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Yet it has been a " labor of love," and our only thought has been to produce a volume giving a complete record of our family and showing something of the lives of our ancestors; of- their avocations, their families, their surroundings and their standing among their fellows. While making every effort to get the record of births, marriages and deaths absolutely correct, we have gone a little farther, and given short personal sketches of many per- sons and historical data that we trust will be interesting to the present generation and useful to posterity. Of course we do not claim that the work is perfect. Unfor- tunately many families do not appreciate the importance of keep- ing an accurate record of births, marriages, deaths and other events. Some families keep no record at all, and many others only very scant and incomplete. So, in compiling a work like this, one has to depend largely upon the memory of persons, which after the lapse of years is often uncertain. We also find that often members of the same branch of fam- ily do not agree in their records or in their recollections. We often receive several different statements as to date of certain events, each being strongly supported by different members of family. Sometimes all efforts to harmonize the different state- ments fail and the event has to be left in uncertainty. It is from the faulty and inaccessible records scattered over this country and in foreign lands, and from the uncertain memory of busy people that the authors have constructed this book. Hence it has not been possible to avoid errors. We are conscious of earnest, unremitting efforts to reach the exact truth in every instance and to give our friends a perfect record. If errors and omissions occur, we beg our readers to be charitable and con- McMillan Genealogy and History. sider the difficulties which we have encountered. We have re- ceived valuable assistance from many persons. As a rule every one called on for information has responded generously, albeit sometimes slowly. In connection with this subject the authors desire to acknowledge with gratitude the able and intelligent assistance rendered by Mrs. Adah McMillan Foster of Cambridge, N. Y. ; Mrs. Ida Ferris Waterman of Austin, Minn. ; Mrs. Huldah Powell of McMillan, Wis., and by Mrs. Mamie A. Sherry of Cot- tonwood, Idaho. While many others have helped to make the book a success, these noble women have made themselves con- spicuous by their earnest, unselfish labors and researches. They have always responded zealously to every call, no matter how exacting. They have looked over town and church records, copied the inscriptions of numberless tombstones, examined let- ters and title deeds, forwarding everything promptly to the au- thors. They have proved by their untiring efforts that the good, red blood of the Scotch Covenanters, which is indeed thicker than water, still flows warmly within their veins. To these good women the thanks of every member of the McMillan family are due. |N^v\V«<\VvS*Ns>ON«<^ ^Pv55 ^ X ^ i * 1 ^ \ 1 I If III x\\^VJK\NN>N>t^\NN\H^VxS ' V Jtrt i\M x>nnx^\>nn>.n_ix>\\xx^. ; 1 1 i * \M Nxx\\\M,x.\\x.x>f \\ « i I 1 1 ^^$$$^$$$$$i^ ill! ! * I i ^ n x: LUX McMillan Genealogy and History. PLAIDS AND COAT OF ARMS. From "Johnston's Scottish Clans and Tartans" we find the following description of the McMillan plaid, which it was the cus- tom of all McMillans to wear in kilts: "Yellow and red squares alternating. Each square about one and one-fourth inches in size and each square divided by several lines of different widths of the opposing color. " " Keltie 's History of Scottish Highlanders, etc.," corroborates this description. A fac-simile of this plaid is given in this book. ''Burke's General Armory" gives five "Coat of Arms" to as many clans McMillan. It seems to have been the custom for each clan or branch of the family to have its own peculiar crest. The one given in this publication is the only one of the five that has been available. According to Burke's description, it must have been the crest of the most ancient clan bearing the name, whose home was in the highlands north of Loch Arkaig. The motto belonging to the crest is the same as that of the McMillans of Dunmore, "Miseris succurrere disco" (I learn to aid the wretch- ed). This motto has been the "slogan" of the McMillans from time immemorial. The authors regret that more cuts of the oldest patriarchs of the family could not have been secured. As far as we have been able to learn, however, no portraits of them, except Arthur Mc- Millan 2 and Martha, his wife, are in existence. The cuts intro- duced are those of honorable representatives of the family, and we are sure our readers will be pleased to look upon the faces of their departed kinsmen as well as upon those whose labors are not yet completed. 6 McMillan Genealogy and History. EXPLANATORY. The outer row of figures opposite the names on the left-hand margin are the consecutive numbers of persons mentioned in the book. The inner row indicates the number of children in each family. The figure placed to the right of each name shows the gen- eration to which the person belongs. By carefully noting the figures closely following the names, the readers will be able to keep clear as to the generations, and will avoid becoming confused over so many persons of the same name. Where deaths are recorded in this book, the place of death is always the place of burial unless otherwise specified. McMillan Genealogy and History. CHAPTER I. If the readers of this book will take a glance backwards over the pages of Scottish history during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, noting the terrible persecutions of the Covenanters during those years, they will at once recognize the firm undying faith, the fearless devotion and the indomitable cour'age of that persecuted sect. They will also be proud ^ that they are the lineal descendants of the persecuted, yet faithful, heroic Scottish Covenanters. In Temple's history of the "Covenanters, Cavaliers and Puri- tans " we find- "The merciless Claverhouse, as if to furnish a climax of the horrors of the persecution and to completely ex- terminate the faithful followers of John Knox, set out with fierce dragoons, with bloodhounds and a band of corrupted, traitorous Highlanders to hunt down the Covenanters who had been driven from their homes and were secreted in their native mountain fastnesses. These persecutors were given every license and re- ceived indemnity in advance for all possible excesses. For months these cruel allies ran riot through the country, burning and slay- ing They spared neither age nor sex. They robbed murdered and even stripped the faithful Covenanters of their clothing and turned them out naked to die from exposure and starvation. The crimes committed by the direction of the infamous Claver- house were too terrible to be told." It is little wonder ^tha many of the persecuted people gave up their native land broke The ties which bound them to their beloved hills and heather and fled to the north of Ireland. For a time they prospered there and became frugal, industrious citizens. Even here, how- ever, they were not free to follow the dictates of their con- sciences unmolested. ««mu<«- Of the Scotch Covenanters in Ireland Temple says: They were a brave, austere, self-poised people. No danger could daunt them; no earthly power subdue their stubborn will or swerve them from the path of duty. Their Presbytenanism founded npon conviction, had been confirmed by persecution. It was a part of their very being." Even in their adopted country the Covenanters were not allowed the religious liberty they sought. 8 McMillan Genealogy and History. They were still persecuted by the Bishops of England's estab- lished church. Their ministers were forbidden to perform the marriage ceremony without using the established liturgy. They could not bury their dead in their own way. Their rights and privileges were curtailed, until feeling themselves wronged by the church and belittled by the perfidy of the government, the patience of the Covenanters was at last exhausted. They deter- mined to seek homes in the wilderness beyond the Atlantic, where they would be accorded the boon for which they yearned, "free- dom to worship God. ' ' Again quoting from Temple : ' ' The in- fluence exerted on the thought and mind of the world by the Scotch Covenanters has never been fully appreciated. Theirs was the first great revolution in Europe resulting in a complete independence of thought and conduct. Covenanters or Presby- terians as individuals and as churches took active part in the American Revolution. Fourteen of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were the descendants of Covenanters whose an- cestors had signed the famous covenant in Scotland one hundred and thirty-eight years before." The active part taken in the war for independence by these Scotch-Irish Presbyterians is a matter of American history. They are indeed a "brave, austere, self -poised people" today as well as in the past, and wherever they are found, whatever their surroundings or circumstances, they stand unalterably for universal independence and freedom of thought and action. Readers, these are the people from whom our family sprung. These are our ancestors. The subject is well worthy of thought. To paraphrase the immortal lines of the great Scottish bard : "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, These are my own, my native people?" Among the early Covenanters who suffered persecutions in Scotland, who fled to Ireland and thence to America were many McMillans. According to early history of Scottish clans and their names, the name McMillan was first written Macmillan as one word with no capital letter except'the first. All Scottish names beginning with Mac were written the same way. Thus we read Macdonald, Macpherson, Macdougal and others. Later it became the practice of the family to write their name Mac Millan as two words, each beginning with a capital. This manner of writ- V McMillan Genealogy and History. 9 ing the name seems to have prevailed until after the exodus into Ireland early in the eighteenth century, when the McMillans began dropping the "a" from the first syllable, writing the name McMillan. Whether this was done for the sake of brevity or for some more potent reason we have not been able to ascertain. We only know that as early as 1755 our immediate ancestors wrote their names McMillan. Ever since that period this man- ner of writing the name has obtained. Of late, however, some members of the family have returned to the old Scottish style and write their name Mac Millan. This is perfectly proper, and no fault can be found with any who wish to restore the name to its old Scottish rendering. Neither is there fault for others to cling to the shorter method. Legal and business interests may readily make it prudent and necessary to do so. In this work the writers have, for obvious reasons, used the shorter method. ORIGIN AND DEFINITION. The word "Mac Millan" or "Mc Millan" has three defini- tions by as many authors. One authority on ancient Scottish clans says the word "Millan" signifies "of the mill" or "men of the mill;" McMillan, "son of the men of the mill." Another authority says the name signifies "son of the hills," Mac mean- ing son, Millan meaning hills or highlands. Still another au- thority claims that the name is from the Gaelic "MacMhaoil- avin," signifying "son of the bald (or bare) man." We are inclined to favor this last interpretation as being the correct meaning of the name. In early childhood the writer was often told by his uncle, Morrison McMillan, 3 who was a profound student of Scottish history and especially that part bearing upon genealogy of the family, that the word McMillan meant "son of the bald (or bare) head." In connection with this there was a legend that in ancient times a certain Highland chief becoming mortally offended by some indignity or injustice heaped upon him, made a solemn vow that he would never again wear head covering of any kind. So all his life, in summer and winter, he went about his avocations and on his hunting trips, and even to war, bare-headed. His descendants were therefore called "sons of the bare head." The weight of authority seems to support Uncle Morrison's 10 McMillan Genealogy and History. version, but our readers are at liberty to accept any version they choose. According to Keltie 's history of the Scottish Highlanders the McMillans descended from the second son of Aurelan, 7th Laird of Buchanan, and are connected by tradition with the Clan Chat- tan. Their earliest seat being on Loch Arkaig. They were early dependent on the Lairds of the Isles, but later on the Camerons who became possessed of Loch Arkaig. Another branch possessed a large part of Knapdale in Southern Argyle and they were once powerful there, but are now extinct. One of the towers in Castle Sweyn is called McMillan's tower. A number of McMillans left Knapdale in 1746 and returned to the north where they joined the forces under Lochiel near Inverness and did valiant service under that chieftain at the bat- tle of Culloden which resulted so disastrously to the cause of the Stuarts. There is a richly sculptured cross in the church yard at Kil- mory Knapdale, twelve feet high, on one side of which is a High- land chief hunting a deer and an inscription in Latin in old Saxon letters "Here is the cross of Alexander McMillan." The McMillans obtained most of their possessions in Knapdale by marriage with the heiress of the chief of the McNeils in the six- teenth century. The Clan McMillan was once of considerable importance, but the principal families have become extinct in Knapdale. Their lands were fought for by the Camerons and McNeils. In 1775 these came into the possession of Sir Archibald Cameron of Inver- neil. Many McMillans also settled in Galloway, Wigtownshire, and were famous in the annals of the Covenanters. The modern representatives of the Covenanters in Galloway are as often called McMillanites as Cameronians. Some of the McMillans of Knapdale and Galloway went to the island of Arran to live, early in the eighteenth century and from them have sprung the most distinguished bearers of the name. The Isle of Arran is near the north coast of Ireland and it seems the conclusion of history that from Arran went the McMillans to Ireland and from this branch descended the forefathers of our family. Prom copies of letters and records handed down from the days of the persecutions in Scotland, it is found that there was once im- prisoned a man by the name of McMillan and his wife and small babe. The man and his wife were afterwards beheaded, but McMillan Genealogy and History. 1 1 before her death the woman passed her babe through a small diamond shaped opening in the prison door to a friend. This man-child was spirited away and grew to manhood and became the father of our immediate ancestors. This is not authentic history, but is a legend handed down from generation to genera- tion and is doubtless correct. From a careful study of Scottish history and in view of the fact that the name Alexander has ever been so common in our family, the authors are convinced that our branch is descended directly from the old highland chief whose remains lie under the sculptured cross in the old church yard at Kilmory, Scotland. The trend of history, the well known religious faith of our fore- fathers and the dim light which shines upon us from that distant period, all seem to prove that the lineage of our family is traced directly from the Alexander under the cross at Kilmory, through the babe rescued from the prison door, down to the John Mc- Millan, who, on account of the persecutions in his native land, fled in 1754 to the north of Ireland and eventually to America. It is notable that the middle of the eighteenth century wit- nessed the departure of many McMillans from the old country for America. The time of the arrival in America of our own immediate ancestors has long been in doubt. From their earliest recollection the authors of this work have understood that John McMillan arrived in New York in 1758. There is an old legend which has been so often repeated that it bore the semblance of historical truth. The legend has it that in 1758 John McMillan, with his brothers Donald and Arthur, sailed from Ireland bound for the New World. The vessel on which the brothers sailed was wrecked in mid-ocean. The brothers were separated, but were all eventually picked up and carried to land, each supposing the other lost. John landed at New York, and ascending the Hudson located in Charlotte (now Washington) county, making his home in what is now the town of Salem. The next year he returned to Ireland for his wife and children and brought them to his new home in the wilds of America. From this home center in Washington Co., N. Y., his descendants have gone forth from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This is the branch of the family whose lineage and records this book traces. \2 McMillan Genealogy and History. The brother Donald landed at Philadelphia and his descend- ants have migrated to the southwest through Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana. The brother Arthur was carried to Quebec and there made his home, and from him sprung the McMillans who have scat- tered over the British Possessions even to the Pacific ocean. More recent investigation seems to demonstrate that this legend is not founded upon fact. After a careful study of dif- ferent historical works, especially those treating on the early settlement of Washington Co., N. Y., the authors are inclined to believe that their ancestor, John McMillan, came to this country with the Clark Colony which sailed from Newry, Ireland, May 10, 1764, and arrived at New York, July 28, the same year. There is not at hand absolute proof that John McMillan and Mary, his wife, were actually members of Dr. Clark's company; but all the circumstances of Dr. Clark's labors among the Scottish people living in Ballybay, Ireland, and of the early settlement of Salem in Washington Co., N. Y., point to that conclusion. History shows that the first actual settlement of New Perth (now Salem) was made in 1764 by pioneers from New England and that the Scotch colonists under Dr. Clark made their appearance in the settlement the next season. History also gives a full ac- count of the Scotch settlement in Ballybay, Ireland; of these people being driven there from their native land by per- secution; of their calling upon the Presbytery of Glasgow, Scotland, for a preacher; and of the appointment of Dr. Thomas Clark to that field. The Presbyterian society organized and established by Dr. Clark in Ballybay, Ireland, was transplanted by him to the virgin soil of America. Over one hundred families from the church in Ballybay joined Dr. Clark in his voyage to America in 1764. Although we were taught in childhood that our ancestors reached America at an earlier period ; although the old legend of the shipwreck has lingered in our memory until it has become one of our idols, we are constrained by the light of history and by late investigations to cast aside our shattered idols and accept the truth as it is given us. It may readily be imagined that the little band composing Dr. Clark's company were filled with many misgivings and re- grets when they drew away from the land of their fathers and started out upon the perilous voyage over unknown seas towards McMillan Genealogy and History. 13 a land that "was deemed an inhospitable wilderness filled with treacherous savages perhaps more cruel and bloodthirsty than the persecutors they had left behind. Of the world they were ap- proaching, but little was known. What would be their fate in that strange land they could not tell. On that voyage, however, and through the trials that followed their landing upon the shores of the new world until they entered upon their chosen lands, their unfaltering faith, their stubborn will and their indomitable cour- age spoken of by Temple, bore them up and filled their hearts with brightest hopes. "Amidst the storm they sang, And the stars heard, and the sea And the sounding aisles of the dim woods rang To the anthem of the free." In 1754 there also came from the north of Ireland one Andrew McMillan who settled at Concord, N. II. In 1753 he received a commission from General Abercrombie and served with distinction through the French-Indian War, retiring at the close with the rank of colonel. For his services he was given a large tract of land, by the Provincial Government, comprising what is now Conway, N. H., and vicinity. He removed to this tract in 1774 and settled down into a quiet, peaceful life. He was a prominent, patriotic citizen. On his large farm he kept up a fine establishment. He had horses and carriages galore, colored servants and all the appurtenances required by a proud, wealthy man. By his usefulness as a citizen and by his dignified, courteous manners he won and retained the respect and confi- dence of his neighbors. After a long, active life Col. Andrew Mc- Millan passed away at his home in Conway. Some of his de- scendants still live at the old place, others are scattered, as is inevitable. Several of his great-grandchildren, descended through his son John, are living in Minneapolis, Minn, (in 1908). They are Putnam D. McMillan, Frank G. McMillan, James Mc- Millan and his sisters the Misses Edith and Caroline McMillan. It is a pleasure to note that these descendants of the old Indian fighter of Conway have maintained the high standard of integrity and citizenship, which has ever characterized those bearing the name McMillan. Another family of McMillans that reached America about the middle of the eighteenth century was one Thomas McMillan 14 McMillan Genealogy and History. and his sons Thomas, Samuel and "William. These settled in New Jersey, but their descendants removed to Bucks County, Pa., and to Maryland, and even to the western states. Many de- scendants are at present settled near Pittsburgh, Pa., other prominent ones are living at St. Paul, Minn., as late as 1908. Of the three sons mentioned above, Thomas never married. Samuel, after serving with credit four years in the Revolutionary army, married Miss Isabelle Long of Westmoreland County, Pa. Among their children was Thomas Long McMillan, who was mar- ried July 11, 1815, to Jane Gornly of Pittsburgh, Pa. They had twelve children. Their sixth child was a son, whom they named Samuel James Renwick. On reaching early manhood this son, filled with a desire to accomplish something in the world, took up the study of law. He was for several years a student in the office of the late Edwin M. Stanton, the great Secretary of War during the Lincoln administration. After being admitted to the bar, young Samuel removed to Minnesota, where his ability was soon recog- nized. He was made a judge of the Supreme Court of the state and held the position for more than a score of years. Later, when Minnesota needed a man of sterling qualities and unswerving fidelity to represent her in the United States Senate, she chose Judge McMillan. Events have proved that the state chose wisely. The new senator was assigned to the chairmanship of the Com- mittee of Commerce, a position so long held by the Hon. Roscoe Conklin. Judge McMillan served twelve years in the United States Senate, meeting every emergency and every exigency with the firm conscientiousness, the judicial discrimination that was ever his wont. After his two terms in the United States Senate, Senator McMillan made his home in St. Paul, engaging in the practice of his profession. Through his busy life, with the mul- titude of responsibilities pressing upon him, Senator McMillan clung to the faith of his fathers and was ever a faithful and con- sistent member of the Presbyterian church, and a firm supporter of its rules and tenets. He was the western member of the committee appointed for the revision of the Westminster Confes- sion of Faith of the Presbyterian church. Samuel James Ren- wick McMillan was married in early life to Miss Harriet Butler, of Pittsburgh, Pa. They had six children now grown to maturity. Two of them, Mrs Kate Beals and Mrs Frank P. Shepard, residing in St. Paul, Minn. McMillan Genealogy and History. 15 S. J. R. McMillan died at his home in St. Paul, Oct. 3, 1897, loved and honored not only by the people of his home city, but of the whole state. A John McMillan settled in the Mohawk valley in New York and has many descendants still living in that region; Daniel H. McMillan, a prominent citizen of Buffalo, being his grandson. Another John McMillan was a noted preacher and missionary among the Indians in Virginia. There were also a number of McMillans settled in South Carolina. These were all strong, self-sustained men and useful citizens. As this book, however, is a record of the descendants of the John McMillan who married a woman named Mary Arnott, who removed from Scotland to the north of Ireland, thence to Washington Co., N. Y., it is not our province to undertake the task of tracing the genealogjr of all the various families bearing the name. If time and means were available the task might prove a pleasing one, but in this work we are content to "stick to our text" and write only of our own. 16 McMillan Genealogy and History. chapter ii. john McMillan i. John McMillan was born in Scotland in the year 1736. His ancestors were born in Scotland. They were a large and important clan around Loch Arkaig in the seventeenth century and later were located in Knapdale in southern Argyle. The persecutions of the Covenanters, the relent- less cruelties of the government representatives in those awful days ruined the fortunes of the McMillan Clans and drove them in large numbers from the country. At a very early age, John McMillan 1 married a woman who was also born in Scotland, as were her ancestors. Her name was Mary Arnott. She was born in 1733. Shortly after their marriage, in 1754, John 1 and Mary went to visit friends living in the north of Ireland. There being a large colony of Scottish refugees living in the place (presumably Ballybay. Monaghan Co.), and his native land being in an unsettled and unhappy state, John 1 and his wife decided to remain and make their home in Ballybay. For a few years the couple lived a peaceful, quiet life in Ireland. Industrious and frugal, the canny Scotchman and his wife prospered tempo- rally, but spiritually there was no prosperity, even in their adopted land. John McMillan, 1 like all the early Cove- nanters, desired and demanded perfect liberty of conscience and freedom to worship God according to his own faith. So when Rev. Doctor Clark organized a company of his devoted parishioners to try life in the new country beyond the Atlantic, John 1 and Mary were among the first to join. They had a safe and smooth passage over the sea and landed at New York in July, 1764. How or where this couple spent the time until their lands in Charlotte county were surveyed and ready for occupancy, is not on record. It is only known that they reached New Perth (now Salem) early in the summer of 1765. The county in which John McMillan 1 settled was for many years the scene of deadly conflicts with the Indians and McMillan Genealogy and History. 17 JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued. later with the French from Canada. The settlers were never safe from attacks and were necessarily always fully armed and prepared to defend themselves. Then when the war for American independence began, Washington county became the theatre of war between the contending armies. British forces under trained and skillful officers marched and countermarched through this chosen garden spot of our ancestors, while from the bosom of Lake Cham- plain echoed the reports of the enemy's cannon. It may be readily believed that it was indeed the "strenuous life" that John McMillan 1 and his sons lived during those try- ing years. In his native land John 1 had been acquainted with war and its cruelties, and in his adopted home he shrank from nothing that promised independence of gov- ernment and freedom of thought to himself and his neigh- bors. As the war for American independence progressed and the government was hard pressed for men, John Mc- Millan, 1 although he was a man of peace who fled from his native land to escape war and bloodshed, despite the fact that he had a growing family in his care and many private interests to serve, renounced them all and en- rolled himself in Col. Webster's regiment of militia, county of Charlotte (Washington) New York land bounty rights men. We quote a letter from the adjutant general of the army at Washington, D. C, touching upon the military record of our ancestor. "The name of John McMillan appears (without remarks relative to his service) on an undated abstract of certifi- cates delivered to Colonel Webster's regiment of militia county of Charlotte (Washington) New York, which ab- stract shows that certificate number 9080 was delivered to him." We find the name of John McMillan on page 168 in the "Salem Book" in the list of those doing service during the Revolution. His name also appears in "New York in the Revolution," page 239, and he was given a grant of land in Washington Co., N. Y., by the general government in consideration of his services; lot 297 of Turner's patent being credited to him in the records on file in the capital in Albany, N. Y. This land was after- 18 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued, wards conveyed to his son Andrew. We append herewith a certified copy of the deed of transfer which is a curious and interesting relic of the past. Not only interesting as a relic, but the deed also forms another link in the chain of evidence establishing the right of all lineal descendants of John McMillan 1 to become members of the "Sons (or daughters) of the American Revolution." In using this evidence reference should be made to "Liber C page 159 of deeds of county clerk's office, Washington County, New York." DEEDS C-159. THIS INDENTURE, made this XXVII day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven Between John McMillan, Senior of Salem, in the County of Washington & State of New York, and MARY, his wife, of the one part, and ANDREW McMIL- LAN of the place, County and State aforesaid, Yeoman, of the other part. WHEREAS by his certain Deed of Conveyance Thomas Clarke by the name and description of Dr. Thomas Clarke of New Perth, in the County of Charlotte, and State of New York, did on the Fifteenth day of May in the year of onr Lord MDCCLXXXIV, the same being the date of that Deed for the consideration therein mentioned did grant, sell and to farm lett to the said John McMillan, his heirs and assigns forever, All those certain Lots and parcels of Land lying and being in said Town, That is to say in New Perth now called Salem, in the County of AYashingion, and known and dis- tinguished in a Map thereof, that is to say, A Map and field Book of a certain Tract of land heretofore granted by Let- ters Patent under the Great Seal of the Late Province of New York to Alexander Turner and twenty-four others by the name and numbers of Lot No. CCXCVI, and Lot No. CCXCVII in said town of New Perth, now Salem, each Lot containing eighty-eight acres of land, be the same more or less, with all the woods, trees, stones, springs, streams, meadows, swamps, water cou 'ses, profits, and advantages thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, i McMillan Genealogy and History. 19 JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued. except these excepted in the Letters Patent To Have and To Hold all and singular the said two Lots of land and premises to him the said John McMillan & to the only proper use of him the said John McMillan his heirs and assigns forever, at a certain yearly rent therein reserved and mentioned and under the covenants therein mentioned as by the said Deed of conveyance reference being there- unto had may more fully and at large appear And whereas afterwards to wit, On the thirtieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty- six, Alexander Webster, Esquire, a Commissioner of For- feitures for the Eastern district did by his certain In- denture of Release bearing date the same day and year last aforesaid did in pursuance of the Statute in that be- half made and provided and for the consideration in the said Deed mentioned, grant, bargain, sell, release, convey and confirm unto the said JOHN McMILLAN his heirs and assigns the Pee simple of the one Moiety or undivided half part of that lot or parcel of land, lying and being in Salem aforesaid, and known and distinguished in a map and field Book thereof by the name of Lot Number two hundred and ninety-six, containing eighty-eight acres of land, be the same more or less, including highways for- feited by the attainder of Oliver DeLancey, late of the city of New York, Esquire and all the estate, right and title of the said Oliver DeLancey of, in and to the said premises which in consequence of any attainder or con- viction had been forfeited or attached to or vested in the People of the State of New York, To have and To Hold all and singular the said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises thereby granted, bargained, sold, released, con- veyed and confirmed with all and singular the appurte- nances unto the said John McMillan and to his heirs and assigns to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said John McMillan, his heirs and assigns forever as by the said Indenture of Release, reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear. NOW THERE- FORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, FIRSTLY, That the said John McMillan and Mary his wife for and 20 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued. in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and fifty pounds, lawful money of New York to him in hand paid by the said Andrew McMillan at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged and for divers good and sufficient causes and considerations them thereunto moving, Have granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Andrew McMillan in his actual seizin and posses- sion thereof now being and to his heirs and assigns, All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Salem, in the County aforesaid and which is the one moiety or undivided half of a certain lot of land known and distinguished in a map and field book of a certain tract of land heretofore granted by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the late Province of New York to Alex- ander Turner, and other by the name and description of Lot Number CCXCVI, it being the same so conveyed to the said John McMillan as aforesaid by Alexander Web- ster, Esquire and containing eighty-eight acres of land, be the same more or less, with the usual allowance for high- ways, together with all and singular the rights, members, privileges, rents, issues & profits, hereditaments and ap- purtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertain- ing. And all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand of the said John McMillan, and Mary his wife, of, in and to the same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, To Have and To Hold the said tract and parcel of land, being the moiety of lot Number CCXCVI as aforesaid, and all and singular the premises above bargained and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances to the said Andrew McMillan, his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Andrew McMillan, his heirs and assigns for- ever. And this Indenture further WITNESSETH, that the said John McMillan and Mary his wife for and in con- sideration as aforesaid have bargained, sold, conveyed, assigned and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, convey, assign and set over to the said Andrew McMillan McMillan Genealogy and History. 21 JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued. in his actual seizin and possession thereof, now being and to his heirs and assigns, All that certain Tract and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Salem, in the County aforesaid, that is to say, the other moiety or undivided half of the above mention- ed lot Number CCXCVI. And all that other lot of land herein aforementioned and distinguished by the name and appellation of lot number CCXCVII each of said Lots con- taining (as is said) eighty-eight acres of land, be the same more or less, with the hereditaments and appurtenances and all the right, title, interest, claim and demand as well in equity as in law of the said John McMillan and Mary his wife, of, in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances To Have and To Hold the said last herein described parcels of land with all and singular the above bargained premises to the said Andrew McMillan, his heirs and assigns, to the use, benefit and be- hoof of the said Andrew McMillan, his heirs and assigns forever, in as full and ample a manner and to all intents and purposes as the said John McMillan hath, doth or could, held, hold, claim, claimed, enjoy or enjoyed the same by virtue of the aforementioned Deed of conveyance from Doctor Thomas Clarke or otherwise howsoever, subject to the rents and covenants in the said Deed of conveyance, which from and after the date of these presents ought to be paid, done and performed by and on the part of the said John McMillan. In Witness Whereof, The parties to these presents have hereunto interchangably set their hands and seals the day and year first aforesaid. John McMillan, L. S. her Mary X McMillan, L. S. mark Sealed and delivered in the Presence of — Folio 1. The word (seven) being first inserted between the 1st and 2nd lines over an obliteration on the 2nd line. The words (now Salem) inserted the 11 & 12 lines. Folio II, between the 17 & 18 lines the words (and Mary his wife) interlined. Folio III lines 1 & 2 the word (eight). Folio 22 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued. Ill the words, or otherwise howsoever, interlined between the 9 & 10 lines before the ensealing and delivery of these presents. John McCrea. John Honeywood. Washington County, ss. Be it remembered that on the day and year within written before the undersigned one of the Masters in Chancery for the State of New York, personally came and appeared John McMillan and Mary his wife the Grantors in the within Deed named who acknowledged sev- erally that they executed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and Mary the wife of the said John McMillan being by me examined separate and apart from her husband acknowl- edged that she executed the same as aforesaid without any threat, fear or compulsion of her said husband. And I the said Master in Chancery having examined the same Deed and finding therein no material interlineation, obliteration or erasure save such as is mentioned in the memorandum, do allow the same to be recorded. S. JNO. HONEYWOOD, C. C. M. A true Record, Examined and compared with original Deed this 4th day of May, 1797. St. John Honeywood, Clerk of Washington County. STATE OF NEW YORK, ^ Washington County, vss. Clerk's Office. J I, Ezra H. Snyder, Clerk of said County, and of the Supreme and County Courts, being Courts of Record held in and for said County, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of deed with the original record of the same remaining in this office, recorded in Liber C of Deeds at page 159 and that the same is correct transcript there- from, and of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY W T HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said County and Courts, at Sandy Hill, N. Y., this 25th day of May, 1908. E. H. SNYDER. (Clerk). McMillan Genealogy and History. 23 JOHN McMILLAN l— Continued. When peace was declared John 1 returned to his home and went on in the even tenor of his way. The strength and fortitude of this man must have been sublime. His faith founded upon conviction, confirmed by persecution and cemented in blood, bore him up until the trials and fears of war were past and the country rested in security and in conscious strength. Those were the days of strong men and women. It is easy to believe our Scotch ancestors were among the strongest. 1 JOHN McMILLAN 1 and 2 MARY ARNOTT. 1 John 1 was married at the early age of eighteen in the year 1754 to Mary Arnott. To them were born: 3 1 John, 2 born in October, 1754, in Monoghan Co., Ireland. 3A 2 Alexander, 2 born in 1758, in Monoghan Co., Ireland. 4 3 Andrew, 2 born in 1762, in Monoghan Co., Ireland. 5 4 Arthur, 2 born March 17, 1769, in Salem, N. Y. 6 5 David, 2 born Oct. 1, 1770, in Salem, N. Y. 6A 6 Mary, 2 born in 1772, in Salem, N. Y. 7 7 Nancy, 2 born in 1775, in Salem, N. Y. After an active, eventful life, with duties fully performed and responsibilities bravely met, John McMillan 1 the father of the above seven children, passed away at his home in Salem, N. Y., July 17, 1812, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. 2 Mary McMillan, his beloved and faithful helpmate having died in the same place Jan. 23, 1803, in the seventieth year of her age. * See foot note. *Tlie authentic information and record of Alexanders and Mary,2 the second and sixth children respectively of John McMillani and Mary, his wife, did not reach the authors until a part of this work was already in press. It was therefore too late to give them the proper consecutive numbers, but it was thought best to put them in their place in the family, designating them with numbers as above. It seems that these two children became en- tirely lost to all other members of the family and all record of their birth destroyed. Alexander,? dying young, leaving no issue, it was easy for the flight of years to bury him in oblivion; but that Mary ,2 who married and raised a large family, whose life was more or less connected with historical 24 McMillan Genealogy and History. john McMillan 2, of john 1. 3 JOHN McMILLAN 2 and 8 LYDIA LOUDON. 3 John, 2 the first child of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, was married Feb. 15, 1785, in Cambridge, N. Y., to Lydia Loudon, an accomplished young woman of Scotch parentage. John 2 was but a few years old when his parents reached their chosen home in Washington Co., N. Y. He grew to manhood in the very midst of Indian wars and cruelties; with contending armies ranked around his father's humble home. Inured to toil and the hardships incident to the settlers' life in a new, unbroken wilderness, the young man developed into a worthy son of his noble sire. Sharing the labors and dangers of his father's life, he also shared the re- ligious faith and the unconquerable convictions of the old Scotch Covenanter. He became a faithful member of the old church society which had its birth on the other side of the Atlantic and through all his life he was a devout Christian gentleman. He met with many ad- versities and much sorrow during his life, yet he was never found wanting. He ever pressed on undaunted by trials, with unwavering faith in the God he served. To John McMillan 2 and Lydia, his wife, were born : 9 1 A daughter, 3 not named, born April 28, 1786, in Washing- ton Co., N. Y. 10 2 Agnes, 3 born April 4, 1787, in Washington Co., N. Y. 11 3 John, 3 born June 3, 1789, in Washington Co., N. Y. 12 4 Lydia, 3 born April 2, 1792, in Washington Co., N. Y. events of her time, whose numerous descendants have been prominent in several states for over a century, should have so completely dropped from the memory of all relatives is very strange indeed. During the authors' years of research in the musty records of the past in the preparation of this work there have indeed on several occasions come faint suggestions of a second daughter in the family of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, but not until the book was about completed and the consecutive numbering was finished did we get any tangible evidence that an Alexander and Mary ever existed. This came in a letter from Mrs. Martha Brooks of Battle Creek. Mich., widow of Filmore Brooks,* who was a grandson of Andrew McMillan.2 Following the clue furnished by Mrs. Brooks and prosecuting our inquiries swiftly and assiduously, we have learned of Alexander's death and obtained a fair record of the descendants of Mary McMillan, which we lay before our readers in the proper order. Mrs Brooks and her daughter. Miss Loella Brooks, have been of great assistance in procuring this record, their memory of names and dates having been remarkable and their letters full and comprehensive. r~ John McMillan 11 No. 11 McMillan Genealogvand History. 25 JOHN McMILLAN 2, of JOHN l— Continued. 8 Lydia McMillan, the mother of the above four children died in Cambridge, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1793, in the twenty- eighth year of her age. Further record of John McMillan 2 to follow. 9 The unnamed daughter 3 of John McMillan 2 and Lydia, his wife, died in infancy. 10 Agnes, 3 the second child of John McMillan 2 and Lydia, his wife, died in infancy. john McMillan 3, of john 2. 11 JOHN McMILLAN 3 and 13 ELISABETH LIVINGSTON. 11 John, 3 the third and only surviving child of John McMil- lan 2 and Lydia, his wife, was married Oct, 8, 1812, to Elisabeth Livingston. John 3 was born and raised in Washington Co., N. Y. He became a farmer, and after his father's removal to Ohio in 1818 John 3 moved to the old original McMillan farm where his grandfather, John McMillan, 1 first settled in 1765. In 1840, however, John 3 moved to a farm two miles north of Salem, where he lived until a short time before his death. He was for many years an elder in the United Presbyterian church. He was of a happy, cheerful disposition, and in every sense a gentleman of the "old school." In the war of 1812 John 3 served as captain in the Lott Woodworth company of volunteers. He marched his company to Lake Champlain, hoping to participate in an action against the British, but arrived just at the close of the battle. Elisabeth Livingston was the daughter of Alex- ander and Nancy Livingston, who came from Scotland. She was a woman of strong character; was also hand- some and proud spirited, and was a fitting companion for the stalwart young Scotchman who won her. Their home was ever open to all those who were in need of physical or spiritual help. They faithfully lived up to the time-honored motto of the McMillan clan, "Miseris succurrere disco." 26 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. To this couple were born: 14 1 Lydia Loudon, 4 born March 28, 1814, in Washington Co., N. Y. 15 2 William, 4 born Dec. 6, 1816, in Washington Co., N. Y. 16 3 Morrison, 4 born Nov. 28, 1818, in Washington Co., N. Y. 17 4 Joseph, 4 born Sept. 6, 1820, in Washington Co., N. Y. 18 5 John, 4 born Oct. 28, 1822, in Washington Co., N. Y. 19 6 Margaret, 4 born Jan. 20, 1825, in Washington Co., N. Y. 20 7 Alexander, 4 born Feb. 9, 1827, in Washington Co., N. Y. 21 8 Ebenezer, 4 born June 8, 1829, in Washington Co., N. Y. 22 9 Thomas, 4 born Nov. 30, 1831, in Washington Co., N. Y. 23 10 George Arnot, 4 born Feb. 2, 1834, in Washington Co., N. Y. 13 Elisabeth McMillan, the mother of the above ten children, died March 27, 1859, in Cambridge, N. Y. 11 John McMillan 3 was a vigorous man even in his old age, with mental faculties unimpaired. He died at the home of his son, Morrison, in Cambridge, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1880, in the ninety-first year of his age. LYDIA LOUDON OVIATT 4, of JOHN 3. 14 LYDIA LOUDON McMILLAN 4 and 24 SAMUEL OVIATT. 14 Lydia L., 4 the first child of John McMillan 3 and Elisabeth, his wife, was married Oct. 30, 1833, to Samuel Oviatt, who was born April 16, 1806. To them were born : 25 1 Margaret, 5 born Oct. 17, 1836. 26 2 Thomas D., 5 born July 22, 1838. 14 Lydia L. Oviatt, 4 the mother of the above two children, died Jan. 5, 1841, in the twenty-seventh year of her agf. 24 SAMUEL OVIATT and 27 HARRIET HODGES. 14 Lydia L. Oviatt 4 having died, as before stated, Samuel married for his second wife, April 28, 1842, Harriet Hodges. One child from this union : 28 1 Lydia A., 5 born Nov. 1, 1843, died unmarried June 29, 1877. 24 Samuel Oviatt died in Cambridge, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1866, and Harriet, his wife, died in Cambridge, N. Y.. May 19, 1884. McMillan Genealogy and History. 27 LYDIA LOUDON OVIATT 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 25 MARGARET OVIATT 5 and 29 RUSSELL COON. 25 Margaret, 5 the first child of Lydia L. Oviatt 4 and Samuel, her husband, was married to Russell Coon. Margaret died June 10, 1858, in the twenty-second year of her age, leaving no children. No further record of Russell Coon. 26 THOMAS D. OVIATT 5 and 30 BELLE ARNOTT. 26 Thomas D., 5 the second child of Lydia L. Oviatt 4 and Sam- uel, her husband, was married Dec. 7, 1869, to Belle Arnott. To them were born : 31 1 Samuel, 6 1 twins, born Sept, 10, 1870, in Washington Co.. 32 2 Frank, 6 j N. Y. 33 3 George A., 6 born March 11, 1872, in "Washington Co., N. Y. 34 4 Alexander R.,° born July 7, 1873, in Washington Co., N. Y. 35 5 Lydia M., 6 born March 13, 1877, in Washington Co., N. Y. 36 6 Margaret A., 6 born April 13, 1883, in Washington Co., N. Y. 30 Belle A. Oviatt, the mother of the above six children, died Nov. 22, 1886, in Washington Co., N. Y., and Thomas D. Oviatt 5 died Oct. 6, 1887, in Washington Co., N. Y., in the fiftieth year of his age. 31 Samuel, 6 and 32 Frank, 6 twins, the first two children of Thomas D. Ovi- att 5 and Belle A., his wife, died Sept. 3, 1871. in Washington Co., N. Y. 33 GEORGE A. OVIATT 6 and 37 ALICE HITCHCOCK. 33 George A., 6 the third child of Thomas D. Oviatt 5 and Belle A., his wife, was married Aug. 16, 1893, in Cam- bridge, N. Y., to Alice Hitchcock. To them were born : 38 1 Grace Margaret, 7 born Jan. 5, 1896. 39 2 George Thomas, 7 born Feb. 1, 1897. 40 3 Lewis Seymour, 7 born May 3, 1898. 41 4 Leroy T., 7 1 1 born g ^ lg99 42 5 Legrande T.,' 28 McMillan Genealogy and History. LYDIA LOUDON OVIATT 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. Postoffice address of George A. Oviatt and Alice, his wife, January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. 34 Alexander R.,° the fourth child of Thomas D. Oviatt 5 and Belle A., his wife, died June 6, 1893, unmarried. 35 LYDIA M. OVIATT 6 and 43 DANIEL M. WESTFALL. 35 Lydia M., e the fifth child of Thomas D. Oviatt 5 and Belle A., his wife, was married Jan. 31, 1901, in Cambridge, N. Y., to Daniel M. Westfall, an attorney-at-law, prac- ticing in his home town. To them one child : 44 1 Marjorie, 7 born April 11, 1902, in Cambridge, N. Y. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. 36 Margaret A.," the sixth child of Thomas D. Oviatt 5 and Belle A., his wife, after graduating from the Cambridge High School and the Oneota Normal School, became a teacher in high school in Cambridge, N. Y., where, Jan- uary, 1908, she was so engaged and living with her sis- ter, Mrs Lydia M. Westfall. WILLIAM McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3. 15 WILLIAM McMILLAN 4 and 45 MARY ARNOTT. 15 William, 4 the second child of John McMillan 3 and Elisa- beth, his wife, was a substantial farmer in Washington Co., N. Y., although once in the lumber business. An honest, industrious man; quiet and unassuming, ever ready to succor the needy and to encourage those who were working their way in life. He was a faithful member of the United Presbyterian church and a firm supporter of its ministry. Pie was married in 1845 in Washington Co., N. Y., to Mary Arnott, who was born in Washington Co., N. Y., about 1822. To them were born : 46 1 Lydia, 5 born in 1846 in Jackson, N. Y. 47 2 George Arnott, 5 born in 1849 in Jackson, N. Y. 48 3 John, 5 born in 1852 in Jackson, N. Y. 45 Mary A. McMillan, the mother of the above three children, died Dec. 2, 1857. McMillan Genealogy and History. 29 WILLIAM McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 15 WILLIAM McMILLAN 4 and 49 SARAH E. ARNOTT. 45 Mary, the wife of William McMillan/ having died as be- fore stated, William* married for his second wife, in 1860, Sarah E. Arnott of Newburgh, N. Y. One child from this union : 50 4 Jennie Arnott, 5 born in 1870. 15 William McMillan 4 died in 1883 in Cambridge, N. Y., sixty- seven years of age. 49 Sarah E.. his wife, died in March, 1907. and was buried in Cambridge, N. Y. 46 LYDIA McMILLAN* and 51 SAMUEL SKINNER. 46 Lydia, 5 the first child of William McMillan 4 and Mary A., his wife, was married in 1871 to Samuel Skinner. She died in 1872, at twenty-six years of age, leaving no chil- dren, and was buried in Cambridge. N. Y. No further record of Samuel Skinner. 47 GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 8 and 52 SARAH ELLEN SKELLY. 47 George A., 5 the second child of William McMillan' and Mary A., his wife, was married to Sarah E. Skelly. To them were born : 53 1 Howard.* 5 54 2 Andrew. 8 55 3 Florence. 6 born in 1885. 47 George A. McMillan, 5 the father of the above three chil- dren, died in November, 1893, forty-four years of age, and was buried in Cambridge, N. Y. January, 1908, Sarah E., his widow, was living on a farm near Shushan, N. Y., which is her postoffice address. 53 Howard, 6 the first child of George A. McMillan 5 and Sarah E., his wife, grown to manhood, was, in January. 1908, living on the farm with his mother near Shushan, N. Y.. unmarried. 54 Andrew, 6 the second child of George A. McMillan 5 and Sarah E., his wife, grown to manhood, was, in January. 1908, living on the farm with his mother near Shushan. N. Y., unmarried. 30 McMillan Genealogy and History. WILLIAM McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 55 Florence, 6 the third child of George 'A. McMillan 5 and Sarah E., his wife, in January, 1908, at home with her mother, unmarried. 48 JOHN McMILLAN 5 and 56 JULIA H. BUSS. 48 John, 5 the third child of William McMillan 4 and Mary A., his wife, left his home town when a young man, remov- ing to Aurora, 111., where he entered the dry goods busi- ness. He has kept a store there for nearly thirty years on the same street. He was married in 1889 in Creston, 111., to Julia H. Buss. To them were born: 57 1 Jessie, 6 born April 29, 1891. 58 2 William Donald, 6 born March 12, 1894. January, 1908, both children at home and postoffice address of John McMillan 5 and Julia, his wife, Aurora, 111. 50 Jennie Arnott, 5 child of William McMillan 4 and Sarah E., his second wife, was unmarried in January, 1908. and living on a farm near Cambridge, N. Y. MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3. 16 MORRISON McMILLAN 4 and 59 MARY ELLIS ROBERTSON. 16 Morrison, 4 the third child of John McMillan 3 and Elisabeth, his wife, was married Feb. 13, 1851, to Mary Ellis Robert- son. As a brief sketch of the life and character of Mor- rison McMillan 4 we copy the words of his son, John Loudon McMillan, 5 which tells of a successful, thrifty farmer, a profound student, a considerate and indulgent husband and father, and a conscientious Christian gentle- man : "My father was also a farmer during all his life, and it is fair to say that he was an exceptionally good one, making a success of farming in a financial way and giving all of his children a good academic education and starting them with a moderate sum of money when they became of age. He was regarded by his neigh- bors as a 'book farmer' and was looked upon as some- what visionary because of the extravagant prices which McMillan Genealogy and History. 31 MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued, he paid for various animals to improve 1lie character of his stock and because he was generally the pioneer in the adoption of labor saving machinery. It is fair to say, however, that the results he obtained amply justi- fied the course he took, and it is probable that the net result obtained from his management was double or triple that of his neighbors who had equal opportunities in the way of acreage, etc. His education was what was known as a common school education in those days, but his habits were those of a student, and his reading and erudition along certain lines was most profound and thorough. His preference was the study of theology, and it is probably true that no one was better informed in regard to the various religions, religious beliefs and customs than he. His study was thorough and covered a wide range. His temperament was quiet and unde- monstrative, and his family all had the greatest respect and affection for him. He was very generous with his family and also, as far as his means would permit, help- ful in public and private charities. The family always lived well in a big, old-fashioned, comfortable house about twenty minutes' walk from Cambridge village. The old house has fifteen rooms, eight of which are bed- rooms, and is the ordinary type of country farmhouse, beautifully situated in a grove of maple and other trees on the turnpike which runs from Albany to Whitehall. This homestead is retained by my mother." 59 Mary E. Robertson was the daughter of William F. Rob- ertson and Jane McFarland, who were both of Scotch descent. She is a woman of eminent piety and always endeavored to be a true helpmate to her husband in the training of sons and daughters and molding them into upright and honorable men and women. To the above couple were born : 60 1 William C., 5 born April 5, 1852, in Washington Co., N. Y. 61 2 Adah Jane, 5 born Feb. 16, 1854, in Washington Co., N. Y. 62 3 Elisabeth, 5 born Nov. 9, 1855, in Washington Co., N. Y. 63 4 John Loudon, 5 born April 8, 1857, in Washington Co., N. Y. 64 5 Sarah Ilda, 5 born Nov. 26, 1860, in Washington Co., N. Y. 32 McMillan Genealogy and History. MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 65 6 Clara Frances, 5 born Nov. 29, 1862, in Washington Co., N. Y. 66 7 Mary Evalyn, 5 born Aug. 16, 1866, in Washington Co., N. Y. 67 8 Joseph Mae, 5 born July 12, 1869, in Washington Co., N. Y. 16 Morrison McMillan, 4 the father of the above eight children, died Jan. 6, 1896, in Cambridge, N. Y., in the seventy- seventh year of his age. January, 1908, Mary E.. his widow lived with her daughter, Adah Jane Foster, on the old farm in Cambridge, N. Y. 60 WILLIAM C. McMILLAN 5 and 68 ELLA R. WEIR. 60 William C., 5 the first child of Morrison' and Mary E., his wife, was married Feb. 24, 1875, to Ella R. Weir. He was educated at the Cambridge Washington Academy and at Claverack College in New York City. He fol- lowed teaching for awhile after leaving college, but his health failing, he gave it up and traveled west, spend- ing some time in Portland, Ore., where he was engaged as bookkeeper by Russell & Co. of Portland. Later he moved to Spokane, Wash., where he went into the whole- sale grain and feed business. William C. 5 and his wife were charter members of the First United Presbyterian church of Spokane and were ever active and zealous. He was a man of splendid physique and of unimpeachable integrity. After the great fire in Spokane he sold out his business and returned to his early home. Ella, the first wife of William C. McMillan. 5 died April 8, 1875. 60 WILLIAM C. McMILLAN 5 and 69 SARAH J. COCHRANE. 68 Ella, the first wife of William C. McMillan, 5 having died, as before stated, he married for his second wife, May 22, 1889, Sarah J. Cochrane. No children from this union. 60 William C. McMillan 5 died Dec. 1, 1895, in Washington Co., N. Y., in the forty-fourth year of his age, mourned by all who knew him. 69 Sarah J., his widow, afterwards married George R. King, and in January, 1908. was living in Cambridge. N. Y. 61 ADAH JANE McMILLAN 5 and 70 JOSEPH GEDDIS FOSTER. McMillan Genealogy and History. 33 MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 61 Adah Jane, 5 the second child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Mary E., his wife, was married May 26, 1902, to Joseph Geddis Foster. She was educated at the Cambridge Washington Academy and at Sandy Hill Union School, then spent several years in teaching and travel. She is a worthy daughter of her noble Christian parents and in every way a most estimable character. 70 Joseph Geddis Foster is of Scotch-Irish descent. His fore- fathers were driven from Scotland in the days of perse- cution and settled on a farm belonging to the estate of Lord O'Neil in the north of Ireland. To this old farm with its time-worn habitations Joseph G. Foster took his bride on a wedding journey. After spending some months in England and Ireland they returned to their native land, and as late as January, 1908, were living on the old farm near Cambridge, N. Y., where Adah Jane 5 was born. Postoffice address May, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y., R. F. D. 1. 62 ELISABETH McMILLAN 5 and 71 GEORGE EDWARD McGEOCH. 62 Elisabeth, 5 the third child of Morrison McMillan* and Mary E., his wife, was married Sept. 16, 1876, to George Ed- ward McGeoch, who is descended from one of the oldest families in Washington Co., N. Y. His ancestors have been prominent in affairs of county and church for fully one hundred and fifty years. To the above couple were born : 72 1 Bertha, 6 born Oct. 24, 1877. 73 2 Stanley, 6 born Sept. 10, 1879. 74 3 John Loudon, 6 born June 15, 1881. 75 4 Morrison, 6 born Jan. 5, 1884. 76 5 George Edward, Jr., 6 born Jan. 15, 1886. 77 6 Mary, 6 born , 1906. January, 1908, postoffice address of Elisabeth McGeoch 5 and George E., her husband, Cambridge, N. Y. Mary, 6 the youngest child, at home with her parents. 72 BERTHA McGEOGH 6 and 78 RAE L. BEVERIDGE. M McMillan Genealogy and History. MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 72 Bertha, 6 the first child of Elisabeth McGeoch 5 and George E., her husband, was married Aug. 20, 1900, to Rae L. Beveridge. To them were born : 79 1 Mary Evalyn. 7 80 2 Willard. 7 Postoffice address January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. 73 STANLEY McGEOCIF and 81 VESTA McEACHRON. 73 Stanley, 6 the second child of Elisabeth McGeoch 5 and George E., her husband, was married Nov. 19, 1902, to Vesta McEachron. To them were born : 82 1 Bertha, 7 born Nov. 8, 1901. 83 2 Infant, 7 not named, born May 3, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. 74 John L., 6 the third child of Elisabeth McGeoch 5 and George E., her husband, is a graduate of Monmouth College, un- married and at home with his parents January, 1908. 75 MORRISON McGEOCH 6 and 84 MARY J. RANDALL. 75 Morrison, 6 the fourth child of Elisabeth McGeoch 5 and George E., her husband, was married Jan. 24, 1907, to Mary J. Randall. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. 76 GEORGE EDWARD McGEOCH, JR., 6 and 770* FLORENCE WEBSTER RICHARDS. 76 George E., Jr., 6 the fifth child of Elisabeth McGeoch 5 and George E., her husband, was married June 3, 1908. in Cambridge, N. Y., to Florence W. Richards of Brook- lyn, N. Y. Postoffice address June, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. Too late for consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 35 JOHN LOUDON McMILLAN 5, of MORRISON 4. 63 JOHN LOUDON McMILLAN 5 and 85 MARTHA ELIZABETH WEAVER. 63 John Loudon, 5 the fourth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Mary E., his wife, has had an active, eventful ca- reer. It is safe to say that few men of his years have developed such remarkable genius for inventing, cre- ating and managing. Few have met and overcome so many insuperable obstacles, emerging at last into the sunlight of final prosperity. Born on his father's farm in Washington Co., N. Y., in 1857, he early showed a predilection for machinery and mechanical appliances. He passed successively through the district school, the academy of Cambridge, N. Y., the Claverach College and a commercial school in Troy, N. Y. He was also a teacher for a time in the Putman Institute at Cam- bridge, N. Y. During these years of study he de- voted all his spare time to mechanical drawings and in studying the hidden secrets of mechanical power. Before he was twenty-one years old he had invented and perfected a machine for the manufacture of shirts which reduced the cost of production of those articles a large per cent. He then turned his inventive genius to perfecting a machine for setting type and soon had a model built at Albany which proved to be a com- plete success. A company was formed to develop and introduce the machines. It was not long before the McMillan Typesetting machines were in general use in the offices of the New York Sun, the Century Mag- azine and others. Competition backed by millions of dollars and by far-reaching influences crowded the Mc- Millan company from the field. Not to be daunted, John Loudon 5 hastened to Germany, where he formed a company and began introducing his machines. When fairly launched upon what promised to be a successful and lucrative career, the German government began certain patent litigation, which resulted disastrously to the McMillan company and eventually drove it from the country. John L. 5 returned to his native land and in 1889 formed the McMillan Book Company, of 36 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN LOUDON McMILLAN 5, of MORRISON 4— Continued. which he is president and manager, with headquar- ters in Syracuse, N. Y. The husiness of this com- pany is based upon various inventions of Mr. Mc- Millan's, including loose leaf devices, typewriting record books, and other improved forms of office and counting room work. Nothing could stop the work of the man's busy brain nor suppress his vital energies. He soon invented an improved form of turbin engine and organized a company to develop and introduce it, called the "McMillan Engine and Machine Com- pany," of which John Loudon 5 is vice president and manager. Despite his activities and labors Mr. Mc- Millan 5 has held many offices of trust and responsi- bility. At one time he was a trustee of the Remington Gun and Machine Co. of Illion, N. Y., and for a short time president of the same corporation. He is, like his father, a strong Presbyterian and a firm supporter of the church of his choice. 63 John Loudon McMillan 5 was married Feb. 13, 1889, in the Presbyterian church in Rochester, N. Y., to Martha Elizabeth Weaver, the Rev. James B. Shaw officiating. This lady was born Feb. 24, 1863, in Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y. She is the daughter of John Dewitt Weaver and Nancy Elizabeth Carter, both of whom have promi- nent places in the "Kellogg Genealogy." To the above couple were born : 86 1 Martha, 6 born June 19, 1890. 87 2 Mary, 6 born March 29, 1895. Postoffice address of family, January, 1908, The Kasson, James Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 64 Sarah Ilda, 5 the fifth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Mary E., his wife, died in infancy. McMillan Genealogy and History. 37 MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3. 65 CLARA FRANCES McMILLAN 5 and 88 DR. ROBERT WEIR. 65 Clara F., 5 the sixth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Mary E., his wife, was married Oct. 31, 1889, to Dr. Robert Weir. Clara F. received her education at the Cambridge union school. She has a keen sense of hu- mor, and a happy disposition, which she doubtless in- herits from her father, and is a lady with whom it is a pleasure to meet. Dr. Robert Weir was educated in Cambridge, N. Y., and in a college in New York City. He has a large practice and is esteemed by all who know him. To the above couple were born : 89 1 Mary Evelyn, 6 born Nov. 9. 1890. 90 2 Agnes, born Dec. 1, 1891. 91 3 Elisabeth, 6 born Jan. 23, 1893. 92 4 Hugh, 6 born Feb. 12, 1894. January, 1908, postoffice address of Clara F. Weir 5 and Robert, her husband, Rutland, Vt. Their daughters, Mary Evelyn 6 and Elisabeth, 6 unmarried and at home with their parents. 90 Agnes, 6 the second child of Clara F. Weir 5 and Robert, her husband, died in infancy. 92 Hugh, 6 the fourth child of Clara F. Weir 5 and Robert, her husband, died in infancy. 66 Mary E., 5 the seventh child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Mary E., his wife, received a fine education in the Cambridge high school. She developed into a most beautiful character and gave promise of a useful and happy career, but was cut off early, dying Sept. 3, 1889, unmarried, in her twenty-third year. 67 JOSEPH MAE McMILLAN 5 and 93 SARAH ELIZABETH SMART. 67 Joseph Mae, 5 the eighth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Mary Ellis, his wife, early chose a professional career and began his studies in earnest. He passed succes- sively through Greenwich Academy, Cornell University and the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City; graduating from the last in 1894 as an eye, 38 McMillan Genealogy and History. MORRISON McBHLLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. ear and throat specialist. He was for a time associated with the eminent specialist, Dr. Frank McKernan, and for some time was in the office of Dr. Matthew Beattie in New York City. In 1898 he removed to his native village, Cambridge, N. Y., and began practicing his pro- fession. His practice increased every year and his success was assured. He was married Aug. 17, 1903, to Sarah Elizabeth Smart. One child from this union : 94 1 William James Morrison/' born June 7, 1904. Failing health induced Dr. McMillan to spend two winters in Florence, Italy. Though benefited for a time he soon began to fail again and died Nov. 14, 1907, in the thirty- ninth year of his age. He was a Free Mason, a Modern Woodman and a member of the United Presbyterian Church. Postoffice address of Sarah E., his widow. January, 1908. Cambridge, N. Y. Joseph McMillan 4, of john 3. 17 JOSEPH McMILLAN 4 and 95 DELAMA P. WRIGHT. 17 Joseph, 4 the fourth child of John McMillan 3 and Elisa- beth, his wife, was married Jan. 21, 1857, in Washing- ton Co., N. Y., to Delama P. Wright. They lived on a farm in that county until 1872, when they moved to Livingston Co., Mich. Here, on a farm of their choice, they remained until called to a higher sphere of use- fulness. To the above couple were born : 96 1 Daniel Loudon, 5 born Dec. 30, 1861, in Jackson, N. Y. 97 2 James Cheeseman, 5 born May, 8, 1864, in Jackson, N. Y. 98 3 Carrie, 5 born Oct. 18. 1865. in Jackson, N. Y. 99 4 Elizabeth, 5 born July 12. 1869, in Jackson, N. Y. 17 Joseph McMillan, 4 the father of the above four children, died at his home in Linden, Mich., September 24, 1888, and was buried in Cambridge, N. Y. He was sixty- eight years of age. McMillan Genealogy and History. 39 JOSEPH McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 95 Delama P., his widow, died Oct. 29, 1906, and was buried in Linden, Mich. 98 Carrie, 5 the third child of Joseph McMillan 4 and Delaina P., his wife, died July 6, 1897, and was buried in Lind- en, Mich. The remaining three children, (96) Daniel Loudon, 5 (97) James Cheeseman 5 and (99) Elizabeth 6 all unmarried, were, in 1908, living on the farm in Linden, Mich. john McMillan 4, of john 3. 18 JOHN McMILLAN 4 and 100 AURELIA WARREN. 18 John, 4 the fifth child of John McMillan 3 and Elisabeth, his wife, was married April 1, 1872, in Granville, N. Y., to Aurelia Warren, who was a devout member of the United Presbyterian church. To them were born : 101 1 Charles F., 5 born May 15, 1873. 102 2 Mabel W., 5 born June 28, 1875. 18 John McMillan, 4 the father of the above two children, died in Jackson, N. Y., May 21, 1883, in his sixty-first year. 100 Aurelia, his widow, died in Salem, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1897. 101 CHARLES F. McMILLAN 5 and 103 SARAH E. McARTHUR. 101 Charles F., 5 the first child of John McMillan 4 and Aurelia, his wife, was married Nov. 30, 1899, to Sarah E. Mc- Arthur. One child from this union : 104 1 Myrtle Irene, 6 born June 7, 1906. Postoffice address Jaunary, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y., Rural Delivery No. 1. 102 MABEL W. McMILLAN 5 and 105 WALTER HOGLE. 102 Mabel W., 5 the second child of John McMillan 4 and Aurelia, his wife, was married June 11, 1903, to Walter Hogle. To them were born : 106 1 Albert, 6 born Sept. 16, 1904. 40 McMillan Genealogy and History JOHN McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 107 2 Alfred, 6 born Sept. 12, 1906. Postoffice address January, 1908, West Pawlet, Vt., R. F. D. No. 1. 19 Margaret, 4 the sixth child of John McMillan 3 and Elisa- beth, his wife, died in infancy. 20 Alexander, 4 the seventh child of John McMillan 3 and Elisabeth, his wife, died July 6, 1831. EBENEZER McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3. 21 EBENEZER McMILLAN 4 and 108 MARY EDGAR. 21 Ebenezer, 4 the eighth child of John McMillan 3 and Elisa- beth, his wife, was a member of the United Presbyterian church and a devout Christian gentleman. Like his brothers and ancestors he clung to the faith and was a sterling gentleman of the old school. He was married Feb. 12, 1852, in Salem, N. Y., to Mary Edgar, who was born April 13, 1829. To them were born : 109 1 Alexander, 5 born May 19, 1853, in Salem, N. Y. 110 2 Edgar, 5 born Dec. 15, 1854, in Salem, N. Y. 111 3 Frances, 5 born Dec. 5, 1856, in Salem, N. Y. 112 4 William, 5 born May 17, 1859, in Salem, N. Y. 113 5 Thomas. 5 born Jan. 1, 1862, in Salem N. Y. 114 6 Frank M.. 5 born March 2. 1864, in Salem, N. Y. 115 7 May B., 5 born March 9, 1867. in Salem, N. Y. 116 8 Nettie Luella, 5 born June 29, 1869, in Salem, N. Y. 117 9 Kate, 5 born Sept. 12, 1871, in Salem, N. Y. 21 Ebenezer McMillan, 4 the father of the above nine children, died June 12, 1876, forty-seven years of age, and was buried in Cambridge, N. Y. Mary, his wife, living January, 1908, in Salem, N. Y. 109 Alexander, 5 the first child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, died Jan. 25, 1863, ten years of age. 110 Edgar, 5 the second child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, died Jan. 25, 1863, eight years of age. 111 Frances, 5 the third child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, died Jan. 29, 1863, six years of age. Ml Millan Genealogy and History. 41 EBENEZER McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 112 WILLIAM McMILLAN 5 and 118 BERTHA CHAMBERLAIN. 112 William, 5 the fourth child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, is a farmer in Washington Co., N. Y. He was married Feb. 21, 1894, to Bertha Chamberlain. To them were born : 119 1 Isa B., u born Feb. 12, 1895, in Salem, N. Y. 120 2 Helen Inez, 6 born March 28, 1896, in Salem, N. Y. 121 3 Nettie Luella, 6 born March 23, 1904, in Salem, N. Y. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, West Hebron, N. Y. 113 Thomas, 5 the fifth child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, died, unmarried, in Ohio, Oct. 26, 3887, in the twenty-sixth year of his age, while on his way from California, where he had been for his health, to his home in New York. He was buried in family lot in Cambridge, N. Y. 114 Frank, 5 the sixth child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, died unmarried at Lincoln, Neb., March 3, 1899, in the thirty-fifth year of his age, having been connected with the fire department in that city. 115 May B., 5 the seventh child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, as late as January, 1908, was unmarried and working at dressmaking in Salem, N. Y., living at home with her mother. 116 Nettie Luella, 5 the eighth child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, is a trained nurse in New York City. Postoffice address January, 1908, Kings Park, State Hos- pital, Long Island, N. Y. 117 Kate, 5 the ninth child of Ebenezer McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, was, as late as January, 1908, unmarried and a milliner in Salem, N. Y., living at home with her mother. 22 Thomas, 4 the ninth child of John McMillan 3 and Elisa- beth, his wife, died in infancy. 42 McMillan Genealogy and History. GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3. 23 GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4 and 122 ELIZA A. BARNETT. 23 George A., 4 the tenth child of John McMillan 3 and Elisa- beth, his wife, was a worthy son of his father, and a good representative of his old Scotch Presbyterian ancestors. He was a close student of the Bible, and very few laymen of the church were so conversant with the Scriptures as he. "While born and raised in the state of New York he was compelled in middle life, by the state of his health, to seek a more congenial climate. He removed to Jasper Co., Ga., and later settled in Sylvester. He was married March 11, 1857, in Salem, N. Y., to Eliza A. Barnett. To them were born: 123 1 A son, 5 not named, born Feb. 11, 1858, in Salem, N. Y. 124 2 Almira Elisabeth, 5 born July 28, 1859, in Salem, N. Y. 125 3 Caroline Cleaveland, 5 born April 29, 1861, in Salem, N. Y. 123 4 Maria Barnett, 5 born March 14, 1863, in Salem, N. Y. 127 5 Edna Cox, 5 born June 12, 1867, in Salem, N. Y. 122 Eliza A. McMillan, the mother of the above five children, died May 22, 1876, and was buried in Salem, N. Y. 23 GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4 and 128 ELLEN ISABELLE McCALL. 122 Eliza A., the wife of George A. McMillan, 4 having died, as before stated, he married for his second wife, Nov. 11, 1879, Ellen I. McCall. No children from this union. 23 George A. McMillan 4 died Feb. 25, 1905, in the seventy- second year of his age, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edna C. Jones, 5 Sylvester, Ga., and was buried in Cambridge, N. Y., beside his first wife. 128 Ellen I., his widow, living with her step-daughter, Mrs. Edna C. Jones, in Sylvester, Ga., as late as January, 1908. 123 The first child, 5 not named, of George A. McMillan 4 and Eliza A., his wife, died Feb. 12, 1858. 124 ALMIRA ELISABETH McMILLAN 5 and 129 FRANCIS FISHER CULVER. McMillan Genealogy and History. 43 GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 124 Almira E., 5 the second child of George A. McMillan 4 and his wife Eliza, after procuring an education, moved to California, where she became a teacher in the public schools of Los Angeles. She was married Dec. 12, 1891, in Pasadena, Cal., to Francis F. Culver, a prominent merchant of Los Angeles. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, 1321 Hobson Street, Los Angeles, Cal. 125 CAKOLINE CLEAVELAND McMILLAN 5 and 130 HENRY ROBERT WILSON. 125 Caroline C., 5 the third child of George A. McMillan 4 and Eliza A., his wife, was married Nov. 4, 1883, in Salem, N. Y., to Henry R. Wilson, a farmer in Washington Co., N. Y. To them were born: 131 1 Earnest McMillan, 6 born Dec. 21, 1884, Hebron, N. Y. 132 2 Meredith Chester, born Sept. 13, 1890, Hebron, N. Y. 133 3 Hazel Marguerite," born March 31, 1892, Hebron, N. Y. 134 4 Henry Francis, born Feb. 9, 1902, Hebron, N. Y. Postoffice address January, 1908, Salem, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 2. 131 Earnest M.,° the first child of Caroline C. Wilson 5 and Henry R., her husband, January, 1908, attending Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. The three younger children at home attending high school. 126 MARIA BARNETT McMILLAN 5 and 135 GUY CALVIN DARROW. 126 Maria B., 5 the fourth child of George A. McMillan 4 and Eliza A., his wife, was married Oct. 13, 1885, in Salem, N. Y., to Guy C. Darrow, who is a buyer and shipper of farm products. Maria B., his wife, is an invalid. To the above couple were born : 136 1 Pierce Wordsworth, born Aug. 1, 1886, in Hebron, N. Y. 137 2 Isabelle Caroline, 6 born Jan. 29, 1888, in Hebron, N. Y. 138 3 George McMillan, 6 born Feb. 2, 1889, in Bartonville, Vt, 139 4 William Hinds, 6 born May 7, 1890, in Bartonville, Vt. 140 5 Edith, 6 born Sept. 14, 1892, in Bartonville, Vt. 44 McMillan Genealogy and History. GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 141 6 Herbert John, 6 born April 19, 1898, in Chester Depot, Vt. Postoffice address of Maria B. Darrow, Guy C, her hus- band, and the two younger children, Chester Depot, Vt. 136 Pierce W., 6 the first child of Maria B. Darrow 5 and Guy C, her husband, is teaching school in the Philippine Islands. His postoffice address January, 1908, Domaguete Oriental Negros, Philippine Islands. 137 Isabelle C., 6 the second child of Maria B. Darrow 5 and Guy C, her husband, January, 1908, a sophomore in Middlebury College. Postoffice address, Chester Depot, Vermont. 138 George M., 6 the third child of Maria B. Darrow 3 and Guy C, her husband, January, 1908, a sophomore in Middle- bury College. Postoffice address, Chester Depot, Vermont. 139 William H., 6 the fourth child of Maria B. Darrow 5 and Guy C, her husband, January, 1908, also attending Middlebury College, with postoffice address, Chester Depot, Vt, 127 EDNA COX McMILLAN 5 and 142 WILLIAM ALFRED JONES. 127 Edna C., 5 the fifth child of George A. McMillan 4 and Eliza A., his wife, was married Jan. 6, 1897, in Macon, Ga., to William A. Jones, a merchant in Sylvester, Ga. To them were born : 143 1 Anna Barnett, 6 born April 3, 1898, in Sylvester, Ga. 144 2 William Alfred, 6 born June 16, 1900, in Sylvester, Ga. 145 3 Edna Lourie. 6 born Sept. 7, 1901, in Sylvester, Ga. 146 4 Volney McMillan, 6 born Jan. 6, 1903, in Sylvester, Ga. 147 5 Marie, 6 born Jan. 1, 1905, in Sylvester, Ga. Postoffice address of family January 1908, Sylvester, Ga. 12 Lydia, 3 the fourth child of John McMillan 2 and Lydia L., his wife, died in early childhood. McMillan Genealogy and History. 45 CHAPTER III. THOMAS McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2. 3 JOHN McMILLAN 2 and 148 RACHEL MORRISON. 8 Lydia, the first wife of John McMillan, 2 having died as before stated, he married for his second wife May 1, 1794, in "Washington Co., N. Y., Rachel Morrison. She was a woman of superior attainments. The daughter of a titled gentleman, she had been reared and educated in a home of luxury with surroundings elegant and refined. She was well informed in legal rights and claims. It was related of her that during the Revolutionary war she became involved in a law suit in which she was her own lawyer and pleaded her own case and won the suit. To the above couple were born : 149 1 Thomas, 3 born June 3, 1796, in Washington Co., N. Y. 150 2 Andrew, 3 born April 14, 1798, in Washington Co., N. Y. 151 3 Morrison, 3 born Dec. 21, 1799, in Washington Co., N. Y. 148 Rachel McMillan, the mother of the above three children, died at the birth of Morrison, 3 Dec. 21, 1799, in the forty- third year of her age, and was buried in Cambridge, N. Y. Further record of John McMillan 2 to follow. 149 THOMAS McMILLAN 3 and 152 ELIZABETH ROBERTSON. 149 Thomas, 3 the first child of John McMillan 2 and Rachel, his wife, was married Aug. 26, 1817, in Washington Co., N. Y., to Elizabeth Robertson. Thomas was a man of more than ordinary education and ability. In early manhood he was engaged in teaching school. His learn- ing and his aspirations seemed to be leading him to a plane of life above the ordinary class. A few years after his marriage, however, he moved to Ohio, and was taken with a severe attack of sciatica which made him a cripple for life. Dismayed by this change in his physical standing, he gave up his high aspirations and turned his attention to the most simple way of secur- 46 McMillan Genealogy and History. THOMAS McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. ing a livelihood for his little family. He started in as a farmer on a piece of land which he purchased in Morrow Co., Ohio. His sons were still young, but with their help he went bravely at the task of clearing a new farm in the beech woods. It was a hard struggle, but by constant ap- plication they succeeded in making a living. Thomas 3 learned the tailor's trade, and worked at that winters and all his spare time. After the family began to feel a little easy in circumstances, he was induced to indorse a paper for a merchant in the town of Iberia. By this move he lost all his possessions, for he was a man of unflinching integrity, and paid the debt to the last farthing. He then moved to Washington Co., Iowa, and opened up a farm on the prairie and pros- pered fairly well. As old age came on, however, and his lameness increased, he took up tailoring again, and for many years followed that calling in the village of Washington, Iowa. As an illustration of the' well- known Christian probity and true manliness of the man it is said that when his small boys were playing on the streets of the village, citizens (merchants, lawyers and others) would point them out to friends with the remark, that those were the sons of Thomas McMillan. 3 The boys soon learned that their father's good name, his honesty and uprightness was their capital for a start in life. Although occupying a humble station in life, Thomas 3 was fitted by nature and education to ornament the highest. It can truly be said that "his works have followed him," two of his sons going into the ministry and all of them being educated Christian gentlemen. He was ever a faithful and earnest member of the United Presbyterian Church. To Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, were born: 153 1 John, 4 born May 23, 1818, in Washington Co., N. Y. 154 2 Peter Robertson, 4 born Dec. 9, 1820, in Washington Co., N. Y. McMillan Genealogy and History. 47 THOMAS McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. 155 3 Kichard Bowden, 4 born April 27, 1823, in Washington Co., N. Y. 156 4 Edward C., 4 born April 4, 1825, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 157 5 Thomas, 4 born Sept. 23, 1828, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 158 6 George Arnott, 4 born Oct. 28, 1830, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 159 7 Andrew, 4 born May 3, 1833, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 160 8 Mary Jane, 4 born Jan. 28, 1835, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 161 9 William H., 4 born Dec. 18, 1837, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 162 10 Margaret Elizabeth, born July 25, 1842, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 149 Thomas McMillan, the father of the above ten children, died Feb. 4, 1859, in Washington, Iowa, in the sixty- third year of his age. 152 Elizabeth, his wife, died Feb. 3, 1875, in Washington Iowa. john McMillan 4, of thomas 3. 153 JOHN McMILLAN 4 and 163 SARA A. HARRIS. 153 John, 4 the first child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married April 22, 1840, in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, to Sara A. Harris, who was a pupil in the school he was teaching in that place. John grew up a hard- working boy on his father's farm, obtaining his educa- tion by studying evenings and reciting to his father. In this way he fitted himself for teaching. In early manhood, however, he fell in love with his fair pupil and decided to remove west and engage in farming. It was a long, hard journey the young man and his bride made from Ohio to the state of Iowa. He stopped at several places but found no suitable location until reaching Washington, Iowa, where he became a thrifty farmer, living for twenty-eight years on the same farm. He also opened and operated a stone quarry. Later John 4 moved to Emporia, Kansas, making that his home until his death. To John McMillan 4 and Sara A., his wife, were born: 164 1 Sara Jane, 5 born Nov. 18, 1842, in Iberia, Ohio. 165 2 Thomas Edward, 5 born Jan. 2, 1845, in Iberia, Ohio. 166 3 Mary Elizabeth, 5 born July 28. 1847, in Washington, Iowa, 48 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McWXILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. 167 4 Jesse Harris, 5 born July 16, 1851, in Washington, Iowa. 168 5 Dora Janette, 5 born April 5, 1858, in Washington, Iowa. 163 Sara A. McMillan, the mother of the above five children, died Aug. 31, 1902, in Emporia, Kansas. 153 John McMillan 4 died January 9, 1905, in the eighty- seventh year of his age. 164 SARA JANE McMILLAN 5 and 169 GEORGE JOHNSTON. 164 Sara J., 5 the first child of John McMillan 4 and Sara A. r Lis wife, was married May 29, 1860, in Washington, la., to George Johnston. To them were born : 170 1 Hattie Florence, 6 born Nov. 11, 1862, in Washington, Iowa. 171 2 John Bruce, 6 born June 28, 1867, in Washington, Iowa. 164 Sara Jane McMillan, 5 the mother of the above two chil- dren died March 14, 1907, in Emporia, Kansas, in' her sixty-fifth year. Postoffice address of George Johnston, January. 1908, Emporia, Kansas, R. F. D. No. 9. 170 HATTIE FLORENCE JOHNSTON 6 and 172 ADDISON STOUT. 170 Hattie F., 6 the first child of Sara J. Johnston 5 and George, her husband, was married Jan. 2, 1877, to Addison Stout. To them were born: 173 1 Effie May, 7 born Nov. 13, 1881. 174 2 Fred, 7 born 1883. 175 3 George, 7 born 1885. 176 4 Howard, 7 born 1889. 177 5 Glenn, 7 born 1892. 178 6 Clara, 7 born 1896. 179 7 Frank, 7 born 1902. Postoffice address January, 1908, Emporia, Kansas, R. F. D. No. 6. 173 EFFIE MAY STOUT 7 and 180 HARRY LYNN. 173 Effie M., 7 the first child of Hattie F. Stout 6 and Addison, her husband, w r as married Sept. 20, 1902, to Harry Lynn. McMillan Genealogy and History. 49 JOHN McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. Postoffice address January, 1908, Emporia, Kansas. R. F. D. No. 6. 174 Fred, 7 the second child of Hattie F. Stout 6 and Addison, her husband, January, 1908, was unmarried and a; home with his parents, Emporia, Kan. 175 George, 7 the third child of Hattie F. Stout 6 and Addison, her husband, died Jan. 18, 1889. 176 Howard, 7 (177) Glenn, 7 (178) Clara 7 and (179) Frank, 7 the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh children, respective- ly, of Hattie F. Stout 6 and Addison, her husband, at home with their parents, Emporia, Kan., January, 1908. 171 JOHN BRUCE JOHNSTON 6 and 181 VIOLA E. WATSON. 171 John Bruce, 6 the second child of Sara J. Johnston 5 and George, her husband, was married Sept. 7, 1892, in Emporia, Kan., to Viola E. Watson. To them were born: 182 1 E. Clementine, 7 born Sept. 6, 1893. 183 2 Sarah Nile, 7 born Nov. 13, 1894. 184 3 Mamie Genevra, 7 born Sept. 11, 1904. Postoffice address of family, January, 1908, Emporia, Kan., R. F. D. No. 6. 165 THOMAS EDWARD McMILLAN 5 and 185 LIZZIE LYTLE. 165 Thomas E., 5 the second child of John McMillan 4 and Sarah A., his wife, was married March 14, 1867, in Washington, la., to Lizzie Lytle. To them were born : 186 1 John Wilson, 6 born Sept. 15, 1871. 187 2 Edward Thomas, 6 born Sept. 22, 1881. Postoffice address of Thomas E. McMillan 5 and Lizzie, his wife, January, 1908, 528 Cottonwood Street, Emporia, Kan. 186 John W., 6 the first child of Thomas Edward McMillan 5 and Lizzie, his wife, died March 14, 1880. 187 EDWARD THOMAS McMILLAN 6 and 188 ELEFA HARTMAN. 187 Edward T., 6 the second child of Thomas E. McMillan 5 and Lizzie, his wife, was married Oct. 20, 1900, at the early 50 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. age of nineteen, to Elefa Hartman, of Hutchinson, Kan. She died Nov. 30, 1900. 187 EDWARD THOMAS McMILLAN 6 and 189 LILLIE MAY MARTIN. 188 Elefa, the first wife of Edward T. McMillan, 6 having died as before stated, he married for his second wife, April 14, 1905, Lillie May Martin, of Emporia, Kan. One child from this union : 190 1 Clara, 7 born April 18, 1906. Postoffice address January, 1908, Emporia, Kan. 166 Mary E., 5 the third child of John McMillan 4 and Sara A., his wife, died Aug. 21, 1850. 167 JESSE HARRIS McMILLAN 5 and 191 SABINA ELMA HINSHAW. 167 Jesse H., 5 the fourth child of John McMillan 4 and Sara A., his wife, was married Dec. 12, 1877, in Emporia, Kan., to Sabina E. Hinshaw, who was born in Lyons Co., Kan., Feb. 18, 1860. To them were born : 192 1 Elnora Anna Dora, e born Dec. 6. 1879, in Plymouth, Kan. 193 2 Curtis Seaten, 6 born June 2, 1882, in Emporia, Kan. 194 3 George Eustice Hinshaw, 6 born March 7, 1891, in Em- poria, Kan. Postoffice address January, 1908, Emporia, Kan.. R. F. D. No. 6. 192 ELNORA ANNA DORA McMILLAN 6 and 195 CHARLES W. COLEMAN. 192 Elnora A. D., 6 the first child of Jesse H. McMillan 5 and Sabina E., his wife, was married Oct. 23, 1907, to Charles W. Coleman. Postoffice address January, 1908. Grand. Oklahoma, R. F. D. No. 2. 193 Curtis S., 6 the second child of Jesse H. McMillan 5 and Sa- bina E., his wife, died June 30, 1884. 194 George E. II., 6 the third child of Jesse H. McMillan 5 and Sabina E., his wife, January, 1908, unmarried and at home with his parents. 168 DORA JANETTE McMILLAN 5 and 196 DAYTON JEROME ROGERS. McMillan Genealogy and History. 51 JOHN McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. 168 Dora J., 5 the fifth child of John McMillan 4 and Sara A., his wife, was married Sept. 20, 1887, to Dayton J. Rog- ers, of Norwalk, Ohio. The authors are indebted to Dora J. Rogers for the complete record of family of John McMillan 4 of Thomas. 3 No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Emporia, Kan. PETER R. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 154 PETER ROBERTSON McMILLAN 4 and 197 ELIZABETH CULLY. 154 Peter R., 4 the second child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Aug. 24, 1850, in Dalton, Ohio, to Elizabeth Cully, who was born in Dalton, Oct. 24, 1829. While his baptismal name was Patrick, he was always called Peter, and was known only by that name. Peter R. 4 moved with his parents to Seneca Co., Ohio, when only a small boy. He worked hard to help his father open up a farm, acquir- ing an education, as did his brother John, by studying at home evenings and reciting to his father. On reach- ing his majority, he began teaching village schools and in academies and followed it for several years, continu- ing his studies meantime, and thus acquired a fine clas- sical education. In 1856 Peter R. 4 moved with his family to Washington Co., la. For five years he was en- gaged in the mercantile business with his brother Richard in Crawfordsville, la., then removed to a farm three miles from the village of Washington where he con- tinued to reside until his death. On the farm Peter R. 4 turned his attention particularly to raising blooded stock of all kinds. He was very successful, the sale of his thoroughbreds bringing him a handsome revenue. Peter R. McMillan 4 was a man of unswerving integrity and honesty. His was as true and noble a soul as ever throbbed within the breast of man. Patient, cool and deliberate in his habits, tall and commanding in figure, with his mind fully stored with useful knowl- edge, he was a man to command the respect and inspire 52 McMillan Genealogy and History. PETER S. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. the confidence of his neighbors. To him his neighbors and townsmen always went for counsel and advice. Peter R. 4 was naturally a leader of men and would have made an admirable military commander; not by his eloquence or dash, but by his cool self-possession and his admirable poise at all times. Early in life he be- came identified with the United Presbyterian church, and continued a devoted, faithful member through all his days. To Peter R. McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, were born : 198 1 Jane Alice, 5 born Jan. 27, 1852, in Dalton, Ohio. 199 2 Horace Greely, 5 born May 29, 1854, in Dalton, Ohio. 200 3 Maria Frances, 5 born Sept. 29, 1855, in Dalton, Ohio. 154 Peter McMillan, 4 the father of the above three children. died March 13, 1882, in Washington, Iowa, in the sixty- second year of his age. 197 Elizabeth McMillan, his widow, lives with her two daugh- ters, Mrs. Jane Alice Rodgers 5 and Mrs. Maria Frances Glenn 5 alternately. August, 1908, her postoffice address was Milbank, S. D. 198 JANE ALICE McMILLAN 5 and 201 THOMAS C. RODGERS. 198 Jane Alice, 5 the first child of Peter R. McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married June 22, 1877, in Wash- ington, Iowa, to Thomas C. Rodgers, who has been for more than twenty years a grain and elevator man. After working at different occupations when a young man he embarked in the grain business and has made a pronounced success. He has been a member of the Kansas legislature and is prominent in his vicinity. It is rarely that one meets with a woman who is so com- pletely the embodiment of all the sweet, womanly graces and charms as is the subject of this sketch, Jane Alice Rodgers. The fact that her parents were both pure and lofty characters, that she was reared in the sweet- ness and beauty of a pure, happy home, and under the influences of a simple, constant, religious faith, explains it all. It is no accident that certain persons excel oth- ers in intellectual and spiritual gifts. A look into Horace G. McMillan 5 No. 199 '1 McMillan Genealogy and History. 5J PETER R. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. their early home life, noting the environments of their childhood, will disclose the cause at once. To this couple was born : 202 1 Arthur, 6 born March 11, 1878, in Fairfield, Iowa. He died Feb. 28, 1890, twelve years of age. Postoffice address of family, January, 1908, Beloit, Kan. HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4. 199 HORACE G. McMILLAN 5 and 203 ALICE VAN DOREN. 199 Horace G., 5 the second child of Peter R. McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Aug. 28, 1877, in Wash- ington, la., to Alice Van Doren, who was born in Wash- ington, la., being the daughter of the late W. A. Van Doren, an early settler and long a prominent attorney in that section of the state. To write a sketch of the life and career of Horace G. McMillan 5 is to tell a story of a long, hard struggle against heavy odds, burdened by a huge load of debt and responsibilities ; of courage and determination that never flinched or wavered ; of undaunted perseverance, grim endurance and patience that was almost sublime ; of a calm, self-contained, heroic man, who through all his life, under all circumstances, ever kept his eyes firmly fixed upon the shining goal which he early set before him. The writer has known the man since he was a boy, and we can truly say that he possesses the above named qualities to an extent that is rarely met with among men. With all these, he is kind and gentle in disposition, a loving husband and a fond parent. He is also a faithful friend, true and constant in all relations of life. Like his father, he is a worthy representative of the old Scotch Covenanters from whom he sprung. It is a pleasure to know that he has conquered success and reached the fruition of his hopes as stated by his wife, whose words we quote on another page. That our readers may know more fully what manner of man is this, our relative, and how he is regarded by the people of his state, we append the following remarks and quotations : 54 McMillan Genealogy and History. HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4— Continued. 199 Horace G. McMillan 5 received his primary education in the public schools and at the academies of Washington and Grandview in Iowa. For several years following he was engaged with his father in raising and handling fine stock. In the meantime he began the study of law and entered the office of McJunkin & Henderson of Washington, the senior member of the firm being at the time attorney general of the state of Iowa. Young McMillan 5 was admitted to the bar in 1880 by Circuit Judge L. C. Blanchard of Oskaloosa, la., and immedi- ately opened a law office in Washington. From "Pro- gressive Men of Iowa," we quote: "In 1882 Mr. Mc- Millan 5 became interested in northwestern Iowa, and the same year located in Rock Rapids, Lyon County, where he entered into a law partnership with A. Van Wagenen which lasted until 1891. A few days after leaving his old home his father died, and having en- dorsed for friends and relatives, left an indebtedness of about $4,000.00. After attending his father's funeral young McMillan 5 called upon all the creditors and vol- untarily assumed all the indebtedness. With this bur- den on his shoulders, and with no money, the young at- torney invaded the open country of northwestern Iowa determined to succeed. Ten years afterwards he re- turned to Washington for the first time, having paid off every dollar of the family indebtedness. As a lawyer he has been eminently successful. He has been connected with the most important litigation of the state and es- pecially prominent in the bond litigation of Lyon Coun- ty. He tried those cases in both the state and the Unit- ed States courts, the Supreme Court at Washington de- ciding two of them in his favor. Thus he saved many thousands of dollars to the taxpayers of the county. He has also been successful in the trial of personal injury cases. As a boy of nineteen he served several months as a brakeman on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, which experience was useful to him in later years. His practice has brought him a large income for many years. From his boyhood Horace G. McMillan 5 Residence of Horace G. McMillan At Cedar Rapids, Iowa McMillan Genealogy and History. 55 HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4— Continued. has taken an active part in politics. By birth and con- viction he is an unswerving Republican. He served three terms as county attorney of Lyon County, al- though some of the time the county was Democratic. He served as chairman of the Republican State Central Committee of Iowa for three successive terms. He had charge of the campaign in which Gen. Francis M. Drake was elected governor by an almost unprecedented ma- jority. He also had charge of the McKinley and Hobart campaign in Iowa, which he conducted in such a man- ner as to win the praise of Republicans and Gold-Demo- crats alike. As a campaign manager, Mr. McMillan has tenacity of purpose, persistence of effort combined with judgment and a wise spirit of conciliation, and under him the party has developed no factions nor has it wavered." The "Biographical History of Lynn Coun- ty" says: "As a citizen he ever stands ready to dis- charge any duty devolving upon him. His public serv- ice has been most commendable, and he stands deserv- edly high in professional, political and social circles." He was appointed by President McKinley United States attorney for the northern district of Iowa, the Senate confirming the appointment in February, 1898. One who has known Mr. McMillan 5 for a score of years, himself a gentleman of ability and influence, says : "From the beginning he proved himself to be a thorough lawyer, having the peculiar ability which characterizes the successful practitioner of getting the right theory of the law as to his case. He is a man of strong pur- pose and great energy supported by a courage that never showed the white feather when everything was going wrong — judge, jury and evidence. His practice has been characterized by the strictest adherence to the exact line of professional ethics." On receiving his appointment from President McKinley, Mr. McMillan 5 moved to Cedar Rapids, where he erect- ed a large, commodious dwelling in which he installed his family and took up the duties of his important position. Again quoting from ' ' Progressive Men of Iowa " : " Mr. 56 McMillan Genealogy and History HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4— Continued. McMillan 5 is a business man. In 1898 the Cedar Rapids Daily Republican was for sale. Seeing an excellent op- portunity for building up a strong newspaper and a profitable business, Mr. McMillan, in company with Mr. Cyrenus Cole of the Iowa State Register, bought the paper. It immediately took a leading position and grew in circulation and influence." In spite of his active life and his marked successes in the legal and newspaper fields and in politics, the subject of this sketch has ever turned a longing eye towards the business of his early life, that of farming and the rais- ing of fine blooded stock. Early in his business career he began investing in land in Lyon County adjacent to Rock Rapids. Having sold the small farm originally purchased, he bought, in 1887, the first five hundred acres of the present stock farm. To this he kept add- ing acres from time to time until the farm in 1908 con- sists of 1,020 acres of as fine land as Iowa contains, with the Rock River, a stream of pure spring water, running diagonally through it. He nam ed the farm ' ' Lakewood ' ' from a wooded lake lying in the tract. On this farm are bred and raised Percheron horses. Shorthorn and Jersey cattle and Poland-China pigs that in breeding and quality will compare with the best to be found in the United States. The Lakewood farm is now the largest breeding establishment for pure-bred stock in the state of Iowa, and its stock is known and valued throughout the United States and Canada. In the fall and winter of 1907 Lakewood Percherons won the cham- pionship cups over all competitors at the Iowa State Fair, the Inter-State Fair held at Sioux City, la., and at the International Live Stock Show in Chicago. It is related that after the purchase of the first five hundred acres of land by Mr. McMillan 5 a friend asked him what he gave for it. He replied laconically, "Fifty dollars and sand." Yet he was never known to fail in his pay- ments and his notes never went to protest. We quote a few lines of a letter received from Mrs. Alice Van Doren McMillan: McMillan Genealogy and History. 57 HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4— Continued. "I remember driving from Rock Rapids to Lakewood with Mr. McMillan soon after its purchase, and he, with that sanguine outlook which is so characteristic, enlarged on his future plans for this farm. From an eminence overlooking the land he unfolded his plans. Weeds should be subdued, the land fenced, groves planted here, an orchard there, fine, new buildings should replace the small ones then in view, and blooded stock should range over the pasture fields. All that he planned twenty years ago has reached fruition, and his fine stock busi- ness has more than met his early dreams and expecta- tions." On retiring from the office of United States attorney in 1907, which position he filled for nearly ten years with conspicuous ability, Mr. McMillan 5 disposed of his in- terest in the Cedar Rapids Republican and has devoted his time and energies to his Lakewood farm and other farms which he owns in Moody Co., S. D., and Stevens Co., Minn.; also to the Farmers' Tribune, published in Sioux City, la., of which he is the sole proprietor. It is probable that the subject of this sketch will hereafter devote himself entirely to agricultural pursuits, to breed- ing and raising blooded stock and to pushing and ex- tending the excellent paper which he controls. He is, in 1908, the president of the Percheron Society of Amer- ica, which is composed of some two thousand members. 203 Alice Van Doren McMillan is a woman of rare accomplish- ments. Of her the "Biographical History of Lynn Co., la.," says: "She is a member of the Presbyterian church, has always taken a deep interest in educational affairs and was largely instrumental in founding the pub- lic library in Rock Rapids, la." "We also quote from "Progressive Men of Iowa": "Mr. McMillan's wife has been a helpmate to him not only in his home, but in his public life. She has taken a deep interest in political affairs in which her husband has been prom- inent. She has taken especially an interest in educa- tional matters and was largely instrumental in found- ing the free public library at Rock Rapids, and feels 204 1 205 2 206 3 207 4 208 5 209 6 58 McMillan Genealogy and History. HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4— Continued. with a woman's and a mother's pride that her best con- tribution to the world has been her children. To Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, were born : 1 Glenn Van Doren, 6 born in 1878. Viva Alice, 6 born Dec. 25, 1880, in Washington, la. Stella, 6 born in 1882. Florence, 6 born in 1884. James Blaine, 6 born in 1886. Horace G., Jr., 6 born in 1888. Postoffice address of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, August, 1908, was 1909 Pierce St., Sioux City, la., as his interests are now in that city and vicinity. 204 GLENN VAN DOREN McMILLAN 6 and 210 HELEN BOYCE. 204 Glenn V., 6 the first child of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, was married to Helen Boyce. This young man was educated in the public schools in Cedar Rap- ids and in the Shattuck Grammar School at Faribault, Minn., where he was a student for two years. He after- wards put in several years at the military schools in Mexico, Mo., and in Culver, Ind. On leaving school he at once engaged in the newspaper business with his father and proved himself so competent and useful that, in 1908 he was the business manager of the Farmer's Tribune of Sioux City, la., which was owned by his father, H. G. McMillan. 5 Postoffice address August, 1908, Sioux City, la. 205 VIVA ALICE McMILLAN 6 and 211 EDWARD HAMMETT. 205 Viva A., 6 the second child of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, after graduating from a seminary, was married April 8, 1903, in Geneva, 111., to Edward Ham- mett, who was born in Evanston, 111., May 6, 1877. He is a dealer in railway and electrical supplies in Pitts- burgh, Pa. To them were born : 212 1 Edward, Jr., 7 born April 8, 1904, in Philadelphia, Pa. 213 2 Constance Elizabeth, 7 born Oct. 1, 1905, in Wilkinsburgh, Pa. c O X McMillan Genealogy and History. 59 HORACE G. McMILLAN 5, of PETER R. 4— Continued. Postoffice address January, 1908, 75 Linden Ave., Ingram, Pa. 206 Stella, 6 the third child of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, died in 1885 in Rock Rapids, la. 207 FLORENCE McMILLAN" and 214 FLOYD B. O'BRIEN. 207 Florence, 6 the fourth child of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, was married in January, 1908, to Floyd B. O'Brien of Ames, la., a dealer in agricultural ma- chinery. Postoffice address January, 1908, Ames, la. 208 JAMES BLAINE McMILLAN 6 and 215 SALLIE MARTIN. 208 James B., 6 the fifth child of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, was married to Sallie Martin. James B. 6 was graduated from the high school at Cedar Rapids with signal honor. He then attended the State Agri- cultural College at Ames, la., where he attained spe- cial prominence by his skill and judgment. At the In- ternational Live Stock Show in Chicago he was at the head of a class of expert judges of blooded stock, al- though but a boy in years. In 1908 he was associated with his father in the blooded stock business at the celebrated Lakewood farm, being thoroughly conversant with the many ramifications of the business. Postoffice address August, 1908, Rock Rapids, la. 209 Horace G., Jr., 6 the sixth child of Horace G. McMillan 5 and Alice, his wife, January, 1908, was unmarried and attending school. PETER R. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 200 MARIA FRANCES McMILLAN 5 and 216 WILLIAM ANDREW GLENN. 200 Maria Frances, 5 the third child of Peter R. McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Aug. 28, 1877, in Wash- ington, la., to William Andrew Glenn. Maria Frances, 5 like her sister, is a woman of rare attainments. Finely educated, experienced in teaching, reared by the most wise and judicious parents, with her early surroundings 60 McMillan Genealogy and History. PETER R. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. and associations well calculated to mould and ennoble character, a conscientious member of the United Pres- byterian Church, it is a little wonder that she has de- veloped into a most lovable woman, wife and mother. She has gladly furnished some interesting facts for this work. William A. Glenn was raised on his father's farm in Washington Co., Iowa. His parents were mem- bers of the United Presbyterian Church and very pru- dent in the training of their children. William A. re- ceived a good common school education and became a good farmer. In early manhood, however, he left the farm and moved to Minnesota, where he secured serv- ice with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Beginning as a brakeman, his faithfulness and efficiency soon won him promotion and he became a passenger train conductor. For more than twenty-five years he held that position, through many administrations and various circumstances. He has ever been found faith- ful and equal to all the exigencies of the business. In 1907 he retired from the railway service and settled on a farm in Grant Co., S. D., which he had long been fit- ting up for his old age. Back to the occupation of his boyhood, William A. seems perfectly contented, and after his active life on the "rail" enjoys the quietness and peace of a pastoral life. To Maria Frances Glenn 5 and William A., her husband, were born : 217 1 Horace Hubbard, 6 born March 10. 1879. in Minneapolis, • Minn. 218 2 Dean Lavelle, 6 born April 9, 1882, in Bird Island, Minn. 219 3 Harry Wilkes, 6 born Aug. 14, 1887, in Milbank, S. D. 220 4 Mirriam Elizabeth, 6 born July 12, 1889, in Aberdeen, S. D. McMillan Genealogy and History. 61 PETER R. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. Postoffice address of Maria Frances Glenn 5 and William A., her husband, January, 1908, Milbank, S. D. 217 HORACE HUBBARD GLENN 6 and 221 LUELLA MARIE BOUB. 217 Horace Hubbard, the first child of Maria Prances Glenn and William A., her husband, was married June 19, 1906, in Milbank, S. D., to Luella Marie Boub. He is a stenographer and has spent his time since leaving school in railroad service as chief stenographer for general superintendents of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and the Northern Pacific. More re- cently, however, he has gone into a law office, thinking in time to take up that profession. One child from this union. 222 1 Sarah Elizabeth, 7 born Jan. 19, 1908, in St. Paul, Minn. Postoffice address January, 1908, 455 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 218 DEAN LAVELLE GLENN 6 and 223 ELSIE M.LEE. 218 Dean Lavelle, 6 the second child of Maria Frances Glenn 5 and William A., her husband, was married Jan. 27, 1904, in Minneapolis, Minn., to Elsie M. Lee. He is engaged with a large lumber firm in Sioux City, la. To the above couple were born : 224 1 John Henry, 7 born Dec. 14, 1905, in Sioux City, la. 309* 2 Margaret Lee, 7 born March, 1908, in Sioux City, la. Postoffice address January, 1908, 1300 Cecilia Avenue. Sioux City, la. 219 Harry Wilkes, 6 the third child of Maria Frances Glenn 5 and William A., her husband, January, 1908, unmar- ried and at home on his father's farm, Milbank, S. D. 220 Mirriam Elizabeth, 6 the fourth child of Maria Frances Glenn 5 and William A., her husband, died Dec. 29, 1892, in Aberdeen, S. D. *Too late for consecutive numbering. 62 McMillan Genealogy and History. RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 155 RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4 and 225 MARY JANE CURRIE. 155 Richard Bouton, 4 the third child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married in March, 1849, in "Washington, la., to Mary Jane Currie, who was born Oct. 4, 1830, near Columbus, Ohio. Richard B. 4 re- moved to Ohio with his parents when a small boy. The facilities for securing an education in northern Ohio in that early day were very limited, but by some means the sons of Thomas McMillan 3 succeeded in becoming finished scholars. Richard B.. 4 like his older brothers, worked hard and faithfully on his father's farm, pursu- ing his studies evenings and holidays under his father's instructions. For lack of proper schools and colleges Richard B. 4 obtained much of his learning from pri- vate tutors, so in time he became a fine scholar, having a thorough knowledge of Greek and Latin and was a linguist of more than ordinary ability. He was a stu- dent all his life, never ceasing to acquire knowledge of books. He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church and was a profound Bible student and teacher. About 1847, he moved to Washington Co., la., where he engaged in mercantile business with his brother, Peter R., 4 for a number of years. He then worked at the carpenter trade awhile and at last went to farming. He remained in Washington county for many years, and by his ability and education and by the beauty and simplicity of his daily life won all hearts to him. He was a strong, manly man, yet his nature was as refined and gentle as that of the tender- est woman. In 1872 Richard B. 4 moved to Kansas. Being deeply interested in affairs of state he became active in politics, and in 1874 was elected to the Kansas State Senate, where his eloquence and powers as a de- bater won him much renown. On account of his hon- esty and probity he was known as the "conscientious senator." After a few years spent in Kansas, he re- turned to his old home in Washington, la. McMillan Gen ealogy and History. 63 RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3-Continued. To Richard B. McMillan* and Mary Jane, his wife, were born : 226 1 Edward Currie, 5 born in 1850. 227 2 Lorenzo Llewellyn. 5 228 3 Eva Elizabeth. 5 229 4 Thomas Chalmers. 3 230 5 Ida May, 5 born in 1859. 231 6 William Wilson. 5 232 7 Richard Andrew. 5 233 8 Cora Fidelia. 5 234 9 Nellie Grace. 5 235 10 Mary Emma, 5 236 11 Lena Frances. 5 155 Richard Bouton McMillan/ father of the above eleven children, died Dec. 7, 1898, in Washington, la., in the seventy-fifth year of his age. 225 Mary Jane, his widow, died April 27, 1905, in Buffalo, N. Y., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frances Fer- guson. 226 EDWARD CURRIE McMILLAN 5 and 237 ANNA M. WILLIAMSON. 226 Edward Currie, 5 the first child of Richard B. McMillan* and Mary Jane, his wife, was married Dec. 22, 1892 in Fullerton, Neb., to Anna M. Williamson. Edward Cur- rie 5 was a member of the United Presbyterian Church. He was a physician and surgeon and was for a time employed by the United States government as resident physician at the Indian agencies in South Dakota. To the above couple were born : 238 1 Maxwell Renville, 6 born Dec. 3, 1893, at Sisseton Agency, k5. D. 239 2 Edward Currie, Jr.,« born Feb. 21, 1895, at Goodwill Mis- sion, S. D. 240 3 Florence May,- born Nov. 2, 1896, in Fullerton, Neb oil t AliCG ' 6 b ° rD Dec - 28 ' 1899 ' in Fullerton, Neb 4*3 5 Richard B.,« born Dec. 28, 1903, in Fullerton, Neb. m Edward Currie, 5 the father of the above five children died July 18, 1905, aged fifty-five years. 64 McMillan Genealogy and History. RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. Postoffice address of Mrs. Anna M. McMillan January, 1908, Fullerton, Neb. All children at home. 227 Lorenzo Llwellyn, 5 the second child of Richard B. Mc- Millan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, died in infancy. 228 EVA ELIZABETH McMILLAN 5 and 243 WILLIAM JOHN LIVINGSTON. 228 Eva Elizabeth, 5 the third child of Richard B. McMillan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married March 14, 1871, in Ainsworth, la., to William John Livingston, who was a lawyer by profession, also a skillful civil engineer, often having charge of extensive engineering contracts. He was a devoted member of the United Presbyterian Church. Eva Elizabeth Livingston 5 has proved herself a woman of courage and ability. Being early left a widow, she has by her own exertions maintained her- self and educated her children. For several years she was in the service of the state legislature at Des Moines. To this couple were born : 244 1 Schuyler W T ilson,° born Oct. 14, 1872. 245 2 Ralph Lee, 6 born Nov. 8, 1874. 243 William John Livingston, the father of the above two children, died Nov. 22, 1882, aged thirty-one years. Postoffice address of Eva Elizabeth, 5 his widow, January, 1908, Washington, la. 244 SCHUYLER W. LIVINGSTON and 246 ALICE ISABELLE SAMSON. 244 Schuyler W., 8 the first child of Eva Elizabeth Livingston 5 and William John, her husband, was married April 22, 1897, in Washington, la., to Alice Isabelle Samson, a sister of the wife of Ralph Lee Livinston, recorded later. Schuyler Wilson Livingston is a lawyer, having an extensive practice in his home city. He is deemed by his fellow citizens one of the most astute and able attorneys in the city. He is a great chicken fancier and finds time outside of his large law practice to feed his fine blooded chickens and to watch them grow. Schuyler W.° graduated from Monmouth college and studied law in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the McMillan Genealogy and History. 65 RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. United Presbyterian Church, as were his ancestors, and is a firm believer in the old church of his fathers. To the above couple were born : 247 1 David Palmer, 7 born May 14, 1898. 248 2 Alice Louise, 7 born Feb. 23, 1900. 249 3 Schuyler William, 7 born Oct. 5, 1904. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Washing- ton, la. 245 RALPH LEE LIVINGSTON 6 and 250 FRANCES MABEL SAMSON. 245 Ralph Lee, 6 the second child of Eva Elizabeth Livingston 5 and William John, her husband, was married May 18, 1905, to Frances Mabel Samson, a sister to Alice Isa- belle, before recorded. He received his education at Monmouth College, graduating from that institution in 1896. 245 Ralph Lee 6 is a newspaper man, having for some time been owner and manager of the Washington Press, though he has recently disposed of it. He is a United Presbyterian and a good representative of the family from which he sprung. Born to above couple : 251 1 Helen Elizabeth, 7 born Oct. 22, 1906. 310* 2 Mabel Lee, 7 born Jan. 13, 1908. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Washing- ton, la. 229 THOMAS CHALMERS McMILLAN 5 and 252 CARRIE FLOYD BROWN. 229 Thomas Chalmers, 5 the fourth child of Richard B. Mc- Millan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married Jan. 8, 1884, in Washington, la., to Carrie Floyd Brown. He was a physician practicing in Falls City, Neb. He was for many years a ruling elder in the United Presbyte- rian Church. To the above couple were born : 253 1 Ida Floyd, 6 born Dec. 25, 1884, in Coon Rapids, la. 254 2 Glenn Livingston. 6 born May 10, 1887, in Fullerton, Neb. 255 3 Keith Chalmers, 6 born Aug. 29, 1888, in Fullerton, Neb. "Too late for consecutive numbering. 66 McMillan Genealogy and History. RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. 256 4 Ruth Dexter, 6 born April 29, 1890, in Fullerton, Neb. 257 5 Beth Jane, 6 born Oct. 29, 1891, in Fullerton, Neb. 229 Thomas Chalmers McMillan, 5 the father of the above five children, died very suddenly at his home in Falls City, Neb., March 9, 1908. Postoffice address of Carrie Floyd, his widow, January, 1908, Falls City, Neb. Children unmarried and at home 257 Beth Jane, 6 the fifth child of Thomas Chalmers McMillan 5 and Carrie Floyd, his wife, died March 10, 1892, in Ful- lerton, Neb. 230 Ida May, 5 the fifth child of Richard B. McMillan* and Mary Jane, his wife, died in Blue Mound, Kan., in June, 1874, aged fifteen years. 231 WILLIAM WILSON McMILLAN 5 and 258 HELEN LOUISE OLMSTEAD. 231 William W., 5 the sixth child of Richard B. McMillan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married Oct. 3, 1888, in Du- luth, Minn., to Helen Louise Olmstead. William W. 5 has been in Duluth ever since early boyhood. For a number of years he was engaged in the plumbing busi- ness and city contracting. Of late years, however, he has been in real estate and brokerage business and is doing well. He is an elder in the Congregational Church and is one of those whole-souled pleasant gen- tlemen whom it is a pleasure to meet. 258 Helen Louise McMillan is from an old family which for many years has been prominent in business and social circles in Duluth. To the above couple were born : 259 1 Alice Louise, 6 born Aug. 13, 1889, in Duluth, Minn. 260 2 Arthur Wilson, 6 born Jan. 21. 1892, in Duluth, Minn. 261 3 William Olmstead, 6 born July 10, 1902, in Duluth, Minn. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Duluth, Minn. 259 Alice Louise, 6 the first child of William W. McMillan 5 and Helen Louise, his wife, died March 3, 1890. McMillan Genealogy and History. 67 RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. 232 RICHARD ANDREW McMILLAN 5 and 262 ALICE REYNOLDS DEAN. 232 Richard Andrew, 5 the seventh child of Richard B. Mc- Millan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married Oct. 10, 1901, in Hamburg, la., to Alice Reynolds Dean. Rich- ard Andrew 5 is a pharmacist and druggist doing a good business. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. One child from the above union : 263 1 Richard Dean, 6 born Oct. 28, 1902, in Genoa, Neb. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Genoa. Neb. 233 CORA FIDELIA McMILLAN 5 and 264 REV. JAMES URIAH STOTTS. 233 Cora Fidelia, 5 the eighth child of Richard B. McMillan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married in 1889, at her father's home in Washington, la., to Rev. James Uriah Stotts, who is a graduate of a theological seminary and ordained a minister some years ago. He and his wife have been missionaries to China for the past four years and are probably in the missionary field to stay. To the above couple were born : 265 1 Louise Fidelia, 6 born Jan. 11, 1891, in Chicago, 111. 266 2 James McMillan, 6 born 1894, in Chicago, 111. 267 3 Grace, 6 born 1896, in Chicago, 111. 268 4 Julian, 6 born 1899, in Chicago, 111. 269 5 Beulah Elizabeth, 6 born 1902, in Chicago, 111. Postoffice address of family January, 1908. Che Kong Shan, China. All living children along wifh their parents in China. 267 Grace 6 and Julian, 6 the third and fourth children respect- ively of Cora Fidelia Stotts 5 and James Uriah, her hus- band, died in infancy. 234 NELLIE GRACE McMILLAN 5 and 270 WILLIAM A. GIBSON. 234 Nellie Grace, 5 the ninth child of Richard B. McMillan and Mary Jane, his wife, was married April 28, 1887, at her father's home in Washington, la., to William A. Gibson, the Rev. Andrew McMillan 4 officiating. William A. Gibson is a large and successful farmer, owning five hundred acres of rich land in Washington Co., la. By 4 68 McMillan Genealogy and History. RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. his efforts he has accumulated a competency and has moved into the village of Washington, la., to give his children educational advantages. To the above couple were born : 271 1 Ralph L., 6 born Dec. 10, 1888, in Washington Co., la. 272 2 Myra G., 6 born March 10, 1890, in Washington Co., la. 273 3 Mary F., 6 born June 14, 1894, in Washington Co., la. 274 4 Ruth V., 6 born Sept. 12, 1895, in Washington Co., la. 275 5 Alice B., 6 1 twins, born March 26, 1898, in Washington 276 6 Ethel J., 6 J Co., la. 277 7 Willa F., 6 born Nov. 23, 1899, in Washington Co., la. .278 8 Alexander R., 6 born Oct. 5, 1901, in Washington Co.. la. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Washington, la. All living children unmarried and at home with their parents. 278 Alexander R., 6 the eighth child of Nellie Grace Gibson 5 and William A., her husband, died Aug. 4, 1902. 235 MARY EMMA McMILLAN 5 and 279 REV. JAMES ADDISON ALEXANDER. 235 Mary Emma, 5 the tenth child of Richard B. McMillan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married Aug. 10. 1898, in Chi- cago, 111., to Rev. James Addison Alexander, Rev. Will- iam H. McMillan, D. D., of Allegheny, Pa., officiating. Mary Emma has furnished much valuable information for this work. Rev. James A. Alexander graduated from Westminster College in 1886 and from the Alle- gheny Theological Seminary in 1891. He was for six years pastor of the United Presbyterian Church in Cam- bridge, Mass., where he did graduate work in Harvard College. In January, 1908, he was pastor of the United Presbyterian Church in Crafton, Pa. No children from this union. Postoffice address 89 Grandview Avenue, Crafton, Pa. 236 LENA FRANCES McMILLAN 5 and 280 REV. JOHN FERGUSON. 236 Lena Frances, 5 the eleventh child of Richard B. McMillan 4 and Mary Jane, his wife, was married July 19, 1894, at her father's home in Washington, la., to Rev. John Fer- guson, who is pastor of the South Park United Presby- McMillan Genealogy and History. 69 RICHARD BOUTON McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. terian Church in Buffalo, N. Y. He was graduated from Marrionette College in 1891 and from Allegheny Theological Seminary in Allegheny, Pa., in 1894. It is said that he has a wonderfully sweet voice for singing, and this, with his ability as a pulpit orator, makes him very successful in his chosen profession. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, 87 Altruria Street, Buf- falo, N. Y. EDWARD C. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 156 EDWARD C. McMILLAN 4 and 281 FIDELIA ALLEN. 156 Edward C., 4 the fourth child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married to Fidelia Allen, of Crawfordsville, la. He was a farmer and lived on a farm three miles east of "Washington, la. To them were born : 282 1 Laura, 5 born April, 1859, near Washington, la. 283 2 George Allen,"' born August, 1861, near Washington, la. 156 Edward C, the father of the above two children entered the Union army at the opening of the Civil war and served until the spring of 1863. He was engaged in con- structing the great canal by which Gen. Grant hoped to move his forces past the batteries at Vicksburg, when he was taken with a fever which prostrated him. His brother, Richard, 4 went to his relief, procured a fur- lough for the sick man and started North with him. On arriving at Keokuk, Edward became so weak that he was taken to the house of a Mr. Collier, an old friend of the McMillan family, where he died July 15, 1863, in the thirty-eighth year of his age. He was carried to his home and buried with military honors in Washing- ton, la. 282 Laura, 5 the first child of Edward C. McMillan 4 and Fi- delia, his wife, died Feb. 11, 1863. 283 George Allen, 5 the second child of Edward C. McMillan 4 and Fidelia, his wife, died Sept. 1, 1863. 70 McMillan Genealogy and History. EDWARD C. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. 281 Fidelia, the widow of Edward C. McMillan, 4 afterwards married a man named Harper and lived on her former husband's farm until her death some years later. 157 Thomas, 4 the fifth child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Eliza- beth, his wife, died in Iberia, Ohio, about 1837. GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 158 GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4 and 284 ESTHER McCALL. .158 George Arnott. 4 the sixth child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Oct. 20, 1859, to Esther McCall, who was born March 1, 1832, in Coitsville, Ohio. George Arnott, 4 like his brothers, grew to manhood on his father's farm and in the United Presbyterian faith. After marriage he settled on a farm of his own a few miles from Washington, la., where he has resided ever since. Always an industrious, provident farmer and al- ways a humble faithful Christian, his life has been quiet and peaceful and his example wise and beneficent. To the above couple were born : 285 1 Helen, 5 born Nov. 1, 1860, in Washington, la. 286 2 Anna, 5 born March 25, 1862, in Washington, la. 287 3 Thomas J., 5 born Feb. 14, 1864, in Washington, la. 288 4 Laura, 5 born Jan. 12, 1868, in Washington, la. Postoffiee address of George Arnott McMillan 4 and Esther, his wife, January, 1908, Washington, la. 285 Helen, 5 the first child of George Arnott McMillan 4 and Esther, his wife, died Jan. 17, 1862, in Washington, la. 286 Anna, 5 the second child of George Arnott McMillan 4 and Esther, his wife, died Dec. 16, 1876, in Washington, la., fourteen years of age. 287 Thomas J., 5 the third child of George Arnott McMillan 4 and Esther, his wife, unmarried and living in Washing- ton, la., January, 1908. 288 LAURA McMILLAN 5 and 289 JAMES O. MATTHEWS. Laura, 5 the fourth child of George Arnott McMillan 4 and Esther, his wife, was married Oct. 6, 1889, to James O. Matthews, of Ainsworth, la. Rev. Andrew McMillan 4 No. 159 Mrs. Andrew McMillan No. 291 McMillan Genealogy and History. 71 GEORGE ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. One child from this union : 290 1 Leslie Harris, 6 born Jan. 31, 1902, in Ainsworth, la. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Ainsworth, la., R. F. D. No. 3. REV. ANDREW McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 159 ANDREW McMILLAN 4 and 291 MARY ELLEN BROWN. 159 Andrew, 4 the seventh child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Eliz- abeth, his wife, was married March 31, 1868, to Mary Ellen Brown, known in her school days as "Minnie Brown," who was born Dec. 25, 1850. Andrew, 4 after working faithfully with his father until early manhood, turned his attention to acquiring an education. After passing through the high school in Washington, la., he entered the Monmouth College, then located in Wash- ington, but afterwards moved to Monmouth, 111. It was a United Presbyterian college fitting pupils for the min- istry in that society. He passed through successfully and was for several years a teacher in the college. While thus engaged he met his future wife in the per- son of a modest little school girl, one of his pupils. After fully completing his theological course he began preaching and for thirty-six years was a faithful and successful minister of the gospel of Christ, twenty years in the United Presbyterian Church and the last sixteen years in the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. His life was one of self-sacrifice, wholly devoted to his family and to his church. 291 Minnie McMillan was a worthy helpmate of her pious hus- band. She was an earnest Christian worker, a devoted wife and mother, and a peculiarly sweet and attractive woman. Their union was blessed with one child : 292 1 David Wallace, 5 bom Feb. 9, 1869, in Washington, la. 293 2 Florence Marguerite, 5 born May 14, 1892, in St. Joseph, Mo. This child was legally adopted by Andrew Mc- Millan 4 and Minnie, his wife, when three years old. Her parents were F. C. Townsley, of Washington, la., and 72 McMillan Genealogy and History. REV. ANDREW McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. Emma Brown Townsley, sister of Minnie Brown Mc- Millan. When Andrew McMillan 4 died the child (then twelve years old) was taken in charge by Rev. James Addison Alexander and Mary Emma,"' his wife, who are educating her, although not adopting her. Her lawful name is McMillan, and Rev. Alexander is her guardian. In January, 1908, she was attending the seminary for girls founded by the late Dwight L. Moody at East Northfield, Mass. She is a very sweet, lovable child and is developing into a noble, Christian woman. 291 Minnie McMillan, the mother, died Oct. 19, 1899, in Ot- tumwa, la., forty-nine years of age. She was attending the laying of the cornerstone of a new Presbyterian church, became tired out, took cold, and passed away unexpectedly. In speaking of her death, her son said : "Her death, like her life, was a joyous triumph. When she realized that death was near, she said in sweetest tones: 'Jesus can make a dying bed like unto downy pillows. ' ' ' Thus passed over one of the sweetest, noblest characters whose lives have ever brightened this world. 159 Andrew McMillan 4 died Jan. 2, 1905, in Lyons, la., in the seventy-second year of his age. and was buried in Ot- tumwa, la., beside the grave of his wife. 292 DAVID WALLACE McMILLAN 5 and 294 LEONORA WILHELMINA CLAUSSEN. 292 David Wallace/' the first child of Rev. Andrew McMillan' and Minnie, his wife, was married Dec. 14, 1898, to Leo- nora Wilhelmina Claussen. David Wallace 5 acquired a college education, passed through a theological course and, in July, 1896, the Des Moines Presbytery ordained him a minister in the Presbyterian Church. It is under- stood that his ministry is very successful. To the above couple were born : 295 1 Leonora Marie," born July 31, 1900, in Des Moines. la. 296 2 Vivian Claussen, 6 born April 1, 1904, in Clinton. la. Postoffice address January, 1908, Peoria, 111. 160 Mary Jane, 4 the eighth child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, died unmarried in Washington. la., when about eighteen years of age. McMillan Genealogy and History. 73 REV. WILLIAM H. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3. 161 WILLIAM HARRISON McMILLAN 4 and 297 MARY MARGARET COUDEN. 161 William H., 4 the ninth child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married July 18, 1864, to Mary- Margaret Couden, who was born Oct. 25, 1840, in Rey- noldsburg, Ohio. William H. McMillan, 4 as a boy on his father's farm, was accustomed to hard manual labor. He received his early education in his native town in Ohio. Determined to gain a college education and with his aspirations drawing him towards the ministry, he entered the United Presbyterian College at Washing- ton, la., and graduated there in the class of 1860. He then passed through the theological seminary at Mon- mouth, 111., and was ordained in the Monmouth Pres- bytery as pastor of a church in Little Rock, 111., Oct. 4. 1864. Later he was called to a church in Xenia, Ohio, which he served as pastor until January, 1873. He then received a call from the Second United Presby- terian Church of Allegheny, Pa., and took up the work x there April 8, 1873. He has remained on that charge ever since, having preached his thirty-fifth anniversary sermon in the spring of 1908. In 1879 Monmouth Col- lege conferred the title of Doctor of Divinity on him. In 1901 Wooster University conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and the degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on him by the Muskingum College in 1902. He was elected moderator of the general as- sembly in 1883 and sent as delegate to the Pan-Presby- terian councils in 1880 and 1884. He was appointed a member of the Board of Freedmen Missions in 1874, director of the Allegheny Theological Seminary in 1876, and served as trustee of this institution from 1876 until 1882. He was elected moderator of the first synod of the west in 1877. Of Dr. William H. McMillan 4 a lead- ing paper of the east says: "He is one of the best- known and most prominent ministers in the United States." Dr. McMillan 4 has made several trips abroad, his last being an extended journey through the "Holy Land." It is a pleasure to add that, with all his learn- McMillan Genealogy and History REV. WILLIAM H. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. ing and with the honors heaped upon him, he is not proud, but is the same genial, whole-souled McMillan that he always was. Nothing can change the manner of one of "nature's true noblemen." To William H. McMillan 4 and Mary Margaret, his wife, were born : 298 1 Margaret Jane, 5 born June 29, 1865, in Washington, la. 299 2 Mary Robertson, 5 born March 22, 1868, in Little Rock, 111. _ nH . _ , ' . I twins, born April 15, 1872, in Xenia, Ohio. 301 4 Helen, * 302 5 Elizabeth Alexandra, 5 born April 7, 1876, in Allegheny, Pa. 303 6 Louise Harrison, 5 born Jan. 24, 1883, in Allegheny, Pa. Postoffice address of William H. McMillan 4 and Mary- Margaret, his wife. January. 1908, 939 Beech Street, Allegheny, Pa. 298 MARGARET JANE McMILLAN 5 and 304 A.M.LINN. 298 Margaret Jane, 5 the first child of William H. McMillan 4 and Mary Margaret, his wife, was married June 29, 1893, to A. M. Linn, a leading attorney-at-law in Wash- ington, Pa. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Washington, Pa. 299 MARY ROBERTSON McMILLAN 5 and 305 DR. SAMUEL McNAUGHER. 299 Mary Robertson, 5 the second child of William H. McMil- lan 4 and Mary Margaret, his wife, was married Sept. 4. 1890, to Samuel McNaugher, who is a physician and surgeon with a large practice in his home city. To them were born : 306 1 Katherine, 6 born July 15, 1891. 307 2 William McMillan, 6 born March 17, 1898. 308 3 Helen Louise, 6 born January, 1908. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Allegheny, Pa. 300 Effie 5 and Helen, 5 the twin daughters of William H. Mc- Millan 4 and Mary Margaret, his wife, after graduating at Wellesley College, took positions in the high school in Allegheny, Pa., and have been thus engaged for more than a dozen years. They were living at home with Rev. William H. McMillan 1 No. 161 McMillan Genealogy and History. 75 REV. WILLIAM H. McMILLAN 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. their parents in their stately brown-stone mansion on Beech Street, Allegheny, Pa., as late as January, 1908. 302 Elizabeth Alexandra, 5 the fifth child of William H. Mc- Millan 4 and Mary Margaret, his wife, also graduated at Wellesley College. After teaching several years she took a course in library work in Simons College, Boston. She then took a position in the Carnegie Library in Pittsburg, Pa., and was thus engaged, living with her parents as late as January, 1908. 303 Louise Harrison, 5 the sixth child of William H. McMillan 4 and Mary Margaret, his wife, graduated from the Kin- dergarten College of Pittsburg, Pa. She has been en- gaged in the kindergarten schools of Allegheny, Pa., and in January, 1908, was director of the principal kinder- garten school in that city. Living at home with her parents. MARGARET E. NEBERGALL 4, of THOMAS 3. 162 MARGARET ELIZABETH McMILLAN 4 and 638 JOSEPH KIRK NEBERGALL. 162 Margaret E., 4 the tenth child of Thomas McMillan 3 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married March 3, 1870, in Olena, 111., Rev. Andrew McMillan, 4 brother of the bride, officiating, to Joseph K. Nebergall, who was a carriage maker by trade. He was a soldier in the Civil war, serving in the Fifty-ninth Illinois Regiment. Mar- garet Elizabeth has proved herself a woman of sterling worth. Early left a widow, she has maintained herself and children, educated them, and has lived to see them settled in life, and in her declining years divides her time between them. To the above couple were born : 639 1 Minnie Alice, 5 born Dec. 27, 1871, in Olena, 111. 640 2 Maizie Elizabeth, 5 born Sept, 28, 1876, in Olena, 111. 641 3 Earl, 5 born Nov. 9, 1878, in Olena, 111. 642 4 Odessa Nile, 5 born June 6, 1880, in Washington, la. 638 Joseph K. Nebergall, father of the above four children, died Jan. 3, 1880, in Olena, 111. 76 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARGARET E. NEBERGALL 4, of THOMAS 3— Continued. Postoffice address of Margaret Elizabeth Nebergall 4 March, 1908, 1103 Sixth Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. 639 MINNIE ALICE NEBERGALL 5 and 643 FRANK WILSON SKINNER. 639 Minnie Alice, 5 the first child of Maragaret E. Nebergall 4 and Joseph K., her husband, was married Sept. 1, 1897, in Des Moines, la., to Frank Wilson Skinner, who is a city salesman, Rev. Andrew McMillan, 4 the uncle of the bride, officiating. To them were born : 644 1 Dorothy Doreene, 6 born Dec. 27, 1898, in Des Moines, la. 645 2 A son, not named, born Nov. 4, 1899, in Des Moines, la. 646 3 Dudley Dean, born April 20, 1902, in Des Moines, la. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, 1103 Sixth Ave- nue, Des Moines, la. 645 The unnamed son of Minnie Alice Nebergall 5 and Frank W., her husband, died in infancy. 640 Maizie Elizabeth, 5 the second child of Margaret E. Neber- gall 4 and Joseph K., her husband, died May 20, 1877, in Olena, 111. 641 Earl, 5 the third child of Margaret E. Nebergall 4 and Jo- seph K., her husband, died in infancy. 642 ODESSA NILE NEBERGALL 5 and 647 DEWITT CLINTON STEPHENS. 642 Odessa Nile, 5 the fourth child of Margaret E. Nebergall 4 and Joseph K., her husband, was married Dec. 7. 1905, in Des Moines, la., to DeWitt C. Stephens, Rev. D. W. McMillan. 5 cousin of the bride, officiating. DeWitt C. Stephens is a contractor and builder. Postoffice address March, 1908, 1865 East Eighty-first Street, Suite 6, The Rivington, Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Andrew McMillan 3 No. 150 Mrs. Effe D. McMillan Easterly No. 311 McMillan Genealogy and History. 77 CHAPTER IV. DR. ANDREW McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2. 150 DR. ANDREW McMILLAN 3 and 311 EFFE DRAKE WHEELER. 150 Andrew, 3 the second child of John McMillan 2 and Rachel, his wife, was married Nov. 19, 1822, in Norwalk, Ohio, to Effe Drake Wheeler. Dr. Andrew McMillan 3 was baptized and raised a Presbyterian, as were his an- cestors. In the year 1825, however, he broke away from the church of his fathers and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in Clarksfield, Huron Co., Ohio, being one of five members to organize that society, then under charge of Rev. James Mclntyre. Having been deemed by his father too frail in physique for a farmer, An- drew 3 was early placed in college to prepare himself for a professional career. He chose the study of medicine, and in 1827 he graduated from the Ohio Medical Col- lege at Cincinnati, Ohio. He was for more than a score of years a practicing physician and surgeon in Huron Co., Ohio, and vicinity. He was not only a skillful phy- sician, but was an upright Christian gentleman. He realized to the full extent the responsibilities resting upon him. He was always ready, night or day, rain or shine, to respond to the call of the sick and suffering. No storms were so severe, no woods so dense, and no roads so impassable as to deter him from visiting his patients. Dr. McMillan was active in politics and deep- ly interested in all questions affecting the interest and welfare of the masses. He had a distinctive literary talent and was a regular contributor to several church papers, as well as to political journals. He was also an able exhorter and lecturer, and was all his life a con- sistent member of his chosen church, as well as its able defender. 311 Effe Drake Wheeler was born Oct, 18, 1807, in Bloom, Fairfield Co., Ohio. She was the daughter of Samuel Wheeler and Elizabeth Drake, of Pennsylvania. Her 78 McMillan Genealogy and History. DR. ANDREW McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. father and oldest brother were soldiers in the Revolu- tionary war. Four brothers were in the War of 1812, and her youngest brother in the Mexican war. The strain of patriotism and of undying devotion to prin- ciple was hereditary in the family. In the character of Effe Drake Wheeler this family trait was very marked. Marrying when very young, bearing a large family of children, for many years a widow, passing through many trying scenes ; she was ever a strong, noble woman. Her native strength of character, her lofty ideals and her unwavering trust in the God she faithfully served, were ever her strength and shield, and enabled her to meet the adversities and exigencies of life with calm- ness and fortitude. To Dr. Andrew McMillan and Effe D., his wife, were born : 312 1 William, 4 born July IS, 1823, in Clarksfield, Ohio; died July 18, 1824, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 313 2 John, 4 born Nov. 20, 1824, in Clarksfield, Ohio ; died Dec. 6, 1824, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 314 3 ) Two infant sons, 4 born July 27, 1826, in Clarksfield, 315 4 J Ohio ; died same day. 316 5 Harriet, 4 born Dec. 1, 1827, in Clarksfield, Ohio; died Aug. 20, 1834, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 317 6 Effe Elizabeth, 4 born July 11, 1830, in Clarksfield, Ohio ; died Aug. 17, 1834, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 318 7 Andrew, 4 born Aug. 4, 1832, in Clarksfield, Ohio; died Aug. 10, 1834, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 319 8 Lucy Jane, 4 born July 22, 1834, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 320 9 Harriet Elizabeth, 4 born Oct. 11, 1836, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 321 10 Andrew, 4 born Dec. 17, 1838, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 322 11 John, 4 born July 16, 1841, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 323 12 William Franklin, 4 born Dec. 24, 1843, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 324 13 Mary Arnott, 4 born Feb. 8, 1846, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 325 14 Charles Edwin, 4 born Dec. 7, 1849, in Clarksfield, Ohio. It is notable that all these children except the first two were born in the same house, the one which Dr. Mc- Millan built soon after his marriage. He died in the same house in Clarksfield, Ohio, April 18, 1849, fifty- one vears of age, and was buried in the Methodist McMillan Genealogy and History. 79 DR. ANDREW McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. cemetery. He was virtually a victim of his untiring devotion to his profession and to the exposure incident to a physician's labors in a new, sparsely settled coun- try. 311 EFFE DRAKE McMILLAN and 326 MARTIN EASTERLY. 150 Dr. Andrew McMillan having died, as before stated, Effe D. married for her second husband, Dec. 31, 1854, in Clarksfield, Ohio, Martin Easterly. They moved to Sparta, Wis., in 1855, where Martin Easterly] died June 15, 1856. Effe D. McMillan Easterly died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary A. Sneathen, in Minneapolis, Minn., July 18, 1889, in the eighty-second year of her age, and was buried in the Woodlawn ceme- tery in Sparta, Wis. LUCY JANE HALL 4, of ANDREW 3. 319 LUCY JANE McMILLAN 4 and 327 WILLIAM ALEXANDER HALL. 319 Lucy Jane, 4 the eighth child of Dr. Andrew McMillan 3 and Effe D., his wife, was married Aug. 10, 1855, in West Union, la., to William Alexander Hall. She re- ceived her education in the schools of her native town, receiving a certificate to teach when only seventeen years old. She taught school several terms in Huron Co., Ohio, with conspicuous success. In 1854 she went to Iowa to visit her sister and taught school one term in West Union, la. She had a special literary talent and contributed much poetry and blank verse to local papers. Some of her works were of a high order. Judge J. O. Cunningham of Urbana, 111. (an old school- mate and friend), for whose paper she contributed poems when only eighteen years old, says: "Even at that early age her verse compared favorably with that of the great masters." We quote below an extract from "Lines on the Death of a Schoolmate" written by Lucy Jane 4 before she was eighteen. 80 McMillan Genealogy and History. LUCY JANE HALL 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. '"The sun had passed in glory to rest 'neath The glowing brightness of western skies. A rich Mellow light was thrown o'er all earth's scenes, And in its gentle wanderings stole softly Through the parted curtains which hung In drapery folds around the couch of death. A deep silence reigned in the chamber of Sorrow; and many sighs from half broken Hearts told of grief that was hard to bear. "The sun rose upon another Day of beauty — the day they met to gaze For the last time upon the face of the silent dead. How beautiful in her childish innocence. Robed in spotless white our Anna lay While 'round her brow and in the dark folds Of her glossy hair was a gift of love. A wreath of blushing flowers. A tear gemmed the Petal of a rose which in its loveliness Lay upon her pulseless breast. Emblem of life, It seemed to say, 'the young, the bright, the beautiful Like flowers, must fade away.' " The subject of this sketch was a prominent member of the Daughters of the Revolution and a gifted woman in every way. While her experiences in life were sad and depressing (having buried the husband of her youth and all her children save one), she ever retained the cheerful, sunny disposition that characterized her through life. 327 William A. Hall was the son of Robert Hall, who was born in England, and Caroline DeFoe, who was born in France. He was a railroad man in early life, hav- ing filled many places of responsibility, but later en- tered the wood and coal business in St. Paul, Minn. To the above couple were born : 328 1 Charles Francis William, 6 born Oct. 11. 1856, in Rock Creek. 111. 329 2 Effe Imogene, 5 born March 24, 1858, in Sparta, Wis. 330 3 Robert Theodore,"' born Oct. 17, 1860, in Shelbyville, 111. 331 4 John Franklin, 5 born March 23, 1863, in Sparta, Wis. 332 5 Lucy May, 5 born March 27, 1866, in Sparta, Wis. 333 6 Mary Alice, 5 born May 26, 1868, in Cedar Rapids, la. 334 7 Lucy Alexandria. 5 born July 19, 1873, in Sparta, Wis. 327 William A. Hall, the father of the above seven children, died May 3, 1873, in St. Paul, Minn., and was buried in Oakland cemetery with Masonic honors. Mrs. Lucy J. Gnlehouse 4 No. 319 J^^nJ^ 81 319 319 I SJ*r^? HALL *' ° f ANDEEW 3 -<*»«™ft bnrL in th Llc° me , m MiDnehaha Park ' Minn - and *" 319 T T-nv tax™ LakeW00d "^ctcry, Minneapolis, Minn. 319 LUCY JANE KINGSBURY' and 336 JAMES G. GALEHOUSE. 335 L Tn^ ,, Kin8S , bUry haVing died ' aS before sta ^> Lncy 2 iL W ,r° W ' married f ° r h6r third husban March 2 1898, m Mmneapolis, Minn., James G. Galehonse, a hotel propneto, in Carrington, N. D. He was born in the same county in Ohio as was his wife, within a few miles of her father's home. Lucy Jane Galehouse* died at her home in Minnehaha Part, Dec. 3, 1906, in the seventy-third year of her a^Cw bUri6d ^ LakeW °° d "^ to Mi — 336 Ja N e D G M Ga, l h ° i r liViDg With WS S0Q in Car ™gton, N. D., March, 1908. ' 328 CHARLES FRANCIS WILLIAM HALL* and 337 MINNIE M. CLARK. 328 Charles F. W 5 thp first n^ii/i 4? t wir * . of Lucy Jane H all 4 and WH ham A., her husband, was married March 28 1881 m Albert Lea, Minn., to Minnie M. Clark. He has been a railroad man all his life. Was a train con- ductor for years, but since 1894 has been a yardmaste. m the employ of the St. Paul Union Depot Companv. He is a member of the Ancient Order of United Work- men and of the Sons of the American Revolution his number m that order being 9803. One child from this union : 338 1 Lucy Jane, 6 born Dec ^ 1««1 : ,r Th; u-i^ , ' 81 ' m Mi nneapolis, Minn I his child died Nov 90 1ft«« „ a ,7 uieu .\ov. zu, 1886, and was buried in Lake- wood cemetery, Minneapolis, Minn. 82 McMillanGmec^ T TICY JANE HALL 4, of ANDREW 3-Continued. XZ after the a-, - **** «£ separated and were dworccd, and I-t H moved to Washington, where she married ranchman. 328 CHARLES F. W. HALL' and 339 PETRXA M^g^g forced *- Ms first 328 Ch ;i i:m F a"ed^r'h=nd w f , Jan. 1 £0. * Lind- strom, Minn., Petria Nellie Allamena Art* : fJZ fdZX^OB, Hamline, Minn., eorner Min- nehaha St. and Snelling Ave. 329 EFFE IMOGENE HALL 5 and 340 JAMES E. SNYDER. HaU , an(l 329 Eire Imogene,' the second chUd of ™* uh William A., her ^^X^ Minn., and SjSSK3Lt in oi! Pa^-s-- • .AT 97 1880 in Gethsemane Episcopal Cnurcii, ned, Oct. 27, 188", in ™ Snvder a contractor Minneapolis, Minn., to James E. Snyder, and bnilder. One child from this union: Minne apolis, 1 Sydney Olmstead, born Sept. 12, IBM, m 341 Minn. 329 -^^rs^^E ST^TiS in ^ewc/d Cemetery, Minneapohs, 340 Ja^K, her hnshand, living in Minneapolis, January, 341 S Z 01 mS tcad, the on f child oM^e L^nvde, and James E., her hnshand, has ^en i; Jor Minnesota State ; Umversity n , Mrnn apohs,^ ^ pSSSSTSSf Minneapolis. Minn.. Ponrth 33« -S^^w^s ~ McMillan Genealogy and History. 83 LUCY JANE HALL 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. May 25, 1862, and was buried in Sparta, Wis., in Wood- lawn Cemetery. 331 John Franklin, 5 the fourth child of Lucy Jane Hall 4 and William A., her husband, died in Sparta, Wis., May 30, 1863. 332 Lucy May, 5 the fifth child of Lucy Jane Hall 4 and Will- iam A., her husband, died in Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 3, 1868. 333 MARY ALICE HALL 5 and 342 HARRY HOWARD WEEKS. 333 Mary Alice, 5 the sixth child of Lucy Jane Hall 4 and Will- iam A., her husband, was a prominent member of the Daughters of the Revolution. She was married, June 23, 1886, in Gethsemane Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, Minn., to Harry Howard Weeks, who was born in that city. To them were born: 343 1 Catherine Hall, 6 born Feb. 13, 1897, in Minneapolis, Minn. 344 2 Howard Hall, 6 born Feb. 6, 1904, in Minneapolis, Minn. 333 Mary Alice Weeks, 5 the mother of the above two children, died Feb. 9, 1904, in the thirty-sixth year of her age, at her home in Minneapolis, and was buried in Lake- wood Cemetery. 342 Harry H. Weeks married again and lives at the old home- stead in Minneapolis, Minn. 343 Catherine Hall, 6 the first child of Mary Alice Weeks 5 and Harry H., her husband, died in infancy. 344 Howard Hall, 6 the second child of Mary Alice Weeks 5 and Harry H., her husband, has been confined to his bed ever since birth with a disease of the hip ; yet he is a remarkably bright and happy child, patient in his confinement and, the doctors say, is improving. 334 Lucy Alexandria, 5 the seventh child of Lucy Jane Hall 4 and William A., her husband, died July 10, 1877, in Minneapolis, Minn., and was buried in Lakewood Cem- etery. 84 McMillan Genealogy and History. HARRIET E. PARKHURST 4, of ANDREW 3. 320 HARRIET ELIZABETH McMILLAN 4 and 345 ANDREW JACKSON PARKHURST. 320 Harriet Elizabeth, 4 the ninth child of Dr. Andrew McMil- lan 3 and Effe D., his wife, was married, Feb. 22, 1854, in Clarksfield, Ohio, to Andrew Jackson Parkhurst. Harriet Elizabeth was of a nature so sensitive and re- fined as to border on the spiritual. Naturally inclined to piety, her soul aspiring to pure and lofty ideas, she seemed at times a being not of earth, but living in a realm beyond the reach of poor mortality. Yet she was a fond, obedient daughter, a gentle, loving sister and a true and trusting wife. She possessed literary and musical talent of a high order. While still in her teens, she composed beautiful music and contributed poems of power and pathos to various publications. Below we quote a short poem from her pen, which she contributed the year of her marriage : CHILDHOOD HOURS. By H. E. M. PARKHURST. "When morning gleams with Aurora's beams, And the sky-lark's voice is heard, I wake from sleep, while roses weep In groves by zephyrs stirred. My thoughts then rove to scenes I love — The hours of childhood's glee, When wandering wide in childish pride, And life was joy to me. All things looked fair, I knew not care, And little did I dream, That things so bright, when brought to light, Were never what they seem. The merry smile that shows no guile, Conceals a bitter tear: The cheerful face or noble grace, Oft hides some horrid fear. I thought I knew that friends were true, And that they loved me well, But now I find the changing mind, Oft breaks the magic spell." — Clarksfield, Ohio. John McMillan 4 No. 322 McMillan Genealogy and History. 85 HARRIET E. PARKHURST 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. After marriage Andrew J. Parkhurst and Harriet E., his wife, moved to Bremer Co., la., where they settled on a new farm. Although her married life was short, she was very happy and was tenderly devoted to her hus- band. She died Oct. 12, 1866, thirty years of age, in Leroy, Bremer Co., la., leaving no children. 345 Andrew J. Parkhurst married again a few years later and became a prosperous merchant. He died suddenly in Fort Worth, Tex., leaving a widow and one son. ANDREW McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3. 321 Andrew, 4 the tenth child of Dr. Andrew McMillan 3 and Effe D., his wife, after spending his boyhood working at various occupations to help support his mother and younger brothers and sisters, was, at nineteen years of age, engaged in the Michigan pineries not far from Mus- kegon, Mich. Here he received an injury to his spine by too heavy lifting to save a fellow employe's life. He never recovered, but gradually declined and died at the home of his mother in Sparta, Wis., Aug. 20, 1858, in the twentieth year of his age, and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery there. Thus perished in early life a young man whose life promised much, whose heart was full of hope, and swelled with noble ambitions. He was loved by many, and even after the lapse of half a century his memory is still green. john McMillan 4, of Andrew 3. 322 JOHN McMILLAN 4 and 346 MARY ANN SCRUB Y. 322 John, 4 the eleventh child of Dr. Andrew McMillan 3 and Effe D., his wife, was married Sept. 20, 1862, in New Lisbon, Wis., to Mary Ann Scruby, who was born in Bristol, England, in 1838. John 4 moved with his mother from Ohio to Sparta, Wis., in May, 1855. After work- ing on his mother's farm several years he began work on the railroad and spent more than thirty years in that vocation; passing through the several grades until he became general roadmaster of the Minneapolis, St. Paul 86 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. & Sault Ste. Marie Railway. In all positions he showed special fitness and judgment; winning the respect and confidence of his employes and the commendation of his superior officers. In every walk in life and under all circumstances, he was a rugged, manly man, a faithful husband, a fond parent, a genial friend and a devoted Christian gentleman. He was a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and of the Masonic fraternity. 346 Mary Ann, the wife of John McMillan, 4 died Sept. 16. 1867, in Owatonna, Minn., leaving no children. 322 JOHN McMILLAN 4 and 347 CARRIE DELANCEY BREWER. 346 Mary Ann, the wife of John McMillan, 4 having died, as before stated, he married for his second wife, Sept. 20, 1869, in Faribault, Minn., Carrie Delancey Brewer, the Rev. Rogers officiating. This lady was born March 4, 1850, and was the daughter of Peter Brewer and Per- mela Merchant Brewer. To the above couple were born : 348 1 John Edwin, 5 born Oct. 9, 1870, in Faribault, Minn. 349 2 Effie D. Arnott, 5 born Jan. 27. 1873, in St. James, Minn. 350 3 John Royden, 5 born Feb. 3, 1875, in Le Mars, la. 351 4 Franklin Gere, 5 born Sept. 25, 1882, in Minneapolis, Minn. 352 5 Carrie Mauneena, 5 born March 5. 1885, in Minneapolis, Minn. 322 John McMillan, 4 the father of the above children, died Sept. 1, 1892, in the fifty-second year of his age, in Bar- rett, Grant Co., Minn., from injuries received in the wreck of a train while attending to his duties as road- master, the train going through a bridge over the Pomme de Terre river. Thus this noble man, who was ever faithful and efficient in the discharge of all du- ties, whom no storms nor dangers could daunt, died "in the harness" in the performance of his duties, as true a hero as the men of the Light Brigade at Bala- klava, or the men of the First Minnesota at Gettysburg. He was buried with Masonic honors in Lakewood Ceme- tery, Minneapolis. Minn. McMillan Genealogy and History. 87 JOHN McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. Postoffice address of Carrie D., his widow, May, 1908, 3709 Hough Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. 348 John Edwin, 5 the first child of John McMillan 4 and Carrie D., his wife, is a telegraph operator, and May, 1908, was unmarried, living with his mother at her home in Los Angeles, Cal., 3709 Hough Avenue. 349 Effie D. Arnott, 5 the second child of John McMillan 4 and Carrie D., his wife, died Jan. 27, 1878, in Worthington, Minn., and was buried in Le Mars, la. 350 John Royden, 5 the third child of John McMillan 4 and Car- rie D., his wife, died Feb. 17, 1875, and was buried in Le Mars, la. 351 Franklin Gere, 5 the fourth child of John McMillan 4 and Carrie D., his wife, is a clerk, and May, 1908, was un- married and living at his mother's home in Los Angeles, Cal., 3709 Hough Avenue. 352 Carrie Mauneena, 5 the fifth child of John McMillan 4 and Carrie D., his wife, in May, 1908, was unmarried and living at her mother's home, 3709 Hough Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. WILLIAM F. McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3. 323 WILLIAM FRANKLIN McMILLAN 4 and 353 ODESSA RAY. 323 William F., 4 the twelfth child of Dr. Andrew McMillan and Effe D., his wife, was married May 2, 1870, in Min- neapolis, Minn., to Odessa Ray, who was born in Minne- apolis, Minn., July 15, 1853, her parents moving to Min- neapolis from Tuskega, Ala., a short time before her birth. Odessa's father was Jackson Lansing Ray, of Philadelphia; her mother, Mary West, a native of Nor- folk Co., Va., whose family ranked for generations among the "blue bloods" of Virginia. 323 William F. 4 moved with his mother from Ohio to Sparta, Wis., in May, 1855. He worked steadily on his mother's farm until the opening of the Civil war, when he en- listed in Co. "A," Third Regiment, of Wisconsin Cav- alry, in which organization he served four years. He S8 McMillan Genealogy and History. WILLIAM F. McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. was in more than a score of battles and numberless skirmishes and was engaged in the pursuit of the Con- federate army under Gen. Stirling Price, from the Mis- souri river to the Arkansas in 1864, being wounded in the battle of Little Blue river in the right shoulder. He still carries the bullet in his body. He is a Free Mason, a member of the Royal Arcanum, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and of the Grand Army of the Republic. He has been actively engaged in railroad life since 1868, rising from brakeman to superintend- ent of operating. He retired in March, 1907, since which time he has lived a quiet life at his summer home, "Vi-Lo-Ra," at Mahtomedi, on the shore of White Bear Lake. William F. McMillan 4 has found time in his busy, active life to devote to literature, for which he has a special talent. He has written and published four works of fiction, which received much praise from read- ers and critics. He has also indulged in poetry to some extent. Below we quote a short poem entitled "Wait- ing," which was written by him when undergoing a se- vere mental and moral strain : WAITING. "Though waters deep around me roll, Though tempests fierce without control, With gloom and doubts o'erwhelm my soul, Amidst the storms defying fate, I'll proudly wait. Though bends my form from before the blast, Though grievous burdens on me cast, I'll raise my head erect at last And firmly stand in sorrow's strait And grimly wait. Though unrequited toil and strife Have been my portion all my life, Though disappointments still are rife, I will remain in hopeful state And calmly wait. Though Poverty with frightful mein, With hideous form so gaunt and lean, Close by my side is ever seen ; Whose presence known is but to hate, I'll watch and wait. McMillan Genealogy and History. 89 WILLIAM F. McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. Some day I'll get him on the hip, I'll give the demon grim the slip, From Fortune's cup I yet shall sip Prosperity. It may be late, But I will wait. Though throbs with pain my aching head, Though earthly joys from me have fled, Though life's most cherished hopes seem dead, In Him who holds the hand of fate I'll trust and wait." To William F. McMillan 4 and Odessa, his wife, were bora : 354 1 Halburton Stuart, 5 born Jan. 12, 1871, in Minneapolis, Minn. 355 2 Mary Viva Arnott, 5 born June 19, 1873, in Minneapolis, Minn. 356 3 Franklin Ray, 5 born Jan. 11, 1877, in Minneapolis, Minn. 357 4 Lola Odessa, 5 born Oct. 31, 1878, in Minneapolis, Minn. Postoffice address 'of William F. McMillan 4 and Odessa, his wife, August, 1908, Mahtomedi, Minn. 354 Halburton Stuart, 5 the first child of William F. McMillan 4 and Odessa, his wife, died Nov. 3, 1874, in Minneapolis, Minn., and was buried in Lakewood cemetery. 355 Mary Viva Arnott, 5 the second child of William F. Mc- Millan 4 and Odessa, his wife, received a good education in the St. Paul high school. She has been for twelve years the stenographer and purchasing agent for the St. Paul Union Depot Company in the superintendent's office. She is a competent business woman and is identi- fied with several important business interests. She is an accomplished musician and a social favorite. Of a lively, cheerful disposition, kind and sympathetic to all, she makes friends wherever she goes. August, 1908, un- married and at home with her parents. 356 FRANKLIN RAY McMILLAN 5 and 358 MADELINE E. TUCKER. 356 Franklin Ray., 5 the third child of William F. McMillan 4 and Odessa, his wife, was married Dec. 4, 1901, in Los Angeles, Cal., to Madeline E. Tucker, of Manchester, la. She died April 20, 1902, in Pomona, Cal., and was buried in Manchester, la. 90 McMillan Genealogy and History. WILLIAM F. McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. 356 FRANKLIN RAY McMILLAN 5 and 359 FLORENCE BECHLER. 358 Madeline E. McMillan having died, as before stated, Franklin Ray 5 married for his second wife, March 20, 1906, in Chicago, 111., Florence Bechler, of South Bend, Ind. Franklin Ray 5 has been several years in hotel business, but of late has been engaged in railroading and with a smelting company. He was for a year in Winnipeg, Man., and recently in Spokane, Wash., with the Inland Empire Company. Postoffice address August, 1908, 226 Mountvale Block, Spo- kane, Wash. 357 LOLA ODESSA McMILLAN 5 and 360 FREDERICK SPENCER YAEGER. 357 Lola Odessa, 5 the fourth child of William F. McMillan 4 and Odessa R., his wife, was married June 20, 1905, at Mah- tomedi, Minn., to Dr. Frederick Spencer Yaeger from Helena, Mont. Although naturally a strong, healthy person, Lola Odessa has been afflicted with nearly all the ills to which flesh is heir and has been brought to death 's door many times. It has been a constant strug- gle for her parents to ward off the many dreadful dis- eases that have seized upon her from early childhood. Her strong heart and her clear Scotch grit is all that has saved her. She is a woman of culture and refine- ment. Calm, reserved and gentle in her demeanor; con- stant and devoted in her affections ; sublime in her pa- tience, and heroic in her courage. 360 Dr. Frederick Spencer Yaeger is of German parentage. He was born in Fort Hayes, Kan., July 24, 1873, his fa- ther being an officer in the regular army at that time. While he was still a small child, his parents moved to Helena, Mont., where Frederick S. received his educa- tion. He served two years in the Philippines during the Spanish-American war as a lieutenant in the First Montana Regiment. He took part in all the engage- ments under Gen. Mac Arthur in the pursuit of Agui- naldo. Returning to the United States, he entered the State Universitv of Minnesota as a student in dentistry. McMillan Genealogy and History. 91 WILLIAM F. McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. He was graduated in June, 1903, and was at once ap- pointed a member of the faculty, having a class in crown and bridge work. He gives two days a week to these duties and practices dentistry in St. Paul the remainder of the time in Room 403, Germania Life Building. One child from this union : 361 1 Lenore, 6 born March 23, 1908, St. Paul, Minn. MARY ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3. 324 MARY ARNOTT McMILLAN 4 and 362 JOHN P. SNEATHEN. 324 Mary Arnott, 4 the thirteenth child of Dr. Andrew McMil- lan 3 and Effe D., his wife, was married May 1, 1876, in Sparta, Wis., to Dr. John F. Sneathen, a dentist prac- ticing in Reedsburg, Wis. Mary Arnott was a woman of superior character and attainments. She was edu- cated in the schools of Sparta, Wis., and for years was a successful teacher in the public schools there. She was also proficient in piano and organ music, and as a teach- er on those instruments she had but few superiors. She was pious, conscientious and just. A lifelong member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and her life was as near perfect as is possible for mortals. Unfortunately her union with Dr. Sneathen was not a happy one. In June, 1884, her husband confessing to an attachment for another, Mary Arnott was compelled to seek a sepa- ration and in time was legally divorced. She returned to her mother's home, then in Minneapolis, Minn., tak- ing up her old vocation of music teaching. In later years her eyesight failed her and her teaching was given up. Her life, on the whole, was a sorrowful one, every- thing having failed her except her faith in God, to which she clung to the last. She died April 20, 1905, in the sixtieth year of her age, in Minneapolis, Minn., leaving no children, and was buried in Lakewood cemetery. We append lines which were found among her relics after her death, which were evidently written in her eigh- teenth year, while her brother was in service in the field : 92 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY ARNOTT McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. " 'Twas hard to let thee go my brother, Thy love to me was as no other. To me the thought that we must sever, Oh, it was hard. 'Twas thou who shared my childish play, Who loved as only brothers may. And was my guide from day to day, By gentle words. I sadly miss thy loving smile So dear to me, so free from guile, Oh, yes; I miss thee all the while, Dear brother mine. But shall my heart to sorrow yield, And stay thee from the battlefield, Where brave hearts beat and blood is spilled, Precious as thine? No; brave and honored brother, go, And for our country service do, Till every traitor is laid low And war unknown. I know thy courage ne'er shall waver, Thy heart grow faint and weary never, Know then thy sister's prayer shall ever Ascend the throne." CHARLES EDWIN McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3. 325 CHARLES EDWIN McMILLAN 4 and 363 LOIS VELMA RICHARDSON. 325 Charles Edwin, 4 the fourteenth child of Dr. Andrew Mc- Millan 3 and Effe D., his wife, was married Jan. 22, 1874, in Sparta, Wis., to Lois Velraa Richardson, who was born July 16, 1854, in Glanford, Ont. She is the daughter of the Rev. I. B. Richardson, a Methodist clergyman of re- nown in Canada and the United States, recently de- ceased. Charles Edwin 4 moved with his mother from Ohio to Sparta, Wis., in May, 1855. His early boyhood was spent on his mother's farm. Later he was in mer- cantile business in Sparta, Wis., and in Minneapolis. Minn. Closing out his business in the latter place, he entered the employ of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapo- lis & Omaha Railway, and has been in the employ of that company for more than thirty years. He is a mem- ber of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and of the Sons of the American Revolution. To this couple were born : McMillan Genealogy and History. 93 CHARLES EDWIN McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. 364 1 Charles Edwin, 5 born Sept. 23, 1875, in Sparta, Wis. 365 2 Frances Ethel, 5 born May 12, 1877, in Jackson Co., Wis. 366 3 John Herbert, 5 born Jan. 7, 1879, in Minneapolis, Minn. 367 4 Franklin R., 5 born Oct. 7, 1882, in Worthington, Minn. 368 5 Effe Ellethere, 5 born Jan. 2, 1886, in Luverne, Minn. 364 Charles Edwin, 5 the first child of Charles E. McMillan 4 and Lois Velma, his wife, died Sept. 20, 1876, in Minne- apolis, Minn., and was buried in Woodlawn cemetery, Sparta, Wis. 365 FRANCES ETHEL McMILLAN 5 and 369 WILLIAM EL WARD PRESTON. 365 Frances Ethel, 5 the second child of Charles Edwin McMil- lan 4 and Lois Velma, his wife, was married May 20, 1902, in Luverne, Minn., to William Elward Preston, who was a soldier in the Spanish-American war, being a member of Co. G, Fifteenth Regiment, Minnesota Volunteers. After being mustered out, William Elward returned to his home county and became a farmer, as was his father before him. He has lived in Rock Co., Minn., until spring of 1908, when he removed to Idaho and began farming and fruit raising. One child from this union : 370 1 Mabel Effe, 6 born May 21, 1904, in Luverne, Minn. Postoffice address October, 1908, Luverne, Minn. 366 JOHN HERBERT McMILLAN 5 and 371 MAUD CYNTHIA HOPKINS. 366 John Herbert, 5 the third child of Charles E. McMillan 4 and Lois V., his wife, was married May 22, 1901, in Min- neapolis, Minn., to Maud Cynthia Hopkins. He gradu- ated from the Luverne high school and, in 1898, enlisted in Co. G, Fifteenth Regiment, Minnesota Volunteers. He was encamped at the State Fair ground, Fort Snell- ing, Camp Meade, Pa., and at Augusta, Ga., where the regiment was mustered out, not seeing any actual serv- ice in field. He received an honorable discharge and entered the clerical service of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway in St. Paul, Minn. Later he moved to the Pacific coast. Postoffice address January, 1908, Los Angeles, Cal. 94 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHARLES EDWIN McMILLAN 4, of ANDREW 3— Continued. 367 FRANKLIN R. McMILLAN 5 and 372 LURENA I. BROCKWAY. 367 Franklin R., 5 the fourth child of Charles E. McMillan 4 and Lois V., his wife, was married Oct. 15, 1907, in Luverne, Minn., to Lurena I. Brockway, a fellow student at school. Franklin R.° graduated from the Luverne high school, then entered the Minnesota State University, where he graduated in June, 1905, as a civil and con- structing engineer. He was for a time engaged with the engineering department of the New York Central Railroad, with office in New York City. Preferring a more active life, he resigned and took service with the United States government as engineer in reclaiming desert lands. His field of operation is in the state of Washington. Postoffice address May, 1908, Sunnyside, Wash. 368 Effe Ellethere, 5 the fifth child of Charles E. McMillan 4 and Lois V., his wife, graduated from the Luverne high school, and after teaching school in Rock Co., Minn., several terms entered the Minnesota State University, and March, 1908, was a sophomore. Postoffice address, Luverne, Minn. Morrison McMillan 3 No. 151 McMillan Genealogy and History. 95 CHAPTER V. MORRISON McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2. 151 MORRISON McMILLAN 3 and 373 CLARISSA BROWN. 151 Morrison, 3 the third child of John McMillan 2 and Rachel, his wife, was married in 1820, in Seneca Co., Ohio, to Clarissa Brown, who was born Oct. 29. 1801, in Eliza- bethtown, Canada. He moved with his father from "Washington Co., N. Y., to Huron Co., Ohio, when he was a young man. He remained at home a year or two helping his father to open up a new farm on the Huron river, about three miles from the village of Monroeville. Morrison 3 had acquired a fine education, and, still thirst- ing for knowledge, kept up his studies even until old age, and eventually acquired a knowledge of the high- er branches seldom obtained by persons not college graduates. He chose farming as a vocation, however. After a few years spent in Huron, Seneca and Wood counties, Ohio, he moved with his family to Wisconsin, then a new state. He was naturally a pioneer, always keeping at the extreme front of civilization. He lived in Rock, Dane and Plover counties in Wisconsin, and finally, in 1851, settled in Monroe county in the then renowned La Crosse valley. On his farm, three miles from the village of Sparta, he spent several quiet, peace- ful years. Morrison 3 was a prominent member of the Masonic order, and gave much time in his later years to lecturing on Free Masonry and in organizing lodges. To Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, were born : 374 1 Rachel, 4 born Dec. 20, 1820, in Huron Co., Ohio. 375 2 John, 4 born Dec. 19, 1822, in Huron Co., Ohio. 376 3 Orlando, 4 born Aug. 8, 1824, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 377 4 Charlotte, 4 born March 10, 1826, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 378 5 Jane Agnes, 4 born July 15, 1827, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 379 6 Matilda Cherilla, 4 born Feb. 16, 1829, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 380 7 Morrison, 4 born Dec. 8, 1832, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 381 8 Sarah B.. 4 born Dec. 8, 1833, in Seneca Co., Ohio. 96 McMillan Genealogy and History. MORRISON McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. 382 9 Daniel, 4 born Jan. 24, 1835. no * 11 }- Two infants, 4 born 1837. 3o4 11 J 385 12 Mary Arnott, 4 born Jan. 6, 1843, in Wood Co., Ohio. 386 13 Amanda, 4 born August, 1846. 373 Clarissa, the mother of the above thirteen children, died April 8, 1857, in Sparta, Wis., and was buried in the Woodlawn cemetery. In her obituary, published in the Monroe County Freeman April 16, 1857, we find: ''Clarissa McMillan was the oldest daughter of Ezra Brown and wife, formerly of Kinderhook, N. Y. He resided in Canada for some years, where he accumu- lated a handsome property, which he gave up and re- turned to the United States in 1813, rather than to be- come a British subject. Clarissa was brought up by a devoted Christian mother and ever ordered her life by those early teachings. She was a model wife and mother, a kind neighbor and friend, and her death is mourned by a large circle of acquaintances. Appro- priate resolutions were adopted by the Masonic lodge of Sparta, Wis., extending sympathy and condolence to Brother Morrison McMillan in his bereavement." 151 MORRISON McMILLAN 3 and 387 MRS. REBECCA CHAPMAN. 373 Clarissa McMillan having died, as before stated, Morri- son 3 married for his second wife, in August, 1858, in La Crosse, Wis., Mrs. Rebecca Chapman. They lived in Sparta until Morrison's death, which occurred Feb. 26, 1860, in the sixty-first year of his age. He was buried with Masonic honors in the Woodlawn cemetery in Sparta, Wis. 387 Mrs. Rebecca McMillan married again, and died in Sparta, Wis. In regard to the death and burial of Morrison McMillan 3 we quote from the obituary notice published in the Sparta Herald of Feb. 29, I860: "The funeral of this much-regretted gentleman took place Feb. 28. Rarely has a more marked expression of esteem been given to the memory of any man in this community than that John McMillan' Xo. 375 McMillan Genealogy and History. 97 MORRISON McMILLAN 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. given to Morrison McMillan by the Free Masons of Monroe and adjoining counties. In all the relations of life Mr. McMillan maintained the highest character. He stood high in the order of Free and accepted Masons in this state. He was the father of Masonry in the north- west and he had organized most of the lodges west of the Wisconsin river. Late in life he was elected grand lecturer and fulfilled the duties of that position with conscientious exactness and punctuality. There was in Morrison McMillan a gentleness of disposition which won the affection of all with whom he came in contact. The smile on his honest face was the expression of the true heart within; the grasp of his hand the index of his big-heartedness and true manliness. His remains were followed to the tomb by a large concourse of friends, and the Masonic ceremonies at the grave were solemn and impressive. A long list of fitting resolutions was adopted by the Valley Lodge No. 60, F. A. M., which gave voice to the heavy grief and sincere regrets of his fellow Masons. ' ' 374 Rachel, 4 the first child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clar- issa, his wife, died in 1824. john McMillan 4, of morrison 3. 375 JOHN McMILLAN 4 and 388 ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL. 375 John, 4 the second child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clar- issa, his wife, was married Dec. 24, 1854, in West Union, la., to Elizabeth Carmichael, who was born in Carmich- ael, Greene Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1832. John 4 was a farmer nearly all his life, though in his late years he owned and operated a lumber yard. He was a very industrious man, prudent and conservative in all his dealings. He was a strong temperance man, always the first in his neighborhood to rally to the support of any temperance measure or to sign any petition curtailing the liquor power. Perhaps his leading trait was love for his fam- ily, and it may be said that his life was devoted to the interest and welfare of those he loved. 98 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. To the above couple were born : 389 1 Nannie Matilda, 5 born Sept. 29, 1855, in Illyria, la. 390 2 Anna Dilla, 5 born July 27, 1857, in Illyria, la. 391 3 Celesta Madena, 5 born Sept. 17, 1859, in Illyria, la. 392 4 Hannah Isabelle, 5 born May 2, 1861, in Illyria, la. 393 5 Henry Morrison, 5 la. 394 6 Elizabeth Jennie, 5 twins, born June 20, 1863, in Illyria, It is worthy of mention that these children were all born in the same house on their father's farm in Illyria, la. 373 John McMillan, 4 the father of the above six children, died July 23, 1903, at the home of his son, Henry Morrison, 5 in Elgin, la., in the eighty-first year of his age. Elizabeth, his widow, died Jan. 4, 1908, at the same place, in the seventy-sixth year of her age. 389 NANNIE MATILDA McMILLAN 5 and 395 SWAIN SMITH. 389 Nannie Matilda, 5 the first child of John McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Jan. 24, 1875, in Illyria, la., to Swain Smith. To them were born : 396 1 Frank Swain, 6 born Nov. 26, 1875, in Wadena, la. 397 2 Charles Elbert, 6 born Dec. 14, 1877, in Wadena, la. 398 3 Jennie Adeline, 6 born Jan. 4, 1880, in Elgin, la. 395 Swain Smith, the father of the above three children, died Oct. 14, 1879. 389 NANNIE MATILDA SMITH 5 and 399 CHARLES M. FRITZ. 395 Swain Smith having died, as before stated, Nannie Ma- tilda, 5 his widow, married for her second husband April 10, 1895, Charles M. Fritz. No children resulting. Postoffice address January, 1908, Highland, Clayton Co., Iowa. 396 Frank Swain, 6 the first child of Nannie Matilda Smith 5 and Swain, her husband, was unmarried, and postoffice address January, 1908, Arlington, Ore. 397 Charles Elbert, 6 the second child of Nannie Matilda Smith 5 and Swain, her husband, is a postal clerk be- McMillan Genealogy and History. 99 JOHN McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. tween St. Paul, Minn., and Council Bluffs, la. He was unmarried in January, 1908, and postoffice address Council Bluffs, la. 398 Jennie Adeline, 6 the third child of Nannie Matilda Smith 5 and Swain, her husband, died Jan. 6, 1895. 390 ANNA DILLA McMILLAN 5 and 400 DELOS CONNOR. 390 Anna Dilla, 5 the second child of John McMillan 4 and Eliz- abeth, his wife, was married June 5, 1874, in Illyria, la., to Delos Connor. Her husband proving unfaithful, she left him in 1880 and returned to her father's home. She attended school some time and taught in Elgin and West Union more than fifteen years, meantime procur- ing a divorce from Delos Connor. 390 ANNA DILLA CONNOR 5 and 401 FRANK L. SEAVER. Having been divorced from her first husband on account of unfaithfulness, as before mentioned, Anna Dilla 5 mar- ried for her second husband, May 20, 1896, Frank L. Seaver. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Elgin, la. 391 CELESTA MADENA McMILLAN 5 and 402 JOHN MURRAY NICHOLSON. 391 Celesta Madena, 5 the third child of John McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married in 1879 in Elgin, la., to John Murray Nicholson of Ossian, la. He is a large farmer and stock breeder and is proprietor of the famous Oak Lawn farm near Decorah, la, Celesta Madena 5 has assisted materially in the preparation of this book, having furnished valuable records of her father's family. No children from this union, but in 1883 the couple adopt- ed and raised as their own Grace Pearl, 6 a daughter of Albert J. McMillan, 5 whose record follows later. Postoffice address of Celesta Madena Nicholson 4 and John Murray, her husband. January, 1908, Decorah. la., R. F. D. 100 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 403 GRACE PEARL McMILLAN 6 and 404 GEORGE H. COLEMAN. 403 Grace Pearl, 6 the adopted child of Celesta M. McMillan 5 and John M., her husband, was married April 5, 1900, to George H. Coleman of Calmar, la. To them were born : 405 1 Murray Wesley, 7 born April 14, 1902. 406 2 Florence Elizabeth, 7 born Feb. 14, 1903. 407 3 Maxine May, 7 born June 4, 1906. Postoffiee address of family January, 1908, Ashton, S. D. 405 Murray Wesley, 7 the first child of Grace Pearl Coleman 6 and George H., her husband, died in infancy. 392 HANNAH ISABELLE McMILLAN 5 and 408 HARRY BALDWIN. 392 Hannah Isabelle, 5 the fourth child of John McMillan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Dec. 23, 1885, in Elgin, la., to Harry Baldwin, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Andrew McMillan, a cousin of the bride, whose record appears elsewhere in this book. No children from this union. Postoffiee address May, 1908, Allouez, Wash. 393 HENRY MORRISON McMILLAN 3 and 409 MINNIE MARIA ELWELL. 393 Henry Morrison 5 (twin), the fifth child of John McMil- lan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Nov. 19, 1890, in West Union, la., to Minnie Maria Elwell, Rev. An- drew McMillan officiating. One child from this union : 410 1 Hazel Faye, 5 born Sept. 16, 1891, the mother, Minnie Maria McMillan, dying at the time ; the child still liv- ing as late as January, 1908. Postoffiee address of Henry Morrison McMillan and his daughter Hazel January, 1908, Elgin, la. 394 ELIZABETH JENNIE McMILLAN 5 and 411 ULYSES GRANT GRIIVER. 394 Elizabeth Jennie 5 (twin), the sixth child of John McMil- lan 4 and Elizabeth, his wife, was married Sept. 17, 1884, in Elgin, la., to Ulyses Grant Gruver. To them were born : Henry Morrison McMillan" and Daughter Hazel Fay No. 393 No. 410 McMillan Genealogy and History. 101 JOHN McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 412 1 Grant Archie, 6 born Oct. 9, 1885, in Elgin, la. 413 2 Charles Harry, 6 \ . At a n -mi tt ufi Y twins, born in 1892. 414 3 Murray Harold, 6 J 394 Elizabeth Jennie Gruver, 5 herself a twin, was so grieved by the loss of her twin boys that in 1894, being on a visit at Council Bluffs, la., she adopted from the Chil- dren's Home there a boy baby eight months old, which she named: 415 4 Fay Gruver, who is still with her. Postoffice address January, 1908, Decorah. la. 412 Grant Archie, 6 the first child of Elizabeth J. Gruver 5 and Ulyses G., her husband, unmarried as late as January, 1908, and living with his parents in Decorah, la. 413 Charles Harry 6 and 414 Murray Harold, 6 the twin boys of Elizabeth J. Gruver 5 and Ulyses G., her husband, died in 1893. ORLANDO McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3. 376 ORLANDO McMILLAN 4 and 416 HAYDEN. 376 Orlando, 4 the third child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clar- issa, his wife, was married to Hayden. They had one child : 417 1 James Albert. 5 376 Orlando McMillan 4 was burned to death near the town of Rutland, Wis. He was asleep in a lumberman's cabin at the time and was overcome with smoke and no one at hand to assist him. Later his widow mar- ried a man named Davis. 417 JAMES ALBERT McMILLAN 5 and 418 ISABELLE RUTH HOLSWORTH. 417 James Albert, 5 the only child of Orlando McMillan 4 and , his wife, was married in 1874 in West Union, la., to Isabelle R. Holsworth. To them were born : 419 1 Prank, 6 born Aug. 2, 1876, in Fayette Co., la. 403 2 Grace Pearl, 6 born April 5, 1879, in Elgin, la. 420 3 Maud May, 6 born July 27, 1881, in Clarke Co., S. D. 102 McMillan Genealogy and History. ORLANDO McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 418 Isabelle R. McMillan, the mother of the above three chil- dren, died in 1883 and was buried in Watertown, S. D. After her death James Albert 5 took his three small children back to Fayette Co., la., where Grace Pearl, the second child, was adopted by Celesta Madena Nichol- son, as already recorded. 417 James Albert McMillan 5 married again and moved to Washington. Postoffice address March, 1908, Allouez, Wash. 419 Frank, 6 the first child of James Albert McMillan 5 and Isabelle, his wife, lives in the state of Washington. It has been impossible to obtain any record of this family, as repeated letters and appeals have met with no re- sponse. 420 MAUD MAY McMILLAN 6 and 421 FRED HURMENCE. 420 Maud May, 6 the third child of James Albert McMillan 5 and Isabelle, his wife, was adopted by a family named Brackett of Sumner, la., and was married Jan. 1, 1907, to Fred Hurmence. One child from this union : 637 1 Velma Winnifred Alferetta, born November. 1907. in Sum- ner, la. Postoffice address March, 1908, Sumner, Ta. CHARLOTTE FAY 4, of MORRISON 3. 377 CHARLOTTE McMILLAN 4 and 422 WOOSTER FAY. 377 Charlotte, 4 the fourth child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, was married Nov. 9, 1846, in Perrys- burg, Ohio, to Wooster Fay, who was a farmer. After living some years in Ohio they moved to a farm near Council Bluffs, la., where they lived until Wooster Fay's death. To them were born: 423 1 Emma, 5 born Oct. 15, 1847, in Perrysburg, Ohio. 424 2 Morrison McMillan, 5 born Aug. 27, 1849, in Perrysburg, Ohio. 425 3 Jane, 5 born July 1, 1851, in Perrysburg, Ohio. McMillan Genealogy and History. 103 CHARLOTTE FAY 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 426 4 Isoletta, 5 born June 8, 1860, near Council Bluffs, la. 422 Wooster Fay, the father of the above four children, died at his home near Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 25, 1897. As late as May, 1908, Charlotte, 4 his widow, was living with her daughter in Chelan, Wash. 423 EMMA FAY 5 and 427 SAMUEL H. HOPKINS. 423 Emma, 5 the first child of Charlotte Fay 4 and Wooster, her husband, was married Dec. 7, 1865, to Samuel H. Hop- kins, who was a soldier in the Civil War, receiving a severe wound at Ft. Donelson. He was a farmer near Council Bluffs, la., for about twenty years. When his old wounds began to trouble him, rendering him unfit for heavy labor, he sold out and moved to Washing- ton and settled near Macedonia, where he did office work for a grain company for several years. He then moved to Chelan, where he is a dealer in real estate and improved property. He has ever been a patriotic, public-spirited citizen ; has been postmaster and held other important offices. Like all old soldiers, he en- joys a visit with old comrades, and his wounded body keeps the scenes of soldier times fresh in his memory. To the above couple were born: 428 1 Flora, 6 born Sept. 7, 1866, near Council Bluffs. la. 429 2 Herbert, 6 born April 2, 1868, near Macedonia, Wash. 430 3 Edith, 6 born Nov. 21, 1872, near Macedonia, Wash. 431 4 lone, 6 born April 28, 1877, near Macedonia, Wash. 432 5 Leona Isoletta, 6 born Sept. 20, 1882, near Macedonia, Wash. Postoffice address of Emma Hopkins and Samuel H., her husband, August, 1908, Chelan, Wash., P. O. box 97. 428 FLORA HOPKINS 6 and 433 ROBERT PERSHALL. 428 Flora, 6 the first child of Emma Hopkins 5 and Samuel H., her husband, was married in 1895 to Robert Pershall. Flora Pershall 6 died Aug. 23, 1896, thirty years of age, leaving a boy baby, which died four months later. Rob- ert Pershall married for his second wife Olive Britt. Postoffice address August, 1908, Chelan, Wash. 104 McMillan Genealogy and Historv. CHARLOTTE FAY 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 429 Herbert, 6 the second child of Emma Hopkins 5 and Sam- uel H ., her husband, died Feb. 10, 1869. 430 EDITH HOPKINS 6 and 434 ARTHUR MILLER. 430 Edith, 6 the third child of Emma Hopkins 5 and Samuel H., her husband, was married Oct. 27, 1898, to Arthur Miller, who is a dealer in blooded cattle. One child from this union: 435 1 Keith, 7 born September, 1901. Postoffice address August, 1908, Lakeside, "Wash. 431 IONE HOPKINS 6 and 436 EUGENE BOWERSOX. 431 lone, 6 the fourth child of Emma Hopkins 5 and Samuel H., her husband, was married June, 1897, to Eugene Bow- ersox. One child from this union : 437 1 Luverne, 7 born in 1899. Postoffice address January, 1908, Wenatchee, Wash., where Eugene Bowersox was superintendent of schools. 432 LEONA ISOLETTA HOPKINS 6 and 438 HORACE WILLIAMS. 432 Leona Isoletta, 6 the fifth child of Emma Hopkins 5 and Samuel H., her husband, was married June 19, 1901, to Horace Williams, a general merchant. He has been in business in several places in Washington, but in 1907 moved to Sand Point, Ida., where, in partnership with his brother, he runs a large general store, doing a good business. To them were born: 439 1 Adrian, 7 born Feb. 10, 1905. 648* 2 Audra May, 7 born Feb. 23, 1908, in Sand Point, Ida. Postoffice address August, 1908, Sand Point, Ida. 424 MORRISON McMILLAN FAY 5 and 440 CYNTHIA A. YORK. 424 Morrison M., 5 the second child of Charlotte Fay 4 and Wooster, her husband, was married July 30, 1872, in Iowa City, la., to Cynthia A. York. *Too late for consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 105 CHARLOTTE FAY 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. To them were born: 441 1 Charlotte, 6 born May 21, 1873. 442 2 Eleanor, 6 born Dec. 16, 1874. 443 3 Wooster, 6 born Jan. 2, 1876. 444 4 Malcolm, 6 born April 5, 1878. 445 5 Cynthia, 6 born , 1880. 446 6 Morrison McMillan, 6 born July 5, 1885. 447 7 Rowena, 6 born Feb. 27, 1887. 448 8 Justin, 6 born , 1889. 449 9 Joyce 6 (girl), born May — , 1892. 450 10 Roth Ellsworth, 6 born Dec. 4, 1898. Postoffice address of Morrison M. Fay 5 and Cynthia A., his wife, January, 1908, Montrose, Colo. All his living children except Charlotte, 6 the first, are unmarried and at home with their parents. 441 CHARLOTTE FAY 6 and 451 WALTER WILLIAMS. 441 Charlotte, 6 the first child of Morrison M. Fay 5 and Cyn- thia, his wife, was married in 1904 to Walter Williams. One child from this union: 452 1 Bert, 7 born January, 1905. Postoffice address January, 1908, Delta, Colo. 445 Cynthia, 6 the fifth child of Morrison M. Fay 5 and Cyn- thia, his wife, died in infancy. 425 JANE FAY 5 and 453 LOGAN REYNOLDS. 425 Jane, 5 the third child of Charlotte Fay* and Wooster, her husband, was married June 2, 1873, in Council Bluffs, la., to Logan Reynolds, who was a farmer. To them were born: 454 1 Ethel, 6 born Sept. 28, 1874. 455 2 Loren, 6 born , 1877. 456 3 Fay R., 6 born Jan. 11, 1879. 457 4 Vernie, 6 born June 16, 1886. 425 Jane Reynolds, 5 the mother of the above four children, died Oct. 21, 1891, in Spokane, Wash., in the forty-first year of her age. Logan Reynolds married again, and January, 1908, was living in the state of Washington. 106 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHARLOTTE FAY 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 454 Ethel, 6 the first child of Jane Reynolds 5 and Logan, her husband, died Dec. 31, 1876. 455 Loren, 6 the second child of Jane Reynolds 5 and Logan, her husband, died in April, 1878. 456 Fay R., 6 the third child of Jane Reynolds 5 and Logan, her husband, unmarried January, 1908, and working at milling and lumbering. Postoffice address March, 1908, Cirby, Wash. 457 VERNIE REYNOLDS 6 and 458 HOWARD. 457 Vernie, 6 the fourth child of Jane Reynolds 5 and Logan, her husband, was married in 1905 to Howard. Vernie Howard 6 died in May, 1907, in Fernie, B. C, twenty-one years of age, leaving no children. 426 ISOLETTA FAY 5 and 459 JAMES B. PERSHALL. 426 Isoletta, 5 the fourth child of Charlotte Fay 4 and AVooster, her husband, was married Jan. 24, 1881, to James B. Pershall. To them were born : 460 1 Lettie, 6 born in 1881. 461 2 Ora, 6 born in 1884. 462 3 Harold, 6 bom in 1887. 463 4 Effie, 6 born in 1890. 426 Isoletta Pershall, 5 the mother of the above four children, died in 1892, thirty-two years of age. James B., her husband, married for his second wife 464 Delia Charlton, who proved a good mother to his small children. Postoffice address January, 1908, Davenport, Wash. 460 Lettie, 6 the first child of Isoletta Pershall 5 and James B., her husband, died Sept. 10. 1882. 461 ORA PERSHALL 6 and 465 JOHN S. COOK. 461 Ora, 6 the second child of Isoletta Pershall 5 and James B., her husband, was married August, 1901, to John S. Cook, a thrifty blacksmith and horseshoer of Spokane, Wash. McMillan Genealogy and History. 107 CHARLOTTE FAY 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. To them were born: 466 1 Marguerite, 7 born May, 1904. 467 2 Howard, 7 born May, 1906. Postoffice address May, 1908, 04004 North Monroe St., Spokane, Wash. 462 Harold, 6 the third child of Isoletta PershalP and James B., her husband, at home with his father January, 1908. 463 EFFIE PERSHALL and 468 JOHN FOSGATE. 463 Effie," the fourth child of Isoletta PershalP and James B., her husband, was married in October, 1907, in Spokane. Wash., to John Fosgate. Postoffice address January, 1908, Spokane, Wash. JANE AGNES KINGMAN 4, of MORRISON 3. 378 JANE AGNES McMILLAN 4 and 469 ROSOLVO KINGMAN. 378 Jane Agnes, 4 the fifth child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, was married in 1853 in Sparta, Wis., to Rosolvo Kingman, a farmer who was born in Ashta- bula Co., Ohio, in 1824. They lived in Sparta, Wis., a few years, then moved to Spirit Lake, la., thence to Minnesota, Wyoming, Idaho and Washington, always on the frontier. To this couple were born: 470 1 Sharon, 5 born in 1854 in Sparta, Wis. 471 2 Arthur, 5 born in 1856 in Sparta, Wis. 472 3 Morrison M., 5 born June 26, 1859, in Spirit Lake, la. 473 4 Herbert R., 5 born about 1862. 474 5 Edward, 5 born about 1865. 469 Rosolvo Kingman, the father of the above five children, died in October, 1893, at Lusk, Wyo., sixty-nine years of age. 378 Jane Agnes, 4 his wife, died in August, 1899, seventy-two years of age. 470 Sharon, 5 the first child of Jane Agnes Kingman 4 and Rosolvo, her husband, died in 1855 in Sparta, Wis., and was buried in Woodlawn cemetery. 108 McMillan Genealogy and History. JANE AGNES KINGMAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 471 Arthur, 5 the second child of Jane Agnes Kingman 4 and Rosolvo, her husband, died in infancy. 472 MORRISON McMILLAN KINGMAN 5 and 475 ELLEN UTTERBACK. 472 Morrison M., 5 the third child of Jane Agnes Kingman 4 and Rosolvo, her husband, was married Nov. 19, 1891, in Waterville, Wash., to Ellen Utterback. Morrison M. 5 went to Alaska in an early day and amassed some cap- ital, which he has multiplied in successful mining ope- rations. To this couple were born : 476 1 Alice Marie, 6 born April 16, 1894, in Chelan, Wash. 477 2 Forest Rosolvo, 6 born June 19, 1896, in Chelan, Wash. 478 3 William Kenneth, 6 born Nov. 16, 1901, in Chelan, Wash. 479 4 Keith Morrison, 6 born Jan. 11, 1905, in Chelan, Wash. Postoffice address of family August, 1908, Chelan, Wash. 473 HERBERT R. KINGMAN 5 and 480 MARY JANE SOFFEL. 473 Herbert R., the fourth child of Jane Agnes Kingman 4 and Rosolvo, her husband, was married Sept. 14, 1887, in Lusk, Wyo., to Mary Jane Soffel. Herbert R. 5 went to Alaska and returned with capital, which he has in- creased by wise management and is in very easy cir- cumstances, spending much time in travel. To the above couple were born: 481 1 Melissa J., 6 born July 1, 1889, in Lusk, Wyo. 482 2 Henry, 6 born Oct. 5, 1890, in Lusk, Wyo. 483 3 Lawrence, 6 born Sept. 9, 1893, in Lusk, Wyo. 480 Mary J. Kingman, the mother of the above three chil- dren, died Jan. 3, 1905. 473 HERBERT R. KINGMAN 5 and 484 NELLIE BOYD. 480 Mary J. Kingman having died, as before stated, Herbert R. 5 married for his second wife, in October, 1907, in South Dakota, Nellie Boyd. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lakeside, Wash. McMillan Genealogy and History. 109 JANE AGNES KINGMAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 481 MELISSA J. KINGMAN 5 and 485 HARRY VARNEY. 481 Melissa J., 6 the first child of Herbert Kingman 15 and Mary J., his wife, was married in 1906 to Harry Varney. One child from this union: 486 i Lester Leroy, 7 born Sept. 22, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Chelan, Wash. 482 Henry, the second child, and Lawrence, 6 the third child of Herbert R. Kingman 5 and Mary Jane, his wife, at- tending school in January, 1908. 474 Edward, 5 the fifth child of Jane Agnes Kingman 4 and Rosolvo, her husband, died in infancy. MATILDA CHERILLA LATHROP 4, of MORRISON 3. 379 MATILDA CHERILLA McMILLAN 4 and 487 EMORY SPRAGUE LATHROP. 379 Matilda C., 4 the sixth child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, was married in 1852 to Emory Sprague Lathrop. They early moved to Sparta, Wis., where Emory S. settled upon a new farm. He was a careful, thrifty farmer and became independent. In 1860 he moved to Centreville, Minn., later to Pope Co., Minn., and then to California and Oregon, finally locat- ing permanently in Asotin Co., Wash. To this couple were born: 488 1 Almon Elbert, 5 born June 21, 1853, in Sparta, Wis. 489 2 John M. Venning, 5 born April 8, 1855, in Sparta, Wis. 490 3 Emory Claire, 5 born Feb. 11, 1859, in Sparta, Wis. 491 4 Mary Agnes, 5 born May 16, 1862, near Centreville, Minn. 492 5 Charlotte Abigail, 5 born Nov. 2, 1864, in Wabasha Co., Minn. 493 6 Glenwood Newell, 5 born Nov. 3, 1867, in Glenwood, Minn. 379 Matilda C. Lathrop, 4 the mother of the above six children, died Sept. 3, 1875, in Glenwood, Minn., in the forty- seventh year of her age. At the time of her death Emory S., her husband, and her boj r , Emory Claire, 5 were in California. By his directions, friends of the family prepared the three younger children, Mary Ag- nes, 5 Charlotte Abigail 5 and Glenwood Newell, 5 and 110 McMillan Genealogy and History. MATILDA CHERILLA LATHROP 4, of MORRISON 3— Con. sent them to their father, with their railroad tickets and letter of directions to conductors pinned to their clothing. The little ones reached their destination in safety and were met by their father and brother. Ma- tilda Cherilla Lathrop 4 having died, as before stated, Emory S., her husband, married for his second wife, Dec. 25, 1883, 494 Mary A. Hans, who died Jan. 5, 1898. No children from this union. 487 Emory Sprague Lathrop died at the home of his daugh- ter in Asotin Co., Wash., Jan. 5, 1903. 488 Almon Elbert, 5 the first child of Matilda C. Lathrop 4 and Emory S., her husband, died in infancy. 489 John M. Venning. 5 the second child of Matilda C. Lathrop 4 and Emory S., her husband, died March 8. 1862, in Wil- son, Minn. 490 EMORY CLAIRE LATHROP 5 and 495 ALMIRA EUGENIA SHERRY. 490 Emory Claire, 5 the third child of Matilda C. Lathrop 4 and Emory S., her husband, was married Dec. 9, 1886, to Almira Eugenia Sherry. Emory C., 5 after receiving a thorough education, settled on a farm in Asotin Co., Wash., near his father's home. He has now large holdings and is a prosperous farmer. He holds several town and school offices and is postmaster at Craige, Asotin Co., Wash. To the above couple were born: 496 1 Mabel Almeda. G born Feb. 11, 1888, in Craige, Wash. 497 2 Emory Claire, Jr., 6 born Oct. 29, 1889, in Craige, Wash. 498 3 Eva May, 6 born April 21. 1891, in Craige, Wash. 499 4 William Franklin, born March 19, 1893, in Craige, Wash. 500 5 Leslie Mark, 6 born April 8, 1895, in Craige, Wash. 501 6 Hazel Mona, 6 born June 21, 1897, in Craige, Wash. 502 7 Orrin Raymond, 6 born May 9, 1899, in Craige, Wash. 503 8 Mary June, 6 born Jan. 21, 1901. in Craige, Wash. 504 9 Vernon Cyril," born April 19, 1903, in Craige, Wash. 505 10 Alfred Leroy, 6 born June 17, 1905, in Craige, AVash. Postoffice address of Emory Claire Lathrop 5 and Almira E., his wife, May. 1908, Craige, Asotin Co., Wash. The eight younger children at home with their parents. Mrs. Mamie A. Sherry 5 No. 491 McMillan Genealogy and History. Ill MATILDA CHERILLA LATHROP 4, of MORRISON 3— Con. 496 MABEL ALMEDA LATHROP and 506 EARLE ELMER KIRKPATRICK. 496 Mabel Almecla, 6 the first child of Emory Claire Lathrop 5 and Almira E., his wife, was married Jan. 1, 1908, at her father's home in Craige, Wash., to Earle Elmer Kirkpatrick. She was born and raised in Asotin Co., Wash. ; is a high school graduate and is highly es- teemed by a large circle of acquaintances. While she is extremely modest and gentle in her manner, she is an accomplished horsewoman, being a fearless rider and a cool, skillful driver. For several years she has been postmistress at Anatone, Asotin Co., Wash. Earle Elmer Kirkpatrick was born in Walla Walla, Wash., July 15, 1878, being the oldest son of James Kirkpatrick and Alice, his wife. He is of Scotch-Irish descent. He graduated from the Washington State Normal School when seventeen years old and taught school for six years, then studied in a law office some time, then entered the mercantile business, and in May, 1908, was a partner in a large general store in Anatone, Asotin Co., Wash., which was their postoffice address. 497 Emory Claire, 6 the second child of Emory Claire Lathrop- and Almira E., his wife, in January, 1908, was attend- ing school at Anatone, Wash. 491 MARY AGNES LATHROP 5 and 507 MARION SHERRY. 491 Mary Agnes, 5 the fourth child of Matilda C. Lathrop 4 and Emory S., her husband, was married Nov. 30, 1881, in Asotin, Wash., to Marion Sherry, a Civil War veteran. He was a member of the Seventy-Eighth Illinois Regi- ment and marched with Sherman to the sea. Mary Agnes 5 was the leader of the little trio of children who made the long journey from Minnesota to California in 1875. She has been of great assistance in gathering records for this book and is a worthy, Christian woman. To the above couple were born: 508 1 Harry Ernest, 6 born Aug. 22, 1882, in Asotin Co., Wash. 509 2 Lucy Ethel, 6 born Oct. 20, 1883, in Asotin Co., Wash. 112 McMillan Genealogy and History. MATILDA CHERILLA LATHROP 4, of MORRISON 3— Con. 507 Marion Sherry, the father of the above two children, died in Asotin Co., Wash., about 1888. March, 1908, Mary Agnes Sherry 5 was living in Cottonwood, Ida., both her children unmarried and at home. Lucy Ethel is the proprietor of the Cottage Studio, the only photo- graph gallery in the village. She is doing a lucrative business, being a progressive and enthusiastic artist and an extremely charming young woman. 492 CHARLOTTE ABIGAIL LATHROP 5 and 510 FREDERICK H. WHITNEY. 492 Charlotte Abigail, 5 the fifth child of Matilda C. Lathrop 4 and Emory S., her husband, was married July 23, 1885, in Asotin Co., AVash., to Frederick H. Whitney, who is a farmer. To them were born: 511 1 Florence Avis, born Nov. 7, 1886, in Asotin Co., Wash. 512 2 Hugh Emory, 6 born March 5, 1888, in Asotin Co., Wash. 513 3 Charles Sprague, 6 born April 19, 1889, in Asotin Co., Wash. 514 4 Helen Ruth, 6 born March 12, 1892, in Asotin Co., Wash. 515 5 Bruce Douglas, born Feb. 1, 1896, in Asotin Co., Wash. 516 6 Ethel Irene, 6 born Sept. 29, 1898, in Asotin Co., Wash. 517 7 Ralph Timothy, 6 born Sept. 10, 1902, in Weiser, Ida. 518 8 Gladys Kathryn, 6 born July 27, 1905, in Weiser, Ida. January, 1908, postoffice address of Hugh Emory Whit- ney and Charles Sprague Whitney was Afton, Wyo. ; of Frederick H. Whitney and Charlotte Abigail, his wife, and all other children, Weiser, Ida. 493 Glenwood Newell, 5 the sixth child of Matilda C. Lathrop 4 and Emory S., her husband, was the first white child born in the town of Glenwood, Minn. He was promised two village lots on this account, but it is said he never received them. He is unmarried and something of a rover, having no stated permanent home. At last ac- counts his postoffice address was Ontario, Ore. Morrison McMillan 4 No. 380 McMillan Genealogy and History. 113 morrison McMillan 4, of Morrison 3 380 MORRISON McMILLAN 4 and 519 SARAH STROWE. 380 Morrison,* the seventh child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, was married in 1854 near Toledo Ohio, to Sarah Strowe, an old schoolmate to whom he became engaged when a boy at school. In the summer of 1855 in Sparta, Wis., she gave birth to a child was very sick for months and finally became violently in- sane and died. She was taken back to her old home in Ohio for burial. Her babe also died and was buried, with its mother. 380 MORRISON McMILLAN 4 and 520 LUCINDA MELOTT. 519 Sarah McMillan having died, as before stated, Morrison 4 married for his second wife, Sept. 19, 1861, in Sparta, Wis, Lucinda MeLott, who was born in Morrow Co ' Ohio, March 3, 1843. Morrison 4 grew to manhood on his father's farm, working several winters in the pine woods of Wisconsin. Accustomed to pioneer life and to the somewhat dangerous life in the pineries and on rapid streams, Morrison became a strong, sturdy fel- low. Like his father, he was a member of the Masonic order, and like his father a pioneer, ever keeping abreast of the "Star of Empire" in its onward west- ward march. For several years after his second mar- riage he lived in Sparta, Wis., then in Chippewa Co., Minn., until that memorable day, the 23rd of May,' 1877, when, with his family and effects loaded in the old style canvas covered wagons, he set out across the vast expanse of plain and forest, of mountain and stream toward the land by the sunset sea, Only those who have made the journey in that early, primitive way can tell of the dangers and trials, the fatigue and hard- ships through which they passed. After months of tiresome travel, with jaded horses and worn out equip- ment, the family halted at Baker City. Ore. After spending a year or two near that place and at Day- ton, Wash, Morrison 4 at last settled permanently in Asotin Co, Wash. Here he became a prosperous farmer 114 McMillan Genealogy and History. MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. and the owner of a large tract of valuable land on Montgomery Ridge in above county. Here he raised a family of children, his great comfort in his declining years, and here he could truthfully say that his "last days were his best." To Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, were born : 521 1 Orlando Morrison, 5 born Oct. 21, 1862, in Sparta, Wis. 522 2 William Grant, 5 born April 29, 1864, in Sparta, Wis. 523 3 John Martin, 5 born Nov. 27, 1866, in Sparta, Wis. 524 4 Katie Edith, 5 born Oct, 24. 1869, in Montevideo, Minn. 525 5 Mary Agnes, 5 born Jan. 13, 1873, in Montevideo, Minn. 526 6 Herbert Lucius, 5 born June 2, 1875, in Montevideo, Minn. 527 7 Maude Madell, 5 born Aug. 25, 1878, in Baker City, Ore. 528 8 Anna Russia Pearl, 5 born July 17, 1881, in Dayton, Wash. 380 Morrison McMillan, 4 the father of the above eight chil- dren, died at his home in Craige, Asotin Co., Wash., Oct, 26, 1904, in the seventy-second year of his age, and was buried in Anatone, Wash. 520 Lucinda, his widow, after a life of devotion and heroic sacrifices for her husband and children, lives in peace and quiet in the old homestead with her daughter, Anna Russia Pearl. Postoffice address May, 1908, Craige, Asotin Co.. Wash. 521 ORLANDO MORRISON McMILLAN 5 and 529 MRS. ALICE KASSELL. 521 Orlando M., 5 the first child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, remained at home helping his father on the farm until well on in years. He was married Dec. 21, 1902, in Asotin, Wash., to Mrs. Alice Kassell. To them were born: 530 1 Lettie, 6 born Aug. 28, 1903, in Asotin, Wash. 531 2 Vernon, 6 born Sept. 28, 1905, in Asotin, Wash. 532 3 Franklin Bryan, 6 born Nov. 22, 1907, in Asotin, Wash. 521 Orlando M. 5 is a stock raiser and general farmer. Postoffice address May, 1908, Jerry, Asotin Co., Wash. 522 WILLIAM GRANT McMILLAN 5 and 533 MATTIE HOLLENBECK. 522 William Grant, 5 the second child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Nov. 26, 1886, to McMillan Genealogy and History. 115 MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. Mattie Hollenbeck. He is a farmer on an extensive scale, owning several fine farms in his home county. To this couple were born: 534 1 Mary Lucinda, 6 born June 10, 1886, in Craige, Wash. 535 2 Earnest Franklin, 6 born Feb. 16, 1890, in Craige, Wash. 536 3 Arthur, 6 born Oct. 4, 1891, in Craige, Wash. 537 4 Wesley Judson, 6 born Dec. 30, 1893, in Craige, Wash. 538 5 Nellie May, 6 born Dec. 27, 1896, in Craige, Wash. 539 6 Lucius Bell, 6 born Nov. 10, 1898, in Craige, Wash. 540 7 Morrison Grant, 6 born Oct. 26, 1900, in Craige, Wash. 541 8 Cornelius Alexander, 6 born Aug. 20, 1903, in Craige, Wash. 542 9 Roy Edward, 6 born June 15, 1906, in Craige, Wash. Postoffice address May, 1908, Craige, Asotin Co., Wash. All children at home except Mary Lucinda. 6 534 MARY LUCINDA McMILLAN 6 and 543 EDWARD FLOCK. 534 Mary Lucinda, 6 the first child of William G. 5 and Mattie, his wife, was married in October, 1905, to Edward Flock, a farmer in Asotin Co., Wash. One child from this union: 544 1 Ona Jane, 7 born in August, 1906. Postoffice address May, 1908, Craige, Asotin Co., Wash. 523 John Martin, 5 the third child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, died April 24, 1868, in Sparta, Wis. 524 KATIE EDITH McMILLAN 5 and 545 RINGOLD CLAY STONE. 524 Katie Edith, 5 the fourth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married July 4, 1885, in Lewis- ton, Ida., to Ringold Clay Stone, a large and prosper- ous farmer in Asotin Co., Wash. To them were born : 546 1 Cress Rosolvo, 6 born Sept. 14, 1886, in Asotin Co., Wash. 547 2 Myrtle Arelia, 6 born Nov. 11. 1887, in Asotin Co., Wash. 548 3 Iva Jane, 6 born April 1, 1890, in Asotin Co., Wash. 549 4 Winnie Agnes, 6 born May 26, 1892, in Asotin Co., Wash. 550 5 Violet Rose, 6 born Feb. 29, 1896, in Asotin Co., Wash. 551 6 Adelia Olive, 6 born April 28, 1897, in Asotin Co., Wash. 552 7 Melva Maude, 6 born June 3, 1899, in Asotin Co., Wash. 553 8 Esther Pearle, 6 born June 23, 1902, in Asotin Co., Wash. 116 McMillan Genealogy and History. MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 554 9 Jacob Clay, 6 born July 26, 1904, in Asotin Co., Wash. Of the above children, Violet Kose 6 died in infancy. All others except Myrtle Arelia 6 at home with their parents in Craige, Asotin Co., "Wash. Postoffice address May, 1908, Dodd, Asotin Co., Wash. To the residents of cities and the densely populated dis- trict of the eastern states, the phase of life in the interior mountainous regions of the west is very in- teresting to contemplate. For instance, to see a fam- ily of bright, intelligent girls like the Stone family grown to womanhood, educated in good schools, cul- tured, refined and fully alive to the grandness and the responsibilities of life, who have never traveled beyond the boundary lines of their home county, never seen a railroad or street car, never walked the streets of a modern city, is indeed a wondrous thing. Yet they read papers and magazines, and although hemmed in their own little community by vast mountain ranges they keep abreast of the times and are very pleasant, piquant, interesting companions. The writer has been among them, has seen their beauty, marked their naive modesty and knows their worth. 547 MYRTLE ARELIA STONE 6 and 555 HARVEY HOSTETTER. 547 Myrtle Arelia, 6 the second child of Katie Edith Stone and Ringold Clay, her husband, was married Dec. 25, 1907, in Craige, Wash., to Harvey Hostetter, who was born in Crawford Co., la., Oct. 1, 1885. He moved with his parents to Asotin, Wash., where he grew to manhood, obtaining a high school education and the training to fit him for an active life. He early began doing for himself, purchasing a farm on Weisenfell's Ridge in Asotin Co., Wash., where he and his charming bride were located in January, 1908. Postoffice address, Asotin, Wash. 525 Mary Agnes, 5 the fifth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, died June 18, 1878, in Baker City, Ore. McMillan Genealogy and History. 117 MORRISON McMILLAN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. 526 HERBERT LUCIUS McMILLAN 5 and 556 MARY ANNA HOLLENBECK. 526 Herbert L./' the sixth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married May 16, 1901, in Asotin, Wash., to Mary A. Hollenbeck, a sister to Mattie Hol- lenbeck, already mentioned. Herbert L. is a large farmer, having purchased his father's farm and added to it. To them were born: 557 1 Roland George, 6 born March 26, 1902, in Craige, Wash. 558 2 Ora Herbert, born July 3, 1904, in Craige, Wash. Postoffice address January, 1908, Craige, Asotin Co., Wash. 558 Ora Herbert, 6 the second child of Herbert L., 5 and Mary Anna, his wife, died in infancy. 527 MAUDE MADELL McMILLAN 3 and 559 WILLIAM FRANKLIN MILLER. 527 Maude Madell, 5 the seventh child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married May 12, 1902, in Asotin, Wash., to William F. Miller, who is a farmer in Asotin county. To them were born : 560 1 James Morrison, 6 born Dec. 7, 1902, in Asotin Co., Wash. 561 2 Martha Lucinda, 6 born Aug. 24, 1904, in Asotin Co., Wash. 562 3 Francis Pearle, 6 born Oct. 22, 1905, in Asotin Co., Wash. 563 4 Neda Rose, 6 born June 30. 1907, in Asotin Co., Wash. Postoffice address May, 1908, Craige, Asotin Co., Wash. 528 Anna Russia Pearle, 5 the eighth child of Morrison McMil- lan 4 and Lucinda, his wife, is a most interesting and charming person. She has all the lovely, womanly qual- ities, mingled with a fund of good sense and judgment, which makes her a safe friend and a wise counsellor. While possessing many of the strong, sterling qualities of her mother, she is a good representative of the old McMillan stock. She lived at her mother's home, Craige, Wash., unmarried, August, 1908. 118 McMillan Genealogy and History. SARAH McMILLAN BLODGETT 4, of MORRISON 3. 381 SARAH B. McMILLAN 4 and 564 BARRETT E. BLODGETT. 381 Sarah B., 4 the eighth child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, after teaching school several years, was married in May, 1862, to Barrett E. Blodgett, a native of Ohio. He was a pioneer Californian, having gone to that distant state soon after the discovery of gold. To this couple were born: 565 1 Bertha Harriet, 5 born Nov. 11, 1864. 566 2 Adelaide, 5 born , 1867, in Glenwood, Minn. 567 3 Barrett Allen, 5 born Oct. 7, 1873, in Glenwood, Minn. 568 4 Winnifred, 5 born April 28, 1875, in Glenwood. Minn. 381 Sarah B. Blodgett, 4 the mother of these four children, died Sept. 15, 1882, in Craige, Asotin Co., Wash., in the for- ty-ninth year of her age, and was buried in Anotone, Wash. 564 Barrett E. Blodgett married again and lives in Eugene, Ore., January, 1908. 565 BERTHA HARRIET BLODGETT 5 and 569 ALBERT PERSHALL. 565 Bertha Harriet, 5 the first child of Sarah B. Blodgett 4 and Barrett E., her husband, was married Feb. 28. 1883, to Albert Pcrshall, a farmer and fruit grower. He has extensive farm lands in the famous Palouse district of Washington, where the family spend the summers, and a winter home in Chelan, Wash. To this couple were born : 570 1 Ival Elihue, 6 born Sept. 30, 1884, in Craige, Wash. 571 2 Claire Blodgett, 6 born July 14, 1886, in Davenport, Wash. 572 3 Zada Jane, born Dec. 19, 1887, in Davenport, Wash. 573 4 Oral Pearl, 6 born April 19, 1891, in Chelan, Wash. 574 5 Ralph Hudson, 6 1 twins, born Dec. 24, 1892. in Chelan. 575 6 Ray Judson, 6 Wash. January, 1908, these children all unmarried and at home with their parents. Postoffice address of family, Che- lan, Wash. McMillan Genealogy and History. 119 SARAH McMILLAN BLODGETT 4, of MORRISON 3— Con. 566 Adelaide, 5 the second child of Sarah B. Blodgett 4 and Barrett E., her husband, died in infancy in Glenwood, Minn. 567 BARRETT ALLEN BLODGETT 5 and 576 ELIZABETH BURGESS. 567 Barrett A., 5 the third child of Sarah B. Blodgett,* and Barrett E., her husband, was married April 12, 1899, near Junction City, Ore., to Elizabeth Burgess. To them were born : 577 1 Celia Pearl, born . 578 2 Eldora Mae, 6 born . 579 3 Sarah Alice, 6 born . Postoffice address August, 1908, Eugene, Ore. 568 Winnifred, 5 the fourth child of Sarah B. Blodgett 4 and Barrett E., her husband, died Nov. 16, 1877, in Le- grande. Ore. 382 Daniel, 4 the ninth child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clar- issa, his wife, died in 1838. 383 "1 Two infants of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, 384 J died in infancy. MARY ARNOTT ALCORN 4, of MORRISON 3. 385 MARY ARNOTT McMILLAN 4 and 580 EDWARD E. ALCORN. 385 Mary Arnott, 4 the twelfth child of Morrison McMillan 4 and Clarissa, his wife, was a graduate of high school in Sparta, Wis. She was married March 3, 1866, in Fayette Co., la., to Edward E. Alcorn, who was born in Mercer Co., Pa., in 1837. They have lived in Iowa, Minnesota, Wyoming, Montana and Washington. He is a ranchman and stock dealer, especially in horses, having reared and sold them in all the western states. To them were born: 581 1 Evelyn A., 5 born Oct. 25, 1869. 582 2 Leroy Howard, 5 born Aug. 29, 1875, in Montevideo, Minn. 583 3 Berenice Mable, 5 born July 7, 1884, in Craige, Wash. August, 1908, Edward E. Alcorn and Mary A., 4 his wife, were living near Springdale, Stevens Co., Wash., in 120 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY ARNOTT ALCORN 4, of MORRISON 3— Continued. the midst of a vast pine forest, in whose primeval depths he owns a large tract of land. Postoffice address, Springdale, Wash. 581 Evelyn, 5 the first child of Mary A. Alcorn 4 and Edward E., her husband, died in infancy. 582 Leroy Howard, 5 the second child of Mary A. Alcorn 4 and Edward E., her husband, owns land near his father's home ; unmarried and living at home with his parents August, 1908. 583 Berenice Mable, 5 the third child of Mary A. Alcorn 4 and Edward E., her husband, unmarried in August, 1908, living with her parents in the depths of the pine forest. She is an accomplished horsewoman, and is extremely skillful in the piscatorial art, being noted for her suc- cess in luring from their native element the finny tribes of the deep. She is an attractive, charming young woman. 386 Amanda, 5 the thirteenth child of Morrison McMillan 3 and Clarissa, his wife, died in November, 1846. d HP^ J ii Ba .Mrs. Mary Arnott Sowers 3 No. 586 McMillan Genealogy and History. 121 CHAPTER VI. MARY ARNOTT SOWERS 3, of JOHN 2. 3 JOHN McMILLAN 2 and 584 AGNES MAYNE REID. 148 Rachel Morrison, the second wife of John McMillan, 2 hav- ing died, as before stated, John 2 married for his third wife in Washington Co., N. Y., July, 1801, Mrs. Agnes Mayne Reid, a widow with three children. It is said that she was of the family of Capt. Mayne Reid, the novelist. She was a very gifted woman and proved a kind mother to the several broods of children found in the house of her husband. In the year 1818 John Mc- Millan 2 left his home in Washington Co., N. Y., and moved with his family to Monroeville, Huron Co., Ohio, making the long journey with ox teams, being six weeks from Buffalo, N. Y. He settled on a new farm on the Huron river about three miles from that village. He found the work of clearing and subduing the new farm very arduous and trying for one of his age, and, his grown boys striking out for themselves, he was left without their assistance. He became involved in debt, and through the faithlessness of a friend, with whom he had signed a note for a considerable amount, he lost his farm, his health gave out, and with it much of the courage and determination which had ever character- ized him. As old age came on his prospects were some- what gloomy, but his religious faith was firm and stead- fast and enabled him to face the inevitable with a de- gree of dignity and composure. To John McMillan 2 and Agnes Mayne, his third wife, were born : 585 1 Agnes, 3 born in April, 1803. 586 2 Mary Arnott, 3 born Feb. 3, 1805. 587 3 Alexander Ball, 3 born Nov. 8, 1806. 588 4 Lydia, 3 born Feb. 3, 1808. 122 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY ARNOTT SOWERS 3, of JOHN 2— Continued. 3 John McMillan, 2 the father of the above four children, as well as of seven by other wives, already recorded, died Oct. 21, 1824, seventy years of age, and was buried in Monroeville, Huron Co., Ohio. 584 Agnes Mayne, his third wife, died Feb. 18, 1843. 585 Agnes, 3 the first child of John McMillan 2 and Agnes Mayne, his third wife, died Aug. 27, 1804. 586 MARY ARNOTT McMILLAN 3 and 589 DANIEL SOWERS. 586 Mary Arnott, 3 the second child of John McMillan 2 and Agnes Mayne, his third wife, was married Sept. 13, 1821, in Monroeville, Ohio, to Daniel Sowers. They lived on a farm three miles from Monroeville. To them were born: 590 1 Mary A., 4 born Dec. 30, 1822, in Monroeville, Ohio. 591 2 John, 4 born Dec. 2, 1824, in Monroeville, Ohio. 592 3 Agnes, 4 born Feb. 19, 1828, in Monroeville. Ohio. 593 4 Lavinia, 4 born May 22, 1832, in Peru, Ohio. 594 5 James, 4 born April 12, 1840. 595 6 George, 4 born Feb. 2, 1838. 596 7 Alice, 4 born Dec. 7, 1849, in Monroeville, Ohio. After raising their children to maturity, having accumu- lated a competency, Daniel Sowers and Mary Arnott, 3 his wife, retired from their farm and took up their resi- dence in the village of Monroeville, Ohio, where they lived a quiet, happy life, honored and esteemed by their neighbors and friends. Here Mary Arnott Sowers died Jan. 20, 1878, seventy-three years of age. Daniel Sow- ers died Oct. 26, 1879. Both were buried at Monroe- ville near the grave of John McMillan. 2 McMillan Genealogy and History. 123 MARY A. MUSHETT 4, of MARY ARNOTT 3. 590 MARY A. SOWERS 4 and 597 JOHN MUSHETT. 590 Mary A., 4 the first child of Mary Arnott Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, was married in 1852 in Ohio to John Mushett, and with him moved to California in 1853, going overland and riding horseback nearly all the way. To them were born: 598 1 Lydia. 5 599 2 James. 5 600 3 John. 5 601 4 Leo. 5 597 John Mushett died in California, leaving his family in good circumstances. In the summer of 1894 Mary A. Mushett was murdered at her home, presumably for her money, by some person whose identity was never dis- covered. Several persons, among them a near relative, were suspected of the crime, but there was no evidence to justify arrest. 591 LYDIA MUSHETT 5 and 602 ROBERT COSNER. 591 Lydia, 5 the first child of Mary A. Mushett 4 and John, her husband, was married to Robert Cosner and for several years lived in Calusa, Cal., where Robert Cos- ner was sheriff. It has not been practicable to obtain record of this family, as all letters and appeals have met with no response. 599 James, 5 the second child of Mary A. Mushett 4 and John, her husband, died in 1844. Of John 5 and Leo, 5 the third and fourth children of Mary A. Mushett 4 and John, her husband, no record has been obtained. 124 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN SOWERS 4, of MARY A. 3. 591 JOHN SOWERS 4 and 603 MARY HOWE. 591 John, 4 the second child of Mary Arnott Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, was married Dec. 31, 1850, to Mary- Howe. John grew to manhood on his father's farm, and on reaching maturity was given a fair pecuniary start by his father and prospered well nearly all his life. For years he was a prosperous banker in Ovid, Mich., and his family lived in luxury. He had reverses, however, and was left a poor man in his old age. One child from this union : 604 Flora, 5 born May 30, 1853. 591 John Sowers 4 died June 9, 1900, in Toledo, Ohio, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. August, 1908, Mary, his widow, was living with her daughter in Wauseon, Ohio. 604 FLORA SOWERS 5 and 605 EDWARD C. WHITE. 604 Flora, 5 the only child of John Sowers 4 and Mary, his wife, was married Dec. 24, 1873, to Edward C. White, who was for some years a banker in Ovid, Mich. Later he entered the grocery business and in January, 1908, was the head of a grocery firm in Wauseon, Ohio. There was one child from this union : 606 1 Lewis Arthur, 6 born Nov. 27, 1876. Postoffice address of Flora White 5 and Edward C, her husband. May, 1908, Wauseon, Ohio. 606 LEWIS ARTHUR WHITE 6 and 607 NELLIE GRAY. 606 Lewis A., 6 the only child of Flora White 5 and Edward C, her husband, was married Aug. 10, 1899, to Nellie Gray. No children from this union. Postoffice address May, 1908, Wauseon, Ohio. McMillan Genealogy and History. 125 AGNES FOLGER 4, of MARY A. 3. 592 AGNES SOWERS 4 and 608 SAMUEL FOLGER. 592 Agnes, 4 the third child of Mary Arnott Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, was married in 1854 to Samuel Folger. They moved to California in 1856, going over- land. They had one child: 609 1 George. 5 The only record obtained of this family is that January, 1908, parents and son were dead and buried in Oak- land, Cal. LAVINIA FOX 4, of MARY A. 3. 593 LAVINIA SOWERS 4 and 610 GEORGE FOX. 593 Lavinia, 4 the fourth child of Mary Arnott Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, was married Oct. 20, 1852, in Peru, Ohio, to George Fox. After spending some fifteen years in Huron Co., Ohio, they moved to Ovid, Mich., where George became the owner of a fine farm and also in- terested in business in the village. To this couple were born: 611 1 Follett Daniel, 5 born Jan. 17, 1855, in Monroeville, Ohio. 612 2 Mary Grace, 5 born May 22, 1856, in Ridgefield, Ohio. 613 3 Florence May, 5 born Nov. 13, 1858, in Ridgefield, Ohio. 614 4 Charles Bateman, 5 born Sept. 20, 1866, in Ridgefield, Ohio. 615 5 Louis, 5 born June 3, 1869, in Ovid, Mich. 616 6 Georgia Etta, 5 born April 21, 1873, in Ovid, Mich. 610 George Fox, the father of the above six children, died Aug. 2, 1872, in Ovid, Mich. 593 Lavinia, 4 his wife, died June 17, 1874, in Ovid, Mich., forty-two years of age. Thus these six children were left orphans when young, but with the means left them, George having been well to do, which the son Follett, 5 assisted somewhat by his uncles, John, 4 and George Sowers, 4 handled judiciously, the family prospered well, and each child had a goodly portion on arriving at ma- turity. 126 McMillan Genealogy and History. LAVINIA FOX 4, of MARY A. 3— Continued. 611 FOLLETT DANIEL FOX 5 and 617 MARY M. TERRILL. 611 Follett D., 5 the first child of Lavinia Fox 4 and George, her husband, was married Nov. 29, 1882, in Ovid, Mich., to Mary M. Terrill. No children resulting. Postoffice address January, 1908, Ovid, Mich. 612 MARY GRACE FOX 5 and 618 FRANCIS C. JOHNSON. 612 Mary Grace, 5 the second child of Lavinia Fox, 4 and George, her husband, was married Aug. 7, 1879, in Ovid, Mich., to Francis C. Johnson, a telegraph operator and rail- road agent. One child from this union : 619 1 Florence C., ,: born June 18, 1884, in Ovid, Mich. Postoffice address January, 1908, 104 West Fourteenth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 619 Florence C., ci the only child of Mary Grace Johnson 5 and Francis C, her husband, died Sept. 15, 1885. in Ovid, Mich. 613 FLORENCE MAY FOX 5 and 620 GEORGE BEARDSLEE. 613 Florence May, 5 the third child of Lavinia Fox 4 and George, her husband, was married Sept. 25, 1879, in Ovid, Mich., to George Beardslee, a large dealer in cattle and produce in Ovid, Mich. One child from this union : 621 1 Harold Spencer," born Dec. 7. 1892, in Ovid, Mich. To Mrs. Florence May Beardslee, 5 the writers are greatly indebted for assistance in preparing these records. Postoffice address May, 1908, Ovid, Mich. 614 CHARLES BATEMAN FOX 5 and 622 ANNA E. HOLLAND. 614 Charles B., 5 the fourth child of Lavinia Fox 4 and George, her husband, was married Jan. 11, 1905, in Ovid, Mich., to Anna E. Holland. One child resulting: 623 1 Lavinia Genevieve. 6 born March 17, 1906, Ovid. Mich. Postoffice address Januarv. 1908. Ovid. Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History. 127 LAVINIA FOX 4, of MARY A. 3— Continued. Louis, 5 the fifth child of Lavinia Fox 4 and George, her husband, unmarried and living in Ovid, Mich., January, 1908. GEORGIA ETTA FOX 5 and RALPH M. BROWN. Georgia Etta, 5 the sixth child of Lavinia Fox 4 and George, her husband, was married Aug. 7, 1901, in Ovid, Mich., to Ralph M. Brown. To them were born: 1 Florence Louise, 6 born Dec. 3, 1904, in Troy, Ohio. 2 Wilma Grace, 6 born Jan. 3, 1907, in Oklahoma City, Okla. Postoffice address January, 1908, 104 West Fourteenth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 594 James, 4 the fifth child of Mary A. Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, died in infancy. GEORGE SOWERS 4, of MARY ARNOTT 3. 595 GEORGE SOWERS 4 and 627 CARRIE MULOCH. 595 George, 4 the sixth child of Mary A. Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, after working on his father's farm until of age, was married Nov. 16, 1864, to Carrie Muloch, a relative of John Greenleaf Whittier, the poet. To them were born: 628 1 Chancey, 5 * 629 2 Eva, 5 I all dying when young. 630 3 Jennie, 5 627 Carrie Sowers, the mother of the above three children, died in March, 1905, in Toledo, Ohio. Postoffice address of George Sowers, 4 May, 1908, Toledo, Ohio, where he is proprietor of the St. James Hotel. 12S McMillan Genealogy and History ALICE CORNELL 4, of MARY A. 3. 596 ALICE SOWERS 4 and 631 HENRY CORNELL. 596 Alice, 4 the seventh child of Mary Arnott Sowers 3 and Daniel, her husband, was married in 1874 to Henry Cornell. They lived on a farm three miles from Mon- roeville, Ohio. To them were born : 632 1 Sylvia, 5 born March 24, 1875. 633 2 Harry Chapin Sowers, 5 born May 9, 1887. 596 Alice Cornell, 4 the mother of the above two children, died in June, 1904, in the fifty-fifth year of her age. Henry Cornell died in September, 1904, leaving a fine farm for his children. 632 SYLVIA CORNELL 5 and 634 SHERMAN D. CALLENDER. 632 Sylvia, 5 the first child of Alice Cornell 4 and Henry, her husband, after graduating from Oberlin College, was married April 23, 1904, to Sherman D. Callender, an attorney at law of Detroit, Mich. To them were born : 635 1 Alice, 6 born Sept, 9, 1905. 636 2 Lois Harriet, born Aug. 8, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, The Verona, Ferry Ave., Detroit, Mich. 633 Harry Chapin, 5 the second child of Alice Cornell 4 and Henry, her husband, is also a graduate of Oberlin Col- lege. January, 1908, unmarried and postoffice address Monroe- ville, Ohio. 587 Alexander Ball, 3 the third child of John McMillan 2 and Agnes Mayne, his third wife, died March 25, 1808. 588 Lydia, 3 the fourth child of John McMillan 2 and Agnes Mayne, his third wife, died April 9, 1809. McMillan Genealogy and History. 129 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 2, of JOHN 1. 3A Alexander, 2 the second child of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, according to the best authority that can be obtained, died when a young man, unmarried. It is supposed that he died in Washington Co., N. Y., about 1775, but all efforts to ascertain definitely the date of his birth, death, or place of burial have failed. We can only record all that is known, that he was born, he lived, he died and is well-nigh forgotten. 130 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHAPTER VII. ANDREW McMILLAN 2, of JOHN 1. 4 ANDREW McMILLAN, 2 and 649 MARGARET ROWAN. 4 Andrew, 2 the third child of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, was married in 1783 in Washington Co., N. Y., to Margaret Rowan, who was born of Scotch parent- age in Monaghan Co., Ireland. She was a small child when her parents moved to America and settled in Salem, N. Y. It is said that Andrew 2 and Margaret came from Europe in the same ship, their parents being members of the Clark Colony. Of the early life of An- drew McMillan 2 but little is known. He was probably born in Ballybay, Monaghan Co., Ireland, whither his parents had moved from Argyleshire, Scotland. He was a small child when his parents reached Salem, and grew to manhood on his father's farm, and his life must have been much the same as that of others in that new country in that early period. The young man evidently became inured to danger and hardship and grew up a strong, fearless fellow. He ever retained the warm friendship for his little fellow passenger that was formed while crossing the Atlantic, for when both reached the proper age he made her his wife. His life was spent in Washington Co., N. Y., in Salem and Argyle townships. We find by the records that in 1797 he purchased from his father a tract of land in Salem, near Shushan, which included the original lot 297 of Turner's patent, which was granted to John McMillan' by the general government for his services in the Revo- lutionary war. To the above couple were born: 650 1 James, 3 born 1789. 651 2 Mary, 3 born Dec. 28, 1790, in Salem, N. Y. 652 3 John, 3 born Sept. 8, 1792, in Salem, N. Y. 653 4 David, 3 born 1794. 654 5 Deborah, 3 born Aug. 24, 1796. A GROUP OF THE YOUNGER GENERATION Miss Anna R. Pearle McMillan 5 Miss Berenice M. Alcorn"' Mrs. Mabel A. Kirkpatrick Miss Dana J. F. Waterman Mrs. Lola M. Yaeger* McMillan Genealogy and History. 131 ANDREW McMILLAN 2, of JOHN 1-Continued. 655 6 Sally, 3 born 1798. 656 7 Stephen, 3 born 1800. 657 8 Andrew Martin, 3 born 1802. 658 9 Alexander, 3 born Oct. 8, 1805. 659 10 William Thompson, 3 born Oct. 13, 1807. 660 11 Margaret, 3 born 1809. 661 12 Ebenezer, 3 born 1811. 4 Andrew McMillan, 2 the father of the above twelve chil- dren, died in Salem, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1811, forty-eight years of age. After the death of her husband, Mar- garet and her children all moved to Genesee Co., N. Y. Some of them remained there permanently, several oth- ers moved to Michigan in 1836 and 1837, and John 3 re- turned to Washington county and lived some years in Argyle, but is supposed to have died in Fort Coving- ton, Franklin Co., N. Y. Margaret accompanied her sons James 3 and Stephen 3 to Michigan and made her home with Stephen, 3 and died m the town of Bethel, Mich., Jan. 6, 1849, aged eighty- four years. James, 3 the first child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Mar- garet, his wife, was a soldier in the war of 1812 and made an enviable record in that service. With several others of his father's family he settled in Branch Co., Mich., in 1836, where he engaged in farming. In 1855 he returned to Salem, N. Y, to visit relatives, was taken seriously ill and died at the home of his cousin William McMillan, 4 in Salem, N. Y., June 5, 1855, in the sixty- sixth year of his age. He never married. 649 650 132 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY REID 3, of ANDREW 2. 651 MARY McMILLAN 3 and 662 WILLIAM REID. 651 Mary, 3 the second child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Mar- garet, his wife, was married Dec. 31, 1811, in Salem, N. i. Y., to William Reid, who was born in Cambridge, N. Y., i Nov. 28, 1788. To them were born: 663 1 William, Jr., 4 born July 21, 1813. 664 2 Margaret, 4 born Aug. 13, 1814. 665 3 Andrew M., 4 born Aug. 26, 1815, in Batavia, N. Y. 666 4 Nancy A., 4 born Oct. 24, 1816. 667 5 John, 4 born Dec. 26, 1817. 668 6 Mary, 4 born Dec. 3, 1819. 669 7 Sally, 4 born June 2, 1821. 670 8 Martha, 4 born March 23, 1823. 671 Deborah, 4 born Sept. 10, 1825. 672 10 James, 4 born Nov. 17, 1826. 673 11 Emmeline, 4 born June 22, 1828. 674 12 Caroline, 4 born April 28, 1830. 675 13 David, 4 born Jan. 1, 1832. 676 14 Stephen, 4 born Nov. 18, 1836. 662 William Reid, the father of the above fourteen children, died Dec. 1, 1852, sixty-four years of age. 651 Mary Reid, 3 the mother of the above fourteen children, having nobly fulfilled her part in life, died Aug. 26, 1870, in Branch Co., Mich., in the eightieth year of her age. WILLIAM REID, JR., 4, of MARY 3. 663 WILLIAM REID, JR., 4 and 677 ALVIRA HATCH. 663 William, Jr., 4 the first child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married Oct. 11, 1837, to Alvira Hatch. No children from this union. AVilliam Reid, Jr., 4 died October 29, 1881. in the sixty- ninth year of his age. 677 Alvira Reid died Aug. 14, 1887. 664 Margaret, 4 the second child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, died Aug. 28, 1825. aged eleven years. McMillan Genealogy and History. 133 ANDREW McMILLAN REID 4, of MARY 3. 665 ANDREW McMILLAN REID 4 and 678 JULIA TINKHAM. 665 Andrew M., 4 the third child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married Feb. 22, 1844, in Batavia, N. Y., to Julia Tinkham, who was born April 6, 1821, in Batavia, N. Y. He lived in the west for a few years, then moved to New York. To them were born: 679 1 Amenzo Timothy, 5 born Dec. 17. 1848. in Pond du Lac, Wis. 680 2 Orlando William, 5 born Jan. 17, 1853, in Byron, Wis. 681 3 Florence Mabel, 5 born March 13, 1859, in Corfu, N. Y. 665 Andrew M. Reid, 4 the father of the above three children, died June 5, 1872, in Corfu, N. Y., in the sixty-seventh year of his age. Julia Reid died March 14, 1904, in Corfu, N. Y., sixty-three years of age. They were both life-long members of the Methodist Church. 679 AMENZO TIMOTHY REID 5 and 682 ACHSA ELIZABETH BOWEN, 679 Amenzo T., 5 the first child of Andrew M. Reid 4 and Julia, his wife, was married Dec. 9, 1875, to Achsa Elizabeth Bowen. He is a farmer living in Nebraska. It is wor- thy of mention that he writes that he and his wife are living on their farm perfectly happy and contented. Having raised good children of whom they are proud, the old couple now are satisfied with their surroundings and prospects and ask no other boon. To them were born: 683 1 Julia Mabel, 6 born July 20, 1878. 684 2 William Earnest, 6 born May 19, 1880. 685 3 Leroy Harland, 6 born Oct. 12, 1882. 686 4 Florence Bell, 6 born Nov. 26, 1884. 687 5 Jennie Adelia, 6 born March 19, 1887. 688 6 Gertrude, 8 1 . _ _ Q1 - Qni 689 7 Grace, 6 } twm8 ' b ° rn May 31 ' 189L 690 8 Karla May, 6 born Aug. 31, 1893. Postoffice address of Amenzo T. Reid and family March, 1908, Niobrara, Neb. L34 McMillan Genealogy and History. ANDREW McMILLAN REID 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 683 Julia Mabel, the first child of Amenzo T. Reid 7, and Achsa E., his wife, died Feb. 9. 1S92. fourteen years of age. 684 William Earnest. 6 the second child of Amenzo T. Keid and Achsa E.. his wife, is a graduate of high school, and in March, 190S. was unmarried and in the employ of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway and lived at Dallas. S. D. 685 Leroy Harland. 6 the third child of Amenzo T. Reid 7, and Achsa E.. his wife, was unmarried March. 190S. and living at home with his parents in Niobrara. Neb. 686 FLORENCE BELL REID 6 and 691 G. G. KOSTER. 686 Florence B.. ,! the fourth child of Amenzo T. Reid : ' and Achsa E.. his wife, was married Jan. 15. 1903. in Omaha. Neb., to G. G. Koster, who is a hotel proprietor. To them were born : 692 1 Grace. 7 born July 14. 1904. 693 2 Herko Amenzo. 7 born Aug. 21, 1905. 694 3 Gertrude,' bom March 16, 1907. Postoffice address of family March. 190S. Niobrara. Neb. 687 Jennie Adelia. 6 the fifth child of Amenzo T. Reid 5 and Achsa E.. his wife, died Jan. 31. 1S92. 688 Gertrude 6 and 1 690) Earla May, 6 the sixth and eighth children, respectively, of Amenzo T. Reid 5 and Achsa E.. his wife, at home with their parents March. 1908, attending school. 689 Grace. 6 the seventh child of Amenzo T. Reid 5 and Achsa E.. his wife, died Aug. 15. 1891. 680 ORLANDO WILLIAM REID 7, and 695 MARTHA E. JONES. 680 Orlando W., 5 the second child of Andrew M. Reid 4 and Julia, his wife, was married Dec. 11. 1S7S. to Martha E. Jones. One child from this union: 696 1 Bessie M.. 6 born Dec. 13. 1S79. in Pembroke. N. Y. G80 Orlando TV. Reid. who was by occupation a farmer, died Oct. 3. 1907. in the fifty-fifth year of his age. Postoffice address of Martha E. Reid March. 190S. Corfu. N. Y. McMillan Genealogy and History. 135 ANDREW McMILLAN REID 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 696 BESSIE M. REID' 1 and 697 RALPH W. BARTHOLF. 696 Bessie M., 8 the only child of Orlando W. Reid 5 and Mar- tha, liis wife, was married Nov. 7, 1900, to Ralph W. Bartholf, who is a farmer by occupation. To them were born : 698 1 Reid Elbridge, 7 born Aug. 18, 1901, in Pembroke, N. Y. 699 2 Helen Dorothy, 7 born Jan. 10, 1903, in Pembroke, N. Y. 700 3 Neil Jones, 7 born Sept. 13, 1904, in Pembroke, N. Y. 701 4 Dean Paul, ' born Oct. 31, 1906, in Pembroke, N. Y. 702 5 Earl Orlando, 5 born Feb. 23, 1908, in Pembroke, N. Y. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Corfu, N. Y. 681 FLORENCE MABEL REID r ' and 703 AV1LLIAM HENRY NORTON. 681 Florence M., B the third child of Andrew M. Reid 4 and Julia, his wife, was married Nov. 24, 1880, in Benning- ton, N. Y., to William Henry Norton, who is a coal dealer. One child from this union: 704 1 Lydia Carrie, 6 born Dec. 21, 1891. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Corfu, N. Y. NANCY A. WOOD 4, of MARY 3. 666 NANCY A. REID 4 and 705 JOHN D. WOOD. 666 Nancy A., 4 the fourth child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married Dec. 17, 1838, in Coldwater, Mich., to John D. Wood, who was born in Tenterton. England, Feb. 17, 1816. He came to America in 1825 and settled in Coldwater in 1835, where he was a cloth- ing merchant. To them were born : 706 1 George Byron."' born April 25, 1840. in Coldwater, Mich. 707 2 Alfred Augustus. 5 born March 1. 1842. in Coldwater. Mich. 708 3 Julius D., 5 born July 4, 1848, in Coldwater, Mich. 666 Nancy A. Wood, the mother of the above three children, died Oct. 13, 1891, in Elkhart, Ind., in the seventy-fifth year of her age, and was buried in Coldwater, Mich. 136 McMillan Genealogy and History. NANCY A. WOOD 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 705 John D. Wood died Nov. 20, 1900. They were both mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. 706 GEORGE BYRON WOOD 5 and 709 AUGUSTA SWIFT PATRICK. 706 George B., 5 the first child of Nancy A. Wood 4 and John D., her husband, was married in 1871 to Mrs. Augusta Swift Patrick. No children from this union. George B. Wood died in Elkhart, Ind., March 26, 1887, in the forty-seventh year of his age. Augusta Wood died later, exact date unknown. 707 ALFRED AUGUSTUS WOOD 5 and 710 EUGENIA HASWELL COE. 707 Alfred A., 5 the second child of Nancy A. Wood 4 and John D., her husband, was married May 18, 1867, to Eugenia Haswell Coe. Alfred A. is a manufacturer of cigar boxes in Florida. One child from this union : 711 1 Virginia Coe, 6 born Sept. 10, 1875, in Coldwater, Mich. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Tampa, Florida. The daughter unmarried and at home with her parents. They are Episcopalians. 708 JULIUS D. WOOD 5 and 712 J. DELIGHT KENYON. 708 Julius D., 5 the third child of Nancy A. Wood 4 and John D., her husband, was married July 7. 1870, to J. Delight Kenyon. He is an inspector for fire underwriters. No children. Postoffice address March. 1908, Elkhart, Ind. 667 John, 4 the fifth child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her hus- band, died, unmarried, Sept. 5, 1838, in the twenty-sec- ond year of his age. McMillan Genealogy and History. 137 MARY STEVENSON 4, of MARY 3. 668 MARY REID 4 and 713 JAMES STEVENSON. 668 Mary, 4 the sixth child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married March 20, 1856, to James Steven- son, who was a boot and shoe merchant. No children from this union. Mary Stevenson 4 died Jan. 4, 1859, in the fortieth year of her age. James Stevenson died, date unknown. SALLY HARRIS 4, of MARY 3. 669 SALLY REID 4 and 714 HOZA HARRIS. 669 Sally, 4 the seventh child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married June 22, 1840, to Hoza Harris, who was a farmer. 669 Sally Reid 4 moved from Genesee Co., N. Y., to Branch Co., Mich., with her parents in 1838. After marriage she and her husband lived at Bethel, Mich., twenty years, then moved to a farm about two miles from Bronson. She early embraced religion, joining the Methodist Church, and has remained a faithful member ever since. To the above couple were born : 715 1 Matilda M., 5 born Nov. 20, 1842. 716 2 William H., 5 born May 23, 1845. 717 3 Julia H., 5 born July 14, 1847. 718 4 Wesley, 5 born July 12, 1854. 719 5 Hoza H., 5 born Aug. 28, 1860. 714 Hoza Harris, the father of the above five children, died March 7, 1875, near Bronson, Mich., from injuries in- curred in falling from a scaffold in his barn. March, 1908, Sally Harris was living with her son, Hoza H., in Coldwater, Mich., at 332 East Chicago St., at the ripe old age of eighty-six. 715 MATILDA M. HARRIS 5 and 720 LESTER MUMBRUE. 715 Matilda M., 5 the first child of Sally Harris and Hoza, her husband, was married Oct. 9, 1865, to Lester Mumbrue. One child from this union: 138 McMillan Genealogy and History. SALLY HARRIS 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 721 1 Eva, 6 born Dec. 13, 1869. 715 Matilda M. Mumbrue 5 died March 16, 1897, in the fifty- fifth year of her age. 720 Lester Mumbrue and his daughter Eva 6 (unmarried) were living in Holton, Mich., March, 1908. 716 WILLIAM H. HARRIS 5 and 722 ANNA HASKINS. 716 William H., 5 the second child of Sally Harris 4 and Hoza, her husband, was married to Anna Haskins. 716 William H. Harris 5 died Jan. 23, 1900. It has not been possible to obtain further record of this family. 717 JULIA H. HARRIS 5 and 723 CHARLES MONROE. 717 Julia H., 5 the third child of Sally Harris and Hoza, her husband, was married to Charles Monroe, January, 1908. Postoffice address was Bronson, Mich., R. F. D. 718 Wesley, 5 the fourth child of Sally Harris 4 and Hoza, her husband, died Oct. 10, 1856. 719 HOZA H. HARRIS 5 and 724 MINNIE McCLELLAND. 719 Hoza H., 5 the fifth child of Sally Harris 4 and Hoza, her husband, was married Dec. 13, 1881, to Minnie McClel- land. One child from this union: 725 1 Zola, 6 born Nov. 22, 1883. Postoffice address of Hoza H. Harris and Minnie, his wife, March, 1908, 332 East Chicago St., Coldwater, Mich. 725 ZOLA HARRIS 6 and 726 RICHARD PAYNE. 725 Zola, 6 the only child of Hoza H. Harris 5 and Minnie, his wife, was married April 18, 1906, to Richard Payne. One child from this union : 727 1 Thelma B., 7 born Jan. 1, 1908. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Coldwater, Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History. 139 MARTHA BORDWELL 4, of MARY 3. 670 MARTHA REID 4 and 728 DAVID R. BORDWELL. 670 Martha, 4 the eighth child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married Oct. 25, 1848, in Coldwater, Mich., to David R. Bordwell. He was a farmer and they lived on a farm in Calhoun Co., Mich., for twenty- six years, then moved to Nebraska, where they re- mained awhile, then to Riverside, Cal. To them were born : 729 1 Melville Horn, 5 born Oct. 6, 1849, in Eckford, Mich. 730 2 Herbert Wilson, 5 born July 12, 1852, in Eckford, Mich. 731 3 Lewis Crosby, 5 born May 15, 1855, in Eckford, Mich. 728 David R. Bordwell, the father of the above three children, died in Riverside, Cal., April 5, 1903, in his eightieth year, and was buried in the Olivewood cemetery in that place. Postoffice address of Martha Bordwell March, 1908, Up- land, Cal., Box 112, where she lives with her son, Mel- ville H. 729 MELVILLE HORN BORDWELL 5 and 732 JUDITH F. ALDRICH. 729 Melville H., 5 the first child of Martha Bordwell 4 and David R., her husband, was married Nov. 29, 1876, to Judith F. Aldrich of Marshall, Mich. He removed to Nebraska, then to California, where he is engaged in the shipping of fruit. One child from this union: 733 1 Reid Blossom," born June 29, 1881, in Madison, Nebraska. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Upland, Cal., P. O. Box 112. 733 REID BLOSSOM BORDWELL 6 and 734 BEATRICE F. GERRY. 733 Reid B., 6 the only child of Melville H. Bordwell 5 and Ju- dith F., his wife, was married June 12, 1907, to Bea- trice F. Gerry of Upland, Cal. Postoffice address March, 1908, Upland, Cal., P. O. Box 112. 140 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARTHA BORDWELL 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 730 HERBERT WILSON BORDWELL 5 and 735 MINNIE SHIPP. 730 Herbert W., 5 the second child of Martha Bordwell 4 and David R., her husband, was married Dec. 16, 1875, to Minnie Shipp of Eckford, Mich. One child from this union: 736 1 Joseph Shipp, 6 born Aug. 26, 1879. 735 Minnie Bordwell, the mother, died July 12, 1882. 730 HERBERT WILSON BORDWELL 5 and 737 MARY MEAD. 735 Minnie Bordwell, having died as before stated, Herbert W. married for his second wife, May 6, 1884, Mary Mead of Lineville, la. After living in Jackson, Mich., awhile they moved to Riverside, Cal. To them were born : 738 2 Edward Mead, 6 born July 15, 1886. in Jackson, Mich. 739 3 Laura Cornelia, 6 born Jan. 11, 1892, in Riverside, Cal. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Riverside, Cal. 736 JOSEPH SHIPP BORDWELL 6 and 740 ANNA RICE. 736 Joseph S., 6 the son of Herbert W. Bordwell 5 and Minnie, his first wife, was married in 1904 to Anna Rice of Riverside, Cal. He is connected with mining interests in Mexico. They have one child : 741 1 Aldin, 7 born June 13, 1905. Postoffice address March, 1908, Cananae, Mexico. 731 LEWIS CROSBY BORDWELL 5 and 742 MARY AUK. 731 Lewis C., 5 the third child of Martha Bordwell 4 and David R., her husband, was married Feb. 24, 1897, to Mary Auk of Wisconsin. He has a large farming interest in North Dakota. No children. Postoffice address March, 1908, Litchville, N. D. McMillan Genealogy and History. 141 DEBORAH FREEMAN 4, of MARY 3. 671 DEBORAH REID 4 and 743 JOHN FREEMAN. 671 Deborah, 4 the ninth child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married Jan. 1, 1845, to John Freeman, who was a farmer. To them were born: 744 1 Homer S., 5 born July 27, 1848, in Gilead, Mich. 745 2 John Myron, 5 born Nov. 12, 1850. 746 3 Mary Emma, 5 born Feb. 28, 1858. 671 Deborah, 4 the mother of the above three children, died June 9, 1883, in the fifty-eighth year of her age. 743 John Freeman died in 1877, his death caused by the kick of a horse. Both were buried in Gilead cemetery. Branch Co., Mich. 744 HOMER S. FREEMAN 5 and 747 HELEN SISSON. 744 Homer S., 5 the first child of Deborah Freeman 4 and John, her husband, was married July 10, 1867, in Bronson, Mich., to Helen Sisson, who was born in , Ind.. May 29, 1850. To them were born : 748 1 Harriet M., 6 born Nov. 13, 1869, in Bethel, Mich. 749 2 Helena Emma, born Feb. 2, 1884. 744 Homer S. Freeman, 5 the father of the above two children, died Nov. 19, 1893, in the forty-sixth year of his age. Postoffice address of Helen Freeman March, 1908, Batavia, Mich. 748 HARRIET M. FREEMAN 6 and 750 CYRUS H. KEYES. 748 Harriet M., 6 the first child of Homer S. Freeman 5 and Helen, his wife, was married Nov 18, 1886, in Bronson, Mich., to Cyrus H. Keyes. No children from this union. Postoffice address March, 1908, Batavia, Mich. 749 HELENA EMMA FREEMAN 5 and 751 CHARLES MO WRY. 749 Helena E., 5 the second child of Homer S. Freeman 4 and Helen, his wife, was married March 2, 1900, in Cold- 142 McMillan Genealogy and History. DEBORAH FREEMAN 4, of MARY 3— Continued. water, Mich., to Charles Mowry. He is a well-to-do farmer on Snow Prairie, near Batavia, Mich. To them were born : 752 1 William Homer, 6 born Feb. 21, 1901, near Batavia, Mich. 753 2 Charles Lewis, born June 13, 1903, near Batavia, Mich. 754 3 Mae Marie, 6 born Sept. 28, 1906, near Batavia, Mich. With this little family group the young couple were very happy. Their prospects were bright and life to them was a beautiful thing. In the early morning of Nov. 14, 1906, however, a terrible calamity came upon them. In the temporary absence of her husband, the young wife was sleeping peacefully in her bed with her chil- dren around her when the house caught fire and burned to the ground with all its contents, the cruel flames also licking up the lives of mother and children. Thus in one short hour Charles Mowry lost his family and his earthly possessions and he was indeed left crushed and desolate. When daylight had come, kind neighbors tenderly removed the charred remains of the family to an undertaker in Bronson, where they were all in- closed in one casket, then taken to the home of Cyrus H. Keyes, whose wife was a sister of the deceased. Funeral services were held from the M. E. church at Batavia. Postofiice address of Charles Mowry March, 1908, Bata- via, Mich. 745 JOHN MYRON FREEMAN 5 and 755 MARY THURBER. 745 John Myron, 5 the second child of Deborah Freeman 4 and John, her husband, was married Oct. 2, 1870, to Mary Thurber. To them were born : 756 1 Melville, 6 born about 1872. 757 2 Mattie, 6 born about 1874. Postofiice address of John M. Freeman 5 and Mary, his wife, March, 1908, Quincy, Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History. 143 DEBORAH FREEMAN 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 756 MELVILLE FREEMAN 6 and 758 DAISY VAN AKEN. 756 Melville, 6 the first child of John Myron Freeman 5 and Mary, his wife, was married June 14, 1898, to Daisy Van Aken. To them were born : 759 1 Ronald, 7 born in 1902. 760 2 Kenneth, 7 born in 1904. 761 3 Roscoe, 7 born in 1906. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Detroit, Mich. 757 MATTIE FREEMAN 6 and 762 VERN TIFF. 757 Mattie, 6 the second child of John Myron Freeman 5 and Mary, his wife, was married Dec. 25, 1891, to Vern Tiff. She died May 31, 1893, leaving no children. Vern Tiff died March 18, 1905. 746 MARY EMMA FREEMAN 5 and 763 WASHINGTON PULVER, 746 Mary E., 5 the third child of Deborah Freeman 4 and John, her husband, was married Oct. 10, 1876, to Washington Pulver, who was born Nov. 8, 1851. He is a stock dealer in Nebraska. To them were born: 764 1 Lavada Emma, 6 born May 5, 1879. 765 2 William Clarence, 6 born May 12, 1881. 766 3 Mae Belle, 6 born May 23, 1884. 767 4 Cornelius Orr, 6 born July 17, 1889. 768 5 Marie Genevieve, 6 born Aug. 9, 1893. Postoffice address March, 1908, Kenesaw, Neb. 764 LAVADA EMMA PULVER 6 and 769 CHARLES D. EQUALL. 764 Lavada E., 6 the first child of Mary E. Pulver 5 and Wash- ington, her husband, was married Oct. 24, 1906, to Charles D. Equall. Postoffice address March, 1908, Minden, Neb. 765 William Clarence, 6 the second child of Mary E. Pulver & and Washington, her husband, died Nov. 24, 1884. 144 McMillan Genealogy and History. DEBORAH FREEMAN 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 766 Mae Belle, 6 (767) Cornelius Orr 6 and (768) Marie Gene- vieve 6 unmarried and at home with their parents. Cor- nelius O. 6 being engaged with his father in stock busi- ness under the firm name of W. Pulver & Son. 672 James, 4 the tenth child of Mary Reid 3 and "William, her husband, died Aug. 24, 1827. EMMELINE CRIPPEN 4, of MARY 3. 673 EMMELINE REID 4 and 771 JAMES B. CRIPPEN. 673 Emmeline, 4 the eleventh child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married Oct. 5, 1856, to James B. Crippen, who was born May 1, 1830. He was a mer- chant. To them were born : 772 1 Edwin R., 5 born Nov. 25, 1858. 773 2 Ralph, 5 born Nov. 24, 1860. 774 3 Unnamed, 5 born 1862. 775 4 Mary C., 5 born Aug. 23, 1864. 776 5 James B., 5 born May 18, 1870. 673 Emmeline. 4 the mother of the above five children, died April 19, 1888, in the sixtieth year of her age. James B. Crippen died April 20, 1888. Both were buried in Coldwater, Mich. 772 EDWIN R. CRIPPEN 5 and 777 MARY LOUISE EVANS. 772 Edwin R., 5 the first child of Emmeline Crippen 4 and James B., her husband, was married Oct. 20, 1881, to Mary Louise Evans, who was born Jan. 7, 1860. Edwin R. 5 is engaged in the manufacture of watch cases, being with the Philadelphia AVatch Case Co., with headquar- ters in New York City. To the above couple were born: 778 1 AVilliam Evans, 6 born Aug. 18, 1882, in Dover, N. J. 779 2 Ralph, 6 born Feb. 29, 1884, in Dover, N. J. 780 3 Lucie, 6 born Jan. 14, 1886, in Chester, N. J. 781 4 Henry Reid, 6 born May 1, 1888, in Newark, N. J. 782 5 Theodore Day, 6 born May 25, 1892. in East Orange. N. J. 783 6 Mary, 6 born Dec. 9, 1897, in East Orange, N. J. McMillan Genealogy and History. 145 EMMELINE CRIPPEN 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 784 7 Edith, 6 born April 18, 1901, in East Orange, N. J. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, East Orange, N. J. 778 WILLIAM EVANS CRIPPEN 6 and 785 SADIE S. KING. 778 William E., 6 the first child of Edwin R. Crippen 5 and Mary Louise, his wife, was married Oct. 31, 1906, to Sadie S. King. Postoffice address March, 1908, East Orange, N. J. 779 Ralph, 6 (780) Lucie, 6 (781) Henry Reid 6 and (782) Theo- dore Day, 6 the second, third, fourth and fifth children, respectively, of Edwin R. Crippen 5 and Mary Louise, his wife, all unmarried and at home in East Orange, N. J., March, 1908. 783 Mary, 6 the sixth child of Edwin R. Crippen' and Mary Louise, his wife, died May 3, 1903. 784 Edith, 6 the seventh child of Edwin R. Crippen 5 and Mary Louise, his wife, died March 21, 1902. 773 Ralph, 5 the second child of Emmeline Crippen 4 and James B., her husband, died April 14, 1867. 774 The third child of Emmeline Crippen 4 and James B., her husband, died in infancy. 775 MARY C. CRIPPEN 5 and 786 HUBERT ALDEN BUTTRICK. 775 Mary C., 5 the fourth child of Emmeline Crippen 4 and James B., her husband, was married Sept. 15, , to Hubert Alden Buttrick of Lowell, Mass., who was born June 24, 1851, and is a clothing merchant. To them were born: 787 1 Alden Crippen, 6 born Sept. 15, 1894, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 788 2 John Bradford, 6 born Jan. 31, 1901, in New York City. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Ithaca, N. Y. 788 John B., G the second child of Mary Buttrick 5 and Hubert A., her husband, died March 27, 1902, and was buried in Lowell, Mass. 776 JAMES B. CRIPPEN, Jr.. 5 and 789 ETHEL MABLE PERKINS. 776 James B., Jr., 5 the fifth child of Emmeline Crippen 4 and James B., her husband, was married June 24, 1896, in 146 McMillan Genealogy and History. EMMELINE CRIPPEN 4, of MARY 3— Continued. Limona, Fla., to Ethel M. Perkins. He is a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, but of late his health has compelled him to change, and he does carpenter work. To the above couple were born: 790 1 Reid Perkins, 6 born June 10, 1897, in Tarpon Springs, Fla. 791 2 Evelyn Jenneatte, 6 born Dec. 24, 1898, in Limona, Fla. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Tarpon Springs, Fla. CAROLINE ANTHONY 4, of MARY 3. 674 CAROLINE REID 4 and 792 ALLARD ANTHONY. 674 Caroline, 4 the twelfth child of Mary Reid 3 and "William, her husband, was married Dec. 23, 1856, to Allard An- thony, who was a farmer by occupation. No children from this union. 792 Allard Anthony died Dec. 21, 1901. Postoffice address of Caroline Anthony 4 May, 1908, Bron- son, Mich. She has furnished much valuable informa- tion for this work. DAVID REID 4, of MARY 3. 675 DAVID REID 4 and 793 MARY GOODRICH. 675 David, 4 the thirteenth child of Mary Reid 3 and William, her husband, was married July, 3, 1862, to Mary Good- rich. To them were born : 794 1 Herbert M., 5 born April 25, 1863, in Bronson, Mich. 795 2 Charles, 5 born , 1865, in Bronson, Mich. 796 3 Elmer, 5 born Feb. 22, 1872, in Batavia, Mich. 793 Mary Reid, the mother of the above three children, died June, 1895, in Coldwater, Mich., which was the post- office address of David Reid 4 March, 1908. a fa o o is CD cS 'C a) cS % O o ctj >, Si O McMillan Genealogy and History. 147 DAVID REID 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 794 HERBERT M. REID 5 and 797 HARRIET E. FITCH. 794 Herbert M., 5 the first child of David Reid 3 and Mary, his wife, was married Sept. 10, 1891, in St. Paul Park, Minn., to Harriet E. Fitch. No children from this union. Postoffice address, March, 1908, St. Paul Park, Minn. 795 Charles, 5 the second child of David Reid 3 and Mary, his wife, died in infancy. Elmer, 5 the third child of David Reid 3 and Mary, his wife, is a wanderer; was last seen by his friends in 1903, since which time all trace of him has been lost. He was unmarried at last accounts. 796 STEPHEN REID 4, of MARY 3. 676 STEPHEN REID 4 and 798 NANCY DAVIS. 676 Stephen, 4 the fourteenth child of Mary Reid 3 and Wil- liam, her husband, was married Oct. 22, 1862, to Nancy Davis. He was a farmer in Branch Co., Mich. One child from this union: 799 1 A son (unnamed), born in 1863 and died in infancy. 676 Stephen Reid 4 died Feb. 21, 1887, in the fifty-first year of his age. Postoffice address of Nancy Reid, March, 1908, Bronson, Mich. john McMillan 3, of Andrew 2. 652 JOHN McMILLAN 3 and 800 JANE LYTLE. 652 John, 3 the third child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, was married in 1816 to Jane Lytle, who was born Nov. 15, 1796, in Salem, N. Y. In early manhood John 3 met with an accident by which he lost a leg, and he wore a wooden leg the remainder of his life. He was called "John with the wooden leg" to distin- guish him from other Johns who were numerous in the neighborhood at that time. On account of his bodily ailment John learned the tailor trade, which he 148 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2— Continued. followed all his life. He moved, with other members of the family, to Genesee Co., N. Y., about 1817, but in a few years he returned to Washington county, settling in Argyle township, where he lived many years, but finally moved to Ft. Covington in Franklin county. To the above couple were born: 801 1 Margaret R., 4 born March 12, 1817, in Batavia, N. Y. 802 2 Jane E., 4 born July 6, 1818, in Batavia, N. Y. 803 3 Sarah Maria, 4 born Sept. 3, 1819, in Argyle, N. Y. 804 4 Sophia L., 4 born March 12, 1821, in Argyle, N. Y. 805 5 Andrew Barnes, 4 born Jan. 28, 1823, in Argyle, N. Y. 806 6 David L., 4 born Oct. 29, 1824, in Argyle, N. Y. 807 7 Mary Ann, 4 born April 27, 1827, in Argyle, N. Y. 808 8 John, 4 born Feb. 5, 1829, in Argyle, N. Y. 800 Jane McMillan, the mother of the above eight children, died Aug. 31, 1867, in the seventy-first year of her age. 652 John McMillan 3 died Feb. 29, 1868, in Ft. Covington, N. Y., in the seventy-sixth year of his age. MARGARET R. BACON 4, of JOHN 3. 801 MARGARET R. McMILLAN 4 and 809 HIRAM BACON. 801 Margaret R., 4 the first child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, was married Feb. 22. 1843, to Hiram Bacon. One child from this union: 810 1 John H., r ' born July 1. 1845. 809 Hiram Bacon, the father of the above child, died June 25, 1846. 801 MARGARET R. BACON 4 and 811 MANUEL A. VAN TINE. 809 Hiram Bacon having died, as before stated, Margaret 4 married for her second husband in Massena, N. Y., Manuel A. Van Tine. One child from this union: 812 2 Henry, 5 born about 1860. They moved to Augusta, Wis., where Margaret 4 died Sept. 8, 1887, in the seventy-first year of her age. No further record of Van Tine. McMillan Genealogy and History. 149 MARGARET R. BACON 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 810 JOHN H. BACON 5 and 813 HELEN BREWER. 810 John H., 5 the only child of Margaret R. Bacon and Hiram, her first husband, was married Oct. 12, 1872, to Helen Brewer. One child from this union: 814 1 Homer B., 6 born May 17, 1874, in Massena, N. Y. 813 Helen Bacon, the mother of the above child, died Aug 1 1879. 810 JOHN H. BACON 5 and 969* EDNA DEWEY. 813 Helen Bacon having died, as before stated, John H. 5 mar- ried for his second wife June 10, 1884, Edna Dewey of Rocket River, N. Y. To them one child was born: 970- 1 Lora, G born Jan. 29, 1888. 810 John H. Bacon 5 died Nov. 22, 1886, in the forty-second year of his age. 969* Edna Bacon died Jan. 29, 1890. 970* Lora Bacon, 6 the child of John H. Bacon 5 and Edna, his second wife, was adopted by William Lewis of West Potsdam, N. Y., when two years old, she taking the name of Lewis. May, 1908, unmarried and postoffice address West Potsdam, N. Y. 814 HOMER B. BACON 6 and 971* HARRIETTE GEORGENIA SILMSER. 814 Homer B., 6 the only child of John H. Bacon 5 and Helen, his first wife, was married Sept. 12, 1906, to Harriette G. Silmser of Massena, N. Y., who was born in Corn- wall, Ont., Jan. 17, 1884. One child from this union: 972* 1 John Herbert, 7 born Sept. 7, 1907. 814 Homer B. Bacon 6 is a traveling salesman with headquar- ters at Columbia, S. C. His home postoffice address May. 1908. Massena, N. Y. 812 Of Henry, 5 the only son of Margaret R. Van Tine and Manuel D., her second husband, no record has been received up to the time of going to press. *Too late for consecutive numbering. 150 McMillan Genealogy and History. JANE E. McMILLAN 4 and SARAH MARIA STEVENS 4, of JOHN 3. 802 Jane E., 4 the second child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, died March 8, 1831, in the fourteenth year of her age. 803 SARAH MARIA McMILLAN 4 and 815 JESSE STEVENS. 803 Sarah M., 4 the third child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, was married Jan. 5, 1869, to Jesse Stevens. She died April 18, 1886, leaving no children, in the six- ty-seventh year of her age. No further record of Jesse Stevens. SOPHIA L. SANDERSON 4, of JOHN 3. 804 SOPHIA L. McMILLAN 4 and 816 BENJAMIN HASTINGS SANDERSON. 804 Sophia L., 4 the fourth child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, was married September, 1843, to Benjamin H. Sanderson. To them were born: 817 1 John Harvey, 5 born July 11, 1846. 818 2 Ella M., 5 born Dec. 3, 1847. 819 3 Helen S., 5 born Sept, 3, 1851. 804 Sophia L. Sanderson, 4 the mother of the above three chil- dren, died Dec. 7, 1873, in the fifty-third year of her age. No further record of Benjamin H. Sanderson. 817 JOHN HARVEY SANDERSON 5 and 820 JOSEPHINE H. LOVEJOY. 817 John Harvey, 5 the first child of Sophia L. Sanderson and Benjamin H., her husband, was married May 1, 1869, to Josephine H. Love joy. To them were born : 821 1 E. May, 8 born July 25, 1875. 822 2 Grace S.. 6 born Feb. 25, 1877. Postoffice address March, 1908, Fort Plaines, N. Y. Both daughters unmarried and at home with their parents. 818 ELLA M. SANDERSON 5 and 823 JOSEPH GILBERT. 818 Ella M., 5 the second child of Sophia L. Sanderson 4 and Benjamin H., her husband, was married April 8, 1879, to Joseph Gilbert. McMillan Genealogy and History. 151 SOPHIA L. SANDERSON 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. To them were born: 824 1 Elizabeth Rankin, 6 born Jan. 25, 1880. 825 2 Ernest S., 6 born Oct. 16, 1882. 826 3 Charlotte May, 6 born April 15, 1884. 827 4 Helen S., 6 born Oct. 24, 1885. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y. The three younger children unmarried and at home with their parents. 824 ELIZABETH RANKIN GILBERT 6 and 1978* FRANK FULLERTON STEVENSON. 824 Elizabeth Rankin, 6 the first child of Ella M. Gilbert 5 and Joseph, her husband, was married in July, 1908, at the home of her parents in Cambridge, N. Y., to Frank Fullerton Stevenson of Argyle, N. Y. He is a gradu- ate of Albany School of Pharmacy and is connected with the Mulford Drug Company of Philadelphia. His headquarters and postoffice address, Troy, N. Y. 819 HELEN S. SANDERSON 5 and 828 JAMES EDWARD PORTER. 819 Helen S., 5 the third child of Sophia L. Sanderson* and Benjamin, her husband, was married April 8, 1871, to James E. Porter. To them were born : 829 1 Mable, 6 born Nov. 8, 1875. 830 2 Caryl, 6 born July 6, 1887. 831 3 Charles. 6 Postoffice address of family March, 1908, 30 Gorham St., Cambridge, Mass. All children unmarried and at home with parents. DAVID L. McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3. 805 Andrew Barnes, 4 the fifth child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, died unmarried, March 17, 1853, in Fort Covington, N. Y., in the thirtieth year of his age. 806 DAVID L. McMILLAN 4 and 832 MARGARET GARLAND. 806 David L., 4 the sixth child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, was married July 4, 1849, in Enfield, Conn., *Too late for consecuth'e numbering. 152 McMillan Genealogy and History DAVID L. McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. by Kev. E. G. Owens, to Margaret Garland. He was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil "War. To this couple were born: 833 1 David J., 5 born March 25, 1852, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 834 2 Tina E., 5 born July 26, 1854, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 835 3 Richard, 5 born May 14, 1856, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 836 4 George E., 5 born May 25, 1862, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 806 David L. McMillan, 4 the father of the above four chil- dren, died Dec. 27, 1867, forty-three years of age. 832 Margaret McMillan died in Northampton, Mass., Aug. 8, 1892. 833 David J., 5 the first child of David L McMillan 4 and Mar- garet, his wife, died unmarried, Aug. 12, 1880. 834 TINA E. McMILLAN 5 and 837 JOHN A. CREIGHTON. 834 Tina E., 5 the second child of David L. McMillan 4 and Margaret, his wife, was married Dec. 13, 1883, in Flor- ence, Mass., by Rev. E. J. Cobb, to John A. Creighton, who was born in Fort Covington, N. Y., and is a farmer by occupation. One child from this union: 838 1 Garland J., 6 born April 15, 1885. The parents are members of the Presbyterian church and the son of the Methodist church. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Fort Covington, N. Y. 835 Of Richard, 5 the third child of David L. McMillan 4 and Margaret, his wife, nothing is known, he having dis- appeared years ago and no tidings have ever been re- ceived. He was unmarried at last accounts. 836 GEORGE E. McMILLAN 5 and 836 George E.. 5 the fourth child of David L. McMillan 4 and Margaret, his wife, was married to . All efforts to get the record of this family have failed. Postoffice address May, 1908, 55 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. McMillan Genealogy and History. 153 DAVID L. McMILLAN 4, of JOHN 3— Continued. 807 Mary Ann, 4 the seventh child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, died Dec. 5, 1840, in the fourteenth year of her age. 808 John, 4 the eighth child of John McMillan 3 and Jane, his wife, died in London, England, Sept. 10, 1897, un- married, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. david McMillan 3, of Andrew 2. 653 David, 3 the fourth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Mar- garet, his wife, died in 1817, unmarried, twenty-three years of age. DEBORAH BROOKS 3, of ANDREW 2. 654 DEBORAH McMILLAN 3 and 839 CHESTER BROOKS. 654 Deborah, 3 the fifth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Mar- garet, his wife, was married Dec. 19, 1815, to Chester Brooks, who was a farmer by occupation, and was born Nov. 26, 1791. To them were born: 840 1 Elizabeth, 4 born Oct. 11, 1816, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 841 2 Chester John, 4 born Dec. 23, 1818, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 842 3 Hiram, 4 born Sept, 26, 1819, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 843 4 Sally, 4 born Sept. 12, 1821, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 844 5 Andrew Martin, 4 born May 18, 1823, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 845 6 Mary, 4 born April 28, 1825, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 846 7 Charles, 4 born May 1, 1827, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 847 8 Filmore, 4 born Feb. 14, 1829, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 848 9 Phoebe Ann, 4 born March 3, 1831, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 849 10 James M., 4 born March 5, 1833, in Genesee, Co., N. Y. 850 11 Celesta, 4 born July 24, 1836, in Genesee Co., N. Y. 839 Chester Brooks, the father of the above eleven children, died in Rome, Mich., Nov. 21, 1858. 654 Deborah Brooks died in North Adams, Mich., in 1879, eighty-three years of age. 154 McMillan Genealogy and History. ELIZABETH HICKOX 4, of DEBORAH 3. 840 ELIZABETH BROOKS 4 and 851 WELLS HICKOX. 840 Elizabeth, 4 the first child of Deborah Brooks 4 and Ches- ter, her husband, was married in 1838 in Rome, Mich., to Wells G. Hickox, who was a farmer by occupation. To them were born: 852 1 Jennie. 5 853 2 Leora, 5 born Oct. 21, 1843, in Rome, Mich. 854 3 Chester, 5 born Nov. 7, 1847, in Rome, Mich. 855 4 George L., 5 born March 27, 1852, in Rome, Mich. 840 Elizabeth Hickox, 4 the mother of the above four children, died in North Adams, Mich., June 13, 1882, in the sixty-sixth year of her age, having been a faithful member of the Methodist church for fifty years. 851 Wells G. Hickox died in Osseo, Mich., April 23, 1900. 852 JENNIE HICKOX 5 and 856 LANSING H. ELLIOTT. 852 Jennie, 5 the first child of Elizabeth Hickox 4 and Wells G., her husband, was married to Lansing H. Elliott. Postoffice address May, 1908, Toledo. Ohio, 315 Jarvis St. 853 LEORA HICKOX 5 and 857 WILLIAM H. KIMBALL. 853 Leora, 5 the second child of Elizabeth Hickox 4 and Wells, her husband, was married Nov. 24, 1864, in Rome, Mich., to William H. Kimball, who was born in Rome, Mich., Aug. 20, 1843. Leora Hickox was educated at Elkhart Academy in Elkhart, Ind. William H. Kim- ball was educated in the college at Adrian, Mich. He was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, serving in the Forty-Seventh Regiment, Ohio Infantry. He enlisted as a private, June 15, 1861, was mustered out as First Lieutenant, Nov. 4, 1864. He was wounded at the siege of Atlanta and suffered the loss of his right leg. He is a prominent G. A. R. man, having once been Department Commander. He has filled many important civil offices and in 1908 was President of the Board of Education in his home city. To the above couple were born : McMillan Genealogy and History. 155 ELIZABETH HICKOX 4, of DEBORAH 3— Continued. 858 1 Charles W. 6 859 2 Marie L., 6 born Sept. 18, 1871. 860 3 William C., 6 born July 16, 1887, in Proctor, Minn. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Tallapoosa, Ga., where William H., after a busy life as a merchant and manufacturer, has practically retired from business. Their third child, William C, unmarried and at home with his parents. 858 Charles W., 6 the first child of Leora Kimball 5 and Wil- liam II., her husband, died at seventeen years of age. 859 MARIE L. KIMBALL and 861 G. R. HUTCHINS. 859 Marie L., 6 the second child of Leora Kimball 3 and Wil- liam H., her husband, was married to G. L. Hutchins. Postoffice address May, 1908, Cedartown, Ga. 854 CHESTER HICKOX 3 and 862 ETTA COLLINS. Chester, 5 the third child of Elizabeth Hickox* and Wells G., her husband, was married Dec. 23, 1869, in North Adams, Mich., to Etta Collins, who was born in North Adams, Mich., Aug. 23, 1846. No children from this union. Postoffice address May, 1908, North Adams, Mich. 855 GEORGE L. HICKOX 5 and 863 JOSEPHINE TURNER. 855 George, 3 the fourth child of Elizabeth Hickox 4 and Wells, her husband, was married Oct. 1, 1874, in Rome, Mich., to Josephine Turner. No children. 863 Josephine Hickox died Oct. 13, 1881, in Osseo, Mich. 855 GEORGE L. HICKOX 3 and 864 CORA BLAKEMAN. 863 Josephine, the first wife of George Hickox, 3 having died as before stated, he married for his second wife, Oct. 4, 1883, Cora Blakeman, who was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 4, 1866. One child from this union. 865 1 Ethel Reva, 6 who died Aug. 19, 1894. Postoffice address May, 1908, Osseo, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 156 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHESTER JOHN BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3. 841 CHESTER JOHN BROOKS 4 and 866 CHARLOTTE DOLLEAR 841 Chester John, 4 the second child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Chester, her husband, was married Aug. 21, 1860, in Rome, Mich., to Charlotte Dollear, who was born Aug. 21, 1827, in Worcester, Mass. He was a farmer by occupation. To them were born : 867 1 Herbert, 5 born Nov. 3, 1861, in Rome, Mich. 868 2 Adelbert, 5 born Jan. 21, 1863, in Rome, Mich. 869 3 Elsa T., 5 born Oct. 5, 1864, in Rome, Mich. 866 Charlotte Brooks, the mother of the above three children, died in Rome, Mich., Jan. 15, 1886, in the fifty-ninth year of her age. 841 Chester J. Brooks died in Rome, Mich., Jan. 15, 1892, seventy-three years of age. 867 Herbert 5 and (868) Adelbert, 5 the first and second chil- dren of Chester J. Brooks 4 and Charlotte, his wife, were both unmarried May, 1908, and both farmers with postoffice address at Onsted, Mich. 869 Elsa T., 5 the third child of Chester John Brooks 4 and Charlotte, his wife, died Jan. 15. 1866, in Rome, Mich. HIRAM BROOKS 4 and SALLY BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3. 842 Hiram, 4 the third child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Chester, her husband, who was a farmer by occupation, died in San Joaquin Co., Cal., Jan. 12, 1908, unmarried, in the eighty-ninth year of his age 843 Sally, 4 the fourth child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Chester, her husband, died March 12, 1823, two years old. McMillan Genealogy and History. 157 ANDREW MARTIN BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3. 844 ANDREW MARTIN BROOKS 4 and 870 ELIZABETH JANE SWORDS. 844 Andrew M., 4 the fifth child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Ches- ter, her husband, was married March 22, 1850, in Adrian, Mich., to Elizabeth J. Swords, who was born in New York, July 5, 1827. He was a farmer by occupa- tion. To them were born: 871 1 Josephine, 5 born Nov. 2, 1852, in Rome, Mich. 872 2 Frank, 5 born Dec. 29, 1854, in Rome, Mich. 873 3 Fred, 5 born Dec. 25, 1856, in Rome, Mich. 874 4 James W., 5 born Dec. 9, 1858, in Rome, Mich. 875 5 Eugenia, 5 born June 18, 1861, in Rome, Mich. 876 6 Samuel B., 5 born Dec. 29, 1865, in Rome, Mich. 877 7 Mary E., 5 born Oct. 13, 1867, in Rome, Mich. 844 Andrew M. Brooks, 4 the father of the above seven chil- dren, died in Montague, Mich., Nov. 25, 1900, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. 870 Elizabeth Jane Brooks, the mother, died in Montague, Mich., Sept. 11, 1907. 871 JOSEPHINE BROOKS 5 and 878 GEORGE RIGDON. 871 Josephine, 5 the first child of Andrew Martin Brooks 4 and Elizabeth J., his wife, was married April 11, 1869, in Adrian, Mich., to George Rigdon, who was born in England, Nov. 9, 1838. He was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, being a member of Co. E, Eighteenth Michigan Infantry. He is a farmer by oc- cupation. One child from this union : 879 1 B. J. Rigdon, 6 born Jan. 7, 1870, in Rome, Mich. Postoffice address of Josephine and George Rigdon, May, 1908, Onsted, Mich. 879 B. J. RIGDON 6 and 880 VERNIE LINSNER. 879 B. J., 6 the only child of Josephine Rigdon 5 and George, her husband, was married May 7, 1891, to Vernie Lins- ner To them were born: 158 McMillan Genealogy and History. ANDREW MARTIN BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3— Continued. 881 1 Koy. 7 882 2 Shirley. 7 883 3 Josephine. 7 884 4 Olive. 7 Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Onsted, Mich. 872 FRANK BROOKS 5 and 2314- MARY POPKEY. 872 Frank, 5 the second child of Andrew M. Brooks 4 and Elizabeth J., his wife, was married June 26, 1898, in Shelby, Mich., to Mary Popkey, who was born in Clay- bank. Mich., Sept. 15, 1873. He is a butcher by trade and the family are members of the Methodist church. To them one child: 2315" 1 Anna Adelaide, 6 born June 25, 1904, in Grant, Mich. Postoffice address of family July, 1908, Montague, Mich. 873 Fred 5 and (874) James W., 5 the third and fourth chil- dren, respectively, of Andrew M. Brooks 4 and Eliza- beth J., his wife, both married and living in Montague, Mich. All efforts to get their record have failed, as they do not answer letters. 875 Eugenia, 5 (876) Samuel B. 5 and (877) Mary E., 5 the fifth, sixth and seventh children, respectively, of Andrew M. Brooks 4 and Elizabeth J., his wife, all died young. The exact date unknown. MARY OSBORNE 4, of DEBORAH 3. 845 MARY BROOKS 4 and 885 JOSEPH OSBORNE. 845 Mary, 4 the sixth child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Chester, her husband, was married April 6, 1852, in Rome, Mich., to Joseph Osborne, who was a miller by occu- pation, but also followed farming. To them were born : 886 1 Adelbert Joseph, 5 born May 18, 1853, in Rome, Mich. 887 2 George Henry, 5 born Oct. 11, 1855, in Rome, Mich. 888 3 Alfred Byron, 5 born March 29, 1857, in Rome, Mich. 889 4 John Milton, 5 born Nov. 21. 1858, in Rome, Mich. "Too late for consecutive numbering:. McMillan Genealogy and History. 159 MARY OSBORNE 4, of DEBORAH 3— Continued. 890 5 Kate E., 5 bom Sept. 25, 1861, in Rome, Mich. 891 6 Elbert Eugene, 5 born Jan. 6, 1869, in Addison, Mich. 885 Joseph B. Osborne, the father of the above six children, died in Addison, Mich., Sept. 28, 1891. 845 Mary Osborne 4 died in Adrian, Mich., in the eighty-third year of her age, Oct. 31, 1907. They were members of the Baptist church. 886 Adelbert J., 5 the first child of Mary Osborne 4 and Joseph B., her husband, died Sept. 27, 1857. 887 George H., 5 the second child of Mary Osborne 4 and Jo- seph B., her husband, died March 2, 1856. 888 Albert B., 5 the third child of Mary Osborne 4 and Joseph B., her husband, died Oct. 9, 1857. 889 John M., 5 the fourth child of Mary Osborne 4 and Joseph B., her husband, died Dec. 26, 1861. 890 KATE OSBORNE 5 and 892 MARION S. HARE. 890 Kate, 5 the fifth child of Mary Osborne 4 and Joseph, her husband, was married Aug. 29, 1899, in Adrian, Mich., to Marion S. Hare, who was born in Lenawee Co., Mich., Oct. 7, 1853. He is a farmer by occupation. No children from this union. Post-office address May, 1908, Townley, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. 891 ELBERT EUGENE OSBORNE 3 and 893 MINNIE FOOTE 891 Elbert E., 5 the sixth child of Mary Osborne 4 and Joseph B., her husband, was married Sept. 22, 1889, in Osseo, Mich., to Minnie Foote, who was born near the same town. Elbert E. 5 is a skilled machinist and is in the employ of a large wire fence company of Adrian, Mich. He was recently sent to England by the firm to set up and install certain machinery. To the above couple were born: 894 1 Mable Marie, 6 born Oct. 7, 1891, in Adrian, Mich. 895 2 Hazel B., 6 born Oct. 2, 1894, in Manitou Beach, Mich. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, 111 East Maumee St., Adrian, Mich. 160 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHARLES BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3. 846 CHARLES BROOKS 4 and 896 MARY L. RICKERD. 846 Charles, 4 the seventh child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Ches- ter, her husband, was married April 11, 1851, in Wheatland, Mich., to Mary L. Rickerd, who was born Sept. 5, 1833, in Pembroke, N. Y. He was a farmer by- occupation. To them were born : 897 1 Charles L., 5 born March 3, 1852, in Wheatland, Mich. 898 2 Lewis H., 5 born April 11, 1862, in Cambria, Mich. 846 Charles Brooks, 4 the father of the above two children, died in Elm Hall, Mich., Oct. 17, 1895, in the sixty- seventh year of his age. Postoffice address of Mary L. Brooks, May, 1908, Elm Hall, Mich. 897 CHARLES L. BROOKS 5 and 899 OLIVE F. SALTER. 897 Charles, 5 the first child of Charles Brooks 4 and Mary L., his wife, was married Dec. 17, 1874, in North Adams, Mich., to Olive F. Salter. He is a carpenter by trade. To them were born: 900 1 Charlotte May, 6 born Dec. 8, 1876, in North Adams, Mich. 901 2 Carroll C., 6 born April 30, 1903, in Jennison, Mich. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Elm Hall, Mich. 900 CHARLOTTE M. BROOKS 6 and 902 CHARLES E. SMITH. 900 Charlotte M., 6 the first child of Charles L. Brooks 5 and Olive, his wife, was married Jan. 1, 1896, in Elm Hall, Mich., to Charles E. Smith. To them were born : 903 1 Edmund C., 7 born July 31, 1896, in Elm Hall, Mich. 904 2 Olive Anna, 7 born Aug. 29, 1897, in Elm Hall, Mich. 905 3 Benjamin C., 7 born Oct. 7, 1899, in Elm Hall, Mich. 906 4 William H., 7 born Nov. 14, 1901, in Elm Hall, Mich. 907 5 Bessie V., 7 born July 20, 1904, in Elm Hall, Mich. 908 6 Frank E., 7 born May 10, 1907, in Elm Hall, Mich. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Elm Hall, Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History . 161 CHARLES BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3-Continued. 898 LEWIS H. BROOKS 5 and 909 CORA CAPIN. 898 Lewis H., 5 the second child of Charles Brooks* and Mary L., his wife, was married Nov. 26, 1888, in Elm Hall, Mich., to Cora Capin. He works in a musical instru- ment factory. One child from this union : 910 1 Lola, 6 born Oct. 4, 1889, in Elm Hall, Mich. Postoffice address May, 1908, 272 Eighth Ave.. Grand Rapids, Mich. 910 LOLA BROOKS 6 and 911 FLOYD FINCH. 910 Lola, 6 the only child of Lewis H. Brooks 5 and Cora, his wife, was married June 26, 1907, in Grand Rapids Mich., to Floyd Finch. Postoffice address May, 1908, 12 Arlington St., Grand Rapids, Mich. FILMORE BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3. 847 FILMORE BROOKS 4 and 912 MARTHA McMURPHY. 847 Filmore, 4 the eighth child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Ches- ter, her husband, was married July 6, 1854, in Batavia, N. Y., to Martha McMurphy, who was born in Niagara Co., N. Y., Aug. 26, 1838. He was a blacksmith by trade. To them were born : 913 1 A daughter, 5 born Oct. 21, 1856, in North Pembroke N. Y. 914 2 Loella, 5 born Feb. 10, 1858, in Girard, Mich. 915 3 Dwight, 5 born July 19, 1863, in Coldwater, Mich. 916 4 Archie, 5 born March 23, 1872, in Hickory Corners, Mich 847 Filmore Brooks, 4 the father of the above four children, died in San Joaquin Co., Cal., Dec. 26, 1904, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. Postoffice address of Martha Brooks, May, 1908, 222 Cal- houn St., Battle Creek, Mich., her daughter Loella, 5 unmarried and at home. 162 McMillan Genealogy and History. FILMORE BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3— Continued. 913 The first child 5 of Filmore Brooks 4 and Martha, his wife, died in infancy. 915 Dwight, 5 the third child of Filmore Brooks 4 and Martha, his wife, died Aug. 14, 1863. 916 Archie, 5 the fourth child of Filmore Brooks 4 and Martha, his wife, died Sept. 7, 1872. PHOEBE ANN SUTTON 4, of DEBORAH 3. 848 PHOEBE ANN BROOKS 4 and 917 MILTON SUTTON. 848 Phoehe Ann, 4 the ninth child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Chester, her husband, was married in 1893 in Osseo, Mich., to Milton Sutton, who was a farmer and a wid- ower with grown children. She died June 12, 1900, leaving no children. JAMES M. BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3. 849 JAMES M. BROOKS 4 and 918 ELLEN RIGDON. 849 James M., 4 the tenth child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Ches- ter, her husband, was married Jan. 11, 1865, by Mar- shall Read, Justice of Peace, to Ellen Rigdon. He was a farmer in Lenawee Co., Mich. To them were born : 919 1 Hila, 5 born Feb. 2, 1866. 920 2 Hiram, 5 born June 18, 1869. 921 3 Alfred, 5 born Aug. 10, 1871. 922 4 Arch, 5 born March 12, 1873. 923 5 Emma, 5 born Sept. 13, 1875. 924 6 Stella, 5 born Feb. 8, 1878. 925 7 George, 5 born Sept, 2. 1881. 926 8 Vedah E., 5 born Oct. 12, 1883. 849 James M. Brooks, 4 the father of the above eight children, died in Rome, Mich., Nov. 25, 1899, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. Postoffice address of Ellen Brooks, May, 1908, Rome, Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History. 163 JAMES M. BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3-Continued 919 HILA BROOKS 5 and 927 CAREY BARROWS. 919 Hila, 5 the first child of James Brooks* and Ellen, his wife was married July 19, 1884, to Carey Barrows, who is a farmer by occupation. To them were born: 928 1 Nellie, 6 born April 9, 1888. 929 2 Sylvia, 6 born Dec. 7, 1890. 930 3 Fay, 6 born Oct. 5, 1893. 931 4 Eber, 6 born April 8, 1898. 932 5 Elon, 6 born Nov. 6, 1900. Postoffice address of Hila Brooks 5 and Carey her hus- band, May, 1908, Ousted, Mich.; the four younger children at home with their parents, all unmarried 928 NELLIE BARROWS 6 and 933 HARRY JENKINS. 928 Nellie, 6 the first child of Hila Barrows 5 and Carey, her husband, was married, Nov. 27, 1907, to Harry Jenk- ins. One child from this union : 934 1 Gerald, 7 born Aug. 6, 1908. Postoffice address May, 1908, Onsted, Mich 920 HIRAM BROOKS 5 and 935 MABEL WINTER. 920 Hiram, 5 the second child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen his wife, was married July 3, 1891, to Mabel Winter of Rome, Mich., no children resulting. He is a farmer by occupation. Postoffice address May, 1908, Onsted, Mich. 921 ALFRED BROOKS 5 and 936 ELLA BARANOSKI. 921 Alfred, 5 the third child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen his wife, was married Nov. 9, 1890, to Ella Baranoski of Grand Rapids, Mich. He is a salesman. One child from this union: 937 1 Matel, 6 born Jan. 3, 1897. Postoffice address May, 1908, 81 Eleventh St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 164 McMillan Genealogy and History. JAMES M. BROOKS 4, of DEBORAH 3— Continued. 922 ARCH BROOKS 5 and 938 MAUDE WINTER. 922 Arch, 5 the fourth child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen, his wife, was married March 11, 1903. to Maude Winter of Rome, Mich. He is a farmer by occupation. One child from this union: 939 1 Zina Winter, 6 born July 11, 1907. Postoffiee address May, 1908. Onsted. Mich. 923 EMMA BROOKS 5 and 940 FRANKLIN R. BEAL. 923 Emma, 5 the fifth child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen, his wife, was married Sept. 20, 1898. to Franklin R, Beal. To them were born : i 941 1 Verneita. 6 born Jan. 12, 1900. 942 2 Frank R., 6 born March 16, 1901. 940 Franklin R. Beal, the father of the above two children, died December, 1900. Postoffiee address of family May, 1908. Onsted, Mich. 924 STELLA BROOKS 5 and 943 ARTHUR ONSTED. 924 Stella, 5 the sixth child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen, his wife, was married. Oct. 19. 1898. to Arthur Onsted. To them were born: 944 1 Loleta. 6 born Aug. 24. 1899. 945 2 Lloyd, 6 born Feb. 23, 1902. 946 3 Marion, 6 born Oct. 3, 1904. Postoffiee address of family May, 1908. Onsted. Mich. 925 GEORGE BROOKS 5 and 947 MABEL MANN. 925 George, 5 the seventh child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen, his wife, was married Feb. 28. 1905, to Mabel Mann. One child from this union: 948 1 Marguerite Lucille, 6 born Aug. 23. 1907. 925 George Brooks is a farmer by occupation. Postoffiee address May. 1908. Onsted. Mich. 926 Vedah E., 5 the eighth child of James Brooks 4 and Ellen. his wife, is a stenographer. Postoffiee address May, 1908, Adrian, Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History. 165 CELESTA TAYLOR 4, of DEBORAH 3. 850 CELESTA BROOKS 4 and 949 HENRY TAYLOR. 850 Celesta, 4 the eleventh child of Deborah Brooks 3 and Chester, her husband, was married Oct. 24, 1856, to Henry Taylor, who was a farmer. To them were born: 950 1 Deborah, 5 born April 30, 1858, in Rome, Mich. 951 2 Mary Jane, 5 born Jan. 4, 1860, in Rome, Mich. 952 3 Nancy, 5 born July 16, 1861, in Rome, Mich. 953 4 Carrie, 5 born June 29, 1866, in Rome, Mich. 954 5 William, 5 born May 27, 1877, in Rome, Mich. Postoffice address of Celesta Taylor and Henry, her hus- band, May, 1908, Rome, Mich. 950 DEBORAH TAYLOR 5 and 955 JACK LUMSDEN. 950 Deborah, 5 the first child of Celesta Taylor 4 and Henry, her husband, was married in December, 1882, to Jack Lumsden. To them were born: 956 1 Zena. 6 957 2 Mabel. 6 958 3 Myrtle. 6 Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Onsted, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. 951 MARY JANE TAYLOR 5 and 959 JACK WHEATON. 951 Mary Jane, 5 the second child of Celesta Taylor 4 and Henry, her husband, was married February, 1883, to Jack Wheaton. To them were born: 960 1 Laverne. 6 961 2 Carrie. 6 962 3 Milton. 6 Postoffice address of Mary J. Wheaton 5 and Jack, her husband, May, 1908, Cement City, Mich. 166 McMillan Genealogy and History. CELESTA TAYLOR 4, of DEBORAH 3— Continued. 952 NANCY TAYLOR 5 and 963 JAMES HORTON. 952 Nancy, 5 the third child of Celesta Taylor 4 and Henry, her husband, was married March, 1889, to James Horton. To them were born : 964 1 Ray. 6 965 2 Addie. 6 Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Manitou Beach, Mich., Box 8. 953 CARRIE TAYLOR 5 and 966 ALFRED MAPES. 953 Carrie, 5 the fourth child of Celesta Taylor 4 and Henry, her husband, was married in March, 1896, to Alfred Mapes. No children. Postoffice address May, 1908, Hudson, Mich., R, F. D. No. 6. 954 WILLIAM TAYLOR 5 and 967 MARY WHEELER. 954 William, 5 the fifth child of Celesta Taylor 4 and Henry, her husband, was married August, 1901. to Mary Wheeler. One child from this union : 968 1 Estelle. 6 967 Mary Taylor, the mother of the above child, died. Postoffice address of William Taylor, May. 1908, Hudson, Mich., R. F. D. No. 5. SALLY OLDS 3, of ANDREW 2. 655 SALLY McMILLAN 3 and 973 PHILANDER OLDS. 655 Sally, 3 the sixth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Mar- garet, his wife, was married in Branch Co., Mich., to Philander Olds. To them were born : 974 1 Angeline. 4 975 2 Curtis. 4 976 3 Mary. 4 McMillan Genealogy and History. 167 SALLY OLDS 3, of ANDREW 2— Continued. 655 Sally Olds, 3 the mother of the above three children, died in Bronson, Mich., in 1840, at forty-two years of age. No further record of Philander Olds. 974 Angeline 4 and Curtis, 4 the first and second children, re- spectively, of Sally Olds and Philander, her husband, died unmarried about 1850. 976 MARY OLDS 4 and 977 DAVID DERBY 976 Mary, 4 the third child of Sally Olds 3 and Philander, her husband, was married to David Derby. To them were born three children, all dying in infancy. 978 979 980 976 Mary Derby, the mother, died in Hudson, Mich., in 1866. No further record of David Derby. STEPHEN McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2. 656 STEPHEN McMILLAN 3 and 981 JANETTE GROVER, 656 Stephen. 3 the seventh child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, was married Dec. 12, 1843, in Bethel, Mich., to Janette Grover. He moved with other members of his father's family to Genesee Co., N. Y., in an early day and about 1836 moved to Branch Co., Mich., and settled on a new farm. To the above couple were born : 982 1 Edson, 4 born Nov. 12, 1850, in Branch Co., Mich. 983 2 James F., 4 born May 22. 1853, in Branch Co., Mich. 984 3 Alta G., 4 born May 27, 1855, in Branch Co., Mich. 981 Stephen McMillan, 3 the father of the above three chil- dren, died in Bronson, Mich., April 11, 1884, and was buried in Gilead cemetery in Branch Co., Mich. He was eighty-four years of age. Postoffice address of Janette McMillan. May. 1908, Bron- son. Mich., where she lived with her son Edson. 168 McMillan Genealogy and History. edson McMillan 4, of Stephen 3. 982 EDSON McMILLAN* and 985 SARAH G. DEAN. 982 Edson, 4 the first child of Stephen McMillan 3 and Jan- ette, his wife, was married March 2, 1870. in Gilead, Mich., to Sarah G. Dean. To them were born : 986 1 Frank D., 5 born in October, 1870. 987 2 Nellie M., r> born July, 1874. 988 3 Gertrude C., 5 born June, 1876. 989 4 James S., 5 born August, 1879. Postoffice address of Edson McMillan 4 and Sarah G., his wife, May, 1908, Bronson, Mich. 986 Frank D., 5 their first child, unmarried and at home with his parents. 987 Nellie M., 5 the second child of Edson McMillan 4 and Sa- rah G., his wife, died unmarried October. 1895, in the twenty-first year of her age. 988 GERTRUDE C. McMILLAN 5 and 990 IRA PETERSON. 988 Gertrude C., 5 the third child of Edson McMillan 4 and Sarah G., his wife, was married Aug. 22, 1896, to Ira Peterson. One child from this union: 991 1 Albert, 6 born March, 1906. Postoffice address May, 1908. Bronson, Mich. 989 JAMES S. McMILLAN 5 and 992 OLIVE M. SMITH. 989 James S., 5 the fourth child of Edson McMillan 4 and Sa- rah G., his wife, was married July 26, 1905, to Olive M. Smith of Miltonvale, Kan. To them were born : 993 1 Granville Seabury, 6 ] twins, born Nov. 17. 1906. in Mil- 994 2 Geraldine Janette, 6 J tonvale, Kan. Postoffice address March, 1908. Miltonvale, Kan., R. F. D. No. 4. 983 James F., 4 the second child of Stephen McMillan 3 and Janette, his wife, died unmarried, March 6, 1902, and was buried in Gilead, Mich., in the forty-ninth year of his age. He was a lifelong member of the Methodist church. McMillan Genealogy and History. 169 ALTA I. CATTELL 4, of STEPHEN 3. 984 ALTA I. McMILLAN 4 and 995 JOHN C. CATTELL. 984 Alta I., 4 the third child of Stephen McMillan 3 and Ja- nette, his wife, was married March 23, 1882, to John Cattell, who is a farmer by occupation. To them were born : 996 1 Howard, 5 born March 11, 1884, in Branch Co., Mich. 997 2 Zella, 5 born Aug. 7, 1889, in Branch Co., Mich. 998 3 Zada, 5 born July 12, 1892, in Branch Co., Mich. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Bronson, Mich. 997 Zella 5 and (998) Zada 5 unmarried and at home with their parents. 996 Howard, 5 the first child of Alta I. Cattell 4 and John, her husband, died March 20, 1887. ANDREW MARTIN McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2. 657 Andrew Martin, 3 the eighth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, left his home in early life and settled in Virginia, where he married and lived some years and died leaving no children. This much is known, but no further record has been obtained. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2. 658 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3 and 999 ALMEDA STEVENSON. 658 Alexander, 3 the ninth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, was married Dec. 31, 1829, to Al- meda Stevenson, who was born in Batavia, N. Y., April 23, 1813. He was a farmer in Genesee Co., N. Y., for many years. To them were born : 1000 1 Helen, 4 born Jan. 13, 1835, near Batavia, N. Y. 1001 2 Caroline, 4 born Dec. 15, 1836, near Batavia, N. Y. 1002 3 Alexander, Jr., 4 born April 23, 1841, near Batavia, N. Y. 999 Almeda McMillan, the mother of the above three chil- dren, died in 1847 in East Pembroke, N. Y. 170 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2— Continued. 658 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3 and 1003 MRS. MEHITABLE PERRY. 999 Almeda McMillan having died, as before stated, Alex- ander 3 married for his second wife, Jan. 12, 1848, Mrs. Mehitable Perry, who was born Aug. 29, 1813, whose maiden name was Worthingdyke. To them were born: 1004 4 Harriet Louise, 4 born May 6, 1852. 1005 5 Charity E., 4 born Dec 20, 1856. 1003 Mehitable McMillan, the mother of the above two chil- dren, died March 16, 1881. 658 Alexander McMillan 3 died Feb. 26, 1883, in the seventy- fifth year of his age. Both were buried in Batavia. N. Y. 1000 HELEN McMILLAN 4 and 1006 JOHN TIMMERMAN. 1000 Helen, 4 the first child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Al- meda, his first wife, was married to John Timmerman, a farmer in Orleans Co., N. Y. No children from this union. 1006 John Timmerman died in 1906. Postoffice address of Helen Timmerman, 4 May, 1908. Middleport, Orleans Co., N. Y. 1001 CAROLINE McMILLAN 4 and 1007 ACHESON. 1001 Caroline, 4 the second child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Almeda, his first wife, married a man named Acheson. and died leaving no children. 1002 Alexander, Jr.. 4 the third child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Almeda, his first wife, was a soldier in a New York regiment during the Civil War, and died in the service, about twenty years old. 1004 HARRIET LOUISE McMILLAN 4 and 1008 VOLNEY B. Mc WORTHY. 1004 Harriet L., 4 the first child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Mehitable, his second wife, was married Feb. 23. 1875, in West Bergen, N. Y., to Volney B. Mc Worthy. One child from this union : McMillan Genealogy and History. 171 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2— Continued. 1009 1 Nina Adelle, 5 born Feb. 29, 1876. 1004 Harriet L., 4 the mother, died May 8, 1908, fifty-six years of age, in Bergen, N. Y., which was the postoffice ad- dress of Volney B. McWorthy, May, 1908. 1009 NINA ADELLE McWORTHY 5 and 1010 ELMER COOK. 1009 Nina Adelle, 5 the only child of Harriet L. McWorthy 4 and Volney B., her husband, was married in 1897 in West Bergen, N. Y., to Elmer Cook. One child from this union : 1011 1 Hugh, 6 born in 1899. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, East Pembroke, N. Y. 1005 CHARITY E. McMILLAN 4 and 1012 JOHN A. NOWN. 1005 Charity E., 4 the second child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Mehitable, his second wife, was married Feb. 23, 1881, to John A. Nown, who is a farmer by occupation. To them were born : 1013 1 Dora M., 5 born Nov. 16, 1881. 1014 2 Eda Belle, 5 born Dec. 28, 1884. Postoffice address March, 1908, Batavia, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 4. Dora M. 5 unmarried and at home with her parents. 1014 EDA BELLE NOWN 5 and 1015 NELSON WALDRON. 1014 Eda Belle, 5 the second child of Charity E. Nown 4 and John A., her husband, was married Feb. 20, 1907, to Nelson Waldron. One child from this union: 1016 1 D. Anita, 6 born in December, 1907. Postoffice address March. 1908, Batavia, N. Y. 172 McMillan Gcnealo"\ and History. WILLIAM THOMPSON McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2. 659 WILLIAM THOMPSON McMILLAN 3 and 1017 CHARLOTTE CARPENTER. 659 William T., 3 the tenth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, was married Dec. 6, 1829, to Char- lotte Carpenter, who was born in Vermont, June 11. 1813, and was a school teacher. To them were born: 1018 1 Harriet M., 4 born Nov. 24, 1831, in Batavia, N. Y. 1019 2 Clara A., 4 born Aug. 12, 1833, in Batavia, N. Y. 1020 3 Susan S., 4 born July 28, 1834, in Batavia, N. Y. 1021 4 Martha Ann, 4 born March 18, 1836, in Batavia, N. Y. 1022 5 Rhoda M., 4 born Feb. 6. 1838, in Batavia, N. Y. 1023 6 Ira C., 4 born Aug. 21, 1840, in Batavia. N. Y. 1024 7 William A., 4 born July 12, 1842, in Batavia. N. Y. 1025 8 Ira G., 4 born Aug. 13, 1844, in Batavia, N. Y. 1026 9 Mary E., 4 born April 6, 1847, in Batavia, N. Y. 1027 10 Emma G., 4 born Oct. 3, 1849, in Batavia, N. Y. 1028 11 Ella E., 4 born Oct. 3, 1852, in Batavia, N. Y. 1029 12 Amanda E., 4 born Nov. 12, 1855, in Batavia, N. Y. 1017 Charlotte McMillan, the mother of the above twelve chil- dren, died July 29, 1885, at the home of her daughter, Emma G. Searing, in Dover, N. J., and was buried in Orchard Street Cemetery in that city. 659 William T. McMillan 3 died Sept, 25, 1887, at his home in Newstead, N. Y., and was buried beside his wife in Dover, N. J. He was eighty years of age. 1018 Harriet M., 4 the first child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, died Sept. 21, 1837. 1019 Clara A., 4 the second child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his Avife, died Oct. 12. 1833. McMillan Genealogy and History. 173 SUSAN S. TAYLOR 4, of WILLIAM T. 3. 1020 SUSAN S. MeMILLAN 4 and 1030 EDWARD TAYLOR. 1020 Susan S., 4 the third child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, was married April 24, 1854, in Erie Co., N. Y., to Edward Tavlor. To them Avere born : 1031 1 Edward, Jr., 5 born Oct. 7, 1855. 1032 2 Florence, 5 born Jan. 10, 1857. 1033 3 Emma, 5 born Oct. 6, 1860. 1020 Susan S. Taylor, 4 the mother of the above three children, died Aug. 30, 1864, in the thirty-first year of her age, and Edward Taylor married for his second wife, June 1, 1865, in Rochester, N. Y., 1034 Phoebe Dingman, who died Feb. 15, 1871, in Batavia, N. Y. 1030 Edward Taylor died Jan. 28, 1908, in Batavia, N. Y., be- ing cared for in his last days by his daughter Emma. 5 He was buried in Elmwood cemetery. 1031 EDWARD TAYLOR, JR., 5 and 1035 ZETA CLARE. 1031 Edward, Jr., 5 the first child of Susan S. Taylor 4 and Ed- ward, her husband, was married Oct. 10, 1881, in Buf- falo, N. Y., to Zeta Clare. He is an express messenger on the Big Four Railway. To them were born : 1036 1 May, 6 born Aug. 15, 1882. 1037 2 E. Claire, 6 1 . . T in 1QQ . moo o Aii? -i « r- twins, born June 10, 1884. 1038 3 Alfred, 6 j Postoffice address of family March, 1908, 716 Republic St., Cleveland, Ohio. The twin boys, (1037) E. Claire 6 and (1038) Alfred, 6 unmarried and at home with their parents. E. Claire is in the employ of the express company, and Alfred in the employ of the King Bridge Co. 1036 MAY TAYLOR 6 and 1039 PRESLEY SCHNURR. 1036 May, 6 the first child of Edward Taylor, Jr., 5 and Zeta. his wife, was married Jan. 12, 1903, to Presley Schnurr, who is a bookkeeper in a wholesale grocery house. One child from this union : 174 McMillan Genealogy and History. SUSAN S. TAYLOR 4, of WILLIAM T. 3— Continued. 1040 1 Lee Taylor, 7 born Jan. 13, 1904. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Batavia, N. Y. 1032 FLORENCE TAYLOR 5 and 1041 CHARLES SARGEANT. 1032 Florence, 5 the second child of Susan S. Taylor 4 and Ed- ward, her husband, was married May 17, 1876. to Charles Sargeant, who is a farmer by occupation. No children from this imion, but they adopted a son : 1042 1 Oakley. 6 Postoffice address March, 1908, Darien Centre, N. Y. 1033 Emma, 5 the third child of Susan S. Taylor 4 and Edward, her husband, as late as May, 1908, was unmarried and living at 405 W. Main St., Batavia, N. Y. 1021 Martha Ann, 4 (1022) Rhoda M. 4 and (1023) Ira C., 4 the fourth, fifth and sixth children, respectively, of Wil- liam T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, died in September, 1841. WILLIAM A. McMILLAN 4, of WILLIAM T. 3. 1024 WILLIAM A. McMILLAN 4 and 1043 JANETTE E. COON. 1024 William A., 4 the seventh child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, was married Aug. 30, 1868, in Corfu, N. Y., to Janette E. Coon. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in the One Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Regiment of New York Infantry for nearly three years; was then transferred to the Eighth New York Heavy Artillery, and served until the close of the war. He was a farmer and lived on the same farm near Akron, N. Y., for nearly forty years. He was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church and a member of the Masonic fraternity, serving as Master of his home lodge several terms. He also held many important town offices. AVhen called upon for information of his father's family, to be engrafted in this work, William A. responded promptly and gladly. One child from this union: 1044 1 Grace H.,° born April 18, 1880; died Dec. 13. 18S6. McMillan Genealogy and History. 175 WILLIAM A. McMILLAN 4, of WILLIAM T. 3— Continued. 1024 Notice of the sudden death of William A. McMillan has reached us in time to be recorded here. He passed away at his home May 19, 1908. He was buried with Masonic honors and his funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends from several states. He was in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Postoffice address of Janette McMillan, May, 1908. Akron, N. Y. IRA G. McMILLAN 4, of WILLIAM T. 3. 1025 IRA G. McMILLAN 4 and 1045 SARAH E. TOMPKINS. 1025 Ira G., 4 the eighth child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, was married Oct. 22, 1868, in Erie Co., N. Y., to Sarah E. Tompkins. Ira G. is a farmer and a substantial, respected citizen. To them were born: 1046 1 Augustus P., 5 born July 29, 1872, in DeWitt, Mich. 1047 2 Bertha E., 5 born Nov. 30, 1875, in DeWitt, Mich. 1048 3 Arthur P., 5 born Aug. 20, 1878, in DeWitt, Mich. 1049 4 Ethel C., 5 born March 29, 1883, in Green, Kan. 1050 5 Blanche E., 5 born March 27, 1885, in Green, Kan. Postoffice address of Ira G. McMillan 4 and Sarah E., his wife, March, 1908, Green, Clay Co., Kan. 1046 AUGUSTUS P. McMILLAN 5 and 1051 MABEL SMITH. 1046 Augustus P., 5 the first child of Ira G. McMillan 4 and Sarah E., his wife, was married Feb. 1, 1899, in Clay Centre, Kan., to Mabel Smith. One child from this union: 1052 1 Emory C., 6 born Dec. 16, 1901. Postoffice address March, 1908, Clay Centre, Kan. 1047 Bertha E. r> and (1049) Ethel C., 5 the second and fourth children, respectively, of Ira G. McMillan 4 and Sarah E., his wife, unmarried and at home with their parents March, 1908. 176 McMillan Genealogy and History. IRA G. McMILLAN 4, of WILLIAM T. 3— Continued. 1048 ARTHUR T. McMILLAN 5 and 1053 EMMA HAMMER. 1048 Arthur T., 5 the third child of Ira G. McMillan 4 and Sarah E., his wife, was married June 17, 1902, in Clay Centre, Kan., to Emma Hammer of Illinois. To them were born: 1054 1 Earl, 6 born Oct. 18, 1903, in Green, Kan. 1055 2 Leota, 6 born Jan. 10, 1905, in Green, Kan. 1056 3 Ilo, 6 born March 24, 1907, in Green, Kan. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Green, Kan. 1050 BLANCHE E. McMILLAN 5 and 1057 LINN T. WOODS. 1050 Blanche E., 5 the fifth child of Ira G. McMillan 4 and Sarah E., his wife, was married Oct. 3. 1906, in Green, Kan., to Linn T. Woods. Postoffice address March, 1908, Clay Centre, Kan. 1026 Mary E., 4 the ninth child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, died June 19. 1861, in the fifteenth year of her ag<\ EMMA G. SEARING 4, of WILLIAM T. 3. 1027 EMMA G. McMILLAN 4 and 1058 SAMUEL JOHNSON SEARING. 1027 Emma G., 4 the tenth child of William T. McMillan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, was married June 16, 1873, in Lan- sing, Mich., to Samuel J. Searing. They soon moved to Dover, N. J., where Mr. Searing kept a hotel (the Searing House) until his death. To them were born: 1059 1 Thomas Albert, 5 ] . . T ,, 1OT . 1060 2 John Alfred, 5 } twins, born June 16, 18.5. 1061 3 Charlotte A., 5 born June 11, 1877. 1062 4 Ethel May, 5 born Jan. 15, 1881. 1063 5 Walter Howard, 5 born Nov. 28, 1882. 1064 6 Emma G., 5 born June 29, 1885. 1065 7 Martha D., 5 born Jan. 18, 1887. 1058 Samuel J. Searing, the father of the above seven chil- dren, died Feb. 12, 1904, at his home in Dover, N. J., and was buried in Orchard Street cemetery. McMillan Genealogy and History. 177 EMMA G. SEARING 4, of WILLIAM T. 3— Continued. Postoffice address of Emma G., his widow, March, 1908, Searing's Hotel, Dover, N. J. 1059 Thomas Albert, 5 the first child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Samuel J., her husband, died unmarried April 22, 1898, twenty-three years of age. 1060 JOHN ALFRED SEARING 5 and 1066 SARAH A. CHURM. 1060 John A., 5 the second child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Sam- uel J., her husband, was married in 1900 to Sarah A. Churm of Mine Hill, N. J. One child from this union: 1067 1 Ethelyn May, born in 1901 ; died in infancy. 1066 Sarah A. Searing, the mother, died July 27, 1904. 1060 JOHN ALFRED SEARING 5 and 1068 BELLE COX. 1066 Sarah A. Searing having died, as before stated, John Alfred 5 married for his second wife May 17, 1906, in Arlington, N. J., Belle Cox. One child from this union: 1069 2 Marian Gladys, 6 born March 17, 1907. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Searing's Ho- tel, Dover, N. J. 1061 CHARLOTTE A. SEARING 5 and 1070 THOMAS EDGAR LINDSLEY. 1061 Charlotte A., 5 the third child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Samuel J., her husband, was married Nov. 2, 1901, to Thomas E. Lindsley of Newark, N. J. Charlotte A. has shown a deep interest in this work and has fur- nished valuable records of her branch of family, for which the authors feel very grateful. One child from this union: 1071 1 Thomas Edgar Searing, born July 29, 1903. 1070 Thomas E. Lindsley, the father, died Jan. 7, 1903. Postoffice address of Charlotte A., his widow, March, 1908, Searing's Hotel, Dover, N. J. 178 McMillan Genealogy and History. EMMA G. SEARING 4, of WILLIAM T. 3— Continued. 1062 ETHEL MAY SEARING 5 and 1236* JOSEPH H. BOWDEN. 1062 Ethel M., 5 the fourth child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Samuel J., her husband, after teaching school several years, was married June 14, 1908, in Dover, N. J., to Joseph H. Bowden of Walla Walla, Wash. Postoffice address June, 1908. 215 W. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash. 1063 Walter Howard, 5 the fifth child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Samuel J., her husband, died April 24, 1886. 1064 Emma G., 5 the sixth child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Samuel J., her husband, died June 29, 1885. 1065 Martha D., 5 the seventh child of Emma G. Searing 4 and Samuel J., her husband, died Aug. 2, 1887. 1028 Ella C. 4 and (1029) Amanda E., 4 the eleventh and twelfth children, respectively, of William T. McMil- lan 3 and Charlotte, his wife, died in April, 1863. MARGARET COLLINS 3, of ANDREW 2. 660 MARGARET McMILLAN 3 and 1072 JOHN COLLINS. 660 Margaret, 3 the eleventh child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, was married in 1848 to John Col- lins, who was a farmer by occupation and a widower with five children. One child from this union : 1073 1 Theodore, 4 born Oct. 12, 1849. 660 Margaret Collins 3 died, and John Collins married for his third wife : 1074 Sarah Read. No further record. 1073 THEODORE COLLINS 4 and 1075 ANNETTE BARTHOLF. 1073 Theodore. 4 the only child of Margaret Collins 3 and John, her husband, was married in 1871 to Annette Bartholf. No children from this union. *Too late for consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 179 MARGARET COLLINS 3, of ANDREW 2— Continued. 1073 Theodore 4 died May 24, 1887, in the thirty-eighth year of his age. Postoffice address of Annette Collins, May, 1908, Glen Ridge, N. J. EBENEZER McMILLAN 3, of ANDREW 2. 661 EBENEZER McMILLAN 3 and 1076 MARY ANN ROE. 661 Ebenezer, 3 the twelfth child of Andrew McMillan 2 and Margaret, his wife, was married in Branch Co., Mich., to Mary Ann Roe. He moved to Michigan from Gen- esee Co., N. Y., in 1837 ; was a farmer and lived in Bethel, Mich. No children from this union. It is said the couple adopted two girls, but all efforts to get records of them have failed. 661 Ebenezer 3 died in 1884, seventy-three years of age, and Mary Ann in 1903, both in Bethel, Mich. 180 McMillan Genealogy and History CHAPTER VIII. ARTHUR McMILLAN 2, of JOHN 1. 5 ARTHUR McMILLAN 2 and 1077 MARTHA DUNCAN. 5 Arthur, 2 the fourth child of Johu McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, was married Dec. 28, 1795, to Martha Dun- can, whose family, like the McMillans, was of Scotch- Irish descent. He grew up a strong, sturdy lad. When the Revolutionary War began, although too young to enter the service, he used to assist the soldiers in moulding bullets and in other preparation for contiiet. Arriving at manhood, Arthur 2 became a miller and followed that business much of his life, though in his later years he moved to the west and engaged in farm- ing. In early manhood he was a very powerful man with an iron jaw. It is related of him that in his grist mill in Fort Covington, N. Y., where he lived many years, he often lifted large sacks of flour with his teeth. Finally, in an exhibition of his strength, he ruined the sight of one eye, actually bursting the eye- ball. During the Indian wars along the border Ar- thur 2 was an active participant. In the War of 1812 he became a scout and spy for the United States gov- ernment, often crossing the St. Lawrence river and entering the British camp. The Indians called him "One Eye" and feared him as something supernatural. So valiant were his services in his country's cause that a reward of five hundred dollars was offered by the British commander for his capture dead or alive. This offer has never been withdrawn. Arthur 2 had many desperate encounters with the Indian allies of the British and many hair-breadth escapes. His bravery and his great strength stood him in good stead in those trying times. Beside him in the ranks as a scout and as a soldier marched his young son, James Enos, 8 who, though but a boy, proved himself a brave, fear- less soldier. About 1838 Arthur 2 and his family moved *^*" \fi^B r^^ ■ 1 1 1 >v ~\ * \\ * ^ \ *v i ~~ .. -*•*•" Arthur McMillan 2 X<>. "i Mrs. Martha D. McMillan No. 1077 . McMillan Genealogy an d History. 181 ARTHUR McMILLAN 2, of JOHN l-Continued. to Kane Co., 111., where he took up a farm in Pidgeon Woods township, but still engaged in milling. As old age came on and he was no longer able to carry on his farm, he and his wife went to live with their son. James Enos, 3 in the same town, an addition being built to the house to accommodate the old couple. To Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, were born: 1078 1 Sarah. 3 born Oct. 19, 1796, in Franklin Co, N. Y. 1079 2 James Enos, 3 born Jan. 18, 1798, in Franklin Co., N. Y 1080 6 Margaret, 3 born Dec. 2, 1799, in Franklin Co, N. Y. 1081 4 Alexander, 3 born Feb. 9, 1802, in Franklin Co.', N. Y 1082 5 Arthur, Jr., 3 born July 15, 1804, in Franklin Co, N. Y. 1083 6 Melinda, 3 born Oct. 26, 1806, in Franklin Co, N.' Y. 1084 7 Florella H, 3 born July 29, 1807, in Franklin Co, n! Y. 1085 8 John, 3 born Jan. 20, 1809, in Franklin Co, N. Y. 1086 9 Arthur, No. 2, 3 born May 17, 1811, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1087 10 Duncan Buchanan, 3 born Aug. 31, 1813, in Ft. Covington N. Y. 1088 11 Eliza, 3 born Oct. 13, 1816, in Franklin Co, N. Y. 5 Arthur McMillan, 2 the father of the above eleven chil- dren, died May 24, 1845, aged seventy-six years, two months and seven days. On that day, his grandson Alexander 4 being on a visit, Arthur, 2 to show his strength and activity, took his axe, went into the ad- joining woods and proceeded to fell a large tree. He succeeded, but by some mischance he ran in the way of the falling monarch and was caught by the spread- ing branches and crushed to the ground, unconscious. He lingered only a few hours and died the same day without recovering consciousness. He was buried in the village cemetery in Pidgeon Woods, 111. 1077 Martha, his widow, lived with her sons, James E. 3 and Duncan, 3 still plying her trade of tailoress until her death, which occurred at the home of James Enos 3 June 26, 1852. She was buried beside her husband in Pidgeon Woods, 111. 1078 Sarah, 3 the first child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha his wife, died Oct. 27, 1796. 182 McMillan Genealogy and History. james enos McMillan 3, of Arthur 2. 1079 JAMES ENOS McMILLAN 3 and 1089 BETSEY ELIZABETH HASWELL. 1079 James E., 3 the second child of Arthur McMillan- and Mar- tha, his wife, was married in 1820 to Betsey E. Haswell, a school teacher, who was the daughter of Anthony Has- well, the editor of the Green Mountain Gazette, the first paper published in the state of Vermont. She was an educated, worthy woman. James E. McMillan ' was a worthy son of his sturdy Scotch father. At the opening of the War of 1812 he was but sixteen years old, yet he joined his father in the perilous duties of a scout and spy upon the frontier. He displayed not only great bravery and fearlessness, but unusual cau- tion and sagacity and became a valuable accession to the limited force in that locality. A reward of three hundred dollars was offered for capture, but the young man, like his father, always eluded his enemies, though sometimes by the merest "scratch." Before he was eighteen years old James E. 3 was appointed a ser- geant and placed in charge of the blockhouse at Fort Covington in sight of his parents' home. On one occa- sion the Indians, having burned his father's house, his parents escaping to the woods, the young sergeant saved his mother by leading her across the stringers of a bridge over the Big Salmon river and conveying her on a handsled to a neighbor's house, his father saving himself by flight. When the war closed and James Enos 3 returned to his home, he became enamored of the school teacher who boarded at his father's house and finally married her, as stated above. With his father and others he moved to Kane Co.. III., about 1838, where he lived many years as a well-to-do farmer. He afterwards moved to Filmore Co., Minn., later to Jackson Co., Minn., and finally settled at Cresco, la., where he spent his last days. He and his wife were universally loved and honored. To them were born : 1090 1 Alexander, 4 bom Sept. 27, 1821, in Franklin Co.. N. Y. James Enos McMillan 3 No. 1079 Mrs. Betsey E. McMillan No. 1089 McMillan Genealogy and History. 183 '&j JAMES ENOS McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2— Continued. 1091 2 Martha Melinda, 4 born April 27, 1823, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1092 3 Henry, 4 born Jan. 11, 1826, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1093 4 Margaret Eliza, 4 born March 2, 1828, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1094 5 Arthur Charles, 4 born Sept, 24, 1831, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1095 6 Sarah Jane, 4 born March 2, 1833, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1096 7 Betsey Cornelia, 4 born Oct. 13, 1836. 1097 8 Amanda Susan, 4 born Dec. 28, 1843. 1098 9 William, 4 adopted when eighteen months old of an Eng- lishman named Peterson. 1079 James E., s the father of the above nine children, died in Cresco, la., June 30, 1881, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. 1089 Betsey E., his wife, died in Cresco, la., April 17, 1883. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1090 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4 and 1099 CHARLOTTE HINSDELL. 1090 Alexander, 4 the first child of James Enos McMillan 3 and Betsey E., his wife, was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in an Illinois regiment. He was married Sept. 19, 1845, in Kane Co., 111., to Charlotte Hinsdell, who was born June 6, 1823, in Mechlenberg, N. Y. To them were born: 1100 1 Saphronia Elizabeth, 5 born Aug. 2, 1848, near Elgin, 111. 1101 2 Lavina Jane, 5 born May 30, 1853, in Virgil, 111. 1102 3 Sophia Cornelia, 5 born Oct. 5, 1855, in Virgil, 111. While Alexander McMillan 4 was serving his country at the front in 1863 he was called home by the serious illness of his wife, Charlotte. A few weeks after his return she died, April 10, 1863, and was buried in Kane Co., 111. 1090 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4 and 1103 ANNA VAN VALKENBURG. 1099 Charlotte McMillan having died, as before stated, Alex- ander 4 married for his second wife, Oct. 13, 1864, Anna Van Valkenburg. 184 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. To them were born: 1104 1 Burton Alexander, 5 born Nov. 23, 1865, in Virgil, 111. 1105 2 Grace Estelle, 5 born April 3, 1869, in Mayfield, 111. 1106 3 Cora Bell, 5 born Nov. 11, 1872 ; adopted when two weeks old. 1103 Anna McMillan, the mother of the above three children, died Aug. 2, 1898, in Marysville, Kan. January, 1908, Alexander 4 was living with his daughter, Mrs. Saphronia Calhoun, in Marysville, Kan. 1100 SAPHRONIA ELIZABETH McMILLAN 5 and 1107 NATHAN CHANDLER CALHOUN. 1100 Saphronia E., 5 the first child of Alexander McMillan 4 and Charlotte, his first wife, was married Sept. 17, 1868, to Nathan C. Calhoun, who was born January, 1839, in Florence, Mich. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in Battery B., Second Illinois Light Artillery, for three years and ten months. To this couple were born : 1108 1 Wallace Eugene, born June 6, 1869, in Mayfield, 111. 1109 2 Alexander Andrew, 6 born June 18, 1871, in Mayfield, 111. 1110 3 Mary Eleanor, 6 born Nov. 9, 1873, near Newton, Kan. 1111 4 Frank Wilson, 6 born Dec. 9, 1875, near Newton, Kan. 1112 5 Justin Ernest, 6 born Oct. 6, 1877, near Newton, Kan. 1113 6 Anna Bell, 6 born Oct. 10, 1879, near Newton, Kan. 1114 7 Minard Jay, 6 born April 10, 1882, near Newton, Kan. 1115 8 Abner Orlando, 6 born April 3, 1884, near Walton, Kan. 2116 9 Roy Everett, 6 born Oct. 6, 1885, near Belmont, Kan. 1117 10 Maggie May, 6 born Dec. 24, 1887, near Belmont, Kan. 1118 11 Fannie Elizabeth, 6 born Oct. 1, 1889, near Pierre, S. D. 1119 12 Barton Adam, 6 born June 25, 1891. near Pierre, S. D. 1120 13 Eunice Emmeline, 6 born Aug. 16. 1892, near Pierre, S. D. May, 1908, postoffice address of Saphronia E. Calhoun* and Nathan C, her husband, Marysville. Kan. 1108 WALLACE EUGENE CALHOUN 6 and 1121 EUNICE WINNIFRED HAMILTON. 1108 Wallace E., 6 the first child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C, her husband, was married April 20, 1892, to Eunice W. Hamilton, who was born Oct. 10, 1866. in Minnesota. McMillan Genealogy and History. 185 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. To them were born : 1122 1 Martha Elizabeth, 7 born Oct. 12, 1893, in Pierre, S. D. 1123 2 Ethel May, 7 born Nov. 4, 1894, in Pierre, S. D. 1124 3 Alexander McMillan, 7 born July 7, 1896, in Pierre, S. D. 1125 4 Jennie Zura, 7 born April 28, 1899, in Pierre, S. D. 1121 Eunice W. Calhoun, the mother of the above four chil- dren, died June 8, 1904, in Pierre, S. D. 1108 WALLACE EUGENE CALHOUN, 6 and 1126 MARY D. GODDARD. 1121 Eunice W., the first wife of Wallace E. Calhoun, 6 having died, as before stated, he married for his second wife, Sept. 21, 1904, Mary D. Goddard who was born June 8, 1883. One child from this union : 1127 5 Norman Wallace, 7 born Oct. 12, 1906, in Pierre, S. D. Postoffice address of Wallace Eugene Calhoun 6 and fam- ily May, 1908, Pierre, S. D. 1109 ALEXANDER ANDREW CALHOUN 5 and 1128 CORA MAY LEIGHTY. 1109 Alexander A., 6 the second child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C, her husband, was married Dec. 20, 1892, to Cora May Leighty. who was born in Sully Co., S. D., Oct. 11, 1873. To them were born : 1129 1 Vern Miller, 7 born Oct. 9, 1893, in Frankfort, S. D. 1130 2 Samuel Vincent, 7 born June 30, 1895, in Blunt, S. D. 1131 3 Minard Chandler, 7 born March 12, 1899, in Blunt, S. D. 1128 Cora May Calhoun, the mother of the above three chil- dren, died March 27, 1899, in Blunt, S. D. 1109 ALEXANDER ANDREW CALHOUN 6 and 1132 NETTIE MAY ACKERMAN. 1128 Cora May, the first wife of Alexander A. Calhoun, 6 hav- ing died, as before stated, he married for his second wife, Oct. 29, 1901, Nettie May Ackerman, who was born in Hughes Co.. S. D., May 4, 1881. One child from this union: 1133 4 Ralph, 7 born March 2, 1903. in Blunt, S. D. 186 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1132 Nettie May, the second wife of Alexander A. Calhoun, 6 died in Blunt, S. D., Jan. 7, 1904. Postoffice address of Alexander A. Calhoun, May, 1908, Blunt, S. D. 1110 Mary Eleanor,' 3 the third child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 3 and Nathan C, her husband, died June 6, 1884, in the eleventh year of her age. 1111 FRANK WILSON CALHOUN 6 and 1975* MARY FAUSTINA MOORE. 1111 Frank W., 6 the fourth child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C, her husband, was married Feb. 12. 1908, in Dallas, S. D., to Mary F. Moore, who was born in Browns Valley, Dec. 1, 1881. Postoffice address May, 1908, Midland, S. D. 1112 Justin Ernest, 6 the fifth child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C, her husband, January. 1908, unmarried. Postoffice address, Midland, Lyman Co., S. D. 1113 ANNA BELL CALHOUN 6 and 1134 ARTHUR B. COLLINS. 1113 Anna B., 6 the sixth child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C, her husband, was married April 19, 1905, to Arthur B. Collins, who was born June 11. 1873. One child from this union : 1135 1 Mildred Louise, 7 born June 25, 1906, in Blunt, S. D. Postoffice address May, 1908, Blunt, S. D. 1114 MINARD JAY CALHOUN 6 and 1136 MARY ELLEN GRIFFEN. 1114 Minard Jay, 6 the seventh child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C. her husband, was married Nov. 27, 1907, to Mary E. Griffen. Postoffice address May, 1908, Blunt, S. D. 1115 Abner Orlando, 6 (1116) Roy Everett. 6 (1117) Maggie 8 and (1118) Fannie E., 6 the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh children, respectively, of Saphronia E. Cal- houn 5 and Nathan C, her husband, at home with their parents in Marysville, Kan., January, 1908. 1119 Burton Adam, 6 the twelfth child of Saphronia E. Cal- houn 5 and Nathan C, her husband, died Sept. 29, 1891. *Too late for consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 187 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1120 Eunice Emmeline, 6 the thirteenth child of Saphronia E. Calhoun 5 and Nathan C, her husband, died July 18, 1895. 1101 LAVINA JANE McMILLAN 5 and 1137 WILLIAM JESTON McKEAN. 1101 Lavina J., 5 the second child of Alexander McMillan 4 and Charlotte, his wife, was married Jan. 28, 1874, to Wil- liam J. McKean, who was born March 1, 1849, in Keo- kuk, la. To them were born : 1138 1 Harlow Burton, 6 born June 26, 1875, near Newton, Kan. 1139 2 Ursula Viola, 6 born Dee. 15, 1876, in Peabody, Kan. 1140 3 Scott Everett, 6 born Aug. 20, 1878, in Peabody, Kan. 1141 4 Lyman Alexander, 6 born April 27, 1880, in Peabody, Kan. 1142 5 Vadah Bell, 6 born Jan. 27, 1882, in Peabody, Kan. 1143 6 Edith Charlotte, 6 born Jan. 23, 1884, in Peabody, Kan. 1144 7 Cora Blanche, 6 born Nov. 18, 1885, in Kingman, Kan. 1101 Lavina Jane McKean, 5 the mother of the above seven children, died July 25, 1887, in Kingman, Kan., in the thirty-fifth year of her age. Postoffice address of William J. McKean, May, 1908, Pierre, S. D. 1138 Harlow Burton, 6 the first child of Lavina J. McKean 3 and William J., her husband, died July 12, 1893. in Rock Rapids, la., eighteen years of age. 1139 Ursula Viola, 6 the second child of Lavina J. McKean" and William J., her husband, died unmarried May 31. 1903, in Newton, Kan., in the twenty-seventh year of her age. 1140 SCOTT EVERETT McKEAN 6 and 1145 ALICE A. FORSYTHE. 1140 Scott E., c the third child of Lavina J. McKean 5 and Wil- liam J., her husband, was married Aug. 28, 1899, to Alice A. Forsythe, who was born Aug. 26, 1879. To them were born : 1146 1 Scott Everett, Jr., 7 born June 6, 1900. in Pierre, S. D. 1147 2 Harold Ambrose, 7 born Oct. 25, 1904, Pierre, S. D. 1148 3 Ruth Eva, 7 born Nov. 6, 1906, in Pierre, S. D. Postoffice address May, 1908, Pierre, S. D. 188 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1141 Lyman Alexander, 6 the fourth child of Lavina J. Mc- Kean 3 and William J., her husband, is a wanderer and unmarried. About once a year he visits Blunt, S. D., where mail will reach him. 1142 VADAH BELL McKEAN 6 and 1149 VICTOR CLEMENT GATZ. 1142 Vadah B., 6 the fifth child of Lavina J. McKean 5 and William J., her husband, was married Feb. 3, 1904, to Victor C. Gatz. Postoffice address January, 1908, Newton, Kan. 1143 EDITH CHARLOTTE McKEAN 6 and 1150 EDWARD HENRY STUMPF. 1143 Edith C., 6 the sixth child of Lavina J. McKean 5 and Wil- liam J., her husband, was married Oct. 1, 1902, to Ed- ward H. Stumpf, who was born July 22, 1874, in In- dependence, la. To them were born : 1151 1 Frederic Alexander, 7 born May 24, 1903. in Marysville, Kan. 1152 2 Malvina Viola, 7 born May 28, 1905, near Oketo, Kan. 1976* 3 Lola Margaret, 7 born Feb. 22, 1908, in Marshall Co., Kan. Postoffice address May, 1908, Home. Marshall Co., Kan. 1144 CORA BLANCHE McKEAN 6 and 1153 LAWRENCE FREDERIC STUMPF. 1144 Cora Blanche, 6 the seventh child of Lavina J. McKean 5 and William J., her husband, was married Oct. 13, 1903, to Lawrence F. Stumpf, who was born Dee. 18, 1880, in Marysville, Kan. To them were born : 1154 1 Waneta Margaret, 7 born March 17, 1907, in Vliets, Kan. 1977* 2 Edward Murtin, 7 born July 3, 1908, in Jewell Co., la. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Randall, Jewell Co., la. 1154 Waneta Margaret, 7 the first child of Cora B. Stumpf 6 and Lawrence F., her husband, died March 22, 1907. Too late tor consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 189 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1102 SOPHIA CORNELIA McMILLAN 5 and 1155 WILLIAM EARNEST CLARK. 1102 Sophia C., 5 the third child of Alexander McMillan 4 and Charlotte, his wife, was married June 29, 1875, to Wil- liam E. Clark, who was born May 4, 1851. To them were born: 1156 1 Evelyn Amelia, 6 born July 1, 1876, in Mayfield, 111. 1157 2 Flora Charlotte, 6 born June 19, 1878, in Mayfield, 111. 1158 3 Delia Lucy, 6 born Jan. 7, 1880, in Mayfield, 111. 1159 4 George Ernest, 6 born Oct. 26, 1883, in Mayfield, 111. 1160 5 Mary Inez, 6 born Oct. 8, 1891, in Mayfield, 111. 1161 6 William Alexander, 6 born April 12, 1894, in Mayfield, 111. 1102 Sophia C. Clark, 5 the mother of the above six children, died Jan. 21 (about 1896), about forty years of age. Postoffice address of William E. Clark, January, 1908, Claire, DeKalb Co., 111. 1156 Evelyn Amelia, 6 the first child of Sophia C. Clark 5 and William E., her husband, unmarried January, 1908, and at home with her parents. Postoffice address Claire, DeKalb Co., 111. 1157 FLORA CHARLOTTE CLARK 6 and 1162 GEORGE THOMPSON. 1157 Flora C., 6 the second child of Sophia C. Clark 5 and Wil- liam E., her husband, was married March 12, 1901, to George Thompson, who was born Feb. 10, 1877. To them were born : 1163 1 Wallace George, 7 born Dec. 3, 1903, near DeKalb, 111. 1164 2 Howard Willard, 7 born Nov. 30, 1905, in Mayfield, 111. Postoffice address January, 1908, DeKalb, 111. 1158 DELLA LUCY CLARK 6 and 1165 GEORGE M. DRAKE. 1158 Delia L., 6 the third child of Sophia C. Clark 5 and Wm. E., her husband, was married Feb. 18, 1902, to George M. Drake, who was born May 29, 1878. To them were born : 1166 1 Laura Lucy, 7 born March 15, 1903, in Mayfield, 111. 1167 2 Mary Sophia, 7 born Aug. 18, 1904, in Mayfield, 111. 1168 3 Clarence George, 7 born Feb. 10, 1906, in Mayfield, 111. 190 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1169 4 Cornelia, 7 born Oct. 5, 1907, in Mayfield, 111. Postoffice address of Delia L. Drake and family January, 1908, DeKalb, 111. 1159 George E., G (1160) Mary I. 6 and (1161) William A.. 6 the fourth, fifth and sixth children, respectively, of Sophia C. Clark 5 and William E., her husband, unmarried and at home with their parents, January, 1908. 1104 Burton A., 5 the first child of Alexander McMillan 4 and Anna, his second wife, was drowned in Blue river at Marysville, Kan., May 14, 1882, in the seventeenth year of his age. 1105 Grace Estelle, 5 the second child of Alexander McMillan 4 and Anna, his second wife, died Nov. 28. 1869. 1106 CORA BELL McMILLAN 5 and 1170 ALBERT RUDOLPH HOMANN. 1106 Cora B., B the adopted child of Alexander McMillan 4 and Anna, his second wife, was married Aug. 29, 1894, to Albert R. Homann, who was born in Germany. Aug. 16, 1870. To them were born : 1171 1 Grace Anna," born Sept. 12, 1895, in Marysville, Kan. 1172 2 Alberta Blanche, born Feb. 4, 1897, in Marysville, Kan. 1173 3 Elinora," born Sept. 22, 1898, in Marysville, Kan. 1174 4 Alice B., ,: born June 22, 1900, in Okeene, Okla. Postoffice address January, 1908, Okeene, Okla. MARTHA MELINDA McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1091 MARTHA MELINDA McMILLAN 4 and 1175 JOHN McCORNACK. 1091 Martha M., 4 the second child of James E. McMillan 3 and Betsey E., his wife, was married May 12, 1843, in Elgin, 111., to John McCornack. To them were born : 1176 1 Andrew. 5 born April 2, 1844, in Kane Co., 111. 1177 2 Elizabeth Jane, 5 born Aug. 9, 1848, in Kane Co., 111. 1178 3 Minerva. 5 1179 4 Janet, 5 born Jan. 15. 1852, in Kane Co., 111. 1180 5 Cornelia, 5 1181 6 Helen Margaret, 5 born Jan. 31, 1860. McMillan Genealogy and History. 191 MARTHA MELINDA McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3— Con. 1175 John McCornaek, the father of the above six children, was of Scotch descent and was for years a strong, active man. About middle life, however, he received a paralytic stroke which rendered him helpless. He died Jan. 12, 1893, in Sac City, la. Martha M. Mc- Cornaek died in Elgin, 111., Dec. 12, 1876, in the fifty- fourth year of her age, and was buried in Kane Co., 111. ANDREW McCORNACK 5, of MARTHA M. 4. 1176 ANDREW McCORNACK 5 and 1182 ELSIE E. HANAFORD. 1176 Andrew, 5 the first child of Martha M. McCornaek 4 and John, her husband, was married May 3, 1869, in Mon- ticello, Minn., to Elsie E. Hanaford. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving three years in Co. I, One Hundred Twenty-seventh Illinois Regiment. So bril- liant was this man's service during the war that it is worthy of more than passing mention. He enlisted in August. 1862. His regiment was soon sent to Mem- phis, where it was assigned to Grant's army in the immediate command of Gen. W. T. Sherman. Here the subject of this sketch participated in all the ma- neuvres and battles of that active, untiring comman- der. He helped to dig Grant's great ditch; was along with Sherman on the expedition to Young's point, and was in the movement against Vicksburg from start to finish. He was on the skirmish line that drove in the rebel pickets as the army of Grant closed in on the doomed fortress. It is recorded that Private Andrew McCornaek 5 fired the first shot over the walls of Vicks- burg aimed at an officer who was riding along the works. At the first assault on the works of the city, young McCornaek, 5 with a comrade, made himself conspicuous for noble courage and fearlessness by carrying from the field several wounded comrades in the midst of a perfect hail of shot and shell. May 22, preceding the second great assault on the fortress, a number of volunteers were called for to lead the as- sault, and McCornaek 5 was quick to respond. In 192 McMillan Genealogy and History. ANDREW McCORNACK 5, of MARTHA M. 4— Continued. speaking of this action recently, he said, ' ' It was fear- ful." The country knew it was at the time. Soon after Vicksburg surrendered he was promoted to a sergeant and given a furlough to visit home. Con- gress voted him a medal of honor for his conspicuous gallantry, which medal is still in his possession, prized beyond all comparison. Young McCornack 5 was along with Sherman on that wonderful flanking campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and for one hundred and ten consecutive days he was constantly within range of the enemies' bullets. He marched with Sherman from Atlanta to the sea and up through the Carolinas and Virginia to Washington. His regiment was detailed to forage for the Army of the Tennessee, and on that great march they reveled in horses and cattle and in the turkeys and sweet potatoes which the old song has made famous. After the grand re- view at Washington his regiment was soon mustered out and Andrew 5 returned to his home and parents in Elgin, 111. At this late day, although a modest man. he delights to talk of the exciting days of his youth, and rejoices that he was a worthy member of "Sher- man's Bummers." To Andrew McCornack 5 and his estimable wife wen- born : 1183 1 Effie Myrtle, 6 born Sept. 19, 1871, in Elgin, 111. 1184 2 Claire Etta, born Aug. 10, 1873, in Elgin, 111. 1185 3 Bertha Estelle, 6 born Nov. 16, 1874, in Elgin, 111. 1186 4 Martha Grace, born Feb. 12, 1877, in Monticello, Minn. 1187 5 Alice Jannette, 6 born Feb. 21, 1879, in Monticello, Minn. 1188 6 Perry Curtis, 6 born Nov. 29, 1881, in Monticello, Minn. 1189 7 Nettie, born Feb. 10, 1884, in Monticello, Minn. 1190 8 Robert Andrew, born Nov. 17, 1886, in Monticello, Minn. 1191 9 Isabelle Emily, born Feb. 9, 1899, in Monticello, Minn. Postoffice address of Andrew McCornack"' and Elsie E., his wife, January, 1908, Monticello, Minn. McMillan Genealogy and History. 193 ANDREW McCORNACK 5, of MARTHA M. 4— Continued. 1183 EFFIE MYRTLE McCORNACK 6 and 1192 BENJAMIN HERMAN MOULTON. 1183 Effie M., 6 the first child of Andrew McCornack 5 and Elsie E., his wife, was married April 28, 1893, in Monticello, Minn., to Benjamin H. Moulton. To them were born : 1193 1 Edward Andrew, 7 born Feb. 21, 1895, in Monticello, Minn. 1194 2 Herbert Alexander, 7 born June 7, 1897, in Monticello, Minn. 1195 3 Ivan Wesley, 7 born Aug. 29, 1901, in Monticello, Minn. 1196 4 Elsie Adelaide, 7 born June 12, 1907, in Beach, N. D. Postoffice address May, 1908, Beach, N. D. 1184 CARRIE ETTA McCORNACK 6 and 1197 NELSON RUFUS LABREE. 1184 Carrie E., 6 the second child of Andrew McCornack 5 and Elsie E., his wife, was married July 31, 1894, in Buffalo, Minn., to Nelson R. Labree. To them were born : 1198 1 Alice Claire, 7 born May 28, 1895, in Monticello, Minn. 1199 2 Lawrence Rufus, 7 born May 13, 1901, in Monticello, Minn. 1200 3 Clarence Andrew, 7 born Dec. 3, 1904, in Monticello, Minn. 1201 4 Robert James, 7 born Aug. 3, 1906, in Monticello, Minn. Postoffice address January, 1908, Monticello, Minn. 1185 BERTHA ESTELLE McCORNACK 6 and 1202 JESSE MOTT. 1185 Bertha E., 6 the third child of Andrew McCornack 3 and Elsie E., his wife, was married Dec. 3, 1900, in Monti- cello, Minn., to Jesse Mott. To them were born: 1203 1 Jennie Estelle, 7 born Oct. 16, 1901, in Clear Lake, Minn. 1204 2 Blanche Luella, 7 born Dec. 15, 1902, in Monticello, Minn. 1205 3 Ai Andrew, 7 born Aug. 14, 1904, in Kenmare, N. D. 1206 4 Margaret Leona, 5 born Jan. 17, 1906, in Monticello, Minn. 1207 5 Eva Esther, 7 born March 11, 1907, in Waite Park, Minn. Postoffice address January, 1908, 1103 Chatsworth St., St. Paul, Minn. 194 McMillan Genealogy and History. ANDREW McCORNACK 5, of MARTHA M. 4— Continued. 1186 MARTHA GRACE McCORNACK 8 and 1208 GEORGE ELMER RICE. 1186 Martha G., 6 the fourth child of Andrew McCornack 1 and Elsie E., his wife, was married July 24, 1902, in Mon- ticello, Minn., to George E. Rice. One child from this union: 1209 1 Cyrus Clyde, 7 born Sept. 13, 1903, in Monticello, Minn. Postoffice address January, 1908, Hasty, Minn. 1187 ALICE JANNETTE McCORNACK 6 and 1210 WILLIAM BARNARD HAGMAN. 1187 Alice J., 6 the fifth child of Andrew McCornack 5 and Elsie E., his wife, was married July 24, 1902, in Monticello. Minn., to William B. Hagman. Postoffice address January, 1908, Milaca, Minn. 1188 PERRY CURTIS McCORNACK 6 and 1211 MABEL ETTA STOKES. 1188 Perry G., 6 the sixth child of Andrew McCornack* and Elsie E., his wife, was married Sept. 19, 1906, in Monti- cello, Minn., to Mabel Etta Stokes. One child from this union: 1212 1 Oriole Madge, 7 born Jan. 2, 1908, in Monticello, Minn. Postoffice address January, 1908, Monticello, Minn. 1189 Nettie, 6 the seventh child of Andrew McCornack 6 and Elsie E., his wife, unmarried and at home with her parents, January, 1908. 1190 Robert A., 6 the eighth child of Andrew McCornack 5 and Elsie E., his wife, died at his father's home in Mizpah, Itasca Co., Minn., January 26, 1908, in the twenty- second year of his age. 1191 Isabelle E., 6 the ninth child of Andrew McCornack 8 and Elsie E., his wife, died June 25, 1894. McMillan Genealogy and History. 195 MARTHA M. McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1177 ELIZABETH JANE McCORNACK 5 and 1213 GEORGE W. CLARK. 1177 Elizabeth, 5 the second child of Martha M. McCornack and John, her husband, was married April 9, 1869, to G. W. Clark, who was born Jan. 27, 1846, in Kane Co., 111. He was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, being a member of an Illinois regiment. He is a farmer and stock raiser in San Benita Co., Cali- fornia. To the above couple were born: 1214 1 Unnamed, 6 born Jan. 9, 1870, in Illinois. 1215 2 Amy, 6 born Feb. 21, 1871, in Kansas. 1216 3 Albert, 6 born Aug. 13, 1873, in Kansas. 1217 4 Lillie, 6 born May 7, 1875, in Kansas. 1218 5 Bertha, 6 born April 17, 1882, in Oregon. Postoffice address of Elizabeth J. Clark 5 and George W., her husband, January, 1908, Llanada, Cal. 1214 The first child of Elizabeth Clark and George W., her husband, died in infancy. 1215 AMY CLARK 6 and 1219 HARRY McDANIEL. 1215 Amy, 6 the second child of Elizabeth Clark 5 and George W., her husband, was married Oct. 28, 1891, in Marys- ville, Cal., to Harry McDaniel, who is a butcher by trade. To them were born : 1220 1 Elmer, 7 born July 28, 1892, in Marysville, Cal. 1221 2 George, 7 born Aug. 4, 1893, in Marysville, Cal. 1222 3 Maud, 7 born June 16, 1896, in Marysville, Cal. 1223 4 Wesley, 7 born Nov. 18, 1905, in Eureka, Cal. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, 412 1-2 First St., Marysville, Cal. 1221 George, 7 the second child of Amy McDaniel 6 and Harry, her husband, died in 1898. 1216 ALBERT CLARK 6 and 1224 . 1216 Albert, 6 the third child of Elizabeth Clark 5 and George W., her husband, was married in 1897 to . He is a moulder by trade. 196 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARTHA M. McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. To them were born: 1225 1 Earl, 7 born July 24, 1898, in Sacramento, Cal. 1226 2 Mildred, 7 born Nov. 4, 1901, in Sacramento, Cal. Postoffice address January, 1908, 1023 Third St., Sacra- mento, Cal. 1217 LILLIE CLARK 6 and 1227 GEORGE McDANIEL. 1217 Lillie, 6 the fourth child of Elizabeth Clark 5 and George W., her husband, was married to George McDaniel, who is a butcher by trade. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, 713 Kentucky St., Vallejo, Cal. 1218 BERTHA CLARK 6 and 1228 JOHN AHART. 1218 Bertha, 6 the fifth child of Elizabeth Clark 5 and George W., her husband, was married in 1905 to John Ahart, who is a farmer. One child from this union: 1229 1 Georgia Elizabeth, born May 24, 1906, in San Benito Co., Cal. Postoffice address January, 1908, Llanada, Cal. 1178 MINERVA McCORNACK 5 and 1230 CHRISTOPHER H. ROWE. 1178 Minerva, 5 the third child of Martha M. McCornack and John, her husband, was married Oct. 9, 1867, to Chris- topher H. Rowe. To them were born: 1231 1 Delia May, 6 born Oct. 9, 1869. 1232 2 John Frank, 6 born Sept. 25, 1871. 1233 3 Eliza, 6 born March 12, 1873. 1234 4 Carrie Minerva, 6 born Dec. 14, 1874. 1235 5 Harrison Andrew, 6 born June 19, 1877. 1751* 6 Katherine Ella, 6 born July 22, 1881. Postoffice address January, 1908, Salem, Ore. *Too late for consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 197 MARTHA M. McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1231 DELLA MAY ROWE 6 and 1752* REV. FRANK H. NEFF. 1231 Delia M., 6 the first child of Minerva Rowe 5 and Christo- pher IT., her husband, was married March 9, 1888, to Rev. Frank H. Neff. To them were born : 1753* 1 Christopher H., 7 born Jan. 16, 1889. 1754* 2 Blanche Myrtle, 7 born Oct. 4, 1890. 1755* 3 Grace Nira, 7 born Jan. 5, 1892. 1756* 4 Lewis Harrison, 7 born Sept. 8, 1895. 1757* 5 Kenneth Franklin, 7 born April 3, 1897. 1758* 6 Delia May, 7 born April 22, 1899. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Salem, Ore., all living children unmarried and at home with their parents. 1232 John Frank, 6 the second child of Minerva Rowe 5 and Christopher H., her husband, died unmarried Nov. 18. 1892, twenty-one years of age. 1233 Eliza, 6 the third child of Minerva Rowe 5 and Christopher H., her husband, died Oct. 13, 1873. 1234 CARRIE MINERVA ROWE 6 and 1759* HARRY D. CHASE. 1234 Carrie M., 6 the fourth child of Minerva Rowe 5 and Chris- topher H., her husband, was married Aug. 16, 1900, to Harry D. Chase. To them were born : 1760* 1 Charles Rolland, 7 born July 12, 1901. 1761* 2 Eugene Rowe, 7 born Dec. 7, 1906. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Salem, Ore. 1235 HARRISON ANDREW ROWE 6 and 1762* KATHERINE BOLES. 1235 Harrison A., 6 the fifth child of Minerva Rowe 5 and Chris- topher H., her husband, was married June 15, 1905, to Katherine Boles. Postoffice address May, 1908, Salem, Ore. *Too late for consecutive numbering;. 198 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARTHA M. McCORNACK 4, of JAMES £. 3— Continued. 1751* KATHERINE ELLA ROWE, 8 and 1763* PHILANDER R. COOPER. 1751* Katherine E., fl the sixth child of Minerva Rowe 5 and Christopher H., her husband, was married Aug. 16, 1900, to Philander R. Cooper. Postoffice address May, 1908, Salem, Ore. 1179 JANET McCORNACK 6 and 1237 ALEXANDER D. TYLER. 1179 Janet, 6 the fourth child of Martha Melinda MeCornack 4 and John, her husband, was married April 30, 1877, in Elgin, 111., to Alexander D. Tyler, who was born Oct. 11, 1852, in Pennsylvania. To them were born : 1238 1 Merton, 6 born Oct. 10, 1879, in Hampshire, 111. 1239 2 Ralph, 6 born Dec. 22, 1883, in Hampshire, 111. 1240 3 Jessie, 6 born March 24, 1886, in Hampshire, 111. Postoffice address of Janet Tyler' and Alexander D., her husband, January, 1908, 615 Highland Ave., Elgin, III. 1238 MERTON TYLER 8 and 1241 BERTHA STUDTMAN. 1238 Merton, 6 the first child of Janet Tyler 6 and Alexander D., her husband, was married in 1907 to Bertha Studtman. Postoffice address January, 1908, 213 North College St., Elgin, 111. 1239 RALPH TYLER 6 and 1242 MAMIE SAVAGE. 1239 Ralph, 6 the second child of Janet Tyler 6 and Alexander D., her husband, was married in 1906 to Mamie Savage. To them were born: 1243 1 Kenneth Ralph, 7 ) twins, born Feb. 18, 1907, in Chicago, 1244 2 Harry Williams, 7 } 111. Postoffice address January, 1908, 405 "West Madison St., Chicago, 111. 1240 Jessie, 6 the third child of Janet Tyler 6 and Alexander D., her husband, unmarried and at home with her parents January, 1908. 1180 Cornelia, 6 the fifth child of Martha Melinda McCornack 4 and John, her husband, died in infancy. •Too late for consecutive numbering. McMillan Genealogy and History. 199 MARTHA M. McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1181 HELEN MARGARET McCORNACK 6 and 1245 PHILLIP H. GRENNAN. 1181 Helen M., 5 the sixth child of Martha M. McCornack 4 and John, her husband, was married Sept. 21, 1881, to Phillip H. Grennan, who was born Feb. 23, 1859. He is proprietor of a livery and sale stable in Chicago. To them were born: 1246 1 Ernest S., 8 born Nov. 21, 1882, in Sac City, la. 1247 2 Percy G., 8 born Jan. 4, 1886, in Dundee, 111. 1248 3 Kenneth L., 8 born Aug. 22, 1887, in Hampshire, III. 1249 4 Phillip II., Jr., 6 born Sept. 4, 1889, in Nokomis, 111. 1250 5 John," born July 21, 1891, in Nokomis, 111. 1251 6 Harry," born June 25, 1893, in Nokomis, 111. 1252 7 Raymond M., 8 born March 12, 1900, in Elgin, III. Postoffice address of Helen E. Grennan 5 and Phillip H., her husband, January, 1908, 222 Warren Ave., Chi- cago, 111. 1246 ERNEST S. GRENNAN 8 and 1253 BELLE THOMPSON. 1246 Ernest S., 6 the first child of Helen E. Grennan 6 and Phil- lip II., her husband, who is a cutter in a shirt factory, was married April 16, 1905, to Belle Thompson, who was born Oct. 9, 1886. One child from this union: 1254 1 Ernest S., Jr., 7 born March 24, 1906. Postoffice address January, 1908, 7 North Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. 1247 Percy G. 6 and (1248) Kenneth L., 6 the second and third children, respectively, of Helen E. Grennan 6 and Phillip II., her husband, are clerks and their address January, 1908, was 222 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. 1249 Phillip H., Jr., 8 the fourth child of Helen E. Grennan' and Phillip II., her husband, is a shop foreman and ad- dress January, 1908, 222 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. 1250 John, 6 the fifth child of Helen E. Grennan 5 and Phillip H., her husband, died July 29, 1891. 1251 Harry, 8 the sixth child of Helen E. Grennan 5 and Phillip H., her husband, died Sept. 3, 1893. 200 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARTHA M. McCORNACK 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1252 Raymond M., 6 the seventh child of Helen E. Grennan' and Phillip II.. her husband, at home with his parenls January, 1908. 1092 Henry, 4 the third child of James Enos McMillan' 1 and Betsey E., his wife, died in 1832 in Port Covington, N. Y., aged six years. MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1093 MARGARET ELIZA McMILLAN 4 and 1255 SAMUEL WILSON. 1093 Margaret E., 4 the fourth child of James E. McMillan and Betsey E., his wife, was married Oct. 2, 1845, in Elgin, 111., to Samuel Wilson, who was born in Duchess Co., N. Y., March 17, 1817. In early life he was a farmer. About 1854 he moved to Hesper, la., then to Fillmore Co., Minn., and in 1874 moved to Browns- ville, Ore., where for several years he kept a hotel. To this couple were born : 1256 1 Emma,' born 1847, in Elgin, 111. 1257 2 Herbert,"' born 1849, in Elgin, 111. 1258 3 Ella M., B born Jan. 21, 1852, in Elgin, 111. 1259 4 Jane, 5 born 1853, in Hesper, la. 1260 5 Charles, 5 born 1855, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1261 6 Marietta, 5 born 1857, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1262 7 John H., 5 born April, 1858, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1263 8 James W., 5 born Jan. 31, 1860, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1264 9 Junietta, 5 born Dec. 18. 1862, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1265 10 Samuel. 5 1266 11 Delia M., 5 born Sept. 2. 1866, in Fillmore Co.. Minn. 1267 12 Charles B., 5 born Aug. 11, 1867, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1268 13 George Arthur, 5 born July 24, 1869, in Fillmore Co.. Minn. 1255 Samuel Wilson, the father of the above thirteen chil- dren, died March 27, 1883, in Brownsville, Ore., ag^l sixty-six years. McMillan Genealogy and History. 201 MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1093 MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4 and 1269 BARNEY JACKSON. 1255 Samuel Wilson having died, as before stated, Margaret E. 4 married for her second husband Barney Jackson. No children from this union. 1269 Barney Jackson died in 1898 in Brownsville, Ore. 1093 Margaret E., 4 his widow, died April 1, 1907, in Browns- ville, Ore., aged seventy-nine years. 1256 Emma, 5 the first child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Sam uel, her husband, died in infancy. 1257 Herbert, 5 the second child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Samuel, her husband, died in infancy. 1258 ELLA M. WILSON 5 and 1270 GEORGE A. DYSON. 1258 Ella M., B the third child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Samuel, her husband, was married Dec. 11, 1870, in Florence, la., to George A. Dyson, of English parent- age. He was for a time in the hardware business in Florence, la., later in Dodge Co., Minn. In 1874 he moved to Oregon, where he embarked in the newspaper- field, but finally went to gold mining and was very successful. January, 1908, having sold out his mines to advantage, he started a job printing office in Eu- gene, Ore., where he is doing well. To the above couple were born : 1271 1 Alta M., 6 born Sept. 8, 1872, in Dodge Centre, Minn. 1272 2 Edna Frances, 6 born Nov. 15, 1878, in Brownsville, Ore. 1273 3 George Herbert,* 5 born June 11, 1885, in Brownsville. Ore. 1274 4 George Verne, 6 born May 16, 1890, in Brownsville, Ore. Postoffice address January, 1908, Eugene, Ore. 1271 ALTA M. DYSON 6 and 1275 JESSE E. CROSS. 1271 Alta M., 6 the first child of Ella M. Dyson 5 and George A., her husband, was married May 13, 1894, in Browns- ville, Ore., to Jesse E. Cross, who is engaged in plumb ing and hardware business. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Eugene, Ore. 202 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1272 EDNA FRANCES DYSON 6 and 1276 ANDREW B. RINTOUL. 1272 Edna F., 6 the second child of Ella M. Dyson 5 and George A., her husband, was married Dec. 1, 1900, in Eugene, Ore., to Andrew B. Rintoul, who was born in Scotland. He is a dealer in woolen goods. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Portland, Ore. 1273 George H., 6 the third child of Ella M. Dyson 5 and George A., her husband, died Jan. 24, 1888. 1274 George Verne, 6 the fourth child of Ella M. Dyson 5 and George A., her husband, at home with his parents Jan- uary, 1908. 1259 Jane, 5 (1260) Charles 5 and (1261) Marietta, 5 the fourth, fifth and sixth children, respectively, of Margaret E. Wilson and Samuel, her husband, died in infancy. 1262 JOHN H. WILSON 5 and 1277 ANNIE WOODS. 1262 John H., 5 the seventh child of Margaret Eliza Wilson* and Samuel, her husband, who is a contractor in Seat- tle, Wash., was married Oct. 11, 1886, in Brownsville, Ore., to Annie Woods. To them were born: 1278 1 Roy H., 6 born Aug. 27, 1883, in Brownsville, Ore. 1279 2 Samuel, 6 born April 12, 1885, in Brownsville, Ore. 1280 3 Ruby Mae, 6 born July 6, 1889, in Brownsville, Ore. 1281 4 Edward, 6 born Aug. 16, 1892, in Seattle, Wash. 1282 5 Harold, 6 born Aug. 4, 1899, in Seattle, Wash. Postoffice address of John H. Wilson 5 and Annie, his wife, and all living children, Seattle, Wash. 1279 Samuel, 6 the second child of John H. Wilson 5 and Annie, his wife, died March 12, 1887. 1263 JAMES W. WILSON 5 and 1283 MRS. FLORENCE LOCK. 1263 James W., 5 the eighth child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Samuel, her husband, is a dealer in real estate. He was married March 1, 1886, in Albany, Ore., to Mrs. Florence Lock. To them were born : McMillan Genealogy and History. 203 MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1284 1 Harry L., 6 born Aug. 3, 1888, in Brownsville, Ore. 1285 2 Marguerite, 6 born March 9, 1891, in Brownsville, Ore. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Brownsville, Ore. 1264 JUNIETTA WILSON 5 and 1286 WILLIAM SILAS POWELL. 1264 Junietta, 5 the ninth child of Margaret E. Wilson* and Samuel, her husband, was married Jan. 23, 1879, in Brownsville, Ore., to William S. Powell, who is a farmer by occupation. To them were born: 1287 1 Hiram Delbert, 6 born Oct. 7, 1880, in Brownsville, Ore. 1288 2 Irene Belle, 6 born July 5, 1882, in Brownsville, Ore. 1289 3 Charles W., 6 born April 7, 1884, in Brownsville, Ore. 1290 4 Margaret, 6 born Oct. 25, 1886, in Brownsville, Ore. 1291 5 Arthur Silas, 6 born Sept. 24, 1888, in Brownsville, Ore. 1292 6 Lloyd Wilson, 6 born Oct. 25, 1890, in Brownsville, Ore. 1293 7 Junietta Hazel, 6 born April 2, 1894, in Brownsville, Ore. 1294 8 Eunice, 6 born Sept. 23, 1897, in Brownsville, Ore. 1295 9 Jessie Helen, 6 born June 11, 1902, in Brownsville, Ore. Postoffice address of Junietta Powell 5 and William S., her husband, January, 1908, Brownsville, Ore. 1287 HIRAM DELBERT POWELL 6 and 1296 ETHLYN EDWARDS. 1287 Hiram D., 6 the first child of Junietta Powell and William S., her husband, was married June 5, 1907, in Bend, Ore., to Ethlyn Edwards. He is overseer of a large irrigating plant in Eastern Oregon. Postoffice address . 1288 IRENE BELLE POWELL 6 and 1297 ROLAND V. HENDERSON. 1288 Irene B., 6 the second child of Junietta Powell 5 and Wil- liam S., her husband, was married Dec. 2, 1903, in Brownsville, Ore., to Roland V. Henderson. To them were born : 1298 1 Kenneth Leighton, 7 born June 28, 1904, in Brownsville, Ore. 204 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1299 2 Lloyd, 7 born May 25, 1906, in Brownsville, Ore. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Brownsville, Ore. 1289 Charles W.. G the third child of Junietta Powell 5 and Wil- liam S., her husband, died Feb. 25, 1887. 1290 Margaret, 6 the fourth child of Junietta Powell 5 and Wil- liam S., her husband, died April 2, 1888. 1291 Arthur S. 6 (1293) Junietta H. 6 and (1295) Jessie H.,« the fifth, seventh and ninth children, respectively, of Ju- nietta Powell 5 and William S., her husband, at home with their parents January, 1908. 1292 Lloyd Wilson. 6 the sixth child of Junietta Powell 5 and William S., her husband, died Sept. 28. 1902, twelve years of age. 1294 Eunice, 6 the eighth child of Junietta Powell 5 and Wil- liam S., her husband, died Aug. 5, 1900. 1265 SAMUEL WILSON 5 and 1300 SADA ARMENTIA SKINNER. 1265 Samuel, 5 the tenth child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Samuel, her husband, was married Oct. 3, 1886, in Has- ley, Ida., to Sada A. Skinner, who was born Oct. 4, 1873, in Pennsylvania. Samuel is a miner in Idaho. To them were born : 1301 1 Earnest, 6 born Dec. 12, 1888. 1302 2 Earl, 6 born June 17, 1891. 1303 3 Jay, 6 born June 4, 1894. 1304 4 Samuel, Jr., 6 born Feb. 7, 1897. Postoffice address January, 1908, Warren, Ida. 1266 DELL A M. WILSON 5 and 1305 WILLIAM H. FIELDS. 1266 Delia M., 5 the eleventh child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Samuel, her husband, was married Dec. 23, 1883, in Brownsville, Ore., to William H. Fields. One child from this union : 1306 1 Gertrude G., 6 born Dec. 15, 1884, in Umatilla, Ore. 1305 William H. Fields, the father of the above child, was drowned in British Columbia, in 1904. Postoffice address of Delia M., 5 his widow, January, 1908, Vancouver, B. C. McMillan Genealogy and History. 205 MARGARET ELIZA WILSON 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1306 GERTRUDE G. FIELDS 6 and 1307 J. H. PRIDE. 1306 Gertrude G., 6 the only child of Delia M. Fields 5 and Wil- liam H., her husband, was married Feb. 27, 1907, to J. H. Pride. Postoffice address January, 1908, Vancouver, B. C. 1267 CHARLES B. WILSON 5 and 1308 ANNIE MOORE. 1267 Charles B., 5 the twelfth child of Margaret E. Wilson 4 and Samuel, her husband, was married Aug. 2, 1889, in Brownsville, Ore., to Annie Moore. Charles B. 5 is in a woolen mill engaged as wool sorter, being skilled in that line. To this couple were born: 1309 1 Hazel Gertrude, 6 born April 26, 1890, in Brownsville, Ore. 1310 2 Aubrey Merritt, 6 born June 24, 1898, in Oregon City, Ore. 1311 3 Clarence Bruce, 6 born Dec. 10, 1906, in Oregon City, Ore. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Oregon City, Ore. 1268 GEORGE ARTHUR WILSON 5 and 1312 ELLA LEMASTER. 1268 George A., 5 the thirteenth child of Margaret E. Wilson and Samuel, her husband, was married April 19, 1893, in Brownsville, Ore., to Ella Lemaster. He is a mar- ket gardener near Salem, Ore. To the above couple were born : 1313 1 Herbert Vayne, 6 born April 26, 1894, in Brownsville, Ore. 1314 2 Donald Leon, 6 born Dec. 30, 1896, in Brownsville, Ore. 1315 3 Raymond Reece, 6 born Sept. 12, 1900, in Brownsville, Ore. 1316 4 Margaret Ruth, 6 born Aug. 12, 1902, in Brownsville, Ore. 1317 5 Georgia Ella, 6 born Aug. 16, 1905, in Brownsville, Ore. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Salem, Ore. 206 McMillan Genealogy and History. ARTHUR CHARLES McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1094 ARTHUR CHARLES McMILLAN 4 and 1318 REBECCA CHEEVERS. 1094 Arthur C., 4 the fifth child of James E. McMillan 3 and Betsey E., his wife, was married Feb. 2, 1854, in Elgin. 111., to Rebecca Cheevers. In writing a sketch of Ar- thur C. McMillan, 4 the writer cannot do better than quote from one who knew him well and loved him: "He was as near a perfect man as this world ever pro- duces. Gentle and refined in manner and disposition, the best people were drawn to him and became his warmest friends. Possessing a deep spirituality, his life and example ever taught the lesson of divine love , of Christ and the Bible. Any one who ever knew him was a better man, a better citizen and a better Chris- tian for having met him, and contemplated the grand- ness of his character. He had the rare faculty of see- ing only the good around him. He could be grieved, but he never criticised. He was a fluent and gracious talker, and a visit with him was like listening to a lec- ture or a sermon. Many have drawn inspiration therefrom for lofty purposes and a higher life." Arthur C. 4 was a man of strong intellect and wonderful memory. He was intensely loyal to his family and to those of his own blood. He took great interest in this work and furnished much valuable information of his ancestors. He was tireless in his efforts to assist his niece, Mrs. Ida Ferris Waterman, 5 in gathering and preparing data to be embodied in the "McMillan Genealogy and History." To the sorrow of all his kindred far and near, he passed to his reward before the work was completed. He moved from Fort Cov- ington, N. Y., with his parents when a small boy. He lived in Illinois, Minnesota and Iowa. His last years were spent at the home of his daughter, Lunetta Jane Mcintosh in Cresco, la. To Arthur Charles McMillan 4 and Rebecca, his wife, were born: 1319 1 James Henry, 6 born Nov. 21, 1853. 1320 2 Alvah Alexander, 5 born October, 1858. Arthur Charles .McMillan 1 and Rebecca, his Wife No. 1004 No. 1318 James H. McMil No. 1319 Ian" and No. Wife 1331 McMillan Genealogy and History. 207 ARTHUR CHARLES McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1321 3 Andrew Peleg, 5 born Nov. 7, 1859, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1322 4 Libbie Sophia, 5 born Oct. 13, 1861. 1323 5 John Arthur, 5 born Jan. 27, 1875. 1324 6 Lunetta Jane, 5 born Dec. 4, 1879, in Cresco, la. 1318 Rebecca McMillan, the mother of the above six children, died Dec. 7, 1893, in Cresco, la. 1094 Arthur Charles McMillan 4 died Nov. 15, 1907, in Cresco, la., aged seventy-six years. 1319 JAMES HENRY McMILLAN 5 and 1325 MARTHA ANN BRIERLY. 1319 James H., 5 the first child of Arthur C. McMillan 4 and Re- becca, his wife, was married Feb. 14, 1884, to Martha Ann Brierly in Cresco, la. He is a farmer in Minnesota. To this couple were born: 1326' 1 Mary Arlie, 6 born Dec. 10, 1885, in Cresco, la. 1327 2 Myrtle May, 6 born Nov. 22, 1887, in Sanborn, N. D. 1328 3 Eugenia Ann, 6 born April 11, 1890, in Sanborn, N. D. 1329 4 Ollie Rebecca, 6 born Aug. 28, 1892, in Cresco, la. 1330 5 William Arthur, 6 born February, 1897, in Cresco, la. 1325 Martha A. McMillan, the mother of the above five chil- dren, died March 4, 1897. 1319 JAMES HENRY McMILLAN 5 and 1331 MRS. EMMA MARGARET WILSON. 1325 Martha Ann, the first wife of James H. McMillan, 6 having died as before mentioned, he married for his second wife, Oct. 7, 1902, in Cresco, la., Mrs. Emma M. Wilson. No children from this union. Postoffice address of James H. McMillan 5 and Emma M.. his wife, January, 1908, Big Lake, Minn. 1326 Mary Arlie, 6 the first child of James H. McMillan 5 and Martha Ann, his first wife, January, 1908, was unmar- ried and at home with her parents in Big Lake, Minn. 1327 MYRTLE MAY McMILLAN 6 and 1332 WILLIAM EDGAR SYKES. 1327 Myrtle May, 6 the second child of James H. McMillan 5 and Martha Ann, his first wife, was married Feb. 7, 1905, at Big Lake, Minn., to William E. Sykes, one child resulting: 208 McMillan Genealogy and History. ARTHUR CHARLES McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1333 1 Florence May, 7 born July 1, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Big Lake, Minn. 1328 Eugenia May 6 and (1329) Ollie Rebecca, 6 the third and fourth children, respectively, of James H. McMillan 5 and Martha Ann, his first wife, were living in Cresco, la., which was postoffice address January, 1908. 1330 William A., 6 the fifth child of James H. McMillan 5 and Martha Ann, his first wife, was adopted at his moth- er's death by his aunt, Mrs. J. S. Marsh, of Cresco, la. 1320 Alvah A., 5 the second child of Arthur C. McMillan 4 and Rebecca, his wife, died Sept. 4, 1872, fourteen years of age. 1321 ANDREW PELEG McMILLAN 5 and 1334 STELLA HARD. 1321 Andrew P., 5 the third child of Arthur C. McMillan 4 and Rebecca, his wife, was married April 22, 1884, in Le- roy, Minn., to Stella Hard, who was born Nov. 22, 1859, in Decorah, la. Andrew P. 5 is engaged in general merchandising in Conde, S. D., and doing a prosper- ous business. To the above couple were born : 1335 1 Arthur E., 6 born March 5, 1885, in Cresco, la. 1336 2 Calla Maud, 8 born Jan. 24, 1888, in Conde, S. D. 1337 3 John Wesley, 6 born Sept. 13, 1890, in Conde, S. D. 1338 4 Leone Dunbar, 6 born Jan. 21, 1894, in Conde, S. D. 1339 5 Lloyd Fountain, 6 born Sept. 18, 1898, in Conde, S. D. Postoffice address January, 1908, Conde, S. D., children all unmarried and at home with their parents. 1322 LIBBIE SOPHIA McMILLAN 5 and 1340 GEORGE MILLER. 1322 Libbie S., 5 the fourth child of Arthur C. McMillan 4 and Rebecca, his wife, was married Dec. 13, 1884, in Cresco, la., to George Miller, who is a buyer and shipper of live stock. To them were born: 1341 1 George Earl, 6 born Sept. 15, 1885, in Cresco, la. 1342 2 Harrison Arthur, 6 born April 25, 1887, in Cresco, la. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cresco, la. Arthur E. McMillan 6 No. 1335 McMillan Genealogy and History. 209 ARTHUR CHARLES McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1323 John A., 5 the fifth child of Arthur C. McMillan 4 and Re- , becca, his wife, died June 7, 1877, in Cresco, la. ■ 1324 LUNETTA JANE McMILLAN 5 and 1343 DUNCAN McINTOSH. 1324 Lunetta J., 5 the sixth child of Arthur C. McMillan 4 and Rebecca, his wife, was married Dec. 26, 1899, in Cresco, la., to Duncan Mcintosh. This couple won the love and kindest regards of all their acquaintances by their tender care and filial consideration of Lunetta 's father, Arthur C. McMillan, 4 who made his home with them during the last years of his life. She has ever been a kind, loving daughter, while Duncan vied with her in his treatment of the noble old man, who was a welcome member of his household. To them were born: 1344 1 Arthur Alexander, 6 born Feb. 9, 1902, in Cresco, la. 1345 2 Hugh, 6 born August, 1907, in Cresco, la. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cresco. la. 210 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHAPTER IX. SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1095 SARAH JANE McMILLAN 4 and 1345A NATHAN RICHARDSON. 1095 Sarah Jane, 4 the sixth child of James E. McMillan 3 and Betsey E., his wife, was married when very young to Nathan Richardson, who died four months after mar- riage. 1095 SARAH JANE RICHARDSON 4, and 1346 ELIAS K. FERRIS. 1345A Nathan Richardson having died, as before stated, Sarah J., 4 his widow, married for her second husband, Sept. 25, 1853, Elias K. Ferris, who was born in Duchess Co., N. Y., but early moved to Illinois. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in the One Hundred Second Illinois Infantry. Was discharged in 1863 on account of a broken leg, but enlisted again in 1865 in the Third Minnesota Infantry and served until the end of the war. He came from a military family. An ancestor on his father's side was a colonel in the Revolutionary Army. His mother's mother was the granddaughter of Gen. Stark of the Revolution. Himself a patriot. Elias K. Ferris, with three brothers, served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was a man of sterling qualities, strictest integrity, and of strong character. He was always a student, capable as a speaker and always ranged himself on the side of right and justice. He had much ability as a writer, often contributing forcible articles to the press of his vicin- ity. From him, doubtless, his gifted daughters inher- ited much of their literary and dramatic ability. He was a prominent Grand Army man, working in season and out for the good of that order. Following his children, he settled near Doland, S. D., in 1883 and later moved to Montana. Of Sarah J. McMillan Ferris we quote again from one who knew and loved her: "Words would fail to ex- Elias K. Ferris No. 1346 Airs. Jane McMillan Ferris* No. 1095 McMillan Genealogy and History. 211 SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. press the beauty of her life and character. She drew every one to her by the chords of love and gentleness. Her life and actions inspired all who met her to live a better life. During the Civil War, while her husband was giving the vigor and freshness of his manhood for his country, she was at home working, hoping, pray- ing, and training their children in the ways of patri- otism and fidelity. She was a beautiful singer. Had so sweet and clear a voice that she was known in her home country as the young Jenny Lind. Both Sarah J. 4 and her husband were lifelong members of the Bap- tist church and were cheerful, hopeful, believing, con- sistent Christians. To them were born: 1347 1 Ida Celesta, 5 born May 4, 1855, in Sycamore, 111. 1348 2 Theoda Stark, 5 born 1856. 1349 3 Emma Josephine, 5 born Jan. 1, 1858, in Minnesota. 1350 4 John Charles, 5 born October, 1859, in Fillmore Co.. Minn. 1351 5 Coueheta Amanda, 5 born Jan. 8, 1861. in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1352 6 Edward Henry, 5 born Aug. 16, 1864, in Preston, Minn. 1353 7 Harry Katelle, 5 born March 26, 1869, in Fillmore Co., Minn. 1354 8 Frederic Washington, 5 born June 4, 1872, near Cresco, la. 1095 Sarah Jane Ferris, 4 the mother of the above eight chil- dren, died May 26, 1896, in South Dakota, in the sixty- fourth year of her age. 1346 Elias K. Ferris died June 14, 1898, near Great Falls, Mont, 1347 IDA CELESTA FERRIS 5 and 1355 FRANK BAINBRIDGE WATERMAN. 1347 Ida C., 5 the first child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, was married Dec. 13, 1884, in South Da- kota to Frank B. AA T aterman, who was born in Bara- boo, Wis., Nov. 8, 1855. She received a good educa- tion in high school and in a seminary and began teach- ing at an early age and became a very successful teacher in Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota and Mon- tana. For years she held state certificates in ail of 212 McMillan Genealogy and History. SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. these states. She once was nominated for county su- perintendent of schools, but failed of election owing to certain political exigencies. She has always been a student; always striving for higher and grander things. She inherits from her grand old father a noble courage, a strict sense of right and justice and from her mother all the sweet, noble attributes which go to make a perfect woman, wife and mother. She is a tireless worker. Her hands, her brain and her pen are never idle. She always sees the need of work and effort in this world. So, in the words of Long- fellow, she goes on "Still achieving, still pursuing." Ida C. s has given particular attention to elocution. She is a dramatic reader of a high order. Her per- formances in public are highly spoken of by the press. She is a successful teacher of elocution and is also a Avriter of ability, especially of poetry. Being early left a widow, she has maintained and educated her children by her efforts in her chosen field. While teaching in South Dakota she located and proved up a homestead, and in Montana secured a desert claim. She is certainly an able and successful woman. Frank B. Waterman was a young man of fine character and proved a worthy companion of his talented wife. To them were born : 1356 1 Dana Jennie Frances, 6 born Aug. 17, 1889, in Conde, S. D. 1357 2 Dean Ferris, born April 5, 1891. in Doland, S. D. 1355 Frank B. Waterman, the father of the above two chil- dren, died Jan. 26, 1892, in Conde, S. D. Postoffice address of Ida Celesta Waterman, May. 1908, Oakes, N. D. 1356 Dana J. F., 6 the first child of Ida C. Waterman 5 and Frank B., her husband, is a beautiful and accomplished girl. At seventeen she was graduated from the high school in Austin, Minn., and at eighteen she finished a commercial course in business college. She has much of her mother's dramatic ability, and no doubt has a useful and interesting future. May, 1908, unmarried and living with her mother at Oakes, N. D. Mrs. Ida Ferris Waterman 5 No. 13 4 7 McMillan Genealogy and History. 213 SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1357 Dean F., 6 the second child of Ida C. Waterman and Frank B., her husband, is a bright, promising boy, and May, 1908, lived in Choteau, Mont. 1343 Theoda S., 5 the second child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, died in January, 1858. 1349 EMMA JOSEPHINE FERRIS 5 and 1358 SAMUEL BACUM. 1349 Emma J., 5 the third child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, was married in June, 1892, to Samuel Bacum. One child from this union : 1359 1 Donald Haswell, 6 born Jan. 29, 1894. in Doland, S. D. Soon after the birth of this child her husband disap- peared, and has never returned. In time Emma J. 5 procured a divorce. 1349 EMMA JOSEPHINE BACUM 5 and 1360 CHARLES RICHARD HAUXWELL. After being divorced from Samuel Bacum, Emma J. 5 married for her second husband Charles R. Hauxwell, who was born in Yorkshire, England, Oct. 19, 1861. It has been said of Emma J. 5 that "she is the biggest- hearted, most unselfish member of this big-hearted, unselfish family; practical, thrifty, generous and strong; a woman whom it is a pleasure to know." One child from her second marriage : 1361 2 Richard Courtney, born Oct. 17, 1895. Postoffice address of Emma J. Hauxwell 5 and family May, 1908, Great Falls, Mont. 1350 JOHN CHARLES FERRIS 5 and 1362 MARGARET YOUNG. 1350 John C., 5 the fourth child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, was married in Frankfort, S. D., March 23, 1899, to Margaret Young, who was born in Dunbar Parish, Scotland. "Honest John," as he was called, was educated in the high school in Cresco, la. Like his father, he is a man of correct principles, strong character and a kind, affectionate husband and father. To him and his lovely wife was born one child : 214 McMillan Genealogy and History. SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1363 1 Lillias Ruth, 6 born Dec. 22, 1905. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Frankfort, S. D. 1351 COUCHETA AMANDA FERRIS 5 and 1364 REV. GEORGE W. LUTZ. 1351 Coucheta A., 5 the fifth child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, was married June 1, 1885, in Doland, S. D., to Rev. George W. Lutz, a Methodist minister. She was graduated from the high school in Cresco, la., at the age of eighteen and early in life became a consistent Christian. Like her older sister, Coucheta A. 5 is gifted as an elocutionist and reader. From her mother she inherits a beautiful voice. A friend has said of her: "She is a singer, a reader, a lecturer, a preacher and a devoted wife and mother." What more can be said? Her husband was born in Wooster, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1868. He is said to be a very excellent man and a gifted preacher. He commands the confidence of his parishioners wherever he labors and is very successful in his ministrations. With the support and assistance of his noble, gifted wife, he is making a mark in the Avorld. They are prominent and strong, not only in their church work, but in all the walks of life, taking advanced positions on all sub- jects which interest and agitate the masses. To them were born : 1365 1 Roland Ray, born April 5, 1886, in Frankfort, S. 1). 1366 2 Marguerita Jane, born June 13, 1888, in Frankfort, S. D. 1367 3 Abigail Scott Dunaway, born Dec. 18. 1891, in Morton, S. D. 1368 I Imogene Ferris, born Jan. 27, 1894, in Morton, S. I). 1369 5 George Leland McKinley, born April 2. 1896, in Wells, Minn. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Austin, Minn., where George AV. Lutz is pastor of the Methodist church. 1352 EDWARD HENRY FERRIS 5 and 1370 HARRIET PAYNE. 1352 Edward 11./' the sixth child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, was married in 1891, in Red- McMillan Genealogy and History. 215 t SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. field, S. D., to Harriet Payne. He was the clown and funmaker of the family ; a good singer, a good speaker, a thoroughly upright and just man ; strong in his con- victions and with courage to maintain them. He learned the harness trade and is a partner in a large harness and leather store in Oakes, N. D. To t,he above couple were born : 1371 1 Benjamin Ray. 1372 2 Emerson Fay. 6 1373 3 Harry' Payne. 6 1370 Harriet Ferris, the mother of the above three children, lied in 1899. Jstoffice address of Edward H. Ferris and children March, 1908, Oakes, N. D. 1353 HARRY KATELLE FERRIS 5 and 1374 LITTA MARY GORDON. 1353 Harry K., 5 the seventh child of Sarah J. Ferris* and Elias K., her husband, was married March 5, 1902, in Choteau, Mont., to Litta M. Gordon. He was ever a strong, robust man and a great help to his father in his later years. He has ever kept up the high moral standard of the Ferris family. To the above couple were born : 1375 1 Gordon Haswell, 6 born in 1904. 1376 2 Theoda Stark, 6 born in 1907. Postoffice address of family March, 1908. Choteau, Mont. 1354 FREDERIC WASHINGTON FERRIS 5 and 1377 JULIA SCHEMERHORN. 1354 Frederic W., 5 the eighth child of Sarah J. Ferris 4 and Elias K., her husband, was married May 1, 1898, in Choteau, Mont., to Julia Schemerhorn. A friend who knows him says of Frederic, 5 when he was a young man: "Impetuous, headstrong, quick to learn, as quick to forget, easily led, hard to drive, never idle, always to be trusted, making friends easily and losing them without shedding tears." He has proved him- self a good and successful man. To this couple were born : i # 216 McMillan Genealogy and History. SARAH JANE FERRIS 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1378 1 Luella Jane, 6 born Jan. 20, 1899, in Choteau, Mont. 1379 2 Frederic Homer, 6 born May 4, 1890, in Choteau, Mont. 1380 3 Margaret, 6 born in 1903, in Choteau, Mont. 1381 4 Merwin F., 6 born in 1905, in Choteau, Mont. Postoffiee address of family March, 1908, Choteau, Mont. BETSEY CORNELIA BARNES 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1096 BETSEY CORNELIA McMILLAN 4 and 1382 ALVAH ELIAS BARNES. 1096 Betsey Cornelia, 4 the seventh child of James E. McMil- lan 3 and Betsey E., his wife, was married June 7, 1857. to Alvah E. Barnes, who was born in Ohio, Nov. 4, f ' 1837. To them were born: 1383 1 M. Haswell, 5 born June 15, 1859. 1384 2 Enos R., 5 born Sept, 30, 1860. 1385 3 Fernando, 5 born Feb. 19, 1865. 1386 4 Ishmael Worth, 5 born April 4. 1875. 1387 5 Alta E.. 5 born May 1, 1877. Postoffiee address of Betsey C. Barnes and Alvah E., her husband, May, 1908, Lake, Neb. 1383 M. HASWELL BARNES 3 and 1388 EVA R. NICHOLS. 1383 M. Haswell, 5 the first child of Betsey C. Barnes 4 and Alvah E., her husband, was married Sept. 26, 1880. to Eva R. Nichols. To them were born: 1389 1 Merlin D., 6 born Feb. 25, 1882. 1390 2 Ray, 6 born Dec. 8, 1893. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Dumont. la. 1389 MERLIN D. BARNES 6 and 1391 FLORENCE JACKSON. 1389 Merlin D., 6 the first child of M. Haswell Barnes 5 and Eva R., his wife, was married Sept. 27, 1903, to Flor- ence Jackson. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Cody, Neb. McMillan Genealogy and History. 217 BETSEY CORNELIA BARNES 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1384 ENOS R. BARNES 5 and 1392 FLUTIE SHERMAN. 1384 Enos R., 5 the second child of Betsey C. Barnes 4 and Al- vah E., her husband, was married Sept. 28, 1886, to Flutie Sherman, who was born in Iowa Co., Wis., July 3, 1868. To them were born : 1393 1 Elmer, 6 born Aug. 26, 1887. 1394 2 Myrtle, 6 born June 14, 1889. 1395 3 Howard, 6 born June 30, 1894. 1396 4 Alvah, 6 born Aug. 27, 1896. 1397 5 Eva, 6 born Oct. 16, 1902. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lake, Neb. All chil- dren except Myrtle, 6 the second child, at home with their parents. 1394 MYRTLE BARNES 6 and 1398 WALTER GOODEEN. 1394 Myrtle, 6 the second child of Enos R. Barnes 5 and Flutie, his wife, was married Sept. 28,1906, to Walter Goodeen. One child from this union: 1399 1 Elmer Glenn, 7 born July 21, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lake, Neb. 1385 FERNANDO BARNES 5 and 1400 IDA BLAUFUS. 1385 Fernando, 5 the third child of Betsey C. Barnes 4 and Al- vah E., her husband, was married April 2, 1884, in Bristow, la., to Ida Blaufus, who was born in Grant Co., Wis., Dec. 2, 1862. To them were born : 1401 1 May E., 6 born June 6, 1886, in Bristow, la. 1402 2 Cecil, 6 born Aug. 18, 1888, in Lake, Cherry Co., Neb. 1403 3 Alta Maud, 6 born July 19, 1891, in Lake, Cherry Co., Neb. 1404 4 Harry Herbert, 6 born June 5, 1893, in Lake, Cherry Co., Neb. 1405 5 Bryan Arthur, 6 born July 3, 1896, in Lake, Cherry Co., Neb. 1406 6 Ellsworth Alvah, 6 born March 25. 1899, in Lake, Cherry Co., Neb. 21S McMillan Genealogy and History. BETSEY CORNELIA BARNES 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continue* 1407 7 Mildred Joyce, 6 born March 26, 1902, in Lake, Chefty Co., Neb. 1408 8 Claire Douglas," born Nov. 2, 1904, in Lake, Cherr Neb. Postoffice address of Fernando Barnes 5 and Ida, his wife, and all living children January, 1908, Lake, Neb. 1404 Harry Herbert, the fourth child of Fernando Barnes"' and Ida, his wife, died Dec. 18, 1893. 1406 Ellsworth Alvah, 6 the sixth child of Fernando Barnes 5 and Ida, his wife, died September, 1899. 1386 Ishmael, 5 the fourth child of Betsy C. Barnes 4 and Al- vah E., her husband, died Jan. 7, 1876. 1387 ALTA E. BARNES 5 and 1409 FRANK W. SHERBURN. 1387 Alta, 5 the fifth child of Betsey C. Barnes 5 and Alvah E., her husband, was married June 7, 1896, to Frank W. Sherburn, who was born in Clarksville, la., Jan. 25, 1868. To them were born : 1410 1 Harold B., G born May 23, 1898. 1411 2 Gerald B., ,: born Feb. 16, 1906, in Ainsworth, Neb. Postoffice address January, 1908, Ainsworth, Neb. 1410 Harold B.,' : the first child of Alta E. Sherburn 5 and Frank W., her husband, died March 21, 1902. AMANDA SUSAN RUCKER 4, of JAMES E. 3. J 1097 AMANDA SUSAN McMILLAN 4 and ' 1412 THADDEUS RUCKER. 1097 Amanda S.. 4 the eighth child of James E. McMillan 5 and Betsey E., his wife, was married June 20, 1862, in Fill- more Co., Minn., to Thaddeus Rucker, who was born in Wilmington, Ohio, Aug. 30, 1839. He was a sol- dier in the Civil War, being a member of the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery, in which he did valiant service. * To the above couple were Corn : 1413 1 Arthur Henry, 5 born March 7, 1863, in Pleasant Grove. Minn. 1414 2 Thaddeus Gibson, 5 born Dec. 5. 1865, in Jackson, Minn. / McMillan Genealogy and History. 219 AMANDA SUSAN RUCKER 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1415 3 Virginia Adelia, 5 born March 25, 1868, in Jackson, Minn. 1416 4 Milton Haswell, 5 born Jan. 18, 1870, in Jackson, Minn. 1417 5 John Ellsworth,"' born Jan. 8, 1874, in Jackson, Minn. 1418 6 James Bird, 5 born Dec. 25. 1876, in Fort Dodge, la. 1419 7 Ellsworth Enos, 5 born Jan. 9, 1880, in Cresco, la. Postoffice address of Amanda S. Rucker 4 and Thaddeus, her husband, May, 1908, Osage, la. 1413 ARTHUR HENRY RUCKER 3 and 1420 MINNIE WHITE. 1413 Arthur H., 5 the first child of Amanda S. Rucker 4 and Thaddeus, her husband, was married Sept. 24, 1891, in Cresco, la., to Minnie White. One child from this union : 1421 Arthur Haswell, 6 born Nov. 15, 1898. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cresco, la. 1414 Thaddeus G., 5 the second child of Amanda S. Rucker' and Thaddeus, her husband, died March 23, 1866. 1415 VIRGINIA ADELIA RUCKER 5 and 1422 ARTHUR LOOMIS. 1415 Virginia A., 5 the third child of Amanda S. Rucker 4 and Thaddeus, her husband, was married May 15, 1890, in Cresco, la., to Arthur Loomis. One child from this union : 1423 1 Winnifred A. Roxana, 6 born March 19, 1891. This couple afterwards separated and later Virginia A. married again. 1415 VIRGINIA ADELIA LOOMIS 5 and 2316* ALBERT GREEN. 1415 Virginia A. 5 married for her second husband Albert Green. Postoffice address May, 1908, Osage, la. 1416 MILTON HASWELL RUCKER 5 and 1424 ANNA STEVENS. 1416 Milton H., 5 the fourth child of Amanda S. Rucker 4 and Thaddeus, her husband, was married Aug. 24, 1895. in Prairie du Chien, Wis., to Anna Stevens. To them were born : 1425 1 Lloyd Thaddeus, born Jan. 26, 1897, in Osage, la. *Too late for consecutive numbering. 220 McMillan Genealogy and History. AMANDA SUSAN RUCKER 4, of JAMES E. 3— Continued. 1426 2 Wilma Lorain, 6 born Feb. 11, 1899, in Osage, la. Postoffice address January, 1908, Osage, la. 1417 John Ellsworth, 5 the fifth child of Amanda S. Rucker* and Thaddeus, her husband, died Oct. 7, 1874. 1418 JAMES BIRD RUCKER 5 and 1427 MARTHA LOUISE ZIMMERMAN. 1418 James B., 5 the sixth child of Amanda S. Rucker 4 and Thaddeus, her husband, was married June 20, 1906, in Palermo, Wis., to Martha L. Zimmerman. One child from this union: 1428 1 Thaddeus Julius, 6 born May 13, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Osage, la. 1419 ELLSWORTH ENOS RUCKER 5 and 1429 FRANCES D. THOMAS. 1419 Ellsworth E., 5 the seventh child of Amanda S. Rucker 4 and Thaddeus, her husband was married August, 1901, to Frances D. Thomas. To them were born: 1430 1 Ella Elfreda, 6 born Aug. 24, 1902. 1431 2 Zelma Irene, 6 born Oct. 4, 1905. Postoffice address January, 1908, Osage, la. 1431 Zelma Irene, 6 the second child of Ellsworth E. Rucker 5 and Frances D.. his wife, died Oct. 2, 1907. WILLIAM McMILLAN 4, of JAMES E. 3. 1098 WILLIAM McMILLAN 4 and 1432 ADA BAUDER, 1098 William, 4 the adopted son of James E. McMillan 3 and Betsey E., his wife, was married in 1877 to Ada Ban- der. To them were born : 1433 1 Minnie, 5 born in 1879. 1434 2 Lenas, 5 born in 1881. 1435 3 Harold, 5 born in 1892. 1436 4 Nauma, 5 born in 1894, died in 1895. 1437 5 George Dewey, 5 born in 1897. 1098 William McMillan, 4 the father of the above five chil- dren, died in Colorado in 1903. No further record of family. McMillan Genealogy and History. 221 MARGARET WILLOUGHBY 3, of ARTHUR 2. 1080 MARGARET McMILLAN 3 and 1438 SAMUEL WILLOUGHBY. 1080 Margaret, 3 the third child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, was married June 25, 1821, to Sam- uel Willoughby. No children from this union. 1438 Samuel Willoughby died Dec. 8, 1850, in Hesper, la. 1080 MARGARET WILLOUGHBY 3 and 1439 JAMES McCAULEY. 1438 Samuel, the first husband of Margaret Willoughby 3 having died, as before stated, she married for her second husband James McCauley, in Hesper, la. He also died, and Margaret 3 died in Fillmore Co., Minn., about 1868, leaving no children. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2. 1081 ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3 and 1440 BARBARA EDSON. 1081 Alexander, 3 the fourth child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, was married Feb. 19, 1829, to Bar- bara Edson. With other members of his family he moved to Illinois in an early day and made his home for some years in Kane Co., 111. Later he moved to Iowa, where he died. To the above couple were born : 1441 1 Margaret, 4 born Dec. 12, 1829, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 1442 2 Martha, 4 born March 31, 1831, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 1443 3 Melinda Jane, 4 born June 16, 1833, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 1444 4 Alexander, Jr., 4 born April 30, 1836, in Towanda, N. Y. 1445 5 Daniel Edson, 4 born April 17, 1838, in Kane Co., 111. 1446 6 Mary M., 4 born Jan. 12, 1840, in Kane Co., 111. 1447 7 Caroline, 4 born May 12, 1842, in Kane Co., 111. 1448 8 Barbara, 4 born Feb. 10, 1845, in Kane Co, 111. 1449 9 Irena, 4 born Feb. 12, 1848, in Kane Co., 111. 1450 10 Charles Wesley, 4 born March 12, 1853, in Kane Co., 111. 1081 Alexander, 3 the father of the above ten children, died in 1856 in Butler Co, la, in his fifty-fifth year. 222 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2— Continued. 1440 Barbara, his widow, died in May, 1893, in her eighty-fifth year. 1441 MARGARET McMILLAN 4 and 1451 EDWIN BARNARD. 1441 Margaret, 4 the first child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married Nov. 26, 1850, to Edwin Barnard. To them were born three children, but the record of family has not been obtained, as all trace of them seems to have escaped the minds of living relatives and no letters regarding them have been answered. 1452 1453 1454 1441 Margaret Barnard, 4 the mother of the above three chil- dren, died in 1895, sixty-six years of age. No further record of Edwin Barnard. 1442 MARTHA McMILLAN 4 and 1455 HARVEY VAN NATTA. 1442 Martha, 4 the second child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married July 18, 1852, to Har- vey Van Natta. To them were born: 1456 1 Erastus H., 5 born May 15, 1853. 1457 2 Allen E., 5 born Nov. 20, 1854. 1458 3 Adeline, 5 born Oct. 6, 1856. 1459 4 Jessie Grant, 5 born May 8, 1858. 1460 5 John C., 5 born April 1, 1862. 1461 6 Silas A., 5 born June 22, 1864. 1462 7 Nelson C., 6 born May 8, 1866. 1463 8 Pliny S., B born Jan. 29, 1870. Postoffice address of Martha Van Natta 4 January, 1908, Elizabeth St.. Trenton, Mo. 1456 ERASTUS II. VAN NATTA 5 and 1464 HULDAII HARKNESS. 1456 Erastus II., 5 the first child of Martha Van Natta 4 and Harvey, her husband, was married in 1882 to Huldah Harkness of Kansas. To them were born : McMillan Genealogy and History. 223 XANDER McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2— Continued. Archie. 6 address of family January, 1908, Scandia, Kan. [he second child of Erastus IT. Van Natta 5 and lah, his wife, died in 1907. ALLEN E. VAN NATTA 5 and LAURAIN MADISON. Allen E., 5 the second child of Martha Van Natta 4 and Harvey, her husband, was married Aug. 20, 1881, in McHenry Co., 111., to Laurain Madison. To them were born: 1469 1 Arthur C..° born Sept. 23, 1882, in Republic, 111. 1470 2 Truey Nellie, born Oct. 4, 1898, in Grundy Co., Mo. Postoffice address January, 1908, Laredo, Mo. Both children at home, unmarried. Of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh children of Martha Van Natta 4 and Harvey, her husband, no record has been obtained, as all letters to the family have failed to elicit any information. 1463 PLINY S. VAN NATTA 5 and 1471 EFFIE ASHLEY. 1463 Pliny S., 5 the eighth child of Martha Van Natta 4 and Harvey, her husband, was married in 1896 to Effie Ashley. Postoffice address January, 1908, Trenton, Mo. 1443 MELINDA JANE McMILLAN 4 and 1472 WILLIAM GRANT. 1443 Melinda J., 4 the third child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married Dec. 24, 1853, to Wil- liam Grant. To them were #orn : 1473 1 Herbert H. 5 1474 2 Charlotte. 5 1475 3 Luella/ 1443 Melinda Jane Grant, 4 the mother of the above three chil- dren, died June 14, 1888, aged 65 years. No further Jecord of William Grant. 224 McMillan Genealogy and History. ALEXANDER McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2— Continued. 1473 HERBERT H. GRANT 5 and 1476 LIZZIE NICHOLS. 1473 Herbert H., 5 the first child of Melinda J. Grant 4 and William, her hsuband, was married to Lizzie Nichols, but no further record of family has been obtained. 1474 CHARLOTTE GRANT 5 and 1477 BOGGS. 1474 Charlotte, 5 the second child of Melinda J. Grant 4 anc William, her husband, was married to Boggs, bu> no further record has been obtained, as all letters have met with no response, although stamped and addressed envelopes for return were always enclosed. 1475 LUELLA GRANT 5 and 1478 MILTON NICHOLS. 1475 Luella, 5 the third child of Melinda J. Grant 4 and Wil- liam, her husband, was married to Milton Nichols. No further record, as all appeals for information have been unavailing. ALEXANDER McMILLAN, JR., 4, of ALEXANDER 3. 1444 ALEXANDER McMILLAN, JR., 4 and 1479 ABBIE ANN WOOD. 1444 Alexander, Jr., 4 the fourth child of Alexander McMil- lan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married in 1805 in Brownhelm, Ohio, to Abbie A. Wood. At an early age Alexander moved with his parents to Illinois. He was educated in Wheaton, 111., and at Ann Arbor, Mich., graduating in medicine. He was for a time in Bellevue Hospital in New York City. He enlisted in 1861 and was made a hospital steward, but later served as a lieutenant of cavalry with exceptional abil- ity. After the close of the Civil War he began the practice of his profession in Brownhelm, Ohio. He was deemed a very successful physician and during his life practiced in Genoa, Toledo and Oberlin, Ohio. To the above couple were born : 1480 1 Julia Eugenia, 5 born in 1870, in Genoa, Ohio. 1481 2 Estelle May, 5 born in 1872, in Genoa, Ohio. McMillan Genealogy and History. 225 ALEXANDER McMILLAN, JR., 4, of ALEXANDER 3— Con. 1479 Abbie A. McMilan, the mother of the above two children, died April 2, 1890, in New Orleans, La., where she was staying for her health, and was buried in the Wood family lot in BroAvnhelm, Ohio. 1444 Alexander McMillan, Jr., 4 died in hospital in Sandusky, Ohio, Jan. 1892, in the fifty-sixth year of his age, and was also buried in Brownhelm, Ohio. 1480 JULIA EUGENIA McMILLAN 5 and 1482 FRANK HARVEY GALE. 1480 Julia E., 5 the first child of Alexander McMillan, Jr., 4 and Abbie A., his wife, was married June 15, 1896, in Hart- ford, Conn., to Frank H. Gale of Schenectady, N. Y. He is the advertising manager for the General Elec- trical Company. Also in charge of the electrical heat- ing and cooking devices of the same company. To the above couple were born : 1483 1 Elizabeth Abbie, 6 born March 27, 1897, in Schenectady, N. Y. 1484 2 Harvey," born July 16, 1900, in Schenectady, N. Y. 1485 3 Robert, born Sept. 21, 1901, in Schenectady, N. Y. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Schenectady, N. Y., No. 4 Lowell road. 1481 Estelle May, 5 the second child of Alexander McMillan, Jr., 4 and Abbie A., his wife, died unmarried in 1892, twenty years of age. DANIEL EDSON McMILLAN 4, of ALEXANDER 3. 1445 DANIEL EDSON McMILLAN 4 and 1486 MARY CRAMER. 1445 Daniel E., 4 the fifth child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married June 12, 1872, in Strea- tor, 111., to Mary Cramer. He was a plasterer by trade and served in the Union Army during the Civil War. To the above couple were born : 1487 1 Henry H., B born Nov. 10, 1876. in Williamsburg, Kan. 1488 2 Minnie Myrtle, 5 born Jan. 24, 1879, in Williamsburg, Kan. 1489 3 Minerva Chelo C., 5 born Aug. 24, 1882. in Williamsburg, Kan. 226 McMillan Genealogy and History. DANIEL EDSON McMILLAN 4, of ALEXANDER 3— Continued. 1490 4 Charlie Ross, 5 born Dec. 10, 1885, in Williamsburg, Kan. 1491 5 Fay Clyde, 5 born Dee. 18, 1894, in Williamsburg, Kan. 1445 Daniel E. McMillan, 4 the father of the above five children, died April 15, 1894, in Allen, Kan., death caused by kick of a horse. He was buried on his fifty-sixth birth- day. 1486 Mary McMillan married again and in March, 1908, her address was not known, as she was traveling for her health, but mail addressed to Streator, 111., will reach her in time. 1487 HENRY H. McMILLAN 5 and 1492 ETTA SHAW. 1487 Henry H., 5 the first child of Daniel E. McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, was married Feb. 2, 1906, in Curtis, Okla,, to Etta Shaw. They have one child: 1493 1 Harry, 6 born in 1907 in Curtis, Okla. Postoffice address March, 1908, Curtis, Okla. 1488 MINNIE MYRTLE McMILLAN 5 and 1494 FRED VAN ORDEN. 1488 Minnie M., 5 the second child of Daniel E. McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, was married Dec. 25, 1900, in Wykoff, Kan., to Fred Van Orden. who is a motorman on the Wichita Electric Railway. To them were born: 1495 1 Charlie Page, 6 born Oct. 6, 1902, in Emporia, Kan. 1496 2 Floyd Lamont. 6 born April 14, 1906, in Curtis, Okla. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, 1833 Salina Ave., Wichita, Kan. 1489 MINERVA CHELO C. McMILLAN 5 and 1497 WESLEY SLOAN. 1489 Minerva C., 5 the third child of Daniel E. McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, was married April 16, 1901. in Curtis, Okla., to Wesley Sloan, who is a farmer. To them were born: 1498 1 Edson. 6 born Jan. 4, 1902. in Bushong, Kan. 1499 2 Laverna Florence, 6 born Dec 23, 1906, in Bushong, Kan. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Bushong, Kan. McMillan Genealogy and History. 227 DANIEL EDSON McMILLAN 4, of ALEXANDER 3— Continued. 1490 Charlie Ross, 5 the fourth child of Daniel E. McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, was unmarried in March, 1908, and was hotel clerk at the Bank Hotel in Strong City, Kan. 1491 Fay Clyde, 5 the fifth child of Daniel E. McMillan 4 and Mary, his wife, died April 19, 1894. MARY THRASHER 4, of ALEXANDER 3. 1446 MARY M. McMILAN 4 and 1500 GEORGE H. THRASHER. 1446 Mary, 4 the sixth child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Bar- bara, his wife, was married Oct. 15, 1862, to Geo. H. Thrasher. To them were born: 1501 1 1502 2 1446 Mary Thrasher, 4 the mother of the above two children, died Aug. 4, 1867, in the twenty-eighth year of her age. No further record of Geo. H. Thrasher and no record of the children, not even their names, although it is known they were born and lived. 1447 Caroline, 4 the seventh child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, died unmarried March 25, 1872, in the thirtieth year of her age. BARBARA BISHOP 4, of ALEXANDER 3. 1448 BARBARA McMILLAN 4 and 1503 D. J. BISHOP. 1448 Barbara, 4 the eighth child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married Sept. 16, 1863, to D. J. Bishop, who is a farmer. He was a soldier in Civil War. One child from this union: 1504 1 Winnifred Mary, 5 born Feb. 13, 1871, in Towanda, 111. Postoffice address of Barbara Bishop 4 and D. J., her hus- band, January, 1908, Nevada, la. 228 McMillan Genealogy and History. BARBARA BISHOP 4, of ALEXANDER 3— Continued. 1504 WINNIFRED MARY BISHOP 5 and 1505 ARTHUR CLARENCE KINGSBURY. 1504 Winnifred M., 5 the only child of Barbara Bishop 4 and D. J., her husband, was married Jan. 25, 1900, to Arthur C. Kingsbury. To them were born: 1506 1 Laurence Bishop, 6 born Feb. 8, 1901, in Nevada, la. 1507 2 Maurice Vincent, 6 born March 26, 1908, in Renwick, la. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Renwick, la. 1449 Irena, 4 the ninth child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Bar- bara, his wife, died unmarried July 30. 1865, in the eighteenth year of her age. CHARLES WESLEY McMILLAN 4, of ALEXANDER 3. 1450 CHARLES WESLEY McMILLAN 4 and 1508 MARY M. JURD. 1450 Charles W., 4 the tenth child of Alexander McMillan 3 and Barbara, his wife, was married Feb. 17, 1880, to Mary M. Jurd. To them were born : 1509 1 Arthur Ward, 3 born May 10, 1881. 1510 2 Francis Bannajha, 5 born May 28. 1883. 1511 3 Lilly May, 5 born July 11, 1885. 1512 4 John Morgan/' born May 7, 1886. 1513 5 George Wesley, 5 born May 19, 1887. 1514 6 Herbert Harvey, 5 born May 14, 1889. 1515 7 Guy Henry, 5 born May 20, 1891. 1516 8 Jessie Lewis, 5 born Sept. 28, 1895. 1517 9 Charles Claud, 5 born Feb. 3, 1898. Postoffice address of Charles Wesley McMillan and Mary M., his wife, 418 Broadway, Fort Scott, Kan., January, 1908. 1509 Arthur Ward, 5 the first child of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M., his wife, died May 12, 1881. 1510 Francis B., 5 the second child of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M., his wife, unmarried January, 1908, and at home with his parents. 1511 Lily M., 5 the third child of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M., his wife, died Aug. 1, 1885. McMillan Genealogy and History. 229 CHARLES WESLEY McMILLAN 4, of ALEXANDER 3— Con. 1512 John M., 5 the fourth child of Charles W. McMillan* and Mary M., his wife, died May 21, 1886. 1513 George W., 5 the fifth child of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M.. his wife, died April 28, 1891. 1514 Herbert H. 5 and (1515) Guy H., 5 the sixth and seventh children, respectively, of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M., his wife, unmarried January, 1908, and at home with their parents. 1516 Jessie L., rj the eighth child of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M., his wife, died Sept. 13, 1896. 1517 Charles C., 5 the ninth child of Charles W. McMillan 4 and Mary M., his wife, unmarried January, 1908, and at home with his parents. FLORELLA H. OLDS 3, of ARTHUR 2. 1082 Arthur. 3 the fifth child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, died Oct. 17, 1804. 1083 Melinda, 3 the sixth child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Mar- tha, his wife, died Sept. 11, 1807. 1084 FLORELLA H. McMILLAN 3 and 1518 RANSOM OLDS. 1084 Florella H., 3 the seventh child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, was married Feb. 19, 1828, to Ran- som Olds. To them were born: 1519 1 George, 4 born Nov. 14, 1828, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1520 2 John, 4 born Aug. 28, 1830, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1521 3 Mary Florella, 4 born Feb. 2, 1832, in Franklin Co., N. Y. 1522 4 Arthur Ransom, 4 born Oct, 29, 1834, in Stillwell Prairie, Ind. 1523 5 Duncan McMillan, 4 born Jan. 26, 1837, near Elgin, 111. 1524 6 Lucy Pennaniah, 4 born Feb. 14, 1839, near Elgin, 111. 1525 7 James, 4 born Jan. 24, 1841, near Burkshire, 111. 1526 8 Gideon. 4 born Sept. 8, 1842, near Burkshire, 111. 1527 9 Daniel, 4 born Sept. 14, 1844, near Burkshire, 111. 1528 10 Margaret, 4 born Nov. 12, 1845, near Burkshire, 111. 1529 11 Laverna, 4 born Oct. 10, 1848, near Burkshire, 111. 230 McMillan Genealogy and History. FLORELLA H. OLDS 3, of ARTHUR 2— Continued. 1084 Florella H. Olds, 3 the mother of the above eleven chil- dren, died in Momence, 111., Dec. 14, 1856, in the fiftieth year of her age. Ransom Olds, her husband, died Jan. 10. 1859, also in Momence, 111. GEORGE OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1519 GEORGE OLDS 4 and 1530 SARAH JANE HESS. 1519 George, 4 the first child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ransom, her husband, was married March 14. 1860. to Sarah J. Hess. To them were born: 1531 1 Emma, 5 born Oct. 17, 1860, in Momence, 111. 1532 2 Abe, 5 born May 31, 1862, in Momence, 111. 1533 3 Alma, 5 born Aug. 18, 1864, in Momence, 111. 1534 4 Cora, 5 born Aug. 19, 1869, in Momence, 111. 1535 5 May, 5 born June 8, 1874, in Momence, 111. 1536 6 Ada, 5 born Jan. 11, 1882, in Momence, 111. 1537 7 Bertha, 5 born Aug. 24, 1885, in Momence, 111. 1519 George Olds 4 has been a farmer and a prominent charac- ter in his vicinity. In December, 1907, he had the misfortune to slip and fall on the icy street, breaking his hip, from which he was in January, 1908, suffering severely. He has been a great help in preparing the records of his mother's descendants and has responded promptly and intelligently to every call for data. With his aged wife, Sarah J., he was living January, 1908, at the old homestead at Momence. 111.. R. F. D. 1. 1531 EMMA OLDS 5 and 1538 CYRUS SHERWOOD. 1531 Emma, 5 the first child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married Feb. 21, 1818. to Cyrus Sherwood. To them were born : 1539 1 Ora," born in 1879. 1540 2 Viola. 6 1531 Emma Sherwood, 5 the mother of the above two children, died Aug. 24, 1892, and her daughter, Viola, 6 in Octo- ber, 1892. No further record of Cyrus Sherwood. McMillan Genealogy and History. 231 GEORGE OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1539 ORA SHERWOOD 6 and 1541 MARGARET HEALY. 1539 Ora, 6 the first child of Emma Sherwood 5 and Cyrus, her husband, was married to Margaret Healy of Chicago. To them were born: 1542 1 Cyrus Elard, 7 born Dec. 19, 1906. 1543 2 Violet, 7 born January, 1908. Postoffice address, Hammond, Ind. 1532 ABE OLDS 5 and 1544 MARY FEDDE. 1532 Abe, 5 the second child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married Oct. 28, 1883, to Mary Fedde. To them were born: 1545 1 Lyla Edna, 6 born July 26, 1884, in Joliet, 111. 1546 2 John, 6 born Sept. 21, 1887, in Fowler, 111. 1547 3 Ransom Edward, 6 born Sept. 19, 1890, in Momence, 111. 1548 4 Clifford, 6 born Jan. 30, 1893, in Momence, 111. 1549 5 Leonard George, 6 born Oct. 21, 1896, in Momence, 111. 1550 6 Arthur Abe, 6 born Nov. 19, 1898, in Lake Village, Ind. 1551 7 Roy Peter, 6 born in 1899, in Momence, 111. 1552 8 Albert Earnest, 6 born May 9, 1901, in Fair Oaks, Ind. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Kouts, Ind. All living children except Lyla E. 6 at home with parents. 1545 LYLA EDNA OLDS 6 and 1553 CLYDE BALSER. 1545 Lyla E., 6 the first child of Abe Olds and Mary, his wife, was married to Clyde Balser, who died Oct. 23, 1907, in Momence, 111. Postoffice address of Lyla E. Balser 6 January, 1908, Kouts, Ind. 1550 Leonard George, 6 the sixth child of Abe Olds 5 and Mary, his wife, died in 1900, aged four years. 1533 ALMA OLDS 5 and 1554 CHARLES HUPP 1533 Alma, 5 the third child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married Oct 19, 1881, to Charles Hupp. To them were born : 232 McMillan Genealogy and History. GEORGE OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1555 1 Florence, 6 born Jan. 31, 1888. 1556 2 Frederic, 6 born July 29, 1889. 1557 3 Floyd, 6 born April 24, 1892. Postoffice address January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1554 Charles Hupp, the father of the above three children, was killed in a railroad accident about 1887. 1533 ALMA HUPP 5 and 1558 WILLIAM LEASE. 1554 Charles Hupp, the first husband of Alma Hupp, 5 having been killed as before stated, she married for her second husband William Lease. Postoffice address January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1555 Florence, 6 the first child of Alma Hupp 5 and Charles. her first husband, died Sept. 28, 1888. 1556 FREDERIC HUPP 6 and 1559 MRS. BLANCHE HUFF. 1556 Frederic, 6 the second child of Alma Hupp 5 and Charles, her first husband, was married Aug. 28, 1907, at the early age of eighteen, to Mrs. Blanche Huff. Postoffice address January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1534 CORA OLDS 5 and 1560 JAMES L. READ. 1534 Cora, 5 the fourth child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married May 27, 1890, to James L. Read. To them were born : 1561 1 Lydia Jane, 6 born Aug. 2, 1890. 1562 2 Ivan, 6 born March 1, 1893. 1563 3 Amy, 6 born Oct. 4, 1895. 1564 4 Clare Olds, 6 born Oct. 12, 1901. 1565 5 Wilbur Wayne, 6 born April 15, 1907. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Deedville, Ind., all children unmarried and at home with their parents. 1535 MAY OLDS 5 and 1566 FRANKLIN B. THAYER. 1535 May, 5 the fifth child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married July 2, 1890, to Franklin B. Thayer. To them were born: McMillan Genealogy and History. 233 GEORGE OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1567 1 Harry Earnest, born Aug. 8, 1892, in Momence, 111. 1568 2 Florence, born May 15, 1894, in Momence, 111. 1569 3 Esther/ 5 born Feb. 7, 1896, in Momence, 111. 1570 4 Howard Reese, born June 29, 1899, in Momence, 111. 1571 5 Jessie Ruth, born Dec. 19, 1907, in Momence, 111. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1567 Harry Earnest, 6 the first child of May Thayer 5 and Franklin B., her husband, on account of failing health was sent to Mount Rose, Colo., which was his postoffice address January, 1908. 1569 Esther, the third child of May Thayer 5 and Franklin B., her husband, died Oct. 27, 1903, in Momence, 111. 1570 Howard R.,° the fourth child of May Thayer 5 and Frank- lin B., her husband, died May 11, 1901, in Momence, III. 1536 ADA OLDS 5 and 1572 HERMAN G. SW ANSON. 1536 Ada, 5 the sixth child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married June 28, 1904, to Herman G. Swan- son. Postoffice address January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1537 BERTHA OLDS 5 and 1573 THOMAS W. McCAIN. 1537 Bertha, 5 the seventh child of George Olds 4 and Sarah J., his wife, was married Dec. 25, 1905, to Thomas W. McCain. Bertha 5 has been a valuable assistant in gathering facts for this work and is a worthy, noble woman. Postoffice address January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1520 John, 4 the second child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ransom, her husband, died unmarried April 3, 1857, in his twenty-sixth year. 234 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY FLORELLA HALL 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1521 MARY FLORELLA OLDS 4 and 1574 JAMES MADISON HALL. 1521 Mary F., 4 the third child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ran- som, her husband, was married April 4, 1855, at her father's house in Momence, 111., to James M. Hall. She grew to womanhood in Elgin, 111., but in 1851 moved with her parents to Momence, 111., where for two years she taught school. She and her mother or- ganized the first Sunday school ever known in their neighborhood, both being members of the Methodist Episcopal church. James M. Hall was a farmer. In 1856 his house and contents were destroyed by a tor- nado, but fortunately his family escaped injury. He lived on farms in Indiana and Illinois all his life, and also owned and operated a blacksmith shop. During the Civil War, although he was rejected for military service by the examining surgeons, on account of physical debility, he and his wife were very patriotic and devoted much time and means in caring for sick and wounded soldiers and their families. To the above couple were born : 1575 1 Herbert, 5 born Jan. 12, 1856, in Momence, 111. 1576 2 Herbert, 5 born Jan. 6. 1857, in Momence, 111. 1577 3 Alice, 5 born Oct. 20, 1859, in Newton Co., 111. 1578 4 Flora, 5 born March 21, 1861, in Newton Co., 111. 1579 5 Emma, 5 born Jan. 13, 1863, in Newton Co., 111. 1580 6 George Edward, 5 born June 1, 1865, in Momence, 111. 1581 7 James Madison, Jr., 5 born Nov. 14, 1869, in Momence, 111. 1582 8 Mary Laverna, 5 born Sept. 17, 1871, in Momence, 111. 1574 James M. Hall, the father of the above eight children, died March 25, 1891, in Momence, 111. 1521 Mary F., 4 his widow, lived with her two younger children until her death, which occurred Feb. 2. 1903, her seventy-first birthday. 1575 Herbert, 5 the first child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, died Sept. 25, 1856. 1576 Herbert, 5 the second child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, grew to manhood in Momence, 111., and vicinity. Later he moved to Iowa, where he McMillan Genealogy and History. 235 MARY FLORELLA HALL 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. learned the carpenter trade and then went to Salt Lake, Utah, then to Park City, Utah, where he died, unmarried, Aug. 9, 1894, in the thirty-eighth year of his age. 1577 ALICE HALL 5 and 1583 THEODORE ARTHUR HUPP. 1577 Alice, 5 the third child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, was married Dec. 19, 1878, in Kankakee, 111., to Theodore A. Hupp. They moved to Cass Co., la., in 1881 and settled on a farm, where they resided until 1902, when they moved into the village of Atlan- tic, la., where Theodore A. owns and conducts a feed store and Alice 5 , his wife, conducts a dressmaking establishment. She is also an artist of no mean ability and finds ready sale for her oil paintings. To them were born: 1584 1 Albert, 6 born Nov. 2, 1879, in Momence, 111. 1585 2 Edward Theodore, 6 born Dec. 12, 1885. 1586 3 Carrie Alice, 6 born July 7, 1890. Postoffice address of Alice Hupp 5 and Theodore A., her husband, January, 1908, Atlantic, Cass Co., la. 1584 ALBERT HUPP 6 and 1587 ADA BELLE McFADDEN. 1584 Albert, 6 the first child of Alice Hupp 5 and Theodore A., her husband, was married Dec. 4, 1901, to Ada B. Mc- Fadden. He graduated from the high school in Griswold, la., also studied in the Griswold Academy. He has taught school and owned and edited several newspapers, but on account of failing health went to farming for the outdoor exercise. To the above couple were born : 1588 1 Albert Roy, 7 born June 17, 1903. 1589 2 Morris Lester, 7 born Dec. 17, 1905. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Atlantic, Cass Co., la. 1588 Albert R., 7 the first child of Albert Hupp 6 and Ada B., his wife, died Oct. 3, 1906. 236 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY FLORELLA HALL 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1585 Edward T., 6 the second child of Alice Hupp 3 and Theo- dore A., her husband, after graduating from the high schools in Atlantic and Griswold, la., entered upon a course of dentistry in college at Iowa City, la. Janu- ary, 1908, unmarried and postoffice address as above. 1586 Carrie A., the third child of Alice Hupp 5 and Theodore A., her husband, was graduated from the high school at Atlantic, la., and January, 1908, was unmarried and at home with her parents at Atlantic, la. 1578 FLORA HALL"' and 1590 DAVID MILTON KYTE. 1578 Flora, the fourth child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, was married April 18, 1883, to David Kyte, a merchant in Walnut, la. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Walnut, la. 1579 EMMA HALL r ' and 1591 SAMUEL ANDREW DUTCHER. 1579 Emma, 5 the fifth child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M.. her husband, was married Sept. 15, 1881, in Griswold, la., to Samuel A. Dutcher, a prosperous farmer who has lived in Momence, 111., in Warren Co., Ind.. and finally in Jasper Co., Ind. To them were born : 1592 1 George Nelson, 6 bom May 29, 1883, in Momence. 111. 1593 2 Avis Madison, born Nov. 21, 1885, in Momence, 111. 1594 3 Robert Ooley, c born Aug. 31, 1888, in Momence, 111. 1595 4 Mary Ellen, 6 born Nov. 12, 1893, in Momence, 111. 1596 5 Flora Alice, born Nov. 2, 1895, in Pine Village, Ind. 1597 6 Lucy Isabelle, 6 born Sept. 25, 1898, in Pine Village, Ind. 1598 7 James Edward, 6 born Feb. 21, 1904, in Pine Village, Ind. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, DeMotte, Jasper Co., Ind. 1592 George N.,° the first child of Emma Dutcher 5 and Samuel A., her husband, taught school two years and then went to farming. January, 1908, he was unmarried and postoffice address DeMotte, Jasper Co., Ind. McMillan Genealogy and History. 237 MARY FLORELLA HALL 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1593 AVIS MADISON DUTCHER 6 and 1599 BUENA VISTA FRANKLIN. 1593 Avis M., 6 the second child of Emma Dutcher 5 and Sam- uel A., her husband, was married Sept. 21, 1905, to Buena V. Franklin. He is a farmer in Warren Co., Ind. One child from this union : 1600 1 Lola Ellinor, 7 born Sept. 27, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Pine Village, Warren Co., Ind. The remaining five children of Emma Dutcher 5 and Samuel A., her husband, unmarried and at home with their parents, DeMotte, Jasper Co., Ind., January, 1908. 1580 GEORGE EDWARD HALL 5 and 1601 FLORA PERSIA SHERWOOD. 1580 George E., 5 the sixth child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, was married Sept. 25, 1889, in Kan- kakee, 111., to Flora P. Sherwood. After being a farmer a few years he went to blacksmithing, having learned the trade in his father's shop. In 1903 he set- tled in Stockland, 111., where he has conducted a black- smith shop ever since. To the above couple were born : 1602 1 Cecil Claire, 6 born July 14, 1893, in Momence, 111. 1603 2 Alta Ruth, born Oct. 6, 1895, in Momence, 111. 1604 3 B. Horace, 6 born March 17, 1898, in Momence, 111. 1605 4 Merritt Herbert, 6 born May 19, 1902, in Momence, 111. 1606 5 Fred James, 6 born Feb. 7, 1908, in Stockland, 111. Postoffice address of George E. Hall 5 and Flora R., his wife, January, 1908, Stockland, 111. All living chil- dren at home with their parents. 1602 Cecil C., 6 the first child of George E. Hall 5 and Flora R., his wife, died Jan. 13, 1894, in Momence, 111. 1603 Alta Ruth, 6 the second child of George E. Hall 5 and Flora R., his wife, died March 26, 1901, in Momence, 111. 1581 James M., Jr., 5 the seventh child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, is a locomotive engineer. January, 1908, he was unmarried and living at the home of his sister, Mary L.Butterfield, in Momence. 111. 238 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY FLORELLA HALL 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1582 MARY LAVERNA HALL 5 and 1607 GRANT BUTTERFIELD. 1582 Mary L, 5 the eighth child of Mary F. Hall 4 and James M., her husband, was married Sept. 19, 1904, to Grant Butterfield, who had formerly been the husband of her cousin (1635 Rosilda I. Olds 5 ) deceased. Mary L. 5 received a good education and taught school sev- eral years in Kankakee Co., 111., and in the Whipple schools in Griswold, la. In 1898 her hearing began to fail and she was compelled to give up teaching. She is a woman of noble character and much culture. To the above couple were born : 1608 1 John Thomas, 6 born Oct. 5, 1905. 1609 2 Raymond Madison, born March 26. 1907. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Momence, 111. ARTHUR RANSOM OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1522 ARTHUR RANSOM OLDS 4 and 1610 MARY J. SAWYER. 1522 Arthur R.. 4 the fourth child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ransom, her husband, was married Sept. 23, 1869, in Watscka, 111., to Mary J. Sawyer. To them were born : 1611 1 Minnie, 5 born May 2, 1870, in Iowa. 1612 2 Addie, 5 born Oct. 14, 1872, in Onaga, Kan. 1613 3 Nietta, 5 born June 5, 1874, in Onaga, Kan. 1522 Arthur R. Olds 4 was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in Co. I, Sixty-fifth Illinois Regiment. He died July 9, 1875, in Augusta, Woodruff Co., Ark., in the forty- first year of his age. Mary J., his widow, married a man named Taylor and lived in Atchison, Kan., Jan- uary, 1908. 1611 MINNIE OLDS 5 and 1614 JOHN M. TAYLOR. 1611 Minnie, 5 the first child of Arthur R. Olds 4 and Mary J., his wife, was married March 4, 1899. to John M. Tay- lor, who is a miner. To them were born : 1615 1 Manetta Lizella, born Nov. 20, 1900. McMillan Genealogy and History. 239 ARTHUR RANSOM OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1616 2 Mary Evaline, 6 born June 2, 1903. Postoffice address January, 1908, 316 South River Boule- vard, Independence, Mo. 1612 Addie, 5 the second child of Arthur R. Olds 4 and Mary J., his wife, died Jan. 14, 1873. 1613 NIETTA OLDS 5 and 1617 CHARLES E. BLAHA. 1613 Nietta, 5 the third child of Arthur R. Olds 4 and Mary J., his wife, was married June 23, 1896, to Charles E. Blaha, who is a machinist by trade. One child from this union: 1618 1 Luraetta, 6 born Nov. 20, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, 438 South Seventh St., Atchison, Kan. 1523 Duncan McMillan, 4 the fifth child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ransom, her husband, died Feb. 21, 1850, thirteen years of age. 1524 Lucy P., 4 the sixth child of Florella II. Olds 3 and Ran- som, her husband, died Nov. 22, 1852, in the four- teenth year of her age. JAMES OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1525 JAMES OLDS 4 and 1619 EMILY BURNS. 1525 James, 4 the seventh child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ran- som, her husband, was married July 21, 1865, in Mo- mence, 111., to Emily Burns. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in an Illinois regiment. He did valiant service for his country and endured much sick- ness and many hardships. To the above couple were born : 1620 1 Amasa Henry, 5 born Sept. 17, 1866, in Momence, 111. 1621 2 Nettie Myrtle, 5 born Dec. 25, 1868, in Momence, 111. 1622 3 William, 5 born May 25, 1871, in Momence, 111. 1623 4 Frank, 5 born July 19, 1872, in Geneva, Neb. 1624 5 Emma, 5 born Jan. 24, 1874, in Atlantic, la. 1625 6 Lavina, 5 born Feb. 10, 1876, in Atlantic, la. Postoffice address of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, January, 1908, Prosser, Wash., P. O. Box 53. 240 McMillan Genealogy and History. JAMES OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1620 AMASA HENRY OLDS 5 and 1626 LUELLA WILLITS. 1620 Amasa H., 5 the first child of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, was married July 15, 1901, in Seattle, Wash., to Luella Willits. One child from this union: 1627 1 Vivian W. 8 Postoffice address January, 1908, Prosser, Wash. 1621 NETTIE MYRTLE OLDS 5 and 1628 W. A. WATSON. 1621 Nettie M., B the second child of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, was married Aug. 2, 1895, in San Francisco. Cal., to W. A. Watson. One child from this union: 1629 1 George H. 6 Postoffice address January, 1908, Mayfield, Cal. 1622 William,"' the third child of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, died in infancy. 1623 FRANK OLDS 5 and 1630 JERMINICA ROBERTSON. 1623 Frank, 5 the fourth child of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, was married Feb. 2, 1898, in Murray, Utah, to Jerminica Robertson. One child from this union : 1631 1 Gertrude. 6 Postoffice address January, 1908, Prosser, Wash. 1624 Emma, 5 the fifth child of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, died in infancy. 1625 LAVINA OLDS 5 and 1632 J. H. MORGAN. 1625 Lavina, 5 the sixth child of James Olds 4 and Emily, his wife, was married Sept. 15, 1900, in Council Bluffs, la., to J. H. Morgan. No children resulting. Postoffice address January, 1908, Bremerton, Wash. McMillan Genealogy and History. 241 GIDEON OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1526 GIDEON OLDS 4 and 1633 SARAH ELIZABETH COBLER. 1526 Gideon, 4 the eighth child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ran- som, her husband, who was a farmer, was married Aug. 25, 1869, in Kentland, Ind., to Sarah E. Cobler. To them were born: 1634 1 Laverna May, 5 born May 8, 1870, in Momence, 111. 1635 2 Rosilda Irene, 5 born July 3, 1872, in Momence, 111. 1636 3 Gideon Ransom, 5 born Feb. 25, 1883, in Momence, 111. 1637 4 Opal Belle, 5 born Oct. 30, 1891, in Momence, 111. 1526 Gideon Olds, 4 the father of the above four children, died Dec. 3, 1902. Postoffice address of Sarah E., his widow, January, 1908, Soldier, Kan. 1634 LAVERNA MAY OLDS 5 and 1638 JOHN A. CROMAN. 1634 Laverna M„ s the first child of Gideon Olds 4 and Sarah E., his wife, was married March 3, 1886, to John Cro- man, a carpenter by trade. To them were born : 1639 1 Flora Belle, 6 born Nov. 19, 1886. 1640 2 Lester, 6 born March 3, 1891. 1641 3 Floyd Albert, 6 born Aug. 12, 1894. 1642 4 Levi Henry, 6 born Feb. 18, 1896. 1643 5 Merrel, 6 born in 1897. Postoffice address January, 1908, Grandview, Okla. All living children except Flora B. at home with their parents. 1639 FLORA BELLE CROMAN 5 and 1644 ROBERT KELLER. 1639 Flora B., 5 the first child of Luverna M. Croman 5 and John, her husband, was married February, 1903, to Robert Keller. One child from this union: 1645 1 Asa. 7 Postoffice address January, 1908, Grandview, Okla. 1643 Merrel, 6 the fifth child of Luverna Croman 5 and John, her husband, died in March, 1898. 242 McMillan Genealogy and History. GIDEON OLDS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1635 ROSILDA IRENE OLDS 5 and 1607 GRANT BUTTERFIELD. 1635 Rosilda I., 5 the second child of Gideon Olds 4 and Sarah E., his wife, was married March 20, 1887, to Grant Butterfield, a carpenter by trade. To them were born: 1646 1 Mary Irene, 6 born April 24, 1890. 1647 2 Lillian Elizabeth, 6 born July 13, 1892. 1648 3 Beatrice Delia, 6 born Feb. 28, 1896. 1649 4 Libbie, 6 born June, 1897. 1635 Rosilda I. Butterfield, 5 the mother of the above four children, died Jan. 3, 1898, in the twenty-sixth year of her age. Grant Butterfield married again to a cousin of his deceased wife, as already recorded. January, 1908, the three first-born children at home. 1649 Libbie, 6 the fourth child of Rosilda I. Butterfield 5 and Grant, her husband, died November, 1897. 1636 GIDEON RANSOM OLDS 5 and 1650 LUCINDA CHENORE. 1636 Gideon R., 5 the third child of Gideon Olds 4 and Sarah E., his wife, was a farmer. He married March 6, 1905, Lucinda Chenore. To them were born : 1651 1 Viola May, 6 born Aug. 13, 1905. 1652 2 Geneva Belle, 6 born Jan. 30, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Soldier, Kan. 1637 Opal B., 5 the fourth child of Gideon Olds 4 and Sarah E., his wife, unmarried January, 1908. Postoffice address Soldier, Kan. 1527 Daniel, 4 the ninth child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ransom, her husband, died Oct. 28, 1844. McMillan Genealogy and History. 243 MARGARET HESS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1528 MARGARET OLDS 4 and 1653 JAMES HESS. 1528 Margaret, 4 the tenth child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ran- som, her husband, was married Feb. 5, 1866, to James Hess, who was born about 1840. He was a soldier in the Civil War, being a member of Co. K, One Hundred Thirteenth Regiment Illinois Infantry. They were married by Judge Starr in the court house in Kanka- kee, 111. To them were born : 1654 1 Florella H., 5 born Feb. 16, 1867, in Momence, 111. 1655 2 Sarah/' born April 12. 1868, in Momence, 111. 1656 3 Bertha, 5 born Sept. 18, 1869, in Momence, 111. 1657 4 George Andrew, 5 born Oct. 13, 1870, in Momence, 111. 1658 5 Alfred, 5 born May 15, 1872, in Momence, 111. 1659 6 Margaret Pennaniah, 5 born Jan. 20, 1879, in Momence, 111. 1660 7 Mary Lois, 5 born Oct. 27, 1882, in Momence, 111. Postoffice address of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her hus- band, January, 1908, Momence, 111. 1654 FLORELLA II. HESS 5 and 1661 WILLIAM GOTTLEIB REINHOLD KOEHLER. 1654 Florella H., 5 the first child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, was married May 27, 1890. by Rev. Mr. Moore of the Episcopal church in Momence, 111., to Wm. G. R. Koehler, who is a printer and news- paper man by profession. He was born Nov. 27, 1866, in Dickinson Co., Kan., being the oldest son of Rev. G. A. R. R. Koehler and wife. To them were bora: 1662 1 Reinhold James, 6 born March 27, 1891, in Fayetteville, 111. 1663 2 Margaret Emilie, 6 born July 5, 1892, in Walnut, la. 1664 3 George William, 6 born July 26, 1894, in St. Anne, 111. 1665 4 William McKinley, 6 born Aug. 8, 1896, in Berrysville, Ind. 1666 5 Florella Hess, 6 born Aug. 22, 1898, in Berrysville, Ind. 1667 6 Virgil Xenophone, 6 born Sept. 16, 1900, in Berrysville, Ind. 244 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARGARET HESS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1668 7 Eldora Lois, 6 born Feb. 19, 1903, in Berrysville, Ind. 1669 8 James Ransom, born Dec. 28, 1905, in Maryville, Tenn. 1670 9 Sarah Lura, 6 1 twins, born Aug. 12, 1907, in Mary- 1671 10 Eugene Ludwig, 6 } ville, Tenn. Reinhold James 6 was baptized by Rev. G. A. R. R. Koeh- ler. Margaret E., 6 born at the home of James Olds, was baptized by Rev. Koehler, and George "W. 6 was baptized in Momence, 111., by Rev. Koehler. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Maryville, Tenn. All living children at home with their parents. 1662 Reinhold J., 6 the first child of Florella H. Koehler 5 and William G. R., her husband, died Aug. 30, 1904, in his fourteenth year and was buried in Magnolia ceme- tery, Maryville, Tenn. 1669 James R., 6 the eighth child of Florella H. Koehler 5 and Wm. G. R., her husband, died July 7, 1906, and was buried in Magnolia cemetery, Maryville, Tenn. 1671 Eugene L., 6 the tenth child of Florella H. Koehler 5 and Wm. G. R., her husband, died in August, 1908, and was buried in Magnolia cemetery, Maryville, Tenn. 1655 Sarah, 5 the second child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, died Feb. 6, 1869. 1656 Bertha, 5 the third child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, died Oct. 1, 1869. 1657 GEORGE ANDREW HESS 5 and 1672 LURA SOPHIA CHAPMAN. 1657 George A., 5 the fourth child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, was married June 29, 1898, to Lura Sophia Chapman. He early turned his atten- tion to obtaining an education. After passing through the high school at Momence, 111., he attended the Indiana State Normal School at Valparaiso, in- tending to take a course in law. He changed his plans, however, and turned to theology. While pur- suing his studies along those lines he taught school during vacation, preaching Sundays. His first pas- torate was in Greene, la., where for two years he was pastor of the Christian church. Later he went to McMillan Genealogy and History. 245 MARGARET HESS 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. Nora Springs, la., where he was very successful and well liked. His next charge was the Christian church in Charles City, la. To this couple were born : 1673 1 Margaret Maria, 6 born April 11, 1899, in Waldron, la. 1674 2 Mark James, 6 born Nov. 18, 1900, in Greene, la. 1675 3 George Orlando, 6 born Aug. 22, 1902, in Nora Springs, la. 1676 4 Lura Florella, 6 born May 28, 1904, in Nora Springs, la. 1677 5 Alfred Ira, 6 born Aug. 16, 1906, in Charles City, la. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, 205 Blair St.. Charles City, la. 1658 Alfred, 5 the fifth child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, died May 20, 1872. 1659 MARGARET PENNANIAH HESS 5 and 1678 FRED BURTON. 1659 Margaret P., 5 the sixth child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, was a school teacher five years and then married, April 28, 1905, Fred Burton. Postoffice address January, 1908, Momence, 111., R. F. D. No. 3. 1660 MARY LOIS HESS 5 and 1679 J. S. TANHEY. 1660 Mary L., 5 the seventh child of Margaret Hess 4 and James, her husband, was married to J. S. Tanhey. No further record received. We only know that the postoffice address of Mary L. Tanhey 5 January, 1908, was Momence, 111. LAVERNA SHERWOOD 4, of FLORELLA H. 3. 1529 LAVERNA OLDS 4 and 1680 JOSEPH SHERWOOD. 1529 Laverna, 4 the eleventh child of Florella H. Olds 3 and Ransom, her husband, was married Dec. 31, 1864, in Momence, 111., to Joseph Sherwood. No children resulting. Postoffice address January, 1908, Woonsocket, S. D. 1085 John, 3 the eighth child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, died March 19, 1810. 246 McMillan Genealogy and History. LAVERNA SHERWOOD 4, of FLORELLA H. 3— Continued. 1086 Arthur, Jr., 3 the ninth child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, died Nov. 17, 1821, being drowned at Fort Covington, N. Y., ten years of age. DUNCAN B. McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2. 1087 DUNCAN BUCHANAN McMILLAN 3 and 1681 SARAH LAVERNA CHENEY. 1087 Duncan B., 3 the tenth child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Martha, his wife, was married June 16, 1839, to Sarah L. Cheney, who was a school teacher. She was born at the old Cheney residence in Brandon, Vt., May 1, 1813. When a young man Duncan B. 3 learned the business of cotton and wool manufacturing, but later in life engaged in farming. Very soon after marriage he left the state of New York and moved to Kane Co., 111., and spent several years. In 1854 he moved to Iowa, and in 1857 he again struck out into the west- ern wilds. This time he settled in Lynn Co., Kan. Here he remained until April 22, 1862, on which memorable day he, with his wife and family of grow- ing boys and girls and other relatives, again turned his face to the West and started with wagon train on the overland trail for California. After the innumerable hardships, dangers and anxieties incident to the long overland journey in that early day, the family reached the town of Marysville, Yuba Co., Cal., Oct. 10, 1862. Here Duncan B., 3 with his sons, at once engaged in farming and stock raising; residing on one ranch for over twenty years. In later life he moved to a fruit ranch near Browns Valley, Cal. When about middle aged he lost his eyesight and remained blind until bis death, but his good judgment and business sagacity, supported by the aid of his stalwart sons, enabled him to carry on his large ranch successfully. Duncan B. McMillan 3 and Sarah, his wife, were regular commu- nicants of the Baptist church and lived and died in that faith. To this couple were born : 1682 1 Marie, 4 born April 1, 1840, in Kane Co., 111. McMillan Genealogy and History. 247 DUNCAN B. McMILLAN 3, of ARTHUR 2— Continued. 1683 2 Laverna, 4 born March 9, 1842, in Kane Co., 111. 1684 3 J. Manley, 4 born April 12, 1844, in Kane Co., 111. 1685 4 Ransom 0., 4 born Jan. 9, 1848, in Kane Co., 111. 1686 5 James Enos, 4 born April 21, 1851, in Kane Co., 111. 1687 6 Walton Cheney, 4 born Feb. 12, 1853, in Kane Co., 111. 1688 7 Elmer, 4 born Dec. 18, 1857, in Lynn Co., Kan. Two other sons were born to this couple : 1689 8 Manly, 4 who died in infancy. 1690 9 Wallace, 4 who died at three years of age. 1681 Sarah L. McMillan, the mother of the above nine chil- dren, died at the family home in Marysville, Cal., March 28, 1881, in the sixty-eighth year of her age. 1087 Duncan B. McMillan 3 died at his home near Browns Valley, Cal., April 3, 1888, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. Both were buried in Browns Valley, Cal. MARIE SMITH 4, of DUNCAN B. 3. 1682 MAEIE McMILLAN 4 and 1691 WILLIAM DONALD SMITH. 1682 Marie, 4 the first child of Duncan B. McMillan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, after teaching school several years, was married Feb. 12, 1857, to Wm. D. Smith. They lived in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado several years and in 1862 they moved with her father's family to Marys- ville, Cal., and engaged in general farming. To them were born: 1692 1 George Judson, 5 born September, 1858, in Nebraska. 1693 2 Edward E., 5 born in 1860, in Nebraska. 1694 3 Elmer, 5 born 1863, in Marysville, Cal. 1695 4 Wilbur, 5 born in Marysville, Cal. 1696 5 Harry, 5 born in Marysville, Cal. 1697 6 Harriet Marie, 5 born in Marysville, Cal. 1698 7 Nellie Grant, 5 born in Marysville, Cal. 1699 8 Sarah Lettie, 5 born in Marysville, Cal. 1700 9 William Henry, 5 born in Marysville, Cal. After an active life spent on the farm, Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, retired to a life of leisure and quiet. Postoffice address January, 1908, was Pacific Grove, Cal. 248 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARIE SMITH 4, of DUNCAN B. 3— Continued. 1692 GEORGE JUDSON SMITH 5 and 1701 HENRIETTA REYNOLDS. 1692 George J., 5 the first child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, was married in Glen Co., Cal., to Hen- rietta Reynolds. To them were born: 1702 1 Isadore. 6 1703 2 Gardiner. 6 1704 3 Lloyd Greene. 6 Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Pacific Grove, Cal., the two younger children at home with their parents. 1702 Isadore, 6 the first child of George J. Smith 5 and Hen- rietta, his wife, in January, 1908, was attending State Normal School. 1693 EDWARD E. SMITH 5 and 1705 NETTIE VANDERFORD. 1693 Edward E., 5 the second child of Marie Smith 4 and Wil- liam D., her husband, was married in Glen Co., Cal., to Nettie Vanderford. He is a farmer and stock raiser. To them were born: 1706 1 Myrtle. 6 1707 2 Elda. 6 1708 3 Lucille. 6 1709 4 lone. 6 1710 5 Lloyd. 6 1711 6 Donald. 6 1712 7 A baby, 6 unnamed. They reside on a farm in Glen Co., Cal., except Myrtle, who is a milliner in Chico, Cal. 1694 Elmer, 5 the third child of Marie Smith 4 and William D., her husband, was unmarried and was a miner in Trin- ity Co., Cal., January, 1908. 1695 WILBUR SMITH 5 and 1713 KATE PROVINCE. 1695 Wilbur, 5 the fourth child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, was married in Glen Co., Cal., to Kate Province. He was a dairyman in that county Jan- uary, 1908. McMillan Genealogy and History. 249 MARIE SMITH 4, of DUNCAN B. 3— Continued. 1696 Harry, 5 the fifth child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, unmarried January, 1908, and at home with his parents. 1697 HARRIET MARIE SMITH 5 and 1714 WILLAM A. LATTA. 1697 Harriet Marie, 5 the sixth child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm D., her husband, after graduating at the State Normal School and teaching several years, was mar- ried April 20, 1891, to Wm. A. Latta, who was also a teacher, but later a prominent attorney in Sacra- mento, Cal. To them were born: 1715 1 Olin Ralph, born March 2, 1893, in Marysville, Cal. 1716 2 Beatrice Estelle, born Nov. 9, 1894, in Knights Landing, Cal. 1717 3 Harriet Elma, 6 born April 21, 1896, in Knights Landing, Cal. 1718 4 Gertrude Maud, born March 11, 1900, in Sacramento, Cal. 1697 Harriet M. Latta, 5 the mother of the above four chil- dren, died in Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 26, 1906. Postoffice address of Wm. A. Latta and children May, 1908, Sacramento, Cal. 1698 Nellie Grant, 5 the seventh child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, was graduated from high school and has taught school several years. January, 1908, she was unmarried and teaching in the public schools of Sacramento, Cal., with postoffice address 2307 L. St. 1699 SARAH LETTIE SMITH 5 and 1719 BYRON JAKES 1699 Sarah L., 5 the eighth child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, was married Feb. 12, 1901, to Byron Jakes, who is a farmer on the old Smith ranch near Marysville, Cal. One child from this union: 1720 1 Irving Paul. 6 Postoffice address January, 1908, Marysville, Cal. 250 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARIE SMITH 4, of DUNCAN B. 3— Continued. 1700 William H., 5 the ninth child of Marie Smith 4 and Wm. D., her husband, was unmarried January, 1908, and engaged in the dairy business in Marysville, Cal.. which was postoffice address. LAVERNA ROSCOE 4, of DUNCAN B. 3. 1683 LAVERNA McMILLAN 4 and 1721 JAMES WALLACE ROSCOE. 1683 Laverna, 4 the second child of Duncan B. McMillan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, was married June 19, 1861, to James W. Roscoe, who was born in New York, Jan- uary, 1829. Laverna has been of great assistance in gathering data for this work. She has been a prompt and cheerful helper. To them were born : 1722 1 James Wallace, Jr., 5 born April 20, 1865, in Nevada Co., Cal. 1723 2 Alice Maria, 5 born June 20, 1868, in Marysville, Cal. 1724 3 Clara Mabel, 5 born May 20, 1874, in Marysville, Cal. 1725 4 Charles E., 5 born Oct. 5, 1880, in Marysville, Cal. 1726 5 Mary S., 5 born Nov. 22, 1883, in Marysville, Cal. 1721 James W. Roscoe, the father of the above five children, died June 26. 1907, in Marysville, Cal., in the sevent}'- ninth year of his age. Postoffice address of Laverna, 4 his widow, January, 1908. Sebastopol, Sanoma Co., Cal. 1722 James Wallace, Jr., 5 the first child of Laverna Roscoe* and James W., her husband, unmarried January, 1908, and postoffice address Marysville, Cal. 1723 ALICE MARIA ROSCOE 5 and 1727 GEORGE W. KIZER. 1723 Alice M., 5 the second child of Laverna Roscoe 4 and James W., her husband, was married Sept. 18, 1892, in Nebraska, to George W. Kizer. To them were born : 1728 1 Earl Francis, 8 born Jan. 18, 1894, in Nebraska. 1729 2 Laverna Maud, 6 born March 31, 1896, in Nebraska. 1730 3 Estelle May, 6 born May 15, 1898, in Nebraska. 1731 4 Frederic, 6 born Nov. 23, 1900, in Susanville, Cal. McMillan Genealogy and History. 251 LAVERNA ROSCOE 4, of DUNCAN B. 3— Continued. 1732 5 Irene, 6 born June 5, 1904, in Susanville, Cal. Postoffiee address of family January, 1908, Susanville, Cal. All living children at home with their parents. 1732 Irene, 6 the fifth child of Alice M. Kizer 5 and George W., her husband, died Jan. 2, 1908. 1724 CLARA MABEL ROSCOE 5 and 1733 JAMES S. CIRBY. 1724 Clara M., 5 the third child of Laverna Roscoe 4 and James W., her husband, after teaching school several years, was married Nov. 19, 1905, in Sacramento, Cal., to James S. Cirby, who is a farmer by occupation. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Forestville, Sanoma Co., Cal. 1725 Charles E., 5 the fourth child of Laverna Roscoe 4 and James W., her husband, died Jan. 19, 1903, in the twenty-third year of his age. 1726 Mary S., 5 the fifth child of Laverna Roscoe 4 and James "W., her husband, unmarried January, 1908, and at home with her mother. J. MANLEY McMILLAN 4, of DUNCAN B. 3. 1684 J. Manley, 4 the third child of Duncan B. McMillan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, was a soldier in the Civil War, being a member of Co. I, Eighth California Regiment. He was taken sick soon after enlistment and did not go to the front. He died in barracks on Alcatraz Isl- and in San Francisco bay, March 22, 1865, and was buried with military honors in Browns Valley, Cal. RANSOM O. McMILLAN 4, of DUNCAN B. 3. 1685 RANSOM O. McMILLAN 4 and 1734 ALICE DORA DRUM. 1685 Ransom O., 4 the fourth child of Duncan McMillan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, was a farmer and fruit grower and was married Jan. 1, 1875, to Alice D. Drum, who was born Feb. 18, 1845. To them were born: 1735 1 Herbert O., 5 born July 20, 1876. 1736 2 Herman Duncan, 5 born Nov. 12, 1878. 252 McMillan Genealogy and History. RANSOM 0. McMILLAN 4, of DUNCAN B. 3— Continued. 1737 3 Jesse Dwight, 5 born Nov. 15, 1884. 1738 4 Willard Drum, 5 born May 11, 1886. 1739 5 Lena Alice, 5 born March 9, 1890. 1734 Alice D. McMillan, the mother of the above five chil- dren, died Jan. 31, 1894, forty-nine years of age. Kansom O. McMillan 4 died Feb. 5, 1894, forty-six years of age. Both were buried in Browns Valley, Cal. 1735 Herbert O. 5 and (1736) Herman D., 5 the first and second children of Ransom O. McMillan 4 and Alice D., his wife, were unmarried and in California, January, 1908. Local address unknown. 1737 Jesse D., 5 the third child of Ransom O. McMillan 4 and Alice D., his wife, was unmarried January, 1908. Postoffice address Crescent City, Cal. 1738 Willard Drum 5 and (1739) Lena A., 5 the fourth and fifth children of Ransom O. McMillan 4 and Alice D., his wife, were unmarried and living with Mrs. Laverna Roscoe in Sebastopol, Cal., January, 1908. JAMES E. McMILLAN 4, of DUNCAN B. 3. 1686 JAMES E. McMILLAN 4 and 1740 CLARA VIOLA LOVE. 1686 James E., 4 the fifth child of Duncan B. McMillan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, was married Jan. 1. 1879, to Clara V. Love, who was born in Kalamazoo Co., Mich., Dec. 7, 1858. She was a graduate and a teacher of merit. James E. has lived in Illinois, Kansas and California, having made the overland journey with his father in 1862. He is a prosperous farmer and stock raiser, also engaged in fruit production near Browns Valley, Cal. He has ably assisted in gathering facts for this book. He and his wife are members of the Baptist church. To them were born : 1741 1 A daughter, 5 unnamed, born Aug. 24, 1879. 1742 2 Elwin Enos, 5 born Sept. 19, 1880, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1743 3 James Elwood, 5 born Sept. 5, 1883, in Browns Valley, Cal. McMillan Genealogy and History. 253 JAMES E. McMILLAN 4, of DUNCAN B. 3— Continued. 1744 4 Cora Lilo, 5 born April 20, 1886, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1745 5 Milton Clifford, 5 born May 11, 1888, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1746 6 Mabel Hannah, 5 born Feb. 13, 1891, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1747 7 Duncan Harold, 5 born Sept. 30, 1893, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1748 8 Gladys Viola, 5 born March 4, 1896, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1749 9 Joyce Leone, 5 born March 12, 1898, in Browns Valley, Cal. 1750 10 Arthur Narrigan, 5 born Aug. 30, 1900, in Browns Valley, Cal. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Browns Val- ley, Cal. 1741 The first child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, died in infancy. 1742 Elwin E., 5 the second child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, was accidentally killed Sept. 10, 1883. 1743 James E., 5 the third child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, has been in mercantile business, but January, 1908, was freight and ticket agent for the Southern Pacific Railway at Marysville, Cal. 1744 Cora L., 5 the fourth child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, is a graduate of high school and has been a teacher for some years. In January, 1908, she was a student in Stanford University at Palo Alto, Cal. 1745 Milton C., 5 the fifth child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, was unmarried January, 1908, and at home with his parents. 1746 Mabel H., 5 the sixth child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, died July 26, 1896. 1747 Duncan H., 5 (1748) Gladys V. 5 and (1750) Arthur N., 5 the seventh, eighth and tenth children, respectively, of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V.. his wife, at home with their parents January, 1908. 1749 Joyce L., 5 the ninth child of James E. McMillan 4 and Clara V., his wife, died Dec. 11. 1903. 254 McMillan Genealogy and History. WALTON CHENEY 4, of DUNCAN B. 3. 1687 Walton Cheney, 4 the sixth child of Duncan B. McMil- lan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, is a merchant and also postmaster at Browns Valley, Cal. January, 1908, he was unmarried and address as above. 1688 Elmer, 4 the seventh child of Duncan B. McMillan 3 and Sarah L., his wife, died in 1860 in Lynn Co., Kan. eliza McMillan 3, of Arthur 2. 1088 Eliza, 3 the eleventh child of Arthur McMillan 2 and Mar- tha, his wife, died Feb. 7, 1817. McMillan Genealogy and History. 255 CHAPTER X. david McMillan 2, of john 1. 6 DAVID McMILLAN 2 and 1764 HANNAH STOWE. 6 David, 2 the fifth child of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, was married in 1799 in Granville, Mass., to Han- nah Stowe. There is but little known of David 's early life. The fact of his growing to manhood during the Revolutionary War and his living near the scene of active operations and of his working with his father to open up and carry on a new farm, justifies the con- clusion that he became a strong, fearless, self-con- tained man. He early turned his thoughts to serious things and became a follower of his ancestors in the Presbyterian faith. Hannah Stowe was born in Gran- ville, Mass., Nov. 24, 1770, being the daughter of Ben- jamin Stowe and Lavina Stiles, whose ancestors eame over in the Mayflower. Shortly after marriage Da- vid 2 moved to Fort Covington, Franklin Co., N. Y., where for years he operated a saw mill. Later, how- ever, he bought a farm and spent the remainder of his life as a farmer. The records show that he was a thrifty, prosperous farmer, and the minutes of the church meetings in those early days show that David and his wife helped to organize the first Presbyterian church in Fort Covington and became regular attend- ants. The minutes show that he held many import- ant offices in the church for many years and was always a devoted and useful member. From the church minutes we also find that David's daughter Mary and his niece Florella McMillan united with the same church when they were young misses, and it is a pleasure to know they ever proved faithful to their early convictions. While nearly all his children moved to the West, David was content to remain in 256 McMillan Genealogy and History. DAVID McMILLAN 2, of JOHN l— Continued. the old home near Fort Covington, though it is re- corded that he once made a visit to his relatives in the West. To him and Hannah, his wife, were born: 1765 1 Charles, 3 born July 11, 1800, in Chateau gay, N. Y. 1766 2 Benjamin, 3 born Feb. 1, 1802, in Chateaugay, N. Y. 1767 3 Sarah Stowe, 3 born July 4, 1803, in Fort Covington. N. Y. 1768 4 Mary, 3 born Sept, 12, 1806, in Chateaugay, N. Y. 1769 5 Eliza, 3 born March 24, 1808, in Chateaugay, N. Y. 1770 6 Lavina, 3 born Nov. 24, 1810, in Chateaugay, N. Y. 1771 7 David Stiles, 3 born Jan. 1, 1812, in Chateaugay, N. Y. 1764 Hannah McMillan, the mother of the above seven chil- dren, died in Fort Covington, N. Y., July 29, 1840, in the seventieth year of her age. 6 David McMillan 2 died in Fort Covington, N. Y., March 9, 1848, seventy-eight years of age. CHARLES McMILLAN 3, of DAVID 2. 1765 CHARLES McMILLAN 3 and 1772 MIRRIAM BROWN. 1765 Charles, 3 the first child of David McMillan 2 and Han- nah, his wife, was married May 24, 1827, in Franklin Co., N. Y., to Mirriam Brown, who was born in Corn- well, Canada, in 1810. About the year 1830 Charles 3 and his wife moved to Ohio, settling near Tiffin. After a few years spent there they moved again to Wisconsin (then a territory) and settled on a farm about midway between the cities of Janesville and Madison. It is stated that Mirriam McMillan was for a long time the only white woman between those places. To accommodate a demand, Charles opened a hotel at his farm which was called the "Half-way House." To this couple were born : 1773 1 Sarah Ann, 4 born Aug. 18, 1828, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 1774 2 John Stowe, 4 born Feb. 14, 1831, in Fort Covington, N. Y. 1775 3 David Henry, 4 born Dec. 14, 1833, in Tiffin, Ohio. McMillan Genealogy and History. 257 CHARLES McMILLAN 3, of DAVID 2— Continued. 1776 4 Eliza, 4 born July 31, 1837, in Tiffin, Ohio. 1777 5 Hannah, 4 born Feb. 1, 1841, in Rock Co., Wis. 1778 6 Amanda, 4 born March 6, 1843, in Rock Co., Wis. 1779 7 James Aaron, 4 born Aug. 9, 1846, in Rock Co., Wis. 1780 8 Matilda, 4 born July 27, 1848, in Rock Co., Wis. 1781 9 Edward, 4 born Feb. 10, 1850, in Rock Co., Wis. 1765 Charles McMillan, 3 the father of the above nine children, died Nov. 3, 1873, in Stevens Point, Wis., in the seventy- fourth year of his age. 1772 Mirriam, his wife, died Nov. 4, 1887, in Rock Co., Wis., seventy-seven years of age. SARAH ANN MARTIN 4, of CHARLES 3. 1773 SARAH ANN McMILLAN 4 and 1782 EDWARD MARTIN. 1773 Sarah A., 4 the first child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mir- riam, his wife, was married Oct. 20, 1861, to Edward Martin, who was killed in action in the Civil War March 25, 1865, being a member of the Fifth Wiscon- sin Infantry. One child from this union: 1783 1 Charles, 5 born Nov. 9, 1863, in Sharon, Wis., and died Nov. 24, 1864, in Sharon, Wis. Postoffice address of Sarah Martin, 4 who has remained a widow, January, 1908, Stevens Point, Wis., care Mrs. Ida Boyington. JOHN STOWE McMILLAN 4, of CHARLES 3. 1774 JOHN STOWE McMILLAN 4 and 1784 LUCRETIA THORP. 1774 John S., 4 the second child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirriam, his wife, was married Oct. 11, 1852, in Union, Rock Co., Wis., to Lucretia Thorp, who was born July 13, 1837, in New York. To them were born: 1785 1 Charles, 5 born in 1853. 1786 2 Ella Maria, 5 born March 9, 1855. 1787 3 Alice Annett, 5 born April 25, 1862. 1788 4 Henry Eugene, 5 born Jan. 14, 1867. 258 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN STOWE McMILLAN 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. 1784 Lucretia McMillan, the mother of the above four chil- dren, died Oct. 3, 1896, in the sixtieth year of her age. 1774 John Stowe McMillan 4 died Jan. 10, 1901, in the seventieth year of his age. 1785 Charles, 5 the first child of John S. McMillan 4 and Lucre- tia, his wife, died in infancy. 1786 ELLA M. McMILLAN 5 and 1789 FREMONT BRIGHAM GLIDDEN. 1786 Ella M., 5 the second child of John S. McMillan 4 and Lucretia, his wife, was married in 1874 in Union, Wis., to Fremont B. Glidden, who was born in Rutland, Wis., in 1853. He is a dealer in agricultural machin- ery. To them were born : 1790 1 Vernon F.. 6 born Dec. 3, 1874, in Brooklyn, Wis. 1791 2 Wilbur J., c born July 19, 1880, in Britt, la. 1792 3 Florence Mirriam, 6 born in 1885, in Britt, la. 1793 4 Maud Ella, 6 born in 1893, in Britt, la. Postoffice address of Ella M. Glidden and Fremont B., her husband, January, 1908, Britt, la., the two younger children unmarried and at home with their parents. 1790 VERNON F. GLIDDEN 6 and 1794 HATTIE NASH. 1790 Vernon F., 6 the first child of Ella M. Glidden and Fre- mont B., her husband, was married Aug. 21, 1900, to Hattie Nash. To them were born : 1795 1 Lloyd, 7 born Oct. 31, 1902, iu Ames, la. 1796 2 Gordon Gilbert, 7 born 1905, in Britt, la. Postoffice address January, 1908, Britt, la. 1791 WILBUR J. GLIDDEN 6 and 1797 STELLA YELLAND. 1791 Wilbur J., 6 the second child of Ella M. Glidden 5 and Fre- mont B., her husband, was married in 1903 in Britt, la., to Stella Yelland. One child from this union: 1798 1 Harlie Fremont, 7 born Nov. 29, 1905, in Lincoln, Neb. Postoffice address January, 1908, Britt, la. McMillan Genealogy and History. 259 JOHN STOWE McMILLAN 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. 1787 ALICE ANNETT McMILLAN 5 and 1799 OLIVER LEVI RICHARDS. 1787 Alice A., 5 the third child of John S. McMillan 4 and Lu- cretia, his wife, was married Dec. 6, 1881, to Oliver L. Richards. He has been a farmer, but retired and liv- ing at ease in Janesville, Wis. One child from this union: 1800 1 Mabel Agnes, 6 born Oct. 6, 1884, in Janesville, Wis. Postoffice address January, 1908, Janesville, Wis., 51 Palm St. The daughter unmarried and at home with her parents. 1788 HENRY EUGENE McMILLAN 5 and 1801 CAROLINE HELMENSTEIN. 1788 Henry E, 5 the fourth child of John S. McMillan* and Lu- cretia, his wife, was married in Blue Mound, Wis., Nov. 25, 1891, to Caroline Helmenstein, who was born in 1872. To them were born : 1802 1 Leslie E, 6 born June 5, 1894. 1803 2 Ailene, 6 born June 25, 1901. 1804 3 John Thorp, 6 born Aug. 2, 1903. Postoffice address January. 1908, 853 Snelling Ave., St. Paul, Minn. DAVID HENRY McMILLAN 4, of CHARLES 3. 1775 DAVID HENRY McMILLAN 4 and 1805 MAHALA SANDERS TRAHERN. 1775 David H., 4 the third child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirriam, his wife, was married Sept. 13, 1860, in Little Piney, Wis., to Mahala S. Trahern, who was born in Lawrence Co., 111., March 3, 1835. He was a soldier in the Civil War, being a member of Co. D, Fifth Wis- consin Infantry. One child from this union: 1806 1 Imogene D., B born March 19. 1869, in Sharon, Wis. 1805 Mahala S. McMillan, the mother, died Feb. 3. 1896, in Oshkosh, Wis. 1775 David H. McMillan, 4 in January, 1908, was in the Sol- diers' Home in Waupaca, Wis. 260 McMillan Genealogy and History. DAVID HENRY McMILLAN 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. 1806 IMOGENE D. McMILLAN 5 and 1807 JAMES D. CONKLIN. 1806 Imogene D., 5 the only child of David H. McMillan 4 and Mahala S., his wife, was married April 10, 1898, to James D. Conklin. One child from this union: 1808 1 Melvin M., 6 born June 1, 1899. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, 91 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. ELIZA HARROLD 4, of CHARLES 3. 1776 ELIZA McMILLAN 4 and 1809 ALFRED HARROLD. 1776 Eliza, 4 the fourth child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirriam, his wife, was married in August, 1854, in Leola, Wis., to Alfred Harrold. To them were born : 1810 1 Alma, 5 born June 29, 1855, in Leola, Wis. 1811 2 Ida Elsie, 5 born Dec. 30, 1856, in Leola, Wis. 1812 3 Ellen Evelyn, 5 born March 22, 1859, in Leola, Wis. 1813 4 Hannah L., 5 born Aug. 3, 1862, in Sharon, Wis. 1814 5 Mirriam, 5 born Nov. 21, 1867, in Sharon, Wis. 1815 6 Charles H., 5 born Nov. 14, 1870, in Sharon, Wis. 1816 7 Sarah, 5 born April 19, 1873, in Sharon, Wis. 1817 8 Harriet L., 5 born Sept. 21, 1876, in Sharon, Wis. 1818 9 John Venning, 5 born Sept. 14, 1880, in Sharon, Wis. 1819 10 Elizabeth A., 5 born Oct. 12, 1882, in Sharon, Wis. 1776 Eliza Harrold, the mother of the above ten children, died Jan. 18, 1907, in the seventieth year of her age, and was buried in a cemetery six miles north of Donny- brook, N. D. 1809 Alfred Harrold was a soldier during the Civil War, be- ing a member of Co. B, 14th Wis. Infantry. He has been a pilot on the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers. In 1885 he moved to Minnesota and went to farming. He retired in 1901 and lives with his daughter, Mrs. M. Kuzee. Postoffice address January, 1908, Mohall, N. D. McMillan Genealogy and History. 261 ELIZA HARROLD 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. 1810 Alma, 5 the first child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, died Jan. 20, 1857. 1811 IDA ELSIE HARROLD 5 and 1820 ABBOTT D. BOYINGTON. 1811 Ida E., 5 the second child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, was married Dec. 22, 1879, in Sharon, Wis., to Abbott D. Boyington, who is a farmer and also has large lumber interests in Wisconsin. 1811 Ida E. Boyington 5 has given valuable assistance in the preparation of this work by furnishing many records of various branches of the family. To this couple were born: 1821 1 Charles S., 6 born Oct. 21, 1881, in Hantho, Minn. 1822 2 Annis C., 6 born Oct. 7, 1883, in Hantho, Minn. 1823 3 Maude, 6 born April 4, 1885, in Hantho, Minn. 1824 4 Madge, 6 born Aug. 4, 1887, in Hantho, Minn. 1825 5 Vernon H., 8 born Oct. 22, 1888, in Hantho, Minn. 1826 6 Richard D,M . 1827 7 Ruth 6 f twins, born April 12, 1891. 1828 8 Chauncy K., 6 born July 10, 1894. 1829 9 Alfred Eugene, 6 born Feb. 24, 1896. 1830 10 Ida May, 6 born Aug. 12, 1899. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Stevens Point, Wis. The six younger children unmarried and at home with their parents. 1821 CHARLES S. BOYINGTON 6 and 1831 FLORENCE V. KREIMBE. 1821 Charles S., 6 the first child of Ida E. Boyington 5 and Abbott D., her husband, was married Nov. 20, 1903, in Stevens Point, Wis., to Florence V. Kreimbe. He is in the employ of a lumber firm in Morse, Wis., and is also postmaster at that point, January, 1908. 1822 ANNIS C. BOYINGTON 6 and 1832 WALTER FRANKS. 1822 Annis C., 6 the second child of Ida E. Boyington 5 and Abbott D., her husband, was married April 24, 1904, in Stevens Point, Wis., to Walter Franks. To them were born: 1833 1 Richard W., 7 born Feb. 18, 1905, in Stevens Point, Wis. 262 McMillan Genealogy and History. ELIZA HARROLD 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. 1834 2 Madge A., 7 born Nov. 16, 1907, in Stevens Point, Wis. Postoffice address January, 1908, Westboro, Wis. 1823 Maude, 6 the third child of Ida E. Boyington 5 and Abbott D., her husband, in January, 1908, was a school teacher in Morse, Wis. 1824 Madge, 6 the fourth child of Ida E. Boyington 5 and Abbott D., her husband, January, 1908. was a school teacher in Mattoon, Wis. 1812 ELLEN EVELYN HARROLD 5 and 1835 REUBEN D. JOHNSON. 1812 Ellen E., 5 the third child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred. her husband, was married Dec. 30, 1885, in Hantho, Minn., to Reuben D. Johnson, a farmer in North Da- kota. To them were born : 1836 1 Norman K., 6 born March 4, 1887, in Agassiz, Minn. 1837 2 Amy E., 6 born Aug. 2, 1889, in Agassiz, Minn. 1838 3 Alma, 6 born Feb. 22, 1891, in Agassiz, Minn. 1839 4 Lloyd S, 6 born March 20, 1898, in Agassiz, Minn. 1840 5 Rolland D., 6 born May 5, 1900, in Agassiz, Minn. The above five children all unmarried and at home with their parents, January, 1908, except Lloyd S.,° who died May 25. 1898. in Agassiz, Minn. Postoffice address August, 1908, Valley City, N. Dak. 1813 HANNAH L. HARROLD 5 and 1841 JULIAN FOSTER. 1813 Hannah L., 5 the fourth child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Al- fred, her husband, was married May 22, 1882, in Han- tho, Minn., to Julian Foster, who is a professional chess player. To them were born : 1842 1 Julian Harrold, 6 born Feb. 18, 1884, in Bellingham, Minn. 1843 2 Scott Eugene, 6 born Aug. 8, 1885, in Bellingham, Minn. 1844 3 Edith Lydia, 6 born Aug. 4, 1891, in Bellingham, Minn. 1845 4 Fred John, 6 born Feb. 26, 1893, in Bellingham, Minn. 1846 5 Ethel Hannah, 6 born March 6, 1894, in Bellingham, Minn. 1847 6 Evalyn Mae, 6 born Jan. 31, 1897, in Bellingham, Minn. 1848 7 Paul Westley, 6 born Feb. 10, 1899, in Bellingham, Minn. McMillan Genealogy and History. 263 ELIZA HARROLD 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. 1849 8 Evangeline Eliza, 6 born July 13, 1902, in Bellingham, Minn. 1850 9 Eleanor Rosamond, 6 born Aug. 14, 1904, in Bellingham, Minn. Postoffiee address of Hannah L. Foster 5 and Julian, her husband, March, 1908, Bellingham, Minn. All living children except Julian H., 6 the first-born, unmarried and at home with their parents. 1842 JULIAN HARROLD FOSTER 6 and 1851 LORA ADELLA JOHNSON. 1842 Julian H., 6 the first child of Hannah L. Foster 5 and Julian, her husband, was married Nov. 20, 1904, to Lora A. Johnson. To them were born : 1852 1 Donald Julian, 7 born Oct, 31, 1905, in Grano, N. D. 1853 2 Floyd John, 7 born Sept. 8, 1907, in Grano, N. D. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Grano, N. D. 1845 Fred John, 6 the fourth child of Hannah L. Foster 5 and Julian, her husband, died March 9, 1893. 1814 MIRRIAM HARROLD 5 and 1854 MILLARD JOHNSON. 1814 Mirriam, 5 the fifth child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, was married Jan. 15, 1890, to Millard Johnson, by occupation a farmer. To them were born: 1855 1 Allie, 6 born March 18, 1891, in Bellingham, Minn. 1856 2 Edna, 6 born Oct. 7, 1892, in Bellingham, Minn. 1857 3 Harry, 6 born Aug. 18, 1894, in Bellingham, Minn. 1858 4 Mervin, 6 born July 5, 1896, in Bellingham, Minn. 1859 5 Ellen, 6 born Feb. 6, 1899, in Bellingham, Minn. All children at home unmarried January, 1908, and post- office address of family Mohall, N. D. 1815 Charles H., 5 the sixth child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, is a farmer in North Dakota. January. 1908, he was unmarried and living at Mohall, N. D. 1816 SARAH HARROLD 5 and 1860 STILES RAY. 1816 Sarah, 5 the seventh child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, was married Nov. 7, 1899, in Appleton, 264 McMillan Genealogy and History. ELIZA HARROLD 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued. Minn., to Stiles Ray, her cousin. He is a painter and paper hanger by trade. To them were born: 1861 1 Vilas, 6 born Aug. 18, 1900. 1862 2 Amanda, 6 born Jan. 2, 1904. 1863 3 Gordon McMillan, 6 born Jan. 31, 1907. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Minoqua, Wis. 1862 Amanda, 6 the second child of Sarah Ray 5 and Stiles, her husband, died Feb. 12, 1906. 1817 HARRIET L. HARROLD 5 and 1864 MATTHEW KUZEE. 1817 Harriet L., 5 the eighth child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Al- fred, her husband, was married Feb. 27, 1907, in Don- nybrook, N. D., to Matthew Kuzee, who was born in Laketown, Mich., Jan. 22, 1876, and is a farmer by occupation. Postoffice address January, 1908, Mohall, N. D. 1818 John Venning, 5 the ninth child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, unmarried and postoffice address January, 1908, Mohall, N. D. 1819 Elizabeth, 5 the tenth child of Eliza Harrold 4 and Alfred, her husband, unmarried January, 1908, and post- office address, Mohall, N. D. HANNAH THORP 4, of CHARLES 3. 1777 HANNAH McMILLAN 4 and 1865 LOUIS FERGUSON. 1777 Hannah, 4 the fifth child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirriam, his wife, was married about March, 1858, to Louis Ferguson. No children from this union, and the couple were di- vorced after a few years. 1777 HANNAH FERGUSON 4 and 1866 ASHABEL D. THORP. 1777 Hannah 4 married for her second husband, March 9, 1870, Ashabel D. Thorp. No children from this union. 1777 Hannah Thorp 4 died May 10, 1890, in Evansville, Wis., in the fiftieth year of her age. In January, 1908, A. D. Thorp's postoffice address was Janesville, Wis. McMillan Genealogy and History. 265 AMANDA RAY 4, of CHARLES 3. 1778 AMANDA McMILLAN 4 and 1867 WILLIAM J. RAY. 1778 Amanda, 4 the sixth child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mir- riam, his wife, was married in 1859 to William J. Ray. To them were born: 1868 1 Ora C., 6 born Dec. 27, 1860. 1860* 2 Stiles. 5 1778 Amanda Ray, the mother of the above two children, died Sept. 14, 1869, in Greentop, Mo., in the twenty-seventh year of her age. 1867 Wm. J. Ray died May 20, 1872. 1868 Ora C., 5 the first child of Amanda Ray 4 and Wm. J., her husband, died unmarried Feb. 21, 1881, twenty years of age. 1860* STILES RAY 5 and 1816* SARAH HARROLD. 5 I860* Stiles, 5 the second child of Amanda Ray 4 and Wm. J., her husband, was married Nov. 9, 1899, in Appleton, Wis., to Sarah Harrold, his cousin, as before recorded. Children born to them also recorded. 1779 James Aaron, 4 the seventh child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirriam, his wife, died Feb. 27, 1846. MATILDA LUCE 4, of CHARLES 3. 1780 MATILDA McMILLAN 4 and 1869 NICHOLAS D. LUCE. 1780 Matilda, 4 the eighth child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirriam, his wife, was married Jan. 1, 1863, to Nicho- las D. Luce, in Stevens Point, Wis. To them were born : 1870 1 Eliza Jane, 5 born Oct. 10, 1863. 1871 2 Adelina Lenora, 5 born Oct. 7, 1865. 1872 3 Emma C., 5 born April 11, 1868. 1873 4 Carrie Lavina, 5 born Aug. 13, 1872. 1874 5 Nellie Matilda, 5 born Nov. 19, 1874. 1875 6 Ida May, 5 born Feb. 10, 1877. 1876 7 Martin Darrow, 5 born Oct. 14, 1879. •Previously recorded. 266 McMillan Genealogy and History. MATILDA LUCE 4, of CHARLES 3— Continued 1877 8 Benjamin David, 5 born Sept, 30, 1881. 1878 9 Pearl Jennie, 5 born Aug. 20, 1883. The authors regret that the record of these children has not been secured. No one but the immediate family can give the record and they have not seen fit to do so. Repeated letters and appeals to Mrs. Matilda Luce for information have received no attention and met with no response. It is only known that Nellie Matilda, 5 the fifth child, died in infancy. 1781 Edward, 4 the ninth child of Charles McMillan 3 and Mirri- am, his wife, died in infancy. BENJAMIN McMILLAN 3, of DAVID 2. 1766 BENJAMIN McMILLAN 3 and 1879 ACHSAH BROWN. 1766 Benjamin, 3 the second child of David McMillan 2 and Hannah, his wife, was married in Ohio to Achsah Brown, a sister to Clarissa Brown, already recorded. It has not been practicable to ascertain the date of this marriage, but it was probably about 1832, for we find that Benjamin 3 and Achsah moved to Rock Co., Wis., about 1838. Here they engaged in hotel keeping, and followed it for years, and acquired considerable means which stood them in good stead in later years. About 1850 he was stricken with paralysis, which deprived him of the use of his limbs, and rendered him well- nigh helpless. Shortly after this they went to live with Achsah 's niece, Matilda C. Lathrop and Emory S., her husband. They continued under the care of this couple all their lives, although often living in a separate house. He was a whole-souled, jolly man and in spite of his affliction got much pleasure from life, and greatly enjoyed his friends. Achsah was a kind- hearted, noble woman, and devoted her life to the un- selfish care of her afflicted husband. They lived for years in Sparta, Wis., near the Lathrops. In the year 1860 they moved to Minnesota, near Centrevillc where Benjamin 3 died, May 12, 1867, in the sixty- McMillan Genealogy and History. 267 BENJAMIN McMILLAN 3, of DAVID 2— Continued. fifth year of his age. He was buried in Stevens Point. Wis. Aehsah made her home with her niece, Matilda Lathrop, until the latter 's death in 1875, when she re- turned to her old home near Toledo, Ohio, and died there about 1872. SARAH S. DORR 3, of DAVID 2. 1767 SARAH S. McMILLAN 3 and 1880 EDWARD DORR. 1767 Sarah, 3 the third child of David McMillan 2 and Hannah, his wife, was married in 1820, in Ft. Covington, N. Y., to Edward Dorr. To them were born : 1881 1 William, 4 born 1821, in Ft, Covington, N. Y. 1882 2 Edward Belia, 4 born July 10, 1823, in Ft, Covington, N. Y. 1883 3 David, 4 born 1825, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1884 4 Mary Ann, 4 born Jan. 31, 1827, in Ft. Covington, N. V. 1767 Sarah S. Dorr, 3 the mother of the above four children, died Feb. 22, 1835, in Ft, Covington, N. Y., thirty-two years of age. Edward Dorr, her husband, died (date unknown). 1881 William, 4 the first child of Sarah S. Dorr 3 and Edward. her husband, never married. In 1849 he went to Cali- fornia, Amidor county, and died some years later in Stockton, Cal. EDWARD BELIA DORR 4, of SARAH S. 3. 1882 EDWARD BELIA DORR 4 and 1885 CAROLINE DUNBAR. 1882 Edward B., 4 the second child of Sarah S. Dorr 3 and Ed- ward, her husband, was married in 1853 to Caroline Dunbar. They moved to Albany, Wis., where he was a carpenter and millwright. To them were born: 1886 1 Frank. 5 1887 2 Augustus J. 5 1888 3 Edward. 5 1889 4 Mary. 5 268 McMillan Genealogy and History. EDWARD BELIA DORR 4, of SARAH S. 3— Continued. 1882 Edward B. Dorr, 4 the father of the above four children, died Feb. 16, 1891, in Albany, Wis., in the sixty-eighth year of his age. The whereabouts of Caroline, his widow, not known. 1886 From Frank, 5 the first child of Edward B. Dorr and Caroline, his wife, it has been impossible to get any response to numerous letters sent him. We have been able to ascertain that at last accounts he was married and had one child and lived in Antigo, Mich. 1887 From Augustus J., 5 the second child of Edward B. Dorr and Caroline, his wife, it has also been impossible to gather any information except that in 1891 he lived in Alanthus, Gentry Co., Mo. 1888 Of Edward, 5 the third child of Edward B. Dorr 4 and Caroline, his wife, nothing whatever has been learned. 1889 MARY DORR 5 and 1890 ACHESON. 1889 Mary, 5 the fourth child of Edward B. Dorr 4 and Caro- line, his wife, was married in Albany, Wis., to a man named Acheson. They had one child: 1891 1 Zita. 6 No further record of the family has been obtained, as all letters met with no response. DAVID DORR 4, of SARAH S. 3. 1883 DAVID DORR 4 and 1892 REBECCA . 1883 David, 4 the third child of Sarah S. Dorr 3 and Edward, her husband, was married about 1850 to Rebecca To them were born: 1893 1 Mary 5 and two other daughters, names unknown. The father, David, 4 was killed in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 11, 1865, by a piledriver hammer falling on him. Noth- ing further has been learned about the family, al- though we have made the most strenuous efforts. McMillan Genealogy and History. 269 MARY ANN MAYNARD 4, of SARAH S. 3. 1884 MARY ANN DORR 4 and 1894 HENRY CLAY MAYNARD. 1884 Mary A., 4 the fourth child of Sarah S. Dorr and Ed- ward, her husband, was married April 24, 1854, to Henry C. Maynard in Ft. Covington, N. Y. He was born July 17, 1827, in Washington Co., N. Y. To them were born: 1895 1 Sarah Irene, 5 born Aug. 3, 1855. 1896 2 Carrie Eliza, 5 born Aug. 11, 1861, in Malone, N. Y. 1897 3 Mary Elizabeth, 5 born June 1, 1863. 1898 4 Fred Henry, 5 born Sept. 11, 1866. 1884 Mary Ann Maynard, the mother of the above four chil- dren, died April 9, 1902, in Cambridge, N. Y., in her seventy-sixth year. 1894 Henry Clay Maynard died Feb. 24, 1906, in Cambridge. N. Y., in his seventy-ninth year. 1895 Sarah I., 5 the first child of Mary A. Maynard 4 and Hen- ry C, her husband, January, 1908, was unmarried and living in Cambridge, N. Y. 1896 CARRIE ELIZA MAYNARD 5 and 1899 ROBERT GARDNER McKEE. 1896 Carrie E., 5 the second child of Mary A. Maynard 4 and Henry C, her husband, was married in 1880 to Robert G. McKee. To them were born: 1900 1 Harvey Clarence, 6 born Sept. 13, 1881. 1901 2 Charles Buck, 6 born Dec. 19, 1882. 1902 3 Henry Maynard, 6 born Nov. 4, 1886. 1903 4 Mary Margaret, 6 born Aug. 15, 1900. 1899 Robert G. McKee, the father of the above four children, died Dec. 25, 1907. Postoffice address of Carrie E., 5 his widow, January, 1908, Salem, N. Y. All children except Harvey C. e at home with her. 1900 HARVEY CLARENCE McKEE 6 and 1904 JENNIE GOODRICH CRAWFORD. 1900 Harvey C., 6 the first child of Carrie E. McKee 5 and Robert G., her husband, was married Oct. 22, 1904, in New York City, to Jennie Goodrich Crawford. 270 McMillan Genealogy and History, MARY ANN MAYNARD 4, of SARAH S. 3— Continued. One child from this union : 1905 1 Clifford Gardner, 7 born April 3, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Arlington, Vt, R. P. D. No. 1. 1897 Mary E., 5 the third child of Mary Ann Maynard 4 and Henry C, her husband, January, 1908, was unmarried and living in Cambridge, N. Y. 1898 FRED HENRY MAYNARD 5 and 1906 JULIA LUCY SIMPSON. 1898 Fred H., 5 the fourth child of Mary A. Maynard 4 and Henry C, her husband, was married April 3, 1894, in Shushan, N. Y., to Julia L. Simpson. To them were born: 1907 1 Issolene Orra, 6 born Oct. 19, 1896. 1908 2 William McMillan, 8 1 . on 1fiQO 1909 3 Henry Cecil, 8 j tWmS ' b ° m Aug " 2 °' 18 "" 1910 4 Frederick Kenneth, 6 born May 12, 1905. Postoffice address January, 1908, Cambridge, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 1. MARY STEVENS 3, of DAVID 2. 1768 MARY McMILLAN 3 and 1911 WILLIAM STEVENS. 1768 Mary, 3 the fourth child of David McMillan 2 and Hannah, his wife, was married April 3, 1839, by the Rev. M. Wells to William Stevens, who was born in Windsor, Vt., May 20, 1806. Mary 3 was the first white child born in Ft. Covington and the last survivor of the original members of the Presbyterian church, which her parents helped to organize. To the above couple were born: 1912 1 David E., 4 born April 2, 1840. 1913 2 William, 4 born Jan. 10, 1842. 1914 3 Benjamin F., 4 born Oct. 17, 1844. 1915 4 Jane A., 4 born Sept. 5, 1846. 1916 5 Stiles H., 4 born Aug. 23, 1851. 1768 Mary Stevens, 3 the mother of the above five children, died Jan. 21, 1877, in Ft. Covington, N. Y., seventy-one years of age. Mrs. Mary Stevens' Xo. 1768 Between pases 270 and 271 McMillan Genealogy and History. 271 MARY STEVENS 3, of DAVID 2— Continued. 1911 William Stevens died in Ft. Covington, Feb. 4, 1881, in his seventy-fifth year. DAVID E. STEVENS 4, of MARY 3. 1912 DAVID E. STEVENS 4 and 1917 MARY AMANDA LITTLE. 1912 David E., 4 the first child of Mary Stevens 3 and William, her husband, was married Dec. 26, 1867, in St. Louis, Mo., to Mary Amanda Little. One child from this union : 1918 1 Estella May, 5 born Nov. 30, 1868, in Evansville, Wis. 1917 Mary A. Stevens, the mother of the above child, died in December, 1868. 1912 DAVID E. STEVENS 4 and 1919 WINNIFRED REGAN. 1917 Mary Amanda, the first wife of David E. Stevens, 4 hav- ing died, as before stated, he married for his second wife, April 10, 1872, in Janesville, Wis., Winnifred Regan. To them were born: 1920 2 Willard S., 5 born Feb. 4, 1873, in Evansville, Wis. 1921 3 Mary A., 5 born Dec. 21, 1877, in Evansville, Wis. 1922 4 Ralph D., 5 born Sept. 11, 1878, in Evansville, Wis. 1923 5 Ward A., 5 born Dec. 21, 1879, in Evansville, Wis. 1924 6 Carl C., 5 born March 31, 1881, in Evansville, Wis. 1925 7 Anna J., 5 born Jan. 29, 1885, in Evansville, Wis. 1926 8 Bessie Maud, 5 born April 3, 1886, in Evansville, Wis. 1912 David E. Stevens, 4 the father of the above eight children, died Dec. 1, 1903, in Evansville, Wis., in the sixty- fourth year of his age. Postoffice address of Winnifred, his widow, January, 1908, Evansville, Wis. The five younger children at home. 1918 ESTELLA MAY STEVENS 5 and 1927 M. DE WITT MARTIN. 1918 Estella M., 5 the daughter of David E. Stevens 4 and Mary A., his first wife, was married Oct. 4, 1898, to M. De- Witt Martin. Postoffice address January, 1908, Evansville, Wis. 272 McMillan Genealogy and History. DAVID E. STEVENS 4, of MARY 3— Continued. 1920 WILLARD S. STEVENS 5 and 1928 ETHLYN CARPENTER. 1920 "Willard S., 5 the first child of David E. Stevens 4 and Winnifred, his second wife, was married Nov. 12, 1898. to Ethlyn Carpenter. Postoffice address January, 1908, Evansville, Wis. 1921 MARY A. STEVENS 5 and 1929 MURRAY GARLICK. 1921 Mary A., 5 the second child of David E. Stevens 4 and Winnifred, his second wife, was married June 25, 1903, to Murray Garlick. One child from this union : 1930 1 David Leslie, 6 born Oct. 29, 1907, in Evansville, Wis. Postoffice address January, 1908, Evansville, Wis. WILLIAM STEVENS 4, of MARY 3. 1913 WILLIAM STEVENS 4 and 1931 ELVIRA GILMAN. 1913 William, 4 the second child of Mary Stevens 3 and William, her husband, was married June 17, 1874, to Elvira Gilman, who was born near Beloit, Wis., March 10, 1849. To them were born : 1932 1 Mary, 5 born July 17, 1880. 1933 2 Meda B., 5 born May 20, 1884. 1913 Wm. Stevens 4 is a retired stock and grain dealer. Postoffice address January, 1908, Evansville, Wis. 1932 Mary, 5 the first child of William Stevens 4 and Elvira, his wife, died May 8, 1882. 1933 Meda B., 5 the second child of William Stevens 4 and El- vira, his wife, was graduated from State University in 1906. Unmarried and at home with her parents, January, 1908. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STEVENS 4, of MARY 3. 1914 Benjamin F., 4 the third child of Mary Stevens 3 and William, her husband, died unmarried Sept. 24, 1885, aged forty-one years, and was buried in Ft. Coving- ton, N. Y. McMillan Genealogy and History. 273 JANE A. VAN PATTON 4, of MARY 3. 1915 JANE A. STEVENS 4 and 1934 ARTEMAS VAN PATTON. 1915 Jane A., 4 the fourth child of Mary Stevens 8 and "William, her husband, was married Sept. 16, 1873, in Ft. Cov- ington, N. Y., to Artemas Van Patton. No children from this union. Postoffice address May, 1908, Perry, Iowa. STILES H. STEVENS 4, of MARY 3. 1916 Stiles H., 4 the fifth child of Mary Stevens 3 and William, her husband, is unmarried and a farmer in Franklin Co., N. Y. He has been of great assistance in pro- curing data for this work, and is an encyclopedia of names and dates, and has ever responded promptly and gladly when called on for information. Postoffice address May, 1908, Ft. Covington, N. Y. ELIZA RUSSELL 3, of DAVID 2. 1769 ELIZA McMILLAN 3 and 1935 DANIEL RUSSELL. 1769 Eliza, 3 the fifth child of David McMillan 2 and Hannah, his wife, was married in Ft. Covington, N. Y., to Daniel Russell. No children from this union. 1935 Daniel Russell died in Malone, N. Y. 1769 ELIZA RUSSELL 3 and 1936 GEORGE RUSSELL. 1935 Daniel Russell having died as before stated, Eliza, 3 his widow, married for her second husband, George Rus- sell, a cousin of her first husband. No children from this union. 1769 Eliza Russell died April 27, 1874, in Malone, N. Y., in the sixty-seventh year of her age, and George Russell, her second husband, died in Malone, N. Y., March 7, 1895. 1769 Eliza Russell, 3 having no children, adopted a child : 1937 1 Phoebe A. Peets, who was born July 10, 1837, to David Peets and Hannah Russell. This child was called Rus- sell, and was regarded as Eliza's own child. 274 McMillan Genealogy and History. ELIZA RUSSELL 3, of DAVID 2— Continued. 1937 PHOEBE A. RUSSELL 4 and 1938 TRUMAN BEST. 1937 Phoebe A., 4 the adopted child of Eliza Russell 3 and George, her second husband, was married May 31, 1864, to Truman Best. To them were born: 1939 1 Lizzie Langdon, 5 born 1865. 1940 2 Walter Truman, 5 born Sept. 23, 1868. 1941 3 Maud Eliza, 5 born Nov. 11, 1871. 1938 Truman Best, the father of the above three children, was drowned at Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 3, 1872, in trying to save the lives of others. Postoffice address of Phoebe A., his widow, January, 1908, Excelsior Springs, Mo. 1939 Lizzie Langdon, 5 the first child of Phoebe A. Best 4 and Truman, her husband, died in infancy. 1940 WALTER TRUMAN 5 and 1940 Walter Truman, 5 the second child of Phoebe A. Best 4 and Truman, her husband, was married . No children resulting. He is a lecturer and entertainer for the Young Men's Christian Association, traveling over the whole United States, attending meetings. Postoffice address January, 1908, Leland, Mich. 1941 Maud Eliza, 5 the third child of Phoebe A. Best 4 and Tru- man, her husband, died July 24, 1880. 1770 Lavina, 3 the sixth child of David McMillan 2 and Han- nah, his wife, died Jan. 16, 1820, in Ft. Covington, N. Y., nine years of age. David Stiles McMillan 3 No. 1771 McMillan Genealogy and History. 275 DAVID STILES McMILLAN 3, of DAVID 2. 1771 DAVID STILES McMILLAN 3 and 1942 HARRIET NEWELL BARBOUR. 1771 David Stiles, 3 the seventh child of David McMillan 2 and Hannah, his wife, was married Jan. 6, 1835, in Ft. Cov- ington, N. Y., to Harriet N. Barbour, who was born Nov. 22, 1815, in Orwell, Vt. To them were born: 1943 1 Daniel, 4 born Dec. 1835, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1944 2 Huldah, 4 born Jan. 22, 1838, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1945 3 Henry Stiles, 4 born Sept. 21, 1841, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1946 4 Daniel Tucker, 4 born Jan. 6, 1843, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1947 5 Infant son 4 (unnamed), born June, 1844, in Ft. Coving- ton, N. Y. 1948 6 Benjamin Franklin, 4 born Oct. 17. 1845, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1949 7 Sarah Louise, 4 born Jan. 6, 1847, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1950 8 Mary Jane, 4 born Aug. 24, 1849, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1951 9 Charles Van Vechten, 4 born Feb. 8, 1851, in Malone, N. Y. 1952 10 Richard Harriman, 4 born Oct, 13, 1853, in Ft. Covington, N. Y. 1771 David S. McMillan, 3 the father of the above ten children, died Nov. 3, 1883, in Stevens Point, Wis., in the seven- ty-second year of his age. 1942 Harriet N., his widow, alive in January, 1908, living with her daughter, Mrs. Huldah Powell, in McMillan, Wis., at the ripe age of 92. 1943 Daniel, 4 the first child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, died in July, 1841. 1944 HULDAH McMILLAN 4 and 1953 SAMUEL BENTON POWELL. 1944 Huldah, 4 the second child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, was married June 10, 1857, in Malone, N. Y., to Samuel B. Powell, who was born March 26, 1831, in Malone, N. Y. Huldah Powell 4 is a woman of great strength of character. She has a keen intelligence and rare judgment, and is in every way an exceptional woman. She has been of great assistance in gathering data for this work. 276 McMillan Genealogy and History. DAVID STILES McMILLAN 3, of DAVID 2— Continued. One child from this union: 1954 1 John Russell, 5 born March 7, 1858. 1953 Samuel B. Powell died May 17, 1897, in Chicago, 111. Postoffice address of Mrs. Huldah Powell 4 January, 1908, McMillan, Wis. 1954 JOHN RUSSELL POWELL 5 and 1955 LUCY EASTMAN ERMINE. 1954 John R., 5 the only child of Huldah Powell 4 and Samuel B., her husband, was married May 31, 1892, in Day- tonia, Fla., to Lucy E. Ermine, who was born Jan. 12, 1848, in New York. He is a physician, practicing in Chicago, 111. Postoffice address January, 1908, 92 State St., Chicago, 111., Suite 1132. 1955 Lucy E., his wife, died in Chicago, 111., May 10, 1899. 1945 HENRY STILES McMILLAN 4 and 1956 MARY E. GAY. 1945 Henry S., 4 the third child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, was married June 10, 1863, in Malone, N. Y., to Mary E. Gay, who was born May, 1843, in Malone, N. Y. One child from this union : 1957 1 Maud Marguerite, 5 born Aug. 5, 1864, in Malone, N. Y. 1945 Henry S. McMillan 4 died Nov. 13, 1873, in Stevens Point, Wis., in the thirty-third year of his age. Postoffice address of Mary E., his widow, and Maud M., 8 his daughter, unmarried, January, 1908, Malone, N. Y. 1946 Daniel T, 4 the fourth child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, was a member of the Sixteenth New York Regiment in the Civil War, and was killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, near Salem's church, Virginia, May 3, 1863, in the twenty-first year of his age. He was a young man of much promise and was deeply mourned by his family and a large circle of friends. 1947 The infant son (unnamed) of David Stiles McMillan 8 and Harriet N., his wife, died in 1844. Daniel T. McMillan 4 No. 1916 Rotwppn nncrnt; 07C onrl *>77 McMillan Genealogy and History. 277 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN McMILLAN 4, of DAVID S. 3. 1948 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN McMILLAN 4 and 1958 ADA MARIAN BEEBB. 1948 Benjamin F., 4 the sixth child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, was married April 30, 1873, in Constable, N. Y., to Ada M. Beebe, who was born April 17, 1847, in Constable, N. Y. He is a general merchant and lumberman in McMillan, Wis. One child from this union: 1959 1 Laura Bell, 5 born July 1, 1876, in Stevens Point, Wis., and died Jan. 16, 1877. Postoffice address of Benjamin F. McMillan 4 January, 1908, McMillan, Wis. SARAH LOUISE CHARLES 4, of DAVID S. 3. 1949 SARAH LOUISE McMILLAN 4 and 1960 WILLIAM CHARLES. 1949 Sarah L., 4 the seventh child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet, his wife, was married Jan. 21, 1869, in Keo- kuk, la., to Rev. Win. Charles. She died Jan. 14, 1870, in Springfield, Mo., in the twenty-fourth year of her age. No further record of Wm. Charles. 1950 Mary J., 4 the eighth child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, died November, 1850, in Malone, N. Y. CHARLES VAN VECHTEN McMILLAN 4, of DAVID S. 3. 1951 CHARLES VAN VECHTEN McMILLAN 4 and 1961 ANNA KATE PRENTICE. 1951 Charles V., 4 the ninth child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, was married April, 1874, in Stevens Point, Wis., to Anna K. Prentice, who was born Sept. 10, 1854. To them were born : 1962 1 Anna Louise, 5 born April 15, 1875, in Stevens Point, Wis. 1963 2 Charles Henry, 5 born July 10, 1882, in Stevens Point, Wis. 1964 3 Marguerite, 5 born May 7, 1888, in McMillan, Wis. 278 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHARLES VAN VECHTEN McMILLAN 4, of DAVID S. a— Con. 1965 4 Catherine, 5 born Oct. 7, 1894, in Fond du Lac, Wis. Postoffice address of Charles V. McMillan* and Anna, his wife, January, 1908, 212 Second St., Fond du Lac. Wis. The three younger children unmarried and at home with their parents. 1962 ANNA LOUISE McMILLAN 5 and 1966 THORTON ATKINSON GREEN. 1962 Anna L., 5 the first child of Charles V. McMillan* and Anna K., his wife, was married Jan. 18, 1899, in Fond du Lac, Wis., to Thorton A. Green, who was born April 17, 3874, in Milwaukee. Wis. To them were born : 1967 1 Charles McMillan, 6 born Aug. 3, 1900, in Kansas City, Mo. 1968 2 Thorton Atkinson, Jr., born Aug. 16, 1905, in Ontona- gon, Mich. Postoffice address January, 1908, Ontonagon, Mich. RICHARD HARRIMAN McMILLAN 4, of DAVID S. 3. 1952 RICHARD HARRIMAN McMILLAN* and 1969 LOUISE CATHERINE NEEBER. 1952 Richard H.,* the tenth child of David S. McMillan 3 and Harriet N., his wife, was married Oct. 2, 1873, in Ro- chester, Wis., to Louise C. Neeber, who was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, July 15, 1849. One child from this union: 1970 1 Frederick Stiles, 5 born July 27, 1874, in Stevens Point, Wis. 1952 Richard H. McMillan.* the father of the above child, died July 27, 1874, in Stevens Point, Wis., in the twenty-first year of his age. Postoffice address of Louise C, his widow, January. 1908, 577 Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis. 1970 FREDERICK STILES McMILLAN 5 and 1971 AMY ESTELLE WILD. 1970 Frederick S., 5 the child of Richard H. McMillan* and Louise C, his wife, was married Dec. 2, 1896, in Fond du Lac, Wis., to Amy E. Wild, who was born in 1880, in Fond du Lac, Wis. McMillan Genealogy and History. 279 RICHARD HARRIMAN McMILLAN 4, of DAVID S. 3— Con. To them were born : 1972 1 Franklin Wild, 6 born Sept. 30, 1897, in Fond du Lac, Wis. 1973 2 Marjory Louise, 6 born July 26, 1901, in Fond du Lac, Wis. 1974 3 Richard Frederick, 6 born March 10, 1907, in Fond du Lac, Wis. Postoffice address March, 1908, Fond du Lac, Wis. 280 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHAPTER XI. MARY FLETCHER 2, of JOHN 1. 6A MARY McMILLAN 2 and 1979 THOMAS FLETCHER. 6A Mary, 2 the sixth child of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, was married about 1793 in Washington Co., N. Y., to Thomas Fletcher. They soon moved to Frank- lin Co., N. Y., where they settled on a new farm near Ft. Covington. Thomas was an industrious, thrifty person. His leading trait was intense love of country and hatred for all its enemies. It is related of Mary, that one day while living on the farm which was in the midst of a vast wilderness, as evening approached she started out to bring in the cows. Hearing the cow- bell in the distance she followed it farther and farther into the woods until she became lost. The bell passed out of her hearing, and she wandered until dark, and fearing wild animals she climbed a tree and passed the night. For five days and nights she wandered around, living upon berries and shrubs, in constant fear of wild animals which she could hear around her, and think- ing continually of her small children whom she had left in her rude cabin, and of her husband's fear and distraction. She finally, on the fifth day, became so exhausted and overcome that she seated herself be- side a tree and gave herself up to die. She fell into a deep sleep from which she was aroused by hearing voices. Opening her eyes she saw several men stand- ing around her. She was carried to her home and soon recovered her usual health. The recollection of that fearful experience was always like a terrible nightmare to her. To the above couple were born : 1980 1 James, 3 born about 1794. 1981 2 William, 3 born about 1796. 1982 3 Nancy, 3 born about 1798. 1983 4 Rachel, 3 born about 1800. McMillan Genealogy and History. 281 MARY FLETCHER 2, of JOHN 1— Continued. 1984 5 Samuel, 3 born Nov. 7, 1802, in French Mills, N. Y. 1985 6 Emma. 3 1986 7 1987 8 1988 9 1979 Thomas Fletcher, the father of the above nine children, was shot and instantly killed in the doorway of his house near French Mills, N. Y., by British troops in the summer of 1812. A column of British soldiers was marching from Ft. Covington to French Mills. On seeing the enemies of his country in possession of the land and marching by his house, Thomas became so indignant and enraged that without thinking or caring for the consequences seized his rifle and fired upon the column. A score of British muskets in- stantly returned the shot and Thomas fell dead, liter- ally in his wife's arms. The firing was at such close range, and Mary stood so near her husband at the time, that her face was burned with powder, the scars of which she bore until her death. After the death of Thomas Fletcher his family became scattered. Some of the children were bound out and doubtless took other names. It has been found impossible to obtain accurate record of some of these children. 6A MARY FLETCHER 2 and 1989 CAPT. HENRY LEWIS. 1979 Thomas Fletcher having died, as before stated, Mary, his widow, married for her second husband Capt. Henry Lewis, who had won much distinction by his services in the war of 1812. With him she moved to Huron Co., Ohio, where two boys were born to her, one named 1990 1 Mortimer; the other, no record. 1989 Capt. Lewis died in April, 1837, near Monroeville, Ohio, and Mary went to live with her son, James, near Cleve- land, Ohio. Later she returned to Huron county, and lived for two years with her niece, Jane Heath, 3 afterwards with her son, William. 3 In July, 1848, her son, Samuel, came and took her to his home in 282 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY FLETCHER 2, of JOHN 1— Continued. Hinsdale, Catteraugus Co., N. Y., where she made her home until her death, which occurred in June, 1854, aged eighty-two years. 1980 James, 3 the first child of Mary Fletcher 2 and Thomas, her husband, lived for a number of years near Cleveland. Ohio, where he was a farmer by occupation, and un- married in 1837. There is no record of his death, although he is supposed to have died about 1847. 1981 Of William, 3 the second child of Mary Fletcher 2 and Thomas, her husband, nothing is known except that he lived in Huron Co., Ohio, in 1837 and 1838. Of his family and his death nothing can be obtained at this writing. 1982 Of Nancy, 3 the third child of Mary Fletcher 2 and Thomas, her husband, nothing is recorded except in 1837 she lived in Huron Co., Ohio. 1983 RACHEL FLETCHER 3 and 1991 JAMES RAYMOND. 1983 Rachel, 3 the fourth child of Mary Fletcher 2 and Thomas. her husband, was married about 1830, to James Ray- mond. They moved to Huron Co., Ohio, and were living near Clarksfield in that county as late as 1849. They had five children, but no record of them or of the death of Rachel Raymond 3 or James, her husband, is available. SAMUEL FLETCHER 3, of MARY 2. 1984 SAMUEL FLETCHER 3 and 1992 EMILY H. JOHNSON. 1984 Samuel, 3 the fifth child of Mary Fletcher 2 and Thomas, her husband, was married July 22, 3826, to Emily H. Johnson. Samuel was a farmer in Catteraugus Co.,N.Y. To them were born : 1993 1 Millicent Teresa, 4 born June 29, 1827. in New York- state. 1994 2 William Asbury, 4 born March, 1829, in New York state. 1995 3 Doreska Angeline, 4 born March, 1831, in New York state. 1996 4 John Townsend, 4 born Feb. 24, 1833, in New York state. 1997 5 Josephine, 4 born 1836, in New York state. McMillan Genealogy and History. 283 SAMUEL FLETCHER 3, of MARY 2. 1998 6 Ambrose, 4 born 1839, in New York state. 1999 7 Rachel Emma, 4 born July 31, 1843, in New York state. 2000 8 Henrietta Mary, 4 born Oct. 21, 1847, in New York state. 1992 Emily H. Fletcher, the mother of the above eight chil- dren, died in Hinsdale, Catteraugus Co., N. Y., in 1881. 1984 Samuel Fletcher 3 died Aug. 24, 1883, at the home of his son, John T. Fletcher, at Norwegian Creek, Mont., in the eighty-first year of his age. MILLICENT T. RUDE 4, of SAMUEL 3. 1993 MILLICENT TERESA FLETCHER 4 and 2001 ALONZO M. RUDE. 1993 Millicent T., 4 the first child of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, was married Sept. 6, 1847, in Hinsdale, N. Y., to Alonzo M. Rude. To them were born : 2002 1 Ferdinand A.. born May 28, 1851, in state of New York. 2003 2 Anna, 5 born Jan. 27, 1858, in state of New York. 2004 3 Porter K., 5 born Sept. 28, 1861, in state of New York. 2001 Alonzo M. Rude, the father of the above three children, died in Cuba, N. Y., April 13, 1860. Postoffice address of Millicent T. Rude, May, 1908, Cuba, N. Y., where she resided with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Carrier. 2002 Ferdinand A., 5 the first child of Millicent T. Rude 4 and Alonzo M., her husband, died unmarried Sept. 16, 1901. Age fifty years. 2003 ANNA RUDE 5 and 2005 EMORY A. CARRIER. 2003 Anna, 5 the second child of Teresa M. Rude 4 and Alonzo M., her husband, was married Sept. 9, 1874, in Clarks- ville, N. Y., to Emory A. Carrier, who was born in Clarksville, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1851, and is a farmer by occupation. To them were born : 2006 1 Chella C., 6 born April 7, 1876, in Clarksville, N. Y. 2007 2 Joseph P., 6 born April 16, 1878, in Clarksville, N. Y. 2008 3 Jennie B., 6 born April 7, 1880, in Clarksville, N. Y. 2009 4 Olive L., 6 born Sept. 2, 1882, in Clarksville, N. Y. 284 McMillan Genealogy and History. MILLICENT T. RUDE 4, of SAMUEL 3— Continued. Postoffice address of Anna Carrier 5 and Emory A., her husband, May, 1908, Cuba, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 2. Their fourth child, Olive L., 6 unmarried and at home with her parents. The family are members of the Pres- byterian church. 2006 CHELLA C. CARRIER 6 and 2010 ARBY S. ROWLEY. 2006 Chella C., 6 the first child of Anna Carrier 5 and Emory, her husband, was married June 17, 1896, in Clarks- ville, N. Y., to Arby L. Rowley. To them were born: 2011 1 Olive L., 7 born Feb. 8, 1899. 2012 2 Marie W., 7 born Aug. 9, 1900. Postoffice address of family May, 1908, Cuba, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 2. All members of the Presbyterian church. 2007 JOSEPH P. CARRIER 6 and 2013 GERTRUDE S. DE KAY. 2007 Joseph P., 6 the second child of Anna Carrier 5 and Emory A., her husband, was married Dec. 25, 1902, to Ger- trude S. DeKay. One child from this union : 2014 1 Clifford Joseph, 7 born June 30, 1906. They are members of the Presbyterian church. Postoffice address May, 1908, Boardmanville, Olean, N. Y., 26 First St. 2008 Jennie B., 6 the third child of Anna Carrier 5 and Emory A., her husband, died March 28, 1886. 2004 PORTER K. RUDE 5 and 2015 LOIS HUNT. 2004 Porter K., 5 the third child of Teresa Rude 4 and Alonzo M., her husband, was married Dec. 25, 1889, in Cuba, N. Y., to Lois Hunt. To them were born: 2016 1 Marion. 6 2017 2 LaRue. 6 2018 3 Millicent. 6 2019 4 Arthur. 6 Postoffice address of family May, 1908, 725 Pine St., Otta- wa, Kan. McMillan Genealogy and History. 285 WILLIAM A. FLETCHER 4, of SAMUEL 3. 1994 WILLIAM ASBURY FLETCHER 4 and 2020 ELLEN GORDON. 1994 William A., 4 the second child of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, married Ellen Gordon. To them were born: 2021 1 Blanche. 5 2022 2 Samuel. 5 2023 3 Mary. 5 2024 4 Florence. 5 2025 5 Margaret. 5 2026 6 Winnifred. 5 2027 7 William. 5 2028 8 Ruth. 5 2029 9 Carl. 5 1994 William A. Fletcher, 4 the father of the above nine chil- dren, died May 13, 1905, in Montana, in the seventy- seventh year of his age. Postoffice address of Mrs. Ellen Fletcher, May, 1908, Mc- Allister, Madison Co., Mont. 2021 BLANCHE FLETCHER 5 and 2030 THOMAS THOMPSON. 2021 Blanche, 5 the first child of Wm. A. Fletcher 4 and Ellen, his wife, married Thomas Thompson, living in Mon- tana. No further record. 2022 Samuel, 5 the second child of Wm. A. Fletcher 4 and Ellen, his wife, unmarried August, 1908, living in Montana. No further record. 2023 MARY FLETCHER 5 and 2031 JASPER VINCENT. 2023 Mary, 5 the third child of WiUiam A. Fletcher 4 and Ellen, his wife, married Jasper Vincent, living in Mon- tana. No further record. 2024 FLORENCE FLETCHER 5 and 2032 ALEX McKINNON. 2024 Florence, 5 the fourth child of Wm. A. Fletcher 4 and Ellen, his wife, married Alex McKinnon, living in Montana. No further record. 286 McMillan Genealogy and History. WILLIAM A. FLETCHER 4, of SAMUEL 3— Continued. 2025 MARGARET FLETCHER 5 and 2033 ARCHIE McDONALD. 2025 Margaret, 5 the fifth child of William Fletcher 4 and Ellen, his wife, married Archie McDonald, living in Montana. No further record. 2026 WINNTFRED FLETCHER 5 and 2034 FRED L. GIBSON. 2026 Winnifred, 5 the sixth child of Wm. A. Fletcher* and Ellen, his wife, married Fred A. Gibson, living in Mon- tana. No further record. 2027 WILLIAM FLETCHER 5 and 2035 EDITH EVANS. 2027 William, 5 the seventh child of Wm. A. Fletcher and Ellen, his wife, married Edith Evans, living in Mon- tana. No further record. 2028 Ruth 5 and (2029) Carl, 5 the eighth and ninth children, respectively, of Wm. A. Fletcher 4 and Ellen, his wife, unmarried in August, 1908, and at home with their mother. DORESKA A. ORMISTON 4, of SAMUEL 3. 1995 DORESKA ANGELINE FLETCHER 4 and 2036 JOHN ORMISTON. 1995 Doreska A., 4 the third child of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, was married Oct. 15, 1865, to John Ormiston, who is a farmer and stock raiser in Mon- tana. No children from this union. Postoffice address May, 1908, Meadow Creek, Mont. JOHN TOWNSEND FLETCHER 4, of SAMUEL 3. 1996 JOHN TOWNSEND FLETCHER 4 and 2037 JULIA GORDON. 1996 John T., 4 the fourth child of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, was married Sept. 5, 1875 to Julia Gordon. He is a farmer and stock raiser in Madison Co., Mont. No children from this union. Postoffice address May, 1908, Pony, Madison Co., Mont. McMillan Genealogy and History. 287 JOHN TOWNSEND FLETCHER 4, of SAMUEL 3— Continued. 1997 Josephine 4 and (1998) Ambrose, the fifth and sixth children of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, died in infancy. RACHEL EMMA WOLF 4, of SAMUEL 3. 1999 RACHEL EMMA FLETCHER 4 and 2038 I. M. WOLF. 1999 Rachel E., 4 the seventh child of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, was married Dec. 31, 1866, in Sum- mit, Mont., to I. M. Wolf, who was born in Wurtem- burg, Germany, April 1, 1839. He was a soldier in the Second Missouri Infantry during the Civil War. He has been a merchant most of his life, but in May, 1908, was retired from business. To this couple were born : 2039 1 Eda May, 5 born Oct. 24, 1868. 2040 2 Livingston, 5 born April 20, 1870. 2041 3 Louis L., 5 born Oct. 30, 1877. Postoffice address of Rachel E. Wolf 4 and I. M., her husband, May, 1908, Crete, Neb. 2039 EDA MAY WOLF 5 and 2042 ALBERT FRIEDLANDER. 2039 Eda M., 5 the first child of Rachel E. Wolf 4 and I. M., her husband, was married Oct. 14, 1891, in Crete, Neb., to Albert Friedlander. To them were born: 2043 1 Gertrude R., 6 born Nov. 23, 1892, in Crete, Neb. 2044 2 Leland A, 6 born Aug. 5, 1895, in Crete, Neb. This couple were divorced May 8, 1896. 2039 EDA MAY FRIEDLANDER 5 and 2045 JAMES REED. Having separated from her first husband, Eda M. mar- ried for her second husband, Jan. 20, 1905, in Trinidad, Colo., James Reed. Postoffice address of this couple May, 1908, Berwind, Colo. ; both children unmarried. 2040 Livingston, 5 the second child of Rachel Emma Wolf and I. M., her husband, died Dee. 27, 1876. 288 McMillan Genealogy and History. RACHEL EMMA WOLF 4, of SAMUEL 3— Continued. 2041 LOUIS L. WOLF 5 and 2046 LUNETTA BEAVERS. 2041 Louis L., 5 the third child of Rachel E. Wolf 4 and I. M., her husband, was married March 4, 1901, in Omaha, Neb., to Lunetta Beavers. He was a soldier in the Spanish-American War. No children. Postoffice address May, 1908, Omaha, Neb. HENRIETTA MARY JACKSON 4, of SAMUEL 3. 2000 HENRIETTA MARY FLETCHER 4 and 2047 PETER V. JACKSON. 2000 Henrietta M., 4 the eighth child of Samuel Fletcher 3 and Emily H., his wife, was married June 30, 1875, to Peter V. Jackson, who is a farmer and stock raiser in Norris, Mont. He is also interested in mining operations. To them were born: 2048 1 Julia E., 5 born May 8, 1876. 2049 2 Ward M., 5 born April 19, 1877. 2050 3 Joel F., 5 born May 10, 1878. 2051 4 Micajah W., 5 born April 3, 1882. 2052 5 Emily H., 5 born May 31, 1883. 2053 6 John Townsend, 5 born June 18, 1885. 2054 7 Thomas, 5 born Dec. 5, 1886. 2055 8 Peter V., Jr., 5 born Jan. 6, 1890. Postoffice address of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V.. her husband, August, 1908, Norris, Mont, 2048 Julia E., 5 the first child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, died March 10, 1881, aged five years. 2049 Ward M., 5 the second child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, died March 8, 1881, aged four years. 2050 Joel F., 5 the third child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, died June 9, 1882, aged four years. 2051 MICAJAH W. JACKSON 6 and 2056 BERTHA B. DICKIE. McMillan Genealogy and History. 289 HENRIETTA MARY JACKSON 4, of SAMUEL 3— Continued. 2051 Mica j ah W., 5 the fourth child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, was married Feb. 11, 1903, in Norris, Mont., to Bertha B. Dickie. He is a farmer and stock raiser. To them were born: 2057 1 Ethel, 6 born Nov. 12, 1904, in Norris, Mont. 2058 2 Chester W., 6 born April 19, 1905, in Seattle, Wash. 2059 3 Micajah W., Jr., 6 born Oct. 17, 1906, in Norris, Mont. Postoffice address of family August, 1908, Norris, Mont. 2052 Emily, 5 the fifth child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, in August, 1908, unmarried and at home with her parents. 2053 JOHN TOWNSEND JACKSON 5 and 2060 NELLIE M. MONK. 2053 John T., 5 the sixth child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, was married Dec. 21, 1904, in Spokane, Wash., to Nellie M. Monk. He is a dealer in fine fruits and vegetables. One child from this union: 2061 1 Edna May, 6 born July 14, 1907, in Spokane, Wash. Postoffice address of family August, 1908, 03224 North Madison St., Spokane, Wash. 2054 Thomas, 5 the seventh child of Henrietta M. Jackson* and Peter V., her husband, died May 1, 1887. 2055 Peter V., Jr., 5 the eighth child of Henrietta M. Jackson 4 and Peter V., her husband, in August, 1908, unmarried and at home with his parents. EMMA FLETCHER 3, of MARY 2. 1980 Emma, 3 the sixth child of Mary Fletcher 2 and Thomas, her husband, lived the last years of her life with her brother Samuel 3 in Hinsdale, N. Y. She was afflicted with consumption for several years and died unmar- ried in Hinsdale, N. Y., about 1837. Of the seventh, eighth and ninth children of Mary Fletch- er 2 and Thomas, her husband, it has been impossible to obtain the names or any record. It is supposed they died in infancy. 290 McMillan Genealogy and History. CHAPTER XII. NANCY FRAZIER 2, of JOHN 1. 7 NANCY McMILLAN 2 and 2062 THOMAS FRAZIER. 7 Nancy, 2 the seventh child of John McMillan 1 and Mary, his wife, was married about 1797 in Washington Co., N. Y., to Thomas Frazier, whose family, like the Mc- Millans, fled from Scotland to the north of Ireland, thence to America, to avoid persecution and to obtain the religious liberty they sought. Thomas was born in Ireland and was a small boy when his parents reached Washington Co., N. Y. It is related of him that when a boy he used to repeat a short verse when asked of his birthplace. It ran as follows: ''Thomas Frazier is my name And Ireland is my nation, Cambridge is my dwelling place And Christ is my salvation." These lines, written on the fly-leaf of an old book, have come down to the present generation. Thomas Frazier and Nancy, his wife, lived for some years in Washington county, and it is supposed that Nancy 2 died there, although it is said by some descendants that she died in Herkimer county. To this couple were born : 2063 1 Margaret, 3 born in 1798 in Washington Co., N. Y. 2064 2 Jane, 3 born June 17, 1800, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2065 3 John, 3 born Feb. 20, 1804, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2066 4 Thomas, 3 born July 18, 1805, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2067 5 Webster, 3 born April 27, 1807, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2068 6 Agnes, 3 born Sept. 21, 1809, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2069 7 Andrew, 3 born Sept. 13, 1816, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2070 8 Mary A., 3 born , 1817, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2071 9 Unnamed, 3 born , 1819, in Washington Co., N. Y. 7 Nancy Frazier, 2 the mother of the above nine children, died in 1819, at birth of her last child, about forty- four years of age. Thomas Frazier married again and McMillan Genealogy and History. 291 NANCY FRAZIER 2, of JOHN 1— Continued. raised several other children. He moved to Clarks- field, Ohio, where he died Nov. 4, 1837, aged sixty-eight years. MARGARET McCUMBER 3, of NANCY 2. 2063 MARGARET FRAZIER 3 and 2072 JOSEPH McCUMBER. 2063 Margaret, 3 the first child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, was married about 1820 in Washington Co., N. Y., to Joseph McCumber, who was born Aug. 9, 1800, in Herkimer Co., N. Y. His family were also of Scotch-Irish descent. Soon after marriage they moved to Herkimer Co., N. Y., later to Ashland Co., Ohio. To them were born: 2073 1 Nancy, 4 born , 1822 in Washington Co., N. Y. 2074 2 Case, 4 born , 1824, in Washington Co., N. Y. 2075 3 Elizabeth, 4 born , 1826, in Herkimer, N. Y. 2076 4 Jane French, 4 born , 1828, in Herkimer, N. Y. 2077 5 Thomas Case, 4 born Feb. 10, 1829, in Herkimer, N. Y. 2078 6 Melissa, 4 born , 1832, in Herkimer, N. Y. 2079 7 Morrison, 4 born , 1834, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2080 8 Mary A., 4 born , 1836, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2081 9 John Frazier, 4 born , 1838, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2063 Margaret McCumber, 3 the mother of the above nine chil- dren, died about 1840, in Ashland Co., Ohio, about forty-two years of age. Joseph, her husband, married again and had children. He moved to Sparta, Wis., in 1856, but later to Stanislaus Co., Cal., where he died May 19, 1878, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. 292 McMillan Genealogy and History. NANCY LA MUNYON 4, of MARGARET 3. 2073 NANCY McCUMBER 4 and 2082 MARK LA MUNYON. 2073 Nancy, 4 the first child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Jo- seph, her husband, was married in 1839 to Mark La Munyon. To them were born: 2083 1 Joseph. 5 2084 2 Alice. 5 2085 3 John. 5 2086 4 Margaret. 5 There is very scant record of this family. For years they lived in Vineland, N. J. They have never visit- ed nor kept in touch with other members, and it has been found impossible in limited time to obtain fur- ther record. 2074 Case, 4 the second child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, died in infancy. ELIZABETH BLODGETT 4, of MARGARET 3. 2075 ELIZABETH McCUMBER 4 and 2087 J. HUDSON BLODGETT. 2075 Elizabeth, 4 the third child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, was married in 1850 in Monroe- ville, Ohio, to J. H. Blodgett. She was a woman of superior ability. Full of energy and ambition, ever watchful of the interests and welfare of her husband and children, she was indeed a worthy helpmate in the truest sense of the word. She was loved and hon- ored by all who knew her. In 1855 they moved to Sparta, Wis., where they made their home for sev- eral years, then moved to Pawnee City, Neb. To them were born : 2088 1 Effie May, 5 born Dec. 14, 1853, in Monroeville, Ohio. 2089 2 Agnes E., 5 born July 27, 1856, in Sparta, "Wis. 2090 3 Alice J., 5 born Dec. 8, 1859, in Sparta, Wis. 2091 4 Charles II., 5 born Oct, 21, 1860, in Pawnee City, Neb. 2075 Elizabeth Blodgett, 4 the mother of the above four chil- dren, died in 1861 in Pawnee City, Neb., in the thirty- sixth year of her age. McMillan Genealogy and History. 293 ELIZABETH BLODGETT 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2087 J. Hudson Blodgett returned to Sparta, Wis., married again, and in 1870 moved to Stanislaus Co., Cal., where he died Sept. 23, 1887. 2088 EFFIE MAY BLODGETT 5 and 2092 FREDERIC DELORAINE CONVERS. 2088 Effie M., 5 the first child of Elizabeth Blodgett 4 and J. Hudson, her husband, after teaching school several years, was married in October, 1873, to Frederic D. Convers at Sparta, Wis. It was the writer's good fortune to know personally Effie M. Blodgett, and he can testify of the sweetness and beauty of her life and character. After residing in Cataract, Monroe Co., Wis., a few years, they moved to Stanislaus Co., Cal. To them were born: 2093 1 Ralph Hudson, 6 born July 26, 1874, in Cataract, Wis. 2094 2 Winfred D., 6 born Aug. , 1876, in Cataract, Wis. 2095 3 Alfred Rudolph, 6 born Jan. 17, 1879, in Cataract, Wis. 2096 4 Maud Lenora, 6 born Jan. 20, 1881, in Stanislaus Co., Cal. 2097 5 Cora May, 6 born May 5, 1883, in Stanislaus Co., Cal. 2098 6 Delia, 6 born July 14, 1886, in Stanislaus Co., Cal. 2088 Effie M. Convers, 5 the mother of the above six children, died in 1899 near Modesto, Cal., in the forty-sixth year of her age. 2092 Frederic D. Convers died Jan. 17, 1908, in California. 2093 RALPH HUDSON CONVERS 6 and 2099 RUTH HINKSON. 2093 Ralph H., 6 the first child of Effie M. Convers 5 and Fred- eric D., her husband, was married in July, 1899, to Ruth Hinkson. He is a farmer. To them were born: 2100 1 Effie May, 7 born March , 1900. 2101 2 Howard, 7 born , 1902. 2102 3 Ruth, 7 born , 1907. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Turlock, Cal. 294 McMillan Genealogy and History. ELIZABETH BLODGETT 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2094 WINFRED D. CONVERS 6 and 2103 EUNICE HARRINGTON. 2094 Winfred D., 6 the second child of Effie M. Convers 8 and Frederic D., her husband, was married in 1900 to Eunice Harrington. He is a railroad engineer in the employ of the Southern Pacific. To them were born : 2104 1 Eugene. 7 2105 2 Clyde. 7 2106 3 Milton. 7 Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Stockton, Cal. 2095 ALFRED RUDOLPH CONVERS 6 and 2107 ANNA HIDLEY. 2095 Alfred R.,° the third child of Effie May Convers 5 and Frederic D., her husband, was married in 1901 to Anna Hidley. To them were born : 2108 1 Rita. 7 2109 2 Clayton. 7 2110 3 Harold. 7 Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Santa Cruz, Cal. 2096 MAUD LENORA CONVERS 6 and 2111 GUY HASKELL. 2096 Maud L., 6 the fourth child of Effie M. Convers 5 and Fred- eric D., her husband, was married in September, 1901. to Guy Haskell, who is a locomotive fireman. To them were born : 2112 1 Merval, 7 born , 1903. 2113 2 Arlene, 7 born , 1905. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Stockton, Cal. 2097 CORA MAY CONVERS 6 and 2114 CHARLES W. STONE. 2097 Cora M., 6 the fifth child of Effie M. Convers 5 and Fred- eric D., her husband, was married in April, 1907, to Charles W. Stone, who is a plumber by trade. One child from this union: 2115 1 Wilbur, 7 born Dec. , 1907. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Santa Cruz, Cal. McMillan Genealogy and History. 295 ELIZABETH BLODGETT 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2098 Delia, 6 the sixth child of Effie M. Convers 5 and Frederic D., her husband, was unmarried March, 1908, and en- gaged in teaching school in Snelling, Cal. 2089 AGNES E. BLODGETT 5 and 2116 MYRON BRACKETT. 2089 Agnes E., 5 the second child of Elizabeth Blodgett 4 and J. Hudson, her husband, after teaching school several years, was married to Myron Brackett, a prosperous farmer in Monroe Co., Wis. Of Agnes the writer can truthfully say she was a lovely girl and she is a true, noble woman, wife and mother. To them were born: 2117 1 Mary Agnes, 6 born July 12, 1880. 2118 2 Lola W., 6 born April 26, 1882. 2119 3 Alice M., 6 born Aug. 25, 1885. 2120 4 Harriet J., 6 born Feb. 2, 1890. January, 1908, postoffice address of Agnes Brackett 5 and Myron, her husband, and three younger children who were at home unmarried, Cataract, Monroe Co., Wis. 2117 MARY AGNES BRACKETT 6 and 2121 ALBERT ISENSEE. 2117 Mary A., 6 the first child of Agnes Brackett 5 and Myron, her husband, was married in May, 1898, to Albert Isensee, a farmer. To them were born : 2122 1 Helen Agnes, 7 born Dec. 1, 1898, in Cataract, Wis. 2123 2 Theresa Lola, 7 born March 14, 1900, in Cataract, Wis. 2124 3 Frances Harriet, 7 born Sept. 25, 1901, in Cataract, Wis. 2125 4 Alberta Belle, 7 born Dec. 9, 1902, in Cataract, Wis. 2126 5 Myron Brackett, 7 born June 7, 1904, in Cataract, Wis. 2127 6 Mary Alice, 7 born April 17, 1906, in Cataract, Wis. 2128 7 Albert James, 7 born Nov. 5, 1907, in Cataract, Wis. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Cataract, Wis. 2090 ALICE J. BLODGETT 5 and 2129 LOUIS NAPOLEON TROMBLY. 2090 Alice J., 5 the third child of Elizabeth Blodgett 4 and J. Hudson, her husband, was married Jan. 1, 1878, in Modesto, Cal., to Louis N. Trombly. The writer has 296 McMillan Genealogy and History. ELIZABETH BLODGETT 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. known Alice from a child. Too much cannot be said of her goodness and of her noble qualities. To them were born: 2130 1 Chester Blodgett, 6 born Jan. 17, 1879, near Modesto, Cal. 2131 2 Frances Elizabeth, 6 born July 23, 1880, near Modesto, Cal. 2132 3 Charles Anthony, 6 born July 2, 1882, near Modesto, Cal. 2133 4 Clare Lewis, 6 born Sept. 17, 1885, near Modesto, Cal. 2134 5 Myron Brackett, 6 born Feb. 10, 1891, in Santa Cruz, Cal. 2135 6 Ethel Gladys, 6 born May 18, 1894, in Santa Cruz, Cal. Postoffice address of Alice E. Trombly 5 and Louis N., her husband, and the three younger children, all unmar- ried, January, 1908, 208 Broadway, Santa Cruz, Cal. 2130 CHESTER BLODGETT TROMBLY 6 and 2136 JOSIE MADELINE WHITE. 2130 Chester B., 6 the first child of Alice J. Trombly 5 and Louis N., her husband, was married April 28, 1907, in Nevada City, Cal., to Josie M. White, who died Sept. 23, 1907. Postoffice address of Chester Trombly, January, 1908, Santa Cruz, Cal. 2131 FRANCES ELIZABETH TROMBLY 6 and 2137 FRED NORMAN LITTLETON. 2131 Frances E., 6 the second child of Alice J. Trombly 5 and Louis N., her husband, was married April 15, 1906, in Santa Cruz, Cal., to Fred N. Littleton. Postoffice address January, 1908, Oakland, Cal. 2132 CHARLES ANTHONY TROMBLY 6 and 2138 AGNES IRENE SCOTT. 2132 Charles A., 6 the third child of Alice J. Trombly 5 and Louis N., her husband, was married Aug. 22, 1906, in Santa Cruz., Cal., to Agnes I. Scott. One child from this union: 2139 1 Charles Anthony, Jr., 7 born Sept. 6, 1907, and died Sept. 17, 1907. Postoffice address of Charles A. Trombly, Sr., January, 1908, Oakland, Cal. McMillan Genealogy and History. 297 ELIZABETH BLODGETT 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2091 CHARLES H. BLODGETT 5 and 2140 SARAH CLARK. 2091 Charles H., 5 the fourth child of Elizabeth Blodgett 4 and J. Hudson, her husband, is a farmer and stock raiser and was married Dec. 23, 1884, in Merced, Cal., to Sarah Clark, who was born in Wisconsin Aug. 30, 1860. To them were born: 2141 1 Earl Hudson, 6 born Nov. 29, 1886, in Lagrange, Cal. 2142 2 Charles Elmer, 6 born Jan. 12, 1895, in Lagrange, Cal. Postoffice address of Charles H. Blodgett 5 and Sarah, his wife, and youngest child, January, 1908, Montpelier, Cal. 2141 EARL HUDSON BLODETT 6 and 2143 MINNIE HELEN ANDERSON. 2141 Earl H., 6 the first child of Charles H. Blodgett 5 and Sarah, his wife, was married Dec. 29, 1907, in Stock- ton, Cal., to Minnie H. Anderson. He is a farmer and stock raiser, like his father. Postoffice address January, 1908, Montpelier, Cal. 2142 Charles E., 6 the second child of Charles H. Blodgett 5 and Minnie H., his wife, at home with his parents May, 1908. JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3. 2076 JANE FRENCH McCUMBER 4 and 2144 DE WITT CLINTON WILSON. 2076 Jane P., 4 the fourth child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, was married Jan. 14, 1847, in Milan, Ohio, to De Witt C. Wilson, who was born May 14, 1827, in Wakeman, Ohio. After receiving a common school education, he was sent to Norwalk Seminary and later to Oberlin College, where he studied two years. He also studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar. After his marriage he spent some time on his father's farm and in the railway office in Wakeman. He then moved to McDonongh Co., 111., where he was employed as station agent on the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. About 1857 he moved with his family to Monroe Co., Wis., where for 298 McMillan Genealogy and History. JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. a time he was engaged in farming, but in 1859 he set- tled in the village of Sparta, was elected justice of the peace and also did editorial work on the village paper. At the opening of the Civil War in 1861 he entered the service as first lieutenant of Co. D, Eigh- teenth Wisconsin Infantry. His regiment was sent to Grant's army at Pittsburg Landing, arriving there the night before the attack by Johnston's troops, and was placed on the extreme front. During the severe fighting on that first memorable day he was taken prisoner and sent to Selma, Ala. He was a prisoner for seven months, and when exchanged returned to his regiment, where he served until March, 1863, when he was made captain of Co. A, Ninth Louisiana (col- ored), afterwards the Forty-Seventh United States Regiment (colored). With this command he took part in several severe engagements around Yazoo City and Vicksburg. Capt. Wilson resigned his commission in the autumn of 1864, and on reaching his home at Sparta was chosen sergeant-at-arms of the state senate at Madison. The winter of 1865 and 1866 Capt. Wil- son represented Monroe county in the state legisla- ture. The next two years he served in the state sen- ate with distinguished ability. Retiring from the senate, Capt. Wilson entered the newspaper field, own- ing and editing successively the Sparta Eagle, Monroe County Republican, the Chippewa (Minn.) County Leader, and a paper at Viroqua, Wis. He was always a fluent writer and eloquent speaker. On this subject the Milwaukee Sunday Telegraph of Aug. 20, 1883. said: "Captain Wilson is one of the ablest and clearest political writers and speakers in the state. His rheto- ric is always good, his ideas are clear, and his reasoning pointed and able." He was a man of commanding presence, of strong personality, and was always a genial, entertaining companion. Jane F. Wilson, 4 al- though an unassuming person, quiet and reserved in her manner, was a woman of wonderful ability, and of great strength of character. She was in many respects McMillan Genealogy and History. 299 JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. the equal of her gifted husband. While he was serv- ing his country at the front, she was busy at home looking after the interests of soldiers' families, and working earnestly with other noble, Christian women, to alleviate the suffering of sick and wounded soldiers at the front and in hospitals throughout the north. When her husband was confined in a southern prison she braved the dangers of the battle line, smiled at the anger and threats of the people of the south and hast- ened to his side, cheering him with her presence and doing much to hasten his exchange. To Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt C, her husband, were born: 2145 1 Ellen Elizabeth, 5 born Oct. 5, 1847, in AVakeman, Ohio. 2146 2 Mary Virginia, 5 born , 1850, in Wakeman, Ohio. 2147 3 Eva May, 5 1 twins, born June 17, 1853, in Wakeman, 2148 4 A son, 5 J Ohio. 2149 5 James Alva Joseph, 5 born , 1859, in Sparta, Wis. 2150 6 Frances Adele, 5 born July 26, 1866, in Sparta, Wis. 2076 Jane F. Wilson, 4 the mother of the above six children. died Oct. 5, 1873, in the forty-sixth year of her age in Sparta, Wis., and was buried in the Mount Hope Cem- etery. Jane F. Wilson 4 having died, as before slated, De Witt C, her husband, married for his second wife in November, 1874, Mrs. Abby Taylor, widow of Lute M. Taylor, once a prominent editor and author of La- Crosse, Wis. She died in Montevideo, Minn., about 1880. De Witt C. died Aug. 26, 1895, in Mauston, Wis., in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and was buried under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, in the Mount Hope Cemetery, Sparta, Wis. 2145 Ellen E., 5 the first child of Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt C, her husband, died Nov. 17, 1865, in Sparta, Wis., in the nineteenth year of her age. ' ' She was a young lady of exemplary character and unblemished reputation, respected and loved by all who knew her. Modest and retiring in her manner, of an amiable, cheerful dis- 300 McMillan Genealogy and History. JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. position, her goodness of heart, her many womanly qualities had entwined themselves in a wreath of love and affection around the hearts of her friends and associates." To those who knew and loved her, her early death seemed untimely, and she was deeply mourned by a large throng of admirers. She was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Sparta, Wis. 2146 MARY VIRGINIA WILSON 5 and 2151 STEPHEN CROSBY BOOTH. 2146 Mary V., 5 the second child of Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt C, her husband, was married Aug. 3, 1872 in Wakeman, Ohio, to Stephen C. Booth of Astoria, Long Island. There are times when encomiums are super- flous. There are persons of whom words of praise seem out of place. To those who have been associated with Mary V. (Wilson) Booth from her early child- hood, as has the writer, who have known of her beauti- ful life and character, words are useless. Some one has said: "Nobility of soul is God's own signet. " One has but to look upon the subject of this sketch to be- hold the signet which God himself hath set and sealed. To the above couple were born : 2152 1 Willard Clinton, 6 born May 15, 1873. 2153 2 Eleanor Jane, 6 born March 4, 1875. 2154 3 Flora Eva, 6 born May 10, 1877. 2155 4 Maud Wilson, 6 born July 22, 1879. 2156 5 Claire Easton, 6 born May 28, 1882. 2157 6 A daughter 6 (unnamed), born , 1883. 2158 7 A son, 6 f . 1QQ _ nirn oat w >i 4 twins, born , 1885. 2159 8 A daughter, 6 [ 2160 9 Marjorie Marie, 6 born Nov. 14, 1886. 2151 Stephen C. Booth, the father of the above nine children, in January, 1908, was in the Ohio State Hospital on account of failing health. Postoffice address of Mary V., 5 his wife, January, 1908, Harbor Springs, Mich. McMillan Genealogy and History. 301 JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2152 Willard C., 6 the first child of Mary V. Booth 5 and Steph- en C, her husband, unmarried January, 1908. Postoffice address Ann Arbor, Mich. 2153 Eleanor J., 6 the second child of Mary V. Booth 6 and Stephen C, her husband, is a skillful and artistic dressmaker, but ill health has prevented her follow- ing the business continuously. She is a very bright and accomplished young woman. May, 1908, unmar- ried, living with her mother at Harbor Springs, Mich. 2154 Flora E., 6 the third child of Mary V. Booth 5 and Stephen C, her husband, is also a bright, intelligent young woman, very attractive and amiable. May, 1908, un- married and clerking in a store in Sparta, Wis., which is postoffice address. 2155 MAUD WILSON BOOTH 6 and 2161 WILLIAM HUMPHREY. 2155 Maud W., 6 the fourth child of Mary V. Booth 5 and Stephen C, her husband, was married in 1897 in Wake- man, Ohio, to Wm. Humphrey, who is in the employ of the Lake Shore Railway. One child from this union: 2162 1 Maxwell Booth, 7 born Sept. 20, 1899, and died March 22, 1900. Postoffice address May, 1908, Toledo, Ohio, care of the L. S. & M. S. Ry. 2156 CLAIRE EASTON BOOTH 5 and 2163 LUCILLE ESTELLA GIBSON. 2156 Claire E., 6 the fifth child of Mary V. Booth 5 and Stephen C, her husband, was married in 1901 to Lucille E. Gib- son. To them were born: 2164 1 Cecil Stephen, 7 born Oct. 26, 1905. 2165 2 Julia Marie, 7 born June 9, 1907. Postoffice address January, 1908, Harbor Springs, Mich. The sixth, seventh and eighth children of Mary V. Booth and Stephen C, her husband, died in infancy. 302 McMillan Genealogy and History. JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2160 Marjorie M., 6 the ninth child of Mary V. Booth 5 and Stephen C, her husband, January, 1908, unmarried and clerking in a store in Toledo, Ohio, which was her postoffice address. 2147 Eva M., 5 the third child of Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt C, her husband, died unmarried in 1872, in the twen- tieth year of her age, at Sparta, Wis. We cannot pass this young woman without a word or two as to her character and life. It is seldom that one meets so sweet and winsome a girl. From her earliest child- hood she was a favorite with friends of the family. Her beautiful personality and her pure qualities of mind and soul rendered her more than ordinarily in- teresting and lovable. Her early demise, when life was just opening before her so bright with promise and so full of possibilities, was a dispensation of Prov- idence which is difficult to understand and very hard to bear. She was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery beside other members of the family. 2148 The unnamed twin child of Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt, her husband, died in infancy. 2149 JAMES ALVA JOSEPH WILSON 5 and 2166 ADA HOLDEN. 2149 James A. J., 5 the fourth child of Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt C, her husband, was married in 1893 to Ada Holden. He has been in newspaper work several years, and for awhile was engaged in a silver mine in Mex- ico, but later became agent and telegraph operator on the C, M. & St. P. Ry. To the above couple were born : 2167 1 Louise Frances, 6 born , 1895, in Mauston, Wis. 2168 2 Charles Clinton, born , 1896, in Mauston, Wis. 2169 3 Jennie Madeline, born , 1899, in Mauston, Wis. 2170 4 Dorothy, 6 ] , ,__., . __ 2171 5 Richard • | S ' n ' ' in Mauston ' Wls " Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Mauston, Wis. 2171 Richard, 6 the twin boy of James A. J. Wilson 5 and Ada, his wife, died in infancy. McMillan Genealogy and History. 303 JANE FRENCH WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2150 FRANCES ADELE WILSON 5 and 2172 GUY POOLE. 2150 Frances A., 5 the sixth child of Jane F. Wilson 4 and De Witt G, her husband, was married March 29, 1894, to Guy Poole of Sparta, AVis. For several years they have been trusted employes of the telephone company in Sparta, Guy being the manager and attending to all outside matters, and Frances A. 5 having charge of the office exchange. One child from this union: 2173 1 Marjorie, 8 born April 12, 1895, and died Aug. 18, 1896. Postoffice address January, 1908, Sparta, Wis. THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3. 2077 THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4 and 2174 LUCINDA OSWALT. 2077 Thomas C., 4 the fifth child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, was married Aug. 8, 1850, in Perrysville, Ohio, to Lucinda Oswalt, who was born June 15, 1831. He was a soldier during the Civil War, serving in a Wisconsin infantry regiment. After liv- ing a few years in Monroeville, Ohio, they moved to Sparta, Wis., in 1855. Here they remained engaged in farming until about 1869, when they moved to Stanis- laus Co., Cal. To them were born: 2175 1 Levi Lafayette, 5 born April 20, 1851. 2176 2 Mary M., 5 born Aug. 3, 1853. 2177 3 Henry Hudson, 5 born Oct. 12, 1854. 2178 4 Zelma Zane, 5 born Dec. 8, 1856. 2179 5 Julia J., 5 born Nov. 12, 1858. 2180 6 Elizabeth E., 5 born Sept. 3, 1860. 2181 7 Harriet H., 5 born Nov. 13, 1863. 2182 8 Adelaide A., 5 born Sept. 12, 1865. 2183 9 Thomas John, 5 born Sept. 3, 1867. 2184 10 Charles C., 5 born June 24, 1870. 2174 Lucinda McCumber, the mother of the above ten chil- dren, died April 11, 1895, in Modesto, Cal., in the sixty-fourth year of her age. 304 McMillan Genealogy and History. THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2077 Thomas C. McCumber* died Aug. 12, 1898, in Modesto, Cal., in the seventieth year of his age. 2175 LEVI LAFAYETTE McCUMBER 5 and 2185 ROSINA OSWALT. 2175 Levi L., 5 the first child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Feb. 24, 1876, in Perrys- ville, Ohio, to Rosina Oswalt. Levi L. has always been a farmer, working with his father until matur- ity, then on a farm of his own in Stanislaus Co., Cal. To this couple were born : 2186 1 Erma, 6 born April 23, 1880, in Modesto, Cal. 2187 2 Ernest, 8 born Oct. 12, 1882, in Modesto, Cal. 2188 3 Nellie, 6 born June 6, 1884, in Modesto, Cal. 2189 4 Thomas, 6 born May 15, 1896, in Modesto, Cal. 2190 5 Lena, 6 born Sept. 6, 1898, in Modesto, Cal. 2191 6 Leonard, 6 born May 10, 1900, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address of Levi L. McCumber and wife March, 1908, Modesto, Cal. ; the three younger children at home with their parents. 2186 ERMA McCUMBER 6 and 2192 WALTER BRIGHT. 2186 Erma, 6 the first child of Levi L. McCumber 5 and Rosina, his wife, was married June 2, 1902, in Modesto, Cal., to Walter Bright, who is a farmer. To them were born : 2193 1 Andrew, 7 born Sept. 8, 1903, in Modesto, Cal. 2194 2 Lloyd, 7 born May 10, 1905, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address March, 1908, Modesto, Cal. 2187 ERNEST McCUMBER 6 and 2195 BLANCHE TUCKER. 2187 Ernest, 6 the second child of Levi L. McCumber 5 and Rosina, his wife, was married June 15, 1903, in Mo- desto, Cal., to Blanche Tucker. He is a farmer by occupation. One child from this union: 2196 1 Ivan, 7 born Dec. 16, 1904, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address March, 1908, Modesto, Cal. McMillan Genealogy and History. 305 THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2188 NELLIE McCUMBER 6 and 2197 CHRISTOPHER PEARSON. 2188 Nellie, 6 the third child of Levi L. McCumber 5 and Rosina, his wife, was married May 3, 1903, in Modesto, Cal., to Christopher Pearson, who is a farmer. To them were born: 2198 1 Loyal, 7 born Aug. 6, 1904, in Modesto, Cal. 2199 2 Dean, 7 born Dec. 10, 1906, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address March, 1908, Modesto, Cal. 2176 MARY M. McCUMBER 5 and 2200 HENRY HARRISON CLARK. 2176 Mary M., 5 the second child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married May 25, 1883, in Mo- desto, Cal., to Henry H. Clark, who is an extensive farmer in California. She has kindly furnished rec- ords of her father's family for this work and is en- titled to much credit therefor. No children from this union. Postoffice address March, 1908, Lenoir, Cal. 2177 HENRY HUDSON McCUMBER 5 and 2201 ROSE SCOTT. 2177 Henry H., 5 the third child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Sept. 15, 1888, in Mo- desto, Cal., to Rose Scott. One child from this union: 2202 1 Lester, 6 born Aug. 3, 1896, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address March, 1908, Modesto, Cal. ZELMA ZANE McCUMBER 5 and JOHN DE LA MATER. Zelma Z., 5 the fourth child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Aug* 30, 1883, in Modesto, Cal., to John De La Mater. To them were born: 1 Charles A., 6 born Feb. 28, 1885, in Modesto, Cal. 2 Clyde T., 6 born Nov. 12, 1886, in Modesto, Cal. 3 Mary Lucinda, 6 born Nov. 1, 1888, in Modesto, Cal. 4 Harry J., 6 born Nov. 23, 1889, in Modesto, Cal. 5 Hazel C., 6 born Jan. 6, 1891, in Modesto, Cal. 6 Leslie M., 6 born June 24, 1896, in Modesto, Cal. 306 McMillan Genealogy and History. THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2178 Zelma Z. De La Mater, the mother of the above six chil- dren, died Feb. 25, 1902, being killed in a tornado which blew the roof from an outbuilding and crushed her in the yard of her home. She was in the forty- sixth year of her age. After the death of their mother the four younger children of Zelma Z. De La Mater 5 went to live with their aunt, Mrs. Mary W. Clark. 5 Mary L. 6 is a school teacher. John De La Mater mar- ried again and lived in Modesto, Cal., March, 1908. 2204 CHARLES A. DE LA MATER and 2210 OLGA DUDGEON. 2204 Charles A., 6 the first child of Zelma Z. De La Mater 5 and' John, her husband, was married Feb. 16, 1908, in San Jose, Cal., to Olga Dudgeon. Postoffice address March, 1908, 475 Eleventh St., Oak- land, Cal. 2205 Clyde T., 6 the second child of Zelma Z. De La Mater 5 and John, her husband, died Nov. 14, 1899, thirteen years of age. 2179 JULIA J. McCUMBER 5 and 2211 ALFRED DAVIS. 2179 Julia J., 5 the fifth child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Oct. 1, 1878, in Mo- desto, Cal., to Alfred Davis, who is a farmer. To them were born: 2212 1 Roy, 6 born Jan. 28, 1880, in Lagrange, Cal. 2213 2 Pearl, 6 born Dec. 12, 1882, in Lagrange, Cal. 2214 3 Ray, born May 13, 1884, in Lagrange, Cal. 2215 4 Cassie, 6 born Nov. 16, 1886, in Lagrange, Cal. 2216 5 Nellie, 6 born Jan. 8, 1889, in Lagrange, Cal. 2217 6 Rose, 6 born Oct. 10, 1893, in Lagrange, Cal. 2218 7 Alfred, 6 born June 30, 1901, in Lagrange, Cal. Postoffice address of Julia J. Davis 5 and Alfred, her hus- band March, 1908, Lagrange, Cal. All the children except Ray, the third, unmarried and at home with I their parents. McMillan Genealogy and History. 307 THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2214 RAY DAVIS 6 and 2219 CLARA MONTGOMERY. 2214 Ray, 6 the third child of Julia J. Davis 5 and Alfred, her husband, was married Aug. 10, 1904, to Clara Mont- gomery. Postoffice address March, 1908, Lagrange, Cal. 2180 ELIZABETH E. McCUMBER 5 and 2220 THOMAS HARP. 2180 Elizabeth E., 5 the sixth child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Sept. 1, 1879, in Modesto, Cal., to Thomas Harp, who is a farmer. To them were born : 2221 1 Maud, 8 born June 3, 1880, in Modesto, Cal. 2222 2 Charles, born Nov. 28, 1892, in Modesto, Cal. 2223 3 Leland, 6 born Jan. 1, 1898, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address of Elizabeth E. Harp 5 and Thomas, her husband, March, 1908, Modesto, Cal., the two younger children being at home with their parents. 2221 MAUD HARP 6 and 2224 COURTLAND CHURCHILL. 2221 Maud, 6 the first child of Elizabeth E. Harp 5 and Thomas, her husband, was married Dec. 25, 1907, in Santa Cruz, Cal., to Courtland Churchill. Postoffice address March, 1908, Modesto, Cal. 2181 HARRIET H. McCUMBER 5 and 2225 JOHN H. CLARK. 2181 Harriet H., 5 the seventh child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Oct. 25, 1891, to John H. Clark, who is a farmer. To them were born: 2226 1 Ina, 6 born April 11, 1898. 2227 2 Esther, 6 born Dec. 2, 1903. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Oakdale, Cal. 2182 Adelaide A., 5 the eighth child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, in March, 1908, was unmarried and living at Lagrange, Cal. 2183 Thomas J., 5 the ninth child of Thomas C. McCumber* and Lucinda, his wife, died Sept. 3, 1867. 308 McMillan Genealogy and History. THOMAS C. McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2184 CHARLES C. McCUMBER 5 and 2228 OLIVE EWART. 2184 Charles C., 5 the tenth child of Thomas C. McCumber 4 and Lucinda, his wife, was married Nov. 2, 1894, in Stockton, Cal., to Olive Ewart. He is a farmer. To them were born: 2229 1 Curtis C., 6 born Dec. 28, 1896, in Modesto, Cal. 2230 2 Lucille, 6 born Sept. 10, 1898, in Modesto, Cal. 2231 3 Zelma, 6 born Jan. 12, 1906, in Modesto, Cal. Postoffice address of family March, 1908, Livermore, Cal. MELISSA GRUBAUGH 4, of MARGARET 3. 2078 MELISSA McCUMBER 4 and 2232 GEORGE W. GRUBAUGH. 2078 Melissa, 4 the sixth child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, was married in 1853 in Ashland Co., Ohio, to Geo. W. Grubaugh. They moved to Spar- ta, Wis., in 1855. but returned to Ohio in a few years, and in 1865 moved to Lagrange Co., Ind., where they have resided ever since, having celebrated their golden wedding in 1903. To them were born: 2233 1 Samuel G., 5 born May 12, 1854, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2234 2 Millie J., 5 born May 7, 1856, in Sparta, Wis. 2235 3 Frank Leslie, 5 born Aug. 21, 1858, in Sparta, Wis. 2236 4 Mary M., 5 born Oct. 5, 1860, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2237 5 Marion, 5 born Aug. 1, 1862, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2238 6 Elzina, 5 born Aug. 18, 1864, in Ashland Co., Ohio. 2239 7 George W., 5 born Oct. 14, 1866, in Lagrange Co., Ind. 2240 8 Joseph E., 5 born Aug. 31, 1868, in Lagrange Co., Ind. 2241 9 Ida May, 5 born Feb. 19, 1874, in Lagrange Co., Ind. Postoffice address of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, January, 1908, Lima, Lagrange Co., Ind. 2233 SAMUEL G. GRUBAUGH 5 and 2242 ANNIE RADDEN. 2233 Samuel J., 5 the first child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1880 to Annie Radden. He moved to Stanislaus Co., Cal., and became a rancher. Mc Millan Genealogy and History. 309 MELISSA GRUBAUGH 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lagrange, Cal. 2234 MILLIE J. GRUBAUGH 5 and 2243 ALBERT A. STAMBAUGH. 2234 Millie J., 5 the second child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1881 in La- grange, Ind., to Albert A. Stambaugh, who is a buyer and shipper of live stock and poultry. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lagrange, Ind. 2235 FRANK LESLIE GRUBAUGH 5 and 2244 LOUISE MOSIER. 2235 Frank L., 5 the third child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in Lagrange Co., Ind., to Louise Mosier They have always resided on a farm in above county. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lagrange, Ind., R. F. D. 2236 MARY M. GRUBAUGH 5 and 2245 ALBERT TURLEY. 2236 Mary M., 5 the fourth child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1853 in La- grange Co., Ind., to Albert Turley, a carpenter and builder. To them were born: 2246 1 May, 6 born June 21, 1885, in Lagrange, Ind. 2247 2 Frances, 6 born Sept. 22, 1886, in Lagrange, Ind. 2248 3 Clyde, 6 born July 16, 1889, in Lagrange, Ind. 2249 4 Ray, 6 born Aug. 15, 1891, in Lagrange, Ind. 2250 5 Goldie, 6 born Dec. 4, 1895, in Lagrange, Ind. Postoffice address of Mary M. Turley and Albert, her hus- band, and three younger children Lagrange, Ind. 2246 May, 6 the first child of Mary M. Turley 5 and Albert, her husband, is a stenographer, unmarried, living in La- grange, Ind., January, 1908. 2247 Frances, 6 the second child of Mary M. Turley 5 and Al- bert, her husband, is a stenographer, unmarried and living in Lagrange, Ind., January, 1908. 310 McMillan Genealogy and History. MELISSA GRUBAUGH 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. 2237 MARION GRUBAUGH 5 and 2251 LILLIE CLARK. 2237 Marion, 5 the fifth child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, went to California in early manhood, where he is a lumber dealer. He was married in Santa Cruz, CaL, to Lillie Clark. To them were born : 2252 1 Ivy M., e born July 27, 1896, in Santa Cruz, Cal. 2253 2 Clyde, 6 born May 17, 1898, in Santa Cruz, Cal. Postoffice address January, 1908, 139 Penn Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal. 2238 ELZINA GRUBAUGH 5 and 2254 JAMES FILMORE. 2238 Elzina, 5 the sixth child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1897 in Lagrange Co., Ind., to James Pilmore, a farmer. He is a grand- nephew of Millard Filmore, once president of the Unit- ed States. James Filmore has a fine gold watch which was presented to his father by President Filmore. No children from this union. Postoffice address January, 1908, Orland, Ind.. R, F. D. No. 2. 2239 GEORGE W. GRUBAUGH. JR., 5 and 2255 HARRIET HALL. 2239 George W., Jr., 5 the seventh child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1890, in Brighton, Ind., to Harriet Hall. He is a farmer in California. To them were born: 2256 1 Clela M., 6 born April 19, 1893. in Sturgis, Mich. 2257 2 Leeta H., 6 born July 22, 1896, in Sturgis, Mich. 2258 3 Hiel G., 6 born May 30, 1902, in Sturgis, Mich. Postoffice address January, 1908, 64 Mission St., Santa Cruz, Cal. 2240 JOSEPH E. GRUBAUGH 5 and 2259 MARY PLANK. 2240 Joseph E., 5 the eighth child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1888 in Brigh- ton, Ind., to Mary Plank. McMillan Genealogy and History. 311 MELISSA GRUBAUGH 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. To them were born: 2260 1 Lawrence, 6 born Sept. 10, 1888. 2261 2 Earle, 6 born July 5, 1890. 2262 3 Lester, 6 born Nov. 6, 1894. 2263 4 Opal, 6 born April 3, 1902. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Orland, Ind., R. P. D. No. 2. 2241 IDA MAY GRUBAUGH 5 and 2264 WALTER DE MOND. 2241 Ida M., 5 the ninth child of Melissa Grubaugh 4 and George W., her husband, was married in 1903, in Ontario, to Walter DeMond, who is a farmer. One child from this union : 2265 1 Marie, 6 born Sept. 5, 1906, in Lima, Ind. Postoffiee address January, 1908, Lima, Lagrange Co., Ind. 2079 Morrison, 4 the seventh child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, died in 1842, eight years old. MARY A. WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3. 2080 MARY A. McCUMBER 4 and 2266 ALFRED W. WILSON. 2080 Mary A., 4 the eighth child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, is a woman of noble principles and strong character. She has ever been prominent in the W. C. T. U. circles and a loyal, earnest worker in the cause of temperance. After teaching school many years in Illinois and Wisconsin, she was married in 1863 in Norwalk, Ohio, to Alfred W. Wilson, who was born in Huron Co., Ohio, a brother of DeWitt C. Wilson, already recorded. He was a pioneer Califor- nian, having gone to that state overland in the early fifties. It is stated that the party, which consisted of eight men, was thoroughly equipped with every article of necessity on the long overland journey and with a splendid team to haul their belongings. The party started from Sparta, Wis., in high spirits, re- ceiving a fine parting salute from friends and neigh- bors. The trials and hardships of this party were es- 312 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY A. WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. pecially severe and nerve testing. Before reaching Laramie two of the party turned back; at Salt Lake City two more ; and later another, until but three were left— John McCumber, Wm. Heath and Alfred W. Wil- son. Their horses gave out and had to be abandoned, and it is a matter of history that these three heroic, hardy men crossed the Sierras and entered Sacra- mento city on foot, ragged, hungry and footsore. After remaining in California several years, Alfred W. re- turned to the east via the Isthmus of Panama. He was engaged in furnishing supplies to the Union army around Vicksburg for a year, then returning to his native county in Ohio, engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Wakeman. In a few years he moved to Sparta, Wis., where he became freight and passenger agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, which position he held until his death. He was a pleasant, genial gentleman, a useful citizen and a kind, indulgent husband and father. To Mary A. Wilson 4 and Alfred W., her husband, were born: 2267 1 Alfred J., 5 born , 1865, in Wakeman, Ohio. 2268 2 Claire, 5 born , 1868, in Sparta, Wis. 2269 3 Roy Frazier, 5 born , 1874, in Sparta, Wis. 2270 4 Harry W., 5 born , 1876, in Sparta, Wis. 2266 Alfred W. Wilson, the father of the above four children, died Jan. 1, 1900, at his home in Sparta, Wis., mourned by every man, woman and child in that village. Every place of business in the village closed during the funeral. Mary A., 4 his widow, left Sparta after her husband's death and makes her home with her son, Harry W., in Olivia, Minn., though she spends much time with her sister, Mrs. Melissa Grubaugh, in Lima, Ind. 2267 Alfred J., 5 the first child of Mary A. Wilson 4 and Alfred W., her husband, has never married. He was for years a railway man, conductor and station agent, mostly in California. He was a soldier in the Spanish-American War, enlisting in 1898 in the First Arizona Regiment, McMillan Genealogy and History. 313 MARY A. WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. being mustered out in 1899 at Albany, Ga. He en- listed again in a California regiment, went to the Philippines and served until the close of the war. When the regiment mustered out he remained in the islands for several years. He returned to the States in 1907, and makes his home in California. Postoffice address January, 1908, . 2268 CLAIRE WILSON 5 and 2271 ADDIE GALLUP. 2268 Claire, 5 the second child of Mary A. Wilson 4 and Al- fred W., her husband, was married in 1899 to Addie Gallup. He was a competent telegraph operator and railway clerk, having followed his profession through the whole western half of the country. He was for years in the general office of the Rock Island Railway in Fort Worth, Tex. One child from this union: 2272 1 Esther, 6 born March , 1900, in Fort Worth, Tex. 2268 Claire Wilson 5 died at his home in Fort Worth March 12, 1907, thirty-nine years of age. January, 1908, his widow lived at Fort Worth, Tex. 2269 ROY FRAZIER WILSON 5 and 2273 LEILA DELL LOBDELL. 2269 Roy F., 5 the third child of Mary A. Wilson 4 and Alfred W., her husband, was married in 1895 in LaValle, Wis., to Leila D. Lobdell. He is also a railroad man, having been in train and yard service for many years. He has lived in Sparta and LaCrosse, Wis. No children from this union: Postoffice address January, 1908, Chicago, 111., care of C. M. & St. P. Ry. 2270 HARRY W. WILSON 5 and 2274 LIN A SILVERN ALE. 2270 Harry W., 5 the fourth child of Mary A. Wilson 4 and Alfred W., her husband, lived with his parents in Sparta, Wis., until 1900, when he moved to Olivia, Minn., where he purchased the county newspaper, the 314 McMillan Genealogy and History. MARY A. WILSON 4, of MARGARET 3— Continued. Olivia Times, which he has managed successfully ever since. He was married in 1903 to Lina Silvernale of Montevideo, Minn. To them were born: 2275 1 Doris, born , 1904, in Olivia, Minn. 2276 2 Margaret, 6 born , 1906, in Olivia, Minn. Postoffice address January, 1908, Olivia. Minn. JOHN FRAZIER McCUMBER 4, of MARGARET 3. 2081 John F., 4 the ninth child of Margaret McCumber 3 and Joseph, her husband, moved with his father to Sparta. Wis., in 1856. He was a member of the party which left that place for California, which experienced so many difficulties and hardships, and was one of the three whose pluck and endurance held out to the end of the memorable journey. He went into the Golden State penniless and shoeless. His pluck and staying qualities, however, stood him in good stead. He rap- idly recuperated and became a prosperous rancher. He has lived in California ever since his first arrival, never having but once visited his old home. He has lived in Stanislaus county most of the time, has never married, but has ever been a father and brother to all his kin. Postoffice address January, 1908, Lenoir, Cal. JANE FRAZIER HEATH 3, of NANCY 2. 2064 JANE FRAZIER 3 and 2277 ALVA HEATH. 2064 Jane, 3 the second child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, was married in 1820 in Washington Co., N. Y., to Alva Heath. Jane had grown to womanhood in her father's home, and on account of her mother's sickness had virtually be<>n the mother of the young- er children. While her sister Margaret attended to the household cares, Jane 2 was ever the nurse and at- tendant for the children. She was naturally inclined to piety, and even as a child she was a church mem- ber and widely known for labors in church and mis- sionary work. Alva, her husband, came from an old Jane Frazier Heath 3 No. 2064 McMillan Genealogy and History. 315 JANE FRAZIER HEATH 3, of NANCY 2— Continued. pioneer family whose ancestors were from Connecti- cut. In the year 1827 Alva and Jane 3 moved to Herki- mer Co., N. Y., where they spent a few years on a farm. In 1832 they went to Oswego Co., N. Y., and in 1833 they moved to Ohio and settled in Clarksfield. Huron county. They remained there, engaged in farm- ing, until 1851, when they again turned their faces towards the west. They made a stop of about a year near Rockford, 111., then pushed on into Wisconsin, finding a permanent home in the then famous LaCrosse valley. Alva located a homestead in the oak openings three miles from the village of Sparta, Monroe county, (then containing loss than a dozen houses) in the sum- mer of 1852. There were but few settlers in the vicin- ity, none of the necessities of life to be had, and the settlers were compelled to live in a very primitive and frugal manner for years. Jane Heath, 3 while assist- ing her husband in every way possible, did not forget her religious duties. She instituted prayer meetings and Sunday schools, acting as leader, superintendent and teacher, and assiduously labored to enlighten and elevate the families of the early settlers. Having no children of her own, she was the nurse and mother to every one's children throughout the whole settlement. She was known by every one far and near as "Aunt Jane" and loved for her sweet, gentle ways and her noble, generous womanhood. The couple prospered in their western home and became independent, well- to-do citizens, but ever maintained their plain, simple manner of living and were ever the same kind, friend- ly, sympathetic, generous people. 2277 Alva Heath died at his home on the old farm, . and was buried in the Leon Cemetery. 2064 Jane Heath 3 died in November, 1894, in the ninety-fifth year of her age, on the old farm, and was buried in the Leon Cemetery. 316 McMillan Genealogy and History. JOHN FRAZIER 3, of NANCY 2. 2065 JOHN FRAZIER 3 and 2278 CLARA SERVICE. 2065 John, 3 the third child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, was married about 1838 in Clarksfield, Ohio, to Clara Service. They moved to New Carlisle, Ind., where they lived many years, later to Valpa- raiso. The scant records which it has been possible to obtain of this family show that five children were born to the above couple, but their names and rec- ords are lost in obscurity. John Frazier 3 died about 1860 and his wife a few years later. 2066 Thomas, 3 the fourth child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, died in Herkimer Co., N. Y., when about eighteen years old. WEBSTER FRAZIER 3, of NANCY 2. 2067 WEBSTER FRAZIER 3 and 2279 HARRIET SERVICE. 2067 Webster, 3 the fifth child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, was married about 1826 in Clarksfield, Ohio, to Harriet Service. They moved to Valparaiso, Ind., where they lived for many years. He was a brick mason by trade. There is very little to be learned about this family, for those who would know about them are dead, and there seems to be no record left behind. From a letter written by Mrs. Jane F. Heath 3 in 1875 we learn that there were born to Webster Frazier 3 and Harriet, his wife, fourteen children, near- ly all of whom died in infancy. There were four known to have reached mature years: 2280 1 Frank. 4 2281 2 George. 4 2282 3 Frederick. 4 2283 4 Hattie. 4 2067 Webster Frazier 3 died at his home in Valparaiso, Ind., May 12, 1875, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. Har- riet, his widow, moved to Colorado and lived with her son, Frederick, and died there some years later. McMillan Genealogy and History. 317 WEBSTER FRAZIER 3, of NANCY 2— Continued. 2280 Frank, 4 the son of Webster Frazier 3 and Harriet, his wife, was a baker by trade. He lived in various places and always did a successful business. He married and had two children. He was located in Daytonia, Fla., in 1900, since which time no record is available. 2281 George, 4 son of Webster Frazier 3 and Harriet, his wife, died unmarried when about twenty-two years old in Valparaiso, Ind. 2282 Frederick, 4 son of Webster Frazier 3 and Harriet, his wife, was married and lived in Golden, Colo., at last account. It was the writer's good fortune to have been personally acquainted with Hattie, 4 daughter of Webster Frazier 3 and Harriet, his wife. She was a young woman of rare beauty, and her manners and her personality were as beautiful as her girlish face. She died, unmarried, at the early age of twenty years, at her father's home in Valparaiso, Ind. AGNES HUSTED 3, of NANCY 2. 2068 AGNES FRAZIER 3 and 2284 THOMAS HUSTED. 2068 Agnes, 3 the sixth child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, was married Feb. 3, 1835, in Clarksfield, Ohio, to Thomas Husted. He was the son of Capt. Samuel Husted and his wife, who were the first per- manent settlers in Clarksfield, Ohio, having moved there from Connecticut in 1817. Thomas had re- ceived a good education and possessed many of the sterling qualities of his pioneer father. He was a miller by trade and followed that calling in Clarks- field and Elyria, Ohio. To this couple were born : 2285 1 Hiram Frazier, 4 born Oct. 29, 1835, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 2286 2 Esther Eliza, 4 born May 27, 1837, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 2068 Agnes Husted, 3 the mother of the above two children, died in 1839, in the thirty-first year of her age. 318 McMillan Genealogy and History. AGNES HUSTED 3, of NANCY 2— Continued. 2284 Thomas Husted married for his second wife, April 21, 1842, Lydia Cooley. He died in Kalamazoo Co., Mich., in November, 1888, and Lydia, his wife, died in De- cember, 1888. HIRAM FRAZIER HUSTED 4, of AGNES 3. 2285 HIRAM FRAZIER HUSTED 4 and 2287 MALVINA PHOEBE HOLDEN. 2285 Hiram F., 4 the first child of Agnes Husted 3 and Thomas, her husband, was married in 1860 to Malvina P. Holden of Kalamazoo Co., Mich., born March 18, 1842. Hiram Frazier's early life was spent in the common schools in Clarksfield, Ohio, and in his father's mill, where he learned the miller's trade. Later he was sent to Ober- lin College, where he graduated about 1855. He then went to his father's home in Michigan. In 1856, in company with his sister, Esther, he moved to Sparta, Wis., where he spent several years engaged in farm- ing summers and in teaching school and singing class- es winters. He returned to Michigan in 1860, where he was married. A short time after this he moved to Nebraska and located a homestead near Lincoln. Here he spent several years farming and teaching, being suc- cessful in both callings. To Hiram F. Husted 4 and Malvina P., his wife, were born : 2288 1 Holden Thomas, 5 born Sept. 30, 1861, in Kalamazoo Co., Mich. 2289 2 Agnes Adelle, 5 born Oct. 24, 1863, in Kalamazoo Co., Mich. 2290 3 Hiram Fayette, 5 born Jan. 31, 1869, in Cass Co., Neb. 2291 4 Harley Hayes, 5 born Feb. 4, 1875, in Lincoln, Neb. 2285 Hiram F. Husted, 4 the father of the above four children, died Aug. 21, 1881, in Lincoln, Neb., in the forty-sixth year of his age, and was buried in Wynea Cemetery. Malvina P., his widow, died Feb. 20, 1891, in Lincoln, Neb., and was buried in Wynea Cemetery. McMillan Genealogy and History. 319 HIRAM FRAZIER HUSTED 4, of AGNES 3— Continued. 2288 HOLDEN THOMAS HUSTED 5 and 2292 BELLE McGREGOR. 2288 Holden T., 5 the first child of Hiram F. Husted* and Mal- vina P., his wife, was married in 1872 to Belle Mc- Gregor. For several years after his father's death he remained on the farm with his mother. Finally he moved to Ontario, Ore., where he engaged in mer- cantile business and became prosperous, having been mayor of the city and holding many offices of trust. To the above couple were born : 2293 1 Edith Agnes, 6 born , 1893. 2294 2 Jay, 6 born , 1899. 2295 3 Viola, 6 born , 1902. 2296 4 Boy (unnamed), born , 1904. 2292 Belle Husted, the mother of the above four children, died in 1904. Postoffice address of Holden T., 5 her husband, January, 1908, Ontario, Ore. 2289 AGNES ADELLE HUSTED 5 and 2297 ERNEST BYRAM CRIPPEN. 2289 Agnes A., 5 the second child of Hiram F. Husted 4 and Malvina P., his wife, was married Oct. 18, 1888, in Kalamazoo Co., Mich., to Ernest B. Crippen, who is a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a member of the Nebraska Conference. He moved from New York with his father, who also was a clergyman, when fifteen years old, and for several years attended school and taught, then entered the Nebraska State University, where he fitted himself for his life work. Here, too, he met his fate in the person of the little school girl, Agnes A. Husted. 5 To them were born: 2298 1 Wesser Carlyle, 6 born Aug. 4, 1889, in Sharon, Neb. 2299 2 Phoebe Louise, 6 born Jan. 31, 1891, in Sharon, Neb. 2300 3 Gordon Barrows, 6 born March 25, 1892, in Mead, Neb. 2301 4 Vincent Leroy, 6 born June 5, 1893, in Mead, Neb. 2302 5 Elwyn Laverne, 6 born Aug. 3, 1898, in Axtel, Neb. Postoffice address of family January, 1908, Bradshaw, Neb. All living children at home with parents. 320 McMillan Genealogy and History. HIRAM FRAZIER HUSTED 4, of AGNES 3— Continued. 2298 Wesser C., 6 the first child of Agnes A. Crippen and Er- nest B., her husband, was attending Wesleyan Univer- sity in 1908. Postoffice address January, 1908, Bradshaw, Neb. 2302 Elwyn L., 6 the fifth child of Agnes A. Crippen 5 and Er- nest B., her husband, died Nov. 23, 1898. 2290 HIRAM FAYETTE HUSTED 5 and 2303 ADA WATSON. 2290 Hiram F., 5 the third child of Hiram F. Husted 4 and Mal- vina P., his wife, was married Dec. 25, 1894, in Lin- coln, Neb., to Ada Watson. He was executor of his mother's estate, and after it was settled moved into Lincoln, Neb., working at his trade of painting and paperhanging for several years, then entering the civil service, became a clerk in the postoffice in Lincoln, Neb. To this couple were born: 2304 1 Leo. 8 2305 2 Glenn. 6 2306 3 Earl Cranston. 6 Postoffice address January, 1908, 2920 Dudley St., Lin- coln, Neb. 2291 Harley H., D the fourth child of Hiram F. Husted 4 and Malvina P., his wife, after passing through high school, entered the Agricultural College of South Dakota in Brookings. He obtained a thorough knowledge of or- dinary branches, but developing a wonderful talent for music, he turned his attention to that field. He took repeated courses of study in harmony and com- position and became an artist on several instruments, though the violin was his favorite, and his teachers on that instrument pronounced him as proficient as was possible to become in this country. The young man's promising career was cut short by death. His incessant labors and struggles to acquire knowledge finally sowed the seeds of consumption. He died with that dread disease Jan. 14, 1907, in Lincoln, Neb., thirty-one years of age, and was buried in Wynea Cemetery. McMillan Genealogy and History. 321 ESTHER ELIZA McINTYRE 4, of AGNES 3. 2286 ESTHER ELIZA HUSTED 4 and 2307 ALEXANDER McINTYRE. 2286 Esther E., 4 the second child of Agnes Husted 3 and Thom- as, her husband, was married March 19, 1873, in Spar- ta, Wis., to Alexander Mclntyre. She received her education in the common schools of her native town and in Oberlin College, where she studied several years. Special attention was given to vocal music, in which she became very proficient. Soon after leaving Oberlin College, in company with her brother Hiram, 4 she left her father's home in Kalamazoo Co., Mich., and moved to Sparta, Wis., where she made her home with her aunt, Mrs. Jane Heath, 3 whose record has already been given in this work. For several years she taught school in Sparta and vicinity, ever proving herself a woman of rare virtues and an estimable char- acter. Alexander Mclntyre was born in Steuben Co., N. Y., June 18, 1838. He moved to Monroe Co., Wis., with his brothers in 1856 and engaged in farming in Leon Valley in above county. In 1886 he moved to Watertown, S. D., making his home there until 1894. He was a dealer in agricultural implements and also interested in farm lands. During his residence in South Dakota he served two years in the legislature of that state and was for several years a member of the Board of Regents of the University of South Da- kota. Returning to Sparta, Wis., he made his home on the old Jane Heath 3 farm, which had descended to Esther E., 4 his wife, as the heir. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving as first lieutenant in the Fifty-first Wisconsin Infantry. He held many offices of trust in Monroe county at different times and was a reliable, substantial citizen. To Esther E. Mclntyre 4 and Alexander, her husband, were born: 2308 1 Thomas Alexander, 5 born June 18, 1874, in Sparta, Wis. 2309 2 Esther Jane, 5 born Aug. 20, 1877, in Sparta, Wis. 322 McMillan Genealogy and History. ESTHER ELIZA McINTYRE 4, of AGNES 3— Continued. 2307 Alexander Mclntyre, the father of the above two chil- dren, died Nov. 18, 1907, at his home on the old farm in Sparta, Wis. He was buried in Leon Cemetery. Postoffice address of Esther E., 4 his widow, January, 1908, 3029 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., where she lived with her daughter. 2308 Thomas A., 5 the first child of Esther E. Mclntyre 4 and Alexander, her husband, died in September, 1874. 2309 ESTHER JANE McINTYRE 5 and 2310 GEORGE HAMLY. 2309 Esther J., 5 the second child of Esther E. Mclntyre 4 and Alexander, her husband, was married Oct. 17, 1907, at her father's farm in Sparta, Wis., to George Hamly. She was graduated from the high school in Sparta, Wis., and later from the Minnesota State Normal School at Winona, Minn. She was a thorough scholar, especially proficient in mathematics. She taught school in Lake City, Red Wing and Minneapolis, Minn., where she won an enviable reputation for her ability and skill and for her excellent discipline and manage- ment. 2310 George Hamly is a native of New Zealand, being born in Aukland, N. Z., Aug. 7, 1875. His parents were Eng- lish. His father died in New Zealand before George reached his majority. George moved to America with his mother and sister. He is engaged in the storage and forwarding business in Minneapolis. Postoffice address January, 1908, 3029 Harriet Ave., Min- neapolis, Minn. ANDREW FRAZIER 3, of NANCY 2. 2069 ANDREW FRAZIER 3 and 2311 AMANDA STONE. 2069 Andrew, 3 the seventh child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thom- as, her husband, was married in Clarksfield, Ohio, , to Amanda Stone, who was born Oct. 11, 1826. He was a shoemaker by trade and followed that call- ing most of his life. He was a very pious, exemplary McMillan Genealogy and Historv. 323 ANDREW FRAZIER 3, of NANCY 2— Continued. man, noted far and near for his unwavering integrity and for the gentleness of his disposition and manners. One child blessed the union of Andrew Frazier and Amanda, his wife : 2312 1 Thomas Alvin, 4 born Oct. 13, 1847, in Clarksfield, Ohio. 2069 Andrew Frazier 3 died June 11, 1851, in the thirty-fifth year of his age, at Clarksfield, Ohio, and was buried in the Methodist churchyard. 2311 Amanda, his widow, married a man named John Coultron of Camden, Ohio, and died April 26, 1865, in her for- tieth year. 2312 Thomas A., 4 the only child of Andrew Frazier and Aman- da, his wife, was a soldier in an Ohio regiment during the Civil War and died when about twenty-two years of age in Camden, Ohio. MARY ARNOTT GRISWOLD 3, of NANCY 2. 2070 MARY ARNOTT FRAZIER 3 and 2313 SOCRATES GRISWOLD. 2070 Mary A., 3 the eighth child of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thom- as, her husband, was married about 1857 to Socrates Griswold, a man of some means living in Valparaiso, Ind. She was a seamstress and remained single until well on in years, making her home with her brother Webster. About 1888 they moved to Sparta, Wis., where Socrates Griswold managed the farm of Jane Heath, 3 who was a widow. They both died there in 1893, leaving no children. Mary Griswold died in the seventy-seventh year of her age. 2071 The unnamed infant of Nancy Frazier 2 and Thomas, her husband, born at the time of its mother's death, died in infancy. The authors inadvertently omitted to acknowledge, in the proper place, the receipt of valuable data for this work from Mrs. Ella M. Dyson of Eugene, Ore. This good woman gladly furnished complete records of her mother's family and descendants. She and her genial husband have always responded promptly to every call and their letters have been full and explicit. They are entitled to the thanks of all members of our family. 324 McMillan Genealogy and History. GOOD-BYE. Before closing this volume we desire to ask our readers to contemplate for a moment the characteristics of the family whose record we have laid before them. It will be seen that its mem- bers are living in every part of the United States and a number in foreign lands. They are an active, energetic, aggressive peo- ple. They are engaged in all lines of business, every honorable trade and profession being represented, and wherever they are and in whatever engaged they are honest, earnest workers and usually successful in their calling. Wherever our old pioneer ancestors have settled that country has been bettered by their presence. They always took deep root and at once proceeded to build themselves homes, churches and schoolhouses and became identified with the interests of the community. In fact, the en- trance of our fathers into any community was like the magician's wand, waved over the land, bringing civilization and prosperity in its train. In their places of abode the cause of education and Christian- ity always flourished, and by their industry, their simple tastes and their frugal habits, the country around their homes was made to "blossom as the rose." The descendants of these Scotch ancestors partake of the methods and habits of their fathers. They follow closely in the footsteps of those who have gone before. We find them much the same in their business and in their lives. Few are extremely wealthy, none are in the poorhouse. A few are world-wide schol- ars, all are more or less educated. They are peaceable, law-abid- ing citizens, and as a whole they are just and honorable in their dealings, pure and constant in their family relations. Although peaceably inclined, the members of our family have not been wanting in patriotism. They have always been quick to fly to the defense of home and country. Several were soldiers in the Revolutionary AVar, a greater number in the War of 1812 and in the Mexican War. More than a hundred were active par- ticipants in the Civil War, and many of the younger generations were in the Spanish-American War. In compiling this work the authors have lived more or less in the past. In writing of generations that are gone, in telling of the lives, the loves and the struggles of those who have pre- McMillan Genealogy and History. 325 ceded us, we necessarily placed ourselves among them and be- came in a degree identified with their lives and their times. In company with our highland ancestors we scaled the heights and traversed the vales of their native land. We accom- panied them to the fields, upon the chase and even marched with them to the weird strains of the bagpipe upon the blood-stained field of Culloden. We went with them to Arran's Isle and thence to the quiet scenes of northern Ireland. In Ballybay we wor- shipped with the Scottish congregation of Dr. Clark. With our fathers we crossed the boisterous Atlantic and plunged into the unbroken wilderness of northern New York. There, in fancy, we visited in their primitive homes, helped them to fell the mon- archs of the forest, and with them we followed the plow afield. We shared the dangers of the fearless Indian fighters of our family and along the border passed through many thrilling ex- periences. With others of our race we braved a thousand dangers in wending our way through the primeval forests of Ohio and Michigan, across the prairies of Illinois and Iowa and into the pineries of northern Wisconsin. We even continued with them the westward course until we reached the land of the setting sun. We have noted the coming and going of generation after generation, and our hearts have been moved by the solemnity and pathos of human life. We are forcibly reminded of that wonderful poem by the old Scotch minister, William Knox, a few verses of which we quote: "The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade, Be scattered around and together be laid, And the young and the old, the low and the high Shall moulder to dust and together shall lie. The infant a mother attended and loved, The mother, that infant's affection who proved, The husband that mother and infant who blest, Each, all are away to their dwelling of rest. The maid, on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye Shone beauty and pleasure, her triumphs are by And the memory of those who have loved her and praised Are alike from the minds of the living erased. The hand of the king that the sceptre hath borne, The brow of the priest that the mitre hath worn, The eye of the sage and the heart of the brave Are hidden and lost in the depth of the grave. 326 McMillan Genealogy and History. So the multitude goes, like the flower or the weed That wither away to let others succeed, So the multitude comes, even those we behold, To repeat every tale that has often been told. For we are the same that our fathers have been; We see the same sights that our fathers have seen; We drink the same stream, and we view the same sun And run the same course that our fathers have run. They loved, but the story we cannot unfold; They scorned, but the heart of the haughty is cold; They grieved, but no word from their slumber will come; They joyed, but the tongue of their gladness is dumb. They died! Ah! they died, and we things that are now, Who walk on the turf that lies over their brow, Who make of their dwelling a transient abode, Meet the things they met on their pilgrimage road. Yea, hope and despondency, pleasure and pain We mingle together in sunshine and rain, And the smiles and the tears, the song and the dirge, Still follow each other like surge upon surge." So it is. These lines tersely express the sura of human ex- istence. We are born, we live, we joy, we sorrow, we grow old, we die ; and others come on to take our places. It is a never- ending procession that moves along the stage of time, forever coming, forever going. AYe are here but a day. How important that we act well our part during the little time allotted us ! It certainly becomes us to live so as to worthily represent our fathers and to honor and bless posterity. Leaving the dead past with all its dead, we come down to the living present, to the busy, rustling, happy men and women of today — men and women who are too busy to think of the past, too practical to know or care aught of ancestry or for things that have gone before. In fancy we are with you in your places of business, in your homes and in your families. Friends, we bid you all hail ! We greet you as kinsmen and fellow laborers. In accumulating the subject-matter of this book we have come in touch with all our kindred. We have formed many de- lightful acquaintances through our correspondence, and we have learned to love all those "whose names these pages bear." We lay down our pen with feelings of regret, with a touch of sadness that these pleasant associations must end. Friends. McMillan Genealogy and History. 327 must they really end? Shall we be as strangers henceforth, or shall we not rather keep in touch and sometimes communicate with each other? With earnest hopes that this may be so, and with a thousand wishes for the prosperity and happiness of each and every one, we bid you, for the present, an affectionate good-bye. THE AUTHORS. McMillan Genealogy and History. 329 Index of Persons Named McMillan In this and the general index following, both the maiden and married names of married women are given MCMILLAN A 1479 Abbie A., nee Wood 224-225 1879 Achsah, nee Brown. .. .266-267 1432 Ada, nee Bauder 220 1958 Ada M., nee Beebe 277 61 Adah Jane, wife Poster 31 10 Agnes 24 585 Agnes 121-122 584 Agnes M., nee Mrs. Reid. 121-122 20 Alexander 26-41 587 Alexander B 121 109 Alexander 40 658 Alexander 131-169-170 1081 Alexander 181-221 1002 Alexander, Jr 169-170 3A Alexander 23-129 1090 Alexander 182-183-184 1444 Alexander, Jr 221-224-225 529 Alice, nee Mrs. Kassell. . . .114 262 Alice R., nee Dean 67 259 Alice L 66 203 Alice, nee Van Doren 53-57 1734 Alice D., nee Drum 251-252 1787 Alice A., wife Richard 257 984 Alta G., wife Catell. .. 167-169 124 Almira E., wife Culver 42 999 Almeda, nee Stevenson 169 1320 Alvah A 206-208 1097 Amanda S., wife Rucker 283-218 386 Amanda !!!*."."!!!."!!!!!. 96-120 1029 Amanda E 172-178 1778 Amanda, wife Ray 257-265 1971 Amy E., nee Wild 278 4 Andrew 23-130-131 159 Andrew 47-71-72 150 Andrew 45-77-78 54 Andrew 29 1321 Andrew P 207-208 657 Andrew M 131-169 805 Andrew B 148-151 318 Andrew 48 321 Andrew 78-85 1103 Anna, nee Van Valken- burg 183-184 528 Anna R. P ...114-117 390 Anna D., wife Seaver 98-99 1962 Anna L., wife Greene. .277-278 237 Anna M., nee Williamson. .. 63 286 Anna 70 1086 Arthur 181-246 1082 Arthur, Jr 181-229 1509 Arthur W 228 1335 Arthur E 208 1094 Arthur C 183-206-207 536 Arthur 115 260 Arthur W 66 1750 Arthur N 253 1048 Arthur P 175-176 5 Arthur 23-180-181 100 Arelia W., nee Warren 39 1046 Augusta P 175 MCMILLAN B 1448 Barbai-a, wife Bishop 221 1440 Barbara, nee Edson. .. .221-222 1766 Benjamin 256-266-267 1948 Benjamin P 275-277 118 Bertha, nee Chamberlain. .. .41 1047 Bertha E 175 257 Beth J 66 1096 Betsey C, wife Barnes. 183-216 1050 Blanche E., wife Woods 175-176 1104 Burton 184 1089 Betsey E., nee Haswell 182 C 1336 Calla Maud 208 347 Carrie D., nee Brewer 86 98 Carrie 38-39 252 Carrie P., nee Brown 65 541 Cornelius A 115 1001 Caroline, wife Acheson. 169-170 1447 Caroline 221 125 Caroline C, wife Wilson .. 42-43 352 Carrie M 86-87 1965 Catherine 278 391 Celesta M., wife Nichol- son 98-99 1765 Charles 256-257 1785 Charles 257-258 1517 Charles C 228-229 325 Charles E 78-92-93 364 Charles E 93 101 Charles F 39 1963 Charles H 277 1490 Charlie R 226-227 1951 Charles V 275-277-278 1450 Charles W 221-228 1099 Charlotte, nee Hinsdell 183 377 Charlotte, wife Pay 95-102 1017 Charlotte, nee Carpenter. .. 172 65 Clara P., wife Weir 32-37 1019 Clara A 172 1005 Charity E., wife Nown. .170-171 190 Clara 50 1740 Clara V., nee Love 252 373 Clarissa, nee Brown 95-96 1744 Cora L 253 1106 Cora B., wife Homann. .184-190 233 Cora F., wife Stotts 63-67 193 Curtis S 50 D 382 Daniel 96 1943 Daniel 275 1445 Daniel E 221 96 Daniel L 38 1946 Daniel T 275 6 David 23-255-256 653 David 130-153 1775 David H 256-259 833 David J 152 806 David L 148-151-152 330 McMillan Genealogy and History 1771 292 654 95 168 1087 1747 1054 535 21 661 110 127 9S2 156 1781 226 239 187 300 311 317 349 368 68 1028 1786 128 188 1688 192 1742 1088 1776 1769 122 13 62 99 388 152 302 394 197 1153 1331 1027 1052 1 IS] 1328 ."28 1492 1049 2 8 I 1191 281 1084 3 5 293 240 :;ot 55 1 5 1 365 111 986 1972 419 53 2 McMillan D David S 256-275 David W 71-72 Deborah, wife Brooks. . .130-153 Delania P., nee Wright. . . .38-39 Dora J., wife Rogers 48 Duncan B 181-246-247 Duncan H 253 X Earl 176 Earnest F 115 Ebenezer 26-40 Ebenezer 131-179 Edgar 40 Edna C, wife Jones 42-44 Edson 167-168 Edward C 69-47 Edward 257 Edward C 63 Edward C, Jr 63 Edward T 49-50 Effle 74 Effe D., nee Wheeler 77-78 Effe E 78 Effe D. A 86-87 Effe E 93-94 Ella R., nee Weir 32 Ella E 172 Ella M. p wife Glidden. . .257-258 Ellen I., nee McCall 42 Elefa, nee Hartman 49 Elmer 247-254 Elnora A. D., wife Cole- man 50 Elwin E 252-253 Eliza 181-254 Eliza, wife Harrold 257 Eliza, wife Russell .... 256-260 Eliza A., nee Barnett 42 Elisabeth, nee Livingston. .26 Elizabeth, wife McGeoch. 31-33 Elizabeth 38 Elizabeth, nee Carmichael . . 97 Elizabeth, nee Robertson 45-46-47 Elizabeth A 74-75 Elizabeth J., wife Gruver 98-100 Elizabeth, nee Cully 51-52 Emma, nee Hammer 176 Emma M., nee Mrs. Wil- son 207 Emma G., wife Searing. 172-176 Emorv C 175 Estelle M 224 Eugenia M 207-208 Eva E., wife Livingston .. 63-64 Etta, nee Shaw 226 Ethel C 175 Esther, nee McCall 70 T Fay C 226-2 2 7 Fidelia, nee Allen 69-70 Florella H., wife Olds .. 181-220 Florence, nee Bechler 90 Florence M 71 Florence M 63 Florence, wife O'Brien. .. 58-59 Florence 29 Frances B 228 Frances E., wife Preston. . . .93 Frances 40 Frank D 168 Franklin W 279 Frank 101 Franklin B 114 367 356 351 114 1970 47 23 283 158 1437 836 194 1513 994 988 204 254 1748 241 403 1044 1105 993 1515 354 1777 1764 392 1435 1004 320 316 1942 1493 1018 210 285 1000 301 120 258 1092 1487 1788 393 1945 1514 526 1735 1736 199 209 53 194 4 253 1056 1S06 1023 1025 1449 418 119 230 McMillan T Franklin R 93-94 Franklin R 89-90 Franklin G 86-87 Frank M 40-41 Frederick S 278 O George A 28-29 George A 26-42 George A 69 George A. 47-70 George D 220 George E 152 George E. H 50 George W 228-229 Geraldine J 168 Gertrude C, wife Peter- son 168 Glenn V 58 Glenn L 65 Gladys V 253 Grace A 63 Grace P., wife Coleman. . 100-101 Grace H 174 Grace E 184 Granville S 168 Guy H 228 ■ Halburton S 89 Hannah, wife Thorp. .. 257-264 Hannah, nee Stowe. ... 255-266 Hannah I., wife Baldwin 98-100 Harold 220 Harriet L., wife Mc Worthy. 170 Harriet E., wife Parkhurst 78-84 Harriet 78 Harriet N., nee Barbour ... 275 Harry 226 Harriet M 172 Helen, nee Boyce 58 Helen 70 Helen, wife Timmerman 169-170 Helen 74 Helen 1 41 Helen L., nee Olmstead 66 Henry 183-200 Henry H 225-226 Henry E 257 Henrv M 98 Henry S 275-276 Herbert H 228-229 Herbert L 114-117 Herbert O 251-252 Herman D 251-252 Horace G 52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60 Horace G., Jr 58-59 Howard 29 Huldah, wife Powell 275 X Ida F 65 Ho 176 Imogene IX, wife Conkling 259-260 Ira C 173 Ira G 172-175 Trena 221 Isabelle R., nee Holsworth 101-102 Isa B 41 Ida May 63-66 McMillan Genealogy and History 331 MCMILLAN McMillan 650 417 1779 208 97 1743 1686 1079 983 1319 989 198 378 802 800 981 1043 50 59 167 1737 1516 1684 1 3 11 18 48 322 153 313 375 1774 1915 652 808 1085 1323 348 366 63 523 1512 350 1337 67 17 1749 56 1480 186 524 117 255 282 288 1959 1683 1770 1101 1434 236 1739 1338 1055 530 1322 295 294 189 1511 James 130-131 James A 101-102 James A 257 James B 58-59 James C 38 James Elwood 252-253 James E 247-252 James E 181-182-183 James F 168 James H 206-207 James S 168 Jane A., wife Rodgers 52 Jane A., wife Kingman 95 Jane E 148-150 Jane, nee Lytle 147-148 Janette, nee Grover 167 Janette E., nee Coon 174 Jennie A 29-30 Jessie 30 Jesse H 48-50 Jesse D 252 Jessie L 228-229 J. Manly 247-251 John ...16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23 John 23-24-45-95-121-122 John 24-25-26 John 26-39 John 28-29-30 John 78-85-86-87 John 46-47-4S John 78 John 97-98 John S 256-257-258 Jane A., wife Van Patton 270-273 John 130-147-148 John 148-153 John 181-245 John A 207-209 John E 86-87 John H 93 John L 31-35-36 John M 114-115 John M 228-229 John R 86 John W 208 Joseph M 32-37 Joseph 26-38 Joyce L 253 Julia H., nee Bums 30 Julia E., wife Gale 224 John W 49 K Katie E.. wife Stone 114 Kate 40-41 Keith C 65 L Laura 69 Laura., wife Matthews 70 Laura B 277 Laverna, wife Roscoe 24 7 Lavina 256-274 Lavina J., wife McKean...l83 Lenas 220 Lena F., wife Ferguson 63 Lena A 252 Leone D 208 Leota 176 Lettie 114 Libbie S., wife Miller 207 Leonora M 72 Leonora W., nee Claussen..72 Lillie M., nee Martin 50 Lilly M 228 185 1339 363 357 227 1969 303 1324 539 520 1784 319 372 8 46 12 14 588 1051 1746 102 358 1805 16S9 660 1441 1080 19 649 83 2 162 298 1964 801 1093 1973 533 1077 86 1442 1021 1091 85 1325 200 126 1682 6A 2 45 87 1486 651 1768 1076 1326 1446 5S6 346 556 385 525 324 807 1956 1026 166 108 66 59 235 291 Lizzie, nee Lytle 49 Lloyd F 208 Lois V., nee Richardson. .. .92 Lola O., wife Yaeger 89 Lorenzo L 63 Louise C, nee Neeber 278 Louise H 74-75 Lunetta J., wife Mcintosh. . 207 Lucius B 115 Lucinda, nee Melott. ... 113-114 Lucretia, nee Thorp. ... 257-258 Lucy J., wife Hall. .78-79-80-81 Lurena J., nee Brockway . . .94 Lydia, nee Loudon 25-45 Lydia, wife Skinner 28 Lydia 24-44 Lydia L., wife Oviatt 26 Lydia 121-128 M Mabel, nee Smith 175 Mabel H 253 Mabel W., wife Hogle 39 Madeline, nee Tucker 89 Mahala S., nee Trahern. . . . 259 Manly 247 Margaret, wife Collins 131 Margaret, wife Barnard ... 221 Margaret, wife Willoughby . 181 Margaret 26-40 Margaret, nee Rowan. . 130-131 Margaret, nee Garland. 151-152 Margaret E., wife Neber- gall 41 Margaret J., wife Linn 74 Marguerite 277 Margaret R., wife Bacon... 145 Margaret E., wife Wilson.. 183 Marjory L 279 Mattie, nee Hollenbeck. . . . 114 Martha, nee Duncan. .. 180-181 Martha 36 Martha, wife Van Natta...221 Martha A 172-17 t Martha M., wife McCor- nack 183 Martha E., nee Weaver 35 Martha, nee Brierly 201 Maria F., wife Glenn 52 Maria B., wife Darrow 42 Marie, wife Smith 246 Mary, wife Fletcher 23 Mary, nee Arnott 23 Mary, nee Arnott 2S Mary 36 Mary, nee Cramer 225-226 Marv, wife Reid 130 Mary, wife Stevens 256 Mary A., nee Roe 179 Mary A 207 Mary A., wife Thrasher. .. 221 Mary A., wife Sowers 121 Mary A., nee Scruby 85-86 Mary A., nee Hollenbeck. .. 117 Marv A., wife Alcorn. .. 96-119 Mary A 114-116 Mary A., wife Sneathen . .78-91 Marv A 148-153 Mary E., nee Gav 276 Marv E 172-176 Mary E 47-50 Mary E., nee Edgar 40 Mary E 32-37 Mary E., nee Robertson. .. .31 Mary B., wife Alexander ... 63 Mary E., nee Brown 71-72 332 McMillan Genealogy and History. MCMILLAN M 225 Mary J., nee Currie 62-63 1950 Mary J 275-277 160 Mary J 47-72 534 Mary L., wife Flock 115 1508 Mary M., nee Jurd 228 297 Mary M., nee Couden 73-74 299 Mary R., wife McNaugher. . . 74 355 Mary V. A 89 1780 Matilda, wife Luce 257-265 379 Matilda C., wife Lathrop. 95-111 1957 Maud M 276 527 Maud M., wife Miller .. 114-117 420 Maud M., wife Hurmence 101-102 371 Maud C, nee Hopkins 93 238 Maxwell R 63 115 May B 40-41 1003 Mehitable, nee Mrs Perry.. 170 1083 Melinda 181-229 1443 Melinda J., wife Grant 220 1745 Milton C 253 1433 Minnie 220 1488 Minnie M., wife Van Orden.225 1489 Minerva C. C, wife Sloan 225-226 1772 Miriam, nee Brown. ... 256-257 151 Morrison 45-95-96-97 16 Morrison 26-30-32 380 Morrison 95-113-114 540 Morrison G 115 104 Myrtle 1 39 1327 Myrtle M., wife Sykes 207 7 Nancy, wife Frazier. ... 23-290 389 Nannie M., wife Smith 98 1436 Nauma 220 234 Nellie G., wife Gibson 63 538 Nellie M 115 987 Nellie M 168 116 Nettie L 40-41 121 Nettie L, 41 O 521 Orlando M 114 P 154 Peter R 46-51-52 R 148 Rachel, nee Morrison 45 374 Rachel 95-97 1685 Ransom O 247-251-252 387 Rebecca, nee Mrs. Chapman. 96 1318 Rebecca, nee Cheevers. 206-207 1022 Rhoda M 172-174 835 Richard 152 232 Richard A 63-67 155 Richard B 47-62-63 263 Richard D 67 1974 Richard F 279 1952 Richard H 275-278 557 Rolland G 117 542 Roy F 115 256 Ruth D 66 MCMILLAN S 191 Sabina E., nee Hinshaw 50 655 Sally, wife Olds 131-167 215 Sally, nee Martin 59 1100 Saphronia E., wife Cal- houn 183-184 1078 Sarah 181 519 Sarah, nee Strowe 113 1773 Sarah A., wife Martin. .256-257 163 Sara A., nee Harris 47-48 381 Sarah B., wife Blodgett. 95-118 52 Sarah E., nee Skelly 29 1045 Sarah E., nee Thompkins. . 175 103 Sarah E., nee McArthur 39 493 Sarah E., nee Smart 37 49 Sarah E., nee Arnott 29 985 Sarah G., nee Dean 168 164 Sara J., wife Johnston. . .47-48 64 Sarah 1 31-36 69 Sarah J., nee Cochrance 32 1095 Sarah J., wife Ferris 183 1949 Sarah L., wife Charles. .275-277 1681 Sarah L., nee Cheney. . .246-247 803 Sarah M., wife Stevens. 148-150 1767 Sarah S., wife Dorr. ... 256-267 1102 Sophia C, wife Clark. . 183-189 804 Sophia L., wife Sanderson 148-150 656 Stephen 131-167 206 Stella 58-59 1334 Stella, nee Hard 208 1020 Susan S., wife Taylor 172 T 22 Thomas 26-41 113 Thomas 40-41 149 Thomas 45-46-47 157 Thomas 47-70 299 Thomas C 63-65-66 165 Thomas E 47-49 287 Thomas J 70 834 Tina E., wife Creighton 152 V 205 Viva A., wife Hammett 58 296 Vivian C 72 531 Vernon 114 W 1690 Wallace 2*7 1689 Walton C 247-254 537 Wesley J 115 738 Willard D 252 112 William 40-41 312 William 78 15 William 26-28-29 109S William 183-220 1024 William A 172-174-175 1330 William A 207-208 60 William C 31-32 58 William D 30 323 William F 78-87-88-89 522 William G 114-115 161 William H 47-73-74-75 94 William J. M 38 261 William 66 659 William T 131-172 231 William W 63-66 McMillan Genealogy and History. 333 Index of Names OtherThan McMillan Both the maiden and married names of married women being given 1889 1890 1891 1001 1007 1132 1228 1229 1218 2143 674 792 580 581 582 385 583 732 235 279 281 49 30 45 2 339 1471 742 1359 1349 1358 972 971 970 961 814 813 810 801 809 408 392 1553 1545 936 A Acheson, Mary, nee Dorr. . 268 Acheson, 268 Acheson, Zita 268 Acheson, Caroline, nee McMillan 170 Acheson, 170 Ackerman, Nettie M., wife Calhoun 185 Ahart, John 196 Ahart, Georgia E 196 Ahart, Bertha, nee Clark. . 196 Anderson, Minnie H., wife Blodgett 297 Anthony, Caroline, nee Reid 146 Anthony, Allard 146 Alcorn, Edward E 119-120 Alcorn, Evelyn A 119-120 Alcorn, Leroy H 119-120 Alcorn, Mary A., nee Mc- Millan 119-120 Alcorn, Berenice M 119-120 Aldrich, Judith F., wife Bordwell 139 Alexander, Mary E., nee McMillan 68 Alexander, James A 68 Allen, Fidelia, wife Mc- Millan 69-70 Arnott, Sarah E., wife Mc- Millan 29 Arnott, Belle, wife Oviatt. .27 Arnott, Mary, wife Mc- Millan 28 Arnott, Mary, wife J. Mc- Millan 23 Artig, Petria N. A., wife Hall 82 Ashley, Efne, wife Van Natta 223 Auk, Mary, wife Bordwell. . 146 B Bacum, Donald H 213 Bacum, Emma J., nee Ferris 213 Bacum, Samuel 213 Bacon, John H 149 Bacon, Harriette G., nee Silmser 149 Bacon, Lora 149 Bacon, Edna, nee Dewey. . . .149 Bacon, Homer B 149 Bacon, Helen, nee Brewer.. 149 Bacon, John H 148-149 Bacon, Margaret R., nee McMillan 148 Bacon, Hiram 148 Baldwin, Harry 100 Baldwin, Hannah I., nee McMillan 100 Balser, Clyde 231 Balser, Lyla E., nee Olds.. 231 Baranoski, Ella, wife Brooks 163 B 1942 Barbour, Harriet N., wife McMillan 275 1451 Barnard, Edwin 222 1441 Barnard, Margaret, nee Mc- Millan 222 1407 Barnes, Mildred J 218 1408 Barnes, Claire D 218 1406 Barnes, Ellsworth A... 217-218 1405 Barnes, Bryan A 217 1404 Barnes, Harry H 217-218 1403 Barnes, Alta N 217 1402 Barnes, Cecil 217 1401 Barnes, May E 217 1400 Barnes, Ida, nee Blaufus. . . 217 1397 Barnes, Eva 217 1396 Barnes, Alvah 217 1394 Barnes, Myrtle, wife Goodeen 217 1395 Barnes, Howard 217 1392 Barnes, Flutie, nee Sher- man 217 1393 Barnes, Elmer 217 1391 Barnes, Florence, nee Jack- son 216 1390 Barnes, Ray 216 1389 Barnes, Merlin D 216 1387 Barnes, Alta E., wife Sher- born 216 1388 Barnes, Eva R., nee Nichols 216 1386 Barnes, Ishmael 216-218 1385 Barnes, Fernando 216-217 1384 Barnes, Enos R 216-217 1383 Barnes, M. Haswell 216 1096 Barnes, Betsey C, nee Mc- Millan 216 1382 Barnes, Alvah E 216 122 Barnett, Eliza A., nee Mc- Millan 42 932 Barrows, Elon 163 929 Barrows, Sylvia 163 928 Barrows, Nellie, wife Jen- kins 163 931 Barrows, Eber 163 930 Barrows, Fay 163 927 Barrows, Carey 163 919 Barrows, Hila, nee Brooks. 163 702 Bartholf, Earl O 135 701 Bartholf, Dean P 135 700 Bartholf, Neil J 135 699 Bartholf, Helen D 135 698 Bartholf, Reid E 135 696 Bartholf, Bessie M., nee Reid 135 697 Bartholf, Ralph W 135 1075 Bartholf, Annette, wife Collins 178 1432 Bander. Ada, wife Mc- Millan 220 923 Beal, Emma, nee Brooks... 164 940 Beal, Franklin R 164 621 Beardslee, Harold S 126 613 Beardslee, Florence M., nee Fox 126 620 Beardslee, George 126 334 McMillan Genealogy and History. 2046 Beavers, Lonetta, wife 737 Wolf 288 736 359 Bechler, Florence, wife Me- 735 Millan 90 1958 Beebe, wife McMillan 277 734 1941 Best, Maud E 274 1940 Best, Walter T 274 733 1939 Best, Lizzie L 274 732 1938 Best, Troman 274 1937 Best, Phoebe A., nee 731 Russell 274 730 SO Beveridge, Willard 34 729 79 Beveridge, Mary E 34 728 72 Beveridge, Bertha, nee 670 McGeoch 33 221 78 Beveridge, Rae L 33-34 1503 Bishop, D. J 227 1062 1448 Bishop, Barbara, nee Mc- Millan 227 1236 1504 Bishop, Winifred M., wife 682 Kingsbury 227 1618 Blaha, Lurietta 239 437 1613 Blaha, Nietta, nee Olds.... 239 431 1617 Blaha, Charles E 239 864 Blakeman, Cora, wife 436 Hickox 155 210 1400 Blaufus, Ida, wife Barnes. ..217 2143 Blodgett, Minnie H., nee 484 Anderson 297 2142 Blodgett, Charles E 297 1831 2141 Blodgett, Earl H 297 2140 Blodgett, Sarah, nee Clark. 297 1830 2090 Blodgett, Alice J., wife 1829 Trombly 292-295-296 1828 2088 Blodgett, Effie May, wife 1827 Convers 292-293 1826 2089 Blodgett, Agnes E, wife 1825 Brackett 292-295 1824 2091 Blodgett, Charles H 292-297 1822 2075 Blodgett, Elizabeth, nee McCumber 292 1823 20S7 Blodgett, J. Hudson 292-293 1811 579 Blodgett, Sarah A 119 576 Blodgett, Elizabeth, nee 1821 Burgess 119 1820 577 Blodgett, Celia P 119 2089 578 Blodgett, Eldora M 119 567 Blodgett, Barrett A 118-119 2116 566 Blodgett, Adelaide 118-119 2117 568 Blodgett, Winifred ....118-119 565 Blodgett, Bertha H., wife 2118 Per.shall 118 2119 381 Blodgett, Sarah B., nee 2120 McMillan 118 347 564 Blodgett, Barrett E 118 1477 Boggs, 224 813 1474 Boggs, Charlotte, nee Grant 224 1325 1762 Boles, Katherine, wife Rowe 197 2192 2165 Booth, Julia M 301 2186 216 1 Booth, Cecil S 301 2163 Booth, Lucille E., nee 2193 Gibson 301 2194 2160 Booth, Marjorie M 300-302 372 2155 Booth, Maud W., wife Humphrey 300 654 2154 Booth, Flora E 300-301 2156 Booth, Claire E 300-301 839 2146 Booth, Mary V., nee Wil- 850 son 300 2152 Booth, Willard C 300-301 948 2153 Booth, Eleanor, J 300-301 947 2151 Booth, Stephen C 300 742 Bordwell, Mary, nee Auk.. 140 924 740 Bordwell, Anna, nee Rice.. 140 741 Bordwell. Alden 140 843 738 Bordwell, Edward M 140 840 739 Bordwell, Laura C 140 Bordwell, Mary, nee Mead. 140 Bordwell, Joseph S 140 Bordwell, Minnie, nee Shipp 140 Bordwell, Beatrice F., nee Gerry 139 Bordwell, Reid B 139 Bordwell, Judith F., nee Aldrich 139 Bordwell, Lewis C 139-140 Bordwell, Herbert W. . 139-140 Bordwell, Melville H 139 Bordwell, David R 139 Bordwell, Martha, nee Reid. 139 Boub, Luella M., wife Glenn 61 Bowden, Ethlyn M., nee Searing 178 Bowden, Joseph H 178 Bowen, Achsa E., wife Reid 133 Bowersox, Luverne 104 Bowersox, lone, nee Hop- kins 104 Bowersox, Eugene 104 Boyce, Helen, wife McMillan 58 Boyd, Nellie, wife King- man 108 Boyington, Florence V., nee Kreimbe 261 Boyington, Ida May 261 Boyington, Alfred E 261 Boyington, Chauncy K 261 Boyington, Ruth 261 Boyington, Richard D 261 Boyington, Vernon H 261 Boyington, Madge 261-262 Boyington, Annis C, wife Franks 261 Boyington, Maude 261-262 Boyington, Ida E., nee Harrold 261-262 Boyington, Charles S 261 Boyington, Abbott D... 261-262 Brackett, Agnes E., nee Blodgett 295 Brackett, Myron 295 Brackett, Mary A., wife Isensee 295 Brackett, Lola W 295 Brackett, Alice M 295 Brackett, Harriet J 295 Brewer, Carrie D., wife McMillan 86 Brewer, Helen, wife Bacon 149 Brierlv, Martha A., wife McMillan 207 Bright, Walter 304 Bright, Emma, nee Mc- Cumber 304 Bright, Andrew 304 Bright, Lloyd 304 Brockway, Lurena, wife McMillan 94 Brooks, Deborah, nee Mc- Millan 153-154 Brooks, Chester 153 Brooks, Celesta, wife Taylor 153-165 Brooks, Marguerite L 164 Brooks, Mabel, nee Mc- Millan 164 Brooks, Stella, wife On- sted 162 Brooks, Sally 153-156 Brooks, Elizabeth, wife Hickox 153 McMillan Genealogy and History. 335 841 Brooks, Chester J 153-156 866 Brooks, Charlotte, nee Dollear 156 S67 Brooks, Herbert 156 868 Brooks, Adelbert 156 869 Brooks, Elsa T 156 842 Brooks, Hiram 153-156 844 Brooks, Andrew M 153-157 870 Brooks, Elizabeth J., nee Swords 157 871 Brooks, Josephine, wife Rigdon 157 872 Brooks, Frank 157 873 Brooks, Fred 157-15S 874 Brooks, James W 157-158 876 Brooks, Samuel B 157-158 877 Brooks, Mary B 157 875 Brooks, Eugenia 157-158 2314 Brooks, Mary, nee Popkey. .158 -2315 Brooks, Anna A 158 846 Brooks, Charles 153-160 896 Brooks, Mary L., nee Rickerd 160 897 Brooks, Charles L 160 899 Brooks, Olive F., nee Salter 160 903 Brooks, Edmund C 160 900 Brooks, Charlotte M., wife Smith 160 905 Brooks, Benjamin C 160 901 Brooks, Carroll C 1 60 904 Brooks, Olive A 160 906 Brooks, William H 160 907 Brooks, Bessie V 160 908 Brooks, Frank E 160 898 Brooks, Lewis H 160-161 909 Brooks, Cora, nee Capin....l61 910 Brooks, Lola, wife Finch.. 161 847 Brooks, Filmore 153-161-162 912 Brooks, Martha, nee Mc- Murphy 161 914 Brooks, Loella 161 915 Brooks, Dwight 161 916 Brooks, Archie 161-162 848 Brooks, Phoebe A., wife Sutton 153-162 849 Brooks, James W. 153-162-163-164 919 Brooks, Hila, wife Bar- rows 162 918 Brooks, Ellen, nee Rigdon 163-164 920 Brooks, Hiram 162-163 921 Brooks, Alfred 162-163 922 Brooks, Arch 162-164 923 Brooks, Emma, wife Beal.,162 925 Brooks, George 162-164 926 Brooks, Vedah E 162-164 935 Brooks, Mabel, nee "Winter. 163 936 Brooks, Ella, nee Baran- oski 163 937 Brooks, Matel 163 939 Brooks, Zina W 164 938 Brooks, Maude, nee Winter 164 845 Brooks, Mary, wife Osborne 153-158 625 Brown, Florence L 127 616 Brown, Georgia E., nee Fox 127 1772 Brown, Miriam, wife Mc- Millan 256-257 187 9 Brown, Achsah, wife Mc- Millan 266-267 373 Brown, Clarissa, wife Mc- Millan 95-96 252 Brown, Carrie F., wife Mc- Millan 65 291 Brown, Mary E., wife Mc- Millan 71-72 624 Brown, Ralph N 157 626 Brown, Wilma G 127 1619 Burns, Emily, wife Olds... 239 1659 Burton, Margaret P., nee Hess 245 1678 Burton, Fred 245 576 Burgess, Elizabeth, wife Blodgett 119 56 Buss, Julia H., wife Mc- Millan 30 1649 Butterfleld, Libbie 242 1647 Butterfleld, Lillian E 242 1646 Butterfleld, Mary 1 242 1635 Butterfleld, Rosilda I., nee Olds 242 1608 Butterfleld, John T 238 1609 Butterfleld, Raymond M 238 1607 Butterfleld, Grant 238-242 1648 Butterfleld, Beatrice D 242 1582 Butterfleld, Mary L., nee Hall 238 788 Buttrick, John B 145 787 Buttrick, Alden C 145 775 Buttrick, Mary C, nee Crippen 145 786 Buttrick, Hubert A 145 1975 Calhoun, Mary F., nee Moore 186 1100 Calhoun, Saphronia E., nee McMillan 184-185-186 1107 Calhoun, Nathan C 184-185 1108 Calhoun, Wallace E 184-185 1109 Calhoun, Alexander A.. 184-185 1115 Calhoun, Abner O 184-186 1110 Calhoun, Mary E 184-185 1111 Calhoun, Frank W 184-186 1112 Calhoun, Justin E 184-186 1113 Calhoun, Anna B., wife Collins 184 1114 Calhoun, Minard J 1S4-1S6 1119 Calhoun, Barton A 184-186 1118 Calhoun, Fannie E 184-186 1121 Calhoun, Eunice W., nee Hamilton 184-185 1116 Calhoun, Roy Everett. .184-186 1117 Calhoun, Maggie M.... 184-186 1120 Calhoun, Eunice E 184-187 1126 Calhoun, Mary D., nee Goddard 185 1127 Calhoun, Norman W 185 1128 Calhoun, Cora May, nee Leigh ty 185 1129 Calhoun, Vern M 185 1130 Calhoun, Samuel 185 1131 Calhoun, Minard C 1S5 1132 Calhoun, Nettie M., nee Ackerman 185-186 1133 Calhoun, Ralph 185 1136 Calhoun, Mary E., nee Griffen 186 635 Callender, Alice 128 632 Callender, Sylvia, nee Cornell 128 634 Callender, Sherman D 128 636 Callender, Lois H 128 909 Capin, Cora, wife Brooks... 161 2014 Carrier, Clifford J 284 2009 Carrier, Olive L 283 2013 Carrier, Gertrude S., nee De Kav 284 2007 Carrier, Joseph P 283-284 2006 Carrier, Chella C, wife Rowley 283-284 2008 Carrier, Jennie B 283-284 336 McMillan Genealogy and History. 2005 Carrier, Emory A 283-284 2003 Carrier, Anna, nee Rude.283-284 388 Carmichael, Elizabeth, wife McMillan 97-98 1928 Carpenter, Ethlyn, wife Stevens 272 984 Cattell, Alta I., nee Mc- Millan 169 995 Cattell, John C 169 996 Cattell, Howard 169 997 Cattell, Zella 169 998 Cattell, Zada 169 1759 Chase, Harry D 197 1234 Chase, Carrie M., nee Rowe 197 1760 Chase, Charles R 197 1761 Chase, Eugene 197 1960 Charles, William 277 1949 Charles, Sarah L., nee McMillan 277 464 Charlton, Delia, wife Reynolds 106 387 Chapman, Mrs. Rebecca, wife McMillan 96 1672 Chapman, Lura, wife Hess 244 118 Chamberlain, Bertha, wife McMillan 41 1GS1 Cheney, Sarah L., wife McMillan 246-247 1318 Cheevers, Rebecca, wile McMillan 206-207 1650 Chenore, Lucinda, wife Olds 242 2221 Churchill, Maud, nee Harp 307 2224 Churchill, Courtland 307 1066 Churm, Sarah A., wife Searing 177 1733 Cirby, James S 251 1724 Cirby, Clara M., nee Roscoe 251 1035 Clare, Zeta, wife Taylor.. 173 2251 Clark, Lillie, wife Gru- baugh 310 2227 Clark, Esther 307 2226 Clark, Ina 307 2181 Clark, Harriet H., nee McCumber 307 2176 Clark, Mary M., nee Mc- Cumber 305 2225 Clark, John D 307 2200 Clark, Henry H 305 2140 Clark, Sarah, wife Blodgett.297 1225 Clark, Earl 196 1226 Clark, Mildred 196 121S Clark, Bertha, wife Ahart.,195 1217 Clark, Lillie, wife Mc- Daniel 195 1516 Clark, Albert 195 1215 Clark, Amy, wife Mc- Daniel 195 1177 Clark, Elizabeth J., nee McCornack 195-196 1213 Clark, George W 195-196 1161 Clark, William A 189 1160 Clark, Mary 1 189 1159 Clark, George E 189 1153 Clark, Delia L., wife Drake 189 1157 Clark, Flora C, wife Thompson 189 1156 Clark, Evelvn A 189 1102 Clark, Sophia C, nee McMillan 189 1155 Clark, William E 189 337 Clarke, Minnie M., wife Hall. .81 294 Claussen, Lenora W., wife McMillan 72 1633 69 710 192 195 404 406 407 405 403 1073 1075 660 1072 862 1074 1113 1134 1135 1806 1807 1808 390 400 2092 2088 2110 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 1751 1163 1010 1009 1011 465 461 466 467 1043 25 29 632 633 596 631 Cobbler, Sarah E., wife Olds 241 Cochrane, Sarah J., wife McMillan 32 Coe, Eugenia H 136 Coleman, Elnora A. D., nee McMillan 50 Coleman, Charles W 50 Coleman, George H 100 Coleman, Florence E 100 Coleman, Maxine May 100 Coleman, Murray W 100 Coleman, Grace P., nee McMillan 100 Collins, Theodore 178-179 Collins, Annette, nee Bartholf 178 Collins, Margaret, nee Mc- Millan 178 Collins, John 178 Collins, Etta, nee Hickox.,155 Collins, Sarah, nee Reid...l78 Collins, Anna B., nee Calhoun 186 Collins, Arthur 186 Collins, Mildred L 186 Conklin, Imogene D., nee McMillan 260 Conklin, James D 260 Conklin, Melvin M 260 Connor, Anna D., nee McMillan 99 Connor, Delos 99 Convers, Frederic D 293 Convers, Effle May, nee Blodgett 293 Convers, Harold 294 Convers, Ralph H 293 Convers, Winfred 293-294 Convers, Albert W 293-294 Convers Maud L., wife Haskell 293-294 Convers, Cora May, wife Stone 293-294 Convers, Delia 293-295 Convers, Ruth, nee Hinkson 293 Convers, Effle May 293 Convers, Howard 293 Convers, Ruth 293 Convers, Eunice 294 Convers, Eugene 294 Convers, Clyde 294 Convers, Milton 294 Convers, Anna, nee Hidley 294 Convers, Rita 294 Convers, Clayton 294 Cooper, Katherine E., nee Rowe 198 Cooper, R R 198 Cook, Elmer 171 Cook, Nina A., nee Mc- Worthy 171 Cook, Hugh 171 Cook, John S 106 Cook, Ora, nee Pershall. . . 106 Cook, Marguerite 107 Cook, Howard 107 Coon, Janette E., wife Mc- Millan 174-175 Coon, Margaret, nee Oviatt..27 Coon. Russell 27 Cornell, Sylvia, wife Callender 128 Cornell, Harry C. S 128 Cornell, Alice, nee Sowers.. 128 Cornell, Henry 128 McMillan Genealogy and History. 337 591 Cosner, Lydia, nee Mushett 123 602 Cosner, Robert 123 1486 Cramer, Mary, wife Mc- Millan 225-226 1904 Crawford, Jennie G., wife McKee 269 838 Creighton, Garland J 152 834 Creighton, Tina E., nee McMillan 152 837 Creighton, John A 152 673 Crippen, Emeline, nee Reid 144 775 Cripoen, Mary C, wife Buttrick 144-145 771 Crippen, James B 144 772 Crippen, Edwin R 144 773 Crippen, Ralph 144-145 776 Crippen, James B., Jr.. 144-145 777 Crippen, Mary L., nee Ewart 144 778 Crippen, William E 144-145 779 Crippen, Ralph 144-145 780 Crippen, Lucie 144-145 781 Crippen, Henry R 144-145 782 Crippen, Theodore D. ... 144-145 783 Crippen, Mary 144-145 785 Crippen, Sadie S., nee King 145 784 Crippen, Edith 145 789 Crippen, Ethel M., nee Perkins 145 790 Crippen, Reid P 146 791 Crippen, Evelyn J 146 2289 Crippen, Agnes A., nee Husted 318-319 2297 Crippen, Ernest B 319-320 2298 Crippen, Wesser C 319-320 2299 Crippen, Phoebe L 319 2300 Crippen, Gordon B 319 2302 Crippen, Evelyn L 319-320 2301 Crippen, Vincent L 319 1638 Croman, John A 241 1634 Croman, Laverna, nee Olds 241 1639 Croman, Flora R., wife Keller 241 1640 Croman, Lester 241 1643 Croman, Merrel 241 1642 Croman, Levi H 241 1641 Croman, Floyd A 241 1275 Cross, Jesse E 201 1271 Cross, Alta M., nee Dyson 201 197 Cully, Elizabeth, wife McMillan 51-52 129 Culver, Francis F 42-43 124 Culver, Almira E., nee McMillan 42-43 225 Currie, Mary J., wife McMillan ...62-63 297 Couden, Marv M., wife McMillan 73-74 1068 Cox, Belle, wife Searing. .. 1-77 136 Darrow, Pierce W 43-44 135 Darrow, Guy C 43 141 Darrow, Herbert J 44 140 Darrow, Edith 43 139 Darrow, William H 43-44 137 Darrow, Isabelle C 43-44 126 Darrow, Maria B., nee Mc- Millan 43 138 Darrow, George N 43-44 2219 Davis, Clara, nee Mont- gomery 307 2218 Davis, Alfred 306 798 Davis, Nancy, wife Reid... 147 2211 Davis, Alfred 306 2179 Davis, Julia J., nee McCumber 306 2212 Davis, Roy 306 2213 Davis, Pearl 306 2214 Davis, Ray 306-307 2215 Davis, Cassie 306 2216 Davis, Nellie 306 2217 Davis, Rose 306 2203 De La Mater, John 305-306 2178 De La Mater, Zelma Z., nee McCumber 305-306 2204 De La Mater, Charles A. 305-306 2206 De La Mater, Mary L 305 205 De La Mater, Clyde T 305 2207 De La Mater, Harry J 305 2208 De La Mater, Hazel C 305 2209 De La Mater, Leslie M 305 2210 De La Mater, Olga, nee Dudgeon 306 2264 De Mond, Walter 311 2241 De Mond, Ida May, nee Grubaugh 311 2265 De Mond, Marie 311 2013 De Kay, Gertrude S., wife Carrier 284 985 Dean, Sarah G., wife McMillan 168 262 Dean, Alice R., wife McMillan 67 977 Derby, David 167 976 Derby, Mary, nee Olds 166 969 Dewey, Edna, wife Bacon 149 2056 Dickie, Bertha B., wife Jackson 288-289 1034 Dingman, Phoebe, wife Taylor 173 866 Dollear, Charlotte, wife Brooks 156 1880 Dorr, Edward 267 1767 Dorr, Sarah S., nee Mc- Millan 267 1881 Dorr, William 267 1882 Dorr, Edward B 267-268 1883 Dorr, David 267-268 1884 Dorr, Mary A., wife Maynard 267-269 1885 Dorr, Caroline, nee Dunbar 267-268 1886 Dorr, Frank 267-268 1887 Dorr, Augustus J 267-268 1888 Dorr, Edward 267-268 1889 Dorr, Mary, wife Acheson 267-268 1892 Dorr, Rebecca, nee ..268 1893 Dorr, Mary 268 1165 Drake, George M 189 1158 Drake, Delia L., nee Clark 189 1166 Drake, Laura S 189 1167 Drake, Mary S 189 1168 Drake, Clarence G 189 1169 Drake, Cornelia 190 1134 Drom, Alice D., wife McMillan 251-252 2210 Dudgeon, Olga, wife De La Mater 306 1885 Dunbar, Caroline, wife Dorr 267-268 1077 Duncan, Martha, wife Mc- Millan 180-182 1593 Dutcher, Avis 236-237 1592 Dutcher, George N 236 1579 Dutcher, Emma, nee Hall.. 236 1591 Dutcher, Samuel A 236 1594 Dutcher, Robert 236 338 McMillan Genealogy and History. 1595 Dutcher, Mary E 236 1599 Dutcher, Buena V., nee Franklin 237 1597 Dutcher, Lucy 1 236 1598 Dutcher, James E 236 1596 Dutcher, Flora A 236 1600 Dutcher, Lola E 237 1570 Dyson, George A 201-202 1258 Dyson, Ella M., nee Wil- son 201-202 1271 Dyson, Alta M., wife Cross. 201 1272 Dyson, Edna F., wife Rin- toul 201 1273 Dyson, George H 201-202 1274 Dyson, George V 201-202 E 311 Easterly, Effe D., nee Mrs. McMillan 79 326 Easterly, Martin 79 108 Edgar, Mary, wife McMillan 40 1440 Edson, Barbara, wife Mc- Millan 221-222 1296 Edwards, Ethelyn, wife Powell 203 409 Elwell, Minnie M., wife Mc- Millan 100 852 Elliott, Jennie, nee Hickox.154 856 Elliott, Lansing H 154 769 Equall, Charles D 143 764 Equall, Lavada E., nee Pulver 143 1955 Ermin, Lucy E., wife Powell 276 2035 Evans, Edith, wife Fletcher 286 777 Evans, Mary L., wife Crippen 144 2228 Ewart, Olive, nee Mc- Cumber 308 P 450 Fay, Ruth E 105 449 Fav, Joyce 105 448 Fay, Justin 105 447 Fay, Rowena 105 446 Fay, Morrison M 105 445 Fay, Cynthia 105 444 Fav, Malcolm 105 443 Fay, Wooster 105 442 Fay, Eleanor 105 440 Fay, Cynthia A., nee York 104-105 441 Fay, Charlotte, wife Wil- liams 105 426 Fay, Isoletta, wife Per- shall 103-105 425 Fay, Jane, wife Reynolds 102-105 424 Fay, Morrison M 102-104 423 Fay, Emma, wife Hop- kins 102-103 377 Fay, Charlotte, nee Mc- Millan 102-103 422 Fay, Wooster 102-103 1865 Ferguson, Louis 264 1777 Ferguson, Hannah, nee McMillan 264 1352 Ferris, Edward H 211-214 1353 Ferris, Harry K 211-215 1354 Ferris, Frederic W 211-215 1362 Ferris, Margaret, nee Young 213 1363 Ferris, Lillias R 214 1370 Ferris, Harriet, nee Pavne 214-215 1371 Ferris, Benjamin R 215 1372 Ferris, Emerson F 215 1373 Ferris, Harry P 215 1375 Ferris, Gordon H 215 1376 Ferris, Theoda S 215 1374 Ferris, Litta M., nee Gor- don 215 1377 Ferris, Julia, nee Schemer- horn 215 1378 Ferris, Luella J 216 1379 Ferris, Frederic H 216 1380 Ferris, Margaret 216 1381 Ferris, Merwin 216 1350 Ferris, John C 211-213 1351 Ferris, Coucheta A., wife Lutz 211 1349 Ferris, Emma J., wife Bacum 211 1348 Ferris, Theoda S 211-212 1347 Ferris, Ida Celesta, wife Waterman 211 1095 Ferris, Sarah J., nee Mc- Millan 210-211 1346 Ferris, Elias K 210-211 280 Ferguson, John 68-69 236 Ferguson, Lena F., nee Mc- Millan 68-69 1544 Fedde, Mary, wife Olds 231 6A Fletcher, Mary, nee Mc- Millan 280-281 2037 Fletcher, Julia, nee Gordon. 286 1985 Fletcher, Emma 281-289 2027 Fletcher, William 285-286 2026 Fletcher, Winifred, wife Gibson 285-286 2028 Fletcher, Ruth 285-286 2029 Fletcher, Carl 285-2S6 2025 Fletcher, Margaret, wife McDonald 285-286 2024 Fletcher, Florence, wife McKinnon 285 2023 Fletcher, Mary, wife Vin- cent 285 2021 Fletcher, Blanche, wife Thompson 285 2022 Fletcher, Samuel 285 2020 Fletcher, Ellen, nee Gordon 285-286 1999 Fletcher, Rachel E., wife Wolf 283-287 2000 Fletcher. Henrietta M., wife Jackson 283-288 1998 Fletcher, Ambrose 283-287 1997 Fletcher, Josephine 282-287 1996 Fletcher, John T 2S2-286 1995 Fletcher, Doreska A., wife Ormiston 282-286 1994 Fletcher, William A 282-285 1979 Fletcher, Thomas 280-281 1980 Fletcher, James 280-282 1981 Fletcher, William 282-286 1982 Fletcher, Nancy 282-286 1983 Fletcher, Rachel, wife Ray- mond 280-282 1984 Fletcher, Samuel ... 2S1-282-283 1992 Fletcher, Emily H., nee Johnson 282 1993 Fletcher, Millicent T., wife Rude 282-283 2035 Fletcher, Edith, nee Evans. 286 544 Flock, Ona Jane 115 543 Flock, Edward 115 534 Flock, Mary L., nee Mc- Millan 115 2238 Filmore, Elzina, nee Gro- baugh 310 2254 Filmore, James 310 910 Finch, Lola, nee Brooks. ... 161 911 Finch, Floyd 161 1306 Fields, Gertrude G., wife Pride 204 1266 Fields, Delia M., nee Wil- son 204-205 McMillan Genealogy and History. 339 1305 Fields, William H 204-205 671 C08 Folger, Samuel 125 592 Folger, Agnes, nee Sowers. .125 743 609 Folger, George 125 747 893 Foote, Minnie, wife Os- 761 borne 159 745 1145 Forsythe, Alice A., wife 744 McKean 187 746 1853 Foster, Floyd J 263 1852 Foster, Donald J 263 756 1844 Foster, Edith L 262 749 1845 Foster, Fred J 262 1846 Foster, Ethel H 262 748 1847 Foster, Evalyn M 262 184S Foster, Paul W 262 755 1849 Foster, Evangeline E 263 1850 Foster, Eleanor R 263 757 1851 Foster, Lora A., nee John- son 263 758 61 Foster, Adah J., nee Mc- Millan 32-33 759 70 Foster, Joseph G 32-33 760 1843 Foster, Scott E 262 3S9 1842 Foster, Julian H 262-263 1813 Foster, Hannah L., nee 399 Harrold 262-263 1841 Foster, Julian 262-263 463 Fosgate, Effie, nee Pershall.107 468 Fosgate, John 107 14SO 593 Fox, Lavinia, nee Sowers 125-126 1482 610 Fox, George 125-126 1485 611 Fox, Follett D 125-126 1484 612 Fox, Mary G., wife John- 1483 son 125-126 3i9 613 Fox, Florence M., wife Beardslee 125-126 336 614 Fox, Charles B 125-126 2271 617 Fox, Marv M., nee Terrill..l26 S32 616 Fox, Georgia E., wife Brown 125-127 1921 623 Fox, Lavinia G 126 622 Fox, Anna E., nee Holland. .126 1929 615 Fox, Lewis 125-127 1930 1822 Franks, Anna C, nee Boy- 1149 ington 261 1142 1833 Franks, Richard W 261 1834 Franks, Madge A 262 1956 1832 Franks, Walter 261 1599 Franklin, Buena V., wife 734 Dutcher 237 2065 Frazier, John 290-316 274 2064 Frazier, Jane, wife 2163 Heath 290-314-315 2278 Frazier, Clara, nee Service. 316 272 2062 Frazier, Thomas 290 273 7 Frazier, Nancy, nee Mc- 2034 Millan 290 2026 2069 Frazier, Andrew 290-322-323 2067 Frazier, Webster 290-316 271 2068 Frazier, Agnes, wife 275 Husted 290-317 276 2066 Frazier, Thomas, Jr 290-316 234 2070 Frazier, Mary A., wife Griswold 290-323 270 2311 Frazier, Amanda, nee 278 Stone 322-323 277 2281 Frazier, George 316-317 823 2282 Frazier, Frederick 316-317 827 2280 Frazier, Frank 316-317 825 2279 Frazier, Harriet, nee 824 Service 316 2283 Frazier, Hattie 316-317 826 2063 Frazier, Margaret, wife 818 McCumber 290-291 2312 Frazier, Thomas A 323 1931 2044 Freidlander, Leland A 287 2043 Freidlander, Gertrude R 287 216 2039 Freidlander, Eda May, nee 200 Wolf 287 2042 Freidlander, Albert 287 323 Freeman, Deborah, nee Reid 141 Freeman, John 141 Freeman, Helen, nee Sisson.141 Freeman, Roscoe 143 Freeman, John M 141-142 Freeman, Homer S 141 Freeman, Mary E., wife Pulver 141-143 Freeman, Melvin 142-143 Freeman, Helena E., wife Mowry 141-142 Freeman, Harriet M., wife Keyes 141 Freeman, Mary, nee Thurber 142 Freeman, Mattie, wife Tiff 142-143 Freeman, Daisy, nee Van Aken 143 Freeman, Ronald 143 Freeman, Kenneth 143 Fritz, Nannie M., nee McMillan 98 Fritz, Charles M 98 O Gale, Julia E., nee McMillan 225 Gale, Frank H 225 Gale, Robert 225 Gale, Harvey 225 Gale, Elizabeth A 225 Galehouse, Lucy J., nee Kingsbury 81 Galehouse, J. G 81 Gallop, Arldie, wife Wilson. .313 Garland, Margaret, wife McMillan 151-152 Garlick, Mary A., nee Stevens 272 Garlick, Murray 272 Garlick, David L 272 Gatz, Victor C 188 Gatz, Vadah B., nee McKean 188 Gay. Mary E., wife McMillan 276 Gerry, Beatrice F., wife Bo'rdwell 139 Gibson, Ruth V 68 Gibson, Lucille E., wife Booth 301 Gibson, Myra G 68 Gibson, Mary F 68 Gibson, Fred L 286 Gibson, Winifred, nee Fletcher 286 Gibson, Ralph L 68 Gibson, Alice B 68 Gibson, Ethel J 68 Gibson, Nellie G., nee McMillan 67-68 Gibson, William A 67-68 Gibson, Alexander R 68 Gibson, Willa F 68 Gilbert, Joseph 150-151 Gilbert, Helen S 151 Gilbert, Ernest 151 Gilbert, Elizabeth R., wife Stevenson 151 Gilbert, Charlotte M 151 Gilbert, Ella M., nee Sanderson 150-151 Gilman, Elvira, wife Stevens 272 Glenn, William A 59-60-61 Glenn, Maria F., nee McMillan 59-60-61 Glenn, Elsie M., nee Lee.... 61 340 McMillan Genealogy and History. 224 Glenn, John H 61 2238 221 Glenn, Luella N., nee Boub..61 219 Glenn, Harry W 60-61 2239 218 Glenn, Dean L 60-61 217 Glenn, Horace H 60-61 2240 220 Glenn, Mirriam E 60-61 2241 222 Glenn, Sarah E 61 309 Glenn, Margaret L 61 2242 1798 Glidden, Harlie F 258 1786 Glidden, Ella M., nee 2244 McMillan 258 1789 Glidden, Fremont B 258 2251 1797 Glidden, Stella, nee Yelland. 258 2252 1796 Glidden, Gordon G 258 2253 1795 Glidden, Lloyd 258 2255 1794 Glidden, Hattie, nee Nash.. 258 1793 Glidden, Maud E 258 2256 1792 Glidden, Florence M 258 2257 1791 Glidden, Wilbur J 258 2258 1790 Glidden, Vernon F 258 2259 1126 Goddard, Mary D., wife 2261 Calhoun 185 2260 1398 Goodeen, Walter 217 2262 1394 Goodeen, Myrtle, nee 2263 Barnes 217 415 1399 Goodeen, Elmer G 217 414 793 Goodrich, Mary, wife 394 Reid 146-147 1374 Gordon, Litta May, wife 413 Ferris 215 412 2020 Gordon, Ellen, wife 411 Fletcher 285-286 2037 Gordon, Julia, wife Fletcher 286 1474 Grant, Charlotte, wife H87 Boggs 223 1475 Grant, Luella, wife 1210 Nichols 223 1574 1473 Grant, Herbert W 223-224 1521 1476 Grant, Lizzie, nee Nichols.. 224 1575 1472 Grant, William 223 1576 1443 Grant, Melinda J., nee 1577 McMillan 223 1578 607 Gray, Nellie, wife White.. .124 1579 1968 Green, Thorton A., Jr 278 1580 1467 Green, Charles M 278 158I 1962 Green, Anna L., nee 1582 McMillan 278 1966 Green, Thorton A 278 1601 2316 Green, Albert 219 1415 Green, Virginia A., nee 1602 Mrs. Loomis 219 1603 1245 Grennan, Phillip H 199 1604 1181 Grennan, Helen M., nee 1605 McCornack 199 1606 1253 Grennan, Belle, nee 2255 Thompson 199 1252 Grennan, Raymond M.. 199-200 332 1246 Grennan, Ernest S 199 334 1247 Grennan, Percy G 199 337 1248 Grennan, Kenneth L 199 1249 Grennan, Phillip H., Jr 199 333 1250 Grennan, John 199 1251 Grennan, Harry 199 328 1136 Griffen, Mary E., wife 338 Calhoun 186 339 2070 Griswold, Mary A., nee Frazier 323 330 2313 Griswold. Socrates 323 331 981 Grover, Janette, wife 327 McMillan 167-168 319 2232 Grubaugh, George W 308 2078 Grubaugh, Melissa, nee 329 McCumber 308 2310 2234 Grubaiicrh, Millie J., wife 2309 Stambaugh 308-309 2233 Grubaugh, Samuel G 308 205 2235 Grubaugh, Frank L 308-309 2236 Grubaugh, Mary M., wife 211 Turlev 308-309 213 2237 Grubaugh, Marion 308-310 212 Grubaugh, Elzina, wife Filmore 308-310 Grubaugh, George W., Jr. 308-310 Grubaugh, Joseph E. ...308-310 Grubaugh, Ida M., wife De Mond 308-311 Grubaugh, Annie, nee Radden 308 Grubaugh, Louise, nee Mosier 309 Grubaugh, Lillie, nee Clark. 310 Grubaugh, Ivy M 310 Grubaugh, Clyde 310 Grubaugh, Harriet, nee Hall 310 Grubaugh, Clela M 310 Grubaugh, Leeta 310 Grubaugh, Hiel G 310 Grubaugh, Mary, nee Plank. 310 Grubaugh, Earl 311 Grubaugh, Lawrence 311 Grubaugh, Lester 311 Grubaugh, Opal 311 Gruver, Fay 101 Gruver, Murray H 101 Gruver, Elizabeth J., nee McMillan 100 Gruver, Charles H 101 Gruver, Grant A 101 Gruver, Ulyses G 100 Hagman, Alice J., nee McCornack 194 Hagman, William B 194 Hall, James M 234 Hall, Marv F., nee Olds 234 Hall, Herbert 234 Hall, Herbert 234 Hall, Alice, wife Hupp 234 Hall, Flora, wife Kyte 234 Hall, Emma, wife Dutcher.234 Hall, George E 234-237 Hall, James M., Jr 234-237 Hall, Mary L., wife Butterfield 234 Hall, Flora P., nee Sherwood 237 Hall, Cecil C 237 Hall, Alta R 237 Hall, B. Horace 237 Hall, Merritt H 237 Hall, Fred J 237 Hall, Harriet, wife Grubaugh 310 Hall, Lucy May 80-83 Hall, Lucy A 80-83 Hall, Minnie M., nee Clarke 81-82 Hall, Mary A., wife Weeks 80-83 Hall, Charles F. W 80-81-82 Hall, Lucv J 81 Hall, Petria N. A., nee Artig 82 Hall, Robert T 80-81 Hall, John F 80-83 Hall, William A 79-80 Hall. Lucy J., nee McMillan 79-80 Hall. Effe I., wife Snyder... 80 Hamly, George 323 Hamly, Esther J., nee Mclntyre 322 Hammett, Viva A., nee McMillan •>» Hammett, Edward 58 Hammett, Constance E 58 Hammett, Edward, Jr 68 McMillan Genealogy and History. 341 1121 Hamilton, Eunice, wife Calhoun 184-185 494 Hans, Mary A., wife Lathrop 110 1182 Hanaford, Elsie E., wife McCornack 191 1464 Harkness, Huldah, wife Van Natta 222 2220 Harp, Thomas 307 2180 Harp, Elizabeth E., nee McCumber 307 2221 Harp, Maud, wife Churchill . 307 2222 Harp, Charles 307 2223 Harp, Leland 307 188 Hartman, Elefa, wife McMillan 49 2103 Harrington, Eunice, wife Convers 294 1815 Harrold, Charles H 260-263 1819 Harrold, Elizabeth 260-264 1818 Harrold, John V 260-264 1817 Harrold, Harriet L., wife Kuzee 260 1816 Harrold, Sarah, wife Ray.. 260 1814 Harrold, Mirriam, wife Johnson 260 1813 Harrold, Hannah L., wife Foster 260 1812 Harrold, Ellen E., wife Johnson 260 1811 Harrold, Ida E., wife Boyington 260-261 1809 Harrold, Alfred 260 1776 Harrold, Eliza, nee McMillan 260 1810 Harrold, Alma 260-261 1089 Haswell, Betsey E., wife McMillan 182-183 1334 Hard. Stella, wife McMillan 208 1053 Hammer, Emma, wife McMillan 176 2112 Haskell, Merval 294 2113 Haskell, Arlene 294 2096 Haskell, Maud L., nee Convers 294 2111 Haskell, Guv 294 677 Hatch, Alvira, wife Reicl. . . . 132 892 Hare, Marion S 159 890 Hare, Kate, nee Osborne. . . . 159 725 Harris, Zola, wife Payne... 138 724 Harris, Minnie, nee McClelland 138 669 Harris, Sally, nee Reid 137 714 Harris, Hoza 137 716 Harris, William H 137-138 715 Harris Matilda, wife Mumbrue 137 717 Harris, Julia H, wife Monroe 137-138 718 Harris, Wesley 137-138 719 Harris, Hoza H 137-138 722 Harris, Anna, nee Haskins. .138 163 Harris Sara A., wife McMillan 47 1349 Hauxwell, Emma J., nee Mrs. Bacnm 213 1361 Hauxwell, R. C 213 1360 Hauxwell, C. R 213 416 Hayden, , wife McMillan 101 2064 Heath, Jane, nee Frazier 314-315 2277 Heath, Alva 314-315 1801 Helmenstein, Caroline, wife McMillan 259 1541 Healy, Margaret, wife Sherwood 231 1299 Henderson, Eloyd 204 1298 Henderson, Kenneth L 203 1288 Henderson, Irene B., nee Powell 203 1297 Henderson, Rolland V 203 1653 Hess, James 243 1677 Hess, Alfred 1 245 1528 Hess, Margaret, nee Olds. . .243 1673 Hess, Margaret M 245 1676 Hess, Eura P 245 1675 Hess, George 245 1674 Hess, Mark J 245 1656 Hess, Bertha 243-244 1672 Hess, Lura S., nee Chapman 244 1658 Hess, Alfred 243-245 1659 Hess, Margaret P., wife Burton 243 1654 Hess, Florella H, wife Koehler 243-244 1655 Hess, Sarah 243-244 1657 Hess, George A 243-244 1660 Hess, Mary Lois, wife Tanhey 243-245 1530 Hess. Sarah J., wife Olds 230-232 1099 Hinsdeli,' Charlotte," wife McMillan 183 865 Hickox, Ethel P 155 851 Hickox, Wells 154 840 Hickox, Elizabeth, nee Brooks 154 852 Hickox, Jennie, wife Elliott. 154 854 Hickox, Chester 154-155 853 Hickox, Leora, wife Kimball 154-155 855 Hickox, George L 154-155 862 Hickox, Etta, nee Collins.. 155 863 Hickox, Josephine, nee Turner 155 864 Hickox, Cora, nee Blakeman 155 2107 Hidley, Anna, wife Convers.. 294 2099 Hinkson, Ruth, wife Convers 293 191 Hinshaw, Sabina E., wife McMillan 50 37 Hitchcock, Alice, wife Oviatt.27 27 Hodges, Harriet, wife Oviatt.26 105 Hogle, Walter 39 102 Hogle, Mabel W., nee McMillan 39 107 Hogle, Alfred 40 106 Hogle, Albert 39 2166 Holden, Ada, wife Wilson.. 302 2287 Holden, Malvina P., wife Husted 318 556 Hollenbeck, Mary A., wife McMillan 117 533 Hollenbeck, Mattie, wife McMillan 115 622 Holland, Anna E., wife Fox. 126 418 Holsworth, Isabelle, wife McMillan 101-102 1174 Homann, Alice D 190 1173 Homann, Elinora 190 1172 Homann, Alberta B 190 1171 Homann, Grace A 190 1106 Homann, Cora B., nee McMillan 190 1170 Homann, Albert R 190 371 Hopkins, Maud C, wife McMillan 93 427 Hopkins, Samuel H 103 428 Hopkin=, Flora, wife Pershall 103 423 Hopkins, Emma F., nee Fay . 103 431 Hopkins, lone, wife Bowersox 103-104 430 Hopkins, Edith, wife Miller 103-104 429 Hopkins, Herbert 103-104 342 McMillan Genealogy and History. 432 964 952 96.3 965 722 555 547 457 458 603 1559 2155 2162 2161 2015 1589 1588 15S6 1584 1585 1577 1583 1587 1559 1557 1556 1555 1533 1554 859 861 637 420 421 2288 2287 2289 2291 2290 2292 2293 2295 2291 2303 2304 2305 2306 2286 2285 2068 2284 2121 2117 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 1269 1093 Hopkins, Leona I., wife Williams 103-104 Horton, Ray 166 Horton, Nancy, nee Taylor. 166 Horton, James 166 Horton, Addie 166 Hoskins, Anna, wife Harris. 138 Hostetter, H 116 Hostetter, Myrtle A., nee Stone 116 Howard, Vernie, nee Reynolds 106 Howard, 106 Howe, Mary, wife Sowers.. 124 Huff, Mrs. Blanche, wife Hupp 232 Humphrey, Maud W., nee Bootli 301 Humphrey, Maxwell B 301 Humphrey, William 301 Hunt, Lois, wife Rude 284 Huop, Morris L 235 Hupp, Albert R 235 Hupp, Carrie A 235-236 Hupp, Albert 235 Hupp, Edward T 235-236 Hupp, Alice, nee Hall 235 Hupp, Theodore A 235 Hupp, Ada B., nee McFadden 235 Hupp, Blanche, nee Mrs. Huff 232 Hupp, Flovd 232 Hupp, Frederick 232 Hupp, Florence 232 Hupp, Alma, nee Olds. . 231-232 Hupp, Charles 231-232 Hutch ins, Marie L., nee Kimball 155 Hutchins, G. R 155 Hurmence, Velma W. A .... 102 Hurmence, Maud M., nee McMillan 102 Hurmence, Fred R 102 Husted, Holden T 318-319 Husted, Malvina P., nee Holden 318 Husted, Agnes A., wife Crippen 318-319 Husted, Harlev H 318-320 Husted, Hiram F 318-320 Husted, Belle, nee McGregor 319 Husted, Edith A 319 Husted, Viola 319 Husted, Jav 319 Husted, Ada, nee Watson. ..320 1 (listed, Leo 320 Husted, Glenn 320 Husted, Earl C 320 Husted, Esther E., wife Mclntyre 317-321 Husted, Hiram F 317-318 Husted, Agnes, nee Frazier.317 Husted, Thomas 317-318 I Isensee, Albert 295 Isensee, Mary A., nee Brackett 295 Isensee, Helen A 295 Isensee, Theresa L 295 Isensee, Frances H 295 Isensee, Alberta B 295 Tsensee, Myron B 295 Isensee, Mary A 295 Isensee, Albert J 295 J Jackson, Barney 201 Jackson, Margaret E., nee Mrs. Wilson 201 J 1391 Jackson, Florence, wife Barnes 201 2047 Jackson, Peter V 288 2000 Jackson, Henrietta M., nee Fletcher 288 2048 Jackson, Julia E 288 2049 Jackson, Ward M 288 2050 Jackson, Joel F 285 2051 Jackson, Micajah W 288-289 2052 Jackson, Emily H 288-289 2053 Jackson, John T 288-289 2054 Jackson, Thomas 288-289 2055 Jackson, Peter V., Jr... 288-289 2056 Jackson, Bertha B., nee Dickie 288-289 2057 Jackson, Ethel 289 2058 Jackson, Chester W 289 2059 Jackson, Micajah W., Jr 289 2060 Jackson, Nellie M., nee Monk 289 2061 Jackson, Edna Mav 289 1720 Jakes, Irving P 249 1719 Jakes, Byron 249 1699 Jakes, Sarah L., nee Smith 249 934 Jenkins, Gerald 163 928 Jenkins, Nellie, nee Barrows 163 933 Jenkins, Harry 163 618 Johnson, Francis T 126 612 Johnson, Mary G., nee Fox. 126 619 John-on, Florence C 126 1835 Johnson, Reuben D 262 1812 Johnson, Ellen E., nee Harrold 262 1836 Johnson, Norman K 262 1837 Johnson, Amy E 262 1838 Johnson, Alma 262 1S39 Johnson, Lloyd S 262 1840 Johnson, Rolland D 262 1851 Johnson, Lora A., wife Foster 263 1854 Johnson, Millard 263 1814 Johnson, Miriam, nee Harrold 263 1855 Johnson, Allie 263 1856 Johnson, Edna 263 1857 Johnson, Harry 263 1858 Johnson, Mervin 263 1859 Johnson, Ellen 263 1992 Johnson, Emily H, wife Fletcher 282 169 Johnston, George 48 170 Johnston, Hattie F., wife Stout 48 164 Johnston, Sarah J., nee McMillan 48 171 Johnston, John B 48-49 182 Johnston, S. C 49 183 Johnston, Sarah N 49 184 Johnston, Mamie G 49 142 Jones, Wm. A 44 127 Jones, Edna C, nee McMillan 44 143 Jones, Anna B 44 144 Jones, W. A 44 145 Jones, Edna L 44 146 Jones, Volney M 44 1 47 Jones, Marie 44 695 Jones, Martha E., wife Reid 134 1508 .lord, Mary M.. wife McMillan 238 K 529 Kassell. Alice, wife McMillan 114 712 Kenyon, J. Delight, wife Wood 136 1644 Keller, Robert 241 McMillan Genealogy and History. 343 x 1645 Keller, Asa 241 1639 Keller, Flora B., nee Croman 241 760 Keyes, Cyrus H 141 748 Keyes, Harriet M., nee Freeman 141 853 Kimball, Leora, nee Hickox 154 857 Kimball, Wm. H 154 860 Kimball, Wm. C 155 859 Kimball, Marie L., wife Hutchins 155 858 Kimball, Chas. W 155 785 King, Sadie S., wife Crippen 145 319 Kingsbury, Lucy J., nee Mrs. Hall 81 1506 Kingsbury, Lawrence B....228 1507 Kingsbury, Maurice V 228 1504 Kingsbury, "Winifred M., nee Bishop 228 1505 Kingsburv, Arthur C 228 335 Kingsbury, Leonard 228 378 Kingman, Jane A., nee McMillan 107 469 Kingman, Rosolvo 107 472 Kingman, Morrison M.. 107-108 471 Kingman, Arthur 107-108 473 Kingman, Herbert R 107-108 474 Kingman, Edward 107-109 470 Kingman, Sharon 107 475 Kingman, Ellen, nee Utterback 108 478 Kingman, Wm. K 108 477 Kingman, Forest R 108 476 Kingman, Alice M 108 479 Kingman, Keith M 108 480 Kingman, Mary J., nee Soffel 108 481 Kingman, Melissa J., wife Varney 108-109 482 Kingman, Henry 108-109 483 Kingman, Lawrence ...108-109 484 Kingman, Nellie, nee Boyd 108 4 96 Kirkpatrick, Mabel A., nee Lathrop Ill 506 Kirkpatrick, Earle E Ill 1654 Koehler, Florella H., nee Hess 243-244 1661 Koehler, Wm. G. R 243-244 1663 Koehler, Margaret E 243 1662 Koehler, Reinhold 243-244 1664 Koehler, George W 243 1665 Koehler, Wm M 243 1666 Koehler, Florella H 243 1667 Koehler, Virgil X 243 1668 Koehler, Eldora L 244 1669 Koehler, James R 244 1670 Koehler, Sarah L 244 1671 Koehler, Eugene 244 1728 Kizer, Earl F 250 1729 Kizer, Lawerna M 250 1730 Kizer, Estelle M 250 1731 Kizer, Frederic 250 1727 Kizer, George W 250-251 1723 Kizer, Alice M., nee Roscoe 250-251 1732 Kizer, Irene 251 691 Koster, G. G 134 686 Koster, Florence B., nee Reid 134 692 Koster, Grace 134 693 Koster, Herko A 134 694 Koster, Gertrude 134 1831 Kreimbe, Florence V., wife Boyington 261 1817 Kuzee, Harriet L., nee Harrold 264 1864 Kuzee, Matthew 264 1578 Kyte, Flora, nee Hall 236 1590 Kyte, David M 236 L 1184 Labree, Carrie, nee McCornack 193 1197 Labree, Nelson R 193 1198 Labree, Alice C 193 1200 Labree, Clarence A 193 1201 Labree, Robert J 193 1199 Labree, Lawrence 193 2082 La Munyon, Mark 292 2073 La Munyon, Nancy, nee McCumber 292 2083 La Munvon, Joseph 292 2084 La Munyon, Alice 292 2085 La Munyon, John 292 2086 La Munyon, Margaret 292 379 Lathrop, Matilda C, nee McMillan 109-110 487 Lathrop, Emory S 109-110 488 Lathrop, Almon E 109-110 494 Lathrop, Mary A., nee Mrs. Hans no 500 Lathrop, Leslie M 110 501 Lathrop, Hazel M 110 498 Lathrop, Eva May 110 502 Lathrop, Orrin R 110 503 Lathrop, Mary J 110 505 Lathrop, Alfred L 110 499 Lathrop, Wm. F 110 504 Lathrop, Vernon C 110 496 Lathrop, Mabel A., wife Kirkpatrick 110-111 495 Lathrop, Almira E., nee Sherry 110-111 493 Lathrop, Glenwood M.. 109-112 489 Lathrop, John M. V 109-110 497 Lathrop, Emory C, Jr. 110-111 490 Lathrop, Emory C. . 109-110-111 491 Lathrop, Mary A., wife Sherry 109-111 492 Lathrop, Charlotte A., wife Whitney 109-112 1714 Latta, Wm. A 249 1697 Latta, Harriet M., nee Smith 249 1715 Latta, Orrin K 249 1716 Latta, Beatrice E 249 1717 Latta, Harriet E 249 1718 Latta, Gertrude M 249 1523 Lease, Alma, nee Mrs. Hupp. 232 1558 Lease. Wm 232 223 Lee, Elsie M., wife Glenn... 61 1128 Leighty, Cora May, wife Calhoun 185 1312 Lemaster, Ella, wife Wilson 205 1989 Lewis, Henry 281 1990 Lewis, Mortimer 281 6 A Lewis, Mary, nee Mrs. Fletcher 2S1 1071 Lindslev, Thomas E. S....177 1070 Lindsley, Thomas E 177 1061 Lindsley, Charlotte A., nee Searing 177 880 Linsner, Vernie, wife Rigdon 157 298 Linn, Margaret J., nee McMillan 74 304 Linn, A. M 74 1917 Little, Mary A., wife Stevens 271 2137 Littleton, Fred N 296 2131 Littleton, Frances E., nee Trombly 296 251 Livingston, Helen E 65 310 Livingston, Mabel L 65 344 McMillan Genealogy and History 246 Livingston, Alice I., nee 1190 Samson 64-65 1178 247 Livingston, David P 65 249 Livingston, Schuyler W....65 1091 248 Livingston, Alice L 65 245 Livingston, Ralph L 64-65 1179 250 Livingston, Frances M., nee Samson 65 1180 244 Livingston, Schuyler W 64 1182 243 Livingston, Wm. J 64 228 Livingston, Eva E., nee 1191 McMillan 64 1187 13 Livingston, Elisabeth, wife McMillan 35 1176 1283 Locke, Mrs. Florence, wife Wilson 202 1185 2273 Lobdel, Leila D., wife Wilson 313 1181 1422 Loomis, Arthur 219 1415 Loomis, Virginia A., nee 1177 Rucker . .219 1423 Loomis, Winifred' A. 'r! '.'. .219 1175 1740 Love, Clara V., wife 1211 McMillan 252-253 820 Lovejoy, Josephine H., wife 1212 Sanderson 150 1186 8 Loudon, Lydia, wife McMillan 24 1189 1870 Luce, Eliza J 265 2074 1871 Luce, Adeline L 265 2075 1872 Luce, Emma C 265 1875 Luce, Ida May 265 2076 1878 Luce, Pearl J 266 1869 Luce, Nicholas D 265 2077 1780 Luce, Matilda, nee McMillan 265-266 2078 1873 Luce, Carrie L 265 1874 Luce, Nellie M 265-266 2079 1876 Luce, Martin D 265 2081 1877 Luce, Benjamin D 266 2080 958 Lumsden, Myrtle 165 957 Lumsden, Mabel 165 2072 956 Lumsden, Zena 165 2063 950 Lumsden, Deborah, nee Taylor 165 2073 955 Lumsden, Jack 165 1369 Lutz, George L. M 214 2174 1368 Lutz, Imogene F 214 1367 Lutz, Abigail S. D 214 2175 1366 Lutz, Marguerita J 214 2176 1365 Lutz, Rolland R 214 1351 Lutz, Coucheta, nee 2177 Ferris 214 2178 1364 Lutz, George W 214 800 Lytle, Jane, wife 2179 McMillan 147-148 185 Lvtle, Lizzie, wife 2180 McMillan 49 180 Lvnn, Harry 48 2182 173 Lynn, Effle M., nee Stout 48 2183 2184 M 2185 103 McArthur, Sarah E., wife 2186 McMillan 39 1537 McCain, Bertha, nee Olds.. 233 2187 1573 McCain, Thomas W 233 2188 284 McCall, Esther, wife McMillan 70 2189 128 McCall, Ellen I., wife 2190 McMillan 42 2191 1080 McCauley, Margaret, nee 2195 Mrs. Willoughbv 221 1439 McCauley, James 221 2196 724 McClelland, Minnie, wife 2201 Heirris 138 1183 McCornack, Effle M., wife 2202 Moulton 192-193 2228 1188 McCornack, Perry C... 192-194 1184 McCornack, Carrie E., wife 2229 Labree 192 2230 McCornack, Robert A.. 192-194 McCornack, Minerva, wife Rowe 190 McCornack, Martha M., nee McMillan 190-191 McCornack, Janet, wife Tyler 190 McCornack, Cornelia ..190-19$ McCornack, Elsie E., nee Hanaford 191 McCornack, Isabelle E. .192-194 McCornack, Alice J., wife Hagman 192-194 McCornack, Andrew 190-191-192 McCornack, Bertha E., wife Mott 192-193 McCornack, Helen M., wife Grennan 190 McCornack, Elizabeth J., wife Clark 190-195-196 McCornack, John 190-191 McCornack, Mabel E., nee Stokes 194 McCornack, Oriole M 194 McCornack, Martha G., wife Rice 192-194 McCornack, Nettie 192-194 McCumber, Case 291-292 McCumber, Elizabeth, wife Blodgett 291-292 McCumber, Jane F., wife Wilson 291-297 McCumber, Thomas C. 291-303-304 McCumber, Melissa, wife Grubaugh 291-308 McCumber, Morrison ..291-311 McCumber, John F 291-314 McCumber, Mary A., wife Wilson 291-314 McCumber, Joseph 291-292 McCumber, Margaret, nee Frazier 291-292 McCumber, Nancy, wife La Munyon 291-292 McCumber, Lucinda, nee Oswalt 303 McCumber, Levi L 303-304 McCumber, Mary M., wife Clark 303 McCumber, Henry H... 303-305 McCumber. Zelma Z., wife De La Mater 303-306 McCumber, Julia J., wife Davis 303-306 McCumber, Harriet H, wife Clark 303-307 McCumber, Adelaide A. 303-307 McCumber, Thomas J.. 303-307 McCumber, Chas. C... 303-308 McCumber, Rosina, nee Oswalt 304 McCumber, Erma, wife Bright 304 McCumber, Ernest 304 McCumber, Nellie, wife Pearson 304-305 McCumber, Thomas 304 McCumber, Lena 304 McCumber, Leonard 304 McCumber, Blanche, nee Tucker 304 McCumber, Ivan 304 McCumber, Rose, nee Scott 305 McCumber, Lester 305 McCumber, Olive, nee Ewart 308 McCumber, Curtis C 308 McCumber, Lucille 308 McMillan Genealogy and History. 345 2231 McCumber, Zelma 308 2033 McDonald, Archie 286 2025 McDonald, Margaret, nee Fletcher 286 1219 McDaniel, Harry 195 1215 McDaniel, Amy, nee Clark. .195 1220 McDaniel, Elmer 195 1221 McDaniel, George 195 1222 McDaniel, Maud 195 1223 McDaniel, Wesley 195 1227 McDaniel, George 196 1217 McDaniel, Lillie, nee Clark 196 81 McEachron, "Vesta, wife McGeoch 34 1587 McFadden, Ada B, wife Hupo 235 82 McGeoch, Bertha 34 77 McGeoch, Mary 34 76 McGeoch, George E., Jr.. 33-34 75 McGeoch, Morrison 33-34 73 McGeoch, Stanley 33-34 74 McGeoch, John L 33-34 72 McGeoch, Bertha 33 62 McGeoch, Elisabeth, nee McMillan 33 71 McGeoch, George E 33 2292 McGregor, Belle, wife Husted 319 1324 Mcintosh, Lunetta J., nee McMillan 209 1343 Mcintosh, Duncan 209 1344 Mcintosh, Arthur A 209 1345 Mcintosh, Hugh 209 2307 Mclntvre, Alex 321-322 2286 Mclntyre, Esther E., nee Husted 321 2309 Mclntyre, Esther J., wife Hamly 321-322 2308 Mclntvre, Thomas A... 321-322 1143 McKean, Edith, wife Stumpf 187 1148 McKean, Ruth Eva 18V 1147 McKean, Harold A 187 1146 McKean, Scott E., Jr 187 1145 McKean, Alice A., nee Forsythe 187 1144 McKean, Cora B., wife Stumpf 187 1141 McKean, Lvman A 187 1140 McKean, Scott E 187 1139 McKean, Ursula V 187 114 2 McKean, Vadah B., wife Gatz 187-188 1138 McKean, Harlow E 187 1101 McKean, Lavina J., nee McMillan 187 1137 McKean, Wm. J 187 1905 McKee, Clifford G 270 1904 McKee, Jennie G., nee Crawford 269 1903 McKee, Mary M 269 1902 McKee, Henry M 269 1901 McKee, Ch as. B 269 1899 McKee, Robert G 269 1896 McKee, Carrie E., nee Maynard 269 1900 McKee, Harvey C 269 2032 McKinnon, Alex 285 2024 McKinnon, Florence, nee Fletcher 285 912 McMurnhy, Martha, wife Brooks 161 307 McNaugher, "Wm. M 74 308 McNaugher, Helen L 74 306 McNaugher, Katherine 74 305 McNaugher, Samuel 74 299 McNaugher, Mary R., nee McMillan 74 1008 McWorthey, Volney B.. 170-171 1004 1009 1468 947 1773 1927 1783 1782 1918 215 189 953 966 290 288 289 1894 1884 1895 1896 1897 1898 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 737 520 559 1340 1322 1341 563 435 561 562 560 1342 527 434 430 2219 2060 723 717 1308 1975 1632 1625 148 2244 1207 1205 1206 1203 1204 1185 McWorthey, Harriet L., nee McMillan 170-171 McWorthey, Nina A., wife Cook 171 Madison, Laurain, wife Van Natta 223 Mann, Mabel, wife Brooks.. 164 Martin, Sarah A., nee McMillan 257 Martin, M. De Witt 271 Martin, Charles 257 Martin, Edward 257 Martin, Estella, nee Stevens 271 Martin, Sally, wife McMillan 59 Martin, Lillie M., wife McMillan 50 Mapes, Carrie, nee Taylor.. 166 Mapes, Alfred 166 Matthews, Leslie L 71 Matthews, Laura, nee McMillan 70 Matthews, James O 70 Maynard, Henry C 269 Maynard, Mary A., nee Dorr 269 Maynard, Sarah 1 269 Maynard, Carrie E., wife McKee 269 Maynard, Mary E 269 Maynard, Fred H 269-270 Maynard, Julia L., nee Simpson 270 Maynard, Isolena O 270 Mavnard, Wm. M 270 Maynard, Henry C. . ./ 270 Maynard, Frederick K 270 Mead, Mary, wife Bordwell 140 Melott, Lucinda, wife McMillan 113-114-117 Miller, Wm. F 114 Miller, George 208 Miller. Libbie S., nee McMillan 208 Miller, George E 208 Miller, Neda R 117 Miller, Keith 104 Miller, Martha L 117 Miller, Francis P 117 Miller, James M 117 Miller, Harrison A 208 Miller, Maud M., nee McMillan 117 Miller, Arthur 104 Miller, Edith 104 Montgomery, Clara, wife Davis 307 Monk, Nellie M., wife Jackson 289 Monroe, Charles 138 Monroe, Julia H., nee Harris 138 Moore, Annie, wife Wilson 205 Moore, Mary F., wife Calhoun 186 Morgan, J. H 240 Morgan, Laverna, nee Olds. 240 Morrison, Rachel, wife McMillan 45 Mo45 1530 Olds, Sarah J., nee"" ikqi rM? eS f* 230-232 1531 Olds, Emma, wife Sherwood .... ^10 1532 Olds, Abe " ' 230- 9 31 1533 Olds, Alma, wite Hupp 230 nlot % ds ' Cora > wife Read 230 i?o£ X„ s ' May > wife Thayer 230 icoS x\ 1( J s ' £ da > wife Swanson. . .230 if, I x\ ds ' Berth a, wife McCain. 230 Trf! X? ds ' Mar >'. nee Fedde 231 7cj£ Olds, Lyla, wife Bolser...231 1546 Olds, John 231 1547 Olds, Ransom E , 231 1549 Olds, Leonard G 231 1551 Olds, Roy Peter 231 1548 Olds, Clifford . . 231 1550 Olds, Arthur A.. "931 1552 Olds, Albert E .' 231 1519 Olds, George 9'>t> 1610 Olds, Mary J., nee Sawyer 23S 1611 Olds, Minnie, wife Taylor 238-239 1612 Olds, Addie 9 38- 9 39 JcTo 9}A 3 ' £ iet ta, wife BiahaT. ..238 , 1 . 6 , 1 . 9 Olds, Emily, nee Burns 239 \nJ{ 9} ds - Am asa H 233-240 1621 Olds, Netta M., wife Watson 239-2 10 1622 Olds, William .' . .[ 239-240 1623 Olds, Frank 239-240 1624 Olds, Emma 239-940 1625 Olds, Lavina, wife Morgan 239- 9 40 J«26 Olds, Luella, nee Willits. . .240 1627 Olds, Vivian W 240 1630 Olds, Jerminica, nee Robertson 24 1631 Olds, Gertrude 240 1633 Olds, Sarah E., nee Cobbler 241 1634 Olds, Laverna M 241 1635 Olds, Rosilda I., wife Butterfield 241-24'' 1636 Olds, Gideon R 241-24 9 1637 Olds, Opal Belle .241-242 1650 Olds, Lucinda, nee Chenore 24° 1651 Olds, Viola M ..!.'" '242 1652 Olds, Geneva B 242 975 Olds, Curtis 166-167 hZ? Olds, Mary, wife Derby... 166 974 Olds, Ansreline 166-167 973 Olds, Philander 166 Sfo 2\ lds - Sall y- nee McMillan.. 16C 258 Olmstead, Helen L., wife McMillan 66 943 Onsted, Arthur 'i64 924 Onsted, Stella, nee Brooks.. 164 945 Onsted, Lloyd 164 946 Onsted, Marion ... 16 ( 944 Onsted, Loleta 'ifil 2036 Ormiston, John 286 1995 Ormiston, Doreska A., nee Fletcher 286 886 Osborne, Adelbert J.. 158-159 887 Osborne, George H. . . . 158-15*1 SSS ° PDorne - Alfred A 158-159 XS9 Osborne, John M 158-159 McMillan Genealogy and History. 347 890 891 893 894 895 885 845 14 24 25 26 28 31 27 30 32 34 33 35 38 39 37 40 41 42 36 2174 2185 345 3 20 709 1370 727 725 726 2197 2188 2198 2199 433 428 459 426 460 461 462 463 569 565 570 571 572 573 574 575 789 1003 990 O Osborne, Kate E., wife Hare 159 Osborne, Elbert E 159 Osborne, Minnie, nee Foote 159 Osborne, Mable M 159 Osborne, Hazel B 159 Osborne, Joseph 158-159 Osborne, Mary, nee Brooks 158-159 Oviatt, Lydia L., nee McMillan 26 Oviatt, Samuel 26 Oviatt, Margaret, wife Coon 26 Oviatt, Thomas D 26-27 Oviatt, Lydia A 26 Oviatt, Samuel 27 Oviatt, Harriet, nee Hodges 26 Oviatt, Belle A., nee Arnott 27 Oviatt, Frank 27 Oviatt, Alexander R 27 Oviatt, George A 27 Oviatt, Lydia M., wife Westfall 27-28 Oviatt, Grace M 27 Oviatt, George T 27 Oviatt, Alice, nee Hitchcock 27 Oviatt, Lewis S 27 Oviatt, Leroy T 27 Oviatt, Legrande T 27 Oviatt, Margaret A 27-28 Oswalt, Lucinda, wife McCumber 303 Oswalt, Rosina, wife McCumber 304 P Parkhurst, Andrew J S4-85 Parkhurst, Harriet E., nee McMillan 84-85 Patrick, Augusta S., wife Wood 136 Payne, Harriet, wife Ferris 214-215 Payne, Thelma R 138 Payne, Zola, nee Harris.. 138 Payne, Richard 138 Pearson, Christopher 305 Pearson, Nellie, nee McCumber 305 Pearson, Loyal 305 Pearson, Dean 305 Pershall, Robert 103 Pershall, Flora, nee Hopkins 103 Pershall, James B 106 Pershall, Isoletta, nee Fay. 106 Pershall, Lettie 106 Pershall, Ora, wife Cook 106-107 Pershall, Harold 106-107 Pershall, Erne, wife Fosgate 106-107 Pershall, Albert 118 Pershall, Bertha H, nee Blodgett 118 Pershall, Ivol E 118 Pershall, Claire B 118 Pershall, Zada J 118 Pershall, Orol P 118 Pershall, Ralph H 118 Pershall, Roy J 118 Perkins, Ethel M., wife Crippen 145 Perry, Mrs. Mehitable, wife McMillan 170 Peterson. Ira 168 P 988 Peterson, Gertrude C, nee McMillan 168 2259 Plank, Mary, wife Grubaugh 310 991 Peterson, Albert 168 2173 Poole, Marjorie 303 2172 Poole, Guy 303 2150 Poole, Frances A., nee Wilson 303- 2314 Popkey, Mary, wife Brooks 158 829 Porter, Mable 151 830 Porter, Carvl 151 831 Porter, Charles 151 819 Porter, Helen S., nee Sanderson 151 828 Porter, James E 151 1264 Powell, Junietta, nee Wilson 203 1286 Powell, Wm. S 203 1287 Powell, Hiram D 203 1288 Powell, Irene B., wife Henderson 203 1289 Powell, Charles W 203 1290 Powell, Margaret 203-204 1291 Powell, Arthur S 203-204 1292 Powell, Floyd W 203-204 1293 Powell, Junietta H 203-204 1294 Powell, Eunice 203-204 1295 Powell, Jessie H 203-204 1696 Powell, Ethlyn, nee Edwards 203 1593 Powell, Samuel B 275-276 1944 Powell, Huldah, nee McMillan 275-276 1953 Powell, Samuel B 276 1954 Powell, John R 276 1955 Powell, Lucy E., nee Ermine 276 1961 Prentice, Anna K., wife McMillan 277-27S 365 Preston, Frances E., nee McMillan 93 369 Preston, William E 93 370 Preston. Mabel E 93 1306 Pride, Gertrude G, nee Fields 205 1307 Pride, J. H 205 1713 Province, Kate, wife Smith 24S 746 Pulver, Mary E., nee Freeman 143 764 Pulver, Lavada E., wife Equall 143 763 Pulver, Washington 143 765 Pulver, William C 143 766 Pulver, Mae Belle 143-144 767 Pulver, Cornelius O 143-144 768 Pulver, Marie G 143-1 -ft B 2242 Radden. Annie, wife Grubaugh 30S 84 Randall. Mary J., wife McGeoch 34 1816 Ray, Sarah, nee Harrold 263-261 1861 Ray, Vilas 264 353 Ray, Odessa, wife McMillan 87 1862 Rav, Amanda 264 1863 Ray, Gordon M 264 1860 Ray, Stiles 263-264-265 1867 Ray, William J 265 1778 Ray, Amanda, nee McMillan 265 1868 Ray, Ora C 265 1991 Raymond, James 282 1983 Raymond, Rachel, nee Fletcher 282 348 McMill an Genealogy and History. B 453 Reynolds, Logan .... 105 Ha geynojds, Jane, nee Fay.'!.' 105 454 Reynolds, Ethel 105-106 455 Reynolds, Loren 105-106 M S! yn °^ S ' £ ay R 105-106 457 Reynolds, Vernie 105-106 1/01 Reynolds, Henrietta, wife Smith 248 }xli § ea 5' ? arah . wife Collins!! 178 1560 Read, James L. . 93? i^o Rea 2- Lydia j :;:::;:23i 1562 Read, Ivan . . 232 }Ui Rea Sf' 9 ora ' nee ^ d »- ••'•'• •' -232 lobd Read, Amy . 909 1564 Read, Clare O..!.' 232 1565 Read, Wilbur W.. 232 til S 6 -^' Almir a. nee 'Hatch!!! 132 c4q Re ?d> Julia, nee Tinkham.. .133 b/9 Reid, Amenzo T.. fis? §!^' ?rlando W.... '.'.". 133-134 681 Reid, Florence M., wife 689 Ri^° rt ? n , • • • 'rl • 133-135 cff § e?( ?' Ac , hsa „ E " nee Bowen.133 bS3 Reid, Juha M 133-1 ',4 rsq § e ?1' William E .133-134 689 Reid, Grace .... I3«t-i,6 Keid, Emmeline, wife fi o«- n£* ip ? en ■■■» 132-144 fiSfi nf^' fef r0y H 133-134 686 Reid, Florence B., wife Koster 133 134 fiQfi Re ^' Martha E., ne'e Jones. 134 696 Reid, Bessie M., wife fififi T?5? rt ^ olf ■*: 134-135 obb Reid, Nancy A., wife Wood 13919c: 668 Reid, Mary, wife ^-"6 Stevenson 132-137 669 Reid, Sally, wife m "7 Harris 139197 670 Reid, Martha, wife Bordwell 13?. 130 671 Reid, Deborah, wife Freeman 1 3?-i 41 672 Reid, James ... 13914! 674 Reid, Caroline, wife"' 793 P«£? t M ny 132-146 5Q 1095 Richardson, Sarah J ne'e" McMillan ?io \i\ X g! c £ardson, Nathan! . ! .' ! ! .' .'210 .563 Richardson, Lois V wife McMillan ,, 896 Rickerd, Mary L., wife Brooks igA III R,- g( ? 0n ' £, llen ' wife"Brooks!l62 884 Rigdon, Olive .... ise 881 Rigdon, Roy {50 III R ? s< ? on - Josephine ...... '.'"i68 882 Rigdon, Shirley .. i« 880 Rigdon, Vernie, nee Linsner 157 871 Rigdon, Josephine, nee" Brooks irr 878 Rigdon, George ...'.'.' 1K7 879 Rigdon, B. J . \%n 1272 Rintoul, Edna P., nee Dyson 202 1276 Rintoul, Andrew R. ! ! 202 59 Robertson, Mary E wife" McMillan ..„. " 30 152 Robertson, Elizabeth, wife"" McMillan 45 1630 Robertson, Jerminica, wife" Olds o 4ft 1076 Roe, Mary Ann, wife McMillan 170 198 Rodgers, Jane A., ne'e McMillan 52-53 ?09 £^ gerS ' T\°, mas C---!"52-63 ^02 Rodgers, Arthur 53 168 Rogers, Dora J., nee McMillan 50-51 ill* Rogers > P a yton J !.' .'50-51 ibSd Roscoe, Laverna, nee McMillan 250 III goscoe, James W. ... ..'.'.'.'. 250 1793 ^ SC ° e ' J*™ 68 , W., Jr 250 i.116 Roscoe, Alice M., wife Kizer 950 1724 Roscoe, Clara M., wife 179 , Cirby 250-251 \l%\ goscoe, Charles E 250-251 lit Roscoe, Mary S 250-251 b49 Rowan, Margaret, wife 17fi? W „w CM ^ la ^ ■• 130-131 i'H Rowe, Kathenne, nee Boles. .197 11/8 Rowe, Minerva, nee .„„ McCornack 196-197 1230 Ro— ~' Ro Ro Ro Rowe, Carrie M., wife Chase ^95 1235 Rowe, Harrison A.'.'. '.'.'. 196-197 1/51 Rowe, Katherine E., wife Cooper 1 OR 2010 Rowley, Arbv S . . ! 284 2006 Rowley, Cheila & nee Carrier 904 2011 Rowley, Olive L 284 2012 Rowley, Marie W. 984 AM Rucker . Thaddeus '.218-219 1415 Rucker, Virginia A., wife Loomis 219 1097 Rucker, Amanda S., nee' ' McMillan .... 218-91 a 416 Rucker, Milton H..7" 5if 1413 Rucker, Arthur H 218-219 1414 Rucker, Thaddeus G . 218-219 AM Rucker - Joh n E 219-220 14 is Kucker, James B 219-220 AAS Rucker, Ellsworth E.!!219-220 All R uc ker, Arthur H 219 1420 Rucker, Minnie, nee White'219 McMillan Genealogy and History. 349 1424 Rucker, Anna, nee Stevens. 219 1425 Rucker, Lloyd T 219 1426 Rucker, William L 220 1427 Rucker, Martha L., nee Zimmerman 220 1429 Rucker, Frances D., nee Thomas 220 1430 Rucker, Ella E 220 1431 Rucker, Zelma 1 220 2002 Rude, Ferdinand A 283 1993 Rude, Millicent T., nee Fletcher 283 2001 Rude, Alonzo M 283 2003 Rude, Anna, wife Carrier 283-284 2004 Rude, Porter K 283-284 2015 Rude, Lois, nee Hunt 284 2016 Rude, Marion 284 2017 Rude, LaRue 284 2018 Rude, Millicent 284 2019 Rude, Arthur 284 1935 Russell, Daniel 273 1769 Russell, Eliza, nee McMillan 273 1936 Russell, George 273 1937 Russell, Phoebe A., wife Best 273-274 S 260 Samson, Frances M., wife Livingston 65 246 Samson, Alice I., wife Livingston 64-65 822 Sanderson, Grace S 150 821 Sanderson, E. May 150 820 Sanderson, Josephine H., nee Lovejoy 150 819 Sanderson, Helen S., wife Porter 150-151 818 Sanderson, Ella M., wife Gilbert 150 817 Sanderson, John H 150 804 Sanderson, Sophia L., nee McMillan 150 816 Sanderson, Benjamin H....150 1042 Sargeant, Oakley 174 1032 Sargeant, Florence, nee Taylor 174 1041 Sargeant, Charles 174 1242 Savage, Mamie, wife Tyler. 198 1610 Sawyer, Mary J., wife Olds. 238 1377 Schemerhorn, Julia, wife Ferris 215 1036 Schnurr, May, nee Taylor.. 173 1040 Schnurr, Lee T 174 1039 Schnurr, Presley 173 346 Scruby, Mary A., wife McMillan 85-86 2138 Scott, Agnes I., wife Trombly 296 2201 Scott, Rose, wife McCumber 305 1027 Searing, Emma G., nee McMillan 176-177 1059 Searing, Thomas A 176-177 1060 Searing, John A 176-177 1061 Searing, Charlotte A., wife Lindsley 176 1062 Searing, Ethel May, wife Bowden 176 1064 Searing, Emma G 176-178 1063 Searing, Walter H 176-178 1065 Searing, Martha D 176-178 1066 Searing, Sarah A., nee Churm 177 1068 Searing, Belle, nee Cox 177 1067 Searing, Ethlyn M 177 1069 Searing, Marian G 177 1058 Searing, Samuel J 176-177 S 390 Seaver, Anna D., nee Mrs. Connor 99 401 Seaver, Frank L 99 2278 Service, Clara, wife Frazier 316 2279 Service, Harriet, wife Frazier 316 1492 Shaw, Etta, wife McMillan. 226 495 Sherry, Almira E., wife Lathrop 110-111 491 Sherry, Mary A., nee Lathrop Ill 507 Sherry, Marion Ill 508 Sherry, Harry E Ill 509 Sherry, Lucy E 111-112 1410 Sherburn, Harold B 218 1409 Sherburn, Frank W 218 1387 Sherburn, Alta E, nee Barnes 218 1411 Sherburn, Gerald B 218 1392 Sherman, Flutie, wife Barnes 217 1531 Sherwood, Emma, nee Olds 230-231 1538 Sherwood, Cyrus 230-231 1540 Sherwood, Viola 230 1539 Sherwood, Ora 230-231 1541 Sherwood, Margaret, nee Healy 231 1542 Sherwood, Cyrus E 231 1543 Sherwood, Violet 231 1601 Sherwood, Flora P., wife Hall 237 1680 Sherwood, Joseph 245 1529 Sherwood, Laverna, nee Olds 245 735 Shipp, Minnie, wife Bordwell 140 2274 Silvernale, Lina, wife Wilson 313-314 971 Silmser, Harriette G., wife Bacon 149 1906 Simpson, Julia L., wife Maynard 270 747 Sisson, Helen, wife Freeman 141 52 Skelly, Sarah E., wife McMillan 29 46 Skinner, Lydia, nee McMillan 29 643 Skinner, Frank W 76 639 Skinner, Minnie A., nee Nebergall 76 644 Skinner, Dorothy D 76 646 Skinner, Dudley D 76 1300 Skinner, Sada A., wife Wilson 204 1497 Sloan, Wesley 226 1489 Sloan, Minerva C. C, nee McMillan 226 1498 Sloan, Edson 226 1499 Sloan, Laverna 226 899 Salter, Olive F., wife Brooks 160 93 Smart, Sarah E., wife McMillan 37 389 Smith, Nannie M., nee McMillan 98 395 Smith, Swain 98 396 Smith, Frank S 98 397 Smith, Charles E 98 39S Smith, Jennie A 98 902 Smith, Charles E 160 900 Smith, Charlotte M., nee Brooks 160 992 Smith, Olive M., wife McMillan 168 1051 Smith, Mabel, wife McMillan 175 1682 Smith, Marie, nee McMillan. 247 350 McMillan Genealogy and History. s 1691 Smith, William D . 247 i H'i I m -^' George J 247-248 1693 Smith, Edward E. . 247-'>48 1694 Smith, Elmer . . . 947.948 }tll i™^ S' ilbur ■•••■'■ '■ 247-218 lb9b Smith, Harry 9 47-^49 1697 Smith, Harriet M., wife" Latta ">47.9aq 1698 Smith, Nellie G. ..'.'.'." 247-249 1699 Smith, Sarah L., wife Jakes 247.91Q 1700 Smith, William H..77 .247-250 1/01 Smith, Henrietta, nee „„„„ Reynolds 248 1.02 Smith, Isadore ... 248 1703 Smith, Gardiner ... 94c 1/04 Smith, Lloyd G. . "248 1705 Smith, Nettie, nee Vanderford 940 1«06 Smith, Myrtle . 94a 1.07 Smith, Elda .. . oit 1^08 Smith, Lucille . 7 7 948 1709 Smith, lone .. Hi 1710 Smith, Lloyd .....7 248 1711 Smith, Donald .77 7 248 ,i? Smith, Kate, nee Province. . 248 362 Sneathen, John F 91 o24 Sneathen, Mary A., nee McMillan 01 •>40 Snyder, James E "s9 Ul | ny 1 er - Sydney 6. . . '. .' .' \ \ \ \ !g£ 480 l^ d f r \r Effe \< nee Hall.... 82 4J>0 Soffel, Mary J., wife Kingman 1 os 586 Sowers, Mary A., nee „ o _ McMillan 190 Ml f. ow ers, Daniel ......: 122 596 Sowers, Alice, wife . Cornell 122-190 593 Sowers, Lavinia, wife' 594 Sowers! ' James ' '. '. .' ." \ \ ' ' lU'lM 592 Sowers, Agnes, wife Folger ... 19919c; 595 Sowers, George '. .' 7 7 7 1 22-1 27 591 Sowers, John 122-124 590 Sowers, Mary A., wife Mushett i?9 190 603 Sowers, Mary, nee Howe. . 124 604 Sowers, Flora, wife White.. 124 III «^ ers ' £ arrie - nee Muloch.127 628 Sowers, Chancey 127 629 Sowers, Eva .... 197 , Sowers, Jennie '.'.'■'.'.'. .127 ; Stambaugh. Albert A 309 -234 Stambaugh, Millie J., nee e.r, „ Grubaugh 9 ft q 649 | t te ph e ^. De witt c ::::::: 3 ?6 642 Stephens, Odessa N , nee Nebergall . 7c 815 Stevens. Jesse \'£ 803 Stevens. Sarah M.", nee 15 ° McMillan 1M 142 1 Stevens, Anna.' wife 5 ° Rucker o iq \%\\ |t even s. William '.'.'.'.'.'.270-271 1/68 Stevens, Mary, nee ••"'"< i ' 1 McMillan 9 7n - 1 _ f t -~, wife Van ' 1 qi c , n 0n 270-273 191/ Stevens. Mary A., nee Little 97, 1918 Stevens, Estella M.'wVfe Martin 271 1919 Stevens, Winifred! nee ' Regan 2 7i S 1920 Stevens, Willard S. . 271-272 1921 Stevens, Mary A., wife Garlick 971.979 1922 Stevens, Ralph D...7.7. 2H 1923 Stevens, Ward A 971 1924 Stevens Carl C. .7 7 27 1 1925 Stevens, Anna J.... 271 1926 Stevens, Bessie M... 271 1928 Stevens, Ethlyn, nee Carpenter 212 1931 Stevens, Elvira, nee Gilman 979 1932 Stevens, Mary 279 1933 Stevens, Meda B 272 999 Stevenson, Almeda, wife McMillan 169 /13 Stevenson, James .... 137 668 Stevenson, Mary, nee Reid.137 824 Stevenson, Elizabeth R., nee Gilbert 152 1978 Stevenson, Frank F isi 1211 Stokes, Mabel E., wife McCornack 194 2311 Stone, Amanda, wife ,., , Frazi |l r •••, 322-323 o45 Stone, Ringold C... lis 524 Stone, Katie E., nee McMillan 1 1 «; 548 Stone, Iva J '. ^5 54 7 Stone, Myrtle A., wife Hostetter 115-116 553 Stone, Esther P.... 115 554 Stone, Jacob C H6 549 Stone, Winnie A 'ik 550 Stone, Violet R 1I5 546 Stone, Cress R 115 551 Stone, Adelia 115 552 Stone, Melva M .7 !ll5 2114 Stone, Charles W 294 2097 Stone, Cora May, nee Convers 294 2115 Stone, Wilbur .. 294 264 Stotts, James U '.'.' 67 265 Stotts, Louise F 67 233 Stotts, Cora F., nee McMillan 67 268 Stotts, Julian 67 266 Stotts, James M 67 267 Stotts, Grace 67 269 Stotts, Buelah E 67 174 Stout, Fred "48-49 178 Stout, Clara 48-49 175 Stout, George 48-49 176 Stout, Howard 48-49 177 Stout, Glenn 48-49 179 Stout, Frank 48-49 173 Stout, Effle M 48 170 Stout, Hattie F., nee' ' Johnston 48 172 Stout, Addison 48 1764 Stowe, Hannah, wife no ^McMillan 255-256 519 Strowe, Sarah, wife McMillan 113 1150 Stumpf, Edward ''l88 1143 Stumpf, Edith C, nee McKean igg 1J51 Stumpf, Frederick A. . . .' .' .' .' 188 1152 Stumpf, Malvina V... 188 1976 Stumpf, Lola M 7igg 1153 Stumpf, Lawrence F. . . 188 1144 Stumpf, Cora B., nee McKean igg 1154 Stumpf, Waneta "l88 1977 Stumpf, Edward M 188 1241 Studtman, Bertha, wife Tyler igg 917 Sutton, Milton .... 162 848 Sutton, Phoebe A., nee Brooks 153-162 McMillan Genealogy and History. 351 s 1572 Swanson, Herman G 233 1536 Swanson, Ada, nee Olds.... 233 870 Swords, Elizabeth J., wife Brooks 157 1332 Sykes, William E 207 1327 Sykes, Myrtle M., nee McMillan 207 1333 Sykes, Florence M 208 1679 Tanhey, J. S 245 1660 Tanhey, Mary L., nee Hess. 245 850 Taylor, Celesta, nee Brooks. 165 953 Taylor, Carrie, wife Mapes.165 S50 Taylor, Deborah, wife Lumsden 165 952 Taylor, Nancy, wife Horton. 165 954 Taylor, William 165 951 Taylor, Mary J., wife Wheaton 165 949 Taylor, Henry 165 967 Taylor, Mary, nee Wheeler. 166 968 Taylor, Estelle 165 1030 Taylor, Edward 173 1033 Taylor, Emma 173 1020 Taylor. Susan S., nee McMillan 173 1031 Taylor, Edward, Jr 173 103 2 Taylor, Florence, wife Sargeant 173 1035 Taylor, Zeta, nee Clare 173 1038 Taylor, Alfred 173 1037 Taylor, E. Claire 173 1036 Taylor, May, wife Schnurr.173 1614 Taylor, John M 238 1611 Taylor, Minnie, nee Olds... 238 1615 Taylor, Manetta L 238 1616 Taylor, Mary E 239 617 Terrill, Mary M., wife Fox. 126 1570 Thayer, Howard R 233 1566 Thayer, Franklin B 232-233 1535 Thayer, May, nee Olds. 232-234 1568 Thayer, Florence 233 1567 Thayer, Harry E 233 1569 Thayer, Esther 233 1571 Thayer, Jessie R 233 1429 Thomas, Frances D., wife Rucker 220 1253 Thompson, Belle, wife Grennan 199 2021 Thompson, Blanche, nee Fletcher 285 2030 Thompson, Thomas 285 1163 Thompson, Wallace G 189 1164 Thompson, Howard A 189 1157 Thompson, Flora C, nee Clark 189 1162 Thompson, George 189 1045 Tomkins, Sarah E., wife McMillan 175 1784 Thorp, Lucretia, wife McMillan 257-258 1866 Thorp, Ashabel D 264 1777 Thorp, Hannah, nee Mrs. Ferguson 264 1446 Thrasher, Mary M., nee McMillan 227 1500 Thrasher, George H 227 755 Thurber, Mary, wife Freeman 142 767 Tiff, Mattie, nee Freeman.. 143 762 Tiff, Vern 143 1000 Timmerman, Helen, nee McMillan 170 1006 Timmerman, John 170 678 Tinkham, Julia, wife Reid. .133 1805 Trahern, Mahala S., wife McMillan 259 2090 2129 2130 2133 2132 2131 2134 2135 2136 2138 2139 358 2195 863 2245 2236 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 1237 1179 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 475 758 203 1705 1471 1494 1470 1469 1465 1455 1467 1468 1464 1463 1466 1460 1461 1462 1442 1459 1457 1456 1458 1496 1495 Trombly, Alice J., nee Blodgett 295-296 Trombly, Louis N 295-296 Trombly, Chester B 296 Trombly, Clare Louis 296 Trombly, Charles A 296 Trombly, Frances E., wife Littleton 296 Trombly, Myron B 296 Trombly, Edith G 296 Trombly, Josie M., nee White 296 Trombly, Agnes I., nee Scott 296 Trombly, Charles A., Jr. ...296 Tucker, Madeline E., wife McMillan 89 Tucker, Blanche, wife McCumber 304 Turner, Josephine, wife Hickox 155 Turley, Albert 309 Turley, Mary M., nee Grubaugh 309 Turley, May 309 Turley, Frances 309 Turley, Clyde 309 Turley, Ray 309 Turley, Goldie 309 Tyler, A. D 198 Tyler, Janet, nee McCornack 198 Tyler, Merton 198 Tyler, Ralph 198 Tyler, Jessie 198 Tyler, Bertha, nee Studtman 198 Tyler, Mamie, nee Savage.. 198 Tyler, Kenneth R 198 Tyler, Harry W 198 Utterback, Ellen, wife Kingman 108 Van Aken, Daisy, wife Freeman 143 Van Doren, Alice, wife McMillan 53-57-58 Vanderford, , wife Smith 248 Van Natta, Effie, nee Ashley 223 Van Natta, P^red 226 Van Natta, Truey 223 Van Natta, Arthur 223 Van Natta, Archie 223 Van Natta, Harvey 222 Van Natta, Hugh 223 Van Natta, Laurain, nee Madison 223 Van Natta, Huldah, nee Harkness 222-223 Van Natta, Pliny S 222-223 Van Natta, Claude 223 Van Natta, John C 222 Van Natta, Silas A 222 Van Natta, Nelson 222 Van Natta, Martha, nee McMillan 222 Van Natta, Jessie G 222 Van Natta, Allen E 222-223 Van Natta, Erastus H. .222-223 Van Natta, Adeline 222 Van Orden, Floyd L 226 Van Orden, Charles P 226 352 McMillan Genealogy and History. 1488 1915 1934 801 811 812 1103 481 485 486 2023 2031 1016 1015 1014 100 1347 1356 1357 1355 1629 2303 1621 1628 181 85 342 333 343 344 68 88 65 89 90 91 92 43 35 44 960 961 951 459 462 311 967 2136 606 1420 607 604 605 514 511 518 516 515 513 Van Orden, Minnie M., nee 512 McMillan 226 517 Van Patton, Jane A., nee 492 Stevens 273 Van Patton, Artemas . ...!273 510 Van Tine, Margaret, nee 1971 Mrs. Bacon 148 Van Tine, Manuel A 148 1626 Van Tine, Henry 148-149 1438 Van Valkenberg, Anna, wife 1080 McMillan 183-184 Varney, Melissa J., nee 441 Kingman 109 Varney, Harry 109 452 Varney, Lester 109 438 Vincent, Mary, nee 432 Fletcher 285 Vincent, Jasper 285 439 ~, 648 W 451 237 Waldron, D. Anita 171 Waldron, Nelson 171 2145 Waldron, Eda Belle, nee 2146 Nown i7i Warren, Aurelia, wife 2147 McMillan 39 2149 Waterman, Ida C, nee 2150 Ferris 211-212-213 Waterman, Dana J. F 212 2167 Waterman, Dean F 212-213 2166 Waterman, Frank B.... 211-212 2168 Watson, George H 240 2169 Watson, Ada, wife Husted.320 2170 Watson, Nellie M., nee Olds. 240 2270 Watson, W. A 240 2271 Watson, Viola E., wife 2171 Johnston 49 2266 Weaver, Martha E., wife 2080 McMillan 35 Weeks, Harry H 83 2267 Weeks, Mary A., nee Hall. ..83 2268 Weeks, Catherine H 83 2269 Weeks, Howard H 83 2272 Weir, Ella R., wife 2273 McMillan 32 Weir, Robert .37 2274 Weir, Clara F., nee McMillan 37 2275 Weir, Mary E 37 2076 Weir, Agnes 37 2144 Weir, Elizabeth 37 2076 Weir, Hugh 37 Westfall, Daniel M 28 1268 Westfall, Lydia M., nee 1331 Oviatt 28 Westfall, Marjorie .!!!28 1266 Wheaton, Laverne 165 Wheaton, Carrie 165 1267 Wheaton, Mary J., nee l?65 Taylor ... 165 i 263 W neaton, Jack 165 1264 Wheaton, Milton 165 Wheeler, Effe D., wife 1262 McMillan 77-78-79 1261 Wheeler, Mary, wife 1260 Taylor i 6 6 1259 White, Jose M., wife 1256 Trombly 2 96 1257 White, Louis A 124 1258 White, Minnie, nee Rucker.219 "White, Nellie, nee Gray.... 124 1093 White, Flora, nee Sowers.. 124 White, Edward C 124 1316 Whitney, Helen R 112 1317 Whitney, Florence A 112 1255 Whitney, Gladys K 112 1310 Whitney, Ethel 1 112 1311 Whitney, Bruce D 112 1312 Whitney, Charles S 112 1313 Whitney, Hugh E 112 Whitney, Ralph T 112 Whitney, Charlotte A., nee Lathrop 112 Whitney, Frederick H. . ! 112 Wild, Amy E., wife McMillan 278 Willits, Luella, wife Olds.'!240 Willoughby, Samuel 221 Willoughby, Margaret, nee McMillan 221 Williams, Charlotte, nee Fay 105 Williams, Bert 105 Williams, Horace 104 Williams, Leona I., nee Hopkins 104 Williams, Adrian ! . ! 104 Williams, Audra May.... 104 Williams, Walter 105 Williamson, Anna M., wife McMillan 63 Wilson, Ellen E '299 Wilson, Mary V., wife Booth 299 Wilson, Eva May 299-302 Wilson, James A. J.... 299-302 Wilson, Frances A., wife Poole 299-302 Wilson, Louise F 302 Wilson, Ada, nee Holden. . !302 Wilson, Charles C 302 Wilson, Jennie M 302 Wilson, Dorothy 302 Wilson, Harry W 312-313 Wilson, Addie, nee Gallop.. 313 Wilson, Richard 302 Wilson, Alfred W 311-312 Wilson, Mary A., nee McCumber 311-312 Wilson, Alfred J 311 Wilson, Claire 212-213 Wilson, Roy F 312-313 Wilson, Esther 313 Wilson, Leila D., nee Lobdell 313 Wilson, Lina, nee Silvernale 313-314 Wilson, Doris 314 Wilson, Margaret 314 Wilson, De Witt C. . 297-298-299 Wilson, Jane F., nee McCumber 297-29S-299 Wilson, George A 200 Wilson, Emma M., wife McMillan 207 Wilson, Delia M., wife Field 200 Wilson, Charles B 200 Wilson, Samuel 200 Wilson, James W 200 Wilson, Junietta, wife Powell 200 Wilson, John H 200 Wilson, Marietta 200-202 Wilson, Charles 200 Wilson, Jane 200-202 Wilson, Emma 200-201 Wilson, Herbert 200-201 Wilson, Ella M., wife Dyson 200 Wilson, Margaret E., nee McMillan 200-201 Wilson, Margaret R 205 Wilson, Georgia E 205 Wilson, Samuel 200-201 Wilson, Aubrey M 205 Wilson, Clarence B 205 Wilson, Ella, nee Lemaster. 205 Wilson, Herbert V 205 McMillan Genealogy and History. 353 1314 Wilson, Donald L 205 1315 Wilson, Raymond R 205 1309 Wilson, Hazel G 205 1304 Wilson, Samuel, Jr 204 1308 Wilson, Annie, nee Moore.. 205 1302 Wilson, Earl 204 1303 Wilson, Jay 204 1301 Wilson, Ernest 204 1281 Wilson, Edward 202 1282 Wilson, Harold 202 1283 Wilson, Florence, nee Mrs. Lock 202 1284 Wilson, Harry L 203 1285 Wilson, Marguerite 203 1300 Wilson, Sada A., nee Skinner 204 1278 Wilson, Roy H 202 1279 Wilson, Samuel 202 1280 Wilson, Ruby Mae 202 1277 Wilson, Annie, nee Woods.. 202 133 Wilson, Hazel M 43 131 Wilson, Ernest M 43 132 Wilson, Meredith C 43 125 Wilson, Caroline C, nee McMillan 43 134 Wilson, Henry F 43 130 Wilson, Henry R 43 935 Winter, Mabel, wife Brooks 163 938 Winter, Maude, wife Brooks 164 712 Wood, J. Delight, nee Kenyon 136 709 Wood, Augustus S., nee Patrick 136 1479 Wood, Abbie A., wife McMillan 224-225 711 Wood, Virginia C 136 W 710 Wood, Eugenia A., nee Coe.136 708 Wood, Julius D 135-136 707 Wood, Alfred A 135-136 706 Wood, George B 135-136 666 Wood, Nancy A., nee Reid 135-136 705 Wood, John D 135-136 1279 Woods, Annie, wife Wilson. 202 1050 Woods, Blanche E., nee McMillan 176 1057 Woods, Linn T 176 2046 Wolf, Lunetta, nee Beavers 288 2041 Wolf, Louis L 287-288 2040 Wolf, Livingston 287 2039 Wolf, Eda May, wife Freidlander 287 1999 Wolf, Rachel E„ nee Fletcher 287 2038 Wolf, I. M 287 95 Wright, Delama P., wife McMillan 38 V 357 Yaeger, Lola M., nee McMillan 90 360 Yaeger, Frederick S 90-91 361 Yaeger, Lenore 91 1797 Yelland, Stella, wife Glidden 258 440 York, Cynthia A., wife Fay. 105 1362 Young, Margaret, wife Ferris 213 Z 1427 Zimmerman, Martha L., wife Rucker 220 / I °* V* \ «* $ v/> V L ' • A ^ •'T7T* .g* ^=» a *°^ °o. ^ i0* * V* J> o ° " ° . <*. *7^T* g* it 4$ "* l* o " o ♦ *V *1 O.K V 4> 1 * -V o„ '-^ss^* : ^ vp^f> ^ .0 » • * c ^ ^ * ^ " ° *° ^* \* -** c ° " ° * ^ CT * UK 6 * ,6* V ^ •y v *^" ^ -v 3l° M \\J ^ V