THE OEEAfE TRUTH 8(879 = 119)119 [i] COPYRIGHT CLAIM 1922 as per U. S. Statutes By SAL. SICKLE B-S TIJII AkiucAN Pjuktirt. Salt Laki Cm l-l THE GREATER -TRUTH from The Great Spirit The Supreme Lord God Jehovah - Ahura - Mazda, The Supreme Architect AND GRAND MASTER OF THIS SOLAR -SYSTEM HIS - UNIVERSE, REVEALED THROUGH HIS MESSENGER SALAMAN SAL. SICKLE [3] THE GREATER TRUTH TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Solar-System Time and Measure 5 Chronology 6 Preface 9 The Voice of the Fairly Righteous Man 20 The Voice of the Spirit (In 10 Chapters) 25 Zarathustra 123 Freemasonry 127 The Jewish Race 133 Jesus and Christianity 147 TAKE NOTICE The price of this book, "The Greater-Truth," is $1.00. Will be sent only by Registered Mail, $1.25. Address— Sal. Sickle, P. O. Box 1663, Salt Lake City, Utah. [4] Solar-System Time. One complete revolution of the Sun on its axis is 27,000 earth years, and is known in the spiritual realms as one solar-year or the solar-primary- period. Seven solar-primary-periods is one solar- high-period, and is equal to 189,000 earth years. Seven solar-high-periods is one solar-great- period, and is equal to 1,323,000 earth years. Seven solar-great-periods is one solar-grand- period, and is equal to 9,261,000 earth years. An age of reason in the primary-division of evolution upon this material-plane is one solar- year or 27,000 earth years. Solar-System Measure. The twelve-inch rule is the primary-solar- measure, and is called a solar-rule. Three- times-three (9) solar-rules is one solar- meter, and is equal to nine feet. Seven-times-seven (49) solar-meters is one solar-great-meter, and is equal to 441 feet. Nine-times-nine (81) solar-great meters is one solar-grand-meter, and is equal to 35,721 feet. [5] THE GREATER TRUTH Chronology. The new-era of the greater-truth began in the seventh month of the year 5679 of the Jewish-era, and corresponds to the month of March of the year 1919 of the Roman calendar. The message of the greater-truth dates from the beginning of this new-era, and all events of the past and of the future is figured to and from the beginning of this new-era of the greater-truth. It is 3312 years since the great-cycle mes- senger Moses received the law on Mount Sinai. It is 5679 years since the great-cycle mes- senger Brahma received the Brahma message and law. It is 9,000 years since the grand-cycle mes- senger Zarathaustra brought the message of the symbolic-truth. It is 18,000 years since the Great Deluge. It is 27,000 years since man began to turn carnivorous, and he commenced to use the animals as food. It is 37,000 years since the beginning of the fall of man. It is 41,000 years since the pyramids of Egypt were built. It is 160,000 years since the practice of specu- lative symbolic Freemasonry commenced upon this earth. [6] CHRONOLOGY It is about 216,000 years since man com- menced as man of reason in the first age of reason. It is about 1,323,000 years since upright brute man appeared upon this earth and commenced his evolution in the primary-division. It is about 5,292,000 years since the first soul- atoms commenced their evolution in the rudi- mentary-division upon this earth. It is about 7,936,679 years since the first dawn commenced to rise upon this earth. The new-era of the greater-truth is the be- ginning of man's ninth age of reason. It is 180 years to the appearance upon this earth of the perfect transparent man. It is 321 years to the beginning of the millen- ium. It is 1321 years to the beginning of the seventh solar-great-period, which will be the spiritual-pe- riod upon this earth, the period of rest, happiness and peace, which will surpass the understanding of man. [7] PREFACE By the Messenger and Editor. THIS is the new-era of the greater-truth. It has commenced in the seventh month of the year 5679 of the Jewish-era, and is contempo- raneous with the Brahma-era, and corresponds to the month of March, 1919, of the Roman- calendar. It is also 9000 years since Zarathustra, and the first grand-cycle mesage of the symbolic- truth. That a spiritual message of the greater- truth was here since the beginning of the new-era, was known to a few persons. But for spiritual reasons, the full announcement to the world, was postponed until now. And now the message of the greater-truth, which I am bringing from the Su- preme-Architect — the Grand-Master of the Uni- verse — our heavenly Father, is proclaimed from the east, from the west, from the north, and from the south. I want it distinctly understood that I am not representing myself as being a philosopher or scientist of man's made institutions. I am making no pretense whatever to education in man's made colleges or universities. I know very little about their system and what they teach in them. All I have acquired in man's education is I can read and write; but I understand nature — the law of the Supreme-Creator. I have not studied any of man's modern scientific works, except that I have heard about them and sometimes glanced at them. [9] THE GREATER TRUTH Our heavenly Father could have guided it, so that I would have received a so-called high education in man-made institutions. That I would have been a silver-tongued orator, a master of the English lan- guage, and would have written this message in very high-class of language. But that was not wanted. The purpose was that the message should be given in the plainest language, so a child can comprehend it ; because truth does not require any high-class language. So it was guided that I spent my life up to a few years ago as a mechanic. This message of the greater-truth which I am bringing to mankind, is knowledge I have brought with me from the spiritual realms, which I have acquired on the great road of evolution. Special messages from the spiritual realms to mankind upon this material-plane come in sub- cycles, great-cycles, and grand-cycles. Sub-cycle messages come from nine hundred to sixteen hundred years apart. Great-cycle mes- sages come from twenty-one hundred to thirty- four hundred years apart. Grand-cycle messages come every nine thousand years, and takes also the place of the great-cycle message. Sub-cycle messages sometimes come two and three at the same time to different races of people. Great- cycle and grand-cycle messages come only one at a time. The last grand-cycle message to mankind with the symbolic-truth, came nine thousand years ago, through Zarathustra of Persia. Three thou- sand three hundred and twenty-one (3321; years later came the great-cycle message to mankind through Brahma of India. Two thousand three hundred and sixty-seven (2367) years later came [10] PEEFACE the great-cycle message to mankind through Moses of the Israelites. In the last nine thousand years there were several sub-cycle messages. Principally amongst them were the Confucius, the Buddha and the Mohammed messages. And now at the present time, at the turning of a grand-cycle and a great- cycle, and three thousand three hundred and twelve (3312) years after Moses comes the great- est message of the past upon this material plane. The message of the greater-truth. In the year 5623 of the Brahma and Jewish- era, I had the great glory to be chosen by the coun- cil of wisdom of the seventh realm of this earth planet, to carry the message of the greater-truth to mankind upon this material-plane. Accord- ingly, I came upon this material-plane in the same year which corresponds with July, 1863, of the Roman-calendar. I incarnated in the same manner as any other spirit-soul man. I went through life the same as any other man, with the exception that I was kept conscious all my life with the thought that I came upon this material-plane for a special duty. This duty was revealed to me when the year 5679 came. And the knowledge which I possessed of the greater-truth, was un- veiled to me at the same time. For thousands of years past there has always been a number of fairly righteous men upon this material-plane, who have deplored the evil condi- tions and actions of mankind in general. And these men have cried out to the heavenly Father for an explanation and the reason for those evil condi- tions, and they prayed to be enlightened with the eternal-truth. Accordingly, the council of wisdom [11] THE GREATER TRUTH in the seventh realm of this planet, have agreed to, that I should give the message in the manner as I am giving it. And that is, the voice of the' fairly righteous man, crying out for help and enlighten- ment, and the voice of the Great-Spirit — our heav- enly Father — is answering it. I am well aware, that myself and the message I am bringing to mankind, will be attacked by dif- ferent enemies and from different motives, and all through ignorance and selfishness. The Jew enemy will cry out "He is a Jew He is a tool of the Jews. He is extolling the Jews. ' ' The enemies of Freemasonry will charge me with being the tool of Freemasonry. They will cry out, "He is ex- tolling Freemasonry, because he is a Freemason." The enemies of truth and advocates of erroneous doctrines, for selfish reasons, will cry out that I am an anti-Christ. First, I wish to state the heavenly Father is my witness, that I am not try- ing to gain any material benefit out of this mes- sage. And that I have sacrificed all I possessed materially, for the sake of this message. And all I have written regarding the Jewish race and Free- masonry, has been with absolute impartiality. And all I have written is knowledge I have brought from the spiritual realms, and know it to be the absolute truth. Now as regards my coming through the Jew- ish race, it was for several reasons. First, it was necessary that I should come in the center of Christianity. Then I had to have a body that comes from people that are nearest to the truth of God. Then it was necessary that my early youth should be surrounded with the atmosphere and [12] PREFACE teachings that is nearest to the truth of the mes- sage, which I am bringing from the One-Great- Spirit — the heavenly Father. Such surroundings in the center of Christianity, can only be found amongst the good, pious and learned orthodox Jews. Then again, the heavenly Father favors the Jewish race, because they are down-trodden and persecuted for the truth. But I came upon this material-plane from the spiritual realms as a spirit-soul-man, with a mes- sage of the greater-truth for all mankind, regard- less of race, caste or color. In the spiritual realms there is no race, color nor nationality; all are spirit-soul-men — the children of the One-Great- Spirit — our heavenly Father — and all understand one another. They are graded only according to their advanced stage in evolution. Color, race, variety of language, and nationality originated upon this material-plane. Since our heavenly Father has formed the Jewish race, he has made them his chosen people, and the official guiding spiritual race upon this material-plane. And all the guiding from the spiritual realms upon this plane is done through his chosen people. And that is the principal reason I came through the Jewish race. When all mankind will be united on the greater-truth, then they will all be one chosen race from our heavenly Father. Now as regards me being a Freemason, I wish to state that I am a Freemason from the spiritual realms. The principles of Freemasonry has not originated upon this material-plane ; it comes from the spiritual realms. Our heavenly Father is the Supreme-Grand-Freemason. He is the Supreme- ly] THE GREATER TRUTH Grand- Arichitect and Master of this solar-system — His universe. He is the originator of the prin- ciples of Freemasonry. His mind plans and cre- ates through the principles of Freemasonry. And the heavenly Father has inspired man upon this material-plane with the principles and emblems of Freemasonry. And on account of the sacred prin- ciples which they have assumed and are advocat- ing, and the sacred emblems they are holding, Freemasonry has voluntarily assumed a mission, to help and to spread the greater-truth. And for that reason the heavenly Father has guided me into their midst, and also for the reason that the mission of Freemasonry is linked with the mission of the chosen race, this message of the greater- truth is sent through a Freemason; and belongs to every nation upon this earth. Now as for me being anti-Christ, I wish to state that to be anti-errors and wrongs, one has to be anti-Christ. Our heavenly Father is also anti- Christ. I have no animosity whatever from a self- ish motive towards any living creature upon this earth. I was sent to be a brother to all mankind, and that is exactly what I am. I know that mil- lions of good souls are very sincerely absorbed in errors and illusions through ignorance and the misguidance of those who have selfish motives. I bring to them the message of the greater-truth from the heavenly Father. To wake them up, to get them out of ignorance, errors, sin and illus- ions. And to help them throw off the shackles of an ignorant and selfish priesthood, which has kept mankind for eighteen hundred years from advanc- ing in evolution. And for every human-being to [14] PEEFACE be its own savior. For there never was and never will be any saviors. Every spirit-soul-man can save himself from pain and suffering, and reach the great goal only through good thoughts, good words and good deeds, and that must be done with freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, free- dom of speech, and freedom of will. I bring to mankind the greater-truth of the system and law of our heavenly Father 's creations, through which every soul-atom that comes from Him, must pass through to reach the goal. I know very well that the agents of Satan — the leaders of selfishness and greed, and the advo- cates of erroneous doctrines who have misguided the people for so long, will raise their voices against me. But that don't worry me. I am ready to go through fire for the truth, if necessary. I look towards the heavenly light, and it makes me smile when I hear a voice from there calling out, "Well done ! My good and faithful servant. Well done." Now I wish to state as a brotherly warning to all mankind wherever so dispersed. That the time has arrived upon this material-plane for the be- ginning of the dissolution and disappearance of all errors, illusions, superstitions and false doctrines. For the ending of all hatred, strife and war amongst mankind. And for the spreading of the greater-truth upon this material-plane. The car- dinal principle of that truth, is the true brother- hood of all mankind and the Fatherhood of the One-Great-Spirit — the Lord Jehovah-Ahura- Masda — our heavenly Father — who is within the heavenly light. And woe to those who will try to [15] THE GREATER TRUTH prevent the spreading of that truth. For there is no power on earth that can prevent it. All they can do is to cause a lot of suffering for mankind upon this plane. For spread it must ; if it cannot spread through peace, it will spread through a baptism of blood. For that has been decreed by the council of wisdom upon the seventh realm of this planet, and approved by the Supreme-Grand-Master of the Universe. Reason should convince any human being of fair intelligence that if there exists a God, a Cre- ator and a Father of this universe, then He, the Supreme Creator, alone, should be sufficient in his creations. And one who applies himself to that principle cannot be in error. But from the moment one commences to add anything which has lived in corruptible flesh on to the Great- Spirit, to share the glory of the Great-Spirit — the Creator — then that one commences to be in error. All errors regarding the truth of the positive-force — the Great-Spirit — our heavenly Father, is inspired into man by Satan — the nega- tive spirit. The brain — the material soul, of the strongly materialistic-inclined man, is always very fertile soil for negative inspirations of some kind ; and Satan — the negative spirit, is always ready for the opportunity. Our heavenly Father does not interfere with Satan in a general way, but lets materialistic, selfish and foolish man take up these errors ; and he makes these errors serve to man as great lessons. As the errors that man has taken up for the supposed truth is of great diversity, it has set him at variance and disputes with his brother and caused him trouble and suffering, [16] PREFACE which is all his own fault. But by his own mis- takes man is being led through errors into the truth, and through diversity into unity. And through those conditions a great percentage of mankind is coming to a true realization, and they are hungry for the greater-truth. Consequently the greater-truth has arrived. The worst insult that man can offer to the Great-spirit — our heavenly Father, is to appeal to Him in prayers and glorify Him, and then at the same time, glorify some being that has lived in corruptible flesh, by calling him Lord, like those who say, "Our Lord Buddha," or "Our Lord Jesus Christ." This is a disgusting abomination and insult in the sight of our heavenly Father. For our Father — the Supreme Creator — alone only is entitled to be glorified. For He alone within this solar-system has never lived in flesh, corrupted by the germs of the negative spirit. For He alone is the Creator of this solar-system — His universe. For He alone gives birth to the spiritual soul- atom, and all must pass through the same system to reach the goal. For He alone is the Creator, the Preserver, and the Regenerator of this solar-sys- tem. And He alone is entitled to be prayed to. And He alone only can answer the prayers. And I give it as a brotherly warning and admonition to all mankind for their own welfare to refrain from glorifying any being in conjunction with the Lord God — our heavenly Father, and whose greater name is J ehovah-Ahura-Mazda. And as a last few words, I wish to state that any human being has a perfect right to criticize in any manner or form whatever I have written. [17] THE GREATER TRUTH Providing it comes from a sincere, honest opinion, according to the intelligence of the human being. But those who will criticize it, attack it, and con- demn it from a selfish motive, without any honesty and sincerity in its opinion and criticism, simply to do mischief. To them I wish to say, let them beware; to them punishment will be swift from the heavenly Father. The time for patience and mercy from our heavenly Father for that class of beings has pasesd. And may the Lord God J ehovah-Ahura-Mazda be rejoiced, and His associates everywhere con- tinue to be victorious. Amen ! SALAMAN SAL. SICKLE [18] THE VOICE Of the Fairly Righteous Man THE GKEATEE TRUTH THE VOICE Of the Fairly Righteous Man ALL-WISE and mighty Spirit of the universe, I am in great distress. I am puzzled and per- plexed at the conditions upon this earth, and I fail to understand Thee and comprehend Thy system. It causes me at times to doubt in the existence of an all-wise, intelligent, just and merciful Father in this great universe. And I am tempted to listen to the unholy doctrine of some of my people, that this is a world of chance and the survival of the fittest, and finally the perishing also of the once fittest. And then again, when I observe before me has been placed the most wonderful creations, they im- press me and my senses rise up in remembrance of an almighty wise Creator. For how can I other- wise, heavenly Father, when I think that out of these creations, I find rich food for meditation all the days of my life? And yet, though I have appropriated the earth to myself, I am unhappy and imperfect. Misery, crime and selfishness are upon my people. "What is my weakness that I cannot overcome it? Or what is my strength that I succumb to the de- 'sires of the earth? I build up my faith and cour- age in Thee, but before I know it I stumble and fall. Am I made that I shall be forever a reproof to myself and a censure to my own behavior? this corruptible self, this tendency to fall from the right way! [20] VOICE OF THE FAIRLY RIGHTEOUS MAN. that I had a starting point wheref rom to es- timate Thy wonderful decrees, or could find a road in which I could never stumble ! But yet, heav- enly Father, I will not complain because of the way of Thy works. Thou hast made a limit to my understanding, whereby I am reminded of Thee to call upon Thy name. I perceive my own vanity that whereas were I possessed of great knowledge I should be less beholden unto Thee ! In Thine own way are built the walls of the world; by their magnitude I am confounded; by the majesty of Thy hand I am appalled; I behold the smallness of myself in Thy great works. Why have I vainly set up myself as the highest of Thy works'? My failures are worse than any other living creature under the sun. I go forth to war to slay my brother, even whilst Thy wide earth hath room for all. Yea, I accurse the earth with starvation and sin and untimely death. that I could school myself not to boast of my great- ness; that I should be forever ashamed in Thy sight, Jehovah ! Unto Thee I will acknowledge my iniquities ; I can hide nothing from the eye of my Creator. Hear me then, Father ! I took up arms against my brother. With great armies I encompassed him about to despoil him. His widows and orphans I multiplied by the stroke of my sword; the cry of anguish that came out of their mouths I an- swered by the destruction of my brother's har- vests. To my captains and generals who showed great skill in killing I gave badges of gold ; I also built to them monuments in stone and iron. Yea, I inscribed them from top to bottom with their [21] THE GREATER TRUTH bloody victories. To my destroying host I have given great honor and glory. In the pretense of enforcing peace I hewed my way in flesh and blood. I called out to my people and bade them to take up arms and follow me for patriotism's sake. And yet what is patriotism? Behold, I made it as something greater than Thee and Thy commandment; thou shalt not kill. Yea, by the cunning of my words, I taught them that my brother was my enemy ; that to fall upon him and his people and destroy them was great patriotism. To the man that said: " There shall come a time of peace, when war shall be no more forever," I mocked and said : ' ' Thou fool ! ' ' I know the counts against me, Father. I have said war was a necessary evil, to prevent a too populous world ! I turned my back toward the wide unsettled regions of the earth. In the de- struction of my brethren I stood as a murderer, pleading that I war for righteousness. I persisted in not seeing justice on the other side. And when the battle was over for a day I cried out: "Be- hold the glory of them that were slain for the honor of their country. ' ' Thus I have added crime to crime before Thee, Jehovah : verily, I have not one word in justification of my deeds before Thee. that I had remained faithful to Thee and Thy commandments, heavenly Father ! But I have perverted the teachings of Thy messengers Thou has senl upon this earth. And I have made of them gods, unto the glory of the evil one. In one place I called oul to my sons and daughters, say- ing: "Be ye Brahmins; Brahma saveth whoso- [22] VOICE OF THE FAIRLY RIGHTEOUS MAN. ever professeth his name." In another place I said: "Be ye Buddhists; Buddah saveth whoso- ever calleth on His name. ' ' In another place I said : "Be ye Christians; Christ saveth whosoever acknowledged that he is God's only begotten Son and calleth on his name. ' ' In another place I said : "Be ye Mohammedans; whosoever saith that Mo- hammed is God's only prophet shall have indulg- ence without sin. ' ' Thus I have divided the earth. Into four great idolatries have I founded them; and into their hands I have put all kinds of weapons of destruction; and they have become more terrible one against the other than are the beasts of the forests. Their people are forever destroying one another. They quarrel and kill for their respec- tive religions, setting aside Thy commandment ' ' Thou shalt not kill. ' ' They love their own nation and hate all others. They set aside Thy com- mandment, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." They preach and pray in sufficient truth, but not one of these people practiceth peace, love and virtue in any degree equal with their understanding. These religions have not saved from sin any nation or city on the whole earth. In vain have I searched for a plan of redemp- tion ; a plan that would make the earth a paradise, and the life of man a glory unto Thee, and a joy unto himself. But alas, the two extremes, riches and poverty, have made the prospect of a millen- ium a thing of mockery. For one man that is rich there are a thousand poor, and their interests are an endless conflict with one another. Labor crieth out in pain, but capital smiteth him with a heart- [23] THE GREATER TRUTH less blow. Nation is against nation, king against king, merchant against merchant, consumer against producer, yea, man against man in all things upon this earth. Now, Jehovah, I come to Thee. Thou hold- est the secret of peace and harmony and good will amongst mortals. Give me of Thy light, Essence of Life ! Show me the way that war and crime and poverty may come to an end. Open Thou the way of peace, love, virtue and truth, that Thy children may rejoice in their lives and glorify Thee and Thy works forever. Such is the voice of man, Creator! In all the nations of the earth this voice riseth up to Thee As thou speakest to Zarathustra, to Brah- ma, and to Abraham and Moses, leading them forth out of darkness, speak thou, bearer of light! Inspire me with a true knowledge of Thee. Supreme Architect of the Universe, re- veal to me the eternal truth of Thine all-wise sys- tem. Great Spirit ! reveal to me the purpose I am here upon this earth, reveal to me the royal secret of my future life, Jehovah! Man hath faith in Thee only; Thou alone was sufficient in the olden time; today Thou alone art sufficient into Thine own creation. Speak Thou, heavenly Father. [24] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT OF THE UNIVERSE From the Realms of the Eternal Light CHAPTEE I. OMAN, my child! I have heard your voice, I have heard your supplications, I have heard your confessions of sin and iniquities. I have heard your pleadings to be enlightened with the eternal truth of My system. You desire to know the purpose you are here upon this earth and the royal secret of your future life, which has been in- comprehensible to you. Hear Me then, man, My child ! and compre- hend Me. From the time I have made and finished this material-physical globe, and from the time the first dawn began to rise upon the globe, it is six solar-great-periods, less 1321 years, and is equal to 7,936,679 earth years. During these periods there has developed within and upon this material-physical globe a great variety of minerals, an immense variety of vegetation and animate life. I have intended that every mineral, every plant and every living creature below you, which has developed through you, and through which you have developed yourself, should be for you as [25] THE GREATER TRUTH symbols to guide you through your life upon this earth. Upon every mineral, upon the leaves of every plant, and upon every living creature, I have written the eternal truth of My system, and the purpose you are upon this earth. And all that is visible to you in the far-off space above this earth should also serve you as symbols and reveal to you the eternal truth of My system and the royal secret of your future and immortal life. It is about eight solar years, which is equal to 216,000 earth years, since you have arrived at your first age of reason, when you became man of reason and began to be capable of reasoning in general. It is about one 1 solar year, which is equal to twenty-seven thousand (27,000) earth years, since you have attained your full seventh age of reason, and you have been growing ever since in reasoning ability. And all this time, My child, you have had eyes to see, but you would not see. You have had ears to hear, but you would not hear. You have had intelligence and reason to compre- hend and discriminate between truth and error, but you have not comprehended, nor have you dis- criminated between right and wrong. O man of intelligence and reason ! you have now reached the ninth age of reason, and I will speak to you in plain and simple language so a child of seven years can comprehend it, and I will make all the symbols of the past very plain to you. Hear then, O man, child of My glory ! to the greater truth from thy Father in the heavenly light. Hear then of the origin and the system of My creations. Hear then of thy origin. The pur- pose you are here upon this earth and the royal [26] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT secret of your future life. Hear then finally to the sacred and holy doctrine and My command- ments, in this new era of the greater truth. Listen to Me, child! and comprehend how knowledge, wisdom, light and power are acquired. A struggle by the just and positive for the prin- ciples of light, order, harmony, equity, and jus- tice, against the unjust and the negative of the above principles, and then followed by the posi- tive, with rest, silence and strong meditation over the experience of the struggle and the assimilation of the same experiences, causes real and true knowledge to the positive. True knowledge cre- ates wisdom, wisdomj is light and power. The greater the struggle by the positive for a just, great and good cause, and the longer the period following of rest, silence, meditation and assimila- tion, so much greater the true knowledge attained by it. A greater quantity of true knowledge cre- ates greater wisdom; greater wisdom creates greater light and power. And when knowledge and wisdom becomes of an infinitude quantity, it lights up with an infinitude of light and becomes an infinitude of power. Comprehend then, man! the infinitude of wisdom of Thine heavenly Father. As a single drop of water is insignificant in comparison to all the oceans upon this earth, so much insignificant is the wisdom of the wisest of the wise men upon this earth in comparison to the wisdom of Thy Father in the heavenly light. Hear Me, man, child of My divinity! and comprehend the eternal truth from Thine heavenly Father. Time never began, and never will end. [27] THE GREATER TRUTH Space the absolute has no beginning and no end. And substance within space, like space itself, has no beginning nor end; it always was and always will be, it is indestructible. The form can only be destroyed, but it cannot be completely annihilated. The absolute and endless space is controlled and governed by a principle. The working nature of the principle can only be comprehended by the wisdom of those who have passed through the fourth, the grand-perfect-division in evolution. There was a time when all there was in space was substance, and that substance was in the form of a dense, heavy atmosphere, intermingled with flames, with no intelligence and of a cahotic nature and total darkness prevailed. Then there came a time when spirit with its spiritual soul, the mind, originated. Then spirit took possession of a lim- ited space, and through a great struggle developed its soul, the mind, to an infinitude of intelligence, wisdom, light and power. Then the spirit super- seded the governing principle of the absolute and endless space within that limited space, and be- came the absolute governing power of that limited space. Then the spirit, through its developed great attributes and virtues, transformed the un- intelligent cahotic substance of its own limited space, into intelligent, harmonious matter. And from the evolved spirit, spirit was reborn. And so every solar-system in space, with all its life, is the creation from spirit and mind working upon substance. Listen, O child <>i' My wisdom! and assimilate the knowledge. Away far off into the endless space, surrounded from a great distance by an [28] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT endless number of solar-systems, there is the great twin planets Sacturions. They are known as Sac- turion the positive — the good, and Sacturion the negative — the evil. They are the seven-times- seven-times — nine-times-nine (49 times 81), solar fires. They are the source of the positive and negative, the source of good and evil. The origin of these twin solar fires Sacturions, comes from the governing principle of the absolute and end- less space, and can be comprehended only by the wisdom of those who have passed through the fourth, the grand-perfect-division in evolution. The distance of the nearest solar-systems to the planets Sacturions is beyond the calculations of the human mind. Sacturion the positive is of a bright, white fire light, and of an incalculable num- ber of color shades. Sacturion the negative is of a dark red fire light, with dark colors of brown, blue and green running into black. These two great planets, each one rotates on its own axis and in the opposite direction from its twin. They are so close together that the fire they emit is in continual friction. These two planets, each one makes a complete revolution on its axis within a very great period of time, and at the end of that period occurs an extraordinary friction be- tween them, and from that friction comes from one to seven solar-golden-eggs. These solar- golden-eggs vary in size, according to the number, and run from seven thousand to seventy thousand solar-grand-meters in diameter, and are in ap- pearance similar to a comet. The solar-golden- egg shoots out from the twin planets into space, and travels until it finds its own center in space, [29] THE GREATER TRUTH Where no intelligent action exists. Prom there it makes nine and seven mystic circles. It winds from the center towards the outside to the ex- treme space it is capable of taking in, and makes nine circles, and returns crossways winding to- wards the center, making seven circles. The ex- treme; space it takes in is according to the size and power of the solar-golden-egg. The circle winding takes many solar-periods ; when it finally reaches 'the center again it explodes, and out of the egg comes the source that creates a solar-system. This is the manner all solar-systems started, and each one is independent from the other. Hear then, man, My child ! of the origin, the beginning and the history of this solar-system, of which you are a part, and of which Thy Father in the heavenly light is the absolute Lord and Mas- ter. An infinitude of time ago, which is beyond comprehension in figures by the human mind, within this immense space and light of Thy Father's solar-system there was absolute dark- ness, chaos and disorder. At that time came a solar-golden-egg from the Sacturions. This solar- golden-egg made nine and seven mystic winding circles, which took many of solar-periods ; and on the final reaching of its center the shell of the solar-golden-egg exploded, and the first dawn ap- peared upon the space of this present solar- system. Upon the center of this space of the nine and seven mystic circles was born a pair of twin spirits. One was the positive, the spirit of light, order and harmony. The other was the negative, the spirit of darkness, chaos and disorder. What [30] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIEIT was then the positive spirit of light, order and har- hiony is now the eternal I Am, Thy Father in the heavenly light. Hear then, My child! to the sacred and holy truth, and get the knowledge how Thy Father through an inconceivable struggle became the ab- solute Lord and Master of this immense space of the nine and seven mystic circles of this solar-sys- tem. From the, time I, the positive spirit, and my twin, the negative spirit, appeared upon the cen- ter of this space, a struggle began between us for mastery over the space of the nine and seven mystic circles. My contention was for light, order and harmony. My opposition was for the negative of the same principles. This struggle lasted for seven solar-grand-periods, which is equal to 64,- 827,000 earth years. And through all that time of the struggle there was upon this space alternately periods of dawn and periods of absolute darkness. And each succeeding period of dawn was of longer duration ,and each succeeding period of darkness was of shorter duration. At the end of that incon- ceivable struggle I, the positive force, have de- stroyed the negative force as an entity, disinte- grated its form, and cast its germs through the space of the nine and seven mystic circles. And the brightest dawn of the light to be eternal, ap- peared upon this space. man, child of My divinity ! listen and com- prehend Me. At the end of that inconceivable struggle with the negative force I went into a long period of rest, silence and meditation. This lasted for nine times seven (63) solar grand pe- riods, and is equal to 583,443,000 earth years. [31] THE GREATER TRUTH In that period I have assimilated the expe- riences I have gained through that inconceivable struggle. In that period I have grown in infinite knowledge, wisdom, light and power. In that pe- riod I have expanded My body over the space of the nine and seven mystic circles. In that period I have through My breath permeated the whole substance within the space of the nine and seven mystic circles with My germ triplicity atoms, which are the creating, the preserving, and the re- generating germs from My divine body. And by that virtue of Mine the whole space with its sub- stance became organized as My body, with My soul, the mind, as its center. And through that condition I have acquired an infinite power of con- sciousness and vibration through the whole sub- stance within the space of the mystic circles. In that period chaos, disorder and confusion trans- formed itself into silence, order and harmony within the mystic circles. Through My long period of rest, silence and meditation, I have acquired infinite power of mind, will and thought. And after that period was over I have concentrated the powers of My mind and will upon the thoughts and plans born of medita- tion. And I have transformed the substance of the nine and seven mystic circles into four ele- ments, namely : atmosphere, ether, fire and water. And by the same mode of action I have divided each element into seven-times-seven (49) ingre- dients, each ingredient possessing a different quality and virtue. By My wisdom and through concentration of the powers of My mind and will upon the thought [32] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT I have drawn to Me and around Me from the ele- ments of fire and mixed it with the germs of My divine body through my breath, and I became the holy fire and the all-seeing eye. And by the same mode of action I have drawn to Me and around Me from the elements of fire and ether, and I formed from within Me and around Me three-times-three (9) great-circle-units, realms of light, and I be- came the eternal fountain of light. And I beheld that through the powers of My wisdom and light I was everywhere within My immense space of the nine and seven mystic circles. And I became its absolute Lord and Master. CHAPTER II. Listen, man, My child! to the eternal truth of Thine heavenly Father. Comprehend Me and attain knowledge and wisdom. I am the Spirit, the Mind, the Light, and the Life of this grand- unit solar-system. I am a personal, spiritual being. In My great wisdom I have designed and assumed the form of the supreme and perfect Spirit-soul- man. I Am the standard of perfection of space the absolute, which is one and three-times-three circles (nine-circles),, with a principle from within Me and all around Me, within the nine and seven mystic circles. By My virtue, all My creations within My dominions have intelligence to move, live, think and act. By My wisdom and the germs of My di- vine body through My breath, and by the powers of My mind and will upon the thought, I have transformed unintelligent substance into intelli- gent matter. Through My infinitude of knowledge [33] THE GREATER TRUTH of the virtues, powers, qualities and actions of the different ingredients of the matter within the ele- ments surrounding Me, and through My wisdom and knowledge in compounding the same, and by the powers of My mind and will upon the thought, I have created all material things from the densest to the finest within My solar-system. By the powers of My mind and will upon the thought, I cause in space the formation of a vortex, and by its swift rotation through space I cause it to gather up different ingredients of matter from the elements, and through condensation it forms into a planet of seven fold and seven grades of matter, and thus I have created them all. By My wisdom and the powers of My light and the powers of My mind and will upon the thought, I hold, move and guide all My creations within the space of My vast dominions. Hear Me, man, child of My light ! Compre- hend the origin of man and the purpose he is upon this earth. From the embryonic germs of My divine body through My breath man was born as a spiritual soul-atom. And to save him, to preserve him, and make him grow up into the perfect imago of his heavenly Father, with infinite knowledge, wisdom, light and power, so that he could become like his Father in the heavenly light, and thru be- come united with Hint, I have for that purpose created the solar-system. I have created this solar-system one grand- unit, with Myself as the center. This grand-unil consists of nine units, and cadi anil consists of sixteen planets, seven of which are spiritual planets, and nine are earth planets, with all their [34] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT satellites. Each earth planet I have made of seven globes, one inside of the other. One is a material physical globe, and six spiritual globes or realms. Each globe or realm is of a different grade of matter, and each spiritual realm has seven levels. Only a small number of the planets in the grand-unit are visible to man upon the phy- sical plane of this earth planet. I have also made in the grand-unit nine comets. Those are the mes- sengers for signs and symbols through the space of My solar-system. Within this grand-unit My solar-system I have perfected a system of evolution for man's development and education, so he could reach the perfection of his; Father in the heavenly light. The system consists of five divisions. The first is the rudimentary-division, or the kindergarten. The second is the primary-division. The third is the intermediate-division. The fourth is the grand- perfect-division. The fifth is the supreme-divine- division, and is the highest and the supreme divis- ion in My system of evolution. In conjunction with the system of evolution for man, and which is also a part of the system, I have created a universal, iron, inflexible, un- changeable law, what man calls nature. The law of cause and effect. The law of equity. The law of justice. The law of moral right. The law of brotherly love. The law of unselfishness. The law of harmony. The law of retribution. The law of whatsoever one soweth that it shall reap. And I have decreed that whosoever or whatsoever will try to break this iron law shall break itself. Listen, man, My child ! and comprehend Me. [35] THE GREATER TRUTH The earth planet that you are living on has seven realms. The realm you are in now is realm num- ber one, and is the material-physical plane. It is the lowest, the coarsest and the densest of the seven realms. The next to realm number one and surrounding it is realm number two, and is of a finer grade of matter and transparent, so the light can shine through it. The number two is the purg- atory realm ,the place for the cleansing and purifi- cation of the spirit from all the evil it absorbs upon the physical plane. It is the realm for the working out of all undue passions and desires. The next to realm number two and surrounding it is realm number three, and is of a finer grade of matter than the former and of greater transpar- ency. The number three is the lower mental realm, and is the first and the lowest of the heaven worlds. The next to realm number three and sur- rounding it is realm number four, and is of a finer grade of matter than the former and of greater transparency. The number four is called the in- tellectual or the higher mental realm, and is the higher heaven world. It is also the administration quarters for the realms from the first to the fourth inclusive. The next to realm number four and surround- ing it is realm number five, and is of a finer grade of matter than the former and of greater trans- parency. The number five is the realm of the first divinity. It is the greater heaven-world and is the realm of the masters. The next to realm number five and surrounding it is realm number six, and is of a finer grade of matter than the former and of greater transparency. The number six is the [36] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT spiritual realm! of the dual divinity. It is a greater heaven world and the realm of the excellent masters. The next to realm number six and surrounding it is realm number seven, and is of a finer grade of matter than the former and of greater transparency, and the most rarefied of the seven realms. The number seven is the spirit- ual realm of the triple divinity. It is the grand heaven world and the realm of the wise masters. The seventh realm is the governing quarters for the whole planet. It is also the home of the spirit- ual soul-atom ; from there it starts out on its pil- grimage of evolution. The six realms above the number one — the physical realm, each one being of greater trans- parency than the lower one, causes upon each one a higher degree of light. Within the second realm the light is two fold of the full midday light upon the physical plane. The third realm has three-fold light of the physical realm. The fourth has a four- fold light. The fifth has a five-fold light. The sixth has a six-fold light. And within the seventh realm, the grand heaven world of this planet, the light is seven-fold of the physical realm, and is only the primary seven light unit of the light realms — great circle-unit-nine of Thy Father's heavenly light. Within the second realm there is no total night darkness. The light is almost perpetual, and the short supposed to be night is like the full dawn upon the physical plane. Within the third realm the above conditions are still greater, and within the fourth realm and each realm above there is perpetual full light. The reason for the [37] THE GREATER TRUTH above conditions of the light is because the matter of the spiritual realms being very fine and trans- parent, the light floAvs right through the matter. And the greater and clearer light in each succeed- ing higher realm creates also a greater and more glorious variety of colors, which is beyond com- prehension by man upon the physical-plane. Comprehend Me, My child ! and assimilate the words of Thy Father in the heavenly light. The physical realm number one, the second realm, the third and fourth realms, upon this earth planet I have made to be the first two divisions in My sys- tem of evolution. These are the rudimentary and primary divisions. The fifth, sixth and seventh realms are the third — the intermediate division. The second, third and fourth realms, each one has seven levels and is intended and adapted for the seven different grades of life that man is capable of leading upon the physical-plane through the pe- riod of the primary-division. The seven levels in the fifth, sixth and seventh realms are intended so the masters can rise by degrees in the interme- diate-division. When I have made this earth planet I first made the material physical globe — the central globe and plane that you are living on now. I have compounded it so it would develop a greal? variety of minerals. And for eons of primary solar-pe- riods My vortex had been gathering, compounding and condensing the different grades of matter from the elements. When it was finished the globe was then a seething, burning mass of liquid mat- ter, and it was enveloped by a very deep, dense and heavy vapor. I have then opened and en- [38] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT larged the vortex, and the temperature of the globe commenced to lower. As the globe gradually cooled the matter slowly condensed, and the globe formed itself into an irregular shape. With deep large hollows in some places and very high pro- jections in other places, with great deep gulches and very large crevices. When the globe cooled off to a certain tem- perature the heavy vapor around the globe com- menced to condense and clear. The seven pri- mary light-unit of the light-realm's great circle- unit-nine commenced then to break through the vapor, and the first dawn commenced to rise upon this material-globe. That was the beginning of the first solar-great-period, and the beginning of time upon this earth planet, and that was six solar-great-periods ago, less 1321 years (or 7,936,679 earth years ago), And as the globe kept on getting cooler the vapor around it also con- densed into liquid, and it filled up all the hollows, and the oceans, rivers and lakes were formed. As the vaporous atmosphere became lighter, the light increased in proportion upon the globe all around. By the last quarter of the first solar great period the material physical globe has been cool- ed off. All the minerals have been hardened and the oceans have been fully formed. I have then formed a gravity atmosphere all around the globe. The purpose for the gravity atmosphere is to put a limit upon all material substance coming from the material physical plane, and to force it back. And as none of the six spiritual globes had been formed yet, the seven primary light-unit of the light realm's great circle-unit-nine was in full [39] THE GREATER TRUTH force upon the material-physical plane. That was seven fold of what the light is now. When it was near the end of the first solar- great-period, and the material globe commenced to assume a normal temperature, I have then opened and enlarged the vortex by expansion, and I have commenced to form the six spiritual globes around the material globe. I have first formed the second globe, then the third, then the fourth, then the fifth, then the sixth, and lastly the seventh. The process in gathering the matter was by the same vortex. But as the six globes are hollow and all of fine matter, it did not require long periods for the formation, nor did it create heat to any great extent. I have then again opened and enlarged the vortex by expansion. And I have created a small vortex midway between the seventh globe and the wall of the large vortex, which is nine thousand solar-grand-meters distant from the seventh globe, and sixteen thousand solar-grand-meters distant from the material-globe. Within the small vortex I have formed a reflecting satellite, what man calls the Moon. I have created it to serve the following purposes for the material-plane. First, by the reflection of My light upon the satellite I remind man at night that My light is eternally lighting up the universe. Second, to furnish a cer- tain amount of energy and life to vegetation dur- ing the absence of My direct light. Third, to act as a guide to mankind in the four directions of space during the absence of My direct light. And fourth, to control the great waters during the ab- sence of My direct light. [40] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT It was the last quarter of the second solar- great-period, when the seventh realm was fin- ished. And on account of the extension of time in forming the six realms, each one separate, the light upon the physical-plane from the last quarter of the first period to the last quarter of the second period, was on an average from four to seven-fold of the present light. On account of the extra great light and immense natural heat, the great variety of minerals which was already developed has caused the vegetation to develop very rapidly. That was by the end of the first solar-great- period (1,323,000 earth years after the first dawn). By the middle of the second solar-great-pe- riod, an immense variety of vegetation, of im- mense gigantic size and in great wild profusion, had developed all around the material plane. But there was no animate life of any kind upon the surface of the plane, nor in the air above the plane, except very deep under the waters. And no animate life appeared upon the plane until all the spiritual globes were finished. It then veiled and reduced the light to one-seventh, and that is the present grade of light on the physical-plane. Then a low organic physical life commenced to appear. At the commencement of the third solar- great-period, the immense variety of vegetation had developed an immense variety of a very low organic animate life. Very slow, creeping and crawling creatures within the soil and on the surface of the soil. Under the waters and on the surface of the waters and a great variety of in- sect life moving in the air above the soil. This [41] THE GREATER TRUTH material-physical-plane and the whole earth planet was then ready for the spiritual soul-atom to begin its evolution in the rudimentary-division. It was about four solar-great-periods ago (5,292,000 earth years ago) when the present man upon this earth planet started upon this material- physical-plane as a spiritual soul-atom on a pil- grimage for evolution to perfection. And this earth was prepared with every kind of material neces- sary for the development of the soul-atom to the state of man. Physically, mentally and spiritual- ly. For his existence, for his need, for his com- fort, for his welfare, for his happiness, for his ed- ucation, and for his experience. Listen to Me, man, My child ! the six spirit- ual realms that I have created around the physi- cal globe I have intended for them to serve many different purposes. Comprehend Me then, min- eral compounded out of low, coarse matter will get more refined under My full primary seven-light unit, and under the same powerful light vegetation will develop very rapidly from the mineral. But the same mineral and vegetation, after it has de- veloped, cannot continue long in the same great light and remain in the same cohesive condition, because it is made of a low coarse matter. Then again, a low organic physical life could not commence to develop under the full primary seven light unit. And the higher animal life, if developed under proper conditions, could not exist long under that powerful light. And developed spiritual man could not very well exist in a physical body upon the physical plane in that great light. So after the mineral and vegetation [42] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT have very rapidly developed and matured under the full primary seven light-unit I have then made the six transparent spiritual realms which veiled that great light and reduced it to one-seventh. It served right away a double purpose to preserve the mineral and vegetation and to give an oppor- tunity for the low organic animate life to develop. And as we go along, My child, you will compre- hend the many different purposes the six spiritual realms are serving and the absolute necessity for them. CHAPTER III. Listen, man, child of My light ! to the words of Thine Heavenly Father. Comprehend and as- similate the knowledge, and know how and in what manner man had commenced on his pilgrimage of evolution to attain perfection. I have already im- parted to you before, that with My triplicity germ atoms from My divine body through My breath, I have permeated the substance within the space of the nine and seven mystic circles surrounding Me. And I have continued the same periodically since the beginning; and will continue the same for eternity. When the spiritual triplicity germ atoms from My divine body gets into space, ninety-three per cent of those atoms divides into the three germs. The creating germ, the preserving germ, and the regenerating germ. These germs are with- in the created matter of the system, and are more or less individually absorbed by the existing spiritual and material life within the solar-system. The remaining seven per cent of the atoms does [43] THE GEEATEE TEUTH not divide. The whole triplicity remains completely united. These are the spiritual soul-atoms from the soul of Thine Heavenly Father. When the spiritual-soul-atoms have traveled through the space of the nine and seven mystic circles of the solar-system for seven solar-grand- periods. (64,827,000 earth years) or more, they get an instinct desire to return to its original source. But I have decreed that the soul-atoms can return to Me only by evolution through different stages of material physical life, and reach the stage of the spirit-soul-man, and then grow up to a state of consciousness and reason, and through that state of consciousness and reason acquire knowl- edge, wisdom and power, which would make them capable for a still higher evolution. And through the higher evolution become My per- fect image and reach the state of perfection where- by they could become united with Me. For that purpose I have created My system of evolution and the iron, inflexible law. So when the instinct desire of the spiritual soul-atom to return to its original source arrives, it is by its natural instinct drawn to one of the earth planets and within the seventh realm. The reason for that is because the matter of the seventh realms of the earth planets have the greatest percentage of the triplicity germs, and it acts as a powerful magnet to draw the soul-atoms, and as it feels at home in that realm it is called the home of the spiritual soul-atom. After the soul-atom moves through the seventh realm for a short period it forms around itself an encasement out of the matter of that [44] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT realm, and descends to the lower, the sixth realm. After a short period in the sixth realm the soul- atom forms around itself an encasement out of the matter of that realm and descends to the lower, the fifth realm. After a short period in the fifth realm the soul-atom forms around itself an encase- ment out of the matter of that realm and descends to the lower, the fourth realm. After a very short period in the fourth realm the soul-atom forms around itself an encasement out of the matter of that realm and descends to the third realm. After a very short period in the third realm the soul- atom forms around itself an encasement out of the matter of that realm and descends to the second realm. After a very short period in the second realm the soul-atom forms around itself an encase- ment out of the matter of that realm. And the three encasements or bodies from the second, third and fourth realms form an aura, which extends on the outside of all the bodies. The spiritual soul-atom now clothed in six bodies out of the mat- ter of the six spiritual realms, descends to realm number one — the material physical-plane — and takes upon itself the seventh body, by starting to manifest in the lowest of organic physical life. The soul-atom has then commenced in the rudi- mentary or kindergarten, the first division in evo- lution. Listen, man, My child, and comprehend Me. The evolution of the spiritual soul-atoms in the rudimentary-division took about three solar- great-periods (3,969,000 earth years). The first millions of the soul-atoms upon this earth planet commenced its evolution about the end of the [45] THE GREATER TRUTH second solar-great-period. And through slow ad- vancing stages from the lowest of organic physical life, man, who has began as a spiritual soul-atom, has lived in a great variety of life that moves on the surface and under the waters. He has lived in a great variety of life that moves in the air above the soil. He has lived in a great variety of life that creeps and crawls upon the soil. He has lived in a great variety of animal life that walks, runs and climbs. And he has lived in a great variety of animal life that thinks and acts upon this material physical-plane. From the time man had began to manifest as a soul-atom in the lowest of organic life he has helped to develop the great variety of physical life upon thi^ material physical-plane. And at the same time he has developed himself through it. Without the soul-atom the low organic life could not have developed. It would have been left in the same low stage. And without the material physical life the soul-atom could not have devel- oped to the state of man. For it served him to gain a consciousness in an immense variety of physical matter. And as the physical life was de- veloping by stages to a higher state, so did the soul-atom grow by stages to a higher conscious- ness. Through the long periods in the rudimen- tary-division the soul-atom reincarnated thou- sands of times, from the dissolution of one physi- cal life into the organization of another physi- cal life and in as great a variety of species with hardly any intermission. It was thousands of les- sons like one continuous lesson. When the spiritual soul-atom commenced to [46] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT manifest into the first low organic life there was only one sex, but an immense variety in the form of the creatures. And each form of creature evolved itself into another form. That was the first stage, it lasted one solar-high-period (189,000 earth years). When it came to the second stage the one sex impregnated itself and laid egg germs. This lasted for two solar-high-periods (378,000 earth years), and it had evolved to the third stage of two sexes, but the sexes were not distinct. The third stage lasted four solar-high-periods (756,000 earth years). When it reached the fourth stage the sexes were very distinct and complete. And the great variety of species were also complete, and every creature cohabited with its own kind only. And all the soul-atoms that commenced their evolution after all the species were devel- oped have evolved much faster than the former atoms. That was at the beginning of the fourth solar-great-period (about 3,969,000 earth years ago.) From that time on the great variety of species commenced to develop in size and power. By the beginning of the fifth solar-great-period the great- est percentage in the variety of animals had devel- oped to tremendous — gigantic sizes, of a very brutal and ferocious nature and of very ugly ap- pearance. There was the kind that lived on veg- etation, and the kind that devoured those that lived on vegetation. In the fifth solar-great- period the animal kingdom has evolved to a finer state, to a milder nature, more proportionate in size and form. And all the soul-atoms that com- menced in the second-period have been going [47] THE GREATER TRUTH through the last stage in the fifth period, which is the ape stage, and is the last stage in the rudi- mentary-division. During the fifth period the evolved soul-atoms have gradually forced the evo- lution of the ape into upright brute-man. The soul had then finished the rudimentary-division, and when it started as brute-man it had com- menced in the primary-division. That was about one solar-great-period ago (1,323,000 earth years ago). Comprehend Me, My child ! All organic physi- cal life in the rudimentary-division I have made automatic and limited in thought and action. But when the spiritual soul had changed the ape-ani- mal to upright brute-man, the soul-atom became novice-soul-man. I have then made him half free in thought and action. That was the beginning of the primary-division, the second division in my system, for the evolution of the spiritual-soul-man. The first mankind upon this earth had no ability to reason. They were more or less brutal in nature, of a variety in colors and tempera- ments. The reason for the above condition is from the first cause, the minerals. As I have stat- ed before, I have compounded in this earth a great variety of minerals, and they all vary more or less in color. They all possess different natures, qual- ities and virtues. Some have life-giving proper- ties. Some have preserving properties. Some have regenerating properties. Some are capable of curing all the different diseases that physical matter is liable to acquire. Some have the power to cause death to physical life. Some have the power to destroy all forms made of matter. When ]48[ THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT the vegetations had developed from the minerals it acquired all the colors, virtues and qualities from the minerals, but in a greater variety and in a different form. When the organic life devel- oped from the vegetations it acquired all the col- ors, virtues and qualities from the vegetations in as great a variety but in a more different form. And that was the cause for the variety of colors and temperaments in the first physical mankind, which has continued more or less ever since. Listen to Me, child of My light! Man's evo- lution and education through the primary-division I have arranged in a system of lessons. A lesson consists of a life upon this physical-plane, which varies in length of time and according to the kind of lesson the spiritual-soul-man needs. What man calls death upon this physical-plane is simply the end of one of his lessons in the primary division. When the lesson is finished he leaves the body, the instrument he was using, for the time to get the lesson. It is the body that disintegrates and goes back to material life. But the real man is a spiritual being which developed from the soul- atom that came from Myself and started in the lowest of organic life upon this material physical- plane, and went through the rudimentary evolu- tion and is immortal. When evolution upon this physical-plane had reached the stage of the upright brute-man, it was the end of the rudimentary-division and the be- ginning of the primary-division in My system of evolution. It was a new beginning for the spirit- ual-soul. At the dissolution of the physical body of the first upright brute-man the spiritual-soul [49] THE GREATER TRUTH from that body carried by the aura rose to the lowest level of the second realm. There it went through a system of cleansing and purification which cleansed the soul from the impurities it had absorbed while going through the different stages of physical life in the rudimentary-division. When the soul was finished with the cleansing process, then the body which it had on from that realm disintegrated, and the soul rose to the low- est level of the third realm. There the soul passed a short period of rest and recreation, and then the body it had on from that realm disintegrated, and the soul rose to the lowest level of the fourth realm. There the body it had on from that realm and the aura immediately disintegrated, and it took on a new body out of the matter of the fourth realm, which is called the higher mental body, and left in that realm a duplicate of the same body in the form of a cylinder. The soul then descended to the third realm on the lowest level. There it took on a body out of the matter of that realm, which is called the lower mental body, and it also left in that realm a duplicate of the same body in the form of a cylinder. The soul then descended to the second realm. There it took on a body out of the matter of that realm, and left in that realm a duplicate of the same body in the form of a cyl- inder. And the three bodies have formed a new aura. The soul then descended to the first realm — the physical plane — and entered a physical body of a brute-human being, which was in the seventh day of the seventh month from the time it was con- ceived. And when the infant was born the soul had then began as a novice on its first life lesson [50] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT in the primary-division of evolution, and became a novice-soul-man. But the first mankind was brute and could not reason. Comprehend Me, My child ! The novice-soul- man as a brute and without any ability to reason was not held responsible for his thoughts, words and deeds during his evolution as a novice in the primary-division. During the period as a novice, which lasted for about 1,104,000 earth years, the novice-soul-man took his life lessons upon the physical plane through thousands of reincarna- tions. He gradually became less brute and more intelligent until he reached his first age of reason. He then became man of reason and spirit-soul- man. That was about two hundred and sixteen thousand earth years ago (216,000 earth years), As a spirit-soul-man and man of reason he be- came in spirit the same as in matter, the image of his Father in the heavenly light. As man of reason he became an entered-apprentice in My sys- tem of evolution. As an entered-apprentice he got upon the first step of the great pyramid of evolu- tion for the ascent towards perfection. From the time the novice-soul-man became man of reason and entered-apprentice I gave him complete freedom of thought, word and action, and from that time on he was held responsible for his thoughts, words and deeds. As an entered- apprentice he received his spiritual name, by which name he is hereafter known in the spiritual realms throughout his great future. As an enter- ed-apprentice he had received some light, and more was expected from him as when he was a novice. But as he was only a child in reasoning [51] THE GREATER TRUTH powers I have sent down upon this physical-plane thousands of wise and elder brothers of his from other earth planets, who have incarnated amongst the entered-apprentices and acted as rulers and leaders, and guided mankind up to the middle of the seventh age of reason for one hundred and seventy-five thousand years (175,000 earth years). As an entered-apprentice in the primary divi- sion the spirit-soul-man takes his lessons by in- carnations upon the physical-plane, the same as a novice. Every time he finishes a physical life les- son he separates from the physical body, and the aura, the vehicle of the spirit, carries him to the second realm, and upon the level adapted to the grade of life he has lived upon the physical-plane, which life was formed by his thoughts, words and deeds. After the spirit-soul-man has been cleansed and purified in the second realm from his evil thoughts, words and deeds and all undue passions and desires, the body he has on from the second realm and the duplicate in that realm disinte- grates. He then rises to the third realm, the first heaven world, and upon the level he has deserved according to his last life upon the physical-plane and the percentage of good there is within him. In the third realm the spirit-soul-man passes a period of rest, meditation and assimilation. The rest varies from the simple kind to the rest of great joy, happiness and bliss. The meditation and assimilation is intended for the spirit-soul- man to meditate over his last life he had upon the physical plane, and the results of it, and to assimilate within his subconscious mind the knowl- edge and experience gained by it. When the period [52] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT of rest and meditation is over ,the body which the spirit-sonl-man wears from the third realm and its duplicate in that realm disintegrates, and he rises to the fourth realm. As an entered-appren- tice he can only rise to the lowest level of that realm. The length of time he stays up there and the knowledge he has of it depends also on his last life on the physical-plane. But he stays up there long enough for the higher mental body and its duplicate in that realm and also the aura to disintegrate. And like a flash his subconscious mind opens up to him and his whole past from the time he commenced his evolution as a soul-atom, all his past experiences of good and evil and the results of it passes like a panorama before him. He is given to understand what kind his next physical life will be, and him, knowing what his last physical life was, he sees and understands the justice of the system, and that it is all for his benefit. According to his degree in evolution, so he has the ability to comprehend his condition. After the above conditions are over the spirit- soul-man takes upon himself a new body out of the matter of that realm, and leaves a duplicate of the new body in that realm, and his great past be- comes veiled to him again. He then descends to the third realm. In the third realm the spirit- soul-man takes upon himself a body out of the matter of that realm, and leaves also a duplicate of the body in that realm, and his intermediate past becomes veiled to him. He then descends to the second realm. In the second realm the spirit- soul-man takes upon himself a body out of the matter of that realm, and leaves also a duplicate [53] THE GREATER TRUTH of the body in that realm. Here his immediate past becomes veiled to him. The three bodies of the second, third and fourth realms, form a new aura around the spirit-soul-man, and guided from the fourth realm through the aura it descends to the physical-plane, and is guided to a physical human body assigned for him, and he incarnates again. And the spirit-soul-man commences a new physical life lesson. CHAPTER IV. Listen, man, child of My divinity, and com- prehend Me. As an entered-apprentice the spirit- soul-man goes through scores of incarnations upon the physical-plane, from the first up to the fourth age of reason (81,000 earth years), or longer, until he can qualify with fifty-four per cent of good to his credit. When the entered-apprentice has reached the above percentage of good, he is in- itiated on the first level of the fourth realm as a fellow-craft in evolution. As a fellow-craft he be- comes a helper and teacher to his younger and less enlightened brethren during the human life lessons on the physical-plane and between the les- sons in the spiritual realms. As a fellow-craft the spirit-soul-man is held still more responsible for his thoughts, words and deeds, because he has received more light and is more capable of reason- ing and knowing the difference between right and wrong. As a fellow-craft the spirit-soul-man has the opportunity for rising to the higher levels of the fourth realm. As a fellow-craft he has to keep on taking his lessons through reincarnations upon [54] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT the physical-plane in different capacities up to the sixth age of reason or longer, until he has reached seventy per cent of good to his credit. When the fellow-craft has reached the above percentage of good, he is initiated on the fourth level of the fourth realm as an advanced fellow-craft and an associate of his heavenly Father, the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe. As an advanced fellow-craft he reincarnates not only for himself, but he becomes a messenger and greater teacher to his brethren upon the physical plane. As an advanced fellow-craft the spirit-soul-man has the opportunity to break the compulsory reincarna- tion chains of the physical-plane, and rise to the fifth realm and the degree of master. But before the advanced fellow-craft can be- come a master he must acquire seven virtues. These virtues are as follows : The first virtue is will-power; he must have the will-power to control his passions and desires; he must have the will- power to master and control the negative tempting force in his physical body. The second virtue is order; he must acquire system and order and be systematic and orderly in all things that he does. The third virtue is cohesion; he must acquire the power to keep the cells in his body united and the power to regenerate himself. The fourth virtue is to be true; to be loyal and faithful to all his principles and undertakings ; to be true-blue. The fifth virtue is righteousness; to be righteous, just and honest to all his fellow-creatures, regardless of race, caste or color. The sixth virtue is unself- ishness; he must eliminate out of himself selfish- ness, and have the same consideration for his f el- [55] THE GREATER TRUTH low-creature as for himself; and he must become absolutely unselfish. The seventh virtue is love; he must eliminate out of himself hatred and ac- quire pure unadulterated love, not the love of car- nal passion, but the pure love that his Father in the heavenly light possesses for all his children; that same kind of love he must possess for his fel- low-creature. The advanced fellow-craft must also acquire a primary knowledge in the following nine sciences and arts. Arithmetic, geometry, as- tronomy, chemistry, mechanics, architecture, music, sculpture, and painting. Listen, man ! As long as the advanced fel- low-craft has not acquired fully the seven virtues he must keep on taking the life lessons upon the physical-plane ; and not until these seven virtues are indelibly impressed upon his subconsciousness can he break the chains of reincarnation that holds him to the physical-plane. For My system and My laws are exact and inviolable. These seven vir- tues that man is to acquire in the primary-divi- sion-lessons are the stepping-stones to an infinite- ly greater and more glorious education and posi- tions he is to receive and assume in My dominions ; and they are insignificant in comparison to the thousands of attributes and virtues he is to ac- quire in his great future. When the advanced fellow-craft has taken his physical life lessons up to the eighth age of rea- son or longer, until he has acquired the seven vir- tues and reached ninety-seven per cent of good to his credit, he has then broken the chains of rein- carnation and finished the primary-school — the second division of evolution. Then the advanced [56] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT fellow-craft rises in glory to the fifth realm — the realm of the first divinity. From now on his memory of his whole past is always open to him. Here the advanced fellow-craft is initiated as a master and commences his evolution in the third division — the intermediate division. Reincarna- tion upon the physcial-plane is not compulsory for the masters. But from their own voluntary desire they sometimes reincarnate for some special pur- poses. The masters, while their function in the fifth realm is to advance in evolution, they are act- ing during part of their time as instructors to the advanced fellow-crafts in the fourth realm and as invisible guides to mankind upon the physical- plane. When the master has finished his period of evolution in the fifth realm and has been endowed with the five-fold light and the first divinity, he discards his body of that realm and rises to the sixth realm — the spiritual realm of the dual di- vinity. Here the master is initiated as excellent- master. The excellent-masters, while their func- tion in the sixth realm is to advance in evolution, they are acting during part of their time as in- structors to the masters in the fifth realm and in work of special guiding capacities. When the ex- cellent-master has finished his period of evolu- tion in the sixth realm and has, been endowed with the six-fold light and the dual divinity he discards his body of the sixth realm and he rises to the seventh realm — the spiritual realm of the triple divinity. Here the excellent master is initiated as wise-master. The wise-master spirit-soul-man now stands [57] THE GREATER TRUTH clothed in one body only, out of the matter of the seventh realm, which is the finest of film and the most rarefied of matter upon this planet. The wise-masters, while their function in the seventh realm is to advance in evolution, they are acting during part of their time as instructors to the excellent-masters in the sixth realm. They are also acting in different governing capacities of the different departments of this planet and as mem- bers of the ruling council of wisdom of this planet, which is upon the seventh level of the seventh realm. When the wise-master has finished his period of evolution in the seventh realm and has been endowed with the primary seven-fold light and the triple divinity, he has then finished the in- termediate division — the third division in evolu- tion — and he stands ready to enter the fourth divi- sion of My system — the grand-perfect-division, the high school par-excellence of perfect-masters. Listen to Me, man! child of My wisdom, and comprehend Me. In one of My former state- ments I have said that one of the seven virtues the advanced fellow-craft has to acquire before he can become a master is will-power to master and control the tempting negative force in his physical body. As I will have to refer occasional- ly to that negative force, I will first explain the meaning before I go any further. I have already stated before that in the begin- ning when I have destroyed the negative evil spirit, I have cast its germs over the space of the nine and seven mystic circles. When I have trans- formed the substance into the four elements, these negative germs gathered into the elements of at- [58] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT mosphere and water, with the greatest percentage in atmosphere on account of having the coarsest and densest ingredients of the four elements. At the time when the central material-physical-globe was in the making and the vortex travelling through space gathered and compounded the ma- terial from the four elements it has first drawn the coarsest ingredients from atmosphere, fire and water. It had condensed in a manner that from the surface down the matter goes gradually denser and coarser towards the center. So within the bowels of the central globe — the earth — the mat- ter is the coarsest and the densest; it is formed principally from the coarsest ingredients of at- mosphere and fire. At the same time when the central material- physical-globe was formed the germs of the once negative force which was in the elements of atmos- phere and water gathered also very heavy into the central globe. And in the same proportion as the matter condensed, so did the negative germs con- dense in the earth ; the greatest percentage within the very bowels of the earth. This condition made it favorable for the negative germs to develop. With My permission in the third period, the nega- tive germs within the bowels of the earth devel- oped a real being in the form of an evil spirit. This evil spirit is known in the spiritual realms upon this earth planet as Satan, the evil spirit. For thousands of years mankind upon the physical- plane have been arguing and disputing amongst themselves regarding his existence; and he has been known under different names. Now, My child, you shall know that he really exists. [59] THE GREATER TRUTH Listen, man! and I will make it plain to you how Satan acts and what his powers are and why I have permitted him to develop. This Satan, the evil spirit, is the one that causes man upon the physical-plane to be very often puzzled and per- plexed. Satan occupies within the bowels of the earth one-thirteenth of the diameter of the whole material physical globe, and that is his realms. All the material physical matter being permeated with the same negative germs that he has devel- oped from, he exercises from his realms a power- ful vibration through the whole earth and through all physical matter which comes from the earth. By that system of vibration Satan works upon the spirit-soul-man while he is living in a phy- sical body as man of reason. As long as the positive spirit was evolving in physical matter below man of reason Satan could not accomplish any evil to the spirit for the fol- lowing reasons: First, because in the rudiment- ary-division I have made all animate life automa- tic; every living creature is limited in its action. In the primary-division brute-man up to man of reason only had half freedom and could not rea- son. But from the time the spirit-soul-man be- came man of reason he commenced to have some reasoning ability, and he also became free in thought, in conscience, in will and action. From that time on the negative germs in the physical body of man, through the vibrations of Satan, commenced to work. And through his powerful force of reasoning and tempting for evil he very often more or less makes man fall. Listen, man ! My child, and comprehend Me. [60] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT In My wisdom I have chosen to make use of the negative germs from the negative force which I have destroyed as a part in My system of evolu- tion in the primary division for the benefit of My children. For that purpose I have permitted the development of Satan, the evil spirit. Al- though Satan is very powerful, still he is insignifi- cant in comparison to the negative force which I have destroyed. He is completely in My power, under My control and at My command, and I can destroy him whenever I choose to do so. I, Thine Heavenly Father, have struggled for a great pe- riod against a powerful negative evil force which is incomprehensible to you, and I have conquered and destroyed that force. Through that struggle I became infinite in wisdom, light, power of mind and will. And now I am using the insignificant power of Satan, the evil spirit, as a lesson for man to conquer and master within his physical body, and thereby gain power of mind and will as a stepping-stone for his higher evolution, so he can reach his Father in the heavenly light. Comprehend Me, My child! Satan coming from the germs of the negative force that I have destroyed, he is still My enemy. He is the enemy of everything that comes from Me. He is the enemy of everything that is positive. He is the enemy of the sacred enternal truth. He is the enemy of man's advancement to perfection. He inspires and tempts the spirit-soul-man to evil thoughts, to evil words and evil deeds, and to do everything in the negative against the positive. With a purpose so man would cause himself a lot of suffering and destroy himself. He is the ori- [61] THE GREATER TRUTH gin of all errors and delusions that man has taken up. He is the origin of strife and hatred between mankind. He is the origin that inspired man with every false doctrine and religion upon this ma- terial physical-plane, which teaches the worship and adoration of things and beings material, phy- sical and spiritual. To mislead man from the truth, that there is only One-Great-Spirit. And that the One-Great-Spirit is the Supreme-Grand- Architect and Master of this solar-system, and His center is the heavenly light. But man himself is to blame for his own condition for listening to the negative voice of his body, and not to the positive voice of his heavenly Father within him. Man will think that to let loose such a power- ful and evil force like Satan upon weak man is an unjust and cruel system. The reason he will think so is because he does not comprehend the neces- sity for it. But those who are able to study and use reason, will comprehend the wisdom and jus- tice of My system. True knowledge and wisdom and good pure virtues, can only be acquired by a struggle against adverse conditions, by suffering through one's own mistakes and failures, and by overcoming temptations. By mastering, conquer- ing and eliminating the evil negative force in his physical body, man can accomplish it all and rise to great glory. In My compassion, mercy and love for My children, when man commenced in his first age of reason and he was only a child in reasoning pow- ers, to prevent him from falling too easy for the temptations of Satan, I have provided that he was guided up to the middle of his seventh age of rea- [62] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT son for one hundred and seventy-five thousand (175,000) earth years. Since that time all those who have reached the seventh age of reason were not guided. I have also always guided so that every mischievous and evil act, every error and false doctrine, that is inspired by Satan to man is gradually and eventually transformed to serve as a great lesson and benefit to mankind. And through those lessons which work at first as mis- chief man gradually and surely gains more expe- rience, knowledge and wisdom. And I never allow Satan to carry his evil too far. CHAPTER V. Hear Me, man! child of My glory, and comprehend Me. I have within the past century given to man upon the physical-plane many inspir- ations of the scientific mechanical working of My system. I have given it to him by degrees so he could better comprehend it and not be over- whelmed. First, I inspired him that by the appli- cation of a high temperature of heat he can turn water into vapor and that vapor possesses great force. Then I inspired him that by compressing the vapor and through mechanical action he can make great use of that force in all his vocations and create faster intercourse between mankind. Then I have inspired him that by a connected line of metal and through mechanical action he can create as great a force as with vapor and use it for all kinds of purposes, and that is what man calls electricity. I have inspired him that by making a metal line of connection for thousands of miles and by a [63] THE GREATEE TRUTH mechanical construction at each end he can com- municate with his brother by signs. Later I have inspired him how to construct it, so he could talk to his brother by the same power and hear his voice. And now lastly I have inspired him how to communicate with his brother thousands of miles apart by signs and by talking without any visible connection. And all these powers, My child, which I have inspired man to make use of, is the creation of Thy Father in the heavenly light ; and what man has received up till now is like one drop out of the oceans to what My creations are capable. But materialistic so-called scientific man, would not acknowledge that it all comes from a high superhuman, living and acting intelligence. He is still blind to the truth, which stands out bolder to him every succeeding age. He tries to make out that this solar-system with its perfect and accurate mechanical action is the work of blind chance happening. He does not ask himself if he is so bright, intelligent and scientific to invent and create wonderful instruments, where does his intelligence come from? Does it come from blind chance happening? He does not ask himself how could such a complicated and still perfect work- ing instrument like his physical body come from a blind chance happening? He is still blind to the fact that this instrument, the human physical body, was first designed by a great Master-Mind, and through an instrument from the Master-Mind the spiritual-soul-atom, guided by the Master- Mind, it was commenced from one cell and built up by degrees until it reached the perfect physical body of man. And since then the instrument from [64] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT the Master-Mind, the soul-atom — has been using the physical human body as an instrument to de- velop itself and become in the future also a mas- ter-mind. man, My child! open thine eyes, give Me thine ear, and comprehend Me. My whole solar- system is first built on geometrical lines ; then on mechanical lines ; and then constructed so that the whole system works automatically. And there is no blind chance happening in My system, not one fraction of one per cent. But to comprehend it, man must incline to the voice of the positive spirit, from whom he can and will always get the truth. But man follows mostly the voice of the negative spirit, and he is always misled and de- ceived. Listen, My child. All good which comes from good-thoughts, good-words and good-deeds, has the tendency and power to rise, to lift upward — to- wards the finer spiritual matter of the spiritual realms and the positive force. From there comes light, wisdom, truth, love and justice, and leads to construction and perfection. All evil which comes from evil-thoughts, evil-words and evil- deeds, has the tendency and power to pull and drag downward — towards the gross matter and the negative force. From there comes ignorance, falsehood, selfishness, hatred and injustice, and leads to degradation and destruction. Good also possesses seven times the power for rising up- wards that evil possesses for pulling downwards. Every time the spirit-soul-man comes down to the physical-plane for incarnation the three bodies which he has on from the second, third and [65] THE GREATER TRUTH fourth realms are new and clean. The aura which is formed by the three bodies and extends beyond the physical body is also clean and colorless. Dur- ing the stay of the spirit-soul-man upon the phy- sical-plane every thought of his, every word or sound he utters, every act or move of his, causes a vibration upon these three bodies, and registers upon them the results in good or evil. The vibra- tions upon the three bodies causes in> turn a vibra- tion upon the three duplicate bodies upon the second, third and fourth realms, and registers upon them the results in good or evil. By that system, My child, man's every thought, every word and every deed is an open record before Me. This is what man calls wireless communication, and I have inspired him with but only a fraction of the system. The aura which is formed by the three bodies acts as a vehicle and carrier of the spirit- soul-man. It also acts as a lifting power, ther- mometer and guage. The vibrations of the three bodies registers in different colors upon the aura according to good or evil, and the different colors registers the grade and percentage of good and evil, and accordingly the aura receives its powers. Comprehend Me, My child ! The life that man is capable of living upon the physical-plane has been divided in seven grades, and for that pur- pose the second, third and fourth realms were each one divided into seven levels. The lowest level upon the second realm is level number one and is intended for the grade of life which has a high percentage of evil and a low percentage of good. The next level higher is intended for the next grade higher life, and so on, until the highest THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT — the seventh level — is reached, which is for a very high percentage of good and a very low per- centage of evil. When the aura registers up to twenty-five per cent of good, and the balance up to one hundred per cent evil, it has the power to raise the spirit- soul-man to level number one of the second realm. When the aura registers from twenty-five to thirty-five per cent of good, and the balance evil, it has the power to raise the spirit-soul-man to level number two. When the aura registers from thirty-five to forty-five per cent of good, and the balance evil, it has the power to raise the spirit- soul-man to level number three. When the aura registers from forty-five to fifty-five per cent of good, and the balance evil, it has the power to raise the spirit-soul-man to level number four. When the aura registers from fifty-five to 'sixty- five per cent of good, and the balance evil, it has the power to raise the spirit-soul-man to level number five. When the aura registers from sixty- five to seventy-five per cent of good, and the bal- ance evil, it has the power to raise the spirit-soul- man to level number six. When the aura regis- ters from seventy-five to one hundred per cent of good, and the balance, if there is any left, is evil, it has the power to raise the spirit-soul-man to level number seven. One great good deed will neutralize a very severe form of evil, so that it will change its percentage; so will one great wrong change and reduce a high percentage of good. Each grade of life has a different form of treat- ment. Those of greater evil require a more severe treatment to eliminate it, and causes greater pain [67] THE GREATER TRUTH and suffering. Those that are of a mild form of evil require a mild form of treatment, and con- sequently is of milder pain and suffering. My child ! Thine heavenly Father does not de- sire the punishment and suffering of His children. But, like gold, to be purified from its base metals, has to be treated with fire and chemicals, and to separate a very low base metal from the pure gold requires more drastic treatment. So it is with the spirit-soul-man, but in his case the puri- fication and the elimination of evil causes him pain and suffering and works as a punishment. But the spirit-soul-man cannot be annihilated ; he sur- vives it all, and comes out purer, better and great- er for the suffering. Some of the greatest wrongs that man commits upon the material -physical- plane, which causes to form very evil impurities upon the soul, and requires the severest treat- ment to eliminate it from the spirit-soul-man and causes the greatest pain and suffering, are the fol- lowing : Hypocricy. The preaching and spread- ing of hatred against individuals, nations and races, and amongst all mankind. The intentional misleading of the masses for the benefit of the few. The prevention of free-thought, free-con- science and free speech. The forcing of one or the many to believe and acknowledge anything against their conscience and reason, and thereby forcing them to be hypocrites. The above mentioned evils, My child, are a few of the many belonging to the lowest grade of life. When the spirit-soul-man has passed through the purification process in the second realm, the aura carries the spirit-soul-man in the same man- [68] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT ner to the right level of the third realm. When his period is finished in the third realm he rises in the same manner to the fourth realm. In the third and fourth realms the spirit-soul-man gets rest and instruction. During the time of his rest he assimilates his past experience, and the result of that experience is stored in the storehouse of his subconscious mind. The rest is a reward for what ever good the spirit-soul-man has done, and the degree of enjoyment depends also on the degree of good he has done. The greater and nobler were his thoughts, words and deeds upon the physical- plane, the greater will be his glory and bliss dur- ing his rest in the third and fourth realms. The length of each period the spirit-soul-man stays in the spiritual realms between the physical incar- nations depends every time on the kind of life he was last leading on the physical-plane, and runs from seven years to sixteen hundred years. The grade of human physical life the spirit-soul-man gets every time he comes on the physical-plane depends also on his former physical life. Comprehend Me, My child! Like the great variety of physical life in the rudimentary divi- sion is for the purpose that the spirit-soul-man shall acquire a consciousness and knowledge in every kind of physical life and its moods, so have I created the great variety of human life for a sim- ilar purpose. During the many incarnations upon the physical-plane the spirit-soul-man, to get knowledge, experience and wisdom, must live in every race, in every clime, in every nation, and in every stage of life, from the one that toils for an existence to the king upon the throne. If the [69] THE GREATER TRUTH spirit-soul-man during his physical incarnations follows the positive voice of his heavenly Father within him, and strives to lead a life of good- thoughts, good-words and good-deeds, then be- sides the reward of a glorious condition in the upper realms during the periods between the in- carnations,! he will also in his next life lesson upon the physical-plane enjoy a higher and better con- dition of life. But if the spirit-soul-man follows the negative voice of his physical body and lives a life of evil-thoughts, evil-words and evil-deeds, the cleansing and purification process in the purga- tory realm only frees him from the evil he has ab- sorbed, but whatever the conditions the spirit- soul-man has created upon the physical-plane by his evil thoughts, words and deeds, he will have to suffer from the effects of those conditions in his next life lesson on the physical-plane. And the chains of reincarnation are not broken for him un- til these debts are all discharged. Hear Me. man, child of My divinity ! If man has been upon the physical plane in a commanding and ruling position, and he has oppressed and abused his fellow-creatures, the weak and the helpless, in his next life lesson, he will be in a po- sition where he will be abused and oppressed and be weak and helpless. If he was in a position of material wealth and plenty, and he was indiffer- ent to the poor and the suffering, he will in his next life lesson be the poor and the suffering. If he has preached and spread hatred and persecu- tion for his fellow-creatures because they were of another race, caste, color or nation, for the indi- vidual or for a whole nation, for whatever cause [70] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT or reason, he will in his next life lesson suffer from the conditions he has caused or intended to cause, even if he has not succeeded. If he has intentionally misled his fellow-creatures or the masses for a selfish and greedy purpose, or for the benefit of the few, for material gain or for position, he will in his next life suffer from the condition he has caused, and thereby pay the pen- alty for it. If he has observed the above evil con- ditions perpetrated by others, or he knew those conditions to exist, and he was in a position to pre- vent it or to remedy it, and he was indifferent about it, he is a guilty party to those evils, and in his next life lesson he will suffer from those evil conditions. And nations as a whole must pay the penalty the same as individuals. This, man, My child! is My iron, inflexi- ble, unchangeable law. Whatsoever one soweth, that he shall reap. If man has tried during his life lesson to turn the earth into a desert, his next life lesson shall be to him like a desert. If he has tried during one of his life lessons to turn the earth or his surroundings into a paradise for everybody around him, he shall in his next life les- son enjoy a paradise, regardless what it may be for anybody else around him. During the period in the primary-division from the time he commences as an entered-appren- tice to the time he finishes as an advanced fellow- craft the spirit-soul-man must pass for reincarna- tion upon the physical-plane through every one of the twelve divisions of the zodiac ; nine times to in- carnate as a man, and seven times to incarnate as a woman ; sixteen incarnations through every divi- 1 [71] THE GREATER TRUTH sion — a total of one hundred and ninety-two incar- nations; that is the minimum number of incarna- tions he must make as man of reason in the pri- mary-division. But there is not one in seventy- thousand who has gone through the primary-divi- sion as man of reason with the minimum number of incarnations. And the great mass have to take scores of incarnations more than the minimum. . When the spirit-soul-man manifests as a wo- man upon the physical-plane, her greatest and sacred duty is to be fruitful, so that the spiritual- souls can incarnate upon the physical-plane, by that she helps their evolution. By forming the right union and by leading a good clean moral life of good-thoughts, good-words and good-deeds she will be able to procreate good, clean and pure bodies, and advanced great souls will come to her and adopt her as their mother. And when she has performed that duty to the fullest extent of her ability, her glory in heaven will be seven fold greater than man's, and she will advance much faster on the path of evolution. CHAPTER VL Listen, man, My child ! and comprehend the wise construction of My system and its mechani- cal, automatic action. As I have explained to you before, when the soul-atom started from the seventh realm on its pilgrimage of evolution it has formed around itself casings. First, from the matter of the seventh, sixth and fifth realms, and then from the lower realms. The bodies of the three lower realms— the second, third and fourth — act as a protection to the three higher bodies, [72] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT which are of very fine, subtle and sensitive mat- ter to protect them from becoming contaminated with the coarse, heavy physical matter. As the soul-atom was evolving and kept grow- ing in consciousness, so have all the bodies grown with it. Through the primary-division-period the three new bodies which the spirit-soul-man takes in the second, third and fourth realms for every physical earth life, is also intended to act as a sure and safe protection for the higher bodies which were taken up by the soul-atom in the fifth, sixth and seventh realms as casings and have grown in- to bodies, while the soul-atom has gone through the rudimentary and primary divisions. These same three higher bodies the spirit-soul-man wears until he finishes the primary-division and gets into the third intermediate-division. The function of the seventh realm body is first as a protection for the naked spirit, and then as a storehouse to the subconscious mind — the soul — for the great mass of accumulated knowl- edge and experience of its whole past f romj the be- ginning of the rudimentary division to the end of the third, the intermediate-division. The reason for the necessary storehouse is because the mind of the spirit-soul-man is not capable of holding the great mass of accumulated knowledge and experience until he has reached a high and power- ful state of mind ; that comes when the spirit-soul- man finishes the third, the intermediate-division as wise-master. He is then able to carry his past without any assistance. The sixth realm body acts as a distributing channel for the soul and storehouse. Whenever [73] THE GREATER TRUTH the subconscious mind — the soul — releases some of its accumulated knowledge from its storehouse it is taken up by the sixth realm body and sent into the higher mental body, and that body sends it to the physical brain, and that is what man calls a revelation. The fifth realm body acts 1 as a chan- nel for inspiration. What man calls inspiration is the continuous communication through vibra- tions from the supreme central source — the posi- tive spiritual mind force — Thy Father in the heav- enly light, and vibrates through his body in all spirit and matter. In matter the positive vibra- tions varies according to the grade ; the finer and more spiritual the matter the stronger is the posi- tive vibrations in it. In spirit the degree of vibra- tions from the positive depends also on the de- gree of the evolved spirit. The subconscious mind — the soul — receives more or less continuous communications — inspira- tions — from the Supreme source. The fifth realm body takes it up and sends it to the lower mental body, and that body sends it to the physical brain. As the negative spiritual force is at the same time vibrating through the physical body, and sends those vibrations in the form of inspirations through the second realm body into the physical brain, it is left for the spirit-soul-man to discrimi- nate between the positive and the negative, be- tween truth and errors. Man's failure to discriminate between the positive and negative force within him is the cause for so many disappointments to him. Man will very often mistake a negative inspiration for a positive revelation, and he will form some ideas [74] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT of errors and illusions. The negative force does not and cannot reveal anything. What man calls a revelation can only come to one who has been sent upon the physical plane from the spiritual realms; to enlighten mankind with some special great knowledge; those are as a rule great-cycle and sub-cycle messengers. The one who is sent is in possession of that knowledge from before. He comes upon the physical-plane in the same manner as any other man. When the time arrives for him to enlighten mankind the knowledge he is to impart is released from his subconscious mind and storehouse and it gets into his physical brain. It is just like a veil had been raised in front of him. The three bodies that the spirit-soul-man takes on in the second, third and fourth realms, serve also as veils for the memory of his whole past. When the spirit-soul-man rises from the physical-plane to the second realm he remembers only his last physical life. When his second realm body disintegrates his memory of several lives preceding the last one opens up to him. That is called his immediate past. When his third realm body disintegrates his memory of a good many lives still further back opens up to him. That is called his intermediate past. When his fourth realm body disintegrates his memory back to the beginning of his evolution opens up to him. That is called his great past. When the spirit-soul- man takes on the fourth realm body his great past becomes veiled to him. When he takes on the third realm body the intermediate past be- comes veiled to him. When he takes on the second [75] THE GEEATEE TEUTH realm body his immediate past becomes veiled to him. When the spirit-soul-man gets upon the phy- sical-plane in a physical body his whole past is veiled to him; he does not remember anything of his former life or his past. And for that reason man in general doubts the system of physical rein- carnation as a part in My system of evolution for the spirit-soul-man. He thinks he should remem- ber his former life, if he lived before. Hear Me, man, My child! and comprehend Me. When I have in My wisdom planned and de- signed My system of evolution for My seed I have purposely planned it so that man shall not re- member anything of his past while he is in a phy- sical body. But although man does not remember his past while he lives in a physical body, but the sum total results in valuable experience and knowledge he has gained and the hard lessons he has had in all his former physical and spiritual lives is impressed upon his subconcious mind — the soul — and is held in the storehouse of the seventh realm body. And man's actions upon the physical-plane is according to the lessons he had in his past and the impressions they have made upon him. There are a multitude of reasons, My child, why it is necessary that man should not remember his past while he is working in a physical body. But I will give you seven cardinal reasons. First cardinal reason. When the spirit-soul-man incar- nates into a new human physical body, that body when it is born is a helpless infant, undeveloped in every organ and without any past. To har- [76] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT monize with the physical body it was proper to put the spirit in a condition as if it had no past as far as the memory goes, and would have to develop together with the body. For if the spirit would come into the infant body with the open memory of its past, it would be liable to talk through the infant. It would force actions upon the undevel- oped infant brain which it could not stand, and the strain would destroy the infant body as an in- strument. And if the infant would survive, such a condition would not do anyhow. Second cardinal reason. All the knowledge and experience that the spirit-soul-man gathers through the rudimentary and primary divisions of evolution is intended that he shall use it for his great future in the spiritual realms only, and not upon the physical-plane. But whatever knowl- edge it is necessary for him to know from his past is unveiled to him at the proper time. Third car- dinal reason. The capacity of the physical mind — the brain — is limited, and if the spirit with its memory of knowledge and experience of thousands of years past would tax it upon the physical brain, that brain would be upset and it would become useless as an instrument. Fourth cardinal reason. The spirit-soul-man, working in a physical body and coming in contact with the temptations of the negative spirit, if it had its memory of the past, it would be liable to use its accumulated sacred knowledge and expe- rience of its past for evil and mischievous pur- poses, and that would not do. Fifth cardinal rea- son. If the memory was open to man of his past lives, mankind would be thinking and talking all [77] THE GREATER TRUTH the time of its past, telling one another of their former lives, of their former conditions and cir- cumstances, and of their exalted positions in some former lives ; such a condition would not do. Sixth cardinal reason. Every time the ad- vanced spirit-soul-man incarnates upon the phys- ical-plane he has to develop certain attributes and virtues; whatever attribute or virtue he has already developed is not necessary for him to use, unless he comes for that special pur- pose. But if the spirit-soul-man would have the memory of his past he would apply himself to those talents he already possesses for material gain or for the love of it, and would not develop any new talents. Seventh cardinal reason. The spirit-soul-man must apply himself to learn and acquire good at- tributes and virtues through his own free will and conscience without the expectations of reward or the fear of punishment. He must learn to do good for the good itself, because to do good is right. He must learn to keep away from evil, because evil is wrong. If man would remember his past lives, he could not act with freedom and sincerity, be- cause he would remember too strong and plain his punishments and rewards. He would be in con- stant fear; he would not be able to judge freely, and it would interfere with the lessons he has to get in his physical life. Under such a condition he could not evolve to the true and perfect character. In the length of a man's life lesson upon the physical-plane there are two kinds — the limited life, and the unlimited life. In the unlimited life the spirit-soul-man has been given the opportunity [78] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT to stay upon the physical-plane as long as he is able to keep the physical body in a condition that he can exist in it. The purpose is to give the spirit- soul-man a chance to use his ability to preserve and regenerate the physical body. In some incar- nation he will get a sound, healthy body, and by leading a good clean life he has the opportunity to stay in that body until she wears out from old age. In another incarnation he will get a defec- tive body to give him a chance to correct the de- fects in that body, to regenerate it and preserve it, through a proper and careful life, and make that body last to an old age. The length of the unlimited physical life lays within the behavior, actions and power of the spirit-soul-man. The limited life lesson is when the spirit-soul- man is sent upon the physical plane with a limited time ; when the time is up the spirit-soul-man has to leave the physical body. The circumstances un- der which the spirit-soul-man may have to leave the body can be in a thousand different ways, and is what man calls accidents in many violent forms. But under whatever condition the spirit-soul-man may have to depart from his physical body, it is a lesson to him, made necessary by his former phy- sical life. And then again, the physical body may be in a perfect condition and at rest, but when the time has arrived for the spirit-soul-man to depart he leaves the body and it becomes lifeless, and that is also a limited life lesson. But so-called learned and scientific man calls that a heart fail- ure. Man would be closer to the truth if he would call it a life departure. This last limited life de- scription of the life living a perfect healthy body [79] THE GREATER TRUTH should be convincing enough to the materialist, that life itself is a separate entity from the physi- cal body, and that the physical body is only an instrument used by that invisible entity. Listen, man! child of My wisdom. Since ancient times the advanced man upon the physical- plane who has felt and comprehended that this universe has an intelligent, wise Creator and Fa- ther. Has more or less speculated and disputed as to what that Creator looks like in form, and whether He is Spirit or man. The materialist who feeds the germs in his body on flesh from organic physical life sees nothing else, only mat- ter. He ridicules the existence of spirit, and he always cries out what is spirit? Has it hands? Has it feet? Comprehend Me, My child, and assimilate My words. I have already informed you that spirit originates in twins — positive and negative — and the positive destroys the negative in time. When the positive Spirit, Who is now Thy Father in the heavenly light, had destroyed the negative He had no hands nor feet at that time. But He had a very powerful, wise and active mind — the soul — within a very fine formless subtle body of ether- eal matter. He was then as He is now — Spirit and Mind. Positive Spirit does not need any hands nor feet. It works, acts and accomplishes everything with its active mind. It has the abil- ity to contract into a very small space, and to ex- pand into a very large space, according to its power in intelligence and wisdom. It has the power to penetrate the finest and densest of mat- ter. [80] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT Hear Me, man, child of My glory ! After My long rest of silence and meditation and My ac- quirement of infinite knowledge, wisdom, power of mind and will. And after the creation of My realms the heavenly light. I have then planned and created a system for the evolution of My seed. As I was through My great wisdom able to assume any form, I have designed, assumed and lived in millions of different forms that My great wisdom could imagine. Until in My infinitude of wisdom I have designed the perfect form, what is known in this solar-system now as man. I have then chosen and assumed that form for eternity. And since then I have been the supreme and perfect spirits oul-man of this solar system — My universe. Now, My child, you are anxious to know what that Supreme and perfect spirit-soul-man — thy Father — looks like. I will describe it to you. But you will only be able to form a faint imagination, because the spirit-soul-man of the primary-division is not capable of getting a correct imagination of his heavenly Father. Only those who have passed through the fourth division in evolution are capa- ble of getting a perfect imagination of the glorious form and beauty of the supreme and perfect spirit-soul-man — thine heavenly Father — the Su- preme-Grand-Architect and Master of this solar system — His universe. Comprehend and assimilate My words, My child! Imagine that the finest substance out of the element fire, the ingredients which creates only a blue white light, was taken and mixed with the finest ingredients from ether, and then mixed into it forty-nine thousand shades of colors — a [81] THE GREATER TRUTH shade of color for every attribute and virtue thine heavenly Father possesses, excluding the colors of black and the deep shades of brown, blue and green that runs towards black. Now imagine that body of light and color sparkling as if it was studded all over with the finest of blue-white dia- monds. And lastly, imagine the substance and colors of that body in continuous circulation. This, My child, is the appearance of the body thine heav- enly Father has assumed in the form of a perfect man. Listen to Me, man, My child! and compre- hend the wisdom of thine heavenly Father. After I have assumed the form of man and I became the supreme and perfect spirit-soul-man of My do- minions. Then I have in My wisdom planned the system for the evolution of My seed — the soul- atom of My body. I have then created this grand- unit with all the planets. I have already explained to you how I have created the earth planet you are living on and how the spiritual soul-atoms com- menced their evolution. That My seed, the soul- atoms, shall learn to assume in spirit the same form that I have assumed, I have for that purpose designed the human physical body in the image of the form I have assumed. To be used in the primary-school, the second division in My system of evolution. In My great wisdom I have designed the body to be a perfect working mechanical and complicat- ed instrument. That the soul-atom shall first learn how to use that fine instrument, I have for that purpose formed the rudimentary-division in evolu- tion. Where the soul-atom commenced in a very [82] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT simple, little, material physical life organ of one cell, and it was guided by degrees to a higher form of life and through a great variety in forms of life. Through that system the soul-atom ac- quired a knowledge in every form of life, and learned to assume every form of life below man. Through that system the mechanical human phys- ical instrument — the body — which I have designed was built up cell by cell until it reached the per- fect instrument I have intended it to be. I have placed within that body thousands of organs. Every one of these organs are separate instruments for certain attributes and virtues, and can be developed by the spirit independently from the rest. The body is purely an instrument for the development of the spirit-soul-man. An evolv- ed spirit can develop a poor body instrument by great effort. And a low undeveloped spirit can develop itself through a fine body-instrument without any great effort. The spirit-soul-man, un- less he is on a very low plane, always tries to de- velop itself, and through his efforts the body-in- strument becomes developed. That man shall occupy himself with work of tilling the soil and taking care of all the beau- tiful things I have created upon the physical-plane, and strive to turn the deserts into a paradise. For that purpose I have designed so the physical body would need material food, cover and shelter. CHAPTER VII. Hear me, man, child of My divine wisdom ! and comprehend Me. In My great wisdom I have designed the human physical body to serve for [83] THE GREATER TRUTH man a multitude of purposes. With one object in view. And that is for him to attain knowledge, wisdom, light and power, and become the image and perfection of his Father in the heavenly light. And then become united with Him. But I will give you seven cardinal purposes out of the multitude, and those are as follows: First cardinal purpose. That from the time the evolved soul-atom gets into the upright brute novice-soul-man, it shall commence to learn how to assume the same form in spirit. As the brute novice-soul-man, guided by its heavenly Father, advances in the perfection of the physical form, so does the spirit gain in consciousness and learns to assume the advanced form in spirit. When the novice-soul-man reaches man of reason and be- comes an entered-apprentice, he has then learned and acquired the power to assume in spirit the form of the supreme spirit-soul-man — his heavenly Father. He then becomes a real spirit-soul-man. But the spirit-soul-man does not reach perfection in form until he has passed the fourth division in My system of evolution. The second cardinal purpose. That the spirit- soul-man shall learn and acquire an unlimited number of arts and sciences. For that purpose I have constructed the material soul-mind or the physical-brain as a part of the body. Within that instrument — the brain — I have placed thou- sands of little organs. Every one of those little organs possesses a certain attribute or virtue, which can be developed by the spirit-soul-man, and then used by him as instruments to learn and acquire those attributes and virtues on a [84] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT larger scale, and thereby the spirit-soul-man ac- quires greater knowledge, wisdom and power. The third cardinal purpose. As the germs of the negative spirit vibrates through the flesh of the physical body and tempts the spirit-soul- man to evil. It is the purpose that the spirit- soul-man shall learn and acquire the will-power to master and control all undue passions and de- sires. To acquire the power of discrimination between good and evil. Between truth and false- hood. Between the positive and negative in all things. And to become complete master over himself and be proof against all temptations. The fourth cardinal purpose. The physical body is a complicated mechanical instrument and will work to perfection providing the spirit-soul- man will live a good, clean and moral life, and will obey all the laws and rules governing that body while he lives in it. He will then have peace and happiness. But if the spirit-soul-man will live an evil, unclean and immoral life and will disobey all the laws and rules governing that body, then the purpose is that the fine mechani- cal instrument — the body — shall get out of order and cause him pain, suffering and torture, and work as a punishment for him. And if the spirit- soul-man has been advanced in evolution and should have known better than to violate My laws, the pain, suffering and torture for him will be ex- treme. But it will work as a cleansing and puri- fication process for his soul, and it will save him from purgatory. Fifth cardinal purpose. child ! comprehend Me. The human physical body that I have made [85] THE GREATER TRUTH is the master-work of My wisdom. All the one hundred and ninety-six (196) distinct ingredients of the four elements which took to make the whole solar-system I have compounded within that body. I have made that body a complete chemical laboratory. I have constructed- that wonderful in- strument of millions of cells, and each cell is in itself a chemical laboratory. I have made it so perfect that not a fraction of one per cent can be added or taken away to improve it. And one of My cardinal purposes was that when the soul- atom, the seed of My divine body, will reach the state of the spirit-soul-man of reason he will study that wonderful instrument — the body — and thereby acquire great knowledge and wisdom, and comprehend the existence of the great Master Mind — his Father in the heavenly light. Sixth cardinal purpose. I have endowed the human physical body with the quality of repro- duction, for the purpose so the spirit-soul-man could manifest in the physical bodies and go through the primary school of evolution. And it is the duty of mankind to propagate to the fullest extent. And through the love for its offspring it kindles the fire of true love within the soul of the spirit. Seventh cardinal purpose. All physical life below man cannot comprehend an invisible rul- ing power. And it was necessary that they shall have a visible ruler and master. So when the spirit-soul-man gets into a physical body he be- comes the visible master and ruler to all life below him, and they look up to man as their goal. That was one of My purposes. [86] THE VOICE OF THE GBEAT SPIRIT man, My child ! give Me your ear and com- prehend Me. The fourth division in My system of evolution for the spirit-soul-man is the grand- perfect-division for the perfecting of the masters, and consists of seven spiritual planets. Each planet has seven realms, and each realm is made of a different grade of matter. In these forty- nine realms, the spirit-soul-man and wise master learns and acquires the forty-nine thousand (49,000) attributes and virtues, which Thine heavenly Father possesses. The seven spiritual planets of the fourth division which belong to the unit of this earth planet are the following. They are known to man as Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter. They are graded in rotation number one to seven. When the Wise-Master in the seventh realm of the earth planet has finished his period in that realm, he goes to planet number one — Mercury — and commences in the lowest realm, and rises af- ter periods from realm to realm. When he has graduated upon Mercury he goes to planet number two — Mars. When he has graduated on Mars he goes to planet number three — Venus. From Ve- nus he goes to planet number four — Uranus. From Uranus to planet number five — Neptune. From Neptune to planet number six — Saturn. From Saturn to planet number seven — Jupiter. Upon every planet he graduates as wise and perfect- master of that planet and of the attributes and virtues he has acquired. When he has finished on Jupiter he graduates as wise, perfect and sub- lime master of the grand-division of perfect mas- ters. The wise-perfect and sublime-master has [87] THE GEEATER TRUTH now acquired the seven-times-seven thousand (49,000) atttributes and virtues, and he becomes the perfect spirit-soul-man in form. The time it takes for the spirit-soul-man to go through the fourth division is one solar-grand- period for each planet. A total of sixty-four mil- lion eight hundred and twenty-seven thousand (64,827,000) earth years. Through the periods in the fourth division the perfect-masters apply part of their time as instructors to those in the realms below them. Hear, O man, My child ! to the sacred and holy truth and comprehend Me. The fifth division in My system of evolution for the spirit-soul-man is the supreme-division of divine-wisdom. Where the wise, perfect and sublime-master acquires di- vine-wisdom by living within the direct light and consciousness of His heavenly Father. This is within the realms of My light and is what man calls the Sun. I Am the light within the center of the Holy of Holies. Around My Holy of Holies I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle, unit- number-one. Around number-one I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle unit-number- two. Around number-two I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle unit-number-three. Around number-three I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle united-number-four. Around number-four I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle unit-number-five. Around number- five I have formed seven realms of light, great- circle unit-number-six. Around number-six I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle unit- [88] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT number-seven. Around number-seven I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle-unit- number-eight. Around number-eight I have formed seven realms of light, great-circle unit- number-nine. This makes nine great-circle-units, with seven realms of light in each unit, that I have formed around Myself and from Myself the light of the very light. Within My realms of light great-circle unit- number-nine, reside My angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-eight, reside My master-angels. Within My realms of light great- circle unit-number-seven, reside My wise-master- angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-six, reside My sublime-wise-master- angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-five, reside My arch-angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-four, reside My master-arch-angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-three, reside My wise-master-arch-angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-two, reside My sub- lime-wise-master-arch-angels. Within My realms of light great-circle unit-number-one, reside My seraphs. In the second, third and fourth divisions of evolution upon the earth planets and the spiritual planets. The lowest is the central realm, and the highest is the outside realm. The progression is from the center towards the outside. But in the fifth division in the realms of light — the Sun, the lowest realm is the outside, and the highest is the center. The progression is from the outside to- wards the inside and the center. [89] THE GREATER TRUTH Hear Me, man ! and comprehend Me. When the wise-perfect and sublime-master in the seventh realm of Jupiter has finished the fourth division in evolution, he goes to the fifth division into My realms of light — the Sun. He comes into the first outside realm of great-circle unit-number-nine. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes an angel, and he is consecrated to My service in the sacred and holy doctrine. As an angel he abides within the direct light and con- sciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in divine-wisdom, light and power. Af- ter a period the angel rises to the second realm, and then to the third realm, until he has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-nine. He then becomes endowed with great divine-wisdom, light and power. The angel then enters great- circle unit-number-eight. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes a master-angel, and he is consecrated to greater ser- vices. As a master angel he abides closer within the direct light and consciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in greater divine- wisdom, light and power. The master-angel rises after regular periods from realm to realm until he has passed through the seven realms of unit- number-eight. The master-angel then enters great-circle unit-number-seven. There he is clothed with the light of the realm, and he becomes a wise-master- angel, and he is consecrated to still greater ser- vice. As a wise-master-angel he abides still closer within the direct light and consciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in still [90] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT greater divine-wisdom, light and power. After the wise-master-angel has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-seven he enters great-cir- cle unit-number-six. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes a sublime-wise- master-angel, and he is consecrated to still greater service. As a sublime-wise-master-angel he abides still closer within the direct light and conscious- ness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in still greater divine-wisdom, light and power. After the sublime-wise-master-angel has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-six he enters great circle unit-number-five. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes an arch-angel and he is consecrated to still greater and holy service. As an arch-angel he abides still closer within the direct light and consciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in still greater divine-wisdom, light and power. After the arch-angel has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-five he enters great- circle unit-number-four. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes a master- arch-angel, and he is consecrated to still greater and holier service. As a master-arch-angel he abides still closer within the direct light and con- sciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in still greater divine-wisdom, light and power. After the master-arch-angel has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-four he enters great-circle unit-number-three. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he be- comes a wise-master-arch-angel, and he is conse- crated to still greater and holier service. As a [91] THE GREATER TRUTH wise-master-arch-angel he abides still closer with- in the direct light and consciousness of his heaven- ly Father, and thereby he grows in still greater divine-wisdom, light and power. After the wise-master-arch-angel has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-three he enters great-circle unit-number-two. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes a sublime-wise-master-arch-angel, and he is conse- crated to still greater and holier service. As a sublime-wise-master-arch-angel he abides still closer within the direct light and consciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows in still greater divine-wisdom, light and power. After the sublime-wise-master-archangel has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-two he enters great-circle unit-number-one. There he is clothed with the light of the realm and he becomes a sa- cred and holy-seraph, and he is consecrated to the highest and most holiest service. As a holy seraph he abides the closest within the light and con- sciousness of his heavenly Father, and thereby he grows to the greatest divine-wisdom, light and power. After the holy-seraph has passed through the seven realms of unit-number-one. He stands en- dowed with the nine-times-seven lights of My grand realms, with My full consciousness and di- vine-wisdom. The holy-seraph has reached the per- fection of three-times, three-times nine (999,999,- 999), and is now in possession of all the attributes, virtues, light and power of his heavenly Father, with only one exception, and that is he cannot give birth to the spiritual soul-atom and preserve the [92] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT universe — My solar-system. And not until he be- comes united to his heavenly Father does he at- tain that supreme virtue. The time it takes for the evolution of the spirit-soul-man through the fifth supreme-divine- division is one solar-grand-period for each great circle-unit, and makes nine solar-grand-periods. A total of eighty-three million three hundred and forty-nine thousand (83,349,000) earth years. man, My child ! hear thou to the sacred and holy truth of thine heavenly Father. When the holy and sacred seraph is ready to enter the Holy of Holies of his supreme Father. When that great and glorious time arrives. The nine-times, seven-times-seven gates of the Holy of Holies are opened. And all the seraphs that are clothed with the light of the nine-times-seven realms enter the Holy of Holies. And become united with the Holy Fire — their Father in the heavenly light. They then become as perfect as He is. The perfection of space the absolute. One and nine circles (1,000,000,000). The seraphs and angels during their periods of evolution in the fifth division serve part of their time in different capacities through the so- lar-system. The angels serve at different times during their periods as teachers, guides, protect- ors and messengers through the whole solar-sys- tem. The master-angels and wise-master-angels serve at different times during their periods as in- structors and rulers in the realms of light below them, and as rulers in the realms of the earth plan- ets through the solar-system. The sublime-wise- master-angels serve at different times during [93] THE GREATER TRUTH their periods as instructors and rulers in the realms of light below them, and as rulers of the earth planets through the solar-system. The arch-angels serve at different times dur- ing their periods as instructors and rulers in the realms of light below them, as rulers in the realms of the lower spiritual planets and as extra- ordinary special messengers through the solar- system. The master-arch-angels serve at differ- ent times during their periods as instructors and rulers in the realms of light below them, and as rulers in the realms of the higher spiritual planets through the solar-system. The wise-master-arch- angels serve at different times during their peri- ods as instructors and rulers in the realms of light below them, and as rulers of the lower spiritual planets through the solar-system. The sublime- wise-master-arch-angels serve at different times during their periods as instructors and rulers in the realms of light below them and as rulers of the higher spiritual planets through the solar-system. The seraphs serve at different times during their periods as instructors and rulers in the realms of light below them, as rulers of the nine great-circle- units of the grand realms of light, and as rulers of the units in the grand-unit of the solar-system. The seraphs in the realms of unit-number-one, constitute My first council of wisdom. The sub- lime-wise-master-arch-angels in the realms of unit- number-two, constitute My second council of wis- dom. The wise-master-arch-angels in the realms of unit-number-three, constitute My third council of wisdom. The master-arch-angels in realms of unit-number-four, constitute My fourth council of [94] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT wisdom. The arch-angels in the relams of unit- number-f ive, constitute My fifth council of wisdom. The sublime-wise-master-angels in the realms of unit-number-six, constitute My sixth council of wisdom. The wise-master-angels in the realms of unit-number-seven, constitute My seventh council of wisdom. The seven councils constitute My heavenly supreme grand council of wisdom. The earth planet you are living on is governed by a council of wisdom of wise-masters of the seventh realm, and presided over by a wise-mas- ter angel. The spiritual planets Mercury, Mars and Venus, each one is governed by a council of wisdom of wise and perfect-masters in its seventh realm ; presided over by an arch-angel. The spirit- ual planets Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter, each one is governed by a council of wisdom of wise and perfect-masters in its seventh realms; presided over by a master-arch-angel. CHAPTER VIII. Hear Me, man, My child! and comprehend the scientific and mechanical action of the solar- system and the wisdom of thine heavenly Father. When I have formed the heavenly realms of light — the Sun — I have arranged it as follows. The seven realms in great-circle unit-nine is the pri- mary seven-light-unit. The light power of the seven realms in unit-eight is two-fold of the unit- nine. The light power of the unit-seven is three- fold of the unit-nine. The light power of unit-six is four-fold of unit-nine. The light power of unit- five is five-fold of unit-nine. The light power of unit-four is six-fold of unit-nine. The light power of unit-three is seven-fold of unit-nine. The light [95] THE GREATER TRUTH power of unit-two is eight-fold of unit-nine. The light power of unit-one is nine-fold of unit-nine. From My central realms the Holy of Holies I keep on continually supplying light and power to the nine great-circle-units. The great-circle unit- one has the power to penetrate its light through all the lower eight-units. The great-circle unit-two penetrates its light through all the lower seven units. The unit-three penetrates its light through the lower six units. The unit-four penetrates its light through the lower five units. The unit-five penetrates its light through the lower four units. The unit-six penetrates its} light through the lower three units. The unit-seven penetrates its light through the lower two units. The unit-eight penetrates its light through unit-nine. Comprehend Me, Man ! child of My wisdom. All the earth planets in My system, like the one you are living on, I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of great-circle unit- nine. All the planets of the Mercury grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of great-circle unit-eight. All the planets of the Mars grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of unit-seven. All the planets of the Venus grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of unit-six. All the planets of the Uranus grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of unit-five. All the planets of the Neptune grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of unit-four. All the planets of the Saturn grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of unit-three. All the planets of the [96] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT Jupiter grade I have made that it receives its power and draws the light of unit-two. All the ethereal matter of the open space in My solar- system I have made that it draws the light of great-circle unit-one. Listen, My child! and assimilate the knowl- edge. In the beginning after My long silence and rest it took Me, thine heavenly Father, six solar- grand-periods (55,566,000-earth years) to make this solar-system. In the first grand-period I have transformed the substance into the four ele- ments, and divided each element into forty-nine active ingredients. In the second grand-period I have formed My central realms the Holy of Holies and the nine great-circle-units the realms of light. In the third grand-period I have formed around the extreme space of My dominions a reser- voir circle. In that reservoir circle I have stored the surplus matter of the elements. I have divided the space between the reservoir circle and My realms of light into nine-circles and twelve-divi- sions. In the fourth grand-period I have formed all the spiritual planets of the Mercury, Mars, Venus and Uranus grade with all their satellites for the nine-units and the nine comets for the system. In the fifth grand-period I have formed all the spiritual planets of the Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter grade with all their satellites for the nine-units. In the sixth grand-period I have form- ed all the earth planets with their satellites. On the seventh solar-grand-period I have rested from all My labors. Hear Me, My child ! and comprehend the size of thine heavenly Father's dominions. My cen- [97] THE GREATER TRUTH tral realms — the Holy of Holies — within the nine great-circle-units of the light realms is nine-times- seven thousand (63,000) solar-grand-meters in diameter. The total diameter of all the nine-units of light realms, including the central realms, is three times the amount of the central realms alone, and makes a total diameter of one hundred eighty- nine thousand (189,000) solar-grand-meters. And is approximately equal to 1,350,000 miles. The space of the solar-system from side to side is seven thousand times the total diameter of the heavenly light — the Sun. O man, child of My light, comprehend the wise construction of My system. There are one hundred and twenty grades of matter in the solar- system. Each grade of matter has its realm. The lowest grade is the physical matter upon the phys- ical-plane. The highest grade is the supreme- divine-matter of the central realm — the Holy of Holies. The first and lowest seven grades of mat- ter is in the seven realms of the three divisions upon the earth planets. Those are the rudiment- ary, the primary, and the intermediate divisions. The next higher seven-times-seven (49) grades of matter is in the forty-nine realms of the seven spiritual planets in the grand-perfect-division. The next higher nine-times-seven (63) grades of matter is in the sixty-three realms of the heavenly light — the supreme-divine-disivion. That makes one hundred and nineteen grades of matter. The one hundred and twentieth grade, the highest grade of matter in the system, is in the central realm — the Holy of Holies — the realm and the soul of thine heavenly Father. [98] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT The spirit-soul-man rises from realm to realm, first by a life of good-thoughts, good-words and good-deeds, and then by the acquirement of positive-knowledge and wisdom. And according to his knowledge so does he comprehend the realm he is living in. In My whole system I have made that the invisible rules the visible. In whatever realm the spirit-soul-man lives in, from that realm and all below is visible to him; all above his realm is veiled and invisible to him. When the spirit-soul-man reaches a higher state of positive-divine-knowledge, a veil above and in front of him is raised, and he rises to a higher realm. The spirit-soul-man can live in any realm below his own realm in the invisible form, and he has the power to make himself visi- ble for a moment. But to be visible for a length of time in a lower realm the spirit-soul-man must be clothed with the matter of the lower realm. Listen, man! child of My glory. The one hundred and twenty grades of matter in My solar- system can be likened to a great pyramid. Upon the top of the pyramid stands thine heavenly Father, the Supreme Grand and Perfect Spirit- Soul-Man of this solar-system. Whose atttributes are forty-nine thousand (49,000), and whose stan- dard of perfection in one-and-nine-circles (1,000,- 000,000), the perfection of space the absolute. From the base to the top of the pyramid there are one hundred and twenty-thousand steps (120,000). Around the base of the pyramid there are two great-circle-spaces — an inner circle and an outer circle. The inner circle is elevated above the outer circle. [99] THE GREATER TRUTH In the outer circle the spiritual-soul-atom is advancing through different grades of animal physical matter, and finally gets on the elevation of the inner circle as a novice-soul-man and sav- age brute. Here he gets a glimpse of the great pyramid in the distance — the world all around him — but he cannot comprehend it. But by My system he is urged on to advance, and at last he reaches the pyramid and he gets upon the first step as man of reason and entered-apprentice. Upon the first four thousand steps of the great pyramid stands the entered-apprentices, the fel- low-crafts, and the advanced fellow-crafts in the primary-division of evolution. Upon the next three thousand steps stand the masters, the ex- cellent-masters, and the wise-masters in the inter- mediate-division. Upon the next forty-nine thousand steps stand the wise and perfect-masters in the grand-perf eet- division. They stand according to the number of attributes they have acquired. Upon the next sixty-three thousand steps stand all the different degrees of angels, including the seraphs. Accord- ing to the position the spirit-soul-man stands upon the pyramid, so does he get a view of the solar- system. The higher he gets upon the pyramid the grander and more glorious a view he gets and the more he comprehends the whole-system. Over the highesl one thousand steps on the top of the pyra- mid—the Holy of Holies — is spread the soul and consciousness of thine heavenly Father, and from there the vibrations go down through every one upon the pyramid and over the inner and outer circle. [100] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT Hear me, child of My divinity ! and assimi- late the knowledge. As I have already informed you that from the time man started as man of rea- son and entered-apprentice he was guided by wise and elder brothers of his from other earth planets ; who have incarnated amongst the entered-appren- tices, and acted as rulers, leaders and teachers to prevent him from falling too easy for the tempta- tions of Satan — the evil negative spirit, as man was then only a child in reasoning power. When man had reached his third age of reason — he had attained more reasoning power, and to assist him so he could advance easier and faster in evolution ; I have through My guides inspired him how to make the three-times-three (9) sacred tools for the geometrician, the architect, and the builder. So he could build correctly his material temples. And the same tools should also serve him as sym- bols how to guide himself through his life upon this earth, in his conduct towards himself, his fel- low-creature, and his God — His heavenly Father. And thereby he would be erecting for himself a spiritual temple for his future life in the heavenly light of his Father. This was about one hundred and sixty-thousand (160,000) years ago. The nine sacred tools are as follows: The twelve-inch rule, the double twelve-inch rule (24 inches), the triple twelve-inch rule (36 inches), the level, the plumb, the square, the compasses, the triangle, and the trowel. The twelve-inch-rule is to symbolize to man that the first golden rule in his life should be to guide himself with measure, system, rule and or- der, and strive to be in all things exact. The [101] THE GREATER TRUTH twelve inches also represent the twelve divisions of the solar-system, also the twelve divisions of this earth planet he is living on, which are the twelve signs of the zodiac. It also represents the twelve senses in spiritual and physical man, which are : seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, feeling, intuition, realization, telepathy, clear- sight, transmission of ideas, and spiritual discern- ment. And those senses man should strive to de- velop while he is passing through the twelve signs. The last and the greatest symbol of the twelve- inch-rule is when held up in a perpendicular posi- tion it represents One — the one great-spirit of the universe. The double twelve-inch-rule (24 inches) is the second golden-rule, and represents the twenty- four hours of the day and night which man should divide according to his environments. Part of the day for material work to support himself and those dependent upon him ; part for refreshment, rest and sleep ; part for his physical, intellectual and spiritual development; and part for assist- ance to his fellow-creature and for services to his heavenly Father. The double twelve-inch-rule also symbolizes the dual character in man — the spirit- ual and the physical. The spirit and the spiritual soul — the mind — as one; the material-physical body and the material-soul — the brain — as one. And man should always strive to keep the two well balanced. The triple twelve-inch-rule (36 inches) is the third golden-rule, and represents the golden-rule of honesty in measure of length, of quantity and weight. For man to measure to others as he wants [102] THE VOICE OP THE GREAT SPIRIT it measured to himself, and to remember the law of equilibrium — as a man soweth so shall he reap, as he will measure to others so it shall be mea- sured to him. It also represents the golden-rule for the practice of the triple principle, good- thought, good-word, and good-deed. The level is to remind man that all human- kind started upon this earth on the same level, and all the benefits I have created upon this earth is equally for his fellow-creature as for himself, and that he is to help him rise and stand upon the same level with himself. The plumb is to remind man to be true and upright in his conduct in the dif- ferent stations of his life upon this earth before his heavenly Father and his fellow-creature. The square is to remind man that all his actions and dealings in his life upon this earth shall always be on the square towards all humankind, regardless of race, caste or color. The compasses is to remind man to guide his life within certain limits, to control his passions, and sensual appetites within reasonable due bounds and avoid excesses. And to remember that in his body a God is dwelling there. Let him not offend his God in him, indulging in man's lusts. God has descended just to see the earth with eyes of His. It is God in him that sees, feels, thinks and speaks by day and night. Let him be thus in all he sees, feels, thinks, speaks and acts, divinely pure and bright. The triangle is to symbolize and represent to man as follows: The three sides represent the three active principles in the universe, which are spirit, mind and matter ; and the three sides com- [103] THE GREATER TRUTH ing together form three points ; those three points represent the three great virtues and powers of the three combined active principles, and are the creating power virtue, the preserving power vir- tue, and the regenerating power virtue, and these three power virtues are combined in the supreme source of this solar-system — thy Father in the heavenly light, who is the Creator, the Preserver, and the Regenerator. He is the male creative principle, the Lord God Jehovah, the Father ; the female creative principle, the Lord God Jehovah, the Mother; the procreative principle, the Lord God Jehovah, the child. The trowel is to remind man, as it is a tool which is used to spread the cement which unites the several parts of a building, so he shall spread the cement of brotherly love and strive to unite all humankind into a temple of brotherhood, and cement it upon the foundation of the Fatherhood of the One-Great-Spirit. And to remember that in the final goal he will be cemented to his Father in the heavenly light. Hear Me, man, My child! and comprehend the past. During the first part of his seventh age of reason, man has made great progress in evolu- tion. He knew and understood his Father in the heavenly light ; he walked in His light, and he built great temples and monuments to His glory. He was herbivorous and he lived a life good and pure, in thoughts, words and deeds. He learned and knew the proper system of government. He has lived in equality, harmony and brotherhood, and he was at peace with his fellow-creature, with his heavenly Father, and with himself. And by the [104] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT middle of the seventh age he had attained a great deal of knowledge and wisdom, and he built the pyramids as monuments to his Father in the heav- enly light. But man was still led like a child by his elder and wise brothers from other planets, and the time had arrived for man to guide himself; be- cause he had reached the middle of his seventh age of reason, and it was necessary that he should learn the lessons of true principles and acquire the seven attributes through his own efforts so that it would become permanent with him. And he was also capable to struggle against Satan's negative force, for he knew the difference between right and wrong. So by the middle of the seventh age of reason, about forty thousand (40,000) years ago, the visible guiding was discontinued and re- placed by invisible guides to guide those who had started later and had not reached the seventh age. But from that time on man began to fall and wander away from the truth. He began to give in to the temptations and reasoning of Satan — the evil negative-spirit. Man began to listen to the negative voice and made himself deaf to the posi- tive voice of his Father within him. He began to be selfish and greedy. He commenced to disagree and quarrel with his fellow-creature. He aroused in himself strong passions and desires. He began to acquire to himself rights over and above his fellow- creature by instituting slavery. He changed from a herbiverous being to a carnivorous being. And he began to satisfy his carnal passions with beast the same as with his own kind. He became blood- thirsty, and from a man of peace he became a [105] THE GREATER TRUTH man of war, and he soiled his hands with blood. He forgot his true Father in the heavenly light, and he began to worship strange gods. He began to consider himself the only master of the earth and that all things was at his command. Thus man went on from bad to worse for twenty thousand years, and he became a disgust- ing sight to thy Father in the heavenly light. I have then sent down upon the material plane a messenger to warn them that I will bring a great flood upon them if they don't return from their evil ways. And they have not harkened unto Him, but they have abused Him and tortured Him out- rageously and burned him alive. That was eigh- teen thousand (18,000) years ago. man, My child ! I have waited long and with great patience to give man a chance to return from his evil ways. I have waited until the physical offspring of mankind were unfit for incarnation. I have then decided to destroy that disgusting evil condition. But thine heavenly Father never de- stroys His children with His own hands. So I have let loose Satan — the evil spirit — and Satan made the oceans rise and swell up, and a great vapor rose from the oceans, and great black clouds formed above the earth, and the waters came from above and from below, and a great flood was upon this physical-plane. And the great mass of physi- cal mankind was destroyed. Then a new and bet- ter condition arose from the remnant that re- mained which I saved. But it was not very long, and man wandered again into the path of wicked- ness. This was nine thousand (9,000) years ago. [106] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT CHAPTER IX. Listen, man! child of My divine body. It was at that time that I have sent down to man upon this physical-plane My holy messenger Zara- thustra. I have sent him with the eternal truth to enlighten mankind with the knowledge of the One- Great-Spirit — the Holy Fire in the heavenly light, the Father of this universal-solar-system. It was known then as the symbolic-truth and the sacred and holy doctrine. And my faithful servant Zara- thustra had labored for many years with mankind upon this earth before he was able to gain a single follower. Because man was very much hardened up to unbelief and wickedness. He was blind and deaf to everything but materialism, and he wor- shipped gods made by his own hands. But the holy doctrine of the symbolic-truth took root and grew amongst those who were capable of reason- ing and comprehending. And those who took it up kept it secret and sacred, and were very careful of whom they admitted to those truths, for the great mass of mankind was very profane. man, My child! I have since the time of Zarathustra sent down upon this physical-plane to man two great and holy messengers — Brahma and Moses. Repeating to man the same great truths — the holy doctrine of the One-Great-Spirit. But selfish, greedy, egotistic, materialistic man, to suit his selfish purposes, has perverted, distorted and discarded the teachings of My messengers. I have also since the time of Zarathustra sent down to man thousands of teachers, prophets and re- formers of lesser light. I have sent them to every race ,in every clime and in every age to teach him [107] THE GREATER TRUTH good morals, My system and My laws for his own welfare and happiness. But man has abused them, stoned them, tortured them, crucified them, burn- ed them, hung them, and shot them. And finally turned some of them into gods, lords, saviors and specially begotten sons of mine, which is an abom- ination in my sight. man, My child ! I hear you and see you pon- der over the history I have recited to you about the fall of man. I hear you asking in your mind the following questions: After being guided so long and reaching such a glorious state, why did man fall? And was it necessary to let loose such a strong and negative force like Satan to tempt man? Hear Me, child of My light! and compre- hend the wisdom of thine heavenly Father. That all the guiding and teaching that mankind had for one hundred and seventy-five thousand (175,000) years had very little effect, is proven by the fact that from the time the guiding was discontinued — the great mass of mankind commenced to wander away from the true principles. And within one thousand years later, there was only one in about every one hundred thousand that did not retro- grade more than twenty-five per cent. The reason for it was because they did not experience enough hardships, trouble and suffering during the guid- ing period. True virtues, to be lasting and per- manent, My child, must be acquired through ad- versity and suffering. It is the only just and wise way, to impress a true lesson upon those who have reached the intelligence and reason, to know the difference between right and wrong. [108] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT Man can learn to do right only through re- peated mistakes and errors, and by suffering for those mistakes and errors it becomes impressed upon his subconscious mind — the soul. And he gradually wakes up to a true realization. He then begins to discriminate between right and wrong, between good and evil. He then keeps away from evil and applies himself to the good. And by ap- plying himself only to the good he eliminates the negative force from his physical body. He then becomes master over his body, and evil does not exist any more for him. And whenever he has ac- complished the above results his suffering is then at an end. Then he will hear the silent voice of the positive spirit within him, and he will know and comprehend his Father in the heavenly light. man, child of My glory ! hear Me and com- prehend Me. The intelligence, knowledge and wis- dom that some men possess more than others upon this physical plane. I have intended that man shall use it to teach and guide his less enlightened brother who is younger in evolution. And be to him like a gentle and kind father to his child, and like an earnest and conscientious teacher to his pupil. But the selfish and greedy man uses his intelligence and knowledge to acquire an unrea- sonable amount of material wealth and to make himself master and ruler over his weaker and less enlightened brother. The irresponsible tyrant and despot upon the throne claims he is there by right. By the right of whom? He tortures and murders his subjects who are against his system and disobeys his com- mands. He forms around himself a powerful cli- [109] THE GREATER TRUTH que to perpetuate his despotic system. He forms big armies out of his ignorant subjects to protect his wrong system. Making himself blind and deaf to the fact that all his subjects are his brothers and My children, whom I have sent upon this earth with free thought, free conscience, free speech, and free will and to enjoy equal rights with himself. The spiritual tyrant and oppressor, who forces on mankind a perverted and false religious doctrine, which was inspired by Satan — the evil spirit — and claims he has the spiritual authority and right. The authority and right of whom? In My name he murders, burns and tortures mankind, who are his brothers and My children. And he spreads hatred for all who would not believe in his false doctrine, or in the existence of a supreme spiritual being, or any other kind of spiritual au- thority. Making himself blind and deaf to the fact that it is entirely against My law and My system. Which is that man must be free in thought, in con- science, in speech, and in will, to choose and dis- criminate between right and wrong. And only then can man acquire true knowledge and wisdom. And whenever man has acquired real knowledge and wisdom he will know and believe My existence, and he will then strive to know Me and My sys- tem. I do not punish man for not believing My existence. As long as he listens to the negative voice in his physical body he punishes himself. Do you comprehend Me, My child? The political leader who through his trickery, cunning manipulations and misrepresentations, by promising equality, prosperity, peace and happi- ness for all, gains the confidence of a whole na- [110] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT tion, and then becomes their exalted ruler. No sooner is he in the position than he commences to abuse his authority; being himself selfish and greedy for material wealth and power, he also be- comes the agent for the selfish and greedy — who help to perpetuate him in power. He misleads the people and advocates laws for the benefit of the few to the detriment of the masses. This man is several degrees lower than the tyrant-autocrat upon the throne. He is the arch hypocrite, the wolf in disguise of a lambskin. And through his misleading power he becomes more dangerous to man than the open autocrat and despot. He is making himself blind and deaf to the fact that sooner or later he will pay a severe penalty through my iron inflexible law. The selfish and greedy wolf in the form of a man, always hungry for material wealth. Who appropriates to himself one hundred times as much and more than he needs for his own welfare and those dependent upon him. When at the same time thousands of his brethren, My children, are starving for the want of food. Making himself blind and deaf to the fact that he came upon this material-plane in the same naked condition as his brother. That the earth is mine and the fullness thereof, and that I have created the earth for all My children alike. As I have created the air around the earth free, that man with a little exer- tion to breathe, it will help him to live; so have I made the earth intelligent and free, that man with a little physical exertion it will help him to live content, happy and peaceful. But the hungry wolf -man, says he is within the law ; the law gives [111] THE GREATER TRUTH him the right to appropriate to himself a thousand fold. Who made this law? Foolish man himself, for the benefit of the few, to the detriment of the masses. man, child of My light! when nations and governments reach to such a state, with four classes of men like I have described, the intelligent and fairly righteous inclined, who are generally small in number, cannot get conditions right. But I wait with lots of patience to give those nations a chance to correct themselves, because I do not want to bring suffering and destruction upon My children. And when My patience was long enough I let loose My destroyer — Satan, the evil spirit, the enemy of mankind and everything good and evil, for he delights in destruction. He excites nation against nation, evil against evil, and they destroy themselves. I generally make one nation as a whip that smites the other nations, and when it is necessary the whip itself suffers badly or goes to pieces. And when the evil has destroyed itself and the nations have received their hard les- sons, I gradually, through the small number of the fairly righteous inclined, with the following of a greater number who have opened their eyes through their suffering, I bring around a better condition upon this earth. man, child of My wisdom ! comprehend Me. All the suffering and destruction that has hap- pened upon this physical-plane within the last few years was for one purpose. And that purpose is to bring the truth which has been working for the last nine thousand years through a path of per- secutions, falsehoods, errors and illusions to a [112] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT greater-truth for all mankind upon this earth. But I hear you ask what is that greater-truth? That greater-truth, My child, is the brotherhood of all mankind and the Fatherhood of One-Great- Spirit — thy Father in the heavenly light. But you are asking why is it necessary to cause so much destruction and suffering? And is not the inno- cent suffering with the guilty? In the first place, man himself is to blame for the destruction and suffering, because he is against the truth, he don't want the truth. Being blinded by selfishness and greed, man makes a wrong interpretation of the truth. Man would not allow the truth to come in peace. But the time has arrived for the greater-truth to come. It must come because it is My will, and My will is law. So it is coming. You are asking how is it coming? As you have observed in the last few years. It is coming through a baptism of blood and destruc- tion. But man cannot see any change, and it ap- pears to him worse than it was before the great war. The reason for it, My child, is because he is too materialistic, and blinded by selfishness, he does not comprehend it. He is too much absorbed in accumulating material wealth, and does not see the handwriting on the wall, which stands out very bold. man, child of My divinity ! listen to Me. All the destruction and suffering that has happened in the last few years upon this material plane to bring the greater-truth is only a very small be- ginning of My work. My system is slow, sure and lasting. This message with the greater-truth and the holy doctrine is a warning to all mankind to [113] THE GREATER TRUTH wake up and take this plain and simple great- truth to their hearts. It is a warning to all nations npon this material plane to try and set their gov- ernments right to harmonize with this greater- truth and holy doctrine, and thereby prevent more destruction and suffering. And as for your imagination, My child, that the innocent suffer with the guilty, listen! I am always present everywhere, and the real good and innocent of My children do not suffer. And all those that do suffer, nations as well as individuals, get their lessons they need. My system and My laws are perfect and exact. And what man some- times observes as virtue in distress and vice in triumph is because he does not comprehend it. And whatever appears to man as a curse is a bless- ing from Me in disguise. This, child of My light, is the ways of thy Father in the heavenly light. man, My child! if man would only try to reason with himself and comprehend. That dur- ing his short periods of incarnations upon the physical-plane, through imaginary happiness in selfishness and greed, and the satisfying of his undue passions and desires, he causes to himself thousands of years of misery and sufferings, and throws away thousands of years of real joy, peace, happiness and great glory; he would not behave like he does. "Whenever man commences to realize that the accumulation of material wealth is worthless to him and to Me, and he commences to apply him- self to the glorious work of helping his younger brothers on the road to evolution. To eradicate [114] THE VOICE OF THE GEEAT SPIRIT out of them ignorance, errors and illusions. To relieving the poor and the sick. And he applies himself to good-thoughts, good-words and good- deeds. And if he does it for the sake of the good it will do, without any selfish motive and without the expectations of any reward. Then I send My angels to guide him and protect him. And they will help him to advance upon the high road of evolution so he can break the chains of reincar- nation upon the physical-plane, and rise to the fifth realm — the third, the intermediate-division in evolution. And to the sublime degree of master. Hear, man, divine child of My glory ! Hear ye to the final words of thine heavenly Father. Whose love for His children is without bounds. Hear ye to the three-times, three-times-three com- mandments in this new-era of the greater-truth. Rise up, man! Stand erect Be upright and on the square. On the youth of the day look towards the east. At midday look towards the south. On the decline of the day look towards the west. See ye. Comprehend ye. Reason ye with yourself. And hear ye, man, to the words of your Father from the realms of the heavenly light. And know ye. Who I Am. What I Am. And where I Am. CHAPTER X. THE COMMANDMENTS. No. 1. I Am the infallible I Am. I Am the positive-force. I Am the incomprehensible fountain of light. I Am three in One, and One in three-times- three. [115] THE GREATER TRUTH I Am central, but through My wisdom and light I am everywhere within the space of the nine and seven mystic circles of this solar-system — My universe. I Am the Holy Fire and the all-seeing eye. I Am an all-divine, personal, spiritual being, with a principle from within Me and Around Me, with an infinite master-mind, infinite in wisdom, infinite in power of will and thought. I Am the Creator, the preserver and the re- generator of this grand-unit solar-system — My universe. I Am the Supreme Lord God — Jehovali- Aliura-Mazda, the Supreme-Geometrician, the Su- preme-Architect, and the absolute Lord and Mas- ter of this solar-system — My Universe. No. 2. Thou shalt worship only the One Su- preme Lord God — Jehovali-Ahura-Mazda. He is thine heavenly Father, and He is in thee, and thou art in Him. He is thy Creator, thy Preserver, and thy Regenerator. And thou shalt not add anything whatsoever unto Him. No. 3. Thou shalt love thy Father, the Su- preme Lord God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy might, and with all thy breath, because tlry Supreme Lord God — Jehovah-Ahura- Mazda — has created thee by His divine eternal breath, and gave thee immortal life with power to make IliysHf perfect, and commanded thee to be good, to bo unselfish, to be compassionate, to be loving, to be wise, to be true, and to be righteous, so that thou canst rise to the realms of thine oter- [116] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT nal Father in the heavenly light and receive thine inheritance. No. 4. Thou shalt not worship nor pray to any of My creatures, nor make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of anything that is in space above the earth, on or beneath the earth, or in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them nor worship them, because that is an abomination in the sight of thy Supreme Lord God — J eliovah-Ahura-Mazda — who is the Creator, Lord and Master of all spiritual and material life, animate or inanimate, within this solar-system — His universe. No. 5. Thou shalt not take the names of thy Supreme Lord God in vain, because thy Supreme Lord God will hold him twice guilty who taketh His names in vain. No. 6. Thou shalt apply thyself upon this earth, which thy Supreme Lord God giveth thee, to the eternal principle of good-thought, good-word and good-deed, which I have sent down upon this earth through My holy messenger — Zarathustra. And listen, man! I give thee this command- ment as an admonition from a father who desireth the welfare of his children. For thou shalt know that by My laws and My system of creation thine every thought, thine every word and thine every deed is an open record before Me. man! be wise and conduct thyself that thou canst take thy place in the heavens of thine eternal Father's kingdom. [117] THE GREATER TRUTH No. 7. Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Day holy, as I have commanded thee before through My holy messenger — Moses. For it is a day of rest for all spirit life upon this earth, which thy Supreme Lord God giveth thee. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day shall be to thee a day of rest. On that day thou shalt not do any work, thou nor anybody in thine household, nor thy servants, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. Because thy Supreme Lord God — Jehovah-Ahura-Mazda — rested from all His labors on the seventh period in creation. And the Lord God blessed the seventh of all periods and hallowed it. No. 8. Thou shalt not commit adultery, nor of- fend thy Supreme Lord God within thee, indulging in man's lusts. And remember that in thy body a God is dwelling there — thy temple from pollu- tion let it forever be free. No. 9. Thou shalt not contaminate thy blood and flesh with the blood and flesh of animate creatures. Listen, man! I placed before thee upon this earth, which I, thy Supreme Lord God, giveth Thee, the lamb, the goat, the ox, and the elephant, herbivorous creatures ; I placed them on thy right. I also placed before thee the wolf, the bear, the tiger, and the lion, carnivorous crea- tures; I placed them on thy left. I placed them all before thee for thy comparison, to observe their nature. man! be wise and choose the right. For thou shalt know that thy blood is the reposi- tory of the spirit of thy Supreme Lord God — [113] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT JehovaJi-Ahura-Mazda — within thee; and thou shalt keep it pure and undef iled. And by so doing you will attain real knowledge and wisdom of a divine nature. No. 10. Thou shalt not kill thy fellow-crea- ture under any pretext whatsover, except it be in absolute direct self-defense of thine own physical- life, or the life of thy neighbor. No. 11. Thou shalt not kill nor destroy my animate creatures, nor be violent with any animate creatures that can hear, see and feel. For thou shalt remember, whether great or small the crea- ture, behold ! for it is the work of thy Creator. No. 12. Thou shalt not steal nor take unlaw- ful possession of anything belonging to thy neigh- bor or thy fellow-creature. No. 13. Thou shalt not appropriate the sur- face of the earth to any greater extent than thou needest to support thyself and those dependent upon thee for all material needs. For thou shalt know the earth and the fullness thereof belongs to thine heavenly Father. And He created the earth equally as well for thy fellow-creature as for thee. No. 14. Thou shalt not covet anything what- soever belonging to thy neighbor or thy fellow- creature, but thou shalt acquire thy needs by hon- est toil. And thou shalt enjoy it. [119] THE GREATER TRUTH No. 15. Thou shalt labor for the good and welfare of thy neighbor and thy fellow-creature equal as for thyself, so that thou mayest be happy and content all thy days upon the earth, which thine heavenly Father giveth thee. No. 16. Thou shalt not take away from thy neighbor and thy fellow-creature his right to free- dom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of will. For thy Supreme Lord God has given thee those freedoms so you can develop all your faculties, and thereby attain knowledge, wisdom and perfection. No. 17. Thou shalt not harbor revenge with- in thy heart against thy neighbor and thy fellow- creature. And remember the words of my exalted messenger — Buddha: "Hatred ceaseth not by hatred, but hatred ceaseth by love. ' ' A_nd love en- lightens the spirit and purifies the blood. No. 18. Thou shalt not degrade thyself in spirit by returning evil for evil; for I have not created evil. I, thy Supreme Lord God, is the Creator of good only. No. 19. Thou shalt make it thy first duty upon this earth, which thine heavenly Father giv- eth thee, to perfect thyself physically, intellectual- ly and spiritually. And establish within thyself a true conscience for equity, right and justice. No. 20. Thou shalt make it thy duty to free thyself from all errors and illusions by striving [120] THE VOICE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT to gain knowledge and wisdom in the laws of thy Supreme Lord God and in His system of creation, and live in harmony with His laws. So thou canst be strong and happy on earth, and rise up high in the heavens. For thou shalt know by My laws thou art a child of the earth; in spirit thou art an associate of thy Lord J ehovah-Ahura-Mazda. No. 21. Thou shalt not complain against thine heavenly Father for anything that happen- eth which causeth thee pain, suffering and unhap- piness, for thou hast created it thyself. man! search thyself and blame not thy Creator. Re- member ! thy destiny is in thy will-power for good or evil. Thou art thine own savior. No. 22. Thou shalt protect and assist the poor sick, the poor helpless, the poor orphan, the poor widow, and the poor fatherless, and be liberal with what thine heavenly Father giveth thee. And when thou givest charity do not be loud about it. Charity should be given for charity 's sake only. No. 23. Thou shalt work and labor upon the earth, which thine heavenly Father giveth thee, to establish perfect peace, love and happiness amongst all mankind, regardless of race, caste or color. And remember thou shalt love thy fellow- creature as thyself. No. 24. Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother and protect them in their old age, that thy days may be long upon this earth, which thy Su- preme Lord God giveth thee. [121] THE GREATER TRUTH No. 25. Thou shalt honor and cherish deep within thy heart the memory of the messengers and teachers thy Lord — J ehovali-Ahura-Mazda — has sent npon this earth' to serve thee as a channel of light to thy perplexed soul, and be thou grateful to them. No 26. Thou shalt not apply thy whole time to the accumulation of material wealth upon this earth which thine heavenly Father giveth thee. For thou shalt know, man ! that all thy gold and material wealth will be worthless to thee on thy judgment day. Spiritual wealth, which are good- thoughts, good-words and good-deeds, is the only kind of wealth thou canst carry to the heavens. No. 27. Thou shalt not punish thy neighbor or thy fellow-creature for disobeying My com- mandments, which disobedience does not injure thee materially, but concerneth only him alone. For I, the Lord God — Jeliovah-Ahura-Mazda, will judge him on his judgment day. Because I shall hold every individual spirit-soul-man respon- sible for his own transgressions. [122] ZARATHUSTRA (Called in Greek Zoroaster) A Brief and Correct History of The First Grand-Cycle Messenger From Our Heavenly Father, The Grand-Master of the Universe JUST nine thousand years ago, Zapitama Zar- athustra, the sage and< prophet of ancient Iran — Persia, was born. He came npon this material- physical-plane as the first grand-cycle messenger from our heavenly Father — the Lord Jehovah- Ahura-Mazda. All the truths regarding the Creator and His universe that man learned during the period he was guided, was mostly discarded and lost during the period he fell. And the great deluge wiped out all traces of the past. Before the deluge came, a messenger came upon this earth to sound a warn- ing for reformation, but it was useless. For nine thousand years after the deluge there was no visible messenger upon this plane. Man was guided by invisible guides only. Then came Zarathustra with a message of the symbolic- truth for mankind. This message was intended by the Grand-Master of the Universe that it shall spread gradually during the following nine thou- sand years, which has just ended, to prepare man for the greater-truth. [123] THE GEEATEE TEUTH The great-cycle messages of Brahma and Moses, and the sub-cycle messages of Confucius, Buddha and Mohammed, which came since the ZaratJtustra message was intended to spread the cardinal principle of the Zarathustrian message, which is the doctrine of One Great-Spirit, and also to harmonize the doctrine with the great mass of the different races. The Zarathustrian teachings was mostly in symbols, and for that reason it was called the symbolic-truth and the holy doctrine. The sym- bolic-truth had all the symbols that was lost in the great past, and many more added to it. These symbols were all of a sacred character, and they represented the Supreme-Grand-Architect of the Universe and His system of creation, and symbo- lized how man shall guide himself. And all those who took up those symbols and learned their mean- ing became conscious that they had assumed a sa- cred duty and holy mission. The cardinal teachings of the original Zara- thustrian symbolic-truth was the brotherhood of all mankind and the fatherhood of one God, the Great-Spirit, and that it is our heavenly Father's will and law that man shall acquire a true knowl- edge of his heavenly Father, through freedom of thought, through freedom of conscience, through freedom of speech, and through freedom of will. And that he shall apply himself to the practice of the root principle of all good principles, which is good-thought, good-word, and good-deed. The Zarathustrian symbolic-truth gave man the right to interpret the symbols, according to his own in- telligence. It was intended that through a diver- [124] ZARATHUSTRA sity in the interpretations of the truth in the fol- lowing nine thousand years, which has just ended, man shall reach to a unity upon the greater-truth. Man was at that time very materialistic. And Zarathustra had labored for nine years before he made the first convert. And then the holy doc- trine commenced to spread until he had a consid- erable following. Zarathustra suffered from per- secution all his life, and at the age of seventy he suffered a horrible death at the will of a tryant ruler. Thus the first great and holy messenger, from our heavenly Father to man, upon this mate- rial-plane was a victim of persecution and tyranny. After the physical death of Zarathustra, the symbolic-truth and holy doctrine spread more rapidly through Persia, India and China. It was held sacred in secret societies. After the Brahma great-cycle message came, it helped to spread more the symbolic-truth in the secret societies. It then spread to Egypt and later to Greece. After the great-cycle message through Moses, the sym- bolic-truth spread through Palestine in secret so- cieties. The symbolic-truth was then known in the different countries under different names, and fin- ally it spread over Europe and America and other countries, and then became known as Freemasonry. With a purpose to wipe out the original an- cient Zarathustrian writings, the old Alexandrian Library has been twice destroyed through fire by Catholic monks in the years three hundred and ninety (390) and six hundred and forty (640) of the Roman calendar. [125] SYMBOLIC, ESOTERIC, ANCIENT FREEMASONRY. Its Origin, And Its Sacred and Holy Mission. THE principles of Freemasonry and its em- blems came down upon this material-plane by the will of the Great-Spirit our heavenly Father — who is the Supreme Geometrician, Architect and Grand-Master-Mason of this solar-system — His universe. In His great wisdom, our heavenly Father planned and created the solar-system on a founda- tion of truth, harmony, love and justice. And at the same time he made use of tools for the forma- tion of geometrical and architectural lines. These tools also represent the character and virtues of our heavenly Father and the principles He has built His universe on. When man upon this material-plane had reached his third age of reason, he was inspired how to make the tools for the geometrician, for the architect and builder, so he could build on the same principles as the universe is built, on geome- trical lines ; and that his structures would be [127] THE GREATER TRUTH plumb, square and level. That was about one hun- dred and sixty thousand (160,000) years ago. After the different tools appeared, man was taught by his divine guides and teachers at that time, how to make use of the same tools for a great and noble purpose. That was the time that specu- lative symbolic freemasonry had actually com- menced upon this material-plane. It was then known as the symbolic-divine-truth. The principal purpose for it at that time, was to teach man good morals and help him to advance in evolution. During the latter part of the seventh age of reason, after the visible guides and teachers were withdrawn from man, and he commenced to retro- grade, the emblems of the symbolic-divine-truth commenced gradually to disappear. When the great deluge came, all the early signs of freema- sonry was totally wiped out. The pyramids of Egypt are the only monuments left that were erected to the glory of the Creator and dedicated to the practice of the symbolic-divine-truth. That was about forty thousand years ago, when the py- ramids were erected. What is now called Ancient Freemasonry has descended from the time of Zarathustra. It was sent down upon this material plane from the spirit- ual realms through the first grand-cycle messenger —Zarathustra — the sage and prophet of ancient Iran-Persia of nine thousand (9,000) years ago. It was then known as the symbolic-truth and the holy doctrine. The Zarathustrian symbolic-truth had all the emblems of the earlier symbolic-divine- truth, with many more added to it. [128] FREEMASONRY The symbolic-truth came upon this plane with a special mission, to guide mankind through the following nine thousand years to the greater-truth. The symbolic-truth had several cardinal princi- ples. The greatest of the cardinal principles is the brotherhood of all mankind and the Father- hood of One-Great-Spirit, who is known in the spiritual realms as the Lord Jehovah-Ahura-Maz- da — the Supreme- Architect and the Grand-Master of this solar-system — His universe. In the first thousand years after the physical death of Zarathustra, the symbolic-truth spread through Persia and later through India and China. It was practiced in secret societies, and only the very select were admitted to its secrets. Then it spread over Egypt, Greece and Palestine. It was known in the different countries under different names. And about twenty-five hundred (2,500) years ago it came to Rome, and gradually spread over Europe and became known under the name of Freemasonry ; and within the last two hundred years it spread all over the globe. About fifteen hundred years ago errors com- menced to creep in into European Freemasonry, the same as in all other great truths, and these errors have existed ever since in the European societies, and in all those Masonic societies that were formed from the European societies. But the time is coming when all great truths will be purified from its errors, and so will the Masonic temples be purified from its errors, with great glory to the Supreme- Architect and Grand-Master of the Universe. [129] THE GREATER TRUTH The emblems of Freemasonry are of the most sacred and holy character. The reason for it, is because the Supreme Geometrician and Architect of the Universe — our heavenly Father, in His sys- tem of creation — he had formed in his mind the plans of the universe — with tools which formed geometrical and architectural circles and lines, and those tools are represented by the emblems of Freemasonry. And the four principal emblems — the circle, the triangle, the square and compasses — represent the character and virtues of the Su- preme-Grand-Master of the Universe. And those who, by uniting with Freemasonry, make use of the emblems for selfish and unholy purposes will sooner or later pay a severe penalty for it. All who unite themselves with Freemasonry and its emblems are voluntarily assuming the sa- cred and holy mission of Freemasonry. The mis- sion of Freemasonry is to spread the following cardinal principles. The true brotherhood of all mankind, regardless of race, caste or color. The Fatherhood of One-Great-Spirit — the Lord God J ehovah-Ahura-Mazda. The will and law of the great-spirit that all mankind shall have freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of will. To eradicate from amongst humankind ignorance and all erroneous and idolatrous doctrines. To spread love, justice, equity and righteousness amongst all humankind, regardless of race, caste or color. To promote peace and happiness upon this earth in thought, in word and in deed. To inculcate into mankind the practice of good-thought, good-word, and good- deed. [130] FREEMASONRY And when the glorious and full greater-truth arrives upon this earth, as it is doing now, it is Freemasonry 's sacred-duty and holy mission to spread the greater-truth amongst all mankind upon this earth, and to unite them all into one sacred band around the globe. And when the time arrives, it is their duty to assist the chosen race, — their brother missionary — in the rebuilding of the holy house of the Temple at Jerusalem. And to erect duplicates of the Holy Temple in every land, to the glory of the Great-Spirit — the Su- preme Lord God Jehovah-Ahura-Mazda — the Su- preme-Architect and Grand-Master of this solar- system — His universe. And dedicate them to the greater-truth of reason, unity, peace, harmony, love, justice, and equity, and the brotherhood of all mankind. This is the sacred duty and holy mis- sion of Freemasonry. [131] THE JEWISH RACE Our Heavenly Father's Chosen People The Purpose They Were Chosen For And Their Mission Upon This Earth FOR the last two thousand years the Jewish race has been a puzzle, a mystery, a question, and a wonder to the nations of this material-plane. In almost every country, especially in countries where the Christian doctrine is assumed by the great majority with the worn out phrase of "Love thy neighbor as thyself," the Jewish race has been persecuted, abused, tortured, hated, black- mailed, burned alive, and driven from country to country, and all on account of what? For no good reason, only because as a race they stuck to a great-truth, which is the belief in one-God — One- Great-Spirit. Ninety per cent of their persecutors were and still are those who advocate and preach an errone- ous, idolatrous doctrine, with one Jew as the idol of the doctrine. And they use a phrase "Love thy neighbor as thyself," of which they have made a mockery. And because the Jews as a race would not accept that doctrine, their persecutors claim [133] THE GREATER TRUTH that the heavenly Father wants them punished for it. But in spite of all the persecutions and suffer- ings they have endured, that race has grown in the last two thousand years to five times the num- ber. That Israel has been guided, guarded and protected as a race by the heavenly Father can be seen by any fair and clear-minded person of reason who will study its past history. If all these people that are persecuting the Jewish race and preaching hatred against them now, would know what penalty the Jew persecu- tor of the past has paid and what suffering he has gone through, and the thousands of them that are suffering for it now by receiving the wages from the iron inflexible law, " Whatever one soweth that he shall reap," these antisemites, persecu- tors and preachers of hatred of today would shud- der at what is awaiting them. And nations and governments that have persecuted the Jewish race since the time of Abraham have paid a penalty as well as individuals. Some of the nations have been reduced to a nothing. And some of the gov- ernments have been wiped out of existence, — like the Russian government. All this was the work of God — the heavenly Father. The Jewish race was formed and chosen by the heavenly Father for a special purpose and a mission. What is that special purpose and mis- sion? For over two hundred thousand (200,000) years millions of souls have been evolving in the primary-division of evolution through hundreds of physical reincarnations. And a great percentage of those souls had reached a very advanced stage as spirit-soul-men. [134] THE JEWISH EACE About a little over four thousand (4,000) years ago. Our heavenly Father — the Supreme- Grand- Architect and Master of the Universe — has in His wisdom conceived an idea. To raise up a special race of people and consecrate them to his holy doctrine. With the special purpose that the advanced spirit-soul-men from different races shall reincarnate into the chosen race. And through that race carry the great-truth of the holy doctrine with their knowledge and wisdom to the rest of mankind. And through that chosen race prove their sincerity and loyalty to the truth by suffering, persecution and martyrdom. And that race shall stand out amongst the nations of the earth as a model and example for the brotherhood of mankind and the Fatherhood of One-Great- Spirit. And that race shall be for all advanced spirit-soul-men upon this material-plane the fin- ishing and graduating race of the primary-divi- sion in evolution, before they can break the chains of reincarnation. And that race shall be the guid- ing spiritual race upon this earth until the greater- truth is proclaimed by all mankind upon this earth. For that purpose the heavenly Father has chosen a Persian family in Persia in the year 1663 of the Brahma-era — four thousand and sixteen (4,016) years ago. This Persian family were de- scendants from the line of Zarathustra — the grand-cycle messenger, the sage and prophet of ancient Iran-Persia of nine thousand (9,000) years ago. To this family the heavenly Father has sent a spirit-soul-man who was highly advanced in evo- lution and was a master of the light, to incarnate into the male child that was to be born in the Per- [135] THE GEEATEE TEUTH sian family. This child was born four thousand and sixteen (4,016) years ago, and was named Abram, and afterwards changed by the will of the heavenly Father to Abraham. This Abraham be- came the father of the chosen Jewish race. When Abraham grew up to manhood he showed himself to be a real master of the light. He knew the heavenly Father and the eternal truth, the same as when he was in spirit. The Lord Jehovah has then revealed to Abraham his pur- pose to make a nation out of him. (The full ac- count of the revelation and the covenant can be found in the Old Testament.) For Abraham's child, Isaac, the heavenly Father has sent also a highly advanced spirit-soul-man and a master of the light to incarnate. For the incarnation in Isaac 's child, Jacob, the heavenly Father has sent another master of the light. These three patri- archs — the fathers of the Jewish race — were all highly advanced spirit-soul-men. They were real sublime-masters of the light. The purpose of our heavenly Father was to raise up a highly advanced spiritual race. So an advanced class of spirit-soul- men could incarnate into them. And thereby form a race of people in whose veins and blood would exist the great virtues of endurance, persever- ance, loyalty, charity, and the true brotherhood of mankind. A race of people that would show intel- ligence and wisdom. The twelve sons of Jacob were also the incarnations of highly advanced spirit-soul-men. They all worshipped one-Great- Spirit, and they knew the truth and understood God, and all their families were raised in the same spirit. [136] THE JEWISH EACE Jacob, with all his sons and their families, sev- eral hundred souls in number, went to Egypt, and within one hundred years after they settled in Egypt the Egyptians made slaves out of them. This was all guided by the heavenly Father. Why was it so guided? There were three special pur- poses in that object. As the law could not be given to them until the end of the great-cycle, which was then about four hundred years ahead of the time, so it was guided that it would in the meantime ac- complish those purposes. The first purpose was to spread monotheism in Egypt. With the excep- tion of a very small percentage who have prac- ticed the ancient doctrines of Zarathustra and Brahma in secrecy, the great mass had a multitude of gods — a god for every special purpose. And as the Israelites had through Joseph gained a great deal of respect and influence amongst the Egyp- tians, they have in the first one hundred years spread the doctrine of One-Great-Spirit all over Egypt to a great extent. That was the first pur- pose accomplished. As the Egyptians were at that time the most skilled in different arts and sciences, the Israelites have acquired a great deal of knowledge from them in the four hundred years they were in Egypt. That was the second purpose accomplished. The third and the greatest purpose was to impress upon the Jewish race the great crime and wrong of slavery. To impress upon them the hardships and sufferings of the slave. It was to teach them a lesson never to deal in slavery. For that reason they were over three hundred years in slavery. A great-cycle was nearing its end, and the [137] THE GEEATEE TEUTH wise men of Egypt foresaw that a male child will be born amongst the Israelites, who will free them from slavery and take them out of Egypt. Then came the decree from Pharaoh, King of Egypt, that every male child born amongst the Israelites shall be drowned. But man cannot foil the designs of the Supreme-Grand-Master of the Universe. Thousands of Jewish male infants were drowned. But when Moses — God's messenger — the incarnation of a great master, was born, he was raised as a prince in the house of King Phar- aoh. In the house of the very man who tried to prevent his coming. The will of God had to be done. (The full account of how Moses was born and raised by the daughter of King Pharaoh can be found in the Old Testament.) Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, and received the law on Mount Sinai. So-called mod- ern scholars picked the Old Testament to pieces on account of the creation story. The story of the creation is an allegory and perfectly true, if prop- erly understood as an allegory. The vital princi- ples in the Mosaic law is the Ten Commandments and the laws and rules for their system of living, especially in the kind of food they shall use. The Old Testament is also perfectly true history of the Jewish race as far as it goes. After the Jews had settled in the Holy Land, the great purpose for which they were formed had then commenced. All the advanced spirit-soul-men that lived in very ancient India, China, Egypt and Persia commenced to incarnate amongst the Jewish race, and for the twelve hundred years after they en- tered the Holy Land all their judges, their kings, [138] THE JEWISH RACE their prophets, their great teachers, their schol- ars, and their masters, were all the reincarnations of the advanced spirit-soul-men that lived in those ancient races and countries. They came into Israel, Jehovah's chosen spiritual race. To give man- kind upon this earth spiritual truth and wisdom as a race and a nation. And at the same time advance themselves to finish the primary-division in evolution. During their time in Palestine as a nation, Israel has suffered wars, destruction of their tem- ples, exile and persecution. This was all to test their loyalty and perseverance, and to teach them many lessons. It gave thousands of them a chance to advance in evolution. And at the same time those who were exiled have carried the great- truth of the One-Great-Spirit into their enemies' countries ; that also served its purpose. Here is another example how the heavenly Father has always protected his chosen people. As usual, God always provides the remedy long before the plague arrives. After the destruction of the first temple, when the Jews were exiles in Persia and Media, under the reign of King Ahasuerus — Xerxes of Persia — in the year 3294, Haman, the grand vizier of Persia, a powerful and influential enemy of the Jewish race had planned to have all the Jews exterminated on a certain day. But the heavenly Father has guided it, so that a Jewish daughter became the wife and queen of the King of Persia, and through her the Jewish race was saved. (The full account of the Queen Esther narrative can be found in the Old Testa- ment.) [139] THE GREATER TRUTH After fourteen hundred years in Palestine as a nation, then came the great purpose for Israel. Our heavenly Father — the Supreme-Grand-Mas- ter of the Universe — seeing the future, the spread- ing of the Christian doctrine over the European countries, has sent out his chosen race of people and made them spread over those very countries. That was for two purposes. One and the first pur- pose was to prevent the erroneous doctrine, through the presence of the Jewish race, to become the purest kind of idolatry amongst the millions who have assumed it in later years. And through the same presence of the Jewish race amongst them, come to a final realization of the truth. For had the Jewish people been left in Palestine to themselves as a nation, the nations of Europe would have known very little about their religion and the Mosaic law. They would have known very little of the Old Testament, and they would have worshipped Christ as God itself. For that is what some of their apostles have claimed, that Jesus of Nazareth was the incarnation of God Himself. For that purpose it was so guided that the Romans, their conquerors, took thousands of their scholars and teachers as captives to Rome; and they spread over Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, in the countries where Christianity had spread first. And later on these learned Jews were called upon to explain their religion and their rea- sons for not accepting Christ. And through the explanations, discussions and arguments, the Ro- man Church and the educated class became ac- quainted with the Mosaic law and the Jewish his- tory. [140] THE JEWISH RACE At the beginning of the third century of Chris- tianity the Jews commenced to suffer a great deal of persecutions in Italy. The main arguments the learned Jews have then made against Christianity was, first, that the story never occurred at all; that there was no history nor proof whatever that such a story occurred in Jerusalem. The sec- ond argument was that Christianity was a viola- tion of the First Commandment. To the first argu- ment the Roman Church would not listen; they claimed that it was a true story. In answer to the second argument, the church argued that Christ was a part of God or God itself, and consequent- ly there was no violation of the First Command- ment. By the end of the third century the persecu- tions were so severe that thousands of the less learned Jews went over to Christianity. To help His chosen people to hold on to His law, and to give them more proof that Christianity is erron- eous and idolatrous, the heavenly Father per- mitted Satan — the evil spirit — in the Roman year 321 to inspire Emperor Constantine of Rome to change the Sabbath of the seventh day to Sunday, the first day of the week. That caused a strong and positive violation of one more of the Ten Com- mandments, which was very plain. Up to that time, for over sixteen hundred years, since the time of Moses, they had observed Sabbath as the seventh day. That change strengthened the Israel- ites in their faith, and from that time on the num- ber of Jewish deserters from their faith was very small. For even the simple and unlearned amongst [141] THE GEEATER TRUTH the Jews have argued that God is unchangeable in His laws. That He was, He is, and He will be always the same. And that God is infallible. The violation of the Fourth Commandment of the Sab- bath day proved to them that the First Command- ment is also violated, and that the whole doctrine is erroneous and idolatrous. And thousands of them have rather suffered persecution and even martyrdom than to give up their faith. Chris- tianity up to the present day could not furnish a reasonable excuse for the violation of the Fourth Commandment. The strong persecutions in Italy, Spain and Portugal forced the Jews to spread to other Euro- pean countries, and as they were persecuted in every country they came; they kept on spread- ing until they were in every European country. That was the purpose of the heavenly Father, that they should be in every country where the Chris- tian doctrine was spread. They built their syna- gogues and temples to the glory of the one God — Jehovah, right in the midst of their persecutors, who had a chance to study and observe their Old Testament, their laws and their customs. Through their presence, Christianity has retained the wor- ship of the heavenly Father in addition to their idol. Through the influence of their presence, Protestantism was born, and finally extreme re- formed Christianity. The second great purpose for Jehovah's chosen race to spread over Christian countries was that as a race they shall suffer persecution and martyrdom for the great-truth — the worship of the One-Great-Spirit. Within the last twelve hundred [142] THE JEWISH EACE years thousands of advanced spirit-soul-men of Israel's scholars, teachers and prophets of former centuries, thousands of spirit-soul-men of former philosophers, teachers, scholars and reformers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle and Socrates, from ancient Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and China, have incarnated amongst the Jewish race of the Christian countries for the purpose of suf- fering persecution and martyrdom for the great- truth. And thereby advance to a higher state in the spiritual-realms. Some have reincarnated two and three times in that race within the last eigh- teen hundred years, because their courage failed them and they did not fulfill the purpose they in- carnated for. A good many have broken the chains of reincarnation through those tests of loyalty, and have finished the primary-division and passed on to the intermediate-division in evolution. Ignorant and selfish man has made a hell upon this earth for Jehovah's chosen race. But through man's made hell Israel's glory in the spiritual realms has reached a very high state, and is beyond the imagination upon this material- plane, even by those who know it. In the spiritual- realms it is considered a great glory and special privilege to be permitted to incarnate amongst the Jewish race and suffer persecution and martyr- dom. Some will ask a question why are thousands of Jewish children suffering who never had a chance to grow up and prove their religion? The thousands of Jewish children who have been made orphans through the persecution and murder of their parents and are suffering hunger and star- [143] THE GREATER TRUTH vation. The thousands of children who have been crippled and murdered by the persecutors of the race. The thousands who have grown up and did not care anything for the religion, but suf- fered persecution just the same, because they were Jews. All those are the spirits of Israel's ancient enemies and persecutors. They are the spirits of former priests, monks, friars, bishops, nuns, car- dinals, kings, and all kinds of other individuals who had to do with their persecution in the past. After these spirit-soul-men have gone through the severe sufferings in purgatory according to what they have deserved for the deeds they have com- mitted in their former lives, they are made to incarnate in the Jewish race, and pay the penalty of the iron inflexible law — " Whatsoever one sow- eth, that he shall reap." I don't want it under- stood that the thousands of suffering Jewish chil- dren should not be taken care of because their spirits are Israel's former persecutors. They are now in new bodies and do not remember their past, and must be taken care of and brought into the true-religion. Now comes the last purpose from the heavenly Father for the chosen race. And that is that they shall help establish the greater-truth upon this earth. The persecutions, which have lately in- creased against them in different countries, is only the way of the heavenly Father to wake them up. And to make them labor for the truth, the brotherhood of all mankind, and the Fatherhood of one-God — the Great Spirit. And to remind them of their mission and that they are still His chosen people. And it is the great-purpose of [144] THE JEWISH RACE the heavenly Father to make Himself known to all nations upon this earth through His chosen people. The several great-purposes of the heavenly Father in making the Jewish race His Chosen people I have shown very plain. And when mankind discards all erroneous and false doctrines, and takes up the holy doctrine of the greater-truth — the brotherhood of all mankind and the Fatherhood of one-God — the Great Spirit — in the heavenly light, whose greater name is Jehovah-Ahura-Mazda, then Israel will be gath- ered to the Holy Land, and all the nations upon this earth will assist them in getting their land. And Israel will establish a model government of real brotherhood, which will be patterned by all the nations of the earth. And when peace, tran- quility and happiness reigns upon the whole earth then Israel will have the permission from the heav- enly Father to rebuild the holy house of the Third Temple at Jerusalem. And Jerusalem will be the center for all mankind upon this earth, and the whole human race will be the chosen people from the Lord God Jehovah-Ahura-Mazda — our heav- enly Father. [145] The True History Of Jesus of Nazareth, And the Origin of Christianity. IN the year 3785 of the Jewish era (1894 years ago), the city of Jerusalem and Palestine was ruled by a governor from Eome. At that time there lived in the city of Jerusalem a man, who was known by the Hebrew name of Joshua Ben Joseph of Nazareth. Which, when translated, means Jesus, the son of Joseph of Nazareth. Naz- areth was then a small town close to Jerusalem, where Jesus was born. Jesus was then about thirty years of age, and a cabinet-maker by trade, and of an ordinary Hebrew education. But he pos- sessed a very high sense of conscience for equity and justice. On account of his open expressions against injustice and oppression, and his upright and honest character, he was admitted as a mem- ber to the ancient and secret order of the Essenes. The secret and sacred principles practiced by [147] THE GREATER TRUTH the Essenes was the ancient doctrine which de- scended from Zarathustra, and was known as the symbolic-truth, and which is known today as Free- masonry. The cardinal teachings of the Essenes was the principles of free-thought, free-conscience and free-speech, to be expressed in good-thoughts, good-words and good-deeds, and the brotherhood of all mankind and the Fatherhood of one-God — the Great-Spirit. The Essenes also held the Mosaic law and the Ten Commandments very sacred. At that very time Palestine was in an upset condition. The Jews had wandered away from their original system. There was a plutocracy and a great mass of poor people, and a priesthood that sided with the plutocracy. And on the top of that, Rome was ruling Palestine with an iron hand. After Jesus became an Essene the teachings of the Essenes developed in Him His true charac- ter and conscience for equity and justice. Jesus then commenced to work among the working classes. He preached to them the brotherhood of all mankind. That all men are equal and that all humankind originated from one common Father, one God — the Great Spirit. Jesus kept up the preaching for over a year, and He had gained a considerable following of working people. It was then reported to the Roman governor of Jeru- salem that there is a man exciting the people to rebellion against the Roman Government and the rich. The government has then sent out some spies to obtain evidence. And one day while Jesus was at a dinner given for the poor he was arrested. He was tried by a Roman court system with a Roman judge on a charge of exciting the people to [148] JESUS AND CHRISTIANITY rebellion against the Roman Government. And He was found guilty and executed by crucifixion, which was at that time the Roman system of exe- cution. When Jesus was arrested His brethren, the Essenes, appointed a committee of twelve of their brethren to intercede for Him, and they have been present at the trial. They done all they could to save His life, but it was of no avail. A small num- ber of His followers of the common people made a demonstration in behalf of Jesus, but they were kept back by the Roman soldiers. The aristocracy and the priesthood knew nothing about Jesus until He was arrested, and when they heard the cause for the arrest they did not mix into it at all ; they did not take any part in it whatever. The reform- ing and preaching career of Jesus lasted only about one year and a half. And all He had done in that time was that He preached to the common people to rise up and make themselves free from the Roman yoke and plutocracy. He also preached good morals and the Fatherhood of God. Jesus has not made any special spiritual claims, and He has not performed any miracles whatever which is attributed to Him. Jesus of Nazareth was a victim of tyranny, like thousands of other reform- ers were in every age, in every clime, and amongst every race within the past nine thousand years. The order of the Essenes had a custom of burying their dead brothers with a sacred cere- mony during the night. But as they did not want any outsiders of their order to see them take the body and follow them, they have let the Romans bury the body. But on the second night they have [149] THE GREATER TRUTH secretly taken the body out of the grave and buried it with their sacred ceremony in a grave which they had already prepared. The Essenes also had a custom of keeping a record of their departed brothers, and once a year they would make a memorial feast, at which every name would be read, and a prayer offered for all of them. After the death of their brother, Joshua Ben Joseph of Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth), they have made a special memorial record describing His character and fine virtues, amongst which they have stated that He was feeding the hungry and nursing the sick, that He died upon a cross as a martyr for the brotherhood of all mankind and the Father- hood of God. And that His soul rose to the Father in heaven, and His body was resurrected and hon- ored. After the death of Jesus, the Essenes have secretly worked for an uprising against the Roman Government. And so did the laboring classes, un- til about forty-five years later, when Jerusalem was destroyed. When that happened, during the destruction the records of the Essenes got lost. And about seventy-five years later after the de- struction of Jerusalem the memorial records of the Essenes found its way in Greece and in the pos- session of a Greek monk. Out of this memorial record of Jesus by the Essenes, the Greek monk inspired by Satan — the evil spirit — fabricated the first story of Christ, and afterwards took it to Rome. And from that story grew up the Christian religion. This ends the part how Christianity originat- ed. But it does not end the history of our hero — [150] JESUS AND CHRISTIANITY Jesus of Nazareth. "We will have to go up for a time to the spiritual realms, and down again. First we must take notice that about two hundred years after Christianity started the Roman Church started to make a bedlam out of Europe. People were persecuted and forced to accept the dogma, and it gradually kept on getting worse. In the year 4300 of the Jewish era, which cor- responds to the year 540 of the Roman calendar, the council of wisdom, the governing body of this planet in the seventh realm, seeing the future that if the Christian dogma is embraced by too great a number of people upon the material-plane, it will create incalculable mischief. So the council has decided to send down a sub-cycle messenger amongst the Arabs, and form a religion in the One- Great-Spirit similar to the Mosaic religion, and divert the millions in Asia and Africa from em- bracing the Christian dogma. Now we will go back to our hero of the his- tory. Although He will have different names in the future, we will refer to Him as the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth. When he was upon this earth as Jesus of Nazareth He was already highly ad- vanced in evolution. After He had suffered mar- tyrdom for preaching the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of one-God, He advanced several steps higher in evolution. And in the year 4300 we find Him a highly advanced Fellow- Craft in the fourth realm. At that time one of His teachers, a great master, informed Him. That after He was upon the material-plane as Jesus of Nazareth and suffered martyrdom, there was formed a new re- ligion called Christianity, and that He, Jesus, is [151] THE GREATER TRUTH worshipped as the idol of the religion and is called the Christ and that the religion Christianity is creating a great deal of mischief upon the mate- rial-plane. And also that the council of wisdom has decided to send a sub-cycle messenger to form another religion to divert the millions of Arabs from embracing the erroneous doctrine of Chris- tianity. When the spirit of Jesus has heard all that His teacher had told Him He felt that He had a duty to perform upon the material-plane. The spirit of Jesus has then appealed for forty-nine days in fervent prayers to the heavenly Father — the Grand-Master of the Universe, to grant Him the permission to be the sub-cycle messenger for the material-plane. His prayer was heard and ac- cepted. And the council of wisdom had chosen the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth to be the sub-cycle mes- senger to form the Mohammedan religion. Accordingly, in the year 4330 of the Jewish- era, corresponding to the year 570 of the Roman- calendar, the spirit of Jesus incarnated amongst the Arabs in Mecca and was born under the name of Mohammed, and forty years later the Moham- medan doctrine was started, which is well-known. The Mohammedan doctrine was formed for the purpose to prevent the hundreds of millions from Asia and Africa to embrace the erroneous doc- trine of Christianity. And to give to these people a doctrine similar to the Mosaic doctrine, the wor- ship of one-God, the Great-Spirit. And also to har- monize with the environment of that class of peo- ple, and that was accomplished. When the spirit of Mohammed-Jesus has fin- [152] JESUS AND CHRISTIANITY ished His work as Mohammed He was received in great glory in the fourth realm of the spiritual realms. He rose to the higher levels of the fourth realm as a reward and as a mark of advance in evolution, and he was getting close to the thres- hold of master. We must now leave our hero until one thousand years later. In the year 5287 of the Jewish-era, corres- ponding to the year 1527 of the Roman-calendar, the spirit of Mohammed-Jesus in the fourth realm, hearing how the Christian religion upon the mate- rial-plane, is causing a lot of suffering and perse- cution, especially to the Jewish race, has gotten a desire to incarnate again into our Father's cho- sen race, and suffer again persecution and martyr- dom for the truth. And thereby prove Himself worthy of a greater advance in the spiritual realms. Accordingly, the spirit of Mohammed-Jesus incarnated in the same year amongst the Jews of Portugal, and was born under the name of Joseph Saralbo. He grew up amongst the Jews as a scholar and a faithful follower of Judaism; but he was persecuted very severely by the Roman Church for his religion, the same as the rest of the Jews. Joseph Saralbo — the spirit of Mohammed- Jesus then moved to Rome. There he met with the same conditions. And being examined by the in- quisition of the church, he openly declared his faith in Judaism. He was then condemned and burned alive at a public auto-da-fe in Rome in the month of February in the year 5343, corresponding to the Roman-calendar of 1583. Thus a body, worn by the spirit once known upon this plane as Jesus [153] THE GREATER TRUTH of Nazareth — the idol of Christianity — was burned alive and the spirit tortured by the Roman Church. To those who don't believe in the truth of re- incarnation, it will sound ridiculous. But it is nevertheless an absolute truth, which has actually occurred. When the spirit of Joseph Saralbo — Mohammed-Jesus had departed from this mate- rial-plane through fire He was received in great glory in the fourth realm of the spiritual realms. From there he rose to the fifth realm — the realm of the first divinty — and to the degree of master. This is the end of the true history of the spirit once known as Jesus of Nazareth, as far as this material-plane is concerned. [154] • . Deacidilied using Ihe Bookkeeper process. Ii jhzing agent: Magnesium Oxide .itmenl Date: Dec. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Onvo (A 16066 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 543 073 ffiflBP m WSaSL wm m m H mm mmi