.v^^ ^^. . > O -5*. ^- .. .^ -"M , , A, v^^ V ^^-^^ 4 o f*^ ^^^\ %^^C^V' /"% .;^^. ^-^ <^^'=i<. V "^ i#.-- .A ^ ^^^'- -S^^.r.. •<^ .v^ \, "one- ^^ -^ 'bV •i^' X .0^^ '•c 'V.'b'^ ' ^^•i v^^ rJ.^ . ,4q flV o^ ^, o 'ff^. A. O - 'y' . * o « ■^>- =^X_. !> -* * o « o ' O, ^^0^ ) ''-> *. C/ o V ^ "^^^- /~\- -.S^g^i- -o'^ ^'"t. A ' . - ■; V > <^. ^^, ^"^ . 0^ ^^-^^^ ■%<> •a^^! ^ -^it'/.'- c>^ Ai a legal meeting of tJie voters of the Town of Dudley /ioldcn November St/i, i8g2^ the following vote was passed: — Voted, That the old records be printed and the town accept of Samuel AI. Conant's proposition, he to have them printed and the town to have two copies free of cost. A true copy from the records. Attest, LEMUEL HE ALT, Town Clerk. TOWN RECORDS OF / DUDLEY, MASSACHUSETTS, 1732-17=^4. PAWTUCKET, K. I, THE ADAM SUTCLIFFE CO. 1S93. ^\^V 28711 /'V The Gift of Paul Dudley Esq^ to the town of Dudley Roxhury the 17^^ of Novem^' ^73^- Dudley was incorporated June i'* 1732. The Congregational Church was formed 1732. M"" Isaac Richardson was called to the Ministry 1732, but was not ordained. Rev'' Pearly Howe was ordained i735' Congregational Meeting House erected 1734. The first school in Dudley kept 1739. Rev^ M' Howe was dismissed 1743. Rev^ Charles Gleason ordained Oct' 1744. Rev^ Charles Gleason died Mny 1 7^,0. Rev'' Joshua Johnson installed 1790- P"^ J- Johnson. Rev. Joshua Johnson dismissed 1796. Rev. Abiel Williams Ordained June 12, 1799. P'' A. Williams. Rev. Abiel Williams dismissed March 16, 1S31. Rev. James H. Francis Ordained August 24, 1831. P' J. H. Francis. Dudley Town Records. An act for making a new Town in the Countey of Worces- ter called by the name of Dudly. Whearas theire are maney Inhabetance alredey settled on a Tract of Land lying betwen the Towns of Woodstock and Oxford in the County of Worcester who together with others on the southwest part of Oxford and ' very remot from aney Place of the Publick worsliip of God are very convenuenth' Scituated for a Township and have petitioned this Court to be erected into a seprate Township accordingly Be it enacted by his Exellency the Govener Counsel and Representres in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same that all the Lands lying within the Bounds follow- ing viz : The Coloney or Patent Line and the Township ot Woodstock on the South the Grant made to Medfield on the west the Land of Mr Pumpillions on the north unto the Farm belonging to Paul Dudly Esqr and by the same partly on the east untill it coms to Stoney River and by said River to the Brook Coming out of Chabunagungamaug Pond and oute of said Pond to the Collony or Patent Line be and hearby are Constituted into a Destint and Seprat Township by the name of Dudly and that the Inliabetence of the said Township Dudley Town Records, 1732- be vested with the Powers Privelegs Imunities that the Inhab- etence of any Town of this Province by law are or ought to be -vested with Provided and be it further enacted that nothing in this act contained shall excuse or free aney of the Lands or Inhabitants that have been taxed by the Town of Oxford according to the order of this Court from paying all Past Dues but that they and their Lands be Subjected to pay theire Town Countey and Minesteriall Rates and Taxes in the same maner as they would have been if this act had nevr been made Passed by the Representves and in Council and Consented to by the Govenour Copy Examined J Willard Secry This is a true Copey of this act John Lillie Town Clerk Li the Hous of Representatives Jun i. 1732) Ordred that Joseph Edmunds one of the prinsabel inhabetence of the Town of Dudley in the Countey of Worescster be directed and im- poured to notefie and summon the inhabetence of said Town ot Dudley qualefied for voters to asembel and meet togather somtim in the month of Jun Curent for the choosing of town Ofesers to stand until the next anuell Eleion according to Law aney Law usage or custom to the contrarey notwithstanding :) Sent up for concurence) J Qiiincey Speaker. In Counsel June i : 1732 Read and Consented to J Willard Secry June the i 1732 Consented to J Belcher True Copey Exemened J Willard Secry At a meeting of the Inhabetince of Dudly for the Choys of Dudley Toxvn Records^ -^73-- Town ofesers at the hous of Willoni Carters in said Town on Jun the 20 1732 Chosen moderater Joseph Edmunds then the meeting opned and 1 vots bronght in for select men first chosen Joseph Edmunds the second James Corbin sen the third Ebenezer Ed- munds the fonrth Georg Robson the fifth John LilHe 2 votes brought in for Town Clerk Chosen John Lillie 3 votes brought in for a Constabel Chosen to that ofes Joseph Putney 4 votes brought in for Survyors of higwayes Chosen for the sam Samuell Neuell and Willom Carter 5 vots brought in for i'crice \ eirs Chosen Joshua Hele and Clement Corbin 6 vots brought in for tythen men Chosen for same benji- main Conont and Jonathan Neuell 7 votes brought in for Hogreves Chosen for the sam David Sandrick and Joseph Wakfeild 8 vots brought in for feild drivers Chosen for the same James Corbin Jun and Ebenezer Bacon 9 vots brought in for a Town Treasuer Chosen for the sam Jonathan Neuell ) all these sevearall ofesers took the severall othes belonging to them by the Select men and Town Clerk) Mod rater Seleift men Town Clerk Constabel Survyors of Higwayes Fense veirs Tythiu men Hogreves feild drivers Town Tresuer Worsester ss to the Constabel Joseph Putney of Dudly a warant for.a T^ 1, T N 1 1 . , . Town mealing Greeting Dudly Jun the 22 1732) you are hearby required in his majestes nam to warn the severall inhabetence of this Town to meet at the Hous of William Carters in said Town at 12 of the clock the 29 of this instant Jun then and thare to see whether the Town will consider of hiring a minester for a year to preach the Gospel to them and which way to pay him and to see for a plase to meet at and whare to bord the minester or aney other thing that the Town shall think nedful to act on on Dtidley Town Records^ I73-' said day and to make your return of it to the Seeled men by order of the Select men John Lillie Town Clerk A Town June the 39 1732 At a meeting in Dudly at the hous of Willom Carters in said Town at I3 of the clock Chosen modrater for the same James Corbin sen : I voted to hire a minester for a year meeting to 3 voted to raise the money to pay the minester upon Polls a minster .^j-^} Improved Lands ;ind Stock 3 voted that Willom Carters hous be the hous for to meet in to hear the Gospel preached in 4 voted that the Select men shall provid the minester for this Town 5 voted that the Select men shuld provid the plase to bord the minester at 6 voted that Jonathan Neuell be the man to set the psalm at the Publick Worship voted that Joseph Peper be the man to reed the psalm voted that Willam Carters barn yard be the pound for this present year voted that Willam Carter be tlie pound keeper provided the Select men do provid him a lock A wareut for a Worsester ss to the Constabel Joseph Putney of Dudley Town meeting .... Greting you are hearby Required in his majstes nam to warn the sevoral Inhabetence of this Town to meet at the hous of Joseph Peppers in said Town on the 1 1 day of this Instant September at 12 of the Clock then and their to see whether the Town will send a man or men to their honours Judg Dudley and Colnel Dudly Esq'' and to Colnel Fich to see whether their honours will do aney thing to wards our settling of a minester and building of a meeting hous and to see Dudley ToivJi Records^ 1732' whether the Town will consider of another plase to meet in on the Sabath for the tim to com and if Mr. Robson dos Refuse to sarve as one of our select men to chuse another and aney other thing that the Town shall think nedfull to be acted one on said day and to mak your return of it to the select men by order of the select men Dudley September the 4: 1732 John Lille Town Clerk MetiuE iVt a meetinsT in Dudley at the hous of Joseph Peppers in The Town said Town at 1 2 of the Clock Chosen modj-ater for the sam Joseph Edmunds 1 voted to send 2 men to their honours namly Judg Dudly and Colnel Dudley Esq' and Colnel Fich to see whether those Gentelmen will do aney thing towards our settling of a minester and bulding of a meating hous 2 voted that Joseph Edmunds and George Rolison be the men to treat with thos Gentelmen for the Town in this afaire 3 voted that Samuell Neuells hous be the hous to meet in on the Sabath when it is removed from Willam Carters 4 voted that our Town meetings be warned for tim to Com by setting up a notefication on our publick meeting hous Worsester ss to the Constabel Joseph Putney of Dudley a warent for a rs ^- 1 1 T> • 1 • 1 • • \ 4. Towu meeting Greetnig you are hearby Requu'ed m his majestes nam to warn the sevoral inhabetence of this town to meet at the house of Samuell Neuells in said Town on the sixth day of Novem- ber at teen of the Clock then and their to see whether the Town will raise money to Defray the several Charges arising in the Town and to see whether the Town will send a man to get our nonresidant Lands Taxt at the General Court or aney other thing that the Town shall think nesesarey to be acted on •i 10 Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1732- one said day and to mak your Retin^n of it to the select men by order of the select men Dudley October the 28 : 1732 John Lillic Town Clerk modrater the Town meating November the 6 1732 at a meeting in Dudley at the hous of Samuell Neuells at teen of the clock Chosen modrater for the same Joseph Edmunds I voted that theire shovdd be twentey pounds money * * by the select men to defray the several Charges arising in * * * town A wareut for a Dudley November y* 23 1732 Town meeting ^'^^ Inhabetence of said Town are warned and required hearby to meet and asembel themselves togather at the dwell- ing hovis of Willam Carters in said Town wensday the 27 of November Instant at eight of the clock in the morning then and there to see wdiether they will act upon the following articles ( 1 ) whether thay will reseve what the Honorabel Paull Dudley and Willom Dudley Esq' have ofered to the Town (2) to see whether the Town w'ill chuse a plase to set the meeting house on (3) to see whether the Towai will prosed in calling a Gospel minester and to see what settlement thay will Give him (4) to see wdnetherthe Town will send a man down to the Grat and Genearal Court to get their Land Taxed by order of the select men John Lillie Town Clerk November the 29 1732 there was a meeting of the Inhabet of Dudley Regurley asembled at the hous of Willam Carters in said Town on wensday at eight of the clock Dudley Town Records^ 1732- li Chosen modrater for the present meeting Joseph Eihnnnds modrater 1 voted to chusc a plase to sect the niceting- hous on a Town meet- '■ " nig for the 2 voted that the Town excptcd (jf the Gentehnens ofcr to choysofa ^ meetiug nous the Town Pl'it aud a niiuester 3 voted that the Chovs of the meeting lions phit slionld l)e desitled by a major vot 4 voted that the north side of tlie Indins Land near ^Vilhlm Carters Land be the plase to set the meeting honse on 5 voted that the meeting honse be set upon Willam Carters Land upon the w^est end of his Land near the Indian Lantl 6 voted and Chose the Reverend Mr Isaac Richardson for a Gospel minester to settel in said Town 7 voted by the Inhabetence of said Town that thay will give to there minester use wen the parson above Exprest his accepting of ovu" call a settelment of one hundred and tiftey pounds money togather with a Lot of Land of one hundred acers given by the honouralK'l Willam Dudley Esqr for that use to the Town 8 voted bv the said Inhal)etence that Mr Isaac Richardson accepting of there ofer according to there Choys shall have a Salerey or yearly Reward for his Labor in the Gospel (viz) for the first year Eightey pounds for the second Eightey five pounds and so adding five pounds yearly until it rise to an himdred pounds money yearly 9 voted that the select men namly Joseph Edmunds James Corbin Ebenezer Edmunds Gorg Robson John Lillie togather with Jonathan hobbs Benjman Conant Joseph Putney be a comitey to present there vots to Mr Isaac Richardson and to make there Return to the inhabetence above said 10 voted that our hall Township of Land be taxt for seven years togather as wild Land at tYk^entey shillings upon one hundred acers 1 1 voted that Mr Joseph Edmunds be the man to get this tax upon our Lands at the Gencaral ascmbley 12 Dudley Town Records^ ^732- A warent for a Town meeting Worsester ss to the Constabel Joseph Putney of Dudley Greeting you are hearby lequired in his majestes nam to warn the several inhabetence of this Town to meet at the hous of Willam Carters in said Town on monday the 35 of this instant Desember at eight of the Clock in the morning (i) then and theire to see if thaire was aney thing acted contrary to Law in our proseding in chusing of a minester at our Last meeting that it may be rectefied (2) to hear the act of the Court consarning our Land tax by Mr Joseph Edmunds (3) or aney other thing that shall be thought nedf ull on that day consarning high wayes or runing the Lines betwen this Town and the Towns adjoyneng and to make your Retiu'n of it to the select men by order of the select men Dudlc}' Desember 7 173^ John Lillie Town Clerk niodrater the Town meting At a meeting of the Inhabetence of Dudley Regiu-ley asembled at the house of Willam Carters in said Town on monday at eight of the Clock in the morning the 25 Desem- ber 1732 1 Chosen modrater for the present meeting Joseph Edmunds 2 it being preposed to the Town by the modrater whether aney man was disatestied with our prosedings at our Last meetino" consarning our Choys of Mr Isaac Richardson and it beino- preposed several times to them in the present meeting by the modrater and there being no man in the present meting that obgected against their Choys or Salerey or Settelment of the Reverend Mir Isaac Richardson 1 voted that the select men with a commite of four men to be aded to them Shall Lay ought the high wayes for this Town 2 voted that the select men namly Joseph Edmunds James Corbin Ebenezer Edmunds George Robson John Lillie to- father Jonathan Hobbs and Daniel Mackentier and Clement Diidley Toiv7z Reco7-ds^ 1732 ' 13 Corbin be a comite witli the select men to Lay ought the high wa}'es for this Town 3 voted that James Corbin sen one of our select men witli Jonathan Neuell lie the men to Run the Lines and to mak and Renew the bounds betwen this Town and the Towns adjoyning 4 voted that Mr Morres shall have a hering in this Town at a convenent meeting consarning his joyneng w^ith us 5 voted that the Reverend Mir Isaac Richardsons Salerey. shall be continued as the money is now and to rise and fall as the valeation of money shall be for time to com To his Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esqr Captain Genarar^'hj^ of your w^ards that have Estate so that thay are qualefied ac- j skal l cordlng to law to vot to meet at the meeting hous of sd Dudley . __, on tusday the 22 of may instant at one of the clock afternon to make choys of a man qualefied according to law to sarve and Represent the sd Towui in a grate and General Court or assembley appointeed to be holden and convend and keept for his majesties sarvice at the Court house in Boston upon Wens- day the thirtyth day of may instant and allso to act upon the following artecls if thay see cause i) to see whether the Town will build a pound for sd Town and if the Town see fitt to buld the pound then to agree with a man or men to do the work 2) to see whether the Town will agree to hire som fite parson or parsons to scholl thair children to reed in the sumer season and allso to see whether the Town will hire som fite parson or parsons to school them to wright in the winter season and if the Town see reason to do either of them to agree whare to meet to school them and allso to agre upon a sum of money to be raised upon tlie inhabetence for defraying the chargres their of 10 74 Dudley Town Records^ I739' We the subscribers select men of Dudly and Oxford have meet on the Eighth day of may 1739 according to the notefi- cations given agreabel to the Law of this provence with the asistons of Luten' Isaac Larned surveiar and Decon preambeiatiou Samuell Davis preambeluated and renued the bounds betwen the Towns of oxford and Dudley and begon at the brook coming out of the pond caled Chabuna- gungamaug and then 2ly runeng westerthly to a stump and a heep of stons 3ly from thense to gray oak tre on the west sid of the brook near the milles of mir Robsons which tree is lettered with O D 4ly from thense to a white oak tree and 5ly from thens to the brook wheare it runs into the River 61y then northely partly on the River and partly on the land of Luten' Isaac Larnerd to a heape of stons on the north side of a Lettel brook neare the Rood that goes from oxford to Wood- stock which is sd Larnerd norwest corner yly from thens west to a pich pine tree on a ridged nole in judg Dudleys south Line letterd with O D Sly from thense to a heap of stons upon a Rock which is judg Dudleys southwest corner 9ly from thense to north to a black oak tree in a Lettel swamp loly from thense to a dad white pine tree in the end of a swamp Illy from thense to black barch tree upon a rock near the Rood that goos from oxford to Dudley 1 2 from thense to a white oak tree 13 from thense to a grat heap of stons which is the north east corner of Dudley Town ship and the northwest Corner judge Dudleys farm i4ly from thense west to a white oak tree which is Richardsons northeast corner i5ly from thense to a grate white oak tree on the east side of the Long medow i61y from thense to a white oak tree on the west side of the medow i yly from thens to a reed oak tree with a heape of stons about it iSly from thens to a wallnut tree and a heap of stons about it I9ly from thense to a Read oak tree near the pond 2oly from thense to a black oak tree on the west side of the pond 2ily from thense to a white oak tree on the east side of the letele pond 22ly white oak tre on the west side of the pond 23ly from thense to a white oak tree on the west side of a swamp near to a stak and heap of stons 24ly frorom thense Dudley Town Records^ ^739- 75 to dad white pine tree neare a Rocke valey 25!}- from thense to a white oak tre near Samuell Scotts southwest corner which is a stake and heap of stones 261y from thense to a lettele white oak tree and a heap of stons at the root of it z^ly from thense to a grate white pine tree neare to trout brook near where it runs into the River aSly from thense to a waHnut tree and a side hill 29ly from thense to a white oak tree 3oly from thense to a heap of stons which is Dudleys northwest corner of the Township and oxford southwest corner of their Township at which corner we left of as Wittnes our hands the day and year above said Luten' Isaac Larnard , Select men of oxford Dacon Samu" Davise George Robson | John Lillie I ^^^^^^ "'^" °^ ^"^^^^>' and make due Returns of these warents with doings their in to us the select men at the time and plase above sd given under my hand and seal at Dudley above sd this 1 1"^ day of may 1739 by order of the Select men John Lillie Town Clerk by vartue of these warnts we have warned the several in- habetence of the Town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at time and plase with in mentioned Joseph Scott Samuel Corbin Constabels at a meeting of the inhabetence of the town of Dudley Regu- Town meeting lerly assembled at our meeting hous in stl Town on tusday the 22 of may 1739 1 voted and choos Esqr vintteen moderater for sd meting 2 voted to biuld a pound 3 voted to sect the pound uj^on the northeast corner of the four acers that the meeting hous stands on 4 voted mir manasseh Horsemor to buld a sufisant pound of thirtey foot squar for the Town for six pounds and to main- j6 Dudley Town Records^ ^739- tain it ten years and after the teen years are expired what remains of sd pound to be the Towns 5 voted to have a school keept upon the four acers be- longing to the Town whear the meeting house stands 6 voted to biuld a school house twentey too foot long and eighteen foot wide and eighht foot stud and to biuld the sd school house upon the Towns Land 7 voted by the said inhabetence to raise six and fortey pounds of money to defray the charges of building the sd pound and school house 8 voted by the sd inhabetence to raise twentey pounds of money to defray the scharges of schooling the sentter part of the Town to have theire part of the above sd money and allso each end of the Town to draw their proportion of the money and to lay it out in schooling their children a warent for a Worsester ss to Joseph Scott Sener and Samuell Corbin Town nicetiu"' of the Town of Dudley in the Countey of Worsester the Con- stabels of sd Town Greeting these are in his majesties nam to will and Require you forthwith to warne all the freeholders and other inhabetence qualefied according to Law to vot in Town meetings in each of your wards to meet at our meeting house in sd Town on thursday tlie 13 day of September Instant at nine a Clock in the morning then and theire to act upon the following artickels if thay see cause ily to see whether the Town will adde aney thing to the Revd mr Hows salerey again this year 3ly to see whether the Town will agree to give teen pounds in money to the Reverd mr How this year instead of his fire wood 3ly tor the Comitee that was consarned about biulding of the meeting house and Colectors and Town Treasueres to bring in theire acounts to the Town or to such a Comitee as the Town shall chuse consarning what money and work thay Dudley Town Records^ ^739- 77 have rescved of tlie inhabetence of this Town of theire Land Tax 4ly vvheareas theire are sundrcy parsons verry uneascy Consarning theire Right in the pne room for the Town to see if thay are wronged and to endever to Right them in som way and maner 5ly to see whether the Town will Reconsider that vote that was past consarning mr morrises having a pue for himself and heirs and to dispos of it as the Town shall see fite and make due Return of these warents with youer dooings their in to us the subscribers at the time and plase above sd as you will answer youer Default at the pains and peanelty of the Law in that case made and provided at Dudley this 7"' day of September A D 1 739 George Robson ^ John Lillie i Select Richard Kidder \ men Benjmin Newell J by virtue of these warents wee have warned the sevarall inliabetence of the Town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at the time and plase within mentioned Joseph Scott Sen'' and Samuell Corbin Constal)els at a meeting of the inhabetence of the Town of Dudley Reg- Town meeting ularly asembled at our meeting hous in sd Town on thursday ye j^'h day of September A D 1739 voted and chose mr George Robson modrater for sd meeting ily voted to the Rev mr How twentey pounds to be adtled again to his salerey this year 3ly voted to give to the Revd mr How teen pounds of money of the old tenor this year insteed of his fire wood 3ly no vote past upon this artickel 4ly no vote past upon this artickel 5ly voted not to Reconsider that vote that was past on 78 Dudley Town Records^ ^739' febuarey the 20th 173S-9 relating to mir morrices having a pue for liiniself and heirs The west c\\(\ of the Town Rates for the minester— 73-5-1 1 The east end of the Town Rates for the minester — 64-S-6 These sd Rats ware mad and Delivered into the Constabels hands with a warrent to each for Collectting of the same namly to Joseph Scott Constabel for the west end and Samuel Corbin Constabl for the east end of the Town Dudley October ye 5"' 1739 The notefications that ware posted up by the assesors of the Town of Dudley of the Delinquent propriters Land in sd Town and at Worsester is as follows Worsester ss These are to Cartifie all the Inhabetant Proprietors of the Town of Dudley in sd Countey and allso all the propriatoi's in said Town NonResidants that the asesors ot sd Dudley have asessed theire Lands at two pence par acer for the Bulding the meeting house and other nesesary charges of the propriators of sd Town persuant to a grant or act of the grat and General Court and that the asessors of sd Town have yearly asessed sd Lands Lieng in sd Dudley at at tow pence per acer from the year 1732 until five years ware fully acom- plyshed and fullfiled by a yearly Liste now these are to notifie all the Inhabetant propriators of sd Town and NonResident propriators in sd Town alls that have not paid their Land tax in full as afore said that thay pay it in to the Town Trasuerer of sd Town of Dudley within sixty dayes from the day of the Date of this notification or else the asessors of sd Town wilj proced to sell the Delinquents Lands as the Law of this Dudley Town Records, ^739- 79 Provence provids in such Case Dated at Dudley afor said the eighth day of august A D 1739 Gorge Robinson John LiUie Richard Kidder Benjamin Newell j Dudley Menasseh Horsniore J asessors for sd Worsester ss to Joseph Scott of the Town of Dudley in a warent for a •^ ^ -^ Towu meeting the Countey of Worsester a Constabel of sd Town Greet- ing these are in his Majesties name to will and Require you forthwith to warne all the freeholders and other inhabe- tence qualefied according to Law to vote in Town meetings in the Town of Dudley to meet at our meeting house in sd Town on monday the 10"' day of December instant at one of the clock in the after none then and their to act upon the Following artekel viz to chuse two meet parsons whos care and dutey it shall be to inform of all breaches of the Late act had against killing aney Deear Contarary to sd act and make due Return of this warrent with your doings theire on to us the Subscribers at the Time and plase above sd as you will answer your Defiiult at the pains and penealty of the Law in that case made and provided at Dudley this tliird day of December A D 1739 John Lillie \ vSelect men Richard Kidder > for sd Benjamin Newell ) Dudley by vertue of this warrent I have warned the several inhabe- tence of the Town of Dudley to meet at the time and plase within mentioned Joseph Scott Constabel 8o Dudley Town Records, 1739' Towu meetiug at a meeting of the inhabetence of the Town of Dudley Kegiihiry assembled at our meeting hows in sdTown on mon- day the lo"^ day of December A D 1739 1 voted and choose m'' George Robenson modarater fo sd meeting 2 voted and choose m' George Robenson and Thomas New^ell to be the men to inform of all breaches of the above sd act Dudley may y" 8"" 1 739 We the subscribers select men of the Towns of Woodstock and Dudley according to appointment then meet and with the assistance of Cap Wm Chandler surveyer Preambelated and new markt all the bounds where sd Woodstock and Dudley adjoyns we began at the southwest of sd Dudley it being a heap of stons in the East Bounds of sd Woodstock in the strait line betwen the Coloney of Conetcut and the provence of the masschuset bay which heap of stons we Renewed then we went north in the sd east bounds of Woodstock and new markt a white oak tree the northwest corner of Judge Dudleys Land then we went to the northeast corner of sd Woodstock which was a white oake tree which we allso renewed in new marking and putting stons about it we then proseded in the preambla- tion and new market all the bounds and monements in the north bounds of sd Woodstock untill we come to a heape of stons another corner of sd Dudley it being the southwest corner of mr Vintons Land wheare we left of as wittness our hands the day and year abov said Benj Child ) Select men Edward Morris 3 of Woodstock John Lillie \ Select men Benjamin Newell > of menasseh Horsmor ) Dudley Dudley To%vn Records, iyjg-40. 81 a iiotcfication This is to notefy all the non Resident proprietors of the Town of Dudlev in the Countey of Worcester that have not payed all their Land Tax that is Taxd by the assessors of sd Dudley at two pence per acre by vertue of an act of the Great and General Court to asses the unimproved Lands of sd Dud- ley from the year A D 1732 until five years are past and gon tliat theire Lands will be sould at a vendue if not speedily paid the tax as much of it a will pay what Remains unpaid and charges of sd Tax to those that will give most for it and the plase of sail wi 1 be at the house of Clement Corbins inholder of sd Dudley on the second Tusday of February next ensuing the dat of this notification at ten of the clock in the forenoon at which time and place the sd assessors will attend and at that time of day until it be sould by order of us assessors of sd Dudley Dated at Dudley aforesaid October the 17"* i739 George Robinson John Lillie Kichard Kidder Manasseh Horsmor j Benjamin Newell J assessors for said Dudley Worcester ss to Joseph Scott and Samuell Corbin of the a warent for a Town of Dudley in the Countey of Worcester Constaliels of sd Town Greeting these are in his majesties name to will and Require you forthwith to warn all the free holders and other inhabetence qualefied according to Law to vote in Town meetings in each of your wards to meet at our meeting house in sd Town on monday the 3'' day of march next enseuing at nine of the clock in the morning then and their to act upon the following artickels if thay see cause 1 to chuse Town officers as the Law directs 2 to see whether the Town will accept of the several higli- 11 82 Dudley Totvn Records^ ijjg-40. waycs that have been Layed out by the select men this present year 3 to see whether the Town will come into sum other methood consering mending of our highwayes 4 to see whether the Town will agree with som fit pearson to take care of the meeting hous doors and key and to swep the meeting house and to bring water so ofen as it is needed to baptize the children and make due return of these warents with your doings thereon to us the subcribers at time and plase above sd as you will answer your default at the pains and peanalty of the Law in that case mad and provided at Dudley this 25 day of February annadom 1739-40 John Lillie \ Select men Richard Kidder > for sd Benjamin Newell ) Dudley by vertue of these wafrents wee have warned the several inhabetence of the Town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at time and place within mentioned Joseph Scoot Samuell Corbin Constabels Towu'^meetiug '^^ ^ meeting of the inhabetence ot the Town of Dudley Regularly asembled at our meeting hous in sd Town on mon- day the 3'' day of march annodom 1 739-40 1 Chosen Capt Ebnezer Edmunds modrator for sd meeting 2 voted to have five select men this yeare 3 voted John Lillie Town Clerk 4 voted John Lillie the first select man 5 voted Richard Kidder the second select man 6 voted Benjamin Newell the third select man 7 voted manasseh Horsmore the forth select man 8 voted Clement Corbin the fifth select man 9 voted the select men to be asesors 10 voted Richard Kidder Town Treasuerer 1 1 voted Thomas Cheaney Constabel for the west end of the Town Dudley Tow ft Records^ iyjg-40. 83 12 voted Tliomas Newell Constabel for the cast end of the Town 13 voted Willam Carter and Benjamin Putney Surveiers for the east end of the Town 14 voted Joshua Healy and Elisha Saben Surveiors for the west end of the Town 15 voted philip Newell and Philip Corbin tything men 16 voted Ebenezer Coburn and Jacob bradbury fens vewers 17 voted that the swine should go at Large being youked and ringed 18 voted Daniel Coburn jun and Frances Carter Hog Reves 19 voted Joseph Saben and Samuel Child a informers or complaners of any pearsons that kill Deear Conterary to the Lat act 30 voted that the select men should agree with som parson to tak care of the meeting house 31 voted by the Town to accept of all the highwayes that ware Layed out by the select men this yeare excepting that throu Joseph Davis without pertickuler men do give him ten pounds in money by the first of may and if thav do then it is exepted and if thay do not then it is to be void and of none efect all these before menteoned officers have taken the aire their oaths as the Law directs Dudley Apriel ye 3** 1739 a highway Layed out by the select men of sd Town and Exeptq^l by the Town at the anual meeting march 3'* 1740 and is as follows begining at a stack and heap of stons on the west side of quinebouge River which stake and heap of stons staning on the south side of sd river near the foot bridge which is over sd river and from thense runing near northwest by a Line of heap of stons to another stack and heap of stons near Capt Edmunds dwelling house the sd road to be foin- rods wide and all the sd markes are on the southwest side of sd rood and then runing west from sd stak and stons to another stak and heap of stons and from thense to 8 if. Dudley Town Recoi-ds^ iyjg-40. Woodstock Line to a Lettel red oak stak with a lieap of stons about it which rood from the stak and heap of stons that is near Capt Edmunds is eight rods wide to Woodstock Line and all these markes are on the south side of sd rood and the wdiole of sd rood is Layed out on judg Dudleys Land Dudley November ye 26 1739 '> highway La^ed out liy the select men of sd Town and Exeptcd by sd Town at oiu" annual meeting on march the 3'' 1740 : and is as follows begin- ing at Philip Corbins hous and from thense near west to the R*^ mr Hows southeast corner which is a stak and heap of stons and so upon Philip Corbins south Line on the south sid of it to a Lettel white oak tree with a heap of stons about it which is sd Corbins northwes corner of his Lot and from thense near southwest to a black oak tree markt on three sids of it on the Indians Land and from thense to a grate Chusnut tree markt on thre sids and from thense to a walnut tree markt on the east sid on a Lettel Run and from thense to a small read oak and from thens to a small white oak tree and from thense to read oak tree near the rood that comes from mr Robesons mill and goes to the meeting hous and all the sd markes are on the northerly side of sd road and said road to be two rods wide Dudley February y"" 27"" 1739-40 a highway Layed out by the select men of sd Town and exepted by sd Town at the annual meeting on march the 3*^ 1740 and is as it follows be- gining at Richard Kidders west Line at a black oak tree markt standing in the rood that coms from Oxford to Dudley and so runing near west on the Land belonging the heirs of governer Dudley to a white oak tree markt on the east side of a Letel run and so a Long as tlie path now goes betwen a Lettel medow and swamp and from thense to a Larg white Dudley Town Records., lyjQ-^O. 8^ oak tree markt and so a long as the path now goes to tlie poml brook and then up the brook to the pond and over sd brook clost to the pond and so west to to Thomas Newells Land and throu sd Newells Land to a white oak tree markt near sd Newells twcntey acere Lot and so up Rocke hill as the path nov/ goes to the top of the hill and then in the foot path on the north side of a Letel swamp and so into the rood that comes from James Corbins and so along in sd rood as it was formarly Layed out to Nathan Ramsdels barn yard and thrugh his barn yard west through his Lot to a picii pine tree markt on the north sid of the rood and from thens to his west Line and from his west Line near southwes through mr Ebenezer Goers Land to a chasnut tree markt on the southeast side of the rood near Ebenezer Davisons north Line and from thense straight to a white oak tree markt on the east sid of the rood and from thense through Ebenezer Davisons Land betwen his hous and barn and as the path now goes down to the rood that comes from Jonathan Hobbs and goes to Deacon Conants and the whole of said rood is to be two rods wide and the most of sd markes are on the northerly sid of sd rood Dudley February the 28"" 1739-40 a highway Layed out by the select men of sd Town and exepted by the Town at our anual meeting on march the 3'' 1740 'ind is as follows be- gining at white oak teee markt a Lettel northeas of Joseph Vintons hous and from thense near northeast down to the river over sd river to a smal white oak tree markt and so throu Esq Vintons Entervail to his Lane to the Lettel bridge on the west side of the bridge and so through sd Vintons Land under ratelsnake rock as the path now goes to the top of the hill to a heap of stons and from thense near north in James Taylors Land to a white oak tree with a heap of stons about it and from thense to a to a walnut tree in sd Taylors Land with a heap of stons about it and from thense through sd Taylors Land to Joseph Jewells Jun norwest corner and so through sd 86 Dudley Town Records^ jyjg-40. Jewells Land on his north Line on the south sid of it tow rods wide to Joseph Jewells sen Land and along on his north line on tlie south side of it two rods wide unto the rood that comes from John Taylors and from a heap of stons in sd Taylors Land runing near southeast through Joseph Jewells sen nor- east corner of his Land straight to a grat chasnut tree in the midel of sd rood and from thense to a wallnut tree markt in the Line betwen sd Jewell and Samuell Newell and from thens straight to a white oak tree markt in Samuell Newells Land on the side of the hill and from thense runing near east on the Line betwen Samuell Newell and Jonathan Newell one rod on Samuel Newell and one rod on Jonathan Newell to a heap of .stons and from sd Line near south- * east to a white oak tree in Jonathan Newells Land and from thense to a white oak tree markt and from thens straight to a white oak tree markt and from thense sraight throu Samuel Xewells pastuer and mooing Land to his brook in his Lane near his house and throu his Lane to the end of it and from thense a long by sd Newells Land and by William Carters south Line in the Indians Land to a popel stump with a heap of stons about it and from thense to a straight to a pith pine tree which is the northwest corner of the four acers that was given to the Town and all the sd markes are on the northerly side of sd rood and the whole of sd rood is to be two rods wide the old highway fomorly Layed out by the Select men in the year 1734 wheare it is Recorded from Joseph Jewells seners Land to his north east corner and from thence baring east and benoth accros Benjamin Newell and Jonathan Newells Land pritey straight to the northwest corner of Samuell Newells Hundred acer Lot is void and of none efect by Reason of alltering of it from the above sd Jewells north Line for the more convenence of sd rood Dudley Toxvii Records^ J 7 40- 87 Worcester ss To the Constabels Thomas Newell and Thomas Cheney of • ■ the Town of Dudley in the Countey of Worcester Greeting -I skai, J for as much as sundrey Parsons being freeholders and other • — ,— - inhabetence of the sd Town of Dudley qualefied by Law to vote in Town affaires have Latly as well at divers times hear-Vowu meetiug tofore made application to us the select men of sd Town that a Town meeting might be called to Reconsider those Divers votes formaly Pased Relating to the Granting of places or spases in the Publick meeting hous erected for the worship of god in sd Town desined for the placing or building Pews or at the charge of the Grantees and it being aledged or suggested that sd votes ware not Regularly mad and jDased and that the rule which ought to have Governed that affaier ware not at- tended or Regarded and for as much as the Grantees have not as yet Expended aney Cost or Charge in Erecting or building aney of sd Pews or the plases or the spases asigned for them to be built as aforesaid to the intent thearefore that justice and Right theirein may now be don and the peace of the Town be joresarved and premoted these are to direct and Require you seasonabley to notefie all the Freeholders and other inhabetence of sd Town of Dudley qualefied as aforesaid in each of your wards to assembel and meet at our meeting hous on tusday the fiftenth day of April at teen of the clock in the fore noon then and theire in a publick and Laful Town meeting to take the Premeses into theire searas wise and just considration that if thay shall see cause and good Reason thay may then and theire Reconsider those former votes and com into aney other or further methods ways or means for the just due peasebel dis- position Granting or determing the said places or spaces as to them shall seme most just meet and convenent Ileareof fail not and make due Return of these warrents with your doin^^s theareon to us the subscribers at the time and place within mentioned as you will answer your default at the penealtev of 88 Dudley Toxvn Records^ ^740. the Law in that case dated at Dudley aforesaid the thirtey first day of march annodom 1740 John Lillie ^ Richard Kidder 1 gdect Clement Corbin ^ rnenasseh Horsmorc | men Benjamin Newell J by virtue of these warents we have warned the several in- habetence of the Town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at the time anil place within mentioned Thomas Newell Thomas Cheney Constabels Town meeting '^^ a meeting of the Inhabetence of the town of Dudley Regularly asembled at our meeting hous in sd Town on tusday y" 15th day "of April 1 740 1 voted and chose Capt Edmunds modrater for sd meeting 2 voted and Reconsidered all those former votes Relating to the Granting of plases for the building of pews in our meeting house and to com into the method in disposing of them as folowes 1 voted that those meen that have payed most to the chai'ges in Town ever sence that we ware incorprated into a Town with one head to an estate 2 to have a regard to thos men that ware the first setlers in Town 3 that those that have an estate of freehold in Town shall have the pews 3 voted to have five men to be a Cometee to search the Lists and to see who the pews do belong to 4 voted deacon Conant and Esq Vinton and John Lillie and Benjamin Newell and Menasseh Horsmore bethe Comltee to see who is to have the Pews and to mak return to the Town Dudley Towti Records^ ^740- ^9 Worcester ss to Thomas Cheney and to Thomas Newell ^ '^^3™* ^^l^ ■J Town meeting of Dudley in the Countey of Worcester Constabels for sd Dudley' and to eacli of them Greeting these are in his majesties name to Require you forthwith to warn the free- '^ — ^ holders and other Inhabetence of sd Town in each of your |si;.\i. | wards that have an estate so that thay are qualefied according — ~ to Law to meet at the meeting house of sd Dudley on thursday the twentey second day of may instant at one of the clock afternoon to make choyes of a man qualefied according to Law to sare and Represent the said Town in a grate and General Cort or assembley appointed to be holden and Convened and kept for his majesties sarvics at the Cort hous in Boston upon w'ensday the twentey eight day of may and to act upon the following artecls if thay see cause I to chuse a select man in the room of mr Hosmore Late Removed out of Town 3 to see if the Town will continue mir Hosmore a Commite man Consearning the pews or to Chuse another in his room and make due Return of these warents with your dooings theire on to us the subcribers at the time and plase above sd as you will answer your default at the paine and penealtey of the Law in that case mad and provided given under our hands and seal at Dudley above sd this nintenth day of may anno Dom 1740 Clement Corbin \ Select men Richard Kidder > for sd Benjamin Newell ) Dudley hy vertue of these warrents we have warned the sevaral inhabetence of the Town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at the time and plase above sd Thomas Cheney Thomas Newell Constabels at a meeting of the inhabetence of the Town ot Dudley '^"'''" '"^■'^^^'"^' go Dudley Town Records^ I740- Regulary assembled at our meeting hous in sd Town on thvu^sday the twentey second day of may 1 740 1 voted and chose Esq"" Vinton modevater for sd meeting 2 voted and chose Esq'' Vinton select man in the room of mr Hosmore Lat removed out of Town 3 voted to Continue m'' Ilosmore a Comitte man Consern- ing the pews a wareut for a Worcester ss to Thomas Cheney and Thomas Newell of owu mee in ^j^^ Xown of Dudley in the Countey of Worcester Constabels of sd Town Greeting : these are in his majesties name to ,^A_, will and Require you forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other inhabetence Qiialefied according to Law to vote in Town meetings in each of your wards to meet at our meeting hous in sd Town on monday the 29"^ day of September instant at nine of the clock in the morning then and their to act on the foiling artkels if thay see cause 1 to see whether the Town will add aney thing more to the Revd mr Hows Sallerey 2 to see what method thay will com into to provide him his fire wood 3 to see whether the Town will do aney thing to provide schooling for their children and if thay do then to grant money to be raised to defrey the charges thearof 4 for all the inhabetence to bring in an invoice of their Ratebel Estates to the select men on sd day in order for mak- ing of the Cuntrey Tax 5 to see whether the Town will accept of the Commites Report Relating to the pues and if thay do then to vote them to those pearsons to hom thay do belong and allso to set a time for biulding of them and make due Return of these warents with your doings thearon to us at the time and place above mentioned as you will answer your default at the pains and penalty of the Law in that case mad and provided at Dudley Town Records^ 1740- Qi Dudley the 22 day of September Ad ome mi 1740 by order of the select men John Lillie Town Clerk by vertue of these warents we have warned the several in- habetence of the Town of dudley in each of our wards to meet at the time and place within mentioned Thomas Newell and Thomas Cheney Constabels at a meeting of the inhabetence of the Town of dudley the Town . . meeting Regularly assembeled at our meetmg hous in sd Town on monday the 29"^ day of September 1 740 1 Voted and chose Esq'' Vinton modrater for sd meeting 2 voted to give to the Rd mr Howe fortey pounds in money this present year in considration of his building 3 Voted fortey cord of fire wood to the Re*' mr Howe this present year cut and carted to his door fit for his fire 4 Voted that the fire wood for m' How should be set at 12 shillings acord and to be Raised ujoon the inhabetence by a Rate 5 Voted to raise 30 pounds of money to defrey the charges of schooling the Town to be devided into three parts and each part to draw their proportion of the money and to Lay it out in schooling of their children 6 Voted Joshua Healy for the senter of the Town and Benjamin Putney for the east end and Benjamin Newell for the west end of the Town to be a Commitey to devide tlic Town into three parts as thay shall subcribe and each part is to pay whear thav subcribe 7 Voted to accept of the Commites Report Relating to the Pues 1 Voted to Dacon Joseph Edmunds that Pue in the north- west corner of the meeting house joyning to mr Howes 2 Voted to Willam Carter that pue on east sid of the front doors P-2 Dudley Town Reco7-ds, 1740. 3 Voted to Joshua Healy that Pewe on the west sid of the front doors 4 Voted to Samuel Newell that midel pue on the east side of the pulpit 5 Voted to Ebenezer Edmunds that pue on the east side of the pulpit 6 Voted to John Vinton Esq"^ that pue on the Right hand of the east doors 7 Voted to George Robenson that pue on the south side ol the east doors 8 Voted to Clement Corbin that pue joyning Joshua Healeys on the west side of the front doors 9 Voted to Dacon Benjamin Conant that peue on the north- east corner of the meeting house 10 Voted to Thomas Cheney thet midel pue on the east side of the front doors joyning to mr Carters 1 1 Voted to James Corbin that pue on the south side of the w^est doors 13 Voted to Jonathan Newell that pue on the north side of the west doors 13 Voted to Benjamin Newell the midel pue on the north side of the east doors betwen Esq Vintons ad Dacon Conants 14 Voted to Ebenezer Bacon the midel pue on the north side of the west doors 15 Voted to Samuel Corbin that pue on the south side of the east doors joyning to the womens stairs 16 Voted to Joseph Putney that pue on the south side of the west doors betwen James Corbins and the stairs 17 Voted that those pearsons that have the pues shall build them in the spase of one year from this time or els thay shall Return to the Town again 18 voted and chose Esqr Vinton to go down to adrees Great and General Court to see whether their Honours will abate som thing of our provinc Tax and fine Daniel Coburn sener did hear at this present meeting enter Dudley Town Records^ i740- Q3 his desent against that vote of the Towns accepting of the Commites Report Relating to the Pues The sum total of the ministers Rates for the west end : 73-1 2-1 I The sum total of the provence Tax for the west end 35-19-4 The sum total of the school Rates for the west end I 5-1 6-3 The sum total of the minicsters Rates for the east end 72-15-0 The sum total of the provnce Tax for the east end 35-1S-6 The sum total of the school Rats for the east end 14-1 I-IO these above sd Rates w^are mad and Delivered into the Constabels hands with a warent to each for colecting of the same namly to Constabel Thomas Cheney for the west end and Constabel Thomas Newell for the east end of the Town Dudley October ye 13"' 1740 Worsester ss to Thomas Cheney and Thomas Newell of the Town of Dudley in the Countey of Worcester Constabels for the said Town of Dudley and to each of them Greeting -^— Whearas our Revd Pastor hath ajcain been Left to fall into the ° a warrent for a sin of intemjDrance to our Great Greife and sorow and under '^°''^'^ meeting a humbel sence theirof earnestly desirs an oppertunity to convears with the Church and Congregation of his Charge in a publick manner in order to act the part of a Christain towards them and see what methoods to come in to for the healing of the breach his sin hath mad between him and his pepole so that Gods name and the Religon of Christ may not sufer and Q/f. Dudley Town Records^ iJiO. the peace and tranquilety of this Town may yet be continued thearfore These are in his majesties name to will and Require you and each of you forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other inhabetence of sd Town of Dudley in each of your wards to meet at our meeting house in sd Town on fryday the 7* of November at one of the clock after noon then and theire to act on the following articls if thay see cause 1 To see if the Town will accept of the satesfaction which the Revd Mr Howe shall then offer unto them and Restore him to their Love and cheai'ety both as a christain and as thayer minister and if not then 2 To consider what steps the Town shall take in order to Redress the above sd Greviances and mak due Return of these warrents with your doing theiron to us the select men at the Time and place above sd hearof fail not as you will answer your default at the pains and penealty of the Law in that case mad and provided at Dudley the 31 day of October A D 1740 by order of the select men John Lillie Town Clerk by vertue of these warrents we have warned all the free- holders and other inhabetence in the Town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at the time and place within mentioned : Thomas Cheney Thomas Newell Constabels Town meeting ^t a meeting of the inhabetence of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting hous in sd Tow^n on frytlay the 7 of November 1 740 1 voted and chose Esqr Vinton modrater for sd meeting 2 voted to forgive the Revd Mr Howe and to Restore him again to our Love and Charety both as a Christan and as our pastor and teacher Dudley Town Records^ ^740- g^ Bretheren & f rinds In as much as I have been Left again to fall into the Heinas sin of intemprence & have been sundrey times too much un- garded & have too much indulged ni}- self in the free use of spiritous Lyquors to the Dishonour of God Discredit of Re- ligion to the wounding of my one soul & the Great Greife & sorow of you & all the pepole of God who are apprized thearof I hope God hath been pleased Graciasly to open my eyes to see my sine in its true colurs I have Reason to hope that he hath touched my hart with true Remors & Godley sorow for my sine and as I have in a humbel sence of my Guilt earnestly sought unto him for his pardaing mercy and sence of his Love & favour so to the Glory of the Riches of his Grace I must acknoledge that by the sweet whispers of his spirit he hath caused the bons which he hath broken to Rejoyce and as I now ask forgiveness of all Gods peapol in Genearal so in as much as my sin & fall very peculiarly & awfully affects vou in pearticular so I humbly ask of you all your forgiveness of these my trespasses against you intreeting you to Restore me to your love & charety asuring you I have an uter abhorrence of those things I have practiced and humbly Relying upon the allsufficent Grace of God I promise to Lead a new & Regular Life determining not only to abstain from the abuse but even from the use of all inebriateing & si^iritous Lyquors unles in a time when sixness or my circumstances may evedently call for it Endeavoring to sett before others an Exampele of sobriety & temprance in all things to adorn the Doctrin of God my savour by a holy & blamelesse Conversation Laboring so to behave my selfe for the futere as that the joy & satisfaction you may have in mee may infinitly exced the Greife & sorow of hart I have brought upon you striveing to approve my selfe faithfuU unto Jesus Christ & faithfull unto all your souls & to walk before God & before you to all well pleasing thus earnest- ly intreeting you to strive togather with me in your pra}'ers to the God of all Grace that I may have Grace to perform these my Resolutions & to walk worthy of that high & holy vocation wherewith I am called &. asuring you that as I have allwayes g6 Dudley Town Records^ 1^40-41. don sence the Day that I came among you so I shall continue to bare you upon my hart before God Continualy and be Ready to sarve the intrest of your souls & bodeyes both by Day & night according to the best of my abilit}^ so Long as God shall continue me amongst you thes things I offer to your Christain Consideration hoping you will not forget the direction of the holy apostil in 6 Glat begin Bretheren if aney man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considring thy self Least thou allso be tempted Dudley March y" 2'' 1740-41 Then Received of the Town of Dudley in Bills of Creditt the whole of the Salary Granted me by s*^ town from the Day of My ordination to the tenth Day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred & thirty nine, forty, I Say Received Per Me Perley Howe Worchestor ss A notification for our annuall meeteing this is to notify all the free holders and other inhabitance of the town of Dudley that are quallifyed according to law to Vote at in town meeteings to meete and assemble them selves to gather at our meeteing hous on monday the second Day of march to act on the fowlling Artikls if thay see cause 1 to chuse town oflerses as the law Directs 2 to see wheather the town will Provoid a stock ol amunition 3 to see wheather the Town will give mr Vinton liberty to build a teen foot hous on the fore acors belonging to the town Dudley Febuary y* 23 1741 by order of the select men John Lilly Town Clark Dudley Toxvn Records^ I74i- 97 At a meeteing of the iuhabetents of the town of Dudley ^^^^.^^^-^j^^l^^i.^ Reguleiiy assembled at our meeteing hous in sd Town on monday ye 3 day of march 1741 1 Voted and chose Esq"' vinton modiator for sd meeteing 2 Voted to have five select men for the year insueing 3 voted Capt Ebenezer Edmunds the first select man 4 voted Clenient Corbin the second select man 5 voted mr John Vinton third select man 6 voted Jonathan Newell the forth select man 7 voted Benjamin Newell the fift select man 8 voted the select men to be assesors for the year ensueing 9 voted Jonathan Newell Newell town Clerk 10 voted Clement Corbin town treasurer 1 1 voted Jonathan Hobbs Cunstable for the west end of the town 1 2 voted Gorge Robison Constable for the east end of the town 13 voted Joshua healy and Joseph Vinton survaors for the west end of the town 14 voted Ebenezer Davison and John Bracket survaors for the east end of the town 15 voted Benjamin Davis and Daniel Coburn Tything men 16 voted Philip Corbin and Jacob Chamberlin fence Vewers 1 7 voted for hogs to go at large 18 voted nethaniel Jewell and Samuel Child hog Reavs 19 voted Ebenezor Bacon and John Bracket informers of those who violate the law in Killing Deear 20 Voted to mr John Vinton to have teen foote of ground upon the north line of the four acors belonging to the town to seet a small hous upon All these Above mentioned oflecers have Taken there oths as the law Directs exsept Daniel Coburn jnir g8 Dudley Town Records^ 17 4^ • X SEAL V Worsester ss To Constable Jonathan Hobbs and Consta- ble George Robison of Dudley greeteing these are to will and Require you forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants that are qualifyed acording to Law to vote in warrant for a • • r-. n • ^ town meeting town meeteings ni Dudley to meete at our meetenig hous on munday ye twenty third day of November instant at one of the clock after noon to act on the following articles it they see cause 1 To see what the town will add to the Reverend mr Hows sallary for this preasent 3'ear 2 to see what meathod the Town will take in procureing mr hows fierwood this year also and make Return of these warrants with you doings thare on to us the subscribers at time and place above mentioned as you will answer your defaults at thfe pains and penalty of the law in that cans made and provoided Dated att Dudley y^ sixteenth day of No- vember 1 74 1 by order of the select men Jonathan Newell Town Clark by vartue of these warrants we have warned the several in- habitants of the town ot Dudley in each of our wards to meete att the time and place within mentioned Jonathan hobbs and George Robison Constables the Att a meeteing of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley town mee ing jj^gg^j^-^-jy assembled at our meeteing hous in sd tow^n on the twenty third day of November 1741 1 Voted and chose Deacon Joseph Edmunds modiator for said meeting 2 Voted to add fifty pounds to the Reverend mr Hows sallary for this present year ■^ Voted to cut and cart forty cord of Fier wood to the Revei'end mr hows for this present year 4 Voted that the town shall cut and cart mr hows forty cord of fier wood for this present year to his dwelling hous by the first day of March next ensueing or each man then that is delinquant in cuting and carting his part of said fier wood to Dudley Town Records^ 1^41-2. gg his mr hows dweling hoiis by the time a fore said propotioned by the assessors shall pay to mr how at the Rate of fifteen shillings a cord in monny by the said first day f)f march nex ensueing- The Slime total of the town Rate for the west end 84-6-4 Record The sum Total of the provoince Rate for the west end 14-4-0 The sum total of the town Rate for the east end was y^^-iS-o The sum total for the Provoince Rate for the east end was 1 2-16-2 which said Rats ware made and delivered into the constables hands with a warrant to each for collecting the same namelv to Constable Jonathan Hobbs for the west end and to Constable George Robison for the east end of the town Dudley Desember the 31 1741 Dudley February y" 22**, A. D. 1741-2 Then Received of the Town of Dudley in Bills of Creditt the sum of one Hundred & forty pounds being in full for My salary in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & forty ; I : E : to the tenth Day of March A : D : 1740-41 I say Received by Me Perley Howe Worchester ss A notification for our anuell meeteing in the year 1742 This is to Notify all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of a Notification the town of Dudley that are quallifyed acording to law to vote in town meeteings to meete and assemble them selves to o-ather at our meeteing hous on munday the first day of march in the wo Dudley Town Records, 1^41-2. year 1743 at nine of the clock in the morning to act on the following articels if they see cause 1 to chuse town officers for the year insueing as the law directs 2 for the town to Receive the Committes acount consearn- ing our meeteing hous and also to chuse a man or tow to add to deacon Conant to till up the vacuncy of that Committee 3 for the town to provoid a standdard of waits and measurs as the law directs 4 to see what the town will do consearning bulding a scool hous or houses and seetting up a scool in the town to prevent the charg of being find for want there of as well as for want of a standdard of waits and measurs for the grand jury man of Woodstock is ordered by the inferiour Court of this county to make inquiery into the scurcomstances of towns that have no grand jury man and of this town in particuler and for want there of to present the same Dated at Dudley y*" 20 day of Febuary in the year 1 741-2 By order of the select men Jonathan Newell Town Clark town meeteing att a meeteing of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley Reg- ulerly assembled att our meeting hous on miniday y*^ i day of march ann Domini 1 741-2 1 voted and chose Capt Vinton mediator for said meeteing 2 voted to have five select men for the year ensueing 3 voted and chose Capt vinton the first select man 4 voted and chose Capt Edmunds the second select man 5 voted and chose Clement Corbin the third select man 6 voted and chose Benjamin Newell the forth select man 7 voted and chose Jonathan Newell the fifth select man 8 voted that the select men should be assessors for the year ensuing 9 voted and chose Jonathan Newell Town Clark 10 Voted and chose Clement Corbin Town treasurer Dudley ToivJi Records^ i'j4l-2. 11 voteJ and chose Joseph Sabin Cunstable for the west end of the Town 12 voted and chose Jacob Bradbury Cunstable for the east end of the town 13 voted and chose John Burnal and Jacob Chamberlin Survavors of high ways for the west end of the town 14 voted and chose Jeams Corbin and Samuel child Sur- vayors of high ways for the east end of the town 15 voted and chose Ebenezer Bacon Tything man for the west end of the town 16 voted and chose Daniel Doddg Tything man for the east end of the town 17 voted and chose Joseph Jewell junr fence vewer for the west end of the town 1 8 voted and chose Ellick Nicols fence vewer for the east end of the town 19 voted and chose thomas hutchcns junr hog Reaf for the west end of the town 20 voted and chose Benjamin Dike hog Reaf for the east end of the town 21 voted for hogs to go at large for the year ensueing 22 voted that Elisah Sabin and Samuel Corbin should be the informers of those that violate the law of those that kill Dear conterary to the act 23 voted that the select men provoid a standdard of waits and measurs on the towns charge Namely a half Bushel a peck and half peck a pair of skails a pound wait a half pound and a quarter of a pound 24 voted and chose Jonathan Newell seailer of waits and measurs 25 voted and chose Joshua healy and Clement Corbin to add to Deacon Conant to fill up the vacuncy there was in that committe concarning finnishing the Body of our meeteinghous 26 voted that the town should buld a scool hous upon the towns four acors of land near our meeteing hous of twenty feete long and fiveteen feete wide 27 voted that Capt vinton and Clement Corbin should be a 102 Dudley Town Records^ i'/ 4.1-2. committe to see the scool hous ERected and Enclosd as soon as may be The above mentioned officers have been sworn to their Re- spective Dutlyes in their offices as the law directs A warrant for a Worcester ss To the constables Joseph Sabin and Jacob iovvii lueetiug _ . . Bradbubary ol' Dudley Greeteing these are to will and Re- quier you forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants in said town in either of your wards that are quallifyed as the law directs to vote in town meeteing to meete at our meeleing hous in sd town on fryday the fifteenth day of October instant at teen of the clock in the forenoon to act on the following articals town meeteing (i) To sec wheither the town will give mr how any more salary for the preasent year then what we agreed with him for when he first settled amongst us (2) to Raise mony to pay mr Baulding for his work in our meeteing hous (3) To Raise mony to pay the Committee for bulding the scool hous (4) For those parsons that are indetted to the town to bring ther money in and to make up with the town Treasurer to prevent further trobule (5) and also for those parsons that have any demands upon the town to bring in their acounts that they may be adjusted (6) for the town to Raise money to pay other Nessesary charges that have arisen with in the same : and make Return of your warrant with your doings theiron to us the subscribers at the time and place above sd as you will answer your defaults at the pains and Pannilty of the Law in that case made and provoided Dated att Dudley the sixth day of October anno Domeni 1742 By order of the select men Jonathan Xewell Town Clark By order of these warrants we have warned the several in- Dudley Tozuji Records, I742' loj haitants of the town of Dudley in each of our wards to nicete att the time and phice within mentioned : Joseph Sabin Jacob Bradbury Constables att a meeteing of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeteing hous in said town on frydy the fifteenth day of October Anno Dommeni 1742 (i) voted and chose Capt Ebenezer Edmunds modiator for sd meeteing (2) voted that the town dont see cause to give mr howe any more sallary for the preasant year then we covenented with him for when he first setteled amongst us (3) voted and granted thirteen pounds tow shillings and fore pence to pay mr Baulding his due with what is due to the town in Nots in the Treasurers hands (4) Voted and granted fortey six pounds money to pay the scool hous Committe for Bulding the same : (5) voted and granted twenty tow pounds Eleven shillings and nine pence mony to fray the other Nessesary charges that has a risen within the town Worcester ss To Constable Jacob Bradbury of Dudley warrant for a , Tovvu meeting greeting these are to will and Requier you forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants in the town of Dudley that are quallifyed as the Law directs to vote in town meeteing to meete at our meeteing hous in sd town on Thirds- day : the twenty eight day of October instant att teen of the clock in the morning then and their for the town to concur with the vots of the church if they see cause : in the advice of the Reverend mr Cambill of oxford the Reverend mr Rice of Sturbridge the Reverend mr Stiles of Woodstock which which the church here have sent to for advice and judgment under 10^ Dudley Town Records^ 174-2. our difficult surcomstances Relateing to our Reverend pastor mr perly how and the church and town hear and make Return of this warrant with your doings their on to us the subscribers at the time and phice above mentioned here of fail not as you will answer your defaults at the pains and penalty of the law in that case made and provoided Dated att Dudley the twentyth day of October Anno Domni 1742 By order of the select men Jonathan Newell Town Clark Worcester ss October y* 28 1 742 By vartue of this warrant I have warned several of tlie inhabitants of this town Jacob Bradbury Constble town meeting ''^^^ ^ meeteing of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley Regulerly assembled att our meeteing hous in sd town on thirdsday the twenty eight day of October Anno Domnini 1742 (1) voted and chose Deacon Joseph Edmunds modiator for sd meeteing (2) the town voted and concord with the vots of the church Relateing to the difficult surcomstances Relateing to our Rev- erend pastor mr pearly howe and the church and town hear The sum total of the town Rate for the west end ot the town is 1 1 4- 1 6-8 The sum total of the town Rate for the east end of the town is 118-15-1 which Rats ware made and Deliverd to the Constables with a warrant to each to collect the same Namely to Constable Joseph Sabin for the west end of the town and to Jacob Bradbury Consta of the east end of the town November ye 24 1742 Dudley 7 own Records^ 1743' ^ Worcester ss to the Constables Joseph Sabins and Jacob warut Braclbary greeting these are to will and reqiure each of you forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other inhabitance in sd town in each of your w'ards that are qualifyd as the law directs for voting in town afairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye twenty eight"' day of march instant at nine a clock in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) t?o chuse town officers for y^' year insuing as the law directs 2) for the town to exsept of a roode laid out by the select men four rods wide begining at or near the pattin or collony line to our meeting house 3) for the town to chuse a person or persons to send the next may sessions to se if ye rood tliat is laid out through our town by the meeting house to oxford line may serve for the count rood through sd town 4) for the town to come into some method to pay the school master for his labour in scooling our children the winter past either by raising money for the same or to convert the 30 pounds raisd some time past for scooling our children to answer now as fare as it will go and make retiu'n of your warrant with your doing theron to us the subscribers at the time and place above mentioned as you will answer your default at the pains and penelty of y" law in that case maid and provided Dated at Dudley the eighteenth day of march and in the sixteenth year of his majestis reigen ano dom 1743 By order of y^ select men ■ Jonathan newel town clerk march y*" 28 1743 persuant to this warrant we have warntl the several inhabitance in each of our wards Joseph Sabin and Jacob Bradbery Constables at a meeting of the inliabitance of ye town of Dudley regu- town meet iug Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1743' lei'ly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on munday the 28"" day of march 1743 1 ) voted that all the freeholder of sd town should be voters by a graet inajorytie and all agreed to it & voted to have five select men this year 2) voted and chose Clement Corbin moderator for sd meeting 3) voted Benja" Conant y^ first select man 4) voted Clement Corbin the secound select man 5) voted Richard Kidder the third select man 6) voted Joshua healy the fourth select man 7) voted Benja" newell the fifth select man 8) voted Benja" Conant town clerk 9) voted Clement Corbin town treasurer 10) voted Jonathan hibberd constable for ye east end of the town 11) voted Ebenezer Coburn constable for ye west end of the town 12) voted John brackit tything man for ye east end of the town 13) voted John Curtis tything man for the west end of the town 14) voted Jonathan newell sealer of waits and measuers 15) voted nathan ramsdil and Benja" Davis survayers of high ways for the east end of the town 16) voted Joseph Sabin and Joseph jewell survayers of high ways for the west end of the town 17) voted John Davison and Benja" Denis fence vewers 18) voted philip corbin and paul rich complainers of those that violate the law in killing Dear 19) voted that swine shall go at large y* year insuing 20) voted Elishua Sabin and Elisha Corbin hoge reaves 21) voted and exepted by the town the highway laid out by the select men and brought to this meeting 22) voted and chose Sam" newell to go to Worcester at may court to se if y* highway laid out through our town by the meeting house maye by excepted for the county roode Dudley Town Records^ ^743- 33) voted that the money that wase granted some time past for scooling our children shall be colected and paid into the town treasurer to pay m"" may for his service in scooling our children the winter past 24) voted the select men to be assesers memorandum that the several offisers above mentioned have taken there oaths as the law directs Dudley march y" 17'*" 1743 A highway laid out by the select men of sd town bcgining at or near the colony line a white oke tree markt on the south- east side of sd roade on the tope of a little hill on the north sid of whate is m"' morriss little bridg on his roade to our meeting house from thence to a gray oke tree from thence to a white oke tree near Ebenezer Bacons south line of his land and so a crose the south east corner of sd Bacons land from thence along up on the south east side of the Indian hille leiving the crown or height of the hille on the west sid of sd roade as the land will best allowe and so to a white oke tree from thence to another white oke tree from thence to a white oke tree from thence to a black oke tree from thence to a pitch pine tree from thence to a heap of stons four rods east from the south east corner of the towns four acres our meeting house stands on and meets with the road formerly laid out by y^ select men of sd town from oxford line to our meeting house this roade being a prity straight course from the first mentioned tree till it meets with the other part of the road being laid out before to our meeting house sd road is four rod wide and the marks being all on the south east side of sd roade this road was brought to our aneuel meetcing in march 1743 '^i^<^l accepted by the town Dudley may y*' 9'*" 1743 Worcester ss to the Constables Jonathan lieblierd and io8 Dudley Town tlecords^ 1743- Ebenezer Coburn greeting these are to will and require each of you forthwith to warn the freeholders and other in- habitance of sd town qualifid to vote in town affairs in each of your wards to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye 1 6"^ day of may instant at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articls i) to chuse a Deputy to represent the town at the great and general Court to be held in Boston for ye year insuing to begin the 25 day of may instant 2) to come into some method for schooling our children y* year insuing 3) to grant mony to Defray the charge of 'the same 4) to grant mony to. pay the charge of our first council and make return of your doings hearon to us the subscribers at the time and place above mentioned as you will answer the same at y* penealty of y^ law in that case made and provided By order of y*^ select men Benja" Conant town clerk By vartue of this warnt we have warnd the several inhabi- tance of y'' town of Dudley in each of our wards as the lawe directs Jonathan Hebberd and Ebenezer Coburn Constables town meeting at a meeting of the inhabitance of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y*' 16"* day of may 1743 a vote being requird weather they would send a representi- tive or not the vote past in the negitive i) voted and chose John Lilly moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have a school 9 months 3 months in the senter of the town and 3 months at each end of the town 3) voted to have a school daime 3 months at each end of ye town and 3 months by a school master in the senter of the town 4) voted 40 pounds of money old tener to be raised upon Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1743- lOg the inhabitance of this town to defray the charge of schooling for the nine months 5) vcjte Josepli putney Benja" putney se""" and Sam" Corbin to be a commitee to provitl schoobng according to y*^ above mentioned vots 6) voted 51 pounds i3 shilling and 10 pence old tener to be raisd upon the inhabitance of this town to tlefrav the charg of our first council Jams Corbin and Joseph Sabin do now enter there desent against y*" proceedings of the present meeting Dudley June y'^ 13"^ i743 Worcester ss to the Constabls Jonathan hebberd and Ebenezer Coburn greeting these are to will and require each of you forth- with to vvarnd the freehoklcrs and other inhabitance of the town of Dudley in each of your wards qualifid to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting hovise in sd town on monday the 20'" day of June instant at one a clock after noone then and their to act upon the following articles i) to agree upon a day of fasting and prayer to God under our dificult surcomstances and to make choice of some minis- ters to carry on the work of sd day 3) to chuse a commitee to supply our pulpit with a good learned and orthodox minister for sume time 3) to grant money to defray the charg of our pulpits being supplied and also to pay the commitee that was last upon the county road and make your return to the select men with your doing theron as you will answer the same at the penaltv of the law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant town clerk By vertue ol this warrant we have warnd the inhabitance ol the town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at time and place within mentioned Jonathan hebberd and Ebenezer Coburn Constables no Dudley Town Records^ ^743- town meetinpr at a meeting of the inhabitance of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y" 20'''' day of June 1743 i) voted and chose m'' nathaniel Dick moderate!" for sd meeting 2) voted that wedensday the 29"' day of June 1743 be a day of fasting and prayer to God for council and direction under our dificult surcomstances 3) voted that the reverend m'' Cabbit of thomsen and the reverend m"' wymon of the union be the gentlemen to carry on the work of sd day of fasting and prayer for us 4) voted Deceon Edmunds insign Corbin and m'' Benja" newell to be a commitee to supply our pulpit with a good learned and orthodox minister from this time to the last of October next insuing 5) voted So pounds old tener Bills to defray the charge of preaching till the last of October next and if that is not suficent that the town will grant more 6) voted a sufficency of money to pay the commitee that last vewd the county road through our town which was some time last fall Dudley September y* 21' 1743 Worcester ss to the constables Jonathan Ilebberd and Ebenezer Coburn greeting these are to will and require each of you forthwith to warn the several inhabitance of the town of Dudley in each of your wards qualifd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y« 29"* of September in at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to raise money to pay the reverned m'' howe what is behind of his salery according to our first covnant with him 2) to raise money to pay the cost of that committee that last vewed the roads through our town for the county and make due return of your doings hearon to the select man as Dudley Toxvn Records^ J 7 43- m you will answer the same at the penalty of the law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant town clerk By vertue of this warrent we have warnd the inhabitance of the town of Dudley in each of our wards to meet at time and place within mentioned Jonathan Ilebberd and Ebenczer Coburn Constables at a meeting of the inhabitance of the town of Dudley rcgu- towu meetiug lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday the 29"^ of September 1743 i) voted and chose John Lillie moderater for sd meeting 3) voted the present select men of the town of Dudley to be a committee to treat with the rev"^ m"" perly howe of sd town concerning what is behind of his salerry and to make report to the town of there agreement with him upon thirsday y" 6"' day of October next and then the moderater adjournd this meet- ing to thirsday the sixth day of October next at nine a clock in the mornin■ of Samuel Newell J Dudley Ebenezer Learned ) Select men Israel Town j of Oxford Dudley Town Records^ ^745- I33 May y^ 3 : 174^1 after Lawfull warning Given wee the subscribers select men of Woodstock & Dudley meet and per- ambulated y*^ Bounds Between sd Towns we begun at a heep of stones in v^ east Line of Woodstock being one of y*^ south- west corners of Dudley & from thence to a larg w' oak Being y* N : E corner of Woodstock thence in y*^ north line of wood- stock untill we come to a large heap of stons wcstterly'to y'' utmost south w* corner of sd Dudley By a large w' pine tree we renewed y* Bounds formerly maid within the Dementions above mentioned Henry Bowen | Select men for Dan" paine j Woodstock Joseph Edmunds [ Select men Benja" newel 1 ) for Dudley Dudley November y^ 2^ 1745 Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the town of Dudley Sam" fairbanks or Jonathan newell greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify by posting this up at our meeting house the several inhabitants of Dudley qualifid to Vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tuseday y** 13"' day of november instant at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to se if the town will agree to have a schoole and in what method to have it kept 2) to grant money to Defray the charge thereof 3) to chuse a committee to provid schooling and a place for the schoole master to board at 4) to se if the [ ] will consider and help the treasurer in what is Lost of the Land tax and also to releve some of the Constables in there rates which they cannot recover and make Due return of this warrant as you will answer the 134 Dudley Town Records^ ^745- same at the peril of the Law in that case iiiaide and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant town clerk by vertue of this notifycation I have notifid the several in- habitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Sam" Fairbanks Constable town meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tuesday the 1 3"* day of november 1 745 1 ) voted and chose Cap" Corbin moderater for sd meeting and by reason y" peoples not being more generaly together we thought fitt to adjoinn the sd meeting to monday the eight- teenth Day of november instent at one a clock after noone at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regulerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town upon the adjourn- ment from y*" 12"" day of november i745 to monday y*^ 18'^ of this instent november i) voted to have a school kept three months this winter season at our school house 2) voted 30 pounds in old tenor bills to Defra}' the charg of a schools being kept at our school house this winter season 3) voted LeF Joshua healy and m"^ Sam" Corbin to be a Committee to provid a school master and also a place for him to board at Dudley November y* 23'' 1 745 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Sam" fairbanks or Jonathan newell greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several in- habitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 2** daye Dudley Town Records^ ^745' 135 of December next at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to se if the town will reconsider or Disanul the vots at our Last towai meeting concerning our having a school kept 2) to come into sume other method for schooling 3) to grant money to Defray the charg tliereof 4) to chuse a committee or committees to provide schooling and likwise a place or places for sd person or persons to board at and make Due return of this warrant as you will answer y^same at the peril of the Law in that case made and provided Bv order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke \\\ obedience to this warrant I have notifyd y*^ inhabitants of this town according to the custum of y'^ place By posting of it at the publick meeting house Sam" fairbanks constable school wards at a meeting of y'^ inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday the 2^ day of December 1 745 i) voted and Cap" Vintin moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to belong to the west end of the town for school- Division 01 ing to begin at Elijah gores from thence to John Davisons and to nathaniel Jewells from thence to philip newells these familys with all li\ing in the westerly part of the town from them to be a society for schooling by themselves 3) voted to belong to the east end of the town for schooling to begin on the west Line of old m'" Dickes farm from to m'' Bastose and these with all on the east sid the french river to be a sosiety for schooling by themselves and that the tow'n remain so Devided for schooling for the future 4) voted that both y* west and y'' east en.d of the town shall have there proportion of the thirty pounds of money granted at our Last towai meeting for to Defray y* charg of schooling 5) voted m'' Joseph putney and m' Benja" newell to be a 7jd Dudley Town Records^ i'/43-6, committe to provid schooling for the west end of y*" town 6) voted old m"" Dicke and Jacob bradbery to be a com- mittee to provid schooling for the east end of the town Dudley December i745 the Lists made by the assessers of sd town for the province county and town rates with warrants for colect[ ] the town assessments and Deliverd into y'' Constabls han[ ] Constable Sam" fairbanks List to the province som total 26-17-9 new tenor and to the county 1-7-4 new tenor and in his town List the sume total 44-14-3 new tenor and in his school List y^ sume total 4-0-1 and Constable Jonathan newells List to y'' province sume total 24-4-9 new tenor and to the county 1-4-11 new tenor and his town List the sume total 52-0-1 new and in his school List sume total 3-14-6 new tenor and the sume to make up these great List of the town rats is \Vi gleason his salary 185 pounds and 200 pounds of his settle- ment ■ Dudley January y* 22*^ 1745-6 Worcester ss to either of the Constables of ye town of Dudley Sam" Fairbanks or Jonathan Newell Greeting you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitance of the Town of Dudley qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye 3 day of fabruary Next at two a clock after Noone then and there to act upon ye following articles i) to chuse a committee to settle acompts with the town treasurer Relating to the tows money and to make report to the town of there setlement with the treasurer at our next aneual meeting 2) to see if the town will build a school house at the west Dudley Taivti Records, ij4^-6. I37 Part of the town and make Due Retin-n of this warrant as you will answer the same at the Peril of the Law in that case made and Provided By order of ye select men Benja" Conant town clerk In obediance to this warrant I have Notifyed the Inhabitance of this town according to the Late custom of this Place By posting a coppy of the articles within mentioned P : '" Sam" fairbanks Constable at a meeting of the inhabitance of the town of Dudley regu- towmueetiug lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye 3*^ of february 1745-6 1 ) voted mr Nathanel Dike moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have 3 men for a committe to settle with the town treasiuer 3) voted and chose m'' Benj" Conant mr Sam" Xewell «S: xW John Lillie for a committee to settle acompts with the town treasurer relating to the towns money and make report to the town at our Next aneuel meetingr Dudley February y" 14 1746 Worcester ss io either of the Constables of the town of Dudley To Sam" fairbanks or Jonathan Newell Greeting you are hereby Requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitance of ye town of Dudley qualif3'd to vote in town affairs to meet att our meeting house in sd town on monday y'' 3'' Day of march Next at nine a clock in the morning Then and there to act upon the following articals i) to chuse town ortiiers for the year insuing as the law Directs 2) to see if the town will establish the several highways 18 JjS Dudley Town Records^ i'/4j-6. which are then to be brought to the town for there acceptence and make Due Return of this warrant as you will answer y'' same at the peril of the Law in that case made and Provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk In obediance to this warrant I have notified the several in- habitance of this town that are quallified to vote in town atlairs l)y Posting a notification spacifing the time and Place where and the several artticals to act upon at meeting according to the custom of the Place pm Sam" fairbanks Constable at a meeting of the Inhabitance of y^ town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 3"' Day of march 1745 i) voted m' nathaniel Dicke moderater for sd meeting 2) voted there non accepttence of the commettees account from \-^ treasurer 3) voted Benja" Conant town clerke 4) voted to have five select meu t) voted Benja" Conant y* first select man 6) voted John Lillie the 3'' select man 7) voted richard kidder y' 3"* select man 8) voted Joseph putney the 4"' select man 9) voted John pollie the 5"' select man 10) voted Sam" newell town treasurer xoled y'' select men to be assesers 11) voted Cap" Ei:)en' Edmunds Constable for the west end of y" town \ z) \()te Dudley Town Records^ ij^d-y. and his list to the school rate 6-7-6 and his list for John richs rate 4-15-0 our auauel meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on-monday the second day of march 1747 1) voted Cap" John Vinton moderater for sd meeting 3) voted to have five select men 3) voted Benja" Conant y^ first select man 4) voted Cap" Vinton the second select man . 5) voted Deacon newell y* third select man 6) voted m"" Joseph putney y*" foiu'th select man 7) voted m"" Eben'' Bacon y^ fifth select man 8) voted Benja" Conant town clerke 9) voted m'' Sam" newell town treasurer 10) voted m"' Elishua Sabin constable for y^ west end of the town 11) voted m'' Uriah richardson constable for y*" east end of the town 12) voted m"" Jonathan Hobbs and m"^ Benja" Davis tything men, 13) voted m'' Jonathan Hobbs and m"" Joseph jewell jun'' surveyers of highways 14) voted m' nathan.ramsdil and m"" Sam" Corbin surveyers of highways 15) voted m'' Joshua Ilealy sealer of weights and measurs 16) voted m'' Elishua Corbin and m"' Joseph polly hogreavs for y'' insuing year 17) voted that swine shall go at large for y"' year insuing 18) voted m'' Jacob bradbery and m' John Curtis at the west end fence vewers and the several officers aljove named have taken there oaths as the law directs Dudley Town Records^ ^747- ^47 Dudley inay y'' S"' 1747 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of warrant Dudley Elishiia Sabin or uriah richardson greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y" 18"* day of this instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articls i) to chuse a meet person to represent the town at the great & general court to be held and kept in Boston y® year insuing 2) to chuse a Constable in the room of Constable richaixlson 3) to se if the town will place them large stons to under- pine our meeting house that m'' gleason may have the stons which are now under sd house 4) to see if the town will build the galery stairs and if they proceed then to chuse a committee to procure the stuff and git the work done and also grant money to defray the charge therof 5) to se if the town will grant money to pay the charge of taking care of our meeting house and also releve those consta- bles concerning money they could not recover 6) to see if the town will hier schooling and grant money to defray the charge theirof and likwise to chuse a committee for schooling 7) to see if town will chuse a committee to wait upon the rever^'^ m'' gleason to sarch into the fall of money 8) to raise money for the mending our highway and set a price upon labour 9) to chuse a person to take care of the pound and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer the same at the perile of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk 148 Dudley Toxvfz Records^ ^747- town meeting jjj; ^ meeting of tlic inhabitants of the town of Dndlcy rcgii lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y^ 18"^ of may 1747 1 ) voted Deacon Edmunds moderater for sd meeting 2) a vote being requested if y^ town would send a repre- sentitive and it past in the negitive 3 voted and chose Paul robinson constable for y*' east end of the town in the roome ot uriah richardson 4) voted 1 00-0-0 old tenor to provide stuff' for our galery stairs and to finish the galery flower and do the brest work of the galery or as fare as the money will go 5) voted and chose Esq'' Vinton insign newell and m"" Joseph Putney for a committee to procure the above sd stuff and to git sd work done as soon as they can 6) voted forty shillings old tenor a year to roger cartur for taking care of our meeting house namly for opening y* Doors & sweeping sd house 7) voted 60-0-9 ^^'^ tenor to Defray the charge of schooling y^ year insuing 8) voted m'' Thomas newell and m'' John Biu-nul a com- mittee to provid schooling for the senter of the town 9) voted Esq'' Vinton and m' Joseph putney a school com- mittee for the west part of the town 10) voted m'' John Brackit and m'' Jacob bradbery a school committee for the east part of the town 11) voted m' John Burnul to take care of the pound Worcester ss Dudley may y° 22 1747 y® select men of Dudley being Pr[ ] and paul robinson being latly clTosen constable in &d town tooke the oath of oflice for a constable appertaining before sd select men and town clerk being present and at there desire before me John Chandler justtice apeace Dtidley Town Records^ I747- ^49 Dudley November y*" 20 1 747 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town ot waraut Dudley Elishua Sabin or paul robinson greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd to\vn on monday y*^ 16"' day of Nov'' instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to se if the town will grant money to pay m'' Hel)berd for keeping John rich 3) to se if the town will grant money to procure a standcrd of weights and measurs for the towns use 3) to see if the town will consider the rev"^ m'' gleason as to his salery as to the deficncy of the money and likwise if m'' gleason and and the town seas cause to state his salery by the nesseserys of life 4) to see if the town will chuse a committee to state a place for a school house at the west end of the town and to mak return to the town and make Due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Default at the peril of ye law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of this notifycation I have notifyd the several in- habitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elishua Sabin Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 16"' day of november 1747 i) voted and chose Deacon Edmunds moderater for sd meeting 2) voted 29-6-0 old tenor to m"^ Hebberd for his keeping John rich rich three and twenty weeks ij;o Dudley Town Records^ ly^y-S. 3) voted lo-o-o old tenor to procure a standerd of weiglits and measurs for the use of the town inrgieasous 4) voted sixty pounds old tenor for the rev"^ \Vi gleason for the Difictioncy of money for y*^ time past & till this year is out 5) voted and chose Cap" Corbin m' Sam" Newell and m"' John Burnul for a committee to state a place for a school hous at the west end of the town iraut Dudley December 1747 the rates made for y* present year Constable Elishua Sabins list to y*^ province and county 35-19-5 and his list for the minester and meeting house 52-18 8 and his list for y* school and for Hebberd and a standerd 13-1-0 Constable paul robinsons list to y^ province and county 33-12-4 and his list for the minester and meeting house 41-1-2 and his list for y^ school and for Hebberd and for a standerd 1 1-2-3 the several lists above mentioned were compleated in De- cember 1747 with warrents for colecting the same and de- livered into the Constables hand and y* sed lists all in y* new tenor Dudle}' march y^ 4"' 1 747-8 Then recieved three hundred & eighty five pounds old tenor in full for my settlement and salary from y^ last of October 1745 to y'^ last of Ocf 1746 Charles Gleason Dudle}' march y^ 14"^ ^754 Then received y® sum of one hundred and and sixty eight pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence in full of my salary settlement and arrearages to y'' last day of October 1 753 As witness my hand Charles Gleason Dudley Town Records^ iy4/-8. 151 at our aniuell meeting regulerly assembled at our meeting house on the first monday y' 7"' 1747-8 by a vote of the town i) voted and chose m"" Sam" New^ell moderater for sd meeting 3) voted to have five select men 3) voted Benja" Conant select man 4) voted Deacon Newell select man 5") voted m' Eben"' Bacon select man 6) voted m'' Sam" Newell select man 7) voted Lef " Healy select man 5) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant town clerk 10) voted wl Sam" Newell town treasurer 11) voted m'' John Brackit constable for the east part of y'^ town 12) voted m'' John Curtis constable for the west part of y^ town 13) voted m"^ Jonathan Hobbs ty thing man 14) voted Lef" Heally sealer of waits and measuerse 15) voted Daniel Harris and Jacob bradbery surveyers of highways east part 16) voted Deacon Edmunds and insign Newell surveyers of highwa3's west part 17) voted Eben"^ Coburn and Daniel Dodge hogereavs and fence vewers iS) voted insign Newell and quarter master bacon for Dear reavs the several ofiicers above named have taken there oaths Dudley march y*" \~^^^' i747-S Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley John Curtis or John Brakit greeting you are hearby requiixl forthwith to \varn or notify tlie several inhabitants of the town of Dudley ciualifytl to vote in town afiairs to meet at our meeting house on monday y'' 28"' Day of march instant at 1^2 Dudley Town Records^ 1^4^-8. one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the follow- ing articls i) to se if the town will hier schooling for the year and if so then to grant money to defray the charg thereof 2) if the town shall proceed then to chues a committee or committees to provid schooling 3) for the town to agree npon sumc method for the mend- ing of onr highw^iys 4) to se if the town will allow swine to go at large and make Dne retnrn of your proceeding as you will answer De- fualt at the peril of the law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant town clerk By vertue of this notifycatlon I have notifyd the several in- habitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within men- tioned John Curtis Constable towu meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 28"' day of march 1748 i) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to hier a school master for the year insuing 3) voted loo-o-o oM tenor besids whate is in banke of school money not yet spent in schooling to defray the charg of schooling the year insuing 4) voted m'' John Burnul m' Jacob Bradbery and m'' Elijah gore for a committee to provid a school master the year insuing c;) voted 200-0-0 old tenor for the mending our highways y'' year insuing 6) voted labom- at our highways from the lirst of April to the last (jf August at iifteen shillings old tenor a day and in Dudley Town Records, ^748- J53 the months of Sep" and October at twelve shillings a day and after that at eight shillings p'' Daye 7) voted to have swine go at large y'' year insuing Dudley may }■" 4"" 1 74S Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley John curtis or John Brakit greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house on monday the 16"' day of may instent at three a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to se if the town will chuse a meet person to represent the town at the great and general court kept and held in Boston for his majestis service to begin the 35"^ of the instent 2) to chuse a pound keeper and likwise to remove the pound were it may be more convinient and make Due return of your proceedind as you will answer your Default at the peril of the law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of this notifycation I have notifyd the several in- hal)itants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned John Curtis Constable But no Deputy chosen Dudley September y'' 12"' 1748 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley John Curtis or John Brackit greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyed to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y"^ 26"' day 20 154 Dudley Town Records^ 1748- of this instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a committee to build a school house at the west part of the town 2) to se if the town will grant the east part of the town there proportion in money or labour of what they paid towards our school house at the meeting house and likwise to chuse a commitee to build them a school house 3) to se in whate method the town will mend our meeting house windows 4) to se if the town will grant money to pay the present- ment at Worcester concerning our school 5) for the town to agree upon sume method to provid the rev'' m'' gleason his fire wood 6) to se if the town will consider the rev** m'' gleason as to his salery and likewise to state his salery by the nesecerys of life and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Default at the Peril of the Law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of the within written notification I have notifyd the several inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned John Curtis Constable towu nieetiug at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y" 26'*" day of September 174S 1 ) voted m' Sam" Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted m"" Joseph putney m"' Joseph Sabin and John Curtis for a commitee to build a school house at the west part of the town . 3) voted to the east part of the town there proportion in Dudley Toxvii Records^ ^74^- I55 money ov labour which they paid to our school house by our meeting house 4) voted m'' Jacob bradbery m' John Brackit and m"" paul Robinson for a commitee to build a school house at the east part of the town 5) voted that every person haveing a window adjoyning to his pewe in our meeting house shall maintain the glass of sd window against his pew 6) voted ten pounds old tenor to pay the charge of our presentment at Court corcerning our school 7) voted to the rev'^ m"" gleason 30 cord of wood for his mrgieasons fires at 30 shilling a cord for the coming year and to be pro- vided at his house by y* middle of jan'' next S) voted to the rev*^ m"' gleason sixty pounds old tenor for the coming year as a consideration for the Dificency of money besids his 200-0-0 December yM3"' 1748 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of notification Dudley John Curtis or John Brakit greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifid to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday the 20"^ of this in- stent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a juryman for february Court at Worcester 2) to grant money for the school at the west part of ye town 3) to se if town will allow the west part of our town some of meeting house glass for there school house 4) to receive the west end committees account of the charge of there school house 5) for town to agree which part of time the school master shall keep at our meeting house and which part at the ends of 7jd Dudley Toivn Records^ 1748- the town and likwisc to grant money for our standerd more then has been granted 6) to se if tlie town will grant money to pay the rev'' m"' ruggls and the rev'' m'' liowe for there preaching with us one vSabbath and one fast and make due return of your Doings as you will answer your Default at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of this notification I have notifyd the several in- habitants of Dudle}' to meet at time and place within mentioned John Brakit Constable town meetiug at a meeting of the inhabitants of tlie town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at meeting house in sd town on tusday y" 30"' of December 1748 i) vote Cap" Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted a suficency of money for the west end school to make up whate is wanting with what is in Cap" Edmunds hands 3) voted that the west part of the town shall have of our meeting house glass for there school house 4) voted there acceptance of the west end committees ac- count of the charge of there school house 5) voted twenty eight pounds old tenor for the middle of the town to pay to the west end school house 6) vote 3-10-0 more old tenor for our standerd & also 12-0-0 old tenor for the rev"" m'' ruggles and for y'' rev'' m'' Howe December 174S Constable John Cortiss list to the province and county 34-3-1 new tenor and his list to the minester 34-3-7 new Dudley To-ivi/ Records, iy48-g. 157 tenor and his list in tlie school rate 13-3-0 new tenor and liis list for the west end school honse 27-1 5-S new tenor Constable John Brakits list to the province and county 79-16-3 new tenor and his list to the minister 30-17-5 ii^w tenor and his list in the school rate 13-17-r new tenor and his list for the middle of y*^ town to the west school house 7-0-0 new tenor and these several lists were made in December 1748 'i'^'^ Deliverd into the Constables hands with warrants for Colect- inof the same Dudley february y'' 27"' 174S-9 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley John Curtis or John Brackitt greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the sixth Day of March next insuing at teen a clock in the forenoone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse town officers for the year insuing as the law directs 3) to se if the town will alter the road formerly laid out through David Southwicks land which in now Cap" Thomus Cheeneys and to have it on the west side of his wall and also anther road to be alterd which was laid out through the north east corner of Jonathan Newells land and through m'' Sam'' Newells paster and mbwingand to have it in or near where the path is now trode 3) to se if the town will accept of a roade through Leftenent Healys land from the south end of John Davisons laine to in"" Sam" Newells gate and make Due return of 30ur proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the Law in that case provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerke By vertue of the within written notification I have notifyd IS^ Dudley Town Records^ ij^S-g. the inhabitants of Dudley qualifid to vote in town allairs to meet at time and place within mentioned John Ciu'tis Constable town meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- larly assembled at our meeting house in sJ town on mondayye six**" Day of march 1749 1 ) voted and chose Esq'' Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have five select me for the year insuing 3) voted Benja" Conant select man 4) voted Esq*" Vinton select man 5) voted Benja" Xewell select'man 6) voted John pollie select man 7) voted John Brackit select man 8) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant town clerke 10) voted Benja" Newell town treasurere 11) voted Rihcard kidder constable for the east end of ye town 13) voted Elijah gore constable for the west end of the town at a meeting on the 20* of this instent 13) voted m"^ Joshua Healy sealer of waits and measuers 14) voted m'' Jon'° Hobbs and paul rich surveyers of high- ways for y* west end 15) voted m"^ Sam" fairbanks and m"" James Corbin siuveyers of highways for y*^ east end Jams Corbin being chosen at a meeting on the 20**^ of this instent march 16) voted Eben'' Coburn and Eben' Davison tything men 17) voted Daniel Harris and Elijah Dodge fence vewers 18) voted that swine shall go at large 19) voted Joshua Healy jun'' and Eben' robinson hoge reves 20) "voted by the town there acceptence of a highway through Cap" Cheenys farm which he hade of m"' David South- wicke and to have it on the west sid of sd Cheenys wall two Dudley Toivn Records^ i'j48-g. ijg rode wide and to release the road formerly laid out through sd farm by the interveile 21 ) voted by the town there acceptance of a highway from the south end of John Davisons laine through Liftenent Joshua Healys land two rode wide to m"" Sam" Newells gate the several officers above named have taken there oaths as the Law Directs m"" Sam" Newell treasurer his account for y'^year 174S whate I have received into the treasury and paid out to the rev** ni'' gleason the svmie of 255-0-0 old tenor to the meetinghouse committe the sume of loo-o-o old tenor to Jonathan Hebberd the sume of 39-6-0 old tenor to the west school committee the sume of 20-8-8 old tenor to the midle school committee y^ sume of 32-5-8 old tenor to the east school committee the sume of 7-5-8 old tenor to the select men to provide a standerd 1 0-0-0 old tenor to roger Cartur for taking care of y*' meet- ing house 6-0-0 old tenor may y«8"^ 1749 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Richard Kidder or Elijah gore greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at meeting house in sd town on wedensday y*^ 17"^ day of this instent at three a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a meet person to represent our town at the great and general court to begin on the last wedensday in this month in Boston and so through the year 2) to agree upon some method for the mending of our highways i6o Dudley Toxvn Records^ ^749- 3) to see if the town will hiere a school Dame the sumer insuing and grant money to Defray the charge thereof if need be 4) to chuse a person to repair our meeting house as to the claboards shingles and glass 5) to grant money to pay for taking care of our meeting house and sweeping and make Due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant town clerke By vertue of the within written notification I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elijah gore Constable meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly asembled at our meeting house in sd town on wedensday 1 ) voted Deacon Edmunds modei-ater for sd meeting 2) voted not to send a Deputy to the general court this year 3) voted loo-o-o old tenor for the mending our highways this year with whats behind 4) voted labour this summer at twenty shillings old tenor a day and in Sep" and October at fifteen shillings a day and after that at twelve 5) voted to have a school Dame or Dames for the summer season 6) voted and chose Cap" Corbin to repaire the outsid ot meeting house as to the claboards shingles and glass 7) voted 60-0-0 pounds old tenor for schooling 8) voted 2-10-0 old tenor a year for taking care of our meeting house & sweeping Dudley Toivn Records^ ^749- ^^^ Dudley August y'^ 21' 1749 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of warrant Dudley Richai'd kidder or Elijah gore greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualify d to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y* 29"^ of August instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to se if the town will state the rev*^ m'' gleasons salery by the nessiserys of life 2) to chuse a committee to treat with the rev'' m"" gleason concerning his salery 3) to chuse a person to be a grave Diger in sd town 4) to chuse a surveyer or two for highways 5) to chuse a committee to provide schooling for the insu- ing year 6) to grant money to Defraye charge of schooling and also sume money to pay for ye repairing of our meeting house and likwis sum more money for the committee that was to gite the galery stairs and front work of our galery done 7) to chuse a pound keeper and make Due return of your proceeding as you will answer your Defa't at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elijah gore Constable this meeting is adjurnd by the moderater to thirsday next at four a clock after noone to receive the Committees return from y* rev'' m'' gleason at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meetiug lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y® 29"' of August 1 749 21 l62 Dudley Town Records^ iy4g~50. i) voted Esq'' Vinton moderate!" for sd meeting 2) voted to chuse a committee to treat with y* rev"^ m' gleason concerning his salery 3) voted Esq' Vinton Cap" Corbin and Left" Newell for a committee to treat with y® reverend m' gleason concerning his salery and to make there return at the adjurnment of this meeting 4) voted m"' John Burnul grave diger for y* midle part of the town 5) voted Lef " Healy a surveyer of highways for y'' midle of y* town 6) voted Cornit Bacon m'' Joseph Sabin and m"" Jacob Bradbery for a committee to provid schooling y^ year insuing 7) voted So-0-0 old tenor to Defray y" charge of schooling y* year insuing 8) voted 30-0-0 old tenor to pay Cap" Corbin for repair of our meeting house and for our committee that was to gite our galery stairs and front worke of our galery done 9) voted m' John Burnul pound keeper mrgieasons lo) voted four hundred pounds old tenor for the rev** m' ^^^^ gleasons salery for the insuing year at the adjurnment of y* meeting above sd Dudley november 1749 Constable Elijah gores list to the province is 67- 1S-7 and his list to the minester 56-7-2 and his list to the school 24-10-1 1 Constable richard kidders list to the province 67-4-0 and his list to the minester 47-3-0 and his list to the school 22-14-1 1 these list new tenor these list delivered to these sd con- stables with warrants for colecting the same in november 1749 Dudley February y^ 20'^ 1749-50 Worcester ss to either of the constables Elijah gore or Dudley Town Records^ iy4g-jo. j6j Richard Kidder greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the fifth day of march next at ten a clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articls i) to chus town officers for the year insuing 2) to se if the to will except of the several highways which are to be laid before them on sd day and make Due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Defualt at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of the within written notifycation I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elijah gore Constable aueual at a meeting of the inhabitants of the to^vn of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday "leeting y^ 5"' Day of march 1 749-50 i) voted Cap" Cheney moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have five select men for the year insuing 3) voted Benja" Conant select man 4) voted Deacon Newell select man 5) voted Cap" Corbin select man 6) voted John Brackit select man 7) voted Lef " Healy select man 8) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant Town Clerk 10) voted Joseph putney town treasurer 11) voted Elisha Corbin constable for the east end of y^ town 12) voted Elijah Dodge constable for the west end of y* town 164 Dudley Town Records^ iy4g-jo. 13) voted Joseph upham and phinehas mixer tything men 14) voted John Curtis and Nathaniel Jewell surveyers of highways 15) voted philip Corbin and Silas robinson sui"veyers of highways 16) voted that swine shall go at large 17) voted Benja" Edmunds and will"" wakfeild hogereavs 18) voted Benja" Davis and Jacob Chamberline fence vewers 19) voted by the town there exceptence of the highway laid out by the select men of sd town from the coloney line by Cap" Browns and Benja" putneys and by Silas robinsons to m' george Robinsons mills 20) voted by the town there non exceptence of a Bridle road through philip amidowns and timothy fosters land fory^ present 21) voted by the town there non exceptence of a highway laid out from Cap" Chenys land to Joseph Vintons house for y" present the several officers above named have taken there oaths as the Law directs Dudley February y* 19"' 1749-50 a highway Laid out by select men of sd town of Dudley be- gining at the Colleny Line by the house of Cap" Browns and runing as the road is now fencet by the house of Benja" putney and so by the house of Thomus Halls between his house and sd putneys land and then as the road is now trode west by where the house of John tompson stood and as the road is now trod to Silas robinsons on the west side his old feild fence as he hath begune to build a stone wall and as the road is now trod between m"' george robinsons old house and barn and as the road is now trod strate down to sd robinsons mills sd road to be two rods wide this highway was brought to our aneual in march 1 749-50 and excepted by the town Dudley Town Records^ 17 50- 165 Dudley may y'' 10"^ ^'IS^ Worcester ss to either of tlie constal)les of the town of warant Dudley Elijah Dodge or Elisha Corbin greeting you are hearby requird forthwithe to warn or notefy the several inliabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the twenty first day of may instent at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a person to i-epresent our town at the great and general to be held in Boston y*^ year insuing * 2) to agree on sume method for the mending of our high- ways and grant mony to Defray y^ charge thereof 3) to grant money to pay for the pound and stocks and also to pay the assessers for there last years service and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of the within written notifycation I have notifyd the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elijah Dodge Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 21' day of may 1750 1 ) voted not to send a representitive to y^ general Court 2) voted Cap" Corbin moderater for sd meeting 3) voted to mend our highways in y'' method we have done of late 4) voted labour at our highways at three shillings lawfull money a Day for the three sumer months and for Sep' and October at two shillings a Day in y^ same money •> 5) voted twenty five pound lawfull money for the mending our highways the year insuing i66 Dudley Town Records^ ^750. 6) voted three pound lawfull money for rectifying the pound and inakino- the stocks Dudley October y* 15"' 1750 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Elijah Dodge or Elisha Corbin greeting you are hearby required forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifid to vote in town atlairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y*^ 30"' day of this instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1) to chuse a committee to treat with the rev*^ m'' gleason concerning his salery and fire wood 2) to see if the town will hire schooling and grant money to Defray the charge thereof and likwise to chuse a committee to provide schooling 3) to se if the town agree to Build the seats in y^ gallerys of our meeting house if so to grant money to Defray the charge thereof and also to chuse a committee to provid stuff' and se the work done and make due retui-n of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of the within written I have notifyd the inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elijah Dodge Constable town meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house In sd town on tusday y* 30''' day of October 175° i) voted Deacon Edmunds moderater for sd meeting Dudley Town Records^ 1750. i6y 2) voted and chose m' Joshua Healy va' John Brackit and \W Jacob Bradbery a committee to treat with rev*^ m'' gleason concern his salery and fire wood this meeting is adjuornd to monday next at three a clock after noone i) voted at the adjuornment by the town to chuse a com- mittee to settle with the rev'' m"" gleason concerning his salery from his first setleing with us to now 2) voted Cap" Newell Deacon Newell and m'' Joseph upham for the above sd committee 3) voted to have schooling the year insuing 4) voted 13-6-S lawfull money for schooling the year insuing 5) voted m'' Joshua Healy m"" John Curtis and nV Jacob Bradbery for committee to provid schooling the year insuing Dudley December y*^ iS"' 1750 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudey Elijah Dodge or Elishau Corbin greeing you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifid to vote in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y® 25"^ of De- cember instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) for the town to receive the committees report from y*^ rev^'^ m"^ gleason concerning his salery and if they agree well and if not then 2) to se if the town will state the rev'' m"" gleasons salery by the nesseserys of Life and if need be to chuse a committee to settle the affaire with the sd lii' gleason 3) to grant m' gleason his fire and whate a cord 4) to se if the town will allow Constable Ellshua Corbin his charge for transporting a poor traviler from town to town 5) to se if the town will allow the path as it is now^ trod from the house of philip amidowns acrose the french river to j68 Dudley Town Records^ ^750. the house of thnothy fosters to be mended by the surveyer as highway work so as to be comfortable pasing with horse and make Due return of your proceedings asyou will answer your Defalt at the peril of y^ law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk I have warnd y* inhabitantes of the town of Dudley accord- ing to the within written Elijah Dodge Constable meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y" 25"" of December 1750 i) voted Esq' Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted by the town there non acceptence of the com- mittees report from y^ rev*^ m"" gleason concerning his salery mrgieasous 3) voted to the rev*^ m' gleason 30 cords of wood fit for his grant ^,.g brought to his house at five shillings and four pence a cord in lawfull money 4) voted thirteen shillings and four pence to constable Elishua Corbin in lawfull money for his charge in transporting a traviler from town to town 5) voted that a few of the neighbours over the french river shall be allowed so much of there highway work as is nessisery to make convinent pasing for hors or man where the path now is from philip amidowns to timothy fosters December 1750 the school rates made and deliverd into the constables hands with warrants for colecting the same and in constable Elijah Dodges list to the school sume total 10-17-10 and constable Elishua Corbins list for y® school i-ates sume total 9-7-8 lawfull money in which list were put in the county rats and for the pound Dudley Totvn Records^ I "j 40-51. i6g and stocks and for Elishua Corbin for his transporting a traviler Dudley January y'' 28"' 1740-51 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Elijah Dodge or Elisha Corbin greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifvd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* ii"' Day of february next at twelve a clocke then and there to act upon the following articles i) to se if the town will alter the standerd of the rev'' m'' gleasons salery and state it upon the necesarys of life 2) to grant the sd m'' gleasons salery for the present year 3) to se how much the town will grant to make up the Deficiency of his salery in years paste 4) to se if the town will allow the widow polley what her husband left on booke against the town for serveing as assesser 5) to se if the town will abate m"" Bastow his rates assesst upon him in constable Brackits list and make due retin'n of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertvie of the within writen I have notifyd the inhabi- tants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elishua Corbin Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly asembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y'' II* day of february 1750 51 I ) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting 22 ijo Dudley Town Records^ I'j^o-^i. 2) voted 44-8-0 Lawfull money for the rev'' m'' gleasons salery for the present year mrgieasous 2) voted 44-S-o Lawfull money to make up the Deficiency of the sd m' gleasons salery in years past 4) voted not to allow the widow polleys account nor to abate m"' Bastows rats Dudley february y'' 22*^ 1750-51 Worcester ss to eithere of the constables of the town of Dudley Elijah Dodge or Elishua Corbin greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to' warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on the first monday in march next at nine a clock in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse town officers for y'' jear insuing as the law directs 2) to se if the town will establish the several highways laid out by the select men of sd town which are then to be laid be- fore them and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the law in the case maid and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this notifycation I have notifyd the several in- habitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Elisha Corbin Constable aneuai ^^ ^ meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting- Jerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 4* day of march 1 75 1 I ) voted Esq' Vinton moderater for sd meeting Dudley Town Records, ^751' 171 2) voted to have five select men 3) voted Benja" Conaiit select man 4) voted Deacon Newell select man 5) voted Esq"^ Vinton select man 6) voted Leftenant Healy select man 7) voted John Brackit select man 8) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant town clerke 10) voted Joseph Upham town treasurer 11) voted Silas robinson constable for y* east end of y"^ town 12) voted Joseph Vinton constable for y^ west end of the town 13) voted John Burnul and Joshua wxatherel surveyers of highway 14) voted Joshua Vinton and Joshua healy jun' surveyers of highways 15) voted Sam" Corbin and Eben'' trusdil tything men 16) voted Let" Healy sealer of waits and measurs 17) voted Elijah Dodge and Eben"" Davison fence vewers iS) voted Jedediah marcy and will'" Cartur hogreivs 19) voted that swine shall go at large 20) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out by the select men of sd town west from Esq'' Vintons house over the river through Joseph Vintons land to the road that corns through Cap" Cheenys farm 21) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out by the select men of sd town from Elijah Dodgs house to the town road that coms Irom Jacob Chamberlins to Jolm Cui'tises 22) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out by the select men of sd town from the colony line runing about north between pavil robinsons and John Brackits land and through frances Curtiss land east of his house and throucrh Jacob Bradberys land and through Stepehn Chapmens land and through John Curtises land in or near where y*^ path is now trod to the road that coms from the meeting house to m"" george robinsons 172 Dudley Town Records^ 1730-51. the several officers chosen at this meeting have taken there oaths to there several offices as the law directs axcept some of y'' lesser officers Decline! taking y® preveus oath Dudley August y^ 17"* 1750 a highway laid out bj- the select men of Dudley begining at or near a little Bridge about fifty I'ods east of the great Bridgthat is over the french river on the town roade from thence about south to John Curtises feild east of sd feild where or near the path thats now trode thence to a certain whit oake tree near the line Between Jacob Brad- burys and Stephen Chapmuns land from thence to the northeast corner of sd Bradburys feild from thence to frances Curtises laine and through sd lain east of his house from thence to paul Robinsons northwest corner thence to John Brackits north east corner in or near the path thats now trode from thence Between sd robinson and sd Brackit on the Devision line and so to the colonny line this roade to be two rod wide and were itgos between two persons a rod out of each mans land Dudley December I'f^ 1750 a highway laid out by the select men of sd town begining at m"" John Vintons house from thence to quineboge river about two rods above the old board way and so over the river to a white oak tree stand on the bank of the river from thence about west to the ridge of upland Between the intervail and upland from thence straight a crose Joseph Vintons improved land to the south end of a cartain peace of ston wall of Joseph Vintons that stands By the roade thats nowoccupid from Cap" Cheenys cammile farm to Joseph Vintons house and from the south end of sd stonwall to the south end of the town roade thats already establisht through y^ sd cammil farme Dudley December 1750 a highway laide out by the select men of sd town begining at the north end of a ston wall a little distance from Elijah Dodges house about south east from sd Dodgs house from the end of sd wall upon the Devision line Between Elijah Dodge and Nathan Dennises farm laitly Dudley Town Records^ lyso-ji. 173 pinxhast of Collonel Chandler or formerly richs farm to the town road near the south end of the great medow this roade is two rods wide and all upon the west side of sd line mostly out of Dodgs land the rest is out of a little wedge of land and a cros the end of it y' belongs to the ayrs of the great lot and if any charge arise from the same it is to be understood that Elijah Dodge is to pay the same note that the three road hear enterd was brought to our annual meeting in march y^ 4'^ 1750-51 and axcejDted by the town Dudley march y* 25"' 1751 Worcester ss to eithere of the constables of the town of Dudley Joseph Vinton or Silas robinson greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town afiairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the S"' day of April next at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to se if the town will accept of the proposals which the rev*^ m"" gleason made the town at our last anneule meeting with respect to his salery or 2) to se if the town will grant y^ rev^ m'' gleason 41 -13-4 lawfull money for his salery for the present year and 23-6-8 lawfull money for arerages 3) to se if the town will agree on sume method for y*" mend- ing of our highways 4) to chuse pound keeper also a person to dige graves 5) to grant money to defray the charge of schooling 6) to recken with the meeting house committee 7) to se if town will chuse a committee to vewe a peace of country land between our town and Duglis in order to petion for a school farm and Due return of proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk 1^4 Dudley Town Records, 1751- By vertue of the within written notification I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and pLace within mentioned Joseph Vinton Constable meeting ■; ^t a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye gth ^^y of April 1 75 1 i) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting tnrgieasons 3) voted for the rev*^ m'' gleasons salery for the present year grant ' ^ h 25-13-4 in lawfull money and 15-0-0 lawfull money to y® rev" m'' gleason for y'' Deficiency of the same 3) voted 23-6-8 lawfull money to y^ rev*^ m' gleason for the Deficiency of his salery in years past 4) voted 60-0-0 lawfull money for y" mending of our highways 5) voted labour at our highways from April to the last of Augst next at 0-2-6 a day and after that at 0-1-6 a day in lawfull money 6) voted will™ Cartur pound keeper and John pettis to dig gravs 7) voted 13-6-8 money to Defray the charge of schooling 8) voted Esq"" Vinton lef ' Healy and m' paul robinson for a committee to vewe a peace of country land between our town and Duglis and make report to the town at our meeting in may Dudley may y^ 10* 1751 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Joseph Vinton or Silas Robinson greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 20*'' day of Dudley Toivji Records, I75i- lys this instent at four a clock after noon then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a meet jierson to represent our town at the great and general court the year insuing to be held in Boston which begins the last wedensday of this instent 2) to receive the committees report concerning the land Between our town and Duglis which they have vewed and make Due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye 3Qth (-j.^y q£ may 1751 i) voted Esq"" Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted not to send a Deputy to the general court this meeting is adjurnd to monday y® 27"^ of may instent at four a clock after noone to conclud on sumthing about the land our committee vewed between our town and Duglis and noth- ing done because people Declind there atendence at the meeting the minesters and school rates maide in june 1751 the minesters rate for the west end of the town to constable Joseph Vinton is 36-19-2 lawfull money and his school rate is 7-6-5 lawfull money constable Silas robinsons minesters rate for the east end of the town is 29-3-9 lawfull money and his school rate is 6-1 1-2 lawfull money and these lists with warrants for colecting the same where maid in june 1751 and deliverd into y*^ Constables hands note these minesters rates above mentioned is his salery from town ineetiiu iy6 Dudley Town Records^ I75i- October 1750 to October 1751 with the old arereges allowd him these are to certify the people in there town meeting this day that if they will give me 53-6-S lawfull money salery this year and so much the next year I will sign the town Book as I offord in the paper that was read at your last annual meeting But if the people chuse to pay all the arrearegse this year I now Declare that if the people will vote 41-13-4 lawfull money for my salery this year which is 31 2-10-0 old tenor and will vote me 23-6-8 lawfull money which is 175-0-0 old tenor for y^ Deficiency of my salery in years past I will signe the town Book as I promisd to do in y'= paper that was read at the annual meeting wdiat I now ask and ofier freely to take up with for arreareges y's thirty pound old tenor lese then Cap Newell owns I ought to have by a list of the price of silver in his hands and according to his own way of reckening Dudley April y'' 8"' 1751 Charls gleason Dudley November y^ 21 1751 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Joseph Vinton or Silas robinson greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the second day of December next at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to grant the rev** m'^ gleason his fire wood for the year insuing and the number of cords and the price and set a time when it shall be brought to his house 2) to chuse a school committee for the year insuing and to grant more school money if it is needed Dudley Towfi Records^ I75i- ^77 3) to call the meeting house committee to an account how they have expended the towns money 4) to se if the town will impower sume person or persons to procure that track of country land Between our town and Duglis for the towns use which committee vewed sume time past and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of y* within written notefication I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Joseph Vinton Constable grant at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday the second day of December 1751 i) voted m'' John Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to the rev*^ m'' gleason thirty cords of wood for his mrgieasons fire cut and brought to his house by the last of January next or else to pay the money 3) voted sd fire wood at 0-5-4 ^ cord in lawfull money 4) voted m' John Burnul m'' Elishua Sabin and m"" Jacob Bradbery for a committee to provid schooling for the year insuing 5) voted to chuse a committee to procure a tracke of country land Between our town and Duglis for the use of the town 6) voted m"" John Lillie m'' Joseph Upham and m'' paul robinson for a committee to address the gi-eat and general court in order to procure that tracke of country land Between our town and Duglis for the use and benlfit of our town 23 I'jS Dudley Town Records^ i'j§i-52. October 1751 the province and county rates made the province list sume total for y*3i-3-io lawfull money the province list for east end of y^ town 26-0-6 lawfull money the county list for y* west end sume total 1-4-6 lawfull money the county list for y* east end sume total 0-19-8 lawfull money these above sd lists all deliverd into constable Joseph Vintons hands Dudley February y'^ iS"" 1752 Worcester ss to constable Joseph Vinton of the town of Dudley greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifid to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y^ second day of march next at nine a clock in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse town officers for the year insuing as the law Dirrects 2) to chuse a committee to recken with the trausures namly m' Benja" Newell m"^ Joseph putney and m"" Joseph upham and also to I'ecken with the meeting house committee and to lay the accouns Before the town at our next town meeting 3) to se if the town will axcept such highways as may then be laid before the town and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the Law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk I have warnd or notifid the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Joseph Vinton constable Dudley Town Records^ ^75 2- 179 at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- ^°"^^" meeting lerly' assemble! at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 2d day of march 1752 i) voted m'' John Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted Benja" Conant town clerke 3) voted to have five select men ' 4) voted Benja" Conant select man 5) voted m' John Vinton select man 6) voted m"' John Lillie select man 7) voted m'' John Brackit select man 8) voted m'' Joseph upham select man 9) voted the select men to be assessers 10) voted m' Joseph upham town treasurer 11) voted m'' Joseph putney constable for the west end 12) voted m'' Daniel harris constable for the east end 13) voted Cap" Edmunds and nathan Dennis surveyers ot highwaj's 14) voted Benja° Dennis and Sam" Robinson surveyers of highways 15) voted Eben' trusdil sealer of leather 16) voted John Curtis and Ezra Conant tything men 17) voted m"" Joshua Healy sealer of waits and measures 18) voted Daniel Smith and Eben"' Davison fence vewers 19) voted Alexander tompson and Joseph Edmunds jun' hogreivs 20) voted that swine shall go at large 21) voted Deacon Newell Cornit Bacon and m"" Sam" may for a committee to recken and settle accompts with our treas- urers namly m' Benja" Newell m"" Joseph putney and m' Joseph upham and also with our meeting house committee and to lay the accounts before the town at our next town meeting this meeting is adjurnd to monday next at three a clock after noone if need be i) voted and reconsiderd ye vote of m'' harrises being con- stable and dismist him for the present year 2) voted phinehus mixer constable for the east end in y'= roome of harris j8o Dudley Toivn Records^ ^TS^- 3) voted Ezra Conant surveyer of highways in the roome of Sam" robinson y® several officers before mentioned have taken there oaths to there several offices as the law directs except Ezra Conant with some of the lesser officers Declind taking y* preveus oath April y^ 21' 1753 we the subscribers being a committee appointed by the select men of Oxford and a committee ap- pionted by the select men of Dudley mett and preambelated the line and renewed the bounds between the townships of Oxford and Dudley pursuant to the trust reposed in us in wittness whereof we have hearunto set ovu" hands the day and year above mentioned Sam" Davis ) Committee John Willson j for Oxford John Lillie | Committee John Vinton ) for Dudley Dudley may the 6"^ 1752 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Joseph putney or phinehus mixer greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on wensday the twenth day of may instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a person to represent our town at the great and general court for the year insuing to be convend and held for his majestys servis at the court house in Concord 2) to agree on sume method for the mending of our highway Dudley Town Records^ ^752- i8i 3) to receive the committees report and to grant money to make up what is fell througe if it be needed 4) to se if the town will grant money to Defray the charge of schooling 5) to se if the town will agree to build the galler seats and if so then to chuse to procur stuff' and se the work done and also grant money to defray the charge thereof 6) to grant money to carry our pittion at the general court and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke Dudley may the 30"^ '^']S'^ ^ have notifyd the inhabetants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mention John Cortis Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on wensday y" 20"' day of may 1752 1 ) voted not to send a representitive 2) voted Cap" Newell moderater for sd meeting voted John Brackit clerke for sd meeting 3) voted 13-6-8 lawfull money for the mending of our highways besids whats not workt out last year and to expend sd money in the method we did last year 4) voted there axceptance of the committees account 1^) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money to defray y* charge of schooling y* year insuing 6) voted to build the galler seats 7) voted 13-6-S lawfull money to defray y^ charg of build- ing sd seats 8) voted m'' Joshua healy Deacon Newell and m' Eben' Bacon to be a committee to provid y^ stufie and git the above sd seats built i82 Dudley Town Records^ ^752- 9) voted 4-0-0 lawfull money to carry our pittlon at the general court Dudley November ye 3*^ 1752 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Joseph putney or phinehus mixer greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notefy the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y* 9"* day of this instent at four a clock after noone after lectur then and there to act upon the following articles i) to agree on sume method to provid the rev*^ m'' gleason his fire wood y^ year insuing and to set a price ther 2) to se if town will allow m'' gore m"" Hobbs rates in his list when he was constable which he says he cant procur 3) to se if the town will continue of school committee in there office till march next and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk Dudley November y* 9"' 1752 I have warnd the inhabi- tants of this town qualifyd for voting to meet at time and place within mentioned phinehas mixer Constable town meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y^ 9* of November 1752 i) voted Deacon Edmunds moderater for sd meeting nirgieasons 2) voted 30 cords of fire wood for the rev*^ m'' gleason for grant the year msumg 3) voted sd fire wood at 0-5-4 a cord in lawfull money Dudley Toivn Records^ ^73'^' ^^3 and to be deliverd at the sd m'' g^leasons house by the last of janauaiy next or to pay the money 4) voted to continue our school committee in there office till march next Dudley November y* 10"' 1753 Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the tow^i of Dudley Joseph putney or phinehas mixer greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd .town on monday the 20"' of this instent at 3 a clocke after noone then and there to act upon whate follows for the town to consider the matter of m' morrises suing our meeting house committee and to grant money to pay the dept and charges if need be and make due return of you proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of y^ law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke November y* 20"^ ^752 I have warn the inhabitants of this town qualifyd for voting to meet at time and place within mentioned phinehas mixer Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meetinge in sd town on monday y^ 20* day of Novemer 1752 i) voted John Vinton moderater for sd meeting this meeting is adjournd to friday next at three a clocke after noone by the moderater 2) voted 8-5-4 l''iwfull money at this adjuornment to pay 184 Dudley Toxvn Records^ IYJ2-J. the dept and charges of m"" morrises suing our meeting house committee Dudley June 1752 the town rates made and dehverd into the Constables hands with warnts for colecting the same Constable putneys list for the minester 24-19-6 his school list 1 2-1 3-7 his meeting house list 8- 4-9 and his towMi list 2- 9-0 Constable mixers list for the minester 18- 4-3 his school list 10- 8-8 his meeting house list 6- 0-2 and his town list 2- 2-0 Dudley November 1752 the province rates made and deliverd into the Constables hands Constable putneys province list 24-16-0 and his town rate list 6- 6-1 and his wood list . 4- 8-8 Constable mixers province list 23- 8-7 his town list 5- 1-6 and his wood list 3-1 1-6 Dudley february y* 19"' 1753 Worcester ss to either of the conststables of the town ol Dudley Joseph putney or phinehus mixer greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town afiairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y® 5'^ day of Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1753' ^^5 march next insueing at nine a clock in the morning then and there to act upon y* folHng articles i) to chuse town officers for the year insuing as the law directs 2) to se if the town will accept of the roads laid out by y** select men 3) to se if the town will raise money to defray the charge of schooling for the year insuing and if so then to chuse a committee to provid schooling 4) to se what method the town will go in for the mending our highways the year insuing and also if need be to grant money to defray the charge thereof 5) to se if the town will allow m"" John Lillie richard kidder Joseph upham Benja" Dennis and Eben' Scott for time to come to draw there own school money to keep a school amonge themselves 6) to se if the town will abait m'' Eben"^ Scotts rate to the west end school house and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of the Law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke Dudley march y* 5"^ ^7^3 persuent to this warrent I have warnd the inhabitants of this town to meet at time and place within mentioned phinehus mixer Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* y* 5"^ day of march 1 753 i) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have five select men 3) voted m"^ John Lillie select man 4) voted m'' Joseph Sabin select man 5) voted m'' Eben' Bacon select man 6) voted m' Jacob Bradbery select man 24 i86 Dudley Town Records^ 1753 • 7) voted m'' John Brackit select man S) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant Town Gierke 10) voted m'' Joseph upham Town treasurer 1 1 ) voted m"" John tayler constable for the west end of the town 12) voted m' Benja" Dennis Constable for the east end of the town 13) voted m'' Elijah Dodge and David Cuttin tything men 14) voted m"' Joseph Vinton and Jonathan Dennis surveyers of highways 15) voted m' paul robinson and Elishua Corbin surveyers of highways 16) voted m'' John Curtis and Sam" Corbin fence vewers 17) voted m' Joshua Healy sealer of waits and nieasurs iS) voted m' Eben"" trusdil sealer of leather 19) voted to have swine go at large 20) voted Andrew white and Edmun town hoge reaves 21) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out from the county road by Andrew whits and Sam" Corbins down to the road that coms from Sam" robinsons to our meet- ing house 22) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out throgh the Indian land from there south line in or near where the path is now trod from m' hebberds to our meeting house 23) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money to defray y^ charge of schooling this year 24) voted Sam" Chamberline Sam" Corbin and paul robin- son for a committee to provid schooling the year insuinge 25) voted 40-0-0 lawfull money for the mending our high- ways and to be expended as follows at 0-2-6 a day in the spring and summer months and 0-1-6 a day in the fall the several officers above named have taken there oaths to * there several offices as the law directs axcept same of the lesser officers declind taking the preveus oath Dudley Town Records^ z/j^-j. 187 Dudley June y^ 8"" 1753 a highway laid out by the select men begining at the county Road at a gray oake stadle with a heap of stons about it on the south sid of the county road then runing near southeest to a white oake stadle with a heep of stons about it and so along near as the road is now trod down through Carturs land and through whits land near the west end of his house then near south then near south along by the west end of his barn and through whits and Corbins land by the west end of Sam" Corbins house and from his house through his land by the east sid his barn to Benja" Davises land and through Davises land near south as y*^ road is now trod to a white oake tree markt and from thenc to a stake and heap of stons standing on the north sid of the road which comes from m"^ robinsons mills to our meeting house and the whole of the road to be two rods wide John Lillie '\ John Brackit >- Select men Joseph upham ) Dudley june y® S"^ ^IS'^ '^ highway laid out by the select men Begining at the Indian south line at the road that coms from thimothy fosters at a chasnut stadle with a heap of stons about it and so runing as the road is now trod to a walnut tree with a heap of stons about it and from thence as the road now is to a black oak tree with stons about it near the road that coms from Benja" Coburns all the above mentioned marks are on the north sid the sd road the sd road to be the same wedth with the other formerly laid out John Lillie \ John Brackit V Select men Joseph upham ) these roads where laid before the town at our aneual meeting in march 1753 and axcepted by the town Dudley Sep" y^ 26"^ 1 753 Worcester ss to the constable or constables of the town of warreut 1 88 Dudley Town Records^ ^753- Dudley Benja" Dennis or John tayler greeting you hearby requird to warn or notify the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affares to meet at our meeting house in sd Dudley on monday the 8* of Octo- ber next at two a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to se what method the town will go in to provide the rev"^ m'' gleasons fire wood the year insuing 2) to se if the town will omitt sending a pettion to the court for a school lot and convert the money that was raisd to Defray the charge therof to svune other use 3) to se if town will chuse sume person to sweep and take care of our meeting house and also to grant money to defray the charge thereof 4) to se if the town will grant sume money for the support of the widow rich and make due return of the warrent with your doings therin as you will answer your Defalt at the peril of ye law By order of John Lillie Jacob Bradbery [• Select men John Brackit meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly asembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 8* of October 1 753 i) voted m"" Eben' Bacon moderater for sd meeting mr gleasons 2) voted to the rev** m' gleason thirty cords of wood for grant j^jg ^^.^ |.|^g year insuing cut and carted to his house by the first of february next at five shillings and fovu" pence a cord in law- full money 3) voted to omitte sending in our pettion for the school land and to improve y* four pounds of money granted fore that end to sume other use Dudley Town Records^ 17JJ-4. i8g 4) voted m'' will'" Cartur to take care of our meeting house and to sweep it when it needs 5) voted 0-10-8 lawfull money to Cartur for sweeping and taking care of our meeting house y® year insuing 6) voted 6-0-0 lawfull money for the support of the widow rich Dudley march y^ 21' 1753 rates made by the assessers the sum total of the minesters rate for the east end 19-18-3 the minester rate for the west end 24- 4-2 the school rate for the west end i i-i 1-4 the school rate for the east end 10-14-7 October 26 1753 Constable Dennises province list for the east end of the town sume total 9-1 S-o his town list 3-17-6 and one of his county lists 4- 4-9 the other of his county lists i- 5-8-3 October 26 1753 Constable John Taylers province list for the west end of the town 11- 4- 7 and his town list 4- 3-1 1 and one of his county lists " 4-12- i the other of his county lists i- 7- 7 Dudley February y^ 20"' 1 754 Worcester ss to the constable or constables of the town of Dudley Benja" Dennis or John Tayler greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify y* freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd Dudley on jgo Dudley Town Records^ ^754-' monday y*^ 4"* day of march next insuing at nine a clock in y® foor noon then and there to act upon y^ following articles i) to chuse town officers for the year insuing as y^ law directs 2) to chuse a school committee for the year insuing 3) to se whate method y^ town will go in for y" mending of our highways the year insuing 4) to se if the town will axcept of the highways which may then be laid before them for there axceptance and make due retvnn of this warrant with your doings thei'e- in as you will answer your default at y^ peril of y* law By order of Jacob Bradbery -\ Joseph Sabin \ Select men Eben' Bacon J By vertue of the within written warrant I have warnd or notifyd the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Benja" Dennis Constable ouraneuel at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- ee ing jgj-jy assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 4"* day of march 1 754 i) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meetinge 2) voted to have five select men 3) voted Joseph Upham select man 4) voted phinehus mixer select man 5) voted John Curtis select man 6) voted Sam^' Corbin select man 7) voted jedediah marcy select man 8) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant Town Clerke 10) voted Joseph Upham Town treasurer 1 1 ) voted Eben' grigs constable for y^ west end ot y^ town 12) voted Andrew white constable for y^ east end of the town Dudley Town Records^ iY^j-4. jgi 13) voted Joseph Vinton and Timothy [ ] tything men 14) voted Joshua Healy sealer of weights and measurs 15) voted Eben'' trusdil sealer of leather 16) voted philip Corbin Jacob bradbery Sam" may and Joseph Burnul surveyers of highways 17) voted that swine shall go at large iS) voted Eben'' robinson and Sam" Burnul hog reavese 19) voted paul robinson and Jacob Chamberlin fence vewers 20) voted paul robinson Joseph jewell jun"" and Eben'' Da- vison for a committee to provid schooling y'' year insuing 21) voted 40-0-0 lawfull money to worke out on our high- ways 22) voted worke at our highways at 0-2-6 a day for y"^ spring & summer months and after that at 0-1-6 a day lawfull money 23) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out by the select men of sd town begining at oxford line in the old road from kingsberys to Nathan jefterds through Sam" robinsons land two rod wide 24) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway laid out by the select men of sd town begining at the south end of Sam" mayses lain runing near south through Lef* Joshua Healys land and through Cap' Sam" Newells land and down to Deacon Newells two rod wide the officers before mentioned have taken there oaths to there several officeses Dudley march y* 22'^ 1753 a highway laid out by the select men of Dudley through m' Sam" Robinsons land begining at a white oake tree near the southwest corner of m' Josiah Kingsburys land ware oxford left there road then runing as the way is now trod to a white oake tree markt and so on to a blacke oak tree markt near the uper end of a swamp which is on the east of sd road and then on to a pine stadle markt which is near the line Between sd ig2 Dudley Town Records, ij^j-4.. robinsons land and the land of m'' jefterds by the side of the road allready laid out sd road to be two rods wide and all on the east of sd marks Jacob Bradbery \ John Brackit \ Select men John Lilliee ) Dudley February y® 20''' 1754 a highway laid out by the select men of sd town Begining at a stake and heap of stons standing in the southeast corner of a lot of land that was John Dickermans runing near south through Joshua Healys land to Cap" Sam" Newells land to a stake and heap of stons and straight through sd Newells land to a little wallnut in sd Newells fence the sd road to be two rode wide and all the marks on the west side of sd road John Lillie ~] Joseph Sabin | Eben"" Bacon Jacob Bradbury John Brackit These highways above mentioned were bi^ought to our aneuel meeting in march 1754 ^nd axcepted by the town ^ Select men END OF THE FIRST BOOK. TOWN RECORDS OF DUDLEY, MASSACHUSETTS, •7^4-179^- PAWTUCKET, R. I. THE ADAM SUTCLIFFE CO. 1894. 2:>712 Dudley Town Records. Dudley may y*" 3'' 1754 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew White or Eben'' grigs greeting you are hearby required forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on Tuesday y'' 14* of may instent at two aclock in the after noone Then and there to act upon the following articls i) to chuse a representitive to serve at the general court the year insuing 2) to se whate mon-ey the town will grant for the rev** nv gleasons sallery from October 1754 to march i755 3) to see if the town will accept the committees accompt for finishing the meeting house gallerys 4) to see what the town will do concerning the road thats laid out through Cap" Newells uper lot 5) to se if the town will grant money for schooling the year msuing 6) to se if the town will grant to the widow Newell two pounds old tenor for work done at our meetinge house Dudley T'owfi Records^ i754- 7) to see if the town will chuse a committee to seat our meeting house 8) to see if the town will accept of treasurer upham ac- compt and if not to chuse a committee to settle with him 9) to se if the town will agree to have three school houses one near m' [ ] one near Ezra Conants and near philip corbins 10) to see if the town will allow to m'' gore m'' Hobbes rats when sd gore was constable and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your dcfalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this notifycation I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at the time and place witliin mentioned andrew Whit(; Constable meetiug . -,.,,. ~ . i-t^h at a meetmg of the mhabitants of the town o± Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house [ ] on tusday y*^ 14''' day of may 1754 1 ) voted not to send a representitive [ 2) voted Deacon Newell moderater [ mrgieason* ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^, gleason f o [ ] last of October 1 75 [ ] to the [ ] 410-15-4 of old tenor [ ] of march [ 4) voted [ ] the [ 5) voted [ 6) voted to chuse a committee to settle with treasurer up- ham and to bring in there accompt at our next meeting 7) voted insign Chamberline m'' Samuel may and Ezra Conant a committee to settle with treasurer upham the ninth article dropt by a vote Dudley Tow?i Records^ ^754- Sutten July ye*" 6"' 1754 These may certify the assessers or whomsoever it may con- cern that the Baptist Church in Sutten have taken the steps of the last adishenal act of the general court made for the ac- cenpting of the people commonly called anobaptis and are capeble of giving certificets to all our members in naibouring towns to clear them from paying any thinge to support minis- ters of another denomination and therefore do certify you that paul Robinson of Dudley belongs to our Church in Sutten and as usely atends our meetings on the Lords day for the worship of God as we cane expect considering the distance he lives from us and further we beleive him to be consenouse of the religon commonly called the anobaptis religon and therefore insist upon it that he \% clear from all ministeral charges of minesters of another denomination by the act made by y'^ great and & general court of the masetusits Bay in New England for ex- emting commonl}' called anobaptis Benja" marsh Elder Joseph pullen Jonathan goold Dudley Sep' ye*" 13*'' 1754 Worcester ss to cither of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew white or Eben"" grigs greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town allairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on wedehsday y'' 25* of this instcnt at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1) to se whate money the town will grant to make up the deficiency of the town stock of amunition 2) to se whate money the town will grant to provid y'' rev'' m'' gleasons fire wood the year insuinge Dudley Toivn Records^ ^754' ] the town to hear and except the committees report [ ] the [ Jasurer and to grant such sume or sums of [ ] be found wanting ] will grant money to finish the backe [ ] chuse a committee to gite y^ work done ] the senter school ] one or more and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law by order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerk By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew White Constable grant meetm^ at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on wedensday y'' 25"' day of Sep' 1 754 i) voted m"" John Brackit moderater for sd meeting 2) voted 1-4-0 lawfull money to provid amonittion to supply the town stocke mrgieasons 3) voted S-O-O lawfull mouey to provid y"" rev*^ m' gleasons fire wood y^ year insuinge 4) voted 2-0-0 lawfull money to defray the charge of seal- ing up the back sid of our pulpit 5) voted Lef* curtis insign Chamberline and m' phiehus mixer for a committee to git the above 6) voted not to fit up the senter school house were it now stands 7) voted not to dispose of our school house this meeting is adjurnd to this day fortinight the ninth of October next to four after noone at our meeting on the adjurnment voted and referd the committees accompt from the treasurer to our next aneual meeting and the committee to stand as they were Dudley TovjJi Records^ 1754- November 1754 rates made and deliverd into the constables hands with warrants for colccting the same Constable Andrew whites list for the province and his list for the minesters rates and his list for the wood rate and his list for the town rate and his list for the county rate Constable Eben' griggs list for the province rate 18-14- 9-3 and his list for the minesters rate 31- 3- 3-3 and his wood list for that rate 4- 8- 8 and his list for the town rate 13- 2-10 and his list for the county rate 2- 7- o 15- 9- • 6- -3 25-14- ■ 8- -3 3-13- ■ 2 10-14- 10 1-18- . 6- -3 This may certify the assessers of the Town of Dudley [ ] Cap" Thomas Cheney of sd Dudley doth fre[ ] atend the publick worship of God on the Lo[ ] society at Sturbridge and we beleive him [ ] that pcrswasion Henry [ ] Sturbridg may y® 6"' [ ] Killingly October y' 5"' 1754 these lines are to notify the Honourable select men of Dudley that Silas Robinson frequent- ly attends our meeting and we beleive he conseinusly absented from you as witness our hands Atest Jams Gleason Jams Coats Killingly October y" 14"" 17S4 these lines are to notify the Honourable select men of Dudley that will'" wakfeild frequently attends our meeting and we beleive that he con- seienusly absented from you as witness our hands Atest Jams gleason Jams Coats Killingly October y'' 14'*' 1754 these lines are to notify the Honourable select men of Dudley that Sam" Robinson 2 JO Dudley Towjt Records^ iy§4'§. frequently attends our meeting and we beleive that he con- seinusly absented from you as witness our hands Jams gleason Jams Coats Dudley December y"" 23*^ 1754 Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the town of Dudley Eben"" grigs or Andrew white greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday the seventh day of janury next at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to se if the town will send a man to Worcester Court to git of our fine for not having a school 2) to se if town will agree that ye constables shall strain vipon the sept, rats in our town for the minesters rate and if they do to se whate method the town wdl take to defend them 3) to se if the town will hear and exept the committees accompt for finishing the back sid of the pulpit 4) to se if town will pay Doctor green six shillings and one penv lawfull money for Doctering the widow rich and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- Dudley Town Records^ 1755' . ^^ lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y*" ■f^ day of January 1 755 ]on Newell moderater for sd meeting ]nd a man to Worcester Court to git of our ] a school if any should be laid upon us ] answer the complaint at Worcester ] any should apear against us ] strain on the person colld ]sters rats ] and a peny for we the subseribers as a committee chosen to git the back side of the pulpit finished we have agreed with m"" John tayler to do the work and to find nails and brads and board himself for two pounds lawfuU money phinehus mixer T 1 r-i ,• I Committee John Curtis Worcester ss to Andrew white one of the constables of the town of Dudley greeting you are hearby requird forth- with to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the 3d day of march next at nine a clock in the morning then and there to act upon the foiling articles 1 ) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse town officers for the year insuing 3) to se if the town will reconsider there vote they past on the seventh day of January last past (viz) that the constables should not make distress upon the seperats 4) to se if the town will such grant or grants of money as may be thought needfull for schooling of our children and other nessesery chargs the currant year 5) to chuse a committee to provide schooling y"^ present year 12 Dudley Town Records^ 1755- 6) to se if the town will mend there higlnvays bv a rate or other ways if by a rate to grant money for the same 7) to se if the town will allow swine to rune at large S) to se if the town will allow m"" Bacons accompt for keeping y* widow rich 9) to se if the town will build a school house in the senter of the middle part of the town 10) to se if the town will hear and axcept the committees report from treasurer upham 11) to se if the town axcept of a highway laid out for Elishua Corbin he being at all the cost and charge and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law Joseph upham \ phinehus mixer >■ Selectmen John Curtis ) february y" 13"" 1755 By vertue of the warrant I have warnd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley [ ] at our meeting house In sd town on monday y'' 3" [ ] i) voted Esq' Vinton moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have 5 select men five 3) voted Benja" Conant select man 4) voted Deacon Newell select man 5) voted Lef Healy select [ ] 6) voted phinehus mixer s[ ] 7) voted John Brackit se[ ] 8) voted the select men to be assessers o) voted Benja" Conant town clerke 10) voted ni' Jacob Chamberline town treasurer 1 1 ) voted m' Sam'^ may Constable for y^ west end 12) voted m' Daniel Harris Constable for y* east end Dudley Toivti Records^ 1755- H 13) voted m'' Benja" Dennis and m' Joseph burnul tything men 14) voted m'' Elisbua Sabin and m' Sam" Chamberline snr- veyers of highways 15) voted m' paul robinson and m"' David Coilin surveyers of highways 16) voted ni"" philip amidown and Silas robinson fence • vewers 17) voted Lef ' Healy sealer of waits and measuers iS) voted m'' Eben' trusdile sealer of leather 19) voted that swine shall go at large 20) voted Clement Corbin jun'^ and John webster Hogreaves 21) voted and reconsidered the vote that was past y^ 7"* January last (viz) that the constables should not straine on the persons called seperats in the warrant for tliat meeting for there minesters rates I paul robinson now enter my desent against this last vote concerning the seperats 22) voted 30-0-0 lawfull money 20-0-0 for schooling and ten for other nessesery charges 23) voted Elijah Dodge Lef Bradbery and Eben'' Davison for a committee to provide schooling the presente year 24) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money for the mending our high- ways and workc frome may to the last of August at 0-2-6 a day and after that worke at 0-1-6 a day 25) voted there axceptence of the committees report from treasurer Upham 26) a vote being requsted wxather the town would axcept of Elishua Corbins highway and it past in the negetive the officers above have taken there oaths as the law directs Dudley march y^ 3*^ ^755 we the subscribers Jacob Chamberlien Sam" may and Ezra Conant chosen a committee to examine the tieasurers accompt we have made strict examination and report [ ] and /^ Dudley Town Records^ 1755- we find that treasurer upham has been (aithfull [ ]i"g hi his acoimts to us and we find that the whole [ ]at he hade ordere to colect of the several constables [ ] chosen treasurer till this day and the [ ]ceived of the former Constables namly [ ] sume total of all we find to be [ ] find that • has paid by order the [ ] remains in constable [ ] 44-04-4-3 [ _ _ ]r sume of 36-09-6-3 and in Constable Joseph Vintons hands y* sume of 1-3-7- 1 and in Constable Benja" Dennises hands y'' sume of 0-18-6- and we have substracted the whole and he has paid out 3-10-8-3 more than he has received of the several constables Atested Jacob Chamberlin Sam" may [• Committee and Esra Conant Dudley may y" 13* 1755 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Daniel Harris or Sam" may greeting you are hear- by required forthwith to vvarn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at our meetijig house in sd town on friday the 23** of may instent at three a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a meet person to serve representitive at the great and general court the year insuing 2) to make y® rev*^ m' gleason sume addition to his salery the present year considering the charge of his famely 3) to grant money for the widow richs soninlaw at Stur- bridg in case he will clear the town of her 4) to move the middle school house or repair it where it stands 5) to chuse a committee to manage that affair Dudley Town Records^ 1755- J 5 6) to se if the town will allow m'' Sam" Halls rates in con- stable mixers lists 7) to se if the town will grant same money to be asscst on the east school ward for building them a school house and make due return of your proseeding as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of y® select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke Dudley may y* 23^ 1755 by vertue of this warrant I have warnd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet according to time and place within mentioned Daniel Harris Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on friday y'' 23'' of may i755 'iiid a vote being requested wether the town would send a Daputy to the general court and it past in y'' negitive i) voted Cap" Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) a vote being requested wether they would make any addition to y" rev*^ m"" gleasons salery the pi'esent year and it past in* the negitive 3) voted 13-6-S lawfull money for the support of the widow rich her life time to her soninlaw at Sturbridg in case he will clear the town of Dudley from any further charge about her 4) voted 90-0-0 old tenor to be assest on the east school ward for build them a school house Sept ye 4th j^^^ Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Daniel Harris or Sam" may greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to meet at i6 Dudley Town Records^ I755- our meeting house in sd town on tusday y" 1 6"^ day of Sep' instent at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to se whate salery y'^ town will give y"' rev*^ m' gleason for y* present year 2) to agree on sume method to provide y' rev'' m"" gleason his fire wood 3) to se if the town will allow that hundred pound that was voted for the support of the widow rich or any part of it to defray nessesery chargs or grant other money for such uses 4) to se if town will reconsider the vote that was past not to move nor mend our school house where it stands and to move it down towards or to repair it where it now stands 5) make choice of sume person to dige graves 6) to chuse a person to take care of our meeting house and sweep it when it needed and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant town clerk Dudley Sep' y*^ 15"^ By vertue of this warrant I have warnd the inhabitants of the town to meet at time and place w^ithin mention Daniel Harris Constable meetiug ,^j. ^ meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y*-' 16"^ of Sep' 1755 i) voted Deacon Edmunds moderater for sd meeting 2) voted the rev*^ m"^ gleason the same salery he had the last year '"'^|raut°"^ 3) voted the i-ev*^ m' gleason 30 cords of cord wood brought to his house by the third monday and tusday of October next at forty shillings a cord old tenor or to pay the money 4) voted six pound lawfull money out of that hundred Dudley T'oivn Records, 1755-6. 17 pound that was granted for the support of the widow rich to defray other nessesery charges 5) voted and reconsiderd that was past not to move nor mend our school house where it now stands 6) voted to repair our school house by the meeting house where it now stands 7) voted m" will"' Cartur to dige graves 8) voted m"' will'" Cartur to take care of meeting house and sweep it » Sep' y* 16'*' 1755 this may cartify the assessers of the '^*'*P"^'[^^^>'^ town of Dudley that Cap" Thomas Cheney of sd Dudley doth frequently attend the pul)lick worship of God on the Lords days at the Baptis society in Sturbridge and is a member in full comunion with the Baptis church in Sturbridge and we beleave him to be consienusly of that perswasion and we furtlier certify that the Baptis Church in Sturbrig hath re- ceived the aprobation of three other Baptis Churchs according to the late act of this province Jonathan perry Henry fisk Dan" fiske chosen for this purpos November 175^ rates made and deliverd into the constables hands with warrants for collecting the same and Constable mays list to the pro\ince rate 51-1S-10- 2 and mays list for the minesters rate 2S- 5-10 and mays list for the school rate 21- i- i and mays list for the wood rate 4-10- S and Constable Harrises list for the province rate 51-7-9 and Harrises list for the minesters rate 19-14- 4 and Harrises list for the school rate 16- 9- 5 and Harrises list for the wood rate 3-12- 4- i Dudley January y* 22'' ^75^ Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the town of Dudley Daniel Harris or Sam" may greeting you are hearby 3 1 8 Dudley Town Records^ IJS^- require! forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town afiairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday ye 2"^ day of february next at one a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to se if the town will Disannul the last vote concerning the Baptis paying there minesters rate 2) to see if the town will hear and allow the select mens accompt for repairing our meeting hous and grant money to pay y*^ same and also for repairing our middle school house and vote money to be assest on the middle school ward to pay the same 3) to se if town will allow m' Fairbanks to belong to y« middle school 4) to se if the will grant money to pay Cap" Newell for the road laid out through his upper pasture and make due return of your doings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Daniel Harris Constable meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 2d day of February 1756 1) vote Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted and disannuld the last vote concerning y* Baptis paying there minesters rates 3) voted 0-16-9 lawfull money for repairing our meeting house glase 4) voted 3-7-0 lawfull money to be assest on the middle school ward for repairing our middle school house Dudley Toivn Records^ ^75^- ^Q 5) a vote being requested wether m'' Fairbanks should be- long to the middle school and it past in y* negetive February y*^ 2'' 1756 gentlemen there is a sunie of money due from the town of Dudley to me which sume you ought honesly to have payed long ago 3'ou well know that I never had one peney from you however Knowing the curcomstances of some and the Disposition of some others I hearlw freely aquit and Discharge the account to this day but if you think it to mean to receive a Captt Cheneys . T-v ■ " Discharge gift m that case I Desire you to pay the sume due to me to m' gleason madam gleason has been a long time in a poor state of helth and I hope you have a suteble sence of it I am gentlemen your most Humble and most obedient Servant Thomas Cheney to the town of Dudley Dudley February y'' 19"' 1756 Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the town of Dudley Daniel Harris or Sam" may greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants ot the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town atTairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y" first day of march next at nine a clocke in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a moderater for stl meeting 2) to chuse town officers for y** year insuing as y'' law directs 3) to grant such sume or sums of money as the town shall think needfuU for schooling y'' year insuing and to chuse a committee to provide schooling 4) to grant such sume or sums of money as the town shall think needful! for mending our highways the year insuing and to agree on how much a day and when to worke 20 Dudley Town Records^ 175^- 5) to see if the town will allow swine to rune at large or not 6) to se if the town will chuse a committee to seat our meeting house and prescribe a method for them to walke by 7) to se if the town will accept of Cap"Cheen3's gift to the town and whate part they will give to y" rev'' m'' gleason and make due return of your proceedings as vou will answer your defalt at the peril of the law Jonathan Newell \ Joshua Ilealy V Selectmen phinehus mixer ) Dudley march y*^ i' 1756 in obedience to this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of this town to meet at time and place within mentioned Sam" may Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- larly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* i' day of march 1756 i) voted m'' Joseph upham moderater for sd meeting 2) voted Benja" Conant Town Gierke 3) voted to have five select men 4) voted Joseph upham select man c;) voted phinehus mixer select man 6) voted Jacob Chamberline select man 7) voted Sam" Corbin select man 5) voted Elijah gore select man 9) voted the select men to be assessers 10) voted Joseph upham town treasurer 11) voted Eben"" Davison constable for the east end 12) voted jedediah marcy constable for the west end 13) voted Archible jewell and Andrew white tything men 14) voted Eben"^ Bacon Abijah Newell Joshua wetheril and will"' Cartur surveyers of highway's ^5) voted Elijah Dodge and Elishua Corbin fence vewers 16) voted Joshua Healy sealer of weights and measurs Dudley To%vn Records^ I75^' 21 17) voted Joseph pollie sealer of leather iS) voted that swine shall go at large 19) voted Joseph putney and John tompson for hoge revease 20) voted John Curtis John Brackit and Joshua Healy jun"" for a committee to provid schooling Y year insuii>g 21) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money for school schooling y* yeare insuing 22) voted 30-0-0 lawfull money for mending our higlnvays ye insuing year and to go on in the method as in time past 23) voted to chuse a committee to seat our meeting house 24) voted to have five men for sd committee 25) voted John Curtis philip Corbin Elijah Dodge Sam" may and Elishua Corbin for a committee to seat our meeting house antl the method to go by is age and estates 26) voted there acceptance of Cap" Cheenys gift to the town 27) voted to the rev^ m'' gleason the overplus above Cap" Cheenys minesters rates the several officers above mentioned have taken there oaths as the law directs Dudley may y*" 5"' 1756 Worcester ss to jedediah marcy constable of the town of Dudley greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 17*'' of may instant at one a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to make choice of person to represent our town at the great and genera] court to be held at the town house in Boston the year insuing 2) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 3) to se whate sum or sums of money the town will grant to defray town charges for the present year 4) to se if the town will dismise m' Sam" fairlianks Bcnja" Davis Timothy foster Benja" fairbanks and Levi fairbanks from paying there money to the east end of the town for Building 22 Dudley Town Records^ ^75^- of there school house and supporting there school and to add y'' above named persons to the middle school ward 5) to se if the town will grant to m' phinehus mixer and Benja" Dennis sume consideration for what they have been out in recovering Sam" Halls rates 6) to see how much^ money the town will grant for y'' rev^ m' gleasons salery for the present year and to grant money to make good his salery for time paste 7) to se if the town will vote to m"" John Ruewe and his son the pue that was Cap" Corbins there paying hime the cost of building sd pue also to se if the town will grant m'' Jacob Chamberlin the sd pue his paying the cost of building 8) and if the town dont se cause to grant either of these persons the pue above mentioned to chues a committee to sell the pue to the hiest bidder of the town inhabitants and to be sold at a publicke vandue and y" money to be disposd of as the town shall think fitt 9) to se if the town will grant Cap" Newell thirty five pounds old tenor for the road through his uper lot and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law phinehus mixer j Sam" Corbin >• Selectmen Elijah gore ) according to the within written warrant I have warnd the inhabitants of this town to meet at time and place within mentioned may y^ 1 7"' 1 756 jedediah marcy constable meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the tov/n of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meetinghouse in sd town on monday the 17"" day of may 1756 i) voted to send a reprcscntetive 2) voted Cap" Chceny representetive the year insuing Dudley Town Records^ 175^- 2J 3) voted Cap" Cheeny moderater for sd meeting 4) voted S-0-0 Inwfull money to defray town charges for y* present year 5) a vote being requested wether m"^ fairbanks and others should be removed from y*" east to y'' middle school and it past in the negetive 6) a vote being requested wether the town would allow m' mixer and m' Benja" Dennis any thing towards the charge of gitting Sam" Halls rates and it past in the negetive 7) voted to the rev*^ m"" gleason the salery we covnanted mrgieasons with him for and to make good the salery for two years and '^"^ four months last past according to our contrakt with him 8) votes being requested wether the town would grant to m'' John Ruewe and his son or to m' Jacob Chamberlin that pue that was Cap" Corbins during there abode in the t-wn there paying the cost in building and it past in y'' negetive 9) voted not to act any thing on the S"' article 10) a vote being requested wether the town would grant Cap" Newell 35-0-0 old tenor for the road through his upper lot and it past in the negetive November 1756 rates made and deliverd into the constables hands with warrants for collecting the same Constable jedediah marcys list for the province 58-16- 4- 2 his list for the minester 30-10- i- i his wood list 4-18-10 -o his school list 11-14- 6- 3 his town list 5- 3- 9- 3 his county list 3-10-10- 3 Constable Eben'' Davisons list for y* province 44-15- 9- o his list for the minester 20-19- o- i his wood list 3- 9- 8- o his school list 9- o- 3- 1 his town list 3-18-11- i his county list 1-19- 5- 2 24 Dudley Toivti Recoi-ds, iyj6-y. warrant Worcester ss to Eben'' Davison one of the constables of the town of Dudley greeting you are hearby require! forth- with to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the seventh day of march next at nine a clocke in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse town officers for the year insuing 3) to se if the town will except of the lists of mens names laid before tliem to serve as pety jurers at Worcester Courts 4) to se what sume or sums of money the town will grant to defray the charge of schooling y^ present year 5) to se what sume of money the town will grant for mending the highways the year insuing and agree on whate method 6) to se if the town will vote that there swine shall rune at large 7) to se if the town will axcept of such highways as are lately laid out by the select men of sd town S) to se if the town will hear and grant such pettion or pittions as shall be laid before them at sd meeting and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law Dudley February y® 33'' 1756 Joseph upham \ Jacob Chamberline > Select men Sam" Corbin ) by vertue of this warrant I have notify the inhabitants ot Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Eben'' Davison Constable nieetiug at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at oin' meeting house in sd town on moiiday ye ytii ^f march 1757 Dudley Tozun Records^ ^757- 2j i) voted Jonathan Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted Benja" Conant Town Clerk 3) voted to have five select men 4) voted Benja" Conant select man 5) voted Joshna Healy select man 6) voted Jonathan Newell select man 7) voted Eben"^ Bacon select man 8) voted Eben'' Davison select man 9) voted the select men to be assessers 10) voted jedediah marcy town treasurer 11) voted Ezra Conant Constable for the east end of the town 12) voted Joshua vinton Constable for the west end of the town 13) voted Jonathan Hebberd and Joseph burnul tything men 14) voted Joseph upham and Jams fuller sui'veyers of high- ways 15) voted Eben"' trusdil and obediah Sabin smveyers of highways 16) voted Cap" Healy sealer of weights and measurs 17) voted Joseph poUy sealer of Leather 18) voted Elijah Dodge and David Cuttin fence vcwers 19) voted Daniel Harris and David .Sterns hogrevs 20) voted that swine shall go at large 21) voted by the town there axceptance of the nams of the persons to serve on tiie pettee jury at Worcester Courts 22) voted 20 0-0 lawfull money for schooling year insuing 23) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money for the meuing our high- way 24) voted to go on in the same method to mend our high- ways as in time past 25) voted by the town there axceptance of a highway for Elishua Corbin he p;i}ing tiie cost if any be 26) voted by the town there axceptance of a highwav laid out from m'' Joseph land to Abijah Ne wells 27) voted to a number of persons the south part of our meeting house in the mens gallery to build a pew namly 4 26 Dudley Town Records^ ^757' Jonathan Dennis Josejjh Healy Sam" Earns Nathaniel Healy mark Elhvell Daniel newell philip Newell zS) voted to Benja" morris and Sam" Fairbanks jtm'^ the south east corner of our meeting house ovr the wemans stairs to build them a pew they not discommoding the stairs nor windows on the terms they requested 29) voted to job ruewe and Jams fuller that pew in our meeting house that was Cap" Clement Corbins on the same footing that the others were disposd of vz they to injoy it during there abode in the town and at there leaving y^ town sd pew to return to the town again the town paying them the cost of building sd pew the town officers chosen at this meeting have taken there oaths Cap" Newell chosen Constable at this meeting and dismist by a vote Dudley march y** 7**^ '757 '^ highway laid out by the select men of sd town begining at Eleazer putneys southwest corner thence runing upon his line northeast to a heap of stons thence east to a whit oake tree marked thence southeast to another whitoake tree marked south to a maple tree marked east to a blackoake tree marked northeast to a blackoake tree marked east to another blackoak tree marked east to another blackoak tree marked from thence to a roade formerly laid out through the land of m'' Benja" Newells late of Dudley Disest sd road to ly on the south side of sd marks and to be two rods wide Dudley February y'^ 28"' 1757 a highway laid out by the select men of sd town for Elishua Corbin at his desire as fol- lows begining on the east side the highway that leads from David Cuttins to our meeting house at the corner between Jams Corbins and Thomus Newells land from thence runing east by the line between sd Corbins and Newells land to a lilackoak s-tub which is the corner bounds of sd Newells land then runing north till it corns to Elishua Corbins land Dudley Town Records^ 1757- ^7 tlie above mentionod roade to be on the south side of sd Newells line and sd voadc to be two rods wide sd Elishua to be at the cost of sd road if any be these above mentioned roads were laid before the town at our aneual meeting in march i757 ^^^^ axcepted by y*^ town to the gentlemen of the town of Dudley m' moderater Si'' we the subscribers being verv ill accomodated to atend the publicke worship at our own parish do humbley beg a continuance. of the previlidge that we have injoyed in congre- gating with you as in years past and in order to convene our selves and familys we desire a privilidge of building a p( w^ over the wemans stairs and if it please the gentlemen of this town to grant sd pittion to us we beg an unmolested use of sd pew till such time as it is wanted for the towns use and at the request of the townsmen we promise to resign sd pew in good repair to them provided y* sd towsmen paye us the first cost and further we promise to come into and joyn in any reason- able method to obligate our selves to pay y*^ town rates for our heads so long as the above stl prelidge is aflbrded to us tliis our petition or petitions from us which we ever humbly pray Benja" morris Sam" fairbanks jim"^ Killingly march y' 7"* 1757 may y^ 3" 1757 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Joshua Vinton or Ezra Conant greeting 30U are hearby requird lortinvith to warn ox notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifytl to vote in town aOairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y*^ 16"' of may instant at three a clock after noone then and there to act on the foUowiuif articles 28 Dudley Town Records^ ^757- i) to chuse a reprcsentitive at the great and general Court the year insuing 2) to chuse a school committee for y*^ present 3'ear 3) to se if the town will agree that the count}- rate may be put into- sume otlier rate and paid out of y*" town treasury 4) to se if the town will grant money for nesisery usscs and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law B)- onler of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By virtue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhaliitants of Dudle}' to meet at time and place within mentioned at a meeting of tlie inhabitants of the town of Dudley rcgu- lerly assem])led at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 16"' day of may 1757 i) voted Cap" Thomus Cheeney representeti\c for y*" year insuing 3) voted m' Joseph upham moderater for sd meeting 3) voted nV philip Corbin m' Joseph vinton and m"' Sam" Robinson for a school committee the present year 4) voted that the county rate may be put into sume other rate and payd out of the town treasury for y*" future c;) voted 7-0-0 lawfull money to defray nessery charges for the present year December 1757 y"^ rev'' m"" gleasons salery is 44-S-10-2 lawfull money or 333-6-S-o old tenor December 17=57 the rates made for that year and deliverd into the constables hands with warrants for collecting the same Dudley Tozvn Records^ 7757-^. 2g Constable Joshua Vintons list for the province is 103- 3- o- o and his list for the minesters rate is 35-14- 9- o and his list for the wood rate is 4-13- 7- o and his list for the school rate is lO-iS- i- i and his list for the town rate is 5- S- 9- 3 Constable Ezra Conants list for the province is S3- 17- o- o and his list for the minesters rate is 30-13- o- 3 and his list for the W'ood rate is 3"I4~ o~ 3 and his list for the school rate is 9- 4- "]- o and his list for the town rate is 4-1 1- S- 3 Dudley February y'' 14"^ 1758 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Joshua Vinton or Ezra Conant greeting you are hearby reciuird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhab- itants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y*" 6"' dav of march next at nine a clock in the morning then and the to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse town ofHcers for the year insuinge 3) to grant money to defray the charge of schooling 4) to chuse a committee to provide schooling the present year 5) to agree on some method for mending our highways and to grant money to defray the charge thereof 6) to hear and grant any petition which may then be laid before the town if they see cause 7) to chuse a committee to reckon with m' Joseph upham who hath servd as treasm-er for this town S) to se if the town will devid the middle school ward in this town JO Dudley Town Records^ I75^- and make due return of jour proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have warnd the inhabitants of this town to meet at time and place within mentioned Ezra Conant Constable meetiug ^^ ^ meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* 6"' of march 175S i) voted m'' Joseph Sabin moderatcr for sd meetinge 2) voted to have five select men the year insuing 3) voted m"' Joseph Sabin select man 4) voted m'' phinchus mixer select man c;) voted m'' Joseph upham select man 6) voted m' Sam" Corbin select man 7) voted Ezra Conant select man 8) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant Town Clerke 10) voted m' Joseph upham town treasurer 1 1 ) voted m"^ Sam" Robinson Constable for the east end ol the town 13) voted m' Eben'' trusdil Constable for the west end of the town 13) voted Joseph Jewell jim^and timothy foster tything men i^) v^oted Cap" Healy sealer of weights and measuers I ^ ) voted Joseph policy sealer of leather 16) voted Elijah gore and Eben' Edmunds junr surveyers of highways 17) voted Lef Bradbery and Andrew w^hite surveyers of highways 18) voted the surveyers of highways to be colecters of the highway rates in labour and if not in money Dudley Town Records, ^75^- 31 19) voted Jacob Chamberline and Elishua Corbin fence vewers 20) voted that swine shall go at large 21) voted Jonathan Hebberd and Thomas Hochins hoge revevs 22) voted Sam" Chamberline and Eben' Scott dear revevs 23) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money to defray the charge of schooling 24) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money for mending our highwa3-s 25) voted labour at the highways at 0-2-6 a day from the first of may to the last of September and after that at 0-1-6 a day 26) voted to dismise the petition relating the west pew in our meeting house gallery for the present 27) voted to dismise deviding the middle school ward for the present 28) voted m'' Sam" Corbin m' Sam" may and Andrew white for a committee to settle with the town treasurer and make report at our may meeting 29) voted m"' John Curtis m' Eben' Bacon and m' paul Robinson for a committee to provid schooling the vear insuing the several officers Ijefore mentioned have taken there oaths as the law directs accept Sam" Chamberline being moved out of town Dudley may 4"* 175S. Then receivd y* Sum of one hun- dred and forty-eight pounds, three shillings and two pence two farthings in full of my Salary and arrearages to y* first day ot march 1757 Wood Excepted P"^ Charles Gleason Dudley may y*" 13"' i 75S Worcester ss to either of the constables town of Dudley ■"'^^rant 3^ Dudley Town Rccoi'ds^ 1758- Sam" Robinson or Ebcn' triisdil greeting you are bearby required forthwith to warn or notify y" several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday y® twenty second day of may instent at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse a person to represent this town at the great and general court to be holden at the Court house in Boston the year insuing 3) to grant money for necissery uses 4) to se what the town will do relating to y" I'ev'^ m'' gleasons fire wood 5) to se whate the town will do concerning y" arereiges of y* highway rates 6) to se if the town will allow the school money given by John Thompson to ly in m'' Sam" Robinsons hands he paying the use '/) to hear the report of y* committee that was chosen to settle with treasurer upham 8) to chuse a pei'son to take care of our meeting house and dige graves when needed 9) to hear and grant any petition that may then be laid before the town if they se fitt and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants ol this to meet at time and place within mentioned Eben"' trusdil Constable meeting _^^ _^ meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly asseml)led at our meeting liousc in sd town on monday y« 22'' day of may 1758 Dudley Town Records^ 1758- 33 i) voted not to send a Deputy 2) voted ni' Joseph upham modern ter for sd meeting 3) voted S-0-0 lawfull money for nessisery uses 4) voted that the present surv^eyers collect the ereriges of the highway lists and vvorke it out on our highways in the method they work this year 5) voted that the money in m' Sam" Robinsons hands be- longing to the town to ly in his hands a year after it is payable he paying the interest 6) voted there acceptance of the committees report in settling with treasurer upham 7) voted there acceptance of three quarters of an acre of land which Cap" paul Robinson reservd in nathan jefl'erds land for a burying place and gives that to the neighbourhood for that use reserving a priviledge for himself and family 8) voted m' will*" Cartur for to dig graves 9) voted the rev"* m'' gleason 30 cords of fire wood brought mrgieasous to his house by the last of January next at forty shilings a cord old tenor 10) voted m' Alixander Thompson to take care of our meeting house this year A settlement with the treasurer m' Joseph upham Dudley April 13 1758 and we find in his hands the sume of 4~i4- 4" o and remaining in Constable Eben''Davisons hands 14- 4-1 1- 3 and in Constable jedediah marcys hands 16- S-ii- 3 and in Constable mays hands 1-5-4-2 Sam" Corbin 1 . , \ -u c Committee Andrew white \ Worcester ss to Constable Sam" Robinson you are hearby requird in his majestys name forthwith to warn the 5 34 Dudley Town Records^ IJS^- sevearal familys hear after mentioned to depart ont of this town vz Sam" Chubb with his wife prudence and children rebeckah mary and Lucy moses mackclallen and mary his wife and child mary James Shafter with Esther his wife and children Simon Lois mary and Esther and likewise Hezekiah Belles and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law in that case made and provided Dudley July y'= 6"^ 1758 Joseph upham "j Sam" Corbin >- Select men Ezra Conant ) By vertue of this warrant I have warnd the several jDersons within named to depart out of this town of Dudley as the law directs July y' 24"" 1758 Sam" Robinson Constable Worcester ss to Constable Eben' trusdil you are hearby requird in his majestys name forthwith to warn the several familys hearafter mentioned to depart out of this town vz John wiley with his wife Rachel and children Robin Susannah and Robert John Scott with his wife mary and child Sam" palmer with Rachel his wife and children Rachel mehitebel Sam" comfort Silas and hannah John Coburn and Deborah his wife and his children zeruiah John and Joseph and likewise susannah wiley and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law in that case made and provided Dudley July y" 6"^ 1758 Joseph upham "x Sam" Corbin > Select men Ezra Conant J July y'' 20"^ 1758 in obedence to the within written war- rant to me directed I have warnd the several persons within Dudley Toivn Records^ 1758- 35 mentioned to depart according to the tenor of the within written warrant p"^ me Eben"^ Trvisdil Constable This 1 8'** day of may 1758 the Select men of the town of Oxford and Dudley meet at the pond called Charmamagunka- muge and preamblelated the line Between sd Oxford and Dudley from sd pond to Chalton southeast corner and renewed the Bounds according the former preamblation John Willson ^ Select men Alixander Campbel > of Eben' Learnerd J Oxford Joseph upham ] Select men pham ] rbin ) Sam" Corbin ) of Dudley we the subscribers hearunto have preamblelated the Bounds between Dudley and Chalton as follows vz begining at a heap of stons which is the northeast corner of Dudley and the south- east corner of Chaltott from thence to a black oak from thence to a white oak from thence to a white oak being m"" uphams N. E. corner from thence to a maple tree in a swamp from thence to a white oak from thence to a dry pitch pine on a hill with stones about it from thence to a white oak tree east of m' pairpints medow from thence to a white oak from thence to a black oak and stons about it from thence to a red oak tree in m*^ pairpoynts wall from to a white from thence to a red oak and a heap of stons by it from thence to a large red oak south of Foskitts from thence to a walnut tree and stons about it from thence to a stump with stons about it from thence to a white oak and black oak together from thence to red oak on the east side of y^ great pond from thence to a gray oak on the west sid of sd pond from thence to a chesnut tree from thence to a great black oak tree on the east sid the little ^6 Dudley Town Records^ 175^' pond from thence to a white oak on the west sid the little pond from thence to a white oak on the west sid of a swamp from thence to a heep of stons on the hill south of Bloods from to a heep of stons on a rock from thence to a white oak tree at the south end of Isaiah Bloods land from thence to a walnut tree in Eleazer putney north line from thence to a white oak from thence to a stak and heep of stons from thence to a white oak with a heep of stons about it on a hill north of m' Joseph Sabins from thence to a black oak from thence to a heep of stons by a crathed red oak from thence to a large white pine tree near were trout brook enters the river from thence to heep of stons on the side hill west of the river from thence to a white oak tree from thence to a white oak ti-ee from thence to a walnut tree from thence to a white oak tree from thence to a small crothed white oak tree west of a ledge of rocks from thence to a heep of stons which is Dudley N. W corner and Chalton S"^ corner Dudley Aprill y<= i8"> 1758 phinehus mixer ^ Select men Joseph upham ■ of Richard Dresser ; Dudley and Isaiah Blood J Chalton Dudley November 1758 rates made and deliverd into the Constabls hands with warrants for colecting the same Constable Sam" Robinsons list to the province 85- 2- 2- i his list to the minester 20- 4- 6- 2 his wood list 3-16- 5- 3 his school list 9- 7- 7- 2 his town and county list 7~ ^~ 4" ^ Constable Ebcn' Trusdils list to the province 85- 2-2-1 his list to the minester 24- 6-1 1- i his wood list 4-12- i- o his school list . 10-15- i- o and his town and county list 7-16-11- i Dudley Toivn Records^ ^759- 3*1 Worcester ss to Eben"' Trusdil one of the Constables of vv.-irrant the town of Dudley in the county of Worcester greeting you are hearby in his majestys name requird forthwith to warn or notify the inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in Dudley on monday the fifth day of march next at nine a clocke in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a moderater for the present meeting 2) to chuse town officers for the year insuing as the law directs 3) to se what method the town will take for the mending our highways in sd town and to grant money for the mending sd highways 4) to se what simie or sumes of money the town will grant to defray the charg of schooling y'' year insuing 5) to se if the town will chuse a committee to provid schooling y*" year insuing 6) to se if the town will chuse a committee to reckon with y" town treasurer 7) for to hear and grant any petition or petitions that may be laid before them at sd meeting 8) to se if the town will vote for swine to go at large 9) to se if the town will accept of any highway or roads laid out by y" select men and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law Dated at Dudley this thirteenth day of February y*" 32(1 year of his majestys reign A D 1759 Joseph Sabin "^ Joseph upham '■ phinehas mixer f ^'^^'^^^ "^^" Sam" Corbin J Bx vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhaliitants of this town to meet at time and place within mentioned Eben' Trusdil Constal)le j8 Dudley Town Records^ ^759' meetiiiR ^t j^ meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y*' 5* day of march i759 1 ) voted m"' Joseph Sabin moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have five select men the present year 3) voted Benja" Conant select man /\) voted Joseph Sabin select man 5) voted Sam" Corbin select man 6) voted Sam" Robinson select man 7) voted Joseph jewell jun'' select man 8) voted the select men to be assessers 9) voted Benja" Conant Town Gierke 10) voted Joseph upham Town treasurer 11) voted Nathaniel jewell Constable for the west end of the town 12) voted will" Cartur Constable and Andrew white by the town in his roome 13) voted Joshua Healy jun'' and Nathan jefferds tything men 14) voted John tayler Joseph Burnul Sam" Fairbanks and Sam" Kidder surveyers of highways 15) voted Jonathan Hebberd and Elishua Sabin jun' hog reives 16) voted for swine to go at large 17) voted Cap" Healy sealer of waits and measurs 18) voted Joseph poUy sealer of leather 19) voted job rue we and Jonathan Dennis fence vewers- 20) voted Eben' Scott and Eleazer putney dear reives 21) voted 40-0-0 lawfull money for to mend our highways 22) voted the surveyers of our highways to be colecters for sd sume granted for that use either in labour or money 23) voted labour at our highways at 0-3-0 a day till the last of September and after that at two shilling a day - 24) voted 20-0-0 lawfull money to defray the charge of schooling the present year 25) voted Lef Bradbery phillip Corbin and Abijah Newell for a committee to provid schooling y* year insuing Dudley Town Records, 173Q. 39 26) voted and abated m'' foster his sons rate that was wounded in the sei'\'ise 27) voted m"' Sam" Corl)in m' jedediah marcy and Ezra Conant for a committee to settle with treasurer upham and to make return II \ chosen Joseph Builen j These may certify whome it may concern Alixander Brown of Dudley doth frequently attend the publicke worship of God with the Baptis Church at Sturbridge and we beleive he is concontously inclined to that perswasion Henry Fiske ~\ Chosen Daniel Fiske >- for y' Sturbridge July y^ 20"" 1759 John Newell ) purpose These may certify whome it may concern that Elishua Sabin jun"" of Dudley doth freequently and usualy meet with the Baptis Church at Sturbridge and we beleive he is concienceusly of that perswasion Henry Fiske ~\ Chosen Daniel Fiske (- for that John Newell J purpose Sturbridg July y' iS"' 1759 42 Dudley Town Records^ iy^g-jy6o. November 1759 rates made and deliverd into the constables hands for the town of Dudley with warrants for collecting the same Constable Nathaniel Jewells list to the province is 1 30-i 2-1 1- i and his minesters list 24-13- 7- 3 and his wood list 4-18-10- 3 and his school list 11- i- 9- 3 and his town and county list 8-15-11- i Constable Andrew whits list to the province is 102- 9- 3- o and his list to the minester is 20-13- 2- 3 and his wood liste 4- 2- 3- 3 and his list to the school is 9- 6- 8- 3 and his tovs^n and county list is 7- 9- 5- 2 Dudley November y* 20"^ ^759 Worcester ss to Constable Andrew white greeting in his majestys name you are required to warn all those persons hereafter named to depart out of the town of Dudley forthwith the nams of persons are these mary Sanders and her daughter mary and her son abiding at Abijah Tuckers also Isaac Humphry and his wife and his children Isaac and Elijah and Sam" and David Burril the widow Sarah Southwick and Abigail Noland and her child and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law Joseph Sabin ^ Sam" Corbin 1 c„^ii r> 1 • r Select men bam" Kobmson \ Joseph Jewell J in obedience to this warrant I have warnd the within named persons to depart out of this town according to the tenner of this warrant Dudley January y* i' 1760 p' me Andrew white Constable Dudley Toivn Records^ iy6o. 43 Dudley January 29"* 1 760 Tlien receive! the sum of eighty eight pounds, seventeen shilHngs and nine pence, in full of my salary to the First day of march 1759, and sixteen pounds in full of my Wood-Rate to the last day of ocf 1759 p'' Charles Gleason Dudley January y* 16"' 1760 Worcester ss to either of constables of the town of Dud- ley Nathaniel jewell or Andrew white greeting you are hearby required forthwith to wai-n or notify the se\eral in- habitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to" meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y* 39* day of January instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) for the town to hear and act on the proposals which the Rev*^ m' gleason may make relating to the land the town gave him near our meeting house in y* year 1744 i'^ order to build him a house on 2) to se if the town will confirm the agreement the middle school ward made to devide into two part 3) to see if the town will let the money remain in m"^ Sam" Robinsons hands another year which John Tompson gave the town he paying the interst 4) to hear the committees report relating to the treasurer 5) to se if the town will reconsider the vots the where past concerning the pue in the west gallery of our meeting house and dispose of it as the town shall think proper 6) to se if the town will Build a new pound and wether with wood or stone • and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke in obedance to this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of ^4- Dudley Town Records^ iy6o. the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable meeting ^^ ^ meeting of the inhabitants of the. town of Dudley regu- leily assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y'' 29"* of January 1760 1 ) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted not to purchise that acree and half of land the town gave the rev*^ m"^ gleason by our meeting house 3) a vote being requested wether the town would confirm the agreement made by the middle school ward for deviding into two parts and it past in the negitive 4) voted that the towns money in m"" Sam" Robinsons to remain there another year 5) voted there acceptence of the committees settlement with Treasurer upham 6) voted and reconsider the vots that were past relating to the pue the young men built in the west gallery of our meeting house at a meeting in may last 7) voted the pue in the west gallery of our meeting house to the young men that Built it taking out Robert Webster and John Eams and puting in Lef John Cortis Nathaniel Jewell and Andrew Coburn jun' they paying sd webster and Eams there first cost in building and it is expected that the owners of sd pue will maintain the glasse adjoyning to sd pue as others do 8) voted not to build a pound for the presente we the subscribers being chosen as a committee by the town of Dudley to Recken with Treasurer upham have attended that Dudley Town Records^ iy6o. service and we find in the treasurers hands the same of 1 1-2-3-3 lawfull money Dudley January y* 29"^ 1 760 Sam" Corbin jedidiah marc\- \ Committee Ezra Conant Dudley February y* 20"* 1760 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town ol Dudley Nathanial jcwell or Andrew white greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several in- habitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the third day of march next at nine a clock in the morning then and there to act upon the following articls 1 ) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse town officers for the year insuing 3) to se if the town will chuse a committee to bound out our four acrees of land by our meeting house according to the plan of it and to stake out the rev'' m'' gleasons acree and a half for him on y"^ sd four acrees 4) to se if the town will reconsider there vote of acceptance the last part of m^ Elishua Corbins road on his brother James Corbins land and to advance the first part of sd road three rods further east 5) to agree on sume method for the mending our highways and grant money for y* same 6) to grant money to defray the charge of schooling and also to chuse a committee for y' same 7) to se if the town will accept of the highway laid out by m' David Sternses 8) to se if the town will divid the middle and west school wards into four parts 9) to se if the town will grant money to defray ncssisery chares Dudley Town Records^ jy6o. and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of y* select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this v/arrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday the third day of march 1760 1 ) voted m"" Joseph upham moderater for sd meeting 2) voted Benja" Conant Town Clerke 3) voted to have but 3 select men seperat from assessers 4) voted Benja" Conant select man 5) voted m' Joseph upham select man 6) voted m' phinehus mixer select man 7) voted to have three assessers seperat from the select men S) voted m'' Sam" fairbanks assesser 9) voted m' Sam" Corbin assesser 10) voted m"" Joseph Sabin jun'' assesser 11) voted m'' Joseph upham town treasurer 12) voted m'' Joseph Burnul constable for the west end of the town 13) voted m' Timothy foster constable for the east end of the town 14) voted Andrew white and Joseph Ilealy tything men \$\ voted Deacon Newell Sam" fairbanks Andrew white Ezra Conant and Joseph Sabin jun'^surveyers of highways and voted them colecters of sd highway lists 16) voted Sam" may and Abijah Newell fence vewers 17) voted Cap" Ilealy sealer of waits and measurs 18) voted Joseph polly sealer of leather 19) voted that swine may go at large 20) voted Joseph Edmunds jun'' Joseph Stone and Simeon wakfeild for hosrreaves Dudley Toxvn Records^ lySo. 4*j 21) voted the select men as a committee tc\ settle the Bounds of our four acrees of land at our meeting house and to measure out y' rev*^ m' gleasons acree and a half of land on sd four acrees 22) voted and disanuled there vote of acceptance of the second part of Elishua Corbins road laid on his brother James Corbins land and voted the first part of sd road to advance three rods further east 23) voted to mend our highways in the same method as in the year past 24) voted 50-0-0 for the mending our highways and to be workt out at 0-3-0 a day till the last of September and then at 0-2-0 a day 25) voted that the middle and west school wards are divided into four school wards according to the paper now laid l^efore the town 26) voted 30-0-0 to defray the charge of schooling the present year 27) voted and referd over the acceptance of the road by m' Sternses for consideration and raising money for nessisery uses to may meeting note the several officers above mentioned have taken there oaths Dudley may y* 14*'' 1760 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town ot Dudley Timothy Foster or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y® 22 day of this instant may at tw-o a clock after noone then antl there to act upon the follow'ing articles 1) to chuse a representitive for the year insuing 2) to se if the town will accept of th6 committees report I'elating to y* rev*^ m' gleasons land by our meeting house 3) to se if the town will accept of the highway laid out Dudley Town Records^ jydo. from Deacon Edmunds south line by David Sternes to the colony line it being referd over from march meeting to this in may for consideration 4) to se if the town will free m' ramsdil and his estate towards the support of the widow rich for the future provided he gives her her board y* present year 5) to grant money for nessisery uses 6) to dis^pos of our school house by our meeting house as they think most proper 7) to se if the town will build a new pound and wether with wood or stone and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Timothy Foster Constable meeting jjj ;i meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday the 22'^ day of may 1760 and it being requested wether they would send a Debputy and the people declined sending i) voted m"' Joseph upham moderater for sd meeting 2) voted by the town there acceptance of y" committees re- port relating to y* rev** m"" gleasons acree and a half of land by our meeting house according to the plan made by m"" Theoph- elus Chandler surveyer 3) voted there acceptance of a highway laid out from Deacon Edmunds south line by David Sternses to the colony line it being referd over from march meeting to this in may for consideration 4) voted to clear m' ramsdil and his estate for the future from any further charge towards the support of the widow Dudley Toxvn Records^ ij6o. ^g jane rich he gives her her board the present year 5) voted to build a pound with stone within a year from this time 6) voted 14-0-0 for the cliarge of building sd pound 7) voted 4-0-0 for nessisery charges S) voted to set sd pound by nV will'" Carturs 9) voted m"" Eben'' Bacon m'' Joseph upham and nV phine- hus mixer to be a committee to dispose of our school house by our meeting in the best manner they cane and to deliver each part there proportion of the money Dudley February y^ i 2"" 1 760 a highway laid out by the select men of sd town at the re- i^"diey Road quest of a nvmiber of persons as follows begining at the south- west corner of m'' Eben'' Bacons farm at the south end of a road formerly laid out and runing about south two rods wide east of m'' Joseph Burnuls first lease of m'' Dudleys land were the path is now trod to a white oak tree with stons by the side of it from thence. by the east end of m"" David Sternses house from thence pritty straight to a white oak stump in the middle of the road near the colony line at the little gate that gos out of sd Sternses pasture y* sd road to be two rodes wide this sd road was brought to the town at our aneuel meeting in march in 1760 and not accepted but referd over to our meeting in may for consideration and then accepted by the town Benja" Conant ^ Joseph Sab in • o 11 /"< 1 • f Select men Sam" Corbm J Joseph Jewell jun"' J Dudley July y*^ i' 1760 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town ol Dudley Town Records^ 1760. Dudley Timothy Foster or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby require! forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd towni on thirsday y* 10 day of this instent July at four a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to see if the town will reconsider the vots that were past at our last march and may meetings concerning the division of our middle and west school wards and come into some other or better method to accomedate the whole and also to recon- sider the grant of money that was raised for schooling 3) to se if the town will except of the jury men laid before them 4) to se if the town will set a prise upon labour about our pound or put it out by the great and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Timothy Foster Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y* 10*'' day of July 1760 i) voted Cap" Sam" Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted and reconsiderd the votes that were past at our last march and may meeting relating to the division of our middle and west school wards 3) voted by the town their exceptance of the jury men laid before them this meeting is adjurend to y* 26"" day of August next at two a clock after noone at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- Dudley Towti Records^ lydo. j/ lerly assembled at our meeting in sd town on y^ 36"' day of August 1760 upon adjurnment from y'' 10*'' of July last i) voted to put out the Building of our pound by the great 2) voted 9-10-0 lawfull money to m"" Elishua Corbin for building a good stone pound By m'' will"' Carturs sd pound to be 3 foot and a half thick at bottom of said wall and about eighteen or twenty intichs thick at top and six foot and a half high with a teer of good flatt stons on the wall above the six foot and half high sd pound to be two rod squar within the walls with a good gate well hangd the town finding the irons sd pound to be compleated by the first of may next Dudley August y^ 30"' 1760 Worcester ss to either of the constaliles of the town of Dudley Timothy foster or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y^ 9"* day of Sep" next at three a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following ai'ticles i) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to se if the town will agree to the division of our middle and west school wards as they where laid before the town at our last aneual meeting in march or come into some other method as they shall think fitt 3) to se if the town will grant any sume or sumes of money to be assest on each or either of sd divisons to build there school houses and also to build sd houses and make due return of our proceedings as you will answer your defalt at the peril of law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Timothy foster Constable 52 meeting Dudley Town Records^ 1760. at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- larly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y* q"* day of Sep" 1760 i) voted vn' Joseph upham moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to stand by the division of our middle and west school wards as they where laid before the town at our last march meeting 3) voted 13-6-S to be raisd upon each division for building sd school houses 4) voted phinehus mixer Eben*^ Davison Sam" may Joshua Healy jun"" Joseph Burnul Eben'' Edmunds jun'' Sam" Corbin philip Corb and Joseph upham for three committees to build sd school houses Dudley September y^ 23'' 1760 Know all men by these presents that I will'" Cartur of Dudley in the county of Worcester do hearby give grant and discharge for myself and heirs all my right and tittle to a certain peace of land on the west side the road near my house oposit against the old pound containing thirty eight foot squar whereon to set a pound for the towns use during the towns pleasure and whenever the town ses cause to remove the pound sd land to return to sd will'" Cartur as wittness my hand Andred Darby John Nickolls William Carter. Worcester ss To Duncan Campbell Esq'' one of his majestys justies of peace for sd county shew our earnest request and desire of us the subscribers inhabitants of the town of Dudley in sd county and being freeholders in sd town whereas we the subscribers aforsd made application to the selectmen of sd Dudley several tims in writinge under our hands by us subscribers desiring the sd selectmen to call a town meeting as Dudley To-wn Records^ jy6o. jj soone as could be by law to act upon the following articles vz i) to cbuse a moderater for sd meeting 3) to se if the will reconsider the votes that were past at our last town meeting on September y*' 9"^ 1760 3) to se if the town will sete of a number of subscribers a school ward to keep a school in the house that was our old school house by our meeting house and to draw there propor- tion of school money yearly they paying the other inhabitants there just proportion of the money the old school house was sold for 4) to se if the town will cluise a committee to provide schooling 5) to se if the town will allow those persons on the west ^ side of quineboge River to draw there own school money to be laid out in schooling amongst themselves and we the subscribers pray that you would grant us a warrant for calling a town meeting to act on the articles above mentioned on the eighteth day of December next at ten a clock in the forenoone Sam" Newell Joseph Sabin Sam" Corbin • Jacob Chamberline Joshua Vinton Hezekiah Bellus Elezer putney James Corbin Wiir Cartur Andrew white Sam" Eams Eben"^ Bacon Joshua Healy jun'' Worcester ss to Joseph Burnul one of the constables oi Dudley in sd county of Worcester greeting in his majestys name you are hearby requird agreeable to law to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of Dudley qualilyd by law to vote in town aflairs to meet at the meeting house in j-^ Dudley Town Records^ iy6o. Dudley on monday the eighteth day of December next at ten a clock in the forenoone then and there to transact on each and every of the perticulers within mentioned and fail not and have you then this warrant with your doings thereon timly Dated in oxford this twenty eighteth day of November in the 34'** year of his majestys reign georg the second Duncan Campbell justice of peace Worcester ss Dudley December y^ 8"^ 1 760 persuant to this above warrant to me directed I have warnd the freeholders and other inhabitants qualifyd by law to vote in town aflairs to meet at the meeting house in dudley and on the day and clocke aforesd as above mentioned for the ends above specified Joseph Burnul Constable of Dudley Meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday the 8* day of December 1760 i) voted m' Joseph Sabin moderater for sd meeting 2) voted and reconsiderd the votes that where past at our last town meeting on Sep" y* 9"* 1760 relating to schooling 3) voted Cap" Healy m'' mixer m"^ upham m'' Joseph Vinton and m'' Sam" Robinson for a committee to provide schooling till the money is expended thats. now assest for schooling 4) voted that the inhabitants of Dudley on the west side of quinebog river shall draw there own school money thats now assest to expend amonge themselves in schooling December y* 8"* 1760 rates made and deliverd into the constables hands with warrents for colecting the same Constable timothy Fosters province list 84-13-11- 3 and his minesters list 20-13- ^~ 3 his wood list 3-10- o- 2 Dudley Towti Records^ lydo-i'jdj . jj his school list 14- 2- 7- 3 and his town and county list 10-10- o- i and Constable Joseph Burnuls list for the province 95- 9- 6- 2 his list for the minesters rate 23-15-10- 2 his wood list 3-19- 5- 2 his school list 15-18- 7- o and his town and county list 11-17- i- 2 Dudley February y* 20"' 1761 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Timothy Foster or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town aflairs to meet at our meeting house in said town on monday the second day of march next at nine a clocke in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse town officers for the year insuing 3) to grant money for schooling and other nessisery chargs 4) to se if the town will agree to settle our school wards if not to chuse a committee 5) to se if the town will exept of a road or road which may then be laid before them 6) to se if the town will agree on some method for the mending of our highways and grant money to defray the charge thereof 7) to se if the town will allow swine to go at large 8) to chuse a committee to settle with treasurer upham and make report at may meeting and make due retinn of your proceedings as you will answer your default at the peril of the law in that case made and provided By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of ^6 Dudley Totvit Records^ lydi. the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Joseph Burnul Constable towu meeting at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y"" 2*^ day of march 1761 i) voted m' Joseph Sabin moderater for sd meeting 2) voted Benja" Conant Town Gierke 3) voted to have five select men 4) voted Benja" Conant select man and dismist by a vote 5) voted m'' Joseph Sabin select man 6) voted Deacon Jon" Newell select man 7) voted m"" Sam" Corbin select man 8) voted m"" Silas Robinson select man 9) voted Ezra Conant select man 10) voted the select men to be assessers 11) voted Cap" Sam" Newell town treasurer 13) voted Joseph Edmunds jun"" constable for y" west end and Joseph Burnul exepted in his room 13) voted job ruewe constable for the east end and Andrew white exepted in his room 14) voted Timothy Foster and Abijah Newell tything men 15) voted Cap" Healy sealer of waits and measiu's 16) voted Joseph polly sealer of leather 17) voted Elezer putney and Eben'' Edmunds jun'' surveyers of highways 1 8) voted m'' Benja" Kidder Elijah gore and Sam" Robinson surveyers of highways 19) voted m"" Jacob Bradbery and m'' Nathaniel Healy fence vewers 20) voted that swine may go at large 31 ) voted Joseph putney and Fesenden hogreves 33) voted to have three wardens 23) voted Lef Bradbery Lef Curtis and m'' phinehus mixer to be wardens Dudley Town Records^ jy6i. 57 24) voted to have five schools this year Between quinibog river and the east school ward one at the old school house by our meeting house one at or near Deacon Edmundses one at m"" phi lip Corbins one at our school house near m' gores and one at the school house near m' Jacob Chamberlins 2^) voted the select men to provide a schoolinge the year insuing and to devid our school money that may be granted for schooling most lor the publicke benifit in schooling our children 26) voted by the town there axeptance of a highway from Chalton line at m'' Fosdicks south line to the south end of m' mixers saw mill dame 37) voted -^o-o-o lawlull money for the mending ol our highways in the same method they did last year labour at 0-3-0 a day from the firs of may to the last of September and then at 0-3-0 a day 3S) voted that the first monday in march shall be our aneuel meeting for the future and that a notifycation set up at our meeting house shall be a sufficent warning for calling town meetings 39) voted insign Corbin Lef " marcy and m"^ Joseph Sabin jun"" a committee to settle with treasurer upham and make report at may meeting the town officers above mentioned have taken there oaths february 1761 a highway laid out by the select men of Dudley begining at a whit oake stub in the line Between Chalton and Dudley near the southwest corner of m' Eben'' foskits land runing southerly to a whitoak tree markt from thence to a Blackoak tree markt from thence to a whitoak tree markt from thence to another whitoake tree markt from thence to a chesnut stadle markt from thence to a walnut stadia markt from thence to a small blackoak tree markt from thence to the south end of m' phinehus mixers sawmill dam and these sd markt trees all on the east side of sd road and sd road to be ^8 Dudley Toivn Records^ 1761. two rod wide and in or near where the path is now trod and this above mentioned road was brought to our aneuel meeting in march 1761 and exepted by y*^ town warrant Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew white or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in Dudley on Wednesday y^ 20"' day of may instent at two a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse a representitive to represent our town at the m-eat and gfeneral court to be holden at the court house in Boston on Wednesday y^ 27"" of may instent 3) to se if the town will give the rev*^ m"" gleason somthing more then his salery for the present year 4) to se if the town will do somthing towards finishing our meeting house 5) to grant such sume or sums of money for schooling and other nessisery uses as may be thought proper 6) to se if the town will agree that m'' Benj" Davis shall draw money out of our town treasury to purchise him a cowe during the towns pleasure 7) to hear and exept the Committees report relating to tliere settlement with treasiu'er upham 8) to se if the town will do anything further relating to our old school house by our meeting house and make due return of vour proceedings as you will answer your def alt at the peril of the law Dudley may y* 12'^ 1761 by order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke may y'' 20"' 1761 by vertue of this warrant I have notify the inhabitants of Dudley Toivn Records^ lydi. jp Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on Wednesday ye 2Qih ^^^y q£ YYxay 1 76 1 a vote being requested weather the town would send a Deputy and it past in y*' negitive 1 ) voted m"" Benja" Kidder moderater for sd meeting 2) voted not to raise money to finish our meeting house 3) voted not to raise money for schooling 4) voted not to act any thinge relating to m'' Davises affair concerning a cowe c;) voted not to act any thing relating toy'' old school house by our meeting house April y*^ 20"^ 1 76 1 the assessers of the town of Dudley personally appeard before me Benja" Conant Town Gierke namly m'' Sam" Corbin m*" Sam" fairbanks and m"" Joseph Sabin jun"" and tooke there oaths to the faithfull discharge of there office in taking an invoice for the general court Dudley may y*" 25"' 1761 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew white or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y" 4"^ day of June next at three a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles meetius; 6o Dudley Town Records^ 1761. i) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to se if the town will do any thing towards finishing our meeting house and if they do to grant money to defray the charge thereof and also chuse a committee to procure the stuff and to gitt the worke done 3) to grant money for schooling and other nessisery charges and also chuse a committee to provide schooling and agree were and how the money shall be spente 4) and also that the committee that sold the old school house b}' our meeting house pay the money to those the house belonged to and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer your defolt at the peril of the law By order oi" the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable meeting ^t a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerlv assembled at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday the 4"^ day of June 1761 1) vote m'' Joseph Sabin moderatar for sd meeting 2) voted not to do any thinge towards finishing our meeting house at presente 3) voted to raise money for schooling 4) voted 30-0-0 lawfull money to defray the charge of schooling the present year 5) voted the select men a committee to provide schooling and to spend the money thats now granted for schooling a fifeth part thats now raisd Between quinebog river and the east school ward at the five placeses as the town agreed upon at our last march meeting a fifeth part at each of those placess 6) voted 6-0-0 lawfull money for nessisary charges Dudley Tow?i Records, Ij6i. 6l Dudley December 1761 rates made and«deliverd into the constables hands with warrants for collecting the same Constable Joseph Burrnuls list to the province rate 87 1 1-7-1 his list for the minesters rate 24-iS-i-i his list for the wood rate 4-10-S-1 his list for the school rate 1 7-10-2-0 and his list for the town and county rate 7-1 2-1-3 and his list for the meeting house rate 1^5- 2-1-0 Constable Andrew whites listforthe province rate 70- 0-0-0 and his list for the minesters rate 1 9-1 6-0-0 his list for the wood rate 3-1 1-4-0 his list for the school rate 13- 8-2-2 and his list for the town and county rate 6- i-o-i and his list for the meeting house rate 44-10-5-1 Dudley December y^ 15"^ 1761 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew white or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to w'arn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y'' 29'^ day of this instent at one a clock after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 2) to se if the town will proceed to do any thing further to our meeting house either the inside or outside or both 3) and if they do proceed in the affair to chuse a commit- tee to procure the stuff and to gitt the worke done 4) and to grant money to defray the charge thereof 5) to se in whate method y^ the town will dispose of y'' widow richs cloathing and make due return of your proceedings as you will answer defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke Dudley Town Records^ iy6i-2. Dudley December y'' 39*'' 1761 By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable meetiu? ^^ a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on tusday y® 29"' of December 1761 i) voted m'' Benja" Kidder moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to do sumthing further towards finishing our meeting house 3) voted to shingle the roofe of our meeting house and to claboard }'^ gable ends 4) voted to finish the inside of our meeting house by lathing and plastering the walls and under the great beems 5) voted three men for a committee to gitte the above sd work done to our meeting house namly m'' phinehus mixer m'' John tayler and m'' will"' Cartur and to se that the worke is well done 6) voted loo-o-o towards finishing our meeting house 7) voted to give the widow richs cloathing to her daughter or daughters Dudley February y^ 16* 1762 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew white or Joseph Burnul greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabi- tants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house iii said town on monday the first day of march next at nine a clocke in the morning then and the to act upon the following articles 1 ) to chusc a moderater for sd meeting 2) to chuse town ofliesers for the year insueinge Dudley Town Records^ 1^62. 63 3) to chuse a committee to recken with the town treasurer Cap" Newell and also to reckon with the school committees that were chose lor the years 1759 and 1760 4) to se if y^ town will except of the highways that have been laid out y^ present year 5) to se if y*' town will agree to move our meeting house to the center of the town or repair it in any other manner then hath been voted and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew white Constable at a meeting of the inhal)itants of the town of Dudley regu- meeting lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on monday y* first day of march 1763 i) voted Deacon Newell moderater for sd meeting 2) voted to have five select men 3) voted phinehus mixer select man 4) voted Sam" Corbin select man 5) voted Benja" Kidder select man 6) voted Ezra Conant select man 7) voted Sam" Fairbanks select man 8) voted Benja" Conant Town Clerke 9) voted and adjurnd this meeting to the house of m"" will'" Carturs in Dudley 10) voted the select men to be assessers 1 1 ) voted Joseph upham town treasurere 12) voted Andrew Coburn constable for the west end of the town 13) voted Nathan jefferds constable for the east end of the town 6^ Dudley Tovjn Records^ 1^62 . 14) voted Cap" Healy sealer of waits and measurs 15) voted Sam" Kidder sealer of leather 16) voted Lef ' John Curtis culler of shingles 17) voted David Stodder philip Corbin Joseph Healy Na- thaniel Healy Cap' paul Robinson and Sam" Robinson survay- ers of highways 18) voted Timothy Foster and Sam" may fence vewers 19) voted Daniel Newell and Steven Cartur hogrevs and that swine may go at large 20) voted Eben'' Davison and Sam" Fairbanks tything men 21) voted Joseph upham Sam" Corbin and Joseph jewell jun' wardens 22) voted Eben'' Scott and Joseph Sabin jun"" to take care of the Dear that thers no str ] 23) voted Sam" may Sam" Fairbanks and jedediah marcy for a committee to recond with Cap" Newell town treasurer and with the school committees in the years 1759 and 1760 and to bring in there account at our next my meeting 24) voted by the town there exceptance of a highway from Cap" paul Robinsons to timothy fosters were the foot bridge is over the french river 2=;) voted not to move our meeting to the center by 39 to 14 26) voted to repair our meeting where it now stands by 29 to 17 note that the above named officers have taken there oaths as the law directs Dudley February y" 24"^ 1762 a highway laid out by the select men of sd town begining at the north end of Cap" paul Robinsons house from thence about a west point acros sd Robinsons corn feild by the south side of a certin stone wall to the town road that gos from Brackits to Sam" Robinsons cornmill from thence north in sd road to Edward Curtises south line from thence westerly on the divition line Between John Stone and Edward Curtis Dudley Town Records^ iy62. 65 the whole of sd road hear to be on Stons land till it corns to sd Curtises southwest corner from thence about northwest to Jacob Bradbery line from thence about west to the east end of the foot bridge over the french river this road hear to be parti}' on Stons and partly on Bradbery land and so over the river and from the west end of sd bridge westerly on the old dam over the Brook from thence west northwest from thence to the east end of Timothy Fosters house and so to the road laid from there to our meeting house the whole of this road to be 2 rods wide all persons consenting that are con- cernd in sd road provided the subscribers fullfill there promise this road was brought to our anewell meeting in march 1762 and excepted by the town Worcester ss to eithere of the constables of the town of warrant Dudley Andrew Coburn or Nathan jefibrds greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several in- habitants of the the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday the 20"' day of may instent at one a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a representative to represent our town at the great and jeneral court to be holden at Boston on wedensday the 26'*^ may instent 2) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 3) to chuse a select man and also a warden in the roome of m"" Sam" Corbin 4) to grant money for schooling and to agree in how many parts of the town sd money shall be expended 5) to grant money for mending our highways antl how sd money shall be workt out and also to agree on sume method for repairing the bridges ovr quinibog river 6) to agree on sume method and to dispose of the pewes in our meeting house that are at the towns disposal as they shall think proper 9 66 Dudley Town Records^ 1762. 7) to hear and grant any pitition that may then be laid before the town 8) to hear the report of the committee that was chose to recken with treasurer Sam" Newell and with the school com- mitee and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon as you will answer your del'alt at the peril of the law Dudley may y* 12"' 1763 By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew Coburn Constable towu meeting jjj- ^ meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on thirsday y* 20"" day of may 1762 and it being askt wether they would send a representitive to the general court and the people de- clind sending as not being ablidge by law to send I ) voted m'' Joseph upham moderater for sd meeting 3) voted m' Silas robinson a select man and assessor in the roome of insign Corbin 3) voted 30-0-0 lawful! money to defray y* charge of schooling this year 4) voted that the people on the west side quinibog river shall draw there own school money to expend among them- selves and the east school ward to draw there own school money as before and the rest of the school money to be expended in foiu' other parts of the town equely as follows one fourth part at or near Cap" Heal3's and one fourth part at the school house by insign Chamberlins and one fourth part at the school house between m' gores and Ezra Conants and the othere fourth part at m"" philip Corbins or were they propose to build there school house Dudley Town Records^ 1762. 6y 5) voted 40-0-0 for tlie mending of onr highways 6) voted that labour at our highways shall be three shill- ing a day till the last ot September and after that at two shillings a day 7) voted to dispose of tliose pewes which was mr' Sam" Corbins and m"" job ruewes 8) voted to m''phillip Corbin that pewe under the wemans stairs which was m'' Sam" Corbins on the same footing I he other pewes were disposed of he paying y^ first cost 9) voted to m'' Jacob Chamberline behind the west meet- ing house doore that was formerly Cap" Clement Corbins on the same footing the other j^ewes were disposd of he paying the first cost 10) voted to abate m'' James Shafter and m"" John Scott what there pols were assest at towards j-epairing our meeting house 11) voted and excpted the committees settlement with Cap" Newell town treasurer 12) voted to refer the committees account in settleing withe school committee to our next meetinsr Dudley Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew Coburn or Nathan jefferds greet- ing you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on Wednesday y^ 15"' day of Sep* instante at three a clocke after noone then and there to act uj^on the following articles 1 ) to chuse some meet person to be regester of Deeds and Conveyances of land for the county of Worcester in the roome of the honourable John Chandler Esq'' late regester Deceast 2) to chuse a moderater for si meeting 3) to se if the town will vote to pute the county rate into some other town rate 4) to see if the town will agree to set up a sign post near our meeting house whereon to post our notifycations 68 Dudley Town Records^ 1^62. and make clue return of this warrant with your doing thereon as you will answer your neglect at the peril of the law Dudley September y" i' 1763 By order of the select men Benja" Conant Town Gierke By vertue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mention Andrew Coburn Constable meeting At a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley regu- lerly assembled at our meeting house in sd town on the 15 day of September in 1763 i) voted m"" Benja" Kidder moderater jfor sd meetinge 3) voted to put our county rate into some other town rate 3) voted to set up a sign post near our meeting house Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew Coburn or Nathan jeftbrds greeting you are hearby requird forthwith to warn or notify the several in- habitants of the town of Dudley qualifyd to vote in town atlairs to meet at our meeting house in sd town on monday the 35*'^ day of October instent at 3 a clocke after noone then and there to act upon the following articles I ) to chuse a moderater for sd meeting 3) to se if the town will allow the committees accompt for finishing our meeting house 3) to se if the town will agree to collour our pulpit and the brest worke of our gallerys and make due return of your doings thereon as you will answer your defalt at the peril of the law by oi'der of the select men Benja" Conant Town Clerke Dudley October y* 15"' 1763 By virtue of this warrant I have notifyd the inhabitants to meet at time and place within mentioned Andrew Coburn Constable Dudley Town Records^ 1^62-3. ^g at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Dudley vegu- meetiug lerlv assembled at our meeting house in sd on monday y* 35"' October 1762 i) voted and chose m"" Benja" Kidder moderatcr for sd meeting 2) voted to adjurn this meetingc from our meeting house to m'' will'" Carturs 3) voted by the town there axceptance of the committees accompt as to the finishing our meeting house the ct)st 624-7-9 old tenor 4) voted to culour our pulpit the canopee and the brest work of our srallervs Dudley November 1762 rates made and dcliverd into the constables hands wnth warrants for collecting the same Constable Andrew Coburns list for the province rate S4- 14-7-2 and his list for the ministers rate 24-1-0-0 his list for the wood rate 4-5-2-1 and his list for the school and county rates 17-1S-6-3 Constable Nathan jefferds list for the province rates 72-10-3-2 his list for the minesters rate. 20-1S-4-2 his list for the wood rate 3-15-1-1 and his list for the school and countv rate 15-7-6-0 Worcester ss to either of the constables of the town of Dudley Andrew Coburn or Nathan Jeffords Greeting you are hearby Required forthwith to warn or notify the several in- habitants of the Town of Dudley Qiialified to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on mon- day y*' 7 Day of March Next at Nine o Clock in y*^ morn- ing then and there to act upon the following articles 1) to chuse a moderator for said meeting 3ly) to chuse Town officer for the insuing year •JO Dudley Town Records^ 17^3- 3ly) to Grant money for schooling & also to to chuse a Com- mittee to provid schooling the insuing year 4ly) to see what the Town will do Resj^ecting the bridges over Qiiinebog River 5ly) to grant money for meen ding our highways and to agree on what method sd money shall be work out 61y) to Grant Money for Necessary uses vly) to hear the Report of the Committee that was chose to Reckon with y'' school Committee Sly) to hear and Grant anny Petitions that may then be laid fore the Town as far as they shall think proper oly) to see if the Town will allow Do' Waldrons accompt tor Doctring the widow Jane Rich I oly) to see if the Town will agree to pay M' Benja" Roth for the pew that was Ensign Sam' Corbins and make Return of this warrant with your proceedings thereon as you will answer your defalt at the perrill of the law- Dudley Feb^y^ 17 1763 Phinehus Mixer Benj" Kidder Sam" Fairbank [■ Selectmen Silas Robinson I Ezra Conant j Worcester Ss In obediance to the within warrant I have Notified the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned p"' me Nathan Jeffords Constable of Dudley Dudley February y'^ 24 1763 Towu meeting At a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting house in sd Town on monday y* 7 day of march 1 763 i) Voted M"' Benjn Kidder moderator for y*" present meet, in^ Dudley Toxvn Records, 1763. yr 2ly Voted to have five Selectmen 3ly Voted M' Benj" Kidder Phinehas mixer Ezra Conant W™ Carter & Sam" Fairbank Selectmen Dismisd Sam" Fearbank and chose Silas Robinson in his Rome 8 Voted the Select men to be Assessors 9 Voted Ezra Conant Town Clerk loly Voted AF Benj" Kidder Town Treasurer Illy Voted Sam" Farbank Constable for the east end of the Town 12 Voted Abijah Newell Constable for the west end of the Town 13 Voted Mr Eben"' Bacon & Nathan Jeftbrd Wardins for the year in suing I4ly Voted Lieut John Curtis Elkanah Day Elijah Gore Sam" Eames Tim° Foster & Benj" Dennis surveyors of highways Voted the surveyors of highways to be Collectors 15) Voted Eben"" Scott Archibald Jewell and Eben' Child tithing men 16 Voted Nathan Jefford and Joseph Healey fence Viewers 17 Voted Cap' Healey Sealer of weights & measures iS Voted Sam" Kidder Sealer of Leather 19 Voted that swine go at large 20 Voted Benj" Dennis 8z. Jacob Chamberlain Cutters of shingle and Claboards 21 Voted Eben' Scott Deer Reave 22 Voted 3^ £ for schooling the preson year 23 Voted Lieut Curtis l^am" Robinson Elisha Corbin Nathaniel Healey Andrew Coburn & Joseph Healey a School Committee 24 Voted this meeting adjourned to monday the 14 Day of this instant march at twelve oclock then met and adjonrned to Wm Carters 25 Voted the bridge Near Cap' Edmunds to be complcatcd for a Cart bridge 261y Voted 40 £ pounds for mending our highways y^ pres- ent year y2 Dudley Town Records^ 17^3 - 27ly Voted highway work at 3 shilHngs a day from the first of may Next to the last of Sep' after that at 2 shilHngs pr day 28 Voted not to accept Joseph Vintons accompts as a school committee 29 Voted to accept Capt Healey accompt 30 Voted to accept Treasurer Joseph Uphams accompt 31 "Voted to accept Sam" Robinsons accompt 33 Voted not to accept Sam" Waldrons accompt 33 Voted not to pay JSr Benj" Roth for the pew tliat was M' Sam" Corbins 34 Voted to open the Road from Deacon Edmunds to the Colony Line as it hath bin Laid out 35 Vote to allow Sarah Curtises accompt for nursing M' Benj° Putney Dec"^ 36 Voted not to allow Do' Garfield & Do"" Gleasons ac- compt for Doctering M"" Putney 37 Voted to allow Daniel Coburn 25 dollai-s towards his accompt for taking care of Phebe Chamberlain in her sickness 38 Voted 15^ for necessary uses Note that the above named officers have all taken their oaths Town meeting Worcester Ss To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Sam" Fairbank or Abijah Newell Greeting you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or notify the several inhabitants of y*^ Town of Dudley qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on thirsday y* 12 day of May next at four O clock afternoon then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a moderater for said meeting 2) to chuse a representative to represent our Town at the Great & General Court to be holden at the Court House in Boston on Wednesday y* 25 day of May next 3) to chuse a Committee to oversee and order the building the bridge near Capt Edmundses over the river Dudley Town Records^ ^7^3' 73 4) to hear and grant any petition that may then be laid be- fore the Town so far as tlie Town shall think proper and make leturn of this warrant with your doings thereon as you will answer your default at the peril of the law By order of the Select men Ezra Conant Town Clerk Dudley April y'^ 30 1763 By virtue of this warrant I have notified the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned Abijah Newell Constable at a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Dudley reg- Town Meeting ulerly assembled at our meeting house on thursday the 12 day of May 1763 1 ) No vote for a Deputy 2) Voted Deacon Newell moderater for the present meeting 3) Cap' Healey Cornet Bacon & Dor Elkanah Day a com- mittee for building the bridge over the river near Capt Ed- mundses 4) Voted to abate M' Sam" Chubbs meeting house rate Worcester Ss to either of the Constables of y* Town of warrant Dudley Sam" Fairbank or Abijah Newell Greeting you are hereby required in his Majesties Name to warn or notify the several inhabitants of y'' Town of Dudley qvialified to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on Tuesday the ninth day of August 1 763 at 5 O clock after noon then and there to act upon the following articles i) to chuse a moderator for said meeting 2) to see if the Town will accept of the persons draw"* by the Selectmen to serve as jourors bothe at the Superior Court to be holden at Worcester for said county and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon 10 •j^ Dudley Town Records^ 17^3 • as you will answer your defavilt at the peril of the law By order of the Selectmen Ezra Conant Town Clerk Dudley August y^ i 1763 In obediance to y* within written warrant 1 have notifyd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within men- tioned. Sam" Fairbank Constable Town meeting At a meeting of the inhabitants of y** Town of Dudley reg- uarly assembled at our meeting house in said Town on Tues- day y* 9 day of August 1 763 i) Vote M' Benj" Kidder moderator for sd meeting 2) Voted & accepted of the persons whose names were the put into boxes for jourors Perambulation between Woodstock and Dudley April 26 1763 Nath" Child one of the Selectmen of Woodstock & Eliphelet Carpenter by appointmen met Phinehas Mixer & Ezra Conant Selectmen of Dudley at the southwest corner ot Dudley at a heep of stones in Ephraim Bacons stone wall formerly Eliphelet Carpenters hedge fence 1^ to a white oak tree mark** and stones about it west of Capt Ed- mundses 3'' a white oak tree mark tS: stones about it it being Woodstock north east corner 4* a white oak with stones about it to the west of s*' corner 5"" a hemlock tree in a swamp 6"* a stake & stones near Brackits 7 a stake & heep of stones a little S : E of Andrew Coburns on a sid hill 8 a poplar stump with stones about it to the west of s^ Coburns 9 a white oak stunip & stones west of a small run in a hedge fence 10 a heep of stones in Na"' Bacons fence 1 1 a heep of stones near a chestnut tree 12a heep Dudley Town Records^ ^7^3 • 75 of stones near a path 13 a large heep of stones near a large white pine tree which is the sothwest corner of Dudley Nath" Child ) Selectmen Eliphelet Carpenter of by appointment ) Woodstock Phinehas Mixer \ Selectmen of Ezra Conant ) Dudley We the subscribers met on the 3 day of May 1763 & per- ambulated the line betw^een Oxford and Dudley begining at a maple tree with stones about it near where the brook nms out of the great pond to M"^ Sam" Robinsons mill & renu'^ the bounds from thence to Dudley north east corner which hath bin establish'^ from time to time and erected sundry new bounds with the help of the surveyor Eph"^ Ballard ) Selectmen of Eben'^ Learned ) Oxford Benj" Kidder ) Selectmen \ of Ezra Conant ) Dudley We the subscribers according to a notifycation given met on the 9 day of May 1 763 and perambulated & Renu*^ the bounds between Dudley & Chai'lton begining at a heep of stones in the north line of Dudley it being the sotheast corner of Charl- ton thence westerly to a black oak thence to a white oak then to a white oak being jSP Josiph Uphams N : E corner then to a maple in a swamp then to a white oak then to pitch pine with stones about it then to a white oak on the east side M"' Pierponts meddow then to a white oak then to a red oak in s*^ Pierponts wall then to a white oak then to a heep of stones near a red oak tree then to a great red oak south of M"" Fos- kitts then to a walnut tree then to a stump with stones about then to a white & black oak together then to a red oak on the y6 Dudley Town Records^ 17^3- east side of the great pond then to a gray oak on W : side ol" y* pond then to a chestnut tree then to a great black oak on the east sid of the little pond then to a white oak on the west side of s*^ pond then to a white oak on the west side of the swamp then to a heep of stones soth of M"" Bloods then to a heep of stones on a rock then to a white oak south of Isaiah Bloods land then to a walnut tree in Eleazer Putneys north line from thence to a white oak then to a stake and stones then to a white oak with stones about it on the hill N : of M' Joseph Sabinses then to a black oak then to a heep of stones by a crotched red oak then to a large white pine near where trout brook enters into the river then to a heep of stones on the side hill on the west sid of the river then to a white oak tree then to a white oak then to a walnut tree then to a white oak then to a small white oak west of a ledge of rocks then to a heep of stones which is Dudley north west corner and Charlton south west corner John Dresser -^ Selectmen Edward Chamberlain l of Daniel Williams ) Cherlton Phinehas Mixer ) Selectmen Ezra Conant ) Dudley On the 17 day of May 1763 the Selectmen of Sturbridge and Dudley met and perambulated the lines between said Towns begining at a heep of stones which is Dudley N :W corner then run S : 2 :<» 20m E to the great moniment being Oxford old S :W : corner then E : 8 :" 15N to a larg white oak then S : 8 :" 30m E 400 rods to Woodstock line to a large heep of stones near a large white pine tree and found bounds every 20 Dudley Toivn Records^ lySj-jySg. 77 rods on tlie last line which is suppos'^ to be the west line ot Vintons farm Phinehas Mixer ) Selectmen ot" William Carter ) Dudley Ezra Conant Surveyer Sam" Freeman "j T->, . , 17- 1 f Selectmen of Uamel r isk > Oi. i • i I Sturbndge Ezekiel Ui^ham j the persons hereafter mentioned mooved out of Stnithfield in Rhod Island government into our Town in the year 1 769 viz Caleb Smith and his wife Martha Smith and their children Patience & William Shadrick Russel & Caleb-and Samuel Cook and his wife Sarah Cook and their children Juday Joseph Tamer Lydia Eli & Sarah and Suruiah Sayls Dudley March y*' 19*'' 176S then I the subscriber having Received one pound four shillings in full of my Right for my labour a building of that pue on the east side ef the pulpett in the meeting house in Dudley I quit my Right to Edward Davis of Dudley as witness my hand Ebenezer Edmunds Ebenezer Edmunds Jun"" Cornelius White Worcester ss to either of Constable of the Town of Dud- ley Sam" Fairbank or Abijah Newell Greeting you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or Notify the several in- habitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to Vote in Town yS Dudley Towji Records^ 17^3- affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on Wednes- day y'^ 23 Day of November courant at three oClock after noon then and there to act upon the following article 1 ) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2) to see what addition the Town will make to y° Rev*^ M' Gleasons salery 3) * to see if the Town will agree to send a petition to the General Court for a committee to establish the line at the east end of our Town 4) to hear and allow any accompts that may then be laid before the Town if they think proper and make Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon as you will answer your Neglect at the peril of y® Law By order of y*^ Select men Ezra Conant Town Clerk Return Dudley November y'' 23 : 1 763 In obediance to this warrant I have Notified the inhabitants of this Town to meet at time and place within mentioned pr me Abijah Newell Constable Town meeting j^f ^ meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Re- gularly assembled at our meeting house in said Town on Wednesday 23 November 1763 i) Voted Deacon Jonathan Newell moderator for said meeting 2) Voted to add so much to y*^ Rev*^ M' Gleasons salery as Mr gleasons i i r« ^ o grant to make the whole ±.53 o o 3) Voted to do nothing Respecting the east bound of our Town 4) Voted not to allow any accompts at present for Do' Phebe Chamberlain Dudley Toiv7t Records^ 1163-4. yg Rates made made and Deliver'' to y^ Constables of Dudley Decem^ y® 2 :i763 Viz Constable Fairbanks Province List his minister Rate Wood rate School Rate Town & County Rate Constable Ne wells Province List his minister Rate Wood Rate School Rate Town & County Rate £48 4 9% -4 5 234 3 13 1% 16 6% 8 12 11}^ 56 H 234 28 5 9% 4 I S% 18 17 ^Ya 19 I 5% Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Sam" Fair bank or Abijah Newell Greeting you are hereby Required forthwith to Warn or Notify the several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiilified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday y^ 5 Day of march Next at 9 oClock in the morning then and there to act ujDon the following articles i) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2) to Chuse Town officers for the insuing Year 3) to see what money the Town will grant for mending our high ways and in what method the same shall be workt out 4) to see if the Town will agree that Swine may go at Large this Year 5) to if the Town will Discontinue the Road between Dec" Jacob Bradburies & John .Stones and also accept of any other Road that may then be. Laid before the Town 6) to hear and Answer any Petition or Petitions that may then be laid before the Town 7) to see if the Town will accept of the Road as it is Now trod through Capt Sam" Newells Land and Discontinue part of the Road as it was formerly Laid out Hereof fail not as You will Answer your Default at the peril 8o ' Dudley Town Records, ^7^4- of y* Law Given under our hand at Dudley this 14 day of March 1764 Return made by Sam" Fairbank Constable Town meeting at A meeting of y* inhabitants of the Town of Dudley regu- larly Assembled at our meeting house in said Town on monday ye 5 day of march 1764 1 ) Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator for said meeting 2) Voted Ezra Conant Town Clerk 3) Voted to have 5 Select men 4) Voted Phinehas Mixer Sam" Fairbank W™ Carter Joshua Vinton & Sam" Robinson Select men 5) Voted the Selectmen to be Assessors 6) Voted Benj" Kidder Town Treasurer ^) Voted Joseph Healey west end Constable 8) Voted Joshua Wetherel est end Constable 9) Voted Philij) Corbin & Joseph Sabin Jun' Wardins 10) Voted Elijah Gore and Andrew White Tithing men 1 1 ) Voted Jacob Bradbury Nathan Jeffords Andrew Coburn Jun' Jacob Chamberlain Elisha Corbin & Thomas Gould Sui*veyors of highways 12) Voted Capt Joshna Healey Seler of weights & measures 13) Voted Sam" Kidder Sealer of Leather 14) Voted Silas Robinson & Benj" Dennis Cullers of shingles clabords 15) Voted Jedediah Marcy & Elisha Corbin fence Viewers 16) Voted Eben'' Scott Deer Reif 17) Voted Benj" Dennis & Stephen Carter Cullars of lioops and Staves 18) Voted Ephraim Corbin & Eben"" Bacon Jn"" hog Reivs 19) Voted to raise 40 £. for mending our high\va3's 18) Voted Labour to be at o :2 :6 pr Day from the tirst of April to Last of Sep' 19) Voted that Swine may Run at Large Dudley Toivn Records^ ^764. 81 20) Voted to Discontinue the Road between Jacob Brad- buries & John Stones 21) Vote to accept the Road that is Laid out though John Brackitts & John Stones Land 22) Voted to Give M'' Robins of Douglas =£1 :o :o for taking Care of Phebe Chamberhiin part of her Last Sickness 23) Voted not allow M : D Greens accompts for Doctering Phebe Chamberlain 24) Voted to Discontinue the Road as it was formerly Laid and accept it as it Now trod iVom Capt Sam" Newells to Daniel Newells 25) Voted to discontinue the Road as it was formerly Laid and accept it as it is Now trod from Silas Robinsons to Noah Halls Paul Robinson hath Enter'^ his Decent against the proceed- ings of the within meeting The Officers within mention** have all taken their oaths Ex- cept Philip Corbin & Elijah Gore A highway Laid out and accepted by the Town begining at the West End of the Lane that Comes from Paul Robin- sons to John Brackitts and Runs 46 Rods a straight Course on said Brackitts Land partly on Land that Brackit purchased of Amidown then Runing upon Mr Stones Land about 3 or 4 Rods then W : N : W a Crost an old field from thence N : N :W in the most convenient place on the Brow of the hill till Comes to Deacon Bradburies Land then west on Dea" Brad- buries Land till it Comes to the bridge the whole of the Road to be 2 Rods wide Worcester ss to Joseph Healey one of the Constables of Dudley Greeting In his Majesties Name you are Required to warn Ebcn'' 11 82 Dudley Town Records^ ^764- Searls & Hannah Searls his wife so called to Depart the Town of Dudley forthwith they being Stagling persons and Residing in said Dudley at the House of Eben' Griggses and you are also Required to make Return of this wan-ant and your Doings thereon to us the Subscribers as soon as may be given under our hands and seal at Dudley afforesaid this 5 Day of April 1764 persuant to the within written I have made Dilligent Search for the with named Eben' Searls and he is not to be found I have warnd the within Named Hannah Searls to Depart out of Dudley forthwith Joseph Healey Constable Dudley April y" 5 :i764 Worcester ss To Joseph Healey one of the Constables of the Town of Duley in the County of Worcester greet- ing you are in his Majesties Name Required forthwith to warn or Notify the severeal inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiialified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday the 16 day of April instant at three O Clock after noon then and there to act upon the follow- ing articles i) to chuse a moderator for said meeting 2) to See if the Town will gran<" Daniel Coburn a fur- ther Consideration for taking Care of Phebe Chamberlain when sick 3) to See if the Town will Excuse Philip Corbin & Elijah Gore from paying their fines for Refusing to Serve in the offices where to they have bin Chosen 4) to See if the Town will agree and Chuse other persons to Sei-ve in the Rome of M' Corbin & Gore 5) to hear and grant any petition or petitions that may then be Laid before them if they shall think fit hereof fail not and make Return of this warrant with your Dudley Town Records^ ^7^4' 83 doing hereon as you will answer your Default at the peril of y" Law Dated at Dudley y"^ 3 Day of April AD 1764 Phinehas Mixer ) T 1 AT- . f Select men Joshua V niton V Sam" Robinson ) ^ Persuent to the within written I have Notified the inhabi- tants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mention'' Pr Joshua wetherel Constable DutUey April 16:1764 At a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Town meeting Assembled at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the 16 day of April AD 1764 i) Voted JN'P Benjn Kidder moderator 2) Voted Not to allow Daniel Coburn a further Considera- tion for taking Care of Phebe Chamberlain when sick 3) Voted to Dismiss Philip Corbin & Chose Benj" Dennis to Serve in his Rome 4) Voted to Dismis Elijah gore & Chose Jonathan Hibberd in his Rome 5) Voted to aHow Timothy Foster £0 :i3 :o out of the high- way Rate for his Repairing the great bridge the Last year the above Named Benj" Dennis & Jonathan Hibberd have taken their oaths Worcester ss To Joshua Wetherel one of the Constables of the Town in s'^ County greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or Notify the several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Duly Qiialified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in s** Town on Wednesday the 23 Day of May Instant at 2 o Clock after 84 Dudley Town Records^ 17^4- Noon then and there to act upon the following articles I ) to Chuse a Representative to Serve at the great and general Court to be holden at Concord 3) to Chuse a moderator for Said meeting 3) to See what money the Town will grant to Defray the Charge of Schooling for the present Year 4) 2" to See^if the Town will Chuse a Committee to provid Schooling for the present Year 5) to Chuse a Surveyer of wheat and flour hereof fail not as you will Answer your your Default and make Due Retinn of this warrant with your Doings thereon given under our hands this 15 Day of iVlay AD 17% Phinehas Mixer ) Sam" Fairbank ! o 11 T> I • r Select men oam Kobmson 1 Joshua Vinton J In obedience I have Notified the inhabitants of this Town of Dudley to meet at Time and place within mention'* p"" Joshua Wetherel Constable Dudley May y'^ 33 :i764 meeting At a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting house in s** Town on Wednesday y^ 33 day of May 1 764 i) no Duputy Chose 2) Chose M"' Joseph Upham moderator 3) Voted 35 £ for Schooling 4) Paul Robinson Abijah Newell Jedidiah Marcy Thomas Sawyer Daniel Newell & Sam" Eames a Committee to provid Schooling for the present year 5) Voted Eben' Bacon Surveyer wheet & flower Worcester ss to Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Town Rccoi-ds^ lyd^-iyd^. 8s Dudley Joseph Healey or Joshua Wetherel Greeting you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or Notify the Several inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiialified to Vote in Towai affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday the Seventh Day of Jan'^ Next at two o Clock after Noon then and there to act upon the following Articles i) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 3) to grant money for Necessary uses and make Return, of this warrant with your Doings thereon as you will answer you Default at the peril of the Law By order of the Select men Ezra Conant Town Clerk Dudley Decem'' 24"* 1764 In obedience to the above warrant I have Notifyed the in- habitants of Dudley to meet at Time and place within mentiond Joseph Healey Constable Dudley Jan'' 7 : 1 765 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at at our meeting house in Said on monday the 7 Day of Jan'''' 176^ i) Voted M' Phinehas Mixer Moderator for Said meeting 2) Voted to adjourn the meeting to monday the 14 of this instant Jan''^ ^765 and then met 3) adjournd to W'" Carters 4) Voted Nine pounds for Necessary uses February iz"* 1765. Then received Ten pounds in full of my Salary, and Wood- Rate to the First day of March 1764. P"^ Charles Gleason 86 Dudley Town Records^ lyd^-iyd^. Rates made and Deliver :'' to the Constables of Dudley Decem"^ ''764 Province Rate for the west end of y^ Town £. Province Rate for the east end of y'' Town is Ministers Rate for the west end of the Town is Wood Rate for the west end end Ministers RateTor the east end WoodRate for the east end School Rate for the west end Connty Rate for the west end School Rate for the east end County Rate for the east end Town Rate for the west end Town Rate for the east end 58 8 10 =3 46 7 7 =3 28 15 II :i 4 18 ■7 • o 24 II :3 3 16 10 ; 3 19 8 2 :i 3 18 15 13 9 :i 2 16 II :i 5 I 4 I Worcester ss to Joshua Wetherel one of the Constables of Dudley in Said County Greeting you are hereby Re- quired in his Majesties Name forthwith to warn or Notify the Several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the 4 Day of March Next at Nine o Clock in the morning the and there to act upon the following articles viz 1 ) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2) to Chuse town officers for the insuing year as the Law Directs 3) to See if the Town agree to let their Swine go a large 4) to See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will grant for mending our highways the insuing Year 5) to See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will grant for Necessary uses the insuing Year 6) for the Town to hear and grant any petitions that may then be laid before them as shall think fitt when met hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon as you will Answer your Default at the Dudley To-wn Records^ ^7^5- ^7 peril of the Law given under our hand at Dudley Dudley the i3 Day of Fely^ AD 1765 Phinehas Mixer "^ Sam" Fairbank o , , „ V select men W"' Carter \ Sam" Robinson j Worcester ss In obedience to this warrant I have Notify'' the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at Time and place within mention*^ Joshua Wetherel Constable of Dudley March y*" 4 : 1 765 at a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qualified to Vote in Town affairs March 4:1765 meeting i) Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator 3) Voted Ezra Conant Town Clerk 3) Voted to have five select men 4) Voted Phinehas Mixer first select man 5) Voted Ezra Conant second select man 6) Voted Sam" Fairbank third select man 7) Voted W"' Carter 4 select man 8) Voted Abijah Newell 5 select man 9) Voted the select men to be Assessors 10) Voted Jedediah Marcy Town Treasurer 11) Voted Philip Newell junr west Constable 12) Voted Edward Curtis east end Constable 13) Voted Joseph Vinton & Elisha Corbin Wardens 14) Voted Philip Corbin and Nathaniel Healey Tithing men 15) Voted Joseph Vinton Nathan Dennis Sam" Fames John Brack and Joseph Edmunds Jun'' surveyors of highways 16) Voted the Surveyors to be Collectors 17) Voted Cap' Joshua Healy sealer of weights and measurs 18) Sam" Kidder sealer of Leather 19) Voted Joshua Wetherel Culler of Shingles and Claboards Shingles 20) Voted Elisha Corbin and Joseph Sabin Jun' fence Viewers Dudley Town Records^ 1765- 21) Voted Sam" Robinson and Eben"" Scott Deer Rieves 22) Voted Josiah Conant Cullar of Staves and hoops 23) Voted Noah Hall and Isaac Chase hog Rieves 24) Voted Eben' Bacon Survey of wheet and four 25) Voted that Svs^ine go at Large this Year 26) Voted 40 £, for mending our highways this Year 27) Voted 8 £ for Necessary uses The above Named Officers have taken their Respective oaths Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Philip Newell Jun' or Edward Curtis Greeting you are hereby Required in his Majesties Name forthwith to warn or Notify the Several inhabitants of Said Dudley Qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on monday the eighteenth Day of March instant at one o Clock after Noon then and there to act upon the follow- ing articles i) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2)ly to See if the Town will agree to purchas the Indian Land of Edward Davis Esq"^ on his proposals or otherwise as my may be agreed on and if the Town Shall agree to pur- chas the Same then to grant Money to Defray the Charge there of and act in all Causes Respecting Said Land as the Town Shall See fitt when met hear of fail not and make due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon as vou answer your Default at the peril of the Law given under our hands & Seal at Dudley this =; Day of March AD 1 765 Ph'inhas Mixer ^ Ezra Conant ! o 1 i. o n T^ • , 1 r >5elect men Sam" Fau'bank ' W™ Carter j Worcester ss Dudley March y^ 18 :i765 In obediance to this warrant I have Notified the Several Inhabitants of the Dudley Town Records^ ^7^5' ^9 Town Dudley Qiiliiied to vote in Town affair to meet at time place within nicntiond p' me Edward Curtis Constable of Dudley at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at oiu" meet house In Said Town on mond the eighteenth Dav of march 1765 i) Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator for Said meeting 2) Voted not to purchas the Indian Land of Edward Davis Esq'' V. orcester ss to either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Philip Newell Jun'' or Edward Curtis Greeting In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or notify the Several inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiialified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in S*^ Dudley on Tuesday the 21 Day of May Instant at two O clock after noon the and there to act upon the following articles i) to Chuse a Representative to Serve for and Represent our Town at the great and general Court to be hoklen at the Court house in Boston on Wednesday the 29 Day of May in- stant 2)lv to Chuse a mo:lerator for S** meeting 3ly to See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will grant to Defray the Charge of Schooling the present Year 4ly to See at what price p"" Day the Town will agree that our highway Rate shall be work' out the present Year 5ly to Se'e if the Town will hear and grant any petition that may then be Laid before them here of fail not and make Return of this warrant with Your Doings there on as you will answer your Default at the peril of the Law given under om* hands and Seal at Dudley this Sixth Day of May AD 1 765 In obedience to this warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants 12 meeting go Dudley Town Records^ iy6j;-jy66. the Town that are Duly qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at Time and place within mention*^ j/ Edward Curtis Constable of Dudley Town meeting ^^ .^ meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house in S'' Town on Tuesday the 21 Day of May AD 1765 I ) Elected no person to Represen our Town at the great and general Court to be holden at Boston the present Year 2ly Voted M' Phinehas Mixer moderator for Said meeting 3ly Voted 30JE to Defray the Charge of Schooling the present Year 4ly Voted that our highway Rate be workt out at 3 / 6 p' Day till the Last of August and after that at i / 6 p^ Day Dudley November 1765 Rates made and Deliverd to the Constables of Said Town Constable Philip Newell Province List is £59 5 4)^ his ministers List is 37 10 o^ his wood list 4 i 2^ his School List is 166 9^ his Town & County List 7 9 lojA Constable Curtis's Province List is 53 7 334; his minister 26 6 3 his wood List 4 i 51^ his School List is 14 4 o^ his Town & County List 6 5 8^4 Worcester ss to Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Philip Newell Jun"^ or Edward Curtis greet- ing you are hereby Required in his Majesties Name to Dudley Town Records^ iy66. gj Warn or Notify the Severall inhabitants of the Town of Dud- ley Qiialified Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting- house in said Town on monday the third Day of March next at 9 o Clock in the morning then and there to act upon the following articles 1 ) to Chuse a moderator for .Said meeting 2) to Chuse Town officers for the insuing Year 3) to Grant money for mending our highways and agree in what manner the Same Shall be w'ork out 4) to grant money to Defray the Charge of Schooling the insuing Year. 5) to hear and grant any Petition that may then be laid before the Towmi as far as may be thought fftt 6) to See if the Town will agree that their Swine may go at Large 7) to Chuse a Rigester of Deeds for the County of Wor- cester 8) to accept of any Roads that have bin Laid out the Year past And make Return of this Warrant with Your Doings here- on as you will answer your Default at the peril of the Law given under our hands & .Seal at Dudley this 10 Day of Feb'-y AD 1 766 Phinehas Mixer 1 W" Carter t Selectmen Abijah Newell ) In Obediance to the foregoing warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place w ithin men- tioned p' me Philip Newell Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house in Said Town on monday the ihii'd day of march AD 1766 i) Voted Cap' John Curtis moderator for Said meeting Dudley Town Records^ iy66. 2) Voted Ezra Conant Town Clerk 3) Voted to have 5 select men 4) Voted Joseph Upham i select man 5) Voted abijah Newell 2 select man 6) Voted Joseph Sabin Jun'' 3 select man 7) Voted And' White 4 select man 8) Voted Elkanah Day 5 select man 9) Voted the select men to be Assessors 10) Voted Jedidiah Marcy Town Treasurer 11) Voted Eleazer Putney Constaljle for the west end of the Town 12) Voted W" Wakefield Constable for the east end of the Town 13) Voted Jacob Chamber" and Sam" Lamb Wardens 14) Voted Archibald Jewell & Sam" Eames Tithing men 15) Voted W" Carter Elijah Gore Joseph Sabin Jun'' Nath" Healey and Edward Curtis Surveyors of highways 16) Voted the Sui-veys to be Collectors 17) Voted Philip Corbin and Archibald Jewell fence Viewers 18) Voted Cap' Joshua Healey Sealer of weights and measures 19) Voted Sam" Lamb Sealer of Leather 20) Voted Cap' John Curtis Culler of Shillings and Clabords 21) Voted Jacob Chamberlan Surveyor of wheet 22) Voted Josiah Conant Culler of Staves 23) Voted Eben"' Scott Deer Rief 24) Voted Josiah Conant & Lemuel Corbin hog Rieves 25) Voted that Swine may go at Large 26) Voted 50 £ for mending our highways 27) Voted that the highway Rate be workt out at 3 shillings p' Day— and to be workt out by the Last of Sept next 28) Voted 40 £ to Defray the Charge of Schooling 29) Voted to abate Joseph Bakers Rates that are in Con- stable Andrew Coburns hands John Coburns Rates that are Joseph Healeys hands Dudley Town Records^ iy66. gj 30) Voted to allow Cap' Heleys accompt for Service Done at the great Bridge Sum total is 3 i 4^/^ 31) Voted to allow AP Eben"" Bacons accompt lor Service Done at Said Bridge near Cap' Edmunds Sum total is I 13 10 33) Voted to Allow D' Elkanah Davs accompt for Service Done at the Bridge near Cap' Etlmundscs total 163 33) Voted to allow And"' Coburn for 600 feet of plank De- liver at the above Said Bridge i 1 1 6 34) Voted that Sam" Kidder & Philip Newell Jun'' be Dis- charg** from all highway Rates the present Year 35) Voted to allow Ezra Green Esq for three vSticks of timber Cut on his Land for the great Bridge o 4 o 36) Voted to accept the Road Laid out from Ensign Fosters a Cross by Lieu' Sam" Fairbanks to the Road that goes from M'' Isaac Humphreys to m^ Robinsons mill as is hereafter Discribd the above Named officer have taken ther Respective Oaths Except W"^ Wakefield & Lem" Corbin A highway Laid out by the Select men of Dudley and ac- cepted by the Town — begining at the Town Road a little above Ensign Fosters house at a Black oak tree markt then Extending Easterly by the South Side of Said Fairbanks house then turning about n :E to a Certain Dug-way a wall being on the East Side of S*^ way So Extending as the way is now trod to a Certain Brook from thence assending a hill to a white oak tree markt being west of the N: from where it Crosses the Brook then extending N : to the Edge of a pine hill and then turning westerly till it Reaches m"' Humphreys Land then Extend near north to a Road formerl_v Laid out from Dudley meeting house to RoV)inson mill Laid out Feb^y AD 1766 Ezra Conant ~j W" Carter V Selectmen Sam" Fairbank ) g^. Dudley Town Records^ iy66. Constable Edward Curtis In his Majesties Name you are hereby Required forthwith to Warn Richard More & Margaret More his Wife & Mary his Daughter & Jonathan Williams Isaac Leavens & Mehitabel his wife & Serviah his Daughter forthwith to Depart out of this Town of Dudley and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings hereon to our Seves the Subscribers forthwith Dudley March y* 1 1 1 766 Joseph Upham ^ Abijali Newell I Joseph Sabin jun'' ^ Selectmen Fee o :9 14 Elkanah Day | Andrew White J Worcester ss By Virtue of this Warrant I have Warn'' the Several persons within Named to Depart out of this Town forthwith p'' me Edward Curtis Constable for Dudley Constable Edward Curtis you are hereby forthwith Re- quired in his Majesties Name to warn all those persons here- after mentioned forthwith to Depart out of this Town of Dudley (viz) Andrew Brown & his Wife Anna Brown and his Children John Philip William James Charles Esther Nansey & Hannah and make Due Return of this warrant with your proceed- ings therein to us the Subscribers forthwith as you will answer your Default at the peril of the Law Dudley March y* 11 :i766 Joseph Upham ~] . Abijah Newell | Joseph Sabin Jun"" )■ Selectmen Fee £0:14:4 Andrew White I Elkanah Day J Worcester ss By Virtue of this writ I have Warned the Dudley Town Records^ J'/66. 95 Several persons within Named forthwith to Depart out of this Town p' me Edward Curtis Constable for Dudley Constable Eleazer Putney you are hereby Required in his Majesties Name forthwith to warn all those persons hereafter mentioned forthwith to Depart out of this Town of Dudley (viz) John Wiley & his Wife Susannah Wiley and his Child- ren Aldridg Wiley Joseph & Benj" Wiley Si Mary Dodge Rachel Fling- Sam" More & Zeruiah his Wife Joseph Leavens & Ezra their Children and Susannah Stoddard & William & Betty Wiley and make Due Return of this Warrant with your proceed- ings therein to us the Subscribers hereof without fail forth- with to us as you will answer your Default at the peril of the Law Dudley March y^ 16 :i766 Joseph Upham ^ Abijah NeAVell j Joseph Sabin Jun"" \ Selectmen Andrew Wliite [ Elkanah Day J Dudley March y*^ 26 11766 In Obediance to this Warrant I have Warned -the persons within mentioned to Depart out of this Town p"" 4116 Eleazer Putney Constable Worcester ss to Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Eleazer Putney or Edward Curtis greeting in his Majesties Name you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or Notify the Several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quali- fied to in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in S"* Town on Wednesday the 26 Day of March instant at 2 o Clock after noon then and there to act upon the following articles i) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting Q(f Dudley Town Records^ iy66. 2ly to See if the Town will Dismis W" Wakefield from Serving Constable and Chuse another in his place or to accept Such person as the Said Wakefield Shall bring or present to the Town to Serve for him and make Return of this warrant as you will answer yovu" Default at the peril of the Law Dudley March y' 1 1 : 1 766 Joseph Upham \ Joseph Sabin Jun'' >• Selectmen Andrew White ) Dudley March the 26 1766 In obediance to this warrant I have warnd the inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentiond Eleazer Putney Constable at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley March 26 1766 i) Voted Joseph Upham moderator for Said meeting 2) Voted and adjournd the meeting to monday the 31 day of March instant and then meet 3ly Voted & Chose Edward Davis to Sei-ve Constable for W"' Wakefield who hath take the oath of office Worcester ss to Edward Davis Constable of Dudley in S'' County greeting you are hereby Required in his Majes- ties Name forthwith to warn or Notify the Several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in S* Dudley on monday the 19 Day of May ins' at three o Clock after Noon then & there to act upon the following articles i) to Chuse a Representative to Serve at the great k. General Court or assembly to be Convend & held for his Ma- Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1^66. gy jesties Service at the Court house in Boston upon Wednesday the I'i day of May ins' 3) to Chuse a moderator lor S*^ meeting 3) to See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will grant to Defray Necessary Charges for the present Year 4 to See what methods or measures the Town will Take to Repair the Bridge over the French River to Sam" Robinsons mill hereof fail not & make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon as you will answer your Defect at the peril of the Law givin under our hands & Seal at Dudley this 10 Day of May AD 1766 Joseph Upham ~\ And' White >- Select men Elkanah Day ) In obediance to this warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of Dudley to meet at time & place within mentioned Dudley May 19"^ 1766 p' me Edward Davis Constable at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley regu- larly Assembed at our meeting on monday the 19 Day of May AD 1766 i) Made no Choice of a Representative 2) Voted Joseph Upham moderator for S"* meeting 3) Voted not to Rase money for Necessary uses 4) Joseph Upham Joseph Davis & Sam" Fairl)ank to View the above mentiond Bridge & make Report at our next meeting: Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Eleazer Putney or Edward Davis greeting yon are hereby Required in his Majesties Name forthwith to warn or 13 q8 Dudley Towti Records^ jy66. Notify the Several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (^laH- fietl to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in S'' Town on Tuesday the seventeenth Day of June instant at 3 o Clock after noon then and there to act upon the the fol- lowing Articles i) to Chuse a moderator for S*^ meeting 3) to See if the Town will Chuse a School Committee to Serve the Town for the present Year 3) to See what Sum of mone}- the Town will grant to De- fray the Necessary Charges for the present Year 4) to hear the Report of the Committee that was Chose for to View the great Bridge over the french River and to see method the Town will agree to in Repairing S*^ Bridge and make Return of this Warrant with Yovu" Doing thereon to us the Select men on or by S'' Day as you will answer your Default at the peril of the Law Dudley June y'' 3 1766 Joseph Upham ^ Joseph Sabin Jun' > Select men Elkanah Day ) Dudley June 17"' 1766 In obediance to this warrent I have warned the persons within mentioned to meet at time and place within mentioned by siting this warrent up at the meeting hous as the Law Directs \)^ Edward Davis Constable at a meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley Regularly assem- bled at our meeting house in S*^ Town on Tuesday 1 7 Day of June 1766 i) Voted Jonathan Newell moderator for S** meeting 2) Voted Jacob Bradbury Philip Corbin Acibald Jewell Nath" Ilealey Joseph Healey & Elisha Sabin a Committee to provide Schooling the present Year 3) Voted not to Raise money for Necessary uses Dudley To'W7i Records^ iy66. gg 4) Voted Sam" Fairbank Andrew White & Joseph Davis a Committee to over see the Building tlie great Bridge over the french River Worcester ss to Edv^'ard Davis of Dudley in s** County Constable you are hereby in his Majesties Name Required forthwith to warn or Notify the Several Inhabitants of Dudley Qiialified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in s'^ Dudley on tuesday the eighth Day of July Next at four O clock after Noon then & there to act upon tlie fol- lowing articles i) to Chuse a moderator for vS** meeting 3) to Chuse County Rigester 3) to See what Sum of money the Town will grant to Defray the Necessary Charges for the present Year and make Return of this warrant to us the Subscribers Dudley June y* 24 1766 Abijah Newell Elkanah Day |- Select meii Joseph Sabin at a meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley July y** S 1766 I ) Voted Eben'' Bacon moderator for S'* meeting 3''ly Voted twenty pounds to Defray the Necessarv Charges the present Year We the Subscribers have on this 8"' Day of May AD 1 766 met and perambulated the Boimds Between Oxford & Dudley and Renew'^ Said Bounds from a maple tree where the Brook J 00 Dudley Town Records^ iy66. runs out of Cliaugumagungamug pond till we Came to the South East Corner of Charlton Distrect as witness our hands Eben'' Learned | Select men Eph"' Ballard j of Oxford Joseph Upham | Select men Andew White j of Dudley We the Subscribers according to a Notification given met on the 22 Day of May AD 1766 perambulated and Rcnewd the Bounds Between Dudley & Charlton begining at a heep of Stones on the North Line of Dudley it being at the South East Corner of Charlton Ending at Dudley Northwest Corner and Charlton Southwest Corner Joseph Upham \ Select men Andrew White j of Dudley Sam" Chamberlain ] Select men Nehemiah Stone j of Charlton Worcester ss To Edward Davis Constable of the Town of Dudley in s'' County Greeting you are hereby in his Majesties Name forthwith to warn or Notify the Several Lihabitants of the Town of Dudley Qixalified to Vote In Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in S*^ Dudley on monday the 22 Day of Sep* Ins' at 2 O Clock after Noon then and there to act upon the following articles (Viz) i) to Chuse a moderator for Said meeting 2) to hear the Report of the Committee Chose at a meet- ing in June Last having the over Sight of working out ten pounds in bulding a bridge over the french River Leading from our meeting house to Sam" Robinsons 3dly to See if the Town will grant any money for Com- pleating or finishing vS** Bridge Dudley Town Records^ iy66. loi /\\y to See if the Town will grant anv petition or petitions then Laid before them Hereof fail not & make Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon as you will answer your Defect at the peril of the Law givin under our hands & Seal at Dudley this i3 Day of Sep' AD 1766 And"" White \ Elkanah Day >• Selectmen Abijah Newell ) Dudley Sep' 23 1766 In obediance to this warrant I have Notity** the inhabitants of S** Dudley to meet at time & place within mentionetl Pr Edward Davis Constable at a meeting Regularl}' assembled at our meeting house in s*" Dudley Sep' 23 1766 i) Voted Jacob Bradbury moderator for s*^ meeting 2) Voted their acceptance of the Committees Report 3) Voted ten pounds for finishing the above mentionetl Bridge 4) Voted to Discount Seven Shillings in Sam" Robinsons highway Rate for what he over paid the Last Year On the 19"' of November 1766 the Select men of Dudley and Sturbridge met at the N : W Corner of Dudley which is also the S : W Corner of Cherlton from thence Run S 2" : 30"' E 439 Rods to the great monement & Set up Stake E\ery 20 Rods from thence E 9" :N 451 Rods to a white oak tree markt with Stones about it & Set up Stake Every 20 Rods from thence S 8° 130 E 400 Rods to a Large heep of Stones in 202 Dudley Toivti Records^ lydd-iydj . Woodstock North Lane & Rcnevv'^ Bounds Every 20 Rods Abijah Newell \ Select men Joseph Sabin Ju'' S of Dudley Sam'' Freeman ) Select men Joseph Cheney ) of Sturbridge Rec'' of ]M' Jedidiah Marcy Town Treasurer the Sum of Fifty three pounds six shillings & eight pence in full of Salery From March y^ i 1764 to March 1" 1765 and the Sum of Eight pound in full of my wood Rate for the Same Year Dudley March i^' 1766 p' Charles Gleason Worcester ss to Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley viz) Edward Davis or Eleazer Putney Greeting In his Majesties Name you are Required forthwith to warn the Several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Dvily Qyialified to Vote in Town aflairs to meet at our meeting House in S'' Dud- ley on monday the Second Day of March Next at 9 O Clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following articles 1st to Chuse a moderator for S'' meeting 2\y to Chuse Town officers for the Year insuing as the Law Directs 3ly to See if the Town will abate M' Sam" Robiusons Rates to the Minister for the Towo years past provided he pay his othe Rate of his whole Estate for the Future to this Town 4ly to See what method the Town will Come into to mend the highways this present Year and to Rase monev to Defray tlie Charge of the Same sly to See if the Town will allow Swine to Run at Large 61y to See if the Town will Come into any method to Build a work House in S*^ Town Dudley Town Records^ 17^7- 103 /ly to See if the Town will hear and Grant any Petition or Petitions then Laid before them and make Return of this warrant with your Doing thereon as given under our hands & Seal this 13 Day of Feh''-^ 1767 Joseph Upham j Elkanah Day >■ Selectmen And-- White' ) Worcester ss Dudley March y* 2 :i767 In obedience to this within warrant I have warnd the Several inhabitants within mentioned to meet at Time and place within mentioned by Sitting a warrant up at the meeting house as usual p'' Edward Davis Constable of Dudlev At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley '^*°"" "'eetiug Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Sd Dudlev on monday the Second Day of March AD 1767 i) Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator for S** meeting 2ly Voted Ezra Conant Town Clerk 3ly Voted Phinehas Mixer Select man 4ly Voted Eben' Bacon Select man 5ly Voted John Curtis Select man 61y Voted Abijah Newell Assessor 7ly Voted Joseph Sabin Jun*^ Assessor Sly Voted Joseph Davis Assessor 9) Voted Jed' Marcy Town treasurer 10) Voted Edward Davis west End Constable 11) Voted John Brackit Est End Constable 12) John Taylor & Daniel Coburn Wardens 13) Voted Sam" Kidder and Sam" Healy Tithing men 14) Votie'd & accepted of Sam"Fairbank to Serve Constable for John Brackit 15) Voted Sam" Fairbank Elea/er Putney James Corbin David Kidder and Eben"" Bacon Jun"" Surveyors of highways i6)ly Voted the Surveyors to be Collectors i7ly Voted And' White & Archibald Jewell fence Viewers 104- Dudley Toivn Records^ 1^66-176"/. 1 Sly Voted Joshua Healey Sealer of weights & measures igly Voted Sam" Kidder Sealer of Leather 2oly Voted John Curtis Culler ot Claboards & Shingles 3ily Voted Joseph Conant Culler of Staves 2 2ly Voted Eben*^ Bacon Survey er of wheet 33ly Voted Abijah Newell Deer Reeve 24ly Voted Isaac Chase & John Bacon hog rieves 2sly Voted that Swine may Run at Large 261y Voted to abate M' Sam" Robinsons ministerial Rates the two years past 27ly Voted 35 pounds for mending our highways the present year 2Sly Voted the highway Rates to be workt out at 2 / S pr day by the Last of Sept Next 29ly Voted not to build a work house 3oly Voted to abate Philip Newell Jun' & vSam" Kidders highway Rates this Year the above mentioned officers have all taken their Respective oaths the Rates made and Delivered to the Constables for the Year 1766 is as follows Viz Constable Eleazer Putneys Province Rate 47- 7- 9^ his minister Rate 27- 6- 8 his wood Rate 4- 7- 7 his Town and County Rate 17-19- 2^ his School Rate 20-17- 4^4 to Edward Davis for the East End his Provence Rate 43- I -10^ his Minister Rate 26- 4- i his Wood Rate 3-17-10^ his Town Si County Rate 16-15- 9^ his School Rate 19- 2- 2^^ Dudley Toxun Records^ ^7^7' lO^ By Veitue of a warrant from the vSelect men to Constable Edward Da\ is the following persons were warnd out of Dud- ley (Viz) John Leavens John King Simeon Bakeck Eunice Peass Issecar Reacords and his Wife & Children Jonathan Willard and his Wife and Children and Mary Willard and Mary Pierce all warnd by Edward Davis Constable Feb^-^ 18:1767 Worcester ss to Edward Davis one of the Constables of Dudley in S*^ County you are hereby Required in his maj- esties name forthwith to warn or Notify the free holders & other inhabitants of the Tow of Dudley Qiialified to Vote in Town aftais to meet at our meeting house in S** Town on Wednesday the twentieth Day of may instant at two O Clock after Noon Then and there to act upon the following ar- ticles (viz) I ) for the Tovvn to Chuse a Representative to Serve at the great and General Court the insuing Year 3ly to Chuse a moderator for S'^ meeting 3ly to See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will grant to Defray the Charge of Schooling the insuing year 4ly to See if the Town will grant money to Defray the necessary Charges of the Town the insuing year 5ly for the Town to hear and grant any petition that mav then be Laid before them as the Town may think fitt hereof fail not as you will answer your Defect and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon given vmder our hands and Seal at Dudley this fifth Day of May AD 1767 Phinehas Mixer \ Eben'' Bacon > Select men John Curtis ) Dudley IVIay y^ 20 :i767 In obedience to this within warrant I have warn"* of Notifyed the Several Lihabitants 14 io6 Dudley Towfz Records^ lySy-ijdS. within mentioned to meet at time place within mentioned by Setting this warrant at the meeting house as usual p"" Edward Davis Constable at meeting Regularly assembled at our meeting house in Said Dudley on the 20 Day of May 1767 i) made no Choice of a Representative 2ly Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator 3ly Voted 35J£ for Schooling the present Year 4ly Voted S£ for Necessary uses Worcester ss to Edward Davis one of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in S*^ County Greeting In his Maj- esties Name you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or notify the Several inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qtialified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in S*^ Dudley on monday the Eighteenth Day of Jan''^ instant at one O Clock after Noon then and there to act on the following articles viz i)st to Chuse a moderator for S"^ meeting 2ly to See if the Town will agree to New Clabord our meeting house or any part thereof 3ly to See if Town will agree to Newbuild the front Door in S*^ house with a New Cap over the Same and to do any thing to the other two Doors as the Town Shall think Neces- sary 4ly to See if the Town will vote and agree to make New window fraims and Sashes and Glase the above Sd house with 24 Squares of glass in each window 6 by 8 Glass 5ly to See if the Town will Grant to Defray the Charge of Repairing the above S*^ house 61y to See if the Town will agree to Chuse a Committee Dudley Towtz Records^ iy68. 107 to provide Stuff and to Do any thing- to vS** liouse as the Town Shall agree yly to See if the Town will Concur with the Votes past by the Town of Boston on Wednesday y*^ 28 Day of October 1767 hereol" fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on unto us the Subscribers as you will answer your Default at the peril of the Law Given under our hands antl vSeal at Dudley the first Day of Jan''-^' 176S Phinehas Mixer 1 -^, ^ „ I Select men li-ben"^ liacon -r , ^ . \ of Dudley John Lurtis ; Dudle}' Jan'-^' 18 :176s In obedience to the abo\e warrant I have warn'' and Notified the fieeholders and other inhabitants of Dudley qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house as within mentioned by sitting this warrant up at the meeting house Door as usual p"" Edward Davis Constable of Dudlev At Meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley on monday the 18 Day of Jan-'y AD 176S i) Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator for S'^ meeting 2ly Voted to New Claboard the body of our meeting liouse 3IV Voted to New build the front Door of our meeting- house with a Cap over the Same and to Do what is Necessary to the other Doors of s'' house 4ly Voted Not to Glase our meeting house 5ly Voted to Raise 4o£ for Repairing our meeting house 61y Vote to have 3 Committee men to provide for and Repair our meeting house 7ly Voted Jacob Chamberlain Philip Corbin & Sam" Fair- bank a Committee to Repair our meeting house Sly Voted to Concur with the Votes pas'' in Boston Respect- ing the manifactory business io8 Dudley Town Records^ iy6']-iy68. Rates made and Deliver*^ to the Constables of Dudley De- cember 1767 to Constable Davis Province List 46- 2- 9^^ to the meeting house Rate 20-18- 7^ Province List Committed to Constable Fairbank 41- 8- 2^ to the meeting house Rate 19- 2- i^^ Worcester ss to Sam" Fairbank one of the Constables of the tovsai of Dudley Greeting his Majesties Name you are hereby Required to warn or Notify the Severall Lihabitants of the Town of Dudley Qrialified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting at our meeting house in Dudley on mon- day the Seventh Day of march next at Nine o Clock in y* morning then and there to act upon the following articles I ) to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2I3' to Chuse Town officers for the insuing year 3ly to See if the Town will agree to Let their Swine Run at Large 4ly to See if the Town will Grant money to Defray the Charge of mending our highways 5ly to See what method the Tow^n will come into for mending our highways 61y to See if the Town will accept of a Road or higway Laid out from Cap' Paul Robinsons Eastwardly to the Road Leading from Silas Robinsons to Killingly partly on Land be- longing to Cap' Paul Robinson and partly on Land belonging to Co" Dudleys heirs and partly on Land belonging Silas Rob- inson and Tim"* Foster Jun' and partly on Land belonging to Noah Hall 7ly To See if y^ Town will accept of a Road Laid out by the Select men Northwest corner of Stephen Browns Improve- ments Northwardly into y* S west Corner of Noah Halls Land partly on Land belonging to Nath" Brown and partly on Land belonging to Tim° Foster J'' Sly to See if the Town will accept of a Road Laid out by Dudley Town Records^ iy68. log y* Select begining at a Chesnut tree markt Standing on the South Side of the Road Laid out from Cap' Paul Robinsons to Tim"' Foster Ju"' from thence Runing North ward about 2 Rods below Silas Robinsons medow Damb from thence Eastward to the Road Leading from Silas Robinsons to Killingly Near where the old Road is now trod 9ly to see if y* Town will accept of a Road Laid out by - the Select men begining at y*^ S west Corner of the Land be- longing to the Heirs of M'' Eben'' Pierpont from thence Runing Southward to the Road Leading from Nathan Ramsdels to M'' John Lillies from thence turning and Runing westerly to the Road Leading from Nathan Ramsdels to our meeting house the perticuler times when the above mentioned Roads were Laid out together with their Respective bounds will be more fully Set forth at the above S'^ meeting loly for the Town to hear and Grant any Petition or Peti- tions that may be Laid before the Town at Said meeting hereof fail not as you will answer your Defect at the peril of the Law and make Due Return of this warrant with Your doings there on unto us the the Subscribers Given under our hands-and Seal at Dudley this 15 Day of Feb'^ AD 176S Phinehas Mixer ) Select men John Curtis j of Dudley March y"" 7:1768 Worcester ss In obedience to this Warrant I have Noti- fied the Several of this Town that are qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at time and place within mentioned p"' me Sam" Fairbank Constable for Dudlev At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house in S*^ Town on mondav y^ 7 of March i 76S 1 ) Voted and Chose Phinehas mixer moderator for S*^ meeting 2) Voted Phinehas Mixer first Select man no Dudley Town Records^ iy68. 3ly Voted Jedidiah Marcy second Select man 4ly Voted Archibald Jewell third Select man 5ly Voted Joseph Sabin Jun' Assessor 61y Voted Abijah Newell Assessor 7IV Voted Edward Davis Assessor Sly Ezra Conant Town Clerk 9ly Jedidiah Marcy Town Treasurer loly Nath" Healey ^^pest End Constable Illy Voted Lemuel Corbin East End Constable i2lv Voted Sam" Fairbank & Elijah Gore Wardens I3ly Voted Stcplien Carter and Nathaniel Davis Tything men i4ly Voted Jacob Bradbury Eben' Bacon Sam" Fairbank Jacob Chamberlain and Daniel Smith Surveyors of highways I5ly Voted Sam" Lamb Sealer of weights and measures i61y Voted Sam" Kidder Sealer of Leather i^ly Voted Sam" Eams & Joseph Healey fence viewers I Sly Voted Eben"" Scott Deer Rieve i9ly Voted Jacob Chamberlain & John Foster hog Rieves 2oly Voted that Swine may Run at Large 3ily Voted 40JE for mending our highways this Year 22ly Voted to work out the highway Rates at 3/6 per Day from the first of May to the Last of Sep* 23ly Voted to accept of the Road Laid out from Capt Paul Robinsons Easterly to Killingly Road as Discribed in y^ minutes 24ly Voted to accept of the Road Laid out from Stephen Browns to Tim'' Fosters Jun' as hereafter described 25ly Voted not to accept of the Road Laid out from Paul Robinsons to Silas Robinsons 261y Voted not to accept the Road Laid out from Eben-" Scotts to our meeting house 27ly Voted to Discontinue the old Road from Eliakim Rob- insons vs^esterly to the Great Road leading to our meeting house 2Sly Voted to abate Sam"Kidders and Philip Newells high- way Rates this Year Dudley Toivn Records^ lydy-iydS. iii the above mentioned officers have all been Sworn to the faithful! Discharge of their Respective offices Except Elijah Gore A Road Laid out by the Select men of Dudley on the 17 Day of December 1 767 as follows beging at the N :W Corner of Stephen Browns Improvements from thence Runing Northerh" to a l)lack oak tree from thence to another black oak tree markt from thence to another black oak from thence to another black oak tree markt from thence to the S : W : Corner of Noah Hall Land to the Road Laid out from Paul Rol)in- sons to Tim" Fosters Ju'' the above S** Road is Laid out two Rods wide and is Laid on the East Side of Sd Bounds John Curtis ■rri r T3 I Select men Eben"^ Bacon ) A Road Laid out by the Select men of Dudley December y^ 17 1767 begining at the N : E : Corner of Cap' Paul Robinsons Dwelling house from thence Runing Eastwardly over a Damb belonging S'' Robinson to a Chesnut tree marked from thence eastwardly to a black oak tree marked from thence to another black oak mark' from thence to a walnut from thence to a black oak from thence to a white oak from thence to an- other white oak Staddle from thence to a black oak from thence to another black oak to another black oak then to a white then to a black oak from thence to the S : W : Corner of Noah Halls Land from thence Eastwardly on the Line between Noah Hall & Tim° Fosters Land to the Road that Leads from S*^ Fosters to Killingly the S'' Road to be 2 Rods wide the y^ on S*^ Halls Land the other ^^:: on S** Fosters Land and is Laid on the North wSide of the above mentioned bounds John Curtis ] t:-! r T3 r Select men Eben"^ Bacon ) Worcester ss To Nath" Healey one of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Sd County Greeting you are hereby RecjuireJ in his Majesties Name forthwith to warn or notify J 12 Dudley Town Records^ 1768. the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting houe in S*^ Dudley on tuesd the Seventeenth Day of May Next at two O Clock after noon then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articles viz) ist to Chuse a man to Represent our Town at the great and general Court or assembly to be held at boston the Insuing Year zly to Chuse a moderator for S'' meeting 3ly to grant money to Defray the Charge of Schooling the Insuing year 4ly to See if the Town will agree to Cholour the body of our meeting house 5ly to Grant money to Defray the Charg of Cholouring our meeting house and Chuse a Committee to Do the Same 61y to Grant money to Defray Necessary Charges the Insu- ing year 7ly to See if the Town will Consent that three of the County Courts be held Every Year at Lancaster for the future 8) to Chuse a Comittee to Provide Schooling the Insuing Year 9ly to See if the Town will accept of a List of mens Names for jurors hereof fail not as you will answer Defect at the peril of the Law and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon to us the Subscribers given under our hands and Seal at Dudley y" 28 Day of April AD 1768 Phinehas Mixer 1 Jedidiahe Marcy [• Selectmen Archibald Jewell ) Worcester ss ^'^^y y^ 17 :i7^^ ^^^ obedience to the within warrant I have warnd and notifyd the Inhabitants within mentioned by Siting this warrant up at the meeting house as usual p'' Nath" Healy Constable for Dudley Dudley Toxvn Records^ ijdS. iij At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley on the 17 Day of May AD 1 76S . 1st) Voted Phinehas mixer moderator for S** meeting 2ly Voted 4o£ to Defray the Charge of Schooling the In- suing Year 3ly Voted Elijah Gore Nath" Davis John Curtis And'' white Nath" Healy and Elijah Sabin a Committee to provide Schooling the present Year 4ly Voted to Cholour our meeting house with an orange Cholour 5ly Voted Philip Corbin Jacob Chamberlain and Sam" Fairbank a Committee for to Cholour Sd House 6) Voted 1 2£ to Defray Necessary Charges 7ly Voted not to Remove any of the County Courts from Worcester to Lancaster Sly Voted to accept the Nams of the Jurors Laid before the Town at the present meeting Worcester ss To Lemuel Corbin one of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in S"^ County Greeting you are hereby in his Majesties Name Required forthwith to warn or notify the Several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to Vote in Town atlairs to meet at our meeting house in Dud- ley on thirsday the Tenth Day of November next ^at one O Clock after noon then and there to act upon the follow- ing articles Viz i) to Chuse a moderator for Sd meeting 2)ly For the Town to hear and accept of the Committees accompt for Clabording and Coulouring our meeting house 3ly to See if the Town will new Glaze our meeting house with twenty four Squares of glass in Each window 6 by 8 Glass or to make new Casments and fix in the old Glass 4ly to See if the Town will Chuse a Committee to new Glaze our meeting house or do anything to the windows in Sd house as the Town Shall order 15 11^ Dudley Towii Records^ iy68. 5ly To See if the Town will grant money to Defray the Charge of new fixing and Coulouring our meeting house and other necessary Charges arising in our Town 61y for the Town to hear and Grant any Petition that may be laid before them as they Shall think fit here of fail not as you will answer your Defect at the peril of the Law and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on Given under our hands and Seal at Dudley the eighth Day of Octo"" 1 76S Phinehas Mixer ] T Tj- 1 AT r Selectmen Jedidiah Marcy ) Worcester ss Dudley Novem y'' 10 :176s by Virtue of this Warrant I have w^arned the freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of S*^ Dudley qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house at the time within mentioned by Sitting up this warrant at the Sine post as usual Lemuel Corbin Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley Regularly assem- bled at our meeting house in S'^ Dudley on thirsday the tenth Day of November 1 768 I :st Voted Phinehas Mixer moderator for S*^ meeting 3ly Voted to accept the Committees accompt for Clabord- ing and Couloring our meeting house viz £58 : 7 : 11}^ 3ly Voted to new Glaze our meeting house 4ly Voted that any person that puts a new window into our meeting house Shall have the benifit of the old window 5ly Voted Joseph Upham W" Carter & Nath" Healey a Committee to See the meeting house Glaz*^ 61y Voted 2oiC for to finish Repairing our meetin house 7ly Voted io£ for necessary uses Warrant Worcester ss to Nathaniel Healey one of the Counstables Dudley Towfi Records^ ^76g. lis of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting you are hereby in his Majesties Name Required foilhwitli to warn and Notify the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting in Dudley aforesaid on monday sixth Day of March next at nine of the clock in the morning then & there to act upon the following articals viz first to Choose a moderator for said meeting 2nd ly to Choose town officers for the ensuing year as the Law Directs 3rd ly to see if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at large the Ensuing year 4th ly to See what Sum or Sums of money the town will grant to Defray the charge of mending of our highways in said town the insuing year 5th ly to See if the Town will accept of a highway laid out by the Select men from the North East Corner of M"' Harscall land runing East in the line between the land of Ebenezer Edmunds & John Vinton & Ralph Vintons unto the North east Corner of the land y' Ebenezer Edmunds bought of AT White one rod out of M'' Edmonds land and one rod out of the above said John & Ralph Vintons land then turning a little towards the southeast where the road is now trod untill it comes to the land of M"" Jeremiah Phillips then turning South and runing in the line between the land of Ebenezer Edmonds & Jeremiah Phillips one rod on Edmonds land and one rod on M' Phillips land until it comes within a few rods of the Brook from thence where the road is now trod on Phillips land untill it comes to Woodstock line 6thly to see if the Town will accept of a highway laid out by the select men from the road that leads from the east school house to Samuel Warrins begining at the corner of m"^ War- rins land from thence runing east in the line between the land of Deacon Jacob Bradburys Northeast corner one rod on Dea° Bradburys land and one rod on Capt Paul Robinsons land from thence still eastwardly partly on land belonging to M"' Dudleys heirs and partly on Cap' Paul Robinson land partly ii6 Dudley Town Records^ ^7^9- on the land of M'' Silas Robinson by a line of marked trees untill it comes to the south side of M' Silas Robinsons Dwell- ing House and so on till it comes to the road that leads Oxford to Ki^lingly meeting House 7thly for the Town to hear and grant any Petition or Peti- tions that may be laid before them at said meeting here of fail not as you will answer yovir Defect at and make due Return of this warrant given under our hands and Seals at Dudley y^ iS'^ Day of February AD 1769 Phinehas Mixer | Archabell Jewell j ^^^^^^ '^^^^ Worcester ss Dudley March y** 6"' 1 769 In obedence to the within warrant I have warned the In- habitants of this Town to meet according to the tenner of the within warrant by me Nathaniel Healey Constable Town meetiug At a meeting of the Inhabetents of Dudley Regurlarly assem- bled at our meeting House in said Dudley on monday the sixth Day of March 1769 ist Voted Joseph Upham moderator for said meeting 2ly Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 3ly Voted Jedidiah Marcy Town Treasurer 4ly Voted select men and assessors separate 5ly Voted to have five select men 61y Voted Ebenezer Bacon first select man 7ly Voted Joseph Upham second select man Sly Voted Jacob Chamberlain third select man 9ly Voted Elijah Gore forth select man loly Voted John Curtis fifth select man 1 1 ly Voted to have three assessors I2ly Voted Samuel Farbank first assessor i3ly Voted Edward Davis second assessor I4ly Voted Joseph Sabin Jun' third assessor i5ly Voted Josiah Conant west end Constable Dudley Town Records^ ^7^9- 117 i61y Voted and accepted Andrew White to serve Constable for said Conant lyly Voted Joseph Davis east end Constable i81y Voted Samuel Farbank & David Kidder wardiens iply Voted Samuel Kidder & Timothy Foster Jun'' Tyth- ing men 2oly Voted Sam' Farbank Sam" Fames Eleazer Putney Daniel Newell and Edward Curtis Surveyors of high\vays 2ily Voted Abijah Newell and Nathan Jeffords fence viewers 22ly Voted Samuel Lamb Sealer of weights and measurs 23ly Voted Samuel Kidder Sealer of Leather 24ly Voted that swine may run at large 25ly Voted Daniel Coburn Jonathan Willard Joseph Upham Jun'' John Wakefield & gideon Saben to be hogg Rieves 261y Voted John Curtis Culler of shingles and Clabords 27ly Voted Daniel Smith Deer Rieve 2Sly Voted the Surveyrs of highways to be Colectors of the highway rates 29ly Voted forty pounds for mending our highways at the same per day as last year 3oly Voted not to accept the Road laid out from Ar Harskels to M'' Fhillipses 3ily Voted not to accept the Road laid out from the east school House to Silas Robinsons 32ly Voted that Nathaniel Davis may Turn the road going from his House to the Road that goes from our meeting House to Sam" Robinsons mill as Described in his petition 33ly Voted to abate M"' Joseph Carpenter minister & meet- ing house rates for 1 76S 34ly Voted not to abate Samuel Kidder & Philip Newell & Obadiah Sabins highway rates 35ly Voted the select men to give an order to Jacob Cham- berlain & Sam" Farbank for one pound nine shillings & seven pence which they say is there due towards what they Expended as a Committee for Clabording and Colouring our meeting House ii8 Dudley Toxvn Hecords^ 17^9' 361y Voted not to open the Road Requested by Will'" & John Wakefield the above Named officers have bin sworn to the faithfuU Discharge of their Res|>ective offices Except Jedidiah Marcy gideon Sabin and Abijah Newell perambulation April 4"' 1 769 We the Subscribers Select men of Wood- stock and Dudley together with Sam" Chandler Serveyors assistance we Begun at a heep of stones one of the souwest corners of Dudley and N :W : corner of Killingley and in the East line of said Woodstock : and from thence we perambulat- ed Northerly first to a white oak tree in the Norwest Corner of land belonging unto Thomas Dudley Esq'' thence to another white oak tree being the noreast corner of Woodstock from thence we turned west 6° North making a strate line 470 rods to a large heep of stones Eastorlee of a broken topt pine and is Dudley southwestermost corner and Sturbridge southeast corner and Erected Staks and Stones Every 80 Rods as witness our hand Nathaniel Child ) Select men of Nehemiah Lyon i Woodstock Ebenezer Bacon ) Select men Joseph Upham j of Dudley perambulation May 1 7"' 1 769 We the Subscribers having this day met & Renued the Bounds between Oxford and Dudley begining at a maple tree on the northly side of the mouth of Robinsons mill Brook where it comes out of the Damb thence to a heep of stones on the southerly side of the Brook a little above Rob- insons mill then to a heep of stones on the bank of the River the west side opposit the mouth of Robinsons mill Brook thence Northerly to a heep of stones a few Rods North of the widow Abigail Shumways House thence westerly to a heep of stones on a Rock thence Northerly by a line of marked trees Dudley Town Records^ 17^9 • HQ to a heep of stones which is tlie north east corner of Dudley then westerly to a large heep of Stones which is the southeast corner of Charlton District Eph" Ballard ) Select men William Watson / of Oxford Joseph Upham ) Select men Elijah Gore ) of Dudley May y" 23 w^df) We the Subscrebers having this Day met and Renued the perambulation " Bounds between Dudley and Charlton Beginning at a heep of stones in Dudley line being Charlton southeast Corner and thence on said line Renued the bounds till we Came to a heep of stones Being Dudley northwest Corner and Charlton South- west Corner Eben"^ Bacon -, T 1 TT 1 / Select men Joseph Upham ( , Elijah Gore j °^ ^"^^^^^ and Nathaniel Blood \ Select men of Samuel Curtis S Charlton Worcester ss to either of the Constables of the town of warrant Dudley in said County i\ndrew White or Joseph Davis greeting In his Majastyes Name you or either of you are Required forthwith to warn and Notify the fi'eeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyed to Vote as the Law Directs to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on monday the 29"" day of may instant at one of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) 1st to Elect & Depute one person to serve for and represent us in the great and general Court or assembly to be conveined and held at the Court House in Boston upon Wednesday the 31'' Day of may instant 120 Dudley Toivn Records^ ^7^9- 2'"^lv to Chews a moderator for said meeting 3"'Iy to grant money for Defraying the charge of School- ing for the Insuing year 4'4y to grant money for Defraying other necessary Charges of the town for the Insuing year 5"'ly for the Town to Chews a Sealer of weights & measures in the rome of m"" Sam" Lamb 6"'ly to hear & act upon any petition or petitions that shall be lade before the town as they shall think proper and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on to us the Subscribers as you will answer your Defect at the perril of the Law : given under our hands and Seal this 15* Day of may Ano : Domini 1769 Eben' Bacon "^ Joseph Upham | Select men Jacob Chamberlain \ of Elijah Gore I Dudley John Curtis J Worcester ss Dudley may y* 29"* 1769 In obedenence to the within ritten warrant I have warned & notifyed the Inhabitants qualifyed according to Law to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting this warrant up at the meeting House as usual p"^ Joseph Davis Constable Town meetmg at a meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley Regelarly assem- bled at our meeting house in Dudley on monday the 29*** Day of may 1769 jBt Voted & did not send a Representative this year 2"'Uy Voted Joseph Sabin moderator for s*^ meeting 3"'ly Voted £40 for Defraying the charge of schooling the Insuing year 4"'ly Voted 30JE for Defraying other necessary charges the Insuing year Dudley Toivn Records^ ^7^9- 1 21 5"'ly \"()tctl William Carter scaler of weights & measures in the room of m' Sam" Lamb 6"'ly Voted to abate Alex'' Thompsons Rates in Constable Farbanks lists for the year 1767 Except the rates of a single Poll in said lists 7"'ly Voted that pue in our meeting house to Edward Curtis that was Cap' Paul Robinsons on the South .Side of the East Dore upon the same footing oiu" pues is voted to others 8'^ly Voted to abate Philip Newell & Samuel Kidders highway Rates this present year Worcester ss to Joseph Davis Constable of the Town of ' '^^''*''''''"" Dudley in s'' county greeting \ou are hereby in his Majes- tyes Name forthwith Required to warn or Notif\- the Several Inhabitents of the Town of Dudley Qiialifyed to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in s'' Dudley on Tuesday the ly"* Day of this instant October at two of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) i" to Chuse a moderator of said meeting 2"'^ly to see if the Town will raise mony to pay for New glazing our meeting House or Come into some other method for to pay the Commitee that glazed sd house 'i^^Xy to See if the Town will agree to New paint our meeting House & raise money for to Defray the Charge of the same or act upon it as the Town shall think proper 4"4y for the Town to here and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they shall see fit Here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on. as you will answer your Defect at the perril of the Law- Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 3"' Day of October AD 1769 by order of the Select men Edwaid Da\ is Town Clerk Dudley October y'' 17"' 17*^9 '" obedience to the within Ki 122 Dudley Toivn Records^ lydS-g. Warrant I have Notifyed the Inhabitants by setting up this warrant according to the usual Custum of this Town by me Joseph Davis Constable of Dudley Meeting At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Dudley Regulerly assem- bled at our meeting House in said Dudley October v* 17"* 1769 i" Voted Eben' Bacon moderator for said meeting 2°'^ly Voted to new paint our meeting House -^rrtjy Voted £'12 for to Defray the Charge of painting our meeting House and then adjorned the meeting to Tuesday the 7"' Day of November next at two of the clock in the after noon at whicli time the Town met and Desolved said meeting the Rates made and delivered to the Constables in the vear 176S is as follows viz D** to Constable Nath" Healey the School rate is 2\-\^- ^y^ Town and County rate is 14-14- 8-3 menisters rate is 28-1 S- o-i wood rate is 4- 5- 1-3 meeting house rate is 10- 9-1 1- Delivered to Constable Lemuel Corben the School Rate is 19- 9- 0-3 Town and County rate is 13- o- 9-3 Menisters rate is 26- 9- 7-1 Wood rate is 4- o- 5-3 Meeting house rate is 9-16- 7- the Rates Delivered to the Constables in the year 1769 is as follows (viz Delivered to Constable Andrew White for the west end of the Town province rate is 3i_i4_ 4-1 Dudley Town Records^ ij68-yo. I2J School rate is 20-14- 3"^ Town and Comity rate is 17-19- 9-1 minister rate is 26- 8- 2-2 wood rate is 4- i- 1-2 meeting house rate is 6- 2- 5-3 DeHvered to Constable Joseph Davis Province Rate is 31- 6-1 1-2 School rate is 20-13- '~3 Town and County rate is 17-15-10- minister rate is 27- 4- 6-3 wood rate is 4- 3- 6-2 meeting house rate is 6- 6- 7-2 Worcester ss to Andrew White one of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester greeting : you are hereby in his Majestys Name Required forth with to warn or notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyed to vote in town affairs to meet at our meeting house in Dudley aforesaid on mondav the fifth Day of march next at nine of the Clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Choose a moderator for s'' meeting 2"^ly to Choose Town officers for the Insuing year as the Law Directs 3''''ly to See if the Town will agree to let their swine run at larg the Insuing year 4ly to See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will grant to Defray the Charge of mending our highwavs in said Town the Insuing year and to agree how it shall be Expended 5"'ly for the Town to Choose a School Committee for the Insuing }ear if the)' think it proper 6"'ly for the l^own to Choose a Committee to goe to Wor- cester at our next Court of (ieueral Sessions of the peace to be iioldeii at Worcester on the Second 'I'uesdav of may m-xt to Dudley To~vii Records^ ^770- Rcprcsciit us at said Court conccrninii^ our l^eintj presented for not keeping a grammar school if the Town tliink proper 7"'ly to .See if tlie Town will come into some method to Repair our School house and to raise money to Defray the charge of the same if they think it proper S^'ly to See if the town will accept of a highway laid out by the Select men begining at the road leading from Woodstock line a little west of M' Jeremiah Philips to oiu" meeting house and runing through said Phillips land Norwesterly till it Comes to M'' Eben"' Edmunds land then on said Edmunds land till it Comes to Ralph Vintons land then between the said Edmiuids& Ralph & John Vintons lands till it Comes to John Harskell land 9'*'ly to See if the Town will accept of a highway laid out by the Select men begining at the end of the lain west of CoP Thomas Cheneys house and Runing Norwesterly till it comes to Charlton line on through M"" Winthrop land io"'ly to See if the Town will accept of a highway laid out by the select men begining at the roatl leading from Charlton to Dudley and runing by the east end of Eben"" greggs house and Barn on said griggs land southerly till it Comes to Josiah Conants house Illy to See if the Town will accept of a highway laid out by the Select men begining on Eleazer Putneys land l)y Thomas Taylors house & runing westerly on Putneys land till it Comes to Obadiah Sabins land then on his landfill it Comes to Joseph Sabin land then then on his land & land of the heirs of Paid Dudley Esq' Dcscased till it Comes to the River then Crosing the River into the road leading from Col" Cheaney to Elisha Sabins the perticulars & bounds of the above roads will be laid before the Town at s'' meeting in the Select mens minuts I2"'ly to See if the Town will Come into som method in order to establish tlie soutlui 1\' part of the east line of our 'J'own I3"'ly tor the Town to here and grant any petiticni or peti- tions that shall i)c laid before them if thev tiiink it propper and make Due Return of this warrant ami of \(>ur I^oings thereon at or before the said iifth Day of march next Dudley Town Records^ J770. I2§ Dated at Dudley afore said the Iburteenth Day of Februnry 1770 and in the tenth year of his Majest}es Reign &c Eben'' Bacon ^ Jos : ITpham \ , ^, 1 1 • L Select nu-n Jacob Chamberlaui < V-,.. , ^ of Dudley Lbjah Gore I -^ John Curtis J Worcester ss Dudley March y^ 5"' 1770 In obedience to this \varrant I have Notify the Severil In- habitants of the Town of Dudley qualilVed to vote in Town affairs to meet at the time & place within mentioned according to the usual custom of this Town hy Setting up this warront at the sign post in Dudly Andrew White Constable of Dtidlev At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the 'I'own of Dudle\ ''■""" '"eeting Regulerly assembled at our meeting house on monda}- \'' ^"' Day of March 1770 first Voted & Chose Joseph ITpham moderater for said meeting 2'"^ly Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 3'''^ly Voted to have the select men & assessors seperate 4"'ly Voted to have five select men 5"'ly Voted Eben'' Bacon first select man 6'*'ly Voted Jcdidiah Alarcy Esq'' second selectman 7"'lv Voted Jos : Upham third selectman S"'ly Voted Jacob Chamberlain fourth selectman 9*''ly Voted Jos : Healey filth selectman io"'lv Voted to have three Assessirs I i"'lv Voted Jos : Sabin J'' first Assessor I 2"'lv Voted Abijah Xewell second Assessor I3"'ly Voted Edward Davis third Assessoi' I4"'ly Voted Jedidiah Marcy Esc]'' Town Treasurer j-th]^. Voted Ichabod Chamberlain west end Constable l6'"lv Voted Paul Dodge east l-\\C\, Constable 126 Dudley Toivn Records^ 1770- i7"'ly Voted Natliaii Dennis & Lemuel Corbin wardiens i8'My Voted Lt Sam" Fairbank k. Daniel Newell Tithing men i9"'ly \"oted Dea : Jacob Bradbury Nathan Jeflbrds John Bacon Asa Curtis Da\id Kidder Elijah <^ore and Elisha Sabin highway surveyers 20"*^ Voted that the highway surveyors to be colcctors of the highway rates 2i''ly Voted Eleazer Putney & Nath" Davis fence viewers 2 3'"'ly Voted L' W"' Carter Sealer of weights & measures 23"'ly Voted Sam" Kidder Sealer of Leather 24"'ly Voted to let their swine rim at large 3-"'ly Voted Jonas Fairbank Thos : Taylor & John Thomp- son Hogg Rie\ s 26"'ly Voted Cap' Jolm Curtis Culler of shingles «.\: Clap- bords 27"'ly Voted Eben"' Bacon Dear Rieve 28"'ly Voted to send a committee to Worcester concerning our being presented for not keeping a grammar school 3C)">iy Voted Jos :Upham & Edw'' 'Davis as a committee to Represent us 3o"'ly Voted fifty pounds for to Defray the charge of our highways this year 3i"ly Voted to work out the same at 2/6 per Day to be worked out before the Hrst of October 32"''lv Voted Daniel Newell Jacob Warren John Bracket Eben'' Ammidown Jos Vinton &. Josiah Conant a School Comniitte to provide schooling 33"'lv Voted thirty pounds for to Repair our .School houses and each ward to Draugh their money as they Do the money for Schooling 34"'lv A^oted Col" Thos:Cheaney JosrVinton iV Eben' Edmunds as a Committee to Repair that school house in the west ward 35"'ly Voted Ca[)t. John Curtis Jacol) Chamberlain cS: Abijah Newell ab a Committee to Repair that school house by sd Chamberlains Dudley TinvH Records^ ijdg-jo. 12"/ 36"'ly Voted ::ath" Ilealey Stuckly Arnold & Daniel Newell as a Committee to repair that school house bv m'' Eben'' Bacons 37"'ly Voted Elijah gore Jacob Warren & John Delremplc as a Committee to Repair that .School house near said gores 38"^ly Voted Jos :Upham Lt W" Carter & Andrew White as a Committee to Repair that School house near said Whites 39"'lv Voted Cap' Paul Robinson Nath" Davis and John Bracket as a Committee to Repair that School house in the East ward 4o"'ly Voted that each Committee shall Repair said houses by the first of October next insuing 4i"ly Voted to accept of that Road leading liom John Haskell by Eben'' Edmunds to Jeremy Phillips as is particu- larly Described hereafter 42"''ly Voted to accept of a road leading from Colo : Cheaneys to Sturbridge through m' Winthrops land _l^^>-d|y Voted to accept of a road leading from Josiah Conants to Eben"" griggs through gi'iggs land Conant paying griggs his Damage and clearing the Town from any cost from griggs 44"'ly Voted not to accept of that road from Thos Taylors to Col" Cheane3's 45"'ly Voted for the selectmen to run the East line of our Town and make Report to the Town at our Next meeting 46*''ly Voted that pue to Edward & Nath" Davis that was Capt. Eben'' Edmunds at the east end of the pulpet in our meeting house on the same footing the pues are Disposed of to others as Described in the petition 47"'ly Voted to abate Joseph Barrets rates for the year i 769 48"4y Voted to abate Samuel Cooks & Caleb .Smiths minis- ter and meeting house rates for the year i 769 the above said officers have taken the oaths of oifice Except Thos :TayIor & John Thompson A Road laid out bv the .Selectmen of Dudle\ October 128 Dudley Town Records, JT^Q- 1769 begining at a white oake tree &; at the end of a road formerly hiid out west of Jertniiah Pliillps from thence about northerly to Woodstock N:E corner from thence to the south side of Ebenezer Edmunds house and east of his Barn from thence about N :W to a Stake and heep stones a Ralph Vintons line and upon said Vintons line west to John Vintons S :E corner and on said John Vinton line to John Haskell land one half on Ralph & John Vintons land antl one half on El)en'' Edmunds land said road to be two rods wide by us Eben' Bacon Jacob Chamberlain \ Selectmen Elijah gore A Road laid out by the Selectmen of Dudley Noveinl)er y*" 22'"' 1769 begining at the N :W of Col" Thos Cheaneys lane from thence to a black oak about N:VV from thtnce westerly to heep of Stones from thence northerly to a pitch pine tree from thence about N :W to a small white oake from thence to a heep of stones the south side of a great Rock about a west point from there about northerly to small white oake tree from thence near about as the road is now trod to the corner of the wall of Col" Cheaneys farm that Abijah Saris now lives upon which is to Charlton line said road to be two rods wide and laid out on the S :W : Sid of the said bounds liy Eben' Bacon Jacob Chamberlain \- vSelectmen John Curtis A Road laid out by the Selectmen of Dudley Sep" y" 29"' 1769 begining at the N : E corner of Josiah Conants house from thence Runing northerly to the south end of a stone wall in Ebenezer griggses Pasture on the west side of the path that leads to said griggses from tiicnce to the East End of griggses barn • Selectmen John Curtis , 3 the above Said Roads was laid before the Town and accept- ed by them at the anual meeting in march 1770 Worcester ss To Ickabod Chamberlain one of the Con- stables of the Town of Dudley in said County greeting you are hereby in his Majestyes Name Required forthwith to warn & Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyed to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meet- ing house in s'' Dudley on Thursday the 24*'' Day of may currant at two of the clock in the after Noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to chuse a Representative to serve at the great and general court or assembly to be held at Camebridge the insu- ing year 2'"iiy (-Q ehuse a moderator for said meeting 3'^''ly to see if the Town will grant money to Defray the Necessary charge of schooling in our Town the insuing year 4"'ly to See what Sum of money the Town will grant to Defray the Nesessery charges for the insuing year 5"'ly to see if the Town will come into any method to fence our During places 6"'ly to see if the Town will here and grant any petition or petitions that shall then be laid before them Hereof fail Not as you will answer your Default at the perril of the Law and make Due Return of this warrant with vour Doing: thereon unto us the Subscribers Edward Davis ) «f Dudley Worcester ss march y® 7"^ ^774 -'•'^ obediance to the within written warrant I have warned and Notifyed the per- sons within mentionetl to meet at time and place herein perfixt by setting this warrant up on our sign post by the meeting house as usual P' Samuel Emes Constable of Dudley J\t a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday march y* the Seventh anno Domini 1774 first Voted and chose Jedidiah Marcy Esq' moderator for said meeting 2"''ly Voted to have the select men and assessors seperate 3"'ly Voted to have five select men this year 4"'ly Voted to have five assessors this year 5"'ly Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 6"'ly Voted Jedidiah Marcy Esq' Town Treasury ythjy Voted Jedidiah Marcy Esq' first select man 8"'ly Voted Ens: William Earned second selectman ^thjy Voted Cap' John Cmtis third selectman io"^ly Voted Edward Davis fourth select man ii»i>ly Voted Joseph Healy fifth selectman I2"'ly Voted Joseph Sabin Jun' first assessor I3"'ly Voted Edward Davis second assessor 14^ Dudley Town Records^ ^774' I4"'ly Voted Ichabod Chamberlain tliird assessor i5"'ly Voted Timothy Foster Jun' fourth assessor i6"^ly Voted Jonas Fairbank fifth assessor i7"'ly Voted Ens: Samuel Healy west end constable iS"'ly Voted Samuel Waldron east end constable i9"4y Voted Asa Curtis and Benjamin Kidder Jun'wardians 20*''ly Voted Samuel Kidder and Joseph Up ham Jun'' Tyth- ing men 2i^'ly Voted Cap' John Curtis culler of shingles and clap- boards 23"'^ly Voted Joseph Edmunds Archabild Jewell Philip Newell Jun'' Timothy Foster Jun"" Ralph Vinton John Warren and Nathan Jeffords highway surveyors 23'''^ly Voted that the surveyors of the highv^ays be colectors of the highway Rates 24"'ly Voted Capt William Carter sealor of weights and measurs 25*''ly Voted Samuel Kidder scalar of Leather 26"'ly Voted Jacob Chamberlain Jun'' & George Robinson fence viewers • 2^thjy Voted John Bacon Deer Rieve 38"'ly Voted to let our swine Run at large on our commons this year 29*''ly Voted John Thompson moses Chamberlain & Josiah Hovey hog Reives 3o"'ly Voted fifty pounds for to mend our highways and bridges this year 3i"ly Voted to work out the same at 2 / 6 per Day from the first Day of may to the first Day of October 32'"^ly Voted to abate the widow Sarah Slys minister Rates in Constable Samuel Emes List for the year 1773 it being 12 / 2 :2 23>-'iiy Voted to abate one Poll in Obadiah Sabin Rates in John Curtis Jun"" lists for the year 1773 it being "^ I "$> 34"'ly Voted that the Selectmen should purchis a Cow for the use of m' Alexander Thompsons family During ye pleasure of ye Town Dudley Town Records^ l'jy^-4. i^g ^^thj^ Voted to accept of a Road Laid out by the selectmen of the Town of Dudley November y* 23"*^ ^773 '^ cross the Indian land so called for m'' Daniel Dodge in Lue of the Road Dodges Road that leads from his Norvvest corner of his farme to Dea Edward Davis house begining at a small chestnut tree marked near the west line of the said Dodges farme westerly from his house then leading westerly on the said Indian land to a black oak tree marked then to a white oak then to a small black oak then to a stake and stones in the line between the said Dea Davis land and the Indian land tliere turning southerly by said Davis east line till it comes to the Road leading from Ens : William Earned house to our meeting house said Road is two Rods wide and the marks are on the northerly and westerly side of the Road William Earned ) Selectmen Edward Davis j of Dudley Said Davis to make the new Road as good as the old Road now is Reletive to mire & water that is where it is more mirey to copy till it is as good Worcester ss To Either of the constables of the Town ol Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In his majes- tyes Name you are Required forthwith to warne or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qual- lifyed by Eaw to vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on Thursday the Ninteenth Day of may Instant at one of the clock in the afternoon tiien and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Elect and Depute one Person to serve for and Rep- resent us at the Great and General court to be holden at Boston on Wednesday the 25"* Day of this Instant may and so from time to time During the sessions of said court the insuing year 2"<'ly to chews a moderator for the Remaining part of said meeting 3''''ly to chews a School Committee to provide Schooling in our town the currant year ISO Dudley Town l^ecords^ ^774' 4"'ly to grant money to defray the charge of schooling and other Necessary charges in the Town tliis year 5"'Iy for the Town to act Reletive to buring places in our Town as they shall think fitt 6"'ly for to see if the Town well finish the back pues in the wemens gallarys or to grant them to such perticuler persons for the benifitt of the weomen as the Town shall think fitt 7"'ly for the Town to here and act upon any Petition or Petitions that shall be laid before them as they think fitt and make Due Retvu-n of this warrent with your Doings therton unto us the Subscriber at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 5th Day of may in the fourteenth year of his majestyes Reign anno : Domini 1774 Jedidiah Marcy ^ William Larned Selectmen John Curtis \- of Edward Davis | Dudley Joseph Healy J may y* 19"" 1774 In obedeants to this warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley by setting this up at the sign poste as usual as the Law Directs Samuel Healy Constable At a meeting of the Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house in our Town on Thursday the 19"* Day of may 1774 first voted and did not chews a Representative 2"^ly Voted Jedidiah marcy Esqr : moderator for the Re- maining part of this meeting 3'>^ly Voted Capt: Nath" Healy Asa Curtis W"' Carter Joseph Carpenter Ebenezer Ammidon Joseph Davis & Ben- jamin Stone a School Committee to provide Schooling in our Town this year 4"'ly Voted £50 for Schooling this year Dudley Towti Records^ ^774- J51 5"'ly Voted £15 for other Necessary charges in our town this year 6"'ly Voted Joseph Vinton Edward Davis & Nathan Jef- fords a Committee to see about our buring places in our Town & make Report to the Town y»hjy Voted for the Town to build the back pues in the weomens gallary in our meeting S"^ly Voted to Ens : William Earned and Jonathan Day that pue in our meeting house the North side of the weomens stares c_j^\y Voted to abate William Gordens Rates in Constable Curtis list for the year i774 '^ being 8/8 io*''ly Voted not to act upon Timothy Fosters Petition and other about seats for singing . Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County Greeting In his majestyes Name you are hereby Directed forthwith to w^arne the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said Town of Dudley quallifyed to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on Thursday the 30"^ Day of this Instant June at three of the clock in the after noone then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to chews a moderator for said meeting 2""'ly for the Town to chews a Committee to Dispose ol the pues back of the weamans gallaraes that was nuly build in our meeting house as the Town shall agree 3'''*ly to here and act upon any Petition or Petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they think fitt here of fail Not as you would answer your Defect at the Perrill of the Law in that case made and provided and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Select men at or before the said Day Dated at 1^2 Dudley Town Records^ ^774- Dudley aforesaid the Twenty fourth Day June anno Domini 1774 by order of the Select men Edward Davis Town Clerk In obediance to this warrant I have warned the freeholders and y'^ other inhabitants of the Town by setting up this at the Sign Poste as usual Dudley June y'' 30"' i774 Samuel Healey Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house in said Town on Thursday the 30"' Day of June anno Domini i774 first Voted and chose Ens : W"* Earned moderater of sd meeting 2"'iiy Voted Capt John Curtis Ens : W" Earned and Ed- ward Davis a Committee to Dispose of the pues that are Nuly built in our meeting house back of the weomans gallares to such persons as they shall judge they blong to and to set the time when the pues shall be paid for and if not paid for by that time to Dispose of them to others ^'■''ly Voted to grant Elisha Coburns & others petition for a Committee of Corespondance 4"'ly Voted Capt : John Curtis Lt Tim" Foster Joseph Vinton Archabald Jewell & Elisha Corbin a Committee of Corespondance to corespond with the other Committees of Coresjoondance in other Towns To all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town ot Dudley in the County of Worcester that are sixteen years old and upwards you are hereby Desired to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday the 19"* Day of September Instant at ten of the clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) Dudley Toivn Records^ 1774- IJJ first to choose a moderator for said meeting 2'"'ly to see what Town stock the Town will have provided more than we now have 3"Uy to choose millitia officers for our Town 4"'ly to act upon any other of our publick atlairs as the Town shall think proper ' Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 12''' Day of September anno Domini i774 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley September y" 19"" 1774 I have Notefyed the In- habetants of this Town to meet at time 8c place and for the purposes within mentioned by seting up this Notifycation at the meeting house by order of the select men Edward Davis At a meeting of tlie Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley assembled at our meeting house on monday the 19"' Day of September AD 1774 first Voted and chose Ens : W"' Earned moderator for sd meeting 2°'^ly Voted loo"' of powder 400"' of lead and 10 doz of flints to be added to our Town stock 3''''ly Voted to have 5 men as a Committee to propose proper measurs how our millitia officers shall be chosen 4"4y Voted Colo. Thos Cheney m' Jacob Warren Ens W'" Earned Ens :Jacob Chamberlain & m'' Elisha Corbin for to be s*^ Committee 5"'ly Voted to accept the Committee Report for to choose all the officers that was there last officers till further orders 6"My Voted for all the millitia officers both commissions & non commissions to be our officers till further orders 7"'ly Voted that the said officers have full power as they had before by Law on every account /j^ Dudley Tow7t Records^ ^774- 8"'ly Voted to send a Representative to the provinsial con- gress to be holden at Concord on the second Tuesday of Octo- ber next 9"'ly Voted Colo : Thomas Cheney as our' Representative for to goe to Concord to said Congress lo^'ly Voted that the assessors shall not assess the province nor County Rate this year I i"'ly Voted to Excuse all the Baptist from ministereal Rates this year that has heretofore brought in surtificates I3"'ly Voted that our constable Samuel Healy shall not make any Return of Jurymen in obediance to the New act of parliament and that the Town save him harmeless Worcester ss To Either of the constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In his majestyes Name you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn or Notify the freeholders and other inhabitants of said Town quallefyed to vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting house in s** Dudley on Tuesday the zf^ Day of September Instant at three o clock in the after noon then and there to choose a Representative to Represent us at the Great and General court to be holden at Salem on the fifth Day of Octo- ber next &c and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings to the Select men at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 23''' Day of September anno Dommini 1774 by order of the Select men Edward Davis Town Clerk In obediance to the warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabetants by setting up this at the Sign post as usual Dudley September the 37"^ 1774 Samuel Healy Constable Dudley Town Records^ ^774' 155 At a meeting of the Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly Assembled at our meeting house on Tuesday the 27"" Day of September 1774 first Voted Colo : Thomas Cheney our Representative To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in y* County of Worcester Greeting you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of ol the Town of Dudley to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the 28"^ Day of November Instant at ten of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to choose a moderator for said meeting 2'"'ly for the Town to give the Assessors and Constables Instruction in their Respective offices and to act in any matter Reletive thereto as they think best 3''''ly to see if the Town will procure and lay up some provitions for the minnit men if needed for them or any other use that they shall order and act Reletive to said minnit men cost of fitting them selves as the Town sees fitt 4"'ly to see if the Town will Drop their non Importation agreement and adojDt the Grand Congresses Resolves Relitive thereto and act on any other matters Reletive to said Resolves as the Town thinks best and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the select men at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this 16'^ Day of Novem' anno Domini 1774 by order of the Select men Edward Davis Town Clerk In obediance to this warrant I have warned freeholders and y* other Inhabitants by setting up this warrant at the sign poste as usual Dudley Novem"" 28"' 1774 vSamuel Healy Constable /J'(5 Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1774' At a meeting of the Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house on monday the 28 Day ofNovem'' 1774 first Voted Capt Curtis moderator for said meeting 2'«'ly Voted that the Constables shall not pay the moneys in there hands or that they shall colect to the province Treas- urer that was assessed in the year 1773 3''''ly Voted for the Constables to colect the Remainders of their Lists forthwith and to keep the province mone}^ in their hands till further orders 4"'ly Voted to choose a Committee to assist in settling and astablishing of the minnit men 5"'ly Voted Joseph Vinton Capt morress major Larned andrew Brown & Archabald Jewell for said Committee 6"'Iy Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the 19"' Day of Decem'' next at one of the clock in the afternoon persisely met according to adjournment and proceeded and voted first not to lay up any provitions for the minnit men now 2nd Voted to take the money in the Constables hands and purchis half a chest of guns with Bayonets for the Town 3"'ly Voted to Drop the non-importation agreement signed by the major part of the Town and to adopt the grand Con- gress*"' Resolves ReleLive there to and to adhear to said Con- gress in all matters what soever 4"'ly Voted major Larned Joseph Vinton Cap' morress Joseph Upham Cornet Day Jacob Warren Joseph Sabin J' Capt Carter and Ens : Jeffords as a Committee of Inspection to see that the grand Congresses Resolves are carried into Execution 5"'ly Voted that the assessors shall assess the province Rate forth witli To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting you are hereby Required forthwith to warnc the freeholders and other Inhabetants of JDudley ToiV7i Records^ ijj4-§. 757 the Town of Dudley quallifyed to vote for Representetives to meet at our meeting house hi said Dudley on monday the second Day of January next at one of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to choose a moderator for said meeting 2'"^ly to Elect and Depute a person or persons to Represent us in a provintial Congress to be held at Cambridge on the first Day of February next and to give then instructions to meet sooner if need Requires 3'^'^ly to choose a committee for to take care about the con- trebution for Boston & Charlstown 4'*'ly to hear the Reporte of the Committee chosen to view the buring places in our Town and act there on as the Town sees fitt 5*ly for the Town to act on any of our publick affairs as need shall cale for here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrent with your Doings thereon unto the select men at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twentyeth Day of Decern'' anno Domini 1774 by order of the select men Edward Davis Town Clerk Agreeable to the within written \varrant I liav^e warned the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the town of Dudley to meet at time and place w^ithin mentioned by setting up this warrant at the sign post as is usual Dudley January 3'"* ^775 Samuel Waldron Constable At a meeting of the Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house on monday the 2"'' Day of January 1775 first voted and chose Col" Cheney moilerator for said meeting 2"'^ly voted and chose Colo : Cheney to Represente us at jj8 Dudley Town Records^ 1775' the provintial Congress to be holden at Chambridge on the first Day of February next or sooner if need be -^"■•Jly voted Ens: Chamberhiin Capt morriss & Lt Keith a Committee to take care about the contrabution for the poor of Boston & Charlstown 4"'ly voted for the Select men to gitt a deed of m' gleason of our buring place by him and to ad to it as conveniance will permet 5"'ly voted to Reconsider that vote past last meeting to take the province moneys in the Constables hands to purchis guns 6"'ly voted to have our Constables pay their province moneys unto Henry gardner Esqr of Stow and that his receipt shall be their Discharge from any demands from the province Treasurer Harrison gray Esqr 7*''ly voted to adjorn said meeting without Day Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn and notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed to vote in Town aflliirs to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the Sixth Day of march next at nine of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act upon the following ar- ticals (viz) first to choose a moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly to choose Town officers for the insuing year as the Law Direct -^"•dly ^Q ggg j^- (-j-ig Town will let their Swine run at large this year 4"'ly for the Town to grant money to Defray the charges of our highways and bridges the current year and to agree how the same shall be expended ^thjy {-Q ggg jf ^.|^g Town will accept of a Road laid out by the select men on the west side of the buring place across m' Dudley T'oxvfi Records^ ^775- ^59 gleasons Lot and Discontinue the Road that was laid out on the south end of the buring ph\ce and across the East end of said m' gleasons lot and appropriate said Road to the use of of the Town to bury in so far as it adjoins to the buring place 6"'ly to choose a county Treasurer 7'**ly to see if the Town will accept of the Road Leading from the foot brigge over Qiiinnabog River to the Road from mr Joseph Vintons to Colo Cheneys where it is now trod in lue of where it was laid out S'4y to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt And make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto us at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this seventeenth Day of February anno Domini i775 Jedidiah Marcy ^ William Larned | T 1 r^ ■• I Selectmen lohnCvu^tis \ V, , 1 T-v • I of Dudley Ldward Davis ■' Joseph Healy J In obediance to this warrant I have warned the freeholders and the other Inhabitants to meet at our meeting house by setting this up at the sign post as usual Dudley march y^ 6"* 1775 Samuel Plealy Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house on monday the sixth Day of march anno Domini 1775 first voted and chose Esq"' marcv modei'ator for said meeting 2°*'ly voted to have 5 select men this year ^rdjy voted Esq'^ marcy first selectman 4"'ly voted major w'" Larned second selectman 5"'ly voted Cap' Curtis third selectman 6"'ly voted Josejoh Vinton fourth selectman i6o Dudley Towii Records^ ^775- 7"'ly voted Edward Davis fifth selectman S"'ly voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 9"'ly voted Esq"" marcy Town Treasurer io"'ly voted to have three assessors this year I i"'ly voted Joseph Sabin Jr first assessor 1 3*''ly voted David Keith second assessor 1 3"'ly voted Timothy Foster Jr third assessor I4"'ly voted John Curtis Jun' west end constable I5"'ly voted Benjamin Kidder Jr east end constable iG^'^ly voted Joseph Edmunds and Jacob Chamberlain Jr wardians lythjy voted Andrew Brown and Justus Jewell Tithing men iS'^ly voted Cap' Curtis Culler of shingles and clapboards i9"'ly voted Andrew Brown Co''net Day Lemuel Corbin Ebenezer Amidon John Bacon John Vinton & moses Jewell surveyors of highways and collectors of the highway Rates 2o'^ly vo<"ed to accept Jonas Fairbank to serve constable for Benj'' Kidder Jr 2i^'ly voted Cap' Carter sealer of weights & measurs 22"'^ly voted Samuel Kidder sealer of Leather 23'^'^ly voted Samuel Palmer & moses Chamberlain fence viewers 24"'ly voted Timothy Foster Jun'' Deer Riefe 25"'ly voted to let our swine rune at large on our commons this year 36">Iy voted gideon Sabin John Warren Japheth Corttis & Daniel Hebberd hog Rieves 27"'ly voted £50 for to Defray the charge of our highway & bridges this year 28*ly voted to have the same worked out at 2/6 per Day from the first of may to the first of October 2q"'1v voted to accept of the Road from m'' gleasons wall east of his iiouse to the buring place and on the west side of it across his lot into the Road by m^ gleasons Noreast corner and Discontinue the Road on the south end of the buring place and across the east end of said mr gleasons lot and appropriate Dudley Town Records^ 1775- ^^^ said Road to the use of the Town for to bury in so tar as it adjoins to the buring phice ^o'^'ly voted to accept of the Road from the foot bridge over Qiiinnaboge River to the Road from mr Joseph Vintons to Colo: Cheneys where it is now trod in lue of where it was hiid out 31^'ly voted to abate the widow Robinsons minister Rates for 1774 33"'^ly voted not to grant Esq"" marcys petition 33'''^Iy voted & granted the select mens petition to Reconsider that vote that was past by the Town the 2 Day of January last to have y*^ Constables Ernes & Curtis pay the province moneys in their hands to Esqr Gardi'i-er of Stow and to have it paid to the selectmen 24"'ly voted to al)ate Jonathan Stones Rates in constable Ernes Lists A Road laid out Ijy the select men of Dudley begining at a ^oa<' wall east of mr gleasons house by the Road then Runing east- erly by Capt Carters land to the buring place then turns Northerly by said buring place to a chesnut tree then Norther- ly by the buring place to a stake and stones being the Nor : west corner of it then Northerly through' mr gleasons land into the former Road to a stake and stones in said Carters west line the bounds of said Road is on the Easterly and Souther- ly sides of it and is three Rods wide from mr gleasons wall to the buring place and from that two Rods wide to the North end of said Road Dudley January y" 9"" 1775 accepted march y^ 6"' 1775 Jedidiah marcy ^ John Curtis [ Selectmen Edward Davis | of Dudley Joseph Healy j i62 Dudley lozvn Records, ^775- To cither of the constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting you are hereby Directed forthwith to warne and Notify the freeholders and other In- habitants of said Town quallifyed to vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the 39"' Day of may instant at one o clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Elect and Depute a person or persons to Represent us in a provincial Congress to be held at the meeting house in watertown on the 31^' D"y of may instant and to be continued by adjornment as they shall see cause imtil the exparation of six from said 31^' instant and no longer 2'"^ly to choose a moderator for the Remainder part of said meeting 3'''ly to grant money for schooling and other Necessary charges for this year 4"'ly to choose a school Committee to provide schooling for the present year 5"4y to agree and order how the highway Rate shall be assessed 6"'ly to see if the Town will have our Town stock remooved and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the select men at or before the said 39"' Day of may Instant Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 15"' Day of may anno Domini i775 by order of the selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley may the 39"' 1775 In obediance to this warrant 1 have warned & Notifyed the Inhabitants herein mentioned by setting up this warrant two PublickDaysatthe Signe Post at our meeting house in Dudley T T-. • 1 1 I one of the Constables Jonas l^airbankv ^^ „ •^ of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Dudley Town Records^ 1775- i^3 Regulerly assembled at our meeting house on monday the 39"* Day of may AD 1775 first voted and chose major W"^ Larned as a Dellegate to Represent us at a provincial Congress to be held at Watertown on the 31*' Day of mav Instant and so from time to time for six months 3"<'ly voted major Larned moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 3''''ly voted 25c for schooling our children this year 4"'ly voted io£ for other Necessary charges this year 5'4y voted Asa Curtis Cornet Day Ralph Vinton John Blood mr Joseph Upham mark Dodge & Joseph Healy as a school Committee this year 6"'ly voted not to assess our highway Rates till further order 7">ly voted to have our Town stock Remooved by the selectmen 8"'ly voted to adjorn this meeting without Day agreeable to Notifycation the Town met on w^ednesday the 14"* Day of June i775 ^'^ ^^'^ of the clock in the afternoon for to act Reletive to our province money in the constables hands for 1773 & 1774 collected and to be collected by them and first voted Capt John Curtis moderator P :T for that meeting 3"''ly voted and Reconsidered that vote past by the Town the 6"' Day of march last tor to have the province money paid to the selectmen 3^''iy voted that our Constables for the years 1773 & ^774 do as soon as may be pay their province money in their hands that is collected and collect and pay that that is not now col- lected to Henry Gardner Esq' of Stow our Receiver General and his Receipt shall be their Discharge 4"'ly voted to adjorn this meeting without Day To the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley 164 Dudley T'ozun Records., 1773-5' whereas I the Subscriber haveing no Estate and by Reason of old age and other infirmitys am unable to procure sustanance for my natural life I must therefore cast myself on your care under God for my maintainance this from your Humble Needy friend Dated at Dudley y*" 11"' Day of august anno 1773 John Corttis To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in to County of Worcester Greeting you are hereby Directed forth with to warn and Notify the freeholders and other In- habetants of Dudley aforesaid qualifyed to vote for a Repre- sentative to meet at our meeting house in said Town of Dudley on monday the 3'''^ Day of July next at four o clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following ar- ticals (viz) iirst to Elect and Depute a person to Represent us in a Great and General Court or assembly to be convened held and kept for the service of this coloney at the meeting house in watertown upon Wednesday the 19"' Day of July next and so During their Sessions till the Day preceding the last Wed- nesday of may next if Necessar}^ 3"''ly to choose a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 3'"'^ly to Dismiss our Committee of Corespondance and to choose a new Committee here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on at or before the said third Day of July Next Dated at Dudley aforesaid this 36"' Day of June anno Domini i775 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk July y'' 3'"'^ 1775 ^'^^ obediance to this warrant I have Dtidley Town Records^ I775- J^5 warned the Inhabitants of this Town by seting np this warrant at the sign poste in Dudley John Cnrtis J' Constable of Dndley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley legually warned and Regularly assembld at our mbeting house on monday y^ 3"' of July 1775 first voted major W" Larnctl our Representativ^e 2'"^ly voted major W" Larned moderator for the Remainder of this meeting ^fdjy voted to Dismiss our Committee of Corespondance 4"'ly voted Capt John Curtis Edward Davis Jacob Warren Elisha Corbin and Capt W" Carter a Committee of Cores- pondance for our Town 5"'ly voted to adjorn this meeting without Day To the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley agreeable to the adjournment of our last Town meeting you are hereby Noti- fyed to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday the 25"' Day of September Instant at 4 oclock in the after- noon Then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to choose a moderator for said meeting 2"''Iy to vote som Instructions to our Representatives Rela- tive to his nomanating to the council a Justice of the peace or any other officer that may be needed by our Town that is to be appointed by said Council Dated at Dudley the 1=^"* Day of Septem'' anno Domini i775 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley Septem"" y*" 25"' 1775 by order of the Selectmen I have Notifyed the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned by seting up a Noti- i66 Dudley Town Recoi'ds^ lyj^-d. fycation at the Signe post by our meeting liouse as usual Edward Davis Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabetants of the Town of Dudle}' Regularly assembled at our meeting house on monday the 25"' Day of September 1775 first voted Capt Curtis moderator for said meeting 2"'Uy voted to Instruct our Representative not to Nominate anv person as a Justice of the peace for our Town at present adjourned said meeting without Day agreeable to the adjornment of our last Town meeting and Notice given the Town meet at our meeting house on Tuesday the 5'^ Day of December 1775 to vote som instructions to our Representative Capt Curtis being moderator first voted to instruct our Representative to use his influ- ance in our general assembly that they joyn with the other three New England assembly in Remonstrating and Petition- ing the Honourable Contenantal Congress on account of the late Establishment of the Continantal army in that they have raised the wages of the officers and not given no more encour- agement to the Soldery (which heas caused such general un- easiness in said New England) and secondly that the said Congress would look into the proseadings of the Commissary General and Regulate and alter all matters as shall be for the peace and interests of the Contenant '^"'Iv voted to adjorn this meeting without Day march y'^ 5"' 1776 the votes in Dudley for a County Reg- ister was 47 and all for m' William young of Worcester Diidley Toxvfi Records^ ^77^' ^^7 Worcester ss To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting: you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn and Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyed to vote in Town aiiairs to meet at our meeting house in saitl Town on monday the 4"* Day of march next at nine o clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to choose a moderator for said meeting 3"''ly to choose Town officers for the Insuing year as the Law Directs 3''"'ly to see if the Town will let their swine run at large this year 4"'ly to act Relitivc to our highways and highway money as the Town sees fitt 5"dy to see if the Town will accept of the Road laid out by the selectmen from mr Eleazer Jacksons into the Road that leads from Robinsons mills to our meeting house G^'ly to choose a county Treasurer and a Regester of Deeds for our county 7*ly to choose a Committee of Corespondance Inspection and Safety for our Town for the Insuing year S"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt ; hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the selectmen at or before said Day Dated at Dudley afore said this 15"' Day of February anno: Domini 177^ William Larned ^ John Curtis ! Selectmen Joseph Vinton j of Dudley Edward Davis j Worcester ss march ye 4"' 1776 In obediance to this warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at the time and place appointed by setting up a warrant at the signe post in Dudley John Curtis Constable of Dudley i68 Dudley Town Records^ ^77^ • at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house in Dudley on mon- day the fourth Day of march 1 776 first voted and Chose major W" Lamed moderator for said meeting 2"<'ly voted to have five selectmen this year ^rdjy voted Esq' Jid'''' Marcy first selectman 4"'ly voted Cap* John Curtis second selectman 5"'ly voted m' Joseph Vinton third selectman 6"'ly voted Edward Davis fourth selectman 7"'ly voted Cap' W" Carter fifth selectman S"'ly voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 9"'ly voted Esq'' Jed marcy Town Treasurer io"'ly voted to have three assessors this year ii"'ly voted Joseph Sabin Jun' first assessor I3"'ly voted Edward Davis second assessor I3"'ly voted Timothy Foster Jun' third assessor i4"'ly voted Samuel Kidder west end constable i5"'ly voted Lt David Keith east end constable i6"'Iy voted Samuel Emes & Ralph Vinto wardians 1 7"'ly voted Moses Jewell 81 Mark Dodge tything men i8"'ly voted Capt John Curtis culler of shingles and clap- boards i9"'ly voted Andrew Brown Cornet Jonat :Day Lemuel Corbin Ebenezer Amidon John Bacon John Vinton & Moses Jewell surveyors of highways 2o"'ly voted that the siu^veyors be collectors of the highway rates 2i''ly voted Cap' VV' Carter sealer of weights and measurs 22"''ly voted Asa Curtis sealer of leather 3'^fdly voted John Delrymbell & Ebenezer White fence viewers 24"'ly voted John Bacon Deer Rieve 25"'ly voted to let our swine run at large this year 26"'ly voted Jesse Sabin Benjamin Edmunds & John Thompson Hog Reives Dudley Town Records^ ^775- ^^9 27"'ly voted to add £io to our last years grant of highway money the whole to be assessed this year 2S'My voted to have the same worked out at 2 / 6 per Day from the first of may to the first of October 29*''ly voted to accept of that Road from mr Eleazer Jack- sons over westerly into the Road that leads from Robinsons mills to our meeting house 3o"'ly voted Archabald Jewell Jacob Warren Cornet Jonat Day Cap' Nath" Healy and Lemuel Corbin a Committee of Corespondance Inspection & Safety for our Town this year 31^'ly voted and granted Timothy Foster Jun'' petition for 7 / paid for sawing planks for the Bridge near Lt Fosters 32°'^ly voted not to grant Ens Jeffords petition 33'"'ily voted not to act on the petition Relitive to Coburns pue at present the above officers have taken their oaths A Road laid out by the selectmen of Dudley Novenrber y*^ 2j.8t 177^ begining by the Road leading from Oxford to Killingley by the line between Eleazor Jacksons and Eliakim Robinsons said Road to be two Rods wide and one Rod on said Eliakim land by the other road and comes into the line between Robinson & Jacksons in about 12 Rods from where it begins by said Road and then by said Robinsons line on Jacksons land to his Norwest corner then to a stake and stones two Rods south of Joseph Carpenters souwest Corner then to a Chesnut tree in a stoney hollow then to a white oak stadle by land of the Heirs of Nathaniel Davis Deceased then to a black bvu'ch tree in a stoney run then to a white oak tree two Rods south of William Wakefield south line of his land then to a Chesnut stadle by the Road leading from Robinsons mills to our meeting house in major W" Earned land b}' said Wake- fields land two rods as aforesaid Said Road is on Jacksons 22 17^^ Dudley Town Records^ lyy^-d. Robinsons said Heirs & major W" Larneds land and leads westerly and was accepted by the Town march ye 4"' 177*^ Jedidiah Marcy "] W™ Larned I Selectmen John Curtis \ of Jos : Vinton l Dudley Edward Davis J Worcester ss to Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting you are here- by Directed forthwith to warn & Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley aforesaid quallefycd to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday the 27th Day of may Instant at two of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articals (viz) first to Choose 'a moderator for said meeting s^'^ly to grant money for schooling for the present year 3''''ly to Choose a School Committee to provide schooling this year in our Town 4"'ly to give our Representative instructions agreeable to the directions of the General Court Reletive to Independants 5"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings the're on at or before said Day ; Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 1 3"'- Day of may anno: Domini 177^ by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk To the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed to vote for a Representative you are alike required to meet at time and place above mentioned in order to choose a Repre- sentative to serve for and Represent us at Great and General Dudley Tow?i Records^ ^77^' 171 Court to be convened & held at tlie meeting House in Water- town on Wednesday the 39"^ D Committee Timothy Foster J' 1 Lemuel Coibin J Jedidiah Marcy ~) Edward Davis I Joseph Healy ^ David Keith j Nathaniel Healy J Seltctmen of Dudley To the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyed to vote in Town affairs Gentlemen you are hereby Notifyed and warned to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on Friday the 25"' Day of April Listant at three O clock in the afternoon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) 184 Dudley Toivn Records^ 1777- first to choose a moderator for said meeting i^^Xy to see if the Town will grant money for to give to our soldiers a further Incouragement than what is provided if they will Enlist for us During the present war or for three years or so or act thereon as the Town sees fitt 3''''ly to see if the Town will not as a Town Do all that they can to Carry that Law into Execution that was lately made by the General Court prevent monopoly and oppression and to act Reletive there to as they see fitt 4"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as the Town sees fitt Dated at Dudley this twelveth Day of Aprel anno Domini 1777 Dudley April y" 25"^ ^777 I have warned and Notifyed the within Named Inhabitants to meet at time and place with- in mentioned by setting up this warrant at the sign post in Dudley as usual by order of the selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at onr meeting House in Dudley on Friday the 25"* Day of April anno Domini 1777 first voted major Earned modei^ator for said meeting 2"<'ly voted to give to each soldier that will enlfst for us During the present war or for three years 20JE over and above the Bounty before provided T^^Xy voted major Earned Esq' marcy & Deacon Davis a Committee to Raise the money and to pay to each soldier that shall enlist as above said 2o£ and the Town will grant assess and pay the sums the said Committee have paid out with In- terest from the time they pay it till they are paid 4"'ly voted to do their Indeavour to carry the act of the General Court for to prevent monopoly and oppression in to Execution Dudley Town Records^ 1777 • ^^5 Worcester ss to Either of the constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Nam of the government and people of the massachusetts Bay you are Either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to warne all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualifyed to vote for a Representative To meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on Tuesday the 20"" day of this Instant May at 3 o Clock in the afternoon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Elect and Depute one or more persons to serve for and Represent us at the Great & General Court to be held at the State House in Boston on the last Wednesday of may In- stant and so during the session or sessions as shall be agreed upon by said Court 2"*^^' to Chuse a moderator for the Remaining part of said meeting 3''"^ly for the Town to Choose a Committee to provide schooling the insuing year 4"'Iy to see if the Town will Choose a Committee to build the two Bridges over Qiiinabog River or act there on as they see fitt 5"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on unto the Selectmen at or before said day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the iz"" Day of may in the year of our Lord i777 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley may y* 20"' i777 -^'^ obediance to this warrant I have warned the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting up this warrant at the sign post in Dudley according to the usual Costom of this Town Asa Curtis Constable 24 i86 Dudley Toxvn Records^ ^777 • At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house in Dudley on Tuesday the 20"' Day of may anno Domini 1777 first voted major W" Lamed & Edward Davis Represen- tatives 3"''ly voted major Lamed moderator for the Remaining part of this meeting 3'''ly voted Joseph Sabin J' John Warren Philip Newell Josiah Hovey Lemuel Corbin Ens Jackson & Thomas Cheney a School Committee to provide schooling in our Town the insuing year 4"'ly voted m"" Joseph Vinton m"" Edward Inman & Cap* m^rriss a Committee to build the two Bridges over Qiiinabogg River Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Government & people of the massachusctts Bay you ai"e Required forthwith to warne the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualafyedto vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on Tuesday the 8'*" Day of July next at one oClock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2°ly voted to have a Cow purchesed for mr Benj^ Davis & famalys use 8'^ly voted not to grant Josiah Browns petition for the abatement of his minister Rate for the year 1776 9"'ly voted and accepted the Committees Draft of Instruc- tions to our Representatives Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County Greeting you are hereby Di- 1 88 Dudley Toivn Records^ ^777- rected forthwith to warn or Notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at oiu' meeting house in said Town on Fryday the 21^' Day of this Instant Novem' at ten of the clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Choose a moderator for s*^ meeting vSecondly for the Town to Shew their opineon Reletive to the proceedings of the General Court in Loaning our states money and Do and act thereon as the Town thinks best 3"'ly to see what measvn^es the Town will come into to provide for the soldiers famalys agreeable to the order of the General Court 4"'ly to see if the Town will Recommend some person to the Honorable Council for them (if they see fitt) to appoint as a Justice of the peace in our Town hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon at or before said Day Dated at Dudly aforesaid the 1 2"" Day of November anno Domini 1777 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk November 21'^ ^777 ^" obediance to this warrant I have posted the same at the sign post as usual Asa Curtis Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudly Reg- ularly assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on Friday the 21'' Day of November 1777 first voted and Chose Jedidiah marcy Esq'' moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly voted unanamusly that they was Dessatisfyed with the proceedings of the General Court in Loaning our states money • l^f^ly voted their Consent to have all the states money not Dudley Town Records^ lyyy-yS. i8g on Interest small change less than a Dollar Excepted to be Immediately called in by one Tax and burnt 4"'ly voted to Chuse a Committee to provide for the soldiars famalys agreeable to the late acts of the general for that purpose 5*ly voted m"" Joseph Upham Ens Ebenezer Amidon & Jacob Chamberlain Jun'' a Committee to provid for said famalys 7"'ly voted to recommend Jedidiah marcy Esq"" to the Hon- orable Council for them (if they see fitt) to appoint as a Justice of the peace in our Town Worcester ss To Either of tlie Constables of the Town of Dudley In said County In the Name of the government & people of the State of massachusetts Bay you are Required forthwith to warne & Notify the freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed to vote in Towai affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the twenty sixth 26"" Day of this Instant January at one of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Choose a moderator for said meeting 2"'*ly to see if the Town tax themselves for the whole of their proportion of this states money or any part of it agree- able to an act of General Court 3''''ly to here and act upon any petition or petitions that may be laid before them hereof fail not as you will answer your defect at the perril of the Law and make due Retiun of this warrant with your doings thereon unto us the Subscribers given under our hands & seal at Dudley this twelfth Day of January 177^ Jedidiah marcy \ Selectmen David Keith t of Nathaniel Healy J Dudley Dudley January y*^ 36"" 177S In obediance to this warrant I have posted- the same at the time and place as usual Asa Curtis Constable igo Dudley Toivn Records, ^77^- At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Diulley Regu hilly assembled at our meeting house in said Town on monday the 26"" Day of January i 778 first voted Esq' marcy moderator for said meeting 2"''ly voted to tax themselves 791-1-1-3 to be collected and put upon Loan for the benefet of the Town agreeable to a late act of the General Court 3"'''ly voted to grant the petition of William Larned & others conserning Strips of land in our Town that there is no proper ownors to it as we know of and to chose a Committee to In- quire into the same and make reporte to the Town 4"''ly voted Elisha Corbin Jacob Warren & Elijah gore s** Committee Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County aforesaid Greeting In the Name of the government & people of massachusetts Bay you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warne or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the second Day of march next at nine o clock in the fore noon then and there to'act upon the following articals (viz) first to Choose a moderator for said meeting a'^'^ly to Choose Town officers & Committees for the insu- ing year as usual 3''''ly to see if the Town will let there swine run at large this year 4'My to see if the Town will accept of the Road Laid out by the Selectmen for Ens Nathan Jeffords 5"'ly for the Town to act upon the Constitution if they see fitt or adjorne the meeting for that purpose 6*''ly to grant money for our highwa} s and bridges and agree how the same shall be Expended 7*''ly to here the Reporte of the Committee Chosen y^ 26"* Dudley Tozvn Records, ^778- JQi Day of January last conserning Strips of Land in this Town & act there on as the Town shall see fitt S"'ly for the Town to here and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they think best here of fail not and make Due Return of this wan-ant with your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley afore said the 16"^ Day of February anno Domini 177^ Jedidiah marcy ^ Edward Davis ■ Selectmen David Keith I of Dudley Nathaniel Healy J Dudley march y* 2°** 1778 In obediance to this warrant I have posted the same at the time & place as usual Asa Curtis Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house in said Town on monday the 2'"^ Day of march anno Domini 177^ first voted Jedidian marcy E^^cf moderator for said meeting 2°''ly voted to have 5 Selectmen this year 3''*'ly voted Jedidiah marcy Esq first Selectman 4*ly voted Edward Davis Second Selectman 5"'ly voted Joseph Healy third Selectman 6"^ly voted Lt David Keith fourth Selectman 7'4y voted Cap' Nath" Healy^fifth Selectman 8"'ly voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 9*ly voted Jedidiah marcy Town Treasurer ^ lo'^ly voted to have 3 Assessors this year ii'^iy voted Edward Davis first Assessor I2"''ly voted Joseph Sabin Jr Second Assessor i2'4y voted Lt Tim° Foster Jr third Assessor i4"'ly voted Jacob Ciiamberlain Jun"" west end Constable i^'hjy voted Cap' Benj'' morriss East end Constable i6"'ly voted Joseph Sabin Jr & Lt mark Elwell wardians jg2 Dudley Town Records^ 1778- iy*h|y voted Joseph Keith & Jeremiah Haskell Tything men iS^'ly voted Cap' John Curtis Culler of Shingles & Clap- boards 19'My voted to continue the same persons as Surveyors of highways and Collectors of the highway rates that was Chosen last year 2o"'ly voted Cap' W™ Carter Sealer of weights & measurs 2i^'ly Voted Asa Curtis Sealer of Leather az'^^ly Voted Ens Eleazer Jackson & Moses Jewell fence viewers ^S'^'^ly Voted to let our swine run at large this year 24"'ly Voted William Brown William Carter Jr & Jere- miah Haskel hog reives 25"'ly Voted Capt Curtis Jacol) Warren Joseph Upham Lemuel Corbin and Tim° Foster Jun'' Committeeof Cores- pondance &c 26"'ly Voted 50 pounds to Defray the Charges of our high- ways and bridges this year 27"'lv Voted that the same shall be worked out as the Select- men shall order the aforesaid officers are sworn then Adjorned the (Remaining part of the) meeting to monday the 30"' Day of this Instant march at one o Clock in the afternoon march y® 30"' "1778 mett agreeable to adjornment and first voted and Accepted of a Road laid out by tlie Selectmen for Ens Nathan Jeffords from his house to the Road leading from our meeting house to Robinsons mills 2"'*ly Voted to accept of the Committees Reporte Relitive to strips of Land &c ^ftijy Voted that the said lands shall be taxed to the owners &c 4"'ly Voted not to grant m'' Jacob Chamberlains petition praying to have his poll Exempted from taxes 5"'ly voted to put over the artical upon y* Constitution to / may meeting Dudley Town Records^ ^77^' ^93 A Road Laid out by the Selectmen lor Ens Nathan Jeffords begining at his Dwelling house and from thence it runs East about 24 rods then Southerly about 30 rods on said Jeffords land to a Stake and Stones then East to a white oake tree marked by the road where is now trod then southerly a straight line to the Road that leads from our meeting House to Robin- sons mills to a Stake and Stones two Rods East of Ens Eleazer Jacksons Norwest Corner Said Road is on the west side of said bounds and is to be one Rode & a half wide Dudley February y'' 12'*^ 177S Jedidiah marcy Joseph Healy ^^ Yy^x^W^ ^ Nathaniel Healy ) *^ ^ Selectmen Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County Greeting In the Name of the government & people of the Massachusetts Bay you are Either of you are Requested forthwith to warne or Notify all the Male Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley tliat are free and Twenty one years of age to meet at our meeting House in said Town on Thursday the 21*' Instant may at one o Clock in y^ afternoon then and there to act upon the following arti- cals (viz) first to Elect & Depute a person or persons to Represent us at the General Court to be holden at the State House in Boston on Wednesday the 27"' Day of this Instant may and so from time to time During the Session or Sessions the insuing year 2"<^]y to Choose a Moderator for the Remaining part of said meeting 3''''ly to grant money for Schooling & other Necessary Charges for the year Insuing 4"'ly to Choose a School Committee to provide Schooling y* year Insuing 25 ig^ Dudley Town Records^ ^77^- 5"'ly to act upon the Constitution or form of government 6"'ly for the Town to act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fitt Hereof fail not and make due Return of this warrant with your doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the Seventh Day of may anno Domini 177^ by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley ma)' y* 21^' ^778 In obediance to the within warrant I have Notifyed the Inhabitants of the Town of Dud- ley to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting up this warrant at the meeting house Benjamin morriss Constable of Dudley At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our Meeting House in Dudley on Thursday y^ 21^' Day of may anno Domini 1778 first Voted Jedidiah Marcy Esq' our Representative 2nd|y Voted Esq"^ Marcy moderator for the remainder of said meeting 3"*ly Voted a ioo£ for Schooling the year insuing ^thjy Voted ioio£ for other Necessary Charges of the Town (viz) for the Cost of hireing men in to the armey and for cost of procuring Cloths for the Soldrey and Necessares for their families and for the common Town cost and Charges 5"'ly Voted Lt Timothy Foster Senor Lt Jonah Wood Daniel Newell John Curtis Jun' Benjamin Stone Jo- siah Conant & Cornet Day a School Committee to provide Schooling y*^ current year 6«hjy Voted unanimously against the Constitution there being 60 acted Dudley Town Records^ ij?^- ^95 October y* 13'^ 177S Elizabeth Jewell threw herselfe upon the Town for maintainance November y* 23'''* 177S Moses Jewell Engaged to pay all the Cost the Town had been at in the support of the said Elisabeth in her life time and for her funeral Charges and the Selectmen gave him orders to take her things that she left to Enable him to fullfil his Engagements Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County Greeting In the Name of the government and people of the Massachusetts Bay in New England you or either of you are Required forthwith to w^arne or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley aforesaid quallifyed to vote in Town affairs to meet at our Meeting House in said Town on Monday the 23'"'' Day of this Instant November at one o Clock in y* after noon then aud there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a modei'ator for said meeting 2"^ly to grant money to Defray the Necessary Charges in our Town the Cun-ant year 3''''ly for the Town to act Relitive to mr Gleasons wood as they see fitt 4"*ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see cans here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrant v/ith your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley Aforesaid the Ninth Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini 177^ by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley November y* 23 Day 1778 In obediance to this Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at the time and place within mentioned by Siting this warrant up at the usual place by me Jacob Chamberlain Constable ig6 Dudley Tovjit Records^ iyi8-']g. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Reguhirly assembled at our meeting House on monday the 23'** Day of November AD 1778 first Voted and Chose Jedidiah marcy Esq moderator for said meeting 2"'*ly Voted i£200 for to Defray the Necessary Charges in our Town the currant year -^rdjy Voted £60 for mr gleasons wood this year meaning 40 / per Cord 4"^ly Voted to abate m"" Nathaniel Jewells Rates in Asa Curtises List for the year 1777 for his own poll being 28 / March y'' i*' 1779 mary Cortiss threw her selfe upon the Town of Dudley for maintainance Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the government and people of the Massachusetts Bay in New England you or either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warne or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed to Vote in Town aftairs to meet at our Meeting House in said Dudley on mon- day the first Day of march next at Nine o Clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Choose a moderator for said meeting 2'"^ly to Choose Town officers & Committees for the In- suing year as the Law Directs 3"'^ly to see . if the Town will let their swine run at large this year 4"'ly to act Relative to the highways & granting money therefor as the Town sees fitt 5"'ly to act Relative to the Rev"* M' Gleasons last years salarv as the Town thinks best Dudley Town Records^ ^779- ^97 6"'ly to see if the Town will set oft' mr Jacob Warren and others as a school ward by them selves and let them Draw their school money 7"'ly for the Town to act upon any petition or petition that shall be laid before them as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the fifteenth Day of Febru- ary Anno Domini i779 Edward Davis ^ T 1 TT 1 f Selectmen Joseph Healy V Nathaniel Healy ) ^ Dudley march y^ i^' ^779 ^" obediance to this warrant I have put it up at the usual place of posting warrants Benj" Morriss Constable At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dud- ley assembled at our Meeting House in said Dudley on monday the first Day of march AD 1779 first Voted Esq'' Marcy moderator for said meeting 2^^\y Voted to have five Selectmen this year ^f^ly Voted William Earned first Selectman 4"'ly Voted Edward Davis second Selectman 5"'ly Voted Joseph Healy third Selectman 6"*ly' Voted Nathaniel Healy fourth Selectman 7"'ly Voted Jonathan Day fifth Selectman gthjy Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 9"4y Voted Jedidiah Marcy Esq' Town Treasurer io"'ly Voted to have three Assessors this year I i"^ly Voted Edward Davis first Assessor 1 2"^ly Voted Joseph Sabin J"' second Assessor ij^^ly Voted Timothy Foster J' third Assessor I4*''ly Voted Obadiah Sabin west end Constable I5"'ly Voted Joseph Keith east end Constable i6'My Voted Jonah Wood & John Edmunds wardians ig8 Dudley Town Records^ ^779- i^">ly Voted Mark Elwell & Asa Curtis tything men iS'""!}' Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Shingles and Clap- boards 19'My Voted Nathaniel Clark Joseph Upham J"" Nathan Jeftbrds John Ciutis J' John Bracket Thomas Cheney and John Vorce highway Surveyors 20*''ly Voted William Carter Sealer of weights and measurs 2i''ly Voted John Vorce Sealer of Leather 22°^ly Voted John Wakefield & Shadrach Smith feilce viewers 2y- Worcester ss To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the govern- ment and people of the massachusetts Bay you or Either of you are hereby Directed to warne or Notify the freehoUers and other Inhabitants of said Dudley Qiiallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in said Town on monday the thirteenth Day of December next at one o Clock in the afternoon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly for the Town to act Relative to m"' gleasons salar\^ and woo3 as they think best and to grant money for the same if they see fitt or act otherwise as the Town shall agree 3"'ly for the Town to grant money for other Necessary Charges if they see fitt 4"'ly for the Town to act Relative to the Continental Soldiars hire or the Rie tax as they shall agree 5"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt Hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the twenty third Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini i779 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk In obediance to the within warrant I have warned the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qual- lifyed to vote in Town affairs to meet at time and place within Dudley Town Records^ ij^g-So. 205 mentioned by setting this warrant up at the time and place as is usual p"" me Joseph Keith Constable Dudley December ye 13th 1779 At a Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on monday the 13'*' Day of December 1779 first Voted major Larned moderator for said meeting 2'"'ly Voted £800 for m'' gleasons salary this year & m"' gleason accepted of it in full for this year & agreed to risk the fall of money 3'"^ly Voted £160 for xvl gleasons wood this year and mr gleason agreead to take his salary the old way in any of the Necessaries of life if any persons pleased to pay it so and his wood as usual 4"'Iy Voted £400 for other Necessary Charges the Currant year 5"'ly Voted to put the fourth artical over to march meating Worcester SS ' To Either of y^ Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting In the Name of the government and people j | of the massachusetts Bay in New England you or Either of ( f you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn or Notify the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qual- lified to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on monday the Sixth Day of march next at Nine a clock in the fore noon then and their to act upon fol- lowing articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for Said meeting 2ly to Chuse Town officers & Commities for the Insueing year as usual Dudley Town Records^ lySo. 3ly to See if the Town will let their Swine run at large this year 4ly to act Relitive to our highways & bridges as the Town See fitt and To grant money & Choose Committees if Neaded 5ly to act upon the artical Relative to hire of our nine months men or the Rie Rate so called that was put over to this meeting from December 13* 1779 meeting as the Town thinks best 61y to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that Shall be laid before the Town as they See fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Nineteenth Day ot February Anno Dominie 1780 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk In obedience to the Within Warrant I have W^arned the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiial- lified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at the time and place within mentioned by Setting this Warrant up at the time and place as is usual Test Joseph Keith Constable Dudley march the 6"" 1 7S0 At a Leagal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Tov/n of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on monday the 6"" Day of march 1 7S0 first Voted Jedidiah Marcy moderator for Said meting 2°''ly Voted to have 5 Selectmen this year 2'<*Iy Voted Jedidiah Marcy first Selectman 4"'ly Voted m"" Joseph Vinton Second Selectman 5"'ly Voted Capt Morriss third Selectman 6"'ly Voted Cornet Day fourth Selectman 7"'ly Voted Liut Willard fifth Selectmen Dudley Toxvn Records^ ij8o. S"'ly Voted Jedidiah Marcy Town Clerk 9"'ly Voted Jedidiah Marcy Town Treasurer io"'ly Voted to have three assessors the Curant year ii"'Iy Voted John Warren first assessor I2"'lv Voted Ebenezer Foster Second assessor j^ti'ly Voted John Curtis Jun third assessor I4"'ly Voted Ralph Vinton west end Constable he paid his fine I5"'ly Voted Jedidiah Corbin East End Constable i6"'ly Voted Jonathan Conant & Liut Joseph Keith wardians i7"'l\' Voted L' Jonah Wood & Isaac Lee Tything men iS"'ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Shingles & Clabboards i^'^ly Voted to Continue the last years Survairs of highways for the present year 2o"'lv Voted Cap' Carter Sealor of weights and measures 21^'ly Voted John Vorce Sealor of Leather 22"**ly Voted Benjn Kidder Jnr & John Edmunds fence viewers 23''''Iy Voted to let our Swine run at large this year 24*ly Voted James Brown Eleazer may & Theoder marcy rieves 25'4y Voted to adjourn the remainder of this meeting to thirsday next at one of the Clock in the after noon persisely met agreeable to adjornment & first Voted major Earned Decon Davis major Healey Cap' Eady & Liut Jonah Wood Committee of Corespond- ance &c 2'hiy Voted Daniel Newell Moses Jewell & Joseph Allen a Committee to provide for the Soldiers families 3"'ly Voted £1250 pounds in adition to what was granted the two last years to Defray the Charge of our higwa} s & bridges the present year 4"'ly Voted that the Same .Shall be worked out at 60 / pr Day from may to October 5"'ly Voted to Build the Brige over the River bv m' Inmans a u'ood Cart Brige -| SEAL. V Dudley Toivti Records^ lySo. 6"'Iy Voted m' Thomas Cotton Capt John Eady & Na- than Inman a Commettee to build Said Brige 7"'ly Voted to pass over the 5 artical 8"'ly Voted not to grant the widow Cheany petition Con- cering her Negro being taxed 9"'ly Voted Nathan Inman west end Constable he paid his fine lo^'ly Voted to abate Lemuel Underwood poll in Jonathan Conants taxes assessed October & January last ii'^'ly Voted JC41-16 / to mr Jacob Warren forgoing to Concord' 1 3"'ly adjorn this meeting without Day Notifyed and meet agreeable to the adjornment on monday the 27'** Day at two of the clock in the after noon & first Voted m' John Haskel west eand Constable 2"''ly adjorn this meeting without Day Notifyed and meet agreable to adjornment on monday the 3"^ Day of april at two of the clock in the after noon &l first Voted to Excuse m' John Haskal from Serving Constable for the Excuse he made 2'hiy Voted to Refund back Siah Vintons fine he paid for his being Chosen Constable on Condition that John Vinton hireing a man to Serve for them ^thjy Voted John Vinton west eand Constable 4*ly Voted to Except John Edmunds to Serve Constable in his Room Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting In the Name of the government and people of the Massa- chusetts Bay in New england you or Either of you are hereby Directed forth with to Warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on Thursday the eighteenth Day of may Curant at three of the Dudley Town Records^ 1780. 2og in tlie after noon tlien and there to act npon the fol- lowing articals (viz) firstly To Chuse a moderator for Said meeting 2"■ , Jonathan W illard 3 •' Worcester SS may 18* 1780 In obediance to the within Warrant I have warned and Notifyed the Inhabitants within mentioned to meet at time and place within written by Setting up this warrant as usual at the meeting House John Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regulerly assembled at our meeting house on Thursday the eighteenth Day of may anno Domini 17S0 first Voted Decon Davis moderator for Said meeting z^\y Voted to Choose a Commeety to make Some a mend- ments in the Constitution 3ly Voted to Chuse Seven for a Commetee 4ly Voted Decon Davis major Larned m"" Elisha Corbin m"^ Warren Esq' Vennor Capt Corbin mr gore for a Com mete 5ly this meeting is adjournd to may y* 39 Day at ten of the Clock in the fore noon met agreeable to adjornment 27 210 Dudley Town Records^ lyHo. first Voted that the following amedments be made (viz) on the third artical of the Bills of Rights that the word not other wise be added after the decleration Relative to at- tendance on the Teachers of piety and Religion and morality 2<'ly Voted 48 for the amendment and Sixteen against it 3''ly Voted that all male persons that are twenty one years of age and upwards that have paid taxes and are Inhabitants in any Town have a right to vote for a governor Senet and Representitives 53 voted for it 4'^ly Voted to corum of the House of Representitives be 100 42 voted for it 5ly Voted that the word Protestant Shall be added where it Saith the governor Declare Himself to be of the Christion Religion before the word Religion 52 voted for it 61y Voted to have the general Court by Joint Ballot to Chuse A governor out of the two that hath the most votes from the People provided no one hath A Majority of Votes from the People 42 voted for it yly Voted that the Representatives of each County Shall Nominate the Justices of the Peace for their County and their Nominations to be made yearly and the governor Shall Com- mission Them accordingley 42 voted for it Sly Voted that the Revition of the Constitution be made Certain and that it be in the year of our lord 1790 42 voted for it 9ly Voted that our deligates be impowered to Set the time when Said Constitution Shall take Place without haveing it Sent out to the people again Provided it be agreable to two thirds of the People or Can be made agreeable to the minds ot two thirds of the People 42 Voted loly Voted to Except of the Constitution with the amend- ments 39 men present Worcester SS To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting Dudley Town Records^ 1780. 211 In the Name of the goverment and people of the Massachu- setts Bay you or either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Tow'n qualified to vote for a Representive to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on monday the 39"^ Day of May Instant at one of a Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first To elect and Depute a person or persons to Represent us at the great and general Court to be holden at the State House in Boston on Wednesday the 31"' Day of this Instant may and So from time to time Dureing theire Session or Ses- sions the Insueing year 2ly to Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of Said meeting 3ly to grant money for Schooling & other Necessary Charges for the year Insueing 4ly to Chuse a School Commeetie to provide Schooling the year Insueing 5ly to See if the Town will Build a Bridge over the River by mr Joseph Vintons and Chuse a Commitee if needed 61y to act upon the artical Relative to the hire of nine month men or Rie Rate So caled by granting more money or other wase act as the Town thinks best yly to hear and act upon any petetion or petetions that Shall be laid before the Town as they See fitt here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before Said Day Dated at Dudley afore Said this Sixteenth Day of may Anno Domini 1780 Jedidiah Marcy 1 Joseph Vinton I Select men Benj" Morriss f of Dudley Jona° Day J In obedience to the within written I have warned the free- holders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallified to Vote for a Representative to meet at time and place Within 212 Dudley Town Records^ 1780. mentioned By Seting this warrant up at the time and Place as usual pr me Jedidiah Corbin Constable Dudley may the 29''' 1780 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House on monday the 29"* Day of may In* Anno Domini 1780 first Voted and chose Decon Davis Representative 2''ly Voted Decon Davis moderator for the Remainder of Said meeting 3''ly Voted Rais no money for Schooling and other Nessary charges 4''ly Voted to Direct the Commeetee that way Chosen to hire our nine month men last July to procure and pay Said Soldiers in any Spheshe that they will accept and to Call upon the people to firnesh them with Said Speshe and Said Com- mettee is impowered to give a Discharge to all Such as Shall pay there taxes in Ry or any other Spheche aqivilint 5'^ly Voted to Chuse a Commetee to vein where to build a brig over y' River by m"' Vintons 6^1y Voted to Chuse three men for a Commetee 7''ly Voted Capt Morriss majer Larned and Thomas Cheyne a Commetee June the 14''' 17S0 the Inhabitants of the Town of Dud- ley being called to gether to raise 14 men to reenforce the Continantal armey and being Called upon by the Selectmen to Shew their minde whether Said men Should be Drafted by the militia officers they unanamously voted not to have them Drafted Dudley Toivn Records^ lySo. 213 2''ly and then Voted to have them hired at the Cost of the Town T^Xy Voted m"^ Elisha Coibhi Cornet Day niaj'' Healey & m' Daniel Newell with the militia ofHcers a Commetee to hire Said men upon the best termes Worcester SS To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting In the Name of the government and people of the Massa- chusetts Ba}- you or either of you are Directed forth with to warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quallified to Vote in Townaffairs to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on monday the fourth Day of September next at one of the clock in the after noon for the purpos of Electing a governor, Leiut governor and persons for Counsellers and Senators agreeable to the New Constitution or frame of government here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Select men at or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this twenty third Dav of august Anno Domini 1780 by order of the Selectmen Jedidiah Marcy Town Clerk Dudley September the 4"" 1780 In obedience to this warrant I have warned the Inhabitants and freeholders of the Town of Dudley for to attend at time and place by Setting up this warrant at the meeting House John Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House on monday the forth Day of September Anno Domini 1780 214 Dudley Town Records^ lySo. first Voted for the Honable John Hancock Esq for a governor 47 votes Voted for James Bowdoin Esq for a Lent governor 36 votes Voted for Decon William Page for a Senator Voted for Edward Davis Esqr for a Senator Voted for Levi Linckcoln Esqr for a Senator Voted for Izrael Nickals Esqr for a Senator Voted for m'' Caleb Curtis for a Senator Voted for Seth Read Esqr for a Senator Voted for major Seth Washburn for a Senator Voted for mr Caleb Ammidon for a Senator Voted for Colo Timothy Newell for a Senator Voted for Ebenezer Crafts Esqr for a Senator 19 votes 17 votes 17 votes 16 votes 1 1 votes 8 votes 3 votes 3 votes votes 2 votes Dudley June the 30"' 1780 the Town of Dudley being assembled to gether to raise 20 men to Reinforce tha Continent- al armay agreeable to two Resolves of the general Court one of the 2 2"^ and the other of the 23"' Days of this Instant June and the Inhabitants being Notifj^ed by the Selectmen of Said Town to attend as a Town and first Voted to have Said men hired by the Town 2"*'ly Voted Edward Davis William Earned & Thomas Cotton a Commettee to assist the melitia officers in hireing Said 20 men Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting In the Name of the goverment and People of the Massachusetts Bay you or either of you are Required forthwith to warn or Notify the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley that are Qiialified to vote for a Representive agreeable to the new Con- stitution or frame of goverment to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on monday the Sixteenth Day of this Instant Dudley Toivn Records, 1780. 215 October at one of the duck in the alter noon then and their to act upon the following articals (viz) first To Elect and Depute a person or persons to Represent us at the great and general Court agreeable to the new Con- stitution or frame of government 2"^ly To Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of Said meeting •^'•'ily To grant money for Schooling and other Necessary Charges for this year 4"*^ly To See if the Town will order the Rie Rate So Called to be assessed in Rie or act thereon as the Town Shall See fitt 5ly To act upon a Resolve of the general Court past the 25"^ of September 1780 To purchase our Cotoof beafe or grant money for the »Same or act on it as the Town thinks best 6"'^ly To hear and act upon any petition or petitions that Shall be laid before the Town as they See fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Second Day of October Anno Domini 1780 by order of the Selectmen Jedidiah jMarcy Town Clerk October the i6th 1780 In obedience to the wathin written warrant I have w^arned and Notified the Inhabitants and free- holders of the Town of Dudley to attend att time and place accordingly by my Setting this warrant up at the meeting House John Edmunds Constable of Dudley at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House on mondav the Sixteenth Day of October Anno Domini 17S0 first Voted Decon Davis our Representitive 2i6 Dudley Tow ft Records^ 1780. 2ly Voted Decon Davis moderator for the Remainder of Said meeting 3ly Voted £80 new money To pay the Charge of School- ing this year 4'"'ly Voted 60 new money for the Nessary Charges the currant year 5"''ly Voted to pay the Rie Rate in Rie and them that paid the money to have the money Returnd and made good 61y Voted m' Upham Daniel Newell and Nathanael Clark a Commetee to purchase our Coto of beafe yly Voted they Shall have Interest for the money from the time they purchase y* Cattle Sly Voted by way of petetion a School Commitee major Healy Asa Curtis Elisha Sabin Capt Morriss Joseph Up- ham Jur Josiah Hovey John Bracket 9ly Voted £12 New money for mr Joseph Upham going and Setins: in the Convention Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County greeting In the Name of the goverment and People of the massachusetts Bay you or Either of you are Required forth with to warn or Notify the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley that are quallified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in Said Town on monday the thirteenth Day of No- vember next at one of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first To Chuse a moderator for Said meeting 2ly To act upon a Resolve of the general Court past the 25"* of September Last to purchase our Coto of beafe and grant money for the Same or act there on as the Town thinks best 3ly To hear and act upon any petetion or petetions that Shall be Laid before the Town as they See fitt here of fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with Dudley Town Records^ ij8o. 21 j \oui" Duiiigs tliercon unto the Selectmen at or Ijcture Said Day Dated at DiuUey afore Said tliis thirteenth Day of October Anno Domini i 780 bv order of tlie Selectmen Jedidiah Marcy low n Clerk Worcester SS November the 12"^ 1780 In obedience to the within \\ ritten warrant I have warned anil Notifyed the Inhabitants and Ireeholders of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned by Settinj^ up this warrant at tlic mectinjf House in Dudley acordingley bv me John Eduarils Constable ol Dudlev i\t a meetin;;- of the treeholders and other lidialiit.mts of the 'lown of Dudle\' Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Said Dudlev on monday the thirteenth Da^' of Xovembcr AD 17S0 first Voted maj' Healey moderator for Said meeting 2ly Voted to Raise £1000 to purchase our Coto of beafe 3ly Voted to Endemnify the Constables if they find the money to pay for the beafe from any Cost of the executions till they can C'ollect the money of the people again in a Rean- able time 4ly Voletl Deacon Da\ is tor t(.) carrey the money to the Commetee at Springfield Worcester SS to either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County Greeting In the Name of the Common welth ot the massachusetts Bay you or either of you are Re(|uire(.l forthwith to warn 01 Notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley that are quallifyed to vote in Town aflairs to meet at our meeting House in Saitl Town on Tuesdav the Scrond •a 2iH . Dudley Town Records^ I'^Si. Day of January iicxtal ten ot" tlie Clock in the four noon tlicii and Their to act upon the following articals (vi/) first to Cluibc a moderator for Said nieetin*;" ily To grant money to hire our Coto of the Continantal men for three years or Dureing the war agreable to a Resolve (*rthe general Court or act thereon as the Town thinks l)cst 3ly To grant money to pay our Six month men and three month men that was hireed last Summer or act thereon as the Town thinks best 4ly to grant money to purchase our Coto of beafe agreable to a Resolve of the general Court in theire Last Sessions or act thereon as y" Town thinks proper 5ly To hear and act upon any i)etition or petetions that Siiall be laid before tlie Town as they See fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings there on unto the Select men at or liefore Said Day Dated at Dudley albre Said this eighteenth Day of December A D 1 780 by order of the Select men Jedidiah Marc\ Town Clerk Worcester SS Dudlev January the 2"' 17S1 . In obedience to the within written warrant I have warnetl and Notified the within mentioned Inhabitants to meet at time and place within pevlixl bv Setiug u]) Ibis warrant at the meet- ing house a.s usual P' Jedidiah Corbin Constable of Dudlev at a meeting ol" the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Said Dudley on 'I'uesdav the 2"' Day of January AD 1781 lusl Voted and Cliose Decon l)a\is modeiator lor Said meeting ily V<»ted to Choose a Commetee t(( agiee with u\\\ Soldiers we hire Last Summer Dudley Tozvn Records^ 17S1. 2ig I K 1(1 ;^1\' \'ol(i| iiKijor llc;ilf\ Daniel Xcwcll' Sinu'on W Capt ('(iiliii) Coiiiil l)a\ a ('((inrncti* This iiiet'tiii<4- is adjoin to two of tlu- iloiU in llu' altt-r noon tlitn meet ayri-aMe to adjornicnt first \^otccl not to Clasc the People 2ly Voted not to Chise into twelve parts ^ly Voted to Cluise a Coinmete of twelve men to agree on what Teirms they could hire the three vears men for -fly Voted m'' l^pham John Curtis Jur Lent Xeuell Jacoh Chamherlain \\V Simeon wood Capt Ead\ encine Silas Rohinson Lent Hill vSamuel ma\' ]W asa Rohinson Nathaniel Clark Benj" Edmunds to hire our three vears men 5ly Voted that any three of x" Conunetee is impowered to give Security for \* Town 61y Voted to except of the Comcete Report how to pay our Six month and three month men jly \'oted £1412 New moncv to pav the Soldiers the Town hired Last Summer Sly Voted to Chuse a Commcete to Se about our Coto of beafe Majer I leal v Xathanael Clark and Cornit Dav This meeting is adjornd to Thursday the eleventh Dav of January instant at one of the clock in the after noon preciselv Then meet agreable to adjornment Januarv the 11"' 17S1 first Voted mr Joseph Upham moderator p.T. 2\\ \"oted to Chuse two more to ad to the Commete to hire run- three vears men in Lue of two that woud not Serve 3IV Voted \wx John Ilaskel Elisha Sahin to ad to tlie Commcete This meeting is adjorned to y' eighteenth Day of this instant Januar\ at one of the Clock in the after noon Then meet a greaable to adjornment Januarv the iS''' 1781 lirst Votetl to give the three years men one hundretl Poinids in Silver monev each this meeting is adjond to inondav the twentv Secon Dav of this instant Januarv at one of the Clock in the after noon 220 DinUey Toivn Records, ijHi. riicii iiu'tl ;i L;it':i.'ililr 1 :i(l jorniiirnl llit- jj"' l);i\ i>l )aiiii;ii s I ]^S I lirst Voted not to except of llic Re])ovt of the C'onimeetc to hire the men 2ly Voted to pay our men .£33-6-8 to be paid yearly if the}' enter tlie vear they be intitled to their pay that year and if tliey Serve three years they are intitled to the whole Sum and if not paitl yearly they are to ha\e interest \early 3ly Voted £22^ new money to pnrcliase pait of our Coto of beafe 4ly Voted the Commeete to giye notes on Interest for the beafe till the mone\ is Collectted and To allow the Same to y* Commeetee this meeting is adjorn to 'I'lnnsday the first Day of Fel)ruary next at one of the Clock in the after noon February the 1"' Day 17S1 then mett agreeable to adjornment Hrst Voted to Reconsider t!ie vote that was past the last meeting not to except of the Comtetes Report to hire the inen 2ly \"otcd to except of the Commeetes Report to hire the men 3ly Voted t'225 new money to Purchas the Remainder part of our Coto of beafe An Agreament Made this iS"' Day ol" Januaiy 17S1 J?etween us the Commctte Cliosen by the Town for the purpos of hire- ing the Soldiers for three years and the SoUliers that a]ipear to go upon the Consideration (viz) They agree to in list for three years upon their having one Hundred pounds for the term above mentioned and to liave one third of the monc}' Paid down or upon interest as parties may agree and the other third upon interest at the eand of two 3'cars if not paid and the last tliird at the end nl" three years il' not jiaid upon interest till [laid Dudley Totvn Records^ ijHi. 221 N ;B, tlie above Saiil Sums is to be paid in liaid luonev I yiilm Cm tis fr I jac(»b Cliamberlaln I Samuel may \ Simeon Wood James Hill Henjn Ivlmuiuls Asa Robinson Worcester ss 'I"o l:Iitlu'r ol the Con'stables c^f the ^^)\vn of Dudley in said County Greeting;- In the Mame of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts 3 on or either of you are hereby Directed rorthwith to warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of 'Dudley, quaHit\ed to vote in Town atl'airs to meet at our meet- ing house in said Town on monday the ^"' Dav of march next at 9 o clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals \i/. first to Choose a moderator foi- said meeting i"''ly to Cliiise 'I'own otliccrsfor the \ear Insuingas y^ Law Directs .^rdjy j^jj i^^^.j, it" the Town will It-t their swine run at large this year 4"'1\- to act Relative to our highways & bridges as the 'l\)\\ii sees lift & to grant money & Chusc Committee if needed 5"'ly to see if the Town will Dispose of the hind seatcs in our meeting house to make pews on and the piics not to be on the same footing that the other pews are on ; or act there on as the Town thinks best 6th to hear &. act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not & make Due Return of this warrant witli \our Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or l)efore the said Day Dated at Dudley afore said this 19"' Day of Fel/> Anno Domini 1 7.S1 r"^'-f 222 Dudley Town Reconh^ lySi. \^\ cxiXi'x- of the Selectmen |c-.lie cut up ibr to build 8 pews upon the ground I5thly Voted to dispose of said pew spots on the same footing our other pews are Disposed of i6thly Voted to Chuse a Committee to Determen what ])er- sitns shall have the ])ews lythly Voted niajor Hcaly Edward Davis Esq Marc\ Josiah Conant & Daniel Newell said Committee i8thl\- Voted to abate all the higlnva\ rates that arc not worked out that was assessed before this meeting The aforesaid officers are sworn Worcester SS To Either of the Constables ol'the Town of Dudley in said County (Greeting In the Name of the Connnon Wealth of Massachusetts you ^^'=^'^' j or either of you aic hereby Directed forthwith to warne or Nolilv all the Inhabitants of the Tow 11 of Dnetitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt 2J0 Dudley Town Records^ lySi. hereof fail not and make Due return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this twenty fourth Day of August Anno Domini 1781 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS In obediance to the within written war- rant I have warned the freeholders & other Inhabitants to meet at time & place appointed by setting up this warrant as usual p"' me Asa Robinson Constable of Dudley Dudley August 30"' 17S1 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house on Thursday the 30 Day of August AD 1781 first Voted Esq marcy moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly Voted to Chuse a Committee to inquire into the paper money taxes that are Due & what payment can be ob- tained from them that have not paid said taxes 3''''ly Voted to have three for said Committee 4''^ly Voted m"" John Haskel m*^ Simeon Wood & m' Jedidiah Corbin said Committee 5*ly Voted to Chuse a Committee to settle with m'' Gleason 6"'ly Voted said Committee shall be three 7"'ly Voted m' Joseph Upham m' Joseph Sabin & Lt Mark Elwell said Committee S'My Voted not to act upon the sixth nor seventh articals 9"'ly Voted to adjorn the Remainder of said meeting to the first monday in October next at one of the clock in the after noon io"'ly Voted that the two above Named Committees shall make report to the Town at said adjorn ment then the meeting was adjorned accordingly Dtidley Town Records^ lySi. 271 Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said Comity Greeting J seal. | In the Name of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts you or Either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of our Town quallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in Dudley on monday the 24"^ Day of December Instant at ten O clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"<^ly to grant money for Beef & other Necessary Charges 3'''^ly to grant money for schooling & choose a School Committee 4"'ly to act Relative to moneys that is Due from the Town to soldiars & others as they think best 5'''ly to hear the Report of the Two Committees chose the last Town meeting ; hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before said Day Dated at Dudley afore said this tenth Day of Decem' Anno Domini 17S1 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS In obediance to this Warrant I have warned the freeholders & other Inhabitants of this Town quallify'^ to vote in Town affairs to meet at time & place ap- pointed by seting up this Warrant as usual Asa Robinson Constable of Dudley Dudley Decem"" 24"' 17S1 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in said Town on monday the 24"^ Day of Decem'' AD 17S1 first Voted Esq'' Marcy moderator for said meeting 2°'*ly Voted 115 pounds for Beef 232 Dudley Town Records^ iy8j-82. S^'ly Voted 20 pounds for Necessary charges in leu of the 40 pounds New Emission that was granted last may 4"'ly Voted 60 pounds for Schooling 5"'ly Voted major Healy Cornet Day Simeon Wood Cap' Corbin Capt Eddy Isaac Lee & John gore a School Committee 6"'ly Voted 140 pounds for the hire of the last summer soldiars I ofDu } In t Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town dley in the County of Worcester Greeting the Name of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts you or Either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in said Town on monday the fourth Day of march next at nine of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for Said meeting 2"''ly to Chuse Town officers & Committees for the CtUTcnt year as the Law Directs 3'''^Iy to Chuse som person to take care of our meetinghouse 4""ly to see if the Town will let their swine run at large this year 5"'ly for the Town to grant money for the cost of the two Bridges that was build over Qiiinebog River last year 6'''ly to grant money for the cost of our highways & Bridges the Current year & agree how the same shall be Expended 7"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be Laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this iSth Day of February Anno Domini 17S3 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley Town Records^ 1782. 2JJ \\'oicester SS ni;irch 4"' 1782 In obediance to the within written Warrant I have warned & Notifyed the within named Inhabitants to meet at time & and place within men- tioned by this warrant being set up at the meeting house as usual p"" Asa Robinson Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in said Town on monday the fourth Day of march A D 1782 first Voted Esq Marcy moderator for said meeting 2"''ly Voted to have five Selectmen this year 3"^ly Voted Esq March first Selectman 4"'ly Voted Edward Davis second Do 5"'Iy Voted Cap' Morriss third Do 6"^ly Voted major Healy fourth do 7"'ly Voted Cornet Day fifth Do 8'My Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 9"'ly Voted Leiut Curtis Town Treasurer lo'^ly Voted to have five Assessors this year ii"»ly Voted Edward Davis first Assessor 1 2"*ly Voted Leiut Foster Jun'' second Do i-^'^y Voted Capt Chamberlain third Do I4*''ly Voted Leiut Keith fourth Do 15'My Voted John Warren fifth Do i6"'ly Voted Leiut Jonathan Willard West end Constable i7"'ly Voted David Wakefield East End Constable i8"'ly Voted to have three for a Committee of Corespond- ence &c I9"^ly Voted Joseph .Sabin Capt Healy & Cap' Carter said Committee 2o'4y Voted Nathaniel Clark & John gore Wardians 2i'*'ly Voted John Vorce & Ebenezer White Tything men 22"''ly Voted Cap' Curtis Culler of Shingles & Clapboards 23'^'^ly Voted major Healv se.'ilor of weights & measurs 24*ly Voted John Vorce sealer of Leather 30 234 Dudley Town Records^ 1782. 25'hjy Voted Leiut Foster Junr & Isaac Lee fence Viewers 26''>ly Voted Stephen Coman William Smith Leiut Keith Josej^h Allen Obadiah Bates Reuben Chamberlain & Elisha Sabin highway surveyors & Collectors of the highway rates 27''*]y Voted to have our swine run at large this year 28'My Voted Stephen Wood & Eleazer Putney Jun' Hogg Reives 29"'ly Voted m'' Alex'' Thompson to take care of our meeting House 3o"'ly Voted 60 pounds for the cost of the two Bridges over Qiiinnebog River that was Build last year 31^'ly Voted 50 pounds for the coste of the highways & bridges this year 32°''ly Voted that the same shall be worked out at 3/6 per Day at or before the first of October next the aforesaid officers are Sworn Woixester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudle}' in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town Qiiallifyed to vote for governer &c to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on monday the first Day of April next at one O clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articles viz first to Vote for a governer 2"'^ly to Vote for a Lt governer 3''''ly to Vote for Councellors & Senetors (agreeable to Constitution) 4"*ly to Chuse a moderator for the remainder of said meeting 5"'ly to Chuse a person to meet in Convention at Worcester on the second Tuesday of April next if they think it best 6"Uy to here the Report of the Committee that was Chosen to Call upon the militia officers Relative to fines they have Dudley Town Records^ 1J82. 2J^ Collected from the people and to act there on as the Town sees fitt ythjy 'j-Q j.gg jj- (.[^g Town will set off mr Joseph Upham and others from their School Ward and let tliem Draw their own money or act thereon as they see fitt S'^y to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and mak Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 22"*^ Day of march Anno Domini 1782 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk In obediance to the Within Warrant I have Warned the In- habitants of the Town of Dudlev Qiiallifved to Vote in town aflairs to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting up this Warrant as usual David Wakefield Constable of Dudley Dudley April i'' 17S2 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house in Dudley on mon- day the first Day of April anno Domini 17S2 first the Votes for governer was as follows viz for his Exelency John Hancock Esq' 19 Votes for the Hon'''^ Artemus Ward Esq' 14 Votes & for the Hon'''* James Bowdoin Esq' 5 Votes 2'"'ly the Votes for Leiut governer was as follows viz for his Honor Thomas Cushing Esq' 9 Votes for the Hon'''* Samuel Holton Esq 1 1 Votes & for the Hon*"'* James Warren Esq' i Vote 3"*ly the Votes for Councellors & Senetors was as fol- lows viz for the Hon moses gill Esq 18 Votes Do Samuel Baker Esq 1 1 Votes 2^6 Dudley Town Records^ 1^82. Do Joseph Dorr Esq 17 Votes Do Israel NickoUs Esq 9 Votes Do Jonathan Warner Esq 15 Votes Do Seth Washburn Esq i Vote Joseph Reed Esq 7 Votes Jacob Davis Esq 10 Votes m' Nathan Perry i Vote & m'' Challs Curtis i Vote 4"'ly Voted & Chose Esq marcy moderator for the re- mainder of said meeting 5"4y Voted to send one person to the count}' convention proposed to be held at W^orcester on the second Tuesday of april Instant 6"'Iy Voted & Chose Cornet Jonathan Day for said purpose 7"'ly Voted to have a Commettee of three to settle with the militia officers concerning the moneys in their hands & the officers refused to be vSettled with by a Come^ but said the militia Law was their rule of conduct S"'ly Voted to put over y" 7"' artical to may meeting 9"'ly Voted to have Isaac Coburn bound to Joshua Coburn free of all taxes till he is 21 years old lo'Hy Voted to abate Joseph Whitfords rates that is Due to Constable Corbin being about 48 / •< SEAL. V Worcester SwS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warne the Inhabitants of said Town quallifyed to vote for a Representa- tive to meet at our Meeting House in said Dudley on monday the 13"" Day of May next at one O clock in the after noon then & there to act upon the following articals viz first to Chuse a person to Represent us at the Great and General Court the Currant year Dudley Town Records^ iy82. 2jy 3"^qy Voted m' John Bracket Lt Jonathan Willard Lt Jn° Curtis Capt Lemuel Corbin m"' Simeon Wood major Nath" Healy & Thomas Cheney School* Committees for the year Insuing 4"'ly Voted not to abate Jonathan groo & Jeremiah Has- kels Rates as Requested by them Jeremiah Haskel made a Declaration Concerning paying ministers Rates agreeable to the vote of the Town in the year 1779 *Worcester SS To either of the constables of the Town of Dudley in said county Greeting In the Name of Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts you or either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet our meet- ing House in said Town on Thursday the fifth day of Feb- ruary next at one of the clock in the after noon then and thare to act upon the following articals viz first to chuse a moderator for said meeting 2ndly to Know the minds of the people about the Conte- nental officers five years pay and act there as they see fitt hereof fail not and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings unto the Select men at or before the said fifth day of February next Dated at Dudley this twenty ninth day of January Anno Domini 1784 Jedidiah marcy "v T5 -n A,r f Select men Ben]" Morres V Jonathan Day ) ^ Worcester ,SS in obediance to this Warrant I have Warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley * This warrant was written on inside of front cover of record book. — Editor. Dudley Town Records^ ^7^4. 2ji to meet at our meeting house on Tuesday the fifth day Feb- ruary instant at one a clock in the after noon then and there to act upon articals here mentioned by me mark Dodge Constable of Dudley Dudley February 5"" 1784 At meeting on the 5"^ day of February first chose Esq"" marcy ^Moderator for said meeting 2d Voted to chuse a committee ol three men to meet at Sutton with the committees of other Towns 3ly chose Esq'' Fennor for a committee 4ly chose Cornet Day ditto 5ly chose m"' Jonathan Bacon ditto A True Copy of the Return made to me Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS To Either of the Constables ol the Town of Dudley in said County Greeting ( In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or I Either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting house in said Town on monday the first Day of march next at Nine of the clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly to Chuse Town officers & Committees for the Cur- rent year as the Law Directs 3'"'^ly to see if the Town will let their swine run at large the year Insuing 4"'ly to grant money for the highways & Bridges for the present year and agree how the same shall be worked out 5"'ly to Chuse some person for a grave Diger SEAL aj2 Dudley Toivn Records, 17^4- 6"'ly to accept of any Roads that shall be laid before the Town 7"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt here of fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto us the subscribers at or before the said first Day of march next Dated at Dudley aforesaid the seventh Day of February anno Domini 1784 Jedidiah marcy -) Selectmen 1784 jedidiah marcy -| Selectmen Nathaniel Healy ^ ^^ j^^^^jj^^ Jonathan Dav ' Jonathan Day Worcester SS march y^ i" 1784 In obediance to this War- rant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet according to time and place within mentioned by setting up this Warrant at the usual place p'' John Chamberlain Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting house in Dudley on monday y* first day of march Anno Domini 1784 first Voted & Chose m' Jonathan Bacon moderator for said meeting 2°<»Iy Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk ^rdjy Voted Jedidiah marcy Esq first Selectman 4'4y Voted Cap' Benjamin Morriss Second Selectman 5'^ly Voted Cornet Jonathan Day third Selectman 6'i>ly Voted Cap' Jacob Chamberlain fourth Selectman 7"'ly Voted Leiu' John Curtis fifth Selectman S'^'ly Voted Leiu' John Curtis Tow^n Treasurer 9"'ly Voted m"" Jonathan Bacon first Assessor io"'ly Voted Leiut Timothy Foster Jun' second Assessor I I'My Voted major Nathaniel Healy third Assessor 1 2"'ly Voted Cap' Jacob Chamberlain fourth Assessor j^thiy Voted Leiu' Joseph Keith fifth Assessor i4"'ly Voted Cap' John Eddy west end Constable Dudley Town Records^ 1784- 2jj 15'My Voted Leiut mark Elwell East end Constable i6"'Iy Voted to Excuse Eeiut mark Elwell upon the con- ditions that he pays Constable mark Dodge for Collecting all the taxes that should have been collected by Constable David Wakefeild ly^My Voted Timothy Corbin East end Constable iS'^'ly Voted major Healy John Bracket Isaac Lee John Vorce Cap' Corbin Ebenezer White & Thomas Cheney highv^^ay Surveyors i^'hjy Voted Joseph Sabin & Joseph Keith Wardians 2o"'ly Voted Isaac Lee & William Foster Tythingmen 2i^'ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Shingles and Clap- boards hoops &c 22"'*ly Voted John Healy Sealer of Leather 23''*ly Voted Nath" Clark Deer Reefe 24"'ly Voted major NathJ' Healy Sealer of weights & measurs 25"'ly Voted Nathan Jeffords and moses Jewell fence Viewers 26"'ly Voted Ezra Holbrook Thomas L^pham John Vin- ton Jun"' and Solomon Wakefield Hog Reives and then Adjorned the meeting to monday next the 8* Day of march Instant at one O clock in the after noon march 8"* met agreeable to adjornment and first Voted to accept of John Chamberlain to serve as Con- stable in the room of Capt John Eddy 2"''ly Voted to let our swine run at large this year -^"•dly Voted that the highways surveyors shall be Collectors of that tax ^thjy Voted to allow the Committees account for Buildin the Bridge over the frence River near Cornet Days 5"'lv Voted £60 for Repairing the Bridges &. higvvays this year 6"^ly Voted that the same shall be worked out at three shillings per Day from the first of may till the first of October next ythjy Voted m"' Alexander Thompson grave Diger 254 Dudley Town Records^ 1783-84. 8">ly Voted to accept the Road laid out by the Selectmen 29 of August 1783 across the Wenthrops land so Called c)"'ly Voted to abate all William Jordens Rates that is now Assessed upon him in the Town of Dudley io*''ly Voted to accejDt of Cornet Days John Bracketts & Asa Robinsons petition as a Committee for the East School Ward officers sworn as the Law Directs A Road Laid out by the Selectmen of Dudley on the 29th Day of August 17S3 across the Wenthrop Land from Stur- bridge line to Charlton line begining at the North End of a Road laid out and accepted by said Sturbridge near Joseph Barretts and from thence it leads near North across lands occupied by said Joseph Barret & Henry pratt & Edward Earned to a stake and stones by land occupied by James Diers then near the same corse to a heep of stones on a large rock then a little more west to a white oak tree marked on the same land occupied by said Dier then near the same course to the sawmill Dam then near North to a white oake stump with stohes about it on the widow Sarah Cheneys Thirds then to the el- bough of a stone wall on said thirds then by said wall to a heep of stones by land occupied by Cap' Benjamin Freeman [and the Road is to be three rods wide from the said Elbougs of the Wall till it is across the rocky swale or run] then on said Freemans occupied lands till it comes to land occupied by Abijah Searles to a stake and stones then on the line be- tween the said Freemans and Searles one rod on each till it comes the Road that leads from Dudley to vSturbridge at Charl- ton line to the corner of the wall of the lot of Land that the said Searles lives on Said Road is to be two rods wide except as before mentnd for y* elboug of the wall till it has crossd the rocky loland and then to be three rods wide and the Bounds are on easterly side of the Road Dudley Town Records^ 1^83-84. a^§ this Road was hed before the Town at there march meeting 1784 and accepted Jedidiah marcy \ T7 1 1 T-> • f Selectmen ilidward Uavis Nathaniel Healy i ^^ Dudley Worcester .SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said county Greeting In the ,Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are Either of you hereby Directed forth- with to Warn or Notify the several Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallitied to Vote for a governor &c agreeable to the Constitution to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on monday y*' fifth Day of April next at one of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Vote for a governer 2"'^ly to Vote for a Leiut governer 3'''^ly to Vote for Councilers & Senaters &c 4*''ly to Chuse a moderator for the remainder of said meeting 5*''ly to grant money to pay m'' Job Holbrook the money that was borrowed of him for the Town or act thereon as the Town thinks best 6"'ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the twenty second Day of march Anno Domini 17S4 Jedidiah marcy ") Jonathan Day < Selectmen Jacob Chamberlain 1 of Dudley John Curtis Jr J Worcester SS April 5*'* 1784 In obediance to the within 2^6 Dudley Towti Records^ 1784- written Warrant I have Warned the freeholders & other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley to meet according to time and place within mentioned by setting up this Warrant at the usual place p' John Chamberlain Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quallyfied to Vote for a governer &c Regularly assembled at our meeting House in said Dudley on Monday the fifth Day of April AD 1 7S4 first Voted for a governer as follows viz for his Exelence John Hancock Esq' 16 votes for the Hon James Bowdoin Escf 8 votes & Benj* Lincoln Esq' i vote 2"''lv Voted for Leiutanant governer as follows viz for his Honour Thomas Cushing Esq' 23 votes & Caleb Amidown Esq' 3 votes 3"^ly Voted for Councilors and Senaters as follows viz for the Hon Moses Gill Esq 22 votes Samuel Baker Esq 2 votes the Hon Daniel Nichols Esq' 22 votes Seth Washburn Esq 22 votes & Jonathan Warner Esq' 22 votes Caleb Amidown Esq' 18 votes & Edward Davis Jun' Esq i vote & Capt Bezalial Taft i vote 4'^ly Voted Jedidiah marcy Esq' moderator for the re- mainder of said meeting 5'My Voted to appropriate that order of £64-11-0 Drawn on Constable Dodge in favor of Edward Davis that is the Town property towards paying the Debt Due to Jedidiah marcy Esq' & from him to mr Job Holbrook borrowed may 1 778 to pay soldiars 6"'ly Voted 300 pounds more for to pay the remainder of said Debt Dudley Town Records, ^784- 2^y Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County Greeting ( ) In the Name of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts you ' ^ ' or Either of you hereby Directed forthwith to Warn or Notify the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley that are quallifyed to Vote for a Representative agreeable to the Constitution or form of government to meet at our meeting House in said Town on Wednesday the twelfth Day of may next at one of the Clock in the after noon then and to act upon the following articals (viz) first To Elect and Depute a person or persons to Represent us at the Great & General court the year Insuing agreeable to the precept to us Directed therefor 2"^ly to Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 3"'ly to grant money for to pay the three years men their last years hire 4"^ly to hear or act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant w'ith your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this twenty seventh Day of April Anno Domini 17S4 Jedidiah marcy \ T ,, -nw f Selectmen Jonathan Day V ^^ ^^^^^^ John Curtis Jr ) ^ Worcester SS may the 1 2"' 1 7S4 In obediance to the within Warrant I have warned the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at the time and place within mentioned by seting up this warrant at the meeting House in Dudley according to the usual custom of the Town p"" me Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Freehold and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our Meeting House 33 2sS Dudley Town Records^ 1784- in said Town on Wednesday the i3th Day of may Anno Domini 1784 first Voted Cornet Jonathan Day Representative 2"''ly Voted Cornet Day moderator for the Remainder of s"* meeting 3"'ly Voted £424 for the last years hire of our three years men with the Interest therefor 4"'ly Voted not to grant primas morney and others petition to abate their poll tax ^'hjy Voted to Chuse a Committee of three to Draw & Report to the Town Instructions to our Representative 6"'ly Voted Esq' Fenner m' Elisha Corbin & m' Jonath" Bacon said Committee ythly Voted to adjorn the Remainder of the meeting to monday the 24 Day of this Instant may at 5 oclock in the after noon met agreeable to adjornment and Voted to accept the Reporte of the Committee chosen to Draw Instructions to our Repre- sentative ■< SEAL > Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warn the Inhabitants of the said Town Qiiallified as the Constitution provides to Vote for Representatives to meet at our Meeting House in said Dudley on monday the Thirtieth Day of August Instant at two of clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articals viz first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2°"'ly to bring in their Votes in writing for some discreet suitable person to fill up the Vacancy in the office of Register of Deed for said County of Worcester untill the time ap- pointed by Law for a new choice &c hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with Dudley To'vn Records, 1784. 2§g your Doings there on unto the Selectmen at or before said 30''' Day of August Currant Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 2ist Day of August anno Domini 1 7S4 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS August 30"" 17S4 In obediance to this Warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants to meet at our meeting House as the Law Directs by setting up this warrant at the usual place Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallified as the Law Directs to vote for a Regester of Deeds Regularly assembled at our meeting House in said Dudley on Monday the Thirtieth Day of August Anno Domeni 178410 Vote for a Register of Deeds for the County of Worcester &c Jedidiah Marcy Esq moderator for said meeting The Votes that ware brought in for a Regester of Deeds by said Inhabitants was as follows viz for Timothy Paine Esq 8 votes for Daniel Clap Esq 1 1 votes for Caleb Ammidown Esqr 8 votes for Capt Benjamin Read 2 votes and for m'' Luther Fesk i vote Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the said County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you \ \ are herebv Directed forthwith to warne the Inhabitants of the I \ said Town Quallified as the Constitution provides to Vote for Representatives to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on Tuesdav the sixteenth Day of November Instant at one of the clock in the afternoon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) 26o Dudley Town Records, ^7^4- first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"''ly to bring in their Votes in writing for some discreet faithful person to fill ujd the Vacancy in the office of Regester of Deed for the said County of Worcester until the time appointed by Law for a new Choice &c ' 3'**^y to grant money for Necessary Charges in said Town 4*''ly to grant money for schooling the present year and Choose School Committes 5*''ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the second Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini 1784 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS Dudley November y* i6th 17S4 In obediance to the within written Warrant I have Warned and Notified the within mentioned Inhabitants to meet at time and place within perfixtd by setting up this Warrant at the meeting House as usual Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meetmg of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallified as the Law Directs Duly warnet and Regularly as- sembled at our meeting House in Dudley on Tuesday y* 16"' Day of November A D 1784 to act upon the articals in the be- fore mentioned warrant &c first Voted Nathaniel Healy Esq' moderator for said meeting 2"^ly the votes that ware brought in by said Inhabitants for a Regester of Deeds for said County was as follows viz for Daniel Clap Esq twenty six Votes for Timothy Paine Esq three Votes & for Capt Benjamin Read one Vote Dudley Toxvn Records^ 1784. 261 3''''ly the Town granted £70 for Necessary Charges hi said Town 4'4y granted £60 for schoohng in the year 1784 5"'ly Chose Cap' Chamberlain Cap' Eddy Leiut Keith Cornet Day m"" Joseph Allen major Healy & Ensign Am- midon School Committee 6"'ly Voted to abate the taxes that is now Due from Eben" Hebberd to Constable Robinson and the Contenental tax Due to Constable Dodge 7"'ly Voted to have Constable Jacob Warran suspend Com- mitting m"^ Daniel Newell to gail for his taxee till after the tenth Day of march next and Newell to remain his presener at large in the mene time S'^'ly Voted that the other Constables are not to distress said Newell for his other taxes till after said tenth Day of march Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or Either of you are hereby Commanded forthwith to warn or Notiefy the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town quallified to Vote in Town aflairs or for a Regester of Deeds to meet at our meeting House in in said Dudley on monday the seventh Day of march next at nine of the Clock in the fore- noon to act upon the following articals viz first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"''ly to Chuse Town officers &c for the Insuing year as the Law Directs 3'''^ly to see if the Town will let their swine run at large this year 4"'ly to grant money for our highways and Bridges for the year Insuing and agree how the same shall be worked out 5"'ly for the Town to Vote for a County Register for our Countv of Worcester as the Law Directs 262 Diidley Toivn Records^ 1^84-85. 6"'Iy for the Town to act Relative to the Deed and agree- ment that was made the 8"* Day of September A D 1 767 by Edward Davis Esq'' late of Oxford Deceased and the Select- men of Dudley Concerning the Tour acres of land that our meeting House stands upon and to Confirm said Deed and agreement to be the Bounds of said four acres of Land or to Disalow and Disanul the said Deed and agreement as the Town shall think best. 7"'ly for the Town to accept the Road across the East End of m"" Gleasons Land where it is now trod in lue of the road where it was laid out and add the old road to our Buring place 8"*ly for the Town to hear and act upon an}' petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day : Dated at Dudley afore said the Nineteenth Day of February Anno Domini 17S5 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS Dudley march 7'** 17S5 In obediance to the within written Warrant I have Warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned by seting up this warrant at the usual place p' John Chamberlain Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudlev Duly Warned and legally assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on monday the 7"* Day of march Anno Domini 1785 first Voted and Chose m' Jonathan Bacon moderator lor said meeting 2'>djy Voted to have five Selectmen this year 3'^*'ly Voted Edward Davis first Selectman Dudley Town Records^ 1785- 263 4**'ly Voted major Healy second Selectman 5"'ly Voted m' Jonathan Bacon third Selectman 6"'ly Voted Cornet Day four Selectman ythjy Voted Leiut Curtis fifth Selectman S'My Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk 9"'ly Leiut Curtis Town Treasurer lo'^'ly Voted to have five Assessors this year I i^^l} Voted Edward Davis first Assessor 1 2"'ly Voted m' Jonathan Bacon second Assessor i^^'ly Voted major Healy third Assessor I4*''ly Voted Capt Chamberlain fourth Assessor I t^^'lv Voted Leiut Foster Jun'' fifth Assessor i6"'ly Voted Leiut Eleazer putney west End Constable iyti>ly Voted Benjamin Edmunds East End Constable iS"'ly Voted Ensign Amidon & Jedidiah Corbin Wardens ic)"'ly Voted John Vorce & Ephraim Corbin fence viewers 2o"'ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Shingles Clapboards & hoops &c 3i'"ly Voted major Healy Sealer of weights & measurs 23""^ly Voted John Vorce Sealer of Leather z-r^^Xy Voted mark Dodge & Leiut Keith Tything men 24*''ly Voted John Warren John Chamberlain Timothy Corbin Solomon Wakefield John Bracket Capt Healy Elisha Sabin & Cap' Corbin Survayors of highways &c 2^"'ly Voted that the Surveyors of highways shall be the Collectors of the highway Rates 26"'ly Voted to let our swine run at large this year 3ythjy Voted Jabez Vinton Silas Hayden Simeon Upham and Thomas Earned hogg reaves 28"'ly Voted sixty pounds for the Cost of our highways and Bridges this year 2c)"'ly Voted that the same shall be worked out at three shillings per Day from the first of may to the first of October next 3o"'ly Voted for a County Rigester for the County of W^or- cester as follows viz : for Daniel Clap Esq"^ 35 Votes 264 Dudley Town Records^ 1785- and for Timothy Pain Esq"" 3 Votes 3i''ly Voted to confirm the Deed and agreement that was made the S'*" Day of September A D 1 767 by Edward Davis Esq"' late of Oxford Deceased and the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley Relative to the Bounds and title of the four acres of Land our meeting House stands upon and to make it valid in Law to all intents and purposes 32'"^ly Voted to accept of the Road where it is now trod by m' Charles Gleasons Wall across the East End of his land in lue of the Road on the ridge a little east that was accepted by the Town in march 6th 1775 and ad said road to the Dur- ing place ■x^T^^Xy Voted to Reconsider the vote that past march z""* 1773 for to alter the Road from the Bridge Near m"" Nathan Inmans to m' Samuel mays and to Establish the Road where * it is now trod 34"'ly Voted to abate Ebenezer Hebberds Rates in Consta- ble David Wakefield hands to collect being 19 / 9-1 SS'^'ly Voted to abate what is Due of m*^ Alex'' Thompsons taxes in Constable Dodges hands to Collect 36"'ly to Direct Constable Warren to suspend Commetting m' Daniel Newell till after may meeting next on the same foot- ing as was voted the last meeting 37"'ly Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday 3ist Day of march Instant at three of the Clock in the after noon met according to adjornment and voted to have m"^ Eleazer putneys serving as Constable goe for a turn for his son Eleazer The Several Officers are Sworn Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required forthwith to warne the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quallified to vote for a governor &c agreeable to the Constitution to meet at our meeting House in said Town Dudley Town Records, I7^5- 26^ oil monday fourth Day of April next at one of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following ar- ticals viz first to vote for a governor for said Commonwealth 3"'*ly to vote for a Leiutanant govei'nor Do 3'''^ly to vote of Councillors and Senators for the County of Worcester 4"'ly to Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 5'^ly to act Relative to m"" Jacob Warren and others being set off as a separate school ward as the Town thinks best 6"'ly to see if the Town will purchis that Land North and west of m' Borlands farm in Dudley that was this Day sold for taxes & bid off by Edward Davis vomoeto W" Coburns House ontoo being about 18 acres 7"^ly for the Town to Chuse a Committee to settle with the Rev*^ m' Gleason Relative to his back sallerys &c 8*''ly for the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fitt here of fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day; Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 21st Day of march Anno Domini 1785 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS April 4"' 1785 In obediance to this warrant I have warned and Notified the Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley to meet at the time & place within mentioned by seting up a warrant at the meeting House in said Town as usual p' Benjamin Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the aforesaid Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on Monday the fourth Day of April Anno Domini 1785 266 Dudley Town Records^ 17^5- first The Inhabitants brought in there votes for a Governor as follows (viz) for the Hon''' Nathaniel Gorham Esq 38 Votes 2"''ly for a Leiutenant Governor His Hon Thomas Gushing Esq 30 Votes 3'"^ly for Councellors and Senators as follows viz for the Hon**" Moses Gill Esq 25 Votes Do Seth Washburn Esq 25 Votes Do Jonathan Warner Esq 25 Votes John Fesenden Esq 25 Votes Ebenezer Earned Esq 23 Votes & Caleb Amidown Esq 2 Votes 4*ly Voted m' Jonathan Bacon moderator for the Re- mainder of said meeting 5"'ly Voted not to set off m' Jacob Warren as a separate school ward 6"^ly Voted to purchis that Land that was bid off by Edward Davis North and west of mr Borlands farm in Dudley to moove W" Coburn Houst ontoo and to have the Deed given from the Constable to the Town Treasurer in the Name and behalf of the Town Said land being about 20 acres 7*ly Voted to Chuse a Committee of three to settle with the Rev^ mr Gleason Relative to his back salerys & report to the Town as soon as conveneant may be 8"'ly Voted Edward Davis John Curtis Jun"' and Na- thaniel Healy said Committee cjthjy Voted to abate Thomas Dodges soldier Rates being £1:3:3:1 To the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley The Com- plainte of Susannah Sprage of said Dudley humbly Showeth that whereas I am under Difficult and Low circomstances & not capable of providing for myself Therefore I humbly pray that you would take suitable care of me and provide a Dudley Toivn Records, 1785. 267 place for me and in so Doing .you will oblige your humble complainant her Susannah X Sprage mark Dudley April 29"* 1785 Amasa Winter A True copy attest Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Directed in Due course of Law to warn the Free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualli- fied according to the Constitution to vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting house in said Dudley on Monday the second Day of may next at one of the clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Elect a person to Represent us in the General Court appointed to be convened and held for the Government service at the State House in Boston on the last Wednesday of May aforesaid and so fi"om session to session for one year 3'"ily to Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 3'''^ly for the Constables for the years 1781 1782 & 17S3 to lay an account before the Town of all the Taxes that they can- not collect in order that they may act thereon as they think best 4"'ly to hear the Report of the Committee that was Chosen to settle with the Reverend m"" Gleason Relative to his back sallaries and to grant money to pay what is Due to him 5*''ly to grant money for Necessary Charges in said Town and to make up the Deficiency of other grants heretofore made 6"^ly to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with Selectmen 268 Dudley Town Records^ ly^S- your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the fifteenth Day of April Anno Domini 1785 Edward Davis Nathaniel Healy Jonathan Bacon \ ^ ^ „ i ,. r^ 1 of Dudley Jonathan Day i ■' John Curtis Jun"" J Worcester SS may y* 2""^ 1785 In obediance to this Warrant I have vs^arned the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley by setting up this Warrant at the usual place to meet according to the time and place within mentioned as the Law Directs Benjamin Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our Meeting House in said Town on Monday the a""* Day of may Anno Domini 1785 first Voted to send a Representative this year 2"''ly Voted m"" Jonathan Day for our Representative this year -^rdjy Voted m' Jonathan Bacon Moderator for the Re- mainder of s^ meeting 4"'ly Voted to abate Enoch Eagleston and Stephen Spaldings taxes in Constable Robinsons Rate Lists they being £3-0-2-3 5"'ly Voted to pospone the matter of m"" Daniel Newells Rates til the first of October next and he to Remain m' Warrens prisnor till that time 6'hly Voted to abate Daniel Waldos Rates in Constable Warrens Rate List they being paid to mr Warren £1-1-0-2 paid 7'4y Voted to suspend calling upon Constable Wakefe^d for mr Jonathan groo :s Rates till the first of October next they being £1-16-6-1 S'My Voted to abate Phinehas Aliens soldier Rates in Con- stables Dodge & Corbins Lists they being i -8-2-1 Dudley Town Records^ ^7^5 • 26g 9«»ly Voted to abate Adam Whites Rates in Constable Chamberlains Rate Lists they being 3-1-7-1 paid lo'^'ly Voted to see m"' Daniel Willcocks forthcoming to Constables Willard and Chamberlain the first Day of October next * ii"'ly Voted to see Eleazor May forthcoming to Constables Wakefield and Chamberlain the first Day of Ootober next then adjorned the meeting to monday the 23'^ Day of this Instant may at one of the clock in the after noon met agreeable to adjornment and then the Report of the Committee being red which is as follows (viz) Dudley April 26"' 17S5 The Committee appointed by the Town to settle with the Rev*^ m'' Gleason Relative to his back salaries beg lieve to Report a state of facts (viz) that it appears to them that there is Due to m' Gleason agreeable to the Law for the year 1780 ,£25-13-7 and 50 months Interest £6-8-6 making in the whole £32-2-1 and that he is much kept out of the four last years salerys and that it further ap- pears that he has lost by the Depretiation of money that he is cut off by Law as follows (viz) in the year 1777 £45-0-0 in the year 1778 £33-19-8 and in the year 1779 £26-13-4 making in the whole £105-13-0 all which is humbly sub- mitted to the Town Edward Davis ) Nathaniel Healy > Committee John Curtis Jun"^ ) then the Town first voted a Committee of three to wait upon the Reven** m' Gleason 2"*^ly Voted m' Upham m' Day and m"' Lem Corbin said Committee 3''^ly Voted to grant and Raise Eighty Seven pounds to make up in full of all arrears of the Reve** m'' Gleasons salery and wood up to the first Day of march 1781 4'My Voted £100 for other Necessary Charges in the Town the year Ensuing, &c then Cap' John Eddy made his to Declaration agreeable to the vote of the Town Relative to minister to Rates and gave 270 Dudley Totvn Records^ 17^5' his Right of a pew in the meeting House to the Town build- ing & all Worcester SS To Either of the Constable of the Town of Dudley in the said County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required forthwith to warne the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified to vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in said Town on Wednesday the fourteenth Day of September next at one of y* Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly for the Town to Reconsider that vote of the Town which was pased the Twenty third Day of May last past granting the sum of Eighty seven pounds to make up in full of all arrears of the Rev*^ m"" Gleasons salary and Wood up to the first Day of march 1781 or act thereon as the Town thinks best 3'''^ly for the Town to grant such a sum of money as is Due agreeable to the Law unto the said m'' Gleason to the first Day of march 1781 and the Interest therefor untill paid (if they see fitt 4*ly for the Town to grant money for schooling y* year Insuing 5"'ly to Chuse School Committees for y* Insuing year 6"'ly for the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the Thirtieth Day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Eighty five By order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Dudley -Town Hjecords^ ^7^5' 2yi Worcester SS September the I4'*' 1785 In obediance to this Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley by setting up this Warrant at the meeting House as usual : to meet at the time and place within mentioned as the Law Directs p' Benjamin Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of tlie Town of Dudliey Regularly Assembled at our meeting House in said Town on Wednesday y* fourteenth Day of September Anno Domini 1785 first Voted and Chose Edward Davis moderator for said meeting 2"<'ly Voted and Reconsidered that vote of the Town which was pased the Twenty third Day of May last past granting unto the Reven'^ m"" Gleason Eighty seven pounds to make up in full of all arrears of his salary and Wood up to the first Day of march 1781 that sum not being Due to him agree- able to the Law — 36 yeas & 17 Nays 3^diy Voted & grant'' to the Rev'' m"" Gleason Thirty four pounds being the sum that was Due to him on the said first Day of march 1781 for arrears of salary &c agreeable to the Law and the Interest therefor to May next 4"*ly Voted £60 for schooling the year Insuing 5'My Voted Stephen Coman Leiut Warran Joseph Sabin John Bracket Joseph Allen Jedidiah Corbin and Cap' Eddy School Committee for the Insuing year 6"'ly on the petition of Stephen Coman & others voted that all those persons that have no open Road to their own lands shall have one half of their Highway Rates abated this year Dudley November 25"' 1 785 To the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley Sirs inasmuch as my Husband phinehas 3'j2 Dudley Town Records^ I7^5- Allen has gone off and left me the subscriber with eight children in a suffering condition having Nothing to subsist upon therefore I must through my self and family upon the marcy of the said Town of Dudley and pray for support for my self and family agreeable to the Law in that case made and provided Mary Allen true copy attest E. Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts vou are hereby Required forthwith to Warn the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quallified to Vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on Tuesday the tenth Day of January next at one of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2""*ly for the Town to act Relative to a Bill that passed the House of Representatives in their last session Relating to the Refugees that was Negatived by the Senate and put over to the next setting of the General Court ; as they think best 3'''*ly for the Town to Instruct their Representatives in any matters and things as they see fitt 4'''ly for the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day : Dated at Dudley aforesaid the Twenty ninth Day of December in the year of our Lord 1785 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS January the lo"' 1786 In Obediance to this Warrant I Warned all the freeholder and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley by setting up a Warrant at the meet- Dudley Town Records^ lySS. 2^3 ing House in said Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned as the Law Directs p'' Benjamin Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting House in said Dudley on Tuesday the 10"' Day of January 17S6 tirst Voted and Chose m"" Jonathan Bacon moderator for s** meeting 2°''ly the Town voted that thev are much Dissatisfied with the pi'oceedings of the House of Representatives at their last sessions in passing a Bill giving Liberty to the Refugees of every Discription to Return in to this Commonwealth ^'■''ly Voted to Remonstrate to the General Court against said Bill 4*ly Voted to Draft offered to the Town to be said Re- monstrance 5*ly Voted to grant Lt mark Dodges petition to give to him that half of y'' pew Capt Eddy gave to the Town he paing the Town the Cost of Building said half of said pew 6"^ly Voted not to grant Sam" Newell & David Wakefields petitions Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are Required to Warne the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Vote in Town affairs and those quallified to Vote for a Register of Deeds to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on monday the sixth Day of march next at Nine of the Clock in the fore noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 35 1786 2^4- Dudley Town Records^ ijSd. 2"^ly to Chuse Town Officers for the Insuing year as the Law Directs 3''''ly to see if the Town will let their swine run at Large this year 4"*ly to Vote for a Register of Deeds for said County of Worcester 5"'ly to act Relative to Jesse Jewells account as they see fitt 6"'ly to see if the Town will Build or hire a Work House to iinploy our Idle and poor people at work &c 7"'ly to grant money for our Highways and Bridges this year and to agree how the same shall be worked out S'^'ly for the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the sixteenth Day of Febry Anno Domini 17S6 By order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS march the 6''' 1786 In obediance to this Warrant I have Warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallifyed as within mentioned to meet at time and place as Directed by setting up a Warrant at the meeting House in said Town as usual p' Benjamin Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in said Town on monday the 6"' Day of march Anno Domini 1786 first Voted and Chose m" Jonathan Bacon moderator for said meeting 2"'*ly Voted to have five selectmen this year ^rdiy Voted Edward Davis Esq first Selectman ^th]y Voted m' Jonathan Bacon second Selectman Dudley Towfi Records, ij86. 2y^ 5"'ly Voted Capt Chamberlain third Selectman 6'hly Voted Lt John Warren fourth Selectman 7">ly Voted Cap' Eddy fifth Selectman S'My Voted Esq^ Davis Town Clerk cjthjy Voted Leiut Curtis Town Treasurer io*''Iy Voted to have five Assessors this year I i'4y Voted Esq Davis first Assessor 1 3*''ly Voted Lieut Willard second Assessor 13'My Voted Leiut Foster Jun'' third Assessor izj.'^^ly Voted m'' John Chamberlain fourth Assessor I5"'ly Voted Leiut Keith fifth Assessor i6"'ly Voted major Nathaniel Healy West End Constable jythjy Voted m' William Earned Jun'^ East End Constable i8"^ly Voted to accept Stephen Healy to serve Constable in his father Room and his Father promised to be sponsur for his son I9*ly Voted Lt Warren & m"" Ephraim Corbin Wardians 2o"'ly Voted John gore Benjamin Lee Lt Elwell & Thos Cheney fence Vewors 2i''ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Shingles Clapboards & hoops &c 22"^ly Voted major Healy sealer of Weights and measurs 23'''^Iy Voted John Healy sealer of Leather 24"'ly Voted Asa Curtis and John Healy Tything men 25"'ly Voted Ephraim Corbin Eleazer Putney Jun' Simon Shepard William Foster Joseph Vinton Jun'' Cap' Healy & Daniel Mansfield Surveyors of highways & Collectors of that Rate 26"'ly Voted that the Surveyors of Highways shall be Col- lectors of the Highw^ay Rates 27"'ly Voted to let our swine run at Large this year 2S'My Voted Asa Newell Nathan Waldron Ebenezer Fitts Jun' & Stephen Haskell Hogg Rieves 29'^ly Voted sixty pounds for the Cost of our Highways & Bridges this year 3o"'ly Voted that the same shall be worked out at three shillings per Day at or before the first Day of October next 2']6 Dudley Town Records^ 1786. 3i°'ly Voted that the Selectmen be impower to hue a House or Houses to be impoveed as work Houses to imploy our Idle and poor people at work and appoint overseer or overseers &c 32"*^ly Votes for a Register of Deed for the Count}^ of Wor- cester was 52 and all for Daniel Clap Esq'' 33'''ly Voted not to allow Jesse Jewells account at present 34'''ly Voted to allow Dr Eaton £7-9-5 of his account against m"" Thompson & Family in full to Ballance the account 3^*ly Voted to Instruct Cornet Jonathan Day not to goe any more to the General Court upon the Towns Cost 36*'^ly Voted to grant Esq'' Fenner 12/ for going to Sutton on the convention February 1 783 27*^ly Voted Dito to m*^ Jonathan Bacon 12 / 38*''ly Voted to abate all the Rates but Jacksons amounts to 3-9-1 in Keiths Collection &c 39*''ly Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday the 3''^ Day of April next at two of the Clock in the after noon at this place and it is adjorned according met agreeable to adjornment and voted to accept Timothy Corbin to serve Constable in the Roome of m'' William Larned Jun"^ 2"''ly Voted to see Henry Brown forthcoming to Constable Corbin this Day 7 month 2f^^\y Voted Do Joshua Robbins Do Constable Dodge Do < SEAL > Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley In the Name of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts you are Required to warne all the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallefied to Vote for a Governor Leiut Governor Councellors & Senators to meet at our meeting House on Monday the third Day of April next at one o Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the followino' articals viz Dudley Town Records^ iy86. 2^"/ to vote for a Governor Leiut Governor Councellors & Sena- tors for the year Insuing Hereof tiiil not and make Due Return of this Warrant at or before the said third Day of April next given under our hands and seal this Twenty first Day of march in the year of our Lord 1786 Jonathan Bacon ] Jacob Chamberlain ! Selectmen John Warren 1 of Dudley John Eddy J Worcester SS April the 3'''^ 17S6 In obediance to this Warrant I have Warned all the freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Dudley by sitting this Warrant up at our meeting House to meet at time and place within mention'' Benjamin Edmunds Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on Monday the third Day of April AD 17S6 first Voted for a Governor as follows viz for his Excellency James Bowdoin Esq 53 votes 2"''ly Voted for a Leiut Governor as Do for his Honour Thomas Cushing Esq 47 votes -^rdjy Voted for Councillors & Senators as Do for the Hon. moses gill Esq'' 32 votes Do Samuel Baker Do 33 Do Do Seth Washburn Do 33 Do for John Fessenden Do 33 Do Do Samuel Curtis Do 31 Do Do Eben^ Crafts Do i Do Worcester SS To Either of the Constables "of tlie Tow of Dudley in the s** County of Worcester Greeting ■M Dudley Town Records^ 1786. In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Directed forthwith to warne the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town of Dudley, quallified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a Representative To meet at our meeting House in said Town on monday the 8"* Day of may next at one of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Elect a person to Represent us at the general Court appointed to be convened and held at the State House in Boston on the last Wednesday of said May next and so from session to session the Insuing year 2"''ly to Choose a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 3^''ly to Vote for a County Treasurer for our County of Worcester 4*''ly to act Relative to a Note of hand Lt Tim° Foster Jun' gave to Enoch Egleston as the Town thinks best 5*''ly for the Town to act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fit 6"'Iy for the Town to grant money for Necessary Charges this year hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this 34"' Day of April in the year of our Lord 17S6 Edward Davis } Jonathan Bacon ! Selectmen John Warren | of Dudley John Eddy J Worcester SS may 8"* 1786 in obediance to this Warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote Representative to meet at time and place within men- tioned by setting up this Warrant at the usual place Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley Dudley Toxvn Records^ iy86. 2yg At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dndley Regularly assembled at our meeting Hous in said Town on Monday the 8"* Day of may Anno Domini 1 7S6 first Voted not to Chuse a Representative this year 3°'^ly Voted m"^ Jonathan Bacon moderator for the Re- mainder of s*^ meeting 3'''*ly Voted for a County Trcasuror as follows viz for m' Nathan perrey 33 votes ^'hjy Voted £So for the Necessary Charges in said Town this year 5"'ly Voted to abate m'' Jonathan groos Rates in Constable Asa Robinsons hands to Collect Dudley April 13"' 17S6 Then met according to appoint- ment at the southwest corner of Dudley which is the southeast corner of Sturbridge and preambulated and Renuedthe Bounds to the Northeast corner of Woodstock then southerly to the south west corner of Dudley which is the Northwest corner of Thompson by us VV™ may ) Willard Child )' by order ol the Selectmen of Woodstock Jacob Chamberlain Selectman of Dudley Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are are hereby Requested forthwith to warne the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallefied to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on Tuesday the 15"" Day of June Instant at two of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articals (viz) Dudley Town Records^ 1786. first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"<'ly to 'see if the Town will agree to petition to the General Court to Instruct their Dalagates at Congress to moove for a Contenental Currency to be immediately made and Emitted for the Release of the Distresses of y^ people 3''^ly to see if the Town will order and Direct the select- men or some other jDerson or persons in the Name of the Town to Commence an action against Jedidiah Marcy Esq for his giving up a certain Note of hand lodged in his hands for the securety of the Town : given to Susannah Sprage late of Dud- ley Deceased 4'My for the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon vmto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 6th Day of June in the year of our Lord 1 786 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS Dudley June 15"^ 17S6 In obediance to this Warrant I have warned warned the In- habetants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at time and place within mentioned by seting up this Warrant at the usual place Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting-House in said Town on Thursday the 15'^ Day of June Anno Domini 1786 firM Voted and Chose Cornet Day moderator for said meeting 2nd|y Voted not to act upon the second artical in the Warrant 3'^ly Voted to have an action Commenced against Jedidiah Marcy Esq for giving up a Note of hand he had in Keeping Dudley Town Records^ ijB6. 281 against John Albee and James Arnold given to Susannah Sprage late of Dudley Deceased 4'^ly Voted Capt Lemuel Corbin and m'' Jonathan Bacon a Committee to prosecute said action against said Esq Marcy Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting -| sealV In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you ' ar hereby Required forthwith to warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at our meet- ing House in said Dudley on Fry day the 23'^ Day of June In- stant at three of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) I70O first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"^ly to see if the Town will Chuse a person or persons to meet in a County Convention proposed to be held at Leicster on monday next at nine of the Clock in the fore noon 3''''ly for the Town to Instruct such person or persons (it any be Choses) as they think best hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 30"^ Dav of June Anno Domini 1786 Edward Davis Jonathan Bacon Jacob Chamberlain John Warren & John Eddy Selectmen of Dudley Worcester SS June 23'^'^ 1786 By Virtue of this War- rant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within men- tioned by seting this Warrant up at the usual place p"^ me Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley assembled in Town meeting June 23'''' 1786 first Voted Cornet Day moderator for sd meeting 36 282 Dudley Town Records^ 1786. 2°"^ly Voted to send one person to meet in the proposed County Convention to meet monday next 9 oClock fore noon at m' george Bruce''^ Innholder in Leicster ^'■''ly Voted m'' Elisha Corbin said person to Represent us in said Convention & then adjorned the meeting to friday next at 5 oClock in the afternoon met agreeable to adjornment and adjorned to Friday the Eleventh Day of August next i oClock after noon met agreeable to adjornment and adjorned to Capt Clarks & then Resolved into a Committee of the whole Town to Discuss the matters of greavences and to Instruct our Deligate in Convention and after Debating many matters and agreeing upon them Desolved Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the said County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts vou are hereby Required forthwith to warne the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at our meet- ing House in said Town on monday the Twenty fifth Day of September Instant at one oClock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2'"^ly to Chuse another person as a Deligate to Represent us in the County Convention if the Town sees fitt 3'^'^ly for the Town to Instruct our Deligate or Deligates as the Town thinks best Hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 22"^ Day of September Anno Domini 17S6 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS September 25"* 1 786 in Obediance to this Warrant I have Warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants Dudley Town Records^ iy86. 283 of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting up this Warrant at the usual place Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley Assembled in Town meeting the 25"* Day of Septem'' Anno Domini 1786 first Voted Cap' Day moderator for said meeting 2"''ly Voted to Chuse a person as a Deligate in addition to m"^ Elisha Corbin to Represent us in County Convention 3'''^ly Voted Capt Jacob Chamberlain said Deligate 4«hjy Voted to Choose a Committee of three to Instruct our Deligates 5'^ly Voted m'' Jonathan Bacon Lt John Warren & nV John Chamberlain s*^ Com" 6''*ly Voted to adjorn to Cap' Clarks West Room ythjy Voted to take up the Report of said Committee by parrigrafts 8"^ly Voted to accept said Report as amended Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town i~'^^ of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting \ seal J- In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you -^v— are Directed forthwith to warne the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our meeting House in said Town on Monday the thirtieth Day of October Instant at one of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following ar- ticals (viz) first to Choose a moderator for said meeting 2"'*ly for the Town to grant money for schooling in our Town the year insuing 3'**ly to Choose a School Committee as usual if the Town sees fitt 7^4 Dudley Town Records^ 1786. 4*''ly for the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they think best hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 14"^ Day 'of October Anno Domini 1786 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS Dudley October 30"' 1786 In Obedi- ance to this Warrant I have Warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants to meet at time and place within men- tioned by setting up this Warrant at the usual place Timo Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting House in said Town on Monday the 30th Day of October Anno Domini 1786 first Voted and Chose m'' Jonathan Bacon moderator for sd meeting 2'"iiy Voted 60 pounds for schooling the year Insuing 3'**ly Voted Leiut. Curtis major Healy Thomas Cheney Daniel Mansfield Ens Earned m'' Jonathan Bacon and m"" John Bracket as Schoole Committees for the year Insuing ^th ly Voted to giant m'' Isaac Lees petition to have the half of the pew spot that was granted to Ralph Vinton 5'''ly Reconsidoi'ed said vote and the matter to lay for the present 6"'ly Voted not to grant a horse to m'' William Coburn yth^y Voted not to grant m'' Benjamin Kidders petition to have his poll tax for 1784 1785 & 1786 abated 8'*>ly Voted to allow Edward Davis*' account of £8-9-1 1 for keeping m"" Alex'' Thompson Cow and rent for the gardin that he improves &c Dudley Town Records^ 1786-7. 285 To the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley humbly shew- eth that whereas I the subscriber and family are liable to be turned out of Dowers in a few Days and am under such Cir- comstances of Life that it is not in my power to procure any place to moove to or support my self and famely without as- sestance ; therefor I pray for that assestance that is in the Law in that case made and provided as in Duty bound shall ever pray Dudley November 33rd 1786 J. Harris Attest Stephen Coman ) Ezekiel Brown 3 a true copy of the complaing or petition Attest Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS To Either of tlie Constables of the Town of Dudley in the Coimty of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required forthwith to warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallified agreeable to the Constitution to act in Tpwn meetings To meet at our meeting House in said Town on Friday the Nineteenth Day of this Instant January at Nine oClock in the morning to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2"'^ly To instruct our Deligates of the County Convention about a revesion of our Constitution as the Town thinks best &c 3'''*ly for the people to hear the Address of the General Court to them if they see cause 4*ly for the Town to Divise ways and means to procure a Town stock of powder &c 5*My to see if the Town will alxite Josiah Harris Esq"^ Rates in Constables Willards and Healys hands to Collect 6*ly to see if the Town will grant unto m"' Isaac Lee that half of a pew in our meeting house that was Ralph Vintons his paying the first cost of* Building the same 286 Dudley Town Records^ 1787. Hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the fourth Day of January Anno Domini 1787 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS January 19*^ 17S7 in obediance to this Warrant I have Warned and Notified the within Named In- habitants to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting up this warrant at the meeting house as usual. p"' Stephen Healy Constable of Dudle}- {~' At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting house on Friday the 1 9"" Day of January A D 1 787 first Voted and Chose Capt. Day moderator for said meeting 2'"'ly Voted to have tlie Constitution amended in some articals 53 yeas 16 nays 3"'ly Voted not to attend the Reading the address of the General Court at this time. 4"Uy Voted to pass the fourth artical Calling upon the Constables to furnish the Selectmen with money to purchis the Town stock ^thjy Voted to abate Josiah Harris Esq Rates in Consta- bles Willards and Healys hands to Collect 6'4y Voted to pass the sixth artical Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to Warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town of Dudley Qiiallified to Vote in Dudley Toivfi Records, i?^?' 287 Town affairs to meet at our Meetinge House in said Dudley on Monday the fifth day of March next at ten of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to act upon the follow- ing articals (viz) first to Chuse a moderator for said meeting 2nly Voted Edward Davis Town Clerk who is sworn Voted to have 5 Selectmen this year Voted Edward Davis first Selectman Voted m' Jonathan Bacon second do Voted Major Healy Third Do Voted Capt Corbin fourth Do Ens Earned fifth Do Voted Leiut Curtis Town Treasurer Voted to have 3 Assessors this year Voted Edward Davis first Assessor who is sworn Voted Cap* John Eddy second Do who is sworn Voted Leiu* Tim" Foster Jun"' third Do who is sworn Voted Cap* Sam" Healy West End Constable who is Voted Ephraim Corbin East End Constable who is Voted Thomas Earned & John Lawton Ward- Voted Josiah Hovey 81 William Foster Tithing men Voted Ebenezer White and m'' Joseph Healy fence Viewers ic)"'ly Voted Major Healy Sealer of weghts and measvu's 2o"'ly Voted John Healy Sealer of Leather 2i°*ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Lumber &c who is sworn .nd 22""ly Voted Leiut Keith Daniel Arnold Capt Clark John Lawton Eliakim Robinson William Vinton Ens Amidon & Ebenezer White Surveyers of Highways and Col- lectors of the Highway Rate 23''^ly Voted that the Surveyers of Highways shall be Col- lectors of the Highway Rates 24"*ly Voted to let our swine run at large this year 25"'ly Voted Samuel Davis & Benjamin Morriss Jun' Hog Reives Dudley Town Records^ ijSd-y. 28g 26"'Iy Voted Leiut Elwell to take the cair o£ our meeting House 27"'ly Voted Ezbon Carter to be pound Keeper . 2S*ly Voted Ezbon Carter to be Grave Diger 39"'ly Voted 40 pounds for the Cost of our Highways and Bridges the year Insuing 3o"'ly Voted that the same shall be worked out at three shillings per Day on or before the first Day of October next 3i''ly Voted for a county Treasurer as follows for m'' Nathan perry 2^ Votes 23»dly Voted to accept of the Road laid out by the Select- men for Lot Afarsh from his Land across the Healys wood lot to the county Road 33''''ly Voted that the Selectmen Call upon the Constables immediately to Collect in money or stock what is Due on the Notes given unto Jeremiah Sliumwas now in the hands of m'' Robbins of Boston 34"'ly Voted to let Capt Sam" Healys serving Constable be for a turn for his son Moses. The before Named officers have taken the Oaths of office and those required by Law have taken and subscribed the oath of allegiance to this commonwealth contained in the constitution Dudley November 13th 17S6 then we the Subscribers laid out a Road for Mr Lot Marsh as follows (viz) begining at said Marsh^^ south Line at a small wallnout or black oak stadle near said Line being marked and then it Runs near southwest on Land of Joseph and Nathaniel Healys till it comes to the East Line of Mr Joseph Uphams Land to a stake and stones then southerly by said m'" Upliams east line till it comes to the County Road the whole of the Road to be on the said Healys land and the Road two Rods wide easterly from the bounds aforesaid Edward Davis j T ,, T-. f Selectmen Jonathan Bacon > - i^ ,, Jacob Chamberlain ) •' 37 Dudley Town Records^ 17^7' the above Road was laid before the Town in March 1787 and accepted att*' Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS To Either- of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required foi-thwith to warn or Notify the free- holder and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a Governor &c to meet at our meeting House in Dudley on monday the second Day of April next at one of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Vote for a Governer 2"'^ly to Vote for a Leiut Governer 3''*ly to Vote for Counsellors and Senators (agreeable to Law) 4'*'ly to Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 5*ly For the Town to Dismiss their members of the County Convention or act thereon as they see fitt 6'4y for the Town to act Relative to abating of taxes that the Constable cannot collect as they think best y»i»ly For the Town to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before them as they see fitt hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this 19th Day of March Anno Domini 1787 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS In obedience to the within Warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants in the Dudley Town Records^ ^7^7' ^9^ Town of Dudley quallified to Vote by setting this warrant up at our meeting House as usual by me Samuel Healy Constable Dudley April 2nd 1787 At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabetants of the Town of Dudley (quallified to Vote for a Governor &c) (Duly warned) at our meeting House in said Dudley on Mon- day the second Day of March in the year of our Lord 1787 first Voted for a Governer as follows for his Excelency James Bowdion Esqr 3 votes Do John Hancok Do 60 Do for the Hon Benjamin Lincoln Do 2 Do 2"^ly Voted for a Leiut Governor as follows for His Hon'' Thomas Gushing Esq 49 votes for the Hon Benjamin Lincoln Do 13 Do 3"''*ly Voted for Counsellors & Senators as folUow^s for the Hon Moses Gill Esq Do Samuel Baker Do Do Seth Washburn Do Do Abel Wilder Do Amos Singletary Do Jonathan Groute Do Joseph Read Do Mr Joseph Stone Do Ebenezer Davis Cap' Stephen Maynard Do Bezaliel Taft Do John Tyler 4"^ly Voted Mr Jonathan Day moderator for the Remainder of said meeting 6'*'ly Voted to Dismiss all our members of County Con- ventions 7*ly Voted to abate 30 / of James Curtis rates that Daniel Newell had given a Note for and credit Constable Chainberlain the same sum 4 votes I vote 9 votes 51 Do 45 Do 45 Do 05 Do 45 Do 03 Do 53 Do 5 Do 3 Do 2g3 Dudley Town Records^ 17^7' 8"'ly Voted to have the Town Treasurer Credit Constable Chamberlain the sum of 46: 13: 8: 2 being Due from the following persons viz Daniel Willcoks 11: 16: 10: William Gorden 4: 9:6 Joseph Phillips 8:2:3: 3 Nathan Powers 14/ 6 : 2 : Ed- ward Washburn 18/6 Eleazer May 2 : 2 : 6 ; William Hobbs 30/ Isaiah Pratt 33/ 6 : i James Curtis 3/ 9 : i John Jones 21 Elizabeth & Joseph Senah4i i i and the said Constable Chamberlain is to collect all oi- any of said Rates if he can and to account to the Town for what he collects John Edmunds 12 : i : i : 2 9*ly Voted to have the Town Treasury Credit Constable Dodge 14 : 2 : I : I : it being William Averel Samuel Com- stok & Mikal Titas taxes & he to collect and accovmt as afore said lo^'ly Voted to abate Jonathan Groos Rates in Dodges list being i : 14 ; 10 : i Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you hereby Directed forthwith to Warne the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting House in said Dudley on Friday the Eighteenth Day of may Instant at two of the Clock in the afternoon then and there to act upon the following articals (viz) first to Elect or Depute a person to Represent us in the General Court appointed to be holden at the State House in Boston on the Last Wednesday of may Instant &c 2°<*ly To Chuse a moderator for the Remainder of said meeting if needed & to hear and act upon any petition or petitions that shall be laid before the Town as they think best hereof fail not and make Due return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon at or before the said Day Dudley Town Records^ 17^7 • 2g^ Dated at Dudley aforesaid the fourth Day may in the year of our Lord 1787. Edward Davis ^ Jonathan Bacon ^ 1 , ■^T , • , TT , 1 oelectmen Nathaniel Healy T 1 r- 1 • I ^^ Dudley L,emuel Cor bin I Wiir Larned Jr J Worcester SS Dudley May iS'*' 1787 I" obediance to the within written I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of this Town to meet at our meeting House on said Day by setting up this Warrant as usual bv me Samuel Healv Constable At a meeting of the freeholders and otlier Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at our meeting House in Dudley aforesaid on Friday the iS"^ Day of May 1787 first Voted to send a Representative to the General Court this year 2""*ly Voted m"' Jonathan Day said Representative no petitions being offered the meeting was Desolved without chusing a moderator being no business to Do further mrs Corrtis petition for Support To the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley: Sirs in as much as I the Subscriber an Inhabitant of said Town am very aged and unable to support myself therefore pray for releafe as to a home and Necessaries to subsist upon as in Duty bound &c her Sarah X Corttis Dudley Aug 3 17S7 mark Attest j Ephraim Bates ( Nathan Jeffords 2g4 Dudley Town Records^ ly^J- ^^^ Worcester SS To Either of the Constables of the Town of I SEAL \ Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting ' ' In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required forthwith to warne the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qviallified agreeable to Law to Vote for a Representative to meet at our meeting House in said Town on Tuesday the Eleventh Day of Decem- ber next at ten of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act upon the following articals viz first to Chuse a Delegate to Represent us in the State Con- vention appointed to meet at the State House in Boston on the second Wednesday of January next agreeable to a late Re- solve of the General Court to take into Consideration the Con- stitution or frame of government proposed by the Continental Convention and act thereon as they think best 2°''ly To Chuse a moderator for the remainder of said meeting 3"'ly To grant money for schooling the year Insuing 4"4y To Chuse Schoole Committees as usual if they see fitt 5*''ly To grant money for other Necessary Charges in our Town the year Insuing hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day : Dated at Dudley aforesaid the Nineteenth Day of November in the year of our Lord 1787 by order of the Selectmen Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS December 11''' 1787 In obediance to this Warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of this Town to meet at our meeting House on said Day according to Law by setting up this Warrant as usual Samuel Healy Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our meeting House in Dudley on Tuesday Eleventh Day of December 1787 Dudley ToiVTi Records^ ij8j-8. 2gj first Voted M' Jonathan Day our Deligate to Represent us at the State Convention to meet at the State House in Boston the second Wednesday of January next to consider of the pro- posed fedral Constitution 2"'^ly Voted M"' John Chamberhiin moderator for the remainder of said meeting 3'''^ly Voted and granted sixty pounds for Schooling the year Insuing 4"'ly Voted Eleazer putney Jun"" M'' Elisha Corbin Lt Ezekiel Brown Dr Eaton Ebenezer White Lt James Hill & Ebenezer Edmunds School Committees 5"'ly Voted & granted two Hundred pounds for other Necessary in our Town the year Insuing March 1788 Worcester^ SS To Either of the Constable of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required forth\\'ith to warn or Notify the Free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualli- fied to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our Meeting House in Said Dudley on Monday the Third Day of March Next at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon then and there to act upon the Following articles (Viz) First To Chuse a Moderator for said Meeting 3'y To Chuse Town officers for the Year Insuing as the Law Directs 3'y To see if the Town will Let their Swine Run at Large as uslial The Year Insuing 4'y To grant Money for our Highways & bridges this Year and agree how the same shall be Expended 5'y To See if the Town will agree to hire a Collector or Collectors of Taxes For the Year insuing they procuring good Bondsmen 6'y To see if the Town will allow Lieut. Curtis Town Treas- urer ten Pounds That he Cannot account for as he supposes by an order being Lost or Mislaid < SEAL V 2g6 Dudley Town Records^ iy88. Hereof fail Not and Make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the said Day of Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 15* Day of February in the year of our Lord 1788 By order of the Select Men Edward Davis Town Clerk Worcester SS Dudley March 3'-'^ 1788 In obedience to the within Warrent I have warned the Free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualli- Hed to Vote in Town Affairs by setting up this warrent at our Meeting house as the Law Directs by me Sam" Healy Constable of Dudley 3'^ ii'y 2'y At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly Assembled at our Meeting house on Monday the Third Day of March AD 1788 First Voted and Chose M' Jona' Day Moderator for Said meeting 2'y Voted John Chamberlain Town Clerk - who is sworn Voted to have 5 select Men this Year Voted M' Jona' Day first selectman Voted Lt John Warren second Select Man Voted Cap' Jacob Chamberlain Third Do Voted Ens. Will'" Earned Fourth Do Voted M' Isaac Lee fifth Do o'y Voted to Have 5 Assessors this Year And the Men Chosen to Refuse the ofhce if they Expect To be paid for assessing the Taxes lo'y Voted John Fenner Esq' first Assessor Voted Ebenezar Foster Second Do Voted L' Ezekiel Brown Third Do Voted L' James Hill Fourth Do Voted M' John Bracket Fifth Do Voted M' Simeon Wood Town Treasurer These men have Taken the Oaths Required by Law I 13' if These Per- sons have Taken the Oaths Re- quired by Law, Dudley Town Records^ 1^88. 2Qy i6'>' Voted to Hire a Collector this Year he giving Bonds with two good Bondsmen to save the Town harmless from his Neglect or failing to Collect & pay the Taxes according to Law 17'y Voted M"" Timothy Corbin Collector and Constable he being the Lowest bidder bid it off at Twopence the pound iS'y Voted to Accept Silas Hayden & Joshua Corbin as Bondsmen for Timothy Corbin Constable 19'y Voted Ephraim Corbin & Thomas Cheney Wardiean 2o'y V^oted Nath" Healy jr & Josiah Hovey Tythen men 2i''y Voted L' Moses Jewell & Will™ Foster Fence Vewers 22'^ Voted -Maj. Nath" Heally Sealer of .Weights and Measures 23''' Voted John Voce Sealer of Leather 24'y Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Lumber 25'y Voted Edward Chamberlain, Jedediah Corbin, An- drew Brown Luther Chamberlain Lemuel Healy Oba- diah Bates & Gideon Sabin Surveyors of the Highways 26'y Voted that the Surveyors of the Highwas Shall be Collector of that Rate 27'^ Voted to Let our swine run at Large this Year 28'^ Voted John Lawton, Elijah Hayden, Ruber Stone & Joseph Davis Jr. Hogre'aves 29''' Voted Forty Pounds for the Cost of our Highways & Bridges this year 30'y Voted that the Same Shall bo worked out at 3/0 p'' Day On or before the first Day of October Next 31'^ Voted to Pospone Lt Curtis Request till the First Mon- day in April 32'y Voted to Adjourn this Meeting to the first Monday in April next And it was adjourned According Meet agreeable to adjournment i'* Voted Not to allow Lieut John Curtis Requesfin the 6**^ article All the above Officers are Sworn Except N' Healy Ephraim Corbin & Obadiah bates Ephraim Corbin is since sworn 38 2g8 Dudley Tow?i Records^ jySS. April 17S8 Worcester SS. To the Constable of the .'~^^^-^ Town of Dudley In the County of Worcester Greeting I SEAL >- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; vou are ^-Y— ' Hereby required forthwith to warn or Notify the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallified to Vote agreeable to the Constitution for Governour &c. to meet at our Meeting house in Dudley on Monday the Seventh Day of April Next at one of The Clock in the afternoon then and there to act upon the following Articles (Viz) First To vote for a Governour 2"'*ly To Vote for a Lieut. Governour 3'^ly To Vote for Counsellors and Senators (agreeable to Law) 4"'ly To Vote and Chuse a Moderator for the remainder of S"^ Meeting 5"'ly To Vote for a County Treasurer for our County of Worcester 6"'ly For the Town to act Relative to abating of Taxes in Constable Corbins, Willards, Dodges, and Healys hands that they Cannot Collect As they think best 7*ly To see if the Town will abate James Arnold Minis- ters Rate for the Year 17S7 and also Ezekiel Browns Minister rate for the year 1784 or act thereon as they think best S"'ly To see if the Town will Divide the Two School Wards Near M' Gores and Cap* Corbins and make Three Wards or Destricts of the Two (f^\y To see if the Town will acquiesce in Disposing of some of our poor People Belonging to the Town by way of Vendue or by the Loest Bidder for their Maintainance Hereof fail Not and Make Due return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid the Twenty Fourth Day of March Anno Domini 1788 By order of the Selectmen . John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS. April 7"' 17S8 In obedience to this WarrentI have Warned the Freeholders & other inhabitants of Dudley Town Records^ 1788. 2gg the Town of Dudley Qiiallified to Vote agreeable to the Con- stitution for a Governour to meet At time and place within mentioned by setting up a True Coppy of this Warrent at the usual place as the Law Directs Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Vote for Governour «fec Regu- larly assembled At our Meeting house in Dudley on Monday the seventh Day of April AD 1788 First Voted For a Governour as Followeth (Viz) For his Excellency John Handcock Esq*^ Hon. Elbridge Gerry Esq 2°''ly Voted for Lieut. Governour as Followeth For the Hon. James Warren Esqr. For the Hon. Benjamin Lincoln Esqr. For the Hon. Elbridge Gerry For the Hon. Nath" Gorham Do For Edward Davis Esqr For M"" Joshua Robbins -^rdly Voted For Counsellors and Senators as Follows For the Hon Peter Fenimon Esq. For the Hon. Amos Singlitary Do For the Hon. John Fesenden Do For the Hon. Jonathan Grout Do For the Hon. John Taylor Do For the Hon. Moses Gill Do For the Hon. Sam" Baker Do For the Hon. Seth Wasbourn Do For the Hon. John Sprague Do For the Hon. Abel Wilder Do For Timothy Pain Esqr. Bezaleal Taft Esqr. Ebe"' Earned Esqr. For the Hon. Joseph Stone Esqr. Josiah Whitney Esqr. Timothy Fuller Esqr. 78 Votes 2 Do 25 Votes 24 Do 23 Do I Do I Do I Do lows 46 Votes 45 Do 45 Do 45 Do 46 Do 21 Do 21 Do 21 Do 22 Do 22 Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do Dudley Town Records^ 1788. 4*''ly Voted M"" Jonathan Day Moderatoi" for the remainder of s** Meeting 5*ly Voted for a County Treasurer as Follows ( Viz ) For Nathan Perry Esqr. 37 Votes 6"4y Voted to take up the Matter of abating Taxes in Con- stable Corbins And Willard hands 7*4y Voted to abate Isaac Bolsters rates in Constable Cor- bins hands 4/6 8'4y Voted to abate or so far abate some Taxes in Constable Willards Lists as follows He being accountable to the Town for the whole sums hereafter Mentioned or any part thereof if it is Ever in his power to Collect Them The sum abated is i£ 10 : 8 : 10 in the Following mens hands Viz Joseph Phillips JC7 : 6 : 3 : 3 Joseph Senath £ i : 2 : 6 2 Elizabeth Senath £ o : 3 : o Will™ Gorden £ i : 14 : 6 I Jacob Amidown £ o: 2: 4 3. Benj'' Freeman £ o: o 11:3 the Selectmen to Give an order on the Town Treas- urer to the amount of £ 10 : 8 : 10 9*'4y Voted to abate Zephaniah Tuckers rates in Constable Corbins hands To the amount of £ 2 : 2 : 11 : 3 io'4y Voted to abate Jacob Jacksons rates in Constable Corbins hands to the Amount of £ i : 15 : 9 on the Following Condition viz if Corbin Ever Can Collect them he is to be accountable to the Town and is To Exert himself to get them iithjy Voted Not to abate James Arnold Minister rate in the year 1787 i2*My Voted Not to abate Ezekiel Browns Minister rate for 1784 i3"'ly Voted to Let the 8"' Article Subside till May Meeting We the Subscribers Selectmen of Oxford and Dudley mett and Preambleated the Line between said Towns begining at the south east Corner of Charlton thence Eastwardly to a heep of stones thence Southardly to a Black oak Tree & stones the North side of s*^ Dudley Road thence Southardly renewing Dudley Toivn Records^ iy88. ^oi the bounds to a Maple Tree & stones By the North side of the Mill Brook that Emptys out of the Great Pond by us Eben"" Humphry ) Selectmen Eph' Russel J of Oxford Jonathan Day ) Selectmen Will™ Earned \ of Dudley ^A(^arrant Worcester SS. To the Constable of the Town of Dud- ley in Said County Greeting ) seal | In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you — ,.— are Hereby Directed forthwith to warn or Notify the Free- holders And other Inhabitants of Said Town Quallified ^May (agreeable To the Constitution) to Vote for a Representative to meet at Our Meeting House in said Dudley on Thursday the Eighth Day of May Next at one O Clock in the After- noon then And there to act upon the Following articles ( Viz) First To Elect a Person to represent us at the General Coiut appointed To be holden at the State House in Boston on the Last Wednesday of May Next and from session to session whenever the said Court Shall Sit for the year Insuing 2^Hy To Chuse a Moderator for the remainder of said Meeting 3'''^lv To see if the Town will order the Town Clerk to rase out Certain Lines Enserted in the Town Book Relative to the Rev M'" Gleason Sallery in the Year 1779 which he Saith is Not true 4"'ly To see if the Town will Reconsider the Vote Not allowing Lt. Curtis Town Treasurer ten pounds which was Lost or Mislaid As he supposes which was passed Last Town Meeting and Allow the Ten Pounds or act thereon as they think best 5"4y To see what the Town will Do relative to a Note of hand that M"' Jona' Day has given for Henry Brown's rates J02 Dudley Town Records, 1788. 6"Uy To act Relative to abating Taxes in Constable Dodges and Healys Lists which they Cannot Collect or any other Con- stable 7"'ly For the Town to act Relative to the Middle of the Towns Building a School House near the Meeting House or any Other place as they Can agree and they to Draw their own Money and the Two remote parts of the Town by M"" Uphams And Lieu* Warrens Draw their Money 8'My To see if the Town will abate Ephraim Bates Minis- ter rates in Constable Ephraim Corbins rates or hands Hereof fail Not and Make Due return of this Warrent With your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before the Said Day. Dated at Dudley aforesaid the 24*'' Day of April in the Year of our Lord 1788 By oi'der of the Selectmen John Chamberlain T. Clerk N. B. the Inhabitants are Desired to attend Punctual at the time Worcester SS. May 8"* 1788 In obedience to the within warrent I have w'arned the Freeholders And other Inhabitants Qiiallified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a repre- sentative to meet at time and place within Mentioned by setting up a True Coppy of this warrent as the Law Directs Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallefied to Vote for a representative &c Regularly assembled on Thursday the Eighth Day of May 1788 First Voted to send a Representative 2°'^ly Voted Lieu' John Warren said Representative this year 3'^^Iy Voted and Chose M' Jona' Day Moderator of the remainder of said Meeting 4"'ly Voted to pass over the 3'* article in the Warrent Dudley Town Records^ Ij88. J03 5"My Voted to reconsider the Vote that was passed the Last Town Meeting relative to not allowinjj^ L' John Curtis Town Treasurer Ten pounds which he Lost or Could not account for and to allow it 6*'My Voted to have the 5"' article in the warrent subside 7*ly Voted to abate Stephen Spaulding rates in Cons. Dodges hands To the amount of £ o. 9. 7 S"'Iy Voted not to abate John Heaths rates in Ccnis. Dodges hands 9"*]y Voted to abate I. Bolsters rates in Const. Dodges hands Amounting to £ o. i. 11. i io*Iy Voted to put over the matter about abating Widow Slys rates in Constable Dodges hands 11"' ly Voted to order the Town Treasurer to Credit Con- stable Dodge for David Thayres rates £ o. 4. I2 I2"'ly Voted to abate Daniel Haydens Rates in Constable Dodges hands £ 10. 5. 3. i l3"'ly Voted to let the matter Subside about abating W" Hobbs rates In Constable Step. Ilealys hands and he Not to be Called on at present for sj^ rates I4"'ly Voted to Let the matter Subside about abating Taxes in Const Stephen Healys hands and he Not to be Called on for such as he Cannot Collect I5"'ly Voted to Let the 7"^ article Subside till the next Town Meeting i6"'ly Voted to abate Ephraim Bates Minister rates in Constable Ephraim Corbins hands May 19'^ 17S8 We the Subscribers Selectmen of Charlton and Dudley Mett And Preamblated the Line between said Towns Beginning At the South East Corner of Charlton thence runing Westardly To a White oak Tree Marked thence to a Black oak Tree marked thence To a Walnut Tree with stones about it thence to a Chesnut Tree Marked thence to a stake and stones thence 304 Dudley Town Records, 1788. to a stake and stones thence to a stake and stones thence to a White oak Tree Marked Thence to a white oak Tree thence to a white oake Tree Thence to a Walnut Tree thence to a stake & stones Thence to a white oak Tree with stones about it tlieiice to the South West Corner of Charlton and North west Corner of Dudley Witness our Hands John Warren 1 Isaac Lee c t^ ^^ . ^ of Dudley r ree Commgs ' Eph"" Morey Selectmen and Charlton Result of Council 1788 At a Council Convened at Dudley, August the 19"* 1788 — Present the Honorable Joseph Dorr; Joseph Reed Esq" & Joseph Huntington D. D. a Complaint was laid before the Council, by Edward Davis Esq'' against the Rev*^ Pastor of the Church in this place And Col° Jonathan Day Charg- ing the said Pastor And S*^ CoP Day with a breach of the Ninth Commandment, as by S*^ Complaint, bearing date June 19 178S on File appears — alsoa charge was brought against the Above named Edward Davis Esq"' for breach of the fourth Commandment, in absenting himself from the Holy sacrament of the lord's supper, and other vmbecoming Conduct on The same occation ; and some other matters relative to the expence of S*^ Council were also Submitted to the decesion of the Same. The Council opened by Prayer: and after a Deliberate and Impartial attention to the Evindences and all arguments That were offered, and a mature consideration of the same, tlie Council have unanimously agreed on the following result, (Viz) with regard to the S** Rev<^ Pastor and Colo Day, It is our opinion that the charge brought against them is not sufficiently supported, and that what they said relative to Deacon Davis in alledging that he made a record not agreeable to the Truth of facts &c. was spoken according to their opinion Dudley Town Records. 1788. JOJ and UnderstanJina; of the Vote of" the Town in that cnr^e and also Af^reable to the Justice of the matter contained in S"* Vote Although, at the s me time Gospel Charity leads us to believe that the S'' Decon did record the said vote according to his own sense and understanding of the same ; yet we disapprove of the vague and incorrect method in which S** record was made ; and we look on this article only as a Mi^^understanding between the adverse parties, which is unhappy, but not criminal, as a matter of Censure. And with regard to the accusation against Decon Davis, As above expressed; it is our opinion that the S'* Deacon unhap- pily Deveated from his Duty, in absenting himself from the Holy Sacrament, & in neglected a Seasonable pn-praration of the Elements & vessels necessary in the administration of the Same ; and we think it his duty to disapprove of his conduct In that matter, which we Judge he mav sufficiently do by an Express approbation of this our result of Council at this time in the piesence of this assembly. We are Happy to observe so much Charity, Candor, and Christian Temper, as hath appeared in the managment of this Controversy, Since we ha\e been present; and add our fervent and Devnut prayers, that a spirit of love, truth and a sound mind may ever abundantly prevail in this place; that it may please the Great Head of the Church to afford you his richest blessings with A preached Gospel and the ordenances of it ; to build }ou up in Faith and Love, and in his own time to present you all Faultless before the piesence of his Glory with Exceeding Joy. Passed in Council at Dudley the day Years Above written Attest J. Huntington Scribe P. S. Inasmuch as the labors of this Council have been Sincerely designed for the Good of this church, inclusive of great benefit to the Town, in the restoration of Peace to the Church & Securing of Harmony & tranquility to the Town : we think It most advisable that the Church should see that jo6 Dudley Town Records^ 1788. the expense of Council be defrayed, nothing doubting that the Good people of the Town will voluntarily bear their small proportion Therein By order of the Church and Town John Chamberlain Town Clerk October Worcester SS. To the Constable of the Town of Warrant Dudley in said County Greeting 1788 In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts You are hereby required forthwith to warn or notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town of Dudley Qiiallified To vote in Town affairs to meet at our Meeting house in S** Town on monday the Twenty Seventh Day of October Instant at one O Clock in the afternoon Then and There to act upon the Following articles (viz) First To chuse a moderator for S*^ Meeting 2"''ly For the Town to grant money for schooling the present year 3'^lv To Chuse School Committees for the present year _|thjy -^Yo see if the Town will Chuse a Committee to settle with The Rev. Charles Gleason relative to the arrearges Due to him Up to the present year and make report to the Town as soon as may be or act thereon as the town shall see fitt 5"*ly For the Town to grant money for our Necessary charges the Present Year if Neeiled 6"'ly To see what the Town will do about selling the land belonging To the Town where Will"" Cobourn Lately Lived or act thereon As the Town thinks best. Hereof fail not and Make due return of this warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before s^ Day Dated at dudley aforesaid this Thirteenth day of Oc'' Anno Dominni 1788 By order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS Oct'' 27'" 1788 In obedience to the within Warrant I have Notified the Freeholders and other Inhabitants Dudley Town Records^ lySS. jo'] of Quallified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at time and place within mentioned by settino^ up a True coppy of this warrant as the Law Directs Timothy Corbin Constable At a meeting of the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Quallifyed to Vote in Town affairs Regu- larly Assembled on mondav the Twenty seventh day of Oc" 178S First Voted Col° Jon' Day Moderator for said meeting 2'"'ly Voted 60 £ for schooling this Year 3'''*ly Voted Maj"" Healy, Jon' Bacon, Cap' Chamberlain, Josiah Conat, Mark Elhvell, Cap' Eddy and L' Hill school Committees 4"'ly Voted that the Town Chuse a Committee Confer with the Rev. M"^ Gleason respecting the arrearges and make report to the Town At the next meeting -thjy Voted Col" Dav, Jon' Bacon, & John Chamberlain Said Committee 6"' Voted to grant "^o £ for our Necessarv charges this year. 7"'ly Voted to pass by the 6"" article Worcester SS. To the Constable of the Town of Dudley in s* County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby Required forthwith to warn or Notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Dec"" Vote for a representative To meet at our meeting house in Warrant Dudley on Thursday the Eighteenth Day of Dece"^ instant at 1788 Ten OClockin the forenoon then and there To act upon the following articles (Viz) to Chuse a person to represent The County of Worcester in the Congress of the united States Also to vote for Two persons as Candidates for jo8 Dudley Town Records^ 1788. the County aforesaid For an Elector of the President and Vice President oi" the united States a"**!}' To chuse a Moderator for the remainder of Said Meeting ^fdjy 'Pq hear the i-eport of the Committee chosen the Last Tov\ n Meeting To Ccnifer w ith the Rev. Charles Gleason Relative to the arrearges due To him and act thereon as the Town thinks best. 4"'ly To see if the Town will abate the following taxes in Constal>le Putneys Hands to Collect (Viz) Josiah Harris 12 /9 Ezra holbrook 10/6 John Johnson 15/6 Pearly Phillips 16/6 3/4 Benj^ Rogers 9 / 2| Eliz Senath /ii| Joseph Senath 9 / 2| Zachariah Senath 9 2| And Joseph Bal- com 9 / 2| 5"*ly To see if the Town will Divide the Two School wards Near M' Gores & Cap' Corbins and Make Three and Let Each v^ard When Divided draw there own money gthjy Yo\ the Town to consider whether it is be&t to sell the Land where Will'" Coburn lately Lived Hereof fail not and make Due return of this warrent With your (loings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before S"* Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Second day of Dec'' AD 1788 By order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS Dec' 18'" 17S8 I have warned the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiialli- fied to Vote for a representative to meet and place. within mentioned b\ setting up a True Coppy of thib warrent at the usual place P"" me Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudle}' regularly assembled on Thursday the Eighteenth Day of Dec' 1788 tst Voted for a representative as follows Viz 31 Votes i6 Ditto 2 Ditto 37 Votes 19 Ditto 8 Ditto Dudley Town Records, iy88. For Jonathan Grout Esq'' For John Sprage Esq' For Timothy Paine Esq' For Electors as follows (Viz) For Timothy Paine Esq' For John Fessenclen Esq' For Artemas Ward Esq' 3'"*ly V^oted Col° Jon' Day Moderator for the remainder of Said Meeting ^"'ly Voted to refer acting upon the report of the Commit- tee Chosen the Last meeting to Treat with Rev. m' Gleason About arrearges till march meeting Next 4*'*ly Voted to abate Jusiah Harriss rates in Constable Putneys hands 13 9 ^thjy Voted for the Town Treasurer to Credit Constable Putne\8 16 o^ For Pearly Phillips & also Benj" Rogers 92% 5th jy Voted to abate Joseph and Elizabeth Senath rates in Putneys Hands amounting to 10 o And also abated John Fosters rates in Cons Corbins hands 3^9 7*My Voted to Chuse a Committee to Consider at Large The 111 C onveniency of The 2 School wards by mr gores and Capt' Corbins and to make Three if Needful and also to Consider Whether in stead of makeing Three wards of the Two mentioned It would not be Expedient to have one in tlie Middle of the Town and then Let the Extreems be Provided for afterwards S'"ly Voted Cap' John Eddy Ens John Chamberlain & L' Ezekiel Brown said Committee Worcester SS To the Constable of the Town of Dudley in Said County Greeting J seal In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are '•^ — ^ hereby Required forthwith to warn or notify the Freeholders Dudley Town Records^ ijSg. Jan' Warrant 1789 and other Inhabitants of said Town of Dudley duly quallified to Vote for a Representative To the General Court of this Commonwealth to meet at our Meeting house in Dudley on Thursday the Twenty-ninth of January Current at one o Clock In the after-noon then and there to act upon the following article (Viz) To vote for a representative to repre- sent the District of Worcester In the Congress of the united States of America Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrent with your doings Unto the Select Men on or before Said day Dated at Dudley aforesaid This Twenty Second day of January Anno dominni 17S9 by order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS January 29"^ 17S9 By virtue of the within Precept I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Vote for a representative to meet at time and place by setting up a True coppy of this warrent at the Usual place Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of dudley duly quallified to Vote for a representative Reg- ularly assembled on Thursday the Twenty-ninth Day of January AD 1789 Voted for a Representative as Follows (Viz) For the Hon. Timothy Pain Esq'' 34 Votes For Ditto Jonathan Grout Esq' 24 Ditto X SEAL I Worcester SS. To the Constable of the Town of Dudley in Said County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required Forthwith to warn or Notify the Freeholders Dudley Town Records^ ^7^9- JU and other Inhabitants of saiil I'own of Dudley quallified to March Vote in Town afiairs to Meet at our Meeting House in Dudley Warrant on Monday the Second day of March Next at Nine O Clock lysg In the Fore-noon then and there to act upon the Follow- ing articles (Viz) First To Chuse a Moderator for said Meeting 2°'*ly To chuse Town officers for the year Insuing as the Law Directs ^rdjy 'Yq see if the Town will Let their Swine run at Large as usual the year insuing 4"'ly To Grant Money for our Highways and Bridges this year Insuing and agree how the same shall be expended. 5"* To see if the Town will agree to hire a Collector or Collectoi"s of Taxes for the Year Insuing he or they procuring good Bondsmen 6'*^ly For the Town to hear and act as they see fitt upon the Report of the Committee chosen in October La.st to treat with Rev. M"^ Gleason about arrearges Due to him and if said report is accepted to grant Money for said arrearges 7"'ly To hear the report of the Committee chosen in De- cember Last to Consider The ill convenancies of some School wards or rather' to View at Large what is Most advisable about a School house being built in the Middle of the Town And act thereon as the Town thinks best 8'My For the Town to accept of the road laid out by the Select Men lor L* James Hill from his house to the Road by M' Brown 9'y For the Town to Chuse a person to take Care uf our Meeting House Hereof fail not and Make due return of this Warrent with your Doings thereon unto the Select men on or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twelth day of Feb*' Anno Domini 1789 By order of the Select Men John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS. March 2 1789 In obedience to the with- J13 Dudley Toxvn Records^ 17^9- in VVarrent I have warned the Freeholders and Other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Vote in Town Affairs to meet at Time and place within Mentioned by set- ting up a True Coppy of this Warrant at the usual place in Dudley Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley duly quallitied to Vote in Town affairs Regularly Assembled at our Meeting house in s** Town on Monday the Second Day of March 17S9 First Voted Col" Jon' Day Moderator for Said Meeting. 2°''ly Voted Ens. John Chamberlain Town Clerk, -^rdjy Voted to have Five Select Men this year. 4*''ly Voted CoP Jon' Day First Select Man. 5"'ly Voted L* John Warren Second Select Man. 6'*'ly Voted Cap' Jacob Chamberlain Third Ditto. 7"'ly Voted Ens. Will™ Earned Fourth Ditto. 8' ly Voted M' Isaac Lee Fifth Ditto. These Persons have Taken the oaths Requir'd by Law ^ti»ly Voted to have Five assessors this year and they to serve without pay io*ly Voted L' Ezekiel Brown First assessor. ii"'ly Voted Ens" John Chamberlain second Ditto. I z'^'ly Voted M"" Eben^ Foster Third Ditto. i3"'ly Voted M' John Bracket Fourth Ditto. i4thly Voted L' Stephen Coman Fifth Ditto. i^'My Voted M'' Simeon Wood Town Treasurer. These persons have Taken the oaths Requir'd b}' Law 16* Voted to Hire two Collectors this year they giving Bonds with Two Good Bondsmen to save the Town harmless from their neglect or failing to Collect and pay in their Taxes as the Law directs i7"'ly Voted the Collectors to be Constables if they Chuse it Timothy Corbin bid it off at Three pence half penny on the Pound For the East End of Dudley Dudley Town Records^ IJ^Q- 313 iS'^'ly Voted to allow the West End Constable and Col- lector to have half a penny More in the pound than the East End I9"'ly Voted to accept Doc' John E. Eaton & Timothy Foster J"' as Bondsmen for saidjTimothy Corbin Collector & Constable John Holy Morris Bid off the Collectors Birth for the West End of the Town at Four pence on the pound 3o"4y Voted Ephraim Corbin and Moses Healy Wardians 21^' Voted Stephen Healy and Will"^ Foster Tithing- men 3 2"'^ly Voted Maj"" Nat"* Healy Sealer of Weights and Measures. 22'''>ly Voted John Healy sealer of Leather 24"'ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Lumber 25"'ly Voted Daniel Arnold, L' Moses Jewell Fence Viewers 261y Voted John Vinton, L' Jo. Keith, Ens.' Nathan Jef- * fords, Nath" Healy Jr. Lem'' Foster, Benj" Morris Jr. and Thomas Cheany Highway Surveyors and also Collectors of said Taxes 2ythjy Voted to Let our swine run at Large this"year 28"'ly Voted Charles Brown, James Bates, Benj*, Jewell & Daniel Mercy Hog Reaves 29"' Voted 6o£ for our Highways and Bridges this year 30"* Voted that the same shall . be worked out at 3 | o per Day on or befor the first day of Ocf Next if not to work' s** at I / 6 per day after that In October and only in that Months 31'' Voted Not to accept the Report of the Commit- tee Chosen to Settle with Rev M"" Gleason about arrearges due to him 33"'^ly Voted to put over the report of the Committee Chosen to Viewe at Large the Circimistances of the School Wards till April Meeting Next 33'''^ Voted to accejDted the Road laid out by the Selectmen from L' Hills out to the road by M' Browns 40 314 Dudley Town Records^ 17^9- 34*ly Voted Bennoni Adams to Take Care of our Meet- ing House this year 35*ly Voted to advise Constable Corbin Time to wait on Elijah Humphrey Untill April Meeting for a Holbrook Rate and to put a Clause in the Warrent for abaiting said Rate 36* Voted to put over the Matter of Hollaway Morris being Coll^ till April 37"^ Voted to adjourn this Meeting Untill the first Mon- day in April April 6* Meet agreeable to adjournment i^' Voted to Release Timothy Corbin as Serving Con- stable & Collector for the East End of the Town 2°^ly Voted Lemuel Foster East End Constable and Col- lector he biding The same off at Five pence on the Pound 3"^ly Voted and accepted Lt Timothy Foster jr & Ens Will"" Earned Bondsmen for Said Foster 4*My Voted Will™ Smith West End Constable & Col- lector He biding it off at Seven pence half Penny on the Pound 5'My Voted and accepted Capt* John Eddy & And Thomas Morris as Bondsmen for Said Will*" Smith 6"'ly Voted to Refer acting upon the report of the Com- mittee Chosen to View the School wards untill May Meeting 7"i|y Voted to allow Timothy Corbin the Benifit of the Towns fine For not sending a representative in 1786 he pay- ing to L* John Warren what it Cost him to pay Said fine in hard Money S^'ly Voted to abate Twenty Two Shillings in favour of Elijah Humphreys in Cons. Tim^ Corbins hands for 17S4 The Last Vote was pased in april Meeting although re- corded under March Meeting the adjournd March meeting and April Being all in one Day caused this Vote to Stand as it Does The Subscriber Demand of the People of this Town The Mr. Gleason Eighty Seven Pounds arrearges Granted me by the Town at Demand their Town Meeting in May 1785 : and the Interest of it fi-om that time to this Day Charles Gleason Dudley April G^ 1789 Dudley Town Records^ ^789- 315 March Meeting Desolved & all officers Sworn Except James Bates Worcester SS. To the Constabl of the Town of Dudley in Said County Greetg In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are Requird to warn or notify the freeholders and other In- habitants of Said Town of Dudley Duly quallified to Vote for a Representative to the General Court of this Commonwealth To meet at our Meeting house in Dudley on Monday the Second Day of march next at Three oClock in the after- noon then and there to Vote for a person to represent the district of Worcester In the Congress of the united States of america Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrent with Your doings thereon unto the Select on or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Eighteenth day of February Anno Dominni 17S9 By order of the Select Men John Chamberlain T. Clerk Worcester SS. March 2^ ^7^9 ^'^ obedience to the within Warrent I have warned the Freeholders And other inhabitants of the Town of Dudle}- to meet at time And place within Mentioned by setting up a True CopjDy of this warrent at the usual place in Dudley Timothv Corbin Constaljle of Dudlev At a Meeting of the Freeholder and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudly quallified to Vote for a representative Regularly assembled at our Meeting house in s*^ Town on Monday The Second day of March anno dominni 17S9 Voted for a representative to represent Worcester Destrict as foUws (Viz) For the Hon. Timothy Paine Esq'' 33 Votes For the Hon. Jonathan Grout Esq"' 56 Ditto Warrant 3i6 Dudley Toivn Records^ ^7^9' Report We the Subscribers being Chosen a Committee To treat of the with Re\'. M'' Gleason about the arreages of his Sallery have waited upon him And Report as Follows (Viz) That To Settle With Rv ^^^ Gleason says in March 1781 There was due to him by the Mr. GJeason depreciation scale 137^ 15 / in May 1785 He abated ^o£ 15 Besides the Interest of the 137JC for four Years which would have been 30^ odd and then the Town Voted to Grant and raise 87i£ to make the arrearges of his Sallery and Wood Rate up to March 1781 and if he abates the Interest of that 87^ for one year the Interest from May 1786 to this Day added to the Principle will amount to ioo£ which Sum he will accept in full of his arrearges to said march 1781 if Paid directly or if the Town Chuses To give him a bond for that sum to run a Number of years he will accept it. he hopes the Town will not forget that in the year i779 ^^^ gave up a Qiiarter Part of his Sallery and that he Sunk a Number of pounds by his wood rates being made in the old Nominal Sum in paper Times And he wishes the peoj^le to Consider that his Salery is low. and but A small part is paid Seasonably Jonathan Day ^ Jonathan Bacon )■ Committee John Chamberlain J /'"'"'""'■w Worcester SS. To the Constables of the Town of Dud- I SEAL I ley in the County of Worcester Greeting. ^""f^ In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you April are hereby requir'd forthwith to warn or Notify the free- Warrant holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualli- fied to Vote agreable to the Constitution for Governor &c to meet at our meeting house in Dudley on Monday The Sixth day of April next at one oClock in the afternoon Then and there to act upon the following articls (Viz) First To vote for a Governour 2"'^ly To vote for a Lieut. Governour 3'^'^ly To vote for Counsellors & Senators Agreable to Law Dudley Towti Records^ ^7^9- 3^7 4«hjy 'Pq Chuse a moderator lor the remainder of Said Meeting 5'''ly To vote for a County Treasurer for the County of Worcester 6"'ly To see if the Town will abate John Fenners J' Rates and Joseph Balcoms in Constable Stephen Healy's hands to Collect And Elijah Humphreys rates in Con. Tim. Corbins hands or Rather one particular rate in his hands also Joseph Winters Rates that are not Collected in Constable Chamber- lains hands Hereof fail not and make Due return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twenty First Day of March AD 17S9 By order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS April 6'^ 17S9 In obedience to the within precepts I have warned the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallihed to vote according to the Con- stitution for a Governour To meet at time and place within mentioned by Setting up this Warrant at the usual place in Dudly '. Timothy Corbin Constable At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudly Duly quallified to Vote for a Governour &c Regularly assembled at our meeting house in Dudly on Monday The Sixth Day of April AD 17S9 First Voted for Governour as Follows (Viz) For His Excellency John Hancock Esq' 70 Votes 2'"*ly For Lieu' Governour as Follows viz For the Hon. Samuel Adams Esq'' 38 Ditto For his Honour Benj" Lincoln Esq'' 19 Ditto ^^i-djy Voted for Counsellors and Senators as follows Viz, 3i8 Dudley Town Records^ ^J^Q- For the Hon. Amos Singletary Esq'' 36 Votes John Fesenden Ditto 47 Ditto Peter Fenimon Ditto 36 Ditto Martin Kinsley Ditto 37 Ditto David Bigalow Ditto 36 Ditto Moses Gill Ditto 19 Ditto Samuel Baker Ditto iS Ditto Abel Wilder Ditto 19 Ditto Andrew Peters Ditto 10 Ditto Bezaleal Taft Ditto 7 Ditto Timothy Pain Ditto 7 Ditto SethWashbourn Ditto 2 Ditto 4*''ly Voted Colo. Jon* Day Moderator for the remainder of S'^ Meeting 5"'ly Voted to put over the remainder of April Meeting until May meeting May 5"^ 1789 Meet agreeable to adjournment 1st Voted for a County Treasurer as follows For M' Nathan Perry 27 Votes For Jos Allen 1 1 Votes For Tim^ Paine Esq'' 3 Votes 2"'iiy Voted Not to abate John Fenners J"' & Joseph Bal- coms rates In Constable Stephen Healys Hands y^ly Voted Not to abate Joseph Winters Rates in Cons* John Chamberlains hands Road A Road laid out by the Select Men of Dudley on the Twenty Seventh Day of February 1789 From L' James Hill's out to the road by M"" Andrew Browns Bounded as fol- lows from S*^ Hills as the road is now Trod an open road to Whitfords Land thence Westardly on Whitfords Land untill it comes to Will"* Browns Line thence by Browns Line on Whitfords Land to a Popple Tree Thence to Whitfords Dudley Toivn Records^ ^7^9' 3^9 House a bridle Road from thence An open road by the river untill it comes to The road by M' Browns aforesaid Jon' Day >. Select Men Wm. Larned Jr y Qf Isaac Lee J Dudley The above Mentioned Road was Laid before the Town at the annual Meeting in March 17S9 and was accepted Worcester SS To the Constables of the Town of Dud- May ley in Said County or Either of them Greeting Meeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you or Either of you are hereby required forthwith to warn or Notify ^^ The freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town Qiialli- fied (Agreeable to the Constitution) to vote for a Representa- tive to meet at our Meeting house in Dudley on Tuesday the Fifth Day of May Next at One O Clock in the afternoon Then and there to Act upon the following articles Viz First To Elect a person to represent us at the General Court appointed to be holden at the State House in Boston on the last Wednesday of May next and from Session to Session wherever The Said Court Shall Sit for the year Ensuing 2'"^ly To chuse a Moderator for the remainder of s*^ Meeting 3''^ly To see if the Town will Satisfy the Demand that was made In April meeting past by the Rev. Charles Gleason or act Thereon as the Town thinks best 4*''ly To See if the Town will abate some Ministerial Taxes in L' John Curtis's hands to Collect Hereof fail not and Make due return of this Warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Select Men on or before S** Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twentyeth Day of April In the year of our Lord 1 7S9 By order of the Select Men John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS By Virtue of the within warrant I have warned or notified The freeholders and other Inhabitants of 4t:^ 320 Dudley Town Records^ ^7^9- the Town of Dudley Qiiallified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a rejDresentative to meet at time and place as the Law Directs by Sitting up a True Coppy of this warrant at the usual place p'' me Lem" Foster Constable of Dudley ■j SEAL I At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Duly quallified agreeable to the Con- stitution to Vote for a Representative regularly assembled At our Meeting house on Tuesday the Fifth day of May AD 17S9 First Voted to Send a representative to the General Court 2"'^ly Voted Col" Jonathan Day Said Representative -^rdly Voted L' John Warren Moderator for the remainder of s** Meeting 4"'ly Voted to Pass over the 3''''article in the warrant 5"'ly Voted to abate the following Taxes in L* Curtis's hands Meaning Ministerial taxes (Viz) Joseph Philips 16 / i W^ Walcotts 3 / Syi Zach'^ Newton 3 \ lyi M^ Dunton 2 I 4^ Stephen Edmunds 3 / 4% Meeting Desolved Sep Worcester SS To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in said county of Worcester Greeting In" the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or Either of you are by required forthwith to warn or Notify the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town of Dudley quallifyed to Vote in Town affairs to meet at our Meeting House in s"' Town on Thursday The seventeenth day of Sep* Instant at One OClock in the afternoon Then and There to act upon the following articles (Viz) First To Chuse a Moderator for said Meeting 2"''ly To grant Money for schooling the present year if they see fitt 3'''^ly To Chuse school Committees for the present year Dudley T'ozv/i Records^ 17^9' 3^^ 4"'ly To grant money to Defray the Necessary Cliarges of s*^ Town of DiuUy The present Year if Needed 5"'ly For the Town to regulate the Juror Boxes as is pointed in the Law 6*''ly For the Town to give the asses-^ors some advice about assessing the Ministerial Taxes *f°\y To abate Taxes in any Constables hands that makes application for Abatements if the Town thinks best Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before s'' Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Third day of September Anno dominni one Thousand Seven Hundred ik. Eighty Nine By order of the Selectmen John Chaml^erlain Town Clerk Worcester SS Sep' 17th 1789 By Virtue of the within Warrent I have warned or Notifyed The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Qiiallifyed to vote in Town Town affairs to meet at time and place As the Law Directs by setting up this warrent at the usual place in Dudley P' me Lem' Foster Constable of Dudly At a Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to vote in Town affairs regu- larly assembled At our Meeting House in S'' Town on Tluu-s- day the Seventeenth Day of Sep* 17S9 First Voted L' John Warren Moderator for Said Meet- ing 3"'^ly Voted to raise 60 £ for Schooling The present Year -^"•dly Voted and Chose John Vinton, Royal Sailes, Jon' Bacon, James Brown, Will'" Smith, L' Will"" Larned, Stephen Healy School Committees the present year 4"'ly Voted to raise £150 Specially to pay a note of hand that Esq' Marcy holds against the Town 41 322 Dudley Tozv?i Records^ ^T^Q- 5"*ly Voted for tlie Town Treasury to C Cons. Benj'^ Ed- munds for Goodel's Taxes amounting to JEo.. 19..1 1..2 6"4y Voted Ditto for Daniel Hood £0.. 2. .8. 3 7"'ly Voted to O Constable J. Chamberlain for J. Win- ters rates S"'ly Voted to abate Ezekiel Browns Minister rate JE3..17..0 I.. I. .8 Warrant .- , ^ Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town Marcn ist of Dudley in said County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or — - Either of you are hereby requir'd to warn or notify the Free- jsEAL V holders and other Inhabitants Of said Town of Dudley (qualli- ^>,^ — fied to Vote in Town affairs) to meet At our Meeting house in Said Town on Monday the first day of March Next at Nine OClock A. M, then and there to act upon the following articles (Viz) First To Chuse a Moderator for Said Meeting. 2"'^ly To Chuse Town officers for the Year Ensueing as the Law Directes 3'^''ly To see if the Town will agree to hire a Collector or Collectors of Taxes for the year ensuing he or they procuring good Bondsmen 4"^ly To see if the Town will let their Swine run at Large as usual the year Ensueing 5"*ly To grant Money for our Highways, and Bridges 6"'ly To abate such Taxes as the Town see's fitt that the Constables Exhibit on s'^ Day 7"'ly To see if the Town will sattisfy the Demand of M'^Elisha Corbin, for his Service in Looking up some Land Called Dudley's Land a Number Of years ago 8"'ly To see if the Town will rattify the agreement of the School Ward For dividing Said ward and making Two b}' M-- Gore's cj'^iy To see if the Town will allow M' Ezbon Carter's Dudley Town Recoi-ds^ ^790- 323 account for keeping AP Roger Carter from the Sixth day of April Last past to the time He agreed to keep him with the Selectmen Hereof fail not and make due Return of this Warrant with your Doing Thereon unto the Selectmen on or before Said Day Dated at Dudley af(Hesaid This Eleventli Day of Feb: AD 1790 By order of the Select Men John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS. March i^' 1790 I'l obedience to the Return within vvarrent I have warned the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley to Meet at time and place within Mentioned by Setting up this warrant at the usual place in Dudley p' me Will'" Smith Constable At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (duly quallified to Vote in Town affairs) regularly Assembled at our Meeting house in Said Town on Monday the first Day of March AD 1790. First Voted L' John Warren Moderator for said Meeting 2"dly Voted L' John Chamberlain Town Clerk 3ly Voted to have 5 Select Men this Year ^thjy Voted L' John Warren First Select Man 5"'ly Voted 1} Will"" Larned Second Ditto e'^'ly Voted Cap' John Eddy Third D° 7"'ly Voted M'' Isaac Lee fourth D° 8'4y Voted Enss : Thomas Larned fifth D" 9"'ly Voted to have 5 Assessors this Year io"4y Voted Col" Jonathan Day First Assessor I i»''ly Voted L' Ezekiel Brown Second D" 12'hiy Voted L' John Chamberlain Third Do. I3"'ly Voted M' John Bracket fourth V>o. i^th|y Voted John Fenner Esq"" fifth Do. i^"'ly Voted M' Simeon Wood Town Treasurer These persons are quallified agreeable to Law J24 Dudley Tow?! Records^ IJQO- i6"'ly Voted to hire 2 Collectors this Year thay procuring good Bondsmen To Save the Town harmless from their neg- lecting or failing to Collect And pay in the Taxes according to Law 1 7*''ly V^oted Col" Jonathan Day East End Collector & Con- stable at 5" per pound for Collecting. iS^My Voted John Holly Morriss West End Collector & Con- stal)le at 5 1/2" per pound for Col i9"4y Voted L' Will'" & Enss Thomas Earned Bondsmc^n for Said CoP Day 20"' Voted Nath" Healy & Josiah Hovey Tithing Men 21"* Voted Maj' Nath" Healy Sealer of Weights & Meas- ures 22'i'i Voted John Healcy Sealer of Leather 23"* Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Lumber 24"'ly Voted Enss Nathan Jeffords & Luther Chamberlain Fence Viewers 25"'ly Voted Israel Bates, Joseph Allen, John Eddy, Tim- othy Corbin, John Albee, Jeremiah Haskell, & Joseph Vin- ton J' Highway Surveyors & Collectors of the Same 26'''ly Voted to let our Swine run at laige the year En- suing 27"* Voted Moses Healy, Rufus Conant, Mark Dodge Jr & Simeon Wakefield Hog Reaves 28'**ly Voted 4 S""!}- Voted to put by abating rates in Con'* Putneys hands at present 6"'ly Voted to allow primas King's account for keeping Francis Liberty 2 Weeks amount £\ 16 7"'ly Voted not to allow M' Elisha Corbins ace' for Looking up some Dudley's Land S"'ly Voted to Ratify the agreement of the School VVartl by AL Gore's as Follows (Viz) The Devision to be all west of Nf E Gores Taking him in to belong to the West Dis- trict and all East of S** Gores (meaning all that did belong to S'^ Old Ward) to be the East District and the Money to be Equally Divided Meaning one half the money to be keep in the East & the other Half in the West District and but one of these Schools to Be keep at one and the Same Time 9"'ly Voted to allow M'' Ezbon Carters ace' for keeping Roger Carter io"'ly Voted Doc'' James Wallcot West End Constable & Collector at 74" on the Pound for Collecting in the Room of John H. Moniss wHy Voted L' Ezekiel Brown & Cap' John Eddy Bonds- men For S'^ Walcot 12"* Voted not to allow Co'" Day to Serve as Constable and assessor 13"^ Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the Meeting House 14"' Voted to put by Chusing an assessor in the Room of Co' Day Until April jVIeeting 15''' Voted to adjourn this Meeting untill the First Moiula}' In April at 11 OClock A. AL and it was adjourn'd accord- ingly April 5 Meet agreeable to adjournment jst Votetl L' Joseph Keith & M'' Riciiard Flyn Wardcans 2"'ily Voted to abate M' Lot Marses Mini.sterial Rates for 2 years past 326 Dudley Toxvn Records^ IJQO- 3'ly Voted to abate Ens" Eleazar Jacksons rates in L' J. Keiths hands 8/9 Warrant Gleason Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts You or Either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to Warn or notify the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town of Dudley (Duly Qiiallified to Vote in Town affairs) To meet at our Meeting House in Said Dudley on Tuesday the Ninth Day of March Next at one OClock P. M. then and There to act upon the following Articles Viz First To Choose a Modeiator for Said Meeting a^'Uy For the Town to Choose an Agent or agents to De- fend Said Town In an action of Debt that the Rev. Charles Gleason has lately Brought against S** Town or act thereon as the Town Shall think Most to their advantage Hereof fail not and make Due return of this Warrant with Your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or befor S*^ Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twenty Sixth Day of Feby AD 1790 John Warren \ Selectmen W"' Earned Jr. [ of Isaac Lee ) Dudley Worcester SS. March 9th 1790 In obedience to this Warrant I have warned the Freehold- ers and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Duly Qiial- lified to vote in Town affairs to Meet at our Meeting House in Dudley as the Law Directs Will"' Smith Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of The Town of Dudley (Duly quallified to Vote in Town Dudley Toxvn Records^ ^790. 3^1 affairs) Regularly assembled at the Meeting House in Diidly On Tuesday the Ninth Day of March A D 1790 First Voted L' John Warren Moderator of Said Meeting 3°'^Iy Voted to Choose one agent to Defend S*^ Town against Rv. C. Gleason 3'"'^ly Voted and Choose Edward Davis Esq' Agent for the Town of Dudly to Defend S*^ Town in an action of Debt, that the Rev. Charles Gleason has brought against Said Dudly The above Meetinsf Dissolved 1790 Worcester SS. To Either of the Constables of The Town of Dudley in Said County Greeting ,, ^. In the name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts You ^^^^ or Either of you are hereby directed in the Name of the Common Wealth Forthwith to warn or notify the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (Duly Qiialified to Vote for a Governour agreeable to the Constitution to Meet at our Meeting House in Sd Town on Monday the Fifth Day of April Next at One OClock P. M. then and There to Act upon the following articles (Viz First To Vote for a Governour 3°dly -po Vote for a L' Governour 3'''^ly To Vote for Counsellors & Senators agreeable to Law 4"'ly to Choose a Moderator for the remainder of Sd Meeting 5"'ly To Vote for a County Treasurer for the County of Worcester 6"'ly To Grant Money for Schooling for the present Year if the Town Sees fitt y'l'ly To Chuse School Committees for the year Ensuing Year. 8"'ly To abate Such Taxes as the Constables Exhibit on s*^ Day if the Town thinks it Expedient 9"4y To Grant Money for Necessary Charges of S'' Town if Needed J28 Dudley Town Records^ ^790- io'*'ly To the Sec if the Town will acquiesce in the Select Men's Drawing All orders on The Town Treasurer in Lieu of Drawing them on The Constables ii'My To see if the Town will agree in the assessors Mak- ing hut one Distinct Colum of all Town Taxes (except Minis- terial Taxes) as the assessors think It will be an Easment Hereof fail not and Make Due return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before S'' Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Nineteenth Day of March Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety John Warren "^ W"' Larned I Selectmen John Eddy J> of Isaac Lee | Dudley Thomas Larned J Worcester SS April 5th, 1790 In obedience to the within Warrent I have warned the Free- holders And other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (duly qualified To Vote for a Governour &c. to meet at time and place within mentioned by setting up an attested Copy of this Warrant at the Usual place in Dudley ?"■ me Jonathan Day Constable At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants And other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley regularly Assembled at the Meeting House in Dudley on Monday The Fifth Day of April 1790 First Voted For a Governour as follows (viz) For his Excellency John Hancock Esq 62 votes 2 For L' Governour as follows viz For His Honour Sam" Adams Esq'' 52 D° 3"'ly Voted for Councellors & Senators as fojlows Viz For the Hon'*" Moses Gill . 49 Votes John Fesenden 35 D Amos Singletary 34 D° Dudley Town Records, ^790. J2g M' David Bigelow 34 D" Cap* Jeremiah Larned 43 D" Abel Wilder 14 D° Timothy Paine 14 D" Seth Washburn 6 D° M' Ebenezer Davis 15 D° & Caleb Ammidown Esq^' i 4'*>ly Voted Col° Jonathan Day Moderator for the remain- der of a^ Meeting 5*''ly Voted for a County Treasurer as Follows (Viz) For Sam" Allen Esq' . 23 Votes For Nathan Perry Esq*" 24 D" 61y Voted to raise 6o£ for schooling the year Ensuing 7ly Voted Timothy Corbin, John Albee, Isaac Lee, Jon' Day, Josiah Barnes, Tim. Foster y & Gideon Sabin School Committees S"Hy Voted to C Eleazar Putney for Ezra Holbrook rates 10/6 Ditto Pearly Phillips 16 /o^ 9"'ly Voted to abate Ep™ Willards Ministerial rates in J. Chamberlain's hands 10"* Voted to abate D'' James W^alcot Minister rates in Sam" Healys hands II*'' Voted to C Capt Sam Healy for Ebenezer Bacons Rats 12"' Voted to raise 40 pound for Necessary Charges the Current year 13'' Voted Not to acquiece in the Selectmen's drawing orders on the Town Treasury 14''' Voted to pass by the 1 1"' Article in the Warrant Disolvd the Meeting Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town j^ay of Dudley in Said County Greeting Warrant In the name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts You ,— >— , or either of you are hereby requir'd forthwith to warn or no- Leal l tify the Freeholders Si other Inhabitants of the Town of Dud- w^,— - 42 jjo Dudley Town Records^ ^790' ley qualified (Agreeable to the Constitution) to vote for a Representative to meet at our Meeting house in Dudley on Tuesday the Fourth Day of May Next at One OClock P. M. then and Thereto act upon the following articles Viz First To Elect a person to Represent us at the General Court appointed to be Holden at the State House in Boston on the last Wednesday in May & From Session to Session (vvhereever the Said Court shall sit) for the year Ensuing 2°"^ly To Chuse a Moderator for the Remainder of Said Meeting 3'''ly To see what the Town will Do about the Land that M"' Elisha Corbin Pretends to Claim that the Town Sold some time past to Mr. Thomas Morris 4"'ly To abate Taxes that will Exhibeted on Said Day 5"ny To see if the Town will mend the Meeting House Windows 6'My To see if the Town will Give a Bounty for Killing Crows 7'4y To see if the Town will allow Mr' Ezbon Carter's ac* for keeping Roger Carter Fourteen Weeks when Sick Hereof fail not and make Due return of this Warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before S** Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Nineteenth Day of April Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety John Warren >> „ , %.,_.. Selectmen John Eddy . 1,^ ^^ Isaac Lee i r^ ,, T-i T 1 I Dudley Ihomas Larned J Dudley May 4"' 1790 In obedience to the within Warrant I have warned the Freeholders And other Inhabitants quallified to vote for a Representative to meet At time & place within Mentioned by Seting up a True Copy of this warrant at our Meeting House ■ in Dudley P"" Jonathan Day Constable of Dudley At a Meeting: of the freeholders & other Inhal)itants of the Dudley Town Records^ ^790- 33 1 Town of DiuUcy Duly qualliilcd to vote for a Representative Regularly at the meeting house in S'^ Town on Tuesday the fourth Day of May A D 1 790 First Voted L' John Warren to Representative us this Year 2"''Iy Voted M' Thomas Cheney Moderator for the Re- mainder of Said Meeting 3"'ly Voted not to act upon the Third article in the War- rant 4"'ly Voted to abate John Fenners J' Rates in Cont. Stephen Healys hands £ i : 15 : S>^ 5"'ly Voted not to mend the Meeting House Windows 6"'ly Voted to give as bounty for Killing Crows Eight pence p"" Body meaning the Bodys to be brought to the Town Clerks. And none to be allowed a bounty upon only what is killed in the Town and the pay to be made as other Neces- sary Charges are Defrayed yth Voted to allow M'' Ezbon Carters account for keep- ing Roger Carter Pursuant to a Law of this Common-wealth we the Sub- Preambula- scribers Selectmen of the Town of Dudley & Sturbridge met tionBetween agreeable To appointment to preambulate & Renew the Sturbng and bounds between Said Towns begining at the Monument at " ^^ the South West Corner of Dudley thence Northardly on S*^ line to a White Oak tree Thence Westardly on Said line to a heap of Stones thence Northardly on Said line to the Monument at the Northwest Corner Of Dudly John Eddy \ Selectmen of Isaac Lee f Dudley Jedediah Marcy | Selectmen of Simeon Allen j Sturbridge Worcester SS. To Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in Said County Greeting ij' Warrant Dudley Toxvn Records,, 1790 • 111 the Name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby I'equired Forthwith to warn or Notify The Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Town of Dudley (quallified to Vote in Town affairs to Meet at the Meeting-house in Said Town on Wednesday the Twenty Third Day of June at twelve OClock at Noon then and there to act upon the following articles (Viz) First To Choose a Moderator for Said Meeting 3"''ly For the Town to Vote (if they see fitt) that the Pub- lick Teachers or Teachers of the Gospel Shall be Supported by Free Donation in Said Town for the Time to Come Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant With Your doings thereon unto the Select-men on or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Seventh Day of June AD 1790. John Eddy \ Isaac Lee v Selectmen Tho' Larned ) Dudley June 23 '^ 1790 In obedience to the within War- rant I have warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to Vote in Town affairs to meet at Time and Place within Mentioned By Sitting up this warrant at the Usual place in Dudly Jon* Day Constable At a Meeting of the freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly asembled at the Meeting in Said Town on Wednesday the 23d of June 1790. 1*' Voted and Chose Co' Jon' Day Moderator for s"* Meet- 2"ly Voted not to Grant the Request of Co' J. Day & others c)ly Voted Edward Davis Esq', CoP Jon' Day, Maj' Will" Earned, D' John E. Eaton, & Maj' Nath" Healy said Committee 6"'ly Voted to adjourn this Meeting Tor hall" an Hour Met agreeable to adjournment First The above Committee Laid their proposals Made to the Rev. M"' Johnson before the Town which are as Fol- lows (Viz) For M"" Johnsons Yearly Salery Eighty Pounds To be paid in the following manner (Viz) Thirty Pounds In Cash Ten pounds in Wood, Forty Pounds in Grain Estemating the grain as follows (viz) Wheat at Six Shillings p'' Bushel Rye at Four Shillings p' Bushel & Indian Coi-n at Three Shillings p"" Bushel and the Wood to be In the Same proportion with the grain all to be Delivered at M' Johnson's Dwelling-house in Dudly At or before the first day of March annually 2'"^ly Voted to acquiesce in the Committee's offers made to the Rev. M'' Joshua Johnson for his Yearly Sallery so long as he Performs the work of the Ministery with us 3'*'ly Voted to .grant to the Rev. M'' Johnson as a Settle- ment Seventy pounds to Be paid in the following manner (Viz) Thirty Five pounds to be paid in Six Months & Thirty five pounds in Eighteen Months 4"'ly Voted Wednesday the First Day of Dec"" 1790 to be the Day'for the Ordination of the Rev'^ M"^ Joshua Johnson of North Woodstock 5*'^ly Voted the Rev"* M' Williams West Woodstock, Rev'' M'' Russel Thompson, Rev. M' Pain Sturbridge Rev. M' Williams Northampton, Rev M' Campbell Charlton, Rev M"' Mills Sutton, Rev. M' Austin Worcester, Rev. M' Lyman Woodstock Rev. M' Atkins Killingly, to be the gentlemen to assist In the Installment of the Rev. Joshua Johnson 6'''ly Voted Doc' John E. Eaton, Maj' Nath" Healy, And Dudley Town Records^ ^79^' JJQ L' Thomas Larncd to be a Committee to prepare For the En- tertainment of the Counseli Worcester SS To either of the Constables of The Town of Dudly in Said County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby directed forthwith to warn or notify the freeholders And other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (duly qualified to Vote for a representative to meet at the meeting house in Said Town on Friday the Twenty Sixth of Nov"^ Instant at One OClock P.M. then & there To act upon the following articles Viz First To Vote for a person to Represent the County of Worcester in the Congress of the United States 3°'^ly To Choos a Moderator for the Remainder of Said jSIeeting 3'''*ly To see if the Town will Repair, or new build the Bridge over Qiiinabogue, by M' Vintons. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon unto the Select-men on or before S** Day. Dated at Dudly aforesaid this Nineteenth day of Nov' 1790. John W^aren >, Isaac Lee \ Selectmen Thomas Larned J Worcester SS 26 of Nov. 1790 In obedience to the within warrant I have warned the freeholders & other Inhab- itants qualified to vote for a Representative to meet at time and place within by Setting this Warrant at our meeting house P-^ Jon' Day Constable At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the town of Dudley Duly qualified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a Representative Regularly Assembled at the 340 Dudley Town Records^ I'jgo-iygi. Meeting house In Dudley on Friday the 26"" of Nov' 1790 First The Votes being Sorted and Counted the following Persons were Voted for Viz Hon. Jonathan Grout Esq' had 43 Votes Artemus Ward Esq' had 8 Ditto 2"'ily Voted Col° Jon' Day Moderator for the remainder of S-i Meeting 3"^ly Voted to Chuse a Committee of 3 to view the Bridge over quinabogue River by M' Vintons & Report as soon as may be 4'My Voted L' John Warren L' Thomas Earned & Co" Jon' Day Said Committee ,^,A^ Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town {seal I of Dudley in Said County Greeting, In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you March, ^^^ hereby directed Forthwith to warn or notify the Free- Warrant holders and other Inhabitants of Said Town of Dudley Qtiali- For 1791 tied to Vote in Town affairs to meet at the Meeting House in S*^ Town on Monday the Seventh Day of March Next at Nine OClock A. M. Then and there to act upon the Following articles Viz First To vote and Choose a Moderator for S'' Meeting 2ly To Choose Town officers for the Year Ensuing as the Law Directs 3ly To See if the Town will agree to a Collector or Collectors of Taxes For the Year Ensuing he or they Pro- curing good Bondsmen 4ly To See if the town will let their Swine run at large the Ensuing Year 5"^ly To grant money for our highways & Bridges this year & agree how the Same Shall be Expended 6"'ly To Vote for a County Register for the County of Worcester agreeable to Law y^ly To See what the Town will do with the action that M' Elisha Corbin Brought against S** Town Dudley Town Records^ lygo-ijgi . 341 S"'ly To see if the Town will allow the North-West School Ward In Dudley to appropriate their school money that is in Cons'^ Walcots hands for Building a New School House 9"'ly To See if the Town will agree that all Orders be Drawn on the Town Treasury io*ly To see if the Town will appoint a Committee to Serch into the matter relative to some Some Soldiers Wages which they Expect is now Due to them Illy To hear the report of the Committee relative to the Bridge over Qiiinaboge River. Hereof fail not and make Due return of this Warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Select-men on or before S** Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this fifthteenth day of Feb^ Anno Domini One Thousand Seven hundred & Ninety one Jon' Day ^ John Eddy ',01 , at i ^ ^ \ Select Men Isaac Lee ' Thomas Earned ^ Worcester S.S ISIarch 7"" 1791 In obedience to the within Warrant I have warned the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time and place within mentioned by seting up an attested Copy of This Warrant at the Meeting House the Usual place in Said Dudley. James Walcot Constable At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (qualified To Vote in Town afiairs) Regularly assembled at the Meeting House in Dudley on Monday the Seventh Day of March AD 1791 First Voted CoP Jon' Day Moderator for Said Meeting 3"''ly Voted Cap' John Chamberlain Town Clerk 3ly Voted to have 5 Selectmen this Year 34^ Dudley Toxvn Records^ I79i- 4ly Voted Col" Jon' Day First Select man 5ly Voted Cap* John Eddy Second D° 61y Voted Leu* Thomas Larned 3*^ D° 7ly Voted L* Ezekiel Brown 4* D" Sly Voted M' Isaac Lee 5*'^ D° 9ly Voted M'' Simeon Wood Town Treasury loly Voted to have 5 assessors the present Year Illy Voted L* Ezekiel Brown First [2ly Voted Cap* John Chamberlain 2"^ D° i3ly Voted D' James Walcot -t^'^ D° i4ly Voted L* Thomas Larned 4"^ D" i5-ly Voted M' Stephen Wood 5*"^ D" These men have taken the oaths Required By Law i61y Voted to have 2 Collectors this Year they Procuring Bondsmen lyly Voted James Walcot West End Collector he Bid- ing it off at 4^D On the pound & Cap' John Eddy & L* Ezekiel Brown ware Brought for S** Walcots Bondsmen & accepted iSly Voted Timothy Corbin East End Collector he offer- ing to Serve Free of any Cost to the Town & Brought E. Davis Esqr. and M"" Jon' Bacon for Bondsmen & Were ac- cepted iply Voted the Collectors to Be Constables the year En- suing. Constables Sworn 2oly Voted Nathal Healy Jr. & L* Tim. Foster Jr Wardi- eans 2ily Voted St'ephen Healy & Will"" Foster Tythingmen 22ly Voted Maj"' Nath*' Healy Sealer of Weights & Measures 23ly Voted John Healy Sealer of Leather 24ly Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Lumber 25ly Voted Luther Chamberlain & Eleazer Putney Jr Fence Viewers 261y Voted Royal Sayles, James Dyer, Will'" Vinton, L* Jo Keith, L' Jon* Willard, Joseph Davis Jr, Daniel Ar- Dudley Town Records^ ^TQi- 343 nold, Thomas Alonis, Daniel Sabin, Asa Curtis, and Moses Healy Highway Surveyors 27ly Voted to Let our swine run at hirge this year 281y Voted Daniel Albee, Ezbon Carter, Daniel VVinian, Joel Wakefield, Pearly Stone & Joseph Uphani Hog-reaves the present year The Committee appointed to view the Bridge over Qiiina- bogue River Report that is their opinion to Build the Bridge above the old one at that place that has been much talked of 29ly To put over the Matter about Raising money lor our Highways and Bridges untill April meeting 3o''*ly Voted for a County Register for the County of Wor- cester as follows (Viz) For Co' Daniel Clap 40 Votes For Col" Samuel Flagg 26 Do 31'' Voted to Contest the matter in the Law with M' E. Corbin 32ly Voted Edward Davis Esq' agent for the Town of Dudley To Contest or Defend the Town against the action that M' Elisha Corbin has Brought against S'^ Town 33'''' ly Voted to grant liberty to the North West School Ward to Draw Their School money in Doc'' James Walcot's hands for the use of Building a new School house 34ly Voted that all orders be Drawn on the Town Treas- lu'er 35"'ly Voted To Choose a Committee of 3 to Search into the matter relative to Some Soldiers Wages 361y Voted Col° Jon' Day, Edward Davis Esq' & and Capt' John Chamberlain Said Committee 37ly Voted to adjourn this Meeting untill aprill Meeting Meet agreeable to adjournment ist Voted to put over the Matter about the Bridge of Qiiin- aboge River untill may Meeting 2'"*ly Voted to choose a Committee to Inquire of M' John Vinton the W° Sarah Cheney, and Caleb Ammidown Esq What Conditions the Town may have a Road through their Land and also to know What Esq Ammidown will Do to- wards Building a Bridge over the River by M" Cheneys j^4 Dudley Town Records^ iJQi- 3ly Voted the Committee to Consist of 5 Persons 4ly Voted Cap' John Eddy, Maj-- Nath" Healy, L' John Warren, Edward Davis Esqr. & D' James Walcot S"* Com- mittee 5ly Voted JC60 for the cost of our highways and Bridge this year the aforesaid officers have all Taken the oaths Requir'd by Law^ Except N. B. the highway work to be at 3 / per Day to the I"' of Oct^ Next April X SEAL V Worcester SS. To Either of the Constables of the Town Warrant of Dudley in S^ County Greeting 1791 In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby Required Forthwith to warn or No- tify the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudly duly Qualified to Vote for governours &c agreeable to the Constitution to meet at the Meeting House in Dudley on Mon- day the Fourth Day of April Next at Ten OClock A. M. Then and Their to act upon the Following articles viz First To Vote for a Governour 2ly To vote for a Lieu' Governour 3ly To Vote for Counsellors & Senators agreeable to Law 4ly To Choose a Moderator for the Remainder of S** Meetinge 5ly To vote for a County Treasurer for the Count}' of Worcester 61y To Grant Money for Schooling for tlie Year Ensuing yly To Choose School Committees for the Currant Year Sly For the Town to appropriate the Ministerial Money already assessed in the Constabls hands to that Use which will be most advantageous 9ly To See if the Town will Empower L' Timo^ Foster Jr to Collect The remainder of the Taxes that is Due to Lem- u*^' foster Cons'^ From the East jDart of the Town Dudley Toivfi Records^ ^79^' 345 loly To See if the Town will grant money to pay Doc' Will"" Glyson The an ears due to the Rev. Charles Glea- son Late of Diidly Dec** ii'^ To abate Such Taxes as the Constal)les Exil)it on S** Day that the Town Sees fitt 13'' To Choose a person to take Care of the Meeting House Hereof fail not & make Due Return of this Warrant With your doings thereon unto the Selectmen at or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twelfth day of March One Thousand Seven hundred & Ninety One Jon' Eddy >| Tho" Larned ! ,, , \ Selectmen Ezekel Brown [ Isaac Lee j Worcester vSS. April .["' i7yi- By vii'tue of the within Warrant I have Notified the freeholders And other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley Qiialified Agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for Governours to Meet at Time & place within Mentioned by Setting Up this Warrant at the usual place in S** Dudly as the Law Directs Timo^ Corbin Constable of Dudly At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudly Reg- ularly Assembled at the meeting house in Dudly on Monday the Fourth Day of April 1791. First Voted For a Governour as follows. (Vi/.e For his Excellency John Hancock Escf 70 Votes 2'y For Lieu' Governour For His Hon' Sam" Adams Esq' 58 D° For Counsellors & Senators as follows (Vize Hon. Moses Gill 50 Votes Abel Wilder 5° D° Jon' Grout 40 D" Dudley Toivn Records^ ^79^- John Fesenden 40 D" Amos Singletary 27 D" Timotliy Newell . 14 D° Jon' Warner 10 D° Sam" Baker 9 D° and Dwight Foster Esq" 8 D*^ 4'^ Voted CoP Jon' Day Moderator for the Remainder of Said Meeting 'y Voted for a County Treasurer as follows vize For Sam" Allen 41 Votes 6'^ Voted £60 for Schooling the Present Year 7'y Voted Lieu' Keith, John Bracket, Luther Chamberlain L' Jon' Willard, John Healy, En. Lem. Healy, Thomas Cheney & L' John Warren School Committees 8'' Voted to appropriate the Ministerial Money already assessed in the Constables hands to pay the Settlement of the Rev. M"' Johnson 9'y Voted Edward Davis Esq' a Committee to Receive Donations that may be given by People ovit of Town for the Support of M"^ Johnson 10'' Voted to pass by the 9"* article in the Warrant ii'y Voted to Raise £55. to pay Doc' Will" Glysson The old arrears of the Rev. C. Gleason 12'y Voted £16 to pay M' Gleason for what he preached The last year of his life and also for what Neighbouring Min- isters preached after his Decease i3ly Voted To abate Jeams Brown Ministerial Poll Tax In Lem" Foster Hands 14'' Voted to C' Ephraim Corbin for Eb' Kimballs Rats 15'y Voted to abate Sam" Pikes Rates In E. Corbins hand i6'y Voted David Nichols To Take Care of the Meeting House 17'y Voted To abate Nath'=' Fitts Rates in Cons. Will Smith Hands to Collect This Meeting Disolved Dudley Toivn Records^ ^79^- 347 Worcester SS, To either of The Constal)les of the Town Warnt of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts You ,—>—, or either of you are hereby Directed forthwith to warn or No- Jbeal I tify the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of wv— - Dudley duly qualified to Vote for a Representative to meet at the Meeting-house in S'' Town on Monday the Second day of May next at one OClock P. M. then and there to act upon the Following articles (Viz) First to Choose a person to Represent the Town of Dud- ley In the General Court of this Common-wealth to be holding in 'Boston on the Last Wednesday of may Next and from Ses- sion to Session whenever the Said Court Shall Sit for the year Ensuing 2"'^ly To choose a person for a moderator for the Remain- der of S'' Meeting 3'^''ly To hear the Report of the Committee Chosen at April meeting last past to Enquire of Messrs. Obadiah Sabin, John Vinton & the W° Sarah Cheney on what Condition the Town May have a Road through their Land and also to know what Encouragement Caleb Amidown Esq' gives relative To the Building of a Bridge over Qiiinabogue River by M" Che- neys, and to act thereon as the Town See's fitt 4'y To See if the Town will allow or Grant to James Dyer & Others the Friviledge of their Drawing their School money 5" To See if the Town will makeMaj-^ Nath^' Healy Some Sattisfaction for the Entertainment of the Council in the Set- tlement of the Rev. Joshua Johnson Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Select-men on or belore Saitl day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Eighteenth Day Of April Anno Domini 1791. Jonathan Day, ^ John Eddy | Tho' Earned \ Selectmen Ezekil Brown Isaac Lee J 34^ Dudley I^owti Records., 179I' Worcester SS. May 2'* 1791 By virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley duly qualified to Vote for a Repi'e- sentative to meet at time & place within Mentioned by Setting up this Warrant at the usual Place in S** Dudley p"^ me Tim^ Corbin Constable of Dudley At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of The Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at the Meeting House in S'^Town on Monday the ^^ Day of May 1791. First Voted and made Choice of Cap' John Chamberlain to Represent the Town at the general Court 2>y Voted Col° Jon' Day Moderator for the Rem-" of S'> Meeting The Committee Reporting Concerning the Bridges &c. 3'y Voted to Repair the Old Bridge By m'J. Vintons 4'y Voted to request the Selectmen to lay out a Road from The Widow Cheneys to Charlton line meaning on the West Side of the line Between M' John Vintons & the W° Cheanys and the Road to be opened & kept In good Repair as soon as their is a Bridge Erected over The River by Individuals & the road to Continue So long as the Proprietors keep the Bridge in good Repair and no Longer. 5'^ Voted to Grant James Dyer, Thorn'' Dyer & Theoder Marcy The Priviledge of Drawing their School money untill Further orders from the Town 6'^ Voted to put over the matter of Maj' Healys Request untill the next meetingf Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley In the County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts You or either of 3'ou are hereby required forthwith to warn or No- tify the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dud- Dudley T'oxvn Records^ ^79^' 349 ley qualified to Vote in Town affairs To meet at the meeting house in S'' Town on "Monday the Nineteenth day of this In- stant Sep' at One OClock P. M. Then and there to act upon the following Articles Viz First To choose a Moderator for Said Meeting 2"''ly For the Town to Give the Assessors some particular instructions Respecting the assessing the Ministerial Rate 3''''Iy For the Committee to make Report to the Town of what Donations are Given towards M"^ Johnson's Salery 4'*"ly To hear our Agent respecting our Law Suites if he pleaseth to exibit any thing 5"'ly For the town to take into further Consideration the Bridge Over Qiiinabogue River by M' Vintons 6'y To grant money for the necessary Charges of the Town the present Year 7'^ To abate Such Taxes as the Constables Exibit on S" Day That the Town Sees fitt 8'y To hear the Report of the Committee respecting the Six & Three months men's Wages for the Year 17S0 And Act thereon as is most Expedient Hereof fail not and make due return Of this warrant with Your doings unto the Selectmen on or Before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this fifth Day of Sep' AD 1791. Jonathan Day John Eddy Thomas Earned \ .Selectmen Ezekeil Brown 1 Isaac Lee j Worcester SS. .Sep' 19"' i79i- I" obedience to the within Warrant I have warned the Freeholders & other In- habitants of the Town of Dudley to meet at time & place within Mentioned By Setting up an Attested Copy of this Warrant at the Usual Place in Said Dudley James Walcot Constable Dudley Toxvfi Records^ ^TQi- At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at the meeting house in Said Town on Monday the 19"* day of Sep' 1791. First Voted CoP J. Day Moderator for S'^ Meeting 2'y Voted to assess the ministerial Tax as they were as- sessed The Last Year 3'''* Edward Davis Esq*^ enter'd his Protest against the Vote 4'y Voted to Grant & Raise 8oJ£ for Necessary Charges 5'y Voted to Pass over the 7th Article 6'y Voted to put over hearing the report of the Committee respecting the Six & 3 Months men's Wages untill the Next Meeting 7'y Voted that Our Agent produce the particulars of the Law Suits and lay the Same before the Town at their Next Meeting Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts You or either of You are hereby required forthwith to warn or noti- fy The freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the meeting house in Said Town on Monday the Seventh Day of Nov"' Next at One OClock P. M. Then and thereto act upon the follow- ing Articles (Viz) First To Choos a Moderator for Said Meeting 2"'^ly To See if the Town will Rebuild the Bridge over Qiiinabogue River By M' Vintons or act thereon as the Town thinks Most Expedient 3''''ly For our Agent Respecting the Law Suits against the Town To Exibit the Particulars of all Costs that have arisen in Consequence of Said Suits Agreeable to a Vote of the last meeting. 4'^ To grant money to Pay the Rev. Joshua Johnson's Sal- ery that Becomes Due the first Day of Dec' Next Dudley Tozvn Records^ ^79^- J^l Hereof fail not and make tlue Return of this Warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before Said day Dated at Dudley Aforesaid this Twenty-Fourth day of Oct' In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven hun- dred and Ninety One Jonathan Day 'v Thomas Larned I Selectmen Isaac Lee ) Worcester SS. Nov' 7"' 179 1. I have warned the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to vote in Town afiairs to meet at Time and Place within mentioned by Setteing up this Warrant at the Usual Place in Dudley Tim^ Corbin Constable At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants Of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at the meeting House in Dudle}' on Monday the 7* of Nov' 1791 i'' Voted Col" Jon' Day Moderator for Said meeting 2"'^ly Voted to Rebuild the bridge over Qiilnabogue River by M' Vintons 3"^ly Voted that the Expence of Said Bridge be Paid in Town orders 4'y Voted to let the Jobb of Rebuilding S*' Bridge out to M' Thomas Cheney upon the following Conditions (vize) the Bridge to be Built of White Oak Timber or Chesnut and to Contain five String pieces Two at least to go the Whole length between the Butments With Good plank. 14 feet long with Good King posts & Sufficient plllanes.* all the above men- tioned work to be done and Compleatly finished by the first of May Next For which Sarvices the above mentioned Cheney is to Receive Fifteen Pounds 5'y Voted to Pass by the 4"" article in the Warrant Edward Davis Esq' Entered his Protest against the above Vote * Probably purlins.— Ed. JJ2 Dudley Town Records^ ^79^' Worcester SS To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudly In the County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts You or either of you are hereby directed to warn or Notify the free- holders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley (duly Qualified to Vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Meeting house in Dudley on Frjalay the Eighteenth day of this Instant at One OClock P. M. then and there to act upon the fol- lowing articles Viz First to Vote for a Moderator for S*^ Meeting 2*^ To Chuse a Constable «& Collector in the Room & Stead of Doc"^ James Walcot who is under Necessaty of being absent Which will prevent the Collections of Taxes by S*^ Walcot 3'y To see if tlie Town will Request the Selectmen to Lay out a Road From Cap' John Eddys to M"^ Joseph Vintons meaning from The road by Cap' John Eddys to the Road Lead- ing from Dudly To Sturbridge not far from S'^ M' Vintons 4'y To Abate Sucli taxes as the Constables Exibit on S'> day that the Town Sees fitt 5"'ly To hear the Petion of John Fenner Esq'' and others respecting the Six months men Wages in the Year 1780 Hereof fail not and make due Return of this Warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Selectmen On or before Said day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Seventh Day of Nov"^ 1791- Jonathan Day "^ John Eddy I Thomas Larned ). Selectmen Ezekiel Brown Isaac Lee Dudley T'o'wn Records^ ^79^- 353 Worcester SS. ■ November iS"' 1791. In Obedience to the within Warrant I have Warned the freeholders & other Inhaliitants of the Tow^n of Dudly To meet at time and phice within mentioned By .Setting up this Warrant at the Usual place in Dudly James Walcot Constable At a meeting- of the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley quallified to Vote in Town affairs regu- larly assembled at the meeting house in S*^ Town on Fryday the iS"' day of Nov' 1791. First Voted Col° Jon' Day moderator 3'^ Voted to Excuse Doc"^ James Walcot as Serving Con- stable and Collector the Present year The Constable »*t Col- lector birth being Set up at Vendue M'^ Ezbon Carter bitld it off at Three Pence half penny on the pound 3'^ Voted to request the Selectmen to Lay out a Road from Cap' John Eddys to m"^ Joseph Vintons 4'y Voted to abate John Barnes Senior Minister rate in Walcot hands 5/0 5'y Voted to accept of M' Joseph Allen & AP Moses Healy as Bondsmen for Ezbon Carter Constable & Collector Voted to C Asa Robinson for all Taxes unpaid due to him from John Heath 6'y Voted to C James Walcot for Jacob Dailys Rales to the amount 5 / 1 1 7'y Voted to C" Lem" Foster For Tom' Ingrams Rates to the amount of 12/3 INIeeting Dessolved Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of tlie Town of Dudley Greeting you are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn 45 jj^ Dudley Town Records^ ^792- the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'^ Town quallified by law to vote in Town affairs (viz) Such as pay To one single Tax besides the poll or polls, a Sum Equal To two thirds of a Single poll tax) to meet and assemble at the meeting house in Said Dudley on Monday the Fifth Day of March Next at Nine OClock A.M. To act on the Following articles (viz) First To Choose a Moderator for said meeting 3'y To choose Town ofhcers for the Year ensuing agree- able To Law 3'^ To hire a Constable or Constables and Collectors for the year Ensuing on such terms as the Town shall think best 4'-^ To see if the Town will let their swine run at large The Current year 5'^ To grant money for schooling the ensuing Year 6'y To choose School Committees if the Town sees fitt 7'y For the Town to accept of the roads layed out by the Selectmen the Year past if the Town thinks best S'^ To Grant money for our highways & Bridges the Currant year and agree how the Same shall be expended 9'^ To grant money for Necessary Charges of said Town if needed lo'y To see if the Town will agree that a Number of In- habitants That are about to build a Large school house in the midty of the Town may draw their money or act thereon as the Town sees fitt 11'^ To heare the request of M"" Elisha Corbin respecting some Dudley Land and act thereon as the Town sees fitt. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings theron unto the Selectmen on or before said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Seventeenth Day ol Feb^ 1793 Jon* Day | Selectmen John Eddy f of Tho' Earned ' Dudley Dudley Toivn Records^ ^792 > Jjj Worcester SS. March 5"' 1793 In obedience to the within Warrant I have warned the Freehohlers and other in- haliitants of said Town qualHfied by Law to Vote in Town allairs to meet at time and phice within mentioned by setting up a True copy of this Warrant at the usual Phice in S'' Dudley P' me Timothy Corbin Constable of Dudley At a meeting of the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at the Meeting House in S'^ Town on Monday the Fifth Day of March 1793 First Voted and Choose Col° Jona. Day Moderator for the S'' Meeting 3'y Voted Cap* John Chamberlain Town Clerk who is Sworn 3'^ Voted to have 5 Selectmen the Currant year 4'y Voted Col° Jon" Day First Select man 5'y Voted Cap' John Eddy 2" D° 6''' Voted Lieut Thom. Larncd 3"^ D" 7'y Voted M' Isaac Lee 4'*^ D° S'y Voted Lieu' Ezekiel Brown 5"^ D" 9'y Voted to have 5 assessors the Ensuing Year lo'y Voted Lieut Ezekiel Brown First assessor ii'y Voted Cap' John Chamberlain 2^ D" 1 3'y Voted Lieut John Warren 3<^ D° 13'y Voted Cor Jon'' Day 4"' D° 14'y Voted Lieut Thomas Earned 5"" D° These oflicers are Sworn to the faithfull performance ot their Trust 15'y Voted M' Simeon Wood Towni Treasurer iQy Voted Col° Jon" Day Constable and Collector for the East part of the Town he the S'' Day l)eing the loest bid- der he biding it at one penny j)' Pound jj6 Dudley Town Records^ ^792' 17'y Voted M' John Albee West End Constable & Col- lector he the S** Albee Giving one Shilling for the Berth iS'y Voted Lieut John Curtis and M' Royal Sayles Bondsmen For the loerformance of John Albee Cons. & ColP 19'^' • Voted Lieut. Thomas Larned & M'' Simeon Wood Bondsmen For the aforesaid Day Cons. & Coll' 2o'y Voted John Vorce & Reuben Ammidown Wardians 2i'y Voted Stephen Ilcaly, & Lieu' Tim Foster Jr. Tythingmen 23'y Voted Major Nath' Healy Sealer of Weights & Measures 33''*' Voted John Ilealy Sealer of Leather 34'y Voted Josiah Hovey Culler of Lumber 35'-^ Voted Joseph Arnold & L' John Curtis Fence Viewers 26'^ Voted Joseph Vinton Jr. John Gore, David Nichols Lem^' Healy, John Bracket, Stephen Wood, Cap' Corbin, L' J. Curtis Eleazer Putney J'' Thomas Morriss Jared Freeman & Cap' John Eddy Highway Surveyors 37'-^ Voted to let their Swine run at large the Ensuing Year 3S'y Voted Jon" Kingsbury Simeon Wakefield, Will'" Barker Reuben Ammidown and Sam'^' Chamberlain Hog- reavs 39'-^ Voted to grant and Raise Sixty pounds for Schooling this year 30'^' Voted to Choose School Committees the Currant Year 31'^ Voted Reuben Ammidown, Jon' Day Lieu' Cur- tis, Jedidiah Corbin, John Healy, Stephen Healy Ephraim Willard & Doc'' J. E. Eaton School Committees 33'y Voted to grant & Raise Sixty pounds for the Cost of the Highways & Bridges the ensuing year and the money to be expended at three shillings p"" Day from the first of May to the Last of Sep' following 33'y Voted to put by the 10"' article in the warrant imtill Dudley Town Records^ ^792- JS? 34'^ April Meeting and a Committee appointed to view the Situation of the School Districts and report at the april Meeting 35'^ Voted to have the Committee Consist of 5 persons 36'^' Voted Lieut. Jon" Willard, John Chamberlain David Nichols John Bracket & Lieut. Joseph Kieth Said Committee 37'y Voted to have the 11"' article in the warrant Subside Meeting Disolved A Road lay'd out by the Selectmen Nov. 1791 Begining at the Corner of the wall east of the School house near M' Jos. Vintons thence runing Southardly as the wall now stands to the southwest Corner of the orchard East of s'' Vintons house From thence running southardly as the road is Now trod to a Stake & Stones by a wall thence running Southardly To a Black oak Tree marked thence Southardly to a black oak Tree near the Northwest Corner of M'' Joseph Vinton J' House thence Southardly to a Bass wood Tree marked Thence Southardly to a Walnut Tree mai'ked on the Edge Of Cap' John Eddy's Land Thence Southardly to a Black Oak Tree marked thence Southardly to a Stake & Stones By the road west of Said Eddys house Said road to be Two Rods Wide and all the Bounds to be on the East Side of Sa-id Road Jon" Day >j Tho^ Earned 01, } Selectmen Ezekil Brown I Isaac Lee J The above mentioned road was layed before the Town at their March meeting 1792 for Their acceptance and it was accepted on this Condition That the people where Said road goes through their land Shall have Two Years to fence out Said road 16 In favour 10 against the acceptance One other Road layed out be the Selectmen in Dec' 1791 as follows Begining at tlie river by Caleb Ammidons Stone wall fi'om thence to the road already Layed out from the W" Sarah Cheneys to Jos. Vintons Bridge Thence North- 35^ Dudley Town Records, ^79^- aiclly from Said Amidowns Wall on the Land of S*^ Sarah Cheney two Rods from the line of John Vintons land to a large rock near where the road is now Trod From thence to a White pine Tree Thence Northwestardly to a larg Old white pine tree on land of John Ammidown From thence Straight to a heep of Stones all the boundaries from Ammidowns Wall to the bounds last mentioned are on the East and Southardly Side of the road Thence from the bounds last mentioned to the line of John Vintons Land then by S'* Vintons land to a Small white pine Tree at Charlton line the road to be on Said Am- midowns Land to be Two rods wide This Road layed before the Town for their acceptance at march meeting 1792. and the Town accepted of the Road on the Terms of a former Vote on the Subject of Individuals bild- ing a Bridge over the river Ditto Road layed out by the Selectmen March 2'' 1792 Begining at the South East Corner of L' Edmands Barn Yard wall thence Southardly to a stake at Woodstock line Distance about Twenty five rods Said road to be Two Rods Wide and Bounded on the Eastardly Side of S"^ Road Jon' Day John Eddy Tho° Earned Ezekiel Brown 1 Isaac Lee J " This road was accepted by the Town March 5"' 1792 Selectmen Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Greeting you are hereby commanded in the name ot the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to warn or notify the free- holders and other Lihabitants of the Town of Dudley duly qualified agreeable to the Constitution to vote for a Gov- ernour &c. to meet and assemble at the meeting house in Dudley Toiun Records, I7g2. jjg said Town on Monday the second day of April at one OClock P. M. Then 8i there to act upon tlie followinj^ articles (viz) First To vote for a Governour Lieut, Governour Coun- sellors and Senators according to the Constitution 2'y To choose a Moderator for the remainder of said meeting 3'^ To vote for a County Treasurer for the County of Worcester 4'' To see if the Town will Reconsider their vote in the acceptance of a Road layed out by the Selectmen from the School house by M' Vintons to Cap' John Eddys passed at the last march meeting 5'-^ Tx) hear the Report of the Committee relative to the accomodation of the School in Said Town 6'y To see if the Town will dispose of the one half of the Pew spot that was formaly Benj" Newells to M' David Nicliols he having purchased the building of M"" Jeremiah Haskel 7'^ Also the Pew spot that formaly belonged to Eb'' Bacon to Tufts and Barker they having purchased the building of AT John Day For the Town to abate such Taxes as the Constables exibit on said Day that the Town sees htt Hereof fail not and make Due Return of this Warrant with \our doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before vSaid Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Nineteenth day of March Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two Jon" Day, ■) John Eddy I Tho' Earned [- .Select men Isaac Lee j Ezekiel Brown j Worcester April 2*^ i79'^* ^^^ obedience to the within warrant I have warned and notilled The freeholders and other Inhabitants qualilled by the Constitution To vote for a Gov' j6o Dudley Town Records^ IJQ^- &c and other Town affairs to meet and assemble at time and place within mentioned by setting up this Warrant at the usual place in Dudly Jon"' Day Constable At- a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Le- gally assembled at the meeting house in Said Town on Monday the %^ Day of April 1792 First The Votes being brought in for a Gov : were as follows For his Excellency John Hancock Esq'' Lieu' Gov-^ For his Hon"" Samuel Adams Esq'" Edward Davis Esq"" Counsellors & Senators as follows For the Hon. Abel Wilder John Fesenden .Salem Town Martin Ivinsley Josiah Sterns Esq" Moses Gill Sam«' Baker Jonathan Warner Timothy Newell 3'^ Voted CoP Jon'' Day Moderator for the remainder ol Meeting Voted for a County Treasurer as follows (viz) For Sam*^^ Allin Esq' 40 Votes 4'^ Voted not to Reconsider the vote respecting the Road by M' Vintons 5'^ Voted to put by the matter respecting the School affairs untill may meeting and add to the present Committee on the Subject Capt. John Eddy & John Healy and they to make Report at May meeting 6'y Voted to pass by the matter respecting the Pews 7'y Voted to abate Abner Mellins Minister Rate in the Constabls hands S /3 Si Votes 63 D" 3 D° 71 Votes 5S D" 57 D" 5S D" 5S D° H D'' 13 D'' 13 D° 13 D" Dudley Town Records, ^79^- 3^1 8'y Voted to abate Elijali Humphreys Minister Rate in Cons* Day's hands to Collect 9/3 9'y Voted to abate Rufus Newells Taxes in Con. Smith hands Meeting- Dissolved Worcester SS. To Jonathan Day one of the Constables of the Town of Dudley Greeting You are hereby required in the Name of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male Inhab- itants of Said Town being Twenty One Years of age and Resident in Said Town for the space of one Year next pre- ceeding having a freehold estate to the Value of Sixty pounds or any Estate of the Income of Three pounds annually to Meet and assemble at the Meeting house in Dudley on Mon- day the Seventh Day of May Next at one OClock in the afternoon i^' for the purpose Of Choosing a Representative to Represent them at the General Court appointed to be con- vened and held at Boston on the Last Wednesday of May Next 2'^ To Choose a Moderator for the Remainder of Said meeting 3'^ To hear the Report of the Committee respecting The accommodation of the several School Destricts In said Town 4'y To see if the Town appoint a Committee to Confer with M"' Joseph Vinton respecting the Road layed out by the Selectmen through his land and if posable to Save Cost to the Town 5'y To hear the Report of the Committee that was choosen To Receive Donations towards the Support of the Rev. J. Johnson and act thereon as the Town see's fitt 6'y To See if the Town will agree that all Denomina- tions of Christians Except the Denomination called The Standing order or Congregationalists may be Exempted from 46 j62 Dudley Toxvn Records^ 179^' Ministerial Taxation and if Not agreed to, to grant the priviledge of the Meeting House to those other Denomina- tions agreeable to their Estates Hereof fail not and make due return of This Warrant with Your doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or before Said day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Twenty Third Day of April Anno Dominni One Thousand Seven hundred And Ninety Tw^o Jonathan Day ^ Thomas Larned K Selectmen Isaac Lee 3 Worcester SS. May 7"" 1792 In obedience to the within Warrant I have warned The freeholders and other In habitants of the Town of Dudley qualified agreeable to the Constitution to Vote for a Representative and other Town .officers To meet and assemble at time and place within Men- tioned by Setting up this Warrant at the Usual Place in Dudley Jonathan Day Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at the Meetinghouse in Dudley on Mon- day the Seventh Day of May 1792. First Voted and Chose Capt. John Chamberlain To repre- sent them at the General Court 2'^' Voted Col° Jon' Day Moderator for the Remainder ■ of Said Meeting 3'^ Voted to accept the Report of the committee respect- ing The Several School Districts as it now Stands Refference To the Report on the Next page Will fully appear 4'^ Voted to Choose a Committee of 3 persons to Confer with M"' Joseph Vinton respecting the Road Layed out by the Selectmen 5'y Voted Major W" Larned, jM' Jacob Warren & Dea- con Nathan Jeffords Said Committee Dudley Toxcn Records^ J 792- 363 6'y Voted to Excuse Esq"" Davis as Seivini^ as a Com- mittee To Reseive Donations for the support of the Rev. J. Johnson 7'y Voted And Chose M' David Nichols KP Joseph Allen and Cap' Sam''' Healy a Committee to Receive Minis- terial Donations 8'^ Voted that all Denominations of Christians (Except The Standing Order so Called he Exempted from Ministerial Taxation Yeas 51. Nays 38. Edward Davis then Entered his Dissent Against the last Mentioned Vote See the Next page for the School affairs Dudley May y"' 179^ "^Y^h^ Committee appointed at March & April meeting To take into Consideration the several School wards in The Town and also to take into considera- tion the Expedency of their being a Large and Convenient School House hy the meeting house on the Condition here- after mentioned. Ask leave to report the following agree- ment of your Committee As to the School house by or near the meeting house In Dudley It Is our opinion that it will be of a publick benefit pro- ^ iding the School is Considered as a Publick School so long as the Publick money lasts and no longer And all the Persons Included in this Ward to be at the Cost of building the School House and no others and the outlines of the Said W'ard to lie as Follows (viz) on the West M' Stephen Healy and L' John Lawtons North- easterly from S'' Lawtons to Doc"" John E. Eatons from thence to Tlm-^ Corblns From thence to Joshua Corbins and then to Capt' Corbins Jededlah Corbins From thence to Jon" Bacon and then to Will"' Fisher from thence toEb' Fos- ter's From thence on Connecticut Line to m'' Stephen Ilealy's aforementioned Including all Within these out lines with the Persons aforementioned As outlines as to the ward on the West Side of Qiilnabogue River It is our opinion to Divide Said Ward In the following manner from M' Joseph Vinton Jr.s up the river if he the S^ Vinton Chooses to go to that Ward to the small Ward Dudley Toxvn Records^ ^792- hereafter mentioned and from Said Vintons to M'' Bcnj* Stones and all North of this Line to make a district As to the small District aforementioned We will name them Josiah Barnes, Lt. Ezekiel Brown, Phineas Whitney, Nathan Brown, the Farm Late belonging to Cap' Stephen Comans, Jose^Dh Inman, L' Ebe' Edmunds, John Edmunds, John Eddy, John Haskell & Royal Sayles Lieut Tim" Foster Senior and M"' Simeon Wood to be set In the East Ward, and M' Tho' Morris's to be set In the Ward by Jon" Willard's J"" Those living in the North East part of the Town not included in this Report to be a Seperate ward by themselves And as the Situation of the Wards are such we think It Ex- pedient for each and every ward to draw their Own Money All of which is Humbly Submitted Jon'' Willard >| John Chamberlain David Nichols John Bracket [. Committee Joseph Kieth John Healy John Eddy Worcester SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley In Said County of Worcester Greeting In the name ol the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby directed forthwith to warn or no- tify the freeholders & other Inhabitants of town of Dudley duly qualified to vote for a Representative to the General Court of this Commonwealth to meet and assemble at the meeting house in S*^ Town on Fryday the Second day of Nov"^ Next at One of The Clock in the afternoon First to give in their Votes for four persons To Represent the Second District in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Comprehending the Counties of Worcester Hampshire & Berkshire in the Congress of the United States of whom one Dudley TozvJi Records^ ^79^' at least Shall be an Inhal)itant or resident in each of those Counties 3'^ To Choose a Moderator for the Remainder of .Said Meeting 3'y For the Town to Pass some Resolution respecting the Bridge over the French river near M"" Fosters, if they see cause 4'^ To see if the Tov^^n will grant & Raise money To pay the Rev. Joshua Johnson that becomes due the iirst of December next Hereof fail not & make due return of This Warrant with your doings thereon Unto the Selectmen on or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Tenth Day of Ocf One Thousand Seven hundred & Ninety Two By order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS. Dudley Nov' 3'' 1793. In obedience to the within warrant I have Warned The freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified agreeable to the Constitution To vote for a Representative to meet and assem- ble at time & place within mentioned by Setting up an at- tested Copy of this warrant at the usual place in Dudley P' Jonathan Day Constable At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified agreeable to the Constitution to vote for a Repre- sentative Regularly assembled on Fryday the 3'' of Nov"', 1793 at the Close of the poll for the Choice of Federal Repre- sentatives the votes were found to be as follows (viz) For Charles Jarvis Esq' 43 Votes for the 3 destrict • Hon. Theodore Sedwich* 43 D'^ for this destrict Jonathan Grout 40 D" for the County of \\ o\ Sam'^' Lyman 43 D" for the County of Ham Thompson J. Skinner43 D" for the County of Berks James Sullivan i D" for the 3 dcstricts * Sedgwick. — Ed. Dudley Town Records^ 1792. Artemas Ward 3 D° for Worcester Coun Sam*' Lyman i D° for this destrict Theodore vSedwicli i D° for Berkshire Will™ Lyman i D° for Hampshire Votes for Electors are as follows (viz) Hon. Simeon Strong 17 Votes Thompson L Skinner 25 Do Hon. Abel Wilder 17 Votes Samuel Flagg 3^ Votes ALartin Kinsley 25 D° Samuel Fowler 9 D" David Smead Esqr 9 D" 2 Voted L' John Warren Moderator for the remainder of Said Meeting 3'y Voted to build the Bridge over the French river By TvP Fosters and that the Same be Set up at the loest bider for to be built Conditions of .Sale are these The bridge to be built of good White Oak Timber or Chesnut and to have 5 String pieces Sufficient For such a bridge with good King posts and to be Covered with Plank 14 feet long and 2 inches Thick after Seasoned and to be Com- l^leatly finished by the Second day of Jan. Next and the money To be paid when the Work is done Col" Jonathan Day biding Nine pound Seventeen Shillings and being the loest bidder It was .Struck off to him on the above Conditions 4'^ Voted not to grant & raise any money to pay The Rev. Joshua Johnson Meeting disolved. Worcester .SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley In the County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you or either of you are hereby directed forthwith to warn or notify Ditdley Town Records, 1792. j6y the freeholders & other InhalMtants of tlie Town ol" Dudley duly Qiialihed to Vote in Town allairs to meet & Assemble at the Meeting House in Said Town on Wednesday the Twenty Eighth Day of this Instant at one of the Clock in the afternoon Then & there to act upon the following articles (Viz) First to Choose a Moderator for Said meeting 2'y To see if the Town will adopt some method with Regard to the Support of the ministry in Said Town and agree on some plan for the payment of the Salery annually due to the Rev. Joshua Jolnison Or act upon any matter re- specting the Ministerial affairs that will be Conducive of the best and most Lasting hapiness & welfair of Said Town 3''''ly To Clioose a School Committee man in the N. E. Ward 4'^ To see if the Town will Set oft" Jona. Bacon Lem' Corbin Jedediah Corbin & Jepthah Bacon to the N. E. Ward In Said Town if they see fitt Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon unto the Selectmen on or befor Said day Dated at Dudley aforesaid this Tenth Day of Nov' in the Year of our Lord One Thousand 792 By order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS. Nov'' 28"' 1792. In obedience to tlie within warrant I have Warned the freeholders and other In- habitants qualified to vote in Town aflairs to meet at the Time & place appointed b}- Setting up this warrant at liie usual place. pr me Jonatlian Day Constable At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley Regularly assembled at the meeting-House in Dudley on Wednesday the Twenty Eigth Day of Nov'' 1792 First voted Col" Jon" Day Moderator Dudley ToTvn Records^ iyg2-i'^g2,. 2''' Voted to direct the Assessors to assess all the Per- sons with their Estates to the Support of the Rev. Joshua Johnson that do actually belong To the Congregationalist and the Said Society (Meaning the Said Congregational Society) to Indemnify the assessors from law vSuits if an}' person or persons bi"ing in Consequence of the ministerial Taxes being made as above mentioned 3'y Voted Lieut Joseph Kieth School Committee 4'^ Voted to pass over the 4"* Article in the Warrant Meetins: Disolved Worcester SS. to Either of the Constables of the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts You or either of you are required to warn or notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley duly qualified to vote for a Representative to the General Court of this Com- monwealth to assemble at the meeting House in S*^ Town on Monday the fourteenth day of this instant at one of the Clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for a Representative that is an Inhabitant in the County of Hampshire and also for another Representative being an Inhabitant in Either of the Counties of Hampshire Worcester or Berkshire which Com- piehends the Second Destrict to Represent the said Destrict in the Congress oi the United States of America Hereof fail not and make Due Return of this warrant with Your doings thereon Unto the Selectmen on or before Said Day Dated at Dudley aforesaid This first day of Jan. in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Three By order of the Selectmen John Chamberlain Town Clerk Worcester SS. Dudley Jan. 14"* 1793 In obedience to the within warrant I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Dudley qualified to Vote in Town Dudley Town Records^ 1793- jdg affairs by Setting up this warrant at the usual phice as the Law diiects. P"' me Jonathan Day Constable At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhal)itants of the Town of Dudley regularly assembled at the meeting House in Dudley on Monday the 14"' Day of Jan. 1793 at the Close of the Poll the Votes were found to be as fol- lows (viz) Hon. Jonathan Grout Esq' 37 Votes Destrict Sam*' Lyman 47 Votes for Hamp. D wight Foster 9 lor the Destrict Thompson I. Skinner i for District Meetinof Desolved To the Selectmen of the Town of Dudley I the Sub- scriber not having anything for maintainance being under Needy Circumstances humbly request your assistance his Caleb X Pond Complaint. Dudley April iS"' 1793. mark Nathan Sly Roo' Dalrimple Caleb Pond March 19"^ ^794 ^t the request of Two M"" Howards the Subscribers Selectmen went and Preambulated the Line be- gining at a Tree & Stones about where the brook runs out of Chaole M. G. Pond on the East Side of Said brook from thence S. 20° E. to a Maple Tree on the South End of Said pond on the West Side of a Pine Marked on the South Side with 1794 & J. C. frome Thence the Same Course 47 Rods to a Stone Monument a Little S. W. of an old Slack of Chimnies it being the S. E, Corner of Dudly From thence W. ^yo Dudley Toivn Records^ ^794: 7° N. bordering on Connecticut Line 252 R. to Capt. J. Bates's N. E. Corner of his house John Chamberlain Ezbon Carter John Healy INDEX OF NAMES OF FAMILIES AND PLAGES. VOLUME Fatnily A'amcs in Roman ' all others in Italics. Naiues in Parenthesis indicate spelling in the Records. Adams (Addams), 119. Alliue, 125. Ainmidown (Amidown), 164, 167, 168. Ayers (Ayrs), 115, 120, 121. 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, X2S 129, 131. Bacon, 7, 32. 35, 43, 51, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63. 70, 71, 92, 97, loi, 107, 117, iiS. 139, 145, 146, 151, j62, 179, iSi, 185, igS, 190, 192. Barstow ( Bastose-Bastow) , 135. 169. 170- Bayley, 54. 55. 57. 60, 64, 66. Baulding, 102, 103. Belcher, 6, 13, 14. Jioston. 62,65,73, 89,108, 131, 141, 147. 153. 159. 165. 175- Bowen, 133. Brackett (Bracket-Brack- it - Brackitt - Brakit) , 59, 64. 73. 97. 106. 115. 130. 145. I4«, 151, 153, 155, 156, 157, 15S, 163, 167, log, 171, 172, 179. iSi, 186, 187, iSS, 192. Bradburj' (Bradbary- Bradbery - Bradbubary ) , 64, 72, 83, loi. 102, 103, 104, 105, 115. 136, 138, 145, 146, 148, 151, 152, 155, 162, 167, 171, 172, 177, 185, 188, 190, 191, 192 Brigham (Brip^ani). 125. Brimfleld ( Brimfeihl) , 125- Brookline ( JBrooMin ), 120, 121, 123, 125. Brown, 164. Bugbee (Bugbe), 15, 16. Burbeeu (Biirbean), 117, 119, 127. Burnul (Burual - Burnel), 51, 64, loi, 115, 118, 120, 130, 145, 148, 150, 152, 162, 171, 177, 191. Cabot (Cabbit - Cabbot - Cabit), iS, 49, no. Campbell (Cambel - Cam- bell - Cambill - Camble - Camill), 18,43,45,49,103, 118, 125. Carter (Cartur). 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34. 36, 37, 38. 39. 401 50, 52. 54. 55. 56, 57. 60, 63, 69, 70, 83, 86, 91, 92, 148, 159, 171, 174, 187, 189. . Chamberlain (Chamberlen -Chamberlian-Chamber- lin-Chamberline). 21, 30, 32. 59. 73. 97. loi, 115. 119. 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 141, 164, 171, 186, 191. Chandler, 22, 23, 34, 35, 56, 71, 80, 148, 173. Chapman (Chapmen- Chapmun), 171, 172. Cfi (tub a nriy un fj n in a n g VoikI, 5, 74- Cheney (Cheaney - Chee- ney-Cheeny-Chenee), 19, 31. 52, 54. 57. 58. 59, 73, 82, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 122, 123, 157, 158, 163, 164, 171, 172. Child, 15, 43, 54, 56, 57, 58. 59, 80, 83, 97, loi, 115. Claflin, 52, 54, 58. Coats, 144 Coburn, 32, 36, 51, 58, 64, 70, 83. 92. 97, 106, 108, 109, no, III, 112, 113. 116, 117, 139, 151, 158, 187. Coffin, 19. Collicom, 36. Conant (Conotit), 7. ir, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42,43, 44, 45, 46, 47.50, 52. 54, 55. 56, 57, 6r, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70.72, 85, 88, 92, 100, loi, 106, 108, 109, III, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117. 118, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135. 137. 138. 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149. 151, 152, 153. 154. 156, 157. 158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 1S3, 185, 1 86, 190. Concord, 180. Conners, 115. Index of Names of Families and Places. Corbin (Corbine), 7, 8, 11, 12. 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23. 31. 32, 33, 34,35. 36, 38, 39, 41. 42, 43, 45,49, 52, 58. 59, 60, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81,82,83,84,85, 88, 89, 92, 97, 100, loi, 106, 109, no, 112, 115, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134. 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143. 144, 145, 146, 150, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 186, 187, 190, 191. Curtis (Cortis-Cortiss) 106, 115, 139- 143, 145, 146, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 164, 167, 171, 172, 179, i8r, i85, 190. Cutting (Cuttiu), 186. Davis (Davise), 19, 21, 36, 54, 64, 74, 75, 83, 97, 106, 115, 116, 146, 164, 180, 187. Davison (Davson), 61, 85, 97, 106, 130, 135, 157, 158, 159, 171. 179,191- Dennis (Denies-Denis),i9 42, 51, 54, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69. 70, 71, 72, 106, 139, 140, 172, 179, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, Dickerman, 192. Dike (Dick-Dicke-Dickes) loi, no, 135, 136, 137, 138, Dodge (Doddg-Dodg), 64, loi, 139, 151, 158, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 186. Douglass, (Dufflis), 173, 174, 175, 177- Dudley, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26, 31, 34, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 84, 120, 121, 132. Dvvight (Dwite), 115; Edmunds (Edmund), 6, 7, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31. 32, 34, 35, 37 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54i 55, 56, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 82, 83, 84, 88, 91, 92, 97, 98, TOO, 103, 104, no, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 128, 129, 133, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 148, 149, 151, 156, 160, 164, 166, 179, 182. Easterbrooks, 119. Fairbanks (Fairbank), 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136- 137- 138, 139, 158. Fisk, 18. Fitch (Fich). 8, 9, 56, 58, 59- Foster, 164, 168, 187, 191. Francis, 4. I'^fPiich Iliiier, 29, 35, 135, 167, 168, 172. Gleason, 4, 119, 120, 121. 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 131, 136, 147, 149, 150, 154, 155, 159, i6if 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 1S2, 183, 188. Gore (Goer), 85, 130, 135, 138, 145, 152, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 182. Griggs (Grigs), 139, 190. Hall, 164. Harris (Harrise), 130, 151, 158, 179- Ilnssaiianiisco , 18. Healy (Heally-Hele- He- ley), 7i 17) iS. 19, 40, 42, 43.49,51,54,, 70, 83, 91, 92, 97, loi, 106, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 128, 130, 134, 146, 151, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 167, 171, 174. 179, 181, 186, 191, 192. Hebbard ( Heberd - Hib- berd - Hibbert), 106, 107, 108, 109, no. III, 112, 113, 116, 117, 149, 150, 159, 1S6. Hobbs, II, 12, 18, 21, 33, 43, 45.51.52,54,57.64,66, 8s, 97. 98, 99, 130, 146, 151. 158, 182. Hosmer (Horsemor-Horse- more - Horsmer - Hors- mere - Horsmor - Hors- more-Hosmore), 40, 52, 64, 72. 75, 79. So, 81, 82, 88, 89, 90, 126, 12S, 129, 130. Howe (How). 4. 45. 46, 47, 48, 49, 60, 62. 63, 65, 67, 69, 76, 77, 84. 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, no, in. 112, 127, 128, 156. Hutchius,(Huchins-Hutch- eus), 43, 51, loi. IinlUms, II, 14, 16, 18, 29, 30, 34. 35. 36, 58, 59, 84. 86, 107, 1S6, 187. Jackson, 18. Jefferds, 191, 192. Jewell (Juell), 32, 43, 53. 58, 64, 73, 85, 86, 97, loi, 106, 115, 116, 135, 146, 164, 191. Johnson, 4, Kidder (Kider), 19, 32, 44, 58, 60, 72, 77, 79, 81. 82, 84, 88, 89, 106, 112, 138, 15S, 159, 161, 162, 163, 185. ■ KiUhifily, 18, 49. Kingsbury (Kiugsbery), 191. Larned (Larnard - Laru- erd -Learned), 74,75, 132. Leaslen, 117. Lillie (Lilley-Lilli-Lilliee- Lilly), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 15. 17, 18. 19. 2S, 43, 58, 60, 72, 75. 77- 79,80,81,82. 88, 91, 94, 96, 108, in, 137, 138, 143, 177. 179, 180, 185, 187, 188, 192. Marcy, 38, 171, rgo. Marsh, 144. May, 107, 179, 191. Mclntyre ( Mackentire ), 12, 51. 3ref{/iehl, 5. Mixer (Mixter), 130, 164, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 190. Morris ( Moris - Morres- Morrice), 13, 15, 18, 28, 29, 30. 34. 35, 36. 44, 68, 71, 77, 78, 80, 107, 183, 184. X'atiek, 49. 50. Newell (Neuell - Newel - Newill), 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28, 30, 31.32.33, 34, 38,39. 41, 42, 43, 44. 46, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57,58,64, 69, 71,72, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,90, 91,92,93, 94.97.98. 100, loi, 102, 104, 105, 106, no, 113, 115, 118, 119. 121, 122, 123, 12S, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133. 134, 135, 136. 137. 138, 140, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 154, 157, 158. I59> 162, 163, 167, 169, 171, 174, 176, 17S, 179, 181, 185, 190, 191, 192, Nichols (Nicols), loi. O.rford, 5, 6, 18, 43, 45, 49, 58. 59, 60, 74, 75, 84, 103, 105. 107, 118, 125, 132, 180, 191. Paine, 133. Pay son, 56. Peabody (Peebody), 49,50. Pegin (Pagin), 30, 31, 36. Pepper (Peper), 8, 9, 19, 27, 28, 29,33,40, 41,42, 43. 44,45,46,50.52,53, 54,58, 64. Pettis, 174. Pollie (PoUey-PoUice-Pol- ly), 138, 144, 145, 146, 158, 169, 170. Potnfvet, ( Toiiifrief - Potnfrit), 18, 43, 44, 45, 49- Potter (Pottee), 125. Poirdpf Horn JBrooh, 36. Prentice, (Prentic), 18. Pumpillions (Pumpilins- Pumpillieus), 5, 51, 58. Itidex of Na/ncs of Faiuilies and Places. tit Putney (Putny), 7. 8,9, ii, 12, 14, 18, 20, 21.51, 71, 73, 83. 9I1 92, 109, 128, 130, 135, 138, 139. 143. 146, 148, 154, 163, 164, 178, 179, iSo, 182, 183. 1S4. Quincy, 6, 14. Qninehaufi Jtiver (Ouin- ehof/e - QuinehoTif/e - Q I' iniboa), 51, Ss, 172. Ramsdell (Ramsdel- Ramsdil - Ramsdill), 52, 53> 57. 60, 61, 62, 63, 71, 73, 85> 106, 115, 130, 146. Rice, 103, 118, 125. Rich, 19, 53, 58, 64, 106, 142, 143. 145. 146. 149. 158, 173, 188, 1 89. Richardson. 4, 11, 12,13, 15. 16, 17, iS, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25- 30. 57, 58, 60, 74, 138, 146, 147, 14S. Robbins ( Robins - Rob- inss). 59, 64. Robinson (Robenson-Rob- eson - Robison - Robson- Robuson). 7, 9, II, 12, 17, 29. 31.35,46,54,55, 70,71, 72,74, 75. 77,79,80. 81,84, 92, 97, 98, 99, 143, 148, 149, 150, 155, 158, 164, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176. 177, 179, 180, 186. 187, 191, 192. Rowe ( Reuwe - Ruewe ) 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Rnj-htirij, 3, iS, 49, 50. 121, 125- Ruggles (Ruggls), 156. Sabin (Saben - Sebin), 21, 30, 58, 59, 61, 83, loi, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 115, 12S, 146, 147, 149, 150, 154, 162, 177, 1S5, 190, 192. Saudrick, see Southwick. Scott (Scoot), 28, 32, 33, 35. 43. 52, 53, 70. 72. 73, 75- 76, 77, 78, 79, Si, 82, 122, 123, 140, 185. Smith, 179. Southwick (Sandrick), 7, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 43 50- 59, 70,122, 123, 157, 15S. Stevens. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52. 53- Stiles (Stills). 103, 118. 125. .Sfoiii/ Itifi'r, 5. Sti(i-hi'itltic ( Sfiifbriff - Stiirhfiife), 103, 118, 125 132, 140 Taylor ( Tayler ), 85. 86, 186, 188. 189. Thayer (Thair), 18. Thompson ( Tompson ), 164. 179. Thompson ( Thomsen - Tliotnsoii), iS, 4Q, no. Throop (Troop), 18,43, 45, 49. 50. Town, 132. 1S6. Truesdale (Trusdil), 171, 179, i85, 191. Upham, 164, 167, 171, 177, 178, 179. 185, 186, 1S7, 190. Vinton (Vintin-Vintteen), 68, 70. 75, 80,85,88,90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 100, loi, 11=;, 117, 119, 121, 128, 130, 132, 135. 145. 146, 14S, 156, 15S, 162, 164, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177. 17S, 179. 180, 183, 186, 191. Wakefield (Wakfeild- Wakfield), 7, 32, 35, 43, 58, 64, 66, 68. 69, 70, 71, 143, 164- Walter, 49, 50, 125. Ward, 115. Weatherel, 171. Weller, 117. White (Whit), 32, 54, 5S, 60, 73. 130, 186, 187, iqo. Willard, 6, 14. Williams (Willams), 4, 18, 43- 44, 45, 49- Willson, iSo. Winchester (Wenchester) 119. Vohurn, iS. Woodstock, 5, 16, 18, 26, 27. 43, 45, 49, 50. 51, 56, 74, 80, 84, 100. 103, 118, 125, 133. IVonester, 154. 155. Wyman (Wymon), no. INDEX OF NAMES OF FAMILIES AND PLAGES. VOLUME II. Family Names in Roman ; all others in Italics. Names in Parenthesis itidicate spelling in the Recori^s. Adams, 314, 317, 328, 345, 360. Albee, 281, 324, 329, 336, 343, 356. Allen (Allin), 207, 223, 234, 240, 243, 246, 261, 268, 271, 272, 318. 324. 329. 331. 335, 346. 353 360, 363. Animidown ( Amadon-Ain- idon -Amidowu - Ammi- don), 13, 81, 126, 133, 135, 150, 160, 168, 189, 214, 223, 240, 244, 246, 247, 256, 259, 261, 263, 266, 288, 300, 329, 343, 347, 356, 357, 358. Arnold, 127, 132, 133, 137, 138, 2S1, 288, 298, 300, 313, 342-3, 356. Atkins, 338. Austin 338. Averill (Averel), 292. Avery, 176. Bacon, 12, 20, 25,31 49, 53, 71, 73, 74,80, 84, 88, 93,99, 103, 104, 105 107, no, III, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 148, 160, 168, 248, 251, 252, 258. 262, 263, 266, 268, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281. 2S3. 284, 288, 289, 293, 307. 316, 321, 329, 342, 359, 363- 367- Bakeck, 105. Baker, 92. 225, 235, 246, 256, 277, 291, 299, 318, 346, 360. Balcom, 308. 317, 318. Ballard, 75, 100, 119. Barker, 356, 359. Barnes, 329, 353, 364. Barrett (Barret), 127, 254, Bates, 234, 293, 297, 302, 303, 313, 315, 324, 369. Bellows (Bellos — Bellus), 34, 53- Bigelow (Bigalow), 318,329. Blood, 36, 76, 119, 140. 163. Bolster, 300, 303. Borland, 265, 266. Boston, 21, 32, 40, 58, 65, 72. 89. 90. 97, 107, 112, 119, 144, 145, 146, 149, 157, 158, 185, 193, 211, 226, 247, 267, 278, 289, 292, 294, 295, 301, 319, 330, 346, 347. 361- Bowdoin (Bowdion), 214, 235, 256, 277, 2gi. Brackett (Brackatt— Brac- ket — Brackit— Brackitt), 8, 12, 21, 64, 74, 81, (Brack 87), 103, 126, 127, 135. 137. 171, 198, 216, 243, 250, 253, 254, 26?, 271. 284, 296,312, 323, 346, 356, 357, 364. Bradbury (Bradbery — Bradburie), 13, 30, 38, 56, 65,79,80, 81, 98, loi, no, 115, 126. Brown, 41, 94, 108. no, in, 133, 137, 142, 156. 160, 168, 180, 187, 192, 207, 238, 239, 248, 276, 285. 295, 296, 297 298, 300. 301, 309, 311, 312. 313. 318, 319. 321, 322, 323- 325. 342, 345, 346, 347, 349, 352, 355. 357, 358, 359, 364, Bruce, 282. Bullen, 41. Burnul (Burnal— Burruul), 13, 25, 38, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53-54, 55. 56, 58,59, 61, 62. Burrill (Burril),42. Canihfitlf/e (Cambrig — C a 111 e b r i d g e— Cham- bridge). 129, 134, 138, 157, 158, 200, 201. Campbell (Campbel), 35, 52, 54, 338. Carpenter, 74, 75, 117, 150, 169. Carter (Cartur), 17, 20, 33, 38, 39, 49, 51, 52, 53. 62, 63, 64, 69, 71, 77, 80, 85,87. 88, 91, 92, 93, 110, 114, 121, ■ 126. 127, 133, 135. 137, 142, 148, 150, 156, 160, 161, 165, 168, 177. 180, 192, 198, 207, 223, 233, 289. 322, 323, 325, 330, 33'- 343, 353- 369- Chamberlain (Chamber- lien-Chamberlin-Chara- berliue).6, 12, 13, 14,20,22, 23, 24, 3', 53, 57,66, 67, 71, 72,76. 78, 80, 81,82. S3. 92, 100, 107,110,113, 116. n7, 120, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 144, 148, 153, 158, 160,. 171, i6a, 189, 191, 192. IQ5, 202, 2ig, 221 222. 233, 234, 239, 242, 243, 244, 248, 252, 253, 255, 256, 261, 262, 263. 269, tl Index of Names of Fa?nilies and Places. 275> 277.279, 281, 283, 289, 291, 292, 295, 296, 297, 298, 302, 306, 307, 30S, 309, 310, 3". 312, 315. 316, 317, 318, 319, 321,322, 323, 324, 329, .-'336, 34t. 342, 343, 345. 346, 345, 355. 356, 357, 362, 364, 365. 367, 368, 369. Chandler, 48, 67, 118. CUarlestmvn (Charls- to w u) , 157, 158. C h a ritou ( Chalton- Cherlton), 35, 36, 5?, 75, 76, 100, 101, 119, 124, 128, 129, 130, 140, 180, 181, 246, 247, 254. 300. 303, 3041 338. 348, 3,^8. Chase, 88, 104. Chmilnnt(fffn>i(jfi'maiig I'ond (Charmagunka- iiiuge— Chaole M. G. — Chauguuagungamug — Chogamegunamug), 35, 100, 246, 369. Cheney (Clieaney— Cheany Cheeuey-Cheeuy- Chey- ne), 9, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 41, 102, 124, 126, 127, 128, 133, I-4I, 142. i53> '54. 155. 157. 159. 161, 1S6, 198, 308, 212, 243, 250, 253, 254, 275, 284, 297, 313, 331, 343. 346, 347. 348. 351. 357. 358. Child, 71, 74, 75, 118, 143, 279. Chubb, 34, 73. Clapp (Clap), 259, 260, 263, 276, 343. Clark, 180, 198, 216, 219, 229, 233, 253, 2S2, 283, 288. Coats, 9, 10. Coburn (Cobourn), 34, 44, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, So, 82, 83, 92, 93, 103, 117, 132, 135, 152, 169. 172, 236, 265, 265, 284, 306, 308. Coffin, 13. Coniau, 234, 241, 243, 244, 271, 285, 312, 364. Comstock (Comstok), 292. Couant (Conat). 6, 8, 10, 12, 13. 14. 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 27, 28. 29, 30, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40. 43. 45. 46, 48, 49.50. 51. 55. 56. 58. 59, 60, 6i, 63, 66, 68, 70. 71, 73, 74, 75. 76- 77. 78. 80, 85, 87, 88, 92,93,103, 104, no, 116, 117 124, 126. 127, 128, 135, 137 171, 194, 207, 208, 223, 243, 307, 324. Concord, 84, 154, 201, 202, 208. Cook, 77, 127. Corbin, 6, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34.35, 37. 38, 39. 4°. 42,45. 46,47,49,51, (Corb52),53, 56. 57. 59, 63. f4, 65- 66. 67, 70,71,72, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 92,93.98,103,107. 110, 113, 114, 122, 126, 132, 133, 135, 137. 142, 143, 152, 153, 160, 165. 168, 169, \ji, 180, 183, 186, 190, 192, 198, 201, 207, 209, 212, 213, 218, 2ig, 222, 223, 224. 225, 226, 227, 230, 232, 236, 243, 248, 250, 253, 257,-258, 259, 260, 263 268, 269, 271, 275, 276, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 287, 288, 293. 295, 297, 298. 299, 3C0, 302, 303, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312.313. 314. 3'5. 317. 322, 324. 325- 329. 330. 336, 340. 342, 343> 345, 346. 348, 351. , 354, 355- 356, 363. 367. Cotton 208, 214 Crafts, 214. 277. Curamings ( Comings — Cummins), 304. 336. Curtis (Corrtis — Cortis — CortLss — Cortti.s) , 8, 11, 12,21, 31, 44, 56, 64,65, 71, 72, 87, SS, 89, 90. 91, 92, 94. 95, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, III. 113, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 125, 126,' 128, 129, 132. 133. 137, 142. 145. 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 156, 159, 160, i6r, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, i77 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 194, 196, 198, 207, 214, 216, 219, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 233, 236, 242, 246, 250, 252, 255, 257, 263, 266, 268, 269, 275, 277, 284, 288, 291. 292. 293, 295, 297, 301, 303, 319. 320, 343. 356. Cushiug. 225, 235, 245, 256, 266, 277, 291. Cutting (Cuttin), 25, 26. Dailey (Daily), 353- Dalr5-mple ( Dalrimple — Dalrympbell — Delrem- ple — Delrymbell), 127, 165, 225. 369. Darby, 52. 176. Davis. 21, 40.58- 59' 77, 88,89, 96 97. 98. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, no, 113, 116, 117, 119, 120. 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 133. 134. 135. 136, 137. 139,140, 14I1 142, 143. 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 176, 177, 179. 180, 181, 183, 184, 1S5, 186, 187, 188, 191, 194, 195, '197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204. 206, 207, 209, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 23S, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 255, 256. 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 26Q, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278, 280, 28l,\282, 284, 285, 2S6, 287,-288, ^9, 290, 291, 293, 294, 296, 297, 299, 304, 305, 327, 329. 334, 335, 336, 33S, 342. 343, 344, 346, 350, 351,360,363. \ Davison, 13, 20, 23, 24, 25, 33, 52. 64. Day, 71, 73, 92, 93, 04. 95, 97, 98, 99, loi, 103, 144-5, 151, 156, 160, 163, 168, 169, 180, 187, 194, 197, 201, 202, 206, 211, 213. 219, 223, 229, 232, 233, 236, 239, 240, 241, 242. 243, 246, 250, 251. 252, ^3, 254, 255, 257, 258, 261, 263. 26S, 269, 276, 280, 281, 283, 286, 291. 293, 295, 296, 300, 301, 302, 304, 307, 309, 312, 316, 318, 319, 320, 323, 324. 325, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 335. 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 346, 347, 348, 349. 350, 351, 352, 353, 354. 355, 356. 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 365, 366, 367. 369- Dennis, 13, 14. 22. 23, 26, 38, 71, 80, 83. 87. 126, 137. Dodge, 13. 20,21,25.39,95, 125, 137, 143 146, 149- 163, 168, 199, 202, 222, 242, 245, 249, 251, 253, 256, 261, 263, 264, 266, 268 273, 276, 292, 298, 302, 303, 324. Dorr, 225, 236, 304. Douglass (Douglas), 8i. Dresser, 36, 76, 140. Dudley. 49, 108, 115, 118, 124, 143, 322, 325, 354. Duntou, 320. Dyer (Dier), 254, 342, 347. 348. Eames (Earns — Ernes), 26, 44, 53, 71, 84 87, 92. no, 117- 133- 137. 142, 143, 144, 1.15, 146, 147. 148, 161, 168. Eston, 276, 295, 313, 334, 335, 337, 338. 356, 363- Eddy (Eady), 207, 208, 219, 225. 232, 242, 252, 253, 261, 269. 271, 273, 275, 277, 278, 281, 28S. 307. 309. 314, 323, 324.325,328,330, 331. 332, 333- 335- 341- 342, 344, 345, 347, 349, 352. 353, 354, 355, 356. 357, 358, 359, 360. 364. Edmunds (Edmands), 16, 30 46, 48, 52. 56, 57, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 87, 93, 115. 124, 126. 127. i?8, 133, 137, 142, 148, 160. 168, 180. 197, 207,208, 209, 213, 215. (Ed- wards 217), 219. 221, 222, 227, 243, 263, 265, 268, 271, 273, 274, 277, 292, 295, 320, 322, 324, 358, 364. Edwards, 217. Eggleston (Eagleston — Egleston), 268, 278. Index of Names of Families and Places. Hi El well (EUwell), 26, 191, 198, 230, 243, 253, 275, 289, soy- Fairbanks (Fairbauk-Far- bauk-Fearbauk), iS, 19, 21, 23, 26, 27, 38, 46. 59, 63, 64. 70, 71. 72. 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 84. 87. 88, 93. 97, 99.103, 107,108,109,110, 113, 116, 117, 121, 126, 132, 133, 146, 148, 160, 162. Fenuer (Fenuor), 199, 243. 251. 258, 276, 296, 317, 318, 323-3311352. Fessendeu (Fesenden). 56, 266, 277, 299, 309, 318, 328. 346, 360. Fisher, 363. Fisk (Fesk— Fishe), 17, 41, 77, 246, 259. Fitts, 275. 346. Flagg, 343, 366. Fling, 95. Flyn,325. Foskett (Foskitt) 35, (Fos- dicks/), 75- Foster, 21, 30, 39, 46, 47, 48, 50. 51. 54. 55.56.64,65 71, 83. 93, 108 109, no. III, 117, 132. 134, 135. 136, 137, 142, 146, 148, 151, 152, 160, 168, 169, 180, 183, igt, 192, 194, 197, 198, 207, 222, 223, 233. 234> 239, 242, 243. 244, 245, 246, 252, 253, 263, 275, 278, 288, 296, 297, 309, 312, 313, 314, 320, 321. 329, 342, 344. 346. 353. 356, 3631 364, 365, 366. 369. Fowler, 366. Freeman, 77, 102, 254, 300, 356. French Mlvev {f fence), 65. 97,98. 99, 100, 245, 246, 253, 365. 366. Fuller, 25, 26, 299. Gardner, 158, 161, 163. Gariield, 72. Gerry, 299 Gill, 225, 235, 245. 256, 266, 277,291, 299, 318. 328, 345, 360- Gleason ( Glyson — Glys- son). 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14. 15, 16, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23. 28, 31. 32,33,43,44,45 47,48, 58, 72,78, 85, 102, 158, 159, 160, 161 195, 196, 204, 205, 22Q 230, 262. 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271 , 301. 306, 307,308,309,311. 313, 314, 316. 319, 326, 327, 334, 335, 336. 345, 346. Goodell (Goodel). 322. Gordon, 151, 292, 300. Gore, 6, 20, 22, 30, 56. 57, 66, 71. 80, 81. 82. 83, 92, no, III, 113, 116, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 142, 190, 198, 209, 223, 225, 227, 232, 233, 275, 29S, 30S, 309, 322, 325. 335,356- Gorhatn, 266, 299. Gould (Goold), 7,80. Gray, 158. Grcut Jirifain, 173, 176. Green, 10, 81, 93. Griggs (Gregg'), 5, 7, 9, 10, 82, 124, 127. 1 28. Groo, 250, 268. 279. 292. Grout (Groute), 291. 299, 309- 310. 315. 336, 340, 345. 365, 369. Guy, 137- Hall, 15, 22, 23, 81, 88, 108, III. Hancock (Haucok-Haud- cock), 176, 214, 224. 235, 245, 256, 291, 299, 317, 328, 345, .'560. Harris (Harress-Harriss), 12. 14, 15, 16, 17. 18. 19, 25, 198, 199. 283, 2S6, 30S. 309. Harvard College, 138. Harwood, 41. Haskell ( Harscall - Hars- kel - Harskell - Haskal - Haskel), 115, 117, 124, 127. 12S, 137, iSo, 187, 192, 208, 2ig, 227, 230, 250, 275, 324. 359> 364- Hayden, 263, 297. 303 Healy (Healey-Heley), 12. 13. 20. 21, 25, 26, 30, 38, 46, 52, 53, 54, 56. 64. 66, 71, 72, 73, 80, 81, 82, 85, 87. 92, 93. 98. 103, 104, no. III. 112, 113, 114, 116, 122, 125, 127, 130, 132, 133, 136, 137. 142, 145, 147, 148, 150, 152, 154, 155, 159, 161, 163, 169. 179, 180, 1S3, 189,- 191, 193, 197, 202, 204, 207. 213, 216, 217, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 232, 233, 240, 242, 243. 249, 250, 252. 253, 255, 260, 261, 263, 266, 268, 269, 275, 284, 285. 286, 2SS, 289, 291, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 302, 303, 307, 313, 317.318,321.324. 329, 331, 336, 338. 342, 343. 344, 346, 347, 348, 353, 356, 360, 363, 364, 369- Heath, 223, 303. 353. Hebbard (Hebberd— Hib- berd), 25, 31, 38,83, 160, 177 261, 264. Hill, 219, 221, 239, 295, 296, 307. 311, 313,318. Hobbs (Hobbes), 6, 292, 303. 336- Holhrook, 240, 253, 255, 256, 308, 314. 329. Holton, 235. Hood, 322. Hooker, 142. Hovey. 148, 181, 186, 198, 207, 216, 253, 263, 275, 288, 297. 313, 324.. 342. 356. Howard, 145, 369. Humphrey ( Humphry), 42, 93. .301. 314, 3'7, 361. Huntington, 304. 305. Hutchius (Hochins), 31, 143- Indians, 88, 89, 146, 149, 175. 177. luman, 186, 207, 208, 264, 364- Ingraham (Ingram), 353. Jacksou. 137, 167, 169, 186, 187, 192, 193, 276, 300, 326. Jarvis, 365. Jefferds (Jeffers — Jefford— Jeffords), 33, 38, 63, 65, 67, 68. 69, 70, 71, 80, 117, 126, 135, 137, 142, 148, 151. 156, 169, 190, 192. 193, 198, 239, 253. 293. 313, 324. 362. Jewell, 20. 30, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49. 64, 71, 92, 98. 103. no, 112, 116, 137, 140, 141, 142, 148 152, 156, 160, 168, 169. 180, 183, 192, 195, 196, 198. 207, 225, 240, ^43, 253, 274, 276, 297, 313. Johnson, 308, 336, 337, 338, 346, 347. 349. 350, 361. 363. 365. 366, 367, 368. Jones, 292. Jordan (Jorden), 254. Keith (Kieth), 132, 136, 142, 158, 160, 168, 171, 178, 179, iSo, 183, 189, 191, 192, 197. 200, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 222, 233. 234, 240, 242, 252, 253, 261, 263, 275, 276, 2S8, 313. 325, 326, 342, 346, 357, 364. 368. Kidder. 38, 39, 56, 59, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74. 75, 80, 83. 87, 93, 103, 104, no, 117,121, 126, 130. 133, 137. 142. 148, 160, 168, iSi, 207, 223, 243. 2S4. KiUlnaly (KilUngfei/) , 9, 108, 109, no. III, 116, 118, 130, 131, 133, 143, 169, 338 Kimball. 346. King, 105, 325. Kingsbury, 356. Kinsley, 318, 360, 366. Lamb, 92, no, 117, 247. Lnncdstef, 112, 1 learned (Learned - erd), 35, 75, 100, 136, 140, 142, 143, 149, 150, 151, 152, 159, 163. 165, 167, 170, 171, 184, 186, 200, 201, 203, 204, 209, 212, 214, 222, 243, 246, 248, 254, 120, 121, 13- — Learu- 132, 134. 146, 147, 153. 156. 16S, 169, 190, 197, 205, 207, 224, 227, 263, 266, IV Index of Names of Faynilies and Places. 275, 276, 284, 288, 293, 296, 299, 30I1 3i2t 314, 3i9> 321. 323- 324. 326, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333. 335i 337. 338. 339, 340, 341, 342, 345, 347. 349, 351. 352. 354. 355. 356, 357. 358, 359, 362. Lawton, 288, 297, 363. Learned, see Lamed. Leavens, 94, 95, 105. Lee, 207, 222, 227, 232, 234, 242, 243, 244, 253, 275, 2S4, 255, 296,304, 312, 319, 323, 326, 328, 329. 330, 331, 332, 333, 333- 337. 339, 34i, 342. 345, 347. 349- 351, 352, 355, 357, 358. 359. 365- Lieicester (lieicsier,) 281, 282. Leshuse, 336. Liberty, 325. Lillie, 109. Lincoln (Linckcoln), 214, 256, 291, 299,317. Lyman, 33S, 365, 366, 369. Lyon, 118. Mansfield, 275, 284. Marcy, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 33, 39. 45, 57. 64, 80, 84, 87, 92, 102, 103, no, 112, 114. n6, iiS, 125, 130, 132, 134, 136. 137. 139, 140, 142, 144. 147. 150, 159, 160, 161, 168, 170, 171, 172, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 187, 18S, 189. 190. 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 202, 206, 207, 209, 211, 213. 215, 217, 218, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 233, 236, 237, 239, 240, 242, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 257, 259, 280, 281, (Mercy 313), 321, 331, 348. Marsh (March — Marse), 7, 41, 233, 287. 289, 325. May. 6, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 2ii 31. 33. 46, 52, 64, 207, 219. 221, 264, 269, 279, 292. Maynard, 291. McClellan ( Mackclallen), 34- Mellin, 360. Mills, 338. Mixer, 8, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 23. 30, 36, 37, 46, 49, 52, 54. 56, 57.62, 63, 70, 71, 74.75, 76, 77, 80, 83. 84, 85. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 116. Moore (More), 94, 95, 246. Morney, 258. Morris (Morres- Morress- Morriss), 26, 27, 39, 130, 144, 156. 158, 186, 191, 194, 197, 202, 206, 209, 211, 212, 216, 222, 224, 225, 227, 233, 242, 248, 250, 252, 288, 313, 314, 324, 325. 330, 343, 356, 364- Mowry (Morey), 137, 304. Newell, 5, 6, II, 12, 15, i8, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 38, 41, 44, 46, 50, 53, 56, 63, 64, 66, 67, 71, 72, 73. 77, 78, 79. 81, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, loi, 102, 103, 104, no, 117, 118, 121, 125, 126, 127, 130, 133, 142, 148, 171, 180, 186, 194, 198, 202, 207, 213, 214, 216, 219, 223, 226, 261, 264, 268, 273, 275, 291, 346, 359, 360, 361. Newton. 320. Nichols (Nickels — Nick- olls--Nickols), 52, 214. 225, 236, 256, 346, 356, 357, 359, 363, 364- Noland. 42. Kortha tni>totr , 338. North M'oodsfock, 237) 338. Oxford, 35, 54, 75, 76, 99, 100, 116, 118, 119, 139, 169, 246, 262, 264, 300, 301. Page, 214. Paine (Pain), 259, 260, 264, 299, 309. 310. 315, 318. 329, 338. Pairpoint (Pairpint— Pair- poynt— Pierpont), 35, 75, 109. Palmer, 34, 160, 171. Pease (Peass). 105. Penniman (Peniman), 299, 318. Perry (Perrey), 17, 236, 279, 289, 300, 318, 329. Peters, 318. Phillips (Philips), 115, 117, 124, 127, 128, 133, 292, 300, 308, 309, 320, 329, 336. Pierce, 105. Pike, 346. Pollie (Policy — Polly), 21, 25, 30, 38, 46, 56. Pond, 369. Powers, 292. Pratt, 254, 292. Pullen,V. Putney. 21, 26, 36, 38, 53, 56, 72, 76, 92, 95, 96, 97, 102, 103, 104, 117, 124, 126, 135, 137, 142, 180, 181, 223, 234, 263, 264. 275, 295, 308, 309, 325, 329. 342, 356. Quiiicbnuy River (Quin- abog - Quinabogg -Qiiin- abogue-Quinebog-Quiu- eboge- Quinibog-Quinn- abog -Quinnaboge- Quinnebog), 53, 54, 57, 60, 65, 66, 70, 141, 159. 161, 179, 181, 185, 186, 232, 234, 339, 340, 341, 343, 347. 349, .350, 351, 363- Ramsdell (Ramsdel-Rams- dil), 48, 109. Read (Reed), 214, 236, 246, 259, 260, 291, 304. Records (Keacords— Rick- ords), 105, 145. liliodc Island, 77. Rich, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 48, 49, 61, 62, 70. Robbins (Robins), 81, 130, 276, 289. 299. Robinson, 7, 9, 13, 28. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 42. 43, 44. 54. 56. 64, 66, 70, 71, 72, 75, 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88,93, 97, 100, loi, 102, 104, 108, 109, no, ni, 115. n6, 117, 118. 121, 127, 132, 133, 139, 140, 148, 161, 167, 169, 170 192, 193, 219. 221, 222, 230, 231, 233, 243, 244, 246, 254 261. 268, 279, 288, 336, 353. Rogers, 308, 309. Roth, 70, 72 Rowe (Riiewe), 22, 23, 26, 38, 56, 67. Russell (Russel), 176, 301, 338. Sabin (Saben), 13, 25, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57. 59. 60, 64, 76, 80, 87, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 103, no, 113, 116, JI7, 118, 120, 124, 125, 126, 132, 137. 145. 146. 147. 148, 156, 160, 168, 180, 181, 186, 187, 191, 197, 198. 201, 216, 219, 222, 227, 230, 233, 234, 243, 253. 263, 271, 297. 329, 343, 347- Sdh'in, 154, 176. Sanders, 42. Sawyer, 84. Sayles (Sailes — Sayls), 77, 321, 342. 356, 364. Scott, 31. 34, 38, 64, 67, 71, 80, 88, 92, no. Searle (Saris — Serls), 82, 128, 254, Sedgwick (Sedwich), 365, 366. Senath (Senah), 292, 300, 308, 309. Shafter, 34, 67. Shearman, 180. Shepard, 275. Shumway (Shumwas), n8, 140, 287, 289 S i n g 1 e tary (Singlitary), 291. 299, 318, 328, 346. Skinner, 365. 366, 369. Sly, 148, 303, 369. Smead, 366. Smith, 77, no, 117, 127, 143, 198, 199, 234, 314, 321, 323, 325- 326, 346, 361. Sinithfxeld, It. I., 77. Southwick, 42. Spaulding (Spalding), 268, 303. Sprague (Sprage), 266, 267, 280, 281, 299, 309, 336. Index of Names of Families and Places. V Sprinfffield, Mass., 217. Stearns (Sternes— Sterns), 25. 45- 47- 48, 49. 360. Stoddard, 95. Stodder, 64. Stone (Ston), 46. 64, 65, 79, 81. 100, 150, 161, 194. 223, 240, 291. 297, 299, 343, 364. Stoiv, 158, 161, 163. Strong, 366 StttrhrhUfe ( Sturbriripr — Sturbrig — Sturbrige), 9. 14 15, 17, 41, 76, 101, 102, 118. 127, 140, 143, 247, 254, 279. 33I1 3381 352. Sullivan, 365. Sutton (Sutten), 7, 41, 251, 276, 338- Taft, 180, 256, 29T, 299, 318. Taylor (Tayler), 11. 38, 39. 62, 103, 124. 126, 127 299. Thayer (Thayre). 303. Thompson (Tonipsou) 21, 32, 33. 43. 121 126, 127, 130, 139, 148, 1 68, 176, 234, 253, 264, 276, 284. Thoni2>soii , 279, 338. Titus (Titas), 292. Town. 360. Truesdale (Trusdil— Trus- dile), 13, 25, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37- Tucker, 42, 300. Tufts, 35Q. Tyler, 291. Underwood, 208. Zhiitetl States of Amer- ica, 175. Upham, 6, 12, 13 14, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, S2, 33- 34. 35, 36, 37. 38- 39. 44, 46, 48, 49, 50. 54. 55- 57, 5S, 63, 64. 66, 72. 75. 77. 84, 92, 94. 95. 96. 97, 98, 100, J03, IJ4, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120. 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 145, 148, 156, 163, 17S, 189, 192, 19S, 201, 202, 2l6, 219, 225, 227, 230, 235. 237. 23S, 253, 263, 269, 289, 302, 343. Vennor, 209. Vinton (Vinto), 12, 14, 25, 27, 28, 29, 39, 41.53,54, 72, 77, 80, 83, &4, 87, 115, 124, 126, 128, 133, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 148, 151, 152, 156, 159, 160, 161, 163, 167, 168, 170, 171, 179, 180, 1S6, 198, 201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 225, 243, 253, 263, 275, 284, 285, 28S, 313, 321, 324, 336, 339. 340, 342, 343. 347. 348, 349- 35°, 55i, 352, 353. 356, 357. 358, 359. 360, 361, 362, 363, 364. Vose (Voce — Vorce), 198, 207, 223, 233, 253, 263, 297, 356. Wakefield (Wackfield— Wakefeild — Wakfeild), 9, 46, 92, 93, 96, 117, 118, 169, 180, 198, 233, 235, 239, 240, 242, 253, 263, 264. 26S, 269, 273. 324, 343, 356. Walcott (Walcot-Wallcot) 320, 325. 329. 341. 342, 343. 344. 349. 352, 353- Waldo, 225. 268. Waldron, 70, 72, 142, 148, 157. 171. 275- Ward. 235, 309, 340, 366. Warner, 236, 246, 256, 266, 346, 360. Warren (Warrin), 115, 126, 127, 132, 137, 142, 147, 148, 153, 156, 160, 165, 169, iSo, 183, 186, 187, 190, 192, 197, 198, 201, 202, 207, 20S, 209, 222, 233, 235. 237, 241, 242, 248, 261, 263, 264. 265, 266, 268, 271, 275, 277, 278, 281, 2S3, 296, 299, 302, 304, 312, 314, 320. 321, 323, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 335. 337, 339, 340, 344, 346, 355, 362, 366. Washburn ( Wasbouru ), 214, 225. 236, 246, 256, 266, 277, 291. 292. 299, 318 329. fVatertown, 162, 163, 164, 171. Watson, 119, 140. Webster, 13 44. Wetherill (Wetherel-Weth- eril). 20, 80 S3. 84, 85, 86, 87. 133- Vest Jf'oodstoeh, 338. White, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39. 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 77, 80, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 113, 115. 117, iig, 122, 123, 125, 127, 168, 180, 198, 223, 233. 25-?, 269, 288, 295. Whitford. 236, 318. Whitney, 290, 364. Wilcox (Willcocks — Will- coks). 269. 292. Wilder, 291, 299, 318, 329, 345. 360, 366. Wiley. 34, 95. Willard. 105, 117, 206, 209. 233, 237, 243, 249, 250, 269, 275. 285, 286, 298, 300, 302, 329, 342, 346, 356, 357, 364. Williams, 79, 94, 338. Wilson (Wiilson), 35. Wyman (Wiman), 343. Winter, 267, 317, 3^8. 322. Winthrop(Wenthrop), 124, 127. 254. Wood, 194, 197, 202, 207, 219, 221, 223, 225. 230, 232, 234, 250, 296, 312, 323, 342, 355, 356, 364 Woodstock, 74, 75, 76, 102, 115, 118, 124, 128, 143, 279, 337. 338. 358. Young, 166. 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