O C v» 'J ^-i* >6£VV3 ■^ A S:^ "Waiting the ^3 ^.. (^RISTffiAS^TlBE \ >^ ^- ^^ \. vs^-s^ ^ -.-A^ ^ X.'^^, '^'^■vii-rc, V 'A ^ jMew yoRK. (t/vVCROSS the Icincl fhctt all tbe liarvest ore. Reason, yielclecl bounteous sti (libat from Ihe -ppnng till close of Quiumn Origbtest colored garments wore; How ioe obristmas ligbt is sbming nrom tbe glowing sl^ies o erbeacl, Bn wood and corn-field, glade and meadow, l\obed in purest wbde instead. (TVrBOVC fbe low stone wall tbe brambles I \eacb to clasp eacb other s bands, Wbile tbe wooden gate, neglected, Wpen to tbe stranger stands, tJeserted now are trees and busbes Wbence tbe summer birds bave fled. Unly wbere tbe owl sluiribers In tbe oal^-tree s bollow bed ^-''HQ generous snow, a bectvv blanl^et y er fbe bed of wbeat ba s loin, (Sf>o l^eep it warm until the >^pring-time bomes to wal^e tbe sleeping gram. In I be air a peaceful stillness l\eigns in blessing everywbere. ols of nature calmly resting nrom ber cloys of toil and care. Tli folcled bands in quiet waiting Por tbe blessing from above, Hor tbe smile tbat beams from Heaven KJ\/er all, in ligbt and love. P'or tbe boly time of promise, obi'istmas time of peace and cbeer, Wben tbe eartb is filled witb gladness olnd tbe Ongels bover near. Annie C. McQieen. ■iiaiii 015 863 638 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 863 638 4 ff