^. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. %p....r'.. inp^ttglt f 0. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. f^^iS^ J/^^u-O^ THE HORSE'S RESCUE. BY GERARD DOAN, FOa FOETY-ONE YEAKS A WOEKER ON THE HORSE. "I don't go much on religion, For I never liave liacl anj show, But I've fjot a miglity tight grip on Tlie few things that I know." NEW YORK : PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1882. Entered according to Act of Conp^ress in the year 1882, By GERARD DOAN, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. INTRODUCTORY. Of coarse all scientific men of advanced and devel- oped minds well know it is necessary to have refer- ences in order to introduce any great science with success; and at this daj it requires noted men, men of good standing, men of honor, men that have been tried, men that are located and well established, in order for references to carry any influence with them. There have been all kinds of humbugs, as they are called by some. The people have been duped in so many ways that it has become almost impossible to introduce a good thing; and after reading this work through you will be convinced of that fact. In this work there has been but a very small part told. The financiering necessary in oixier to make a center or focus of this great science, and to get it introduced in some great center of science, where we could get reliable and scientific men for refei-ences — men that were known all over the world nearly — for this science extends round the wide world, everywhere the horse has ever had his feet ironed. After many years of hard labor this was accomplished. This firm is known as D. M. Osborn k Co., with which the well-known inventors and scientific men are connected, Cyrenus Wheeler, Mr. Kirby, and O. H. Burdick. Such men as these are not going to give themselves away by allowing their names to be used to back up any 6 INTRODUCTORY. science without knowing what tliey are about. They :ill hnve liad and seen this work done and watclied the result, and many others in Auburn cit3^ This is where thij^great center of science is located of D. M. Osborn k Co.; this is where the great center of this horse science is now well established, and this is to be one of the great centers; this, too, must, like all other businesses, in order to be successful, be systematized and introduced on the principles of science. I could give you scores of names to back this work up — some are many miles away, and some hundreds, where I have worked and my brothers in different places on the horse. That is not necessary, as Auburn city is to be the center. I will give you a few men's names that will be worth more than a score of some, and here they are. After vou read this work carefullv throusfh, and look at your horse, you can easily see how^ this all is. I could get hundreds of names to put in this work, if it was the bi THE HORSE S RESCUE. coming and going, horses, something the matter with all of them ; four or five talking at one time ; all ex- pressing their opinions and beliefs; new arrivals all through the day, and late at night, no two affected alike; some from one cause, some from, another, all in a hurry to get home or go to mill or some other place. To talk with them all and balance them all up in good shape so they will not go lame in six months, and fail nine times out of ten, is somewhat trying. Well, let us go on with this job. Stand out about eight feet from this horse, take a side view of him. If you have a good sharp eye, if you are any judge of the horse, or even if you are half blind, you can see the position he is obliged to stand in. I have fixed him forward^ and moved him back from the point where they were when I commenced, at least fourteen inches, and that is as far as I can get him without tipping him on his knees, with his feet contracted as they are now. Balancing deformed horses, you will find before we get through this sail, is quite a science; and man will have something more to do than to eat^ sleep, and wear clothes. Golly ! that makes me think it is almost night, and I have not had my dinner. Are you looking at that horse ? Yes. If you are going to be my pupil you must pay close attention. Where is the weight of that horse? See where his hind feet stand now, and we have not even touched them yet. They are all contracted, and eight inches from the hair down to point of toe. These feet should be moved back at least eighteen inches, to get the weight in the center of the foot. Of course, we can- THE horse's rescue. 57 not spread out his feet. We must do the best we can as he is. Spreading the foot with nails, that is, by fitting the shoe so much wider than the foot, I do not like. I do not want to spread the foot at the toe; the heel is the place. All feet spread at the toes, on that principles would contract the heels; they are contracted enough now. And that is not all; it would tear all the shell off; besides, when they get soaked soft, the shoe, shell and all, would go. It is curious, is it not, with all of the ailments this poor horse has, his doctors have worked at the wrong place — the effect? But I have not got through looking him over yet. He stands as w^e left liim. What would be the effect on this horse if we should leave him, and not get his feet back, so as to have his weight on the center of his foot? There is eight hundred weight on them now. There should be more than half on the fore legs, and the horse weighs twelve hundred. That lever is rather long. In the position he is obliged to stand in his hind legs-are of but little use. If we take up one of them half the weight must come on the shoer, and there will be quite a struggle before that leg can be got in a position to shoe. It has been so a long time, and the horse is sore across his kidneys. His hind parts are too low for his fore parts. Look at him ; his back is humped, and there is a constant strain. All is out of harmony, both internally and externall3^ This horse is not as bad as he will be made yet by these effect doctors, these veterinarians, these professors of great wisdom. He will stand a little more toi-turing 'and mutilation. He is tough. 58 THE horse's rescue. I can fix him so he can haul his half of two cords of green wood up and down heavy hills a little while j^et, and suffer night and day, and I am going to do it. Come on, Oliver, let us try him. "We will have a tough time. This horse is finished, and he stands well back on his hind feet, shortening tliat lever by dressing the foot, and raising heel of shoe a little higher than toe. Look the horse over if you must shoe, not stand and talk about shoes. This horse stands where the weight should be — in center; he is in pain, and always will be, unless his foot expands; and I well know it will not with those irons on his feet — all out of harmony, structure all changed from natural. He steps short, and every foot pains him, night and day. Still, it looks well on the outside. If you want to tell look at his movement. Do you think these two horses were all we shod that day? No, it was not. Foi'ty-one years wrestling with horses of all kinds — I am tired. Good-bye, poor horse, I will come and see you before I get through this work, for I am determined to find the way out of this trouble. Supper is over. Let us go to the barn and see the Kentucky hunter. By golly! Kit, you are looking fine. Her feet have had packing in them all the time. Sponge over w^ith whisky twice; rub dry each time. We must look this mare's hind parts over before we drive her any more, for we want all to work together " in harmony of action." That lever is too long. Weight is back of center of foot. Too much strain oTi bnck tendons. That must be fixed before the mare is driven rinotlier rod. Lei us go to the shop, pare the THE horse's rescue. 69 toe and shorten. The heels are ]ovv enoug:h. The structure is very nearly all i-ight. Easy toe to rise on; narrow web shoe; little thicker at heei. Short corks; heel a little higher than toe. She is shod. Take a side view of her now. Slie stands back further on her feet." "Is that so?" 'No ; her body has gone forwai-d. ISTow her body has all gone forward. Her fore legs stand further back of straight. The weiglit is more equal on the center of foot, and she is on her foundation or base, and her head has gone up a little more. Let us go to the barn. Kit, by golly, we will make some of the great horsemen's eyes stick out on this job. Kit, we are going to take a sail now. Clean out under shoe. This frog is flattening out. That's all right. Pile in. Let us go up on the Ridge road. That is getting worn down smooth. Let us drive moderate for a while, and let her get used to the change. It is a little weaken- ing to be changed so suddenly, and, that, too, one end at a time. She will soon recover from that. She is changed toward natural. She is even with herself in- stead of five or six feet behind, whicli I will show bv cuts, and by principles that will not lie, befoi'e I get through this work. Try yourself, Kit. Golly! see how she flattens out. See where her hind feet strike, outside of her forward feet. All clear Ave or six feet ahead. You begin to be a.«3 your creator made vou. To-morrow is the day 3^ou are to show tliose boys what you can do. Whoa ! Into the barn ; rub until dry. Pack forward feet. G-;od, bright, clean hay; 60 THE horse's rescue. good, dry. soft bed. It is two o'clock in the morning. Let "US have a little nap. "Where is Doan?" " He has net got up yet." " Tell him to come out ; I want to see him. I want these horses shod all around. I am in a hurry. Don't you get up until this time of day? You vv^ill sleep 3^our intellect all away. I want them shod all around now. I am going to drive them to Pennsylvania. I want them sharp, long corks ; I don't want to sharpen them again this winter." "All right" These horses have flat feet all around. In six months that man came to the shop. "Doan, I want these shoes clinched, and some nails put in. I guess the nail iron wasn't very good." The shoes were nearly buried inside of shell. "Mr. Knap, we cannot always get good nail iron. It varies so that we cannot tell until we try it. How- ever, I will fix them up." They came again to get shod, and settle up. It was just nine months. The same shoes were on. The hoof was spread out over the shoe with the weight of the horse. It did not kill them. See that lever at toe. I have seen hundreds of horses of that kind set- tled down in front between top of coronet and point at toe, the weight being in center of foot ; the frog has no rest, and is raised by corks from the ground. The foot gets soft sometimes. Heel-nails always break first from lever purchase. The horse always, when draw- ing raises on toe. When climbing heavy hills, the sole settles down until it is below flat Then it is verv THE horse's rescue. 61 weak. The coffin-joint is badly affected. The high toe- cork, drawing in tl5is fix, weight in center, completelv dislocates the coffin-joint, and in this case the horse's foot is almost useless. He rocks back on his heel ; the toe turns up and has a rocking motion at every step. And yet he is expected to draw heavy loads. That lever works badly on all kinds of feet. If it has not broken down, it hurts at coronet where the ring-bone comes and strains back tendons. This lever works both ways to a greater or less de- gree, and I will show what power there is in it con- nected with contraction. For fear the readers may think I have butchered and mutilated these poor already tortured horses, I will say right here I never did ; I have always known it to be wrong, and I never believed horses were stiff- ened by anything they eat or drank ; and I know they are not now. I lived at Talcot's Corners when I was at work on the Kentucky hunter mare, which I have not got through with yet. I will go back to the time I had worked at shoeing the horse nine years in the village of North ville, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Chauncey Hinman bought a pair of dapple-cream mares, very nice, black legs, mane, and tails. This place is two miles from Talcot's Cor- ners. At that time I had a good reputation as a shoer, and did a large business in that line. I had taken my old shop do^n to build larger, and things were all out doors. These creams I shod the first time. They had flat feet, thin shell. I had shod them, as near as I can recollect about two years. Their owner was my regular customer; his horses needed shoeing; he Qi THE horse's rescue. waited for me to get my shop up. He had business about one hundred miles, and he wanted to drive it. Having no fire, I could not shoe them. He h;id waited a long time. His horse's feet had grown very long. They must be shod. He took them to another shop and had them shod, and went his journey and back. I sent my apprentice to tell him I wanted him to draw some stone for me. He came and saw me. He said : "I have foundered my horses." '' Perhaps that is not so ; bring them over so I can see them." He said they were so stiff he could not get them to the shop in a half day. "You must," said I; "I can't go now." It was three miles. He came. T soon saw where the cause was. I told him I would cure them both for four shillings. " That is just what two other blacksmiths told me. I had those shoes set twice while I was gone, and it did no good. I have foundered them. I had been told that when on the road, if you water while the horse is warm, and then di'ive on and keep him moving, there is no danger; but I stiffened my horses in this way." They were so stiff they could hardly move. After they had stood awhile I pointed out where the cause was; and spent about an hour explaining. Then we went to the shop. These horses had light limbs and as good feet as I want on a horse, and not much changed if they had been dressed and trimmed as they should have been. There was three inches of useless hoof in length on the toe. I cut it ofT, and THE HORSE'S RESCUE. 63 talked all the time, teaching. The shoe was a coarse boLch of a thing ; not concave ; creased in the middle; heavy nails ; long, pointed toe, with high toe-corks and high heel-corks. In fact, one of the biggest botches I ever saw. When I got these creams dressed np they had colts' feet, and their bodies came back on their base; weight in the center. They were sore in their cords. The cause was removed. I explained it all to the owner three or four times over, and told him that in a week tliey would be all right; if they were not I would take them and pay him what tliey cost him. A week afterward I was sitting on the verandah at my house, and I saw the creams coming down the road; heads up, good knee-action, feeling fine. He stopped. "Doan, my horses are as sound as ever they were." " Yes, that's all right." "Say, now, look here ; tell me what you did to those horses. No man shall shoe these horses but you." "Go where you please to get your shoeing done." My God! what good did all of that talk do? I told him again, "Look out for that lever purchase!" Mv brother Oliver and myself had those horses and thousands of others of that kind to cure of "chest founder '' — some over and over again. Talk and w^ork and teach, and no one would learn ! Horses came blistered and with setons in shoulders. The fact is, the owners looked at us and not at the horse. After vou read this book, go and look at the horse. Well, we have had a hard day putting these poor horses on their base and balance. In all stages and 64 THE HORSE'S RESCUE. degrees of changes from natural. Mjliead rings from being bent over so much. Supper is over. Let us go and see the Kentucky hunter. "Kit, this is the night you were to show yourself to those boys that examined you." The reader must bear in mind that this mare had not been seen by anyone but myself. ^- There, Bill Jones, straddle this mare" (Bill Jones was a boy). " Let her sail." She did sail better than any horse they had. She was a good one. Some of the men were there who seen her in a stiffened condition. Do you think that attracted their attention ? It did not, and that is the reason I am writing this work. Next day I had business atKelloggsville to pay a stallion license. (I have kept stallions.) It was nineteen miles, hubby and rough. I was on the Moravia flats eaily in the morning. Gird Mead was leading his horses across the road to water. I saw him. I knew him, and knew where he lived, when I traded with his hired man, Sam. He did not know me; never had seen me, as I knew. It is a good time to sur- prise him. He thought he had played sharp on me. The fiats were worn quite smooth, and that was all the smooth road I found on that trip I let her sail. I saw him looking and pulled up and asked, *' IIow far is it to Kelloggsville ?" " About six miles." ] saw him looking at the mare's fore legs. ''Do 3^ou know her?" said I. **\Vell, I had a marc that would match her very THE horse's rescue. 6o well, but she was stiff. I let her go a few days ago." "This is the same mare. I traded with Sam G rover." " Well, I would like to know what you have done to her." I jumped out, explained the whole thing to him, as I always do, and sailed on. Remember that lever. The mare I was driving was worth one hundred and fifty dollars, and the one he got, seventy-five dollars. 1 got twenty dollars to boot. How does that loss fig- ure ? Ninety-five dollars on account of toe leverage on horses. Do not forget that that principle works bad on all horses, and worse on hind feet. I think this mare would look better with the neck strap looped over the turret to hold the collar up. I do not like that thing. She holds her head so high it feels dis- agreeable. Here we are at the harness-shop. " Whoa." The saddler is getting the length, "This looks something like the mare Doc Mead had." " This is the same mare." " That can't be. I saw her a few days ago ; she was awful stiff." "Tt is the same mare." "How did you cure her?" 1 told him all about it. " I have got a horse I just traded for," says he. " Perhaps he is the same. He is stiff. Will you go and look at him?" " Yes, this is a different case ; cause not so easily re- moved ; cup foot ; take his shoes off , cut his feet 66 THE horse's rescuk down nearly half; let him go without shoes; that will help him some." That poor horse could hardly stand ; contracted feet, leverage. I cannot do all the hard work and furnish brains, too. There are so many making more all of the time. I teach, talk eai-ly and kite, night and day." Sail home ; get home long before night. Thirty-eight miles' drive over hubs; stinging cold ; take good care of Kit. While doing it the three or four gather around. " Doan, where have you been all day ?" "To Kelloggsville." " We have waited all day for you." Horses all lame or interfering; some one thing, some another. "Can you do it?" " Yes, as soon as I get something to eat. I've had no dinner." Get in shop; sleeves rolled up; at it again. Get them all pleased as well as I can. It is nine o'clock, perhaps later. Kit must be cleaned oft", and made comfortable before I sleep. I will have to wait five weeks before I can finish her; but we will have lots of good sails during that time in the night. She must have exercise or I cannot cure her. This is the way I cure all cases of this kind. Header, do you think I sat down and waited for that time to come ? If you do that would not make it so. I had lots of horses I was working on. They were not in my care, only as they came to the shop to be shod. Work and teach ; give directions none fol- fowed. Day after day this work all had to be done THE horse's ItESCUE. 67 over and over again and no good result, some going on from bad to worse. Do you know what I thought sometimes? Well, I will tellj'ou, I thought the cre- ator had not got man finished yet. I have not changed my mind yet on that. He needs some more work done on him. lie is not polished yet, and that is one reason for my writing this woi'k. Men have no knowl- edge of the animal, the horse. I have two brothers, Oliver Doan and J. J. Doan. Thej^ have been ground through this mill for years. Sometimes we were all in one shop together, all talking about principles to shoe the horse on to keep him from getting lame, and how to cure. Sometimes we would agree, and at other times we would not, and it would get middling hot: but we still kept up the battle for the horse. We were working for the horse, not for the man. Some- times all scattered singly We all carried on shops in many places. 1 worked nine years in many different shops. At the age of twentj^-three I opened a shop at the little village of jN'orthville, in the town of Genoa, Cayuga county, IST. Y. I was a jobber and carriage ironei', and carried on that business, connected with horse-shoeing. Oliver commenced to work at Talcot's Corners with Halsey W. Taylor six j^ears after I did. I commenced with Taylor to leai'u my trade. For some reason, I know not what, Oliver left and came where I was at work at Little Hollow for Zenos B. Richmond, who carried on the carriage busi- ness,^ jobbing, and shoeing the horse. Kichmond hired him. by the year. We worked a year and a half there together — his wages thirty dollars a year and board, he to clothe himself. He went with me to Northville. 68 "nErE: horse's resoue. We wrestled with the horse there several years. Then Josephj another brother, came. He is next younger. He tried it for a while and quit. Oliver worked for me in all about eleven years. In a short time Joseph came and wanted to try it again. Then we were all in my shop together. We had lots of hard battles balancing these poor horses, all studying on some principle to shoe on to benefit the horse. Oli- ver had carried on business in the states of New Jer- sey, Pennsylvania, and New York. He soon started business for himself again. Then Joseph went with him. Thus I lost the most trusty man I ever had to work on the horse or any other kind of work. I had connected wagon-work and painting with my business. That they learned and carried on connected with "their busi- ness. Joseph changed around ; sometimes he was with me and again Oliver. Then he went to work in other shops ; Oliver the same the fore part of his life. Joseph carried on business in many places, and was sheer in the Rebellion for a brigade. I carried on business in ten different places. In this horse sail I came around in the same place. I always bought. Twice I bought the same property, and battled for the horse. I write this to show you how queerly this sail worked. We were learning the horse-shoeing trade, and we did learn it. We are now all together nearly in the same place. Each dropped all other mechanical work and fell in line, battling for the horse. We have made shoeing a specialty for many years, working on the l\orse, and intend to keep up this fight. As long as we three live single or together, we are all united. THE horse's rescue. 69 It is perfected, as near as it can be, and iron the horse's feet. Go with me to Auburn citj. There you will see a man standing by a fine dapple-gray stallion. His eyes are sunken ; he looks care-worn, and his cbeeks are liollowed, battling, teaching almost night and day ; J. J. Doan d'oing the same. This man's name is Oliver Doan. I visit them often while I am writing this work to see how the battle is going. They are curing liorses without medicine. Keader, do not think this is the beginning ; these boys have been master of the horse's feet about eight years; and Oliver, as I said, has been working almost night and day tr3nng to in- troduce and teach this great discovery. He says he will never give it up. I looked him over the other day. I told him I thought he must give out soon un- less he had rest, he was so over-taxed and broken of his rest. If we lose this soldier it will weaken our army very much. My own back is about given out, and Joe's is the same. I left them still in the field to write this book. Let us go back to Talcot's Corners, where the Ken- tucky hunter mare is, and work five weeks on horses day after day and nights. I have four or five cup feet liorses. I am trying to spread their feet, shoeing on the wrong principle. I tried a shoe made in tins way, bevel out or incline plane, so that the foot would slide out with the weight of the horse. I worked at that for years, but I could not gain anything. I soaked the feet and drove with the same result. Sometimes the feet grew narrower instead of expanding. I made up my mind it was wrong, and for this reason : the foot 70 THE horse's refcue. constantly sliding out and going back at every step the horse took kept the structure of the foot in motion, and it was badly changed from natural. It did not remove the cause; on the contrarj^, it irritated it — made bad worse. The foot was always dry and hard. I dropped that and went back to flat rest on heel. That woi-ked better. I rasped the foot in front to weaken, so the heels would spread, and put a few nails in the toe so as not to hold the heels. Still I could gain but little, and often lost more than I gained. Wet and dry weather worked against me, but that power, the lever, was the worst. For years and years I worked to try to save horses from getting stiff, and still they came pouring in for relief. If they had never seen a blacksmith or shoer, they would have been all right, or nearly so ; but I did not know at that time they were thrown in such a bad condition, as I after many years found out by experimenting. It is five weeks since I shod Kit; let us finish her off. I always shoe my horses all around at one time, unless a shoe should get torn off by accident or other- wise. This mare's foot has grown five weeks; the lever on the toe has grown some. The heels w^ere too low when we shod her. Pare the toe now from heel ; make new shoes this time, the same as the first, only with thinner heels. The heel is higher on the foot. Look up and down the horse's leg and calculate how the work should be done to keep the strain off the cords; place the foot back as far as she can, and heel sit fla.c down on the floor, and not hurt her. If you get the heel too high she cannot move well, and it will tip her on knee and ankle. This principle works the THE horse's rescue. 71 same on all horses. This mare was contracted but very little. Now I am going to test this and see how she will stand a big drive in the month of March. I drove here on rough roads, up and down hills, two hundred and sixty miles, at from fifty to sixty miles a day, and no founder, no soreness of cords. I had dressed up her feet for the journey. I sold her that spring to a Mr. Smith. I shod her while he owned her, which was one 3^ear. He sold her to Mr^ JSTiles, who also owned her for a year. I continued to shoe her. She hauled wood all winter over hubs, when Niles sold her for one hundred and fifty dollars. In a short time she got in another blacksmith shop, and became " foundered " in the chest. Tlien there was a row. Niles came to me in a rage. " Doan, what is there about that black mare you sold to Smith ? They say you say she has been foundered. The man I sold her to wants me to take her back." " I have said nothing of the kind. She was the stiffest horse I ever saw when I got her. I removed the cause in four days, and can do it again.'' He had to take her back. 1 never saw her after Niles sold her. I had all the horses I could take care of. I could have bought her cheap and sold in a few days, and made some more money on toe-levernge. I could find this kind of horsesany day, and all over ; they were being made everywhere by the vvliolcsale. This work is intended to be an eye-opener. It is "The Horse's Rescue," and if this does not do it, I shall go at It myself again ; it is good business relieving the r.ufferincf horse. 72 THE HORSE*S RESCUE. I will bid Kit good-bye. I told her owner that if I saw or heard of those mutilators, blisterers, rowel- ers, and butchers at her again, I would '*go for them." Beader, do not think all of these sufferers are to be cured like this mare ; if you do, you will make a mis- take. No matter what " they sa}^," give your atten- tion and learn. After the cause is removed on them by working on the feet, they must have work and ex- ercise or they cannot be changed back to natural, no matter how long or short standing. All must be changed back and come in harmony of action, as their creator made them, or no cure will be effected. They must be balanced on all four feet, their weight equal- ized on each foot and in center of each foot. The structure of every foot must be in its proper place and balanced in the center. Standing with his feet all in a huddle under his belly, with his head down, and asleep, you could take a natural horse by the tail and rock him as you could a chair with rockers on it and not move his feet or strain him or hurt him in any way on cords or tendons. He can rear up and stand on his hind legs straight ; kick up straight and not hurt him. I have watched the colt stand for hours balanced in this way asleep. If he had not been balanced in center, he couM not stand in that position asleep. The stiff horse can stand and sleep if his hind legs are not shoved too far forward under his belly by lever and contraction, and by being run over, something as a sawborse stands ; but he has no action, and he is obliged to stand in this way, or not stand at all. If THE HORDES ^E^SCUE, 73 be lies down, he often wants help to get up, and can- not stand then, I had a horse I called Bill. I have seen him play for hours in the pasture in this way; he would rear up, walk on his hind feet, then come down on his for- ward feet, and kick up almost straight. I watched him, I noticed his feet all struck in one place in the center. That horse could get his head down to eat grass and drink water without sprawling out his legs or falling over on his head and breaking his neck, which I will better explain hereafter. Curious, with all of the books we have had ; they never got away from tliat poor sore foot, and these wonderful shoes all polished up It seems to me they worked a very small field on the horse, and it would have been better if they had not worked that After the horse got so he could not get his head down nor up, they intro- duced feeding hay on the ground. It is curious they always got it wrong, as I will show they have. Then, worse than all, they want to keep it so by trying to enact laws so that no blacksmith shall operate on a horse's foot unless he has a diploma from some veter- inary college or university, or an order from us. *' Our heads contain all of the brains and knowledge and wisdom, and we will furnish it for you. It is in- exhaustible !" My, my ! do you not know a man is known by his works? Let us take a sail, and peep around and see what we can find, I must pass over many years of hard knocks, work- ing on and battling for the horse. It will not be inter- estino", and I do not want to write it I could not L'^t us go in the streetcar shop in Elmira, Here 74 THE horse's refcue. stands a row of horses, and it is all they can do to staiiil. What is the matter with tliern? They are all oft of tlieir base, caused .b}- levei- power in nil stages and deiZTces of chami'e. and all in the wronci- wav. " What are these holes cut in here for where the hind feet stand? " "To let the toes di-aw in to relieve the cords." Let us look around. Hei-e stand some in the water — disabled — soaking their feet, which are con- contracted, and with tw^o sets of feet, and shoes on; liead down, suiTering; blisteis, setons, and all man- ner of toi'turing going on. On one side is llie shoeii-.g shop; on the othei- is a professor's or veterinai'ian's siiin. Professor of what? Torturinf^ the ab-eadv suf- fering horse. And yet he gets a good salary. Look at the condition of the hoi'ses, and see if he eai-ns it. We have professional thieves, gamblers, and liai-s, but tlieir occupation is more nsefnl than mutilating these poor helpless creatures. This work is " TlIE IIORSES Rescue." Gerard Doan is the author of it, and iie does not '"scare worth a cent." There are two brothers connected with this work — chips off of the old block. Let us go to Newburg, in Orange Co., and Bee what we can find tliere. We see these horses climbing up and down stairs, or inclined planes, two stories high, at nearly quarter pitch, in this deformed condition, all off base or equilibrium or balance. This is not seen, I well know. AVhen these horses are moving on the road they are behind themselves. I can explain it in no other way bettei- than this. It put me in mind of the puppy in pursuit of his shadow. The object always remains at the same distance. The THE hokse's rescue. 76 animal is trying to get on his base or foundation. His weipht is unequal!}^ adjusted. When lookirg around, talking hoi'se, a man says: "I have a fine-looking horse. He can liardly walk. Will 3^ou go and see him ?'* " Yes." They say he is ''foundered;" flat feet all around ; shoes on; weight in center; corks on shoe; frog on ground; went down through the cup; long toes; rounding on bottom; bi'oken in front ; coffin-joint injured or dislocated. T told the man to pull off the horse's shoes, cut of? that lever, and put the weight on the frog. He might get w^ell. It would help help him if he did not recover. He thought that would not do. Here is another case — cup foot. This horse is within a stone's throw of a veterinarian's ofRce in Elmiia. Tlie owner says: "If 3^ou will cure him I will give 3'oa ten dollars." Let us examine him. One foot is not half as long as its male, and. that is contracted badly. He is only eight years old. On one he has what is called a " heart shoe,'' frog-bearing; not nearly as long as it might have been. Long pointed toe, and ironed solid. He was in great pain. They were trying to shoe this horse in that way. A frog-bearing shoe should never be put on a cup foot in any case. It holds the sole up and makes bad worse for this reason : the foot cannot expand unless the sole can come dow^n. And that is not all ; if it is nailed it cannot run down unless the shoe o-ets loose, and then the shoer takes a scurfing. This prin- ciple is the same on all cup feet. I tried to induce him to pull all of the shoes off and dress his feet down at the toa Cutoff that lever I could not I walked 76 THE HOUSE'S RESCUE. away. Before I got through this work I will tip over rnoie than jou are aware of with that lever. Let us sit down on the hotel verandah and have a rest, and see the horses pass and study them. This is a great thoroughfare to Elrnira, a continuous stream of horses passing and repassing, nearly all lame. Some are stiff in one way or another. It occurred to me this is the place for mc. They are in a worse condition here than any place I ever have been in. I lived in Tioga countj^, Pennsylvania. At that time I owned a farm and was tr3nng to work it. I always had a shop, and was always talking horse and teaching all I. could. It soon brought a lot of cripples for relief) as it always had. There was no place I could do it all. I might as we'll sell my farm and give up trying to work at any kind of business. I did sell it and all of my property except my horses and driving rigs. These I must keep. They are all nearly new and good. I shall need them to exercise horses if I work on them. I had as line a pair as any I saw in Ilorseheads. They were wanted to put on the street cars. I said I would rather see them dead than let them go there. And they were soon dead. Before I got all of my goods moved my Bill, that was balanced in center, had gone. He was the first to go. I was driving the pair to- gether. The roads were muddy. A board was buried in the mud. lie stepped on the end ; it flew up, ran into him, and killed him. You can see me in a barn. John Saterlv, born in liorseheads, examining a horse. This horse is five 3'ears old, the very picture of my Bill. His foi'ward feet are soaking. I asked, "How came the frogs all out of these feet, Mr. Saterly?" THE horse's rkscue. 77 " I think he must have cut them out on stone." That is not it; his feet are badly contracted ; the circulation is all cut off from the frog by the pressure. Tiie sole each side of the frog. You must get him out of that." " Will you do it for me ?" " I wilh" "All right ; we will have a frog in those feet in less than a year. This horse had not been used in nearly one year. He could not travel. He was a present to John from a friend. John suffered with the horse. I relieved them both. How? I will tell you. I spread his feet, and told John to drive him every day. In one year he had the colt's foot on him, and John was offered five hundred dollars for him. He would not sell him. How much did I get for him ? How much did I get for that job ? The price of shoeing tlie horse and John's friendship, and that is more than I got from thousands for the same job. I am going to send John one of these books if I live. Where next? On the floor in David Townsend's shop, driving on shoes for two fighters; work four days at one dollar per day ; have a row. I refuse to drive on shoes unless they are more properly fitted ; am called a damned botch. I told them I never had slaughtered horses when I knew it, and I should not begin now. I am ordered out of the shop. I picked up my tools and told them I would have a shop of my own in this place soon. " You can't shoe all of the horses if you do," is the reply. Where next? In a shop on the banlc of the canal ; wrestled with the horse earlvand late. There are nine iS THE HORSES RESCUK shops in this place. Let us go and look Mr. Bennett's stable of horses over, and see how we find them. In a suffering condition ; in all stages of suffering. I talked with Mr. Bennett. Explain, teach, all of the time. He tells me to take them and fix them up. What ails this horse in hei'e? Sh ! He is gone up; he can hardly stand. He is strained, I think, across the loin; his water-works are out of order all of the time. " That horse and his mate,'' says Mr.Bennett, "cost me eight hundred dollars not long ago." His mate had a flattish foot. I shod him. He was in the team at time we were talking. " What is so much straw in here for?" I asked. "He can't stand on the ground." Let us get him out of this straw so we can see his feet. Oh, horror! this poor horse was neai'lv ready to fall over back- ward, as his eyes and general appearance shov/ed the intense suffering he was obliged to endure, too plainly for any man that had eyes not to see. '' Mr. Ben- nett," said I, "do you know what is the matter with thathoi-se?" "No." " Well. I do. I can relieve him in a very short time, and will if you will let me. It's a bard job for him and me, too, but it must be done.'' This horse had not been able to work in a long time, and had been crammed with all kinds of trash called "medicine." He had shoes on and was higher fi'om the top of his hoof down to the point at his. toe than any other horse I ever saw His feet were quite straight up and down ; his fore legs stood about perpen- dicular; his breast was full, his shoulders nearh' all THE horse's rescuk 79 right, his hind feet weet were drawn forward under his belly by contraction and leverage, and were of bi.it lit- tle use to liirn. II; Lis fore legs bad been braced for- ward he would have 2;oncr over backward. It would have thrown so much weight on his already overtaxed legs, they be'ng so much ofl their bose. This horse was eight 3'ears old; weight about thirteen hundred. Reader, how would vou like to tackle that horse alone as I did? I had a good sweat. I have thought hundreds of times in my life that the worth of a man's work is not known until he had been dead five hun- dred years, and not alwaj^s then. I cut those feet down nearly half, balancing the horse as well as I could at that time. His feet were very soi'c. I put on shoes suitable for him, pared the sole so it could come down by his weight in the manner I have already desci'ibed (see page 38), packed his feet with clay. Remember, no nads back of the widest part of the foot. The next morninof, after shoeinQ- this hoi'se, he was harnessed to a onediorse wagon loaded with a small quantity of lumber, and driven at a walk by my orders. He belon2:ed to a man that owned a mill and lumber-yard. The horse delivered lumber. I watched his feet. Do not foiget to clean in the morning all out under his shoe. If you do forget it you will fail. This horse was heavy. I balanced him with his weight in the center of foot. Cripples come pouring in in all degrees of change from natural, interferers, and all kinds but those in a natural condition. Not one of these arrived in the lot. I fixed them all up as well as I could. One horse came that it will be particularly well to men- 80 T^E HORSES RESci;:^ tioii. He had a thin-shelled, fiat foot. He was lame. His foot was large^ and shod too large — uy on corks- center up from i^rcmnd ; his foot spread too much, and was constantly springing at every step from the weight of the horse. It made him lame. I put clips on tlie shoe at the quarters to prevent the springing. He went off very well. I told the owner he must not leave the shoes on more than four weeks; if he did, it would play mischief with the coffin-joint; the sole would rise in center. What good did that do? In nearly six months after I saw the horse — so stiff he could hardly walk, with the same shoes on. They had not been set. I talked with the ownier about it. He did not like my shoeing. He liked that lever on the toe, contraction, coffin-joint lameness, perished shouldei's, and a deformed horse, better. It did not injure my business any. He had watered or fed him three or four times a day. " They say " he is found- ered, and that clears up the business. Ten daj'^s have passed since I pulled that horse out of the straw. He has worked drawing lumber every day. It was rainy during tliis time, which was in my favor. I did not have to pack his feet. They soaked while at work. "Hello, boy! drive up here." (It was a boy that drove him.) Let ns examine this horse's feet and body. He is working back on his ])ase fast. His hind legs stand back at least one foot farther than he did when we pulled him out of the straw. Let us look at the heels of feet all around. They are all spread a quarter of an inch over the shoe. Take him off the wagon ; let us spread these shoes out even with foot, plump; this foot is flatten- THE horse's RESCUK. 81 ing and lowering. The sole is coming down, and foot assuming its natural shape. The. structure is grada- allv coming into harmony of action. He is improv- ing internally and externally. He needs no m.edicine, neither does he take any. He is in my care. '-Drive on, bov." Readers, I was working a large number at the sam.e time. Some I helped, some I made worse. Their owners all knew more than I did, or they listened to that old "they say," and went the rounds from one shop to another, until their horses were nearly ruined ; then back to me again. I did not have the horses in my care, consequently I could not gain anything, con- tinually doing the same work over again. It put me in mind of a puppy pursuing his tail, the object of pursuit ever remaining at the same distance. I assure you, reader, it is somewhat trying to a man's powers of endurances. I have a little boy, Frank. He is fourteen years old now. Since the age of six years he has stood by these poor horses for hours, sponging and working their legs with warm warter, soaking their feet, caressing, and talking to them, while I was shoe- ing. He was all the help I had, and see what I did to the horses. He can talk horse, and see their suffering condition nearly as quickly as I can. Two weeks have passed. Let us look to this horse that is drawing lumber. His feet are spreading over the shoe again. We must spread his shoes again. The fever is all gone. His feet do not dry up hard now. They need no packing. He can rest nights, and can get up, and lie down. Let us spread all of his shoes out plump with his hoofs. " Drive on, boy." 82 THE HORSES RESCIJK I had some hard work at balancing during these intervals at Mr. Bennett's stables of horses, and hundreds of other changes in all staires and decrees. Here come two men with a fine jjair of young horses. '* They say you can stop any horse fi'om interfering, lean sell this pair in Elmirafor eight hundred dollars if I can get him stopped. I will give you twenty- five dollars if you will do it. Gret in and ride. See, he creeps with his hind feet." " I see. You would not give me that amount of money if I did stop him." ''I will!" I had heard that kind of bugling too much to ex- pect any twenty-fiv^e dollars, for I well knew I would not get it. I saw at a glance the cause of the horse's creeping and interfering. "Lead in." Reader, lake this lesson. This horse was run over. Too much weight on inside, which I have explained; lever on toe. He crept for this cause. He hardly dared to step. Such ignorance ! Claiming to know so much and knowino" so little ! The man told me they drove about six miles, and went all clear. "I guess the old blower has stop[)ed him," said he. He shied around for a while, separated that team for fear it could not be done again, then tried to get him back, but could not. Did I get the twenty-five dollars? No; this is one case in thousands worse than that in forty-one years' wrestling with the horse. Let us look after this horse whose feet we spread. Try and keep track of this one we are experimenting on.. It has been six weeks since he was shod. That THE horse's rescue. 83 lever has grown some. His feet are lower from top of wall to ground than it was when we first shod him. It has been growing all the time. Expanding the foot lowers it. The strueture is nearly in harmony inter- nally. He begins to play and shows some signs of action. Let us shoe him. Reader, these are facts, not lies. Dress his feet. What is this we come to cupping out his foot, not seen before ? It seems to be a mass of corruption, a watery, bloody substance I cannot describe. His feet are all the same. At that time I had never seen any so bad. Let us pare and clean out. There seems to be a sole under this cor- ruption. Shoe again, so the foot will expand by the horse's own weight. It will go easy now. This horse goes in the team again with his mate. Do not forget: Like causes produce like effects on all horses. There is no safety unless you understand the principles laid down in this work. I saw this horse three j'cars later at work. I did not go to him. I was riding through the village of Horseheads. Good-bye, poor horse. I improved the condition of all of Mr. Bennett's stable of horses so much that he talked continually for me. That brought all of the shoers down on me, and the doctors in their rage knew no bounds. During this battle I waked up at two o'clock in the night. Hearing a noise at the barn I went out and found it all on fire. My horse and rigs were all consumed. That da}^ was spent in clearing up the wreck. The next day I was again in the shop battling for the horse. The cripples still came pouring in from all quarters. This shop was small. I must have more room. During this time a man was stopping at Mort 84 THE horse's rescue. Bennett, Jr's., hotel teaching a credulous but ignorant people how to cure stiffened and blind crippled horses. He lectured in the streets, and was hired to caie the stiff horses. He cbars-ed three dollar?. This was done by bleeding in the plait vein. That would cure. It would take a few months after the operation. The blind were cured bj the same butchery; in fact, it was all mutilation. The horses there were a bloody-look- ing lot This was carried on for six weeks. These horses all came to my shop at first to be shod immedi- ately after the bleeding. I told them they were fooled. I balanced between contraction, run-over feet, and leverage as well as I could. Mort Bennett, Jr., had a very fine dapple-brown horse six years old, the best muscled horse, I think, I ever saw; in fact, the best I ever saw on all points. He had the best material in his feet. That is an indication of good, fine bone. This horse I had been shoeing. He was badly off his base on all of his feetj and badly air- puffed on all of his legs, caused by contraction and leverage. His feet were walled up behind about four inches. They had been allowed to gro"' at the heel to keep him on his base and prevent the strain on his cords — always pare the toe and never the heel. He had gone from bad to worse until he was nearly off his lesfs. I had talked with Mr. Bennett about liis horse Mike (for that was his name) which was in this condition the first time I shod him. I told Bennett his feet were badly conti"acted and he could not be helped shoeing. He must be shod. I did the best I could. It would not do to cut his heels down. He would "sore"' in his cords I balanced him upas well THE horse's rescue. 85 as possible. I well knew what would soon be the re- sult. In a short time this poor, suffering horse fell e victim to that wonderful piofessor of great wisdom. Mike had got so bad he could liardlj liobble any longer. Something must be done. Mike was sent to m}^ shop with a written order from this skilful opera- tor, giving directions? how to shoe him, which I well knew vvei-e all wrong. I told the hostler to take him back and tell that man to send no more of his butch- ered horses. I would not shoe them. " Tell Mort Bennett," said I, "that when they all get through tor- turing Mike I will remove the cause of his troubles for twenty-five dollars if yon do not cut his cords off.'' Of course that set them all howling. Reader, you want to know what that order was. I will tell you. It was " pare the toes down until they bleed; cut none from the heels; shoe thick at heels; thin at toe ; no corks." I have ali-eadv written about the condition of these feet inside caused by contrac- tion. This order was to cut and trim the foot so it would have the appearance of a colt's foot to look at^ although it did not say so in words. Header, would that work? Would it remove the cause of that poor horse's suffering ? I well knew it would not. I can tell in advance what the result will be. Caused by such work as that, on all contracted feet the cup foot suffers the most. The work was done on Mike's feet by another sheer. I saw Mike tied to a post a short time after, head down. His hair looked dead ; he was suffering; his knees tipped and shaking. Mr. Bennett came along. I called his attention to it. I told him Mike would gnaw his feet in ten days. They had not 86 THE horse's RESCUE: removed the cause. Thej had added more to it. After a few months' standing that would be harder to cure than at first. That horse was a liver}^ liorsc. lie soon gave out. The hostler told me he wns groaning and thrashing all night and day. The hips were worn through to the bone. I called in to see him every day in hopes I might rescue him. The hostler called to me, " Doan, Mike is gnawing his foot.*' Previous to this I had moved up-town, got in a larger shop with three fires in it, and had lectured on the horse in front of Mr. Bennett's hotel, and exposed that butcher called ''doctor; " called a crowd while I was ti'vinsr to teach the people what the cause was of all their lame and crippled horses. I was dragged out of the wagon I was standing in by Robert Colwell, the boss of the towr. I stood just in the same place where that slaughterer had lectured six weeks before. He took some money away with him. He heard my lecture, and sloped that night. This book is called the " Horse's Kescue." Let us go on with this horse fight ; let us look after Mike. While the hostler nnd I were looking at Mike's feet Mr. Bennett's came in, and I called his attention to it. Mike had gnawed his feet at the top of wall full of holes, and his feet were raked all over with his teeth. While we were talking, in came the shoer with apron on. Then there was another i-ow. Bennett said, " Brces, what is the cause of this horse gnawing liis feet?"' " It is contraction." He was right. Mr. Brees shod this horse from in- stiuctions this butcher had iziven him. It was not his THE horse's ItESCUK 87 fault ; the butcher was gone before either o£ them touched him. He was in the last stacies. The last time I shod liim I well knew it. I told Mr. Bennett I could remove the cause of all his trouble in four days, take all of the air-puffs off his forward legs, and straighten his legs. How is that to be done? Make him natural. Put the colt's foot on him. Mr. Brees says that cannot be done. It must be if he is cured. Of course there wns lots of money to be bet. I was ready for that. I offered to bet one hundred to ten — live hundred to fifty dollars — I could do it. No takers. Lots of talk. No help for the poor horse. I did not get him that time. He was led back into the stable to suffer. Do you know, I could not sleep nights. T must have that horse in some wa}^ I talked and figured in all shapes. All were fighting; called me craz}^ ; some called me a damned fool. I well knew if I told them what I intended to do I would not get him. I passed the stable going to my shop daily. I called to see Miki^ ; his sufferings were intense — growing worse every day. As I was passing along by the barn Mr. Bennett said : "Doan, Iguess I shall have to let you have that horse." " All right." "Now, if you do not cure him you will not charge me much ?"' "No ; I will leave tliat to your honor. I want him for an advertisement." " What securit}' am I to have if you injure the horse ?" " How much do you call him worth ?" 88 THE horse's rescue. "One hundred and fifty dollars." "All right. I will deposit the money in the bank for you, or I will state before these witnesses, I am good for it, and will pay it if the horse dies from any cause while in my care." "How long do you want him?" "Four days. Mr. Bennett, this horse is to be under my control four daj^s. If you get dissatisfied during this time you cannot take the horse. You must take one hundred and fifty dollars and the horse is mine." Witnesses w^ere called to that bargain. Reader, you can see a man stepping middling high and fast going to my shop leading a suffering horse. In less than five minutes his shoes were off, and his feet were in warm water soaking. I had shoers at work in the shop ; horses coming all of the time, lame and stiff, to get cured. Horses were going on from bad to worse, caused by shoeing. All wanted me to shoe their horses. I told them, " When I get this horse out of his suffering I will be I'eady for you." Some of them cominsc ei2:ht or ten times a day, would not let my workmen touch their horses. I had to put up with some abuse. Let them bawl, I must cure this horse. Reader, here is a good lesson. Let us examine these feet, the forward ones first. Let us look at the bottom. There is no hollow in this foot. It is, to all appearance, a flat foot. It has been dressed in such a way that the inexperienced could not tell where and how it was changed from natural. The faot is, his feet are filled up. They look all right. His heels are walled up four inches high from coronet down, nearly as high as the foot Is lonir from coronet in front to THE horse's rescue. 89 point of toe. Being dressed in this way tipped his knees and ankles the same. His head is down ; he is thrown off his equilibrium and base forward; that is, over on his nose, or in that direction. This is not all : the inside of his foot or structure is all out of har- mony of action; his foot is not the natural size; it has been cut down at the toe too much, and it w\as ironed solid and dead. Before w^e dress these feet let them soak in warm water while we look this horse over. Understand, this horse has air-puffs on all of his legs half wa^'' to his knees and gambrels. Let us see what condition his hind feet are in. They are contracted as bad as his forward feet. His heels liave been cut down ; his feet are shoved forward by this contraction. His toe is one inch too long; the struct- ure is changed all out of liarmony. He is obliged to stand in this position and work. How is this horse balanced ? One-half of him is one way ; the other the opposite. What must the condition of this horse be internally, and he obliged to draw heavy loads daily ? Ponder, think! this horse was fed. eighteen quarts of oats per day, still he was thin, hair dead, no gloss on it. He ate ravenously, and grain passed him whole. The fact is, he swallowed his feed without masticating it, nearly crazed with pain night and day ; all out of harmony all over — intei'nally and externally. I was obliged to keep heating water all of the time. I heated it on my forge. This poor horse would fall asleep and partly fall, and tip the tub over and spill the water. 1 had business enough, yet I was abused, while I was at this work, by many different ones for neglecting my business. They all had cripples they 90 THE horse's rescue. wanted cured My men I paid $2 per day. Customers would not let tliem shoe their horses. They said they could get their horses spoilt anywhere. No argument could convince them I could not cure all of their horses shoeing. Some I could cui-e, and had cured They all wanted it done, and wanted me to do it. My God ! what a load on my poor back and head— neaily all cripples. They were increasing on me. I dis- charged my help to save money. The}' were of no use to me. I did not want to earn all of the n:ioney to pay them to sit and look at me work. The fact is, I was obliged to lock my shop and put curtains up at the windows in order to go on with my work. They ke})t up such a confusion I could not work. And yet there was not much to be learned. It was tiieir opin- ions and beliefs and abuse. Let us see if we can go on with this woik now. This poor horse continues to fall asleep. We can't pare his feet jei, he has had no rest. Some of the pain has gone. We wdll have to let him soak and sleep a while; we can't woi'k on him yet. Some one pon riding on the door every half hour for admittance. No admittance! I was alone in the shop. After I liad been annoyed awhile I paid no more attention to i\ That set them howling. All I could do that day was to wash Mike in warm water, keep his feet in the tub, and let him sleep. A good night's. I'est will hel}) us both. In the shoo a2;ain in the mornin other cripples. I must have money to keep the wolf from the door. Let us pare an! cup out his f j>ot. Let us cut the heels down half. They are THE horse's rescue, 91 tliat ijiucli too high at least. Pare none from toe; cap it out ; it is filled up; it is hard as a stone. That will do, now. Soak Lim niore ; when it gets soft we will cup it more. The doors are open now. Mi*. Brees comes in, apron on, to see and talk. His shop is nearly opposite from mine. All in a bluster, he said : "That is not doctoring horses; that is nursing." "Yes, this horse needed some of that." This uproar was kept up by many in the shop and all over the town. Being in the business oi tracing cause to ef- fect and effect to cause, I well knew what ailed them. Beat and excel them w^as AAdiat I wanted to do, and relieve the suffering horse. That is what I went there for. They were all strangers to me. Let them fight while we look at this horse. If you wish to learn a lesson, look at the iiorse we are working on. Now he stands braced out forward ; now his knees are tipped, yet his cords hurt him. He can scarcely stand. How is that? We cut his lieelsdown; that is the cause. Where is the w^eight of that horse now, or wdiat is tlie effect of cutting his heels down? Before we did that I told you how his weight vv^as divided, and the effect of it. This operation throws him off his base with two-thirds of his weight on liis hind legs, which were also badly oft' their base before we cut his heels down. He should be balanced or poised in the center, and his equilibrium restoi'cd, that is, equalize his weight on the center of each foot^ and balance him between the four. This looks like a rather hard job, yet it can be done. It will take a little brain, work withal. We must get rid of some hallooing around this shop ; no one can do anj^thing th'is way. 92 THE HORSE^S RESCUE. Lock the shop again ! Let us finish cupping out his feet. It will not do to cut away much near the wall at toe; it is thin there now. Pare dowm next to the point of frog until you can spring the sole a little with a pair of shoeing pincers all around the frog. Pare the brace very slanting toward the frog. Care should be taken to cut the sole even. Feel with pincers. There, these feet are dressed for shoeing. Keep them in w^arm water. They have been days all of the time. In comes Mr. Bennett. He says he is losing two dol- lars per day by the horse lying still. "Mr. Bennett," says I, "my time is not up yet. Tliis horse's feet are badly contracted. I cannot fix him unless I have time.'' Now we will make a pair of shoes, narrow web, for this horse has a very thick shell ; six nails on each side. Nail clear around to heel — light nails. I am going to spread these feet. It will be necessary to turn the shoe-heels down a little to hold against the bi-ace, so as to spread at the heel and take the strain off the nails and the shell. Nail solid, and clinch. The shoe should rest only on the shell all around ; the foot should represent an inclined plain clear to the very eda'e of the wall, and be left so when ironed. All should slant toward the center of foot. The doors are ooen. It is nearly dark. Mr. Brees came in in a bluster when I was at work on the last foot, drawing the shoe down solid, he looking on. When done, I dropped the foot down, and said: "There, Mike, I guess I have got you fixed at last." I had been some time getting these shoes on to suit me. They did suit me, for the operation called out the remark I made. THE horse's rescue. 93 Said Mr. Brees : "I think you have fixed him." He starts for the hotel, and tells Bennett I am spoiling his horse so I can buy him cheaper. That starts another uproar. I was in some fear they would get the horse away from me. Yet I did not fear them. I held the horse. Let us look at these feet again. Keaders, you remember how they were when we first examined them. Now look in the bottom of these feet. There is a deep hole in this foot. It is cupped out deep, and yet it is not cut through in any place ; no blood drawn. His foot is narrow, and the shoe follows the shell around clear to the heel even. The foot has an elongated appearance, and it is so. The horse stands braced out, chest sunken in, shoulders dropped back, head down. He does not gnaw his feet. He soon quit that habit when I got him in my care, and yet he can hardly walk. " Mike, to morrow is the last day I can hold you on the contract. "We must fix you for the night. You can lie down. That will save your cords. Your poor feet ache yet, and they are feverish. To prevent their drying up too much we will pack your feet with sponge, filled with water, and tie cloths on them. It will not do to tie them tight; that would give you pain. We will gather the cloth above the hoof, and sew it so that it will not hurt or stop the circulation of the blood. You must have a good soft bed. It is late at night. I will let you out of some of your trouble before the sun goes down another day." This horse is not in my barn, but in Mr. Bennett's, which is open to all. This woik, when I am gone, must be inspected by all to see what I have done. Ml". Brees saw his heels cut down, saw him 94 THE horse's rescue. thrown back in this position. All talk. And I let them. I had to. Mr. Brees's nephew had a good eight-year-old horse, which I wanted to get to cure. I told him I would do the job for ten dollars, as it would be an easy one. When I first talked wdth him I could not persuade him to let me have the horse, and I dropped down on the price. It was of no use. I was obliged to give it up. His horse's heels were walled up very high, tipped on knee; lame in one foot — lame in both, but he could not see it. I told the owner that if he was mine I would cut the jieels down^ and straighten the horse out very quick. He looked at me when I was talking. I walked away in search ct another suf- fei'er, which 1 should soon have room for. Let us go and see how Mike is getting along. It is morning, and not light yet. All is quiet, all sleeping. We will have to go to the shop, heat some w^ater, take the tub to the barn, and soak his feet while he eats his breakfast Then we will take him to the shop. It may be necessary to state the plan I intended to follow out in experimenting lo prevent inflammation taking place by expanding Mike's feet so much at one time. I well understood this contraction and expand- ing principle that was constantly at work, caused by wet and dry weather, and tight and loose shoes. It did not kill all its victims, but a creat manv it did. I liad now to spi-ead the foot and flatten it out at once. If I did not do it, there would be no cure. The plan was to have the foot as soft and pliable as I could make it, so as not to hurt the horse. Tlien I must v/atch his feet by feeling to see that no unnatural heat THE horse's rescue. 95 should get the start of me, and I prevented it bj sos.k. ing and packing with sponge, as I have previously de- scribed, after I had spread his feet I tliink this horse's feet are soft enough to spread, and I am going to try to spread them. The shop is locked ; curtains up at the windows. I am alone. I cannot hold J]is feet and spread them ; my arms are not strong enouo-h to do it in this position. I can make a screw, but that will take me nearly all day, and my time is growing short. This horse is expected to be on tlie road to- morrow. It will be of no use to ask these fighters to help me, and I have other reasons for not wantino- their assistance, which I will explain hereafter. I wdl take Mike to my barn, and get my wife to hold up, his feet. The reader can see a frail woman holding up the foot of a horse that weighs about twelve hun- dred, thrown off his base by contraction and leverage, struggling to stand on one foot, which he takes away many times; it hurts him so to stand. Do you know she was in great danger of getting hurt? She weighs about one hundred pounds. We were alone in this barn, but we accomplished this difficult task. It is two good men's work. We flattened his feet out bj spreading about three-fourths of an inch. Look at the bottom now. It has the same appearance to -look at that it did when we commenced woik on it, but the cup is all gone, and the foot is flat Who can tell how this is done unless he sees the operation ? No man. This horse's heels are low now. I had cut ihem down half or more, and expanding lowered them still further The horse's heels are wide ; his foot is nearly round ; he has got the colt's foot on. and the structure of his 90 THE horse's rescue. foot is all in harmony inside and out. His body goes forward on its base with weight in center of the foot. It will be well to more minutely explain this process of preparing feet of this kind for operation. This horse's feet were badly rolled up in at the base of heels. Expanding raises the heels until the wall e^ets perpen- dicular. When it passes the line it lowers. In order to have it come in perfect harmony when expanding, you must use all the judgment you can command. If 3^ou leave the heels too high you w^ill tip his knee ; if too low, it will strain the cords, and either will throw the horse off his base to a greater or less degree. He W'ill not move well, though it will not kill him. After the foot has been expanded, the shoe should not be taken off again in any case until the hoof has had time to grow and settle. Then it may be removed. If you should take the shoe off before, the foot vrould go back, which would create great heat, and cause great suffering to the horse; to get him out of which the same work would liave to be done over again. But we will fini.sh this horse. As I said, he has got to go on the road to-morrow. Spreading this horse's feet did not seem to effect him much at first. He tried them by stepping first upon one, then the other. For a while I watched him. His head went up. I moved him moderately around the barn floor. At first he did net seem to have full control of his legs. I was in danger of being hit with his feet, and yet it was no fault of his, the change being so great. Let us give liim a chance to recover; he is changed in many ways. Let us take him outdoors and lead him around. In no case at first get on the horse : he has all he can do, THE horse's rescue. 97 if he is changed on all of his feet at one time, to hold his own weisfht, until he has time to recover his eauilib- rium and bi. lance. It gives him a sick and weaken- ing sensation ; all is changed so suddenly internally and externally. I led him on the back streets. He soon wanted to trot, and I ran with him, my hand hold- ing his halter at the head. After running some time with him, his legs flying in all shapes, he seemed to go faster. We started through the business part of the town, which I was obliged to do to get to my shop, Mike swung me and carried me clear from the ground many times with his head, I could not help it He was a powerful horse in all ways. He was coming to himself. I got him in the shop as quick as I could, locked the doors, got his feet in some hot water, rubbed and washed his legs, and rubbed all of the air- puffs off. The air-puff' is caused by the skin being loosened by unnatural action of the feet and legs, which forms a vacuum, which fills with air. It in no case should be opened. The cause Is removed. Let us rub the air out through the skin while Mike's feet feet are soaking in warm water. They will stay out as long as we can keep him natural. Nearly all horses are badly changed fjom nature when air-puffs appear in many ways and stages. Of course that sail through the town attracted the attention of many. Some said I was crazy; some called me a "damned old fool." I understood all of that blowing too well to let it effect me. I got in the shop and let them pound the door. I kept on a straight line and on my base, which they did not at all times. Let me paint a picture, while Mike's feet are soaking, of what I saw pass this shop 98 THE horse's rescue. one day. This is only one of tbonsands, whicl] can be seen almost any day, and many times some days, if you have eyes. The raih'oad crossing was close to ray shop. They had raised and graded so it made a little rise. I saw a horse and wagon coming, the horse thin in flesh. The wagon had two seats; three persons were on each seat and there were some bags in the hind part of the wagon. A man on the front seat, with a hickory club as large as a broom-handle, five feet long, was pounding the horse, which could hardly move. The man was badly off his balance. I cast my eyes to the horse's feet. They were very long; his hind ones so long that he could not rise over the lever with- out breaking his legs. I stepped out into the road and stooped down to see what shape he put his feet in to get up that slight grade. ISTo tM^o feet were traveling on the same line. He was wringing and twisting to draw that load, and that club was playing on him con- stantly. He turned his toes some in, some out. He could not rise over that lever. Do 3^ou know what I thought at that time? Can it be possible the creator has made such a botch making mankind? This has the appearance of a perfect botch. It has occurred to me many times since that man was not in any wise per- fected yet. He has still something to learn, and I con- tinue to hold the same opinion. Let us look this wagon over. It comes in all right, as this work is called " The Horse's Rescue." This wagon is heavy enough for two horses ; in fact, it is a two horse wagon. Every wheel makes a separate track, something as a snake would crawl; wheels grinding on the shoulders of the axle, which has not been oiled in THE horse's rescue. 99 three months; so much gather that they are constantly sliding on the ground, trying to keep on a straight line. If they could move the way they are set they would travel on lines that would cross each other sixty rods ahead of the point where the wagon stood. The driver being badly off his base, and out of harmony, and the wagon running on the wrong principle, added greatly to the horse's suffering. The poor h rse, also off his base, trying to draw that heavy load up an in- clined plain rising over a long lever, has rather hard work ; and yet he had to endure it, and it is no fault of his. Look out for that lever! There is a power in lever principle. After this poor horse has dragged that load up hills manv miles, for his reward he is stabled in some old rookery you could throw a cat through ; cold, bleak wind and snow howling through ; some old rotten clover-stack hay for his rations; the place where he is tied and obliged to stand has not been cleaned out in three months, and ofttimes more ; his hind parts ele- vated according to the size of the pile. Keader, the horse has four legs. It makes a vast difference to him how he stands; give him his head, he will tell you whether the position he is obliged to stand is not" right. How is he going to rest lying in this position- — hind parts elevated in this way ? Some morning he is found cast. Then club and boots are used to help him up; if this does not raise him, a chain is put around him, and he is drawn out of his uncomfortable position. He cannot rise. The hard treatment, that lever, the abuse he has been obliged to endure, have exhausted all of his power of endurance. 100 THE horse's liESCUE. And this is no uncommon thing ; it is a very usual thing. Take a peek around. I have been peeking around many years. I went into a shop in Auburn city, and I saw two men turning horse shoes. I looked at them a few minutes, then walked away. In a short time I met one of these men on the street. He said to me : "Were you in my shop peeking around to-day?" " Yes," said I ; " I was in your shop." " I can beat any man in the state turning shoes," he rejoined; "lean turn one hundred shoes in just foi-ty minutes !" All talking about the number of slioes made, and none about the principle the work should be done on. This man was badly off his bal- ance. There is great danger of shipwrecks and collis- ions when driver, horse, and wagon are all out of har- mony. But let us not forget Mike. The plan must be carried out to prevent inflammation taking place in Mike's feet. I was with him, taking his feet out of warm water for a time to see if I could feel, by placing my hand on his hoofs, any change of heat arising. I did not perceive any change. I thought my plan was going to work. Of course there was no sleep for me that night. This horse was out of my control in the morning. He would be put on the road the next day. There was no use in protesting; they all knew every- thing that was worth knowing, and what they did not know was of no use to any one. I had to take all of the chances and do the hard work. When daylight came you might have seen a tired man standing by this thankful horse soaking his feet in warm water, and washing his cords, helping them to change back to THE HOESE'S rescue. 101 their natural place to give him as little suffering as possible. That plan holds good yet. It does help and relieve the suffering sooner than if it was not done There is one thing yet to be explained, that is, how tbatprocessofspreadingMike'sfeet worked. When the foot contracts the sole rises in the center, ihat pushes the structure of the foot up in tiie center and raises it out of the cup or coronet at the top. Bxpand- ino- lets it down. These wonderfully wise people could no°tsee how this was done. The hostler swung his hat. '■ Doan has cured Mike. I don't know how, but he has done it." The shoes had to be looked at and pat- terned after. They are just the thing. Of course they must steal the secret; it is a big thing. Those lips on the shoes at the heel are not of much use. He has cut the heel down. Mr Brees and his relative (the one who had the siiff horse I tried to get) are eoin- to cure their horse I saw in the shop. I coald sit in my shop and look in theirs. This horse being buckskin in color, we will call him Buckskin Before we commence on this horse we must see Mike off on the road. He was to let out. I was at the barn and watehed him. He was whipped, up when he turned around the corner and fell on his knees. He was not yet used to the change. But he was driven and hurried off his legs, which I told them over and over again, they must not do. I thought to my- self "What is the use of trying to do anything with such a pack of damned fools?" I am not yet done with poor Mike. We will let him sail a while. He is still in very bad shape. t^ i i • Let ua see what they are doing for poor Buckskin. 102 THE horse's rescue. We can see from my shop. This is a good time to trace cause to effect. They are cutting his heels down. That is right so far, but they have left the toe at least one inch too long. They have got his shoes patterned after Mike's as near as they can. He is coming out of the shop. He has to be pulled out, for he can liardly move. What is his condition now? He is thrown back off his base the furthest I ever saw. Let them work ; it's no use to say anything to them; it would only set them to bawling. The crowd gathers around this horse. All talk ; no one knows what ails this poor horse. The owner looks rather worried. His horse is in a worse condition now than ever, he is braced out so bad that his back sinks down. If you should get on him he could not hold youi" weight. He can hardly move This horse stand now on the oppo- site side of the street from Mr. Brees's shop. It is no use to talk to them. They all fight me. Let us walk away. We will watch that horse and see where his suffering ends. I have many horses to look to. They need my care. I can't relieve them all, but I will do all I can. I woi'k for the horse, not the man. I nearly always had from one to four horses in my barn. Some my own; some belonging to others; and which I was caring for in different stables, and my shop was to be kept up. I had almost a night and day business to watch the changes and effects in all stages I was determined to get master of this complicated business. I was sure there was a way out, and I would find it, let it cost what it might. It is morning again. While going to my shop I passed the place where we left the buckskin horse. He was about two rods from where THE horse's rescue. 103 W8 left him the night before. His owner was with liim, and looked worried. He had a keg witii a swab in it, and was daubing his feet. I walked in. I felt sorr}'- for him and his horse. Said I, " What is that stuff you are putting on ?" "It is tar, kerosene, and soft-soap." *' Mr. Brees, it is of no use. You had better give me eight dollars. Your uncle cannot steal this great discovery. (I know not whether he was his uncle or not, but their names were Brees.) The principle is what I want to lay down correct in this work. They had disabled this horse completely by throwing him off his base, cutting his heels down. They had lengthened the lever so much it had sprung his back down and thrown neai-ly all of his weight back of cen- ter. There he was fastened, and was obliged to stay. They knew no way out of this serious trouble. I would have helped them out, but they would not take any lessons. This was early in the fall. The horse was missing, and I lost track of him for a long time. I think it was in the month of March following that I saw Mr. Brees doing^ his chores at his barn. I went CD in. There lay this Buckskin horse. I asked, "Has this horse been lying in this condition all of this time?" "Yes." " Does he stand up?" " He can, but lies down nearly all of the time." " Are those the shoes you had put on last fall ?" " Yes." " Have they ever been reset since ?" "No." 104 THE HORSE'S RESCUE. "Mr. Brees, it would be my advice to pull those shoes off, cut off his toes some, pare the toes down well ; cut no more from the heels ; give him room to travel around, and put no more shoes on him for six months. That will help him some. It will not cure him by any means." He did so. I saw him driving Buckskin many months afterward, and he was quite a horse. His knees were tipped yet, but if they had done what I did to Mike's feet after cutting his heels down, and shortened his toes a little more, lie would bave goLe back on his base or nearly so; instead, it threw him further off. It would have straightened his legs at the same time^, Mike is in trouble again, but it does not surprise me. I have got used to this business. It has become a common thing; I well knew he would be. He was in a very bad shape when he started from the barn. He has been on the road about two weeks. Mr. Bennett said : "Doan, there is somethins: wronc]r about Mike's hind parts." "Yes; there always has been since I knew him." " Can you fix him behind ?" "Yes, if I can have him in my care and control four days. Nobody must use or exercise him but my. self during this time." "All right," says Bennett, "go ahead." It is a hard job to get this horse's hind feet in the soakirg tub and keep them in. My little boy Frank cannot do it ; that's a man's business. I shall have to neglect my shoeing for a while almost entirely to at. tend to this horse and those I have in the barn. Mike was THE horse's rescue. 106 was divided against himself. His forward parts were changed so astolethis weightgo back on thebase,which it did when he stood still. But his hind parts were con- stantly pulling his fore parts off the base — always on a strain — when he was on his feet (which I have ex- plained). When traveling he had to draw his hind parts with his forward parts over that lever, caused by contraction, drawing his hind feet forward under his belly. It hurt him so that it caused him to amble. I saw when he left the barn what position he was thrown in. But what could I do ? Tliey were all so smart, and they were losing so much money by their horses lying still. Some people are always stopping spile holes and leaving the bung out. The fact is, Mike was divided against himself. How are we going to put him in harmony of action, balance him in the center, and take those large air puffs off? The prin- ciple we applied on his forward feet will work behind more tlian it did forward to change him. It seems to effect all liorses more on their hind legs chang- ing them back to natural, and it affects them behind more to change from natural to unnatural. I soaked Mike's feet, spread them, and carried out my plan as nearly as I could under the circumstances and the sur- roundings I had to contend with. Tlie sole is the guide in spreading all feet. Some require more, some less, according to the degrees of change. No rule can be laid down. If the foot is skilfully dressed and pi-e- pared, you can spread until the sole comes down nearly flat. You must look when you are spreading to see if you can see it come down. It must spread at the same time clear to the top of the wall. If you do not 106 THE horse's RE?CUE. see it flatten after you have spread a little, you must stop and walk the horse arouiid or run with him. Spread in pairs so as to drive the sole down. Look and see how much it has come down. Soak in warm water, spread again ; continue to move him around until the sole is down flat. Some horses are so bad their feet are pushed clear out of tlie cup at the top and pinched in at the bottom. If great care is not taken in preparing the foot for this operation, the foot will get pinched at the top of the wall, the bone not having room to go down between the cup at the top. It would not kill the horse, but it would cause him suffering for a few hours, then it would matterate and cause a flaw in the hoof. It should be spread enough to give it room to go down before he is driven much. These are cases of long standing, as a general rule, but there are many exceptions to that. If you do not cut the heels well down joii will be likely to get him pinched, for this reason : it would spring the foot out ai the bottom, which .would throw it together at the top. You must see it go together both top and bottom. Let us look at Mike after spreading his hind feet, and see where he has gone to, caused by spreading the foot half an inch His body has all gone forward on the base ; his back has lowered across his loin ; his forward parts are relieved of their constant strain. He is mnited again; that is, the cause is removed. Some hard work will have to be done yet to make him com- fortable. The air-puffs have all gone around on the front side of his legs. It hurts him. He stands up on his toes. He won't }>ut liis heels down to a fliit THE horse's rescue. 107 rest. He must be got down on his feet one at a time, stand him in a tub of warm water, while those air-puffs are rubbed out through the skin. This shop is locked, curtains up. I am alone. This is a heavy and power- ful horse. There is no other way to get him out of this fix except to compel him to stand on one foot, which must be done by raising the others. It is " business " to hold up the hind parts of that heavy horse, he standing up on his toe, and keep him in the tub and rub his legs at the same time, and change around and keep it up for three or four hours. Walk him around the shop. Soak and rub. Hold him up while doing it; get him nearly down on his heels ; air-puffs are nearly all gone. Open the doors ; out we go. Eun with him awhile; tie to tree, take up one leg, rub the other, the horse straddling and throwing two-thirds of his weight on me all of the time. Cliange legs five or six times, then run with him again ten minutes ; tie to the fence the same. Up with a leg by main strength ; rub and change. Keep this up. Run and tie for two hours or more. Then run with him to the shop; get both of his feet in the tub of warm water. He stands down on his heels flat rest. The air-puffs are nearly all gone, and some hair is rubbed off in spots. That will soon come in as^ain. His trouble is over for a while. I had no time during the operation to [isten to bawlers. I could hear them any time, and not go out of my way. It affects the air-puffed horses on their hind legs all in this way, and they have got to go through this or no cure. It is business, but it brings them out all right in a short time if it is done as it should be. Mike is changed, or the cause is removed. Ho should 108 THE horse's rescuk have a chance to recover from the effect of this great change. His hind feet were not so hard, and it did not take so long to soften his feet. After this hard day's work for me and Mike, I got him in his stable and made him as comfortable as I could by packing his feet with clay (other packing would do as well, tlie object being to keep his feet moist). Thus I left him and went to my barn, where I had business for more than half of the night exercising, caring for, and watching the effect of changes on horses, and the time it took to recover from the change. These horses were different from Mike, which I will explain by and by. It is m.orning. I must go and see Mike. I was at the barn before there was much stir in town. I found Mike in a bad fix. The hostler was there. How is this? Some one has been driving this horse, and has nearly driven him off his legs. He stood up on his toes, and coulel hardly stand on his hind legs. Tho hostler told me Mike was out all niglit. Of course there was some loud bugling. It could be heard ten rods at least. This hard work is to be done all over again to get him down on his heels. It will take me all day, and it did ; besides, it has caused Mike unnecessary suffer- ing. I pulled him out of the barn. I had got in the middle of the street. Mike was hobbling upon his toes. Mr. Bennett, hearing the uproar, came to the front door of the barn. "Doan, what is the matter with that horse?" "It is the change." "I don't like that kind of charore." "I will have liim all right by night. If you want, THE horse's rescue. 109 one hundred and fifty dollars come and get it, and let me have the horse'' He walked away. The same process — soak, rub run, and tie to go through with again, all caused by their not doing as they agreed. How do \^ou like reader, the business I am at work at? Let us stick. Never give up the ship. I got Mike in the barn at dark that night. He was down flat rest on his heels, and his ankles were weak. I. bandaged his ankles, packed his feet, and left him again, and told them he must have rest or they would have him down. The next day T soaked his forward feet and spread them a little. They had grown some. It had been nearly three weeks, the foot flaring from top of wall down to tread. If it was not ironed. I would be wider and not wear off, which it could not for this reason : the wear was on the shoe and not the hoof, and it was ironed so it could not expand. What would be the result if I did not spread his feet a little ? The sole would raise, he would be thrown off his base again, according to the degree of change of which I have already written. He has six nails on each side of these shoes, put there on purpose for this operation. Let us draw out two of these heel nails on both sides. We have spread his feet and given them liberty. Thev will spread with his weight if they are kept soft. Do not get discouraged. With all of the hard work we have done, he is not right yet. His toes on his for- ward ff^ct have more lever. They have grown since his shoes were set three weeks ago. Spreading his feet at the heel will help him some, but that does not shorten the lever by any means. To have him right 110 THE horse's rescue. he should have had all his feet fixed at the same time. I cannot do away with that lever. If I could it would be one of the biggest things man ever invented. I can see no waj except to kill the horse ; then it would cease to grow. Putting on trash to stop a foot from growing too fast, or to make it grow faster and iron- ing, causing great fever and heat, and preventing na- ture from having its course at the same time, is rather antagonistic and claiming a little too much power. Horses must, if ironed, travel on unnatural feet all of the time, with the lever at a greater or less degree of length. Before I get through this woik I shall tip over more than you dream of with that lever pov/er. I started to go to the end of the whole business. We will put Mike in his stable again, pack his feet, all four. The ignorant never have seen anything wrong about the horse's hind feet, which should have equal care. His hind feet and legs are necessary to him. He sends himself off with his hind legs, and draws more with them if he is as the creator made him — which a very few are that have been shod — he does not stay so but a short time. We will have to let Mike sail on the road three or four weeks and watch hini. Take care of his feet; no one else will. Neither will they ])ay for doing it. They had rather sit with their feet on the back of chair topp and smoke. Doan will shoe, balance all tlie cripples, and cure tliem and keep them cured. He is willing to do it, and we are willing he sliould. We can drive the horses off their legs, and then go to him. It is not necessary for us to be broken of our rest, neither is it any use for us to know how he does it THE HORSES RESCUE. Ill Reader, this has been going on in this way for many years. I will say right here that I never received but five dollars in forty-one years aside from the price of shoeing, except what I made by buying and trading for these cripples, curing them and letting them go again That five dollars was paid to me by Mr. Hatch, of Auburn city. I gave half of it to my brother, J. J. Doan, who did nearly all of the work. Mr. Hatch gave me all I charged, and would have given me more, but that was not my object. I wanted to introduce this great discovery, and relieve the suf- fering horse; and that is what I am writing this "'''■ork for. T have put thousands of dollars in the pockets of others, and will continue to do so if they will read this work, and stud}^ the horse. It is no trouble to look at a horse. They are before you nearly all the time. Let us look at a pair that are passing now. These horses are in Ilorseheads, the place I am at work m now", and shall be for some time to come 3'et. This pair of horses are about six years old — a matched pair of browns. They are valued at one thousand dollars. I have looked them over in the stable many times. Let us take a side-view of them in harness. lu order to see these horses as you should, you must see tw^o pairs at the same time; and yet there is but one. You should see this pair first, as the creator made them, before man tried to improve on them. They stand w'ith their forward legs back of straight; lieads up, neck arched, head in, with mouth closed; weight equalized on center of all four feet; balanced in center; no strain unnatui'al in any wav ; their head pointing on a straight line, and feet all 112 THE horse's rescue. pointing on a straight line, providing thej have had their liberty to exercise and wear off their feet as fast as they grew, and been trimmed and cared for. They stand the perfect natural horses, as their creator made and intended them to be. Now we will look at them and see man's impi'ovements, trying to make horses over, or, in other words, excel 1 the creator. I had looked at this pair of horses almost daily for over a year, passing and repassing. They are fitting these horses for market for coach horses ; it will not do to say anything to them; neither it v^nll it do to point out any defect in them, or tell them how to improve their movement ; it would set them bawling. Read- ers, let me tell you their suffering condition, then you can step out and see thousands all around you ; and, travel where you will, 3'ou cannot miss seeing them if you have eyes and use them. I will try to describe the suffering condition these horses are thrown in. The causes are many, and hard to describe. As this work is tracing cause to effect and effect to cause, we will begin at the first cause. That is, the fallible be- ing, man, is ignorant of natural laws and the suffering produced by abusing them. These laws are the crea- tor, and I recognize no other. The horse is the inno- cent and helpless sufferer, and is part of the creator's works. Through ignorance he has been made a great sufferer — the greatest of all the ci'eator's works; and I send this work on its mission for tlie purpose of res- cuing them from their deplorable condition ; and I ap- peal to the supreme court of heaven to back me up. Man's courts would be oi but little use to me; no jus- tice can be had in them. Let us return to this pair THE horse's rescue. 113 of horses. They are all thrown off their base in many ways, which I have explained. Like causes produce like effect. This is a pair of matched horses. This is to show you how well they work and come together, and shows their action and movement together, and what a hard time a man has that has no knowledge of the horse, and the cause and effect he is obliged to contend with, and does not know it. The nigh horse is badly off his base on his forward legs, and a greater degree on his hind legs. Two-thirds of his weight is on his hind legs. His feet are all different lengths, and all run over; some traveling the same line, some not, and none on straight line. He wrings his feet at every step, and ambles on his hind feet. This move- ment is caused by contraction, leverage, and run-over feet, produced by ironing and not balancing him and equalizing his w-^ight; and that is not all. Contrac- tion has lengthened the lever on his toe to a far greater length than you are aware of. You cannot see it beyond the toe of his foot, and yet it is. This horse is nearly always lagging behind his mate, unless he is constantly urged up with the whip. Let us look over his mate ; he is the same, only not quite so bad off. On his hind legs the lever is not quite as long ; he single foots. They are both thrown back off their base badly, and are obliged to stay so, for all the great wisdom their owners have contained in their heads. Let us look at the gaggers and see if they help the action and movement of these poor tortured crea- tures. Readers, remember these horses are drawn down by contraction and leverage, braced out and fastened there. 114 THE horse's rescue. Kow tliey are trying to make them carry higK heads by over-draws and checks. What is the effect of this? It adds greatly to the suffering of these horses. It throws them off their base further than they would otherwise be. Their necks sink down, their noses stick straight out, and they have the ap- pearance of camels; the lines are so arranged they turn their heads out nearly one-quarter around, when they should point on a straight line when the horses are traveling on a straight line. And that is not all. They have been kept in the stable not very light. They are brought out in the sunlight gagged up, and obliged to have the sunlight pouring in their eyes, while the driver must have a sliade over his tender eyes and head. This is a rather hard picture, but these are facts. Let us look at the driver; he sits on the front edge of the seat; he appears as though he was sitting on a jug. He wants to go faster, his hands extending out toward the horse's loin. With each hand he has the appearance of pushing on the lines. He does not like the movements of his horses, but is ignorant of the cause. It does not take a very clear observer of human nature to see the unrest and woriy he is obliged to endure, caused by the awkward movements of his horses. Let us watch himcii'de them. He will be obliged to make a large circle, or they will be likely to fall. See, he is turning them to the left. The near horse's head is drawn by the lines the course he wants him to take. His mate's head is drawn the op- posite. Reader, is it not curious that these horses can- not move together ? Let us look and see how they THE horse's rescue. 115 handle their feet. They have but little knee action. They drag one foot over the other. If they are har- ried, they will be likely to tread on their own feet, and on each other's. The near horse sags back on making this circle ; the off horse swings his hind parts out against the trace. There are all degrees of this awkwardness, accord- to the change. This pair are not very bad yet. They were sold, I heard, for one thousand dollars, to a gen- tleman in Bath, Steuben county, K. Y., though the story IS not to be relied on ; but it can be done any day, and is every day, all over the world. Horses are sold and bought, and large prices paid for them, in all stages of change from natural, and ofttimes they are in the last stages. It does not seem to affect the sale or price, for this reason : the people are ignorant of the horse, and the position he is in. I could have balanced them better than they were if I could have shod them in my shop, by dressing their feet, making the levers on the toes of equal length, shoeing them all arourd at the same time, having the hind feet in pairs, and the fore feet the same, and work to one- sixteenth of an inch both on thoeand foot, eye always on run-over feet. I could keep them from showing their defects by limping, for they limped equally on all their feet. I have balanced thousands of these poor horses between contraction and levei-age and run- over feet in forty-one years, and while I am experi- menting nights I am doing all I can at this hard busi- ness daily to get money to keep my horses, which I have no use for only to see if I can find out what ails all of these poor cripples. My close and careful worl^; 116 THE horse's rescue. on the horse's foot gave me a good run of business; more than I wanted. Many thought I could cure their horses by shoeing, for this reason — they did not limp. That was all they knew, or could be taught about it. They would come pouring in from a dis- tance, sometimes thirty miles, and oittimes more. Some I could help, some were out of my reach, and I could not help them by shoeing; but I could get them out of their trouble, if I could have them in my care a short time. "What will you charge me," they would ask, "to cure m}'' horse?" " Well, it is worth from ten to fifty dollars to do it. It depends something on what ails the horse, and what condition he is in when I commence on him." About nine out of ten would rail out on me in this way : " When you get ten dollars out of me for shoeing a horse you can consider 3^ourself damned smart;" or, "When you fool me you will have to be smarter than T take you to be." That kind of talk I have heard daily, and many times a day, in the past ten years. Before I get through this work I will show you these smart men could be fooled badly. I experimented on the hoises a little, just -to see if I could fool them. I did not take any of their money. Mike has come around again to be shod. He has done some traveling. His shoes are nearly all worn off his feet. These shoes were flat all around, and were nearly worn in two at the toe. Their wearing off saved Mike's cords some. His forward shoes has been on seven weeks, his hind shoes four weeks. He. THE HORSES RESCUE. 117 ](^oks line ; Viis liair begins to look briglit and glossv, and jet he has been traveling out of liarmony somo^, for this reason, that the lever on his foi-e feet has been the longest. If it had been the longest on his hind feet the effect would have been more serious, which I well knew wlien I set him sailing. Mike always had a good friend peeking around, waiching and carini;' for his feet, to see they did net dry np hard. Mike, we will put the polish on you this time. Readei', I have laid down the principles for expand- ing the foot by shoeing a little on the Kentucky hunter mare. That principle is right, and all there is, except to spread it out at once. We will make the lever on all of Mike's feet equal length. The colt's f jOt he must have. All is nearly in harmonj^ of ac- tion ; structure is nearly right. We will shorten the lever a little shorter than natural ; his feet are o-row- ing all the time. It will wear the toe of shoes off some if we do not put on corks, which we will not do. In this wa}^ we can fix him so he can go six weeks very well, with good care taken of his feet. Then he will want to be changed back ag;iin. Reader, how would y'^w like to follow this business for fort3^-one 3^ ears ? I will tell you about tiie pay before I get through this sail. Pci'haps you will like it better. That is what all seem to be after. I have an ii'on-gray in my barn. I always, or nearly alwavs, held from one to four, seldom more than four, at one time. This gray is five years old. It was stiff v hen I took it to cure. It is not mine. I have forgotten the owner's name. It- is no loss to me, hovv-ever. I took his horse to cure. The bargain was this way ; 1 118 THE horse's rescue. was to cure Lis horse for ten dollars. He was to pay me for the feed while I had the horse in mv cai'e, or furnish the feed, and he chose to funiish the feed. He owned three farms. He told me if he continued to liave as good luck as he had had he would soon own more. He came with the feed. It was a small jag of wet wheat straw taken out of a stack half rotten — not fit to bed a horse foi- me. I said nothing. This horse was thin in flesh. I fed her well with good feed of my own. She was so badly thrown oft* her base that she could hardly move or turn around on her forward feet. She was quite natural on her hind feet. I told him it was something of a task to get her back on her base ; it would take me about two weeks before he could take her home. This is in the winter. I shod horses in my shop days, and had these cripples in the shop, soaking and preparing them for spreading their feet, Wiglits I was in the barn or exercising these horses. While changing them it affects them. It would set them howling worse to see these horses while going through this change. It would put me in danger of being mobbed ; if the}^ did not do that it would bother me some about my work. T could do better when they were all asleep. I had all I could handle without being bothered. Night after night you. see a man in a barn with an overcoat on — cold winter liights — heating water in the house, washing and iMib- bing these horses' legs; sometimes in the street run- ning with them ; sometimes driving ; sometimes riding them. When you commerce to change them there is no stopping. Then you must go through. I luid no help; I had to do it all. I stood alone, nearly all on THE horse's KESCUE. 119 ni\^ track. During this horse fight a Cornell student ari'ived in town, a graduate under Prof. Law. He put up at Bennett's hotel. He had a large stock of knives and instruments. They were polished nicely. What use he made of them I know not. I have no use for sucli. He had a lot of bones of horses' legs that had been spavined and ringboned. He told me they were all curable but one ; the pastern joint where the ring- bone is located had grown solid together. That, he said, was incurable. I told him cases where the bone was so badly affected as they were it was out of the power for any man to cure, for this reason : he could not remove the cause. The bone is full of holes; tlie enamel is all off ; the bone is ragged and rough. You cannot make it natural and smooth again. Of course that set liini to howling. He was an effect doctor. I a ked him if he ever saw a horse's foot expand or spread at the heels at once' three-quarters of an iiuh. No; it could not be done. They say it would spo 1 the horse. You would be arrested for cruelty to ani- mals. '*Look here, professor, are you personally ac- quainted with that personage, 'Tliey Say?' I have heard so much about him I would like te see him and have an introduction. He seems to be very wise, Nearly all appeal to him and quote him. If I could get acquainted with him I might get him to help me cure horses. I am spreading horses' feet and curing them every day, and nights too, and no one is smart enough to tell how it is done. I can't see (\ny danger from They Say. This new-born babe on the horse had just started out after graduating at Cornell Univers- ity. He will learn, like all others, hy experience. It 120 THE horse's rescue. takes time and practical work, like all other great things. Reader, let us go on with our work. This iron-gray had been shod before she had grown up to her natural size. Her feet were not their full size, when first ironed, and were held by the shoe from growing nat- ural ; the sole raised. It served her as it does all others; threw her back off her base, and held her there, and she partly grew up in this condition. It is a hard job to get such cases back on their base. In about ten days I did accomplish this hard task. She had good knee action. During these ten days I had some cold rides in the night when all were asleep. Her shoulders did not come back as easy as some. They must be worked back by drawing loads after you re- move the cause, and you must keep it removed ; that is, keep the structure of the foot natural, and watch that lever at the toe. Thi's mare's head is up; she moves very fine ; not man}^ move better. I will drive through the town and see wliat the eiTect will be tak- ing this sail. Tliey all seem to look at me. I do not see one looking at this mare. The fact is they do not know her. The horse led through the town ten days ago was foundered ; that is incurable. It is the same color. No argument could be produced or used to convince them it was the same horse. The good caie and good feed with it had changed her wonderful]^^ 1 drove past my old friend the blacksmith and shoei-. The better success I had the more his wrath increased. There were several men with him standing in his shop door. He commenced as I was passing to rail at me 50 I could hear it. I drove on. The tlioueht came THE horse's rescue. 121 to me, "This is rather hard after ten nights with but little sleep, and days the same." I had others 1 was working on in different stages of change toward nat- ural to care for, and they were not all in my barn. It was the last straw that broke the camel's back. This inan had dogged me nearly one year, and had no cause for doing so. I had had as much patience as any man in that town, but it was exhausted. At last I must shake that man off. I have carried him long enough. He is no good to me in this work, and a damage to himselL It will be better for us both. So I turned and drQve back and pulled up in front of his shop. The parties were all there. Reader, I assure you this was what I did not like to do. I had tiied to be friendly with Mr. Brees, and was then, but he did not seem to look at it in that liirht.. I did not want to shoe horses. I wanted to cure stiff and crippled ones if I could get enough to live out of it. I could not cure all of these horses shoeing; that was what made tlie most of them stiff, with the bad treatment they are are obliged to endure. I asked Mr. Brees if he had plenty of business. "Yes; what of it?" " I think it would be better for you to attend to it then. Mine is no part of j^ours. If you meddle an}?- more with my business I will tell the people you are slaughtering more horses than any man in the Che- mung valley. They will believe me as quick as they will you. I want 3^ou to shoe. The more you shoe the better my business will be. You slaughter and I will cure and keep still. We will build up a big trade. 122 THE horse's rescue. Try that. Do not set any more troublesome fellows on me.'' That stopped that i-acket. But let us dispose of this iroii-gra}-. I kept this gray two weeks. The owner took her home. She had her spreaders on, I told him lie must put her in the team and work her ; it would help her shoulders by drawing to come back to their place. She was nearly all right. I saw him drawing coal with her. She was traveling line, and on her base ; good action. I charged him to not take her shoes off. I would do that when it was time. I told him to drive around so I could see her when he came to town. He lived about three miles away. He did not pay me for keep- ing, shoeing, or curing when he took her away, but I was safe enougli. He owned three farms. I was very busy. I thought he would come around. I had no time to run after him. He was to come to me. Time ])assed, and I did not see or hear from him. He was almost a stranger to me when I took his horse to cure. In about six months this man drove up to my shop with this same mare, the stiff est I ever saw. If one can be much stiffer tlian another, she had the extra touch. She was thrown back further off her base than she was when I first commenced on her. I was sur- prised to see liim and her too. I asked him what he had been doing. He told me Dave Townsend told liim to pull those spreading shoes off. They were pulled off in his shop soon after she went out of my control. This was tlie reason I did not see him around. Mr. Townsend ran a shctp in Horseheads. He tried hard to make the people believe I was craz\\ I was very much in his way. He worked a very small THE horse's rescue. 123 field on the horse. He might run a peanut stand. He did for a short time. The poor horses would not have suffered quite as much if he had kept at that business. He caused this poor horse suffering that I cannot de- scribe, and this man came back to me to have me get her out of it again. He said he would try me once more. . If I did not do it this time he would give me up. *• " How did she act after you pulled her shoes off?" "I thought she would die. I had to stand her in cow manure all of the time." " It would have been better for her if she had died, then she would not suffer. She is not much use to any one as she is. Dave Townsend can get her out all straight. He does it with angle-worm oil." I did not touch her, neither did I get anything for what I had done. This man I will have to let go free. I think it is wrong to abuse a perfect fool. Reader, we have another case to dispose of. Here stands Mike at the same post where he stood nine weeks previous. Let us look him over. No man could tell by looking at him if he had not known him and seen this change take place by degrees. He has been almost daily on the road and improved all the time. His feed, when I commenced, was eighteen quarts of oats per day. It was reduced to twelve in a short time, for this reason : Mr. Bennett had a partner in his business. He started to go to Elmira, his wife with him. He went part way and came back, drove up to the barn, ordered the feed taken off of Mike, ordered another horse. He told them in the hotel, "I was not afraid of him ; my wife was." 1-4 THE horse's rescue. I was always peekinj^ around. In the evening I walked into the hotel. There were several around the bar. Mr. Bennett had a number of new bits. TLey were counselino- about the best bits to hold Mike to kee}) him from running awa^^ I told them Mike was coming to life ; he wasn't running away. I would drive him on a slack rein, and there would be no dan- ger in doing so. There w^as no reply. I walked away and let them fight. They will be scared worse when I get iliis horse balanced in the center. At that time I had not fixed his hind feet. Let us look at Mike after he is balanced standing at this post. I shall never forget that horse. While looking him over in all points I pronounced him the best horse I ever saw at that time. I have no^. seen his mate since. There is a great change in him. I stood up by the side of him. I am five feet seven inches tali. I put up my hand, and could just reach to the top of his ears. He stood natural and easy ; his hair was sleek and glossy, and as handsome dapple-brown as I ever saw. "Mike, you are as near as the creator made you as I can make you ; and yet with all the hard work I have done on you nights and days, ^^our owner is as ignorant as ever he was. He does not seem to realize this wonderful change in you. He cannot see you gnawing 370ur feet, suffering night and day; shrunken and shriveled up; all air-puffs ; stiff and sore; hair dead, and you nearly so, but he tells the people there was nothing the mat- ter with vou, onlv ix little I'oadsore. I wanted to cure you for an advertisement, Mike. I am well paid now if you would only stay so; but I well know 3^ou will not; that lever will grow, contraction will take place, THE horse's rescue. 125 and you have the ignorance of jour owner and many others to contend with. I will care for you ail I can when I can get a chance. No medicine has been used on you internally ; no butchering. The cause of all 3'our trouble has h^.cu i-emoved by expanding your feet and dressing them, nnd making them ns 3'our cre- ator had made them before llje\^ were slaughtered by ironing them. Hiram McConnell, the veterinarian of this town, tells me that that butcher I drove out of this town cured j'ou. I suppose he had i-eference to those shoes he ordered Mr. Brees to put on, that caused you to gnaw^ your feet. iSTow I would like to know, in the name of reason and common sense, how McConnell came in possession of so much wisdom about this complicated matter." He was an agent for the railroad company, and was obliged to be at the de- pot all or nearly all of his tim-j. He kept his medi- cine to cure horses there. I cured without it. He did not cure these stiff horses with all of his trash. The fact is, some wanted to drive me out. I had good friends before I left that town. Their craft was in danger. I think I will drop in there soon again, and try them another battle on the horse; I have not quit yet. I must clear away some of this rubbish before I can go on with my work. Mr. Bennett and I had a few words about shoeing a horse; I shod his horses. He had traded and got one. It was a strange horse to me. I shod it, and it inter- fered afterward. He wanted me to trv him asrain. I did, and charged him for setting them over. He found fault. I told him I was tired working for him for no ♦? 126 THE horse's rescue. pay and no credit. If he had given me credit for curing Mike I would not have said a word. - "I paid 3^ou for shoeing." "Yes." "Then you have no honor." So much for that hard job. Let us go on with this horse fight. It is paying business. There was anotlier racket around Bennett's hotel. Mike ran away. Mr. Bennett was in the pump busi- ness. A party of three went out in the country to set a pump. Some pumps made up the load. Mike was the propelling power. Jack Backer was the agent and boss. lie was a reporter for the papers in this town, and was a clever fellow. He was quite a bugler — a good match for me on that. I was sorry to see Jack hurt, for he did get hurt; his face was badly bruised, and shoulder injured. There was no use of my telh int'- them anything before or after the shipwreck. I was in the last stages of lunacy. They knew it all, and I let them have their own way, and kept on a straight line. Mike spread them all out along the road, pumps and tools, and made a bad shipwreck. While all this raf'ket is going on I must go and see Mike. I am quite a hand to talk with horses. I en- joy talking with horses better than I do with some men. "MIInC, how did you come to shipwreck those fel- lows so?" " I did not have room enough for my hind legs to have full swing." " I see the skin and hair are all off your cords, above your hocks ; that must have hurt you ?" THE horse's rescue. 127 "It did; tte cross-bar of the fills was chawing my legs at every step. You see, since 3^011 made me as my creator made me, I need at least eighteen inches more room to clear my hind legs. I can make long strides now, and I like to do it; it scares them some, but if they will give me room I will scare them worse, if my feet are kept as they are now." The fact is just as it is stated above, and that was the cause of the wreck. As this work is called " The Horse's Rescue, and Cause and Effect Book,*' this comes in all right. Such ignorance adds to the suffer- ing of the horse. Tiie old, nearly worn out spreading shoes that I pulled ofif of Mike were ordered to be carried to the hotel, where they were looked at and commented on. "These are the shoes," the}^ say, "that cured Mike." These shoes had no curing properties in them ; it was the principles I worked on — removing the cause ; nti- ture did the curing. Mike was a natural trotter, and if he had been iu gooJ hands would have been hard to beat. He was ambitious, and had great powers of endurance; for strength and muscle I never saw his equal. There is no use setting any price on him. The price of horses is governed and regulated in many ways — sometimes by fear, by fancy, by the size of a man's pile, and how he obtained it, and the owner's circumstances and sur- roundings. This horse Mike was soon missing from his stall. I missed him, for I had visited Mike's stall daily for nearly three months, though I did not always find him there. Where he went I know not. I never saw him after the wreck but once, that I can remem- 128 THE horse's rescue. ber. Fear was the cause of Mike's changing hands. He might get stiff and ]ame again; he might ship- wreck some one again. And ignorance was the cause of all. There is not much use trying to teach a man when he thinks he has all of the knowledge. Such a man's atttention can be attracted with children's toys quite easy. I have seen children wearing men's clothes. It is no indication of wisdom. A man's grandfather may give him three thousand dollars, but that does not add to his knowledge. It does have an effect sometimes in this way ; it will cause a man of small intellect ta wear a pair of boots three inches longer than his feet, soles about one inch thick, causing him to toe out and interfere, knocking his heels at every step ; his head thrown back of a perpendicular line, with a segar in his mouth lacking only a few degrees of sticking straight up; hands in both pockets nearly to elbow. He can bend a little every five minutes to look at a fob chain, but he could not bend enough to see the lever on the toe of a horse's foot It might sti-ain him across the loin, being throwm back off his base in a small degree, on the same principle that his horses are. I do not want you to think a man's foot is any com- parison to a horse's foot. I speak of this to show the difference. Ignorant people are always making these comparisons. Mankind nearly always take theirboots or shoes off nights, and sometimes days if "they hurt their feet. I have worn mine a good many nights, and clothes too, while working on these suffering horses' feet. The horse is obliged to wear his shoes day and THE horse's rescue. 129 night if they do hurt. For muny reasons the owner does not want to pay for moving the shoes, and he does not feel the pain the poor horse endures. I wish they all could for twenty-four hours ; that would be long enough ; you would hear the loudest bawling you ever heard. Man's feet do notgr^w in length ; his toe- nails grow; if he does not cut them off he will be likely to have his attention called to the end of his toes if he wears boots ; and this is not all; his foot has joints,. and his foot has no shell ; it turns up at the toes when he walks, if the soles are not too thick and are made of leather, if they are three inches longer than the foot; but it is rather torturesome to break such boots in in any weather. When they do not get soaked with water it hurts at the top of the instep- — where the ringbone is located on the horse. They will slip up and down at the heel, which wears the skin off the heels, but that vvillgrow on again if you can stand the torture a few hours each day. It will be neces- sary for you to have rest from this suffering quite often. If you can stand it until these boots assume the shape of sleigh-runnsip, it will be more easy to raise over that lever. I notice they do not all accom- plish this difficult task, and they toe out, which runs over their boots. Then they interfere and are con- stantly wiping the mud off of their boots on their trousers at the ankles at every step. But this is no comparison to the horses' feet. Take all into consid- eration. The shell of the horse's foot does not bend as the lever lengthens, if it is not ironed, without pro- ducing injury in some way. If it is allowed to get too long it may cause it to sink down in front, or it may 130 THE HORSE'S RESCUE. turn up a little. If it does it must split at the toe or break nown. I have seen colts' feet split from point of toe to top of wall on both forward feet from this cause that never had a shoe on, and have drawn them to- gether with nails. That is the best way I ever tried. It stops the cracks from springing apart at the top. If you can do that on any plan the new hoof will grow out sound. If you cannot do that, it will crack as fast as it grows. There is no bending that lever on the horse's foot, no matter how long it is made by ironing, or allowed to grow, without producing injury in many ways. It has joints and bones, but they are clothed with a shell, and when out of harmony of action the result is fearful. The horse's foot cannot be compared to man's, and yet this is not all. He has four feet and legs to be bal- anced on, which I have already remarked. Men ask sometimes if horses take cold from pulling oGf their shoes ! There is as much reason in asking^ this question as there would be in asking if there was danger of horses taking cold sleeping in tlie barn-yard with the gate open. It all goes to show the ignorance of men concerning the horse. Their feet do get cold, and the horses get cold all over and shiver and suffer ; they are as sensitive to pain as mankind; and irons nailed on their feet, with a row of nails driven inside of the shell half way to the hair, does make their feet cold in frosty weather. The frost will follow the nails, which are very close to the membrane. Nearlj^ all shoers fit the shoe so narrow tlie nails start inside of the shell. The feet being bound up, and the struct- ure all changed from natural, causes heat. That will THE HOKSE'S rescue. 131 warm the foot some, but does not relieve the suffer- ing. Here came Mr. Bennett again with another stiff and lame horse — a light-limbed young horse. "Doan, what is the matter with this horse?" "I should think.you might see." ''He wants his feet soaked, don't he? How far have you driven him ?" "About eight miles. It is all 'sposh.' I should think if that was all he needed he would be cured now." " His feet must be well soaked. The best way to soak horses' feet is to drive them in mud and V\rater. Your horse's feet are badly contracted, and that is not all." I walked away. This horse was badly contracted, and he had two sets of feet on him, a very long lever, and a heavy, bungling set of shoes, entirely too large in every way, if his feet had been properly dressed. I did not touch that horse. It looked to me as though Mr. Bennett had gone to buying stiff horses for me to cure for nothing. That would have been all right if I had chosen to do so. It is good business to have others work for you for no pay, and grow poor all of the time yourself. Some get very wealthy that way, and sometimes you can hear them brag about their wealth. Some folks may think it is the part of a man. It may be in some cases ; in this case it was a total failure. I will have to let this case go in with some other rubbish I have just cleared away, and pass on. It is uphill business here all alone ; no backing out. When I first came in this town I was verj^ cautious. 182 THE hoese's rescue. My experience had taught me it was rather dangerous to tell a man his horse was stiff. It would hurt the sale of him, and yet they were nearly all of them stiff that had been shod — lame in a greater or less degree, and they were in a worse condition in the Chemung valley than in any place that lever had been in at that time; and I heard as much horse talk as in any place. They all claimed much knowledge of that noble ani- mal. My ! is it not queer? It is so all over. I have taken the pains to demonstrate that. Soon after I came in this town I was* looking over the stables. There I can be found as quick as in any place. You can see me in a horse doctor's stable, or veterinarian, as they are sometimes called. His name was Hiram McConnell. It was Sunda}-. Hiram had a little time that d&j He was caring for a horse while his feet were soaking. He seemed like a clever fellow. I talked with him some about his horse, which was a trotter. He was called Billy Crawford. This horse. I heard, cost Hiram eight hundred dollars. That may be the truth, or it may not; folks can lie. That matters not, for it will not cure these horses. I could see Hiram had some unrest about his horse. I ven- tured a few remarks. I told him he could not cure him soaking his feet; he was not working on the right plan. Hiram, being rather a quiet fellow, took it all quietly and kept on at his work. I looked over his stables (he had the best in town) and walked away. This horse had contracted feet. He had shoes on. His feet needed cutting down at least one-third. It would have helped very much. At the time I first looked at THE ' HORSE S RESCUE. 183 Billy he could have been cured very easily. I tried to get this horse. Some weeks after I had a little talk with Hiram. He said he would give one hundred dol- lars to have him cared. 1 told him I would cure him for that. I thought at that time I would be able to get him soon. I was very anxious. He was going on from bad to worse, which I well knew. I visited him often; it worried me very much. I did all that was in 'my power to get this horse to cure. I finally gave it up. I watched Billy the same as I had others I was at work on — one belonging to a lady. She was an agent lor sewing machines, and traveled on the road. A Mr. Wright took care of her horse, whi^h was a six-year-old roan pony. He had got to be such a cripple on his forward feet he could hardly hobble. With all the wisdom Horseheads contained, they could not tell what ailed the horse, neither cculd they get him out of his trouble; but they could call me a brasr and a damned old fool. It does not take a very smart man to do that, and I got lots of that kind of music. They could do that easier than they could cure horses. All that ailed this horse was that his feet were all cut off ; that is, the shell was nearly all cut off. His feet were not of the natural size. He was on his base. His feet were not contracted. He was ironed down solid, and was very sore, caused by this botch-work. I soon got him out of his trouble by giving his feet room and packing them. In a short time he had his natural feet, and sailed all i-ight. I told Mr. Wright he must keep his feet soft. I did not mean soak liis feet all of the time when he was in the stable. All at once this horse became dead lame 134 THE horse's rescue. about three miles awaj, and could hardly be got home. Wright brought him to the shop to find out tlie cause. "Mr. Wright, what have jou been doing? You have soaked this horse's feet too much." "It was some trouble to soak this horse's feet. I liave got a ground floor in mj barn I dug a hole in tiie ground and filled it with water, and tied him so lie would be oblio-ed to stand in it." o This horse had flat feet. After his feet got to be their natural size the fever was gone, and they needed but very little soaking. He had corks on his shoes, and the fi'os" did not touch the irround. The weis'ht Q CO is in the center of the foot. Driving on dry roads his weight drove the sole down ; or, in other words, he went down through tlie cup or top of the wall. His foot was rounding on the bottom, which affected the coffin joint badly and threw all out of harmony of action. If it had been muddy it would not have been as likelv to fro down. The froo: would have h-ad a rest. This often happens on all flat feet where the frog has no rest. It is easy enough to get it back, dishing the shoe, as ignorant people do, to get it oil the sole, that only makes bad worse. Most people, in cases like this, will run fron^ one shop to another until their horse is nearly ruined. To pull ofif the shoes is all that is necessary. Tlie weight of the horse on the frog will push it back to its place. I told Mr. Wr'ght not to soak the horse's feet. "Put him tonight on the floor. In the morning he will be all right. He will lie down; his feet will dry; his weight will be off them, and as they dry the sole will rise up." THE horse's rescue. 185 In the morning Mr Wriglit said the horse was as well as ever it was. Five years afterward I saw this same horse and the lady that owned it driving it forty miles from Horseheads, where I was at work. I talked with her about her horse. She said he had been all I'ight ever since I got him out of his trouble, and yet if I tell any one what I can do, and do it, they do not all see me do it, and there is always plenty to fight and bleat, calling you a brag. It is almost as dan- gerous to find out anything new as it was two thou- sand years ago. We will go on with this horse fight in this town. They begin to worry some about my spending my money, and yet not a man has paid me a cent for cur- ing his horses. I shall have to stop spending my money soon, curing their horses for nothing, or some of them will hang themselves. Then I shall be blamed for that. They do v/orry so there is dangei*. We will try it a little longer, and run the risk. Here comes Jack Bennett with the American Star stallion. Jack is a wide-awake follow ; got lots of casli and horses. He likes horses, and lias lots of time to play with them. His star hoi'se is a natural t)-otter, and is the nearest natural of any horse I have seen in or around this town yet, or was before he was slaugli= tered in his feet. Jack sent his horse to school at Corning to teach liim to trot. He went to Corning to to see how Star was learning. He soon saw thatsome- thinsj was wroncr. He could not trot as well as he could when he left home ; and that was not all. There was danger of his being spoilt. Star had white legs nearly to his gambrels; the blood was running down 136 THE horse's rescue. on the inside of his legs, and there was danger of cutting his legs off. Jack brought liis horse home. •' I can beat those fellows myself," said he. " Tiiis is the last time I send Star to school. Doan, what is the matter with this horse? He never cut liis legs ])e- fore in his life. There must be some cause. lie is not right in some way. I can tell when my horse is right by driving him five I'ods. I want you to fix him." ''AH right." When Jack was around talking horse I had to stop. I could not get a word in. He could talk louder and faster than I about what was the cause of this horse's trouble. They had shod him in tliis way on his for- ward feet with flat shoes. The shape was well enough. The shoes were concave, but there was too much fljit rest on the shoes. The surface for the shell to rest on was five- eighths of an inch. The shell is three- eighths in this case. The way the foot was dressed ; one-quarter inch rest was off the shell and on the sensi- tive part of his foot. It made his feet sore. They were ironed down solid and dead ; not a particle of give. The concussion soon caused soreness. Let us fix his hind feet. The cause of his legs being cut was they had been shod so they both toed in; the weight was unequal on his heels. They had run over a little — enough to cause him to hit liis legs on the out- side heels of his forward shoes. lie did not spread his hind legs enough to pass clear. He was out of harmony of action all around, and that was the cau^e of all. After I had shod him, Jack said : ■ THE horse's rescue. 13 < " I will try him. I can tell in driving him ten rods if he sails all right." Jack came back. ''Doan. he is all right." ^ This great science of working on the horse is called bragging by men that have no knowledge of the liorse To-day while stopping to rest a little I was called a bra'*""'" THE horse's RESCUE. 149 about four miles. It was winter, and that helped to set this heat a-going, and it increased according to the degrees of contraction, and she w*^nt off her base ac- cording to the degrees of change from natural ; and she went fast, too, and he lost money fast, and she continued to suffer, all caused by Dave Townsend and the owner of the horse's ignorance. This principle of heating horses' feet holds good ; expanding too much will cause heat according to the degree of change from natural. So much for Dave Townsend's skill on the horse. Here is another experiment in this town. George Wood rough is a horse trainer by profession. George was my true friend, and so was his father. Dr. Wood- rou2:h. George's stable was close to mine. I let him in my stable after I had been working on these horses, and he knew what I did on their feet. He had a very fine mare, valued at five hundred dollars; he told me she hopped behind; she was not trotting well; she would go level at a moderate gait, but when he wanted her to sail she would tangle up and hop on one foot; he could not keep her level ; he said she had a record and she was going back; I told him it was a limp; he wanted me to look her over; at that time I had not seen her move ; I told him if I could not tell which foot it was she hopped on I could not do any- thing for her. I must see it in the foot. "George, if I tell you which foot she hops on with- out seeing her move you will think I know what ails her, won't you?" 'Yes." "It is the nigh foot; that is the foot." 160 THE horse's rescue. " What do you see there ?" '•Look in front of these two feet, they are not mates ; this lame foot is .contracted ; look at the heels : tliis lame foot is not as wide at the heel as its mate by half an inch, the sole is raised, the lever is longer, structure out of harmony, there is more strain on the tendons, it hurts to raise over that lever which is not seen at the toe; it tossed her up on that side and throws her off her balance." " Can you lev^el her?" " Yes, if you will let me." George had not seen these horses at that time go through this change. I told him I was afi'aid he would be scared. This is a valuable mare. He said he would not. This was about ten days j^revious to the fair. He wanted to show her at the fair; he had a mate to drive with her; he wanted her level. I told him I must spread her foot. I told him how she would be in a short time, and he must follow the directions, and pay no attention to the bawling, for there would be lots of it. " We must exercise her," said I, and you must doit. I have all of the horses I can handle now. If you get her ready for the fair I will operate on her, and you must do the rest of the work. I will tell you how." I thought I would come out in day- light on this job ; George was not as much of a night bird as I was. We got her in the shop and went at it. I prepared her foot and spread it ; it took George two days to soak her foot to get it soft. I took this mare right through the business part of this town, limping and standing upon her toe. A crowd soon gathered around to know the cause of the THE horse's rescue. 151 trouble she was in. In order to keep clear of this rabble I was forced to battle with them nearly all of the time, so I might be able to go on with my work. I was obliged to tell them a lie. I told iheni it was a very bad ankle sprain, and kept on moving her around, iioing: throut^h the same process in fi^ettinsx her down on her heel to flat rest. This process they all have to go through ; some it affects more than others. It did not last long with this mare. I took her in the shop, closed the doors, and worked on her there. I^soon got her down all right, no limping. Out I came in the street again. This is quite a business town. I led her all over the town ; the crowd gathered in many places to learn how I cured hei" so quick. I told them I had a way that belongs to me. George and I took a sail after her ni-ound iho town and out in the country to see if she was level. She went all level, no ii<)p[)ing. Tills foot was spread half an i.ich. Of course it must have time to get strength after this change, and settle and grow before it could get strong. After this hard day's work with this horse and others I thought I would walk down town and see what kind of a racket I had made. I walked in the Riant House. I got it slap in the face. " You're a dam purty man, you are. You have spoilt George Woodrough's five hundred dollar mare." "You publish this in the papers; you can spread it faster and it will be less trouble." This man ran a cooper shop on the baidc of the canal. He came to me after thia to get an old cripple cured, not woi-th curing. He bragged on her very much. He said she came from Orange county ; she was a fast sailer. I 162 THE horse's rescue. did shoe her, but she was so much out of harmony she was not worth curing. If I had tried he would have fought me, so I could not do it. Such fools as these I heeded not This mare went to the fair, and T followed her to superintend and see that her foot was not allowed to get dry. She had not had time enough. The drying up of the foot would mise the sole up. If it was but a small degree it would affect her action at that time. She showed all level. In six months after this fair two men came to this place and bought this mare and paid a big price. They came from Williamspcrt, Pa. George was to deliver her at that time ; my time was all taken up experimenting. I did not shoe any horses. In the morning George was going to start with this mare. I went in the stable. It was hubby. He said he was going to ride her. It is a long journey. He had her shod for this journey. I cast my eyes down to this mare's foot. ^'George, this mare will be very lame before you get through. Why, look at them levers on the toes. She never can stand that." It is no use describing this botch job. "I have got my pay and pay for taking her through,** said George. The men that did this skilful work on this horse's feet were my warm friends. This valuable horse was slaughtered the first time she got in the sh()p after all my hard work, and yet I charged nothing for my extra work. They got pay for spoiling her, and they Vvould like by their actions no better fun than to see me crucified or got rid of in some way. That I was iiot ignorant of. Stay I would as long as I wanted to, THE hokse's rescue. 158 and did, and worked on those lame and crippled liorses of all kinds. George returned. I asked him how he got through. He told the man the cause, and thej removed it by removing the shoes, and that is the way to cure thou- sands of lame and crippled horses, and never nail or have nailed on any shoes unless it could be done by men that have more and better brains than these men seem to have. A man's work corresponds with the caliber of his brain, quantity and quality and degrees of development, and when this is understood a man will not be in so much danger of being killed for cur- ing stiff and lame horses as I was in Horseheads. It was a hard job for me to cure, and keep cured,- so many liorses where there was so much slaughtering. Thev could slaughter twenty times faster than I could cure. One man could do that, and there were hun- dreds at it, and those that I had cured they would slaughter over again if they could get them, and yet I tried to keep up with them. If they had thought of that they might have got me in the asylum. I was experimenting, and they were ignorant of this fact, and had but very little knowledge of the horse or any rio-ht or wrong principle to iron a horse's foot. Still they had some power to control others to fight me, and did, and yet after they got through they were as big fools as they were two years before. As for knowl- edge of the horse, I never learned in that way, and I never saw any one that did. I sometimes fight with my mouth to clear away the rubbish, and have to yet. If I paid attention to all who advised me, I could never cret through. They seemed to differ so on all 154 THE horse's rescue. points, and make none. It would drive a man like me crazy. My mind is so weak, and I bave been told so ver\^ often I can liardl}'' tell myself. If I am not crazy now there will be no danger. Let us go on with this horse light. It is time to go and see Billy Crawford. Poor Billy, I can't get him. He has got to die by inches. He stands in a box stall. He is not seen out on the road lately. I must see if I can find the. cause. I well knew he would go on from bad to worse. Poor horse, if I could only get you how quick I could relieve you of some of that safifering. I can come close to you ; your owner I cannot reach. He did talk with me about you once, and I thought I was going to get you to cure, but that was all wind, and that will not cure suffering horses. There are lots of that kind of horse doctors all over the land, and yet these poor horses like you are owned by them. They cannot cure them, neither will they let any one else. I have perfoi-med some cures in this place. I should think he might let me have you ; you are of no use to him now that you are past work. I sup- pose he is afraid you will take cold if you do not have shoes on. My God ! what is the use of this poor, dying horse having shoes on, standing in the stall month after month ? If some s^ood and wise man can tell me I would like to know. These shoes holding the foot from growing natural, and two sets of feet iii growth on at that. This work is to expose all such ignorance as that. Look at this horse-; eyes sunken and staring, and glossy hair all dying. He is very nervous, eats ravenously, pot-bellied ; he stands with his back humped across the line; head drawn down, THE horse's rescue. 155 and is so stiff and sore be can hardly move. If he Cioes it hurts him fearfull}'', and yet the owner of this horse is a horse doctor. There is a boy sixteen years old that takes care of this stable of horses. He was blamed for this horse's stiffness, which I well knew he was not to blame for, and I am going to rescue him before I get through this work. I talked with this bo}^, and told him the cause of his favorite horse's trouble, and told him he vrould go on from bad to worse unless it was removed, Tlien I walked away. I had given up all hopes of getting him. It was not the pay that I was after. I w^ould give ten dolhxrs to get him, but I well knew I could not get him if I had offered to do it in this way. Hundreds of such men have talked with me for hours at a time about their stiff and crippled horses, and told me they would give me big money if I would cure them, but it was all dead wind. It would have been just as w^ell if it had never been blown. The horse remained a cripple the same. I have cured, or nearly so, hundreds of these horses; so much so, they called them cured, and they thought they were at least. They talked so, when I well knew they w^ere not. I did relieve their suffer- ing some for the time. With all of my hard work, I could get but little credit in this town. While working in my shop some months after thjs talk with this boy about Billy Crawford, he came to my shop. He had never been in my shop that I knew of at that time. In a pitiful way he approached me, "Mr. Doan, will you cure Billy for me? I will pay you. I have money of my own." " It will hardly do for me to go to work on him 156 THE horse's rescue. without your father's consent, will it? I have never had any of your father's horses in my shop." " I o^et all of the horses shod and take care of them. He will not know anything about it. It will not do for me to put spreaders on his feet. That will be rather too high-handed without liis consent." "My dear boy,'' said I, "I can help your horse very much without spreaders if you will not let any one know I am at work on him. Should your father find I was working on Billy he might make trouble for me and you too. If you will follow directions — my directions, not others' — I will put Billy sailing on the road in two days." '' I will do just as you tell me,'' said the boy. * This is to be kept a secret, and we two must keep it." "Yes; all right. Fetch up Billy." This horse was brought into the shop. I had not seen Billy in a long time. lie had been growing worse daily, and the boy knew it, and that was the cause of his coming to me. The horse had shoes on all of his feet, which had grown very high and long, and were badly contracted. In one of his forward feet he was very lame. It was contracted more than the other. He had been lame in that foot ever since I knew him. It was pinched badly "If I dared put a spreader on this foot," thought I, ''how easy I could get him out of that, but it will not do. I must do the best I can in the old way. That way is slow, and this foot is so full of heat it will be a hard job to keep it soft." It will help him wonderfully to cut his feet down. THE horse's rescue, 167 and it would be better if he could go without shoes unless the work is done better than this seems to be. Let us move this horse aronnd, and see how much he is out of harmony of action, before I commence work on liim, and we will watch the result. After you read this, look arounJ, and you may see some cases as bad as this. There are not many put in mo- tion til at are as bad as this horse had got to be. They are so out of harmony they cannot be put in motion and run in any way. The whole business is com- pletely tied up and clogged internally and externallj'' , cords all out of place; structure of feet all out of har- mony of action, and no two feet alike, consequently no two of the cords of the legs are alike. This horse's shoulders were not mates. One foot had been worse than the other for some time, and was j^et. Certainly it will require some brain work to get this horse sail- ing on the road in two days. I told the boy that if he would take good care of Billy I would not charge him except for shoeing the horse; and he did take good care of him, ''Stand around, Billy." Heavens! I cannot describe this horse so you can tell how badly off he was from so small cause, and that is ignorance, blind and wilfully so. But I have started and I must go through. Wlien this horse was made to move he straddled his hin.l legs the widest of any hor^o I ever saw of his size, and raised them the highest. It was done with a stiff and slow motion. He was \'ery nerv- ous, and seemed to tremble when I made him move. I backed him, and he dragged his feet and his hind legs; h(3 seemed to have but little ccmtrol of them. Some would call this spring-halt. It was not that, for 168 THE horse's rescue. he had got past all spring motion. His movements were slow and stiff. He would not move at all unless he was forced to it. It hurt him in many wa3^s. He was very sore across the loin and kidneys. In fact, he was sore all over. This soreness and stiffness can- not be removed in two da3'S. It will take time for that to disappear after the cause is removed, and that cannot be done by the process I am obliged to work on but I can chano-e iiirn back toward natural many degrees in this way, and his suffering will disappear according to the degrees of change toward natural, and if I can relieve part of his suffering I shall be well paid. We will fix him behind first. It will be neces- sary to cut away all useless hoof, and shoe on the same principle I have shod all others for expanding the foot by the horse's weight — his forward feet the same. This is all I can do. One of the forward feet is rolled under at the heels. The structure of tbisfrot is more out of harmony than the other three. If I could have this horse to do as I wished, I would soon put his feet in sliJipe By spreading, I could put his foot in or out of harmony. Cutting away the useless hoof and shoeing this horse on scientific principles — thin, flat shoes — helped his movement at once, and this same treatment will help all horses that are in this deformed condition, and there are countless numbers all over the world, and countless numbers of people that are ignorant of this plain fact, as the owner of this poor, suffering horse was. " Bub," said I, '• take this horse to his stable"; soak his feet well in warm water all around, then pack them all with cow manure ; that is the cheapest and T5E horse's rescue. 169 best, and can be got with little trouble. It will draw out the soreness, keep the foot moist, and stay in bet- ter, and there is no stone or gravel in it, as there might be in clay, for the sole to settle on between the sole and shoe. I want the sole to settle. After you have softened his feet, drive him, moderately at first, on smooth roads. After a few days you can let him sail. Pack all of his feet when standing in the stable nights. Never neglect it; and keep the feet moist VN^hile going through this change and afterward unless you want to drive a cripple. Before you drive clear all out under the shoe." I have already written enough about that. This is a lesson to this boy. I called him "Bub." I never learned his given name. I write as I talk. Men use different words to convey the same ideas, and I may use some that others would not. It is principles on the horse which I want to convey, on relieving the suffering horse scientifically without medicine. I watched the change and action of this horse. He was driving bv my shop daily, and many times a day. In ten days the spring-halt was all gone; he settled down across the loin ; he changed back wonderfully in that short time. This "spring-halt" business is called by great horsemen "string-halt." With all of my experience I have never seen any strings about it. Some say it is caused by horses sweating too much in the flank. What is the use of talking such baby talk as that? After they have removed the cause of this difficulty on scientific principles they will know. Un- til they do, or see it done, they must remain in igno- rance of these demonstrated facts. 160 THE HORSE'S RESCUE. I superintended, shod, and cared for this horse's feet, with this boy's help, for several months, and we had the satisfaction of seeing Billy quite a trotter again. He got to looking well, the hair brightened up and lay sleek; his body rounded up; he could rest nights. If he was not in harmony of action on his forward feet he was so much so that it would not be seen by such judges as awarded him a premium at Elmira six months before. He could have been put in harmony of action if I could have been allowed to do it by his owner. They called all of these stiff horses in this pLace " foundered," and classed them in four kinds. After I had cured them it was something else — "road-sore" or " rheumatism," or they would get stiff again. I had worked almost night and day in this town, and had spent hundreds of dollars besides what I earned shoeing, a great deal of which was paid me in prom- ises that were never fulfilled. I saw that my money was going fast. I must change my course or there would be danger of shipwreck. I used no medicine, consequent!}^ I could not get any pay for ray skill. A thought occurred to me to experiment on the hu- man family. I always have been experimenting and watching the result. I picked up two castaway beer bottles, went to the brick-yard, put sjme brick-dust in them, and filled them with water. Then I got some of the ingredients fi'om a hen-roost to make up this composition, and locked it up in my desk. They would have it I used medicine in some way. I thought, as I could not have my way, I would let them have their wav, and see what the result would THE horse's rescue. 161 be. Soon there came a man with a lame horse. This was a common thing at all hours of the day at my shop. Some came thirty miles and farther. All came to get cared for the price of shoeing the horse. My fame had spread far and wide. This horse had been lame about two years. His shoulders had been blis- tered, and his cords, too, until the hair was all off. He, too, was sent to me. He wanted me to tell him wh'at ai'led his horse. Tired nearly to death, talking with so many from morning until night, and working at the same time, I told him it was coffin-joint diffi- culty, as it was. But that was not all of his trouble ; he wanted to know if I could cure it. "Yes," I replied, ''I can, but it will require some powerful medicine to reach that." I heated up my water, prepared the foot, put it to soak in the tub, went to the desk, which I unlocked, and took these two bottles of medicine out. I poured some of the contents of each in the water. Then I put the bottles in the desk again and locked it. After this horse's foot had soaked a short time I dressed and shod it. All that ailed this horse, or rather the cause of his lameness, was having irons put on his feet by some one that knew but very little about the horse. Some smith had cut off the sides of his foot, set the shoe too narrow, and run it out at the toe. The lever would have made him lame if nothing more had taken place. The coffin-joint was out of harmony. I told the owner he would go better by degrees ; in ten days he would be well. At the end of that time he came to !ny shop and told me it turned out as I said it would. I did not practice this new process of curing 162 THE horse's rescue. liorses long, neither did I cLarge any extra aside from shoeing. I soon saw they conld be humbugged b}'' me, and easily too. But this was not what I was aim- ing at. There were too man}^ at work at that now for the pay. I did not cause theliorse suffering, and they did. My liealth fj'om this laborious wcrk was likely to give out, I decided to make a bold stand right in the hottest of this battle for the horse. I would find an old liorse that was well known b}' many and was stiff and lame, and what they called " foundeied " of lor.g standing. I searched around for a long time to find the one I wanted. T could hardly go amiss of stiff and lame hoi'scs, and they were all for sale, but were not what I wanted. At last one came to me. I saw str.nding tied in the street an old-looking, stiff, white mare, poor in flesh. She seemed shi'iveled and dried up ai'ound her shoulders; her neck dropped down from withers; eyes suidvcn. She stood braced out, with her feet huddled together. I looked her leu!d not sleep much. All hands wei"e watclnng this old mare, and I could not tell how it was coming out myself. This last spread let up on tlic mare, and she stood lier fore legs back of straight. She was lame on one foot tlie same, and al)ont the same length of time. After having got this mure on her base, reader, it will be well to look her over and see the condition lier shoulders are in. They lookerdarged around and attliepoiiit of the shoulder, caused by the shoulders being yhiam ken above. Let us look and see if her sh >ulders are alike. The side that she was lame on when I bought her, and lame every time I spread her foot, is many degrees the worst. She is orooked. Reader, do you want me to tell you ray tlioughts when I first saw this? I had not seen it before, as the deformity did not show until I got ]jer well back on lier base. I knew her shoulders were deformed, but I did not think one side was so much worse than the other. I said to myself — for I was alone — '* The cak?) is all dough ; these shoulders will never be mates, that THE horse's rescue. 171 is certain. II: this old mare was back in some swamp dead I would give twenty-five dollars. I guess I have como out of my hole too far this time. They have got tlic whip row on me now, certainly. Well, tlie world is as big as it ever v^^as, and I have got lots of time yet, and if I fail I can move to another place. If the mare is crooked, she is not lame ; and she stands up good on her legs and has got good knee ac- tion. I will spend five months on her yet. If she never gets well and straight, the ju-inciple is i-ight- Reader, there are all degrees of deformed shoulders, and they are not always deformed in paiis. It is seen only by men of practical and experimental knowledore unless the}^ become ver\^ bad. They are all caused, or nearly so, by ironing the feet. These degrees of deformity of the slioulders ai-e regulated by the de- grees of contraction of the feet. Expansion, that is, settling down below flat, does not effect mucli. If the liorse is balanced up V;etween contraction and lever- age the shoulder is affected. If his feet ai'e not con- tracted alike, his shoulders are not affected alike. You cannot iron a cup-foot horse and nail on his shoes as it is usually done without these changes taking |.lnce. In the fore part of this work I left two hoif-e>. The first was badly thrown off his base by contraction en all his legs. When, as a hoy, I first commenced woiking on the hoise, for several years I did not know that cutting the heels too low and leaving tlie toe too long would throw the horse off his base as this horse is if no contraction had taken place. I was not alone in this ignorance in that day, and as far as I can see, nearly all are as ignorant now of this simple fact 172 . THE horse's rescue. as the J were thirty-five years ago. I just saw one pass, with a man on his back, so stiff from this cause that he could hardly go ; completely off hiy base ; back settled down, and in no shape to hold up weight. I should think this man, by his looks, would weigh about two hundred pounds. His knowledge of the horse must be very slight. Horses thrown off their base in this way, and worked for many years^ or even if they are not worked, get in the same fix as this old white mare I am working on now, and from the same cause, contraction and leverage, which become chronic and seated, and the longer standing the harder to change back. Let us look at the hind legs of this horse. It has been a long time since I have seen Kim. He was young when I left him, and is well along in ^^ears now. He has two spavins. They are called by the veterina- rians and professors of great wisdom of the horse, " blood " or "bog" spavins. These doctors tell about curing these spavins. They burn, blister, and daub on all kinds of trash, and charge for doing it, and yet the horse is lame and so stiff I can hardly raise his feet from the floor to shoe him, it hurts him so. He cannot bend his leg, and I have many times been obliged to raise the whole hind parts of these cured spavined horses clear from the floor before they could stand, and yet they were all cured. They did not limp because they were stiff and lame in both legs. Let us see if we can trace from cause to effect and see what we can find. All horsemen and thinking men will and do allow that what is called spavin is caused by a strain or sprain in some way, and that is what I THE horse's rescue. • 173 think myself. A horse may slip and injure himself running or playing, and there are many that do. I ^A'ill say right here that there are more horses sprained by contraction and leverage than all other causes put to- gether. When horses are thrown oS. their base, as this horse is, b}^ contraction, it lengthens the lever very long. When a horse has to rise over that lever, draw a load, and hold up two-thirds of his weight all of the time, and wdien standing or drawing, he is in no position to hold up this weight. I should think there was danger of s-training thegambrel joints. Horses in this condition you cannot go amiss of if you will look at them,. Tliey are in all degrees of change from natural. What is the condition of these horses, if they lie down, when they want to rise? The horse always rises up on his forward legs first. Then he comes up on his hind legs with a spring-like motion. The more these horses are thrown off their base, no matter from what cause, the more the strain on the gambrel joints in rising. It is in many ways a strain on these horses to rise. The kidneys are strained ; in fact, it strains the horse all over. Now, quacks, come on with your firing, blistering trash and cure these spavined horses, or any other, without removing the cause, if you can, with two- thirds of his weight on these crippled legs. All you can do, or ever have done in this line, is to torture the already suffering horse, and there has been a great amount of that done all over the land, and no good result derived from it for either the horse or its owner. This I have known for many years. Let us look the ringbone over a little. I have seen 174 THE horse's rescue. one colt in my life, I think, that was foaled with what is called ringbone. I did not see this colt until he was about four months old. The mother had ringbone on both forward feet. I w'as looking at this colt. I thought I could see a little enlargement around the top of the wall. It did not look quite i-ight to me. I watched him. At about eight months he began to show signs of trouble in his forward feet. When he traveled over frozen ground I could see it hurt him. At one year old he was lame in one foot. With idl of my study of the hoi'se this is the only case of this kind I ever saw. I think nine-tenths of the ringbones ai-e the result of irritation caused by contraction and leverage. To raise ovei' the lever ii-ritates badly where the ringbone has its i-ise. I have experimented on these in this way by shortening the lever and giving casv toe to raise on. They would go better as long as the cause of the irritation was kept removed. I never meddled with their feet spi-eading. I never have seen one cured. I have seen lots of men torturing tliem and watching the result, and have had as good oppor- tunities as any man. I have lived with horses all of my life, and been straddle of their legs, or liad their feet on me in some way (and sometimes they were on m}^ head), and their teeth, too. I have had these ring- bone curers come into my shop to heat up their irons. They would have several kinds, which they would heat reddiot; kept some in the fire heating all of the time, so as to keep this reddiot business of torturing the horse a-going fast. I have seen this done on ring- bone horses, when the cause of their worst trouble was that the toe of the foot was one inch too long, and had THE horse's rescue. 175 shoes on at that. These horses can never recover from their hirnciicss with tliis lever on the too, rind growing longer mH the linie, nnd the foot made still s<»!"er l)v the most b:irb;ii'Oiri treatment :i man ever wit- nessed — tlmt of burning. Iloiscn treated in this way ' would be disabled foi* six months at least. I have watched the result of this butcher}', and have seen no cure and no relief. Header, do you want to know how I look on these burners of horses? They put me in mind, when I see them at ^York on the horse, of the wild and uncivilized savages tattooing themselves and each other bv burniiiEr and disfieurini^ their own bodies; ar.d yet the^c fme-feeling men have threatened me and mv bi'oiiiers. J. J. and Olivt-r D<>an. v.ith proM'culion for crueliv lt> animal^'. What innoeenl and svmjya- tiielic bai"baria:is iheso men arc! This horr.e I have been wi itinc: about in the fore ])art of this vroik is not yet as bad as he can be made. I mav 2;-et around and sec him airain. I have many horses to watch, many miles apart, and some hundreds of miles This watching has been kept up all my life. Let us go back and look at this second horse, wdiich I left in this work — the one I had such a hard time bal- ancing up between contraction and leverage. It has been some time since I have seen him. Ilis knees and ankles were straight when I sliod him. He is now tiiipcd on knee and ankle on both his forward legs; both ankles behind are crooked. His h.ead is down; tinkles swollen all around; cords seem to be thiekened up; he looks bad. Poor horse, they have got you in a bad fix. I suppose the reader will want me to tell the cause of this horse's trouble, and the way out of 176 THE horse's rescue. it. That I can do. I understand thiswliole business. As complicated as it may appear to you, it is as easy for me now to tell you the cause that threw this horse in this position, and the principle to work on to get him out of this fix, as it is for you to pick up a basket of chips; but to get him out of it is quite another tiling. It is a hard job, and yet it can be done. T have learned something since I balanced this horse. That was the best I could do with the cup foot at that time on him and all others. I have now got to bj master of the horse's foot. I can do as I like with it. I can expand the foot on the right principle. Contraction is the great cause of this horse^s first trouble. Then to divide between contraction and levernge, the best that could be done at the time when I shod him last. He has been shod many times since, and they liave left him too high on the heels by not dressing his feet properly, or the fault is in the shoe partly ; in both perhaps. They have thrown him forward off his base by this work, and he has been so so long it will be a hard job to change him back. I have tackled horses that are harder to cure than this. This horse's shoul- ders are not half as bad as they would have been if be had not been balanced up in this way. His shoul- ders are badly out of harmony. He will not be as bad to get on his base. The way to go to work is at the feet. This cannot be done at once ; it will take time. It will have to be done by degrees, the same way I am working on this old gray mare ; but lie is different. She is thrown back off her base; he is thrown forward. He has more ailments than she. His knees and ankles have all gone forward, and yet THE horse's rescue. 177 with all he has had done to him, the first cause has not been removed. This horse is the one that liadEO mnch experimenting done on him, and still he is alive ; and to the first cause there have been several more added. The structure of the feet have been out of harmony all this time. This horse's feet and legs ai-e nearly paralj^zed, and he has been a constant sufferer all this time. After long-standing cases like this there is some work to be done to let this horse down at the heels, change the structure of the foot back, and put it internaljy in harmony of action ; relax the cords on all four legs, and equalize his weight on the center of each foot, and balance him on an equilibrium in the center, and equalize the lever in length on all four feet, and equalize the weight on the eight separate heels so as to cause him to travel on a straight line ; and yet this can be done, so much so, that it would be hard for the closest observers to tell where the defect is if there is any. There are many cases that are past cure. They can all, or nearly all, be helped. Old horses are not worth curing. They are never as good as they would have been if they had not been in this condi- tion. Young horses are easier to change back, and are as good as ever. This poor horse is the final result of thousands and millions on the globe. There is no use describing the process of curing him. The same method by which I cured the dapple-brown called Mike cures all the troubles they are thrown in that I have laid cown in this book. I never tried to cure bog or blood spavin by throwing the unequal weight off their legs or removing the unnatural strain to see what the effect would be. I considered them incur- 178 THE horse's rescue. able, and do vet. I will leave that for some more sci- entiiic man tlian I am to test. I shall spend my time in introducing what I know. The horse cannot be cured or the cause of this trouble removed while he is standing; in the stable. After the chanjj^e he must draw loads, and that will draw him back on his base by degrees. The first change v/ill effect him veiy much, and he should be helped by washing and rub- bing his legs in vratcr as \Tarm as he can beai', and keep it up. Do not get tired; if you do, j'ou will never cure any stiff hoi'ses. This is the onlj^ way they can be cured. The effect doctors can sometimes find the effect when it gets very bad. That is a little of the effect to tinkei* at. They have a good long list of names for the effects, many of which have no mean- ing, or, if they have, it does not remove the cause that produces the effect. I have had many of these fel- lows gather around me, trying to put me Ihi'ough an examination, asking me what I was going to do in cases of ossified cartila2:e and navicular disease. Poor fools ! what can they do? They have dissected some dead horse's feet, and found ihat this or that had taken place; and this trouble had shortened the horse's life, and in many cases caused his death by the suffering he was obliged to endure frc.m being out of harmony in many ways internally and externally. I would ask these wonderful talkers. What help is it to the live horse in this same suffering condition that you are able to tell what ailed these dead horses? They can see no farther inside these horses' feet than I can to tell what condition it is in. All they can do is to open them after the horse is dead. I can make them as THE horse's EESCrK. 179 tbev were when thev were colt's feet. If thev linve been contracted very bad, so as to cause ossification, expanding lets ibe body corne back on the base and Lelps in many ways that they have never seen, and which I think some never will sec. They have so much talking to do they can spend no time to learn this great science, and that is not all; they will have to take as much as two lessons before they will be able to teach. I nse no medicine, and work on the feet, the cause of all this trouble, and cure ; they work all over the horse, and use all kinds of liniments, blis- tering, and butchering, and the horse goes on from bad to worse, and no cure is effected. After I get the colt's foot on in shape, and all in harmony of action, and keep it so or nearly so, and natuie does not repair the damages caused by contrac- tion, then I think tliere is some trouble inside that na- ture cannot help. I never applied this principle on any horse that I did not help, and wonderfully, too. When I quit one of these horses the effect dojtors need not take the job of curing. Their medicine is useless trash, and their butchery is worse. If I can do this as I state, that is proof enough. I read a small piece in a paper about ten years since, w^ritten many years ago by Dr. Gangees, on the horse's feet. They had been held, he said, from growing nat- ural by ironing. That was all he could say about it. He knew nothing of the effect it produced. They had been elongated. He was an Englishman. Here are some sayings of a horse-shoer, also an Englishman, who wrote a book in 1700. His name was William Osmer. He was a practical horse-shoer. They had 180 THE horse's rescue. stiff and lame horses in his day. They called stiS horses " shook in the shoulders." He said in his writ- ings that the people were "shook in the head," and I think he was right; and that saying holds good jet. He said, too, that the cause was in the feet, but Le could not get them out of tlieir trouble. The English have spent as much money experimenting on horses' feet as any nation on the globe, without doubt. There are many things to look to at the same time; and in changing: these horses all must work in har- mony. The cause of failures in the spreading of horses' feet is due to the fact that the men \Yho have attempted to do the work could see but one thing at one time, and that one thing they did not see as they should. It is very simple when understood. My experience and trying to introduce this science convinces me that Robert G. IngersoH's lecture on the "Skulls" is the soundest lecture I ever read or heard. Bob did not mean to say that the skulls had any knowl- edge in them ; he meant that the brains that were in- side of the skulls were what did the business. He said in this lecture, at the first start, " Man advances just in the proportion that he mingles his thoughts with his labor." There is more sense conveyed in these few words than whole volumes written by some that are dogging on his track. That is the way this work was perfected — mingling thoughts with labor for forty-one 3^ears ; and I have had lots of dogs at my heels, but I never felt I was in. danger. It is queer ; yome folks will not no anything themselves nor let anyone else if th.ey can prevent it. What a lot of trouble they do have! THE horse's rescue 181 I had to tack ship sometimes in this horse sail. Those that were' with me sometimes, blowing their bugles for me, would change their tunes and blow the other way. Then I would be obliged to tack ship. It is queer, when you think this matter over, how quick a man can chance a tune on his bustle after he 2:ets used to blowing it. In order to understand these sud. den changes on these bugles you must trace from the change to the cause of the change. These changes are constantly taking place in all things. About the first stable of horses I tackled was Mot Bennett's, in Horseheads — not the hotel keeper, but his uncle. He was carrying on a heavy business at that time in many ways. He was building railroads; he was opening an avenue six miles long to connect two towns; he kept a large lumber yard and sawmill ; he had all kinds of machinery conne-cted with this to get out brackets, cornices for buildings ; in fact, en- tirely too much for any man to cslyvj. He had lots for sale on this avenue. He gave employment to a large number of men that wanted work. But times changed on Mot. He bucked at it hard to keep it going, but it was no go; it balanced over the wrong way for him. Men that he had paid thousands of dollars \\ ould not lake his promises to pay written on paper .-my more. I shod Mot's horses through these trying tim(\ It was all charged on the book, and the amount w.i.s about forty dollars. I well knew I would stand no chance to get my pay. The big fish always eat up the little ones. I took my pay in an old wagon at about three prices, and let it go at that. Poor MoL, I liked him. He was a wliole-souled fellow, but he was carrying too 182 THE horse's kescue. heavy a load. He came home from his hard day's work over taxed, and sat down in his chair, his speech lost. In a few days Mot passed awa}^ Some time be- fore this I was talking horse in the streets. Mot said to me, '"You had better go to work." This remark, coming fj'om him, rather shocked me. I thought of his horses that I liad been caring for, and the one that I }.)ulled out of the straw — that four hundred dollar horse; besides, at that time I was doing more hard work and working n:ore houis than any two men in that town. Eighteen hours a duy and night were put in ; the fact is, I was nearly used up. The cripples kept increasing on me. I wa:? over-worked, and I was obliged to send some away, and I dropped Mot's horses. Money I n:iust have to live on, and to buy feed for these horses that I was experimenting on, or I should fail. This caused his bugle to change, but the blast did not blow me oS. my base. I w^as likely to lose all of my friends in this town. Some fous^ht me for cur- ing and some for not curing their horses and keeping them cured. The whole business seemed likely to turn against me. I made up my mind I would switch off awliile and rest up. I was about whipped in this horse fight. I went to my shop, threw both doors open, got a shoe-keg and set it near the door, took some papers and books and commenced to read. I did not read much ; I did not get a chance. New customers kept coming all of the time to crowd out the old ones. I could not do all of this hard work. They would come an go. None of these men stayed with me all of the time They did not come to my shop except occasionally. There was not one man in the lot that THE horse's rescue. 183 knew how much work I was doing, and I came to this conclusion: It was none of their business if I take a rest. I made up my mind to clear awaj some of this racket. The horses commenced to come. I sent them all awaj. I was asked : " Are 3'ou not going to shoe any more horses?" "Not at present. " Some would ask: "How are jou going to live? You live, don't you ?" "Yes; I can live anywhere you can. There are plenty of shops in this town where you can get your shoeing done.'' I sat on that keg every week-day for two weeks and sent all away. That seemed to quiet the noise for a time. Then I resumed my work. The horses came, all I wanted to wrestle with. I had bought a house and six village lots in this town. The street-cai's ran past my place. They run from Horseheads toElmira. The distance is six miles, and that was the main wagon road. At the time I lived in this town it was a great thorouohfare. Here I saw some of the worst crueltv I ever witnessed dealt out to these poor, stiff horses. It was all I could do to keep cool. This was going on daily, and Sundays it was worse. It was brutality ran mad, made so by rum. When I commenced this work it was to be confined to the horse's feet, tracing cause to effect and effect to cause. This book was not named until I had made quite a start in the work, and 'as it is called "The Horse's Rescue," I shall have to meddle a little with the rum question. I never have talked much on that subject, but I cannot see any way to steer on my course 184 THE horse's RESCUE. without coming in contact with it. I have heard lots of men lecture on this subject, and talk about the effect of rum on the human family, and I have seen the effect punished while the cause remained undis- turbed. In all of these lectures I ever heard or read I never heard one woixl said in defense of the long- suffering and abused horse ; and as I am come to their lescue, I shall work all the field I can to accomplish it. This lecture on rum is to show that it affects the liorse in many ways, and badly, too, all over the United States, and I have been over some of it. It is the same in all phices, some worse than others. I will give you a little sketch of this wholesale abuse caused by rum in this God-serving town where I am battling for tiie horse. These are facts. They are no third hand business. It was a common thing on Sunday for me to see three and four wagons pass my house at one time, going from Horseheads to Elmira, four in the wagon, one horse drawing the load, and he stiff and so sore on his feet — caused by ironing his feet by such as are whipping and pounding him — that he could hardly keep on his balance ; all swinging their hats over their heads ; one plying the whip, sometimes a club; cross- ing and rocrossing this street-car track every ten or fifteen rods Some of these beings called human were so badly off their base they could not sit up straight if they tried. They would balance over in all shapes, some forward, some backward. Some would hang over sideways, and tliey were constantly changing, all the time yelling and whooping ; horses going as fast as they could be made to go in their deformed con- dition. This could be seen, passing and repassing all THE horse's rescue, 185 days. Sundays with me part of the day was spent fixing up my patients, the horses, making them as com- fortable as I could. The shop I did not work in in this place ; they Tvould not bring any work on that day, so I got a little rest working in my garden, which is no labor to me ; it is enjoyment. I could enjoy my- self hoeing and weeding in my garden on this day as well as anything I could do, if it had not been for this panorama that was constantly passing ; that destroyed all. It was very annoying to me. Of all the damned sights I ever saw, these are the worst to me. I use the word "damned'' because it suits me the best to convey my feelings. Damned means condemned, and, if somebody does not get damned for abusing tliese horses, neither of these two words has any meaning at all. I think the damning should rest on the cause. What kind of compositions these poor, duped speci" mens of humanity had been taking into their stomachs I know not ; they did not seem to know what they were doing, neither did they seem to see where they were steering to. These are fit subjects to have the horse ! If these horses were balanced in the center and limber there would be some brains spilt. One cripple sailed past my house, after crossing and recross- ing this track. He was quite a sailer, for a three- legged horse, for one was not of much use except to keep him from tipping over. I told my wife, " There will be a shipwreck soon ; that craft cannot sail long in this course without one." In a few days, not far from my house, this wreck took place. The driver had been helped into his wagon ; up-town he went, steam all up, and no regulator. This two-legged, perpendicular 186 THE hobse's rescue. machine in the wagon was so badly off his balance that it fell over the horizontal machine — the propell- ing power. The center or vital part was all in mid- dling order, so much so that it was dangerous 1o set it in motion without a governor. Somebody started it, and down it came. It ran wild. Out went the man head-first, struck his head against a stone, and knocked his brains out. This horizontal machine kept on go- ing, and if there had been three or four more in this wasron in the same fix the first was in, this machine would have run the same until it smashed up some more. The horse smashed up at his stable. This kind of steam all adds greatly to the suffering of the horse. One Sundav, while working in my garden, there had been more than usual of this kind of business going on, which seemed to come from np-town. There must be a fountain, it occuired to nic, up there where all this corruption has its I'isc. It all seems to come from one source. But I have got all I can attend to working and experimenting, and if they will let me alone I will tiiem. I can only fight on the defensive. There are too many balanced over the wrong way for me here. I shall, in order to carry out my plans, keep as quiet as possible. It seems to be going rather smooth now. I think they have made up their minds to let me go on in peace. After hoeing in my garden all day Sunday (I thouizht \i was Sundiiv, and others told me it was), I asked several thrcmgh the course of the day, and my wife said it was. From what I could see going on all around me I could not tell. To look at the day it THE HORSES RESCUE. 187 seemed like all others tome; and I am so forgetful that if there had not been somebody to ask I should have lost track of this day. The canal was close to my house, and the boats and street cars were running. This was a gi-eat place for cars in tliis valley. I could hear the locomotives blowinix their bustles, and the music came from all directions. I could hear them many miles away, talking with each other, at all times of day and night. I could hear and see this without stopping my work. I had my sleeves rolled up, vest and coat off. It was a wai-m day. My garden was quite large. There was six large village lots all in one garden. It lay close to this great thoroughfare. The Sunday did seem to me to be the most business day I had F^een in a long time. All seemed to be in motion — all life and action. I did stop and rest on my hoe and take a telescopic view of what was passing. The streets were full of horses, some running, some trotting, or trying to; some limping at one end and some at both; som.e stiff; in fact, the}^ were in all stages of deformity. I could see I attracted quite a little attention. They stared at me ; that is, some did, such as had sense enough left to do this. They could not stare long at a time. If they did they would be in danger of a smash-up. There were lots of machines running on this street without governors, and they did not always run on a straight line. When a man got on this road, if he did not attend strictly to business, there was danger of sliipwreck. Milk wagons w(.M'e running morning and evening; some stdling it bv the quart and half pint, some taking it to the creamery, 188 THE horse's rescue. some to the cheese factory, and selling it. The birds were singing, the street cars were making extra trips. They left Horseheads every fifteen minutes for El- mira ; the same coming to Horseheads. It was a sorry day for these poor, crippled, and deformed horses. Street cars off the track; men jerking the horses on the mouth, jamming them back, yelling, "Wiion, damn you!" every half-minute, the horses at the time standing as still as they could. Some had all they cpald do to stand, and were almost ready to fall over backward. Some, unable to stand, did fall, and yet they were obliged to do extra labor on this day called Sunday. It did seem to me they were all let loose on these poor horses this day. Some of them were run from morning until morning again. There was all kinds of music, pianos, organs, vio- lins, and I actually heard roosters crow, on this day, on the backside of my lot. I saw the water run in the creek. I did not see it stop and pile up in heaps. There were fish in this water, and they were constantly in motion. Reader, when I bought this place I intended to or- nament up this ground and fix up a pleasant home. There was a large, lively stream of living, sparkling water on the backside. When I bought this property I thought it was in a sightly place. In this I was not disappointed. I could see too much, and the sights did not suit me. I saw too much cruelty and abuse practiced on the helpless horse, and it made a hell for me. I gave up fixing up the place, and this was the cause of my moving. On the day following this red-hot day of abusing THE horse's rescue. 189 tliese deformed horses I was on my way to my shop. Reader, I was loaded to the muzzle. It would not take much to touch me off. I was the horse's sworn friend, and always had been through life. Right in front of Bob Col well's place of business, the boss of this town at that time, I met Jack Racker, the cat's- paw general of all the dirty work that was to be done. He said to me, "Doan, they are going for you." '' What have I been doing now, and who is ' they ' this time ?" "The authorities of the town." '* Bob Colwell, what is the charges ?" " Well, I sat up-stairs in my house writing for the paper, and I could see you hoeing in your garden all day. They are going to arrest you for violating the Sunday laws." " My, my ! did you write about me ?" "No." *' You should have done so ; it would help fill up the paper." " I told them you would be the first man up here Monday morning after working all day Sunday in your garden." " You told a lie ; there were lots of folks here when I came. Jack, what do you think it will cost me?" •'I can't tell you." "Tell that great business personage 'They,' you quote so much, that I will pay all the fine they can get against me, and I will double it if they will let me lay it out." "What would you do with it?" " I would give it to some poor widow woman that 190 THE horse's rescue. was trying to support herself and lier children. Not one cent will I ever pay to any authority in this town or in any other for the use of this day you call Sun- day, for this personage you cull 'They ' to convert to his or their own use; but I do intend to have a lot in- dicted before the grand jury for violating the license law on all days, at the next court, if they do not stop drugging these poor fools, causing them to kill them- selves and others, and misuse and kill and cause to be killed their helpless horses, and endanger innocent parties, and place the lives of children and all living things in jeopardy. And this is not all ; it is very an- noying to me when I am at work on Sunday. If it is not stopped soon I shall appeal to tho courts." Tins lecture was delivered in front of the olTice of the boss of the town. Let us go on to the shop. There will be a lot of cripples waiting. That racket is stopped. I wonder what will come next. Keader, T suppose j'ou want to know how the old white mare gets along. It has been four weeks since she had her feet spread. The same shoes have been on all that time. She has been driven every night in some b3'-road. She is not lame, and is growing fat — improving slowly. She must have her feet dressed and spread again. Her feet do not dry up now, and there is not much fever in them. I cupped out her feet and pared the shell properly for tins spreading operation. It is the same proces . It is by degiccs I am doing this. It could not be done on this mare all at once, she was so badly rolled up, I closed up the shoes, nailed them on, soaked the feet soft, and spiead them one-quarter of an inch again. That let the sole THE horse's rescue. 191 dc^vn ns far as I wanted it. In all I have spread this rnurc's feet one inch and three-eighths at different o time?, and yet it is not more than fiv'e-eigliths of an iiieh wider than it was before I spread it at all. Every time I spread this okl mare's feet it threw her off of her base on both feet and lamed her on this same foot that she was lamest on when I bought her. She was lame on both, and had been for many years. This time she was not so lame on this foot, and recovered sooner from tlie effects of tlie ciiangc. As she pro* gressed towani natural by degrees she was easier to get on her base ; the time lessened, and the effects les- soned by degrees the nearer she approached natural. This is encouraging, certainly. She does improve slowly; her shoulders are not mates; she is very crooked yet, and both badly deformed. She does not look like the same horse now I have cha:iired her: this is certain, and the cause is removed. This lonsr- standing effect around these shoulders is stubborn and tough. I know the bones are not broken ; all else will yield by degrees, bat it must be slow. It has yielded a little now ; and if it has 3MeldGd a little it will yield a little more. This is the way I reasoned with myself in the cold barn many cold winter nights while others were sleeping or sitting by comfortable fires. Days I was in my shop doing all I could to re- lieve the suffei-ing of horses for thp same men that were fighting me their level best in many wavs. Some of tliem were poor dupes, which I well knew, set on and made so by a jealous, ignorant set of pretenders of great knowledge of the horse. I v;ell knew I could out general them working on the horse. A man did 192 THE horse's rescue. not have to know much about the horse in this town to do that. In this town, where they worried so much about mj spending my money and so much time, I was obliged to sue two men after waiting one 3^ear for my pay for shoeing their horses. One of these men lived in a house that cost forty-five thousand dollars. Bragging all the time about their wealth ; I never heard them brag about their knowledge. The fact is, ihey did not have much of that. That was a scarce article on the horse in this town. I want to ask these men who this time belongs to, and how much money they have got invested in time. Seme folks talk and act as though time belonged to them, and they wanted to monopolize it and convert it all to their own use, as they have many things. I have used as much time, probably, as any man of my age, and others have used it, and yet there seems to be lots of it left. Some use time in oneway, some in another. It is used in manj^ ways. Some use it fighting against their own interest and others' at the same time, and do not know it; and that was what the ignorant part of this com- munity was doing in this town for two years fightmg me. I suppose they will fight this work if they ever see it. Then they will be fighting against their inter- est. It will not hurt the sale of this work ; it will help it to sell. It will call the peoples' attention to see what all this racket is about. That was what I got up so much racket in your town for, to get the people's attention attracted to me. I wanted to teach them something about the horse. I well knew they did not know but little about this great science of working on the horse. After this science is under THE horse's rescue. 193 stood, the long lists of names laid down in books for effect will be buried with many other dead and useless names and things of the past There will be no effect to name. Men lose money and their hcrses toa If there is a waj to prevent it, and they know it to be a fact, they will grasp it very quickly. All they want is to know that this is a success (and it is, and all of the howling and bawling of these effect doctors will not make it otherwise). After working in this town, with no one to help me but my littlo' boy and my wife, I thought I would teach a young man. He had worked at blacksmith- ing a short time, and was trying to learn how to shoe and work on the horse. This horse business requires two good, able-bodied men at least part of the time — one to hold up the feet while the other spreads them. Sometimes he is obliged to hold up more than half of the horse's weight. It takes some strength and cour- age to tackle all kinds of horses in this way, and yet it must be done if these horses that ai^ in this fix are ever to get out of it. This young man saw me do this and helped me some, and yet he did not have confi- dence enough in himself to do it He could not stand the opposition we were surrounded with. It did not take much to cram him down. I soon saw he would not make a good soldier in this horse fight He dared not come right out and talk. He was shy. He dared not get up a racket He could not stand that I soon saw he would be of little use to me. I wanted fear- less men to introduce this science ; no coward could do it The horse he must not fear ; he must drive and handle him in many ways, and all strange horses. Ail 194 THE horse's rescue. of the time be was too weak on his knees. I dropped him. Til about one year I went in his shop. He was si 1 oe i n g h o rses. T he w^o rk 1 1 e was d o i n g 1 oo k ed vj th e r ragged. He told me, '' This is the way I am doing it now." He was driving in old stubs in the old holes, with the lever all left on the toe, and growing longer all of the time. I said to him: " This is not right ; the horse is the sufferer. Your customers will go back on you." " Thev do not know tlie diffei-ence," sxiid he. In tliat he was partly right. Some do know when they have got a job that looks well. This ironing a horse's foot is quite a different thing, if botched, from other mechanical work. It causes the horse to suffer. A man can botch a job on a wagon, and yet the wagon does not suffer. I liave seen and lieardsome groan as if they feel ]>ain. The cause was a botch job, and it caused the horses to suffer that was drawing these wagons. To set the tire too tight on the lumber wagon dishes the vrheels one inch each too much. What effect can that have on these deformed horses? Put on forty hundred weight on rutty roads, then you can tell. If the wheel runs in the rut at all it con- stantly crowds and grinds against the shoulder of the axle This causes the horse to suffer. I have had many of these new-born babes on the horse try to talk and lie me down to build themselves up. I shall state here I know the horse's conditio]) has arewn worse for the laat twenty-five years, and for several reasons. Since shoes for the horse, and nails to nail them on, have been made bv machinerv, the THE horse's rescue. 195 shoer, as soon as he can learn to weld on a cork on the toe i:i a bungling way, buys some stock and sets up the business of slaughtering the horse. He works on no principle, either right or wrong. He brags, and his friends brag for him, and they know less, if it is pos- sible, than horses. He is safe enough if they all get crippled on his hands. The creator has made such a botch of making the horse, he can't eat or drink water. ^.11 kinds of grain will make him stiff or lame in all degrees, some on one foot, some on two, some on all, in all degrees, and 3^et he must eat or he will die. In some places they are nailing on cast shoes. In this case the foot must be cut to fit the shoe. Of all the damned fools that I ever heard talk, the biggest is men that claim that horses are stiffened by what they eat or drink. Tliere are so many degrees on the same horses, and on the same horse ; and these men gather around me in herds almost daily, teaching me these wonderful truths they claim to know, and all driving stiff and lame horses in some degree. If what they say is true, they are a careless, ignorant lot of fools, and their talk bears witness against them- selves, and it needs no other proof, for their horses are enough to condemn them. They are nearly all crip- pled in a greater or less degree. That needs no proof. It crops out all over the land in bold relief ; and if these horses are stiffened by grain and water, why do they scurf the shoer so much for spoiling their horses and run to him to get them cured — the same place where they get them spoilt? It is curious how many tunes can be played on one of these lying bugles when some men get to blowing them. 196 THE horse's rescue. Thsre are many animals that eat grain, but none are stiff and lame like the horse and mule. All animals drink water, and it does not affect any but these two species in this way. How is this, you wonderfully knowing men ? I should think you would appeal to the creator to have an improvement made on these two species of animals. According to your reasoning, there is something wrong in their construction, or you should use more reason and judgment about feeding grain and giving them water, knowing, as you chiim, so much about the cause of all this. Suppose you experiment a little and stop giving your horses grain and water, or a very little, and keep their feet ironed, and that by a botch ; you can tell soon where the cause is. They feed all kinds of cattle, young and old, the strongest kind, and they are tied up and have but little exercise ; yet they do not get stiff by auy- thing they eat and drink. The ox is kept shod in many places the whole year round, and fed grain, and heavy too, and I have seen them when warm diink a half-barrel of Water at once, and have shoes on at the same time, and not get stiff. My father lived among the rough hills of the state of Pennsylvania. He kept them, shod and fed them, an J yet I never saw him have a stiff or sprained ox. He worked these oxen. The ox's foot is split; the shoe is in two parts, and there is no contraction. The lever does get long. It does not effect the ox as it does the horse. The lever on the ox's foot does not extend beyond the useless growth of the hoof. On the horse it is very different. After I get this work from the press I am ready to THE horse's rescue. 197 go to school to these great teachers to see what great discoveries they have made on the horse Some have never been out of the town in which they were born. If they can tell me how and on what theory or plan they obtained so much knowledge of the liorse's foot and the cause tliat threw him in this deformed condi- tion, without any experience or experimenting, they willf'onfer on me a great favor. They can make their independent fortune out of that. It will do away with exDerimentino; on all thins^s, and save a vast amount of useless labor. Tliis is the way all great things have been perfected. It will save mental taxa- <^ -*« tion. I wish I had known this new theory forty-one years ago ; my back and hips and shoulders would not ache so while I am writing this work. I have heard in my life folks talk about using common sense. How plenty that article is I know not. There is not much used for the benefit of the horse, that I know. The article of reason, talking, and working on the horse is almost out of use. Judgment, there is lots of that of all kinds. There is all degrees of it. They all differ using judgment. There is good and poor judgment used on the horse. Of that article ninety per cent used is very poor. Useless opinions and beliefs are used by the wholesale. Still the horse suffers. Igno- rant men have the impudence to tell me I cannot cnre these horses, and never did. Any one would think, to hear them talk, they knew all things, and were in all places at the same time. ISTow I want these poor fools to tell me how they know I cannot cure these horses. They are in one place drawing manure, w^hich they can do after somebody has made the wagon to draw it 198 THE horse's rescue. on ; that tbev could not make. I am hundreds of miles away curing these horses. I could do this in a small village and they be ignorant of the fact It might be put in print in the daily papers, and such itrnoramuses as these never know it. Tliev seldom, if ever, read ; and j^et I have had nearly all of my abuse from this source. To get drunk on what they call whisky is the bight of their ambition. The next is to abuse and misuse these helpless horses in many ways. Reader, if 3^ou ever try to introduce this science, my experience has taught me from such to turn away. They cannot take in this great science; they only fieht; you cannot teach them. The higher always teach the lower. You cannot get tea^'hers from the lower to teach the higher; that would be too much like spreading the hoi'se's foot at the toe or at the top. You must select naturalists and scientific men — men of brains, men whose word is good, not liars. I have studied man some in the same time I have been study- tlie horse. There are men that can and do lie, and it is wonderful how they will multiply. Liars are very prolific. If one big liar should tell lies out of whole cloth before six or eight bearers of lies, it is surpris- ing wliat a crop you will have in a short time, and how they will multipl}^, and what a field they will spread over. They are borne in papers, on the tele- graph, and' telephone, in the mail, and across the ocean and under it. I speak of this for this reason, to post vou up. All this I have had to contend with in try- ing to |)erfect this work and trying to introduce it. Before I get through I will show you where I experi- mented a little on this lying business. The lying fruit THE horse's rescue. 199 some are very fond of. They can masticate and swal- low and digest this easy. They seem to relisli it, too. No matter how hirire this fruit is, tliev can swallow it, and some have swallowed so much of it that it is almost impossible to get them to taste the truth. It is surprisitig how full some folks will allow themsehes to be stuffed with lies. Why do you not investigate for yourselves, and go for facts and see them demon- strated? and then you will know these lies are only told to deceive you by men that want to keep up this torturing business on your poor, suffering horses, and put down this great science. They are badly scared; their craft is in danger of being wrecked, and they do not like to be made out worse than fools. When this science is introduced. they will feel exceedingly small. Tiiis is certain; it is and has been almost a daily oc- currence for manj^ yeai's to liav a lot of teachers nather around me, all talkinsi: horse, all talkinir at the same time, all directing their lesson to me. Since I have commenced writing^ this work several have told me they were going to write a book on the horse. I told them if they wanted to I had no objec- tions. "That is all ]-ight," said I. "You maj^ know many things about the horse that I do not. Your book would perhaps sell as well as mine. You have as good a right to make books and sell them as any man." But they would have to write different from what they talk in order for the reader to understand what tliev wanted to convey. If these bor)ks ever en's lessons and carry them all alangat the same time^and all disagree- ing on all points, opinions, and beliefs. The more a man believes the less he knows. The more he knows the less he believes. A man that is satisfied with what he has got of knowledge is never prepared for any more. I have no power to convey with my pen these horse lessons that I have had. I think after taking five or six hundred more I will be able to talk it. I am going to try to learn them. If I can learn to talk nine men's talk at one time on the horse, that will be a big thing. It has been now one month since you have heard from the old white mare. It has been all of this long month the same thing — continued talking, shoeing^ and working on all kinds of lame and crippled horses^ early and late, sometimes all night. These few horses that I write about are only now and then one of thou- sands I have worked on in forty-one years. This fight for the horse has been a long one, and it is not over yet. We are just getting in the hottest of it now^ but the hotter the battle the more glorious the victory — for that we are going to have. It has got started, jind it cannot be stopped. Too many have seen this work done — scientific men, which I shall refer to be- fore I get through this work. This old mare is doing finely. She must have her feet dressed as before and spread a little. I did not THE hokse's rescue. 201 measure lier shoe to see how mucli I did spread It. It needed but very little. The sole is the guide on all feet. I cannot furnish any reason, sense, or judgment in this work. I want all I have got for my own use. You must use your own on this work — all you can command— and use it all of the time in all cases. They all vary in many ways, as I have already written many times. I spread after this operation a little every ten or twelve or fifteen days, according to my best judgment. The object in doing this was to keep the structure of the foot always in harmony of action, and this coffin- joint and all others as r.ear their natural place as pos- sible all the time. So as to have her improve, I did not leave anything undone for one hour that I could do to forward this work I was trying so hard to do. I had got this mare's feet flattened out, and the growth not wearing off. The shoe nailed on to hold it spread would also hold it from spreading; at the same time, if the foot was allowed to grow on the course it is in- clined to grow and not spread, the sole would raise up in degrees according to the time it was held at the bot- tom. This would affect the coffin-joint and throw her off her base and affect her all over according to the degree of change from natural. I kept this mare and changed her shoes several times to keep the lever on the toe as short as I could, and spread her feet many times a little. You ought to see what I was spreading her feet for by small degrees. I kept up rubbing her shoulders often, and nights many hours at a time. I drove her nights. There was no let-up on this job for six months. Reader, imagine, if you can, my feelings, 202 THE horse's rescue. v/bich I well know jou cannot, after all this bard work and no reward to perfect tbis work, to have a lot of ifinorant men insult you dail}^ and hourly. 1 can tell you how I feel sometimes, just like taking my flat hand and mutilating their bugle. They are not of much account. They will have to pass off of this earth as many have, and not take much with them. Knowledge is all they can take, and of that they will be a little short. What a man knows is all that makes him anything. What another knows does not help all others only such little as he can teach them ; and where there is no material to work on it is up-hill busi- ness. To make something out of nothing is a very difficult task. When talking horse and that kind of talk, which can be beard coming from me all days and in all places, I liave been called drunk by the ignorant. I never had any abuse from the enlightened part of the community. If they did not help me they did not in- sult me. I am about as fearless as the most of men, and yet I do have fear. I do not drink alcoholic drink of any kind for many reasons; one I will men- tion is this: I am afraid I will get killed by drugs of some kind. I am not afraid to die, but I do not want to fail to introduce this great science on the horse that 1 have worked so many years to perfect. The last resort of the ignorant, if they cannot keep pace with others in this race of progression, is slan- der. Read the history of the past, imperfect as it is, and it will give you a little light — enough to open your eyes a little and put you on the right track. You can never learn this science or any other by fighting, h^- ing, and slandering other's. You may go well dressed, THE HORSES RESCUE. 208 and yet it does not add to your knowledge. Wlien I work on horses my clothes do not please some, and yet I wear them all days. These horse needed my ca!-e. All days and nights I wore a strong pair of pants, a heavy woolen shirt. Suspenders I never could get to hold a horse ; pants with patches on the legs, three or four on top of each other, and if some were leather it is all the better; then a stout leather apron over all. It does save your knees and \e^^ some. And yet with all this protection I have had all stripped off clear to the floor, and some skin with it ; cords laid bare on my legs ; suspenders broken ; buttons nearly off, and pants too. In a shipwreck like this I usually used to use horse nails for suspender buttons. Sometimes I used them for weeks ; they would hold better. When I wanted some -stock, or five cent's worth of tobacco, I did not take these nails out or change my clothes, or wash. I walked in all places of business through the day, and night too. My business was working on the horse all hours, and I must be harnessed for it, and it has been so for forty-one years, I was slovenly and smelt bad, the result of wiping manure off of others' horses on myself and clothes daily that they should have cleaned off themselves. I have cleaned hun- dreds and thousands of horses in this way before I o-ot them shod, and when the horse left the shop he would be cleaner than he would be again from that time un- til he came to be shod again. Sometimes I would clean eight or ten in one day, and have the most of this filth and stench on myself or clothes, and be obliged to breathe and smell it all of the time. My God ! it is a great wonder I have not been stunk to 204 THE hokse's rescue, death and rotted down by my blood getting bad by breathing this filth, all caused by people not keeping their horses and stables clean. Breathing this foul air in stables will make the blood of the horse irnpui'e faster than anything else can ; cattle the same. We all are judges, and all constantly judging each other. Some judge one way, some other wa3^s, and there are all degrees of judgment on all things. Others can judge as they like. I do. But I never judge a man's worth by the mone}'- or the wealth he has, neither by his wearing apparel. He might sit on a throne of solid, pure gold^ with a crown on his head that out- dazzled the brightness of the sun, and be clothed in roval robes that were decorated with costly diamonds that hung in festoons, with the costliest plumage, with a trail twenty feet long in the i-ear trimmed the same. All this would not have any effect on me in judging his worth. It would not add any to his worth or knowledge or goodness. A fool can be dressed in this way, and many have been. Such men as these can never cure these suffering horses. They like pomp and show too well, and what they call ease. I would rather be in some cold barn relieving the suffering of one horse than see all the pomp and show on the globe. Working men are what is required to cure and intro- duce this work. To pomp and show I never bow and scrape. Neither do I worship any man. A dead man would be of as much use to me to introduce this science as a sit-still. A king on a throne is about as useless as a dead man can be. Work and business is the plan of operation in this world. Live men are what make things move, and sometimes tliey move things some THE HORSE'S RESCUE. 205 do not want moved ; and this work on the horse, if I mistake not, will remove some deep-rooted errors of longer standing than any stiff horse living at this day. The horse has suffered hundreds of years on this globe, all caused by error and ignorance, and many times dishonesty in many ways. I hear many times when I am talking for the horse, "He is a big blower." If I could not talk more sense than some of these blowers talk on the horse I would never open my mouth again. They know but little or nothing about the condition the horse is in. This I well know, and I will give my reasons for knowing. But very few ever have worked on the horse's feet^ and those that have did not do it right ; and all of these men that are bawling around me never worked on the horse's feet. How can they know anything about it with their horses all stiff? How can you know so much? It took me forty-one years almost, days and parts of nights, and many nights all night. Many and many are the nights I have lain in bed studying on this work until light, and not slept one wink Days and nights I have experimented. This work cost money, and I earned it all. It cost me forty -one years of the hard- est mental, physical, and practical labor a luan ever endured, and lots of persecution and abuse by jealous fools. I will say right here that when I get stuck on this liorse business I will send for some of these great teachers that have been trying to teach me so much. I will let them know when I want them. With all this hard labor I have stuff enough left in me now to face a regiment of such bawling fools. The^^ are of 206 THE horse's bescue. no use to me ; neither are they in the way of intro- ducing this science, only one gets tired hearing their bawling. I have no trouble only with this class. This is the class all scientific men have more or less trouble with. Ii^norance is the cause of all. Tliere are mill- ions of men on this globe that never invented any- thing, and never had one original thought ; if they did, they did not have courasfe enous^h to talk or write it, and if all men had been as big cowards as they there would not have been any impi'ovements or discoveries or progression made ; and yet tliey will talk and brag of their knowledge, and it is all borrowed. It had its orisfin in other men's brains. They can commit to mem(.>ry some of these great principles after others have discovered and jierfected them by applying them- selves, and tliat seems a hard task. This horse science is different fi'oni many other sciences. It requires something besides brains, and yet brains are the first qualification. Without them there cannot be any horses cured. It requires great strength and courage, ]"eso]ution and firmness. A man that is constantly twirling a handkerchief around a stove-pipe hat, and keeps one or two women constantly washing and iron- ing to keej) him starched and clean, and who finds fault with their work, and does none himself, would be of no use to any one in this horse science. Be- moving the cause of these suffering horses is harder work than it is to make them so; that is, shoeing them, which is what makes tiiem so. There are a few exceptions. I can iron a pair cf horse's feet, and drive them a thousand miles, and they would perform the journey better by doing so, and the}' would suffer THE HORSES RESCUE. 207 from the effect but very little, if any, in the time I was driving them this journey. It would not be done in the way it usually is done and ordered to be done. To begin this job I should want the horse's feet all natural as the creator made them or intended them to be ; that is, the structure of the foot internally in hai'- mony of action. I would cut away all useless growth of hoof and true up the feet. This dressing the bot- tom of a horse's feet, heel and toe, if it is nearly nat- ural, is or should be the finest piece of mechanical work ever done on any machine. The horse is a ma- chine. If this dressing is not done nearly right you will spoil this machine, and not know how you did it. If you cut the heel too low, and leave the toe too high, if only one-eighth of an inch each, it will make the heel one-quarter too low, and leave the toe a quarter of an inch too long. Shoe all around in this way with bungling, heavy shoes; start on your journey with lit- tle changed off their base, your horses will tell you of it in this way ; if you will notice them, by showing soreness, if they are not very stiff and lame. This is not a very botched job compared with some. This same principle doubled will slaughter the best pair of horses, if the shoes are allowed to remain on two months, that ever lived, if they are driven on hard roads. I do not mean it would kill them ; it would make them stiff and sore until the cause was removed. It serves all the same, according to the degrees of botching, on all feet, singly or collectively. Now, reader, whoever you may be that is interested in tliis work on the horse enough to give your attef!- tion, I will try, as near as I can in this work, to tell 208 THE horse's rescue, jou how I would shoe a pair of horses to perform a journey of a thousand miles, and what I would do after the journey. I cannot tell you as well as I could if you and I were standing by and looking on this pair of horses. They need a little dressing on all of their feet, some in one way, some in another, and they all vary in some way and in many degrees ; and all horses do more or less. True up ; do not forget this heel and toe business and lever on the toe ; it is growing all the time; it is not going to wear off much. It will take about a month, we will say, to make this journey. I am going to shoe these horses and drive and take care of them myself. (I would trust them in no man's hands.) Then I would know they were cared for. The colt's foot on the horses you are shoeing in shape is one thinor to look to. Shoe thin and liorht. After trueing up the feet let the shoes follow the shell clear around the heel ; shoe only a little longer at heel than the foot. Flat rest on shoe at the heel ; dress foot to fit and fit it. No spring in any way. Make the toe a little shorter than natural, for this reason, it is grow- ing all of the time, and this will save the cords. Not £U cork on these shoes, the roads are dry and hard. Nail with very small nails ; nail in toe ; no nails back of the widest part of the foot; the heel should have liberty, as all of the foot should, but it cannot if it is ironed. Every night, after driving all day on hard roads, the horse's feet will have unnatural heat. Do not forget your horses have got feet on their hind legs. But few have noticed this. They get hot too. They travel the same distance that his forward feet do, and the concussion is about the same. I carry a THE horse's rescue. 209 foot hook, and clean out all dirt and gravel under the shoes, if there is any. I look to see, then I will know; pack all feet with cow manure; this takes out the un- natural heat. If I did not do this when the horses lie down after driving all day, this heat would dry up the foot or cause it to dry up. In this case, the weight being ofi the center, the sole would rise up. If it is only°a little degree, it effects when the horses rise on their feet. The weight will settle the sole again. It causes irritation. If they are packed this will not take place. In wet and muddy roads this would not be necessary. There would not be the concussion. The water and mud would take out the heat. This is the way some horses get very badly stiffened right after feeding and watering, by not taking care of their feet after hard drives. And if they did do all this, if they were botched ironing their feet, no packing or soaking would prevent until the cause was removed and kept removed. At the end of this journey I find my horses, with this care, as limber as they were when I first started. The shoes are about worn off their feet, and all nearly worn in two at the toe ; and some of the hoof at the toe is worn off. This is all right for me and the horses too. I wanted it to wear off; the lever has been growing all the time, and wearing off has shortened it. This takes t\\^ strain off the back tendons, and, with other care I take of them, keeps my horses from get- ting foundered. Remember, I told you before I shod these horse they were nearly natural. In this case the frog befoie shoeing on all of their feet rested on the grcMind. I 2i0 THE horse's rescue. ymt on the shoes thin for several reasons ; one is this : I want the frog to rest on the ground. After I get these horses shod the same as before I nailed the shoes on. If I raise the center of the foot up from the ground the weis:ht of the horse is in the center of each foot. Then drive on hard, dry road. I could not drive five miles before the coifin-joint would be badly affected on all their feet all out of harmony of action. Put in motion in this condition causes unnatural heat. They would settle down through the cup at the top until the frog comes to a rest on the ground in the center. At the first start on this journey I would be all out of har- mony. I do not want these horses to change any, either way, if I can prevent it. This is the reason I dress the heel of the foot flat and give the shoe flat rest at the heel. I do not want any springing and changing internally on any of these eight feet on this pair of horses. The heel has some liberty as the feet grow. Shod in this way they will spread out, if proper care is taken of them, by small degrees, in driving them. If the frog does rest on the ground I am not smart enough to cure and keep cured stiS horses, they standing in the barn week after week. I drive horses to cure them and have them improve all of the time, and if they are natural I do my work to keep them natural. Another reason for not having corks on these shoes: they are of no use on dry roads. I do not want my horses up on stilts at any time. Another reason for having the shoes light : the horses will not raise their feet so high, the concussion on their feet is not so great, and the greatest reason of all is, it will not shipwreck me on the road and at home. THE horse's rescue. 211 I told you I would tell you what I would do at the end of this journey with these horses, and here she goes. If I did not know more than some folks do about a horse I would pull off their shoes, if they did take cold, and never nail or allow any one else to, an iron on their feet. Then you would not stiffen so many, giving them something to eat and drink, and you would not cause your horses to suffer so much, and you would enjoy your ride after them better. Reader, it is impossible for me to tell all the fault I have had found with me and my work on one thing, that is, the toe-corks would wear off on horseshoes. They wanted big corks, and they wanted them to stay big. They wanted them sharp, and to always stay sharp. With all of my skill this I could not do. If I could have done this it would have been a bis^ thinof. I could give better satisfaction. I could have made horses stiffer, and they would get stiff faster, if I could stop the wear on the toe of the shoes. They tried hard to get me to do it. I have sent lots away on this ac- count. It is curious how hard folks will try to get you to spoil their horses. Then after j^ou have done it thej will tell far and near that you did it. Some they will tell they are foundered. They ate some oats or drank water. What do all these contradictory stories amount to ? Simply nothing. If they came from a lunatic, or some one that had lost his reason, a little consistency might appear, and some allowance be made. The fact is, the condition these poor horses are thrown in, caused by ironing their feet and other abuse^ is so complicated it is hard to convej^ with a pen or in any other way, and I get ver}' tired. Some are changed 212 THE horse's rescue. very suddenly, some are years changing. These slow changes I cannot describe, except in this way : You cannot see them change; it is like the hill of corn. It grows and yet you cannot see it grow. The change on thousands of these horses is so slow you do not notice the effect until they get very bad, and yet they have been changing for many years. The degrees are very small on some, and the degrees of change vary on the same foot. These variations depend on the treatment the foot or feet have had. They will vary on every foot on the same horse. This is the way some change from natural. Some will change in a large degree in twenty-four hours, from many causes. This old white mare is one of these cases. The first cause was ignorance. The driver did not know much about a horse; if he had he would not have abused her by driving her off her legs' on hard roads. The concussion on her feet caused heat. The struc- ture of the foot at the start was out of harmony in some degree, as all are that have been shod for several years, as she had been. The lever at the toe was some degree of length, as all are, out of harmony ; then kept in motion up and down hills, on dry, hard roads, for twenty-four hours, and drawing a load. This will cause some heat internally in the foot, a strain on the cords or back tendons. This mare was used badly. The owner well knew this. She must have rest. She is tied in the barn, no care taken of her feet, for this reason: he did not know it was necessary. This mystery he had not solved. She is sore and stiff. She must not be moved until she gets better. The consequence is, when she lies down the THE HORSES BESCUE. 213 weight off the center of foot, with all this heat in her feet, the foot dries very fast. When it starts on this course the sole rises ; the heat increases the more the foot contracts, and in a very short time the horse ia completely thrown off his base and balance and equilibrium, and fastened there, and there he will stay until the cause is removed. This is a large degree of change, and rather sudden for the comfort of the horse and his owner. I have seen hundreds of horses made very stiff in driving twenty miles on hard roads with a botched job on the end of the foot called the toe. Do not get too wise. You may learn something. All horses are in great danger of being served in this way, and many times worse, by ironing their feet, all super- intending and bossing this great science and none knowing but very little or nothing about it. The horse is the sufferer, and the owner suffers too. If he does not suffer with pain he-suffers loss in many ways. He pays his money to have his horses spoiled. He loses money in this way. It takes more feed to keep a horse that is a constant sufferer night and day. They cannot perform as much labor in any way, and it shortens their lives. If you start on a journey it will take you longer. You are liable to get ship- wrecked at any time by not understanding this science. If you change or trade while on the road, or at home, this will not help you out. You will be liable to get wrecked from the same cause in a short time. I have helped thousands out of this trouble in my life. For many reasons I know this is not under- stood. The only way out of this trouble is to learn these truths, every man for himself ; then you. will 214 THE HORSES RESCUE. know this is the only safety. You cannot learn mucli from " They Say." He does not know much about the horse. I must tell you how I got the worst wrecked on the lioad I ever was in my life in many ways. Some was due to listening to " They Say," some to a sneak thief, some to not using reason and judgment after my judgment told me better. I was twenty-eight years old at that time. I carried on the wagon trade con- nected with shoeing the horse. My market for some of these wagons was in Tioga county, Pennsylvania. The distance from my place, where I carried on this business at that time, was about one hundred miles. It was up and down heavy hills nearly all the way. I knew the road well. I had taken wagons over this road and driven horses. This is the way I nearly always went for many years before and after this trip on this business and other. I have business there now, and have had every year since I was twenty-one years old, sometimes twice a year, seldom driving the same horse or horses. When I would get home I would sail after these horses about three hundred miles or more, and not be missed at home except by a few, and sail in all right, no wreck on the horse. The horses were fitted for this journey in many ways. The last thing I did was to prepare their feet, and that was the last thing I did to them every night, to see that they were all right, while I was making up this train to go over this road. There were ten in all. I had ironed a heavy wagon for one of my neighbors. The wheels were in the shop. This man came in. He had a kettle in his hand and a lot of rosin. " They say," THE hoksk's rkscub. 215 said he, *' that this is good to prevent the spokes from ■working. Melt it and pour it in hot, and roll the wheel around. It will run up in the spokes and coat the hub over on the inside. Tiiat will keep the grease from g:oing up into the spokes, causing the spokes to work." He fixed his in this way. I, fool-like, without even thinking, fixed all of my wagons the same. These wagons were made up in two trains. My team was at that time a small pony team, a stallion and a mare. I drove tiiem together. They were hardy, well fed, and had had plenty of , exercise. They were good ones, tough and young. On the rear of these trains must be a sulky and second hand wagon to return in. There was a man who wanted to go with his team for t))e })ay and to see the country. He never had been over this road. I told him it was a hard trip. '' I tiiink your learn," said I, "taken up out of the pas- ture, will give out. They are old, too, and it is hot weather in July." He said they could stand it. I yielded, and told him he must have his horses' feet dressed up for this trip. This I did for him. The wagons were all wooden axled, and must all be greased. When I commenced to do this I soon began to do some big thinking. The rosin had got on the boxes, and when I put on the wheel and turned it, it would powder up, no matter how small the quantity. It would set the wheel ! I scraped and dug all off that I could, but I could not get it off. "I shall have trouble from this rosin business," thought I. "It will crumble off and wreck this traiii, just as sure as it moves." I greased 216 THE horse's bescue. up, and hung a big pail of grease on the hind end of the wagon. The hist job I did preparatory to this sail was to shoe and dress up my horses' feet the day before starting, put them in their stable, and gave them a good, soft bed. I had a young man at work for me in the shop ; the two first letters of his name were Clark Cheeny. In the morning, while I was harnessing my horses, this 3^oung man came to the barn with the shoeing tools. I had not looked at my horses' feet I had just shod them, and I did not know they had been out of the stable. What's up? I drove the mare a little ways last night and she tore oflt a shoe. This was sometliing she had never done before. The shoe was nailed, and the nails put in the same holes. I stood all this and more. If ever a man deserved damning and kicking he was one. After I returned from this trip I tracked up this sneak to see how far he drove the mare that night. I tracked him thirty miles. How much farther he lamed her that night I know not. So much for a sneak thief. I started on this hard trip, not in the best of humor, on account of my mare having been driven all night, and I being oblige to drive her all day. I had sailed only a few miles before I heard some of the biggest bugling I ever heard from wagons ; nearly all were playing, and all playing different tunes — ail caused by listenhig to what "They Say," says without thinking. The horses had all they could do to draw the wagons on level roads. Going on in this way for a short time, some of the wheels refused to turn, and slid on the ground. This will not do; it will kill the horses and spoil the wagons. This is a THE HORSES RESCUE, 217 nice shipwreck, and only three miles sail. Well, there is no other way except rig up and remove all the cause I can and sail on. It is no small job to take off forty wheels and clean off all this grease and rosin on the arms and in the hubs, and yet it is the only way out of this trouble. I suppose I shall have to learn by experience like all other heedless fools. I think when I put any more rosin in wagon hubs "They Say " will know it. This is the way I reasoned with myself. It was too late to use judgment and sense on this job. The wreck had already happened. After greasing up, I set sail again. It was down hill for a few miles, to Lake Cayuga> I crossed this lake on a ferry-boat. It was small, and we had to make two trips to get all over. It had rained hard all the night before, and the roads were somewhat muddy and slippery. There was no way out of this small town except to climb a lx)ng, steep, muddy clay hill, but it must be done. After the wagons had stood a while it was almost impossible for the horses to start them. The rosin had crumbled off and ground up with the grease, and I must say it is the poorest axle grease I ever had on a wagon. I took the lead with my train and suc- ceeded in getting it about a mile up this hill. After waiting a long time I saw the other train coming with only one wagon. " Beach," said I, " What's the racket now ? " "The horses could not draw all of the train. I commenced to drop off some and this is all I could get up with. That rosin has set the wheels on some. They are scattered all along down the hill." 218 THE horse's rescue. " Leave your team," said I. " I will take mine and we will repair and make up that train again." After greasing and cleaning off rosin, I sailed them np to the other train. We were not to the summit yet ; that was two miles farther. After i-igging up we set sail again. These wagons soon commenced to yell again. The grease was all gone and there was no place near to get any. •'"Well, Beach, they will have to yell until we get where we can get some grease ; this darn rosin busi- ness is the biggest eye-opener I have had in some time." We doubled teams and drew them up hills, then each would take his train. The horses could draw them down hill unless his train had too many wheels get set at one time. '*Il is hot, Beach ; these horses must rest, and these wagons must all be rosined off again and greased. I am going to try the farmers and see if I can get some lard and a little flour to put with it. They may not want to spare as much as I want ; it will t:»ke quite a loo. Beach, to grease all of these wagons, and we want some left in case some wheels should get set again. We must stop pulling these horses so or we will kill them all this hot weather. I see my mare favors one of her forward legs or feet. She must have hui-t her shoulder pulling up that first hill. I can't tell." We had anchored on level gi-ound; the mud was about two inches deep here, sticky clay. Tlie wlu'els were all loaded. I went to a farmer's house and asked them to sell me some lard and flour. "How much lard do you want?" THE HORSES RESCUE. 219 ''I would like twenty or twenty-five pounds." '' Oh, we can hardly spare as much as that." I told the lady my story about the wreck. "I will pay vou double price if you have srot it." I got the lard and repaired up again. After a few hours' wallowing around in mud, grease, and rosin, these wagons were getting play very fast by friction. That lielped the horses some. The w^agons did not receive much benefit. They ran better after this last treatment, as the yelling gradually subsided. There was another storm gradual!}^ arising. I had been watching that. If it kept on increasing it would completely shipwreck this train. This is the propell- ing power. In many ways the mare was getting lamer by degiees. I could not see the cause in the foot; the shoulder did not swell; that looked all right. '* Beach," I said, "We must anchor. These poor horses look tired." "It is not night yet." "ISTo matter, they must have rest." I did not rest much myself; I could see danger ahead. It was not on account of loss or lack of mo- ney to see me through ; I had about five hundred dol- lars in my pocket. This article I have found, when travelling, to be the best friend I ever had, and I never intended to get out of it if I could possibly help it. That would be the worst wreck I could make. What worried me was, I did not want to wreck this train, of which I was conductor. After stabling the horses, this rosin business had to be looked to on forty wheels. The yelling had quieted down. They had worn and cut so they would not got set; but there 220 THE horse's rescue. was great danger of their cutting and wearing at lout befoi-e I got them to market, caused by tliis rosin crumbling off and grinding np and setting some of the wheels to cutting. At any time and all of the time, if I could have got that old liar " They Say " by the nape of the neck I would have made him yell for a while, louder than these wagons did. Beach fed the horses. I heard a racket in the barn, and I went to see what was up. I found Beach there, one oC his horses, the oldest, choking, reeling, and about to fall. She was so old she could not masticate oats. She had been trying to swallow them without chewing, and had got choked. She succeeded in throwing them out of her throat and recovered. I did not know she was so old that she could not eat oats, until then. '' There is another danger to be looked to, Beach; that mare ought to be fed ground feed. This feed does not do her any good." *' Ob, she will go it. I have seen her in that fix often." In the morning we started this train on a new plan. This was, to move slow. Motion creates heat. All is out of harmony. The propelling power is not fit to run. When any of these wheels get to yelling we must stop and rosin and grease them. If this is not done some of these wagons will be spoiled. The skeins and boxes will be cut all out. In making up this train the stallion came out head up, full of life, ready for business; the mare was lame. Beach's team looked shrunken ; heads down. We moved on slowly, stopping often through the day. THE horse's rescue. • 221 Whe-n any of the wheels set up their yell we removed the cause. The lameness increased in my mare a lit- tle through the day. I could not see the cause. I well knew it was no nails that held the shoe on. She was vounsf. She had a coil's foot on her, and a irood one. "Beach, here is a hotel,'" said I. "The sun is two hour's high. We must stop here for the night. Switch oS beside the road. We will drop these trains. These horses are all very tired, and we will not kill them, if it takes all summer to get this train through." " Doan," replied Beach, "I don't like the looks of things here. Why, look at the sign ; it is all daubed and smeared over with something. Look over the door; that is all daubed." "Nevermind that," I rejoined. "I am going to anchor here for the night. It is a half day's drive to the next port for our horses with this train. It would be likely to kill some of the horses to make it to-night. Unhook ; let us get the horses in the barn and have a rest." All seemed very quiet around the barn and house. The landlord was asleep on a lounge, but he roused up and showed us where to put our horses. After this was done I saw him get a heavy log chain and pad-lock and go out to the wagons. He locked two wagons together on one of these trains. I asked him what he did it for. He said : " To keep folks from stealing them." "I think there is not muoh danger of that," said I. "They can get all the wagons they want now. There are some that are not locked. They can take them. 222 THE horse's rescuk Beach, this man is a trifle too honest. I think it will be well enough to watch him." We cared for the horses, making them as comforta- ble as our surroundings and circumstances would let us Tliis landlord watched for an opportunity to draw out Beach. He hgid noticed I was conductor of this train by hearing us talk, lie inquired about my circumstances financially in a round-about way. After conversing a short time he asked Beach if I carried much money with me. Beach told him: "Enough to defray expenses." This was- an eye-opener for Beach. He. did not sleep any that nigiit. He said to me: "There is something rotten hei'c, Doan." Beach was a man not easily discoui'aged and no coward, but he did not like the surroundings. Night came, and we went to bed ; that is, w^e pre- tended to. There was no sleep. Beach's head was out of the window all night. The racket commenced about eleven o'clock, by the baiking of dogs, five or six at one time. This was kept up all night, caused by comei's and goers. They seemed to be on hrrse- back. The landlord was up prowling around, and the visitors had business in and out of the barn all night. Beach was on the watch. He was where he could see them come and go from the barn. He yelled at some of them during the night. This hotel, I may say here, was not in a village. It was in a country place. l!i the morning we found our traps all in their places. Beach asked the landlord what the racket meant that we had heard all night? " Oh, there was a fellow who came to borrow a saddle." THE horse's rescue. 223 Beach did not swallow that. Later on he inquired about til is house, and learned from some that it was a hotel for horse-thieves. Tiie horses seemed to feel middliuii^ well iu the morniuiz:, after their ]on<]: rest — all 1)11 1 my lame mai*e. She was getting very lame. We moved on slowly. In the course of the day we passed through a toll-gate on an old worn plank-road full of broken planks and holes. I stopped, not want- ing to get up any row on the road with any one. I told him this train all belonged to me to pay toll on, which I well knew he had no right to take. I handed him a bill. He took out what he })leased. I did not look to see how much he did take. I mit t^>e chansre in my poclcet and moved op, the trair. all followitig. Aftei' uoinu" al)0ut two miles I heard a man Veliiniz-: I look«ed around ; I saw it was the gate-tender. It was hot ; he was a short fat man; he liad heated himself up bad. His face was vei'y red. He was wiping off tlie sweat. He yelled at me, and said I did not pay toll, only half. " If you don't pay the balance, and me for coming after you I will have you arrested for running the gate." *• I did not run the gate," I replied. *• I don't know how much you did take. How much do you want now r "I want one dollar." "I am going to stop at this hotel to feed. There we can arrange this matter. There is no hurry. It is not necessary for 3^ou to run yourself to death. In the first place I have not driven on these planks. My teams could not draw these wagons over these holes. 224 THE horse's rescue. How much will it cost me for running the gate, if I do not pay you the dollar?" ''Twenty-five dollars." "I think I will not give you any more money. I shall be back over this road in a few weeks. Then I shall want to drive on a trot. If you do not have this rubbish cleared out of the road I will have the stock- holders arrested for obstructing the highway. It is dangerous as it is." After feeding and taking a rest we moved on, the mare growing lamer all the time. After standing, it hurt her badly to start. We went three miles farther. Here was a hotel kept by a fat, red -faced, burly-look- ing fellow. We were tired. Beach says: '' If I had a drink of good whisky I would like it." This was the first time we had called for anything of the kind. Said Beach : " Cap, hav^ you got some good whisky?" '* Yes, sir; I have." He slammed a decanter down hard enough to break a common glass bottle all to pieces. ''•There is some that does not stink of tur- pentine." We turned out a little and smelt of it. Turpentine was all it did stink of. We smelled light of that and moved on. After traveling many miles, stopping often to let the horses rest and stop the yelling caused by rosin, we came to the foot of Addison Hill. This is a Icnjr heavv hill. It is about three miles from base to summit. "Beach," I remarked, "this is a settler; it is so hot. The road winds through the woods; not a THE horse's rescue. 22S breath of air. When we stop going np this hill we will have to block all of the hind wheels on all of these wagons, or the pressure above will back the light, wagons over the blockings. The horses can't hold them and rest. This will be lively work after you sino- out ' whoa.' This is the way 1 have always had to do. A prop dragging does more hurt than gjod. It will turn light wagons over. The weight settling back will raise up the light wagons and throw them all around in many ways. We must not pull these horses more than a rod at one time. In this T'-ay we must climb this hill, if we get up it." After working up this hill about half way I saw that one of Beach's horses was not right. It was not the one that got choked. This horse had stood it well up to this time. It was hot ; he was overdone ; he had, what is called by some, the thumps. It is the palpi- tation of the heart. "Beach, we must get these wagons out of the road and anchor here. That horse must not be drawn any more now. He would drop dead on this hill." We blocked up. took off the horses, got in the woods in the shade, and stayed there until it got cooler. After resting a few hours the sun got lower, and we tried it again. This horse had got over thump- ing, or liis heart had. We slowly worked up to the summit; then it went better. After about four or five miles we came to the river and pulled in at a hotel. There we were within fourteen n.iles of the port I was sailing for with one very lame mare. We put up for the night. In the morning I soon saw one •train wrecked. My mare's leg was badly swelled from 226 THE horse's rescue. lioof to top of shoulder. She stood with her weight foi'ward all on one foot. I moved, her around. She went on three legs. " Beach, tills looks like a shipwreck. Well, w^e can sail some yet. You can draw your train eight miles. It will be level that distance along^ the river. Then it will be six miles over heavy hills. Your team cannot draw the load up them. I will make a single harness out of my double harness and hitch the stallion single, and lead the mare behind, and leave the balance of my train. This is the best I can do." After rosining and greasing, we set sail again. Beach ahead now, I in the rear, the mare with a long rope tied to her head, so as to give her plenty of room she hobbling along on three legs. The mud was deep along the rivei*. It had rained nearly every day since we started ; showers many times a day ; then it would come off hot. We moved slowly, stopping often. In time we sailed eight miles. Then we must take leave of the river and climb hills. Tliis cannot be done with any propelling power we have got." " Beach, drop off here all of the wagons but one, and we will sail on. I tliink we can get through with two vrao^ons. I wish to make the Dort I started for with some of this train, if it is wrecked, as it will be, and badly, too. There we can repair up. It is at my father's farm. We can turn out some of these horses and they can rest up, that will help them." Headers, you can see us winding our way up and down the heavy hills of the state of Pennsylvania with a small part of this wreck. I am going to tell you the cause as soon as I find it. A little before night we THE horse's rescue. 227 arrived at my father's house. This is where I always found welcome. Welcome was always around there Xo his children, of which he had not a few. There were eleven boys and two girls, scattered all over the country. These arrivals were no surprise to him. It was a common thing for some of them to sail into this port daj^s and all times of the night. Sometimes four and five would be in this port at one lime, to rest up and repair up wrecks, and it was all free. Reader, I assure you it took some hard knocks and some hard work to keep this free port open. I have sailed into this port to repair up many wrecks, sailing over these hills with wagons and horses. They would happen in some way with all I could do to prevent. When we arrived this time he soon saw there was another wreck. He was out flying around (he was no sit-still), strip- ping the harness off the horses. " Gerari has got his thumb in his mouth. That is a su-i'e sign things are not going to suit him." '^Father, this pony has come this long journey, and drawn heavy loads. She is growing worse all the time, and I have not been able to find the cause; it commenced the first day. If I ijadsome shoeing tools I would take off her shoe and give her foot a thorough examination." "Those can be had." Frank was started for the tools on a run. Beach's horses were cleaned and turned out in a shad}^ pasture. Frank soon came with the tools. I removed the shoe, and commenced this search by paring thin shavings off the sole of the foot. I soon saw the cause of all this trouble. There was a row of nearly square 228 THE horse's rescue. spots. These formed a circle the shape of the shoe, ai]d the spots were the same distar.ee apart that the holes in the shoe were. I took my knife and cut in a little, and the matter spurted out thieefeet. I cut the other three open in the same way. They all dis- charged in about the sam.e way. These spots, or places where these nails went in her feet, were under the shoe when it was on. "It was a wonder she did not die wdth lock jaw. If I had a pint of tar I could soon make her quite easy from pain." Frank was started on a three-mile sail, on a run. He soon came back with the tar. While he was gone I made a boot for her foot. It had a sole on it, and laced up. I put in plenty of tar, put on this boot, laced it up, secured well, and turned her out in the pasture. One of my brothers took his team and we pulled in the first wrecked train. The other train I pulled in two at a trip, with the stallion. These wagons all had to be washed. They v/ere all one complete daub of mud. They had worn all of the play they would need. Rosin is the poorest axle tree grease in the world ; that I know. I have had a trial of it. I never tried the best. I have seen it advertised. Beach spent ten days viewing the country while waiting for liis poor old horses to rest and recover what they had lost from many causes, preparatory to sailing this road over again. One he hitched to the sulky, led the oldest behind, and sailed out on Addison Hill ; at the very spot where the one he was then driving gave out with the palpitation of the heart, the one that he led dropped dead in the road the first day. Anothei^ THE horse's rescue. 229 wreck. She was removed out of the highway and we sailed on. In a short time the other's heart began to thump, and he had to stop then. In this way, after many days, he arrived home. This horse, before we started, was quite a good farm horse. He can never endure any more hard work. Beach went with me on another trip a few years after, over this same road. We got through better ; we had learned by experi- ence. I was obliged, with my small pony stallion, to draw all of these wagons around over heavy hills to market them. They were a hard-looking lot to sell. I was obliged to trade and traffic some, for cattle and then sell them — horses the same ; no rest for me. They did not shine quite so much as they did when I started. A little varnish makes a vast difierence, in some folks' judgment, in many ways and about many things. They will bite a shiny bait very quick. It will attract their attention. My wagons looked like second-hand. Well, they were, and I knew it; but I had as good a right to sell second-hand wagons aa others for all I could get, and at it I went. After six weeks hard work they were disposed of in many ways. This mare's foot must be looked to to see what condi- tion it is in. The boot is on and has been for six weeks. She has been over her lameness for a long time. She has run in the pasture. The first treat- ment, when I put this boot on, is all she ever had to her, and it has been six weeks. I am going to sail this road over again. The last thing to be done, always, with me, preparatory to a sail on land with horses, is to prepare their feet all at one time ; no 230 THE horse's rescue. botching and hurting about this business on the horse's foot at any time on nny horses or on any man's horse. This is a rule I always have adhered to. The best I can do, it will be bad enough for the horse in a short time. I rem.oved the boot; the foot had grown, that is, the hoof had. Tiiere had not been any wear on the hoof on this foot on account of the boot, and it had useless hoof on. That did not effect her much in pasture. I pulled all of this mare's shoes ofiE when I turned her out. This is the way to do with all horses. Examining this mare's foot, the old sole was all loose, or nearly so. I took it all off. Underneath there was a new sole grown. At this time and stage of growth it was white and soft and very tender. There was no contraction. Tlie foot had not had iron nailed on it. It had its libert3^ I must get back to my shop and see to business there. This foot must be fixed and this tender sole and growth must be protected. IC this is mutilated now and she gets fever in her hoof it will ruin her. She must have something to protect the sole for this drive — a wide web, and a very thin, light shoe. It is something of a chore to fix this foot up, to keep all protected, and keep the mare sailing on the road and not spoil her; and yet it can be done, and this is the way to do it: The dirt and sand must all be kept out of the foot. It will be necessary to have a piece of calf-skin large enough to cover over the bottom of the foot and come up above the ankle, so as to form a boot leg. For fear this might wear through on the bottom and let in dirt and gravel, there must be another thicker piece, the size of the foot, put over THE horse's rescuk 2C1 « that, and the shoe nailed over all It requires some patience and skill to nail this shoe on the foot and get it all in good shape, and not prick the foot with nail?, with only one-quarter of an inch shell to drive nails in. and that all covered up out of sight with leather; and yet this was done. I have bent over thousands of horses' feet, fixing them in this way and many other w^ays, until I almost see stars. After getting this shoe on nicely there must be some tar warmed, not hot ; I do not want to spoil the new growth on this tender foot by burning in any way. This damned burning busi ness I am down on, on horses and on everything else. That belongs back in the dark ages. I poured a little tar in at the heel, pulled up the calf-skin around the ankle, laid it in plaits, and sewed it. Ko tying to shut off the circulation. It took me some time to fix this foot. There are many things to look to working on horses' feet. The foot was not contracted. This job suits me. The frog has a rest in the center on the ground. I am ready to sail again. This treat- ment on the foot where nails have been driven in the foot by accident or any other way is good. I alwavs made a success in this way. Care must be token of the foot or it will contract. That will spoil the foot and horse at the same time. I have seen lots of horses spoiled in this way by not taking proper care of the foot. If it should contract, spread it, and hold it out. It is easy to do this. I sailed home ; no wreck on the way ; not a limp on that booted foot, and I left it on until the boot wore through. By that time the foot had got quite hard. I kept it protected for some time. I am going to tell 282 THE HORSES liESCUE. yoa the cause of nearlj" all this trouble and shipwreck. Part was my fault. That rosin business was my fault. I listened to that old liar, "They Say." I did not use reason until it was too late. I thiiik Beach's horses would have made that trip if it had not been for rosin. They were lugged to death. There was no let-up on them. They had to draw up and down grade nearly all the route, and no help for it. Tliey were not fed up for such a trip, and were old ; and yet we could have favored them and would, and we did all we could. Eosin would block the wheels, and blocked the game. Part of this wreck was caused l)y a sneak thief, taking my mare out of my stable in the night, lambing her around all night, tearing ofl or twisting around her shoe, and causing her to drive four nails into the bot- tom of her foot. That was the biggest eye-opener I ever had at that time. I had had some before, one about nine months previous to this. That caused me to stare, but as it is on another subject I will save that for another book, which I intend to write. These eye- openers caused me to begin to think more and use more reason and all the good judgment and good sense I could command about all things. I am using more of these articles now than I ever used in all my life, and vet I make some mistakes. These wrecks and mis- takes have all been lessons to me. It has been so all through life — wreck, repair, and sail What is the use of getting scared ? Let us go on with this horse sail. You cannot ex- pect to own and drive horses without having some lame in some way and in many ways. The only thing THE horse's rescue. 233 we can do is to remove all the cause we can, and keep it removed. It has been some time since you have heard from the old white mare. She is doinj^ finely. She is im- proving all the time. Her shoulders are nearly alike. When she trots fast she seems a little stiff. I am not goino- to move out of this town, on account of this old mare. She is far better off now than I expected her to become when I commenced on her. I am well paid for my labor if she never improves any more. I have worked on this mare five months. It is March now. 1 shall soon want to sell her. She is of no use to me any more. It will be a rather hard job to sell her, for she is very old. I must let her go if I give her away. They will not know this mare in this town. She has not been seen in a long time. She does not look like that old mare I had towing around the streets last fall, and no argument can be used to convince them, and I shall not try. I want her off my hands. I am going to start this science in another place, if I can. This has been a tough town to work on the horse. It has about killed me. I have taught all of the time, and no one seems to be interested in my science, that is, to learn it. I cannot get their attention except when I am buo-ling in the streets, and that has become a common thing with them. They do not seem to un- derstand what I am trying to do. They stare a. little and o-o about their business, unless I set up a yell. Then they go for me: ''Say, Doan, what do you do for a horse that has got a sore neck?" '' Where is your horse ?" 284 THE horse's rescue, "I»r\ the barn over here a little way." " I cannot tell until I see tlie horse." " Come, go over and see him." *' I will go with you." After travelling about half a mile— " It's that big gray ; his neck is awful sore, and has been a long time. I have used lots of stuff on it. I can't heal it up." " It is chawed up ; that is certain." " Now what would you do for that?" ' *'I would remove the cause Yevy quickly if he was my horse, and you can do that as well as I." "What would you do?" "I would t:ike off tliat collar and hnims, tlie weight off his neck ; wash his nt-ck cleiin with castile soap, grease it widi bntter or lard, castoi' oil, or sweet oil, an}^ of these things will make it feel better. It would get well without anything after the cause is re- moved." The fact is, ignorance is the greatest di'awback a man ever had This team of horses was not very well matched. As for size, one was a small, low pony , the other was a tall, rangy horse. The tongue of the wagon was heavy enough for an ox-cart; ilic yoke was very heavy ; tlie brea$t-strap3 were buckled up short on the tall horse in such a way that he had to hold at least two-thirds of this weight on his neck. The collar was a small, nearly worn out thing, cut apart at the top and let down, Vv'ith no pad. The collar lacked five inches of reaching to the top of the neck; the hames were drawn tight together with a hard strap, and that was twisted at that. I told liim to remove all of this THE horse's rescue. 285 rubbish, and keep it off, and his horse's neck -vrould get well in a very short time; then put sonnething on him fit for a horse to work in, and if you must use that carl-tongue and ox-yoke, there are plenty of hickory saplings ; cut one, run it under the forward axle, bend it down and strap it to the tonguo. Tliat will take two-thirds of the weight off these poor • horses' necks. What is the use of these horses stand- ing tied all day to posts with this weight on their necks? It gets painful. lahvays keep all the weight off my horses' necks that I can. It is not much trouble, and if it is it will pay you, and save A'our horses suffering more tlian you are aware of. They will endure more : tlieir necks will keep their shape, and will not get sore if they have a good collar well fitted, and hames to fit them. You cannot have nice horses and have them all chawed up with rubbish for harness. "Say, Doan," says another, "my mare is getting wind-puffs on. What do you do for them?" " Keep the liorse natural ; that is the way I do it." "You're a good talker." The fact was I was getting very tired talking, and keeping so many horses all sailing, doing all of the work, but very little pay. I begun to get a little sour. I could not help it. They did not use and take care of their horses as well as I did, and the}^ could spoil them faster than I could cure. I am not going to give up this horse fight yet. I am going to come out with this old white mare. I will give them one good surprise before I leave this town. These are facts I am writing. They are no dreams or fictitious tales. 236 THE HORSE'S RESCUE. I dressed up this old mare a little for this surprise. She was fat and clean ; not a stain on her. I kept her so all of the time. She did not stand in the stable to do this, she had been driven nights, not to dcaih, then half starved. She had the best of care all of this time in all ways. I had been in this barn with her nights for nearly six months, more than half of my time. Of course I was not always to work on her. Looking at her I cannot tell why I did this, only I was pleased with the result. It was a big thing. She looked young around her head. Her eyes are large, bright, and full now. The skin is filled out plurnp with flesh. She shows no wrinkles around the nose; she never did much, like some horses. She is full of life , she looks a little wild out of her eyes. I cleaned and combed her tail. She had a long tail that almost touched the floor. Her mane had grown, though it looked a little ragged where the collar had chawed it before I got her. I drove her in breast collar. I wanted to give her neck a chance to fill up. I was doing my best on this old mare to please myself, and at my own expense, and it was no business of any man. I combed and parted her foretop, braided it to keep it out of her eyes, and braided ribbons in so as to make tassels. This I always do on my horses in hot weather. I do not want my hair hanging in and over my eyes. I cannot see as well. Besides, it will annoy a horse, and cause him to toss his head when he gets sweaty. I put on a new harness, hitched to a light buggy, and sailed out. After driving a while on the ourskirts of the town I sailed down Main street. It so happened there was a band of musicians blowing THE HORSES KESCL E. 237 their bagles. This mare liked music; it waked her up somef She put on more style on that account, and yet I did not attract much attention ; neither did the horse. After driving around this town a few hours I did not seem to surprise any one ; then I began to get surprised myself. I talked with some; they did not know this mare. There was only four in this town that knew this mare, and no argument could convmce them that it was the same old mare I led around that town six months previous, and talked in many places and told them I was going to try to cure her without medicine or mutilating her in any way. I told them thev would not know her, and they did not. Doctor Woodrough's residence and mine joined. George, his son, was a horse-trainer by profession. His brother was around the stables. These three men knew what I was doing, and trying to do. Our barns joined. I made the fourth man that knew this mare in this town. They had seen her often, and watched the change. While driving around this town I passed a grocery. There were several standing around. The Woodrough boys were there. They saw me pass. Says George : " There goes Doan witli that old mare he had towing around here last fall." I overheard them talking, but I did not stop. It was no use. I sailed on. George and his brother got up quite a racket about it. They told me these men said this mare I was driving was a colt. I had let that old mare go long ago. They would bet twenty-five dollars it was not the same old mare. The boys were ready to bet with them, but it turned out all wind, as it usually did. I always had money to 238 THE hosre's rescue. back up this great science, and have got some now. There is no danger of losing on my side. That I well know. After all this hard winter's work only a few liave learnt anything, for this reason, they cannot see as I have (lone anything on that old m?.re I had last fal]. She is changed so her identity is forever lost to them. They can see nothing but that old mare I was towing around last fall, and they cannot see her. I can see them both at the same time. With science I can change young horses in a very few days so much their owners would not know them if I did not tell them anything about it. They dare not swear it was their horse, for this reason. I have been called a dangerous and bad man ; some have told me they would not dare take their horses in my shop. Such cowards must drive stiff horses. I have had horses so lame and stiff they could hardly move ; if they did it hurt them very bad — brought to me to cure. Before I was allowed to commence on them I must give se- curity three and four times the horse's worth, for fear I mif^ht spoil them. I would like some of these afraid and cowardly men to tell me how it would be possible to spoil one of these horses. They are already spoilt, and some have been for many years. Thej^ can be made worse by these effect doctors in many ways, and are, and they are paid well for doing it. I never heard of one case in my life where they were asked to civc security if they killed these horses burning and rnutilatino^ them. Some died with the lockjaw, caused bv scatons being put in their shoulders. Some do get killed by these effect doctors ; some stand the torture THE horse's rescue 239 well. It is surprising how much tliej can stand of this treatment and live and w^ork, their feet murdered to death at the same time. My God ! they must be toue^h. Poor old gray, we must soon part, To do this, it will almost break my heart ; We liave roamed together almost night a*id day, Prom the mill T have carried middlings and given 3-ou good hay. This is hard for both you and me ; To help other poor horses tliere is no other way that I can see, Thi:i great discovery I must introduce; Ti:crc arc tlionsands likt; you suffering tlie same abuse. I liave changed yon back as your creator intended you to be; If there is any defect in this job they cannot see. Xo mercy to you they will t^how, Through deep mud and snow you will have to go; It v.-ill not be long, this abuse you will have to endure, You're getting tild; your time is most out, that is sure. They arc such poor judges of species of your kind, They cannot tell if you are old, stiff, lame, or blind. On l^ie road they will pound yon tlirough Night and day, with or without a shoe; If any slioes they do put on. They're often a tli.ousand times t\^orse than none. Poor old marc, after 3'on I have sold, On you I can not have any more control. You will have to take your chances as all others do; I may never hav you again to shoe. Up and down hills you will have to go, With all lengths of levers on your toe. This pain and suffering your driver cannot feel; Its effect extends from top of shoulder to the heel, Tf you could talk and tell them where tlic cause all laid, Then to part w»t,h you I would not bo so much afraid; But as this complicated matter now stjinds. There is no safety in any man's hands. The trouble with your feet will not be all you will have to endure, You will have to sleep on piles of stinking, rotten nianurn. 240 THE HORSES RESCUE. How all this trouble and sufEering can be overcome Is more than I can tell, j'our drivers are so dumb. Nearly all of 3^our fellow-creatures are in the same plight, Tlie same as you, they are obliged to suffer day and night. With sore cords, pains, and aches in their feet, Some are so bad they cannot stand long enough to eat. I would like to relieve the suffering of all of your kind; IIovv to do it I cannot tell, they all seem so blind. This is the reason why I put you av/ay, Is to see if I can introduce this some other way. On all of the centers I have equalized your weight, Taken off the toe-lever, and made your feet mates; And put the structure of your foot all in harmouy of action. And it would stay so if it weren't for run-over feet, leverage, arid con- traction . 'By ironing the feet this cannot be prevented With any steel or iron shoe that man has ever invented. The dangers that you are surrounded with are many ; 1 do not know as I can help you to steer clear of any. That old ditch called the canal is close by ; That is where old horses like you are taken to die. When horses like you have been crippled and old, To go on the canai then thej'' are sold. To last one trip is sometimes all they care. In doing this they are sr-.ipped of flesh, hide, and liair. I have seen them in herds ploddmg their way Toward this ditch, there to end up their day. When you were young and limber you had better horii6s, Now you are stiff, j^ou must have all the fiesli chawed off your bofiSs. This ia the best place for that that can be found. Search where you will, the world all round. It serves all the same, young, limber, stiff, or blind; A worse place for a horse or a mule you cannot find. It galls and chafes them both fore and aft, All caused by so much side draft. Horses on this ditch can never travel and draw on a straight liild. If men had this work to do it would be tedious they would find. 'ihis side draft can never be overcome, this is sure — Picm.ove the cause, no medicine is required to perform the cixt& Water to walk on by man or beast the creator never nmde, THE horse's rescue. 241 In that we have to swim, drown, or wade. In order to do away with this side draft that galls them so In the center of this ditch and water they would have to go ; If the water was shallow so they could wade and not be drowned. Then in this case they would always be aground ; If the water wa.s deep enough for the craft to float, These poor horses could not swim and draw a loaded boat I cannot see any argument in favor of this ditch use; It always has been a great place poor horses and mules to abuse. Their suffering with pen and ink I cannot portray ; I think this old ditch ought to be done away, For many other reasons besides the horse's abuse. It's had its day and outlived its use. It always was a center for corruption and crime ; It's outlived its day and had its time. It always has been a slow-poke of a way to travel at best In my boyhood days I took it in my head to go West. On this stinking ditch four hundred miles I traveled; It was lock up hill, lock down, in no place level. All this long sail my fare I paid, And yet more than half of it on foot I made. Sometimes I would be many miles ahead Viewing the country, sitting on verandahs in the shade. You may call it what you will, good or bad luck, Every few days all these crafts in the mud are stuck. The cause of all this shipwreck was many miles away; No one could tell how long in this stinking mud they would have to stay. Of all the nuisances that ever were on the face of this earth This old stinking ditch called the canal is the worst. All must wait for the breach to be repaired : These poor horses and mules, my God! how they faredl In mud, cold, and sleet, necks girdled clear^around, Obliged 10 stand up and sleep, no place fit to lie down. In its day it might have been of use if they could have used other power ; As it has been and now is, on them is only slaughter and devour, To navigate this old ditch with this power or any other It always would be crowded with wrecks and bother. 242 THE horse's rescue. My object in going West was the country to view ; Of course I wanted to see all that I traveled through. I was green, of course, as all new-beginners musi be, But experience soon taught me down in this ditch I could not seo. Down in this small, stinking cabin I cannot sta}^. If I do all of my money and time will be thrown away. The next course for me, I think, to pursue "Will be to go on deck, there I can have a better view. There in the scorching sun I seated myself on a box ; In a very short time my head received an awful knock. After my brains were nearly knocked out, " A bridge ahead!" I heard four or five shout. These arches are quite thick across this old stinking pool, A man will soon get his eyes open unless he is a fool. Before he has traveled on this ditch very far He will soon learn these bridges to beware. All was new to me, I was always gaping around, " Lay down there, unless you want your bones ground," As quick as thought I ducked my head down ; This was a narrow escape from being killed or drowned. I do not want to be drowned in stinking water like this; It's unsafe, I know, but I will run a little more risk. I have paid my fare through on this boat, And I am going to keep track as long as there is a plank to float. This is rather tough to sit here in the hot sun and heat, And see sore horses whipped, pounded, and beat. This craft, too, moves at such a very slow rate. If I was in a hurry it would be tedious to wait. While seated on the stern of the boat, looking about, I heard another yell, " Bridge ahead I look out!" Nearly all of the boat under the bridge had passed, As quick as thought, my safety was the bridge to grasp. This I very quickly saw, to save my life, must be done. The craft moved on ; over^the center of this ditch I hung. In those days I was young, resolute, strong, and spry. If I lose my hold it will be wade, swim, or die. Over the bridge-rail, heels over head, I went. By this time I hud thought my money was foolishly spent. If I do not keep my eyes open, and a better look-out. THE horse's rescue. 243 I shall get killed or drowned before I get to the end of this route. On the sea of life we must all sail ; t is no kind of use to bawl, weep, or wail. I am going to try the tow-path awhile and see how that will go ; It is hard to pay my fare on this craft and go afoot, 1 know. It's not much fun to sit on that boat and watch bridge.s ahead, And run the risk of having- your brains knocked out of your head. 'The poorest investment in my life that I ever made It was when my fare on this old craft I paid. it was on a pleasure trip when I sec sail that I was bound; Dead in this old stinking flitch I did not want to be found. I liave shipped aboard, I Avon't back out, I am going to see this craft through to the end of the route. It won't do for me to get very far ahead: I may lose track — their horses, too, are liable to drop dead. Horses on the canal never get tired on their legs, They are in such a hurry they must eat, while they work, out of bags. When it came night, in this craft to sleep I would go ; And that could not be done, the musketoes speared me so. The bullfrogs would all begin their bugles to blow ; It seemed to me they all tried each other to outdo. All seemed to be blowing their biggest blast, And all trying each other to outlast. This bugling was kept up during the nights ; To make matters worse, on the Low-path there would be fights. This craft they tried night and day to run, And that was out of the question, impossible to be done. Every few days this old ditch out this slime would spew, Tlien all would be wrecked — boat, passengers, horses, and crew. This was so this whole route, along the whole line There was a racket about something nearly all of the time. At that time when all was in repair and new There was a large amount of produce crowded through. In the summer to this old ditch it would center ; Not a pound could they carry through the cold long winter. In the summer manv times they would wait and tarry, All for the want of more freiglit to carr3\ In long summer days could be seen idle crew In the fall they would all have more than they could do. 244 THE horse's rescue. The cause of all this and all other fluctuations Is the want of system and better regulations. In the fall, when the most work was to be done, This old ditch was crowded full and overrun. Right in the worst time j'ou could have this work to do, It's froze up solid ; there is no such thing as getting through. "Wc have got business, resolute men of this make, This ice for many miles they will pound and break. In order their freight to market to get They will work night and day in cold and wet. In this last fluctuation in the fall. With man}^ it's make or break, perhaps lose all. After all these poor men and horses have done, It's full of loaded boats unable to run. '^ "With any power this old ditch to navigate. It always would have to be done at this slow rate. In its day it was the best they could do, It was all well enough, it was all they knew. Better power has now taken its place. To lay out money on this ditch is only waste ; To keep it up in repair, I mean. If men think and have eyes it can be seen With railroads and steam it never can compete ; Nearly always wrecked, and that, too, in fleets. If 3-0U try to sail it is only half the year round, And then in fleets 3^ou're frozen in or on the ground; Then the produce you are trying to market take. The people would all starve before the port you could make; And that is not all ; you cannot get the work to do. They will not wait for this old ditch- to crowd it through. To conduct the produce of a country through such a place Must always be attended with shipwreck, trouble, and waste. This is the way it always has and will have to be done, These troubles never will nor never can be overcome. There is nothing in favor of this stinking ditch can be said ; A man might use a little argument in its favor if he was out of his head. You cannot carry perishable produce at any time of the year ; It will not be long, if you get any to carry it will be queer, They cannot carry hogs, cattle, neither alive nor dead. THE horse's rescue. 245 They would all die, s.ink, and carrion before the port was made. ^ This ditch, there is no safety shipping anything on it ; It IS liable to get sick itself any time, and vomit. There can be hundreds and thousands cf things said To prove this old stinking ditch called the canal is dead. "What surprises me the most is it lived as long as it did, Take in consideration the filth and corruption it has been fed. The railroad now must take the lead, On corruption and carrion it does not feed. And furthermore, it's got more sea to sail. And with it carries the United States mail. All over this republic its centers are made, All systematized, and has got the balance of trade. The producer his products to market can get this way ; It can be marketed and get return the same day. This system causes produce more evenly to run, This is the way fluctuation in trade away must be done. With railroads all systematized and running on this plan, It's folly any longer through this ditch produce to try to cram, For many years it has gradually been falling to decay, It's became a nuisance now, and should be out of the way. It to rise again it never can, that is plain to see, The pioduce of the country from it seems to flee, I cannot see where any longer it's of any kind of use. Only make slaves to pay taxes, and stiff, lame, bhnd horses to abuse. We cannot help what has already been done. But we can prevent any more suffering and crime from this source to come, In this way — clear away this rubbish, it's no longer of any use, It will do away with lots of crime, suffering, eind abuse. Clear away old rubbish and make room for new, This is what all mankind on this globe have always had to do ; This is so all over this world, sail the globe around, Through this purifying mill we all have to be ground. This old stinking ditch has a long time been dead, And yet with corruption, filth, and carrion of all kinds it's fed. With disease it is constantly inoculating along the whole route, By puking, vomiting, and spewing this carrion out. As it now is and always has been, empty or full, Do all you can, and yet it's a stinking old cestipool. 246 THE HORSES RESCUE. It w^ll get sick, and out this slime and corruption will run, Neirly always, when this takes place, great damage is done Abandon now thu old nuisance, tliis has got to be ; The inhabitants of course frum it cannot very well flee. All full of pools of dead, inanimate corruptions it lies. This IS the cause of sickness, disease; in this it has its rise. There is only one way left now that I can see, As the people do not want to leave their farms and houses and flee, Is to bury this center of filth and corruption under ground, "With other dead things of tlie past, so deep it cannot be iound. T.iis should many years ago been done, Instead of squandering the people's money trying to make a dead thing run. There should many years ago appropriation have been made. And men set to work with scraper, plow, pick, shovel, and spade. With some good live men this job to superintend, This would not be a great task . it would soon come to an end. This work lor our country's sake should now begin ; It would save a multitude of suffering, crime and sin. Fine palaces to build, to make tyrannical laws. To punish the effect, will not remove the cause. If with tramps you do not want to be overrun, Something besides making tyrannical laws must be done. There never has been a law that the people could not break, And they always have and always will for liberty's sake. That tramp law smells to hell of tyranny and oppression: It's a disgrace to a school district, town, country, state, or nation. Do not be in a hurry your neighbor and brother man to pursue , Look around ; there may be some one m pursuit of you. "With such corrupt legislation as we now have got All are liable to stink carrion and rot. A worse law m legislative halls you could not make, It caused all paupers and tramps a different course to take — " As we can no longer for help with safety to the people appeal, It's safer now, when our money is all gone, to steal." That damned tramp law is got up on such a wise plan It's bound to take our liberty away, do the best we can. These smart and good and wise men to the center of eacli state we have sent THE horse's rescue. 247 To ruip MS legislating lor themselves, they seem hell bent If they ut? The first thing you know you will be all turned mside out. If you should make a law to confine me even to a stake, That would be the first ilimg with me that law to break. With knapsack on my back, through mud and snow, without a cent, Night and day I wotild travel to break that taw I would be hell bent This would be just the way our liberty and freedom was bought ; For seven long years the soldiers suffered, died, and fought. Tyrants, do you think you can our liberty legislate away? If you do, try it: you will find some of the same mettle ihey had m that day. It doss seem to me the first principles of this government you have lost; The way jon legislate, act, talk, you seem to thmk yourselves boss. We do not intend to pay you much longer to rob us, we will have you know : The first thing you know, out of our legislative halls you will go. Legalized thieves and robbers of yourselves you have made, And at that damned business you have carried on heavy trade, To rob us and build up powers of your own : These facts to us have a long time been kiwwn. Steal our hard-earned money, to buy yourselves a position, Then legislate to make ten times worse our condition ; Enact laws to prevent us from so to do. Then sell us and yourselves to this damned robbing crew. This is what you have been doing for many long years; Weep for your crimes now with scalding, bitter tears. You have been now in the balances weighed. No more confidence to do our business in you can be paid. Our great ship of state you have wrecked and stranded, iHE horse's rescue. 249 Quarreling and fighting for yourselvs a position it to man. You have scuttled tills ship and deserted it, too, This is just the way all robbers and pirates do. There is no use of denying this, it is all true, And worse, 3*ou have done, you have murdered some of the crew. Poor Garfield you shot down without any cause; He has been these many years battling against tyrannical Jaws. My God ! what do you think is going to become of this nation ? Rob us in many ways, fight, murder — all for a position. All the legislation for many years for yourselves that you have done, It has made your own condition worse, no good to us by it can come. All over our great republic this legalized robbing we have had ; They have shipwrecked the whole fleet, and now they are play ng grab. For little or no service big bills are poured in, just take note — My good God ! no wonder this fleet no longei could float, Wiih such men as we have had to steer this fleet of our nation. If they are allowed to go on they will sail us to hell and damnation. If we follow them any longer the course they are pursuing You will get all the hell you want ; it's already brewing. In the case of Guiteau, look at the useless expense of his trial ; He committed the act ; that was seen; it will admit of no denial. Poor, unhappy, unfortunate man he must be. And his case could have been disposed of without so many rolbers to fee. In either case, insane or of sound mind, A verdict against him they would have to find. About this poor, unfortunate man I shall have no more to say ; I do not believe in hanging or killing my fellow-man in any way. As things look now. something will soon have to be done : In this corruption the fleet of the United States cannot run. The only way now that T can see to pursue Is 10 clear away this damned rubbish and begin new. For condemned they are by the overruling power: If they are allowed to go on, themselves and all others they will de- vour. They seem no longer able to keep this ship afloat, They might possibly run an old, stinking canal boat. If that they should wreck there would not be so much loss. Such a craft as that they might possibly get to boss. 250 THE horse's rescue. Their works are enough to condemn them , no more evidence is needed; Their power in thousands of ways they have exceeded. Our servants to represent us we iiave sent to the center of our nation. They have been duped — bought to make unwise legislation. Some men have such an awful greed for the glitter of gold, They will sacrifice the lives and property of a nation and let u be sold. And that is the power now with it this nation they are trying to run, To rob us of that first that had to be done; They all seem trying to see which can get the biggest pile. In doing so they have got into a devil of a rile The ilag of seventeen hundred and seventy-six will not fade, The stripes for tyrants and traitors, thieves, robbers, they were made. Some seem trying their level best to pull it down; On their wise and honest, faithful heads put a crown. This government on the opposite principle was built to run To put crowns on our hired help ; I think it will be hardly dons For many years, now we have lived under monarchical reign, And now it has become despotic. Some are being slain. Robberies and riots all over our country we have had, Now it looks as though corruption and misrule had run mad. There is no use trying to cover it up : it stares you square in the face. The way our government for many years has been run is a disgrace. It would be tedious for a man to write where this corruption all had its rise, If lie knew, and had the time, and was ever so wise. Just to open your eyes I will give you a little history of a few. In the first place, we are sold to this damned robbing crew ; We are taxed and robbed in thousands of ways ; "Without representation they have made us underlings and slaves. They are usurpers of power which to them does not belong ; They raised their own salaries themselves, and that was wrong.. The people never authorized them this mean business to do ; It was all planned by that robbing, sneaking, treacherous crew, That was done in the beginning of that great General Grant reign. Right in the very time when all around was to be slain. Our country was in danger ; the rebels in destruction it had laid ; To render us a little assistance fifty thousand dollars a j^ear to him must be paid And that must be secured a term eight years long I THE horse's kescuil 251 Fellow-citizens, if you do not dear jourselves of ihese sappers you are ^one. la this salary grab, of course, tiiey all had to take a hand • Like all other corruptions, it is contagious ; it spread all over the land. To double like this is easy for you, wo all very -well know, But we iiave to work for very small pay, and that comes slow. You doubled our taxes on tliat damned robbmg raid, And now you put on pomp and show, and eay these taxes must bo paid, And if you do not pay it we will sell you out of house and home, . And as paupers and thieves over the country you shall roam. It seems to me for servants j'ou are putting' on considerable style ; The first you know, out of our legislative halls you will go in a pile ; Tliis damned tyranmcal yoke wo do not much longer intend to wear . We have stood now about all we can possibly bear. For frauds, robberies, and corruptions all other iiations you have out- done, If that is what you are trying to do, you excel, I will not except one. Even old ancient Rome you outdo in your blind race for gold — For that their happiness, country, honor, and lives were sold. As for you, General Grant, something more must be done; Such services for your country and great laurels you have won ; A crown should be put on your head, you should have another fee, Of thia whole band of robbers you should be kmg bee. This honor you certainly have won, it is plain to be seen. To see tliis the people do not have to be very keen. It is widespread and well known over the land, That robber chief you have become of this entire robbing band. Now, sir, I do not see as we can honors any more on you bestow; "We are getting very poor; you hav squandered our money and robbed us so. Raising the salaries all over our whole entire nation. It affected all, rich and poor, all in the same relation. It caused men who had the poor laborers in their employ To close up. " We cannot run, these heavy taxes do us so annoy." Some would try a little longer to run by cutting wages down ; This has caused thousands, what are now called tramps, to run around To see if they could get some work, employment find ; And now for doing so they have lUvide laws to make it a crime. . 252 THE horse's rescue. Mr. Grant, do you not know to prison for begging we have to go, All caused by you and your damned rotten, robbing crow? You have robbed us and on us heavy taxes laid, And criminals and slaves and paupers, too, of us you have made. When you pilot of our nation eight years were made, Four hundred thousand dollars to you was paid. And extras that all cost us money were thrown in, And now you are around begging for help again. "What you did with all that money of course we do not know. Unless you spent it sailing around, setting yourself up for a monkey show. If now a beggar and pauper vou have got to be AftPf all we have done to help you, it is of no use any longer that I can see. You will have to take your chances as all beggars and paupers do. Tour money has been spent without doubt for pomp and show ; Of ours we have been robbed by heavy taxes to pay you And your damned, corrupted, thieving, robbing crew. We do not intend any longer by you robbers and tyrants to be run ; To work and slave night and day for small pay is no fun, And give it to you to squander and sow broadcast, And be shipwrecked, made paupers, and in prisons at last. Of all the damned robbers that I ever heard of, of this or of any other time. You are the biggest, the meanest of this or anv other, for crimes. You have got so you are so bold you do it in the broad daylight, Then try to cram it down us, and make us believe it is riglit. On scientific principles by lionest men this government was made to run, And now by legalized robbers and thieves corruption it is overdone. KTo matter what business you are doing, on a large or small scale. When you are overrun with sit-stills and sappers it must fail. The idea of taking the hard-earned money of thousands of men, And giving it to a lot of blockheads, robbers, and thieves to spend ! These pills are a little to big now ; they will not go down ; You have made them too big of late ; it has caused tlie people to look around. You have rung in taxes in all conceivable ways you can, And down in your own pockets the most of it you cram. THE horse's rescue. 253 You have made a great mistake ; you have got the whole business wrong end too ; It's bad, I know, but it is so, we are the government in place of you. Of course we understand the principles of this government and plan. And you have as much to say about how it shall be run as any other man. Until you are chosen by the people tliem to represent, And to all of the great centers of our great nation are sent. Then in relation to this government you are clianged clear around, Then you are our servants, then by honor, fidelity, you are sworn and bound. "We have trusted this great fleet of our nation in your care. You have betrayed your oflScial trust, embezzled, robbed, plundered beware 1 Some men seem to think and talk, as it is now it must go on, To rescue this nation from your grasp it cannot be done. When we look over this great fleet of our nation and take a view. Then say this all must be eternally run b}'- this damned robber crew, I do not wish any man on this round glebe any harm. But the way we are sailing now, there is great reason for alarm. If we do not tack ship and steer a different course soon v To hell and destruction together we will all go in this vortex and mael- strom. When men come clamoring around the great center of our nation Pleading for aid to keep them from poverty and starvation. After we to them have hundreds of thousands of dollars paid. To do this it has by law paupers, beggars, criminals of us made. Sappers and leeches, do you always think, with your blind greed, You can always grind us down to the earth and on ns feed ? The principle that you are working on now, if you could ca ly it out, Will ruin you as it has us, of that there can be no doubt. On labor the support of this nation depends and has its rise, And if we cannot clear ourselves of these leeches she dies. What a damned lazy, burdensome set they seem to be, They are no earthly use to this government, and nowhere that I can see. These robbers are fast sapping out tlie heart's blood of our nation And covering our land with prisons, poorhouses, and desolation. We have for many long years these robbers and spendthrifts tried to keep up, 254: THE horse's rescue. But we see it's of no kind of use, they only grow more corrupt. Before you get us all in the poorhouse and prison pens, You will iiave to some of thai money you stole from us spend. "^Vhen a nation gets corrupted and rotten a the core, The people have no confidence, no safety any more. If you steer this fleet of our nation and keep it secure. You must keep all of the centers of this great republic pure, Then we can battle with outside corruption and keep it at bay: No stream can be kept pure when the fountain is corrupt ; it must be cleared away. You have inoculated 5'our poisonous venom all over our land, And now you hang around the center to be fed in bands. I see, now, business seems to take a little different course, But it is no better; it's going on from bad to w'orse. It has the appearance as though they were going to disband now, As all robbers do when they get in a row. Tiiey are going to divide up ; of course they begin with the biggest thief. That is General Grant: he is now their great robber chief. Thirteen tliousand dollars, five hundred a year, he wants us bound; That won't do; that's too much; there won't be enough to go around. If you have started out on another damned robbing raid, Po not be such a hog ; there will be thousands of others to be paid. Mr. Grant, we will have you and your robbing band to know On us you cannot rivet chauis that gall and chafe us so. This is just the way that damned salary grab was plaj-ed, And all over our land beggars, paupers, and thieves it made. If this great nation j^ou are going to ruin and the spoils divide, Tliat.is to be seen yec, you can tell better after 30U have tried. It looks now as though that is what you are trying to do — You and your damned selfish, thieving, robbing crew If it is a division of all now that you are trying to make A share of that we all have, and that we intend to take, The principle of this governm.ent is equal rights to all mankind, And in that, too, we intend to have a share, you will find. A a for being made paupers and slaves by such as you. That jou and your damned robbing crew can never do. On scientific principles by this government^you was educated to fight, And you have turned robber-chief, doing it in broad daylight. THE horse's rescue. 255 At fighting you may be good — you ought to be ; it is all you know. For the course you are taking now with this nation will show The principles of this government you do not understand ; If you do, so much the worse for you, you ought to be damned If fight is all you know, and that is what j^ou want to do, We will give you all you want before we get through. These sappers and leeches and robbers at the heart of our nation Are driving the supporters of it to despair and desperation. Nearly all of the blood on this green earth that has been shed, Has been caused by tyrannical laws that tyrants have made. Poor, blind, ignorant, selfish men you must be to think You can grind us down with taxes, and yourselves not sink. In order with success to run this fleet of our nation The laborers and producers must be in a prosperous condition. When hoggish, selfish, bad-principled men get the balance of power Through ignorance, tyrannical laws they will make, themselves to devour. For all crimes committed on this earth retribution must be made, Either before you leave this earth or after you are dead. This is the decree and law the creator has made for all ; On your own merits you must sink, rise, or fall No other provision the creator for us has ever made ; All sins committed by ourselves, by us they must be paid. All nations, when they get corrupted by their blind greed for gold, For this, sooner or later, to destruction they are sold. Now. this is just what all of this trouble in our nation is about; We will go the way all others have gone if it is not purged out. Like causes produce like effects; search the world around, No argument can be used ; to destruction they seem bound. All can see plain enough after it is too late; It will be no time then to grieve and mourn your sad fate. This will be the sad result, and that, too, very soon; This is the way of all nations — when corrupted, this is their doom. All men seem to have their sphere and bounds to fill, And all should in harmony live and show each other good will. But when selfish men make tyrannical laws, on us encroachments make, It causes all mankind then a different course to take. To live in shanties and hovels, and at last be crowded in prison pens, 256 THE horse's rescue. It causes men to rise »ip and try themselves to defend. "Whether they can or cannot, they always have and always will try; It seems to be their nature; for liberty they will fight until they die Now these encroachments are talked and felt all over our nation, And if there is not a change soon, it will be laid waste ui desolation Capital to do business we must have, that we all well know; But it is a curse to this nation to spend it in pomp and show. From all business of this kind no returns can be had. It is only squandering the producers' money; no dividend:^ can be made. I suppose some think they are doing big things at the center of our nation, Squandenng our money building palaces all over God's creation. Of course in this robbing raid they must all have a share. Producers and laborers, you are the treasury ; take care, take care I Some are trying to save all they possibly can in this way, By converting all they have in bonds, then they will have no taxes to pay. This throws the whole burden on those that are the least able it to bear. Remember the principle of this country is equal rights; beware, be- ware! No laws that you have made do we recognize when your powers you exceed, No privileged ones in this government on us much longer can feed. Laws that you have made, no matter when or by whom they were made, The most of the burden on the laborer and producer is laid. My God! the most pitiful sight that a man ever can behold Is to look over this nation and see men robbing themselves for gold. In the course you are pursuing now, you will soon have to know You have been robbing yourselves ; you jiad better go slow. "When the time comes, with your plunder, where you can steer ; That is a mystery to me that I cannot see clear. When this robbing that you have begun all over our land breaks out, Then you will see the cause when it is too late, without doubt. It does not seem as though people would be such selfish blind, foola, By legislation to rob themselves and sail right into a whirlpool. In order for this fleet of or.r nation to successfully be run, Capital and labor must be balanced as iK'ar as it can be done. THE horse's rescue. 257 As it is now them that is the best able have no taxes to pay ; In this way the whole fleet of our nation is balanced the wrong way. With interest on bonds, and idle capital in vaults doubling on us, With this, and many other robberies, will cause the boilers to burst. This great fleet of our nation out of balance cannot sail ; Do all you can to prevent, unless you change, it will fail. If out of balance you sail, it is easy enough to see In favor of the laborer and producer it should be. As it is now, you are killing the goose that lays the golden egg, Filling the prisons, poorhouses, insane asylums, causing them to beg, Now you seem to be bewildered in a fog, and failed ; You act as though your compass you had lost, rudder and sail. You have been drifting out of your course for a long time ; You cannot sail this great fleet in corruption and crime. Equal rights to all mankind hi this government it was to be, And in safety no other way it can be run, you will soon see. You will have all the business you want, the best you can do, If all are honest — pilot, mate, passengers, and crew. When robbers and traitors to the helm of the fleet of our nation turn. There will be trouble enough ; these facts you will soon learn. Unless the people all change their course, and right-about face. We will all sink together with this fleet in everlasting disgrace. For by trickery, bribery, and rascality the business is nearly all done; Some damned scoundrels started it, and in this channel they run, In order to keep pace in this blind race and keep up. To hell and destruction we are sailing and growing more corrupt. If in filth, carrion, crime, and corruption you try this fleel to wallow through. And all out of balanco the wrong way, that you can never do. If you want again to get this fleet of our nation afloat You must elect honest men when you come to vote. That will balance it up on the original plan, And that is equal rights to all, every man. Clear away the leeches and robbers so many to fee, Then you can get this great fleet of our nation at sea. How can anyone do anything with so many prowling around ? It would be a blessing to this ndtiou if some would get drowned. The first thing to be done is our expenses to curtail; There is no use trying to run so, if you do you will fail. Knock the wages down more than one-half on the wliole crew. 258 THE horse's rescue. If you ever sail this fleet this is what yon will have to do, And throw out no more such attractive bait as that salary grab, That caused the people with corruption almost to go mad Next to be done will be to tax all property on the equalization plan ; Make all bear their part of the burden, both woman and man. Next, there should be only a small appropriation made, To set idle men to work with pick, shovel, and spade, To bury this old canal ; it stinks ; it has a long time been dead. There is no use of its having any more carrion to it fed. Now I will bid you all a hearty adieu, The whole entire, dishonest, robbing crew ; But I intend to keep watch to see tlie progression You make sailing this great fleet of our nation. I have sailed myself out of my course; I must tack ship and go to work on the horse, To follow you any longer, that I cannot safely do ; It would shipwreck and ruin me, as it has you. When a nation gets so selfish, so ignorant, and blind, As to rob themselves, there is no safety I find. When on themselves they make robbing raids, There is danger ahead, I am af rail. There does not seem to be any way to make them see — To be robbers of themselves they are bound to be, In rings and monopolies all over our land, To ruin themselves they are bound, if they can. When on you this great destruction and calamity comes, Do tell, what will with your plunders be done; When all are trying each other to devour. Who will stay the hand, then, of this unruly power? When at the center of our great nation it is begun, Whc.t then, do you think, to save this great fleet can be doi;ie ? When the people have no standard or center to rally round. When the old flag of seventy-six you have pulled down ? When thieves and robbers are at work at our nation's heart, Lookout, take care, beware ; that is the vital part. THE horse's rescue. 259 You will have to stop that soon, without doubt, Or you will cause this nation's blood to all run out. For the love of money, selfish, avaricious greed Has caused other nations to suffer and to bleed ; And some themselves to death they have bled, And have become extinct, and now are dead. Unless you are more honest and liberal, jou will see, The same as it has been with others, with you it will be. If you are not more harmoniously united, every man. For a house divided against itself cannot stand. You will bring destruction down on your own heads ; In rapine, slaughter, and blood you will make your beds. It is liable at any time now to break out. And when it comes it will be like an avalanche, no doubt. No one can foretell in advance what will take place, It is easy to see ; it now stares you in the face. I mean just when the great crisis will come. That will be soon if there is nothing to prevent its being done. This avalanche, if they would, could be turned a different course. I must quit now and go to work on the horse, Poor old gray, a customer for you I have found ; He cannot tell that you were ever lame or unsound. All I want for you is just what I paid last fall ; The feed and work that I have done, you are welcome to it all ; And I will take you to the shop and shoe you all around new ; This will probably be the last for you I shall have a chance to do. For all this long winter's work on you I am well paid ; The lesson I have learned is enough, now I am not afraid. All stiff horses on this principle can be cured, I find ; The older they are, and of long standing tlie longer the time. Now I have got you shod all around, nice and new, I will bid you good-bye ; it may not be a final adieu. You look fine now ; good-bye, good-bye, poor old mare, I may come around again to see how you are. 260 THE horse's bescuk After working almost night and day through this long, cold winter to demonstrate and satisfy myself what could be done for old stiff horses of long stand- ing, I found myself more than paid. I found in this seai'ch that this science, if followed up, would perform wonderful cures on all. This was to put the cap-sheaf on all of my experimenting. It went beyond all my expectation. I was surprised myself. " Novv," thought I, "I can tackle almost everything in the line of stifJ and lame horses, and this I am determined to do. This science I am going to introduce." This is the way I reasoned with myself : I have got the big- gest thing on this globe — and I have not changed my mind yet on that, neither can I. After all the searches of others, for no one knows how long, this complicated and difficult mystery they have not solved and cannot. This job on this old mare has com- pletely cleared the fog av/ay. No matter what the people say to the contrary, I am going to start out and try to introduce it in some new places. I know what I will have to contend with. It will be the same old music that I have heard so long. The first thing to be done will be to close up my shop and business in this place ; the next will be to have a fat pocketbook, for nothinty can be done without that toward introduc- o ing this great science ; that I have demonstrated to my satisfaction. ' Header, you may wonder where I got all my money at that time aside from what I earned in my shop. It was instalments and interest from a farm that I sold that 1 was using to rescue the suffering horse. After receiving my annual instalment, the next thing to be THK horse's rescue. 261 done was to get some bills printed to advertise this great discovery and science and announce my coming. This bill was drawn up in this way: " PROF. GERA.RD DOAN, THE CHAMPION HORSE-SHOEE OF AMERICA, Having made horse-shoeing a business for many years, and study- ing the natural horse and all of the changes from the natural to the unnatural, its effect in all of the different changes, has made the great dis- covery how to cure foundered horses of long stand- ing — water, chest, and grain founder; perished shoulders ; remove all air-puffs, corns, coffin-joint lameness, hol)]ers, shufflers, single-footers, and horses that hop behind in speed- ing. All these cures I will perform without medicine. I will deliver lectures free. All owners of horses and mules will do well to attend. I will be at your place, etc. I did not advertise on this bill all I could do with, out medicine. I well knew this was more than thev could stand. I put on " professor " because I thought it would help me. They like the sound of these big- sounding titles. I have seen as big fools with " pro- fessor" attached to their names as I ever did without; and my attaching it to my name did not help me any, as experience proved. After this bill was drawn up, 262 THK horse's rescue. I sailed for the city of Elmira to get it printed. The printer read it over. I said to him : " It's a big thing ; don't you think it is?" " Yes ; but I do not believe it." "You will print the bills, I suppose, if I will pay you?" "Yes." After arranging this bill with a cut of two fast- sailing trotters at the head, I closed a bargain with him to strike me off sixteen dollars' worth. After this job was completed I sailed forHorseheads. After my arrival I stood with my bundle of bills under my arm on the walk. A man drove up. He says to me : " Professor, one of my horses is lame ; the other is getting wind-puffs on him." While I was talking with him there was a stranger to me standing by. He heard our conversation. Af- ter our talk was ended I turned to walk away. He said to me, " Are you a veterinarian ?" " No ; I am not. I work on horses' feet. I have done that for many years, and I have made some quite big discoveries recently. I have been getting some bills printed preparatory to traveling and lectur- ing, and getting up schools to try and see if I can in- troduce it." "Come to our place first. I am a veterinarian. I will help you. I would like to travel with you. I can cure spavins, ringbones, pole-evil, and thistloes. I can work on the outside and pick up some money that way. I will do all of the posting bills and secure the halls to lecture in. If you will come to our place I will take some of your bills now and put them up THE HORPES' RESCUE. 263 if jou will just fix the day and evening on them that you will be there.'' " Where do you live ?" " It is in the state of Pennsylvania." "How far is it?" *' Sixty miles." *'Is it a large place ?" "Oh, yes; it is a large, thriving business town, and lots of stiff and lame horses." " When I start this science in a place I have to stay some time to introduce it. I want a big field to work. There is no use stopping in a small place. This is a rather hard science to introduce. It is in advance of the age to cure horses without medicine. I will come to your place first. I will fix the time on some bills. You put these bills up in all of the public places, and secure a hall for the evening. I will be on the ground." After arranging matters at home by dividing my money with my wife, closing my house, she and my boy Frank left this town to visit their relatives and friends in Auburn city and other places, I was pre- pared for a long campaign battling for the horse. With my shoeing tools and bills in a heavy satchel, when the day came I set sail. I arrived in this town about noon. I must say I was never more disap- pointed in my life. I do not remember the place's name, neither do I remember this veterinarian's name. It was a little huddle down in a sunken place sur- rounded with high mountain peaks. There was no way I could see out without looking nearly straight up. One old run-down, dilapidated hoteh About 264 THE HORSES RESCUE. the first object I saw in the form of a liuman being was one man who had another poor, drunken man by the nape of the neck, kicking him almost to death. There were two or three old stores. The first thing I did was to look and see where all of those bills were put up. I looked this town all over, and no bills could I find. I walked in the hotel, and inquired for and about my veterinary friend. They told me where he lived. I, with satchel in hand, walked up to his house. He sat on the verandah, tipped back in a chair, reading the news of the day. He seemed surprised to see me. I accosted him in this way : "The bills are not up, I see. How is this?" " Well, I showed them some. They did not be- lieve anything in it. They said it was a damn hum- bug." " Then you hav not secured any hall to lecture in ?" *'No." "Did you think they Vvould believe it could be done? This is just what our business is to teach them these principles, truths, and facts." I soon saw this man was of no use to me. He was entirely too weak in the knees and garret. Golly ! this is a hard battle to fight alone. I am not going to leave this town without giving them a brush. I am going to lecture in this town on the horse if there is not one man to listen. I am going to look this town over. I will get up some kind of a racket. I walked up to what they called a livery stable. There sat the proprietor on some rubbish. Pieces of old wagons, harness, and old boards were all over the floor. He sat with both elbows on his knees, his chin THE horse's RESCUE. 265 resting on both hands to hold his head up. I ap- proached him, as cautiously as I knew how to, on the horse. I saw the condition of his row of fine horses at a glance when I first stepped in. It would not take a very close observer to see they were in a very bad condition. The whole row stood on piles of manure that elevated them behind at least a foot too hif^h. Some were ankle-cocked ; some off their base badly ; in fact, they were a hard-looking sight. In a round- about way I commenced to talk horse. I carefully closed upon him at last. I told him they could be cured without medicine. Then he exploded. He railed at me : " Do you think we are all damned fools here? Do 3^ou think 3'ou can humbug us?'' There was no use in talking with him any more. There would be danger of getting some of that rub- bish over my head. Next I walked into a blacksmith; shop. I glanced around. I saw things were all kept in good order. The work all looked mechanic-like. There was some good work finished and partly fin- ished. Onlv one man was in this shop. I asked him if he was the proprietor. He said he was, and worked alone. I saw he had quite a head on him, though his body was very inferior. He was deformed, small, hump-shouldered. He did not look as though he was able to shoe horses. But he did, I saw, and his work looked well. I soon saw I could talk with him on the principles of working on the feet of horses. I had my pasteboard foot to show him the principles to work on. He soon saw the whole business. I spent about an hour with him. He was the most i 266 THE horse's rescue. looking man I saw in that town, and the best me- cliaiiic. I visited two other shops and liad a cliut witli the owners. They stared at me when I lold them I could perform these cures without medicine on principles of science. They looked at me as thougli thej thought I was insane. Night came. A few col- lected in this little huddle. To leave this town with- out delivering a lecture on the horse I was deter- mined not to do. I saw some boxes on tlie steps of a store. I asked permission to take one. I rolled it across the walk in the street. I quietly got myself on tliis base to attract their attention. I commenced by a few introductory preliminaries, stating my business in their place ; my disappointment on account of the bills not being posted and no hall secured, and the faeld was too small to try to introduce this great science; but if you wi>l listem I will give you a short lecture here. This bugling atti-acted a iey^\ I sailed out at the same time. I kept wat'-'h of the crowd. It was not a large one, not more than five or six at one time. They would come and go. This changing was constantly going on ; it was rather discouraging to try to teach science in this way. I saw they stared at me a little while, then moved away. Others would do the same. There was one fine-looking man I saw staid at his post from the first. I saw he was inter- ested, and that induced me to go on. If it had not been for him I might just as well have been in the woods on a stump talking to trees. After this lecture was over I rolled the box back, and walked bnck to the hotel. I remained in this place part of the next day. While sitting in the hotel this listener to my THE horse's rescue. 267 lecture came in, seated himself, and commenced to draw me out in conversation on the horse. Said he: "You are all right, stranger, but I do not believe you can introduce it. What will you take to teach me what you know about the horse? I am in earnest." " I do not know as I could teach you all I know on .the horse," I replied. "It has been a life-long study with me. If I was going to remain in this place I could and would teach you some very valuable les- sons." The remark I made to this man when he told me he did not think I could introduce this science was, *"I wdl or burst; that is, I will sink every dollar I have got, then earn more, and go at it again." After this noble-minded and gentlemanly man passed out. I inquired who he was. They said he was the physician of their place. At that time I com- menced to reason with myself in this way: It took me a long time to learn how to introduce it. I can see now that I sailed out before I was full rigged. I have got no bocks with these principles and rules laid down. They cannot remember all that I say to them if they listen. I must write a book. Here is the sticker — for me to convey all this in a book, and if I do, tliat will not sell as this matter now stands. They would call that a damned humbug, as they do me. That will not do yet. It must be introduced first bv doiiig the work in order to get good, reliable, substan- tial, noted scientific rnen for reference to put in the book. I am going to leave this town and sail to Au- buin city. I have a brother there, a horse-shoer, and another twenty miles from there. They are both 268 THE horse's rescue. good woi'kers on the horse's feet. I am going to en- list tliem in this liorse fight That will be easy enough to do, for thej liave been and are now trjnng to solve this mystery, I sailed for Auburn. On my way I stopped at my brother Oliver's place of busi- ness. He wa.s located in a small inland town at that time surrounded with a beautiful country and well-to- do farmers. I walked into his shop. He was seated on a sav/-horse. I shall never forget how he looked, tiled and sick, thin in flesh, cheeks sunken, eyes the same. "What's the matter, Ob?" said I. '' Well, the fact is," said he, "I am about used up. I am nearly ridden to death with so many crippled and stiff liorses. They come pouring in on me from many miles away. They keep me nearly all of my time holding them up. I can fix them up, and do, some that are very bad, but it is killing business for me, and small pay. I can hardly live out of it." I said : " I have got something I want to show you. I have come on purpose to do this. It solves tlie whole mystery we have so long been trying to find out. I can tell you how you can cure all of these stiff horses." I took out of my satchel my pasteboard hoof, and explained the principles it was done on. He saw it all at a glance. ''That will do it, I know," said he. In a few words it was all made clear to him. He could do it as well as I could. His long experience and the progression he had made enabled him to grasp this new discovery instantly. It wu3 what he had been many years reaching after. THE horse's rescue. 2 (.9 "Oliver," said I, *'I am going to Auburn to see Joseph. I want you and him to help me introduce this science." ''You will meet with a power of opposition in many ways," said he. •'Tiiat I care nothing about," I replied. "I have been pulverized through that mill. I wniit to beat them if I can. I am ahead here. If you will take hold of this they never can excel you ; equal is all they can do." After staying over night, the time all spent talking liorse, I sailed for Auburn city. I found Joseph in his shop wrestling with all kind of cripples. I soon found a way to let my business be known. "Jo," said I, "when you have leisure I have got a big thing on the horse I want to show you." "I thought you had got something,*' he replied, " or you would not be around. If you liave got any- thing new on the horse I want to learn it. I will be one of your scholars." After explaining what I could do with a horse's foot, he said : "If you can do that, and not produce any inflamma- tion, that is all I want to know ; that will do the whole business. I want to see that done." "We must have a horse." " I wdll find a horse. There are stiff liorses enough ; you can hardly find one but what is stiff." " We want one that is bad." " I know of one that we can get. She is six years old. She is so stiff that after driving her, when she 270 THE horse's rescue. comes in the stable, she is so sore that she will lie down nearly all the time." " You will find it will bother us some to get these horses to work on. Their owners are afraid we will spoil them." ' " We can hny them." '' We do not want the horses. The best way I have found is to hold ourselves responsible for the horse. There is no risk to run caused by the work we will do on them This saves their lives many times." "All right; that we will do. I will have a horse before night." Business was hurried up in the shop. We got the six-year-old mare. She was owned by Mr. Westlake. By holding ourselves responsible for one hundred and fifty dollars if she-did not come out all right, we got full control of her. She was fed and kept in Joe's barn. , ... The next day after my arrival we were at work on a horse. Only one bill was put up, and that was in Joe's shop. This work was commenced in Auburn city over eight years previous to the date of this book. This mare was badly off her base on all of her feet. On her hind legs above her ankles were large air-puffs. The woik on this mare was done all at one time; that is, her feet were all prepared and expanded at one time. Slie was changred back to natural at once; that is, the cause was removed. Mr. Westlake was to see this work done. I well knew it would not do to let him see it. It would have brought the whole town down on us. After the feet were prepared they were all made soft THE horse's rescue. 271 "All ready," Joseph said ;^" we must have West- liik(^ liei-e now to see ibis work done." '• No," said I: '' thiit will not do. We must put the harness on her first, and have the wagon in readiness at the door to hitcli her on as quick as her feet are spread. If we do not we will have her down. We must pat her in motion, then she will soon recover from the chansfe." The spreading was all done as quick as it could be, with care and by measure. There is no kind of use to write any more about how much these horses' feet are spread, they vary so, and on the same horse. After this work was done we hitched her to the wagon and sailed out of the city a few miles and back into town. Joseph got out to go in a store on busi- ness and left me sitting in the wagon. After a short time this mare began to balance over back and for- ward, and acted as though she was about to fall. She did not have the control of herself j^et enough to keep on her eqaiiibrinm. This is the way they all will be more or less, according to the degree of change. While sitting in the wagon the people gathered around. They asked me what ailed my horse. I re- plied, " I guess she is all well enough." *' That mare is sick ;" " she ought to be taken out of the harness;" *' she is dying now ;" " she ought not to be driven any more." While this was going on around me, Joseph came, jumped into the wagon, and we sailed out of that crowd of bewildered people to the barn, put the mare up for the night, and cared for her the same as I have 272 THE horse's kescue. done for all others. When it came time to retire, I said to Joseph: "I am going to bed. I am tired." ^' Are you not going to do anything to that inare's feet to night?" '•No; she is all right." '* Her feet will be turned all wrong side out before morning." '*You can tell better in the morning. I will pay for her if they are." When I got up Joseph was in the barn caring for his horses. *' Joj how are the mare's feet?"' *' They are cold ; there is no heat in them." '' That is boss ; that settles the whole thing. The air-puffs are all gone; she begins to show her deform- ity; it will take time to bring that back. Work and exercise will bring that all right after the cause is re- moved on all horses; but remember it must be kept removed. We will let her rest awhile. We went to the shop. Joseph had hands at work for him. When we got there the shop was full of horses. There was a long row there waiting to have their feet ironed. Joseph, with hat in his hand, walked up and down this row of horses, looking them over, I suppose, to see what condition they were in. After he had looked them all over, he swung his hat around over his head and said, " I can cure every horse in this shop without a particle of medicine." There were several standing around. " Hold on, Jo," said I. "They will call you crazy, as they have me ; you will get in the lunatic asylum the first you know." THE horse's rescue. 273 My advice did not stop bis bugle. He kept it going. Tbat helped me. Mine could rest a little. Tbis is making a little start in this place, sure. Said Jo: "I bave got a six-year-old mare ; her legs stock up behind; one is "swollen very bad. I have used lots ot liniments. I cannot take it out. She inter- feres badly, too. I bave shod her beavy and light, in all ways I can tbink of, but it bas all done no good.'' " Put a pail- of spreaders on her, Joe ; put the struc- ture of her feet in harmony of action, and the swell- ing will leave so quick the skin will be all loose on her legs. It will stop ber cutting her legs off at tbe same time." She was soon in tbe sbop. Joe did this work him- self. AVe spread her feet, and bitched her to the wagon. It tbrew her on ber base, and she traveled at once about eight inches apart. Tbe swelling did go out, and left tbe skin loose. So much money thrown away for liniments. This will work the same on a large per cent of all the borses on this globe. This fever bas its rise from internal heat in the foot, caused by being out of barmony of action. It is not neces- sary any longer to wi-ite all tbe particulars about how I worked on tbe d'fferent horses in this city. The principles are already laid down in tbis work ; that is, as far as I bad got at tbat time. I made some new discoveries after I left tbis citv. For six weeks brotber Joseph and myself battled for the horse early and late. Dui-ing this time we op- erated on quite a number of borscL-. It did not seem to get advertised, and this was the reason the people would get their horses cured and say nothing about it 274 THE horse's rescue. Thej thought it would injure the sale of them if the people knew thej had ever been stiff; or if they did sell them ani they ever got stiff again, no matter what the cause was that made them so, they would be likely to get into a lawsuit ; and that is the case many times, and this is caused bjn'gnorance. If this science was understood it would save a vast amount of trouble from that source and man)- othei's. "Joseph,"' said I, one day, '' I am going to leave this place now. I will leave the unfinished jobs in your care to finish up." I made no charges ; presented no bill to any man. This is the place where I received five dollars from Mr. Hatch for curing his horse. He insisted on my taking it, and would willingly give me four times as much more. He knew me, and had for many years. He told me, " Take my horse, cure him, and I will pay you your own price." Joe did the work on this horse. I shared equally with him. That left me two and a half dollars, v\rhich is all the reward I have ever I'eceived from any man for work done for them aside from shoeing in my long life of foi'ty-one years bat- tling for the horse I must tell 3^ou a little story about Mr. Hatch's horse, then I will leave Auburn city. Mr. Hatch, hearing I was in the city at work on horses, looked me up. Said he: '*' I have a horse; he is a good seven-year-old horse; he is stiff, unable to work. He was so when I gjot him. I traded for him. I want you to go and look at him." "I will do so." This horse was turned out in a low, wet pasture. THE horse's rescue. 275 We found him standing in this position : hind parts at least eighteen inches higher than his forward parts, with his forward feet in the mud and water. He had phaced himself in this position to save the strain on the back tendons. He could stand more comfortable in this way. The mud and water helped keep the fever and heat out of his feet at the same time. In fact, he could hardly move around. We pulled him out of the mud, and got him on hard ground. He was a large, noble, fine-looking young horse, with iiat- tish, good feet. I took out my foot hook to clean out his feet. He had shoes on. While cleaning out his feet I came to some tow or cotton packed under the shoe at the toe. I commenced to dig it out. I knew it was of no use, no matter what it was. " What is this, Mr. Hatch ?" ''Well, a veterinarian that has charge of the street- car horses toU me he could cure him by bleeding him in the toe, then turn him out ; so I had that done." "How much blood did he take out?" "About ten quarts; five quarts to each foot." "And here he is in this mud hole vet?" "Yes ; and I want him to work." "What do you want to do with him ?" "I want to draw hay." "You can have him to-morrow." Reader, such ignorance as this ought to be exposed. Men calling themselves veterinarians, who do not know anything only to make bad worse and torture horses in this way and many others. I told Mr. Hatch what ailed his horse. I towed him to the shop, and now I will tell you his feet were con- 276 THE horse's rescue. tracted some, as almost all horses are that have had their feet ironed. This was not the worst trouble with this horse. He was badly thrown off his base by cutting his heels too low and not cutting the toe down, leaving the toe at least one inch and a half too long. This was a short job to remove the cause of all of this poor horse's trouble. His feet were soft; he had soaked them himself. I did the work on this horse. This wonderful wise veterinarian had commenced at the toe of this horse's foot ; cut back towards the point of frog crossways at least two inches deeper as he went back ; he had cut a large hole through in this useless hoof in order to reach the sensitive part of tlie membrane, as it is called by some. This had been done long enough so nature had in a measure repaired the damage. The first thing we did for this horse was to pare these feet well down at the toe until this hole was all gone, cutting but little from the heel, just enough to true and level his feet up; cupped them out preparatory to spreading his feet and letting the sole down to its proper place. We spread this horse's feet five-eighths of an inch, and shod him on his hind feet. Toward night I led him home, standing on his toes. He balanced back and forward a little. I ex- plained that to Mr. Hatch ; told him he would be over that in the morning. He could put him to work. It would be better to do so. He pulled out his money to pay me. ''You had better wait and see how you like the job," said I. '' I will come and see how he gets along in a few days," I did so. He was drawino^ hav. This horse was on THE horse's rescue. 277 his base, head up, limber, about half a neck ahetid of his mate, and was the liraberest of the two. Mr. Hatch pulled out his money to pay me. I charged him live dollars. It was not the money I wanted; it was to introduce this science. Some may oall this bragging. I will say right here that when all such men as they get this great science learned, after somo one else has studied it out and perfected it, the^^ will have more to brag about than they have now: It is not my intention to write the experience of my broth- ers w^orking on the horse. They enlisted in this horse fight, and have been at it ever since, and show no signs of giving it up. I have got it started in two places, by two practical men of long experience, working on the horse. Now I will sail back to the old battleground in Horseheads. When I started out on this campaign I sold out all of my interest in my shop. I soon secured another, a good, new shop, rigged up; all stocked up new. "I must have money," said I, "or I shall be shipwrecked soon in this way." I did not put up any sign. I never had a sign on my place of business, but one, in all of the places I have done business in. I soon found a way to call trade. When I saw a lame, crippled horse I went for him. It soon spread, and in a short time I was overrun again with horses. This is the way I always advertise when I commence i;i a new place; but this was no new place; this was tlie place where I got jerked out of a wagon head-first for talk- ing for the horse. It is not necessary to write ;ill the particulars about this second attack on this town, battling for the horse, only enough to lay down some 278 THE horse's rescue. principles that will be of use to the horse and his owner. My life I never intended to write, and I well know no one else can. Neither do I care to spend my time in that way. So I will hasten along W'ith this work. While battling in this town a man came to my shop to get a horse shod. His name was Wix. He w^as a teamster. BLis was a large, middle-aged hoise, thin in flesh. He was badly off. It was all he con Id do to stand ; he was thrown back off his base on all of his legs; his hind feet wei'e thrown forward so much by this same cause I have written of that he appeared about to go over backwards. "Mr. Wix," said I, '* that horse is so far gone I do not think I can balance him by shoeing; and I do not think he can stand on the other leg if I was sti'ong enough to hold him up. He will break down on one leg. He cannot stand, that I know^ ; but I will try him." After balancing him on his forward feet first, which helped him some, I tried him on one hind foot. After lifting and tugging along time, with a large proportion of this heavy horse's weight thrown on me, Mr. Wix on the opposite side trying to hold him up, that is, from going over sidewise, I finally, by main strength, raised his foot. The other leg gave out, being able to hold but very little weight. The lever tipped liim over, and down he went flat on the floor. Mr. Wix pounded him, and after struggling a while he managed to get on his feet again. This was in the heat of the summer, and a very hot day. " Mr. Wix," said I, " this horse will not be of use to you if we do shoe him ; he cannot be balanced by THE horse's rescue, 279 shoeing so he can work or stand long. I do not tliiidc he can stand on one leg long enough to shoe. ' Mr. Wix said he coald hold him up. He must have him shod, so at it he went. After struggling a long time he manas^ed to raise a foot. Down went tlie horse broadside ; then he must be pounded up again. Wix tried it again with like result. I did not like to give this job up, so I tried a new plan. The hor=e luid shoes on, and his feet were quite long. I cut the hoof ofif at the toe and around; cut the nails out in this way. We got the shoes off, then cut the hoof away on the under side at the toe. That helped him some ; it let him go forward on his base a little. Then I tried him again. After a hard struggle for me and him, Wix holding him all he could to keep him from fall- ing over, I succeeded in getting his foot up vrithout his falling. I worked as fast as I could, cutting the hoof away at the toe, holding his weight at the eame time; holding his foot up only a short time and chansfing legs often. In this way I let his body go back on his basebv desfrees. After a ]on^, hard stru;:;- gle I got him shod. In this way I sliortened his toes nnd pared them down at heel and toe, the toe the most ; gave him a long shoe at the heel ; corking tlie shoes the highest at the heel. This was the best I could do, shoeing this poor horse^ and as well as any man can do for a horse in like condition without ex- |)anding the foot and putting the structure of the foot in harmony of action, which his was fearfully out of order. Reader, you may ask. " Wh}^ did not you do that?" You ought to know by this time. Hov/ can a man do 280 THE horse's RESCl'E. anything when others will not let liim? — when they v/ill only gather around him and fight, and blart a lot of nonsense? After a few days Mr. Wix came into the shop. "Doan, that horse is dead." "How is that?" "I found him down this mornins: ont doors on the manure pile, unable to rise. I took the axe and knocked him in the head, and took him to the bone- yard." ''How did he get outdoors? " " The door of the stable was behind his stall. He broke his halter and knocked the stable door off tlie hinges " The fact is, he was tipped over backwards with con- traction and leverage, as thousands are. This lever works both ways, and there is a power in it. It has tipped this horse over; and the discovery of this will tip over and shove from the base some institutions, so that no power can put them back, built as they are on false teachings and no principles or foundations, only tinkering at the effect. There are two levers that tip horses over back- wards. They both work in harmony of action; they are both caused b}^ contraction ; the fulcrum of both is at the center of the foot, above the coffin-joint. One runs up the leg ; the other runs out at the toe, beyond the point of hoof. That is not seen, and yet it is equal in length to the other. When any degree of contraction takes place, the levers both start at the same time. They are connected at the center; they are not independent of each other when contraction THE horse's rescue. 281 takes place. The useless growth of hoof on the toe, if there is no contraction, is the end of the lever. How can these poor horses stand, thrown in this position ? Feet moved forward, or body back — have it either w'ay if 3^011 please, it is all the same — this lever run- ning up the hind leg to the extreme point of the horse, with two-thirds of his w^eight at the end of the lever, and with his feet thrown forward, caused by contrac- tion. Follow that lever down to the fulcrum ; look the horse over ; look at that lever-purchase breaking him down; then look at the one on the toe of equal length working in harmony with it, one lifting, the other pulling dowm. There is some power, I want you to know and see. These principles will not lie, nor can they be ruled out. Contraction works the sanie on all of the feet on all horses expanding too much. I have explained that the length of these levers vary on the same horse. The length they can get is accord- ing to the size of the horse and the degrees of con- traction. "When the horse gets as bad as Wix's was^ the lever is farther away from the fulcrum, as long as the horse's leg is, and to the extreme point behind, I mean as far as the horse's body extends. Of course there could not be any lever beyond where there is weio^ht. On this horse science, w^hen a horse is thrown in this way, there is no power that can raise him except his foot is expanded, or it can expand itself as his creator intended it should. Reader, I want vou to understand that these poor horses endure some suffering before this takes place. This is called by the ignorant, strained across the loin. About that they are right. The horse is strained across the 282 THE horse's rescue. loin, and badlj too ; but the cause they know nothing of. A horse thrown in this way will struggle hard to retain his feet, and many times he is crammed witii all kinds of trash, bled and blistered, when the cause all lies in his feet. In the fore part of this work I left a horse that had not been balanced up. He was badly off his base. He had become spavined. He went over backwards, and horses would go more off their bose were xXxay not divided against themselves. Being on their base for- ward saves them somewhat. Sometimes it will not do that. When they get very bad behind they must go down. Being on a constant strain all of the time, and drawing loads, or traveling in any way, and rising over that lever, all out of harmon}^, the}'' are soon I'uined in a greater or less degree. To balance them ■up only adds more effects in number. By splitting it ■up it only makes this entanglement more complicated. Not a cause is removed. It prolong^s their snft'eringfs. Sometimes, and many times, it causes their death by suffering. I have seen lots of this kind. After battling alone in this town, working on all kinds of cripplcvS, from far and near, ten months, not one soldier could I enlist to take hold of this science. My health was fast giving out, and money too. I de- cided to sell my property and try a new field. I soon did this. When I wanted to sell I alwaj^s put on a selling price. It always went. I collected all I could by asking for it. Some I took in promises that have never been fulfilled. The old gray mare I sold on one year's time ; that is due now. I must collect that. I Vfant to see her, and see how she fares, and see if she THE horse's rescue. 283 s limber yet. She is four miles away, if themaonwns her yet that I sold her to. I had not seen this mare from the time I sold her, nor her owner. I went on foot. I found all at home. The man paid me. I told him I wanted to see her. We went to the barn. She stood there with a row of horses, with a rack of black, moldy hay before her, and with plenty manure enough to lie on ; very poor and dirty ; no one could have sworn for certain she was the same mare I sold to him one year previous. I did not let him know what I wanted to see this mare for. There was a boj'' stood by. I told him I would like to see her move off a little. She had shoes on. This boy was soon on her back, sailing her up and down the road. I saw at a glance she was limber, and more so about the shoulders than she was when I sold her. That was what I went four miles on foot through deep mud to see if working another 3'ear after the cause was removed would make any more improvement. It did. She was as limber as any horse, and had as good knee action as she ever had. In that all horses vary some. I asked him if she ever had been lame in any way since he owned her. He said shj§ had not. Reader, this man never knew this mare had ever been stiff or lame before he bought her, and he does not know what mare it is ; neither does any that once knew her, except the Woodrough brothers. I found out what I went for, and sailed hom.e. Next thing was to look up a new field. I set sail- I made up my mind to start somewhere in the. lake country. I stuck my stake at Lake Ridge, six miles 284 THE horse's rescue. from where I commenced to learn the trade of horcc- shoeing, and four miles from the place I first started business for myself. Lake Ridge is situated on tlie east bank of that beautiful sheet of water Lake Cay- uga, with as beautiful surrounding country as a man ever looked at. In a very short time I had a new shop erected in a cheap, rough manner. All I wanted was to work on the horse. That was to be my busi- ness in this place, and I wanted no other. I put up one bill in this shop, and went for the first cripple 1 could get. I was soon overran with all kinds. I did not say much about spreading horses' feet for several months. I well knew that would scare them away; stopping them from interfering, balancing, equalizing their weight on their feet; straightening run-over feet, and many other troubles the horse is suffering with, caused by shoeing, was what I did and talked about. I will give you a few lessons. While I was in this place a stranger led in a pair of horses. He wanted a shoe set. I saw one was lame and stiff on his forward feet. While setting the shoe on the other I learned they were young and twins. They were a good pair. I said to him : "Would you like to have that other horse cured?" *'Yes." " How long has he been stiff and lame ?'' "It is about two vears." "I will cure him for the price of shoeing." "You may shoe him." All that ailed this horse was run- over feet. In ten days he was nearly well, and soon recovered entirely. This man told me after his horse got well about taking THE horse's rescue. 285 him to Prof. Law, of Cornell University, to have him examined. This horse had a ver}^ small enlargement on the inside of his leg. The professor told him that was the cause of his lameness, charged him twelve shillings, and wrote a prescription to get filled that cost ten shillings. The horse must not be worked while under treatment. The man could not get along with his work at that time without using this horse, so the medicine was never used. I shod that horse over three years. lie was all right as far as the most of people can see. He was not lame. So much for professors. This is only one case of hundreds of this kind that I balanced up while I staid in that place. After get- ting a good run of business and well established I thought I would venture a little further. It would not kill my business dead. If it did scare some away, there had got to be more cripples than I wanted. Mr. Jefferson lived near this place. He was the owner of a stallion. I had seen him several times. He was badly off his base on his forward legs; his knees were badly tipped, weak, and shook ; cords seemed thick; legs swelled. This horse was well along in years, and had been in this condition a long time. I said to Mr. Jefferson : *' Would you like to have that horse's legs straight- ened and all the swelling taken out so 3'ou could see the cords and tendons clear down to his feet?" ''Well, yes, I would if it could be done." "Well, sir, it can be done. He can be made as natural as he ever was." I told him all about how I would do it, and how he 286 THE horse's rescue. would be afflicted. For a short time he would be af- fected more on oce leg than the other. That would cause him to limp. It would last only a short time on this horse. I did not put on spreaders. This horse I could fix without. He was a heavy horse. His weight was over the center of his foot. His heels were too high, contracted some. The principles are already laid down in this work that I do this woi'k on. There are only a very few hoi'ses that can be cured in this way. This was one of that kind. I mean expanding by their own weight. To cut this story short, I gave him directions what treatm.ent to give the horse : Soak and wash the cords in warm water; drive. In a short time all would come right. Away he went for home. I well knew I liad started a racket, but there is nothins: like beins: prepared for it. In a day or two I saw Mr. Jefferson drive past my shop. His horse was lame. He stopped at the hotel across the way from ni}^ shop. He sat on the verandah, looking over toward my shop. I was in my shop at work, at the same time watching his movements. I wanted to have a talk with him. He showed no signs of com.ing to the shop. I left my work, walked over and sat down on the verandah. I saw he looked rather sober. Said I: "Mr. Jeffei'son, how is the horse?" "He is awful lame. I wanted to go about three miles further, but I think I had better go home. It will not do to drive him. If I get home with him I will do well." THE HORSES RESCUE. 287 "You know, Mr. Jefferson, I told you in advance how this would all be." "Yes; I know you did." "If you will do as I told you, you will come out all right, and 3^oar horse the same. Drive your horse where you want to go. Before you get back he will be nearly over his lameness, and wdll gradually get strong and better all of the time until he is entirely well." He started out. His horse was quite lame. After he had gone, there was a man who told me what Jef- fei'son said before I came over from the shop. He did not tell me anything new. I had been through the mill. He said, " I guess I have let that old fool spoil my horse." This is not all the place lie told it. I knew he would before I commenced to work on his horse. I cared nothing for that. They nearly all do the same. I well knew he would be my friend in the end, and he was, and is now, as far as working on the horse is concerned. In a short time Jefferson drove in the place. He said he had been where he wanted to go, and had come out of his wav to tell me that before he o^ot three miles his horse was entirely over his lameness. " He has got over the change now," said I. "You will have no more trouble." His tune was chanired in mv favor. Now this horse's head had began to come up. In a short time he had as clean, straight, tapering legs as any colt. Mr. Jefferson said it added seventy five dollars to his value at once. This job did some adver- 288 THE horse's RESCl E. tisirjg, but that was not all I wanted. * I wanted them to learn and know how this was done. When I first commenced in this place, the landlord bought a good four-year-old horse. I stood near when they was looking this horse over. I saw he was off his base. Of course it is no business of mine. They are nearly all so in some degree, greater or less. I did not have anything to say. I saw he had a hard, horn- like foot, and he would be likely to have me shoe him. He would be kept up in the stable ; he would grow worse and get sti£f, in spite of all I could do, in a short time; and he did graduall}^ grow worse. The winter before he was sick; in the spring he would get down, or cast, and had to be helped np, caused by contrac- tion throwing him off his base or balance, and fasten- ing him there. This winter he stood in the stable nearly all of the time. His owner did not have much for his horses to do. He did not get out much him- self, his health not being very good. Time slipped away unperceivcd, and this liorse stood with his shoes on all winter, without being reset or having his feet cut down. His feet had grown high and long in this condition, all out of harmony of action. They gave him a thirty-two mile drive after a load, up and down heavy hills, which about floored him. He was so sore and stiff he could hardly move. He would not move unless he was made to. Of course I was always around when these wrecks took place. I knew about what time they would take place. I told Mr. Ives, for that was his name, what ailed his horse, and I thought I could cure him. " I can remove the cause of all of his trouble. It will be a hard job ; his feet are in THE horse's rescue. 289 about the worst condition of any I ever worked on." After making a conditional bargain with him, I went to work on this horse. Reader, here is a lesson. I dread to tackle this horse again. His feet were very high. About half-way from the top of his foot to the bottom, they were pinched in all around. H3 had to be changed by degrees. This shell could not be all cut away at once. I cut his feet down as far as I could, and spread them. They were as hard as they could be ; it took a long time to get them soft enough to operate on with safety. At this time I did not have control of this horse. I exercised him myself. This was a tough job, I wanted this horse used every day. In about four weeks I took off his shoes, cut his feet down, spread again, and so on every four weeks. I wanted to do, but I could not have him in m}^ control to do as I liked » so I quit and let liim go, I kept watch of him. His shoes were allowed to remain on three months. His toes got long; the structure of his foot was nowhere in harmony of action when I quit him. He was not driven on the road. At that time of the year he was working on the farm, plowing, and putting in crops in the spring. It did not hurt him to rise over that lever on soft ground as bad as it did when he was sailed on the hard road. He took one of these sails; it wrecked him at once. Of course I was around again. This poor horse was in a terrible suf- fering condition. I told Mr. Ives what ailed his horse. He thought the trouble all lay in his shoulder. He did not have much shoulder ; he was deformed so. This time he was so stiff he had to be pulled along. Mr. Ives I saw was getting discouraged about his horse 290 THE horse's rescue. He was not such a horse as he wanted. He made him so much trouble that he began to talk of taking liim off to have his shoulders doctored, or dispose of liim in some way. I made up my mind, while I was around looking at this poor horse, to rescue him, let it cost what it would. I said to Mr. Ives : " What will you take for this horse ? " "You dare not make me an offer." "Oh, yes, I dare. I will give you fiftj^ dollars." " He is yours." I pulled him across the road to my barn. Kow I have got this horse in my control. Whether I can cure this horse or not, I can help him wonderfully in about one hour by dressing his feet down. There was no time lost until this job was completed. I put on a pair of spreaders, cutting his feet, and letting him go back on his base some. I soon had both of his feet in warm water, soaking, washing his legs and cords. I soaked his feet the remainder of that day, and packed them at night. The next day I drove him eight miles and back, up and down heavy hills single, and he drew a heavy load of stock for my shop. He sailed very comfortablj^, no limping, and yet all the cause I had removed then was what I cut off his toes ; that shortened the lever some. After making his feet as soft as I could, I spread them about three-eighths of an inch. Of course it affected him badly at first. The shell and sole of his feet were just like horn, and did not seem to have any life in them. The shell was completely dead and shrinking all around the sensitive part of his feet. When I spread his foot I did not see the shell come down. He was on his base ; his weight THE horse's rescue. 291 was nearly over the center of his feet, and yet it did not press the sole down. This was a hard-meated, sti'ong, ambitious horse. This sole must be got down according to the degree I have spread his foot, or there will be trouble. To do this I led him out of the shop. He was badly off his base, caused by my spreading his feet. His feet internally were very sore ; any change either way would affect him badly. A num- ber were standing around. I put a boy on the horse and told him to run him a hundred rods and back, The road was dry and hard. After he returned I looked to see if the sole had come down. I cleaned tlie dirt all out under the shoe. It was not down as far as it ought to come by spreading his feet three- eights of an inch. "Give him another sail." I looked to see what effect that had. The sole was nearly down flat on the shoe. "That will do." It made him step short. His feet must be put in warm water a short time. Next, pack his feet, give him a good, dry, soft bed, so he can lie down and rest and sleep. Of course while this running business was going on in the streets, it called out remarks. Some said they would not have a stiff horse used that wa}^ All this bugling I cared nothing about. I knew what I was doins: and thev did not. I was the owner of the horse and could control him. It took this horse ten or twelve days to recover every time I expanded his feet, and that I did once a month for a longr time. Some- times I would be sailing all right, or nearly so; once a month I would be partly wrecked. Every time this took place, I could hear this : "That horse is worse; I guess you will never do much for that horse. 292 THE horse's rescue. j^.fter working on him many montbs to get rid of that old, dead, lifeless shell, his foot was smaller than it was when I first commenced. How is this? I had got up to the small place in his foot. Now I can go ahead. Now I have got where I can flatten out his foot and it begins to show more life. Remember, this horse did all of my work, long and short drives, and was driven on purpose to give him work, and I had all the exercise I wanted in the shoD at the same time, balancing cripples ; in fact, it was getting red-hot for me. So I made up my mind to have a little rest after getting up my crippled horse in good shape. To leave for a while, I sailed out. I had business in New York, Washington, and Chicago, tracking up a shipwreck somebody h:id made of one of my invtntions. To please myself I wanted to find the cause of it — that is, where it was located. It had made quite a racket for many years. I hauled in at the center of this, our great re- public. I always had time to spend looking after the interest of the horse. You can see me standing in the streets of New York city for hours looking at the condition of horses as they passed. The flat feet seem to stand it the best on all horses. All cupping fact that I saw were in a very bad condition, and the horses that had that kind were badly out of harmony of action, off their base and balance in many ways, which I have alread}^ de- scribed and explained. My time was mostly spent while in this city looking at horses. I next sailed to Washington. While standing on the verandah of the hotel I saw coming down a beautiful, smooth drive- way toward this hotel a very nice single turnout. I THis horse's rescue. 293 saw the horse was a prompt driver. He was quiet lame in one forward foot. The rig pulled up at a post. There was only one man in it. He jumped out, tied his horse, and went into the hotel. I looked his horse over. He was a fine, beautiful young hoi'se. His hair looked as though somebody had tried to tiike good care of him; but he was a cripple on all of his legs. One of his knees was badly tipped forward ; on this leg was a badly contracted foot and high heel; the mate was a little better; the hair was nearly all burned off his legs all around his feet. They looked as though turpentine had been burnt on them. This gentleman did not stay long in the hotel. He soon was sailing again after this cripple. I did not intend to stop long, so I thought it would be of no use to get up any racket here on the horse. While this gentle- man is sailing around I will give you a little descrip- tion of him. He had on his head a very shiny stove- pipe hat; white vest; pants the same, and white gloves; he is sailing around here again. He jumped this time clear from his wagon on the top steps; he has a cane under his arm about the size of a pipe- stem, with a ribbon tied to it. Well, I suppose he carries that because he wants to. He went in the hotel again. When he comes out I am going to try and see how close I can get to him talking horse, and not shock him away from me. This kind of men are very sensitive. I find my long experience has taught me that one of the most skilful things a man ever tried to do is to approach some men and begin to talk about the defects of their horse, and not shock them away from you ; and yet these horses are all, or nearly 294 THE hokse's rescue. all, cripples that liave been shod in some wa}'. I am going to tiy this man when he comes out. I can stand as biiz; a shock as he can. I never have been shocked off my base yet, and I have had lots of shocks from many directions at the same time. I placed myself by his horse on the side the crooked leg was on. Theplan was with me to be lookinsf at his horse's forward feet. o He came out and commenced untying his horse. ''I see 3^ou have a line-looking horse here," said I. '' Yes^ he is a good one." "I see he favors one foot a very little." " Yes, he has been foundered twice. I have just been having him fired." "What does that cost? " '' Five dollars each time. I have had him fired twice now." " Don't you know v^^hat makes your horse lame ; look at his feet ; can't vou see this foot he is lame in is not like the other in any way ? It is contracted feet that ails your horse. That burning will do him no good ; it will make him worse." I shocked him in his wagon telling him the truth. He said the horse was good enough for him, and away he sailed. The last of him that I saw was the top of his hat. My God ! is there any liope of cases like this ? I meet thousands of such, and have for many years. Of course it is impossible to write in detail all tliat has come under my observation, looking over this field of cruelty to the horse. I stopped on my re- turn trip a while in Baltimore. There seems to be a transfer through that city by horses. All of the cars have to be drawn through. The horse has very heavy THE horse's rescue. 295 loads to draw. It is one continual whip and slash during the whole time. If these poor horses were in shape to draw, it would not be quite so bad. As it is, it is fearful on them. While I was in New York city on my return, I met my old friend, Iliram McConnell. I told him I was in the old business yet, battling for the horse. No im- pression on him could be made yet, I saw. I sailed for Lake Eidge. I stopped for the night within sixteen miles of home,at a hotel. Moi-ning came. Whilesit- ting in the bar-room, one of my neighbors came in. He seemed to be surprised to see me. " Why, here is Doan. Your family will be awful glad to see 3^ou. It is talked all over the country a'ou. have gone oE crazy, never more to return. This was nothing new to me. This man was badly off his base. He asked me to lend him a dollar. I refused to let him have it, and told him his family would be glad to see him at home. I left him and sailed home. Of course I was crazy. I had got to running around, and the meanest of all was I did not tell everybody when I was going, and what my busi- ness was. In a few days I sailed west, to Chicago, looking horses over in different states and in Canada. These fields I have looked over many times in my life. Canada is the worst for botch-work on the horse's foot of all the country I have sailed over. I soon sailed in home again. Previous to this sail I closed my shop, packed my shoeing tools, and went to Philadelphia to try to intro- duce the science. It was in the hight of the Centen- nial, and but little attention coald be attracted. I had 296 THE horse's rescue. a long talk with Howell Gerard in that city, the cele- brated horse-sboer. I think he could have been enlisted. He had a stable of horses of sixty, with yhoeing-shop connected. It was all rush headlong. At that time their attention could not be attracted. Mj time was mostly spent looking over this great field of slaughtering horses, and here they were, in the wholesale business at that They were killing them so fast they had to have men employed to clear them away as fast as they killed them. It is a sickening sight to see two deformed horses sufiering every step they take, before a long, heavy car, full, inside and out, of people, the whip playing on them nearly all the time. Some, perhaps, are only going sixty rods ; and what all this hurry and rush is for — what they are in pursuit of that causes them to hurry so — I cannot understand, unless they see a cent aliead. I suppose they are afraid somebody will have a bigger pile when they come to die than they. I can Fee no other excuse they can give. It is a want of feeling, I suppose, for the poor; suffering horse, or they could not do it. I returned to Lake Ridge again and opened my shop. I have not quit in this place yet. While working in my shop a man from Ithaca drove up. He said he had two valuable horses; they were both stiif ; one he had with him. They were valued by him at about seven hundred dollars. I think his name was How- land. No matter. He asked me if I could cure them. "Yes, I can if I can have them; this one I can, I know." He told me if I would come up to his place and look at his horse he would pay my farQ and give me my dinner. " I think that would hardly pay," said THE horse's rescue. 297 I ; " I can make a few dollars here at home." Then he made another offer. *' If yon will come to Ithaca I will build you a shop." " I have a shop and house of my own here." "You could get more work up there." "I have enough to kill four men here. I do not do half the work that comes here. I can't stand so much hard work. I am getting old and stiff myself." " Well, I am going to bring my horses here for you to shoe." "That you had not better do. It is a long way to come. I am full nearly all of the time. It might not be so I could shoe them. I cannot cure your horses by shoeing them." Another offer : " If you will cure this horse I will make you a present." "I do not work for presents." " "Well, I will give you ten dollars." "I would not do it for ten dollars. It is worth more than that to cure any stiff horse." "Will you shoe her?" "Yes." She interferes behind badly ; heels low, toes long, contracted badly, and off her base on her forward feet She had flat shoes on her forward feet. I commenced to work ; he commenced to give orders how it should be done. Those shoes were all right to go on again; no new shoes must be used. I soon saw there was no use tr^nng to teach him anything. When a man has got that far advanced he knows all there is — about as far as a man can get — it is dangerous to try to get any farther. He might supersede the great Jehovah. I 298 THE horse's rescue. saw I could do nothing for him. I shod his horse the best I could. Then he began to talk cure horses again. I told him, "If you will bring your horses here, pay the keeping, and let me have full control of them, I will take cp.re of them, and cure the two for fifty dollars." Tie drove off. That was the last I saw of that generous, noble-minded man. While I was operating in this place, brother Oliver stuck his stake in a new place about twelve miles from me, at Groton, there to tiy and start curing stiff horses without medicine. I saw and talked with him many times to learn how the battle was going. He said it was red-hot. He got horses and cured them for all that. Some came from many miles away. While I was operating at Lake Ridge something took ])lace that caused quite a racket. It was this: The boys, I call them, but they were as big as they ever would be, asked me to lecture. " What subject do 3^ou want me to lecture on?'' " Oh, choose your own." Whether they were in fun or not I did not know. I rather thought they were. They said they would furnish house, light it, and put up bills. I should be at tio expense or trouble. Notice was given out before the bills were up. I saw they were not going to get the bills up, so I saw to getting them printed, paid for them, and sent some to diff'erent places, putting them up myself over the country. The time came. I had quite a full house. I lectured in an old deserted Baptist church. I told them I was going to try and see how big a field I could work and experiment on, talking or lecturing on scien- tific princij^les, taking the whole Bible for the text or THE HORSES RESCUE. 2.99 center, then sail around and work up the outside. I told them before I started it was only an experiment. I made it go so well it shocked them, and it was felt for manj miles away. I told them I would try it again the next Saturday night. When the time came I was there at my post. The house was closed ; no getting in. There was no one around only the neigh- bors, with one exception, and that man was John Cor- win. I had shocked them all away but him. He told me the people thought I was crazy. I told him that was nothing. They would soon recovei' fjom that. They were only shocked a little. On this experiment I came near sailing into the lunatic asylum. Some thought I ought to be taken care of, and yet I had harmed no man. "Well, it was only a lot of bigots and peaked heads. I think there is not much danger yet. It spread over quite a large field that I was crazy. There was one that took gi-eat pains to tell this all over. He had kept it up for more than a year, so I thought I would try another experiment. This is where I experimented on lying, to see how fast it would multiply, and how far they would sail. This man's name was Mr. Vorhees. I had done his shoe- ing for many years. I liked him, and do now, and he liked my work. I went to my shop. There were several there sitting^ around. I told them I had bad news to tell them. " Whai's up now ?" " Mr. Vorhees is crazy !" Some made one remark, some another. All told what the cause must be of his losing his reason. In a few hours it was many miles away, multiplying, spread- ing. It had started, and there was no stopping it. It 300 THE horse's rescue. was news for three months to some, and I do not know but it is going yet. It is about me Since I have commenced to write this book I have had letters from parties threatening to put me in the asyhim, there to remain the remainder of my days, and during the same time I have been obliged to write twenty-six pages answering letters. I commenced and numbered the pages so they could make a book to sell. It would save them the trouble of writing one. One of tiiese men was a purple-nosed lawyer. How much it cost to color his nose I do not know. It did not cost him much. He was one of the kind that sells us out. I think I am in my right mind yet, allowing me to be the judge. I have stood it re- markably well considering the surroundings. I will have you know it takes quite a good head, and he needs to be a good financier, to sail clear of the asylum and not get crazy ; to work on horses, cure them with- out medicine with so much opposition. But I am going to try a little longer. This horse that I am at work on now, his name is Prince. The soreness has nearly all gone out of his feet, and yet his shoulders seem somewhat stiff. I tracked this horse back to a colt. I found he had been kept up in the stable nearly all of his life on account of his being unruly and shod very young; before he had got his growth. He liad grown up a deformed horse; he could not bear to have a toe cork on his shoes. It would sore ])im on his cords on hard roads. If his feet were allowed to get half an inch long it would affect him the same. I kept this horse nearly two years. He gradually grew better. I never put any corks on his THE horse's rescue. 301 shoes. In the winter I put in what are called frost nails. The heads stuck up along the shoe on the sides ; none in the toe. When they wore off I drew them and put in more ; beveled the toe of shoe off to save the leverage. In this way I could sail him sixty miles in ten hours, and be would be no worse for doing it. I mean after I had spread his feet, got the structure of his feet all in harmony and kept them so. He was a good horse and a hard one to follow. He was a nice- coated dapple-brown, in fine condition when I let him go to rescue another that was about dead, caused by abuse, night and day drives, and poor care. I must give you a description of this animal as she stood tied to a post. Hooked her over, that is, her bones, for I could see some of them in many places. As for flesh she had none on, and the hide was off and worn through to the bones with the harness. Her hair was faded and dead ; the hide on her ribs was set; no stir- ring that; blood, scabs, and sores on every ankle. She stood with her head down. She was sick. She rattled badly in her throat at every breath. I saw she had a fine, clean, cordy deer leg, and points about her, if she had good care, that would make a good sailer. I made up my mind to rescue her. She was only six years old. While I was looking this mare over the owner came out of the hotel. I asked him if he ever traded horses. "Yes." '' I h:ive a horse that I will trade for that mnre." After looking mine over he said he would trade even. I told him all right. We changed hoi-ses in front of the hotel. There were quite a number stand- 302 THE horse's rescue. ing around. I took my frame over near my shop and let her pick some gi'ass. When she put her head down to eat she discharged badly at the nose and rattled in her throat. She was very cross. If I rubbed her on the i-ibs she would try to bite and kick me at the same time She appeared savage, and was when I first got her and put feed into her. If I attempted to go toward her she would jump at me, mouth open, and kicking with botli feet at the same time. Poor horse ! she was so near starved to death she was afraid she would lose some of her feed. She ate ravenoush', and as fast as she could, and kept watch at the same time. Now for a man to make a horse trade like this is evidence enoug^h that reason is dethroned. No mat- ter; I am going to loosen the hide on this mare and use no medicine; cure that rattling in her throat and heal every sore on her by removing the cause. The place to begin is at the feet. There is the place I always begin, after giving the horse water and a good square meal. She is rather dangerous to handle, she is so sore. The danger will disappear gradually as the sores do, and she will quit kicking and biting at me after she gets over being afraid of starving to death. Her feet were badly out of order in many ways. After straightening them up, I washed her sore ankles off clean with soft, warm water, and took her to the bai'n. I had a small piece of corn just beginning to harden up. I cut it, corn and stalks, and threw it in to hei-. She would stamp her feet, kick, eat, bite, and jump at me if I came near her when she was eating. She was in constant motion all of the time. I think I never THE HORSES RESCUK. 303 saw a horse in my life so nervous as this one, all caused by suffering, starvation, and abuse. She looked wild out of her eyes. She had a huge, wild- looking eye. Some told me I would get killed with some of these horses yet. . At this time I had rented out my shop. I did not work for others on hoi'ses, for this reason, I had been badly injured in the shop working on a horse. From that injury I have never recovered. I was hardlv able to take care of my own horses for two years. I had to change my c':)urse then. In order to live and pi-ovide for my family I went to li-afificking, that is, buying at wholesale what I thought I could market and make a little on. This business I followed. That was the business I was doing when I rescued this mare. It was sailing on the road, sometimes long drives. I put this mare the next day after I got her on the road ; fed her well. She was soon all clear of her cold, no rattling in her throat. Her hide, as she put on flesh, began to loosen ; holes in her skin where the bones had worn it through, slowly filled out. My little boy. twelve yeai:s of age, took care of these horses As she gained in flesh she became less nerv- ous by degrees. Stamping, kicking, and biting nearly all disappeared. A truer and kinder horse and better sailer on the road or on a load I never wish to sit behind. I have given you only a little sketch of the hard wres- tles I had in this place. I stopped five years hero. My health gave out. I could not stand sailing on the road nor wrestle with hores anv more as I was then : that I could not do. I thought perhaps I might go West, keep cattle, and make a living that way. I 304: THE horse's rescue. soon found a castomer lor my place, and made a sale. This mare brought ninety-six dollars. She had a very bad name as being ugly and cross or she would have brought one hundred and fifty dollars. AVhen she was led out to sell I think I never saw a finer picture of the horse kind. This maie never ha J a particle of medicine, either internal or external, while I owned her, although some said I doctored her up. It was all done by kind treatment, good care, and feed, and worked neaily all of the time ; nicely haired over in a little over a year. Look at her sores and scabs! I did not cure this mare, I only removed the cause, and I did that when I rescued her. In three months after I let Prince go I saw him. He was so sore he could h.ardly go. They had shod him and slaughtered him the first lime. He had the damnedest botch job done on him I ever saw ; toggled up on corks at least an. inch long, and nothing right about the whole job. He soon changed hands. 'Next he V7as ten mijes away in a team drawing heavy loads, going good ; and I saw him since I have been writing this book pass drawing a heavy express, going well. I saw him only a few days ago standing before a buggy in this place. I looked him all over. He looked well ; his feet looked well ; he stood well on his legs ; did not appear to be sore; it is about six years since I first spread his feet. There are only a few as hard cases as Prince was to get on his base. I never had as hard a case in all of my work on the horse. I am going to sail out of this place west of the Mis- souri Eiver on the plains. I stopped in Lincoln, Ne- braska, awhile. Of course my time was all spent THE horse's rescue, 3Uo looking over the sale stables. There were lots of horses changing hands in this place, some very good horses. The most of them were in some degree stiff. They poured in from nearly all the states and from Canada, but I saw that very few sound ones had shoes on. I saw a very fine looking pair. They were some along in years. I saw their feet were badly con- tracted. I took up their feet to look at them. Their frogs were all gone ; their feet had some trash in them that looked like verdigris. Horses in this country, if they iron their feet, get stiff very quick for this reason : they do not have much rain ; the feet contract very fast. I selected me a farm on the winding trail called the old Santa Fe route. This was a great thorough- fare. Horses and mules were constantly passing in droves. I had a good chance to look them over as they passed, all more or less stiff or off their base. I built what is called a house. While I was at that there were almost daily horses driven up around my shanty. Some days several teams, all stiff ; some so sore they would be covered with sweat; some lame. They were all horses brought in from other states. They all wanted to sell me a team. I was not ready to buy yet. It was rather laughable to hear them brag of their poorcripples, and warrant them sound ; and some old horses had got to be quite young again. I did not stav lonp^ on the plains. I found it wanted a tougher man than I was then to care for a herd of cattle; and that was not all. There was more wind than I wanted to sail in at the time. I sailed east this time. Brother Oliver was moving to Auburn city to try and see 306 THE horse's rescue. what lack he would have in that place introducing curino: horses there without medicine in brotlier Joseph's shop; back in the rear of Joseph's hack, livery, and boarding stable he commenced this busi- ness, Joseph doing all he could to help him. It went slow ; no money to fall back on. He was soon starved out, and was obliged to go to work by the day for others in order to live, and that was what I found him doing when I sailed into this city from the vest. This is the third time I have lived in Auburn. After getting settled I went to his place of business to have a talk with him. He was at work for another man, and at the same time curing stiff horses. He had some on his hands all of the time caring for. He continued on in this way. I was sick and unable to do work of that kind. I did but very little work for six months. After resting up for six months I began to feel bettei". I decided to tackle the horse again. I well knew I could not hold out long, for this is hard business and poor pay, not enough to live. The first thing to be done is to curtail expenses. I started out to find a place. I found a small, new shop, with rooms over the shop. It was deserted, empty, five miles south of Auburn. I found this was for sale. I bought it for four hundred dollars, and I rigged up new again to try and introduce tins great science. This is where this work is written, over my shop with a checker-board for my writing-desk, with a Scieniijic American spread over it. The first thing when I came in this place was to commence to talk this science^ How could I introduce it unless I did? No one knew u.iything about it but me, and they never would un- THE horse's kescue. 307 less I talked and tried to teach it. The first tiling was to tackle the first cripple I could get. This was the second time I had been in this place. Through the influence of some of 1113^ friends, after a long time, 1 got a cripple to work on. In a short time I found myself obliged, in my old age, to work for less pny than I ever had in my life, and nothing but cripples to work on. Of these I had moi-e than I wanted The price of shoeing was dropped down as soon as I opened my shop. Of course I must do it the same, or have no work, and my work was all stifT, lame cripples, four times as much work to do it. My health was not good enough to do this ; it wasn't what I opened this shop for. I had made up my mind to cure no more horses by expanding their feet for no pay and make others rich and grow^ poor myself, and they not learn or even try to learn this great science. I will bury. As for killing myself, and all for no pur- pose, only being in hell red-hot all the time, that busi- ness is about played out. Keader, this is the way I began to reason with my- self. I found my brothers began to feel the same. The}^ had done thousands of dollars' worth of w(>rk to try to introduce this work, and yet no help c:;me. That is what we wanted. We wanted the people to give their attention and see and learn this science. I have had men in my shop getting their horses shod, who, when I tried to tell them what made their horses stiff, would say: "I don't want to hear anythii g about it. I am in a hurry: I never had a stiff horse in mv life," These same men's horses were so stiff thrv could not back without dragging every foot. The 808 THE horse's rescue. cause of their talking so was they had become so accustomed to driving and using stiff horses thej did not know when they were stiff. While I was in this place battling for the horse, brother Oliver got back in liis old place in the rear of Joseph's hack stable, there to try it again. Wo met often and talked the matter over, and to compare notes, so as to see how the battle was going. We thought we were gaining slowly. Of course all of the shoers were on our backs, and veteri- narians the same. The last time I saw Oliver we were riding after a horse that had been laid up for six months unable to work. He had had this horse only a few days. He was now able to sail and keep doing it, and grow better for it. He told me he was able to cure these horses 3^et, and carry twelve men on his back, if they did not drag their feet on the ground too much. After I had been at Fleming Hill six months I saw a very fine young dapple gray stallion pass my place of business. I saw he was badly off on his for- ward feet. I soon learned he was owned by a man in Auburn. He was kept near me during the summer. I saw him many times. I saw he was getting worse all the time. I did not mention this to any one. It was no use. I would not be allowed to touch him ; besides, I did not want to get my old wounds toi-n open anew ; but I watched the horse. In the fall he was so crippled he could hardly get along. I learned he was formerly owned by D. M. Osborn &;Co , and had become almost useless. They must get rid of this horse in some way. He is of no kind of use to us. Orin H. Bur- dick, of the firm, bought him. What he paid for him THE HORSE S RESCUE. ' 309 I know not. In the fall Mr. Burdick brought this liorse to J. J. Doan's stable to have him kept for a \Yhile. Joseph saw the condition this poor horse was ill at a glance. He told Mr. Burdick his horse could be cured for fifteen dollars, no medicine used, and a cure warranted or no pay. I have no time to do it. I can bi'ing a man that will do it. Oliver soon came around. They told him all about the operation. Mr. Burdick soon saw the principle was all right. lie left the horse in tlieir cui'e completely, and never got weak :n the knees or head since he first enlisted in this army battling for the horse, which I shall show before I get through this work. Oliver had made quite a start previous to this ; he had cnred several horses for dif- ferent parties, and Dr. Quigly was one. He proved to be a good soldier. He is a scientific man. He soon saw the principle was all right. I saw that with such men as these to help we could make it go now. They were not afraid to talk and tell the truth. We have got in the hands of men of science, men that can see the chansre in their horses at once and how it is done. I was soon in Auburn. I found Oliver in a box stall with this gray stallion. " Now," said he, " we have got a good horse and a good man. This horse is well known to be a cripple; he is a fine one, and a horse that will attract attention, and lam going to (•lire him. I have got this business in tlie firm where I iiave been trjdng a long time, and on this horse hangs the whole business. If this job does not wake up the people I am going to burj^ the whole science," While we were talking Mr. Burdick came in. I told him what we had been trying to do for ten years, and 310 THE HORSES RESCUE. we wanted him to help b}' talking, if this job pleased him. He told Oliver he should have all the horses he wanted, and at it he went. He was quite a horse lee-- tiirer in that town. When sucli meclianics asBurdick indorse this great science small heads have to stand back, and the}'' did. It has been quite calm since, as far as fi^htino; against ns has been concerned. It had effect five miles away at least in this direction ; it calmed the racket around me and infused new life in me. I told Oliver: "Now is the time to write this woi'k. It will sell now. I will go home and com- mence. You keep at woi'k. I went to Auburn quite often. I walked in the stable to find Olivei'; there I always went first to find him. He had a fine saddle horse to work on that belonged to D. M. Osborn, straightening his legs, taking air-puffs off, balancing at the same time. There wei'c seven or eight of the most scientific men in Auburn city taking lessons on the horse. One was Cyrenns Wheeler, the patentee of the Cayuga Chief harvesting machine. Buixiick had waked them up. He was thei'e, and Dr. Quigly and several others. I saw it was a go this time. After they left I swung m}^ hat over my head. I could not help it. I told the boys: "It's a go this time !" So much for a good, honest, live man to help. When we can get such men as these enlisted it will go. "The}?" are known all over the word, nearly, and it has gone ever since, and it cannot be stopped now. It has taken a heavy load off three men's shoulders that was hard to carry. We had carried it for many years. Mr. Wlieeler has had a horse fixed, John Os- THE horse's rescue. 311 born two, Mr. Burdick three, all of this firm and many- others of this city. There is no discount on this science. Oliver was up here a few days ago. While he was here the man that keeps Mr. Burdick's stallion drove into town. The stallion is kept near me. We looked him over. He is as limber and sound as any colt, and stands his forward legs back of straight, head up, and needs no gagging to make him do it; he is one of the best stallions now in the countrj' that I know of for raising stock for many reasons: he is the best dispositioned stallion I ever saw ; he is pow- erfully built, well proportioned, good at both ends, just the right size, a beautiful dapple gi*ay. Six months ago this poor horse was a worthless, suffering cripple. He has been out of his suffering many long months. That was done by this science of spreading feet. This horse^s feet were spread an inch and a half in a very short time. Witli all this staring 3-ou in the face what is the use fighting an}'^ longer? Why not look into this and see for yourselves? Blowing and blart- ing will do you no good. With a few more such men as Dr. Quigly and Bur- dick to work it will not be long before the pooj- suffer- ing horses' condition will be bettered in many ways. All it wants is some live and honest, fearless men of brains to do this. When it gets started it will spread fast. It is only one process that does the whole busi- ness. It is not such a wonderful thing, after all, when it is understood. The next day after Oliver was up looking at Mi-. Burdick's stallion I went to Auburn. I have traveled oyer this road on foot many times on this horse busi- 312 THE horse's rescue. iiess in one year and a lialf. I wanted to see Mr. Bur- dick to get the privilege of using his name in this scientific work on the horse. He was gone away. I waited for liirn to return home; he said he had been up to look at his stallions. '• Mr. Burdick," said I, " I have got along with my book now where it comes to vou. Can I use vour name in this science?" " You can use my name in any way you. please and I will add a little myself; ycu can say ihe work done on my stallion has added to his worth five hundred dollars. I would not have him put back where he was last fall for that; and tliat is not all ; my brown horse that I have just had fixed can out-trot his mate, which he could not do before I had him fixed; he sailed out at once ; it let him loose, untied him. The mist is clearing away." This was the last he said to me. I walked away. This is encouraging, and this work is still going on and spreading, and it will coniinue to do so for this- reason : it is riglit, based on pi-incipks that will stand, and all trash and rubbish it will clear away and shove from their base, just as these poor horses are. There is one m^re mare I want to mention. It is the Westlake mare of Auburn c\iy. It is nearly nine years since I changed her back to natural and put her in harmony of action. She never changed hands; he owns her yet. I have seen her nearly every year since and look-ed lier over as she was passing and re passing. She was on her base and limber, looking fine. She was a good animal and i-^ yet. When I changed her back she was badly defoi'med and showed it Workinsf oji this mnre I learned a lesson. I did THE horse's rescue. 313 not spread lier forward feet quite enough to let her down between the cup at tlie top. She was badlj contracted ; she was completely raised out of the cup and shut out by the wall closing up below. By driving, it drove the sole down, not being room at the top of the wall for the bone to go down. She got pinched or wedged in the cup. After driving awliile I saw she was not going well. I soon saw the cause. Her feet began to bulge out at the top'and both sides It was too late then to help that ; it made her sore only a few days, then all was right; if the feet had been spread one quarter or over an eighth of an inch more she would have sailed all right. This was the first and last time I ever got pinched in that w^ay. I explained the whole thing to Mr. Westlake and haVe talked with him since ; his marc was cured for aU that ; it only set her back a little. All horses that I worked on were in Auburn city at that lime, but that mai-e I have lost ti-ack of. I oilier fifty thousand dollars to any man that will bring me a man that never made a mistake in life. I want to see him : it would be a big sight to ma I will pass on now. I could write about thousands of horses that I liave worked on. It's of no kind of use. All are cured by the principles that are laid down in this work. That is what I claim ; and more, it will almost raise a horse that is nearly dead, and this is a fact, as strange as it may appear to some. This great science is classed with the highest ; it is one of the great sciences of the sciences. It cannot be grasped at once by men of small caliber of brain^ but they can 814 THE HORSES RESCUE. learn it by degrees, as all other great things are learned, if thej will apply themselves, vrhich they will have to do or suffer loss. And Mr. Kirb\^, the well-known inventor of the Kirby harvester, has been takinsr lessons. He saw this work done and measured the feet before spreading, and stood and saw the feet spread, then measured them after this was done and watched the result. He wanted to know for himself, and that is the way. I never had any trouble from such men as these, and this kind of men will be the men to help introduce this science or it never can be done. My long experience working at mechanical work has taught me this — the higher must teach the lower; the lower cannot rise all at once. How can they? And all men that fight this work with all this evidence before them, coming as it does from men well advanced and developed in science, men of char- acter, of good standing, and they have earned it and they are not going to indorse a science unless it is all right and then have to fight against such men and evi- dence as this, any longer will only expose your io-norance. Here will be the ejreat center of action to set it sailing, for sail it will, and no power on earth can stop it. Now, what is the use trying to throw blocks under the wheels of progression ? They always have had to move out of the way and always will. There are lots more of things to learn yet. I have got another bigger thing than this horse science, which I have been working on about twenty -five years to per- fect. I shall if I live bring tliat forward when I get it so I can handle it as well as I can this horse busi- ness. On that I challenge all the wisdom, knowledge, THE horse's rescue. S15 and bi-iiins concentrated on the globe to excel. Mill- ions may equal ; excel they cannot. It makes the horse as the Creator made him, and tliat is as far as man can go on that case. The created, I think, will hardly excel the Creator. In experimenting and studying this horse business I have undermined some foundations that have been reared on false teachings, and they will tip over, and they ought to, and it will be a godsend to the suffering mule and horse when they are scattered to the four winds or buried with all other false teachings of the dead past. This is what I have been trying to do for many years. In place of this entanglement of nonsense I will leave you some principles that will take you safe through all oE this trash and rubbish and let the light of day in on you. This foundation that I have built in this work, and the superstructure reared thereon, will stand. Ages and ages can roll on eternally, and it will be there. It is founded on truth and principles of science, and after I am dead I want no man to worship me or erect a monument to my memory. All I ask is: Take care of your horse! All the headstone I want is a natu- ral horse and carved on his side " Gerard Doan, author of ' The Horse's Rescue.' " SIG THE HOUSE S KESCUE. THE HORSE'S APPEAL FOR MERCY. Do on me some feeling, judgment, and. mercy show, I cannot travel with these long levers on my toes. Just look at my feet, you can see very plam, Every step I take on my cords there is an awful strain. I'o rise over these long and peaked toes. It me all out of action and balance throws. And that is not all, I have no use of my feet. All coiitH-acted, sore, full of imnatural heat, Tlie structure of my feet are all out of condition to run; To travel in this way, and not hurt, it cannot be done. Look at my heels, all pinched up, you can easily see; They are not as my creator intended them to be. I am worse off than you think I am. I know They ache and hurt me so I can hardly go. I wish you would take me and have ray feet spread: I cannot stand this long, I shall soon be dead. Iti s cruel to pound me around in this way. When all of my trouble can be lemoved in a day. Unless this is done, I never can any better be; I am growing worse every day, you can plainl}^ see. * I shall soon bo of no kind of use to you ; You will only have me to feed; no work can I do. When I am completely thrown back off my base, What condition am I to put in a race? I will only be laughed at; they will of me make fun; The condition I am now in, I cannot trot or run. To whip and jerk me, it will only make matters worse ; To get there in, this condition I cannot first. With all lengths of levers on the ends of my toes. If you hurry me in this condition, out of balance all goes. THE horse's REHSCJE. 81' When this takes pJace, I have all I can do to stand on my feet; And contracted feet is the cause of my losing the heat. To pound mo around on tliis liard track in this way, I am alvvtys ten times worse for it tlie next day. If you could only see the inside of my poor feet, You could soon see the cause of my losing the heat. TJiey may look to 30U ail right on the outside, And yet for all that good liorses a.H I have suffered and died From this cause tliat I am now toUijig you about; And if you keep on, I will go the same way, no doubt. I cannot kist long pounded around this track every day, To have my feet contracted and bound up in this way. My suffering is very great; the ca'use is all in my feet; They pain me so day and night I cannot rest or sleep. Sore, and stiff, and sick, and lame 3'ou pound me through; 1 assure you it is worse than death ; it may be fun for you. If you would cut my throat, let the blood out of my ■» eiins, I would to you thankful be ; it would end all my pains. mj God ! is there never any relief or help to come ? Have I always got to suffer in tliis way — every day be run? Creator of me and all that is great, wise, and good. Is there no wa}^ that my suffering can be understood ? my God ! in some way do to me send relief! 1 appeal to you now; to my groans my driver seems deaf; For there must be a great first cause of all that is created, And to that, like all others, I must be related. I well know on me in creating you have made no such mistake ; That I cannot eat or drink, and from that cause no comfort take. I know myself where all of the cause is well enough, But I cannot talk and tell, and I assure you it is tough. It is not caused by anything that 1 have drank or eat; ]t is nearly all caused by botcli-work done on my feet. It is caused sometimes by leaving my heels too low. Tliat throws me back off my base so I cannot go. If you leave my heels too high, it is no better, you can see, That will throw me off my base, cock ankle, and tip my knee. If you dress my hoof, and get it all right to a fraction, To look at may yet be out of harmony of action. Iiftternallv the structure may badly changed be; 318 THE horse's rescue. Put me ill motion ; if jou have got eyes you can see I will have to step short and have a crippled, hobbling gait; When my feet are in this condition, my God ! how they ache. That causes great internal, unnatural fever and heat ; That causes my ankles to swell; it has its rise from my feet. Tinker and toggle me up the very best way you can, No relief to me can come until 3'on my feet expand, Tor the sole is raised up; all is out of harmony of action. I cannot move well; t!iis is nearly all caused b}^ contraction; There is other causes connected wiih this complicated matter, But. with all, it relieves the most to make my feet flatter ; That lets my weight go back on my base a great degree, And liberates the coffin-joint, and lets all go free. Then if you will just look at the tops of my double heels behind, And you tind them even, you are all right so far you find. Do not forget I have four feet that arc of use to me ; They are, or can be, all affected the same, you can see. If the heels are not even at the top, they are not right you will find, Thai turns the toe in or out, I cannot travel in a straight line . If my ankles are thrown in from this cause, to travel it would be queer, And not sore my cord badly, and not cause me to interfere. You must look my feet all over singly in order to see. They may all be nearly right but one, and that badly be ; And they may all be steering in opposite directions, so I cannot trot, run, walk, it sores and hurts me, you ought to know. Do, for my sake, look at my feet, crooked, many ways overrun, All caused by shoeing and the awful botch work on me done. There is a right way and wrong to do this, you ought to know ; It must be done so all will work in harmony, or I cannot go. To have my feet in pairs, traveling on opposite lines, My weight all thrown off of balance, it is hard, I find. My good God. creator of all that we can see and o( me ; I never can tell all of my suffering and how to get free. You have power to all I see and beliold to create ; And now is there not some way better care of me to take? This couti-action throws two-thirds of my weight on my legs behind ; And this is not all, it spavhis me and strains me across the loin, And tliat throws all internally out of order, too. THK horse's rescue. 319 "When this takes place no one seems to know what to do ; Then there will always be a lot of quacks gather around, To kill rue with blisters, and cramming me with trash they seem bound ; To balance me up b}^ allowing my heels to grow and not my toes ; That, too, is no better; in a short time over the other way I will go. It is plain enough, all miglit see, it's as plain as a be; Then, with all this, have mv shoulders blistered, it's hard for me. Then to be ail out of harnion}'^ in naauy degrees and ways ; "With all this, have to draw loads, great mischief with me it plays. my God ! I wish I never had created been. To live a long life of suffering in this condition I am in. 1 cannot hardly get my head down to drnik or eat; I am thrown in such shape caused by ironing my feet; Neither can I get up m.y head any better than down ; In fact, it throws me in such shape I can't turn around. Clear past the center two-thirds of my vv^eight is thrown back; Sometimes this is done slow; it is according as my feet contract; It all depends on the care and treatment my feet has had. I am in all stages and degrees of suffering ; sometimes very bad ; I wish you could see the fearful condition it throws me and holds me . so; You would have the cause removed, and more mercy on me show. Oh, dear ! with shoes on me. and on me two sets of contracted feet, Can't you see where I liave gnawed them ? Ou this manure heap, All paralyzed, unable to rise or stand for the want of care, There I am obliged to lie month after month and breathe foul air, Although I am down now, and unable to rise, walk, or stand. With all this, if you would cut my feet down and them expand, I would soon recover, and grow strong, healthy, and spry ; And if that is not done, for there is no other way, I must die. This is the last stages, and there are thousands like me all over the land. This is the final result, paralyzed, unable longer to stand. "When I get this way, my God! look inside of my feet, They have become inflamed; now something more than a little heat; All life and action completely destroyed for want of circulation; And this, too, is all located m my feet — ray foundation. When my base or foundation you destroy and undermine me, 320 THE horse's rescue, J am not of much use ; I will have to come down you will fini To be down in this way, sick, fearful pains to endure, j^nd breathe this ptench; no bed, only stinking manure. my creator, God! tliia stench and carrion are enough to kill me; If there was no other cause, this heat is taking my hair off, don't you see? my creator and father G(xl! this I do not comprehend, That we have such a life of pain and suffering to spend. Sure you could not. creating U8, made such a mistake That we cimnot cat, drink, walk, stand ; no comfoi-t take. We can neither go up hill without hurting; the same down. It hurts us very bad to rise on our feet; tl>e same to turn around. It hurts me so it causes me to raise my hind legs high, And I cannot help it. my forwani legs I can't bend if I try. 1 am all pinched, bound, and murdered with contraction, And I liave no control of myself, and I suffer; I have no action; 1 cannot back without almost killing me dead, And it hurts me the same, from the same cause to go ahead. Sometimes T am divided against myself, you can easy see ; If I am all right on my forward feet, divided I shall be Unless my liind feet are all in harmony at the same lime. All true should be toes, of equal length, and all travel on a straight line. How can I travel divided against myself, all out of harmony, too? You can see, reverse it, it is all the same, no good can it do ; To fix me all right, my feet at the same time must be in harmony of action, And to do tliis you must remove all leverage, nm-over feet, and con- traction. That will let my weight all go back on its base you will find ; That will equahze my weight, balance me at the same lime: Poise me on my equilibrium in the center ; I mean to be understood. Unless you imderstand this, to work on me you are no good ; You will be thix>wing me off my base in many different ways. And in this suffering condition I shall have to be all of my days. No more blisters, seatons, rowels, burning, liniment do I want annmd me, The whole trouble is removed by working on my feet ; you can seo My suffering is great, and I am deformed enough already liow, THE horse's rescue. 321 "Without burning and mutilating, to cure me you know not liow. If you can find a place around me that is the least bit sore, The first tiling will be to go at tliat, and sometimes make more. Almost any fool the effect can nearly always find, Unless he is a perfect blockhead and nearly blind. If you can find all of the effects ; you have only half, you can see, Burning, blistering, mutilating them will never cure me. The suffering from this treatment has been hard to endure ; Added to all otliers. the cause you must remove in order to cure. my creator God ! how I have had to be tortured and suffer; It has been a good thing for us all that we were not tougher. How is such treatment as that going to put me on my base ? If 3'ou will and do it, I will take the back seat and give you the race; You never have cured or helped one horse treating them in this way Either in ancient or modern times, or in any other day. And if that is all you can do is to mutilate the effect, 1 am better off without you, if my feet do contract. I can get around a little if I am stiff, lame, and sore; "When you get at me I am always a wreck six months or more. To work on you have no theory, principle, plan, or foundation; It 16 doctor the effect, when you can't find it. and all is mutilation. You have been all over me, mutilating in many different ways. And all is wrong; not once have you seen where the cause all lies All you have done has been very great damage to me ; Spreading my feet at the top is all wrong, you can see. I have been worked on on tlie groat Dunbar plan, That was recommended by tliat great joining of fallible being — man. A great fulcrum of principles and science must then be made. "When to him for nothing tv/eniy-five tliousand dollars was paid. For there is not one thing laid down in that work to me of use ; It is all torture to me; no help; only mutilation and abuse. Spreading my feet at the too, that is wrong, you ought to know. That will throw my heels together; in doing so Tliat will cause the sole to raise ; that throws me back still more Off of my base again. My cords, my God! how sore. And this is done so as to give the coffin-jouit a little more play. Then it must be contracted again for fe.ir it should get too much and run away. And the toe must be kept as short as it can possibly be. 322 THE horse's rescue. To keep and prevent the coffin-joint from separation, you see, There is no use saying any more ; it is like this all the way through. To spend my time with tliis baby trash I can't, I have other work to do. Poor, de'ormed, and suffering, tortured horse of hundreds of years, For many long years I have heard your cries and shed tears ; And now I have got this work nearly completed and done, And when it is finisiied, to your rescue I shall come. No man on this green earth can intimidate me so, That for your relief T dare not the same old bugle blow; For I shall be in the center and in the hottest of the fight, Ko matter where or when nor what time, day or night. No quarters will I give vmtil I do away with some of the poor horses' abuse. 'There never was an effect without cause, of that you may be sure- And the cause is removed with this science and that in the cure. And now I am going to tell you what this science will do: It will cure nearly all cripples, I will except only a few. Of course there are cripples that the cause is not in their feet; Thej' can be crippled in many ways; I will assure you it is not what they eat. You may ask, What is the reason this has not been done years ago? I cannot tell yon, sir, for the reason I do not know. But tliere is one thing that I do know, of that I am very sure, It cost me monej' and forty-one years' labor that was jiard to en- dure. Of that I have only given you a sketch, a glance, a bird's-eye view Just enough to lay down principles to tell you this work how to do, For in that way I do not want ray tune to spend. I am getting old now, of course my time here must Sdon end. To perfect a great work experience has taught me it takes a long time. And after it is d(me, to introduce it, it is the same I find. This is tlie reason I do not want my time to fool away, For I well know this great science cannot be introduced in a day. This science is far in advance of the age, that I well know. Of course I understand that it must spread very slow ; Ignorance is the great power ; against that it will have to contend; THE horse's rescue. 323 Nobody knows how long or when it will end. It may be hundreds of years before it is well understood, Or it may go very fast ; if it does it will do a power of good. I do not want any man to think, afier they have read this work through, To make money out of this work is all I want to do. Of course for this work I shall have to charge now a little fee, Or I never can introduce this science, you can easy see. The last dollar is going now in this work that I have got, Excepting a few blacksmith tools and my little red shop. Before I quit there is a little more to you I want to say, The principles in this work are right ; there is no other way ; And if they are not adhered to, you had better beware, Your horses will all be better off with their feet bare. Now I will in this work bid you all adieu ; I do not want you to think I have given up and got through ; I have not, I am going to follow this work around, And teach and introduce this science I am bound. Adieu, your bumble servant, Gerard Doan. 324 THE HORSES RESCUE. No. 1. Cut No. 1 represents the natiinil horse before lie lius been changed from natural bj havinj^^ his feet ironed. There are other causes, which are often the ease. The causes that change the horse from natural are very alight compared with the many and great changes and many degrees of change about which I have written, caused by ironing their feet. I h-ive told you in this work that the horse is a machine, and must be in harmony of action or he will run badly. These cuts are to show you scientifically, to give 3-ouan idea, or to try to, of the suffering condition your liorses are thrown in. Cut Xo. 1 shows the horse natural, inside of his circle, all in harmony of action — no leverage, no runover feet, no contraction. The center perpen- dicular line, A, horizontal center line, B; it crosses at A in the center of the horse. If the horse is not drawn out of shape or off his base^ he is balanced in the center. ITe can place his feet at fulcrum, R. where the two circles, F F, cross linos; place the hmd foot to "0 ^{^.* THE horse's rescue. 325 forming fulcrum with E ; place the forward fool to D line. When this is done, you can see there is another center and fulcrum of levers formed if the horse is as he should be. "When his feet -are all placed in the center at fulcrum, E, he can rotate both ways from points B B to K, or he can rear up until point B of horizontal line in front cornea to A, perpendicular Ime. If he is natural, he can kick up in the same way. He can rotate both ways, horizontal line B B to A and K, with- out hurting hitn in any way, if he is natural and inside of liis circle. When the horse is going through this exercise, changing ends, every time he changes he will place both his hind feet when he comes down at fulcrum, E; his forward feet the same. If you will watch him, you can see this. The horse has four dnve-wheels. These cuts only show one side. The drive-wheels are all of one size if the horse is natural ; I mean he rolls four of a size, and tlie size is according to his own length and size ; and the size of wheel he rolls is governed by the harmony of action he is in or out. This cut shows him all in harmony of action. See how accurate all works out. The two per- pendicular, C C, lines crossing horizontal, B B, line to T T, forming two fulcrum of levers, or centers. Here is where the horse gets his pro. pelling power and balance of leverage that enable him to draw heavy loads up heavy hils. Throw him off his base, or out of his circle, and he loses his power according to the degree. The great circle, G> will show you the lever power the horse has if he is in liis circle and natural. From B to B and from A to K he has that length of lever power, turn him any way you may on this globe. The line H H, I drew tc show you a rest for the drive-wheels. It is made on a circle to represent the globe or earth — to convey principles that are not seen and yet exist. The lower line, I I, is the real line to show the earth and the leverage power the horse has, and lines L L are placed there to show another center or fulcrum of levers. No matter Avi at part of the globe the horse is on, he is always on the summit If lie stands up, his feet and legs point to the center of the earth ; the .-Mme with man. The horse is quite a machine; he has a gearing running hori- zontal; his feet are a circle of leverages, all acting from ;i center at every step the horse takes, if they are not fixed so they cannot. He has a very complicated perpendicular circular gearing, vviiich I have not put all on in full, it not being necessary to convey what 1 wish to. I thought it would complicate it too much. Tt will be easier to under- stand and explain all the better as it is. He has too, withal, a folding crank motion, which I will explain. That crank can be affected 326 THE horse's rescue. badly and be made to varj^ in length by botch-work done on tlie feet In order to show the principles the horse moves on I have hned the drive-wheels soraetliing like spokes in a wagon wheel ; put the horse in motion, each spoke as the wheel rolls will take its place at the point T T ; all become in their turn perpendicular lines, C C ; the horse changes when in motion, feet at the point T T at the same time, if he is all in hairaony both forward and behind. When he is trotting fast if you sec when he changes if tie is all right, you will have to see quick or you will not see when he does change. I do net pretend he spaces off as he rolls along his strides, or steps regular as they are spaced in this cut. I have marked some degrees on the forward drive- wheel to show something of the action of the horse; these degrees T did not put on the hind dri\e-',vlieel. The principle is the same on all and on all horses, both before and behind ; and after you have experi- mented on horses forty-one years, I am right, you will find. The horse when natural can place his forward foot to No. 12, and even higher, the other foot remaining on the ground ; he can do the same with his hind feet; he can place his hind feet where F F circles cross lines and form fulcrum at the top. I have marked off degrees, and numbered them from 1 up to 12. They are not regularly spaced off. These lines are to show the irregular change and degrees of change on the same horse. Do not forget it is the same on the horse's hind feet. This will be more fully explained in other cuts. You can see I have struck circles from the two centers of drive-wheels at the gambrel and at the knee, M M. Look, then you can see at the fetlock there are circles from the gambrel and knee, N" N. Look ; these two you can see. From the fetlock there is another circle from ; and if you destroy the structure in my foot, or feet, you will find I cannot go. Wlien the horse is put in motion he changes at point T T, and leg folds toward the center of drive-wheel at the knee and fetlock and heel. They fold the same on the hind drive-wheel, and these folding cranks all fold toward tlie great center. A, and he gets the balance of lever power in this way. "When he reaches out his feet to put himself in motion one half of his legs folds toward three centers, the other half unfolds; he gets the balance of power. In this way the cranks fold and unfold, striking half circles rotatory motion. The principles are there just as much as they would be if this machine was made with cog-gearing. He has got a power on those drive-wheels. When he is even with himself and in his circle, all natural as his crea- tor made him, he can straighten out his legs from A to K, and whirl THE horse's rescue. 327 around and around very easy. You can see all working in harmony from the great center. No. 2. Cut No. 2 shows the horse oil his base, both forward and bonnd; It shows him out of his circle; it shows two sets of circles and per- pendicular lines. This cut will show you something o the ars stages of the horse's change from natural. Do not forgot there are al degrees of this change, and his sufEering commences "">'« fi;;^ change. As this horse now is, he is in a bad i>.. Now I w.ll ak some wise man to tell me how this horse can be got out of h.s trouble, burning, blistering, rowels, and all kinds of mutilatmg. lou may fasten his feet where they now are, hitch tackles to Ins neck, and draw him in his circle, or roll him in, or pry him m, or bhster Inm, o, burn him in, he will not stay; an* you cannot get h.m m Ins orcle and put him in harmony n. any such way. I put him m ns crc 6 w>th a lever, and it .s all lever principle I work on to do .t. It .s all done working on the feet. There is the cause. I have explamed that 328 THE horse's rescue. about as well as I can. The light perpendicular lines, A and C C, aro the natural lines; the space between A and C, center perpendicular lines. The horse is out of his circle and off his base that much. You will find that throws all out of harmony of action; the same degree the horse is all out of his balance. Look ; there aro two sets of cir- cles and lines, you can see. This only shows in this small cut a small degree. The horse is off his base or behind himself. Take a full- sized horse and hne him as this cut is lined ; you can find lots of horses off their base eighteen inches, and some more. I have marked and figured a few degrees. The horse in this condition cannot step far, he has not got much action. He has lost his lever power, caused by con- traction : he is sick ; all is out of mash. The machine will not run much, and heats badly when put in motion. Ho cannot rotate from B B to A; he cannot rear up or kick up either way; neither can he any better turn around. It all works the same when he gets up or lies down. Roll him back until A line comes to P, then there will be onl}' one set of circles and lines, you can see. If it is done right a will in harmoy of action be. I have left this cut as little complicated as I could and convey what I wanted to. If I had laid out two sets of gearing, and put all in these cuts which I could, it would about spoilt them to convey the principles that I well understand to others. Look where fulcrum E is ; it should be where the forward circles cross lines on heavy perpendicular, P, line, then A would take the place of S and in the center be ; and T T would move forward with C C. There are six centers now. If that was done there would be only three. Take hold of circle at the top at point and line A, move it for- ward ; the circle wouM at that point travel a large degree, while it would hardly move at R and A. That you could see all would come in one line, then all in harmony would be. This poor horse's body must all move forward and his feet remain where they are. This may look like a hard job to do without medicine of any kind, and yet it can be done, and it is a very simple job to do when once understood. As the horse's body moves forward, no matter what degree, if it is done right, his back will straighten across the loin, and his head will rise as his body moves forward, no matter what degree, until all is in harmonv. THE horse's RERCUK No. 3. 829 This cut No. 3, shows the horse in his circle and balanced in the center, and yet he ia badly out of harmony of action, caused by im- proper care of his feet and contraction. This is what I call balancing the horse between runover feet, contraction, and leverage. This is what I call a bad job. It haa balanced him over forward, tipped his ankles forward, and his knee; that is caused by leaving the heel too high, or toe too low, or both. Sometimes the fault is all in the slioe by dressing the foot; it can be done in that way, ai)d ofien is, and in many and many degrees of this and on the same horse. This horse is not so liable to fall over backwards as the horse sliown in cut Ko. 2, but he is liable to lose the use of his feet and legs, and has, nearly. He has but very little action, and is liable to fall at every step if he is hurried. His feet are bad, both internally and externally. He is a great sufferer, and the cause is located in his feet. Reader, you may think this picture overdrawn, some of you, but I assure you it is not. 880 THE horse's rescue. I can produce thousands of horses that are worse off than this horse is shown to be. Tliis horse has more ailments than are shown in cut No. 2. He has been kept in his circle, or, other words, tried to be kept on his base and balance and failed, as all do that try to do it in this way. Cut No. 2 shows the horse thrown off his base by the soles of his feet rising up. Do not forget it can be done many other ways, about which I have written. If the sole had been lowered on the principles laid down in this work, he or his body would have gone back on his base. This horse (cut No. 3) has had his feet dressed in such a way it has added more to his trouble, and the first cause still remains, and has grown worse. It is of longer standing. The coffin- joints are badly affected, and all is bad internally. He is sick all over, and not fit to work. Now, I want some man to tell me, if he can, how he is going to get his poor horse out of this trouble with medicine of any kind, or any treatment excepting the principles laid down in this work. I mean the ailments the horse has at the present day that I treat and write about. I well know this is the right and only way out of this trouble, and the horse should never be in it. But this is the way it is; how long it will be so I know not. The horse shown in cut No. 2 thrown off his base I left in the fore- part of this work; at that time I could do no better. Such as he go over backwards often. And this horse (cut No. 3) I left in this work after balancing him as well as I could. Him I came around to see. I found him cocked on his ankles and tipped on his knees. I have no recollection of ever serving a horse in this way in my life ; bui I have straightened thousands of them, and shod them to prevent them from balancing over in the way this is shown in this cut. Some horses can stand and work many years in this condition. They suffer greatly; they are weak; they cannot draw but a small load compared with a horse that is all sound and natural. I have marked a few lines or de- grees pointing toward the center of the forward drive-wheel. His steps are short; he does not get much balance of power on leverages; the folding cranks do not work ; he is stiff"; no knee action ; no action in any way; he stubbs and pegs; blunders along; swaying right and left. He has all he can do to stand on his feet. He can stand hitched to a load or by the side of another sound horse better than in any other way. This horse is harder to cure than the one shown in cut No. 2, and yet it can be done. In the condition this horse is now in he has but very little action ; you place his forward feet to line D, forming fulcrum at E. How long do you think he could stand cocked THE HORSE S RESCUE. 831 on his ankles and tipped on his knees ? Place his hind feet at the same fulcrum E. In the condition he is now in he would fall very quickly, you would see. If he was put in his circle by working on the right principle on his feet he could rotate both ways untU H H Wo. 4. line and B B would meet, and he could rotate from A to K just in the same way, and that would be, of course, to line I. The condition he now is in he cannot do it if he should try, although A in the center seems to be, and so is the perpendicular lines C C, and the feet seem to be in about their proper place at T T: but it is all done wrong; he cannot move well botched in tliis way, for this reason, 332 THE horse's rescue. it is not done in the right way. Compare this horse with the one in cut No. 1, and j^ou can easy see why his machinery he cannot run. And after working on the horse forty-one years I found out how all this mischief was done after I got control and master of the horse's feet. If I do say it, balancing up horses I was and now am hard to beat. The opposirion I meet with I do not mind. I can balance these horses and put them in harmony of action very nicely botii before and behind. Cut No. 4, or plate of cuts, is to show the base, or foundation, of the horse. This is to be looked at as though the horse had walked off and left the bottom of his feet with shoes on, the sole and frog all there. The object of this is to more clearly show and convey the condition — the foundation — of the most of horses are in, caused by unequal weiglit on the double heel, and showing what shape they will assume, caustid by that and not bemg properly dressed and cared for. You can seo. there is not a true foot there ; they are all imper- fect and untrue in some way, and in many and different, no two alike. The two feet that the lines start from at the t()e are to repre- sent the hind feet. The drive- wheels on the horse's hind feet are intended to run on the outside of the forward wheels if he is natural, and nature has made him so. If nature has a chance they will run in that way. If his feet are run over it will change these lines from a straight line in degrees according to how much his feet are run over. The top of heel is the place to look. There will be all degrees on the same horse from the same cause; the weight will turn the toe in or ouJJf the same on all the feet. And this is a very important point to look to if you want your horse to move well. Equalizing the weiglit on the feet is one of the most important things to be looked to in dressing and ironing a horse's feet. If it is not done properly it will turn the toe one way cr the other. In driving twenty miles, and some feet in less, it throws the ankle in or out. If it should throw tiie ankles out. the toe would go in. If both feet should go in that way (I mean a pair), they would cross lines, as shown in this plate, and there are all degrees of that. Sometimes, when not very bad in that way, these lines would cross some rods ahead of the horse. When the horse is in this way he will grab his shoes and heels and con- stantly be running over himself. Sometimes he is run over in pairs, both forward feet one way and both hind feet the opposite. When ho is in that way there is danger of his falling if he is hurried, and liable to if not. The fact is his feet are all turned one way or the other. THE HOBSK's KESCrS 333 If l,e is run in on his feet he wit knocK his ankles until he is straight- ened This is not seen by many. It racks the horse's ankles bad. There is another point to be looked to where this rnn-over-feet busi- ness exists. Stand behind your horse and see if his legs are on a perpendicular hne; that is, see if the hind drive-wheels do not stand under too much; that, is, his feet huddled together In case they should by being runover, or from want of proper work done on his feet, the effect would be bad in many ways. Look up to the center of the drive-wheel; there is a fulcrum of levers up there. If his leg stood under from a perpendicular hne his weight would act at that center or fulcrum of levers. These levers act both ways. They are all right when they all act together, as nature intended they should. When thrown out of harmony they work against the horse and his owner badly. These principles work the same on the forward part of the horse. Sometimes one wheel is badly out of order, sometimes all; sometimes two; sometimes three. Go and look your horse all over, put him in motion, and if you have got an eye for a horse you can see. No. 5. Cut No. 5 shows the foot natural; that is, the covering of the sensitive part. It shows the surface of the sole and frog internally ; the heels are low and wide apart; the foot nearly round in shape; the sole nearly flat down; the double heels and frog all rest on the ground, or floor equal, and this is the way it always should be. No. 6. 834 THE horse's rescue. Cut No. 6 shows the foot badly changed from natural , it is badlj contracted. You can see the heels are closed together. In doing this it raises the sole up. The mischief it does I have written about. To cure these horses my work treats on. I expand the foot, let the sole down, and make cut No. 6 have the appearance of cut No. 5. It does not tear the foot apart, as many would suppose ; it simply lets the sole down to its natural and proper place, as it originally was. In doing this every degree, no matter how small you change or expand the foot, the circle of the foot grows larger. There are three ways to do this : The first is to pull the shoes off, dress the feet, so as to let the horse's body go back on the base if he is off, so the weight will be in center of feet; dress the feet, all slanting toward the point of frog; keep the frog cut away, so it will not touch the ground; drive with no shoes. The second is in expanding with shoes, and the principles are all laid down. The third is in expanding with shoe. The last does the work in a few days. The other two processes are slow. They cannot all be cured in that way. The second process is in expanding the foot by the horse's weight with shoes ; and the last is by spreading, as shown in cuts No. 1 and 8. Cut No, 1 shows the arch-shape the bottom of the foot will ass\ime when contraction takes place. This little simple skeleton-cut is to show you the whole business of expansion and contraction. The straight line, B B, is to represent the ground. Arched line, A, and C C, shows the sole of, or bottom of, the foot raised up. A is sup- posed to be in the center of the foot at point of frog, but it is not, and there are few that are perfectly true. F is to show the frog under A, Now I want to expand the foot and settle the frog down to straight line, B B. Suppose I put weight (no matter what kind) on this arched line. A, and the arched line above was not made fast at points, B B, where arch-line. A, forms fulcrum, arch-line, A, would be likely to settle ; and if it did it would spread the foot and con- tinue to do so until the frog came to a rest on the ground. lu THE HORSES RESCUE. 835 case the foot had shoes on that raised the frog up it would be Hkely to dish the wrong way. In shoeing to expand the foot or to expand it in any other way, it should be prepared in the same way as shown in this cut — work from the center. At point, C C, an arched line, A, is to show how the foot should be dressed when shoeing to let the sole come down to flat rest on shoe. When the frog came to rest on the ground all would be right. Putting on a spreading shoe, the foot must be prepared the same. ]¥o. 8. ' //// ' 'II , Cut No. 8 shows a very good shoe for expanding a foot and holding it. This is the best way to work on contracted feet. I can put them where I want them and hold them until they settle and grow. This shoe is concave, dear out to the edge, so as to let the sole down, except a little flat rest at the heels. This shoe is only for a temporary use. The lips raised at the heels are to Wo. 9. 336 THE horse's rescue. fit inside of heel, so as to spread right at the heels. After the horse has worn these shoes a few months, and had his feet spread, other shoes can be used. There are many kinds of shoes to expand horse's feet. This shoe I like tlie best. Cut No. 9 shows the runover-foot, caused by unequal weight on the double heel. One is higher than the other, and, rolled under, that turns the toe in and out. The best place to see how that is is to look at the horses; there you can see it ten times better. And if you want to see how this expansion and contraction works, take a piece of stiff paper, strike circle the size of the horse's foot, cut out a goring-piece runmng to point in the center, about the size of the frog, then close up the space, you will see it Avill raise in the center in the form of a cone ; let it down a small degree, mark around the circle; do that way several times until it comes down to a tiat rest; you can see the circle is growing larger every time you let it down. This is the way this works on all feet. It is all summed up in leverage. To illustrate this a little more, in order to make all as clear as I carv, I will take one leg and foot of the horse. The foot is the base, or foundation, figuratively. We will say the leg is a column. If you want it to stand perpendicular you must make the bottom of the base true and work from the center. There must be a center perpendicular line pointing to the center of this earth, and you must do your work so your column will balance, if you want it to stand, and it must balance all around the center. This is the way the dressing on the bottom of a horse's foot must be done. Remember, you are working around a center; when you are paring the bottom of the foot of the horse you can throw him off of balance all around the center of his foot by cutting away the bot- tom of the base, and it is all leverage-balancing in all ways over a center or fulcrum of leverages. Now I will try to convey to you how these fulcruras of levers work, and what shape they throw the horse in has already been told many tiroes. There is a horizontal fulcrum at the center of the foot raising and lowering in the center. There are three ful- crums of levers at the 'toe of the foot, caused by contraction and improper work done on the feet, throwing the horse off of balance in many ways, and there should be none to hold him there. If all is in harmony he will bo balanced in the centers all over ; then he can take the advantage of this lever-power at will and balance and throw his weight back and forward, and in all ways, around the great THK HORSES RESCUK. 337 fulcrum of levers shown in cut No. 10. At point C he cnn tlirow his weight forward and back of fulcrum, A; and if he is balanced m the center he can turn on the great center and fulcrum and roll hiraselx in all ways; and, doing thia, he rolls a great drive- wheel and a circle of them ; and in his turnings and changing he rolls a ball of circles around him. If he wants to hold a load that is crowding him, and stop it going down a hill, he throws his weight back of the center, A, In-- bracing forward all of liis legs. The more the load crowds the more he will get the balance of leverage by throwing his weight back of center, A, as is shown in cut No. 2. If he is all right he must be so he can tlirow liis weight always around the great fulcrum, C, and perpendicular center-line. B. The levers must be equal, as shown in cut No. 10 from center, A, to ]\o. 10. P. P. If .they are ho Chn rotate (D D line) bot'i woy. a^vi nil "t^ays to lin©,' Vj E, arou'i d the -^ren center, C. This vholo 'i-iisi- 838 THE horse's rescue. ness is summed up in leverage, the balance around a center of lever- power. "We will go to work on the foot, or base, again. The heel is double. If you cut those heels one lower than the other, or cork or Hiake your shoe of unequal thickness in any way, you will throw the weight of the horse luiequal on the double heel by throwing weight past the center. Throw it either way, you set a fulcrum of levers to work at the toe of the foot. That ought not to be there. By constantly throwing and changing the weight from ,one heel to^the other past the center, that causes the double heel to vyork up and down. Those levers form fulcrimi at the toe of the foot, constantly expanding or contracting at the heel, and these levers form fulcrum at the toe. They act horizontal, the end of lever growing on the toe of foot, tlie sole raising in the center. Tliere is another fulcrum of levers, all working together, with the one on the end of toe forming fulcrum with another at the center of foot, right over the coffin-joint, one lifting, one pulling down, throwing the horse off his base, as shown in cut No, 2. This tip- back and pull-down lever has a double action : it works both ways from its fulcruras; it tips the horse over on Jiis nose sometimes. I can prepare and iron any horse's feet and throw liim over back- ward, and no power can make him stand, and I will do it with a lever. I can do it m this way: Cup out the feet, iron them, take a pair of tongs, and close the shoes togetlier. That is done with lever-power. It will raise the sole of the foot in tlie center, throw the horse off of balance, and liold him. I can throw him over back, and down. Tlie Creator of him cannot raise him. I will not put anything on him only the slices He muse lie there until I use the lever again. This time I expand the foot (that is done with a lever), let him go back on the base, and tlie shoes are lever.* forming fulcrums at the toe. These principles all work the same on all feet and all horses and mules. To close up this long s'ory, I will tell yon how many centers and fulcrums of leverages there are in the horse to be thrown out of center and in center, caused by expansion and contraction, leverage, runover-f eet, , iuiproper dressing of the four bases or foundation of the horse, throwing the horse off his four bases, th^o^ying him off of balance, in many degrees and ways. There are thirty-five, one jit whirlbone, stifle, gambrel. ankle, pastern, and coffin-Joint. These are the hind-centers on one leg. There is the same number for- THE horse's rescue. 389 ward. And tliere are four legs, six on each, twenty-four in all, one in the center at A. one at fulcrum, E, one at R. These are perpendicular-centers. There are eight horizontal-centers to be kept in harmony — the center of the sole of the foot at pomt of frog, one at the toe of foot ; four feet, eight in all. In nearly all of these centers there is a double action of levers both ways, tlirowu out of center by contraction and other causes, which I have ex- plained enough. And I will close this long story, and the result of my forty-one, and most forty-two, years' labor has simmered this whole business down to a very simple process, curing all the ail- ments I treat on in this work ; and that little process on the bases of the horse throws the whole entire machinery out of center and harmony of action; and all are, by worlcing on the feet on the prin- ciple laid down in this w^ork, thrown in harmony of action, and no medicin is required to do this wonderful work. The difficulty these poor horses has been in (I know not how long) has puzzled the brains of millions of men for hundreds of years, and yet the process is very simple. All that is required to do this work is warm water, a little cow mamire (ox manure will do as well), a reasonable amount of good brains and good judgment, physical force, courage, and patience. If there is any man, or men, teaching curing horses (that are troubled with the ailments that I have mentioned in this work) on any other principles than are laid down in this book, they are not right, and I know it, and I will be quahfied before any magistrate and before a multitude of people that the principles to work on the horses to cure them of the ailments that I treat on, laid down in this book, are all right if they are done right and carried out. Now just think a little and you will see you have got the prevention, and that is worth more than the cure. Your humble servant, GERARD *)OAN. APPENDIX. I thought my book was finished, yet there are a few more truths I would like to publish in this work. To begin, I will say I leave you the key with which I unlocked this great mystery, and which cost me so many years of hard labor to find. This mystery has deformed the suffering liorse and held him so. The key is expanding and mastering the base of the horse, his feet. Reader, you must begin there if you ever unlock this great science, which ought to be easy for you. now that you have the key. This appendix is to show my powers of endurance and to put the cap-sheaf on the last of this work. While in New York super- intending the getting up of this work I put up at what I supposed to be a respectable liousa It had on the front and both sides '' Hotel." It turned out to be one of tlie lowest sinks of debauch- ery a man ever stepped in. I was so engaged in my work that I did not take much notice of what was taking place around me. I made contracts with parties, advanced money, and set men at work on my book, and they were to draw on me as the work pro- gressed. f-Afler my work was nicely begun, some parties in this hotel tried to rob me by using chloroform. I went to the keeper of this den for redress, but could get no satisfaction. I told him I would expose liis ranch, and went for a policeman. lie told me he would take care of me. I went with him. He took me to the station. After getting me inside, two at one time went in my pockets and robbed me of my money, pocketbook, and contents, and not one word would they hear from me. I offered to take them to D. M. Bennett's printing-office and to Prof. Rawson's, whera APPENDIX. 841 I was getting work done. No use talking. I was locked iu a cell. I was taken out of there bound, jammed into a wagon on my back ; dragged out of that and put iu a hand-wagon, and from thence dragged into the Bellevue Hospital, where for many days I was tortured on a stretclier, kicked in the face when bound, and treated in the most cruel manner possible; pronounced insane; chalked for the asylum. I escaped, and reason is on its ihione yet, and I have had more powers of endurance than any horse tliat erer lived, and liave published this work, fulfilled my contracts with men in New York, and still I sail and the world moves for all that. I am going to publish a book and give the true account of the brutahty I experienced. GERARD DOAXE. AGENTS WANTED To introduce and sell this work, "He Horse's Rescue," Throughout this (or should be), our GREAT REPUBLIC. I will set off territory, towns, counties, and sup- ply agents with books, and give them an EQUAL CHANCE WITH MYSELF. This will be a rare chance to make some money. That is the only inducement that I can hold out. The retail price of this work will be $1.50. For further particulars address GERARD DOAN, Fleming, Cayuga Co., N. Y. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 866 795 4 ft