'^f..7f* V Ly^^ \: f Class F37 7 1^ •^ til ^A LOUISIANA. ITS GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION, , TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES, POPULATION, EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES, COMMERCE, AND TRANSPORTATION; ITS SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS, GAME AND FISHES, ORES AND MINERALS. AND A COMPILATION OF THE HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTION LAWS OF LOUISIANA, AND THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF BY THE STATE SUPREME COURT, AND — DFFICIAL niRE CTDRY, E. B. HOWELL and W. U. RICHAEDSON. N EW ORLEANS. F. P'.Uansell, Stationer and Printer. 1SS5. ^ FOR. Sj^LE 1200 Acres of Land in Bienville Paris Louisiana. This land lies within 12 inile.s of the V. S. & P. R. R., is \\ u atered and siipi)lied with excsllent timber. Good dwelling house and large area of land in cultivation. For price nnd terms, etc., Address. ^\. M. JAMES, Sparta, ! On MILL CREEK, in Bienville Parish, La. A Saw Mill, Grist Mill, Cotton Gin and Prei This machinery is located on an excellent mill site, with sr eieiit uater power, if properly util-ized, to proi)el machinery manufacturing cotton ^''oods and other fabrics. For terms, price, etc., address me at Saline Post-office, Bi ville. Parish, La. Felnuary 6, 1885. B. W. BRASWELL. A. D. HAMMETT & SON, —DEALERS IN— Real Estate, Machinery, Etc AVe are olfeiing bargaii:-s in Plantatii"operty and funds of the debtor concealed from the creditor." AN ACT To carry out the provisions of Articles 219 and 220 of the Con- stitution, in relation to recording homesteads and exemptions. Be it enacted hy the General Assemhh/ of the .iState of Louisiana : The person or persons claiming the benefit of the home- stead and exemptions provided by law, pursuant to Articles 219 and 229 of the Constitution of 1879, must execute a written declaration of homestead. This declarati(m must contain (1) a statement of the facts that show the person claiming the home stead and exemptions is a person of the description to be enti- tled thereto ; (2) a statement that the person claiming it is resid- ing on the laud or h)t claimed as a homestead and owns it by a bona Me title, stating the nature of title ; (3) a description of the lot or tract of land ; (4) an enumeration of the other exemp- tions ; (5) an estimate of the cash value of the homestead and exemptions, a statement of intention to claim such homestead and exemptions. The declaration must be sworn to, and re- corded in the book of mortgages for the parish where the home- stead claimed is situated Approved April 10, 1880. "Under the homestead provisions of the Constitution of 1879 the exemptions therein provided only take effect from the date of registry, as jjrovided by law, and are inoperative against debts contracted prior to such registrv." — Succession of Francis, 34 A. 1013. 24 AX ACT To amend Article 644 of the Code of Practice ; to repeal all law contrary to or in coutiict with this act and all laws on the sam snbject-matter ; the amendment of Article 644 of the Code ( Practice ; to fix penalties for the violation of this act, and to fl the limits of this act and the interpretation to be given to it. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representi tivesofthe State of Louisiana^ in General Assembly convened., Th;i Article 644 of the Code of Practice be so iimended as to read a follow^s : The sherifl" or constable cannot seize the linen an clothes belonging to tlie debtor or his wife, nor his bed, beddin or bedstead, nor those of his family, nor liis arms and militar accontrements, nor the tools and instruments and books an sewing macliines necessary for the exercise of his or her calling trade or profession by whicli lie or she makes a living; nor sha he in any case seize the rights of personal servitude, of use an habitation, of usufrin^t to the estate of a minor child, nor th income of dotal property, nor the money due for the salary of a officer, nor laborers' wages, nor the cooking stove and utensils c the said stove, nor the jHates, dishes, knives and forks an spoons, nor the dining table and dining chairs, nor wash-tuLi nor smoothing irons and ironing furnaces, nor family portrait belonging to the debtor, nor the musical instruments played o or j)ractised on by any member of the family. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted^ etc.., That any person offendin against the provisions of this act, or who shall by any artifice c subterfuge induce or procure another to sign away, by contrac or otherwise, any of the rights which he or she may have nude this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on cor viction shall be fined in a sum not exceeding IL'OO, or imprisor ment for a term not exceeding six months, or both, at the dis cretion of the court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ etc.. That all laws and parts c laws conflicting with this act or contrary to any of its provisions and all laws on the same subject-matter, the amendment of Articl 644 of the Code of Practice, be and are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That the repealing clause c this act shall not l)e construed or interpreted so as to affect th exemption of the homestead, the widow's $1000, nor the rurg and agricultural exemptions now in force by existing laws, i 25 being the true uieaniag and intent of this act that those exemp- tions should not be ait'ected by this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, etc.^ That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. (Signed) E. I). ESTELETTE, Spealcer of the House of Representatives. (Signed) C. C. A^NTOINE, Lienteiiant-donernor and President of the Senate. Approved Ai)ril 4, ISTO. (Signed) WM. P. KELLOGG, A true cojjy. (roreriior of the State of Louisiana. A. DIJRAND, Assistant Seeretary of State. " Whenever the wi(U»\v or minor children of a deceased person shall be left in necessitous circumstances, and not possess in their own right property to the amount of one thousand dollars, the widow or the legal reiu'esentatives of the chihlren shall be entitled to demand and receive from the succession of their deceased father or husband a sum which, added to the amount of property owned by them or either of them, in their own right, will make u]) the sum of one thousand dollars, and which said amount shall be jjaid in preference to all other debts, except those for the vendor's privilege and expenses incurred in selling the ])ro})erty. " The surviving widow shall have and enjoy the usufruct of the money so received from her deceased husband's succession during lu^r wiort aud Pacific Kailroad, a (^iiiet little village, remarkably healthy, ajid surrounded by good moral aud reli- gious influences. Mount Lebanon College otters the greatest advantagea at the oheapest rates. It is well organized — with a lull corps of competent teachers. It is well prepared to give a thorougli Euglisb and classical education, together with music and art. Students of both sexes are received a^nd boarded in separate de- partments, at the meagre cost of ^13 to ^I'i per month, including all boarding ex- l)enses and tuition in literary department. For catalogues and other informatiou, address the President, REV. W. P. CARTER, Mount Lebanon, La. E. A. SEMINARY, For boys and girls, is located at Arcadia, La., on the V. S. and P. Rail- road. The course of study is full, embracing, Primary, Academic and Collegiate Branches. Instruction is thoroughly practical. Discipline is rigid, with mildiK's> Address, R. A. SMITH, Principal. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS