels with Consonants 52 Perfect Alphabet and different ways of expressing the same s0und 62 to 67 Qualities and Powers of the Voice 69 Natural Pitch of the Voicr, founded on the forma- tion of the Vowel Sounds 71 to 97 Musical Scales, 115, 177, 17S 107 Tabte of Diphthongs 12S Table of Triphthongs 152 TaMe of Quadrathongs 157 The Child's First Les- sor U^OX S0UIS"DS 185 Questions and Directions 186 to 21Q Classification of the Words of one Syllable ac- cording' to tJie Perfect AU phabet 211 to 215 How to Teach a ' hild, 120, 124, 130 to 145, •37, 5t, 107 I 217 to 227 'Syllabication, Ac- I cent. Emphasis, Modula- ! Hon, 238, 214 I 131 to 136 Principal Powers I of the Voice '161 to 167 **Wave of the i Voice," 111 .228 Prefixes. 231 Affixes and Derivation. 234 Inflection '235 Of Words in general, and the Rules for Spelling 236 Examples of Derivation 239 The Child'sWord Book, and Examples of Association of Ideas 240 Important Lesson^ in Pro- nunciation Social Lessons i A^o. 2. Sectional Number. 22 Auxiliary Verbs 23, and No. 4, 11, Conjugation 24 Pronouns, 29, 31 27 Simple Sentence, &:c 55 Degrees of Comparison j 56 Words relating to Quantity 57 Words relating to Number 58 Relatives of Place 59 Relatives of Time, No. 3, 83 66 to 71 Examples in the differ- ent Moods 73 to 83 Questions and Direc- tions on the Main Principles of Language, and the Parts of Speech 84 to 98 Mary's Lessons in Read- ing for her little sister Jane, exemplifying the Auxiliaries 110 Mary's Lesson for her sister exemplifying the Moods \ 119 to 130 Important Definitions 132 to the end of 136 The Un- ion of Languages 137 Parts of Speech 139 Lesson upon the General Relatives 147 A good Mental and Vocal Exercise 148 Mary's Lesson to her broth- er and playmates on JS^ames 149 to the end of 153 Mary's sec- ond Lesson to her brother and playmates, on the Properties of things 153 An Exercise for Children Social Lessons, J\^o, 3. 1 Simple Combination 2 Complex Combination 3 Different Adjectives with the same Noun 7 The same Adjective with dif- ferent Nouns 12 INDEX. Sectional Numbers- 15 The same Article with the same Noun 20 Different Adverbs or Secon dary Adjectives, with the same Adjective 25 Different Nouns with the same Verb 27 The same Subject and Affir- mation, but different Predicates 28 Different Subjects, the same Affirmation and Predicate 29 The same Article, Agent and Verb, different Adjectives 54 The same Object in different places. Prepositions 69 The same Agent doing the same x^ct at different limes. Adverbs of time, 61 62 Adverbs of Time and Quality 64 Adverbs of Doubt 73 to 80 Irregular Verbs 81 to 98 Examples and Remarks on Time 99 to 102 An Action may be done before, until, when, while, after or since another action 103 to 108 Comparison of objects 113 to 115 Comparison of objects in connection with Actions 116 Examples of Comparison 117 An interesting Princple 118 Definition by Description 119 to 141 Dejirdtion oj Sen- tences^ or Elements of Com- position 142 Texts to be Defined by the Pupil 143 Julia's Description of a Sen- tence 114 A new method of Reading: a substitute for Parsing 146 Of Poetical Feet 152 to 156 Selected Poetry 157 Directions in Reading to a Class of small Scholars Social Lessons, J\*o. 4. 6 Of Words 7 A Phrase Sectional Numbers. 8 A Simple Sentence 9 A Compound Sentenca 9—3 A Clause 9—4 An Interrupting Phrase or Sentence 10 Remarks on Conjugation \\ A Mew Conjugation Table 12 General Idioms ^ 15 Mew Conjugation < 16 R\de 1st. Nominative and , Verb 16 Rule 2d. Objective Case 17 Rule 3d. Agreement of Arti- cles, Pronouns, Adjectives and Adverbs 17 — 40 Adjectives and Adverbi- al Phrases and Sentences IS Rule 4ih. Apposition, or two or more Nouns in the same Sentence meaning the same thinff 19 Rule 5th. Nouns or IVonouns Independent 20 Rule 6th. Xouns or Pronouns connected by and 21 Rule 7th. Nouns or Pronouns connected by (>r, or nor 22 A Table of Corresponding Conjunctions 23 A Table of the most im- portant Connective Words 25 Peculiar Idioms Social Lessons, JVo. 5. I The Old Conjugation of Verbs 8 Conjugation of the Neuter Verb be 8 — IS A convenient method of Com gating according to the six-tense System 8 — 24 (lasses of the Subjunctive Mood 8 — 30 One Example in each Mood 8 — 34 Active and Passive Voices 8 — 43 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 9 Figures of Speech 10 Propositions II Syllogisms THE AMERICAN LINGUIST. SOCIAL LESSONS, No. 1. OfHhe Elementary Sounds of the Human Voice y Perfect Alphabet and Musical Scale, 1. — 1. Mary, are you fond of talking* with little children? 2. — 2. I am extremely fond of ity sir, and I am very anxious to learn more about ih^ first pHnciples of language, that I may teach my little brother John, and sister Jane. 3. — 1. What more of this subject do you wish to learn than you already kiiow? 4. — 2. In the first place, I wish to learn all the simple sounds of the human voice, in th?ir most natural order. 5. — 1. You have the Alphabet, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, I, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, and you know it of course. 6. — 1. Yes ; I know how to repeat the names of the letters ; but this does not prove that I know all the sounds represented by them. When I learned the first letter, a, it was not told me. that with the same letter, I must spell late, at, half, was, cabbage, husband — and in this way how am I to know when I have a perfect list of all the Element- ary Vcwci Sounds! 7 . — l1 , But why trouble yourself about these trifling y nice points, pow yo'» can read, and understand what you hear? 8. — ^ Sir! is it a tririing affair, not to know the simple sounds, in one's owi* iauguage? 9.— 1. I 0.0 not think so; but I find very few young la- dies of your ago, willing to devote much attention to the subject. 10. — ^, Well! for one, I am determined to understand it thoroughly. 2 14 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 11. — 1. Then, with pleasure I undertake to teach Irou, and in return, I shall expect you to instruct your brother John and sister Jane. 12. — 2. That I will endeavour to do, sir. 13.-- 1. In the first place, I wish you to distinguish be- tween sounds and the characters used to r>^r?sent sounds. Do you see this character, a? Take notice that you see the letter. Now the next thing is to find out, by hearings what sounds it represents. No. 6. 14. — 2. I have been told to call the Utters^ a, e, i, o, u, w and y, vowels. 15. — 1. Let us attend for a moment, to the definitioi^of a vowel. Repeat it as it stands in the Dictionary. 1 6. — 2. " Vowel, a letter that can be sounded by itself.'^ Is that right .^ 17. — 1. I think not. A vowel is a sound (not a letter) that can be uttered with an open mouth, without the intercep- tion of the tongue, teeth, or lips. 18. — 2. Then I should say, that a, e, i, o, u, w and y, are the letters, characters, or signs, that represent the vow- els or vowel sounds ? 19. — 1. Yes. A letter is not a sound, but a represent- ative of a sound. The character, a, is a letter, biit the sound, a, is a vowel: the letter is seen, the sound is heard: a letter may be formed with a pen, pencil, brush, graver, or type; but the sound can be formed only by air drawn ii| or thrown out of the lungs through the windpi])e. \ 20. — 2. I am anxio\:s to know more of the voice. 21. — 1. ''In the middle of the Larynx, at the upper.'end of the wind|Upe, is a small opening called the Glottis, through which the air passes with great velocity, striking upbn \i% ligaments, producing a soimd called voice. Pure and simple voice thus t^^ansmitted to the mouth, is made articulate by mears of different organs, the tongue, tetth, and lips." 22. — 2. I now understand what is meant by the organs of speech. 23. — 1. Every different opening of the glottis produces a different vowel. 24. — 2 . I do not see the necessity of representing so many sounds by the same character. No. 6. 25. — 1. It is not necessary; but no one has a right ia make any alteration, for language is common property, ani SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 15 it is»said that "custom is law." While great men write note^ not, knot, naught; ought, aught; rough, ruff, others niuftt do the same. My object is not to make any chang-e in the spelling, but to show how it may be done, and at the same time explain all the simple sounds of the voice. 26. — 2. Why do you call them simple sounds.'* 27. — 1. By simple, is not here meant foolish; but sin- gle, elementary. In the word, us, are heard two simple sounds, the one expressed by u, is a vowel, and the one ex- pressed by s, is a consonant, being a mere hiss; u-s. In the word "mine," are heard four sounds; them, a simple conso- nant., the i, representing two sounds, the first as heard in the word ma, the other as heard in the word, tn: ma in. Let these two words be uttered quick, and the combination will sound like the word, mine; as in this phrase: " Is ma in there .f*" I did not see your mam there; but mine is there. The n, is a conso- nant, and e is mute or silent. These make the four sounds, m-i-ak. In the word, once, the o represents two sounds; the fi^st as heard in the word pwll, the second in the word us, 28. — 2. Then some letters represent more than one sound at the same time? 29. — 1. Yes. Now I'll tell you how I proceeded. After I saw how imperfect our Alphabet is, and how difficult it is to explain, I began to seek for the simple sounds, and to arrange them as it suited me best. I took notice of my own voice, and listened to others while speaking in my hear- ing. I observed the slides of the voice upwards and down- ards, the constant changes from a low to a hiah sound, and from high to low, the accent, the emphasis, and the tone of voice. I had studied in this way about five years, when I became convinced, that each vowel sound has a natural place in the musical scale. 30. — % What do you mean by the ^^musical scale?" 31. — -l.I will tell you directly. Were you to call John from a distance, would you utter your words in a high or low pitch of voice? 32 — 9. In a higher pitch than when I merely talk to him. 33. — 1; Well, after I had discovei*ed this natural order of the vowel sounds, I concluded to call that sound No. 1^ or 1st, that is natiirally sounded highest, and the others as they naturally follow, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c. 16 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L 34. — 2. After you had arranged all the simple sodnds, how could you explain the arrangement to others? ( 35 — 1. By characters which 1 selected for the purpqse. 36. — 2. Why not say invented them? 37.— 1. Because I only invented the use of them, in the same way that I discovered a particular arrangement of the vowels. In forming my characters I was determined that a single mark should represent a single sound. 38. — 2. In the first place you sought for the simple sounds, and then for simple marks to represent them? 39. — 1. I found that the dot or point is the most simple mark or character that can be made, and from the d«rt or point, lines may be extended in any direction; • o — dot, circle, line. From these I made all ray characters, thus: — light heavy Dot, Top of the smaM circle, Bottom of the circle, Left side of the order, Right side of the circle, Top of the large circle, Bottom of the large circle, Left side of the large circle. Right side of the large circle, A small circle, A short horizontal line, A short perpendicular line, A short direct slope, A short reversed slope, A short direct half slope, A long horizontal line, A long perpendicular line, A long direct slope, A long reversed slope, Along direct half slope, A short reversed half slope, A long reversed half slope, 40. — 2, By these characters you intend to represent the simple sounds of the human voice as you have arranged them in your mind ? 41. — 1. Yes. I will present you with a list of words in which, when correctly pronounced, may be heard all the sim- • 1 2 • ■w 3 \j ( 4 c ) 5 ) /-\ 6 /> V^ 7 v^ ( 8 ( ) 9 ) o 1 2 o i 1 / 3 • \ 4 \ ^ 5 ^ — 6 -^ 1 7 1 / 8 / \ 9 \ / V \ 11 V \ 12 < SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L H pfe bounds. We will learn these sounds, Sind associate with them our new characters. First, the vowel sounds. 41. — I. Pronounce these words very soft and distinct, us, itj let, at, half, sot, whole, pwll, ewe, ring, Read them thus, • 's, ^ t, 1 >^ t, ( t, h ) If, S/^t, whv-^Ie, p ( II, c ) uc, o ing*. Again; thus, Is, 2t, 13t, 4t, holf, s6t, whTle, p811, c9e, Oin^. Now again all the vowel sounds, 42. VOWEL KEY. U'S, it, 1-e-t, a-t, h-a-ll, s-o-tj wh-o-le, p-w-11, c-u-e, r-iag. 3^"P. . ^ v^ ( ) /-N W ( ) O 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , M-o, ea-t, 1-a-le, a-ie, h-a-lve, s-ou-ght, h-o-le, p-&o-l, s-w-e, e-rr-ing. What sound does u represent in the word us? What does i represent in ii^ What does e in let.^ a in at} a in half? o in sat, &c. Pronounce all the sharp sounds after me, • ^ ^ C ) /^^-^ ( ) o . Now the flat ones very soft, • <\ w < ^Nv^ ( ) o • What is the first vowel sound ? the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, &c. Write the words in the vowel key upon your slate, and use the Aew characters to express the vowels as above. Write these words and express the vowels by the new characters. Shun, shut, shove, chud, chiifF, chum, chub, chuck, judg-e, just. - Sheath, sheen, shill, sheet,sheaf, ship, chin, chill, cheat, chief. 43. — 1. I will now give you a list of words in which are heard, when correctly pronounced, all the consonant sounds. 44, CONSONANT KEY. hu5^, church, see, thin, in, heaf, fife, ma, be, esike. Sharp, -11/ \ / _||/\// 1 2 345 67890 Flat, - I , , X • -«| I / \ // azure, Jud^e, ^real, then, ill, heed, 'riue, pa, ing, gig. A-e, 1 1 u7i-iist, \ \ s \ y-e, 12 w-oo, I have read in some Grammar, <^r some teacher has told me, that " A coasonant cannot be sounded without the help of a vowel;" but I find in pronouncing the word, hu-sA, lean 2* 18 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L continue the consonant sound, represented hy sh, as long Ais I please withoi't the help of a vowel. 45. — 1. I will here give you an exercise by which you can see and hear for yourself: and you may know too that you will be learning Stenography or short hand writing, by which, when you have perfectly learned it, you can write nearly as fast as a person can speak. 46. What is the first vowel sound? Ans. • What the first consonant? Ans. - Prefix the first vowel to the first consonant.^ SHARP CONSONANTS. MS FLAT CONSONANTS. 1. sh. • • — . - • - 1. z. 2. ch. • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 2. j. • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 3. s. • / • / . / • / 3. z. • /•/•/•/ •y/ 4. th. • \ • \ . \ . \ 4. th. • \«\«\*\<<\ 5. n. • / • / « / . / 5. 1. ••••••••/• 6. t. • — • — — a 6. d. • — • — • — • -"-4* "^ 7. f. . 1 . 1 . t . 1 7. y. • 1 . 1 • 1 • 1^ 1 8. m. . / . / . / . / 8. p. •/•/•/•/•/ 9. b. • \ • \ • \ . \ 9. ng. • \ • \ • \ • \ • \ 0. k. • / ' / ► / • / 0. g. • /•/•/• /;• / 11. h. 11. y. . N ' 12. wh . \ 12. w. .\ ^ 47.- -1. Prefix the second vowel to the consonants. 48.-2 1. sh. 2. ch. . SHARP CONSONANTS, it. FLAT CONSONANltS. ^N — ^S — • /^ ■— /^ — 1 , 2 . - I 2. j. ^ 1 3. s. ^ / 3. z. '^ ' 4. th. - \ 4. th. ^ \ 5. n. - / 5. 1. /^ /■ 6. t. -— 6. d. rx — 7. f. - 1 7. V. - 1 8. m. ^ / 8. p. - / ,9. b. - \ 9. ng. «\ V 0. k. - / 0. g. «/ 11. h. - \ 11 y. « \ 12. wh . - \ 12. w. -\ 49. Now I see how to make these lessons. I can make as many as we have vowels. I will prefix the 3d vowel ^ ♦Prefix the second, and so on, making the sound at the same time yoa do the character. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. V 19 to the' consonants, then the 4th ( , 5th ) , Gth/^, 7th^^, 8th ( , 9th ) , and 10th o . When 1 wish to represent the fiat vowels 1 will raakc a heavy character. 50. — 1. If you be disposed to amuse yourself in this way, how can you make other exercises? 51 . — 2. I can affix each vowel to the consonants, thus, Its iU let, f-t, hal , sot. ^viiole, puil. cut, ring. 1. sh. 2. ch. - __ ^, / \ ^-^ .• ^ } /—\ N..^ ^ J * 3. s. / *}^f^lil')t^t'-^/l/)l* 4. th. \ •\^\^\(\)\/^\'^\(\)\» 5. n. / . / r^ / ^ / ( / )//^/V^/(/)/« 6. t. 7. f. ^ ^ ( ) ^^ ^_, r \ ^ T' .|^l^l(|)|-|w|(l)|. 8. jm. / 9.^^. \ . \ - \ - \ ( \ ) \^\^\ ( \ ) \ • 0. y / •/-/-/(/)/^/^/(/)/» 11. f. \ > \^\v^\ ( \ ) \/-N\V^\(\)\0 13. wh. \ • \ - \ - \ ( \ ) \^\V^\ ( \ ) \ • 1. z. 2. j. un, eat, lato, ate, halve, so?t2;bl hole pool, sun erring. l»l^|vy|CI>I^N|V^|(l)|0 3. ^• /•/rx/w/C/>/^N/V^/(/)/0 4. tfc. \»\^\w\C \ > \/^\v^\(\)\0 5. 1. 6. d. 7. v. I • 1 - 1 « 1 < 1 > l^lv-'-C 1 ) 1 O 8. p. /./-/-/ I^l^l ( / ) / o 9. ng. \ • \ - \ - \ < \ > \^\v^\ ( \ ) \ o 0. g. /./«/«/ //-v/v^/ ( / ) / O 11. y. N«N«NWSS/-SN\^\(\)\0 12. w. \ . \ « \ « \ < \ ) \/^\^\ ( \ ) \ O And I can prefix each vowel to the consonants. Write upon your slate the sharp vowels before the first sharp consonant. . - ^ - ^ - <_ )_r-\- Now write the sharp vowels before the second sharp con- sonant, &c. Now write the sharp vowels before the first flat consonant. • — ■ /-v - ^ - < - ) - ^ - Now before the 2d flat consonant. Now the 3d, &c. Prefix novrthe flat vowels to ihe first sharp consonant; to the 2d, &c. 30 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. ^ ?^ bo S- '^ O ^^3 ' w a o r 's § S : ?^ § g a en rt =5 rv ^ ^ p b ^ ffli s ra a «y a O ^p;-. ---jsj -^-^^p^ b0>-, >^ '^ ^ ^ ( ) v>/^ O 5s; 1 - *^ «- N 1 — •^*<^\ / /"§• O 1^ C^ GO ^ ^ c£> r- g^ . C ) - - ( ) o3 o ^=5S-. 05 C^VmS^^-S « o G O '^ * •» — -^^ at, T^ 55 O ^ § ^ ««. § ^ ^ 5^ o ; ^ ^ c3 .^ 55^ S e C3 E 'c5 .3 ' < ^ CJ ;i S SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 21 54.— I. Mary, have you examined the Perfect iVlphabet? 55.-^2. I have, for I feel in haste to commence teach- ing my brother John. It is very easy to tell vfhat sounds you intend to give the new characters, by the italic letters in the words each side of thern^ The different ways of rep- resenting the sounds may be known by the list of words op- posite each character. I can tell by looking at the Alphabet the different ways of representing the 7th sharp consonant: by f, ff, ph, gh, and the flat sounds by v, f, ph. 56.-1. What are some of the ways of representing the first sharp consonant? 57. — 2. It is represented by sh, c^ ch, ss, s, t, and x. — See Alphabet. 58 — 1. Well, Mary, I would not perplex John with such quest^ns, until he can repeat every sound very well, and tell the number of each without hesitation. Why not begin to teach Aim this very day? 59.-f--2. Did you not say that you would tell me some- thing more of the Musical Scale ? 60. — 1. Mary, your parents did not send you to me to learn -jmusic. 61.4—2. Well, they wish me to understand the proper- ties of |he voice. 62.-*-l. You may repeat the vowels in a soft 1 voice. smooth Th& teacher must here en- . . 7 , . musical deavor ' to give proper exam- r .i pies for hi^ pupils to imitate. , I rough 63. — 2. I find that the consonants may be expressed more dr less rough, more or less harsh, &c. 64 — L Repeat the vowels in a strong voice.] When the teacher does not r Tt t? • leeble ' Jb orce mention any particular man- , , } e • .1 ^ -I • X 1 ± loud 01 voice ner.^ the puinl is expected to ^ .^ , | recite in a natural voice, f ' ^ I 65. Some people speak muck slower than ottiers. " ^ quicker Some people sound the vowels longer ^ Time the qual- ities of voice. r slow i short I rapid 22 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. Abruptnfess of voice. 6Q. You can speak with abruptness, siiddenness, quickness. 67. — 2. Abruptness of voice, I suppose, will not admit ef a gradual emission of sound; and I suppose a feeble voice may be abrupt as well as a loud voice. 67. — 1. We may speak high or low, > Pitch of the The voice may rise or fall. ) voice. 68. — 2. I wish to know something more of its rising 2ii)6 falling. 69. — 1. Can you say the vowels from the 10th to the 1st? 70. — 2. Yes; I think I can. Begin at //le ' 0,' and sound it as low as you can, and then let the voice slide smoothly to the dth^ then to the Sthj and so on to the \st^ and see if No 1, be not higher than No. 10. Observe, Mary, that I use this character 0, in repre^ senting the sounds to signify the lOth place, as 9 repre- sents the dth place. It must not be expected that a person, without a teacher who can give proper example, will fully understand this, until after much practice upon the vowels as they are here arrang- ed. Let him make the combinations of vowels as in the ta- bles, 107, 129, 155, with a nice attention to the pitch of voice, and he will be better prepared to decide upon the truth of what is intended by the above scale. If it be true that each voivel has a natural place in regard to pitch, and can be spoken or sung in greater or less degrees of open- ness, so as to affect the style of speaking or singir^, I think it to be important for Eiocutiooists and Musicians to know it. Let the principle be tested by fair experiment. Let me hear you repeat several series of the vowels as represented by the figures in the first of the folio wmg scale, beginning at a low pitch. Now begin in a high pitch and descend. Sound the second vowel. Now the eightn, Now the fifth, the second; the sixth and second; sixth and 8th, An interval is the dis- tance from one soitnd to another. The greatest corn^ass of the voice is the greenest ex- tent of interval or intervals which it can make. A note is any musical sound considered by itself SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 1. 23 71. A SCAIE, By li'hich we can measure the prtgressive skips of the nat- ^ ural voice e'^'her ascendi^io^ or descendinor. ASCENDING SC i.ii, DESCENDING SCALE. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 'Z i 4 1 i = M. [ 2? " .S" 2 ^^ ~2 ^^r 1 -6' 1 2o — 7 _ ■ ^'^ 1 I I 24 ^ J ~4 T:^- 1 -- '1 23 8 3 6 ~5 5 o " U "^7' ' ~6 — 3 ^ ii ^-j 7 1— 7 T ^ 10 ; 1 I ~ 4 i~ ___ 8 ~8 T:% _ 2 — -2^' ! "9 9 9 ^ 8 3| ' 1~ 8 12 -0-^- 2 3 — 1 7 J. 1 5 _.il^ ^> ' ^ 2 6 5 i il •- T»- _ 8, 5 13 3 ^ 3 ~~ 8 ^^ ~ — 7 4 14 '^ _ 5 3 n T5 T \ I ' — 2 ¥—- «- 6 1 Vj — 8 — 6 - 3 0^7 y 6 — 1 1 — — 1 _ 9 17 ^9 6 9 ^ 13 1^ 3 ^ U 7 4 3 i T~ 8 — 9 ¥'} 1 1 1,' 21 I , " ~ 1 6 5i ^ — i f} ^ 1 - -^8 < ' — — 6 5 « 2'! I2 8 5 i 7! — 24 4 7.»- < ) 3 2 i 25 " 26 ' 27 ' 5 - : 9 7 7 — 1 1 1 4 1 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 "^^^ — ^ Now, Mary, were I not pres.^nt to show you by ample the use of this scale, how could you understandit ? 24 SOCIAL LESSONS, ISO. I. 73. — 2. Why! I should know of course, that you intend I should begin at the bottom of the ascending scjale, on the left hand side, and with a rising movement of the voice, sound the vowels in order from the to the top, making the least possible intervals, thus proceeding through the whole compass of my voice. 74. — 1. You must not expect one trial will be sufficient. You will find that every time you direct your attention to this lesson, and practise it faithfully, you will make sensible improvement in the management of your voice. You will be constantly making discoveries, which, I presume, will very much surprise you. Id. — 2. Well, after ascending or descending the scale, as minutely as possible, you intend I shall double the dis- tance M the intervals, or let the volume of sound in the sec- ond series be twice as large as the first; and in the third, three times as large, and so on. 76. — 1. When you talk, you are constantly Aanging the pitch of your voice, which you should observj and do when you read; but I shall tell you more of this hereai'ter. 77. — 2. Have you not another musical scale that you will explain to me? I 78. — 1. Yes; but how can I afford to teach jbu music wh^n you expected to learn only Grammar? to say, '^ The nominative case governs the verb;" and " articles belong to nouns." 79 — 2. O! your method is so easy to understand, I shall have time to learn more than inerely the old/fashioned Grammar: and 1 wish to be able to instruct John thoroughly in the first principles. 80 — 1. You have yet to learn how hard it is for people to change their way of thinking! 81. — 2. Well, sir, it is my business to learn what is necessary to enable me to speak and read well. 82. — 1. And whv should any one object to a child'i learning something of music, if it be impossible to learn to read as well without. 83. — 2. I think as much. A prejudice that would for- bid that, world be unjust ! 84. — 1. Some think that all has been done- that ean be done, and seem to suppose all improvements to be idle in- novations. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 25 85. — 2 It is not so with my parents! 8Gw — 1. I am glad of that, I shall have the more con- fidaiKe in teachings you what 1 think is right. ^7. — 2. And I the more in learning nhat you direct. 88. — 1. I would not consent to say another word to you concerning musicy did I not think it necessary that you should understand some of its important principles, in order to give proper instruction to your brother. It is true you might learu it at a music school, but it may not be convenient for you to attend one. 8y. — 2. Since you gave me the Natural Scale, I have felt more anxious to pursue this subject. I explained it to my parents, and they have no objection to my knowing these things. 9^. — 1. Do you know what is meant by the pitch of voice? No. 67 and 71. 91^ — 2. I suppose in the descending scale, that No. I is desfgned to represent the place of the highest pilch of one's voice; and No. 2, a lower, and thus each number to the hkottom denotes a diff«^rent degree of pitch. 9^, — 1 The numbers arranged across the top of the desceljding, and bottom of the ascending scale, merely de- note tAe different divisions of sound. Now tell me how ma- ny decrees of the first division, one of the second contains? how many does one of the third? one of the fourth? How many degrees of the first division do five degrees of the third contain? five of the fourth? One degree of the third divisioB contains one and a half of the second. One degree of the fourth contains one and one third of the third divis- ion. All this you can see for yourself by looking upon the scale. 93. — 2. I shall prove these things when I am alone. 94. — 1. Repeat the vowels in a low abrupt voice. — 52. Now in a higher pitch. Now higher, very soft. Again, and try to sound each vowel on the same degree. 95. — 1 This > character may represent the " radical s/rdss of Toice." No. 1, 133. This < the " final stress." No 1, 134 The diamond omay represent the '^median stress." No. 1, 135. ■ 123456789 Different movements — |> ^ o '-^ ,) what shall I call such combinations? 127. — 1 The union of three vowels is a triphthong. Allowing only ten vowels, we make by combination one thousand tri^jhthongs. You need not be alarmed at the task of learning them, for the arrangement is so simple that you will find no difficulty in making John understand all about it, and by exercising upon them you will learn the ''- Wave" of the voice to perfection. You know how to make all the diphthongs? W^ll, prefix the first vowel to the diphthongs to make the 128. FIRST HUNDRED OF TRIPHTHONGS. US, it, let, at, half, sot, whole, pz^ll, cue, ring. 1*2 34 5 6 7 89 ' ui, eat, late, ate, halve, sowght, hole, pool, sue, erring. 11^ 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 110 ISr 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 120 131 \ 132 153 134 135 136 137 138 139 ISO 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 157 148 149 140 151 152 153 154 155 156 158 159 150 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 160 171 172 173 174! 175 176 1 177 178 179 170 18ll 182 1 183 184 1851 186: 187 1 1 188 189 180 191 192 193 194; 195 1 196 197j 198 199 190 101 102 103 104 105 I 106 107 103 109 100 129. Prefix the second vowel to the diphthongs to make the second hundred, and the third to make the third hun- tired, and so on. Recite the second hundred. X 34 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. How do vou make the third hundred of triphthongs? the 4th? the 5th? the 6th? the ^th? the 8th? the 9th? the 10th? 130. — 2. I will let John suy each sound in a triphthong by itself, thus, 1-1-1, 1-1-2, 1-1-3, at first, and at the same time I will tfach him Accent and Emphasr-s I will direct him thus, John, w^hat are the vowels? He is to recite in a perfectly natural voice. 131. — 1. Now say them abruptly, making a long pause between each sound. By example I must teach him what this means. 132. — 2. Now give a long quantity to each vowel, or re- cite the vowels in a " Thorough stress of voice," which means an even, uniform, continued sound, either rising, fall- ing, or in a monotone. 134. — 3. Recite them again, and apply the ^'Radical Stress" > to each, which requires the first part of the sound to be distinguished by a greater degree ofjorce. 133. — 4. Now give them the ''final sir ess, ^^ < i which will distinguish the last part of each sound, by bein^ more forcible. i 135.— 5. Now the "Median stress," — o — , tie first and last part of the sound being light, the middle heavy or forcible. G. Now recite them and give them the "Ccinpound stress," >-< , the first and last of the sound being more forcible than the middle. 136. — 7. Now recite the first line of diphthongs and ac- cent the radical. How do you form the second line? or second ten? Recite them. Which is the radical vowel in the third ten? Recite. Which in the fourth? which in the fifth line? Which diphthong in the fifth line is the same as the letter i? Ans. 52. Which the same as ow, in the word how? Ans. 58 or 68. Which the same as the letter r, as it is sometimes pronounced? Ans. 50. By observing how you pronounce i, oio, are, you may know, or learn how to form 51, 52, 53, 54, and so on, letting the radical glide in- to the vanish. Recite the sixth line, then tell me what com- bination is the same as the diphthong in the words joi/, join; in the word hound. The seventh and eighth vowel you may observe will unite with each of the others very easily. Which number in the eighth line is the same as we? weigh? v/ay ? woo ? were ? SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L S5 L37. — 1. I fear you will woarj jour little brother if you tell him so many things at one time! 138. — 2. Indeed! I ^hall not tell him all this at one time. I am only stating to you my manner of proceeding! 139. — 1. Well! I thought you were to teil me how yon would apply Accent and Emphasis to the diphthongs and triphthongs. That quality of the voice which points out opjoosition in meanings I call Emphasis. 140. — 2. Then I would say, John! What is in opposi- tion to up? (Down.) What is in opposition to right hand? (Left.) What is in oppositition to good? to rich? to kind? to large? to young? to black man? 141. I hold a pe7i in my Hght hand, in my left hand I hold a ruler. What is in opposition to pen? To what is right hand in opposition? An, old MAN riding a young horse. What are the words in coritrast, or that stand in opposition? 142. Say upj not down! Do this^ or that! Say in, then out! Come, or go! Say for, or against! Live, or die! Say yes, or no! Win, or lose! Ss.j something, or nothing! Buy, or sell! Go to, or from! Sink or swim! 143. Say us as quick as you say un. Say it a little quicker than you say eat. Say let a little quicker than you say late. Read all the vowel key thus, No. 1, 42. 144. The figures, you know, represent the vowels. TVeli say them. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. Now say, 11, 12, 13, 14j 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 10. Now let us say, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 20. Did you tell us to say, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 30. Yes, and now you may say, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 40. What good will it do to say, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 5Q, 57, 58, 59, 50. ^8 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. I. I In roa(lin t 3. Now say . , ^ , v^ Try again . , ^ , ^ a-t. 4. Now say • y ^j ^ , C What a good boy to learn! h-a-lf. 5. Now say • J ^ ; ^ ^ ( , ) Try again. Once more. S-O-t. 6. Now say • ? ^j ^:> ^ ? ^ ? ^ ^^y again, wh-o-le. 7. Now say . , /^ , V-' , ( , ) , /^, ^^ Say them soft. p-w-11. 8. Now say • , /-v , N^ J ( , ) J /-Nj v-Xj ( Listen to me. c-w-e. 9. Now say r-ing. 10, Now say • ,-,-, C ,), /-N, v^, (,), o 158, — 3. Let me say the vowels again, sister. 159,-2. Well, say' with me, 1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345., 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789, 1234567890, Now say with me, and slide the voice upwards, I ! I I I I I I I I 1234567 89 Again, and slide the voice downwards, 1234567890 \ \ . \ \. . \ . V \ \ \ \ Once more, without sliding it up or down. 12 34567 89 160. Now we will slide the voice upwards one degree, now two, now three, now four, now five, now six, now seven, DOW eight. Now we will begin in a high pitch and slide the voice downwards one degree, now two degrees, now three degrees, BOW four, now five, now six, now seven, now eight. 161. Now down and up on the same vowel. > Wave of Now up and down on the same vowel. \ the voice. 40 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L 161. Slide the voice from 1 to 2 The figures in this lesson represent the musical de- grees and vowel sounds. 2 3 4 5 6 7 to 1 to 2 3 Equal and un- equal, single Wave of the voice. 3 4 5 6 7 Slide the voice from 1 163. — 2. The upward and downward movements of the wave are called constituents. If you slide the voice up one degree, and down one, you make an equal wave, both con- stituents beiijg the same. If you slide the voice up two de- grees and down one, you make an unequal wave, the first constituent being a third, the last a secoiid. 164. — 1. Then you think that John can learn to make these changes of voice? You will not trouble him about slid- ing the voice exacily to the degree intended, or about keep- ing in the key directed; but it is well to call his attention to these varieties that he may become familiar with the terms. But what he wants most is the practice. 165. — 2. We hare a set time for practice upon thefele- mentary sounds and the modes of expression. My *ittle brother, pa thinks, makes very good improvement. 166. Slide the voice from 1 to 1 to 1 The combinations, the same as the Quadra- thongs J JVo. 1, 152. 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 to 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 to 7 Slide the voice from 1 to 1 to 1 Double Wave, consisting of three constit- uents . 167. Slide the voice from 1 to 1 2 2 to 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 to 7 Slide ihf' voice from 1 to 1 to Let the voice be very sofi and nciural, very liiile time on the slides. to 1 2 to 2 3 J 4 4 5 5 6 6 7^0 7 1 The continued Wave. 168. — 1. But, Mary, are you not making these lessons SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1 41 too prolix and difficult ? I fear you are. Do not perplex your pupil with jaii3C3ssary variety. All these ^^ modes" of ex- pressioo may be learned by reciting the tables of vowel com- binations vrith due regard to Qr.ality, Force, Time, Ab- ruptness, Pitch: including Accent, Emphasis, Tone, Liflec- tion, &c. 169. I will read to you another sentence from Dr. Rush. Speaking of Emphasis he says, " High powers of stress, ex- treme length in quantity, wide intervals of pitch, and any peculiar quality of the voice when set on certain words, may be considered as the co/isfth^e?i.'s of Emphasis." 170. Recite the first line of the diphthongs. Now recite the second line and emphasise the second in opposition to the first, in the first line. Now the third line, and emphasise the third vowel in opposition to the second and first. While look- ing at the table 107, and reciting, you may perceive how Emphasis effects the slides of the voice and time of utter- ance^ tone, &c. Recite the table 107 in columns. Now again and accent the radical element. Now the final ele- ment or vanish. Slide the voice up on the first sound, down on the second, or down on the first and up on the second. 171. — 2 Pa begins to think that I am spending too much time on these musical principles. He says he does not see what they have to do with the study of Language. 172 — 1. Ask your pa, if the warm sun and cooling show- er hath any thing to do with making his farm bring forth good crops. Tell him that when his fruit and grain will grow without sun or rain, you can learn to speak and read well without principles of music. 173. I have Dr. Rush on my side here. He says that, " the inquirer should be able to rise and descend through the musical scale on any one of the tonic elements, (vowels.) He should then traverse the octave, both ascending and de- scending, on any eight successive syllables, using a different syllable for each note of the scale. This exercise will ena- ble him to recognize the intervals of a tone, a third, a fifth, and an octave, when the intonation is made on the passing syllables of speech. With this view let him move slowly through a sentence, sounding only the tonic element (vowel) of each syllable, and uttering those elements in their short- est abrupt sound, so that the reading, if I may so call ity may resemble the successions of a short cough." 4=* 42 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 174. NoWj Mar J, I apprehend that these lessons may be learned by a little child! and I think that Dr. Rush* will own that 1 have made the subject more sinipie than he sup- posed it, wheij he wrote his History of the hi.man voice. 175.: — 2. While we are reciting the triphthongs I observe that the pitch of the voice varies naturally with the different vowol soiiDGS. It is the same with quadrathongs and diph- thongs. jNow we naturally say 1111, quite different from 8520. This 1 thiiik proves that each vowel has a natural place of formation in the musical scale. Did you observe, Mary, 85^0, when naturally pronounced make the word. '' wire?" Just pronounce the letter y, and observe the pitch of its sounds, 852, then in the same force of voice and relative time say, 8765432, and see if the pitch on the last sound 2 be not the same in both 852 aod 87654ri2. 176. — 1 . I here give another exercise for the voice. The figures in this table, as in the musical scale, represent the deorees of the oetave. 177. FIRST SERIES OF MUSICAL COMBINATIONS. Octave. 1 i 1 111111 Key note 1 Eighth. Semitone. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Second. 7 Seventh 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Third. 6 SixtL 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 Fourth. 5 Fifth. SemitoD. 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 Fifth. 4 Fourth. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Sixth. 3 Third. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Seventh. 2 Second, 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Octave 1. Tonic. 178- SECOND SERIES OF MUSICAL COMBINATIONS No. I. No. 2. f )'l ■- I i i , • 1 1 1 ; 1 i 1 . 1 i ] 1 .1 111,3 ] ^1 ^ 1 ~l\ f 2 22 2 2 of 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 .' 2 2 i 22' 22 i 2 2 2 d 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 S 3 g 3 3 r 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 44 4 4 J 4, 41 b 5 5 5 5 .5.5 5 5 5 6 5 5, 5 5 55 5 51 5 ^ a 6 6 6 6 t 66 e 6l 6 61 6 e' 6 6 66= 6 6 6 K 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 71 7 7 7 7 7 77 . 7 7 f 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 i; 1 1 1 i J 1 1 ! 1 e 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22) . 2 2 2 2 2 2 *^' 2'2 2| Air. -^ 179. — 1, Mary, do you wish to know how to complete tkis series.'' I do know^ I think; in No. 3, the first note in each com- bination must be in the 3d degree, and all the other notes SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1 , 43 the same as No. 2. No, 4 will bave the first note in the 4ty n^^ree. No. 5 the oili. and so on. 'J'he combinations will be the same in any other key, only the notes will be on diflVTeut lines and spaces. 180.--1. These combinations you may learn upon the Musical Scale, No, 2. if you have Icarijed the art of combin- ing. Take the Key of C, 2nd ieger line below the bass staff. Sound the first vow 1 three times: 111. Next twice, aiid rise to the second degree, and sound the seventh Towel: 117, then to the sixth: tl6. Next 115, 114, 113. 112, 111. Next would be 171, 177, 176, 175, 174, 173,' 172, 171. Next 161, 167, 166 165, 164, 163, 162, 161. But these thincrs you mrst find out yourself^ 181. — 2. Yes, I shall have time to do all these lessons with John at our regular hours for exercising the voice. Pa has told me many things respecting the Musical Scale which I shall try to make my little pupil understand when h'e is pre- pared for it . 182. — 1, I hope you will persevere . 283. — 2, I feel more and more engaged in the study of Language . 184. — 1 . You like the study so well, I presume you will do me the kindness to answer the following questions. 185. Can you tell me to what No. 1, 13, 19, refer? No. 1, refers to Social Lessons, No. 1; 13, to the 13th section of No. 1 ; and 19 to the 19th section of No. 1. Find the answer to this question. What is the difference between letters and sounds? No, 1, 13, 19; to this, What is a vowel? No, 1, 17, In what part of the throat is the Larynx? 21, Where is the glottis? What is it? How is voice made articulate? What are supposed to produce the difference in the vowels? 23, Why cannot every one spell as he pleases? 25. What is meant by the word simple, when applied to a vocal elementary sound? 27. What are the sounds in the word us? in mine? by what example can you prove it? What sounds has 0, in once? 27. What course was taken to arrange the elemeiitary sounds? 29. W^hat connection do we suppose the vowels to have with pitch? How are the vowels nimbered? 33,40. How is the new arrangement of sounds explained.'^ 35. Upon what principle are the characters made? 37. What are the most simple marks that can be made ? 39 . Describe each 44 SOCIAL LESSOxNS, NO. 1. of the new characters? What are associated with the new characters? 41 . Rtjcite all the words in the vowel key — 41 . Recite the sharp vowels, the fiat vowels. Recite the words and sylla- bles in the co':Souant key — 44. Sound thg sharp conso- nants, the Hat ones. V\ hich in the list of sharp consonants are said to be Hatr^ Which in the list of fiat consonants is said to be sharp?! ^^" ^^^^ consonants be sounded without a distinct vowel? Prove it by sounding them thus. V^ bile writing- the lessons of the Perfect Alphabet, what art will you be learning"? 45. Take a pen or pencil and show me hew you do th^^se lessons — 46. What vowel do you join with the consonants in the first lesson? — 46. How many lesions of the kind can be made? R»^ad the 51st lesson. What is a perfect alphabet? — 52. Which of the iiat vow- els differ the least from their sharp sounds ?J Excepting these four flat sounds, how many vowels reckoning sharp and flat? (1, 22, 33, 4, 5, 66, 11, 88, 9, 0.) How is the difference between the sharp and flat sounds represented to the eye? How can the different ways of rep- resenting the same sound be known? — 52. Do you ;know the number of each sound in the alphabet? Sound each ele- ment as distinctly by itself as you can. Mention some of the qualities of the voice Repeat the vowels as directed — 62. What terms are used to express the degrees of force of voice? — 64. \^ hat the degrees of time? — 65. What is meant by abruptness of voice?— 66, 67. What is an in- terval of sound? — 68, 69, 97. What is the greatest com- pass of voice? How is the used in representing sounds? About how many intervals of the voice can you make in the first division of the natural scale? — 71 In the second di- vision how many? third? fourth? Have you practised by yourself upon this scale? Tell me how you proceed — 73. Do you believe that the principles of music help you any in reading? What is said of the pitch of the voice? — 91. Let me hear you attem|;t to repeat the general relatives in each degree of the musical swell — 96. Now speak them and en- deavour to throw all the degrees into one expression, mak- ing a deep, full, smooth tane. Have you studied the mu- sical scales? Tell me what you know about thpm — 75, 97. What is meant by the rising and falling inflections? — 99. * ». ». b. t p. 1 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 45 Give examples of your own making. Give the examples di- rected in 103, J04. What is a diphthong.?— 107. What is stated in 110? 111? 113? 114? Can you execute 115th as directed in 116th? How would you teach a little child the elementary sounds? — 121, 122. What is a triphthong? 127. By the combination of ten simple vowels how many triphthongs can be made? — 128. 1 ell me how they are formed. What is meant by thorough stress of voice .? — 132. By radical stress? — 133. V^ hat is tne final stress? — 134. Median stress? — 135. What by the compound stress? Give examples in each of these modes of expression. Can you answer the questions as directed in 136? What is Em- phasis? How would you teach it to a child? Let me hear you read the examples from 141 to 144, and point out the words in contrast. Recite 144 as directed. What is a quadrathong? — 152. How are they made from the triphthongs? How many can be made? Read the 157, 159. How is the wave of the voice formed? — 111. W^hat are called its constituents? — 163. What is meant by a simple wave? by a double wave? by equal wave? une- qual wave? How many onstituents has the single wave? How many the double? The continued? Do you say over the combinations of the wave as often as once in a week? Ih what other lessons do you learn the wave? {li must be so if each vowel has a different natural pitch.) What does Dr. Ruth say of Emphasis.^ — 1S9 Can you recite 167, as directed in 170? What does he say -of the pitch of voice? — 173. Do you understand what is said in 175? Do you be- litve it? Make the combinatioas !77, and use the musical sjilables, fa^ so!, la, mi. Now tlie figures, now the vowels. Now prefix ifig the first consonant sound to the first seven vowels. iNow the second consonant to the vowels. Now the third, and so on until you have taken each consonant. The foUowing tables of icorfh are designed fen* the exer- cise of chc voice, a7ui^ of course, s- words signify idf as^, /or the improvement of ike mind Ti^e words are arran£:td ac- cording 10 'he order cf the Pevfeci Alphabet. They are not to be studied, as children have been made to study the Spelling honk; each word is to be made a. suhjfxt of discourse ; the ta- bles at stated times are *o be recited nmuUancoasly in every varuty of voice. The derivations nnd application of each word is to be made familiar. 46 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. go O X! o O SD . O S5 1^ w tf CD ft o Q pa m p C5 O S — ( • o o ;-5 o o o (U a> q; .*d fri s «s C3 s < 2 c *^ '^ eo cc c3 -2 ^1 s CJ o ^ 'ea P^ ^ S ^ o Q? c 0) CU rt a> O) 0) Ol 2 or ^ >: n © «J .c G3 Oi ? ^ «rj O — : H © o QO SO J. SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 1. '5 =5 47 i^ ^ S © ^ ^ ^ fcfl O I o 2 J3 1^1 s 3 o ce rt ctf 2 © ® 3 2 5 .9 £. 2 <=> £ ® ce >^>> © © © Q bfi CO ■5 S-T © CJ S-- © © © © © ^^ •ffi ^5 u.-^m N-S-S c-;*;'S'-: > S d.ja go-M siDJ= >. ^ ^ 48 feOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. H ^ V Q i « - O -r » ^'- PQ -^ 03 CO ^ 00 a> o 00 o CO -^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ **< ?>• CO CO > 00 C3 'c3 •S3 .t: ^ ^ > 9 '^ c is: ^ *, s s s 73 ^ S 5 & S > en 5 '5 '5 5 ^1 > re c o bn 'i & j-g 'i T5 ^ SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 49 » r= © 53 S = - ■-S b. 3) (^ '. « o :3 o ^ ^ QJ « ^-1 s fl a. S 9 o o o — c . K to 2 ^ 'A' ^ ^ v; « -^ - " ? a; -::; a; ? ?' - ^ ^ i ^ ^:i &'B ^ ^ £ o •*- 2 "C 5 - ?S © C r •:*- *3 S) 5 =^ " o 2 o = - *. '^•-1 © ^ 2 a X O 4j c a; t^ ^ ^ ^ .-i :; bC.E C-^ c ^ - a> C o , :: '^ C3 J © © © - © oD N o .,—, w N "i; -H 1-t N C>1 CO CO ^ 5 2 2 I 2 e 'i -^ 'c -g ^1^ § •^^ g i © -, — —^ ©■c c § 'Z s o © '^ c © g © © c 2 fee -Si cd^ Ci © © fx ^ c»^ c^ so SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L ^S e «^ w 52 ^ S *o . o « - ^ 1^^ o O^' o -g c.\^ <2 « m O ^-. , .S^ ( ^ ^ 1.^° 2 >.^ ^ ee o ■-> .o ^ ^ o b ^ o ^ *3 S w CO C" ■i -§ ° 2 ^?> -g E^j O fQ 1^ (Q ^ Vi C3 (-1 o o o o :^ 2 o ^ ) ^. cd V "-2S ?^ o a> -S • ei a> en .o ^- ;§•'' < o %< 8 ^ »*»» •O ^ o ^' • ^ ^ OB 6 «» »H II are are ■are c3 J *^ns^ 0^ M .2 ?S o '5.^ -G SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 51 191. How are the words formed in the table No. 1, 186? What two words are formed by single vowels ? Pronounce the words in lines. Now in columns. The art of Pronounc- ing words properly is called Orthoepy. Spell the words. The art of Spelling words properly is called Orthography. Write the words upon your slate. The art of Writing is called Chirography. Write the words in the characters of the perfect alphabet. This, to distinguish it from the common method of writing, we will call Short-haxd Writ- iiNG, or Stenography. Should you study other languages, you would find other words that would belong to this table. Admitting that I have represented all the simple sounds of the Toice, used in any language, in the perfect alphabet, it will follow that no word can be formed consisting of a single vowel followed bj one or more consonants, that would not belong to this table, 192. How are the words formed in the table 187? Pro- naunce the vowels soft and abrupt. Now pronounce the first sharp consonant with the vowels, thus, -•,-•;- /^ ^ she; -^, -^; - (,- C Observe the sounds that have ideas associated with them. Now the first flat consonant with the vowels, (azure) -.,-•,- /^ , - ^ Now the second sharp consonant with the vowels. Now second flat consonant. Now the third, both sharp and flat, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth. Pronounce the words in lines. Now in columns. What is correct pronunciation called? Spell the words. What is the art of spelling called? Write ten words upon your slate from the table the most diiScult for you to spell and pro- nounce. What is the art of writing called? Write ten words from the table in the new characters. What do you call this kind of writing:? A letter that represents no sound in a WuTd is said to be mute or silent. What letters are silent in the word, myrrh? What words in the table that have no silent lett-r? 193. How are the words formed m the table 188? The words m this tablp may be considered as consisting of two syllables with the accei.t on the last vowel, w-e, w-eigh, w ash, V7-0. Pronour.co all the words in the table, and ob- serve the sound of the w, and the accent. Pronounce them 52 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L again, and give the accent to the iv^ w-e, w-eigh. Now again in columns, and give the proper accent. You may copy this table into yo ;r Word-book, and place the proper mark over the accented vovFeL The eighth vowel when pronounced with the lips extended, produces a cocsonant so'ind as in " woo," making a buzzing whistle. 1j' t me h^ar you pronounce the words in the table thus, proloriging th:^ sound of the w. W, is said to be a consonant sound when it begins a word or syllable, and in other positions a vowel. It gc'neraily represents the eighth vowel sound, and is connected with the buzzing whistle at the pleas'ire of the speaker. 194. How are the words formed in the table 190? Pro- nounce the words in lines, and observe the sound ofr, dwell- ing upon it, making a distinct syllable. Again, and trill ther. It has its perfect vowel sound when preceded by the other vowels as in this table. Pronounce the vowels: a, e, o, and observe the quantity of breath you throw out in uttering them. Now sound the r with a considerable degree of breath, dwelling upon the sound. Sound ail the vowels with a good degree of aspira- tion, almost as much as the h requires, and see if the r be not nearly as smooth as the other vowels. A proof that the smooth R is a vowel Observe the vowel sound in the last syllable of the following words, ac-re^ luc-rey sab-re, fib-re, och~re, meag re, mang-re, sepulch-re, theat- re, spsct-re, mel-re, pet-re,mit-re, nit re, lust re, accoimf-re, massac-re, cent-re, scept-re. In the last syllable of each of these words we hear but one vowel sound, and that sound most certa'injy is represented by the letter r, the e being en- tirely silent. Pronounce the above list of words making a distiuvt syllable of the e after the smooth r, thi.s, y^ ^ O ^ , • )^0'^, /w\o^, &c. Pronounce them again, givino; ih^ roiigh so-^nd of r, as in the word ring, sounding th- e in th^ sani^* syllable with the r, ^^^o/-^.• )^'° ^> &c. Now again, ard o'ive the r a smart t.iil. A^uin, aivd soi:nd the third sharp vow vi b -fore the smooth r thus, K^^^O, ^ ) ^ ^ o Once more, a^-d instead of the r soau'j the fifth vowe^ as io h a- if, thus, ^ ^ ) , / ) -^ > ? /v\), \>'>\) In this way one may fairly de- termine whether the smooth sound of r be a vowel or a con- sonant. SOCIAL LESSOIS'S, NO, 1. 53 -JD ^ "i -I ■ § 1) « g.Sl5^ ^ ^e C O 'm ^ "-^ ^ 5 ^ ^ >r>^br;2.2f a■=■~ ■2 O "5-S- lO -3 i: ^ ^ a •?= >^!^ 2= i^^^ -^ .S .- -^ ^ ^2^.i2:l=.ii^ i = o tfi «> o 3 o -o s ^ ^ i^ S .^ d 0:: a '*^ *^ '^ ^ © - .H ■? "E i^^ S ^ fig t? ■« a > -, 2 '^ w a5 i- H:S r2 w o ^ o ^ -IT ^ c .- ^ % ^ = ^'^ o © > 'T3 © 05 *> © c3 2 O -3 2 -J> © s o © ©■^ . — %^ rt 1— iH .5 > © ^ c © - OT 3 > > © =""a^** *^re<*<2flj©--^*22 fcp^ o :3 ^^^ Jk ^5 — :s^ s 1- ** ©0-3 ©S^^tD I "^ © - « © 2 © 'T! .=; — . a >^^ w) -0 a ^ 'B 5 a 5i ° § £^ DD © © etf — ^•-'ca © .a ^ « — r^«2*-©© .o_c^ a ':^ ;-< >^"i3 a sis £ o i-o -s^ js'^.Sj-"?^ ©a i-a ii .2 a ^ Z >^%'^ .^ ^ a ^ 2 siimn-B^i a ©•-©.a©S$§-a ■55-? -5 ^ = -^ na ."^ a siD X -^ o c "^ "^ = -^ r* © O "5 " — — ^ — • ro -« ^©^^":=-^i--o a -a ^ ^ f'^ ^ "* t^ ;? 5"^ •^ '^ s o 5 "i ■§ 1 ^ I V. ^ a c a c ^ >, O S3 S3 54 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L s o a o »0 '^ O GO 05 ^«>^g.^g-cr = o CT* o^ cr o" Co <-* a> ^ > o -ii o = = a s 2 sill §§-5 §-§^ _f^ o i^ o c g g -5 g, g ■^'— -^--^ Qo*j CB tfl a*5^ G) © CD "t3 d -* _, •5g g.5 g-3 §.§3g.g-§. ^ Sgirlll o Bc o G^bflo*o^cr in-' o- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "S so CQ M «j *j c ^ t: 2 CO "^ ;^ ^ ^ ^ X W 05 DC ;^ « aj OQ 03 S 2 ,*- « hr-^ o- ^ ^ g ^"5 * °o 32 02 aa ^ i = = ~ OJ rt rt .ti = ^ ^ is ^ ^ ~ Cfi CQ 02 OS +j =5 0) -C = :^ d 15 c ^ g Si 5-S - •- tii iS *^ a> ^ ^ i s S^ ^ c ^ ^ - 2 - » £ c' gi '5 :: -o' I OB -C q; ^-^ W -5 0. 3 ^ ^ « g ^ O ? I © S C ;> ' SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. I. 55 o .§ CO 5 ^^ ^' s ? 1 = ^ s -: to ^ '^ -S ^ - ?. f= bJC = -C ?±2 r^ c :::: p 3 r ~ S; 2 C 3 r^- CS bo bC^_ = s« X c ^^ s 5 o p s 5 o3r = ^'5'c ;= SS s C3 « 2 ® T3 tQ .::^ a. o ^ C aj a; s_ g- £ ,^ ^ <^ C4-1 p^.::; u A . o ^ -isi ^' >5^ c a c is T3 v;i P,^ c -= o j ^ «^ fe N QJ ^-- O,^ O ^ ;>^ fe N _=: — ** OS -= = J= p o = c P - -5 &-5 -g_ - oc r; -^ tir ai ^ jZi t£ a — 5 •- t» h— *^ ^ *^ OD E3 r- "^ T? ^ O) I 5-5 g I g 5 5 oC^ 5 ? § * &-Q cc a re ^ 2 = ?' is o « be ^ S p-H C J^ «2 CO OD J^^ © 5 c ^ "S « o i: C a, •5 c p ^ I « I » ^ GO Si 2J C ™ hT^ s! :2j © „- y 2 » CJ i- -"J, •- Q> — S £ — •- ^^ S 1^ G -C j;^ ;r; — '^s -D t;s ,a 0/ <0 «J CO O *• CO cB :;i,'ai N a JX ;!:: ^ . ''5cotn*->aamP4 ^ ^ © 'T3 =: -a 15:5 ^ <» ^ a -^ a • rj M -5 « « rS cj q ol,"^ .« a: S -a Q) s*j a^ © ^:^;a^-^— S 2*-Ql21a ^ ^--j* "'-'^^ "^ ™ i|.a|-= 0} c a <^ "^ hr= rt la .t; -- S « ^ S^ > -■§ a" «!?=•§-§ -^.2 -"S ^ 'a a .a .2 ^ > -a 2 ~ -^ "^ ^3 a Oi-a; ^ > !^ «i3'oB;a;x! caca a *culii la >» ^ ^ «. ,-l«cQ't^^>;ot^Q0®©1-^<^^^ SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 67 05 6 iO ^ so ^ o o ^ o ^ ilii c -c a? CO a. ttc o — ffs c CO 9- SCO ^ 5.SS1^£ 0) 09 s ^i^ ^ i: ,-g c ~ c ce .1^ iri ^ ^ IS ^ s a^ S 33 O) 0) '^■^ "" D.i5 11 o > « *j C ^ 3 -:= T a o ■;r « t: ^ > ai cj ^ ^ _2 ^ ^ » oQ ^ :c IE -^ ^ ^ :^ s > i iJ J3 -£ f^ -5 ^ ^ O ro 05 ?C ^ o 2 ^ -B t 5JD K • -^ ® J ® §-"55 M^ fcX ^ ^ -g J^:^ - ^ -- "*^ N i^ ^ u--^- —- a- "_£= S"« ^JS 0) ^^ -fi *J .— ^ (D ~ f © 5 4i '' ^ ^ '"^ ® f-HC?C0TfiOCOl>flDC5©i-'C<5lM 58 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. o 00 •iS "Si ■? ^ €0 ^ s-Sl bcJH * tg g cS cS rt ra CO ro j3 t» •*^ «C eS JS re fl-^ C^ Ch y^ rf t; 2 ° c bi) ee cti «3 00 ,;j- J3 2-t*lto'S-='S-Su.£ J c: -^ >- ^ ,^ Ti r: FTi ) G — TT «^ fl C^ wc_ 2 bu ^ n: *: s ■S .?£, C ^ -6 ^ =: jij *^ bx)^ C C-Ji t/.j= F- «rcj cc T?" ir. -£ !-• 00 •« o > ^"-' o 03 » > > .-3 . -c *" » •• = S w rt o =3 a « S * "£ «> D^g 0) C3 03 C Q) '*^ s © d r- ^ ^ -r; • ^ ot'x « a. c S «5 « \S o X 2 c ; -^ ti O) o * © qJ 2 o © -r © ^ o •- <1J § ♦J *j >. 2 J. ^D -^ ® - Vi - © © - g a fHCqtfOTt^iCCOl^OD -< bD :^ . ti o P«.p:i us, SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L 59 o ^ ^ C c3 ;3 to -2 «G -:sJ c -S s c3 rt 1^ 'i 5 «- -, r- -^ -, :S 2 rt s- ., •- CO "O S O ^ -^ ^ ^ 5 - = ^ i: tj cxr -.lO ^rf !so ^» ♦J ►*« c 2 — «2 ,a .;i5 ,-^ b -a i s O 1 1 i 'i S"! cs ii c m _r Ci. r; ^ a 2 ac 5 - 5 -, > « rf o ^ o il5^ i 2 i 8- I > "^-?: .tS ; » c; c5 '* ! oc i^ -^ Ui : f C = ! fcJC-2 2 ^ 2 S 2 ^- . ^ o •- "I -cz; ^ & ^.S I -H ~ ® C X O ^ i. '-^ 13 si* BP'^ .ti 'i s « 5 ^ « L. .^ tc -^ © ^^ = & p-T ^ ^ W) riQ C _^ g - - o » o — -^ y ^r o aj J3 C3 _, -< -— -. o ^< e3 nJ I- jj bO i?^ -fcc^ o^Eb -fi 2 =8 S s ^ «^ = -^ 'S •" ^cii ? ^ = © § :-2 ^ jx - © rt O 2 c '>2 -^ ^ c _ -= ^v ,E rt a ® •-' ^ "^ S3 ^ 35 - '^ .t ^ -^ "^ c: » ^^ « ^ ? 2 ^ a.S i^ w-5 S^ C3^ - ./J , , S a> « ^ «^ ^ a,n3 j= o ® c '^^ • rt = i: :b ^ .= -3 a; o p >-:: o -T-^ ,£ -*^ ^ ^ 5 QO .0 ?.= to ? s -as 'i'"' f:; ^ = -:!5 T3 :- >.5 - "^ ^ « X C ~ '^ « a £ 2 -"q-S S ' o..:: — -a ii1i £ ? > ct3 !/! ^ <=> 13 ^ ^ JS ^ o ^-^ o bo C G r2 ? i: ^ ^, - 92 «2 iUi a «£ s &■ SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1' 61 iS ^ o <30 C< g § 5 o o"o o 2 S rt g *^ O ^ « © 0) « Sr^ ^ ^ -- "zs P-^ ^ 'T3 pS^ «Z_|-— oi C ^ o*J — ' oooc®oc>— 0"Z0 i|2 i S§1§|^is •-^ « 2 ? o -v. J2 © « -= ■§5 © j_, ©©4jt5G;-i.-;-3r; sq -:=: T3 - -^ y «^ 5 o ^:i Hi si U U 9Q ^ « S S a « e-ss 2 OQ -.J ,-S '^ C T3 _ o — ii o -^ ^tS^'O S^ o^ CO >T3 o o S©.v«©S©©S©o •5 5S Z ^ o - ^ ff X c "^ SU ^ S oJ^, 5 s s ^ c V; .2 J3 *^ ? 15 I ^ "-^ § ? s ^ ^ ^ ^ CS © O g S*^-^ ©T3 -^■^ § =- g , - ^< - '^ ^ O r^ si Bo"- c -i •5 -2 o 3 © *- ^ .2 © c ^ "? ^ ? ^ ^ ^Z © s -^ t. =3 ^ ^ ;«3 = § : 2 o ^ ^ © — a ; O o ^;1 O o *- © -C _G o — ^ fl c --. « .2 § ^o O s^ • tJ Q- S fc< « ^ =3 5 2-. >.""^^- ^ ^^ © 2 "w .^^ P "^ P . • a, 3 J 'Z! ^ > 3 ° - © ^ rf ^"5 -3; > o » .S o © t*^ ^ ? o * fl g :« .s ?^ ss j3 © d g «; >^ -» i: c ^ -• £« -■> ^ o * ::::^ V. © ja "^ rS ^ — 'S- ^ JO X. *- g • « i- © © > ^ g 2 s ^^ i^ "^-^ts «.2.^ '^ =? ^ i .2 5 - © cd w a? O •:: lis g 2 ^ •> * -^^ ^ « a. S^ S ^ S S o 62 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. t^ -g • ^ o 2 o ^ ^ o a © ^ ^ 5 f ^ y) ^ g- = ■' ^ ^ = S E 2 ; 6 ?5 = tUD^ CL^ . o r- c c ;^ c w o o c ^ c o == ' O o c 3 - — O a O X 9. 6X3 — o o o o o «- ^ S-2 si IJq ^ ^ t; ^ 0.-3 -i^ S C O c ♦J 5* 3oco5oooocg o 5 c S '^ "^ OJ --i «*-i -^ -= S <= P 9 ° ? _S •^ i.^ rf 2"3 3 5 = »-s|^s.sx»CiO t^ l> i> t- t> t^ ic* l-* t^ J> ail© 'a: ^, y 52 = ^.— '^ « '.S I *H c •«* ?S ^ © ^ 5 c fr Of -S s ^ S > ^- « 2 ^ oc . "is bjr,-='^ S?.2 — .^ ^ c a> O *- c fcj-: ;s 05 ?i ^ C » ^ * «^ (^ I ?- - 5 ^ « S fi O c: .tS ?^ OJ c 0) « • = ,,. .r *- — ^ ic. ^ c x: 8 S & ..-i^^ let § c 3 ^ > .^ o cu > ^ ;^ J - ^ ^ S :s ? o § Ts c: *^ o o «: g^. *"- ;i:i ;^ ? ^ 2 g-S ^ . o S -2 ir: .i" s E -^ i- ;r; ® -c ■*-» c I ^ C5 sr g --^ ^ ^ ^ bp-5 ^ ' -Q C - ^ ? -i^ . »3 -^ - +j 3 o) 'o "t: -w "^ o :s r/: ^ c: o ^ <;^ c .t; i'< .2 cu 5? br = . « -= ^ ^ - c3 :^ a. © c «>c E o ® w *S>^§f^a.©c bcS®®w - "i^ o 2 ° ^ == < ^ o ^ g j2 S ^ r- *S '"' i? .^ «'' ^ SOCIAL LESSONS NO. L 6S --^ o i^ ^ so G^ O V iJ S O art S ^ ^ « Q ^^^ W • ss^ flj --3 c aj . S 3 S S i- 3 S rS IJS.^^'V 73 i-i ^ s cs 0) Q> I s S 5 S i3 b 3 3 o-^- i ^ I P ^ o -^ .ti .2 :^ ^ CCOOQOQOQOOOQOOOGOOO p:; -^3 « ^ ^ .b S c ^ « 05 C £ ^ QO ^ ' *^ ^ o S ^ > O C no C3 = o c ^ *^ « .. o o ^ SjZ £ > ^ '■^ 05 -^ -5 ^ ex c -^ -a -2 03 E = "^ ^ ^ o aj fl «« ^ C! ^ « 15 *-• c ^ . -^3 ^ *r P ^ i: :S CO .- c * ^ QO -a .© ^_^ ,.^ o o 5: rt oj •^ -O "z: > r^ O -^ - ^ '^' ^ O § »- ^^ o w » ^i CO _^' p © c O 1? O «3 ♦- J- C -« 13 r- ^ " £ lis ^ a; •:: i! fcjj 1-5 o 1-5 2 l-T I ^ ^^ t; a.— cc -G © — S „ ^ £3 * <■ -S ■" «3 ^ bl) . '^ O O S •Z3 ». O "O ^ 2 l^.l "g I i ^ T3^.g = era o «£ — > o .2£; 3 is § ^ '" =2 .2 .^ - o " s:a.2.2^^ -= c "5 "s; Q- -c 15 — -3 'i^ -^ *- 1: ^ S -^ 00 « o ^ "t:; «^ © . -c ^ ^ is 03 o -^ ti 64 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L i f\ CO 1^ •^ Qi ■^ 5S lO .jg ^ QJ •€«» a S c ^ a> =3 T! JO ^ O) 0) *- bi a; ^ - © 2? »- — =? 5 •= i" .S a: Q) jj ® .^.e.-^ S3 v2 w"^ 'm ^ '-5 m P-t m ^ ■J — ] .f-l ;^ — OJ ! -^ -^ :^ .^ 1 T3 ^'^ o »> o "t: "z: ^ t: « -c SH ^^ t GO l-.?^-3te^^ l.<^ ^ -f 2 S.^ g'-a d'Sc-S s; ^ O C^« G^ i-i nil's -5.1 bE*t D-2 "— ' c c *- BO Cl I 5 S S.a2 1 03 T3 05 ^ ^ 03 •^ S ^ rt 5 O S o 03 £3 TS 00 5S O uu ai P^ © be ^ < u ai oi ^ titi bX) o ^ ^ ^ ■^ I O P^ »4S* E-^ S ^ ♦i bfl S 3 S3 © © »- 5? o o o > oQ c vi; 1 01 'T' '- i: ^- S s S 2 C ^ -fi bC m J3 Q? i fiS EC W s g Wi 2 G^ § s ^ ? 2 W W CO "* SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 65 JB j2 ^ s ^.-l -gt's^s^S^s « = -= 1 =.^ = 111" S r^ ?^^ "^ ■n ^J^ 1-v 7^ >^fi rt "^ 2; t^ r^ tif ,~ ,, — - .&« tr»._i aj-a>:^,J20fefi5T3 ^«6ca2C3o~-s^ fci)!^ fl,^ y -a ^ g^l § 2 S 11 ii i 2 ^^ § I I P P cl I H o II •= I -s-.i ? -a" £ .p i 5 ? I 2 i §• r i P 2 g e § 1 2 g I 66 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO, 1 211 . — 1 . Well, Mary, how does your little pupil progress ? 212. — 2. O, very well, we pass our evenings delightfully in reciting the elementary soimds and the combinations. 213. — 1. How do you contrive to make John understand thrse difficult lessons? 214. — 2. I teach him by example and practice. Last even- ing, after we had said our stated exercise upon the eh me nts, diphthongs, triphthongs, qnadrathongs, and musical scale, &c. 1 exercised with him upon the table of words, No. 1, 198. First we pronounced all the words in the table in a perfectly natural voice; then to make John understand the effect of pitch, I pronounced a few words, making two dis- tinct notes of the vowel sound, the last note one degree above the first, then we repeated the whole table in the same manner EXAMPLE. 7n, 7t, 7ve, 7d, 7ff, 7m, 7b, 7ck, 7dge. shl shl shl chl chl chl chl chl jl Again three degrees on the vowel. 6n, 6t, 6ve, 6d, 6ff, 6m, 6b, 6ck, 6dge. 777 77777 7 shl shl shl chl chl chl chl chl jl Next we raised four degrees, then 5, 6, 7, 8. At another time I intend to exercise him upon the sam^ table, first de- scend one degree, thus, shl shl shl chl chl chl chl chl jl 2n, 2t, 2ve, 2d, 2ff, 2m, 2b, 2ck, 2dge Three degrees, falling movement. shl shl shl chl chl chl chl chl jl 222222222 3n, 3t, 3ve, 3d, 3ff, 3m, 3b, 3ck, 3dge. Four degreeSy rising and falling. 5n, sh5 5ve, ch5 5ff, ch5 5b, ch5 5dge. 6 Q Q> Q ^ Q e> e> ^ 7 77 7^77777 shl It, shl Id, chl Im, chl Ick, jl The teacher should show the young pupil by example how to execute these lessons. It will be well at first to sound the consonants distinct from the vowel, making a long pause between them, and give a long time to each note of the vowel. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1, 67 Five degrees rising and falling, 4n, 4ve, 4fF, 4b, 4dge. 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 * 7 shl shl shl chl chl chl chl chl jl 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5t, 5d, 5m, 5ck. From time to time I shall go through with the ten tables from No. 1, 198, to 20B, that are within the ruled lines, and attend to all the powers of the voice that you have taught me, and that I can discover. 215. — 1. It was the intention to have a sing-le vowel be- tween two consonants in each word throughoiit those ten ta- bles; but we have not words enough of the kind, so I was obliged, in some of the tables, to insert diphthongs and doub- le consonants; these things you must point out to your little pupil when you are teaching him. 216. — 2. You trust me for that! and after two or three years' practice say whether I have done my duty. 217. — 1. I must now teach you something more of Ac- cent and Syllabication. Every vowel sound may be uttered in a Short or long time, Soft or loud voice, . Essential properties of Ac- Close or open tone, ' cent and Emphasis, No. 139. High or low pitch 218. Accent is that pleasing variety in speech, which we may observe in the natural *ipeaking voice in the every day concerns of life. Here nature is true to herself, and to learn of her we have only to listen. Hear the infant. Do take me, pa, a little while. No! no! child, you must go and play; and, pa must go into the field and mow down the tall grass for the cows and horses to eat in the cold winter. When will it be winter, pa.'^ 2J9. It appears natural for the voice to change from high to low, light to heavy, or long to short, every other act of utterance. But by design we can give to a series of vocal 68 SOCIAL LESSOxNS, NO. 1. sounds an equal degree of force or time to each, thus: Let " the small dot represent a slight degree of force and shortest possible time. • ••••• ••• • The larger dot more force. • •••••••• • Short line a short degree of time. Longer line a greater degree of time. Or thus. No. 1,226. 220. — 2. You know I told you some time a._.(5 that I should teach John Accent while reczting the combii»acious of the elements. I will show you how I represented it to him. This character, o, I make represent the greater stress, and dot • the less; thus, First Example of Accent. O • O • O* O • O • O • O ' o • <> • o • Second. • o • o • o • o • o • o • o* • o • • o Third, <> • • o • • o> • • o • • o • • o • • o, Ttho o O, Sthoo o First Example of the combination of four vowels or impulses, OOOO OOO/^ OOOv^ ooo( ooo) O Ooo O Ooo O Ooo O Ooo Ooo 2do svila- sail J bles. 'Fanny 1 o • o • 2. angel »o • 2- fanless o • dissvl- ^ lables. ! angk fable to. o • unmanly 'col-ony ! .J 1 • o • 1 unmanlike 3< o • • col-o-nize [ trissyl- ' lables. • o • ^ anatomy "comically 4^ • o • • anatomist 4 J "^ • • * 1 comicalness polosyl ' lables ^ • < • • < • V or interesting-ly communica-tory 5. • • < • • apprehensiveness ' communi-ca-tive • • < • • argumeritativelj o < o o o ^ disproportionably 6< o o < O o incommiinicable G, • ^-sj • v-/, • ( ? • ) 9 • o , hov^ever closely the sounds be united, i must make twenty impulses of the voice; but I should not make twenty syliabies, unless you will have it that /has two syllables, and wire, four. A vowel IS lengthened only by successive, short impulses of the voice, gliding from one to another, thus, shun, — . . .. / shut, - — Any simple syilable^may be continued at pleasure, or it may consist of a single impulse, or a single portion of sound; shun, - • ^ ,--... ^ In the progress of the voice in forming a syllable, it may continue on the same line of pitch, descend or ascend, and may almost as easily glide from one vowel sound to another, as to continue in the same, thus in the word shine, - ) > ) ^ ^ r^ rs ^ / and in the word our, /^^-n/^^^ ( ( ( ( o o o o The progress of the voice in a compound syllable may be represented thus, t-r-i-te. t-r-o-u-t. The syllable, trite, is not formed by one single impulse of the voice, but by three impulses. We can more tnily ssy of a syllable, that it is pronounced vvith a single explosion of the voice, than with a single impulse. 72 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1 227» Classification of Words for exercise in Pronunciation, Observe the construction of the words. In some of the columns you may observe single consonants between vowels^ in others two, and some three. No. 1. 1 usher 2 other utter udder upper ether either 8 inner 9 etcher azure No. 4. 1 shearing < . 2 sharing 3 shoring 4 cheering 5 choring 6 jeering 7 jarring 8 searing 9 nearinor leering No. 8. 1 empyrean . <.. . 2 empyreal 3 empyreum 4 emporium 5 imperial 6 imperious 7 injurious 8 infiirious 9 experience material ~ s^ o \ ^ o — ... o — ^ o o o o o o o • / - -- ) No 5. sheriflf <.. sherris cherish chorish cherub jurate serene seraph th'^rein thereat No. 9. imitate <. . elevate emulate animate avocate edifice episode epithet animal "No. 2. ulcer under umber upbear uptear impair ugly inky only Oiney No. 6. serious furious curious terreous glorious spurious scorious No. 10. antedate < . . antelope altitude aptitude absolute obsolete obligate abdicate advocate alcohol No. 3. monstrous iondne&s pdimphlet lanc^mark transcript scaw//ing branc/i/ess bridesmaid hroomstick milkmsLU. No. 7. chariot <.. . Harriot loriot floriage variate variance heroine No. 11. incident < . . indigent egotist egotism evident eminent adamant absonant opulent obelisk SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 7S No. 12. 1 saliyate o. . solitude navigate latitude capital comical calculate 8 maculate 9 modulate popvilate No. 16. appertain . . . o ascertain entertain intercede interpose intervene intervolve intercept intermix undersell No. 13. elation . o . evasive emotion emetick abusive recital relation rotation refusal reposit No. 17. salutary o . . .. solitary limitary military cemetery seminary nugatory dilatory lapidary secondary No. 20. 1 inestimable No. 14. inconstant . o adjustment contentment commandment decampment enchantment enhancement engagement inducement enslavement No. 18. consolidate . o. . contaminate conseminate concutenate consecutive contabulate confabulate facilitate felicitate pontificate No. 15. proposal . . o. predestine prevention production prohibit projection prolifick protector professor progressive No. 19. litigation . .o .. limitation desputation sibilation simalation dissolution vegetation delegation locomotion disposition 2 inexplicable 3 iusuflerable 4 dishonorable 5 impracticable 6 inhospitable 7 exceptionable 8 determmable 9 intolerable considerable Wbat-could-be-doue-there ? What-might-be-dene-there ^ What-would-be-done-there ? What-should-be-done-there ? 7 No. 21. criminality generality generosity incredulity ingenuity insipidity multiplicity sensibility visibility university What-can-be-done-here ? TV hat-may~be-done-here ? Whai-wiil-be-done-here ? What-shall-be-done-here ? 74 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. PREFIXES. 228. " A Prefix is a particle put before a word to change its signification." 1. BEj signifies about, by or nigh, for or beforehand. tesprinkle, feeside, fcespeak. 2. FOR, negation, privation. ybrbid, /orsake, /orbear. S' FORE, before or beforehand, to put off. foresee foreitW, /oretaste, forego ^ 230, 4. MIS, defeat or error, want of confidence. a misgo, mistake, mistrust. 6. OVER, eminency, superiority, excess, an ouermatch, to overcome^ overdo, 6. OUT, excess, excellency, superiority, place. owf number, outrun^ ow^strip, owfpost. 7. UN, privation, negation, dissolution. wwable, wwwilling, to wnlock. 8. UNDER, inferiority, diminution, privacy, secrecy. wwc^erclerk, wnc^errate, underhsinded. 9. UP, above, upwards, upper, overturn. upViit, wpcast, wpland, upset. 10. WITH, against, from or back. ivithstsindy withhold. 11. AB, or abs, from, excess, wrong. afest^in, absolve, a6hor a6use. 12. AD, to or at. to adjoin, adjacent. 13. ANTE, before. to antedate J to date before the time. 14. ANTI, against. awfimason, awftuniversalist. 15. CIRCUM, about, round. circtwwscribe, circwmloGutioii. 16. CON, with or together. connect, conjoin, conjunction. n. CONTRA, against. COUNTER, to order contrary confradance, countermand . SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 75 18. DE, motion from. to depart, decamp. 19. DI, is used to extend or lessen the sense of the simple word. to spread out, to make less, dilate, diminish. 20. DIS, privation or negation. disapprove, disagree, distress. 21. E, EX, out, out of, or off. to cast out, to shut out of, to put off. eject ejjclude, evade. ^2. EXTRA, beyond, over and beyond. beyond the due bounds, above what is common, ea^fravagance, ea7^raordinary. 23. IN, commonly signifies negation or privation. not active, not decent, to push forward, inactive, indecent, incite. 24. EN, IL, IR, IM, as, to fence in, to make furious. enclose, enrage, to deceive, to enlighten, from, i/lude, irradiate, immerge. 25. INTER, ENTER, between. to come between, to forbid, to please, in/ervene, interdict, entertain. 26. INTRO, within, to bring into or within. introduce. 27. OB, OC, OP, generally signify against. to put against, to blot out, to happen. o6ject obliterate occur. 28. PER, through, to pass through. to j^ervade. 29. POST, after, a note written after the letter. a postscript. .30. PRE, before, to place before. to prefix. 31. PRETER, beside or contrary to. contrary to the common course of nature, preternatural. * 76 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 32. PRO, forth, forward or beforehand. to bring forth, to go forward, foretell, produce, proceed, prognosticate. 33. RE, again or about, to print again. reprint 34. RETRO, backward, a looking backward. retrospect. 35. SE, out or from. to choose from, to confine from, select, seclude. 36. SUB, under, to write under. subscribe. 37. SUBTER, under, flowing underneath. sw6/erfluous. 38. SUPER, upon, over or above. to build upon any thing, to add over and above, swperstruct, st^peradd. 39. SUPER is sometimes changed to sur, surpass. 40. TRANS, over or beyond. to carry over, to go beyond, to alter. trans porty transgress , transform. 41. A or AN, privation or negation. without name, without government, anoiiymous, anarchy. 42 AMPHI, both and about. that live both on land and in water. amphibious. 43. HYPER, over and above. a critic exact b<-yor d use or reason. /i2/pe7xritic. 44. HYPO, under, one that acts under a mask. hypocrite. 45. META, boyorjd or change. chanG:e of ?-hape. mefamor.hosis. 46. PERI, about, speaking in a round about way. periphrasis. 47. SYN, SYM, with or togi^ther, meeting together; fellow feeling: synoi. si/mpatby. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 77 229. The Prefixes are of great use in formings worrls. The above list is intv^nded for your inspection; I will not obli-e you to commit them to memory in the order here plac- ed, for you already know the most of thorn, and know how to use them correctly. 230. — 2. I inf rmed pa, that I had vndertBken to instruct John; and, said he, John, you miist perform your task well and not mistake the lessons Mary constricts for you, delay- ing' to attend to what she j^roposes. If you be disposed to forego your amusements and/orsake some of your unimpor- tant exercises, and will study a/most constantly, you may^ outdo many of the boys. You will overtake Charles, and James will be wnable to mfAstand you. A LIST OF AFFIXES. Er, or, ee; ment; use; ard; ion; ance, ence; ing, ed; ness, th, ht; ship, hood; ity, nee, cy; ude; cry, ory; dom; tain; head; rick, wick; ric, wic; ian; kin, lin, ling, ock, rel, et; age; ite; ate; ret; ly; sm, ism; st, ist; ful; ive, ous; ent, nt, some; able, ible; y; en; less; like; ic; al; isb; wise; ian, an, nic; ize; fj; man. Derivation shows the manner in which derivative words are deduced from their primitives; as from the word maUy which is a radical word or root are formed many derivatives, by the use of Prefixes, Affixes and Inflection. M^n-s-nesty neth, nedy ner^ ly^ linesSy nish, kin^ kindlike, Unman-s- nest-neth, &c. 6rent/eman, gen^/eman's, gentlemen, gen- ^/emen's, gentlemdnily ^ like, ship. i^oe-man,/oe-men, fore- man, foot-cnBLn, Aorse-man, /lorse-man-s^ij?, f reed-m^n fresh- man, freshraanship, penman-s/iip, spokes-man, sportsman, tradesman, workman-ship, marksman, hang-man, head- man, churchman, clergyman, schoolman, beads-man, bow- man, bondman, boatsman, alderman-/i/-i/2/-/iA:e, townsman, statesman, fisherman, pressman, huntsman ship, country- man, tithingman, woodman, woodsman, journeyman, plough- man, furnaceman, shij-man, steersman, helmsman, watch- man, fireman, selectman, draughtsman, nobleman place- man, ferryman, coachman, husbandman, madman, bellman, craftsman. Woman, women, bondwoman, bendswoman, beadswoman, womanly, womaned, womanhater, womanhood, iTomanisb, womanishly, womanishness, wonaanise, womaa- kind. 7^ 78 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 231. AFFIXES Affixes are syllables added to words to express the differ- ent relations of 1 act or action^ 2 state or condition^ 3 char ad tr or habit ^ 4 office or employment^ 5 quality or essence ^ 6 power or capacity^ 7 diminution or deslitutiony 8 abundance or plenty, 9 likeness or inclination, skill or dexterity J &fc. 232. A TABLE EXHIBITING EXAMPLES OF DERIVATION. We derive from the word die, death. from draw, dr SiUght. write, writer; instruct, instructer-or. theology, theologis^; drove, drover. assign, assignee; 4 depend. dependant depend, dependent; 2 depend. depend ance. depend. dependence; enjoy, enjoyment enrapt. enrapture; drunk, drunkard. 3 educate, education; permit. )ermission. white, whiteness; 5 hard, lards/iip. horse. horse mans/?ip; false, false/ioocf. possible, possibil%; innocent, innocence. infinite, infinitnrfe; brave, braverj/. orator, orator?/ ; free, freedom. 2 pope. popedom; chief, chieftain. bishop. bishopWtA;; lamb, lambA:in. 7 duck. duckling; hill. hiWock. 7 flask, flaskef; sulphur, sulphuriie-eL catechist. catechism; heir, heiress. mourn, mournful; 8 instruct. instructive. study. studious; consist. consistent. tire, tiresome ; delight, delightsome. move, moveable; 6 compress. compressi6/e wealth, wealthy; lord, lordly, 9 good. goodly; strong. strongly. loving, lovingly; war, warWe. 9 ash, ashen; length. lengthen. worth. worth /ess; 7 nation. national. cbild, childish; 9 England, English. Newton, Newtonian; Plato, Platonic. house, to house; breath, breathe. accent. to accent; organ, organis^e. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 1. 79 233. In the above table are to be seen the most of the affixes, by which can be observed their use in the formatioa of words. The numbers on the right of some of the words refer to iha numb-^rs at the h- ad of the table, by which reference may be known the general meaning of most of the affixes. 234. In tliction is the variation of a word, remaining the same part of speech. 1 2 3 4 1 love hop have do 2 loves hops has d06S 3 \oveth ho]ypeth ha/A do//i, d.oeth 4 lovcsi hopjjest h'd st dosty doeth 5 lovec? ' hopptd had did 6 loveds^ hogpedst hdidst didst 5 6 7 8 1 be, am^ are write let 1 pen 2 is writes lets 2 pens 3 writetk htteth 3 pen's 4 art writest Mtest 4 pens' 5 was, were wrote let 1 peach 6 wast, w ert protest \etst 2 peaches 7 3 peach's 8 4 peaches' 235. ^^ Of Words in general ^ and the rides for Spelling them Words are articulate sounds, used by common consent, as signs of our ideas. A word of one syllable is termed a Monosyllable; a word of two syllables, a Dissyllable; a word of three syllables, a Trissyllable; and a w^ord of four or more syllables, a Poly- syllable. All words are either primitive or derivative. A primitive word is that which cannot be reduced to any simpler word in the language: as, man, good, content. A derivative word is that which may be reduced to anoth- er word in English of greater simplicity; as, manful, good- ness, contentment, Yorkshire.* *A compound word is included under the head of derivative words: as, penknife, teacup, looking glass; may be reduced to other words of greater simplicity. 80 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. ir There are many English words hich, though compounds in other langiag^s, are to us primitives: thi:s, circtnispect, circimveiit, circunistance, delude, concave, coui|>licate, &,c. primitive words in English, will be found derivatives, when trat''ed in the Latin tongue. The orthoi».ra;)h3' of the English language is attended with much uncertain ty and perplexity. B,.t a consnitrable part of thio inconvenic:nce may be remedied, by attending to the general laws of formation: and for this end, the learner is presented with a view of such general maxims in spelling primitive and derivative words, as have been almost univer- sally received. RULE 1 . Monosyllables ending vvith/, /, or s, preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant: as, staff mill, pass, &.c. The only exceptions are, of, if, as, is, has, was, yea, his this, us, and thus. RULE 2. Monosyllables ending with any consonant but /, /, or sj and preceded by a single vowel, never double the final con- sonant; excepting add, ebb, butt, egg, odd, err, inn, bunn, purr, and buzz. RULE 3. Words ending with j/, preceded by a consonant, form the plurals of nouns, the persons of verbs, verbal nouns, past par- ticiples, comparatives, and superlatives, by changing y into i: as-spy, spies; I carry, thou earnest; he carrieth, or car- ries; carrier, carried; happy, happier, happiest. The present participle in ing, retains the y, that i may not be doubled; as, carry, carrying*; bury, burying, 8lc. But y preceded by a vowel, in such instances as the above, is not changed; as, boy, boys: I cloy, he cloys, cloy- ed, &LC. except in lay, pay, and say; from which are form- ed, laid, paid, and said; and their compounds, unlaid, un- paid, unsaid, Sic. RULE 4. Words ending with j/, preceded by a consonant, upon as- suming an additional syllable beginning with a consonant, commonly change y into i; as, happy, happily, happiness. But when y is preceded by a vowel, it is very rarely chang=- ed in the additional syllable: as, coy, coyly; boy, boyish, boyhood; annoy, annoyer, annoyance: joy, joyless, joyful. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1^ 81 RULE 5. Monosyllables, and words accented on the last syllable, ending with a sing^le consonajit preceded by a single vowel, double that consonant, when they take another syllable, be- ginning with a vowel: as, wit, witty; thin, thinnish: to abet, an abettor; to begin, a beginner. But if a diphthong precedes, or the accent is on the pre- ceding syllable, the consonant remains single: as, to toil, toil- ing; to offer, an offering; maid, maiden, &c. RULE 6. Words ending with any double letter but I, and taking ness, less, ly, or fid, after them, preserve the letter double: as, harmlessness, carelessness, carelessly, stiffly, successful, distressful, &c. But those words vrhich end with double /, and take wess, less, ly, or ful, after them, generally omit one /; as fulness, skilless, fully, skilful, &c. RULE 7. Ness, lees, ly, and ful, added to words ending with silent e, do not cut it off: as, paleness, guileless, closely, peaceful; except in a few words; as, dhlv, truly, awful. RULE 8 Menl, added to words ending with silent e, generally pre- serves the e from elision; as, abatement, chastisement, in- citement, &c. The words jidgnient, abridgmeiit, acknowl- edgmei t, are deviations from th-^ rule. Like other terminations, mtni changes y into ^, when pre- ceded by a cousouant ; as, accompany, accompaniment; merry, merriment. RULE 9. Able and ibh, when incorporat'^d into words ending with silent e, almost always cut it off: as, blaae, bi^nsble; cure, curable, sensi^ sensible, &c. but if c or g- soft comes before c in the original word, the e is then preserved in words compounded with able; as, change, changeable; peace, peaceable, &c. RULE 10. Wh ;n ing or ish is added to words ending with silent e, th<* 6 is almost universally omitted: as, place, placing; lodge, lodging; slave, slavish; prude, prudish. RULE 11. Compound words are generally spelled in the same man- ner as the simple words of which they are^ formed; as, foot, ball, windmill, bulldog, thereby, hereafter." 83 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1, 236 . All the words derived from the same root or radi- cal may be said to constitute a family of words. I have taken pains to collect a few such families that you may have an extensive idea of the formation of words. EXAMPLES OF DERIVATION. 237. The word duct is derived from the Latin word dwco, which signifies to lead; duce is from the same root. Duct and duce are the roots to many English words, which the following table will plainly show. No. DUCT. i)educt-s-est-eth-ed-ing-er-ioo. C£);?dnct or-ress-ion-itious> Product ion-ive-wess-ile. JR educt-\oi\-\\ e-ly , Subdaci ion. induct- ion- ive-/y. Super'm^\uct\on, superinduce. Pro-duct-ion-ive-ne5s Unconducted. UnprodncUwe-ness. Circufnduci'ion^ 1. DUCE. Aqueduct. Z)educe-s-st-th-d r-ing-ment-ive. Co/iduce-ment weness ihle-ness Prnduc%.'Weut-'i\e-nesS''ih\e-ntss^ i?cduce ment, \b\e-nes8, Siihduce. Induce meni, ible. Obduce tion. •Adduce turn, ive, iblc, nt. jEc/uce, tion. Mduce, tor, tion. Seduce- tion, nieiit, tive, iblc. /wtrodnce tion^ \wc-ly. C^?/ conducting. Adduce^ tion, tive, ible, nt. Unr(d\\ced-'\h\Q-XiCB^. /rr.. ducible. C/wsednced. Unintrodxkccd. No. 2. DEJECT, To cast down; to afflict'^ low spirited, JDejoct, s, est, eth, ecl-iv, ing, er, or, ure, ion, ory, ly. 06jpct, s, est, eth, fd-Zz/, inar, er, ion-a6/e, iiv e-ness-ly. Abject^ s, est, eth, en, ino, er; abject- ly. Adject, s, est, eth, ed. ing, er, ion, tive-ly, itious. Conjecture^ s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ural-/i/, urable. ProJLct, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion, ure, ment, ile. i?6J^^ct, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion, able, aneous,(not chosen.) jGject, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion, ment. iSw^ject, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, jou, ive-ly, /nject, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion. Interject, s, est, eth, ed, insr, er, ion. Unobjeciiormbkf without fault, SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 83 No. 3. ABJURE, To swear not to do, or not to have something. ^6jure, s, st, th, d, ing, r-s, ment-s, ation-s. f Abjure, Adjure^ s, st, th, d, ing, r, ation-s. | Abjure*. Injure, s, st, th, d, ing, r, ious- Inflection. | Abjures^, ness, iously. | Abjure/A. Conjure, s, st, th, d, ing, r, ment-s. (^ Abpred, C Abjurinor-er, Derivation. < Ahywement, ( Abjuration. No. 4. ABRUPT, Broken J sudden; to disturb, ..4&rupt, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion, ness, ly. Corrupt, s, est, eth, ed,'ing, er, ress, ion, ness, Ij, ible-ness. Cor'^u,>t-fT, est, ive-W6S5, less, /^icorrupt, ed, ion, ive, ibi«-?i6S5, ibilitj. /rrupti<)n, ive, bursting forth . /nferrupt, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion, edly. Uncorrupted-ness, ness, ible, r/mnferrupted^ ly, unmoved^ calm. No 5. SCRIBE, A writer; to fit one thing to another. Scribe, s, st, th, d, ing, r, ations; scribble, s, st, th, d, ing". Circwmscri66, (to vi^rite around,) circ?*niscripti6/e-ion, ive-ly. Describe, (to mention the properties of things) r, ption-iue-/y. Inscribe, (to write on any thing,) r, piion-tive'ly. Jndescribable, cannot be described. Prescribe, (to order) pt, (direction, model prescribed) ion, ive Proscribe, (to doom to destruction,) r, ption, ive. Subscribe, (attest by writmg the name,) pf-ion, ive. Superscribe, to write on the top or outside. TVanscri^e, (to copy,) pt-ion, ive-ly. Conscript, (a Roman senator,) ion, an enrolling. No, 6. Jnfercept, s, est, eth, ed, ing, er, ion. Inception, ive, or, (beginning.) Conception, ions, ive, ible, acle. Deception, ions, ive, ible, ibility, cry. Precept, ion, ive, or, ory, ial. 84 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L No. 6. FORM, To make out of materials. Form, s, est, eth, ed, ing', er-Jy, ation, al-ly-ize, ative, ful, ication, idable-i/ ness, less, osity, (beauty,) ula-ry. JBiform-ity, with two parts. TWform, with three parts. Conform, able-i/, ation, ist, ity, unconhxxnahle. JGwforra, to fashion, direct. /wtbrin, (to instruct,) Sihly-ity^ ant, ative, ation, idable, ous. Mishrm^ (to put into an ill form,) er. ikZi^mform, (to give a wrong account,) ation, er. Outform^ external appearance. Perform, (to execute,) able, ance. Reform, (to form again.) ation, alize, er, ist. Transform, (to change,) ation. Unii'orm, alike; regimental dress of a soldier. Other tables of this kind may be made by Ihe pupil, 237. DIRECTIONS. Recite the examples of simple sjliables 222: compound syllables. What is meant by a simple syllable? by a com- pound one? 221. What is said of the accent of compound syllables? 223, 24. Read the examples under 224. Read what is represented under 226. Recite the words in class No. 1, 227, in a low voice, both syllables on the same degree. Again, raising the last two degrees, now three, now four, five, six, seven, eight. Re- cits No. two in the same way. No. three. Now in a fall- ing movement. How many consonants in each word in No. 1? No. 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9? 10? How many syllables in No. 9? No. 15} 17? 20? Recite No. four with the ris- ing movement thus: ing, ing, ing, ing. r r r r shea sha sho cho No. five in the same way. No. six and seven. Now the same in the falling movement. shea sha sho cho r r r r ing, ing, ing, ing Recite No. 9 with the rising movement. No. 10, 11, 12. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 85 238. MODULATION OF THE VOICE. *^ To modulate signifies to form sound to a certain key 9r to a certain note." A proper modulation of the voice in speaking and reading requires a ready command 'of all its powers in relation to quality J force^ time and pitch. You may assume any degree of the natural scale (No. 1, 7! /) within the compass of the voice, for the key, and mod- ulate or vary it from this key note, to suit the accented syl- lables and emphatic words, and all the nice shades of thought. Pronounce the words on the 73d page from No. 12 to 15^ and modulate the voice so that the middle syllable shall be one degree above the first and last, thus, FIRST EXAMPLE OF MODULATION. i i i Keij note. Sal vate, sol tude, nav gate. SECOND EXAMPLE. i i i Key note. Sal sol nar vate, tude, gate. THIRD EXAMPLE. sol tarn Key note. Con i con i date, nate. FOURTH EXAMPLE. ble? Interrogation, ma es ti Key note. In es ti ma ble. Monotone^ es ti ma ble. A proper cadence. ^^A cadence is a fall of the voice at the end of a sentence." Every sentence does not close with a cadence or falling movement, but either rising or falling according to the sense; which any one may observe by noticing the best speakers and readers, or the natural voice. 8 86 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. L 239. THE SCHOLAR'S 1 2 3 4 5 Shuu iShut Shove Chud Chuff to avoid to close to push to champ a coarse. Shuns Shutter Shovel-cr-8 to bite fat headed Shunnest Shuttle Shovelboard 9 clown. Shunneth Shuttlecock Shovelard Justify Chnffily Shunned Windowshutter a bird Juaily-ness surlily Shunning Shut the door Fire shovel Justice Chuftiness Shunner Shut your hand Iron shevel Injustice c/f,w>,ishntss Shunless I shut him up Shove the boat Unjustifiable Chuffy Nation It shuts by Shove the cart Rejadge, &c blunt, fat As soon as a child can make the letters I would have him commence writing words. Let the words be taken in reg- ular order from the tables, commencing at No. 1, 198, that are within the ruled lines. At first set the top line in a good fair hand, and let kim copy the same word. Tell him the meaning and use of the word, and let him have no other spelling lesson until the whole thousand words with all their derivations are well understood. Older scholars that can write well, might have a portion of each day for this lesson. From their dictionaries they might select the derivations, and write them like the example above. Or the derivations might be prepared by the teacher or one of the scholars, and written upon the black board, from which the whole class might copy them, first on the slate, and then inta the word book. I have had some classes manifest great in- terest in writing their word books in this way. Some words in the tables referred to above will be found to be of little use; let the columns where they occur be left blank, to be filled with more important words, as in the ex- ample above. No. 4 and 6, are not important words, or have not derivations to fill the space, leaving room to insert some derivations from No. 9, which are words that should be well understood. It will be found upon trial that very small children will delight in the study of words in this way, but one thing must be observed; not to require too much at first. Five radical words with their derivations would be quite enough, until the mind becomes firmly fixed upon the lesson. While writing the first hundred let all the preced- ing words be repeated each day: the same course should be SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 1. 87 WORD BOOK. 8 Cbuua Chub Chuck Judge Jut a chamber a river to make a to decide; to project fellow fish, the noise like one who beyond the They were chevin a hen; to can discern main body merry chams Chubbed laugh; a truth Jutty 9 big headed pat under Judger-ing a kind of Judicia/- Chubby the chin meiit'hall' pier cious-Zy- Chubfaced Chuckle seat-day Jut-window ness. Just having a to fondle Misjudge ex tending Unjust fat face 'Jhuckfarthiag Prejudge from a No. 4. Ne. 6. building _j pursued with the second hundred, and the first hundred be repeated once or twice in a week. A mutual examination of the word book makes a very profitable exercise. Suppose you have a class often, let No. 10 give his book to No. 1, No. 9 give his book to No. 10, No. 8 to No. 9, No. 7 to No. 8, and so on, then let the faults m penmanship^ orthog^ raphy, &c. be noticed; let the words be spelled and defined, and sentences be made from them thus: Frank you must shun bad examples. Shut your books boys. Do not shove me off the seat, James, This would be learning language methodically and pleasantly. After the first hundred words are learned, I woul.l by all means indulge pupils in making Associations with the words of the second hundred, &(i. Every association they make must be a mental exercise; and to make a proper as- sociation they must know the meaning of the words used for that purpose. EXAMPLE OF ASSOCIATION. The first word is shun. In the second hundred the first word is sheath or sheathe. How can we shun the evil of unsheathing the sword? In making Associations use any form of the word you please. When the third table is commenced, associate the three words thus: shun , sheathe ^ chaise. He SHUNNED US bccttuse toe carried a sti^ord-SHEATH in the CHAISE. It may^be known in which hundred a word belongs by the vowel sound. 88 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 239. A series of Sentences in which each vowel sound comes before every consonant sound^ except the 1 ith and V2th. Theij are to he read with nice attention to articulation and VARIETY of voice. The capitals and points are design- edly omitted. under the M-sA-er's care 1 being s-w-c/i as I like 2 go with u-s there now 3 so qu-o-tk the hx 4 now u-n lock doors 5 the h-M-/ totters 6 how ro'ti'gh it is 7 the r-w-m kills them 8 now T'U'b it smooth 9 what a h-U'ck he is what a confu-s-to-n here he is ^yu-dge there see that {-u-zz upon it I thought of O'th-er themes now he l-w-//-s to repose his C'U'd i'^ soft he is C'O-v-enng it I'll come up witii him her wing h u-ng dangling misers h-u-g their gold The second Vowel sound before each Consonant sound. I w-i-s/i so too 1 a W'i'tch she was 2 that wh-i-s-tle again 3 I w-i-the the fence 4 .1 W'i-n the heart 5 a \Y-i-t they hate 6 a wh-i-^'he smokes 7 that wh-i-m they had 8 a T'i'b he cooked 9 the W'i'ck they light I am at 1-ei-s-ure now a long s-ie-ge truly he s-ee-s all of us now sh-ea-the the sword the live ee-l is limber he did a d-ee-d delightful every e-ve 1 sing keep w-66-p-ing Peter I'm s-ee-ing them it fat-i-g'-ues me The third Vowel sound before each Consonant sound. all Q-e-sh decays 1 see the a-z-ure sky the wr-e-tch killed it 2 hand a eft-air John the w-e-s-t and east 3 he pr-ay-s with spirit he \ov-e-th our nation 4 now m-ay th.ey do it so send the e-n-d of it 5 this fine a-le he sent me you fr-e-t too much 6 will you ai-d me in this what e-;^-ect has it 7 the w-a-^-c-of the sea now rem-e-?w-ber well 8 he is a-p-ish enough how it e-bb'S & flows 9 he is w-eigh-^ng it out this is e-a?-tra fine that is a g-ood fellow SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 89 The fourth Vowel sound before each Consonant souTid. the s-a-sh shatters 1 do as you would they m-a-tch well 2 doct be a-g-itated so the 1-a-ss says so 3 I do as he does now he h-a-th done it 4 I r-a-th-er do it I had a-n apple 5 I sh-a-ll do it then I ate a-t Ann's 6 I have a-dd-ed them it w-a-f-ts me o'er 7 ye h-a-v-Q violated it he says I a-m to do it 8 ye h-a-pp-ified them he was a-6-sent then 9 the h-a-ng^ing nests do not a-c-t so dear an old h-a-g came along^ The fifth Vowel sound before each Consonant sound, my p-a sA-ows him 1 our m-a '5, ye shall my p-a cA-eers him 2 our m-a,*/-ane, is here my p-a s-ees him 3 our m-a-'s house is here my p-a fA-inks of me 4 our m-a th-en told her my p-a n-amed him 5 our m-a Z-oves her my p-a /-ells him 6 our m-a d-id it for her my p-a/-eeds him 7 our m-a r-eiled her my p-a )7i-eans him 8 our m-a p-itied her my p-a 6-oughthim 9 that m-a hig again! my p-a c-aught him our m-a g--reeted her The sixth Vowel sound before each Consonant sound. how w-ash yours 1 where w-a-s yours before how w-a-fcA-ed he 2 where the Ua-w he fulfilled how w-ast thou then 3 where he awes him often how wr-o-/A he was 4 they awe th-em now how w-a-w he was 5 here the l-aw-n one knew how! w-o-/ye not then 6 has he wr-ou-ght it since how S'O-f't it was 7 where I s-aw T-irtuous Jane how o-w-nipotent 8 where p-aw-p-ers are how o-6-jectionable9 he was p-aw-^ng sometimes how his O'X did pull where he s-ait'-g'-old once 8* 90 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1 The seventh Vowel sound before each Consonant sound. for s-o why so why did the so why take an oa why will no- why will the to-i why! So- why so why so so why so s-he said c/iarming ciety do it th then •ne name it /al come so •p/iia, t!o so! many of us -6er Boles careless 1 beneath the o 2 now shoiv 3 now he shoiv- 4 now they owe 5 now ro- 6 now the doe 7 xiow the CO 8 now I ho- 9 now he's ho- now the ro -s-ier willow George a little s^them well Ih^m more // them over rfove down ■ve comes pe you'll do it -'ng- the corn gue goes off Tlie eighth Vowel sound before each Consonant sound. ( he ought to he ought to he ought to his old too- he ought to he ought to he ought to he ought to he ought to he ought to sAow them 1 choose them 2 soothe them 3 'ih was loose 4 noon them 5 toinh them 6 /ool them 7 move them 8 6oothe them 9 cook them < bring who-se ye will bring two James said bring whose did ye say? bring the soo-f/iing balm bring the foo-/ to shame bring the {oo-d soon bring the too t?ain to repent bring the &ho-p to mooring melt the tivo-ingots bring tivo good things The ninth Vowel sound before each Consonant sound. ) ) 1 2 3 4 your ewe she used your cue c/iarmed us your excuse is good but hiv think of it you kneiv none of us your tu-toT used it but kwfee] so now you assit-me too much 8 your cu-be does well 9 the Du'ke used it 6 7 what a confa- what a hw what! refw- but few your vu- your due your creiu your pw- your sue- your gew- sion here ge chain se to do it thdit used it le is to do it ddiiXy claims it t-alues its use -pils purify it 'ng* him did it ■g-aws gain it X SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1. 91 The tenth Voivel sound before each Consonant sound, o o here she is 1 is it her-s ye want go to chur-c/i with her 2 I won't ur-^e him now she nur-ses her 3 I think he err-s very much think of the e^r-ih then 4 I go fur-ther than he I will ear-?i it then 5 now unfur-/ the sails do not hiir-t him 6 we all hear-d him say so lay th?^ tur-f round 7 now cur-ve it a little how fir-m it is * 8 this mur-wiurer's term he must be cur-bed in 9 he is fi?^-'ng the house beauties of Kir-ke White you sir gave it to me 241. DIRECTIONS AND QUESTIONS. Mention some of the prefixes. Some of the affixes. What is a prefix? 228. What is an affix? What is the use of affixes? 23!. What is inflection of words? 234. What are words? 235. LiSt the teacher direct as he pleases in the rules of Spellings What may all the words derived from the same root or radical be called? 236. Mention some words derived from duct and duce, from ject^ jitrcy rupt^ scribe^ ceptjform. What do you understand by modulation^ 238. Pronounce the examples given and others of your own selecting. Describe trie manner in which the Word-book is to be used. Give other examples of association. Read the ♦examples 240. I wish you to make some tables, in which each vowel sound shall come after every consonant, ** All nature is but art unknown to thee; All chance direction whicJi thou can;^t not see; All disicori, harmony not understood; All patrial evil, universal good. And spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, On« truth is clear, Whatever is, is n'g/if." SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. Of the Main Principles of Language and Parts of Speech 1. FIRST MAIN PRINCIPLE. EVERY THING MUST HAVE A NAME. 2. — 1. Mary, we have two kinds of names. 3. — 2. I have noticed that. The same name maj stand for a whole race of animals, or kind of objects, or for a sin- gle being or thing. 4. — 1. Please give a few examples. 6, — 2 Beings, spirits, man, beast, fish. — Common names. ") William, John, Maine, Boston. -- Proper names. J 6. — 1. The name, animal, is common to all creatures that breathe. The name, man, is common to the whole race of human beings, or to any person of the male kind. The name, brute, is common to all animals except man. The name, fowl, is common to all animals that have wmgs, and claws, a bill and feathers. Be so good as to give several examples of proper names or nouns. No. i2, 73. 7. — 2. Benjamin, James, George, Charles. ^ Masculine gander, Caroline, Elizabeth, Mary, Maria. > Feminine geudfer. Providence, Hartford, New- York. ) Neuter gender. 8. — 1. Now, if you please, I will hear some examples of common names or nouns. No. 2, 5. 9. — 2. Man, gentleman, master, boy, lad. \ Masculine gender. ^ Woman, lady, niistiess, girl, sister. ( ^eminine gender, People, folks, company, children. ^ ComaioB gender. Knife, handle, blade, spring, edge. J iNeuter gender. 10. — 1. Any one must see a great convenience in having words to denote the different sexes, as well as words that will apply to either. Mention other names: some that will signify one of a kind, and some that will signify more than one. 11. — 2. Book, essay, muff, watch, wish, cargo. ) Singular number. Books, essays, muffs, watches, wishes i Plural number. 12. — 1 Mary, I wish you would uo^ be quite so particu- lar to select such hard names, by and by we can better at- tend to these nice distinctions. Please try again. SOCIAL LESSONSy NO. 2. 9^ 18. — 2. Tree, root, trunk, body, limb, branch, ") One. Trees, roots, trunks, bodies, iiu^bs. 3 ^^'oic than one. 14. — I. That will do better. Mention the parts of a clock in the singular and plural number, the parts of a house, of a garden, the things that grow in a garden. Mention the names of some of the parts and places of a city or town, the names of some things seen in the market, in the street, in ?. hard-ware store, in a jeweller's shop or store, in a tai- lor's shop, in a fancy store. 15. SECOND MAIN PRINCIPLE. EVERY OBJECT HAS PROPERTIES OR QUALITIES. Here is an apple, mention some of its qualities. 16. — 2. Large, great, smooth, soft, tender, white, light, \ Adjec- sraall, little, rough, hard, tough, red, heavy. ) lives. 17. — 1. Qualify a pen, a peach, a quince, an orange? lemon, squash, cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon, bean? wasp, fly, dog, house, fish, eel^ snake. 18. THIRD MAIN PRINCIPLE. EVERY THING IS, HAS, AND DOES. 19. I will place the book on the table. Can that book move itself .^ It merely remains, stays, exists: it is.' Strike your hand against it. There! now ivhat ivas done? The book teas moved by the knock of your hand; and of course you or the power of your arm icas the cause. Thou didst move the book! What else canst thou move? 20. The pen is. The pencil is. The brush is. J is ^ The pen has powers .The pencil has. The brash has > has. > Verbs. The pen does it. The pencil dues it. The brush does, j does. ) 21. Be,- have, do. }^ y ,^ C Present tense or time. Was, bad, did. > ** c ^^^^ tens(^ or time. Being, having, doing. ) Present participles, i Derivpd frora Been, had, done. 5 Pertect Participles. { verbs. I would, as far as possible, keep the scholar's mind fixed upon objects, rather than words. No. 2, 134. Let it be the aim of the teacher to enlighten the mind of the young pupil, rather than to load it with technical terms that cannot reach the understanding, No. 3, 22, 94 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 22. AUXILIARY VERBS. 1 Could, implies power, 2 Might, liberty, possibility. 3 Would, willingness, inclination, determination. 4 Should, necessity, obligation. 5 Did. 6 Do. 7 Shall, similar to No. 4. 8 Will, 3. 9 May, 2. 10 Can, 1. 11 Must, implies obligation. No. 3, 66, 73. No. 4, 11. 23. We can make three Conjugations by the union of the auxiliaries and the verb to be, to have, and to do. 1st conjugation. 2d conjugation. 3d conjugation. 1 could be. 1 could have. 1 could do. 2 might be. 2 might have. 2 might do. 3 would be. 3 would have. 13 would do. 4 should be. 4 should have. 4 should do. 5 was. 5 had. 5 did. 6 am. 6 have. 6 do. 1 shall be. 7 sball have. 7 shall do. 8 will be. 8 will have. 8 will do. 9 may be. 9 may have. 9 may do. 10 can be. 10 can have . 10 can do. 11 must be. 11 must have. 11 must d©. 24. Recite the PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 1st per, singular. I my mine me 2d per. plural. We our curs us 2d per. singular. Thou thy thine thee 2d per. plural. Ye your yours you 3d per. singular. He his his him 3d per. singular. She her hers her 3d per. singular. It its it 3d per. plural. They their theirs them themselves. Coran. These words are used instead of nouns. myself J ourselves f Comme* thyself ( gend«r. yourselves J himself. Mas. ) herself. Fem. f Gem itself Neuter. ( dfiFc 80CL4L LESSONS, NO. 2. 95 26. First person denotes the person speaking. Second person denotes the person spoken to. Third person denotes the person spoken of. 1st 2d, 3d. I speak to thee about him. 26. — 1. Mary, what did you do to the book just now? Subject. AflSrmation. Predicate. f7. — 2, Proposition. I moved the book. Simple sentence , Agent. Verb. Object. 28. — 1 You may make some simple sentences by asso- eiatihg the pen with the pronouns. AN EXERCISE UPON THE PERSONAIi PRONOUNS. 29 — 2. T own this pen. It is my pen- It is mine. It belongs lo me, for I bought it myself. We Thou Ye He She Ii They our ours ihf thine your yours his his her hers their theirs ).— 1. Now write the same lesson interrog-atitely. We Thou Ye He She It Tkey our ours thy thine your yours his his her hers US we ourselves- tbee thou tbyself- you ye yourselTei him he himself. her she herself. it it itself. them they themselves to me? Did I buy it mrself? us we ourselves? ti:ee thou thyself? you ye vourselves? him he himsem her she herself? it it itself? them tLey themselves? 32. — 1. What word can you insert instead of the word, this? what instead of pen? what instead of belong? what instead of buy? Please •onjugate the first sentence iu the 29th lesson. S3. — 2. 1 I could own this pen. 1 2 might it 2 3 Would Read we, 3 4 should instead of 1. 4 5 did A^ow ye, 5 6 do JSTow they, 6 7 shall How many 7 8 will simple sen- 8 9 may tences in 9 10 can this lesson, 10 11 must JVa27. 11 Thou couldst own this pen. mightst it wouldst Which word shoHldst is the agent? didst dost sbalt wilt xuayst canst must which the ob^ jectl Emphasise the subject 9 the affirma- tion, the predicate. 34. — 1. 1 It could be my pen. 1 2 ipigbt be mine. 2 3 \^ou1d be 3 4 should be 4 It could be mine. DTiight be my pen. would be should be. SG SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 35 — 1. What have you in your hand^ Mary? 36. — 2, An apple, sir. 37. — 1. What kind of an apple is it? 38. — 2. It is a sweet apple, large, red, tender, juicy. 39. — 1. Hoiv sweet is it? 40. — 2. It is very sweet, pretty sweet, quite sweet. 41. — 1. What is John doing? 42.-- 2. He is writing, looking, moving, thinking. 43. — 1. How does he write? 44. — 2. He writes well, neatly, elegantly, beautifully. 45. — 1. How ivell does he write? 46. — 2. He writes very well, sir, uncommonly correct. 47. — 1. What else is very sweet besides the apple? What else can John do vei^y well besides write? 48. How much sugar did your pa purchase? 49. — 2. Ttventy pounds J or a box of it, a large quantity. 50. — L How many yards of silk did he buy? 5L — 2. Two or three yards, a few yards, several yards. 52. — 1. Mention the first main principle of Language, No. 2, 1. What is the second? No. 15. What is the third? No. 18. 54 FOURTH MALN PRINCIPLE. OBJECTS HAVE DIFFERENT DEGREES OF QUALITY, AND DIF- FERENT MANNER OF BEING, HAVING, AND DOING. C These are ^ood apples. Pos. J degree. How good? < Th<-se are better apples than those. Compr. > ^o. 2, C '1 hese are the best in town. Super. 3 16. 55. r It does wsll. ^ - C P^^'tJ^e. J ^ Ho»v wel ? / Tt does h(ttt r than that- > i < Cori.parative. > j^ ^^^ '137 (It does the 6es^ of any 3 .^(Superlative. ^ ' ' 56. r A pouTid, f bushel, a gallon, a cord. J Qnantitv How much? < 7wo pounds, two bushels, two gallons. V ,,^J « ?« (Some, a part, a iittle, the whole. j^ ' ' 57. rOne, two three, four, five, six, seven. J> tv ^^hej. How many? < ^ few, several, a n uit tude, a legimeiit. / tvq 3 1*5 ( Every one, each, all, none. 5 ' ' ' SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. i8. FIFTH MAIN PRINCIPLE. t? AN OBJECT MUST OCCUPY SPACE OR PLACE, EITHER TO BE, TO HATEj OR TO DO. f Somewhere. I Anywhere, Where? Here. There. ^ Aowhere. I Everywhere. [ Elsewhere. Relatives of place. ' No. 5, 74. 59. SIXTH MAIN PRINCIPLE. EVERY ACTION REQUIRES SOME TIME. When? Now. Then. ^ 1 Before that time. 2 Until that time. 3 When it is or was. 4 While it is doing. 5 After that time. 6 Since that time. Relatives of time. SEVENTH MAIN PRINCIPLE. ACTIONS MUST BE REASONABLE OR UNREASONABLE. Why? Because. Therefore. Wherefore. For. Relatives of Reason- 60. EIGHTH MAIN PRINCIPLE. EVERY SENTENCE MUST BE EXPRESSED AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY, 61. I could be, I could have, I could do. Affirmation, I could not be, I could not have, I could not do. Negation. 62. NINTH MABV PRINCIPLE. EVERY DECLARATIVE SENTENCE M;AY BE CHANGED TO AN INTERROGATIVE ONE, EITHER BY CHANGING THE POSI- TION ©F THE WORDS OR BY THE SLIDES OF THE VOICE. 63. I could be writing. Declarative sentence. I could be writing ? Question by sliding the voice upwards. Could I be writing? Question by changing the position of the agent ;I could not be writing. ^ I could not be writing? V Negative sentences* .Could not I be writing ? ) 9« SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 21. 64. TENTH BIAIN PRINCIPLE. EVERY SENTENCE MUST EXPRESS CERTAINTY oA UNCERTAIN- TY, BE EXPRESSED CONDITIONALLY OR UNCONDITIONALLY. 65. I could have been writing. Certainty. Perhaps I could have been writing. Uncertainty, Were it necessary I would write. Condition. 66. — 1. Mary, you know that children are directed to do this, that, and the other, by their parents and masters. Do you ever command your parents to do things for you.^ 67. — 2. I ask them to assist me. They command me to do many things for ^feem and for myself, and others. C sweep the floor. ^ impera. 68. My mother said to me, Mary, < wash the cups. \ J^;x ( dress the children ) 69. I swept the floor and washed the cups. ^ indicative mooj. 70. This cup will break if I let it fall. > Subjunctive uood. 71. I ought to work J to seiv, to knity to study. ) infinitive mood. 72, — 1. A pen is a pen Identical Proposition. No. 1, 118 A pen is elastick. Instructive Proposition. QUESTIONS AND DIRECTIONS. I'S. Repeat the main principles of Language. How ma- nf kinds of names have we? No. 2, 2. Give me some ex- simples of common names, of proper names. What are names called? 5. To what is the name animal common? Give examples of proper names denoting masculine gender, feminine gender, neuter. 7. Now common names of the masculine gender, feminine, common gender, neuter. How many genders have words? Name them. 9. What gender is man? woman? people? knife? Give examples of nouns that will mean one of a kind ? Now some that will signify more than one. 1 1. When is a name in the singular num- ber? When it means one. 13. When the name means more than one in what number is it? Tell me some of the ways of forming the plural number from the singular. 11, 74, What are those words called that are used instead of nouns? 24. Kecite the personal pronouns. Now those ili the first person singular, first person plural. Second per- »3CIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 99^ son singular, plural; third person singular, masculine gen- der, third person singular, feminine, third person singular, neuter, third person plural, masculine, feminine and neuter. What does the first person denote? second? third? 25. Give examples of sentences in the first person singular, first person plural, second person singular, second person plural, third person singular, masculine gender, feminine, neuter, third person plural. When you say, I walk, I am, I jump, which word is the agent? 27. When you say, I strike a boy, I strike a girl, I strike a dog, which word is the verb ? When you say, I strike a boy, I thump a boy, I knock a boy, which word is object? When you say, that house is my prop- erty, that is my barn, that is my horse, which word denotes possession? What do you mean when you say, that horse is. mine, that house is mine, all these things are mine? (I mean the same as if I should say, that house is my house.) 75. What is the second main principle of language ? No. 2, 15. What do you call those words joined to nouns to ex- press the qualities of objects? 16. No. 3, 4. Give me some examples in the positive degree. 55. In the comparative, in the superlative. Have you noticed how the comparative is generally formed from the positive ? Compare some object that is a male with a female. (Women are more beautifiil than men.) Compare the first person singular with the sec- ond person singular. (I am richer than thou, I am prouder than thou, &c.) Art thou better than I? Art thou happier than I? How can you make other comparisons of the pro- nouns? Now compare some things of the neuter gender, making use of pronouns that imply possession. (My gown is handsomer than thine. Mj gown is handsomer than your bonnet.) What two things are compared? What word is- used to compare them? What part of speech is it? In what degree of comparison is the adjective ? Give me some exam- ples now in the superlative degree. (I picked the best rose on the bush, the best apple on the tree, the best watermelon on the vine.) What else could you pick from a vine? 76 What is the third main principle of language ? 18. What do you call those words that express being, having, or doing? 20. Give some example of the simple being of some objects, in the singular number. (The pen is. 20.) Now ^Uiral. (The pens are.) Now in past time, singular Bum- too SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. ber. Now plural. 21. When you saj the pens were, whicli word is agent? Is it singular or plural? Does the verb re- late to present, past, or future time? Give some example of future time. (I shall be.) What or who else shall be? 77. Repeat the auxiliaries 22. What does couldy im- ply? Tell me what thou couldst be. What thou couldst have. What thou couldst do. Who else could be, have, and do the same? What do you mean when you say, *^ I eould knit?" What couldst thou not be, have, or do? (I could not be a tree,) V-^ 3 • ^ N •XJ 1 ^\ o c =* \ ns 1 a ^ .^ N f q; ^ bo ^ ^ ^ a 3 • ! ( g \^ > \ ^ ^ ; ^- I - • o ( rt D,^ ^ ^ ^:^ - c,^ ff^^ -^ -- ^ 2' bJD — a \ G \ *- o «3 ( bc\ ^\ ^ — N C5 - ^ C ) -^^ I ^ ) bo\ fl ) a^ s-^ S-- i- M § H \ < 1 ^c o -+j Sh cd fe J 10=^ bo Oh >4 -C3 114 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2 135, What word in the French language expresses the same relation as the word ^' this," in English? What word in Latin the same? In Greek? No. 2, 134. What word in French expresses the same idea that the word ''large," does in English? What one in Latin? in Greek? What is the object called in French, which the Eng- lish call '' apple?" What in Latin? in Greek? How is the idea of existence expressed in French, &lc? How is the sen- sation, sweet, expressed in French, Slc? The object of these examples in French, Latin, and Greek, is to impress the pupil's mind with a general view of Lan- guage. The teacher of course will give such directions as is deemed proper. Would it not be well for the student in the Languages to be required to construct other similar sen- tences, and to translate them into all the different languages which it is intended he shall learn? Let the sentence be va- ried, thus: " That small peach was verij sour.'^^ 136. Pa, said John, what name has a Frenchman for what we call a hoiisel What would a Spaniard call a housel What would a Dutchman call it? What would a Grecian? An Italian ? An Arab ? Little John had learned his perfect alphabet, and as his father answered his questions he wrote down the words that he might not forget them. At another time, said he, pa, I remember the words you told me the other day, now will you tell me by what name a Frenchman calls what we call a cottage? What does a Spaniard call one? What does a Dutchman, &c? At another time he in- quired the name of a door, in the different languages: then of a window: of a chimney, &cc. until he had learned the names of the different kinds of buildings, the parts of them, and of many pieces of furniture. I know it will be thought strange that / should presume to point out a method of learning the Languages, but the plans pursued in the schools at present appear so unnatural that I feel anxious that some one should do something more than has yet been effected. To keep a child for years learn- ing his Latin and Greek, turning his dictionary from end to end, looking out his words promiscuously, in my opinion is bordering hard upon crueUij. I found this opinion upon the belief that the Languages may be so harmonized and so SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 115 taught ^s to save a very great amount of labour in the ac- quisition of them. VVho is to do it? Rather ask^ if ye be not already convinced, whether it can be done! That set- tled, let the means be proportionate to the immense impor- tance of the subject. Is it possible that ten languages may be learned with as little labour as has generally been be- stowed upon the acquisition of only the Latin and Greek? May it not hereafter be as common for children to put such questions to their parents as master "John'^ put to his "pa," and have them answered, as it is now for a College graduate to be able to converse freely in more than three languages? You are vain! you are visionary! Do you "behold the Steam- boat? that cotton mill? Have you seen that beautiful little machine that will cut and set card teeth all at once, without hand or finger? What! seen all these things! And do not believe that Language can be improved! Reasoning unphi- losophical! inconsistent! and which the spirit of the present age utterly forbids. REMARKS ON THE PARTS OF SPEECH. 1 would teach a child the parts of speech in the same way I would leach it the names, properties, motions, and useis of the thiogs first introduced to its notice. When actual necessity requires that the term noun be given to the names of the objects the child has learn- ed, I would introduce it to the mind with the same caution that a wise ruler would lay a tax upon his subjects. I would say nothing of the adjective until the child well understands the actual proper- ties of many objects; nothing of the verb until it has been made ac- quainted with many actions. A child may converse understandingly of objects and their properties, of actions, and the manner of ac- tion, of place, time, and reason of action or rest, when it would sicken at the sound, noun, adjective, verb, and adverb. Say thus to the child, Let me hear you speak some names of fruit, as apple, peach. The child will begin, and mention seyeral names, and while the objects and the names of them are upon the mind, I would apparently accidentally tell the child, that such words ^Y^ cdWedi nouns, noire quiring it to be recollected; and in giving such lessons in the different parts of speech, I would continue to re- peat the technical terms until I thought they were remembered, then I would ask thus: What are such words called? These remarks refer to the child, not to the youth who can in an hour comprehend the complex construction of a full sentence. I would not trouble the child with too many wherefores. It is very 3ittle profit for one to tell the reason of a principle only by a rule^ I wou'd rather endeavour so to improve the reason of a child, that the reason of things may be drawn from its own mind* Let the teacher ask why ^ hen he pleases. 11 6 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 1 137. DIFFERENT SORTS OF WORDS OR PARTS OF SPEECH. 1. Articles — Words used to point out or identify objects. 2. Nouns — Names. 3. Pronouns — Words used instead of nouns, 4. Adjectives — Words that express the qualities of objects. 5. Verbs — Words that signify to 6e, to have^ or to do, 6. Participles — Words derived from verbs, and signifying being, having, or doing, or having been, had, or done. 7. Adverbs — Words that qualify verbs, participles, prepo- sitions, or that modify any qualifying word. 8. Prepositions — Terms used to denote the relations of things. 9. Conjunctions — Words used to connect sentences. 10. Interjections — Words used to express sudden passion or emotion of the mind. 138. EXAMPLES. 1. A man, any man, one man, this man. No. 3, 19; 4, 17. 2. A man, a woman, a boy, a girl, a brother. No. 3, 10. 3. I, we, thou, ye, he, she, it, they, myself. No. 2, 24. 4. A good man, a bad man, a large man. No. 3, 4. -5. I am, I have it, I write, 1 read, I sing, I think. No. 2, 20. 6. I am imting^jt is luritten, I have been writing. No. 3, 37. 7. It is very well written. He wrote jW now neatly, ^^o- 3, 61 8 . He wrote on ii, under it, through it, round it. No. 3, 54. 9. He said if I wrote and spelt better than he they would do it. No. 4, 23. 10. 0/ what a pretty bird! 0! 0!—0! ah! Alas! my child! ** The power of speech is a faculty peculiar to man; and was be- stovped on him by his beneficent Creator, for the greatest and most excellent uses; but alas! how often do we pervert it to the worst of purposes!" In the above passage, all the parts of speech are exem- plified. SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 2. 117 139. LESSON UPON THE GENERAL RELATIVES. Repeat tliem and tell me to what each relates. I 2 3 4 5 6 What ? Who ? How .? W here .? When ? Why ? to actions and things, to persons, to the manner of action, to place, to time, to reasea. 140. WHAT — relating to things. John, TVhat have you heard? Sounds, noise, bells, drums. What have you seew? Objects, trees, houses, carriages, horses TVhat have you smelledl Perfume, fragrance^ 7^oses. TVhat have you tastedl Fruit, flesh, liquids, cakes, spices, TVhat have you feltl Pain, heat, cold, blows, sickness. 141. WHAT — relating to actions. What do farmers rfo? They plough, sow, reap, gather. What do mechanics do? Carpenters hew, saw, plain, bore. TVhat do merchants do? They buy, sell, measure, cut, tear. What do manufacturers do? They spin, tveave, whid, reel. 142. WHOj WHOM, WHOSE. TVho have you seen? Mr. , Miss , Gen. ► ^^Aodidit? Oi whom did you speak? think? &c. Whose book is this? It is James', Julia's, the childrens'. ''Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine." 143. HOW. How do you write? I write well, elegantly, legibly. How do you write ? I write with my lingers. Hou) does he do? He does better than he did. How did you go? I rode horse-back. 144. WHERE. Where do animals walk? On the ground, on trees, Slc. Where do birds fly? In the air, from the trees, to the TVhere do fishes swim ? In the , in rivers, and Where did you see the gentleman ? Where did you see her ? 118 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 145. WHEN. JVhen is the proper time for sleepl when for labour? When do you attend church? When do you breakfast? When do farmers plant? When are cherries ripe? peaches? When do you ride in sleighs, and skate and slide on the ice? 146. Why do you attend school ? Because I learn better than at home. Why are children punished ? For their bad actions. Why did you come home? To g-et some dinner. Why did you break your pencil? That I might give Julia a piece of it. 147. A GOOD MENTAL AND VOCAL. EXERCISE. No. 1. 1 What could be done, James? A house could be built, Charles. < • • o / • O • • < \ 2 What might be done? It might be done, sir 3 would be would be 4 should be should be 5 was was 6 is is 7 shall be shall be 8 will be will be 6 may be may be 10 can be can be 1 1 must be must be No. 2. 1 Who conld build the honse? Mr. West conid do it. 2 might do it? He might build the house. 3 would To what does who wouid do it. 4 should relate? should 5 did do it? Who did it? did do it. He did it. 6 does do it? Who does it? does do it. He does it. 7 shall What else could he shall 8 will build? What else will 9 may could he do to the may 10 can house besides build can 11 must it? must do it. Do what? SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2 119 No. 3. How could he build it'' He could do it elegantly, with materials. 1 2 might To what mig t 3 would does how would 4 should relate! sh&uld 5 did he do it? did do it. 6 doe^hedoi'? does do it. 7 shall Write ten shall 8 v\ ill different verbs will 9 may in this way may 10 can that will apply can 11 must to building, 8ic, must No. 4. 1 Where could it be o built.^ It could be so done in Boston. " so with them. Write different adverbs that will apply to build- ing, to ploughing, to mowing, to raking. Write some adverbial phrases, as. He could build it in the fashion. 2 might a done? might built there. 3 would M would reared Providence, 4 should p 3 should formed 5 was ^ was erected 6 is is covered 7 shall shall finished 8 will will lighted 9 may may warmed 10 can can cooled 11 must No must 5. 1 WTien conld it be done so there '? It could be done this week. 2 might in Boston? might next monih. 3 would in London? would within a year= 4 should should before that. 5 was was then. 6 When is it done so there? It is done so there now. 7 shall in the house? shall then. 8 will kitchen? will hereafter. 9 may parlour? may by and by. 10 can chamber? can tomorrow. 11 must cellar? must soon. No. 6. 1 Why could it be done It could be done so to please hifn. It might be i uilt so to live in. It would be built there to sell. It should be built then for him. It was built so there then /or us. It is built large to accommodate them. shall will may can most 2 3 4 might would ehonld 5 6 7 8 was Why is it built shall will large? 9 10 may can 11 UVOLSX 120 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2, 148. Mary's lesson to her brotheiI and his plat- mates. Now said John to his kind siister, here is just a good class of us, and we have all agreed to take a lesson of you if you will consent to teach us. Well, please to be seated in a half circle. The one that sits first at the right shall be No. 1, and the second shall be No. 2, and so on. In the first place we will recite a few things all together, or simultaneously. In a very soft voice recite the vowels. Now afiix the first vowel to the consonants. Now the sec- ond, third, fourth, fifth, Sic. Say the diphthongs in lines, Now in columns. What is the first main principle of language? second? third? fourth? fifth? sixth? seventh? eighth? ninth? tenth? Repeat the parts of speech. What is the first? second? &c. No. 1, may now give me some names. No. 2, some names of domestic animals. No. 3, some names of wild animals. No. 4, some names of birds. No. 5, some names of fishes. No. 6, some names of insects. No. 7, some names of serpents. No. 8, some names of worms. No. 9, some names of bugs. No. 10, some names of such little animals as will sometimes sting. No. 2. I call on you to give som.c names of vegetables. No. 3, may mention some names of fruit. No. 4, some names of berries. No. 5, some names of trees. No. 6, some names of flowers . No. 7, some napes of garden sauce. No. 8, some names of grain. No. 9, ^ome names of grass. No. 10, some names of evergreen. No. 1, some names of nuts. No. 3. Mention the names of some minerals. No. 4, some names of articles that are made of iron. No. 5, some that are made of steel. No. 6, that are made of silver. Nc^^, of brass. No. 8, of copper. No. 9, of lead. No. 10, of pewter. No. 1, of glass. No. 2, of clay. No. 4. You may give the names of some liquids. No. 5, some that are kept in barrels, hogsheads, and kegs. No. 6, some that are put into vials, and used mostly for medicine. No. 7. What is the name of that^wici that is drawn up out SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 121 of wells, and used for drink and many other purposes? No. 8. What the name of that dark red fluid that gushes out of some animals when the flesh is cut or bruised? No. 9. What the name of ihait fluid that appears on a person's flesh when hard at work or play? No. 10. What names are given to that substance that runs up and down the jwres of vegeta- bles? No. 1. What is made of the juice oi the apple? No. 2, of the grape and currant? No 3, of the sap of the maple and cane? No. 5. Give me some names of buildings. No. 6, some names of vessels or ships. No. 7. What are those men called that till the ground? No. 8. What are those called that build houses? No. 9. What are those called that make tables and bureaus? No. 10. What are those called that work iron, make ox shoes and horse shoes? No. 1. That make silver spoons and the like? No. 2. That make gold rings and beads? No. 3. That cast bells? No. 4. That build machines? No. 6. What titles do we give those who preach the gos- pel? No. 7, What titles do we give those who teach? No. 8, to those who learn? No. 9, to those who practise p%sic? No. 10, to those who practise law? No. 1. What do we call that man that is chosen by the people to rule over the state, or to govern it? No. 2. What do we call those men that make laws or that legislate? No. 3. What do we call a person that is sent from one place to another to do busi- ness? No. 4. What is that man called that goes to battle, and carries weapons ? No. 5. What titles do those have who command the men in an army ? No. 7. What do we call a man who tends a grist-mill? No. 8, that drives a team? No. 9, that burns charcoal? No. 10, that goes round from place to place and sells pins, and needles, and ribbons, &c? No. 1. What do we call him that makes garments? No. 2. What do we call those who make bonnets, and frocks, and gowns ? Are .they made by men or women? No. 3. What do we call him who mends old shoes and boots, and chairs? No. 4. What do we call him who keeps a public house where people can go and stay over night, and have what they want to eat and drink by paying their money? No. 5. What would a woman who 11 122 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. kept such house be called? No. 6. What would the people be called who were in the habit of calling and staying at such a house? No. 8. What is the person called that drinks too muchf' No. 9, who eats to excessl No. 10, who kills another? No. 1. What do we call a man that is not neat? No. 2. What do we call a woman that is not neat? No. 3 What word can you add to the word sauce, that will denote a bad boy? No 4. What word added to block, will denote a bad char- acter? No. 5. What is he called that takes another's prop- erty in secret? No. 6. What is he called that takes anoth- er's property openly? No. 7. What is he called that takes another's writings or thoughts and publishes them without giving credit? No. 9. What do we call those things that mechanics work with? No. 10. Mention the names of some of the shoe- maker's tools. No. 1, of some of the names of the carpen- ter's tools. No. 2, of some of the blacksmith's. No. 3, the tailor's. No. 4, the farmer's. No. 5, printer's. No. 6^ the book-binder's. No. 7, the stone-cutter's. No. 8, the school-master's. No. 10. Mention the names of some of the parts of a knife. No. 1, of a fork. No. 2, of a shovel. No. 3, of a pail. No. 4, of a barrel. No. 5, a watch. No. 6, a house. No. 1, a city. No. 8, of a mountain. No. 9, of the earth. ' No. 1, may now mention 2i proper name or noun. No. 2. mention one. No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. No. 2, mention a common name. No. 3, mention one. No. 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 1. No. 3, may mention a noun in the singular number. No. 4, mention one, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2. No. 4, mention one in the plural number. No. 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 1,2,3. Each one now, beginning at No. 5, mention a noun in the singular number, masculine gender. Now let each one mention a noun in the singular num- ber, /emimne gender. Now newkr. ^ ow commvn. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 2. 125 149. Mary's second lesson to her brother and his playmates. Well, young gentlemen, what shall be our subject for con- versation to-day? THE properties OF THINGS. In the first place I will take your names that each may be numbered and seated according to his age. No. 1. William Holden, 10 years of age. No. 2. Smith Bosworth, 10 No. 3. Charles A. Green, 9 No. 4. Philip M. risk, 8 No. 5. Job Carpenter, 8 No. 6. William P. Rhodes, 8 No. 7. Daniel Smith 8 No. 8. Hamilton Hoppin, 8 No. 9. Gustavus Taylor, 7 No. 10. John West, 6 These are the names tf a class of boys who selected the words in the following lesson , under the direction of the author of this worky excepting No, 10. William, what is one of the principles of simple combina- tion of words, that you have learned.'* Different qualifying words may be joined with the name of an object. As you are No. 1 , it is right for you to select, first, the name of some object for the class to qualify or describe. MAN. Mention a qualifying word that will apply to man, and unite with it an article. Character. Size. Condition. 1 A good man . 2 The large man. 3 Every poor man. 2 bad 3 small 4 rich 3 wicked 4 thin 5 wealthy 4 cruel 5 , spare 6 forehanded 5 crazy 6 tall 7 prosperous 6 kind 7 short 8 thriving 7 pleasant 8 fat 9 rising 8 cross 9 fleshy 10 flourishing 9 An ugly 10 pursy 1 enterprising 10 hateful 1 chubbed 2 avaricious 124 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. Bad eharacier. Colour. Good character. 4 This vicious man. 5 This white mar 1. 6 That moral man. '5 sinful 6 black 7 virtuous 6 profane 7 red 8 pious 7 thievish 8 colored 9 religious 8 deceitful 9 blue coat 10 An innocent 9 lying 10 yellow- 1 An inoffensive 10 dishonest 1 dark 2 happy 1 unjust 2 light 3 benevolent 2 fraudulent 3 brown 4 charitable 3 froward 4 freckled 5 An obliging Sliape or foim. Good habits. Bad habits. 7 One ugly man. 8 Each careful man .9 Anj careless man 8 homely 9 attentive 10 inattentive 9 deformed 10 thoughtful 1 thoughtless 10 crooked 1 studious 2 dull-headed 1 straight 2 diligent 3 lazy 2 hump-backed 3 steady 4 unsteady 3 round-shouldered 4 constant 5 inconstant 4 bent-backed 5 ready 6 backward 5 lame 6 quick 7 • moderate 6 maimed 7 expeditious 8 slow 10. Some useful man, wise, discreet, just, temperate, sin- cere, fair, lovely, captivating, enticing. Says William, man has more qualities than we have giv- en in this lesson. I know that, replied Philip. We have not said anything of his being cold or warm, hungry or thirsty, sleepy or wake- ful, tired, sick or healthy. DIRECTIONS. Read the lesson and emphasise the qualifying words. Read again, and instead of maw, read the name woman. Read the article a or an, through the lesson. Now the. Now every ^ this, that. Read the word, very, between the article and qualifying word, as: A very good man. The teacher should direct according to the age and capac- ity of his pupils. Recite the personal pronouns, the auxiliaries. What does could imply.'* Read, / coidd 6e, before each phrase in SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 125 the lesson, using such articles as will agree. I could be each careful maUy will not make good sense. 150. Master Bosworth, you must choose the object to be qualified as you sit second in the class. APPLE. Give your example. Quality. Taste. Color. 2 A good apple. 3 A sweet apple. 4 A yellow apple 3 bad p 4 sour 5 blue 4 rotten |'. 5 bitter 6 white 5 sound 5- 6 sickish 7 red 6 hard | 7 pleasant 8 green 7 mellow J" 8 delicious 9 black 8 soft 2 9 luscious 10 speckled 9 tough g 10 rich 1 purple hahed 1 1 steiDtd 2 pale 1 roasted 2 boiled 3 bright 5. A pippin apple, spice, russeting, crab, pine^ oak, jilly- fiower, English, New- York, Jersey. 6. A round apple, oval, long, large, great, small, little, light, heavy, costly. 7. A thick skinned apple, thin, soft, tender, tough, tight, loose, close; a ground apple, a jambed apple. 8. A spring apple, summer, fall, winter, early, late, large, green, ripe, fallen, lodged. 9. A neat apple, clean, dirty, dusty, muddy, wet, bloody, sappy, juicy, cider. 10. A field apple, garden, pie, sauce, cider, eating, stolen, craved, bought, sold. Read, and supply the ellipsis, as: A good apple, a bad apple. Read the names of some other kind of fruit, berries, and sauce. Read again, and apply the phrases in the imperative mood, thus: William, give me a good apple, give me a bad apple, give me a r-o-t-ien apple. ^— • • • <^ • o • • Emphasise the adjectives because they are different. 11* 126 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 151. Master Green, let us know your taste now for choos- ing a subject, TREE. Give an example relating to the size of a tree. Size. Qualily or character. Color. 3 4 A large tree, small 4 5 A shrubby tree, shaggy 5 6 A green tree black 5 little 6 limby 7 blue 6 7 slim tall 7 8 knotty knarly 8 9 white gray 8 low 9 kniibby 10 brown 9 1 2 broad high lofty towering 10 1 2 3 snubby cragged rough smooth 1 2 3 4 speckled spotted peeled fallen 6. A hard, soft, solid, hollow, sound, rotten, broken, split, cut, bruised tree. 7. A round, chubbed, square, straight, crooked, oval, curved, bushy, timber, forest tree. 8. A sweet, sour, bitter, juicy, dry, wet, warm, cold, use- jful, shady, branching tree. 9. A heavy, light, weighty, corky, porous, limber, stiff, *tout, dense, rare tree. 10. An oak, walnut, cedar, spruce, pine, hemlock, pop- Jar, willow, maple, bass tree. 1. An apple tree, peach, plum, quince, orange, fig, grape, almond, apricot, pear. 2. A fruit tree, grove, garden, natural, grafted, forest, timber, elm, park, box. 3. An old tree, ancient, venerable, sacred, honorable, young, tender, slender, slim, stocky. Read eliptically. Again, and supply the ellipsis. Now read oak instead of tree ^ thus: A large oak, a small oak. Read it thus: Is it a large oak or pine tree? • . • - / . \ - Now thus: It is not a large oak, but a pine tree. • . • . - \ . . / - The teapher should show by example the different move- ments of the voice. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 127 152. Philip, can you tell upon what principle of language we have been conversing? That different properties belong to the same object. Give your example. HOUSE. Quality. Size. Color. 4 A good house. 5 A lar^e house. 6 A yellow house. 5 bad 6 small 7 white 6 An old 7 little 8 blue 7 poor 8 great 9 green 8 rotten 9 high 10 red 9 leaky 10 low 1 black 10 broken 1 broad 2 . brown 1 An open 2 narrow 3 purple 2 tight 3 contracted 4 straw-colored 3 close 4 scrimpt 5 pea-green-colored 7. A handsome house, beautiful, splendid, pretty, fine, spacious^ agreeable, elegant, elevatedy ornamented^ illumin- ated, 8 . A warm house, cold, hot, ice, glass, green^ log, top, farm, cheese. 9. A meeting house, school, town, court, state, market, poor, mansion, light, custom. 10. A stone house, brick, wooden, log-, snow, ice, naar- ble, granite, jiropt, falling. 1. A bridge house, wagon, chaise, coach, tan, bark, ci- der, corn, grain, dairy. 2. A mortgaged house, a sold, lost, finished, completed, painted, shingled, clapboarded, furnished, ornamented. 3. A convenient house, difficult, inconvenient, unpleasant^ pleasant, delightful, splendid, magnificent, royal. No. l. What is good besides a housel No. 2, mention something that is good. No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now each one, beginning at No. 2d, tell what he thinks is bad. Now begin at No, 3, and tell what may be old, &c. &.C. 153. Here boys is a collection of words which you may look over, and if you have younger brothers or sisters yc.u 128 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. must converse with them about the meaning of them, and teach them to pronounce and spell them. ANIMALS. 1. A great man, woman, boy, girl, father, mother, hus- band, wife, brother, sister. 2. A great horse, ox. cow, sheep, hog, dog, lion, tiger, wolf, cat. 3 . A great person, brute, beast, fowl, bird, fish, serpent, reptile, worm, insect. 4. A great robin, snipe, hawk, crow, vulture, heron or hern, goose, turkey, partridge, quail. 5. A great pigeon, dove, cookoo, owl, plover, lapwing, pewet, whipowil, kite, hen. 6. A great shad, salmon, mackerel, pike, pout, perch, sucker, bass, herring, shark. 7. A great spider, bug, wasp, bee, fly, flea, locust, but- terfly, catterpillar, miller. 8 . A great infant, colt, calf, lamb, pig, puppy, cub, gos- lin, chicken, steer. 9. A great head, scull, ear, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, tooth, lip, chin. 10. A great cheek, face, neck, shoulder, breast, body, knee, foot, toe, heel. VEGETABLES. 1 . A great plank, tree, trunk, limb, branch, bough, twig, leaf, bud, scion. 2. A great root, turnip, potatoe, beet, carrot, parsnip, raJish, artichoke, onion. 3. A great apple, pear, peach, plum, quince, lemon,- or- ange, fig, almond, cherry. 4. A great squash, pumpkin, cucumber, pepper, mango, bean, pea, stalk, vine, spire. o. A great hull, husk, core, skin, bark, cob, stem, shell, pod, seed. 6. A great rose, pink, lily, piony, marygold, tulip, violet, dandalion, sunflower, blossom. 7 Stout grass, oats, rye, wheat, barley, hemp, tobacco, j8ax, mustard; corn. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2. 129 8. A great weed, mullen, nettle, burdock, brier, thorn, stub, stump, post, 9. A great log, beam, board, plank, stick, block, horse- block, chopping-block, table, chest. 10. A great pail, piggin. tub, churn, trough, bottle, keg, barrel, hogshead, pipe. MINERALS. 1. The hard iron, steel, silver, gold, copper, brass, tin, pewter, lead, diamond. 2. The hard knife, fork, plate, bowl, pan, kettle, pot, spider, toaster, skewer. 3. The hard stone, rock, flint, slate, gravel, earth, clay, ' sand, gem, jewel. 4. The hard mug, pitcher, tumbler, cup, basin, porringer, jug, decanter, cruise, cruit. 5. The hard shovel, spade, hoe, fork, bar, chain, hook, link, ring, staple. 6. The hard nail, spike, bolt, rivet, band, clasp, wedge, screw, lever, spring. 7. The hard knife, sword, dirk, gun, bayonet, claymore, axe, adze, chisel, shave. 8. The hard plane, auger, gouge, file, rasp, shears, cut- ters, pincers, nippers, pliers. 9. The hard instrument, machine, watch, clock, cog, rim, hub, spoke, axle, box. 10. The hard inkstand, case-knife, pen-knife, butcher- knife, shoe-knife, broad-axe, narrow-axe, post-axe, meat- axe, battle-axe. LIQUIDS. 1. The warm water, milk, blood, sweat, juice, sap, cider, beer, rum, gin. 2. The warm porridge, soup, gravy, sauce, sirrup, gru- el, drink, skink, pottage, sherbet. 3. The warm dram, toddy, sling, spirit, wine, brandy, whiskey, tea, coffee, beverage. 4. A great pond, puddle, pool, spring, lake, sea, ocean, rill, rivulet, brook. 5. A great river, stream, gulph, bay, strait, channel, cove, eddy, whirlpool, flood. 130 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 2 6. A great freshet, rain, fog, mist, cloud, hurricane, wind storm, blow, blast. 7. The warm air, ether, atmosphere, fluid, liquor, steam vapor, smoke, flame, blaze. 8. A cup of water, cider, beer, tea, coffee, milk, cream wine, cordial, spirit. 9. A barrel of water, cider, beer, tea, coffee, milk, cream wine, cordial, spirit, 10. A hogshead of water, cider, beer, tea, coffee, milk cream, wine, cordial, spirit. DIRECTIONS. Read the phrases that relate to animalsy and supply the ellipsis, as: A great man. A great woman. A great boy. Etc. Read the word small instead of the word large. Read some other qualifying term instead of great. Observe that the names under the head animals j are not all names of ani- ma/s, but relating* to animals. Man, is the name of an an- imal, but brother is only a relative term^ relating, in a certain condition, to animals. Heady and feety and hands, are not names of animals, but they are names of parts of animalSy and not of vegetables, mineralSy liquids. Spike is not the name of a mineraly but the name of an article made of some kind of mineral. You should observe such things without being told. Recite the main principles of language. The general relatives. The parts of speech. Recite the personal pro- nouns. The auxiliaries. The first conjugation, second, third. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. Simple and Complex Combination of }Vo7^ds and Sentences^ 1 . Simple cowMnation^'is joining the same adjective to dif- ferent nounSj the same adverb to different verbs^ &c. or it is joining the same word of one part of speech with differ- ent words of another part of speech; or the same sentence with different sentences, thus: I walk, I step, I run, I jump, I hop, I skate, I swim. Men walk, women walk, boys walk, girls walk, ladies walk. 2. Complex combination, is joining different words of one part of speech to different words of another, thus: I walk, a woman steps, a horse runs, a toad hops, Sec, A long stick, a short board, a broad plank, a round log. He writes elegantly, speaks distinctly, sings excellently. A man was ivalking^ a bird was flyings a fish was sivim- ming. He was creeping under the fence^ she was tvalking over the bridge. He was creeping under the fence y the gatCy the bar J the pole. This piinciple of combination I trust will recommend it- self to the notice of parents and teachers, in a favourable light. It is indeed to the opening mind an intellectual par- adise, in which it may enrich itself in the boundless fields of thought forever fresh. The very young child may by this principle construct thousands of proper sentences that it mar call its own, instead of reciting mere words from the spelling book without ideas. Mary, you will now have a writing book on purpose for these lessons. I wish you to be very particular with your Chirography and Orthography. Your lessons must all first be written upon the slate, and inspected before being writtei 132 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. a. in the book. combinations. ciple. You may call ten similar examples a class of and you may write a page from each prin- PRINCIPLE 1. 3, Tlie same object has diffe^^ent Properties, therefore dif" ferent Adjectives may be joined to the same iVoww.* 4 — 2. First class. Sweet apples. Sour apples. Bitter apples. Soft apples. Hard apples. Large apples. Small apples. 8 Tough apples. 9 Tender apples. Ripe apples. Second class. Red peaches. Yellow peaches. White peaches. Green peaches. Heavy peaches. Light peaches. Smooth peaches. Rough peaches. Juicy peaches. Dry peaches. Third class. Mellow pears, Sound pears. Summer pears. Winter pears. Fall pears. Spring pears. Orange pears. Good pears. Handsome pears. Beautiful pears. 5 — 1. What objects do you intend tp take to describe? 6 — 2. Different kinds of garden sauce, trees, animals, houses, ships, goods, instruments, furniture, liquids; town, city, landscape, multitude, company, army, court, nation, empire, church. PRINCIPLE 2. 7. Different objects have similar Properties, therefore the same Adjective may be joined to different Nouns. 8 — 2 How easy it is to see the application of this prin- ciple. I have given my brother many lessons of this kind, and find them very interesting. No. 2,149. 9 — 1. You may write a class from each of the examples you gave at No. 2, 16, and as many more as you please. 10 — 2. I am, in the first place, to tell what is large. It ^ Rule Adjectives belong to nounfi. No. 4, 17. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. 13S is only by compaHson that any thing is large or smally v^Qod or had. good or had. First class. 1 Lar^e apples. 2 Large peaches. 3 Large pears. 4 Large plums. 6 Large grapes. 6 Large cherries. 7 Large oranges. 8 Large lemons. 9 Large figs. 10 Lars:e almonds. Second class. Small trees. Small limbs. Small boughs. Small branches. Small leaves. Small flowers. Small buds. Small bushes. Small sprouts. Small blades. Third class. Great houses. Great palaces. Great buildings. Great barns. Great sheds. Great ships. Great boats. Great barges. Great rafts. Great vessels. 1 1-— L Pronounce the nouns in the singular number, again with the rising inflection, now with the falling, nov/ with the adjective. Pronounce the firs': class very low and soft, the second class a little higher and a \iii\Q louder, the third class higher still, now low and abrupt. 12. When I ask you to spell, I wish you only to came the letters. What letters represent tlie sounds in the word, large ? You will say, 1-a-r-g-e. What in apph?s ? a-p-p-l-e-s. Make a pause between the syllables, in this way spell the words in the first class. 13. Now utter the simple sounds in each word of the sec- ond class. s-m-a-Il t-r-ee-s, b-r-a-n-ch-e-s, I-i-m-b-s. What do you call those vocal sounds which are not vowels.^ Read the verb, buy, in the first person singular, as: I buy large apples^ Sic. Conjugate in the third conjugation, thus: *' I could buy large apples, I might do it, I ivoiild^ I should, I did buy them. I bought them, I do buy them, I bvy them, I shall J I ivill, I may, I can, I must. Now read the same negatively, as: I could not buy large apples. Now interrog- atively, as: Could I buy large apples'! Sfc, Now impera- tively: James, buy large apples. What other verb can we apply to these phrases? 14. Now as we have a great many objects of the same kind, it becomes necessary to have words to specifj, define and number, or point out tohich or how many. 12 134 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. PRINCIPLE 3. 15. The same Article or defining Adjective may be joined to different JVoims, No. 2, 57,* 16 — 2. I have written a page according to this principle, 1 will read you a few classes. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 First class. One man. woman person boy girl child lad lass son daughter Second class. A gentleman, lady master mistress husband wife An uncle aunt brother sister Third class.. Two doctors, ministers teachers governors lawyers judges jurors tutors professors pupils 17 — 1 . Read a descriptive adjective between the defining adjective and noun, thus: ''one strong man." Read the nouns in the first class, that denote the masculine gender^ the feminine; those that are common. Read the nouns of one syllable, of two, of three. PRINCIPLE 4. 18. Different Articles or defining Adjectives may be joined ivith the same Noun. First class, 19. 1 A peach. 2 The peach 3 Every peach 4 My peach, peaches 5 Our peach 6 Thy peach 7 Yonr peach 8 His peach 9 Her peach \ 10 Its peach 1 1 Their peach Second class. 1 One peach. 2 Each peach 3 Some peaches 4 Any peach 5 This peach 6 That peach 7 These peaches 8 Those peaches 9 All peaches *Rui*E. Articles belong to nouns. No. 4^ 17. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. PRINCIPLE 5. 135 ^, The same Adjective may be joined with different sec* ondarij Adjectives or Adverbs.^ First class. 1 A very sweet apple, 2 Anextremelj 3 An uncommonly 4 An unusually 5 A sugar 6 A honey 7 A bitter 8 A pleasant 9 A sickish 10 A sufficiently Second class. The words in this lesson that express the degree of sweet- ness in the apple ^ are generally calU ed adverbs. Dr. Webster calls them raodijiers. Mr. Car- dellj secondary adjectives. That is about right, nearly just almost entirely perfectly certainly absolutely undeniably undoubtedly Third class. Fourth class. 21. 1 A Russia iron stove. A fire red bird. 2 cast Which are sec- deep What does fire 3 sheet ondary adjec- dark qualify"^ It is not 4 wrought /ires? What do bright a fire bird^ but 5 Jersey they qualify 1 pure afire reb bird. PRINCIPLE 6. 22. As every thing must be said to exist or not to exist, the name of any thing may be joined with the verb to be, and its auxiliaries. 23. C Solidity is — from touch only. How heavy is it't Primary J Extcnsiou is — from sio;ht and touch. How Ions; is it ? ( r igure is — from sight and touch. What is its shap^f 24. [Sounds are — from hearing. Tastes are — from taste. Secondary Colors are — from seeing, qualities. ^ Smells are — from smelling. Motion is — from seeing and touching. Rest is — from seeing and touching. *Ri7LE. Adjectives are modified hy adjectives and adverbs. No. 4, 17 136 SOCIAL LESSOJSS, JNO. 8. 25 — 2. Will you examine these examples, sir? General terias. First class. 1 Objects are. 2 Things are 3 Beings are 4 Spirits are 5 Animals are 6 Vegetables are 7 Minerals are 8 Liquids are 9 Thoughts are Motives are What objects are? Queition. Inqnirv. Ir.ierrogdlioiu Second class. Men are. Horses are Oxen are Sheep are Swine are Dogs are Cats are Wolves are Lions are Tigers are ^? bjvJCCi- PRINCIPLE 7. 26. The same object may be related to many diffcreni thingSj iherefo7'e different things can be affirmed of the same subject, or of different subjects may be affirmed the sam& thing. No. 2, 21, 27 — 2. Like these, do you mean? First class. Second class. 1 That man is a being.* James is a stranger. 2 a thing friend 3 Conjugate, an object Pronounce laborer 4 a creature the nouns, mechanic 5 an animal carpenter Rela- 6 a m.an joiner ' tive terniij. 7 a son journeyman 8 a father Christian 9 a brother singer 10 a husband teacher Third class. Fourth class. 28. 1 This metal is gold.* This instrument is not steel . 2 This plate tool 3 This ring knife Read these ex- 4 This watch awl amples in the flu- 5 This chain o-raver rat number. »RuJ-E. The verb to he, has the same case after it aabefore it. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 137 PRINCIPLE 8. 29. Of the same object maybe affirmed its different qual- ities ^ shoioing its condition or state of existence; or of dif- ferent objects may be affirmed the same quality. 30— -2. First class. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Some objects are large, long- thin smooth hard heavy limber touo-h What objects are largel S^c. What ivord de- fines objects! What do you understand by an object? new handsome valuable You may make use of all the defining adjectives in writing upon this princi- ple, you may use the pro- nouns , as : he is good. Select any objects you please for agents, {Such of course as loill do to 6« read in schools.) 3!. Second class. 1 That large house is very beautiful/ -2 garden 3 farm 4 town 5 state 6 territory 7 republic 8 kingdom 9 empire 10 region What is -l exquisitely fine? perfectly fair consummately bad extremely good exactly right wickedly ignorant widely different mostly vicious wholly obnoxious seemingly vain 32. From each of these texts (31) I wish you to compose ten sentences, thus: 1. The music was exquisitely fine. 2. What was perfectly fair? "His dealing was perfectly fair." You may have your choice in the agents, only apply the texts in their approved sense. 33 — 2, I suppose that I may use the noun, pronoun, ad- jective, defining adjective or article, secondary adjective or adverb, and any line of the first conjugation. * That large, house is a very beautiful building. 12* 133 SOCML LESSONS, NO. 3. 34 — 2. I was iliinhng of my lessons the other day, as 1 teas walking and saying thus to myself: I am — going. I am — moving. I am — progressing. I am — stirring. I am — walking. I am — stepping. Then suddenly stopping, said: 1 still am. I am — standing. I am — looking, i am — • breathing. I am — not moving. 35 — 1. Then you fairly make out that you must 6e, whether vou move or not. PRIxVCIPLE 9. 36. TTie same object may be doing different actions, or dij- f event objects may be doing ike same action. 37—2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 First class. These young ladies are Conjugate some of these sentences. Read the lessonneg- atively^ interrogative- ly , Is the agent sin- 8 gi( lar or 'plurall 9 Read the lesson in the 10 singidar number. kvAtiing.*^ se'wing Etitclmig hemming hdisiing bordert??.g- ruffling* sprig;^'mg' fiowe ring working* From what is ike word kniiting deriv- edl sewing ( Spell the present partici- ples. Spell the verbs Jrom- ivhich they are derived. Pronounce the verbs, pronouncs^ the participles. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Second class. 1 A great many YiiiX^ roguish boys were fishing. lads What does great qnalify? In luhai number are the nouns f mon gender ? lesson. TVliick are corn- Read the Noiv read it in children TVhat else could fellows they be doing. scholars Read the lesson youths negatively, inter- masters rogatively. Em- servants phasise the nom- waiters inaiive. Conjugate slaves some of the sentences. 39—1. Turn to No. 2, and read a few pag^s. No. 2, 4, ^ Mention the names of some beings, spirits, names applied id mankind. the singular number, What ivcrds will omit ? I'OU * Rule. Paiticiples relate to nouns aad pronoaa». SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S 139 EXA3IPLE 10. 40. The same object mcnj receive differeiit effects from the isame cause, or^ different objects may receive the same effect from the same cause, or from different causes. 41—2. First class. 1 Her kind father was murdered bj a robber. 2 mother waylaid highwayman 3 parent stopped freebooter 4 husband robbed plunderer 5 friend insulted pillager 6 companion frightened thief 7 protector shot soldier 8 guardian bruised sailor 9 neighbor stabbed stranger 10 mistress left foreisrner 42 — 1. From what are participles derived? (No. 2, 2L) Read the participles in the first class, tenth prin'-iple. Read the verbs from which they are derived. Read the partici- ples in the lesson that end in ed, (All verbs that do not form their imperfect tense and per- fect participle by adding' e, or ed, to the present tense, are called irregular' No. 3, 73.) Read the regular verbs in this lesson, now in 37. The 41st lesson is an example cf complex combination. We will make the simple combinations first. Which words are in the nominative case? Read each nominative and its qual- ifvin^ words with the verb, was. Now read them, and state a condition by adding the word, murdered. Again, with the word, toaylaid. What participle will you take next? Read, which next? Read the column in the same way. Now, Mary, can you tell me Vi^bat combination to be made next ? 43 — ^2. I must next suppose " her kind father was mur- dered by all those causes, then her raoiher by all of them, and so on. Next I must suppose each tfcey /aid by them. Next stopped by them, and so on. I can conjugate each sentence thus: Her kind father could have been murdered by a robber, might have been^ &c. 140 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. » PRINCIPLE 11. 44. Every object has prcperiies and parts ^ action or rest, ^ 45 — 2. I have written here a few examples, which I wish you to examine before I write them in mj book. First dass. 1 Uncle John's fruit has sweetwess. ness, denotes qnality. 2 sourness 3 In which conjuga- tenderness 4 tion are the exam- toughness 5 6 ples! Conjugate some of them. softness hardness > Abstract nouns. 7 What part of speech roundness 8 follows has in these redness 9 examples ? whiteness From what art 10 pleasantness^ they derived? 46. Second class. Third class. Foarth class^ I It has grown. It has b sen growing. It has been grown. 2 enlarged enlarging enlarged 3 ripened ripening ripened 4 reddened reddening reddened 5 sweetened sweetening sweetened 6 soured souring soured 7 toughened toughening toughened 8 softened softening softened 9 fallen falling fallen 10 rolled rollino; rolled What part of speech follows has in the above examples? Conjugate . Spell the verbs from ivhich the participles are der^ived. Pronounce the participles derived from the regu- lar verbs. * A broad distinction is made between what meets our senses^ and what exists only in imagination^ and between what is constantly present, and what appears for a moment and ever afterwards must depend on memory and reflection. It appears to be so with objects and actions. Objects we see and feel, but it is hardly true to say that we see actions. We see objects while they act. This appears to make the difterence between having objects and having actions', they both are equally i'^'^'****- SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. 141 47 — 1. Marj, have I told you any thin^ of the possessive case of Douns? 48 — 2. No, sir, but I believe I understand something about it. I vvill vFrite you a few examples on my slate. 35. John's: TAe possessivt ca^c implies possession. No. 2, 148—9. . 49 — 1. Some bouy owns all these things. Whose house is that? Whose coach is (Lis? In what case must the nouns be that imply possession? How are lh3y distinguished from the other cases? PRINCIPLE 12. 50. AUhougfi objcds mtist be, crA have qualities in order to act, it is not necessary in zuj^iting or speaking of them to notice it. 51 — 2. I perceive that a thing cannot acMvithout ^6i/?o-, but it may be said to he withoiit acting. No. 3, 22. ISlj pen now is on the table. I take it. I ivrite with it. 1 move it. It moves, it holds the ink, it sheds the ink, the ink marks the paper, the paper receives impressions, 1 shape the letters, the letters /or?]i words, the words signify thought. 52 — 1. When thou dost say, '^ I move the pen," thou dost not express either the existence of thyself or pcUy but nevertheless thou and the pen are. Unless thou wert thou couldst not move either thyself or any thing else; were not the pen it could not be moved^ hy thee or any thing else. Thou art when thou dcst r^iove the pen, or when thou d.ost any act. ed, but they do not alike strike the senses. I tvalked this morning. Have I not the act ofivalking as truly as I have— —my frame ^ myself? I have — an apple. I had— an apple. I have — had an apple. I had — had an apple. I have — bought an apple. I had — bought an apple. I have — been buying an apple. 1 had — been buying an apple It has — been bought. It had — been bought. It has — been a sound apple. It had — been a sound apple. It has — to be a sound apple. It had — to be a sound apple. Rule. Have governs nouns, pronouns, phrases and sentences. 142 SOCIAL LESSONS. NO. 3. 53 — 2. First class. 1 What does it .'* He does it 2 Who fashions it? 3 forms it? 4 shapes it? 5 smooths it^ 6 paints it? 7 decks it? 8 polishes it? 9 supports it? 10 governs it? Who? Conjugate one of these sentences. He J may relate to any one of the male kind; do^ to any action^ it, to any object or idea. Second class, -doth it. What? fashionethit. forraeth it. shapeth it. smootheth it. painteth it. decketh it. polisheth it. suppoiteth it. goverceth it. rRINCIPLE 13. 51. The same object may be, have, or do, in different places, therefore different prepositions may be joined to the same nonn.^ First clnss. Second class. Third class. I It is on ihQ floor. It hCis fallen to the floor. It falls fo the floor. o urion upon upon 3 over spread over over 4 above lain above above 5 under under under 6 beneath beneath beneath 7 undernea th underneath underneath 8 below below below 9 in in in iuto into into 55 — 1. Tell me hov/ you would teach John this lesson. 56 — 2. I would saj, John, What is the fifth main principle of lang'uage? No. 2, 53. Then I would say somethincr like this: Where can you 2valkl Where can you sleepl Where can an ox feed? Where can a bird build a nest? Where can a bird fly? Where can a squirrel run? Where docats^catch mice? Where do dogs watch goods? When you say: Dogs watch goods in stores, which word points out the place of the dog's watching? What kind of goods can a dog watch in a store? up chamber? down cellar? out doors? under a wagon? What is between here and Boston? W^hat is beyond Rule. Prepositions govern the objective case. SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 3. 145 ?oston? What is around it} What is xoithin it} Whatg-oci^? rom it ? What goes to it ? 57 — 1. You may, too, place something in jour hand, a encil or knife, let him look at it, and saj: Where is the £:nife? He will. of course say: It is on or upon your hand. Then raise it a little, and say: Where is 'it now? above, )ver, then put it under your hand, and ask him where it is, hen between your fingers^ and so on. 58 — 2. In these exercises I can teach him some of the )arts of speech. PRINCIPLE 14. 59. Tlie same object may be represented as doing the \ame act at different times, or different acts at the same time: ir being in the same condition at different times , and differ- mt conditions at the same time. 0—1. First class, 1 Several iveeks ago he thought of it. Of what? where? Some time ago When did he think of it'l in which 3 A fortnight ago conjugation is this class 1 Which word 4 A month ago is agent? what pey^sonl number! gen- 5 A year ago derl Which part of the sentence relates 6 Many years ago to timel Which word is a preposilionl 7 Four years ogo What words or phrases can you supply 8 Seven years ago in the place of the word, iil 9 A good while ago 10 A great while ago 51 — 2 Second class. 1 That pious young man was frequently most shamefally abused. 2 What do you call is often Who was abusedl 3 those words that de- sometimes What kind of a 4 fine and qualify the constantly man? Where was 5 agent in this class? always he abused? how? 6 Why is it that we usually JBy whom do you 7 can join more than generally suppose? Mention 8 one qualifying icord commonly some pa^^ticular time 9 to the same name? now & t\\QVi for abmin^lihe man. 10 No, 2, 15. JVo. 3, 2. oft-times f44 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 62. Third class. 1 Soma thing is going* tliare now very slowly. 2 was moving* already inoderately, 3 TVkat Ihing or stirring to-day carefully. 4 object 1 How doing yesterday justly. 5 gomgl WiiCTc"^ acting long* since properly. 6 IVkenl working long ago profitably. 63 — 2. Fourth class. You ask: ^^Hovr going?" The bird was flying over the trees. fi»h swimming in what. '^ snake crawling on dog running from ()4. Fifth class. For the future I shall perhaps be a little more careful. Tomorrow peradventure much less Hereafter possibly What qualifier the icord Henceforth perchance careful'^ Henceforward Which is the a gent "? the verb"? What does By and by careful qualifu? Which words express One of these dv.yz doubt? Which relate to time? 65, MarTj can any thing move without taking up some TIME? Just try the experiment. Move your hand or wink. Then as a thing cannot be, have or do without taking up time, VERBS must be associated with the idea of time. Speak a few sentences. G6, I teas there. I had walked there. I ivalhed there. 67. Do those sentences relate to past time, 'present, or future? Speak some now that vrill have reference to 'present time. 68. I am here. I Aare walked here. I w;a/A; here, 69. Now some in ih^ future time. 70. I shall he here. I shall have walked here. I shall walk here. 71 When you command or entreat a person, in what mood do you speak.? No. 2, 68, 111. Read what is there written. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3, 145 TTlie verb in the imperative mood is used in its simple form J tuilhout any variation, and always has reference to fu- ture time. In the indicative it is varied on account of per- son and time. EXAMPLE. Imperative. Indicative. 72. John, Tvrite as thou writes^ generally. In what person Charles writes In ivh at time is write ^ is thou"? he wvitelh In what time is wrote"? Charles? he? he wrote No. 1, 234. 73. AM verbs, that do not form the imperfect tense and perfect participle by adding d, or ed^ are called irregular. I here give you a list of IRREGULAR VERBS, In the Imperative and Indicative moods. First class. Read the present tense in the indicative. George beseeches him. Present tense. George, beseech him, as he bind Hie present bleed payiiciple is bring formed from the buy present tense of catch the verb, and al- chide ways ends in feed ing*, as: %bt, fighting fling, flinging grind, gri^irfing hear, hearing hold, holding keep, keeping lay, laifwg What other lead leave lend lose meet name can you read instead of George? pay Pa.4 tense and perfect participle. besought thee, bound bled Head in the first brought conjugation. I bought am besought, I caught am bound. Read chid in the second con- fed jugation. I have fought been besought. I flung have been be- ground seeching. I have heard hesought. held kept laid led Read negatively. left George, lead not lent him as he lead lost thee. Now inter- met rogatively. 13 146 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S Present teuse. Past tense and perfect participle. George, lend him, as he lent thee. read read Does George lead Wmte a say Men sell said him as he lead thee 1 different seek goods. sought Write the same agent. agent to sell Men sell sold same auxiliary ^ dif- each verb J send cloth. Men sent ferent verbs and ob- nnd ten shoe sell cotton, shod jects. different shoot Men sell shot I may lead a horse. nouns in sit flax. Men sat I may leave an ox . the ob- sling sell hemp, slung / may lend a dog. jective speed Men sell sped I may lose a coiv. case to spend wool. Men spent I may meet a sheep. eachy spin sell silk, spun I may pay a debt. thus: stick Men sell stuck I may lend a bow. sting hats. Men stung I may read a book. sweat sell shoes, swet I may say a word. swing Men sell swung Let the pupil have teach gloves. taught the privilege of writ" tell told ing different agent» think thought , as well as objects. win won wind wound Second class. Present ten »e. Past tense. Perfect participlcj. 74. Blow i1 t, as it blew it, and it w dl be blown. Break broke broken Choose chose The little ivord, chosen Draw drew ity stands in the drawn Drive drove place of the driven Drink drank name of any drunk Forsake forsook OBJECT or idea forsaken Freeze froze you please to frozen. Give gave suppose . given Hew hewed hewn Know knew known Lade laded laden Rive rived riven See saw seen Shake shook It has shaken it. Sha^e shaved shaven SOCIAL LESSONS, NO, 3. 14t Present lenae. Shear it, as Show Slay Slide Smite Steal Strow Strew Swear Take Tear Throw Tread Wear Weave Write Past tense. sheared showed slew slid smote stole strowed strewed swore took tore threw trod wore wove wrote Read in the sec- ond conjugation^ as J It has And thus. Perfect pariiciple*. it, and it will be shorn, shown slain slidden smitten it. stolen It has been strown by it. It has been strewed by if. It has been sworn by it. taken torn thrown trodden worn woven written Third clasi. Present tense. Past tense. Perfect parliciplet. 75. Begin it as it begun, or began it and it will be begun. Build builded built built Eat eat ate eaten Ride rode rid ridden Ring rang rung rung Sing- Sink Spit Spring Stride builded eat rode rang sang sank spit sprang strode sung sunk spat sprung strid sung sunk spat sprung stridden Present tense. 76. Bite it For2:et Hide Strike Work as Fourth class. Past tense. Perfect participles. he bit it, and it will be bit or bitten. forgot forgot forgotten hid hid bidden struck struck stricken wrought wrought worked Read all the irregular verbs in the third person singular^ indicative moodj he or it for the agent, him or it for ob- ject, as: He beseeches him. He binds him. Observe that tlie verb ends in s. 148 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. Fifth class. Present (ense. Past (ense. Perfect participle* 77. Awake him. I aivoke him, therefore he is awaked. Bend it. I bent it, therefore it is bended or bent Bereave bereft bereaved Cleave clove, cleft cleft or cloven J)eal dealt dealt, dealed, Dig dug dug, digged Gild gilt gilt, gilded Gird girt girt, girded Grave gravec graven Hang hung hung, hanged Load loaded laden Mow mowec 1 mown Saw sawed sawn Shape shapec 1 shapen, shaped Slit slit slit, slitted Sow sowed sown Spill spilt spilt, spilled Wax wa!ied waxen Sixth class. Present tease. Past (ense. Perfect participle* 78. Burst the bottle. It burst yesterday. It is burst. Cast be 11 He cast it then cast Cut stick cut cut Hit hit hit Hurt him hurt hurt Let the hon ie let let Put put put Set set set Shed shed shed Shut shut shut Slit slit slit Split split split Spread spread spread Thrust thrust thrust Observe that the verbs in the sixth class are not varied to express the imperfect tense and perfect participles. The horse is let. I have let him. I let him every day. He was let, I have let him. I let him yesterday. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 3. 149 Seventh class. Pre«eat tense. 79. Rise ye, Arise ye Strive Fly Grow Swear Lie Sit Go ?-0. Present tense. Abide with us. Shine upon us. Creep to it. Sleep on it. Dwell among us. Flee from us. Past tense. we rose, we were arose strove flew grew swore laid sat went perfect participles. risen before light. arisen striven with flown grown sworn lain sat gone Eighth Class. Past tense. He abode here. It shown upon it. It crept to it. It slept on it. Perfect participle*. He was abode with. It was shown upon It was crept to. It was slept on. They dwelt among us. We were dwelt among. They fled from us. We were fled from them. We were fled from by them. Be careful that you do not use the imperfect tense of the irregular verbs where it is proper to use the perfect partici- ple. The imperfect tense is used only on the fiftli line of the third conjugation. No. 2.23. Ao. 4, 11. Read all the irregular verbs, taking the pronoun, if, for the agent or sub- ject, and for the object or predicate, No. 2, 27, thus: It be- sought it. It bent it y Sac. Read again, using the auxiliary, didy which is the imperfect tense of the verb, do, and requires the present tense after it, thus: I did beseech it. I did bend it, 8lc. Some are in the habit of saying: I done it. He done it. Who done it? They should say: I have done it, or I did it, or I did do it. You should not say: I seen him do it, but I have seen him do it, or I did see him, or I saiu him, or he ivas seen by me. 81. Bear in mind that the principal object here is Time, as it relates to language. You need not study any book to learn that every action requires time', but to learn how to express the different relations of time, demands attention and practice. Repeat the relatives of time. (No. 2, 59. No. 2, 105. No. 3,65.) 13^ 150 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 82. Time of necessity must be present, and actions can take place only in 'present time^ but we have occasion to speah of actions and events as pasf, present^ ?i\\i future. 83. 1 It was bent before he came. 2 1 hadhQui it until 3 I bent it It is bent ivhen ivhile after since now. I Past Time. I have bent it since he came. > 2 Present Time. I bend it 1 It shall be bent 2 I shall have bent it 3 I shall bend it often before he comes. when while after 3 Future Time. 54. He said I could bend it before he did might would should bent He saijs I bend it shall bend it will may can must had. was ready. until when while after J since before he does. until he has done it. ivhen ivhile he does it. after he has done it fi5. If he could have done it before nine o'clock he would. If he could not have done it until then it would have been well. If he could have done it when I saw him, he would. If he could have done it while I saw him, he would. If he could have done it after that time he certainly would. If he could have done it since yesierday he would. ^Q. If ho had done it before that time I would have done thus and so. waited until that time gone when\ was there while I was there after that time sincQ that time SOCIAL LEwSSONS, NO. 3. 151 S7. If he have done it at any time before asking yoo, he is blameable, has have waited at any time until he could ask you, he is has lohen while after he had been told since he has 88. If he shall have done \i before that time it shall be well. will have waited until I arrive I will do it for him. may have waited ivhenl am there, what matter? can have waited ivhile it is done, I shall rejoice. If he must not have written until after I have, the letter: cannot be sent 89. If he could have it done before that time it would do. might tomorrow would next week should had have or has it will do. shall will may can must 90. Verbs and Participles have reference to actions as te- ing CONTINUED or COMPLETED. EXAMPLES OF CONTINUED ACTION. In past Time. 91. It was strained contmually from morn until night. It had strained the wire an hour before he came. It had been strained an hour sometime during the day. It strained the wire constantly ivhile I was there. He being: strainins: the wire, it could not be seen. It being strained constantly ivhile I was there, 8lc. They, having been straining it an hour sometime before I was there, began then to slacken it. Their straining the wire at that time, did not hinder me from seeing it. 152 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. In 'present Thtie. 92. The wire is continually strainedxvhile this screw is turned. The power of the screw is straining the wire while I am iurnino' it. o The screw has to be straining the wire. It has to be strained by the screw. Being straining it, it cannot be tightening it. In future Time, 93. It shall be strained until it is as fine as a hair. I shall be straining it until then. When it has been strained an hour, take it out. After you have been straining it an hour, do something else. When I have strained it so long a time, I will do it. Prepare the wire, and after having been straining it an hour, or after it has been strained an hour, let it rest. We will do it, or we expect to do it at some future time . 94. EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED ACTION. In past Time. The child was completely dressed when she came into the room. The table was furnished^ the chairs were set, when we were called. They were moved twenty miles from the city, I saw them situated pleasantly upon a beautiful farm. In present Time, 95* They are arrived within ten miles of the city. They have arrived within ten miles of the city. They, arrived within ten miles of the city, are encamped. They are seated at the table. The tea is poured into the cups, and held in the cups. In future Time. 96. They are to be full bloum, and not withered by the sun. Tbey are to be tied together and washed white. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. 153 97. It may be seen from the above examples that tho participles relate equally to past, present, and future time, and that the time of an action represented by a participle can be known only by the association of other words. I speak the word, writing'. Do you know to what time it re- lates? I IV as writing yesterday . I am writing now . I may be writing tomorrow. No variation ia the word, writiog*, and it is the same with every participle. 98. A large number of profitable and interesting lessons may be formed by associating the relatives of time with the auxiliaries, pronouns, irregular verbs, prepositions, &c. I will give only a few examples. PRINCIPLE 15. 99. An action may be done before^ until, ivhen, xchilc, after y or since another action. iOO. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I shall do it before I ask him You may write in your book the names bring of ten different ob- buy jects after each verb^ catch and take a new agent chide for each verb, either feed singular or plural fight number, flin^ First class, beseech — what or whom? bind bleed Se careful that your words agree in sense as well as in number and person, Sjc. You can say, ^' /6e- seech the Lord^ Bui you cannot properly say^ '^ I chide the Lord.'^ 101. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Boys, bind the Add tell nouns instead of boys, ten verbs instead, bind, that ivill agree ivith the nouns. Second class. stalks before you corn rye oats wheat flax hemp books bundle shoes goto irom Add ten verbs in- stead of go, nouns or pronouns in- stead of the agent. school . church training dinner supper breakfast market sleep rest work 154 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 102 Third class.. 1 Let it be until he i grinds the knife. 2 rest hears what ? 3 remain holds 4 keeps Write ten different nouns 5 Let what be? lays after each verb, and qual- 6 Until who grind it ^i ' leads ify each noun. 7 leaves 8 lends 9 loses 10 meets PRINCIPLE 16. 103. The same thing or action may be compared with different things or actions^ or different things or actions may be compared with the same . COMPARISON OF THINGS OR OBJECTS. Marv, I wish you to understand how the word, object, is applied. 104 — 2. 1 do know, I think. This pen is an object, this pencil is an object, this slate is an object; that man is an object, that boy, that girl, that bird, and that fly is an ob- ject. All these things are objects, but I have noticed a dif- ferent application of the word, object. The names of ob- jects, when arranged in sentences, are either agent or o6- jecty according to the meaning: thus in the sentence, The slate falls, the word, slate, is agent to the verb falls; but in this sen- tence, I hold the slate, the word, slate, is object of the verb, hold, and is said to be governed by the verb. Place the name of this object {pencil) in a sentence, in the re- lation of agent. A^ow so it shall he object of the verb. JVo. 2, 27. JVpWi do the same with the name of some living object. JVow the name of some virtue, of some vice, of some spirit. You should observe the difference between real and imaginary objects, and between the mere name of an object and the oh}QQlit$elf SOCIAL LESSOISS NO. S. 155 105. First class. 1 John's pen is just as long as William's new pen is, 2 ' stone pencil 3 TVith whatis John^s pen comparedl lead pencil 4 Mention the phrase by ivhich the com- patent pencil 5 parison is made. Are they equally or silver pencil 6 unequally compared! What ivord can red pencil 7 you read instead of the adjective^ longl black pencil 8 Which are proper nounsl Pronounce paint brush 9 the common nouns . Which nouns imply pen knife 10 possession"? Qualify John'^sj) en. Read middle finger some word instead of the word^justy in- stead ofJohn^s, of William^ s. 106. Second class. 1 Mj father's house is almost as large as thy uncle's. 2 Our nearly aunt's 3 Thy Whichu'ordis hardly Ifliat is un- nephew's ' 4 Your agentl Pro- just derstood after niece's 5 His nounce the pro- quite the icord^ un- brother's 6 Her nouns. What precisely c/e's? Write sister's 7 Its do they imply "l equally the nouns in friend's 8 Their Pronounce the exactly the plural enemy's 9 John's adverbs^ the about number im- neighbour's 10 Jane's nouns that apparentlyp/?/mof pos- partner's 11 Julia's imply possess^ sessionythus: 12 Susan's ion. In what num^ uncles\ Read in 13 Mary's ber are the nouns'? simple combination , 107. Third class. 1 Every girl in town has a richer dress than mine (is.) 2 miss costlier 3 lass In ichich de- handsomer Read the agents. 4 maid gree of com^ softer Add other words 5 lady parison are smoother instead of the ob^ 6 female the adjee- nev^^er jectoftheverbyin- 7 housewife fees? warmer stead of the object of 8 \ . / ( ^ I Read cooler the preposition. In 9 governess them, thinner which conjugation! iO landlady i^ead/Ziem thicker Conjugate the first in the positive degree, 'sentence. 156 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 108. 1 It is twice 2 What is three ti 3 Who is four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 twenty Fourth class. as good as that — what? mes bad Read ten words after the tcord, ihat^ Read the phrase, '' as good again as ^^^ instead of twice as good as. Write a class agreeing ivilh phrases like this: " ten per cent better //ia«." COMPARISOxV OF OBJECTS OR QUALITIES OF OBJECTS, BY THE USE OF QUALIFYING PHRASES AND SENTENCES. 109. Fifth class. 1 He is as kind as one that helps the poor unasked. 2 like a parent vvho does what .'* to whom ? how ? 3 kinder than teacher who pleases his pupils. 4 doctor 5 Read a proper minister Write ten explaining phra- 6 noun instead of lawyer ses after each noun, xvilh the 7 the pronoun, he, judge privilege oj talcing a differ- 8 Mas. Fern. governor ent agent for each class. 9 brother 10 sister 110. Sixth class. 1 That gentleman was so kind to all present as- 2 Who else was kind .^ attentive there 3 Add other adjectives. 4 "IIL 111. Sixth class. 1 to gain a very general respect from them. 2 What would? us 3 me 4 him ^ her SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S 15t 1 12. To define a ivord is to explain it by describing the particular ideas it is made to represent; but what I mean when I ask jou to define a sentence, is to hare you express the same or similar^ and sometimes opposite ideas, in the same part of speech, and in the same construction. No. 3, 41. COMPARISON OF ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH OBJECTS, 113. Seventh class. 1 I write as handsomely as you do, John, or erer did. 2 legibly 3 plainly Pronounce the adverhs, the adjectives 4 smoothly from lohick they are derived. Read, 5 correctly Again, and emphasise the agents, 6 perfectly Again, and give the falling tnfiec- 7 expeditiously tion on the adverbs. Read ii 3 readily negatively. JS^ow interrogatively y 9 often as, do I writ el ^c. Noiv conditional" 10 willingly lyl adding another sentence or clause. lU. Eighth class. 1 My Peter can throw a stone ' as high as any other boy caa. 2 roll hoop as — as 3 fly kite as — as 4 set snare as — as 5 shoot gun as — as You mean of his 6 play game as — as age^ Ipresumet 1 tell story as — as 8 spread net as — as 9 climb tree as — as 10 row boat as — as 115. Texts. ' Her cheeks are redder than a rose of deepest die. Her eyes are blacker than a coal just charred. Her complexion is fairer than a lily from the meadow^ Her form is more graceful than. you can imagine. Her mind is richer than a mine of diamonds. Her motives are purer than Define each sentence in class 9. 14 158 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. EXAMPLES OF COMPARISON. 116. First clasg. 1 I write well, (compared with writing in general.) 2 I write very well. 3 I write nearly as fast as my teacher. 4 I write just as fast as he writes. 5 I write a very little faster than he. 6 I write much faster than he. 7 I write as much faster than he writes as he does faster 8 I write as fast as a man usually talks. [than Jane. 9 I write so that almost any one can read it. 10 I write so plain as to be understood by most people^ 111 write like Mr. Hoppin's clerk, or like a lawyer. 12 I write the best of any one in this street. 1 This is a sweet apple. 2 It is very sweet. S It is nearly as sweet as a pear fully ripe. 4 It is just as sweet as a pear. 5 It is a very little sweeter than some pears. 6 It is much sweeter than some are. 7 It is as much sweeter than a pear as a pear is sweeter 8 It is as sweet as honey. [than a lemoBc 9 It is so sweet that it makes me sick to eat it. 10 It is so sweet as to entice them to eat of it. 11 An apple is like a pear in some respects. 12 It is the sweetest thing I ever tasted. What is? 3 1 I wrote it as he told me to write. 2 I wrote it better than he told me to write. 3 I wrote it as nearly as he told me as I could. 4 I wrote it just as if he had told me how. 5 I may as well do it as not do it. 6 I had rather do it than to have him do it. 7 Be so good as to do it for me now. 8 You know better than to do so, John, I think, 9 Bring him such as he wants. 3(0 Do not bring too many, n I will endeavor to bring just enough. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 169 PRINCIPLE 17. 117, Some nouns preceded by the preposition, of, may re- late to any other sensible object. When I say: The top — the question immediately arises: The top o/\vhat? The top of any thing that has an upper and under side. First class. 1 He sent it to the top of the high hill. 2 mountaiQ 3 mount 4 Define each of the other loords , tower 5 steeple 6 What voicel sound in the icord^ /le, castle 7 in se7it, in itytOj ^x. Say the vow- building 8 els . Write the top line in short handy church 9 thus : \ /> I ^ / — -^ — tree 10 ' mast Second clasf. 1 James, let me have a part ofjouT roll o/* candy. 2 James, let thou me thy bottle of — what? 3 Boys, let ye me your barrel of — 4 Boys, suffer me to have box of — 5 basket of — 6 TVIiat other ivords can you use bunch of — 7 instead oj part"^ Add ten ivords field of — 8 instead of candy ^ that u)ill agree garden of — 9 with roll^ ten that will agree bed of — 10 with bottle, S^x, plants of — TEXTS. 1 Man's powers of mind exceed the extent of his — what? 2 ''What is the cause of the cohesion o/" the solid parts of matter?" 3 The smoothness of the surface of glass surpasses it 4 The roughness of the corners of that table grazed it. 5 The virtue of the laws of the State of Rhode Island. — 6 "This leads us to inquire into the origin of this govern- ^ ment, and the source of its power." 160 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. 118. Words may be defined by stating the properties and circumstances, of the objects or actions they signify. 1 Lead. Lead is a metal. It is very heavy It is fusible It is malleable, or ductile It is lighter than gold, platina or quicksilver It is softer than any other metal It is whitish It is useful It is valuable Apple. An apple is a kind of fruit. It is juicy It is of various colors It is of various sizes It is of various tastes It has a core It has a^ number of small, smooth, oval, blackish seeds It has a smooth thin skin It is said to be hard, soft or mellow, tough or tender Its shape is nearly round Chair. A chair is a seat. It is a short seat It is a moveable seat It has four legs put together with rounds It has- a back Some have arms Some have rockers S Stool. A stool is a short, round seat, without a back 4 Bench. A bench is a long seat with- out a back. 5 Settee. A settee is a long seat with a low back and arms. Trie. A tree is a plant. It has branching roots It has a trunk or body It has limbs or branches Its branches have twigs It has buds, leaves, and blos- soms Some bear fruit It is covered with bark It is elastic or yielding- Some are ever green 8 To ran. To run is to ply the legs in such a manner that both feet are at every step oif the ground at once. To run against a post, is to go against it. To run in debt is to get trusted. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 161 119. DEFINITION OF SENTENCES^ OR ELEMENTS OF COMPOSITION. Method of Instruction, *You may read simultaneously the following piece, entitled, ** Happiness is founded in rectitude of conduct. '^'^ 120. '' All men pursue good, and would be happy, \i they knew how; not happy for minutes, and miserable for hours; but happy, if possible, through every part of their existence. Either, therefore, there is a good of this steady, durable kind, or there is not. If not, then all good must be tran- sient and uncertain; and if so, an object of the lowest value, which can little deserve our attention or inquiry. But if there be a better good, such a good as we are seeking, like every other thing, it must be derived from some cause; and that cause must either be external, internal, or mixed; in as much as, except these three, there is no other possible. Now a steady, durable good, cannot be derived from an external cause; since all derived from externals must fluctuate as they fluctuate. By the same rule, it caunct be derived from a mixture of the two, because the part which is external^ will proportionably destroy its essence. What then remains but the cause internal? the very cause which we have sup- posed, when we place the sovereign good in mind — in recti- tude of conduct." 121. Each word in this piece is to be analyzed. 1st. You are to know the simple sounds in each word, and how to pronounce them, which will be practice in Orthoepy. 2d. You must know how to spell each word, which will afford practice in that part of grammar called Orthography. 3d. You must know of each word ^^Lether it be primitive or de- rivative, simple' or^^compound, and of what part of speech, which will be practice in that part of grammar called Ety- mology. 4th. You will be learning to arrana'e your words in sentences, and to apply the proper rules o^ govermneni and agreementy which will come under the head of Syntax. 5th. *A school-room scene, to a class of scholars of equal age and ca- pacity, who are supposed to huv« betn instructed injhe precediug piinciples. 14* 162 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. You will not only pronounce the words separately, but as.*?o-' ciate them in sentences, which will be the best possible way to perfect you in Accent and Emphasis, Tone and Express- ion, and all the Poicers of the voice in speech, which part of grammar is called Prosodij or Elocution, I wish you to understand the difference between studying merely the grammar of a language, and the study of the language itself. When I^ say to you: That ?irtmes of things are called nouns, that the%ame of this tiling is pen, that nouns are singular or plural, and teach you to form the plu- ral by adding s, thus: pen, pens, and tell you other ways to form the plural, as, box, boxes, bury, berries, &c. (No. 5, 64,) proceeding in this way I merely teach you the gram- mar of the language But when I tell you that a particular kind of buildln ^ ^] No. 2, in the second word. [^ /-n ^ p] No. 3, in the third word. [/-x ( >^] No. 4, No. 5, 6, 7. Let each one analyze a word. (The teacher shoidd assist.) Pronounce the vowels, ind slide the voice upwards. What inflection do we call ibis? Pronounce the words in the rismg inflection. Now say the vowels in a falling- inflection. Pronounce the words so. Pronounce the primitive words in the column, the de- rivatives. What other word is derived from happy, besides happiness? What is derived from the second word? What others from the third? fourth? fifth? sixth? seventh? eighth? ninth? tenth? eleventh? In which number are these nouns? What is the plural to No. 4? Spell it in the plural. What is the plural to No. o? to No. 10? Just think for a mement of the importance of this subject. For what can we desire ii exist, if we cannot realize happiness! Are we this mo- ment happy ? If not, why ? 1 2 3 123. Draw a perpendicular line at the right of the longest word in the first column. Draw another line, leaving a space of one inch. Draw another line, leaving about half of an inch. Number the columns, 2, 3. In the third column, write the word, is. What is the first aux- iliary? Write it in the sec- ond column, on the second line. Write the word, 6e, under it. Read all the nouns with the verb, is. Read them with could he, and observe the difl^er- ence in meaning. What auxiliary implies liberty? W^rite it. Read all the nouns with might be. What next? Write. Read as before. What next? As we have the present tense on the first line, we must omit it here, and write^ wa$. 1 Happiness 2 Felicity 3 Blissfulness is. could be. might be 4 Enjoyment would be. 5 Pleasure should be. 6 Fruition was. 7 Ease shall be. 8- Quietness will be. 9 Prosperity 10 Hope 11 Faith may be. can be. must be. 164 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S Write the remaining auxiliaries in order. Conjugate the first sentence, thus: Happiness is. It could be. It might be, &cc. Conjugate the second, thus: Felicitijis, It could be. It might be, &.c. The third, fourth. In reading these simple combinations, the teacher will, of course, direct according to the age and capacity of his pu- pils, and his own inclination. Conjugate the fourth agent in the plural number. In which conjugation is the verb.^ What number and person? With what must the verb agree? Are the sentences declarative, interrogative, or imperative? Af- firmative or negative? Do they express certainty or uncer- tainty? Ask questions, thus: What is happiness? What is felicity? So of each agent, and think while you speak. Tke teacher in direding these lessons should not he confin- ed to written directions. TVhat I can ivrite may assist, but cannot suppl if the place of the teacher. I have proved this lcsso7i to be both interesling and useful, and therefore rec- vmmend it with confidence. I know of no exercise better calculated to enlighten the mind of a pupil than this. It is at once a writing, spelling, dtfinitiony composition^ reading and parsing lesson. 1st Sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Happiness is founded in rectitude of conduct. 2 Felicity based rightness behaviour S Blissfulness built uprightness motive 4 Enjoyment raised justness intention 6 Pleasure supported propriety action 6 Fruition upheld corr«ctness judgment 7 Kase increased pureness heart 8 Quietness promoted holiness soul 9 Prosperity produced reasoDdhleuess desire 10 Hope enlarA^ed accuracy thought 11 Faith strengthened exactness conception 124. We will suppose the lesson to have been written up- on the slates as above. What part of speech in the 4th col- umn? To what do they relate? (No. 3, 37.) Read the verbs from which they are derived. Read the present participles from the same verbs. What irregular verb in the column J What governs the 6th column of v/ords? the 8th? The teacher xe ill put other questions . SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 3. 165 2d Sentence. Sd Sentence, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Ail men pursue good and would be 2 Each people follow virtue but could be 3 One nations desire truth might be 4 Some kingdoms wish for pleasure should be 5 Any tribes practise riches were 6 This parties strive for honour are 7 That families contend for renown shall be 8 These societies go after fame will be 9 Those companies inquire after wisdom may be 10 The Europeans ask for understanding can be 1 1 Other Americans pray for holiness must be 125, With what must articles agree? (Rule 3d. No. 4, 17.) What is an article? Which column of words are agents? Which verbs? Pronounce the articles, the agents, the verbs, the objects. What rule do you give for the lOth column of words? (first.) For the 11th column? (firs(.) The 12th? (second.) In which number are the nouns in the 10th col- umn? in the 12th? What person? What gender are the agents? the objects? In vy^hat mood are the rerbi? With what must verbs agree? No. 1, may read the first article with all the agents, and the first verb, thus: All men pursue. people No. 2, may read the second article, thus: nations Each man pursues, or, kingdoms Each of the men pursues. tribes No. 3, may read the next, then No. 4, parties and so on. families No. 1, may now read the first article societies with all the agents and second verb. companies Be careful to thinh when you read. Europeans No. 2, what must you read now? Americans What will be yours, No. 3? All men pursue good. All wise men steadily pursue the greatest good. What other qualifying words can you apply to men^ pur- sue^ and goodl Read ivise with each word in the 10th col- umn. Read steadily, with the words in the llth, &c. 1S6 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. i. 4th Sentence. 16 17 18 19 20 I happj if they knew how. 2 tranquil though I had the power. 3 peaceable although we possessc 'dthe skill. 4 peaceful except thou owned the faculty 5 at peace unless ye that thing. 6 at rest whether he this object. 7 undisturbed notwithstanding she my house. 8 good nevertheless it our farm. 9 great thy horse. 10 wise your mill. 11 useful his store. 126. What part of speech is No. 16? Pronounce them. Who would be happy? Read the word, beings, after the ad- jectives. They w^ould be happy beings. . tranquil, &c. Let the third sentence be negative, and read the conjunc- tions in No. 17. Read and or but in the third sentence according to the sense. Conjugate the fourth sentence in connection with the third. They would be happy if they knew how. could know how. might would knew ar« know* shall shall will may can must DERIVATION. Happt/, /i/-less-pily-piness-per-pen; hap-hazard-/tar/of. Tranquil, tranquility, tranquilize, tranquil/i/-ness. Peacea6/e-ful-ness-bly, peace-maker,, peace-offering. Undisturbed^ disturbance, disturber-s. What words are derived from good, great, wise. * The subjunctive present or future, is not used after the declara- tire past, in this sentence. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO, 3. 167 5th Sentence. Gill Sentence. SI 22 23 24 25 26 1 not happr for minutes and miserable 2 joyful during moments worthless 3 4 5 6 glad prosperous transported delighted by through seconds very poor wretched debased dispirited 7 pleased unpleasant 8 9 10 bappified blessed flattered cursed poorly off unfortunate 127, Ellipsis, when applied to grammar, is the elegant omission of some part or parts of speech in a sentence. Supply the ellipsis in the fifth sentence. PTIieij would not he happy for minutes, ^ . Who would not? Men woidd not. Pronounce the 22d column. What part of speech? What do they qualify? Read the word they qualify after them. What part of speech modifies or qualifies the adjective? Read an adverb before the adjectives. Unusually happy. Cban2^e those adjectives to nouns, as: They would enjoy perfect happiness for — ■ feel great joy gladness^ Sfc. TVHiat part of speech are those words in the 24th col- nmn? For what are prepositions generally used? To denote place, as: Onthe icaier,inthefield. To what do the words in the 24th column relate? (To time.) What part of speech the 26th? From what is the first word derived? the second P fourth? fifth? &c. What column of words stand in contrast with the 22d? (26th.) The teacher will hear the scholars spell all the words, or let them spell to each other. In what condition must a person be to be happy 1 To be happy one must be free from sinful actions, from the indul- gence of bad passions; he must be in health, have enough to eat, and to drink, and to wear — he must hav« a contciited nind, aad a desire to do good. i68 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. Itk Sentence, Stk Sentence. 27 23 29 30 31 32 1 for hours 2 weeks but happy good if ifitb possible e consistent 3 months content reasonable 4 years 5 centuries 6 " ages wise rich honest just right agreeable 7 ever and ever 8 many ages 9 a long time kind benevolent charitable satisfactory honorable allowable 10 a life tirae friendly admissible 1 1 to all eternity at peace advisable 128. Supply the ellipsis in the 7th and 8th sentences. What is ellipsis? In what case are the nouns in the 28th column? AVhich are adverbs in the 28th? In which number are the nouns? Read them in the singular. What part of »peech is the 30th and 32d ? What is your Rule for the pronoun ? With what does ii agree in No. 31 ? If what be consistent? it be If they desire to be wish to be request to be Read the top line as far as 27, and then read in columns^ Read in a soft smooth voicCj and think as you read. Conjugate the 7th sentence. In which conjugation? When I ask: What kind of a sentence? I wish you to tell whether it be declarative y inte7Togative^ or imperative. ^ Will they be happy if possible ? Interrogative. They will be happy if possible. Declarative. Be ye happy if possible. Imperative. What kind of a sentence is the first? Read it interroga- tively. Imperatively. In what mood are the 2d and 3d sentences? Conjugate the 1st, the 2d, the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, In which conjugation is the 1st sentence? the 2d? the 3d? Read the text or top line in the first person singu- lar, plural; ia the second person singular and plural. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 169 ss 34 35 36 37 38 1 througi I every part of their existence.* 2 for all portion my being. 3 during this period our living. 4 that stage thy consciousness 5 these scene your knowledge. 6 those trial his business. 7 some action her labor. 8 each jyer^ormance its work 9 one design man's. 10 many undertaking the world' s 11 a moment matter's 129. You may perceive that the eighth, is a qualifying or interrupting sentence, and '' through every part of their ex- istence," belongs to the 7th sentence. Such interrupting sentences should be read lower and quicker than the main sentences, thus: ^^but happy — through every part of their existence " if possible if it be possible Let the voice pass very rapidly over such interrupting sen- tences^ and then take up the main sentence as though it had not been disturbed. What is the radical or root of the eighth word in 35th column? Which part of it is the prefix? which the affix? No* 1, may mention some other word formed from the same root, by adding some other prefix. No. 2, mention one. No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. No. 1, may analyze the first word in the 38th. No. 2, the second, No. 3, the third. No. 4, the fourth. No. 6, may analyze the sixth word in the 32d column. No. 7, may choose any word in the lesson to ana- lyze. No. 8, tell all the simple sounds in a word. When you analyze, tell how many syllables, and where the accent is. No. 1, pronounce this word as the accent is marked, un- consciousness. No. 2, thus, unconsciousness. No. 3, un- consciousness. No. 4, unconsciousness. No. 5, uncon- sciousness. No, 6. unconsciousness. No. 7, in what other way can you accent unconsciousness? No. 8, may accent some other word in the lesson several ways. No. 9, some ^ord. *Thiak how varied and raanj the scenes of one's existence! 15 no SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3, 9th Sentence. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 39 40 Either, therefore, And then for this reason for that cause for these facts for those truths for such wants The reason I have sriven, or shoivn 41 there could might 42 is be be would be should be was shall be will be may be can be wust be 43 44 a good peace happiness- enjoyment tranquility repose rest quietness glory rapture pleasure 45 of consisting of comprehending implying suggesting intimating proving 8 maintaining 9 supporting 10 affording 1 1 ensuring: 46 this that a the some any my our thy you his 47 steady, fixed settled constant regular undeviatins: uniform even real sound whole lOih Sentence, 48 durable lasting everlasting ever-during ever-present never-ending never dying imperishable continuing all-cheering all-consoling 49 kind, sort nature specie* class lot mes9 130. To parse a sentence is to name the parts of speecb in it, and to give the p^-oper rules of scovernmenl and agree- ment. You may parse the 9th and 10th sentences. 2\ere* fore^ is a relative of reason, comprehenuing a sentence. The words in the 44th are nouns. What qualify them? The succeeding phrases. Such phrases may be called adjective phraseSy qualifying the nouns or sentences to which they re- late. No. 4, 17, 41. Observe the words, lot and mess^ in the 49th. I introduce^ the terms, that you may see th'oir inapplicability to the sub- ject, and learn to avoid the use of such words. Each one in the class may make a few proper sentences from the word ht and mes$. SOCLVL LESSONS, NO. 3. ni 11 /A Sentence. \^th Se ntence. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 or there is not. If not; then all 2 could not be some 3 4 might not be would not be any no 5 should not be evcrj 6 7 was not shall not be mj our 8 will not be thy 9 10 may not be can not be your bis 11 must not be her 13th Sentence. 1 4th Sentence. 58 59 60 61 62 63 I good must be transient and uncertain; 2 3 happiness could be wealth mi2:ht be momentary evanescent dubious doubtful 4 money would be fleeting insecure 5 friendship should be 6 love was perishing vanishing questionable false 7 houses is dyingj counterfeit 8 stores 9 ships 10 o^oods shall be will be may be fadina; decaying failing perfidious treacherous deceitful 11 furniture can be spoiling insufficient 131. You may read as far as you have written (63,) in columns, very slow, waving the voice almost as easily as breathing, and observing the different application of the words. Read the text, or top line. Now read it without changing the position of the words, in the interrogative style. It re- quires the upward movement of the voice, thus: ''Happi- ness is founded in reciiiude of conduct V^ It might be call- ed the sarcastic style. No. 1, 238. Now read in a monotone: all men pursue good and woiild be, &c. Now read in a varied voice. No. 1, 214, 238. 172 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 15fh Sentence 16 /A Sentence 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1 and if so, an object of the lowest 2 further thus It is a thing meanest 3 Some- As I have one idea least 4 thinf^ said. supposition basest 5 more is How have saying- worst 6 to be said I said? thought smallest 7 Add an- orivhai chimera weakest 8 other have I farce poorest 9 proposi- said? fable most hurtful 10 Hon. falsity most abject 11 untruth most wicked 12 73 74 75 1 value, which S little 2 worth that ^ scarcely 3 concern > but just 4 kind ^^ hardly 5 property g^- merely 6 tendency g. slightly 7 effefct .^ partially 8 description barely 9 pattern lightly 10 guide sparingly 1 1 order never 17//i Sentence. 16 77 78 deserve our attention claim man's carefulness demand men's heedfulness attact woman's waiclil"ulncs3 gain women's excrtion interest poet's musing engage poetess' studying enlist po^-iesses' thinking; satisfy actor's speaking pay for anre.ses' singing awaken my powers. 132. So, in the 66th column is a relative of manner or kind. It relates to, and saves the repetition of the I3tb and 14th sentences. Let us philosophize upon the 16th sentence. It is an object. What kind.'' It is a mean object. How mean? O! It is very mean'indeed! It is the meanest of all objects? It really is an object of the very lowest value oj any thing lever heard described by an orator. Observe how the phrase, ^' by an orator," changes the force of the word, object. I may have heard others describe a meaner object. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 3. MS imh Sentence. 19//i Sentence, 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 1 or inquiry. But H there be a 2 nor search Besides > is 3 neither quest. Except ^ were 4 and asking: fo^- Unless p* was 6 but, only interrogation. Only be to be 6 yet prayer. Admit 03 is to be 7 if devotion. Grant were to be 8 for support Suppose was to be 9 with faith. Allow exist lO except confidence Own exists 1 1 although information. Say existed. 20/A Sentence, O ist Sentence, 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 1 better good; such a good as we 2 worthier act happiness I 3 richer inheritance price thou 4 higher enjoyment benefit ye 5 sweeter station quietness he 6 happier object peace she 7 lovelier thing- heaven it 8 holier being treasure they 9 godlier spirit tranquility others 10 heavenlier motive rest these 1 1 greater place repose those 133. What is the agent in the 18th sentence? in the 19th? 20th? 21st? What kind of sentences? What part of ■speech are the words in the 79th column? What do they connect? No. 1, parse the words in the 80th column. No. 2, in the 81st, and so on. Each one in the class in turn se- lect a word to analyze. Says Julia, I will analyze the word, good. It has three sounds, two consonants and a Towel; g represents the 10th flat consonant, the d the 6tb, the 00 the 8th sharp vowel; the sounds are these, / ( — or g-oo-d. Its derivations are good-s-ness-ly-y; better, best; good-breeding-by, fellow-s/iip, humour-ec?-/?/, man- ners, nature-d-/i/, good-nowl good-speed-wilUess, 15* 174 SOCIAL LESSOi\S. NO. 3. 22d Sentence 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 are seeking like every other thing 2 could be looking for like unto each earthly object 3 might be sol ici ling- as one terrestrial being 4 would be pursuing any worldly animal 5 should be searchino-for some material vegeiabie 6 were inquiring' aftc ^r all human soul 7 shall be asking for an artificial machine 8 win be praying for this fine house 9 may be calling for that new barn 10 can be wanting these old ghed 1 1 must be requesting those little shop 23d Sentence, 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 1 it must be derived from some cause 2 could be produced by a power 3 might be caused for this principle 4 would be effected through that design 5 should be generated under the rule 6 was begotten being 7 is brought forth thing 8 shall be ushered in motive 9 will be made upon the same wish 10 maj be built inclination 11 can be secured free-will 134. Read tlie 2 1st sentei^ce with 96th column. What part of speech? From what derived? Read the words from which they are derived. ''Each of the scholars in the class I suppose is seeking some good." No. 1, may write ten nouns after the first participle in 9dih, in the first person sin- gular, as: I am seeking knowledge, Sfc. No. 2, write ten that will agree with the second. No. 3, may write ten af- ter the third, and so on, each one taking a different word. No. 1, may now read. In what case are the nouns? No. 2, read. No. 3, &c. In w'hich conjugation are your exam- ples? Read in the second, as: / have sought kfioivledge. Now in the third, as: I seek knowledge. Conjugate one of y©ur sentences in each conjugation. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 175 24fk Sentence. 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 108 109 and that this 110 cause power which principle the a anv 111 must could might would should shall will may can 112 either neither 113 be be be be be 114 external outward terrestrial material perishable was human IS be be be be intrinsic first true real sufficient 2oth Sentence, 26th Sentence. 1 115 116 117 21th Sentence. 4 5 6 7 118 119 internal, 2 inward 3 heavenly immaterial imperishable divine worthless 8 secondary 9 false 10 imaginary 1 1 insufficient or mixed; in as much as, except nor compounded for mingled because united confused besides but therefore wherefore whereas whereby Error. — Read the phrase, ^' these three," afier 119. 135. What does and connect, 108.^ Read the first col- umn of adjectives on the page. The second, the third. Read the conjunctions. Pronounce and define each auxiliary. Read what is written, No. 4, 22. What example on this page like those .^ What do you call such conjunctions? Ob- serve the position of either, (between the auxiliary and verb.) You can see by the 117th column, that participles become adjectives. Read the i^^i from the beginning. Read the Second line and make your Avords agree. Pronounce the sounds in the text: A-11 m-e-n p-ur-s-ue g-oo-d. Now in syllables, as: All men pur-sue good, and would be hap-py. Now read each word abrupt^ thus: All! men! pursue! good^ and! would! be! happy! 176 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. %, flSih Sentence. 120 121 122 125 124 125 1 there is no other possible. Now 2 conid be Dot any alternative. Why! 3 might be way. Alas! 4 would be principle. 0! 5 should be faculty. 6 was ability. 7 shall be disposition B will be consideration. 9 may be standard. 10 can be supposition. 11 must be mode. 126 20/A Sentence. SOlk Sentence. 127 128 129 130 131 132 1 steady, 2 47 durable 48 good cannot 44 couhl not be be derived 103 3 4 might not would not be be 5 should not be 6 was 7 is S shall not be 9 will not be 10 11 may not must uot be be 136. Read the 28th sentence in second conjugation, first person plural, omitting the word, 'W^ere," as: " ^Ve have no other possi6/e," no other allernai'ive^ &c. Read in the third conjugation, as: IVe see no other jpossihle^ Sfc. Read the new conjugation, No. 1, as: We are to see no other possible. have like seem J S^c. Now try No. 2, new conjugation. Now the 3d. Now 4th. The ieaclier should often give the scholar this comprehensive view. SOCIAL LESSONS, SO. 3. m 31s/ Stnlence. 13:3 134 135 136 137 138 139 1 from aD external cause; since all 2 114 power because every 3 principle for good 4 essence whereas pleasure 5 substance delight G 7 8 9 10 property faculty skill enjoy meat n S2d Sentence. 315/ Sentence. 140 141 14^2 143 144 1 derived from externals, must fluctuate o 104 friends could change 3 4 neighbors brothers might would disappoint deceive 5 sisters should cheat 6 7 teachers masters fluctuated fluctuate 8 9 bouses lands shall will decay fade iO riches may wither 11 merchandize can die 137. Parse the words upon this page Spell the words in 137th J in the plural number, in 142d, in the singular. Read the words in 144th. Spell the present participles de- rived from them, the perfect participles. Read them in the past tense. (All fluctuated.) changed disappointed deceived cheated decayed, Sec. No, 1, may analyze the first word in 142. No. 2, the sec- ond word. No. 3, the third. What word is nominative ia the 32d sentence? In which conjugation is the verb in 32d? All whdit fluciuatedl Read the same inter- rogativehi . 178 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO, S. SSd Sentence, 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 1 as they fluctuate. By the same rule s change, waver. principle law 4 alter. guide 5 decay. proposition 6 7 lessen, diminish. saying truth S fade. foundation 9 10 decrease, wane. Upon the ground footing 11 grow less . For the reason 34//i sentence. 1 52 153 154 155 156 157 158 15 1 it cannot be derived from a mixture o 2 3 could'nt might'nt be be 104 bj compound combination 4 5 would'nt sliould'n be t be composition union 6 was not connexion 7 8 is not shall not be joining junction 9 10 will not may not be be congregation collection 11 must noi be amalgamation 133. No. 1, may read the primitive words in 147. No. 2, in 151. No. 3, in 158. No. 4, may mention some der- ivations from the first word in 147. No. 2, from the sec- ond. No 3, from the third, and so on. Write upon your slates the derivations from the fifth word in the 15lst col- umn, from the eighth, the tenth, the eleventh. Read the 34th sentence interrogatively. The position of which word do you change? Which lines of the conjugation are in the indicative mood.'* Which imply power? Which imply liberty? What does the fourth imply? Define the 149th word, the 155th. No. 1, mention something ihait fluctuates. No. 2, mention something. No. 3, something that lessens. No. 4, repeat the parts of speech. No. 5, give an example of each. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. Z M9 S5th Sentence, SGlh Sentence. 160 161 162 1G3 164 165 166 167 \ the two; because the part which is external 2 for portion that 114 3 aa half 4 side This is an mterrupi- 5 principle ing sentence^ coming 6 power in between the agent 7 nature and verb. Or rath- 8 substance er, a qualifying sej^- 9 matter icncc. 10 bodv 11 stuff Slth ScTiiencr, 168 169 170 171 172 173 1 will proportionablj destroy its essence. What 2 could partly waste j)rinciples. 3 might partially eflect powers. 4 would considerably injure nature. 5 shoulc greatly confuse purity 6 did much kill beauty 7 does somewhat hurt effects 8 shall not a little weaken force 9 may certainly lessen value 10 can probably diminish worth 11 must necessarily chano'e desi":n 139. Supply the ellipsis after the 16 1st. To what doe» because relate? (To reason.) To what are the words in the 164th column nominative.^ In what number are they? In which g^ender.^ To what do ii'/iic/i and //la/ relate.^ In what case are they? Omit the 36th sentence, and read the word, external, before the agent, part. Read the adverbs, 169. Observe their position. Conjugate the 35th sen- tence, including the 36th. Conjugate in the first conjuga- tion; it will require the verbs in 170th to be changed to par- ticiples. Conjugate in the second conjugation, thus: *'The part which is external, could have destroyed it." Conjugate the same interrogatively. Read the text from the beginning negatively. 130 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 174 175 176 177 178 179 108 181 1 then remains bi t the cause internal? the very 2 therefoi e exists besides iiitelloctual? same 3 now is except itlea 1? 4 have we spiri tual ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SSih Salience. G 9/A Sentence. 40ih Sent cue e. 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 1 cause which we have supposed wheu we 2 that imagined 3 as thought of 4 taken 5 presented 6 offered 7 given 8 existing 9 loft 10 discovered 11 found 140. What three moods have we in this piece, we are de- fining? No. 1. Let me hear you read the text from the be- ginning, putting the verbs in the imperative mood, thus: Men pursue good, and be ye happy if possible. Know how to be happy. Se not happy for minutes and miserable for hours, but be happy through every part of your existence. Sec. No. 2, read in the new conjugation, thus: All men "are to pursue good, and are to be happy, for they are to know how. They are not to be happy for minutes and miserable for hours, but they arx to be, 4'c. Read the text now interrog- atively, negatively, thus: '\Do not all raen pursue good, and tvould theij not be happy if they hnew howV Now try the second line in the same way, now the third. Make your words agree. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 181 189 190 191 192 193 194 1 place the sovereign good, in mind, 2 put our greatest happiness intellect 3 affix a only enjoyment disposition 4 apportion best peace motive 5 allot choicest blessing passion 6 supreme felicity lore * 7 intrinsic worth friendship 8 lasting value holiness 9 durable essence uprightness 10 perfect property integrity 11 best possession virtue 4ist Sentence. 195 196 197 198 1 in rectitude of conduct. 2 uprightness pursuit. 3 justness 'action. 4 straitness behaviour. 5 pureness motive. 6 goodness heart 7 propriety soul 8 honesty judgment. 9 gentleness will 10 consistency determinatioa. 11 perfection living. 141. You may now read from the beginning in columns. What is correct j)vonunciation calledl Now spell to each other every word. What is spelling calledl I wil! now hear you define each word. No. 1. What words can you use instead of happiness^ in the first column? The scholars should not be obliged to repeat the words exactly as they stand in the columns. No. 2, what can you read instead of is, in the 2d column? No. S, define /oimded, and so on. You may tell me to-morrow how many different words we have writ- ten in this piece, we have just finished. You may now com- mence 'Tope's Essay on Man," or Young's Night Thoughts, and define each word of a few pages, or No. 1, may select a sentence from some book, for the class to define. To-mor- row No. 2, may select one. Next No. 3, and so od^ until €ach one has selected one. 16 182 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. S. 142. TEXTS TO BE DEFINED BY THE PUPIL, First Conjugation. Subject. Affirmation. Predicate. 1 A very kind friend is a very great blessing. 2 That extravagantly tine house is a very beautiful sight, 3 This Russia iron stove is his most valuable gift. 4 Any well disposed man is an acceptable candidate. 5 His brother's only son is uncommonly handsome. 6 Julia's sister's second cousin is working* Eunice' veil. 7 Her cousin's wearing yours is talked about at uncle's. 8 Julia's having wrought hers is havmg its desired effect, 9 His playing's pleasing thus is what encourages him, 10 Second Conjugation. 1 I have it. 2 James and Julia have risen from their slumbers. 3 He or thou hast written it by permission. 4 The clergy have been growing in strength. 5 Our army has been fighting a bloody battle. 6 Many a victory has been gained by our navy. 7 Each of the seamen has been thought of by government, 8 Jane, a little lady, has been admired, being amiable. 9 I see that the poet has been writing, thinking to please us. 10 '' Then, sir, the gentleman has no fault to find with these recently promulgated South Carolina opinions. Third Conjugation. 1 John West, a fine boy, rises early, to work in the garden. 2 What work does he do in the flower garden.*^ 3 From among the plants he pulls the noxious weeds. 4 Who, ray son, do you think y gave him liberty to hoe there .^ -5 O! his parents, I dare sdij^told him that he might do it, 6 Only see.' pa, there he stands^ busily engaged at work. 7 How carefully the little fellow i(^orA;s, hoeing the plants. 8 Yes, I remove the stones, and loosen the earth. 9 Just as they left, the rain began to pour down in torrents Q SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. ISS 143. Said Miss Julia, I have defined the first text upon my slate, and if it be as you intend I will copy it into mj writing book. Let rae look at it. Subject. I 7 4 1 A very kind 2 The truly obliging 3 This unusually firm 4 That exiremeiy patient 5 Any f) The other 7 Each AffirmalioD. Predicate. 2 5 17 4 2 2 Every 9 Mv 10 Our 11 Thy old (orbea foigiving spvere prompt worthy wealthy tried friend benefactor patron supporter : protector parent father Dioiher f^on daughter companion could be might he would be should be was shall be will be may be can be must be a very great needful a very famous amiabli a very good blcssinc. * posseseioa. necessary help, desirable encoaragement. acceptable consolation, guide, instructer. eomforu Jawver. lady, man. Well, Miss Julia, what can you tell me of your lesson.' 1st. I might tell you every elementary sound in each word. i2d. The number of syllables in each word, and whether simple or compound. 3d. I can point out the accented syllable. 4th. I can tell you whether the words be primative or de- rivative. 5th. I can tell you what part of speech each word is, which you may see I have numbered over each column. 6th. I can describe it thus: It is a simple sentence, con- sisting of one nominative and one finite verb. The nomina- tive, with all its qualifying words and phrases, is called the subject. What is affirmed or denied of the subject by the verb, is called the predicate. The subject of this sentence consists of a singular noun, common gender, third person, qualified by an adjective in the positive degree, which is mod- ified by an adverb. The adverb is preceded by an article, pointing out the noun and hmiting its signification to one. The affirmation consists of a verb, in the present tense, de- claring existence. The predicate consists of a noun, adjec- tive, adverb, and articl-*. The thing affirmed of the subject being identical with it, or meaning the same thing, must be put in the same case, by Rule 4th. No. 4, 18. 7th. I can conjugate the sentence by joining with the verb the auxiliary verbs, expressing the power, liberty, possibility, willingness, inclination, determination, &,c. of a friend's be- ing '^a very great blessing." 184 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 8. 8th, I can read it in the new conjugationj changing the verb to the infinitive mood^ thui: A verj kind friend is to be a very great blessing, has to be likes to be Observe that the indie- seems to be ative moocU third per- ^ loves to be son singular j present geeks to be tense ^ always ends in s. wishes to be, 8tc. No. 4, 15. 9th. lean read the sentence interrogatively, thus : Is a very kind friend a very great blessing.^ Could a very kind friend he a very great blessing? Sic. 10th. I can read it in the subjunctive or conditional mood, thus: If a very kind friend be a very great blessing, try to be one. try to gain one . 11th. 1 can change it to an imperative sentence by com- manding a second person to do an action, thus: Brother, be ^^a very kind friend" to her, so as to be a very, Sic. 12th. I can express these sentences negatively, thus: A very kind friend is not a very great blessing. If a very kind friend be not a very great blessmg, I will not be one. Be not a very kind friend, and be not a very great blessing. 13th. I can change the position of the words, instead of saying: " A very kind friend is a very great blessing," I can say: "A very great blessing is a kind friend. 14th. I can addj an adjunct of time, as: ^^A very kind friend is sometimes a very great blessing," 6fc. Well, you may copy your lesson into your writing book, and, for the present, your class may write one such lesson every day. You shall have one hour of the day set apart for the purpose of composing, reciting, and writing. Let it be the first exercise in the afternoon. It would be well for each scholar in a class to construct a lesson, and in turn to dictate it to the rest. This would save much labor, and give more time for other exerciseSc SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. 185 144. The following piece may be analyzed and defined, read and recited, in all the various modes of expression: ^' Virtue and piety man^s highest interest, ^^ 1. *^ I find myself existing upon a little spot, surrounded €very way by an immense unkno^yn expansion. — Where am I ? What sort of a place do I inhabit? Is it exactly accommo- dated in every instance to my convenience? Is there no ex- cess of cold, none of heat to offend me? Am I never annoy- ed by animals either of my own, or a different kind? Is every thing subservient to me, as though I had ordered all myself? No — nothing like it — the farthest from it possible. 2. The world appears not, then, originally made for the private convenience of me alone? — It does not. But is it not possible so to accommodate it, by my own particular in- dustry? If to accommodate man and beast, heaven and earth, if this be beyond me, it is not possible. What con- sequence then follows, or can there be any other than this — If I seek an interest of my own detached from that of oth- ers, I seek an interest which is chimerical, and which can never have existence. 3. How then must I determine? Have I no interest at all? If I have not, I am stationed here to no purpose. But why no interest? Can I be contented with none but one sep- arate and detached? Is a social interest, joined with others, such an absurdity as not to be admitted? The bee, the bea- ver, and the tribes of herding ariimals, are sufficient to con- vince me, that the thing is somewhere at least possible. 4. How, then, am I assured that it is not equally true of man? Admit it, and what follows? If so, then honor and justic are my interest; then the whole train of moral virtues are my interest; without some portion of which, not even thieves can maintain society. 5. But, farther still — I stop not here — I pursue this social interest as far as I can trace my several relations. I pass from my own stock, my own neighborhood, my. owm nation, to the whole race o^' mankind, as dispersed throughout the earth. Am I not related to them all, by the mutual aids of commerce, by the general intercourse of arts and letters, by that common nature of which we all participate? 6. Again — I must have food and clothing. Without a 16* 186 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. proper genial warmth, I instantly perish. Am I not related, in this view, to the very earth itself; to the distant sun, from whose beams I derive vigor? To that stupendous course and order of the infinite host of heaven, by which the times and seasons ever uniformly pass on? 7. Were this order once confounded, I could not probably survive a moment; so absolutely do I depend on this common general welfare. What, then, have I to do, but to enlarge virtue into piety? Not only honor and justice, and what I owe to man, is my interest; but gratitude also, acquiescence, resignation, adoration, and all I owe to this great polity, and its great Governor, our common Parent." 8. DIRECTIONS AND QUESTIONS. Divide your slates into as many spaces as we have parts of speech, and number them in order. No. 2, 137. What js the first part of speech? the second? third? Sec. Now write all the words of the first part of speech in the first col- umn, from the first verse of the above piece; all of the sec- ond part of speech, in the second column, and so on. In which column will you write the namesl in which will yo'.» write the prepositions? LESSON ON THE PARTS OF SPEECH. 1234 5 6 7 89 10 a spot I little find existing every 'way upon nn expansion myself immense am surrounded where by sort What unknown do ©f place inhabit This lesson, of course, can be extended accordinp^ to the p'leasure of the teacher. It is a good way to learn the parts of speech. 9. Recite the personal pronouns. In what person is the above piece written ? What are the pronouns in the first person plural ? I wish you to read the piece through in the first person plural, and make your words agree, thus: jPirsf person plural We find ourselves existing upon a little spot, 'surrounded every way by an immense, unknown expansion. Where are ice? What sort of a place do ive inhabit, &c. Now SOCIAL LESSONS NO. 3. IgTf Second person singular, Tliou dost find thyself existing , &c. Where art tJwu, *^x. Now Second person plural. Ye find yourselves existing upon a little spot^Scc. Where are r/e? What sort of a place do ye inhabit? Is it exactly ac- commodated in every instance to your convenience? Is thers lio excess of cold, none of heat to offend youl clc. Third person singular^ masculine. He finds himself Sec. Where is hel What sort of a place dfoes he inhabit? Sec. Third person singular , feminine . S/ie finds /le^'se//* existing upon a little spot. Third person singular,, neuter. //finds i/seZf existing, &c. Where is ill Third person plural J either masculine^ feminine^ or neuter. They find themselves ^ kc. Where are theyl 10. Now read the word man in the different cases, in- stead of the pronouns, thus: Man finds manh self existing, &c. Where is man^ ^Vhat sort of a place does man inhabit? &c. Now read in the plural mimbtr. Now read the word woman Bj this method you may see that it is very convenient to have pro- nouns, to save the repetition of names. No. 1, may read the first verse in the first person singu- lar, in a perfectly natural voice. No. 2, may read the sec- ond verse in the first person plural. No. 3, read the third verse in the second person singular. No. 4, read the fourth Terse in the second person plural. No. o, read the fifth verse in the third person singular, masculine. No, 6, read the sixth in the feminine. No. 7, read the ^seventh verse in the neuter. No. 8, read the seventh in the third person plural. 1 1 . No. 9, read the first verse negatively, thus : I do not find myself^ &c. No. 10, read first verse interrogatively, thus: Do J find myself existing upon a little spoil Sfc. No. 1, ]38 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 8 read the second verse interrogatively, negatively, thus: Do KOT IJind myself^ Sfc. 12. 3Iood and Tense. Read the whole piece in present tense, indicative mood, simple affirmation, without expressing 'poiver^ liberty^ or any thing of the like: changing interrogative sentences to direct affirmation, thus: IJind my self y Sfc. I am here, linhabit this place. It is every way suited^ <^'c. In the second verse, say not, ''The world apjt^ears not then originally made," &ic. but say: "The world is not made for the private conven- ience of me alone," iSrc Read now in the past tense^ indic- ative mood, thus: I found myself <^'c. Now read, using the auxiliary did^ as: I did find myself &c. Read the piece through, making some alteration in the construction of sen- tences in each auxiliary: first, with coidd, as: I could find, »S*c. Where could I hel &C. Next with mighty and so on. Observe that, would and will, should and shall, when they re- late merely to time or condition, are used differently in dif- ferent persons, thus: I shall find myself existing upon a little spot, &c. Where shall /be? What sort of a place shall I inhabit! Will it he accom.modated in every instance,^ &c. Will there be no excess of cold .^ &c. Shall I never be an- noved? Will every thing be subservient.^ &c. This use of shall and will is ia the indicative mood; but when will re- lates to inclination or determination ^ it is said to be in po- iential mood. Read will through the piece, without chang- ing it to suit different persons. Now shall. 13. Besides reading the piece through in the different mixiliarieSy you may read in the different conjugations^ thus: First conjugation. 1 teas found existing upon a little spot. — Where am I r What sort of a place is inhabited by me? kc. Second Conjugation. 1 have found myself existing, &c. Where have I been? What sort of a place have I inhabited ? Has or hath it been exactly accommodated — Have I never been annoyed? &c» SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 8. ] 89 Tliird Conjugation. I find myself existing upon a little spot — Where do I find myself? What sort of a place do I inhabit? Does every thing accommodate itself to my convenience ? Does no excess of heat or cold offhid me? &c. Sec. 14. Read now in the imperative m.ood. Now in the subjunct- ive mood. Now in the new conjugation, thus: I am to find myself existing upon a little spot — Where am I to be? kc. Again. I have to find myself existing — Where have I to be? Sec. and I tvish to find myself existing upon a little spot — Where do I tvish to be? kc. &c 15 You may now define the piece occording to the example commencing No. 3, 122. DEFINITION. • l8t Sentence, 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I find myself existing upon a 2 ^Ve suppose ourselves living on the 3 Thou think thyself breathing over some 4 Ye regard yourself staying- above one 5 He imagine iiimself remaining under this 6 She fancy herself residing that 7 It want itself dwelhng these 8 They make thyself inhabiting those 9 \Vhat content itself occupying all 10 Who protect one's self thinking each 11 Which support itself knowing every 145 .1 insert here a afeiv examples of Poetry ^ to be an- alyzed, defined^ and read. Let the teacher show here by example the proper '* Rhythmus of language." RHYTHMUS. ^' The rhythmus of language is that perception which the ear has of accent, quantity and pause. Or in other words, a certain succession of syllables, having dilferent degrees of stress or quantity, and this succession being divided into por- tions by pauses, constitutes one important cause of the agree- able impression of the current of speech. 190 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. Ther^ are two modes of disposing the alternate force and remission of stress, in the construction of rli} thmus. One proceeds hij a regular i^epetition of the same order of accents. This is called verse. The other has no formal arrangement of its strong and iceak^ or long and short syllables. This the reader must know is prose. The doctrine of the order of syllables in verse constitutes what is called prosody. Though the broad distinction betvTeen prose and verse consists in the more irregular sequence of accent or quantity in the former: still they seem to compromise their difteren- ces to a certain degree in their respective attempts at excel- lence. For the best poetic rhythmus is that which admits an occasional introduction of deviations from the current of ac- centuation: but these deviations do not continue long enough to destroy the general character of regularity; the order re- turning before the oar has forgotten its previous impression. Prose, on the other hand, is constantly showing the begin- nings of a regular rhythmus: but before any series of accent or quantity has time to fill the ear with its method, the cross purpose of a new succession breaks in upon the constantly inceptive character of verse." Dr. Rush. 146. OF POETICAL FEET. A certain number of connected syllables forms a foot. All the feet used in poetry consist either of two or of three syllables; and are reduceable to eight kinds. Quantity. Ac ent. 1. A Trochee: hateful, pettish. o • • • 2. An Iambus: betray, consist. • o • • 3. A Spondee: pale moon. o o 4. A Pyrrhic: On the tall tree. 6. A Dactile: labourer possible. o • • • • • 6. An Amphibrach: delightful, domestic. • <> • • • • 7. An Anapaest: contravene, acqui esce. • • o • • • 8. Tribrach: numerable. SOHAL LESSONS. NO. S. 191 * j 147. Iambic verses may be divided into several species, according to the number of feet or syllables of whicd they j are composed. ^ EXAMPLES, i 1. Disdaining, (additional short syllable.) [ • o • i 2. What place is here! o * o ■ Upon, a mountain, (additional short syllable.) ] • o • o • i 3 . In places far or near. i • o • o • o ; Our hearts no longer languiah. ^ o • o • o • ' \ 4. And may at last my weary age. o • o • o • o ; 6. How loved, how valued once, avails thee not, , • o • o • o • o • o ] 6, For thou art but of dust: be humble and be wis^. i o • o • o -o-o.o , 7. The Lord descended from above. • o • o • o • o \ And bowed the heavens high. : o • o • o 148. Trochaic verse is of several kinds, \ 1. Tumult cease, (an additional long syllable.) *j o • o 2. On the mountain, i o - o • I In the days of (old.) j o . O • O i 3. When our hearts are mourning, o • o • o . 1 Restless mortals toil for (nought.) \ o • o • o • o ^ 4. Round us roars the tempest louder. ^ o • o • o • o • I Idle after dinner, in his chair, Sat a farmer, ruddy, fat, and fair, ^ o • o • o • o • o 192 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 3. b. All that walk on foot or ride in chariots, All that dwell in palaces and garrets. < • <•<•<• <• 6. On a mountain, stretched beneath a hoary willow, Lay a shepherd swain, and viewed the rolling billow <•<• <• < •<•<• 149. One example of the Dacfylic verse. Sweet to my soul is that dream of fe lici ij. 150. Anapaestic verses are divided into seikrai /dnd«. 1. But in vain They complain. • • < Then his courage 'gan fail (him,) • • < • • < • For no arts could avail (him.) • • < • o < o 2. O ye woods, spread your branches apace. • •< • • <••< 3. May I govern my passions with absolute sway, • •<• •<• •<••< And grow wiser and better as life wears away. • o « Z2 1° Tojbe- To have. To do. %d ;§s i ^S a ii i^^^l S^^ 0> 4. conld have, e might liave would have should have had has, h shall have will have may have can have must have doit, doit do it doit t. He does it it it t it ii h it mi Bhall will I may b can be must b could e rnighl would should did do does do shall d will do may do can do must d tCw^ii Km- swcti tea 2 ■'■ Q. O 3 • q « !u: ^^ o O O o ^ ^^-s-:- «s?-s:Hs-5^sgs 3 "^na ^>^ ^^.. •" .tf -a TD J^ ^ o na "3 o 3 o o ::: o F & ^ •l -o « & ^ > z; ^ ^ s ? i >S 3 fi 1^ d 2* ri «0 i~~ 00 C33 c o-v «5cor^ooo>c 1st Conjugation. 2d Conjugation. 3d Conjugation, Be so -good as to do it. Do be so good as to do it! John, have it ready. Do have it ready, John ! Boys, do it well. Dodo it well, boys! General Rule. Words must agree with each other imentences. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 207 3 . ''^ ^ c -. S ^'^ ^ :d ^ S 'S-i i s III «5 =- |^,o es^:^ \§iij ^ -E,-2 -I III ^ ^ i:: I « § ?^ -^ I ^- o cc^^* g, 11 .^ o ^ ?3 O o «^ bD C -r; ^ '^C x 2 tc ^' d ^ zf, <=> S *>< =C = 208 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 15. NEW CONJUGATION. This term is given to such finite verbs as appear to be us- ed auxiliary to the infinitive mood. No. 1. I am to be. I have to be I like to be I seem to be I love to be I seek to be I wish to be I want to be I choose to be I incline to be I pray to be I beg to be I mean I expect to be. I intend I attempt to be I undertake to be I endeavor to be I try to be I strive to be I engage to be I agree to be I bargain I consent to be I appear to be I refuse to be I propose to he I resolve to be I venture to be I offer to be I labor to be I fail to be I forget to be I begin to be 1 cease to be 1 affect to be I happen to be I learn to be I regret to be I fear to be I dread to be I abhor to be I threaten to be I disdain to be I scorn to be I ache to be I prefer to be I grieve to be I weep to be I mourn to be I lament to be I stand to be No. 2. Let us be to be so. Make us have to be so See us like to be how? Should we love to be so If we seek to be good — We ivish to fee good Let us want to be Let us choose to be Let us incline to be Let us pray, Referring desiring walking ) to reason. calculating No. 11. I am willing to be, to have, to do. seem appear Thou art ivilling to be — what? look Write different predicates after be, as r act / am ivilling to be a soldier. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. gH No. 12. I am as though I was wilh'ng to be, to have, or to do. seem as if appear Construct other sentences, look act No. 13. I have made up mj mind to be, to have, and to do. come to the conclusion come to the determination to be what I can obtained liberty to be a friend to you got his consent to be here to-morrow induced him to be-come his friend encouraged him to h^ faithful to her engaged him to be on the ground hired him to be up early bought him to be used here No. 14. I have power to be, to have, to do. I have ability strength The infinitive mood here does not refer might to reason as in No, 15, hut expresses a liberty certain affection of the agent, I possess permission not power merely jor the purpose of being leave in this or that condition^ hut by having a capacity j)owery liberty^ inclination^ 4'^, / have a wish the means of being good or bad^ ofhav- a will ing this or that thing, of doing this, or . a mind that, or the other act. a desire an inclination I have power to build me a house to It hath a tendency keep off the rain, to preserve my a propensity health, to be able to perform my duty. a disposition ^ No. 15. I have houses to live in, to shelter from the storm. ships to sail in farms to work on mills to operate machinery in workmen to direct the business. 212 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. No. 16. My intention is to shoio that what I said is true, design expectation No. 17. It is contrary to nature to suppose that it will. counter against foreign It is wrong, No. 4. RULE 1. The nominative case governs the verb, and the verb agrees with the nominative case in number and per- son, as: I am. We, ye or they are. Thou art. He, she or it is. was were ivast was The nominative case is the subject of the verb, No. 2, 27, The nominative case may consist of one noun or pronoun, as: 1 James writes. He lorites. Grit may consist of two or more nouns or pronouns, as: 2 James and John are happy. 3 He and I are happy. 4 John or James is happy. It may consist of the infinitive mood, a phrase or a sentence, or of a nuffiber of sentences, as: 5 To die is the lot of all. G To witness the death of a youth is very affecting. 7 What I told him to do convinced her at once. 8 What I told John about James^ knowing hoiv to do it better than Charles did it yesterday, I think w^ill induce Ma- ry to expect John to gain the prize. What will induce Ma- ry to think so? The nominative may consist of a relative, as: 9 The man ivho came here yesterday is very sick. To what does who relate ? To what is who nominative ? The sanje relative may relate to more than one noun or fact, to two nominatives, to two objects, or to on© nominative and object- ive, as: 1 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 213 | 10 I hold tuhothe brought. (Two objectives.) ] I hold the apple ivhicJi he brought. ! pear which t berries that 1 I hold the apples, and he brought the apples. j 11 I hold U'/iai remain. {Object and nominative.) \ I hold the apples 1 the pears i the berries \ the apples remain ! pears remain ^ : berries remain ; I hold these things which things remain I these — lohich — remain \ those that ] all that I this ihinp; which remains ■ that that \ each person who remains every one that does it '; TVhathe brought remains. An apple he brought and it remains i The apple, which he brought, remains. ^ That, which he brought, remains. I Whatever he brought is object of brought and nominative ; to remains. 12. What remains is in my possession. {^Two nominatives) ; remain are .] The apple remains, which is in my possession. The apples remain, which are in my possession. j '' Whatever is, is right." j Whoever wrongs his neighbor, injures himself. J If /wrong my neighbor, /injure myself. ^: If James wrong his friend he injures himself. ^ Examples of simple sentences, consisting of two words, the agent i and verb. 13. Men walk, men run, men jump, men study. : Men walk, women walk, boys walk, girls walk. ] A simple sentence consisting of many words. , 14. The pretty little boys walk very nimbly over the ^ green fields in the warm spring, to see the innocent birds fiy ] 214 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. from the shady trees after food for their young ones to eat to keep them alive. 15. Position of the nominative. In the imperative mood without the auxiliary it comes after the verb, and is generally understood. 1. James, come here, come thou here. With the auxiliary the nominative comes between it and the prin- cipal verb. 2. James do thou come here, my son. Boys, do ye come here. Come here, my children. In a direct declarative sentence the nominative comes before the verb. 3 /could be. 4. /could wo^ be. In interrogative sentences the nominative comes between the auxil- iary and the verb. 5. Could I be. Could not I be, or could I not be. The nominative comes after the verb in interrogative sentences with- out an auxiliary. 6. Am I? Are %ve^ Go ye to-day.^ Say ye so.^ '' Hears the hawk when Philomela sings.'"' The nominative comes after the verb in sentences like the follow- ing- 7. Here are five scholars. In this place are men waiting. 1 . There are five scholars.^ There ivere many men pres- ent. 2. We have evil hearts, thence proceed hurtful passions. S, Evil hearts have ive, " hence arise wars and conten- tions." 4. Oft hath he injured me, yet never reproached I any one. 5. Thus spake /kindly to him, yet tried he to vex me. 6. So anxious is he to go, that 1 would not hinder him. 7. By that means came they and took us unexpectedly. 8. By whose leave came ye into my presence.'^ 9. By your father's permission came I into your presence. 10. Come another man into my room and I lock my door. 16. RULE 2. The objective case is governed by verbs, parti- ciples, and prepositions. JBy verbs. 1. I move my hand. 2. I move my hand to take some ink. 3 . I run a race to exercise myself ^A vulgar idiom. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4, 215 By jyci'i^iiciples. 5. I was moving my hand taking ink. He does not hinder my taking the ink. 6. It was moved a distance. Tn this last example the word, distance^ is not governed by move as ink is governed by taking. Distance is governed by a preposi- tion undertood, but we may say that distance is a common noun neuter, singular namber, object after the paiticiple moved. This is a convenient way oi parsing, and as it is a well established idiom it appears proper. 7. He was taught grammar. 8. He had taught him in the science of grammar. 9. He had the act of teaching him (in) the science of grammar. All that follows had in the last example may be considered the ob- ject of had. So far as the mind is concerned it is better than to dis- sect it by other rules. Rule 1, 8. The pupil should know huw to do either. 10. He had taught him to understand grammar. 11. He had killed him a calf. Here two objects come after a participle. 12. He had killed a calf for him. 13. Bj moving my hand T had taken the ink. Having moved mj hand to be taking the ink I could not hinder his falling. By pre'positions, 14. I hold the pen in my hand between my fingers, to take mkjrom the inkstand/or the purpose oT writing words npc*,i this paper in good style. 15. Prepositions are used principally to denote the place of things. Every thing requires some place. An apple may be upon a tree on a limb above the fence over the wa- ter in the field ivithin view amid the corn among' other thing* without the lot. It might drop off the twig, fall against a leaf, lodge between two limbs, or it might fall to the ground, roll under the fence and there lie betivixt the river and the tree, beneath the notice of d.ny one, or it might be carried to I the mill or thrown at something. Thrown at what? At a I bird in the air, at a fish in the sea, at an insect on the I ground, at a glass window, and through it into the room un- ]to the other side, across the new carpet. No. 3, 54. 216 SOCIAL LESSOxNS, NO. 4. 17. RULE 3. Articles, prououns, adjectives, participles and ad- verbs, must agree with the words to which they re- late. The articles that agree with nouns in the singular number, and do not take o/ after thetii, are the following: 1. A or an, the, every^ my, our, thy, your, his, her, its their. Such articles as do take of after them, and may be used as pro- nouns. 2. This, that, one, each, any, some, these, those^, all Tli'is thing y that tilings one thing y each thing y any thing, these things J he. Such as must agree in number. 5. A or an, one, each, every, this and that, relate to sin- giilar nouns. These, those, and all, relate to plural nouns. The remaining ones relate either to singular or plural nouns . N9. 3, 13,as: 4. The man, the men; my man, my men; our man, our men, Sec. 5. All, all the men, all these men, all those men, all the apple, all the apples, all of the apple. 6. Other, another, the other, one other, ever^y other, mt/ other, the others my others. 7. Pronouns by some are divided into personal^ relative ^ and adjective. See personal. No. 2, 24, 29: excepting my, our, &c. which agree witti nouns as articles, but as they stand for nouns in the possessive ease, they may with some propriety be called pronouns. Is this Jane'^s pen.'^ It is her pen. 7. The adjective pronouns are such of the articles as may supply the place of nouns. 8. '^ Tivo principles in human nature reign, Self love to urge, and reason to restrain; Nor this ( ) a good, nor that ( ) a bad we call, Each ( ) works its end, to move or govern all, ( ) And to their proper operation still. Ascribe all good; to their improper, ill." 10. This refers to the last thing mentioned, aad that to the former. 1 1 . The words called relative pronouns are: SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 217 WJio, wKosCj ichom, ivhich^ what and thai. whoerer, whosever, whomever, whichever, whatever whosoever, whosesoever, whomsoever, whichsoever, whatsoever Thej sometimes relate definitely to an antecedent, as: The man ichom you saw^ and u'Ao spoke to me, stayed at uncle's last night. To what does who relate? To what does whoml Relatives are sometimes very indefinite. Says Young: ^' TVho wishes, owns himself immortal! Who lives to nature, rarely can be poor, TVho lives to fancy, never can be rich." Who came with Julia last night? 12. Relatives are not varied on account of gender, num- ber or person, and only who, to express ease. 13. I saw the maiij ivho brought you the book that I bought. 14. I saw the man, ichom I told to bring the books thai were bought. I saw the man, whose mind was bent upon the book which he, &c. 15. The relatives do not change their character, as rela- tives, when used inter rogaiively. What did you see.'* What (act) did you dol A house did I see. I built a house. In what condition did you find him? In a most wretched state did I find him. TTHiat in the above sentence is not a relative pronoun, but a relative of quality , or condition, or manner of being. Whaty who, how, ichere, when, why, I call general rela- tives, on account of their general and comprehensive mean- ing and use. 16. ?^iaf didst thou do ? > Here, if/ioi relates to the I wrote. ) verb. 17. How didst thou do it? > Hoiv is not a relative py^o- Well I did it. ) noun, hut di relative of manner 18. J^Fi^-6re didst thou do it ?> rri r i. j ? i j^ -^ ,- ., , . r Tj -A < 1 what does imere relate ? 171 the street 1 did it. ) 19. ?^e?i didst thou do it.^ > rr. t. i. j l i . ^ Yesterday I did it. \ ^^ ^^^* ^^^^ ^'^^^ ^^^^^^ ' •JO. TVhv didst thou do it.? > ^r. i. x j 7 1 ^ - Ti. ..i...>u.na w.^ \ To what doeg why relate r 10 convmce Dim. ) '^ 19 218 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 21. The sense must direct to what noun an adjective he- longs ^ and to what verb or pa^iiciple the adverb belongs. Position of the adjective. 22. Little birds, scaly fish, horned cattle, warm weather. 23. John, have you clothes suitable for the season? "^ From objects loiv^ terrestrial^ and obscene y ^' See things invisible, feel things re?no/e." '' Inestimable quite (is) his final hour." 24. A scholdLV punctual, constant, studious, and kind, will learn well. 25. Punctual are all my scholars. '^ Which kindles war immortal.^^ 26 '' War is expensive.'^- He is happy. She is amiable. 27 War is an expensive measure. He is a happy child. 28 Glad am I. Unfortunate was that event. 29 Such a person is very agreeable. 30 Many a one has been blamed for that. 31 He had so nice a house that I envied him. 32 He had as nice a house as was there. 33 Now see how good a scholar you can be to-day. 34 Ylovf sharp the lightning is. Charles. 35 How vivid each flash of lightning is this evening, 36 However jwsf be the complaint, it is unavailing. 37 How jwsf soever be the complaint, it is unavailing, 38 A trotting horse drawing a broken wagon. 39 A little, old, clumsy, ivhite-faced horse, undertaking to draw a pre/f?/ little, newly painted, four wheeled carriage over the bridge. 40. Phrases and sentences may qualify nouns and verbs. When a phrase qualifies a noun, it maybe called an adjective phrase. When it qualifies a verb, an adverbial phrase. Adjective phrases and sentences. 4L '' Read by the greatest strangers to the schools.''^ ''- From the full flood of evidence against you. ^' Through all the provinces of human thought. "^"^ ^•' In proud disdain of what the gods adore.'''^ ^' Lords of the wide creation, and the shame." '^ Blessed scheme! which life deprives oj comfort; deafh^ Of hope; and which vice only re commends. ^"^ Young. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 219 Adverbial phrases and sentences. 4*2. " How the world falls to pieces around us.''' '^ We sink btj no judicial stroke of heaven.''^ '^ It is printed in the minds of gods forever.''^ It is printed in the papers of the day. He prints as ivell as any in toivn. Position of the adverb. JVo. 3, 59. 43. The boy writes ivell, or very well. 44. Well he writes. Very well he writes. 45. Very icell could the boy write. 46. He often did it very well there. 47. Certainly he often did it decently well. 48. He frequently wrote so exact that his teacher could not easily distinguish his copy from the copper plate. Dr. Webster says that adjectives modify the action of verbs. Would it not be plainer and as consistent to call them adverbs whenever used to modify the verb? Open your luide hand. — Adjective. 49. Open your hand loide. — Adverb. TVhat kind of a hand has he } How did he open his hand I 50. That little narrow door is ivide open. 51. That great wide door is open a little. 52. ^' Soft sighed the flute." He did just Hght, 53. The sun looks red. The water feels warm. 18. RULE 4 Two or more nouns in the same sentence meaning the same thing must be in the same case. 1. His brother is a doctor, 2. I took him to be a doctor. 3. His son will become a doctor. 4. James ^ the jjrudent^ is a deacon^ a doctor y and a jus- tice^ titles of honor. " The keen vibrations of bright truth, is hell: Just defi- nition.'^'^ Young. 19. RULE 5. A noun or pronoun is independent or obsolute when used without assertion. 220 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. Address. 1. John, shall I help you? Joined with the ( 2. He being willing^ I did it. participle. ( 3. /having done it, he thanked me. Exclamation. 4. ^'/mwioWa// What can strike the seufir so strong as this the soulP^ 5. " Religio7i! thou the soul of happiness;" The word, Religion! here comprehends all that can be said upon the subject. Immortal! means the same as the word immortality! or as this phrase: The soul immortal! or the immortal soul! A long pause is required after such ex- clamations, for the purpose of letting the mind dwell upon the meaning. 20. RULE 6. Two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and^ are considered plural in their relation to other words. Washington and Franklin ivere great men. T/iey laid their plans deep. Justice and usefulness were their guardir an angels, that led them to wealth and honor, to victory and freedom. The hearts of a grateful nation were theirs. 21. RULE 7. Two or more nominatives connected by or or nor require the verb to agree with the one next it, as: 1. James or I am to do it. He nor I am. 2. I or he is to do it. I nor he is. 3. They or thou art to do it. They nor thou art. 4 . Thou or they are to do it. Thou nor they are, 5. James is to do it, or I ain. 6. All or each is to do it. 7. Each or all are to do it. 8. Conjunctions are of two kinds, the copidatice and dis- junctive. John and Charles went down street. — Copulative. Charles went, but I did not, said John. — Disjunctive. £2. A Table of the corresponding Conjunctions^ or of such as are used in pairs. 1. It was such a house as you never saw 2. It was as good a house as you ever saw. As that house was, so is this. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 221 3. I never saw so large a house ( that, until now as } \ . i to contain so many 4. It was so open that we could not stay 5. It was in such a state that we could not stay 6. I like both the house and the farm. 7. I like neither the house nor the farm. 8. I may like eith er the house or the farm. 9. I shall like it ivhelher it be painted or not. Though I be houseles 5S yet will I be faithful. I write as handsomely as you do. I write so as to be understood. I write so that any one may read I write handsomer than some others. I know better than to do it so . 23. A Table of the most importani i connective Words. 1 I will do it '/ he be displeased. 2 I will do it though he be or is displeased. 3 I will do it although he be displeased. 4 I will do it notwithstanding he be displeased. 5 I will do it nevertheless he be displeased. 6 I will do it lest he be displeased. 7 I will not do it except it be his pleasure. 8 I will not do it unless he be willing*. 9 I will do it provided he be willing. 10 I will do it for he is willing. 1 1 I will do it because he is willing. 12 I will do it, therefore he is vexed. 13 I will do it before he comes in town. 14 I will do it until he comes from town. 15 I will do it when^ or whenever he says. 16 I will do it while he does that act. 17 I will do it after he has done it. 18 I have done it since he did it. 19 I will doit where ^ or wherever he does. 20 I will do it as he does it. 21 James saw him, who displeased them. 22 James did it, which displeases them. 23 He did that, that displeased them. 24 He saw such, as displeased them. 25 He saw bad actions which displeased them. 26 He sees it, likeoiise he hears it. 19* 122 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 27 He sees it. also feels it. 28 He loves and fears them. 29 He loves or hates them. 24. Conjunctions sometimes connect only JVordSy as / 1. I saw him between the hours of tivelve and one, 2. I saw him between Boston and Providence. 25. PECULIAR IDIOMS, To be analyzed and defined. 1 That animal weighs four hundred weight. 2 That cloth measures five yards. 3 That cloth costs five dollars a yard. 4 " And rivers run portable gold." 5 ^' Grin a ghastly smile." 6 *^ Her lips blush deeper sweets." 7 I will ascend the stairs 8 Come this way. Go yonder. 9 It cost the author m.uch pains. 10 Henry, will you change me a dollar? ] 1 I asked you a question, and you told me the truth, 12 Did you show him the way"^ 13 I found him the watch. A verb or participle may have two objective cases aittr them, but one is governed by a preposition understood. Did you show him the way? Did you show the way to him? 26. 1. ''He is not alarmed so far as to consider how much nearer he approaches to his end." What is object of consider? 2. If he escapes being punished by others, I fear he will punish himself. 3. '*' He could do no mighty works there save that he laid his hand on a few sick and healed them." What is the object of save? Save is in the imperative mood without a definite nominative. Form similar sentences from, sup- pose, except, admit, allow. 27. The bishops and abbots were allowed their seats in the house of lords. They were allowed (to take) their seats in the house of lords. Seats were allowed to them. 27. They seemed to think that he was slaying before their eyes, rather than that he was slain. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 4. 223 1 The cask was filling. The house was building, while it ; was finishing. 1 28. That will not prevent his being punished. i According to that he may do what he pleases, j Admitting that he did it^ what is it to thee ? I 29. His manners are not unbecoming* here. | He did not owe nothing — vulgar. i He owed nothing — correct. j He did not owe any thing — correct. I 30. Give them bread. Bring them near me. 1 He was banished the kingdom. ^ He was fi)rbid her presence. I 31. We were going home to work in the garden adjoiw- \ ing the river. Please give me some fruit. * \ 32. He described the thing which he was charmed with, I What does loith govern^ With which he was charmed. I He was charmed with a machine. \ I did not see the person he came with. With whom? &c, ] Who did you speak to? To whom? &c. i 33. You could not suppose so from what I said. ' by objective clause, after, Sic. .; 34 If his son ask bread will he give him a stone, \ He must not go unless he ask leave. j I will tell thee lest thou say I am unkind. I will not do it except thou require it. ; 35. He doivn with his coat and walked to him. \ He up with his cane and struck at him. •] Down with and up with seem to supply the place of th-" ;^ verb. He threw down his coat and took up his cane, I SOCIAL LESSONS, NO, 5. AN APPENDIX OF CHOICE THINGS, BOTH NEW AND OLD. Tlie old conjugation of verbs. 1. The conjugation of a verb is the regular combination m\d arrangement of its several moods and tenses with the numbers and perso?is of nouns and pronouns. ^. Verbs, say the old grammars, signify to be, to do, and to SUFFER. 3. Verbs are said to be of three kinds, the active^ ■pass- ive ^ and neuter. 4. An active verb expresses an action, and necessarily implies an agent and an object acted upon. No. 2, 27. 5. A passive verb expresses passion, or suffering, or the receiving of an action, and necessarily implies an object act- ed upon, and an agent or cause of the action. 6. A neuter verb expresses neither action nor passion, but being or a state of being. 7. EXAMPLES. 2ls'iinThfs'place. | Neuter verbs. 3 I AM loved by thee. Passive verb. 4 Thou ART loving' me. } k l- • j r '± l 5 Tboi. HAST been loving me. \ ^<^*'^^ ""'"^^ ^«>'^ *^"'^- G Thou LovEST me. i 7 Thou DOST love me. V Active voice, indefinite tense 8 Thou HAST loved me. ) 8. Conjugation of the neuter verb be. § — I. I^resent tense. Past tense. Present participle. Perfect participle Be, am was being been 2. Compound perfect. Having been. 8 — 3. Mood or mode is the manner of representing fceiwg, iiciion or passion. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. 225 3 4. INFINITIVE MOOD. This mood expresses a thing in an unlimited manner. It js not confined to number^ person or case. Present Tense, Perfect Tense. To be. To have been. 8 5. IMPERATIVE MOOD. This mood is used for commanding, intreating and exhort- ing. No. 3, 71/72, No. 4, 11. Singular. PJurai. James, be good. Boys, be good. he thou good. be ye good, do he good do be good, do thou be good. do ye be good. When one person is addressed thou is nominative, wheu more than one, ije is the proper nominative, but ijou is some* times used. 8 — 6. INDICATIVE MOOD. This mood simply indicates or declares a thing, or asks a question. It has six tenses. 8—7. Present Tense. This tense represents an action or event as now heing or doing J as: I am, I wyite. Singular number. Plural number. I am. We are. Thou art. Ye are. He is. They are. 8^—8 . Imperject Tense This tense is said to represent an action or event past and finished, or remaining unfinished at a certain time past. Singular lumiber. Plural number. I was. We are. Thou wast. Ye are. He was They are, 8 — 9. Perfect Tense. This tense refers to what is past and finished^ but always conveys an allusion to the present. 226 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO, 5. Singular number. Plural number. I have been. We have been. Thou hast been. Ye have been. He has or hath been. They have been. 8 — 10. Pluperfect Tense, This tense refers to a past act or event, completed before some otlier event or act took place. Singular uurnber. Plural number. I had been there before that. We had been. Thou hadst been. Ye had been. He had been. They had been. 8 — 1 1. First Future Tense. This tense refers to an action yet to come. Sinstilar number. Plural numhci . I shall be. We shall be. Thou wilt be. Ye will be. Fie will be. They will be. 8 — 12. Second Future Tense. . This tense represents an action or event to be completed before some other future act or event. Singular number. Plural number. I shall have been there before you return. We shall have been, &c. Thou wilt have been there. Ye will have been. He will have been. They will have been. 8 13 POTENTIAL MOOD. This mood declares the power, liberty, possibility of be- ing, doing, &.C. No. 2, 22. This mood is said to have four tenses. 8 — 14. Present Tense, Singular number. Plural number. I may or can be. We may or can be. Thou mayst or canst be. Ye may or can be. He may or can be. They may or can be. 8 — 15. Imperfect Tense, Singular number. Plural number. I might, could, would, or should be. We might, could, &c. Thou mightst, (^x. Ye m They SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 5. 227 8—16. Singular number. 1 may or can have been. Thou He Perfect Tense, Plural number. We may or can have been. Ye They 8—17. Pluperfect Tense, Singular niinber. Plural number. 1 might, could, would, or should have been. We might, could, kc. Thou Ye He Tbev Now we will conjugate the verb, be in the indicative and potential moods, in the first person singular. 8— n INDICATIVE MOOD. Present^ Imperjtciy Perfect., Pluperfect J First future, Second future. Prese^iL I am. I was. I have been. I had been. I shall be. I shall have been. POTENTIAL MOOD- I may be. I can be. I might be. I could be. I would be. I should be. I may have been. I can have been. Pluperfect tense, I might have been. I could have been. I would have been. I should have been. Imperfect, Perfect, Read in the first person plural, sec- ond person singular, second person plu- ral, third per. sing. masculine,feminine, neuter, third pesor* plural. Read interroga- tively. Now nega- tively. Read now in the subjunctive raood^ by adding another sentence, thus: If lam not deceived it li'as he that did it. If 1 10 as not. If I have not been, &c. or, If I be not. If I were not, kc. 19. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. •• The conditional or subjunctive mood is the same as the indicative, with some preceding word expressing condition, supposition, or contingency. These words are, if though or although, unless, except, ivhether, lest, albeit.'''^ 223 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5, 8—20. Present Tense. If I am. If we are. If I be. If we be, If thou art. If ye are. If thou be. If je be. If he is. If they are. If he be. If they be, 9—21. Past Tense. If I was. If we were. If I were. If we were. If thou wast. If ye were. If thou wert. If ye were. If he was. If they were. If he were. If they were. The other tenses are the same as in the indicative. 8 — 22. ^4n the subjunctive moodtherefis a peculiarity in the tenses which should be noticed. When I say, if it rains, it is understood that I am uncertain of the fact at the time of speaking; but when I say, if it rained we should be oblig- ed to seek shelter, it is not understood that I am uncertain of the fact; on the contrary, it is understood that I am cer- tain it does not rain at the time of speaking. If it did not rain I would take a walk. If it rained yesterday why did you not do it? If it had not rained yesterday I should have done it." Dr. Webster. 8 — 23. I suppose the subjunctive mood to derive its name not from its sometimes having if^ though^ unless^ Sic. sub- joined to the verb, but from its requiring more than one sen- tence to complete a proposition, and requiring one sentence to be subjoined or joined to another sentence. I have thought it useful to divide the subjunctive mood into classes. 8 — 24c Classes of the subjunctive mood. 1st Class. If he does or do it thou art ruined. 1!d Class. Should he do it, thou wouldst be ruined. 3d Class. Let him do it, and thou wilt be ruined. Let him do it, lest thou be ruined. 4th Class. Do it, and thou art or wilt be ruined. Do it, lest thou be ruined. 5th Class. I think that thou wilt be ruined. 6th Class. When he does it thou wilt be ruined. 7th Class. I came that thou might or mightst not be ruined. Sth Class. Thou knowest who will ruin thee as well as he does. 8 — 25. The two parts of the subjunctive mood may be called tn$ SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. 229 Condition and Consequence. iiebrge^ if you ivill come here, I ivill teach you. GeprgGj if thou — come here, I will teach thee. Auxiliary and Pnncipal. George, I think that thou shouldst read every day. 8 26. EXAMPLE. 1 *' And if each system in gradation rollj 2 Alike essential to the amazing whole; 3 The least confusion but in one, not all 4 That system only, but the whole must fall. 5 Let earth unbalanced from her orbit fly, 6 Planets and suns run lawless through the sky; 7 Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurled, 8 Being on being wrecked, and world on world; 9 Heaven's whole foundations to their centre nod, 10 And nature tremble, to the throne of God: 11 All this dread order break — For whom? For thee: 12 Vile worm! O madness! pride! impiety!" 8 — 27. This from the fifth line has been explained thus: Let earth unbalanced from her orbit fly, Let planets and sues run lawless through the sky ; Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurled; Let being on being be wrecked; let world on world be wrecked; Let heaven's whole foundations to their centre nod; Let nature tremble to the throne of God; Let all this dread order break, &c, 8 — 28. This does not appear to give the poet's meaning, would explain it thus: Should earth unbalanced from its orbit j^y. Planets and suns would run lawless through the sky; Should ruling angels be hurled from their spheres. Being on being would be wrecked, and world on world: Heaven's whole foundations to their centre would nod. And nature ivould tremble to the throne of God: Shall all this dread order break? or would thou have all this dread )rder break, or be broken, to suit thy selfish ends, regardless of the ^ood of the whole? O! thou vile worm! What madness! pride! im- piety, to harbor such an idea! 8 — 29. Another example. '^ Your nation is united together by the chords of a com- non interest. Touch them in the East or in the West, and hey vibrate in harmony, from one end to the other of our 20 230 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. country. Cut them asunder, and this harmony, and our prosperity are destroyed." Busges. In which class of the subjunctive mood are these exam- ples? Read them in some other form. 8 — 30. One examjile in each mood. To be. Infinitive mood. No. 2, 66, to 7 1 , John, be a good boy. Imperative. from 111 to 115. I am a good boy. Indicative. No. 3, 143—11. Thou canst be one. Potential. No. 3, 144—14. \{\%vHlbe a good boy Subjunctive. No. 4, 11. wilt thou buy me a hat? 8 — 31. " Words must agree in sentences." No. 4, 11. This is a general rule. It applies to all words. They must agree inform, in position, in meaning. What have we to guide us in this? '' Custom," is the answer. Good! But w^here custom is not uniform what is to be done! For exam- ple, Webster, the orator and statesman, writes thus: '^If it has a local habitation, the honorable member has probably .seen, by this time, where he is to find it " ''If there be power for one, there is power also for tiie other." Burges, the orator and statesman, writes thus: '' If the x4merican system have thus multiplied cotton spinning machinery in the manufacturing world, has it di- minibhed or increased the demand for raw cotton in the mar- kets of the world?" '' If this be true, would cotton, without the aid of machin- ery be able to compete in household manufacture viiih flax, hemp or common sheep's wool, of a much lower price?" 8 — 32. Now these men know how to use language. Y'et they differ in the form of the verb in the subjunctive mood. They agree in the use of the verb to be, but in the use of have and do they do not agree. One says: '' If it has a local," &c. ^' If he wishes to find those shafts," Sic. The other: '' If it have thus multiplied," Stc. '' If our state s/and on this advanced," Scc. The irregularity of the form of the verb in this mood among masters of the use of language, clearly proves that we have no just standard to govern us, every one being left to his own taste. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. 231 8 — 33. I would u^e the subjunctive, thus: Why speak thus of the man! Could he pay thee he cer- tainly would. Should thou continue to slander him, and thus abuse his character^ if he have yet remaining his high native spirit, be assured that thy words lose not themselves in air. He has only to speak, and a host of friends are be- fore him to stand in his defence; injure him and thou wilt rouse the whole city. Therefore, lest thou be put to shame save thy tongue from such vile means. — Tear up the forest tree by the roots, bind the winds of heaven, but think not to bridle my tongue, ^^'ere thy friend, at whose nod a city wakes, now before me, I would make him feel how just is my resentment, and had he common honesty, I might expect him to ask pardon for neglecting my commands.-— 5e here to- morrow morning at sunrise, and he meets thee face to face; then shrink from the fulfilment of thy words, and ever after- wards shalt thou be branded with the name of coward. 8 — 34. The Active and Passive Voices. The passive voice is formed by joining the perfect parti- ciple with the verb to be, through all the moods and ten- ses, numbers and persons. Active voice. I do it. I did it. I have done it. I had done it. I shall do it. I will do it. I may do it. I can do it. I must do it. I might do it. I could do it. I would do it. I should do it. I may have done it. EXAMPLES. Passive voice Indicative. It is done by me. It was done by me. It has been done by me. It had been done by me. It shall be done by me. It will be done by me. Potential. It may be done by me. It can be done by me. It must be done. It might be done by me. It could be done by me. It would be done by me. It should be done by me. It may have been done. 232 SOCIAL LESSON^:, NO. 5. I can have done it. It can have been done, ; 1 might have done it. It might have been donfe. I could have done it. It could have been done. I would have done it. It would have been don^. I should have done it. It should have been done. Subjunctive. Subjoin another sentence to each line of the above, thus: If I do it well, he will pay me for it. If it be or is done well, I shall be well paid by him. If I did well, he would pay me for it. If it were well done, I should be well paid by him, &c> Imperative . Do it. Be it donef or let it be done. Infinitive . To love. To be loved. To have loved. To have been loved. Participles. Loving. Loved. Been loving'. Being loved. Having been loving. Having loved. Having been loved. 8 — 35. We have conjugated the active verb do in the active and passive voices, first person si.igular. Read the same in the different persons and numbers interrogatively and negatively, and read other verbs instead of do. EXAMPLES. I write a lesson. A lesson is written, &c. I read a piece. A piece is read by me. I speak a poem. A poem is spoken by me. I move the book. The book is moved by mc. The book moves by the The book is moved, kc. strength of my hand. I walk with him. He is walked with by me, I walk myself over the floor. I am walked over the floor. My father walks a log. A log is walked by him. To walk a log is to set it upon the end, and by cnntina m one way and the other to hitch it along. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. 233 The horse run . The horse was run to death. I run against a post. I was run against a post. A post was run against by me. 8 — 36. Now is it not certain that every action is de- pending upon some cause.'* How can any action take place without a cause ? Let us now have our minds placed upon things . 8 — 37. We say that every thing mustacf, be acted upon, or remaiJi at rest. No. 2, 19, No. 3, 34, 35, 22, On this principle are the active and passive voices founded. It is true that, If I speak, something must be spoken. If I loritCy something must be iviitten. If I do, something must be doiie. If I have, something must be had or possessed. If a thing be, something must be keiJt in existence. 8 — 38. This is all true^ but it does not prove that a jmr- ticiple makes a verb, verb. auxiliary, paisive veib. the old method. I am. I am loved by them. verb. verb. participle. the new method. ■ verb, verb. participle. I love. I love^ despised by them. verb. veib. participle, I live. I live, respected by them. 8 — 39. In the old method of making a passive voice, they by some magic power, would have us call redil participles , verbs. 8 — 40. A participle may with propriety be called either active or passive^ according to its use: EXAMPLES. I am loved. ^ I, being loved, will love in return. > Passive participles. Having been loved, I will love also . ) I have loved them. ? * a- a- • i Having loved them, they loved me. \ ^"^''^^ Participles. The wood is burning by the fire. ? p . ^ f * r The wood has been burning by it. 3 The fire is burnino; the wood. ? a a- .l- • i The wood is supporting the fire. \ ^"^'""^ partic.ples. 8 — 41, The true principal I believe to be this: that 20* 234 SOCIAL LESSOKSj NO. 5, Every thing is, has and does^ or that All things areyhave and do. No. 2, 18. Now in my opinion, if ye make any thing more of it, y& make of a perfectly simple principle, a broken, difficult, and perplexing jargon of something, that deserves not the; name of principle. » I ask, how can a thing be loved or receive any action, if it be not or exist not ? In what is called the passive voice we first state a thing as being or not being, then by the partici'ple, describe its condition or state of being. The verb, to 6e, has the ,same force whether, the participle represent the thing to be mov- ing, or as being at rest. I am loved, I am loving, I am at ease. In each of these examples it is the office of the verb to state my existence, its force is alike in each. 8 — 42. I would then object to the old division of the verb into active, passive and neuter, for the very reason, that we have no passive verb. I would comprehend all of the verb m the simple terms, To be, To have, To do. No. 2, 23. No. 4, 11. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. 8—43. ^' A transitive verb denotes an action that passes from the agent to the object. An intransitive verb denotes an action that does not pass from the agent to the object.'^ EXAMPLES. Transitive. I ran a knife through my hand. Intransitive. I ran across the street. Neuter. I live in the street. I am in the street. Passive. I ivcts laid in the street. Ail these divisions and subdivisions serve only to perplex^ The verb signifies to be, to have, and to do. The verb to be never governs the objective case; have, I think, may al- ways be supposed to govern an object either noun, pronoun, phrase or sentence-, do, is supposed to relate to all other verbs except be and have, which with a few exceptions govern the objective case, and Avhether they govern the objective case or not, they are verbs, and need not be called active^ iransi-- tive^ neuter, passive or any thing but verbs. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. A.verb may be irregular or defective. No. 3, 73. A defective verb is one, that is not used in all the moods and tenses. Example: I wsec^ to go to school. Now this sen- tence will not conjugate. I cannot say : I coidd used to go to school, 4'c, I could ought to go, &c. 9. FIGURES OF SPEECH.. ' Any form of expression differing from the plain original ^ use of words, takes the name of figurative language. When . the figure consists merely in the meaning of a word's being ; changed, it is called a Trope. \ EXAMPLES. ■ 9 — 1. To my adven'trous song. j hazardous muse daring verse ■ ambitious mind i ready pen \ muddy brain i roving thoughts i noisy house 9—2. Such a pernicious height! j hurtful act 1 sinful saying 'l holy book \ learned article • desirable station 9 — 3. We'll drink the jovial wine. ] sip the poisonous cup \ buy the giddy juice ; stem the dreary night ] hail the lauohino; hours ! bless the musins; midni2:ht *. look from the panting height calm our astonished thoughts ■] chime the merry bells j 9 — 1. Her longing arms were open spread. Her willing feet require no stay. i Her preserving hand took good care, j ) — 7. Why weep your coward swords ? \ Why stay your thundering engines .' - Why the cursed steel upraise? , • 236 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO 5. 9 — 6. The angry storm defeats our troops. The ungrateful wind did turn the scale. Darkening clouds hung o'er the vale. 9 — 7. Our hunger has not tasted food. My pen has slept a long time. The city was moved to tears. This house knows no peace. 9 — 8. It is to be regretted, that figurative language has been so little studied. The examples given in our grammars are not sufficiently simple to interest the child. The subject has been thought to be above their comprehension by most teachers; but let any one listen to a company of children at their sports, and see if they do not use figurative language. 9 — 9. Said Charles, as he was at play one day: '^ That ball came buzzing by my ears as swift as lightning ."^"^ Now a child may construct sentences like the above example with- out any difficulty. Said another boy: "You are slower than a snail, do move quicker, you lazy drone! There! now you do something ! You should move as nimble as a cricket, when you play ball, and not drag yourself along as though you were half dead! Here! Charles, said James, taste of these grapes; they are as sweet as sugar! Just that moment, along came an old man, very tall and slim. Look at that man, said one of the boys, he is as tall as a hay pole ^ and as thin as a shad! He looks like time! See him eat! He appears to be as hun- gry as a bear! 9 — 10. ''Figures are mostly founded on some similitude or relation of things, which by the power of imagination is ren- dered conducive to ornament or illustration." ' A FEW EXAMPLES. 9 — 4; Simile, She is as fair as the lily, and as innocent as fain 9—12. Metaphor. She is a lily, in its softest mould. 9 — 13 Allegory. Liberty's fair tree is growing in Columbia's happy clime. Its roots were watered by the blood and sweat of our fa- thers; its trunk and branches were staid by the sinews of their arms, that it might shoot upward and spread wide. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. 237 We now sit beneath its branches; and, while from its am- ple boughs the rich fruits of peace and happiness do fall, and W8 taste thereof, let us send up a full soul of gratitude, by every breeze that stirreth a branch of this mighty tree^ to the God of heaven, who planted it. Apostrophe . Glorious Tree! behold us! We would be a band of fVash- ingtons and FranhlinSj to protect thee! O that in every leaf of thine we might behold a Franklin virtue^ and a Washing- ton patriotism. 9 — 14. Exclamation and Interrogation . But alas! alas! Why do thy leaves wither.^ Who hath undertaken to lop off thy stately limbs. ^ Or art thou becom- io2; old as though thou wert mortal! Ah! the canker worm hath found a way into thy arms! the catterpillar and spider have woven their nests in thy hair, and serpents have coiled about thy body, whose stings do pierce thy very vitals ! Hyperbole . O! my countrymen! Could we keep this tree untainted with the strength its fruit would yield us, we might with a single stroke level all our mountains, and make of onr vast nation a thornless bed of roses, or one extended palace of wisdom and happiness. We might if we chose number the inhabitants of Jupiter, and call the sons of the fixed stars our brothers! 9 — 15 Climax and Amplification. And ye better souls, whom virtue guides, see ye not the fading tree? Should you neglect to hunt from it those hurtful beasts, you must shortly see, first, a leaf picked offj then a twig, next a larger limb, until at last ye shall see it rent in pieces before your eyes, as the lightning destroys the oak, or shall see it torn from its base, and fall to the earth in one general crash of thunder. Then lohere will be your pleasant homes, your green fields, your flourishing villages, towns and cities ? Where your schools, academies, and colle- gesl — All buried beneath the fall of the once flourishing tree of liberty* 9 — 16 Antithesis. This is a figure, by which things very different or contra- ry are contrasted or placed together, that they may mutual-^ )y set off and illustrate each other. 238 SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. The insects that crawl on the ground, The fishes tha.t swim in the sea. The birds that fly through the air, The beasts that walk o'er the plain. And men who live in the city. Receive their support from the same great, first cause. In ray right hand I hold a rulevy but in my teft hai^d I hold a book. Birds fly by the help of feathers and wings. Fishes swim by the means of scales and fins. The AIR is to the bird what the water is to the fish. The hoarse tone of the owl makes us melancholy, while the lively note of the goldfinch makes us cheerful. " All are but parts of one stupendous lohole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul; That, changed through all, and yet in all the same; Great in the earth, as in th' ethereal frame ; Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze^ Glows in the stars ^ and blossoms in the trees; Lives through all life, extends throug-h all extent; Spreads imdivided, operates unspent; Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal part j As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart; As fill], as perfect, in vile man that mourns, As the rapt seraph that adores and burns: To HI3I, no high, no low, no great, no small. He fills, he bounds, connects, and equals all. 10 Propositions. '^ A proposition is one of the three parts of a regular ar- gument, A sentence in which a thing is afiirmed or de- creed. Proposal; ojEfer of terms," examples. Identical prcpo=ition3. Specie?. Genu?. JO — 1 Sounds are sounds, 10 — 2 Lead is metal. Letters are letters Pewter Makesimil- Syllables are syllables Gold ar propositions, Words are words Silver as: A tree is a Phrases are phrases Iron vegetable. Loche calls such propositions trifling propositions. In No. 10, 2, the genus is predicated of the species. SOCIAL LESSONS, NO. 5. 239 Complex Idea. Sioiple Idea. 10 — 3 All lead is fusible. ') Here a si31ple idea is affirmed All gold is yellow > o/a complex one, a?ici! teachts All silver is white ) but the signijicalion of icords. Instructive Propositions . 10 — 4 The external angle of a triangle is bigger ilidiU ei- ther of the opposite internal angles, Locke, The internal angle of a triangle is smaller than either of the opposite external angles. Trees make good ship timber — What else do they make ? 10 — 5 ''This committee m.ade a report, which was com- mitted to a committee of the whole house, and there consid- ered and discussed on several days; and being amended, al- though in no material respect, it was made to express three 2^ropositions on the subject of slavery, and the slave trade. First, in the words of the Constitution, that 10 — 6 '« Congress could not, prior to the year 1808, prohibit the migration or the importation of such persons as any of the states, then existing, should think proper to admit." ''Second, that" 10 — 7 *• Congress had authority to restrain the citizens of the Unit- ed States from carrying on ihe Af icati slave trade, for the purpose of supplying foreign countries." ^* On this proposition, our early laws against those who engage in that traffic are founded,'' ^' The third proposilion, and that which bears on the pres- ent ^question, was expressed in the following terms:" 10 — 8 " Resolved, That Congress have no authority to interfcie in the emancipation of slaves, or in" the treatment of them in any of the States; it remaining with the se^^oral States alone to provide rules and regulations therein, which humanity and true policy may require." 10 — 9 Now let this principle be simplified and brought to meet the child's understanding; Let a class form proposi- tions divising irom questions like these: What are a scholar's rights in a common school : What are a teacher's powers in a school? 1 1 Syllogisms^ " A syllogism is a sentence made up of three propositions, so disposed that the last is necessarily inferred from those that precede it," EXAMPLE 1, 1 Major — Virtuous boys should be protected. ") t> • 2 Minor— Frank is a virtuous bo v. V J^^f''''^ 3 Consequence-^Therefore Frank should be protected. > ^^^^^S^^"^- / 240 SOCIAL LESSOTv'S, NO. 5 ^ ? EXAMPLE 2. J If Frank be or is a virtuoii- boy he should be respfcc^ei ^' ff 2 Well Frank is a virtuous boy. ' i ^i^ Pf^^^.^^'^^iU-.-.-*^ 3 Then he should be respected. ) K-Viiogism. EXAMPLE 3. ^ 1 Frank must be virtuous or vicious. ^ \ 2 But Frank is 7iot vicious. ^ Subjunctive Syllogism. 3 He must therefore be virtuous. 3 CONCLUSION. Well, Miss Mary, how does your little pupil progress? \ IVicely, sir. He can write well either chirography or in the let- ters of the perfect alphabet. The perfect alphabet is sy^ry familiar to him, and all the powers of the voice, as applied to speaking, reading and singing. He can repeat thousands of words, and knows the meaning of them. He understands the main principles of Lan- guage, the parts of speech, the arrangement of words in sentences, and he has composed original sentences from every principle and text yon have explained to me. What! done all that? Certainly, and more than that. I wish you could see the books that he has written. Many a fine story has he composed about his sheep, and horses, and garden, and about his playmates. J wish you now to read Webster's English Grammar. You TVill there find many useful definitions and idioms which I have not b^ien able to give you; after which you may look over Cardell's, Murray's, Piket's, Ingersoll's, Brown's, Barrett's, and others. PSote down and practise every thing you can find new and useful in them. Likewise read Walker's works on Elocution, Dr. Porter's, Dfo Barber's, and Dr. Rush's History of the Human Voice, with the in- tention to profit by their peculiar excellencies. CORRECTIONS. No 1 52. Sd line, cVr instead of cer, and 7i««^ iBStead of /i«c^i No. l] 97. Musical Scale, No. 2, Middle C. and the word Oc- tave, should be dropped two lines. No. i, 210. d^th DipJithong, instead af 58 Dipntnongs* Pese 88, Ifct line, 240, iDst€ad of 239. No. 2, 24 l5^ per, phiral, instead of 2d. No. 2, 58. Instead of No. 5, 74, No. 3, 54. No; 2. Between 69 and 70 read, an exaiiiple in the Potential Mood, as, I can sweep the floor. No; 2,72. Instead of No. 1, 118, No. 2, US, No. 5, 10. No. 3, 3.3. JVote, in some of the copies, is marked, Rule. No. 3, 123. Instead oi under it, read^ under ?*s. No. 4. Rule 1, should be number IC^, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 238 381 6 .if--- Vjlil 'ii, 'M I 1 , ; % H<'