.y > ; 474 opy 1 y(\^ sr «iP x>® ^v THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN-1862. ORGANIZATION ARMY OF THE POTOMAC (Major -General George B. McClellan. U. S. A.. Commanding. > SEPTEMBER 14-17, 1862. )5, ^^ / Z::! THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN-1862. Organization of the Army of the Potomac, Major-Genera/ George B. McClellan, U. S. Army, Commanding, September 14-17, 1862 * [Compiled from the records of the Adjutant-General's Office.] GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. Captain James B. Mclntyre. Independent Company Oneida (N. Y.) Cavalry, Captain David P. Mann. 4th U. S. Cavalry, Company A, Lieutenant 'J'homas H. McCorniick. 4th U. S. Cavalry, Company E, Captain James B. McLityre. VOLUNTEER ENGINEER BRIGADE.f Brigadier-General Daniel P. Woodbury. . 15th New York, Colonel John McL. Murphy. 50th New York, Lieutenant- Colonel William H. Pettes. REGULAR ENGINEER BATTALION. Captain James C. Duane. PROVOST-GUARD.. t Major William H. Wood. 2d U. S. Cavalry, Companies E, F, H, and K, Captain George A. Gordon. 8th U. S. Infantry, Companies A, D, F, and G, Captain Royal T. Frank. 19th U. S. Infantry, Company G, Captain Edmund L. Smith. 19th U. S. Infantry, Company H. Captain Henry S. Welton. ^ HEiPQUARTER-S GUARD. Major Granville 0. Haller. Sturges (Illinois) Rifles, f Captain James Steel. 93d New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin C. Butler. quartermaster's guard. 1st JJ. S. Cavalry, Companies B, C, H, and I, Captain Marcus A. Reno. *0n September 14th the right wing of the army, consisting of the 1st and yth Corps, was com- manded by Major-General Burnside; the centre, composed of the 2d and 12th Corps, by Major-Gen- eral Sumner, and the left wing, comprising the 0th Corps and Couch's division, (4th Corps,) by Major-General Franklin. t Detached at Washington, D. C, since September 7th. t The composition of this command is not fuilv reported on the returns. % FIRST ARMY CORPS.* (DMajok-Gkneual .Joski'h HoOKEU.f (■2)Bui(jai)ii:ii-General Gkouge G. Meade, ESCOKT. 2d Xe»v York Cuviilry, Companies A, B, I, and K, Captain John E. Nayior. KIUST KIV-ISIOX. (l)Brigadier-General Rufus King.+ (2) Brigadier-General . I ohn P. Hatch. ^ (3)Brigadier-General Ahner Doubleday. First Brigade. Colonel Walter Plielps, jr. 22d N. Y., J.t. Col. John McKie, jr. 24th N. Y., Captain John D. 0' Brian. 30th N. Y., Colonel William M. Searing. 84th New York, (14th Militia,) Colonel William H. de Bevoise. 2d U. S. Sharpshooters, Colonel Henry A. V. Post. Second Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General Aljner Doubleday. (2)Colonel William P. Waiiiwright.^ (3)Lieutenaiit-Colonel J.William Iliifmanu. 7th Indiana, Major Ira G. Grover. TPti M ^' J Col. William P. Wainwright. (. Laptain John VV . loung. 9oth N. Y., Major Edward l^ve. .'"Ctl P- ' ^'^' ^''^^' ''■ ^^ i"''^"i Hofmann. ■' \ Captain Frederick Williams. Third Brigade, Brigadier-General Marsena R. Patrick. 21st N. Y., Colonel William F. Rogers. 28d N. Y., Colonel Henry C. Hoffman. 3oth New York, Col. Newton B. Lord. 80th New York, (20th Militia,) Lieuten- ant-Colonel Theodore B. Gates. Fourth Brigade. Brigadier-General John Gibbon. I Colonel Solomon Meredith. IDth Indiana, < Lt. Col. Alois 0. Bachman. I Captain Wm. W. Dudley. f Colonel Lucius P^airchild. I Lt. Col. Thomas S. Allen. < Lt. Col. Edward S. Bragg. ■' \ Major Rul'us \\. Dawes. rth Wis., Cai)tain John B. Callis. 2d Wi 6th Wis. Artilleri/. Captain J. Albert Monroe. New Hampshire Light, 1st Battery, Lieutenant Frederick M. Edgeli. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery D, Captain J. Albert Monroe. 1st New York Light, Battery L, Captain John A. Reynolds. 4th United States, Battery B, | f^P^f '" "^f f '^ ^- Campbell. I. Lieutenant James htewart. *DL'sii;nalion cliangc(l from ."d Corps, Army of Virginia, to 1st Army Corps by General Orders, No. 12it, AiljutiUil-CJeneral's Office, September 12, 1862. t Wiivuided September 17th. t Relieved ."September Mth. g Wounded .September 1 Uh. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier- General James B. Ricketts. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Abram Duryea. Colonel William A. Christian. 97tli N. Y., Major Charles Northrup. 26thN.Y.,Lt. Col. Richard H. Richardson. 104th N. Y., Major Lewis C. Skinner. y4th N. Y., Lt. Col. Calvin Littlefield. 105th N. Y., Colonel Howard Carroll. ^.o,, p f Major George W. Gile. 107th Pa., Captain James Mac Thomson. ^^^ '^•' \ Captain Henry R. Myers. (II ti T> i Colonel Peter Lvle. .)Otli ra., -^ ^^ ^,q[_ William" A. Leech. Third Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General George L. Hartsuff.* (2)Colbuel Richard Coulter. tl6th Maine, Colonel Asa W. Wildes. i„^, ,r 1 li. ' Maior Elisha Burbank. 12th Massachusetts, -^ ^^^^^ Benjamin F. Cook. 13th Massachusetts, Major J. Parker Gould. 83d New York, (9th Militia,) Lieutenant-Colonel William Atterbury. ,,,, -r, , . ( Colonel Richard Coulter. 11th Pennsylvania, | ^^^^^^j^^ p^^,;^ ^^ (.^^,._ Artilleri/. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery F, Captain Ezra W. Matthews. Pennsylvania Light, Battery C, Captain James Thompson. THIRD DIVISION. (l)Brigadier-General George G. Meade. (2)Brigadier-General Truman Seymour. First Brigade. Second Brigade. a)Brigadier-General Truman Seymour. Colonel Albert L. Magilton. (2)Colonel R. Biddle Roberts. -, ^ D v> f Col. R. Biddle Roberts. 3d Pa. Reserves, Lt. Col. John Clark. 1st Pa. Reserves, ^ (..^p^ ^y^^^ (-,_ ^-.^U^y^ ^^j^ p^^ Reserves, Major John Nyce. 2d Pa. Reserves, Capt. James N. Byrnes. I Col. Henry C.Bolinger. 5th Pa. Reserves, Col. Joseph W. Fi.sVier. 7th Pa. Reserves, j Major Chauncey A. 6th Pa. Reserves, Colonel William Sinclair. ( Lyman. 13th Pa. Reserves, f Col. Hugh W. xMcNeil. 8th Pa. Reserves, Captain Cyrus L. Conner. (1st Rifles,) \ Capt. Dennis McGee. Third, Brigade. (l)Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher.! (2)Lleutenant-Colonel Robert Anderson. „^, T-, 1 • T> I Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Anderson. 9th Pennsylvania Reserves, | (..^^^^^-^^ g^^^^^^^j g j^-^^ i„,, T-, 1 • D ) Lieutenant-Colonel Adoniram J. Warner. 10th Pennsylvania Reserves, ^^ q_^^^^^.^^ Jonathan P. Smith. 11th Pennsylvania Reserves, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel M. Jackson-. 12th Pen'nsylvania Reserves, Captain Richard Gustin. Artilleri/. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery A, Lieutenant John G. Simpson. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery B, Captain James H. Cooper. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery G.| Lieutenant Frank P. Amsden. 5th United States, Battery C, Captain Dunbar R. Ransom. * Wounded September 17th. t Joined September 9th, and detached September 13th as railroad guard. I Wounded September 14th. g Detached at Washington, D. C, since September 6th. SECOND AiniY coars. Majok-Gknerai. Edwix v. Simxkii. Gtli New York Cavaliy, Compiiny D. Captain Henry W. Lyon. ()th New York Cavalry, Company K, Captain Riley Johnson. FIHST DIVISIOX. {l)]\rajor-General Israel B. Richardson.* (2) Brigadier- General John C. Caldwell. (y)Brigadier-General Winfield S. Hancock. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General .John C. Caldwell. Brigadier-General Thomas F. Meagher, oth N. H., Colonel Edward E. Cross. 2!ith Mass., Lt. Col. Joseph H. Barnes. 7th New York. Captain Charles Bvestel. f Colonel John Burke. Cilst N. Y.. \ Colonel Francis C. Barlow. .01 t^t >.- I Lt. Col. Hcnrv Fowler. (;-4th N. Y., I \A. Col. Nelson A. Miles. ' "1 Major Richard C. Bentiey. Sliit Pa., Major H. Boyd McKeen. [ Captain Jose])!i O'Neil. ,.i,i! -vT ^- * Lt. Col. James Kelly. I Major James (.avanagh. 88tli N. Y., Lt. Col. Patrick Kelly. Third Brigade. Colonel John R. Brooke. 2d Delaware, Captain David L. Strieker. 52d New York, Colonel Paul Frank. r-^i -KT A' 1 ' Lieutenant-Colonel Philip J. Parisen. 5/thNew\ork,^^j_^_.^^.^^jf^.^^ B. Chapman. ep^i. w \' 1 ! Captain Julius Wehle. 66th New lork,^^ Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Bull. _ 53d Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Richards McMichael. Artilleri/. 1st New York Light, Battery B, Captain Rufus D. Pettit. 4th United States, Batteries A and C, Lieutenant Evan Thomas. * Wounded September 17th. SECOND DIVISIOX. (l)Major-General John Sedgwick.* (2)Brigadier-General Oliver 0. Howard. First Brigade. Brisradier-General Willis A. Gorman. 1-jth Mass., Lt. Col. John W. Kimball. 1st Minnesota. Colonel Alfred Sully. 34th New York, Colonel James A. Suiter. 82d New York, (2d Militia.) Colonel Henry W. Hudson. Massachusetts Sharpshooters, 1st Com- pany, Captain John Saunders. Minnesota Sharpshooters, 2d Company, Captain William F. Russell. Second Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General Oliver O. Ho ward. (■2)Colonel Joshua T. Owen. (3)Colonel DeWitt C. Baxter. Oilth Pennsylvania, Col. Joshua T. Owen. ( Colonel Isaac J. Wistar. 71st Pa,,^ Lt. Richard P. Smith, lAdjt.i ( Captain Enoch E. Lewis. 72d Pa., Colonel DeWitt C. Baxter. 106th Pa,, Colonel Turner G. Morehead. T/iird Brigade. (l)Bilgadier-Geiieral Napoleon J. T. Dana.* {2)Colonel Norman J. Hall. in^i- -Mf 1 4-i i Colonel Edward W. Hinks. lyth Massachusetts, \ i ■ ^ ^ n \ ^ \ a iTir. ' I Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur r. Devereux. 20th Massachusetts, Colonel William R. Lee. 7th Michigan, Colonel Norman J. Hall. 42d New York, Major James E. Mallon. oUth New York, Colonel William L. Tidball. Artilhry. 1st Rhode Island Jjight, Batterj^ A, Captain John A. Tompkins. 1st United States, Battery I, Lieutenant George A. Woodruff. THllil) DIVISIOX. Brigadier-General William H. French. First Brigade. Brigadier-General Nathan Kimball. 14th Indiana, Colonel V/illiam Harrow. 8th Ohio, Lt. Col. Franklin Sawyer. iQOriP i Colonel Richard A. Oakford. id/ara., .^ j^j (^^j_ Vincent M. Wilcox. 7th W. Va., Colonel Joseph Snider. Second Brigade. Colonel Dwight Morris. 14th Conn., Lt. Col.. Sanford H. Perkin 108th N. Y., Colonel Oliver H. Palmer. 130th Pa., Colonel Henry I. Ziun. Third Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General Max Weber.* (•2)Colonel John W. Andrews. -, .r\ ^ ' Colonel John W. Andrews. 1st Delaware, ■; r • , ^ n i i /-\r rr i ■ ' I Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver Hopkmson. ^)th Mnrvlond 2d New York, Colonel David .1. Nevin. '.•3d Pa., Colonel James M. McCarter. '.I8th Pennsylvania, Col. John F. Ballier. lO'id Pa., Colonel Thomas A. Rowley. tl39th Pa., Colonel Frank H. CoUieV. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General John Cochrane. 65th New York, Colonel Alexander Shalcr. 67th New York, Colonel Julius W. Adams. 122d New York, Colonel Silas Titus. 23d Pennsylvania, Colonel Thomas H. Neill. 61st Pennsylvania, Colonel George C. Spear. 82d Pennsylvania, Colonel David H. Williams. Artillern. New York Light, 3d Battery, t Captain William Stuart. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery C, Captain Jeremiah McCarthy. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery D, Captain Michael Hall. 2d United States, Battery G, Lieutenant John H. Butler. * Assigned to the 6th Corps as the 3d Division September 26, 1862. t Joined September 17th. j Joined September 1.5th. 9 FIFTH ARMY CORPS. Major-General Fitz John Porter. ESCORT. 1st Maine Cavalry, (detachment,) Cai:)tain Geoi-ge J. Summat. FIRST DIVISION. Major-General George W. Morell. First Brigade. Colonel James Barnes. 2d Maine, Colonel Charles W. Roberts. 18th Mass., Lt. Col. Joseph Hayes. 22d Mass., Lt. Col. William S. Tilton. 1st Mich., Captain Emory W. Belton. 13th N. Y., Colonel Elisha G. Marshall. 25th N. Y., Colonel Charles A. Johnson. 118th Pa., Colonel Charles M. Prevost. Massachusetts Sharpshooters, 2d Com- pany, Captain Lewis E. Wentworth. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Charles Griffin. 2d D. C, Colonel Charles M. Alexander. 9th Mass., Colonel Patrick R. Guiney. 32d Mass., Colonel Francis J. Parker. 4th Mich., Colonel Jonathan W. Childs. 14th N. Y., Colonel James McQuade. 62d Pa., Colonel Jacob B. Sweitzer, Third Brigade. Colonel T. B. W. Stockton. 20th Maine, Colonel Adelbert Ames. 16th Michigan, Lieutenant-Colonel Norval E. Welch. ]2th New York, Captain William Huson. 17th New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Nelson B. Bartram. 44th New York, Major Freeman Conner. 83d Pennsylvania, Captain Orpheus S. Woodward. Michigan Sharpshooters, Brady's Company, Lieutenant Jonas H. Titus, jr. Artiller2/. Massachusetts Light, Battery C, Captain Augustus P. Martin. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery C, Captain Richard Waterman. 5th United States, Battery D, Lieutenant Charles E. Hazlett. Sharpshooters. 1st United States, Captain John B. Isler. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier-General George Sykes. Second Brigade. Major Charles S. Lovell. 1st and Gth United States, Captain Levi C. Bootes. 2d and lOtli United States, Captain John S. Poland. 11th U. S., Captain DeL. Floyd- Jones. 17th U. S., Major George L. Andrews. First Brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert C. Buchanan. 3d United States, Capt. John D, Wilkins. 4th United States, Captain Hiram Dryer. 12th United States, 1st Battalion, Cap- tain Matthew M. Blunt. 12th United States, 2d Battalion, Cap- tain Thomas M. Anderson. 14th United States, 1st Battalion, Cap- tain W. Harvey Brown. 14th United States, 2d Battalion, Cap- tain David B. McKibbin. Third Brigade. Colonel Gouverneur K. Warren. 5th New York, Captain Cleveland Winslow. 10th New York, Lieutenant- Colonel John W. Marshall. Artillery. 1st United States, Batteries E and G, Lieutenant Alanson M. Randol, 5th United States, Battery I, Captain Stephen H. Weed. 5th United States, Battery K, Lieutenant William B. Van Reed. 10 Tlllltl) DIVISION.* Brigadicr-Geiioral Andrew A. Humphreys. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier- General Erastus B. Tyler. Colonel Peter H. Allabach. 91st Pa., Colonel Edgar M. Gregory. 123d Pa., Colonel Jolin B. Clark. 126th Pa., Colonel James G. Elder. 131st Pa., Lt. Col. William B. Shaut. 129th Pa., Colonel Jacob G. Frick. 133d Pa., Colonel Franklin B. Speakman. 134th Pa., Colonel Matthew S. Quay. 15.5th Pa., Colonel Edward J. Allen. Artillery. Captain Lucius N. Robinson. 1st New York Light, Battery C, Ca]>tain Almont Barnes. 1st Ohio Light, Battery L, Captain Lucius N. Robinson. ARTILLERY RESERTE.f Lieutenant- Colon el William Hays. 1st Battalion New York Light, Battery A, Lieutenant Bernhard Wever 1st Battalion New York Light, Battery B, Lieutenant Alfred von Kleiser. 1st Battalion New York Light, Battery C, Captain Robert Langner. 1st Battalion New York Light, Battery D, Captain Charles Kusserow. New York Light, 5th Battery, Captain Elijah D. Taft. 1st United States, Battery K, Captain William M. Graham. 4th United States, Battery G, Lieutenant Marcus P. Miller. *This division was organized September 12th, and reached the battle-field September 18th. + Batteries detached from the reserve are embraced in the roster of the commands with which they served. 11 SIXTH ARMY CORPS. Majok-Gekerai. Wilijam B. Fkaxklin. ESCORT. 6th Pennsylvania Cavalr}', Companies B and G, Captain Henry P. Muirheid. FIRST DIVISIOX. Major-General Henry W. Slocum. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Alfred T. A. Torbert. Colonel Joseph J. Bartlett. ]st New Jersey, Lt. Col. Mark VV. Collet. 5th Maine, Colonel Nathaniel J. Jackson. 2d New Jersey, Colonel Samuel L, Bnck. ICth N. Y., Lt. Col. Joel J. Seaver. 3d New Jersey, Col. Henry W. Brown. 27th N. Y., Lt. Col. Alexander D. Adams. 4th New Jersey, Col. William B. Hatch. 9Uth Pennsylvania, Colonel Henry L. Cake. Third Brigade. Brigadier-Gelieral John Newton. 18th New York, Lieutenant-Colonel George R. Myers. 31st New York, Lieutenant- Colonel Francis E. Pinto. on ] XT VI I Colonel Roderick Matheson. 32d New York, i nr • n v ^ ' { Major George r. Lemon. 95th Pennsylvania, Colonel Gustavus W. Town. ArtiUerT/. Captain Emory Upton. Maryland Light, Battery A, Captain John W. AVolcott. Massachusetts Light, Battery A, Captain Josiah Porter. New Jersey Ligh , Battery A, Captain Williani Hexamer. 2d United States, Battery D, Lieutenant Edward B. Willis ston. SECOND DIVISION. Major- General William F. Smith. First Brigade. Second Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General Winfield S. Hancock.* Brigadier-General W. T. H. Brooks. (2)Colonel Amasa Cobb. 6th Maine, Colonel Hiram Burnham. 2d Vermont, Major James H. Walbridge. 43d New York, Major John Wilson. 3d Vermont, Colonel Breed N. Hyde. 49th Pa., Lt. Col. William Brisbane. 4th Vermont.Lt. Col. Charles B.Stoughton. 137th Pa., Colonel Henry M. Bossert. 5th Vermont, Colonel Lewis A. Grant. 5th Wisconsin, Colonel Amasa Cobb. 6th Vermont, Major Oscar L. Tuttle. Third Brigade. Colonel William H. Irwin. 7th Maine, Major Thomas W. Hyde. 20th New York, Colonel Ernest von Vegesack. 33d New York, Lieutenant- Colonel Joseph W. Corning. An^^ TS.T V 1 ) Lieutenant Colonel Williani C. Alberger. 49th New lork, < nj ■ n w r i ' { Major George W . Johnson. 77th New York, Captain Nathan S. Babcock. Artilleri/.f ' Captain Romeyn B. Ayres. Maryland Light, Battei'y B, Lieutenant Theodore J. Vannenum New York Light, 1st Battery, Captain Andrew Cowan. 5th United States, Battery F, Lieutenant Leonard Martin. * Assigned to command of 1st Division. 2d Army Corps, September 17ll!. fThe 3d Battery New York Light Artillery transferred to Couch's divi;^ion i-ei'tember 15th. 12 NINTH ARMY CORPS. Ma.ior-Geneuai, Ambrose E. Buknside.* Major-Gexeral Jesse L. REXo.f Brigadier-Generai, Jacob D. Cox. ESCORT. 1st Maine Cavalry, Company G, Captain Zelmlon B. Blethen. FIRST DIVISIOX. Brigadier-General Orlando B. Willcox. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Benjamin C. Christ. Colonel Thomas Welsh. 28tli Mass., Captain Andrew P. Caraher. ,jj,, i^- , j Lt. Col. Frank Graves. 17th Mich.. Col. William H. Withington. +^^'' ^^^'^■''■' 1 Major Ralph Ely. 79th N. y., Lt. Col. David Morrison. 4nth N. Y., Lt. Col. Joseph (Jerhardt. 'o+i,T> ' Major Edward Overton. 45th Pa., Lt. Col. John 1. Curtin. onthra., j Q^^pt^in William H. Diehl. 100th Pa., Lt. Col. David A. Leckey. Artillern. Massachusetts Light, 8th Battery. Captain Asa M. Cook. 2d United States, Battery E, Lieutenant Samuel N. Benjamin. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier-General Samuel D. Sturgis. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General James Nagle. Brigadier-General Edward Ferrero. 2d Maiyland, Lt. Col, J. Eugene Duryea. 21st Mass., Colonel William S. Clark. 6th N. H., Colonel Simon G. Griffin. .,- , -., ( Colonel Edward A. Wild. 9th N. H., Colonel Enoch Q. Fellows. '^"'^'^ ^'■''^^^■' 1 Lt. Col. Sumner Carrnth. 48th Pa., Lt. Col. Joshua K. Sigfried. 51st N. Y., Colonel Robert B. Potter. 51st Pa., Colonel John F. Hartranft. Artillery. Pennsylvania Light, Battery D, Captain George W. Durell. 4th United States, Battery E, Captain Joseph C. Clark, jr. THIRD DIVISION. Brigadier- General Isaac P. Rodman.? First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Harrison S. Fairchild. Colonel EdAvard Harland. 9th New York, Lt. Col. Edgar A. Kimball, g,, p J J^t. Col. Hiram Appelman. 89th New York, Major Edward Jardine. ^ '^ ^"""•' I Major John E. ^yaI•d. 103d New York. Major Benjamin Ringold. 11th Conn., Colonel Henry W. Kingsbury. l|l(jth Cnnn.., Colonel Francis Beach. . ., -R T / Colonel William H. P. Steere. 4tnit.l.,|Lieut.-Col. Joseph B. Curtis. Artillery. 5th United Slates, Battery A, Lieutenant Charles P. Muhlenberg. *0n the KUh and 17th Major-General Burnside exercised general command on the left, and Brig- adier-(ieneriil (^o.x: whs ni immediate command of the corps. fKilleil September Mth. iTransfV'iiiil from 1st lirigadc September IGth. j> Wdinided Seiitcmber 17th. II Assigned September Kith. 13 KANAWHA DIVISIOX. (l)Bngadier-General Jacob D. Cox. (2)Colouel Eliakim P. Scammon. First Brigade. (l)Colonel Eliakim P. Scammon. (2)Colonel Hugh Ewing. 12th Ohio, Colonel Can- B. White. OQri m ■ i Lt.Col. Rutherford B.Hayes. 16(X umo, -^ jyf^j^j, jjj^^g j^j Comly. {Colonel Hugh Ewing. Lt. Col. Theodore Jones. Major George H. Hildt. Ohio Light Artillery, 1st Battery, Captain James R. McMullin. Gilmore's Company West Virginia Cav- alry, Lieutenant James Abraham. Harrison's Company West Virginia Cav- alry, Lieutenant Dennis Delaney. 11th Second Brigade. Colonel George Crook. Q, ■ ( Lt. Col. Augustus H. Coleman. ■ \ Major Lyman J. Jackson. 28th Ohio, Lt. Col. Gottfried Becker 36th Ohio, Lt. Col. Melvin Clarke. Schaumbeck's Company Chicago Dra- goons, Captain Frederick Schaumbeck. Kentucky Light Artillery, Simmonds' Battery, Captain Seth J. Simmonds. UNATTACHED. 6th New York Cavalry, (8 companies,) Colonel Thomas C. Devin. Ohio Cavalry, 3d Independent Company, Lieutenant Jonas Seamen. 3d United States Artillery, Batteries L and M, Captain John Edwards, jr. u TWELFTH ARMY CORPS.* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l||l1i|||||l|N||| 002 509 340 9 ' (I)MaJOR-GkXKRAI, JOSEI'H K. F. MAXSFIEI.K.f (:^)BRi(;Ai)ib;u-Gi:.\EitAL Ai.i'IIEls S. Williams. ESCORT. 1st Micliigiin Cavalry. Company L, Captain aMelvin Brewer. EIRST DIVISION. (l)Brigadier-General Alplieus S. Williams. (2) Brigadier-General Samuel W. Crawford. J (3) Brigadier-General George H. Gordon. First Brigade. Third Brigade. (I)Brigadier-General Samuel W. Crawforrl. (])Brigadicr-General George H.Gordon. (•J)Colonel .Joseph F. Knii)e. CJjColonel Thomas H. Ruger. ^5th Conn., Captain Henry W. Daboll. 27th Indiana. Colonel Silas Colgrove. loth Maine. Colonel George L. Boal. 2d Mass., Colonel George L. Andrews. 28th N. Y., Captain William H. H. Mapes. ISth N. J., Colonel Ezra A. Carman. ... 1 p ( Colonel Joseph F. Knipe. lOTth N. Y., Col. R. B. Van Valkenburgh. "' \ Lt. Col. James L. Selfridge. ||Zouaves d'Afrique, Penn.sylvania. 12-ltl Pa i Colonel Joseph W. Hawley. Bd Wisconsin, Colonel Thomas H. Ruger. ■' ( Major Isaac L. Haldeman. 12oth Pa.. Colonel .Jacob Higgins. I Colonel Sanniel Croasdale. 128th Pa.,-^ Lt. Col.AVm.W. Hamraersly. ( Major Joel B. Wanner. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier- Genei-al George S. Greene. First Brigade. ,Second Brigade. (l)Lieutenaiit-Colonel Hector Tyndale.J; Colonel Henry J. Staiiirook. (•J)Ma.jor Orriu J. Crane. 5th Ohio, Major John Collins. 3d Md., Lt. Col. Joseph M. Sudsburg. "il Oh' ' ^^''J'^^'''' Oi"'"i" J- Crane. 102d N. Y., Lt. Col. James C. Lane. t Captain Frederick A. Seymour. ""^lOOth Pa., Captain George E. Seymour. 1i29th Ohio. Lieut. Theron S. Winship. 111th Pa., Major Thomas M. Walker. (5Gth Ohio, Lt. Col. Eugene Powell. 28th Pa.. Major Ario Pardee, jr. Third Brigade. (l)Coloncl William B. Goodrich.ft (i^;Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Austin. 3d Delaware, Major Arthur .Maginnis. Puriiell Legion, .Maryland, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin L. Simpson. GOth New York, Ijieutenant-Colonel Charles R. Brundage. -Oil X' \' 1 ' Lieutenaiit-Colonel Jonathan Austin. 1 8th iSew lork, 1 ^ ^ ■ vi o cu ' i Captain Henry K. otagg. AHTIM.ERY. Captain Clermont L. Best. Maine Light, 4th Battery, Captain O'Neil W. Robinson. Maine Light, (Hli Battery, Captain Freeman McGilvery. 1st New York Light, Battery M, Captain (leorge W. Cothran. New York Light, lOth B.ittery, Captain John T. liruen. Pennsylvania Light, Battery E, Captain Joseph M. Knap. Pennsylvania Light, Battery F, Captain Robt^t B. Hamjiton. 4th United States, Battery F, Lieutenant Edward D. Muhlenberg. *r)esi^'iiatiiiu (•hiii;;ic