,1 lAl Ul m JXl JAl JAl lAl JAl JAl JAl JAl JAt JAt JAt JAt JAl U< JA! JAI !Al lAl JAl J^;rP gr BO ATOM, tf MMM& M^iSMSJ^ f Mountains of New England PUBLISHED WITH A VIEW OF INTERESTING THOSE IN SEARCH OF AN ATTRACTIVE AND HEALTHFUL PLACE TO SPEND THE SEASON OR VACATION PERIOD ISSUED BY THE PASSENGER DEPARTMENT BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD C. M, BURT, General Passenger Agent ^ [I8RARY of CONiiWESS Two Comes MecwKiJ FEB 1 liJOa JESsS a I XXc, Nu. fcoPV B. Copyright, igoS iy Boston and Maine Railroad MOUNTAINS OF NEW ENGLAND THE mountains of New England are its crowning glory, in a physical as well as a scenic sense. Like the Alps in Switzerland, they are annually invaded by a great host of rest-seekers and nature-lovers, and like their Swiss prototypes, their " season " nowadays is practically an all-the-year-round one. The White and Eranconia ranges, situated in the northern part of New Hampshire, are unquestionably among the world's most beautiful mountain systems, and their near neighbors, the Green Mountains of Vermont, are scarcely less enchanting. The White and Eranconia mountains, with their cloud-kissing peaks, deep, narrow gorges and valleys, smiling lakelets, natural phenomena and far-reaching vistas, have a beauty that is wellnigh majestic. They cover several hundred square miles of territory, and culminate in that grand and world-famous peak, Mt. Washington, rising more than 6000 feet above the sea and affording a marvellous panoramic view of one hundred miles' radius. Whittier, Starr King, Samuel Adams Drake, and scores of other masters of descriptive writing have vividly depicted, in poetry and prose, the beauty and mystery of the New Hampshire mountains, and to these fine word-pictures, and to the special literature on the subject issued by the Boston & Maine Railroad, the reader who is interested in the mountains and their history may well be referred. The mountains have changed not, since the days when the pioneers cut the earlv trails through the wilderness, for they are unchanging ; but the summer social life has undergone a most remarkable transformation. In place of the camps and primitive wayside inns of a half century ago, there are to-day million-dollar palace hotels, with all the comforts and luxuries of urban life, and a ceaseless round of outdoor and indoor activities, including driving, tramping, automobiling, bicycling, golf, tennis, theatricals, musicales, dances, and a variety of other amusements. Great vacation centres have been built up at Bethlehem, Bretton Woods, North Woodstock, Jefferson, Holderness, and other places, whither thousands of rest-seekers and hay-fever victims, from merchant princes to wage earners, repair each season. In a social way the mountains are thoroughly democratic, as mountains should be, and there are hotel and boarding-house accommodations to suit all pocketbooks. Massachusetts, with its Hoosac Mountains and its Berkshire Hills, also has a miniature mountain system of its own that is yearly growing more popular with the vacation public; and the magnificent Adirondack Mountains in New York, also reached by the Boston & Maine Railroad, have long been one of the country's favorite sanatoriums. Eor a complete relaxation of mind and body, there is no place quite comparable to the world's high places. MOUNT CHOCORUA FROM THE MOUNTAIN ROAD Tamworth, New Hampshire --'e^g^ Reached from ITest Ossipee^ Conway Branch, Eastern Division, Boston and lllaine R. R. M ~\\ 111 MOUNT KEARSARGE FROM INTERVALE New Hampshire ^-^^^ Loiatfd OH Comvay Branchy Eastern Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. n"^ MOUNT WASHINGTON FROM INTERVALE New Hampshire ^^^^ Located on Conivay Branchy Eastern Division, Boston and Maine R. R. r^^^ SACO RIVER AND MOAT MOUNTAIN New Hampshire Reached from North Comvay^ N. //., on Coinvay Branch, Eastern Division, Boston and Maine R. R. SACO RIVER AND THORN MOUNTAIN --^5^"— Reached via Coniuay Branchy Eastern Division, Boston and Maine R. R. CARTER RANGE FROM BARTLETT New Hampshire -.s^^ Reached via Eastern and IVhite Mountains Divisions, Boston and Maine R. R. ^^f^ X \\ (railroad //^ ^^ MOUNT WASHINGTON FROM PINKHAM NOTCH New Hampshire ■-^^^ Reached via Eastern and ll'hite Mountains Divisions^ Boston and Maine R. R. MOLINT MOOSILAUKE AND WARREN New Hampshire -s^^ Located on White Alountaiiis Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. MOUNT LAFAYETTE FROM SUGAR HILL New Hampshire "^^^ Located on White Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. 41 WHITE MOUNTAINS FROM SUGAR HILL New Hampshire ~"^^^ Located on If hite Aloioitains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. \^^^ ROAD TO THE FLUME Franconia Notch, Nrw Hampshire ~~^^^ Reached from Bethlehem Junction and North I floods toe k, on White Alountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. IN THE FRANCONIA NOTCH Ntw Hampshire -•^^^^ Reached from Bethlehem Junction and North IVoodstock^ on JJlAte Mountains Division. Boston and Maine R. R. J r^^ ECHO LAKE AND FRANCONIA NOTCH FROM ARTISTS' BLUFF Ntw Hampshire -^^^^.^^ Reached from Bethlehem Junction or North IVoochtock^ N. //., on If'hite Mountains Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. FRANCONIA NOTCH FROM BALD MOUNTAIN New Ham -^%^ lleached from BethUhfin 'Junction and North IFoodstock, on ll'hite Mountains Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. MOUNT CANNON AND GALE RIVER FROM FRANCONIA Neu- HAMFSHlRt -..^^^ Stage from Littleton, N. //., It^hite Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. CRAWFORD NOTCH FROM MOUNT WILLARD New Hampshire Reached via Eastern and H hite Mounta'im Divi and Maine R. R. PRESIDENTIAL RANGE FROM HIGHLANDS ~-<2^^ Located on White field and Jefferson Branchy IVh'ite Mountains Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. PRESIDENTIAL RANGE AND MOUNT WASHINGTON HOTEL Bretton Woods, New Hampshi ^^^0^ Located on JVhite Moutitalns Division^ Boiton and Maine R. R. Reached via Intervale, Pl\mouth, and H'oodsville, N. H. MOUNT WASHINGTON FROM BASE STATION te^. Nkw Hampshire -^e^3^ Reached from Fabyan and Bretton Jl'oodi, ll'hite Mountains Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. ON JACOBS LADDER MOUNT WASHINGTON RAILWAY Hampshire --^^^ Reached from Fabyan and Bretton IVoods^ JVhite Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. Connection at Base Station MiS^'^^^*^'^^^ '"-^^ji — ^^.^^ Unllne of Mount U'aihhigton Railway, reached from Fahxan and Bretton Woods, White Mountains D, Boston and Maine R. R. /^^^ ^A\ (RAILROAD yy ^^ -J"^"^ DOWN THE STAGE ROAD TO THE GLEN, FROM THE SUMMIT OF MOUNT WASHINGTON New Hampshire ched from Fah\an and Brctton 11 'i. Comiectwn at Bu vis^ N. //., H'hitf Aloiintahis Division ^ Boston and Maine R. R. f Station with Alount Washington Raikvay /•J,^' — MOUNTS ADAMS, JEFFERSON AND WASHINGTON FROM HIGHLANDS -^"^^ Located on irhitefield and 'Jefferson Branchy JJ'hite Mountains Division, Boston and Ala'ine R. R. PILOT MOUNTAINS, PLINY RANGE, AND MOUNT STARR KING FROM WHITEFIELD Nkw Hampshire Located on JVhhefield and Jefferson Branchy White Mountains Division^ Boston and Alaine R. R. PRESIDENTIAL RANGE FROM MOUNTAIN VIEW HOUSE ^^^^ Located on H'hitefii'ltl inid Jeffason Biiiiuh, White Moroitriins Diviiion, Boston and Maine R. R. . ;v^'WI*-*!lV*J'!»»i«-il»J3)*»»- "■ <.'**i«A.^?S: A\ I RAILROAD l/''~ A PASTORAL SCENE IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS ^'^^^^ On the line of the IVhite Aloiin tains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. ~-^<^ Located on II hite Mountiinn Di Boston and Ala R. R. ^-tk^I^'- IIOSTOK U ^■kmaine y RAIIROAD jl 'r^^cM THE ROAD TO MOUNT PROSPECT Whitefield, New Hampshire Located on Whitefield a?id Jefferson Branch, White Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. THE OLD WELL-SWEEP --^^^ Located on IFhitefield and Jefferson Branch, IVhite Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. THE FLUME DixviLLE Notch, New Hampshire --.s^- Stage from Colehrook^ Ala'uie Ct-ntrcil R. R., reached via Eastern and Ulnte Mountains Divisions, Boston and Maine R. R. Located on Fitchburg Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. I^^^^^^f"'.*^ ywSf*"*'***" MOUNT WACHUSETT FROM SUNSET ROCK Princeton, Massachusetts te^ Located on Worcester and Peterboro Branch, Fitchburg Division, Boston and Maine R. R. -m ■ MOUNT MONADNOCK FROM THE DUBLIN ROAD Jaffrey, New Hampshire Rt-ached from East Jaffrey^ N. //., IJ'orcester and Peterboro Branch, Fitchhurg Division, Boston and Maine R. R. MOUNT SUGAR LOAF South Deerfield, Massachusetts ^^^^ Located on Conn, and Pass. Division, Boston and Maine R. R. CONNECTICUT RIVER AND MOUNT ASCUTNEY --^^^ On the line of the Conn, and Pass. Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. \\ (RAILROAD //" HOOSAC MOUNTAIN AND NORTH ADAMS FROM WILLIAMSTOWN -^^^ Located on Fitchburg Division, Boston and Maine R. R. r^^ MOUNT HOR AND WILLOUGHBY LAKE fe -<^^^ Reached fro7n IVest Burke, I't., on Conn, and Pass. Division., Boston and Manie R. R. MOUNT PISGAH AND WILLOUGHBY LAKE -^^^3-- Reached from It 'est Burke, J't., on Conn, and Pass. Division, Boston and Maine R. R. LIBRORY OF CONGRESS 014 042 575 8 S w ioSTOK llRAILItOAD TBB DKITEBSITT PBB8S ,