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One Hundred Alphabets for the Show Card Writer A collection of the best alphabets used by the leading show card writers, with many examples of show cards and window signs for all occasions FOURTH EDITION CHICAGO THE MERCHANTS RECORD CO. PUBLISHERS Copyright 1913, 1914. 19|band 1919 BY THE MERCHANTS RECORD COMPANY All Rights Reserved PRESS OF MERCHANTS RECORD AND SHOW WINDOW CHICAGO )ci.Ar>j;i5H0 MfiR 13 1919 INTRODUCTION m 'T^HE MANY alphabets, showcards and price-tickets reproduced in this portfolio have been selected from the hundreds that have appeared in Merchants Record and Show Window during the past two or three years. They represent the best work of the country's leading showcard writers. The alphabets cover practically every style of lettering that is now^ in general use, and the cards and price-tickets will furnish a variety of sug- gestions as to lay-out, arrangement and decoration for cards and tickets of all kinds. The show window is now recognized as the store's best advertising medium, and the display man as one of its best producers. He has become a recognized necessity, and his windows are the merchant's closest connect- ing links with the buying public. In these days of modern methods a retail business stands or falls accordingly as the show window attracts or turns away prospective customers. It is a recognized business fact that the public has come to judge the store by the show^ window. Merchants Record and Show Window is a monthly journal devoted to the selling end of retail merchandising, and the major portion of the pub- lication is given over to the big problem of "selling through the windows." Suggestions for displays, together with instructive articles by the country's leading display men, and covering every branch of windov^ and interior dis- play work are regular monthly features. Elach issue is illustrated with about forty halftone plates showing reproductions of the work of the most expert display managers and showcard writers. In every number there are depart- ments devoted to store equipment and arrangement, delivery methods, store and window lighting, newspaper advertising, sales plans, etc. The matter which appears in Merchants Record and Show Window is always seasonal. The information, suggestions and illustrations are published just at the time they are needed. For example — the Christmas number is is- sued at least two months before Christmas; the Blaster and Fall issues are also published w^ell in advance of the season. This plan gives the reader ample time in w^hich to make practical use of the ideas and suggestions con- tained in the journal. A special feature is the beautiful full-color background suggestions, a different design appearing on the front cover each month. A complete sketch and description of the construction and installation of the various backgrounds accompany, and afford an abundance of ideas. The designs are practical and are being applied constantly to the show window by the lead- ing artists in the display profession, and, in addition to their adaptability to the display window, afford an interesting study in color and color combina- tions. Merchants Record and Show Window is the authority of the mer- chant, display manager, and advertising man and is continually used by them as a source of original ideas, and a reference book. The subscription price is three dollars a year. OLbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxuz. /'23^^ ABCD£F6H/Jf ABCDEFGHIcIKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZfi abcdef^hijklmno pq rs tuv wxy 2 1234567890; 4 ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmn opq rs tuvwxyz : 12345678909* 122)4<^6ZS00 a dec/ef^h/jk/m n op (^psfu V y^jcy Numbepi- out? O'OL^ f^ cj H, ij ]rc 1 nrt^ ABCDEFGH IJklL MNOPQRSTUVW abcdefghij Iclm n opqpstu vwxyz "PaYZANT" '/nnopgrs- h^nnrun ^ SCDBra/f/^KLMjWOP QRSTUVWAr^&^/E346 G 783 ^i^aa^dcdeersrghijk A//innop(/r\sluvwxyz/i/im A3CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVfrXTZ&- Kk LI M«^ Nx^ Oo Pp Rr^ 3s Tt. U>:.V^ Ww X^ Yy Z^ ^ 5Lyli^K 5in3le StPok.«a Aa Bb Ce Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq; Pp 5s Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz & Easy and NcaL jl ^ r>s>^/(r&.(/kiyj'//i / z nil % UCJ // /2. ^ /3 ^'^ y ^ ^ ^ /O // /2. ^ /^ ^VAMCCj)0 /^ H?!% 01 ]b ABCDErOHUKbM N0PQB8TLJVWXYZ 1234507890 ^UTW%&. ci y _ C napgr^tu rwji^^ sABCDEPGHIJKLM NCLPR^TUVWXYZ ^1284567890 abcdefghijklmnopqp sluvwxyz—achmcti /jffeoiuM l^ff^N abede/^KiJ fel nvR ABCDBPGMIcIKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZf. ABCD6F6niJKL MN0PI^6TUVWX abcdefciyZihijkImn opqrsfuvwxyz^ & abcdefghijklmno pqestuvwxy:z abcdefghijklmn opqnsluvwxyz $1234567890. aBCDTOHUKLnillOP aK^Tuiiii)ixyz&% ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQKSTUVWXYZ abcde^hyklmnopqr stuvwxyzs 1234567890 ^i^ ABCDEFGH I JKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ llcccoA44°^<'^S.°'' ^zuiit Italic R&^lnmi abbcddeffg'hhBZS "Tizc^ wy Dox wim/ive cuJzeK liquor /u^s ABCDEr&MIJ K L MNOPQRS UVVVXYZe^TFL. abcdefghijklmnopq rstuVWXyZ 1234567 MoDiS!- 8 9 O 4 ^ ABCDEFQHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWX YZ.oo,1234<5@1S9& abcdef^hijklmnopqrs tuvivx y z — Chicago T^vo stroke Roman. Square terminal Serifs = F'L/^RTE 'zt abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz. 12 345G7890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPOMSTUVW)iS.YZ Method of construction ^ T -^ ^ TT^ (=* CD) n=r^ t=^ ^ ^ w >-^ *>-« ■ *^ *=r-p* <;T-pa =-pa ^^"P' -^ IN€ f=^^ ^ ^ /T -^ Afus/'c Pen le^^er/nq' P/a/e A/d.2 A BCDEFGHIJKLMM Al CDLFGHIJKLMM NOPQR.STUVWXYZ&- N P QR STUVWXYZ&- ~iabccddceff<^g^hhiijjkkllm nmnoppqqrrss ItuvVuvw xyzxyzl234567890t« ^SCB^FGH^J/KLM'IVOPQR.S^rUVWXY Z&-1234-SG 78 90 •// abc^rf^hijklttino})qr5tutiiPXi)2? iiln^rti\l!ijlUmiutpi|ntturmi\*i^3 ttbr&efijllijklmnopqmtuWiep^ ABCDEFGHIJKL HOPQRSTUVWXY # 1231-5 # 67690% JOCKEY* SULTAN ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXY Z& abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz ttxmno pqr5Tuyvu)wx^^i|z Ji3 ej) sF&c^iJKe a b edef^Ti ijk Im nop 'J^3^ASf7J'.90 wmj^^ / /?^ci/ay^0y 123456789 abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz ab c doe f g^l i kits v ^ [he SUtii n 1 1 1 Overcoat s TT/c /uvo/ec/ /itocteAx jf/ cv/t t/)e 1 1 >(>/■/■/ -oo/n. V T he tlirijU liousowife inlorosled in comjbrlcis and blniikcls should t.ikc ad\ niilu^c o[ lhe values oJYiMVil in lhe aiituui'l SeplcmbcM- sale. Quolitii is our first- consideration ® aster apparel /or men and bor>s anso////o/f/ correct i i y winlcr ovcrconi ^O s r nll-;-:--:- ibolvvcni 4 C^Pi^lNC, 190'/ w I ho ncn\i\st creations in s|>rin<> inininoi;>' flO, 1 Grniu> ^w. Liiu,.€,xliiliituni 1 I Black Liscrc Mat? 195 i I 1^ ^1 " Milline ry 10 Wbiiie.ii's p| thread silk fosiery / 1 o/ k/f oyf/s a/zf/' ^^' rrr,//...„■ or the best of fGct ol \ our now Eastpr 0()V\11 EASTEI^ PBNING Tine fdsKion event of the entire Jear 6Karmiug exaniplcj of tkc latent— 5prin«2r 1^^51110115 Ijou'll ctijoL/cKoo5inq from this splendid ft collcctioiv -^ ^ } Cmc password ol lasliioii tins lall IS cictyiiicc ^^^ Here arc " ^^ suits ol a rulmcss not seen III iiiaiix' 1 » yii/ti/f/in iSu/hs wif/iout- /ijr ts ^ascitutfiiiY ■2 .Ji '' c>iujcjcsab/is bill^ Scarves SpccicU at- ♦1^ 2'7/arr/s-o//ic/7/ (t^o i ^. -to avoid coii<^c5tioii -to 5avc Liboi — ' 'Uo vovir Chi*i5titu5 $^ hopping' I'! (Early Q. Q o Brtf)(>II}aii I \"? €a!>tcr31lillinrr varictv ot sfvlcs ah iittGrcstinq prices I Sp ring Footw e^ir Wis^e buL|Ci>" will do well to butj several pairs at these prices ^ y -the cold - lays comin Ka>.ve a. - 'motor- ulsta^ (yfrays ot all soris in overcoats aovci ulstet^; Iways dresr' "vr MEN \vliosc clonics ai'c bona lit lie re arc alwciijs- wcliarcssGa y Z* Sanditz (?/vpeWouses Clt(nzcV/ve///__ 2 "Uoliday yNectewear /vQver oe/vre Ti/cJu- va/i/ef a^ 75^^ 3oxec/ Gr-a6's ■■ii ■ N 1 o iicca to worrii I ■- ' O j jusf- lutikc ifour 5clcciioit kcro. 3 . . -^ ^arfii sho\vin'-2;~ Spring //loc/cs ^^hcsc o\q\\ scnii- ' drC55 lilts merit a spccia vicwin-JT" O •J Wi/hnen/ Sccfic/i. . Spring"' o Cbarmmq nitoi Surfs (Srcations Spi // New Arrivdly fop street ■we Tailorec^ FOR. FALL -ilftlj ^fo. Early;, Sno\v'inpf of O ADVANCE STYLES • {or • • FAL L- 1:- ! i T ciuest crecUions - T2eacL(-to-urear GDatSa-d §tuis 1\ special shewing of tlic &vorol tnodcb for gprin^' — 1 — aiid summer — i — '^ ere are tnc finei ' dress overcanls; ikc best styles^ in tl>e world . >r>«3P--"-. -..i -Sfcl: -:■■:'■, Preliminar y op enin g * the new autumn millinery S5 ^ SHop oi'fere idLeo-s fbr ^ gift nr^xx^k i r? jq - I n^sp eotjjor^. Itdojuri. fio o i^ I^on't Iclyour *^ Chris tniiis shopping' ; ^o until the last few days- C7> ve/^i/ /yes/. '; 1 iNdt.^ofn.iticU ^c^ oh 1 c ilU-Mlv' i-< 50 Cr^r-v r.tid'lv 1 fen :ii; ICC IK ly Iv vMr t\ 1 all lii C.4 1\ ilv wvaiiu-e; ol' ai: V v'-UC of ilv5.C cine 1 ■-. civ wvai couccpl lOUS ix-V' InictLi-t'iw: / i"^ ^ ■ AShowimg 1 ,^ Juot '^^-^ J fj Or ELCGAnr M Special Blocks ' i n The rics/v i KrJOr HAT Jkuf^ 06-T. I for Pall Season f 1 forjuvcmrc5 J c/trtificicil Flowers in qrcat profusioti • etid f loot' Wcz/s /r////j/rcc/ //vc i/ a// /^//ci/c/-/'a/s Smart Spriiiq y//"/// cc/y/s. 7 — — ^ m a qrcat vartctv ot styles oy^ leathers I J^/r va/i/ej //? mens si/mmer apparel lO Eor Merv's II6&P a^r^dL 4 18 u ^■^^ o s p r iiv peiviix ;ou. a,r© livviici.L to cotue Liv aiiil ^ ex-anviite ou.i- nvaivy txov ~ ofioimc^s" itv all tlopai tincixl-T f/7 \ l^rrycSpecia/ Ten/ riea6 ^ Pa/enlCa/f ^4. special Geor^tte Crepe Blouses jenuitte ^maire (9pera ^la55C5 for ^ift £\vin ^vin^ S\U'XvooL *4^-° o r'^ ? re/ic oves- "Gallic for price ccrtaintcj of stule correct ^\V^ arcat vartctij to cBoo5c from ©ficrc qoufiavc tfic l^asic t6ca of ctflcar sclft'u^ '^hnei/ refuHcfed is a pari of it -sSS^^pt! s^ m i«»'\ y\ woman Ocsi«^nine^ xjQx o^x\. J rocks couia not pave lpougr)f o\ smarter s5tiile5 tpan tpe ones wpicr) \^e- snow \\\ tni5 cLtspLau Underwear Uou'll find us particu- larly well prepared in underwear this season,- the right sort at riqht prices yUe<:e Pure Worsted UwioM Suits t35P ITlGns OvercodLts III jFcw men s^ivc ctxoug'n. attention to tkc buijmg of AW overcoat thoii;^h for five montltJ it dom- inates thciV 5trcct clotl\c5. 7^^ df"^ ct /iw g^ooc/ ones at 40 i\ mail ccrfaiicly^ \s going 5ontc"w^cit I7C goes out o\ this store \vitf)Ouf jcar oj- ^Iji* ffliialifp of tSe vvortmaits^ip iit t^e suit I7C ^a5 just — ' purc^asc^ ?ri7c Service rcitderca trjc cusbuicr pcrc mcoits more tbaiL tbe exckiu^c of iicouei| 31 stands for Soartcsi), fliltctitioitj ^roiriplite55. patience in fitlintj cxj:} ifie wirfingncss to x\c^\ mx uuinlenttonoi wrott C> 9'/3 "! 2 -2/2 pr-! January SaleseWhite Goods The Annual afford an unusual opportuni\v to replenish Household Lmens at great savinOs, Genuine Diamonds Out of Pawn ^^iilar Price oo 65. 1^ S^cct ^e4xrls 98r Genuine Diamonds One -Half Regular Value (!^fC oupse i^/here mxu^ he oiher on& in top-coa1::£> ^av men oj ' 6 oocl la-£>tg . Misses' Fashionable Net Dresses (or Daace, Graduation ot Class Day i ns. Men's Oifords mate your owa comparisons — be as critical as you please- here are the best ^-Values ever shov^ri Based Quality you Will pet here more value and greater purchasmp^ power than elsewhere Men's Shirts 'Shese are excep tional values - the best we have ever shown at this price AMMual (DaMuary ClearaMce Sales Soiled Xeckwear 25^ SO^yif/i/es^ c/fvtMual Saviuary W'^^ite 9ales Cnforo/aerY 2S^vdi/ue °rfi;.rJANUARY Sales °^ White Goods NOW IN PROGRESS. ^t^;:r JANUARY Clearance Sales arc now \\\ ilill swin^ Radical Price Rcduclions^ lKroLr4!K)ut the eati'rc store. 5unimcr brina*- witli it a bitquuj \or cool . cLimtiL_h.it5 5iu:ii a5 wc now have to *>liow I all Neckwear \yVaat Gf feces 75^ Sale To-Dav |8oo and tIOoo cnai5sance Lace Curtains }485 i\C ySIVG Vc o dcs iVorR .^me^te^vs foremost de/i'^Qers and our oujq Luorkroorn Sfca^£> nc^^. Svi n\ rr\rushes and re- lief pencils. MODERN SHOW CARD LETTERING. DE- SIGNS, ETC. Thompson $1.00 With 2,000 !>right, clear-cut advertising phrases for display signs, ihow cards and posters. SHOW CARD WRITING SYSTEM $1.00 100 pages. 198 illustrations. 26 alphabets, valuable charts. A complete shuw card writing system in 34 lessons. THE MODERN PAINTERS' CYCLOPEDIA By F. Maire Cloth $1.50 Complete instructions on color mixing, color harmony, scenic painting, sign painting, varnishing, stencilings, etc. Over 100 illustrations. A SHOW AT SHO' CARDS Atkinson Cloth $3.00 A comprehensive and practical work covering all the vari- ous branches of show card work. Profusely illustrated with alphabets and layouts for all kindi of show cards. SHOW CARD WRITING A. E. Jlursl and C. J. Xowak Cloth $2.00 Application of various types for mercantile purposes, new- est and !)esf methods. Hints and pointers for practical work based un actual store card wninit,'- FAIRCHILD'S RAPID LETTERER Cloth $2.50 SHOW WINDOW BACKGROUNDS Cowan. Illustrated. Cloth $1.50 More than 15U background designs suitable for every occa- sion. Every detail is fully illustrated and fully described with complete text matter. GROCERS' WINDOW BOOK Ed. H. F/ii7i>/>,$1.00 A compilation of practical displays for the grocery window. A complete collect inn of displays suitable for the various products handled in the grocery department. KOESTER SCHOOL BOOK OF DRAPING Cloth $3.00 A complete treatise on drawing in all its branches. Nearly ."iOO pages illustrated with over 1,000 drawings and photo- graphs. HABERDASHERY PLAYS AND CLOTHING DIS- $1.00 (National Championship Entries.) Contains over 100 illus- trations showing the work of the foremost men in the profession, together with background ideas for every month in the year. PERIOD FURNISHINGS Clifford, Illustrated Cloth $5.00 An encyclopedia of historic furniture decorations and fur- nishings. COLOR VALUE Illustrated Cloth $1.00 Explains the principles of color harmony and contrast. In- valuable to the decorator who wishes to produce correct color effects. SUCCESSFUL RETAIL ADVERTISING By J. A. MacDonald Cloth $2.00 Commercial alphabet constructions w Line engraving and air brush work, color harmony. ith brushes or pen. Color mixture and SKETCHES OF DECORATIVE BACK- GROUNDS FOR THE SHOW WINDOW StauUup $1.00 22 full pa^e drawings — each sketch accompanied by a full page description. Contains 5O0 different subjects, 1,000 advertising phrases. The only book trtating of retail advertising exclusively. STORE MANAGEMENT COMPLETE Farnnytun Cloth $1.00 RETAIL ADVERTISING COMPLETE Forrvigton Cloth $1.00 TALKS BY THE OLD STOREKEEPER l-arrinyton Cloth $1.00 MORE TALKS BY THE OLD STOREKEEPER farringtoi, Cloth $1.00 No merchant can afford to be without these Farrington books. They are full of good, sensible suggestions on store management, written in an easy, readable style. All Books Shipped Prepaid Upon Receipt of Price BOOK DEPARTMENT THE MERCHANTS RECORD COMPANY, Publishers 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois 7iiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiii: Lot, K ^ * O „ ' V*^ ';'\ ^0* qV O » O . '^o A .■v-' ^4^^.^. r*- ^^ % '^. * O „ ^ ..<0^ , %^** •. '.- %/- /<*«*-■ *«.^** ••■.-'^.?V. \,/ ,;^-, *.^^,* ,'.r5:=».-. \.^ .,,' :'m^, %/ .:, \.^^ .;:#^m. -^/ .)-?^, Vo^' ^:^^:^ % •* . ^ i> <^ " ■. ^^-•c^ ■J' s v^ o 4 /!*rfl m*, r- -0^ ; 0' ■/ 1-*- V V .^v- i'^ "Tj °„ *1 O - ■■. ■-■---'J' jP "^ :. ■ ■ / x-'m-/ %•■^ft^■,/ o > jP -^j ^. » 6?, ,'9 • "Pi A"" <■ ..fJ^a'T^ ' .-0. <■. >■ . S-, 9 * "Pj. /^ v:-:-:-.'^>^ .^^ a:^^' ' v.^^ o^^"-^ ,0- A >^ > .r V' <•. .A. V <', ■^-f ^0 : \ ■4 Cv. o V ■^^ '•y ^ ->*,■ -f- V -f/ <>^ o .^" 0^ >->^ ^^. .V S 'J' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 483 418 5 ,,..'■ ii" >■■■■■":■,'! ..■^' ..'- '^'^ i/'>yiff»av ■■(hri ^■::^■-■:'^^|'l'::;■■:i'^■^^i^■:'H"-;='T^:;i:■;:':'■':*,'■■■'l:^i-.«'l