THE ASSOCIATION FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. PRINTED FOR THE ASSOCIATION FROM THK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE FOR 1857- BOSTON: GEO. C. RAND & AVERY, CITY PRINTERS, No. 3, CORNHILL. 1858. THE ASSOCIATION FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. PRINTED FOR THE ASSOCIATION FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OP THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE FOR 1857- BOSTON: GEO. C. RAND & AVERY, CITY PRINTERS, No. 3, CORNHILL. 1858. FRANKLIN" MEDALS. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. • Adjudged ■ hj die '^X I^SCHOOL C0MMITTEe\Y as a - :wARD of Merit -;/ TO /// No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Gift 3 Je '05 THE FRANKLIN MEDAL The Franklin Medal, " an honorary reward " for " the en-, couragement of scholarship in the free schools of Boston," de- rives its origin and name from Benjamin Franklin, the great- est and most famous of our native-born sons. For sixty-five years this token of honorable distinction has been annually awarded, by the School Committee, to a number of the most meritorious scholars in the highest class of each public school for boys, above the primary grade. The bestowment of this Medal, having for so long a period constituted one of the most interesting features of our system of public instruction, it has been deemed expedient to publish a catalogue of its recipi- ents, with a sketch of its history, in connection with the pres- ent Annual Report on the subject of our schools. In providing for the establishment of this Medal, Franklin desired to evince the grateful recollection which he retained to the close of his life, of the benefit he derived from the Bos- ton schools, and at the same time to furnish for all time, to the pupils in these schools, an incentive to stimulate them to make the best use of the means provided for their education. This Medal may be justly regarded, therefore, as a memorial of his constant and life-long affection for the place of his birth, while it has " rendered him a sort of Patron Saint to Boston school boys to the latest generation." But his own example in turning to the best account every opportunity for 4 THE FEANKLIN MEDAL. the cultivation of his mind and character, not only during the brief period of his schooling, but during all his boyhood and youth, is what gives to the Medal bearing his name its chief significance and value. Indeed, the great utility of the Medal consists in its tendency to keep always before the minds of the youth of Boston, this noble example, and thereby to excite them to a more faithful use o-f their advantages of education. The account of his school education, as related in his autobi- ography, will ever remain associated with the Franklin Medal, and it must not be ommitted here. He says, " I was put to the Grammar School at eight years of age ; my father intending to devote me, as the tythe of his sons, to the service of the Church. My early readiness in learning to read, which must have been very early, as I do not remem- ber when I could not read, and the opinion of all his friends, that I should certainly make a good scholar, encouraged him in this purpose of his. My uncle Benjamin, too, approved of it, and proposed to give me his short-hand volumes of ser- mons, to set up with, if I would learn his short-hand. I con- tinued, however, at the Grammar School rather less than a year, though in that time I had risen gradually from the middle of the class of that year to be at the head of the same class, and was removed into the next class, whence I was to be placed in the third at the end of the year. "But my father, burdened with a numerous family, was un- able without inconvenience to support the expense of a col- lege education. Considering, moreover, as he said to one of his friends in my presence, the little encouragement that line of life afforded to those educated for it, he gave up his first inten- tions, took me from the Grammar School, and sent me to a school for writing and arithmetic, kept by a then famous man, Mr. George Brownell. He was a skillful master, and success- ful in his profession, employing the mildest and most encour- aging methods. Under him I learned to write a good hand pretty soon j but I failed entirely in arithmetic." THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. O The failure in arithmetic, so frankly confessed at the close of the sketch, affords no just ground for charging any delin- quency upon either pupil or master. In justification of the master, we have the decided testimony of the pupil, in full maturity of age and judgment, — always the best evidence. And it is not surprising that a lad of even Franklin's aptitude for learning and clearness of head, should not, at the age of nine years, though aided by " the most encouraging methods " the7i Jcfwivn, master the subject of arithmetic, in so short a pe- riod of schooling. It is highly probable, therefore, that both pupil and teacher did their duty. The real difficulty was that the mind of the little boy had not yet ripened to a capacity for arithmetic. A few years later, he took up Cocker's book on Aritlimetic, and went through the whole by himself with the greatest ease. The Grammar School in which Franklin was placed, was the original Classical School of Boston, since known as the Public Latin School, and now located in Bedford Street. Its ancient site in School Street, and its surroundings as at that time existing, are graphically described in the following extract from the Oration delivered by Mr. Winthrop, at the inauguration of tlic Franklin Statue, in front of the City Hall. " Go back with me, fellow citizens, for a moment, to a pe- riod just one hundred and forty-two years ago, [1714] and let us picture to ourselves the very spot on which we are as- sembled, as it was in that olden time. Boston was then a little town, of hardly more than ten or twelve thousand inhab- itants. Her three hills, now scarcely distinguishable, were then her most conspicuous and characteristic features, and I need hardly say that almost all the material objects which met the view of a Bostonian in this vicinity, at that day, must have been widely different from those which we are now priv- ileged to look upon. No stately structures for city councils or for courts of justice were then standing upon this site. There was no Horticultural Hall in front, delighting the eye b THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. and making the mouth water with the exquisite flowers and luscious fruits of neighboring gardens and green-houses. There were no shops and stores, filled with the countless fabrics of foreign and domestic labor, facing and flanking it on every side. Yet all was not different. The fathers and founders of Boston and of Massachusetts, — more than one, certainly, of the earliest ministers and earliest magistrates of the grand old Puritan colony, — were slumbering then as they are slumbering now, in their unadorned and humble graves at our side, in what was then little more than a village church- yard,— " * Eacb in his narrow cell forever laid ; ' — And yonder house of God, [King's Chapel] of about half its present proportions, was already casting its consecrated shadows over the mouldering turf which covered them. At the lower end of the sacred edifice, for the enlargement of which it was finally removed about the year 1748, there might have been seen a plain wooden building, of a story and a half in height, in which Ezekiel Cheever, of immortal mem- ory, — '■ the ancient and honorable Master of the Free School in Boston,' — had exercised his magisterial functions for more than five and thirty years. He, too, at the date of which I am speaking, was freshly resting from his labors, having died at the age of ninety-four, about six years previously, and hav- ing fully justified the quaint remark, of Cotton Mather, that he ' left off teaching only when mortality took him off.' But the homely old school house was still here, under the charge of one Mr. Nathaniel Williams, and among the younger boys who were daily seen bounding forth from its irksome confine- ment at the allotted hour, to play on tlie very green on which we are now gathered, was one, who probably as little dreamed that he should ever be the subject of a commemoration or a statue, as the humblest of those five-and-twenty thousand children who are now receiving their education at the public THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. 7 expense within our city limits, and some of whom are at this moment so charmingly grouped around us ! " And little dreamed Mr. Williams, while looking out from that homely old school house, upon the younger boys of his charge, in their daily sports upon that green, that the play- ground, the old school house, and his own name were to be made famous in the annals of the town by their association with that little son of the tallow-chandler. The instruction of these two years in the Grammar School and the school for teaching arithmetic and writing, from 1714 to 1716, was all the regular tuition he ever received. "It is an illustrious example," says Mr. Everett, " of how much can be done for the improvement of the mind with the most scanty means faithfully improved." Franklin left school, doubtless, with but a slender stock of knowledge, but he had acquired an ardent desire for improvement, which is by far the most valuable part of all the education that can be given by masters, for it is the parent of every description of excel- lence. Seventy-two years after this termination of his school- going days, when approaching the close of his long and event- ful life, but still cherishing a warm attachment to his " Native Boston," where, in his early years, he had received that instruction and acquired those habits which were the founda- tion of his fortune and of all his usefulness, and wishing to be useful even after death, if possible, in forming and ad- vancing others by right early education, he made that pro- vision in his will by which his name will be embalmed in the hearts of the boys of Boston to the end of time. It is in the following terms : — " I was born in Boston, New England, and owe my first in- structions in literature to the free Grammar Schools estab- lished there. I therefore give one hundred pounds sterling to my executors, to be by them, the survivors or survivor of them, paid over to the managers or directors of the free O THE FlIANKLIN MEDAL. schools in my native town of Boston, to be by tliem, or those person or persons, who shall have the superintendence and management of the said schools, put out to interest, and so continued at interest forever, which interest annually shall be laid out in silver medals, and given as honorary rewards annually by the directors of the said free schools, for the encouragement of scholarship in the said schools belonging to said town, in such manner as to the discretion of the Selectmen of the said town shall seem meet." In addition to this donation, Franklin bequeathed, in a codicil, to the town of Boston, the sum of £1,000, to be loaned to " young married artificers, under the age of twenty- five." Immediately after his decease, which took place on the 17th of April, 1790, his executors, in a letter to the Selectmen, made known these provisions in his will. On the 25th of May, at a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town, at Faneuil Hall, this letter was read, and a committee appointed to consider and report " what further votes may be proper to be passed thereon." This committee, at a town meeting held a few days subse- quently, reported a letter to the executors, gratefully accept- ing the trust, on the part of the town. In this letter the committee say, "Every step to carry into full effect his benevolent plan will be cheerfully pursued by those whom he was pleased to constitute his trustees, and rising generations will for ages bless the name of their illustrious friend and benefactor." This committee also reported " that, in their opinion, the trustees appointed by the Doctor in his last will and testa- ment are thereby fully authorized and empowered to carry his benevolent intentions, in said donations, into execution without any further authority from the town." This report was adopted. In a letter dated Feb. 1, 1791, the executors notified the Selectmen that they were ready to pay the donations. It is presumed that the donation for THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. 9 medals was immediately received and put to interest by the Selectmen, though, the fact does not appear on their records. In accordance with the conditions of the bequest, the in- terest of this legacy, now known as the " Franklin School Medal Fund," has been appropriated annually to the pur- chase of silver medals for meritorious pupils in the public schools. The amount of this fund is now one thousand dol- lars. How it was increased threefold, from £100 to $1,000, we have not been able to ascertain. Since 1840 it has been invested in one certificate of City five per cent, stock, paya- ble in the year 1860. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen hold it in trust, though by the terms of the will the trust clearly belongs to the School Committee. The amount actu- ally expended in procuring the Franklin medals has for many years considerably exceeded the income of the fund, the bal- ance being paid out of the City treasury. The cost of the dies for striking them has also been paid by the City. On the 21st of August, 1792, the School Committee ap- pointed a sub-committee, consisting of William Tudor, Esq., Rev. John Clark, and Mr. Charles Bulfinch, " to ascertain the expense of procuring medals, to carry into eifect the intention of the late Dr. Franklin in his donation." This committee reported that there were means for defraying the expense of twenty-one medals, and recommended that three be allowed to the Latin School, three to each of the three Gi-ammar Schools, and three to each of the three Writing Schools. This report was made in December. In January following, the Committee determined upon the rules respecting the dis- tribution of the medals. They were to be given only to boys, though the language of the Will does not determine the sex of the recipients. But it was supposed that Franklin intended them for boys, because girls were not admitted to the privi- leges of the public schools till the very year of the date of the Will. No boy who had received a medal in one school, could be considered a candidate in another, and, of course, as the 2 10 THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. same boys usually attended a "Writing School one half-day^ and a Eeading or Grammar School the other half, they must elect, or their masters for them, in which they will compete for the Medal. Twenty of the best boys in the upper class, provided there were so many in the class, were to be examined by the sub-committee, who were directed to bestow the medals according to the result. The medals of the Latin Grammar School were to be distributed to the " three boys who were, in the judgment of the sub-committee, the best scholars in the upper class." The first medals, though dated 1792, were not distributed till January, 1793. In February the sub-committees "made report of the distribution of the Franklin medals," and it was voted that the names of the recipients be entered upon the records. Then follows this entry : " In the Latin Grammar School. John Collins Warren. John Joy, 3d. Daniel Bates, Jr. North Reading School. North Writing School. William Savage. Robert Lash. Isaac Parker. John Snelling. John Lewis. Isaac Harris." The names of the recipients in the Centre and South Schools are omitted ; and the custom of recording the names was not established. Before the expiration of this year, the subject of " Franklin's donation " was again under consideration, though no material change was made in the rules relating to the distribution of the medals. It was voted that the " medals be adjudged to the most deserving boys in the upper class of each school," and " that those boys who have already received medals, be not considered as candidates at the next distribution." THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. 11 When the Reading and Writing School for the same sec- tion of the city, came to occupy the same building, and to be considered as departments of one institution, under the gen- eral denomination of G-rammar School, candidates for the medals were required to be examined in both departments. Six medals continued to be the usual number awarded to the " double " school, so long as that system remained. Re- cently, the number awarded has been determined by the num- ber of pupils on the register of the school, one being given for every sixty scholars. According to the rules now in force, '•' general scholarship, and more especially good conduct, shall be taken into account in awarding the medals." The following remarks respecting the recipients of the Medal, are extracted from the address of Mayor Rice, at the inauguration of the Franklin Statue : "Among the recipients of these tokens have been many who obtained honorable distinction in after-life, and thus ful- filled the promise which attended the success of their first intellectual eiforts ; and how many others have been led to positions of usefulness and honor, who might have fallen far below their actual attainments, without the stimulus which these little mementoes have afibrded, can be estimated best by those who appreciate that common attribute of our nature, which, especially in the young, requires something more than the consciousness of accomplished duty, as an incentive to protracted exertion. How full of deep suggestion and touch- ing pathos is the spectacle which has been exhibited to-day, of the recipients of these honorable tokens, marching in lengthened column, section after section, year by year, in con- secutive generations, covering more than the ordinary life of man, each one adorned by the trophy of his youthful toil, and bearing before the image of his benefactor a life-long tribute of veneration and gratitude." The accompanying cuts are representations of the size and designs of the Medal. Nos. 1 and 2 are fac-similes of the 12 THE FEANKLIN MEDAL. original design, as adopted in 1792, and drawn on the records of the School Committee, except the name of the recipient, which has been inserted as it stands at the head of the lirst list. Probably the open book is intended as a symbol of the Reading Schools, and the pens crossed, of the Writing Schools. This supposition is rendered the more probable from the fact, that after the first year of the distribution, it was determined to adopt a different design for the Latin School, substituting for the above, "a pile of books, with the words — ' Detur Digniori' — inscribed on the same side," and on the reverse, " FranJdi7i^s Donation, adjudged by the School Committee of the Town of Boston to ." An exact fac-simile of a medal for the Latin School, as awarded in 1809, is shown in cuts num- bered 3 and 4. Recently the medals for the Latin, English High, and Grammar Schools, have been precisely alike, being impressions from the same set of dies. The dies now in use were executed in 1851, after a design recommended by a com- mittee appointed for that purpose, consisting of Joseph M. Wightman, George Eaton, and S. W. Bates. The design as exhibited in cuts numbered 5 and 6, is described by this Com- mittee as follows : — "A medallion head of Franklin, sur- rounded by the words, ' The Gift of Franklin,' with the date of its institution, ' 1790.' ' The reverse is chaste and simple in design, being intended to have the recipient's name en- graved upon the blank surface." ' The medals are struck at the United States Mint in Philadelphia. At the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin in 1856, the Franklin Medal Scholars as a separate body were invited to take part on that interesting day, and in the morning a meeting was held at the Melodeon and a society organized, and officers chosen, and the following Preamble and Constitu- tion adopted : THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. 13 PREAMBLE For the purpose of perpetuating the common bond by -which we, the recipients of the Franklin Medal, are united, and to ensure a periodical celebration of the birthday of the giver, (or some other day to be desig- nated by the Government of the Association, and set apart to the honor- ing of his memory,) — we, the undersigned, hereby unite to form an Association dedicated to his name by the following CONSTITUTION. Article 1. The Institution shall be called The Association of Franklin Medal Scholars. Art. 2. The OflScers shall be chosen annually, at a meeting to be holden in the month of Jannary, commencing January, 1858, and shall consist of a President, three Vice Presidents, fifteen Directors, a Secre- tary, and a Treasurer ; who shall, together, constitute the Government of the Association, and who shall hold stated meetings twice in each year ; the first meeting to be held in the month of October next, and subsequent meetings at such times as the Government may determine. They shall fill any vacancies in their body till the following annual or other stated meeting of the Association. Special meetings either of the Government or of the Association, may be called at the discretion of the President, or at the request, made in writing to the Secretary, of any three members of the Government. Art. 3. Any one who has received a Franklin Medal, may become a member of this Association, by signing the Constitution and paying one dollar to the Treasin-er ; and no assessments shall ever be levied on the members. No member shall be considered as eligible to fill any oflSce in the Association until he shall have attained the age of twenty-one years. Art. 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Govern- ment, and of the Association ; and in his absence the Vice Presidents shall preside, in the order of their names on the list. In the absence of all these, the Directors, in their order, shall preside. Art. 5. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all doings of the Government, and of the Association, and a file of all letters and other papers that may fall into his hand, belonging to the Government or the Association : all which shall be open to the inspection of members. 14 THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. Art. 6. The Treasurer shall have charge of all moneys and other property or evidences of property, belonghig to the Association, including badges, banners, &c., which shall be kept in a place of safety, and in a state of careful preservation. He shall also provide a suitable certificate of membership, and furnish each member with a copy. Art. 7. This Constitution may be altered at any annual or stated meeting of the Association, or at any special meeting called for the purpose, provided that three-fourths of the members present vote for such alteration. At the annual meeting held in January, 1858, the following officers were elected : PRESIDENT. EDWARD EVERETT. vice presidents. James T. Austin, Robert C. Winthrop, James Savage. directors. Isaac Harris, F. U. Tracy, Charles Calhoun, J. Wiley Edmands, Samuel H. Jenks, Warren Tilton, Ezra Lincoln, Uriel H. Crocker, Joseph Ballard, Osborn B. Hall, -L. H. Bradford, Thomas Gapfield, George II Kuhn, Isaac H. Wright, Charles W. Slack. secretary. John C. Pratt, 13 Exchange street. treasurer. Wm. H. Dennett, 131: Washington street. THE FRANKLIN MEDAL. 15 Nearly six liimclred signatures have been obtained to the Constitution, and it is desirable that every one vrho has re- ceived one of these marks of good scholarship, should record his name, that the Association may have an Autograph record of them. It will be seen that the Catalogue which follows is very imperfect, especially in the earlier years. It has been made up from a variety of sources, the papers of the day, &c., and as there is no official record of the names extant, the of&cers of the Association will be grateful for any additions or cor- rections which may be made to this list, so that eventually it may be completed. Those only are marked with a ('^) that are known to be deceased ; doubtless there are many others. At the last annual meeting an invitation was extended to Hon. Edward Everett, the President, to deliver an address on the life and services of Franklin, which invitation was ac- cepted, and the Association hope to have the pleasure of listening to it on the next anniversary of Franklin's birthday. If all the recipients of the Medal were to become \nembers of the Association, a sufficient fund would be obtained to make the society one of practical usefulness and benefit in the community. 16 FEANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLAES. FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Any additional names or corrections will be gladly received by the Treasurer of the Association. 1792. *John Collins Warren, Latin. *John Joy, 3d., " *Daniel Bates, Jr " Isaac Parker, North. Isaac Harris, " *AVilliam Savage, " John Lewis, " Robert Lash, " *John Snelling, " Richard B. Callender, Centre. * Andrew E. Belknap, " *Eben Frothingham, " Samuel Bradlee, South. *John Butterfield, " , 1793. . Lath; * Arthur Maynard Walter, "William Hunt, " *John Parker, North. «Thomas Wells, " John INIartin, " *Joseph Vincent, " *Andrew Symmes, " Gorham Cutter, " James T. Austin, Centre. Jacob Bunnell, " Nathan Davies, Jr., " Nathaniel W. Crafts, " Bartholomew W. Trow, " *Daniel Wild, " *Moses Bass, South. John Fenno, " *Robert Lumb, " *Andrew Sprague, " 1794 .Latin. . North. Centre. . South. 1795. Samuel D. Parker, Latin. North. James Savage, .Centre. *Isaac Boyle, " *James Sprague, South. 1796. Latin. *Joseph Lewis, North. Aaron Baldwin, " Samuel Grant, Centre. Henry G. Foster, " South. 1797 , . Latin. . North. Centre. . South. 179 8. *Charles W. Greene, Latin. North. *William Ballard, Centre. Gustavus Tuckerman, South. 1799. Latin. North. William B. White, Centre. George Henchman, " George Sewall, " *John Eaton, " Andrew Cunningham, South. William Parmenter, " *Charles Tuckerman, " Those only are thus marked * who are known to be deceased. FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. n 1 800. Latin. North. Centre. Samuel Frothingham, South. *Spencer Bates, " 180 1. Latin, Samuel Draper, North. David Watson, " *John W. Rich, " *Samuel Butler, " Joseph Ballard, Centre. ■ South. 1802. Latin. North. *William AVild Centre. *WillIam A. Gale « Charles Cunningham, South. Joseph Field, " 1803. *William Smith, Jr., Latiti. John Andrews, North. Samuel H. Jenks, " *John Cary, «' *Samuel Leach, « Centre. *Henry Vose, South. Horace Howard Watson, .... " Charles Sprague, • " *Richard Goodwin, " *Samuel Leonard Abbot, " 1804. Abraham Wild, Jr., Latin. *Francis Parkman, " Edward Everett, North. *Thomas G. Atkins, " George Washington Armstrong, " Charles White, Centre. Jonathan Stodder, " Stephen Bates South. *01iver C. Tileston, " Ozias Goodwin, West. Stephen B. Verron, " *Charles Ewer, " 3 1805. . Latin. *John Farrie, North. Joseph West, Centre. Lewis Henchman, " Joseph Vila, " Charles Wild " Elijah P. Clark, South. William Whitney, " *Samuel Parmenter, " *01iver C. Tileston, " West. 1806. Edward Everett, Latin. Nathaniel L. Frothingham,. . , " William B. Fowle, North. *John H. Belcher, « John Brigden Tremere, " *James Dewliurst, " George H. Kuhn, Centre. *Benjamin F. Callender, South. William Dall, " Gideon F. Thayer, West. 1807. Charles Pelham Curtis, Latin. Benjamin D. Greene, " George Edward Head, " Joseph Eustis, North. John W. Barrett, Centre. *Nathaniel Brewer, " *James Parmenter, South. *jHremiah Sprague, " Watson Gore, " Edmund Wright, West. *Frederick Todd, " *Joseph G. Southack, " *Charles Cleland, " 1808. *George Homer, Latin. Charles Greely Loring, " * William Austin, North. *Jonathan Richardson, " Charles Calhoun, Centre. *James Sargent, Jr., " *John G. Stevenson, " *John Ward, " *Frederick West, " E. L. Frothingham, " 18 FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. Benjamin J. Howland, South. Stephen Dow, " William Learnard, " *WiIliam Wyman, " Isaac Bemis, West. Lewis Verron, " James Bird, " 1809. John Lee Watson, Latin. Caleb H. Snow, " Charles A. Prince, North. *Jaeob G. L. Libby, " William Clough, " *Joshua Elhs, " Centre. Nathaniel Henry Emmons,. . . South. *Otis Turner, " John Adams, West. *Thomas French, " *Sarauel Ripley, " George W. Goodwin, " Caleb G. Loring, " Thomas Howe, " 1810. *Nathaniel Brewer, Latin. Henry J. Ripley, North. *Stt'phen Winchester, " John Gammell, Centre. *Charles Vose, " *Elijah Mason " Pynson Blake, South. George Callander, " Joseph Leeds West. Frederic A. Farley, " *Thomas B. Coolldge, " John Brown, " *Georoe Tyler Stodder, " *Joshua Walker, " 1811. Latin. John Lewis, North. Eliphalet Jones, " Robert J. Palfrey, " Centre. William C. Fox, South. George Howland, '• Joseph W. Badger, West. Edward D. Clark, " George Adams, " Thomas Greene, " Elijah Trask, West. Charles Mecum, " 18 12. Henry J. Ripley, Latin. William Clough, " Andrew T. Hall, North. Henry Dawes, " William R. Stacy, Centre. Samuel N. Brewer, " Andrew H. Calhoun, " Anthony Peverelly, " William Brown, " *Joseph S. Stoddard, West. Francis Greene, " 1813. • iMtin. *Joseph W. Ingraham, North. N. B. Mounttbrt, " Centre. South. West. 18 14. Napol'n Buonap'te Mountfort, North. *Thomas J. Shelton, Centre. Henry Calhoun, " James C. Wdd, " *Augustus Peverelly, " George Brown, " Edward Austin, " B. F. Vinton, South. *Henry Haviland, " *Edu)und Badger, West. * William Prince, " *Samuel Stodder, " 18 15. * Alexander Young, Latin. *Frederick P. Leverett, " *Thomas Bryant, North. *Thomas Keefe, " *Joshua R. Lincoln, " *James Farrar, '■' Thomas Watts, " Charles French, " *Thomas J. Shelton, Centre. Nathaniel Meriam, " *Samuel Baker, South. William H. Pritchard, » FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. 19 Henry Hartwell Jones, West. *Robert Henry Stodder, " 18 16. William H. Furness, Latin. Thomas G. Bradford, " North. Henry Sargent, Centre George Vinton, " Edward Austin, " Francis White, " Theodore Baker, South. *Joshua Pico, " John J. Soren, " Daniel F. Child, » B. H. Greene, We.^t *Robert Henry Stodder " D. W. Barnes, " *W. L. Clark, " 18 17. John F. Currant, North. Gustavus A. Godbold, " John Williston, " Daniel Sampson, " Cazneau Palfrey, " *Charles Fitz, " Charles Gushing Barry, .... Centre. Stephen Shelton, " Elijah Williams, South. S. il. Barnes, West. *W. L. Clark, " 18 18. E. G. Loring, Latin. G. C. Stevenson, North. William B. Snow, " *John Earl Brewer, Centre. Thomas B. Vose, South. Thomas Goddard, West. 18 19. *J. Thomas Stevenson, Latin. *DanielWeld " *Geo. R. M. Withington, " Nathaniel Nottage Noi-th. John Nathaniel Barbour,. ... " *Robert Restieaux, " *El)enezer Knowlton, " *\Vimim B. Oliver, " Edmund Davis, " Charles Edward Cook, .... Centre. Charles Gushing Barry, .... Centre. John Tucker Prince, " * Daniel Gridley Ingersoll, .... " Benjamin F. Snow, " David Leavitt, " William A. Brewer, " Samuel J. Andrews, South. John Fames, West. Thomas Goddard, " 1820. John C. Park, Latin. Ed. B. Emerson, William Newell, Latin. Thomas Lewis Vose, North. William A. Brewer, Centre. *Charles Austin, " Francis E. A'ose, South. A. C. Patterson, West. Lawson B. Dench, " *David Patterson, " Nathaniel Brewer, Boylston. John P. Fairbanks " Benjamin Faxon Field, " Nicholas Berry, " Patrick Dunn, " Andrew Aitchison, Addison Dorr, William R. Bell, James Blake, *Richard Y. Shelton, Isaac Harris, Jr., Samuel Parker, William Young, William Holbrook, Edward Holbrook, Thomas II. Seymour, John H. Averv, William H. Wheeler, Joseph H. Trott, Richard Galloupe, Frankhn Smith, *Isaac Adams, John B. Robinson, Christian F. Belsen, William Wightman, Benjamin B. Fessenden, . . . . Isaac N. Deblois, George A. Payson, John D. Patten, 1821. Elijah J. Loring, Latin. Augustus S. Doane, . . . . , ... " 20 FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. Allyne Otis, Latin. Giles H. Lodge, " Albert H. Brown,.iVor;/«, now Eliot. William Parkman, " John Blake, " Nathaniel C. Poor, " *Samuel G. Harris, " Samuel C. Nottage, " George Homer,. Centre, noto Adams. *Edwin Buckingham, " Thomas A. Goddard, " William Spear, " Andrew Aitohison, " William N. Hunnewell, " South, now Franl'Un. John H. Everett, " Peter Trott, " *Samuei P. J3aldwin, " Henry M. Williams, " *John B. Carter, " Charles H. Ayling, " Oliver W. Ripley, West, now Mayhew. *Jeremiah G. Fitch, ' Joseph Daniels, " Joseph Breck, "■ Edwin Harris Hall, " *Henry C. Simonds, . . .Derne Street. *Jared Lincoln, " *Andrew Leach, " James Riley, " John W. Ridgway, " Joseph Simonds, " *Patrick Dunn, Boijlston. *William Wyman, " *James N. Seaver, " George West, " Nicholas Berry, " Granville Mears, " John Hammond, South Boston. 1 822. Cazneau Palfrey, Latin. Joshua T. Stevenson, " Edward G. Furber, " Thomas Davis, " *\A'^illiam PL Smith, Classical. John J. Dixwell, " *Henry Simonds, " *Henry P. Fairbanks, " AVilliam Robinson, Eliot. James S. Barbour, " Parker Emerson, " Henry Tilden, Eliot. Joseph A. Pitman, " William N. Hunnewell, . . . .Adams. *John R. Bradford, " Joseph Stevens Jones, . . .Franklin. *H. G. O. Moore, " *Robert Blake, " John Kettell Hall, Mayhew. John Powers Goddard, " *Frederic A. Smith, " *John Riley, Derne Street. Joseph Simonds, " South Boston. 1823. *Henry S. McKean, Latin. *Thomas K. Davis, " Frederick Hall Bradiee, " * Arnold F. Welles " *Charles Ritchie " John Wiley Edmands, . . . Classical. Cuthbert E. Gordon, " Isaac Adams, " *Charles C. Emerson, " *Geo. B. Prentiss,3iM^ies, Winlhrop. William F. Richardson, " Charles F. Bowker, " Benjamin F. Knapp, Endicott. John Hobbs, Jr., " George W. Daniels, " Enoch W. Perry, Jr., Lyman. Edwin E,. Pierce, " 1846. Joseph Henry Thayer, Latin. F. W. W. Palfrey, " Charles Hale, " H. J. Warner, " L.G.Ware, " Amory T. Gibbs, English High. Benjamin F. Clapp, • " Theodore G. Ellis, " Joseph Gavett, " John W. Atkinson, " John S Scott, " Joseph E. Frobisher, Adams. Joseph M. Gibbens, '• John F. Pearson, " Gf orge H. Gorely, " Charles Merriam, " Edwin A. Gibbens, " William H. Cheever, Otis. George S. Withington, " William Parsons Towne, .... " Charles E. Snow, Boylslon. Charles O. Pratt, ' " Perez G. Porter, " Calvin J. Parker, Winthrop. W^illiam E. Simpson, " Joseph S. Dolbeare, " Charles E. Alexander, .... Phillips. John L. Brisham, " Samuel P. Howes, " William W. Richards, " Hiram H. Snffbrd, " William H. Wood, " James Ross, Mather. *Thomas C. Simonds, " John L. Emerson, " Henry W. Dyer, Hawes. Edwin A Pendleton, " Henry G. Safford, " Frederic T. Brown, Endicott. William P. Harding, " Edwin A. Lovejoy, " John W. Beals, Mayhew. Lowell M. Drown, " George L. Brewer, " James Minon, •' Edward A. Freeman, " James E. Fowle, " LyndeWalterBuckin2ham,ijrjVrt?ner. Charles Ferdinand Fisher,... " Elvin Francis Gates, " Charles Wells Gray, " Jacob Ashton Johnson, " George Augustus Stover, .... " Henry B. Dexter, Eliot. David A. Elwell, " Charles F.Newcomb, " Theodore Tasker, " George W. B. Merritt, " Alonzo C. Tenny, " Albert P. Lovejoy Lyman. Alexander Laue, Jr., " 1 847. Henry W. Haynes, Latin. Edward Aiken, " Lucius H. Buckingham, " Ebenezer Alexander, English High. J. H. Thaver, " T.J.Curtis " E. H. Ammidown, " J. A. Howe, " H. T. Curtis " William H. Hoyt, Adams. Edward A. Doherty, " George Blagden, " George W. Sprague, " William R. Frost, " Charles W. Sprague, " Joseph W. Meriam, Boylston. James P. Brewer, " John Davenport, Jr., " Oliver M. Bradford, Dwight. Bela S. Fiske " George H. Allan, " William B. Williams, . . . .Brimmer. William N. Eayrs, " Isaac D. Fisher, " Charles H. Eberle, " Joseph L. Drew, Jr., " George M. Goodridge, " William Wirt Chipman, Eliot. George W. D. Copeland, " 32 FEANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. John E. Davis, Eliot. Samuel Dorety, " Warren P. Lincoln, " George Mason Chilson, " Frederic A. Mdrden, Endicott. George W. Keilh, " William F. Finney, " George W. Bail, Hawes. *George Mason, " William Park, " George W. Cobb, Lyman. John W. Russell, " George E. James, " Charles R. Sumner, Mather. Josiah F. Dunham, " Charles J. F. Allen, Jr., " Daniel Dacy, Mayheio. Charles Andrews, " John H. Davis, " William H. Whitmore, » George D. Ball, " John J. McArdle, " William H. W. Hinds, Otis. Jason W. Coolidge, " Stephen W. Rhoades, " John J. Davis, Phillips. John J. French, " James G. Boiles, " Samuel Mulliken, " Charles Nye, " Henry M. Forristall, " Charles E. Bridge, Winthrop. Benjamin H. Scott, " Henry Bowker, " 1848. James M. Wbiton, Jr.,. .... .Latin. George B. Safford, " Gorham Thomas, " Charles R. Lowell, Jr " Samuel L. Thorndike, " John S. Perkins, " Benjamin S. Manning, English High. Nathaniel Ring, Jr " John Ellery Amory, " Edward IngersoU Browne,. . " William Stimpson, " William Henry C. Copeland, " F. W. Beecher, Eliot. G.W.Bell, " Jimes T. Z. Chandler, " F. Johnson, " T.W.Gould, " E. F. Sweet, ' " Charles Augustus Burditt, .Phillips. Lowell Lincoln, " William H. Brigham, " Marcus M. Hawes, " Caleb S. Marshall, " Edward D. Maynard, " Roswell D. Tucker, Dwight. William F. Fowle, " Charles H. Sanborn, " Michael Moran, " George A. Tirrell, " Charles Carroll Southard,. .Mather. Benjamin Underwood, " Henry W. Wilson, " Benjamin F. Aplin, Endicott. William F. Chester, " Charles K. Nichols, " James Place, Boylston, Nathaniel Brewer, Jr., " Matthew Cobb, Jr., " Daniel T. Hall, Otis. George Melville Baker, .... " John Wilson, Jr., " Gardiner Adams, Hawes. John Henry Haskell, " Oliver Bliss Siebbins, " Peleg H. Baker, " George AV. Cutter, Mayhew. George W. Copeland, " James B. Jacobs, " Edwin A. Lecompte, " Timothy Blaisdell, " James Swords, " Frederick H. Adams, " Charles Caverly, 3 r. ,... .Brimmer. William H. Kent, " John Leighton, " John V." Gilbert, " Everett C. Kingsbury, " Jos. A. C. Warren, " Charles P. Greely, Adams. William H. McKay, " Henry L. Frost, " Joseph B. Phelps, " Henry J. Huff, " George Pratt Deshon, " Joseph H. Barnes, Lyman. Edwin O.Hunt, " James C. Dayley, " Darius Co")b, " 18 4 9. Gordon Bartlett, Latin. Charles W. Eliot, » FRANKUN" MEDAL SCHOLARS. 33 William IJenry Rowe, Latin. Uriel Haskell Crocker, " Francis Augustus Osborn,. . . " William Sidney Davis, " Henry Newman, English High. Charles Carleton Snow, " John Fiske Pearson, '' Alonzo Chapin Finney, " John Worcester, " John Leverett Emerson, .... " Calvin C. Bailey, Boylston. Roland G. Brown, " Samuel B. Dana, " William Henry Allen, . . . .Brimmer. Edward Coddington, " Aram L. Youlen, " George Munroe Kettelle,. ... " Francis McNiell Bacon, " William Kunhardt Perkins,. . " George II. Davis, Dwight. John G. Broughton, " Herbert Dickenson, " *Francis E. Deblois, " Anson D. Wass, " Charles F. Wyman, Phillips. Samuel S. Pollard, " George W. Chapman, " James M. Hubbard, " Charles W. G. Mansfield, .... " Calvin L. Rice, " *Wm. Augustus Trumbull, . .Mather. John Henry Locke, " Daniel Webster Southard, ... " *Isaac W. Mott, Hawes. Aubrey M. Pendleton, " William P. Cherrington, " Theodore A. Taylor, Otis. William H.Waitt,.... " Charles H. Crosby, " Samuel W. Sargeant, Eliot. Victor L. Chandler, " Charles E. Rich, " Edward O. Eaton, " Frederic A. Prescott, " James M. Alden, " James Smith, Lyman. William F. Endicott, " Allyne C. Litchfield, " Robert E. N. Thacker, Smith. Charles W. Matthews, " William B. Peabody, Quincy. Spencer W. Richardson,. ... " Samuel H. Eells, " James H. Kelley, " 5 L«fG. William F. B. Jackson, .... Quincy. George H. Drew, " Robert Bacon, Jr., Mayhem. Joshua G. Beals, " Ephraim C. Davis, " Charles W. Romney, " George O. Edwards, " John S. Stodder, " Caleb E. Niebuhr, Adams. James E. Ingols, " Charles H. Dow, " John A. Sparks, " Samuel E. Barrett, " Albert P. Lovejoy, " Leavitt Hobart, Endicott. George E. Pond, " Daniel Webster Swallow, .... " 1 850. David Pulsifer Kimball, Latin. Joseph Willard, Jr., " David Hill Coolidge, " William T. R. Marvin, " Norman Seaver, " Benjamin Joy Jeffries, " Jonas Wyeth Coolidge, . . Eng. High. Joseph Waite Merriam, " John James French, " Thomas Minns, " John Davenport, Jr., " William Henry Hoyt, " *Thomas C. Simonds, " Richard Mayer Wilson, . . . .Adams. Joseph C. McKay, " Edwin R. Frost, " Charles H. Simpson, " Charles M. Brigham, " Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Jr., . . " , Enoch P. Dennis, Boylston. George H. Pierce, " Francis W. Tileston, " John Pierpont Thayer,. . .Brimmer. William H. Ellison, " Edward Knott, " Washington L. Prescott, " George B. Chad wick, " Gorham E. Hubbard, " William L. Caverly, Dwight. Samuel A. Harwood, " Henry P. Moorhouse, " Andrew GiU, " Daniel Lynch, " George L. Richardson, Eliot. FEANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. John Ritchie, Eliot. George H. Beecher, " •George H. Stutson, " David A. Cushman, " Edward S. Chessman, " William R. Eaton, " George B. James, Hawes. *IIubert Pope, " Francis E. Park, " Francis Ropes Chapman, .... " eTohn Hawes Bird Kent, " John W. Wait, Endicott. Sigourney W. Fay, " Stephen C. Holmes, " Lyman James, Lyman. Henry O. Bailey, " Nathaniel Seaver, Jr., " William C. Church, Mayliew. David T. Copeland, " John S. Foster, " Samuel G. Langton, " Horatio P. Livermore, " Henry A. Piper, " Benjamin W. Burnham, . . . Mather. Dexter Reeves, Jr., " Samuel C. Ellis, " Charles B. Bishop, " Alonzo G. Draper, Otis. Marcellus Walker, " Charles W. McLellan, " *Isaac Barbadoes, Smith. George W. Saffbrd, Phillips. Joseph T. Hazelton, " Charles Brooks Bradbury,. . . " Henry A. Luther,. . . , " Frederick William Alexander, " *William Rotch, " Theodore L. Kelley, Quincy. ■ Charles H. Frothingham, .... " Riley D. Thomas, " Peter C. Scott, " Charles H. Bayley, " John A. Beyer, " William K. Hall " Francis Lewis Bullard, " Granville B. Putman, " Albert G. Baxter, " Eugene A. Callahan, " 1851. Edwin H. Abbot, Latin. James Reed, " Phillips Brooks, " Henry Walker, " William B Williams, Latin. William W. Richards, " Lowell Lincoln, English High. James P. Brewer, " Charles Augustus Burditt, ... " Henry Warren Wilson, " Charles P. Horton, " Charles J. Fox, " Nathaniel E. Gage, " George G. Wheelock, Adams. John W. Ryan, " James D. Wyman, " Waldo Merriam, " George Brooks, " Henry W. Parsons, " Nathaniel P. Jones, Bnylston. Albert F. Shelton, " David Crosby, " Henry W. Foley, " Calvin A. Damon, Brimmer. Frederick Henry Doane, .... " William Curtis Ulman, " Charles Francis Tremlett, ... " John Wells Cumings, " Edward Payson Butler,. .Chapman. William Henry Banks, " Nahum Otis Mitchell, " Charles D. Dickinson, " Christopher H. White, Dioight. Edward Savage, " George H. Sargent, " Heman Tucker, " William J. Seaver, " Francis A. Field, Eliot. Frederick H. Chessman, " Henry Franklin Mills, " Henry B. Nottage, " William Kempton Spinney, . . " Lysander E. Hanson, ' " Charles Hobart, Endicott. Oliver H. Chenery, " Richard L. Massey, " Joseph E. Baker," Hawes. Edward B. Blasland, " Joseph Buckley, " Michael F. Power, " Irving O. Whiting, " John D. Merrill, ^ Lyman. Caleb Prentiss, 3d, " Alexander Porter, " Hamilton Burrage, Mather. Joseph C. Story, " William B. Herrick, " George Henry Titcomb, " William A. Lothrop, Mayhew. FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. ss Robert T. Shedd, Mayliew. William C. Zane, " . George A. Craft, " Charles A. Rand, " Oliver I. Brewer, " Albert A. Dole, Otis. Joseph A. Blaisdell, " Nicholas M. Williams, " D wight Prouty, Phillips. Charles II. Hitchcock, " William W. Blanchard, " James G. Steele, " Jacob Hall Lombard, " Samuel W. Hitchcock, " Thomas Cordis, " James Schouler, Quincy. William F. Ilardinoj, " William B. A. Messinger, .... " Robert Bramhall, " Richard F. Briggs, " Joseph C. Bowker, " Herman D. Delano, " Edward A. Long, " Stephen 8. C. Russell, " Leonard F. Elder, " John W. R. Parker, " David Hart Pulsiier, " 1852. George Blagden, Latin. George W. Copeland, " George L. Locke, " Daniel W. Wilder, " Richard H.Weld, " James J. Higginson, " Charles F. Wyman, . . English High. WiUiam J. Ediefson, " George E. Pond, " Charles Osgood, " Stephen A. Shelton, " *William Augustus Trumbull,. " Thomas James Corbin, . . . .Adams. Henry S. Jenkins, " Richard F. Homer, " John S. Lewis, " James H. Brigham, " Charles A. Gould " Frederic Wm. Doane Holbrook, " George Read, Boylston. Patrick F. Perkins, " Richard H. Shelton, " James H. Beck, " "William F. Pierce, Brimmer. Charles T. Barry, " Henry Beal, Jr., Brimmer. Leonard C. Alden, " George B. Gavett, Jr., ..... " Charles C. Haven, " Joseph C. Wightman, " Frederick B. Fisher, Chapman. Ebenezer M. McPherson, .... " James F. Porter, " Benjamin W. Seaver, Dwight. *AViliiam A. Gallagher, " *Joseph A. Foster, " Charles C. Sylvester, " *Walter W. Hale, " Charles W. Wilkins, " Elisha C. Prescott, Eliot. John Felton, Jr., " Samuel W. Shattuck, " James H. Barnes, " Joseph A. Wiggin, " Samuel Paine, " Waldo B. Boynton, Endicolt. John F. Flynn, " Edwin F. Knights, " Joseph E. Ilollis, " John P. Brown, " Edward W. Sanborn, " Patrick S. Higgins, " Francis Everett Blake, Hawes. Frederick D. Blake, " Joseph F. A. Cole, " Richard II. Brazzell, " William A. Power, " James D. Bailey, Lyman. Samuel A. Porter, Jr., " Hiram O. Lamb, " Samuel A. Lovejoy, " Isaiah E. Crowell, " Charles E. Johnston, Mather. John F. Bui-rage, " Charles II. Gunn, " Samuel K. Bishop, • • • • " < Thomas Crocker Bacon,. . .Mayhew. Charles Henry Cole, " Julius A. Palmer, " Alexander Shnttee, " *James Clinton Butler, " Ebenezer Brewer Foster, ... " Isaiah Franklin Libbey, " *Edward Lowell Williams, .... " John Ballard Richards, .... Phillips. Merrick Rice Pollard, " Edward Dexter Harlow, " William Irving Brooks, " Daniel Gregg Pike, " Frederick Eaton Stimpson,. . " 36 FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. Francis R. Ilollingsworth, . . Qumcy. Walter Allen Gibson, " William Converse Wood,. ... " Wallace A. Putnam, " Warren Gill, '• Frederick Elliot Long, " James Sabine, " John William Ilobbs, " John Adams Conkey, " William Henry Brown, " James Nichols Bates, " Frank Davis Cobb, " 1853. James J. Lowell, Latin. William N. Eayrs, " Joseph A. Hale, " George Whittemore, " Augustus A. Hayes, " Horace N. Fisher, " Enoch P. Dennis, . . . .English High. George H. Pierce, " John S. Foster, " Henry Capen Richards, " Gorham E. Hubbard, " Daniel Webster Southard, ... " Daniel Goodnow, Jr., . . . .Brimmer. William P. Lincoln, " Charles J. Prescott, " Edward F. Hall, " John R. Fairbanks, " Thomas A. Taylor, " Francis E. Bundy, " Edwin F. Robbins, " Charles J. Page, " John F. Donovan, Boylston. William McCarty, " Frederick E. Dolbeare, " George A. Lovejoy, Chapman. J. Howard Plumley, " Charles H. Parker, " , Henry G. Sturtevant, " Israel H. Carver, " Charles Sawyer, Dwight. George W. Brown, " Ira Ayrcs, Jr., " John II. Jackson, " Albert Day, Jr., " Charles II. Davis, " George B. Ford, " Eben F. Gay, Jr., Eliot. Edward L. Grueby, " Henry Kreuger, Jr., " James A. Lawler, " Albert C. Pond, " Alonzo E. Tainter, Eliot. •Charles A. Vialle, " Charles I). Waterman, " Lewis W. Williams, " Ezra N. Smith Hawes. Nathan F. Tilden, " James M. Johnston, " George H. Southard, " Samuel B. Conley, " John J. Maghran, " Herbert Magoun, Lyman. Junius U. liill, " William H. Varney, " Phineas M. Crane, " William A. Foss, " J. J. Carney, Mather. William II. Storey, " James B. Hammond, " Samuel F. Hay, " Benjamin F. Pray, " Roswell D. Gushing, Phillips. George H. Haven, " Edwin F. Bowker, " John Pratt, " George A. Trull, " William J. Guardinier, " George P. Steele, " George A. Trull, " Charles Henry Shapleigh,.il/o?/Aettf. George Henry Binney, " James D. Long, " John M. Whittier, " William P. Sparrell, " Augustus Ware Bowen, " Daniel Kingsbury Ford, " George W. Felt " George Henry Cheever, " Charles H. Bingham, Quincy. Joseph Henry Capen, " Charles E. Cram, " Robert Jackson Cowdin, .... " William L. Garrison, Jr., .... " Francis M. Kelley, .'. " Sidney Manley, " William W. Palfrey, " Berry Russell, " Henry Lyman Shaw, " Joseph A. Sprague, " George M. Stevens, " Frank Stanwood, " 1854. Joshua G. Beals, Latin. William P. G. Bartlett, " Henry L. Patten, " FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLARS. 37 Samuel II. Eells, Latin. Thomas Reed, " William Everett, " Alonzo G. Draper, . . .English High. James D. Wyman, " George Brooks, " Samuel H. Randall, " George A. Craft, " William F. Harding, " George W. Pierce, Boijlston. Samuel A. Clougb, " Charles H. LeCraw, " John B. Caden, " Patrick A. Mahoney, " John E. Fisher, Chapman. Andrew M. Morton, " Charles H. Godbold, " Patrick J. Dunn, " M. F. F. Morey, " William E. Sheridan, . . . .Brimmer. John B. Manning, " Charles W. Wrightington,. . . " . Charles F. Smitli, " Daniel J. Dugan, " Henry M. Wightman, " Charles W. Bobbins, " Horace Blaney, " William H. Scribner, " Samuel A. Coolidge, Jr., .... " Marcellus L. Clay, Dwiqht. Frank W. Rhoades, '' William F. Bacall,. " Stinson H. Bailey, " William A. Cole, " Willard H. Reed, " Samuel Copeland, " Charles O. L. Dillaway, . . . .Hawes. Graham Pope, " George B. Easte, " Andrew Paul, " William Burns, " Charles S. Bowers " Charles S. Bowden, Eliot. Thomas W. Brown, Jr., " Francis E. Cutter, " Edward I. Devitt, " Joseph F. Dyke, " Charles W. Harris, " Reuben Hildreth, " Frederick Jennings, " John A. McKown, " William H. H. Shaw, " Joseph B. Shute, " Albert H. Spence, " Charles C. Soule, Lyman. Everett Burnham, Li/7nan. John I). Sweet, " William D. Crane, " Orville W. Leonard, " Frederick B. Allen, Mayhew. Seth A. Fowle " Frank W. Ilackett, " Walter W. Nourse, " William F. Perkins, " Henry A. Perkins, " Edward A. Pearson, " Edward W. Schuttee, " Henry A. IIufF, Mather. Thomas Savage, " Henry McQuaid, " Henry A. Rowell, " Otis L. Bonney, Phillips. Charles E. Barker, " Albert R. Crosby, " Charles H. Metcalf, " William D. Anderson, " John L. MuUiken, " Charles I. Litchfield, " George W. Boynton, " Charles H. Barrett, " George E. Brown, Quincy. George M. Cook " Joseph F. Gammell, " William E. Hersey, Jr., " Edwin R. Jones, " Elmar A. Messinger, " Frederick A. Mullen, " Alfred J. Mayo, " Taylor P. Rundlett, " Robert Steele, Jr., " Francis F. Stone, " George S. Worcester, " 1855. Clinton A. Cilley, Latin. Francis Gray, " William K. Hall » Francis C. Hopkinson, " James M. Hubbard, " Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Jr.,. . " John P. Brown, English High. Leonard C. Alden, " Charles T. Barry, " Charles E. Johnston, " John Ritchie, " William A. Power, " George F. Clough, Boylston. Cornelius P. Drew, " Daniel J. Ragan, " 38 FKANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLAKS. John A. Dougherty, Boylston. John B. Harvey, " C. Vincent McConologue, Chapman. Joseph Chessman, " Lucius Carver, " Francis A. Griffin, " P. William Tonrv, " George H. York, " Edward C. Moriarty, Brimmer. Charles A. Bean, " Charles W.Wheeler, " Charles Collis, " William S. Green, " Edward M. Simmons, " Joseph E. Perkins, " John A. Devereux, " George W. Mudge, " George A. Eaton, " Samuel B. Weld, " James E. Bartlett, Dwight. James E. Sampson, " William II. Towne, " Pvobert W. McNinch, » Orlando H. Ayres, " Frederick E. Foster, " George S. Tomlinson, " Henry A. Rice, " George H. Fales, Lyman. Charles H. Lunt, " Grenville L. Gove, " Richard Hennessey, " Marcellus G. Baker, Eliot. John C. C. Bowen, " Joseph P. Calrow, " AVilliam Coveny, " Richard H. Davis, " John F. English, " AVilliam II. Foster, " George F. Ilosea, " Edward A. Jennings, " Lawrence Keany, " Timothy Kelly, " AVilliam G. McKown, " Charles E. Stearns, " Elisha F. James, Hawes. George H. Dixon, " George AV. Austin, " George B. Leonard, " Charles C. Priest, " Albert AV. Mann, " Alexander Baker, " Alfred C. Vinton, Mather. Michael Barry, " AVilliam J. Batterson, " George B. Cains, " AVilliam S. Barnes, 3fayheio. Charles E. Cartwright, " Abraham T. English, " Charles E. Jepson, " Charles C. Loring, " AV. Forbes AVilson, " AVilliam P. Cabot, " Charles E. AA^ilson, " AVilliam R. AVoodbury, .... Phillips. George F. Mann, " Horace AV. Calef, " David W. Murphy, " Charles E. Hayden, " Timothy Reed, " AA'^illiam AVashburn, " AVentworth K. Langford,. ... " AVilliam II. Neal, " Henry Clark Bowen, Quincy. Edward C. Barrage, " Edwin A. Bell, . .". " Samuel B. Capen, " Charles H. Cook, " Francis A. Davis, " Joseph Davis, " George Davis, " Henry A. Fenn, " Nathaniel P. Harris, " David M. Iliggins, " George R. Jenkins, " Joseph S. Mitchell, " George Reed, " Henry B. AVhite, " 1856. George B. Young, Latin. George Willis Warren, " AVilliam AV. Parker, " Arthur AVilkinson, Jr., " George E^ AVheelock, " Lewis AV. Tappan, Jr., " AVilliam C. Gannett, " Joseph II. Capen,. . . .English High. George II. Binney, " J. Albert Sprague, " Henry AV. Parsons, " Edwin F. Bowker, " James A. Hickey, Boylston. Daniel E. Farracy, " John J. Quigley, " Patrick S. Hayes, " ]\Iichael J. Croak, " George li. Hardy, Chapman. Arthur F. Ewell, " William II. Sprague, " FRANKLIN MEDAL SCHOLAES. 39 Andrew P. Fisher, Chapman. Francis S. Andrews, " Peter J. Keenan, " Ingersoll B. Sheridan, " John E. S. Cross, Brimmer. Georjje C. Wright, " Charles W. Norton, " George P. Ryan, " Enoch F. Simmons, " William C. Ireland, " John N. Battcrman, " Converse B. Hill, " William Nichols, Jr " William Blaikie, " Joseph N. Peirce, Jr., " Charles H. Collier, Dwujht. William H. Churchill, '" Samuel McNinch, " Howard D. Emerson, " Charles E. Smith, " Frank Somerby, " Franklin D. Whitcomb, " Francis A. Foster, " Charles I. Jenkins, Lawrence. James A. Coe, " John Crotty, " Charles Cunningham, " Charles H. Crowell, Eliot. Richard T. Dorey, " George A. Gay, " Francis J. Kelley, " Alonzo A. Knights, " William J. Porter, " Charles E. Ridler, " J. Irving Cross, " Patrick J. Stinson, " Emory W. Wiley, Hawes. George II. Varney, " John Dunlop, " George H. Peaslee, " Edward A. Peirce, " William H. Morse, " Charles H. Abbot, " Harlan P. AVilson, " John A. McField, Lyman. John H. Duane, " Ammi R. Ilahn, " Mark A. Blaisdell, Mayhew. Frank W. BoUes, " Ezra Farnsworth, " John T. Hassan, " James S. Newell, " Samuel S. Pierce, " Thomas Watson, " Elias H. Marston, Phillips. J. Dudley Richards, Phillips. George W. Twer, " Orlando P. Merritt, " Oscar Farrar, " William H. II. Stowell, " Richard L. Ashe, Quincy. Thomas J. Bancroft, " Thomas W. Bishop, " William H. Colburn, " Matthew Cassell, " William H. Dimond, " Howard Gannett, " Adolphus W. Green, " Alexander Magregor, Jr., .... " James Edward O'Brien, " Howard A. Pickering, " John 11. Thayer, " Charles F. Trout, " John E. Colburn, " 1857. James Edward Wright, iMtin. Wendell P. Garrison, " George Burroughs, " ScoUay Parker, " John P. Ilopkinson, " Leonard C. Alden, " Lem'l A. Coolidge, Jr., English High. Francis E. Cutter,. " Reuben Ilildreth, " Henry McQuaid, " George AV. Pierce, " Charles W. Bobbins, " Charles W. Wrightington, ... " John W. Bailey, Adams. Thomas F. Ring, Boylston. John J. Donahoe, " Florence A. Shanahan, " Robert J. Seymour, " Edmund B. Miirphy, " Dennis J. Gorman, " Alfred B. Brown, Brimmer. Herman G. Clapp, " Charles H. Demerett, " Francis M. Devereaux, " George II. B. Hill, " Henry L. Ilobart, " Peter Sullivan, " Charles W. A. Trumpler, .... " Thomas Volentine, " William L. Warden, " William R. Wise, " George H. Morrison, .... Chapman. 40 FEANKLIN" MEDAL SCHOLARS. Charles L. Smith, Dwight. Robert Redington, " Edward F. Wilder, " John O. Prince, " William H. Gate, " William McCarty, " Daniel F. Knio;ht, " William P. Egan, " Dennis J. Quinlan, ........ " William D. Wiswell, Eliot. Cornelius Sullivan, " Francis W. McLaughlin, .... " Isaac R. Stearns, " William H. Richardson, " Ebenezer W. Hitchings, .... " Charles G. Lovell, " Dennis B. Crowley, " E. Dudley Mair, " Stephen H. Burrows, ..,..., " G. Walker Dennett, Hawes. William S. Crosby, " John C. Pool, " Thomas H. Poole, " Francis C. Hersey, " Thomas H. Young, " Henry W. Gill, Jr., " Melvin Adams, " Charles J. Miller, Latvrence. William H. Nichols, " Josiah A. Jefferds, " William F. Carney, » Edward II. Clark, Mayheto. William B. C. Stickney, " Charles H. Foster, " Isaac P. Waitt, " Edwin C. Newell, " Frederick P. Bacon, " William H. Sands " Robert H. Mitchell, " William B. Joslin, " Samuel 11. Virgin, Phillips. Thomas J. Cargan, " George W. Cummings, " Henry Canning, " Cornelius Walker, Jr., " Charles E. Kendall, " William A. Hovey, " Edwin A. Hill, " Charles AVilliam Shelton, . . Quincy. Henry Nathan Sawyer, " Alonzo A. Orne, " John Dodd Priest, " William Augustus Hunting,. . " Edwin Andrew Palmer, Jr.,. . " Dexter Almy Hall, « Maurice Augustus Norris, ... " John Roper, " Frederick Howard Mullin,. . . " Horace Edward Fenn, " William Augustus Hall, Jr.,. . " Joseph Owens,. " Henry Morton Aldrich, " LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 876 397 4