4 o < o ^oV* .0 ^> V— V - ***** 'V^-'V V-^>* %.*^'> ^■c^ WAR RECORD of DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 1917-1918 ,;!■■ !' \ DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD promise of instant service, many responded. So came the recess to a college, quiet, not greatly excited, but inspired to say, "I must do something; what can I do best?" ( )ri April Gth, in the middle of the Easter recess, the President of the United States signed the Resolution of Congress declaring a state of war to exist. As the College re-assembled, it was plain that the period of doubt and questioning of the great issues was over. Action was in all minds. A few not knowing what to do left college, but wisely were sent back to wait for the best disposition of their abilities, and after a little settled down with the majority of the College to improve the time and bide the opportunity. Others found their work and went to it. So the College settled to a certain attitude of steadfast readiness. Outgo- ing trains daily bore away personal baggage, and one member of the College after another announced that he was going to his definite appointment ; but there was no demoralization. Men were thoughtful and surprisingly steady. The faculty released men to the service from April 14th, with full credit, and granted to students in residence substantial reduction in college work- to enable all to engage in the 12-hours-a-week of drill. Men of the College were soon in the Naval Reserves, the National Guard, the Red Cross and American Ambulance Services in France, the Military Stores School, the Coast Guard, the Reserve Officers' Training Camps, Military Census and State Surveys, Organized Agriculture, Signal Service and Wireless Telegraphy, Aviation, and Y. M. C. A. work. Some, like the medical students, realized that the best possible use they could make of their time was in the completion of the professional study of the year. Going back a little — during the recess it appeared after exhaustive at- tempts of President Hopkins to secure an officer from the regular army that the War Department had none to assign. An officer of experience and effi- ciency was, however, obtained from the Massachusetts National Guard and the whole plan of drill changed to real work of 12 hours or more a week ; and a new enrollment included practically every student in residence for whom it was possible. The number at its highest stood at about 1100, but was diminished somewhat as men were called away to full service elsewhere. Daily from 3 to 5 every man in College not prevented by other duties joined in serious drill, and the regiment quickly made a most respectable appearance, and was prepared for the officer invalided from the splendid Canadian force in France, who appeared among us ready to teach some of the arts of modern warfare practiced at the battle front. If we had taken the pulse of Hanover at the time we should have found it calm and steady. Its color was a little flushed in a healthy way as the count- less flags waved from stores, dwellings and fraternity houses. The great tidal Avave that on selected days sweeps from the Oval — motor cars, hasty DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 19 workers, green caps, unhurried but decided food-seekers, leisurely dames and their escorts — was missing because all extra-mural competitions were can- celed, partly from a sense of fitness and partly from necessity caused by departures and the lapsing of rivals. It was somewhat replaced by the khaki hosts that flowed and ebbed at 3 and 5. The College proceeded in comfort and peace without organized musical and dramatic clubs, though a laudable band might be discovered by listening. And by wise yielding to the inevitable, the Junior Prom was given up. Its genial hospitality would have felt keenly the absences, and however subdued its plan might have been, the presence of the sisters and cousins and those neither sisters nor cousins meant entertainment. By causes about which I offer no philosophy the fraternities were disproportionately bereft of their members. From the few neighborhood inquiries it appeared that 83%, 66%, 66%, 59% of the active membership of those answering went early to serve the country in some of the ways already mentioned. The College did not at all suffer from lack of exercise; but to keep the baseball hand in, games were played between the different companies of the regiment, and eleven men were detached from each of two companies daily and bade go to it. Outside of student life there was a marked tendency to usefulness. A company from the faculty and village — a home guard — drilled evenings. And in the highly organized State no less than eleven of the faculty were on the Committee of Public Safety and its sub-committees, several in high degree assiduous and useful. Three were on committees of the National Security League. One was appointed Historian of New Hampshire's Part in the War. Public-spirited citizens outside the College were doing their part. The spirit of intensive agriculture pervaded the place. Two blades of grass had little chance to grow where only one grew before, but the newly ploughed acres where never grew a potato or a bean gave hope of food sorely needed if the prices were evidence of need. Indeed from the anxiety "to do something," from the eager and not-to-be- checked overlapping of organizations, of societies, of national, state and local committees, odd questions of efficiency arose. Suppose that all the or- ganizations that caused Professor X to set down upon a card what he was willing or thought himself competent to do had called upon him for those services ? It was one of the problems of early organization which gradually settled itself and certainly not by the way of loss of services. The work of the women was highly organized, large, persistent and valua- ble. From the beginning of the war in Europe a branch of the Canadian Red Cross was most industrious and productive, seconded, only a little later, by the French Emergency Fund. The Soldiers' Comforts Club came into ac- tivity in the winter of 1917. And when need threatened our own forces the American Red Cross prepared to meet it with the same energy, in rooms ■c A >> s a o DART M O U T H WAR RECORD 21 hospitably furnished by the Young Men's Club. And into the organization of the State was brought a capable local Food Committee primarily con- cerned with methods of conservation. The intimacy and closeness of it all was deeply impressive, the individual threads ran so directly from the home to the camp. It was to be expected in a college, at a time like this, that interesting young men known for months or even years, should speak of their plans and go, or perhaps, none the less missed, disappear quietly from sight. One did not wonder that scores of parents telegraphed or wrote or came to discover the meaning and the sound- ness of decisions suddenly disclosed by sons who for the first time had formed independent purposes. But it was difficult to realize that boys known in neighboring homes from birth had scattered, — to France, to the Army, to the many varied purposes of a country at war ; that a neighbor and colleague ordered to be in instant readiness was suddenly called to duty ; that a son was commissioned and waiting for orders ; that five nephews, according to their qualifications were already in service ; that a well-trained niece was across the water with a corps of Red Cross nurses ; but these are conditions that with slight variations re- peated themselves with us all and gave a nearness and a reality to a status which the mind was very slow to accept as genuine. Great opportunities came to ours, but one' shrank from the revelations of the coming months or years, even though the major part of the soul might be fixed in the courage and determination that the cause demanded. In the fall of 1918 this College in common with hundreds of others was taken over by the War Department ; military officers were placed in com- mand and had actual charge of the students at all times except during recita- tions, and had charge of discipline at all times. The Students' Army Training Corps was established. Although the details are very fresh in present memories I will note broad outlines. The College became a military post under officers of the United States Army, with mess and barrack conditions, with a schedule of duties from First Call to Taps, with Kitchen Police and Guard Duty, and ample penalties for any little misunderstanding of the compelling nature of the orders. Part of the military duties were educational, and involved regular and proper performance at exercises conducted by persons not themselves under the direct military authority, — the faculty, or such of them as were not absent upon other government service. To a large extent the matter which they were to inculcate was determined for them by the War Depart- ment's Committee on Education. All the usual classification was abolished, and the grouping was by age only, — 20 to 21, 19 to 20, 18 to 19, and those under 18 were allowed to enroll if they wished. Four quarters were planned for the year; and as it was the expectation that the oldest group would be called to camp at the end of the first quarter their studies were substantially 22 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD prescribed ; the second group, with more liberty, had two quarters in which to cover the required work, and therefore some option in other studies ; and so on. The courses recommended were simple and "practical," that is they tended to make serviceable men. Two unusual composite courses were laid out and given with large measure of success, "Sanitation and Hygiene," and "War Issues." Military Law was another course outside of the usual col- lege curriculum. A special feature was an intensive course in Chemistry designed for two years and spoken of as the "Chemical Warfare Course." Students in this course (except beginners) and in Medicine and Engineering were released from part of the drill and allowed to give their whole time to their professional work. This was a novelty in chemical instruction here, and, especially in the case of students who had been qualified for advanced work, gave admirable results. There were supervised study hours in Chand- ler and Tuck Halls, and plenty of military drill. From many colleges have come mutterings — more than mutterings, growl- ings and moanings of discontent ; and also, it is said, from the War Depart- ment. The electric atmosphere of war soured the academic milk. The coarse and arbitrary men of blood failed altogether to appreciate the essential delicate poise when philosophy is at the helm. How can teachers teach if their pupils (otherwise absolutely regular, by the way) are held out of the class for K. P. ! On the other hand, "Inter arma silent leges." When a big fight is on, there isn't much use in talking about the way we generally do it. - •■'■' ■ ■ ; ■■■■,■■..,■ •■■ ■-.-■ The First Day in the Trenches. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 23 What is the use of letting this talk stuff stand in the way of making officers when hurry is the word ? So said some and made their actions correspond. Undoubtedly there were all degrees of success in carrying out the short experiment. If one recorder were able to gather up, and chose to set forth in a carping manner, all the administrative errors for which no one at the College was responsible, it would make an instructive history of illusory information, conflicting commands, missing supplies, and general muddling. The influenza, at its worst just before the initation of the S. A. T. C, was partly due to lack of foresight, but chiefly to conditions inseparable from crowding men to- gether. But we claim, and can challenge anyone to disprove it, that nowhere was success greater than in Dartmouth College, and the reasons are creditable to all concerned. If the same conditions prevailed elsewhere no doubt the suc- cess was as great. First of all the administration made no panic-stricken grab for members to be maintained at the Government expense, and lowered its standard of admission not a bit. Then the students accepted the military discipline cheerfully if not lovingly. If men whom they knew so well could endure the hardships and dangers of the battle front, they surely could stand the inconvenient novelties at home which were making them ready to swell or to replace the hundreds already in active service. The faculty appointed a Committee on Military Relations and turned the whole management over to them in hearty and patriotic cooperation with the purposes of the Govern- ment. While from time to time there was very proper inquiry, and enough protest to remedy troubles that only awaited attention for relief, the whole spirit was of unswerving loyalty. Doubtless some found it a queer and lonely world in its ultra-modernity, but they bore up bravely in faith that the Golden Age would return. But while the students and faculty did well their parts, a predominating factor was the reasonable and considerate attitude of the commanding officer, Major Patterson, and his aid, Lieu- tenant Pickett. There were, of course, small misunderstandings and mild frictions inevitable in the organization of an unprecedented system involv- ing some 800 men with whose names and scholastic duties it was neces- sary for the officers to become familiar, and who in many cases were as jocular with military discipline as a pup with a ball of yarn. But the frictions were never intentional, and wherever possible were promptly and courteously remedied as soon as attention was called to them. When the full difficulty of the task is appreciated, both officers and students of the College will acknowledge a debt of gratitude to the army officers for performing their duties in so careful and kindly a manner. Considered with reference to a future very uncertain at the time, this was a hard but necessary device to carry on a prolonged war. The smooth- ly flowing current of a great college was wholly turned into new channels < DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 25 in order to deliver power at the utmost speed. It had the advantage of being set in a quiet and undemonstrative New England village whose men and women were fixed in a determination as cold and hard as their granite. Not a personal call was unheeded. Not a sacrifice of habit or comfort was grudged. Not a call for funds came that was not over-subscribed. And the student body, with earnestness and unquenchable humor, fitted well with the setting and relieved its tendency to grimness more than a little. But as we may look at it now, it was an episode and not a revolution ; too brief to make permanent changes, almost too brief to justify inferences. We are back in the old ways without visible profit from the military decom- position of academic customs and precedents. It might have been well to throw the whole bunch of tricks into the scrap heap even if we went to it and picked out the good ones for a new collection. If not joyful, it was surprising to discover what the military power of the United State could bring about. Actually it got every man out of bed at 6.15 in the morning and put him back at 10.15 at night. It emptied every fraternity house not only of its lodgers but of its social loungers ; it ran a college without a "re- quired" cut or any other kind of cut. They were all there or accounted for every time. In a village where it is necessary to maintain unsightly wire fences to prevent the destruction of beautiful greensward, and where the College sends out a corps of lancers as chiffoniers to spike and gather the scraps into baskets, the spectacle of a hundred men in uniform gathering with their fingers every cigarette butt and bit of paper visible to the naked eye was wholesome and edifying. There are superficial objections to con- tinuing this practice in times of peace, but are there fundamental ones? Would not parents and guardians give their approval ? The supervised study hall was unpopular for several sound reasons, but even here a rude and un- cultivated form of fun was introduced by the extravagant custom of snap- ping pennies at the non-commissioned officers in charge, who evidently had not learned that in the back of the room is the pedagogue's strategic position of vantage. Wanderers on the street at hours when their schedule showed that they should have been somewhere under cover were picked up or report- ed by the P. G. or M. P. or whatever part of the alphabet it was, to the joy of all their peers. And only with glee were the stories circulated of how A. B. was saucy to the face of his non-com with an emergency word and was promptly marched to what stood for a guardhouse, and how C. D., mistaking a potato for a projectile practiced with it a ballistic curve in the dining room, with the sequel of peeling similar tubers all the following day. And there were no sea lawyers to make much headway against the frightful injustice of extra drill or curtailed liberty for a whole company when some culprit in it could not be discovered. Yes, it was funny. But how fast they learned their military duties, and what a fine appear- ance they made towards the last in review or at retreat ! Though it must 26 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD be confessed that the firm belief that within a year many of them would be dead and many more crippled choked one up a bit, so I am told. Will the influence of that fine ceremony of honor to the flag - that symbolizes so much that makes life worth living continue to the end of their lives, I wonder. Unquestionably the civilian spectators who ignored their own obligations of respect received very useful lessons. There will be much difference of opinion as to the result of this under- taking, which can only be regarded as an incomplete experiment. It has shown that under stress the organization of the College — this College — can be rapidly and completely put at the disposal of the Government, and that military regulations are not incompatible with a fair scholastic return; for from the scholarly point of view the work of that fall was far from a failure. In some cases it was better than usual. It has shown that the faculty can quickly plan new and in a sense alien courses, adapt existing ones, and turn their own teaching' skill and experience into ways previously untried. It has shown that students, happily never long oppressed with unnatural seriousness, can enter into the spirit of a great enterprise and endure with only superficial grumbling conditions very irksome in com- parison with their previous experiences. It has not, however, established new habits and customs, and it is at least doubtful what permanent im- pression it has left. It is certain that after the declaration of the armistice Patriotic Parade of the College and Town, Spring 1918. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 27 on November 11 the interest in military affairs rapidly and perceptibly flagged. The experiment does not give basis for permanent military training in the College, unless it should be part of a scheme of universal training in which the college man would receive credit for work well done in the col- lege, or be sent to a training camp. Military drill, non-farcical, rigid, exact, would be a most admirable element in college life, provided, that all military control could stop with the drill. The fact is, as demonstrated in many colleges in previous times of peace, that military training worth anything, with its stern requirements and definite penalties, is quite incom- patible with the present easy going ways of the college. And whether it would be better to check initiative and student "activities," reduce social life, insist on a well-ordered daily schedule, a democratic equality of living conditions, and unquestioning obedience in all things is another large ques- tion. We may now be very thankful that the Students' Army Training Corps existed as it did, and that it and its necessity have, for the present, ceased. The Red Cross Division Entering Webster Hall. ACADEMIC ADJUSTMENTS The period during which academic adjustments were necessary began with April, 1917, and closed in November, 1918, after the armistice had been signed. This period is divided into two distinct parts : the first from April, 1917, to June, 1918, and the second, June, 1918 until the armistice. The latter period covers the arrangements for and administration of what was known as the Students' Army Training Corps, commonly known as the S. A. T: C. APRIL, 1917 TO JUNE, 1918 The College had opened in September, 1916 with a registration of 1500 and this number had been practically maintained until April when the United States entered the war. In a few weeks after war was declared, almost fifty per cent of the students had left the College to enter the var- ious services including the army, navy, aviation, and ambulance service. The question immediately arose as to what, if any, academic credit should be granted for men leaving during the spring of 1917, and it was finally decided that credit for the full semester should be given, with the grades reported at the mid-semester, for all men leaving college to enter the ser- vice. If such credit should prove to be sufficient to fulfill the requirement for the degree, the" Trustees voted that degrees should be granted at Com- mencement in June, 1917. In addition to absence for distinctly military service, special arrangements were made so that men leaving for work on farms in order to help in the increased production of agricultural products should be given credit for the semester in the same way that those leaving for military service were granted credit. Early in the second semester of the year 1916-17 the College had arranged for military training, and a Canadian officer, temporarily disabled for active service, was engaged to take general charge of this department. Each student was given the privilege of taking military drill, giving up one three- hour course and receiving credit of three hours for the work in military training. This general regime was continued through the spring of 1917 until the commencement season. In September, 1917 the College opened with 960 students, and the mili- tary drill was continued with the same general arrangements as had been in force during the preceding semester. All through the year 1917-18, students were withdrawing from college to enter the service, so that before the end of the year the number of students enrolled was very much reduced. The faculty voted in the second semester that the regular routine should proceed without holidays or recesses in order that the college year might close early, thus giving opportunity to students to enter into other lines 28 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 29 of activity that seemed necessary and desirable. The year therefore closed on May 24th, about three weeks in advance of the usual date. On March 30th, 1918 the trustees had voted : "That members of the Class of 1918 who could have graduated with their class and who went from college into the military service of the country be given with their class the degrees which they would severally have received on the regular completion of their courses. This action is entirely without prejudice to any future action of the Trustees." Pursuant to the above vote, many men from the various branches of the service returned for their degrees at commencement time and in the place of academic costume wore the regular uniform of the service that they repre- sented. JUNE, 1918 TO NOVEMBER, 1918 In July, 1918 the College was informed by government officials at Wash- ington that a camp exclusively for college men was to be established at Plattsburg, New York, and that Dartmouth was requested to furnish a quota for this camp with the purpose of fitting men to return to the Col- lege, probably as second lieutenants, to aid in the military training of the members of the S. A. T. C. The quota called for, at first, was forty but was changed several times until finally Dartmouth was asked to send one hundred undergraduates and ten members of the faculty to the camp. The quota was filled duly and Dartmouth was fully represented, most of the men being granted commissions at the close of the training period. The Government, however, changed the orders with regard to the men and decided that no undergraduate should return to his own institution but that he should be sent to some other college to assist in the military train- ing. Dartmouth, therefore, lost the one hundred men chosen for this ser- vice, and it was further decided that the members of the faculty could not be allowed to assist the military officers, so that the training which the members of the faculty had undergone, in the main, went for nought. In September, 1918 the College opened at the regular date with 800 stu- dents and it is to be noted that Dartmouth did not admit men at this time who were not regularly and properly fitted to enter under normal condi- tions. In fact, the College continued until October 1st under the regular regime, on which date the S. A. T. C. was organized and the United States Government had full control until the signing of the armistice. S. A. T. C. At noon on October 1st, the members of the College, except those under military age, were gathered in military formation on the Campus and took the oath of allegiance, thereby becoming regular members of the Army of the United States and placing themselves under military regime in connec- tion with all their activities. On that date the College became in appearance 30 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD and in fact a military camp. The regular officers of the College were work- ing with the military officers in charge, and in passing it is well to note that the relations of collegiate officers and military officers were at all times entirely cooperative and congenial. In establishing an organization for this period, special arrangements had to be made in connection with the following matters : 1. Military Training, 2. Housing, 3. Boarding, 4. Financial Arrangements, 5. Curriculum Changes. 1. MILITARY TRAINING. The military training was carried out in detail as in a regular camp with reveille, retreat, roll call, taps, regular drill, and the usual methods of discipline used in connection with training camps. The students wore the regular army khaki and had to obey strictly all the orders issued by the military officers. There were individual and isolated cases of unwillingness and breaches of discipline but in the main the members of the College en- tered enthusiastically into the scheme, and in a few weeks' time the company made a very creditable appearance in its evolutions. 2. HOUSING. The Government took over the college dormitories and administered them as barracks during this period, and the undergraduates learned how to make up their own beds the first thing in the morning, to place any spare shoes with toes pointing northeast, hang neckties exactly in the place where they belonged, and, in general, keep their quarters shipshape ; failing in this, they were given the favor of acting as kitchen police or something equally pleasant. 3. BOARDING. Rations were furnished in the College Commons, each student being pro- vided with a regular mess-kit and learning in the daily routine to be thank- ful for food and accommodations which at other times would seem absolute- ly impossible. 4. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS. Each member of the College (except those under military age) was a regularly enrolled member of the army, receiving a private's pay, rations, and housing accommodations and, in addition, the Government met all finan- cial charges of the College for tuition and instruction. When the armistice had been signed and the Government decided to discontinue the S. A. T. C. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 31 organization, a reasonably satisfactory and prompt settlement was made with regard to all charges presented by the College to the Government. 5. CURRICULUM CHANGES. It was suggested by Washington authorities that in all institutions in which the S. A. T. C. was to be established the collegiate year should be divided into three terms, rather than into two semesters, in order that wholesale changes in personnel might be made at the end of a twelve-week period if such changes should be found necessary. In line with this suggestion, Dart- mouth therefore arranged for the year to be divided into three terms and carried the arrangement through to the end of the year even after the S. A. T. C. had been discontinued. There were very few special courses introduced into the curriculum, be- cause it was felt that the courses in Mathematics, English, Foreign Lan- guages, and Sciences would be entirely advantageous in general preparation for intelligent service. There was, however, one new course introduced and prescribed for all men. This course was known as the War Aims Course. In introducing the course the Government aimed to bring before every man who was a member of the S. A. T. C. a reasonably intelligent and broad- minded appreciation of the historical causes that led up to the war and also specifically the basis on which the United States felt compelled to enter the conflict. At Dartmouth the course was carried on by a combination of pro- fessors taken from the social science group and was considered a very thorough and successful course. From October 1 until after the armistice was signed, the College proceeded under the above described organization with no break except such interrup- tion as was made necessary by a very serious epidemic of influenza which proved fatal in a number of cases. The number of men who were ill at various times hindered very much the unified effort that was being put for- ward but the medical authorities finally got the matter well in hand, and, before the armistice, the College living as a military camp was in a reasonably- healthy condition. After the armistice had been signed and the College was called upon again to readjust itself to the former academic situation, the only serious matter left for consideration was the question of granting academic credit for men who had been in service who had not received their degrees and who were to return to college to complete their requirements. The trustees discussed the matter at length and took a very liberal and broadminded attitude in legaliz- ing a procedure which was carried out by a committee of the faculty to the great advantage of men who had been in the service. Without giving in detail the rules laid down by the trustees, it might be sufficient to state that no credit was allowed unless a student had been in service at least three months. If he had been in service three months and not more than nine- 32 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD months, he was allowed one half year's credit of fifteen semester hours ; and if he had been in service more than nine months, he was granted a full year's credit of thirty semester hours. There were, of course, individual cases in which the general rules laid down imposed something of a hardship but in the main they worked out with substantial justice to all concerned. In closing this sketch of the academic adjustments necessary during the war period it would be entirely unfair to omit the statement that during the troublous times through which the College had of necessity to pass, there was on the part of the faculty and the officers of administration a spirit of hearty co-operation which helped to make what otherwise might have been a dreary and toilsome task a most satisfactory and successful experience. THE MILITARY STORES SCHOOL Before the declaration of war in 1917, a group of business men had an- ticipated the critical need for meeting, in the threatened emergency, the problems of handling and storing vast quantities of war materials likely soon to be in process of accumulation. No sooner had war been declared than the Council of National Defence appointed from this group a Storage Committee. The principal function of this Committee was to initiate and co-operate in measures for the development of a storage organization ade- quate to the needs of the impending situation. On April 29, a telegram from Mr. Morris Llewellyn Cooke of Philadelphia, Chairman of the Storage Committee, urged the Tuck School to organize a training course for supplying the army with contingents of men trained in the practices of industrial storage. Immediate reply was made that the staff and facilities of the School were at the disposal of the War Department and that a training course would open on May 7. Within the following week, courses were planned, the instruction staff organized, and more than a hun- dred men selected for enrollment. On the day appointed, the first session of the Military Stores School was under way. Such was the origin of one of the many contributions of the College to the common cause. During the ensuing twelve months, a series of six sessions, each of six weeks duration, was conducted in close co-operation with the War Depart- ment. In the beginning, both the Ordnance and Quartermaster Departments gave active support to the project and designated officers to assist in the work of the Tuck School and other institutions where the training courses were established. After three sessions had been completed, however, it became apparent that the difficulties of adjusting the course to other training projects of the Quartermaster Corps were insuperable. From then on, the course was conducted solely for the purpose of supplying men for the Ordnance Department, whose requests for men and their training became increasingly urgent. Two principal requirements had, at the outset, been specified: good men and thorough training. To meet the first requirement, the privilege of en- rollment was extended only to men who gave evidence of positive qualifica- tions, either through previous training or experience, for the service for which they volunteered. The plan of training, more fully described below, was evolved in part from the regular curriculum of the Tuck School and in part from other sources, mainly the War Department. In the! enrollments for all six sessions, preference was given to graduates of schools of business administration, properly accredited college graduates and non-college men of mature age and experience. A few exceptions were made in favor of undergraduates who gave evidence of fitness for the course. 33 34 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD No assurance was given that there would be opportunity to enter the service at grades above that of private, nor was advancement to higher grades promised. The only inducement offered was an opportunity to obtain prep- aration for immediate and vital war service. With only the vaguest of information as to the nature of the training de- sired, and with no more than promises of future assistance from the War De- partment, it was at once apparent that the School must fall back on its own resources for the materials, methods and personnel of instruction. In its initial stages, therefore, the course was developed by drawing on the staff and regular courses of the Tuck School. Visits to army stations and re- course to available War Department manuals and military publications also yielded materials of instruction. Various other expedients were resorted to, with the aim of providing a training of immediately practical value. Further experience, later supplemented by substantial aid and contribu- tions from the Ordnance Department, made possible the development of a comprehensive training program which proved thoroughly profitable in its results. Courses in storeskeeping and property accountability were given major weight in the plan of instruction. Regular class work was supple- mented by problems, field work, and inspection trips to industrial plants. Supplementary lectures were given by representatives of business concerns, notably the Western Electric Company and the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. Additional courses were offered in such subjects as army organi- Eight O'clock on the Campus. Stores School Men Going to Class. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 35 zation, army regulations, military law, and conversational French. Infantry drill regulations were studied, and the men were regularly drilled by officers in charge of military training in the College. At the close of each session, examinations were held, the work of each man was graded, and the final ratings transmitted to the War Department. The changing military status of the men enrolled and the relations of the School to the War Department reflected the shifting stages by which the war establishment was evolved. At the close of the first two sessions, a reg- ular army officer was assigned to examine the men for enlistment. Those re- jected by reason of physical defects were offered civil service appointments in the War Department. Most of the latter group were subsequently en- listed and later commissioned. At the completion of the third and fourth sessions, the men were certified for enlistment at army posts or for induc- tion by local boards, according to their status under the draft. Before the fifth session was under way, the School was taken over by the Ordnance Department and given definite status as a military organiza- tion ; thereafter to be conducted as "The Ordnance Training School at Dart- mouth College." A lieutenant of the Ordnance Department was assigned from Watertown Arsenal to assume command of the unit, with two Ord- nance sergeants as his assistants. The men who had been accepted for en- rollment were inducted into active service by local boards under orders from the Adjutant General, and assigned on furlough direct to the School. For the sixth session, the men were inducted into service by local boards, routed through army posts to receive uniforms and equipment, and then ordered to Hanover where they were furloughed for the duration of the course. A seventh session had been planned to begin early in May, 1918, and arrangements were made to receive a large contingent. At the last moment, however, word was received from Washington to the effect that the Ord- nance Training Schools at educational institutions were to be discontinued, and that orders had been issued diverting the men to Camp Hancock, Ga., which had been designated as the central training camp for ordnance per- sonnel. The officer in charge and his assistants received instructions to close the records, transfer the property and report for duty elsewhere. This was the end of a unique example of the manner in which the unwarlike resources of the College may be converted to serve the exigencies of war. In the course of the six sessions, nearly five hundred men had completed the course and entered various branches of service. More than fifty colleges, universities and technical schools were represented in the enrollment, gradu- ates of Dartmouth predominating. A large number, approximately 350, saw service in the Ordnance Department. Of those who completed the first three sessions, fifty men entered the Quartermaster Corps. Opportunities for serv- ice in the line through officers' training camps attracted a considerable num- 36 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD ber. A scattering remainder were absorbed by other branches of the Army and Navy. Available records show that the men who graduated from the course earned rapid advancement and that probably a majority received commis- sions. Many saw service overseas, and if space permitted, an interesting story might be told of the excellent account which they gave of themselves under critical conditions calling for ready initiative and intelligent resourcefulness. It fell to the lot of many to do their bits in ways less conspicuous but none the less creditable. Some had part in working out improved storage methods and in evolving standard practices for the supply service. Others made rec- ords as instructors in training organizations. The names of several have place on the Dartmouth Honor Roll. The value of the whole undertaking, from the point of view of the War Department, is reflected in the following quotation from a letter of the Ordnance officer who directed the work of the several schools from Wash- ington : "The Amos Tuck School may well be proud of the work which it has done during the past year in the training of men for the Ordnance ser- vice. The Dartmouth contingents have made good wherever they have been assigned. This, as I see it, has been due to two factors. First, — Dartmouth has been able to secure an exceptionally high grade of men and has not for a moment let down on the requirements for admission to the training schools. Secondly, — the instruction at Dartmouth has been of an exceptionally high caliber." The training course was officially terminated by a gracious letter from the Chief of Ordnance, quoted in part as follows : "The best interests of the Ordnance Service have seemed to demand the centralization of all instruction in Ordnance Training Camp, Camp Hancock, Georgia. This centralization of instruction has necessitated the abandonment of the Ordnance Training School at Dartmouth College. "In closing the work at Dartmouth College, this office wishes to ex- press sincere thanks for the co-operation which Dartmouth College has given to the Ordnance Department in the training of soldiers for its sup- ply service. "Without the co-operation of Dartmouth College and the other col- leges which have given their facilities as well as time and expert knowl- edge of their instructors, this Department would, up to this time, have been unable to properly train its personnel in the important function of supply in the field." THE DARTMOUTH COLLEGE TRAINING DETACHMENT On May 15, 1918, an inquiry was received from the United States War Department as to whether Dartmouth College would undertake the training in vocational work of enlisted men in groups for two months each. After consultation on May 17 with a representative of the Committee on Educa- tion and Special Training it was decided that such training was a service the College should render the Government in its war endeavors and an affirma- tive reply was made. Members of the Committee visited Hanover on May 22 and contracted to have the training start on June 15. Having decided to render the service, it was next necessary to determine along what lines train- ing could be given and how it was to be accomplished. The obvious course seemed to be to have the work conducted under the direction of the Thayer School of Civil Engineering, which was accordingly done. A canvass of the facilities of the College made it apparent that the courses which should be given were: — The principles of radio work with practice in buzzer and signal work; carpentry; automobile driving, with the field repair and maintenance of the car ; telephone installation and operation. It is inter- esting to note that, while this latter work was considered by those consulted to be of the least importance, in the end it turned out to fill a very vital gov- ernmental need. It was agreed to take two detachments of 260 men each for periods of two months' training. In the middle of September word was received from Washington — "that there is an urgent need for more telephone electricians. We must at the earliest possible moment double our training facilities for these men, and it is our feeling that Dartmouth is one of the best qualified institutions which we know of, to handle this work." The request was made that — "some scheme be devised, by means of which you can make use of your facilities to the very limit." Accordingly it was decided that commenc- ing October 15 the telephone course should be expanded to a course of thirteen weeks; that the numbers in the course should be increased to 450 men, and arranged so that 150 men would be released each month. This would have brought the total enrollment of the detachment to about 900 men, distributed to courses as follows: — telephone 450, motors 200, radio 100. carpenters 50, assistant instructors and assistants 100. Due to the influenza epidemic and later the armistice the total enrollment was not reached, but the facilities had been provided, both in the physical plant and in the teach- ing staff. The college instructors engaged in the work were supplemented by men from active practice in the various courses which were being taught so that the staff in each course included men with theoretical training, teach- 37 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 39 ing experience and commercial experience. For the enlarged detachment there would have been over 30 instructors (including a Signal Corps Officer) and 60 enlisted men retained from the first two detachments as assistant in- structors. The business, housing and mess aspects of the detachments were conducted by the Business Director, Treasurer, Superintendent of Buildings, and Manager of the Dartmouth Dining Association. The military officers reported to the Supervisor of Military Training on June 10, and the first detachment was received on Saturday, June 15, 1918, started its educational training on Monday, June 17, and was transferred to various camps on August 12. The second detachment was received on August 15, started its educational work on August 16 and was transferred on October 13. A portion of the third detachment was received on October 15 and the instruction closed on December 12. During the first detachment many photographs were taken of the men while at work and lantern slides were made from the most characteristic. The exercises of each detachment thereafter were preceded by an illustrated lecture showing the work of the previous detachments, in order that the members of the new detachment might appreciate what they had undertaken, that an esprit de corps might be developed and an incentive furnished to do better work than had been done by the previous detachment. The fact that photographs were being taken of their work and that slides of some of them were to be shown to succeeding detachments proved a stimulus to good work. The schedule for the day started at 5.45 a. m. and ended with taps at 10.00 p. m. Classes in vocational work were held from 8.40 a. m. until 12.00 noon and from 1.20 p. m. to 4.40 p. m. Military drill was held for one hour in the morning and another hour in the afternoon. During* the existence of the training detachment the first two detachments were trained and a por- tion of the third detachment, the latter being listed as Group B of the Stu- dents' Army Training Corps. Of the 628 men trained, 136 were in radio ; 93 in carpentry; 242 in motors and 157 in telephone. The men were trans- ferred to different camps in the following numbers : Fort Warren, Mass., 124; Camp Johnston, Fla., 75 ; Camp Devens, Mass., 54; Camp Jackson, S. C, 45 ;Signal Camp Corps, Camp Meade, Md., 37 ; Camp Alfred Vail, N. J., 37 ; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, Pa., 22 ; College Park, Md., 11 ; Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn., 10; College of the City of New York, 7 ; University of Vermont, 6 ; Camp Grant, Rockf ord, 111., 4 ; Camp Taylor, Ky., 4 ; Camp Merritt, 2 ; Boston University, Mass., 1 ; Harvard College, 1 ; Camp Lee, Va., 1. The radio course, given in the Thayer School Building, considered the fundamental theories of electricity through lectures, laboratory work, and computation exercises ; practice in code and semaphore work for sending and receiving messages ; and the theory and use of wireless apparatus. The carpentry course utilized the college carpenter shop where an 40 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD exhibition was given of the use and care of tools; the construction of simple objects, and the parts of a building, with the method of laying them out through the construction of building models. Field construction included the re-erection of a large barn, replacing the frame work of a barn which had been dismantled and completing the construction of a barn from new material, the construction of an open shed at the college storehouse, and the concrete work involved in the foundation for each case ; replacing the wooden floor in Ledyard Bridge across the Connecticut River ; shingling several buildings in Hanover; constructing tables, closets and various appa- ratus for use in the different courses and in the mess hall. The Motor Course was conducted in the basement of the gymnasium where automobiles were taken down, their various parts examined, repaired, adjusted, and the cars reassembled. A few parts were purchased for con- struction work but in the main work was done on local cars. The Govern- ment furnished two motor trucks in the early part of the course and later added three more. Driving experience was obtained on the highways in the vicinity of Hanover and in doing such trucking as the work of the detach- ment required. The Training Detachment at Work on Ledyard Bridge. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 41 The Telephone Department at the begining was housed in Wilder Hall, utilizing most of the Physics Department facilities, and also a large amount of equipment which was loaned by the New England Telephone and Tele- graph Company. For the enlarged telephone work the entire top and bot- tom floors of Butterfield Hall were used and the whole of the Gable' House,, so called, just northwest of Butterfield Hall. The work in the course was divided into three parts, — for linemen, cable- splicers, repair and troublemen. The linemen erected a pole line in College Park, strung a cable upon the poles, bonded and grounded the cable to pro- tect from lightening, cut in cable boxes, took oat loops for subscribers sta- tions and laid underground cable in multiple with the central office cable, and connected into the central office both with open wires and loops. In each case troubles were detected, traced and cleared ; the Peoples Telephone line which had fallen into disrepair was rebuilt ; local commercial repair work was done in cooperation with the New England Telephone employes. The cable- splicers spliced 15 to 180 pair cable, spliced and wiped lead sleeves and tested and selected multiples for the different terminals. The repair and trouble- men took apart and reassembled instruments and connected them by local lines through main and intermediate frames to a central office and switch- board. They had practice in operating switchboards and clearing troubles; and field experience in using a farm wire fence with exchanges located upon it. In all the courses work was divided into selected proportions of recitation, laboratory and field work. One feature which proved of great value and en- listed the commendation of visitors was the course in elementary drawing which was given to the entire detachment. It was specified that the men should become capable of reading drawings and it was the opinion of those in charge that this could be accomplished best through the ability to con- struct a simple drawing. As a part of this course an exercise was given in making a small survey using only light plane table (made by the members of a carpentry class), pencil and scale; and with distances paced. This ex- ercise demonstrated the fact that the majority of the men with the instruc- tions given could make a very good reconnaissance map if occasion required. The drawing course was given in the top floor of Chandler Hall. Adequate barracks for the first two detachments were afforded by the drill floor of the Alumni Gymnasium. For the enlarged detachment Reed, Thorn- ton, Hallgarten, and the Fayerweather Row were to be used. Mess was served by the Dartmouth Dining Association in the great hall of the Com- mons. The Trophy room at the Alumni Gymnasium was used as a rest and recreation room and the Christian Association had a representative there. Music was especially encouraged. An orchestra of detachment men played at mess, noon and night. The interest, enthusiasm, achievement, appreciation and deportment of the 42 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD men were of a quality and quantity which exceeded the most sanguine ex- pectations. They had the power to do much in the courses taught and they acquired an insight into their inherent possibilities, a knowledge of how to develop those possibilities, and in many cases a determination so to do. In two months they prepared themselves to assist mightily in helping win the war for humanity and civilization. The detachment courses were organized and administered, however, with the realization that the greatest service could be rendered after the war by assisting in permeating this country with high ideals and a vision of a civilization clean, safe, fair and stable. One of the detachment men wrote back to the Supervisor that he had "keen and most sincere appreciation of the many wonderful things that we were privi- leged to learn, and for all of the good times so generously accorded us by Hanover people, and those connected with the doings of the College and town at that time. We formed many acquaintances which will prove of life-long interest to us, and in years to come, I feel sure that each and every one of us will look back upon the time spent at Hanover as being a bright light which has cast its glow over many homes, and which will never fail to illuminate our trains of thought with most pleasant reminiscences in the long years to come." The work of the detachment was successful through the hearty co-opera- tion of all concerned in the enterprise. The fullest sympathy and support in the educational part of the work was given also by the military offi- cers. The citizens of the town rendered valuable aid in many ways and the women especially were of much assistance, through socials, entertainments, and the work of the Red Cross during the severe influenza epidemic. With- out their unceasing, tireless and effective efforts the deaths could not have been kept at the low number of ten. The success accompanying the work of the training detachments is a source of lasting pleasure to all those who were connected with it. THE FACULTY IN THE WAR The period of the war was a peculiarly trying one to instructor as well as to student. Both felt the uneasiness that came with a desire to be active in the greatest physical struggle in the world's history and both felt the uncer- tainty as to when the call to go outweighed the responsibility of staying. The student saw his friends, fraternity brothers, dormitory neighbors and class- room associates disappearing one by one until mere skeletons of organiza- tions remained. The experience was just as real for the instructor who saw his classes dwindling and realized to what these men were going. Some- times there was a word in advance but more often they were merely missing :some day. In the first summer of the war and throughout the next year members of the faculty left Hanover in constantly increasing numbers to take up some form of war work. Many were in active service in the Infantry, Artillery, Ordnance, Air Service, Chemical Warfare, or Ambulance Service. Others were doing equally important work as civilians. It has been found neces- sary to include in the present volume the names of those only who were in actual military service or in one of the welfare organizations; but men- tion should at least be made of the type of work done by other men in civilian capacity. Many were naturally called to Washington, where college administrators and professors seemed nearly as numerous as the military. Members of the Dartmouth staff were found here in a variety of capacities : associated with the Secretary of War in connection with industrial relations ; experts with the U. S. Shipping Board and the National War Labor Board ; officials ■of the Business Department of the Committee on Education and Special Training of the War Department; and associated with the Bureau of War Risk Insurance and the Committee on Public Information. Others were doing equally important work in other countries : at the Ver- sailles Peace Conference; with the Interallied Shipping Board in London and Paris ; and with the Military Service Branch of the Department of Jus- tice in Canada. Still others were using their special knowledge to serve as ballistic ex- perts, financial experts, or as readers of foreign language newspapers, or in planning the instructional work of the S. A. T. C, and it was natural that the directors of the Military Stores School and Vocational Training De- tachment, both of which were using college facilities, should be recruited from the ranks of the faculty. This list might well be further extended, for there was not a man who did not make some direct contribution of his time and labor whether in Hanover or across the ocean. 43 44 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Amid all the confusion of diminishing classes and perturbed states of mind the routine of the college continued effectively and adapted itself to changing conditions. Courses were added as occasion demanded ; sections were consolidated ; the work of an instructor who might be leaving was as- sumed by another and the work went on. Even when the College became a military camp, the faculty was still able to maintain a high standard of aca- demic work. But any statement of the war service of the faculty would be far from complete without a sincere tribute to the men who stayed on the job. In a number of cases men were repeatedly called to take up some form of service for which they were especially fitted but remained in Hanover at the urgent request of the President, who felt their presence was essential to the College. Although working more indirectly, they performed just as important service in the war as many who put on the uniform, and at the same time they were the vital factor in preserving the continuous life of the College. A tabulation of the war record of the members of the faculty and adminis- trative officers on the Dartmouth rolls for the academic years 1917-1919, who were in actual military service or with the Red Cross or Y. M. C. A., follows : Percy Bartlett Henry R. Brahana Courtney Bruerton Hoit N. Charlton William Chisholm Philip G. Clapp Eugene F. Clark Pulaski K. Cook Charles F. Echterbecker Harold U. Faulkner Myron J. Files Chester H. Forsyth Herbert D. Foster John M. Gile J. Walter Goldthwait Military Record See Medical School, Class of 1900. See Class of 1916. Stationed at N. H. College Training De- tachment ; promoted to Corp. ; assigned to Corps of Interpreters, Base Censor's Office, Paris. See Class of 1910. See Class of 1918. 2nd Lt, Regimental Headquarters Detach- ment (Band Section), 73rd Artillery, C.A. C, A.E.F. See Class of 1901. See Class of 1915. See Class of 1918. Stationed at Camp Dix and Camp Taylor. See Class of 1914. S. A. T. C, Plattsburg. See Class of 1885. See Class of 1887. Capt. ; map work in the office of the Mili- tary Intelligence Dept. of the General Staff. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 45 Nathaniel L. Goodrich Ernest R. Greene Clare E. Griffin Elden B. Hartshorn John J. Healy Harry L. Hillman David I. Hitchcock Gordon F. Hull Raymond W. Jones Patrick J. Kaney Louis Keene Russell D. Kilborn Howard N. Kingsford Reinhardt B. Klokow Frederick P. Lord Winslow H. Loveland Arthur B. Meservey Henry T. Moore Leslie F. Murch Rex M. Naylor Allen S. Norton Capt. ; map work in the office of the Mili- tary Intelligence Dept. of the General Staff. Educational Director, Dept. of the North- east of National War Work Council of Y. M. C. A. ; personnel work in connection with French and Italian army service. 1st Lt., Statistics Branch of General Staff. See Class of 1912. See Class of 1915. 1st Lt., Sanitary Corps; engaged in condi- tioning aviators. Camp Mitchell Flying Field, Mineola, L. I. ; later Gerstner Field, Lake Charles, La. See Class of 1915. Major, Ord. Dept.; head of Mathematics and Dynamics Section, Technical Staff. 1st Lt., Interpreters Corps, Fort Ogle- thorpe, Ga., and Fort McPherson, Ga. S. A. T. C, Plattsburg; commissioned 2nd Lt. Inf. ; stationed at Camp Grant, 111. Capt., Canadian Army ; severely wounded at Ypres. Second O. T. C, Fort Niagara; discharged for physical disability. See Medical School, Class of 1898. See Class of 1915. See Class of 1898. See Class of 1914. See Class of 1906. Capt., Sanitary Corps ; Chief Psychologi- cal Examiner at Camp Greenleaf, Camp Cody and U. S. A. Gen. Hospital, Colonia, N.J. 1st Lt., Ord. Dept. ; stationed at Univ. of Penn. Ord. Tr. School, Camp Meade, Camp Hancock, and Air Service Hdqrs., Paris, France ; in Bomb Unit of Aircraft Arma- ment Section. 152nd Depot Brigade, Camp Upton ; trans- ferred to Central Officers' Tr. School, Camp Lee ; commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., O. R. C. See Class of 1915. 46 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Curtis H. Page Frederick S. Page Harlow S. Person John S. Pickett Charles A. Proctor Ralph J. Richardson Wallace M. Ross Thorndike Saville Warren C. Shaw William R. Smythe Charles M. Stearns Lewis D. Stilwell Charles L. Stone Eugene D. Towler John W. Young Military Stores School, Hanover, N. H. ;: Capt, Ord. R. C. ; in charge of mail and files of various branches of Ord. Dept., Washington ; at Camp Hancock, Ga., as- Chief Intelligence Officer, and Senior In- structor, O. T. C, and other positions; per- sonnel Adj. and Executive Officer, Morgan General Ord. Depot; promoted to Major and Commanding Officer, Penniman Gen- eral Ord. Depot. See Class of 1913. Major, Ord. R. C. ; engaged in problems of organization in the various army camps and in charge of reorganization of Signal Corps. S. A. T. C. Plattsburg; commissioned 2nd Lt. and detailed as personnel officer, Dart- mouth unit, S. A. T. C. See Class of 1900. See Class of 1909. See Class of 1909. See Class of 1914. See Class of 1910. Capt. C. A. C. ; member of Artillery Board in Paris ; active service in final offensive. Y. M. C. A. work in military and naval sta- tions in New England ; died of influenza at New London, Conn., September 27, 1918. Y. M. C. A. Sec. at Plattsburg and Camp Meade ; later enlisted as Private in 104th Field Artillery, Medical Detachment, 27th Div. ; served in Argonne Offensive. See Class of 1917. See Class of 1917. Director of Mathematics for Y. M. C. A. Educational Dept., National War Work Council, New York City; Course Director in Mathematics for college S. A. T. C. units, Washington. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD c F(olI of Honor GEORGE DURFEE DESHON Colonel, Medical Corps. 1883 Born Aug. 5, 1864, Brookline, Mass. After leaving Dartmouth, he entered West Point Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1886. While there he was a classmate of General Pershing. He became an officer in the Regular Army and was promoted through the various ranks from second lieutenant in 1886 to colonel in 1917. He held degrees from the Bellevue Hospital Medical School of New York and from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He served in the Philippines, Hawaii and Panama. He was a close per- sonal friend of General Edwards and when the latter was appointed to the command of the military forces in the Canal Zone, Colonel Deshon gave up his work in the Ancon Hospital there to devote all his energies to the duties of chief surgeon on General Edwards' staff. When General Edwards was ordered north to assume his new duties in New England, after the United States had declared war against Germany, Colonel Deshon came with him and became chief surgeon on General Edwards' staff of the Department of the Northeast. General Pershing invited Colonel Deshon to join his staff with the American Expeditionary Forces, but he was obliged to decline on account of ill health. He died June 24, 1917, of heart failure at his home in Brookline, Mass., while still in service. ANDREW REGINALD WENTWORTH 1885M Captain, Naval Medical Corps, (retired). Born Oct. 19, 1859. After graduating from the Dart- mouth Medical School, he entered the Medical Corps of the United States Navy as an assistant surgeon, April 22, 1885, and was assigned to duty at the Navy Yard at Portsmouth, N. H. He was promoted at various times and on Dec. 29, 1912, attained the grade of medical director, with the rank of captain. He served on many warships and at numerous shore stations dur- ing his career. While he was in command of the Naval Hospital at Bremerton, Wash., he suffered a stroke of apoplexy on March 31, 1918. He was retired from active service Feb. 7, 1919, because of physical disability contracted in line of duty and returned to his home in Kittery, Maine. He died of apoplexy April 13, 1921, at the Naval Hospi- tal at Portsmouth, N. H. 47 48 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1893 JAMES BROWN GRISWOLD 1893M First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Born Dec. 10, 1870. He studied medicine at Yale, Columbia and Dartmouth. After receiving his hospital training, he practiced medicine at Morristown, N. J. He served on the staffs of hospitals in Morristown and New York City and was for several years jail physician. The day after the United States entered the war, Dr. Griswold offered his services to the government and he received his commission May 21, 1917. He was as- signed to Camp Dix, where he rendered service that led to his recommendation for a captaincy and his transfer to the grade of first assistant surgeon to Major Howard Collins, head of the base hospital. It was probably this change that hastened his death as it was necessary for him to walk about fifteen miles a day in performance of his duty, a task which was more than He obtained sick leave from Camp Dix, where he was chief sanitary officer, and went to his home in Morristown, N. J., suffering from a com- plication of pneumonia and meningitis. He died two days later at his home, Oct. 25, 1917. his constitution could stand. ARTHUR STEELE DASCOMB 1897 Captain, Quartermaster Corps. Born Dec. 29, 1872. While in college he was a mem- er of Kappa Kappa Kappa. After leaving Dartmouth, he studied at Chicago Theological Seminary, the Uni- versity of Chicago and the University of Edinburgh. He held two short pastorates in the Congregational ministry, then went into business in Oklahoma. Later he became vice-president of a lumber company in San Antonio, Texas. When the United States entered the war, he applied for service in the Quartermaster Corps and was com- missioned captain. He was put in charge of construc- tion work at Camp Stanley and was transferred to Fort Bliss in Dec, 1917, where he was engaged in similar work. In the summer of 1918, worn out and broken down with the heavy responsibdities, he became ill and in the second week of August was taken to the hospital for an operation for appendicitis. Serious complications followed the operation and he died Aug. 20, 1918. JAMES REUBEN WOOD WORTH Private, Infantry. 1897 Born June 6, 1875. He attended Dartmouth only a short time, taking practically the whole of his college course at Oberlin College and receiving his degree from Oberlin in 1897. He was a member of Sigma Chi. After graduation he held various positions in the rail- way service as cashier, traffic manager, freight agent and as traveling railway auditor. In 1911 he became a teller in the Missouri Savings Bank of Kansas City, Mo., and was there when the war broke out. He enlisted June 15, 1917, as a private in Co. K of the 137th Infantry and received his training at Camp Doniphan, Okla. He was sent overseas and was killed in action in the Argonne Forest, France, Sept. 28, 1918. 1900 ROLL OF HONOR 49 HENRY REUBEN WESTON Major, Medical Corps. 1900 Born March 13, 1878. He prepared at the high school in Windsor, Vt. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. After graduation from college, he taught biology for a year at Dartmouth, then studied medicine at New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical Col- lege, receiving his M. D. in 1903. He practiced medi- cine in Windsor, Vt., until 1908 when he enlisted in the Medical Corps of the regular U. S. Army. He served in various parts of America and in the Phil- ippines. In 1914 he asked to be put on the inactive list, because of illness in his family, and returned to Windsor, Vt. When the United States entered the war, he enlisted in the Medical Officers' Reserve Corps April 30, 1917. as captain. He was stationed at various camps and finally became assistant camp surgeon at Camp Humphreys in June, 1918. In the fall he was commissioned major. During the influenza epidemic he was called hometo Windsor by the illness of his wife. While there he himself was taken sick and died Nov. 28, 1918. ROBERT ALLAN FRENCH 1905 Captain, Intelligence Service. Born Sept. 1, 1882. Prepared at the high school in Nashua, N. H. In college he was a member of Delta Kappa 'Epsilon and for two years he was manager of the Dramatic Club. After graduation he attended Harvard Law School, receiving his degree in 1908. Then he returned to Nashua and practiced law with his father, George B. French '72. _ . He enlisted in the National Army as a private in the spring of 1918, but failed to pass the physical examina- tion Later he underwent an operation to make himself physically fit and was commissioned captain July ZJ, 1918 in the Military Intelligence Branch of the General Staff at Washington. He died of pneumonia, after a very short illness, Dec. 17, 1918, in Washington, D. L. CONRAD PHILIP HAZEN Cadet, Aviation. 1906 Born April 7, 1884. Prepared in the high school at Hanover and at Kimball Union Academy. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. After graduation he studied mechanics and electricity at Columbia Uni- versity. Then he was associated with different firms in New York City until 1913, when he entered the employ of the New York Telephone Company. He was a sec- ond lieutenant in the New York National Guard and went to the Mexican border with that unit. In July, 1917, he resigned his commission in the Na- tional Guard and enlisted as a private first class in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps. He received some training at the Georgia School of Technology and then went to France in the fall of 1917. On Feb. 11, 1918, while still in training he met with an accident while flying alone and was killed instantly. 50 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1908 HENRY VIRGIL BOGUE 1908M Lieutenant, Naval Medical Corps. Born June 5, 1884. Prepared at the high school in Newport, Vt. After studying at Dartmouth Medical School about two years, he went to Baltimore Medical College where he received his M. D. in 1909. He was commissioned in the Naval Reserve Force as an assistant surgeon with the rank of lieutenant (j. g.) Aug. 28, 1918, and was ordered to active duty at the Naval Hospital, Mare Island, Calif., Sept. 5, 1918, where he died on Jan. 9, 1919, of influenza. KARL HERBERT PITCHER 1908 Sergeant, Field Artillery. Born Sept. 6, 1885. Prepared at the high school in Haverhill, Mass. While in college he was a member of Chi Phi. After leaving Dartmouth he studied medicine for one term at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. Later he became associated with the C. K. Fox Shoe Co. in Haverhill. He enlisted April 9, 1917, as a private in Battery A of the 102nd Field Artillery and was sent to Camp Curtis Guild for training. He was promoted to cor- poral, July, 1917, and to mess sergeant, October, 1917. He sailed for France in September, 1917 and about a month before his death was transferred to the firing line. While a mess sergeant he received a citation from the Division Quartermaster, commending him as having the most efficient and best organized detachment in the 26th Division. On Sept. 3, 1918, he was taken ill and sent to an evacuation hospital, later being moved to Base Hospital No. 50 at Mesves, France, where he died Sept. 29, 1918. GEORGE ELLIOTT SHIPLEY Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps. 1908 Born Oct. 14, 1883. Prepared at Oak Park High School, Oak Park, 111. At college he was on the track team three years and on the relay team. In his senior year he was vice-president of his class. He was a member of Palaeopitus, Alpha Delta Phi, Turtle and Casque and Gauntlet. After graduation he was con- nected with Butler Bros., a mail order house of Chi- cago. He served on the Mexican border with Battery E of the 1st Illinois Field Artillery. In August, 1917, he enlisted and received training at Ft. Sheridan. He was commissioned second lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps, attached to the 304th Sani- tary Train, 79th Division. He sailed for France in July, 1918, and on the 25th was transferred from the Sanitary Train and ordered to report at 5th Army Head- quarters, where he received orders to go to 1st Army Headquarters. The 79th Division Was meeting with difficulty and Lt. Shipley was able to transfer to the infantry. He was attached to Co. B, 4th Infantry, 3d Division, which had replaced the 79th Division, and to a platoon which was to go over the top in an attack on October 11th. The officers had all been killed or were casualties, so Lt. Shipley led the platoon over, gaining the objective, but being instantly killed when it was reached, at Mt. Faucon, Argonne Forest, Oct. 11, 1918. It is reported that he was recommended for the Distinguished Service Cross. 1909 ROLL OF HONOR 51 JAMES ANDREW TURNER 1909 Fust Lieutenant, Infantry. Born Jan. 19, 1886. After receiving a public school education in Cincinnati and Chicago, he entered Dart- mouth. He played on his class football and baseball teams, and was manager of his class hockey team. He became a member of Delta Tau Delta. For two years after leaving college he was coach at Norwich Univer- sity. He then went to the Chandler Motor Car Co., as a salesman. Early in the fall of 1917 he entered the second Of- ficers' Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan, where he re- ceived a commission as first lieutenant. He sailed for France with the 318th Infantry, May 15, 1918. Arriving overseas, he took a two months' course in a French mil- itary school and then returned to his regiment. On the night of Nov. 3, 1918, when he and other officers were sitting around a camp fire, a shell exploded in their midst, severely wounding Lieutenant Turner. He refused to be sent back to the hospi- tal. The next morning he led his platoon over the top and was instantly killed by a shell. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously, "for extra- ordinary heroism in action near Buzancy." LESTER SHERWOOD WASS 1909 Captain, Marine Corps. Born June 25, 1886. Prepared in the high school at Gloucester. At college he became a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. After leaving college he was commissioned second lieutenant in the Marines and was stationed at Port Royal, S. C, in 1909. Later he was stationed at Ports- mouth, N. H., and then sent to the Philippines. He was with the Marines in Haiti and was under fire at Vera Cruz. Shortly after leaving Vera Cruz he was com- missioned first lieutenant, and just before going to France in 1917 he was in line for promotion to major because of his long foreign service. He took part in the fighting at Chateau-Thierry and at Belleau Wood. He was killed in action, July 18, 1918, near Vierzy in the Soissons drive. KENNEDY CONKLIN 1910 Sergeant, Infantry. Born June 25, 1888. Prepared at Holbrook Academy. He went to Union College in Schenectady and trans- ferred to Dartmouth. At Union he was a member of Chi Psi fraternity. After leaving college he was a salesman with the Bidwell-Conklin Company of New York City. In November, 1916, he enlisted in the Na- tional Guard of New York as a private in the 7th In- fantry, and went with that unit to the Mexican border. He enlisted June 22, 1917, and went to Camp Wads- worth for training. He was promoted to corporal in November, 1917, and to sergeant in April, 1918, and had been ordered to report to an officers' training school shortly before his death. He went to France in May, 1918, and took part in the engagements of Mont Kem- mel, Dickebusch Lake, and the final drive against the Hindenburg Line. It was in this last fierce fighting that he was severely wounded Sept. 30, 1918. After lying helpless two days and a night in No Man's Land, he was evacuated to British General Hospital No. 8, Rouen, where he died from his wounds on October 12th. 52 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1910 THOMAS START KNOX Private, Ordnance Department. 1910 Born Sept. 19, 1888. He prepared at the high school in Jackson, Minn. He went to Carleton College for two years, then transferred to Dartmouth, where he became a member of the football squad and of the Glee Club. He was a member of Alpha Delta Phi and Casque and Gauntlet. For several years after graduation he looked after the extensive farm interests of his father, and later became assistant cashier in the Brown National Bank of Jackson, Minn. He made application to enter the Officers' Training Camp at Minneapolis on June 17, 1917, but was refused admittance on account of defective eyesight. He then applied to the Ordnance Department but it was only after a year that he was finally accepted on Sept. 3, 1918. Enlisting as a private in Co. E of the 3rd Pro- visional Regiment of the Ordance Department, he was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., for training. Although in service but a brief period, it was expected that he would soon be sent to an Officers' Training Camp. He was taken ill, however, and removed to the Base Hospital at Camp Hancock, where he died of a complication of scarlet fever and bronchial pneumonia on Nov. 19, 1918. STURGIS PISHON First Lieutenant, Aviation. 1910 Born May 30, 1888. Prepared at Boston English High School. While in college he was on his class foot- ball, baseball, and hockey teams, and the varsity foot- ball team, and was known as one of the greatest quar- terbacks of his time. He was a member of the Dramatic Club and took part in Prom shows and the Society Circus. He was a member of Theta Delta Chi, Casque and Gauntlet, and Phi Beta Kappa. He was elected per- manent secretary of his class, became a leader in Bos- ton alumni affairs, and was chorister for many Dart- mouth gatherings. After graduation he entered the wool business in Boston and then associated himself MHH with a prominent advertising firm of Boston. He enlisted as a private on August 8, 1917, in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps at the Ground School connected with Cornell University. Graduating with a special recommendation to the War Department, he was sent to France in October 1917. He studied for some months at Issoudun, France, and was then transferred to Foggia, Italy, where he was one of the first detachment of American aviators to train with Italian officers. After completing his course of instruction at Foggia, he returned to Issoudun, France, and received his commission as first lieutenant in May 1918. Later he was sent to St. Jean de Monts for training in aerial gunnery. It was here that the accident occurrred on Oct. 26, 1918, in which he was killed. The cause of the accident has not been reported but the plane crashed and death was almost instan- taneous. The burial was in the American section of the French Military Cemetery at St. Jean de Monts, Department Vendee. 1910 ROLL OF HONOR 53 RAYMOND WHITON THOMPSON Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps. 1910 Born Aug. 8, 1888. Prepared at Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. At college he became a member of Alpha Delta Phi. After graduation he was associ- ated with his father in business in Concord, N. H. In June, 1917, he came back to Hanover and took the Military Stores course given by Tuck School. He enlisted Aug. 6, 1917, as a sergeant in the Quarter- master Corps. From December, 1917 to June, 1918, he was at Camp Joseph E. Johnston at Jacksonville, Pla., where he was commissioned second lieutenant, June 6, 1918. He then went to the Boston Department, where he remained until he was taken ill with influenza and pneumonia, from which he died at the Lancaster Hos- pital, Brookline, Mass., on Sept. 13, 1918. CHARLES HENRY AYER 1911 Private, Infantry. Born Oct. 12, 1887. He prepared at Stevens High School, Claremont, N. H. At Dartmouth he became a member of Sigma Nu. After leaving college, he was for a time in St. Louis, but later returned to Clare- mont, where he became proprietor of a restaurant. He entered the service March 29, 1918, and was as- signed as a private to the 325th Infantry. He trained at Camp Devens and Camp Upton and went overseas in April, 1918. He was killed in action in the Argonne Forest, Oct. 16, 1918. EDWARD FRANKLIN CHASE 1911 Captain, Coast Artillery Corps. Born June 4, 1887. Prepared at Lynn English High School. While in college he was a member of the Mandolin Club for four years, and of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. After leaving college he joined the First Corps Cadets in Boston and became prominent in National Guard affairs. He was in the insurance busi- ness and later became associated with A. Shuman Company and Wm. Filene's Sons. At the outbreak of the war he was studying in the Coast Artillery School at Fortress Monroe, Va. He was commissioned second lieutenant, Oct. 24, 1917. Later he was transferred to Fort Andrews, Boston Harbor, where he was commissioned captain and was commander of the 26th Co., Coast Aitillery Corps. He died there of heart failure while playing tennis, Aug. 31, 1918. 54 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1911 FREDERICK WHIDDEN GRANT 1911 Captain, Signal Corps. Born May .29, 1887. Prepared at Winchester High School. While in college he was a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity and was associated with dramatic ac- tivities. After graduation he became plant engineer with the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Com- pany of Texas. He enlisted Sept. 20, 1917, at San Antonio, Texas, as first lieutenant in the Signal Corps, unassigned, and was promoted to the rank of captain. He was executive officer at Camp Morse for some time, but was trans- ferred to Camp Meade. He had much to do with the wiring of the camps in Texas. He died of influenza at Camp Meade, Md., Oct. 7, 1918. JOHN ALVORD ROSE Sergeant, Chemical Warfare Service. 1911 Born June 20, 1888. Prepared at the high school at Concord, Mass. After leaving college, he was a chem- ist with the Arthur Little Analytical Chemists Co., and later became assistant state gas inspector. He was a corporal in the Massachusetts National Guard. He enlisted as a corporal in the Chemical Warfare Service, Oct. 3, 1917, was promoted to sergeant and to sergeant first class, and his commission was pending at the time of his death. He was stationed for a while with the Ambulance Service at Allentown, Pa., but was sent overseas in January, 1918. He was one of ten men selected to go to London to supervise the manufacture of gas masks. While there he perfected the canister of the gas masks. He was returning from a furlough in Ireland on the R. M. S. Leinster, when the ship was torpedoed on Oct. 10, 1918, and sunk. He was last seen struggling in the rough sea holding a girl above water. His body was recovered October 11, and was buried in Dublin, Ireland. WILLIAM THOMAS ST1LLMAN Quartermaster 3d Class, U. S. N. R. F. 1911 Born Aug. 3, 1888. Prepared at the high school in Bridgeport, Conn. While in college, he was vice-presi- dent of his class junior and senior years. He was a member of Psi Upsilon and Dragon. After graduation he worked for Hincks Bros. & Co., bond dealers in Bridgeport. In 1913 he became assistant manager of the Hartford office of the American Surety Company, and in 1916 became manager of their Providence office. He enlisted as quartermaster 3d class, in the U. S. N. R. F., May 1, 1918, and was assigned to the Naval Training Station at Newport. He was put on the oil tanker S. S. Frederick R. Kellogg to study navigation before going to an officers' training school and was on board when it was torpedoed by a German submarine off Barnegat, N. J., Aug. 13, 1918. He was killed, but his body was recovered and taken home for burial. 1912 ROLL OF HONOR HAROLD FRANCIS JACOBUS First Lieutenant, Field Artillery. 1912 I Born Sept. 16, 1890. Prepared at the high school in Turners Falls, Mass. While in college he was espe- cially noted for his musical ability and for a time at- tended Montreal College, Montreal, Canada, to perfect himself in music. At Dartmouth he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. After graduation he accepted a po- sition with the Travellers' Insurance Company, working for them in Hartford, Conn., Springfield, Mass., and Kansas City, Mo. He was advanced to the position of cashier, which position he was holding in Kansas City at the time of his enlistment. He enlisted May 12, 1917, in the Officers' Training Camp at Ft. Riley, Kan., and was commissioned second lieutenant Aug. IS, 1917. The adjutant was compelled to be absent from the post a great deal, and when he was away Lieut. Jacobus was acting adjutant, a position of importance, since it handled practically all the business of the post. He was transferred to Camp Funston where he became assistant adjutant and intelligence officer for the 342nd Field Artillery. He was later sent to Camp Custer, where he was promoted to first lieutenant and assigned to the 342nd Field Artillery, with which unit he went to France in May, 1918. This unit saw much hard service and was made part of the Army of Occupation. Because of his knowledge of French and German, he was made billeting officer and reconnais- sance officer of his battery in charge of the preparation of maps. He was taken ill in Alsdorf, Germany, and sent back to the hospital at Treves, Franch, where he died Dec. 24, 1918, of pneumonia. HOWARD BURCHARD LINES 1912 Ambulance Driver, American Field Service. Born in 1890. Prepared at Anglo-Saxon School in Paris. At college he was a member of the Cercle Fran- cais, on the Jack-O'-Lantern board and manager of the Gun Team. He was also a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and Round Robin. After graduation he enter- ed Harvard Law School. Immediately after receiving his degree in 1915 from Harvard, he returned to France. In France he joined the American Field Service as an ambulance driver, S. S. U. 1 and 8, in which capacity he served until the time of his death, with the excep- tion of a few months in the spring of 1916 when he returned to the United States for a visit. In the sum- mer of 1916 he underwent an operation for appendicitis and another for an injury acquired through lifting loaded stretchers, then was in a hospital for weeks with chicken pox and grippe, but as soon as possible he returned to the front. Shortly before Christmas he caught a cold which developed into pneumonia, from which he died Dec. 23, 1916. He was buried on Christmas Day with full military honors, in the Argonne near Verdun. On Jan. 11, 1917, he was cited in army orders of the day as follows : "Devoted and courageous, he was sent to the rear ill. He returned again to the front after his recovery, contracted a grave malady, and died for France." He was awarded the Croix de Guerre posthumously. Sufficient money was collected from his classmates and friends to endow a bed in a French hospital in his memory. 56 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1912 WILLIAM WHIPPLE POOLE, JR. 1912 Private, Infantry. Born Sept. 10, 1889. Prepared at the high school in Westbrook, Me. While in college he was a member of the Glee Club and also took part in the production of "Oedipus Tyrannus." He belonged to Theta Delta Chi. After graduation he was connected with different paper manufacturing firms in Maine and in Kalamazoo, Mich. He enlisted April 27, 1918, and was sent to Camp Custer. Within three months he was sent overseas as a private with the 329th Machine Gun Battalion, which went to France as a replacement unit. Then he was assigned to the 165th Infantry of the Rainbow Division. On Sept. 12, 1918, his unit went into action in the St. Mihiel offensive, a few miles north of Toul, between Seicheprey and St. Baussant, and he was killed on that day by machine gun fire as he was using his automatic rifle to cover an advance against machine gun nests. ROBERT GREENLEAF DURGIN 1913 Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps. Born Tune 27, 1890. Prepared at Exeter Academy. After graduation he was associated with his father in the grocery business. He enlisted June 2, 1917, in the Coast Artillery Corps and received his training at Fort Stark and Fort Con- stitution. On Jan. 5, 1918, he went to Fortress Monroe, Va., where he attended the third Officers' Training Camp. He was commissioned second lieutenant Mar. 27, 1918, and sent back to Fort Constitution, where he stayed until September, 1918, when he was transferred to Camp Mills. He was assigned to the 73d Regt, C. A. C, sometime in July, 1918. He sailed for France in September, 1918, but was taken ill with influenza and pneumonia on the way. He died Oct. 4, 1918, and was buried at sea. ERROL DWIGHT MARSH 1913 Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Born July 19, 1889. Prepared at Worcester Academy. He belonged to Psi Upsilon. After leaving college, he went into the manufacturing business with his father. He enlisted in the summer of 1917 and went to Platts- burg, where he was commissioned second lieutenant on Aug. 15, 1917. He was assigned to the 302nd Infantry at Camp Devens. He went overseas in July, 1918, and saw continuous service at the front until the time of his death. On October 8th, he was transferred to the 319th Infantry. He was killed in action in the Argonne Nov. 2, 1918. 1913 ROLL OF HONOR 57 AUSTIN BROWN NOBLE 1913 Corporal, Field Artillery Born Feb. 14, 1891. Prepared at Whitcomb High School, Bethel, Vt. After graduation from college, he taught in the high school in Manchester, N. H. He enlisted Oct. 2, 1917, as a private at Camp Devens in the 302nd Field Artillery. He was promoted to cor- poral Dec. 20, 1917. In July 1918, he went to France and saw active service from Nov. 1 to Nov. 11, 1918, be- tween Metz and Verdun. Some time in December he was taken ill with tubercular trouble and sent to Base Hospital No. 62, where he died Jan. 5, 1919. P^H K ^RJTbl ***> fl ;'f , -mm / : ' ■ ... CURTIS MELVIN PARKHURST 1913 Private, Signal Corps. Born Aug. 28, 1889. Prepared at Hanover High School. He stayed in college only about a year and a half, then worked in various places. At the outbreak of the war he was assistant superintendent for the Hartford Woolen Co., Hartford, Vt. He enlisted in April, 1917 and went to Camp Dev- ens where he was assigned to the 301st Field Signal Battalion. While at Camp Devens he was ill with measles and the grippe, then had an operation for mastoid abcess in February, 1918, and died of menin- gitis on Feb. 20, 1918. EARLE CUSHING STANLEY 1913 Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. Born July 12, 1891. Prepared at the high school in Rochester, N. H. At college he became a member of Delta Tau Delta. After graduation he was connected with the Paper Mills Company in Chicago. In the summer of 1917, he took the Military Stores Course at Tuck School and then enlisted in Septem- ber in the Quartermaster Corps with the rank of cor- poral. He was sent to Camp Johnston, where his train- ing led to his being made an instructor in the Officers' Training School. He was promoted to sergeant, and his captain wrote of him : "I recommended him for his commission, and he was to come up for his physical examination while he was ill in the hospital. He would certainly have been commissioned had he lived." He contracted typhoid fever and after a brief illness died July 2, 1918, at Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla. 58 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1914 WILLIAM EDWARD EMERY 1914 First Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Born June 30, 1890. After graduation from Dart- mouth Medical School, he studied at Harvard Medical School and then took up the practice of medicine in Bangor, Me. He enlisted in April, 1918 and was commissioned first lieutenant, April 29, 1918 in the Medical Reserve Corps. He went to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where he was assigned to the 4th Battalion, Officers' Training Camp. On June 11, 1918, he died of meningitis, fol- lowing an operation on his nose, in General Hospital No. 14. HENRY BRADLEY FROST First Lieutenant, Aviation. 1914 Born Aug. 8, 1892. Prepared at Arlington High School, Arlington, Mass. He was a member of the Freshman Hockey Team and later of the Varsity Hockey Team. He was a member of Kappa Kappa Kap- pa and Gamma Alpha. After graduation from Thayer School in 1915, he was connected with Swift and Com- pany until he went to the Mexican border with the Iowa State Guard. He enlisted in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps and trained at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology and at an aviation school in England. He Avas commissioned first lieutenant and was made flight com- mander of the 17th U. S. Aero Squadron. Except for a short furlough, he was on active duty in France from April 3 to Aug. 26, 1918. On the latter date he was leading his patrol in a battle with enemy planes when he fell behind the enemy's lines. For several months he was reported to be a prisoner in a German camp, but in February, 1919, the War Department announced that he had died the day he was shot down at Boursiers, France. GUY EDSON FULLER 1914 First Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps. Born Nov. 25, 1892. Prepared at Central High School, Springfield, Mass. After graduation from Tuck School in 1915, he was employed for two years by the New York Telephone and Telegraph Company. He then came back to Tuck School to take one of the special war courses. He was commissioned first lieutenant in the Quarter- master Corps and was stationed _ in Boston. ^ While home on leave, he was motoring with his fiancee, when the car in which they were riding skidded and over- turned into a river, pinning him beneath it. He died the next day, May 31, 1918, from the injuries he had received. 1914 ROLL OF HONOR 5D PHILLIPS HASKELL 1914 Seaman Second Class, Naval Aviation. Born April 30, 1892. Prepared at the High School, Wakefield, Mass., and Hebron Academy, Hebron, Me. While in college he took part in Prom Shows. He was a member of Gamma Delta Epsilon. After graduation he was connected with manufacturing firms in Glouces- ter, Mass. He enlisted in the Aviation branch of the United States Naval Reserve Force, as a seaman second class, Dec. 7, 1917, at Boston. He died of pneumonia at the Naval Hospital on Gallup's Island, Boston Harbor, Sept. 29, 1918. ROBERT TURNER KELLY 1914 Private, Engineers. Born Sept. 1, 1889. Prepared in the High School at Woodstock, Vt. After graduation he became a construction engineer and at the time of his enlistment held a responsible position with the New York Central Railroad. He entered service May 2, 1918, and was sent to Camp McPherson, Ala., but after about six weeks he was taken, on account of illness, to the Psychopathic Hospital in Atlanta, and on Aug. 23, 1918, he was granted an honorable discharge from the service for physical disability. He failed to improve, however, and was still in Atlanta when stricken with influenza, from which he died Oct. 16, 1918. RALPH HENRY KELSEY 1914 Private, Infantry (Machine Gun). Born March 15, 1891. Prepared at Stevens High School, Claremont, N. H. At college he sang in the College Choir and in the Glee Club. He was a mem- ber of Phi Sigma Kappa. After graduation he went into the florist business, but at the outbreak of the war - he was with the Woolworth Company in Binghamton, N. Y. He entered service in April, 1918, as a private in the 309th Machine Gun Company. After being trained in French camps, he was sent to the western front, where he was killed in action Oct. 16, 1918. 60 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1914 RALPH EMERSON SHOEMAKER 1914 Captain, Infantry. Born Oct. 8, 1890. Prepared at Bordentown Mili- tary Institute, Bord«ntown, N. J. At the end of fresh- man year he left Dartmouth and transferred to Lehigh. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. He enlisted as a private in the National Guard at the beginning of the war and won a captain's commission before sailing for France. He was assigned to the 114th U. S. Infantry. "At six o'clock on the morning of Oct. 10, 1918, Captain Shoemaker led his men over the top in the Argonne Forest. Although wounded in the left arm, he refused to leave his company and con- tinued to advance at their head until he finally fell with eight additional machine gun bullets in his body. His company, inspired by his example, pushed on and cleaned up the machine gun nests after six hours of fighting." EDWARD A. TROTTIER Coast Patrol. 1914 Born Aug. 4, 1887. Prepared at Kimball Union Academy. During his first semester he left Dartmouth and transferred to Bowdoin, graduating in 1914. After graduation, he learned the wool business and later be- came president of the Trottier, Ide & Co., Inc., Wool Merchants, of Boston. He was in South Africa buy- ing wool when notified to register for service. He immediately returned to the United States and enlisted in the U. S. Coast Patrol in August, 1918. He was stationed in a supply room at East Boston until he was taken ill with influenza. He died Sept. 23, 1918, at Brookline, Mass. GEORGE FRANCIS WATKINS Second Lieutenant, Infantry. 1914 Born May 20, 1893. Prepared at Brewster Academy, Wolfboro, N. H. At college he was a member of the football squad and belonged to Sigma Nu fraternity. After graduation he was connected with the Strath- more Paper Company at Mitteneague, Mass. He enlisted May 13, 1917, went to Plattsburg and was commissioned second lieutenant in the 165th In- fantry, 42nd Division, Aug. 15, 1917. He went to France in November, 1917, and was killed in action July 28, 1918. A friend describes the manner of his death as follows : "At the head of his men he charged against the most terrible machine gun fire, over the Ourcq, and up a hill on the other side, thus making it possible for the others to come up behind. It was when he reached the top of the hill that a bullet pierced his heart, and he died in- stantly. His body was found in the position in which he fell— ahead of his men, many of whom fell with him." He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously for his "example of courage and soldierly fortitude" during the engage- ment in which he was killed. 1915 ROLL OF HONOR Gl EDWIN LYLE ALDERSON 1915 Private, Infantry (Machine Gun). Born April 24, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Omaha, Neb. At college he was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He transferred from Dartmouth to Stan- ford University, where he took the pre-legal course and graduated in 1915. He was ready to be admitted to the bar as soon as his health permitted. At the out- break of the war he was manager of a lemon ranch near San Diego, Cal. He was accepted for service in the Fall of 1918, and ordered to a camp in Texas before going to the Officers' Training Camp at Louisville, Ky., for machine gun training. He was to entrain from San Diego in charge of the men from his district on the day the Armistice was signed. He contracted influenza at the time he was being inducted into the army and died after a brief illness on Dec. 13, 1918, at his home in Spring Valley, Cal. HENRY ELLIS BACON, JR. 1915 First Lieutenant, Infantry. Born Oct. 4, 1891. Prepared at the Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. At college he belonged to Sigma Al- pha Epsilon fraternity. He left Dartmouth during his freshman year. He enlisted in the Regular Army and was commis- sioned second lieutenant and assigned to the 21st In- fantry. Later he transferred to the 44th Infantry, as first lieutenant and battalion adjutant of the 2nd Bat- talion. He served as an instructor at Camp Lewis. He died of a gun shot wound in the chest, Dec. 19, 1918, at Ledderman General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. CHARLES EDWARD BISHOP Private, Infantry. 1915 Born Aug. 15, 1893. Prepared at Templeton High School, Templeton, Mass. He was a member of the Honor Group sophomore and junior years. After grad- uation he taught school and studied at the University of Chicago. Later he became a clerk in a bank in Ligonier, Indiana. He entered service Sept. 10, 1918, in the 5th Limited Service Regiment at Camp Grant. He died of pneu- monia Oct. 4, 1918, at Camp Grant. 62 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 JAMES LLOYD CHURCHELL 1915 Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. — Chief Quartermaster, Naval Aviation. Born Oct. 19, 1891. Prepared at Mercersburg Acad- emy, Mercersburg, Pa. He left college at the end of his freshman year and became associated with his fath- er in the coal business and with the Dyneto Electric Company as a traveling salesman. He enlisted June 6, 1917, at Newport, R. I., as a seaman in the U. S. N. R. F. He was assigned to a mine layer, but later he transferred to Naval Aviation. He was training at Pensacola, Fla., when he was killed in a seaplane accident, Aug. 29, 1918. He was very nearly ready for his commission when he and D. G. Wilcox, '19, went up with a flying instructor in a sea- plane. The machine fell 1500 feet in a tail spin and both he and Wilcox were killed when it crashed into the bay. FREDERIC DREW DAY Sergeant, Engineers. 1915 Born Aug. 28, 1893. Prepared at Newton High School. While in college he was a member of the Mandolin Club, and was on the Jack-O'-Lantern Board his junior year and Art Editor senior year. He was a member of Sigma Chi. After graduation he was with Blodget & Co., Bankers. He enlisted July, 1916, in the First Corps Cadets, Boston. Later he became a sergeant in Co. A of the 101st Engineers, 26th Division. He died of meningitis in France in January, 1918. RICHARD NELVILLE HALL Ambulance Driver, American Field Service. 1915 Born May 18, 1894. Prepared at Ann Arbor High School. He spent one year at the University of Mich- igan, then transferred to Dartmouth. He was a mem- ber of Alpha Delta Phi. Immediately after graduation he enlisted in the American Field Service and went to France with other Dartmouth men. He was assigned to S. S. U. 3 and served in the Vosges Mountains in Alsace. His time was up in November, but he remained on duty, wait- ing until his brother, Louis P. Hall, Jr., '11, should complete his period of enlistment. On Christmas Eve, 1915, he started alone up the mountain to get his load of wounded for the last time from the poste de secours for Hartmannsweilerkopf. A shell struck his car and killed him instantly. He was the first American to die in the American Field Service. He was buried with honors of war in Alsace and the Croix de Guerre pinned on the flag that cov- ered the coffin. 1915 ROLL OF HONOR 63 HENRY INGERSOLL INGERSOLL 1915 Private, Infantry. Born Aug. 15, 1893. Prepared at Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn. Attended Dartmouth only one year. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi. After leaving college he was a salesman for Marden, Orth and Hast- ings, dealers in dyestuffs, Newark, N. J. He enlisted in August, 1917, in the 107th Infantry and went overseas in May, 1918, being in Flanders practically all the time until his death. He was in the fighting at Mont Kemmel. After being in the front line trenches for about a month, he died in a casual- ty clearing station of the British Expeditionary Force on Sept. 15, 1918. ALLEN SCOTT NORTON 1915 Ambulance Driver, Ambulance Service. Born Dec. 22, 1893. Prepared in the high school at Hudson Falls, N. Y. While in college he played in the Freshman Mandolin Club, and in the Varsity Man- dolin Club his last three years. He was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He received his master's degree from Dartmouth in 1916 and taught German at Dart- mouth 1916-1917. He enlisted June 25, 1917 in the U. S. A. Ambulance Service and was assigned to Section 562. He was pro- moted from private 1st class to sergeant. The Sec- tion was sent to France, where he died Oct. 23, 1918. ELMER FORREST THYNG 1915 Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Born May 15, 1893. Prepared at the high school at Everett, Mass. He transferred to Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology for one semester only, in his sophomore year. He was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. After graduation he was shipping supervisor for the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, Youngs- town, O. He enlisted May 6, 1917, and was commissioned sec- ond lieutenant in August, 1917. He was sent to an ar- tillery school in France from January to June, 1918. He saw active service at St. Mihiel and Chateau-Thier- ry. In October, 1918, he was sent back to the United States as a courier, then was instructor of artillery fire at Fort Sill until Dec. 20, 1918, when he was dis- charged. He died of pneumonia at Youngstown, O., Jan. 16, 1919. 64 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 WILLIAM HENRY TOWNSEND First Lieutenant, Aviation. 1915 Born April 28, 1892. Prepared at the high school in Wyoming, 111. He was a member of Sigma Nu, and was elected class poet. After graduation he was con- nected with the J. Walter Thompson Company, Adver- tising, New York City. He enlisted July 4, 1917, in the Royal Flying Corps at Toronto, Can. He was commissioned second lieu- tenant October, 1917, and first lieutenant, March, 1918. He received his training in Canada, England and Scot- land, then was sent to France. On April 23, 1918, when he had been at the front only three weeks, he was returning from a bombing expedition early in the evening when his plane burst into flames only 200 feet up and crashed. The anti-aircraft fire had been heavy that afternoon and it is thought by members of the squadron that his plane was hit. He was unconscious when picked up and died in the hospital two hours later. ALAN FREDERICK WAITE 1915 Captain, Infantry. Born June 13, 1894. Prepared at Yonkers High School, Yonkers, N. Y. At college he took part in the Prom Show freshman year and was a member of the Dramatic Association junior and senior years. He was a member of Theta Delta Chi. After graduation he studied law at Columbia University. He enlisted May 14, 1917, in the Infantry and went to the Plattsburg training camp, where he was com- missioned second lieutenant in the Machine Gun Com- pany of the 105th Regiment. He then went to Camp Wadsworth and to Newport News, where he received his promotion to first lieutenant and was made Bat- talion Adjutant with the 372nd Infantry and sent to France. Just subsequent to passing his examinations for a captain's commission he was killed in action on Sept. 29, 1918. LAURENCE SANDERSON AYER Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. 1916 Born Sept. 2, 1893. Prepared at the high school, Fitchburg, Mass., where he was president of his class. While at Dartmouth he became a member of Kappa Kappa Kappa. After graduation he was city play- ground instructor for one season at Fitchburg, and then wa9 connected with the Graton & Knight Leather Manufacturing Company in Worcester, Mass. He enlisted April 28, 1917, and was sent to the Offi- cers' Training Camp at Plattsburg, where he received his commission of second lieutenant Aug. 14, 1917, in the Field Artillery. He went to France in September and was sent to various artillery schools. On Jan. 7, 1918, he was assigned to the 103d Field Artillery. Be- fore daybreak on the morning of April 2, 1918, he was standing behind his gun, at Madres near Toul, directing fire against the Germans who were shelling his position, when a shell landed directly in front of him, killing him instantly. 1916 ROLL OF HONOR 65 KARL EUGENE DIMICK 1916 Second Lieutenant, Infantry. Born April 26, 1894. Prepared at Boston Latin School. He attended Dartmouth a year and a half, then went to McGill University to study medicine. At Dartmouth he was a member of Kappa Kappa Kappa. In May, 1917, he went to Plattsburg and received his training in the Officers' Training Camp, where he was commissioned second lieutenant in November, 1917. In December he was sent to Camp Dix and assigned to the 309th Infantry, with which he went to France in May, 1918. After reaching France he was detached from his regiment and sent to the Officers' Automatic Arms Training School for a time. When he rejoined his regiment he was made billeting officer. On or about Sept. 16, 1918, he was wounded in the neck by shrapnel and died Sept. 19th. CECIL WINFRED FOGG 1916 Corporal, Engineers. Born Aug. 28, 1892. Prepared at the high school in Hyde Park, Mass. At college he was a member of Kappa Sigma. After leaving Dartmouth he became a bank clerk in the Metropolitan Trust Company. He enlisted May 8, 1917, in the 101st Engineers. He was promoted to corporal after reaching France. While the Engineers were acting as infantry in the drive of July 18, 1918, at Chateau-Thierry, he received a shell wound. Two days later, July 20, 1918, he died in the Field Hospital at La Ferte-sous-Jouane. OSBORNE PROCTER FRIEND 1916 Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. — Ensign, Naval Aviation. Born July 25, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Gloucester, Mass. After graduation, he entered the employ of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. Later, he went to Brooklyn, N. Y., where he became a department manager for the U. S. Rubber Company. He enlisted May 28, 1917, as a seaman second class in the U. S. N. R. F., but transferred to Naval Aviation and graduated from the aviation school at Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. He was sent to Bay Shore, L. I., and then to Philadelphia, where he con- tracted influenza which was followed by pneumonia. He died in the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia, Sept. 29, 1918. 6G DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1916 CHARLES RAYMOND JANES 1916 Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Born Jan. 1.1, 1895. Prepared at Francis W. Parker School, Chicago. At college he was a member of Kappa Sigma. In his senior year he was on the Honor List and received his degree cum laude. He enlisted in the Air Service and received his train- ing at various camps, being commissioned second lieutenant. At Fort Worth, Texas, he was instantly killed in an airplane accident Sept. 13, 1918. LYMAN RAY JORDAN 1916 Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Born Dec. 10, 1893. Prepared at Joliet High School, Joliet, 111. At Dartmouth he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Sigma Rho, The Arts, and Pa- laeopitus. He was on the Varsity Debating Team, and a member of the Lincoln-Douglas Debating Society, of which he was president his senior year. He was also president of the Dartmouth Christian Association. Af- ter graduation he studied law at Chicago University, but was obliged to give up on account of his health. He was a Y. M. C. A. secretary at Camp Grant from September to December, 1917, when his health failed again. He went to Tucson, Ariz., where he died of tuberculosis Oct. 15, 1918. WINFIELD SKIDMORE KNOWLES 1916 Sergeant, Signal Corps. Born June 20, 1892. Prepared at the high school in Lexington, Mass. While still in Hanover, he received training in various branches of signal corps work. He enlisted May 4, 1917, as a private and was at- tached to the 301st Field Signal Battalion. He was promoted to corporal Aug. 23, 1917, and to sergeant Dec. 11, 1917. On March 12, 1918, while at Camp Dev- ens, he was kicked by a horse and his skull fractured. He was taken to the base hospital, but meningitis de- veloped, causing his death April 3, 1918. 1916 ROLL OF HONOR 67 ALLEN DODGE LEWIS 1916 Private, Engineers. Born Oct. 5, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Manchester, N. H. At college he was prominent as an athlete, being a member of the Track Team and the Cross-Conntry Team. He belonged to Sigma Nu. After graduating from Thayer School in 1917, he was connected with the firm of H. S. Ferguson, consulting engineer, in New York City, and later was assistant engineer with the George Leary Construction Company, working on a dry dock at the Norfolk Navy Yard. He entered service June 29, 1918, as a private in the 1st Replacement Engineers, and was sent to the Offi- cers' Training Camp at Camp Humphreys, Va., where he died Oct. 13, 1918, after an illness of about three weeks. VERNON KELLOGG PENNY Private 1st Class, Cavalry. 1916 Born Dec. 26, 1891. Prepared at East High School, Rochester, N. Y. He was a member of Psi Upsilon. During his sophomore year he left Dartmouth and entered newspaper work, first as a member of the advertising staff of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and later of the New York Times. He went to the Mexican border with the New York National Guard. He enlisted June 15, 1917, as a private first class in Headquarters Troop, 27th Division Cavalry. He was stationed at Camp Wadsworth for several months and went to France in May, 1918. On the night of July 24, 1918, the troop was stationed in Oudezeele, France, about fifteen miles from Ypres. As one of the chauf- feurs was ill, a staff officer called for a volunteer to take him and another officer to Arneke about four miles away. Penny volunteered and was killed by a bomb from an airplane while carrying out the order. LOUIS FRANK PFINGSTAG 1916 Private ist Class, Aviation. Born Feb. 15, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Montclair, N. J. At college he sang in the College Choir and in the Glee Club. He was also a member of the Cross-Country Team, vice-president of the Out- ing Club and a member of the Dartmouth Christian Association Cabinet. After graduation he became an assistant traffic manager for the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in Pittsburgh. He enlisted in Aviation and passed his examination in December, 1918. While waiting to be called to a training camp, he was taken sick with pleurisy, the result of overwork, and died April 6, 1918, in a hos- pital in Pittsburgh. 68 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1916 CHESTER ALBERT PUDRITH First Lieutenant, Aviation. 1916 Born Tune 21, 1894. Prepared at Detroit Central High School, Detroit, Mich. At Dartmouth he was a member of the Freshman Football, Hockey and Track Teams, the Gym Team, and the Varsity Football Team. He was president of his class all four years and presi- dent of Palaeopitus. He belonged to Beta Theta Pi and to the Sphinx Senior Society. He won the Archi- bald Athletic Prize and the John Barrett Ail-Round Achievement Prize. After graduation he was secre- tary of the Albert F. Pudrith Roofing Company. He enlisted May 2, 1917 and went to the Officers' Training Camp at Camp Sheridan where he transferred from Infantry to Artillery and then to Aviation. He was commissioned first lieutenant and sent to other camps in the United States, and to England. He and his friend, Lieutenant Middleditch of Detroit, had just won their aviator's wings at Oxford and on March 12, 1918 decided to make one more visit at a previous training quarters before leaving for France. Lieutenant Middleditch was driving the plane with Lieutenant Pudrith as passenger, when the plane dipped and fell 300 ft. to the earth. Lieutenant Middleditch was killed instant- ly, and Lieutenant Pudrith was taken to a hospital in Lincoln, where he died seven weeks later, April 30, 1918, as a result of the injuries received. HAROLD BRIDGMAN STEDMAN 1916 Private, Ordnance. Born Aug. 28, 1893. Prepared at the high school in Holyoke, Mass. At college he received Honorable Mention in French and Latin, was in the Third Honor Group junior year, and was a member of El Centro Espanol and of Cercle Francais. After gradua- tion he was connected with the Crocker-McElwain Co. in Holyoke for a time. Then he studied stenography and obtained a secretarial position with the War Per- sonnel Board of the Y. M. C. A. in New York City. He tried repeatedly to enlist, but was not accepted until Sept. 27, 1918, -when he succeeded in being in- ducted into the Ordnance Department. He was sent to Fort Slocum, where he contracted influenza and died of pneumonia Oct. 9, 1918. ELLSWORTH OLMSTEAD STRONG Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. 1916 Born July 12, 1894. Prepared at the high school, Newton, Mass. While in college, he was a member of the Dramatic Club, the Dartmouth Christian Associa- tion Cabinet, the Press Club, and Psi Upsilon. After graduation he was a reporter on the Boston Tran- script and later did advertising work with the Inter- national Magazine Company. He attended the R. O. T. C. at Plattsburg during the summer of 1917 and was commissioned second lieu- tenant Aug. IS, 1917. He was sent to Camp Upton in the 152nd Depot Brigade, attached to the 77th Division. Later, he was transferred to the 305th Field Artillery and went to France in the spring of 1918. On August twenty-fourth he was detailed to go forward to the infantry line as the representative of the artillery. The former representative had just been killed and it was acknowledged to be a dangerous mission. On carrying out the order the following day he was hit by a shell and instantly killed, and two of the men of his party se- verely wounded, Aug. 25, 1918. 1916 ROLL OF HONOR 69 RUSSELL DEXTER TIBBETTS 1916 Ensign, Naval Aviation. Born Jan. 17, 1893. Prepared at Central High School, Washington, D. C. After leaving college he accepted a position as bank clerk and began the study of law. Later he became part owner of a Ford auto agency which he opened in Washington and in which he had completed a successful business year at the time of his enlistment. He enlisted April, 1918, as a cadet in Naval Avia- tion. He graduated from the Naval Ground School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was licensed as a qualified pilot. He completed his flying course at the naval training station at Pensacola, Florida, where he was commissioned ensign, and sent to the Naval Air Station at Cape May, N. J. On Oct. 8, 1918, he was lost at sea in seaplane No. 1210, while on patrol as pilot. In the course of a lapse of time of three minutes his plane was lost sight of by the observer in his companion's machine. This machine immediately turned retraced the course and made a careful search in the endeavor to locate him, but without success. The seaplane was last seen thirty miles northeast of Ocean City, Md., and twenty miles off shore. It is thought that because of some accident the plane with its three occupants fell into the sea and sank. No trace of it was found, although a thorough search was conducted for days afterwards. WALTER YORK 1916 Ambulance Driver, Norton-Harjes Ambulance Corps — Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Born Jan. 13, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Somerville, Mass. At college he was a member of the football squad and of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. In February, 1916, he left college and sailed for France, where he enlisted in the Norton-Harjes Ambu- lance Corps, attached to the 21st Division of the French Army, March 2, 1916. He served three months during the terrific fighting at Verdun and three months in the Champagne. After a short visit to the United States he returned for an additional four months in the same service. Returning to America just after the United States had declared war, he enlisted in the United States naval aviation corps and was one of the first twenty to begin training at Squantum in May 1917. In June he secured his discharge and returned to France, where he joined the Lafayette Flying Corps, June 18, 1917. After training* at various schools he went to the front in the winter. He was promoted to corporal, Dec. 2, 1917, to sergeant, Jan. 15, 1918, and received a commission as second lieutenant Oct. 11, 1918. He was one of the very few Americans who were commissioned in the Lafayette Flying Corps. He was officially accredited with 122 hours over the German lines and was decorated with the Croix de Guerre with palm. In December, 1918, he returned to the United States on leave. He never went back to France, securing his discharge from the French Army through French authorities in this country. On the trip home he was taken ill with pneumonia and never fully recovered his health. He died of tuberculosis at Saranac Lake, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1921. It was only when he became seriously ill, that he told of the fact that he had been gassed while driving an ambu- lance in France. 70 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 JOSEPH WELCH EMERY, JR. First Lieutenant, Infantry. 1917 Born Jan. 12, 1896. Prepared at the high school in Quincy, 111. At college he was on the Freshman Foot- ball Team, the Freshman Golf Team, the Varsity Track Team and the Varsity Football Team. He was a member of the Third Honor Group and was vice- president of his class for. two years. He belonged to Phi Gamma Delta and Sphinx. He entered the Plattsburg training camp in May, 1917 and was commissioned second lieutenant in Au- gust. He was assigned to the 9th Infantry, with which unit he sailed for France on Sept. 6, 1917. After spe- cial training in signal work, he was sent to the front with his regiment. On July 18, 1918, he voluntarily joined an assaulting battalion, near Vierzy, as platoon leader of a company which was short of officers. When all the other officers had become casualties, he took command of the company and while rushing an enemy position at the head of his men, he was killed by machine gun bullets. For his heroism he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously. CLARK AARON GOUDIE 1917 Private, Engineers. Born Sept. 11, 1895. Prepared at the high school, Lisbon, N. H. At college he played on the Freshman Basketball Team. He was a member of Cosmos Club. He enlisted Oct. 26, 1917, as a private in the 29th Engineers, Topographical Division. He died in Evacu- ation Hospital No. 7 of acute ulcerative colitis, on Aug. 14, 1918. HARLEY ALEXANDER HAMILTON 1917 Private, Infantry. Born March 18, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Great Falls, Mont. At Dartmouth he played in the College Band. He enlisted July 16, 1918, as a private in the 307th Infantry, with which unit he went to France. He died Oct. 7, 1918, of wounds received in action at Le Four de Paris in the Argonne. 1917 ROLL OF HONOR 71 THOMAS BROWNE McGUIRE 1917 Private, Aviation. Born July 21, 1892. Prepared at Lewis Institute, Chicago, and Phillips Exeter Academy. In college he was a member of Psi Upsilon. After graduation from college he underwent train- ing for Aviation, passed his examinations for entrance into the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps, and at the time of his death had been recommended for a lieu- tenancy and was waiting the call for officers' training. In January, 1918, Chicago traffic was badly obstructed by a blizzard and volunteers were called to clear away the snow. McGuire offered his services and while working on the railroad tracks, Jan. 15, 1918, was killed by a train that approached through the snow without warning. DONALD McNUTT 1917 First Lieutenant, Infantry. Born March 21, 1896. Prepared at the high school in Berlin, N. H. After leaving college, he became assistant steward on the S. S. Calamores, in the em- ploy of the United Fruit Company. He enlisted May IS, 1917, in the 109th Infantry. After training at various camps, he was commissioned sec- ond lieutenant and later promoted to first lieutenant. He sailed for France May 3, 1918. On July 16th, he was fatally wounded while on a patrol, trying to learn the exact location of the German machine gun posi- tions. He was caught by machine gun fire when almost within his own lines and wounded so seriously that he died shortly after reaching a hospital. PAUL GANNETT OSBORN 1917 Ambulance Driver, American Field Service. Born June 24, 1894. Prepared at the high school at Montclair, N. J. At college he played on the Freshman Hockey Team and on the Varsity Baseball Team. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and Sphinx. He sailed for France May 5, 1917, as an ambulance driver with the American Field Service, Section 28, which was stationed near Moronvilliers, Champagne. On June 22, 1917, while on early morning duty, his car was struck by a shell and he was severely wound- ed. He was rushed to an emergency hospital, where he died June 26, 1917. Just before his death, he was decorated with the Croix de Guerre with palm and the Medaille Militaire. 72 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 HERMAN STOCKMAN ROBINSON First Class Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. 1917 Born Oct. 2, 1893. Prepared at the high school in Gloucester, Mass. At Dartmouth he became a member of Chi Phi. He left college after two years and enter- ed the employ of the United States Rubber Company in New York City and later went to the Remington Arms Company at New Haven, Conn. He enlisted as second class seaman in the United States Naval Reserve Force in December, 1917. He was promoted to first class seaman. As a member of the armed guard of the U. S. S. Ziuerdyzk, he made seven trips overseas. At the end of six months of service he was recommended for entrance to an ensign school and sent to Brooklyn to await further instruc- tions. While there he contracted pneumonia and died after a short illness, Nov. 24, 1918. MAURICE GORDON SMITH 1917 Flying Cadet, Aviation. Born June 24, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Leominster, Mass., and at Colby Academy. At col- lege he played on the Freshman Football Team and in his sophomore year he made his "D" on the Varsity Team. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta. At the end of two years he transferred to the University of Valparaiso, Indiana. After graduation he was em- ployed by the United States Steel Corporation in Gary, Ind. He enlisted in the Aviation Service and received training at Princeton University and Taliaferro Field, Camp Hicks, Fort Worth, Tex. While flying on April 9, 1918, he was killed when his machine got into a tail spin at a height of 2,000 feet and crashed to the ground. AFTON EUGENE WHEELER Sergeant, Ordnance. 1917 Born Aug. 19, 1894. Prepared at Cambridge Latin School, Cambridge, Mass. He enlisted as a private in the Ordnance Corps July 31, 1917. He was later promoted to sergeant. After training at various arsenals, he sailed for France Nov. 26, 1917. The story of his death in September, 1918, is told in the citation for the Distinguished Service Cross : "When fire broke out in a wood where a sal- vage detachment was encamped, seriously endanger- ing the lives of 200 men because of their proximity to a pile of salvage German high-explosive 155-millimetre shells, Sergt. Wheeler and Priv. Willie J. Walker voluntarily ran to the scene of the fire and attempted to extinguish the flames, fully aware of the grave dan- ger to themselves; they fought the fire with blankets and sticks, but in spite of their heroic and self-sacrific- ing efforts, the fire quickly spread to the shells. Both men were killed by the explo- sion that followed." 1918 ROLL OF HONOR 73 RODNEY DONNELL BROWN 1918 Sergeant, Ordnance. Born Aug. 6, 1896. Prepared at the high school at Gloucester, Mass. He enlisted in the Ordnance Department and took the Military Stores Course at Dartmouth. He was as- signed to Headquarters Co. of the 301st Engineers and was promoted to ordnance sergeant. In January, 1918, he went overseas with the 76th Division and saw ser- vice at the front in the Toul sector and in the St. Mihiel offensive. In October he was taken ill with pneumonia and died after a short sickness, Oct. 26, 1918. GEORGE MINOT CAVIS 1918 First Lieutenant, Caast Artillery Corps. Born Dec. 7, 1895. Prepared at Phillips Andover Academy. At Dartmouth he was a member of Sigma Chi. After leaving college he was an assistant in the store of Cavis Bros. Co., Bristol, N. H. He enlisted in the spring of 1917 in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Harvard. In December he enlisted in the Coast Artillery Corps and was sent to Fortress Monroe, Va., for training until April 1, 1918. He received his commission of second lieutenant and was assigned to Fort Andrews, Boston Harbor, to train men in artillery service. He was later promoted to first lieutenant. While at Camp Devens for a short course of special study, he contracted influenza and was allowed to go home to Bristol, where he died of pneumonia Oct. 5, 1918. WILLIAM WENDELL DRABBLE 1918 Sergeant, Infantry. Born Nov. 13, 1894. Prepared at Barringer High School, Newark, N. J. At college he was on the Freshman Cross-Country and Track Teams and the Varsity Cross-Country Team. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. He enlisted May 7, 1917, as a private in the 107th In- fantry, and was later promoted to sergeant. In France he was in some of the most furious fighting in which American troops participated. He was severely wound- ed on Sept. 29, 1918, in the battle of the Hindenburg Line and died in a French casualty clearing station on Oct. 10, 1918. 74 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 HAROLD FIELD EADIE Second Lieutenant, Infantry. 1918 Born Aug. 22, 1893. Prepared at Phillips Andover Academy. At Dartmouth he was captain of the Fresh- man Football Team and played on the Freshman Base- ball Team. During sophomore year he was a member of the Varsity football and baseball squads. He join- ed Psi Upsilon fraternity. He enlisted in May, 1917, and was sent to Platts- burg for training. He was commissioned second lieu- tenant and assigned to the 103d Infantry, with which unit he went overseas in the fall of 1917. In France he was given a very responsible position in the train- ing area, acting as the medium of communication be- tween American troops and the French authorities in the town in which he was stationed. When his com- mand left for the front, he was relieved of his duty in the rear and detailed to the front with his regiment. Shortly before an expected German raid, he was making his rounds under shell fire to see that his men were properly prepared and protected, when he was struck by a German shell. He died as a result of this wound on March 1, 1918. For bravery and devotion to duty he was awarded the Croix de Guerre. LLOYD FREDERICK EMERSON 1918 Private, Signal Corps. Born Feb. 8, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Lebanon, N. H., and at Phillips Exeter Academy. At Dartmouth he was a member of the Dramatic Asso- ciation and took part in the Prom Shows. He belonged to Theta Chi. He enlisted in June, 1917, as a private in the 301st Field Signal Battalion, and was sent to Camp Devens for training. He went to France in July, 1918.. On September 22nd he was taken ill with spinal menin- gitis and died Sept. 25, 1918. STANLEY HILL 1918 Ambulance Driver, American Field Service — United States Army Ambulance Service. Born Dec. 18, 1896. Prepared at the high school in Lexington, Mass. He enlisted in the first Dartmouth unit of the American Field Service, Section 28, May 15, 1917. In October he was transferred to the U. S. Army Ambu- lance Service, remaining with his old section, which became section 640. During the second battle of the Marne, in the German offensive about Reims, he was fatally wounded by a shell, while driving his ambu- lance, on the night of July 15, 1918, and died in the hospital at Le Veuve, Aug. 14, 1918. He was twice decorated, first with the Croix de Guerre with palm, and later with the Medaille Militaire. 1918 ROLL OF HONOR 75 LESTER LORD HORTON Private, Tank Corps. 1918 Born Sept. 8, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Leominster, Mass. At Dartmouth he was a member of Kappa Sigma. He enlisted as a private in the Tank Corps in Sep- tember, 1918, and was sent to Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa., for training. He had been in camp only three weeks when he was taken ill with influenza and pneu- monia, from which he died Sept. 30, 1918. GEORGE OURAY KANE 1918 Private, S. A. T. C. Born July 1, 1897. Prepared at Kemper Military Academy, Boonville, Mo. At college he was a member of Kappa Sigma. He enlisted in the S. A. T. C. at Dartmouth in October, 1918. On Nov. 21, 1918 he died in Hanover of hemorrhage of the lungs. THERON VICTOR LEHMAN Cadet, Naval Aviation. 1918 Born Dec. 16, 1895. Prepared at the Glenville High School in Cleveland, O. At college he played on the Freshman Football Team and the Varsity Football Team his senior year. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and Dragon. In his senior year he was elected marshal of his class. After graduation he was em- ployed in the Research Department of Fuller and Smith Advertising Company, was with the McKenny Steel Company for a time and later became a clerk in the Post Office. He enlisted in the Naval Air Service in 1918 and attended the training school at Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. He contracted chronic dysentery while in training and died Sept. 6, 1920 in Cleveland, O. 76 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 FREDERICK WILLIAM PURDON, JR. 1918 Landsman, Naval Aviation. Born June 19, 1896. Prepared at the Classical High School, Lynn, Mass. He was a member of Cosmos Club. He enlisted in the Quartermaster's Department of Naval Aviation, July 8, 1918, and was called to service September 13th. He was to leave for South Carolina the same day, but on account of the influenza epidemic, all his group were sent home. He himself contracted influenza and died in Lynn, Sept. 29, 1918. EUGENE CHARLES TIRRELL 1918 Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. Born Nov. 17, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Chelsea, Mass. At Dartmouth he played on the Fresh- man Baseball Team and was a member of Phi Kappa Psi. He enlisted April 13, 1917, as quartermaster third class in the United States Naval Reserve Force. He received training at Bumkin Island and later was sent to the Ensign School at Harvard, from which he grad- uated as ensign, June 6, 1918. He was assigned to the U. S. S. Martha Washington, transporting troops to Brest. On his third trip overseas he was taken ill with influenza and pneumonia and died Oct. 1, 1918, at Na- val Base Hospital No. 5 in France. HENRY MURRAY WILLIAMS Private, Infantry (Machine Gun) — In 1918 ce Section. Born June 19, 1896. Prepared at the Soldan School, St. Louis, Mo. At Dartmouth he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. At the end of freshman year he transferred to the University of Missouri. He enlisted May 17, 1917, in the 5th Regiment of the Missouri National Guard and was inducted into federal service August 4th. He was first attached to the machine gun company of the 138th Infantry, but in April, 1918, was transferred to headquarters de- tachment of the 35th Division, Intelligence Section, as a divisional intelligence observer. In France his de- tachment saw service in the Gerardmer sector in the Vosges Mountains, in the advance to the St. Mihiel salient, and in the occupation of Vauquois in the bat- tle of the Argonne. The work of the detachment con- sisted in keeping well to the front in all actions in order to observe and report promptly, by runners, to the commanding general, all activities of the enemy. "On the morning of the 26th of September, 1918, Private Williams had already carried a message to Captain Gunther Meier, and on returning, he learn- ed that Major Sauerwein and his battalion were lost from communication with the General. He then volunteered to find the Major and hold back the infantry. It was on this mission that he was killed, wounded first by machine gun fire and then killed by shrapnel." 1919 ROLL OF HONOR 77 CHARLES PATRICK ANDERSON 1919 Camion Driver, American Field Service — First Lieu- tenant, Aviation. Born April 20, 1896. Prepared at the Howe School, Howe, Ind. He spent two years at the University of Illinois, transferring to Dartmouth in 1916. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He enlisted in the American Field Service in May, 1917, as an ambulance driver, but owing to lack of am- bulances, he was assigned to a munitions truck, which he drove for four months in France. Upon his re- lease, he entered a French school for aviation and later trained at Clermont-Farrand under American auspices. He was commissioned first lieutenant in the American Air Service and assigned to the 96th Aero Squadron, which was the first American bombing squadron to go into action at the front. On his last flight with three other planes, from Armanty, Sept. 16, 1918, he encountered a squadron of twenty-four German scout planes. His machine received a broadside from two enemy planes simultaneously and burst into flames, killing him and his companion instantly. CHARLES BACON 1919 Camion Driver, American Field Service — Private, Field Artillery. Born Nov. 6, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Waltham, Mass. At Dartmouth he was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. He enlisted in the American Field Service and sailed for France with the third Dartmouth unit, June 2, 1917. He served as a camion driver in Sections 184 and 526, T. M. U, until November 16th. When the Service was taken over by the American Army, he made re- peated efforts to enlist, but was rejected on account of defective eyesight. Finally, on Dec. 5, 1917, he was accepted and assigned to the 103d Field Artillery, 26th Division, as a cannoneer. He was constantly on duty until Oct. 24, 1918, when he was instantly killed beside his gun by an enemy shell. STAFFORD LEIGHTON BROWN 1919 Ambulance Driver, American Field Service — Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Born Oct. 25, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Newton, Mass. At Dartmouth he was a member of Phi Delta Theta. In 1916 he transferred to the Uni- versity of Vermont. He enlisted in the American Field Service as an ambulance driver, March 12, 1917, serving in Sections 17 and 19 for five months. Later, he enlisted in the Lafayette Flying Corps, in which he served until Sept. 12, 1917. Upon being released from the Flying Corps, he joined the U. S. Air Service and received a com- mission as second lieutenant. He was killed on Sept. 28, 1918, when his plane, because of a defect, crashed to the ground. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 PHILIP BERNARD FROTHINGHAM Ensign, Naval Aviation. 1919 Born Aug. 9, 1894. Prepared at the high school in Portland, Me., and at Hebron Academy. At college he was a member of Kappa Kappa Kappa. He enlisted in Naval Aviation shortly after the United States entered the war, and received training at various fields in Canada and the United States. He was commissioned ensign. For some time he was en- gaged in patrol work on the English coast, but later transferred to army aviation. After being trained in England for bombing work, he was sent to Dunkirk with a British bombing squadron for active service. This duty was followed by additional bombing training in Italy, after which he returned to France, crossing the Alps with the first flying squadron to make the trip by plane. He was killed Sept. 14, 1918, at St. Inglevert, France, when his plane caught fire. FRED COOK GILPATRIC, JR. 1919 Private, Infantry. Born March 8, 1897. Prepared at Boston Latin School. At Dartmouth he was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. He enlisted Sept. 3, 1918, as a private in the infantry, and was sent to the Central Officers' Training School at Camp Lee, Va., where he died of influenza on Sept. 27, 1918. ERNEST ARMAND GIROUX 1919 Sergeant, American Field Service — First Lieutenant, Aviation. Born Dec. 4, 1895. Prepared at the high school in Somerville, Mass. At college he joined Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. H He sailed for France, April 21, 1917, planning to drive an ambulance in the American Field Service. On arrival he found the need of drivers more urgent in the camion branch so served with Section 526, T. M. U., for three months, with the rank of sergeant. When the United States entered the war, he transferred to the Air Service and in February, 1918, was commis- sioned first lieutenant. He was one of ten flyers se- lected to do exhibition flying for General Pershing tj and Secretary of War Baker, when the latter visited H the front. In March he was sent to Paris for special aviation work and on April 7th was assigned to the 103d Pursuit Squadron, formerly the Lafayette Esca- dnlle. He made his last flight on May 22, 1918, when he was sho-t down in a combat with enemy planes, inside the German lines. For his last exploit he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, posthumously. His citation tells the story of the combat : Lieutenant Giroux, while on patrol with four other scout planes, attacked an enemy formation of eight monoplane machines. Two of Lieutenant Giroux's companions were forced to retire when their guns became jammed. Despite numerical superiority, Lieutenant Giroux continued the attack endeavoring to protect his leader until finally iorced down and killed." He was also awarded the Croix de Guerre ]., American Red Cross — Intelligence Service. Red Cross Ambulance 224, Sec. 42. Tr. to Bureau de la Presse, 1 Jan. '18, as Interpreter and Asst. Censor. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, Inf., Intelligence Dept., 7 Sept. '18. Overseas service, 15 Sept. '17 to 30 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Mayo, W. L., U. S. N. R. F. Yeoman 2nd CI., 13 Aug. '18. Pro- moted to Yeoman 1st CI., 1 Nov. '18; to Chief Yeoman, 1 May '19. Stationed at Hingham Naval Training Station and other places. Dis. 23 June '19. Montgomery, J. B., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 9 July '17. Promoted to Capt, 24 Nov. '18; later to Major. A. E. F., 9 Oct. '17 to 24 Mar. '19; England, France. St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne. Still in service, 24 July '19. Morris, G. M., Ordnance. Priv., 6 June '17, Ord. R. C. Com- missioned 1st Lt., 19 Sept. '17. Station- ed at Washington and other places. Dis. 15' Dec. '18. Moses, C. K., Aviation. Priv., 29 Aug. '17, 8th Aviation Det. Promoted to Corp., Nov. '17 ; to Sergt, Jan. '18; to Sergt.-Major, 18 Jan. '18. A. E. F., 2 Oct. '17 to 18 Feb. '19; Eng- land, France, Italy. Hospital term, 10 Feb. to 1 May '18. Dis. 18 Feb. '19. Needham, E., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned Capt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 329th Inf. A. E. F, 6 June '18 to 5 July '19; France, Germany. Dis. 9 July '19. Norris, E. R., Infantry. Enlisted Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '17; assigned to 165th Inf. A. E. F., 13 Jan. '18 to 27 July '18; France. Champagne Defensive ; Marne-Aisne Offensive. Wounded. Hos- pital term, 1 Aug. to 1 Oct. '18. Dis. 13 Aug. '19. Norris, J. O., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 304th F. A. Promoted to 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. Tr. to Army Artillery School as In- structor in telephones and communica- tions, 1 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 24 Apr. '18 to 19 June '19; France. Marne-Aisne Offensive, Aisne-Oise Offensive, Vesle River. Dis. 15 July '19. Norris, R. C, Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 20 July '17, Field Hospital 30. Promoted to Capt., 25 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 4 June '18 to 21 July '19; France, Luxembourg, Germany. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 28 Aug. '19. Odlin, L. A., Navy. Lt.. 1 July '17, Supply Corps. Pro- moted to Lt. Commander, 1 July '18. Asst. Supply Officer, U. S. Naval Avia- tion Forces, France; Supply Aide on Staff of Commander, U. S. Naval Air Stations, Ireland. Officer in charge, U. S. Naval Aviation Shipping Depot, Dublin. U. S. S. Charleston, U.S. S. Cap Finisterre. Overseas service, 6 May '18 to 5 May ? 19; France, Ireland. Parker, T. L., Field Artillery— Avia- tion. Enlisted 7 Dec. '15, 1st 111. Cav., fed- eralized as 2nd 111. Artillery, later 122nd F. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt , 12 May '17; assigned to Battery D, 122nd F. A. Commissioned 1st Lt., 17 Nov. '17. Detailed as Aerial Observer, sent to Aerial Observers' School, Fort Sill, Okla., and Mount Clemens, Mich. Assigned to 90th Aero Sqdn., 20 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 12 Sept. '18 to 11 Jan. '19; France. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Patten, W. S., Intelligence Service. Army Field Clerk, Hdqrs. A. E. F. France. Patterson, R. B., Cavalry. 2nd Lt., 30 Nov. '22, 1st Cav. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 1 July '16; to Capt., 15 Mav '17; to Major, 7 June '18. Tr. to Gen. Staff. A. E. F., June '19 to date; France. In regular army, 23 July '19. Paul, R. F., Infantry. Enlisted 22 Sept. '17. Promoted to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18; assigned to 3d Bn., 301st Inf., 76th Div., as Bn. Intelligence Officer. Tr. to 163d Inf., 41st Div., 6 Nov. '18; to 309th Inf., 78th Div., 17 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 6 July '18 to 23 May '19; England, France. Dis. 26 May '19. Pearson, J. W., U. S. N. R. F. Ensign, 18 Aug. '17, Pay Corps. Sta- tioned at Boston Navy Yard. Dis. 11 Mar. '19. Pease, H. W., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 24 Sept. '17. Attended Train- ing School. Ft. Monroe. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 24 Sept. '17; 1st Lt., 10 Oct. '18. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. 1911 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD li:{ Pendleton, W. I., Canadian Garrison Artillery. Enlisted 11 May '17, C. G. A, 3d Overseas Draft, H. & S. Artillery. Pro- moted to Bombardier, 19 May '17. Tr. to 11th C. G. A., 1 Nov. '17. C. E. F., 15 Sept. '17 to 14 Sept. '19; England, France, Belgium, Scotland. Arras and other engagements. Dis. 17 Sept. '19. Plant, T. C, Infantry. Priv., 26 Apr. '18, 309th Inf. Promot- ed to Corp., 4 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 5 June '18 to 31 May '19; France. St. Mihiel, Limey Sector. Meuse-Argonne. Gassed. Hospital term, 19 Oct. to 10 Dec. '18. Dis. 10 June '19. Pollard, F. D., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted 20 Sept. '17, A. S. M. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 July '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Poole, E. S., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 4 Sept. '18 to 3 July '19; France. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 11 July '19. Putnam, G. O., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 June '18. Attended F. A. Officers' Training School, Camp Tay- lor, 20 Aug. '18. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. Qua, F. M., U. S. N. R. F. Quartermaster 3d CI., 28 Nov. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 18 May '18. S. S. Vesta, U. S. S. Canton. Convoy duty, 24 Sept. '18 to 10 Jan. '19; Eng- land, Ireland. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Randerson, J. H., Aviation. Enlisted 3 Dec. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. Corps. Richardson, J. S., Jr., Aviation. Cadet, 3 May '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 22 Feb. '18, Observer. Assigned to 91st Aero Sqdn. 20 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 1 Mar. '18 to 15 Jan. '19; France. St. Mihiel, Verdun, Argonne. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Roberts, E. A., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 30 Mar. '17, M. G. Co., 6th Mass. Inf. Promoted to Corp., 12 June '17; to Sergt, 21 Dec. '17. Tr. to M. G. Co., 104th Inf., 28 Aug. '17. A. E. F. 27 Sept. '17 to 15 Apr. '19; England, France, Chemin des Dames Sector, Toul Sector, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Robinson, F. O. American Field Ser- vice — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted May '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to M. T. C, Oct. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Jan. '18; 1st Lt., 7 Oct. '18; Capt. } 8 May '19. Overseas, 10 June '17 to July '19; France, Belgium, Lux- embourg, Germany. Chemin des Dames, Cambrai, Somme Defensive, Aisne De- fensive, Montdidier-Noyon Defensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne- Marne Offensive, Somme Offensives, Oise-Aisne Offensive. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 12 July '19. Rollins, M. G., Infantry — Motor Trans- port Corps. Enlisted 26 Sept. '18, 13th Recruit Co. Tr. to Officers' Training Camp, Motor Co. No. 2, M. T. C, Camp Jos- eph E. Johnston. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. *Rose, J. A., Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Drowned when ship was torpedoed off coast of Ireland, 11 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Sanborn, H. P., Infantry — Motor Trans- port Corps. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 27 Nov. '17; 1st Lt., 22 July '18. Tr. to M. T. C. and sent to France as Staff Officer. A. E. F., Oct. '18 to 23 Sept. '19; France. Dis. 27 Oct. '19. Sargent, A. F., Medical Corps. Enlisted 25 Jan. '18. Attended Medi- cal Officers' Training Camp. Stationed at Walter Reed Gen. Hospital and other places. Dis. 30 Oct. '19. Saxton, R. H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 11 May '17, 57th M. G. Bn. Commissioned 1st Lt., 15 Aug. '17. Sta- tioned at Camp Dodge. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Scanlon, J. A., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 29 Jan. '18. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 11 July '19. Schaupp, J. M., Aviation. Priv. 1st. CI., 14 July '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., 19 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 21 Sept. '18 to 8 Feb. '19; France. Dis. 23 Feb. '19. 114 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1911 Shepherd, H. A., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T.) Yeoman 1st CI., 23 July '17, Deck Div., U. S. N. R. F. Promoted to Chief Yeoman, Oct. '17. Commissioned En- sign, May '18; Ensign, U. S. N. (T.), Sept. '18. U. S. S. Albany, U. S. S. Patricia, Receiving Ship, Philadelphia. Dis. 23 June '19. Sickman, J. E., Coast Artillery. Priv., 27 Dec. '17, 58th Art., C. A. C. Tr. Mar. '18, 10th E. N. Y. special duty, Art. Engrs. Office, Fort Totten, N. Y. Priv., 1st. CI., July '18. Tr. to Camp Upton, special duty under Med. C, 152nd Depot Brigade. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Stafford, E., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 13 May '17. Commissioned Capt., 14 Aug. '17. Assigned to Bat- tery F, 74th C. A. C, June '18, as Bat- tery Commander. A. E. F., 22 Sept. '18 to 22 Dec. '18; France. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Sterling, J. C, Ordnance. Enlisted 1 Oct. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 15 Jan. '18; Capt. 1 Sept. '18. Stationed at Washington. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. *Stillman, W. T v U. S. N. R. F. Killed when ship was torpedoed off Barnegat, N. J., 13 Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Stucklen, C. L., Aviation. Enlisted 23 Feb. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A. Stationed at Wash- ington. Dis. 20 May '19. Sullivan, W., Cavalry — Infantry (Ma- chine Gun). Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Cav., 18 June '17; recommis- sioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 16 Nov. '17, assign- ed to 305th M. G. Bn. Promoted to 1st Lt., 26 July '18 ; to Capt., 22 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 27 Mar. '18 to 25 Apr. '19; France. Baccarat Sector, Vesle Sector, Oise- Aisne Offensive. Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Dis. 10 May '19. Swain, D. W., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Boatswain's Mate, 25 Sept. '17. Office of Aide for Information. Com- missioned Ensign, 14 May '18. Sta- tioned at New York. Dis. 15 Mar. '19. Taylor, R. R., Field Artillery. Priv., 21 Sept. '18, F. A. Central Offi- cers' Training School. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. Thompson, W. S., Aviation. Cadet, 28 May '17. Attended Ohio State School Military Aeranoutics. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 25 Feb. '19. Thurber, G. F., Quartermaster Corps. 1st Lt., 15 Feb. '18. Promoted to Capt., 24 Aug. '18. Stationed with Hdqrs. Construction Div. of the Army, Washington. Dis. 5 May '19. Traitel, D. S., Engineers — Motor Trans- port Corps. Enlisted 12 Dec. '17, 437th Engrs. Promoted to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Tr. to M. T. C. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Tyson, B., Infantry. Priv., 13 July '17, 7th N. Y. Nat. Guard. Promoted to Corp., 18 Feb. '18. A. E. F., 9 May '18 to 26 Dec. '18; Bel- gium, France. Dickebusch Sector, Pre- liminary fighting for Hindenburg Line, Cambrai-St. Quentin Sector. Wound- ed. Hospital term, 29 Sept. '18 to 10 Feb. '19. Citation. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Waldron, L. ]., Aviation. Cadet, Feb. '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Welch, H. B., Field Artillery. Priv., 29 Apr. '18, 303d F. A. Promot ed to Priv. 1st CI., to Corp. A. E. F. 1 Aug. '18 to 16 Apr. '19; France. Marcheville Offensive, P i n t h e v i 1 1 e, Bulgneville, Bois de Harville Offensive. Dis. 1 May '19. Wheatley, F. E., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 4 Aug. '17, Med. R. C. Pro- moted to Capt, M. C, 28 Oct. '18; to Major, 20 May '19. Instructor, Boston School of Military Roentgenology, Camp Greenleaf School of Military Roentgenology, and Army Medical School, in charge of X-ray work. Dis. Aug. '19. Whelden, R. G., Ordnance. Enlisted 31 July '17, Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 4 Jan. '18. Stationed at Water- town Arsenal and other places. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Young, C. L., Field Artillery. Priv., 29 Apr. '17, 102nd F. A. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI.; to Corp.; to Regtl. Sergt. Major. Tr. to Hdqrs. Co., Mar. '18. A. E. F., 21 Sept. '17 to 31 Mar. '19; France. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. 1912 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 115 CLASS OF 1912 Adams, B. F., Signal Corps. Enlisted IS Aug. '18, Hanover Det. Stationed at Camp Meade. Hospital term, 22 Nov. '18 to 25 Jan. '19. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Allen, H. E., Army Service Corps. 1st Lt, 31 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Upton. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Anderson, E. W., Y. M. C. A.— Chap- lains' Corps. Enlisted Oct. '17, Y. M. C. A. Ser- vice in Russia. Tr. to 135th Inf., 16 Sept. '18, as Chaplain; to 314th F. A., 16 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 13 Oct. '18 to 27 May '19; England, France. Dis. 5 June '19. Armes, H. L., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 28 Mar. '18. Tr. to 253d Service Aero Sqdn., 9 Apr. '19. Stationed at Gerstner Field and other places. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Baker, H. T., Engineers. Priv., 29 June '18. Promoted to Sergt, 30 Oct. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Engrs., R. C. Stationed at Camp Humphreys and other places. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Baker, M. H., Infantry — Chemical War- fare Service. Priv., 29 Aug. '18, 152nd Depot Bri- gade. Tr. to C. W. S., Gas Defense Div., as instructor of overseas troops in gas defense appliances. Stationed at Camp Upton. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Barnett, H. C, Ambulance. Priv., 16 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 590. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 Aug. '17. Stationed at Allentown, Pa., Wash- ington, D. C, Camps Sevier and Upton. Dis. 31 July '19. Berthiaume, E. J., Infantry. Enlisted 20 Sept. '17, 302nd Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., Dec. '17; to Sergt., May '18. A. E. R, 3 July '18 to 13 May '19; France. Dis. 19 June '19. Bloom, E. J. American Field Service— U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted May '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 133, Princeton Sec. Dis. Nov. '17 in France. Enlisted Apr. '18, U. S. N. R. F. Promoted to Q. M. 3d CI. Stationed at Officers' Training School, Municipal Pier, Chicago, and Pelham Bay, N. Y. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Boak, J. E., Navy. Ensign, Apr. '17. Commissioned Lt. (j. g.), 6 June '17; Lt., 15 Oct. '17. U. S. S. Ravan, U. S. S. Crosby. Over- seas service, 12 May '17 to 15 Aug. '18; Convoy and Patrol Service off coast of France, England and Ireland. Still in U. S. N. 13 Jan. '21. Brewster, J. D., Engineers. Enlisted 8 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 19 June '17; assigned to 304th Engrs. Promoted to Capt., 31 Dec. '17. A. E. R, 12 July '17 to 18 Mar. '19; France. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, (Montfaucon Sector), Troyon Sector. Meuse - Argonne Offensive (Grande Montagne Sector). Cited in Divisional Gen. Orders. Dis. 26 June '19. Brown, B., Ambulance. Ambulance driver, 2 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 510. Promoted to Corp., 7 Mar. '18; to Sergt., 9 Apr. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Jan. '19. A. E. R, 23 Aug. '17 to 23 Apr. '19; France, Ger- many. Fille Morte, Verdun, Meuse Sector, Soissons. Graduate, Motor Transport School. Croix de Guerre, Div. Citation. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Brown, H. M., Infantry — Aviation. 1st Lt., Inf., 27 Nov. '17. Tr. as 1st Lt., to A. S., Feb. '18. Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Brown, R. E., Infantry— Field Artil- lery. Enlisted 28 June '18. Promoted to Corp., 21 Aug. '18. Tr. to F. A. Officers' Training School, Oct. '18. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Buell, A. C, Infantry. Enlisted 24 June '18, 151st Depot Bri- gade. Promoted to Corp., 1 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Burnharn, A. W., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 8 June '17. Attached to Ambu- lance Co. 14, 17 Dec. '17; to Ambulance Co. 22, 24 June '18; to Ambulance Co. 35, 4 May '19. Promoted to Capt., 25 Feb. '19. A. E. R, 14 Aug. '18 to. 30 June '19; France. 2nd Army Offensive. Dis. 22 July '19. Burns, R. G., Ordnance. Enlisted 30 July '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., June '18. A. E. F., 30 July '18 to 1 Feb '19; France. Dis. 13 Feb. '19. 116 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1912 Burns, W., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted in M. G. Co., 165th Inf. Cabot, C. R., Infantry. Enlisted Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 103d Inf., 29 Aug. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt., 12 Aug. '18; to Capt., 3 Nov. '18; to Major, 22 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 28 Mar. '19; England, France. Chemin des Dames Defensive, Toul Sector, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Of- fensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. Apr. '19. Campbell, V. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 May '18. Promoted to Ap- prenticed Yeoman, to Yeoman 3d CI. Stationed at Great Lakes. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Casey, T. J., Marine Corps. Enlisted 19 May '18. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 15 Aug. '18; to Corp., 22 Oct. '18. Stationed at Paris Island and Quantico, Va. Dis. 12 Jan. '19. Chase, L. D., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17, 1st R. O. T. C. Stationed at Madison Barracks, N. Y. Dis. 18 July '17. Childs, W. H., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 16 May '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Chief Petty Officer, Supply Depot, 3d Naval Dis- trict, N. Y. C. Inactive status, 15 May '19. Cronin, J. A., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T.) Enlisted 13 May '17. U. S. N. R. F. Commissioned Ensign, 28 Dec. '17; En- sign, U. S. N. (T.), 8 June '18. Sta- tioned at U. S. Naval Academy and other places. U. S. S. Kentucky. Dis. 4 Sept. '19. Crowell, H. H., Aviation. Cadet, 7 Nov. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Maintenance Officer, Kelly Field. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Jan. '18; 1st Lt., A. S. A., Aug. '18; Capt., Mar. '19. Dis. 15 Sept. '19. Cutting, E. M., Infantry. Enlisted 25 May '18, 301st Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., 14 Aug. '18. Tr. to 161st Inf., 23 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 4 July '18 to 17 Feb. '19; England, France. Dis. 30 Sept. '19. Dana, L. B., Chemical Warfare Service. 1st Lt., 5 Jan. '18, Gas Defense Div. Promoted to Capt., 19 July '18. Sta- tioned at Akron, O., and N. Y. C. Dis. 15 Mar. '19. Dean, C. R., Marine Corps. Enlisted 1 Jan. '17, 5th Regt. Pro- moted to Corp., 18 Apr. '17. A. E. F., 30 Apr. '17 to 20 Mar. '18; France. Bell- eau Wood, Soissons. Wounded. Hospi- tal term, 1 Aug. to 20 Dec. '18. Marine Brigade decorated with Croix de Guerre. Dis. 27 Mar. '20. Church, H. P. Field Artillery. Enlisted 25 July '17, 103rd F. A. Pro- moted to Corp. A. E. F., 8 Oct. '17 to 1 May '19; France. Soissons, Toul Sector, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel Of- fensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 1 May '19. Clark, F., Jr v Infantry. 1st Lt., 1 May '17, assigned to 103d Inf. Promoted to Capt, 10 Sept. '18. Tr. to 36th Inf., 12 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 25 Sept. '17 to 26 Aug. '18; England, France. Apremont, Chateau-Thierry Of- fensive. Div. Citation. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Deferrari, R. J., Aviation. Enlisted 22 May '18, 814th Depot Aero Sqdn. Stationed at Princeton School of Military Aeronautics. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. De Merritt, D. R., Field Artillery—Am- munition Train — Cavalry. 2nd Lt., 5 Sept. '17, 82nd F. A. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 16 Aug. '17; Capt., 17 June '18. Tr. to 12th Ammunition Train, 9 Dec. '17; to 17th Cav., 5 Mar. '19. Stationed at Ft. Leavenworth and other places. In regular army, 18 July '19. Cooke, L. C, Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 18 July '18, U. S. N. R. F. Radio Service. Stationed at Pelham Bay, N. Y. and Cambridge, Mass. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. Dodge, C. P., Aviation. Enlisted 7 Aug. '17, Instructors' Dept., A. S. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Gerstner Field and Love Field. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. 1912 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 117 Dorward, D. L., Engineers. Priv. 6th Engrs., 30 May '17. Pro- moted to Sergt. 1st CI., and tr. to 10th Engrs. (Forestry), 20 July '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 30 Oct. '18. A. E. F, 10 Sept. '17 to 10 July '19; France. Dis. 12 Aug. '19. Drake, P. J., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T.). Enlisted 30 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 22 Sept. '17. Commissioned Ensign, (T.), U. S. N., 1 Feb. '18; Lt. (j. g.), (T.), U. S. N., June '18. U. S. S. Des Moines, Bay Ridge Receiving Ship. Overseas ser- vice, 1 Feb. '18 to 11 Nov. '18; Convoy duty, Russia, England, France. Dis. 21 Feb. '22. Edwards, W. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 19 Dec. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI., 1 Aug. '18. Commissioned Ensign (D.), 1 Oct. '18. U. S. S. Min- nesotan. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Eiseman, A. S., Ordnance. Priv., 12 Jan. '18. Promoted to Corp., Aug. '18; Acting Sergt. Major. Bayonet and Physical Training Instructor with English Staff, Camp Hancock. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Elcock, W. B., Infantry. Enlisted 1 May '17, 1st Officers' Train- ing Camp. Commissioned Capt., as- signed to 328th Inf. Promoted to Major, Feb. '18, appointed Adjutant, 157th De- pot Brigade. Stationed at Camp Gordon and other places. Dis. 18 Mar. '19. Fellows, P., Infantry. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F. ; France. Dis. July '19. Fitzpatrick, J. K., Field Artillery. Enlisted 28 Apr. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, Aug. '17; assigned to 310th F. A. A. E. F., 13 July '18 to 26 May '19 ; France, England. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 4 June '19. Flint, W. W., Jr., Quartermaster Corps. Civilian Clerk, 16 Aug. '17. Commis- sioned 1st Lt., Mar. '18. A. E. F., 16 Aug. '17 to 12 July '19; France, Bel- gium, England. Hospital term, Dec. '18 to Jan. '19. Dis. 12 July '19. Foster, K. P., Aviation. With A. S. in the U. S. for 'six months. Fox, J. L., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 14 May '17, 1st Officers Training Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 22 June '17 ; assigned as Co. Command- er to 301st Supply Train. Promoted to 1st Lt., 5 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 16 July '18 to 25 June '19; France. Hospital term, 27 Nov. to 4 Dec. '18, 9 July to 15 Sept. '19. Dis. 17 Sept. '19. French, W. M., Infantry. Enlisted 23 July '18, Mounted Police, 12th Div. Promoted to Corp., 14 Oct. '18; to Sergt., 10 Jan. '19. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. Freund, H. H., Medical Corps. Enlisted 8 June '17, Med. Det, 328th Inf. Commissioned Capt., 2 May '18; Major, 17 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 1 May '18 to 12 Mar. '19; France. Toul Sec- tor, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wound- ed. Hospital term, 15 Oct. '18 to 4 Apr. '19. Citation. Dis. 6 Apr. '19. Garcia, A. M., Cavalry. Enlisted May '17. Stationed at Re- serve Officers' Training Camp, Madison Barracks, N. Y. Dis. Aug. '17. Garrison, W. L., Ordnance. Enlisted 15 Dec. '17, 301st Mobile Ord. Repair Shop. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 12 Jan. '18; 1st Lt., 1 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 13 July '18 to 29 July '19; France, Germany, England. Meuse-Ar- gonne. Dis. 4 Aug. '19. Gately, C. E., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 20th F. A. Promoted to Corp., to Sergt. A. E. F., May '18 to July '19; England, France, Luxembourg, Germany. St. Die Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 28 July '19. Geiser, G. W., Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 9 Aug. '17; assigned to 316th Inf. Tr. to 158th Inf., Aug. '18, as Liaison Officer, Brigade Hdqrs. A. E. F., July '18 to Dec. '18 ; France. Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Wounded, Gassed. Hospital term, 26 Sept. '18 to 24 Mar. '19. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. Geller, R. G., Field Artillery. Priv., 29 June '17, 135th F. A. Pro- moted to Corp., 17 Aug. '17; to Sergt., 9 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 17 Aug. '18. _ Tr. to Repl. Troops, 15 June '18. Stationed at Camp Sheridan and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. 118 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1912 Gibbs, R. S., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 15 July '18, Brown Det. Tr. to 23rd Co., C. A. C., Sept. '18, Ft. Ad- ams ; to 27th Special Training Co. ; to Officers' Training School, Fortress Monroe; to 9th Co., Dec. '18. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Goss, K. H., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 20 July '17, Pay Corps. Promoted to Pay Clerk, Sept. '18. U. S. S. America, U. S. S. Edw. Lucken- bach. Overseas service, transport duty between New York and Brest, until Oct. '18. On inactive list, 8 Feb. '19. Gould, W., Infantry. Priv. at Camp Devens. Grieb, W. C., Aviation. 1st Lt., A. S. Dis. Jan. '19. Griffin, J. B., U. S. N. R. F.—U. S. N. (T.). Seaman 2nd CI., 7 Aug. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 31 Jan. '18; Ensign, U. S. N. (T.), 8 June '18; Lt. (j. g.) (T.), 1 Jan. '19. U. S. S. Granite State, U. S. S. Michigan, U. S. S. Alabama, U. S. S. Charleston. Overseas service, on convoy trip, Sept. '18. Dis. 29 Sept. '19. Hall, R. E., Ammunition Train. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17; assigned to Motor Bn., 101st Ammunition Tr. Promoted to 1st Lt., 27 Sept. '18. A. E. R, 3 Oct. '17 to 27 July '19; England, France, Germany. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Cha- teau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdun. Dis. 30 July '19. Hammond, C. M., U. S. N. R. F.—U. S. N. (T.). Seaman, 19 Dec. '17. U. S. S. Levia- than. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. (T.), 18 Sept. '18; Lt. (j. g.), 1 July '19. Overseas service, 17 Oct. '18 to 25 Sept. '19. Dis. 25 Sept. '19. Harman, H. S., Field Artillery. Enlisted 2 Oct. '18, F. A. Officers' Training Camp, Louisville, Ky. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Hartshorn, E. B„ Ordnance — Chemical Warfare Service. Trench Warfare Sec, Ord. C, 21 Feb. *18. Commissioned 1st Lt., U. S. N. A., and tr. to Chemical Service Sec, N. A. 16 Apr. '18; to C. W. S., Research Div., as 1st Lt., U. S. A., 1 Aug. '18. _ Sta- tioned at American Univ. Experiment Station, Washington. Dis. 31 Dec '18. Haycock, C. P., Infantry. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 1st. Lt. ; assigned to 352nd Inf. Promoted to Capt, tr. to 23d Inf. A. E. F., 16 Aug. '18 to '19; France, Germany. Hedlund, M.,' Field Artillery— Adjutant General's Department. Enlisted 14 May '17, F. A. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Adj. Gen. Dept., 15 Aug. '17. With G-2, G. H. Q., Apr. '18; G-2, Hdqrs. 1st Army, 14 Sept. '19. Inter- preter, 7 Jan. '19. Instructor in Mathe- matics, A. E. F. Univ., 8 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 19 Oct. '17 to 5 July '19; France. Dis. 9 July '19. Hoban, G. W., Infantry. Enlisted 13 May '17. Commissioned Capt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 304th Inf. Tr. as Acting Major, to 6th Bn. 151st Depot Brigade. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Ickes, S. F., Field Artillery. Enlisted 20 July '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to 144th F. A. Wound- ed. Gassed. Dis. Apr. '19. *Jacobus, H. F., Field Artillery. Died of pneumonia, 24 Dec. '18, Trier, Germany. See Roll of Honor. Jepson, W. R., Naval Medical Corps. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17, Med.^ C, U. S. N. R. F. Commissioned Lt., (j.g.), Med. C, U. S. N., 1 Feb. '18. U. S. S. Wis- consin, U. S. S. General W. C. Gorgas, U S. S. New York. Dis. 25 Dec '19. Jones, D. W., Aviation — Engineers. Enlisted 16 Mar. '18, A. S. Tr. to Engrs. Stationed at Ithaca, N. Y., and other places. Dis. 26 Nov. '18. Jones, W. T., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17, 153d Depot Brigade. Commissioned Capt., 15 Aug. '17; Major, Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Dix and Palo Alto, Cal. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Knight, L. W., Aviation. Enlisted 15 May '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. M. ¥ A., 11 Mar. '18 Stationed at Flor- ence Field and other places. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. 1912 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 119 Knight, M. E., Aviation. Enlisted 10 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 10 July '17; assigned to active duty First Station Sig. C, Aviation School, 1 Aug. '17. Promoted to Capt., 20 Aug. '18. Tr. to A. S. Depot, Gar- den City, L. I., 15 Sept. '17. Dis. 28 Jan. '19. Kyle, M., Infantry — Engineers. Enlisted 4 Oct. '17, 302nd Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., 1 Nov. '17. Tr. to 504th Engrs. A. E. F., 26 Nov. '17 to 9 June '19; France. Dis. '19. Lena, H. F., Naval Medical Corps. Lt., (j. g.), 2 Mar. '18. Promoted to Lt, 18 Sept. '18. Stationed at Base Hospital, New London, Conn. Dis. 20 Sept. '19. Lewis, G. C, Infantry. Capt., 15 Aug. '17, 157th Depot Brig- ade. Tr. to 328th Inf., 20 Apr. '18. A. E. F., 1 May '18 to 20 May '19 ; France. Toul Sector, Marbache Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Gassed. Hospital term, 18 Sept. to 30 Sept. '18. Dis. 13 June '19. *Lines, H. B., American Field Service. Died of pneumonia in the Argonne, 23 Dec. '16. See Roll of Honor. Lombard, H. L., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 8 June '17. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf and U. S. Nitrate Plant No. 1, Sheffield, Ala. Dis. 8 Mar. '19. Lovell, L. B., Navy. Enlisted in Paymaster's Dept. Pro- moted to Chief Yeoman. Stationed at Charlestown Navy Yard. Luitwieler, E. B., Ordnance. Priv., 30 July '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 15 Oct. '17; to Ord Sergt, 5 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 20 Dec. '17; 1st Lt., Ord. R. C, 13 May '19. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 2 Jan. '19. McCaffrey, H., Aviation. Instructor in charge of flying field. McCarthy, J. J., Infantry. Enlisted 25 May '18, 314th Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., 2 Aug. '18. A. E. R, 8 July '18 to 22 Dec. '18; France. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded. Hospital term, 28 Sept. '18 to 30 Jan. '19. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. McElwain, H. E., Jr., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 60th C. A. C, 15 Feb. '18. Promoted to Capt., 2 Nov. '18. A. E. R, 22 Apr. '18 to 4 Feb. '19; France. Alsace, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 3 Mar. '19. McLaughlin, E., Engineers. Priv., Aug. '17, 15th Engrs. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 1st Lt. A. E. F., France. St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. '19. Malleyy J. F., Signal Corpse-Ordnance. Acting Sergt. Major, 5 June '17 Hdqrs. Co., 306th Field Sig. Bn. Com- missioned 1st Lt. Ord. R. C, 16 Jan '18; assigned to Office of Sec. of War on special duty. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Marden, H. E v Naval Medical Corps. Enlisted Dec. '17, Med. R. C. Sta- tioned at Union Univ., S. A. T. C. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Middlebrook, W. T., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 12 May '17, First Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Snelling, Minn. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Transportation Br., Q. M. C, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 7 June '18. Stationed at Port of New York and other places. Dis. Sept. '19. Miller, A. R., Field Artillery. Priv., Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Miller, L. W., Engineers. Mexican Border, Sept. '15 to Sept. '16. Commissioned 1st Lt Promoted to Capt., 15 < May '17; to Major, 12 Jan. '18. Stationed at Washington Barracks and other places. Still in service, 19 Feb. '20. Miner, E. C, Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Enlisted 30 July '18. Promoted to Corp., 15 Nov. '18. Stationed at Lake- hurst Proving Grounds and other places. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Mitchell, E. I., General Staff Corps. Priv., 3 June '18, Statistics Branch, Gen. Staff. Stationed at Washington. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. 120 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1912 Morrill, C. W., Quartermaster Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 7 Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Q. M. C, 14 Aug. '17. C. O., M. T. C. 304, 29 Sept. '17 to 18 July '19. Promoted to 1st Lt. ; to Capt, 15 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 5 Dec. '17 to 12 Aug. '19; France. Aisne Defensive. Dis. 14 Aug. '19. Newman, A. D., Cavalry. Major in regular army. Newton, J. S., Navy. Enlisted Mar. '18. U. S. S. Maracaibo, cruising between New York and South America until discharged on account of physical disability. Dis. Nov. '18. Orr, C. W., Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt. ; assigned to 314th Motor Sup- plv Train. Promoted to Capt., 16 May '18. A. E. F., 28 June '18 to 20 Aug. '19; France, Germany. St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 6 Sept. '19. Park, J. R., Field Artillery. Enlisted 28 Aug. '17, 302nd F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt, 15 Oct. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 31 Aug. '18. Tr. to 2nd Regt., F. A. Repl. Depot, 7 Sept. '18. Overseas Replacement Draft, 25 Oct. '18; to 18th Regt., F. A. R. D., 14 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and Camp Jackson. Dis. 11 Feb. '19. Perry, D. L., Infantry. Enlisted 28 May '18. Promoted to Sergt., 1 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 14 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Upton and Camp Lee. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Pettingell, R. D, Infantry— Field Artil- lery, Enlisted 27 June '18, 153d Depot Brigade. Tr. to F. A. Officers' Train- ing School, 28 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A., O. R. C, 4 Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Dix and Camp Taylor. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. *Poole, W. W., Jr., Infantry. Killed in action, 12 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Quint, W. S., American Field Service — Canadian Army Medical Corps. Enlisted May '15, A. F. S. Tr. to C. A. M. C, May '18. Commissioned 1st Lt.; Capt., 8 May '18. C. E. F., Sept. '18 to Sept. '19; Canada, England. Con- voy duty, Medical Officer, France to China, Sept. '19 to May '20. Dis. May '20. Mons Medal and British war med- als. Redfield, D. W., Cavalry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., Cav. Sec, R. C, after discharge. A. E. F, 9 Sept. '17 to 12 Aug. '19; Eng- land, France. Dis. 29 Aug. '19. Reed, M. W., Infantry (Machine Gun). —Engineers. Enlisted 8 Sept. '17, 102nd M. G. Bn. Tr. to 40th Engrs, Camouflage Sec, 14 June '18, with rank of Sergt. A. E. F„ 24 Sept. '17 to 24 Jan. '19; France. Seicheprey, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Remele, C. W, Ordnance. Sergt. 1st CI, 6 Nov. '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt, 5 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 May '18. Stationed at Wa- tertown Arsenal, Camp Meade, Md. and Camp Beauregard, La. Dis. 8 Sept. '19. Remsen, R., Field Artillery. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 309th F. A. Tr. to 350th F. A, 28 Feb. '18. A. E. F, 12 July '18 to 28 Feb. '19; France. Raids on Eply, attack on Cheminot, preliminary engagements in attack on Metz. Dis. 13 Mar. '19. Reynolds, C. H, Aviation. 1st Lt, 24 Jan. '17, assigned to 1st Aero Sqdn. Tr. to 91st Aero Sqdn, to 104th Aero Sqdn. Promoted to Capt, 1 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 13 Aug. '17 to 17 Mar. '19; France. Toul and Verdun Sectors, Vosges, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. D. S. C. ; Croix de Guerre to 91st Aero Sqdn. as a whole. Richmond, E. A., Medical Corps — Sani- tary Corps. Priv, Med. R. C, 1 May '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, 24 Sept. '18; attach- ed to Air Service. Promoted to 1st Lt, San. Corps, 5 July '19. Stationed at Carlstrom Field. Dis. 28 May '19. Robie, B. W, Medical Corps. Enlisted Sept. '18, Med. C, attached to 330th F. A. A. E. F. ; France. Dis. '19. 1912 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 121 Rogers, S. A., Ordnance. 1st Lt, 2 July '17, Gun Div., Ord. Dept. Inspector of cannon. Stationed at Washington and other places. Dis. 11 June '19. Rollins, C. E., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 30 June '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 May '18; assigned to 33d Aero Sqdn. Flying Instructor, 3d Aviation Instruc- tion Center, France, 10 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 17 Nov. '17 to 26 Mar. '19; England, France. Injured. Hospital term, 18 Jan. to 18 July '19. Dis. 19 July '19. Russell, F. C, U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T.). Enlisted 4 Dec. '17. U. S. N. R. F. Promoted to Boatswain's Mate 1st CI., 1 Mar. '18; to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 1 May '18. Commissioned Ensign, 15 May '18; Ensign, U. S. N. (T.), 22 Sept. '18. U. S. S. Delaware. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Sawyer, E. R., Ordnance. Priv., 29 Apr. '18. A. E. F., 12 Aug. '18 to 12 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 2 May '19. Shapleigh, W. P., Engineers. Enlisted 22 June '17, 14th Ry. Engrs. Tr. to U. S. Army Students in British Universities, 3 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 27 July '17 to 27 July '19; France, Eng- land. Arras-Bapaume Sector, Aisne- Marne Front, Meuse-Argonne Front. Dis. 1 Aug. '19. Shepard, C. F., U. S. N. R. F. Asst. Paymaster with rank of En- sign, 13 Oct. '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Lt., (j.g.), 1 July '18. U. S. S. Lake Erie, U. S. S. Nopatin. Overseas service, 1 Apr. '18 to 20 June '19; based on Eng- land, with trips to various ports in France, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland. Dis. 6 Mar. '20. Shrigley, W., Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Enlisted 10 Sept. '18, Gas Defense Div., C. W. S. Liaison Officer on spe- cial duty to Washington and various cantonments ; in charge of Gas De- fense property, Boston Army Base. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Smith, A. C, Navy. Seaman, 21 Mar. '17. Commissioned Ensign (T.), 29 June '17; Lt. (j.g.), (T.), 1 June '18; Lt. (T.), 21 Sept. '18. U. S. S. Delaware, U. S. S. Ossipee. Overseas service, 1 Dec. '17 to 1 Mar. '19; Scotland, England, Gibraltar, Mediterranean. Submarine battles. Dis. 9 June '19. Snow, C. E., Ordnance — Field Artillery — Adjutant General's Department. 1st Lt., 28 Aug. '17, Ord. R. C, Re- commissioned 1st Lt., F. A., Apr. '18. Tr. to 4th F. A. Brigade Hdqrs. Pro- moted to Capt., Adjutant General's Dept, 13 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 30 May '18 to 25 Apr. '19; France, Germany. Aisne-Marne Offensive, Vesle Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Snow, L. W., Ordnance. 1st Lt., 11 June '17. Promoted to Capt., 8 Jan. '18; to Major, 5 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 24 Mar. '18 to 23 Mar. '19; France, Central and Eastern Europe. Dis. 26 Mar. '19. *Steinert, R. L., Aviation. Enlisted 15 Oct. '19, A. S. A. P. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Wash- ington. Dis. 30 Dec. '18. Died 27 June '19, Ipswich, Mass. Swenson, G. A., Field Artillery. 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17, 116th F. A. A. E. F., 19 Oct. '18 to 21 Dec. '18; France. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Taylor, C. C, Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 30 July '17. Promoted to Capt., 17 Feb. '19. Attached to British Army, 10 Oct. '17. B. E. F, 7 Jan. '18 to 1 May '19; England, France. Dis. 21 July '19. Thomas, W. F., Aviation. Enlisted U May '17, Plattsburg Of- ficers' Training Camp. Tr. to Aviation Cadet, 15 Aug. '17. Commissioned R. M. A., 2nd Lt., 18 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 18 May '18 to 18 Apr. '19; England, France. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Tobey, R. W., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 17th Co., Portland, 17 Dec. '17. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 15 Jan. '18; to Corp., 13 Apr. '18; to Sergt, 28 Aug. '18; to Gunner 1st CI., 28 May '18. Appointed Company Clerk, 1 Jan. 'IS. Tr. to 29th C. A. C, 10 Nov. '18. Sta- tioned at Ft. Williams and other places. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. 122 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1912 Trewin, H. R., Field Artillery— Avia- tion. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 337th F. A. Tr. to 135th Aero Sqdn. A. E. F., 29 Aug. '18 to 12 July '19; France. Meuse-Argonne:. Hospital term, 30 Jan. to 25 Feb. '19. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Twitchell, R. D., Infantry. Enlisted 24 July '18, 74th Inf. Sta- tioned at Camp Devens. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Tyler, C. G., Infantry. Priv., 5 Sept. '17. Promoted to 1st Sergt, 4 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18; assigned to 350th Inf. Promoted to 1st Lt., 24 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 22 Aug. '18 to 1 Aug. '19; England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ger- many. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 6 Aug. '19. Viets, H. R., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 10 July '17. Promoted to Capt., Apr. '18; Major, Med. R. C, Jan. '20. A. E. F., 3 May '18 to 20 Aug. '19; England, Germany. Dis. 22 Aug. '19. Wallburg, G. F., Field Artillery. Priv., 5 June '17, 15th F. A. Promoted to Corp., 15 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 10 July '18. A. E. F., 12 Dec. '17 to 28 May '19; France. Toul Sector. Dis. 7 June '19. Warren, L. P., Infantry (Machine Gun). Bn. Sergt. Major, 17 July '17, 147th M. G. Bn. A. E. F., 15 Feb. '18 to 26 Feb. '19; France. Dis. 11 Mar. '19. Waterbury, L. C, Engineers. 1st Lt., 14 June '17, 1st Officers' Train- ing Camp. Tr. to 21st Engrs., Sept. '17. Promoted to Capt., May '19. A. E. F., 26 Dec. '17 to 10 June '19; France. Luneville, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. 3 July '19. Webber, N. P., Field Artillery. Enlisted 29 Oct. '18. Weld, S. B., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 24 Dec. '17, Med. R. C. ; at- tached to 156th Depot Brigade. 1st Lt., Med. C, Aug. '18. Med. Officer^ at U. S. Army Hospital No. 1. Stationed at Camp Jackson and other places. Dis. 30 July '19. Wheeler, G. W., Aviation. Priv., 5 Feb. '17. Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Promoted to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1st Lt. A. E. F., 17 July '17 to 17 Dec. '18; France, Italy, England. Eight air battles over Italy. Italian crown and wings, War Cross. Bombing Medal. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. White, C. B., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 Sept. '17, 301st F. A. Pro- moted to Corp., Oct. '17. Commission- ed 2nd Lt., 31 Aug. '18. Whitney, R. E., Sanitary Corps. 1st Lt., Aug. '17. Promoted to Capt., 5 Apr. '18. Stationed at Washington and other places. Dis. 30 June '19. Worton, J., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 22 Dec. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., A. S. A. Stationed at Prince- ton Ground School and other places. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Wright, W. L., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 22 July '18. Stationed at Camp Meade. Dis. 14 Jan. '19. Wylde, R. A., Infantry — Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 21 Sept. '17, 151st Depot Brigade. Promoted to Sergt. M. D. 5 Oct. '18. Tr. to 9th Inf., 10 Apr. '18; to Med. Det, 9th Inf., 24 June '18; to Ambulance Co. 16, 2nd San. Train, 11 Jan. '19. A. E. F., 27 Feb. '18 to 4 Aug. '19; France, Germany. Toulon, Troyon, Aisne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse Argonne. Wounded. Hos- pital term, 12 July to 22 July '18, 6 Nov. to 16 Nov. '18. Croix de Guerre with silver star. Cited in General Or- ders three times. Dis. 13 Aug. '19. CLASS OF 1913 Akerstrom, S. M., Naval Medical Corps. Dental Surgeon, with rank of Lt., (j. g.), 3 July '17. Promoted to Lt., 1 Feb. '18. U. S. S. San Diego. Overseas service, 16 Oct. '18 to 2 June '19 ; Con- voy duty between England and France. On U. S. S. San Diego when sunk by Andrew, B. F., Field Artillery. Enlisted 29 Aug. '18. 5th Observation Battery, F. A. Central Officers' Train- ing School. Tr. to 30th Observation Battery; to 34th Training Battery, 28 Sept. '18. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. 1913 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 123 Aronowitz, M. f Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 6 Sept. '17, Med. C. attached to Sqdn. B, N. Y. Cav. Commissioned Capt., 11 Dec. '17. Recommissioned 1st Lt, U. S. R. Med. C, 17 Jan. '18. Sta- tioned at New Paltz, N. Y., and other places. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Ashton, L. O., Medical Corps. Enlisted 1 Sept. '18. Commissioned 1st Lt. Stationed at Ft. Oglethorpe. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Atwood, H. E., Cavalry. Enlisted 23 Apr. '17, 10th Cav. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 14 Nov. '17; Capt, 9 June '18. Aide-de Camp to Commanding General, South Dept. Stationed at Ft. Leavenworth and other places. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Badenhausen, A. H. Infantry (Machine Gun). Mexican Border, '16 to 15 July '17. Tr. to 106th M. G. Bn., 15 July '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 20 July '17; 1st Lt., 4 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 10 May '18 to 18 Mar. '19; Belgium, France; with the British Army. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Ball, H. T., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 301st Inf., 29 Aug. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. Assigned to Camp Devens Personnel Office, 28 June '18. Attached to 12th Div. Personnel Office, 23 July '18. Tr. to 12th Div., 16 Sept. '18; to 74th Inf. as Personnel Adjutant, 5 Nov. '18. Assigned to Northeastern Dept. for duty in Debarkation Service, 4 Feb. '19. Dis. 2 Sept. '19. Barnett, J. J., Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Enlisted 11 Nov. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 11 Nov. '18. A. E. R, 4 June '18 to 1 Aug. '19; France, England. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. Barstow, R. W., Chaplains' Corps. Chaplain with rank of 1st Lt., 22 June '18; assigned to C. A. C. Tr. to 81st F. A., 14 Aug. '18; to 8th Ammuni- tion Tr., 11 Dec. '18. Appointed Morale Officer, Detachment 8th Div., 24 Dec. '18. Stationed at Ft. Rodman, Ft. Sill and Camp Lee. Hospital term, 23 Oct to 12 Nov. '18. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Bennett, R. L., Infantry. Enlisted 24 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 12th Inf., 15 Dec. '17. Tr. to 31st Inf., 29 Sept. '18. A. E. R, 29 Sept. '18 to 1 Apr. '19; Siberia. Dis. 7 May '19. Bernstein, D., Naval Aviation. Enlisted May '17. On Liberty Engine work, Detroit, Dec. '17. Stationed at Ft. Worth, with Royal Flying Corps, Aerial Gunnery, Jan. '18. Overseas ser- vice, Apr. '18 to Oct. '18; England; en- gaged in submarine patrol work over North Sea and the east coast of Eng- land. Dis. 30 Dec. '18. Bidwell, E. S., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17, 324th Inf. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 306th Inf. A. E. R, 28 July '18 to 22 June '19 ; England, France. Vosges Sector, Verdun. Dis. 11 July '19. Blodgett, W. W., Field Artillery. Enlisted 25 July '17, 103d F. A. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI. A. E. F., 10 Nov. '17 to 28 Mar. '19; France. Soissons Sector, La Reine Sector, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Troyon Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Hos- pital term, 28 Oct. '18 to 17 Feb. '19. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Brown, E. L., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 102nd R A. A. E. R, 5 Oct. '17 to 5 Nov. '18; France. Chemin des Dames Sector, Seicheprey, Xivray-Marvoisin, 2nd Bat- tle of the Marne. Wounded. Hospital term, 25 July '18 to 5 Nov. '18, 21 Nov. '18 to 31 May '19. Dis. 31 May '19. Carr, R., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 24 Nov. '17. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Catterall, N. B., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 4 Dec. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, 22 Mar. '18; 2nd Lt, A. S., Oct '18. Stationed at Kelley Field and Air Serv- ice Depot, Garden City, L. I. Supply officer, 866th Aero Sqdn., July '18 to Mar. '19. Dis. Mar. '19. 124 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1913 Cheney, J. Y., Infantry. Enlisted 24 Aug. '17 Commissioned 2nd Lt, O. R. C, 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 17th Inf. Promoted to 1st Lt., Inf., 23 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp For- rest and other places. Hospital term, 20 Nov. '18 to 20 Jan. '19. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. *Chisholm, L. C, Naval Medical Corps. Asst. Surgeon with rank of Lt. (j. g.), 7 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F., Med. C. Tr. to U. S. N., 26 June '18. Promoted to Lt, U. S. N., Med. C, 1 July '18. Tr. to 11th Regt., U. S. Med. C, as Asst. Surgeon, 3d Bn., 6 Aug. '19. A. E. F., 26 Oct. '18 to 6 Aug. '19; France. Dis. 1 May '20. Died 2 Apr. '21, Boston, Mass. Conant, R. O., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 3 Aug. '18, 311th Regt. Pro- moted to Sergt, Mar. '19. Stationed at Camp Holabird. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Cone, M. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 14 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 16 Apr. '17; Lt. (j. g.). Sta- tioned at Boston Navy Yard. Dis. 15 Mar. '19. Craig, E. R., Ordnance. Enlisted 7 Mar. '18. Tr. to Ord. De- pot Co. 123, 1 July '18. Stationed at Camp Hancock and other places. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Crawford, E. C, Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 3 May '18, 56th Inf. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., M. G. Stationed at Camp MacArthur and Camp Hancock. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Crenner, R. A., Navy. In Navy when war broke out. U. S. S. Hannibal, U. S. S. Sagadahoc. Pro- moted to Chief Yeoman. Overseas ser- vice, '17 to '18; South Atlantic search- ing for German submarine bases ; transport service between U. S. and France. Dis. 28 Feb. '20. Croscup, L. H., Navy. Enlisted 6 Apr. '17. Promoted to Sea- man, to Gunner's Mate 3d CI. U. S. S. Kearsarge and other ships ; Armed Draft Detail, New York. Overseas ser- vice, France, England, Portugal, Ire- land. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. Cunningham, T. D., Royal Army Medi- cal Corps — U. S. Medical Corps. 1st Lt., R. A. M. C, Mar. '17, Har- vard Surgical Unit, Base Hospital 22. B. E. F., Mar. '17 to Sept. '17; France. Tr. to U. S. Med. R. C, Sept. '17. Dis. Feb. '19. Cushman, F. H., Royal Army Medical Corps — U. S. Dental Corps. 1st Lt., '15, R. A. M. C, Harvard Sur- gical Unit. Tr. to U. S. Dental C. Nov. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., June '17; Capt., June '18. B. E. F., June '15 to Jan. '16; A. E. F., July '18 to Mar. '19; France. Dis. 8 Apr. '19. Davidson, G. B., Engineers. Enlisted Mar. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 July '17. Attached to Geological Survey, on work on military maps, Nov. '17. Tr. to 29th Engrs., Aug. '18; Topo- graphical Officer, (G 2c), 26th Div., Sept. '18. A. E. F., 23 July '18 to 12 Aug. '19; France. Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive and Defensive. Dis. 30 Aug. '19. Davis, E. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Parth- enia, U. S. S. C. 203, U. S. S. P. 407. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Davis, R. W., U. S. N. R. F. Fireman, 21 May '17. Promoted to Machinist's Mate, Seaman, Chief Boat- swain's Mate, Cadet. Commissioned Ensign. U. S. Submarine D 1 ; Owera. Stationed at Submarine Base, New London and other places. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. Davis, W. L., Medical Corps. Enlisted 2 Oct. '18, Harvard S. A. T. C. Independent, responsible to North- eastern Hdqrs. Stationed at Cambridge. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Dessau, A. H., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18; assigned to 73d Inf. Stationed at Camp Devens and Camp Lee. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Doe, F. C, U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 20 Oct. '17. Military Stores School, Dartmouth. Stationed at Squantum, Mass. 1913 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 125 Dudensing, F. V., Aviation. Priv., Aviation Sec, Sig. C, 2 Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., as R. M. A. in A. S. A., 17 Nov. '18. Stationed at Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Dudley, C. P., Aviation. Enlisted 13th Balloon Co., A. S. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., '18 to '19; France. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 18 Apr. '19. Dunbar, V. Y., Ordnance. Enlisted 5 Mar. '18. 25th Recruit Regt, assigned to Ord Training School. Military Stores School, Hanover, 12 Mar. to 25 Apr. '18. Chief Storekeeper, Camp Exchange, on detached service from 130th Ord. Depot Co., 1 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Exchange Det. with rank of Sergt., Jan. '19. Steward, Camp Ex- change, Feb. '19. Stationed at Camp Beauregard and other places. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. ■i=Durgin, R. G., Coast Artillery. Died of influenza and pneumonia and was buried at sea on way home from France, 4 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Easton, A. B. Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 1 July '16, Troop B, 1st N. Y. Cav., which was later federalized as Co. D, 106th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Corp., Jan. '18; to Sergt., June '18; to 1st Sergt., Aug. '18. A. E. F, 23 May '18 to Mar. '19; France, Belgium, Drive against the Hindenburg line. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Edwards, R. S., Infantry. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17, 301st Inf. Com- missioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; Capt., 6 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens ; Office of Adj. Gen. Washington. Dis. '19. Fairbanks, C. A., Ordnance. Works inspector, 7 Aug. '17. Firmin, R. E., Engineers. Priv., Ohio Engrs., 5 May '17. A. E. F., 25 June '18 to 11 Apr. '19; France, Belgium. Baccarat, Avercourt, Pannes, Meuse-Argonne, Ypres, St. Misere. Wounded. Dis. 1 Dec. '19. Fishel, L. M., Ordnance. Enlisted 30 July '17. Promoted to Corp., 20 Sept. '17; to Sergt, 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, O. R. C, 11 Nov. '18. Military Stores School, Dart- mouth. A. E. F, 26 Nov. '17 to 26 Apr. '19; France. Champagne Defensive. Dis. 11 May '19. Fitzpatrick, W. T. Aviation. Enlisted 12 June '17, Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps (flying cadet). Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 4 May '18. A. E. F, 1 Oct. '18 to '19; France, with 139th Aero Sqdn, Chasse Pilot. Dis. 2 Feb. '19. Foster, G. L., Infantry — Sanitary Corps. Priv, 302nd Inf., Sept. '17. Tr. to Med. Dept, Nov. '17. Served on Empyema Commission, Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, San. Co, Sept. '18. In charge of Laboratory. U. S. Hospital No. 9, Nov. '18. Dis. 2 June '19. Gale, A. H, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 11 Dec. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 2 Feb. '19. Stationed at Great Lakes training school and other places. U. S. S. C. 269. Hospital term, 6 Apr. to 21 June '18. Dis. 21 Feb. '19. Gale, L. B., Ordnance. Enlisted 18 Aug. '17, Ord. R. C. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI, 20 Aug. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 12 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Aug. '18. Assigned to 41st Div, Camp Greene and Camp Mills. Tr. to 3d, 4th, 5th Div, 2 Jan. '18; to 7th Ord. Guard Co, Watervliet Arsenal, Sept. '18. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Gannon, F. M, Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 12 Jan. '18; assigned to 304th F. A, 77th Div. A. E. F., 1 Apr. '18 to 15 Apr. '19; France. Vosges, Vesle, Argonne, Argonne- Meuse. Dis. 11 May '19,, Gay, N., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 12 Oct. '18. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's _ Mate, 18 Feb. J 18. Commissioned Ensign, 6 June '18. U. S. S. Leviathan. Transport service be- tween New York and Brest, 6 June '18 to 24 Sept. '18. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. Gilchrist, D. B., Field Artillery. Corp, 20 June '16, Minn. Nat. Guard. Commissioned 1st Lt, 3 May '17; as- signed to 339th Inf. Promoted to Capt, 15 Aug. '17. A. E. F, 3 Aug. '18 to 8 Aug. '19; France. Librarian of Peace Commission, 1 Dec. '18 to 1 Aug. '19. Dis. 25 Aug. '19. 126 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1913 Gulick, E. "L., Jr., American Field Ser- vice — Aviation — American Red Cross. Enlisted 1 Jan. '17, A. F. S. Tr. 25 Oct. '17, as Casual, to Air Service. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 31 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 14 July '18 to 8 Mar. '19; France. Dis. 8 Mar. '19. Afterwards served with American Red Cross in Italy, Greece, Serbia, Roumania, Bulgaria, and Con- stantinople, 12 Mar. '19 to 22 Sept. '19. Citation from Roumanian Government for Red Cross work. Gumbart, W. B., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 13 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 13 Feb. '19. Railhead Officer, A. E. F., 8 May '18 to 21 June '19; France. Dis. 17 July '19. Haley, W. J., Field Artillery — Ordnance. Enlisted 18 Sept. '17, 303d H. F. A. Promoted to Corp., 1 Nov. '17. Tr. to Ordnance. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 26 Nov. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 5 Jan. '18. A. E. R, 13 July '18 to 3 June '19; France. Hospital term, 15 Oct. to 26 Nov. '18. Dis. 3 June '19. Hamilton, H. M., American Field Ser- vice — Foreign Legion. Enlisted May '17, A. F. S, S. S. U. 69. Tr. to Foreign Legion, June '17. Aspir- ant French Art. Tr. to 62nd Regt. Over- seas service, June '17 to Apr. '19; France, Italy, Germany. Les Eparges, Verdun. With Army of Occupation three months. Dis. Mar. '19. Hardenbrook, W. L., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Nov. '17, 28th Inf. Com- missioned 1st Lt. A. E. F., 13 Jan. '18 to 16 June '19; France. Somme Defen- sive. Gassed. Hospital term, 26 Mar. to 22 Apr. '18, 31 Oct. '18 to 2 Feb. '19. Dis. 16 June '19. Harmon, P. S., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T.). Enlisted 20 Dec. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Commissioned Ensign, May '18, U. S. N. (T.). Stationed at Pelham Bay and other places. U. S. S. New Mexico. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Hatch, H. S., Medical Corps. Enlisted 3 Apr. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf and Camp Dix. Dis. 13 Apr. '19. Hayes, G. A., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned Capt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 304th Inf. A. E. F., 8 July '18 to 17 Apr. '19 ; England, France, Germany. Dis. 16 May '19. Healey, A. D., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 9 Aug. '17. Promoted to Corp., Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 9 Mar. '19. Hugus, W., Infantry — Adjutant Gen- eral's Department. Enlisted 13 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 331st Inf. Promoted to Capt, Asst. to Div. Adj., 83d Div, 2 Oct. '18; to Major, Adj. Gen. Dept, Personnel Adj., Ameri- can Embarkation Center, 25 Mar. '19. A. E. F, 8 June '18 to 3 Aug. '19 ; Eng- land, France. Hutchinson, R. W., Naval Medical Corps. Enlisted 20 June '17. Commissioned Lt. (j. g.), 17 Nov. '17; Lt, 1 July '18. Stationed at Naval Hospital, Newport. In regular service as Roentgenologist to Pacific Fleet. Jenkins, V. G., Infantry. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Johnson, Arthur E., Ordnance. Enlisted 1 July '17, 1st Lt, Engineer- ing Div, Motor Equipment Sec. Sta- tioned at Washington, Camp Dix and other places. Dis. Dec. '18. Jones, C. C, Dental Corps. Dental Surgeon, Kings County Hos- pital Ambulance. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Jordan, J. O., Jr., Engineers. Priv, 25 Nov. '17, 23d Engrs. Pro- moted to Sergt. 13 June '18. A. E. F, 29 Mar. '18 to 10 June '19; France. St. Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. 17 June '19. Kimball, G. W., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 5th F. A. Promoted to 1st Lt, 2 Nov. '18. A. E. F, 8 Sept. '17 to 30 May '18; France. Cantigny. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. Laird, A. C, Aviation. Enlisted 14 Dec. '17, 223d Aero Sqdn. Promoted to Corp, 1 Mar. '18. A. E. F, 25 Aug. '18 to 3 June '19; France. Dis. 30 June '19. 1913 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 127 Lawrence, C. H., Infantry. 2nd Lt, 303d Inf., 11 May '17. Tr. to 163d Inf., 9 Dec. '18; to 312th Inf., 28 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 23 July '18- to 10 May '19; France. Dis. 28 May '19. Linscott, C. H v Infantry. Enlisted 25 July '17, 49th Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., 25 Sept. '17; to Sergt., 1 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18. Stationed at Camp Syracuse and other places. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Logan, D. O., Medical Corps — Tank Corps. Enlisted 6 Aug. '17, San. Co. No. 1., Med. C. Promoted to Corp., 20 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Tank Corps, 9 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 14 Aug. '18 to 3 May '19; France, England. Dis. 15 May '19. Lowell, A. K., Aviation. 2nd Lt., 25 Nov. '17, 122nd Aero Sqdn. A. E. F, '18; France. McAllister, H. C, Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 28 Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 23 May '18. Stationed at Hoboken and Camp Dev- ens. Hospital term, 17 Oct. to 30 Oct. '18, 20 Nov. to 6 Dec. '18. Dis. '19. McCarthy, W. H., Aviation. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 16 May '18; assigned to 1st Day Bombing Group, 11th Aero Sqdn. A. E. F., 18 Oct. '17 to 18 Nov. '18; France. Argonne-Meuse. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. McClary, H. C, Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 26 Oct. '17; assigned to 42nd Inf. Promoted to Prov. 1st Lt., 26 Oct. '17. Stationed at Ft. Riley and other places. Dis. 13 Feb. '19. McDaniel, C. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 19 Nov. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, 8 Feb. '18. Stationed at Boston Navy Yard and other places. Instructor at Officer Material School, Seattle. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. Maloney, J. L., Aviation. Priv., 13 Apr. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 6 Feb. '18; assigned to 94th Aero Sqdn. A. E. F., 15 Nov. '17 to 30 May '19; England, France, Germany. Cha- teau-Thierry, St. Mihiel. Hospital term, 17 Oct. to 14 Nov. '18. Dis. 21 June '19. Manley, L. R., Infantry. Enlisted 29 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 36th Inf. Promoted to Capt., 24 Aug. '18. Instructor, Camp Sheridan ; S. A. T. C, Univ. of Colo., '18. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. *Marsh, E. D., Infantry. Killed in action, 2 Nov. '18. See Roll of Honor. Martin, L. C, Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 8 Dec. '17. Promoted to Acting 1st Sergt, 6th Casual Co., 12 Jan. '18; to Wrt Sergt, 1 Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 10 Sept. '18. Co. Commander of Camp Supply Det and Personnel Adjutant. Stationed at Camp Meigs and Ft. Sill. Dis. 15 Apr. '19. Mason, D. R., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2d CI., 7 May '17. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, Sept. '17. Commissioned Ensign, Feb. '18; Lt. (j. g.), Sept. '18. Stationed at Rockland, Me., and other places; U. S. S. Kear- sarge. Dis. 9 May '19. Mason, W. H., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 301st Inf., 76th Div. Tr. to 163d Inf., 41st Div., 1 Nov. '18; to 312th Inf., 78th Div., 15 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 4 July '18 to 25 May '19; England, France. Dis. 30' June '19. Meleney, C. C, Quartermaster Corps. Sergt., 2 June '17. Promoted to Sergt 1st CI., 7 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 17 Dec. '17; 1st Lt, 5 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 1 Oct. '18 to 25 June '19; France. Dis. 23 July '19. Mulcahy, G. F. A., Infantry — Coast Ar- tillery. 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, 23d Inf. Tr. to C. A. C, as 2nd Lt., 26 Oct '17. Pro- moted to Provisional 1st Lt., C A. C, Motor Supply Trains, 2nd Div.; to Capt, (T.) 1 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 6 Sept. '17 to 22 May '19 ; France. Aisne Defen- sive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne. General ci- tation of supply trains ; Croix de Guerre with bronze star; Citation from A. E. F. Gen, Hdqrs. Dis. 27 June '19. Munroe, G. M., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 15 June '18. Promoted to Seaman 2nd CI. Stationed at Great Lakes Training School. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. 128 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1913 Murphy, J. B., Infantry. Stationed at Camps Devens and Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 26 Aug. '18. Nelson, J. G., Ordnance. Enlisted 18 Oct. '17. Promoted to Sergt., Sergt. 1st CI., Ord. Sergt. Sta- tioned at Watertown Arsenal. Dis. 2 Jan. '19. Nichols, T. A., Ordnance. Corp., 25 July '17, Ord. R. C. Pro- moted to Ord. Sergt., 1 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 26 Nov. '17 to 22 May '19; France. Dis. 3 June '19. *Noble, A. B., Field Artillery. Died in France, 5 Jan. '19. See Roll of Honor. Nolan, W. H., Infantry. Enlisted 18 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 23 Nov. '17; assigned to 301st Inf. A. E. F, 4 July '18 to 5 July '19; France. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Nutt, H. H., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 30 May '17. Commis- sioned 1st Lt., 3 Oct. '17; Capt., 3 Oct. '18. Assigned to 117th Aero Sqdn.; Tr. to 99th Aero Sqdn, 1 Apr. '18; to 155th Aero Sqdn., as Commanding Officer, Sept. '18. A. E. F., 1 Jan. '18 to 18 Jan. '19; England, France. St. Mihiel Sector. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Owen, F. F., Engineers. Priv. 18 Feb. '18, 33d Engrs. Pro- moted to Corp., 15 Mar. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 30 June '18 to 30 June '19; France. Dis. 12 July '19. Page, F. S., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 25 May '18, 151st Depot Bri- gade. Promoted to Corp., 25 May '18. Tr. to M. G. Officers' Training School, 28 Oct. '18. Promoted to Sergt., 21 Sept. '18. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. *Parkhurst, C. M., Signal Corps. Died at Camp Devens, 20 Feb. '18. See Roll of Honor. Parkinson, H. O., Ambulance. Enlisted 19 June '17, U. S. A. A. S.. Sec. 562, with French Army, Promoted to Corp., 12 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '17 to 1 May '19; England, France, Ger- many. Dis. 1 May '19. Perkins, H. M., Engineers. Priv., 14 Dec. '17, 25th Engrs. Pro- moted to Corp., Sergt., Sergt. 1st CI. Tr. to S. O. S. '18; to 1st Army Engrs., Sept. '18. A. E. F., 23 Mar. '18 to 23 May '19; France. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 11 June '19. Perry, S. K. Medical Corps. Enlisted 25 Sept. '18, Psychological School, Camp Greenleaf. Tr. to U. S. Gen. Hospital No. 9, Educational Dept, 1 Dec. '18. Dis. 12 May '19. Peterson, J. A. G., Ordnance. Priv., 14 Jan. '18. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 20 July '18. Stationed at U. S. Govt. Explosive Plants, N. Y., and other places. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. Pishon, E., Infantry. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17, R. O. T. C. 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17. Assigned to Camp Dix, attached to 153d Depot Brigade. Tr. to U. S. Army Training Det, Bayonne, N. J., 26 June '18; to S. A. T C. Unit, Mi- ami Univ., 5 Sept. '18; to Camp Sher- man, 3 Feb. '19. Attached to 158th De- pot Brigade; to 418th Labor Bn. ; to 418th Labor Co. Dis. 21 Oct. '19. Powers, R. J., Medical Corps. Recruit, unassigned, 6 Sept. '18. Priv., 18 Oct. '18, Med. C; Priv. 1st CI., 1 Feb. '19 ; Ed. -in-chief Ontario Post, un- der direction Surgeon Gen. Office. Sergt., 25 Mar. '19, stationed at Camp Syracuse and other places. Dis. 24 Apr. '19. Randall, J. A., Medical Corps. 1st. Lt., 7 Sept. '17; assigned to 302nd Ammunition Train, 1 Mar. '18. Tr. to Advance G. H. Q., 14 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 26 Apr. '18 to 9 July '19; France, Germany. Oise-Aisne Offensive, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Rice, N. P., Infantry. Several months service at Camp Dev- ens, then discharged on account of phys- ical disability. Richardson, A. F., Ordnance. Priv., 22 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 3 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 1 July '18, assigned to Ord. Det, 6th Am- munition Train. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 14 June '19; A. E. F, 14 July '18 to 8 May '19; France, Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Hospital term, 7 Dec. to 16 Dec. '18. Dis. 13 May '19. 1913 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 129 Robinson, E. L., Infantry. Priv. 1st. CI, Rose, S. D., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 6 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, Nat. Naval Volunteers, 27 Mar. '17; Lt. (j. g.), 1 Jan. '18; Lt. 1 July '18. U. S. S. Louisiana, U. S. S. Bridge. Overseas service off French coast, 12 May '18 to 30 June '18. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. Scarry, J. J., Infantry. Priv., 31 July '18, 151st Depot Brigade. Tr. to Central Officers' Training Camp, Camp Grant. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Schulte, R. M., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 6 July '17, Field Hospital 341, 311th San. Train. Promoted to Capt., 11 Sept. '18. Tr. to Field Remount Sqdn. 335, 13 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 15 Sept. '18 to 30 June '19; France. Dis. 30 June '19. Scott, A. L., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted July '18, 151st Brigade, 2nd Lt., Central M. G. Officers' Training School. Stationed at Camp Devens and Camp Hancock. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Scully, T. J., Engineers. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned Capt., Aug. '17; assigned to 302nd Engrs., to 1st Bn. 1st Repl. Regt. Engrs., Jan. '18. Promoted to Major, Com- mander 1st Bn., 214th Engrs., Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Upton, Washington Barracks, Camps Forrest and Custer. Trained and sent overseas over 5000 men. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. Seaman, J., Motor Transport Corps. Sergt., 4 May '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Dec. '18. Stationed at Platts- burg and other places. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Seidler, F. A., Ambulance. Priv., May '17. Promoted to Sergt. Commissioned 1st Lt., Sept. '17. A. E. F., Oct. '17 to Mar. '19; France, Picardy, Castres, Mangin Drive, Debeney- Somme-Aisne Drive. Croix de Guerre, three citations. Dis. Mar. '19. Semmes, H. H., Cavalry — Tank Corps. Enlisted Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 3d U. S. Cav.,15 May '17. Promot- ed to 1st Lt., Tank Corps, 5 Nov. '17; to Capt., 20 June '18. A. E. F., 3 Nov. '17 to 7 Feb. '19; France. St. Mihiel, Ar- gonne. D. S. C. with oak leaf clus- ter, Italian Croce al Merito di Guerra. Wounded. Hospital term, 26 Sept. '18 to Apr. '19. Dis. Apr. '19. Shepard, A. B., Infantry Enlisted 26 Sept. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 304th Inf., 15 Dec. '17. Tr. to 103d Inf., 30 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 8 July '18 to 28 Mar. '19; France. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Shepler, R. L., Infantry. Enlisted 4 May '18, 52nd Inf., 6th Div. Tr. to Officers' Training Camp, 88th Div, 6 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 26 Aug. '18; tr. to 804th Pioneer Inf. A. E. F, 21 Sept. '18 to 18 May '19; France, Germany. St. Mihiel Sector. Dis. 7 June '19. Shumway, C. E., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 10 July '17, Seaman 2nd CI, U. S. N. R. F, Aviation Corps. Com- missioned Ensign, 24 Jan. '18; Lt. (j. g.), 1 May '18; Lt, 1 Oct. '18. Ap- pointed Commanding Officer of the U. S. Naval Air Station, Castletown-Bere- haven. Ire, 29 Apr. '18, Executive Offi- cer, 17 May '18; Commanding Officer, 4 July '18; Senior Flight Officer, U. S. Naval Aviation Det. operating from Royal Air Force Balloon Base No. 16, Cornwall, England, 22 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 26 Feb. '18 to 14 Jan. '19; Ireland, England, Wales, France. Hospital term, Oct. '18. Dis. 4 Mar. '19. Spillane, B., Naval Medical Corps. Asst. Surgeon, with rank of Lt. (j. g.), 13 Mar. '18. ^Stanley, E. C, Quartermaster Corps. Died of typhoid fever, 2 July '18, Camp Johnston. See Roll of Honor. Steele, G., Naval Auxiliary Reserve — Navy. Q. M. 3d CI, N. Aux. F, 14 Jan. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 18 May '18. U. S. S. Buitenzorg, U. S. S. Saccarappa. Overseas service between America and France. 17 June to 13 Nov. '18. Inactive duty, 30 Dec. '18. Dis. 14 Jan. '22. Stiles, E. M., Infantry. Enlisted 18 June '18, 166th Depot Bri- gade. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 31 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Lewis and Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Stone, C. S., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 301st Inf., 76th Div, 29 Aug. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt, 31 Dec. '17. Tr. to 163d Inf., 41st Div, 7 Nov. '18; to 102nd Inf., 26th Div, 17 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 9 July '18 to 31 Mar. '19; France. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. 130 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1913 Sullivan, T. L., Infantry. Priv., 20 Mar. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 1st Sergt., Color Sergt., Bn. Sergt. Ma- jor, '17; to Regt. Sergt. Major, '18. A. E. R, 6 Sept. '17 to 5 Apr. '19; Can- ada, England, France, Belgium. Che- min des Dames, Xivray Marvoisin, Humbert Plantation. Apremont, Bois, Brule-Seicheprey, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Re- ceived commission, 2nd Lt. Inf., after discharge. Talbot, E., Marine Corps. Commissioned Capt. Tapley, W., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 10 May '17. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI., U. S. N. R. F., Apr. ■'18. U. S. S. C. No. 180. Overseas ser- vice, Oct '18 to Jan. '19; patrol in Mediterranean and Straits of Gibralter. Dis. 9 Feb. '19. Terry, W. B., Signal Corps. Sergt. 1st CI., 17 Dec. '15, 102nd Field Sig. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 Apr. '18 ; assigned to 6th Field Sig. Bn. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 24 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 27 June '18 to 19 June '19; France. Ger- ardmer Sector, Vosges, Meuse-Argonne. Thompson, D. A., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17, Ord. Enlisted R. C. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 11 Sept. '17: Commissioned 2nd Lt., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 26 Jan. '18. Stationed at Raritan Arsenal and other places. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Towler, T. W., Sanitary Corps — Chem- ical Warfare Service. Enlisted 15 Feb. '18, San. Corps. Com- missioned 1st Lt. Tr. to C. W. S., 1st Lt., Gas Def. Diy, 15 July '18. Sta- tioned at New Britain, Conn, and other places. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Tuck, H. S v Cavalry — Infantry. Enlisted July '15, 1st Mass. Sqdn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., Aug. '17; assigned to 151st Depot Brigade. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., July '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. XJrion, A. R., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Promoted to Sqdn. Commander. Stationed at Barron Fie! J, Ft. Worth. Varney, R. F., Field Artillery. Enlisted 2 Oct. '17. Promoted to Corp. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Attended School of Musketry, Camp Perry, Sept. '18. Assigned to 98th Div., Camp McClellan, Oct. '18. Dis. 12 Dec. 'KS. Walsh, F. P., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Storekeeper, 13 Sept. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, Pay Corps, 7 Apr. '18. Officer-in-charge, Receiving Sec, Supply Dept., Philadelphia Navy Yard, 1 Dec. '18. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. Warren, H. P., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Storekeeper, 28 Aug. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, 17 June '18. U. S. S. Astoria, as Supply Officer, 8 Sept. '18. Overseas service, Aug. '18 to 11 Mar. '19; England, France. Dis. May '19. Warren, W. G., Quartermaster Corps. Sergt. 1st CI., 6 June '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 8 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and Newport News, Va. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Washburn, A. B., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted Feb. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., July '18. Stationed at Camp Meigs and other places. Dis. 18 Dec. '19. Waterman, C. D., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 350th Inf. A. E. F., 12 Aug. '18 to 18 Aug. '19; France, Germany, Poland, England. Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 31 Aug. '19. Watts, G. B., Y. M. C. A.— Infantry. Educational and Social Director, Y. M. C. A., 25 July '17. Tr. as Priv. to Inf., 16 Aug. '18. Promoted to Sergt., 19 Oct. '18, attached to Corps of Intel- ligence Police, 2nd Sec. Gen. Staff. Tr. on detached service as student, Uni- versity of Montpelier, Mar. '19. A. E. F., 29 Dec. '17 to 24 July '19; France. Dis. 31 July '19. Webster, P., Field Artillery. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 15 Aug. '17; Capt, 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 3 Sept. '18 to 3 Jan. '19; France. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Wells, C, Infantry. Priv., 29 Apr. '18, 303d Inf., 76th Div. Promoted to Corp. 5 June '18. Tr. to 163d Inf., 41st Div., 1 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 7 July '18 to 14 Feb. '19; France. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. 1914 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 131 Wilkins, W., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Apr. '18, 4th Bn., 151st De- pot Brigade. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 26 Aug. '18; assigned to 6th Co., 2nd Bn., 154th Depot Brigade, 5 Sept. '18. Hdqrs. 2nd Training Bn. Asst. Adjutant and Demobilization Officer, 1 Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Camps Devens, Lee and Meade. Dis. 26 Feb. '19. Willson, E. V. K., Aviation. Enlisted N. F. Sqdn., Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Promoted to 1st Lt. A. E. F. Dis. 14 Sept. '18. Wilson, L. S., Infantry — Ammunition. Enlisted 24 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., Inf., 27 Nov. '17, 91st Div. Tr. to 8th Ammunition Train, 8th Div., 1 Apr. '18. Regtl. Personnel Officer, 15 Jan. '19. Stationed at Camps Fremont, Cal., and Lee, Va. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Winship, K., Field Artillery. Capt., 15 Aug. '17, 339th F. A. Tr. to 121st F. A., 15 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 1 Aug. '18 to 1 May '19; France. Dis. 19 May '19. Wright, M. S., Naval Aviation. Student Officer, 13 Apr. '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, Licensed Pilot. Sta- tioned at Naval Air Station, San Diego and other places. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. CLASS OF 1914 Baldwin, D. G., Infantry. Enlisted 18 May '18, 153d Depot Brigade. Promoted to Corp. Dis. 10 Feb. '19. Barlow, R. J., Ambulance. Enlisted 9 Apr. '18, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 563. A. E. F., 13 June '18 to 23 Apr. '19; Italy. Asiago Sector, Piave River. Italian War Cross. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Barnes, W. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 2 July '17, Seaman 2nd CI. Promoted to Chief Carpenter, 8 Dec. '17. Stationed at Porto Rico. Dis. 23 Jan. '19. Barnes, W. W., Coast Artillery. Priv., 7 Apr. '17, 22d Co. Commission- ed 2nd Lt., 27 Mar. '18. Tr. to 72nd C. A. C. A. E. F., 6 Aug. '18 to 29 Mar. '19; France. Dis. 19 Apr. '19. Batchelder, C. S., Infantry — Aviation. Priv., Aug. '17. Tr. to Sig. R. G, un- attached; to Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Promoted to Corp., Oct. '17; to Sergt. Nov. '17. Commissioned 2 Lt., Jan. '18; 1st Lt., (Instructor), Sept. '18. Dis. Mar. '19. Beals, G. H., Ordnance. Priv., 13 Dec '17, 152nd Depot Brig- ade. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 20 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Upton, N. Y., U. S. Nitrate Plant, Toledo, O., and other places. Dis. 22 Mar. '19. Bean, H. C, Medical Corps — Naval Medical Corps. Priv., 5 Oct. '17, Med. R. C. Tr. to Naval Med. C. Commissioned Lt. (j. g.), 5 July '18. Stationed at Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Dis. 1 July '19. Bean, R. V., Field Artillery. Enlisted Apr. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 24 Nov. '17. Assigned to 76th Div. Hdqrs., 15 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 4 July '18 to 18 July '19; France. Dis. 3 Aug. '19. Beer, J. H., Infantry. Enlisted 5 Jan. '18, Officers' Training School. Promoted to Sergt, 1 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 6 Jan. '18; 1st Lt., Inf. R. C, 19 Jan. '19. Stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga. Dis. from active duty to Reserve Corps, 17 Dec. '18. Bergman, E. H., Marine Corps. Enlisted 20 Apr. '18, 45th Co., U. S. M. C. Promoted to Corp., 21 Sept. '18; to Q. M. Sergt., 29 Oct. '18. Tr. to Hdqrs., U. S. M. C. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Blackburn, C. K., Navy. Ensign in regular navy at outbreak of war. U. S. S. Missouri, U. S. Subma- rine Force, U. S. S. Agamemnon, U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Overseas service, July '18 to Jan. '19; France. Injured. Hospital term, Feb. '19 to July '20. Dis. July '20. Boggs, G. A., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 14 May '17, 77th Div., M. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., Nov. '18; Capt. Feb. '19. A. E. F., 27 Dec. '17 to 30 June '19; France, England. Dis. 9 July '19. 132 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1914 Borden, H. L., Infantry — Signal Corps. Enlisted, R. O. T. C, 11 May '17. Tr. to Sig. C. as Aerial Observation Offi- cer, 29 Jan. '18; Aerial Observer on duty with 90th Aero Sqdn., 13 July '18. A. E. F., 26 Feb. '18 to 2 Jan. '19; France. St. Mihiel, Verdun-Argonne- Meuse Offensive. D. S. C. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. Bowler, E. W., Medical Corps — Sani- tary Corps — Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 22 June '17. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 Sept. '17; to Corp., M. C, 25 Nov. '18. Tr. to San. Corps, 16 Feb. '18 to C. W. S., 1 Aug. '18. Pro- moted to Corp., 7 Aug. '18; to Sergt., 12 Sept. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Nov. '18. Stationed at Ft. Ethan Allen, Burling- ton, Vt, and other places. Dis. 5 Mar. '19. Breslin, W. W., Infantry. 2nd Lt., O. R. C, 15 Aug. '17. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., assigned to 153d De- pot Brigade. Tr. to 807th Pioneer Inf. A. E. F., 4 Sept. '18 to 3 July '19; France. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 11 July '19. Brownell, C. K., Quartermaster Corps. Corp., 22 Aug. '18, Q. M. C. Commis- sioned 2d Lt. 12 July '18. Tr. to Per- sonnel Bur., Motor Supply Train 425. A. E. F., 29 Sept. '18 to 9 July '19; France. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Buck, Carl E., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 18 Dec. '17. Stationed at Ground School, Berkeley, Cal., and other places. Buck, E. B., Naval Aviation. Seaman, 2nd CI., Student Aviator, 12 July '17. Commissioned Ensign, 13 Apr. '18. Stationed at Blue Hill Observa- tory, Milton, Mass., and other places. Dis. from active duty, 14 Dec. '18. Bullis, L. S., Aviation. Flying cadet, 17 Nov. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 29 Aug. '17. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Burnham, D. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 14 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 10 June '18; Lt. (j. g.), 1 Jan. '19. Campbell, F. W., Engineers. Priv., 1st Corps Cadets, 8 June '16, federalized as 101st Engineers. Pro- moted to Sergt., 14 July '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., 16 Apr., '18; to 1st Sergt., 8 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 4 Apr. '19; England, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Xivray Defensive, Pas Fini Sector, Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Rupt Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Troyon Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Chandler, C, Ordnance. Priv., 30 July '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 16 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 12 June '18. Stationed at Water- town Arsenal and other places. Dis. 8 May '19. Chapman, C. R., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt; 1st Lt., Mar. '19. A. E. F., July '18 to Apr. '19. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Chase, C. A., Marine Corps. Priv., 16 Apr. '18, 6th Regt, U. S.M. C. A. E. F., 13 Aug. '18 to 1 July '19; France, Germany. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 16 July '19. Chase, E. H., Ordnance. Priv., 30 July '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '18. Attached to 215th Squadron, 83d Wing, R. A. F., B. E. F. Overseas, 27 June '18 to 26 Jan. '19; France. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. Claeys, C. M., Tank Corps. Priv. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Clarke, C. A., U. S. N. R. F. Yeoman 3d CI., 10 Dec. °\7. Promot- ed to Yeoman 2nd CI., 15 Apr. '18; to Yeoman 1st CI., 1 June '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, 9 July '19; Lt. (j. g.), 7 Aug. ! 19. Stationed at Boston Navy Yard, Charlestown; U. S. S. Aztec; Bur. of Construction, and Repair, Bos- ton Office. Relieved from active duty, 22 Mar. '19. Dis. 30 Sept. '21. Coe, P. F., Field Artillery. Enlisted in 1st R. O. T. C, 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 6 June '18 to 6 Jan. '19; France Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Colby, D. R., Infantry. Enlisted 30 Aug. '18, 163d Depot Bri- gade. Tr. to Statistics Div., Gen Staff. Stationed at Washington. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. 1914 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 133 Colby, F. H, Medical Corps. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Med. R. C, 28 Mar. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt. Cole, S. D., Ordnance. Priv., 14 Aug. '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord. 1st CI., 4 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 25 Nov. '17 to 13 Mar. '19; France. St. Mihiel and Argonne. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Connors, J. F., Infantry. Enlisted 1st Conn. Inf., N. G., 19 June '16. Commissioned 1st Lt., 15 Aug. '17; Capt, 5 Nov. '18, attached to 165th Inf., 1 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 22 Sept. '17 to 12 Apr. '19; France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany. Champagne De- fensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive, Luneville Sector, Baccarat Sec- tor, St. Mihiel Sector. Dis. 22 May '19. Convery, G. J., Infantry. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf. Cooper, H. M., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 349th Inf., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 1 Nov. '18. A. E. R, 9 Aug. '18 to 19 May '19; France. Center Sector Haute Alsace. Dis. 27 June '19. Crandall, C. N., if. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 20 Oct. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 9 Apr. '18. U. S. S. Minnesota, U. S. S. C. 238. Hospital term, 28 July '18 to 25 Aug. '18. Dis. 19 Mar. '19. Cranston, F. P., Coast Artillery. Priv., 42nd Co, C. A. C, Dec. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Mar. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, 26 June '18. Tr. to Battery B, Army Art. Park, San Fran- cisco, 5 Mar. '18; to 30th Co. of San Francisco, 25 Mar. '18; to 4th Training Co, Ft. Monroe, 3 Apr. '18; to Coast Defense of the Columbia, 26 June '18; to 46th C. A. C, 3 Sept. '18. A. E. F, 14 Oct. '18 to 11 Feb. '19. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Currier, W. S., Ordnance. Priv., Engr. Det, 7 Feb. '18. Sta- tioned at Watertown Arsenal. Dis. 2 Jan. '19. Daley, W. F., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI, 12 Aug. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, R. M. A, 6 Apr. '18; 1st Lt, 11 Mar. '19. A. E. F, 22 Aug. '18 to 12 Aug. '19; France, Germany. Dis. 30 Aug. '19. Day, J. L, U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Enlisted 26 May '17. Tr. to U. S. N, 15 Sept. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 15 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.), 1 June '18; Lt, 21 Sept. '18. Commanding Officer, S. C. 225, 131, 248. Overseas service, 25 Apr. '18 to 19 Aug. '19; Greece, Italy, Austria. Bombardment of Du- razzo. Fatiche di Guerra and La Croce al Merito di Guerra, first order. Dis. 20 Sept. '19. Dearing, A. H., Navy. Asst. Surgeon with rank of Lt. (j. g.), 17 July '17. Junior Med. Officer, U. S. Transport America. Promoted to Lt, 1 Feb. '18. Overseas service, Aug. '17 to '19. In regular navy, 27 Jan. '20. Dellinger, J. L, Field Artillery. Enlisted 7 Apr. '17, 15th F. A. Com- missioned 1st Lt, 15 Aug. '17; Capt, 12 Sept. '18. A. E. F, 7 Sept. '17 to 15 May '19; France, Germany. Chateau- Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Cham- pagne, Argonne, Bannoncourt. Croix de Guerre with palm; three silver star American citations. Dis. 22 June '19. De.Witt, R. P, Coast Artillery. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, U. S. R, 15 Aug. '17; 2nd Lt, U. S. A, 26 Oct. '17; 1st Lt, C. A. C, Mar. '18; Capt, C. A C, Oct. '18. Tr. to 58th C. A. C. A. E. F, 22 May '18 to 24 May '19; France, Germany. With War Damage Board, Peace Commis- sion, Paris. Donovan, F. H, Infantry — Quartermas- ter Corps. Enlisted 15 May '17, Inf. Tr. to Q. M. C, Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 4 Mar. '18; Capt, 2 Sept. '18. A. E. F, 10 Oct. '18 to 1 Aug. '19; France. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. Drake, W. H., Medical Corps. Enlisted 19 Dec. '17, Med. R. C. Com- missioned 1st Lt, 10 June '18. No ac- tive duty. Dunbar, H. L., Field Artillery. At end of war he was in 27th Train- ing Battery, F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor. Edson, C. A, Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17, R. O. T. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, Inf., O. R. C, 14 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, Inf., U. S. A, 24 Aug. '18; Capt. Inf. Sec, O. R. C, 7 Mar. '19. Attached to 308th Inf., 2 Sept. '17. Tr. to 152nd Depot Brigade, 30 Mar. '18; assigned to 9th Bn, 1 May '18. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. 134 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1914 Emerson, A. T., Navy. Midshipman, U. S. Naval Academy, 3 June '12. Commissioned Ensign; Lt. (j. g.); Lt, 1 Jan. '18. U. S. S. Mere- dith, U. S. S. Davis. Overseas service, 4 May '17 to 14 Aug. '18; based on Queenstown, Ire. Emerson, D. A., Signal Corps. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17. As- signed to Construction Div., Sig. Corps. A. E. F., 24 Jan. '18 to 5 Dec. '18; France, England. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Farwell, N. A., American Field Service — Ambulance. Ambulance driver, A. F. S., Sec. 15, July '17. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 633, 29 Sept. '17. Overseas service, 2 July '17 to 24 Mar. '18; France, Bel- gium, Germany. French Offensive against Mort Homme, 2nd Battle of the Marne, Champagne-Argonne Offensive. Croix de Guerre; two citations. Dis. 24 Mar. '18. Faxon, C. H., Medical Corps. Enlisted 8 Mar. '18, Med. Dept. Pro- moted to Corp. Attached to Hdqrs. Services of Supply. A. E. F., 15 Aug. '18 to 26 July '19; England, France. Dis. July '19. Fellows, A. W., Medical Corps. Enlisted 6 Apr. '18, Base Hospital 44. A. E. F., 5 July '18 to 12 Aug. '19; France. Dis. 28 Aug. '19. Files, M., Ordnance. Priv., 30 July '17, enlisted Ord. C. Det. Military Stores School, Dartmouth. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 1 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., U. S. A., 4 Jan. '18. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Flanders, R., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 29 Sept. '17. A. E. F, Aug. '18 to Aug. '19; France, Germany. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 18 Sept. '19. Flinn, H. B., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 11 Nov. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 4 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 11 Jan. '18 to 11 June '19; England, France. Dis. 19 June '19. Floyd, W. E., Infantry. Color Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 1st N. H. Inf., June '16. Regtl. Supply Sergt., May '17, 1st N. H. Inf. Commissioned 1st Lt., 1st Army Hdqrs. Regt., 19 Feb. '18; Capt, Inf., 9 Apr. '19. A. E. F, 29 Mar. '18 to 5 July '19; France. Dis. 8 July '19. *Frost, H. B. f Aviation. Killed at Boursiers, France, 26 Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Full, H. P., Field Artillery— Aviation. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 14 Aug. '17. Assigned to 320th F. A., 29 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., A. S., 2 Oct. '18; assigned to 104th Air Sqdn., 15 Aug. '18. Tr. to Hdqrs. R. R. & C. Service, Mar. '19. A. E. F., 27 Dec. '17 to 26 Sept. '19; France. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Citation. Dis. 24 Oct. '19. ♦Fuller, G. E., Quartermaster Corps. Killed in automobile accident while on leave at home, 31 May '18. See Roll of Honor. Fuller, S. A., Infantry. Enlisted 15 Apr. '17. Commissioned Capt., Aug. '17; assigned to 329th Inf. Tr. to 28th Inf., 21 July '18. Appointed 2nd Brigade Adjutant, 1 Oct. '18. Pro- moted to Major, 21 Oct. '18. Appoint- ed Asst. Div. Adjutant, 20 Nov. '18; Acting Div. Adjutant, 5 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 9 June '18 to 10 Apr. '19; England, France, Germany. Saizerais Sector, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse, March to Se- dan, Army of Occupation. Div. Cita- tion for D. S. C. ; Citation in General Orders ; Croix de Guerre with silver star. Dis. 19 Apr. '19. Gardner, G. I., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 14 Jan. '18. Stationed at Austin, Tex. and other places. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Gilbert, G. H., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17, R. O. T. C. Com- missioned Capt., 1 Sept. '17, command- ing Co. I, 303d Inf. Promoted to Ma- jor, 1 Sept. '18. Overseas Casuals, Camp Merritt. Dis. 26 July '19. 1914 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 135 Giles, E. N., Services of Supply. Enlisted 13 July '17, 103d Motor Sup- ply Train, 28th Penn. Div. Promoted to Corp., 4 Sept. '17. A. E. F., 8 June '18 to 25 Apr. '19; England, France. 5th German Offensive, Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Ar- gonne, Thiaucourt Sector. Dis. 16 May '19. Green, W. A., Jr., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 8 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. Appointed Adju- tant, Ft. St. Philip, 29 Aug. '17; Asst. Adjutant, Coast Defense, New Orleans, 18 Nov. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt, 7 Jan. '18. Appointed Adjutant, 1st Trench Mortar Battery, C. A. C, 24 Mar. '18. Student and instructor, Trench Mortar School in France, 20 Apr. '18. Tr. to 308th Trench Mortar Battery, 14 Sept. '18. Promoted to Capt., 2 Nov. '18, commanding 1st Trench Mortar Battery. A. E. F., 13 Apr. '18 to 13 Apr. '19; France, Germany. Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Hospital term, 24 Oct. to 9 Nov. '18. Dis. 7 May '19. Gregg, J. D., Ordnance. Enlisted 31 July '17, Ord. Depot Co. Promoted to Ord. Sergt, 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '18; 1st Lt., 25 Oct. '18. Commanding Officer, Ord. Depot, Camp Sheridan, 1 Dec. '18; same, Camp Gordon, 11 June '19. Dis. 30 Aug. '19. Gridley, J. H., Infantry. Enlisted Apr. '17. Commissioned Capt., Inf., 15 Aug. '17; Major, Apr. '19. A. E. F., 4 July '18 to 18 July '19; France. Dis. 3 Aug. '19. Hall, F. D., Infantry. Priv., 2 Oct. '17, 5th Mass. Inf. Tr. to 3d Pioneer Inf., 12 Feb. '18. Promoted to Corp., 18 May '18; to Sergt, 4 Oct. '18. A E. R, 30 Aug. '18 to '19; France, Germany. Argonne-Meuse Offensive. Dis. '19. Harlow, J. M., Ordnance. Enlisted 3 July '17. Promoted to Sergt., 23 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 15 Jan. '19. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '19. A. E. F., 13 Oct. '17 to 6 Oct. '19; France. Dis. 13 Oct. '19. ♦Haskell, P., Naval Aviation. Died of influenza and pneumonia, Gallnp's Island, 29 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Hastings, R. C, Canadian Medical Corps. Lt., '17. Promoted to Capt., Feb. '18. Overseas service, England, in 18th Can. Reserve Bn., 16 Sept. '18. Hawley, J. B., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T C. units 7 Aug. '18. Dis. 6 Sept. '18. Hazelton, P. H., Aviation. Enlisted, 10 July '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 13 May '18. A. E. F., 18 Oct. '17 to 9 Feb. '19; France, Italy. Dis. 10 Feb. '19. Hazen, J. N., Ordnance. Enlisted, 14 May '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Ord., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 8 Jan. '18; Capt., 29 July '18. Stationed at Washington. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. Heenehan, J. T., Infantry. Enlisted, 12 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt. '17; assigned to 1st 111. Inf., 15 Aug. '17. Tr. to 304th Inf. 1 Sept '17 ; to 163d Inf., 7 Nov. '18; to 310th Inf., 16 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 7 July '18 to 31 May '19; England, France. Dis. 6 June 19. Higgins, L. A., Ordnance. Priv., 29 Apr. '18, Hdqrs. Supply Co., Ordnance Training Camp. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 17 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Hancock, 10 May '18. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Hinman, H. B., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; as- signed to 151st Depot Brigade. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 29 Dec. '17. Co. Com- mander, Central Officers' Training School. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. Hogsett, R. N., Ordnance — Coast Ar- tillery. Enlisted 8 May '17, Officers' Train- ing Camp. Commissioned 1st Lt., 28 Aug. '17; assigned to Ord. Dept. 54th C. A. C. Tr. to Hdqrs. Army Artillery, 1st Army. A. E. F, 22 Mar. '18 to 2 May '19. Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 12 May '19. 136 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 19U Hopkins, R. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 21 Apr. '17. Promoted to Coxswain, July '17; to Boatswain's Mate 1st CI., Sept. '17; to Chief Boat- swain's Mate, Oct. '17; to Chief Yeo- man, Jan. '18. Commissioned Ensign, Pay Corps, Dec. '18; appointed Dis- bursing Officer, Pelham Bay, N. Y., Jan. '19. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Pat- chogue; also stationed at Boston Navy Yard and other places. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Howe, P., Merchant Marine. Enlisted May '18. Placement Clerk, Boston Agency, U. S. Shipping Bd. Re- cruiting Service. Timekeeper, U. S S. Gov. Dingley. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Howell, S. A., Infantry. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 14 Aug. '17. Assigned to 168th Inf., Dec. '17. A. E. F., 11 Sept. '17 to 23 Mar. '19; France. Baccarat Sector, Cham- pagne Defensive; Counter Offensive North of Chateau-Thierry. Gassed. Hospital term, 15 Aug. '18 to 27 Jan. '19. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 22 Apr. '19. Howland, C. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI, 5 July '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 5 June '18. U. S. S. Halycon, U. S. S. Maui. Transport duty between New York and France, 15 June '18 to 10 Mar. '19. Released to reserve list, 15 Mar. '19. Hoyt, H. C, Aviation. Flying Cadet, 15 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., A. S., 30 Mar. '18. A. E. F., for 3 mos. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Hutchins, R. M., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 12 Apr. '17, 1st Officers' Training Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; Dartmouth Training Det. Tr. to Camp Jos. E. Johnston, 10 Aug. '18, as Instructor, Officers' Training School, M. T. C. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Johnson, H. T., Infantry. Enlisted July '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17, Inf., U. S. A. Dis. Nov. '18. Johnson, R., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 12 June '17, 106th M. G. Bn. A. E. F, 18 May '18 to 1 Mar. '19; France. (With 27th Div. throughout their campaigns.) Dis. 1 Apr. '19. Jones, F. E., Navy. Ensign, 24 May '17. Pay Corps, U. S. N. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.), 9 Dec. '18. Stationed at Boston Navy Yard and other places. Jones, G. R., Cavalry — Quartermaster Corps. Priv., 30 Mar. '17, 1st N. Y. Cav. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Apr. '18. Tr. to Q. M. C, 7 Oct. '17. Commissioned Capt, 7 Oct. '17. Depot Q. M. Camp Jackson, S. C, '18. In charge Ord- nance Finance, N. Y. District, '19. Dis. 30 Sept. '19. Junkins, E. P., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 23d Inf.; 1st Lt., 28 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 17 Jan. '18 to 3 Mar. '19, England, France. Verdun Sector, Aisne, St. Mihiel, Cham- pagne, Meuse-Argonne. Gassed. Hos- pital terms, 15 June to 25 Aug. '18, 2 Nov. '18 to 16 July '19. *Kelly, R. T v Engineers. Died of influenza, Atlanta, Ga., 16 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. *Kelsey, R. H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Killed in action in France, 16 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Kimball, E. L., Ordnance — Field Artil- lery. Priv., 30 July '17. Enlisted Ord. R. C. Military Stores School, Hanover. Pro- moted to Ord. Sergt., 6 Nov. '17. Tr. to F. A. as Regimental Sergt. Major, 24 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18. A. E. F., 23 May '18 to 18 Jan. '19; France. Argonne, Argonne- Meuse Offensive. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Kingman, L, Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 303d M. G. Bn, 76th Div. Tr. to 148th M. G. Bn, 41st Div, 8 Nov. '18; to 108th M.,G. Bn, 28th Div, 12 Jan. '19. A. E. F, 4 Aug. '18 to 16 May '19; France. Dis. 26 May '19. Kingsley, C, Aviation. Enlisted 12 May '17, R. O. T. C. Priv. 1st CI, A. S, Sig. R. C, 14 Aug. '17. Graduated S. M. A, Princeton, 22 Dec. '17. Kelly Field No. 2, 18 Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, R. M. A, A. S, Sig. R. C, 26 Mar. '18. Supply Officer, 676th Aero Sup. Sqdn, 1 Apr. '18. Fly- ing Instructor, Mather Field, 17 June '18. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. 1914 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 137 Kinne, W. A., Medical Corps. Priv., 1 June '17, Cincinnati Base Hospital Unit No. 25. Promoted to Sergt. A. E. F., 28 June '18 to 28 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 8 May '19. Leech, C. E., Ordnance. Enlisted 7 Nov. '17, Equipment Div. Ord. Dept. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; 1st Lt, Feb. '19. Tr. to Aircraft Armament Sect., Supply Br., July '18. A. E. F., 30 July '18 to 23 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 5 May '19. Lewis, P. J.„ Field Artillery. Enlisted 21 Sept. '17, 303d Heavy F. A. Promoted to Corp., 1 Nov. '17; to Sergt., 14 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 15 July '18 to 26 Apr. '19; France. Toul Sec- tor. Dis. 1 May '19. Little, G. P., Infantry. Supply Sergt., 16 July '17, N. D. Nat. Guard, 116th Train, Hdqrs. A. E. F., 29 Dec. '17 to 1 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 22 Apr. '19. Llewellyn, F. A., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 16 May '17. Commis- sioned 1st Lt., 9 Mar. '18; assigned to 99th Aero Sqdn.. Promoted to Capt. 11 Apr. '19; Flight Commander; Pilot, Observation Sqdn. A. E. F., 24 Aug. '17 to 6 Apr. '19; France. St. Mihiel, Frappelle, Argonne-Meuse. Hospital term, 1 Feb. '19 to 2 June '19. Croix de Guerre, D. S. C, mentioned in orders. Dis. '19. Loudon, P. W., Aviation. Enlisted 1 May '17, 1st Officers' Training Camp. Attached to Royal Flying Corps, Canada, 7 July '17. Com- missioned 1st Lt., Aviation. Flight Commander, 22nd Aero Sqdn., 1 Oct. '17. Tr. to Royal Flying Corps, 44th Sqdn., (Eng.), (detached service), 1 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 31 Jan. '18 to 31 Jan. '19; England, France. Hospital term, 31 Aug. to 15 Oct. '18. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Loveland, W. H., Quartermaster Corps. Sergt. 4 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., May '18; 1st Lt., 27 Sept. '18. Mil- itary Stores School, Dartmouth. Sta- tioned at Washington and Camp J. E. Johnston. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Luby, C. H., Ordnance — Navy. Chief Clerk, Small Arms Sec, Ord. Dept., May '17. Tr. to U. S. N., May '18. Commissioned Ensign, Sept. '18. Over- seas Transport Service. Dis. June '19. Lyons, W. L., Ambulance — Quarter- master Corps. Priv. 1st CI., 6 June '17, Ambulance Co. No. 10. Tr. to Sec. 576, U. S. A. A. S., 20 June '17; to Q. M. C, 21 Mar. '18; to Q. M. C, U. S. A. A. S. with Italian Army, 13 June '18. Sales Agent for Italy, 8 Apr. '19. Tr. to Q. M. C, Tours Hdqrs., S. O. S., 30 June '19. Promoted to Sergt., 21 Mar. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI.. 18 Jan. '19; to Q. M. Sergt., 12 June '19. A. E. F., 13 June '18 to 31 July '19; Italy, France. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. McAllaster, R. V., Ordnance — Infantry. Enlisted Ord. C, 31 July '17. Mili- tary Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 15 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 15 Nov. '17. Tr. to Central Ma- chine Gun Officers' Training School, 10 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 20 Nov. '18. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 24 Nov. '18. McClary, G. B, American Field Ser- vice — Engineers. A. F. S., 1 June '15 to 1 Oct. '15. Priv., Illinois Engrs., 1 June '16; Mexican Border Patrol. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Engrs. R. C, 1 Jan. '17; 308th Regt. Engrs. Commissioned 1st Lt., Engrs., 15 Aug. '17; Capt, Engrs., 30 July '18. A. E. F., 25 May '18 to 15 Sept. '18. France. Aisner-Marne Offensive, Oise- Aisne Offensive, Vesle Defensive Sector. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. McDonough, G. L, Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 1 Sept. '18; assigned to 355th Inf. A. E. F, 20 May '18 to 21 Nov. '18; England, France. Toul Sector, St. Mihiel. Wounded. Hospital term, 16 Sept. '18 to 8 Dec. '19, date of discharge. McLaughlin, C. B., Ordnance. Main, T., Coast Artillery — Quartermas- master Corps. Enlisted Apr. '17, 1st Mass. C. A. C. N. G. Promoted to Sergt., 14 Apr. '17. Tr. to Q. M. C, July '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., Q. M. C, 28 Sept. '17. A. E. F.. 9 Oct. '17 to 4 Apr. '19; France. Toul Sector, Bois Brule, Seicheprey, Humbert Plantation, Xivray, Aisne- Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Cited by Gen. Edwards. Dis. 29 Apr '19. 138 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1914 Marceau, F. R., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 26 Apr. '18. Stationed at Great Lakes Training Station. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Morse, H. J., Engineers. Priv., 17 Dec. '17, 318th Engrs. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 8 May '18 to 11 June '19; France, Germany. Vosges, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 21 June '19. Needs, U. S., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 2 Oct. '17, 322nd M. G. Bn. Promoted to Sergt. A. E. F., 14 June '18 to 30 Jan. '19; France. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Newmark, A. J., Ordnance. Priv., 21 Nov. '17, 103d Ord. Depot Co. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 26 Jan. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., Apr. '18. A. E. F., 15 Sept. '18 to 20 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 5 May '19. Nichols, L. P., Ordnance. Priv., 20 June '17. Military Stores School, Dartmouth. Promoted to Corp., 8 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 11 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 26 Jan. '18. Sta- tioned at Woodbury, N. J. and other places. Dis. '19. O'Leary, P. A., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 20 Jan. '18. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf and other places. Dis. 26 Jan. '19. Overton, A. M., Infantry (Machine Gun) — Ammunition Train. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. IS Aug. '17; assigned to 322nd M. G. Bn. Tr. to 308th Ammunition Train, 19 Jan. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt, Jan. '18; Capt, 14 May '18; Adjutant of Bn. (Motor). A. E. F, 21 June '18 to 18 Apr. '19; England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany. West of Meuse, Bois de la Grande Montaigne, East of Meuse. Dis. 14 May '19. Palmer, J. M. — Ordnance. Enlisted 20 July '17, Ord. R. C. Promoted to Ord. Sergt, 1 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; 1st Lt, 15 Sept. '18. Stationed at San Antonio Arsenal, Camps Hancock and Sheridan, and Washington. Dis. 1 Feb. '19 Papson, E. T, Field Artillery. Priv, 1 Sept. '17, 110th F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt. A. E. F, France. Pattillo, G. S, Infantry. Enlisted 17 Sept. '18, for limited serv- ice. Worked with Committee on Class- ification of Personnel in the Army, Feb. '18. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Peppard, J. T, Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 9 Aug. '17. Promoted to Corp, Aug. '17; to Sergt, Jan. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI, May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Q. M. R. C, 16 Dec. '18. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Perkins, P. L., Aviation. Priv, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, 27 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 10 Dec. '18. Stationed at Princeton and other places. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Phelps, R. M., Aviation. Priv, 19 June '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. Enlisted R. C. Commissioned 1st Lt, A. S, 1 Dec. '17. A. E. F, 18 Aug. '18 to 5 July '19; England, France. Chan- nel Patrol. Breveted Liaison Pilot, Royal Air Force. Dis. 26 July '19. Piane, J. M, Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 25 July '18, 151st Depot Brigade. Promoted to Sergt, 11 Oct. '18. Tr. to M. G. Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock, Ga. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Pollard, B. F, Ordnance. Priv, Enlisted Ord. C, attached to 310th Cav, 17 Jan. '18. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Ord. Sergt, 16 Sept. 18. Tr. as Ord. Sergt. to 58th F. A, 16 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Jackson and other places. Dis. 26 Feb. '19. Pooler, F., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 304th Inf., Dec. '17. Commanding Prisoner of War Escort Co. 230, 10 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 8 July '18 to 28 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 1 May '19. Potter, H. H., Infantry (Machine Gun) — Engineers. Enlisted Apr. '17, 102nd M. G. Bn. Tr. to 101st Engineers, 21 Oct. '18. A. E. F, 5 Oct. '17 to 28 Mar. '19, France. Seicheprey, Xivray, Marne Defensive, M^-ne Offensive, St. Mihiel, Troyon Sector, Marcheville, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded. Hospital term, 25 July '18 to 15 Aug. '18. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. 1914 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 139 Pritchard, R. E., Ordnance. Enlisted 30 July '17, Ord. C. attached to A. S. Military Stores School, Han- over. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 28 Jan. '18. 1st Lt., 8 Nov. '18, Aircraft Armament Section. A. E. F., 22 Apr. '18 to 24 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 5 May '19. Ramage, J. B., Ordnance. 1st Lt., 12 Feb. '18. Promoted to Capt, R. C, 16 June '19. Stationed at Washington. Dis. 1 Apr. '18. Remsen, M. J., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 9 Dec. '17, 306th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Sergt., 20 Apr. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 14 July '18; tr. to 1st Div. A. E. F., 26 Apr. '18 to 14 Dec. '18; England, France. Chateau- Thierry. Dis. 14 Jan. '19. Rice, R. C, Ordnance. Priv., 31 July '17, Prov. Field Depot 7. Promoted to Corp. of Ord., 15 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 8 Jan. '19. A. E. F., 26 Nov. '17 to 5 May '19; France. Dis. 15 May '19. Richmond, A. P.,. Field Artillery. Enlisted 21 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 301st Battery, Trench Mortars, 151st F. A. Brigade. A. E. F., 1 Aug. '18 to 10 Jan. '19; England, France. Dis. 8 Feb. '19. Saltmarsh, S. W., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 6 Apr. '17. Promoted to Asst. Paymaster, 10 June '17. Appointed storekeeper, Boston Navy Yard. Com- missioned Ensign, 1 Oct.. '17. Aide to Dist. Enrolling Officer, 1st Dist., 9 Oct. '17; Exec. Officer, Machias, Me., Sec. 1st Nav. Dist., 1 Dec. '17; Sec. Com- mander, Machias Sec, 7 Oct. '18. U. S. S. Seattle, Receiving Ship, N. Y., Asst. Navigator, U. S. S. Siboney. Sargent, G. P., Engineers. Priv., May '17, 19th U. S. Ry. Engrs. Promoted to Sergt., Sept. '18. • A. E. F., 9 Aug. '17 to 28 Apr. '19; England, France. Dis. 2 May '19. Saville, T., Coast Artillery — Signal Corps. Enlisted Aug. '17, 2nd Officers' Train- ing Camp. Coast Artillery Officer, training at Ft. Monroe; service at Ft. Wetherill. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17; 1st Lt., 12 Dec. '17. Tr. to Sig. C, in charge of sanitary engineer- ing, Langley Field. Dis. 12 Mar. '19. Sheldon, S. D., Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 1 Nov. '17, U. S, N. R. F. Promoted^ to C. Q. M., 25 Apr. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 24 July '18. Stationed at Pensacola, Fla. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.). Dis. 23 Dec. '18. *Shoemaker, R. E., Infantry. Killed in action, Argonne Forest, 10 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Sleeper, G. C, Cavalry — Aviation. 2nd Lt., 10 May '17, Cav., U. S. R. Tr. to A. S., '18. Promoted to 1st Lt., I Aug. '18. A. E. R, 7 Sept. '17 to 23 Dec. '18; France, England. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. Smith, B. H., Engineers. Enlised 14 May '17, 1st U. S. Engrs., 1st Div. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 26 June '17; to Corp.. 11 July '17; to Sergt, 26 Oct. '18. A. E. F, 7 Aug. '17 to 17 Aug. '19; France, Luxembourg, Ger- many. Toul, Cantigny and Saizerais Sectors, Montdidier-Noyon Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Of- fensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Gassed. Hospital term, 23 July to 5 Aug. '18. Cited in General Orders. Dis. 19 Aug. '19. Smith, H. H., Signal Corps. Enlisted in 14th Co., Camp Edward C. Fuller. Snow, W. J., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 14 Aug. '17; assigned to 37th Brigade, C. A. C, 20 Oct. '17. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 22 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 21 Oct '18 to 7 Feb. '19; France. Dis. II Feb. '19. Spore, L. P., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 30 June '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S., 20 May '18. A. E. F., 27 Oct. '17 to 21 Feb. '19; Italy, France. Italian Front, 2nd Sqdn., Caproni 3; 17 Aug. '18 to 28 Oct. '18. Hospital term, 28 Oct. to 15 Dec. '18. Dis. 23 Feb. '19. Stickle, W. W., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 4 Nov. '17. Promoted to Sergt. 20 Feb. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 4 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Oct. '18. Stationed at New York and other places. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. 140 ARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1914 Stiles, H. A., Field Artillery. Enlisted 5 Oct. '18. Attended Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zach- :ary Taylor. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Stratton, S. C, Engineers. Enlisted 10 June '18, 107th Engrs. Promoted to Corp. A. E. F., 14 July '18 to 4 May '19; France, Germany. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 24 May '19. Sullivan, F. F., Infantry. Enlisted 25 June '18, 153d Depot Bri- gade. Promoted to Corp., July '18; to Sergt, Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Dix, Camp Gordon. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Swigart, J., Jr., American Field Serv- ice — Motor Transport Corps. For 3 mos. with A. F. S., T. M. U 184. Tr. to M. T. C, 18 July '17. Taft, J. C, Navy. Enlisted 8 Dec. '17. Dis. for physical disability, July '18. Taylor, H. F., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 28 June '18, attached to Gen. Hospital No. 6. Dis. 3 Sept. '19. Teachout, R. B., Medical Corps. Enlisted 13 May '18, Psychological Examining Service, Infirmary No. 3, 166th Depot Brigade. Promoted to Hospital Sergt. Stationed at Camp Lewis and Whipple Barracks. Therrien, Z. W., Naval Aviation. Enlisted May '18. Stationed at New- port, R. I., and other places. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. Tilton, G. H., Jr., U. S., N. R. F. Enlisted 9 June '17, on Patrol Boat. Commissioned Ensign, 2 Oct. '18. Sta- tioned at Newport, R. I. Dis. 21 Mar. '19. *Trottier, E. A., Coast Patrol. Died of influenza, 23 Sept. '18, Brook- line, Mass. See Roll of Honor. Tuck, A. J. M., Infantry (British). Priv., 17 Sept. '14, Univ. and Public Schools Brigade. Tr. to Seaforth High- landers. Commissioned Capt., 9 Aug. '17. Appointed Gen. Staff Officer, Gen- eral Byng's Staff, Dec. '17. Promoted to Brigade Major, 229th Inf. Brigade, Apr. *18. B. E. F., 10 July '15 to 9 Aug. '19; France, Palestine, Belgium. Cambrai, German Offensive, Grand Allied Offen- sive. Wounded. Hospital term, Oct. to Nov. '15. Military Cross ; twice men- tioned in dispatches. Dis. 8 Aug. '19. Tukey, A. A., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 15 May '17, 3d M. G. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. A E. F., 20 Sept. '17 to 1 Oct. '18; France. Cantigny, Soissons. Wounded. Hospi- tal term, 20 July '18 to 14 Mar. '19. D. S. C. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. Van Riper, H. G., Field Artillery. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 11th F. A. A. E. F., 13 July '18 to 10 June '19; France. Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Dis. '19. Voorhees, E. M., Field Artillery. Enlisted 24 Aug. '17, 328th F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C, 27 Nov. '17; 1st Lt., 26 Sept. '18; Capt, 11 Feb. '19. Stationed at Ft. Niagara and other places. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Warren, J. A., Infantry — Aviation — En- gineers. Priv., 5 Oct. '17, 302nd Inf. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Jan. '18; tr. to 190th Aero Sqdn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Engrs., 25 May '18; 1st Lt., 27 Sept. '18. Dis. 13 Jan. '19. Washburn, W. W., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Aug. '17, Base Hospital 30. Promoted to Capt., Feb. '19. A. E. F., 1 Mar. '18 to 1 Mar. '19; France. Dis. June '19. *Watkins, G. F., Infantry. Killed in action, 28 July '18. See Roll of Honor. Webster, G. M., Aviation. Priv., 15 Dec. '17, Casuals, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Promoted to Sergt. Tr. to 801st Aero Sqdn., 1 June '18. A. E. F., Mar. '18 to Mar. '19; France. Dis. 28 Mar. '19. Weed, F. H., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted, 10 Dec. '17, Construction Div., Utilities Co. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 15 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 13 June '18; 1st Lt, 10 July '19. Of- ficer in charge of water works and sewers, Camp Dix, 29 May '19. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. Wheatley, G. D., Infantry. Enlisted May '17, 165th Inf. Com- missioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 15 Jan. '18 to 28 Feb. '19; France, Ger- many. Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive. Wounded. Hospital term, 1 Aug. to 15 Sept. '18. Citation. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. 1914 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 141 Wheelock, A. S., Y. M. C. A.— Chap- lains' Corps. Enlisted 9 Nov. '17, Army Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Commissioned Chaplain with rank of 1st Lt, July '18. Tr. to 23d Inf., 16 July '18. A. E. F, 9 Jan. '17 to 6 June '19; France, Belgium, Ger- many. Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mi- hiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Hospital term, 19 Sept. to 22 Oct. '18. Mentioned in orders. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. White, M. G., Jr., Field Artillery— Avi- ation. Enlisted 9 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A. ; assigned to 315th F. A., 13 Mar. '18. Tr. to A. S., June '18; rated Aerial Observer with 24th Aero Sqdn. A. E. F., Aug. '18 to Sept. '19; England, France, Germany. Dis. 5 Sept. '19. White, R. J., Jr., Sanitary Corps. Priv., 11 June '18, Gen. Hospital No. 7. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Stationed at Base Hospital, Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md., and Gen. Hospital No. 7. Wicker, C. S., Engineers. Enlisted 7 Nov. '17, 16th Engrs. Pro- moted to Corp. 1 Aug. '18; to Sergt, 1 Nov. '18. Tr. to 419th Det. Engrs., 14 Nov. '17; to 447th Det. Engrs., 9 Dec. '17; to O. C. E., G. H. Q., 26 Feb. '18; to 16th Engrs., 16 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 31 Jan. '18 to 22 Apr. '19 ; France. Lys Defensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 4 May '19. Wilcox, W., American Field Service — Tank Corps. Enlisted 1 May '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 526 (Dartmouth Unit). Tr. to R. O. T. C, Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 10 Mar. '18; assigned to Tank Corps, Co. A, 306th and 303rd Bns. A. E. F., 14 Aug. '18 to 27 Feb. '19; England, France. French Citation. Dis. 6 Mar. '19. Wilson, P. F., Infantry. Priv., 14 Aug. '17, 304th Inf. Promot- ed to Corp., Sergt., '18. A. E. F., 5 July '18 to 15 Dec. '18; England, France. Hospital term, 4 Sept. '18 to 27 May '19. Dis. 4 June .'19. Woodman, R. S v Field Artillery — Mot- or Transport Corps. Enlisted 2 Oct. '17, 302nd F. A. Pro- moted to 1st Sergt., 27 Oct. '17. Tr. to Unit 302, Repair Shops, M. T. C. A. E. F., 3 Jan. '18 to 2 Sept. '19; France, Germany. Dis. 8 Sept. '19. Woodman, R. C. Wright, G., Aviation. Enlisted 4 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., A. S., 13 May '18. A. E. F., 1 Nov. '17 to 5 Dec. '18; France, Italy. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. Wulpi, J. M., Aviation. Enlisted 8 June '18, Ground School, Air Service School of Military Aero- nautics. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Avia- tion Sec, Sig. R. C. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Wylde, O. A., Infantry. Enlisted 20 June '18, 162nd Depot Brigade. Promoted to 1st Sergt., July '18. Stationed at Camp Pike. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Young, G., Jr., Coast Artillery. Enlisted Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., C. A. C, 27 Nov. '17; Capt., Oct. '18. A. E. F., 5 Dec. '17 to 19 Feb. '19; England, France. Toul Sector. Dis. 25 Feb. '19. Young, R., Infantry. Enlisted 13 May '17. Sent to Special- ists' School, For. Legion Camp, France, Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 163d Inf., 41st Div., Feb. '18. Tr. to 26th Regular Inf., 1st Div., Feb. '18, as Intelligence Offi- cer. Promoted to 1st Lt., Oct. '18. Tr. to 41st Regt., 10th Div., Intel- ligence Officer on staff, 24 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 29 Aug. '17 to 2 Sept. '18; Eng- land, France. Cantigny, Soissons Drive, Chateau-Thierry. Entire 26th Regt. cited several times by French Army; entitled to wear fourragere. Wounded. Gassed. Hospital term, Apr. '18, 2 Sept. to 15 Oct. '18. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. CLASS OF 1915 Adams, T., Motor Transport Corps. Priv., 15 Dec. '17. Promoted to Corp. 1 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 31 May '19. Assigned to 439th Supply Train. A. E. F., 23 Apr. '18 to 5 July '19, France. Champagne-Marne Defen- sive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 23 July '19. *Alderson, E. L., Infantry. Died of influenza. Spring Valley, Cal., 13 Dec. '18. See Roll of Honor. 142 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 Alexander, P. K, Field Artillery. Enlisted 5 Sept. '17, 341st F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18; 1st Lt., 22 July '18; Capt., 25 Sept. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Funston and Camp Jackson. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. Atwood, A. S., Engineers — Quartermas- ter Corps. Enlisted 5 Aug. '17, 101st Engrs. (1st Corps Cadets, Mass.). Tr. to Q. M. C, Sept. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 1st CI., Q. M. C, 26th Div. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 18 Oct. '18; 1st Lt., 22 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 9 Oct. '17 to 5 Apr. '19, Eng- land, France. Soissons Sector, Toul Sector, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mi- hiel Offensive, Troyon Sector, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Gassed. Dis. Z9 Apr. '19. Austin, A. M., Navy. Enlisted Aug. '17, U. S. S. Covington, Transport Service. Torpedoed off Brest, France, 1 June '18. Tr. to U. S. S. Calamares. Commissioned Lt. (j.g.), Mar. '18; Lt, Aug. '18; Lt. Commander, Apr. '19. Overseas service, Aug. '17 to '19, France. Bache-Wiig, J., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 330th F. A., 1 Sept. '17. Tr. to 310th Trench Mortar Battery, 17 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 30 July '18 to 13 Mar. '19, France. Hos- pital term, 5 Mar. to 26 Apr. '18, 1 to 22 Feb. '19. Dis. 18 Mar. '18. *Bacon, H. E., Jr., Infantry. Died of a gun shot wound at San Francisco, Cal., 19 Dec. '18. See Roll of Honor. Barker, W. D., Field Artillery. Enlisted 21 Sept. '17, 301st F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt., Nov. '17; to Sergt. Major, Jan. "18. Tr. to 31st F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '18. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Bennink, D. C, Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17, 1st Officers" Training Camp. Enlisted in 26th Depot Brigade (Mass. Nat. Guard), 15 Oct. '17, as Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 May '18; 1st Lt., 27 July '18; Capt, Inf. R. C, 18 Apr. '19. Stationed at Camp Green and other places. Dis. 4 Mar. '19. Bigelow, R. C, Ordnance. Priv. 30 July '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. A. E. F., 25 Nov. '17 to 3 June '19; France. Dis. 3 June '19. *Bishop, C. E., Ordnance. Died of pneumonia, Camp Grant, 4 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Blodgett, P. H., Ordnance. Enrolled in Military Stores School, Hanover. Boggs, A. G., Medical Corps. Enlisted 15 Jan. '18, Med. R. C. As- signed to Harvard S. A. T. C, 2 Oct '18. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Borella, B. V., Infantry. Enlisted 6 Apr. '17, 57th Pioneer Inf. Promoted to Corp. Commissioned 1st Lt., 15 Mar. '18. Stationed at Camp Bartlett and other places. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Bowler, J. P., Medical Corps. Priv., 6 Nov. '17. Furloughed to Harvard Medical School to continue medical study. Brackett, J. H., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17, Officers' Train- ing Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt Sta- tioned at Camp Eustis and other places. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Bradley, A., Aviation. Enlisted Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Com- missioned 1st Lt., A. S., 4 Oct. '18. Stationed at Dayton, O., and Detroit, Mich. Dis. 1 May '19. Bartlett, F. H., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17; as- signed to Ft. Standish, 15 Dec. 17. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 31 Aug. '18; tr. to 33d C. A. C, 1 Nov. '18. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. Braun, G. A., Medical Corps. Enlisted 7 Sept. '17. Stationed at Gen. Hospital No. 9, Base Hospital No. 50, Camp Hospital No. 93. A. E. F., 23 July '18 to 6 Aug. '19; France. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 143 Brown, R. W., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 5 June '17, U S. N. R. R, Transport Service. U. S. S. Kroonland, Oct. 17; S. S. H. H. Rogers, S. S. Adri- an Iselin, U. S. S. Saetia, U.S.S. Bax- ley (Navigator). Promoted to Lt. (j.g.). Overseas service, 29 July '17 to 12 Sept. '18; England, France. Convoy attacked and 2 ships sunk. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Budd, H. H., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 17 Sept. '17. Pro- moted to Asst. Paymaster, rank of En- sign, 12 Feb. '18. U. S. S. Buitenzorg. Dis. 15 June '19. Burbank, J. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 6 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, Oct. '17; Lt. (j.g.), Aug. '18; Lt, Oct. '18. U. S. _S. Alabama, with U. S. Atlantic Fleet in Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Instructor at U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Sept. '18. Burnett, H., 2nd, Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17; Capt., 12 Nov. '18. Appointed A. D. C, C. G., 56th Brigade, 28th Div., 22 Oct. '17; Brigade Adjutant, 8 June '18; A. D. C, C. G., 88th Div., 10 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 28 Apr. '18 to 1 June '19, France. Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, Oise- Aisne, Argonne, Defensive Sector. 2 Division citations. Dis. 19 June '20. Campbell, B. H., Ordnance. Enlisted July '17. Promoted to Sergt. ; to Ord. Sergt., 1 Jan. '19. A. E. R, Oct. '17 to Aug. '19, France. Dis. Aug. '19. Campbell, G. M., Infantry— Field Artil- lery. Enlisted 23 Sept. '17, 151st Depot Bri- gade. Promoted to Corp. ; to Sergt., June '18. Tr. to F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Taylor, 15 Sept. '18. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Cannon, P. H., Engineers. Corp., 101st Engrs. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Pas Fini Sector, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne- Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Troyon Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Carpenter, I. W., Jr., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 8 May '17, R. O. T. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 15 Sept. '18; Capt., 10 Oct. '18. Assigned to Hdqrs. Co., 33rd C. A. C, 1 Oct. '18. Stationed at Ft. Andrews and other places. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Castle, L. D., Quartermaster Corps — Infantry. Enlisted 9 Aug. '17, Q. M. C. Pro- moted to Sergt, 15 Sept '17; to Q. M. Sergt., 27 Dec. '17. Tr. to Inf. Repl. Troops, 16 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 30 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Funston and Camp Pike. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. Chase, R. D., Engineers. Enlisted Oct. '16, 1st Corps Cadets, federalized as 101st Engineers, July '17. Promoted to Corp. ; to Sergt., 7 Aug. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 7 Apr. '19. A. E. R, 24 Sept. '17 to 4 Apr. '19, France. Toul Sector, Xivray Defensive, Pas Fini Sector, Champagne-Marne Defen- sive, Asine-Marne Offensive, Rupt Sec- tor, St. Mihiel Offensive, Troyon Sec- tor, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Child, F. S., Ordnance. Enlisted Dec. '17, Ord. C, Artillery Ammunition, 1st and 2nd Army. Pro- moted to Sergt., to Sergt. 1st CI., Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; 1st Lt. A. E. F., Aug. '18 to June '19, France. Argonne Offensive. Dis. 23 June '19. *Churchell, J. L., U. S. N. R. R— Naval Aviation. Killed in seaplane accident, 29 Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Claflin, H. H., Ambulance. Enlisted 20 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562. A. E. R, 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, France, Germany. Aisne Defen- sive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 10 June '19. Clarke, R. G., Tank Corps. Enlisted 4 Apr. '18, 327th Bn. Tr. to 305th Bn. Promoted to Corp., 19 Apr. '18, to Sergt., 1 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 5 Nov. '18. Stationed at Ft. Slocum and other places. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. 144 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 Cleveland, A. C, Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 30th Inf., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 26 Oct. '17. A. E. F., England, France, Germany. Hospital term, 11 Apr. to l7 May '18; 10 to 23 Feb. '19. Still in ser- vice. Clough, E. E., Engineers. Enlisted 1 June '17, 1st Corps Cadets (Mass.), federalized as 101st Engrs. Promoted to Sergt. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 1 Apr. '19, England, France. Xivray Defensive, Toul Sector, Pas Fini Sector, Champagne-Marne Defen- sive, Rupt Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Troyon Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Collingwood, F. M., Infantry. Enlisted 19 Sept. '17, 151st Depot Bri- gade. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. • Comiskey, C. W., Infantry (Machine Gun). 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17, Plattsburg Training Camp. Tr. to 309th M. G. Bn. A. E. F., 27 May '18 to 27 May '19, Bel- gium, France. St. Mihiel, Limey Sec- tor, Argonne-Meuse. Dis. 3 June '19. Comstock, H. F., Aviation. Enlisted 24 July '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A. E. F., 21 Nov. '17 to 9 Mar. '19; France. Hospital term, various short periods, '18. Brevet Militaire d'Avia- tion. Dis. 17 Mar. '19. Cook, P. K., Ordnance. Enlisted 2 Feb. '18, Div. Hdqrs., Ord. Promoted to Corp., 6 July '18; to Ord. Sergt. 23 Oct. '18. Stationed_ at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Coon, R. E., Jr., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 101st Depot Co. ; to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; 1st Lt., 23 Oct. '18. Tr. to Ord. Office, Chief of Field Service; to 124th Ord. Depot Co., Camp Logan. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Corwin, H. E., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 Aug. '17, 5th F. A. A. E. F., 28 Nov. '17 to 5 Sept. '19; France, Germany. Toul Sector, Cantigny, Mont- didier-Noyon, Aisne-Marne, Saizerais Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse Argonne, Army of Occupation. Dis. 25 Sept. '19. Courtright, H. G., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 26 Oct. '17; 1st Lt., 9 June '18. Assigned to 27th M. G. Bn. (later re- designated 29th M. G. Bn.) Divisional M. G Instructor, 10th Div., 1 Aug. '18. Commanding Co. D., 29th M. G. Bn., 1 Nov. '19. Attached to 41st Inf. Tr. to 15th Inf., 15 May '19, on China Station, as 1st Lt, R. A. Curtis, E. A., Artillery. 2nd Lt., Maine Heavy Artillery, 51st Depot Brigade, Camp Greene. Crawford, S. C, Ordnance. Enlisted 12 Jan. '18. Tr. to 2nd Prov. Training Regt. ; later attached to Sup- ply Troop, 311th Cav. ; to Supply Co., 67th F. A. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 19 July '18. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Daisy, G. D., Field Artillery. Enlisted 16 May '17, 3rd Prov. Train- ing Regt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; as- signed to 308th F. A. Promoted to 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 8 June '18 to 26 Apr. '19, France. Toul Sector De- fensive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive, Grand Pre Offensive. Dis. 27 May '19. Daniell, W. I., Aviation. Enlisted 11 May '17. Flying Instruc- tion, 23 Sept. '17. Tr. to 24th Aero Sqdn., 3 Nov. '18. Commissioned 1st Lt., A. S., 26 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 22 Aug. '18 to 12 Aug. '19, France, Germany. Dis. 2 Sept. '19. Davison, H. K., Infantry. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to 101st Inf. Pro- moted to 1st Lt, 13 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 20 Sept. '17 to 28 Mar. '19, France. Seicheprey, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mi- hiel, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun. Gassed. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. *Day, F. D., Engineers. Died of meningitis in France, 22 Jan '18. See Roll of Honor. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 145 Dennen, F. E., Aviation. Enlisted 27 Oct. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C, Priv. Promoted to Sergt., Fly- ing Cadet. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Free Balloon Pilot; Balloon Observer. Sta- tioned at Fts. Omaha and Crook and Camp Pike. Dis. 24 June '19. Edgerton, L. F., Engineers. Enlisted 29 Apr. '18, 301st Engrs. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI. A. E. F., 13 July '18 to 13 July '19, France, Ger- many. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Toul Defensive. Dis. 22 July '19. Dennett, S. F., Engineers. Enlisted 2 Oct. '17, 29th Engrs. Tr. to Intelligence Section, 3rd Corps, June '18. A. E. R, 1 Nov. '17 to 13 June '19, France, Luxembourg, Germany. Sois- sons, Fismes, Argonne, Argonne-Meuse. Dis. 18 June '19. Dewing, E. R., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 5 Nov. '17. Pro- moted _ to Q. M. 3rd CI., 10 Mar. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 15 Oct. '18. U. S. S. P. Dixie, U. S. S. C. 270; U. S. S. Antigone. On seas 5 Apr. '18 to 15 June '18; 5 Feb. '19 to 27 Apr. '19. Dis. 12 May '19. Donahue, A. I., Field Artillery. Priv. 24 May '17, 101st F. A. Tr to 102d F. A. Appointed Wagoner; Regtl. Ord. Sergt., 20 Sept. '17. A. E. F., 5 Oct. '17 to 16 June '19; France. Che- min des Dames, Toul Sector. Hospital term, 1 to 10 Oct. '18. Dis. 1 July '19. Doyle, P. J., Navy. Ensign, 14 Sept. '17. U.S. S. Mer- cury, Naval Transport Service, Apr. '18 to Mar. '19. Dis. Mar. '19. Drew, F. W., Ammunition Train. Enlisted 1 Aug. '17, 112th Ammuni- tion Train, 37th Div., Sergt. Dis. 18 Apr. '19. Dunn, L. C, Infantry. Enlisted 8 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 27 Mar. '18; assigned to 301st Ammunition Train. Tr. to 116th Ammunition Train, 9 Dec. '18. A. E. R, 12 July '18 to 23 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 27 Feb. '19. Dyke, G. E., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, assigned to 306th F. A. Promoted to 1st Lt., 3 Jan. '18; to Capt, 22 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 4 Apr. '18 to 6 May '19, France. Baccarat, Oise-Aisne, Argonne, Argonne-Meuse. Wounded, 25 Aug. '18. Regt. Citation. Dis. 16 May '19. Ehinger, G., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 29 Aug. '18, 248th Field Hos- pital, 12th San. Train. Promoted to 1st CI. Priv., 6 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Ekstrom, F. C, Field Artillery— Infan- try. Enlisted 20 June '17, 1st Maine Heavy F. A. Tr. to 56th Pioneer Inf., 12 Feb. '18. Promoted to Sergt., 28 Nov. '18. A. E. R, 3 Sept. '18 to 25 June '19, France, Luxembourg, Germany. Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Dis. 2 July '19. English, A. T., Aviation. R. O. T. C, 23 Aug. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, A. S. M. A., Sig. C. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. English, A. W., Infantry. Enlisted 24 July '18, 74th Inf., Camp Devens. Promoted to Corp., 1 Oct. '18. Tr. to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee, 12 Oct. '18. Dis. 24 Nov. '18. Ferguson, J. L., Engineers. Priv. 14 Dec. '17, 25th Engrs. Tr. to 29th Engrs., 18 Jan. '18. Promoted to Corp., 11 May '18; to Serg., 10 Aug. '18. Appointed 1st Sergt., 16 Nov. '18; Sergt. 14 May '19. A. E. F., 5 July '18 to 11 June '19, France. Battle of Second Army Sector (Army Troops) 12 Oct. '18. Citation. Dis. 3 July '19. Fitts, R. L., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to office of Chief of Ord. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Fletcher, C. D., Aviation. Enlisted 30 Sept.. '17, 496th Aero Sqdn. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Jan. '18. A. E. R, 31 Oct. '17 to 18 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 4 Mar. '19. 146 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 Flood, H. W., Ambulance. Priv., 13 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 512. A. E. R, 10 Aug '17 to 5 Apr. '19, France, Belgium. Aisne Offen- sive, Flanders Defensive, Champagne Defensive, Aisne-Ardennes Offensive. Wounded. Hospital term, 22 May to 15 July '18. Croix de Guerre. Dis. '18. Folan, L. M., Ordnance. Enlisted 25 Sept. '17. Promoted to Sergt., Nov. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '18. A. E. R, 26 Nov. '17 to 3 Jan. '20, France. Citation. Dis. 6 Jan. '20. Fonda, B. H., American Field Service — Ambulance — Tank Corps. A. F. S., S. S. U. 72. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., S S. U. 639, 2 Sept. '17. Tr. to 1st Light Tank Corps, 1 Mar. '18. In- jured. Hospital term, 5 May to 15 Oct. '18. Dis. 8 Feb. '19. Foster, C. H., Field Artillery— Quarter- master Corps. Enlisted 301st R A., 21 Sept. '17. Tr. to Q. M. C, 1 Nov. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 20 Feb. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 2 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 31 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and Camp Johnston. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. Frederick, M. L., Ordnance. Enlisted 5 Jan. '18. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 4 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 2 Nov. '18. Stationed at Washing- ton and other places. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. Fuller, H. E., Infantry. Enlisted 20 Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 14 Aug. '18; assigned to 303rd M. G. Bn. Tr. to 148th M. G. Bn., 5 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 28 June '18 to 25 Feb. '19; England, France, Italy. Dis. 1 May '19. Fuller, W. Z., Infantry. Attended Officers' Training Camp, '17, Ft. Benjamin Harrison. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to 145th Inf. at Camp Sheridan. Gale, I. R., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T) Commissioned Ensign, U S. N. R. F., 3 Apr. '17; Ensign (T) U. S. N., Sept. '17. U. S. S. Connecticut; U. S. N. Torpedo School, Newport, R. I.; U. S. S. Reid; U. S. S. Barney. Commis- sioned Lt. (j. g.) (T) U. S. N., 1 June 18; Lt. (T), U. S. N., Sept. '18. Over- seas service, May '18 to Aug. '19; France, Mediterranean, Near East. De- stroyer convoying and despatch duty. Gear, P. E., Medical Corps. Priv., Med. R. C. Ghee, M. P., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted 19 Nov. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 31 May '18. Flying duty as Instructor, May '18 to Nov. '18, Love Field and other places. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. Gibson, P. S., Signal Corps. Enlisted 27 Nov. '17, Sig. C, Carrier Pigeon Service. Promoted to Corp., 26 Feb. '18; to Sergt, 25 Oct. '18. Stationed at Ft. Wood and other places. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Graham, L. H., Aviation. Cadet, May '17. Promoted to Pilot. Commissioned 1st Lt., 13 May '18. A. E. R, 15 Oct. '17 to 18 Dec. '18; France, Italy, England. Injured. Hospital term, 9 Sept. '18 to 25 Mar. '19. Dis. 1 May '19. Graves, E. J., Ordnance. Priv., 15 May '17, sailed with 1st Div. Ammunition Train. Tr. to G. H. Q., 11 Nov. '17; to Hdqrs., S. O. S., 22 Feb. '18; to Office of Chief Purchasing Offi- cer, Ord. Dept. Promoted to Corp., 6 Jan. '18; to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 28 May '18; 1st Lt., Sept. '18; Capt, 6 May '19. A. E. F., 13 Aug. '17 to 24 Jan. '20; France, Germany, Bel- gium. Dis. 4 Feb. '20. Gray, M. R., Aviation. Enlisted 318th Aero Sqdn., 16 Aug. '17. Promoted to Sergt. A. E. F., 15 July '18 to 30 Mar. '19, England. Dis. 11 Apr. '19. Griffith, C. E., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted 6 Feb. '18, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Observer. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Grills, B. W., Infantry — Ordnance. Enlisted 1 Oct. '17, 51st Depot Bri- gade. Tr. to Ord. Dept. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Nov. '17; to Ord Sergt, 1 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 25 Sept. '18.; 1st Lt., 10 May '19. Capt., R. C, 10 Jan. '20. A. E. R, Oct. '18 to Oct. '19; France. Dis. 2 Oct. '19. Guest, R. G., Infantry. 1st Lt., 302nd Inf., 15 Aug. '17. Tr. to 163rd Inf., 11 Nov. '18. A. E. R, 5 July '18 to 16 Feb. '19, England, France. Dis. 21 Feb. '19. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 147 Hall, J. W., Navy. Seaman 2nd CI., 1 May '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 15. June '18; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Jan. '19. Transport duty 1 July '18 to 1 May '19, France, Germany. Dis. 1 June '19. *Hall, R. N., American Field Service. Killed 25 Dec. '15 in France. See Roll of Honor. Harlow, H. C, Field Artillery. Enlisted 7 Sept. '17, 301st F. A. Pro- moted to Corp., Nov. '17; to Color Sergt, June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., May '19. A. E. F., 16 July '18 to 16 July '19, France. Dis. Aug. '19. Harris, J. G v Aviation. Enlisted 12 May '17, Casual, A. S. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., 19 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 25 Sept. '18 to 31 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 4 Feb. '19. Harwobd, C. E., Ordnance. Enlisted 28 Jan. '18, Ord. R. C, Sal- vage Br. Commissioned 1st Lt, 17 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 18 May '18 to 27 May '19; England, France. Dis. June '20. Haskell, M., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 1 May '17. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Commissioned Ensign 25 May '18. Stationed at Pensacola and other places. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Hayes, P., Aviation. Cadet, 21 Sept. '17. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Commissioned R. M. A., 2nd Lt., 24 May '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Healy, J. J., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 11 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 24 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 28 Feb. '18; 1st Lt., 17 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 27 June '18 to 21 July '19, France. Dis. 23 July '19. Herrman, H., Field Artillery. Enlisted 13 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to 305th F. A. Ap- pointed Adjutant, Outgoing Casuals, Camp Upton, 15 Sept. '17; Asst. Ad- jutant and Instructor, F. A. Central Officers' Training School, 20 June '18. Promoted to Capt, 13 Sept. '18. Tr. as Student to School of Fire, Ft. Sill, 16 Nov. '18. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Hill, S. M., Signal Corps. Enlisted 3 Dec. '17, Balloon Div. of R. O. Sig. C. Attended various Balloon Schools. Commissioned 2nd Lt. (Ob- server) 6 Sept. '18. Dis. 5 Jan. '19. Hitchock, D. I., Infantry (Machine Gun) — Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17, 101st M. G. Bn. Tr. to C. W. S., June '18. Promoted to Corp., Nov. '18. A. E. F., 10 Oct. '17 to 23 Dec. '18; England, France. Dis. 13 Jan. '19. Hornblow, A. Jr., Intelligence Service. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 20 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 4 Dec. '17 to 18 Aug. '19; France. Citation. Chevalier, Ordre de 1' Etoile Noire. Dis. 6 Sept. '19. Horton, D., Ambulance — Aviation. Served with Norton Harjes Ambul- ance early in '16. Enlisted 1 Aug. '16, Lafayette Flying Corps, Escadrille C 17. Promoted to Sergt. Pilot. Overseas service, July '17 to 20 Feb. '19, France, Belgium. Battle of Flanders, Fismes, St. Quentin Retreat. Croix de Guerre with star. Hospital term, 23 Nov. to 3 Dec. '18. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Hough, W., Ordnance. Priv., 31 July '18, Ord. R. C. Pro- moted to Sergt., 1 Nov. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 1 July '19; 1st Lt, June '20. A. E. R, 15 Aug. '19 to 15 Aug. '20, France. Dis. 15 Aug. '20. Hovey, O. W., Aviation — Engineers. Enlisted 10 Aug. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Dis. 20 May '18. Re-enlisted as Priv., Engrs., 25 June '18. Sent to Engr. Officers' Training School, Camp Humphreys. Dis. 2 Jan. '19. Howe, D. K., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt, 11 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 22 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 30 July '18. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. June '19. Hulbert, C. P., Y. M. C. A.— Field Ar- tillery. Y. M. C. A. Secretary in Paris. En- listed 24 July '18, 151st Depot Brigade. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Corp., Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A. R. C, 18 Jan. '19. A. E. F., 17 June '17 to 1 June '18, France, England. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. 148 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 Hunnewell, H. B., Infantry. Corp., 16 July '17, 107th Inf. Tr. to 126th Inf., 32nd Div. Promoted to. Sergt., 3 July '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 17 July '18. A. E. R, 24 May '18 to 26 Dec. '18, France. 2nd Battle of Marne; with 10th French Army in action north of Soissons. Wounded. Hospital term, 28 Aug. '18 to 10 Dec. '18. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Huntress, W. C, Quartermaster Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 40 Aug. '17, Q. M. C. Mili- tary Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Corp., 1 Nov. '17. Tr. to Motor Truck Co. No. 551, 12 July '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., M. T. C, 22 Oct. '18. Tr. to 20th Supply Train. Stationed at Camp Meigs and other places. Dis. 25 Feb. '19. Hutchins, G. W., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted June '17, Ensign, U. S. S. Black Hawk. Tr. to U. S. S. Louisville. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.), 9 Sept. '18. Transport Service, 1 May '18 to Sept. '18. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Ingalls, G. F., Ambulance. Priv., 22 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562. A. E. F., Jan. '18 to July '19, France, Germany. Dis. 24 July '19. Johnson, R. C., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17, 9th Inf. Com- missioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17. Assigned to 153rd Depot Brigade. Tr. to 310th Inf. ; to 807th Inf. Stationed at Camp Dix. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Kelly, R. M., Engineers. Enlisted 1 Oct. '17, 303rd Engrs. Tr. to 310th Engrs., 21 Apr. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 13 Mar. '18; 1st Lt., 28 Apr. '19. A. E. F. 22 July '18, France, Germany. St. Mihiel, Argonne. Kendall, R. H., Infantry. Enlisted 7 Oct. '17, 151st Depot Brig- ade. Tr. to 29th Engrs., to 74th Engrs., 12 Jan. '19. A. E. F., 27 Feb. '18 to 11 Mar. '19, France. St. Mihiel Offensive. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. Killeen, J. M., American Field Service. With A. F. S., S. S. U. 8, for 6 mos., '16-47. Wounded. King, R. T., Infantry. Enlisted 2nd Plattsburg R. O. T. C. Commissioned Capt., 27 Nov. '17; as- signed to Lewis Institute, Chicago, in charge of instruction work. Tr. to Washington, inspector of educational institutions. In charge of organizing S. A.~ T. C. camps in New York and New Jersey. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. *Ingersoll, H. I., Infantry. Died in casualty clearing station of the B. E. F., 15 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Ingram, C. H., Engineers. Enlisted July '17, 10th Engrs. A. E. F., Aug. '17 to Feb. '19, France. Cita- tion. Dis. Feb. '19. Jahn, E. W v Engineers. Priv., 22 Mar. '17, 15th Engrs. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., to Corp. A. E. F., 18 July '17 to 18 Apr. '19, France. Meuse-Argonne. Hospital term, 3 Nov. '18 to 1 May '19. Dis. 19 May '19. Johnson, A. L., Ammunition Train. < Enlisted 21 Sept. '17, 301st Ammuni- tion Train. Promoted to Sergt., Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Tr. to 320th Train Hdqrs. Stationed at Camp Lee and other places. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Kinne, D. B., Jr., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17, 4th F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C, 15 Aug. '17. Klokow, R. B v Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., 22 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 13 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 11 July '18. Armament Officer attached to Aviation. On Salvage Board, Toronto Dist. Ord. Office. A. E. F., 8 Aug. '18 to 16 Feb. '19, England, France. With Independent Air Forces in the VOsges Mts. Hospital term, 28 Jan. to 3 Feb. '19. Lane, C. E v Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 15 June '17. Commissioned 1st Lt. ; assigned to 367th Inf. Tr. to Gen. Staff, 17 Nov. '18, as Asst. Div. Judge Advocate. A. E. F., 9 June '17 to 1 Mar. '19, France. Vosges, Meuse- Argonne, Moselle, Metz. Wounded. Bn. decorated with Croix de Guerre. Dis. 23 May '19. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 149 Learoyd, P. C, Infantry — Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 9 July '17. Military Police, 27th Div. Tr. to Defense Div., Chemical Warfare Service, May '18. Promoted to Corp., Aug. '18; to Sergt., Nov. '18; to Regtl. Sergt. Major, Jan. '19. Stationed at Camp Wadsworth and Cleveland, O. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Luddy, R., Engineers. Priv., 25 June '17, 14th Engrs. Mo- torcycle dispatch rider throughout war. At front with British Light Railways, 21 Aug. '17 to 20 May '18. With A. E. F. from July '18 to Apr. '19, France. Arras-Bapaume Sector, Somme Defen- sive, Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 2 May '19. Lewis, R. O. Co. D, Hdqrs. Bn., G. H. Q. Livermore, R. B., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 27th Div. Tr. to First Bn. Chasseurs, 10 Mar. '18; to 104th Inf., 26th Div., 29 Mar. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt., 13 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 5 Jan. '18 to 27 Mar. '19; England, France. Apremont, Seiche- prey, Champagne-Marne. Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded. Citation. D. S. C. Dis. 25 Apr. '19. Livingston, A. C, Engineers. Enlisted 25 July '17, 101st Engrs. Promoted to Sergt., 19 Sept. '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 21 Mar. '19. A. E. R, 26 Sept. '17 to 4 Apr. '19, England, France. Champagne-Marne, St. Mihiel Offen- sive, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Llewellyn, A. S., Quartermaster Corps. Unlisted 26 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 28 June '17; to Q. M. Sergt., 1 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 1 Oct. '19. Tr. to Purchase, Stor- age and Traffic Div. Stationed at Washington and other places. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Lounsberry, H. H., Ordnance. Priv., 11 Jan. '18. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., July '18; to Corp., Aug. '18; to Sergt., Sept. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Ord. R. C, 9 Dec. '18. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Lowe, F. P., Field Artillery. Enlisted 8 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 343d F. A. Commissioned 1st Lt. A. E. F., 28 June '18 to 26 June '19; France, Ger- many. Dis. 26 June '19. Lyon, G. O., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 5 July '17. Commissioned Ensign, Pay Corps, 18 Oct. '17. U. S. S. Nero, 28 Dec. '17, engaged in carry- ing supplies between England and France. Commissioned Lt., (j. g.) 1 July '18. Inactive duty 3 Oct. '18. MacAndrews, E. P., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 304th Inf. Promoted to Bn. Sergt. Major, Sept. '18. Assigned to Central Records Office. A. E. F., 8 July '18 to 24 July '19; France, England. Hospital term, 18 Feb. to 15 Mar. '19. Dis. 31 July '19. M. R., Quartermaster Macdonald, Corps. Priv., 5 Nov. '17, 357th Field Bakery Co., Q. M. C. Promoted to Sergt., 12 Feb. '18. Commissioned 1st Lt., 16 Apr. '18. Commanding Officer, Field Bakery Co. 363. Stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnston and Camp Wadsworth. Hos- pital term, 26 Sept. to 5 Nov. '18. Dis. '12 Dec. '18. MacHale, L. R., Coast Guard. Entered as Cadet Engr., U. S. Coast Guard Academy, 10 Sept. '17. Commis- sioned 3d Lt. of Engrs., 6 May '18. Chief Engr., U. S. S. Onondaga, Acushnet, McCall, Shaw. Overseas service, 8 Sept. '18 to 1 June '19, Ireland, England, France. Resigned Sept. '19. Macintosh, J. Y., Coast Guard. Seaman, 15 May '17, U. S. S. Ossipee. Promoted to Coxswain. Overseas ser- vice, 15 Aug. '17 to 6 Feb. '19. Con- voy work between ports in southern England, Gibraltar and Mediterranean ports. Also patrol duty around south- ern Spain. Engaged in ten battles with German submarines. Dis. 19 Feb. '19. 150 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 McTigue, A. C, Coast Artillery. Enlisted 4 Apr. '17, 9th C. D. C, N. Y. N. G. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; as- signed to Battery D, 5th Trench Mortar Bn. as Commanding Officer. A. E. F., 13 Sept. '18 to 11 Jan. '19, France, Ger- many. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Maloney, D. W., Infantry. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, Nov. '17; assigned to 314th Inf. Tr. to 51st Pioneer Inf.; to 356th Inf. A. E. F., July '18 to July '19, France, Luxembourg, Germany. St. Mi- hiel, Woevre, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 23 Aug. '19. Mason, J. R., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 13 Aug. '17, Q. M. R. C. Discharged from military service for the convenience of the government. Was assistant superintendent of Great Falls Manufacturing Co. exclusively en- gaged in war contracts. Merrill, E. B., Chaplains' Corps. Enlisted 17 Jan. '18, Lt. (j. g.), Chap- lain of U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Served on high seas entire period. One trip to France, escorted the U. S. S. George Washington carrying Pres. Wilson. Dis. 15 June '19. Milmore, N. L., Engineers. Priv., 8 June 15, 1st Corps Cadets, Mass., later federalized as 101st Engrs. Promoted to Corp. ; to Sergt. ; to Sergt. 1st CI. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 4 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Moloney, J. F., Navy. Seaman, 10 June '18. Promoted to Seaman 1st CI., 1 Sept. '18. Stationed at Pelham Bay Naval Station. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Monheimer, H., Ordnance Corps — Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 5 Dec. '17. Tr. to C. W. S., 2nd Lt, Oct. '19. Stationed at Camp Grant and other places. Dis. 24 Dec. '19. ♦Montgomery, S., Medical Corps. Enlisted 13 Dec. '17, Med. Dept, Ft. Slocum. Promoted to Corp., June '18; to Sergt., Sept. '18. Assigned to Med. Det, Walter Reed Gen. Hospital, 10 Jan. '18. Died at Washington, D. C, 28 Jan. '22 Morey, W. B., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 9 Sept '18. Stationed at Camp Meade and other places. Dis. 26 May '19. Mower, C, Motor Transport Corps. Priv., 1 Dec. '17, R. O. T. C, Ft Sheridan. Assigned to Co. 392, M. T. C. Mowry, J. J., Aviation. Priv., 1st CI., Nov. '17. Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 17 June '18. Moye, B. W., Infantry. Enlisted 166th Depot Brigade. Tr. to 158th Inf., 40th Div., 16 July '18, to 322nd Inf., 81st Div., 1 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 10 Aug. '18 to 22 July '19, France. Meuse-Argonne, St. Die Sector, Vosges. Hospital term, 24 Nov. '18 to 3 Jan. '19. Dis. 24 July '19. Mullin, J. M., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Chief Yeoman, 19 June '17. Tr. to U. S. N. R. Flying Corps. Dis. 14 June '18, for physical disability. Murdock, P. K., U. S. N. R. F.— Coast Artillery. Enlisted 1 May '17, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. to 44th C. A. C; to 42nd C. A C. (Railway Art. Res.) Aide-de-Camp to Brig. Gen. H. J. Hatch, General Head- quarters. Commissioned 2nd Lt., July '18; 1st Lt., Nov. '18. A. E. F., 17 Aug. '17 to 18 Feb. '19, England, France. St. Mihiel. Injured. Hospital term, 18 Mar. '18 to 12 May '18. Dis. 5 Mar. '19. Murphy, L. M., Aviation. Cadet, 4 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt. Balloon Observer. A. E. F., 2 Dec. '17 to 11 Feb. '19, France. Verdun, Argonne, Toul, Chateau-Thierry. Croix de Guerre. Dis. Feb. '19. Nichols, A. C, Engineers. Priv., 45th Engrs., 6 Apr. '18. Pro- moted to Sergt., 12 June '18,^ to Sergt. 1st CI., June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; tr. to 210th Engrs., 31 Oct. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Stuart and other places. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Nissen, W. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 11 June '17. Commissioned Ensign, Pay Corps, 11 Oct. '17. Ap- pointed Chief Storekeeper, 23 Sept. '17. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 19 May '19. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 151 Norris, R. H., Naval Aviation. Seaman, 22 June '17, U. S. N. R. F. Commissioned Ensign, 16 May '18; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Oct. '18; Lt., 1 Apr. '20; Lt, U. S. N, 3 Jan. '22. A. E. F., 6 Nov. '17 to IS Dec. '18, England, France. Cita- tion. Tr. to regular navy, 3 Jan. '22. *Norton, A. S., Ambulance. Died in France, 23 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Norton, C. H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 6 Sept. '17, 102nd M. G. Bn. A. E. F., 7 Oct. '17 to 6 Apr. '19, France. Seicheprey, 2nd Battle of Marne, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. O'Day, B. V., Quartermaster Corps — Infantry — Engineers. Enlisted 12 Oct. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 23 Oct. '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., 9 Jan. '18. Tr. to Infantry. Appointed Bn. Sergt.-Major, 19 Apr. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18. Tr. to Engrs. 2nd Lt., Engrs., 9 Oct. '18; 1st Lt., 9 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Dix and other places. Hospital term, 25 Apr. to 1 June '18. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. Owen, A., Marine Corps. Enlisted 6 Dec. '17. Stationed at Paris Island, So. Car. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Page, D. S., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Chief Yeoman, Supply Dept. U. S. S. Oklahoma, U. S. S. Philippine. Com- missioned Ensign, 21 Jan. '18; Ensign U. S. N., 9 June '18. On high seas off Irish and French coasts, 10 Aug. '18 to 25 July '19. Dis. 25 July '19. Parchert, F. L., Ambulance. Enlisted in U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562. A. E. F., France. Parnell, C. A., Ordnance. Priv., 9 Dec. '17. Promoted to Corp.; to Sergt. 1st CI. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 25 Sept. '18; 1st Lt., 17 Feb. '18. A. E. F., 30 Mar. '18 to 5 July '19, England, France. Dis. 9 July '19. Pearce, F. L., Infantry — Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 26 Apr. '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; as- signed to 154th Depot Brigade. 1st Lt., Q. M. C, 6 Feb. '18; Capt., 9 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Meade and other places. Pelletier, P. H., Jr., Ordnance. Enlisted 31 July '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Stationed also at Watertown Arsenal and Camp Sher- man. Dis. 12 Feb. '18. Pendelton, J. D., Engineers. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17, 1st Corps Cadets, Mass., federalized as 101st Engrs. Promoted to Corp., 20 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 24 Sept. '17 to 4 Apr. '19, England, France. Chateau-Thierry, 2nd Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel, Verdun. Dis. 9 May '19. Penny, H. P., Infantry — Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 20 Sept. '17, 151st Depot Brigade. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Q. M. C, 26 June '18. A. E. F., IS Oct. '18 to 8 July '19, France. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. Perry, R. S. B., Merchant Marine — Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Enlisted 19 June '17. Junior Officer on S. S. Allemannia and on S. S. St. Paul. Third Officer on S. S. Mexico and S. S. Sliedrecht. Tr. to Naval Aux. Res., 4 Sept. '18; assigned to U. S. S. Santa Olivia as Watch Officer, rank of Ensign. Promoted to Navigation Of- ficer, rank of Lt. (j.g.), 20 Dec. 18. Hos- pital term, 21 Jan. to 14 Mar. '19. Dis. 15 Mar. '19. Pinkham, H. B., Infantry. Enlisted 16 June '17, 161st Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., Dec. '17. Tr. to 6th Inf. A. E. F., 12 Dec. '17 to June '19, France, Germany. Dis. 1 July '19. Pitman, J. P., Ordnance. Enlisted 14 Jan. '18. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 26 July '18; Ord. Sergt., 12 Oct. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 30 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Jackson and other places. Dis. 5 Apr. '19. Poor, F. L., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 17 Sept. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 2 Jan. '18. Tr. to A. S. A., May '18. Sta- tioned at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Potter, H. S., Cavalry. Enlisted May '17, 2nd Cav. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 14 Jan. '18 to 17 Aug. '19, France, Ger- many, Belgium, England. Dis. 5 Sept. '19. 152 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1915 Pray, T. C, Aviation — Motor Trans- port Corps. Enlisted May '17, 1st Plattsburg Camp. Tr. to M. I. T. Ground School. Dis. Aug. '17 after operation. Re-en- listed Sept. '18, Private 1st CI. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., A. S., Jan. '18. Tr. to M. T. C, 2nd Lt., Oct. '18. Stationed at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Read, G. E., Signal Corps. Rector, V.'D., Field Artillery. Enlisted R. O. T. C. Commissioned Capt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 350th F. A. A. E. F., 13 July '18 to 10 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 6 Mar. '19. Redfield, R. W., Field Artillery. Enlisted 337th F. A. Instructor at Ft. Snelling. Commissioned Capt., 15 Aug. '17; Major, 28 July '18. A. E. F., 3 Aug. '18 to 25 Jan. '19, France. Reynolds, W. R., Jr., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv. 27 Feb. '18, 306th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Apr. '18; to Sergt., 26 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 13 Apr. '18 to 24 Apr. '19, France. Baccarat Sector, Vesle Sector, Oise-Aisne Sector, Meuse- Argonne. Citation. Dis. 9 May '19. Rice, R. J., Signal Corps. Priv., 26 Nov. '17, Meteorological Div., Sig. C. Promoted to Sergt., Nov. '18. A. E. F., Feb. '18 to June '19, France. Dis. June '19. Rich, H. T., Medical Corps. Priv., 5 Mar. '18, Psychological Serv- ice. Promoted to Corp., 17 June '18; to Sergt., 7 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf and Camp Travis'. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Richardson, G. K., Infantry. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17; attached to 301st Inf. Tr. to 151st Depot Brigade, 4 July '18. Recommended for 1st Lt., 29 Sept. '18; promoted, 23 Mar. '19. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Richardson, H. C, Ordnance. Priv. 2nd CI., 30 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Jan. '19. A. E. F, 26 Nov. '17 to 18 July '19, France. Dis. 25 July '19. Robinson, W. D., Aviation. Enlisted 3 June '18. Assigned to 37th Aerial Photo Sec, 26 Aug. '18. Pro- moted to Corp., 1 Jan. '19. Stationed at Call Field and other places. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Rogers, C. F., Coast Artillery. Priv., 26 Oct. '17, 31st Co., C. A. C. Tr. to 55th C. A. C, 21 Dec. '17. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., 15 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 25 Mar. '18 to 22 Jan. '19, Eng- land, France. 2nd Battle of the Marne, Vesle, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Rogers, D. T., Aviation. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. Re- tained as instructor in flying, Ft. Worth. Rose, G. K., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 16 Apr. '17. Appointed Head of Bookkeeping Div., U. S. N. Provisions and Clothing Depot, Brook- lyn. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Rosenheim, F. S., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Seaman, 5 May '17, Mine Sweeper, U. S. S. Price, U. S. S. Delaware. Pro- moted to Q. M. 1st CI., 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 25 May '18; En- sign, U. S. N., 16 Sept. '18. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Rothery, P. R., Engineers. Enlisted 12 May '17, 14th Engrs. A. E. F, 27 July '17 to 27 Apr. '19, France. Somme Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offen- sive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 2 May '19. Ruder, E. M., Ordnance. Enlisted 15 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Sept. '18. A, E. F, Aug. '18 to Feb. '19, Germany, France. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Ruml, B., Adjutant General's Depart- ment. Enlisted 28 Jan. '18, Trade Test Div., Adj. Gen. Dept., Committee on Classi- fication of Personnel. Co. Director, Trade Test Div., 1 July '18. A. E. F., 1 July to 15 Oct. '18, England, France. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 153 St. Clair, G. A., Infantry. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Sent to 2nd Corps School, 5 Feb. '18; with 14th French Inf. in ob- servation, Verdun Sector, Mar. '18; with 18th Inf., 24 Mar. '18. A. E. F, 15 Jan. to 30 May '18, France. Upon re- turn to U. S. was assigned as instructor in Inf., School of Arms, Ft. Benning, Ga. Sargeant, P. E., Infantry. Enlisted 2 Oct. '17, 151st Depot Bri- gade. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18; 1st Lt, Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Sargent, H. E., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 14 Dec. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 22 Apr. '18. Stationed at Ports- mouth, Va., and other places. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Sawyer, H. P., Medical Corps. Priv., 9 Aug. '17, Mobile Hosp. No. 39. Orderly with the Yale Mobile Field Hospital. Promoted to Corp., 3 Jan. '18; to Sergt., 6 July '18. Commissioned 1st Lt.. 5 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 22 Aug. '17 to 22 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 28 Mar. '19. Sawyer, R. A., Signal Corps — U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 June '18,- Sig. C, Bur. of Aircraft Production. Tr. to Naval Bur. of Ord., Fire Control Sec. Commis- sioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 5 July '18. Stationed at Chicago, Washington and Rochester, N. Y. Dis. 26 May '19. Scharmann, R. A., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 1 Dec. '17, Motor Truck Co. 357, 20 Jan. '18. Tr. to Motor Truck Co. 724, 15 Dec. '18. Promoted to Corp., Apr. '18; to Sergt, Dec. '18. Stationed at Newport News. Dis. 7 July '19. Sharp, E. R., Signal Corps. Priv., 26 July '17, 317th Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI. Jan. '18; to Corp., June '18; to Sergt, Sept. '18. A. E. F., 8 July '18 to '19, France. Ar- gonne-Meuse Offensive, St. Mihiel Of- fensive. Sibbernsen, D. J., Field Artillery. Commissioned 2nd Lt. and assigned to 5th F. A. A. E. F., France, Germany. Montdidier. Dis. June '19. Smith, H. L., U. S. N. R. F. Smith, K. H., Aviation. Inspector of aeronautical materials, Aeronautical Inspection Dept, British Ministry of Munitions. Tr. to 50th U. S. Aero Sqdn., as 2nd Lt. A. E. F., Sept. '18 to '19, France. Smith, L. B, Coast Artillery. Enlisted 19 May '17, 1st R. I. C. A. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Grant and other places. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Smith, M., Jr., Quartermaster Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 2 Sept. '17, Field Bakery, Q. M. C. Tr. to M. T. C. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 28 Oct. '17; to Corp., 26 Jan. '18 ; to Sergt., 3 Feb. '18. A. E. F., 6 Apr. '18 to 18 July '19, France. Dis. 23 July '19. Smith, P. D, American Field Service — Naval Aviation. In France 3 mos. with A. F. S., Sec. 2, '15. Enlisted 30 Apr. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 1st Lt., 30 June '17; Capt, Feb. '19. Qualified Naval Aviator. Stationed at Chanute Field and other places. Spaulding, R. W., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 5 Nov. '18. Assigned to 168th Inf., Oct. '17. A. E. F., 10 Sept. '17 to 25 Apr. '19, France, Germany. Lorraine Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded. Hospital term, 29 May to 14 Aug. '18, 16 Oct. to 3 Nov. '18. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 24 May '19. Stanton, H. F., Field Artillery. Commissioned 1st Lt, F. A., 78th Div. Sterling, A. E., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 5 May '17, 33rd Div. Pro- moted to Sergt. Tr. to Office of the Camp Q. M., Camp Logan and commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 12 May '18; 1st Lt, 2 Oct. '18. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Stevens, P. H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 324th M. G. Bn, 3 Nov. '17. Promoted to Corp, 1 Jan. '18 ; to Sergt, 3 Feb. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 20 Oct. '18. Tr. to 11th M. G. Bn. A. E F, 1 June '18 to 7 May '19, France, Ger- many. Argonne, Metz. Dis. 12 May '19. 154 D A R T M O U T H W A R RECORD 1915 *Stone, F. W v Jr., Infantry. 1st Lt., 9 Aug. '17, 22nd Inf. Pro- moted to Capt, 17 June '18. Stationed at Port Hamilton and Panama Canal Zone. Died at Rockford, 111., 15 Jan. '20. Stotter, A. L., Medical Corps. Enlisted 25 Oct. '18. Assigned to Ambulance Co. No. 63 and No. 6. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Capt. Stationed at Ft. Oglethorpe. Dis. 12 Jan. '19. Sullivan, A. B., Quartermaster Corps. Sergt, 2 June '17, Q. M. Depot, Bos- ton. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 May '18; 1st Lt., 15 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnston and Washington. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Sutcliffe, A. A., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Seaman 2nd CI., U. S. N. R. F, 3 May '17. Military Stores Course, Hanover. Promoted to Chief Storekeeper, U. S. N. R. F. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 22 May '18; Ensign, U. S. N., 18 Sept. '18. U. S. S. Idaho, U. S. S. Louisiana. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Swenson, C. L., Field Artillery. Attended Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Snelling. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; as- signed to 7th Heavy F. A. A. E. F., France. Taplin, C. R., Ordnance. Taylor, W. M., Quartermaster Corps. Sergt, Q. M. R. C. Thomas, E. B., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned 333rd F. A. A. E. F, 17 Sept. '18 to 3 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. *Thyng, E. F., Artillery. Died 16 Jan. '19, Youngstown, O., of pneumonia. See Roll of Honor. Tomfohrde, A. H., Navy. Enlisted 7 Dec. '17, Pay Corps. Com- missioned Ensign, 5 June '19. Stationed at Naval Supply Base, Boston. Dis. 5 June '19. Tower, A. A., Medical Corps. Enlisted 20 Dec. '17, Med. R. C. In- active duty. *Townsend, W. H., Aviation. Died of wounds when plane was shot down by anti-aircraft gun, 23 Apr. '18. See Roll of Honor. Trumbull, C. H., Engineers. Enlisted 17 Oct. '17, 25th Recruit Co. Appointed Corp., 1st Repl. Regt. Engrs., 12 Jan. '18; Sergt., 20 Feb. '18; 1st Sergt., 3 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C, 20 Nov. '18, date of dis. Tuck, L. P., Aviation. Cadet, 14 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 16 May '18. A. E. F., 27 Oct. '17 to 28 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 28 May '19. Turner, H. S., Medical Corps — Chemi- cal Warfare Service. Enlisted 7 June '17, Med. C. Tr. to Gas Defense Service, C. W. S., 12 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Astoria and other places. Dis. 22 Mar. '19. Vasconcelles, J. C, Aviation. Enlisted 1 May '17, 27th Aero Sqdn., 1st Pursuit Group. Commissioned 1st Lt., 14 Jan. '18; Capt., 1 Nov. '18; ap- pointed M. A., 3 May '19. A. E. F., 26 Feb. '18 to 28 Apr. '19, France. Toul Front, Chateau-Thierry, Fismes, St. Mihiel, Argonne, Verdun. Croix de Guerre with palm. D. S. C. Dis. 3 May '19. Waggett, F. G., Field Artillery. Enlisted 27 Mar. '16, 122nd F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt., 24 July '17. A. E. F., 8 June '18 to 16 May '19, France, Lux- embourg. Toul Defensive Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Argonne. Dis. '19. *Waite, A. F., Infantry. Killed in action in France, 29 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Wanger, W. F., Aviation. Enlisted 16 June '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Tr. to United States Embassy, Rome, to Royal Italian Army G. H. Q. Attached to Italian Gen. Staff. Tr. to Paris, G. H. Q. A. E. F, 11 Aug. '17 to 13 Mar. '19, France, Italy. Dis. '19. Warren, J. D., Infantry— Field Artil- lery. Enlisted 1 July '18, Infantry. Tr. to F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, 1 Sept. '18. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. 1915 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 155 Washburn, K. H., Ordnance. Enlisted 1 Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 21 July '18. A. E. R, 3 Aug. '18 to 22 May '19, France. Dis. 27 May '19. Whit, E. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, U. S. S. Mansfield, 30 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 29 May '18. Dis. 14 Dec. '19. Whitely, C. F., Infantry. Enlisted 12 Alay '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17; assigned to 151st Depot Brigade, Camp Devens, 29 Aug. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt., 23 Aug. '18. Dis. 22 Sept. '19. Whitney, L. A., Infantry. Joined Harvard R. O. T. C, 5 June '17. Admitted 2nd Officers' Training Camp, 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned Capt., Inf., 27 Nov. '17. Attached to M. G. Co., 301st Inf., 15 Dec. '17. Assigned to General Staff, Washington, D. C, 1 May '18. Detailed to Committee on Education and Vocational Training, May '18. Military Inspector of Stu- dents' Army Training Corps, North- west District, Sept. '18 ; same, New England District, Oct. '18. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Wilcox, J. M., Naval Medical Corps. Enlisted 15 June '18. Commissioned Lt. Transport Service, May to Nov. '19. Dis. 20 Dec. '19. Wing, H. W., Aviation. 2nd Lt, A. S. A. Winship, R., American Field Service — Aviation — Infantry. Enlisted June '17, A. F. S, T. M. U. 184 (Dartmouth Unit). Enlisted, Cadet, A. S, 3 Dec. '17. Tr. to 163rd Inf., 2 Sept. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S, later of Inf. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 12 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 19 Feb. '19. Woodcock, C. F., Engineers. Enlisted 8 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 23 June '17. Assigned to 306th Engrs, 4 Sept. '17. Tr. to 1st Engrs,ll Dec. '17; to 3d Engrs. Training Regt, 1 June '18. Promoted to 1st Lt, 12 Sept. '18. A. E. F, 11 Dec. '17 to 1 June '18, England, France. Toul Sec- tor, Montdidier and Cantigny Sector. Hospital term, 26 Dec. '17 to 8 Jan. '18. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Woolverton, J. H, American Field Service — Ambulance. Enlisted A. F. S, S. S. U. 72, '17. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S, 2 Sept. '17. Entered Heavy F. A. O. S, Saumur, France ; after completing course returned to Ambulance Sec. 639. A. E. F, 2 Sept. '17 to 2 Apr. '19, France, Germany. St. Quentin Sector, Somme Defensive, Montdidier Sector, Montdidier-Noyon Defensive, Champagne-Marne Defen- sive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Verdun Sector. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Woolworth, W. H., Infantry. 2nd and 1st Lt, 30 Nov. '16, 28th Inf., 1st Div. Promoted to Capt, 16 Aug. '17; tr. to Hdqrs. 2nd Brigade, 8 Sept. '17. Promoted to Major, 3 Aug. '18; tr. to Hdqrs. 3d Div, 26 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 12 June '17 to 3 Nov. '18, France. Cantigny, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded. Hospital term, 7 Oct. to 24 Oct. '18. Citation. Dis. Aug. '21. Wright, S. T., Ambulance. Enlisted 19 June '17, U. S. A. A. S, Sec. 562. A. E. F, 9 Jan. '18 to 22 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 22 Feb. '19. Young, G. B., Aviation. Priv, 18 Aug. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Promoted to Corp, 16 Sept. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 17 Dec. '17; as- signed to 617th Aero Sqdn, 18 Jan. '18. Tr. to 320th Aero Sqdn, 6 July '18; to Aerodrome, Andover, Hants, as U. S. Station Commander, 19 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 31 July '18 to 4 Dec. '18, England. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. CLASS OF 1916 Abraham, H. W, Infantry. Priv. 1st CI, 3 Sept. '18, 151st Depot Brigade. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. Ames, J. L., Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17. Attached to Classification Camp, 1st Depot Div. Assigned to 1st U. S. Div, 26 Aug. '18. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17; Capt, 25 Oct. '18. A. E. F, 10 Feb. '18 to 22 Aug. '19, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Citation. Dis. 8 Oct. '19. 156 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1916 Anderton, R. H., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 25 Mar. '18, 66th C. A. C. A. E. F., 3 Aug. '18 to 19 Feb. '19, Eng- land, France. Dis. 18 Mar. '19. Andrews, F. R., Judge Advocate Gen- eral's Department. Enlisted 30 Apr. '17, in 1st N. Y. Field Hospital Co., as Priv., Medical Corps. Tr. to Hdqrs. 37th Div., 21 Sept. '17, as Priv., Inf., and assigned to Division Judge Advocate's office. Ap- pointed Bn. Sergt. Major, Inf., 27 Sept. '17; Regtl. Sergt. Major, Inf., 11 Jan. '18; Regtl. Sergt. Major, J. A. G.'s Dept., 17 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 15 June '18 to 21 Sept. '19; France, Belgium. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Flanders Of- fensive, and Defensive Sectors. Awarded Medal of Honor (French). After Armis- tice stationed at Univ. of Paris and Hdqrs. S. O. S. Dis. 24 Sept. '19. *Ayer, L. S., Field Artillery. Killed in action 20 Apr. '18. See Roll of Honor. Barbour, E. N., Marine Corps. Enlisted June '18. In training camps at Paris Island and Quantico. Dis. 8 Feb. '19. Bartlett, R. L. Drafted 3 Oct. '17. Dis. for physical unfitness 30 Oct. '17. Bates, H. A., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T). Seaman 2nd CI., Dec. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., June '18; Ensign (T), U. S. N, Sept. '18. U. S. S. Illinois. Cuba, Mar. and Apr. '19. Bean, H. C, U. S. N. R. F. Coxswain, 30 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Tope- ka. Promoted to Boatswain's Mate 1st CI., 1 Aug. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 24 Sept. '17; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Sept. '18. Or- dered to Receiving Ship, 28 Apr. '19 as Executive Officer. Released 17 July '19. Behnke, A., Aviation — Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Cadet, 10 Dec. '17, Military Aeronau- tics. Tr. to Naval Auxiliary Reserve, July '18. Commissioned Ensign, 31 Dec. '18, U. S. N. R. F. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 26 Jan. '19. Bell, L. H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., O. R. C, 24 Nov. '16; ordered to active service 8 May '17. Promoted to Capt., 15 Aug. '17, 0. R. C. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17 and assigned to 56th Inf., 7th Div., Regular Army. Tr. to 19th M. G. Bn. ; to 20th M. G. Bn. Asst. In- structor, Reserve Officers' Training camps at Forts McPherson and Ogle- thorpe, and Graduate Machine Gun School, Camp Hancock, Ga. Dis. 4 Mar. '19. Recommissioned Capt. in Re- serve Corps Apr. '19 and placed on in- active list. Bernkopf, M. E., U. S. N. R. F. Yeoman 3rd CI., 30 July '18. Pro- moted to Yeoman 2nd CI., 1 Jan. '19. Stationed at Hingham, Mass. Dis. 21 Feb. '19. Bettes, C. C, Infantry. Enlisted 10 May '17, 325th Inf. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F. 25 Apr. '18 to 13 May '19, France. St. Mihiel, Argonne. Wounded twice. Citation. Dis. 14 May '19. Biel, W. E., U. S. N. R. F. Coxswain, 16 July '17. U. S. S. Mar- tha Washington; U. S. S. Honlauli. Communication Officer. Commissioned Ensign, 6 July '18. Overseas service, 26 July '17 to 30 Jan. '19. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. *Bingham, A. W., Jr., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 15 Dec. '18, M. T. C, 17th Div. Supply Train. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Camp Cody and other places. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Died 6 May '21, Littleton, N. H. Bobst, F. T. t Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17, 1st Conn. Inf. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 27 July '18. A. E. F., 3 Sept. '18 to 5 July '19, France. Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Dis. 29 July '19. Bradford, T. L., Jr., Aviation. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F. Brahana, H. R., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. On the Staff at Fort Adams, 13 Sept. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 14 Sept. '18. Tr. to 73rd C. A. C, 13 Sept. '18. A. E. F, 25 Sept. '18 to 22 Dec. '18, France. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. 1916 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 157 Brett, W. H., Ordnance. Enlisted 13 May '17, 1st O. T. C. Commissioned 1st Lt. Stationed at Ft. Myer and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Brown, A. P., Field Artillery. Enlisted Apr. '17, 303rd F. A. Com- missioned 1st Lt. ; promoted to C~3t. A. E. F., 31 July '18 to 26 Apr. '19, Eng- land, France. Argonne-Meuse. Dis. 3 May '19. Brown, R. A., Medical Corps. Sergt., 25 June '17. Commissioned 1st Lt. In charge of Base of Supplies (Medical) in France. A. E. F., 25 July '17 to Feb. '19. Dis. Feb. '19. Brown, W. H., Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 17 June '18, C. W. S. Pro- moted to Corp., 1 Sept. '18. Stationed at Edgewood Arsenal. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Brundage, C. E., Engineers. Enlisted 12 May '17, 15th U. S. Engrs. (Railway). Promoted to Corp., 28 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 9 July '17 to 13 July '19, England, France. Toul Sector, St. Mi- hiel Offensive, Argonne-Meuse Offen- sive. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Brundage, N. L., Field Artillery. Enlisted 27 Aug. '17, 130th F. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 25 Nov. '17; 1st Lt., 10 May '18; Capt, 10 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 19 May '18 to 23_Apr. '19, France. Vosges Sector, St. Mihiel, Argonne For- est, Verdun. Dis. 1 May '19. Burlen, R. A., Medical Corps — Intelli- gence Service. Enlisted 15 May '17, Base Hospital No. 8. Tr. to Intelligence Service with rank of Sergt., 4 June '18. A. E. F, 6 Aug. '17 to 10 June '19, France. Can- tigny. Dis. 12 June '19. Burnham, P. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 8 May '17. Q. M. 3rd CI., 20 Nov. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 22 Jan. '18; Lt. (j. g)., 24 July '18. U. S. S. Choctaw, Mine Carrier, and Northern Pacific Transport. Foreign countries : Azores, Scotland, and France. Dis. 25 Sept. '19. Butler, J. B., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 2 July '18. Promot- ed to Chief Boatswain's Mate. Com- missioned Ensign. U. S. S. Malay. Dis. 21 Feb. '19. Caldwell, W., Field Artillery— Quar- termaster Corps. Enlisted April '17, R. O. T. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Q. M. C, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., July '18. Stationed at Camp Upton and other places. Dis. May '19. Campbell, C. L., Infantry. Priv., 152nd Depot Brigade, 9 Dec. '17. Tr. to Supply Co., 30th Inf. Pro- moted to Supply Sergt., May '18, in charge of 1st Bn. 30th Inf.; 1st Sergt., Apr. '19. A. E. F., 1 Apr.'18 to 20 Aug. '19, France, Germany. Aisne Offensive, Chateau-Thierry, Champagne-M a r n e Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Vesle, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Div. citation. Dis. 25 Aug. '19. Carleton, E. J., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Corp., Aug. '17; to Sergt, 11 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 Mar. '18; 1st Lt., 21 Aug. '19. Dis. 31 Oct. '19. Chadwick, P. W., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 17 Apr. '18. Promot- ed to Yeoman, 23 Aug. '18. Stationed at Great Lakes and other places. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. Chamberlain, H. H., Infantry. Enlisted 4 Apr. '17, 301st Inf. Tr. to 302nd Inf., to 30th Inf., to _ 102nd Inf., to 303rd M. G. Bn. Commissioned 1st Lt., 15 Aug. '17 (Instructor). Dis. 8 Apr. '18. Cheney, J. M., Infantry— Field Artil- lery. Enlisted 24 June '18, 2nd Inf. Pro- moted to Sergt., Aug. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., F. A., Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Gordon and other places. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Clarke, C. M., Ordnance — Aviation. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., 17 Aug. '17. Tr. to 69th Aero Sqdn., 1st Army; to 135th Aero Sqdn. A. E. F., 30 July '18 to 12 July '19, France. 2nd Army Sector. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Cleaves, W. L., Infantry. Cadet, 22 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., Inf., 29 Nov. '17; assigned to 52nd Inf. Detailed to Regt. Hdqrs, as Regt. Liaison Officer, 20 Oct. '18. A. E. F, 5 July '18 to 15 June '19, France, Germany. Vosges, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Dis. 3 July '19. 158 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 19 10 Coakley, D. W., Ordnance. Enlisted 30 July '17. Warrant Offi- cer, Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Camp Lee and other places. Dis. 9 July '19. Cobban, D. S., Ammunition Train. Priv., 1 May '18, 315th Ammunition Train. A. E. F., 5 July '18 to 9 June '19, France, Germany. Dis. IS June '19. Coburn, R. A., Medical Corps. Priv., 14 Dec. '17. Promoted to 1st CI. Priv., June '18; to Sergt., Aug. '18; to Hospital Sergt, Dec. '18. Tr. to Stationary Laboratory No. 2, Base Sec. No. 5. A. E. F., 14 May '18 to June '19, France. Dis. 8 July '19. Cole, H. L., Ordnance. Enlisted 15 Oct. '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. A. E. F., 20 July '18 to 25 July '19, France. Dis. 31 July '19. Colton, J. H., Navy. Enlisted 3 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Ver- mont, U. S. S. Missouri. Commis- sioned Ensign (T.) U. S. N., 18 Sept. '18. Dis. 16 June '19. Conley, A. J., Aviation. Enlisted 25 Oct. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 21 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ithaca and other places. Dis. 6 -Jan. '19. Corwin, O. P. J., Infantry (Machine Gun). 2nd Lt., May '17, 344th M. G. Bn. Promoted to 1st Lt., Dec. '17; to Capt, N. Y. Nat Guard, '19. A. E. R, June '18 to July '19, France, Russia. St. Mihiel, Argonne. Gassed. Hospital term, Dec. '19 to Jan. '20. Citation. Dis. Aug. '19. Costello, W. P. Cranston, E., Y. M. C. A. — Ambulance. Secretary, 7 May '17. Tr. as Priv. to U. S. A. A. 9>„ 18 Feb. '18, Sec. 532. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 June '18. Tr. to Sec. A, 12 Oct. '18. A. E. E, 13 June '18 to 23 Apr. '19, Italy. Hospital term, 23 Oct. '18 to 3 Dec. '18. Italian War Cross. Dis. 10 May '19. Craver, E. A., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 14 May '17, O. R. C. Commissioned 1st Lt., A. S. A., 11 Jan. '18. Airplane accident. Hospital term, 18 June to 5 Aug. '18. Stationed at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Curtin, J. J., Aviation. Enlisted 12 May '17, Plattsburg R. O. T. C. Attended Royal Flying School, Canada. Commissioned 1st Lt., A. S., 3 Jan. '18. Ferry Pilot attached to British Royal Air Force, June '18. Pilot, U. S. 135th Aero Sqdn., July '18 ; Flight Commander, 10 Aug. '18. Overseas, 31 Jan. '18 to 23 March '19, England, France. St. Mihiel Offensive. Hospital term, 12 Oct. '18 to 18 July '19. Citation. Recommended for D. S. C. Cutler, S. E., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 18 June '17, Chief Yeoman, Pay Corps. Commissioned Ensign (Pay Corps), 9 Feb. '19. Stationed at Boston Navy Yard and other places. Dis. 23 June '19. Davidson, L. L, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 30 Apr. '17, Pay Corps, _ U. S. S. Rynland. Commissioned Ensign, 20 Aug. '17; Lt. (j. g.) 1 July '18. Con- voy duty, 21 Mar. '18 to 20 Jan. '19. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Davis, P. H., Infantry — Judge Advo- cate General's Department. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 334th Inf., 29 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. Tr. as 1st Lt. to Judge Advocate General's Dept., 15 Nov. '18. A. E. F, 1 Sept. '18 to 19 Oct. '19, France. Dis. 31 Oct. '19. Dean, A, Aviation. Enlisted 20 Apr. '18. Photographic Div, Air Service. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 13 Aug. '19. Stationed at Madison Barracks. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Desmond, J. P., Aviation. Cadet, 29 June '17. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Commissioned 2nd Lt, R. M. A, 5 Mar. '18. Stationed at Rich Field and other places. Dis. 19 Feb. '19. DeVoe, R. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted Dec. '17. Commissioned En- sign, Sept. '18. Stationed at Naval Aviation Training School and other places. Assigned to Reserve, Nov. '18. *Dimick, K. E, Infantry. Died as result of wounds received in action, 19 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. 19] 6 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 159 Dinsmoor, D. S., Engineers. Priv., 7 Nov. '17, 30th Engrs. (Gas & Flame), later became 1st Gas Regt. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Dec. '17. A E. R, 26 Dec. '17 to 21 Feb. '19, France. Bois des Jury, Vosges, St. Mihiel, Ar- gonne-Meuse Offensive. Dis. 18 Feb. '19. Dock, G., Jr., American Field Service — Aviation. Enlisted 13 May '16, A. F. S. Tr. to Lafayette Flying Corps, Escadrille Spad 12, Groupe de Combat 11. Pro- moted to Sergt, Pilot. Overseas service, 23 May_ '16 to 4 Feb. '19, France. Ver- dun, Picardy, Marne, Champagne-Ar- gonne. Croix de Guerre, 2 citations. Dis. 19 Jan. '19. Douglas, F. K., American Field Service — Aviation. Nine months A. F. S., T. M. U. 526, '17. Enlisted Feb. '18, Air Service, Fly- ing Cadet. Commissioned 2nd Lt. (Pur- suit Pilot). Overseas, 3 June '17 to Feb. '18, France. Chemin des Dames. Wounded and gassed Aug. '17, in hos- pital till Nov. '17. French citation. Dis. 31 Mar. '19. Dudley, C. H., Medical Corps — Sani- tary Corps. Priv. 25 Nov. '17, Ambulance Co. 42. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI.; to Corp.; to Sergt., Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., San. Corps, 18 Oct. '18. Stationed at Newport News and other places. Dunbar, J. F., Jr., Medical Department. Enlisted 26 May '18, Gen. Hospital No. 14. Tr. to Convalescent Camp No. 10. Promoted to Sergt. A. E. F., 26 Oct. '18 to 1 May '19, France. Dis. 15 May '19. Durgin, C. F., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 16 May '17. Promoted to Q. M., 14 Oct. '17. Commissioned En- sign, 27 Jan. '18; Lt. (j.g.), 18 Sept. '18. Overseas duty, 27 Jan. '18 to 27 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Eastman, A. G., Ordnance. Enlisted 30 July '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt.; 1st Lt. A. E. F., France. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. Eigner, I., Infantry. Enlisted 28 Mar. '18, 325th Inf. A. E. F., 25 Apr. '18 to 23 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 13 Feb. '19. Emery, A. L., Ambulance. U. S. A. A. S., 20 June '17. S. S. U. 562. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, England, France, Germany. Aisne De- fensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 11 Tune '19. Emery, B. V., Ambulance. Priv. 1st CI., 20 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 562. A. E. F, 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, England, France, Germany. Aisne _ Defensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 11 June '19. English, J. P., Quartermaster Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Sergt, 4 Aug. '17, Q. M. C. Tr. to M. T. C. A. E. F., 28 Mar. '18 to July '19, France, Germany. Dis. July '19. Everett, "C. K, Ordnance. Enlisted 30 July '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 2 Mar. '18. Attached to Peace Commission as Courier. A. E. F., Oct. '18. Fenno, J. K., Aviation. Enlisted 22 Oct. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 2 Feb. '18. R. M. A., 1 May '18. Instructed at San Diego and Riverside, Cal. Dis. 8 Dec. '18. Fipphen, C. W., Medical Corps. Priv., 1 Oct. '18, Harvard S. A. T. C, Med. C. Dis. 8 Dec. '18. Fishback, H., Jr., British Flying Corps. Enlisted 22 Apr. '18, Royal Air Force, England, 2nd Lt. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Flanders, H. T., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 9 Dec. '17, Motor Truck Co. No. 411. A. E. F., 26 May '18 to 27 July '19, France. Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Oise-Aisne Offensive. Dis. 1 Aug. '19. Fletcher, V. A., Coast Artillery. Priv., 31 Oct. '17, 18th Co, C. A. C. Tr. to 55th C. A. C, 19 Dec. '17. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 Jan. '18; to Corp., 28 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 25 Mar. '18 to 22 Jan. '19, England, France. 2nd Battle of the Marne, Vesle Operations, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. 160 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1916 *Fogg, C. W v Engineers. Died of wounds received in action, 20 July '18. See Roll of Honor. Frederiksen, O. J., Y.M.C.A.— Infantry. Y. M. C. A. War Secretary, Sept. '17. Enlisted as Priv., 345th Inf., 27 June '18. A. E. R, 24 Aug. '18 to 5 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Frey, E. B., Engineers. Enlisted 23 June '17, 101st Engrs. Promoted to Corp., 20 July '17; Master Engineer (s.g.), 12 Sept. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 22 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 26 Mar. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Cham- pagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Rupt Sector, Troyon Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. *Friend, O. P., Naval Aviation. Died of influenza in naval hospital at Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Gaylord, W. H., Field Artillery. Enlisted 22 Sept. '17. Promoted to Corp., 27 Feb. '18. A. E. R, 19 May '18 to 20 May '19; France. Toul Sector, Marbache, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Div. Citation. Dis. 28 May '19. Geran, J. C, Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17. A. E. F.,. France. Gibson, D. W., Medical Corps — Infan- try (Machine Gun). Enlisted 2 July '17, Med. Dept. Pro- moted to Sergt. Attended M. G. Train- ing Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 1 June '18; 1st Lt., Inf., 19 Sept. '18. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Gibson, H. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 4 June '17. Student attached to Royal Flying Corps, Canada, July '17. Ensign, U. S. N. R. Flying C, Dec. '17; Lt. (j. g.). Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Fuller, D. W., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 301st R A., 15 Aug. '17. A. E. R, 16 July '18 to 5 Jan. '19, England, France. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Gifford, J. E., U. S. N. R. R Enlisted 23 July '18. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate. Attended Offi- cer Material School, Harvard. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Fuller, G. B., Ordnance. Enlisted 1 Sept. '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI, 27 Feb. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 25 July '18; 1st Lt, 15 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 13 Aug. '17 to 23 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 1 May '19. Gammons, C. C, Infantry (Machine Gun). Candidate, Apr. '17, Officers' Train- ing Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 302nd M. G. Bn, 151st Inf. Brig. A. E. F, 8 July '18 to 24 Dec. '18, England, France. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. Garcia, A. F., Coast Artillery. Priv, 11 Aug. '17.^ Promoted to Corp, 12 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 11 May '18. A. E. F, 2 Jan. to 10 Mar. '19. Garrison, W. B., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI, Mar. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 13 July '18. Hospital term Nov. '18 to Feb. '19. Stationed at Brooklyn and other places. Dis. 19 Feb. '19. Gile, J. F., Medical Corps. Enlisted 29 Dec. '17, Med. R. C. Never in active service. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Gioiosa, E. A, Aviation. Flying Cadet, 14 Nov. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Stationed at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 29 Nov. '18. Goldman, H., Ordnance. Enlisted 8 Mar. '18. Promoted to Corp, 1 Aug. '18; Sergt. 1st CI, 1 Oct. '18; Ord. Sergt, 10 Jan. '19. Stationed at Ft. Slocum and other places. Dis. 26 Feb. '19. *Goodwin, L. B., Naval Aviation. Flying Cadet, July '17. Dis. 3 June '18. Died 1 Aug. '19, Hooksett, N. H, as result of auto accident. Gordon, D. R., Medical Corps. Priv. 28 Sept. '17. Enlisted Med. R. C. Dis. 4 June '18. 1916 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 161 Gough, W. A. R., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 152nd Depot Brigade. Tr. to 304th F. A., 24 Apr. '18; to 58th F. A., 28 Aug. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt, 30 July '18. A. E. R, 24 Apr. '18 to 7 Sept. '18, France. Lorraine Sector, Chateau- Thierry Sector. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Gould, G. C, Field Artillery. Enlisted 28 Aug. '18, 1st F. A. Repl. Draft. Tr. to New England Saw Mill Unit No. 3, Ardgay, Ross-shire Scot- land, lumbering for the British Gov- ernment, in the interest of the Allies. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Gove, L. P., Engineers. Enlisted 12 Nov. '17, 1st Repl. Regt. Engrs. Promoted to Corp., 1 Feb. '18; Sergt, 13 Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 25 May '18. A. E. F., 5 July '18 to 16 Apr. '19, France, Belgium. St. Mi- hiel, Meuse-Argonne, Lys-Scheldt. Dis. 22 Apr. '19. Goward, P. F., Infantry. Enlisted 29 Apr. '18, 302nd Inf. Tr. to 49th Inf. Promoted to Corp., 1 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 12 July '18 to 12 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 28 May '19. Green, C. T., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 6 Mar. '17, Conn. N. G., which later became 101st M. G. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 1 Aug. '17; to Sergt. 17 Oct. '18. A. E.-R, 10 Oct. '17 to 14 July '19, England, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Champagne- Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offen- sive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Troyon Sec- tor, Meuse-Argonne. Detached as stu- dent, Univ. of Rennes, Mar. to June '19. Dis. 18 July '19. Green, H. H., Medical Corps. Sergt. and Camp Surgeon, Camp Travis. Greenwood, C. W., Ordnance. Priv. 1st CI., 12 July '17. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Sept. '17; Sergt. 1st CI., 5 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 10 Sept. '18. A. E. R, 18 Oct. '17 to 20 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 2 May '19. Gumbart, E. H., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted 18 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, A. S.-A., R. M. A., 1 Nov. '18. Stationed at Chanute Field and other places. Dis. 8 Jan. '19. Hale, W. A., Ordnance — Field Artillery. Ord. Sergt., Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R A., 12 July '18. A. E. R, 16 Apr. '18 to 5 Aug. '19„ France. Meuse- Argonne. Dis. 8 Sept. '19. Hallagan, S. D., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 18 June '18. Commissioned Ensign. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.), 1 Jan. '19. A. E. R, 13 July '18 to 18 Dec. '18, France, England. Dis. 3 Mar. '19. Hayden, E. P., U. S. N. R. R Q. M. 2nd CI., Apr. '17. Promoted to Hospital Apprentice 1st CI. After 3 months service released to complete medical studies. Hayward, L. H., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 Sept. '18, F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zach- ary Taylor. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Henderson, K. M., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 6 Aug. '17, Military Stores Course, Hanover. Promoted to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 7 June '18. Sta- tioned at Ft. H. G. Wright, Camp Jos. E. Johnston and New York City. Dis. 18 Apr. '19. Hitchcock, C. C, U. S. N. R. F. 2nd CI. Seaman, 9 Apr. '17. U S. S. C. 141, U. S. S. Granite State. In command, U. S. S. C. 89. Promoted to Coxswain, June '17; to Chief Boat- swain's Mate, Oct. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 11 Jan. '18. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. Holmes, C. N., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt; assigned to 11th M. G. Bn. Promoted to 1st Lt., 12 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 23 May '18 to 18 Apr. '19, France, Germany. 2nd Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Gassed. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Houle, A. O., Infantry — Signal Corps. Enlisted 15 May '18, Training De- tachment at Durham, N. H. Tr. to 151st Depot Brigade, 15 July '18. Pro- moted to Corp., 11 Aug. '18. Reduced to Priv., 10 Sept. '18 by virtue of trans- fer to 212th Field Signal Bn. Promoted to Corp., 15 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 28 Jan. '19. 162 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1910 Howell, A. L., American Field Service — Field Artillery. In France with A. F. S. Sec. 2, at- tached to 65th Div. of French Army, operating around Verdun and the Ar- gonne Forest, Nov. '16 to Aug. '17. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17, Student Officer, F. A. Commissioned 1st Lt., Nov. '17. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Howell, G. B., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 24 Apr. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt. A. E. F., 22 Aug. '18 to 24 Aug. '19, France, Germany. St. Mihiel, 1st Army Defensive, Verdun, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Dis. 26 Aug. '19. *Janes, C. R., Aviation. Killed in airplane accident, Fort Worth, Texas, 13 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Jardine, A. J., Ordnance. Enlisted 18 Apr. '17, 1st Corps Cadets. Tr. to 101st Engrs. Provisional dis- charge, 26 June '17, to enlist in Ord. Corps, N. A. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 109th Ord. Depot Co., 5 Nov. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F, 23 Apr. '18 to 9 Feb. '19, France. Dis. IS Feb. '19. Jones, C. E v Ordnance — Infantry (Ma- chine Gun). Enlisted June '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18. Machine Gun Instructor, Camp Gordon and Camp Hancock. Joy, L. W., Aviation. Enlisted 24 Jan. '18 as Cadet. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Stationed at Park Field and other places. Dis. 26 Mar. '19. Kirkland, E. C, Ambulance. Enlisted 2 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Harvard Unit, Sec. 10; later Sec. 510. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Jan. '18. A. E. R, 20 Aug. '17 to 13 Apr. '19, France, Germany. Marne-Vesle-Aisne Offen- sive. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Knight, E. D., Infantry. R. O. T C, 11 Jan. '18, Camp Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18; 1st Lt., 14 Sept. '18. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. *Knowles, W. S., Signal Corps. Died 9 Apr. '18, at Camp Devens. See Roll of Honor. Kreider, G. P., American Field Service — Field Artillery. Enlisted A. F. S., 5 May '17, T. M. U. 526. Tr. to 348th F. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A. Overseas, May '17 to 2 Apr. '19, France, Belgium, Luxem- bourg, Germany. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Lapierre, E. I., Quartermaster Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Sergt., 4 Aug. '17. Q. M. R. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., M. T. C, July '18. A. E. F., Aug. '18 to Aug. '19, France. Larimer, J. M., Coast Artillery — Adju- tant General's Department. R. O. T C, Fort Sheridan, 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 27 Aug. '18, C. A. C; 1st Lt, Adj. Gen. Dept, 16 Sept '18; Capt, 2 Nov. '18. Stationed at Washington and Ft. H. G. Wright, N. Y. Dis. 26 June '19. Larmon, P. J., Ordnance. Enlisted 10 May '18, Priv. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 12 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Hancock and other places. Dis.. 29 July '19. Kiley, E. L., Infantry. Enlisted 6 Oct. '17. Promoted to Sergt, 19 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 1 June '18. Stationed at Ft. Slo- cum and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Kimball, H. C, Medical Corps — Sani- tary Corps. Sergt, 22 June '17. Med. E. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, San. Corps, Nov. '18. A. E. F., 2 July '17 to May '19, France. Hospital term, Jan. to Mar. '18. Lawrence, R. A., Ordnance. Priv., 8 Mar. '18. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI.; to Corp. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Lawton, A. D., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 15 July '18. Tr. to Central Mach. Gun Officers' Training School, 15 Sept. '18. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. *Lewis, A. D., Engineers. Died 13 Oct. '18 at Camp Humphreys, Va. See Roll of Honor. 1916 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 16:3 Lewis, P. H., U. S. N. R. F. Gunner's Mate, 13 Apr. '17, Alacrity. Military Stores School, Hanover. Pro- moted to Chief Storekeeper, 12 Nov. '17. Stationed at Mare Island. Dis. 23 May '19. Lincoln, C. K, Coast Artillery. 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, C. A. O. R. C, 71st C. A. C. A. E. R, 1 Aug. '18 to 2 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Lindman, E. L., Infantry. Candidate, 25 Aug. '17, R. O. T. C. Drafted 22 July '18. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Sept. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Inf., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to 35th M. G. Bn., 12th Div. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. Lindsley, D. L., Aviation. Enlisted 11 Dec. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. E. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 22 May '18. Stationed at Rockwell, Langley and Taliaferro Fields, and Camp No. 2, Garden City. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Linihan, M. G., Infantry. 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17, 340th Inf., 85th Div. Promoted to 1st Lt., 1 Oct. '18. Tr. to 64th Brig, 32nd Div, 28 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 22 July '18 to 5 May '19, France, Luxembourg, Germany. Oise- Aisne, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 27 Mav '19. Little, J. D, American Field Service — Signal Corps. A. F. S, May to Dec. '16, S. S. U. I. Enlisted 2nd Field Signal Bn, Sig. R. C, May '17. Tr. to 301st Field Signal Bn, 1st CI. Priv. Promoted to Chauf- feur. A. E. F, France. St. Mihiel and other battles. Dis. 1 Aug. '19. Lord, H, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 4 Oct. '17; Lt. (s. g.), 21 Sept. '18, commanding U. S. S. Galatea. On seas 18 Apr. '18 to 20 June '19, Azores and Bermuda. Lyman, S. M, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 Oct. '18. Promoted to Seaman 2nd CI. Stationed at Great Lakes and other places. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. McAuliffe, J. B., Naval Aviation. Seaman, 15 Jan. '18. Gunnery instruc- tor, M. I. T. Naval Aviation Det. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. McCleary, A. B, Field Artillery. 302nd F. A., 10 May '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug '17; 1st Lt, 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F, 28 June '17 to 7 July '19, France and England. Dis. 25 July '20. McCoy, W. P., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T). Seaman, 12 Apr. '17. Promoted to Chief Storekeeper. Commissioned En- sign 15 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.) (T), U. S. N, 10 Jan. '19. Assigned to U. S. S. Charleston, 1 Feb. '18. Tr. to U. S. S. Elliot, 10 Jan. '19. Dis. 11 June '19. McFalls, E. L., Aviation. Cadet, 12 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 6 May '18. A. E F, 20 Oct. '18 to 29 July '19, France. Dis. 16 Aug. '19. McKenzie, W. H., Infantry. Enlisted in R. O. T. C, 15 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17. Tr. to 159th Depot Brigade, later to 801st Pioneer Infantry. A. E. F, 8 Sept. '18 to 5 June '19, France. Dis. 30 June '19. McLaughlin, J. R, Jr., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 5 May '17. A. E. F., 18 Aug. '17 to 16 Mar. '18, France. Dis. 21 Apr. '18. McLellan, H. J, Aviation. Enlisted 14 Sept. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 19 Mar. '18. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Mack, E. L, Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt, 17 Aug. '17; Ord. Sergt, 11 Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 22 Apr. '18; 1st Lt, 26 Oct. '18. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Mackie, W. A., Field Artillery. Enlisted 2 June '17, 103rd F. A, 26th Div. A. E. F, 9 Oct. .'17 to 10 Apr. '19. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. McMillan, A. L, Sanitary Corps. Priv, 246th Ambulance Co, 12th San. Train, 22 July '18. Stationed at Camp Devens. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. 164 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1916 Magill, R. F., Infantry. First Officers' Training Camp, 12 May '17. Tr. to 317th Inf., 15 Dec. '17. Asst. District Inspector. S. A. T. C. and R. O. T. C, 13 Sept. '18. Commis- sioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; Capt., 24 Oct. '18. Dis. 22 Mar. '19. Marsden, A. G., Infantry — Quarter- master Corps. Enlisted 5 Oct. '17, 151st Depot Brig- ade. Promoted to Sergt, Inf. Tr. to Q. M. C, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 July '18. A. E. F, 14 Aug. '18 to 9 July '19, France. Dis. 30 July '19. Mendall, R. B., Infantry. Enlisted 7 Sept. '17, 302nd Inf. Pro- moted to Supply Sergt., 1 Oct. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, 1 June '18. Company Commander 55th Co., 159th Depot Brig- ade. Commissioned 1st Lt., 27 Oct. '18. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. *Miles, A. T., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., 23 Sept. '16, S. S. U. 8. Commissioned 1st Lt., 28 Oct. '17. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S. Overseas, Sept. '16 to Mar. '19, France and Belgium. Somme, Verdun, Montdidier, St. Quen- tin. Croix de Guerre with silver star. Army citation with palm. Awarded the Legion of Honor Cross. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. Died 20 Nov. '21, Hartford, Conn. Mitchell, L. C, Coast Artillery. Cadet, 13 June _ '13, U. S. Military Academy. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 20 Apr. '17; 1st Lt, 15 May '17; Capt. Aug. '17. A. E. F., 25 Mar. '18 to 20 May '19, England, France, Germany. Marne-Aisne, Aisne-Oise, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Monahan, J. C, Engineers. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt; 1st Lt., July '18. A. E. R, 18 Nov '17 to 17 Apr. '18, France. Toul Sector. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Morey, G. L., Ordnance. Enlisted 6 Dec. '17. Promoted to Sergt 1st CI., 22 Jan. '18. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and Hoboken. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Morrison, A., Medical Corps. Enlisted 28 May '17, Base Hospital No. 7. Promoted to Corp., tr. to Chief Surgeon's Office, Hdqrs., Feb. '19. A. E. F., 8 July '18 to 26 June '19, France. Dis. 9 July '19. Morse, R. E., Ordnance, Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, Nov. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 25 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 11 Aug. '17 to 9 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Mott, W. F., Navy. Coxswain, 30 Apr. '17, U. S. S. To- peka. Promoted to Boatswain's Mate 2nd CI., July '17. Commissioned En- sign (Pay Corps) Aug. '17; Lt. (j. g.), July '18. Tr. to U. S. S. Lake Port Overseas service, Jan. '18 to Jan. '19, between Norfolk and Scotland. Dis. 8 Feb. '19. Murchie, H, F., Aviation. Enlisted 15 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 21 Sept. '18. Stationed at Tali- aferro Field and other places. Dis. 28 Jan. '19. Murphy, L. J., Aviation. Enlisted 12_ Apr. '17, 25th Aero Sqdn. Tr. to Premiere Escadrille. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 1st Lt, and Capt. A. E. F., Aug. 17 to Sept. '18, England, France, Italy. Soissons, Ville Neuf, Milan, Neuf Chateau. Wounded twice. Croix de Guerre (two palms) and Legion d'Hon- neur. Dis. 12 Jan. '19. Nagle, W. S., Ambulance. Enlisted 30 Mar. '17. A. E. R, 20 Apr. '17 to 1 Feb. '21, France, Palestine. Dis. '21. Noble, W. F., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commission- ed 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, Oct. '18. A. E. F., 22 Apr. '18 to 15 May '19, France, Germany. St. Mihiel. Dis. 24 May '19. Nordell, P. G., Naval Auxiliary Re- serve. Cadet, 1 Sept. '17. Commissioned En- sign, 15 Feb. '18. Communication and Asst. Navigation Officer U. S. S. Fed- eral. Dis. 10 Feb. '19. Noyes, E. M., American Field Service — Aviation. A. F. S., 4 May '17, S. S. U. 28 (Dart- mouth Unit). Promoted to Sous Chef. Tr. to Aviation Sec, Sig. C, Sept '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 21 Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 28 July '18. Overseas, 4 May '17 to 7 Mar. '18, France. Dis. 15 Mar. '19. 1916 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 165 Olson, D. B., Ordnance. Enlisted 14 Dec. '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 8 Feb. '18. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Osborn, W. B., Field Artillery. Enlisted 5 Aug. '17, 135th F. A. A. E. F., 28 June '18 to 12 Mar. '19, France. Marbache Sector, Troyon Sector, Tri- aucourt Sector. Dis. 11 Apr. '19. Paine, G. E., Medical Corps. Enlisted 10 Nov. '17, Med. O. R. C. Dis. and re-enlisted in Enlisted Med. R. C. Tr. to Med. Dept, Northwestern Med. School S.A. T. C. Detailed to hospital during influenza epidemic. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Palmer, C. A., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A), 28 May '18. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Commission- ed Ensign. Stationed at Pensacola and other places. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Parker, E. H., Engineers — S. A. T. C. Enlisted 25 Jan. '18, Engrs. Enlisted R. C. Tr. to S. A. T. C, Columbia Univ., 30 Oct. '18 Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Parker, H. B., Ordnance — Construction Division. Enlisted 2 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Construction Div., 17 May '18; 1st Lt, 28 Aug. '18. Stationed at Edge- wood Arsenal, Md. and Boston. Dis. 12 July '19. Parker, R. M., Infantry. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. A. E. F., France. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. Parkhurst, R., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Storekeeper, 31 Aug. '17. Tr. to Naval Overseas Transportation Ser- vice, July '18. Transferred to Pay School Oct. '18. Dis. 8 Jan. '19. Paul, W. S., Infantry. Enlisted as Priv. ; 22 June '16, in Colo. N. G. Commissioned 2nd Lt. in Regular Army, 5 June '17; 1st Lt., 27 Aug. '17; Capt., 2 Mar. '18. A. E. R, Oct. '18 to Jan. '19, England, France. In regular army. Pelletier, J. A., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted July '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 397. Tr. to M. T. C, Group B, Sec. 8, Repair Unit 322. Promoted to Sergt., 15 Mar. '18. Overseas, 9 July '17 to 31 July '19, France. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. *Penny, V. K., Cavalry. Killed in France by bomb from Ger- man airplane, 25 July '18. See Roll of Honor. Perkins, L. G., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 1 Aug. '17. Promoted to Sergt, later to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Camp Devens and Camp Hancock. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Pettengill, F. G., Medical Corps. Priv., 30 Nov. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 30 July '18. Not called to active service. Dis. 9 Apr. '19. *Pfingstag, L. F., Aviation. Died 6 Apr. '18 of disease. See Roll of Honor. Pierce, C. E., Ambulance. Enlisted 1 June '17, Ambulance Co. 30. A. E. R, 4 June '18 to 24 July '19, France, Luxembourg. Vosges Sector, Frappelle Offensive, St. Mihiel Offen- sive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 31 July '19. Porter, V. W., Aviation. Enlisted 8 Nov. '17, Instructor. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, Aviation Sec, Sig. C, R. M. A. (Pilot), 5 June '18. Sta- tioned at Ft. Worth and other places. Dis. 14 Jan. '19. Pratt, G. H., Jr., Field Artillery- Aviation. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 27 Nov. '17, F. A. Tr. to 188th Aero Sqdn., 1 Mar. '18. A. E. R, Jan. '18 to Feb. '19, Eng- land, France. Dis. 22 Feb. '19 . *Pudrith, C. A., Infantry — Aviation. Died in England as result of airplane accident 30 Apr. '18. See Roll of Hon- or. Putney, W. R., Coast Artillery. Priv., 7 Aug. '17. Attended Artillery School of Enlisted Specialists. Rector, G. V., Infantry. R. O. T. C, 15 May '17. Commission- ed 2nd Lt; 1st Lt, 1 Aug. '19. Sta- tioned at Camp Dodge and other places. Dis. 28 Jan. '19. Reeder, R. R., Jr., Field Artillery- Coast Artillery. Enlisted Apr. '18. Promoted to Corp., 1 Nov. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C. A. E. F., 17 June '18 to 28 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 13 Feb. '19. 166 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1016 Renfrew, W. H., American Field Serv- ice — French Artillery. A. F. S., June '17, T. M. U. 526. Overseas, June '17 to July '19, France. Chemin des Dames Sector, Soissons, Aisne. Tr. to Field Artillery, French Army, received rank of Aspirant. Dis. 22 May '19. Reynolds, S. C, Naval Medical Corps. Enlisted 2 July '18. Promoted to Hospital Apprentice 2nd CI., 1st CI. Stationed at Hingham, Mass., and other places. Dis. 13 Sept. '19. Richardson, P. W., Infantry. Priv., 26 Feb. '18, 1st Bn., Inf. Dis. 8 Mar. '18 because of physical disability. Riley, E. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 2nd CI., 11 May '17. U. S. S. Shaw, U. S. S. Laub. Commissioned Ensign, 8 Oct. '17; Lt. (j. g.) (T.), U. S. N., 1 July '18. European waters, 20 June '18 to 1 Jan. '19. Riley, L. E., Ambulance— Field Artil- lery. Priv., 5 Sept. '17, Ambulance Co. 335. Tr. to 327th F. A., 20 Apr. '18. A. E. R, 9 Sept. '18 to 19 Jan. '19, England, France. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. Rogers, J. W., Jr., Medical Corps — Chemical Warfare Service. Sergt, 27 July '17, U. S. A. General Hosp. 1. Tr. to Gas and Flame Troops, Sept. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. W. S., Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Kendrick. Dis. 1 Jan. '19. Rogers, L. W., Intelligence Service. Enlisted 7 Sept. '18, Intelligence Sec- tion, Inf. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 7 Sept. '18; 1st Lt, 9 Apr. '19. A. E. F„ 7 Sept. '18 to 1 Sept. '19, England, France, Belgium, Germany. From Apr. to Sept. '18 served as civilian agent in Army Intelligence Dept, England. Ross, K. W., Engineers. Enlisted 29 Oct. '17, 29th Engrs. Pro- moted to Corp., May '19. A. E. F., 15 Feb. '18 to 24 June '19, France. Noyon- Montdidier Defensive, Aisne-Marne Of- fensive, Argonne-Meuse Offensive. Dis. 12 July '19. Rundlett, C. M v Engineers. Priv., 20 Mar. '18, 42nd Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 4 Apr. '18. 42nd Bn. tr. and became 43d Co., 20th Engrs., Aug-. '18. A. E. F., 10 May '18 to 27 June '19, France. Dis. 9 July '19. Ryan, E. F., Medical Corps. Enlisted 10 Oct. '17, Med. R. C. Saben, M. B., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 15 June '17, U. S. S. Massa- chusetts, U. S. S. Florida, on staff of Comdr. of U. S. naval forces in North- ern Russia, U. S. S. Desmoines, U. S. S. Yankton. Commissioned Ensign, 18 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.), 21 Sept. '18. Op- erated with British Grand Fleet in North Sea. In foreign waters 8 Dec. '17 to 15 Dec. '19. Dis. 5 Feb. '20. Saunders, J. B., Cavalry. Appointed to U. S. Military Academy '14. Commissioned 1st Lt, Cavalry, 30 Aug. '17 ; Capt, 12 July '18. Stationed at Ft. Myer and other places. Dis. 25 Dec. '19. Shanahan, J. A., Infantry — Field Artil- lery. Enlisted 28 June '18. Tr. to F. A. Of- ficers' Training School, 2 Nov. '18. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Shumway, W. D., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 15 Oct. '18. Dis. 29 Nov. '18. Smith, G. H., Jr., Ambulance. Priv., 2 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 510. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI. A. E. F., 20 Aug. '17 to 13 Apr. '19, France, Germany. Argonne, Verdun, Meuse Sector, Vesle-Aisne Offensive. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Smith, O. R., Naval Aviation. Cadet, 1 Mar. '18. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A). Stationed at Buffalo and Cambridge, Mass. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Soule, R. F., Quartermaster Corps — Ordnance — Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Priv., 12 Dec. '17, Q. M. Mechanical Repair Shops, 303rd Regt. Tr. to Ord- nance Corps, 7 July '18; to C. W. S. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Sept. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Oct. '18. Hospital terms. '18. Stationed at Camp Meigs and Edgewood Arsenal, Md. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Soutar, P. O., Infantry. Lt, 25th Inf., Regular Army. Sta- tioned at Honolulu and Nogales, Ariz. 1916 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 167 Spelke, Max, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 5 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, Pay Corps, 7 June '18; Lt. (j. g.), 26 Mar. '19. Overseas service, 9 Aug. '18 to 21 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Stackpole, P. W., Ambulance — Ameri- can Red Cross. Ambulance Service with French Army, 5 May '17, S. S. U. 61. Verdun. Tr. to Motor Transport Bureau, Amer- ican Red Cross, Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 22 July '18; 1st Lt, Dec. '18; Capt, Sept. '19. Overseas, 5 May '17 to 23 Dec. '19, France. Dis. 24 Dec. '19. Stamatiades, P. E., Medical Corps. Priv., 22 Oct. '17, Med. R. C. Sta- tioned at N. Y. C. Dis. 31 Mar. '19. Stearns, J. B., Ambulance. Enlisted 5 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U.524. Promoted to Sergt, '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., Sept. '18. A. E. F., 15 Sept. '17 to '19, France. Wound- ed, gassed. Croix de Guerre. *Stedman, H. B., Ordnance. Died 9 Oct. '18 of pneumonia at Fort Slocum, N. Y. See Roll of Honor. Stiegler, H. E., Infantry (Machine Gun). Sergt, 28 June '18, _73rd Inf., M. G. Co., Camp Devens. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. Stillman, D. S.. U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 7 Dec. '17. Promot- ed to Q. M. 2nd CI. Commissioned Ensign. S. S. Harvester. Stationed also at Pelham Bay and other places. Dis. 28 Jan. '19. Stowell, L. E., Motor Transport Corps. Student Officer, Sept. '18, Motor Transport Officers' School, Camp Jos- eph E. Johnston. Dis. Dec. '19. Streeter, M. B., Jr., Field Artillery- Infantry. Priv., 29 Sept. '17, 305th F. A. Tr. to 157th Depot Brigade, 8 Oct. '17; to 4th Officers' Training School, 17 May '18; to 1st Replacement Regt, 15 Oct. '18. Promoted to Sergt., Inf., 1 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 29 Aug. '18. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. *Strong E. O., Field Artillery. Killed in action 25 Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Studley, B., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 11 June '17, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. to Naval Reserve Flying Corps, 30 Apr. '18. Commissioned Ensign (A.) 27 Dec. '18. Stationed at Pensacola and other places. Dis. 8 Feb. '19. Sully, S. E., Infantry. Priv., 6 Apr. '17, 7th Regt. N. Y. Nat. Guard. Tr. to 69th N. Y. Nat. Guard, which was federalized as 165th Inf. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 Sept '18; to Corp., 17 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 11 Nov. '17 to 12 Apr. '19, France, Ger- many. Luneville Sector, Baccarat Sec tor, Champagne-Meuse Defensive, Cha teau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar gonne. Dis. 7 May '19. Tapley, G. H., Ordnance. Enlisted 22 Nov. '17. Commission- ed 2nd Lt, 15 Oct. '18; 1st Lt, 6 May '19. A. E. F., 3 Nov. '18 to 26 June '19, France. Dis. 2 July '19. *Tibbitts, R. T>., Naval Aviation. Lost at sea in hydroplane, 8 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Tucker, C. W., Medical Corps. Enlisted 10 Oct. '17, Med. R. C. No active service. Dis. 23 Jan. '19. Tuttle, H. S., Ambulance. Enlisted 25 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 557. Promoted to Sergt., 11 Oct '18; to Hospital Sergt. (T.), Feb. '19. A. E. R, 5 July '18 to 1 July '19, France. Dis. 3 July '19. Tyler, R. G., Ordnance. Enlisted 14 Jan. '18. Military Stores School, Hanover. 6 months in France. Dis. Apr. '19. Upham, W. F., Ordnance. Stationed at Camp Perry, O. Wadleigh, P. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 6 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 19 Feb. '18; Lt. (j. g.), 1 Oct. '18. Instructor at Pensacola; Division Commander at other stations. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Walker, T. B., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 26 Aug. '18, Central Machine Gun Officers' Training School. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. 168 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1916 Warren, P. A., Field Artillery. Enlisted 20 Sept. '17, 303rd F. A. Promoted to Sergt, 10 Oct. '17; to 1st Sergt., 1 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 1 June '18. A. E. F, 6 Apr. '18 to 27 Apr. '19, France. Argonne. Brig- ade citation. Dis. May '19. Wessel, D v Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 3 June '18. Promoted to Corp., 1 Nov. '18. Stationed at Wash- ington. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Wetherbee, H. W., Engineers. 20th Engineers (Forestry Regt.) Whipple, P. D., Aviation. Priv., 11 Dec. '17. Tr. to 328th Aero Sqdn., Nov. '18. Promoted to Corp., Nov. '18, to Chauffeur, Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Williams, E. R., Signal Corps. Enlisted 24 July '17, 318th Field Sig. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Tr. to 417th Telegraph Bn. Promoted to 1st Lt., IS May '19. A. E. F., 1 Aug. '18 to 5 Aug. '19, France, Germany. Meuse- Argonne, Metz Offensive. Dis. 26 Aug. '19. Woolworth, C. M., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 15 Aug. '17, 57th Inf. Tr. to 40th Inf., to 78th Inf., to 41st M. G. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 26 Oct. '17. Stationed at Ft. Sheridan and other places. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. *York, W. R., Ambulance — Aviation. Died at Saranac Lake, N. Y., 7 Jan. 21. See Roll of Honor. CLASS OF 1917 Adams, R. E., Engineers. Enlisted 20 Oct. '17, 29th Engrs. A. E. F., 1 Nov. '17 to Aug. '19, France, Germany. Montdidier-Noyon Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 30 Aug. '19. Aldrich, D. B., U. S. N. R. F. Q. M. 2nd CI., 16 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign May '18. U. S. S. Bridge (Fleet). Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Alger, F. B., Ordnance. Commissioned 2nd Lt. at Camp Meade, Md., 2 Mar. '18. Allen, R. N., Signal Corps. Priv., 29 May '18. Casual Det. Tr. to 116th Field Sig. Bn.; to 304th Field Sig. Bn. Priv., 1st CI., (switch-board opera- tor). A. E. R, 25 Aug. '18 to 16 May '19, England, France. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Bn. cited, colors decorated by Gen. Pershing. Dis. 30 May '19. Allison, G. H., American Field Service — Naval Aviation. Six mos. with A. F. S. (Dartmouth Unit). Tr. to Naval Aviation. Allison, W. H., Engineers. Priv., 19 July '18, 604th Engrs. Tr. to 605th Engrs., also to 71st Engrs. Promoted to Sergt., Sergt. 1st CI. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Anderson, A. E., Signal Corps. Priv., 12 May '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 18 July '17. Stationed at Camp Devens, 5 Oct. '17 to 10 July '18. A. E. F., 11 July '18 to 20 July '19. Dis. 31 July '19. Antrim, M. B., Naval Auxiliary Re- serve. Seaman 1st CI., 28 Mar. '17. Pro- moted to Q. M. 3rd CI. Commissioned Ensign. On various ships, one of which, U. S. S. Herman Frasch, was sunk in collision 4 Oct. '18. France, England, Spain, South America, Panama Canal, West Indies. Dis. 23 June '19. Atwater, I. T., Field Artillery. Priv., 6 May '17. Promoted to Sergt, Aug. '17. Assigned to 348th F. A. A. E. F., 6 June '18 to 19 May '19, France, Belgium, Germany. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 19 May '19. Baer, J. V., Jr., Quartermaster Corps. Priv. 1st CI., 12 Dec. '17. Promoted to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 20 July '18. Stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnston. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Baker, J. H., Field Artillery. Banton, L. G., U. S. N. R. F. Hospital Apprentice 1st Cl.,_ 8 Dec. '17. Stationed at Columbia Univ. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Barber, P. T., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 2 Apr. '17. Ensign, U S. S. America. (Transport and Cruiser Force). Dis. 19 Feb. '19. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 169 Barnes, B. S., Naval Aviation. Instructor Pilot at Naval Air Service Station, Pensacola, Fla. Barrows, W. A., Coast Artillery. Sergt. Maj., 26 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. Maj. (s. g.). Commissioned 2nd Lt, 25 Sept. '18. Dis. 4 Feb. '19. Bathrick, J. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 30 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 16 Jan. '18. U. S. S. P. 409, U. S. S. Kansas, U. S. S. C. 24. With Atlantic Fleet in home waters. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Berry, E. W., Field Artillery. Priv., Oct. '17, 135th F. A. A. E. F, France. Bidwell, H. F., Infantry — Marine Corps. 1st Lt., 12 May '17, 5th Inf. Tr. to 6th Marines; to 9th Inf. A. E. F., 8 Sept. '17 to 20 Oct. '19, France, Verdun, Chateau-Thierry, Soissons. Wounded. Hospital term, 18 July to 3 Oct. '18. Dis. 25 Oct. '19. Birtwell, W. M., Jr., Engineers. Priv., (Ass't Instructor) 26 Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 22 Aug. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Humphreys. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Black, A. C, Medical Corps. Priv., 8 Jan. '18, Med. E. R. C. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Blackmur, M. A., Field Artillery. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 18 Aug. '17, 312th F. A. A. E. F., 12 July '18 to 1 June '19, England, France. Dis. 3 June '19. Blood, P. W., Naval Aviation. Machinist's Mate 2nd CI., 6 Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., U. S. Marine Corps. Assigned to Sqdn. 3, 1st Marine Aviation Force. A. E. F., July '18 to Dec. '18, France, Belgium. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Boynton, R. C, Y. M. C. A.— Infantry. Y. M. C. A. Sec, 28 June '18 to 4 Sept. '18. Priv., Inf. (unattached), 7 Sent. '18. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Britton, R. R., Aviation. Cadet, 27 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, A. S. A., Sqdn. 5. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Brooks, D., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 3 May '17. Promoted to Yeoman 3rd CI., later to Chief Yeoman. Stationed at Newport, R. t. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Brown, A. M., Ordnance. Priv., 14 June '17. Promoted to Corp. of Ord., to Sergt. 1st CI. of Ord., to Ord. Sergt. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 24 May '19. Brown, B. C, Infantry (Machine Gun). Commissioned 2nd Lt., Feb. '17, 11th Inf. Promoted to 1st Lt., Aug. '17; to Capt, June '18. Tr. to 15th M. G. Bn. A. E. F, Feb. '18 to Oct '18, England, France. Soissons, Reims. Slightly wounded 31 May '18, severely wound- ed 21 July '18, in hospital until 3 Apr. '19. Retired 29 Mar. '19. Brown, M. D., Jr., Ordnance. Ord. Sergt, 15 June '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 28 Feb. '18; 1st Lt, 15 Mar. '19. Assigned to 141st Aero Sqdn., 17 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 28 June '18 to 25 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 1 May '19. Browne, K., Cavalry — Field Artillery. Enlisted 25 July '17, Cav. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17, 303rd F. A. A. E. F, 1 July '18 to 14 Apr. '19, England, France. Meuse. Dis. 1 May '19. Burgum, G. K., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 24 July '18, 10th Bn., 151st Depot Brigade. Tr. to 34th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 15 Sept '18; to Corp., 26 Oct. '18, to Sergt. Major, 21 Jan. '19. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Burnham, P. L v Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 Mar. '18; 1st Lt., 1 Mar. '19. Assigned to 1st Aero Sqdn. A. E. F., 10 June '18 to 14 July '19, France, Germany. St. Mihiel, Ar- gonne. Dis. 6 Aug. '19. Burns, J. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 5 May '17. Appointed to Na- val Training School, 26 Nov. '17, Cadet. Commissioned Ensign 15 Apr. '18. Sta- tioned at Fairhaven, Mass. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. 170 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 191 r Campbell, C. J., Medical Department. Priv., 23 June '17, Ambulance Co. 336, San. Train 309. Promoted to Corp., July '18; to Sergt., Nov. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., Jan. '19. A. E. F., 31 Mar. '18 to '19, France. Student at Univ. of Montpellier, 14 June '19. Clark, G. E., Ordnance. Priv., 20 July '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Ord. Adv. Depot No. 5 and Hdqrs., 1st Army. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., 13 Aug. '17 to 20 Apr. '19, France, England. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Carpenter, R. E., Ordnance. Priv., 31 July '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt, 16 Sept. '17. A. E. F., France. Carr, H., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 2 Mar. '18; 1st Lt, 1 Nov. '18. Sta- tioned at Wateftown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 9 July '19. Carr, W. D., American Field Service — Ambulance — Motor Transport Corps. Conducteur, 12 June '17, A. F. S, S. S. U. 66. Promoted to Sous-chef, 31 July '17. Tr. 9 Sept. '17 to U. S. A. A. S. Commissioned 2nd Lt. and tr. to M. T. C, 7 Dec. '18. Overseas, 12 June '17 to 8 July '19, France, Luxembourg, Bel- gium. Chemin des Dames, Champagne. Regtl. citation, Croix de Guerre. Dis. 11 Aug. '19. Chadbourne, R. P., Engineers. Priv., 15 June '17, 56th Engrs. Pro- moted to Wagoner, to Corp, to Sergt. A. E. F, 5 Aug. '17 to 18 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 17 Feb. '19. Chase, R. M., Coast Artillery. Enlisted, 23 Aug. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, Sept. '18. Assigned to 24th Anti-Aircraft Battery. Tr. to 63rd Anti- Aircraft Battery. Balboa (Canal Zone). In regular army. Cheney, A. M, Infantry. Priv, 4 Oct. '17, 373rd Inf. Promot- ed to Corp, 15 Nov. '17._ Tr. to Officers' Training School. Commissioned 2nd Lt. 27 May '18. Stationed at Porto Rico. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Clark, C. M., Ordnance. Priv, 16 June '17. Promoted to Corp. 20 Aug. '17; to Sergt, 15 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 10 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 17 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Meade and other places. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. Clark, R. W, Aviation. Enlisted 23 Feb. '18, Princeton Ground School. Stationed later at Mi- neola, L. I, and Rantoul, 111. Dis. 28 Aug. '18. Clarke, H. V., Field Artillery. Priv, 9 Sept. '17, 303rd F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt, 1 Nov. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, 12 July '18. A. E. F, 16 Apr. '18 to 4 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 1 May '19. Cocks, R. J, Infantry. Enlisted 28 Sept. '17. Promoted to Corp. 12 Nov. '17. Assigned to 1st Repl. Div, 9 Feb. '18. A. E. F, 24 Jan. '18 to 1 July '19, France. Dis. 10 July '19. Colby, C. C, Marine Corps (Machine Gun). Priv, 18 May '17, 6th M. G. Bn. A. E. F, 29 Dec. '17 to 2 Mar. '19, France. Verdun Sector, Belleau Woods, St. Mi- hiel, Argonne. Wounded. Two hospi- tal terms. Dis. 16 June '19. Collerd, R. B., Naval Aviation. Q. M. 1st CI, 20 Apr. '17. Dis. 3 July '17 because of physical disability. Cone, L. J., Signal Corps — Infantry. Priv, 17 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn, Tr. to Officers' Training Camp as Priv. 1st CI. Promoted to Sergt, 9th Inf. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Inf. Re- commissioned 2nd Lt, Sig. C. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Cowles, E. R, Aviation. Cadet, 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 2nd Pursuit Group, 21 July '17; to 3d Army, 20 Apr. '18. A. E. F, 25 Oct. '17 to 27 June '19. England, France, Germany. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Crenner, J. H., Field Artillery; Enlisted F. A. Central Officers' Training School, 14 Sept. '18. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 171 Currier, G. C, U. S. N. R. F. Quartermaster 3rd CI., 2 Apr. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 2nd CI.; to Q. M. 1st CI.; to C. Q. M. Commissioned En- sign. Commanding Officer of U. S. S. Daraga, U. S. S. Kingfisher, U. S. S. P. 2235, U. S. S. C. 287; Watch and Divi- sion Officer, U. S. S. North Dakota; Staff Officer on Admiral Hugh Rod- man's Staff, U. S. S. New York. For- eign waters, May '18 to Mar. '19. Dis. 15 Apr. '19. Davis, B. N., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Corp., 11 Sept. '17; to Sergt. 29 Jan. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, 1 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 13 Aug. '17 to 18 June '19, France. Hospital term, 30 Apr. to 13 May '18. Dis. 2 Sept. '19. Davis, D. D., Medical Corps. Enlisted 6 Dec. '17, Med R. C. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Davison, C. M., U. S. N. R. F. Hospital Apprentice, 1st CI. Dodge, J. H., Signal Corps. Priv., 5 Oct. '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 21 Apr. '18; to Sergt., 1 June '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 30 July '18 to 16 May '19, France. Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive, Marbache Defensive, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Doty, L. L., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Seaman 2nd CI., 3 May '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 12 Sept. '18. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. 1 Feb. '19. U. S. S. Canandaigua, U. S. S. Louisville, U. S. S. New York, U. S. S. Meredith. Overseas service, 5 May '18 to 16 Sept. '18, England, Scotland. Dis. 16 Sept. '19. Downer, C. P., Ordnance. Priv., 31 July '17. Promoted to Sergt., 15 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 2 Oct. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 May '19. A. E. F., 26 Nov. '17 to 12 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Duhamel, A. O., Jr., Ordnance. Sergt., 16 June '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Watertown Arsen- al and other places. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Durkee, J. T., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17, 42nd Div. Pro- moted to Sergt., 17 Aug. '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., 14 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 24 Feb. '18 to 22 July '19, France, Germany, Eng- land. Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau- Thierry. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. '19. Earle, E. C, U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Seaman, 5 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 1 Jan. '18. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.), U. S. N., 1 Jan. '19. U. S. S. Mys- tery, U. S. S. Price, (Mine Sweeper), U. S. S. Nevada, Boston Receiving Ship, U. S. S. Shubrick (Destroyer) Overseas service, 13 Aug. '18 to 22 Jan. '19; Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, France. Dis. 28 June '19. Eastman, B., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Machinist's Mate, 7 Dec. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 6 June 18. U. S. S. Henderson (Transport). U. S. N. Gun Factory, 1 Nov. '18 to 6 May '19. Dis. 6 May '19. Eaton, W. C, Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 1 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 1 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 7 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 21 Apr. '19. Edgerton, A. B., Ordnance. Priv., July '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 26 Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 5 May '19. A. E. F., 26 Nov. '17 to 21 July '19, France, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg. Vosges, St. Mihiel, Meu- se-Argonne. Citation. Dis. 31 July '19. Emerson, S. B., 2nd, Signal Corps- Aviation. Priv., 15 Nov. '17, Sig. R. C. Tr. to A. S. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Dis. 17 Jan. '19. Emery, F. S., Infantry— Aviation. Priv., 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 301st Inf., 15 Aug. '17. Tr. to A. S. A. Commissioned 1st Lt. (Instructor). Rated as Observer, 30 Sept. '17. Rated as Pilot, 17 June '18. Stationed at Camp Devens, attached to Royal Fly- ing Corps in Canada and Texas. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. *Emery, J. W., Jr., Infantry. Killed in action, France, 18 July '18. See Roll of Honor. 172 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 Emmons, A. W., Infantry. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17. Assigned to 39th Inf., 29 Aug. '17. Prov. 2nd Lt., 26 Oct. '17; 1st Lt., (T.), 18 June '18. A. E. F., 10 May '18 to 24 Dec. '18, France. Sois- sons-Reims Salient. Wounded. Two hospital terms. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 1 May '19. Englehorn, E. H., Field Artillery. Priv., 22 July '18, F. A. (Unattached). 2nd Lt. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Evans, P. G., Engineers. Priv., Apr. '17, 14th Engrs. (Railway). A. E. F., 21 May '17 to 2 May '19, France, Belgium. Cambrai, Somme De- fensive, Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne, Defensive Sector. Dis. 2 May '19. Fales, M. S., Infantry — Intelligence Service. Enlisted 1 April '17, 105th Inf. Pro- moted to Sergt., 10 Oct. '18, Intelligence Section. A. E. F., 31 May _ '18 to 1 April '19, France, Belgium, Dickebusch, Hindenburg Line. Dis. 1 April '19. Ferguson, J. S., U. S. N. R. F. Q. M. 3rd CI., 1 May '17. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Utah, U. S. S. Lam- son (Destroyer). Commissioned En- sign. Overseas service, 27 June '18 to 30 May '19, Hungary, Austria, France. Hospital term, Sept. '17. Ferguson, W. G., Navy. Chief Yeoman, 12 Dec. '17, Pay Corps. Commissioned Ensign, 25 July '18. Sta- tioned at Boston Navy Yard and other places. Dis. 3 Feb. '19. Fisher, R. S., Infantry. Capt., 61st Inf. A. E. F. D. S. C, Le- gion of Honor (Chevalier), Croix de Guerre with 2 palms, Order of Davilo, (Officer). Commanded Co. "G", 3rd Army, "Composite Regiment" chosen from Army of Occupation for Victory Celebration, Paris, July 4 and 14, 1919. Still in service. Fitch, W. S., Aviation. Cadet, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, 19 June '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 21 Feb. '18. Attached to 10th Sqdn. Caproni. A. E. F., Italy. Croce di Guerra, Italian Medal of Valor. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Fleming, W. D., Ordnance. Priv., 3 Aug. '17, Ord. R. C. Com- missioned Ensign, Pay Corps, U. S. N., 4 Aug. '17. Promoted to Lt. (j.g.) ; to Lt. Ford, H., Ordnance. Priv., 12 Oct. '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. (Pay- master). Transferred to motor truck and tractor maintenance and repair. A. E. F., 7 Nov. '18 to 20 July '19, France. Special mention in battles of Tours and Gievres. Dis. 24 July '19. Fowler, H. G., Infantry. ■ Enlisted 1 June '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 308th Inf. Promoted to 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 6 Apr. '18 to 2\ Dec. '18, France. Baccarat Sector, Vesle-Aisne Offensive. Wounded. Hospital term, 24 Aug. to 9 Dec. '18. Dis. 11 Feb. '19. Fox, J. A., Ordnance. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Feb. '18; 1st Lt., Aug. '19. Sta- tioned at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 31 Oct. '19. Friedrichs, H v Jr., Services of Supply. Priv., 302nd Supply Tr., 29 Sept. '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI.; to Sergt.- Maj. A. E. F., 2 May '18 to 6 May '19, France. Lorraine Sector, Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive. Dis. 19 May '19. Fritz, E., Jr., U S. N. R. F. Enlisted 21 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 27 Nov. '17. U. S. S. Massa- chusetts, U. S. S. Hildegarde. Dis. 13 Jan. '19. Gale, B. L., Ordnance. Priv., 14 Dec. '17, Ord. (detached service, Supply Div.). Promoted to Corp., 1 Feb. '18; to Ord. Sergt., 1 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 28 Dec. '18. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Gates, F. W., Intelligence Service. Intelligence Dept., 322nd M. G. Bn. Gee, F. W., Ambulance. Priv., June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562. Promoted to Sergt., July '17. Tr. to Sec. 518. A. E. F, 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, France, Germany. Aisne De- fensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 11 June '19. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 173 Gerrish, B. O., Navy. Q. M. 2nd CI, 28 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, Sept. '17. U. S. S. Min- nesota. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Gile, A. B., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., IS May '17. Tr. to U. S. A A. S., Oct. '17 as 1st Lt. Pro- moted to Capt., 22 Feb. '19. Overseas, IS May '17 to 12 Apr. '19, France, Bel- gium, Germany. Aisne-Marne, Ar- gonne. Gassed. Croix de Guerre. American citation. Dis. 23 Apr. '19. Gilmore, C. M., Medical Corps. Enlisted Med. R. C, 19 Dec. '17. Not called to active duty. Dis. Jan. '19. Goss, A. E., Signal Corps. Priv., 15 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., July '18 to Mar. '19, France. *Goudie, C. A., Engineers. Died of disease, France, S Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Gould, P. L., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, 27 Nov. '17, 151st Depot Brig- ade. Dis. 12 Dec. '18, Grady, F. A., American Field Service — Aviation. Camion driver, 2 June '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to U. S. Aviation, 3 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 May '18. Twenty months overseas. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Gray, E. J., Infantry — Field Artillery. Priv., Infantry, 6 Apr. '17. Tr. to 16th F. A. ; to 79th F. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Oct. '17; 1st Lt., 20 July '18. A. E. F., 8 May '18 to 23 July '19, France. Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Of- fensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Gas- sed. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 10 Sept. '19. Green, D. W., Signal Corps. Priv., 14 Aug. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Tr. to Bur. of Aircraft Produc- tion. Promoted to Junior Inspector, later to Senior Inspector. Stationed at Boston and other places. Dis. 14 July '19. Green, I. I., Ordnance. Ord. Sergt, 15 June '17. Promoted to Corp., 25 Aug. '17; to Sergt, 25 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 28 Oct. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 28 Jan. '18; 1st Lt, 13 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Sher- man and other places. Dis. 4 Feb. '19. Gregory, G., Jr., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Seaman 1st CI., 12 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to Q. M. 1st CI. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 18 Sept. '17; Ensign, U. S. N., 1 Feb. '18; Lt. (j. g.), 15 Aug. '18. U. S. S. Alacrity, U. S. S. O'Brien, U. S. S. Kaiserin Auguste Victoria. Overseas service, 1 Aug. '17 to 25 June '19; destroyer escort between Queenstown and Brest. Two subma- rine battles. Dis. 25 June '19. Griffin, R. H., Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 6 Nov. '17. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. (Inspector). Com- missioned Ensign, 23 May '18. A. E. F., 14 July '18 to 28 Feb. '19, France, England. Dis. 26 Mar. '19. Guay, J., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 11 Feb. '18. Commissioned Ensign 29 July '18. U. S. S. Madawas- ka, Receiving Ship, Charleston. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Hahn, E. F., Signal Corps. Sergt., 13 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Apr. '18; as- signed to 5th Depot Bn., Sig. C. Tr. to Research Div., O. C. S. O., Aug. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt, 3 Mar. '19; A. E. F., 15 July '18 to 26 Sept. '19, France. Dis. 29 Sept. '19. Hallett, J. G., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Machinist's Mate 2nd CI., 4 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. to Aviation (CI. 5) 13 Oct. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 8 July '18. From 24 July '18 to Nov. '18, in France on submarine patrol duty. Dis. 2 Jan. '19. Halloran, R. D., Medical Corps. Enlisted 24 Sept. '17. Assigned to Med. R. C. as Priv., 9 Oct. '17. Sta- tioned at Hanover and N. Y. C. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. *Hamilton, H. A., Infantry. Died of wounds received in action, 7 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. 174 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 Hammond, E. K., Infantry. 2nd Lt, May '17; assigned to 101st Inf. 2 Sept. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt, 17 Sept. '18. Tr. to 104th Inf. A. E. R, 25 Sept. '17 to 17 Sept. '18, France. Battle of Apremont 104th Regt. was decorated with Croix de Guerre. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Hammond, M. G., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 15 May '17, 20th Div. Staff, Commissioned 1st Lt., 15 Feb. '18; Capt., 12 July 18; Major, 25 Aug. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Jackson and other places. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Harris, D. L, 2nd, Engineers. Enlisted in National Guard June, '16. Assigned to 1st U. S. Engrs. Mar. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '17; 1st Lt. (Company Officer) ; Capt. Oct. '18. Engr. Aide to Gen. Bullard on Div. Staff. Instructor of Repl. Troops. A. E. R, 3 Aug. '18 to Sept. '19, France. St. Mihiel. Wounded. In hospital 9 weeks. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. Haskell, S. B., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F., Class 4. Tr. to Class 2, 1 July '18. Commissioned Ensign, 18 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.), 1 July '18. U. S. S. C. 27, U. S. S. C. 122, (Commanding Officer). Hawley, C. K., Naval Aviation. Seaman, 1 July '17. Promoted to Q. M., 2 Jan. '18; to Printer (A), 1 June '18; to Chief Printer (A), 1 Oct. '18. Overseas service, 15 July '18 to 24 Nov. '18, France, Belgium. Dis. 23 r >ec. '18. Healey, M. T., Jr., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., 17 Aug. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 24 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '18. Stationed at Watertown Arse- nal and other places. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Hill, J. W., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 1 June '17, Supply Co., 103rd F. A. Promoted to Wagoner. A. E. F., 15 Dec. '17 to 1 Apr. '19, France. Aisne Sector, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mi- hiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Hill, L. F., U. S. N. R. F. Hospital Apprentice 1st CI., 11 Dec. '17. Detailed for study at Harvard Med. School. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Holbrook, R. L., Infantry. Priv. Commissioned 2nd Lt, July '17, 30th Inf.; 1st Lt, 26 Oct. '17; Capt, 17 Aug. '18. A. E. F., France, Germany. Wounded. Chateau-Thierry, Marne- Vesle, St. Mihiel. Holden, K. W., U. S. N. R. F. Scout Cruiser 351. Served overseas. Howe, L. B v Navy. Enlisted 17 Dec. '17. 2nd CI. Yeoman, Accounting Div. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. Howland, P. H v Engineers— S. A. T. C. Priv, 8 Apr. '18. Engrs. R. C. Tr. to- Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Huntress, F. C, Infantry. R. O. T. C, 15 May '17. 2nd Lt, 11th M. G. Bn, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 30 Oct '18. A. E. F, 10 May '18 to 7 May '19, France. Soissons-Reims, St. Mi- hiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded, 2 hos- pital terms. Dis. 9 May '19. Husk. F. R., Signal Corps. Priv, 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 5 Oct '17; to Corp, 6 July '18; to Sergt, 1 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and oth- er places. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Hutchins, M. S., Ordnance — Field Ar- tillery. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A. Stationed at Watertown Arsenal and other places. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Ingersoll, H. B., Intelligence Service. Priv, 10 May '17. Dis. Reenlisted 7 Jan. '18, 38th Inf., Intelligence Section. A. E. F, France, Germany, March '18 to Aug. '19. Marne Defensive, Marne- Aisne Offensive, St. Mihiel, Argonne. 3 mos. hospital term. Dis. 25 Aug. '19. Janes, C. B., Ordnance. Priv, 16 June '17. Promoted to Corp, 15 Aug. '17; to Sergt. 15 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 15 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 27 Feb. '18. Attached to 137th Aero Sqdn, Mar. '18. A. E. F, France. Dis. 18 Sept. '18. Jenks, H. C, Infantry. Enlisted 13 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 27 Nov. '17. A. E. F, 21 Jan. '18 to 30 May '18, France. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 175 Johnson, R. L., Aviation. Priv., 2 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., 3 June '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Jan. '18; 1st Lt, 8 Jan. '19, Aviation Sec., Sig. R. C. Stationed at Kelly- Field and other places. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Jopson, A. B., Infantry (Machine Gun). 1st Officers' Training Camp, 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt.. R. C, 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 4th Machine Gun Bn. 22nd Inf. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 26 Oct. '17; 1st Lt., Inf., 1 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 22 Dec. '17 to 8 Mar. '19, France. Luneville, Aisne, Aisne- Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded. Resigned from service, May '20. Karnan, P. R., Naval Medical Corps. Hospital Apprentice 2nd CI., 4 June '17, U. S. Naval Hospital. Promoted to Hospital Apprentice 1st CI., 1 Jan. '18; to Pharmacists' Mate, 3 July '18. Overseas, 22 Feb. '19 to 17 June '19. Dis. 21 June '19. Keddie, E. A., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman, 4 May '17. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A.) A. E. F., France. King, W. T., Jr., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 17 Nov. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 16 June '18. A. E. F., 17 Oct. '18 to 29 Apr. '19, England, France. Dis. 15 June '19. Kingsbury, S. M., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman, 3 Apr. '17. Chief Store- keeper 1 Jan. '18. Tr. to Naval Avia- tion, Student Officer. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Kipp, W. D., U. S. N. R. F. Cadet, April '17. Commissioned En- sign, 18 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.) Sept. '19. Served from 22 Feb. '18 to 4 June '19, touched coasts of Bermuda, Azores, Gibraltar, Malta, Corfu, Greece, Italy, Austria. D. S. C. Dis. 25 June '19. Kiser, P. E., Infantry. Priv., 17 May '17, 332nd Inf. Pro- moted to Bn. Sergt. Major. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18. Stationed at Ft. Sheridan and other places. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Knowlton, A. H., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '18, 156th Depot Brigade. (Personnel Det.), Camp Jack- son. Tr. to Med. Det. (Psychological Bd), Camp Sevier. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Koeniger, K. W., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 26 July '18. Promoted to C. Q. M., (A) Stationed at Seattle. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Kuech, J. F., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. With A. F. S, T. M. U. 397 four mos. Tr. to M. T. C. Lagay, F. L., Ordnance. Priv., June '17, Supply Div. Pro- moted to Sergt. of Ord. ; to Ord Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; 1st Lt. Sta- tioned at Washington and other places. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Langmead, E., Aviation. Cadet Pilot, 26 Jan. '18, 54th Sqdn., School of Military Aeronautics, Col- umbus, O. Leighton, F. W., Y. M. C. A.— Infantry. Attached to Y. M. C. A., U. S. Army in England until Dec. '17; inducted into the U. S. Army 25 May '18, Camp Grant, 111. ; refused military service, combatant and non-combatant, (on grounds of con- scientious objections) ; arrested for re- fusal to obey orders 23 Sept. '18; court- martialled 13 Dec. '18; sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment, U. S. Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., tr. Aug. '19 to Alcartraz Island, San Fran- cisco Bay; discharged 16 Oct. '19. Litchard, D. B., U. S. N. R. F. Q. M. 3rd CI., 26 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 27 Dec. '17., Lt. (j.g.) Apr. '19. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. Lockwood, L., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 15 June '17, O. R. C. ; dis. 15 June '17. Enlisted 1 Aug. '17, U. S. N. R. F., Pay Corps. Commissioned En- sign; Lt. (j.g.) 15 Oct. '17; Lt., 1 July '18. U. S. S. Agamemnon (Transport). Commissioned in regular navy. Lonnquest, T. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted July '17, Chief Machinist's Mate. Commissioned Ensign, Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.), 1 Sept. '18; Lt., U. S. N. Sta- tioned at Boston, Chatham, Akron, O., Pensacola, Fla. Naval Flying Corps. Loudon, H. A., Aviation. Enlisted 23 Sept. '17, Ft. Omaha. Dis. 27 Nov. '18. 176 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 Ludgate, B. A., Jr., Ordnance — Field Artillery. Priv., 16 June '17, 104th Ord. Depot Co. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord. ; to Ord. Sergt., 1 Oct. '17. Tr. to F. A. Cen- tral Officers' Training School. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, F. A. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Lynch, R., Medical Corps — Infantry. Enlisted 6 May '17, Base Hospital No. 27. Tr. to Inf. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., 27 Sept. '17 to 26 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 1 April '19. McCarthy, E. R., Medical Corps — Chemical Warfare Service. Priv., 2 May '17, Med. C. (Research). Tr. to C. W. S., 10 Aug. '18. Promoted to Corp ; to Sergt. Stationed at Camp Crane and other places. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. McCulloch, N. E., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17, 302nd Mobile Ord. Repair Shop. Promoted to Corp., to Ord. Sergt., to 1st Sergt. A. E. F., 16 Apr. '18 to 25 July '19, England, France. Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Toul Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 1 Aug. '19. McEwen, H. A., Navy. Stationed at Bumkin Island. McGowan, E. W., Infantry. Priv., 18 Apr. '17, 107th Inf. Promot- ed to Corp., Aug. '18. A. E. F., 10 May '18 to 8 Jan '19, France, Belgium, England. Somme Offensive, Ypres-Lys Sector, Hindenburg Offensive. Wound- ed. In various hospitals. Dis. 13 Mar. '19. MacGown, R. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 13 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 18 Sept. '17. U. S. S. C. No. 35 (Commanding Officer). Overseas, 25 Apr. '18 to 20 Aug. '19, England, France, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Azores. Dis. 8 Sept. '19. MacGregor, A. B., Infantry (Machine Gun). 2nd Lt, 14 Aug. '17. *McGuire, T. B., Aviation. Killed by train, 15 Jan. '18. See Roll of Honor. McKenney, R. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Mar. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 2nd CI., to Q. M. 1st CI. U. S. S. Virginia, U. S. S. Comher, U. S. S. Admiral, U. S. S. Israel (Destroyer). Overseas, 4 Apr. '17 to 4 June '19, Azores, Gibraltar, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Malta. Inactive duty, 4 June '19. MacMartin, J. E., Chaplains' Corps. 1st Lt., Chaplain, 1 Aug. '18. Assign- ed to Chaplains' School, Camp Taylor, Ky. Tr. to 97th Engrs. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. *MacNutt, D. P., Infantry. Killed in action, France, 16 July '18. See Roll of Honor. Marr, R. W., Navy. Boatswain's Mate, 1st CI, 12 May '17. Overseas, 3 June '18 to 19 Dec. '18. Dis. 13 Jan. '19. Marschat, R. A., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 24 May '17, U. S. N. R. (Avi- ation). Promoted to C. Q. M. (A.). Commissioned Ensign, 20 Aug. '18. Ac- tive patrol duty. Dis. 19 May '19. Martinez, J. S., Aviation. Stationed at Kelly Field. Mason, H. W., Ordnance. Priv., June '17, Ord. Attached to Air Service. Tr. to Ord. Officers' Train- ing School, Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F, 23 Apr. '18 to 1 Feb. '19, France. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Maxfield, W. C, Tank Corps. 2nd Lt, A. E. F, France. Maynard, M. E., Signal Corps. Priv, 1st CI, 14 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Served with 1st, 2nd, 3rd Ar- mies, 4th, 6th Army Corps, also 76th Div. A. E. F, England, France. De- fense of Marbache Sector, Moselle Of- fensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Melvin, P. L., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 303d F. A. A. E. F, 10 July '18 to 13 July '19, France. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 15 July '19. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 177 Merrill, R., Signal Corps — Field Artil- lery. Priv., 1st CI., 13 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Tr. to F. A. Officers' Train- ing School. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A. 31 Aug. '18. Tr. to F. A. Repl. Depot, Camp Jackson ; to School of Fire, Ft. Sill. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Miller, R. N., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 19 Dec. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A. Stationed at Hazelhurst Field and other places. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Montgomery, G. S., Jr., Naval Avia- tion. Q. M. 1st CI., 15 June '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, Dec. '17; Lt. (j.g.) Oct. '18. A. E. F., 8 Feb. '18 to 20 Mar. '19, France, England, Ireland. Submarine bombed Oct. '18, North Channel. In- jured. Montgomery, J., Jr., Naval Transport Service. Seaman 1st CI., 3 May '17. U. S. S. George Washington, U. S. S. President Grant. Commissioned Ensign, 6 June '18. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.). Command- er of Cruiser & Transport Force Hdqrs., 26 Oct. '18 to 1 Dec. '18. In France, 6 June '18 to 22 Oct. '18; 1 Dec. '18 to 31 Dec. '18. Appointed one of the Com- munication Officers on the U. S. S. George Washington on Pres. Wilson's 1st trip. Inactive service, 23 Jan. '19. Morenus, R.. C, Field Artillery. Enlisted 6 Apr. '17, 327th F. A. Com- missioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17; Capt., 18 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Sill and other places. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Morton, E. S., Ordnance — Aviation. Priv., 5 Jan. '18, Ord. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Ord. Tr. to Aerial Gunnery School, France. Machine Gun Officer, 49th Aero Sqdn. Dis. 13 Mar. '19. Mudgett, E. B., U. S. N. R. F. Coxswain, 28 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Tope- ka, U. S. S. Orca. Chief Storekeeper, Supply Dept. Commissioned Ensign. Stationed at 1st and 3d Naval Districts. Murphy, C. F., Ordnance. Priv., 31 July '17. A. E. F. Dis. 4 Apr. '19. Murray, S. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 12 Dec. '17. Commissioned Ensign. U. S. S. West Cohas, U. S. S. Montclair. Three trips to France from Norfolk, Va. Myers, C, Jr., Ambulance — Medical Corps. Nelb, A. W., Field Artillery— Aviation. Priv. 27 Apr. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 24 Oct. '17. Tr. to Aviation, 24 Oct. '17. (Flying Instructor). Sta- tioned at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 11 Feb. '19. Nickerson, H. 2nd Lt., 15 to Div. Hdqrs 90th Div. Tr. No. 943. A. E. '19. England, Sector, Meuse pital term, 21 15 May '19. W., Infantry. Aug. '17, 303rd Inf. Tr. , 90th Div.; to 358th Inf., to St. Aignon Casual Co. R, 15 July '18tol5 Mar. France. St. Mihiel, Toul -Argonne. Gassed. Hos- Oct. to 21 Dec. '18. Dis. Norby, C. W., Infantry. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 17 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 10 Sept. '17 to July '19, France. Marne, Chateau-Thierry Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Norton, D. H., Infantry. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17, 301st Inf. A. E. F., 5 July '18 to 17 July '19, France, Eng- land. Dis. 12 Aug. '19. Norwood, R. R. Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Ord. ; attached to 301st F. A., Camp Devens, as Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt, at Camp Meade. Stationed at Camps Logan and Sevier as Machine Gun Instructor. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Nourse, L. G, Ordnance — Engineers. Priv, 14 Jan. '18. Sent to Officers' Training School for Ballistic Engrs. Commissioned 2nd Lt, O. R. C, 24 Jan. '18. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Olds, E. L., Ordnance. Enlisted 6 Oct. '17, Machine Gun Sec, Ord. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 25 Jan. '18. A. E. F., June '18 to Feb. '19, Scotland, England, France. Dis. 22 Feb. '19. 178 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 O'Leary, D. J., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 5 Apr. '18. Stationed at Pelham Bay and Receiving Ship, N. Y. C. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Ollis, L. S., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 13 Dec. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., 24 Aug. '18. Instructor at Souther Field. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. *Osborn, P. G., American Field Service. Killed by German shell, 26 June '17. See Roll of Honor. Page, G. K., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17; 1st Lt. (T.) 25 Mar. '18; Prov. 1st Lt., 15 May '18, 50th Inf. Stationed at Camp Greene and other places. Dis. 13 Oct. '19. Paine, R. G., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17, 339th F. A. Com- missioned Capt., 15 Aug. '17; Major, 6 July '18. A. E. F., France, England. Dis. 14 Feb. '19. Palin, M. R., Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Seaman 1st CI., 23 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Winchester, U. S. S. Norfolk, U. S. S. Leviathan. Commissioned Ensign; Lt. (j.g.), 20 Sept. '18. Transport service to France, Oct. '17 to Oct. '18. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. Palmer, W. F., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Enrolled Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 28 • Mar. '17. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N., 15 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.), 1 June '18; Lt., 21 Sept. '18. From 24 Nov. '17 to 26 Dec. '18, off coast of Scotland with American Squadron of Grand Fleet, on U. S. S. Wyoming. Payne, J. H., Signal Service (Navy). Enlisted 28 June '17, U. S. S. Cuya- ma, U. S. S. Melville. Overseas duty, 3 Nov. '17 to 1 Oct. '18, England, Ire- land, Italy. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Pease, R. A., Aviation. Enlisted 3 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, A. S. A., 28 Sept. '18; Observer, 9 Nov. '18. Pilot R. M. A. Dis. 5 May '19. Perrin, P. G., Sanitary Corps. Priv., 12th San. Train. Dis. 31 Jan. T9. Phinney, B. V., Aviation. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. M. A. Pursuit Pilot. Served in various camps. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Ponder, W. T., Aviation. Enlisted 4 June '17, Lafayette Fly- ing Corps. Breveted 7 Nov. '17. As- signed to Escadrille Spad 67, 3 Feb. '18. Promoted to Corporal. Tr. to U. S. Aviation, .2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '18. Ferry Pilot, American Acceptance Park, 22 Mar. '18. Attached to French Sqdn. Spad 163, 12 May '18. Tr. to 103d Pur- suit Sqdn., 7 Sept. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt, 2 Nov. '18; to Capt., 14 May '19. Croix de Guerre with four palms, D. S. C, 4 French Citations. An Ace. Randall, L. N., Ordnance. Priv., 4 Mar. '18. Military Stores School, Hanover. Stationed at Camp Hancock and other places. Dis. 14 Jan. '19. Reagan, F. C, Signal Corps. Priv., 14 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 1 Oct. '18; to Sergt, 21 Nov. '18. A. E. F. Dis. 2 June '19. Reycroft, W. G., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign. Overseas, 1 Aug. '18 to 15 Dec. '18, France, Belgium (Northern Bomb- ing Group). Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Rhoades, M. W., Quartermaster Corps — ^Motor Transport Corps. Sergt., 15 Aug. '17, Q. M. C, Motor Supply Train 401, Motor Truck Co. 304. Appointed Sergt., (M. T. C.) ; 1st Sergt., 28 May '19. A. E. F., 5 Dec. '17 to 3 Aug. '19, France, Germany. Cham- pagne-Marne Defensive, St. Mihiel Of- fensive. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. Richardson, G. L., Medical Corps. Enlisted 10 Oct. '17, Med. R. C. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Robie, E. E., Infantry — Ordnance. Enlisted 7 Oct. '17, 151st Depot Bri- gade Band. Tr. to 5th Prov. Ord. Co. Tr. to 20th Prov. Co., 1st Prov. Regt Promoted to Corp. A. E. F., 26 May '18 to 23 July '19, France. St. Mihiel. Commissioned 2nd Lt., O. R. C. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 179 Robinson, E. B., Ambulance. Priv, 4 June '17, U. S. A. A. S. Com- missioned 1st Lt., 22 Sept. '17. Com- manding Officer, Sec. 570. A. E. F., 13 June '18 to 23 Apr. '19, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany. Mt. Grappa, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse Offensive. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. *Robinson, H. S., Navy. Died of pneumonia, U. S. Naval Hos- pital at Brooklyn, N. Y. See Roll of Honor. Rodenbach, C. C, Signal Corps. Priv. 1st Class, 4 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 12 May '19, France. Marbache Sector De- fensive, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 3 June '19. Rubel, J. L, Aviation. Flying Cadet, 5 May '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to 24th Aero Sqdn. A. E. R, 8 Aug. '18 to 14 Mar. '19, France. St. Mihiel Offensive, Ar- gonne-Meuse Offensive. Citation. Dis. 26 Mar. '19. Ruggles, H. L.j Coast Artillery. Priv., 4 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 25 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Mon- roe. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Rutherford, S. V., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 14 Apr. '17. U. S. S. C. 258 and 271. Executive, later Commanding Officer. Commissioned Ensign, 18 Sept. '17; Lt. (j. g.) July '19. Overseas, 25 Apr. '18 to 19 Aug. '19, England, France, Scotland, Portugal. English Channel and Dover Barrage and Patrol. Official credit for a German Submarine. Saladine, J. W., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17, 23rd Inf. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 14 Aug. '17. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 9 Feb. '18, 23rd U. S. Inf.; later to Major. A. E. F., Sept. '17 to 24 Dec. '18, France. Mont Blanc Ridge, Champagne. Wounded. Hos- pital term, 3 Oct. '18 to 1 Feb. '19. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 25 Feb. '19. Salmonsen, C. M., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 4 May '17. Sanborn, R., Infantry. Enlisted 26 Aug. '17, 49th Inf. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. Ass't Zone Major (having charge of billeting in 20 small French towns). A. E. F., 18 July '18 to 14 May '19, France. Dis. 22 May '19. Scott, N. H., Field Artillery. Priv., 21 Sept. '17, 303d F. A. Pro- moted to Corp., 1 Nov. '17; to Sergt., 1 Jan. '18. A. E. F, 16 July '18 to 26 Apr. '19, France. Toul Sector. Dis. 1 May '19. Scott, R. D., Engineers. Priv., 26 Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 8 June '18; 1st Lt., 27 Oct. '18. A. E. F., England, France, 27 Oct. '18 to 12 July '19. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. Sewall, W., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17, Officers' Train- ing Camp, British Second Army Cen- tral School of Instruction. Tr. to 18th Inf., 12 Nov. '17; to 308th Inf., 9 July '18; to 73rd Inf., 23 Sept. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 30 July '18. A. E. F, 7 Sept. '17 to 7 Sept. '18, France. Seicheprey, Can- tigny, Badonviller, Oise-Aisne Offen- sive. Trench fever, gassed. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Shackford, B. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted U. S. N. R. F., Medical Corps, 10 Dec. '17. Active duty, Har- vard Naval Unit, Oct. '18. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Shaffer, H. M., Ordnance — Navy. Enlisted 20 July '17. Tr. to U. S. N., Supply Corps. Ensign (Asst. Paymas- ter), Transport Service. U. S. S. Mount Vernon, U. S. S. Mobile, U. S. S. Stev- ens. Commissioned Lt. (j. g.), 1 Oct. '17; later Lt. A. E. F., 1 Oct. '17 to 25 Nov. '19, England, France, Ireland. Still in Navy. Shattuck, G. A., Ordnance — Navy. Priv., Ord., 16 June to 4 Aug. '17. Tr. to U. S. N. Commissioned Ensign (Asst. Paymaster); 29 June '17; Lt. (j.g.) 15 Oct. '17; Lt., 1 July '18. U. S. S. Missouri. Shea, L. A., Ordnance. Priv., 20 July '17. Promoted to Sergt., Sept. '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., Mar. '18. A. E. F., 18 Oct. '17 to 22 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Sherburne, M. G., Ordnance. Priv., 26 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., 18 Nov. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 11 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 1 Nov. '17 to 1 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. 180 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 Sherman, L. G., Aviation. Cadet, May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 13 May '18. A. E. R, 17 Oct. '17 to 29 Dec. '18, Italy. Dis. 8 Jan. '19. Shiels, A., Jr., Ammunition Train. Corp., 55th Ammunition Train, Motor Bn., A. E. F. Sisson, W. C, American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted A. F. S., 1st Dartmouth Sec, May '17. Commissioned Sous Lieu- tenant. Tr. to M. T. C, U. S. A., 1 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Q. M. G, 20 Nov. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., M. T C, 9 Oct. '18; Capt., 18 Feb. '19. Overseas, 5 May '17 to 8 July '19, France. Chemin des Dames Offensive, Cambrai Offensive. Citation. Dis. 10 Aug. '19. Smith, D. G., Medical Corps. Priv., 26 Sept. '17. Dis. 8 Oct. '17. Enlisted Med. R. C, 8 Oct. '17. Or- dered to resume studies at Dartmouth Med. School. Active service, 23 Oct. '18, S. A. T C, Yale University. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. *Smith, M. G., Aviation. Killed in airplane accident, Fort Worth, Texas, 10 Apr. '18. See Roll of Honor. Smith, S. L., Ordnance — Coast Artil- lery. Enlisted 20 July '17, Ord. Promoted to Corp. of Ord., 17 Aug. '17; later to Sergt. of Ord., 12 Sept. '17. Overseas service, 16 Oct. '17 to 20 Mar. '19. Tr. to Coast Artillery Corps, 1 Feb. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C, 15 June '18. Instructor in Topography, Saumur Ar- tillery School, France. Dis. 24 Apr. '19. Smith, V. C, U. S. N. R. F. Chief Machinist's Mate, 5 Dec. '17. Stationed at Hingham and Boston. Dis. 30 June '19. Smith, V. K., Infantry — Coast Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17, R. O. T. C. Tr. to 38th Inf., 29 Aug. '17; to C. A. C, 1 Dec. '17. Attached to Air Service, Air- plane Observation, 15 June '18. Courier Service overseas, 1 Feb. to 1 May '19. A. E. F., 15 Sept. '18 to 18 June '19, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary. Hospital term, 13 Dec. '18 to 4 Jan. '19. Dis. 23 July '19. Spaulding, R. B., Coast Artillery. Priv., 19 Dec. '17, 66th C. A. C. Spearin, F. W., Field Artillery. 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, 301st F. A. A. E. R, 15 July '18 to 25 Dec. '18; Eng- land, France. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Sperry, I. L., Naval Radio Service — Naval Aviation. Electrician, 1 Sept. '18, U. S. N., Radio Dept. Promoted to Chief Radio Electrician, June '18. Tr. to Naval Aviation, 1 Sept. '18. U, S. S. Talla- poosa. Overseas service, Azores. Dis. 21 Nov. '18. Steele, H. L., U. S. N. R. F. Quartermaster 3rd CI., 30 Apr. '17. Promoted to Chief Storekeeper, 13 Nov. '17. Commissioned Ensign, (P. C), 7 Sept. '18. U. S. S. Bellingham. At sea 31 Oct. '18 to 19 Apr. '19, South America, France. Dis. 20 Apr. '19. Steiger, C. A v U. S. N. R. F. Storekeeper 3rd CI., 13 May '18, Military Stores School, Hanover. Pro- moted to Chief Storekeeper, 27 Sept. '18. Commissioned Ensign, Pay Corps, 21 Jan. '19. Stationed at Pelham Bay and other places. Dis. 3 Mar. '19. Stewart, W. H., U. S. N. R. F. Ensign, U. S. S. C. No. 57. Stillman, H. D., Navy. Ensign, 30 June '17, U. S. N., Pay Corps. U. S. S. Des Moines. Promoted to Lt. (j.g.), 1 Jan. '18; to Lt., 1 July '18. Hospital term, 9 months. Stillman, K. G., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Corp. 17 Aug. '17; to Sergt., 11 Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 11 Sept. '18. A. E. F.,- 19 Oct. '17 to 3 Feb. '19, France. Hospital term, 3 weeks. Dis. 10 Feb. '19. Stone, C. L., Medical Corps. Priv., (Psychological Examiner), 2 May '18, Med. Dept., Psychol. Div. Promoted to Sergt., 19 Nov. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 25 Mar. '19. Stationed at U. S. A. Gen. Hospital No. 10 and other places. Dis. 23 June '19. Stone, R. P., American Field Service. Ambulance driver, Sec. 28, 5 May '17 to Nov. '17 at French Front. Dis- charged after 6 mos. of service on ac- count of defective eye-sight. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 181 Sturgess, A. H., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. Seaman 2nd CI., May '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, U. S. N., Sept. '18. Three months' convoy duty on U. S. S. Geor- gia as Asst. Navigator. Dis. Dec. '18. Sturtevant, W. B., Ordnance. Priv., 9 Oct. '17, Supply Div. Pro- moted to Ord. Sergt., 9 Oct. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., IS Feb. '18. A. E. F., 19 Sept. '18 to 19 July '19, France. Dis. 22 July '19. Supot, A. F., Ordnance. Priv., 1 Apr. '18, Ord., attached to 210th Engrs., Acting Sergt. Stationed at Camp Upton and other places. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Sweet, C. W., Naval Aviation. Q. M. (A.), 26 Apr. '17, U. S. S. To- peka. Commissioned Ensign, 8 Oct. '18. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Swett, G. N., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 26 Apr. '17, Coxswain, U. S. N. R. F. Commissioned Ensign (for flying duty), 13 Feb. '18. A. E. F., Northern Bombing Group, Italy, France. Dis. 19 Jan. '19. Switzer, J. M., Infantry. Priv., 15 May '17, 125th Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., to Sergt. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 1st Lt. A. E. F., 11 May '18 to 10 May '19, France. Ar- gonne. Dis. '19. Sym, H. A., Infantry. Priv., 9 June '18, R. O. T. C. Pro- moted to Sergt. 1st CI., 18 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., June '18. Stationed at Camp Greene and other places. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. Tefft, L. V., American Field Service — Aviation. With A. F. S., S. S. U. 3, for 5 mos. in '15. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. Thielscher, K. L., Ordnance. Priv., 17 June '17, Ord. R. C. Pro- moted to Sergt., 15 Aug. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 18 Dec. '17; 1st Lt. 3 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Meade and other places. Dis, 1 May '19. Thompson, C. B., Aviation. Sailed, 4 May '17 with 1st Dartmouth Ambulance Unit. Joined Lafayette Flying Corps, French Army, 18 June '17. Appointed Corp., 30 Oct. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 28 May '18. Tr. to American Army, but remaining with French on detached service. Overseas, 12 May '17 to 2 July '19, France, Ger- many. Montdidier-Noyon, Champagne-. Marne, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne. Croix de Guerre, 2 citations. Dis. 2 July '19. Thompson, E. M., Navy. Seaman 1st CI., 5 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign (Asst Paymaster), 14 Aug. '17; Lt. (j.g.) 24 Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Newport and Boston. Dis. 9 July '19. Thompson, W. C, Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., O. R. C, 15 Aug. '17; Prov. 2nd Lt., Regular Army, 26 Oct. '17; Prov. 1st Lt., 8 June '18, 38th Inf. A. E. F., 22 Mar. '18 to 1 Jan. '20, France, Germany. Aisne Defensive. Chateau-Thierry Sector, Champagne- Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offen- sive, Vesle River Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. A. E. F. Citation, Div. Citation. Resigned 1 May '20. Thompson, W. D., Jr., Naval Aviation. Q. M. 1st CI., 4 May '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 4 Mar. '18. In France Mar. '18 to Dec. '18. Inactive duty 20 Dec. '18. Towler, E. D., Chemical Warfare Serv- ice. Priv., 11 Mar. '18, Gas Defense Serv- ice, San. Corps. Tr. to Chemical Serv- ice Sec. Promoted to Sergt. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt.. C. W. S., 3 July '18. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Tracy, G. S., Ordnance — Field Artillery. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Corp., 15 Aug. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 1 Nov. '17, Candidate Officer, 16 Sept. '18. Ord. Det., 302nd F. A., 1 Dec. '17; 103d Ord. Depot, 1 July '18. Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School. Dis* 9 Dec. '18. :..', 182 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1917 Trenholm, D. deS., Infantry— Field Ar- tillery. Enlisted 29 Apr. '17, Plattsburg Offi- cers' Training Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Oct. '17, assigned 39th Inf.; 1st Lt., 19 June '18; Capt., 1 July '20. Tr. to F. A., 5 May '21. A. E. F., 10 May '18 to 6 Aug. '19, France, Germany, Belgium. Served with 9th Inf., 2nd Div., 26 June to 8 July '18; with 88th French Inf., 13 to 17 July '18. Aisne- Marne Offensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Vesle Sector, St. Mihiel Drive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Gassed. In regular army. Trier, P. W„ U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 30 Apr. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, 20 Apr. '18. Sta- tioned at Newport and other places. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Valentine, C. E., Signal Corps. Priv. 1st CI., 12 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 21 Apr. '18. Tr. to Casual Co. No. 831, 31 May '19. A. E. F., 11 July '18 to 12 June '19, Eng- land, France, Luxembourg. Defense of Marbache Sector, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 18 June '19. Vaughan, A. G., Ordnance. Priv., 2 May '18, 4th Recruit Co. Tr. to 111th Ord. Depot Co.; to Savanna Proving Ground, 111. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 12 Nov. '18. Stationed at Ft. Slocum and other places. Dis. 8 May '19. Wacker, H. E., Jr., Engineers. Enlisted 11th Engrs. Promoted to Corp. Aug. '17; Sergt., Sept. '18. Com- missioned 1st Lt., Nov. '18. A. E. F. ; July '17 to May '19, France. Cambrai Offensive and Defensive, Lys Defen- sive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Dis. 6 May '19. Walters, H. W., Medical Corps. Priv., 12 Oct. '17, Med. - R. C. Dis. Dec. '18. Walton, D. F., Ordnance. Ord. R. C, 1 Aug. '17. Dis. 5 Nov. '18, for physical disability. Watkins, M. C, Aviation. Priv., 22 Aug. '17, 120th Aero Sqdn. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI. A. E. F., 8 Feb. '18 to 28 Apr. '19, France, Eng- land. Weeks, H. J., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 28 June '19. Wells, R. A., Medical Corps. Priv., 29 June '17. Laboratory Ass't, Base Hospital No. 44. Promoted to Sergt., 19 Apr. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 14 June '18. A. E. F., 6 July '18 to 20 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 2 May '19. Wethey, F. V. V., American Field Ser- vice — Ambulance. Enlisted, 2 June '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., 11 Dec. '17, S. S. U. 631. A. E. F., 1 Oct. '17 to 15 Feb. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Somme, Oise. Hospital term. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. *Wheeler, A. E., Ordnance. Killed in accident, France, Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Wheelock, J. F., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., Camp Jackson, S. C. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Ord., attached to 95th Aero Sqdn. Overseas, 22 Apr. '18 to 3 Mar. '19. Dis. 5 Mar. '19. Whipple, W. L., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Apr.. '17. Commissioned Ensign (Pay Corps), 23 July '18. Sta- tioned at Annapolis and other places. Dis. 2 Feb. '19. White, J. W., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T). Seaman, 14 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. R, 18 Sept. '17; Ensign (T), U. S. N., 1 June '18; Lt. (j.g.) (T), 21 Sept. '18. U. S. S. New Hampshire, convoy duty. Dis. 17 Feb. '19. Whiton, S. G., American Field Service — Ambulance. Enlisted Apr. '17. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S. Overseas, 5 May '17 to 16 Apr. '19, France, Belgium, Germany. Cham- pagne, Reims, Aisne Defensive and Of- fensive, Argonne. Croix de Guerre, two citations. Dis. 16 Apr. '19. Willard, M. S., Infantry. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Nov. '17; 1st Lt., Mar. '19. Tr. to 76th Div., to 3rd Div., to 30th Div. A. E. F., July 18 to Mar. '19, France, Al- sace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, Germany. St. Mihiel. Dis. May '20. 1917 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 183 Wilson, F. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Mar. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 18 Sept. '17; Lt. (j.g.), 21 Sept. '18. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. New Jersey, U. S. S. Baltimore. Dis. 30 May '19. Wilson, W. T., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Stationed at Camp Devens. Promoted to Ord. Sergt. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. ; 1st Lt. Dis. 1 Sept. '19. Wolff, C, 3rd., Field Artillery. Enlisted Apr. '17, F. A., Balloon Service. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Tr. to French Army as Balloon Observer. A. E. F., Aug. '18 to Aug. '19, France. Dis. 16 Aug. '19. Wood, C. H., Infantry. Enlisted 7 Aug. '17, 61st Inf. Com- missioned 1st Lt., Dec. '17. A. E. F., 14 Apr. '18 to 9 June '19, France. Defen- sive Sectors in Alsace-Lorraine. St. Mihiel and Argonne-Meuse Offensives. Gassed. Dis. 12 June '19. Woodwell, P. M., U. S. N. R. F.— U. S. N. (T). Seaman, 16 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Halycon, U. S. S. Kansas, U. S. S. Zeelandia. Com- missioned Ensign, 8 Feb. '18; Ensign, (T), U. S. N., 29 May '18; Lt. (j. g.), (T) U. S. N., Sept. '19. Transport duty to and from France. Resigned 16 Oct. '19. Wooster, W. W., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '19. A. E. R, 12 July '18 to Feb. '19, France. Attached to air service. Worthington, H. T., Ordnance. Priv., 19 July '17. Promoted to Sergt. Nov. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Dec. '17. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Jan. '18. Tr. to Overseas Courier No. 7, later to Gen. Staff, Feb. '20. A. E. F., 3 Sept. '18 to 14 July '20, France. Dis. 14 Aug. '20. Wyeth, W. H., Coast Artillery. Priv. Promoted to Corp., 18 Aug. '18, 54th C. A. C. Tr. to 51st C. A. C, 15 May '18; this later became 57th C. A. C. A. E. F., 22 Mar. '18 to 14 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 22 Jan. '19. Wright, H. C, U. S ; N. R. F.— Naval Intelligence Service. Seaman, May '17. Postmaster, clerk in Fleet Storehouse. Tr. to Naval In- telligence Dept. Dis. 1 Dec. '18. Young, J. S., American Field Service- Aviation. 4 months, A. F. S. Tr. to Aviation Sec, Sig. C, 1 Sept. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 8 Jan. '18; Capt, 4 Nov. '18. Overseas, 10 May '17 to 2 Jan. '19, France, St. Mihiel, Argonne, Verdun, Meuse Offensives. Croix de Guerre with palm, recommended twice for D S. C, once for D. S. M. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. Young, N. S., Aviation. Cadet, 8 Feb. '18., Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 13 Apr. '18 Dis. 9 Jan. '19. CLASS OF 1918 Aishton, R. A., Field Artillery. 2nd Lt., 8 May '17, 332 F. A. A. E. R, 16 Sept. '18 to 15 Feb. '19, England, France. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. Alden, L. V., Infantry — Ordnance. Enlisted 5 Aug. '18. Unassigned. Stationed at Syracuse and Camp Han- cock. Dis. 17 Jan. '19. Angell, C. N., Signal Corps. Priv., 1st CI., 13 May '17, 301st R S. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 1 July '18, lat- er to Chauffeur 1st CI. A. E. F., 31 July '18 to 16 May '19; France. Meuse-Ar- gonne Defensive, Marbache Offensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Arnold, G. C, Jr., Naval Aviation — Y. M. C. A. Enlisted N. A., 3 July '18. Athletic Director with Italian Army, 3 Apr. '19 to 1 Nov. '19. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Axtell, F. D., American Field Service. A. R S., Unit 28, 5 May '17 to 3 Nov. '17; France, Champagne Sector. Dis. 5 Nov. '17. Badger, L. B., Coast Artillery. Priv., 2 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 25 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Mon- roe and other places. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Baer, T. E., U. S. N. R. F. Attended Harvard Cadet School. U. S. S. Nevada. Commissioned Ensign. Baldwin, M. A., U. S. N. R. F— Naval Aviation. Seaman, 1st CI., 11 Apr. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Commissioned Ensign, 11 April '18; Lt. (j.g.), 14 Oct. '18. Sta- tioned at Pensacola and other places. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. 184 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Ball, E. T., U. S. N. R. F„ Seaman, 14 July '17. Commissioned Ensign, 19 Sept. '18. Regimental Com- mander, U. S. Naval Training Station, Newport. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. Barrett, R. N., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S, 13 June '17. Enlisted U. S. A. A. S., 8 Oct. '17, S. S. U. 630. A. E. F., France, Alsace. Chemin des Dames, Somme Offensive, Montdidier, Somme, Oise-Aisne. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Bennett, H. C, U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 10 April '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. Commissioned En- sign, U. S. N. R. Flying C. Tr. to U. S. Marine Flying C. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Service overseas, IS Sept. '18 to 19 Dec. '18; France, Belgium. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Bickford, R. D., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 3 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Whippet, U. S. S. Munplace, U. S. S. Matsonia, U. S. S. Antigone. Commis- sioned Ensign, 26 Jan. '18. Overseas, Mar. to Dec. '18. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Bingham, J. C, Quartermaster Corps. Priv. 1st CI., 24 Aug. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 12 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp J. E. Johnston and Ft. Ontario. Dis. 23 Sept. '19. Birkenmayer, C. J., Jr., Field Artillery — Infantry. Corp., 1st Regt. Maine H. F. A. Tr. to 56th Pioneer Inf. Officers' Training Camp, Camp Gordon, Atlanta. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Aug. 18. Dis. Jan. '19. Bishop, C. A., Coast Artillery. Priv., 26 Jan. '18, 72nd C. A. C. A. E. F, 6 Aug. '18 to 13 Mar. '19; Eng- land, France. Dis. 25 Mar. '19. Black, L. H. Lt., U. S. Reserve. Bliss, D. C, Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 14 Apr._ '17, U. S. S. Felicia, on patrol, experimental and convoy duty, also flagship of the mine sweep- ing fleet. Promoted to Q. M. 2nd CI., 1 Apr. '18; to Q. M. 1st CI., 1 Oct. '18. Dis. 8 Jan. '19. Bloom, P. A., Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Enlisted 1 Feb. '18. Gas Defense Service, C. W. S. Stationed at Akron, O., and Astoria, L. I. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Booth, E. H., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, 351st Inf. Pro- moted to 1st Lt., 31 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 16 Aug. '18 to 31 May '19, England, France. Center sector Haute Alsace. Dis. 28 June '19. Booth, E. M., Naval Aviation. Seaman, 23 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 18 Aug. '18; Lt. (j.g.), Mar. '19. Airplane crash, 28 Oct. '18. Hospital term to discharge, 4 Aug. '19. Boynton, P. F., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 30 Apr. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, Dec. '18. U. S. S. Saranac, U. S. S. Baltimore. On coast patrol duty. Dis. May '19. Breed, M. F., Ordnance 103rd Ordnance Depot Co., July '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt. '17. A. E. F, Aug. '18 to Feb. '19, France. Dis. Feb. '19. Brown, L. M., Signal Corps. Priv., 1st CI., 5 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F, 10 July '18 to 22 July '19; France. Dis. 1 June '19. *Brown, R. D., Engineers. Died of pneumonia, France, 26 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Brumby, W. L., Infantry. 302nd Inf., Camp Devens. Bryant, T. B. R v Signal Corps. Priv., 13 May '17, Sig. C. Promoted to Corp., to Sergt. A. E. F., 11 July '18 to 27 May '19, England, Germany, Luxembourg, France. Marbache, Mo- selle Offensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Burgess, L. T., American Field Service — Aviation. Enlisted May '16, A. F. S., Sec. 4. Tr. to 91st Aero Sqdn., 27 Apr. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 18 July '17. Over- seas, May to Dec. '16, 24 Oct. '17 to 5 Feb. '19, France, Italy, England, Ger- many. Verdun. Dis. 5 Feb. '19. Burns, S. M., Field Artillery. Sergt., 149th F. A. A. E. F., France. Croix de Guerre. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 185 Buswell, A. C. Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 24 June '18, 135th Inf. Ap- pointed Corp., 1 Sept. '18. Tr. to 49th Inf. A. E. F., 12 Oct? '18 to 21 Jan. '19; France, England. Dis. 14 May '19. Chandler, H. L., Field Artillery. Enlisted O. T. C, 28 Sept. '18, Camp Zachary Taylor. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A. R. C, 29 Jan. '19. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Butts, E. Jr., Infantry— Aviation. _ Enlisted 14 May '17. Tr. to Avia- tion 15 July '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 95th Aero Sqdn., 1st Pursuit Group. A. E. F., 7 Mar. '18 to 1 Feb. '19, France. Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne, Meuse. Dis. 3 Feb. '19. Byers, J. R., Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 18 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F., Radio Service Operator, May '17 to Aug. '17. Asst. Communication Officer (Chief Radio Electrician). Instructor, Nov. '17 to discharge, 14 Mar. '19. Hos- pital term, 13 Apr. '18 to 1 Oct. '18. Cameron, H. M., Infantry — Aviation. Enlisted, 2nd O. R. T. C, 27 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C, 27 Nov. '17. Tr. to Air Service, 2nd Lt., Aviation Sec. Sig. C, 5 May '18. Sta- tioned at Wright Field and other places. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Campbell, T. P., American Field Serv- ice — Aviation. Driver 1st CI., A. F. S., 1 June to Oct. '17. Tr. to Aviation Sec. Sig. C, 17 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 29 Apr. '18. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. Carolan, J. P., Medical Corps. Lt., Base Hospital No. 13, France. Carpenter, G. C, Navy. Seaman, 1 Apr. '17, with Subchasers Fleet off Newport, R. I. Promoted to Coxswain, 3 Aug. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 26 Nov. '17. Commanding Offi- cer U. S. S. 89, Dec. '17; also, U. S. S. 103, Feb. '18. Commander, Division of Subchasers at Newport, Mar. '18. Watch, Division and Turret Officers, U. S. S. Massachusetts, with Atlantic Fleet, 3 June '18 to 26 Mar. '19. Dis. 26. Mar. '19. Case, M. D., Field Artillery. 2nd Lt. A. E. F., France. *Cavis, G. M., Coast Artillery. Died of pneumonia at his home in Bristol, N. H, 5 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Chase, P. R., Field Artillery. Priv., 29 May '17, 149th F. A. A. E. F. Chisholm, W., U. S. N. R. F. Released to continue college course. Christgau, W. R., Field Artillery. Priv., 4 Oct. '17, 306th F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt, Nov. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 31 May '18. A. E. F., 12 Apr. '18 to 1 June '19, France. Meuse- Argonne. Dis. 26 June '19. Clark, E. S., Ordnance. Enlisted 10 May '18. A. E. F., 23 Sept. '18 to 13 July '19, France. Dis. 20 July '19. Clark, R. E., Signal Corps. Priv., 14 May '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. Promoted to Sergt., 7 July '17. Tr. to 301st Field Sig. Bn., 5 Oct. '17. Pro- moted to Sergt. 1st CI., Dec. '17. A. E F., 10 July '18 to 26 Feb. '19, England, France. Toul Sector. Wounded. Hos- pital term, 20 Oct. '18 to '22. Colbath, W. E., Ordnance. Enlisted 16 June '17. Promoted to Corp., 11 Sept. '17; to Sergt., 29 Oct. '18; Sergt, 1st CI., 1 Dec. '18; Ord. Sergt., 3 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 13 Aug. '17 to 19 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 2 May '19. Colie, F. R., American Field Service- Ambulance — Infantry. For 4 mos. with A. F. S., S. S. U. 28. Priv., 14 May '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 640. Tr. to Inf., Sept. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Jan. '19. A. E. F., 14 May '17 to 20 Apr. '19, France, Alsace, Belgium. Reims, Aisne-Marne, St. Mi- hiel, Argonne Forest. Two hospital terms. Dis. 23 Apr. '19. Collins, E. H., American Field Service — Tank Corps. With A. F. S., T. M. U. 526 for 5 mos. Enlisted in U. S. Tank C. 18G DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Collins, H. J. A., Field Artillery. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, 302nd Ammunition Train. Promoted to 1st Lt, 30 Dec. '17; to Capt., 23 Feb. '19. Tr. to Hdqrs. 1st Army and assigned to duty with Chief of Staff Section, 10 Oct. '18. A. E. F., France, 4 May '18. Baccarat Sector (Vosges), Vesle Sector, Oise-Aisne Of- fensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Colwell, R. C, American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 2 June '17, A.F.S., T.M.U. 184. Tr. to M. T. C, 1 Oct. '17. Pro- moted to Corp., May '18. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 19 June '19, France. Somme, Aisne, Montdidier-Noyon, Champagne Marne Defensives, Aisne, Marne, Somme, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensives. Hospital term, 23 Sept. to 16 Nov. '18. Dis. 24 June '19. Cooley, R. L., American Field Service — Naval Aviation. Ambulance driver, A. F. S., Apr. to Oct. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. C. Q. M., later commissioned Ensign. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Cousens, L. H., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 13 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to Seaman 1st CI., to Gunner's Mate 3d CI., to Chief Gunner's Mate. Commissioned Ensign. U. S. S. Dara- ga. Dis. 21 Mar. '19. Crothers, W. M., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 14 Sept. '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Corp., to Sergt. Stationed at Hazelhurst Field. Dis. 5 June '19. Cunningham, J. M., Jr., Field Artillery. Sergt, 5 Sept. '17, 341st F. A. A. E. F., 16 June '18 to 1 Apr. '19, Eng- land, France. St. Mihiel. Dis. 25 Apr. '19. Daniels, C. L., U. S. N. R. F.— Medical Department. Seaman, 6 Apr. '17, Patrol Boat Alac- rity. Tr. to Med. Dept, 8 Sept. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 15 Jan. '18 ; to Sergt. 1st CI., 29 July '18, to Hospital Sergt, 20 Nov. '18. Stationed at Ft. Rodman and Philadelphia. Dis. 1 June '19. Dart, R. H., Infantry. Enlisted 2 May '18, 56th Inf. A. E. F., 3 Aug. '18 to 18 July '19, France. Lune- ville, Moselle Sector. Dis. 26 July '19. Davies, M., Ordnance. Priv., 20 July '17. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Nov. '17, 8th Prov. Ord. Depot Co. A. E. F., 1 Mar. '18 to 14 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 29 Mar. '19. Davis, G. M., Jr., Infantry. Priv. 1st CI., 28 June '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17, 26th Inf. A. E. F., 15 Jan. '18 to 3 May '19, France. Toul Sector, Cantigny, Mont- didier Sector. Wounded, gassed; in hospital, 29 May '18 until 1 Sept. '18. Dis. 10 May '19. Day, H. C, Engineers. Enlisted 19 May '17, 14th Light Rail- way Engrs. Promoted to Corp., 9 July '18. A. E. F., 27 July '17 to 27 Apr. '19, England, France. Cambrai Offensive and Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 3 May '19. Derosier, J. E., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 16 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign. U. S. S. Minneapolis, U. S. S. C. No. 436 (Executive and Commanding Officer). Convoy duty, June '18 to Oct. '18. Dis. 17 May '19. Dockstader, G. H., U. S. N. R. F. 1st CI. Seaman, 25 Apr./17. U. S. S. Aeolus. Transport Service, Sept. '17 to '19. Dodge, L. T., Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Enlisted 6 July '18. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI. Commissioned Ensign, Mar. '19. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 21 Mar. '19. *Drabble, W. W., Infantry. Died in a French Casualty Clearing Station of wounds, 10 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Draper, J. R., Ammunition Train. Enlisted 30 Apr. '17, 101st Ammuni- tion Train. Promoted Corp., Dec. '17. A. E. R, 3 Oct. '17, to 18 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Duffill, H. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 19 Apr. '17. S. P. 573, S. S. Catawissa, U. S. S. East Hampton. Promoted to Q. M., 28 Aug. '18. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Duffy, J. T., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Q. M. 3rd CI., 5 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 17 Oct. '17. Duty over- seas, 16 Sept. '18 to 16 Jan. '19, based on Brest and Liverpool. Dis. 23 Mar. '19. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 187 Dusossoit, F. J., American Field Serv- ice — Aviation. ^ Enlisted Apr. '17, A. F. S., Sec. 133, Chef de Section. Tr. to Aviation. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, A. S., Pilot, 14 Aug. '19. Assigned to 139th Aero Sqdn. Over- seas, Apr. '17 to 2 Nov. '17, 1 Sept. '18 to 17 Feb. '19, France, England. Aisne Sector, Chemin des Dames, Verdun. Dis. 22 Feb. '19. Dwyer, E. R., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 4 June '18. Promot- ed to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 19 Aug. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 17 Dec. '18. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 30 Dec. '18. *Eadie, H. F., Infantry. Killed in action 1 Mar. '18. See Roll of Honor. Earley, E. H., American Field Service — Artillery. A. F. S., June to Sept. '17. Tr. to Ar- tillery School. A. E. F., 12 Sept. '17 to 20 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Soissons. Dis. 20 May '19. Echterbecker, C. F., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg Camp for S. A. T. C. units. Ellis, H. O., Medical Corps. Priv., 22 Dec. '17, Med. E. R. C. Never in active duty. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Emerson, E. F., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. 1st CI. Seaman, 3 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Shada, U. S. S. Rush. Tr. to Naval Aviation, 28 July '18, as C. Q. M. (A). Dis. 21 Nov. '18. *Emerson, L. F., Signal Corps. Died in France, 25 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Erwin, J. P., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Apr. '17. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 1 Oct. '17. Commissioned Ensign CI. 4, 11 Feb. '18; tr. to CI. 2, 1 July '18, rank subsequentlv confirmed. Promoted to Lt. (j.g.), 1 July '19. U. S. S. Nevada, U. S. Des- troyer Trippe. Overseas, 25 June '18 to 20 Aug. '19, based at Queenstown, Car- diff, Brest. In continuous anti-sub- marine warfare. Released from active service, 19 Sept. '19. Farmer, W. A., Medical Corps. Priv., 1 June '17, Med. Corps, at- tached to 14th Engrs. (Ry.) Felt, E. J., U. S. N. R. F.— Aviation. U. S. N. R. F., 28 Mar. '17 to 25 Sept. '17. Tr. to Balloon Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 9 Jan. '18. Instructor. Later joined 8th Balloon Co. Tr. to 42nd Balloon Co.; to 11th Balloon Co. A. E. F., 22 Apr. '18 to 5 Mar. '19. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 26 Mar. 19. Ferguson, E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 10 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Lucia. Promoted to Elec. Radio, 3rd CI., 30 Dec. '17, to Elec. 2nd CI., 7 May '18. Attack on merchant convoy, 15 Aug. '18 off coast of France with loss of U. S. S. Montannan and U. S. S. West- bridge. Commissioned Ensign, 30 Sept. '18, Annapolis. U. S. S. Mallory. 1 Feh. '19, troop transport. Four trips to France. Fiedler, F. G., American Field Service — Artillery. Driver, 5 mos., A. F. S., T. M. U. 184 (3rd Dartmouth Unit). Tr., 19 Nov. '17, to Army Art. Hdqrs., 1st Army. Staff car driver. A. E. F., France. Fish, R., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 15 Oct. '17, Radio Elec. 3rd CI. Transferred to deck force, Jan. '18. Q. M. 3rd CI., U. S. S. Tacomy. Com- missioned Ensign, 10 July '18; Lt. (j.g.), 1 July '19. U. S. S. Konigen Der Neder- landen, (troop transport). U. S. S. Gorontalo (food relief to Germany) and U. S. S. Narragansett. Dis. 29 July '19. Frost, C. P., Infantry. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 167th Inf. Promoted to Ad- jutant to Major, 3rd Bn. A. E. F., 11 Jan. '18 to 26 Sept. '19, France, Lor- raine, Luxembourg. Champagne. Wounded, 26 July '18. Nov. '18 assigned to G. H. Q., Central Records Office. Later in Army Postal and Express Service. Dis. 14 Oct. '19. Fuller, W. T., Signal Corps. Priv. 1st CI., 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Chauffeur, 1 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, France, Luxembourg. Marbache Sector, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 2 June '19. 188 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Garratt, D. L., American Field Service — American Red Cross — French Artillery. A. F. S., (Dartmouth Unit) S. S. U. 66, June '17. Chemin des Dames Sec- tor. Tr. to A. R. C, Nov. '17 to Apr. '18. Enlisted in Foreign Legion. Assigned to 103rd Regt. Promoted to Aspirant, 16 Dec. '18; to Sous-Lt., 23 Aug. '19. Overseas, June '17 to Aug. '19; France, Germany, Luxembourg. Hospital term, Aug. to Oct. '18. Dis. 25 Aug. '19. Garvey, E. T., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 14 Apr. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation, Student Officer, 14 July '17. Commissioned Ensign, 28 June '18. Submarine patrol and escort- ing convoys, 2 Aug. '18 to 23 Jan. '19, Ireland. George, O., Ambulance. Driver, 3 June '17. Stationed at Al- lentown, Pa. Because of father's death was honorably discharged, 10 Aug. '17. Geran, G. P., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., Jan. '18. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI., Sept. '18. Assigned to S. S. Lake Narka, Oct. '18, later to S. S. Grecian. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. SI l" rT --1 Gilfillan, K. D., Field Artillery— Avia- tion. 2nd Lt, 136th F. A., 4 June '17. Tr. to 99th Aero Sqdn., Oct. '18. A. E. F., 1 Apr. '18 to 25 Dec. '18, France. Ar- gonne-Meuse. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. *Gill, J. W., Jr., American Field Service — Ambulance. Driver, June '17, A. F. S. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S. A. E. F., France, Germany. On battle line of Western Front. Croix de Guerre, 3 other citations. Dis. 25 May '19. Drowned at Seabright, N. J., 30 Aug. '19. Glos, W. A., Aviation. 1st CI. Priv., 1 Dec. '17, School of Military Aeronautics. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A. Stationed at Rock- well Field and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Glover, W. C., Quartermaster Corps. Sergt, 6 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 14 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Johnston. Dis. 8 Jan. '19. *Goodrich, W. E., Signal Corps— Avia- tion. Enlisted 12 May '17. 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI. Tr. to Aviation as Cadet, 23 Mar. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 28 July '18, later 1st Lt. Killed in airplane acci- dent, Arcadia, Fla., 10 June '21. Gottschaldt, A. C., U. S. N. R. F.— In- fantry (Machine Gun). Gunner's Mate, 8 May '17, U. S. N. R. F., U. S. S. Magnet. Tr. to Platts- burg R. O. T. C, 23 Aug. '17. Commis- sioned 1st Lt., 27 Nov. '17. Assigned to S. A. T. C, Ga. School of Tech., com- manding 1st Bn., June '18. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Recommissioned Capt., O. R. C, 27 Jan. '19; Capt., Cav. O. R. C, 23 Mar. '22 as of date 27 May '19. Gray, D. C, Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Enlisted 7 June '18. Commissioned Ensign 28 Feb. '19. Stationed at Chi- cago and other places. Dis. 28 Mar. '19. Hanley, J. L., Coast Guard. Enlisted 29 May '17, U. S. S. Yama- craw. Service on the seas to Gibraltar, England, Wales, etc. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Hardie, F. C., Navy. Enlisted 8 May '18, Pay Corps. Pro- moted to Yeoman 3d, 2nd, 1st CI. Sta- tioned at Great Lakes. Dis. 21 Mar. '19. Harrington, F. A., Marine Corps. Priv., 4 July '17, Hdqrs. Det. Promoted to Corp., Mar. '18; to Sergt., Dec. '18. A. E. F, 30 Sept. '17 to 9 Feb. '19, Vir- gin Islands. Dis. 12 Mar. '19. Healey, E. F., Jr., Remount Service. Enlisted 11 Dec. '17, 303d Field Re- mount Sqdn. A. E. F., 30 Apr. '18 to 12 July '19, France, Germany. Argonne, Verdun. Dis. 31 July '19. Hesse, H. R., Ordnance. Priv., 30 July '17. Military Stores School, Hanover. Promoted to Corp., Sept. '17; to Sergt, Oct. '17; to Ord. Sergt., Jan. '19. A. E. R, 26 Nov. '17 to 24 June '19, France, Germany. Dis. 3 July '19. Higgins, W. B., Field Artillery. 1st Lt., 25 July '17, 102nd F. A., 51st F. A. Brigade, 26th Div. Promoted to Capt., 9 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 23 Sept. '17, France. Chemin des Dames, 2nd Battle of Marne, St. Mihiel Offen- sive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Tr. to Transportation Corps, as Personnel Adjutant, 12 Mar. '19. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 189 Hill, H. B., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C, IS Aug. '17. A. E. F. f .27 Mar. '18 to 24 Jan. '19, France. De- fensive Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 2 Feb. '19. *Hill, S., Ambulance. Died 13 Aug. '18 as the result of wounds received 15 July '18. See Roll of Honor. Hilliker, C. E., Infantry. Priv., 28 Apr. '18, 3SSth Inf. Pro^ moted to Sergt. A. E. F., 4 June '18 to 6 Jan. '19, France. Mustard gas burns, hospital term, 12 Aug. '18 to 8 Feb. '19. Dis. 8 Feb. '18. Hobbs, L. H., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, Apr. '17. Promoted to Cox- swain, 1 Feb. '18, to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 20 May '18. Commissioned En- sign, 1 Oct. '18. Converted Yacht Ow- era, U. S. S. Rhode Island. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Holbrook, S. W. Ordnance — Aviation. Enlisted 20 July '17. Tr. to A. S. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 22 Aug. '18. Sta- tioned at Brooks Field and other places. Dis. 17 Feb. '19. Holton, R. A., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Machinist's Mate, 2nd CI., 30 Apr. '17, U. S.'S. Topeka. Tr. to N. A., 4 Aug. '17. Commissioned Ensign, Na- val Reserve Flying Corps, 21 July '18. A. E. F., 21 Aug. '18 to 21 Dec. '18, France. Dis. 20 Feb. '18. Hood, C. R., American Field Service — Infantry — Engineers. Priv., A. F. S., 14 May '17. Chef, Sec. 4, T. M. U. 133. Promoted to Corp., 6 June '17. Graduated French O. T. S. for Motor Transportation, 14 Aug. '17; function of 2nd Lt., M. T. C, French Army. Released Nov. '17. En- listed 14 Dec. '17, 301st Ammunition Train, U. S. Army. Priv. Candidate 5 Jan. '18. Promoted to Sergt., 20 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 1 June '18. Tr. to Engrs., 2nd Lt. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Horr, C. B., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17, 108th Ord. Depot Co. Tr. to 109th Ord. Depot Co. Pro- moted to Sergt., 17 Aug. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 23 Oct. '17; to 1st Sergt, 4 Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 23 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Sherman and other places. Dis. 22 Apr. '19. *Horton, L. L., Tank Corps. Died of influenza at Camp Colt, 30 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Howard, R. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 9 Sept. '18. U. S. S. Win- chester, U. S. S. Caesar. Cruises to France, England, Scotland. Howley, P. C, Field Artillery. Enlisted, Auto-mechanical School, 16 May '18. Tr. to 336th F. A., July '18, Priv., 1st CI. Tr. to 250th Co., Mili- tary Police, Dec. '18. Promoted to Corp., 1 Jan. '19; to Sergt, 13 Mar. '19; to 1st Sergt., 20 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 27 Aug. '18 to 15 July '19, France, Eng- land. Dis. 22 July '19. Hulbert, W. C, Ordnance. — Coast Ar- tillery. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., 11 Sept. '17, to Sergt. of Ord. 1st CI., 13 Nov. '17; to Ord. Sergt., May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C, 2 May '19. Attached to 77th Div. Mar. '18. A. E. F., 21 Mar. '18 to May '19, France. Baccarat Sector, Vesle Sector, Oise-Aisne Offensive, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Dis. 9 May '19. Hull, G. R., Signal Corps— Field Artil- lery. Enlisted 3 June '17, Co. B, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 31 Aug. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Huntoon, L. H. C, Coast Artillery. Enlisted 4 June ;i8, C. A. C. (Unat- tached). Commissioned 2nd Lt. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Hurlbut, J. B., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., 5 May '17, S. S. U. 28. Tr., Priv. 1st CI., U. S. A. A. S., 1 Oct. '17, Promoted to Corp., Dec. '18. Overseas, 5 May '17 to 23 Apr. '19, France, Bel- gium. Champagne, Reims Sector, Aisne Defensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne O ff e n s i v e, Meuse-Argonne, Ypres-Lys Offensive. Croix de Guerre with bronze star and silver star, 4 citations. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Hutchinson, K. F., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 7 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 7 Dec. '18. Stationed at Boston and other places. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. 190 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Isbell, C. W., American Field Service — Aviation. Ambulance Driver, May to Oct. '17, A. F. S. Champagne. Wounded. Hospital term, Aug. to Sept. '17. Croix de Guerre. Tr. to Air Service, Aeronautics, 5 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 7 Nov. '18. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Johnson, A. F., Aviation. Cadet, 14 May '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Stationed at Ft. Snelling. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., A. S., 2 Apr. '18. Sta- tioned at Ellington Field. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Johnson, H. W., Jr., Field Artillery. Enlisted, 13 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17; assigned to 123d F. A. Promoted to 1st Lt, 17 Nov. '17; Capt., 11 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 27 May '18 to 24 May '19, France, Luxembourg. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 23 June '19. Johnston, H. A., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 9 Apr. '17. U. S. S. C. No. 351. Promoted to Q. M. 2nd CI.; to Q. M. 1st CI. Regular patrol, coasts of England, France, Portugal. Dis. 20 Sept. '19. Jones, S. B., American Field Service — Signal Corps. A. F. S., May to Nov. '17. Chemin des Dames. Section cited. Tr. to Avia- tion, Nov. '17. Tr. to Sig. C, Feb. '18. Promoted to Corp., to Sergt. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Sept. '19. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Jordan, J. W., Jr., Coast Artillery. Priv., 20 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, C. A. R. C, 6 Dec. '18. Stationed at Ft. Howard and other places. Judd, S. W., Navy. Enlisted 3 May '17, U. S. S. Penn- sylvania.. Commissioned Ensign, 11 May '18. Kapff, G. R., Signal Corps. Enlisted 13 May '17, 301st Bn. A. E. F., 11 July '18 to 17 July '19, Wales, England, France, Luxembourg. Meuse- Argonne. Dis. 23 July '19. Kendall, A. H. Ambulance. Enlisted June '17, U. S. A. A. S. T Sec. 562. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, France, Germany. Aisne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Champagne- Marne Defensive. Dis. 11 June '19. Kennedy, H. P., American Field Ser- vice — Quartermaster Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Chef, T. M. U. 526, A. F. S. Tr. as Priv., 1 Oct. '17 to Q. M. C. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 24 Nov. '17; 1st Lt, 13 Oct. '18; Capt, 13 Feb. '18. Tr. to M. T. C, 25 Aug. '18. Overseas, Apr. '17 to '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Cambrai, Somme Offensive. Knapp, N. G., Ordnance — Chemical Warfare Service. Priv., 27 Apr. '18, Ord. Tr. to C. W. S., 20th Gas Regt. Promoted to Corp., 20 June '18; to Sergt. 15 Sept. '18. Stationed at Edgewood Arsenal, Md. Dis. 8 Dec. '18. Knowles, R. S., Aviation. Cadet, 2 Feb. '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Kozminski, C., American Field Ser- vice — Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17, A. F. S., (Dart- mouth Unit). Tr. to Q. M. C, Priv., Bakery Co. 332, 6 Sept. '17. „ Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, Feb. '18, Asst. to C. Q. M. Promoted to 1st Lt., Feb. '19. A. E. F., 4 May '18 to 19 Apr. '19; France. Dis. 21 Apr. '19. Kubin, O. J., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 20 Apr. '17. Q. M., U. S. S. Winchester. Kurtz, W. F., Signal Corps. Enlisted 13 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 6 July '17. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, Eng- land, France, Luxembourg. Marbache Sector, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 7 June '19. Langley, J. M., Infantry. Enlisted, 15 Aug. '17, R. O. T. C Capt, 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 151st Depot Brigade, Camp Devens. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Leavitt, M. W., Quartermaster Corps. Sergt., 4 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 2 May '18 to 22 July '19, France, England. Dis. 26 July '19. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 191 Lee, L. H., Naval Aviation. Student Flyer, 26 June '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 25 Jan. '18; Lt. (j. g.), 1 Oct. '18. Overseas duty, 28 Mar. '18 to 30 Nov. '18, England. Navy Cross. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. *Lehman, T. V., Aviation. Died at Cleveland, O., 6 Sept. '20. See Roll of Honor. Leland, M. A., Navy. Electrician, 11 Dec. '17. Instructor. Patrol service on submarines, along At- lantic Coast. Lewis, C. H., Navy. Seaman 1st CI., 15 Apr. '17, on sub- marine chaser. Promoted to Q. M., 1 Feb. '18. Overseas. Lewis, F. A., American Field Service. A. F. S., S. S. U. 66. Lininger, H. D., Navy. 3rd CI. Seaman, 20 May '17, U. S. S. S. P. 505. Promoted to 2nd CI. Sea- man, 9 July '17; to 1st CI. Seaman, 1 Sept. '17; to Coxswain, 20 Nov. '17; to Chief Storekeeper, 20 Aug. '18; to Asst. Paymaster, 17 Dec. '18. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Liscord, P. S., Ordnance. Enlisted 10 May '18, 2nd Recruit Co. Tr. to Ord. Supply School, to 111th Ord. Depot Co., to Ord. Sec, Q. M. C, 1 Feb. '19. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Apr. '19. Dis. 27 Apr. '19. Lucier, A. A., Naval Aviation. Q. M., Naval Aviation, 5 July '18. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Macaulay, D. M., Naval Aviation. Enlisted, 11 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 24 Dec. '17. A. E. F., 1 Feb. '18 to 26 Dec. '18, England, Ireland, France. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. MacBean, H. W., Jr., Marine Corps. Enlisted 5th Regt., U. S. M. C, 26 Apr. '18. Promoted to Corp., 12 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 27 Aug. '18 to 9 May '19, France. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argpnne, Champagne Sector. Wounded. Hospi- tal term, 1 Nov. '18 to 2 June '19. Dis. 25 June '19. McCoy, D. E., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 11 Feb. '18. U. S. S. Charles- ton. Tr. to Class 2, U. S. N. R. 1 June '18. Promoted to Lt. (j. g.), 21 Sept. '18. Dis. 1 May '19. McDonough, F. M., American Field Service — Infantry. Enlisted A. F. S., T. M. U. 184, June '17. Tr. 20 Feb. '18 to Hdqrs. Troop, Inf., 76th Div. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 24 Dec. '17, 4 July '18 to 20 Dec. '18, France. Craonne, Chemin des Dames. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. McDonough, H. B., Aviation. Enlisted 2 Nov. '17, A. S. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., '18. A. E. F., France. McDonough, J. E., Infantry (Machine Gun). 1st CI. Priv., 29 Apr. '18, 151st Depot Brigade. Promoted to Corp., 20 June '18; to Sergt, 1 Sept. '18. Tr. to Central Machine Gun Officers' Training School. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 9 Dec. '18. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. McDowell, E. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 13 Dec. '17, U. S. N. R. F., Hospital Corps. Detailed to Columbia Naval Unit. Released 17 Dec. '18. McElwain, L. K., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 25 July '17, 101st M. G. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 17 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 9 Oct. '17 to 8 Apr. '19. England, France. Defensive Sector, Champagne- Marne, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. Gassed. Hospital term, & Nov. to 1 Dec. '18. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. McEwan, G., Infantry — Quartermaster Corps. Priv., 13 Dec. '17, 310th Inf. Promot- ed to Corp., 5 Feb. '18. Tr. to Q. M. C, 15 Feb. '18. Promoted to Sergt., 15 Mar. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 5 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Q. M. C, 5 Dec. '18. Stationed at Camp Dix and other places. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. McMahon, J. E. Jr., Aviation. Priv., 10 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 21 Aug. '18. Stationed at Ithaca and other places. Dis. Jan. '19. McMahon, J. J., Quartermaster Corps. Shipping Foreman, 3 Sept. '17, Q. M. Depot, Cambridge, Mass. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. Magoon, M. M., Quartermaster Corps. Storekeeper, 3 Aug. '17. Promoted to Sergt., 3 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 30 Aug. '18. Stationed at C am P Joseph E. Johnston. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. 192 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Mahoney, S. P., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman, 28 Mar. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Instructor at Great Lakes and Columbia University. Markey, G., Infantry. Enlisted 28 Apr. '17, 1st O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 26 Oct. '17, 19th Inf. Stationed at Ft. Sam Houston and border. Resigned 1 Feb. '19. Mather, P. L., U. S. N. R. F. 1st CI. Seaman, 8 Nov. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 6 June '18, U. S. S. Ori- zaba. In the 1st submarine attack against a convoy troop off Brest, France, Aug. '18. Transport duty. Repatriated French Prisoners from Rotterdam to Cher- bourg, and from Copenhagen to Cher- bourg. Merrell, L. C, Infantry. Enlisted 26 Feb. '18, 7th Bn., Depot Brigade. Tr. to 10th Bn., 154th D. B.; to 6th Bn., 154th D. B. Promoted to Sergt. Office of 3rd Asst. Sec. of War, 21 Dec. '18 to discharge. Commission- ed 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Bn. Adj., 11 Sept. '18. Dis. 13 Feb. '19. Merry, F. B., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 27 Mar. '17. Promoted to Gunner's Mate, 3d CI., 1 July '19; to Gunner's Mate 2nd CI.; to Chief Gun- ner's Mate. Instructor in small arms on navy Rifle Ranges. Mills, C. H., Infantry. Priv., 6 Aug. '18, Hdqrs. Staff, 807th Pioneer Inf. Appointed Corp., 18 Sept. '18; Bn. Sergt. Major, 25 Sept. '18; Regt. Sergt. Major, 22 Feb. '19. A. E. F., 6 Aug. '18 to 15 July '19, France. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 15 July '19. Miner, P. S., American Field Service — Ambulance. Enlisted June '17, A. F. S., S. S. U. 66. Section tr. to U. S. A. A. S. as S. S. U. 623. Overseas, June '17 to Apr. '19, France. Aisne Defensive, Argonne- Meuse Offensive. Dis. 10 Apr. '19. Montgomery, T. R., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17, Ord. R. C. Tr. to 106th Ord. Depot Co.; to Hdqrs. De- pot, 81st Div. Promoted to Corp., 17 Aug. '17; to Sergt., 11 Sept. '17; to Ord. Sergt., 5 Jan. '18. A. E. F., 11 Aug. '18 to 6 Mar. '19, England, France. St. Die Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Montgomery, W. J., Engineers. Priv., 23 Nov. '17, 302nd Engrs. Pro- moted to Corp., 1 Jan. '18; to 1st Sergt., 1 Mar. '18. Tr. to Engrs. E. R. C. (In- active), 27 Apr. '18. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Morey, S. M., U. S. N. R. F. Radio Electrician, 13 Apr. '17. U. S. S. San Francisco (U. S. Mine laying Sqdn.) U. S. S. Florida, attached to English Grand Fleet, Scotland and Scapa Flow. Overseas duty in North Sea, 12 May '18 to 18 Dec. '18. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. Morse, E. G., Ordnance. Priv., 30 July '17. Appointed Sergt. of Ord., 15 Oct. '17; Ord. Sergt. 5 Nov. '17. A. E. F., 25 Nov. '17 to 20 July '19, France. Dis. 24 July '19. Morse, F. W. Jr., Signal Corps. Priv., May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F, July '18 to 28 May '19, France, England. Campaign east of Verdun, Marbache Sector. Dis. 3 June '19. Mudgett, W. A. Aviation. Enlisted 19 Oct. '17. Dis. 16 June '18. Mugridge, C. F., U. S. N. R. F. Released to continue college course, 15 Apr. '18. Murphy, G. C, Naval Medical Corps. Seaman, July '18, Med. Dept., Navj U. S. S. Granite State. Myer, J. C, Infantry. Enlisted May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Inf. 5 Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Nelson, W. H„ Y. M. C. A.— Navy. Sec, Navy Y. M. C. A., 31 May '17. Tr. to Navy as Seaman, 8 Dec. '17, U. S. S. Ice King, U. S. S. Matsonia. Com- missioned Ensign, 15 June '18; promot- ed to Lt. (j.g.) 14 Nov. '18. Overseas service, 11 July '18 to 17 Aug. '19. Dis. 20 Aug. '19. Nims, R. D., Ambulance. Ambulance driver, U. S. A. A. S., 4 June '17. A. E. F, Mar. '18 ' to '19. England, France. With Army of Occu- pation, 7 Apr. '19. Norton, R. G., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Radio Service. Seaman 1st CI., 12 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Radio Electrician 2nd CI., U. S. S. Chicago. Sea Service, Aug. '17 to July '19. Dis. 1 July '19. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 193 Noyes, E. R., Ordnance. Priv., 10 May '19. Ord. Supply School. Asst. Camp Supply Officer, Camp Hancock. Commanding Officer, 30th Prov. Depot Co. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 13 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 17 Sept. '18. Operating Officer, Charleston Gen. Ord. Depot, 22 Feb. '19 to 1 Sept. '19. O'Connell, T. J., Field Artillery— Avia- tion. Enlisted Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. 27 Nov. '17; assigned to 302nd F. A. Tr. to 186th Aero Sqdn. A. E. R, Oct. '18 to '19, France. • O'Donnell, J. E., Ordnance. Priv., 16 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Nov. '17; to Ord. Sergt, 5 Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 May '18. Stationed at Camp Meade and other places. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. O'Gara, J. E., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Radio Service. Hospital Apprentice, 2nd CI., 3 May '17. Tr. to Radio School. Appointed Radio Electrician 3rd CI., 1 Sept. '17. Commissioned Ensign (R. F.), 15 Jan. '18; Ensign (U. S. N.) 29 May '18. U. S. S. Virginia (Convoy duty). Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Ohnemus, R. A., Signal Corps. Priv., 4 Oct. '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 21 June '18. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, France, Luxembourg, Germany. Marbache De- fensive, Moselle Offensive. Gassed. Dis. 2 June '19. Oppenheim, H. L., Ordnance. Priv. 17 June '17. Promoted to Corp., to Sergt., to Sergt. 1st CI. A. E. F., 17 Oct. '17 to 2 July '19, France. Dis. 30 July '19. Opper, C. V., Signal Corps. Priv., June '17, 301st Field Sig Bn. Tr. to Inf. Replacement Camp ; to 160th Depot Brigade; to 13th Service Co. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 1 June '18; 2nd Lt., Sig. C, 10 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Lee and other places. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Palmer, C. F., Cavalry. Enlisted 13 May '17, Cav. Officers' Training Camp. Tr. to 10th U. S. Cav. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Cav. R. C, 15 Aug. '17; 2nd Lt., Prov., 26 Oct. '17; Prov. 1st Lt., 27 Aug. '18. Aide-de- Camp to Brig. Gen. Cabell. Awarded Mexican Campaign Medal. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Pelton, L. D., U. S. N. R. R Enlisted, U. S. S. C. 130, 14 Apr. '17. Overseas service, 20 Apr. '18 to 20 June '19. Allied bombardment Durazzo, Al- bania. Fatiche de Guerra. Dis. 3 July '19. Peppard, E. W., Medical Corps. Enlisted 11 Dec. '17. Assigned to Med. Depot 628. 12 Oct. '18 received overseas orders, stationed at Transport Dock un- til discharged. Promoted to Sergt. 11 Apr. '18. Dis. '19. Peters, C. F., Navy. Q. M. 3d CI. 14 Apr. '17, U. S. S. To- peka. Chief Boatswain's Mate 1 Jan. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 5 June '18. Over- seas service, 5 June '18 to 19 July '18, U. S. S. San Diego. Torpedoed off Fire Island, 96 men lost. Dis. 19 Feb. '19. Philbin, J. A., Ordnance— Field Artil- lery. Priv., 31 July '17, 108th Ord. Depot Co. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 15 Oct. '17. Tr. to 158th F. A., Hdqrs., Camp Sherman, 21 Apr. '18. Promoted to Regt'l Supply Sergt., F. A., 20 Apr. '18. Tr. to F. A. Replacement Div., Camp Jackson, 6 May '18; to 36th F. A. Camp McClellan, Ala., 1 Aug. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 1 June '18; 1st Lt., R A., 15 Oct. '18. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Phillips, C. L., U. S. N. R. F. Q. M. 2nd CI., 14 Apr. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI., 14 Feb./18; to C. Q. M., 30 July '18. Commissioned Ensign, 12 Dec. '18, S. P. 31 ; U. S. S. C. No.'s 90, 147, 216, 151, 227. Overseas duty, 19 Apr. '18 to 1 Aug. '19. Greece, Italy (Adriatic Sea.) Dis. 9 Sept. '19. Piper, A. N., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 10 May '17. Promoted to Gunner's Mate 3d CI., Nov. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Feb. '18; Ensign, U. S. N., June '18. U. S. S. Rhode Island, U. S. S. Eagle 13. Dis. June '19. Poole, G. A., U. S. N. R. R Q. M. 3rd CI., 19 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 31 May '18. Stationed on patrol boats at Newport and other places. Dis. 15 Mar. '19. Poole, L. C, Cavalry — Infantry (Ma- chine Gun). Enlisted May '17, Troop B, 1st N. Y. Cav. Tr. to M. G.' Bn., Fall of 1918. A. E. F., '18 and '19, France. All bat- tles and engagements of 27th Div. Dis. Mar. '19. 194 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Poole, P., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 11 May '17. Commissioned Ensign (R. F.) 8 Feb. '18. Ensign (T.) U. S. N., 8 June '18. U. S. S. Rhode Is- land, U. S. S. Eagle No. 16. Pope, L. F., U. S. N. R. F. 1st CI. Seaman, 28 Mar. '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Promoted to Chief Storekeep- er, 30 Sept. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 28 Feb. '18. U. S. Coast Torpedo Boat No. 17. U. S. S. Mercury. Overseas duty, Dec. '18 to '19, Nova Scotia, France. Potter, C. A., American Field Service —Field Artillery. Ambulance Driver, May to Dec. '16, A. F. S., S. S. U. 2. Verdun. Section cited, Croix de Guerre. Tr. May '17 to Plattsburg, 1st O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A. Aug. '17; assigned to 4th F. A. Dis. 29 Nov. '18. Pounds, L. C, American Field Service — Naval Aviation. A. F. S. May to Nov. '17, S. S. U. 66. Tr. to Naval Aviation June '18. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. (A.), U. S. N. R. F. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Proctor, T. W., Infantry. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 49th Inf., 26 Oct. '17. Promot- ed 1st Lt., Mar. '17. A. E. F., 7 Aug. '18 to 25 June '19, France. Dis. 21 July '19. Prowattain, I., Signal Corps. Priv. 14 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn., Camp Devens. Pullen, S. J., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 19 Sept. '17, 328th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Corp. *Purdon, F. W., Naval Aviation. Died of influenza, 29 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Rand, I. H., Aviation. Priv., 13 Oct. '17, 67th Aero Sqdn. Tr. to 479th Aero Construction Sqdn. Promoted to Corp., 1 June '19. A. E. F., 24 Jan, '19 to 4 Dec. '19, France, England. Dis. 28 Dec. '19. Ransom, P. W., Ambulance. Priv., 23 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562. A. E. F., 23 Jan. '18 to June '19, France, Germany. Reilly, P. W., Jr., Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 1 Aug. '17. Radio operator and listener U. S. S. C. No. 225, Adria- tic and Mediterranean Seas with base at Corfu, 22 Feb. '18 to Nov. '18. Durazzo. Citation and decoration by Italian Gov- ernment. Rhodes, R. H., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 1 Oct. '18, 3rd Casual, Q. M. C. Stationed at Camp Meigs. Dis. 17 Jan. '19. Rice, A. F., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Avia- tion. 1st CI. Seaman, 3 Apr. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. (A.), 5 Mar. '18. Promoted to Lt. (j.g.), 1 Oct. '18. U. S. S. Southery, U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Crest. Stationed at Pensacola, Fla., 5 Jan. '18 till inactive duty 5 Feb. '19; serving as Instructor, Division Commander, Squadron Com- mander. Dis. 3 Apr. '21. Richmond, E. G., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 28 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. (A.), 4 Feb. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 5 June '18; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Oct. '18. Stationed at New- port and other places. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Ritter, R. E., Ambulance. U. S. A. A. S, 3 June '17, Sec. 568. A. E. F., France. Robinson, H. L., Field Artillery. Student Officer, 17 May '17, 336th Regt., 87th Heavy F. A. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17. Tr. to 115th F. A., 19 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 20 Aug. '18 to 13 July '19, France, England. Dis. 22 July '19. Robinson, H. S., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 5 May '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A), 26 Dec. '18. Commissioned En- sign, 6 Sept. '18. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. Robson, A. C, American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted, 5 May '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 526. Tr. to M. T. C. Promoted to Sergt. Overseas, May '17 to 1 Aug. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Cambrai, Noyon, Soissons, Chateau-Thierry, A i s n e, Marne. Dis. Aug. '19. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 195 Rood, K. T., Infantry. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 26 Apr. '18; assigned to 303d Inf., 76th Div. Tr. to 41st Div., 9 Nov. '18; to Hdqrs. Bs. Section 1, 21 Nov. '18; to Casual Det., 26 June '19. Promoted to Capt., Inf. R. C, Jan. '20. A. E. R, 5 July '18 to 3 July '19, England, France. Dis. 5 July '19. Rosenfeld, W. I. Jr., Ordnance — Chemi- cal Warfare Service. Ord. Sergt., 31 July '17, 102nd Co. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. W. S., 14 Oct. '18. Stationed at Watertown Arse- nal and other places. Dis. '19. Rosnell, J. E., Signal Corps. 1st CI. Priv., 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 28 May '19, England, France, Luxembourg. Marbache Defensive, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 3 June '19. Ross, A. S., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 29 Apr. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation Oct. '17. Commissioned En- sign, May '18. Stationed at Hampton Roads and other places. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Ross, E. M., American Field Service — Ambulance. Ambulance driver, 2 June '17, A. F. S., S. S. U. 66 (Dartmouth Unit), which became U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 623, Sept. '17. Overseas, June '17 to June '19, France, Luxembourg, Bel- gium. Chemin des Dames, Vosges, Champagne. Croix de Guerre. Dis. '19. Ross, H. K., Aviation. Enlisted 2 June '17 Paris, U. S. Air Service. Commissioned 1st Lt., A. S. M. A. A. E. F., June '17 to Feb. '19. France, Italy. Dis. May '19. Ross, W. S., Signal Corps. 1st CI. Priv., 12 May '17, 2nd Field Sig. Bn. Tr. to 301st Field Sig. Bn. ; to 4th Corps ; to 6th Corps. Promoted to Corp., 1 June '18. A. E. F., 10 July '18, France, Lorraine, Luxembourg. Rowell, G. B., Jr., Ordnance. Enlisted 18 June '17. Attached to 42nd Div. Promoted to Sergt. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., 1 Nov. '17 to 16 Dec. '18, France. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. Salisbury, E. D., Quartermaster Corps. Priv., 9 Aug. '17, Q. M. C. 89th Div. Promoted to Sergt. Sept. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 30 Nov. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Pike. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. Salisbury, J. M., Infantry. — Quarter- master Corps. Enlisted 28 Sept. '17, 153d Depot Brig- ade. Tr. to Hdqrs. 153d Depot Brigade; to Hdqrs., 78th Div., to Q. M. C. Pro- moted to Sergt, 19 Nov. '17, to Sergt. Major, 16 May '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., Q. M. C, Aug. '18. A. E. F., 5 June '18 to 30 June '19, England, France. Somme, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. 16 July '19. Saltmarsh, G. A., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Yeoman, 17 Nov. '17. Samuels, F. E., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., S. S. U. 12; U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 630. Sanborn, W. W., Ambulance. U. S. A. A. S., Priv. 3 Sept. '18. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., to Corp. Sanderson, P. H., Navy. Yeoman, 21 June '18. Naval Cost Inspector, 7 Aug. '18. Promoted to Chief Yeoman, 10 May '19. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Sargent, D. S., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A.), May '18, Naval Avia- tion. Commissioned Ensign, 1 Oct. '18, N. A. 1490 HTA. Stationed at M. I. T. Ground School and Key West. Dis. 8 Feb. '19. Savage, G. M., Signal Corps. Priv., 1st CI., 301st Field Sig. Bn., 5 Oct. '17. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, France, Luxembourg. Defence of Marbache Sector, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 3 June '19. Scully, D. B., U. S. N. R. F. Cadet, 11 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Yacoma. Commissioned Ensign, 5 Oct. '17. Con- voying between Bermuda and Azores Islands, 24 Feb. to 11 Nov. '18. Seiler, L. F., Ordnance. Priv., 13 Dec. '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 11 Feb. '18. Asst. U. S. Stores Inspector ; U. S. Stores Inspector, 8 July '18. Stationed at Chicago and other places. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. 196 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Shaw, E. P., 3rd., Ambulance. Enlisted 24 Sept. '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 637. A. E. F., 1 July '17 to 12 Apr. '19, France, Belgium. Montdi- dier-Noyon Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Oise-Aisne Offensive, Ar- gonne, Reims, Champagne. Croix de Guerre, Div. citation. Bis. 23 Apr. '19. Shea, D. F., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 4 May '17. Coxswain on U. S. S. Blakely, torpedo destroyer. Q. M. 2nd CI. on U. S. S. Raco. Promoted to Chief Petty Officer, Oct. '18. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Shellman, W. E., Signal Corps. 1st CI. Priv., 15 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 31 July '18 to 16 May '19, France, Luxembourg. Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive, St. Mihiel Drive. Dis. 3 June '19. Shirley, T. E., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps — Transr portation Corps. Enlisted, A. F. S. 2 June '17, T. M. U. 184. Tr. to M. T. C, Q. M. C. at large. Commissioned 2nd Lt., and tr. to Rail- way Transportation Corps, 20 Mar. '18; 1st Lt., 15 Feb. '19. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 20 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Shoup, O. H. Jr., American Field Ser- vice — Ambulance. A. F. S., 5 May '17 S. S. U. 28; U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 640. A. E. F., France. Dis. May '19. Sibbernsen, A. H., Aviation. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Stationed at Ft. Snelling and other places. Dis. 22 Jan. '19. Simmons, J. A., Infantry. Enlisted, 8 Apr. '17. Entered 1st O. T. C. 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17, assigned to 307th Inf. Stationed at Hoboken. Dis. 21 Dec. '19. Sisk, R. T., Aviation. Cadet, 9 Jan. '18. Stationed at Prince- ton and other places. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Skinner, D. L., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 22 May '17, 1st N. Y. Cav., 27 Div. Tr. to 106th M. G Bn. Pro- moted to Corp., 3 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 10 Apr. '18 to 18 Mar. '19, Belgium, France. St. Souplet, St. Maurice River. Gassed. Hospital term, 18 Nov. '18 to 14 Jan. '19. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Smith, R. W., Ordnance. Priv., 16 May '17, Ord. R. C. Pro- moted to Corp., to Sergt., to Ord. Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., 18 Oct. '17 to 15 May '19, France, England, Germany. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Citation. Smith, R. Y., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17, 149th F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., later 1st Lt. (In- structor). A. E. F., 12 Sept. '17 to 24 Apr. '18, France. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Southwick, M. L., Naval Aviation. Landsman for Quartermaster's Mate, 14 Dec. '17. U. S. S. Seattle, 14 Aug. '18, convoy duty. Commissioned En- sign. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Sperry, P. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Apr. '17. Stationed at New Haven and New York; Office, Aid for Information. Dis. Nov. '19. Stoddard, G. C, U. S. N. R. F. Quartermaster 2nd CI., 17 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Kingfisher, U. S. S. Yoho, U. S. S. Massachusetts. (Atlantic Fleet). Commissioned Ensign, 25 Dec. '17, Senior Watch and Div. Officer. Pro- moted to Lt. (j.g.), Class 2 of Reserve. Ordered to inactive service, 18 Jan. '19. Stone, B., Ordnance. Enlisted 30 Apr. '18. Promoted to Corp. '19. A. E. F., 8 Sept. '18 to 2 July '19, France. Dis. 2 July '19. Storrs, J. W., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted A. F. S., 5 May '17, T. M. U. 526, (with 1st Dartmouth Unit). Pro- moted to 1st Sergt. Tr. to Q. M. C, 1 Oct. '17, Priv. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Tr. to Motor Trans. Corps. Promoted to 1st Lt, 13 May '19. Overseas, 5 May '17 to 13 July '19, France, Belgium. Somme Defensive. Dis. 4 Aug. '19. Straus, M. L., Aviation. Flying Cadet, Jan. '18. Attended School of Military Aeronautics. Sta- tioned at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. 1918 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 197 Street, A. B., American Field Service — Aviation. Enlisted A. F. S., June '17, T. M. U. 184. Priv., 27 Feb. '18, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, Aerial Photography Br. In- structor, 3 Apr. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 7 Aug. '18. A. E. R, 6 Oct. '18 to 1 Aug. '19, England, France, Germany. Dis. 28 Aug. '19. Streeter, P., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 4 May '17. U. S. S. Mat- sonia (troop ship) 1 June '18. U. S. S. Keresan (Ammunition Ship), 15 Sept. '18. Porto Rico, Venezuela, France. Commissioned Ensign, 18 May '18. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Strout, S. C, Field Artillery. Priv., 30 June '17, 52nd C. A. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18, 1st Lt. 9 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 24 Apr. '18 to 22 Dec. '18, France. Dis. 9 Jan. '19. Sturgess, T. A., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 5 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Magis- trate. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI., 1 Oct. '17, to Q. M. 2nd CI, 1 Jan. '18, to Q. M. 1st CI., 1 Apr. '18. Commissioned En- sign, 1 Oct. '18. Sea service all on Western Atlantic Ocean, 30 May '17 to 2 Oct. '18. Naval Communications, New London, Ct., 2 Oct. '18 to 17 June '19; Decoding Officer. Sullivan, J. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 13 Apr. '17. U. S. S. South- ery, 17 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Topeka, 28 Apr. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI., 29 Apr. '17, to Q. M. 1st CI., 16 June '17, to C. Q. M., 17 Aug. '17. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Syvertsen, R. C, Signal Corps. Corp v 12 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., Acting Sergt. Major. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 16 May '19, France. Marbache Defen- sive, Meuse-Argonne-Moselle Offen- sive. Dis. 31 May '19. Tarrant, T. R., Jr., American Field Service — Aviation. A. F. S., May to Oct. '17. Tr. to Aviation. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 May '18. Overseas, 3 July '17 to 18 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Taylor, W. N., Field Artillery. Sergt., 20 Sept. '17, 303rd F. A. Tr. to Engrs. E. R. C. (inactive list) 22 Mar. '18. Called to active duty, 23 Oct. '18, assigned to Dartmouth Unit S. A. T. C. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Teaze, S. J., Aviation. Cadet, 2 Oct. '17, 131st Depot Bri- gade. Commissioned 2nd Lt. A. S. Sta- tioned at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Thayer, J. A., Field Artillery. R. O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., assigned to 305th F. A. *Tirrell, E. C, U. S. N. R. F. Died of pneumonia in France, 1 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Tout, A. R. ,American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., 5 May '17, S. S. U. 28 (Dart- mouth Unit). Priv. 1st CI., U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 640. Overseas, 5 May '17 to 19 Apr '19, France, Belgium, Germany. Champagne, Chemin des _ Dames. Gassed. Croix de Guerre with silver star, bronze star. Dis. 24 Apr. '19. Tucker, B. C, Ambulance. Enlisted 2 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 510. A. E. F., Aug. '17 to Apr. '19, France, Belgium, Germany. Verdun, Aisne-Marne, Vesle engagements. Croix de Guerre. Dis. April '19. Tyrrel, R. T., Infantry. Enlisted, 12 May '17, O. T. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17. Sta- tioned at Camp Dix and Indianapolis. Dis. Jan. '19. Van Raalte, J. R., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 Mar. '18, 82nd F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., U. S. R. C. van Zelm, H. B., Navy. Seaman, 6 Apr. '17. Transport, U. S. S. Leviathan. Promoted to Sea. 1st CI., Dec. '17, to Q. M. 3rd CI., July '18. Ten trips overseas. Dis. 30 Dec. '18. Wales, W. C, Aviation. Priv., 10 Sept. '17. Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A. 30 July '18. Stationed at Love field and other places. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Warbasse, L. H., Aviation — Signal Corps— U. S. N. R. F. Flying Cadet, 27 July '17. Medical dis. Aug. '18. Re-enlisted 4 Sept. '18, Sig. C. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. Stationed at flying fields and Naval Experimental Station, New Lon- don. Dis. Mar. '19. 198 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1918 Ward, A. H., Medical Corps. Priv. 1st CI., Base Hospital No. 44, 7 July '17. A. E. R, 5 July '18 to 18 July '19, England, France. Dis. 23 July '19. Warner, R., Infantry. Enlisted 1 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 14 Aug. '17; 1st Lt. Assigned to 303rd Inf. A. E. F., 1 July '18 to 31 July '19, France, England. Dis. Aug. '19. Weston, C. F., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Machinist's Mate 2nd CI., 2 Apr. '17, submarine service to Nov. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A.). Commissioned Ensign (Flight Duty) June '18. Dis. 20 Dec. '19. Whipple, H. S., Infantry. Commissioned 27 Nov. '17, 2nd Lt., U. S. R. White, R. P., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 21 Oct. '18, 28th C. A. C, Ft. Strong. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Whitmore, H., Aviation. Joined Lafayette Flying Corps, May '17. Promoted from Corp. to Sergt., French Army. Commissioned 1st Lt., American Army. Overseas, May '17 to Jan. '19, France. German spring offen- sive of 1918. Prisoner of war after aerial battle in Apr. '18. Released from Germany, 6 Dec. '18. Croix de Guerre, palm. Dis. Jan. '19. Wiley, W. B., Field Artillery. Priv. 1st CI., 30 May '18. Assigned to 102nd F. A., Sept. '18. Promoted to Corp., 8 Aug. '18. Reduced to Priv. (voluntarily), 23 Sept. '18. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI. 8 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 22 July '18 to 28 July '19, England, France. British Univ. Detachment, 21 Feb. '19, Univ. London, New College. Dis. 31 July '19. *Williams, H. M., Intelligence Service. Killed in action, 26 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Williams, R. L., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 302nd F. A., 76th Div., 1 Sept. '17. Tr. to 349th F. A., 92nd Div. A. E. F., 15 June '18 to 6 Mar. '19. France. Marbache Sector. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. Wilson, H. W., Field Artillery. Priv., Oct. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C, Feb. '19. Stationed at Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. Feb. '19. Wilson, W. D., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 May '17, 1st Officers' Training Camp, Ft. McPherson, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 149th F. A., 1 Jan. '18. A. E. F., 8 Sept. '17, to Apr. '19; France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany. Lune- ville Sector, Baccarat Sector, Aisne- Marne Defensive and Offensive, St. Mi- hiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 10 May '19. Woleben, W. T., Naval Auxiliary Re- serve. Seaman 2nd CI., 1 Feb. '18. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI, 10 July '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, 7 Oct. '18. Promoted to Senior Watch Officer, 4 Jan. '19, U. S. S. Batjan, U. S. S. C. 103. Overseas duty, 6 Nov. '18 to 19 Aug. '19, Holland, France, Portugal, Argentina. Dis. 17 May '19. Woodman, P. D., American Field Serv- ice — Motor Transport Corps. With A. F. S, T. M. U. 526, for 6 mos. in '17. Enlisted 1 Oct. '17 in M. T. C. Overseas, May '17 to Apr. '19; France. French Volunteers Medal ; American Field Service Decoration; two general citations. Dis. 2 May '19. *Woolworth, R. M., Ordnance. Priv, 1 Aug. '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord, Oct. '17, to Sergt. 1st CI, Aug. '18 to Ord. Sergt, 28 Nov. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, Mar. '19. A. E. F, 26 Nov. '17 to 5 May '19, France. Dis. 24 May '19. Accidentally shot and killed, 18 July '20, Parry Sound, Ont. Wright, W. B., Aviation. Cadet, 15 Dec. '17, 202nd Aero Sqdn. Promoted to Sergt. Major, 498th Aero Sqdn, 1 Feb. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, A. S. A, 9 Nov. '18. Stationed at Princeton and other places. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Young, B. B, Ordnance. Enlisted 26 July '17, 11th Ord. Guard Co. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 22 Apr. '18 (Instructor). Stationed at San An- tonio, Tex, Camp Cody, N. M, Camp Meade, Md, Camp Devens, Springfield Arsenal, Mass, Camp Morgan, N. J. Dis. 11 Feb. '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 199 Youngstrom, A. F., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 10 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to Yeoman 2nd CI., June '17. Dis. 1 Jan. '19. Zabriskie, A. J., Ordnance. Enlisted 31 July '17. Promoted to Sergt. of Ord., Oct. '17, to Ord. Sergt., 22 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 26 Nov. '17 to 25 Mar. '19, France. Citation. CLASS OF 1919 *Bacon, C, American Field Service — Field Artillery. Killed in action, 24 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Bailey, J. M., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 17 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Bridge 12 June '17. Promoted to Coxswain, June '18; to Boatswain's Mate, Sept. 18. 3 trips to France, 1 trip to Ireland and Scotland. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Adams, D. L., Infantry. 1st Lt. Alderman, W. W. S., Aviation. 1st CI. Priv., Flying Cadet, 5 Feb. '18. Attended School of Military Aeronau- tics. Stationed at Camp Dick and oth- er places. Dis. 27 Nov. '18. Allen, F. G., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 1 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 17 Dec. '17; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 13 Jan. '18 to 16 Dec. '18. Mention for Distinguished Service by King George V. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Allen, W. W., Infantry— Coast Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C; to Ft. Monroe, Va. Dis. 21 Nov. '18. Allison, H. M., Ordnance. Enlisted 4 June '18, 4th Recruit Co. Stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground and other places. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. *Anderson, C. P., Aviation. Killed in aeroplane battle, 16 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Apteker, L v U. S. N. R. F. Apprentice Seaman, Harvard Naval Unit, 1 Oct. '18. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Austin, C. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 1 May '17. U. S. S. Massachusetts, U. S. S. Michigan, U. S. S. Florida. Commissioned Ensign, 5 Sept. '17, Lt. Q.g.), 1 July '19. At sea 10 Sept. '17 to 17 July '19, Atlantic Fleet. Convoy duty. Dis. 17 July '19. Avery, H. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Camp Grant, 111. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Balch, F. S., Navy. Enlisted 28 Mar. '17. U. S. S. South- ery, U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Albat- ross, U. S. S. Alert, U. S. S. Rockport. Hospital term, Sept. to Oct. '18. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Baldwin, K. B., Y. M. C. A.— U. S. N. R. F. " Building Secretary Y. M. C. A., 1 Sept. '17 to 1 July '18. Enlisted in U. S. N. R. F., 1 July ; 18, Seaman 2nd CI. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI. Commis- sioned Ensign, 1 Apr. '19. Stationed at Bumkin Island and other places. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Barbour, H. R., Navy. Seaman, Apr. '17. Petty Officer, Quartermaster. U. S. S. Slade, S. P. 580. Batchelder, W. C., Navy. Seaman, 20 Aug. '18. Stationed at Bumkin Island and Wakefield, Mass. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Beaman, R. E., Infantry. Enlisted 1 May '17, 101st Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., 17 Oct. '17; to Sergt., 1 Feb. '18. A. E. F., 6 Sept. '17 to 5 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, 2nd Battle of Marne, St. Mihiel Salient, Verdun. Wounded. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Belknap, C. B., Aviation. Recruit, 25 Feb. '17. Promoted to Priv., 15 Mar. '17; to Priv. 1st CI., 17 Aug. '17; to Corp., 15 Sept. '17; to Sergt., 15 Oct. '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Nov. '17; to Sergt. Major, 1 Dec. '17. Cadet, School of Military Aeronautics, 6 Jan. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 7 Aug. '18; R. M. A., A. S. A. Dis. 8 Jan, '19, 200 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Berry, J. E., Naval Aviation — Royal Flying Corps. Enlisted U. S. N. R. Flying C, Apr. '17. Re-enlisted in Royal Flying Corps (Canada), Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., May '18; 1st Lt, Sept. '18. C. E. F ; , May '18 to Apr. '19, England, Bel- gium, France. Mentioned in official dispatches ; official credit 2 Hun planes destroyed. Dis. Apr. '19. Biddle, C. W., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 4 Apr. '17. Promoted to Coxswain, July '17; to Boatswain's Mate, Oct. '17; Chief Boatswain's Mate Oct. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 20 Feb. '19. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. Bingham, G. H., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 12 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 7 June '18. Stationed at Bos- ton and other places. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. Bird, P. H., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 5 May '17. Sta- tioned at Newport and New London. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Bixby, L. C., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 17 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Neb- raska. Commissioned Ensign, 11 Feb. '18. Dis. 10 Sept. '19. Blanpied, F. A., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 8 Apr. '17. Promoted to Corp., 1 Apr. '18, to 2nd Lt., 22 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 3 Oct. '17 to 18 Apr. '19, Eng- land, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Seicheprey Defensive, Aisne- Marne, St. Mihiel Offensive. Hospital term, 1 Dec. '18 to 3 Jan. '19. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Bowles, N. C, Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 20 Sept. '18, 38th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Sergt., 6 Dec. '18. Tr. to Hdqrs. Det., 26th Inf. Brigade. Regtl. Sergt. Major, 15 Feb. '19. Stationed at Camp Lewis. Dis. 6 Mar. '19. Bradley, J. B., Navy. Seaman, 3 June '18. Dartmouth Training Unit and other places. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Brooks, A. N. D., Infantry. ' R. O. T. C, Ft. Des Moines. Dis. 4 Mar. '18. Brown, C. W., American Field Service — Field Artillery. Enlisted 2 June '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Aisne Front. Re-enlisted 26 Oct. '18, 12th Battery, F. A. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. *Brown, S. L., American Field Service — Aviation. Died as result of monoplane accident in France, 28 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Brown, W. B., U. S. N. R. F. Hospital Apprentice 2nd CI., 17 Apr. '17. Rated Hospital Apprentice 1st CI., 13 July '17; Pharmacist's Mate 3rd CI., 9 Nov. '17; Pharmacist's Mate 2nd CI., 1 Mar. '18, Pharmacist's Mate 1st CI., 1 Nov. '18. U. S. S. Owera. Dis. 3 July '19. Brown, W. J., U. S. N. R. F. Hospital Apprentice, 1st CI., 10 Dec. '17. Assigned to Naval Training Unit, Dartmouth, 30 Oct. '18. Released 13 Dec. '18. Dis. 9 Dec. '21. Brummer, R. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 26 Apr. '17. Promoted to Seaman 1st CI., Jan. '18; to Coxswain, June '18; Chief Boatswain's Mate, Oct. '18. Commissioned Ensign, June '19. U. S. S. Machigonne, U. S. S. Nebras- ka, U. S. S. Great Northern, Jan. 19. Dis. 30 May '19. I Buckley, J. W., Aviation. Enlisted R. O. T. C, 30 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., A. S. A., 29 Aug. '17. Stationed at Taliaferro Field and other places. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Burnett, D. T., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 11 Apr. '17. Promoted to Yeoman 1st CI., June '17; to Chief Yeo- man, Sept. '17. Stationed in Boston. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. Butterworth, B. T., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted 31 July '17. Commissioned 25 Mar. '18., 2nd Lt., R. M. A., A. S. A. Stationed at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Caldwell, G. W., Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 17 Apr. '17, Naval Radio School. Commissioned Ensign. U. S. S. Missouri. Dis. 4 June '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 201 Calhoun, I., Aviation. Enlisted 19 Aug. '17. Attached to 1st Aero Sqdn., 1st Army Corps, 1st Army, 9 Oct. '18. Tr. to 3d Army Corps, 3d Army, Nov. '18. A. E. F., 23 Nov. '17, to 29 July '19, France, Germany. Ar- gonne. Citation. Dis. 16 Aug. '19. Campbell, R. E., Navy. Enlisted 3 July '17, U. S. S. San Die- go. Convoy duty between New York and France, and Halifax and England. San Diego sunk off Fire Island, N. Y., 19 June '18. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Cannell, J. L., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 30 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Chief Storekeper, 1 Oct. '18. Dis. 15 May '19. Capps, J. G., Infantry— Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 22 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Carleton, E. P., Field Artillery. Enlisted in 9th Observation Battery, 16th Training Battery, Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 28 Oct. '18. Carto, W. J., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 14 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Tr. to Camp Grant, 111. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. Caswell, C. F., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 1 May '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation, 20 Aug. '18. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A.). Dis. 1 Feb. '18. Cavanaugh, J. C v U. S. N. R. R Seaman 2nd CI., 27 Mar. '18. Sent to Ensign School, 10 Oct. '18. Promoted to Q. M. 3d CI., 11 Oct. '18. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Celce, F. W., Medical Corps. Priv., 25 Apr. '17, Med. C. attached to 104th Inf. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Aug. '18; to Sergt. 1st CI., 1 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 4 Oct. '17 to 4 Apr. '19, France. Ap- remont Woods, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Chase, R. M., Naval Radio Service. Radio Electrician 3d CI., 17 Apr. '17. Promoted to Radio Electrician 2nd CI., to 1st CI., to Chief Electrician. Sta- tioned at Newport and other places. Dis. 16 Sept. '19. Chipman, J. H., American Field Serv- ice — American Red Cross — Foreign Legion. Priv. 2nd CI., 2 June '17, A. F. S., T M. U. 184. Tr. to A. R. C, Italian Am- bulance Service, 2 Dec. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. Tr. to Foreign Legion, June '18. as 2d Lt. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 21 Mar. '19, France, Italy, Belgium. Chemin des Dames, Piave Occupation. Battle of Flanders. Croix de Guerre with star. Dis. 21 Mar. '19. Clark, J. H., Field Artillery. Enlisted 7 Apr. '17, 1st N. J. Cav., which became 104th Military Police. Tr. to F. A. Officers' Training Camp. Commissioned 2nd Lt. ; assigned to 49th F. A. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Clark, P. W., Aviation. Enlisted 7 Jan. '18. Sent to Prince- ton School of Military Aeronautics. Dis. 8 Dec. '18. Clark, R. A., Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Enlisted 26 Aug. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 28 Feb. '19. Stationed at Chi- cago and other places. Dis. 8 Apr. '19. Clements, F. P., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 7 Apr. '17, 1st N. Y. Cav., fed- eralized as 104th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Oct. '17; to Corp., July '18. A. E. F., 31 May '18 to 13 Dec. '18, France, England. Mt. Kemmel, Dicke- busch, Hindenburg Line, St. Souplet, Le Catelet. Various hospital terms. Dis. 4 Mar. '19. Cody, L. F., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 20 Apr. '17, 131st Field Hos- pital, 108th San. Train. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 2 June '17. A. E. F., 14 June '18 to 28' May '19, France, Luxem- bourg. Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel. Division cited. Dis. 8 June '19. Cogswell, G. E., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 17 Apr. '17. Promoted to Ensign, 18 Feb. '18; to Lt. (j.g.), 21 Sept. '18. U. S. S. New Jersey, U. S. S. Robinson. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Colwell, H. E., Naval Aviation. Enlisted May '18. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Stationed later at Pay Shore. Dis. Dec. '18. 202 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Cook, R., American Field Service — U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 6 Jan. '17, A. F. S., Sec. 12. Overseas, 6 Jan. '17 to 1 Sept. '17, France. Verdun, Morte Homme and Hill 304. Tr. to U. S. N. R. F., 14 Mar. '18, Seaman 2nd CI. Cooper, W. W., Medical Corps— Ord- nance — Aviation. Enlisted 25 Apr. '17, 2nd 111. Field Hospital. Tr. to Ord. Det., 25 Sept. '17; to A. S. A., 17 Nov. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 25 Mar. '18. Instructor in cloud flying, 18 Aug. '18 to 9 Jan. '19, Ellington Field. Crosby, A. P., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 9 July '18. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 18 Oct. '18. Stationed at Boston and other places. Dis. 30 Dec. '18. Crumb, W. R., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 12 Apr. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI., Nov. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 27 Dec. '17; Ensign, U. S. N., 8 June '19. Dis. 21 June '19. Cunningham, E. W., Field Artillery- Coast Artillery. Priv., 8 Sept. '17, 303rd Heavy F. A. Promoted to 1st Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt. (F. A.), 1 June '18; 1st Lt., C. A. C, 9 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 5 Apr. '18 to 22 July '19, France. Marne De- fensive, Oise-Aisne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. Curran, H. G., Jr., Coast Defense Re- serve. Enlisted A. F. S., 2 May '17. Tr. to Norton Harjes Ambulance Units, 10 June '17. Dis. 21 Aug. '17. Enlisted Seaman, 17 July '18, Naval Coast De- fense Reserve. Promoted to Yeoman 3rd CI., 1 Nov. '18; to 2nd CI., 1 Jan. '19. Dis. 29 Mar. '19. Dain, T. A., American Field Service- Motor Transport Corps. A. F. S., T. M. U. 184, 2 June '17. Tr. to M. T. C, 1 Oct. '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., 15 Jan. '19. Overseas, June '17 to 18 July '19, France. Chemm des Dames, Cambrai, Somme, Aisne, Montdidier-Noyon and Champagne- Marne Defensives, Aisne-Marne Offen- sive. Dis. 26 July '19. Daley, F. M., Aviation. C. Q. M. (A), 3 June '18. Commis- sioned Ensign. Stationed at Key West and other places. Dis. 11 Feb. '19. Damm, W. M., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 21 June '18. Stationed at Hampton Roads, Va. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Davidson, L. H., American Field Ser- vice — Ambulance — French Artillery. A. F. S. 2 June '17, T. M. U. 184. Tr. to Italian Ambulance Service, Driver. Tr. to French Army, 118 Reg. d'Artil- lerie Lourde, Aspirant. Overseas, 2 June '17 to Mar. '19, France, Italy. Aisne, Chemin des Dames, Piave. Ital- ian Al Valore medal. Gassed. Hospi- tal term, two weeks, July '18. Dis. Mar. '19. DeBoer, P. K., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted, 29 Apr. '17, 106th M. G. Bn. A. E. F., Apr. '18 to Mar. '19, Belgium, France. Ypres, Hindenburg. Gassed. Hospital term, Oct. to Dec. '18. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. Deferrari, H., Medical Corps. Enlisted 15 June '17, Base Hospital No. 7. A. E. F., 8 July '18 to 25 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 4 Apr. '19. Dick-Peddie, W. S., Aviation. Flying Cadet, 20 Aug. '17. 2nd Lt., A. S. A., 8 Feb. '18. Instructor. Station- ed at Kelly Field and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Dodd, S. S., Aviation. Enlisted 8 May '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Instruc- tor. Stationed at Dallas and other places. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Drane, M. G. Dudensing, R., Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 30 Apr. '17, Naval Aviation. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A), Apr. '18. Stationed at Newport and oth- er places. Dis. 25 Dec. '18. Eads, W. M., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 28 Mar. '17. Promot- ed to Chief Boatswain's Mate. Prov. Ensign 15 Oct. '18. Stationed at Ports- mouth and other places. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 203 Eastman, A. B., Engineers (Canadian). Enlisted 15 Apr. '18, Engrs. (Cana- dian). C. E. R, 4 July '18 to 26 Feb. '19, England. Dis. 26 Feb. '19. Eastman, L. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 31 Mar. '17, U. S. S. P. 701. Promoted to acting Coxswain, to Chief Boatswain's Mate, IS Oct. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign 4th CI., 11 Feb. '18; En- sign 2nd CI., 20 May '18; Lt. (j.g.), Sept. '18. Overseas duty, 15 July '18 to 17 Jan. '19, Greece, Jugo-Slavia, Malta. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. *Eckles, R. S., U. S. N. R. F. Edwards, E. W., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 13 Apr. '17, U. S. S. South- ery. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Halcyon, U. S. S. Kearsarge, U. S. S. C. No. 428. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Ensign, U. S. N. Eldredge, D. H., Aviation. Enlisted A. F. S. Apr. '17. Dis. June '17. Enlisted Lafayette Flying Corps, June '17. Promoted to Corp. Pilot, 2 Dec. '17; assigned to Escadrille Spad 76, Feb. '18; promoted to Sergt., 15 May '18. Tr. to U. S. Air Service attached to French Sqdn. 76, 21 June '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. Overseas, 15 May '17 to 7 Feb. '19, France. Montdidier-Noyon, Soissons, Chateau-Thierry, Dormans, Reims, with French 5th Army until Armistice. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Emerson, J. O., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted as Priv. Commissioned 1st Lt., 3rd Army Corps. Assistant to Corps Surgeon. Ewart S. D., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant, 111. Dis. 17 Feb. '19. Fairman, G. W., Jr., Marine Corps. Priv., Rifle Range, Winthrop, Md. Tr. to 1st Reg. 3d Co., U. S. M. C, Phila- delphia. Farrar, H. K., U.S.N.R.F.— U.S.N.(T.) Seaman 2nd CL, 24 Apr. '17; U. S. S. Wasp, U. S. S. Louisiana. Promoted to Seaman 1st CI., 1 July '17. Commission- ed Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 20 Dec. '17; Ensign (T) U. S. N., 5 June '18. Con- voy duty, 1 Sept. to 15 Dec. '18. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Faulkner, F., Infantry. Priv., 27 June '18, 153rd Depot Brig- ade. Promoted to Corp., 21 July '18; to Sergt., 1 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 30 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Dix and Camp Lee. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. Fiske, E. W., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 4 May '17, U. S. S. Topeka. U. S. S. Calypso, U. S. S. Nickerie, U. S. S. Zaanland, U. S. S. Gold Shell, U. S. S. Sacearappa, U. S. S. Santa Clara. Commissioned Ensign, 24 Mar. '18; Lt (j.g), 2 Dec. '18. Fitts, S. C, American Field Service- Aviation. Enlisted in A. R S., May '17, T. M. U. 526. Chemin des Dames, Soissons. Promoted to Sergt. Tr. to Aviation, '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Dis. Dec. '18. Fleming, H. P., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 11 May '18. C. Q. M. (A). Commissioned Ensign, 27 Feb. '19. Sta- tioned at Miami, Pensacola, Rockaway and other places. Inactive orders, 6 Mar. 19. Dis. 10 May '22. Fornacca, J. J., U. S. N. R. F.— S. A. T. C. Seaman 2nd CI., 27 June '18. Tr. to Dartmouth Naval Unit, 8 Oct. '18. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Forrest, M., Navy. Gunner's Mate 3d CI., 6 Apr. '17. Promoted to Gunner's Mate 1st CI., 23 Nov. '17; to Chief Gunner's Mate, 1 Dec. '18. U. S. S. Aroostook. Over- seas duty 10 June '18 to 27 Dec. '18, Scotland (North Sea). Hospital term, 20 June to 1 July '17. Dis. 29 Dec. '18. Freedberg, M., U. S. N. R. R Enlisted 10 Dec. '17. Promoted to Coxswain, 20 Mar. '18. U. S. S. Lake Gedney. Service between France and Wales, and Ireland and Belgium, 6 Sept. '18 to July '19. French, R. B., Signal Corps. Enlisted 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. >. A. E. R, 10 July '18 to 22 July '19, France, Luxembourg. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 28 July '19. *Frothingham, P. B., Aviation. Died in airplane accident in France, 14 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. 204 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Fuller, G. A., American Field Service — Infantry (Machine Gun). Driver, A. F. S., 2 June '17, T. M. U. 184. Enlisted Aug. '18, M. G. Corps. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 10 Dec. '18. Overseas, 7 June '17 to 27 Apr. '18. France. Hospital term, 5 Jan. to 6 Feb. '18. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Gale, C. O., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 13 June '18. Promot- ed to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 17 Oct. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 20 Feb. '19. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 21 Feb. '19. Garrison, L. F., Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. Priv., 29 Mar. '18. Promoted to Corp., Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Slocum and other places. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Gerrish, P. H., Coast Artillery. Recruit, 2 Nov. '18. Promoted to Priv., 16 Nov. '18; to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 6 Feb. '19. Sta- tioned at Ft. McKinley and other places. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Gilchrist, K. D., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C; to Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 20 Nov. '18. Gillespie, F. C. Jr., Infantry (Machine Gun). 22 May '17, 106th M. G. Bn. A. E. F., 10 May '18 to 18 Mar. '19, France, Bel- gium. Dickebusch, Hindenburg Line, St. Souplet. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Gilmore, J. J. Jr., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 24 Jan. '18. Promoted to Ma- chinist's Mate; to 1st CI. Machinist's Mate. Stationed at Charleston and Pensacola. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. *Gilpatric, F. C, Jr., Infantry. Died of bronchial pneumonia, Camp Lee, 27 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Gilson, A. S., Jr., Medical Corps. Enlisted 10 Apr. '18. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 12 July '18. Stationed at Walter Reed Gen. Hospital and other places. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. *Giroux, E. A., American Field Ser- vice — Aviation. Killed in airplane battle 22 May '18. See Roll of Honor. Gluek, E. J., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 7 July '17, U. S. S. Wield- recht. Commissioned Ensign, 9 Sept. '18. Overseas duty, 26 Oct. '18 to 10 Apr. '18. Dis. 9 Sept. '18. Godbe, N. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 12 Apr. '17. Promoted to C. Q. M., 1 Apr. '18. Commissioned En- sign, 1 Sept. '18. Instructor. Dis. 18 Feb. '19. Godman, M. L., Field Artillery. Enlisted 18 May '17, 136th F. A. Pro- moted to Corp., 5 Aug. '17; Sergt., 1 Mar. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 31 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 10 Sept. '17 to 3 Dec. '17, England, France, Belgium. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Goettel, P. C., Aviation. Enlisted 5 June '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI. Commissioned 2nd Lt, R. M. A., A. S. A., 26 Jan. '18. Sta- tioned at Ellington Field and other places. Goldberg, W. V., Signal Corps. Priv. 1st CI. 1 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., 1 June '18; to Sergt. 1 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 12 July '18 to 24 July '19, France. Meuse- Argonne. Dis. 28 July '19. Goldiere, A. V., Ambulance — Infantry. Priv. U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562, 4 June '17. Cook, 22 June '17. Tr. to 164th In- fantry, 28 Feb. '18 as Priv. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562 as Cook, 11 May '18. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 18 July '19, Eng- land, France, Lorraine, Germany. Dis. 25 July '19. Goodnow, R. W., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '19. Tr. to Camp Grant. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Googins, A. H., Medical Corps. Enlisted 7 Oct. '18, Raritan Arsenal Post Hospital. Promoted to Corp., 4 Nov. '18; to Sergt., 7 Feb. '19. Gordon, J. A., American Field Service — American Red Cross — Foreign Legion. A. F. S., 2 June '17, T. M. U. 184. Tr. to A. R. C. with Italian Armies, 2nd Section. Tr. to Foreign Legion. 48 R. A. C. Overseas, 11 June '17 to Mar. '19. France, Italy. Chemin des Dames, Piave. Medaglia Bronzo Al Valor Mil- itare. Dis. Mar. '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 205 Grant, W. C, Medical Corps. Priv., 16 June '17, Base Hospital No. 33. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., July '18. A. E. F., 3 May '18 to 24 Feb. '19, Eng- land. Dis. 5 Mar. '19. Gray, H. D., Infantry. Priv., 18 July '18, 153rd Depot Brig- ade, Camp Dix. Promoted to Sergt, 26 July '18. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. Greeley, B. N., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 7 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Arctu- rus. Promoted from Oiler to Machinist's Mate 1st CI, Jan. '18; to Boatswain's Mate 1st CI., July '18. Commissioned Ensign, 2 Dec. '18. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Greeley, H. T., Field Artillery. Enlisted 3rd Regt, F. A. Replacement Div., 27 Aug. '18. Assigned Office of Superintending Constructor, U. S. Navy, June '17. Promoted to Corp., 8 Oct. '18. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Green, D. S., Infantry (Machine Gun;. Enlisted 1 May '17, Troop L, Cav., Conn. Nat. Guard, which was reorgan- ized as 101st M. G. Bn., 26th Div., IS Sept. '17. A. E. F., England, France. Seicheprey, Champagne-Marne Defen- sive, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Wounded, gassed. Dis. 18 July '19. Grey, P. A., Navy. Seaman 2nd CI., 9 July '18. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate., 18 Oct. '18. Stationed at Bumkin Island and other places. Dis. 29 Dec. '18. Guy, C. H., Lt. Overseas, Dec. '17 to June '18 with French army. Haehnlen, E. W., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 18 Sept. '17, San. Corps at- tached to Base Hospital. Promoted to Corp., June '18; Sergt., Aug. '18; Sergt. 1st CI., Mar. '19. On Pneumonia Com- mission, Camp Wheeler. Tr. to Base Hospital Laboratory, Camp Upton. Dis. 17 July '19. Haerle, L. H., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 28 May '18. C. Q. M. (A), U. S. N. R. F. Stationed at Boston and Key West. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Hall, H. E. R., Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 28 Alar. '17, U. S. S. South- erv. Promoted to Electrician 3rd CI. (Radio) 1 Jan. '18, to 2nd CI., 1 Oct. '18, to 1st CI., 1 Jan. '19. Convoy service from 10 July '17 to 11 Nov. '18. Trans- port service from 11 Nov. '18 to 1 Apr. '19. Dis. 9 Apr. '19. Hall, M. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 21 May '17. U. S. S. Virginia, U. S. S. Shark, U. S. S. Cole. Commis- sioned Ensign (R. F.) 7 June '18; En- sign, U. S. N., 18 Sept. '18. In war zone 15 Dec. '17 to 1 June '18 and 18 Sept. '18 to 10 Dec. '18. Dis. 23 June '19. Halliday, R., Field Artillery— Infantry. Enlisted 27 Apr. '17, 103rd F. A. De- tached to 102nd Infantry. A. E. F., Nov. '17 to Apr. '19, France. Aisne Sec- tor, Toul Sector, Seicheprey Defensive, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel Offensive, Verdun Sector, Meuse-Argonne Sector. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Hapgood, T. L. Enlisted 11 Nov. '18; discharged 12 Nov. '18. Unassigned. Harding, W. K., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 14 Apr. '17. Tr. from Fleet Reserve to Naval Aviation. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. (A.). Commissioned Ensign, 10 July '18. Stationed at New- port and other places. Dis. 15 Apr. '19. Harney, C. F., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted Jan. '18. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Mar. '18. A. E. F., 11 Jan. '18 to 6 May '19, England, France, Germany. Dis. 16 May '19. Harper, W. W., Infantry — Quartermas- ter Corps. Enlisted 4 Sept. '18, 158th Depot Brigade. Tr. to Q. M. C, 22 Nov. '18, Priv. Tr. to Hdqrs. Co. 158th D. B., Camp Sherman. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Harris, H. C, Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 3 Apr. '17. Commis- sioned Ensign, 24 Jan. '18; Lt. (j.g.) 1 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 26 Feb. '18 to 15 Dec. '18, Ireland, England, France. Hatton, W. C, Infantry. Supply Co., 101st Inf. A. E. F. 206 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919' Havlin, A. C, Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 9 May '17, Troop A, Cav., 1st Separate Sqdn. Mass. N. G. Reorgan- ized as 102nd M. G. Bn. Promoted to Lance Corp., 6 Jan. '18; to Corp., 29 Mar. '18; to Sergt., 27 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 5 Oct. '17 to 6 Apr. '19, France. Seicheprey, 2nd Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Wounded. Hospital term, 20 Apr. to 1 June '18. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Hawkins, W. M., Aviation. Enlisted 7 Jan. '18, Aviation Sec. Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 13 Dec. '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Hawks, H. G., U. S. N. R. F.— Aviation. Enlisted 16 May '17, U. S. S. Talopa. Dis. 25 Sept. '17. Enlisted Air Service, 24 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. M. A., 27 May '18. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Hayes, R. S, Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 28 Apr. '17. Attended Har- vard Radio School. Tr. to various Na- val Radio stations. Inactive duty 14 Jan. '19. Dis. 28 Apr. '21. Hayes, R. A., Infantry — Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Henderson, A. D., Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 1 May '17, 153d Depot Brig- ade. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 5 May '18. Stationed at Camp Dix and other places. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. Heydt, E. F., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 14 Apr. '17. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A) Mar. '18. Commissioned Ensign, Nov. '18. Stationed at Bay Shore and other places. Dis. Feb. '19. Higgins, W. V., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 301st M. G. Bn. Commission- ed 2nd Lt, 17 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., Sept. '18. A. E. F, 8 May '18 to 7 Jan. '19, France, England. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Hinds, R. A., Ambulance. Priv. 1st CI., U. S. A. A. S., 4 June '17. S. S. U. 562. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 13 July '19, England, France, Ger- many. Injured. Hospital term, 8 to 20 July '18. Dis. 23 July '19. Hitchcock, H. G., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 21 May '17. U. S. S. Minne- apolis. Midshipman, 5 Nov. '18. Com- missioned Ensign, 28 Jan. '19. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. *Hobbs, W. T, American Field Service — Aviation. Killed 26 June '18, by anti-aircraft guns. See Roll of Honor. Hodgdon, M. W., U.S.N.R.F.— U.S.N. Enlisted 21 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Nevada, U. S. S. Florida (with British Grand Fleet), U. S. S. Nahma. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, Oct. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Feb. '18; Ensign, U. S. N., July '18; Lt. (j.g.), July '19. Overseas, June '18 to Oct. '19, Scotland, Wales, Turkey, Russia and France. Dis. 24 Dec. '19. Hooven, W. A., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 19 June '18. Promoted to Seaman 1st CI, 21 Nov. '18. Stationed at Pelham Bay. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Howard, A. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI, 2 Apr. '18. Promot- ed to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 5 June '18. Commissioned Ensign 14 Oct. '18. Sta- tioned at Hingham and other places. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Howe, E. P., Infantry. Priv, 22 May '17, 1st Vt. Inf. Pro- moted to Corp, 1 Aug. '17; to Sergt, 22 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 5 Sept. '18; 1st Lt, 20 Sept. '18. A. E. F, 29 Sept. '18 to 16 Apr. '19, France, Germany. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 22 May '19. Hudson, R. S, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 14 Mar. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 16 Feb. '18; Lt. (j.g.) 1 Oct. '18. Overseas duty, 29 Mar. '18 to 3 Mar. '19, England, France, Italy. Dis. 18 Mar. '19. Huntington, J. K, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI, 20 Apr. '17. U. S. S. C. 48, U. S. S. P. Minerva, U. S. S. Brandenburg. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI, 17 Aug. '19. Commissioned Ensign, 20 Feb. '18. Overseas duty, 28 June '18 to 15 June '19, Great Britain, France, Azores. Retired as Lt. (j.g.), 8 Aug. '19. Huntoon, O. M., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 21 Oct. '18. Ft. Constitution. Dis. 26 Mar. '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 207 Hutchinson, R. W., Field Artillery. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to 338th F. A. Tr. to 349th F. A., 1 June '17. A. E. F., 15 June '18 to 6 Mar. '19, France. Marbache Sector, 2nd Army advance in direction of Metz. Dis. 13 Mar. '19. Ingraham, C. E., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 10 Apr. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Promoted to Gunner's Mate 3rd CI., 30 Apr. '18; to C. Q. M. (A), 28 May '18. Commissioned Ensign (A), 21 Dec. '19. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 26 Mar. '19. Ives, F. P., American Field Service — Signal Corps. Enlisted 21 Apr. '17, A. F. S., S. S. U. 19-3. In France and Serbia until 12 Nov. '17. • Enlisted 1 Mar. '18, 30th Service Co., Sig. C, Priv. 1st CI. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 23 Sept. '18. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Jackson, R. A., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 20 _ Apr. '17, 108 Sanitary Train, 131st Field Hospital. Promoted to Corp., 11 Mar. '18; to Sergt, 1 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 3 June '18 to 23 May '19, England, France, Luxembourg. Meuse- Argonne, Troyon Sector. Dis. 8 June '19. Jeavons, W. N., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 3 July '17, M. G. Co., 5th Ohio Inf. Commissioned 1st Lt., 5 Aug. '17, attached as Aide-de-camp to Gen. Zim- merman. Tr. to Military Police, 15 Feb. '18, as Billeting Officer of 37th Div. ; to Motors and Vehicles Div., Q. M. C, 31 Mar. '18. Dis. 12 May '19. Jenkins, S. F., Infantry. Enlisted 2 Aug. '18, 153d Depot Brig- ade. Promoted to Sergt., 14 Sept. '18. Tr. to 59th Co. 153rd D. B. 1 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Dix. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Johnson, H. E., Signal Corps. — Avia- tion. Enlisted 14 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Tr. to Aviation Sec. Sig. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 7 Feb. '19. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 13 Feb. '19. Johnson, K. B., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 14 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. (A). Stationed Bum- kin Island, M. I. T. and Miami, Fla. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. Johnson, W. B., Signal Corps. Priv. 1st CI., 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 1 Aug. '18 to 16 May '19, France, Belgium, Luxembourg. Dis. 2 June '19. Jones, A. P., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 5 Aug. '18. Stationed at Cambridge and other places. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Jones, M. C, Tank Corps. Enlisted 15 June '18, Tank Corps, Casual Tank Driver, (2 man American Tank). A. E. F., 10 Oct. '18 to 20 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 5 Apr. '19. Kendall, C. D., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. Oct. '17 as Priv. to M. T. C. Promoted to Sergt., Feb. '18. A. E. F., France. Chemin des Dames. Dis. July '19. Kingsbury, T., Engineers. Enlisted 8 May '17, 101st Engrs. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 6 July '19, Eng- land, France. Toul Sector, Seicheprey, Xivray-Marvoisin, Aisne-Marne Defen- sive, Chateau-Thierry, St. M i h i e 1, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 21 July '19. Knowlton, K. H., Infantry. Priv., 15 May '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18, 813th Pioneer Inf. A. E. F., 15 Sept. '18 to 12 July '19, France. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 12 July '19. Kohl, P. T., U. S. N. R. F. Chief Yeoman, 11 June '17. U. S. S. Mt. Vernon. Dis. 8 Mar. '19. Kunkle, J. E., Jr., Navy. Seaman 28 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Missis- sippi, U. S. S. Dorothea, U. S. S. Indi- ana. Promoted to Coxswain. Commis- sioned Ensign, 27 Dec. '17. Dis. 2 Jan. '19. ' Laird, F. L., Jr., Navy — Naval Avia- tion. Seaman, 4 June '17. Promoted to C Q. M., July '18. Commissioned Ensign. Stationed at Boston and other places. Dis. 31 Mar. '19. Lanyon, W. J., Infantry. Enlisted 4 Oct. '17, 304th Inf. Pro- moted to Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 31 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 26 June '18 to 16 July '19, France, Luxembourg. Dis. 10 Aug. '19. 208 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Lannon, R. R., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 1 May '17. Promoted to Q. M. 2nd CI. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Legg, E. R., U. S. N. R. F. Quartermaster, 23 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Crest, U. S. S. Rock- port, U. S. S. Laub No. 263, U. S. Sub- marines K 5 and N 3. Commissioned Ensign, 11 June '18; Ensign, U. S. N., 18 Sept. '18. Dis. 26 May '19. Leonhard, E. R., Naval Aviation. Seaman, 28 Apr. '17. C. Q. M., 8 Apr. '18. Commissioned Ensign 8 Oct. '18. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Levy, W. I., Infantry — Coast Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to Ft. Monroe. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 24 Jan. '19, and discharged. Lewis, O. B., Aviation. Cadet, 27 July '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '18. Stationed at Princeton and other places. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Libby, F. M., Field Artillery. 2nd Lt., 302nd F. A., Camp Devens. Little, G. V., Ordnance. Enlisted 6 Dec. '17. Promoted to Corp., to Ord. Sergt. A. E. F., Eng- land, France. Lodge, R., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 17 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Assigned to U. S. S. P. 31. Stationed at Wood's Hole and other places. Dis. 21 Dec. '19. , Long, B. S., Ordnance. Priv., 20 July '17. Promoted to Sergt., 25 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Feb. '18. A. E. F., 1 Sept. '18 to 1 July '19, France. Dis. 20 Aug. '19. Loring, R. A., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 23 Oct. '18, 2nd Co. Sta- tioned at Ft. Rodman. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Loudon, J. E., Jr., Navy. Seaman, 4 Nov. '18. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Lougee, E. D., American Field Service — Infantry (Machine Gun) — Avia- tion. Corp., 2 June '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to 36th M. G. Bn., Acting Sergt., 19 Sept. '18. Tr. to 280th Aero Sqdn., 14 Jan. '19. A. E. F., 2 June ;i7 to 29 Jan. '18, France. Aisne, Sois- sons, Chemin des Dames, Fort Malmai- son. Injured. Hospital term, 24 Dec. '18 to 20 Mar. '19. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Lovejoy, D. M., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 12 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Arizona, U. S. S. Olympia. Russian Destroyer Kapitain Yourosovski, Sept. '18. Com- missioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 28 Nov. '17; Ensign, U. S. N., 1 Apr. '18; Lt. (j.g.), 21 Sept. '18. Overseas 28 Apr. '18 to 8 Jan. '19, England, Russia, Nor- N way. Raids and skirmishes at Mur- mansk and Archangel. Dis. 19 June. '19. Ludlow, G. H., U. S. N. R .F. — Naval Aviation. Machinist's Mate2nd CI., 2 Apr. '17. Mosquito Fleet training. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Commissioned Ensign, 13 Feb. '18; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Oct. '18. Overseas 12 Mar. '18 to 4 Jan. '19. France, Italy. Italian Bronze Medal of Military Valor, Italian Service Medal, U. S. Navy Cross, Overseas Medal and Bar. Dis. 2 June '19. Luey, D., Naval Radio Service. Radio Electrician 2nd CI., 26 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Melville, U. S. S. New Jersey. Commissioned Ensign. Convoy duty, May '17 to May '18. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. Lyon, W. O., Field Artillery. Enlisted 8 May '17, 140th F. A. Tr. to 141st F. A. and to 142nd F. A. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 23 June '18. A. E. R, 29 Aug. '18 to 2 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. McCaslin, D. A., Navy. Enlisted 22 May '18. U. S. S. Annet- ta, U. S. S. Pensacola. Commissioned Ensign, (D.), 31 Jan. '19. Overseas du- ty, 11 Sept. '18 to 2 Dec. '18, 25 Apr. '19 to 16 June '19. Released 16 June '19. McCleery, F. M., Field Artillery. Enlisted 17 Apr. '17, 1st Ohio Regt. Reorganized to 135th F. A. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 31 Aug. '18. Stationed at Louisville and other places. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 209 McCoiinel, W. B v Infantry. Priv., IS May '17, 4th Inf. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 15 May '18; Capt. 4 Nov. '18, Stationed at Ft. Niagara and other places. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. McConnell, W. M., Ordnance — Coast Artillery. Enlisted 15 Dec. '17, Procurement Div. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C, 4 Dec. '18. Stationed at Ft. Monroe and Washington. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. McCraw, N. S., American Field Ser- vice — Naval Aviation. A. F. S., 2 June '17, T. M. U. 184. Tr. Sept. '18 to Naval Aviation. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 28 Nov. '17, France. Dis. 25 Nov. '18. *McCreery, F. P., Aviation. Killed in airplane accident in France, 11 May '18. See Roll of Honor. McCreery, W. C, U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 1st CI., 28 Apr. '17. Promot- :d to Chief Petty Officer. Commission- ed Ensign 11 July '19. Foreign service, Lough Foyle, Ireland, 7 Aug. '19 to 25 Dec. '19. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. McCutcheon, L. Navy. Enlisted May '17. U. S. S. Fulton, U. S. S. New Jersey, U. S. S. Minne- sota, U. S. S. Trippe, U. S. S. Penn- sylvania. Commissioned Ensign, Jan. '18; Lt. (j.g.), July '19. McGiffert, R. D., Infantry. Graduated from West Point, 1 Nov. '18. 2nd Lt., Regular Army. Mclntire, J. K. U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 20 May '17. Tr. to Aviation. Commissioned Ensign. Stationed at Cape May and other places. Dis. 1 Feb '10 *McMahon, D. M., U. S. N. R. F. Died 14 Oct. '18 at Bar Harbor, Maine, of pneumonia. See Roll of Honor. McMahon, W. G., Infantry. Enlisted 11 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 15 Aug. '18. Stationed at Plattsburg and Camp Dev- ens. Dis. 9 June '19. McQuiston, D. S., Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 29 July '18. Promot- ed to C. Q. M. (A), 14 Oct. '18. Station- ed at Great Lakes and other places. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. *Maroney H. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 11 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Gen. Gorgas, U. S. S. West Point. Acting Gunner's Mate, July '17. Promoted to Q. M., Feb. '18. Commissioned Ensign 13 July '18. Overseas duty, 8 Aug. '18 to 23 Dec. '18, South America, Panama, France. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. Died June 16, 1920, Hanover, N. H. . Marsh, F. T., Infantry. Candidate '23 July '17, Plattsburg O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Prov., Regular Army, 26 Oct. '17; 1st Lt. (T), 20 June '18. Matheson, K. W.„ Aviation. Enlisted 8 May '17, Aero Sqdn. 213. Commissioned 1st Lt. A. E. F., 25 Oct. '17 to 23 Feb. '19, France, England. St. Mihiel, Verdun. Dis. 25 Feb. '19. Mauk, S. M., Aviation. Cadet 6 Feb. '18. Stationed at Cornell University and Camp Dick. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. Meader, G. A., Signal Corps — Aviation. Enlisted 12 May '17, Sig. R. C, 2nd Field Bn. Tr. to Aviation Sec. Sig. C, 23 Mar. '18, Flying Cadet. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., 21 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Meader, R. I., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 Apr. '18. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 14 June '18. Commissioned Ensign, 14 Oct. '18. Sta- tioned at Hingham and other places. Dis. 18 May '19. Merrill, C. D., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 July '18. Assigned to Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Dis. 6 Jan. '19. *Merrill, W., Field Artillery. Died of wounds in France, 6 Nov. '17. See Roll of Honor. Metcalf, R. G., Engineers — Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 30 M*ay '17. Tr. to Casual Det. of C. W. S., 23 July '18. Assigned to Hdqrs. Det., 33rd Div., 19 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 11 Aug. '18 to 16 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 30 Jan. '19. •210 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Milligan, L. D., Signal Corps. Enlisted 5 May '17, 1st U. S. Sig. R. C. Tr. 5 Oct. '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., June '17. A. E. R, 10 July '18 to 23 July '19, France. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 5 Aug. '19. Mills, C. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 16 Sept. '19. Pro- moted to Seaman 1st CI. U. S. S. Ad- ams. Dis. 4 Dec. '19. Moran, L. J., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., S. S. U. 71 ; U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 650. Moriarty, J. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted Naval Aviation, Ground School, M. I. T., 9 Oct. '18. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Morse, H. J., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 20 Aug. '18. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Moulton, V. D. B., Naval Radio Ser- vice. Seaman 2nd CI., 28 Mar. '17. Pro- moted to Electrician, Radio, 24 Dec. '17. U. S. S. C. No. 130. Overseas duty, 25 Apr. '18 to 14 May '19; continuous bar- rage service, coasts of Italy, Greece, Austria. Bombardment of Durazzo. Fatiche di Guerra. Dis. 19 June '19. Moxon, E. W., Engineers. Enlisted 20 Nov. '17, 29th Engrs. Pro- moted to Corp. A. E. F., 24 Feb. '18 to 25 Feb. '19, France. Chateau-Thier- ry, St. Mihiel. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. Mullen, H. G., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 7 May '17. U. S. S. Wildcat, U. S. S. P. 76. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. , Munro, L. W., U. S. N. R. F. Machinist's Mate 2nd CI., 5 May '17. U. S. S. C. 385, U. S. S. Vermont. Com- missioned Ensign, 5 May '18. Foreign waters, 25 May '18 to 9 Dec. '18. Val- paraiso, Chile, Panama Canal Zone, At- lantic Convoy. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Munson, R. P., Naval Medical Corps. Enlisted 13 Apr. '17/ U. S. S. Utah. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A), 21 Jan. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 16 May '18. Overseas, 1 Sept. '18 to 20 Dec. '18, Ire- land, England, France. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. Murphy, J. H., Navy. Seaman 2nd CI., 5 June '18. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Murphy, S. W., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 29 May '18. C. A. C. (un- assigned). Master Gunner, Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Monroe and Camp Eustis. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. *Nathan, T. C, Aviation. Killed in airplane accident in Scot- land, 20 Mar. '18. See Roll of Honor. Newcomb, R. M., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 7 Apr. '17, 33d Inf. Ap- pointed Corp. and Asst. to Intelligence Officer, 1 June '17. Promoted to Sergt., 1 Oct. '17. Tr. to Officers' Training School for Regulars, Camp Gaillard. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 1 June '18; 1st Lt, 1 Sept. '18. Acting Capt. in com- mand of companies training for over- seas duty. Tr. 1 Oct. '18 to Machine Gun Officers' School. Hospital term, 25 Nov. '18 to 5 Jan. '19. Tr. as 1st Lt. to 50th U. S. Inf., 30 Mar. '19. Norris, C. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 May '17. U. S. S. Topeka. Tr. to U. S. Naval Railway Battery No. 1, Mar. '18. A. E. R, 26 May '18 to 26 Dec. '18, France. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. Norton, M. A., U. S. N. R. R Seaman 2nd CI., 13 Feb. '18. Pro- moted to Yeoman 2nd CI., 1 Aug. '18. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. O'Gorman, C. J., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. O'Neill, A. J., Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 29 June '18. Promoted from Lds., Radio, to Seaman. Stationed at Pelham Bay and U. S. Naval Radio School. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Owen, G. W., U. S. N. R. R Enlisted 31 Mar. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 1st CI., 1 Jan. '18; to C. Q. M., 1 Feb. '19. Overseas duty, 25 Apr. '18 to 29 Apr. '19 ; on U. S. S. C. 248 based at Corfu, Greece; Spalato, Austria; Pir- aeus, Greece ; and Constantinople. Dis. 8 May '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 211 Owens, H. S., Navy. Seaman, 17 Apr. '17, U. S. S. C. 84. Promoted to Gunner's Mate. Overseas duty, 18 May '18 to 10 Apr. '19, Eng- land, Scotland, France, Portugal, Azores, Bermuda. Dis. 9 July '19. Paisley, R. J., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17, U. S. Naval Aviation. Commissioned 2nd Lt., U. S. N. Flying Corps, 28 May '18. A. E. F., 15 July '18 to 20 Dec. '18, France, Bel- gium. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Palmer, A. I., Coast Artillery. Priv., 16 Feb. '18, 56th C. A. C. Pro- moted to Corp., 9 July '18. Tr. to 67th C. A. C, 21 Jan. '19. A. E. F., 28 Mar. '18 to 2 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 18 Mar. '19. Palmer, E. J., Naval Radio Service. Radio Electrician, 4 Apr. '17. Promot- ed to Gunner, 31 Mar. '18. U. S. S. Sylvia, U. S. S. C. 201 and 194. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Parsons, H. C, Infantry (Machine Gun) — Ammunition Train. Priv. 1st CI., 4 June '17, 1st N. Y. Cav. Automatically transfered to 106th M. G. Bn., Co. C. Tr. 28 Feb. '18 to 102nd Ammunition Train. Wagoner, 1 May '18. A. E. F., 14 June '18 to 11 Mar. '19, France. Argonne-Meuse Of- fensive, Verdun. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Patton, L., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 24 Oct. '17. Pro- moted _ to Q. M. 2nd CI., 5 Sept. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 30 Dec. '18. Sta- tioned at Chicago and other places. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. Pedlow, F. A. Navy. Seaman, 2 July '18. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Pelletier, J. S., U. S. N. R. f . Enlisted 4 May '17. Promoted from Gunner's Mate 3rd CI. to G. M. 2nd CI., to G. M. 1st CI. U. S. S. Roanoke. Overseas,' 10 May '18 to 10 Dec. '18, Scotland. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Pette, E. A., Infantry (Machine Gun). Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17, 304th M. G. Bn. A. E. F., 16 Apr. '18 to 6 May '19, France. Baccarat Sector, Vesle Sector, Oise-Aisne Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Divisional Citation. Dis. 30 May '19. Phelan, J., U. S. N. R. F. Ensign. Phelps, E. H., Infantry. Enlisted 23 July '19, 151st Depot Brigade. Tr. to 73rd Inf. Dis. 12 Dec. '19. Phillips, C. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 10 Jan. '18. Pro- moted to Chief Boatswain's Mate. Com- missioned Ensign. Stationed at Boston. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Phinney, W. L., Jr., Signal Corps — In- fantry. Enlisted 24 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 25 Feb. '18; assigned to 49th Inf. A. E. F., 18 July '18 to 14 July '19, France. Dis. 6 Aug. '19. Picken, W. H., Jr., Tank Corps. Enlisted 24 May '17, 304th Bn. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. A. E. F., 1 Oct. '18 to 25 Aug. '19, England, France. Dis. 25 Aug. '19. Pilsbury, E. K., Navy. Enlisted 14 Apr. '17. U. S. S. C. No. 45, May to Oct. '18. Promoted to Boat- swain's Mate 2nd CI., 10 June '18; to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 1 Oct. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 20 Jan. '19. Tr. to duty as torpedo instructor. 14 Apr. '17 to 24 Mar. '19 on the high seas. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. Pitman, F. L., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., 17 June '17, S. S. U. 28. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., 17 Sept. '17, S. S. U. 640. Overseas, 17 June '17 to Mar. '19. France, Belgium, Germany. Cham- pagne Sector, Reims, Aisne-Defen- sive, Aisne Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Belgium Offensive. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 18 Apr. '19. Pollard, R. P., Infantry. Enlisted 19 Jan. '18, 1st Vt. Inf. Nat. Guard. Tr. to 57th Inf., 1 Feb. '18; to 330th Inf., 4 Nov. '18; to 346th Inf., 20 Nov. '18; to 310th Inf., 7 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 29 Sept. '18 to 22 July '19, France. Dis. 29 July '19. Potter, R. H., Jr., American Field Ser- vice — Ambulance. A. F. S., June '17, S. S. U. 28. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 640, Sept. '17, Priv. Promoted to Sergt., 15 Oct. '17; to Sergt. 1st CI., 15 June '18. Commis- sioned 1st Lt., 8 Sept. '17. Overseas, 20 June '17 to 20 Mar. '19, France, Bel- gium, Alsace. Champagne, 2nd Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel Offensive, Ar- gonne-Meuse Offensive, Ypres-Lys. Three Croix de Guerres. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. 212 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Powell, B. B., Signal Corps. Priv., 3 June '17, Sig. E. R. C, 2nd Bn. Tr. to 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 11 June '18 to 17 July '19, France. Metz Front. Dis. 23 July '19. Powers, A. D., Signal Corps. Enlisted 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E.'F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, Marbache Defensive. Dis. 3 June '19. Pratt, H. C, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 31 May '17. Commissioned Ensign. U. S. N. R. F., 9 Mar. '18; Lt., U. S. Marine Flying C, 19 Aug. '18. Stationed at Cambridge and other places. Dis. 31 July '19. Prendergast, T. H., Engineers. Enlisted 12 Apr. '17, 102nd Engrs. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Apr. '18; 1st Lt., July '18. A. E. F., France. Proctor, R, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to N. C. State College. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Rautenberg, E. C, Coast Artillery. Enlisted 5 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 25 Sept. '18. A. E. R, 10 Oct. '18 to 11 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. Rector, L. H., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 4 June '18, 5th O. T. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C, 25 Sept. '18. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Robinson, M. R., Ordnance. Priv., 19 July '17. Promoted to Ord. Sergt., 1 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 24 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Lewis and other places. Dis. 10 Mar. '19. Roland, R. H., American Field Service — American Red Cross. A. F. S., 2 June '17. T. M. U. 184. Tr. to A. R. C. Ambulance Service, 1 Dec. '17, with Italian Army, 2nd Lt. Over- seas, 2 June '17 to 4 June '18, France, Italy. Chemin des Dames, Ft. de Mal- maison. Italian Medal. Dis. 15 June '18. Radford, J. S., Jr., Cavalry — Infantry. Enlisted 11 May '17, 301st Military Police. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 10 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 12 May '19. A. E. F., 8 July '18 to 1 July '19, England, France, Germany. Dis. 1 Aug. '19. Raible, C. G., Navy. Seaman, 26 Mar. '17. Commissioned Ensign, 26 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Topeka, (Division Officer), U. S. S. Albatross, U. S. S. Wakiva. Overseas duty, 17 Aug. '17 to 22 Jan. '19, North Sea, Eng- lish Channel. 3 citations. Dis. 12 Mar. '18. Rand, G. W. 2nd, Engineers. Enlisted 17 Sept. '17, 101st Engrs. A. E. F., 26 Sept. '17 to 30 July '19, England, France. Toul Sector, Pas Fini Sector. Gassed. Hospital term, 17 July to 15 Sept. '18. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Ranney, A. H., Ammunition Train — Coast Artillery. Enlisted 21 Oct. '18, 60th Amm. Tr. Tr. as Acting 1st Sergt., 6th Co., C. A. C, 9 Dec. '18; as Priv., to 2nd Co., C. A. C, 20 Dec. '18. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI. 15 Tan. '19. Stationed at Ports- mouth. Dis. 25 Mar. '19. Rose, J. K., Aviation. Aviation training camp, Urbana, 111., 1 Feb. '18. Ross, J., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 5 May '17. Promoted to 3rd CI. Q. M., 8 July '18. Commis- sioned Ensign (D), 2 Nov. '18. Station- ed at Block Island and other places. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Rowell, A. P., Signal Corps. Enlisted 16 July '18, Vocational School, N: Y. Univ. Tr. to Sig. C. 15 Sept. '18. Priv. 1st CI, 1 Nov. '18. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Ruml, W. Jr., Medical Corps. Enlisted 11 May '17. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 1 June '17; Sergt., 31 Mar. '18. Commissioned 1st Lt. 1 June '18; Capt. 23 Sept. '18. Tr. to 104th Inf., 22 Aug. '17; to Hdqrs., 6th Div, 21 Nov. '17; to Hdqrs, 101st Sanitary Tr, 26th Div, 12 June '18. A. E. F, France, England. Chemin des Dames Sector, Toul Sector, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Dis. 17 Mar. '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 213 Russell, S. A., Medical Corps — Field Artillery. Enlisted 9 May '17, Med. Corps. At- tached to 104th Inf. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A., 22 Mar. '19. A. E. F. 4 Oct. '17 to 5 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames Sector, Toul Sector, Marne Salient, Aisne-Marne Offensive. Cita- tion. Dis. 1 May '19. Salmon, D. C, Marine Corps (Machine Gun). Enlisted 9 June '18, U. S. M. C. Tr. from 1st Separate M. G. Bn. to 5th Regt. as Corp. A. E. R, 2 Sept. '18 to 31 Dec. '18, France. Meuse-Argonne. Hospital term, 7 Nov. to 18 Dec. '18. Dis. '19. Sandoe, N. M., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 19 Aug. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 17 Dec, '18. Sta- tioned at Portsmouth and other places. Dis. 13 Mar. '19. Sawyer, S. C, U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 2 July '18. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Schriber, P. D., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 15 Apr. '17. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI., 4 Oct. '18. Commission- ed Ensign, 28 Dec. '18. Stationed at Newport and other places. Dis. 26 Jan. '19. Schulz, R. W. S., Infantry— Quarter- master Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Priv. 19 Nov. '17, 151st Depot Brigade. Tr. to Q. M. C, 6 Dec. '17; to M. T. C. Promoted to Sergt., 17 Mar. '18. A. E. R, 4 Jan. '18 to 11 June '19, France. Dis. 19 June '19. Sears, C. M. Jr., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Aug. '18, 156th Depot Brigade. Stationed at Camp Jackson and other places. Tr., 15 Oct. '18, to Artillery Officers' Training Camp, Camp Zachery Taylor, Louisville, Ky. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Seward, R. E., Navy. Seaman, 12 Dec. '17. Promoted to Seaman 2nd CI., to Seaman 1st CI., to Q. M. 3d CI., to Q. M. 2nd CI. U. S. S. C. 219, U. S. S. Prairie, U. S. S. Mug- ford. Overseas duty, June to Nov. '18, Azores. U. S. S. C. 219 sunk off coast of Spain. Hospital term, Jan. to May '19. Dis. 3 May '19. Shelburne, J. A., Signal Corps. Enlisted 1 Sept. '17, 325th Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Corp., Apr. '18; to Sergt., June '18. A. E. F., 10 June '18 to 27 Feb. '19, France. Vosges, Ar- gonne, Marbache. Dis. 10 Mar. '19. Sheldon, S., Jr., Ambulance. U. S. A. A. S., 5 June '17, Sec. 554. A. E. F., 7 Jan. '18 to Apr. '19, France, England. St. Mihiel, Argonne, Cham- pagne. Dis. 14 Apr. '19. Shields, H. E., Aviation. Priv., 19 Apr. '18, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Stationed at Ithaca and other places. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Siegbert, H., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 19 Aug. '18. Stationed at M. I. T. and Key West. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Smith, A. M., Naval Medical Corps. Hospital Apprentice 2nd CI., 29 May '18. Promoted to Hosp. App't. 1st CI., Feb. '19; to Pharmacist's Mate 1st CI., June '19. U. S. S. Plattsburg. Dis. 14 Oct. '19. Smith, F. W., Infantry (Canadian). Enlisted 15 Aug. '17, McLean Kilties, 236th C. O. Bn. Tr. to Canadian Black Watch, 13th Bn. R. H. C, 13 Mar. '18. Promoted to Corp., 19 Nov. '17; to Sergt., 2 Nov. '18. C. E. F., 30 Oct. '17 to 18 Apr. '19, France, Belgium, Ger- many. Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord. Douai, Valenciennes. Dis. 20 Apr. '19. Smith, K. D., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 31 Oct. '18, 19th C. A. C. Stationed at Ft. Hamilton. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Smith, R. H., Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17. Stationed at Naval Radio Schools, Newport and Cambridge. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Smith, W. F., U. S. N. R. R Enlisted 28 May '17. U. S. S. Massa- chusetts, U. S. S. C. 351. Promoted to Qualified Listener 1st CI., Apr. '18. Overseas, Mar. '18 to Sept. '19; Eng- land, France. Dis. 17 Sept. '19. Smith, W. M., Navy. Enlisted 13 Dec. '17. U. S. S. Pueblo, Convoy Duty between U. S. and France 19 Mar. '18 to 12 Dec. '18. U. S. S. Pueblo, Radio Div., 14 July '18 to Dec. '18. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. 214 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1919 Spaulding, F. N., American Field Serv- ice — Field Artillery. A. F. S., 31 May to 4 Dec. '17, T. M. U. 184. Tr. to Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, 28 Oct. '18. Dis. Dec. '18. Stackpole, A. N., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 22 Aug. '17, Q. M. R. C. Pro- moted to Sergt., Q. M. C, Sergt. 1st CI., 3 Aug. '18. Tr. to Q. M. Corps- at-large, 20 Nov. '18. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI. A. E. F., 12 July '18 to 27 Jan. '19, England, France. Hospital term, 5 Jan. to 15 May '19. Dis. 15 May '19. Stecher, R. M., Aviation. Flying Cadet, unattached, 18 May '18, A. S. A. Stationed at Columbus, O., and other places. Dis. 29 Nov. '18. Sterling, N. E., Field Artillery. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Aug. '17; assigned to 331st F. A. Promoted to 1st Lt, 28 Dec. '17. A. E. F, Sept. '18 to Feb. '19, France. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Stewart, A. R., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 14 Oct. '18. Marine Flying Corps, Gunnery Sergt. Stationed at League Island and M. I. T. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Stoughton, E. F., Signal Corps. Enlisted 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 13 May '17 to 3 June '19, France. Mar- bache Defensive, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 3 June '19. Strout, F. S., Ambulance. Enlisted 11 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 607. A. E. F, 28 Mar. '18 to 7 May '19, France. Dis. 23 May '19. Sykes, L. E., Ambulance. Enlisted 4 June '17, U. S. A. A. S., Sec. 562. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, England, France. Aisne Defensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne- Marne Offensive. Dis. 11 June '19. *Taylor, F. G. *Tayntor, C. E., Medical Corps. Died 3 Oct. '18 of double pneumonia in France. See Roll of Honor. Thomas, F. H., Navy. Seaman, 5 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Uncas, S. P. 689. Ensign, C. O, S. C. 328. Dis. 15 Jan. '18. Towle, R. M., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 May '18. Commissioned Ensign (D.), 1 Mar. '19. Stationed at Chicago and other places. Dis. 22 Apr. '19| Townsend, E. S., Aviation. Enlisted 6 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aviation Sec, Sig. C, 13 Mar. '18. Stationed at Berkeley, Cal., and other places. Dis. 12 Oct. '18. Townsend, W. G., Infantry (Machine Gun.) Enlisted 22 May '17, 1st N. Y. Cav., which was changed to 104th M. G. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 17 May '18; to Corp., 10 June '18. A. E. F., 21 Mar. '18 to 4 Apr. '19, France. Dis. 8 Apr. '19. Treat, S. M., Infantry. Enlisted 25 Aug. '17, R. O. T. C. Commissioned 1st Lt., 153rd Depot Bri- gade Nov. '17. Tucker, M., Ambulance. U. S. A. A. S., 3 June '17, Sec. 562. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, Eng- land, France, Germany. Aisne Defen- sive, Champagne-Marne Aisne-Marne Offensive. Dis. 11 June '19. Turner, R. S., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 1 June '18. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A.), 1 June '18. Commissioned Ensign, 13 Feb. '19. Stationed at M. I. T. and other places. Dis. 3 Mar. '19. Valentine, F. B. U. S. Military Academy. Vinkemulder, H. B., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 24 June '18. Sta- tioned at Great Lakes. Dis. 4 Feb. '19. Vliet, J. W., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., U. S. S. Ardent. Stationed at Newport and New Lon- don, Conn. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Vorce, R. M., Field Artillery. Enlisted 7 May '17, 101st F. A. A. E. F., 7 Sept. '17 to 7 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Cha- teau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse Ar- gonne, Verdun. Gassed. Hospital term, 9 Oct. to 24 Dec. '18. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. 1919 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 215 Wallis, R. N., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. unit; to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C, 15 Jan. '19 and discharged. Warden, A. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 13 Apr.'17. Patrol duty. Commissioned Ensign, 10 May '18, with Atlantic Fleet on U. S. S. Louisiana; qualified torpedo officer. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. Warner, C. H., Signal Corps. Priv. 8 Aug. '18. Stationed at Ft. Wood and other places. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Warner, W. B., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 1 May '17. Commissioned Ensign, 11 Feb. '18. Overseas duty, 3 Aug. '18 to 22 Mar. '19, England, Italy. Warnke, E. W., Aviation — Infantry (Machine Gun.) Cadet, 13 Aug. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Tr. to M. G. Co., 22nd U. S. Inf. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. Washburn, W. D., Jr., U. S. N. R. F.— Aviation. Enlisted 28 Mar. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. to Aviation. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. S. A., Aug. '18. Stationed at Ft. Omaha and other places. Dis. 27 May '19. Watson, P. K., Ambulance — Field Ar- tillery. Norton Harjes Ambulance Unit, 25 Apr. '17 to 1 Nov. '17. Chemin des Dames, Reims. Tr. 28 Aug. '18 to F. A. Central Officers' Training School. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 11 Dec. '18. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Welsh, R. B., Infantry— Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. West, R. S., Signal Corps. Enlisted 17 Oct. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Stationed at Leon Springs and other places. Dis. 20 Feb. '19. Wetherby, J. K, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 27 Aug. '18. Stationed at U. S. Naval Aviation Training Station, Seattle. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Wheeler, L. C, Infantry. Enlisted 9 Sept. '18, Central Offi- cers' Training School. Dis. 5 Mar. '19. White, P. G., Field Artillery. Priv., 1 July '17. Promoted to Corp., Regt'l Hdqrs. *Wilcox, D. G., Coast Defense Reserve — Naval Aviation. Killed in seaplane accident in Florida, 29 Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Wilder, R. N., U.S.N.R.F.— U.S.N. (T.) Enlisted 10 Apr. '17, U S. S. Aztec. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F , Jan. '18; Ensign, (T) U S. N., 8 June '18. U. S. S. Kansas, U. S. S. Walker. Promoted Lt. (j.g.) (T.) U. S. N, 1 July '19. U. S. S. Borie, U. S. S. Wood- cock, U. S. S. Reuben James. Duty U. S. Naval Forces in European Waters, 28 Dec. '19 to Nov. '21 ; U. S. S. Olympia. Resigned 1 Dec. 21. Wilkinson, H. F., Infantry. Priv., 11 Sept. '18, 152nd Depot Bri- gade, Camp Upton. Dis. 12 Nov. '18. Williams, J. R., Ambulance. U. S. A. A. S., 4 June '17, Sec. 562. A. E. F., 9 Jan. '18 to 4 June '19, England, France, Germany. Defensive Sector. Dis. 11 June '19. Wilson, J. H., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A.), 5 Aug. '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Ground School and Miami. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Woods, P., Jr., American Field Service — Field Artillery. Enlisted June '17, A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to 306th F. A. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI., Oct. '18. Overseas, June '17 to July '19, France. Toul Sector, Aise-Marne, Argonne. Dis. July '19. Wylde, A. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 15 May '18. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Dis. 20 Aug. '18. Wylie, J. R., Jr., Aviation. Enlisted 1 June '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 4 Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1920 Adams, L. S., Marine Corps. Enlisted 14 Tuly '18. Stationed at Paris Island. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. 216 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1920 Ainsworth, T. H., Infantry — Motor Transport Corps. Entered Plattsburg Camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Re-enlisted in M. T. C, 1st Road Regt., 3 Nov. '18. Pro- moted to Corp. Stationed at Camp Jo- seph E. Johnston and Philadelphia. Dis. 16 May '19. Albright, H. B., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 12 Apr. '17. Promoted to Coxswain; to Boatswain 2nd CI. U. S. S. C. 78, S. S. Radetsky. Overseas service, Mar. '18 to July '19, Italy, Greece, Austria. Dis. Aug. '19. ' t Amsden, J. P., S. A. T. C— Ordnance. Enlisted 2 Oct. '18, S. A. T. C, Dartmouth. Tr. to Ordnance Dept., 19 Nov. '18, 2nd CI. Priv. Stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Amsden, K. M., Infantry. Priv., Central Officers' Training School, 15 Aug. '18. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. i Anderson, O. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 6 May '18. Promoted to C. Q. M. Commissioned Ensign, 25 Feb. '19. Dis. 27 Feb. '19. Anderson, W. R., Jr., Engineers. 14th Railway Engineers. A. E. F., France. Andretta, S. A., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 28 Sept. '18. Attended M. I. T. Dis. 21 Nov. '18. ♦Andrews, F. S., Signal Corps— Avia- tion. Enlisted 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted from Priv. 1st CI. to Cadet. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 26 Oct. '18, R. M. A., A. S. A. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. Died Jan. 2, 1920. Antrim, H. S., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A.), enlisted 28 Aug. '18. Ashton, C. M., Jr., American Field Service — Infantry. Enlisted Apr. '17, A. F. S., S. S. U. 28. Overseas, May to Nov. '17, France. Champagne. Wounded. Hospital term 15 July to Oct. '17. Croix de Guerre. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 16 Sept. '18. Stationed at Washington. Dis. Jan. '19. Ayres, B. W., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant and assigned to Inf. Repl. and Training Troops. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Baketel, H. S., Jr., Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted 20 Oct. '18, Motor Co. 2. Stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnston. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. Barnes, A. B., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 3 June '18, 19th Co., C. A. C. Promoted to Corp., 18 Aug. '18; to Sergt., 29 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Banks. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Baron, G. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 14 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Commissioned Ensign, 14 Oct. '18. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. *Bartlett, G., Ambulance— Field Ar- tillery. Died in France of wounds, 19 Sept. '18. See Roll of Honor. Batchelder, C., Infantry. Priv., July '17, 136th Inf. Promoted to Sergt. Apr. '18. Stationed at Camp Stanley. Bedford, J. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17. U. S. Armed Guard Service. U. S. S. Columbia. Gunner on the S. S. Westoil, which was destroyed by fire off Italy. Held at Genoa, Italy and Gibraltar, for pass- age home. 8 months foreign service. Mediterranean and off coast of Scot- land. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. Bender, D. W., Marine Corps. Enlisted 2 June '17, 5th Regt, U. S. M. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 2 June '17; 2nd Lt. (T.), 27 Aug. '17; 1st Lt. (T.) 1 July '18; Capt. (T.), 2 July '18. A. E. F., 10 Nov. '17 to 11 July '19, France Germany. Belleau Woods, Chateau- Thierry Sector, Soissons. Wounded. Injured. Hospital term, 18 July to 25 Dec. '18, 6 June '19 to 24 May '20. Chevalier's Cross of the Legion of Honor, French War Cross with palm. Beranek, J. G., Infantry — Field Artil- lery. Priv., 156th Depot Brigade. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., Hdqrs. Tr., 12th Div., 1 Sept. '18; to Corp, 11 Oct. '18. Tr. to F. A. Central Officers' Training School, 33rd Training Battery, 26 Oct. '18. Dis. 29 Nov. '18. 1920 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 217 Bernkopf, H. E., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Dart- mouth S. A. T. C; to Officers' Train- ing Camp, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Bidwell, C. C, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 5 June '18, Naval Aviation. Stationed at M. I. T. Ground School. Dis. 25 Nov. '18. Bidwell, H. F., Medical Corps. Enlisted 7 Aug. '18. Promoted to Corp., 1 July '19. Stationed at Walter Reed Gen. Hospital and other places. Dis. 13 Sept. '19. Bishop, W. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 16 Aug. '17. Blaine, I. E.; Infantry. Enlisted 29 Aug. '18, 152nd Depot Brigade, Camp Upton. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. Bliss, T., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 19 May '17, U. S. N. R. F., Mine-sweeping duty. Promoted to Gun Capt., June '18. Commissioned Ensign, Sept. '18. U. S. S. Carolina, Sept. '18 to Jan. '19, transport duty. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Bowen, E. J., Infantry — Field Artillery. Entered Fort Sheridan camp for S. A. T. C. units, 19 Aug. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to F. A. Central Officers ' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Bowerman, P., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Univ. of Pittsburgh. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Bradley, R. S., Aviation. Priv. 1st CI., 11 Nov. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 1 July '18, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Stationed at Princeton and other places. Dis. 22 Jan. '19. Bradley, T. W., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. C. Q. M., 13 May '18. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Commissioned Ensign, 5 Dec. '18. Stationed at M. I. T. ; later at Rock- away Beach, L. I., in the guarding of New York Harbor. Dis 4 Mar. '19. Brewer, J. H., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Brotherhood, J. O., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 4 June '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 26 Nov. '18. Bruce, E. H v U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Burns — S. P. 542. Commis- sioned Ensign, 17 Dec. '18. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Canada, P. M v Marine Corps. Enlisted 25 June '18, 5th Brigade Mach. Gun Bn. Interpreter with tem- porary warrant of Sergt. A. E. F., 26 Oct. '18 to 13 July '19, France, England. Dis. 25 July '19. Carden, J., Naval Radio Service. Electrician 3rd CI., 13 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to Elec. 2nd CI., 1 Mar. '18; to Elec. 1st CI., 1 Dec. '18. U. S. S. Aztec, 22 Feb. '18 to 20 Nov. '18, convoy duty U. S. to Canada, to Azores. Dis. 17 Jan. '19. Carley, H. G., U. S. N. R. F.— Aviation. Three mos. in U. S. N. R. F., Q. M. 2nd CI. Tr. to A. S., Cadet, Gerstner Field. Carpenter, T. R., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 17 Apr. '17. Coast Patrol Work. Commander of Naval Unit at N. H. State College. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. Paloma. Commissioned En- sign, 8 Nov. '18. Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Carr, W. G., Jr., Naval Radio Service. Seaman, 30 Apr. '17. Promoted to Electrician 2nd CI., Jan. '18. U. S. S. Utah, U S. S. Dorothea, U S. S. Charles Whittemore. Dis. 28 Jan. '19. Cart, T. S., U. S. N. R. F. Served in Naval Reserve during sum- mer of 1917. Released to continue Col- lege course. Recalled to active duty, July '18. Commissioned Ensign, Apr. '19, and released from active duty. Carter, C. C, Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 10 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Q. M. C, 15 Aug. '17. Assigned to Advance Q. M. Depot No. 1, 20 Sept. '18. A. E. F., 13 Oct. '18 to 29 June '19, France, Luxembourg. Dis. 8 July '19. Carter, W. A., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. 218 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1920 Chamberlain, W. M., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 20 June '18. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. Stationed at Key West. Dis. 27 Mar. '19. Chandler, H. H., Naval Auxiliary Re- serve. Enlisted 4 June '18. Stationed at Chicago and Cleveland, O. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Chilcott, J. C, Infantry— Field Artil- lery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Collom, J. A., American Field Service — Medical Corps. Ambulance Driver, 5 May to 27 Nov. '17, A. F. S., S. S. U. 27. Tr. to U. S. Med. R. C, Dec. '17. Promoted to Sergt. 1st CI. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Dis. 19 Dec. '19. Corbin, F. P., Jr., Naval Radio Serv- ice. Enlisted 7 June '18, Electrician, 3rd CI. U. S. S. Kearsarge. Promoted to Elec. 2nd CI. (Radio). Dis. 27 Sept. '19. Coventry, W. R., Naval Radio Service — Royal Flying Corps. 5 months in U. S. N. R. F., Radio Operator. Enlisted 28 Sept. '17, Bri- tish Royal Flying Corps, Cadet. Tr. to Taliaferro Aviation Field No. 1, as In- structor. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. F. C, 25 Mar. '18; 1st Lt, 1 May '18. B. E. F., 25 Oct. '18 to 15 Apr. '19, Eng- land. Dis. 15 Apr. '19. Cowles, C. W., Signal Corps. Priv., 15 May '17, 301st Field Signal Bn., Camp Devens. Crathern, C. F. H., Jr., American Field Service — Infantry. Enlisted A. F. S., T. M. U. 526 (Dart- mouth Unit), 5 May '17 to 5 Nov._ '17, France. Aisne Offensive. Re-enlisted 9 Mar. '18, 57th Pioneer Inf. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 26 July '18. Tr. to 1st Replacement Regt., Aug. '18. Training Bn. No. 1, Sept. '18. Dis. 1 Jan. '19. Cueva, B. J., American Field Service — Aviation. For 2 mos. with A. F. S., S. S. U. 33. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S. Curtis, E. M v Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn; tr to S. A. T. C, Rennselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Dalrymple, H. E., American Field Serv- ice — Quartermaster Corps. Sailed 2 June '17 (2nd Dartmouth Unit), A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to Q. M. C, 4 Nov. '17. Promoted to Sergt., Q. M. C, 1 Aug. '18. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 29 July '19, France. Aisne-Che- min des Dames Campaign. Dis. 2 Aug. '19. Davidson, T. B., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 28 Mar. '18. Promoted to C. Q. M. Dis. 16 May '18 for phvscal dis- ability. Entered S. A. T. C, Dartmouth. Deane, P. S., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 25 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Commissioned Ensign, 16 Aug. '18. Dis. 12 May '19. Dewey, M. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 21 May '17. S. S. Howard. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Downes, C, Jr., Navy . Duffy, H. S., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 29 June '18. Stationed at Seattle and Miami. Dis. 28 Nov. '18. Durkee, W. P., Jr. *Dwight, H. W., Naval Radio Service. Died of pneumonia, Boston, Mass., Dec. 21, 1920. See Roll of Honor. Earle, A. H., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. A. F. S, 1 June '17, T. M. U. 133. Tr. to M. T. C, 2 Oct. '17. Eaton, D. H., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Camp Per- ry, O. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Norwich Univ. S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. Elliott, R. O., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 11 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Aztec. Promoted to C. Q. M., U. S. N. R. Flying C, 12 Sept. '18. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. 1920 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 219 Farnham, W. H., Infantry — Field Ar- tillery., Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 22 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to F. A. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Farnsworth, B. B. M., Infantry — Coast Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 16 July '18. Tr. to S. A. T. C. unit, Dartmouth ; to Coast Artillery School, Ft. Monroe. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 7 Feb. '19 and dis- charged. Fellowes, F. G., U. S. N. R. F.— Marine Corps. Seaman, 13 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F., Tr. to U. S. M. C. Promoted to Corp, Aug. '18. *Fenton, J. J. Jr., Naval Aviation. Drowned in hydroplane accident at Pensacola, 13 Aug. '18. See Roll of Honor. Fielding, W., Infantry. Enlisted 24 Oct. '18, Replacement Troops. Stationed at Camp Wheeler and Camp Dix. Dis. 23 Dec. '19. Fiske, E. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 26 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Ancon, U. S. S. Callao. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI. Commissioned Ensign. Dis. 4 June '19. Fiske, G. A., Ammunition Train. Priv, May '17, 7th Co., Mass. C. A. C, which became the 101st Amm. Tr., 26th Div. Promoted to Wagoner, Apr. '18. A. E. F., 3 Oct. '17 to 18 Apr. '19, England, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Seicheprey Defensive and various other engagements. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Forbush, Z. B., Ordnance. Enlisted 12 Aug. '18. Procurement Div. Ord. C. Stationed at Washington. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Fraser, J. A., Signal Corps — Aviation. Enlisted 15 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Tr. to Aviation, 23 Mar. '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 17 Dec. '18. Frey, A. W., S. A. T. C,— Coast Artil- lery. Enlisted 7 Oct. '18, S. A. T .C, Dart- mouth. Tr. to Ft. Monroe. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, Heavy Artillery, 24 Jan. '19. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Fullaway, W. M., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 26 Aug. '18. Stationed at Seattle and San Diego. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Garnsey, C. T., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 3 May '17, Artificer Br. Pro- moted to Machinist's M. 2nd CI, 4 May '17; to Elec. 1st CI, June '17; to Chief Elec, 1 Sept. '18. Stationed at New- port and Pawtucket, R. I. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Gault, W. S., S. A. T. C— Coast Ar- tillery. Enlisted 5 Oct. '18, S. A. T. C, Dart- mouth. Tr. to Ft. Monroe. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, C. A. C, 7 Feb. '19. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Gibson, J. R., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant, 111. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Giffin, P. S., Infantry— Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 19 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A, 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Gifford, F. R. S., Aviation. Enlisted 12 Nov. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 25 June '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Glines, T. J., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C, Sept. '18. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Goddard, R. H., Naval Auxiliary Re- serve. Enlisted 29 May '18, N. Aux. R, Q. M, 1st CI. Commissioned Ensign, Nov. '18. S. S. Bristol, U. S. S. Guantanamo, U. S. S. Allegheny. Released 21 July '19. Dis. 30 Sept. '21. Gooding, A. F., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A.), 5 Sept. '18. Stationed at Dunwoody Institute. Dis. 5 Dec. '18. Goodnow, C. H., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation.' Enlisted 25 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. to Naval Aviation, 23 Mar. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 22 Sept. '18. Overseas duty, 1 Oct. '18 to 20 Dec. '18, England, Scotland, Ireland. Dis. 21 Feb. '19. 220 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1920 Gordon, M., Adjutant General's Depart- ment. Army Field Clerk, 22 July '18. Sta- tioned at Camp Devens and Washing- ton. Dis. Oct. '19. Gortner, H., American Field Service — Naval Aviation. A. F. S., 15 May '17; T. M. U. 133, (Dartmouth Unit). Tr. to Naval Avia- tion. Commissioned Ensign, Sept. '18. Overseas, 15 May '17 to 4 Jan. '19, France, Italy. Bombardment of Pola. Wounded. Hospital term, July '19. Breveted bv Italian Government '18. Gorton, A. W., American Field Service — Naval Aviation. A. F. S., 16 May '17, Sec. 61. Verdun Drive. Dis. 16 Nov. '17. Enlisted Naval Aviation, 11 Feb. '18. Seaman 2nd CI. Promoted to C. Q. M. 9 Apr. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 25 Oct. '18. Volunteered for the aerial mail service, Green, G. B. L., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 20 May '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation, 28 Dec. '17. Promoted to C. Q. M. (A.) Commissioned En- sign, 10 Sept. '18. Stationed at Pensa- cola and other places. Dis. 12 June '19. Greene, R. W., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Oct. '17; to Corp., Dec. '17; to Sergt., May '18; to 1st Sergt., Dec. '18. A. E. F., 22 Sept. '17 to 24 May '19; France, England. Dis. 12 June '19. Greene, T. C, U. S. N. R. F. Q. M. 2nd CI., 28 Apr. '17. Com- missioned Ensign, 21 Jan. '18. Assigned to Hdqrs. of Admiral Sims. 1 July '18. Tr. to American Peace Commission, 15 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 1 July '18, Eng- land, France. Gross., F. P., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C„ Sept. '18. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Hale, A. C, American Field Service — S. A. T. C. A. F. S., 2 Tune to 2 Dec. '17 (Dart- mouth Unit), T. M. U. 184. Enlisted in Dartmouth S. A. T. C, Oct. '18. Dis. Dec. '18. Hall, F. C, Signal Corps. Enlisted 18 June '17, 301sf Field Sig. Bn. Promoted" to Corp., 6 Julv '17. A. E. F., 11 July '18 to 27 May r 19, Eng- land, Wales, France, Luxembourg. Meuse-Argonne, Defense of Marbache Sector, Moselle Offensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Hamm, F. B., S. A. T. C— Coast Artil- lery. Enlisted 5 Oct. '18, S. A. T. C. Dart- mouth. Tr. to Coast Artillerv School, Ft. Monroe. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. Hardy, F. K., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Apprentice Seaman, 3 Oct. '18. Pro- moted to C. Q. V. (A.). Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 18 Nov. *18. Harvey, M. C., U S. N. R. F. Enlisted 26 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Ohio. Commissioned Ensign U. S. N. R. F., 5 Feb. '18; Ensign (T.), U. S. N., 29 Mav '18. Dis. 24 Feb. '19. Hasbrook, E. F., Jr., American Field Service— U. S. N. R. F. A. F. S„ 5 May to 25 Nov. '17. S. S. U. 28. Champagne, Chemin des Dames. Seaman, 3 June '18. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI. Commissioned Ensign, 26 Dec. '19. European Waters, U. S. S. Mat- sonia, 25 Mar. '19 to 3 June '19. Inac- tive duty, 5 June '19. *Hatch, R. A., Marine Corps. Died in France, 5 Oct. '18, from wounds received in action. See Roll of Honor. Hayes, H. H., Jr., U. S. N. R F. Seaman, 13 Apr. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation. Released to continue college course. Recalled to service, 3 June '18. Attended Naval Aviation School, M. I. T., and Flying Station, Bay Shore, L. I. Released from active dutv, 27 Nov. '18. Dis. 9 Apr. '21. Hayes, R. L., S. A. T. C— Coast Artil- lery, Enlisted 4 Oct. '18, S. A. T. C, Dart- mouth. Tr. to C. A. Omcers'_ Training School, Ft. Monroe. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 24 Tan. '19. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. 1920 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 221 Henderson, R. B., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 22 Jan. '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, 1 Nov. '18. Promoted from Junior Watch Officer to Senior Watch and Navigating Officer of U. S. S. Sudbury. Transport service from Philadelphia to ports in Mediterranean, 3 Jan. '19 to 10 Apr. *19. Dis. 17 Apr. '19. *Hiestand, B., Aviation. Killed in airplane accident at Dorr Field, Fla., 10 June '18. See Roll of Honor. Higgins, E. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 2 July '18. U. S. S. C. D. No. 36, U. S. S. Seneca. Overseas duty, 25 Oct. to 31 Dec. '18, Canada, New- foundland and North Atlantic Ocean and west coast of Ireland. Hospital term, 19 Feb. to 5 Apr. '19. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Hill, J. E., Aviation. Enlisted 4 Nov. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, 9 May '19. Stationed at Princeton and other places. Dis. 21 May '19. Hitchcock, H. A v Naval Radio Service. Enlisted 5 May '17. U. S. S. C. No. 51. Convoy duty off coast of Nova Scotia, May '18 to Feb. '19. Dis. 4 Apr. '19. Holbrook, C. F., Infantry. Priv., 8 Aug. '18, 151st Depot Bri- gade. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 12 Mar. '19. Holt, J. W., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Avi- ation. Seaman, 12 Apr. '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation, C. Q. M. (A.). Stationed at Pelham Bay and other places. Dis. 19 Nov. '18. Holway, L. H., Aviation. Enlisted 13 Sept. '17, Aviation, un- assigned. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. M. A., Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, 11 June '18. Stationed at M. I. T. and other places. Dis. 10 Dec. '18. *Hopkins, C. A., Aviation. Killed in airplane accident in France, 30 Jan. '18. See Roll of Honor. Howard, A. E., Navy. Enlisted 5 Apr. '17, 3rd CI. Q. M. Minesweeper Freehold, Transport Julia Luckenbach. Overseas, Apr. '18 to Feb. '19, France, Spain. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Hurley, W. Jr., Signal Corps. Enlisted 3 June '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 26 May '19, Luxembourg, Lorraine, France. Mar- bache Sector Defensive, Moselle Offen- sive. Dis. 2 June '19. Hutchins, F. I., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 19 July '18. Tr. to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Hutchinson, C. R., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 1st CI., 26 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Commissioned Ensign, 26 Nov. '18. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Johnson, C. C, Signal Corps. Enlisted 15 May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., 6 July '17. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, France. Defense of Marbache and Mo- selle Offensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Johnson, S. W., Infantry. Enlisted 27 Sept. '17, 39th Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., Apr. '18; to Sergt., June '18. A. E. F., 23 May '18 to 22 Jan. '19, France. Ourcq River Offen- sive. Vesle. Wounded. Various hospi- tal terms. Dis. 16 June '19. Jones, R. K., American Field Service. With A. F. S., S. S. U. 28, for 6 mos. Jordan, J. Z., Ambulance — Infantry — Field Artillery. Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps, 15 May '17 to 15 Nov. '17, France. Verdun. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Promoted to Corp. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Kahn, J. L., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 5 May '17. Tr. to French High Commission, inspecting munition plants, Apr. '18. Tr. to U. S. Naval Avi- ation, Oct. '18. A. E. F., 1 June '17 to 3 Mar. '18, France. Verdun, Hill 304. Wounded. Kay, P. D., Infantry — Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec '18. 222 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1920 Keep, C. R., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A.), 1 May '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, Dec. '18. Flying In- structor. Stationed at M. I. T. and Mi- ami. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. Kimball, R. S., S. A. T. C— Infantry. S. A. T. C, Dartmouth, 7 Oct. '18. Tr. to Central Officers' Training School. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Inf., 15 Jan. '19. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Kimber, F. H., American Field Service — Motor Transport Corps. A. F. S., T. M. U. 184, May '17. Tr. to U. S. M. T. C. Promoted to Sergt, 12 May '19; to 1st Sergt, 23 May '19. A. E. F., 2 Oct. '17 to 19 June '19 France, Belgium, Germany. Chemin des Dames, Cambrai Offensive, Somme Defensive, Aisne Defensive, Montdidier- Noyon Defensive, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Defensive, Somme Offensive, Oise-Aisne Offensive, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 25 June '19. Lake, A. C, U. S. N. R. R— Naval Avi- ation. Seaman 1st CI., 19 Apr. '17. Promot- ed to C. Q. M., 18 Feb. '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. Flying C, 18 July '18; Lt. (j.g.), 1 Apr. '19. Gunnery Pilot, Pensacola ; Flight Instructor and Safety Pilot, San Diego ; in command of the navigation and Patrol Div. Lawson, A., Jr., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 1 Apr. '18. Tr. to U. S. N. R. Flying C. Promoted to Coxswain, 18 July '18; to Boatswain's Mate 2nd CI., 20 Aug. '18; to C. Q. M. (A.), 16 Oct. '18. Stationed at Pel- ham Bay and Boston. Dis. 16 Dec: '18. Lee, F. H., S. A. T. C— Ordnance. S. A. T. C, Dartmouth, 3 Oct. '18. Tr. to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., 20 Nov. '18. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Lind, M. W., American Field Service — Ambulance. A. F. S., May '17, S. S. U. 69, Driver. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., S. S. U. 638, 25 Feb '18. Promoted to Corp., 8 Nov. '18. Overseas, 30 June '17 to 31 Mar. '19, France, Belgium. Verdun, Cham- pagne, Mt. Kemmel, Marne, Cham- pagne-Aisne. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. Lindsay, E. B., Infantry. Entered Ft. Sheridan camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Univ. of Michigan S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Lindsey, J. B., Jr., Navy. Seaman 2nd CI., 28 June '18. Sta- tioned at Hingham and other places. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Loehr, G. R., American Red Cross — French Artillery. Ambulance driver, A. R. C, 20 Sept. '17. Tr. to French Artillery. Aspirant, 30 Dec. '18, assigned to 38th R. A. C. Overseas, 25 Oct. '17 to 17 May '19, France. Chateau-Thierry, various De- fensive Sectors. Dis. 15 May '19. Lombard, M. L., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Loomis, R. B., Engineers. Priv., 6 May '18, 49th Engrs. Promot- ed to Priv. 1st CI., Mar. '19. A. E. F., 9 Aug. '18 to Aug. '19; France. Lovejoy, L. E., Sanitary Corps. Enlisted 2 Aug. '17, 22nd Ambulance Co., 207th San. Train. Tr. to Hdqrs. Amb. Sec. 307th San. Train, 1 Nov. '17; to Amb. Co., 328th A. D., 18 Nov. '17; to Amb. Co., No. 16, 2nd Div., 31 Aug. '18. Appointed Sergt., 12 Dec. '17. A. E. R, 18 May '18 to 3 Feb. '19, Eng- land, France. St. Mihiel, Mont Blanc (Oise-Aisne), Argonne. Wounded. Hos- pital term, 2 Nov. '18 to 3 July '19. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 3 July '19. Lux, R. C, Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Enlisted 2nd CI. Seaman, 30 Apr. '18. Promoted to Q. M., 2nd CI., 1 Nov. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 1 Apr. '19. Re- leased from active duty, 14 May '19. Dis. 30 Sept. '21. McGoughran, C. F., Infantry — Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. MacKay, D. C, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 23 Aug. '18. U. S. S. Com- modore. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. 1920 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 223 McLeran, D. O., Naval Auxiliary Re-. serve. Enlisted 17 June '18. Promoted to Q. M. 2nd CI., 2 Dec. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 28 Feb. '19. Stationed at Chicago and other places. Dis. 10 Apr. '19. Mack, S. R., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 19 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Macomber, G. H., Infantry — Field Ar- tillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Masse, H. C, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, 17 May '17. U. S. S. Guine- vere. Patrol and convoy duty along French coast. U. S. Naval Base 19, Lorient, France. Dec. '17, Navy Mail Clerk and -Interpreter. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Maynard, L. E., Signal Corps. Enlisted 3 June '17, 2nd Field Sig. Bn. Tr. to 301st Field Sig. Bn. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 27 May '19, Germany, France, Alsace Lorraine, Marbache Defensive. Dis. 2 June '19. Meads, R. T., Naval Aviation. Student Pilot with rank of C. Q. M. (A.), 6 July '18. Commissioned Ensign 4 Apr. '19. Stationed at Miami and other places. Dis. 8 Apr. '19. Merritt, M. P., Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 13 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to C. Q. M., 1 Apr. '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, 18 Sept. '18. Sea duty, 7 Nov. '18 to 31 Jan. '19, Republic of Panama, Canal Zone. Dis. 11 Feb. '19. Mezger, W. W., Aviation. Enlisted Aviation Sec, Sig. C, 5 Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, R. M. A., A. S. A. Stationed at Chanute Field and other places. Dis. 9 Dec. '18. Miller, E. C, U. S. N. R. F.— S. A. T. C. Enlisted 19 Apr. '17. Dartmouth Na- val Unit, 1 Oct. '18. Miller, V. O., Field Artillery — Aviation. Priv., 1 June '17, 145th F. A. Pro- moted to Corp. Tr. to Aviation, Cadet, 1 June '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 6 Mar. '19. Stationed at Camp Kearney and other places. Dis. 16 Mar. '19. Mills, C. B., Jr., Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted 14 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Q. M, C, Motor Transporta- tion Branch, 14 Aug. '17; 1st Lt, 18 Feb. '19. Tr. to American Mission, Re- serve Mallet; to Q. M. Depot No. 1. A. E. F., 27 Dec. '17 to 20 Sept. '19, France. Dis. 9 Oct. '19. Mills, H. H., U. S. N. R. F.— Aviation. Enlisted 30 Apr. '17, U. S. N. R. F., U. S. S. Topeka. Tr. to Aviation Sec, Sig. C, 23 Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 11 Feb. '18. Stationed at Camp Wise and other places. Dis. 4 Sept. '19. Millspaugh, T. L., 2nd, Marine Corps. Enlisted 20 July '18, U. S. M. C, 265th Co. U. S. S. Arkansas. With English Grand Fleet, North Sea, 7 Oct. to 26 Dec. '18, 1 May to 20 June '19. Dis. 25 June '19. Milne, J. R., American Field Service — S. A. T. C. A. F. S., May '17 to Oct. '17, Sec 28. Champagne. Wounded. Croix de Guerre. Enlisted S. A. T. C, Dart- mouth. Dis. Dec. '18. Moody, F. R., Artillery. Priv., 17 Jan. '18, Truck Co. No. 4. Promoted to Sergt, 1 Mar. '18; to Corp., 1 Apr. '18. A. E. F., 22 May '18 to 3 Aug. '19, France, Belgium, Luxem- bourg, Germany, Meuse-Argonne. Hos- pital term, 5 July to 11 Oct. '18. Dis. 8 Aug. '19. Moore, R. H., Navy. Seaman 1st CI., 6 Apr. '17. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Moore, W. C, Aviation. Enlisted 28 Feb. '18, A. S. A. Sta- tioned at M. I. T. and other places. Dis. 26 Nov. '18. Morey, F. B., Infantry — Field Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Morrill, O. S., Aviation. Enlisted 15 June '18, A. S. A. Sta- tioned at M. I. T., and other places. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. 224 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1920 Morse, G. S., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 16 July '18. Com- missioned Ensign, 18 Apr. '19, at Har- vard Ensign School. Stationed at Hing- ham, Wakefield, Rockland, Me. Dis. 19 Apr. '19. Mover, M. F., Aviation. Enlisted 8 Dec. '17, Aviation Sec, Sig. C, Balloon Div. Commissioned 2nd Lt, A. S. A, 25 Sept. '18. Sta- tioned at Ft. Omaha and other places. Muriroe, S. M., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Dart- mouth unit; to Camp Lee. Dis. 21 Nov. '18. Myers, E. E., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 3 June '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 21 Nov. '18. Naylor, E. L., American Field Service — Ambulance. Enlisted A. F. S., S. S. U. 15. Tr. to U. S. A. A. S., 28 Sept. '17, S. S U. 633. Tr. to S. S. U. 645, Oct. '18. Cook, June '18. Overseas, Aug. '17 to 12 Apr. 7 19, France. Mort Homme, Hill 304, Champagne, Aisne-Oise. Dis. 23 Apr. '19. Nelson, W. H., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 Aug. '18. Vocational Training Det, Dartmouth. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C, 21 Dec. '18. Stationed at Hanover and Louisville, Ky. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Newcomer, S. J., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A T C. units, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Newton, C. E., S. A. T. C— Coast Ar- tillery. Enlisted 8 Oct. '18, S. A. T. C, Dart- mouth. Tr. to Ft. Monroe. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 24 Jan. '19. Dis. 23 Jan. '19. Nichol, T. M., Coast Artillery. Priv., 18 Dec. '17, 10th Co., C. A. C. Tr. to 28th Co., C. A. C, 26 June '18; to 73rd C. A. C, 20 Sept. '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 26 June '18. A. E. F., 22 Sept. '18 to 22 Dec. '18, England, France. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Noveck, G. A., Infantry. Priv., 28 Aug. '18, 151st Depot Bri- gade, Camp Devens. Promoted to Corp., 1 Nov. '18. Dis. 24 Feb. '19. Noyes, H. E., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 5 July '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 1 Nov. '18. Nutt, R., American Field Service — Aviation. A. F. S., 12 Mar. to 12 Sept. '17. Sec- tion cited. Enlisted, Air Service, 6 Feb. '18, as Cadet Pilot. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. Oakley, B. S., Aviation. Enlisted 14 Nov. '17, 335th Aero Sqdn. Promoted to Corp., Feb. '18; to Sergt, July '18. A. E. F., 20 Aug. to 29 Nov. '18, England. Dis. 23 Dec. '19. Osborn, A. D., American Field Service — Ammunition Train. A. F. S., 5 May to Dec. '17, T. M. U. 526. Priv., Corp., Sergt. Tr. to 102d Ammunition Train as Corp. A. E. F., June '18 to Mar. '19, France. Aisne, Craonne, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Dis. 3 Apr. '19. Palo, S. F., Field Artillery. Enlisted 23 Aug. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 27 Nov. '17. Promoted to 1st Lt., 1 Sept. '18, 6th F. A. A. E. F., France, Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, ■Belgium, Germany. Cantigny, Mont- didier-Noyon, Soissons, Chateau-Thier- ry, St. Mihiel, Argonne Offensive. Reg- imental Fourragere Croix de Guerre. Dis. 28 Sept. '19. Patterson, L. A., Aviation. Enlisted 15 Apr. '17. Civilian Flying Instructor, 24 Dec. '18 to 1 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 24 Dec. '18, date of discharge. Stationed at Curtiss Avi- ation School and other places. Phelps, G. W., American Field Service. With A. F. S., S. S. U. 14 for 5 mos. Phinney, H. F., Engineers. Priv., July '17, 101st Engrs. A. E. F., England, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, St. Miheil, Cham- pagne-Marne. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Pierce, A. E., 2nd., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 31 Mar. '17. Commissioned Ensign, Dec. '18; Ensign (T.), U. S. N., Apr. '19. Transport duty on U. S. S. Aztec, U. S. S. Northern Pacific, U. S. S. Henderson. Pope, R. W., Aviation. Enlisted 6 Nov. '18, Aviation Sec, Sig. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 14 May '19. Stationed at Ft. Worth Tex., Ft. Sill, Okla. Dis. 24 May '19. 1920 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 225 Powell, J. C, Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Aug. '17; 1st Lt., 23 Aug. '18. Stationed at Plattsburg and Camp Devens. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Prentiss, J. W., Infantry — Field Artil- lery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 19 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Prescott, A. B., Signal Corps. Priv., 6 Sept. '18, 16th Service Co., Sig. C. Stationed at Ft. Wood. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Reber, J. V., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C. unit, Lafayette College, Eas- ton, Pa. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Richter, H. J., Aviation. Enlisted 10 Oct. '18, Cadet Squadron. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C, 13 May '19. Stationed at Cornell Univ. and other places. Dis. 18 June '19. Roberts, R. S., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A), 18 Aug. '18, U. S. N. R. F. Aviation. Stationed at Seattle. Dis. 13 Jan. '19. Robertson, J. E. f Field Artillery. Enlisted 7 Sept. '17, 338th F. A. Pro- moted to Sergt, 10 Dec. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt, U. S. A. R. A. E. F, 16 Aug. '18 to 22 Apr. '19, England, France. Dis. 19 May '19. Rogers, D. A., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 15 May '17, 19th Inf. Tr. to 13th M. G. Bn, 5th Div., 2 Dec. '17; to M. G. Co, 140th Inf., 35th Div, 11 Nov. '18. Promoted to Corp, 4July '17; to Sergt, 3 Sept. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 1 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 16 Apr. '18 to 28 Apr. '19, England, France. Frapelle, St. Mihiel. Dis. 5 May '19. Rogers, S. H., Ammunition Train. Enlisted 10 Apr. '17, 1st Mass. C. A. C. Promoted to Corp. 1 Apr. '18. Tr. to 101st Ammunition Train. A. E. F, 3 Oct. '17 to 20 July '19. England, France, Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Seiche- prey Defensive, Aisne-Marne, St. Mi- hiel Offensive, Troyon Sector, Verdun, Argonne-Meuse Offensive. Dis. 26 July '19. Roland, P. H., American Field Service. A. F. S, 1 May '17. Chemin des Dames. Section cited. Dis. 18 Oct. '17. Root, F. K, Aviation. Enlisted 4 Mar. '18, 869th Sqdn, A. S. Mechanical School. Promoted to Sergt. Dis. 13 July '19. Russell, J. A., Coast Artillery. Priv, 21 Oct. '18, 9th Co, C. A. C. Tr. to 3rd Co. Dis. 25 Mar. '19. Ryder, S. P, American Field Service — Royal Flying Corps. A. F. S, June to Nov. '17, S. S. U. 9. Section cited. Enlisted Royal Flying Corps, Feb. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 17 Oct. '18. Overseas, 2 June '17 to 28 Feb. '19 ; France, England. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Sabourin, F. H v Signal Corps. Enlisted 12 May '17, 301st Field Sig- nal Bn. Promoted to Corp, 10 Dec. '17; to Sergt, Apr. '18; to Sergt, 1st CI, 21 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, S. R. C. 1 Feb. '19. A. E. F, 10 July '18 to 28 Mar. '19, France. St. Mihiel, Metz Sector. Dis. 14 Apr. '19. Sackett, G. S., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 16 Sept. '18, C. A. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, C. A. R. C, 20 Dec. '18. Stationed at Ft. Adams and Ft. Monroe. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Sample, P. S., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 8 Mar. '18. Q. M. 3rd CI, S S. Republic. U. S. S. Saccarappa, U. S. S. Felix Taussig, U. S. S. Caesar. Commissioned Ensign, 7 Oct. '18. Over- seas duty, South America, Panama, France. Dis. 18 June '19. Sargent, C. H, Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant, 111. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Schlobohm, L. H., Infantry. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Inf. R. C, Aug. '17; Prov. 2nd Lt, 1 Sept. '17; assigned to 48th Inf. Stationed at Camp Hill and other places. Dis. 4 Feb. '20. Scoville, W. W, Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv, Apr. '17, 101st M. G. Bn. Pro- moted to Wagoner, Apr. '18. A. E. F, 9 Sept. '17 to 7 Apr. '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Bois de la Reine, Aisne- Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Gassed. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. 226 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1920 Sigler, W. P., Field Artillery. Enlisted 18 July '18, Plattsburg. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Small, L. F., Ammunition Train — Coast Artillery. Enlisted 22 Oct. '18, 61st Amm. Train. Tr. to C. A. C. Dis. 27 Mar. '19. Smith, A. F., Ordnance. Enlisted 3 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Slocum and Camp Hancock. Dis. 27 Jan. '19. Smith, C. L., Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Seaman, 10 May '18. Promoted to Q. M. 3rd CI., to Q. M. 1st CI. Stationed in San Juan, Porto Rico, Dec. to Mar. '19. Dis. 9 Mar. '19. Smith, G. D., Field Artillery. Enlisted 15 May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., IS Aug. '17; assigned to 330th F. A. Tr. to Hdqrs. 160th F. A. Brigade, 28 Nov. '17, to 330th F. A, 29 Oct. '18. Promoted to 1st Lt, 27 July '18. A. E. F., 6 Aug. '18 to 31 Mar. '19, England, France. Hospital term, 1 to 18 Nov. '18. Dis. 22 Apr. '19. Smith, L. E., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Promoted to 1st Sergt. Tr. to Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Smith, T. F., Signal Corps. 1st CI. Priv., May '17, 301st Field Sig. Bn. Dis. on account of physical condition, 26 Feb. '18. Smith, W. M., American Red Cross — French Artillery. Enlisted 20 Sept. '17, American Red Cross Ambulance. Promoted to Sergt. Sept. '18. Enlisted in French Army. Promoted to Aspirant, 115th Regt., Heavy Artillery. Overseas, 5 Oct. '17 to 1 June '19. Dis. Feb. '19. Smith, W. W., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 24 Jan. '18. Promoted to Chief Machinist's Mate (A.), 1 Nov. '18. Stationed at Pensacola and other places. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. Snyder, L. N., Aviation. Pilot, 13 Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 3 July '18. Dis. 20 Jan. '19. Southwick, R. C, Coast Artillery. Enlisted 1 Oct. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 24 Jan. '19. Stationed at Ft. Mon- roe. Dis. 24 Jan. '19. Stahl, E. C, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 29 May '18. Commissioned Ensign, 25 Jan. '19. Dis. 25 Feb. '19. Steinbrecker, A. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 31 Oct. '18 to 8 Feb. '19, Great Lakes. Stationed at Key West and other places. Steinholtz, R. E., U. S. N. R. F. Machinist's Mate 2nd CI., 1 May '17. U. S. S. Topeka, U. S. S. C. 257, U. S. S. Seahawk. Commissioned Ensign, Mar. '18. Dis. July '19. ♦Stephenson, E. L., Jr., Field Artillery. Killed in auto-truck accident at Ft. Sheridan, 1 Apr. '18. See Roll of Hon- or. Stillman, A. P., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 10 June '18. Tr. to 73rd C. A. C, 3rd CI. Musician in Band, 6 Sept. '18. Promoted to Corp., 18' Oct. '18. A. E. R, 23 Sept. '18 to 12 Dec. '18, England, France. Dis. 30 Dec. '18. Stockdale, A. W., Aviation. Enlisted 1 June '18. Stationed at Dallas and other places. Commissioned 2nd Lt., R. C, 21 Dec. '18, date of dis- charge. Stone, G. S., American Field Service — Aviation— U. S. N. R. F. A. F. S., T. M. U. 526, Apr. '17. Tr. to Lafayette Flying Corps, 1 Aug. '17, Corporal Pilot. Tr. to U. S. N. R. F., June '18. Overseas, May '17 to May '18, France. Soissons Sector. Injured. Hos- pital term, 21 Nov. to 12 Dec. '17. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Stratton, S. S., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A), 13 May '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, 8 Feb. '19. Stationed at M. I. T., and other places. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Sullivan, W. B., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for ,S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Sunderland, J. E., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A), 27 Aug. '18. Station- ed at Seattle and San Diego. Dis. 1 Mar. '19. 1920 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 227 Taylor, E. H., American Field Serviec — Field Artillery. Served 5 mos. with A. F. S., T. M. U. 184. Tr. to Field Artillery. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt. Thomson, A. D., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 7 Oct. '18, Coast Artillery School. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. O. R. C, 10 Jan. '19, date of discharge. Thompson, E. J., Royal Flying Corps. Enlisted 15 Feb. '18, Royal Flying Corps of Canada. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Tillson, E. F., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 18 May '17. Tr. to Naval Aviation, June '18. Promoted from Q. M. 3rd CI., to C. Q. M. (A). Commis- sioned Ensign and licensed as Naval Aviator, 23 Dec. '18. Stationed at New- port and other places. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Tracy, W. E., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 27 Apr. '18. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Travis, D. H., Navy. Seaman 2nd CI., 11 June '18. Promot- ed to Chief Storekeeper, Sept. '18; to Ensign, Nov. '18; to Lt. (j.g.) May '19. Dis. 6 June '19. Trent, F. E., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 15 July '18. Tr. to Dart- mouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 20 D*c. '18. Tucker, C. W., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant. Ap- pointed 2nd Lt., U. S. R. C, 14 Apr. '19. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. Ungar, L. M., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Van Iderstine, R., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Mar. '17. U. S. S. Aztec, U. S. S. Seattle. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Vincent, G. F., Navy. Seaman, 2nd CI., 21 June '18. Pro- moted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 18 Oct. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 21 Feb. '19. Stationed at Hinghani and other places. Released from active duty 21 Feb. '19. Dis. 30 Sept. '21. Warbasse, C. N., Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI., 17 Apr. '18. Pro- moted to C. Q. M. (A), 7 June '18. Commissioned Ensign 27 Feb. '19. Sta- tioned at M. I. T., and other places. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. Warner, R., 3rd, Aviation. School of Military Aeronautics, Univ. of Texas. Watts, R. P., Field Artillery. Enlisted 13 May '17, Ft. Sheridan. Commissioned 2nd Lt. F. A., 28 Aug. '18. Permanent Staff, Camp Merritt. Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Weil, P. S., Signal Corps. Enlisted Oct. '17, 1st Battery, Sig. C. Promoted to Sig. Sergt, 30th Service Co. Stationed at Brooklyn and other places. Dis. Dec. '18. Weis, E. T., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 8 Aug. '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 20 Nov. '18. Welch, R. E., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 14 Sept. '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Winslow, B. L., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 13 Mar. '18. Com- missioned Ensign, 18 Apr. '19. Station- ed at Bumkin Island and other places. Released 19 Apr. '19. Dis. 30 Sept. '21. Woods, J. H., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Enlisted 29 Apr. '17, U. S. S. Topeka. Tr. to Naval Aviation, U. S. S. Alba- tross. Commissioned Ensign. Dis. 16 Jan. '19. Worth, I. H., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 20 June '18. Stationed at M. I. T. Dis. 2 Dec. '18. Wright, J. E., Infantry. Enlisted 15 June '17, 43d Inf. Pro- moted to Corp., 10 Aug. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., 26 Aug. '18. Tr. to 148th Inf. A. E. F., 23 Sept. '18 to 29 Mar. '19, France. Dis. 15 Apr. '19. Youmans, C. R., American Field Ser- vice — Aviation. A. F. S., T. M. U., 184, 1 June '17. Tr. to U. S. Air Service, A. E. F, France. 228 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1921 Yuill, R. W., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 23 Apr. '17, C. A. C. Pro- moted to Wagoner, 20 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 3 Oct. '17 to 13 July '19, France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Aisne, Marne, Troyon Sector, St. Mihiel Of- fensive, Argonne. Dis. 22 July '19. CLASS OF 1921 Alger, R. P., Marine Corps. Enlisted 2 Nov. '18. Stationed at Paris Island. Dis. 19 Mar. '19. Alley, W. M., S. A. T. C— Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 5 Oct. '18, Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Promoted to Sergt. Tr. to Cen- tral Machine Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock, 8 Oct. '18. Dis. 17 Jan. '19. Anderson, A. V., Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A), June '18. Attended course at M. I. T. Dis. 31 Dec. '18. Ankeny, D. H., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 3 Nov. '18. Stationed at Dun- woody Institute and M. I. T. Bache-Wiig, C, Navy. Enlisted 22 Mar. '18, Armed Guard. U. S. S. Columbia, S. S. Paddleford. Overseas service, 14 Apr. '18 to 21 Jan. '19; convoy duty overseas and to Hali- fax; armed guard trips to Mexico. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Bailey, R., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dart- mouth S. A. T. C; to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Barber, W. H., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 8 Aug. '18. Stationed at Bumkin Island; tr. to Harvard Naval Unit. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Barton, R. R., Navy. Seaman 1st CI., June '18. U. S. S. Martha Washington. Transport duty overseas. Dis. June '19. Bassett, C. 1)., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Camp Perry. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C. unit, Univ. of South Dakota. Tr. to Univ. of Ne- braska. Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Batchelder, R. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S„ A. T. C, Oct. '18. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. Bean, K. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Beattie, G. D., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Pitt, Pittsburg. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Beaudoux, G. W., Field Artillery. Priv., 8 Apr. '18, 322nd F. A. Pro- moted to Corp., Sergt. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 5 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 15 Aug. '18 to 1 June '19, France. Chateau- Thierry, Argonne. Wounded. Legion of Honor Cross. Dis. 10 June '19. Benjamin, J. J., 3d, Naval Aviation. Priv., 11 June '18, U. S. Marine Fly- ing Corps. Promoted to Corp., 10 July '18; to Sergt, (Line), 1 Aug. '18; to Gunnery Sergt (A.), 24 Aug. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, 1st Pilot 22 Apr. '19. Stationed at Paris Island and other places. Dis. 2 May '19. Belknap, P. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C. unit, Cornell Univ. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Benton, F. E., Coast Artillery. Priv., 2 May '18, Casual Det., C. A. C. Tr. to 39th Battery, 4th Anti-Air- craft Sec, 10 Aug. '18. A. E. F., 6 Oct. '18 to 12 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Boggess, L. J., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 24 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C. unit, Clark Univ., Worcester. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Bolles, H. A., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 16 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant. Dis. 3 Dec. '18. 1921 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 229 Bowen, H. L, Infantry. Enlisted 10 Aug. '18, Co. G, 68th Inf. Promoted to Corp., Nov. '18; to Sergt, IS Mar. '19. Stationed at Ft. Thomas and other places. Dis. 6 Aug. '19. Brailey, A. G., Infantry. Enlisted 14 Aug. '18. Sent to Cen- tral Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Inf. R. C, 30 Nov. '18. Breckenridge, H. C, Coast Artillery. Priv., 24 Oct. '18, 14th Co, C. A. C. Stationed at Ft. Standish and Ft. Heath. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Browne, H. N., Infantry. Priv., 1st CI., 3 May '18, 115th Inf. Promoted to Sergt, 6 Oct. '18. A. E. F, 26 June '18 to 6 July '19; France, Al- sace. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 22 July '19. Burroughs, R. P., Infantry — Aviation. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to School of Military Aeronautics, Cornell Univ, and Univ. of Texas. Commissioned 2nd Lt, R. M. A, 12 May '19, Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. Dis. 12 May '19. Burton, H, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Promoted* to Sergt. Tr. to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 24 Nov. '18. Campbell, J. C, Infantry — Tank Corps — Motor Transport Corps. Priv, 28 Aug. '18, 151st Depot Brig- ade. Tr. to Tank Corps, 14 Sept. '18; to M. T. C, 20 Dec. '18. A. E. F, 27 Oct. '18 to 11 Feb. '19; England, France, Hospital terms. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Carder, E. W., Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd CI, 3 June '18. Promoted to Quartermaster (A.), 11 Sept. '18. Commissioned Ensign, (A.), 19 Apr. '19. Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 24 Apr. '19. Cary, C. P, Coast Artillery. Enlisted 25 June '18. Assigned to 72nd C. A. C, 20 July '18. A. E. F., 6 Aug. '18 to 14 Mar. '19; England, France. Dis. 25 Mar. '19. Catterall, A. D., S. A. T. C— Infantry. Enlisted 1 Oct. '18, Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Tr. to Camp Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 15 Jan. '19. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Cavis, G. C, American Field Service — Field Artillery. Enlisted May '17, A. F. S, S. S. U. 64. Dis. from A. F. S, Oct. '17. En- listed Yale R. O. T. C, Jan. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, F. A, 13 Sept. '18. Dis. 12 Dec. '18. Chester, A. P, Field Artillery. Enlisted 29 Aug. '18, 12th Battery, F. A. Central Officers' Training School. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 11 Dec. '18. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Clark, W. P., Tank Corps. Attended Officers' Training Camp for Tank Corps, at Gettysburg, Pa. Com- missioned 2nd Lt, Inf. R. C. Coleman, H. T, Naval Aviation. C. Q. M. (A.), 5 June '18. Commis- sioned Ensign, 7 Jan. '19. Stationed at M. I. T. and other places. Dis. 29 Feb. '19. Corbin, E. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Syracuse Univ. S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Crisp, N. W., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Central Of- ficers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Demond, C. W., Marine Corps. Enlisted 15 May '18. A. E. F, 12 Aug. '18 to 12 Aug. '19, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 12 Aug. '19. Dodge, J. B., Marine Corps. Enlisted 14 July '18. Stationed at Paris Island and Washington Navy Yard. Dis. 29 Dec. '22. Doran, W. K, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Dorney, J. F., Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Machinist's Mate, 17 Apr. '18. Pro- moted to Chief Yeoman (Pay Dept.), 1 Aug. '18. Stationed at Chicago and other places. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. 230 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1921 *Drewes, E. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Camp Perry. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. As- signed to Princeton S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 24 Nov. '18. Died Oct. '20, at Philadelphia. Duker, W. T., Jr., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 15 Oct. '18. Sent to Officer's Training Camp, Ft. Monroe. Dis. 15 Nov. '18. Ege, W. S., Infantry— Coast Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 19 July '18. Tr. to Camp Perry; to Ft. Monroe. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. C, 3 Jan. '19. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Elsasser, R. W., S. A. T. C— Coast Ar- tillery. Enlisted in Vocational Training Det., Dartmouth S. A. T. C, 1 Oct. '18. Tr. to Ft. Monroe, Nov. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 7 Feb. '19. Dis. 7 Feb. '19. Embree, J. W., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 27 Feb. '18. Pro- moted to Q. M. 3d CI., 5 Aug. '18. U. S. S. Indianapolis. Overseas service, 15 Jan. '19 to 5 Feb. '19, Holland. Dis. 9 Mar. '19. Fleming, J. M., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 21 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Pratt In- stitute S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Folger, J. B., Jr., Navy. Apprentice Seaman, 18 July '18. Pro- moted to Seaman 2nd CI., 7 Nov. '18. Stationed at Boston and other places. Dis. 26 Feb. '19. Frost, G. L., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 31 Oct. '18, C. A. Training School, Ft. Monroe. Dis. 22 Nov. '18. Frost, O. C, Naval Aviation. Enlisted 12 July '18, Marine Aviation Det., U. S. Marine Flying Corps. At- tended Ground School at M. I. T. Tr. to Flying School, Miami. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. Garfield, G. D., Coast Artillery. Enlisted 10 Feb. '18. Hdqrs. Co., 64th C. A. C. Promoted to Musician, 8th C. A. C. Band. Same, 64th C. A. C. Band. A. E. F., 14 July '18 to 24 Feb. '19. France. Dis. 17 Apr. '19. Garland, H. B., Infantry— Field Artil- lery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., F. A., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Zachary Taylor. Dis. 14 Dec. '18. Graydon, J. F., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 21 Oct. '18. Aviation Sec, Marine Corps. Stationed at League Island Navy Yard. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Hankins, W. E., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CI., 25 Feb. '18. Pro- moted to Boatswain's Mate, 1 Oct. '18. U. S. S. Radford. Overseas service, Convoy duty, 19 Oct. to 1 Dec. '19. Dis. 1 Feb. '20. Harris, G. B., Jr., Naval Aviation. Enlisted Aviation Sec, Marine Corps, 20 Aug. '18. Promoted to Gunnery Sergt., 5 Sept. '18. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Tr. to Marine Flying Field and U. S. Naval Air Station, Miami. Dis. 10 Feb. '19. Hart, R. H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, 18 July '18. Tr. to Central Machine Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Hartshorn, T. D., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 17 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt, 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Syracuse Univ. S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Haynes, R. C., 2nd, Artillery. Priv., 8 Jan. '18, Motor Hdqrs. Co. Promoted to Corp. A. E. F., France. Heath, H. L., Naval Radio Service. Electrician (Radio), 31 July '18. Dart- mouth Naval Unit, 1 Oct. '18. Stationed also at Pelham Bay and Hingham. Re- leased 20 Dec. '18. Dis. 30 Sept. '21. Hickman, F. G., Infantry. Enlisted 8 Sept. '17, 315th Inf. Dis. Sept. '17. Inducted into S. A. T. C, Columbia Univ., Oct. '18. Dis. Dec. '18. Hubbell, J. W., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Central Of- ficers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. 1921 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 331 Johnson, W. E., Jr., Infantry — Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted 4 Sept. '18, Depot Brigade, Camp Upton. Tr. to C. W. S., 30 Oct. '18. Dis. 13 Dec. '18. Kadison, N., Marine Corps. Enlisted 9 Oct. '18. Stationed at Paris Island. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Kendall, R. G., Infantry. Entered Ft. Sheridan camp for S. A. T. C. units 16 Aug. '18. Tr. to Dart- mouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Offcers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. King, C. A., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 20 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Tr. to Camp Grant. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Leiter, J., Medical Corps. Enlisted Dec. '17, Base Hospital Unit 28. A. E. R, June '18 to May '19; France. Dis. 14 May '19. Libby, R. A., Infantry — Coast Artillery. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to C. A. Training School, Ft. Monroe. Commissioned 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 6 Feb. '19 and discharged. Lies, W., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 3 Aug. '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Tufts Col- lege S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Litchard, C. K., Navy. Seaman 1st CI., 17 June '18. Pro- moted to Quartermaster 3rd CI., 5 Sept. '18. Commissioned Ensign, (D.), 1 Feb. '19. U. S. S. Swatara ; U. S. S. Wm. N. Page. Dis. 4 June '19. Luedke, E. A., Jr., Infantry. Entered Ft. Sheridan camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Camp Perry. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to S. A. T. C. unit, State Normal School, Superior, Wis. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. McCabe, E. F., Jr., Marine Corps. Enlisted 4 Apr. '18. Promoted to Corp. A. E. F., Oct. '18 to Aug. '19; France. Hospital term, 7 Sept. to 1 Oct. '18. Dis. 15 Aug. '19. McKay, H. M., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Central Of- ficers' Training School, Camp Lee, Va. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. McMillan, H. G., Naval Aviation. Chief Quartermaster, 13 May '18. Commissioned Ensign, 27 Dec. '18; des- ignated H 16 Pilot. Stationed at Pen- sacola and other places. Dis, 4 Mar. '19. Manchester, H. F., Marine Corps (Ma- chine Gun). Enlisted 22 Aug. '18. Tr. to M. G. Bn., 5th Brigade, U. S. M. C, 16 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 9 Nov. '18 to 30 July '19; France. Dis. 13 Aug. '19. Manning, H., Infantry (Machine Gun). Priv., 1 Oct. '18, M. G. Officers' Training Camp, Camp Hancock. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Mantler, C, Aviation. Aero Mechanic and Motor Truck Driver, 11 Jan. '18, 260th Aero Sqdn. Stationed at Ft. Slocum and other places. Dis. 4 Jan. '19. Marcy, W. L., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 16 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18: Assigned to S. A. T. C. unit, N. H. State College. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Martin, R. R., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 1 Aug. '18. Promoted to Chief Quartermaster (A.), 13 Dec. '18. Stationed at Seattle and N. Y. C. Dis. 12 Jan. '19. May, G. E., Infantry. Enlisted 3 Oct. '18. Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 26 Nov. '18. Mayo, R. D., S. A. T. C— Infantry. Enlisted 8 Oct. '18, Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Tr. to Camp Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Jan. '19. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. Means, J. R., Coast Artillery — Aviation. Enlisted 25 June '18, C. A. C. Pro- moted to Private 1st CI., July '18. Tr. to 72d C. A. C, July '18 ; to 102nd Aero Replacement Sqdn., rank of Cadet, 1 Dec. '18. A. E. F., 6 Aug. '18 to 18 Feb. '19; England, France. Dis. 6 Apr. '19. 232 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1921 Merriam, G. P., Ambulance — Infantry (Machine Gun). Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps, sec- tion Sanitaire Americaine No. 58, 15 June '17 to 13 Nov. '17, France. En- tered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 17 July '18. Tr. to Central Ma- chine Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 16 Sept. '18, 101st M. G. Co. Dis. 11 Dec. '18. Miller, W. B., Navy. Seaman, 30 Apr. '17. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 5 Dec. '18. Commissioned Ensign, 17 Apr. '19. U. S. S. Waraka. Stationed at Boston Navy Yard and other places. Dis. 28 Apr. '19. Mix, D. G., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 8 Apr. '17. Promoted to Chief Quartermaster (A.), 25 Mar. '18.. Commissioned Ensign, (A.), 20 July '18. Overseas service, 20 May '17 to 28 Aug. '17; France; on supply ship duty; North Sea mine sweeping duty. Dis. 1 July '19. Moore, C. W., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 19 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Union College S. A. T. C, Schenectady, N. Y. Dis. 2 May '19. Morse, D. G., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted Oct. '18. Naval Unit, M. I. T. Released Dec. '18. Dis. Sept. '21. Mott, P. E., Field Artillery. Enlisted 10 May '18. Promoted to Private 1st CI, 3 July '18. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Sept. '18. Instructor, F. A. Central Officers' Training School. Dis. 7 Dec. '18. Murphy, J. T., U. S. N. R. F. Seaman 2nd CL, 23 July '18. Pro- moted to Coxswain. Stationed at Hing- ham and Bumkin Island. Dis. 24 Dec. '18. Nardi, L. J., Tank Corps. Enlisted 2 Oct. '18, 305th Bn., Tank Corps. Promoted to Corp., 1 Dec. '18; to Sergt., 15 Dec. '18. Stationed at Camp Polk and other places. Dis. 3 Jan. '19. Nicholson, P., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 16 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to North Carolina State College S. A. T. C. unit, Dis. 2 Apr. '19. Noyes, P. A., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Dis. 24 Nov. '18. O'Connor, W. B., Marine Corps. Private, Land forces, U. S. M. C, 3 Aug. '18. Stationed at Paris Island. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Page, E. W. L., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt, Inf. R. C, 15 Jan. '19 and dis- charged. Pellens, T., Jr., Medical Corps. Priv, 27 Dec. '17, Base Hosp. No. 116. Promoted to Corp, 1 May '18. Tr. to Mobile Hosp. No. 9, 1 Oct. '18. A. E. F., 22 Mar. '18 to 5 July '19; England, France, Belgium. 2nd Ypres Drive. Dis. 7 July '19. Perkins, S, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C. ; to Central Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Lee. Dis. 23 Nov. '18. Plume, D. S., Marine Corps. Enlisted 14 Oct. '18. Foreign service, 17 Feb. '19 to 3 Sept '19; Dominican Republic. Dis. 10 Sept. '19. Ransom, H. S., Field Artillery. Enlisted 8 Sept. '18, 13th F. A. R. D. Promoted to Corp, 1 Dec. '18; to Sergt. 1 Dec. '18. Tr. to 20th Overseas F. A, 8 Nov. '18; 14th F. A. R. D, 15 Nov. '18. Stationed at Camp Jackson and Camp Upton. Dis. 18 Jan. '19. Robeson, F. K., Jr., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 6 May '18. Stationed at Cambridge, Mass. Dis. 3 Nov. '18. Rood, F. A., Infantry — Chemical War- fare Service. Enlisted 23 Aug. '18, 166th Depot Brigade. Tr. to C. W. S, Edgewood Arsenal, 15 Oct. '18. Dis. 20 Dec. '18. Rosenthal, P., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 June '18. U. S. S. Louis- ville; U. S. S. Von Steuben. Overseas service, 28 June '18 to 28 Mar. '19; Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France. Dis. 31 Mar. '19. 1921 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 23^ Rothschild, R. J., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 16 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 18 Sept. '18. Assigned to Niag- ara Univ. S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 10 Jan. '19. Ruder, R. E., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 16 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Georgia School of Technology S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 21 Nov. '18. Ruggles, D. B., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C, Sept. '18. Dis. 18 Dec. '18. Sewall, B. O., Medical Corps. Enlisted 4 Jan. '18, Base Hospital, No. 26. Tr. to Base Hospital No. 100, 7 Feb. '19. Promoted to Sergt. 1st. CI., 4 May '19. A. E. F, 4 June '18 to 15 July '19; France. Dis. 29 July '19. Shaffer, V., Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Enlisted 8 Aug. '18. Promoted to Quartermaster 3d CI., 21 Nov. '18. Cruise to China and return, 5 Dec. '18 to 10 Feb. '19. Dis. 17 Feb. '19. Shaw, S. T., Jr., Navy. Yeoman 3d cl., 28 Apr. '18, Naval Of- ficers' Training School. Stationed at Pelham Bay and N. Y. C. Dis. Sept. '19. Shepardson, R. A., U. S. N. R. F. Hospital Apprentice, 7 June '17, U. S. N. R. F. Promoted to Pharmacist's Mate 3d Cl., June '18; to Pharmacist's Mate 2d Cl., Nov. '18. U. S. S. Zulandia. U. S. S. Utah. Overseas service, 20 Mar. '18 to 1 Feb. '19; France; trans- port duty. Dis. 1 Feb. '19. Shepherd, J. G., Aviation. Enlisted 10 Aug. '18, 872nd Aero Sqdn. Appointed Instructor, 10 Nov. '18. Stationed at Minneapolis and Ft. Crook. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Shoup, M. E., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S. A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 Sept. '18. Assigned to Univ. of Buffalo S. A. T. C. unit. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. *Slawson, S. W., U. S. N. R. F. Died of influenza, Hanover, 9 Oct. '18. See Roll of Honor. Sullivan, H. A., Naval Aviation. Storekeeper 2nd Cl., 23 Oct. '17. Pro- moted to Storekeeper 1st Cl., 1 Apr. '18; to Chief Storekeeper, 1 July '18. Overseas service, 17 Dec. '18 to 11 June '19; France. Dis. 19 July '19. Symmes, C. W., U. S. N. R. F.— Naval Aviation. Seaman 2nd Cl., 6 June '18, U. S. N. R. F. Tr. 14 Sept. '18 to U S. Naval Air Force, as C. Q. M. (A.). Stationed at Hingham and other places. Dis. 15 Nov. '18. Tenney, B., Jr., Ambulance — Infantry. Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps, Section Sanitaire Americaine No. 58, 15 June to 25 Nov. '17; France. Entered Plattsburg Training Camp, 18 July '18. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Inf., 16 Sept. '18; transferred to Gainesville, Fla. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Townsend, M. B., S. A. T. C— Infantry. Enlisted 5 Oct. '18, Dartmouth S. A. T C. Tr. to Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 15 Jan. '19. Dis. 15 Jan. '19. *Tracy, R. L., Jr., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 28 Mar. '18. Attended Of- ficers' Material School. Commissioned Ensign, 14 Oct. '18. Assigned to U. S. S. Aztec. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. Trull, H. A., U. S. N. R. F. Enlisted 23 Mar. '17, Seaman 1st Cl. Promoted to Chief Boatswain's Mate, 18 Oct. '18. U. S. S. Bonita, U. S. S. Machigonne. Stationed at Hingham, Bumkin Island and other places. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. Van Cleve, C. G., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 25 Apr. '18. Attended M. I. T. Ground School. Commissioned En- sign, Dec. '18. Stationed at Miami and other places. Dis. Jan. '19. Varian, W C, Navy. Seaman 2nd Cl., 28 Apr. '17. Pro- moted to Gunner's Mate, 3d Cl., 1 July '17; to Torpedoman, 5 Oct. '18. Over- seas service, 20 Oct. '18 to 16 May '19; France, British Isles. Dis. 28 May '19. 234 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1921 Walker, H. H., Aviation. Enlisted in Aviation Service, 20 Mar. '18. Warner, A. W., Aviation. Private 1st CI., 8 Feb. '17. Commis- sioned 2nd Lt., Aviation Sec, Sig. R C, 19 Mar. '19. Stationed at Camp Dick and other places. Dis. 20 Mar. '19. Werden, W., Aviation. Enlisted 14 Feb. '18. U. S. School of Military Aeronautics. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aviation Sec, Sig. R. C. 12 Dec. '18. Stationed at Camp Dick and Selfridge Field. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Wilde, R. C, Infantry. Entered Plattsburg Camp for S. A. T. C. units, July '18. Tr. to Dartmouth S. A. T. C, Sept. '18. Dis. Dec. '18. Whelden, B. M., Infantry (Machine Gun). Enlisted 9 July '17, 1st Vt. Inf., which became 102nd M. G. Bn., 25 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 21 Sept. '18 to 17 Apr. '19; France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sec- tor, Chateau-Thierry, Troyon, St. Mi- hiel, Meu'se-Argonne. Wounded 23 Oct. '18. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. Whetton, J. K., S. A. T. C— West Point. Enlisted 7 Oct. '18, Dartmouth S. A. T. C. Dis. 31 Oct. '18 to enter U. S. Military Academy. Graduated from U. S. Military Academy, 13 June '22, and appointed 2nd Lt., F. A. Still in serv- ice. Wilson, F. J., Naval Aviation. Enlisted 9 Oct. '18. Attended Avia- tion School, M. I. T. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Wilson, R. F., Jr., Infantry. Entered Plattsburg camp for S A. T. C. units 18 July '18. Dis. 16 Sept. '18. Woodward, J. C, Royal Flying Corps. Enlisted in Imp. Royal Flying Corps, Jan. '18. Served one year in Canada. Yeaton, K. A., Medical Corps. Enlisted 26 Aug. '18. Ambulance Co. 14. Promoted to Priv. 1st CI., Nov. '18. Sept. '19. Stationed at Bismarck, N. D. Jan. '19. MEDICAL SCHOOL CLASS OF 1880 Spafford, F. A., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 13 Nov. '17. Promoted to Capt., 30 Aug. '18. Detailed as Medical Aide to Governor of North Dakota. Stationed at Pierre and Redfield. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. CLASS OF 1882 French, E. H., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 30 July '17. Promoted to Capt, 13 Mar. '18. Service with British Army, 1 Apr. '18. Tr. to U. S. Base Hosp. 117, 29 Oct. '18; to Base Hosp. 114, 8 Dec. '18; to Field Hosp., 79th Div., 13 Jan. '19; Field Hosp., 5th Div., 25 Feb. '19; to Field Hosp., 6th Army Corps, 24 Mar. '19; to Base Hosp. 121, 26 Apr. '19; to Base Hosp. 65, 20 June '19. A. E. F., 9 Mar. '18 to 5 July '19; England, France, Luxembourg, Ger- many. Dis. 9 July '19. CLASS OF 1883 Stickney, V. H., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 13 Nov. '17. Promoted to Capt, Sept. '19. Stationed at Bismarck, N. D. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. CLASS OF 1885 *Wentworth, A. R., Naval Medical Corps. Died 13 Apr. '21, Portsmouth Naval Hospital. See Roll of Honor. CLASS OF 1888 Sayles, J. B., Medical Corps. Capt., 27 Aug. '17. Chief of Sec. of Dermatology and Syphilis, Base Hosp., 80th Div., Camp Lee; same, U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. No. 6, Atlanta. Dis. 11 Jan. '19. CLASS OF 1890 Bailey, B. A., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 27 Apr. '17, Med. R. C. Pro- moted to Capt., Dec. 22, '18; attached to Ohio Nat. Guard, 137th Div. Post Sur- geon, Remount Depot No. 312, Camp Sheridan. Dis. Apr. '18. 1890 m DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 235 Noyes, N. K., Medical Corps. Capt., 6 Nov. '17, Med. R. C. Stationed at Med. Officers' Training Camp, 17 May '18. Tr. to New Orleans, Surgeon to U. S. Guards, 8 June '18; to Jack- son Barracks, attached to Post Hospital Staff, 8 Dec. '18. Dis. 18 Dec. '19. CLASS OF 1891 Lamson, C. A., Medical Corps. Capt, 15 Aug. '17, Med. R. C. Sta- tioned at Camp Mills and other places. Dis. 16 Oct. '19. CLASS OF 1892 Winslow, E. S., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 28 June '17, Med. R. C. Pro- moted to Capt., 1 Jan. '18; to Major, 21 May '19. Stationed at Base Hosp., Camp Devens. Dis. 10 Mar. '19. CLASS OF 1893 Allen, W. A., Medical Corps. Capt., 22 May '18. Ordered to Camp Stewart, Va. Tr. as Camp Surgeon to Pig Point, Va. Dis. 4 Apr. '19. *Griswold, J. B., Medical Corps. Died of pneumonia, Morristown, N. J., 25 Oct. '17. See Roll of Honor. CLASS OF 1894 Bell, E. L., Medical Corps. Capt., 3 Oct. '17. Attached to Evacu- ation Hosp. No. 4, 5 Jan. '18. Promoted to Major, 7 Feb. '19. Tr. to U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. No. 1, 26 Mar. '18; to Base Hosp. 218, A. E. R, as Commanding Officer, 23 July '18; to Camp Hosp. 43, as Commanding Officer, 3 May '19. A. E. R, 23 July '18 to 11 Sept. '19; France. Citation. Dis. 27 Sept. '19. Hutchinson, C. M., Medical Corps. Capt., 6 Oct. '18. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf and Ft. Oglethorpe. Dis. 21 Dec. '19. CLASS OF 1895 Baketel, H. S., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, Med. R. C, 12 Apr. '12. Or- dered to active duty 30 June '16. Pro- moted to Major, 1 July '17; to Lt.-Col., 21 May '19. Stationed at Med. Supply Depot, N. Y. Under orders to command Base Hospital in France when Armistice was signed. Dis. 5 Apr. '19. Gates, E. A., Medical Corps. Enlisted Feb. '17. Stationed at Springfield and other places. Dis. 4 Aug. '19. Parker, G. H., Medical Corps. Capt., 28 Oct. '18. Attached to U. S. Gen. Hospital, Colonia, N. J., 13 Nov. '18. Tr. to Physical Research Labor- atory, Hazelhurst Field, 30 Nov. '18; to Mitchel Field, 25 Jan. '19. Dis. 17 Sept. '19. Russell, F. C, Medical Corps. 1st Lt, Med. R. C, 12 July '17. Sta- tioned at Ft. Ethan Allen. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1896 *Chamberlain, G. E, Medical Corps. Capt, 7 Apr. '17, Med. R. C. Sta- tioned at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. Dis. 7 Sept. '17. Died 15 Dec. '19. Thomes, J. B., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 5 June '17. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf. Dis. for physical disability, 19 Sept. '18. Wilkins, R., Medical Corps. Major, 25 July '17, Med. C, 1st N. H. Inf. Promoted to Lt.-Col, Feb. '19. Tr. to command of 102d Field Hospital, 30 Sept. '17; to Military Police and Hdqrs. Trains, 26th Div. ; to Trench Artillery Center, as Surgeon, 30 Aug. '18. A. E. F, 3 Oct. '17 to 26 Mar. '19; France. Soissons, Toul, Chateau- Thierry. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. Wilson, H., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 8 June '17, Field Hospital No. 331, Sanitary Train, 83d Div. Stationed at Camp Sherman. CLASS OF 1897 George, A. P., Medical Corps. Capt, 20 Oct. '18. Stationed at Base Hospital, Camp Devens. Dis. 6 Dec. '18. Graves, B. A., Medical Corps. Capt, 9 Nov. '18. Post Surgeon, Ft. Preble. Dis. 31 Mar. '19. Ide, P. S., Coast Artillery — Medical Corps. Enlisted 28 June '15, Mass. C. A. C. Tr. to Med. C, 1 Dec. '18. Stationed at Ft. Banks, and other places. Dis. 6 Feb. '19. Jackson, H. C, Medical Corps. _ Capt, Med. R. C, 23 July '17. Sta- tioned at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 15 Sept. '17. Tr. to Evacuation Hospital No. 7, 15 Nov. '17; to Base Hospital, Ft. Riley, 15 Dec. '17. Dis. 29 Aug. '19. 236 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1897 m Johnson, H. L., Medical Corps. Capt., 1 Aug. '18, Casual Officers Det. Promoted to Major, 2 May '19; Post Surgeon, G. H. Q. A. E. F., 16 Sept. '18 to 18 June '19; France. Dis. 20 June '19. Osborne, L. J., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, Med. R. C, 20 Sept. '17. Pro- moted to Capt., 8 Oct. '18; to Major, 8 Oct. '19. Stationed at Attending Sur- geon's Office, N. Y. C. and other places. Dis. 16 July '19. Shultis, F. C, Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 23 Nov. '17. Promoted to Capt., 26 Sept. '18. Stationed at Ft. Oglethorpe and Camp Wadsworth. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. Snow, S. D., Medical Corps. Enlisted 19 Jan. '18, Med. Officers' Training Camp. Commissioned Capt., Med. R. C, 23 Oct. '18. Instructor, Med. O. T. C. Dis. 26 Dec. '18. Stark, M. A., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Med. R. C, 30 July '17; Bn. Surgeon, 58th M. G. Bn. Tr. to Base Hospital, Camp Sevier, 9 Apr. '18. Sta- tioned at Ft. Benjamin Harrison and Camp Sevier. Dis. 31 Jan. '19. *Thornburgh, R. M., Medical Corps. Lt.-Col., Regular Army, IS May '17; attached to 87th Div. A. E. F., France. Killed in auto accident, 9 Oct. ' 1 9, San Francisco, Cal. Williams, A. F., Medical Corps. Capt., 28 June '17. Appointed Sur- geon Labor Companies; 305th Steve- dore Regt.; 310th Labor Bn., 302nd Stevedore Regt.; 337th Labor Bn.; 113th F. A. A. E. F, 5 June '18 to 6 Jan. '19; France. Toul, St. Mihiel Offensive, Me'use-Argonne Offensive, Troyon De- fensive. Hospital term, 7 Nov. '18 to 13 Feb. '19. Dis. 30 Nov. '20. CLASS OF 1898 Burr, C. H., Medical Corps. Capt., 11 Sept. '18. Evacuation Hos- pital 44, Camp Greenleaf. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. Kingsford, H. N., Medical Corps. Capt, Med. R. C, 23 Apr. '17 Sta- tioned at Hanover, N. H. Martin, H. C, Medical Corps. Capt., 24 Mar. '17; atttached to 101st Inf. Promoted to Major, 23 June '18. A. E. F., 7 Oct. '17 to 6 Apr. '19; France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, 2nd Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. Croix de Guerre. Dis. 26 Apr. '19. Platts, H. S., Medical Corps. Enlisted Oct. '17. Commissioned 1st Lt., 12 Dec. '17. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf. Dis. 23 Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1899 Beckford, H. S., Medical Corps. 1st Lt'., Med. C, N. H. Nat. Guard, 29 May '13. Promoted to Capt., 29 May '16; to Major, 17 Feb. '19. In Federal service, 20 Mar. '17 as examining sur- geon, recruiting depots, N. H. Tr. to Ft. Oglethorpe as Sanitary Instructor and Adjutant of Ambulance Sec, Med. Officers' Training Camp, 18 June '17. Tr. to Div. Hdqrs., 26th Div., as Sur- geon, 10 Sept. '17. Tr. to 101st Field Hospital, Chief of Med. Staff, 3 Dec. '17; to 102nd Field Hospital, Chief Med. Officer, 15 June '18; to Hdqrs. 1st Army Corps, as Surgeon, 5 Feb. '19 ; to Field Hospital 13, 1st Div., as Ward Surgeon, 10 Apr. '19; to Field Hospital No. 3, as Commanding Officer. A. E. F., 9 Oct. '17 to 4 Sept. '19; France, Ger- many. Still in service, 5 Feb. '20. Healy, T. R., Naval Medical Corps. Lt. (j. g.), 12 Nov. '14, Navy Hosp. Unit No. 1, attached to Marine Brigade, 2nd Div. Promoted to Lt., Apr. '18. A. E. F., Oct. '17 to July '19; England, France. Chateau-Thierry. Relieved from active duty, Sept. '19. Pease, C. W., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 15 May '17; attached to 303rd F. A. Promoted to Capt, 6 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 25 Nov. '18 to 16 May '19; France. Dis. 14 June '19. CLASS OF 1900 Bartlett, P., Medical Corps. Capt, Med. R. C, 7 May '17. Pro- moted to Major, 3 May '18. Stationed at Camp Mills and other places. Dis. 2 May '19. *Rumrill, C. J., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 18 June '17; attached to 1st N. H. Inf., 1st Regt. Dis. Aug. '17. De- ceased. 1901 m DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 237 CLASS OF 1901 Bates, W. A., Medical Corps. 1st Lit., Med. R. C, 15 Aug. '17. Pro- moted to Capt., IS Apr. '18; to Major, 21 Apr. '19. Stationed at Ft. Ogle- thorpe and other places. Dis. 14 Jan. '19. Bisbee, W. G., Medical Corps. Bn. Surgeon, 5th F. A., 26 May '17. Commissioned Capt., 21 Jan. '18. Asst. to Camp Surgeon, Camp Merritt, Dec. '18. A. E. F., July '17 to Oct. '18; France. Cantigny, Montdidier-Noyon. Wounded. Hospital term, 9 July to 5 Dec. '18. Dis. 6 May '19. Hatch, L. B., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 1 Oct. '17. A. E. F., 6 July '18 to 29 July '19; France, Germany. Dis. 25 Aug. '19. Scannell, E. J., Medical Corps. Capt., 25 Mar. '18. Promoted to Major, 7 May '19. Stationed at Ft. Oglethorpe; Ft. Jackson, as Camp San- itary Officer. Dis. 7 Aug. '19. Toye, J. E., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Med. R. C, 28 Aug. '17. Pro- moted to Capt., 6 Dec. '17. Stationed at Camp Devens and other places. Dis. 19 Dec. '18. Walker, C. S., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 30 Jan. 11, 1st Regt, N. H. Nat. Guard. Commissioned Capt., 8 May .'11; Major, 14 Nov. '18. Assigned to 103d Inf., 12 Sept. '17. Tr. to 103d Field Hospital, 15 Feb. '18; to 101st Field Hospital, 22 Apr. '18. Appointed Commanding Officer, Med. Supply Unit, 26th Div., 22 May '18. A. E. R, 26 Sept. '17 to 18 Apr. '19; France. Toul Sector, Aisne-Marne, Champagne- Marne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 29 Apr. '19. CLASS OF 1902 Cowern, E. W., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 4 Apr. '18. Promoted to Capt., 11 Apr. '19. Instructor, Med. Officers' Training Camp, Camp Greenleaf, 5 Aug. '18. Dis. 21 Jan. '19. Lally, F. H., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Co. 20, Bat. 5, 8 Sept. '18. San- itary and epidemiological course, Camp Greenleaf. Dis. 27 Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1904 Severance, R. N., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Med. R. C. CLASS OF 1905 Chase, D. R., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 15 May '17. Promoted to Capt, 6 Nov. '17; to Major, 2 Oct. '18; to Major, Med. C. Regular Army, 1 July '20. Stationed at Utica, N. Y., and other places. In permanent service. Merrill, A. P., Medical Corps. Capt. Med. R. C. CLASS OF 1906 Bowler, J. W., Medical Corps. Enlisted 4 Oct. '18. Attached to S. A. T. C, Dartmouth. Dis. 15 Dec. '18. Mathes, R. W., Naval Medical Corps. Lt. (j. g.), Nat. Naval Volunteers, 6 Apr. '17. U. S. S. Sultana; Receiving Ship, Boston. Promoted to Lt., 1 Jan. '18. Overseas service, 21 May '17 to 1 Dec. '17; basing on Brest, France. Re- lieved from active duty 1 Sept. '20. CLASS OF 1907 Huse, E. L., Medical Corps. . 1st Lt, Med. R. C, 31 May '17. Sta- tioned at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. Dis. 25 June '17. Littlewood, T., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 28 Aug. '17; attached to 303d Ambulance Co., 301st San. Train. Pro- moted to Capt., 20 Feb. '18. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 13. June '19; France, Ger- many. Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 30 June '19. Manning, J. P., Medical Corps. 1st Lt. Stationed at Camp Custer. Robertson, C. W., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 15 May '18; attached to 322d Regt, 81st Div. A. E. F., 15 July '18 to 4 July '19; France, Meuse-Argonne Of- fensive. Dis. 4 July '19. CLASS OF 1908 *Bogue, Henry V., Naval Medical Corps. Died of pneumonia, Mare Island, Cat, 9 Jan. '19. See Roll of Honor. CLASS OF 1909 Wilson, H. B., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 15 Oct. '18, Base Hospital, Camp Devens. Dis. 23 Feb. '19. 238 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 1910 m CLASS OF 1910 Mathews, F. H., Naval Medical Corps. Lt. (j. g.), 15 May '18, U. S. Naval Hosp., Newport. Tr. to Base Hospital Unit No. 4. U. S. S. Carola. Overseas service, 20 Oct. '18 to 27 Dec. '18. Ire- land, France. Dis. 5 Mar. '19. CLASS OF 1911 Bostick, W. J., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 16 Aug. '17. Promoted to Capt., 4 Mar. '19. A. E. R, 17 Feb. '18 to 20 May '19; France, Germany. Al- sace Sector, Chateau-Thierry, Juvigny, Argonne, Meuse-Argonne. Dis. 14 June '19. Clough, W. P., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 10 Apr. '18. Attached to 327th Field Hospital, 82nd Div. Tr. to 353d Field Hospital, 89th Div.; to Base Hos- pital No. 45; to Base Hospital No. 210. Promoted to Capt., Med. R. C, '19. A. E. F., 7 June '18 to 19 June '19; France. Toul Sector. Dis. 23 June '19. Davis, S. G., Medical Corps. 1st Lt, 20 July '17. Promoted to Capt., 22 July '18. With British and French hospitals. Tr. to American Base Hospital No. 17. A. E. F., 1 Nov. '17 to 17 Apr. '19; England, France. Dis. 24 Apr. '19. CLASS OF 1912 Daly, E. J., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Mar. '18, Base Hospital, Camp Devens. Tr. to Base Hospital No. 70, Aug. '18. Appointed Camp Surgeon, various camps overseas. A. E. F., 4 Aug. '18 to Sept. '19, France. Dis. 6 Oct. '19. Dunham, H. B., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 2 Oct. '18; attached to 96th Div. Tr. to A. R. D. No. 307, Camp Wadsworth, 1 Jan. '19; to Gen. Hos- pital No. 5, Ft. Ontario, 28 Mar. '19; to 25th Inf., 27 Oct. '19. Lewis, F. E., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 7 Aug. '17. Promoted to Capt., 14 Nov. '18. A. E. F., 9 Oct. '17 to 3 Feb. '19; England, France. Dis. 14 Mar. '19. CLASS OF 1913 Barker, J. C, Jr., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 4 Aug. '17. A. E. F., 6 Sept. '18 to 30 May '19; France. Medaille Sauvetage. Dis. 13 June '19. Blood, R. O., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 4 Aug. '17; attached to 104th Field Hospital. Promoted to Capt., 14 Sept. '18; to Major, 1 June '19. Tr. to 103d M. G. Bn. as Bn. Med. Officer, 5 Jan. '18; to 1st Bn., 103d Inf., as Bn. Surgeon, 3 Mar. '18; to Base Hospital No. 9, 18 Aug. '18 ; to A. R. C. Hospital No. 1, 1 Sept. '18; to 26th Div. as Div. Orthopedic Surgeon, 13 Oct. '18; to Base Hospital No. 9, 30 Dec. '19; to 26th Div., as Div. Orthopedic Surgeon, 22 Mar. '19. A. E. F., 5 Oct. '17 to 27 Mar. '19; France. Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Chateau-Thierry, Meuse-Ar- gonne. D. S. C. ; Div. Citation ; Croix de Guerre with gold star. Dis. 30 Apr. '19. Cleasby, H. W., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., Med. R. C, 30 June '17. Pro- moted to Capt., 12 Feb. '18. Stationed at Gen. Hosp. No. 13 and other places. Dis. 19 Mar. '19. Powers, J. J., Medical Corps. 1st Lt., 20 June '16. Promoted to Capt.; to Major, 23 Mar. '18. Attached to Field Hospital No. 301. A. E. F., 10 July '18 to 11 Mar. '19; France. Dis. 3 July '19. CLASS OF 1914 *Emery, W. E., Medical Corps. Died as result of operation, Gen. Hos- pital No. 14, 11 June '18. See Roll of Honor. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 239 THAYER SCHOOL CLASS OF 1907 Peckham, C. I., Engineers. Enlisted in 2nd R. O. T. C, Platts- burg. Commissioned 1st Lt, Engrs. O. R. C. CLASS OF 1916 Kimball, J. C, Infantry. Priv., 3 Nov. '17, 151st Depot Brigade, Camp Devens. Dis. 16 Feb. '18. CLASS OF 1917 Perkins, R. G., Engineers. Priv., 19 Nov. '17, 29th Engrs. Pro- moted to Priv. 1st CI., Mar. '18. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., 8 Sept. '18. Tr. to 74th Engrs., Dec. '18. A. E. R, 15 Feb. '18 to 23 Feb. '19; France. Chateau- Thierry, St. Mihiel. Dis. 7 Apr. '19. TUCK SCHOOL CLASS OF 1915 Portman, A. B., Infantry. Enlisted 24 June '18, Inf. Officers' Training School, Camp Gordon. Com- missioned 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C, 30 Nov. '18. Dis. 30 Nov. '18. CLASS OF 1916 Hellie, E. W., Coast Artillery. Priv., June '18, 3d Co., C. A. C. Pro- moted to Corp. Commissioned 2nd Lt., 21 Dec. '18. Stationed at Ft. Williams and Ft. Monroe. Dis. 21 Dec. '18. ADVANCED DEGREES CLASS OF 1915 Thompson, E. W., Coast Artillery. 1st Lt., stationed at Ft. Monroe. CLASS OF 1919 Smythe, W. R., Coast Artillery. Enlisted May '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug. '17; assigned to 30th C. A. C. Promoted to Capt. Tr. to Artillery Bd., Paris, '17; to Howitzer Regt., 1st Bri- gade. A. E. R, '17 to Dec. '18; France. Verdun, St. Mihiel, Champagne-Meuse- Argonne. Dis. Dec. '18. 240 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD A. R. C. AMERICAN RED CROSS CLASS OF 1882 Thompson, J. F. Official Red Cross position. CLASS OF 1889 Carney, S. H., Jr. 1st Lt, A. R. C, 1 Oct. '18. Promoted to Capt., Apr. '19. Overseas service, 1 Oct. '18 to 5 July '19; France. Dis. 7 July '19. CLASS OF 1891 DuBois, C. G. Comptroller, A. R. C, 1 Nov. '17. Sta- tioned at Washington. Dis. 1 June '18. CLASS OF 1895 Gerould, J. T. Red Cross, Minn. State Director, May '17. Director of Bur. of Development and Asst. Manager, Northern Div., Sept. '17 to Mar. '19. Marden, J. K. Capt., A. R. C, 6 Feb. '18, A. R. C. Commission to Palestine. Overseas service, June '18 to Apr. '19; Palestine. CLASS OF 1897 •Bacon, A. A. Capt., A. R. C, 18 Feb. '18. Com- mission to Palestine. Promoted to Ma- jor, as Deputy Commissioner, Jan. '19. Overseas service, June '18 to May '19; Palestine, Syria. Dis. 23 June '19. CLASS OF 1900 Virgin, A. R. Appointed to British Red Cross, Jan. '16. Overseas service, Jan. '16 to Apr. '16; England. Dis. Apr. '16. CLASS OF 1901 Mason, T. A. In France. CLASS OF 1902 Brown, J. A. Q. M. with rank of Capt., 6. Mar. '18, Palestine Unit, A. R. C, Jerusalem Hdqrs. Appointed Officer in charge of Armenian Refugee Camp Industries, Port Said. Promoted to Major, 24 Apr. 19, as Deputy Commissioner for Egypt of Palestine Commission. Overseas service, 1 June '18 to 15 July '19; Pales- tine, Egypt. Dis. 1 Aug. '19. Watson, E. B. 1st Lt., Sept. '17. Promoted to Major, Nov. '18. Overseas service, 26 Sept. 'l7 to 31 Jan. '19; France. Tr. to Near East Relief Commission, and remained technically in service until June '19. CLASS OF 1903 Davis, R. M. Inspector of A. R. C. for Europe, May '17. Served in Paris and at the Front in various capacities. Head of com- mission of relief to Kuban district, Russia. Tr. to relief commission to Austria. Overseas service, June '17 to '20. CLASS OF 1904 Egbert, E. H. Volunteered 20 Aug. '14. Appointed Director Unit H, A. R. C, with rank of Major. Commissioned Col., Russian Imperial Army Med. C, Oct. '14; as- signed to R. C. Military Hospital, Kieff. Promoted to Senior Dir., Units C and H, Nov. '14, and to Brigadier General, Russian Army, Nov. '14. Served in Russian Army after withdrawal of A. R. C. Det. Overseas service, 7 Oct. '14 to 7 Dec. '15; Russia. Injured. Order of the Cross of St. Stanislaus, 2nd CI. Dis. from A. R. C, 7 Oct. '15; from Russian Army, Mar. '17. Pelkey, W. C. Asst. to General Manager of A. R. C, at Washington, Nov. '17. Dis. Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1905 Estes, C. E. Red Cross work in Paris, in charge of the Medical and Surgical Informa- tion Dept. Noel, E. P. War correspondent for Chicago Daily News, Aug. '14. Enlisted in British Red Cross, '14, under orders of the Royal Army Med. C. Appointed Asst. Chief, of Red Cross Motor Transport for France. Overseas service, Aug. '14 to May '19; Great Britain, Belgium, France and other countries. Ypres. Hospital term, 10 Nov. to 2 Dec. '14. Dis. 16 Dec. '18. A. R. C. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 241 CLASS OF 1906 Cummings, H. W. Chief Sanitary Inspector, A. R. C, San. Unit. 23, Dec. '17. Commissioned 2nd Lt., San. C, Oct. '18. Stationed at Ft. Worth. Dis. 25 Jan. '19. Redman, E. B. Smith, W. B. 1st Lt., Asst. Div. Representative, A. R. C, attached to 90th Div., 12 July '18. Overseas service, 7 Aug. '18 to 19 Mar. '19; France, Germany. Dis. 19 Mar. '19. *White, J. J. Enrolled as an executive, 3 June '18. Commissioned Secretary, rank of 2nd Lt, A. R. C, 31 Oct. '18. Promoted to Capt. Overseas service, 7 Aug. '18 to 28 Jan. '19, France. Dis. 29 Jan. '19. Died of pneumonia at Boston City Hospital Jan. 21, 1921. CLASS OF 1908 Chandler, A. R. Orderly, American Ambulance Hos- pital, Neuilly, 6 July '17. Commissioned 1st Lt, Oct. '17; Capt., Feb. '19. Ap- pointed delegate of A. R. C. relief work in France and Italy, 9 Oct. '17. Overseas service, 4 July '17 to 7 June '19; France, Italy. Dis. 23 June '19. CLASS OF 1909 Bedell, A. S. Secretary in the service of the A. R. C, with rank of 1st Lt, Oct. '18. Over- seas service, 13 Oct. '18 to 11 Apr. '19; Bulgaria, Greece. Dis. 14 Apr. '19. Huselton, J. S. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1911 Maynard, W. D. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1913 Gulick, E. L., Jr. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1914 Trott, R. H. Capt., 1 Nov. '18. Overseas service, 1 Nov. '18 to 25 Sept. '19, Italy, France, Serbia, Greece, Roumania, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Hungary, Bul- garia, England. Chevalier of the Order of the Star (Roumanian). Wood, B. C. Appointed 13 July '18, Field Service Sec, with 91st Div. Commissioned 2nd Lt., A. R. C, 5 Aug. '18; 1st Lt, 21 Aug. '18; Capt. 29 Oct. '18. Overseas service, 5 Aug. '18 to 13 Apr. '19, France, Belgium. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive, Ypres-Lys Offensive. Medal of Honor with silver swords. Dis. 2 May '19. CLASS OF 1916 Phillips, G. B. Civilian relief work with A. R. C. and American Friends Reconstruction Unit, 1 Feb. '18. Overseas service, 6 May '18 to 3 Mar. '19, France. Stackpole, P. W. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1918 Garratt, D. L. See Roster of the classes. Tusting, P. F. Appointed to Field Service, A. R. C, Sept. '18. Stationed at Camp Scott. Dis. 25 Nov. '18. CLASS OF 1919 Chipman, J. H. See Roster of the classes. Gordon, J. A. See Roster of the classes. Roland, R. H. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1920 Loehr, G. R. See Roster of the classes. Smith, W. M. See Roster of the classes. Vail, J. D., Jr. Asst. Field Director, 8 Aug. '18, Bur. of Communication, A. R. C. Stationed at Camp Grant and Chicago. Dis. 28 Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1921 Duncan, E. B. Enlisted May '18, Ambulance Sec, A. R. C. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Over- seas service, May '18 to Dec. '18, Italy. Italian War Cross. Dis. 22 Dec. '18. 242 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Y. M. C. A. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION CLASS OF 1881 Lane, F. R. Member of the Army Educational Corps, Feb. to July '20. Stationed at Le Mans, Paris, and other places. Dis. June '20. CLASS OF 1884 Hulbert, H. B. Lecturer in France under the Y. M. C. A., Dec, '18 to June '19. CLASS OF 1885 Foster, H. D. Educational director, 3 Feb. '20. Act- ing Director of College of Science and Letters, A. E. F. Univ., '22 Feb. '20. Tr. to Army Educational Corps, 16 Apr. '20, as Director of instruction in history. Engaged in inspecting schools in Army of Occupation in Germany, 23 Apr. '20. Overseas service, 14 Feb. to 10 June '20, France, Germany. Dis. 10 June '20. CLASS OF 1887 Johnson, G. E. Overseas service, 27 Jan. '18 to 20 Sept. '18. CLASS OF 1890 Mills, G. S. Educational Secretary, Dec. '17 to 1 June '18. Stationed at Great Lakes Training Station. CLASS OF 1892 Sargent, J. B. Appointed 29 Aug. '18. Overseas ser- vice, 4 Oct. '18 to 27 Apr. '19, England. Dis. 12 Aug. '19. CLASS OF 1893 Dascomb, H. N. Divisional Religious Work Director, 4 July '18, Montigny-Le-Roi. Tr. to Advance Supply Depot. Promoted to Regional Religious Work Director of 3d Y. M. C. A. Region. Overseas service, 20 June '18 to 1 July '19, France. Dis. 2 Aug. '19. CLASS OF 1897 Boardman, Richard. Appointed 17 May '18. Overseas ser- vice, 2 June to 1 Nov. 18; France, Greece. Injured. Hospital term, 43d British Gen. Hosp. at Salonica, 31 Aug. to 28 Sept. '18. Order of the Redeemer, from King of Greece. Dis. 1 Nov. '18. CLASS OF 1898 Lord, F. P. Special Physician, later Director, Medical Dept. for France, 1 Jan. '18. Overseas service, 28 Jan. '18 to 15 July '19; France. Dis. 15 July '19. Macandrew, D. C. Physical culture work for Y. M. C. A. in France, Aviation Corps. Dis. Dec. '18. CLASS OF 1899 Atwood, W. T. Athletic Director, 28 June '18. Over- seas service, 12 Nov. '18 to 1 July '19, France. Dis. 19 July '19. Martin, L. A. Secretary, Oct. '17. Overseas service, 29 Oct. '17 to 25 Nov. '19, France. CLASS OF 1900 Hastings, H. R. Appointed 1 July '18. Stationed at Naval Base Y. M. C. A., Hampton Roads, Va. Dis. 4 July '19. Hutchins, H. Secretary, Aug. '18. Overseas service 16 Aug. '18 to '19; England, France. CLASS OF 1902 Dow, G. L. Appointed Aug. '18. Overseas ser- vice, 5 Sept. '18 to 15 Feb. '19, France, Belgium, Germany. Dis. Mar. '19. Harrison, C. H. Y. M. C. A. work in France, 5 May '18. CLASS OF 1903 Smith, J. F. Secretary, 20 Dec. '17. In charge of Foyers du Soldat. Overseas service, 7 Jan. '18 to 7 Mar. '19; France. Dis. Mar. '19. CLASS OF 1904 Bullock, M. W. War Work Sec, 22 Nov. '17. Educa- tional Sec, Camp Meade. With Labor Bns., Camp St. Sulpice, 5 Mar. '18. Tr. to 369th Inf., 6 July '18. Overseas ser- vice, 5 Mar. '18 to 30 May '19, France. Champagne Front, Alsatian Front. Re- commended for Croix de Guerre. Dis. 4 June '19. Y. M. C. A. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 243 Freeman, F. B. Secretary, 30 Nov. '17. Div. Sec, Brest Base 5, Jan. '17; Gen. Sec, Region 1, July '18; Gen. Field Sec, 19 Jan. '19. Overseas service, 30 Nov. '17 to 7 June '19, France, Belgium, Ger- many. Dis. 22 June '19. Nolan, J. H. Religious Sec, 9 Oct. '17; assigned to 303d Heavy Art., Camp Devens. Tr. to Overseas Committee for New Eng- land, Dec. '17. Dis. '19. CLASS OF 1905 Falconer, R. C. Secretary, 26 Sept. '17; assigned to 26th Div. Tr. to 4th Div., Army of Occu- pation, as Div. Sec, Oct. '18. Overseas service, Oct. '17 to July '19, France, Germany. Wounded. Hospital term, 10 Apr. to 1 May '18. Dis. 7 July '19. CLASS OF 1906 *Blatherwick, J. A. Athletic Instructor in training camps in France. Deceased. Burtch, J. J. Appointed Sept. '18. Regional Athle- tic Dir., Nancy Region. Overseas ser- vice, Sept. '18 to July '19, France. Dis. '19. Kelly, E. P. Appointed July '18; assigned to 2nd Div., Polish Legion. Tr. to 3d Div. Artillery, May '19. Appointed Athletic Officer, Captain, 11th Div., Nov. '19, Army of Occupation of Pomerania; Physical Director, Captain, 3d Army Corps, July '20. Overseas service, July '18 to Jan. '21 ; France, Poland. War cross issued by Polish gov't for Amer- ican volunteers. Kingsbury, J. H. Appointed Sept. '18. Stationed at Hoboken, N. J. Dis. Nov. '18. CLASS OF 1907 Edwards, F. Appointed 29 June '18. Overseas ser- vice, 9 Aug. '18 to 19 June '19, Italy, Austria. Croce di Guerra; honorary commission, Major, Italian Army; Vit- torio Veneto. Dis. 19 June '19. Liscomb, G. E. Physical Director, 17 July '18. As- signed to 328th Inf., 5 Jan. '19. Over- seas service, 18 Nov. to 7 Feb. '19, England, France. Dis. Feb. 19. McDonough, F., Jr. Appointed 27 June '18. Stretcher bearer with 20th Engrs. Forestry. Over- seas service, 7 Aug. '18 to 15 Feb. '19, France. Hospital term, Jan. to May '19. Dis. Mar. '19. Redington, T. T. Camp Business Secretary, Camp Dodge, la., Mar. to Aug. '18. Stilphen, C. M. Appointed 1 Jan. '18. Served in Foyer du Soldat. Overseas service, Jan. '18 to Feb. '19. CLASS OF 1908 Blanpied, D. R. Appointed June '18, for service with Foyer du Soldat. Overseas service, 23 June '18 to 1 May '19; France. Dis. 1 May '19. Cams, R. L. Appointed 17 June '18, for service with the French army. Overseas ser- vice, 31 July '18 to 17 July '19, France. Dis. '19. Skillin, C. P. Athletic Trainer, 27 Sept. '18. Physi- cal Director in France. Overseas ser- vice, 27 Oct. '18 to 6 Apr. '19, France. Dis. '19. CLASS OF 1909 Richardson, R. J. Secretary, Oct. '18, for S. A. T. C, Dartmouth. Dis. 30 June '19. Rose, P. M. Secretary, 10 Nov. '17. Overseas ser- vice, 12 Dec. '17 to 26 Jan. '19, France, Italy. Dis. 15 Feb. '19. Ross, W. M. Secretary, 29 July '18, for service with Foyer du Soldat. Promoted to Regional Director of work in the Pal- atinate. Overseas service, 29 July '18 to 12 Aug. '19, France, Germany. Dis. 13 Aug. '19. Varney, J. C. Appointed 14 Dec. '17. Overseas ser- vice, 19 Dec. '17 to 15 Nov. '19; Russia. CLASS OF 1910 Baldwin, J. Athletic Director, 1 June '18. Over- seas service, 5 Aug. '18 to 5 July '19; France. 244 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Charlton, H. N. See Roster of the classes. Moe, W. C. H. Secretary, 8 Dec. '17. Appointed Hut Secretary, May '18; Div. Religious Sec, Jan. '19. Overseas service, 8 Dec. '17 to 28 Feb. '19; France, Germany. Dis. 28 Feb. '19. Reynolds, R. G. Army Education Committee of the Y. M. C. A., Paris. CLASS OF 1911 Rockwood, S. W. Asst. Secretary, 1 July '17. Over- seas service, 8 Aug. '18 to 13 July '19; France. Dis. 14 July '19. Taylor, W. Appointed June '18. Overseas ser- vice, Aug. '18 to July '19; England, France. Wilson, C. M. Appointed Aug. '17. Tr. to Foyer du Soldat, 8th French Army, 28 Sept. '18, Overseas service, 26 Sept. '17 to 8 Mar. 19; France. Dis. 24 Mar. '19. CLASS OF 1912 Anderson, E. W. See Roster of the classes. Lowd, H. S. Appointed 18 Nov. '18. Stationed at Boston Navy Yard. Dis. 1 Apr. '19. CLASS OF 1913 Watts, G. B. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1914 Byron, S. B. Y. M. C. A. work in France. Wheelock, A. S. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1915 Durgin, R. L. Acting Gen. Sec, Camp Merritt, 1 Oct. '17. Hulbert, C. P. See Roster of the classes. CLASS OF 1916 Banton, W. W. Appointed 5 Oct. '17. District Sec, 23 Dec. '18; Acting Nat. Sec, Western Siberia, 19 July '18. Overseas service, 11 Oct. '17 to 8 Apr. '19; Russia. Russian Order of St. George. Dis. 31 Apr. '19. Chase, E. P. Appointed to English Y. M. C. A. June '17. Tr. to American Y. M. C. A. Aug. '17, as Sec. in Educational Dept., London. Overseas service, June '17 to Apr. '18, England. Dis. Apr. '18. Cranston, E. See Roster of the classes. Frederiksen, O. J. See Roster of the classes. *Jordan, L. R. Died of tuberculosis, 15 Oct. '18, at Tucson, Ariz. See Roll of Honor. CLASS OF 1917 Boynton, R. C. See Roster of the classes. Cotton, T. L. Secretary, 15 Sept. '17. Overseas serv- ice, '17 to '19, Russia. Served with Allies and Americans against Bolshe- viki. Leighton, F. W. See Roster of the classes. Merrill, H. E. Secretary, Sept. '17. Overseas service, Nov. '17, Russia. Commended for con- duct under fire. CLASS OF 1918 Arnold, G. C, Jr. See Roster of the classes. Nelson, W. H. See Roster of the classes. Walkingstick, S. R. Secretary, 5 May '17, with nominal rank of Capt., British Army. Overseas service, 15 Dec '17 to 12 July '19, India, Mesopotamia, England. Hospital term, 1 July to 10 Aug. '18. Dis. 17 Apr. '19. Weingold, L. E. Appointed 8 Mar. '18. Stationed at Brooklyn Naval Y. M. C. A. CLASS OF 1919 Baldwin, K. B. See Roster of the classes. Y. M. C.A. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 245 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CLASS OF 1899 CLASS OF 1907 Evans, G. H. Davis, O. C. Appointed 7 Oct. '18. Organized and Appointed Camp Librarian, 1 July '17. ran Naval Operating Base Library, A. E. F., 1 Jan. '18 to 1 June '18, France. Hampton Roads, Va. Dis. 7 Jan. '19. Dis. '18. STUDENTS' ARMY TRAINING CORPS OFFICERS Major Max Patterson, Captain Patrick F. Gleason, Second Lieutenant Chauncy C. Batchelor, Second Lieutenant John S. Pickett, First Lieutenant John P. Hall, Captain Howard N. Kingsford, Dr. John W. Bowler, First Lieutenant Arthur L. Carrigan, Second Lieutenant Thomas W. Johnston, First Lieutenant William L. Barry, Second Lieutenant James S. Armstrong, Second Lieutenant Albert S. Baker Second Lieutenant George N. Ewing Second Lieutenant Landon R. Funston Second Lieutenant Donald L. Brown Second Lieutenant William H. Y. Knighton Second Lieutenant Michael J. Garvey Second Lieutenant Mordecai J. B. Ezekiel Second Lieutenant Donald J. Luty Second Lieutenant Carl Merritt Campbell Second Lieutenant Henry Beverly Hart CLASS OF 1901 Carpenter, F. D. (Harvard) CLASS OF 1907 Nickerson, A. R. (Harvard) Reilly, J. C. (Harvard) CLASS OF 1910 fRyan, J. J. CLASS OF 1913 Daley, E. J. (Harvard) CLASS OF 1915 fBoggs, A. G. (Harvard) Parrott, N. M. CLASS OF 1916 O'Shea, E. J. CLASS OF 1917 fHowland, P. H. Locke, A. W. tSee Roster of the Classes. *See Roll of Honor. Commanding Officer. Acting Commander, first battalion. Commander, second battalion. Personnel Officer and Adjutant. Medical Corps, U. S. A. Contract Surgeon. Contract Surgeon. Dental Corps, U. S. A. Quartermaster Corps, U. S. A. Transferred to Arkansas University. Transferred to Colby College. CLASS OF 1918 Barrett, R. L. Coon, M. F. Dessau, J. H. Jones, C. C. Jones, T. J. *Kane, G. O. McBride, C. C. Montgomery, W. J. Proctor, A. C. Rau, F. L. Seed, R. C. Taylor, W. N. Tripp, C. C. Weston, M. F. CLASS OF 1919 Adams, F. R. Alden, F. W. Aldrich, L. W. fAllen, W. W. Arakelian, J. Babcock, C. A. Bard, R. J. Bates, F. R. Bear, F. J. Bevan, K. C. Boulton, H. C. 246 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 247 Bradley, J. B. Brown, W. J. Buttenwieser, C. Childs, H. L. Clay, C. R. Collins, C. W. Davis, D. C. Davis, J. C. Dearstyne, C. S. Eisaman, J. R., Jr. Ewart, S. D. Felton, L. M. Finlayson, D. L. fFornacca, J. J. Foss, R. C. Gerrish, P. H. tGilchrist, K. D. Goss, J. A. Gray, H. D. Griffith, P. W. Halloran, P. J. Hanlon, L. V., Jr. Heller, A. Hodgkins, N. L. Holley, H. p. Aitken, E. C. Allen, J. E., Jr. Allen, J. G. fAmsden, J. P. N fAshton, C. M., Jr. Banton, H. E. Bennett, P. E. fBernkopf, H. E. Blake, S. J. Breglio, V. A. Brotherhood, P. M. Buschmann, J. F. Campbell, R. E. Cate, A. M. Charlock, R. W. fChilcott, J. C. Clark, H. E. Clarkson, L. "W. Cotner, R. W. Dale, W. H. Davidoff, R. B. fDavidson, T. B. Davis, L. E. Davis, L. S. Dearborn, H. W. Jewett, J. Kilpatrick, R. M. fLevy, W. I. Lewis, R. M. McCarter, W. H. McCrea, F. H. Martin, E. E. Miridjanian, A. Murray, J. M. Parker, A. C. Quincy, J. E. Rayner, G. A. Reilly, J. F. Reilly, T. J., Jr. Rice, K. H. Sleeper, N. T. Smith, W. T. Sullivan, D. E., Jr. Sullivan, D. T. fWallis, R. N., Jr. Webster, H. S. White, W. A., Jr. Whitney, R. Wright, J. H. Wright, W. CLASS OF 1920 Dow, R. B. Dudley, T. M. Edwards, T. H. Emory, K. P. fFarnsworth, B. B. M. Farwell, R. R. Featherstone, D. F., Jr. Fipphen, E. E. Foley, A. R. Fowler, J. G. fFrey, A. W. Frost, J. W. Fuguet, W. D. tGault, W. S. fGlines, T. J. Graves, S. M. fGross, F. P. Gruenhagen, D. F. Haas, G. A. Hale, A. C. fHamm, F. B. fHayes, R. L. Hill, C. E. Horton, R. A. 248 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Huntington, H. G. Hussey, L. K. Hutchinson, P. L. Johnson, F. D. Jones, W. R. fKimball, R. C. Kitfield, P. H. fLee, F. H. Leonard, £. S. Lloyd, C. A. tLombard, M. L. McAllaster, J. P. McGlynn, F. E. McKenzie, C. W. McPartlin, R. F. Marden, F. T. Mayer, F. H. fMiller, E. C. tMilne, J. R. Miner, R. J. Monroe, S. M. Morse, R. F. Moulton, F. G. Newell, H. W. fNewton, C. E. Page, G. E., Jr. Palmer, A. S. Pearson, R. M. Phillips, R. G. Potter, W. B. Quinn, J. R. Rassieur, G. M. Allen, C. T. fAlley, W. M. Anderson, J. H. Anger, H. C. Auger, R. fBailey, R. Baker, R. G. Barker, N. W. Basch, A. M. fBatchelder, R. C. Bateman, L. W. Bausher, J. L. Beers, W. C. fBelknap, P. C. Bird, R. P. Bishop, E. C. Blesh, R. P. Boardman, L. J. Richardson, N. B. Roland, P. H. Rounseville, C. C. Ryan, W. J. Sampson, H. W. Shea, W. P. Shnayerson, E. Smith, A. K. fSmith, L. E. Snedecor, S. Southworth, F. L. Spero, H. Stark, J. W. Stevens, C. H., Jr. Stickney, J. W. fSullivan, W. B. Sunergren, R. A. fTrent, F. E. Turner, W. O. fUngar, L. M. Van Orden, T. D. Walbridge, M. E. Wallace, E. Weymouth, B. E. Whitaker, H. W. Whiteside, N. H., Jr. Whitney, R. K. Wilkie, J. V. Willard, L. T. Winter, G. F. Young, A. M. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) CLASS OF 1921 Bornman, F. D. Bowen, D. C. Bowers, S. G. Braman, H. F. Briggs, E. O. Brown, H. Bunn, J. F., Jr. fBurton, H. Campbell, H. R. *Campbell, R. C, Jr. Carver, N. F. fCatterall, A. D. Chamberlain, G. H. Chapman, E. H. Childs, C. R. Clark, E. V. Cleary, H. J. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 249 Cleveland, T. V. Codding, W. A. Cook, L. H. Corbet, C. C. Corwin, V. C. Cosgrove, F. J., Jr. Cutler, G. E. Dain, J. W. (Union) Dale, J. Daly, R. T. Daniels, F. J. Dechter, M. A. Derby, R. W. Dickinson, M. A. (Amherst) fDoran, W. K. Duker, W. T., Jr. Dunn, A. V. Egginton, E. D. Eisaman, J. H., (Pennsylvania State) fElsasser, R. W. Exnicious, M. O. Faunce, L. S. (Northeastern) Ferguson, G. W., Jr. Fisher, E. H. Fitzgibbon, H. H. Fleet, C. C. Flewelling, H. L. Forbes, N. F. Forman, G. C. Foster, F. B. Foster, F. B., Jr. Fowler, W. P. Frederickson, J. F. (Wisconsin) Freeman, C. R. Fuller, D. J. Garfein, J. Gates, A. L. Gilbert, A. W. Goodnow, R. J., Jr. Gorham, S. B. Goulding, L. D., Jr. Green, A. M. Griffin, G. G. Griffith, T. H. Grundman, V. R. Haight, S. F. Hale, A. C. Hale, F. S. Halsey, E. G., Jr. Hammond, C. E. (Michigan) Harper, E. B. Harrigan, R. M. Hart, C. F. Hasbrook, J. V. A. Heath, H. L. Herbert, J., Jr. Hill, F. R. Holt, W. W. Homer, W. S. Hurd, J., Jr. Janssen, W. A. Johnson, C. M. Johnson, M. F. Jones, J. G. Kavanaugh, D. E. Kelly, E. E. Kelsey, R. W. Keltner, B. A. fKendall, R. G. Kerlin, L. J. Kerwin, C. C. Keyes, C. S. Lamb, D. S. (Princeton) Lane, J. H. Law, J. T. Lawrence, S. D. Leonard, E. W. fLibby, R. A. Littlefield, A. T. Lowe, L. E. Lowe, N. A. Luce, R. E. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Lund, J., Jr. Lundegren, W. T. McAdams, W. T., Jr. MacDonald, R. M. McDuffee, F. McKinley, K. S. McMackin, C. E. Mahoney, J. R. Mallary, R. D. Marchant, R. S. (Wesleyan) Marden, H. A. May, G. E. fMayo, R. D. Merriam, T. E. Miller, R. G. (Colgate) Miner, R. B. Mitchell, J. P., Jr. Moore, H. F. Moreau, C. E. 250 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Morreau, L. H. Murray, R. N. Newcomb, N. M. Norcross, T. S. North, R. M., Jr. Noyes, H. B. Noyes, H. H. fNoyes, P. A. O'Malley, H. F. Oppenheimer, A. L. O'Reilly, V. P. O'Shea, G. E. Owen, W. H. fPage, E. W. L. Palmer, H. F., Jr. Parker, S. W. Parks, R. S. Patch, R. D. Patterson, R. H. Payson, C. P. Payson, P. R. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Pearson, D. E. Pendleton, R. W. fPerkins, S. Perry, W. H. Plumb, S. W., Jr. Pollard, R. G. Price, E. S. Prince, W. G. Printz, H. Reynolds, G. L., Jr. Riley, J. H. Rolfe, R. S. Ross, A. H. Ross, F. A., Jr. Rouillard, R. G. (Bowdoin) fRuggles, D. B., Jr. Ryder, D. F. Sanders, C. W., Jr. Sanderson, P. G. Sater, K. L. Sawyer, D. F. Schnitt, W. F. Schulting, H., Jr. Schultz, J. J. Seegal, D. Selden, T. M. (Lincoln) Sercombe, F. M. Severance, O. C. Shaw, J. Sherwood, M. W. Sinclair, W. H. Slayton, H. D. Smead, J. L. Smiley, E. K. Smith, E. C. Smith, H. H. Smith, L. D. Smith, N. C. Smith, N. L. Smith, P. A. Sonnenfeldt, T. Staley, T. C. Stanley, J. W. Steiner, A. R. Stiles, C. N. Stone, G. S. Storer, D. F. Sullivan, C. V. Sullivan, J. L. (Yale) Taylor, C. J. Taylor, J. W. Taylor, R. N. Terry, W. E. Thomas, K. H. •j-Townsend, M. B. Trainer, D. W., Jr. Tully, G. P. Vance, J. A. Walker, H. H. Warbasse, J. F. Weld, L. H. (New Hampshire State College) Wesley, A. K. fWhetton, J. K. White, S. W. Whittier, R. H. Wilcox, E. H. fWilde, R. C. Wise, C. N. (Akron) Wolf, W. B. Woodhouse, J. C. Worthington, R. L. Youngerman, A. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 251 Acker, A. C. Adams, C. W. Adams, R. Akey, C. J. Allen, N. B. Almon, H. P. Anderson, T. S. Armstron, R. R. Aronson, H. Aschenbach, W. J., Jr. Babigan, S. Bacon, R. C. Bailey, J. R. Baldwin, R. A., Jr. Ball, L. F. Barnard, W. L. Bartlett, R. L. Barton, R. C. Bates, E. G. Bates, S. P. Bernache, W. J. Blanchard, R. W. Booth, R. P. Boyd, A. P. Boyle, P. E. Bradish, R. F. Bradley, R. H. Braunlich, A. R., Jr. Brishon, L. G. Brooks, C. G., Jr. Brooks, G. E. Brower, J. E. Brown, D. M. Brucker, R. V. Bull, E. C, Jr. Bunting, R. Burgess, R., Jr. Burnham, C. A. Busher, G. D. Buswell, F. W. Byrne, T. J. Caldwell, K. R. Caldwell, W. L. Camp, D. M. Campbell, L. C. Carleton, J. P. Carlisle, H. L. Carpenter, W. E. Cate, R. B. Cassin, M. J. CLASS OF 1922 Chadbourne, H. A. Chevalier, S. L. Clapp, E. H. Clark, H. J. Clark, R. J. Clifford, C. B. Clogston, P. W. Coakley, A. J. Coakley, J. Cohen, J. S. Cole, A. E. Cole, R., Jr. Collins, F. D. Colton, H. J. *Conant, G. E. Coughlin, T. R. Crosby, H. B., Jr. Cullen, J. F. Cummings, W. W., Jr. Cunningham, R. E. Davis, L. E. Davis, W. C. Decker, H. C. Dennett, R. C. Dewey, R. M. Dexheimer, J. P. Dow, F. H. Dyer, F. W. Earle, C. W. Eggerss, E. J. Ellis, R. A. Fancher, J. H. Farnham, L. P. Feeley, E. W. Ferguson, H. S., Jr. Folan, J. F. Forbes, W. J. Fraser, H. E. Fredericks, E. W. Gallagher, W. F. Garst, C. Garst, W. Gillette, E. H. Goldbeck, C. H. Green, H. W. Griffin, D. C. Gunnison, A. Haas, W. G. Hall, W. W. 252 DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD Hambury, E. D. Hamilton, J. A. Hanlon, F. A. Hardy, J. A. Harmon, R. S. Harris, W. E. Harvey, E. M., Jr. Hauser, B. J. Hawley, G. S. Hayes, L. S. Heath, A. M. Hemenway, R. W. Henderson, O. Higgins, A. J. Hight, R. E. Hinners, R. G. Hodgdon, F. T., Jr. Holland, H. O., Jr. Hopkins, C. S. Hotchkiss, E. Howard, C. B. Hoyt, C. H. Humphreys, P. C. Hyde, P. A. Innes, T. M. Jackson, S. S. Jensen, C. R. Johnson, E. H. Johnson, H. C. Jones, C. S. Jones ,E. F. Jordan, N. S. Kenny, W. R. Kenyon, S. M. Kiewit, P. Kilmarx, S. D. Kimball, P. G. Kincaid, D. W., Jr. Knapp, P. M. Knisteller, F. S. Knott, C. D. Kopf, W. H. Ladd, R. S. Lane, E. C, Jr. Lawler, C. J. Laycock, E. A. Leighton, P. H. Leith, E. Leland, E. F., Jr. Lenci, T. A., Jr. Levis, S. H. Liechtenstein, R. C, Jr. Livermore, F. L. Livermore, R. Loring, J. C. Lyon, A. T. McCasky, R. P. McClure, F. H. McCoun, L. P. MacDermott, G. V. McGrath, H. L. McNamara, E. F. MacLaine, E. W. Malmquist, E. C. Mann, W. D. Mareau, R. B., Jr. Marsh, D. B. Martin, J. Matthews, J. P. Maze, J. S. Meade, P. W. Merrill, J. L. Miner, S. P. *Mooney, H. Moore, G. T. Morrell, W. A. Morse, E. D. Moses, H. H. Muhlenberg, H. H. Murphy, G. F. Neary, W. J., Jr. Nelson, J. W. Nichols, P. R. Nicholson, W. F. Norcross, J. L. Norton, A. B. Norton, F. W. Norton, J. N. Noyes, R. W. Nutting, N. H. O'Brien, J. E. Oliver, H. S. Olsen, H. V. Orr, C. B. Orth, L. L. Painter, J. H. Paulet, E. E. Perkins, M. N. Perry, W. R. Peters, P. S. Petot, E. E. Pfeiffer, E. F. Pierce, W. B. DARTMOUTH WAR RECORD 253. Powers, H. T. Probst, L. Putt, G. R. Quinn, T. B., Jr. Ranney, W. R. Rassieur, B. F. Redfield, C. T. Rhodes, L. F. Ridlon, G. R. Robinson, J. L. Robinson, Jos. L. Rothman, P. E. Rowe, E. C. Salmonson, J. R. Sargent, F. H., Jr. Saunders, M., Jr. Sawyer, W. G. Say, E. A. Seiler, E. O. Shattuck, G. E. Sherman, L. B., Jr. Shipton, W. H. Shirley, W. W. Shoup, V. R. Smith, E. D. Smith, S. F. Snow, L. F. Spar hawk, S., Jr. Spaulding, D. C. Spaulding, E. W. Spiel, G. F. Spiers, P. H. Sprague, M. G. Sprague, W. W. Springborn, R. C. Stearns, S. P. Steinberg, A. B. Stetson, R. P. Stevens, E. R. Strong, G. W. Sullivan, D. T. Sullivan H. V. Sullivan, T. P. Sweet, D. A. Sweet, W. H. Tapley, C. S. Thompson, W. N. Thompson, A. Thornton, J. W. Threshie, P. H. Totman, R. W. Tracy, F. V. Tucker, J. R. Turnbull, R. P. Vancore, L. H. Vos Burgh, V. H. *Wadleigh, T. Waite, L. A. Wallace, R. G. Walsh, G. P. Wellman, H. K. Wilkins, C. A. Wilson, B. W. Wood, R. G. Woods, J. B. Younglove, N. R. Zoller, F. L. STATISTICAL SUMMARY Roster of classes 2672 Students' Army Training Corps 695 Young Men's Christian Association 65 Red Cross 37 American Library Association 2 Total ( deducting for names counted twice) 3407 Honor Roll 111 Killed in action 21 Died of wounds 12 Died in aeroplane accidents over - seas 8 Died of wounds in Ambulance work 2 Killed in Ambulance driving 1 Died of disease in France 10 Killed in accidents in France 2 Died of disease in America 41 Killed in airplane or seaplane accidents in America 7 Killed in accidents in America 4 Died at sea 1 Torpedoed 2 Number in various branches of the Army and Navy Infantry 470 Aviation 280 Medical Corps 263 Field Artillery 248 Ordnance 225 Engineers 112 Coast Artillery Corps 103 Infantry (Machine Gun) 85 Ambulance 92 Quartermaster Corps 91 Signal Corps 89 Motor Transport Corps 46 Marine Corps 35 Chemical Warfare Service 33 Cavalry 28 Sanitary Corps 27 Ammunition Train 19 Tank Corps 16 Intelligence Service 15 Royal Army Medical Corps 8 Chaplains' Corps 9 Adjutant General's Department 8 Artillery (unspecified) 7 Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment 4 French Artillery 4 Foreign Legion 3 Dental Corps 3 Services of Supply 3 Army Service Corps 3 General Staff Corps 2 Transportation Corps 2 Canadian Medical Corps 2 Canadian Artillery 2 Canadian Engineers 1 Canadian Infantry 1 British Infantry 1 United States Naval Reserve Force 332 Naval Aviation 160 Navy 111 Naval Radio Service 26 Naval Medical Corps 25 Naval Auxiliary Reserve 18 Corps of Civil Engineers (Navy) 3 Coast Guard 3 Merchant Marine 2 Naval Intelligence Service 2 Number of men commissioned 1061 Brigadier General 1 Colonel 3 Lieutenant-Colonel 12 Major 91 Captain 98 First Lieutenant 517 Second Lieutenant 493 Major (Red Cross) 2 Captain (Red Cross) 12 First Lieutenant (Red Cross) 6 Second Lieutenant (Red Cross) 4 Captain (Navy) 1 Commander Lieutenant-Commander Lieutenant (senior grade) 31 Lieutenant (junior grade) 73 Ensign 205 H 60-79 254 .V _ j, <*A y °o «r °^ ° " ° A ^ j^^v JAN 79 ^g^ N. MANCHESTER, N4 =s^ INDIANA 46962