• o' -^i. ';^^«* ^'■ o » o ^^^<^ .^'^'^^r,. .♦ »V r • e o « '*^^^*' o > .^^^ * %^^ ^Wkx \/ •«*• "^W* *^^^ ^' v'^.' *i.. ^' % NOTICE! All poems in this book, iiicludix)s, there its shadows have cast. From bondage to freedom, did turn the tide of fates Beneath illustrious Banner of United States. 10 :i;iiiMC„ Jx;ji';)utu:ii!i. A', ..-* RED, WHITE AND BLUE Beautiful as a floAver ! To those who love it \'\avinof A terrible meteor's shower To those with e\il striving: A hauntino- nightmare ! Amidst bolt and thunder, To those who striving, with the rape and plunder. Red, w^hite and blue famous staining Of the stars and stripes on this shore, Ancestors approved the outlining By Washington, George, before war. Stitches by Betsy Ross manner Unfold the first spangled banner. The starred and striped banner is known All over the world thru its fame Of victories freedoms were sown. The cause of its glorious name, Red, white and blue by its pressing Became on the Earth a blessing. This banner of old through ages Has never been known to retreat. The record tells on the pages. Has neither been known thru defeat. Has never waved of a blunder. Nor for selfish aim to plunder. 18 Red, wlute and blue with the staining ( )n the woven cloth of the loom. Ancestors by it were dining In the time l^efore them with gloom : When the shots and shells were screaming, Of their fate with freedom dreaming. ]9 RED, WHITE AND BLUE Supremacy by fate with ending, When oppression fell by the gloom, The ancestors frames were bending Before gleam of the home, sweet home. Through memory of their brave dying Cause red, white and blue to swaying. in the present age we reaping From the treasure dear by the toil, Accomplished with strifes and weeping- Thru the blood that were spilt on soil. Like chamber in caves they slumber The Heroes brave in great number. Of impression with adorning, Li the resting place of decay. On the sad decoration morning. Is the thirtieth day of May, With the laurel wreaths of weeping, \\'here the heroes brave are sleeping. Of emotion Hearts near breaking. Heads bared with silent bows to soil, While the Soldiers' Guns are cracking, For the heroes brave by their toil In the bedding ground of weeping. They finally rest by sleeping. Of autumn sad with the inning. With Old Glory Banner on mast, Of victories freedoms winning. On the mounds be its shadow cast. Thru the grief in silent manner. Cause of waving spangled banner. 20 With the Eagle wings of token, From our shore to shore they are spaned Over freedom's seal unbroken. Of liberty with torch in hand. Where star spangled l)anner swaying, For all heroes dead and dying. 21 THE UNIVERSE Through Universal space Billions Elements turn Billions orhs out cf sight is hard to perceive. Millions of them in sight that to us seem to burn In Eternal endless space can wq them conceive. These illurninant sights cause glittering to Earth, Earth a companion ball of like marvelous Birth. In Universal space many ])right floating sights. Among nearest to Earth is the Planet named Mars, By names of them are iew of those glimmering lights. All appear about same and they are called the stars. The skillful Human race cannot conceive their Birth, The one with folds us blessing known by name the Earth. This firmament with its wonderful lofty frame With the glimmering lights in the space far from Earth The glimmering stars seem as communing with flame. Ye efiforts all in vain to conceive us with Birth. No beginning nor end do we know as we shine The hand that us made is Eternal and divine. The morning rising sun with its glittering rays. At dawn replaced by moon for taking up the trail. With gleamy light to Earth from beyond drifting skies.' Nights and days Eternal repeats its wondrous tale. Harmonious in their turn and shining as they roll Are United in their missions from pole to pole. All around this wonderful terrestial ball Surrounded by the Sea and divided bv the land. From its soil grows the trees from the spring to' the fall, • And vegetables on Earth with their jjlossom there stand' That is ripening in time for the creatures of Birth To receive their nursing from the bosom of Earth. 22 THE UNIVERSE The magnificent bodies of the waters that roll, In streams through the valleys in the beautiful land, A thundering river through a damming cause pool, Turned advantageous to the Human with skillful hand, Tlirough its force the turbine cause the millstones to thrill, And grinding Earth's product into flour in the mill. How and when Sea and Land of a marvelous start, With its ravines and mountains that skywards do stand. Began with the existence through cause of its art, Oft discussed by Humans about the maker's hand. After planting the seeds that soon begin to grow, What causes the sprouts are undecided to know. Humans learnt through necessity how to till land. And when soil is prepared for to seed it with grain. That soon begins sprouting and in ripening soon stand. After nursed by nature with its droppings of rain. Of the blessings received are in numerous fold, And the secret of its maker have never been told. The cause is eternal, no beginning through Birth, In endless space unsolved secret never been found. Dawn of cause have been sought but it ended with mirth. They returned to their base like the echo of sound. No beginning nor end did the scientists obtain, The cause of first cause the observers sought in vain. With clearance in the skies throus^h brightness of the moon And the glittering Planets in millions that roll. In the night glorifying such a wonderful zone With the illuminative stars an Harmonious whole. Then the Sun coming up in the morning so bright As relief to the moon and the stars of the night. 23 OCEAN OF LIFE On Ocean of Life we are drifting Like the Seamen for reaching the shore, Both Sorrow and Joy cause some shifting. Course is often turned wide by the oar. Towards towers hght on the yonder, Amidst storms of lightning and thunder. Then anguished and tired we seem waiting For the rays of morning to appear. After terrible storms been fighting. Under pressure of sorrow and fear. On rocking waves we still seem tumbling Up and down and then forward stum])ling. Quite a few drops away from the sorrow. Before reaching the far Earthly goal, And be seeking the final tomorrow In the eternal space for the Soul, The remains in dust no mors wanting. Beneath tombs with flowers from planting. Some Brothers and Sisters far better Gold in millions some having on hand. They despise all the stormy weather. And their Brethren in distress there stand. In homes gloomy thru want feels pressure, In mansions the rich dwells in leisure. Overflow cause of luxurious dining. Of the rich class thru vanities lust, Final end soon cause undermining Of the glimmering worthless dust. Were obtained by fraud, not of justness. But in treacherous ways with smoothness. 24 OCEAN OF LIFE Oh! the l)eaiitiful imai^inatioii, ( )f mansions for us all within reach, Far away from this habitation That the ancestors often did teach, A ])lace without night and tomorrow. In o-limmerino- land without sorrow. A parable as told by the Saviour To the brethren in the time of yore, Of rich man's luxuries and behavior, The time Lazarus lay by his door. For ::ome Bread in vain he was ]^leading, While his sores were painfully bleeding. His troubles by fate took an ending, With his remains in cave beneath soil, Not spiriting Soul took same vending. Time of leaving ofif the Earthly toil, Naznrene by his tale caused sanction. His landing in beautiful mansion. The rich man in mansion so flowery, Flis departure from mansion soon came To a strange place of misery and worry, As his conscience was no more the same. Between them a deep gap in center. From either side no one could enter. Dear Brothers and Sisters be warry, Keep the selfishness out of the Heart, Of the glimmering Gold from quarry. From it sooner or later ye part. It cannot span gap in the center More than Camel can needle's eye enter. 25 OLD MAIDEN AND BACHELOR Toiling and striving- with liopcful mind. For human souls appears like a dream. Through joy and sorrow will always find The ups and downs with the flow of cream. By old and young to the huml)lest birth To nurse from bosom of Mother Earth. In ripening stand with bright hopes in mind, The youth's lilly of bright future dream, Their blossoms bright in time fades behind With years rolling by like endless stream. The boys and girls once in youthful bands. Old maids and bachelors thru refused hands. Sweet childhood days of love's happy dreams, The girls and boys for the future stand. With years passing by like running streams. Once of hopeful blooms refused each hand, Faded and in years at times they troll, Shifty and lonely around they stroll. Once youths when in prime of bygone days Passed flowers by roadside in full bloom That seemed to them smiles like sparkling rays Of soulful eyes with true love for home. Neglected to fate flowers did fade, Caused drifting of wreck through gloomy shade. Some mothers-in-law thought angels sweet. Pretending friends turn treacherous bands. By revenge breaking the locks complete Of hapi)y lovers betrothed stands. Cause of bleeding heart with i)ainfu] sores, They love no more sad silence adores. 26 OLD MAIDEN AND BACHELOR Of once happy dream with loving kiss, The joy of yore into nightmare turns, Dim hauntings with thoughts that seem to hiss, The bleeding hearts with the sores by burns From first acquaintance became true friends, Once lovers sweet then turn into fiends. Dear parents, be bright, not turn thy hands Against thy children of loving smiles, Thyselves old timers of loving bands. Own children doom by scornful wiles, Thy sowings of thistles thorns will reap, In old age climbing the mounts so steep. Once children of hope trusts in old age. Bewildered stand when lock within breaks, Become wanderers with saddest wage. Through broken hearts turn physical wrecks, Hateful strokes by fiend offended strives Have laid to rest silver hairs in graves. Maidens year of our Lord be the fourth. When men vacates and maids takes the reins. Once in four years with limit so short. That is the year when the maidens shines. So boys be liberal and tell them yes, Thy three against one year maiden has. Annuals to fourth leap year appears, Old maids in garments of latest style, For future hopes are wiping oiT tears With blossoms on breast of sweetest smile. The courting may reach the final goal As smiling bach is waiting for call. 27 OLD MAIDEN AND BACHELOR A\ hen maiden adorns it must be fun, Before mirror twists and turns around, ]n stylish garb she glares to the sun, Expect fair weather for picnic ground. The 1)achelor snick srs around in jirime Expecting- of catching maiden in time. ( )](1 maid in prime appears like a cinch, With feathers in hat and hair in curls. With rosy face through powdered pink. With dresses of silk in latest furls. Princess in prime there old maiden stands. Is worthy of kindly heart and hands. The bachelor's outfit with stove and pan. In little room, bed, table and chair. No table spread they eat when they can. Some are bald-headed, some looking fair. And drinking the coffee from the cup That's cleaned some times after week is up. The smoking pipes and box with the snuff They keep on the table with coff'ee pot, Presents of such sight appears too tough. If old maids should call apt to get hot. Motherless home like this is in vain, Maiden could not with the calls sustain. In silence dine on butter and bread. With coft'ee or tea they pour from the pot. Consume their meals arc gloomy and sad. Memories of past touching the spot. Tearfully glares before future stand, W ill somebody off'er them the hand. 28 OLD MAIDEN AND BACHELOR No little ones to call for their ma. W^ith little mouth beneath curly hair, No little tots to call for their pa, Did not join hands with the lady fair, Thru broken hearts are cause of sad dooms, The shedding of tears in lonely rooms. On lonely pathways seek for themselves. Silent ])leasures companions they spurn, Memories of past are waiting on shelves. Their only greetiuL^s when they return. Men's saddest plight of the lonely band x\nd old maidens in the same rank stand. Youths once in prime for the vital choice. In years did fade left to gaze on past Of yores sweet courtings by girls and boys. Flowers did fade in time were outcast. Young men of past in years gray and staid. Single and lonely like the old maid. Could have been of lucky stars on Earth, Did refuse hands in the bygone years. Ballots cast in vain since days of birth, Regret days of yore by shedding tears. In lonely silence turned battle tide Old men and maids by themselves abide. Their lonely silence of life by birth Expires for a shroud of white attire. Their lonely final hour on the Earth A\^ith no children weeping at the bier. Remains bestowed to its resting place, The journey sealed from the lonely race. 29 OLD MAIDEN AND BACHELOR My fellow 1)r()thcrs take ye an Eve, Ye travel in vain dusky trail alone, A star of light is worth while ye live, With harmonious rest on Earthly zone, Companions trust in the dark of night Will brighten strifes for existence light. Men and lonely maids with rudder lost, With vessel drifting and reefs in sight The helm secured can relieve the cost Eor steering craft for the final flight, Seek sparks of the rays of years of yore Ye apt to land on the lucky shore. Lives with blessings Heaven on Earth, Around the fireside with little flock. With little souls through virtuous birth. Through the links of love secured in lock. The meddling tots at times restraints break, In cloudy storms at times prevents wreck. Bachelors and maids as ye lonely stand, Ye turtles of beauties once in prime, When forlorn of hopes reach for the hand. The cloudy glooms will roll ofif in time, S])arks from the rays then again appear, W'lien gladdened hearts are united in cheer. Storms on the sea in the darkest night, Trusted Pilot and light in tower. Soon the struggling seamen shore in sight No more fear for thundering shower, Soon morning rays with victory score Reaching final goal on long sought shore. 30 THE BATTLING ANT Strange tale of past by man in command, Then as General thought he would fail, Outnumbered by foes his men did stand. This the way he was telling his tale. On battlefield a struggle we fought, For our freedom with peace and our right, Enemies numbered strong we thought, It appeared to us a doubtful light. The enemies were gaining by rounds. And our men backed up and did t:etreat. We were inflicted with deadly wounds. And we thought our end would be defeat. Refuge WQ took in a timber swamp. And prepared us for a nightly feast, In a humble and old deserted camp, A structure built for hav and the beast. Command I gave to my men, I said. We surrender, our struggle is lost. Enemies strong large numbers our dead, We are compelled to give up our post. And while I rested an ant I saw. With a straw in mouth climbing up w^all. I wondered at sight of ant with straw. And of numerous times he did fall. :U THE BATTLING ANT On top of the wall the hole he found. And he came within breath of a hair. But backward he tumbled to the ground. And still did he come back without fear. I counted the time, ninety and nine. A\ hen he vainly wall scaled for a while. But the hundredth time he reached it fine, I received ant's lesson with a smile. Thanks little friend for thy gallant fight. Thou hast shown me the battle's not lost. Again we will fight for freedom's right, Victors we will score at any cost. I en lied my men the sight to explain, About little friend's struggle and fight, Got new courage not afraid to stain, Our blood for the liberty and right. Through the woods we heard the enemies storm. Come on Boys, come on Boys, come all, I see the ant in vision plain form. We will stand up and fight or we fall. Plain in our favor did battle turn, A\'e fought better than I can explain, A\ ith dead and dying the field was strewn. One here, one there, of our own men slain. 32 THE BATTLING ANT We gathered our dead in the graves of mud. For the eternal slumber and rest, Constructed wreaths with flowers from 1)ud. And lay them on graves with wishes best. Freedom was won on event thru fate. Through vision before us of the ant. Ended with peace that we did dictate, Light before us loomed up Brilliant. The battle was won through ant on wall. By climbing from the bottom and up, For coming back each time he did fall, Contributed toast in drinking Cup, 33 n EUROPE'S FIRE AND SWORD To describe the horrors been waged on sea and land Is far beyond the Human efforts to attain, As bloodiest of all times in History will stand. Thousands of innocent tots with their mothers slain The most barbarous outrages with swords and flames, Saddest of memories of all bloodthirsty times. Of European struggles the saddest gloom on Eartli, Unsheathed swords and fires sweeping over their plain. Most awful of horrors ages since Europe's Birth, ^ Their homes and villages burnt horrible to explain. Terrible roars of the cannons like thunder sound W^ith exploding shells that are tearing up the ground. Deep down in gloom lay the Europe's national pride, Their countries laid in ruins their sons and daughters slain. In the unknown graves they are resting side by side, ^^ In silence sleeps in peace forever know no pain, Tliey fought as enemies for lost and worthless aims Thru ignorant majesties prides of plundering fames. Thru revengeful spite, were innocent children slain. Destructive, darkest of hordes their homes loot and l^urn. Outrageous crimes to little groups that fled in vain. Some slain, others left to starve, knew not where to turn, W ith bleeding Souls and hearts the weeping mothers stand ' All destitute and homeless in their demolished land. Offending swords of darkest age lay down to rest, All the years of the bloody reign did earn foul names. Destruction waged all the time have been a pest. Tliroughout all the gloomy ages with swords and flames, Has committed tortures on bright innocent souls For not submitting to inhuman tyrant rules. 34 EUROPE'S FIRE AND SWORD Of revenge by sword, rude fiend of the human pride, Barbarious tools to plough shares turned cause better aims By tilling soil for seed that had been laid aside, Thru darkest years of strain of all the bloody times, Visions of memories will always show blood stain Of innocent Souls in millions the sword hath slain. Almost a stone could turn and curse it in the ground. Children left to freeze and starve their mother slain. With sobs and cries their mama sought could not 1)e found, Thru hunger's taunts at darkest night dropt dead of pain, The gruesome ghostly visions always will stand Over helpless victims with bloody sword in hand. With vision plain the shivering skillful artists stand. With trem1)ling hearts and hands the marvels toil in vain. With tearful straining eyes and staining brush in hand. To illustrate the shame how little tots were slain, To paint those cruel horrors powerless they stand, Of nineteen hundred century of mother land. Gloomy August second, nineteen hundred fourteen. The tide of battle roared and thousands maimed and slain, By August the sixth of nineteen hundred eighteen. Of millions mere slain and wounded — writhing in pain,. From exploding shrapnel and gas in clouds that fell. How soon this will be over that no one can tell. Oh! Nations whole, lay down those tools of deadly flames. On sea and land destroys the lives of human 1)irth. The glol)e is large enough for all of better names. From bosom pure ye all can nurse of mother Earth. Thru harmonious strains of the lighted Brains When darkest cloud rolls by eternal peace obtains. 35 YEAR OF PAST AND PRESENT Farewell old year thy goal has seen, The lonely gloom is left behind. Of Joy and Sorrow have been keen, For old and young of all mankind, A struggling mass of humble Birth To get its nursing from the Earth. One by one has passed far beyond, From toils and strifes and lust in vain. They left their treasures they had found, Of Earthly goods they did obtain, Their vanities thru Earthly lust W ere all in vain — it came of dust. At lover's breach at time thou dwelt. When knots were locked with divine hand, But in thy time those hearts did melt, Thru sorrows blot in distress stand. Old year thy time is done for good. New Year will stand where thou hast stood. The lover's dream and stand alone, With open sores mid gloom of fate. Such grief almost could melt a stone, For mourning hearts thru lover's hate, On dusky trails left far behind A New Year star we soon will find. Adieu, old friend, thy time is up. Once morning's Birth of sweetest smile. Thanks for the blessed drinking cup. With light on trail tho we did fail. Thy time has come thou must depart. New takes thy place — gives us new start. 36 YEAR OF PAST AND PRESENT New mornings gleam seems holding bloom, Thy glitter lights on gloomy past, Of failures thru befallen doom, Thru ballots in our times we cast. Thou lead us on with light in hand, When reached the goal on rock we stand. When glancing back in shadiest past, Thru gloomy trails left far behind, With ups and down like mingled mast, For treasures that we did not find, W^ith mornings light on rocky trail With anchors up once more we sail. Oh ! New Year's Day, so sweet and bright. With rays of hope for future stands, The light for our existence fight, Thou holding in thy shining hands, Compass thou has for us in store For steering us to lucky shore. Ye seamen brave provide a chart, Examine course when weather bright. Be sure of rigging when thou start. Storms on Ocean often in sight. Stand by, have courage like a Lion, If not thy cruising all in vain. Hold fast with wheel brace up thy hand. The cloudy glooms at times cause tears. Build house on rock not on the sand. For storms and floods no need for fears. The rocking waves and storms we scorn. On Journeys Sail on New Year's morn. 37 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE Of distress sii^nals in time of past, No known e(|Ual to cause of its kind, Demons amuck are seeking its mast. Sucking the blood from any they tind, in grafting are smooth all over zone And dwells in mansions of marble stone. A few brave women beyond the sea. First unveiled the scandals in their land. Did lecture to throngs their distress plea. To assembled hor(:es for helping hand. To reform wrong of deprixed right Those brave women lined uj) for to light. Brave sisters indeed entitled to cheers. So boldly stamped on treacherous hands. They exposed their loots and had no fears. Those females brave did retain their stands Against Cor])orations baneful trust To crumple their pt)wer in the dust. Production bought with the tainted g-old. Locked up in the cold storage safe to kee]3. For preventing the grains from being sold, In all quantities not then so cheap. For to advance price on all produce For normal price then will food refuse. Treacher(His caves so full as could be. The limited s])ace in st(M*age cold. Overflow burnt or sunk in the sea. Produced by toils of limit untold. To prevent falling in neediest hands Other w^ays cause fall with price on stands. 38 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE (iirls seek emi^kjy in mercantile stores, Meag-er pay of three dollars i)er week, Efiforts in vain to keep wolves from doors, Appeals in vain when more money seek, Answers received not fit to be told. Get thee some fellow other ^iv\s sold. Those tiny sisters of tender age, Their parents sunk in poverty's grave. Their saddest of tales on any page, The existence fights of sisters brave, In garments plain they to call appears, Insulting remarks cause fear and tears. Last hopes blotted out girls on the street. To the life of shames bewildered stand. After they crumpled under their feet. Physical wrecks by treacherous hand, Their miseries ends in Earthly caves. When landing in sad unknown graves. Combinations of treacherous art, With millstones be sunk in depth of sea. There they could never be torn apart For refusing grant of innocent plea, Befallen rights they replace with scorn, Be cursed the day when their plots were born. The many millions of tainted gold. In the selfish hands with iron power, Eruptions caused by evils untold Awaits the coming of women's hour. When business cunning political graft Will crumple and fall by females craft. 39 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE The well laid traps of the graftincr games. Of combinations in years of past. Established trust with its rotten fames All over the world has increased fact. This damnable curse to the human race Been cause of numerous appalling face. Seme women take up industrial line. Self-supporting have no other means. Transact their l)usiness, get along line. Women by men stand equally seems. On election day men stamp their feet. Women knew not how to vote complete. W^omen in business subject to tax. Pay equal by men no less nor more. Law-making affairs not on their backs, But business in general of the store. To cast ballots keep away they must In bondage by men deprived of trust. Dwelling in miseries measures so full. Serpent Eve apple in Eden of old. Virgin this time thee crush in his skull. Do not take apple as has been told. For distress call thee then laid to blame. Through cowardly man, it is a shame. Give the women their right to the tests. Of political toast and boiling can. Should join for freedom's harmonious rests. The helping mates the woman and man, Liberties statue means reaching- gfoal. Aim is accomplished when reaching poll. 40 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE Saloon business cause of evil deed, Where men spend earnings in gloomy light, Their little children neglect to feed, \A'hen they return in the midst of night, With oaths most foul they furniture break, Cause wife and children in tears to quake. Through poverty's plight of saddest gloom. By drunken father, cause mother's tears, The children starved in their wretched home, And be knocked about with shameful sneers. With those conditions so rotten stand, Cans't Thou blame mothers for taking hand? Offending streams of most ghastly smears. The liquor's fluid of its famous base, In the peaceful homes caused fear and tears. With it be sunk in sea's deepest place, Saloons and all the gambling dives, Contagious pest to the human lives. Those treacherous dives underworld homes. Worst serpent of virgin's deceiving fiend. By suffrage cause will receive earned dooms. For downfall of friends caused left behind, In poverty's plight in their old age Through cause of the past of saddest rage. Time seems near for the curtain to fall. Remains of cloud through the years of waste. On morning birth for the voting ball, From ladies' hands with feverish haste, Document in brief appeals to fates WTitten by friend in United States. 41 THE EVOLUTION 1 Evolution of mind By thought is eternal Progress of same kind As seeds by internal Is unlike the Earth Of mystical l)irth. 2 The problem is deep, Probe stern and contriving, The climbing is steep, Arduous at arriving. With mind of no base In the endless space. 3 Progress knows no stop. It neither knows ending. But over the top, In abundant sending Its vision by aim Of eternal flame. 4 Itself does instate, As it has no maker, For laying a bait. No use for the faker, With dogmatic lies Of origin in skies. 5 Alike space and time That have no beginning. The mind is the same, Forever been spinning, Cannot be produced, Nor neither reduced. 43 THE EVOLUTION 6 In time it evolves To a higher Hghting, By itself resolves. By its broader sighting, By passing of time, It l)ecomes sublime. 7 Invisible of arts, Intelligent with power, Is Ego in parts Beyond space, time and hour By stating declare Related to air. 8 The Ego by flight. Eternal vil)rations. In more advanced state, \Miile in forms durations. In time, it departs. Be of brighter arts. 9 The Ego, l)y course, A Universal shower. Like air of no source. Same Electric power ; And the winds refrain. An in^-is^ble strain. 10 The forces in space. Of difl:"ercnt blending, Are dift'erent of trace. Of services tending To the Beasts and worms In the crudest forms. 44 THE EVOLUTION 11 In space around Earth, Is force with attractions. Invisible with mirth. By fact of transactions. Of current with strains. As with skillful brains. 12 Insighted in Brains Is mind by vibrations. By means conceives strains. Thru Ear's informations, Of transmitted facts The Brain cells impacts. 13 In silence of night While instruments resting With eyes closed to sight. Of the mortals testing, Mind cannot realize Of the mortals ways. 14 They claim God turns wheels. Not knowing God's likeness, Ignorance conceals All the facts of brightness, Of own features paints God of greatest Saints. 15 Force behind the force Cause eternal spinning, To blame God for roars Is no proof of winning. Without proof, nO' fact, No claim is intact. 45 THE EVOLUTION 16 Elemental Earth Could not be created, Fanaticism no worth, The Earth was instated By element force. Never known its source. 17 Earth turns toward Sun, Of Universal power, Rotations begun O'er thousand miles an hour Is cause of the feast By morn Sun in East. 18 Like a belt to run Around Earth's rotations, Belt firm as the Sun, Earth turns cause vibrations, Emotions are felt From Cosmic air belt. 19 Sun by miles from Earth, O'er ninety-two millions, Cause the light that birth For planets in billions. Said distant from Sun Earth's radius run. 20 Across Sun by miles. O'er eight hundred thousand. Around Sun Earth sails. Years circling around band In glimmering light Of illuming sight. 46 THE EVOLUTION 21 Diameter of blaze Of Sun, as is measured. Of superior size, Eight times over hundred. Over Earth that scales O'er eight thousand miles. 22 Earth governed by Sun, Its current Earth circling, The same ever run. Cause the Sun's encircling By magnetic force Earth revolves its course. 23 Of enormous size Sun's superior power Revolves Earth in space By magnetic shower, Ups and downs of pole Cause of Spring and Fall. 24 Sun's Universal Birth Of glittering brightness, Related to Earth, By similar likeness Of mineral mass Vegetation and gas. 25 The shining of light On the Earth cause straining, The currents in flight Cause of the Sun's shining, Meeting those of Earth When in contact burst. 47 THE EVOLUTION 26 Combustions cause light On the Earth by friction By Sun's currents flight To Earth gives reflection, Cause infinite blaze To illume the space. 27 Sun's Powerful force, Magnetic attractions. Are causing Earth's course To limited actions, Of rotations flights. Causing days and nights. 28 The moon and star lights By Sun's current frictions Cause the lofty sights Of starry reflections To the Earth at nights By glimmering lights. 29 Combustion in sight By force to force rending. The object is light. By discusings pending Mentality bright. Progresses bv lipht. 30 By Universal course Mentality seems linking, By attractive force As humans by thinking, Harmoniously binds To the Human minds. 48 THE EVOLUTION 31 Accounts of Earth's age Is mere calculation. Historical page Gives clear explanation, Why streams trom then* source Took different course. 32 The waters that run Cut rockbeds to hollow, Millions years caused turn, Counts more with to follow Than dogmatic seers Of six thousand years. 33 The long years of Earth, O'er two hundred millions Reared creatures by birth, In numerous billions Sprung up by the way Did fade and decay. 34 With the Dawn of Earth Were no habitation. By natural birth Of the Earth formation. W'ith creatures to plan Neither beast nor Man. 35 Heat produced the spark That started wheels turning, Caused the light in dark That since have kept burning By the wear and tear With Cosmic and Air. 49 THE EVOLUTION 36 By millions decades Came wigglers thru nature, Thru different grades Advancement in stature, Passed off and back came With different name. The creatures in turn By instinctive startings Did brighter return From former departings, By degrees refined Came the human mind. Mind's higher degrees Caused human formations By years to increase In millions durations, Evolution's pace Produced human race. 39 Did advance in state From lowest to higher. Departed thru fate. Returned little shyer From its former lair Of Cosmic and Air. 40 Thru advancing grades Mind caused its own forming. Thru millions decades By thinking and storming. By degrees to goal Came the human soul. 50 THE EVOLUTION 41 For thousands decades The Human's grim statures Were of larger grades Than the present creatures With manners refined By progress of Mind. 42 With glimmer of light Less physical power Were needed in sight Of development hour, Of immortal force With its brighter course. 43 The Beasts having mind Below the collective, Not being refined Are rude and corruptive, Not able to plan As by skill of man. 44 The collective mind Is soul incorporal. And yet it combined A structure immortal. Within weight it fails On the Human scales. 45 A collective force With reasoning power That directs its course. And timing by the hour Is the Human mind Called the Soul combined. 51 THE EVOLUTION 46 Competition caused The Human formation. Superior disclosed By the mind's creation. By degrees made gains Thru long years of strains. 47 Is a common fact That mind controls stature, Keeps body intact And amends with nature Thru its thoughtful aim Refined features came. 48 Females to give births Are often the comely, In surrounding mirth, No concern being homely. The events that smiled. Cause of pretty child. 49 Woman before Birth Out of doors felt charming. Saw hare's face in skirt, Caused event alarming, By Hare that ran wild Caused a Harelipped child. 50 These indicate plain That mind controls matter. We cannot disdain That mind the form gather. Its attributes whole Is the Human Soul. oz THE EVOLUTION 51 Can the Soul exist Without Earth's formation, Oft excitedly mixt Debates caused sensation, By mortals caused hate Among them of fate. 52 Ignorant remark By parents incited Leaves Children in dark At gloom gets excited. Inherited motive Beyond to conceive. 53 Produced it cannot By natural courses. No use to combat Its immortal forces. Of infinite tie The mind cannot die. 54 No death to absolve, In vain subject pending The Mind does evolve, There cannot be ending. Flesh turns into dirt Into Mother Earth. 55 Intellect behind Cannot be disputed, Embellished combined Denote skill reputed, Of plants fine and coarse By invisible force. 53 THE EVOLUTION 56 In infant the mind Is mild, feature tender. Progressing and kind. Is cute body slender. Soon learning to talk And crawl before walk. 57 The infant just boriT Has no mind of blessingr, Approachmg like morn Soon mind is possessing. Beginning we find Evolution of mind. 58 It soon starts to smile, (jets over its creeping. Thought begins to sail. Of desire is seeking For its little doll, " Then stumble and fall. 59 By light it evolves, From supplies is gaining, In time child resolves By the table dining. And learning to plan By the skill of Man. 60 Remarkable time Of the passing last hour. After instinct came The great thinking power. Like blossom of bud That sprung thru the mud. 54 THE EVOLUTION 61 Can any beast think. This question oft spoken. As an eye does wink. Can silence be broken When truth is impact By Producing fact. 62 The wild beasts in time In their caves are slinking, Of desires for game Are planning by thinking And lying in wait For event of fate. 63 Like horses and dogs By mind are improving, Are unlike the frogs Of mere instinct roving. From instinct we find Are different kind. 64 That instinct does mean An impulse to wiggle Can plainly be seen, With no thoughts — still wriggle. Like an infant born Is nursing first morn. 65 Some reptiles turn keen When teased to an anger. By thought they turn mean And seem full of danger. Are unlike the worms In their ruder forms. 55 THE EVOLUTION 66 The flowers in bloom With leaves embroidery And a sweet perfume Of blossoms odorly Seem knowledge and mirth With marvelous birth Thru females and males Its odors are flinging, Between them itsails, They seem to be singing With wonderful trill Of some hidden skill 68 Seem courting with smiles And performing duty. Their harmony sails ' Between love and beauty. With perfume of bliss Be their flinging kiss 69 Soon fading in ring Were of late adorning. By coming of Spring They bid us good morning. \\\W-\ wonderful smiles Their coming unveils. 70 Like the peaceful dove Be sister and brother. Like sweethearts by love Are courting each other. In the mind of light A wonderful sight. 56 THE EVOLUTION 71 In order to toil We must receive nursing. Of cultivated soil We oft are discussing. And w^onder the v^hy By means we pass by. 72 The essence that Birth Is in currents running, Age same as of Earth And in folds returning, Extract it we can Thru the science of Man. 73 Said essence in ground Appearing like morning In the fruits are found, Fluidness adorning Of different molds Returning in folds. 74 Interested fact To Humans related, Are all plants impact. Also grains instated, With females and males. Explorations unveils. 75 Animals and birds In language conversing In enormous herds. Own children are nursing With motherly love Of passion like dove. 57 THE EVOLUTION 76 In African parts Are rare habitations Peculiar of arts. Distinguished formations And dark natives l)orn On sunnv hot morn. 77 The climate to blame For different brightness. Atmosphere like flame Turns colors and likeness. Distinctive of birth All over the Earth. 7?^ Folks in times em1)ark For some warmer proA'ince, I'heir skin becomes dark. Near the foreign ravines. Through the intense heat As the flaming sheet. 79 With their births thru fate Befell colored features. Colored dark to sight By cause of the nature. In statures and walks. In habits and talks. 80 The dark skinned race In caves did enduring. Skeletons leave trace Of the beasts alluring, Numerous turned brave Surrounded the cave. 58 THE EVOLUTION 81 Of reptiles some kind By acts of sensation, Rude limited mind In crudest formation. Some wriggling- us by Mere instinct not shy. 82 Crocodiles will fight Same serpents and rattlers With objects in sight Prove terrible battlers, Their forces and trills Governed by wills. 83 It requires some skill To dodge, seek and hiding. With intent to kill. Back and forward sliding, By reptiles and beasts For desired feasts. 84 Mouse cat does the same, By the hole is waiting, Mouse or rat in time. Soon with pussy fighting. This progress of mind Is of rarest kind. 85 The beasts possess sense Of smell, taste, touch, hearing. By sighting takes chance To fight foe that's nearing. By chance they will hide. Swift in cave then slide. 59 THE EVOLUTION 86 Of creatures that skirts Around in the ocean As usual by births, Thru passion of notion By females and males In harmony sails. 87 As of former stands Intelligence in water, \\ ith the swimming bands That's chasing each other. Acknowledge a fray By swimming astray. 88 FiA'e organs of sense The fishes possessing. Of numbers immense In the ocean splashing. From largest of whales To inferior scales. 89 In underground lakes Obscured by the darkness Are pickerels and pikes With no eyes of brightness, Intellect indeed. For eves have no need. 90 Comparison to trace Animals seem binding To the Human race Are similar in finding-. Of natural need. Same habits indeed. GO THE EVOLUTION 91 Interesting fact About red ants dwelling, How it's made intact No one can be telling. Its globular roof Is of waterproof. 92 In chambers apart. At night they are resting. x\t morning they start For provisions searching. To obtain the food For themselves and brood. 93 By ant hills apart. Of intimate location. The inmates off dart Away in rotation. And trespass in sight Then follows a fight. 94 Each employ the scout For prompt observation To run in and out With their information. In conclusion grants To smite naughty ants. " 95 An amusing sight On special occasion To witness a fight In battle formation On triangle course Of red ants in force. 61 THE EVOLUTION 96 All joined former seouts In triangles lining-. With sticks in their mouths As soldiers in training, Were marching in row Toward coming foe. All ready for call. T.ike hugles were sounded. When memhers did fall, Two carried one wounded, In hos])ice did land With the nursing band. 98 One side did retreat. The battle was over, Acknowledge defeat By running to cover, Victors in pursuit Returned very cute. 99 Intelligence bright With acts of performing, An astonishing sight Their conduct with storming. Did Humans ants learn. Believe me, I be dearn. 100 Be human, pass by. No ant hills destroying. For not knowing why. Mere brute force employing. On intelligent ants By ignorant gents. 62 THE EVOLUTION 101 Evidence ])r()(liiced That the l)easts do tliinkini;, ( )f lliouj^lit so induced. We similarly linking Their mind by dei^rec More inferior be. 102 Oxer T^'.arth in ])arts, iJilferent surr( fundings Cause different arts With different soundings, Universal brand, Unspeakably grand. 103 Unlike us in arts, In stature and feature. Beasts similar parts, Relates ours in nature W'ith kindness and force, Same natural course. 104 For self-defense same, By fighting and tugging. Both for the same aim Of kindness are hugging, Both struggle to gain For Life to sustain. 105 The Ego in space. Some rude, sr)me of brightness, It instates in ])lace. Comparing own likeness With vibrations flights, Instating own lights. 63 THE EVOLUTION UK) The in\ isihlc arts. Back in heads do enter Of time it departs Thru the forward center. As proof will embrace With established trace. 107 Substantiated fact Of attractive power. Affect is impact In secret on the hour. W hen an actixe brain Directs i^lowini^- strain. 108 Be seated in pew. In church or theatre. Instances not few When folks g-et together, A subject is found Bv glaring ar«nind. 109 A few feet ahead Sits a charming- beauty With back of her head Before man on duty, \\'ith a glaring- strain T^enetrates her brain. 110 By feeling disturbed She turns towards creature Offended gets nerved And stares at his feature, That blush and down stoops Feels ashamed of looks. 64 THE EVOLUTION 111 Remarkable start Of the studious hour. The globular part Receiving the power As rearwards of brain Be subject to strain. 112 By climbing a crest On ])lcasing occasion. Studying is best, Thru clear observation. Of vibrations volt Be noticed results. 113 The mind does expand With light is increasing. Vibrations command Cause event be pleasing. Harmonious strain In the active brain. 114 Suppose mind is ])ure, More pure mind vibrating. When mind is obscure, Mere rude mind inciting. Light and dark apart Are of similar art. 115 With light exposes The evolving ])ower Event discloses The enlightened hour, In the endless space Of no resting place. 65 THE LAST KISS Ma ! last kiss of many, Of love your arms held fast Got last kiss of any, I fell asleep for last. In your lap I did long to die, In your arms bid my last by by. Mama, I am sleeping, Sweet is the endless dream, I can see you weeping, With tears in running stream, Now, mama, please, dear, cry no more. Soon I will meet you on this shore. Your time left seems lonely By having me no more, Soon we meet then only Of Joy on blossom's shore, Last blessings sweet, the bestowed bliss, The time you gave me the last kiss. Your Dorothy. 66 THE BROKEN HEART With streaming tears and only A broken Heart by sorrow, Once joyous life seems lonely With gloomy light for morrow, When earthly strifes are ended The broken Hearts are mended. Then clearly free from danger, W4ien resting last so sweetly, No painful sores to injure, In garment white so neatly, In chamber cave then sleeping Have ended all the weeping. When moral deeds are ended. Of conscience clear forever. No creature stands ofifended, By honest life, no never. We ending all the weeping, Last peaceful rest by sleeping. (n Mother. MAIDEN OF THE FLOWER'S BLOSSOM I years ago in silence strolled down to a stream, A flower patch alone in blossom there did stand, Sad memory of past appears to me a dream, Pinned flower to my breast I had picked with my hand, Lost blossom from my breast as it dropped to the ground, I sought for the beauty but it could not be found. As I turned around to look over on the ground, A charming young beautiful maiden there did stand. She said here is thy beautiful flower I found. And she smiled so sweetly with the flower in hand, The smiling young maiden picked flower from the ground That I picked years ago when I strolled by the mound. The very same flower I had pinned to my breast, I pinned to her bosom it were sparkling so bright. We strolled among blooms, sang and chatted by a crest, To the stream we went down to see beautiful sight, While we chatted around I pleaded for her hand, The answer I received was a kiss for demand. Our courtship was happy but turned sad after all, She soon forsook of singing-her beautiful song. Of the influence cold she lay sick in the fall. Began fading away she did not linger long, She kissed me good-bye. dear, we will meet in a land Where flowers do not fade but in blossom will stand. With the smiles on her lips she passed away for to rest. To the shore far beyond where flowers do not fade. The reaper came along cut flower from my breast. And was followed by a cloud with a gloomy shade, \\'ith silver faded hair I am waiting for call. Soon reaper comes along like the flower I fall. 68 MAIDEN OF THE FLOWER BLOSj^OM Once beautiful blossom I had pinned to my breast. Had faded away and had begun to turn black, ]t was laid in maiden's hand for her final rest. In the chamber Earth cave where the want do not lack, On the tomb there stands erect a monument stone As memory of maiden that left me alone. In the silence of night she appears in my dreams. On a beautiful shore with the flower in hand. Dear come over to me see those beautiful streams. But the tide was between I confused there did stand, She said wait little while soon the tide pass away. It is not very long before thee crossing bay. Forever on this shore we never again part. Thy struggles and sorrows will vanish wnth the tide, And before very long get ready soon to start. On through the valley dim aiming straight to this side, I will meet thee on this shore with the flower in hand, Cross the bay where I did on this side thee will stand. She often me visit in the stillness of night. Repeating those words she holds the flower in hand. Like the flower of past it was sparkling so bright. With her glittering garments of gilt blossoms band. On shore beyond is waiting that beautiful bride. For me to cross over when relieved of the tide. Dear Brothers and Sisters in the blossom's light stand Like virtuous maiden in the past of her bloom. Smiling and betrothed with the flowers in hand. Before future ye stand not aware of the doom. When the flower is fading that bloomed in the past. Before tide it stand and crosses over at last. — In Drama. 69 HOME, SWEET HOME Sweet Home, sweet home, the song in brief, Has rung in ears of old and young. In homes of joy at times in grief, For years in past the leading song, Those famous lines in printing stand. In chorus sung on sea and land. Sweet childhood days of bygone dream, Of loving charm one's mother dear, By cradle sang like flowing stream Of joy thru the untrodden sphere, And sang about the Earthly gloom. Before she passed to home, sweet home. When poverty and sickness land Before thy door with cloudy gloom. In dusky light w^ith folded hands, Thy glance in past of old sweet home. By cradle sat passed years when young Were listening when dear mother sung. Thou traveling friend on sea at night. In cloudy storms thy glance in past. Thy home of birth looms up in sight. When final strife thy lot seems cast. Thy loving mother seems to stand For thy return with outstretched hand. Dear home, sweet home, of humblest birth. In bleeding Souls it printed stands As only place of rest on Earth, For trembling strokes of heart and hands, In home beyond no morn nor night. No toil nor tears but shining light. 71 HOME, SWEET HOME Convicted friend in gloomy cell. Thru wicked life did mother scorn, Confined in den an Earthly Hell, By melted heart her tears were born, Canst thou remember in thy gloom Thy loving mother's humble home. Thou wandering boy sweet home of old Is not like homes thy choice has cast, Thou many times has bought and sold From place to place in years of past, In old home mother's vision stands In smiles of love with outstretched hands. Millions of Lords of metals bright In mansions dwell sad and forlorn. Stand outclassed in old sweet homes right. In homes of gold sweet home not born. With silk and pearls and sparkling gems, A dear sweet home far off it seems. The treasures bright with gold of shine. Of sparkling dust in rich men's hands, The children often plead in vain For bread and wares frustrated stands. That's often cause of tears and gloom For little tots in their sweet home. Bright home sweet home is not at all. With pearls and jewels and gilded horn. Where dimplings turn for mother's call With smiles on lips the kiss is born. Those homes are sweet tho times in tears They brighten up when mother cheers. 72 HOME, SWEET HOME Clear mind is light in humble home, A trusted friend at dusky night, With soulful eyes mild passions bloom With hope for future gleam of light, A leading- star with light adorns, O'er rocky trail bestrewn with thorns. Thou struggling friend in distress stands, Home still is sweet in gloomy light, Thou trust thy fate in toiling hands, With mind to dare to shoulder plight: When flock of tots around thee spark, Sw^cet little sparkling stars in dark. Some little tots drop out of sight, Their little garments leave behind. As star in gloomy home be light. Of comfort mild from them thee find, W hen memory creeps in thy heart Of autumn sad when torn apart. Sweet little blooms with hair in curls. The blessed stars in mother's arms. With love and peace blossoms unfurls. Their little homes protect from harms. Quelled many storms of cloudy glooms. The little meddling- tots in homes. '^ Sweet home on Earth unlike in arts. Of Earthly goods not same amount. Some brothers, Sisters braver starts, Some homes seem blest while others want. The little Souls more light than gold In humble homes where they unfold. HOME, SWEET HOME With faded hair thru years of toil. Dear parents l:)ent for waiting- grave. Are seeking- rest beneath the soil, When end is near to efiforts brave, In gloomy light to strive their best And end it all in dust to rest. The saddest gloom for home in store. With parents dear no more in sight. They dwell in home on other shore. That home, sweet home, in shining light. The long sought hope on other side From cares of past in peace abide. Once dimpling star in mother's arms. In ripening stands with smiling face. The maiden l^loom protects from harms. In homes of yore takes mother's place. The happy thought will heal the wound. To meet in home, sweet home beyond. The partings cause the saddest glooms. For old and young before the grave, The reaper cuts the ripening blooms. Spares none in time of weak or brave. Same curtain falls for rich or poor. Same fate in dust no less nor more. Bright home, sweet home, on other side. Beyond this zone for hopeful mind. What called the death is lifting tide, The Souls with light then sweet home find. Are blest with joy for gloom of yore W^hen landing on the sweet home shore, 74 HOME, SWEET HOME That happy home hke shining day, On other side for mind st^mds clear, The happy thought when crossing bay, Once more to meet beloved ones dear, Where toils nor pains will not be known. Where thistles thorns will not be sown. Sweet thought indeed, of meeting place. Beyond these clouds a place in bloom, The joyous sights will all amaze. By meeting dears in that sweet home, For stormy seas need no more fears. Once on that shore we shed no tears. Mysts appear of existence beyond. To Human Souls thru Earthly birth. New morning's birth mysterious sound, Alike mysterious dwells on Earth, Surprised we twist around and turn. Strange home of flesh with hearts that burn. Flesh an instrument in demand. Grip of control by mind or soul. Driving nail with hammer in hand. The human mind controls the tool, Established fact same myst with sound Alike mysterious home beyond. Thou unknown friend of toil or strain, Bear this in mind on sea and land, When ripened stands for journey's train At final night with outstretched hand, Be welcomed sweet from Earthly gloom To other side in Home, Sweet Home. 75 The sealed document describes about Satan and Divines in rhymes it numbers two hundred and twenty-five verses with twelve thousand one hundred and fifty Syllables. It comprises tales about Satan and Divines, toils for centuries, in- cluding the dark ages when the Burning took place of witches and Heretics with other innocent beings for not believing in dogmatic doctrines and were subjected to terrible tortures before their deaths. It includes tales of spooks and witchcrafts. Witches' Sabbath of the yearly meetings of the Devils and witches on Brocken on Hartz Mountain and also specific in details of the burning of Michael Servitus and Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans with forty illustrations of differ- ent events. Also liberal thoughts and facts about religion and science. It is partly extracted from different cyclopedias and other Ancient Records. The Author. SATAN AND DIVINES 1 Of ghostly spooks in times and of old, Satan his name the spirit of fame, In printing stands and often been told. Thought very shrewd with many a name, Miracles performed in olden days To creatures vengeance in many ways. 2 India's fables through gloomy morns, History score for thousands of years, Satan appeared with tail, wings and horns, By Ganges River wrought awful fears. Turned upside down wrought reptiles and toad, Turned Ganges River to running blood. 3 Through in Egypt's land by River Nile, Satan appeared his name there was Sat, Commanded beast from serpent to snail, Strolled down by Nile from source to outlet, Of thunder was cause rainstorms and fogs Turned cows into wolves, sheep into dogs. 4 Prowling through land in Egypt of old, Like a roving beast with tail and horn, Satan with furies by records told, To Babylon came before shining morn. Turned the cities to bewildered camps. Caused cow's milk blood on his horny tramps. 5 Touring at nights caused lightning and storms, Satan the cause from the west to east. Drank altars wines in the temples forms. So there was no more left for the priest. Turned inside out of the preacher's gown Those ghastly sights caused the priests to frown. 83 SATAN AND DIVINES 6 History years three thousand and more, Since Judah's tribe wandered out of land, From bondage toils by thousands in score. Through leader in chief of Joshua's hand, \\1ien leaving that land of bondage doom. Took Satan along, wrought awful gloom. Appears from records since Moses's death, Joshua could not then control his herd, Was laying plan, then with Satan chat, In future using this wondrous bird, As Aaron moulded the Golden Calf, For \Vorship to retain chief of staff. 8 Unruly horde under Joshua's reign Old Satan in prime with horns and claws Through poisoned wells came sickness in line Through delirious fits they saw his paws Caused pestilence dooms with running sores Turned crops into dust with panics roars. 9' Miserable times where Israel did dw^ell Starving souls by the thousands in fears On desert with sand an Earthly Hell, There Israel's children were shedding tears Grubs in the pantries were turned to clay For given command would not obey. 10 Records inform of the darkest age Of worships faith and credulities glooms Were never written on ancient page. More absurd and foolish old times looms The only facts left of wonderous tales Are Devil^s in polished forms with veils. 84 SATAN AND DIVINES. 11 Jews at last in Palestine sought rest From bondage of old on Egypt's soil From pestilence wave of darkest pest On desert with sand and sorrows toil Then IjcL^nn looting with horrors shame In peaceable land with swords and flame. 12 Jericho took with fagots and flame Slew the innocent of young and old Outraged daughters with terrible shame Those horrors tales by history told Commanded l^y God spare none from harms Slew the mothers with children in arms. 13 Appears like Satan's murderous band And not commanded by God of light To destroy those peaceful souls in land That offered not to struggle and fight The Divines at times were playing game With Satan behind the outrages shame. 14 From years left behind sad change appears Companions sought with female did chat Tired of hard work then Satan in years When Endor's woman did cross his path Clever before more wisdom then got \\ hen shrewd old Satan seemed on the spot. 15 Saul the king through distress and grief Called on the Endor woman at night For to consult his master-in-chief About the war how thev were to fight Samuel came in his robe of old And Saul's defeat was then him foretold. 85 SATAN AND DIVINES 16 Palestine soil with limit of space, For Judah's tribe in numbers too great, In long sought homes in a land of grace. Struggled in vain for making ends mee.t.. In times had increased by hundreds score, Were seeking their bread on foreign shore. 17 Two thousand years past some went to Greece, They then Satan took same as before. Then Satan began to blow his breeze, Just as soon as they landed on shore, Did spook in the nights till morning's dew In company with the wandering Jew. 18. For two thousand years Jews held the reign, On Palestine soils with treacherous hands, , In long promised land from bondage strain. On nations waged wars with crusade bands, The Judah's tribe in power too weak. Fell into hands of Romans and Greek. 19 Devils at times were playing their roles, Getting polite at times losing tail, Entered new business were stealing souls. All through the world in different scale. Active and shrewd with the Jews did stroll. All over soon known from pole to pole. 20 World in miseries thru sins and shames, Thru cause of those unmerciful beasts, Of horny figures with dirty names. That makes troubles for pupils and priests. By praying, preaching and singing song. And darned those Jews that took them along. 86 SATAN AND DIVINES 21 By that time Satan seemed doing well. All over the world employed the witch. Many women that fortune could tell, Performed Satan's work without a hitch. Some times did employ men for the seance, But mostly women performed his plans. 22 Spooks and scares were then a common thing. In most all lands of different scales. At nights folks did hear them bing, bing, bing. At mornings did tell each other's talcs, To sights of spooks in different ways, Caused trembling fears for the coming days. 23 The evenings were spent with trembling fears, The devil in sight through fearful glooms. Children with frights and mothers in tears. Men called the priests to their troubled homes, ^oon priest began reading from his book, Satan up chimnev did turn to smoke. 24 Dying men troubled with ghostly spooks, Could not depart did call for the priest. The priest arrived with his holy books, And read before the communion feast. Swift devil circled around the floor. Passed out door's keyhole with whining roar. 25 Thus were happening from year to year, People were afraid to stroll at nights, Scared of own shadow, nervous with fear, Saw spooks in the nights of ghostly sights. Next morn crossed straws on floor did appear. Thing to happen they trembled with fear. 87 SATAN AND DIVINES 26 Sixth, seventh books of Moses' priests unfold, Those faked instruments books called the blacks, To bind Satan with word when strolled The sacred books were concealed in packs. Records tell the priests of darkest age. Relieved bound devil with word from page. 27 W^ere a common thing in times of old. Neighboring tribes on unfriendly terms. Sought witch for revenge and gave her gold, To infect their grub with filthy germs. Cows did not give rnilk of unknown source, Got sick and scabbv with open sores. 28 The men at mornings to stables came. In stalls observed, cows, horses were gone. In the cow barns they observed the same, Horses were found the greatest change known, Families' dogs turned in shapes of cats They claimed were cause nf numerous dea'h^. 29 After their deaths did often appear. Women or men in their ghostly form. By their wicked lives been cause of fear. To neighbors harms they sought to reform. Cross swung in their hands the priests so brave. At darkest nights them quieted in grace. 30 Of passing graveyards at darkest nights. Two, three or four with lantern to burn. Did see passing forms of ghostly sights. One man alone did those trails spurn. From mornings on were telling their tales, All days along about spooks on trails. 88 SATAN AND DIVINES 31 Men at morning did prepare for drive, To village market arrived in time. The sales of produce did him turn brave. To attend church service called by chime, With service to end he thought of home, Then started for trail obscure by gloom. 32 On highway for home trembling with fright. By gleam from mo.on he soon comfort found. But soon did appear some funny sight. On road before him with hollow sound, Around him shift in different place, Like burning lanterns and sparkling blaze. 33 Did hurry for home with pacing stunned, With men catching up in numbers three. Seemed hastening home from ghost they shunned. In companions trust from fright felt free. Observed with fright those men him before. After him ran with thunderous roar. 34 He urged his horses running to foam. Men then before him on road did stop, Turned into dog and followed him home, Spooked in the house from the floor to top. At morn they called priest cross in hand bold, Satan up chimney as priest him told. 35 This tale of spook to me private told. Met man hurrying in pants from skins. Inquired if strolling around not cold Answered had taken two for their sins. Two more would take before day in fog. At same time did turn into a dog. 89 SATAN AND DIVINES 36 Man and wife did in harmony dwell. Jealous neighbor with hatred gave gold. To witch to bring the monster from Hell, The tale in brief by Luther been told. Satan appeared in form man w?i:5 known. Not alike to man and w^ife were shown. 37 Dispute between man and wife did start. How he appeared in garments of his. The man that around their land did dart. Home gloomy, no more kiss after this. By Satan's toils with witches in lands. And numerous wicked looting bands. 38^ The priests were confused of Satan's toils Got tired of running the Satan down. Witches through Satan all over soil, Of numerous score against church and crinvn. Through hatred, revenge, w^ith bloody hand. They burnt at stakes all witches in land. 39 The church and crowns did unite in rules, Of fagots and swords with bloody hand. Burnt alive at stakes innocent souls. In millions amounts in all the land. Built scaffolds around the burning place. Seated in comfort to watch the blaze. -10 They stripped them nude of their clothing worn, Did chain them to stakes and broke their bones, Priests lashed them wdth wdiips, inserted thorns. Awful inhumans could turn the stones. Then seated at ease in arenas place. The priests with interest did w^atch the blaze. 90 SATAN AND DIVINES 41 Interesting tales of the myths of old, Walburgis night in Hartz Mountains Cave, Of witches Sabbath by records told. Witches rode on goats in lofty drive, And on broom sticks rode to mount of fame. Satan with horns of Joy when thev came. 42 Assembled for rest on Brocken's Mount, The witches and wizards of large band. Their numbers scored in thousands amount, Throughout in Europe from all the lands, The subjects paid to Satan respect And kissed his face without an object. 43 In Germany that mount has its seat. Between River Elbe and Vesser stream, Three thousand seven hundred forty feet. Is height of Brocken of ancient dream. Monument of memory it will stand. Of blood that was shed in all the land. 44 Great songs prevailed when all took their seat, Satan, on throne like double head goat, With wjngs and horns and had cloven feet, He told them all to repeat their oath. They spat on Bible and preachers cursed, Medals he gave them that did curse worst. 45 Master of ceremonies then took place, For occasion appointed for the feast. An examination with swiftest pace, Of all the witches by horniest beast. For the secret mark unknown to pain, If no mark found burning mark did stain. 91 SATAN AND DIVINES 46 When strangers were admitted to camp, At darkest nights were asked to sit down, Great silence prevailed when newly tramp, Denied the faith of the church and crown. Spat on the Bible and Devil kissed, With shouts of greetings from all were blessed. 47 If there was some witch by devil found. Not having the mark of devil's gang, Received burnino^ mark without a wound. With great joy they all then danced and sang. Old Satan of joy danced with new bride, They drank wines from horns devil had made. 48 They danced and sang, then Satan on throne. With gilded bagpipes of hollow sound. Music produced by wonderful drone. With devils they danced and turned around. Then weak and tired the witches took seat. Did discuss the time they n^xt could meet. 49 All told of their wicked deeds complete, If not fulfilled then devil with scorns. Did throw them out from under his feet, Tossed them in air and out from his horns, So they could neither stand up nor sit. He threatened to throw tb^^m into a pit. 50 Then they did dance and had to^ expose. In o-ardens garbs through Eden of old, The Devil them forced to naked pose, While they did dance he glared at them bold. That darned old skunk the miserable beast. Is darn site worst then all the priest. 93 SATAN AND DIVINES 51 Then came a banquet with friendly chats, With mockings of churches holy feast, Thig, devils then took the forms of cats, Again took the form of horny beast. He swung the cross in contempt and sneer, Witches did join with malicious leer. 52 lie ^/dv thrni ricii \'iands on golden plats. The best from tenderloins from swines, Their names he did stain on gilded slats, I'Vom crystal ^^oblets, expensive wines. Reward for the brave from devil's hand For the most wicked of Satan's band. 53 Then came more dancine with end of feasts, Satan played music with bagpipes drone, They condemned the church and all the priests, With oaths and malice before the throne, All promised to yearly feast attend, When cock did crow the feast was to end. 54 When witches did start for journey to cave, Passed through keyhole or chimney with roar. Rode in the air on goats, brooms or stave. They dared to pass through window or door. Their beds were filled with demons of shape. Same as their own. with ^^nin d'd they pape. 55 On other high mounts did witches land. Devils as horse in shape of goat, l^heir feet burnt the soil from the bare sand. Where they did land to repeat the oath. With devil did dance and kissed his face, ^'Vhen their assembling in cave took place. 94 SATAN AND DIVINES 56 Time of the year those meeting's took plaee, I'he aneient reeords does not unveil, Their feet luirnt grass and soil on the space. Spring of the year according to tale, Of yearly meeting" on brockens mount. Where witch and wizards gave their account. 57 In Germany witches rode on goats. Same was the belief in Italy and Spain, Was Satan himself in veils of coats. In animal forms of horns and stain. Flew through the air with wdtch on his back. Then soon did return and more did take. 58 In America, England and France, Thought not same of mysterious band. About those funny ladies of trance. That caused disturbance in all the land. But rode on brooms occasional goats. On flight to the mount to nledge their oaths. 59 Church officials accepted plan then. Year fourteen hundred thirty-seven. That women and children and the men. Could cause rt<'"rms and H'^ditning from Heaven, Pope Eugene sixth against them urged rage. On all without distinction of age. 60 Confused of the storms so mirk did lurch. Pope gave orders to search through the land. By inquisitors bands of the church. For weather makers of wicked band, W^itches, Fleretics in thousands score, Were then burned alive from shore to shore. 95 SATAN AND DIVINES 61 Fabricated lies of myths through search. Unveiled was records on ancient leaves, From the bottom of Catholic Church, For centuries waged by famous thieves. For grafting purpose of dimmest lurch, To build the famed constitutional church. 62 To lies described they had to confess, On the filthy racks of tortures arts, And involve ethers in the same mess, That they in the Sabbath had taken parts, Had seen them on Sabbath with the beasts, Were forced to confess this to the priests. 63 On rich men they often played these games, To' get their wealth of the shining gold, Conviction of crimes did hide their shames. Of untold lootings in many fold. If they not confessed but loot to spurn. They then gave the crank another turn. 64 Those betrayed victims once on the rack. Through tortures arts did others involve. And wdiole communities seemed to quake. Went mad with grief beyond to resolve. They all seemed doomed for the gruesome toil. And were gone wild all over the soil. 65 Most heartrending tales on ancient page. Of little tots under years of ten. Were sentenced to death on flaming stage. After tortures arts in filthy den, Almost beyond print those filthy crimes, Through religious cause of horror's times. 96 MJS" "^ "^--NSW^ JKK ecame blank, Through tightened cords the flesh was torn, They soon expired ; then freedom was born. 106 ^'^4 fe A , \\ K^ SATIN AND DIVINES 86 Searching tribunal did call at night, Took their victims for tortures in turn, Money and property grabbed in sight, Rich and poor after tortures to burn. Year fourteen twenty, tyrant was born. Monk Torgucmada that ruled with scorn. 87 None Luther's compassion for the witch ; He said would them all alive let burn, After their backs were stricken with switch. Would one by one take to fire in turn. That denied God's own religious word, Were not worthy, be smitten with sword. 88 Historian Sprenger the numbers stage Of witches burnt in European lands ; It numbers nine millions on his page. Burnt alive by those religious bands. Catholics. Protestants, alike in toil Burnt witches at stakes all over soil. 89 Both creeds teach the Eternity of Hell, Tortures for revenge for broken faith. Learnt from their teacher in Heaven they tell ; Burn creatures in Hell all times its fright ; Thine Hell of yore was then at north pole. Scientists took the claim when they did stroll. 90 When Luther rebelled against the pope. Was threatened with death in fire to burn ; AA'hen he gained foothold with holy dope, Lutherans gave Catholics same return. Tho! Luther was brave, caused light in murk. By bursting chains of the Roman church. 108 SATAN AND DIVINES 91 Saint Bartholomew's murderous sight Ordered by Pope fifteen seventy-two, August twenty-four began midnight With tolling bells before morn in dew. Huguenots thousands in bloody bath, Carnival feast of seven days with death. 92 Henry White has told about those priests Murdered mothers, children in arms, Attendants of holy carnival feast, Bishop and priests in the nights alarms, Stript them of clothing and whipt their backs, Then cut their heads off w4th awful quacks. 93 First abused maidens with horrors shame, Then applied tortures before their death. Those Holy Churches with fagot flame Through history stains with bloody bath. Those murderous Saints still worships faith, Their record of past like darkest night. 94 Cyclopedias, McClintock and Strong, Henr}^ White writing does also tell ^Vhen those holy men were going wrong Burnt victims alive by sword they fell, Outrao^es of maidens by holiest men. AVith horror shocks to explain with pen. 95 King Henry, the second, England's fear. Took orders from Oxford's Holv See, Eleven hundred and sixty the year. Group from waldenses creed were to be In public stript nude and bound to posts And whipt before an enormous hosts. Ill SATAN AND DIVINES 96 11ie hordes of victims bled from tlie sores, Were branded on cheeks by iron band. Half nude and destitute out of doors, In winter driven from homes and land, Church charities scorned with same return, To friends if thev did not victims spurn. 97 Historian McDe)nald tales of fears, Of awful carnage thru times of yore. In the past of thirteen hundred years, Fifty millions that the numbers score, Burnt them alive and slew them with swords, Religion caused the enormous hordes. 98 Lnder the Em])eror Frederick's reign, Twelve hundred and twenty-fourth of years, In Germany by the thousands slain, Crimes committed by the Holy Seers, Burnt them alive by thousands in score, All over the land from shore to shore. 99 City Beziers twelve hundred and nine. Sixty thousands there died in the flames. All through religious fanatic brain That throughout the lands caused horror's times. S>ome children did starve, some l^urnt, some slain. Their death by suffering's awful strain. 100 Year twelve hundred and eleven the time The witches and heretics of large band. Four hundred at Lavaur burnt in flames Through the holy priests and bishop's hand. The frightful Duke of Alva did boast Of eighteen thousands in six weeks' roast. 112 SATAN AND DIVINES 101 Historian Poula did bring to light With numbers great for Netherland land, Of fifty thousands with horrors might Were slain by churches murderous band. Historian Grotius, Belgians count, Hundred thousands the numbers amount. 102 Seventy thousands the Huguenots score In France fell victims by crusade hand, AV'ith hordes in thousands landed on shore Were ofif-springs of holy virgins' band. Massachusetts Protestants not quite score, Witches and Quakers number before. 103 Year thirteen hundred and ninety-one Archdeacon Martinez incited Spain ; Fifty thousand Jewish lives were done. Were slain or burnt after tortures strain. Managed by numerous Roman Priests, McDonald tells of the ghastly feast. 104 At Nimes early on St. Michael's Day, Year fifteen hundred and ninety-seven. Catholics were slain when turned at bay By Huguenots horde with faith in Heaven. McDonald do tell of thousands slain By those fanatics when they did reign. 105 McChee tells of fifteen eight-three Lutherans in Ireland thousands burned ; Archbishop O'Hurley chained to tree And roasted four days for creed not spurned. Horde sent by Lutherans in Jesus name To convert heathens with sword or flame. 113 SATAN AND DIVINES 106 Melman's brief tales of the Latin Race Against the Jews with the fagot's flame About the midst of centuries space Burnt thousands of Jews after tortures shame, With crusade bands to Jerusalem rove. Slew women and children on their move. 107 Laid villages waste and grabbed their gold And slew the mother's children in arms, Outraged maidens by history told. Slaughtered cattle on their farms. Confiscated grains on hand in store. People in hiding starved by the score. 108 The remaining Jews on Europe's soil Assessed beyond means, they had no more. All earnings grabbed of their daily toil. To pay expense for crusades before Banished and driven from place to place By Catholics force with bloodv pace. 109 Twelve hundred and ninety, fall of year, Jews driven out from the English land Starving mothers and children in fear W^ith no sympathy from kindly hand Property taken by church and crown Their pleas for mercv they did turn down. 110. Iij France did Saint Louis reign with shame Against the Jews throughout the land The Catholics force did do the same Expelled the Jews by hundreds in band Cc)nfiscated property all through rage, These tales in print on McDonald's page. 114 SATAN AND DIVINES 111 Year thirteen hundred and thirty-four Pope John did reign with an iron hand Seven months of year and few years before With murders and outrages, all thru land, That fiendish Pope, with his blood so cold, Expired at age. twenty eight years old. 112 The Pope condemned all the Jews to burn. Without distinction of age or sex. The gathering Jews on all their turn W^ere streaming around in fearful quakes, Pope John, twenty-second, caused the rage. These tales can be found, on Milman's page. 113 In Basle, wooden structures were built. All village Jews driven in by force. The structures with Jews the flames did wilt, After bars secured across the doors, Mid mingled shrieks were burnt to the ground, All village Jews, in flames their deaths found. 114 At Mayene, twelve thousand died in flame ; At Chinon, hundred and sixty did burn. At Frankfort, all been burnt same time; They burnt them all at New Ulm in turn, Without distinction of sex or age. All thru the land, with furious rage. 115 Wholesale massacre at Spires took place ; At Strassburg, there two thousand were burned, Women and children were thrown in blaze. In their own graveyard to ashes turned. By plundering Jews, and indulgences sold. Got enormous in wealth with the gold. 115 SATAN AND DIVINES. 116 Record of year fourteen twenty-five, English and French were fi.^hting with swords To conquer lest ground attempted drive. French against English attacking hordes, Lost Paris by storm and beaten back, More loot the English threatened to take. 117 Lass of thirteen 1)y name Joan of Arc Janette through birth since other name. This beautiful maid and singing lark. Six years later i)erished in the flame. Captive in battle fell prey for feasts. And burnt to crisp bv bishops and priests. 118 Village Domremy A'aucaleurers near, Birthplace where maid first opened her eyes, L'lnuary sixth fourteen twelve the year; Herded Pa's cattle in childhood days. Mysterious visions and sound her found. Deliriums trance tumbled her to ground. 119 Four annual terms visions and sound Told her to mount steed wea])on in hand, Told where history's swcrd could be found For three hundred years been lost in land ; With crown's attendant maiden sword found. Under church's altar nearlv in ground. 120. Dau|)pen in charge the ])retcnded king Could not get crowned for battles he lost. Took interest in maid of wonderous ring. Gave her a steed, maid entered her p(^st ; Old sword in hand did victory score, Dauppen got crowned thru maiden of yore. 116' SATAN AND DIVINES. 121 Battles not few with victories sig-h, Loot to take Paris back 1)iit did fail, ^rumbled from steed with arrow in thigh. Was compelled to lea^'e the bloody trail, Recovered from wound returned to post, Leader-in-chief her career it cost. 122 French retreated from English in rear. Thru errors, bridge was closed over Seine, Retreating army confused with fear Had not an}- time for making gain. Were left behind then prisoners bands With ( )rleans ALaid in captives hands. 123 John of Luxemburg, commanding chief. For hundred and ten thousands sold. Young maid to English did John the thief, John did from English receive the gold. Maid turned over to bishops and priests. Outraged and tortured before the feast. 124 Eishoj) of Beau\()is and wicked priests, Maiden in claws of that Satan's band. Conduct of the trials seem wicked feasts. Tortures and malice to force her hand. Accused for witch in attire of man. Tortures, abuse could not force her plan. 125 Boldly she faced those judges of brute. Knocked around, beaten, efforts in vain. She told them she was telling the truth. Before Almighty she answered plain On twelve charges convicted to blaze ; To burn at stake in cemeteries place. 118 "i K I r '■•• !' H A L SATAN AND DIVINES 126 On morning the twenty-third of May, Iron stake in the graveyard was sunk, A gathering crowd before shining day. With bishops and priests, enormous bunch, With kindling and oil prepared for fray. Intended to burn the maid that dav. 127 In delirious fits with gloomy light Gave into charge that" innocent soul, Would spurn man's attire, abandon fight Against the sacred strict Christian rule By maiden's gown found mercy from crown. Table was turned after sun went down. 128 The male attire she promised to spurn For maiden's garments in gloomy cell ; Merciful crown caused repentant's turn. In prison for life doom gloomy fell. Pishops and priests did hatefully turn. When deprived of lust to maiden burn. 129 Devils wicked and dangerous beasts. Cross holding in hand, away they turn. But holding cross of mercy from priests. With anger and sneers they pleading spurn 7'heir mercy for souls in glowing blaze Were grinning smiles on the angel face. 130 They table turned in silence at night Brought attire of man back into cell. Took the maiden's garments out of sight. Trap bishop sprung death curtain fell, Maid in morning with shivering fright. When attire of man on floor in sight. 120 SATAN AND DIVINES 131 Ir man's attire was summoned for trial. May twenty-nintli l)y 1)ishops and priests, As convict she was thrown l)ack in jail. By twenty-six judges of the feasts. May thirtieth, fourteen thirty one. Through man's attire her life was done. 132 She iMshop blamed for the garments lost, Tho innocent plead to petty crime, Hieh bishop in court sentence did post AA^ith no mere merc}^ for her on time. That wicked wretch of human by birth. Not worthy 1)e swallowed l)y the Earth. -IT')' loo With mournings and cries she trembling fell AVith broken heart in Almighty's arms. On to l)lazing torch when leaving cell For ]:)ainful death in the flaming swarms. A\'ith smiHng Hps in the glowing blaze, Heroine honess stared bishop in face. 134 W^indrous history from age so dark, " Eaten 1)y flames uttering no cry. This youno- heroine the Joan of Arc, The smiling lass, before flaming sky. With banner, Christ's childs ideal in arms, . To Etcrnitv passed bevond from harms. 135 Her lonely final hour on the earth. Glitters from horizons light she found. \\'hen she passed into the gilded birth. May thirtieth when burned to the ground. Passed beyond from the terrible pain. Her ashes was strewn in River Seine. 122 30AX OF ARC NT THE STAKM SATAN AND DIVINES 136 Memory sad from ancestor's page. Four months over nineteen years of strain, Orleans defender in blooming age. Found death in flames with terrible pain ; This daring lass with wonderful mirth. Most w^ondrous model of human birth. 137 Most heartrending deeds by humans born Of innocent l)lood by revenging lust. For vears of past with malice and scorn. With religious frauds of games unjust, The bishop and priests caused trembling fears Through all the ages been cause of tears. 138 Twenty-four years hence the royal crown Sifted charge against maiden of yore. The charge of guilty was then turned down. Young maiden's dust did victory score In vision, monument erected stands. Showing the stains of the l)loodv hands. 139 Her stature small appears rather stout. Parent's children the youngest of five. Features in painting with pretty mouth ; Her weight was hundred and thirty-five, AMiere she stands stained, Madonna appear. In beautiful form without of fear. 140 Passed away in maid's white garments band. Memory great, her statue in bronze. Mounting steed, history sword in hand. The place du Martroy, Orleans, France, Tribute monument to maiden brave, Denis Foyatier lughteen fifty-fi\'e. 124 JUAN OF AUC AT CONBECnATiOX OF CH^UUtSS V|^ -TAXrK iVF JOAN OF ARC SATAN AND DIVINES 141 Salem, Massachusetts, public square. Stood puritan gallows in public view. Men and women were dragged by the hair To gallows, for witchcraft they were slew; Quakers by hundreds hanged in those days, ' For worshipping God in wrongful ways. 142 Wesley's Journal Seventeen sixty-eii^ht ; Witchcraft exists did John Wesley say. Deny is to give up Scriptures light, Sure it is, did William Blackstone aye To deny God thou renounce God's word, To Scriptures doubt is vile and absurd. 143 Napoleon's record of tales complete, ^ He Toledo stormed and prisons exposed There human victims to death were beat, Living skeletons appeared like ghost In filthy dungeons of five feet high. The most notorious Hell under sky. 144 Tools for tortures of different sort. Racks and thumbscrews, pulleys and wheel, Gilded Virgin Mary next stood fort, Napoleon broke that monstrous seal, Unveiled the dummy in silk robe stood. Instrument skillful bv monks of wood. 145 Loving Mary's bosom full of thorns. Had jointed arms with machine behind. In motion hugged poor human of scorns Arms circled knifes gilt figures combined, In bosom rude poor victims fell prize, Did knapsack squeeze three inches from size. 127 S'lifii'i Mar> a toriiuc 'nstriiincnt unwik'i! I", Napok'oii Hon. ip. lite m Tolflo, Si..tui, iunc d 1m s SATAN AND DIVINES 146 Fifteen hundred and eighty-third year Luther's converts in Ireland did land, With flames of fagots caused trembling fear, Attempted establish their faith in land With horde in thousands did cyties storm, Did outrages commit of all known form. 147 Stript their victims and smeared them with oil Alternately lit and quenched the flame, Repeated for days till flesh did boil. For weeks and months they performed the sam; Did forcing their faiths with bloody drive, Should cfl^ort fail thev burnt them alive. 148 Archbishop O'Hurley did still refuse To worsliip his God in Luther's ways. Fifth day Protestants thought it no use. After they had tortured him four days, Gave up fifth day thought it were enough, And burnt him alive for being to tough. 149 "" Awful tale about |)riest from Saint Queen, Roasted alive while fire slow did burn. More ghastly sight has never been seen Was fed to dogs when flesh to a turn ; Catholics. Protestants by same course, Equally in crimes at time in force. 150 Patrick O'Healy from Kilmallack And Father Cornelius from same town. Bishop from Mayo neither took stock With other priests was not breaking down When hammers broke thighs they confessed not. Their levers crushed arms then l:)urnt on spot. 129 SATANS AND DIVINES 151 Protestants after the Rouen did fall, Massacred priests and caused awful fears. Stormed the nunneries, slew nuns and all. Henry White and McChee quote those years, Dragged priests into ditch by horses' tails; Were buried alive in bloody trails. 152 Stormed bishop's palace, library burn. Men, women, children, they slew them all. Nailed priests to cross in street dragged in turn Barbarous them slew and flung from wall, Sunk alive to necks their final beds Like nine pins games flung balls at their heads. 153 Year fifteen hundred and sixty-eight. Baron D'Adrest, of Luther's friends ; He lived in castle tower with light. Catholic victims there held as fiends. For amusement forced them leap from wall, On to his soldier's pikes did thev fall. 154 At Mont Brison did that noble reign. More than eight hundred the numbers score. Men, Women, Children he there had slain. Hundreds beside he had slain before. The streets were strewn with corpses in mud, Cities appeared as it had rained blood. 155 Orthez was later taken through storm ; Henry W^hite did record these on page. Catholics were slain in all known form, Without distinction of sex or age. Bodies were thrown in the stream in group Through cause river cave was dammed up. 130 SATAN AND DIVINES 156 Nunneries, monasteries they burnt down, Not one inmate did escape the doom, Slaughters were terril)le in that town With filthy outrages, horril)le gloom, 'J'hree thousand slain by barbarous rage, Three hundred eight numbers White's page, 157 At Ourillac, Protestants played same game;^ Sunk their victims alive up to chins, \Vith furious tortures, malice, shame. With other games like playing nine pins Their heads as targets bullets reached aim. Four hundred persons were slain that time. 158 Records unveil the religious rite. Protestants at Angouleme did perform On the Catholics with frightful might. After had taken the palace by storm ; In vile manners did Catholics slew. Were left to starve or be sawn in two. 159 Slew by hanging or speared them to death. Or tortured by fires that did burn slow, Henry White tells of the bloody bath W^ith the humans blood in running flow. At Montbrun women, were burnt on legs, With heated tongs inserted with i)egs. 160 Some mutilated l)efore their death. Their tongues cut ofi:" and their eves tern out, Their hands were plunged into hot oil bath, And hot oil were poured into their mouth \'\^ere hung by their legs in gloomy den; Atrocities wiles not fit for the pen. 131 SATAN AND DIVINES. 161. Most noted characters reforms brought, Was John Calvin Presbyterian faith Absurd to Luther different thought, From religion sought a different light, Contrast to Luther and shunned his moans. Called Luther's followers devils sons. 162. Preached the doctrine election at l)irth, Decreed divinely inspired to Paul That God had elected them on earth. To fleaven or Hell for immortal soul. That God of wisdom before their l)irth Had elected those be saved on earth. 163. Scientific doctrines light after all. Preachers, redeemers then needn't apply. They could stand up also, they couldn't fall In spite of all go to Heaven in sky That Calvin's mistake here I can see All were made safe continue to be. 164. It appears like a fifty-fifty deal Between Jehovah and devil black Lnbaptized infants souls he could steal Satan could get more when coming back Little souls in devils arms were smirk P.eautiful creed Presbvterian kirk. 165. I would feel ashamed of such a yowl Catholics better than that at all They land in purgatory and howl If not too bad at the time they fall. Priests with the cross can redeem the soul And slide them in Heaven's pretended goal. 132 SATAN AND DIVINES. 166. Year fifteen hundred and fifty-three Michael Servetus fell in the trap ]v Calvin's claws no more to 1)c free Aui^ust the thirteenth they did him strap On wheel of tortures his bones they l)roke Religious frcnzv the cause of stroke. 167. Stript of his clothing, and strapt to wheel Of hour eleventh his pleadings in vain Mission to Calvin did grace appeal Answer was flames after tortures strain After breaking his l^oncs his flesh was torn His pleas for mercy did Calvin scorn. 168. Poor man then helpless conveyed to stake Still alive was dragged to burning place, After leaving trails of bloody streak W^as chained to stake then ready for blaze. By Calvin's orders did fire slow burn I'o give soul time to repentance turn. 169. lo ofifend Calvin sure death in flame Servetus had said that God was one That God was not three at any time For trivial oft'ense his life was done Year fifteen fifty-three burnt in flame L'ecember twenty-third his end came. 170. Geneva Switzerland's 1)ondage lands In Calvin's might of Presbyterian Church, Ruled against the crown with iron hand Threatening death against him did lurch Would burn anyone he claimed as fiend That worthless wreck of inhuman mind 133 SATAN AND DIVINES 171 Luther did follow Jehovah's rules, Melanchton and Luther both spurned blame, When favored the trades in human souls. Said the holy patriarchs did the same, Said Solomon, David, Abraham of old With women did trade said God them told. 172 This holy sanction through divine light For John of Leyden a Luther's convert Did run his harems in public sight. And slew anyone against him spurt. He claimed ordained by the divine hand. At Munster dwelt this man in command. 173 Fifteen hundred and thirty-ninth year, December nineteenth this Luther wrote Historic Conciliums friendly cheer. To Phillip Langrave Hamilton quote. Granted him right with harem in Hess, Same did holv men said God did bless. 174 This of record same for Luther's praise, Advised Henry Eighth then England's king, Founder of Episcopal Church of Grace, If not pleased with queen have more on string, One wife only would king have around. Beheaded his own, another one found. 175 Accusation seems adultery plain, Conformed to Jehovah's ordinance, Or thought of heresy would be fine For such a divine doctrines offense. In such a case would Luther not blame Those holy patriarchs did the same. 135 "1 SATAN AND DIVINES 176 Document writ By Luther in brief, Luther's table talk title of book. Supreme in his time commanding chief. And no command from anyone took. Like John Calvin with his iron hand, Ruled Saxonv and most German land 177 As far as known by history told, Luthers was often the cause of crime. The contents in table talk of old. Says he would burn them at any time. That God denied, religion did spurn. Men or w^omen with fire would burn. 178 Fires of yore that destroyed human life. The while they lasted did not score gain, God's eternal tire they thought was safe. Forever to last with gnawing pain, A\'hich is most wicked one of these two, ^!die teacher or pupils seated in pew. 179 Vanini, Bruno, and millions more. Met death at the stakes by tortures strain. For Science seeing it fruits has bore, Benefit for church not now in vain, For observing curve of earth from flat. Those heroes suffered a painful death. 180 Church lost power no more humans burn. Through modern lights by heroes of yore, Revolutionists brave did victors turn. Governments from church divorce did score, They do not burn at stakes in our time, The creatures their God will burn in flame. 139 SATAN AND DIVINES 181 Fifteen hundred and thirty-sixth year, Phillip Lands^rave then the richest man. Convert of Luther no one did fear, Received from Luther letter with plan, AWitten to Luther's most secret friend. To Phillip Landgrave with earnest mind. 182 Whoever denies doctrine, our faith. Aye one article wdth scri])tures rest. And S])urn reli«j,ion of ours in sight. Drive out apostles the Devilish pest ; If they do not flee thy rulino- hand. Have them ])urnt alive to stakes in land. 183 (ierman ]K\asants at same time rebelled, Pillaj2'ed and beaten daug'hters outraged, By wealthy barons Luther did shield, Luther of barons and Kaiser brac'ged. Said Rebels cutlaw^ed bv God and kino-. Any one should rebels slav and sling. "184 This holy sanction from Luther's mouth. Caused i)easants be flayed alive on racks A\^ith heated pincers their tongues torn out, Burnt after tortures in flames at stakes, Lutheran's toils of the darkest age. Can be found in ])rint on McChecs pao^e 185 With (iermany' Switzerland and France. Scotland, Netherland. Ireland were stained, Protestants victims numbers immens'^. In all those countries th^^y foo'diold gained. Murders and outrage equal with all, Like Catholics outrage same to call. i-:o r \NpnnAVL ifrii.s c.j hi ^<^k i:< i^-.i [ARilN \ I 1 111' rid 1546 1^ Pope Leo X, MartinJLiither's opponent. SATAN AND DIVINES 186 The world has changed in details from past, From times of old of superior stand, Of old forms the churches seem to last. With ignorant doctrines from their band. Wise men change when see better in store, But ignorant fools not gain that score. 187 The object of church is plainly shown, Holding people ignorant from start, To prevent wisdom from being sown. Had to destroy documents and art. History exposed of all their crimes. Church against Scientists all modern times. 188 From century sixth, eighteenth in sight, Church destroyed paintings, documents, art, With furious battles of bloody fight, All over Europe caused troubles start. To conquer Science then sparkle of light, Could not accomplish without a fight. 189 For centuries past the church did scorn. Discovered by Scientists useful arts. Themselves made the use of smiling morn. After burnt and torn victims aparts. The wounded church on its knees through Science Pose absurd doctrines exposed by brains. 190 It seems absurd in this modern age, With such a doctrine in human mind. For beings of intellect turning page. Probe in savage documents to find The key of light for the human race. Neglect their brains to observe the place. 144 SATAN AND DIVINES 191 Fine record for temples of Supreme Has a burning Hell for endless pains And the little tots are thought the scheme That vile divines in Heavenly strains. If such divines to the Heavens are gone, Would be safer Heaven never be known. 192 Thy church from sweetest of gospels land. Wrought terrors for years in time of past. Thy darkest veil before light in hand Has vanished thy frauds exposed at last, Thy record left off behind is dark, Thy weight on scale far away from mark. 193 Thy religious game with hand exposed. By Scientists called turned victors in past, The bluffing hand thou for years imposed. Face up, on table, exposed at last, Not single pair in the bunch ye yield, Scientists four aces in hands they held. 194 Thou church and crowns monuments of fright, For stains of innocent blood combined. Thy fagots torch a monument light Stand written with blood in human mind, For scornful hates of innocent souls. Most even could graves thy cast from goals. 195 To fully describe the darkest age, The mindful effort has sought in vain. Could bondages not outline from page. Nor skillful artist with brush and stain. The mystery deep of gloomy age. Appears of record as lost from page. 145 SATAN AND DIVINES 196 Appears that Satan important stand \Vithont him Salvation knits in vain, Support thy doctrines in all the land, Better companions could not obtain. By chasing- Satan around the cupe. And grafting- coins with the holy stoup. 197 Thru ignortant fears thy bluffing cup Will prevent thy clock from running down, Through fears of Satan clock is wound up, Thy important tool and worthy clown. It's like a dog that's chasing its tail. Return to place and takes up the trail. 198 Poor old Satan was wandering around, For thousand years with efforts in vain. Was seeking" employ when thou him found. Was all in rag- s when work did obtain, To frighten humans to trembling fears. To uphold thv church with gold that g-lares. 199 AA'ithout thy support Satan in vain. Could maintain his post single in hand, For thousands years did nothing gain, When lonely roaming over the land. Had not thy in right time Satan found, Exhausted he would have dropt to ground. 200 Appears thy with Satan playing roles Infamous doctrines, myths thy sowing, Satan can steal thy enemies' souls Thy friend's souls to Heavens are going. Parsons or priests this appears thy games. Through ignorant traps of glowing flames. 146 SATAN AND DIVINES 201 Priests or pastors are mounting the stands, To gospel preach against Satan's lust, For to convert souls from wicked bands, That to their sights are rude and unjust, For in Salvation not having faith, A burning Hell them later await. 202 With earnings scant for luxuries dwell, Through the Divine calls they go away. For saving souls from Eternal Hell, For larger earnings salaries pay. For souls saving fields l^e larger fold, More in treasurv of shining gold. 203 False prophet at times in Divine's robe. With face like angel dove of peace. Thru faith souls saves and in scriptures probe With souls grafting coins does it with ease. Those herders of sheep seeks coins for feasts, Are found among the preachers and priests. 204 Prosperous priest in his stylish gown. Parable brief by Nazarene told, That the heartless priest did him turn down, The dying man to fate with blood cold, That fell under blow from pirate's hand Was nursed by man from Samaritan land. 205 Evil deeds cause eruption to swell, All over earth in different scales. Presenting to sights an earthly Hell, With evil's contempts of darkest veils, Seductions and ruins from childhood days, Thru surprising source in many ways. 147 SATAN AND DIVINES 206 Beware of Divines in garb of robe, Approach like a lamb return like l^east. Oft misery and sobs follows a probe. Through handsome Divine, parson or priest, Sister's souls saved followed by shames. Birth of new souls without legal names. 207 Hard times for Divines when Christ on Earth For telling them truth abused and scorn. The scintilate stars shone for his birth. And the humble crib where he was born. Ye dwell in mansions of modern dome, Nazarene did not have humble home. 208 Christ before bar of Pontiff Pilate, To answer charge preferred by a priest, Parson-in-chicf with gowns up-to-date. In purple robe with manner of beast, Christ's answer to priest brought slap on mouth, With shames of malice at last thrown out. 209 This is the Saviour thy plan and hope. Of meeting beyond with open arms. For conducting fakes, religious dope. With castle in air of false alarms. His children want, ye in comfort bold. Ye slap the Saviour's mouth as of old. 210 This the one from whom thy doctrine springs That dined with the poor in huml:»le shack. Not in thy ears will cause pleasant rings, Ye Divine leaders in mode so freak. In luxury dwells; thy times are waste Christ rode an ass, now asses on Christ. 148 SATAN AND DIVINES 211 Ye praising Christ for his death on cross ; And condemn murderers, by whom slain, With praise and prayers ye makino; muss. Salvation necessary with great pain, Of humdrum sermons ye preach and pray. Through death will meet the Savior in sky. 212 Two times two is four, two times six twelve. Parsons examine see if that's right ; If correct so please thy own dope shelve Figures no lies it's useless to fight, Thy faith's principles so absurd stands Could almost sweat blood when they fold hands. 213 Canst thou condemn and at same time bless, ; The cause for thy faith in Jesus Christ, Hence twice two is four, no more or less. Cannot get around parsons or priest. No more then thee reach the end of space, When getting wise thev return to place. 214 Satan the one thou not bless in vain. Outwitted himself that confound fool. For losing the souls that Christ did gain, When he did inspire Judas to stroll, And expose thy Saviour's hiding place, And leave him in murders hands for prize. 215 Is not Satan thy foundation stone. Hence where they get ofif where do ye rest. Could that Saviour for ye souls atone. If that old Satan was not the crest, If Satan had not outwit himself. Thy Salvation's dope would lay on shelf. 149 SATAN AND DIVINES 216 Summon up thy cause of trust, for souls Discover thy house stand built on sand. Through workmanships of ignorant fools, Of past and in time plenty on hand, It shivering stands on the sandy mound, From little storms it falls to the ground. 217 Brother, sisters do not ye mislead, By faith infamous slaughterhouse mash, That God's own son thus mistake indeed, To suffer the wrath of Satan's trash, God's son begotten was God himself. Pays our debts — who to — lay that on shelf. 218 Christ a reformer leader-in-chief, Against Romans rule and toiling yoke. In slavery toiled through frightful grief, Did the Jews while outlaws earnings took Mothers starved with their children on hand. In Palestine gardens richest land. 219 Roman's Church at time of greatest might, With bloody hands on government's reigns. All earnings grabbed such pitiful sight, Priests in mansions of luxury strains, Nazarene lectured against their rules. And thus the way he was saving souls. 220 Those priests at times were aware of doom's Eruptions wrought through Nazarene's hand. Presented to them the ghastly glooms. Of losing their power all through land. As Nazarene all through country did stroll. Did warn against rule to every soul. 150 SATAN AND DIVINES 221 Nazarene followed the golden rule, The hungry he fed, healed not with fake, He no money took but blessed the soul, Hast thou any time for mercy sake. Relieved the poor and the helpless blind, Like Nazarene did of hopeful mind. 222 Feeble in years did protect from harms, Fatherless child did not Christ forget, Pled for widows with children in arms. That should be parsons part with outfit, Money graft he drove from temples doors, With whip in earnest caused painful sores. 223 He preached the golden rule from the mount. To live a pure life through righteous light. He blessed the poor Souls of great account. Took tots in arms such beautiful sight, Not for Qur Souls did his blood atone, His Earthly strifes a monument stone. 224 Parson art thou follow in his trail? Beautiful vision before ye stand, For final journey canst thou set sail, And drift towards that beautiful land, Where pains nor sorrow can no more harm Thou there will receive the dear earnt charm. 225 By toiling brave thou will earn thy crown. Footprints memories stand for the past. With trembling of heart thy sun go down, Time glass running out for journey last, Through moral deeds of thy effort brave, Will build thy wreaths monument on grave. 151 fhl? Pq rf I • *• o* t ^0 » •• • k T •< »•♦ O • A ^oV^ y ^ w • -o/ ; • # 1 iP V*> •-* a9 ^ "^ --^i^ ^ • ©•»* .5^ <^^ *- .r»* ,0^' "^^ '«•» ^0 ^^^ ^oV '^% ^^^s J'^i. ^^9<^ ^^^\ \^^*' j""^ V ' « - <^ 40v^. o • » r^"' .*^