F 144 .P4 P5 !• Copy 1 DAR LAWN PfP^ RY ^ PATEIRSOM NEW JERSEY Cedar Lawn Cemetery Incorporated i86s \J rjnf ;JAJ'^Jl£ r^mjijij^u iijii-y .T^r^' COPYRIGHT 1917 BY CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY ©CI.A481117 DEC 26 1317 ^'^^ CONTENTS Administration Bldg., (new) 48-49 Care, Special, of Plots 31 Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Generai 11-23 Endowments 33 Facilities, Miscellaneous 47 Facilities, Special 37 GR.A.VES, Bricked 39 Grave Vaults, Slate 37 Lot Owners, List OF 65-119 Officers and Directors 8 Perpetual Care Fund 29 Prices of Plots and Gra\'es 25 Receiving Vault 27 Rules and Regulations 5^-^3 Shelter, (new) 49 Title to Plots 27 \\\ULTS, Underground 41, 43, 45 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Office: 129 Market St., Paterson, N. J. OFFICERS J. Edwards Barbour, President Mortimer Inglis, Vice-President John G. Edwards, Treasurer M. L. McLane, Secretary SroNEY Heminsley, Superintendent Charles Agnew Arthur W. Bishop John G. Edwards Mortimer Inglis DIRECTORS Albert A. Zabriskie J. Edwards Barbour J. WiLLARD De Yoe John W. Ferguson Vernon Royle ■ ^ 1^%'V CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY FIFTY YEARS OF GROWTH PRIOR to 1867, interments in Paterson and its vicinity were made in graveyards, most of them in the direct hne of the city's growth; all of them unprotected by any adequate guarantee for the future. They were left to time and chance, with the inevitable result that they fell into a state of neglect that was little short of scandalous and, what was worse, with no pos- sibility of improvement. The longer they existed, the worse they got, which was the common end of all graveyards established under the system prevailing two or three generations ago. Cedar Lawn Cemetery was incorporated on March 28th, 1865, by a group of far-sighted citizens who saw, in a cemetery sur- rounded by proper safeguards, the only remedy for the then exist- ing state of affairs. These safeguards were essentially two: topo- graphical and financial. In choosing a site for the cemetery, a location was sought, the surroundings of which were, of themselves, of a character to insure permanence. Such a site was found at the southeast corner of the city immediately opposite to the widening of the Passaic River, known as Dundee Lake, where the land runs up in a gentle slope westward from the lake. In all, 135 acres have been here pur- chased, beginning at the crest of the rise and running down to the boulevard which skirts Dundee Lake. A glance at the location shows how admirably the natural configuration of the land protects the cemetery against the encroachment of buildings. On the west, owing to the slope of the land, it is practically impossible to even see the city buildings from the cemetery grounds; to the north and south, it is bordered by wide boulevards, while on the east, Dundee Lake will always prevent the erection of buildings im- mediately contiguous to the cemetery. The result of all this is that the cemetery enjoys, and will continue to enjoy for genera- 11 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY tions, a rural seclusion unique in a cemetery so close to a large and growing city and so readily accessible from all directions. Nature provides the barriers against intrusion, hence, so far as human foresight can predict, the cemetery will remain, for all time, an ideal resting place for the dead. The tide of buildings can never o\-envhelm it, as it has overwhelmed the old city graveyards. It ma}' sweep around to the north and south, but even then, the cemetery will be safe — a quiet, rural retreat, sacred to the dead forever. But natural barriers alone will not suffice to secure the future of a burial place. Experience has proved that the desecration of graveyards is not alone due to badly chosen sites but to lack of financial support as well. When a burying ground is merely financed for the time being, as was the case with the old graveyards, its eventual decay and abandonment are only a matter of time. New generations arise that forget the old dead; there are no funds to pay for caretakers, and the place is left at the mercy of vandals. The founders of Cedar Lawn, well aware of this, took steps to pro- vide for the care of the cemetery for all time by providing, out of monies received, for funds devoted exclusively to the care of the cemeter}'. The charter pro^ides that out of all sums received from the sale of plots, one- third shall be set aside for the care and improve- ment of the cemetery; and this has always been done, the percentage set aside for this purpose usually exceeding the amount specified in the charter. This fund, which is used exclusively for the gen- eral care of the cemeter}^ now amounts to $180,000, and is con- stantly growing. In addition to this fund, there has also been established a Sinking Fund, which is held in trust for the benefit of the cemetery, and which acts as a further safeguard. It will thus be seen that with a large income devoted solely to the care and improvement of the cemeter>^ as a whole, the future financial needs of the cemetery are adequately guaranteed. 13 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Having secured a uniquely beautiful and appropriate site, the services of Gen. Egbert L. Viele, an expert topographical and landscape engineer, were secured to lay out the grounds. This was done with great skill, General Viele, who pronounced the site one of the best for its purpose he had ever seen, utilizing the natural advantages of the spot in such a way as to supplement without destroying the rural charm of the place. The cemetery is laid out on the lawn system, and while plot owners are allowed a wide latitude in the adornment of their plots, wise restrictions are imposed which prohibit anything that conflicts with the general plan and beauty of the cemetery. It is the policy of the management to work in harmony with plot owners for the general benefit, and the excellence of the regulations is universally admitted. Roads and drives are laid out so as to make all parts of the cemetery readily accessible; trees and shrubbery are planted, wherever this can be done to advantage; walls and fences have been erected around the cemetery to protect it ; a fine receiving chapel has been built; and every convenience has been provided that can in any way render the service of the cemetery more acceptable. The first lot sold in the cemetery was purchased by Mr. John Swinburne on August 20th, 1867, about one month before the ceme- tery was dedicated. The dedication took place on September 19th, 1867, and the first interment, that of Nancy Fletcher, wife of John Fletcher, took place on September 27th, 1867. From that time on, the sale of plots constantly increased, not only to those seeking to provide for future needs but for resting places for those removed from the old Sandy Hill and other graveyards then and since falling into decay. Every graveyard in the vicinity contributed its quota, hence it is not too much to say that the history of the city may be read on the tombstones in Cedar Lawn. From the old Water Street graveyard (the oldest in the city) the bones of Gen. Abram 15 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Godwin, of Revolutionaty fame, were brought to rest out of reach of vandahsm; and here He the Danforths, Rogers and Cookes, who developed the locomotive industry in Paterson; the Barbours, whose great thread industr}- is now represented by the fourth generation; John Ryle, the "Father of the Silk Industry," and a host of their successors as well as men eminent in other walks of life, such as Philemon Dickerson, at one time Secretary of State of the United States; and Garret Augustus Hobart, who filled the office of Vice-President with distinction. The growth of the cemetery since its opening has been remarkable. Its manifest advantages have caused it to grow in the favor not only of the citizens of Paterson but those of surrounding cities and towns as well; in fact, it is everywhere acknowledged to be the finest cemetery in Northern New Jersey with the best assured future. In all, about 5,000 plots have been sold and 27,000 interments made. As the total capacity of the cemetery is over 250,000 graves, it is clear that its service to the community will continue indefinitely. At the present time, the valuation of the cemetery, including land and permanent improvements, is about $500,000. As an added element of value, must be counted the monuments erected by indi- viduals. Many of these are notable, especially some of the mau- soleums recently erected which will bear comparison, architecturally, with the finest examples to be seen in the noted cemeteries of the country. Altogether, conservative estimates place the cost of the monuments in the cemetery at about $1,500,000; which would give the cemetery a total value of $2,000,000, protected by the Sinking Fund and Perpetual Care Fund above mentioned. As the value of the cemetery is constantly increasing and promises to double in the course of the next fifty years, it is incredible that so great an investment should ever be allowed to fall into ruin. In the magnitude and character of the cemetery, plot owners have the best guarantee of permanence. 17 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY The cemetery is divided up into plots of various sizes, the smallest having room for three graves. From this they increase in size to plots large enough for any requirement. In addition to this, two sections are set aside where single graves are sold, one section being exclusiveh' for infants under five years of age. While the prices of plots vary considerably, according to location, all are very moderate, and in every case, the purchaser has the satisfaction of knowing that a large part of the purchase price will be devoted to the general purposes of the cemetery and to the perpetual care of his individual plot. Full information regarding prices of available plots ma}' be obtained at the offices of the Cemetery in the Paterson Savings Institution Building, Market and Main Streets, Paterson, N. J., or at the Cemetery. Intending purchasers are urged to visit the Cemetery, where every facility for fully informing themselves as to its advantages will be extended to them. 19 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY TO-DAY CEDAR Lawn Cemetery covers a tract of 135 acres situated at the southeast corner of the City of Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey. It is bordered on the south by Crooks Avenue, with an annex running south from Crooks Ave. to Roosevelt Avenue ; on the west byLakeview Avenue, 1 20 feet wide; on the north by a tract of land that lies between the Cemetery and Market Street ; and on the east by the River Drive and Dundee Lake. The topography is such that the Cemetery cannot be encroached upon by buildings, except possibly on the north. The western boundary runs along the crest of a ridge from which the land slopes gently down to the river, the slope of the land preventing any view of buildings to the west while the river secures the eastern front for all time. A broad avenue and a residential section cover the Cemetery to the north and south. As a consequence of this situation, Cedar Lawn, while readily accessible, enjoys a rural seclusion highly appropriate to its purpose and most unusual in a site so near a city. Beauty Cedar Lawn is a place of great natural beauty, and this advantage has been accentuated by careful development. Trees and shrubbery have been planted, lawns have been made and excellent roads have been laid out and maintained, the general effect being that of a fine and well-kept park. Accessibility Although the Cemetery enjoys an almost rural seclusion, yet it lies entirely within the city limits and can be easily reached by trolley or carriage from the city or surrounding towns. Out-of-town visitors arriving by either the Erie or N. Y. S. & W. R.R. can reach the Ceme- ter}^ by taking the Cedar Lawn trolley from either station. From Passaic, Lake View and Chfton and adjoining sections, the W^iite 21 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Line Trolley may be taken to the Lake View Avenue entrance. From points north and west of Paterson the Ridgewood or Suffern lines may be taken, passengers transferring to the Cedar Lawn line in the city. From Hackensack and adjoining territory, the Hudson River line or the N. Y. S. & W. R.R. may be taken to Paterson. All trolley lines entering the city give transfers to the Cedar Lawn line. For those visiting the Cemetery by carriage or automobile, excellent roads run from all points to the main entrance on the River Road, near Market Street, and to the Lake View Ave. entrance at Lake View Avenue and Crooks Avenue. 23 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY TO INTENDING PURCHASERS THE time to buy a plot in Cedar Lawn is NOW — now, when }'ou have the time to give the matter the attention it merits. Life is uncertain and you do not know how soon the necessity for a burial plot may arise. It is the part of wisdom to provide for a certain need before it is upon you, therefore, choose your plot now when you can give the selection due consideration rather than wait until you have to do it under the spur of necessity. Plots The Cemetery has plots of any required size from three graves up, the price varying according to size and location. If not con- venient to pay the whole purchase price at once, arrangements can be made for partial payments, the lot being available for use after the first payment. Single Graves Single graves may be purchased in sections of the Cemetery set aside for the purpose of single interments. Plots for Family Groups In cases where families and their connections wish to be buried in close proximity, it is suggested that sufficient space be secured at once in sections where adjoining plots are available. If enough space is not taken in the beginning, the intention of the owner may be defeated by the purchase of intermediate tracts by other parties. By providing adequately and at once for future possibilities, you will avoid disappointment and regret and have the satisfaction of knowing that those near to you in life will not be separated from you in their last resting place. In buying a burial plot, remember that you are buying for future generations as well as for the present. 25 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Tenitie and Occupancy Deeds granted by the Company convey the right of sepulture in the plot absolutely to the purchaser and his heirs forever sub- ject to the rules adopted by the Company and with no other restriction except that bodies may not be admitted for interment for a financial consideration. Each deed includes a diagram of the lot or lots, such diagram forming part of the deed itself. An exact copy of this diagram is kept on file at the ofhce of the Cemetery, on which are noted locations of graves, monuments or vaults, the whole forming a clear and precise record of interments so that future iden- tification will be easy and exact. Interments may be made imme- diately after the first payment on the purchase price of the plot upon order signed by the lot owner or owners, duly presented at the office of the Cemetery, where all such orders must be filed before permits for interment are issued. Order blanks will be furnished at the office of the Cemetery, on appHcation. Receiving Vault To provide a temporary resting place for the dead while arrange- ments are made for final interment, the Company maintains a Receiving Vault, where bodies, if contained in metal-lined caskets, may remain indefinitely. If the case is not metal-lined, bodies may remain no longer than five days between May ist and September ist. The Receiving Vault is of modern construction, tasteful in design and well ventilated. The antechamber to the vault proper is a chapel 19 ft. by 38 ft., suitably furnished, where services can be held, in appropriate surroundings, prior to consigning the body to the vault. 27 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY CARE AND MAINTENANCE Perpetual Care THE future of Cedar Lawn is assured b}' a Trust Fund, the income from which is devoted to the Perpetual Care of the Cemetery. Under the regulations of the Cemetery, one-third of the purchase price of every plot is set aside to form this fund, which now amounts to over $180,000, and is constantly growing. It is held by The Paterson Sa\ings Institution as Trustee and cannot be diverted to any other purpose than that for which it was established. All deeds include the following clause covering Perpetual Care. "The consideration named herein includes the perpetual care of the premises hereby conveyed, but does not include the care or renewal of any monument, stone, bronze or other work now upon said premises or which may hereafter be erected thereon." The importance of this fund cannot be over-estimated. It is an unfortunate fact, within the experience of all, that graveyards left without the protection of a permanent fund for their maintenance inevitably fall into decay. In process of time, they become filled, they cease to be actively used and are soon forgotten and neglected by the posterity of those interred in them. This state of allairs is a reproach to the communities where it exists, but it exists never- theless and will always do so unless provision for the future is made in time. The policy of Cedar Lawn is to provide this protection by the only logical and certain method and the onh' one that can assure permanence of existing conditions. So far as it is possible to predict, Cedar Lawn is secure forever. The income of the Trust Fund is applied broadly to the care and upkeep of the Cemetery, both individual plots and general features, such as roads, walls, 29 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Lake View and Crooks Aves. Entrance trees, shrubbery, etc. It includes the cutting and fertilizing of grass, keeping graves in order, the care of the roads, etc., things which will always be necessary, also the general care of mausoleums, which are swept and dusted weekly without extra charge. Special Care In cases where special service is required, such as the planting and care of shrubbery, ivy, flowers, etc., as well as the decoration of graves with cut flowers on anniversaries or stated times, such service may be secured by the payment of a fixed sum annually. Trained gardeners are employed for this work who give the plot individual attention. This service supplements and does not conflict with that covered by the Perpetual Care Fund, and is designed to meet the needs of those who wish for attendance of special features in their plots, not included in the general scheme of the Cemetery. 31 j^f°*'^-- ifw' ^^ '^^ n^?****"? CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Special Endowments WHERE exceptional care is required for all time, plots may be endowed, the services so provided for including special care of shrubbery, ivy or other plants with renewal when necessary, the cleaning of monuments and such other individual care of the plot as is not provided for by the Perpetual Care Fund. Wise foresight suggests that the time to provide for such care of your plot is now, and on a sufficiently hberal scale to insure the carrying out of your wishes to the fullest extent. Endowments may be made by depositing an agreed sum with the Company during your lifetime, or by bequest. No personal care that you may give your plot during your life- time will survive your death and the best way to insure its contin- uance is by establishing a fund that will guarantee the maintenance of the special features of your plot forever. It is not to be expected that those who come after you will have the same vital interest in the matter as yourself, therefore timely action is necessary to guar- antee the future. Cedar Lawn Cemetery regards endowments as sacred trusts and accepts them as such. Co-operation With Plot Owners THE management solicits the co-operation of plot owners in beautifying and maintaining the Cemetery, and gratefully acknowledges the assistance it has received in the past. Many handsome mausoleums and monuments have been erected which greatly enhance the beauty of the Cemetery, and plot owners generally have always shown themselves heartily in accord with our efforts to make Cedar Lawn the most beautiful cemetery in the state. 33 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Information THE Company is ready at all times to give intending pur- chasers full information regarding available plots and to place at their command every facility for inspecting the property. Maps will be furnished and prospective buyers are urged to \'isit the Cemetery and inspect the plots offered. 35 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY SPECIAL FACILITIES Slate or Concrete Grave Vaults THE Company is prepared to furnish Slate or Concrete Grave Vaults as here illustrated. These are practically indestructible. They are damp-proof and protect the casket from decay and prevent the grave from falling in. The concrete vaults are of re-inforced construction, the concrete waterproofed b}^ a special process. Prices on application n CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Bricked Graves Bricked graves, of the styles shown in the accompanying illus- trations, can be prepared at short notice; two or three days being usually sufficient for their construction. Prices on application 39 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY GR.A.VE Vaults Grave Vaults, with two or three erupts, can be built, either with walls reaching surface to form foundation for the tomb, or ending below the surface, as preferred. Prices on application 41 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Concrete Vaults Vaults can be built with concrete outer walls and brick lining, with one, two or three crypts, as illustrated, ready for the tomb, which is not furnished by us. Prices on application 43 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Underground Vaults Underground Vaults, of suitable size in proportion to the plot, can be made. They are built of brick or with concrete outer walls lined with hard red or enameled brick. The shaft may be continued to the surface to form the foundation for the tomb, or closed below the ground level to permit of grass being grown on the surface. Prices according to size and arrangement of the vault 45 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY General THE various vaults shown on the preceding pages are of the t>pes most commonly used. Variations in detail can be made to suit the needs of individuals, and aside from the styles shown, we can construct special vaults or graves of any form which do not conflict with the Rules of the Cemetery. Those intending to have vaults constructed, are advised to consult the Superin- tendent, at the Cemetery, who is at all times prepared to give full information. Aside from these special facilities, the Cemetery keeps on the grounds, ready for use, all the most accepted devices for facilitating the work of interment, such as raising and lowering devices, carpets, canopies, etc. Where these are rec|uired, the necessary arrange- ments can be made with the Superintendent at the Cemetery. 47 2 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY ^^ i llMlnil tuli Crooks Ave. Shelter The Company is now, September, 1917, breaking ground for two new buildings that will add to the beauty and convenience of the Cemetery. The Administration Building. This building will be erected at the new entrance to the Cemetery and when completed, will replace the old building for general administrative purposes. It will be built of pink Pomp ton granite, after a tasteful and appropriate design, and will contain convenient offices for the trans- action of business, a large reception room, toilets, private office, a retiring, or robing, room and a strong fire-proof vault for the pro- tection of records. Crooks Ave. Shelter. At the Crooks and Lake View Aves. entrance a Shelter will be erected for the use of visitors to the Ceme- tery. It will be of hollow tile construction, stuccoed, and will include a well-furnished waiting room, toilets, etc. In summer, the windows will be removed leaving a cool, open pavilion from which an extended view of the Cemetery and surrounding country may be obtained. Both buildings will be available to the public at any time the Cemetery is open to the public. 49 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY RULES Governing Cedar Lawn Cemetery. 1. All lots in Cedar Lawn Cemetery shall be held subject to the conditions, limitations, reservations, rules and regulations heretofore established or which may be hereafter established by said Company in respect thereto whether expressed herein or not. 2. The lots in Cedar Lawn Cemetery shall be held pursuant to the act incorporating said Company, and the supplements thereto, and shall not be used for any other purpose than as a place of burial for the dead, and no person shall be interred therein who shall have died in prison or who shall have been executed for any crime, without the express permission of the Company. 3. The owner or owners of any lot or plot shall not be permitted to have interments made in them for a remuneration, nor shall any transfer or assignment of any lot or of any interest therein be valid without the consent of the Company in writingfirsthad, and endorsed upon such transfer or assignment, and all transfers must be entered in the Register of the Company kept for that purpose. 4. Disinterments will not be allowed unless permission be hrst obtained for that purpose at the ofhce of the Company, and if given, such permission shall be in writing, and signed by the President or the Secretary of the Company. 5. The Company shall have the right and may from time to time lay out or alter such avenues or walks and make such rules or regulations for the government of the grounds as it ma>' deem recjuisite and proper to secure and promote the general objects of the Cemetery. 6. The owner or owners of a lot or lots, and their families, will be allowed access to the grounds at all times, observing the rules which have been or may be adopted for the regulation of visitors. 51 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY 7. The owner or owners of any lot or lots shall have the right to cultivate plants or shrubs in the same. Trees growing within any lot or border thereof shall not be cut down or destroyed; nor shall any tree be planted without the consent of the Company. 8. If any trees or shrubs situated in any lot shall by means of their roots or branches or otherwise, become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or unsightly, or which may obstruct passage in any way, the Company shall have the right or priv- ilege to enter such lot or lots and remove the said trees or shrubs, or such part thereof, as it may deem detrimental, unsightly or obstructive. 9. All rubbish made by lot owners, or persons employed by them, must be removed immediately to such place or places of deposit as are or shall be provided for the purpose. 10. Lot owners will not be allowed to dig up or improve their lots on Sunday. 11. All persons are prohibited from picking flowers or breaking any tree, shrub or plant. Lot owners are requested to notify the Superintendent of their intention to pick flowers or remove any plant from their own or any other lot in the Cemetery. 12. A lot or plot shall not be defined by any so-called fence, coping, hedge or embanknlent, nor shall it be raised or lowered for any reason from the grade established by the Company. 13. On receiving permission from the owner or owners of lots the Superintendent is authorized to take down and remove fences and put the lots in perfect condition free of expense to the owner or owners. 14. If any monument, efligy or enclosure or any structure whatever or any inscription be placed in or upon any lot which shall be determined by the Company to be offensive or injurious to the appearance of the surrounding lots or ground, it shall have the 53 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY right and it shall be its privilege to enter such lot and remove the offensi\e or improper object. Benches, settees and urns made of wood, boxes, shells, toys and similar articles scattered upon graves or lots are inconsistent with the proper keeping of the grounds and will not be permitted. 15. The owner or owners of a lot or lots, or the person or persons actually in charge thereof in making improvements on lots under perpetual care will be charged with the expense of putting the same in order after such improvements are completed, provided it is found necessary to incur any expense. 16. No person other than the owner or owners, or the proper officers and employes of the Company, shall be allowed to perform any work on an}' lot or parcel of ground in said Cemetery without a permit from the Secretary of the Company first obtained; and all work done in said Cemetery shall be performed between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening, provided that no work mentioned in the last preceding rule shall be done by any person other than the proper officers or employes of the Company. 55 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Monumental Work 17. The owner or owners of any lot or lots shall have the right to erect any proper stones, monuments or sepulchral structures thereon ; but upright slabs or stones less than four inches thick will not be allowed, and ever\' slab or stone not four inches thick must be placed on the ground in a horizontal position; and every head or foot stone exceeding two feet in height above the ground must rest on a cut stone base, with stone foundation. Foundations for monuments and headstones must be of solid masonry and not less than six feet deep and the same size as the first base of the super- structure, and orders for the same must be in writing, and signed by the lot owner or owners, and given to the Superintendent at least three weeks before the erection of the monument. 18. Steps to lots will not be allowed, unless special permission be obtained from the officers of the Company, and if permission be so given, the steps must be in all cases of solid cut stone, with side pieces, and rest on a good stone foundation. 57 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY 19. Bases for stones for single graves should not be over two feet six inches long, by one foot three inches wide, and the entire stone not over three feet six inches high. 20. Monuments, gravestones or memorials of any kind; urns, settees or plants shall not be removed, nor shall any inscription be made or any cleaning done without a written order signed by the owner of the lot or his or her representative, giving a description of the changes to be made. 21. Vaults shall not be erected wholly or in part above ground without permission of the Company, and every vault must be fur- nished with catacombs, allowing interments to be separately made and closely sealed. Such portions as are above ground to be faced with cut quarry stone, marble or granite. 22. All hnings for mausoleums shall be at least one inch in thickness. 23. All markers must have an unfinished extension below finished line of six inches, and be set in Portland cement on a foun- dation made and charged for at regular rates by the Company for that purpose; top of said foundation to be seven inches below grade to allow of proper bedding. 24. The first base of all superstructures must be of uniform thickness and the bottom cut to a level surface and properly bedded in place with Portland cement. 25. After superstructures shall have been finished the Company will cement and point up the lower edges of the first base and re-sod around the same and put the lot in proper condition. 59 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY 26. All boundary posts must be set even with the ground and will be furnished by the Company; the cost thereof to be paid by the lot owner. In no case will corner posts be allowed at boundaries of lots already designated by posts of the adjoining lots. 27. In order to secure uniformly the best work, and to protect as far as may be the rights and property of owners of lots in the Cemetery, all excavations, grading, sodding and the building of foundations shall be done by the Company at a fair, reasonable and uniform charge therefor, to be paid by the owner or owners of said lots. 28. Monuments or grave marks made of any metallic substance, except standard bronze, will not be allowed, and in all cases when representing grave, mark must not be less than four inches in thickness. 29. Materials for building or setting of monuments, tablets or any other work of any description will not be received or allowed on Saturday, unless by permission of the Superintendent. 30. Persons engaged in erecting monuments or other structures are prohibited from attaching ropes to trees or shrubs unless by permission of the Superintendent; also from scattering their material over adjoining lots, or leaving the same on the ground any longer than is absolutely necessary, but must in all cases act in accordance with the rules, and under the direction of the Superin- tendent. Any damage to adjoining lot or plot on which monuments are being erected shall be put in order by the Cemetery Company and the Contractor charged therefor. 31. All heavy carting for monumental work to be constructed on the hill or westerly side of the Cemetery, shall enter the Cemetery through the gate on Lake View Avenue. 61 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Heirship of Lots IN order to prevent any misunderstanding as to the proper method of securing the use of lots after the death of owners, the following information is submitted: Orders for the use of lots can be received only from the owners, and no persons can be recognized as lot owners unless their names appear as such upon the records of the Cemetery Company. Upon the death of the owner, leaving no will, or leaving a will which does not dispose of the lot, an af^davit of one of the heirs, embracing the facts of the case relating to heirship, must be filed in the office in The Paterson Savings Institution Building. In all cases where the owner has left a will which disposes of the lot, the will or a copy of the same, certified by the Surrogate, must be produced, but will be returned after examination. The information usually required to prepare the affidavit where the o^vner has died intestate, or where the lot is not affected by the will, will be supplied by furnishing : First. — The name of the deceased owner, and the date of death. Second. — The names of the children; if any have deceased, the names of their children. Third. — If there be no children living, nor descendants of deceased children, state the names of the brothers and sisters, and whether living or not, and the names of the descendants of any deceased brother or sister. Fourth. — If there be no children living, nor descendants of de- ceased children, nor brother or sister living, give the names of the father and mother of the deceased owner. The charge for registering the change of ownership on the records of the Cemetery is one dollar. Affidavits will be prepared, if desired, without additional charge. The Cemetery will be open to visitors from 7 a. m. until sunset, daily. 63 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY LIST OF LOT OWNERS Abbott, Anna Abbott, John T. Abbott, Josephine Abbott, William Abele, Wm. F. & wife Abers, Eliza A. Abrams, Mary Ackart, Caroline Ackcrman, A. N. Ackerman, Abram N. Ackerman, David D. Ackerman, Gertrude Ackerman, Elmore E. Ackerman, Emma L. Ackerman, Jacob V. Ackerman, James S. Ackerman, Jennie Ackerman, John E. & Geo. H. Ackerman, John W. Ackerman, Harold S. Ackcrman, Henry P. Ackerman, Maggie Ackerman, Mary Ackerman, Simeon Ackerman, Susan Ackerman, Wm. D. Ackerman, Wm. W'. & Chas. Ackerman, Wilson S. Ackerson, Jane E. Acorn, Jane (Miss) Adams, Annie M. Adams, Henry Adams, James M. Adams, Estate of JMargaret Adams, Margaret Adams, Oliver Adams, Peter Adams, Richard Adams, Rose Cooke Adam, Thomas, Jr. Adams, Sarah F. Adams, Susan Adams, William Addy, George Adickes, Johan X. Agel, Oscar Ahrens, Mary Aikman, James Ainsworth, John, Aitchison, William Aitken, Samuel Aitken, Wm. R. Akhurst, Charles Albert, Lucas & John J.; Louisa M., d al. Albinson, Thos., Sr. Albrecht, Emil Albutt, Susan M. Alcock, Fred'k W. Alden, Louis Morse AJdous, Levi & jMary E. Aldred, j\Larv Aldrich, JMary E. Alesbrook, Ann Alexander, Gavin & wife Alexander, John Alexander, Robert Alexander, William Alexander, Willis E. Allard, Adolphe AUee, John B. Allee, Wm. P. Allen, Alpheus S. Allen, Amelia J. Allen, Ellen Allen, Frank W. Allen, Jane K.; ]\Iaggie B. Mary Allen, John Franklin Allen, John E. Allen, John Allen, Joseph Allen, JNL-ibel Allen, IMartha A. Allen, Mary Eliz. Allen, Peter Allen, Robert Allen, Samuel C. M. Allen, Samuel E. Allen, Stephen Allen, William F. Allison, James Almond, David Almond, Emma Almond, Jacob Almond, John Alyea, Annie M. Alyea, Isaac Alyea, Nicholas Alyea, Richard American Silk Ind. xAss'n Amery, John Amhoff, Emma S. Amiraux, Mary E. Amos, ]\Iary L. Anderson, Archibald Anderson, Frederick W. Anderson, John Anderson, J. Spence Andreas, Elizabeth N. Andresen, P'erdinand Andrews, Wm. C. Andrus, Annie Denton Andruss, Estate of ^^'m. L. Angleman, Walter C. & wife Angus, James Annandale, John Anthon>', Dominick Acjuadro, Lucia, d al. Archer, George 65 Archer, John Archer, Vilotta .•\rden, Eliza Arentsen, Garret Arentzen, Caroline Arlington, Susie R. W. Armand, Ella Armitage, James Armitage, Sarah J. Armitage, William Armitt, James Armitt, ALary Jane Armour, Henry Armstrong, Henry E. Armstrong, Robt. R. Armstrong, Sam'l S. Arnault, Claire Arning, Julia Anna Arnold, David Arnold, George Arnold, Jacob ]\L Arnold, Michael Arnold, Thomas J. Arnot, Hamilton Arnot, John Arnot, Joseph Arteaga, Eunie C. Arthurs, Samuel Ash, Geo. W. & wife Ash, Harry M. Ash, James Ash, John Ash, Mathew Ashley, Dwight Ashton, Francis P. Aspell, Sarah E. Aspinwall, Martha Atchison, Margaret Atchison, Walter G. Atchison, Wm. & Eliz. Atherton, Mary J., d al. Atherton, Sojihia W. Atkins, Chas. & J\Lartha Atkins, John N. Atkinson, Ann M. Atkinson, Henry M. Atkinson, Henry Atkinson, Isabella A. Atkinson, James Atkinson, John Atkinson, Richard Atkinson, Robert Atterbury, 1-',. Boudinot Atterbury, John T. Atlerl)ur_\', Rol)crt Rcnnie Atwood, Kimball C. Austin, Augustus A. Austin, Lewis S. Avison, John Axford, Calvin B. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Aycrigg, Catherine E. Aycrigg, Heirs of John B. & Jane Aycrigg, JuHa E. Ay res, David H. Ayers, Martha Babbitt, Elizabeth Babcock, Albert K. Babcock, Elizabeth A. & ]\largaret E. Bacon, Sarah Ann & Alfred Baer, Carrie S. Baer, Frederick Baer, Est. of Jacob F. Baggaley, Annie A. Bailev, Benjamin Bailey, B. \\ B. Bailey, Fatnall Bailey, ]\Iargaret Bailey, Jacob & ^Mary Bailey, Peter Bailey, Rebecca. Bailey, \Vm. G. Baine, William Baisch, Frederica Baisle}', George Bakelaar, Henry Bakelaar, Jacob Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Henry A. Baker, Leonard Baker, Meyer Baker, Peter Bakhaus, August Baldwin, Emehe S. Baldwin, James i\I. Baldwin, Joseph R. Baldwin, Richard Baldwin, Thomas J. Balfour, F. Augustus Ball, Joseph B. Ball, Jos. & \Vm. Ball, Levester G. Ball, Martin Ballentine, Ehzabeth Ballon, Augustus Baltzele, Catherine D. Bamber, Isaac Bamber, Isaiah Lees Bamber, Wm. L. Bamber, Wm. L. & Mary A. Bame, Emma Bamford, Ann Banigan, Peter M. Banker, Phoebe Banks, Grace Bannigan, Augustus Bannigan, Catherine M. Banta, Catherine Banta, John H. Banta, John C. Banta, Weslev H. Barbarow, Isabella Barbarrow, William H. Barbarrow, Wm. H. Barber, Jane Barber, Mary A. Barber, Thomas Barbour, John Edwads Barbour, Sarah R. Barbour, Thomas Barcla)', Annie W. C, E.xcr. Barkalow, John S. Barkalow, Tunis Barker, Henrj' C. Barker, John Barker, William Barkley, Anna M. Barlow, John Barned, Joseph & Reuben Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, David \. Barnes, George Barnes, George A. Barnes, Henry H. Barnes, James, Jr. Barnes, Richard Barnes, Robert Barnes, Susan Barney, Daniel J. Barnickel, Henry Barnickel, Henry A. Barnickel, William Barr, Alexander Barr, James Barrett, Elizabeth A. Barrett, Sarah Barrowclough, Charles Barry, Henry A. Barry, Lizzie B. Barry, Sarah J. Barry, Est. of Henry A. Bartlett, Lewis W. ' Bartlett, Pamela Barton, Andrew D. Barton, Charles Barton, David Barton, Edwin Barton, Mary E. Barton, Selina Barton, Thomas Bateman, Jemima Bathmann, Frederick L. Bauer, Josephine Baumberger, ]\Iary Baumgarten, Minnie Baum, Louis Baun, Andrew Baxter, Amanda Baxter, Henry Baxter, Hiniman, Est. of Baxter, John Beach, Henry M. Beam, Carrie S. Beam, David B. 67 Beam, Hester Beam, John R. Beardsley, Catherine Beardsley, Robert Beasley, George Beattie, Edmund Beattie, Lucy Beatty, Hamilton K. Beatty, William Beaufoy, John Beaumont, Benjamin Beaumont, John Beaumont, John & Wm. C. Beaumont, Robert Bechtel, A. Beck, Peter Becker, Johannah C. M. Beckett, Anna Beckett, James Beckinghem, Eva Beckler, Leo Beckman, Henr}' Beckwith, Franklin C. Bedell, Harry E. Beecroft, Abalena Mason Begg, Emma Deming Begg, Jeannie Beggs, Harr\- Beggs, James Beggs, Joseph, d al. Beggs, Joseph Beggs, Kate Behrmann, Julia Bell, Caroline Bell, Chas. E. Bell, Edward T. Bell, Eliza Bell, James Bellows, Abram Bender, Fred'k Bender, John Benjamin, Robert Benjamin, Zachery F. Benjamin, Zacharv T. & Eva M. Bennett, Elizth. G. W. Bennett, Ellen Bennett, Louisa E. Bensen, Cornelius R. Bensen, David & Albert, Excrs. of R. Bensen, Garret B. Bensen, Richard Benson, Susan A. Bentejac, Adele Bentley, Harriet Bentley, Sophia Maria Bentley, John Bentley, Thomas W. Benzler, John Berdan, Garrabrant \'. H. Berdan, Henry L. Berdan, Jacob R. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY \ Berdan, Jane A. Berdan, John H. Berdan, John O. Berdan, John R. Berdan, William Berens, C'atherine Berji;ncr, Charles Berjislrom, Christina E. Bergslrom, Walter A. Berkan, Margaret C. Bcrndt, Wm. F. Berne, Augustine Berry, Charles JMartin Berry, David J. Berry, I-^Iizabeth Berr_\ , Palmer E. Berry, Hirst & Sophia G., his wife Berry, John B. Berry, Perlej' Milton Berry, Reuben Berry, Richard & Clara Berry, William Bertkau, William F. Bertkau, Wm. F. Excr. Berlsch}', Albert Bestwick, Hester Beswick, Wright Bethel, Benjamin & Annie E. Betz, Jacob & wife Beucker, .\lbert G. Beveridge, Thomas Beveridge, Thomas, Jr. Bewkes, Lambert Beyea, Adeline & Fanny Beyerstorfer, George & wife Bianchi, Emiglia Bibby, James S. Bibby, ]\Iary Biddell, Clara L. Bidmead, Eliza Bigelow, Reuben W. & Frank W. Biggs, ]Mar\' Bilisborrow, Francis Billsborrow, ]\Iary A. Bilz, Hugo Bimson, John Bimson, Richard Bingham, Clementina Binns, Wm. Henry Bippus, Germain Birbeck, Susannah Birch, Mary E. Birch, Samuel M. Bird, Crines Bird, J. T. F. Birkbeck, Joseph Bishop, John Bishop, Mar\' T. Bissel!, Annie P. Black, Edward I). Blackburn, Robert Blackshaw, Frederick Blackwood, Robert A. Blair, Jennie Blair, Lvman Blake, Chas. Blakiston, Henr\- Y., Chas. & Clara Blanch, Martha Blanchard, Elizabeth Blanchard, Hiram Blauvelt, Caroline JNIillicent Blauvelt, Eleanor Elizabeth. Excr. Blauvelt, Elizabeth Blauvelt, Franklin A. Blauvelt, Frank Remington Blauvelt, Garret I. Blauvelt, Henry S. Blauvelt, Isaac D. Blauvelt, Jacob H. Blauvelt, James G. Blauvelt, John Blauvelt, John J. & Martin Blauvelt, Lydia M. Blauvelt, Sarah A. Blauvelt, Wm. D. Blauvelt, Wm. H. Bleezarde, Geo. W. Bleuitt, Hannah Block, John Blov, James W. Blue, Isabella Blundell, Jas. & Wm. Boardman, Isaac E. Bockner, Charles Boeckel, John C. Bogart, David J. Bogart, Gilbert D. Bogert, David B. Bogert, Eugene Bogert, Nellie M. Boggs, Catherine A. Boggs, Harriet A. Boice, Garret S. Bolton, DeWitt C. Bolton, Susie Bond, Geo. A. & Alary, his wife Boon, Meindert Booth, Alfred G. Booth, Anne M. Booth, Benjamin Booth, George Booth, John H. Booth, Richard Booth, Thomas Boothby, John Boothroyd, Margaret Borden, Davis P. Borden, Ruel C. Borden, R. Williams Born, Chas. E. Borneman, Est. of Bernardess 69 Borneman, Louisa Borneman, Peter Bornkessel, Geo. H. Borrowe, Hallett A. Bosehardt, A. Louisa & Emilie Bosland, Benjamin Bosland, ^Martin Bossardt, Elizabeth Botbyl, Gustus G. Bottomley, Susannah Boudinot, Jennie J. Boughton, Wm. .\. Bounds, Peter B. & Ann, his wife Bowden, Da\-id Bowden, William Bower, Annetta Bowers, John Bowers, Samuel Bowker, Reginald H. Bowker, Walter L. Bowles, Harry & wife Bowman, Elizabeth Jane Bowman, Sarah E. Bowne, J. H. & Harriet K. Boyd, Arthur Bo\d, Benjamin Boyd, Charity & John Boyd, George Boyd, John T. Boyd, Sarah Jane Boydell, James Bovdell, John & wife Boydell, Wm., Sr. Boyle, Jane Bozong, Florence Brabender, Emma Bradbury, Alice Bradbury, Robt. & Jane, his wife Bradley, Ann Bradley, Betty Bradley, Elizabeth Bradle>-, John & Lillian Bradley, Alary Bradshaw, Henry W. Braen, Nellie Tanis Brain, Cornelius Brain, Jacob Brain, JNIartha P. Brainerd, Edwin F. Braithwaite, William Brand, Josejjh Brand, William Brandenburger, Adeline Brandes, Julius Brands, Mary Brandt, Jacob & wife Brannlick, Charles Braun, Christina Braun, Caroline Braun, Louis C. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Bray, Harriet Alice Breck, Chas. R. & W. A. M. Bredin, Frederick M. Breen, Abraham E. Breen, Cornelius Brecn, Jacob Breen, Joseph Breen, Leonard Breen, Paul Breen, William Breese, Robert R. Bremmer, Andrew Brenning, Adam Brereton, Ann Brereton. Mary Brereton, Percy H. Breur, Esdra Brewster, Amos A. Briggs, James Briggs, Rachel Brindle, Wm. H. Brindle, William Brindley, James Brinkerhoff, Andrew Q. Brinkerhoff, George A. Brinkerhoff, Helena Brinkerhoff, Rachel Briscoe, James H. Bristol, Peter D. Bristow, Mary Brizzell, Alex'r & wife Brock, ^Alexander Brock, Isabella Brodie, Harriet Bromley, Ann Broomhead, James & Ann Broomhall, Geo. L. Broughton, Grimshaw Brower, Daniel D. Brower, David Brownlee, Hugh Brower, George V. Brown, Andrew J. Brown, Annie W. Brown, Alexander Brown, Catherine Brown, Chas. F. Brown, Chas. M. Brown, Christina Brown, Elizabeth F. Brown, Emma Brown, George Brown, George W. Brown, Geo. W. & wife Brown, J. Hanford Brown, Henrietta Est. Brown, Henrietta C. Brown, Jacob P. & Mary P. Brown, James Brown, John Brown, John G. Brown, John J. Brown, John Seth Brown, Mrs. John Brown, Mae Brown, ]\Iary Ann Brown, Maggie C. Brown, Mary E. Brown, Orson H. Brown, Sarah L. Brown, A. Swan Brown, A. Swan, Trustee Brown, Thomas C. Brown, William Brown, Wolston R. Brooke, H. R. Brooks, Ann Brooks, Eliza Jane Brooks, Hannah Brooks, John W. Brooks, Peter Bruce, Alexander Bruce, Donald Brundred, Elizabeth Brush, Catherine Bruning, Henry C. Bruns, Adeline Bryan, Robert Bryce, Margaret Bryson, Sarah Jane Buchan, Catherine Buckholst, Brady & Alfred C. Buckley, Benjamin Buckley, Benjamin, Excr. Buckley, Frederick Buckley, John Buckley, WiUiam H. Budde, Christina A. Buggelin, Henry Bullen, Alma Currie BuUer, John J. Buller, Watson & wife Bulmer, Josephine M. Bunce, George J. Bunnell, Brice B. & Elizabeth V. Buntzen, Francis P. Burbridge, Chas. Burchell, I)aniel Burdan, William Burdett, Samuel Dyer Burger, Martin Burgess, Jennie Burgess, Robert Burghard, Louis Burghardt, Louis & A. Burhans, Sarah Burk, Chas. E. Burkhard, John & Wm. Burkhard, William. H. Burner, Mary Burnett, Annie M. Burnett, Chas. D., E.xcr. Burnett, David, Estate of Burnish, William Burns, James F. 71 Burns, Mary Burns, Milton H. Burrell, Wm. Biu-rell, Valentine Burroughs, Margaret Burroughs, Mary B. Burslem, Albert E. Burtis, J. L., Jr. Burton, Annie Burton, Ellen Biu"ton, Leah Burton, Nathaniel Busch, Peter Buser, Sophia Bush, James H. Bush, John Buss, Nettie L. Bussee, William Bustard, Joseph L. Bustard, Robert & John Bustard, Thos. M. Butler, Christina Butler, Henry L. Butler, Henry V. Butler, Mary E. Est. Butler, ]Mary L. Butler, William A. Butter worth, Jane Butterworth, John Butterworth, Mary Byard, John Byram, John J. Cadmus, Agnes A. Cadmus, Agnes Ann Cadmus, Annie M. Cadmus, Charity Cadmus, Clara Cadmus, Cornelius J. Cadmus, Edo V. Cadmus, Emma Cadmus, Garret C, Ira A. Cadmus, Sarah A. Cadmus, Thomas Cadmus, Dr. Wm. J. Cairns, Caroline B. Cairns, John Cairns, Robert Cairns, William Cameron, Duncan Cameron, Eliza Campbell, Geo. W. Campbell, Henry G. Campbell, Jennie & Maggie Campbell, John Campbell, John D. Cam])be!l, John M. Cami)l)ell, Mary B. Campbell, Thomas A. Campbell, William Cannon, John Canova, Ernesto Cardinal, Andre CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Cardinal, Catherine, E. Carlisle, Emeline J. CarlouKh, Frank \'.; William H. & Edgar I). Carlough, Ceo. Carlough, John J. Carlough, La\-ina CarloLigh, William J. Carnrick, David H. Carpenter, Elisha & wife Carpenter, Eliza Jane Carr, Sarah E. Carr, William S. Carroll, Annie S. Carshore, William J. Carson, Thomas J. Cartwright, Jabez Caruth, Benjamin Carver, Sarah Case, George M. Case, William H. Case\-, William Cashell, .Mary B. Caspers, Peter Casson, Edwin Casson, George Casson, George W. Casson, John Catlin, Louise E. Caunce, Richard Ca\-adini, Teresa Caverly, Henry B. Cellarius, Laura H. Chadwick, Abbie Chadwick, Henry & Esther, his wife Chadwick, James & JMartha Chadwick, James S. Chadwick, Joseph Chadwick, Julia Chadwick, Louise S. & Fred'k F. Chamberlain, Chas. C. Chamberlain, George Chamberlain, Ira Chamberlain, Raymond & Archie S. Chamberlain, Thomas Chamberlin, Cassie Chambcrlin, Joseph Chamney, Thomas Champin, John Cha[)lain, James Chaplain, John S. Chapman, Carrie G. Chapman, Fannie Charcot, Margaret Charters, David A. Chase, Frank S. Checkley, Lizzie Cheetham, Edith Chejne, John Child, K. Lillian; Anna H. & JMarv O. Childs, Ellen S. Chiswell, George S. Chiswell, JNIarv A. Chiswell, Richard B. Chittenden, Irene C. Chitt\-, Alercy L. Christensen, Lawrence C. Christie, Frank Christie, George Christie, James C. Christie, IMaria J. Christie, Thos. J. Church, Charles A. Church, William E. Clapp, Sandford E. Clark, Amzie B. & wife Clark, Ann Clark, Caroline Clark, David Clark, Edward Clark, Frances E. Clark, Henry Clark, Herbert H. Clark, Isabel F. Clark, James Clark, James L. Clark, Lucius W. Clark, INIary Clark, Thomas Clark, William B. Clark, William E. Clarke, JSIaria Clarkson, Jane Clarkson, ^largaret Ann ]\IcL. Class, WiUiam & Fanny Claxton, Forbes Claxton, Joseph A. Claxton, Langley Claxton, Matilda Claxton, Priscilla Claxton, William Clearwater, W. S. Clegg, Aaron CI egg, Abraham Clements, Mary Clements, William J. Clemons, JVIary E. Clerihew, ]\Iary E. Cle\-eland, Anna B. Clift, Edward M. Clift, Mary Clinton, Francis De W. Close, Ann Eliza Close, ]Mar\' Close, Thermulhis Clough, John Clough, (Jeo. A. Clough, Sam'l & Marv Ann Clough, Wm. B. Clover, Edward A. Cluss, Allen 73 Cluss, Ettie C. Clyde, Annie Scott Cobb, Henry D. Cochran, Agnes Cochran, Catherine Jane Cochran, William B. Cocker, James Cocker, Joseph Cocker, Mattie Cockran, Mary Coddington, Elizabeth Coe, Catherine Coe, Drusilla Coe, Sarah J. Coger, Glorenia W. Coirin, Gustave Colburn, Ann Cole, Delia A. Cole, Ellen Cole, Henr\- W. Cole, jMary A. Cole, William H. Cole, William W. Colegrove, James E. Colgan, Ann CoUard, Thos. A., Deborah & Arthur W. Collard, Thos. T. Collet, Laura S., Excr. Collerd, Allie Collier, Abram Collier, Elizabeth S. Collier, Julia R. Collins, Charles C. Collins, George B. Collins, Janet Collins, John Collins, Lousia F. Collins, Mabel Collins, Peter & ]\Iary Collins, Samuel Collins, Samuel H. Collins, Sarah CoUyer, G. W'illiam Coman, Tinie L. Combs, Ella Compa, Joseph Compton, Charles & Harry C Comstock, Annie Conant, Andrew Percy Conant, Asa W. Conant, \\'arren N. Condit, Lucinda Congdon, Joseph ^^^ Conklin, George W. Conklin, Hannah Conklin, J. Conklin, John L. Conklin, John S. Conklin, Joseph B. Conklin, Lewis L. Conklin, Luc\' Conkling, Agnes J. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Conlin, James Conlon, William J. Conner, ]\Iargaret Connolly, John Connors, Charles S. Conover, Daniel W. Contesse, Susie Cook, Albert B. Cook, Rachel Cooke, Ann Maria Cooke, Chas. D. Cooke, W. Henry Cooke, Ida L. Cooke, Ida M. Cooke, James Cooke, Jas. W. Cooke, John Cooke, John, James, Watts & Wm. Cooke, Lydia S. Cooke, Sarah A. Cooke, Watts Cooke, William Coons, ]\Iar>' J. Cooper, Annie Cooper, Arnold P. Cooper, Chas. C. & wife Cooper, George Cooper, Herman H. Cooper, Jacob Cooper, Jehu Cooper, Jennie Cooper, John T. Cooper, Thomas S. Cooper, AMUiam Copping, Aminta Cordon, Charles Corgan, ]\Iary A. Comelissc, Johannes Cornelius, William Comet, John B. Cornish, George B. Cornish, Jeannette Corry, Richard & wife Cortelyou, James H. Cortelyou, Julia M. Corwin, ^Maritta & Harrv J. Cott, Elizabeth Couenhoven, Elizabeth J. Coughlin, Edward J. Coughlin, Richard Coulson, Joseph Coulter, JMichael Courter, Flora M. Courter, Stephen Courter, Wm. H. Coury, John A. Cowan, Emma C. Cowan, Wm. Henry & John Cowdrey, De Witt C. Cowdrey, Louis Rader Cowle}-, ]VIatthew Cox, Angenetta S. Cox, George Cox, Joseph Craig, Thomas H. Cramer, Joseph G. Crampton, Lizzie & John R. Crane, Alfred B. Crane, Benjamin Crane, Charles Crane, Elizabeth D. Crane, Harrison W. Crane, Israel Crane, Richard T. & Chas. S. Crandall, Harland B. Cranmer, JSIary L. Crassous, Harriet A. Crawforcl, Charles W. Creathorne, Annie Crew, Alfred Crockett, Lizzie Croker, Grace R. Crocker, Thomas W. Croker, William L. Crompton, Henry Cronk, John & Frederick Crooks, George, Jr. Crooks, James Crooks, Juliet Crooks, Katherine B. Crooks, Mary P. Croosley, Thomas Crosby, Henry B. Crossley, Sarah H. Crossett, William Crouter, Cornelius F. Crouter, Rebecca J. Crow, John Crowther, Mary Crygier, Catherine Cubb}^, Christopher Cubby, Richard, Sr., & Eliza Culver, Tuttle Cundell, Charles H. Cundle, Sophia Cunningham, Caroline Cunningham, Geo. W. & Robt. Cunningham, Janet Cunningham, Mary Ellen Cunningham, Robert Cunningham, Stewart Curie, Charles Curtis, John Curts, Florence Wright Cushman, S. Anna Cutler, D. Edelbert Cutler, Geo. E. Cutler, John Dadley, Ada .Mary 75 Daggers, Belle M. & husband Daggers, John R. Dalglish, Wm. C. Dalling, Alay Dalton, Elizabeth Dalzell, Robert Dalzell, \\'il]iam Damon, .\llen C. Daniel, Janet Daniels, David E. Dann, Thomas Dannatt, Annie Dater, Rev. Henry Datesman, Hiram F. Datesman, Sabra H. Daum, Wm. F. Davenport, Harry J. Davidson, Anna S. Davidson, Joseph Davidson, Margaret Davidson, Mary E. Davidson, William Davies, Eliza C. Davis, John Davis, Mark B. Davis, Sidney & Chattie, his wife Davis, Sylvanus, Jr., & Isabella Davis, Thomas Davison, John G. Dawes, Mary M. Dawson, Elizabeth Day, Ellen C. Day, Frederick & Mary Day, George B. Day, James H. Day, John Day, Joseph Day, ]\Iiles S. & wife Day, Warren D. Dean, James B. Dean, John B. Dean, Mary Staley Dean, Samuel R. Dean, Thomas Deane, Sarah De Baum, Hester E. De Baun, Dr. Edwin De Boer, Albert, Christopher, Nick Dechert, Catherine Dechert, Julius Decker, Abraham jM. Decker, Eliza & INIinnie Decker, J. E. Decker, Jennie E. Decker, Sylvanus W. Decnyf, Geo, R. Deeths, Ann Deeths, Henry Degelman, John CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY De Gray, Martha G., Trustee De Gray, Mary E. De Gray, Richard De Groot, Adriaan & John De Groot, Marinus J. De Groot, Nina E. De Keyser, John, Jr. Delhom, ]\Iadeline Dell Orto, Archille Demarest, Andrew H. Demarest, Barney C. Demarest, Charity Demarest, Charlotte J. Demarest, Eliza Demarest, Garret Demarest, Garret H. Demarest, John J. Demarest, Julia M. & Peter J., Excrs. Demarest, Lucinda Demarest, Mary Demarest, Nicholas J. Demarest, Peter Terhune & wife Demarest, Wm. W. Deming, Ida M. De Mol, Lou De Mott, George V. De Mott, Hiley A. & Cather- ine De Mouth, Edward & James Dempwolf, Antonia Dempwolf, Max De ]\Iuth, Gustave A. et al. Denbleyker, Leonard, Sr. Den Bleyker, Nicholas Den Boer, Nellie Dench, Betse}' Denholm, George & Charles Denholm, William A. Denike, Annie Denike, Georgiana Denison, Geo. S. Dcnison, Mary A. Denton, Ann Denton, Annie ]\Iac D. Denton, George Derbyshire, jVIary Derbyshire, William Dermond, ]\Lirgaret Derrick, Est. .\ndrew Derrom, .Andrew Desmet, Jules H. Deuster, \\'illiam Deviile, William De Voe, Charles Devoe, Welcome N. Devoe, William De \'ogel, Wm. De Vrics, Daniel Dewolfe, Wm. Dey, Arthur H. & wife Dey, Margaret L. Dey, Mary L. Dickerson, Edward N. Dickerson, Maria E. Dickerson, Sarah Dickson, James G. Dietz, August P. & wife Dilger, Elizabeth Dill, Charles T. Dillingham, Geo. L. Dilliston, Alfred Dime, Johanna Dinsmore, Elizabeth Dishian, Misag H. d'Isoard, Leonie Dittman, Theresa & Annie Douglas, Wm., Jr. Dixon, Ann Dixon, Anna Jane Dixon, William Dobbelaer, Henry Dobbs, Emma L. Dobbs, Mary Dobson, Ann Dobson, Henry Dobson, JMaggie Dobson, William Dodds, Hannah Dodge, Frederick N. Doherty, Henry Doherty, John Dohm, Margaret Doig, John & Sarah Doland, .\nnie L. Donaldson, Margaret Donaldson, William Donat, John, Excr. Donkersley, Helen S. Donkersloat, Caroline Dooley, WiUiam Doolittle, Harry Doolittle, John' A. DooHttle, Millard F. Doremus, Andrew Doremus, Anna Maria Doremus, Benj. D. Doremus, Charity V. B. Doremus, CorneHus Doremus, Cornelius A. & Albert C. Doremus, Cornelius P. Doremus, Eliza C. Doremus, Ellen Doremus, Francis E. & Henry C. Doremus, George C. Doremus, Gohne Doremus, Helen W. Doremus, Henry, Excr. Doremus, Henry, Jr. Doremus, Henry P. Doremus, Jacob W. Doremus, Jane Doremus, John 77 Doremus, John G. & wife Doremus, John P. Doremus, Josiah P. Doremus, Martha & Cornelius Doremus, Mary E. Doremus, P. W. Doremus, Peter & Jacob W. Doremus, Phillip H. Doremus, Stephen Doremus, William Doremus, William C. Doremus, William H. Doremus, William P. Doriarty, William Doring, Henry Dorman, Anna A. Dormida, Benjamin S. & wife Dougherty, Mary E. Dougherty, Stephen F. Doughty, James Wilson N. Doughty, John H. Douglas, Henry Douglass, Alfred Douglass, Annie Douglass, Sarah E. Douglass, William Doute, Ernest H. Dow, Daniel J. Dowell, John C. Drake, Henry M. Dressendorfer, Catherine Drew, Catherine Drew, Catherine T. Drew, Ezra Drew, John Drew, Lydia Drew, J\iartin R. Drew, Peter Dreyer, Louis Dreyer, Sebastian Drukker, Louis & wife Drummond, James T. Drur}', Emma G. & Ella ]\L Drury, Elizabeth Du Bois, Edward T. Duffey, William Duftield, Geo. L. Dufford, Catherine A. Dufford, William Duncan, Jane N. Duncan, jMinnie Duncan, Sarah Jane Duncan, Robert Dunkerley, Daniel Dunkerley, John Dunkerley, Jose[)h Dunkerley, AL Josephine Dunkerly, Harriet Dimkerly, James Dunkerl}', John Dunkersley, Hannah CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Dunkin, Richard J. Dunlop, Jean Dunlop, R. & Agnes Dunlop, Robert Dunn, James Dunnell, J. H. Dunnican, Richard Dunning, Cieo. B. Dunning, John E. Dunning, T. Star Dunning, Wm. H. Dunwoody, Hugh K. Du Quette, Jacob Durden, Dorcas B. Durieux, August Durkin, John Duryea, Rev. John H. Duryea, Sarah J. Dusenbery, Ethel E. Dutcher, Fred. & Chas. Dutcher, Robt. Warren Dutchess, George Dutton, Thomas Dwyer, Rebecca Dye, John Dyer, Charles Dyson, jNIary A. Eadie, Thomas & wife Eakings, Lizzie & Francis Eakins, John S. & Wm. R. Eardman, Christopher Earley, James Eastwood, Benjamin Eastwood, Moses & Sarah, his wife Eastwood, Sarah Eaves, William Edge, James Edge, John Edge, Hannah Edge, Martin Edick, Chas. H. Edleston, Geo. H. & wife Edwards, Alice Edwards, Annie E. Edwards, De Witt C. Edwards, Emilie Edwards, E. Gordon Edwards, James B. Edwards, John Edwards, Robert T. Eelman, Arie, Jr. Eelman, Arie, Sr. Eelman, John Eflfler, Adeline R. Ehmann, Anton Ehret, George Einermann, Dora Eisenhauer, Nicholas Ekings, Francis Ekings, Robert .M. Elder, David Ellig, Minna Elliott, James Elliott, Lizzie Ellmore, Jeanette Elvin, Andrew Ely, Chester D. Emerson, Fanny P. Emiey, Eugene Emmans, Abraham Emmerich, Louis P^mmons, Ann E. Emmons, Silas H., Jr. Emsley, Elizabeth England, Henry English, Ann Ennis, Ava M. Ennis, William Ensign, James W. Ensign, Samuel C. Ensor, Albert Entwistle, Fanny Erdmann, Edward Erdmann, Emma Erdmann, Henry Erhardt, Alfred Erikson, Gustave Ernst, Laura Escher, Emilie A. Esson, Robert J. Esty, James B. Ettinger, Joseph Eukers, George Evans, Isabella Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Elizabeth Evans, Richard Evans, Thomas Evans, William H. Evans, William W. Everett, Henry Hoffman Everett, Walter Eves, Philmer Ewart, Annie E. Ewing, John B. Eynon, David Faber, August A. Faeth, John Fair, Isabella Fairbairn, Alice P^iirbanks, Albert D. Fairbanks, Eleanor S. Fairbanks, Madeleine Fairbanks, Wilson L. Fairchild, John O. Fairclough, Bertha M. Jennie M. Fairclough, N. B., Jr. Fairclough, Napoleon B. Fairclough, 01i\'e Fairclough, Wallace E. Fairhurst, Thomas Falls, James 79 Falstrom, Gustave W. Farbain, Alice Farlan, Arthur • Farlow, John Farquhar, Louise T. Farquhar, William Farrar, Ann Farrell, John H. Farrell, John M. Farrell, Patrick Farrell, Susan Fauerbach, Emil Faure, Conrad Fawcett, Jane Fayerweather, Frederick O. Fayerweather, Wm. O. Fayerweather, Wm. Oakley Feeney, Eliza Felch, Isaac N., Guardian Felch, John D. Felix, Francis J. Fenner, Wm. G. Fenwick, Sarah E. & Jas. H. Fenzlein, Sarah Ellen Ferguson, David Ferguson, Ferdinand S. Ferguson, James Ferguson, Peter G. Ferrell, Wm. H. Fettis, Jesse Fichter, August Field, JVIaria & Geo. H., Excrs. Fieldhouse, William Fielding, Jas, Thos., Wm , Geo. & Henry Fielding, Jennie V. Fielding, William Fields, Maria& Geo., R., Excrs, Fields, Nancy J. Fields, Phebe Fields, Rachel W. Fields, Robert J. Fields, Robert T. Fields, Viola Fifield, George Finch, Catherine Fine, Jarvis Finkelmeier, Charles Finkelmeier, John W. Finnegan, Thomas Firth, Emanuel C. & JMatilda Fischback, Jacob Fischer, Theresa Fish, William Fish, Wm. Jay & Fischer, Albert P. Fisher, Calvin M. Fisher, John & JMary Fitch, Geo. R. Fitzgerald, Tkliles W. Flavell, Elizabeth Flavell, William Fleet, Mar}- CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Fleigh, Henry D. Fleming, Andrew Fleming, David Fleming, Jason E. Fleming, John I'leteher, John Fletcher, Joseph Fletcher, Wm. H. Flitcroft, Edward Flitcroft, Thos. Flitcroft, Wm. Florence, Saml. R., John B., Wm. Folley, Rachel A. P'olley, Sarah Fonda, Mary A. Fontajiie, Chas. H. Forbes, Catherine J. Forbes, Cyrus L. Forbes, Edward T. Forbes, Henry Forbes, Horatio Forbes, Joseph Forbes, Thomas Forbes, Wm. L. Force, Columbus Ford, Julia W. W. Fordyce, JNIary B. & husband Foreman, jVIartin V. Forrest, James & wife Fortune, Wm. M. Fossati, Josephine Foster, Caroline Foster, Garret Foster, \\'illiam Geo. Foulds, Andrew Foulds, John Fowler, Anna M. Fox, Arthur H. & wife Fox, Charles Fox, Rachel A. Frain, Jas. O. & Violet M. Francies, JMaria Francis, Mary N. Frank, Wm. Franke, Hannah Frankhauser, Margaret Franklin, Chas. H. Franz, William Phaser, Barbara Frazier, Charles Frcbel, Henry Frebel, Henry L. Frederick, Jeremiah Frederick, Lizzie May Frederick, Nicholas Freeland, Abigail Freely, Amelia Freely, Cornelius Freeman, Argus L. Freestone, Geo. A. L. Freestone, Lydia French, Francis Freudenthal, Chas. Frickel, Otto J. Friedel, John G. Friend, Theresa Frier, James Frisch, Jacob Fritsche, Salome Fritzsche, Chas. 0. H. Froelich, Albert Frommelt, Herman E. Frost, Andrew Frost, Frank, Chas. & Harry B. Fry, Lilian M. Fryer, Mary H. Fuchs, Andrew Fuller, James A. & wife Fullerton, David Fullerton, Ethelbert G. Fulton, Frank M. Funk, Albert & Louis Furman, Alfred A. Fyfe, Alexander Gaede, Robert Gag, Mary Galbricht, Henry Gall, James Gallant, Walter Gannon, David Gannon, Daniel Garabrant, Annie M. Garabrant, John G. Garbaccio, Amalia Garbaccio, Giuseppe Gardiner, John Gardiner, Joseph Gardner, Caroline & Oscar Gardner, Fred W. Garlick, Henry Garlick, Seth Garlick, Susannah Garlick, William Garnier, Josephine Garrabrant, Aaron K. Garrabrant, Fanny Garrabrant, Joanna E. Garrabrant, John Garrabrant, Margaret A. Garrabrant, Peter J. Garretson, Helen Everett Garretson, Kittie Garrison, David J\L Garrison, Henry Garrison, Henry D. Garrison, Jas. E., Elbert J. Garrison, John Cjarrison, John JVL Garrison, Kittie Garrison, Margaret Garrison, Maria E. (jarrison, Rachel (Jarrison, Robt. B. 81 Garrison, Simeon Z. Garrison, Sophrina Garry, Norine Garside, Irad L. Garside, Lees Garside, Priscilla Garside, Thomas P. Gaston, John & Wm. F. Gatjen, Herman Gatter, Richard D. Gautschy, Henry Gay, Helen E. Gaynor, Chas. C. Gebhardt, Frederick Gebhart, Henry L. Gedney, Estella Geering, Emil Gehring, Margaretta Geipel, Ernest Gelderman, F. H. Gememhardt, Matilda George, Mae L. Gerber, Marie S. Gerhardt, Wm. & wife Gerum, Katherine Gerow, Heber Gerrie, Jennie Dunlop Gerstinger, Lena Gerstmayer, J. F. Gery, John Getchius, John Getsinger, William E. Getty, Chas. H. Gibb, Harry Gibbs, Marinus Gibbs, Wm. H. Gibson, Jane Gibson, William Giebelhausen, Frederick R. Gifford, Caroline A. Gilbert, Chas. N. Gilbert, Mary C. Gilchrist, William Giles, Lucy A. & Cora A. Gilfillan, Wm., Jr. Gimilan, Wm., Sr. Gill, Hannah Gillen, W^m. H. Gillespie, John Gillies, Frederick Gillmor, Deborah A. Gillmor, RLary Ellen Gillmore, David T. Gilmore, Frederick Gilson, Catherine Gilson, Esther Gladwin, Henry Glass, Daniel Glass, Robert Glasser, Wm. F. Glastaeter, James Glatt, Dora F. Gleason, Elizabeth B. A ^Hff^VT ^^iSS' ' i ^mfj^^^ ift^ ^^ -^B ^ Hffl.. SiSiJ4alks P«^ K if^"^ ^^^^'- '^: \/.Roy - & Ellen Hardy, Robert Hargravcs, Richard W. Hargrea\'es, Adam Haring, Aimee E. C. Haring, John Haring, Mary Harmon, Wm. H. Harper, Julia G. & Geo. S. Harper, Leon Harper, Mary Harries, Anna M. Harris, Isaac Harris, James S. Harris, Maria L. Harris, Rachel Harris, Richard A. T. Harrison, Bethuel Harrison, Eliza Harrison, Jesse D. Harrison, Chas. F. & Minnie Harrison, Wm. C. Harrison, \\'m. W. Harrop, Sarah Harshaw, Wm. K. Hart, Isabel Hartley, Christopher Hartley, Clara Hartley, Ira Hartley, John Hartley, Mary E. Hartley, Richard Hartmann, Annie Hartmann, Chas. & wife Hartmann, Theresa Hartmeier, Jessie A. Hartog, Cornelius Hartt, Geo. LeB. Harvey, David Harvey, Emeline Harve}', Henry C. & wife Harv'e}', Jean Harve\'^, Janet Harwood, Henry Harwood, James Harwood, Margaret, Excrs. Harwood, William Hasbrouck, John A. Hasbrouck, Richard O. & wife Hascup, Charles Henry Hascup, Peter Hascy, Emily H. Haslam, Thomas Hassell, James Hassen, William Hasting, Arthur Hastings, Susannah Hathaway, Hiram & Henry Hathorn, Hannah J. & Ann Hatrick, Chas. Havens, Mary Haviland, Henry Haviland, James F. Haviland, ]\Iary W. Hawkins, Joseph R. Hawrey, Jacob Hawthorn, Arthur T. Hay, LiUie Haycock, Frances HajTOck, Andrew Haycock, Margaret 85 Haycock, Richard Haycock, Thomas Haycock, Thomas Ha3'den, Clarissa Hayden, Thomas H. Hayes, .Albert Y.. Haj-es, Kate ]\I. Hayes, Robert Hayes, William H. Havnes, Joseph H. Hays, Alice M. & Ethel C. Hay ward, Ann A. Haywood, Charles Haywood, Henry B. Hazel, Herman & Julius Heacock, Harriet Heacock, Spencer Heald, James & Ellen Healey, William I. Healey, Richard A. Healy, Chas. F. Healv, Geo. D. Healy, Wm. F. Heap, Christopher Heap, Wm. H. Heard, Wm. Hearn, Edwin R. Heath, Fanny Heath, Lewis Heath, Mary E. Heathcote, Mary J. Hebenstreit, Max Heck, Catherine . Heckel, Anna Heckel, John Heckendorm, John Hegeman, .AJetta ]\I. Heinzelmann, Chas. C. & John W. Heinzelman, George Heinzelman, John Heinzman, Joseph Heller, Wm. Frederick, Frank Helme, James Hclmrick, Wm. E. Helms, ]\Iary L. Heming, Gustave Hemingway, Chas., Est. of Hemingway, John Hemingway, Saml. F. Hemion, John Heminsley, Elizabeth Hemming, Walter W. Hemstead, Catherine M. Hendershot, Elizabeth Henderson, Henrietta Hendricks, Elizabeth Hendr\', William Henggeler, Jacob Henion, John W. Henion, Luther V. Henniger, Diedrich & Herman Hennion, Eliza M. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Hennion, John W. Hilton, John T. Hope, Wm. J. Henrichs, August Hilton, John F. Hopkins, Caroline de la M. Henrick, Christian Hilton, Martha J. Hopkins, James H. Henrick, Matilda Hilton, Saml. H. Hopper, Abby A. Henr\-, Annie C, Excr. Hilton, William Hopper Abram G. Henry, David HinchliiTe, Anne S. Hopper Adaline Henry, Hannah Hinchliffe, William Hopper Adrian Henry, Margaret Hinchman, Eliza A. Hopper Albert C. Henser, Chas. J. & .Anna, his Hind, James F. Hopper Andrew wife Hind, Mary Louisa, Trustee Hopper Bessie S. Henshall, Thomas Hindle, Est. of John H. Hopper Chas. C. Hepburn, Katie W. Hindi e, John H. Hopper Cornelius C. Hepner, Carrie S. Hindley, George Hopper Demarest Hepp, Christian Hindley, Thomas Hopper Ellen Herig, C. Rudolph Hine, Est. of Reuben H. Hopper Geo. D., Jr. Herington, Frederick W. Hine, Wm. H. Hopper George W. Herman, Christian Hinton, George Hopper Henry, et ai. Herman, Frederick Hirchner, August, Jr. Hopper Jacob B. Hermann, Justus Hobart, Garret A. Hopper John Hermanni, Ferdinand L. Hobart, Jennie T. Hopper John A. Herrick, Hugh M. Hobbs, Henrj' Hopper John D. Herrick, Louise M. Heche, Armand Hopper John H. Herrman, Wm. P. Hockenberg, Harmon Hopper Jonathan C. Hertner, Emil & Verena, his Hockett, Ann Hopper Joseph C. wife Hodge, Geo. E. Hopper Mary Hesketh, James Hodge, James Hopper Mary J. Hess, PauHna Hodge, Sarah Hopper Mary K. Hetzel, Richard Hodgson, John Hopper Melissa Heuschkell, Frederick A. Hoelbe, Henrietta Hopper Peter C. Heuser, Barbara Hoffbauer, Emih' L. Hopper Peter D. Heuser, Wm. G. Hoffman, May & Caroline Hopper Robt. L Hewes, Sarah Ehza Hoffman, John B. Hopper Samuel Hewett, James Hoffman, William Hopper Sarah J. Hewitt, James Hofgesang, Anna Hopper WiUiam H. Hewitt, Wiiham Hogan, John D. Hopson Chas. R. Hewson, J. W. Hogarth, Hannah Hopson Wm. A. Hewson, Mary E. Hohenstein, Bertha Hornbeck, Delia He}', Mary Ann Holbrook, James Hornbeck, Sarah & Wm. H. Hickman, John Holden, Mary J. Hornberger, Caroline Hierskup, Aaron Holden, Robt. Hornberger, George Hierskup, John Holden, William Hornberger, John B. Higbid, Uretta L. Holdsworth, Joseph Hornberger, Louisa Higbie, Charles Hollinde, Emil Home, Peter & wife High, Catherine HoUingsworth, John H. Hornung, August & Charlotte High, Peter Hollister, George Horsfield, Joshua Higham, Isabella Hollister, Saml. W. Horton, Abel Higinson, Rachel Holmes, Ella E. Horton, Alfred N. Hildreth, Chas. M. & wife Holmes, Harry Horton, Bertha Hill, Ann Holmes, Henry A. Horton, Elizabeth Hill, Alexander D. Holmes, Walter H. Horton, Ray ton E. Hill, Eliza Hoipp, Rosa Hosford, Jennette H. Hill, Harold D. Holt, Adam Hosford, Saml. C. Hill, James Holt, Cryus Hough, Mary A. Hill, Lucy G. Holt, Mary Hough, Thomas Hill, Robt. C. Holt, Ormenta Houghton, Margaret Ann Hill, Smith Holt, Rebecca Houlgrave, Ann Hillen, John Holt, Samuel House, John Hiller, Gottlob Holt, Susan Houston, David Hilliard, James R. Holt, Thomas Houston, James & Robt. Hilliard, IMary E. Holster, Tunes Houston, John Hillman, Harmon Holtham, Joseph Houston, Thos. B. Hillman, Henry T. L. Home, Elizabeth Howard, John Hilton, Benjamin Home?, John Howatt Gerald 87 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Howcroft, Sarah Howe, Albert E. Howe, Chas. M. Howe, Edwin I., Chas. M., Geo. R. Howe, John Howe, John ]\Ioffett Howe, John ^lorgan Howe, Rol)t. Howe, Wm. & Jas. Howell, Carrie E. Howell, Ezra M. Howell, Isabella Howell, Minnie Howett, Mary Hoxsey, Margaret Ho.xsey, T. Frank & Margaret Hoxsey, Thomas D. Hubbard, Danl. B. Hubbard, Geo. Huber, Christina Huber, Ida Ruegg Hudd, .Alfred Hudson, Emma B. Hudson, Thomas Hudson, Wm., Jr. Hudson, Wm. S. Hugginson, Phebe Hugginson, Richard Hughes, Ada L. Hughes, Anthony Hughes, Clara L. Hughes, Frank & Inez Hughes, Geo. Hughes, James & Hannah Hughes, Marv A. Hughes, Robt. S. Hughes, Samuel Hughes, WiUiam Hummel, Friederike Humphreys, John B. Hundertmark, Elizabeth A. Hunt, Amelia Hunt, Ann & Harry Hunt, Ernest Hunt, Jane Hunter, Annie Hunter, James Hunter, Phineas T. Huntoon, Henry C. Huntoon, James H. Hunziker, Hilma Hupfer, Christian Hurd, Agnes B. Hurd, Eleanor Hurd, John H. Hussey, Frank S. Husscy, Ruth Hutcheon, John Hutchin.son, Eliza M. Hutchinson, James Hutchin.son, Kate C. Ibach, Hugo Ibbeson, John, Jr. Icke, John & wife lies, JNIary Jane Imgrund, Frederick Indoe, Frederick E. Inglis, Catherine E. Inglis, Charles Inglis, James Inglis, James, Jr., Excr. Inglis, Jane Inglis, Robt. J. Inglis, William Inglis, Wm. M. Ingram, James F. Ingram, Thomas Inman, Jonas & wife Ireland, Robinson Irish, Lewis (Guardian) Irving, Helen Irwin, James Irwin, Jane Irwin, Martha Irwin, Sophia Isaac, Mary Speakman Isherwood, Francis F. Isleib, Frederick Isleib, Mary E. d'lsoard, Leonie Ives, Arthur H. Ives, Susanna S. Jackson, A. D. Jackson, Carrie, James M. Kate A., J. Ross Jackson, Emily H. Jackson, Frank R. & wife Jackson, James Jackson, John Jackson, Joseph Jackson, JVIartha Jackson, JNIary .\nn Jackson, William Jackson, Wm. W. Jacob, George Jacobus, John H. Jacobus, John N. Jacobus, John S. Jacobus, Mary E. Jacobus, Nicholas Jacobus, Richard .V. Jacobus, T. H. Jacobus, Wm. & Cornelius Jacqua, Sherman Jacques, Abraham Jaeger, Emil E. Jaeger, Henry Jaiger, Catherine James, John W. James, Joseph B. Jamieson, Ann Jansen, James H. Janson, Christian F. 89 Janvillc, Joseph Jarl, Gustave Jarvis, Edwin JeiTrey, Mathilde C. Jeffrey, Phoebe L. Jehn,'Max T. Jelleme, Emker Jelleme, Emker, Excrs. Jelleme, John Jelleme, Leonora Jelleme, Lester Jenkins, Edw. & Ann Jenkins, Jacob Jenks, Robt. V. Jennett, Maggie L. & Eliza J. Jennings, John Jennison, William H. Jeorg, Conrad A. Jersey, Theodore Jewett, Phineas M. Jochem, Warren V. Johns, David Johns, Geo. W. Johns, Richard Johnson, Delia Ann Johnson, Eliza A. Johnson, Emma Johnson, Franklin Johnson, Geo. F. Johnson, Helena Johnson, James Johnson, Johanna M. Johnson, Jonathan, JMartha & Edward Johnson, Lina & John F. Johnson, Lydia L. Johnson, Marie A. Johnson, Martin J. Johnson, Walter B. Johnson, William Johnston, Allen Johnston, James Johnston, Rebecca L. Johnston, Robert Johnston, Wesley S. B. Jones, Albert Jones, Bertha L. Jones, Chas. G. Jones, Edward E. Jones, Edwin Jones, George W. Jones, Harriet & husband Jones, John M. Jones, John M. & Lavinia Jones, John W. Jones, Margaret S. C. Jones, Nellie Jones, Thomas Jones, Thomas C. Jordan, James Jowett, Theophilus Joynson, Frederick Juhnke, Harriet CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Kacffer, Edward & wife Kamerline, Arent Kamerling, Garret Kamcrling, Henry & wife Kamerling, Jacob Kamerling, JNIarinus Kamerling, Peterjie Karr, Richard F. Kastrup, Helga Kattenstroth, Julia Katterman, August & wife Kay, John Charles Kay, Joseph Kealey, James & wife Kearsing, Ambrose W. Keasler, Hiram Keating, Wm. E. J. Keefe, Amelia Keeler, Chas. Keeler, Daniel Keeler, John Keen, Caroline Keen, Justus C. Keene, John Kegelman, Theodore B. Keisshaur, Jane Keller, Gottlick & Frederick Kelley, Edwin R. Kelley, Margaret J. S. Kelley, Mary F. Kelley, Sarah Kelly, William Kelshaw, Jonathan Kelso, Emily Kelso, John Kembley, John KennelJ, John Kennell, Kate Kent, Benjamin Kent, Ridley Kent, William Kenter, Laura Kenworth, Ellen Ker, Jeanette Kerns, Catherine Kerr, John Kerr, Wm. M. Kershaw, Fanny Kershaw, Jane Kershaw, John Kesse, Henry Kesse, Herman B. Kesselring, George Kessler, Geo. M. Kessler, Wm. H. Ketcham, Tredwell Keuppers, Otto Kevit, Job C. Kevitt, Cornelius Keyes, Charles Keymer, George H. Keymer, James A. Keyser, Abram Keyser, Abram C. Keyser, Stephen Keyzer, Johanna Kidd, James Kierstead, Jacob Kierstead, Wilson G. Kiersted, Margaret Kievit, Cornelia Kievit, Tunis C. & wife Kijewski, Peter Kilpack, Charles Kimble, Henry Kincaid, Elizabeth King, Aaron E. King, Alpheus L. King, Ambrose F. King, Andrew B. King, Cornelius A. King, Elias B. King, Elizabeth King, Emma A. King, Griffith King, Henry B. King, John King, John W. King, Margaret R. King, Mary King, Mary C. King, Mary J. King, Mary L. King, Samuel King, Wallace R. Kingsland, Geo. W. Kingsland, John & Kate A. Kingsland, Wm. D. Kinne, John W. Kinne, Porter S. Kinne, Sandford H. Kinne, Theodore Y. Kinsell, Benjamin E. Kinsey, Mary B. Kinsey, Samuel Kinsilla, Chas. P. Kinsilla, Wm. & Chas. Kip, CorneHus Kip, Edo Kip, Frederic E. Kip, Frederick E. K ip, Henry & John Kip, Ira A. Kip, John E. Kip, John W., James V. B. Walter Kip, Mary J. Kip, Peter H. Kip, Peter P. Kipp, Peter J. Kipp, Richard P. Kipp, Walter N. Kirchner, Chas. Kirchner, Frederick Kirchner, Oswald 91 Kirchner, William Kireker, Charles Kireker, Lottie C. Kirk, John Kirkman, Grace Kirkpatrick, J. A. Kirsinger, Louis Kittner, Herman Kittredge, Geo. W. Kivet, Tunis Klaeger, Albert ine S. Klauser, Frank H. & Mar- garet, his wife Klein, Frederick Kline, Joseph R. Klober, August Klotzbach, Chris. Knapp, A. H. Knapp, David H. Knapp, Huldah Knapton, Lulu Knauss, Rosina W. Knell, Caroline Knight, Emma & Mary Knight, Joseph B. Knights of Pythias Knipper, Marie Knipscher, Mathilde Knoble, Chas. E. Knowles, David Knowles, Eliza Knowles, Frank B. Kno.x, Robert Koar, Hugo Kohlhaas, Gladys Kohlhaas, Marie Kohn, Anthony Kohn, Elizabeth Konzelmann, Agnes Konzelmann, John G. Kook, Christian Koopman, Cornelius Koyer, WiUiam Kraiger, Jennie Krajewski, Rose Kraus, Mary Isleib Kreamer, William M. Kressler, James E. Kronauer, Max Kreuger, John Krug, Ida, .-Yrthur, Herbert Kuemmel, Mary D. Kueppers, Otto Kuett, Chas. F. Kuett, Geo. F. &Mary B., his wife Kuhn,,Anna Kuhn, Henry Kuhn, Lena Kuiken, Lukas Kuken, Lewis & wife Kuramer, Elizabeth Kunz, Bertha CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Kur\y, Sarah M. Kusant, Cornelius Kusant, jMar>' Kuyper, Tunis Laauwe, Nicholas Laauwe, Sarah La Bar, Marietta Labaugh, Barney Labaugh, Catherine Labaugh, James ISI. La Boyteau, Samuel S. Lacke}-, Harriet La Forge, Moses La Forge, JVIoses T., Excr. Laing, Margaret Laird, James Laird, ^lary J. Laird, \\m. & Mary E. Lake, Isabel N. Lakeland, William Lamb, Helen Lamb, Thomas W. Lambert, Catholina Lambert, Fred E. Lambert, Jacob J. Lambert, Walter I. Lammcrs, Rachel Landrock, ]\Ioritz Lane, Alice Lane, Annie Lane, Eliza Ann Lane, Elsie B. Lane, Kate Lang, George Langford, Frank E. Langguth, Gertrude Langwith, \\'illiam Lanning, Chas. P. Lanning, Robt., Excr. Lanza, Baptiste Lapham, ]\Iary Last, Jacob Latchford, Wm. Latham, Henry Latimer, John Latus, Jacob Laverack, Amelia Law, George Laurence, Frank B. Lawrence, Geo. N. LawTence, Stei)hen Lawson, Chas. B. Laytham, ALartha Leach, Chas. E. Leach, Henry P. Leach, Wm. C. Leal, John L. Leal, !Mary E. Leavens, Philo F. Lea\-ens, William Barry Leaycraft, Wm. Leazer, Isabella Lederer, Arthur Lee, James Lee, Mary E. Lee, Sarah T. Leers, Gretchen Lees, Eli H. & Wm. Lees, Samuel Lefferson, ]\Irs. Jas. W. Lefferts, Joseph H. & Donald Le Fe\Te, Sarah Elizabeth Lehman, John Lehman, Paul Lehner, Ernestine Lemlej', James Lendrim, Henry Lendrim, JMargaret Jessie Lenckim, Thomas Lenton, Frances Lenton, Josejjh Leonard, Daniel Leonard, Harriet Leonard, Henry W. & Matilda Leonard, Orville W. Leonhard, Fanny Leonhauser, John Chas. Leo3% Katie Lerigo, ]\Iargaret Leslie, John S. Leslie, Robert Leswing, Henry Leswing, John Frederick & wife Leupin, Emil & wife Levi, Eliza Le\-ie, James Levie, Wm. H. Lewis, Chas. W. Lewis, Hannah Davis Lewis, Wallace J. Lewis, William Lienarz, Adolf .A. Lillibridge, Kalherine H. Lincoln, Emma Lincoln, John Lind, Charlotta Lind, ]\Iary Lindners, John Lindsle}', Louise M. Liotard, Louis F. Lister, Joseph Littell, Wm. .Vrchibald Little, Caroline Little, Samuel Littlewood, Fred & wife Llewelyn, .\nn Llo\'d, Jane Llo\d, Thomas Lock, .\rthur Lockett, John Lock wood, J. I). Lockwood, Rachel Lockwood, William 93 Loman, Chas. Longwell, James \Y. Looschen, Jared J. Loper, Chas. M. Lord, Annie B. Lord, Catherine Lord, Fred W. Lord, Mary Ann Lord, Wm. H. Lotan, Samuel Lotan, William Lotz, Frederick & IMargaretj his wife Lotz, Martha Lounsbury, Mary J. Lovatt, .\da B. Love, Sara C. Lovell, Julia A. Low, Mrs. H. M. Lowe, John Payne Lowe, Wm. Herbert Lowe, Wm. J. Lucas, Timothy C. Lucie, JMary J. Luck, David A. Ludlam, Dorothy & jMaria Ludlum, W. Theodore Ludwig, Frederick Luetten, Elizabeth Luhrs, Henry Luke, Edmon Conner Luke, Mary E. Miller Luke, William H. Lum, James Lum, John Lundquist, Hjalmar I. Luques, Herbert L. Lussi, Elizabeth Lutton, William J. Lutz, Elwood S. Lyle, Janet (Miss) L^'le, Robert Lyness, Rebecca Lyon, Lewis B. ]\IacChesnev, Saml. D. MacCulloch, John W. Mace, Martha JMacDonald, Edward J. JMacDonald, Hugh J. & wife Macdonald, John O. Macdonald, Mary Joanna JMacDonald, Thomas & wife Macdonald, Thos. A. MacGeachie, Tillie Alackay, Lotan Mackey, Laura E. & Florence M. JNIackie, Isabella Mackintosh. James H. Mackrell, Charlotte Maclagan, Geo. Maclagan, John W. H. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Macpherson, Agnes B. Macpherson, Geo. W. JSIacwatty, Chas. & wife Madison, Isabella Madison, Mary Gertrude C. Maes, Leon IMaffett, Adam C. JVIagee, Wm. T. Magennis, Carrie W. Magill, John A. IMagill, Samuel Magovern, Mar\' Amanda Mahar, Louisa J. Mahar, Est. of Mary J. Mahony, Emma A. Maines, Chas. Frederick Mainey, Ann Ellen Makepeace, Margaret Makepeace, William Malcolm, Emma E. Malcolm, Margaret P. Malcolm, Wm. Malcolm, Wm. S. Mallery, William Mallon, Elizabeth Mallon, John Malloy, Martha Malstrom, Andrew Manchee, Leonard W., Wm. & Wilfred A. Manchee, Wilfrid A. Mandell, G. Mandell, Mary G. Mandigo, Abram Mangold, Albert Mann, Percy E. Mann, Phoebe C. Preswich Manson, John E. Manter, Reinhold Mapps, Morris Marcy, Jos. E. & John F. Mardle, Henry Markert, Carrie Marselis, John D. Marselis, JSIary Marsellus, Catherine IVLarsellus, John C. Marsellus, Peter E. Marsh, Ann Marsh, Chas. M. Marsh, EHas J. Marsh, Frederick B. Marsh, Stanford Marsh, Thos. Marsh, Wm. H. Marshall, Abraham Marshall, Amos Marshall, Henry Marshall, Joseph Marshall, Mary Marshall, Warner S. Martin, Barbara Martin, James Martin, Jas. L. & Mary M. Martin, Jane Martin, Luther H. Martin, Mabel & Walter C. Martin, Martha T. Martin, Mary & James Martin, Saml. C. Masker, Abraham Mason, Edgar M. Mason, EHzabeth D. Mason, Geo. C. Mason, Jacob & wife Mason, James H. Mason, Joseph Mason, John Mason, John B. Mason, Wm., Jr. Massaker, J. H. Mastenbrook, John Matchett, David Mathe, William Mather, Ernest Mather, James H. Matthews, Irving C. Matthews, Thos. Mattison, Charles H. May, Maria May, Martha L. May, Michael B. Maybury, James, Sr. Mayers, James Mayhew, Francis H. Mead, John C. Mead, Phebe Mead, Sarah A. Meakle, Sarah A. Meding, Charles E. Meisch, John Meister, Rosie Meleney, James W. Meller, James Meller, John P. Mellor, Alice Mellor, Jennie Mendell, Mary M. Mennel, Christian Mennel, Christian & wife Mennel, Wm. Mentnick, Philip Merboldt, Mary Mercer, Andrew Mercer, Petrina Mercier, Wm. Merdein, Emma De Muth, et al. Meredith, Saml. & Mary Ann, his wife Merikle, Isaac L. H. Merkel, John L. Merrett, Ezra Merrick, Edwin Merrick, Noah Merrill, Clara C. 95 Merrill, Elizabeth F. & James F. Merrill, John R. Merrill, Sherburne R. Merritt, Geo. W. & John C. Mersehs, Bertha M. Merselis, Edo I. Merselis, Jane Mersehs, John H. Merselis, John H., Edwin, Stephen, William B. & Elizabeth Merselis, Peter J. Mersehs, Sarah V. Mersehs, Stephen Mersehs, Wm. B. Mersereau, Edwin F. &jwife Mertell, Herman E. Mertens, Elizabeth Meshew, Margaret R. Mesler, Rachel A. Messenger, Annie Mewhiney, John Mewhiney, Joseph Meyer, Catharine Meyer, Catherine D. Meyer, Jacob G. A. Meyers, Elizabeth Mick, Jacob Mick, Jeannette, Emma & Jacob Mickle, James A. Microp, Mina, Cornelius Middleton, Geo. C. & \N. H. Miedendorp, Wm. H. Milano, Rosina, Peter, Emiho Millar, Wm. S. & John JMiller, Andrew & John Geo. Miller, Annie A. JMiller, Barbara Miller, Mrs. Christian JMiller, Clara E. Miller, Clifford Jones Miller, Cyrus Miller, Daniel (Guardian) Miller, David JMiller, Eliza Miller, Geo. W. Miller, Hattie M. Miller, James Miller, John JMiller, John W. JMiller, Josejih F. Miller, Joseph R. JMiller, Marv E. Miller, Peter M. JMiller, Robt., Estate of Miller, Sarah J. JMiller, Thomas JMiller, Tillic Miller, William Miller, Wm. A. JMiller, Wm. F. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY :Millcr, William J. ^lillcrchip, Amelia & Emily IMilligan, Da\id (Guardian) ]\liliington, Aaron ^lillington, John jMillington, Leah ^Millison, Elizabeth ]\Iillnett, Catherine :Mills, Elizabeth F. Mills, Cieorge M'Ah, Herbert W. IMills, Julia X. JNIills, ]\Iargaret jNIills, :\Iartha J. JNIilne, Geo. A. JMilne, William jMilnes, Henry JNlilnes, Henr}' & Wm. ]\Iinish, James G. ISIitchell, Albert E. ^Mitchell, AmeHa ISIitchell, Gertrude O. jMitcheU, Henr\- ^Mitchell, Henry & Catherine, his wife ^Mitchell, James Mitchell, Jennie Moffet, Sarah C. JMoffett, Frederick Mollen, Garret Henry Moller, Katie & husband Molteni, Domenico Mombert, Frederick A. Monday, Garret ^\'. & Cor- nelius Mondrick, Annie Monin, Victor Monks, Lizzie Monroe, James Montalant, Maria Montalent, jNIarie P. Montgomery, Margaret & Robert Montgomery, Robert Montanye, Olin D. L. Montrose, Catherine Montrose, Wm. H. & wife Moody, Ernest R. Moore, Carrie E. Moore, Edward Moore, Geo. A. & wife ]\Ioore, Est. of Isabella ]\Ioore, Jacob W. & Louisa A. ]\Ioore, James iloore, John E. Moore, Margaret J. & Wm. W. Moore, Saml. F. & wife Moore, Sarah J. .Moore, Thos. & wife Moran^cl, Corydon F. JVloreHead, Charles ;Moi"ehead, Chas. F. ]Morehead, John & Chas. :Morehead, Robt. B. .Morehead, Sarah jMorehead, Sarah A. Alorehouse, Elias Morejohn, Francis A. Moreiand, John & Leonard Morgan, Ale.x'r W. Morgan, Elizabeth Morgan, Fanny R. jVIorgan, Frances JVIorgan, John Morgan, John N. Morgan, Kate Morlot, George Morrell, Richard jMorris, Emma A. Morrison, Adam ^Morrison, Andrew X. iSIorrison, James Morrison, Henry jMorrison, John Morrison, Margaret jSIorrison, Wm. S. JNIorrow, George Morrow, James W. Morrow, John H. Morrow, John J. Morrow, Lizzie Morrow, ^Margaret JNIorrow, ]\Iary E. ]\Iorrow, Sophia jMorrow, \\'m. ]\Iorrow, Wm. B. jSIorse, Aaron Morse, Edwin C. Morse, John M. jMort, Joseph Mortimer, John Mortimore, Frank T. & wife Morton, Robt. Moseley, Charles Moseley, Henry Moser, Andrew Moses, Amanda M. Moses, John C. Moss, Saml., James A. & Charlotta Moss, Michael Mosson, Mary IMount, Sarah E. Mo\-er, jMaggie Moyer, Richard & Dora, his wife IVIuhs, Henr\- ^luhs, Henr\- Louis Mulhern, \\'m. M. Mullcr, August J. JMuller, Eliza Mullcr, Elizabeth .Muller, Mary Mullcr, Werner ]\Iundy, Rose IMary 97 Munn, A. G. iMunn, Samuel ^Munn, Saml. & .\bram G. (Trustees) Munn, A. G., Jr. Munroe, John A. Munson, Albert G. JMunson, Carrie JVIunson, Lewis JVIunson, Alinnie T. Munson, Xettie Laura Munson, Phebe Munson, U. V. Mura, Martin JVIurphv, Boetius Murphy, Ellen F. Murpln-, John, Excr. Murphy, John F. JMurray, Lavinia ^luse, Peter & wife Muth, Julia jMuth, Casper Muth, Henr}- Muth, JMargaret Muzik, Frank Muzz}', Saml. V. S. JMyer, Jacob JVIyers, G. A. McAlister, James McAlister, Wasliington JMcAlister, William ]\Ic.\llister, JMartha ]Mc.\llister, jSIarv Ann JMcCarthy, Elizabeth McCarthy-, j\Iary E. McCaulden, Margaret McCausland, Geo. A. & Saml. McClean, Isabella McClean, Robt. McCleece, Cornelius JMcCleece, James McClellan, Catherine A. JMcCloud, Wm. G. McCracken, Mary E. JMcCrea, Elizabeth Ann McCreerv, James H. McCulloch, Robt. McCulh', Emeline McCully, P'rancis K. JMcDaniel, Gilbert McDonald, Alexander JMcDonald, Robt. H. .AIcDougall, Hugh JMcElroy, Annie McEwen, Edward JMcEwen, Jane, Extrix. McFadyen, Margaret JVIcFarren, John McFillin, ]*]mma jMcGaw, Hannah ]\IcGee, Mary E. JMcGibbon, Wm. C. McGill, William CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY ]McGkde, IMary jMcGlashan, Matilda ]McGlure, James McGregor, Bella ]\IcGregor, Marv H. JNIcGregor, W. P. jVIcGregor, Walter S. McGrogaii, Ann McGrogan, James Mcllwaine, Wm. Mcllwrath, ]\Iatilda Alclnnes, Anna !McKay, Kate McKay, Neil McKeague, Mina McKee, James W. AIcKee, JMargaret JMcKee, ]\Iary Ann JMcKelvey, Chas. D. McKenzie, William McKeon, Parthenea D. McKewan, George McKewin, Samuel McKinnon, John McKinzie, Peter McLane, Charles McLane, William McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, Louise McLaughlin, Robt. L. McLean, Alex'r McLean, Andrew McLean, Harry McLean, John McLean, Thomas McLees, JMary A. McLellan, Chas. F. McMahon, John McMains, William McMunn, Jane, Margaret, Mary McMurray, Louise McNab, Isabella McNab, JMatilda McNeill, Charles Naef, Caroline Nathan, Chas. C. Naumann, Frank Naumann, JVIarie Naumann, Wilhelm C. Neal, Mary Neal, Samuel Neale, Arthur R. & Lulu P. his wife Neale, James Neale, James & wife Neer, John Near, Rush Neer, Rush, Excr. Neill, John F. Neill, Margaret A. Neill, Thomas Nelson, Chas. F. & Alice, his wife Nelson, Richard Nelson, William Nesslage, John H. W. Netz, Frederick L. Neuenhaus, Antoinette Nevins, Wm. H. Newell, Geo. L. Newkirk, Arrianna Newman, Chas. R. Newman, Wm. C. Newton, Wm. K. Niblo, Ellie Niclas, William A. Nichols, Robert Nickweiler, John Nield, Ann Nightingale, Jas. C, Excr. Nightingale, John & Joseph Nimewegen, Garret Noblett, Arthur W. Noblett, Bertha R. Norene, Louis M. Norman, Annie Norman, Harriet Norman, Mathias Norman, Wm. H. Norris, James, Jr. Norton, Julia K. Northrop, Julia Norwood, Delia J. Norwood, John Norwood, John, Trustee Norwood, Robert Norwood, Robt. & Mira Nussey, Joseph Nuttall, Sarah Ann Nutting, Marv Nutley, Wm. H. Nyenliouse, John H. Gates, Edward Brooke Gates, Ehza Gates, George Oakley, Chas. W. Oatman, Jacob M. Gates, George, Jr. Oberg, Peter O'Blenis, John H. O'Blenis, Peter O'Brien, John T. Ochs, Lena Oddy, Christopher O'DeU, Harrv Odell, Henry O'Dell, Miles Oeser, Anna Offord, Sarah Etta Offt, Wm. Ogden, Mary, Estate Okell, Hannah Okcll, :\Lary 99 Oldham, David Oldis, Wm. F. & wife Oliphant, William Olmsted, Edward K. Onsted, Wilson B. & Annie E. Oothout, Mary A. Orange, Hannah Louise Orr, Philip Orr, Sadie E. Orr, Thomas Orr, William Ja\- Osborn, Edward Osborn, Peter Y. Osborn, William A. Osborne, Augustus, Sr., & Catherine, his wife Osborne, Eliza Jane Ostrander, Eliza M. Otton, Frederick O. Oudendyke, Pauline Outwater, Nellie Outwater, Richard H. Overdyking, Richard J. Owens, James Ower, Hay Ower, Peter Ower, Peter, Jr. Pack, Wm. H. Packer, Levina Page, Elizabeth Page, Francis A. Pages, JMarie & Emily Palmer, Aletta B., Stephen H. & Nelson Palmer, James Palmer, S. Fielder Palmer, Winifred V. & Nelson G. Parcells, John J. Parch', Peter Park, John Park, Josephine M. Parke, Henry Parker, Ada Frances Parker, Ann Parker, Ann C. Parker, Fred'k A. Parker, J. Banks Parker, James Parker, Joseph Parker, Wm. E. Parkins, Eliza Parks, Annie M. Parliman, Bradley Parliman, John H. Parmeland, Ada Parmelee, Henry H. Parmley, Elmore Parmly, Sarah M. Parsons, Belle P. Partridge, Edna E. Partridge, Jane CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Paterson Protestant Orphan Asylum Paterson Safe Dep. & Trust Co. — Excr. Patmos, Jacob & wife Patrick, James Patterson, Alexander Patterson, John E. Patterson, Josiah Patterson, Rose Patterson, ^\'m. Paiilison, Amelia E. Paulison, C. M. K. Paxton, Abram Paxton, John P. Paxton, Jos. & Kittie L. Paxton, Louisa B. Payne, Emma Payne, Louise H. Pearce, Catherine Z. Pearce, Mary A. Pearl, Julia S. Pearman, Caroline Pearman, David Pearman, Ernest J. Pearman, Harry Pearson, James Pearson, Samuel Pearson, \\'m. Pearson, W. E. Pedrick, .\lfred C. Peel, James Pehle, Est. of Ernst Pelgram, Eliza .^L Pell, John H., Fred'k .V., Wm. A., Ella Laura Peltz, :\Iary E. Pelucchi, Emilio & wife Pengilly, Josiah W. Penney, Wm. J. Penny, ^largaret Pepper, Stephen T. Perkins, ^Lirgaret A. Perrin, ^larie Perry, Daniel & JMary J., his wife Perry, Edward L. Perr\', Eliza Perr\', Geo. W. Perry, Wm. B. Perr\-, \\'m. S. Peter, James Peterer, ^Madeline Peters, Elizabeth Ann Peters, John A. Peters, Thos. G. Peters, Walter Peterson, .\nna S. Peterson, Geo. H. Peterson, Cierhard H. Peterson, Herman D. Peterson, J. H. Peterson, Est. of Jane Peterson, Nettie Scott Petrie, David Petry, Cornelius L. Petry, Elizabeth Petry, Geo. Daniel, Sarah & Daniel S. Pettengill, Katherine Pettigrew, Thomas Pettigrew, Thos., Excr. Pett}-, Elenora B. Pfafflein, Frederick Pfannebecker, Phillip Pfeil, C. Pfister, .\lfred Phelps, Lucius J. Philhower, Charity Phillips, Benj. F. Phillips, Sadie R. Phillips, Wm. Phillips, Wm. B. Phillis, James Piaget, A. W. Piaget, Cornelia A. Piaget, Louis .\. Pickford, Anthony Pickford, Wm. Pierce, Edwin Pierce, George Pierce, John Pierce, Wm. Pierce, W. & J. R. Pierson, Hiram Pierson, Walter T. Pilgrim, Claudia V. Pilkington, iMary J. Pinkerton, Thomas Plant, Jane Planten, Garret Planten, Martha .\nn Piatt, James Piatt, John W. & Amelia Piatt, Thomas Plog, Annie & husband Plog, Benjamin Plumstead, ^Margaret Plumpton, Alison Pohlman, John Poillon, John H. Pojanowski, .\nnie j\L Polhamus, Aaron, Jr. Polhamus, Da\-id Polhemus, Jacob Polhemus, Lizzie W. Polhemus, ^linnie Polhemus, Rachel E. Pollard, Charles Polle\-, John F. Pollitt, (leo.W. & EmelinelL Pollitt, John T. Poole, .\manda Poole, Isaac Poole, Mary Popple, Emly E. 101 Porrett, George Porritt, John Porter, .\lexander .\. Porter, Wm. B. & wife Porter, Wm. S. Post, Abraham, Jr. Post, .\braham A., [r. Post, Alfred H. Post, Anna Post, Annie E. Post, Caroline B. Post, Catherine J. Post, David & Albert Post, Edward B. Post, Eliza Jane Post, Garret Post, Geo. W. Post, Henry Post, Henry P. Post, Jennie B. & Roy T. Post, James Post, John Post, John & Adrian Post, John H. Post, John J. Post, John P. Post, Marcelias Post, Margaret A. Post, ^largaret L. Post, Margaret M. Post, jMaria Post, Napoleon B. Post, Paul Post, Philip V. R. Post, Ralph W. & wife & Mabel Post, Rebecca Post, Richard I.. David D., John .\., Charity Post, Rosie Post, Sarah Post, Sarah & John G. Post, Wm. W. Potter, Eva Potts, Chas. S. & wife Potzsch, Franz G. Pousbach, Peter G. Powell, Wm. Powell, Wm. R. Powers, John H. Powers, John R. .\. Prali, .\aron Prali, Eleanor Prall, John Prali, Leonard J. Prall, Rachel M. Pratt, Wm. W. Pray, Ella C. Prehn, Thomas Prentice, John Prentice, Peter Preston, Geo. .\. Preston, Wm. Har\L\- CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Prestwick, Benjamin Price, Theodore N. Prince, Mary Probert, Arthur T. Probert, John Probert, John T. Probert, Thos. T. Proske}-, IMadgie Provan, Elizabeth J. Pruden, David Pruden, Edward H. Pulhamus, Aaron Pulis, Eugene E. Pulis, Chas. T. PuUs, Garret W. Puhs, Ida A. Pulis, Wm. Eugene Puller, Gustav Pullin, Henry T. Pullis, Jane A. Purd>', Sarah Ann Putoz, Josephine Quackenbush, Catherine Quackfenbush, Charity A. Quackenbush, David P. Quackenbush, Elizabeth Quackenbush, John Quackenbush, Peter Quackenbush, Rynier Quackenbush, Timothy Quarmh', Sarah A. Quigle\', Annie E. Quin, ^lary I. & Louise J. Quinn, ]\Iaggie Radcliff, Susan RadcUffe, James Rahfield, Chas. E., Augusta M.&MaryE. Rainey, James Ramm, Frederick Ramph, Lina Ramsden, Chas. Ramse}-, .\lbert Ramsej^, Margaret & Kate Rancier, Eliza Randall, Thos. W., Jr. Randall, Thos. W. Randol, Christiana Terhune Raney, Geo. & Elizabeth A., his wife Raney, Richard Rankin, James Rankin, Jean Ransley, John Ratsch, Ernest B. Ratzer, Elizabeth Rauchfuss, Leah Margaret Rawson, Ann Rawson, Thos. & Margaret Rawson, Thomas, Trustee Rav, Elizabeth Ray, Gilbert A. Raymond, David F. Raymond, John L. Raynar, James A. & Chas. H. Raynor, Wm. H. Rayot, Albert H. Rea, Amanda Rea, Margaret, ]\Iary J., Georgiana Rea, Wm. Read, William Reader, Albert J. Real, Dorothy Real, John Rear, Ann, MaryK. & Chas.!^L Rebbeck, Frank O. Redman, Jane Redmond, Wm. Reed, Chas. Reed, Sarah L. Regner, John Regner, John E. Reid, Charles A. Reid, EUzabeth Reid, John Reid, John H. Reid, John L Reid, Nancy & Agnes Reid, Peter Reid, Peter, Trustee Reid, Wm. Reiher, Chas. F. Reimann, Jacob Reinhard, Jennie L. Reinhardt, Joseph A. Reinhart, Eugene Reinhart, J. Albert Reinhold, Max Reinstra, John B. & ]\Lary Reitz, George Remig, Leonard Remig, Leonard & Cath'n, his wife Remick, Chas. Renardson, Judith ;^L Renfrew, James Rennie, Geo. W. D. Renz, Arnold Resler, Louis Rettger, Christopher C. Reynolds, John Rej-nolds, Rebecca P. Rice, .Vrthur Wm. Rice, Chas. A. & Brownie J. Rice, Dr. F. H. Richard, James Richardson, Wm. Ricker, Peter Ridenour, Wm. B. Ridgway, Ann Ridgway, Henry Rietmulder, Cornelius Rigby, Ho! (leu 103 Rijswijk, Elizabeth Riker, David Riker, Ellen Risk, Mary Riley, Edward Riley, Eliza M. Rile}', John Riley, Marion E. Riley, Sidnej' Alfred Ringer, Adolph Rinz, Gabriel Rippey, Mary Ann Rippey, James S. Risk, Mary & Thos. H. Risk, Robt. J. Ritchie, Allan Ritchie, Allan S. Riter, Marinus & wife Ritter, Henry Riva, Margaret Robblee, Frank A. Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, Chas. E. & wife Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, John Roberts, JNIary Ann Roberts, Sarah R. Roberts, Wm. H. Robertson, CoUn T. Robertson, Diana Robertson, Ellis Robertson, John Robertson, John C. G. Robinson, Agnes D. Robinson, Amanda M. Robinson, Geo. Robinson, Henry S. Robinson, Henry T. Robinson, Ireland Robinson, James Robinson, James S. Robinson, James S. G. Robinson, John H. Robinson, Kate E. Robinson, Louisa Robinson, jNIiriam C. Rockwell, Andrew B. Roe, David Roe, Jane Roe, John C. Roedel, Louise W. Roehrs, Julius Rogers, Aicx'r Rogers, Alex'r W. Rogers, Emma Rogers, Jacob S. Rogers, James H. Rogers, Jason Est. Rogers, Mary Ann Rogers, ALary & Georgina Rogers, Susie Rogers, Thomas Rohde, F. J. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Rohloff, Ernest Romainc, Dc Witt Romainc, Hclmas Romaine, Jolin W. Romaine, JMartin R. & John B. Ronaldson, Jennie Roney, Ida Ronk, Eleanor (i. Roscoe, Jas. H. & B^'ron E. Rose, Allen \\\ Rose, Asa & Benton, Trustees Rose, Augusta A. Rose, Ebenezer K. Rose, Geo. K. Rose, Geo. W. Rose, Helen Rose, Jacob Rosenheim, Ralph Rosewaine, John Ross, Adam & Mary Ross, Ellen Ross, Hamilton ]M., Sr. Ross, Ham.ilton M., Jr. Rossiter, Jennie Roswell, Phebe E. Rosz, John Rote, Eliza Roth, Emma Roth, Frederick Rothenberger, Charles Row, John Row, Wm. Rowe, James Rowland, Elizabeth Rowland, Thomas Rowlands, Margaret J. Rowlee, Geo. T. & wife Rowson, Peter R. Royle, John Royle, John, Jr. Royle, \'ernon Royle, \'ernon & John, Jr. Rozell, Nicholas Rozell, Wm. Ruben, Cornelius Rudman, Elrena Ruegg, Emm.a Ruff, Catherine Ruffner, \'ictor Rumler, John J. Rumpler, Chas. Rundle, Geo. L. Runge, .\nna E. RmiN'on, Agnes C. Rushmer, William Rusling, Geo. J\E Rusling, Joseph L. Rusling, \'an Dyck Russell, Ellen Russell, Frederick R. Russell, Jose])hinc H. Russell, Robert & wife Russell, Thomas Rust, Geo. P. Rutan, Abraham R. Rutan, John P. Rutan, Lucetta Rutt, Herbert C. & wife Rutten, Jacob R\an, Emma E. Ryan, Hannah Ryan, Jane Ryer, Petrina Ryerson, Caroline Ryerson, Chas. A. W. Ryerson, Ella Ryerson, Garrabrant Ryerson, Ira Ryerson, Martin Ryerson, ]Mary R}'erson, Theodore Ryle, John R>-le, John C. Ryle, Katharine H. Rvle, Mary E. Ryle, Peter, Thos. M. & Jemima Ryle, Wm. Ryle, Wm. & Rueben Ryle, Wm., Trustee Saal, Christopher G. Saal, D. & Louisa Saal, EUzabeth Saal, Geo. F. Sadler, Mary A. & Ella M. Saerland, Wm. J. Sagar, Emma M. Sagar, Saml. & wife Sahsbur>', Alice Salisbury, Edward Salisbury, Robt. Salmon, Wm. B. Sampson, Anna Samuels, Charlotte E. Samuels, James N. Sanders, Annie J. Sanders, Charles Sanders, Chas. M. Sanderson, Benjamin Sanderson, Chas. Sanderson, James F. Sanderson, John Sanderson, Wm., Sr. Sandford, Peregrine & sons Sandford, Cornelius Sandford, Elizabeth J. Sandford, Ellen A. Sandford, Jacob Sandford, John Sandford, Leonard Sands, Geo. A. Sangstone, Mary B. Saulsbury, Fred. & Elizabeth Saunders, Bertram H. 105 Saunders, Eliza Saunders, John Savage, Geo. J. Savary, Louise Saxon, Wm. James Saxton, John Scales, Joseph Schaaf, Sarah Schadegg, John Schadkenberg, John & wife Schacfer, Louis Schagen, Albert Schagen, William & wife Scharff, Joseph H. Schatzkin, r'dizabeth A. Schaub, Marie Schaub, Wm. Schauble, Wm. J. Scheck, Geo. T. Schember, Mary Schilinski, I">dward Schilling, George Schlenz, Julius Schmalfeldt, Frederick & wife Schmid, Otto Schmidt, Eva ^Margaret Schmidt, Herman A. Schmidt, John Schmirgert, Catherine Schmidt, J. Frederick Schmitz, Angelieka Schmutz, Bertha Schnatz, Henry Schneeweiss, Adolph E. Schneider, Chas. C. Schnell, Kelmens Schnetz, Emelie Schoen, Adolph Schoendorf, Nicholas Schofield, Jonathan Schofield, JNLaria Schofield, Mary A. Schofield, Wilfred Schoonmaker, Annie E. Schoonmaker, Isaac Schoonmaker, James H. Schoonmaker, Jacob D. Schoonmaker, Sarah jSI. Schondorf, Carl F. & wife Schott, Philip Schroeder, Emma Schroeder, Ernest Schroeder, Henry Schroeder, Henry R. Schroeder, John Schroeder, John H. Schry\'er, Marinus Schubert, Christina Schultheis, Alfred I>ouis, Sr. Schultheis, Max Schulling, Ruth .\. Sciiumacher, Frederick .\. SchustcT, Leo CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Schuster, Robt. & wife Schweizer, Agnes Schweizer, Christina Schweizer, Theophie Schwenk, Ida Schwindenhammer, Edwin W. Schwo}', Elizabeth H. Schwoy, Alary Scollon, James Scott, Ann A. Scott, Francis, Jr. Scott, Geo. Scott, Henry L. Scott, John J. Scott, Lena J. Scott, JNIartha Scott, Matilda Scott, Robt. W. Scott, Wm. Scott, Wm. D. Scott, Wm. G. & Isabella Scott, Wm. W. & Winfield T. Scull, Sarah Scussel, Michael Seager, Jane Seaton, James Seeker, Wm. K. Secor, Ambrose Secor, Ambros F. Secor, Mortimor Seddon, Sarah G. Seddon, Wm. Seddon, Wm. D. See, Ann See, Chas. Wm. See, Wm. & Frederick Seed, Wallace Walter Seel, Wm. Seibel, Margaret Seibert, Mary F. Seil, Charles Sell, Louis & wife Sella, Joseph SeUis, Jane Sengstack, Caesar R. & Adolph E. Senior, David J., Amelia, Mary L. Senior, Wm. Serven, Nancy Servens, Ehza Setz, John H. Sexton, Ami Seymour, Chas. F. Seymour, Harriet C. Shafer, Luther Shaffer, Mrs. Louis Shane, Annie T. Shannon, Emma Shannon, Sadie Sharp, \\'m. H. Sharrah, Jennie Shaw, Agnes Shaw, .Annie Shaw, Betsy Shaw, Betty Shaw, Emily Shaw, Hugh Shaw, Israel & Chas. V. Shaw, James Shaw, Jennie A. Shaw, John Shaw, Mary Campbell Sheely, Anna A. Sheldon, Est. Sam'l Shelp, Mary A. Shephard, Isabella E. Shephard, Mary, Excr. Sherlock, Esther M. Sherman, Harriet & Frank Sherman, Henry Sherman, W^m. Sherrett, Chas. Sherrett, Thomas Sherwood, Charity-M. Sherwood, Samuel S. Shields, Ella R. Shields, Fred S. & wife Shields, Herbert B. & wife Shields, Lucinda Shields, Patrick H. Shinton, Wm. Shirrell, James Shore, Thomas Shore, Thomas, Jr. Shorrock, John D. Shorrock, Mary A. Shorrock, Thos. B. Shotten, Ralph Shriner, JMiriam C. Shugg, Wm. H. Sickles, David B. Siegrist, Chas. & wife Siegrist, Johanna Siemons, Louis Sigler, Chas. Sigler, Isaac J. Sikkelee, Louis & wife Sikkelcc, Nan & wife Silk Industrial Ass'n Silvernail, Frank H. Simister, Theophilus & wife Simmons, Ann Elizabeth Simmons, Catherine Simmons, Ellen C. Simmons, James H. & wife Simonton, James Simonton, Juha F. Simonton, Saml. H. & Chas. C. Simonton, Thomas C. Simpson, Frederick Simpson, Geo. Simpson, Henry D. Simpson, James 107 Simpson, James E. Simpson, John & Jane Simpson, jVIargaret J. Simpson, Samuel M. Sip, Aaron Sipp, Grant Sipp, John & Grant Sipp, Marie & Jane Sisco, Chas. & Solomon Siverson, Wm. C. Sjoberg, Waldemar Skeels, Bessie Wilkins Skelton, Annie E. Skelton, Eliza J. Skelton, Grace Skidmore, Samuel Skinner, Ehzabeth Slater, Eliza Slater, Eliz. S. & husband Slater, John Slater, John J. Slater, Robt. A. Slingland, Chas. E. Slingland, Edward SHngland, Geo. Slingland, John Slingland, John J. Slingland, Nicholas Slingland, Thomas Slingland, Thos. V. Sloat, John Sloat, Sarah Sloper, Jennie Small, Chas. S. Aylmer Small, Geo. L. Smallfield, Robert J. Smallwood, Ann Smallwood, James Smart, Catherine Smead, Adolphus Smit, Willempie Smith, Aaron P. Smith, Abraham Smith, Alex., Wm. & Frank Smith, Ann Smith, Ann Maria Smith, Archibald H. Smith, Augusta E. Smith, Blanche R. Smith, Catherine M. Smith, Clara Smith, Clarissa Smith, Cyrus C. Smith, Daniel B. Smith, Daniel D. Smith, David Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth H. Smith, George Smith, Harmon G. Smith, Est. Hiram J. Smith, Irving C. & Wm. .\drian CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Smith, Jacob N. Smith, James F. Smith, Jane Smith, Jemima Smith, John Smith, John H. Smith, John T. Smith, Joseph A. Smith, JuHa P. Smith, Kittie F. Smith, Laurastine C. Smith, Letty Smith, Luther L. Smith, Maria Smith, JMar^aret Smith, Margaret E. Smith, Martha Smith, Mary Smith, M. Jennie Smith, Mildred J. Smith, Robert Smith, Robt. H. Smith, Saml. Smith, Sarah Smith, Sarah A. Smith, Susan L. Smith, Thomas Smith, Wm. Smith, William C. Smith, Wm. C, Rachel I). & Fred B. & Donald T. Smith, Wright Smithers, Betsy Smyhe, James M. Smj'th, John R. Smythe, R. L. Sneden, Geo. L. Snew, Ellen E. Snow, Ella Snow, Sarah H. R. Snowden, Leona M. Snyder, James L. Snyder, Jennet N. Snj'der, Ehzabeth E. Snyder, Lettie A. Snyder, Ten Eyck D. Snyder, Wm. V. Society Useful JVIanufactures Sohmer, Benedict Sommerfeld, Chas. Sommers, Frederica & Henr}- Sommerville, Alexander Sommerville, Wm. Soule, F. W. Soule, Francis W. Soule, F. A. Soule, Frederick A. Souter, Wm. Sowerbutt, Nancy S. Spaeth, Ehzabeth Spangenmacher, Augusta L., Raymond Spanton, Carrie Spanton, Seth B. Sparrenberger, Gertrude Speaker, Cornelius Spear, Albert Spear, Cornelius I. Spear, David Spear, George Spear, Jacob Spear, Margaret Spear, Margaret A. Spear, Rose M. Speckers, John W. P. Speer, Anna Speer, A. Wesley Speer, Delia E. Speer, Edward Speer, Ellen E. Speer, Henry Speer, Henry A. Speer, James Speer, James H. Speer, John A. Speer, John T. Speer, Maria Speer, Mary J. Speirs, Elizabeth May Spence, CaroHne Spence, Thos. H. Spencer, Burt Spencer, Lucius F. Spencer, Wm. j\L Spengeman, Edward A. Spickers, Wm. Spiegel, Annie E. Spier, Hugh Spiers, Wm. Spindler, Frederick Sprague, Enos H. Spraiggins, Joseph H. Sprattler, Christina Sprattler, Ciustav Spreen, Catherine Spreitzer, Christina & Char- lotte Spreitzer, Josephine Spreitzer, Martin Sprietzer, Geo. Springer, Chas. Sproat, David Sproat, John R. Staada, Christian Stager, Susan Stagg, Abraham R. Stagg, Albert W. Stagg, Ann IMaria Stagg, John Stagg, IMary C. Stagg, Peter Stagg, Tunis Stahl, Mary E. Stanley, Wm. Stansbury, Chas. C. Stansbury, Rachel 109 Stansfield, James Stansfield, John Stanton, Catherine Stapleton, Agnes Stapleton, Benj. A. Stapleton, Isaac Starck, Philip Stark, Wm. D. Steadman, Josephine Steele, James Steiger, Henry Steinhauser, Henry Steinhilber, JMartin Stelle, Lawrence J. & Alex. D. Stelle, Louis R. Stephens, Elizabeth R. Stephens, Rachel Stephenson, Wm. Sterrett, Sarah E. Stevens, yVlbert C. Stevens, Caroline Stevens, C. Guy Stevens, Frederick Stewart, Andrew Stewart, Ann Stewart, .Annie Stewart, Catherine Stewart, David Stewart, David & wife Stewart, Isabelle Stewart, John Stewart, Mrs. Mathew Stewart, Sarah & Letitia Stiles, Ezra M. Stiles, Geo. W., Jas. J., Parker Still, Charlotte Still, Sarah E. Stinson, Geo. B. Stinson, Wm. & Benj., Exrs. Stirling, William Stites, Chas. S. Stocker, Salome Stocum, Catherine F. Stoddard, Alice J. Stoddard, Frances M. Stoddard, James Stoddard, Sarah J. Stohler, Alberlina Stohr, John Stokes, Emma Stokoe, Thomas Stolz, August & Annie E., his wife Stone, James Stone, Sarah Stoneley, Alary Ann & Harry G. S toner, Wm. Storey, James A. Storms, .\braham Storms, Catherine Storms, Garrett H. & wife CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Storms, George Symington, Alexander Terhune, Helen A. Storms, Geo. F. Symington, James & wife Terhune, Herman V. D. Storms, Jennie M. Terhune, Henry V. E. Storms, William Tack, Abraham Terhune, John Stoiitenborough, Alfred Taggart, Matilda D. Terhune, John N. Stoutenborough, Alfred, Exr. Tainter, Horace B. Terhune, Maria E. Stoiitenborough, Alfred, Jr. Talcott, Annie Mercereau Terhune, Nicholas P. Stoutenborough, Wm. Talks, Elizabeth E. Terhune, Percy H. Stoutenburg, Jas. E. Tallis, Alfred Terhune, Peter J. Strachan, James Tallman, Eliza R, Terhune, Sophia Strange, Wm. Tanis, Hubert Terriberr}^, Geo. W. Stratton, Martha C. Tanis, Jacob H. Tevendale, William Straub, Edith Tanis, Job Thayer, Geo. A. Straut, Jennie Tanis, John Thiblier, Anthony Straut, Richard J. & Hannah Tanis, Komer Thiessen, Herbert & wife Straw, Ellen Tanner, Minnie Thom, Mary, James & Alex- Strayer, Jennie E. Tardy, Catherine ander Strayer, Lavinia & ]\Iagda- Tarleton, Maggie E. Thomas, Elizabeth lena Tattersall, Annie Thomas, Isaac Streckfuss, Wilhelmina Tattersall, Geo. R. Thomas, WiUiam & wife Strong, Geo. W. Taylor, Alexr. Thompson, .\ndrew Stroud, Mary Ann Taylor, Alexander M. & Jas. Thompson Bros. Struck, John Taylor, Amelia Thompson, Fannie Strutt, Agnes Taylor, Amery M. Thompson, Fernando C. Stuart, Andrew F. Taylor, Chas. J. Thompson, Israel L. Stumpf, Elizabeth Taylor, Cora Ryerson Thompson, James & Julia Sturm, Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabeth Thompson, Maggie Styles, James Taylor, Emily Thompson, Matilda Suitor, Wm. Taylor, Emily W. Thompson, Samuel Sullivan, Joseph Ta,ylor, Emma Thompson, Saml. R. Sutcliff, Henry Taylor, E\-an & wife Thompson, Sarah Sutherland, Wm. Taylor, Frances Thompson, Sarah Ellen Sutter, Annie Taylor, Geo. E. Thompson, Wm. Sutter, Eliz. Taylor, George Thompson, Wm. L. Suttle, Catherine Taylor, Jas W. Thomson, Arthur Suttle, Matthew Taylor, John Thomson, Geo. H. Suttle, Wm. T. Taylor, J. N. Thomson, Henry Sutton, John Taylor, John W. Thomson, John Sutton, Wm. Taylor, John & wife Thomson, Robert Svenson, Albert S. Taylor, Joseph & wife Thorne, Annie E. Swain, Clara Taylor, Josephine Thorp, Anna F. Swan, Frank M. Taylor, Mary Thorp, Samuel Swan, James Arthur Taylor, Mary H. Thorp, Sarah E. Swan, Lizzie Anna Taylor, Mary Matilda Thorpe, Eliz. R. Swartz, Andrew & Wm. M. Taylor, Minnie & Chas. B. Thorpe, Sarah & John T. Swenson, Jennie E. Taylor, Robt. C. Threlfall, Fanny Swenson, John & wife Taylor, Rose Thrift, Orlando Swick, Richard Taylor, Samuel Thrift, Walter H. & wife Swift, Geo., Exr. Taylor, Wm. H. & Joseph Thrift, William Swift, Geo., Mar}^ M. Taylor, Wm. S. Thurston, James 0. Swift, John Taylor, Thos. Thurston, Maria L. Swift, Wellington Teal, Benj. F. Thurston, Sarah J. & Henry Swift, Wm. Teale, Alfred N. Swift, Wm. & John H. Tebbs, John Tibby, John Swinburne, John Tedford, William Tibby, Wm. C. Swinburne, Wm. Telford, Sarah A. Tice, Hannah Swindell, Eliza Terhune, Albert A. & John (). Tichane, Raoul & wife Swindells, Joel Terhune, Andrew Z. Tichler, John J. Swinley, Robt. H. Terhune, Bessie Tiddcns, Jacob Sword, Wm. Terhune, CorneHus S. Tiddes, John Sykes, Joseph E. Terhune, Edith H. Tier, Austin Sykes, Thos. & Samuel Terhune, Ellen & Peter Tier, Mary Sylvander, .Amelia M. Terhune, Garret Tier, William 111 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Tiers, James Tierson, Jennie S. Tiffany, James H. Tillier; William Tillotson, Saml. J., Jr. Tillotson, Saml. J. & wife Tilton, Margaret C. Tillsley, Thos. & wife Tims, .\nna ]M. Tindall, Richard B. Tinquer, Susan C. Titus, Austin Titus, Le\-inia Titus, JNIargaret B. Titus, Marv Titus, Mary :\I. Titus, Richard Todd, .\nnie M. Todd, Emily F. Todd, Joseph C. Todd, i\Iary Toll, Raymond R. Tompkins, Geo. B. Tooney, James Tops, Margaret Torbet, Frank T. Torbet, Robt. M. Torncjuest, Peter Totten, John O. Totten, Samuel Touw, Richard & Kommertje Townle\', Wm. G. Townsend, Nathaniel and Zebulon E. Traud, Joseph Travis, Floyd Treadwell, Mar}' L. Tregidgo, Henr\- Charles & wife Tremain, Chas. F.. Tremper, Alfred J. Tremper, Hiram P. Trimble, Geo F. & Sarah Trimble, Sarah Trowbridge, Jas. A. Truax, Augustus C. Tryon, ^lead H. Tschudin, Elise Tschudin, Gusta\e Tschudin, Jacob Tunis, Martin Tunstill, John Turnbull, l)a\i(l Turner, Edward Turner, James Turner, James .\. Turner, Ralj^h Turner, W'm. F. Turton, Henr}- Turton, Marv X. Tattle, Eliz. A. Tuttle, Socrates Twist, Ernest E. Tygert, Elizabeth Tynan, Leonard J. & wife UUman, William Ulrich, Bessie G. Ulrich, Carl F. Urban, Ernest Urmson, Samuel Utter, H. B. Vacher, JNIartha R. Vail, Leah E. Vail, JMartha Vale, Ellen Valerius, Emma A. Valtz, JSIarguerite Van Allen, Peter Van Arsdale, Elias S. Van Arsdale, Nathaniel H. Van Arsdel, .\ndrew Van Asperan, Catherine Van Beuren, Emma .^L Van Blarcom, Albert J. Van Blarcom, C. Henry Van Blarcom, Carohne M. Van Blarcom, Cornelius, Ann M. & Isaac M. Van Blarcom, David Van Blarcom, Frederick W. Van Blarcom, Garrabrant Van Blarcom, Henry C. Van Blarcom, Isaac Van Blarcom, J. B., Excr. Van Blarcom, Mrs. James Van Blarcom, John B. Van Blarcom, Josephine ^l. Van Blarcom, Le\'i Van Blarcom, W'm. D. & Jacob C. Van Brederode, J. C. ]\L Van Bussum, Geo. Van CI eve, Frank Van Dale, Cornelius Van Dam, Martin Van Dcrbeck, Francis I., Isaac I. Vanderbeek, Saml. I., Sr. Vanderbilt, Abram Vanderbilt, Lizzie S. Vanderbilt, Richard Van Derhoof, George Vanderhoven, Orrin Vanderlinda, Cornelius Vandermade, Ruth S. Vander Vleit, Adrian & wife Van Dcr X'liel, .\nnie Van Der\oort, Christo|)her ii. Van Der Voort, C. F. Van Dervoort, Cornelius l-'. Van Dervoort, John C. — Guardian Vandervoort, John C. Vandervoort, Prudence 113 Vanderwanda, Peter Van Deusen, Isaac S. Van Dien, Albert C. Van Dien, Jennie Van Dillen, Isaac, Sr. Van Dolsen, Annie C. Van Dorn, Jacob J. Van Drahle, (iarret Van Drahle, John H. Van Drele, Herman Van Drele, John G. Van Dusen, Josephine Van Dyck, Cornelius C. Van Dyck, Francis C. Van Dyne, Philip L. Van Eck, Leonard Van Engers, Myers Van Gieson, Aaron Van Gieson, Alice V^an Gieson, Augustus Van Gieson, Henry C. Van Gieson, Mar}' Van Handel, Cornelius, Sr. Van Hassel, Crine Van Hassel, Peter & wife Van Haste, John & wife Van Heemst, Marina Van Horn, Wm. A. Van Houten, Aaron Van Houten, .\drian V. R. Van Houten, .\nn M. & Isaac Van Houten, Anthony B. Van Houten, Catherine Van Houten, Cornelius C. Van Houten, Edward Van Houten, Edward, Jr. Van Houten, Elizabeth Van Houten, Henr}- Van Houten, Henr}' I. Van Houten, Isaac H. Van Houten, John B. & Edgar W. Van Houten, John H. Van Houten, John R. Van Houten, J. S. Van Houten, James Van Houten, Peter Van Houten, Peter .\. Van Houten, Peter \. R. Van Houten, Ralph & Sophia Van Houten, Richard Van Houten, Richard A. & Edward W. Van Houten, Richard H. \'an Iloulcn, Wm. H. H. Van Houten, Wm. T. \"an Houten, Zabriskie .\. Van Hoven, Grietje Van Hoven, Jacob & wife Van Hoven, Nicholas Van Hovenberg, Robt. E. \'an Iderstine, Edmund .\. CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Van Iderstine, Elizabeth Van Iderstine, John V. R. Van Iderstine, ]\Iary M. Van Iderstine, Richard Van Iderstine, Tunis Van Kirk, Peter S. Van Lindo, Peter Van Maanen, John L. Van Ness, Aaron Van Ness, Wallace j\I. Van Noordt, Flora A. \^an Noslrand, Jacob V^an Orden, Andrew V'an Orden, Peter & JMary M., his wife \'an Orden, Nerissa Van Pelt, John C. \'an Rensalier, William \'an Riper, Ann \"an Riper, Catherine \'an Riper, Charlotte Van Riper, Cornelius \'an Riper, Dr. Cornelius S. \'an Riper, Edwin F. \'an Riper, George \'an Riper, Geo. P. \'an Riper, Hester A. \'an Riper, Isabel S. Van Riper, Jane E. Van Riper, Jessie \'an Riper, Lucinda Van Riper, Margaret Van Riper, JMaria A. Van Riper, Mary E. Van Riper, Sarah E. Van Riper, T. Henry Van Sant, Horatio M. Van Saun, John B. Van Saun, Joseph P. Van Saun, Margaret Van Saun, Samuel A. Van Sice, John I. Van Splinter, Peter \'an Treerum, Peter & Joseph Van Teglen, Barney Van Valkenburgh, Jas. V. D. Van Vladeracken, Mary & Henry Van Voorhies, Sarah Ann Van Vorst, Garret H. Van Vorst, Jacob \'an Wagoner, .\ndrew H. Van Wagoner, Garret Van Wagoner, Isaac Van Wagoner, Peter H. Van Winkle, Albert Waling Van Winkle, Catherine Van Winkle, Cornelius X. Van Winkle, Cornelius V. R. \'an Winkle, Edo \'an Winkle, Elizabeth, .\nnie, ]Mar\-, John H. \'an Winkle, Halmagh Van Winkle, Helena V^an Winkle, Jacob \'an Winkle, J. A. \'an Winkle, John A., Excr. Van Winkle, John E. Van Winkle, John P. Van Winkle, John V. S. Van Winkle, Matilda Van Winkle, Sarah Van Winkle, Stephen Van Winkle, Theodore Van Winkle, Theodore & Helena, Excrs. Van Zile, Henrietta Varick, John Varick, Julia Varker, Josephine Vasseur, J. B. Veitch, Francis A. & wife Veith, Josephine A. Venable, Harriet Venable, Peter Veneman, Tiny Veneman, William Vernon, N. E. ^^er Noo}', John H. Verrinder, Jas. N. G. Vert, Alexander Vescelius, Isaac Vescelius, J. Edwin W. & Arthur I. Vesey, William Vehyl, Mary Visser, Johanna Vivian, Emma Vogel, George G. Vogel, Margaret Vogt, Carl H. Voorhies, Annie L. Voorhies, George Voorhies, Geo. B. Voorhis, Isaac H. Vorrath, Henry H. & wife Vreeland, Abraham Vreeland, Andrew Vreeland, Andrew D. Vreeland, Annie Vreeland, CorneHus Vreeland, David D. Vreeland, Elias A., A. J. & John Vreeland, Elias H. Vreeland, (ieo. Vreeland, Henry Vreeland, Henry R. Vreeland, Jacob Vreeland, Jacob H. Vreeland, Jane Vreeland, John C. Vreeland, John E. Vreeland, Margaret A. Wceland, Maria \rceland, Matilda 115 Vreeland, Rachel A. Vreeland, Rebecca Vreeland, Remus Vreeland, Romulus Vreeland, Wm. D. Waddel, Jane Waddell, .Margt. Wadsworth, Joseph Wagner, Anthony Wagner, Fred Wagner, John & Barbara Wagner, Verena Wainwright, Ira Waite, William Wakefield, Caroline Walder, Jacob Walder, Louis A. Walker, Geo. R. Walker, Janet Walker, Mary Walker, William Walker, Wm. F. Walker, Wm. H. Wall, Maggie Wallace, Francis Wallace, Maria Wallace, Walter W. & wife Walmsley, Richard Walsh, Matthew Walthall, Annie Walton, Mary Walz, JMary Wannamaker, Ehza Warburton, Emma Elizabeth Ward, Benj. I. Ward, Christina. JNIamie E. & Wm. F. Ward, Garret Ward, Martha Ward, Martin L. Ward, Wm., Wm. T., Chas. J. & John H. Ward, Wm. E. Ward, Zcbulon M. Ward, Zophar W. Wardle, xVlice Wardle, Charles Wardle, Henry Wardle, John Wardle, JMinnie B. Waring, Carrie M. Warner, Ann S. Warner, Caroline & Chas. H. Warner, Cornelius Warren, Ellen M. Warren, Peter Washburn, Martha Frances Wasnidgc, Henry Waterhouse, Geo. B. Waterhouse, Sarah B. Waters, Jane Waters, Sarah Belle CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Watson, Edward Watson, Edward JM. Watson, Eliza Watson, Eliza L. Watson, Helen Watson, James Watson, John Watson, Louisa Watson, Maggie Watson, jMaggie D. Watson, Samuel J. Watson, Thos. & JMaggie Watson, Wm. G., Jr. Watson, Wm. W. Watt, Est. of James Watt, Jane Watters, Archibald Watts, Alice Wa}-well, James Wavwell, Est. of Luke Wefeb, Alvin Weber, Ann Webster, Charles Weed, Edward B. Weeks, Andrew J. Wehnert, George Wehnert, John & wife Wehnert, Paulina Wcidmann, Jacob Weight, James W. Weight, Sarah E. Weinhold, Ralph Carl Weir, James H. Weir, ]\Iary Weiss, Constantin & Elise, his wife Welch, Geo. T. Welcher, jMargaret E. Welland, Jessie & Jennie Welle, Lorenz Weller, Catherine H. Wellman, Erederick A. Wells, Almira Wells, Chas. J. Wells, Geo. M. Wells, Heber Wells, ^Liry A. Wells, Estate of Reuben Wells, Susan A., Erances A. & Louisa Wclshaw, Jane Wemplc, Laura A. Wentink, Cornelius Wentink, Paul Wentink, Peter Wentink, Tunis Wenzcl, Mary Werner, I'Yanz Wessells, Hannah West, Sarah Westcott, Harry J. Westervelt, Conelius C. Weslervelt, Cornelius I. Westervelt, Cornelius S. Westervelt, David R. Westervelt, Helen A. Westervelt, James P. Westervelt, John C. Westervelt, Rev. John P. Wester\-elt, Lizzie C. Westervelt, Margaret S. Westervelt, Mary C. Westerveh, Mary H. Wester.velt, Peter A. Westervelt, Salina Westervelt, Sarah C. Westervelt, Stephen H. Wester\'elt, Susannah Westhoven, Jacob Weston, Ernest R. Weston, Jane A. We}man, John H. We\'mar, Jacob W^eymer, Chas., Idaletta & Florence A. Weymer, Sarah J. Whadcock, Eli\'ira Whadcock, Harriet Whalen, Edward P., Sr. Wharburton, Henry Wheatley, Zach. & Hannah Wheeler, Anna G. Wheeler, Edward W. & wife White, Chas. L. & Helen White, Cornelius White, David White, Elizabeth White, Geo. B. White, Henry R. White, Jacob White, James White, James, S. E. & W. C. White, Leonard White, :\Lar>' White, Peter White, Sarah I*:. Whitehead, Isabella Whitehead, Joseph Whitehead, Susie T. Whiteley, Ann Whitelcv, Josej)h Whilely, John Whileman, Elizabeth C. Whitfield, Est. of Joseph Whitford, John H. Whitley, Ralph Whillock, Harmon C. Whitmore, Wm. T., Jr Whitlaker, Edmund Whittaker, Ellen Whorwell, Askham G. & Eliza Whowell, Henry Whowcll, John & Thos. Wh\ranch, Amelia Wick, JNIary A. Wicke, Aletta 117 Wiegold, Annie Wiettisbach, Est. of'Albin Wiggins, Caroline W. Wiggins, James Wike, William Wilber, Miner\a Wilcox, Albert A. Wilco.x, Hornier .\. Wilcox, Martha .\nn Wild, Susan A. Wilde, John James Wilde, Rosa Wilder, Rachel Wiles, Lemuel M. Wiley, Cordeha Wile}', John Wiley, Marv Wiley, Wm. J. & wife Wilkes, Alfred Wilkin, Joseph Wilkinson, Sarah E. Wilkinson, Edward Wilkinson, Henry Wilkinson, Mark Wilkinson, Robert S. Willett, John A. Williams, Alonzo Williams, Chas. E. Williams, Geo. & Albert Williams, Hattie A. Williams, Henr}' A. Williams, John Williams, Richard Williams, Est. of Salome Williams, Sophie Williams, William Williamson, Ernest A. Williamson, Arthur E. Williamson, Chas. Williamson, Jemima Williamson, Martha .\. Williamson, Sarah & J\Iar_\- E- Williamson, Wilmer Williard, William A. Willis, Wm. Willmott, Geo. W. Wilmott, Jane Wilson, Andrew & wife Wilson, Annie Wilson, Chas. Wilson, Emma J. Wilson, Esther A. Wilson, Grace Wilson, Hannah ^L Wilson, Isaac A. & wife Wilson, James Wilson, James, Jr. Wilson, John Wilson, John J. Wilson, Margaret Wilson, Marv Wilson, Mar\- ^f. Wilson, Sarah CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Wilson, Sarah Jane Wilson, Thos. B. & Emma V. Wilson, Thos. W., Wm. H., & Jennie I. Wilson, Wilhelmina Wilson, William Wilson, WiUiam A. Winans, John E. Winans, JVIathias C, Excr. Winans, Nancy Windliorst, Lena & husband Windhurst, Henrietta Winkler, Garry Winse, Adolph L. Winslow, Gertrude C. Winterberg, EHzabeth Winterbottom, Thomas Winters, August Winters, George Winters, Jacob, Excr. Winters, William E. Wise, Serena Wiseman, Ada Wiseman, Bessie B. Wiseman, Geo. J. Wiseman, Stephen Wiseman, William Withers, Gene Catherine Withington, Alice Witte, Aaron Witte, Cornelius Witte, John & Jane (his wife) Wolfe, John Wolff, Edward Wolfhegel, Chas. Wood, Alexr. Wood, Bertha & Sidney Wood, Geo. H. & Wm. E. Wood, Harrietta A. & Min- nie E. Wood, James Wood, James & Mary L. Wood, Wm. A. Woodcock, Grace Woodcock, Mary x\nn Woodhead, Frank Woodier, Maria & Wm, David Woodruff, Catherine Woodruff, John H. Woods, Sarah Woods, Theodore B. & w^ife Woodward, Chas. A. Woodward, Chas. T. Woodward, Fannie Woodward, Mary T. Wood worth, Abel M. Woolley, Jennie E. Woolley, Joseph Woolley, Susannah Woolley, Wm. J. & Margaret, his wife Woolson, Bessie Worden, George Worden, Geo. H. Worden, Peter J. & wife Workman, Mary Worsley, Dwight L. Wortend3'ke, David H. Worthen, Moses E. Worthen, Moses E., Trustee Worthington, John G. Wragg, Hester A. Wright, Agnes Wright, Andrew D. Wright, J. Bidmead & Annie S. Wright, James Wright, John Wright, Maggie S. Wright, Mary Ada Wright, Martha, Excr. Wright, Sarah Wright, Thomas Wrigley, Jane C. Wrigley, John & Alice Wrigley, Thomas B. Wuerker, Paul R. & wife Wunsch, Fredericka Wiu-ts, George Wyley, Sarah Wylie, Jane Wyness, Cecilia & Jane R. Wynkoop, Alice J. Wyvill, Sarah E. Yates, Benjamin Yates, Elizabeth T. Yates, Jane Grafton Yates, Susanna Yawger, Elizabeth ISI. Yeomans, Jane Yereance, Abram Yeareance, Ann Yereance, Benj. J. Yereance, Thomas Yereance, Wilhelmus Yoemans, Josiah York, Abram C. Young, Andrew Young, Anne E. Young, David Young, Elizabeth A. Young, Geo. Young, Hester Young, John & wife Young, Thomas Young, Thos., Jr. Young, Vienna, Caroline & David Young, William Young, Wm. C. Youngster, Nicholas and Abram Peter Yuile, David Yunker, Jacob Zabriskie, Albert T. Zabriskie, Andrew H. Zabriskie, Elizabeth J. Zabriskie, Geo. Zabriskie, John H. Zabriskie, John V. B. Zabriskie, Maria Zabriskie, Myra V. H. Zann, Adam Zeithnger, Peter Zelch, Margaret Zellner, William Zeluff, David S. Zeluff, Eliza A. Zeluff, Grace Zeluff, ISIary Josephine Ziegler, Catherine Zimmerman, John A. Zimmerman, Julius Zimmerman, Samuel Zingli, John J. Zinser, George Zippel, Agnes Zwicker, IMarj' Zwicker, Paul Zwingle, Florence M. 119 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY A Word of Advice DO not put off the purchase of a burial plot until you are compelled to act under the pressure of instant need. If you wait until driven by circumstances, your choice will neces- sarily be a hasty one, involving the possibility of regret later on. By taking up now with Cedar Lawn Cemetery the question of buying a plot, you will be able to give the subject the attention it merits. You can make your choice with deliberation, after a care- ful study of the situation, and so make sure of securing a plot ade- cjuate for your prospective needs and of such a character as to con- form to your taste and means. So long as you are unprovided with a burial plot, you are at the mercy of untoward chances. Life is uncertain, and you will rest easier if you know that when the inev- itable happens, you will be prepared and not be compelled to deal with the question of a burial plot at an inopportune moment. Cedar Lawn Cemetery offers you, at all times, every possible help in the choice of a plot and in the arrangement of terms of payment. 121 CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY Beauty and Permanence THE illustrations in this book are intended to convey an idea of the general character of the Cemetery. The beauty of the pictures reflects the beauty of the place, the series pre- senting each section of the Cemetery in order, so that by studying the pictures, it is easy to form an accurate conception of the Ceme- tery as a whole. To fully appreciate the charm and seclusion of the Cemetery, howe^•er, it is necessary to visit it. Visitors are welcome, and those interested in choosing a last resting place for their dead, will not find an hour spent in Cedar Lawn wasted. But more important than anything else, is the guarantee of per- manence afforded by the Perpetual Care Fund which will stand for- ever between the Cemetery and neglect. The advantages Cedar Lawn possesses to-day are the advantages it will possess for all time, so far as human foresight can provide; therefore, when you buy a plot in Cedar Lawn, you can be confident that the unique qualities which have given it a pre-eminent position amongst the cemeteries of the State will continue to distinguish it indefinitely, so that the Cemetery will always remain as it is to-day, ^.Y IDEAL RESTING PLACE FOR THE DEAD. 123 LiBRftRY OF CONGRP^