*^ Knowledge of Agriculture H E RlKti FORTCOVINC: RECX)RD PBDiTlNO HOCbE. PATRICK BURKES Knowledge of Ageiculttjre IK tSB ElaHTEENTH DISTRICT OF NEW YOKK, A "3 'cidob'-^ FORT COVINGTON, N. Y., RECORD PRINTING HOUBE, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18t4, hf PATRICK BURKE, ' In the Office of the Librarian of CongreeSi at Waehington, c,^^? ^^"o Fort Covington Printed by W, jE. iManisn* I INTRODUCTORY N 1859 I rented out my place which I had in Brasher, and that same year I attended the Agricultural Fair in Canton. I saw a great many things at the jb'air: the showmeu, the trotting horses and many other things, and I heard some very good music; but I did not learn anything about hovr farm work ought to be done although I listened very attentively to the agricultural ad- dresses. I have noticed a great failure in the covering of drains. I called upon Mr. Solomon Walrath to see if be knew more than I did about draining. Mr. Walrath is a good farmer ; he received a premium from the State Fair 'for undertP.tober, 1861 ; and the third for *• Improve* tlieiit ill h^>^^-1)('l)s," grantod on thi' 10th duy of Febrnury, 1874. I thought at tliat time that I Wouhl procure engravings and have a book printed explaining these methods, but I have been unable to obtain the engravings, and I am now going to try and explain how the Avorlv ought to be done without tliem ; and I trust that tlie matter will be so fully explained as to render the aid of tjngravmgy un necessary. I have not commenced my Patent Eights in order to make one cent out of any man dishonestly. I liave, however, seen that there was great need of improvement in these things. 1 h&xe, Avhile attempting to give the puV)lic the benefit of my knowledge Upon these and other pointfi-, sim^jly protected myself in order to Secure a fair compensation therefor. By my methods, posts can be kept iirin in nil kinds of soil and climate, and cattle can be kept as neat and clean while stabled as while gracing in the open field ; and the swine can be kept clean and comfortable. In a few years two of these Patent Kiglits will become public property, bnt, at the same time, no pefaon will have a right to explain in book, pamphlet or newspaper for the period of twenty-eiglit Veal's, from the 19th day of February^ 1874, any of the methods herein described. Any farmer piuxihasiug this pamphlet will be entitled to use the \vitkin Patent Rights upon liis own farm, but no other. 2^ece its construction and opera- tion : Tlie stable may be constructed in any s'litalde mJmner adapted to various requirements and circumstances, but the floor- ing of the stable should be solid and built so tight as to prevent the circulation of air through the same, this may be done in any desirable manner. The manger is made with slats in front, between two of which the cowl's necks are secured while feeding. An inclined board prevents the cow from losing her feed by pushing it out of the way. This manger is built up from a .solid impervious floor, through whiclj neither air nor water will pass, with the bottom board of the manger raised some distance from the Hoor to admit under it the second oj upper floor. This upper 6 floor is made up of two timbers rnniiing longtudiiially and con- nected to two cross timbers, then these are supported upon four ©r more rollers. The perforations are made with a two inch auger. The end of this movable floor is passed under the floor of the manger and secured in a fixed state by a pin, which passes down through the lower timber that forms part of the front frame of manger. The part of the movable floor that projects under the manger has several holes bored through it, so that the floor may be drawn out or pushed further in and fixed by the pin according to the size of the cows. The next thing is, when the planks of the second floor is laid for the cows to stand on, they ought to be laid eight inchi-s higher than the first floor. Tie gi'oove behind the cows ought to be 2^ feet wide and 8 inches deep, and the walk behind the grove ought to be three feet wide and the same height as the second floor, where the cows stand. My plan is to have this second floor cut in sections wide enough for two cows to stand upon, each section acting independently of the rest. These sections being made into stalls, and two cows of the same size should be tied in each stall. If he wishes to do it, a man can tie up as mimy cows in a stable by this plan as if there were no stalls. You can tie each cow close to this partition, and one of them can be messed without being disturbed by the other. My plan is to let the short floor to rest on rollers, or scant- ling so as to run the upper or short floor under the manger and make it short or long according to the size of the cow, and this is the reason for having two cows in each stall. There are some people who prefer giving a full or incline to the short floor where the cow stands and lies ; but this floor ought to be even. A cow always seems to have the fore-jjart of her body the lov/est when she choses her own bed in the field, and, that if her head is up hill her horns are an incumbrance. If preferred, a stake with an iron ring in can be used so as to tie the cow ^vith a chain, either by the horns or neck. Milch cows, or young stock want a chance to twist their heads to lick themselves ; but cattle that are put up to be fattened for beef ou?ht nevwr be allowed to lick themselves, for, wherever they lick, the spot turns black. My reason for having the gi'oove behind the cows so deep is this : If it was shallow the cow, in stepping back, would step into it and drag the manure over the floor ; besides, a farmer mig]\t be called away on urgent business and, perhaps, would not have time to clean tiis stables until the next day, but his cows would not sufifer by this neglect. The short floor that the cows stand on ought also to be bored with a two inch auger in several places, to allow the liquids of the table to run into the spout in the uiuh^r floor between the two sleepers meiitiont-il in the first pjirt. A man's own judgme'ut will tell him that tliin-e is a great deal of dilference in a cov.' going out, dry and clt^an on a cold day, or g top, if any, are to be saved, and when the sub- soil is reached to throw it out on the other side. When a man gets his drain dug deep enough there, ought to be a gradual descent, so there would be no lodge in the drain. The drain must commence to be laid at the upper end, and follow the des- cent, and the man who lays tlie drain should have a hoe and shov- el to keep the drain clear ahead of him as lie i^roceeds. My plan of laying a drain is this: to stand a stone up on edge, at one side of the drain, and then to place a fiat stone against it, in a sloping position, then the post should be cut according to the incline in the stone so that the post would be perpendicular. If flat stones are not convenient, cobble stones v.ill do just as well by placing the small end downwards, and a fiat stone can be placed under each i)ost. In absence of the flat stone a piece of a board will do. ^ It is plain that by liaving the thick end of the stone upwards it will for)n an arch for the water to run throng ; then over this arch it should be Avell packed with small stones, or broken stones, they should be packed in such a manner that there would be no chaiice for any of the surface soil to Avork in between them. In laying the cobble stone, when there are no fiat stone, on coming to where the post ought to be put there could be a stone laid on each side of tlie drain, and then a stone laid across on the top of them find fclu- postn set on tbnt. Miirfm DoyicVrote ;igiTai deal about farinino- in li'eland, England and Scotland ; lie travelled also in France, and he says that clay soil has its failure, just as we liaVe ourselves, tn one pLice you will find a vein of sand and close to it a vein of gravel, and a man must nnderstMiid draining perfectly to manage in such a case. It seems to me that Doyle n< ver knew how to manage such a case himself, or he would ex- plain it to his readers. It is true that very fine sand will work into a drain nearly where the water will come ; if a man chances to come across any of thos ■■ veins of fine sand in the course of his drain he nuist throw out considerable of the sand, and dig the place lower than the rest of the drain, then he must throw in BOiue stones, then some sods of wild grass and lay those on the bottom of the drain, over the stones, with the grassy surface down, and when he is near the level the sod ought to have the green part np. If the vein of Siind rnns across the drain he must throw the sand out on each side and leave a space on each side to be filled up with .-.ods in a 'ike mannert, at the bottom of the drain. These sods will admit; the water, but no sand or gl'ftvel can ♦ ever work through. When the drain is finished and the po«t-s set they can be made stationaiy with some stones, then these stones ought to be covered over with cedar htii'k wild glfci^ss shavings or straw, whichever is nearest at hand. But care must be taken to have the small stones completely covered the whole length of the drain, and over this bark or straw, or whatever it may happen to be, put some of the top sods with the green side under and the loose soil may be put in, and care must be taken to fill the drain up with the surface soil until it will be level with the top of the ground. If there is any depth of sand in it the drain must be laid and covered, either in gravel or clay, before reach- ing the feaiid, and if this is done you have nothing to do but to set your post on something level and fill up the drain as de CA'ibed before — with the loose soil. Then the subsoil taken out from the bottom of the drain should be scattered over the top evenly. I have dug a great many open ditches and drains for covering both in England and Wales, and also in America^ and I never yet saw tho placf tjoar'se wire, set cioso 10 eiion^h to prevent rats, mice, frogsf gy other sucli things from getting into the drnin. The bottom bn^r of this gmte shoukl be wider thnii the top })ar, so a.« to prevent its being pulled out en- tirely. Tliis grate is set in so as to allow its being rpdsed to clean out the mouth of the d]-aiu with a hoe when necessary, and to be kept in place in order to prevent the frtt(5 and mice and other vermin from furrowing into the sides of the drain, which, if they were allowed to do, would, in a few years, utterly destroy it. The grove in the bottom plank should be cut deep enough to allow tlie bottom bar of the gi-ate to sink, the top of it on a level with the surface of the plank, and thus allow the sediment to pass by. There should be a few furrows plowed each side of the fence after the drain is finished, and the posts are set and all done, it ought to be fixed off with a shovel and give tlie ground a descent from each side of the fence ; this will keep the posts from coming up or rotting, as there will be no water around them, and it W'ill drain the land as well as secure the fence. Of course there are some clay farms that have no stone with wliicli to lay drains. In this land, the drain ought to be dug do^^n as deep as a man would w-ant to aet his posts, when he has dug down this far he can com- mence and dig one-half of his drain six inches lower than where he is going to rest his posts, then he can procure an instmmeul/ like the one used by carpenters for cleaning out four inch mortises. It should be turned up on each side, rounding so that a man could run it along tliis lower j^art of the drain and clear out a kind of a groove in the clay with it, as large as he wo^ild wish a runway for the Avater, then cut green, tough sods and lay them across this groove with the green mde down, or timber could be made to serve instead of sods, and the timber would never sink down in tliis narrow groove and the water would have plenty of room to run. The English farmers think that the sod of wild grass will last as long as tile. There are bogs about fifteen miles from Liverpool called Kainfairth Mosses. They cut the turf in this bog, and the farmers buy it for draining purposes. It is very soft when first cut : they dry it like biicks, and when it is dry they lay their drains with it. Now, when this ditch, which I have described, is tilled in there should not be any clay put into it. People that are used to draining and know the benefit of it always drain their land when they break up their greensward, so they can fill theii- drain with the surface soil, for if clay or loam is put in it will hold the snrface waters and not allow it to leach through ; besides, there are some clays that will dissolve like lime, and if there is the least hole it will find its way into the bottom of the drain. This, any man can see when he is Walking along the road. If there is one inch of a fall in the clay, it will crumble and fall away lik slack lime. If the stuff is put in as I have given directions the waters will leach through and the drain will dischai-ge clear Water. The outlet of every draiu should always be kept clear so as to allow a full pass:ige of water out of it. 11 I STONE FENCES. have seen a grea<; many stone fences made through the coun- try, yet never saw a wtone fence built out of round stone on any kind of good soil that became wet but what the stone wall or fence would tumble down. The end of the stones, towards the middle of the fence, always sink downwards, and then the fepce gives out from the bottom. I cut a deep drain, then laid a stone wall, I had to cut part of this drain seven feet deep, where there were rising ground, or knolls, but I did not have to dig much of it that depth. I had to dig part of it this depth in consequence of some low land that was above, in order to drain it and to allow the drawing of drains from other parts of the field where the land was lower, and to have the water emptied out of these side drains into this drain and run under where I intended to have the fence. I laid this drain as I have explained in my plan of setting posts, with stones laid up again the side of the drain and a flat stone leaned up against it in a sloping position. I laid the drain all the way through in this manner. I filled the drain level with the ground with stones and I built my stone fence on top of this. In 1859 I hired out my place, and the man that rented it had a a great haying bee. He had something like fifty or sixty men. They examined the dram that I had lail unier the stone wall and they all said it could never be improved by any man. I thought so myself at that time, but, after all, there was a failure in it. When the frost came in the winter and froze the sides and then thawed out in the spring the sides crumbled and worked through into the bottom of the drain and choked it. If I had covred my drain when I laid it first and filled it in with bark or straw and surface soil, as I explained in my plan of setting posts, the drain would have remained clear. It need not be filled with soil any more than a foot or eighteen inches, but care must be taken to always put in loose soil, and after that the stones until on a level with the surface of the ground, then take a line and lay the foun- dation of the wall. The middle of this wall should be packed well with stone, that is put in the outside courses of this fence should be well supported at the inner end with small stones, so as to keep them from drooping in. If a man commences a wall in this way and builds but one foot high the first year, he can build it according as he plows his land picks off the stones, and by doing this he will have a p .ace to draw the stones, which are a 12 great deal boHor than putting tlieiii up in hoaps. If a stone fiance ia manaj^ hI iii tliiw way there will bo no failure in it, and tlie land Avill bo drained at tiu; aame tinu\ If the .stones are gocxl building «tones, 8o nuich the better, for it Avill then be a very easy matter to build a handsome fence over such a place as this, and it at ill never cave out nor in. It would not be advisabh^ to bring many cross drains into the drain undta- the stone fence, because the old Siiying is that "the constant drop ^^■ears the stone," and it is better to bring the water into ditferent drains than to bring too much water iuto one. The work would be safer. 13 HAYING. T road i:i one of the ap;ncnltiiral papers whore tiie leading men of ^ one of tiie agricultural societies went to view a fiirm. The farmer told tliem tliat he never st(>od on either his hay mow or hay stacks while gathering in his hay crop. I nevei- coi-ild see liow that man bnilt his haystacks without having some one on top to lay the hay x^i'opt^i'lj- Perliaps he used a balloon. What would that farmer say were he to see a horse on the top of a stack, tramping the hay, and yet this is no uncommon thing in England. The horse is raised on to the stack by a derrick or block and tackle, similar to the way in which material is raised to the top of a building. The horse is blindfolded in some manner to prevent his becoming dizz> when th^.* stack gets too higli. I have seen stacks, near London, on top of which many men Wcre employed to receive the hay as unloaded, spread it around evenly and to assist the horse in tramping it down. Home of these farmers would have three or four teams unloading at the same time. In this way it is claimed that the stack is built firmer nnd better, for if the hay was unloaded all on one side of the stack it would give out on the opposite side, the hny being packed harder on the side that received the hav than on the other. In orduld be used instead, by placing them in the bottom of tlie drr n with thr small end down, but there should be enough broken fur to fill the drain to the depth of five or six inches, tbis wonld save a great deal of labor, not having to break all the stones for the bottom of the drain, as these round sto)ies take up a g<.od depth of the drain, and the drain in my opinion would be better laid in this mannei-, because there is more chance for the water to run l-.etween tliose stones, then if they were l)roken a man x3ught to have his cedar bark, shavinc^s, wild grass or straw, wdiich ever it may be, and cover his drain as he goes along to i)revent any sediment from the top getting into his drain, the next thing to be done is to lay sods with the grass side down, on top of this straw, bark or shavings. If it is green-sward, just ;ifter being ploughed and sods ar(; ccmvenieatly plenty, drains might be filled with them lo a level with the surface of the ground; if not, fill in with the loose surface soil, and then spread subsoil evenly over the field. — Do not use any of the heavy snl)8oil to fill up the drain, for if thia tliis should be"put in ]t wanld hold the surface Avater, as well as ever, and not allow it to sirik into the drain. I have seen ^irface jvater turning corn, wlieat and other crops yellow and retarding its growth aft(»r a he;ivy fall of rain. It would be well to reinmber that the farmer ought to measure the distance between hie cros-i drains, Thev do in Englnid, in most cases, for, when a "planner walks ahmg the foot of hi^; field, ho. will see if the main drains. nio in good working order, or not, and, if lie sees a fivihu'c in any of them he c m take his spade, and not varry six inche;'. from where* he ought to dig and will soon find out the failure, and wliere it is. "if a man is laying a drain in clay land when he has- his ni;iin drains cut, and his cross drains also, he can get an in- s'rument made in the shape of a gouge tiiat a r'.ar[>enter uses to dress out niortisces with, he c.iiii h.ijre this tu]-ned up at the handle and the handk> should be about four or live and a-half feet_ ^-^-^^^S, so a man can use it conveniently, and he ^.au cut a groove in the bottoui of the drain about three i\\n\ 0)ie-hali or four inclu>s wide wide and the sajiie in deptli, then eov(T over the top of this, witlj wild gi-ass or split cedar, if there is any ton>enitiit. I once aiiK^ft 17 di*ain in the bottom of a clay cellar, the bottom of which waff grooved out in the form of a V, narrow at the bottom and wider at the top, and this groove was covered with thin bark. It liad lasted 30 years. If a man is draining in sand with a clay bottom, just as soon as he reaches the clay he ought to dig deep enough in thi8 clay to lay his drain without laying it in the sand. There IS always plenty grass where draining is needed, and if a man meets with any veins of sand in his draining he should be careful to stop them with sods of wild grass. This will allow the water to come through, but not the sand. If any of the surface soil works from the top into the drain it is soon choked up. It is a poor soil that does not form a turf sod when it is greensward, and sods IS the kind of stuff a drain should be filled up with, if pos- sible. If the drains are managed as I have described, when a plowman goc.^s to plow he will lay liis lands in such a manner that the water will follow the plow, and. as soon as it comes to these cross drains it will disappear and go into the main drains and the main drains discharge clear water, and that is a great deal better than to have the best of the surface soil carried away by the water into ponds, rivers, ditches, or along roadsides. I l\eard a man in Brasher say that draining was of no benefit to clay land. He said that if he were to dig a hole 2i feet deep, fill it with water, and then dig another near it leaving it emptv, the water would not run from one hole to the other. Now, I will leave the question to any man who may chance to read this, if this hole would come in proximity with or over one of these main drains which I have de- scribed, would not the water be speedily carried off. Another man sfiys he can dreain with sand in clay land, but both of these men labor under a mistaken idea, and would lead other people astray if they knew no better than to attempt to be guided by such suggestions. I have seen sand so fine that water would di-ain through very slowly, and I am of the opinion that it would not drain through at all. To remedy this I hare seen people go into a gravel pit and taking a screen made of edgings, and " throwing the gravel against it so as to separate the sand from the gravel. They take particular care not to have any sand among the gravel, then they will draw and fill the drain with this gravel to the depth of twelve or fifteen inches, and then cover with the surface soil as before. If fine sand were allowed to remain in the gravel the action of water would tend to collect in some one spot, and thus choke the drain and make it a failure. No grain whatever will start to grow until such time as the right lieat is in the ground, and on any clay or good soil that is covered with water in the Spring, and retains it until the sun dries it up, instead of growing to its natural growth ; it becomes shrivelled and dry, where, if the land, instead of being covered with water and kept cold all Spring, had been dry and mellow, the crop would have an early start before the drouth of Summer could have affected it. As soon as the crop covers the gi-ound it draws moisture from the Bubaoil. One acre of land worked and taken care of properly is IB Wottli five Acres but half worked. If a man should throw his coat pD the ground, the warmest day in Summer, when the dust in flying in every direction, when he comes to take it up in the eve- ning he will find the gi'oond under the coat moist. There is no drain that is open but should bo secured at the open end in this manner, whicli I mentioned in another part of this work, to keep' out rats, mice, and all other things which might work up into the drain and injure ii. i x^ WELLS. rpHERE is nothing more Important or requisite In the making -*- of butter than good, pure^"^holesome water, and perhaps therd is nothing so little understood as the proper management of wells. There is hviug at Brasher, St. Lawrence County, in this State, a pump maker by the name of Hall. His agent sold a pump to & farmer residing in the same town, the fanner giving in payment his note, payable some time in the future. Before the note camd due the farmer sued J. Hall for damages, because, as he said, the pump spoiled the water in his well. There was a jury on the case and one witness swore that he drank of the water before the pump Wiis put in the well and that it was good ; he swore, aLso, that he drank of the water after the pump was put in, and it was not fit either for man or beast to drink. Then the pump was pulled out and he swore that he drank the water afterwards and it was good, and he also declared that the pump spoiled the wator. The jury disagreed, and each party had to pay their own cost. These same jurymen were well iaformed, but neither the jury, lawyers, or the justice could tell where the failure really was. The Justice waa Mr. Edgeton, of Brasher, and he is spoken of by everyone as an upright, honest man. The pump was made out of tamarac, and the gum that exudes from the tamarac is considered wholesome to chew, but is used also as a medicine. No man, of course, has any suspicion that the witness perjured himself, because he bB- lieved it was right, and, as fav us he could see, it was the pump that spoilerl the water. I procured a copy of the minutes of the trial from Mr. Edgeton at that time, and they are now in my possession. I beUeved that, instead of the pump spoiling the water the water spoiled the pump. When a man has decided to dig a well ue generally chooses the driest season of the year. As he digs down the soil changes from one kind to another, and there is not a change of soil but that there is a runway for water be- tween the different soils, no matter if he were to dig down fifty feet. After the well is finished these runways continue to ruQ in the same manner as the well was dug, except when the water in the well is low ; then only those that are lower than the surface of the water will continue to nin, and as the wattu- in the well rises they all resume their flow. Of course, the surface water is the first vein of water met with in digging a well, yet it is very seldom that this runway is ranniug when he is digging the well. It is ^uly after a heavy raiu iwid the ground -a batur-dtfi-l ^^^^ 20 water that tlio surface veins are in running order. There are many things that go to render wells and springs impure and unwholesome, such as dead animals and carrion of all t inds which are allowed to lie and rot on the ground or in the ground, hog- pens, stables and privys, the substance of which is absorbed by the surface water, while the ground is saturated after a heavy rain, and in the course of events is carried by this surface vein, running into the well. When the well was low, before this rain, all the foul gases and sediment settled in the bottom of the well, and as quick as the water raises in the well it takes its course iu these runways as it did before the well was dug ; and while this water is taken up with a pail or bucket it tastes well enough, although the foul gas and sediment are yet in the bottom of the well. But as quick as a pump is put into this well the gas and sediment in the bottom spoils both the pump and the water. It is about 14 years since this law-suit took place to which I referred, and it has been argued and talked about by a great many people since, and I never heard any two that could agree or come to any Batisfactory explanation as to the reason why the water should be good before the pump was put in, and bad while it was in the well. And this is not the only well. There are thousands all over the country in the same situation. Now, it is no diiference where a man digs his well if he knows anything about it, he can secure his well in such a way that he will have good water. After the well is finished he sliould dig a drain around the well, and he must be sure not to lay it in the surface soil but in the first gravel or hard pan he comes to. If that is done and covered as I have heretofore described and have it meet around the well, and then run it from the well in order to draw the surface water away. In making the platform over the well he should have it project over the drain, so that every drop of water, or anything which may be spilled around the well be carried off in this drain. It is plain to anyone that no filth or dirt can get into the well by following this plan. There is no land in the world but has different kinds of gas, and when a w^ell is first dug these gases settle in the bot- tom, hence a pump sliould not be put in such a well for at least five or six weeks after being dug, and even then the woll should bo pumped dry and well cleaned out, and they should be cleaned two or three times at the first. Some people aver that when a platform is mad« over a well and the pnmp put m, that there is no circulation of air to and from the well, and that without this the water is apt to become foul. To remedy this evil a hole can he cut in the platform, twelve by eighteen inches, over w'aich a box, made for the occasion out of inch boards, a foot or moreSiin height, can be set. This box or crib should be perforated at tlie sides and ends to within four inches of the platform, the perfora- tions being made wdth an inch auger. This box should cover the platform so as to prevent accidents, or leaves and dirt from getting into the well. This would allow the air to circula^"e freely. Thrre is 110 di"ink so welcome to t-ho thirsty as a drink of good pure 21 water, and unless the wells are kept clean it will be impossible to assure it at all times. If the wells are fixed and managed as I bave described people will have fewer foul wells, and the quality of butter will be greatly improved. I read an account in 1859, in the Albany WeeJcli/ Journal, of two men that engaged to clean out a well. One of them became dis- couraged and refused to go down, but the other man went down and in fifteen minutes he was buried beneath thirty-two feet of debris, the well having caved in. This sad accident, though allocking, is not the only one on record. I liave never, since that time, noticed any statement made as to where the failure in that well existed. When a man sets out to dig a well let him digit seven feet in diameter. That leaves two feet all around for the wall and three feet for tlie inside of the well. The stones being set, thus wedging will prevent the well from caving inwards. To prevent caving outwards the space behind the well should b^^ veil packed with small stones or gravel, and this should be done u; the well is being built. With a well built in this manner it is o.ii. of the question that a stone should give way. The well in qut Nlion was dug, for the most part, through a strata of sand, and xjeriaps in a very dry time, and the well was very improperly staye^l at the back. When the rains came the surface water carried the sand with it. This continued until the support at the back gave way, allowmgthe stones to become loose, and the consequouvie was that the well caved in and the man lost his life. If, in digging a well, a man should come across such a vein of sand the wall should be braced so as to bind both inwards and outwards as far as the sand extends. As sand will come in at most points where water will, he should proceed as laid down in Field Draining, by pro- curing sods of wild grass, and place them between the wall and the sand. Th(.\se sods will not spoil the water, but will allow it to run into the well witliout carrying the sand with it. Some people imagine that clay will do as well as sods, but this is a mistake. Most clay will dissolve like lime and be carried into the well as sand. Moss filled in the interstices of the stone will also help to keep sand from running in. It is to be hoped that men will be more careful in constructing their wells so that no such accident as this should again happen, as this poor man was caught in a worse place than they at liall's Eun, for they could and did run awayj while he, poor fvUo-v, co^ild ::'>'■ t^ii TBEES. T noticed in the Weekly Sun of March 25th, 1874, some r«mark -*- about the usefulness and value of trees. Tlio writer recom- mended that they be set out along the roadside as a preventative against winds and storms, and with him 1 full/ agree. Were you to stand on the top of a hill in England and make a survey of the Burrounding country, you would imagine that it was nearly all woodland, yet an inspection of these farms would reveal the fact that no necessary land was taken up by trees. They are set out along the roadsides and all the fences on the farms, and they add not only to the liability from damage to the crops by storm or wind, but to the beauty of the scenery, ani are a source of comfort, not only to the farmer but to his cattle as well. In Hildon Parish, Buckinghamshire, Eng. , the workingmen boast that within no other two miles square in England can as much live oak be found. It is no trouble to load either hay or grain in these fields, and the comfortable shade in the heat of the day, a luxury unknown to many, very many of the cattle upon our open fields and prairies. The writer in the Sun goes on to say that there is no better way to combine utility with profit than by planting these trees. They draw fully one-half of their sustinance from the roadside, and by a little good management may be made to draw the most therefrom. It would seem that, from these remarks, some are afraid that if these trees were planted and allowed to grow they would rob the plow-field of some of its strength, and so they would unless care was taken to prevent their roots from striking out into the field. Th e roots of large trees will run out a long ways if allowed to grow, and perchance in soil that would otherwise produce excellent crops of whatever was sown ; since the trees were planted and their roots had taken possession of tiie ground, would produce but inferior crops. I had the following inserted in the St. Lawrence County papers 80) ne years ago : *' On my way to an Agricultural Fair, I saw a man at war with a Balm of Gilead tree, the roots of which had taken possession of Lis cabbage garden. It had taken stronger posaessicm than ever Napoleon did of the sod of Austria. This man would remind you of the Irishman who went to cut fat pine that had been buried eighteen feet beneath tlie bogs of Allan, in Ireland. evcT since the days of Noah's flood. I asked him why he did not take the pre- CAiiUiihi W ^t*■.'^>^-^.- +2r-i iiyrx^ .it tl^a tu- -> - '.-•...when he 23 planted it/ He said it was impossible for a person to do this i»-- less he would cut the roots with an axe. Now, if anybody knows how to do it, it is no trouble at all. [Signed] PATRICK BURKE." If a man says he can do a thing and then cannot, he should be set down as an imposter. After the trees are planted along the fences it is but little expense or trouble to plow a trench between the trees and the adjoining fields, then get a spade or shovel and square out the bottom of this trench to the depth he requires j the most of the dirt should be thrown up against the fence and around the trees. If it is fixed as it should be it could be mown as well as any other part of the field. It is plain to any man that the roots of these trees will run along the fence, but never cross this trench. If they come to tVie edge of the trench they will turn up, but never cross it or take root on the opposite side. I care not if the trench was only a foot wide. The roots of these trees growing along the fence will bind in one with another, all along the fence. The most dangerous time for trees to be blown down is in the Spring when the frost is leaving the ground, and it Js plain that those trees having their roots en- twined have more power to resist the high wmds than when standing separate. They should be planted far enough apart to allow apple trees to be set out between them, and by having this trench dug and kept clean there should be but little dampness among the roots of the trees. It is not natural for an apple tree to do well in wet soil. A man could rise up in the morning, and travel until sundown in Warwickshire, Gloucestershire or Oxford- shire, in England, and you could see nothing in the field because of trees along the fences, until >ou come to a gate. After harvest they gather all the apples and bring them to the mill and make cider of them, and it is no uncommon thing for a farmer to have 1,000 barrels of cider in his cellar. The cat said when it eat the bagpiper that it was both meat and music, and a man that would drink a gill of this cider would say that it was both meat and drink* u TKENCHING AND SUBSOILINiG. 1 HAVE read in some of the Agi'i cultural papers, that in irencli" •*■ ing a garden a person should avoid bringing the subsoil to the top. It is my opinion that the writer thereof never did sub- soil a garden and that he knew nothing about the subject in any- way. When a garden is beginning to grow foul it should be trenched and subsoiled. Tlie fir.st thing to do is to take a strip 11u> full width of the garden and two and a half feet wide, then take the upper half of this and plnce it in a pile by itself ; then remove the lower half, putting it in a separate pile. This trench should be about two feet deep. Now your trench ia cleai- to begin with. Take another strip the same width and cut it a.s deep as you think there is any foul stuff, throwing it into the first trench until within two or three inches of the top. Manure should have been drawn on the ground beforehand, and when you have raised your first trench as high as just spoken of, spread some of the manure on and fill the remainder of the trench with the subsoil of the second. ^ Your second trench is now clear for coniuiencing work upon the third. Continue on working one trench after another until you come to the last trench, and then what was taken up first out of the first trench should be put in the bottom of the last trench, and then the subsoil from the first trench should, be put in to raise it the right height for the manure. By doing this it wiP enable the manure to be near enough to the surface, so that any crop which may be put in can liave the benefit of it. I have heard people say that any weed which is Vuried iriue inches and the manure on top, as I have described, will never grow. 25 CELLAKS. npiHERE are few farmers that are fortunate enough to have a -^ building site so that there is a fall for the water from each side. The most of them have their houses built so that one part of their cellar is four or five feet deeper than the surface on the other, this causes the dampness from the surface of the soil to come to the cellar wall and keep it wet continually. Some of them lay their cellar walls without lime or plaster of any kind for about four feet high, then they lay it with mortar for the remainder. When they commence they lay the bottom of the wall with the largest stones they have ; then, when they lay their drains from the cellar, they have the mouth of the drain open, so that rats and mice can come up the drain into the cellar. Begin- ning the wall in this way, leaves holes between those large stones 80 that the rats and mice get under the wall and make runways for themselves, and work along until they get up on top of the ground. Very often a man will lose aU. of his potatoes on account of these runways by the frost getting into the cellar through these runways ; yet, perhaps, the farmer would not be aware of the way in which the frost came into his cellar ; often the rats and mice destroy a drain so as to occasion back water, malcing the cellar damp and foul. I don't care how careful or industrious a house- keeper is, she can not have pure milk and nice fresh butter in such a damp, foul cellar. Now, to save all this trouble, it would be but httle more expense to dig the cellar eighteen inches larger all around than it is intended to build the cellar wall. A drain should be laid all around the outside of where the wall is to b« laid. Then, when at the place where the drain leading from the cellar commences it should be dug a little lower than the other ; then the top of this drain should be covered with large flat stones. A cellar wall, to be right, should be laid in mortar from the foundation. When this drain is laid great care should be taken to prevent the surface soil from working through, it should be packed well with small stones after being laid, and if there are none at hand small enough, they should be broken. Then cover them over carefully with cedar bark, shavings, straw or wild hay, and cover this with sods of wild grass, with the grass side turned downwards ; and after the cellar wall is built, if it could be got at, the remainder of the drain should be filled, level with the surface, with black muck. It would not take much, and there is but very few farmers but L --^ ' lack muck on their farms. 26 It. is plain to anyone tliat wliatevcr water comes from the npper land will be taken away in this drain, instead of keeping the ceUar damp and foul, and it also keeps the cellar wall from giving away. I have known of buildings falling on account of the bad founda- tion. Some people lay it to the masons when H is not their fault at all. For I have seen every course of stones bound in the middle, and yet the wall gave way. When the cellar drain is laid, if there is much of a fall from the cellar, it need not be laid any further than it can be covered well. It is no difference whether the dram is laid with stone or tile. The mouth of the drain should be protected by box and grate as described in Field Draininc: to keep out rats, mice and other vermin. By having the drain thus protected no water will remain in it to freeze, and form a neucleus for frost in the cellar. People that have wet cellars now, the best way for them to do is to dig a drain all around, within one foot of th« cellar wall, until it is brought out to the drain which goes from the cellar, and it should be low enough so that it can be laid even with the cellar floor and then cover it as I described before. This drain must be dug all around the cellar within one foot of the cellar wall, inside the cellar ; when this dram is filled up level with the cellar floor and covered he should, if flags are not at hand, break up stones and fill in this foot of space between the cellar drain and the wall. If this was done and a rat should get in through the cellar door or windows it could never work in under the cellar wall. When the cellar is damp every drop of milk that falls on the floor causes a foul smell. A farmer should have a separate cellar for his milk and butter ; they should neder be kept in a cellar with pork, fish, potatoes, and such like stuff. I have seen cellars, that if a tub of butter was to be kept in it two or three weeks, let it be ever so fresh and sweet when placed there, it would taste old. There should be plenty of good, pure air in a cellar where milk and butter are kept. To have the cream rise well and to keep the butter sweet and fresh the windows can be fixed on the outside so as to exclude the rays of the sun from the cellar. It is not a good plan to have too much light. A twilight is allowed to be the best for a milk cellar. This light could be produced by shading the cellar windows in such a manner as to obtain air and but little light. The English ppople do not have as low places for their milk as we have, for their Summers are not as warm as ours. ^ I never saw a place for milk in England but tliat the floor was laid either with flags or flat stones, made for the purpose. They sprinkle their cellar floors with cold water and mop it out jiist as regular as any room in their house. As for their butter,- they do not tub it and keep it as we do here, for what they chum one day the day following they take to market. I do not think it should be considered very expensive to lay a cellar floor with tile if it makes the cellar any better, and I think the majority will agree that it is better than a clay bottom, if it be only to enable? a person to mop it out and keep the cellar clean and fresh. 27 KAIL, AND THE HANDLING OF MANURE* ^JiHERIl ore tlioitsanda of peop"!e employed annnally picking J- kail or wild mustard out of \vheat, oats and other crops. I have heard farmei's say that they would give hundreds of dollars to be rid of it. 1 believe it never can be done away with in the fields. It must be killed in the barnyard. First, there is no farmer that has kail in his land but should clear out a space in hi3 barnyard, and then pile up all the nicinure in a heap on this clear Bpot, mixing cow manure, horse manure, and all kinds of litter and straw together. He should be careful to clean about his bam door, where the threshing is done, and the barnyard ; it also should be thoroughly scraped and cleaned out with a hoe, and all the stuff that is scraped up should be put into this heap of manure. Care should be taken not to put it on the outside of the heap, but into the middle of it. When the manure is all thro\vn together water should be thrown on the heap. Then it will fer- ment, and after it heats and ferments none of the seeds which were in this heap of manure will grow. If it rots or steams too fast water should be put on to keep it from steaming, as the Bteam takes the strength out of the manure. Some farmers scrape np all the slush in the barnyard and throw it around on the outside of the heap of manure, and then smooth it off with the back of a spade or shovel, this should not be done because it pre- vents the air from mixing witli the manure and it will not rot, unless it comes in contact with the am I have heard many farmers say that it is better to keep the manure under shelter, that they could tell by it smelling so strong, and at the same time the strength of the manure is steaming away. I defy any man to mention an instance where he has ever noticed any noxous weed growing out of a large heap of manure. Some people will leave manure in for a year, thinking that by so doing they will stop the breeds from growing, but at the same time the manure is not much better than good soil. I have seen horse manui-e that had been kept under cover and it was so white that it was valueless, becaue the strength had all steomeed out of it. Some will say that it is some work to pile up the manure and fix it as I have described, it is some work, true enough, but it is work that will pay. It is true that God gives us the means of making a living, but it is true, also, that we should work for it in the best way we know how. Our climate is cold here, and when we throw out the manure it is mixed with frost and snow, and if it is it will not 28 lose any of its strength until the Spring of the year. If it is managed as I have described, two years manure is better than three years, when allowed to rot over a year. There is not a county from Liverpool to London, Eng. , but I have been in, and worked for farmers. I lived there for twenty-one years, and those farmers never had any fear of their manure spoiling in the winter. They managed the manure as I have described Their weather is warmer in winter than ours. Now, our small farmers in this country are unwilhng to Summer-fallow any of their land for fear of losing a year's crop from the piece of *land which should be plowed. If they would plow it early in the Spring and then drag it and before it went to seed, buchwheat could be sown. If the farmer should object to buckwheat it could be sown to corn. If buckwheat should be sown after the crop was harvested and taken from the field, the grown should be dragged directly, and then the seed of the buckwheat remaining in the ground would grow and the Winter frost would kill it, and by that means the buck- wheat would be exterminated, and the kail, also, remaining in the ground would spring up and be killed by the frost. If sown to com there is the same need of dragging. I have known farmers that bought very little hay, and that very little contained seed enough of the white daisy, so that their pastures and meadows are covered with it now. If the manure had been managed aa I have described it would put a stop to all this damage. THE END, .1 A ADDEFDVM. H' HOG-PENS. 'OW to build a hog-pen to prevent the hogs from freezing to death in winter; to prevent their death being caused by the filth aud steam in summer; and to prevent the sow from crushing her young against the wall when she lies down. In building a new hog-pen, the sleepers should be laid crosswise the build ing, the two sleepers nearest the center being laid about twelve or fourteen inches apart, in order to place a spout between them, si milar to that described in the *' Stabling of Cattle;" the other sleepers being laid at regular distances as in other floors. — The floor should slant slightly towards the center in order to carry the liquid into the spout. It should be perfectly tight to keep out the cold. A second floor should be laid over this; this floor should be set on four inch scantling, the scantling laid lengthwise the pen. The boards or planks should be narrow, and not laid tight; but so as to allow the liquid to pass through to the lower floor. The plank that covers the spout should be fastened with hinges to allow being lifted when it becomes necessary to clean the spout. But if you do not wish to save the liquid,the under floor is not needed, but a drain should be dug underneath the foundation, tlie same as for cellars, t(»jiarry off tlie liquid and pre- vent its becoming stagnant under the 'pen. If the under floor is done away with, the second floor in the sleeping apartment should be made perfectly tight, and the floor in the eating apart- ment should be made as described for the upper floor, aud in fact but one floor is absolutely necessary, as experience proves thiit the floor in this apartment is always dry and that the wet anng the floor, flat s^de down, and a second fixed as high as you want your partition, (the paitition need uot be as high as the ceiling unless desired.) Your door frames should be made of 2 x 4 scantlino; — or heavier if desjred — the side post running from tlie floor to t)ie upper scantling. In set- ting up the frames, the foot should be placed one side of the bottom scantling, and the top on tiie opposite side of the upper scantling. Tiiis will give the door sufficient incline to shut to of its own weight, and the hog can easily open it by pushing agai \ ADDENDUM. it. Bemember, however, that the door for entering the sleeping apartment should slant in an opposite direction to that by which the animal goes out into the eating room. Now case your door frames with inch stufi, hang them on hooks ; to insure strength, these hooks should be long enough to pass through frame and casements, and ^o receive a nut on the opposite side. By having them open, one in each direction, it gives the hogs a chance to pass from one apartment to another at will. The frames should be made and the doors hung before being fastened up. A two- inch plank, 6 or 8 inches high, should be set into the door frames to allow the door to shut against, and to prevent their clogging with the sediment. To prevent the possibility of the doors open- ing so far as to remain open or s\ving back against the partition, they should be set one at each end of the partition in such man- ner that they will swing up against the wall. This plank should be sat in such a manner that it can be taken out at such times as the sow may be heavy with pigs, or in lieu thereof, a slanting platform may be placed on each side of the door in order to allow her to step over the plank without injuring herself. To make it warm the wall of the sleeping room should be bricked up with soft brick to the height of four or five feet. It should be boarded up again inside the brick. If the bnck is not at hand saw-dust, tan-bark, or a coarse cement placed between the two tiers of boards will answer the purpose ; or tar-paper mav be used in the usual manner. To prevent the sow from crushing her young against the wall, slats two inches wide and two and a half feet long, cut from a two inch plank should be placed all around the sleeping apartment, except where the doors come, twelve or fifteen inches apart. The feet of these slats should be placed abou c eighteen inches from the wall, the tops should rest against tl)e will. They should be firm- h' nailed to their place. The top of the sleeping apartment should be air and water tight and furnished with ventilators that the temperature may be regulated as necessity required. Old pens can be easily altered to suit the plan for the new. V w \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS J 002 586 291 B E ao M M E N I) A T I O N B THE following recommendations have been given Mr. Burkb in favor of his " Improvement in Hog-pens," the patent up- on which he now holds, and which is described in the within pages : Stephen Daily, of Biasher, says : — "I believe it is the best plan of a i^en I ever saw, both keeping tiie bed free from wet and dampness, and the pen so warm du- ring the cold weather that there is no danger of the little pigs freezing to death in the winter. The sleeping division is so ar- ranged as to prevent the sow from crushing the little pi^. Fi- nally, I believe it worthy the attention of all farmers, and would ask that everyone give it a fair examination, STEPHEN DAILY. We the undersigned, have examined Mr. Burke's patent, and fully concur in the foregoing statement. A. F. MAKTYN, Secretary St. Lawrence County Dairymen's Association. E. F. TUPPER, Trcas. E. H. 80UTHW0RTH. THOS. ANDREWS. S. W. ELDRIDGE. R. D. HILL. WILLIS SHATTUCK. THOMAS HARDIN. Mr. Timothy Lyons of Stockholm says: — "I went to Brasher and saw the first hog-pen ever constructed .ifter Mr. Burke's patent. I have examined it thoroughly and liave since had one cons tructed on my own premises. I am fully satisfied that it is the best in the country, and any man within ten miles of my place, that will come aud examine it and is not saiiyficd that it is all it is claimed to be, I will pay him for liis time. It is ray opinion that I will save in th/e fattening of my hogs this fall, three times wiiat it cost me to build the Sleep- ing division," The Courisr & Frcc.um, Potsdam, N. Y., says : — " The pen is very warm, wliich not only keeps the animals more comfortable, but makes the cost of keeping much less than in cold pens. Those who have seen or used these pens unite in say- ing that they are the most comfortable residences for swine ever conptnicted. " Mr. John Wagstafi of Stockholm says: 1 have examined the hog-pen and find it dry, warm, and coriv fortable, and the best plan of a hog-pen ever invented; also I agree with the Canton Dairymen's Association when it acknowl edges that it surpasses anything that they have ever seen for con- venience, durability, and comfoit, and further; *'I expect to save three times more in their feed, than it cost me to build those d' visions." V ,