Glass T^ I 5 Zi Book__ '-^ .L^^ GENEALOGICAL GLEANINGS, CONTRIBUTORY TO A HISTORY OF THE FAMILY OF PENN. By J. HENRY LEA, Fairhaven, Mass. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine, Apinl, 1890. [The following fragments, comprising items gleanpf^ at odd moments during a very busy year passed in special investigations among the English Records, are submitted with some diffidence, as they are, at best, but disjecta membra and can do little more than point out the path which the (let us hope not distant) future historian of the family should tread in his researches. A stray handful only, gathered from a field full of promise to that patient investigator whose time and means may permit an exhaustive examination of the ground. The name of Penn is a very ancient one in England, dating in fact not only behind the Norman, but even the Saxon Conquest, as the word, a distinctly native British appellation, which signifies a Top, Hill, Crest, or Summit, occurs in this sense in many different and widely- separated parts of the Kingdom, and no doubt, as the use of surnames became general, gave local rise to several altogether distinct families whose only connection is in the coincidence of their common cognomen. It is not very uncommon to find it used with its translation as an alias [i.e., Hill alias Penn), for an example of which see the Register of South Littleton, Wore, (page 58), as also the Will of William Penn, of Charles- town, Mass., 1688, cited by Savage.^ The name is most frequent, as we might expect would be the case, in Cornwall,'' Devon, and Wales, where the indigenous population made their last stand against the invaders. 1 Savage's Genealogical Diet., vol. III., fo. 389. 2 " By Tre, Ros, Pol, Lan, Caer & Pen, You may know the most of the Cornish men." Heraldic Journal, vol. IV., fol. 11. 1^ u^"^ 2 Genealogical Gleanings. Of these families one of the most ancient was that of Penn Manor,^ CO. Bucks, which claims to antedate the Conquest and from which, it has been claimed, our Founder's family was derived — a claim which, like so many other traditional ones, will not bear the light of investi- gation, and which the proofs, hereafter given, utterly refute, as will be shown later. In the Northern part of Bucks, at Stony Stratford, was another family of Penn which may have been, and probably were, cadets of the former, but no proof has yet been discovered to connect them. At Codicote, in Hertfordshire,^ a family were long seated which probably descended from John Penn, Citizen and Mercer of London, whose will was proved in 1450; certain it is that his son Ralph was of that CO. and died there childless in 1483, but whether the John Penn of Codicote who died in 1557 was descended from one of Ralph's brothers, John or Thomas, is as yet a matter of conjecture only ; a search of the Wills in the Commissary Court of London, Essex, and Herts would probably set this point at rest. In Worcestershire there have been Penns from a very early period (the name occurs there in the reign of Edward III) in the district about Bromsgrove, where we find them in considerable numbers. A most interesting MS. has been preserved written by one John Penn (traps. Commonwealth), a member of this family, which throws much light on the history of the Penns of Worcestershire.* The arms which he there claims are the same as those borne by the Founder differenced by " in cheife a lyon passant gules" and in his time "wass standing thus in the beginning of our late warrs in the said church (i.e., Churchill, near Starbridge) window and there remaineth if it be not ruinated by the late usurpers." One of the daughters of this family, in 1713, married the poet Thomas Shenstone. Another colony, perhaps quite distinct from the former, flourished at Pershore, Littleton, Chipping-Campden, &c., on the borders of Worcester, Warwick, and Gloucester ; Francis Penn of Bobbington, Staffordshire, 1613, may have been of this latter family. Salop also furnishes its quota and a pedigree is given of a Penn family of Stockton, in that county, which extends 15 generations previous to the seventeenth century ; the Arms being again identical with those of our Founder.* ^ " Penn, as its name signifies, stands on very high ground" (see Lyson's Magna Britanica, vol. I., pt. 3, fo. 618). See for Pedigree of Penn of Penn, Notes and Queries, 5th Series, vol. I., fo. 265, and Lipscomb's Bucks, vol. III., fo. 287. ^ A very full pedigree of this family, with copious extracts from the Parish Kegisters, is given in Clutterbuck's Herts, vol. II., fo. 306, which has been reprinted in Coleman's pamphlet on the Penn Family. 3 Herald & Genealogist, vol. VII., fo. 131. * Harl. MS. N» 1241, fo. 128 op. cit. ; Herald & Genealogist, vol. VII., fo. 144. Genealogical Gleanings. 3 Northcampton.Kent, and Sussex also furnish names which are not yet identified with any of the other pedigrees, while the Hampshire family and their London branches are very probably an offshoot of the Wilt- shire stock, as may be also the Penns of Fifehead, Somerset. The Wiltshire family will of course be of the greatest interest to us, as it is certainly that of our illustrious Founder, and it gives the writer much satisfaction to be able to cast a ray of light on what has hitherto been a somewhat obscure page of genealogical history. It has been generally assumed that the William Penn of Minety, with whom ^;he existing pedigrees commence, was a cadet of the Penns of Penn, co. Bucks, and this belief seems to have been based on a tradition (as untrustworthy as such traditions usually are) which is embodied in a letter of John Penn, Sen., Esq., to Dr. Smith, of Penna.' (query, if Dr. George Smith, the Historian of Delaware County ?), in which it is stated that the father of William Penn of Minety was a younger son, named William, of David and Sibel (Hampden) Penn of Penn, who was a monk in the Abbey of Glastonbury in Somerset, and after the dissolution, being granted lands in the Forest of Braydon, Wilts, by Henry VIII, he married and became the progenitor of the Wiltshire Penns. This statement, in view of the especial fury which the iconoclastic monarch displayed towards Glastonbury and its inmates, more than almost any other of the religious houses which he spoiled, would be naturally received with suspicion, as it would not seem plausible, to say the least, that he should have hanged the Abbot and distributed his mangled body among the surrounding towns, while at the same time rewarding with rich gifts one of his late retainers. Moreover, the Abbey was not attacked until 1539, while in 1538, as the documents hereafter cited will show, the Penn family was already fully established in the County. Awbrey says, " The Penns have been here a long time, but, I think, only Yeomen. In Braden Forest, in parish of Brinckworth,'^ is Penn's Lodge, yet so called. At Rodburne there were Penns which Power of Stanton Quinton married." * ^ Commonplace Book of John Penn, Jan., Esq. in Penn MSS. in Lib. Hist. See. Penna., Phila., op. cit. Notes & Queries, 5th Series, vol. I., fo. 265. He is followed in this error by Mr. Stratford (Worthies of Wilts, fo. 145) who says "Awbrey was mistaken in making William Penn a Wilt- shire man," and repeats substantially the above tradition. 2 The Register of Brink worth only exists from the year 1653. The Vicar, Kev. William de Quetteville, very kindly made a thorough search of the records from that date, but failed to find a single entry of the name of Penn, while the writer was equally unsuccessful with the Bishop's Transcripts at Sarum, of which twelve fragmentary years exist previous to 1653, the earliest being 1572. ^ Awbrey's AViltshire Collections, Jackson's Edition, fo. 270. 4 , Genealogical Gleanings. To this we have to add that David Penn of Penn, in his will (1570) while reciting his children, makes no mention of any son William, nor does his eldest son John (1596) name such a brother or descendants of such brother. It is then among the sturdy yeomanry of Wilts that we have to look for the ancestry of that most illustrious scion of the race, the Founder of Pennsylvania. But in the absence of further proof, which only a patient and thorough investigation of the Wiltshire Records and Registers will yield, it is idle to speculate further on the conjectural kinship of the various Penns of Wilts during the sixty years that elapse between their first appearance in these notes and the death of William Penn of Minety, with whom the authentic pedigree begins, and, waiting such proof, the writer sus- pends all further comment, although the temptation is strong to build uj) a conjectural pedigree out of the scanty material already at hand. In conclusion the writer wishes to express his feeling of deep obliga- tion to the many and kind friends in England who have done so much to aid him in his researches and among whom the word " America" has ever proved an "Open Sesame!" to the vast Antiquarian treasures of the realm. To Mr. J. C. C. Smith, the Superintendent of the Literary En- quiry Department at Somerset House, in particular, he would express his thanks for an unfailing courtesy and patience, as also to Mr. G. H. Rodman, in charge of the District Probate Courts at same place ; like- wise to his friends Mr. William Brigg of Epping Forest and Mr. Eedes of London, to whose kindness in furnishing abstracts of a number of wills overlooked by him in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury he owes the practical completion to the eighteenth century of the records of that most important of all the English Courts. To the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, which has generously defrayed a considerable portion of the expense of these collections, his thanks are also due. Such as they are, then, these notes are submitted, and if they have the efTect of arousing the dormant interest in the Family of our Founder that should animate every true Pennsylvanian and lead some other and more competent worker into the field, the writer will feel himself well repaid for his labors.] PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY. PENN WILLS from 1383 to 1700.i 1450 — Jolin Peniie, Citizen & Mercer of London ; to be buried in St. Albans, Wode strete, London ; wife Alice, sons Ralph, John & Thomas Penne ; daus Alice, Mary & 1 The Wills of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury date from 1383, but before 1400 are somewhat fragmentary ; the Admons. date only from 1559, none being preserved before that date. Genealogical Gleanings. 5 Murgaret. Wit. wife's father Thomas fforeby ; Exrs. John Lok & Wilton Grand Proved 7 Sept., 1450.^— Rous 11. 12 1483 — Eaufe Penne of Co. of Hertf, Gentilraan ; to be buried in church of Adenhm betwene Edmude Broke & the Chauncell vnder the Arch ; all feoffees that be enfeoffid in all my goodes and landes maners rents and s'uices \vt the apprtenncs that be in the Counties of Hertf, Midd. and Surr', that they in goodely hast aftyr ray.deceese do make astate and relese to myn exrs. her'aftyr named a sufficient Sur' and laufull astate of and in all the seid maners londes rents and s'uices wt their apprtennce to thentente to pforme my Will &c.; all profits of all my lands to go to the ordennce of a chapell on Coppidthorn hill till it be fynyshed for the ease of the neyghbours that fer to ps church ; a yerely obite in Aldenhm church ; exrs. to ordeyne k make sure for eu'more as raoche londe to the yerely value of xx s. for to kepe & repayre the Church wey betwene Illestre & Rylond gate; Richard Howell shall haue the grete Whits for euyrmor to hym & hys heyres ; to sell my lond in london and Lamehith ; to euerich of my cosyns fierbeis x li. ; to John Poke for fme of hys liefe v marke a yer & all hys costs that he doth abought me ; same to Richd : Grotemore ; euerich of my god children x s. ; myn executors John Ver- ney, John Peke, Humfry Conyngesby and Richard Grote- more; John Verney & Ilumfrey Conyngesby Resid. Lega- tees; And I the seid Raufe the last day of Septembyr the yer of our Lord mlcccclxxxv ratefie and conferme the same. Probatum fuit coram nobis ac p. nos approbatum et in sinuatum testm. (no date given) — Logge 27. 1504 — Richard Pen, Citizen & Taillor of London; to be buried in the Chapel of St. Ann, Church of St. Brides, Flete strete ; brothers John & Richard Pen ; sister Lewce ; nephew Thomas Everton ; wife deceased ; Proved 2 April 1504. — Holgrave 5 1 Probably the John Penn who was Sheriff of London 1410, vide Bakers' Chronicle, fo. 168. Undoubtedly the ancestor of the Penns of Codicot^, Herts. A John Penn was also M. P. for Weymouth in 1413, 1420, and 1422, but probably not identical. Her. Jnl. IV., fo. 11. 6 Gcneahgmd Gleanings. 1558 — Thomas Peiine of Stonestreteforde, co. Bucks, Tan- ner; to be bur. in Church of St. Gyles at Stonestreteforde; sons Roger, John & Thomas Penne; dau. Marye; Exrs. sons Roger k John ; Overseer Jordeyne Thomas ; dat. 11 Sept., pro. 13 Feb 1558— Welles 37 1559 — John Penne, Esquire, of Codycote, co. Herts. ; to be bur. in Church of Codynte ; to churches of C. & Welwyn ; dans. Elen, Elizabeth & Dorothye each 40 li at marriage; son Robert's wif; son Robert Penne my mylle of Codynte; son William ; wife Lucy Residuary Legatee & Extrix. Wit. Michael Hogkin; Signed John Pen; dat. 15 Aug. 1556; pro. 6 May 1559 by wid. second grant 10 Oct. 1560 to Gyles Penne — Chayney 16 1570 — David Penne of Penne in the countie of buck, Esquior; to be bur. decentlie in Penne Chan'cell among myne auncestors ; Exrs. to remove the bodie of my wife where she in nowe buried and burie her in the same place where I shalbe buried ; legs, to poor of Penne & other Townes nere adioj'ninge ; I giue and bequeathe for the tearme of xxx yeares nexte to begynne ymmediatlie after my deathe to ray executors & theire assignes to paie my debtes my manno' howse of Penne with all the Demeane groundes belongeinge vnto the same ; if sonne Thomas Penne doe order hymselfe frome henceforthe honestlie and be ruled by my executors in the choseinge of his wyfe and reforminge of his oder lewde mannors then I giue vnto hym ymmediatlie after my deathe by the space of Tenne yeares £ll-6s-8d. ; dau. Marie Peckham & dau. Margett Gyfforde to either of them foure of my beste bowles & cuppes of siluer; to George Peckham, my dau. Peckham's son the nexte best bowle ; to son Edward Penne the Tenthe beste bowle or cuppe of siluer ; myne olde sarvaunte Edwarde ftbwkes ; Exers. welbeloued brother Richard Hampden esquio'', sonne-in-law George Peckham, cosen Nich'as Weste & sonne-in-lawe Thomas Gifforde. Codicil dat. xxiij Jan. 1564-Legs. of furniture &c. to das. Genealogical Gleanings. 7 Mary Peckham & Margaret Gifford & sons Edward & Thomas Penne to Thos. Tempeste my downe geldinge ; to Anne Playcer for her paines that she hath taken with me in my sicknes., the beste bedd ; legs, to Ellis Tiler, Roger Clcrck, Richard Sexten, John Bovindon of Penstrete, Mar- gerie Cockley, Andrew Deane, "William Parsley & John Cutler; my grounde called Bentles in the pishe of Agmon- deshm; to Davide Easte my sister's sonne xl s. ; to Henrie Easte my sister's sonne xx s. ; William Nasshe xl s. ; all my landes over & above xxtie marckes of annuitie by the yeare graunted to my sonne Thomas Pen I will & bequeathe to my eldest sonne John Pen ; This being written by the concent of me David Pen being sick in bodie but being pfecte in meraorie thankes be gyven to god the xxvth. dale of Januarie Anno d'n'i 1564. p. me DD Pen. Wit: John Cheyue de bois, John Cheyne of Agmondshm, Thos. Tempest, dat. 5 Jan 1564 ; Adm. granted 13 June 1570 to son John Penn, the exors. having renounced. — Lyon 18. 1572 — Anthony Penne Esquier of London ; wife Julyan ; bro. William ; sister Cisley ; Michael, Clement & Baptist Hickes; Proved by widow Julyan Penn, 17 July 1572. — Daper 24. 1573 — Gilbert Pen of fforburie, parish of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester; mother; wife Johanna; son-in-law William Cliaunce. Proved 2 June 1573 by widow Johanna Pen. —Peter 20 1575 — John Pen of ffifhed, co. Somerset, Yeoman; to be buried in Cathedral Church of Wells; sons John, Henry & Edward Pen ; daus. Agnes, Mary & Alice ; dau.-in-law Jesse Taylor ; sist. Ellner Strowde ; wife Agnes ; Proved 14 May 1575 by widow. — Pyckeringe 20 1579 — Edward Pen of ffyfehed, co. Somerset, sisters Agnes & Mary Pen ; sist. Ales Chamber ; Joane Comb ; Proved 18 Dec. 1579 bv bro John Pen.— Bakon 49. 8 Genealogical Gleanings. 1579 — Henry Pen offf^'-felied, co. Somerset; to be buried in Cathedral Church of Wells; sisters Agnes, Mary & Ales; bros John & Edward Pen ; Exr. bro. Edward Pen ; Admon. 18 Dec. 1579 to bro. John Pen, bro. Edward being deed. — Bakon 49. 1584 — Richard Penne, Citizen & Butcher of London ; son William Penne ; wife Margaret ; wdves' brothers ; sons Adam & William ; daus Alice, Barbara & Margarett ; Proved 26 Mch. 1584 by widow.— Butt 34 1586 — Anthony Penne of Pedmore, co. Worcester, Gent. ; mother Eliz. ; bro. Humphrey's 4 children Roger, Henry, Ursula & Martha; sist. Ann Combye's children William, Joane, Katherine & Philip ; sist. Joice Taylor's child. An- thony, Agnes, Mary Margaret & Elizabeth Taylor; sist. Mary Pearman, wife of Hugh Pearman & their child. An- thony, John, Nicholas, Jane & Anne Pearman ; bro. Fran- cis Penne's child. ; Edmund & Eliz. ; bro. Gilbert Penne ; son-in-law John Cartwright ; bro-in-law John Harle ; wife Elizabeth; Exrs. bros. John & Francis; Overseer, bro. Humphrey. Pro. 12 Nov. 1586 by John and Francis Penne. — Windsor 58 1591 — Anthony Penne, Citizen & Mercer of London ; to be buried in the Church of St. Mary Magdalen in Milk street ; mother Mrs. Julian Penne ; bros. Clement & Michael Hickes ; sister Elizabeth, wife of bro. Baptist Hickes. Pro. last of August, 1591. — Sainberbe 64 1591 — Gilbert Penn of the Fenn, parish of Belbroughton, CO. Worcester Sythsmith ; sons William, John & Oswald Penn ; dau. Elizabeth ; wife Margarett ; bro. William ; bro.-in-law John Wakeman of Bewdley. Pro. 18 Dec. 1591 by widow Margarett.^ — Sainberbe 94 1 A note in reference to this Gilbert Penn, scythesmitli, will be found in Herald & Genealogist, VII., 131, demonstrating that the trade is not one incompatible with a gentleman, and giving instances. Genealogical Gleanings. 9 1592— Will of William Penne of Minetj, Gloucester, Yeoman.^ m THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The first day of May in the two and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queen of England ffrance and Ireland Defender of the ftaith &c Et Anno Dominij Millesinio quin gentesimo Nonagesimo I Willm Penne of Myntie in the County of Glouc Yeoman being at this present time whole in Body and of good and perfect remembrance (laud and praise be vnto Almighty God) Do ordain and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz. ffirst I commit and bequeath my Soul to my Lord and Sauior Jesus Christ by whose Death and Merits and precious Bloodshedding I hope to be saved And my body to be buried within the Parish Church Chancele or Church Yard of Mintij where my ffriends shall think meet Item I give and bequeath vnto the poor people dwelling within the said Parish Twenty Shillings to be distributed by my Overseers after my Burial according to their Discretions Item I give and bequeath vnto Giles Penn, William Penn, Marie Penn, Sara Penn and Susanna Penn being the Children of ni}- late Son Wil- liam Penn deceased Twenty Pounds apeice To be paid vnto them by my Executor as they shall come to and be of the age of Twenty one Years apeice or at the day of any of their Marriages (if any of them happen to be married before) So that such Marriage or Marriages be made to the likino: and with the Consents of my Overseers Provided always that if any of the said Children shall fortune to departe this Life before the Age of Twenty one Years Then my Will is that ^ His monumental inscription at Minety Church in Chancell near South door reads, according to Awbrey (fo. 270), as follows : " William — enn dyed the 12 of March in the year of our Lord 1591." The writer learns from Kev. Mr. Edwards, Kector of Minety, that this stone has now quite disappeared. It is much to be regretted that the Parish Kegisters should have perished before 16G3. In the Bishop's Transcripts at Sarum there are five fragmen- tary years before that date, beginning with 1607, which were carefully searched but without result. 10 Genealogical Gleanings. their portion or portions so dying shall be equally divided among the Rest that shallbe living Item I give and be- queath vnto Margaret Penn Widow late Wife to William Penn my Son deceased the Sum of Ten pounds to be paid vnto her Yearly during her natural Life by my Executor at the ffeast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and StMichael the Archangel by equal portions if she shall and do so long keep herself sole and chaste and vnmarried The same payment to begin after my death at such time as my Heir shall come to and be of the full age of Twenty one Years Provided always that if at any time the said Margaret shall happen either to marry or otherwise to miscarry and not to continue an honest Life Then my Will is that the foresaid Ten pounds shall surcease and be no longer paid vnto her by my Executor But that then vpon either such Marriage of her or other disordered Life being known my Will is that my Executor shall pay and deliver vnto her the Sum of Twenty Pounds in money and also a good Bed with all manner of Furniture therevnto belonging and so she quietly to depart from my Executor Item my Will is that the said Margaret Penn my Daughter-in-Law and my Overseers shall have the whole Charge Rule and Govern- ment of my Heir and of all the Rest of the Children which were the Sons and Daughters of Willm Penn my Son deceased and of all such Lands and Tenements and Heredi- taments and of all such Goods and Chattells as I shall leave at my Death till such time as my Heir shall accomplish and be of the full Age of Twenty one Years and that the said Margaret Penn shall continue with the said Children and help to breed them vp during the time aforesaid And that she shalbe maintained of the whole and shall do and vse all things in the House for the vse and benefit of my Execu- tor in such manner of wise and sort as she did in my own days vsed to do for me so that her doings and Dealings therein be done with Consent and Advice and good liking of my Overseers provided always that if the said Margaret Penn shall fortune to marry or otherwise not to live sole and chaste as beforesaid before such time as my Heir shalbe Genealogical Gleanings. 11 of the Age of Twenty one Years Then my Will is that my Executor with the Advice and Consent of my Overseers shall pay and deliver unto her the said sum of Twenty Pounds .and the said Bed with all the ffurniture to the same as aforesaid and that thercvpon the said Margaret quietly to depart and have no more Rule and Authority of any of my said Sons Children or of any Thing to them belonging But my Overseers only to do all Things concerning the Children according to their ow^n Discretions and according to my true meaning herein expressed as my faithful Trust is in them ffinallie the Rest of all my Goods and Chattels Moveable and vnmovable not bequeathed my Debts and Legacys being paid and my ftuneral discharged I give and bequeath to George Penn being the eldest Son of Willm Penn my late Son deceased whom I do make my sole Ex- ecutor of this my last Will and Testament With Condition that he the said George Penn shall perform and do all Things herein contained by and with the advices and con- sents of my Overseers Mr Robert George of Cirencester and Richard Lawrence of Withingeton in the County of Glouc : Gent and ffrancis Bradshaw of Wokesey^ in the County of Wiltshire Gent whom I desire to be my Over- seers And I give to them hereby law^full authority to see that all Things herein mentioned be by my said Executor with their helps and Consents performed And I give to every of them for their Pains so taken in and about the Premises ten Shillings to be paid by my said Executor In -witness whereof to this my said last Will and Testament I the said William Penne have put my Hand and Seal the day and Year first above written Item I further give to Richard Bidle one Cow Item I give to his Daughter Kath- erine Bidle one Heifer of two years of Age Also I give to my Daughter Ann Greene one Heifer and to Elizabeth Greene one Heifer each of them to be two Years old Item I give to Willm Mallibroke one Yearling Heifer And likewise I lastly give to Alice Thermor my old white Mare ^ Oaksey, often written Wokesey. 12 Genealogical Gleanings. These being "Witnesses — ftrancis Bradshaw Gent, "Willm Taylor and Richard Munden with Others. Probatum fuit superscriptum Testamentum apud London coram Venli Viro Magro Wilimo Lewin Legum Doctore ad exercendum Officium Magri Custodis sive Commissarij Curiae Proerogativae Cant et Etimo deputat Vicesimo primo Die Mensis Aprilis Anno Dni 1592° in Psona Georgij Penn Executoris in Testo dicti Defuncti nominat Cui Commissa fuit, adstrationum omnium et singulorum bonum et Credi- tum ejusdem Defti De bene et fidelitur ad strand eadem jaxta juris in eo Qto exigenciam et tenorem dicti Testa- ment! ad Sancta Dei Evangelia in Debita nostris forma personala juratj. Wm : Legard, Pet : St. Eloy, Hen : Stevens Deputy Registers. — Harrington 31. 1596 — John Penn of Penn, co. Bucks, Esq. ; sons Wil- liam, John, Griffyth, Edward & Francis Penn; bros. Thomas & Edward Penn nephew Edward Penn ; dau. Martha ; sist. wife of John Eden ; Mr. John Walliston ; friend Nowell Sotheston. Proved 6 Oct. 1596. —Drake 71 1596 — William Penn of Kings Sutton, co. IS'orthants. ; sons Thomas, Michael, William & John Penn ; dau. Marga- rett ; wife Margaret {enceinte) ; bro. Richard ; sisters Dorothy and Johan Penn ; mother Christian ; mother-in-law Agnes Caddie; Pro. 18 Oct. 1596 by widow.— Drake 70 1599 — John Penne of Great Sherston, co. Wilts,; sons John, Robert, Thomas & William Penne; dau. Joane Penne; Pro. 20 June 1599 by John & Joan Penne. — Kidd 56 1607 — Julian Penn of London, widow. Will dated 20 Aug. 34 Eliz. To be buried in parish church of Mary Mag- dalen in Milke streete "as nere to my late husbandes An- thony Pen & Robert Hickes as convenyently 3't maybe;" Genealogical Gleanings. 13 my mansion house vpon St. Peters hill where I now dwell to eldest son Michael Hickes, with remainder to son Baptist Hickes, remainder to my right heirs ; my house called the "White Beare in Cheapside wherein my son Baptist Hickes doth now inhabite & all houses in Bredstreete &c to said son Baptist ; to son Clement Hickes " one blacke leather chiste ;" to Julyan Hickes my goddau. & to her mother my son Bap- tist his wife ; To Mary Hickes one other of the dans, of said Baptist £50 ; To the child that my dau. Baptist his wife now goeth withall " yf it be a male childe " £100 & if a female £50 &c Sons Michael & Baptist exrs. "Witnesses — Andrew Sumner, ftrancys Mynne. Codicil dat. 1 Sept. 1592 with several small legacies. Pro. 29 Jan 1607 by Sir Baptist Hickes knt one of the exor., reservation to Sir Michael Hickes knt the other exor. — Windebanck 4 1609 — "William Penne of parish of Belbroughton & diocese of "Worcester ; will dated 6 June 1609. To daughter Brid- get £100; To daus Elizabeth, Dorothie & Anne 100 marks each ; To son Gilbert £100 to be paid to him at Michaelmas in 1612 ; To dau. Anne Westwood one sylver spoone; same to daus. Joane & Margerie To son Oswald all my waynes, Tumbrells, yokes, Towes, Harrowes &c. Eesidue to son Henry whom I make exor. (Ko signature) W^itnesses — John Hemming, Oswald Penn & Joyce Tollye her marke. Proved 23 Aug 1609 by exr.— Dorset 79 1610 — Edward Penn of Middleton, co. Northants, Yeo- man; bro. Thomas of Banbury; sons John, Thomas, Ed- ward, "William & Mathew ; daus. Margarett & Elizabeth. Proved 9 Oct. 1610 by bro John Penn.— "Wingfield 84 1611 — Robert Penn of "Westerleigh, co. Gloucester; dau. Eleanor ; son Robert Penn to whom he bequeaths the living of Sherston, co Wilts; dau. Agnes; wife Ann. Pro. 21 Jan. 1611.— Wood 1 1613 — Francis Penne of Bobbington, co. Staft", Gent.; to be buried at Bobbington ; daus. Mary, Anne, Margarett & 2 14 Genealogical Gleanings, Magdalen ; sist. -in-law Margarett Gray ; son Edward ; wife Constance; Overseers bro.-in-law Jolm Brodock & John Duke, Gent. Pro. 31 Dec. 1613.— Capel 114 1616 — Oswald Pen of Belbroughton, co. Worcester, Yeo- man ; only child William Pen ; sisters Ann & Dorothy ; Proved 4 May 1616 ; Admon. de bonis non granted in 1630 to Ann, widow of William Pen. — Cope 47 1617 — William Penn of Kings Sutton, co. Northants. ; bros. Henry, William, Richard, Thomas & Michael ; sist. Margery, Margaret & Elizabeth. Proved 13 Oct. 1617. — Weldon 99 1618 — Johane Peene late of Tovill in parish of Mayd- stone, CO Kent, widow ; {nunciq-)iatii-e uill) In the monethes of Julye & August 1617 declared that her sonne Thomas Peene should haue her bowse & all the goodes therein as yt was hers after her decease & as greate a share in money besides as any other of her children for that she meant he the saied Thomas Peen shoulde giue entertaynment to all the rest of her children, which wordes or like in effect were vttered within the tyme aforesayed at the house of Robert Jackson situate in ftanchurche streete, London, in the p'nce of Barbara Jackson wife of the sayed Robert & Elizabeth Winterborne & dyvers others. Admon. gr. 19 Aug. to son Thomas Peene. — Meade 79. 1618 — Thomas Penne of Stony Stratford, co. Bucks., Gent. ; sons Michael, Thomas & William Penne ; dau. Cathe- rine ; grson. Thomas Franklin ; grdau. Grace Michell ; Thomas, son of bro. Edward Penne; wife Grace, Extrx. Pro. 10 Oct. 1618.— Meade 98 1621 — Will of Lawrence Penn of Stebenheathe als Step- ney, CO Middx, gent. ; da 17 Sept 1620 ; pr 1 Mch 1621 ; wife Christian all household stuff in dwelling at Stepney ; mother Julian Penn annuitie of £15 per ami. for life to be Genealogical Gleanings. 15 yssuing as foloweth, viz. ISTyne pds for dwelling ho. afsd in S., sixe pds out of farm Lands in psh of Petersfield, co South. ; to Neiphue & godsonne Lawrence Penn the 3d son of my brother Richard Penn, & his heirs male, fee simple of farm lands in Tything of Sheete, in psh of Petersfield, co South. & a mortgage now held on same by Mistress Marye Hyndsey of Lond. widow, to be discharged, & for want of such issue to John Penn, one other son of my bro Rich. & his h'rs male & for want of such yssue remaynder to Rich- ard Penn one other of the sons of sayed bro. R. P., with remaynder to "William Penn, son of my bro "Wm. P. & his hrs male & for want of suche yssue to my right heirs for- ever ; brothers Richard, Thomas & William Penn 20 marks apeece to be raysed out of certain Corne, Horses &c remayn- inge in hds of sayed bro Richard P. which are in full dis- charge of my promises heretofore made in that behalfe vnto my late father William Penn deed. ; to Thos. Orchard & Sara Orchard sonne & dau of Edward 0., bro vnto my sayed wife 20/s apeece; Richard Budd, esq., the kinges' Majesties' Auditor of Co. of Southampton sole Exr. ; Witnesses — Thos. ffludd, Richard Penn (his mark). Rich Philipp, Rob. Evelye. Codicil : same date, wife Christian lease which I have to come of ffarme called Reade ftarme in psh of warnring Carape, co Sussex. Wit : Thos. ffludd, Rich Penn (mark) Robt. Evelyn, Rich. Phillip.— Dale 72 1628 — Thomas Peene of Ryd, co Sussex, Yeoman ; to be bur at Ryd ; bro. William ; sist. Margarett Harvey ; Thomas, son of bro. William; son Thomas Peene; Pro. 28 June 1628.— Clarke 39 1634 — John Penn of Arundell, co. Sussex, Mariner; wife Ursula; bro. Jacob; sister wife of William Cornelison; sis- ter Elizabeth Sansum; Proved 8 Oct. Admon. de. bons nou of widow Ursula in 1637. — Seager 90. 1637 — William Penu of Canterbury, co. Kent ; bro-in-law 16 Genealogical Gleanings. Richard Keeling; godsons William Allen & Michael Page; sole Extrx Good Friend & Mistress the Right Honble. Mar- garett Lady Wotton. Pro. 25 May 1637.— Goare m Limited Admon. gr. in May 1667. 1637— Ursula Penn of Arundell, sick of body &c. Will dated 23 Dec 1636 To be buried in Arundell churchyard; To Anne Gibbons dau. of George G. of Littlehampton deed., my now dwelling house called the Blew Anker, if she die without heirs of her body remainder to Mary Goble dau. of Thos. Goble of Anckton in the psh. of Felfame ; To poor of Arundell 20s. at burial ; To repairs of Schoolhouse com- monly called Marygate 20s. ; To Godchild the dau. of Peter Foster 50s. ; John "Wade 40s. ; Anne Wade my Godchild £3; Benjamin Ellyott 5s.; Godchild Mary Bishop 40s.; James Humfrey 20s. ; William Turner £3 & his wife Jane 40s. & to their children £5 each ; John Walter 10s. ; Jane Rewell 10s. ; Sister Elizabeth Clarke 30s. & to her children 20s. each; Alice Bell £10; godchild Mary Thorne 40s.; Ursula Sandon £5 ; my kinsmen Thomas & William Hum- frey 40s. each; John Emery 40s.; Anne Emery 20s,; Thomas Druett my peace ring & to his son my godson 40s. ; To wife of Robt. Roberts 40s. ; To Mary wife of Thos. Goble £5 & to my goddau. Marie Goble £5 ; Mary Lutard £5; My godchild the dau. of Kewell (altered from Rewell) of Littlehampton 20s. Mr. Edward Southcott of Chiches- ter £20 ; Mrs. Robertes 20s. for a ring ; Alse wife of Edward Laslatt £4 ; Alse wife of John Masters of Chichester £4 ; Richard Robertes 20s.: John Willard £3; Richard Moth 40s. ; Mary wife of Thos. Russell £13/6/8. ; Elizabeth Crowch 20s. for a ring; Anne wife of Henry Stoner 10s.; widow Browing 30s. ; Mary wife of John Moore 20s. ; my brother Robert Lawnsone £5 ; father-in-law Richard Studder £5 which he owes rae ; John Thorne £10 ; To Mr Christopher Minshall three Angells for a ring ; Richard Wooldridge 10s. for a ring ; John Strong senior 40s. ; Susan Walter dau. of Samuell Walter £10 at age of 18 or marriage ; Mary Carter dau. of John Carter 5s. ; my wearing apparel to widow Genealogical Gleanings. 17 Browing, widow Clarke, Mary Bishop, Mary Moare & Ely- nor Bishop; Residue to John Hale, son of George Hale, & Thomas Philpott of Arundell, to be Exors; friends Wm. Voakes & Richard Colden Overseers, 205. each ; Mr. TVest- wood 405.; Sara Stringam junr. 205.; Witnesses— peter Foster & John Carter. The mark of Ursula Penn. Proved 2 May 1637 by Thomas Philpott, John Hale the other Exor. having renounced. — Goare 80 1638— Robert Penn of Sherston, co. Wiltes., Yeoman; bro- in-law Wm : Knapp the younger of Redborne in psh. of Malmesbury, Wiltes Yeoman, & Elliner his wife all my landes &c in Didmarton & Oldburie, co. Gloucester & ground called Mussels in Luckington for their Uves & aft. their dec. to hrs of said Wm. Knapp on bodie of said Ellianor begotten, the sd. Wm. K. to enter into bond of ^120 vnto Ethelbright How^ell of Sherston Magna co Wilts yeoman & John Boy of Luckington yeoman for payment of £60 in 1 year aft. my dec. & in consideration of sd. land called Mussells to pay to sd. Boy £10 to be employ, by him for benefit of his dau Johanna at 15 years of age ; to Wil- liam, John, Joseph, Anne & Johanna Boy child, of sd Joh Boy 55. each ; to Elizabeth wife of Ethelbright Howell xx5 ; to John, Henry & Katherine child, of said Eth. Howell 55. each ; to Joane, Richard, Julyan & Eliz. child, of William Lawrence of Westerlie 55. each ; to Wm., Anne, Marie, & Susanna Knapp, child, of bro-in-law Wm. K. 55. each ; to Wm. Boy son of sd. John Boy my best coat; Israel Holborn 55. ; Gabriell Humfrie my best Cloak ; to Henrie Howell my best suit of wearing apparel ; mother Anne Penn Res. Leg. & Extrx. Signed Robti Penn. Wits: a^icholas Waddington, ffrauncis Goodenough, Mcholas Gas- trell. Dat. 15 Mch. 1637. Pro. 18 July 1638 by Extrx.— Lee 86 1639— Richard Penn of Peterfeild, co. Southauts., Yeo- man ; sons Lawrence & John Penn; dau. Magdalen. — Harvev 166 18 Genealogical Gleanings. 1640 — Will of Anne Penn of Sherston Magna, co. Wilts; to sister Gillian, wife of William Lawrence of psli of Wes- terlay, co. Gloucester, my second gowne & petty cote & wast cote ; child, of Wm. Lawrence above named every one of them a pewter platter, i. e. to Richard, Jone, Gillian & Eliza- beth L. ; child, of brother-in-law Ethelbright Howell of S. M. every one of them a pewter platter, i. e. John, Henry & Katherine Howell; to child, of bro.-in-law John Booy of Luckington, every of them a pewter platter, i. e., William, Anne, John, Joseph & Joanne Booy; to grchild. the sons & daus of William Knapp & Ellen his wife, every on of them a pewter platter, i. e. Anne, Marie, Susan, William & Sara Knapp; Residuary Legs Anne & Susan Knapp, my grchild.; Executor son-in-law Wm. Knapp ; Witness — Nicholas Wad- dington, Clarke. Dat. 17 Jan. 1639; pro. 11 Dec. 1640.— Coventry 163 1641 — Thomas Penne of Stretton-super-fFosse, co. War- wick, Yeoman, " weak of bod}^"; Nuncupative will dated 30 Sept 1640 ; To be buried in Stretton churchyard ; dwell- ing house & 2 cottages in Stretton to wife Margaret for life, after her decease to be divided between my 2 daus. Christian Penne & Anne penne, also bedding & furniture to said daus. after wife's death; wife Margaret Penne Residuary Legatee & sole Extrix. ; Wit. Tho : Brownent, minister ; Robert Gressingham, Joice ffisher, Elizabeth Longe, Marie Gress- ingham, Anne Boyse & Jane Savage. Pro. 12 Feb. 1640 (1640-1) by Margaret Penne the relict. — Evelyn 21 1641 — John Penn of Penn, co. Bucks ; To be buried in Church of Penn; names wife Sarah; sons William & John Penn ; cozen Sibell ; uncle Francis ; proved 21 Oct. 1641 by relict.— Evelyn 121 1642 — Henry Penn of London., gent., weak in body &c. (described in Probate Act as of the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, co. Middx.) Will dated 10 Oct. 1642; To be buried at discretion of Exor. ; To wife Elizabeth Penn £300 due to Genealogical Gleanings. 19 me by her bro. Richard Hull upon a statute in the penalty of £600 in full performance of an Obligation wherein I stand bound to her brother Richard Hull & George Hull ; To said wife all my goods now remaining in the house of Sir Thomas Hampson, Bart in Shoe Lane commonly called the Statute Office; said Sir Hampson, Bart, to be sole Exor. ; Witnesses — daniel Evance, Nathaniel Humfreys, Elizabeth penn, John Longs, John Taylor. Proved 5 Nov. 1642 by Sir Thos. Hampson, Bart.— Cambell 120 1643 — Edward Penn of Stony Stratford, co. Bucks, gent. ; will dated 28 March 1643; To be buried in Church or Chapel of St. Giles on the west side of Stony Stratford near my wife; son Edward Penn 55. ; son John Penn 55. ; godson & grand- child Edward penn, son of Thomas Penn 505. ; to the rest of my grandchildren 2/6 each. ; to Anthony Norman senr. of Shenley £3/6/8. ; To Joane now wife of Thomas Lovell of Stonistratford 205. ; Bequests to servants ; Residue of lands, goods & tenemts. to eldest son Thomas Penn sole Exor.; Overseers friends Anthony Norman & Richd. Abbott of Sto- nistratford. Witnesses — Richd. Abbott, Jane (sic) Lovell, Dorcie Densce. Pro. 29 Apr. 1643 by son Thomas Penn. — Crane 32. 1645 — Henry Penn of Stony Stratford,^ co. Bucks, gent., sick of body ; will dated 15 July 1644 ; To be buried in St. Giles Church where my father John penn lies buried ; to poor of the West side of Stony Stratford 20s. in bread at ^ Mr. P. S. P. Conner, the writer of the article in " Notes and Queries" (5 S. 1. 265), referred to by Mr. Lea, sends us the following extract from a letter of William Penn, the Founder, in regard to the Penns of Stony- Stratford : " Let Stephen Gould, my servant, and now the Governour's Clerk, [have] six pounds. He is an ingenious lad, a good scholar, and something of a law- yer, being about two years in Counsellor Poordan's service as clerk, a man of 800 or 900 per annum. His mother was a Stony Stratford Penn, old Ar- thur's daughter, that was housekeeper at Chelsea College. His father's side, gentleman of 300 or 400 per annum, but left his father upon a religious account." (Penn to James Logan : London, 29, 7 mo., 1708. " Penn and Logan Correspondence," vol. ii. p. 294.) — Ed. Penna. Maq. 20 Genealogical Gleanings. my death; to ray grandchild peter Penne the 'Copyhold Close & 2 houses at the Bridgefoot at age of 21 paying to his brother Arthur Penn £5 in the meanwhile my son Mat- thias penn shall receive the rents in consideration of which he shall pay his brother Nathaniel Penn 405. per ann. & my dau. Sarah penn 205. per ann. till my said grandchild peter is of age; my said son Matthias penn sole Exor., to whom residue; Overseers — Thomas Simcocks & Robert Garner; Witnesses — John Reball, Erasmus Simons, William Dudley, Mary Dudley. Proved 27 Feb. 1644 (1644-5) by son Ma- thew penn. — Rivers 44 1646 — George Penn of Westerham, co. Kent, Yeoman; Legacies to Catherine, Benjamin & John Bonwicke ; Proved 24 Apr. 1646.— Twisse 51 1649— Edward Penn of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middx., gent.; will dated 15 Feb. 1648; To be buried in parish I shall die in; to niece Annie Harper £5; cousin Martha Harper £5; to Doctor Atherton £5; Mr. Francis Shel- ley £5 ; Mris. Anne Penn £5 ; to Thomas Penn, Edward penn, Ursula penn & Civill witney, children of the sd. Anne Penn £15 amongst them; I release to Sir Thomas Shirley knt. £100 which he owes me by Bond & it to be divided between him & his children ; to Geffrey Minshall of Sutton, CO. Chester, gent., my lands called parke & Fulford grove, parke meade & Downesall, in the parish of Upton- St.-Leonards, co. Glouc. (which lands were demised to me by Henry Lygon of London Esq. in 1640) & I also give the said Geffrey Minshall £100 & I make my sister Mris Martha Harpur & the said Geffrey Minshall my Exors. Witnesses — John day, Andrew Giffard, Thomas Button & Wm. Min- shall. Proved 7 Mar. 1648 (1648-9) by Martha Harpur, power being reserved to Geff'rey Minshall. — Fairfax 29 1650 — Robert Penn of Radway, co. Warwick, Yeoman ; Legacies to sons William, Richard, Zackary & John Penn; daughters Mary & Anne; grandson Robert Penn; grand- Genealogical Gleanings. 21 dan. Elizabeth ; brother Giles ; wife Elizabeth ; Proved 25 May 1650.— Pembroke 79 1653 — JohiiPenn, son of William Penn^ of Harborowin the parish of Hagley, co. Wore, sick in body &c.; Will dated 22 Apr. 1651 ; To brother Richard Penn my right & title to a Lease of 1000 years made by Thos. Blunt & George Tokey, Esqrs. to my grandfather Thomas Cookes & his brother Wm : Cookes deed., dated 1 May 4 & 5 phil. & Mary, lately given me by the will of my uncle William Cookes, & also my messuage &c in Romsley in the parish of Halsowen, Salop, commonly known as Smiths ground, & 30 acres of land in the Common Fields of Romsley now in the tenure of Fortune powell ; my brother Gervase penn £b ; to Wm. penn, son of my brother Wm. penn, to Anne penn, & Mary penn, dans, of my brother Thomas Penn, & to Thos. Dickins & Mary Dickens, son & dan. of my brother- in-law Thomas Dickins & my sister Mary his wife, 40s. each ; said brother Richard penn sole Exor. ; Wit. William penn, Edmond Kettell & Thomas Penn ; Proved 13 May 1653 by brother Richard penn. — Brent QQ 1654 — William Penn of Drayton, co. Worcester; Lega- cies to sons Wm. & John Penn ; daughters Ann & Mary ; wife Margaret ; Proved by relict 26 Sept 1654.— Alchin 228 1654 — Thomas penn of Haddon,co. Huntington, Grazier, weak in body ; Will dated 12 Feb. 1658 ; I suppose my wife to be with child & I give such child £300 if a son, at age of 21, & if a dan. at age of 21 or day of marriage; to niece Anne Penn of Glapthorne, co. Northamp. £40 ; to Edward Penn & Thomas Penn the two sons of Robert Penn of Chasterton, £20 each at ages of 21 ; to William Cole son of Thomas Cole of Iladdon £20 at age of 21 ; to sons-in-law William Burton & Savige Burton each £100 at ages of 21 ; 1 " "William Penn of Bromsgrove, gent., married Margaret, daughter of Henry Cookes (of the Bentley family) she was living in 1683."— Graze- brook's article on Penn MS. in Her. & Gen., VII. 131. 22 Genealogical Gleanings. Residue of goods k chattels to Cicely my wife, sole Extrx, ; Wit— Kenelme Collins, Robt. Savig; Proved 20 Mar. 1653 (1653-4) by Cicely perm the relict. — Alchin 152 1654 — Edmund Penn of Littleton Packington,^ co. War- wick, Gentleman; Legacies to sons Thomas, Francis & Humphrey Penn; daughter Constance; grandson Edward Wilson ; wife Elizabeth.— Alchin 291 1654 — Frances Pen of Send, co. Surrey, widow, weak in body &c. ; Will dated 11 Dec. 1653 ; To*^ be buried in the churchyard of Send ; my late husband John Pen bequeathed to his 2 daus. Julian & Frances pen £10 each. The said Julian is since dead & her portion is due unto her sister Frances penn, & in consideration of the said £20, I devise to my said dau. Frances my lease of the tenement & lands be- longing in which I now dw^ell & which I have by devise from Sir Richard Weston late of Sutton in the parish of Work- inge (sic) co. Surrey, deed., & Dame Grace his wife, & also £30 which is in the hands of the said Sir Richard Weston & Dame Grace, as by a certain writing signed by him, ap- peareth. I give her all my house hold goods; to grand- child Francis Potter £50 & to grandch. Damaris potter £40 at their ages of 21 ; Richard Forbench, gent, Wm. Bow^ell, yeoman, Edward Worsfold, mealman, & Thos. Ryde, yeo- man, all of Send, to be my Exors in Trust. Wit. — John Bowell, Mcholas Hunt. Proved 20 Mar. 1653 (1653-4) by the Exors. named in the will. Signed by mark. — Alchin 359 1655 — Thomas Penn of Codicotc, co. Hertf., Gentleman; To be buried in his owni chapel ; Legacies to wife Alice ; sons, John, ifrancis, William, Simon, Jonathan & Robert Penn ; daus. Ellen & Alice ; grandson Thomas Kirke ; Proved 29 Jan. 1655.— Aylett 28 ^ Littleton Packington is probably in the southwest part of Warwick, or in Worcester. I do not identify the place, but a group of Littletons (North, South, Middle, «&c.) are in Worcester close to the Warwick border {vide Register of South Littleton, page 58). Genealogical Gleanings. 23 1655 — Symon' Peiin of St. Clements Lane, London, Sur- geon ; Legacies to mother Alice ; sister Eleanor ; brother ffrancis. — Aylett 32 1656 — Gilbert Penne of Cakborow, co. Worcester, Yeo- man; aged 80 years; brother John Penn's sons John, Wil- liam & Gilbert Penn ; daughters of same Margarett, Eliza- beth & Mary; Proved 15 May 1656.— Berkley 179. 1657 — Oswald Penn of Romford in the parish of Horn- church, Essex, Baker, in perfect health &c. ; Will dated Feb. — 1651 ; To be buried at discretion of my Extrx. ; eldest daughter Sarah Penne £25 at age of 18 or marriage ; youngest dau. Marie Penn £25 at 18 or marr ; sister Mary, now wife of Wm, Collins of Bewdley, co. Wore, Yeoman, 10s. ; Overseers friends James Jetur of daggenham, Essex & Christopher wilson of Romford & to each 5s. ; Residue to wife Sarah, sole Extrx.; Proved 19 June 1657 by Sarah penne the relict. N'o witnesses named. — Ruthen 246 1657 — William Penn of Cosgrave, co. l!Torthampton, gent; Will dated 19 Aug. 1657; To grandchild William Thorne a messuage on East side of Stonie Stratford, co. Bucks, wherein Jane Purchase, widow ; my house in Stonie Stratford in which Thomas Fisher now dwells to be sold by my Exors. k out of the money which it fetches to Rocking- ham & Charles Bason 2 of the sons of my late wife Ellen by her former husband William Bason, £5 each to bind them apprentices, & the overplus to be equally divided between the said Rockingham & Charles, Richard, Robert & John, being all the sons of my said wife & her former husband. Residue of my goods &c to the aforesaid Rich., Robert, John, Rockingham k Charles Bason at ages of 21; Exors., my friends Richard Rockingham the elder k the said Richard Bason, eld. son of my said wife; Whatever debts I owed before my marriage with my said wife Ellen are to be paid by my son Gabriel penn out of the profits of a lease which ^ Evidently the son of preceding. 24 Genealogical Gleanings. I took of Sir Edward Longside & Lave since assigned to the said Gabriel. Signed with mark; Wit. — Thos. Tresham, Richd, ColHns, Thos. Hearne & John Mansell ; Proved 15 Sept. 1657 by Richard Bason, powder reserved to Richard. Rockingham. — Ruthen 361 1658 — Giles Penn of Middle Aston, co. Oxon., husband- man, weak in body Will dated 3 Aug. 1657; To wife Elizabeth Penn, household stutF, &c. ; grandchild Lawrence Middleton £10 ; son Robert Penn £8/10/; grandchild Eliza- beth Middleton £10 ; daughter Jane Southam 20s. ; dau. Anne Hanwell 20s. ; Overseer son-in-law William Han well; to the 3 children of my eon Giles Southam, a sheep each; & the 2 children of my son William Hanwell, a sheep each; & the 4 children of my son Robert Penn, a sheep each ; son Giles Penn sole Exor. ; Signed with mark. Wit. Wm. Hanwell & Joane Martin. — Wootton 59 1658 — Walter Penn of Hanbury, co. Wore, Yeoman, in good health &c. Will dated 13 Feb. 1654 ; Thomas Ver- non, gent, 2nd. son of Edward Vernon of Astwood in the parish of Hanbury, Esq., by deed 16 June 1647, for £200 paid to Edwd. Laser D. C. L. & Richd. Mence (or Meuce) for the uses therein mentioned & whereas I have reserved £50 of the said sum of £200 to be disposed by my last will, I give to Anne penne, dau. of my son Wm. penne deed., £25, to make up the sum of £75, (named in above deed) to £100; To Mary Hatton & Anne H., daus. of my son-in-law Mathew Hatton & Elizabeth his wife, £5 to make up the sum of £75 (named in af sd. deed) to £80; To dau. Elizabeth Hatton £5 ; my sister Anne Bucknell 20s. ; To John Penne son of my brother Wm. Penne 40s. ; my son-in-law Mathew Hatton 20s. & my wearing apparel ; to the af sd. Mary & Anne Hatton a moiety of all my goods &c. ; Residue to the af sd. Anne Penne, sole Extrx. ; Overseers my friends Edwd. Lake, Dr. of the Civ. Law, my cousin Wm. Chaunce & the sd. Mathew Hatton; Wit. — Richd. Vernon, junr., John Elvins, Thos. Meuce & Wm. Heywood. Admon 25 May Genealogical Gleanings. 25 1658 to Mathcw Hatton, father and guardian of Mary & Anne Hatton, minors, grandchildren of the testator. — Wootton 317 1(559 — Henerj Penne the Seniour of the parish of Wit- tershani in Isle of Oxney co. Kent, yeoman ; To poor of Wittersham 20s. ; sister Catherine Martine one silver Bowl ; bro. Geo. Martine £10; brother Eastland's children 20s. apiece; servant John Brummell 10 ewe' shee]3; uncle Henry Peene £40; to child which my wife is now great withall £100 at 21 k if it die under that age then £50 to my wife Elizth. & the other £50 amongst my sisters' children i. e. bro. Eastland's & bro. Martine's children ; my father- in-law Isaacke Cloake of Eboney & Rich. Couchman of Beckley Overseers ; wife Elizth. Extrx. ; Wit. — Margarett Gilbard her marke & John Whatlow; Proved 27 Jan. 1658-9 by the Extrx.— Pell 26 1659 — Katherine Penne of Worcester (no abstract). — Pell 245 1666 — John Penn tlie elder of Boddicott, co. Oxon., yeo- man ; Will dated 21 Jan. 1663 ; To be buried in church or churchyard of Adderberry, co. Oxon. ; To eldest son Thomas messuage &c. in Boddicott wherein I now inhabit (except the estate & interest of Margery my loving wife settled upon her for her Jointure before our intermarriage) ; to dau. Anne Penn £200 of which £100 is to be paid by said son Thomas to the overseers of my will for her benefit within six months of my decease & the other £100 to be paid in same way twelve months after my decease & " if it shall please God to restore my said daughter Anne Penn to her former sences" said money to be paid to her; to son Samuel Penn & dau. Alice Crafts 12d. apiece; to son John Penn all moveable goods &c & I appoint him Exor. ; Rich- ard Crafts of Hornton, co. Oxon yeoman, & Robert Baily of Combrooke, co. Warw., yeoman, to be Overseers; Wits. —W. Style, Phill. Style, Tho : Nicholls, Steuen Danyell; Proved 26 Nov. 1666 by Exor.— Mico 168 26 Genealogical Gleanings. 1670— William Penn of the Parish of St Mary White- chappell; Will dated llOct. 1669; To sister Joane Penn 40s. which her husband oweth me ; to sister Ann Major 40s. ; to brother Samuel's child Judith Penne 40s. ; to sister Sarah £16 ; to brother Thomas Penne 5s. ; to brother Rob- ert Penn 5s. ; to godson Willm : son of Mathew Penn 5s. ; to cozen Wm : Penn son of bro. Thos. Penn 5s. ; to cozen Wm. Major 5s. ; to cozen Richard Penn son of Thos. Penn 5s. ; to cozen Mathew Penn son of bro. Mathew Penn 5s. ; to cozen Susanna Arrow 5s. ; to sister Sarah a Table &c. ; to bro. Mat. Penn of parish of St. Mary Whitechapel, gar- diner, all residue ; Wits. — James Roberts, Nicholas Snelson ; Admon. with will annexed granted 24 Jan. 1669-70 to Matthew Penn the brother and legatary above named. — Penn 8 1670. — Sir William Penn of London, Knight; Will dated 20 Jan. 1669 ; To be buried in Parish Church of Redcliffe (i.e. St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol,) " as nere vnto the body of my dear mother deceased as the same conveniently may be" ; to have a monument for self & mother ; wife Dame Margaret Penn ; son William Penn ; younger son Richard Penn £120 per ann. until 21 years of age & then £4000 ; daughter Margaret wife of Anthony Lowther; nephews James & John Bradshaw & William & George Markham; cozen William Penn son of George Penn late of the Forest of Brayden, co. Wilts, Gentlemen, deceased; Proved 6 Oct. 1670 by son William Exor.— Penn 130 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTION IN ST. MAEY REDCLIFFE— BRISTOL. Sir William Penn, Knight, born at Bristol 1621, of the Penns of Penns Lodge, in the county of Wilts. He was made captain at 21, rear admiral of Ireland at 23, vice admiral of England at 31, and general in the first Dutch wars at 32, whence returning in 1655 he was chosen a parliament- man for Weymouth 1660, was made commissioner of the admiralty and navy, gouvernor of the forts and town of Kingsale, vice-admiral of Mun- ster and a member of that provincial council, and in 1664 was chosen great captain commander under his Royal Highness in that signal and most evi- dently successful tight against the Dutch fleet. Thus he took leave of the sea, his old element, but continued his other employs till 1669, when through Genealogical Gleanings. 27 bodily infirmities (contracted through the care and fatigue of public affairs) he witlidrew, prepared his mind for his end, and with a gentle and even gale in much peace arrived and anchored in his last and best port at Wan- stead, in the county of Essex, IG September, 1670, being then but 49 years of age and 4 months. To whose name and merit his surviving lady erected this remembrance.^ 1671— Chevall Penn of Wellwyn, co. Hertford, gent. ; Will dated 7 Dec 1667; To my two daus. Mary Penn & Sarah Penn -£100 each at 21 or marriage, to be paid by Thos. Penn my son, the said £200 being laid out & disbursed by me for the building of the mills in the parish of Coddicott, co. Herts, now in the occupation of John Chalkley ; to wife Elizth. for life one close of arrable land in parish of Wellwyn called Thomas Croft, after the decease of my mother Alice Penn & after sd wife's decease to my sd. two daus. Mary & Sarah ; Residue to sd. wife Elizth. ; Bro. Jonathan Penn Exor. ; said son Thomas to be a " dutifull sonne to his mother-in-law" ; Wits. — Ro : Vaughan, Nath. Manestey, William Hill ; Pro. 21 Jan 1670-1 by the Exor.— Hene 8 1673 — Richard Penn of Walthamstow, Co Essex, younger son of Sir Wm. Penn late of Wansteed in Essex, Knt., de- ceased; Dated 4 April 1673; To be buried in Walthamstow & to poor of that place £10 ; To mother Dame Margaret Pean £40 yearly for life ; To sister Margaret Lowther, wife of Anthony Lowther, Esq. £50 & to said Anthony Lowther £30, 2 guns & a pair of pistols, at the selection of brother William Penn ; To servant Geo. Homond £10 ; Mourning for mother, bro. & sister Anthony & Margaret Lowther, & 1 The above inscription, on a stately mural monument in the south transept, adorned with the armor and faded fragments of the banners of the deceased, is placed at such a height on the wall as to make the reading of the inscription, even with a glass, a very difficult task, but the writer believes that the transcript here given is correct. It will be noticed that the inscription contradicts the statement of Wood (Ath. Ox. II. 1050) that the admiral was born at Minety. The writer found no trace of the monument to his mother, Margaret (Gilbert) Penn, provided for in the admiral's will, q. v. An account of this tomb has been printed in Notes and Queries, 5th Series, XI., fo. 457. Ayi exhaustive search of the Parish Registt rs of St. Mary Reddiffe should be tnade. 28 Genealogical Gleanings, their children, servant George & mother & sisters servants; To sister (in laic) Gnlielma Maria Penn £50 in token of love ; Mother Dame Margaret Executrix ; Wit : Richard Newman, George Haman, Michaell Lee; Proved 11 April 1673 by Extrx named in Will.— Pye 49. 1691 — William Penn of Petworth, co. Surrey; died abroad ; Emma Markin of Petworth sole legatee & Execu- trix; Proved 30 Sept. 1691.— Vere 147 1692 — Oliver Penn of Stoney Stratford, co. Bucks ; brother William Penn of London, Innholder, & his son Oliver; daughter Mary Busby; grandchildren Catherine, Olive, Mary, John & Elizabeth Busby; wife Anne; kinswoman Sarah wife of Llenry Honour ; Proved 25 July 1692. — Fane 132 1696— William Penn of Penn Place, co. Bucks, Esq. ; To father William Penn ; sisters Martha, Elizabeth & Henrietta Penn ; Exor. Sir Nathaniel Curson ; Proved 15 June 1696. —Bond 100 1697 — Oswald Penn, Mariner, of H. M. Ship Shrewsbury; Will dated 1 June 1695 ; wife Mary Penn of Christ Church, Southwark, named Atty. to receive Prize Money & sole Legatee & Exrx; Proved by Relict 8 Apr. 1697.— Pyne 81. 1698— Giles Penn of St Marys, Whitechapel ; Susan Butler sole Legatee & Executrix ; Proved 26 Mar. 1698.— Lort 1699 — Sarah Penn of Penn, co. Bucks, widow; son Roger ; 3 daughters Martha-Elizabeth, Catherine & Henri- etta; Proved 16 Jan. 1699.— Pett 12. I Wn^LIAM PENN, Esqr. so called Cheife proprietor & Gouernour of the Province of Pensiluania and the Terri- toryes thereunto belonging being of sound mind and under- standing for which I bless God doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament. Genealogical Gleanings. 29 my eldest Son beino; well provided for by a Settlement of his Mothers and my flathers Estate I giue and deuise the Rest of my Estate in manner following The Gouernment of my Prouince of Pensiluania and Territoryes thereunto belonging and all powers relateing thereunto I giue and devise to the most Ilono'ble the Earle of Oxford and Earle Mortimer and to William Earle Powlett so called and their Heires upon Trust to dispose thereof to the Qiieen or any other person to the best aduantage they can to be applyed in such a manner as I shall hereinafter direct. I give and devise to my dear Wife Hannah Penn and her fiather Thomas Callowhill and to my good ffriends Mar- garett Lowther my dear Sister and to Gilbert Ileathcote Pliysitian, Samuel Wildentield, John ffield, Henry Couldney all liueing in England and to my ffriends Samuel Carpenter, Richard Hill, Isaac E"orris, Samuel Preston and James Logan liueing in or near Pensiluania and their heires All my lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoeuer rents and other profitts scituate lyeing and being in Pensiluania and the Territores thereunto belonging or else where in America upon Trust that they shall sell and dispose of so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay all my just debts and from and after paymt thereof shall couuey unto each of the three Children of my son William Penn, Gulielma- Maria, Springett and William respectiuelj- and to their re- spectiue heires 10000 acres of land in some proper and beneficiall places to be sett out by my Trustees aforesaid All the rest of my lands and Hereditamts whatsoeuer scitu- ate lyeing and being in America I will that my said Trustees shall conuey to and amongst the Children which I haue by my present wife in such proporcon and for such estates as my said Wife shall think fitt but before such Conueyance shall be made to my Children I will that my said Trustees shall conuey to my daughter Aubrey whom I omitted to name before 10000 acres of my said Lands in such places as my said Trustees shall think litt. All my p'sonall estate in Pensiluania and elsewhere and 3 30 Genealogical Gleanings, arreares of rent due there I giiie to my said dear Wife whom I make my sole Executrix for the equal 1 benefitt of her and her Children. In Testimony whereof I haue sett my hand and seal to this my Will which I declare to be my last Will reuoking all others formerly made by me. Signed Sealed and Published by the Testator William Penn in the presence of us who sett our names as Witnesses thereof in the p'sence of the said Testator after the Inter- lineracon of the Words aboue Vizt; whom I make my sole Executrix. Sarah West, Robert West, Susanna Reading, Thomas Pyle, Robert Lomax. (Signed) Wm Penn. This Will I made when ill of a feauour at London with a Cleur understanding of what I did then but because of some unworthy Expressions belying Gods goodness to me as if I knew not what I did doe now that I am recouered through Gods goodness hereby declare that it is my last Will and Testament at Ruscorab in Berkshire this 27th of the 3d Month called May 1712. Wm Penn. Witnesses p'sent Eliz. Penn, Tho : Pyle, Tho : Penn, Eliz. Anderson, Marj^ Chandler, Josiah Dee, Mary Dee. Postscript in my own hand. As a further Testimony of my loue to my dear Wife I of my own mind glue unto her out of the rents of America vizt: Pensiluania £300 a year for her naturall life and for her care and charge ouer my children in their Education of which she knows my mind as also that I desire that they may settle at least in good part in America where I leaue them so good an Interest to be for their Inheritance from Generacon to Generacon which the Lord p'serue and prosper. Amen. Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud London (cum Codicillo annexo) coram venerabili viro Gulielmo Phipps Legum Doctore Surrogato Venerabilis et egregij viri Johannis Bettesworth Lesrum etiam Doctoris curiae Genealogical Gleanings. 31 Proerogativae Cantuari Magistri Custodis sive Comissarij legitimo constituti Quarto die mensis IsTouembris Anno Domino Millesimo Septingen'mo Decern Octavo per Affir- maconem sive Declaraconem solennem Hannae Penn viduae Relictae dicti defuncti et Executricis unicae in die to Tes- tanito : nominatae Cui commissa fuit Administratio om- nium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti declaracone praedicta in praesentio-Dei Omnipoten- tis juxta Actum Parliamenti in liac parte editum et provisum de bene et lidelitur administrando eadem per dictum Execu- tricem prius facta. Decimo Sexto die mensis ffebruarij Anno D'ni 1726 cmt. Com'o Johanni Penn Armo. filio et Ad'stratori cum Test'o annexo bonor' &c Hannae Penn viduae def'tae dum vixit Relictae Ex'tricis unicae et Legatariae Residuariae nomi- natae in Tes'to dicti Gulielmi Penn def ti hen' &c ad ad'- strandum bona jura et Credita dicti def ti juxta tenorem et eft'ectum Tes'ti Ipsius def'ti per dictam Ex'tricem modo etiam demortuam iuad'strata de bene &c jurat. Tenison 221. PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY. PENN ADMONS. 1559 to 1700. 1598 — Richard Pen Uite of the town of Salop, deed., Admon. issued 10 Feb. 1597-8, to Willm. Pen, his son. — Act Book 1592-98, fo. 239 1606 — Anne Penne late of Barston, co. Warwick, deed., Admon. 25 June 1606 to Thos. Penne her brother. — 1605- 10, fo. 43 1606 — Richard Penne late of City of "Westminster, deed,, Admon. 11 Nov. 1606 to John Penne his brother. — 1605- 10, fo. 56 1612 — Richard Pen late of parish of St. James, Clerken- well, CO. Midd., Admon. 6 Jan. 1611-12 to Bridgett Pen, relict.— 1611-14, fo. 46 32 Genealogical Gleanings. 1615 — Richard Penne late of Stanwell, co. Midd., deed., Adraon. 3 April 1615 to John Jordaine one of the creditors. —1615-18, fo. 11 1619 — William Penne late of Bromsgrove, co. Wore, deed., Admon. 12 July 1619 to Elizth. Penne, relict. Adraon. de bonis non in Nov. 1626 (q. v.).— 1619-22, fo. 29 1622 — Edward Pen late of Pen, co. Bucks, deed., Admon. 16 July 1622 to Willm. Pen his brother.— 1619-22, fo. 187 1626 — John Penn late of Gregory Stoke, co. Somerset, bachr., deed., Admon. 3 May 1626 to Agnes Penn alias Middleton & Margt. Penn alias Pococke, his sisters. — 1625- 27. fo. 81 1626 — William Pen of Bradford in parish of Belbrough- ton, CO. Worcester deed., Admon. 11 ISTov. 1626 to Anne Pen the relict.— 1625-27, fo. 117 1626 — William Penn late of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, deed., Admon. " de bonis non" 20 Nov. 1626 to Gervase Penn his son, Elizth. Penn, the relict, being dead not having fully administered. (Former grant July 1619.) — 1625-27, fo. 116 1631 — Sibill Winscombe alias Penn late of parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, co. Midd., deed., Admon. 30 June 1631 to Francis Penn next of kin.— 1631-33, fo. 36 1632 — Henry Penn late " in partibus transmarinus" bachr., deed., Admon. 7 June 1632 to Giles Penne his father. — 1631-33, fo. 107 1632 — George Penn late of Brinckworth, co. Wilts, deed., Admon. 15 Dec. 1632, to Elizabeth Penn the relict.— 1631- 33, fo. 138 b. 1641 — John Penn late of Gorton, co. Suffolk, deed., Admon 7 Nov. 1641 to his mother Elizabeth Penn. — 1641, fo. 83 Genealogical Gleanings. 33 1646 — Paul Pen late of Stonystratford, co. Bucks, deed., Admon. 9 June 1646 to Matthew Penn, his kinsman. — 1646, fo. 64 1646 — William Penn late of Chadesley Corbett, co. Wor- cester, deed., Admon. 12 Sept. 1646 to Ellianor Penn, the relict.— 1646, fo. 108 1648 — William Penn late in partibus vltramarinus deed., Admon. 25 Aug. to Susanna Penn, the relict. — 1648, fo. 90 1648 — Thomas Penn late in partibus transmarinus, bach- elor, deed., Admon. 26 Dec. to father Matthew Penn. — 1648, fo. 144 1649 — Samuel Penn late of parish of St. Clements Danes, CO. Midd., deed, Admon. 9 June to Thomas Penn, his father.— 1649, fo. 66 1649 — Oswald Penne late of Belbroughton, co. Worcester, bachelor, deed., Admon. 13 July 1649 to William Penn his brother.— 1649, fo. 80 1650 — James Penn late of the City of Oxford, deed., Admon. 13 Sept., to Willm. Farr, principal creditor. — 1650, fo. 138 1654— Michaell Pen late of Stonie Stratford, co. Bucks, deed., Admon. last day of Feb. 1653-4, to Anne Pen, the relict.— 1653-54, II, fo. 21 1656 — Humfrey Penne late of Hagley, co. Worcester, deed., Admon. 18 June to Katherine Penne, the relict. — 1656, fo. 139 1657 — Thomas Penn late of Twickenham, co. Midd., deed., Admon. 17 July to Grace Penn, the relict. — 1657, fo. 168 1657 — Alice Penne late of the City of Worcester, deed., Admon. 5 Oct. to Marke Penne, her husband.— 1657, fo. 238 34 Genealogical Gleanings. 1658 — William Penne late of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, deed., Admon. 18 May to Dorothy Penne, the relict. — 1658, fo. 117 1660 — Thomas Penne late of the City of Oxford, deed., Admon. 23 Oct. to Alice Pen, the relict— 1660, fo. 145 1671 — Thomas Pen late of parish of St. Giles, Cripple- gate, London, deed., Admon. 1 Feb. 1670-71 to Elizabeth Pen, the relict. Admon. de bonis non 15 June 1671 to Edward Astell, uncle & guardian assigned to Beate Pen, daughter of said Thomas Pen, Elizabeth Pen, the relict, having died.— 1671, fos. 19 & 72 1681-2— Margaret Penn. 13 March 1681-2 Letters of Admon. issued to William Penn, Gent., natural & legit, son of Margarete Penne late of Waltham Stow, co. Essex, widow, deceased intest. — Act Book, fo. 31. 1689— Thomas Penn— Jan. 31, 1689-90, Com. issued to John Armstrong principal Creditor of Thomas Penn late of psh. of St. Olaves, Southwark, in com. Surry, but on the Queen's ship Advice on seas deceased & admon. granted as above. Hanna Penn the Relict first renouncing. — Act Book fo. 14 1691 — George Penn — Dec. 15, 1691, Com. issued to George penne the natural and legit, son of George penne Sen : late of Toller Wilm in co. Dorset, deceased intestate &c., Elizabeth penne, the widow, first renouncing. — Act Book fo 224 1693— Stephen Pen— May 17, 1693, Com. issued to Roger Grier, prin. Creditor of Stephen Pen, late in the Island of Barbadoes, deceased unmarried & intestate. — Act Book fo 78 1698 — Elizabeth Penne — Jan. 6, 1698 — Com. issued to Elizabeth Parker (wife of John Parker) nat. & legit, daugh- ter of Elizabeth penne, late of Evershott, in com. Dorset, widow, deceased intestate, &c — Act Book fo 17 Genealogical Gleanings. 35 " —Kicliard Penn— Sept. 30, 1698, Com. issued to Judith Penn, Relict of Richard Penn, late of Shotteswell, in CO. Warwick, deceased intestate &c. — Act Book fo 167 1700— Thomas Penn— Oct. 8, 1700, Com. issued to Thomas Penn natural & legit, son of Thomas Penn, late of the City of Bristol, deceased intestate, &c. — Act Book fo 201 The following will, cited in the Heraldic Journal, Vol. IV., folio 110, as occurring among the Suffolk wills, may be properly introduced here : 1679 — Katherine Penn, widow of James Penn ; Will dated 25 Oct. 1679; names only her kinsmen James Allen & his sons James, John & Jeremiah ; Witnesses — Humphrey Davis & John Fayerweather. Seals with Arms — Party per chevron Ar. & Erm., in chief 2 leopard's heads erased. Crest — A leopard's head erased. These arms are identified by the writer in the Journal as those of the Alleynes, Bonetars, formerly of Barbadoes. WORCESTER PROBATE COURT.i 1493 — Wm. Penne of Halesowen or Hagley ^ (no abstract). File 1493— i^° 1. 1 At the time of the writer's examination of the "Worcester Calendars the idea of collecting Penn material had not suggested itself to him, and the fragments above given were preserved by a mere accident. As the county was evidently rich in Penns, from -the evidence in the Prerogative Court, there can be no doubt that a thorough search of this District Court would yield considerable results. ''■ In the Visitation of Worcestershire in 1634 William Penn of Hagley Francis Pen of Belbroughton occur among the Disclaimers, alleging that they are no gentlemen and claim no right to bear arras. (Brit. Mus. Ad. MS. 19,810, art. 2.) The will of Richard Penn, of Hagley, dated 1470, beneficiary to Cath. of Wore, and to parishes of Hagley, Clent, Pedmore, Belbroughton, Churchill, etc., is quoted by Nash, the county historian, "Herald and Genealogist," Vol. VII. fo. 131. 36 Genealogical Gleanings. 1526 — Hugh lee of Brorasgrove; will dated xvj May 1526 ; to be buried in Cliurcli of our ladye at B. ; Trustees, for wife Alys & child., Nicholas Barnysley of Barnysley, co. Wore, gentl. & William Chaunce of same ; (inter alia child.) dau. Elizabet Pen, wiffe to Phylyp Pen, & Gilbert Pen, son of sd. Phylyp; &c., pro. iij Apr. 1528. File 1526— 1^» 96. 1552-3— Richard Penne (no abstract). File 1552-3— N" — . 1557— Edmund Penne of Bidford (no abstract). File 1557 — N° 50. PENN MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AT PENN, CO. BUCKS.^ In Memorium Gulielmi Penn Armigeri ex desiderio suo extra in Coemeterio sepulti qui obiit duodecimo die Maij Anno Dom. 1693. Anno aetatis suae 64 hoc posituum. Heere lyeth the Bodyes of William Pen, Esq and of Mar- tha his Wife, by whom hee had issue one Sonne and two Daughters. Shee dyed the 19th. day of November Anno Dni 1635. Hee dyed the 9th. day of January Anno Dni 1638. Hie jacent corpora Johannis Pen Armigeri quond'm Domini hujus Manerij de Pen qui obiit — die Octobris Anno salutis 1597 et aetatis suae 63 et Ursulae uxoris eius Que obiit anno salutis — et aetatis suae - Horum terreno clan- duntur membra sepulchro sed capiunt animas sydera sola pias Quos univit, mortis seperare potestas Non voluit, junc- tos cerimus hoc tumulo. Heere lyeth interred the Bodye of John Pen of Pen Es- quire, who married Sarah the Daughter of Sr : Henry Drury, Knight, by whome hee had Issue five Sonnes and five Daughters. Hee departed this life the second of July A" Dni 1641. 1 From Lipscomb's " History of Bucks," Vol. III. fo. 287. Genealogical Gleanings. 37 Here lies the Body of Mrs. Henrietta Penn, sister of Roger Penn, Esq., who died Jany. ye 17th. 1728. Here lies the Body of Roger Penn, Esq., Lord of this Manor, who died unmarried March ye 17th. 1731 in the 55th year of his age. lies the Body of Mrs. Penn, Sister to Roger Penn, who died Augst. 12th. 1728. " Here lies the Body of Elizabeth Catherine Penn, Sister to Roger Penn, Esq., who died Feby. ye 20th. 1 . "William, Son of the Honble : Thomas Penn, Esq., Pro- prietor of Pennsylvania & of the Rt. Honble : Lady Juliana Penn, his Wife, died Feb. 14, 1753, aged 7 months. Near this place lies the Body of daughter of Sr : ISTathaniel Curzon of Kedleston, Bart, by Sarah his Wife, daughter of William Penn, Esq. who died Jan. 19 1701, aged 29 years. Also Christopher Curzon, Doctor of Civil Law, younger son of same, who died Feb. 4, 1713, aged 32 years. PEWSEY (WILTS) REGISTER.' Baptisms. 1568 — m Pen the son of Richard Pen was baptized the sixt of Januar3\ 1569 — William Pen the sone of Richard Pen was baptized the 6 of December. 1572 — Richard Pene the son of Richard Pen was bapt. the XX of Aprill. 1573 — John Pen the son of Richard Pen was bapt: the same 17 of January. ' Tlie register dates from 15G8, and is in beautiful preservation. The writer's most cordial thanks are due to the Hon. and Kev. Mr. Bouverie, Rector of Pewsey, for the great courtesy shown by him and the facilities afforded for making the examination of this important Register full and thorough. Most valuable items were obtained from it for the family in whose behalf the search was made. 38 Genealogical Gleanings. 1576 — Richard Pen the sone of Richard Pen was bapt: the X of October. 1578 — Gregory Pen the sone of Richard Pen was bapt: th 22 of marcli. 1582 — Jone Pen the daughter of Richard Pen was bapt : May 7. 1601 — Ellenor Pen the daughter of Richard Pen was bapt : Aprill 12. 1604 — Thomas Pene the sone of Richard Pene was bapt : July : 29. 1606 — Daniel Pene the sonn of Mathew Pene was bapt: ifebru : 22. 1607 — Richard Pene the sone of Richard Pene was bapt : June X. 1611 — Agnis Pene the Daughter of william Pene was bapt: ifebru: 26. 1612 — Jane the daughter of mathew Pene was bapt : De- ceb: 20. 1612 — Elizabeth the daughter of Gregory Pene was bapt : Jana: 24. 1641 — Jane the daughter of Willia Penn was baptized sixth of march. 1642 — wenifrinte the Daughter of Richard Penn was bapt August the 4. 1644 — William the sonne of William Penn was bapt : March the 2. 1650 — Christian the daughter of John Penn was baptized the 7th of Aprill. 1650 — Sarah the daughter of William Penn was baptised the 19th. of July. 1652 — Hester the daughter of Richard Penn was bapt the 13th. of Aprill. 1652 — Ann the daughter of John Penn was bapt the 17th of octob :/August. 1662 * — elncr the daughter of John Penn was bapt the 14- of September. 1 Misplaced and duplicate entry. See next page. Genealogical Gleanings. 39 1653 — Daniell penn the sonn of Richard penn was bapt the 15 of October. 1655 — John penn the sonn of John penn was bapt the 15 of april 1655. 1657 — Richard the soon of Ricliard penn was bapttizcd 4 of October. 1658 — philipe the sone of John penn was bapt the 8 of february 1658. 1660 — Thomas the soone of John penn was bapt the first of nouember 1660. 1662 — Ellcnor tlie daughter of John Penn was bapt Sept: 14th. 1665 — James the Sonn of John & Edey Penn bapt May th ffitteenth. 1668 — Elizabeth Penn ye Daughter of John Penn & Edith his Wife was baptized March ye 7th. Weddings. 1604 — Roger Deare and Jone Pene were maryed Janua: 21 : 1604. 1626— John Adams and Agnis Pen were maryed Octo : 9. 1641 — Richard Pen & Christian Colman were married August th 28. 1676— William Harding & Elizabeth Penn both of this Parish were married June the twelfth. Burials. 1568 — Michael Pen the sone of Richard Pen was buryed Janu : 23. 1573 — Richard the Sone of Richard Pen was buried march : 28. 1574 — Catherine Pen was bury — noub : 21. 1605 — Alice Pene the wife of Richard Pen was buryed Janu: 20. 1606 — Richard Pene was buried Janu : 5. 1623 — Jone the Daughter of Richard Pen was buryed Jan : 14. 40 Genealogical Gleanings. 1649 — Cicely the wyfe of Richard Penn was buryed the 18th of Octbr : 1654 — widow penn was buried the 19 J^oueraber, 1657 — Richard penn was buried the 24 of September 1657. 1663 — Jean Penn was buried Octob : 4th. 1665 — Doritey the wife Richard Penn buried May the siuenth. 1665 — William Penn buried Deasember the sixt. 1669 — Jacob Pen son of Richard Pen of Kepnet Tithing buried April. 1670 — John Penn & Edith his wife buried Ausrust the seventeenth. 1688 — Richard Penn was buried the Third of March (Affidavit not made till March the thirteenth).^ 1694 — Penn — Richard Penn was Buried September the third (in woollen). EEGISTER OF ST. MARY'S-MARLBORO' (WILTS).'' Baptisms. 1603 — Richard the sonne of John Pen was bapt the ixth of December. 1605, June — Mariar the daughter of John Pen the fourth day. 1608-9, March — Amy and Elizabeth the daughters of John Pen the 26. 1623 — Alice daughter of Robert Pen Septamb 14. 1641 — Mary daughter of John Pen octobr : 3. 1648 — Margaret daughter of John Penn Aprill 18. Weddings. 1637 — John Pen & Susan Auste August 19. Burials. 1625 — Mary wife of John Pen January 12. 1641 — John Pen sonne of John Pen March 27. 1656 — Elizabeth ye daughter of John Penn March ye 21. ^ Affidavit of burial in woollen only, according to act of Parliament in 1679. * The res;ister dates from 1602. Genealogical Gleanings. 41 1657— .John Pcnn octobr : th 29. 1673— John Penii August 28. HIGHWORTH REGISTER.^ 1636 — Robert Penne sonn of Richard Penne buried 20 January 1636. MALMESBURY ABBEY (WILTS) REGISTER.^ 1606, Aug. — The xvij daye was baptized Elizabeth Penn the Daughter of Thomas Penn of Rodborn. 1610-1, January — The xxiiijth. daye was baptized Joane Penne the Daughter of Tho : Penn. 1613, Maij — Anna Penn, daughter of Tho : bap : 29. 1615, Deceb : — Janet ye daughter of Thomas Penn of Rodborne bap : 30. 1619, September — The 16 day was baptized williara Penne the sonne of Thomas Penne. 1619, October — The 23rd. was buried Joane Penn of Rod- bourne. 1622, December— The 2th. day was buryed Elizabeth Pen the daughter of Thomas Pen of Rodburue. 1626, July — Baptized the 23 George Sonne of Tho : Penne of Rodborne. 1646— Buryed the 18th. ftebruarie 1646 Thomas Penn of Rodborne. SHERSTON MAGNA (WILTS) REGISTER, FROM THE TRAN- SCRIPTS* AT DIOCESAN REGISTRY, SALISBURY. 1605 — Editha Penne sepulta fuit xij die Julij Anno pd. ^ Searched from 1627 to 1650 only. Kecords date from 1539. 2 The Malmesbury Abbey Registers, which include the Chapelry of Rod- borne, commence in 1590, and are in a fine state of preservation. No search was made for Penns after the burial of Thomas, in 1646, and other entries may exist, as the family were still seated there in 1665 (see will of Thomas Penn, in Archdeacon of Wilts Court). In one of his manuscripts Awbrey mentions "old Mr. Penn of Ilodburne, an ingeniose man and a good chymist," temps Jac. I., as of the same family as the founder of Penn- sylvania and Admiral Sir William Penn. — Jackson's " Awbrey's Wilts," fo. 280. * These transcripts are very fragmentary and defective. The Register at Sberston has perished previous to 1653. The earliest year in the Tran- scripts is 1606. Although searched to 1812, no other Penns were found. 42 Genealogical Gleanings. EEGISTER OF ALLHALLOWS PARISH, BARKING, LONDON. Baptisms. 1644, October 23 — William, son of William Penn and Margarett his wife of the Tower Liberty.^ BIDFORD (WARWICKSHIRE) REGISTER.'' Baptisms. 1688, Sept. 3— John son of William Pen. 1690, June 10— William son of William Pen. 1692, Sept. 17— Robert son of William Penn. 1694, Feb. 10— Elizabeth, dau. of William Penn. 1705, Oct. 7 — Sarah dau. of Ann Penn. 1720, Feb. 23— Mary dau. of Elizabeth Penn. Marriages. 1731, Apr. 27— Edward Price and Elizabeth Penn. 1742, Sept. 2 — Thomas Court and Sarah Penn. Burials. 1666, Mch. 8— John son of William Pen. 1669, Dec. 26— William Pen. 1695, Sept. 21— Elizabeth Pen, widow. 1695, Nov. 3— William Pen. 1747, Oct. 25 — Anne Penn, widow, of Brome. 1 This extract of the baptism of the Founder is taken from " Collections Kelating to the History of the Parish of Allhallows, Barking, in the City of London," by Kev. Joseph Maskell, folio 68. It has been previously cited in Penn A. Mag., Vol. VIII. folio 108. ' The Bidford Register dates from 1655 for marriages and 1664 for baptisms and burials. The above extracts, which are evidently fragmentary, appear to have been taken from the bishop's transcripts. They, as well as the four following register extracts, are taken from Coleman's "Notes," pp. 12-14. Bidford lies close to the Worcestershire border, about fourteen miles south- east of Bromsgrove and four north of Littleton. Brome is about one mile west of Bidford. Genealogical Gleanings. 43 SOUTH LITTLETON (WORCESTER) PARISH REGISTER.' Baptisms. 1554, Jan. 10 — Alys, dau. of Wyllyam pen, tayler. 1576, Oct. 17— Phyllyppe, dau. of Wm : and Joane Hyll, commenly called Pen. 1580, Apr. 9 — Alyce, dau. of Wm : and Jone Hyll, com- menly called Pen. 1588, Nov. 24— Elsabeth Hyll, commenly called Penue, dau. of Wm : and Joane Hyll. 1734, Oct. 6 — Mary, dau. of Samuel and Mary Penn. 1736, Nov. 14 — William, son of Samuel and Mary Pen. 1738, Mch. 11 — Anne, dau. of Samuel and Mary Penn. 1741, June 14 — John, son of Samuel and Mary Penn. Marriages. 1562, Nov. 21— Jbon Marshall and Margery Hyll other- wise called penne. 1566, Oct. 26 — Michael Roberts and Jone Hyll otherwise called penne. 1581, Nov. 21— Thomas Marshall and Elnor Hyll com- menlye called Pen. 1587, Oct. 2— Wm: Tayler and Alice Hyll commeulye called Pen. Burials. 1553, Oct. 31— Thomas son of Wyllyam penne, tayler. 1559, July 3— SybyllHyll als penne. 1564, May 14— Margarete Hyll als pen. 1588, July 15— Wyllyam Hylle the elder, commenly called Pen, a tayler. 1594, Jan. 24— Ales, wife of Wm : Hill als Pen. 1736, May 27— John Penn. 1741, Aug. 15— Samuel Penn. 1 The registers exist from 1538, but are defective— the baptisms after 1644 and the burials after 1610— according to the government report. 44 Genealogical Gleanings. BLOCKLEY (WORCESTER) REGISTER.^ Baptisms. 1665, May 2 — Nathaniel son of Giles Pen of Dome. 1719, June 7 — Anna filia Gulielmi Penn et Annae ux. de Blockley. Marriages. 1713, Sept. 29— Gulielmus Pen et Anna Wilks de Blockley. STANTON (GLOUCESTER) REGISTER.' Ba2')tisms. 1629, Sept. 20— Wm. son of Wm. Penne. 1631, July 24 — Maria filia Gulielmi Penne. 1633, Sept. 1 — Johannes filius Gulielmi Penne. 1636, May 1 — Richard son of Wm. Penne. 1638, Jan. 20 — Anna filia Gualteri Penne. Burials. 1629, May 21 — Richardus Penn, puer. 1640, May 7 — Gulielmus Penne, Textor. 1696, Mch. 23— Maria Penn, vetula inupta. 1729, May 4 — Johannes Pen, coelebs. CHIPPING - CAMPDEN (GLOUCESTERSHIRE) PARISH REGISTER.^ Baptisms. 1660, Sept. 14— Thomas son of Wm. Pen. 1661, Dec. 1 — Anthony and Wm. sons of Wm. Pen. 1664, Nov. 1 — John son of John Pen. 1 The register dates from 1538. Blockley, although under tVie jurisdiction of Worcester, is geographically in Gloucester, being a detached part of Oswald- slow Hundred, about a mile south of Chipping-Campden, Gloucester. * The existing register only dates from 1658, showing that Mr. Coleman's extracts, in this case at least, must have been taken from the transcripts. Stanton is in the northeast part of the county, close to the Worcestershire border and about seven miles west of Blockley and about the same distance from Chipping-Campden. ' The register dates from 1616. Genealogical Gleanings. 45 1666, July 1 — Sarra dau. of John Pen. 1668, Feb. 8— John son of John Pen. 1671, Apr. 9 — Wm. son of John Pen. 3Iarriages. 1695, Oct. 14 — "Wm. Pen and Mary Adkinson. Burials. 1681, May 18— William Pen. EEGISTER ST. HELEN'S— WORCESTER.^ 1630 — Anne, daughter of John Penn baptized 4 July. 1632 — Henry Penne & Elizabeth Rediuge married 20 August. AVILTS LAY SUBSIDIES IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. 1576 — Rodbourne — Edmond Pen in goods iiij li vjs viijd. (198.294). 1581— Rodbourne— Edmond Pen bon. iiij li iiijs. (198.296). 1587 — Sharston Magna — John Penne goods xxs. iiijd. (198.324). 1587 — Malmesbry borough — Willms Pene^ goods iij li — viijd. (198.324). 1587 — Rodborne — Edwardus Penne goods iij li — viijd. (198.324). 1599— Rodborne Penne goods iij li (198.331). 1600 — Luckington — AVilliam Penn goods iij li viijs. (198.333). 1609 — Rodborne — Thomas Peine (Seassors^) terris, xxs ; 1— iiijd. (199.366). 1609 — Luckington — Willms Penn terris xxs; js — iiijd. (199.366). 1623— Rodborne— Thomas Penn Lands xxs. ; 4s. (199.378). ^ Cited by H. S. Grazebrook, Esq., in "Herald and Genealogist," VII. 131. * This William Penn, of Malmesbury, I believe to have been the "William, father of William, of Minety, who died before his father, and was grand- father of Admiral Sir William Penn. ' Query if assessor — i.e., of taxes — is not intended by this? 4 46 Genealogical Gleanings. 1625 — Sherstoii Magna — Agnes Pen Goodes. iijli xls. (199.382). 1625— Rodborne— Thomas Pen Lands xxs. (199.383). 1629 — Sherston Magna — Agnet Penne Vid. goods iijli viijs. (199.399). 1629 — liodborne — Thomas Penn lands xxs. iiijs. (199.399). 1641 — Allington (Calne) Willms Pen gen., Goodes iiijli xxs iiijd. (199.406). WILTS MUSTERS IN PUBLIC EECORD OFFICE. 1538 — The Certyfycatt of the vewe of abull men, as well Archars as Byllmen, takyn the x daye of Apryll, in the xxxth yere of the reyne of our Soverayne Lorde, King Henry the Vlllth by the Grace of God Kynge of Englonde & of ftraunee, defender of the ffayth, Lord of Irelonde & in the erth mooste suppreme hed of the Church of Eng- londe ; by Sir Henry Longe, Knt., John Hamlyn, Esq., & Wyllm Stump, Commyssyoners : Brynkworth. Roger Pen archar. (A. 6. 12.) 1633 — Bond of Richard Cusse^ of Wotton basset, in com. Wilts, Mercer to the Bishop & Sir John Prouden, clerk, in £100 that there be not nor hereafter shall be any let or im- pediment etc. etc but that Richard Cusse & Susan Penn of the Parish of Brinkworth, spinster, may lawfully marry to- gether. Sworn before fi'ran : Roberts, ntr. pbu. 2 August, 1633. Marriage Bonds in Diocesan Registry Office at Salisbury 1628 to 33. 1 The name of Cusse is an ancient one in Wiltshire. A pedigree from the Visitation of 1623 is in Harl. Manuscripts 1165, folio 97. In the Parish Eegister of Christian-Malford, Wilts, the writer met with a member of this family bearing the somewhat contradictory appellation of " Christian Cuss." This Susan Penn is unquestionably the daughter of William and Margaret (Kastall) Penn, and the aunt of Admiral Penn, father of the founder. Genealogical Gleanings. 47 WILTSHIRE PROBATE COURTS. Archdeacon of Sarum's Court. 1538— John Penne of Patney Will & Inventory (Will has perished). Consistory Court of Sarum. (Searched 1593 to 1744.) 1616-17— Thomas Pen de Aldrington -Test. 121 1632 — Henry Penn of Broad Chalke, Wilts., sick & weak &c ; will dated 4 June 1632 ; To be buried in Broadchalke Churchyard; To my daughter Alice Penn, bedding, house- hold stufl, & also my biggest cofler at my son, Ralph Penn's house ; household stuff &c to my daughter Sarah Smalwell, wife of John Smalwell, to my sons Ralph Penn & Thomas Penn, my godson Henry Penn & my grandchild John Penn ; Residue to my son Thomas Penn & my daughter Alice Penn, joint Exors; The mark of Henry Penn; John Streat & Thos. Moxam, overseers, to whom 12 d. each; Wit: Wm. Archer, Thos. Moxam, John Streat, Henry Davis ; Inven- tory taken 30 June 1632, total not given, but about £20 ; proved 28 July 1632, by the Exs. 1646— Ralph Penn, late of Broadchalke, Wilts., Yeoman, deed. Admon. Bond of Mary Penn of Broadchalke, relict of the above, & John Smalwell of Broadchalke, Yeoman, 22 May 1646. Inventory taken 2 May 1646, total 171 li. 7 s. 10 d.. The mark of Marie Pen, Jo : Smalwell, Jo : Lawes. Sub Dean of Sarum's Court. 1587— John Penn, late of the parish of St. Martin in the City of ISTew Sarum, deceased. Admon. 7 July 1587 to his son John pen Senr (sic) Inventor 353. 8d. Chantor ^ Treasurer's Court, 1697— Mary Penn of Highworth. Will (abstract not received). 48 Genealogical Gleanings. Peculiar of Dean of Sarum. 1699 — Jsabella Penu of Hurst. Will (abstract not reed). Archdeacon of Wilis' Court. 1601 — Will of Edmund Towerm an of Rodborne, co. Wilts, dated 20 Dec. 1601 ; Overseers Wm : Knapp, Thos. Powle & Thos. Penn. Witnessed by William Penne, the writer. Reg. Book A. fo. 144. 1619 — Joane Penn of Rodburne in the parish of Malmes- bury, CO. Wilts., widow; will dated 13 July 1619; no date of Probate ; To the children of Nathaniel Butt & Mary Butt £20 to be employed to the use of Mary Butt, my daughter, for her maintenance & that of her children, by the hands of my daughter Alice Power of Stanton Quinton.^ To Thomas Butt & George Butt, two of the said children, an ox & a steer when of age ; To Edith Batten's children 30s. among them ; To Wm. Cox 40s. ; To Margery Bayley 20s. ; To my son William Penn, all my goods & chattels unbequeathed, he to be sole Exor. if at the time of my death he shall come into England to take possession thereof, but if he shall be dead, or not come into England as aforesd., then I bequeath the said residue to my daughter Alice Powell & make her Extrix. (No signature.) Wit. Thos. Penn, Elizth. Penn, John Smith; Inventory of goods taken 25 Oct. 1619 by Richd Jaques, gent., Thos. Cox, Zacharias Power & Wm. Tanner, yeomen (no total given, but in all about £60). 1628 — George Penn of Brinkworth. Will (abstract not received). 1630 — Will of George Jones, Yeoman, of Grittenham, 'Compare with Awbrey's statement, already cited (page 287), that "at Kodbourne there were Penns, which Power of Stanton Quinton mar- ried." Jackson's " Awbrey's Wilts' Collections," folio 270. It is proba- ble that the Zacharias Power who assists in taking the inventory was the husband of Alice. Genealogical Gleanings. 49 CO Wilts ; dated 20 ffeb. 1629 ; proved 7 Oct. 1630 : Over- seer George Peiin, gent. File 30 N" 12. 1634_^111 of Kobert Sargent of Gritlington, co Wilts- Yeoman ; dated June 1634 ; no date probate ; bequest " to Joanne Peune, wife of John Tenne, 3 ackers of Barley, shouting vpon ould mead." File 40 N° 34. 1637— Will of Richard Cromwell of Startley, Parish of Broad Somerford, co. Wilts, husbandman; dated 8 Aug. 1637 ; Witnessed by Elizabeth Penne. File 49 N° 14. 1665_Thomas Penne of Rodborne in Parish of Malmes- burie, co Wilts, Yeoman ; nuncupative will dated 20 Maye 1657 ; proved 5 June 1665 ; To all his children then living 1/s. apeece; wife Anne Penne Sole Residuary Legatee & Extrx. ; Witnesses Wm : Gale & John Winkworth, sen. Inventory taken 22 May 1657 by David Alexander & Jeremy Godwine :— Sum to'l is 71 li 3s. Od. File 57 N° 32. 1665— Will of Elizabeth Penne of Rodborne, Widow ; da 11 Apr 1664 ; pr 4 June 1665 ; dau Joane wife of Walter Wastfield 6 pounds & to all her child. 40/s. to be div. among them & to sd dau Joane table & bed linen & clothing ; child, of son-in-law John Sparrow 12/d apeece ; Elizabeth dau. of said J. S. " one greene rugg" ; grchild Mary Symmons 1 Iron Pott, bed linen, clothing, &c. & 10 pounds at 21 years, with remainder to grchd. Jane Penne, eld. dau. of my son Thomas Penne, dec'd ; grchd Mary Penne, dau of Wil- liam Penne dec'd., 20/s at end of 7 years after my decease " if she shall not recover any lands in Ireland," but if she re- cover such Ids this legacy to be void ; to all child, of son Thomas Penne dec'd 20/s apeece ! to dau-in-law Anne Penne of Rodburne Residuary Legatee & Extrx; Overseers — Friends John Auth of ffovvlesweeke & Richard Winkworth of Somerford Magna; Witnesses — William Gale, Jeremie Godwin. Signed with mark. 50 Genealogical Gleanings. Inventory taken 14 ISTov. 1664 by John Handy, "William Gale & Jeremiah Godwin. 24 li — 13s — 2d. File 57 no. 48. 1682 — Eliza Penn of Pewsey. Bond, (abstract not rec'd). 1689 — Richard Penn of Pewsey. Will & Inv. (abstract not rec'd). Marriage Licenses at Diocesan Registry — Worcester. 1580, Jan. 27 — Thomas Penne & Mary Bradshaw of Worcester. 1584, Sept. 20— Thomas Penne & Ann Vizar of St. Nich- olas Psh. Worcester. 1681, July 2— John Clarke & Mary Pen both of Clent.^ Somei^set Wills. 1606 — James Bysse of Croscombe, Somerset. Will not dated. Proved 14 Feb. 1606/7 by relict Christian. Legacy to daughter Joyce Penn. Pre. Ct. Cant. Huddlestone 21. 1608 — Christian Bisse of Croscombe, co. Somerset. Will dated 30 Jan. 1608 ; Proved 10 Aug. 1609. Legacy of £10 to daughter Joyce Pen. Proved by son Robert. Wells Registry. ST. MARY REDCLIFFE— BRISTOL.'' Baptisms. 1607, ffebruarie 24 — Rachell daughter to Gyles Penne. 1610, Male 26 — Elianor the dauo:hter of Georije Penne. 1610, Decembr 23 — Catherine the daughter of willia Penne. Ifarriages. 1600 — Giles Penne and Joan Gilbeart were married the vth. Daye of Nouember. 1 The above from a communication by Rev. Thomas P. Wadley, in Marshall's "Genealogist," VI. folio 177. 2 First Vol. Eeo-. 1559-1677. Genealogical Gleanings. 51 Burials. 1612, Nouember 24 — Elianor the daughter of M' Giles Penile. 1628, Awgust 12 — Mattha Pen Daughter to m'gery Pen Wydow. 1651, ffebe: 23— Ann Pen. 1670, Octobr 3 — S' willam penn In Led. Note. — The writer must express his most cordial thanks to the Vicar, Kev. C. E. Cornish, and the curates, Messrs. Ramsay and Seavey, for the facilities shown him in the examination of these important registers. 4 m