iiglliliiii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D0DD3E5fleH5 % ,0. :•;/ V^%°' V^-'/ V^'/ V 1 (-,-' <#• •'»^^»^* •— J( (§f&tt of tl|r Ojaurninr Of the United States Army, died at Seattle, Washington, on June 3, 1910. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1866, after graduating from the Medical Departments of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Berlin, from which he received the several Degrees of M.D. and Ph.D., in May, 1893, he was, by President Cleveland, commissioned First Lieuten- ant in the Medical Department of the Army, receiving in due course the promotions to Captain and Major, with which latter rank he was retired by reason of disabilities acquired in the arduous campaigns of the Philippines. His tours of service extended throughout Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, and he participated in most of the battles in the Philippine Islands, where he organized several Hospitals and Hospital Companies of Instruction. In "Recognition for conspicuous courage and zeal" he was recommended for promotion by the Colonel of the Twenty- second Regiment Infantry, on April 6, 1899. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution; the Association of Military Surgeons, the Military Service Institution, the Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War, the Order of Foreign Wars, the Spanish-American War Veterans, and various clubs. Elected to membership in this Society on June 2, 1904, he continued a zealous member to the end. d^ .Cz33 lorn, luffalo. ^m ^ark, Marti\ 4. 1849 ^ieh, g'anta larbara. Olal.. Manif 14. 1911 His widowed mother, having married John B. Weller, Gov- ernor of California, he came to Sacramento at the age of nine years, where his early education was commenced. In March, 1870, President Grant commissioned him Assist- ant Paymaster of the United States Navy, and at the date of his retirement, by reason of disabilities acquired in the service, he had been promoted to Paymaster, with the rank of Lieuten- ant Commander. His tours of service embraced all the ocean waters of the world, and for eleven years his careful super- vision of the Pay Department under his orders, placed him in charge on shore duty at the Navy Yards in New York City. Washington and Mare Island, California. He was a member of the Academy of Sciences, Cosmos and University Clubs of San Francisco, the Camera and General Service Clubs of New York City and the Metropolitan and Army and Navy Clubs of Washington, D. C. He was elected to this Society on April 3, 1897, and he was an active member of our San Francisco Chapter. He left a widow and one child. Inrtt, ©ruifU. PrnnBgluattia. irrfmbfr 25. ISBl itpji. Pl|ilairlpl]ia. pptinaylnattia. April If. 1911 By reason of delicate health, when but seventeen years old, he came to California and settled in Santa Barbara, where he pursued his studies under private tutors, acquiring proficiency in both the French and Spanish languages. In the early years of his manhood he was placed in charge of important interests in Santa Barbara, which he managed with success for many years, when he went to San Francisco, where he engaged in mining, electric and other properties, and in which he accumulated a satisfactory material competency. He was a member of the California Society, Sons of the Revo- lution, and for assistance rendered the Turkish Consul at San Francisco, he was, by the Sultan of Turkey, created a Chevalier of the Order of the Medjidie. He was elected to this Society on December 21, 1899. r^^^iEayasa^ Ron. 6corgc eU Hall \ ?T \ (^tnr^t iElt l|aU Inrn. Nirp. 3Franrp. iHarrl) Ir. 1863 itpa. aiima. ?^pru. Nnnmbrr 2B. 19U His father, an American citizen, descended from early Colonial ancestors, was detained in Europe for a lengthy period by his business engagements, and the early years of George Eli Hall were passed in France, Switzerland, Germany and Turkey, in whose schools he received his education. Upon his coming to the United States, he lived for a time in Santa Barbara, California, eventually making his permanent home in San Francisco. His familiarity with the language and customs of the many countries of Europe and Africa enabled him to be of material aid to tourists and immigrants in San Francisco from those lands, and their reports to their home governments induced the tender to him of appointment as their official representative, and his services were rewarded by high promotion in their most exclusive Orders. For many years he was Consul General in the Western part of the United States for both Turkey and Persia, and he gave valuable services for Tunis and Portugal. He received the following promotions, viz.: Knight Officer of the Imperial Order of Medjidie, Turkey. Commander of the Imperial Order of Osmanie, Turkey. Knight Commander of the Royal Order of Nichan Iftikar of Tunis. Grand Officer of the Imperial Order of the Lion and Sun of Persia. Chaldean Patrician of St. Thomas' Patriarchal Apostolic Throne of Babylon, the titular member of Assistance at the Most Holy Sanctuary of our entirely blessed predecessor St. Stephen. Knight of the Holy and Royal Order of our Lord Jesus Christ, of Portugal. His official duties and private affairs requiring his presence in South America, after a long and painful illness he died in Peru, deeply mourned by his many friends and associates. He was elected a member of this Society April 3, 1899. FRANK CLARKE PRESCOTT, Governor. Los Angeles, April 10, 1912 '^A 28 W ^v^-^^ .^^--. n'^ .0-.. -f^r. <'^ '<>. i?^^. .0 -V ^^•" v./ /^^\ %,^^ ;^'. %./ ;^\ %,^^ /- O V ^°-n^ P •.iZnL'* V 4 o jP -7-,. liiiiiii^^ii