LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D0DD5D7fl4=^D • » J?-^^ ,( A^ ^ ivr v. i r^ r^ TT 1 • TT" V iviarsnai. George G. Jtlopkins, Esq. ) MUSIC, Band from Governor's Island. Officiating Clergymen in a Carriage. CORPSE, Drawn by Eight White Horses, with Eight Grooms in Turk- ish Costume. Guard of Honor. The Light Guard under ihe command of Captain Edward Vincent. Pall Bearers in Carriages. Stephen Whitney, Gi'leon Ostrander, Samuel Guilford, John M. Bradhurst, Egbert Benson, George Tappeii, R. S. Williams, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Edward Laight, Clement G. Moore, G. C. Verplanck, Anthony Lamb, Wm. B. Crosby, David S. Jones, Abraham R. Van Nest, Samuel B. Warner, Stephen Allen, Philip Hone. Relatives in Carriages. Committee in chargre of the Remains in Carriages. F. A. Tallmadge, N. Y., Chairman ; Williams, Maine Wilson, N. H. ; Hudson, Mass. ; Marsh, Vt. ; Thurston, R L ; Smith, Conn. ; White, N. Y. ; Edsall, N. J. ; Dickey Penn. ; Houston, Del.; Romaine, Md. ; McDowall, Va. Barringer, N. C. ; Holmes, S. C. ; Cobb, Ga. ; Gayle, Ala. Brown, Miss.; Morse, La.; Vinton, O. ; Duncan, Ky. Cocke, Tenn.; Wick, Ind.; Lincoln, 111.; Bowlin, Mo. Johnson, Ark. ; McClelland, Mich. ; Cabell, Fla. ; Kaufman Texas, Leffler, Iowa ; Tweedy, W. T. Delesrates from Massachusetts. President and Vice-President of the United States. Ex-Presidents and Ex-Vice-Presidents of the United States.. Heads of Departments of the United States. Governors, Ex-Governors and Lieutenant Governors of the several States. Members of the Senate and House of Representatives o£ the United States. Heads of Departments of the State. The Senate of the State. House of Assembly of the State. Judges of the United States, State and City Courts.. The State Officers. The Reverend the Clergy. The Hon. Henry Clay and Major General Gaines, in a carriage. Other invited guests of the Corporation in carriages; Officers of the Army. Officers of the Navy. Mayor and Ex-Mayors of the City of New-York. Common Council of the City of New-York. Board of Aldermen, preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and headed by their President. Board of Assistant Aldermen, preceded by Sergeant-at-Arms. and headed by their President. Heads of Departments of the City Government. Officers of both Boards. Mayor and Common Council of Brooklyn, and Ex-Mayors of the City of Brooklyn, Society of the Cincinnati, in carriages. Revolutionary Soldiers, in carriages. The Grand Lodg^e of the State of New- York. ForeisTn Ministers and Consuls in carriaojes. Ex-Members of Congress and of the State Legislature. THIRD DIVISION. Col. Crasto, ) Aids to the Grand E. B. Hart, Esq. ) Marshal. Members of the Bar. The Sheriff of the City and County of New-York, and under Sheriff and Deputies, with their staves of office. The Marsh^of the United States and his Deputies. The Register, County Clerk and Coroner. Police Magistrates and Officers, with their staves. Collector, Naval Officer and Surveyor of the Port, and all other Civil Officers of the United States and State of New-York. The President, Trustees, Faculty and Students of Columbia College. The President, Faculty and Students of the University. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Medical Society,' Physicians, and Medical Students. Teachers and Pupils of the Grammar Schools of Columbia College, and of the University. College of Pharmacy, United States Naval Lyceum. American Academy of Fine Arts. National Academy of Design. American Art Union. Chamber of Commerce. Board of Trade. Teachers and Pupils of the several Public Schools, and other Seminaries of Learning. Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind. FOURTH DIVISION. Major General F. Pentz, ) Aids to the Grand Major Henry M. Graham, ) Marshal. The Fire Department of the City of New-York and Ex- empt Firemen. FIFTH DIVISION. Capt. Wm. H. Cornell,.) a • i ^ ^i ^ j tvt u i TTT-iT T\ r^ } Aids to the Grand Marshal. William D. Greene, j Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order. Band of Music. Banner. Democratic Republican General Committee. Democratic Whig General Committee. American Republican General Committee. Democratic Republican Young Men's General Committee. Democratic Young Men's Whig General Committee. Democratic Republican Ward Committees, and Citizens. 8 SIXTH DIVISION. Major Thomas K. Kellinger, ) Aids to the Grand ' S. H. Davis, Esq. j Marshal. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows. SEVENTH DIVISION. Colonel Charles B. Tappan, ) Aids to the Grand Medad Piatt, ) Marshal. Order of United Americans. United Ancient Order of Druids. EIGHTH DIVISION. Colonel George Smith, ) Aids to the Grand William H. Graham, Esq. j Marshal. The St. George's Benevolent Society. The St. Andrew's Benevolent Society. The St, David's Benevolent Society. German Benevolent Society. French Benevolent Society. Italian Benevolent Society. The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. The New-England Society. The St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York. The Hibernian Benevolent Society. The Shamrock Benevolent Society. The Hibernian Benevolent Burial Society. American Institute. Mechanics' Institute. Typographical Society. Benevolent Association of Bookbinders. Leather Dressers' Society. Benevolent Society of Shipwrights and Caulkers. Smiths' Beneficial Society. Gold and Silver Artizans. The College of Pharmacy. United American Mechanics. NINTH DIVISION. Capt. W. F. Cono^er, ) * • t » ^i r* i ixr t. i rT^^^ 1- T-i- 1 J 1^ i Aids to the Crrand Marshal. Ihos. hj. ineld, Jl.sq. ) General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, instituted in 1785. Readers at the Apprentices' Library. Journeymen Tailors' United Benevolent Society. Journeymen Stone Cutters' Association. Trades' Society of Journeymen Sailmakers. Society of Library Association. American Lyceum. Irving Lyceum. New-York Society of Literature. Mercantile Library Association. American Society of Young Men. New-York Metropolitan Association. New- York Society of Letters. The Board of Education. Wardens of Port and Harbor Masters. Marine Society. Shipmasters and Mates of Vessels in Port. Thistle Benevolent Society, preceded by several bagpipes. TENTH DIVISION. Adam P. Pentz, Esq.,) a-j ♦ *i, r^ j at i, i o-i o -iLT n ^ > Aids to the (jrrand Marshal. Silas S. Howell, ) The Ironsides Association. Fourth Ward Jefferson Association. Polk and Wright Association. German Democratic Republican Association. The New-York Shiffler Club. ELEVENTH DIVISION. T^T- IT • i Aids to the Grand Marshal. Jiilijah Lewis, ) Journeymen Stone Cutters' Association of New-York. Journeymen Granite Cutters' Association. Operative Masons. 10 Laborers' Union Society. The New-York Benevolent Society of Operative Masons. Benevolent and Trade Society of Journeymen Tailors- The Cordwainers of the City of New-York. The New-York Division of the Bookbinders' Union. TWELFTH DIVISION. Col. H. U. Slipper, ) . - ^ ■, ^ i ,, i i rto^i- n Q Q^ } Aids to tne (j-rand Marshal. C/apt. O. b. fetorms, ) The Ancient Order of Good Fellows. Perseverance Lodge, No. 3,613, I. O. of O. F. Independent Order of Rechabites — New-York District. No. 1— City Tents, 1 to 27. Pioneer Temple, No. 1, House Carpenters' Protective As- sociation. Butchers of the City of New-York. Cartmen of the City of New- York. THIRTEENTH DIVISION. Henry Tomes, Esq. ) Aids to the Grand Benjamin S. Hart, Esq. ( Marshal. The New-York Pilot's Association. The New-York Watermen's Society. The Watch Department. Old Company Citizen Volunteers. Citizens of the Ninth Ward. Citizens and Associations of the Tenth Ward. Societies from Jersey City. And all Societies and Assoeiations not above enumerated, in the order in which they shall report themselves to the Grand Marshal. The various Civic and Military Societies above enumer^ ated, will assemble at 12 o'clock, precisely, at the following places, preparatory to being brought into column. The 1st Division of Military, on the Battery. The 2d Division, Officiating Clergymen, and the Clergy, 11 Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy, Mayors of the several Cities, at No. 7, in the City Hall. Pall Bearers at No. 8, City Hall. Ex-Presidents, Ex- Vice-Presidents, Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, Heads of Departments, Legislature of the State and Members of Congress, in the Mayor's Office. Society of Cincinnati, Revolutionary Soldiers, Ex-Mayors, and Members of the Common Councils of New-York and Brooklyn, and Heads of Departments of the City Government, at No. 7 City Hall. ForeiQ:n Ministers and Consuls, Ex-Members of Congress and State Legislature, Judges of the Courts and Members of the Bar, at the Superior Court Room, west end. Other gentlemen included in the Second Division, in the United States Court Room. Gentlemen included in the Third Division, in the East Su- perior Court Room. 4th Division in Pearl-street, right on Whitehall-street. 5th Division in State-street, right on Whitehall -street. 6th Division in Broad-street, right on Pearl-street. 7th Division in Broad-street, right on the left of 6th Di- vision. 8th Division in Beaver-street, rio^ht on Broad-st. 9th Division in Beaver-st. right on the left of 8th Division. 10th Division in South William-st. risfht on William-st. 11th Division in Exchange-place, right on William-st; 12th Division in Exchange-place, right on the left of 11th Division. 13th Division in Exchange-place, right on the left of 12th Division. The carriao^es for the use of the invited jjuests of the Com- mon Council, will be under the direction of the Superinten- dent of Hacks. The following rules for the government of the citizens on the route of the procession will be observed : It is directed by the Committee, that all public and licensed carriages and vehicles be withdrawn from the streets through which the procession is to pass. The Superintendent of 12 hackney coaches, stages and carts, are charged with the en- forcement of this order. The owners of private carriages and vehicles, are also re- spectfully requested to conform to the wishes of the Com- mittee in this respect. The preceding programme having been adopted by the Joint Committee of the Common Council, the same will be duly observed. Aldermen, . . . MOSES MAYNARD, Jr. WILLIAM ADAMS, THOMAS B. TAPPEN, JAMES D. OLIVER, B. J. MESEROLE. President, . . . MORRIS FRANKLIN. Assistant Aldermen, JOHN P. CUMMINGS, JAMES ROBERTSON, WILLIAM F. JACKSON, DENNIS MULLINS. President, . . . LINUS W. STEVENS. The Aids to the Grand Marshal will meet at his quarters, at 11|- o'clock precisely, this day, at 139 Henry-street. .0^ ♦ • • • - '^' ^rs O^ e • • A <> A' i^ 9 J K^""^ .^^ ♦•o.o^ ^^^ -" • o » ,15 -^ oV ^^0' 7^-^ o. "'TT.* A ■ • I. '