fc eg: '^Z ^- "C: «^. CSC <£:.^ 'ii- =- ^, -- — *:^' ^<<::r^ :rj Europeans in North America — after the ' ' Virginia of Sagadahoc, ' ' in 1607' — Avas Block's significantly named "Restless of Man- hattan," in 1614. One of the largest merchantmen in Christendom was launched by her shipwrights in 1631. Strangers eagerly sought burghership in the rising me- tropolis, and the tongues of many nations resounded through her ancient winding streets, f Like her pro- * Albany Records, IV. 91 ; Brodhead, I. 547; Bancroft, II. 394. + Col. Doc, I. 296, III. 17; Brodhead, I. 14, 55, 213, 215, 219, 374,548; ante, p. 11. 18 Commemorative rati ok totype, New Amsterdam was always a city of tlie world. The Province of New Netlieiiand was, indeed, the most advantageously situated region in North America. Its original limits included all the Atlantic coast between Cape Henlopen and Montauk Point, and even farther east and north, and all the inland territory bounded by the Connecticut Valley on the east, the Saint Lawrence and Lake Ontario on the north, and the affluents of the Ohio, the Susquehanna, and the Delaware, on the west and south. Within those bounds is the only spot on the con- tinent whence issue, divergent streams which find their outlets in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico.* Across the surface of the Province runs a chain of the AUeghanies, through which, in two remarkable chasms, the waters of the Delaware, and the Hudson flow southward to the sea. At the head of its tides, the Hudson, Avhich its explorers appropriately called "the Great River of the Mountains," receives the current of the Mohawk, rushing in from the west. Through the valleys of these rivers, and across the neigh- boring lakes, the savage natives of the country trac.-ked those pathways of travel and commerce which civilized science only adopted and improved. f Along their banks soon grew up flourishing villages, contributing to the prosperity of the chief town, which, with unerring judg- ment, had been planted on the ocean-washed island of Manhattan. In addition to these superb geographical peculiarities, every variety of soil ; abundant mineral wealth ; nature, grand, beautiful, and picturesque, and teeming with vegetable and animal life ; and a climate as healthful as it is delicious, made New Netherland the most * The water-slicd of Ceutral New York was the seat of the Iroquois Confedera- tion, long before European diseovery. + The Erie Canal and the Delaware and Hudson Canal follow the old Indian trails. Commemorative Oratiok 19 attractive of all the European colonies in America. From the first it was always the chosen seat of empire. It was the wise decree of Providence that this magniti- cent region shouhl first be occupied by the Batavian race. There was expanded the germ of a mighty cosmopolitan State, destined to exert a moral influence as happy as the physical peculiarities of its temperate territory were alluring. Yet the growth and 2:)rosperity of the Dutch Province were fatal to its political life. The envy of its neighbors was aroused. Covetousness produced an irre- pressible desire of possession, which could be appeased only by its violent seizure by unscrupulous foes. If at this time Englishmen had any one national charac- teristic more strongly developed than another, it was jealousy of the Dutch. Strangely, too, this sentiment seemed to have grown with the growth of Puritanism. It was enough for the British islander that the continental Hollander spoke a language different from his own. It mattered not that Coster, of Haerlem, invented the art of arts ; or that Grotius, Erasmus, Hooft, and Vondel, among scholars, and Boerhaave and Huygens, among philoso- phers, and' Rembrandt, and Cuyp, and Wouverman, among painters, were illustrious sons of the liberal Eepub- lic. Even William the Silent and Barneveldt were of little account among insular Britons — " divided from all the rest of the world." "^ Coarse wit and flippant ridicule were continually employed in educating the Englishman to un- dervalue and dislike the Hollander. On the other hand, Holland, at the zenith of her power, was not jealous of England. The Dutch maxim was "Z/«e and let live.'''' Both nations were fairly matched in military and naval *" Toto divisos orbe Britannos,'''' Virg. Ec, I. 67. Drj'den, in his translation of Virgil, describes his early countrymen as— "A race of men from all the world disjoined.' 20 Commemorative Oration. strength. During the period of the English Common- wealth, the only opportunity had occurred of testing against each other the skill of their admirals and the valor of their seamen. If Blake and Ayscue maintained the honor of their flag, De Ruy ter won equal glory, and Tromp placed a broom at his mast-head, in token that he had ewept the channel clear of English ships. Both nations were Protestant, and each had learned to respect the pro- verbial courage of the other. But the commerce of the Dutch Republic was now the vastest in the world. " The Sun but seemed the labourer of the year : Each waxhig Moon supplied her watery store, To swell those tides which from the line did bear Their brim -full vessels to the Belgian shore."* Such splendid prosperity of a rival, the selfishness of England could not brook ; and Dry den took care to stimu- late the envy of his countrymen when he wrote of the Hollanders : " As Cato fruits of Afric did display, Let us before our eyes their Indies lay : All loyal English wiU like him conclude — Let Cnesar live, and Carthage be subdued." t This sentiment of jealousy accompanied the English colonists to America, and even burned more fiercely in some parts of the wilderness. The motives to their emi- gration were various. The communities which they founded were dissimilar. Virginia was occupied by Royalists, who admired the hierarchy ; New England by Puritans, who abhorred prelacy ; Maryland by larger- minded Roman Catholics. But all these were Britons — naturally selfish, exclusive, and overbearing — who, with marked differences in creeds and fashions, were still the subjects of a common sovereignty, and, as such, felt a * Dryden's Annus Mirabilis, 1666. + Satire on the Dutch, 1663. Commemorative Oration. 21 common enmity against the colonists of that nation which was the snccessfnl rival of their own. This antipathy, however, was not equally strong in all the English colonies. It was slight in Virginia ; it waxed hotter in Maryland ; while it blazed into malignant envy in New England. Between Virginia and New Netherland, the relations had almost always been friendly, because neither had injured, while each had benefited the other. With Maryland, embarrassing questions had arisen re- spectiiig the occupation of the Delaware by the Dutch and the Swedes. But from the time of the first intercourse between Manhattan and New Plymouth, the Puritan emigrants pertinaciously insisted that the Dutch colonists of New Netherland were "intruders" into New England. With inconsistent reasoning, but characteristic assurance, they maintained their own title under the patent of 1620, while they denied that of the Hollanders, which was re- cognized in its proviso.* Gracjually they crowded on westward of the Connecticut River, nntil, in 1650, it was agreed between Stuyvesant and the New England authori- ties that the eastern boundary of New Netherland should be Oyster Bay on Long Island, and a line running northerly from Greenwich on the continent. Mainly through their representations, Cromwell directed an expedition to wrest from the Dutch Republic its American Territory. But, by the treaty of 1654, the Protector virtually conceded New Netherland to Holland. The States-General, in 1656, ratified the colonial boundary agreement of 1650 ; but the British Government avoided any action on the subject, and the Dutch Province continued, for a while longer, to be what New England writers have pertly called ' ' a thorn in the side."t *See ante, p. 13; Appendix, Note B. tN. Y. Col. Doc, I. 283-293, ;j(;4, 451, 458, 460, 464, 471, 475, 486, 487, 541, 548, 556-575, 610-612 ; Brodbead, I. 510, 520, 544, 545, 586, 601, 602 ; Palfrey, II. 372. 22 Commemorative rati ox. In the history of States, might generally overbears right. Of this fate New Netherland was a conspicnous example. While Maryland threatened on the South, Connecticut, which had constantly encroached westward along the Sound, procured, in 1662, from the heedless King of England, a patent which covered a large part of the Dutch Province, the inhabitants of which she did not scruple to describe as her ' ' noxious neighbours. ' ' Under this patent, Connecticut extended her jurisdiction as far as West-' Chester on the mainland, and over nearly the whole of Long Island. Attempts were even made, under the lead of Captain John Scott, to reduce the suburban Dutch vil- lages of Brooklyn, Midwout or Flatbush, Amersfoort, New Utrecht, and Bushwick. To these bold encroach- ments Stuyvesant could offer only a feeble resistance. Justice and weight of argument were on his side, but his adversaries had the decisive advantage of superior num- bers. The most that could be done was to put the Dutch capital in a condition of defence against any attack of a colonial enemy. The danger which menaced the Province induced the Director to resort to the people, as he and his predecessor had been obliged to call on them before. A Laintdtdag, or Assembly of deputies from the several towns, was accordingly convened at New Amsterdam, in the spring of 1664. It was there determined that, without aid from the home government, it would be impossible to regain the towns on Long Island which the English, who were six to one, had usurped from the Dutch. Kepeated appeals had been sent to the West India Company for re-enforcements, by which alone could the rest of New Netherland be preserved to Holland. Its population was now full ten thousand, and that of New Amsterdam about fifteen hundred. In spite of the clouds which lowered around the narrowing horizon of the Province, Stuyvesant hopefully looked forward to its becoming still more profi- Commemorative rati ok. 23 table to tlie Fatlieiiand, and urged upon the company that its Tvaste lands, which could feed a hundred thousand inliabitants, should be peopled at once by the oppressed Protestants of France, Savoy, and Germany,* Yet the perilous condition of New Netherland was not rightly appreciated in Holland. It had been unwisely" intrusted to the government of a great commercial mo- nopoly, which thought more of its failing corporate in- terests than of those of the nation, or of its colonists in America, When, at length, the danger which threatened the Province could not be disregarded, the States- General took insufficient measures to confirm their power there. In January, 1664, they desked the British Government to order the restitution of all places which the King's sub- jects had usurped from the Hollanders in 'N.ew Netherland, and the cessation of further aggressions, f But Sir George Downing, the English ambassador at the Hague, who was one of the earliest, ablest, and most disreputable graduates from Harvard College in Massachusetts, could not forget the prejudices he had imbibed, and startled the Grand Pensionary De Witt by claiming that the inhabit- ants of the Dutch Province were " the incroachers " upon New England.:}: Downing' s words were full of ominous import. The Restoration of King Charles the Second was the prognostic of the fate of New Netherland. One of the first acts- of his reign was to appoint a Council for Foreign Planta- tions, with orders to render "those dominions useful to England, and England helpful to them." This was the ke}^ to the British colonial policy. A new Navigation Law was passed, more eflfectually to cripple Dutch com- *N. Y. Col. Doc, II. 234, 248, 368, 374, 389-409, 512; Valentine's Manual, 18C0, 592; TrumbalFs Connecticut, I. iM9, 252, 265, 518; Brodhead, I. 317, 325, 474, 475, 559, 695, 702, 703, 719, 722, 723, 726, 728, 729, 733, 734; Appendix, note G. + Col. Doc, II. 227; Brodhead, I. 730. X Lister's Clarendon, III. 276; Col. Doc, II. 416-418, note. ' 24 Commemorative Oration. merce by excluding all foreign vessels from trading witli any of tlie English colonies in Asia, Africa, or America. Soon afterwards, Lord Stirling complained that the Dutch had intruded into Long Island, which had been conveyed to his grandftither, and prayed that they might be subdued or expelled. While this subject was under the considera- tion of the Plantation Council, it was found that the Navi- gation Act was disregarded or evaded in the English- American colonies. The trade carried on between New Netherland and Virginia, Maryland, and New England, was reported to be a loss to the King of many thousand pounds a year. A more stringent Navigation Law was therefore enacted. Still the forbidden intercolonial traffic was continued. The statute could not be enforced as long as New Netherland remained a Dutch Province. It was necessary to the success of that most intensely selfish law that New Netherland should be under the government of England, and it was determined that it should be reduced to subjection. "^ The easiest way to sustain this characteristic logic was to insist that the Dutch Province was the true inheritance of the English King. Under this pretence, the means to obtain its possession could be mildly called a Resumj^tion rather than a Usurpation. The Dutch title to their Prov- ince, although, in the judgment of Louis the Fourteenth himself, it was "the best founded, "f was as little regarded by Charles the Second as the injunctions of the Decalogue. Notwithstanding the rule asserted by Queen Elizabeth, • and confirmed by Parliament ; the proviso in the Patent of James the First, and the continuous occupation of New Netherland by Hollanders, Lord Chancellor Clarendon, under the instigation of Downing, was not ashamed to pronounce that they had "no colour of right" to its pos- * Col. Doc, IIL 35, 40-50; Brodhead, I. 68^, 702, 725, 735. t D'Estrados's Lett'crs, Ac, III. 340. S \ Commemorative Oration. 25 session.* Clcarendoii tlien purchased for liis son-in-law, James, Duke of York and Albany, Lord Stirling's claim to Pemaquid and Long Island, and advised the King to grant a new Patent to the Duke, including those regions, together with all the Dutch territory on the mainland, f Accordingly, on the Twelfth of March, 1664, Charles granted, under the Great Seal, to his brother James, a part of Maine, the whole of Long Island, Martha' s Vine- yard and Nantucket, and the Hudson River, with all the mainland from the west side of the Connecticut to the east side of Delaware Bay. The Grant included all those por- tions of the present States of Connecticut and Massachu- setts lying west of the Connecticut River, as well as the whole of Vermont and New Jersey. His Patent invested the Duke with "full and absolute power" to govern all English subjects, inhabiting this territory, according to English law, and authorized him or his agents to expel by force all persons who miglit dwell there without his special license. It was the most impudent, as it was the most despotic instrument ever recorded in the Colonial Arcliives of Great Britain.:}: This action of Charles the Second was not, however. * Lister's Clarendon, III. 347. t Col. Doc., III. 225, 606, 607, V. 330, VII. 431; Duer's Life of Stirling, 37,38. X See Patent at length in the State Library at Albany ; in Book of Patents in Secre- tary's Office, I. 109-115; in Learning and Spicer's Grants and Concessions, 3-8; and in N. Y. Colonial Documents, II. 295-298. See also Col. Doc, VII. 597, and VIII. 107, 436, for description of the territory granted. If this Patent was good as far as it related to the territory in Maine, Long Island, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket, which the English already possessed, it was certainly invalid in regard to the Dutch Province, of which the grantor never had possession. Even Chalmers, in his Politi- cal Annals, p. 579, says, that "As the validity of the grant to the Duke of York, while the Dutch were in quiet possession of the country, had been very justly ques- tioned, he thought it prudent to obtain a new one, in June, 1674." See also Col- Doc., V. 596, VII. 596, 597. It is worthy of remark that by his first Patent, of 12 March, 1664, the Duke was authorized to govern only English subjects inhabiting his territory; and that in his second Patent, of 29 June, 1674, the words, "oc any other 2)erson or jxrsons,'''' were added ; see Col. Doc, II. 296, and Learning and Spiccr, 5 and 42. After obtaining possession of New Nethcrland, therefore, the Duke could not govern its Dutch inhabitants unless as British subjects; but he could cxperthem if they remained there without his permission. 26 Commemorative Oration. influenced by any sjnnpathy with the likes or the dislikes of his New England subjects. They had received the tidings of his Restoration with distrust, and had pro- claimed him King with peevish austerity. If he had been induced to grant a part of New Netherland to Con- necticut, he took pains to avoid his careless bounty by a more unscrupulous appropriation to his own brother. The age of Chartered Oligarchies had passed away. Royal or Proprietary Governments were thenceforth to enforce the British Colonial policy. New England was now in disfavor at Whitehall ; and the Duke of York was desired by the Privy Council to name Commissioners, whom the King determined to send thither, to see how the several Colonies observed their Charters, and to settle their differences about boundaries. James accordingly selected four persons, whom history has honored with an unequal notoriety. The flrst was Colonel Richard NicoUs ; a university scholar, a brave soldier, and a prudent officer, who had been the Duke's companion in exile, and was one of the Grooms of his bedchamber. The other three were Sir Robert Carr and Colonel George Cartwright, of the Royal Army, and Samuel Maverick, a former resident in Massachusetts. These Commissioners were furnished with full instructions to guide their conduct in America. One of these instructions was, to obtain the active assist- ance of the New England Colonies in reducing the Dutch in New Netherland to subjection.* The Duke of York also commissioned NicoUs, on the second of April, to be his Deputy-Governor in the terri- tory which the King had given him, and execute all the powers which his Patent authorized, f To gain posses- sion, by force if necessary, was the next step. As Lord * Col. Doc, III. 51-65; Mass. H. S. Coll., XXXII. 284; Notes and Queries (II.), III. 214-216. + A copy of the Duke of York's commission to Nicolls is in the Appendix, Note D. Commemorative Oration: 27 High Admiral of England, James assigned for tlie reduc- tion of jN"ew Netlierland tlie frigate Guinea, of tliirty-six guns. Captain Hugh Hyde ;• the . Elias, of thirt}^, Captain William Hill ; the Martin, of sixteen, Captain Edward Grove ; and a chartered transj)ort, the William and Nicho- las, of ten. Captain Thomas Morley. Early in May the Royal Commissioners embarked in these vessels, with about four hundred and fifty veteran soldiers, forming three full companies, commanded by Colonels Mcolls, Carr, and Cartwright, under whom were several other commissioned officers in the British Army. Among these were Captains Mathias NicoUs, Robert Needham, Harry Norwood, and Daniel Brodhead, some of whom, intending to settle themselves permanently in New Netherland, after its acquisition, were accompanied by their families. The expedition, which was well provided with all necessaries for war, set sail from Portsmouth in the middle of May, with orders to make its first anchorage in Gardiner' s Bay at the eastern end of Long Island. * These portentous movements did not escape the atten- tion of the Dutch Government at the Hague. As early as February, 1664, Stuyvesant had distinctly warned the West India Company of the King' s intended grant to the Duke of York, and that not only Long Island, but the whole Province, would be lost to Holland unless speedy re-enforcements should be sent. The Company, liowever, now on the verge of bankruptcy, replied with marvellous infatuation, in the following April, that the Royal Com- missioners were only going to install Bishops in New England, the inhabitants of which, who had gone there to escape Prelacy, would rather live under Dutch authority, with freedom of conscience, than risk that in order to fall * Patents, III. 43; Col. Doc, II. 243, 445, 501, III. 70, 104, 117, 149; Smitli's New York, I. 16; Clarke's James the Second, I. 400; Hazard's Annals of Penn., IV. 31; Coll. Ulster Hist. Soc., I. 51; Brodhead, I. 736, 737. 28 Commemorative Oration. under a goyernment from wliich. tliey had formerly fled. This absurd letter had scarcely been dispatched before the real object of ISTicolls's expedition was better understood. Downing bluntly told De Witt that New Netherland existed " only in the maps.'"'^ Prompt orders to De Ruy- ter, who was then on his way to the Mediterranean, might have hurried his fleet to Manhattan in time to aid Stuyve- sant in repulsing the treacherous force of England. But a purblind confidence in the honor of Charles the Second, and an unjust estimate of the importance to the Fatherland of its American Province, clouded' the Grand Pensionary's judgment. The necessary orders were not sent to De Ruyter, and New Netherland was abandoned to her fate. A tedious voyage of ten weeks brought the squadron of NicoUs to Boston. The Royal Commissioners immedi- ately demanded the assistance of the New England colo- nies ; which Massachusetts promised, with frugal reluc- tance, while Connecticut showed more selfish zeal, be- cause she hoped to secure Long Island to herself. Piloted by Boston mariners, the English ships then sailed for the mouth of the Hudson ; and, on the sixteenth of August (Old Style), the leading frigate Guinea, with Nicolls and his colleagues on board, anchored just inside of Coney Island, at Nyack, or New Utrecht Bay, where she was joined, two days afterwards, by the other vessels. Here the King' s Commissioners were met by John Winthrop, Sam- uel Willys, and other Connecticut magistrates. Thomas Willett, also, appeared on the part of New Plymouth. John Scott was likewise at hand, with a force ' ' pressed' ' at New Haven. The train-bands of Southold, and the other Englisli towns at the eastern end of Long Island, under John Younge, soon increased the threatening array. Northern Indians and French rovers were held as re- * Col. Doc, II. ;334, 235, 23G, 307, 408, 493; Lister's Clarcudoii, III. 307, 320. Commemorative Oration. 29 serves. Tliomas Clarke and John Pj-nclion liastened from Massachusetts to the Royal Commissioners ; but as there was . already gathered an overpowering strength, the ser- vices of the auxiliaries promised by that Colony were not required/'^ The harbor of New Amsterdam was at once blockaded, and the Long Island farmers were forbidden to furnish supplies to the City. A Proclamation was issued by the Royal Commissioners, on the twentieth of August, pro- mising that all persons, of any nation, who would submit to the King's Government, should peaceably enjoy their estates, "and all other privileges, with His Majesty's English subjects." The inhabitants of Long Island were specially summoned to meet the Commissioners at Gi'aves- end, a few days afterwards. Large numbers accordingly attended, when Nicolls published the Duke of York's Patent and his own Commission, and demanded their sub- mission to his authority. Winthrop, as Governor of Con- necticut, declared that, as the King's pleasure was now made known, the claim of that Colony to the Island ceased. McoUs, on his part, promised to confirm all the then offi- cers in their places, and call an Assembly, where laws should be enacted. This assurance quelled opposition. Long Island, inhabited chiefly by English subjects, sub- mitted at once to the Government of the Duke of York ; and the militia from its eastern towns, under Younge, joining with the New England auxiliaries, marched from Amersfoort and Flatbush towards Brooklyn, to assist the Royal expedition in reducing New Amsterdam. f Lulled into a false security by the unhappy letter of the *Mass. Kec, IV. (II.) 117-138, 141, 149, 157^168; N. T. General Entries, I. 2-7, 29; Col. Doc, II. 372, 410, 414, 433, 501, III. 05, 66, 84; New Haven Rec., II. 550; Thompson's Long Island, I. 127; Trumbull's Conn., I. 267; Morton's Memorial, 311, note ; Appendix, Note II. + Col. Doc., II. 410, 414, 434, 438, 443, 501; Oyster Bay Kec., A. 19; N. Y. Gen. Ent., I. 7, 8; Thompson, I. 124, II. 323, 328. 30 Commemorative Oration. West India Company and certain contradictory statements of Willett, Stuyvesant had meamvliile suspended the measures which he had begun to take for the defence of the CajDital, and had gone up to Fort Orange, to repress some liostilities that had broken out among the savages in its neighborhood. On learning the approach of the Eng- lish forces, the Director hurried back to New Amsterdam, which he reached on the fifteenth of August — or the twenty-fifth, according to the New Style — only one day be- fore the Guinea Frigate anchored at Nyack, in the lower Bay. In concert with the Municipal authorities, every possible measure was taken for the defence of the Metro- polis. All the inhabitants, without exception, were or- dered to labor in strengthening the "old and rotten pali- sades," which could liardly be called fortifications; a constant guard was established ; the brewers were forbid- den to malt any grain ; and heavy guns, furnished by the Director, were mounted on the indefensible works. But the condition of the City was hopeless. The Harbor was soon effectually blockaded by the British squadron. No aid could be obtained from Long Island. The regular garrison in Fort Amsterdam did not exceed one hundred and fifty men, and its supply of powder was very short. Its low earthen walls, originally built to resist an attack of the savages, might have been sufficient against any Colonial force, but could not be held against the ships and the veterans of Nicolls. The Director had, long before, expressed his military opinion, that ' ' whoever by water is master of the river, will be, in a short time, master by land of the feeble fortress." The anticipated contin- gency had now actually hai:)pened, and hostile English ships were in full command of the port. The burghers, of whom only two hundred and fifty were able to bear arms, thought more of protecting their own property, and of obtaining favorable terms of capitulation, than of de- Commemorative Oratiok 31 fending tlieir open town against tlie overwlielming supe- riority of the invaders. The whole City force, placed man by man, fonr rods apart, coiild not guard its hastily- built "little breastwork."* Nevertheless, Stuj^vesant determined to hold out to the last. To the peremptory summons of Nicolls, he opposed as able a vindication of the Dutch title to ]S"ew Netherland as the most experienced publicist could have drawn. This was conveyed to Gravesend on Tuesday, the twenty- third of August — or the second of September, according to the New Style — by four of the most trusted advisers of the Provincial and the City Governments, who were in- structed to "argue the matter" with the English Com- mander. But reasoning was useless in the absence of De Ruyter. Avoiding discussion, Nicolls answered that the question of right did not concern him, but must be decided by the King of England and the States-General, He was determined to take the place ; and if the reason- able terms he had offered were not accepted, he would attack the City, for which purpose, at the end of forty- eight hours, he would bring his forces up nearer. ' ' On Thursday, the fourth," he added, " I will speak with you at the Manhattans." The Dutch deputies replied: "Friends will be welcome if they come in a friendly manner." "I shall come with my ships and soldiers," said Nicolls, ' ' and he wiU be a bold messenger, indeed, who shall then dare to come on board and solicit terms." To the demand of Stuy vesant' s delegates : ' ' What then is to be done ?" he answered, "Hoist the white Hag of peace at the Fort, and then I may take something into consider- ation !"t *Col. Doc, II. 348, 373, 410, 433, 434, 438, 439, 440, 441, 443, 446, 475, 494, 505; Val. Man., 1860, .592, 1861, 603-605; New Amsterdam Records, V. .552-5.54, 507-570; Albany Kecords, XVIII. 319; Letter of Domine Samuel Drisius, of 15 Sei^tember, 1664 ; Appendix, Notes G. and H. tCol. Doe., II. 411-414; Smith, I. L'v-2G; Hazard's Reg. Pemi., IV. 31, 41, 43; 32 Commemorative Or at i ok NicoUs, indeed, had no wish to proceed to extremities. His summons was imperious, but his policy was to obtain a bloodless possession of the Dutch Province. He there- fore authorized Winthrop to assure Stuy vesant that, if it should be surrendered to the King, there should be free intercourse with Holland in Dutch vessels, or a virtual suspension of the English navigation laws. This was communicated to Stuy vesant at JN'ew Amsterdam, on the same day that his messengers saw Mcolls at Gravesend. But all the persuasions of the Connecticut Governor could not move the patriotic Director. In vain did he tear in pieces Winthrop' s friendly letter. The people, who soon learned the liberal offers of the English, became mutinous ; work on the fortifications ceased ; complaints against the West India Company were freely uttered ; and it was pronounced impossible to defend the City, "seeing that to resist so many was nothing else than to gape before an oven."* Perceiving that Stuyvesant was disposed to hold out, NicoUs ordered the squadron to move up from their an- chorage near Gravesend, and reduce the Dutch "under His Majesty's obedience." Again messengers came down from IN'ew Amsterdam, proposing a cessation of hostilities, and the appointment of Commissioners to treat about "a good accommodation." The English commander replied that he would willingly appoint Commissioners "to treat upon Articles of Surrender." At the solicitation of the Dutch delegates, orders were given that the ships should not precipitately fire on the city. But NicoUs declined Val. Man., 1860, 592; Albany Records, XVIII. 319, 320, XXII. 317; Appendix, Note G. *Gen. Eut., I. 12; Mass. H. S. Coll., XXXVI. 527-529; Col. Doc, II. 444, 44.5, 476. The original draft of Winthrop' s letter to Stuyvesant, of 22 August (1 Sep- tember), 1664, with the autograph approval of the Royal Commissioners, NicoUs, Carr, and Cartwright, is in the possession of Mr. Benjamin Robert Winthrop, one of the Vice-Presidents of the New Yorli Historical Society, who is a lineal descend- ant of both the Dutch and Connecticut Governors. Commemorative Oration. 33 their request that the troops' should not be brought up nearer. ''To-day I shall arrive at the Feriy," he added. — "to-morrow we can agree with one another,"* On Thursday, the twenty-fifth of August (or the fourth of September), the British infantry, consisting of three companies of regular soldiers, eager for loot, were ac- cordingly landed at Gravesend, whence Nicolls marched at their head to "the Ferry," at Brooklyn, where the New England and Long Island militia were already posted. Two of the frigates then sailed up the Ba}^, and anchored near "Nutten," or Governor's Island. The other two — coming on with full sail, and all their guns, of one battery, ready to pour their broadsides on the ' ' open place," if any hostilities should be begun against them — passed in front of Fort Amsterdam, and anchored above the Cit3^ Watching their approach from a parapet of the Fort, Stuyvesant was about to order his gunner to fire on the enemy, when the two Domines Megapolensis, leading him away between them, persuaded him not to begin hostilities. Leaving fifty men in the Fortress, under the command of the Fiscal De Sille, the Director, at the head of one hundred of the garrison, marched out into the City, in order to prevent the English from attempting to land "here and there. "f By this time the Dutch garrison in Fort Amsterdam had become "demoralized." They openly talked of "where l)Ooty is to be got, and where the young women live who wear chains of gold." Reports also came from Long Island, that the New England levies declared that ' ' their business was not only with New Netherland, but with the booty and plunder." Their threats caused the burghers *Gen. Ent., I. 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 27, 28; Alb. Rec, XVIII. 321; Col. Doc, II. 414; Hazard's Reg. Penn., IV. 31, 42, 43; Smith, I. 27; S. Smith's New Jersey, 40, 41,42; Brodhead, I. 740. + Col. Doc., II. 414, 422,444, 445, 501, 502, 503, 508, 509; Val. Man., 1860, 592; Letter of Drisius; Appendix, Notes G, and H. 3 34 . Commemorative Oration. of l^Tew Amsterdam to look upon them as " deadly ene- mies, who expected nothing else than pillage, plunder, and bloodshed." Moreover, it was understood that six hundred Northern Indians, and one hundred and fifty French privateersmen, with English commissions, had ottered their services against the Dutch. Seeing that it was impossible to defend the place, the whole population of which was only fifteen hundred, against a powerful squadron and more than a thousand well-armed foes, the municipal authorities, the clergy, the ofiicers of the burgher-guard, and most of the leading citizens, joined in •A Remonstrance, drafted by the elder Domine Megapo- lensis, urging the Director and Council to accept the terms offered by the English commander. His threats, it stated, " would not have been at all regarded, could your Honors, or we your Petitioners, expect the smallest aid or succour. But, God help us ! whether we turn for assistance to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it is all vain ! On all sides we are encompassed and hemmed in by our enemies." Women and children came in tears, beseech- ing Stuyvesant to parley. To all their supplications he replied : "I had much rather be carried out dead !"* At length, almost solitary in his heroism, the Dutch Director was obliged to yield. Further opi)Ositlon on his part would have been unavailing, and might have deprived the people of the advantages to be gained by a capitulation. It was some solace* that the English Com- mander, now encamped at the Brooklyn Ferry, ''before the Manhatans," voluntarily oftered to restore the Fort and ttie City, in case the diff'erences about boundaries in Amer- ica should be arranged between the King and the States- General. Moreover, Stuyvesant' s religion consoled him witli the text in Saint Luke, that with ten thousand men * Alb. Rec, XVIII. 3130, 331 ; Col. Doc, II. 248, 249, SO'J, 433, 476. 503, 508; V;il. Mau., 1860, 592} Letter of Drisius; Appendix, notes G. and H. Co MME MORA TI VE Oil AT I ON. 35 he could not meet him tluit came against him with twenty thousand.* And if, in that bitter hour, the bi'ave old chief could call to mind the classical learning wliich he had acquired in his Fatherland, he might well have ap- plied to himself the sad words whigh the shade of Hector addressed to J3neas : " Could any mortal hand preyent our fate, This hand, and this alone, had saved the State. "f Six Commissioners were accordingly appointed on each side, on Friday, the twenty-sixth of August, or fifth of September, to settle the terms of surrender. Those on the part of the Dutch were John de Decker, Nicholas Varlett, and Samuel Megapolensis, representing the Director and (council, and Cornells Steenwyck, Oloft' Stevensen van (yortlandt, and Jacques Cousseau, representing the City authorities. Besides his two colleagues. Sir Robert Carr and Colonel George Cartwright, NicoUs chose John Win- throp and Samuel Willys, of Connecticut, and Thomas Clarke and John Pynchon, of Massachusetts, in order to engage those two colonies more firmly with the Royal expedition, ' ' if the Dutch had been over-confident of tlieij- strength." The commissioners on both sides met at Stuy- vesant's "Bouwery," or farm, on Saturday, the twenty- seventh of August, or sixth of September, and arranged the Articles of Capitulation. All the inhabitants of New Netherland w^ere to continue free denizens, and were guaranteed their property ; while the Dutch were to enjoy ''their own customs concerning their inheritances," and "the liberty of their consciences in divine worship and church discipline." Free trade with Holland was stipulated. The existing magistrates were to remain in office until their terais expired. The Articles of Capitula- * Gen. Ent., I. 30, 31; Col. Doc, II. 440; Saint Luke's Gospel, xiv. 31; Appen- dix, note E. + Pitt's translation of Virgil, iEncid, II. 36 Commemorative Oration. tion were to be ratified on both sides, and exchanged on the next Monday morning, at the "Old Mill,"* on the East River, near what is now the foot of Roosevelt street, when the City and the Fort were to be surrendered, and the Dutch garrison were to march out, with arms shoul- dered, drums beating, colors flying, and matches lighted, f These conciliatory and very advantageous terms were explained to the citizens at the Town Hall, on the follow- ing Sunday, at the close of the second service in the afternoon — the last which was expected to be celebrated under the Dutch flag — in Kieft's old church in Fort Am- sterdam. It was also quietl}^ agreed between Stuyvesant and Nicolls that the New England and Long Island auxil- iaries should be kept at the Ferry, on the Brooklyn side of the East River; because the burghers "were more apprehensive of being plundered by them than by the others.":}: On Monday morning, the twenty-ninth of August, or eighth of September, Stuyvesant, having ratifled the Capitulation, placed himself at the head of his garrison, and marched out of Fort Amsterdam with all the honors of war. The Dutch soldiers, who saw no enemy, moved sullenly down Beaver street to the water-side, whence they were quickly embarked on the ship Gideon for Hol- land. Colonel Cartwright, with his company, now occu- pied the City gates and the Town Hall. Accompanied by the Burgomasters, who "gave him a welcome reception," Nicolls, at the head of his own and Sir Robert Carr's cora- * This " old mill" is distinctly marked on the map which forms one of the illuB- trations to Valentine's Manual for 1863. It was on the shore of the East Eiver, at the mouth of a brook running out of the " Kolek," or what is now vulgarly called "the Collect," and it was the nearest point to "the Ferry," at Brooklyn. See Valentine's Manuals, 18.59, 551, and 1863, 621; Brodhead, I. 167, note. + Alb. Ree., XVIII. 325; Gen. Ent., I. 2»-20, 30-33; Col. Doc, II. 250-253, 414, III. 103; Brodhead, I. 742, 762, 763; Hazard's Reg. Pcun., IV. 43, 44; Appendix," note E. ; Alb. Kec., XVIII. 323, 324: Col. Doc, II. 44.% 446. Commemorative Oration. 37 paiiies, marched into the Fort. The English flag was run up ; the name of the Fort was changed from Amsterdam to "James," and the City was ordered to be called "New York." A few weeks afterwards Fort Orange was sur- rendered, and became "Albany," in commemoration of the Scotch title of the Proprietor. The conquered Prov- ince was named "New York." On Sunday, the second or twelfth of October, sixteen hundred and sixty-four, the Dutch Fort at Newcastle on the Delaware was taken by the English, and the entire reduction of New Netherland was accomplished.* Brothers of the New York Historical Society : Thus ended, two hundred years ago, the dominion of Holland over the fairest portion of our continent. Nine years afterwards, that dominion was triumphantly recon- quered by the Dutch. But they held it only for a short period ; and its temporary repossession by them had no important influence on Colonial affairs. The three-colored ensign, t which for half a century had rightfully waved over New Netherland, was replaced by the "meteor flag;" and, from Virginia to New France, all European colonists were obliged to acknowledge Charles the Second as their King. His usurjoation of New York decided the fortunes of North America. It prepared the way for our national independence, and our federal Union. TJie liis- tor}^ of our own State centres upon it, as the most im- portant epoch in her colonial existence. Let us now * Alb. Rec, XVIII. 326; Col. Doc, II. 272, 415, 445, 502, 509, III. G7-73, 346; Thompson, II. 105; Brodhead, I. 742-745; Val. Man., 1860, 593; Appendix, Notes P. and G. t The Dutch national ensign was adopted about the year 1582, just after their Declaration of Independence, at the suggestion of William the Silent, Prince of Orange. It was composed of the Prince's colors — orange, white, and blue- arranged in three equal horizontal stripes. After the death of William the Second of Orange, in 1650, the predominating influence of the Louvestein, or De Witt party caused a red stripe to be substituted for the ancient orange; and the Dutch flag at this day remains as it was thus modified two centuries ago: Brodhead, I. 19, 7iote. 38 Commemorative Oration. contemplate some of the peculiar features and direct consequences of this momentous event. The conquest of New Netherland by the British sover- eign was an act of almost unparalleled national baseness. It was planned in secret, and was carried out in deliberate treachery towards a friendly government. Because Eng- land coveted New Netherland, and not because she had any just claim, she seized it as a prize. It was essential to the success of her colonial policy to secure that prize. The whole transaction was eminently characteristic of a selfish, insolent, and overbearing nation. On no other principle than that which frequently afterwards stimu- lated the predatory aggressions of Great Britain in India and elsewhere, can her conquest of the Dutch- American Province be defended. In the utterance of this judgment, I trust that a descendant of one of the English conquerors of New York has not been moved by any uncandid senti- ments towards the birth-land of his ancestor. Yet, outrageous as was the deed, the temptation to com- mit it was irresistible. Its actual execution was only a question of time. Unjustifiable as it was, the usurpation of the English could not have been prevented, unless the Dutch Government were prepared to reverse their pre- vious policy, and hold New Netherland at every hazard, against the might of all enemies. The Province of Hol- land and the West India Company, alone, could not successfully oppose England. The General Government of the United Netherlands would not take the indispen- sable action, because they never rightly estimated the importance of their American colony, and felt no sufficient interest in its preservation. It was hot until the last years of their rule, that they gave serious attention to the necessity of measures for its security. Even then, they procrastinated when they should have acted. This ap- parent indifference encouraged the monopolizing purposes Commemorative Oration. 39 of British colonial statesmanship ; and the Dutch trans- atlantic Province became an easy prey to undeclared foes, who skulked, like pirates in time of peace, into her chief harbor. War followed between the Netherlands and England ; but the captured prize was never restored. And so. New York replaced New Netherland on the map of the world. But, even if its importance had been adequately esti- mated in Holland, our State could not have remained much longer a Dutch Province. Its existence as such would soon have proved inconvenient to all parties. It was not insular, nor easy of defence. Its territory adjoined the colonial possessions of France, as well as of England ; and its inland frontier was not defined by natural bounda- ries. Sufficient measures for its protection against either of these powers would have required larger expenditures, on the part of the West India Company, than commercial thrift might have considered expedient. The States- General were less interested in its preservation than was the impoverished Corporation, which thought more of revenue than of patriotism. Moreover, the Federal Gov- ernment would soon have found that another European sovereign, besides Charles the Second, viewed with jealousy the existence of a Dutch Province in North America. If England had not seized New Netherland when she did, France would almost certainly have taken and held it, not long afterwards, in the Second Dutch war of 1672 ; and would thus have accomplished her long- cherished design of extending Canada, from Lake Cham- plain southward, through the Valley of the Hudson, to the ocean at Manhattan. And had Louis the Fourteenth succeeded in obtaining its possession, the subserviency of Charles and of James would doubtless have so confirmed the French power on this continent, that neither the con- quest of Canada by Great Britain, nor the American 40 Commemorative Oration. Revolution, could have happened. Both these events depended on the fate of New Netherland. Even if the Province, after its reconquest in 1673, instead of being finally ceded to England by the Treaty of Westminster, in 1674, had remained subject to Holland for fifteen years longer, until Englishmen called the Dutch Stadtholder to their throne, the crisis would then have come ; and our forefathers, following the fortunes of their chief, would have spontaneously proclaimed William the Third as their King, with acclamations as triumphant as when they first welcomed his short-lived colonial authority with shouts of " Oranje Boven !"* The terms of capitulation which Nicolls ofi'ered, and Stuyvesant accepted, were, perhaps, the most favorable ever granted by a conqueror. In theory, the King ' ' re- sumed his own." In fact, he gained a foreign Province by a conquest, the effect of which was limited only by the Articles of Surrender. The clear policy of the Duke of York, as Proprietor, was to obtain peaceful possession of New Netherland, and, at the same time, induce its Dutch inhabitants to remain and become loyal British subjects. His defective Patent, indeed, authorized him to govern such subjects only. The Articles of Capitulation accord- ingly provided that the peoj)le of the Dutch Province were to continue free denizens of England. The most * The popular cry, " Oranje Boven,^'' appears to have originated at Dordrecht, in HoUand, in 1672. The partisans of the Prince, and soon chosen Stadtliolder, William the Third, who were the opponents of the Brotliers De Witt, hoisted on the tower of that city an orange flag above a white flag. On the orange flag was the inscription, in Dutch, " Or«?y'e boveii, de Witten onder ; Die V anders meend, die slaat den Donder.'' Or, in English : "Orange above, the Whites under; Who thinks not so, be struck by thunder.'" The Dutch word wit means " white ;" hence de Witten, or "the De Witts," signittea ^ "the Whites." Basnage, Ann. Prov. Un., II. 284; Wagenaar, Vad. Hist, XIV. 165; Davj<-«'s Holland, III. 108. S ^ Commemorative Oration. 41 liberal offers, to conciliate them, were made with ostenta- tions benevolence. It is not snrprising that the Dutch colonists, chagrined at the seeming indifference of the authorities of their Fatherland, and having many causes of complaint against their own Provincial Government, should have generally accepted this change of their rulers at least calmly and hopefully, if not with positive satis- faction.^ There was, at all events, one point on which there was almost universal acquiescence. As a choice of evils, the Dutch inhabitants of New Netherland were far more con- tent with becoming subject directly to the King of Eng- land and the Duke of York, than they would have been with the mastery of those Eastern neighbors, who had so long, but so vainly, coveted the possession of their Province. This feeling we have observed strongly ex- hibited in the very agony of the surrender. It was a natural feeling. The early colonists of our State had but little lildng for most of the emigrants to New England, or their characteristics. If they sympathized with any of them, it was chiefly with the people of tolerant Rhode Island. The genial English cavalier was much nearer the Hollander's heart than was the ascetic English Puritan, who would not be comforted in his exile by the calm pleasures of a Leyden Sunday. Across the Atlantic, local circumstances produced deeper repugnance. New York and Massachusetts — rivals and antagonists nearly from the start — were colonizcxl by men not only of different races, •■•• In October, 10(54, a few weeks after the surrender. Governor Nicolls required all the Dutch inhabitants to take an oath of allegiance to the Kina;, and of oViedience to the Duke of York and his officers, as long as they should live in any of his Majesty's territories. Tlie leading burghers of New York, however — fearing that the proposed oath might "nullify or render void" the Articles of Capitulation — declined to swear it, until tlie Governor formally declared " that the x\rtiele8 of Sur- render are not in the least broken, or intended to be broken, by any words or ex- pressions in the said oath." This removed every doubt, and allegiance was cordially sworn.— Gen. Ent., I. 49, 50; New Amst. Rec., V.014-i;iS; Val. Man. 18«l,00r,-G0T ; Gol. Doc., III. 74-77. 42 Commemorative Oration. but of essentially opposite ideas. The cardinal principle of the one was comprehensive liberality ; the systematic policy of the other was Procrustean rigor. There never was a greater contrast in the civilized peoples of the earth. Thus it happened that there was almost constant enmit}^ between the Dutch Province and her Puritan neighbors. This early antipathy was, doubtless, largely increased by those territorial encroachments which were so offensively pushed on from the East. Yet the contrariety survived long after the question of boundaries was' settled. It continued to manifest itself most conspicuously, in what frequently appeared to be a meddlesome and callous obtrusiveness on the one side, which was met, on tlie other, by the decorous reserve which the rules of good society promoted In the end, it was well that such char- acteristic differences existed. * With more intimate associa- tion, each rival race learned to respect and to value the excellencies which distinguished the other. JSTarrow pro- vincialism grew more magnanimous with larger observa- tion ; and while but few were found willing to abandon the valleys of the Hudson and the Mohawk, crowds pressed from N^ew England, in later years, to irresistibly attractive homes in New York — none the less gladly be- cause of the unjealous greeting which welcomed their approach. The acute ingenuity, anxious energy, and austere virtues, which were thus contributed by its immi- grants from the East, blended admirably with the steady industry, quiet conservatism, and grand comprehensive- ness, which always marked the pioneers of our own State ; and the combination has yielded results of magnifi. cent prosperity, which God grant may be perpetual ! It was for the true interest of America that New York was founded by the Batavian race. That founding pro- duced our own magnanimous and cosmopolitan State, the influence of which on our nation has always been so happy Commemorative Oration. 43 and so healthful. Providence never meant our variegated country to be the antitype of a single European sover- eignty. There probably never was a population more homogeneous than that of New England in its early days. Of the twenty thousand persons who, at the end of twenty years after the first settlement at New Plymouth, formed its several colonies, nearly all were English emigrants, and most of them were Puritans. For more than a century their descendants lived and multiplied, a distinct people, secluded from other communities in a very re- markable degree. This seclusion generated or stimulated vehemently dogmatic individualism. It helped, very powerfully, to produce what is sometimes called the "in- tense subjectivity" of the New England mind. There- suit was legitimate. The British Puritan loved true liberty less than he loved dominion. He wished alwa5^s to do what pleased himself ; but he longed, still more, to com- pel all others to do as he pleased.. He was uneasy unless he could domineer. Tliis tyrannical and unscrupulous, but thoroughly English spirit was not softened by its transplantation in America. . It seems, on the contrary, to have grown more rank, and to have developed peculiar social characteristics, in the secluded New England colo- nies. Of these characteristics, none was more remarkable than the system of "mutual insiDection," which, pushed to its extreme limits, would subject all to a discipline as galling as it is unwholesome and dwarfing. " The Inqui- sition," writes one of Massachusetts' most honored sons, " existed in substance, with a full share of its terrors and its violence. " * It is obvious that liberality, magnanimity, and comprehensiveness, could not flourish among a people so isolated, and so incessantly occupied in brooding over, and working out within itself, its own problems. Yet, I would be the last to withhold an expression of sincere * story's Mifcccllauies, G6 ; Coit's Puritanism, 218; Brodhcad, I, 208,331. 44 Commemorative Oration. respect, justly due to the many sterling qualities which illustrate that renowned stock, the descendants of which have exerted so wide and so marked an influence through- out our whole country. When he emigrated, however, the New Englander did not readily lay aside his native iDeculiarities. He yearned to propagate unmodified his ingrained provincialism. But this he could not do in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of New York. That he could not, was happy for our country. It was not her cramped destiny to perpetuate or reproduce the ideas or the policy of only one of the nationalities of the Old World, or of but one of its planta- tions in the New. The arrogant claim — so flattering to British pride, so sycophantic in Americans who would flatter England — that the United States of America are of wholl}^ Anglo-Saxon origin, is as fallacious as it is vulgar. ' ' Time' s noblest oft'spring ' ' was not the child of England alone. There was a Fatherland, as fruitful as the Mother- land. There were many parents of our multigenerous jjeople. The great modern Republic sprang from a union of races as various and contrasted as the climates from which, and to which, they emigrated. Sweden, Holland, Germany, Savoy, Spain, France, Scotland, and Ireland, all co-operated, no less mightily than England, in peopling our territor}^, moulding our institutions, and creating our vast and diversified country, " one and indivisible." To its heterogeneousness, and not to its supposed homogene;. ousness — to its collisions and its comminglings of races — to its compromises and its concessions — does that country owe its grandest moral, social, and political character- istics. Among these various races, the Batavian found(M'S of New York marked their impress deep upon their State and upon tlie confederated nation. Tlie motives to their emigration were different from tliose which led to the Commemorative Oratwi^. 45 colonization of otlier American territories. They had suffered no persecution in their tolerant Fatherland. They left its shores not as refugees, but as volunteers— not to seek "Freedom to worship God" for themselves, and deny it to others — not to establish inquisitorial dogmatism, but to livf>, and let others live, in comfort. "Not as the conqueror comes," came the unaggressive forefathers of our State. The plain-spoken and earnest, yet unpre- sumptuous men who first explored and reclaimed New Netherland, and bore the flag of Holland to the cabins of the Iroquois, crossed the ocean to better their condition, and add another far-off Province to the Dutch Republic. They remembered, with deep affection, the great history of the little country they had left ; and with their house- hold gods, they carried " The wrGaths and relics of the immortal fire."* They hoped, perhaps, that in time the}' might rear, among the rocks, and the maples, and the pine-trees on the banks of the River of the Mountains, "the Exchange of a wealthier Amsterdam, and the schools of a more learned Leyden."t They gave to their new abodes among the red men of the forest, the names which they had loved in their distant Belgian homes. Born in that ' ' hollow land," rescued from the sea, where the first lessons of childhood taught them self-reliance and industry, they brought over into the wilderness those thrifty national habits Avhich soon made it to bloom and blossom as the rose; Longer lines of barges than ever crowded the Batavian canals, are now drawn through those magnificent channels from the lakes to the ocean, which the experience of Holland suggested, and the enterprise of her sons helped to con- struct. Distinguished by that modesty Avhich generally accompanies merit, the Dutcli pioneers of New York * Dryden'is .Eneid, II. t Macauhiy, I. 21'.). 46 Commemorative Oration. made no loud- sounding pretensions to grandeur in pur- pose, superiority in character, or eminence in lioliness. Tliey were the very opposites of the Pharisees of ancient or of modern times. They were more ready to do than to boast ; and their descendants have never been am- bitious to arrogate and appropriate excessive praise for what their forefathers did in extending the limits of ('hristendom, and in stamping on North America its re- splendent features of freedom of religion and liberality in political faith. With the magnanimous ideas, and honest maxims, and homely virtues of their Fatherland, they transplanted her national Cliurch and her public Schools, her accomplished " Domines" and her well-educated Schoolmasters. The huge clasped Bibles, issued from her proverbially elegant press, were preserved as venerable heir-looms in their families. The system of free public or common Schools — in Avhich New England takes no less pride than New York — was borrowed, or imitated, from the Dutch Ilej)ublic, where the exiled Puritans saw it for the first time in successful operation, through the iniluence of her Calvinistic national Church.* The holidays of the Netherlands, observed by us here to this day, renew the genial and hallowed anniversaries of "Paas" and " Saint Nicholas ;" while, year by year, the people of New York are invited to render thanks to God, as their forefathers were invited to keep ' ' Thanksgiviilg Day' ' in Holland, long before Manhattan was known, and while New England Avas yet "a rocky desart."t Those forefathers fearlessly deposed the King of Spain, while they humbly worshipped the King of kings. The children of such ancestors added no weak ingredient to the blended masses of our Union ! Yet while Hollanders formed the chief element in her * Davics's Holland, II. 202, 203; Bor., XX. 672; Brodhead, I. 462, 463. t Smith's New England; Pinkerton, XIII. 206; Brodhead, I. 41, 64, 443, 747. Commemorative Oration. 47 population, New ISTetlierland enjoyed the advantage of a liappy intermixture of other European races. Her first settlers, imbued with the liberal sentiments of their ances- tral land, viewed free navigation and free trade as the sol- vent of national antipathies. Accordingly, without re- garding diversities in doctrine or lineage, they made the hearth-stone the test of citizenship, and residence and loyalty the only obligations of the multifarious nationali- ties which soon came to nestle among them. Walloons from Flanders, Huguenots and Waldenses from France and Savoy, Swedes, German Lutherans, wandering Israel- ites. Roman Catliolics, Anabaptists, and English Quakers, all planted themselves, more or less quietly, beside the natives of Calvinistic Holland. Marvell's Lines on Old Amsterdam might almost describe her trans- Atlantic child, which with "Christian, Pagan, Jew, Staple of sects and mint of schism grew ; That bank of conscience, where not one so strange Opinion, but finds credit and exchange. In vain for Catholics ourselves we bear. The universal church is only there." As early as 1643, the Jesuit Father Jogues — that illus- trious apostle who consecrated with his life the ' ' Mission of the Martyrs'.' among the Mohawks at Caghnawaga* — found that eighteen different languages were spoken in New Amsterdam. There was always popular freedom and public spirit enough in the Dutch Province to attract voluntary emigrants from the neighboring British Colo- nies. If the Fatherland gave asylum to self-exiled Eng- lish Puritans, New Netherland as liberally sheltered refu- gees from the intolerant governments on her eastern * The Indian word "Caghnawaga" means " the Rapids," or "a carrying-place;" Col. Doc, III. 250, Mo/c; General Index, 283; Shea's Catholic Missions, L;04; N. Y. H. S. Coll., III. (II.) 171; Brodhead, I. 423, 659. I cannot refrain from protesting against the hideous want of taste whicli has belittled this sonorous, sigiiilicaut, and historical name into " Fonda!" 48 Commemorative Oration. frontier. Her magnificent destiny, foretold in Holland,* began to be accomplished, when numbers, looking to her with eager eyes, were allured to embark for her shore. Far across the sea came crowded ships from Scotland, and France, and Ireland ; while from the upper waters of the Rhine flocked multitudes of. a kindred race to those at its mouth, who first chose Manhattan as their home. Here, on our own rocky island— the Tyre of the New World — where Dutch sagacity, integrit.y, liberality, and industry laid the foundations— Saxon and Celt, Frenchman and German, Jew and Gentile, Northerner and Southerner — men of all races, and tongues, and climes, and creeds, have worked together to build up the golden throne of Commerce. New Amsterdam was but the miniature of New Netherland, and the prototype of cosmopolitan New York. And so, with large and comprehensive spirit, our Dutcli forefathers established the grandeur of that imperial State whose "Far-off coming Bbone."t But if it was for the true interest of America that New York should be founded by Holland, it was equally for the greatest good of the greatest number that she should be acquired by England. She could not long have re- mained an isolated dependency of the Dutch Republic. The time was not yet at hand for her own State Indepen- dence. Nor was it the purpose of Providence that New Netherland should ever become a separate American Sov- ereignty. Her central and commanding position, her pic- turesqueness, variety, and universality, all foreshadowed her grand destiny-^forever to bind together the North and the South, and to unite with tlie Ocean the Lakes and the Prairies of a future vast and undivided country. To * Ante, page 17. t Tlie Arms of the State of New York, adopted in 1778, represent the Sun rising over distant mountain-tops, and her significant motto is " ExtELSioii," Commemorative Oration. 49 that wise end, her colonial allegiance was deter- mined. If, instead of becoming the connecting link between the British American Plantations, our State had been annexed to Canada by Louis the Fourteenth, the Iroquois would have been rapidly extermina- ted ; the dominion of France on this continent would have grown impregnable; no Wolfe would have scaled the heights of Abraham ; and no such Revolution could have happened as that which produced our nation. New France, including the Valleys of the Ohio and the Mis- sissippi, might yet have possessed her "broad-armed ports/' at Quebec, Manhattan, and New Orleans ; and a Bourbon might still have dated the instructions of his Vice- Roy at Versailles. Instead of Canada and Nova Scotia, New England and Virginia, deprived of the syipi- pathy of New York, might perhaps, at this moment, have been receiving orders from Whitehall. But the con- firmation of British supremacy in New Netherland was the augury of our national independence. The Father- land had done all that the wisdom of the Almighty had given her to do in the work of American colonization. Thenceforward, her trans- Atlantic offspring was to become the ward of a severer guardian, whose fate it was — like that of Spain — to educate a new Republic of United States. This glorious consummation could not have be- gun, nor have been so wisely accomplished, if New York had not suffered in common with other colonies under the oppression which produced unanimous revolt ; and if she had not taught her Confederates some of those exalting principles of political and religious liberality, which, pre- serving her through long generations untainted by fanati- cism, have made her the majestic monument of her Batavian founders. With the supremacy of England came a necessary change in the language, the laws, and the institutions of 4 50 Commemorative Oration. New York. This change, however, was very gradual. The Articles of Capitulation happily restrained what other- wise might have been an insufferable exercise of the con- queror' s power. Guaranteed their own religious worship and church discipline, the Dutch, in due time, cordially welcomed the Service of the Church of England.* Free- dom of conscience was forever secured by the influence of the ancient Reformed Dutch Church, which effectually prevented the establishment of any one denomination as ''The Church" of the Province. The Episcopal commu- nion, although fostered by the servants of the Crown, never became her predominating sect.f This was owing, in a great degree, to the high personal and scholarly standing of the Dutch clergymen, of whom a regular suc- cession, educated and ordained in Holland, continued to be sent over until 1772, when the ecclesiastical authority of the Classis of Amsterdam ceased. :{: The cosmopolitan character of New York was but made more permanent by the bloodless revolution, which, preserving the old, in- fused fresh elements among the original staples of her greatness. Relieved from the anxiety that for some time had been oppressing them, her people, as they grew in * The Charter of Trinity Church could hardly have passed Fletcher's Council on the tith of May, 1697, without the friendship of its Dutch uieiubers, Phillipse, Van Gortlandt, and Bayard; Council Minutes, VII. 236; Doc. Hist. N. Y., III. 349. t The Colonial act of 22 September, 1693, was passed by an Assembly in which there was only one Episcopalian, and which never thought of establishing that denomination as the Provincial Church. In point of fact the Episcopal Church never was established, except in some of the Southern counties of the Province. See Col. Doc, V. 321, 322; Doc. Hist., III. 1.50, 151; Smith's New York, I. 131, 134, 187, 337, 339, II. 234; Sedgwick's Life of Livingston, 78, 88; Force's Tracts, IV. (IV.) 3, 3.5, 40, 52. X See Verplanck, in N. Y. H. S. Collections, III. 89; Gunn's Memoirs of the Reverend John H. Livingston, D. D., 141, 142 (Ed. 1856.) Demarest, in his " History and Characteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church," p. 96, remarks that "She, of all Clmrches in the land, was least able to succeed without an educated ministry, for she had been always taught to consider this as essential. It was required by the Articles of Union, that provision should be made for it. Moreover, the Churcli in Holland would not consent to- the independence of the American (JImrches until this had been guarauteed." Commemorative Oration. 51 prosperity, remembered with fading regret the event, wliich, although it severed tlieni politically from Holland, eonld never take from them tlie heritage of her vii'tues, her teachings, and her historical renown. By becoming British subjects, the inhabitants of New ISTetherland did not, however, gain civil freedom. New names, they found, did not secure new liberties. "Am- sterdam" was changed to York, and "Orange" to Al- bany. But these changes only commemorated the titles of a conqueror. Stuyvesant, and the West India Com- pany, and a republican sovereignty, were exchanged for Nicolls, and a Royal Proprietor, and an hereditary King. The Province was not repi'esented in Parliament ; nor could her voice reach the chapel of Saint Stephen at West- minster, as readily as it had penetrated the chambers of tlie Binnenhof at the Hague. It was nearly twenty years before her Ducal Proprietor allowed, for a short time, to tlie people of New York even that faint degree of repre- sentative government which they had enjoyed when the three-colored ensign of Holland was hauled down from the tlag-staff of Fort Amsterdam. Not until the authority of the British Crown was shaken, did New York become again as really free as New Netherland had been. There was one remarkable feature in which our State differed from every other British- American dependency. A conquest from Holland, she became for twenty-one years a Proprietary Dukedom, and then, for nearly a cen- tury, she remained a Royal Province. Without a char- ter, like those of Maryland or Pennsylvania, New York resembled none of the New England colonies, except, per- iiaps. New Hampshire. It was not until after the acces- sion of the Dutch Stadtholder to tlie English throne, that she permanently obtained the privilege of an Assembly elected by her freeholders. Even then, her Governor and lier Counsellors were appointed directly by the King. 52 Commemorative Oration. This circumstance, in connection with others peculiar to her original colonization, fastened upon New York a dis- tinctive quality of social aristocracy, which survived the period of her Independence. It was perhaps owing to these causes, that so few comparatively of her Puritan neighbors came to add to her colonial population. New England and the north of Ireland contributed, at one time, considerable numbers. But her largest accessions of emigrants, during the reigns of William, Anne, and the Georges, besides Englishmen and Hollanders, were French Huguenots and German Calvinists and Lutherans. Most of the latter were refugees from the Palatinate, who set- tled themselves on the Hudson and the Mohawk Rivers. West of Herkimer, the country was possessed by the Iro- quois ; and it was not until long after our State Constitu- tion was formed at Kingston, in 1777, that emigrants from New England ventured to push beyond the German Flats, and occupy the rich pastures of Onondaga and the Gen- esee. North of the north line of Massachusetts, New York remained for many years the true owner of the region west of the Connecticut, and she thus became the mother of the present State of Vermont. Her original territory, as defined by the Dutch Government in 1614, was so partitioned, in the progress of events, as to form the several States of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Hhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Little did the quiet men who, in the Binnenhof at the Hague, first placed the name of New Netherland on the map of the world, anticij)ate that it would become the parent of such a noble progeny of sovereignties ! To all the changes wliicli followed its conquest, the Dutch colonists of our State submitted with characteristic good faitli. A few, who could not bear the separation, returned to end their days in tlieir Fatherland. But Commemorative Oration. 53 Stuyvesant, with the Dutch clergy and most of the colo- nial officers, honestly swore allegiance to the King and to the Duke, and remained faithful as long as English supremacy lasted."^ No more loyal subjects than they were ever brought under the British crown. Yet it was no pleasant thing for them to watch the Red Cross of Eng- land waving where the emblems of the Netherlands had floated for fifty years. To Holland they felt a deep, unal- terable, hereditary attachment. Nor has the whirligig of time extinguished this sentiment in their descendants. Two centuries have scarcely weakened the veneration which citizens of New York of Dutch lineage proudly cherish towards the birth-land of their ancestors. Year by year, the glorious and the genial memories of Holland are renewed by those whom long generations divide from the country of their forefathers. But it is generally true, that Colonists retain more affection towards their Father- land than those who remain at home ever feel toward the emigrants who leave its shores. As years roll on, the contrast becomes more marked. Two centuries have almost wiped out of the recollection of Holland the once familiar name of New Netherland. A few of the more curious of her scholars and her statesmen may now and then, by careful search, discover the meagre paragraphs in which her ponderous histories dismiss the story of her ancient trans-Atlantic Province. The most complete separate sketch of it in the Dutch language is the work of a Zealander,t which, . though written not many years ago, is already a literary rarity. But the people of the Low Countries scarcely know that New York was once their own New Netherland, or that they have any right to the glory of having laid the foundations of the might- iest State in the American Union, and the metropolis of the Western world ! * See ante, p. 41, note. + N. C. Lambrcclitscii, of Middi'lburg. 54 Commemorative Oration. While it is thus to be regretted that the history of New Netherland should be so little known in Holland, it is still more discreditable that, until recently, it continued to be as little understood, and perhaps even less appreciated, in America. There is no State in our Union which has better reason to be proud of its annals than New York. Yet of no State were the beginnings left for generations in greater obscurity. Official records and original accounts by con- temporary writers have never, indeed, been wanting. But these were generally like sealed books, written in the ver- nacular — almost unknown to Englishmen — of William the Silent, and Grotius, and Barneveldt. The only colonial historian of New York, after its conquest, was a Royalist of English descent.* His meagre outline of its first half- century seems to have encouraged a former Chancellor of our own State incautiously to tell us, thirty-six years ago, that the annals of its Dutch period "are of a tame and pacific character, and generally dry and uninteresting, "f The remark might have been somewhat just, if it had been applied — not to their quality, but — to the disgracefully neglected condition in which our earliest archives were formerly suffered to remain,:}: If the sources of history were thus sealed, it is not surprising that History herself should have been silent. Like the many brave men who died before Agamemnon, the modest founders of New York for a long time slept, " Unwept, unknown : No bard had they to make all time their owu."§ This is doubtless owing, in some degree, to ignorance * William Smith, who died in 1793, Chief-Justice of Canada. + Chancellor Kent, in N. T. H. S. Coll., (II.) I. 13. X I avail myself of this opportunity to express gratification that Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan lias been, of late years, in charge of the Historical Records of our State at Albany. He is one of the very few who are fitted for the peculiar oflice of Archivist; and it would be a calamity if the public should be deprived of the advantage of his services. § Francis's Translation of Horace's Odes, IV. 1). Commemorative Oration. 55 of the Dutch language, which few English or American authors have ever attempted to master. But it is still more owing to an inherited or imitative spirit of supercilious depreciation of every thing Dutch, which, with some bril- liant exceptions, seems to have infected so many writers in our own country, especially those of New England. * It Is the good fortune of that section of our land to possess abundant easily read records of the deeds and virtues of her founders ; and it is greatly to her comfort that so many of her children have done their best to extol her glory and spread abroad her fame. Yet, while a monotonous repe- tition of indiscriminating panegyric may gratify its sub- jects, it does not always enlarge human knoAvledge. It may well be questioned whether zeal has not run into injustice, and whether, while incessantly magnifying the praise of one portion of our Union, a candid acknowledg- ment of the merits of others has not been systematically shunned. The Tacitus of our country, in the grandeur of his comprehensive genius, has not failed to do eloquent justice to the honest memories of New York, his chosen home. But too many of our approved authorities and school-books, professing to teach American history, seem as if they were carefully calculated for a provincial meri- dian, and cunningly manufactured to inculcate only ac- counts of New England. The beginnings of the Empire State are passed ignorantly by ; or, if they are alluded to, it is too often in niggard or reluctant words, unworthy of an}^ scholar who ventures to relate our country' s story. The patriotic calendar of America has pertinaciously can- onized the little company which landed on Plymouth beach ; while it has jealously suppressed a just reference to * Everett and Bancroft are national jewels. Motley bas done immortal honor to New En!i;land and to himself bj' his admirable Dutch histories. Not less worthily has Tuekerman, in his "Optimist," and his "Biographical Essays," shown that just appreciation of New York and her characteristics which a scholar of his tine taste and cultivation could not help cxhihiling. f)6 Commemorative Oration. the progeny of those who, long before they sheltered that Pilgrim band at Leyden, had showed the world how to depose a King and declare a People free and independent. The retirement of Holland from an unequal strife, left France and Spain to contend with England for colonial supremacy in North America. Mistress of all the Atlantic coast between Nova Scotia and Florida, the power which had conquered New York soon aspired to uncontrolled dominion from sea to sea. The acquisition of New Nether- land, which had formerly kept Virginia apart from New England, gave to the British Crown the mastery of the most advantageous position on our Continent, whence it could at pleasure direct movements against any Colony that might attempt a premature independence. With short-sighted triumph, England rejoiced that her authority was dotted on a new spot in the map of the world. But her pride went before her destruction, and her haughty spirit prepared the way for her terrible humiliation. The American Republic was fashioned in the first Congress of 1765, which met at New York. It was a most significant, but only a just decree of Providence, that the retribution of England should begin with the very Province which she had so iniquitously ravished from Holland, to set, as her most splendid jewel, in the diadem of her colonial sovereignty ! Yet for a long time the Plantations which had thus be- come geographically united were neither homogeneous nor sympathetic ; and they never were actually consolidated. While New England, Maryland, and Virginia were radi- cally Anglo-Saxon Colonies, the mass of the population of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, which had formed the later territory of New Netherland, was, as we have seen, made up of Hollanders, Huguenots, Waldenses, Germans, Frenchmen, Swedes, Scotchmen, Commemorative Oration. 57 and Irishmen. A similar want of homogeneousness characterized some of the more Southern Colonies. Among these manifold nationalities, ideas and motives of action were as various and discordant as the differing dialects which were uttered. In the progress of years, a common allegiance and common dangers produced a greater sym- pathy among the English Plantations in North America. Nevertheless, while she formed a part of the British Colonial Empire, New York never lost her original social identity nor her peculiar political influence. Her moral power lasted throughout the whole succession of events which culminated in the American Revolution. It is im- possible for me now to attempt a fitting historical review of this demonstrable truth. It is enough to say that, if the legitimate influence of New York has not heretofore been always worthily acknowledged, it has never been openly denied. Nor has her salutary moral power ever ceased. The history of her Fatherland — besides the idea of toleration of opinion — furnished the example of the Confederation of Free and Indej^endent States, and made familiar the most instructive lessons of Constitu- tional administration. While that history taught the sacred right of revolt against the tyranny of an hereditary King, it enforced the no less sacred duty of faithfulness* to deliberate obligations, and loyalty to the General Gov- ernment founded by the solemn compact of Sovereign but United States. The patriots who deposed Philip the Second were the great originals of those who in the next century dethroned Charles the First, and in the century following rejected George the Third, From Holland came William, "the Deliverer" of England from the tyrant James. The Declaration of the Independence of the United Provinces of the Netherlands was the glorious model of the English Declaration of Right, and of the grander Declaration of the Independence of the United 58 Commemorative Oration. Colonies of ISTorth America. The Union of Utrecht was the noble exemplar of the Philadelphia Articles of Con- federation. The Dutch motto, "Eendragt maakt magt" — Unity makes migJit — suggested our own "E Pluribus Unum." All these teachings of Dutch history are the peculiar heritage of our own Empire State. It was the proud des- tiny of New York to temper the narrow and sometimes fanatical characteristics of her English sister Plantations with the larger and more conservative principles which she had herself derived from Holland. It was her lot to sustain more severe trials, and gain a more varied expe- rience, than any other American Colony. Midway be- tween the Saint Lawrence and the Chesapeake, she stood, for almost a century, guarding her long frontier against the enmity and might of New France. And when at last the Conquest of Canada tilled the measure of British aggression, and pampered still more the British lust of power, the augury of two hundred years ago was fulfilled, and New York — worthy to be distinguished as The Netherlaistd of America— became the Pivot Province, on which hinged the most important movements of that sublime revolt against the oppression of England, the only parallel to which was the triumphant struggle that the forefathers of her first settlers maintained against the gigantic despotism of Spain ! APPENDIX. NOTE A. Translation of the first New Netheeland Charter, granted by the States General, on 11 October, 1614; — from Mr. Brodhead's Address before the N. Y. Historical Society, 20 November, 1844, }). 53, and from the New York Colonial Documents, volume I. pages 10-12. Saturday, the Eleventh of October, 1614. Present — The President, Mr. Ghiessex. Messrs. Biesman, Westeeiiolt, Beienen, Olden Baenevelt, Beeokeneode, Driel, Teylingen, MAGinjs, Moesbergen, Atloa, Hegemans. THE STATES-GENERAL of the United Netheelands to all to whom these presents shall come, Geeeting: Whereas Gerrit Jacobz Witssen, ancient Burgomaster of the City of Amsterdam, Jonas Witssen and Simon Monissen, owners of the ship named the Little Fox, whereof Jan de With was schipper ; Hans Hongers, Paulus Pelgrom, and Lambreclit van Tween- huysen, owners of the two ships named the Tiger and the Fortune, whereof Adriaen Block and ITenrick Corstiaenssen were schippers; Arnolt van Leybergen, Wessel Schenck, Hans Claessen, and Berent Sweertsen, owners of the ship named the Nightingale, whereof Thys Volckertssen was schip- per, merchants of the aforesaid City Amsterdam ; and Pieter Clementssen BrouAver, Jan Clementssen Kies, and Oornelis Volckertssen, merchants of the City of Hoorn, owners of the ship named the Fortmjn, whereof Corne- lls Jacobssen May was schipper. All now associated in one Company, Have respectfully represented unto Us, that they the Petitioners, after heavy expenses and great damages to themselves by loss of ships and other dangers, had, during the present current year, discovered and found, with the above-named five ships, certiiin New Lands, lying in America, between New France and Virginia, the sea-coasts whereof lie between Forty and Forty-five degrees of latitude, and now called New Netheeland: And Whereas We did, in tlic inoiitli of Marcli last, for the promotion and increase 00 Commemorative Oration. of Commerce, cause to be published a certain General Consent and Charter, setting forth that whosoever should thereafter discover new havens, lands, places, or passages, might frequent, or cause to be frequented, for four voyages, such newly-discovered and found places, passages, havens, or lands, to the exclusion of all others from visiting or frequenting the same from the United Netherlands, until the said first discoverers and finders, shall themselves have completed the said four voyages, or caused the same to be done within the time prescribed for that purpose, under the penalties expressed in the said Charter,* &c.. They pray that "We would accord to them a proper Act to be passed in form, in pursuance of the aforesaid Charter ; "Which being considered, and "WE having, in Our Assembly, heard the pertinent Report of the Petitioners relative to the discovery and finding of the said New Countries between the above-named limits and degrees, and also of their adventures, Have Consented and Granted, and by these presents Do consent and Grant, to the said petitioners, now united into One Company, that they shall be privileged exclusively to frequent or cause to be visited the above Newly-discovered Lands, situate in America, between New France and Virgini't, whereof the sea-coasts lie between the Fortieth and the Forty-fifth degrees of latitude, now named New Netiikr- LAND (as can be seen by a Figurative Map hereunto annexedt), and that for four voyages within the term of Three Years, commencing the First of January Sixteei) Hundred and Fifteen, next ensuing or sooner ; without it being permitted to any other person from the United Netherlands to sail to, navigate, or. frequent the said newly-discovered lands, havens, or places, either directly or indirectly, within the said three years, on pain of Confis- • cation of the vessel and cargo wherewith infraction hereof shall be at- tempted, and a fine of Fifty Thousand Netherland Ducats, for the benefit of the aforesaid discoverers or finders : — Provided, Nevertheless, that by these presents "We do not intend to prejudice or diminish any of Oar former Grants or Charters ; And it is also Our intention that if any disputes or diiferences arise from these Our Concessions, they shall be decided by Our- selves : — "We Therefore for this purpose expressly order and command all Governors, Justices, Ofiicers, Magistrates, and inhabitants of the aforesaid United Lands, to allow the said Company peaceably and quietly to use and enjoy the whole benefit of this our Grant and Consent, refraining from all opposition and obstacles to the contrary : Inasmuch as we consider the same to be for the service and advantage of the country. Given under our Seal, and the Paraph and signature of our Secretary, at the Hague, the eleventh day of October, 1614. * A translation of this Charter is in N. Y. Col. Doc, I. 5, 6. t For a fac-simile of this map, see N. Y. Col. Doc, I. 13. See also the map compiled by Mr. Brodhead, for his History of New York, which illustrates this publication. Appendix. 61 NOTE B. New England writers, in their zeal to establish a paramount British title to the whole of North America between Virginia and Canada, appear to have overlooked the doctrine announced by Queen Elizabeth in 1580, and confirmed in the House of Commons in 1621, as stated ante^ page 9. This doctrine was, that "■ pre-sr)'i2jtioii without possession is of no avail;'''' the logical consequence of which is, that the " prescription" arising from the voyages of the Cabots gave England no title except to such American ter- ritory, discovered by her subjects, as she might actually occupy. Under this rule, her title to Virginia was never questicmed. But by King James's second Patent of May, 1009, the northern boundary of Virginia was fixed at about the fortieth parallel of latitude. The country between Virginia and Canada had been left a vacuum domiciliuvi, after the abandonment of Maine by the Sagadahoc colonists in 1608. The discoveries of the Dutch in this intermediate and unknown region were followed by their permanent occupation of the most of it; and the only Englishman that seems to, have visited Kew Ketheeland, after those in the Half Moon, was Dermer, in 1619. The New England Patent of November, 1620, by its express Pro- viso that no territory was intended to be granted which was " actually possessed or inhabited by any other Cliristian Prince or Estate," would appear to have clearly excepted New France and New Netherland, the actual possession of which by the French and the Dutch was undeniable. Yet, with the coolest audacity, one of the preliminary recitals of that Patent declared that there were " no other the subjects o'f any Christian King or State, by any authority from their Sovereign Lords or Princes, actually in possession" of any of the territory between the fortieth and the forty -eighth .degrees of latitude! In the same spirit, the English Privy Council, in December, 1621, pretended that the King had "good and suf- ficient title" to the whole of that region, '•'' jure primoi occupationis.'''' If by this was meant the temporary and limited English " occupation" by the colony at Sagadahoc, it was a palpable absurdity ; because that English '' occupation" of a part of Maine was abandoned before the Dutch discovery of unknown New Netherland. To insist upon such a fallacy was simply to substitute " prescription" for " possession" — a doctrine which both Queen Elizabeth and Parliament had derided. Nevertheless, this transparent sub- terfuge of constructice, instead oi actual possession, was the strongest ground upon which the English maintained their title as against the Dutch. See further on this subject, Brodhead's New York, I. 4, 15, 44, 92-96, 138-144, 189, 25'2, 033, 634; Hazard's Collections, I. 103-118; TruuibuiFs Connect!- (32 Commemorative Oration. out, L 547, 554 ; N. Y. Colonial Documents, T. 27, II. 287, 302, 325, 832, 379-882, 389, 412, III. 6-8, VII. 596 ; Smith's N. Y., I. 297 ; Dun- hip's N. Y., II., Appendix, ccvi. — It could Imrdly, perhaps, have been expected that the Editor of the recent volume on " Henry Hudson the Navigator," published by the Hakluyt Society of London, in 186ti, should Iiave avoided the errors which deform his Introduction to that work. NOTE C. Translation of the Commission from the States-Ge:n^eral of the United Netherlands to Peter Stltyvesant, as Director- General of New Netiierland, dated 28 July, 1646 : — from the New York Colonial Documents, vol. I. p. 178. THE STATES-GENEEAL of the United Netherlands.— To all those to whom these Presents shall come, or who shall hear them read. Health ; Be IT Known: Whereas we have deemed it advisable for the advancement of the affairs of the General Incorporated West India Company not only to maintain the trade and population on the coast of Xew JSfetherland and the places situate thereabout, also the islands Cura^on, Buenaire, Aruba, and their dependencies, which have hitherto been encouraged thither from this (country, but also to make new treaties and alliances with foreign Princes, and to inflict as much injury as possible on the enemy in his forts and strongholds, as well by sea as by land ; For which purposes it becomes necessary to appoint a person Director : WE, Therefore, confiding in the probity and experience of Petrus Stuyvesant, formerly intrusted with our affairs in, and the government of, the aforesaid Island of Curacjoa and tlie places thereon depending, and We, being well pleased with his services there, Have commissioned and appointed and by these presents Do com- mission and appoint the said Peteus Stuyvesant Director in the aforesaid countries of New Netherland and the places thereunto adjoining, together with the aforementioned Islands of Cura<^oa^ Buenaire^ Aruba, and their dependencies; to administer, with the Council as well now as hereafter HI)pointed with him, the said office of Director, both on water and on land, and in said quality to attend carefully to the advancement, promotion, and ]»i-eservation of friendship, alliances, trade, and commerce; to direct all matters appertaining to trathc and war, and to maintain in all things there, good order for the service of the United Netherlands and the General West India Comi)any ; to establish regularity for the safeguard of the places and forts therein ; to administer law and justice as well civil as criminal ; And moreover to perform all that concerns his office and duties in accordance with the Charter and tlie general and particular Instructions herewith Appendix. 63 f^iven, and to be hereafter given liim, as a good and faithful Director is bound and obliged by his oath in Our hands to do ; Which done, WE, therefore, order and command all other officers, common soldiers, together with the inhabitants and natives residing in the aforesaid places as subjects, and all whom it may concern, to acknowledge, respect, and obey the said Peteus Sttjyvesant as our Director in the countries and places of New Netherland^i and in the Islands of CuraQoa^ Buenaire, Aruba, and their dependencies, and to aftord all help, countenance and assistance in the perfoi'raance of these things, as We have found the same to be for the advantage of the Company. Done in our Assembly at the Hague, on the xxviii. July, 1646. NOTE D. C'opy of the Commission from the Duke of York to Colonel Richard Nicolls, dated 2 April, 1664, Recorded in Book of Patents, vol. I. pp. 116-118, in the Office of the Secretary of State at Albany. JAMES, Duke of Yokk and Albany, Earl of Ulster, Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland, &c., Constable of Dover Castle, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Governor of Portsmouth, &c. Whereas it hath pleased the King's most Excellent Majesty, my Sovereign Lord and Brother, by His Majesty's Letters Patents, bearing date at Westminster the Twelfth day of March in the Sixteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, to give and grant unto me and to my Heirs and Assigns, All that part of the mainland of N"ew England, Beginning at a certain place called or known by the name of Saint Croix^ next adjoining to New Scotland in America, and from thence extending along the sea-coast, unto a certain place called Potaquine or Pemaquid^i and so up the River thereof to the furthest head of the same, as it tendeth Northwards, and extending from thence to the River of Kine- hequi^i and so upwards by the shortest course to the River Canada north- wards ; A'ld Also all that Island or Islands commonly called by the several name or names of Matowacks or Long Island., situate, lying, and being towards the west of Cape Cod and the Narrow-Higansets, abutting upon the mainland, between the two rivers there, called or known by the several names of Connecticut and Jludson^s River ; Together also with the said River called Hudson'' s River and all the land from the West side of Con- necticut River to the East side of Delaware Bay; And Also all those several Islands called or known by the name of Martin'' s Vineyards and Nantides otherwise Nantuchft ; Together with all the Lands, Islands, Soiles, River,-*, Harbours, Mines, Miner;^ls, Quarries, Woods, Marshes, Waters. Ltike.s, Fish- 64 Commemorative Oration. ing, Hawking, Hunting, and Fowling, and all other Royalties, Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments, to the said several Islands, Lands, and Pre- mises belonging and appertaining, with their and every of their Appurte- nances ; To Hold the same to my own proper u-de Decker, Counsellor of State ; Captain Nicholas Verlett, Commissary concerning matters of traffic ; Samuel Megapolensis, Doctor of Physick ; Cornells Steenwyck, Burgomaster ; Oloff Stevenson van Cort- landt, old Burgomaster ; and James Cousseau, old Schepen of this City, to agree with the aforesaid Lord General Richard Nicolls or his deputies upon further articles ; by these open letters promising that we will faithfully fulfill whatsoever shall by our fore-named Commissioners concerning these businesses be promised and agreed upon. In testimony of this it is con- firmed by our Scale, in the Fort of Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 5th day of September, New Style, 1664. Copy of Nicolls's full power to his Commissioners, dated 5S^^£:s 1664;-from General Entries, I. 32, 33. I, Colonel EicHAED Nicolls, Commander-in-Chief of all His Majesties forces now beleaguering the town on the Manhatans, Do accept of the proposal made by the Governor and his Council there residing, to treat of an accommodation by Articles of Surrender of the said Town and Forts thereunto belonging under His Majestie's obedience, to prevent the eftusion of blood and to improve the good of the inhabitants ; And whereas the Governor and Council are pleased to nominate and appoint John de Decker, Counsellor of State; Nicholas Vai'lett, Commissary concerning matters of traflBc; Samuel Megapolensis, Doctor of Physick; Cornells Steenwyck, Burgomaster ; Oloff Stevensen van Kortlandt, old Burgomaster ; and James Cousseau, old Sheriff"e of this City, to agree and conclude with me or my Deputies, upon further Articles, promising they will faithfully fulfill what- soever shall be by their fore-named Commissioners promised or agreed upon in the Treaty on their partes, I Do Therefore, on my part, nominate and appoint Sir Robert Oarr, Knight ; Colonel George Cartwright ; Mr. John Winthrop, Governor of His Ma,jestie's Colony of Connecticut ; Mr. Samuel Willys, one of the Chief Councill of the said Colony ; Captain Thomas Clarke, and Captain John Pincheon, Commissioners from the Court Gen- erall of the Colony of the Massachusetts, To be my sufficient Deputys, T.o treat and conclude upon the Articles of Surrender of the aforenamed place, Promising that I will faithfully fulfill whatsoever they shall so treat and conclude upon. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and Scale, at the Camp before the Manhatans, this 26tli day of August, Old Style, 1664. Richard Nicolls. QQ Commemorative Oration. 'Tis desired and agreed upon by the Commissioners on both parts above mentioned, that their meeting upon the premises shall be to-morrow morn- ing, being the 27th of this month of August, Old Style, precisely at 8 o'clock in the morning, at a place called the Governor's Bowery, upon the Man- hattans. Copy of the Articles of Capitulation, agreed upon at the Governor's Bouwery, on Saturday, the -g^^^J^^^ 1664, and confirmed by Nicolls ;— from IST.Y. General Entries, I. 23-26, and from the Hollandtse Mercurius for September, 1664, 153, 154. '' These articles following were consented to by the persons hereunder subscribed, at the Governor's IJouwery, August 2'i'th, Old Style [September 6th], 1664. " I. We consent that the States-General, or the West India Company, shall freely enjoy all farms and houses (except such as are in the forts), and that within six months they shall have free liberty to transport all such arms and ammunition as now do belong to them, or else they shall be paid for them. " II. All publique houses shall continue for the uses which they are now for. "III. All people shall still continue free denizens, and shall enjoy their lands, houses, goods, shipps, wheresoever they are within this country, and dispose of them as they please. " IV. If any inhabitant have a mind to remove himself, he shall have a year and six weeks from this day to remove himself, wife, children, ser- vants, goods, and to dispose of his lands here. " V. If any officer of state, or publique minister of state, have a mind to go for England, they shall be transported, freight free, in his majesty's fri- gates, when these frigates shall return thither. " VI. It is consented to, that any people may freely come from the Netherlands, and plant in this country, and that Dutch vessels may freely come hither, and any of the Dutch may freely return home, or send any sort of merchandise home, in vessels of their own country. " VII. All ships from the Netherlands, or any other place, and goods therein, shall be received here, and sent hence, after the manner which for- merly they were before our coming hither, for six months next ensuing. " VIII. The Dutch here shall enjoy the liberty of their consciences in divine worship and church discipline. " IX. No Dutchman here, or Dutch ship here, shall, upon any occasion, be pressed to serve in war, against any nation whatsoever. " X. That the townsmen of the Manhatoes shall not have any soldiers quartered upon them without being satisfied and paid for them by their Appendix. 67 officers, and that, at this present, if the fort be not capable of lodging all the soldiers, then the Burgomasters, by their officers, shall appoint some houses capable to receive them. " XI. The Dutch here shall enjoy their own customs concerning their inheritances. " XII. All publique writings and records, which concern the inheri- tances of any people, or the reglement of the church, or poor, or orphans, shall be carefully kept by those in whose hands now they are, and such writings as particularly concern the States-General may at any time be sent to them. "XIII. No judgment that has passed any judicature here shall be called in question ; but if any conceive that he hath not had justice done him, if he apply himself to the States-General, the other party shall be bound to answer for the supposed injuiy. " XIV. If any Dutch living here shall at any time desire to travaile or traffique into England, or any place or plantation in obedience to his Majesty of England, or with the Indians, he sliall have (upon his request to the Governor) a certificate that he is a free denizen of this place, and liberty to do so. " XV. If it do appeare that there is a publique engagement of debt by the own of the Manhatoes, and a way agreed on for the satisfying of that en- gagement, it is agreed that the same way proposed shall go on, and that the engagement shall be satisfied. "XVI. All inferior civil officers and magistrates shall continue as now they are (if they please) till the customary time of new election, and then new ones to be chosen by themselves, provided that such new chosen magistrates shall take the oath of allegiance to his Majesty of England, before they enter upon their office. " XVII. All differences of contracts and bargains made before this day, by any in this country, shall be determined according to the manner of the Dutch. "XVIII. If it do appeare that the West India Company of Amsterdam do really owe any sums of money to any persons here, it is agreed that recognition, and other duties payable by ships going for the Netherlands, be continued for six months longer. " XIX. The officers military, and soldiers, shall march out with their arms, drums beating, and coulours flying, and lighted matches ; and if any of them will plant, they shall have fifty acres of land set out for them ; if any of them will serve as servants, they shall continue with all safety, and become free denizens afterwards. " XX. If at any time hereafter the King of Great Britain and the States of the United Netherlands do agree that this place and country be rede- livered into the hands of the said States, whensoever his Majestie will send his commands to redeliver it, it shall immediately be done. " XXI. That the town of Manhatans shall choose deputyes, and those deputyes shall have free voyces in all publique aft'airs as much as any other deputyes. 68 Commemorative Oration. " XXII. Those who have any property in any houses in the fort of Orange shall (if they please) slight the fortifications there, and then enjoy all their houses as all people do where there is no fort. " XXIII. If there be any soldiers that will go into Holland, and if the Company of West India in Amsterdam, or any private persons here, will transport them into Holland, then they shall have a safe passport from Colonel Eichard NicoUs, Deputy-Governor under his Royal Highness, and the other Commissioners, to defend the ships that shall transport such soldiers, and all the goods in them, from any surprizal or acts of hostility to be done by any of his Majestie's ships or subjects. " XXIV. That the copy of the King's grant to his Royal Highness, and the copy of his Royal Highness's commission to Colonel Richard Nicolls (testified by two Commissioners more and Mr. Winthrop, to be true copies), shall be delivered to the Honourable Mr. Stuyvesant, the present Governor, on Monday next, by eiglit of the clock in the morning, at the Old Mill,* and also these articles consented to and signed by Colonel Richard McoUs, Deputy-Governor to his Royal Highness ; and that within two hours after, the fort and town called New Amsterdam, upon the island of Manhatoes, shall be delivered into the hands of the said Colonel Richard Nicolls, by the service of such as . shall be by him thereunto deputed by his hand and seal. " John DE Decker, Robert Care, Nicholas Yaelett, George Cartwright, Samuel Megapolensis, John Winthrop, OORNELIS StEENWYCK, SAMUEL W1LLY8, Jacques Cousseau, Thomas Clarke, Oloff S. van Cortlandt, John Pinciion. " I do consent to these articles, " Richard Nicolls." Copy of the Ratification of the Articles of Capitulation, by Stuyve- sant and his Council, on Monday, the ■ ^'t ^t'^^ ^^'— 1664 ; — from Albany Records, XYIII. 326, and General Entries, I. 31, 32. The Director-General and Council of New Netherland, to all who shall hear or see this. Greeting : Be it known that we hereby ratify and confirm the Conditions agreed on and concluded, on the Sixth of this month, between our Commissioners, the Honorable Jolni de Decker, mem- ber of our Council ; Captain Nicholas Varlett, Commissary of wares and merchandises ; the Reverend Samuel Megapolensis ; the Honorable Corne- lls Steenwyck, Burgomaster; Oloff" Stevensen van Cortlandt, old Burgo- * For the situation of this '"Old Mill," Bee anU, p. 86. note. Appendix. 69 master; and Jacques Coiisseau, old Schepen of this city, with the Com- missioners of the Honorable Governor Richard ISTicolls, Commander of His Britannic Majesty's frigates and land forces who besieged this fortress and city ; namely, Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, John Winthrop, Samuel "Willys, John Pincheon, and Thomas Clarke ; And "We promise to execute the same. Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, on 8th Septem- ber, 16G-i. P. Stuyvesant. N. DE SiLLE. Jacob Backer. Maktin Ketgiee. Timotheus Gabry. Paulus Leendertsest van deb Grist. Isaac Grevenraet. PlETER TONNEMAN. NiCOLAAS DE MeYER. I certifie the same. CoENELIS VAN RUTVEN, Secretary. NOTE F. Translation of a letter from Cornelis van Rutven, late Secretary of New Netherland, to the Dutch Villages on Long Island, announcing the Surrender, dated, 8 September, 1664 ; — from the Bushwick Records, and from Thompson's Long Island, II. 165 ; — see also N. Y. Colonial Documents, II. 415, 445, 502, 509. Septemler 8, 1664, N. S. Beloved Feiends : It has happened that New Netherland is given up to the English, and that Peter Stuyvesant, Governor for the "West India Company, has marched out of the Fort with his men, by Beaver street {Bevers Paed) to the Hol- land shipping, which lay there at the time ; And that Governor Richard Nicolls, in the name of the King of England, ordered a corporal's guard to take possession of the Fort. Afterwards, the Governor, with two com- panies of men, marched into the Fort, accompanied by the Burgomasters of the City, who inducted the Governor, and gave him a welcome reception. Governor Nicolls has altered the name of the City of New Amsterdam, and named the same New Yoek, and named the fort, Foet James. From your friend, COENELIS van RuYVEN. 70 Commemorative Oratiok NOTE G. Translation of a letter from the Schout, Burgomasters, and ScHEPENS of the City of New Amsterdam, to the West India CoMPAisTT, dated, 16 September^ 1664, N, S. ; — from New Amster- dam Records, V. 567-570, and Valentine's Manual for 1860, 592, 593. Eight Honoeable, Prudent Lords, the Lords Directors of the Honorable West India Company, at the Amsterdam Chamber : Right Honorable Lords : — We, your Honors' loyal, sorrowful, and desolate subjects, cannot neglect nor keep from relating the event, which, through God's pleasure, thus un- expectedly happened to us in consequence of your Honors' neglect and forgetfulness of your promise ; to Wit : The arrival here of late, of four King's frigates from England, sent hither by His Majesty and his brother the Duke of York, with commission to reduce not only this place, but also the whole of New Netherland under His Majesty's authority ; whereunto they brought with them a large body of soldiers, provided with consider- able ammunition. On board of one of the frigates were about four hun- dred and fifty, as well soldiers as seamen ; and tlie others in proportion. The frigates being come together in front of Najac in the Bay, Richard Nicolls the Admiral, who is ruling here at present as Governor, sent a let- ter to our Lord Director-General, communicating therein the cause of his coming, and his wish. On this unexpected letter, the Heer General sent for us, to determine what was to be done in the matter. Whereupon it was resolved and de- cided to send some Commissioners thither, to argue the matter with the General and his three Commissioners ; who were so sent for this purpose twice. But no answer was received, except that they were not come here to dispute about it, but to execute their order and commission without fail, either peaceably or by force ; and if they had any thing to dispute about it, it must be done with His Majesty of England, as we could do nothing here in the premises. Three days' delay was demanded for consultation. That was duly allowed ; — but meanwhile they were not idle. They ap- proached with their four frigates, two of which passed in front of the Fort. The other anchored about Nooten Island, and with five companies of soldiers encamped themselves at the Ferry opposite this place ; together with a newly raised company of horse and a party of new soldiers, both from the North and from Long Island, mostly all our deadly enemies — who expected nothing else than pillage, plunder, and bloodshed — as men could perceive by their cursing and talking when mention was made of a capitu- lation. Appendix. 71 Finally, being then encircled round about, we saw little means of deliver- ance. We considered what ought to be done ; and after we had well in- quired into our strength, and had found it to be full fifteen hundred souls in this place, but of them not two hundred and fifty men capable of bearing arms, exclusive of the soldiers, who were about one hundred and fifty strong ; wholly unprovided with powder, both in the city and in the Fort — yea, not more than six hundred pounds were found in the Fort besides seven hundred pounds that is unserviceable ; Also because the countrymen, the third man of whom was called out, refused. We, with the greater por- tion of the inhabitants, considered it necessary to remonstrate with our Lord Director-General and Council, that their Honors might consent to a capitulation. Whereunto we labored according to our duty, and had much trouble ; Laid down and considered all the difficulties which should arise therefrom, not being able to resist such an enemy, as they could also re- ceive a much greater force than they then had under command. The Director-General and Council at length consented thereunto. Whereupon Commissioners were sent to the Admiral, who notified him that it was resolved to come to terms, in order to save the shedding of blood, if a good Agreement could be concluded. Six persons were commissioned on each side, for the purpose of treating' on this matter ; which they have done and concluded in manner as appears by the Articles annexed. How that will result, time will tell. Meanwhile, since we have no longer to depend upon your Honors' prom- ises or protection. We, with all the poor, sorrowing, and abandoned com- monalty here, must fly for refuge to the Almighty God, not doubting but He will stand by us in this sorely afflicting conjuncture, and no more de- part from us. Aud we remain yom* Sorrowful and abandoned subjects, PlETER TONTSTEMAN, JaCOB BaCKEE, Paulus Leendeetsen van dee Grist, Timotheus Gabey, CoENELis Steenwtck, Isaao Grevexeaet, NlOOLAAS DE MeYEE. Done in Jorck, heretofore named Amsterdam, in New Netherland, Anno 1664, the 16th of September. 72 Commemorative Oration. NOTE H. Translation of a letter from the Reverend Samuel Drisius, one of the Collegiate Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church at New Amsterdam, to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated 15 September^ 1664, N. S. ; from the Original Manuscript in the possession of the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America. To THE Reverend, Learned, and Pious Bhothers of the Venerable Classis of Amsterdam. I cannot neglect to acquaint your Reverences with our present condition, nam el J" that we are now brought under the government of the King of England. On the Twenty-sixth of August there arrived in the Bay of the North River, near Staten Island, four great ships-of-war or frigates, well equipped, manned with seamen And soldiers, having a Patent or Commis- sion from the King of Great Britain to demand and receive this Province in the name of His Majesty, and, if the same should not be accomplished by amicable arrangement, then to attack the place by force ; and that then all should be given over to the pillage, robbery, and spoil of the English soldiers. The people here were not a little amazfed at the arrival of these frigates. Our Lords, the Director and Council, together with the Regents of the City, took this affair very much to heart ; and with all diligence, by messages sent back and forth to the General Richard Nicolls, sought to delay these matters, and that they might be referred to his Majesty of England and the Lords States of Holland. But all was in vain ! They landed their soldiers about six miles off, at Gravesend, and marched them on foot upon Long Island up to the Ferry, over against this place. And on the Fourth of September, the frigates came with full sail, as far as here, having their guns all ready on one side, charged and intending (in case any hostilities should be used against them) to discharge their full broadsides on this open place, and then to conquer this town by violence, and give over every thing to rapine and massacre. Our Noble Lords and Regents, as well of the Noble [West India] Company as of the City, were well disposed to defend the place. But they saw that it was impossible ; because the town was not in a condition of defence, though it was now being fortified ; that even then it could not be defended, seeing that each man would have to stand four rods from tlie other in tlie ramparts of the City ; that there was little Appendix. 73 provision of powder, as well in the fort as in the town ; and that there was no relief or assistance to be expected ; — but, on the other hand, that a great concourse of Englishmen, as well foot as horse, came hitherwards daOy out of New England, very ardent for the plundering of this place ; also that six hundred Northern Savages, and one hundred and fifty French rovers, with English commissions, had offered their services against us. So it was that our authorities, under the strong urgency of the burghers and inhab- itants, were compelled, in order to prevent plundering and bloodshed, to resolve (however unwillingly) to come to an Agreement ; the which was • accordingly concluded on the Sixth of September. And so the English marched into our City on the Eighth of September, according to the Con- vention. After the surrender of this place, several Englishmen, whom we have long knowU; and who are well affectioned towards us, came to us, saying that God had particularly ordered this affair so that it was settled by a Con- vention ; because otherwise nothing could have come out of it but plunder- ing, murdering, and total ruin. The which, also, several soldiers confirmed ; who said that they had come here out of England in hope of booty, and now that it had fallen out otherwise, they wished that they might go back again to England. • And whereas it was arranged in the Articles that the Church service and doctrine, together with the Clergymen, should remain and continue as they have been until now, we could not separate ourselves from our congregation and hearers, but have felt ourselves obliged by our duty to abide, yet for a time, with the same, so that they should not, all at once, be scattered, and dwindle away. I have a moderate sum due to me from the Noble ["West India] Company, which I hope and wish may be paid. And so I end, commending your reverend persons and labors to the blessing of God, and remain. Your Keverences' obedient Brother, Samuel Deisiu8. Manhattans. Anno 1664, Sept. 15. PEOOEEDIE'GS NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY IN RELATION TO THE COMMEMORATION CONQUEST OF NEW NETHERLAND. TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY, NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. M DCCC LXIV. OFFICEKS OF THE SOCIETY. 1864. President, FREDERIC DE PEYSTER. First yice-President, THOMAS DE WITT, D. D. Second Vice-President, BENJAMIN ROBERT WINTHROP. Foreign Corresponding Secretary, GEORGE BANCROFT, LL. D. Domestic Corresponding Secretary, SAMUEL OSGOOD, D.D. Recording Secretary, ANDREW WARNER. Treasurer, BENJAMIN H. FIELD. Librarian, GEORGE HENRY MOORE. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. AUGUSTUS SCHELL, ERASTUS C. BENEDICT, BENJAMIN W. BONNEY, JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD, WILLIAM CHAUNCEY, CHARLES P. KIRKLA^'D, GEORGE FOLSOM, GEORGE GIBBS, ROBERT L. STUART. j^EW YOEK HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. COMMEMORATION^ CONQUEST OF NEW NETHERLAND. October 12, 1864. The New York Historical Society, at its meeting on the second of February, 1864, taking into consideration the importance of the event, resolved that it would commemorate, by suitable acts and proceedings, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Conquest of New Netherland, in the autumn of the year 1664. A Committee of Arrangements, including some of its most distinguished members, was accordingly appointed, and John RoMEYN Beodhead was selected to deliver the Commemorative Oration. The Committee, in executing their duty, addressed the following letter of invitation to various Historical Societies and eminent citizens in New York and other States : — NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Library, New York City, September \oth, 1864. Sir: — The New York Historical Society proposes to commemorate, by suit- able Acts and Proceedings, the Two Himdredtli Anniversary of the Conquest of New Netherland, in the autumn of the year 1664. Next to the discovery in 1609, by the Dutch, of New Netherland — the original bounds of which inchided the present States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, 80 Proceedings of the society. and Delaware — its conquest by the English, in 1664, is the most interesting event in the Colonial History of New York. The consequences of this event were of momentous import, not only to the City and the State of New York, but to the American Union. It forms one of those great epochs in National existence which it is the special office of Historical Societies fitly to observe. The time appointed for the proposed commemoration is Wednesday, the Twelfth of October next, being just two centuries after the last Dutch Fort on the Delaware was taken by the English, and the conquest of New Xetherlaud was completed. An Oration will be delivered on that day, before the Society and its guests, at the Hall of the Union, Cooper Institute, in this City, by John Romeyn Brod- head, LL.D. ; and other proceedings will take place. In behalf of the New York Historical Society, the undersigned request the pleasure of your attendance on this occasion. * Awaiting your favorable reply, We have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient servants, GuLiAN C. Verplanck, Frederic db Pbtster, George Bancroft, Augustus Schell, Hamilton Fish, George Folsom, James W. Beekman, Charles P. Kirkland, Evert A. Duyckinck, Andrew Warner, George H. Moore, Committee of Arrangements. In pursuance of these arrangements, a special meeting of the Society was held at the Hall of the Union, Cooper Institute, at a quarter past seven o'clock, on Wednesday evening, the twelftli of October, 1864, Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the meeting was largely attended by a very respectable audience. Among those who occupied seats on the platform were many distinguished citizens, representing various departments in the State and munici- pal governments, the Army and Navy, and the learned professions. Delegates from several Historical Societies were also present. The New Hampshire Society was represented by the Rev. Dr. N. Bou- ton and Joseph B. Walker, l^^sq. ; Maine, by the Rev. William Stevens Perry ; Rhode Island, by Dr. Usher Parsons ; Connecticut, by J. Hammond Trumbull, Esq. ; New Jersey, by William A. Whitehead, Esq., and Solomon Alofsen, Esq. ; Pennsylvania, by Thomas H. Montgomery, Esq. ; Delaware, by Bishop Lee, Dr. Henry F. Askew, and William D. Dowe, Esq. ; Long Island, by Proceedixgs of the Society. '81 the Rev, Dr. R. S. Storrs, Charles E. West, LL. D., Joshua M. Van Cott, Esq., Dr. Henry R. Stiles, and Alclen J. Spooner, Esq.; BuiFalo, by William Dorsheiiuer, Esq., Dr. James P. White, George S. Hazard, Esq. The meeting was called to order by Frederic De Petster, Esquire, the President of the Society, who addressed the audience as follows : — Members and Guests of the New York Historical Society : We are assembled this evening to commemorate the Two Hundredth Anniver- sary of the Conquest of New Netherland, in the autumn of the year 1664. The circumstances and the consequences of this momentous event will be appropriately set forth to you by the Orator selected by the Society. A century after her con- quest, New York was foremost among her sister colonies in taking measures which looked towards National Independence. Retributive justice, in 1783, followed slowly, but surely, the trespass of 1664. In our own day, when another century has passed away, our powerful and patriotic State is found putting forth gigantic efforts to maintain our National Union ; assaulted as it is by domestic treason, which is fostered by foreign machinations. The Commemorative Oration, on this occasion, will be delivered by our fellow-member, John RgmetiSI Brodhead, Doctor of Laws, and well known as the historian of our State. The proceedings of this evening will begin by a Prayer, to be offered by the Reverend Thomas De Witt, Doctor of Divinity, Senior Minister of the CoUegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in this city, and First Vice-President of this Society. The Reverend Doctor De Witt then offered an appropriate Prayer. After which, the President introduced Mr. Brodhead, who pro- ceeded to deliver his Oration. At the conclusion of Mr. Brodhead 's Oration, the Honorable GuLiAN Crommelin Verplanck rose to move a resolution of thanks. Mr. Verplanck said, that iu offering this Resolution, laboring as he was under a severe cold, and a hoarseness which must render his voice scarcely audible to most of this assembly, yet he could not refrain from expressing the high gratifica- tion he had felt in listening to the discourse just concluded. It contained much curious and instructive historical information, most of it not familiar even to the studious historical inquirer, and the fruit of large and accurate research. It was enriched throughout by a sagacious and clear-sighted historical philosophy, tracing out both the causes and the results of the most striking and the noblest peculiarities of the character and fortunes of our State and Nation. Above all, he coidd not but admire, as well as sympathize with, the glowing and grateful ances- tral spirit which animated the Orator, — a worthy descendant of the compatriots of William the Silent, — and which had enkindled congenial emotions among his 6 83 Proceedings of the Society. hearers. Mr. Verplanck added, that he was not able to expatiate on this rich and abundant theme, but must have recourse to the better voice of the Secretary, to make his resohition audible to the Society. The Resolution offered by Mr. Veeplanck having been read, as follows : — Resolved, That the thanks of this Society are eminently due, and are hereby tendered, to John Rosieyn Brodhead, LL. D., for his eloquent Oration, delivered this evening, in Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland, and that a copy be requested for the Archives of the Society, and for publication: — The Honorable George Bancroft said : — I rise to second the vote of thanks which has been proposed for the admi- rable discourse to which we have just listened. It is marked by a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the subject, and by a careful style ; and it has been delivered with an earnestness which has enchained the attention of all. We remind ourselves, with just pride, that Mr. Brodhead is one of the oldest members of our Society, and not surpassed by any in diligence and efficiency. It is to him that this State owes an invaluable collection of the Documents, gathered from many sources, to illustrate, its History. To him, also, it owes the commence- ment of a work on its history, which is so full, so accurate, so marked by re- search, and an honest love of historic truth, that we have only to bid him go on and finish what he has so worthily begun. We have all been pleased with the zeal with wliich he has, this evening, dwelt on the virtues of the Republic of the United Netherlands ; and there can be no division of opinion as to the substantial fidelity of his picture. Such was always the opinion of New England. The founders of the first colony in Massachusetts, when they fled from the persecutions of their mother country, knew that Holland alone was the land where they could enjoy freedom of conscience ; and in our day the hand that has portrayed, in the strongest and most lasting colors, the heroism and the sufierings of the Batavians, when, in pursuit of their liberties, they went unflinchingly through the baptism of fire and of blood, was that of a New Englander. Our orator has set before our eyes a bright vision of the glory of New Nether- land, when its territory, according to its claims, extended from some shadowy boundary in the distant north, beyond the southern Cape of the Delaware ; and has set before us the successive aggressions.by which that vast territory was dis- membered, and formed into separate communities and States. Yet, as I hstened to him, I seemed to think that the Providence which rules in human aflTairs, manifested in this a benevolent design. Had New Netherland remained undi- vided, it would have been so powerful, so opulent, and so self-relying, that it might have spurned at the thought of an equal union with other Colonies. It was broken into pieces, that New York, which by its position ought to be the eye of the country, might learn to feel its high vocation, to rally the many States of our Republic into superior union, to defend that union against all assailants, and to remain forever its spear and its shield ! Proceedings of the Society. 83 The Resolution was unanimously adopted. The Benediction was then pronounced by the Reverend Doctor De Witt. Immediately afterwards, a RecejJtion w^as held at the Library of the Society, which was well attended. After some time spent in examining the Museum and Galleries, an entertainment was served in the Nineveh Room. At the call of the President, remarks were made by several of the invited guests, among whom were — Alden J. Spooner, Esq., of the Long Island Historical Society. William Dorsheimer, Esq., of the Buffalo Historical Society. Thomas H. Montgomery, Esq., of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Alfred B. Street, Esq., of Albany. ,, Attorney-General John Cochrane. 84 Proceediitgs of the Society. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 1. From Brantz Mjiyer, dated Baltimore, September 24, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 2. From John WilHam "Walhice, dated Philadelphia, September 25, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 3. From Henry E. Schoolcraft, dated Washington, September 25, 1864. accepting the invitation of the Committee. 4. From John M. Barbour, dated New York, September 26, 1864, accept- ing the invitation of the Committee. 5. From Millard Fillmore, President of the Buffalo Historical Society, dated Buffalo, September 26, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Com- mittee. 6. From Charles J. Hoadley, dated Hartford, September 26, 1864, accept- ing the invitation of the Committee. 7. From William H. Bogart, dated Aurora, Cayuga Lake, September 27, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 8. From the Mayor of the City of N"ew York, dated New York, Septem- ber 27, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 9. From James Moncrief, dated New York, 29th September, 1864, accept- ing the invitation of the Committee. 10. From William H. Seward, dated Washington City, 29th September, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee: — " I am profoimdiy gratified for the consideration which the New York Histor- ical Society have manifested, by inviting me to attend their proposed Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Conquest of New Netherland. The changes in the condition of the American Continent which have followed, and in some respects are due to, that great Revolution, contribute a theme upon which I should like to hear the distinguished scholar you have chosen to be the Orator of the occasion. But, just now, I am encumbered with the cares incident to the effort of our country to save all that she has hitherto gained, and to secure for the continent a brighter and nobler future than we have before contemplated ; and so, my respected and esteemed friend, I must ask you to have me excused." 11. From N. Bouton, Corresponding Secretary of the New Hampshire Historical Society, dated Concord, N. H., September 29, 1864, conmiuni- cating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appoint- Proceedings of the Society. 85 ment of the Rev. N. Bouton, D. D., and Joseph B. Walker, Esq., as dele- gates from that Society. 12. From Gideon J. Tucker, Surrogate, &c., dated Ne\y York, September 30, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 13. From D. T. Valentine, dated New York, October 1, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 14. From Charles "W. Sandford, Major-General, &c., dated New York, October 1, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 15. From Henry E. Davies, Judge of the Court of Appeals, dated Albany, October 1, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 16. From Henry R. Selden, Judge of the Court of Appeals, dated Roches- ter, October 3, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. 17. From William A. Whitehead, dated Newark, N. J., October 3, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 18. From William A. Whitehead, Corresponding Secretary of the New Jersey Historical Society, dated Newark, N. J., October 3, 1864, commu- nicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the ap- pointment of the Hon. Richard S. Field, Solomon Alofsen, Esq., and William A. Whitehead, Esq., as delegates from that Society. 19. From Edward Ballard, Secretary of the Maine Historical Society, dated Brunswick, Me., October 4, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appointment of the Hon. Edward E. Bourne, the Right Rev. George Burgess, D. D., the Hon. William Willis, the Hon. John A. Poor, and the Rev. Edward Ballard, as delegates from that Society. 20. From Robert C Winthrop, President of the Massachusetts Historical Society, dated Boston, October 5, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appointment of delegates from that Society: — "Your obliging communication, inviting the Massachusetts Historical Society to send a delegation to your most interesting Commemoratiou on the 12th instant, was gratefully received. As no meeting of our Society would take place until after the occasion was over, our Standing Committee liave appointed several of our members to represent us on the occasion ; and I trust that tliey wUl be present with you. " I regret extremely that it will not be in my own power to attend this festival, agreeably to your kind requesD. I have not forgotten the prominent part which was played by CJovernor Winthrop, of Connecticut, in the events which you com- memorate ; and it would be particularly pleasant to nie to be permitted to repre- sent him on the occasion. Put if your worthy Vice-President shall have returned from Europe in season for the celebration, you will have a representative of Win- throp and Stuyvesant in the same person. My worthy cousin would also be able to bring with him the original draft of the letter of Winthrop to Stuyvesant, which was the occasion of so much violent indignation. It was my good fortune to obtain possession of this letter, a few years since, and, after printing it in our Massachusetts Historical Collections, to transfer it to the ownership of one who had a double claim to its possession." 86 Proceedings of the society. 21. From Edward Everett, dated Boston, October 5. 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee : — " I have received your obliging invitation to attend the Celebration, by the New York Historical Society, of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Conquest of New Netherland by the EngHsh. •' The historical importance of that event — deciding, as it did, the nationality of North America — renders it a highly proper subject for commemoration ; and your fortunate selection of an Orator for the occasion, my friend Mr. Brodhead, than whom no one is better acquainted with the history of that period, gives assurance that the treatment of the topic wiU be worthy of its intrinsic interest. I much regret that I must deny myself the pleasure of being present." 22. From Samuel Hazard, dated Germantown, October 5, 1864, acknowl- edging the invitation of the Committee. 23. From John E. Bartlett, dated Providence, R. I., October 5, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. 24. From Henry 0. Murphy, dated Brooklyn, October 5, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 25. From M. Eomero, Mexican Minister, dated Washington City, D. C, October 5, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 26. From H. H. Van Dyck, Superintendent, &c., dated Albany, October 5, 18G4, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 27. From W. K. Scott, Corresponding Secretary of the Buffalo Historical Society, dated October 5, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invi- tation of the Committee, and the appointment of Millard Fillmore, Rev. Walter Clarke, G. R. Babcock, O. H. Marshall, Dr. J. P. White, H. W. Rogers, O. G Steele, N. K. Hall, George B. Hibbard, and John Ganson, as delegates from that Society. 28. From Hiland Hall, President of the Vermont Historical Society, dated North Bennington, Vt., October T, 1864, acknowledging the invita- tion of the Committee. 29. From E. A. Dalrymple, Corresponding Secretary of the Maryland Historical Society, dated Baltimore, October 7, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appointment of the Hon. John P. Kennedy, Philip T. Tyson, the Rev. Dr. John G. Morris, John H. Alexander, and John H. B. Latrobe, as delegates from that So- ciety. 30. From J. Wingate Thornton, dated Boston, October 8, 1864, acknowl- edging the invitation of the Committee. 31. From Millard Fillmore, President of the Buffalo Historical Society, dated Buffalo, October 8, 1864, appointing Philip Dorsheimer a delegate from that Society. 32. From H. Denio, Jndge of the Court of Appeals, dated Utica, October 8, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. 38. From William Barnes, Superintendent, &c., dated Albany, October 8, 1864, accepting the invitation of tlie Committee. Proceedings of the Society. 87 34. From Horatio Gates Jones, dated Philadelphia, October 8, 18C4, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. 35. From William D. Do we, Eecording Secretary of the Historical Soci- ety of Delaware, dated Wilmington, Del., October 8, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appointment of Henry F. Askew, M. D., Rev. Charles Breck, and William D. Dowe, Esq., as delegates from that Society. 36. From the same, dated Wilmington, October 10, 1864, announcing the appointment of the Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, Bishop of Delaware, &c., in place of the Rev. Charles Breck, as a delegate from that Society. 37. From Henry R. Stiles, M. D., Librarian of the Long Island Historical Society, dated Brooklyn, October 8, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appointment of the Rev. R. S. Storrs, Jr., D. D., the Hon. Henry C. Murphy, Charles E. West, LL. D., B. O. Silliman, Esq., Joshua M. Van Cott, Esq., Alden J. Spooner, Esq., and the President and Librarian, ex-ojfficio^ as delegates from that Society. 38. From William W. Campbell, dated Cherry Valley, October 10, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. 39. From Andrew H. Green, Comptroller of the Central Park, dated New York, October 10, 1864, in behalf of the Commissioners of the Park, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 40. From J. Hammond Trumbull, dated Hartford, Conn., October 10, 1864, accepting the invitation of the Committee. 41. From George F. Houghton, Recording Secretary of the Vermont His- torical Society, dated St. Albans, Vermont, October 10, 1864, communi- cating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appoint- ment of Messrs. Henry Hall and George F. Houghton, as delegates from that Society. , 42. From Albert G. Greene, President of the Rhode Island Historical Society, dated Providence, October 10, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. t 43. From Charles J. Hoadley, Corresponding Secretary of the Connec- ticut Historical Society, dated Hartford, October 11, 1864, communicating the acceptance of the invitation of the Committee, and the appointment of the Hon. Henry C. Deming, and Messrs. Samuel H. Parsons and Erastus Smith, as delegates fi'om that Society. 44. From John V. L. Pruyn, Chancellor of the University of the State of New York, dated Albany, October, 11, 1864, acknowledging the invitation of the Committee. *** The Committee desire to acknowledge theii- obligations to Messrs. Ilarper and Brothers, the Publishers of Mr. Brodhcad's History of New York, for the use of the Map prelixed to that work, which illustrates this publication. •-tl fi ■«:^isc: ■ic&mj^C- cscC' or«i5rg'<:-'aMr«S^i!cs::' ::lc