fi Book • A ss" 25th Congress, f SENATE. ] [ 313 1 2d /Session. REPORT FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE, IN COMPLIANCE With a resolution of the Senate of the 8th instant, in relation to the publi- cation of the Documentary History of the American Revolution. March 19, 1838. - Read, and ordered to be printed. Department of State, Washington, March 15, 1838. The undersigned, Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 8th instant, directing him " to communicate to it all the information and correspondence in his office, relative to the project of pub- Hshing a documentary history of the American revolution, with a state- ment of all appropriations and expenditures for that work, and an estimate of all further appropriations to be required therefor, to supply the 21st and 22d Congresses, and, also, to supply the new members of the 23d, 24th, and 25th Congresses," has the honor, with respect to the first branch of the resolution calling for all the information and correspondence on the sub- ject, to refer to a report made by him to Congress on the 22d of December, 1834, in pursuance of directions contained in the act making appropria- tions for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government for that year, (vide laws 1st session 23d Congress, page 50,) to be found in the Executive documents of the 2d session of the 23d Congress, vol. 2d, No. 36; and to the annexed copies of correspondence on the subject, not included in that report, viz : 1st. A letter from Messrs. Clarke & Force, dated December 28, 1833. 2d. A letter from do. do. dated July 15, 1834. 3d. A letter from do. do. dated July 23, 1834. 4th. A letter to do. do. dated July 24, 1 834. 5th. A letter from do. do. dated January 23, 1S3G. 6th. A letter to do. do. dated January 26, 1836. 7th. A letter from do. do. dated December 10, 1836. 8th. A letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, referring the foregoing, dated December 14, 1836. 9th. A letter to Messrs. Clarke & Force, dated December 14, 1836. lOih. AletterfromtheSecr'y of theTreasury.dated December 17, 1836, 11th. A letter to Mr. Vail, Charge d' Affaires at London, dated Septem- ber 25, 1834. Rlair & Rives, printers. [3r3] 2 -^j-S 12th. Extract of a letter from Mr. Vail, Charge d'AfFaires at London> dated October 22, 1834. 13th. Extract of a letter from Mr. Vail, Charg6 d'AfFaires at London, with copy of one from Mr. Ricli, dated December 6, 1834. 14th. Letter from Mr. Vail to the Dnke of Wellington, dated December 2, 1834. 15th. Extract from a letter to Mr. Vail, dated January 19, 1835. I6th. Extract of a letter from Mr. Vail, dated January 14, 1835. 17th. Extract of a letter from Mr. Vail, dated February 27, 1835. 18th. Note from the Duke of Wellington to Mr. Vail, dated February 26, 1835. And, as regards the second branch of the resolution, I have the honor to state, that there has been one appropriation made for the work, of twenty thousand dollars, contained in the act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year 1834. The cost of the volume published, containing 1,004 pages, will be, for 1,500 copies, $25,002; but the extent to which the work may reach being unknown, this department has not data on which to form a certain estimate of the further appropriations that will be required for it. It is estimated, however, that the number of copies contracted for (1,500) will be sufficient for the distribution already ordered, and to supply the new members of the 23dy 24th, and 25th Congresses ; so that no further expense than that contem- plated by the contract will arise for the work itself. Taking the volume now published as an index of the size and cost of the succeeding ones, and supposing the limitation mentioned by Messrs. Clarke u to forgft ;!ie aj.p'icatioij wljicli wa^^; uvcAv for an c&iiir.nte of 3 [313] appropriation for the " Documentary History by Clarke