.M12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0DD0t.mT133 ♦ '^v.C,^ ^ V ^i*> •* • • • « V S^Cr 5^^ \ J' % -.^ <> *'7V ^^ .,. \* ishments ; either in Hades, the fatality awaiting unrighteous daughters of Eve ; or in Gehenna, the fatality of wicked men, damned because they suf- fered the nature common to fallen man to be transformed into the image of the primal abolitionist. The foregoing analysis gives us an insight into the opposite educational inlluences proceeding from the Good Sovereign and the evil sub-sovereign. There are two organizations of the wick- ed one that have outlived their bloody and devilish origins. Ev- ery one knows of the long drawn out Pope, the vicar of the sub- sovereign, who for ages used worthless kings as his butchers, and to retain power would would do so again. The other is the Gope (g. o. p.) the British fed sorcecer who used fanatical "sovereigns" AQ its butchers, and to retain, power would do so again. The high God of the one is a white Pope raised high above the people up- on a paganish throne. The high god of the other is a negrophilic pope whose height is measured by the degredation of American liberty. Both of these organizations must be exterminated. It seems that one Abraham Lincoln some forty or more years ago spent a good deal of the eternity allotted for saving his own soul to educating the gopish party into the grand ideas that final- ly made him a sort of God to those creatures. The sons of Amer- ican liberty have no concern with the private character of that 8 man, much less with that of his latter day worshippers. The lat- ter are slop moral and reptilian, living on pope Lincoln^s consci- entiousness like frogs on a greenish marsh. As a man of kind- ly impulses Lincoln might hare been far above his cotemporaries, to say nothing of the venemoas litter whose souls hang on the chance of getting hold and holding on to the measly "govern- ment" he left behind." We think that he was better, but it fol- lows not that any except moral runts, should canonize six and a half feet of fanatical conscience. The people of to-day are concerned with that man only as the head centre of political diabolism, a sort of idol or God-father of the present band of land pirates and plutocrats, who to perpetu- ate their ungodly victory over the principles of Democracy tread down the poor of their own blood, blareing meanwhile their gop- ish righteous'ness through and through the great brazen tem- ple of mammon. We do not forget that victory for these upstarts was won by democratic Generals and soldiers. Neither do we forget that when the Southern sons of seventy-six could light no longer the men who wore the blue, and had thought that the "Union" reso- lution of Congress was not an abolition lie, desired to stay the fury of the "reconstruction" hounds. Men of real magnanimity, like McClellan and Hancock, and their honorable minded but deluded soldiery, took no stock in the abolishments of the con- stitution called "amendments" by the gory Fakirs of the "new na tion." Neither would we return to the dead past, remembering that Providence is sovereign against the vain "sovereignty" of both Yankee and Southron. He educates i'or His own King- dom by showing himself pure to the pure ; froward, to the fro- ward. He gave for a set time His peculiar people who constant- ly degraded themselves by allegiance to idols, mean kings and. corrupt priests, lo the will of idolatrous conquerors. For corrective punishment He gives the South, temporarily, a conquest of political fools, and the whole nation to the corrective retribution of boast- ing, bragging, self-righteousness run mad. Will they prove the sort of of two fools that have to be brayed in a mortar ? Man has yet to learn that rendering allegiaiice to any Pope, King or any human government is a beastly sin. The unpardonable of- fences against God are not estimated by a Law, as sin commonly is. Eendering allegiance to any creature is worse than common sin. It is highly improbable that the holy angels were ever placed under Law. The' motives, then, of the arch rebel grew out of his own consciousness of, and rebellion against, the limitations of his power due to the fact of creatureshijp. His abolition of- fense trasformed the once holy angel into the red embodiment, the very fountain of sin ; and his reprobation may have been sealed by his policy of forcing the inferior angels, who had been led astray by liiin, to render to himself the all^'giance due to God on- ly. Hence he was and is the sinner in view of the elect angels ; just as the Pope is the sinner in view of the inspired apostles and the naartyrs murdered at his command. Here, then, is the parallel between the pope and the gope. Each is an usurpation, investing its beastliness in allegiance raiment stolen from the King of kings. Both are therefore branded slaves of the bad sub-sovereign, enemies of the human race, outlawed by the lawgiver, and should be outlawed in the mind of every human being with a soul worth saving. But where are the "powers that be" who must hurl these usur- pers down or continue to wear their yoke ? They are everywhere — the people, the people, the long suffering victims of false alle- giance. True, the people themselves must be educated up to the real Democratic self-governing standard. But modern events are rapid educators, and the people of this spurious nation to whose like christians centuries ago rendered, not allegiance, but a pa- tient God-commanded obedience, designed by the Sovereign for the silent education through all pagan and popish ages of ungodly subjects, must also render a temporary obedience in the hope of peacable reform, unless the Gopes who took the sword gainst American liberty shall keep up their Neroish policj'-, and thus persist in perishing by the sword. The great fight between the powers of Good and Evil in respect to possession of the soul of man is still going on. How can man himself end the contest, and in favor both of the mediator and himself? There are two modes open. If the Gope shall still seek to chain Liberty by forcing allegiance to their Britico Negro gov- ernment, their favorite bayonet mode M-ill be in order; and may- hap will spontaneously evolute as follows : The, people, composed of nearly all the democratic party and of laboring men, en masse, will resolve themselves into a committee of the whole, (outside of congress) to declare a state of outlawry against any organization that renders allegiance to a foreign power. This will be virtually a war of extermination against the Gope, which, by stuffing^red allegiance into the free, unforced and unforceable League of States, made a "government" foreign to American liberty. It will be the same against the varnished j^aganism, as a foreign or- ganization on our soil paying and demanding from its member- ship the most servile loyalty to the foreigner at Rome. Quite likely the pub-traders in souls and bodies of white men will cry aloud to the grand Tuttleish army of gars (g. a. r.) to cut other loyal capers in the impending civil wa)" of 'tother rumbelUon. It seems that the inspired exile did not recognize the dirty gope party as much of an abolisher of God's ordainments ; for, in his vison of the last great fight the bond appear as well as the iree, the small as well as the great. When the Sons of Adam, who are told by every species of blatherskite, that they are free, shall find out that they are in fact bondmen to a "gubment."-theivery, in- stead of citizens of an American socialism, free as against each other, the little preliminary to the European supper, will be held 10 in the U. 8.; and there will be an evening up with the supporters of diabolism by acts of confiscation. This will not involve the forcing of religion upon any one. When the ground, covered by idol-houses and monkeries, shall have been taken and converted to honest uses, the Anti-christ will have to open shop in private. But the beauty of retributive justice will not be seen until the ill-gotten wealth of the gopeish land pirates shall have been ded- icated, partly to removal of all the negroes to tlfeir natal Africa and partly to the soldiery upon whom the privilege of snake kill- ing may devolve; enough -'seed corn" being left, the surviving reconstructed "reconstruction" robbers and tyrants to start — an honest life. Then it may begin to dawn in the minds of the same old abolition lebels, so happily set free from the bad slavery of Plutocrats on one side and Anarchists on the other, that they did not quite abolish God Almighty when they 'bolished s-1-a-a-very, and that the finger of the slaveholder who wrote the ten words is rather a better guide to morality than the pen of the anti-slavery who wrote the emancipation screed. Here the other mode comes up, the success of which depends upon the practical answer to the grave question, whether man is capable of self government. He is not self-governing now. The difference between the sand-bagged U. S. and other nations is merely one of degrees in Satanism. The divine rightism of Kings is supplemented here by Gope-Czarism. The equality claimed by Jefferson meant the political equality of white men. The vic- torious Gope swore that the preamble meant Hottentotism — be- fore the law! and from that to the iguonimious subjection of De- mocracy to the giibment the high law beast has swelled to the bursting point: — like the puffed up arch rebel whose self impor- tance among the angels burst into abolitionism. Fed on human blood, the personified murderer swelled into an enormous Dogtick that eventually burst and is yet scattering its poison among the fifty or sixty millions of so called self-governing people. These besotted wretches compare themselves with the brutalized sub- jects of the Czar, and even with the abjects of Hottentot rulers^ and are lifted by the operation of their snide mental flopments to a persuasion of equality with the Divine Being. It ought to be plain to every patriot, if there are any existing, that a Convention of States (not semblances) should be demanded by those now holding the shameful relation of subjugators and subjugated. Since the thirteen declared themselves Independen- cies, (they being united by that Declaration only) more than 100 years have rolled away. Heed the lessons of history and the peo- ple can and will get out of this infernal oath gaggery, and will form a still more perfect union upon the solid ground of seventy- six honor. A word as to style. That of the United (States) has been used by sophists to denote an union by force. Federal has also been degraded until the once free federation has been subverted into a 11 murder shop. Every Anglo-Saxon union over here has been con- federate, except the first, which was British and tyranical, and the present, which is Britico-Congo and diabolical. Therefore we nominate in good faith the title. Confederate States of America, as the one more clearly defining the compact of honor between States as against a false federation of escaped British provinces disunitfcdly united by the bayonet, Mark this: Suhjugatlon, stuck as a means of union into the American system, by the hy- pocritical aid extended to the fanatics by old Nig-pope Soakall, is apologised for by the very polite under the phrase, "this is an in- dissoluble union of indestructable states." This is but an eu- phemism for monarchy. A figment of monarchy, called treason, was put into the Constitution. The Southern Confederacy servile- ly copied the figm*ent. But the Gopes, having traitorhed the U. S. Government into an enemy oi-i\\e lawful union, swore out their ow^n black treason against the States South, and against idndivid- ual patriots in the North. Swear, not at all, saith Christ; much less swear allegiance to human contrivances. Rebellion and treason and such stuff is stuck into the social compact by lawyers who know but little, if anything, of Divine law: Were the seve- ral states based upon the Divine Covenant, crimes of every de- gree, including those against the social state, could be punished as against the dignity of the State and Majesty of Jehovah. A union of such States would be, in effect, a christian confed'^ration, out of which every abolition whelpery should be run like a mad dog, its more honorable citizens to be thereupon aided by the Democratic Confederation, by open declaration of war, to kill out and disfranchise the individual devil-spawns within its limits. Thus purged, the State could and should rejoin the Confederacy, by the wise decision of voting responsibilities, unawed and un- bludgeoned by any force w^hatever. The noble statesmanship of pure Democracy tends, in fact, to the universal confederation of peoples. The gangrened ferocity of narrow-minded, dirty-souled, equality-mongering. smart fools tends to a Mahomedan-like unity of foTce and the utter ruin of all that it ^an trample on. The following are the main problems for the convention; or, if not called, for the solution of supp"sed-to-be capables of just govern- ment: What changes in land polites are essential? Whether Executives and Judiciaries exclusive of legislatures and congresses, cannot justly conduct government of, by and for the white people, without injury to the inferior race now in our midst? How can the people be relieved of the present plutocracy and taxation rob- bery ? What are just prohibitions upon the people themselves, such as their authority over the manufacture of intoxicants, and, if manufactured, over the sale? How to inaugurate free trade and direct taxation ? How to effect the seperation of races on an equitable basis ? How to dispose of the so called debt, of paper- ish money, and banks of issue ? And whatever is essential to the healthy condition of the several Democratic Republics, and their 12 right confederation into one republic ? The first evil to be noticed is the legalized robberry of the many; it is world wide: Abroad, the legalized nursing of the few is the chief end of government which generously "protects" the Hodges and their families, and piously exhorts all of them to sweat for the public good. In the U. S. paper "money" is the maker of our since the-waw Few who, as a rule produce nothing, and yet are bloated to enormity with wealth. Not being dug out of the ground nor due to brainwork in science, art, literature, or inven- tive genius, wealth thus piled up must represent the swindling of society at large, and the "laws" are mere cards stocked to win by the sharpers. Now, what is money ? Nothing is, except certain metals, im- bedded in the formative rocks, mined by human labor, converted by human skill into coins, and stamped b}^ a defacto Be-power. It is the medium which facilitates the exchange of things having value; its own value as such medium being dependent upon its adaptation to the uses of exchange between and among all nations and in every age. No people are self governing who grant to corporations or to government itself a sliding yard stick adapta- ble to a don't-pay-as-you-go socialism. P.aper issued by any Be- povv^er or by its so styled banks which cannot be redeemed at once is nothing but a circulating mortgage upon labor. Former- ly that was thought to be a good bank which issued two-thirds pa- per on one-third specie* Such bills were in fact only time checks drawn by those bankers on the cloudy Bank, Future Prosperity. But that far off Bank sometimes failed to respond to the hopes of the legalized speculators. Something, or other spoiled the cotton and weevils eat the wheat, The Cottontots were surrounded by debts for land and negroes and everything. They could not get hold of enough of the lithographed paper to pay the little mer- chants and the little ones could not pay the big ones and the big ones could not pay the "banks." Times got "h-a-r-d." Distrust flapped her gloomy wings over the scene and down went the pa- perish frauds, turning loose the ten-honored panic and the lawyers, to raid town and country. That was current history. How is it now ? The three-third evidences of a huge national crime are palmed off as money, and the productive industry of every subject of that nation is under mortgage to it and to its pets, the legalized dealers in legalized "green goods." Adoption of the solid medium ot exchange, extermination of the credit system and right adjustment of the land and labor prob- lems will be the triumphs of the Confederation. Everybody as- sumes that there are too kinds ot labor, free and slave. The broad fact is that there is no such thing as free labor in civilized society. If man could prolong his life like the animals who live on the bounties of nature, he, like them, would not labor for him- self, except to eat, much less ^or any one else. To the animals the ground is not sin-cursed. But the civilized masses finding 13 themselves without land to work on and no capital except mus- cular ability or mental skill are, as hirelings, compelled to serve some individual or other or some corporation or other, or to steal from sombody. Tracing motives up to their source, reason can- not find any solid ground of support for free labor. Men form the habit of industry and work from the habit, but there is a precedent compulsion due to the relation of an unclothed non-aireating creature to the sin-cursed ground ; besides the added compulsion of "civilized laws." Why is it that agriculture in England is reduced to despair? Because the land is juggled into the hands of theFew. The far- mer cannot buy ; he rents. The aristocratic value of the land be- ing very high the rent must be so high that competition with the wheat, etc., of the new and cheaper landi: of Australia and Amer- ica is impossible. Hence bankruptcy of English farmers and dispersion of their industrial slaves is inevit ible. But the case of England is to some extent the case of christondom. Now, what; is christiandora going to do about it ? Herbert Spencer thinks that the evil may be remedied by nationalization of the land. Henry George advocates a single tax on land values. It is a pity that these mental giants try to build on infidel ground. If the Creator made the land/rec it ought not to be held us property, or have any tax value whatever. It was the Sovereign who gave the land of the idol worshippers by lot to the twelve tribes and to the heads of famalies in naeh tribe. He recognized those holdings as property which might be alienated, but only for a limited time; and he specially protected the weaker or more improvident members of the confederate Israel- ite nation, or republic, by-laws against land monopoly, usury, and cruelty to slaves. It must be admitted, thin freedomism aside, that Mr. George has formed a philosophical theory ; and it maj- be made to work so as to knock paternalism in the head. In proportion as indi- viduals families cities and States become self-supporting the need of governments will cease. The Tweed-like fed-paternalism that scoops taxes to first gorge itself and pals, mere hirelings of dis- cord and disseminators of lies, and then with paternal smirk doles back the surplus stealings to favored sections, to teach schools or to do anything representatively that the integers should do for them- selves, is a political boodler and maker of "law" gasmeters than whom none can be greater asses in the view of heaven excej)t the constituents who pay such Baalisms for their sma't iniquities. The people should now go to thinking in order to get rid of the crimes of the Gopes as conservatively of Society as possible. For instance, the interest bearing bonds should be converted into currency, and the currency burned in the Treasury as fast as real money can be substituted. As to pensional equity my idea is this : a reasonable tax on whiskey and tobacco should be levied 14 and set apart for soldiers, North and South, who need support by reason of wounds received while in the service of either govern- ment. Either pensions to all, or to none. This tax falls of course on those who use whisky or tobacco, and the teetotaler might well afford to buy and pour out libations upon the earth for the benefit of maimed soldiers on each side, 7iot ior the bene- fit of beggarly Hessians, the ready made voting and shooting tools of lying '-rebel-yelping" demagogues. Protection also, the ever-squalling infant of Mossback Whig- gery, begotten of Ignorance, is to be hustled off, conservatively to laborers, and as fast as possible. Were every custom house around the China like fraud pen blown into the air, and tho peo- ple actuated in their land policy by the spirit of the Mosaic econ- omy, the U. S. plus 0. S. of America, would contam as much happiness as is consistent with this life. Not that everybody would be equally rich, but present extremes would be impossible. Watch the pals of protection. Do they vex the ear of Congress for a, duty on the foreign able bodied paupers ? Oh no ? When the pent-in swindle begins to react and the nabobs are getting poor, i. e. not making a hundred or more dollars an hour, they squeeze their laborers to starvation point ; and when American laborers kick, the able bodied "paupers" are then glad to cut un- der skilled native be rn labor. And the Nabob who yells loudest for laws to protect American labor is the one who gobbles the fruits cf such "laws." He is the "American," the fat Carnegie or the pecksniJf Wannamaker tliat eats the pudding. But hold I No more tarilf right now. Let workers for wages keep in mind what big-mouthed party it is that does not protect the poor. Provision should also be made for sending the negroes back to the Continent where the first pair, or pairs, were created. The exodus is made necessary by the hypocricies of the one-race fa- natics. The negro is not to be consulted, and our only concern is to make the transfer fairly, equitably, justly. Defer to the negro as to an Adamite, and every buck would follow the exam- ple of the oratorical pet of the gopes, the copper bellied wooly head ; and the breeders of ^Esthetic sluts at the N-a-r-t-h would soon be accommodated with sons-in-law of the strictest gopeish smell. This would be a phase ot their universal f-a-a-thership of G a-w-d and brotherhood of m-a-a-n that would serve the whole pack of forcers of "manhood" sufl'rage upon the South ex- actly right. The Bible will yet be vindicated against the religious idiocy of popery and protestantism. Let seekers after Truth think over this illustration : Suppose an "inhabitant of Mars is somehow transported to England. He returns home and can talk of noth- ing but the Queen, the Queen. Would not his hearers conclude that England was a place where nobody lived but the Queen ? When the Bible speaks of the one blood the allusion is to the 15 race descended from the Man made in the Divine Image, (i. e. holy, not immorfal.) The Ethiopians of the Book are the 'Aby- sinians, inclusive doubtless of the Arabs, whose skins are dark- ened by the scoreliing desert sun. They are children of Abra- ham by Hagaar, the beautifnl Egyptian slave of Sarah, They are the Ishtnaeliles of Scripture ; and, as to blood, as pure as were their parentage, all the way back to Adam. Christian philosophy will yet assert the anthropological truths: That the first negro was not created in the Divine Image ; that his femalie was not taken from his side, but was an independent cre- ation; that no command was given him by the Sovereign ; that various pairs were created in several localities ; and that they, in their native state, live, propagate and die, and are as unresurrec- table as the animals lower than themselves in the creative scale. Moreover, through slavery to the superior creation our negroes have been gradually educated up to the salvatory standard. True, the administration, always strict, was frightened by incendiary abolition prints ; a fright which, together with a sort of resentful infidelity growing out of the religious and political harping on natural equality, etc., superinduced a policy of keeping the slaves in ignorance of letters ; and, in some instances, degenera- ted into utter selfishness and brutality. But even the wrong ad- ministration of the right relation was a good to the negro, if, thereby he might attain standing in the covenant, and hope of the better life hereafter. The white master, whether he recog- nized or did not recognize his similar relation to the sovereign of the universe demanded such obedience as was due to the rela- tion of master and slave, and was thus an educator of his slaves into the possibilities of vital Christianity and of the resurrec- tion of the just. We next take up the prohibition matter in order to size up "Christians" who get drunk on spirituality instead of spirits, and here definition is essential. All Adamites are fallen, but not eG[ually so. The gradation may be marked, natural fools, hypo- crites, reprobates and blasphemers. The hypocrite is a natural who takes up with the fact of mediation, but feels that he is a sort of Christ himself. He takes his dried-apple conscience into his confidence and from his spiritual saloon sub judges, t'other Christ and all mankind. He gels ^^ncZer-hold and floors Christ himself. The reprobate is different. Practically and perhaps mentally he rejects the Mediator in toto ; and launches out into tiie unexplorable ocean of Deism. Mark you, both these classes of sinners are forgivable ; only however upon repentance. Re- pentance of sins is the condition precedent to forgiveness of sins. But the blasphemer cuts himself off from repentance. Why ? Because he has sinned against the at-one-ing Spirit, has passed beyond the utmost limits of hypocrisy and reprobation, and given himself wholly to the soul abolisher. I submit to every reasonable mmd whether those Rev. Bung- 16 starters who seem to have forgotten (if they ever knew) that they in all their spiritual bigness will have to stand in judgment before that very Christ who turned water into wine, do not be- long to the sin drunken family of hypocrites, and are therefore allies of the Pope and of his raoralJbrat the Gope ? Had God purposed to fill the Earth with naked Christians, He would either have destroyed the originator of evil, or kept him out of Eden. Then, had Adam disobeyed the command the mo- tive would have come solely from within himself, and the Evil one would not have been sucked into the breast of our ma^e pro- genitor along with the motive. In this case total depravity would have been eliminated from the problem of redemption, and the means of attaining eternal life would be exactly adapt- ed to the changed conditions. And further to guard a great family of goody men and women from minor evils and from the necessity of attaining and living out Christian morality by conquering every temptation the Creator might have planned so that no grape could grow and no distillable grain mature. And still further, in order to make "getting to heaven" just as easy as falling off" a log He might have slid off His own throne, having first appointed an order of puritans to corkscrew every stomach to keep souls very r-r-right. We have the puritans, but where is the millenium ? Poor goody creatures ! They are appointed, but not by the sovereign. Were not our nature the direct inheritance from the totally depraved man, then there might be a world of just such reli- gious baboons. Our D. D.'s are the modern Rabbies who forget that we of the Pauline one blood are descended from Adam, after he had lost the Divine Image. Hence the idea of a lurking pre- sin holiness in our race independent of the depravity--eradicating education due to the special mercy shown to a peculiar people and the loyal acceptance of Grace by a few of our an cestors who kept no image in their bodily temples except that of the pure creator, and who loved and obeyed Jehovah as their Lawgiver. To such ancestry our race is indebted for ohe few Samuels and Timothies and Chalmers whose souls go up to God as the flames rise toward heaven. The abuses oT the various gifts of the Creator (pure wine is one) and of the severalties of the One broad relatioil ordained by the sovereign, (of which marriage is the basis) constitute the shame and ruin of "Chris- tendom." For instance it is not to be denied that the wrong trade in girls prevail wherever extremes in riches and poverty prevail. In Britain where souls are saved by law — and the Queen — that trade is plied by me lords and gentry almost under the nose of the petticoated "head of the church." There is a Sa- turnian protection of girlish life by "law" that does not prohibit the secret traffic by hypocrites who take fits at the bare idea of holding negroes as slaves. Now the moral is this : If every vine Was aug up und every still and brewery broken to^ pieces and all 17 the "law" factories put to running 366 days in the vear would the human heart be less viperous ? Alas ! Sin drunkenness would not be eradicated, and its sottishness misht result in a world of unconscious hypocrites esteeming themselves justified and sanc- tified, the very sons and daughters of God. I he covenant covers the moral ground of creaturely action. And as everything emanating from God is purposed for good (not for evil) it follows that the slave ordainments subsidiary to the covenant are merely lentative. For instance, if all were in fact CO actuators with the Mediator, the ordained "powers that be," or civil government in any form, would be useless. Satan himself is classifiable as a i)Ower. But we are not therefore to pay him homage or serve him in any way — rather all are invited and should run into the covenant for protection against that insidious creature and his agents in the world, the wicked popes and kings and governments. When the covenant shall be universally obeyed the gifts of the Creator and the christian relations of this life will be used, not abused. The husband will be the loving Master, the wife his loving slave — not a couple of free love traders tied in the bonds of divorce. The people of the Adamic race over the whole earth, each under his own vine and figtree, will regulate eating and drinking by the Bible idea of temperance, not by the fanaticism of preachers or priests or legislatures. But is not drunkenness a fearful evil? Certainly. And in the present badly abolitionized state of society I shall not deny the duty of a wise regulation of the business of selling intoxicants. But what is government to do about the social evils greater than mis managed or mal-managed saloons 1^ The surface workers for- get again that every gutter-drunkard, every inmate and frequenter of harlot houses, and every gambler was once an infant who was not pre-destinated by an Almighty Fatelist to fall into such courses some billions of ages before he or she was born. Fatalism pro- ceeds from sources infinitely lower than the Supreme. Therefore let all people take less and less stock in all governments and churches, more or less obstructing the coming of God's Kingdom on earth, each head of a family concentrating a wise care over his own household, i. e., his domestic slaves, not "bought with money." Then the bigots of a sumptuary papacy and the deistic reprobates, de- prived of their mischief making occupations, may go to work on their own sinfulness ; may repent and obtain forgiveness of their several besetting sins; may be fully converted and filled with the glorious allegiance to the great King, and finally be carried by the angels into a state of existence when no abolition snake shall ever again enter, every button on his voluminous trail a saloon full of all sorts of evil. Reverting to the imposition of the present subverted union and government I re-affirm, as with the j)en of the old patriots, that the right of secession is not and cannot be destroyed. The peo- ple then, of every section must uinte, as of old, to re-inaugurate the undying principles of the declaration. Fools perish : Truth' is imperishable. If there is any so called state so viperous with gopeism that it cannot come into the honorable union let it stay out ! Not a drop of blood will be shed to bludgeon the sm-drunken. diabolized fool into the democratic federal compact of honor. But the South herself can muster a few persons of note who can- not away with the old million-gummed piece of monarchical taffy that secession is rebellion. The idea of the respectable fossils is^ that no state had or has a constitutional right to secede. This is- like looking up to the firmament and exclaiming, 1 see no firma- mental right to walk on the earth, and so I must climb a tree — a^ tootle tree at that. But argue our friends, General Lee thought as we do. It mat- ters not what General Lee thought. We know that he acted, just as Washington would have acted, could he have returned. In fact, in a -sense, the secession sons of seventy-six re-appeared and nominated the confederates as their representatiyes. In the sub- lime defense of undying political principles Gen. Lee lost more men in one battle than was lost by his congener Gen. Washing- ton, in all his battles. These are the sons of Truth who losing their lives will find them again. The principle that governments desire their just powers from the consent of the governed is the principle upon which States are formed ; and it was just as good before the thirteen provinces fired a musket in its defense as when vindicated by a seven years war. And it is just as good to-day, though these Southern States were and are trampled under the hoofs of a wicked nation. Neither the bayonet attempt of the one or the bayonet sitccess of the other can destroy the principle. A dog-souled bully might knock senseless and violate a helpless woman ; and, tortured into a death in life existence she might "consent" to the forced companionship of the stinking brute. But that extorted consent would not condone the infamy of the one or shame of the other. With the light of truth it is easy to see wherein lies the mis- take of Gen. Lee, and of many cultured intellects. The fallen angel can appear to the noblest of minds as an angel of light. Thus he diffuses a smoky religious impression that God has ordain- ed vicegerency on the earth, in some form or other. Papists and Episcopalians who trace an imaginary succession from the apostles, are much to blame for the existence of this notion. While on earth, Christ was the vicar of Jehovah. In order to found the Kingdom, he communicated to his apostles a portion of his divine power and authority over demons and sinners. Since the death of the last apostle Christ ha^ not ordained and never will ordain a vice-gerent, or a succession of any such officials, religious or politi- cal. The notion of vice-gerency is hid in the cry, vox p)opuli vox dei ; and in that delusion we find the key to the action of the Northern democracy who were impelled to obey the call of a fan- atical one-racist, evoluted into an anti-American and anti- 19 Christian Be-power, or supposed vox dei ; and as such he is en- titled to the distinguished style of Slab-sides the 1st who has left his dirty apostles to perpetuate the Gopish Kingdom. These apostles need not sweat any more virtue over the ''encourage- ment" given to "rebels" by the democratic party in the North. The Jackal in the United States Senate who denounced Han- cock as an encourager is but a flab of old Lord North wlio denounced Burke for encourageing Hancock's grand father as a "rebel." Such unsavory s- aviours of the n-a ational life are impervious to the fact that both George Washington and Jefferson Davis acted vastly more from the inspiration of political freedom than upon the sympathy of those who nutralized their magnanimity by continu- ing inUeigaiice to the eff'ete old King George IH or honest old Em- peror, Slabsides the 1st, Had Lincoln and his gang been really honest, they having assumed that slavery is a sm and further union with the South the worst ef crimes, would have urged the secession of the North from the South. Their "honest}'^" led them into the devils allegiance, and their vile successors thrust the bal- lot, no doubt with the same sort of honesty, upon the negro. By their idea of a republic, congress ought to go on legalizing until females shall represent females in the "law-factories, minors repre- sent minors, and so on. What a prospect for the victorious Gope! If it could get the votes of all the white fools, free niggei's, high- floop females, small children free work horses and stray cat Je it could build monument on every hillock to its g-a-w-ds, and en- grave thereon, we are jperpetuatecW Honest Quay andDudly et al could rest from their labors for the "great republic." Bah ! Let us take an emetic. If old King George could have set foot on the necks of the patriot colonies they would have sweated to pay old George's ex- penses in s-a-a-ving the Br-union, and the same rot would have been current then as now to-wit, that those so called state-makers were rebels, and by secession from the best government the world had ever sq^n had brought the calamities of invasion, repine, slaughter, and debt upon themselves. The British would have chattered over their sufferings in quelling the enemies of good government, and would have sent petitions to parliament for pensions or fat offices. The debt would have still further fattened the aristocracy, another Ireland would have been garrisoned by red coats, and — let us have peace. This closes our analysis of political devilism. The power of the evil one over the religious mind will now be analyzed. The uni- versal assumption of innate immortality is one of his masterly delusions, and I beg leave to indicate the kind of education es- sential to attainment of immortal life, reasoned out in the book entitled No-History vs. No-War, as follows : First.-;— /Secession from the primal abolitionist, a creature who by the retributive return of his attempt at equal Godship, (inclu- 20 sive of independent immortality), became the destroyer of him| self and of ail his dupes. Second — Allegiance to the anti abolisher uncreated, the only good Despot. Third — Life-motivity eternaliz- ed. Fourth — Eternalized life confirmed. Secession is the same as repentance : Allegiance, the same as conversion. Life-mo- tivity eternalized, the same as election. Eternalized-life con- firmed, the same as the new birth from above, or regeneration. Taken together these are the graces proceeding through and from the heart-blood of Holy Priest Messiah, by means of which non- immortal souls are educated and made fit for a glorious immortal ity beyond the grave. It is essential that the mind be trained to discriminate between the spiritual and material. God alone is a Pure Spirit : All His creatures are material. Every system of theological metaphysics assumes that angels are pure spirits. Nonsense ! Their materi ality is less gross than that ot Adam wdio was formed a little low- er than the angels in his intellectuality, much lower in the gross- ness of his earthy material. Believe it or not, the education of creatures of earth and proba- bly that of allresponsibles,is purgatorial. Jesus v;as born of Mary, a pious Jewess, who was ?wf sinless by nature, or immaculate by birth. Eve is ignored by the Lord as the equal of Adam, though the blood of the highest Homo was reproduced in her veins. The Creator did not have to wipe off the blood and wait for the rib to dry into dust before he could proceed with the creation of Eve. Thus the blood of Mary is the same as that of Adam, and hence her son is styled the Son of man. As the Messiah, the Son of man, the promised,Savior, the Christ-Jesus lived and prayed, and fasted and died for the continuous purgation of his own body, soul and Spirit, as well as for sacrificial purity. He fought the •devil in his own behalf when tempted to be loyal to the god of this world. A comparative few have learned of this Savior, that they are strangers hare passing through to «, better world. But the unthinking careless sinners, and the careful dunces who fast and macerate themselves, or look up to a human pope in order to be fit to forgive sins, or to receive forgiveness on account of such false worshipping, are deaf to the monitions of the Holy Spirit as to what sin and righteousness and the coming judgment really are, and will be. Hell, as universally misunderstood, is not in the Bible. It is in the English translation and in the imaginations of the vindic- tive or superstitious. Hell-bav^lers think that souls, at death, go straight to God in heaven or straight to the devil in hell. It is a singular commentary upon the mental state of fallen creatures, that the very place when they are sure the wicked one has su- preme power, is where he is not even present. The soulabolisher is here. He cannot die and go into hades. But in the last day he will be condemned to Gehenna, and there his chijdren will meet him again. 21 Hades and Gehenna, as entities, are revealed in the Bible. What is Hades ? I answer, it is the intermediate state between death and judgment. In hades, the soul though apart from the body, continues its conscious existence, as if the bodily organs slill were acting; soul-material while in that state being similar to that of the angelic creations. To the secessionists from Abad- donism who died also allegiants to the Mediator, Hades is para- dise ; as, to the jDrophets and martyrs to Jesus, and even to the repentai|^ thief who was borne to the paradicial hades after the spirit of the crucified Messiah had gone there. But, to the non- seceding departed, hades is torment. There is a dividing gulf which none can pass while in that scate of existence. These truths are taught in the parable. The rich man, not because he was rich but because his riches had turned him into a selfiish ani- mal, is pursued by his former sin-;, and is in torment. The sins of former life cannot torment those who were actual allegiants, for the}" washed their allegiance in the blood, i. e. the atonement. They died at-one with the lowly Jesus. Their purgation will bS a refining of the soul of dross, while waiting the resurrection of the body. There the souls of the once sinners, such as the vali- ant David, the impetuous Peter, the faithful Abraham, are being purified and made ready, without pain, for re-union with their former bodies when glorified by the first resurrection. Here we are met by a solemn question. Is death the night wherein no man can work for his soul-redemption ? Papists in- fer a state of salvatory purgatory, after death ; but its priests spread their sin forgiving wings over a purgatoria of their own, to make'money and frighten the superstitious into the covert of THE church. Protestants scoff at the idea of a purgatory, here or hereafter. In this their ignorance is as cons2)icuous as the pre- sumption of the priests. If Hades is not a continuation of this |3l-esent purgatory, what is to become of all those who have been, and are being born in the close corporation of Mahomet ; a system of unitarianism ex- isting for more than a thousand j^ears ? What of those educated to a faith in living to supreme abjectness to priestism, through the long dark centuries of popery ? What of those bred in the close corporation of old Testament Judaism ? The various Oal- vanistic Arminian and Unitarian churches are but little more than close corporations of their respective dogmas. Take e. g., unita- rians nee mahomedans, who prate of God as their Father, but deny the Godship of the Mediator, and reduce him to a dignified creatureship. If Christ is only a creature, however high, the fathership and one-go I faith of IngersoU the deistic infidel is as salvable as that of Channing, or Beecher or Mahomet. The key to the mystery of redemption and its extent is found in the truth that there is one and only one Priest whose vicegerent dominion is over Heaven, earth and hades. No created being (man or archangal), can stand in the presence of God as priest. 22 As well imagine that an eagle could live an instant in the body of the sun which is a stupendous furnace, raging and boiling in storms of fire. Jehovah is He who created the sun, not directly hut through His creative Mediator. This world was also thus created ; and its responsibles are ruled through the priestly Medi- ator, and will be thus governed until the Priest assumes his origi- nal logos'-'hip in the bosom of God. The Aaronic priests and the patriarches were shadows of the great priest not yet come ; God- appointed officials of the priest who was to come in persmi. The real priest having come, the law-made priesthood come t(r an end. The priesthood of the New Testament are actual, made up of (hose whose attainments of faith are spiritualized. The officialism of Rome, of Episcopacy of free-Masonry are nehushtim, forbidden by the rison Priest. The term translated, eternal, is designed to convey the idea of B, heginning and ending of 'the redemptive plan inaugurated by the good sovereign, in whom the potentiality of mediation dwelt }*fore the world or man was formed. Endlessness is not predica- ble of that plan. The Aaronic ministry is termed sionic i. e. eternal ; but the entire temple service, as lawful^ came to an end when the second Adam rose from the dead. What sort of a God are these religionists making, who, (they imagine) pursues the damned into Gehenna with endless torments ? The priest is in- deed angry with the wicked fools who degrade his mediatory grace to the uses of the world the flesh or the devil. But the re- demptive relation itself will come to an end; and then Jehovah, even if He had conferred immortality in the primal act of crea- tion would rather annihilate the wicked (their worthlessness hav- ing been judicially determined) than perpetuate their lives, and a corresponding place of endless torment. In short, Gehenna is the materialism prepared for consuming the life of the devil and his angels, and also the lives of the homoic creatures who might have attained immortality but who, as religionists or otherwise, went in the way of the primal anti slavery rebel. What then, is Gehenna, as different from Hades ? It is the state of existence beyond hades and beyond the judgment, the place of final doom to all who shall have been resurrected in the body, and j udicially sentenced i6 that place, not primarily prepared for man. The torments there will not proceed from God who was angry with the wicked during the time of merciful probation but from the conditition itself of opposite aionicism. Mediation will have ceased, and the wretched allegiants of satan will be left to themselves and to their no-God ; and retribution, no lon- ger remedial but destructive, will be the grim executione of every one condemned to the second death. Where is Gehenna to be located ? None can tell. Inspiration, not of a scientist but of a believer in God, teaches that the ocean is to disappear in universal flames. The scientist might add that ert this present cosmic materiality 23 into the new world. Probably the oceanic basin will be the pit, -of wich Tophet was the figure. Over that vast Gehenna, reveal- ed to the eye of faith as*a lake of fire and brimstone, Retribu- tion will reign until the wailings of the softer sinners and gnash- ings of the stalwarts shall be hushed in the silence of the second death. The materialism, the opposite to Gehenna, is named Heaven, and the location will also be this sin-scarred Kosmos after having been purified re-beautified b/ universal flames. Right here, upon this globe, will be the river of life, bearing upon its banks the means of immortality. The faithful of all ages will be here. The great city of God will be located where Jerusalem now is, light- ing with electrical splendor the severalties of the globe, termed in Revelation the seven heavens. The faithful negroes will have their proper place assigned ; and their happiness will 'burst forth in songs of praise to Him who led them through the paths of sla- very to their bright abode. The freedomite anarchists, who be- lieve and act out their belief, that both human and divine law ought to be abolished will not be here. This may be noted, the pure citizens of heaven will be anarchs, but, in a sense, opposite to the anarchists now on earth. The allegiants to Jesus having eaten and digested, so to speak, the ten words and the atonement will need no law from without. Having regained the state of purity impressed by the Holy creator upon the first man — a pur- ity augmented through the atonement— they will be a law unto themselves. Here will in fact be the perfection of that liberty entrusted to sinners in this purgatory and which may be here used to attain the glorious honors of the highest heavens or abused to the lowest Gehennic dishonor. They who think that spiritualism and materialism are incon- sistent are apt to imagine that regeneration j^recedes repentance, conversion and election. This is like putting the cart before the horse. A laith that Jesus was born and anointed to be the Ohrist does not justify. Faith in the atonement, or rather in tlie maker of atonement, justifies. What the essentiality of atone- ment is has been indicated. There is no greater nonsense than the theological cackle about univevsal or particular atonement. The transaction is exclusively between the Holy abolition-hating slave-holder and His vi'crtn'oMS slave. Faith in a sort of Deistic tragedy is faith in a pseudo-atonement, and is of no worth. The sinless one died under the curse af imputed sins. The death that he suffered came not from God's bosom. It was the cursed death introduced by the abolition snake, and hence he died as the death substitute for Adamites, ever}'- one of whom Satan-born death would inevitably destroy bnt for that substitution. The accep- tance by Jehovah of the sin-incurred death due to Adam is the at-one-ment between the sovereign and the second Adam. But eternal life is not in the fact that the second Adam offered and the sovereign accepted the atonement. If it were salvation 24 would be universal. The lamb, the death-sacrifice has aioncallgy. (i. e. eternal]}'') been slain in contemplation of the sin hating God ; and hence "from all eternity'- He is ready to forgive re- pentant sinners, and give them the true life, but 7iot to give life to rebsls against His sovereignty. Every one who abolishes the atonement abolishes as to himself the only ground of eternal life. The eternal life proceeds from the pure priest, seated on the glo- rious mediatorial throne, who ever makes good the atonement for every one who sacrifices the present for the better world, and who uses the means offered through the atonement by the spirit sent from the priest in order to fit themselves for the gift of pure eternalism. Formal worshippers under both dispensations might hold a general faith that without the shedding of blood, innocent of sin, there can be no remission. But until sinners — all are sinners before God ! make the strange and even awful transaction personal, each to himself or herself, as descendants of the fallen man, such faith is lifeless, and whoever does not repent of such faith is in danger of the destro.ying death. Christ himself said, ye must be born again. Man therefore hastens to date regeneration a? far back as possible. Official priestism is invoked and thr only church puts infants and all sorts of church-and-saint-worshippers through its regeneration machinery. The extremes of the only are the Baptists who all so set up a the ceurch. Let us see if the Eldership do not fal- into a sort of officialism along with immersionist notions. The fact that the baptism of adults is prominent in the new testa- ment, does not imply that the old ceremonial of the church was dropped out of use. On the contrary it was changed and en- larged to the inclusion of both'sexes. A little child is, so to speak, a little creature of faith in its parents, and the purpose of" the church, both in her old and new testament development was and is to train the young to direct his or her young intuition to the proper object of faith. There is no the church, a one product of rigid law. Circumstances govern. As visible, the Abrahamic church began in Canaan, was induced into Egypt by fear of fam- ine ; there received the ever memorable passover ; was borne through the wilderness ; dwelt in Judean tabernacles ; then in a magnificent temple ; was driven for traitorism to Jehovah, to Babylon ; went into synagogues ; and after the crucifixion would have had scarcely any organization but for the special authority of the apostles. Moreover the baptisms of the church during the old testament education were ablutions of the hands and feet and probably, at times, of the head, not immersion of the whole body. And the priests baptised themselves, not the worshippers. When John came, baptizing the common people also, they and the rul- ers may have supposed that a kingdom of official priests was be- ing formed ; tliat everybody who received the new water ceremo- ny was to be a priest, ipso facto. This thing displeased the rul- ers. It seemed an invasion of their old priestly prerogatives, and 25 they took no water-priestism in theirs. And afterwards, when the multitude found that that the new kingdom promised by the Baptist was not made up of officials, many of those baptized fel- lows joined the rulers in the cry, away with such a Messiah from the earth ! The rulers took no exceptions, it seems, to John's mof/e of baptism. They was familiar with that, as a priestly cer- emony, old as Moses. And adherence to ceremonies more than to substance caused Christ to denounce those Aaronics as hypo- crites. Stress is laid by the apostles upon the circumcision with- out hands, i. e, baptism by the spirit, described in Acts as a pour- ing out. The burial with Christ is actual, not figurative. The old man, the actual sinner, is left to rot, as in a grave, while the new man, the secessionist from Satanism in its every form, rises to newness of life, the eternal life drawn from the holy Priest in heaven. Faith in the risen Christ and confirmation in that Faith by the spirit, (not by any ereature^ whatever his title or preten- ces) is the Baptism by the Holy Spirit. Ceremonies are nothing compared with substance — with election. The elect are they W'ho by secession are buried with Christ, and are risen with him by fixing allegiance w'^on Him above. This is the new creation^ the soul being educated from infancy, or changed in later lile to love the sovereign. The claim that immersion is baptism, and that none but those old enough to be gnostics of law and regener- ates, are immersible, and that none but they who believe that immersion is law^ and that none but the immersed can participate in the memorial supper, makes up a phase of priestism similar to the pugnacious adherence of the modern Jew to the once ortho- dox ceremonies of circumcision and passover. And the Elder- ship who lay sti^ess upon water baptism by the one mode only, will be held to account before the infallible Bar of God, along with former and latter day sticklers for ceremony, as deceptive teachers of the way of life. False ofiicialism and false government go together, and instead of One Church of Christ, the world is cursed with Popery numerous popelings. Thake, e. g., the Presbyterian, trying to n a confederation of independencies under one Lead, and if it were such, would be, we think, better adapted, in these days, to the peaceful subjugation of the world to Christ, than any other or- ganization. This form of government says, tell it to the church means tell it to the presbyters; and to the presbyters in their judicial capacity. This judicial bray ' of the Westminster calvanists is enough to make the pope laugh in his split-top hat. Children of the church and accessions from without should be expressly taught that there is but one Lmo- giver and Judge to whom accountability is exclusively due For instance, a member forgets that no drunhard shall inherit eternal life : his lite becomes a scandal to Christianity. The ever-com- passionate Savior orders his presbyters, as his min{ste7's, to anath- ematize, i. e. to separate the off"ender to communion with Satan. 26 The gracious purpose is reformation of the individual. And the presbyters are to administer this Idnd of discipline as if they, but for grace, might be as dead in other sins as the poor sensu- alist, who may have imagined that if such judges could be saved, he could be also. Papists take in and cast out, as lawgivers and .judges, as infallible lords of the heritage. If the Babylon ot abominations can educate and proselyte some two hundred mil- lions of the Adamic race and hold them in her monstrous doc- trines, the fact should be a warning to all churchisms that they also may be educating and proselyting peoples into swallowing church stuff not altogether as beastly as that of the mother of harlots. The tendency of churchism towards the use of authority more than ministerial is most surprising. The itching to peddle out laws, church laws, and to judge people by such laws; is irre- pressible. Here e. g., is the P. E. churcn which sets herself up as plaintiff' against drinkers, dancers, theatre goers, etc. This little papacy is as synagogueicaliy drifted toward church ruler- istn us were the ruler Jews in the matter of super-ministerial government. With so fair a start why should not the supra- righteous plaintiff make church offences out of snuffing, chew- ing, smoking, wearing rings on ears and fingers, bustle adorna- tion, and everything that looks "worldly" to good bishops? In view of the universal proof that Christ's church, as an Organi- zation^ has no existence on earth, it need not be surprising that many young persons are turning their souls over to the big law- making Savior, being awed or seduced into inane worship of the Anti-christ that forgives the sins of small sinners for a fee. and whereever he could or can, legislate for and judges contemptible Mngs and nations. The alarming fact that Satan mi^a^es the- Holy Spirit, in that he is able to efi'ect a pocudoism in faith, in justification, in san- ctification, in government, calls for a translation of the Bible which will eliminate every aid to spurious priestism aud false doc- trine. The title, Holy Ghost, is misleading, and the popular mind is not sure but that a Quaternity of Father Son Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost is talked about in pulpits and writings. More essen- tial is the correct rendering of another word. The most impor- tant term in the Bible to those who would know the whole truth, used probably more than a thousand times in various connections and shades of meaning, is the very one that scholars try to hide from, and to disguise from the mental and moral grasp of the common people. Abraham is the Sovereign's devoted Slave and is therefore called the friend of God. The loved Joseph sold by the malice of his brethren into Egypt; there imprisoned by his Master for the sins of onother; holding even in the dungeon sublime com- munion with the God of heaven and earth; brought out by Prov- idence to be the temporal savior of Egypt and of the same breth- ren who many years befoie had sold him — that Joseph is the most 27 beautiful type on record of the spotless Messiah and Savior of the world. Moses is the meek slave of Jehovah. All the prophets are His slaves. Tlie Apostles emphatically declare themselves the slaves of Christ and of God. In the matter of atonement the Son of man took upon himself the form of a slave. But King Jame's scholars and the Jerusalem chamber too, took on them- selves the linen of robe-servant. Now whot do these southern Presbyterians mean by knocking at the door of a church which not only synodically and generally in- dorsed abolition assaults on the Bible(and has not repented)but to- day shews itself an association of one-race fanatics? Christianity being real, the one vxiy for attainment of purity and immortality, the concern of the southern brethren is not to get back into any such church but to chase calvanism from among themselves, and place^sovereignty precisely where Paule places it. Shall the thing created say, why hast thou made me thus? shall the thing comman- ded say, / cannot hear the command of a Slaveholding God? / was made free, and the atonement has made me a little more free The neutralizing of Paul's predestinative statement of the plan of Redemption is doubtless connected with the false idea that ■ Christ's church is made up of freewillers and regenerates. There are no regenerates in this world. Perfection of creatureship is regeneration, and there are no perfect men or women in this life. Neither is there any free will, free choice, or any such thing. Compulsion of choice is the key to the philosophy )f theology. Christ says, ali that the Father(the Father as sovereign )"giveth to me shall come to me". All thus given and received are the called according to the purpose. Andwho are they? Simply they who have availed of providential education to understand that the com- mands are from the Sovereign^ and who have gained tenacity of purpose to follow their elder Brother as teacher on earth and Master in Heaven, to the attamment of full allegiance. The church of Christ is made up of the elect. Man made churches may talk of their regenerated free-willers. And the creature has to 7nake his 0VJ71 election. Work out your own election, says the Apostle. Your exertions alone would be fiitile, but you are aided; for,"it is God(the Holy Priest) who(by the Spirit)"'workethin you to do^\ to justif/j the faith that justifies you by the motive of pure love. As tbe Comforter, the Holy Spirit is the representative of the Priest, or rather the very Priest reproduced in the mind. Soul, and Spirit, animating the elect with the like pure love that anima- ted the Savior while on earth, and will so continue until his Vice- gerency is merged, and the elect are perfected in sanctification, filled with the pure deathless nature of Jehovah! To attain elec- tion is the utmost that jjre-resurrected man can do. The spirit- ual minded John the beloved disciple whose every thought was fixed on God and heaven, could do no more. And even to him who had so far progressed that he could not sin(i.' e. unto death) his attained election was evidence that his primal call was accor- 28 ding to the foreknowledge, the recognition, of the Good Slavehold- er. Neither in law or in fact does God know or foreknow any of His responsibles except withhi the slave relation. Free manlings and womenlings are without. Of course filial love is more per- fect and perfecting than servile fear, but in every instance obedi- ence to the Father is essential. And the Father's call is authori- tative., as of an earthly father to his son, to come or to go. Doubt- less some(we hope many)out of all false churches will be saved. The hope is founded on the declaration that all things are poss- ible with God, and all sins forgiveable except that of blasphemy against the Hol}'^ Spirit, in other words blasphemy agamst the Savior Priest. Jehovah, ahstract of His well ^beloved Mediator, would no more notice a blasphemer's assaults than He would the snarlings and snappings of a mangy poodle. When the heretical and sectarian froth is blown away, the practically elect from among the imperfectly and subvertingly educating churches will secede and unite, to organize themselves into one church in order that the gospel may be preached. The home field is not away off yonder and the missionary is right here, upon the ground now occupied by so called christian churches and civilized governmfents. If the $ church $ preachers will look side-" wise from their aesthetic worshippers, and downwards, they will see multitudes of church-made and government-made heathen at their doors. They need not go noseing among the naked niggers of Africa for "brethren" or for "heathen." They need not raise their sanctimonious probosii in concert and trumpet their godly hj^pocricy — at the South. Oh no ! Our aesthetic dollarities can afford to turn over the business of universal fathership and bioth- ership to the worshippers of Bismark, and such like, who grind the souls out of their poor white slaves at home, while sending fleets to steam around Africa to catch Arabs, who trade with the wooly headed Monarchs (brother kings! don't you see) for their slaves, and when these mighty fleets capture a dhow, the brother Kings blow and brag, like us., of their Christianity. A title is needed, one that will inspire the workers for present and millenial education, and that of Catholic Ziox may be appro- priate. Out of Zion shall go forth the law, saith the prophet ; and religion, as the reality, must become Catholic, i. e., universal. The world has had enough of pseudo-catholic, or universal scoun- drelism. When the popeished laity shall secede, as thev sur^'i^- will, from the great satatnic slave dealery, the existenc, v.. ^.^^0 great catholic confederation of churches, really christian, held to- gether in the bonds of und3ang love to God and man, will prevent the fall of the pope-educated laity into the gulf of infidelity or anarchy. And in proportion to the flow of the common people into the Catholic Zion their rulers who by co-allegiance and co- actuation with the sub-sovereign have made the world a vast Golgotha will become less and less powerful for evil. And when all peoples tongues and nations shall govern themselves through 29 allegiance to the King of Zion these rulers these "-war lords" will disajjpear, and with them their co-opposites, the infidels and anarchists. Besides the popeish and protestant bigotries the world is now threatened with a sort of Darwinian religion, designed apparently to dodge the fact of separate creations and to deny the actual effects of the fall, if not the fall itself. Against this monkey hunt- ing brood I affirm the fact of total depravity and offer the true ex- planation of its perpetuity. Adam's act of sin was followed by the instant entrance of the live abolisher into his soul. This du- plex complication of abolition i. e. Adams sin and satan's posses- sion, is total depravity. That is, the pure nature of our first father made in the divine image, was poisoned by his sin and totally abolitionized by actual possession of the snakish liar. The place of holiness became the coiling place of the serpentarian con- querer and the man's children inherit his fallen nature. This cal- vanistic swapping of imputations around and about, and making Adam the federal head of his children, and Christ the federal head of At5, is pure nonsense. God foresaw the possibility of so educat- ing the Adamites that in the course of time the second Adam could be born in to the world. He therefore did not kill the trans- gressor on the spot and leave silly Eve to play with her pet snake until the abolishing dea'h that she was instrumental in bringing into the world took her out of the world. Had God acted on this latter alternative the specimens of humanity that now ornament the earth, I mean the whites who have overspread it, would be conspicuous b}' their absence. Whether tlie red bucks and the hottentots et al had then been created for amusement of the sar- castic angel and his crowd is not deteiminable nn ess the evo- luters can give us common-sense and data to figure on. But total depravity is in our blood, not in that of the inferior creations ; and this inheritance is hateful to the natural man, fre- (juently denied and alwaj^s obscured. Witness these evolution- iss who are evidently hunting for regeneration in matter. If life is an infinitely drawn out energy of protoplastic dust the indepen- d nt existence of Jehovah is discredited, and the fall of Adam is a myth, a vishnu-like fable of a temporary obstruction to the up- w ard crawl of the life-snake. It would seem that the whites are ahead on the dust matter, so much so that it is high time for wings to sprout out, in proof of the doctrine. When this happens — when will it happen ? the next joint — who be the next ? will press into the place left by the whiteys, and so on until the trooly darkeys make room for the monkej^s' And when the protoed monkeys begin to talk the more highly protoed darkeys will be apt to caj)ture the c?is-chatters and put them to work ; just as they had been captured by evoluted puritans and British, because a wriggle of the life-snake in the far distant past had put them- selves, the darkeys, up to a talking liability to that voyage hither, for which — the South is to this daj^ shivering under the severe, the 30 indignant, the extremely tr-o-oly frown of — Christendom. The return, let ns trust, will be in better ships, with Cable, eq-u-a-wlity Cable, to see after the accomodations. Science christianized will be based on the axioms that there are distinct homoic creations, and that the grades represent the direct purpose of the Creator, not the energy of a necessity-driven dead-dust evolver. Kight here comes up a conundrum for the evolution cranks who affect the Bible. The processes of creation were from the lowest forms upwards. But how about the finish- ing process ? The apostle does not say that Adam was made a little higher than the highest anthropoid, but that he was made a little lower than th« angels. Now if the finishing process was from above downwards, the new theology is finis-ed. The Almighty having worked in both directions, the physical results are un- changeable. Man will continue to be as he is until the environ- ments are changed by fire. The mental and moral phenomena, bounded as the}'" are by the physical make-up, will be invariable in hind., different in degree. You may educate a baboon, i. e. de- velop the reasoning power in him to the utmost; still, he remains a baboon, somewhat smarter, more civilized, so to speak, than his fellows in the bush. And the son that he begets will not shame his father by being too utterly smart. There is an improvement in the brain as in the case of collie dogs &c.. but that is all. Jocko can never rise to the height of an evolutionist., nor can he hope to live again when death shall claim him. If theNoahic flood cover- ed the entire Kosraos the negro and his neighbor, the baboon, were drowned. And when the flood subsided in Africa, the environments of life being the same as before, the negro and baboon were created as before the flood ; and are likely to remain the very same vital materialisms, despite the unscientific philosophy or religion of false scientists. The highly intel- lectual efforts to make the works of the Creator appear what they are not, resemble the funny antics of a civilized jocko who found a lump of sugar in a glass jar. His reasoning on the problem of how to get it out is emulated by that of the evolutionists. Preachers and disciples of that doctrine had better turn off the gas. If they blow it out they may die before evolution strikes the earth. The possible hybridization of distinct crecdions help them not. That branch of physics pertains to the science of physiology, not anthopology , The physiological isomerism of blood between the sui^erior and inferior creations, through which the genesis of hybrids is possible, does not help the evolutionist. It helps only the blind and deaf one race adders who would de- stroy their white political neighbors by any and every means rather than repent of bigotry or of diabolism. This brings us to the practical definition of the Adamite. Man is by birth a natural abolitionist, aud by tuition of father satan easilj grauates into a demoniac abolitionist. Daughters of Adam are not born abolitionists, but multitudes relegate themselves to 31 the creaturely unseen "father" by devotion to fashion and frivolity, by practical exchange of their souls for the things of this eternity, or by direct complicity with the wicked one. Anthoro- poids are not thus definable. They have none of Adam's blood, they are not totally depraved, and yet they are, notwithstand- ing these differences, subject to be led captive by the devil. The destruction of the herd of swine, creatures far lower than anthro- poids is a case in point. When crowded together and heated by fanaticism men or anthropoids are particularly subject to de- moniac possession. Fanaticism and enthusiasm are opposites. En- thusiasm is consistent with a sound mind and an honest hearty and is an inspiration from God, Fanaticism is of the devil. Natural abolitionists are classed in Scripture merely as fools : de- moniacs, as liars, hypocrites, murderers, blasphemers, in one word allegiantsof Abaddon. The opposites are classed as the faithful ; Ihe pure in heart i. e. in motive ; the meek, hungering after righteousness; forgiving injuries for Jesus' sake; in a word, al- legiants to God, Allegiance, then, is the pons asinorum, having crossed which each responsible (man or anthropoid) must take the right or the left ^vay. SrNTHESIS. Putting the elements together is the opposite of Analysis, Let us now proceed to state the case of Christendom as it is, as strict- ly in the calm spirit of philosoj)hy as possible. The stereopticon will display the pictures as they are, the dread lineaments of nat- ural and demoniac abolition all over the world. The section of Satanized Christendom styled the United States demands first at- tention. Unless people know who and where their enemy is they are fighting in the air. We are not to hiy every particular evil upon the primal author of evil. Man meets evil half w^ay or crosses the line ; and in either case makes it his own fault by cherishing it in his heart. Be assured of this : Satan will not be put on trial in the day of judgment for any or all of his almost infinite series of triumphs over the Adamic race. He will be tried for his own offense in Heaven and his human subverts will be tried for what is in fact their own wickedness, made so by appropriation of Ap- polyons nature. Had all the heathens lived in practical allegiance to the Creator^ all the covenanted people, to the Sovereign^ the nature of the evil one could never have been reproduced in the souls of men, as their own nature. Now who is the chief enemy of the people of the U. S,, nol their angelic, but his perverts and subverts, the human enemy ? I have no hesitation in affirming that it is their own government. I do not say it is the Constitution, because it is as completely abolished by the so called saving and amending exploits as it would be if, after being practically monarchised and mongrelized 32 as it is, other so called amendments were struck into it or blown into it by the bayonets or bombs of Anarchists. The constitu- tion is wounded to death and the murderer is the government, practically converted into a Pontiff and hypocritically using the destroyed Constitution pretty much as the Pontiff at Rome uses the mangled Bible. J mean that these Covenants, one human the other Divine, are practically dead as to these two iisurjms of authority not given by the respective covenants. To the allegation that the right of amendment is contained in the U. S. Covenant, the bare statement suffices that neither bayonet union nor bayonet amendments were ever t^ought of, much less provided for in the human covenant. It is impossible, therefore, to evade the porten- tous conclusion that this Pontificated Government is a Fraud, in law and in fact, upon the people of the United States of America. Now who are the (political) people of the U. S.? Supposing that there are exactly twelve million of white men entitled to vote by the present statutes, and that they voted on the sixth of November last, those twelve million constituted the people of the U. S. on that day. (I do not include negroes as of the people. As shown, they are not of Adam's blood and are not responsible for the deeds of natural or demoniac white-skinned abolitionists.) Of these millions, it is possible that nine-tenths were not and are not aware that t\\Qy have been and are now supporting a Po- litical Pontiff, and that they are subjecting their wnves and chil- dren and every one within the jurisdiction of the fraud enthroned Ponfilf to the evils of political popery. Say, for purposes of the statement, that those twelve millions divided, one-half voting for Mr. Harrison, the other for Mr: Cleveland ; one moiety styling themselves the democratic, the other the republican party. It is opportune to say that names are not equivalent to virtues. Some who would abolish all law, human and Divine, in order to be perfectly free, claim to be democrats. The most atrocious demo- niacs thrown up by the French revolution claimed to be par ex- cellence republicans. The terms tootleism and gor.elsm scientif- ically describe the two parties between whom the Pontiff is held up. Here the question arises : How many of those twelve millions knew anything, beyond a few catch words, of the eternal prin- ciples that cannot be destroyed by verenality, intimidations, sophi- sems, slanders, lies, or murder ? How^ many knew that the abuses of principles must, if continued, eventually react upon and des- troy society? It is safe to say that the republican party is m ide up of less than ten thousand persons, brainy fools, editors and preachers of abolition poison, statesmen of the kinky persuasion with two eyes and a pocket set solidly on spurious fame and of- fice, all of them united in the bonds of mammon and loyalty to — the Pontiff. Their peculiarity consists in believing, representa- tively of their greeny constituents, that the negro can be fashion- ed into a whitey by party sorcerism. And, of those ten thou- 33 sand it is fair to say that one Mr. J. G. Blaine, is what the party populace say he is. the iincroicned king of the whole. What ra- tional interest did the six millions (minus the supposed ten thou- sand) have in supporting such a party? None ! Their irration- ality is of the natural kind and served merely to reflect the sophisms and lies poured out in such abundance as to blacken the heavens. The democratic 'party is differently constituted. It is not ruled by a few thousand persons. From Grover Cleveland, the honest- hearted President, clear through the host (of course there are some scabs), that party is made up of plain, honest, cool think- ing, unbribeable, working, debt-paying men. They are not de- ceived by rocket shooting into a belief that the greenback factory and the '• b^nks " add one iota to wealth. The spirit of our se- cession ancestors, has not entirely leaked out and encrusted tlieir souls with spurious Britishism ; they look with grave suspicion upon any union of which force is the factor, and they look with a species of mixed loyalty and abhorence upon the new oath-gagg- ing and allegiance methods, a sort of resurrected monarchy, reck- lessly asserted as the savior of popular government. These are the conditions of partijism. Ten thousand high-law personages bossing near six millions of gopeished voters, and a sense of not-yet-lost political liberty controling about an equal number of voters, half ashamed of the loud vauntings of superi- ority over other nations, and yet anxious that our country should forever remain one and indivisable. Politically they crossed the pons asinorum and went far enough on the tootle path to bring back the '' erring sisters." That object, the recorded purpose of the Tootle congress and government, being accomplished, they justly regard the gopish party as a dirty clique of traitors to their own congress, and disunionists of the vilest kind, in presence of the genius of self-government. The state of things growing out of the conflict between the parties north on the one side, and the southern people on the other, has given rise to a third condition to which the serious attention of every one not a demoniacked fool is invited. We use the name South, personifying the principles of ever faithful Demo- cratic- Republiean- Federalism. After she was subjugated, the South gave her cheek to the smiter. The magnanimous demo- cratic party, having administered the union slap, supposed that that would be the end of strife. Little did they know the de- moniac spirit of the abolishing demons. The magnates and com- mon fanatics raved until the whole infidel Bible-spitting crew were stirred up to demand such " amendments" as would be pleas- ing to the Gopish Pontiff. They rushed over the '* traitors," (this was the endearing name given the Northern democracy by the triumphant rag-fioppery), frantically demanding the sweet privi- lege of slapping the South continually on both cheeks. Upon this the Democratic party laid aside its tootleism, and fought the 34 enemy of American liberty, and of society itself, at every turn. The fight is still going on and will go on until political popery shall be utterly overthrown, and its vile carcass cast into the sea of oblivion. Then our county will be, ipso facto, one and indivis- ible. This conflict has assumed what I term the fourth condition, and nothing is now needed but for the democratic party, north, south, east and west, to resolve themselves into Democracy by the old fraternal pledge (no oath-gaggery in theirs !} of lives, for- tunes, and sacred honor. We will then bury this monster, trying to spraddle its British-assumed shoes over the entire American people, in the abyss into which the old Dragon is soon to be cast. Every means consistent with truth should be employed by the Democracy to educate the commonalty as distinct from the party magnates, to the fact that republicanism is itself subverted. It is the right of each State, as a Republic, a right both inherent and reserved in the compact of honor, to regulate her own affairs by a majority of whoever may be voters legalized as such by each Bepublic. If the once Republic of Mass, e. g. wants to import and make voters of naked Bushmen, to the extent of black-belt- ing its 'publican carcass, it is its right to do so. That escaped British colony might thus show the world how piously the white minority would see that the pets had a "free ballot and a fair count." Nigger-throwing into the sea woukUnt take the place of tea-throwing: Oh no? Certainly not. But that political hy- pocricy furnishes the Nose to the Pontifficate at Washington which blows its pub-" lawfulness " upon the land in the black " sovereignty " dictated to the several southern republics. And still the ex-tea mob, prate of the South as sectional, because she is solid ! The nearly twelve million of this unpeopled people should also be urged to consider well the abolishers of Divine and human covenants prate of "law," how the rebels against both Democratic and Republican principles prate of "rebels." The U. S. Pontificate is held by ''judges" to be "lawful." Tax-rob- bery of the working masses is "lawful." The so called debt, sacred to Plutocracy is "lawful." All kinds of gambling in lands are "lawful." Monopolistic trusts are "lawful." What States! What Republics! What a self-governing Fraud! They have got what they called for, and to-day the U. S., in the matter of self-government, is on the off-side of equality with Kaiserism, Czarism, or any of the forms of Kingly self-government in "effete" Europe. In consideration of the fact that there is a Popery under which there are some thirty eight subjugated and quasi-subjugated law makeries, individually and collectively useless, I beg leave to nominate a Constitution op Law already made, which is exactly suited to the actual state of adamites, and is adapatable to all the interests, temporal and more than temporal, of every respon- 35 sible from the equator up to the furtherest breathing and digging spots around the poles. I trust that the millions, not down and drunk on partyism, will give this Constitution the most respect- ful attention and study. The prime object in adopting it is to do away with congresses and legislatures, and to keep order in the Democracies, and in the Democracies as One Republic, through Executives and Judiciaries, responsible to their respective consti- tuents, not responsible to parties fighting each other for spoils. The talk about parties in a free country being necessary to watch each other is party bosh, or popular ignorance. The people will of course choose the best men for their officials, and will watch them, knowing that human nature is liable to temptation. The officers will be upheld by the people in the lawful performance of their several duties. The body of the Constitution of Law may be outlined as follows : I . VI II VII III VIII IV IX V X Certain axioms or postulates of government should be annexed to the Constitution; as e. g. man (in the U. S.) is not made for a thirty-eight or many tailed one-headed Taxation paternalism ; nothing is money except coin or paper that represents coin, face for face ; the spirit of the Mosaic land-economy is anti-monopo- listic ; race-purity of blood is as assential to-day as when the redemptive sovereign took the Jews under His immediate educa- tional care. There may be other axioms evidential of a people educated 'beyond the need of human law-makeries. The logic of this movement towards a more perfect union, &c., is ; the Amer- ican people will now bury the Pontiif, alwe^ so to speak. That is, setting aside the monster, still alive and drunk on blood, they will proceed to wind up its affairs through the governmental ma- chinery now existing. Suppose that the Territories desiring to put on the toga of Democracy shall begin the good work of reform by adopting the Constitution of Law. The land of a Territory, not the people, belongs to the U. S. in trust for the whole. The rule of admis- sion, then, ought to be that as soon as the Constitution is adopted the Territory is a young State, and when grown, i. e., has a cer- tain population, is entitled to admission. We are aware that the Territories which shoidd be infant comities of a christianized Republic are gope-ridden runts at present ; and are therefore wanted at Washington as rotten boroughs of the fraudulent Re- publican party. The Democracy in those parts of the political apostacy should know that they are the anti-abolition remnant, answering to the "remnant according to the election of the grace" who bowed not the knee to the image of Baal, or to the soul- abolishing Abaddon in any shape whatever. The comparison 36 between the so called States of the North, flourishing like so many Babylons in the Union, and Utah, if it were a united state like hi-o, and in, like the balance, would give the crown to Utah. The Mormon Constitution is openly Anti-Christ while the hypocrite States are secretly so. In fact the Christ whose na7yie is familiar in thousands of pulpits and altars has less prac- tical influence over abolition morality than the Smith, or who ever he was, that dug up the Mormon bible. The Christ of abo- litionists is merely nominal. Pass on now, if you please, to Europe. What is found there? Comparatively the same condition as here, the numerous millions multiplied into tax-paj'ers and man-killers by eight or ten gov- ernments united in the bonds of Abaddon^sm, alias throat cutters subject to a genteel modification styled international law, bal- ance of power, and so on. Each and every one of them are deal- eries in much oathgaggery and allegiance, in able-bodied animals sworn unto uniform and cartridjje belts ; and their '4aws" fairly bristle with treason, rebellion, libel against betters, etc., the chief virtue in the masses being loyalty to the rulers. Tax paying is not a virtue, but the simple dutt/ of the lowly ones, the sweating whites, with no wool on their skulls to mitigate the heat and bur- den of supporting — everybody except themselves. Vicegerency is indeed openly claitned as right divine^ and is conceded by the popish and protestant Fakirs of false religion. Who, who will take the blood-prize — the Pontificated divine righters of Europe or the Pontificated Be-loyaled of the U. S. ? We trust that the whites of Europe will perceive that the au- gust traders in their bodies and souls are making a scapegoat of Africa just as their kind over here have been and are making the South the scapegoat of their iniquitous enslavement of men and women of their own blood, in t/ieir streets and at their doors. Would to God that the commonalty of all nations in Europe would adopt the Constitution of Laxo and fraternize with each other. They need not dethrone those rulers if they will join in with the subjects in allegiance to the Constitution of Law, disarm as against each other, and henceforward rule more like Christ tians than pagans. It may be taken for granted by the multitudinous victims that the Beneficiaries of false government and their creatures will hold on to their respective high places and will use any and ev- ery means to defeat the inauguration of just government. Un- der present conditions, indeed, the subjects are co-actuators with thes6 consecrated successors of Nero, and the commonalty who take part in the wrong against the Mediator as well as against themselves, may never expect better government until they make the move for emancipation in concert with each oth- er. I do not advise bloodshed. There will be no need, unth- the "war lords" shall force the alternative upon their subjects of killing each other or of killing their several tyrants. A nd after 37 these systems of iniquity are overthrown let the millions take to heart the solemn golgothic warning from all history that they can never educate themselves to the height of self governmentt until the Gospel is taken as the embodiojent of Law and Grace given by the only wise and good Sovereign for the government of the fallen who by nature are the easy prey of the lawless one. Now what are these states to do towards actual attainment of self government? In particular wdiat are the negro strangulated states to do ? Disfranchisement of the negro is the imperative duty of each enslaved state. In this matter the North, where the n"gro is a mere drop in the bucket, is no criterion to the South. To smooth mamraonites there, the negro is not much of a problem- They have got rid of him by shift upon Southerners when they were brethren. Now the squawkers of "law" are pat- ronizingly solicitous for the poor r-rebels to follow their high and terribly moral example in all things. Voting is not a natural right. It is time to do away with the absurd dictum of common law that voting is indissolubly linked with the sacred advent of twenty -one. When Law reigns, when partyism is dead, and when the voter shall setm^h for the most suitable men for office, courts of decision might be formed, before which any lod under twenty-one, poor or rich, who could show that he understood his duty to the State, should be pronounced a qualified voter. And especially should society find means of protection against criminals, drunkards notoriously efiete; for- eigners who think that freedom is licentiousness, bribers and ta- kers of bribes, etc. Neither, when we attain self government, should the ballot be secret : each vote should be published, at the moment of casting, in the hearing of those present. Of course the negroes should be made to comprehend, if possible, that their disfranchisement is for the preservation of society, not a blow at their rights as citizens. They will be in no more dan- ger of injury to life, personal freedom and property than the white classes who are not allowed to vote. They should also prepare themselves for the exodus. Should every Southerner leave this country to the negroes only, in less than thirty years every one of the inferior race would be killed out, or run out, by their loving race-gushlings from the North, as were the In- dians by the grim and pious immigrants, fleeing from persecu- tion in the old world. This may be deemed bold assertion, but it carries a strikingly honest face. Yankees are land hunters ; not, when it comes to moving time, nosers out and amalgamotors with amj inferior race, much less with the negro. How is disfranchisement to be effected ? Other ^'amendments" to that end are suggested. Oh yes ! Amend the "amended" moribund. It is time for the people to do like poor old honest Abe Lincoln, put down the popular foot and put it down hard upon this amendment tomfoolerp. Suppose the masses take the wrong turn and fall into anarchism, -'amending" the moribund 38 would be the shortest cut to robbin2; first the rich, and then ev- ery honest worker, under the forms of law. Do the 'publican as- ses at the North braying for a "free ballot and a fair count" know that every coon is a natural communist? If the robbery of the South under the forms of law is to be taken as good lex non scrip- ta they who read the XIII, XIV, and XV scriptures every morn- ing before breakfast may find themselves on their knees praying Southernersto count the niggers out before XVI and several other X's shatt be exploited by anarchism. Z)ear pious brethren, Southerners never knew of counting out until you stuck that gopeish none into their affairs. Perhaps they will forget how, wtten that nasal appendage of meddling holiness is chopped off. There is a direct and right way to begin reformation, and that is for each state to act at once through her legislature. People are afraid of the Supreme Judges of the U. S. who have for years been solemnly sitting upon the moribund body of American liberty. In fact the whole land is cursed by an atmosphere of Court house Pettifoggery breathed by all the « people, instead of the health giving o^one of pure law. Without disrespect, then, - or shade of conten't for the Supreme Court who heretofore and now in common with all the people breathe the bad air of aboli tion, the states who know the need should go forward and place disfranchisement of the negro on the true ground, viz : that he is no^ of our race, but is a distinct and in fact the most inferior of the anthropoidal creations. Against the males-over-twenty- one years the court, independent as it really is of partyism, could decide that this was started a white man's government ; that but for an interregnum it has alwa3^s been a white man's govern- ment ; and that henceforward it shall always be the same; and therefore the lawful intendment of the phrase "males over twen- ty-'^ne years" is held to be a white intendment. Suppose that they decide against us : what of that ? The strutting "freemen" must be somehow educated to know the truth : for, through the truth, and through the truth only, we have the highest authority for saying that man can be really free. The enactment, by any state, north or south of a clean disfranchisement of the distinct creation will not harm them, and will emancipate liberty herself, no longer crouching under the vultus instantis tyranni. but plead- ing for the really philanthropic adjudication of race-truth for the several peoples, and for the people as one, as well as for the low- er races themselves. Before closing this little book, it is essential to enunciate both against false religionists and false governments, the substantial, i. e. the eternal, difference between right slavery and wrong slav- ery. This nation is infested by religious gushlings who set up the Fathersh?']} of God against the Mastership of God. An earth- ly father who is not master of his household is a personal nonen- tity How infinitely contemptible would Jehovah be if He suf- fered Ilis sovereignty, voiced in the awful thunders of Sinai and 39 engraved in adamant, thou slialt or thou shall not^ to be whittled down, neutralized, non-entitied in an atonement such as these naturals imagine to have been made ! It miglit be inferred from the perversions and subversions of the Gospel that liberty, or freedom, would be perverted or sub- verted. That is exactly the fact. The apostle says to the rightly allegianced, Ye are called to liberty, brethren. And the right- ly allegianced, the electa are called to liberty — liberty from Satan- ism in every form ; from popery, the refuge of worthless priests ; fr